BIBRARY OF Illinois State LABORATORY OF NATURAL HISTORY, : _ URBANA, ILLINOIS. ee i SES yb ay age nahi a ca Bee THE | Poon MY OF SCIENCE ae Wor SAINT-LOUIS. | si 1890. FOUNDERS OF THE ACADEMY. JANUARY, 1856. GEORGE ENGELMANN, M.D., Hiram A. Prout, M.D., Moni barium, M.D., B. F. SHUMARD, M.D., Wveetis LINGEEY § M.D), ; Sea OLUAK Ivl,1).; W. M..McPHEeEETERs, M.D., CHAREES: PF. ‘CHouTEAU, Esa., Genes Porn: Wii1).; C.. W. Stevens, M.D., A. Wis.iizENnus, M.D., NATHANIEL Ho.Lmes, Esa., NMevieg binron > MoD: ede A TERS VOR), Viioe ADS, SQ. Cranks ERY AN ACT TO INCORPORATE ‘* THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Oa le LOUIS Be tt enacted, by the General Assembly of the State of Missourt, as follows: SECTION I. .That GrEoRGE ENGELMANN, Hiram A. Prout, NATHANIEL Hoi_MEs, BENJAMIN F. SHUMARD, CHARLES W. StEVENS, JAMES B. Eaps, Mosszs M. PaLLeEN, ADOLPHUS WISLIZENUS, CHARLES A. Pope, CHARLES P. CuyouTeau, Witit1AM M. McPHEETERsS, and others — who have heretofore formed an association in the city of St. Louis, styled ‘‘ THe ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OF ST. Louts,’’ having for its object the advancement of Science, and the establishment in said city of a Museum and Library for the illustration and study of its various branches — their associates and successors, are hereby de- clared and created a body corporate by the name and style aforesaid; and by that name they shall have perpetual suc- cession, may sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, in all courts of competent jurisdiction; may acquire by purchase, gift, or devise, receive and hold, property, real, personal, or mixed, and the same exchange, sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of, as they may deem proper, for the objects and purposes aforesaid, and not otherwise; may have a common seal, and break or alter the same at pleasure; and may make such constitution, regulations, ~ —5 and by-laws, as may be requisite for the government thereof, not being contrary to the laws of the land, and may alter the same at pleasure. Sec. 2. The constitution and by-laws of said association now in operation shall govern the corporation hereby created until the same shall be regularly altered or repealed, and the present officers of said association shall be officers of this corporation until their respective terms of office shall expire, or be vacated in pursuance thereof. SEc. 3. The property and effects now belonging to the association aforesaid shall, on acceptance of this charter, thereby become vested in the corporation herein created, and all property owned or held by this corporation shall be exempt from taxation so long as the same shall continue to be held and used in good faith for the objects and pur- poses aforesaid; but whenever any real estate of the cor- poration shall be leased to any other person or persons, the leasehold interest therein shall be taxable to the lessee or lessees thereof, as in other cases. SEC. 4. The members of this association acquire no individual property in the real estate, cabinets, library, or other effects thereto belonging, which are hereby declared to be fully vested in the corporation as such; but the inter- est of the members therein shall be usufructuary merely, and shall not be transferred, assigned, hypothecated, or otherwise disposed of, than as hereinbefore provided. SEc. 5. Whenever this corporation shall have failed to answer the purposes for which it was created, or shall suffer its charter to be forfeited by the law of the land, its cabinet collections and library shall revert to and become vested in the City of St. Louis, to be deposited with some public institution in said city, for general use and inspec- tion, under such regulations as the said city may prescribe. May ae ‘ This act shall be taken as a public act, and be -_R. C. HARRISON, aay Speaker of the House of Representatives. Rae wr Manan oki) ko 8 1, TACKSON, : Pie President of the Senate. : i Approved, FALUGPY EP I857. | | _ TRUSTEN POLK. | | ' i ey c i? M cee se as y b , “ - z ‘ ‘ ROC EM A COM Tago: NT ON ale ls ELON: AR PICU Ee tT NAME. SEcTION 1. This Association shall be called ‘‘THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OF ST. LOUIS.’’ PEALE DNF OBJECT. SECTION 1. It shall have for its object the promotion of science. Sec. 2. As means to this end the Academy shall hold meetings for the consideration and discussion of scientific subjects; shall take measures to procure original papers upon such subjects; and shall, as often as may be practi- cable, publish its transactions. It shall also establish and maintain a cabinet of objects illustrative of the several departments of science, and a library of works relating to the same. It shall also place itself in communication with other scientific institutions. ARTICLE) Il. MEMBERS. Section 1. The Academy shall consist of Active MZem- bers, Corresponding Members, Honorary Members, and _ Patrons. <7 aoe Spe Sec. 2. Active Members shall be persons interested in science, and they alone shall conduct the affairs of the Academy. SEC. 3. Persons not living in the City or County of St. Louis who may be disposed to further the object of the Academy by original researches, contributions of speci- mens, or otherwise, may be elected Corresponding Mem- bers. Sec. 4. Persons not living in the City or County of St. Louis may be elected Honorary ALembers by virtue of their attainments in science. SEC. 5. Any person conveying to the Academy the sum of one thousand dollars ($1000), or its equivalent, may be elected a Patron. SEC. 6. Persons may be admitted to any of the pre- ceding classes of membership, or dismissed therefrom, in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the By-Laws. ARTICLE “-1V? OFFICERS. SECTION 1. The officers of the Academy shall be chosen from the active members, and they shall consist ofa President, ist Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian, Board of Curators, Two Directors. Said officers shall be elected at the time and in the man- ner prescribed by the By-Laws, and shall hold their offices for one year, or until their successors are elected. Sec. 2. The duties of these officers shall be such as are customary and as prescribed by the By-Laws. ® EURAEIC LEV: COUNCIL. SECTION 1. The President, the two Vice-Presidents, the Recording Secretary, and the two Directors shall con- stitute the Council of the Academy. SEc. 2. The duties of the Council shall be to consider all pians conducive to the welfare of the Academy; to audit all bills and order payment of such as they may approve; to consider all applications for membership ; and to administer the business of the Academy, subject to the Constitution and By-Laws and to such instructions as may be given by the Academy. Hoe PIC LE VI. MEETINGS. SECTION I. The meetings of the Academy shall be held at such times and places as the By-Laws may direct. ARTICLE VII. AMENDMENTS. SEction 1. Amendments to this Constitution shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting. They shall be open to discussion until at least the second meeting there- after. They may then be adopted by a two-thirds vote of a letter-ballot, conducted in the manner prescribed by the . Council. BY-LAWS. I. REGULAR MEETINGS. The regular meetings of the Academy shall be held on the first and third Monday evenings of every month, unless otherwise ordered by the Council. Il. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings may be called by the President at his discretion, and shall be called by him on the written re- quest of three or more members. Ill. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. The Recording Secretary shall send a notice of each meeting to every active member at least two days before such meeting. IV. QUORUM. Seven members shall constitute a quorum. V. ORDER OF BUSINESS. The order of proceeding, at the regular meetings of the Academy, shall be as follows: 1. Minutes of the last meeting. Report of the Council. Reports of Committees. Report of the Corresponding Secretary. Donations to the Museum and Library. Written Communications. ARO 7. Verbal Communications. 8. Deferred Business. g. New Business. 10. Elections. my Proposals for Menmernet 12. Adjournment. VI. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary to conduct the correspondence, and report to the Academy. Vil. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall collect all moneys due the Academy ; be custodian of all its funds, and pay such bills against the Academy as the Council shall approve. The Treas- urer shall deposit the moneys and invest the funds of the Academy in its name by and with the advice of the Coun- cil. Besides his annual report to the Academy, the Treas- urer shall make such further reports and statements con- cerning the financial affairs of the Academy as the Council may from time to time require. Before entering upon his duties, the Treasurer shall give bond in such sum as may be required by the Council. Vill. LIBRARIAN. The Librarian shall take charge of all books belonging to or deposited with the Academy, and shall be responsible for the same; he shall keep a catalogue thereof, in which the names of contributors shall be inscribed ; he shall super- intend the distribution of all the publications of the Academy. IX. COUNCIL. The Council shall act as a publication committee ; shall prepare a programme for each meeting, and may make git V Nomen rules and regulations for their own guidance, not incon- sistent with the Constitution and By-Laws. X. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. A nominating committee of three active members who are not officers of the Academy shall be elected at the first regular meeting in December. This Committee shall nom- inate candidates for all the offices for the ensuing year, and report the nominations at the following meeting, when other nominations may be made by any active member. The Recording Secretary shall mail to every active mem- ber a list of the nominees for office, at least ten days pre- ceding the annual meeting. ‘The polls shall be closed at 6 p. m. on the day of the annual meeting, after which the nominating committee shall count the ballots and announce the results to the Academy. A plurality of the votes cast shall suffice to elect. XI. VACANCIES. A vacancy in any office shall be filled by electicn con- ducted in the same manner as the annual election. b -_ XII. ELECTION OF MEMBERS. A candidate for admission to the Academy shall be pro- posed by not less than two members at any regular meet- ing. The proposal must then be referred to the Council, and if upon examination they shall find the candidate to be eligible and worthy of membership, they shall order the question as to his admission to be submitted to the Academy by ballot. If there be five votes in the negative, the candidate shall be rejected, and shall not be again voted upon for twelve months after such rejection. But if the number of negative votes be less than five, the candi- date shall be elected, but shal] not be considered a mem- ber until he shall have paid the initiation fee and the annual dues for the current year. Any failure to pay the initiation fee and annual dues within thirty days after the | candidate has been notified of his election, shall work a for- feiture of all rights under said election, if the Council shall so determine. No entry shall be made on the record of the rejection of any candidate. XIII. RESIGNATION OF MEMBERS. Any member whose dues have been fully paid, may withdraw from the Academy by a written resignation. Non-payment of dues for one year or longer may be treated as equivalent to resignation; but before any member is dropped from the rolls for delinquency, he shall be entitled to not less than four weeks’ notice. XIV. EXPULSION OF MEMBERS. Upon the written request of five members, that, for cause stated, any member be expelled, the Council shall con- sider the matter, and, if they deem it best, shall advise the member that his resignation will be accepted. He shall, however, have the right to demand and shall be given a copy of the charges against him, and shall have a reason- able time to present a written defense. The Council may then pass finally upon the matter, and if resignation has not been tendered, or a satisfactory defense made, may by an affirmative vote of four of their number expel the member, in which case they shall notify him and the Academy of their action, and his name shall be at once dropped from the list of members. XV. INITIATION FEE AND DUES. Active members shall pay an initiation fee of five dollars, and annual dues of six dollars, payable at the beginning of each year. ats era XVI. HONORARY MEMBERS AND PATRONS. Honorary Members and Patrons shall be recommended by the Council, and elected by the unanimous vote of the members present at any regular meeting. XVII. PUBLICATIONS. Patrons and all active members not in arrears shall be entitled to one copy of all the publications of the Academy issued subsequent to their election. Authors of papers shall be entitled to twenty extra copies of their individual papers. XVII. AUTHORITY. ° On all points of order and procedure, not provided for in the Constitution and By-Laws, fodert’s Rules of Order shall be the authority. XIX. AMENDMENTS. These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of all the members present at any regular meeting, pro- vided notice of the proposed amendment shall have been mailed to every member at least one week before the vote thereon is taken. aig OT Sees REARS ier ta iy Gee ENGI GEORGE ENGELMANN, BENJAMIN F’. SHuMARD, BENJAMIN F. SHUMARD, ADOLPHUS WISLIZENUS, Hiram A. Prout, GEORGE ENGELMANN, GEORGE ENGELMANN, GEORGE ENGELMANN, GEORGE ENGELMANN, GEORGE ENGELMANN, GEORGE ENGELMANN, GEORGE ENGELMANN, BENJAMIN F. SHUMARD, BENJAMIN F. SHUMARD, GEORGE ENGELMANN, Joun B. Jounson, JAMEs B. Eaps, James B. Eaps, WittiamM T Harris, WiLttiAM T. Harris, CHARLES V. RILEY, CHARLES V.'RILEy, GEORGE ENGELMANN, GEORGE ENGELMANN, GEORGE ENGELMANN, GEORGE ENGELMANN, Elected 66 1856. 1957-5 1858. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. PO72., 1573, 1874. 1875. 1876. LOTT, 1878. 1879. 188o. 1S81I. ht eth 8 baer ak Le rahe i a3 Phiten eect) icy ot SIA aahats SERDAR GWE RIA wo hgh) : 7 y ; mae aie 7 , 7 . GrorGE ENGELMANN, _ Elected GrorGE ENGELMANN, hats is GrorGE ENGELMANN, stad Francis E. NirpHER, “ Francis E. Nipuer, Budge ina. Francis E. Niruer, e Francis E. NIPHER, ep ae Francis E. NIPHER, a Francis E. Niper, Dare / ' iy i, ; - | ROLEV.E MEMBERS: AtlenwEoT:, Alt, Dr. A., Barck, Dr. C., Bartlett, Geo. M., Baumgarten, Dr.G., . Boisliniére, Dr., Breckinridge, Sam’l., Broadhead, Jas. O., Brown, D. S., t Carpenter, Geo. O., Jr., Chouteau, C. P., Comstock, Dr. T. G., Curtman,( Dro C. O03; 4 Engelmann, Dr. G. J., Engler, E. A., Evers, Dr. E., Frank, Christian, Gaie~Hit.&,, F Glasgow, Dr. Wm. C., Glasgow, Wm., Jr., Gray, M. L., | Gregory, Dr. E. H., Hambach, Dr. G., Harrison, Edwin, Hayes, Richard, Hitchcock, Henry, tulbert;-Dr.G.,.. Hurter, Julius, Ives, H.C., Jewett, E. C., Johnson, Dr. J. B., JUNE, 1890. 404 Market Street. 3036 Locust Street. 948 Chouteau Ave. 212 Pine Street. 2643 Chestnut Street. 23038 Chestnut Street. 6th and Locust Streets. 14.N. 4th Street. 1401 Lami Street. 2nd and Cass Avenue. 3rd and Pine Streets. 14th and Washington Ave. 3718 N. 9th Street. 3008 Locust Street. Washington University. 1861 N. Market Street. 1600 Franklin Avenue. Washington University. 2847 Washington Avenue. 3016 Glasgow Place. 517% Chestnut Street. 3525 Lucas Avenue. Washington University. 520 Olive Street. Polytechnic Building 404 Market Street. 3026 Pine Street. 2346 S. 10th Street. Washington University. Us Ss Assayer,: City, 22nd and Locust Streets. Johnson, R. D’O., Kinealy, J. H., Kinner, Dr. H.,.. Knight, Sam’I, Kolbenheyer, F., . Krieckhaus, Aug., Krall, G. W., Kromrey, Hugo, Ladd, A. E., Leete, Dr. Jas. M., Lemoine, Dr. E. S., Letterman, G. W., Leslie, A. M. Ludeking, Dr. Chas., McKittrick, Hugh, Moore, Robert, Nipher, F. E., Pammel, L..H.;", Pollmann,. Dr. 53)% Potter, W. B., Pritchett, Hy s:;,.. Puisifer, Win. Hi, Raeder, F, W:, Rankin, E. E., Sander, Dr. Enno, Schoelch, Louis, Seddon, J. A., Seddon, WL, 2 Smith, Holmes, Snow, M. S., Speck, Judge Chas., Spencer, Dr. H.N., Spiegelhalter, Dr. Jos., Thacher, Arthur, Tivy, Wm. H., dodd, Dr: C.iAS Toensfeldt, John, Trelease, Wm., . Pinas Altas, N. M. N. C. Col. of A. & M. Arts, Raleigh, (N. C.) 1103 Autumn Street. Broadway and Olive Street. 1208 Dillon Street. 410 S. Main Street. Manual Training School. 518 Walnut Street Jefferson City, Mo. 2912 Washington Avenue, 17th and Washington Ave. Allenton, Mo. 915 Olive Street. Washington University. 2918 Locust Street. Laclede Building. Washington University. Ames, Iowa. 2822 N. 14th Street. Washington University. Washington University. 2nd and Cass Avenue, 405 N. 6th Street. Washington University. 129 S. 11th Street. 2823 Nebraska Avenue. V7 E. May Street. 77 E. May. Street: Washington University. Washington University. 1206 Morrison Avenue. 2725 Washington Avenue, 1100 Chouteau Avenue. Washington University. 210 N. 2nd Street. 2645 Washington Avenue. 912 S. 9th Street. Washington University. tha A= in ec . . 1'% Garrison Avenue. eelerrata Asan atts . . Washington University. PwvheceriO Bemis pai es. Lib1O. Lucas’ Place) ‘Widmann, Otto, - Pee eomomia nee 8996'S. 'Broadways, Winslow, Arthur, a. .. Jefferson City, Mo. — yards a Hannon . . E. Jaceard Jewelry Co, . . Jefferson City, Mo. icc eae CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Those marked * have died. The dates given are the dates of election to mem- bership. The addresses given are the addresses at the time of election, unless notificativn of change has been received. Agard, Dr. A. H., Sandusky, Ohio, . 3 : Sept. 2, 1867. Agassiz, Alexander, . 4 : ; April 16, 1866. *Agassiz, Louis, LL.D., F.R.S., &c., jetta Mass., Aug. 25, 1856. Anguiano, Senor Angel, Director del Observatorio Nacional de Mex- ico, Tacubava, Mexico, : é : : Nov. 2, 1885. Aughey, Samuel, Prof. of Natural Science Nebraska State University, Lincoln, Neb., . 5 : : ; Fune 5, 1876. Ayres, W. O., M.D., San oy RA CE ales; ; May 4, 1857. Bache, A. D., Supt. U. S. Coast Survey, Washington, D. C., Fune 2, 1850. PEaird: Prot, spencer Fy, A.A.9,, 9.P.A.5., ¢étc:,' Assist. \Lec. S. I, Washington, LOPS ee sey : : Aug. 6, 1860. Bandelier, Adolph F., Jr., Highidnd, Ills., : Sept. 3, 1860. Barcena, Sig. Mariano, City of Mexico, . ; March 1, 1875, Barnes, G. W., San Diego, Cal., , : ; Feb, 21, 1876. *Barrande, Prof. Joachim, Prague, Bohemia, : Och. 27, 1362. Barris, Willis H., Iowa City, . s : : Fune 15, 1857. *Beebe, Edward H., Galena, IIl., : : : May 18, 1857. Bent, Silas, Chicago, Ill., . ‘ ; : March 23, 1857. Berchon, Ernest, D. M. P. Navy of France. Member of the National Anthropological Society of Paris, Paris, France, une 79, 1865. Behr, Dr. Hermann, San Francisco, Bal., : Dec. 15, 1856. Bigelow, John M., M.D., Detroit, Mich., - , Feb. 16, 1863. *Bigsby, Dr. J. J., E.G. Soc., London, Eng., . Oct. 5, 1863. *Billings, E., F. G. S., Palaeontologist of Geological Survey of Canada, Montreal, Canada, E., : , : 2 feb, 8, 1858. *Binney, W. G., Germantown, Pa., Blake, James, M.D., San Francisco, Cal., Blatchford, Dr. Thos. W., Troy, N. Y., Bosquet, Prof. I., Maestricht, Germany, Broadhead, G. C., Columbia, Mo., Brown, B. B., M.D., Sacramento, Cal., May 4, 1857. March 18, 1861. Aug. '24, 1557. March 17, 1862. feb. 8, 1858. Sept. 8, 1856. Bryan, Lieut. Francis T., Topographical Engrs. U. S. A., Bunsen, Albert, Tobosco, Mexico, Bunsen, Charles, St. Clair Co., Ill., Bunsen, George, St. Clair Co., Ill., Dec. 15, 1856. April 20, 1863. Sept. 8, 1856. Sept. 8, 1856. Capellini, Prof. Giovanni, University of Bologna, Italy, Case, Francis M., Denver, Col., Case, Theo. S., Kansas City, Mo,, Castillo, Sig. Antonio del, City of Mexico, Clifford, D., Cochrane, J., Havana, i, Capes, Dr. J. S., New Orleans, La., Coues, Elliott, M.D., L., Washington, D. C., Lov. 2, 1863. April 20, 1563. March 2, 1885. March 1, 1875. Fuly 4, 1871. April 15, 1878. Dec. 15, 1873. May 2, 1864. Culbertson, Alexander, American Fur Co’s. Posts, Missouri River, Dall, Rev. Chas. H. A., A.M., Calcutta, India, Danckelman, Dr. A. von, Berlin, Daniels, Prof. Edward, Madison, Wis., Fune 16, 185. Sept. 21, 1857. Feb. 16, 1885. May 18, 1857. *Davidson, Thomas, F.R.S., F.G.S., London, England, Fuly 26, 1859. Dawson, Alex., American Fur Co’s. Posts, Missouri River, Fune 16, 1856. Deming, C. M., American Fur Co’s. Posts, Missouri River, Fune 16, 1856. *Dowler, Bennett, M.D., F.R.S.N. Antig., &c., New Orleans, La., i Sh Fuly 14, 1850. Dudding, Richard, Murphysboro, lk, . . May 4, 1857. *Dunglison, Robley, M.D., S.P.A.S., Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 25, 1850. Dyer, F. M., Charleston, Mo., . “per ae ; May 21, 1877. Ehrenbery, Hermann, Arizona, . ; : : Sept. 5, 1859, *Emmons, Prof. Ebenezer, Albany, Ne YS , Sept. 22, 1557. Englemann, H., Geologist, Topographical Bureau, Washington, D. C., Det. 6, 1850. *Evans, John, M.D., Washington, D.C., . ' Fune 16, 1856. *Fendler, Augustus, Allenton, Mo., . ; 4 feb. 19, 1807. *Flagg, Willard C., Paddock’s Grove, Madison Co., IIl., May 18, 1857. Fleming, Dr. R. B., Mine de la Motte, Mo., : Feb. 9, 1857. Foster, Mrs. Abner, Beardstown, III., : ? Nov. 18, 1878. Fry, Maj. Cary H., Fort Union, New Mexico, . Oct. 6, 1856. Galpin, C., Fort Pierre, Neb., American Fur Co’s. Posts, Missouri River, : : : ; , : : Fune 16, 1856. Green, Samuel M., Cape Girardeau, Mo., . ; May 21, 1877. Gregorio, Marchese Antonio de, via Mo lo, Palermo, Slcily, April 20, 1885. *Gill, Prof. Theodore, Washington City, ; : March 5, 1806. *Geroux, A., American Fur Co’s. Posts, Missouri River, Fune 16, 1850. Goodnow, Isaac T., Supt. Public Instruction, Leavenworth, Kan., Aug. 21, 1805. *Goodrich, Hiram P., D.D., Carondelet, Mo., Oct. 6, 1856. *Hagenow, Frederick von, M.D., Greifswald, Prussia, ed. 6, 1560. *Haidinger, Hofrath William, S.PA.S., &c., Director Imp. Geological Institution of Vienna, Austria, . ; : Aug. 6, 1560. Hall, Prof. James, Albany, N. Y., ° ‘ ‘ Sept. 8, 1866. Hann, Dr. J., Vienna. : ; ; ‘ . May 16, 1881. Harney, Maj. Gen. Wm. S., U. S. A., : ’ Oct. 6, 1856. Hauer, Dr. Franz Ritter von, Vienna, ; : May 16, 1881, ettawt,; Mayr i., Westan, Mo." 24 °7.. , : feb, 8, 1858. *Hayden, F. V., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa., . ; Fune 16, 1856. Henry, I. C., Fort Union, New Mexico, ‘ : OER TORO, *Henry Prof. Joseph, LL.D., A.A.S., Sec. S. S., Washington, D. C., Fune 2, 1856. Hinrichs, Gustavus, M.D., Iowa City, Iowa, : Feb. 21, 1876. *Higginbotham, Rev. John, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Fune I, 1857. Hilgard, Prof. E. W., State Geologist of Mississippi, Sept. 3, 1860. Hilgard, G., Belleville, Ill., 4 . j : LED. 5, INI Hitchcock, C. H., Amherst, Mass., ; F Oct. 15, 1860. Hitchcock, G. N.,’San Diego, Cal., °©. ‘ : Fan. 4, 1876. *Hochstetter, Dr. Fred., Vienna, Austria, . ; April 18, 1581. Hodgkiss, H., Fort Clark, Neb. Ter., American Fur Co’s. Posts, Missouri River, . : Fune 16, 1850. *Holden, Edward, Jackson Co., Ill.,_ . ; Dee 4755 TOSO, Holden, Prof. E. S., Lick Observatory, Cal., ; April 4, 1881. Holmes, Nathaniel, Cambridge, Mass., 3 ; Fune 18, 1883. *Holtzmann, Prof. Adolph, Heidelberg, Germany, Nov. 19, 1860. Horine, Solomon, M.D., Memphis, Tenn., } Aug. 6, 1860. Hough, Daniel, Indianapolis, Ind.,__. : : Feb. 15, 187%, Hough, Warwick, Jefferson City, Mo.; St. Louis, since Judge Sup. Court, : : , ; ; Dec. 29, 1856. Howland, H. B., Buffalo, N. Y., : : é March 19, 1877. Hoy, Philo D., M.D.;" Racine; Wis!, - : : Sept. 21, 1857. Huguet-Latour, Capt. L. A., (now Major), Vice-President of National Historical Society, Montreal, Canada, . ; Sept, 21, 1657: Hunt, T. Sterry, Ph.D., A.A.S., Montreal, Canada, E., SEP 21s LOST *Irving, R. D., Prof. University of Wisconsin, : Pec 7. fO7z Irwin, J. T., Ravenna, Mo., : j : : May 6, 186r. *Jackson, Dr. Charles T., Boston, Mass.,_ . ; Oct. 7, 180%. *Jackson, John B., M.D., A.A.S., Boston, Mass. Oct. 6, 1856. *James, Dr. John, Upper Alton, Il., . : ‘ Freb. 8, 1858. Johnson, Dr. H., Jacksonville, Ill, . ; ; Feb. 17, 1873. Johnson, M., M.D., Cochocton, Ohio, . : Oct. 15, 1860. ears oe Jones, John P., Keytesville, Mo., *Kane, Elisha Kent, Philadelphia, Pa., King, Henry, M.D., Georgetown, D. C., Kipp, A., American Fur Co’s. Posts, Missouri River, Koelle, John, Berkner Station, Ill., *Koninck, L. de, Liege, Belgium, Lane, Judge E., Chicago, IIl., *Lapham, Increase A., Milwaukee, Wis., Leconte, John L., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa., Lee, W. J., Iron Ridge, Mo., : ; eeidy, Joseph, MID aVAtA.S,; Philadelphia, Fay: *Lindheimer, Ferdinand, New Braunfels, Texas, *Locke, Prof. John, Jr., University of Mo., Columbia, March 16, 1874. Fuly 14, 1850. Sept. 8, 1856. Fune 16, 1856. C0 ir YS Fa TT: March 5, 1877. March 23, 1857. feb. 9, 1867. Fune 2, 1856. Lieb. 3, 1873. Fuly 14, 1856. Sept. 8, 1856. Mo., May 4, 1857. *Logan, Sir William E., F.G.S., F.R.S., A.A.S., Montreal, Canada, Ey; : : *Lyon, Sidney S., Jeffersonville, Ind., Lyon, T. Gallatin, M.D., Jerseyville, Ill, Mason, Otis T., Georgetown College, D. C., Marcou, Prof. Jules, che Boston, Mass., *Niarcy, Capt-R.P:, U.S: A., *Marshyton, GeooP..5.D., A.A.S., Page Vier ‘Mayer, Martin, M.D., LL.D., Leavenworth, Kan., McAdams, Wm., Jr., Jerseyville, Ill., WAAL C27 TOR y. Fan. 2, 1560. Fune 17, 1507. ISSI. Sept. 3, 1560. feb. 9, 1857. Feb. 9, 1857. feb. 20, 1565. feb. 21, 1859. McClellan, Capt. Geo. B., (since Maj. Genl.), Chicago, IIl., McGregor, Dr. A. L., Chamois, Mo., : *Mc Masters, Rev. S. Y., D.D.,LL.D., Alton, Il., #Meek, Ff. Bo Albany, Ny Y.; *Meline, Major James W., UU. 5.2A:..- 5 *Morerod, E.R., M.D., Silver Top, Tenn., Mosblech, Prof. P. W., Ph.D., Bethany College, Va., Muller, Baron Ferdinand von, March 23, 1857. Fune 29, 1857. feb. 8, 1858. Aug. 11, 1856. April 3, 1865. Dec. 17, 1860. Ll TO, F559: Fune 18, 158}. Newberry, Dr. J. S., Columbia College, N. Y., Norris, Dr. Benj., Pittsfield, Ill., Norwood, Chas. J., Columbia, Mo., Norwood, J. G., M.D., Columbia, Mo., *Owen, Prof. Richard, New Harmony, Ind., Parker, J. C., San Diego, Cal., *Parry, C. C., M.D., Davenport, Ia., Patrick, -J. Ri, Bellevilley lls *Pavy, Dr. Octave, Price, R. B., Columbia, Mo., Peter, Prof. Robert, M.D., Lexington, Ky., Phillips, Henry, Jr., 209 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Oct. 7, LOOT. Feb. 9, 1857. May 17, 1875. May 19, 1856. March 17, 1862. Fan. 3, 1870. March 18, 1862. March 6, 1876. May 17, 1880. Oct. 15, 1560. March 17, 1862, April 4, 18ST. Pope, Capt. John, (since Maj. Gen.), U. S. A., St. Louis, Mo., Pratt, George C., *Pratten, Henry, Springfield, Ill., De. 15, L550: Nov. 21, IS8I. Aug. 11, 1850. Putnam, F. W., Director Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., *Rath, G. vom, Bonn, March 19, 1877. Dec. 1, 1384. Rau, Charles, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C., Rauch, John H., M.D., Burlington, Iowa, *Reuss, Adolphus, M.D., St. Clair Co., IIl., *Riddell, Prof. I. L., M.D., New Orleans, Riddell, Prof. W. P., M.D., Austin, Texas, Riley, C. V., Washington, D. C., *Robb, James, Chicago, IIl., *Robin, Charles, M.D., Paris, France, Russell, Prof. John, Bluffdale, Ill., “Ryland, Kirtley,, M.D. St.ClaiviCo,,. Bl wo *Sartwell, Henry P., Penn Yan, Nuvy,, Sawyer, Amos, Hillsboro, Ill., *Schlagintweit, Robert von, Giessen, Germany, . matte io VICE ETE se TOTO: Oct. 6, 1856. Sept. 8, 1856. Fuly 14, 1856. March 21, 1359. Dec. 15, 1579. Dét, 75 F502. Fan. 7, 1861. feb. 9, 1857. Sept. 8, 1856, Oct. 15, 1866. May 4, 1874. March 15, 1869. *Schoendich, Dr. Henry, St. Charles, Mo., ; May 4, 1857. *Schultz, C. H., M.D., Deidesheim, Bavaria, ; Aug. 6, 1869. *Seeman, Berthold, Ph.D., London, England, . Aug. 24, 1857. *Seyffarth, Gustavus, Yorkville, N. Y., : ; March 5, 1877. Sharswood, Wm., A.M., Ph.D., Philadelphia, Pa... Dec. 79, 7859. Sheldon, Prof. D. S., Iowa College, Davenport, Ia., une 75, 1857. Shephard, Prof. Chas. U., M.D., A.A.S., New Haven, Conn., Aug. 6, 1860. Shepherd, John, Macon, Mo., . 4 / : Fan. 6, 1879. *Shimer, Henry, Mount Carroll; ll., . 5 ; May 2, 1864. *Shumard, Dr. George D., Fort Smith, Ark., : Fatt! 20). 1557. Sloan, Wm. I., M.D. Sue. U. S. A., Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 2, 1860. Snyder, John F., Boliver, Mo., : ‘ ; Sept, 22, F850. Snyder, Wm., Belleville, I1l., : , : : Sept. 22, 1850. Spencer, Prof. J. W., Columbia, Mo., ; : Fan. 21, 1384. *Squier, E. George, A.M., New York, N. Y., : Oct. 15, 1560. Stanton, Ii. jacWenvery COL. <), : : : Fune 1, 1874. Steele, Dr. Geo. G., Austin, Texas, . 3 ‘ ECr TA 1856, Stone, George C:, New York, .. . . : Feb, 20, 1882. *Suess, Prof. Edward, Director of Imperial Museum of Mineralogy, Vienna, : : : ; : treb. 8, 1858. Swallow, Prof. G. C., Columbia, Mo., s 3 Fune 16, 1856. Ott ys kas, Springfield, Mo., : ; : : Fune 19, 1874, Trecul, Auguste, Paris, France, . : : 3 Fuly 28, 1850, Vasey, George, M. D., Ringwood, IIl., ; : FORA 7; LSOL. *Vaughan, Col. A. J., Indian Agent, . : J Oct. 6, 1856. Veatch, Charles, Keytesville, . ; : ; Sept. 2F, 1808. Wadsworth, Dr. J. L. R., Collinsville, Il., , Dec. 20, 1880. Warriner, Prof. H. A., Antioch College, Ohio, . Fan. 20, 1562. *Warren, Lieut. G. K., U. S, A., Washington, D. C., Mov. 77, 1856. Weber, I., Belleville, Ill., . : : ‘ ; Feb, 5, 1877. *Weiss, Dr. Adolph, Vienna, Austria, . ‘ ‘ Fan, 21, 18OI. OT A Wells, Lemuel T., Cincinnati, Ohio, . ; i Oct. 15, 1560. Wheeler, Dr. F. W., Perryville, Mo., ; ; Dec. 29, 1866. Wheelock, L. P., Sandusky, Ohio, . ; Sept. 2, 1867. White, C. A., Washington, D. C., . : ; Fan. 2, 1860. White, Rev. Dr. Geo., Florence, Ala., ; i Sept. 21, 1857. *Whittelsey, Col. Charles, Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 29, 1856. Williams, Dr., Meramec Iron Works, Crawford Co., Mo., ' Aug. 24, 1857. Wilson, George, Lexington, Mo., : : : March 17, Sake Winchell, Prof. A., Ann Arbor, Mich., 4 ; Oct. 18, 1860, Woodruf, Wm. T., Marshall, Mich., : ; Fang, Teor, *Worthen, Amos H., State Geologist, Springfield, Ill., Dec. 5, 18509. Yandell, Prof. L. P., Louisville, Ky., ‘ Oct. 6, 1856. Yoakum, Dr, F. L., Larissa, Cherokee Co., Teste feb. 21, 1870. EXCHANGES. AMERICA (NORTH). United States. Albany, N. Y. New York State Library. New York State Museum of Natural History. Baltimore, Md. American Chemical Journal. Biological Laboratory. Johns Hopkins University. Maryland Academy of Sciences. Boston, Mass. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Society of Natural History. Brookville, Ind. Brookville Society of Natural History. Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Cambridge, Mass. , Cambridge Entomological Club. Harvard College Observatory. Museum of Comparative Zoology. Peabody Museum of American Archeology and Ethnology. Champaign, Ills. State Laboratory of Natural History. Chapel Hill, N.C. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. Charleston, S. C. } Elliot Society of Science and Art. Chicago, Ills. Chicago Academy of Sciences. American Antiquarian. Historical Society. Public Library. Cincinnati, O. Ohio Mechanics’ Institute. Society of Natural History. Cleveland, O. Academy of Science. Davenport, Ia. ° - Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences. Denver, Colo. Colorado Scientific Society. Des Moines, la. Des Moines Academy of Science. Detroit, Mich. American Meteorological Journal. Golden, Colo. State School of Mines. Granville, O. Denison Scientific Association. Hamilton, O. The Hamilton Association. Houston, Tex. State Geological and Scientific Association. Ithaca, Ni cy. Cornell University. Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska University. Madison, Wis. Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters. Natural History Society of Wisconsin. State Historical Society. Washburn Observatory. Meriden, Conn. Scientific Association. Milwaukee, Wis. Naturhistorischer Verein (Soczety of Natural His- tory). Public Museum of Mileauied’ Minneapolis, Minn. Academy of Natural Science. New Haven, Conn. Astronomical Observatory of Yale University. Connecticut Academy of Science. American Journal of Science. New Orleans, La. Academy of Science. New York, N. Y. Academy of Science. American Geographical Society. Chemical Society. New York City, N. Y. (Continued). Microscopical Society. Association of Engineering Societies. Journal of Otology. Astor Library. American Entomologist. Linnean Society of New York. Torry Botanical Club. American Museum of Natural History. Northfield, Minn. Carleton College Observatory. Peoria, Ill. Scientific Association, Philadelphia, Pa. Academy of Natural Science. American Philosophical Society. American Entomological Society. Journal of Comparative Medicine and Surgery. Numismatic and Antiquarian Society. Zoological Society. Library Company. Pharmaceutical Association. Polyclinic. Pennsylvania Woman’s Medical College. Wagner Free Institute of Science. Journal of Pharmacy. Portland, Me. Society of Natural History. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Vassar Brothers Institute. 6 Princeton oNe.]; Museum of Geology and Archeology. Sacramento, Cal. State Mining Bureau. Salem, Mass. Essex Institute. Peabody Academy of Science. Santa Barbara, Cal. Society of Natural History. San Francisco, Cal. California Academy of Science. Technical Society of the Pacific Coast. Mt. Hamilton, Cal. Lick Observatory. Sedalia, Mo. Sedalia Natural History Society. Springfield, Ills. Geological Survey of Illinois. St. Louis, Mo. Journal of Ophthalmology. St.Paul,’ Minn. Geological and Natural History Survey of Minne sota, Topeka, Kas. Kansas Academy of Science. wbrenton; NJ. Trenton Natural History Society. Urbana, O. Central Ohio Scientific Association. Washington, D. C. American Academy of Medicine. United States War Department. Engineer Depart- | | ment, Uy S.A: Chief Signal Office. Geological Survey. United States Fish Commission. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Education. Smithsonian Institution. United States Naval and Astronomical Observatory. Bureau of Ethnology. ' Bureau of Entomology. Philosophical Society. Worcester, Mass. American Antiquarian Society. Worcester Society of Antiquity. British America. CANADA. Montreal (Quebec). Natural History Society. Royal Society of Canada. The Canadian Record of Science. Ottawa (Onxtario). Institut Canadien Francais (Frexzch Canadian [n- stitute). ae Quebec (Quebec). Entomological Society of Canada. Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. Université Laval (Laval University). Toronto ( Oxtarzo). Canadian Institute. Beta ye MANITOBA. Winnipeg, Manitoba Historical and Scientific Society. NOVA SCOTIA. Halifax. Nova Scotia Institute of Natural Sciences. Central Americ¢a. : COSTA RICA. San Jose. Central Office of Statistics and Meteorology. Museo Nacional (Vational Museum). : GUATEMALA. Guatemala. Secretaria de Fomento (Department of Interior). MEXICO. Mexico. El Museo Nacional (Vational Museum). Ministerio de Fomento, Colonizacion, Industria y Comercio (Department of Interior, Colont- zatton, Industry, and Commerce). Mexico (Continued). Observatorio Astronomico Nacional (/Vational As- tronomtical Observatory). Sociedad ‘‘ Andres del Rio’’ (Soczety ‘‘ Andres del Delos, Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica (Mexican Geographical and Statistical So- ciety) Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural (JZextcan Natural History Soctety). West Indies. JAMAICA. Kingston. Public Gardens. AMERICA (SOUTH). ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Buenos Aires. Museo Publico de Buenos Aires (Public Mluseum ° Buenos Atres).’ Sociedad Cientifica Argentina (Argentine Sctentific Soctety). Statistical Bureau. Cordoba. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactes (ational Academy of Exact Sciences). | Academia Nacional de Ciencias en Cordoba (J/Va- tronal Academy of Sctences of Cordoba). — 4o0— ; _ BRAZIL. Rio Janeiro. Instituto Historico, Geografico y Ethnografico (/7zs- torical, Geographical, and Ethnographical Institute). Nautical Observatory. CHILE. Santiago. Deutscher Wissenschaftliche Verein (German Sctentific Soctety). ASIA. JAPAN. Tokio. Tokio Daigaku (/mfertal University). (Formerly Kaisei Gakko). JAVA. Batavia. Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory. AUSTRALIA. NEW SOUTH WALES. Sydney. Royal Society of New South Wales. k QUEENSLAND. Brisbane. Royal Geographical Society of Australasia (Queens- land Branch). ‘ SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Adelaide. Royal Society of South Australia. VICTORIA. Melbourne. Royal Society of Victoria. EUROPE. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Briinn. K. K. Mahrisch-Schlesische Gesellschaft fiir Ack- erbau, Natur-und Landeskunde (/mpferial Royal Maraytan-Stlesian Soctety of Agrt- culture, Natural History, and Geography). Naturforschender Verein (/Vaturaltsts’ Soctety). Budapest (//ungary). Ethnologische Mitteilungen aus Ungarn (/fungar- tan Contributionsjto Ethnology). Geologische Gesellschaft fur Ungarn (Geological Soctety of Hungary). K. Magyar Természettudomanyi Tarsulat (Royal flungartan Soctety of Natural Sctences). K. Magyar Tudomanyos Egyetem (Royal Hun- garian University.) K. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia (//uxgarian Academy). Gratz (Styria). Industrie und Gewerbe Verin (/zdustrial and Poly- technical Soctety). Hermannstadt (7vransylvania). Siebenbiirgischer Verein fur Naturwissenschaften (Transylvanta Soctety of Natural Sctences). Laibach (J/dl/yria). Landes-Museum (JVational Museum). Linz (Austria). Museum Francisco-Carolinum. Prag (4ohemia). K. bohmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (Royal Bohemian Society of Sciences). Reichenberg (Lohemia). Verein fur Naturfreunde (Soctety of Waturalists). Trieste (/iyria). Societa Adriatica di Scienze Naturali (Adriatic Society of Natural Sciences). Wien (Austria). Anthropologische Gesellschaft ( cag yee 3811 Westminster Place. 507 N. 14th Street. Bloomington, Ind. Public Library. 608 Garrison Avenue. 3718 N. 9th Street. University Club. Broadway and Wash- ington Avenue. American Central Building. Simmons Hardware Co. 401 Washington Avenue. 1821 Schild Avenue. Telephone Building. 3650 Cook Avenue. 2635 Locust Street. 3008 Locust Street. Washington University.: 617 Olive Street. 1861 N. Market Street. Smith Academy. 2647 Washington Avenue. 1045 Goodfeliow Avenue. Champaign, III. 1600 Franklin Avenue. 2608 Locust Street. 2847 Washington Avenue. 2725 Washington Avenue. 3500 Morgan Street. 3756 Lindell Avenue. 2670 WashingtonAvenue. 3525 Lucas Avenue. 507 Ware Avenue. Main and Walnut Streets. j United States Weatber Bureau. Washington University. 2920 Locust Street. 520 Olive Street. Hasse, Dr. Otto, Hayes, Richard, Heller, Prof. Otto, Herthel, A., Heussy, Dr. F., Hicks, Prof. Frederick C. Hitchcock, Henry, Hodgman, C., Holmes, John M., Hulbert, Dr. G., . Hummel, Chas.,. Hurter, Julius, Ives, Prof. H. C., Jester, H. T., Jewett, H. C., Johnson, Dr. J. B., Johnson, Prof. J. B., Johnson, R. D’O., Kaime, D. F., Kennett, A. Q., Kinealy, Prof. J. H., Kinner, Dr. H., Kotany, Dr. Ludwig, Kolbenheyer, Dr. F., . Krali, G. W., | Kribben, B. D., Krieckhaus, Aug., Kromrey, Hugo, Ladd, A. E., Lackland, R. J., . Leete, Dr. J. M., Leighton, Geo. E., Leighton, Geo. B., Lemoine, Dr. E. S.; Letterman, Geo. W., Leslie, A. M., ey Je Neos 4300 Easton Avenue. Polytechnic Building. Washington University. International Bank. 3108 Wisconsin Avenue. Columbia, Mo. 404 Market Street. 300 N. 4th Street. 506 Olive Street. 3026 Pine Street. Room 408 Temple Building. 2346 S. 10th Street. School of Fine Arts. Care of Liggett & My- ers Tobacco Co. U. S. Assay Office. N. E. cor. 22d and Lo- cust Streets. Washington University. Elvino, Mo. 3717 Delmar Avenue. University Club. Washington University. 1103 Autumn Street. 2647 Washington Avenue. 1208 Dillon Street. Manual Training School. 216 Commercial Building. 410 S. Main Street. 513 Walnut Street. Cambridge, Mass. 1623 Lucas Place. 2912 Washington Avenue. 803 Garrison Avenue. 204 N. Third Street. 1622 Washington Avenue. Allenton, St. Louis County. 915 Olive Street. Lind, Dr. G. D., : Lingenfelder, Dr. Ph., Lionberger, John R,, Ludeking, Dr. Chas., McKittrick, Hugh, Mack, Chas. I., Madill, Geo. A., ‘ Meisenbach, Dr. A.H , Meston, A. W.., Miller, Charles F., Moore, Robert, Moore, Dr. W. G., Morton, I. W., Mudd, Dr. H. H., Nagel, Chas., Nelson, N. O., Nipher, Prof. F. E., O’Rielly, Dr. Robert J. Palfrey, Capt. C. F., Pammel, Prof. L. H., Parker, Josiah H., Parsons, Charles, Pegram, Geo. H., Pettus, W. H. H., Pike, S. B., Pollmann, Dr. L. P., Porter, Dr. Wm. Townsend, Post, Dr. M. H., Potter, Prof. Wm. B., Prewitt, Dr. T. F., Pritchett, Prof. H. S., Pulsifer, Wm. H., Purinton, Prof. Geo. D., Raeder, F. Wm., Ramel, A., Rankin, EH. E., Ravold, Dr. A. N., ey EE 5063 Minerva Avenue. 319 Clark Avenue. 27 Vandeventer Place. Stamford, Conn. 2913 Locust Street. 113 N. Broadway. 2821 Chestnut Street. 2229 S. Broadway. 513 Elm Street. 1751 Missouri Avenue. Laclede Building. 3041 Easton Avenue. Simmons Hardware Co. 2604 Locust Street. 709 Bank of Commerce Building. 8th & St. Charles Streets. Washington University. 1722 Washington Avenue. 2732 Pine Street. Ames, Iowa. 400 N. 3d Street. 2804 Pine Street. Omaha, Neb. 2834 Chestnut Street. American Central Building. 2822 N. 14th Street. St. Louis Medical College. 2641 Washington Avenue. Washington University. 3lst and Pine Streets. Washington University. Newton Centre, Mass. Columbia, Mo. Equitable Building. Washington University. Smith Academy. 2806 Morgan Street. NAMES OMITTED. Olshausen, Geo. R., . i : 1228 Dolman Street. Sanger, Prof.C.R, . : Washington University. Wheeler,O.B, . : é : 1515 Lucas Place. H x ats Re : r r) 5 ‘ i Eh ‘ : 2 ‘ pe : i ‘ ‘ e / * é : Z x Pi c c : 2 < ae # 3 é . Rigge, Wm.F., S. J., Robert, E. S., Robertson, Charles, Ruebel, Ernst, Runge, Dr. E. C., Sander, Dr. Enno, Schoelch, Louis, Schwartz, Dr. Henry, *Schwerdtman, F., Schweitzer, Prof. Paul, Sears, Edmund H., Seddon, J. A., Seddon, W.L., Senseney, Dr. E.M., . Sheldon, W.L., . Shepley, John F., Sluder, Dr. Greenfield, Smith, Dr. D.S. H., Smith, Holmes, Smith, Irwin Z., . Snow, Prof. M. S., Speck, Judge Chas., Spiegelhalter, Dr. Jos., Spencer, Dr. H. N., Stagl, Charles, Staudinger, B., : Steedman, Dr. I. G. W., Stewart, A. K., Straub, A. W., Taussig, Dr. William, Thacher, A., Tivy, Wm. H., Toensfeldt, John, Trelease, Prof. Wm., . Turner, T. D., Fe Updegraff, Prof. Milton, Walsh, Edward, Jr., Watts, Millard F., Wheeler, Prof. H. A., ay 0) St. Louis University. 417 Pine Street. Carlinville, Ill. 807 Locust Street. 4515A Easton Avenue. 129 S. 11th Street. 2823 Nebraska Avenue. 1723 Chouteau Avenue. 1822 Olive Street. Columbia, Mo. Mary Institute. 1515 Lucas Place. 1515 Lucas Place. 2829 Washington Avenue. 4213 Olive Street. 50 Vandeventer Place. 2647 Washington Avenue, 3846 Washington Avenue. Washington University. University Club. Washington University. 1206 Morrison Avenue. 2166 Lafayette Avenue. 2725 Washington Avenue. 406 N. 3d Street. 1703 Olive Street. 2803 Pine Street. 2613A Palm Street. International Bank. 3447 Lafayette Avenue. St. Louis Sampling and Testing Works. 207 N. 2d Street. 912 S. 9th Street. Mo. Botanical Garden. 1004 Garrison Avenue. Columbia, Mo. 417 Olive Street. 3452 Chestnut Street. Washington University. “Whitaker, Edwards, . “Whitelaw, Oscar L., “Widmann, Otto, ‘Winslow, Arthur, Wislizenus, Frederick, Witt, T. D., : Wolfner, Dr. Henry L., “Woodward, Prof. C. M., -Yeatman, James E., ARLE LE abe, 300 N. 4th Street. 409 N. 2d Street. Old Orchard, Mo. Jefferson City, Mo. 19 S. Broadway. EK. Jaccard Jewelry Co. 2236 Washington Avenue. Washington University. 412 Olive Street. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. The dates given are the dates of election to membership. Agard, Dr. A. H., Sandusky, Ohio, : Agassiz, Alexander, Cambridge, Mass., Anguiano, F. Angel, Director del Observ- de Mexico, Tacubaya, atori Nacional Mexico; 2 Aughey, Samuel, : Bandelier, Adolph F., Jr., Alahiand. Llls. ; Barcena, Mariano, City of Mexico, Barris, Willis H., Davenport, Iowa, Berchon, Ernest, Bordeaux, Behr, Dr. Hermann, San Francisco, Gays Bigelow, John M., Detroit, Mich., Blake, James, M. D., San Francisco, Cal., Bosquet, Prof. I., Maestricht, Germany, Capellini, Prof. Giovanni, University of Bo- logna, Italy, F Case, Francis M,, Denver, Car, : Case, Theo. S., Kansas City, ae Castillo, Antonio del, City of Mexico, Clifford, D., : : ; Cochrane, J., Havana, i, F : Coues, Elliott, M. D., Washington, D. C., Danckelman, Dr. A. von, Berlin, Dudding, Richard, Murphysboro, I1l., Dyer, F. M., Charleston, Mo., Ehrenberg, Hermann, Arizona, Fleming, Dr. R. B., Mine de la Motte, Moe 3 , —— D9, = Sept. 2, 1867. April 16, 1866. Nov. 2, 1885. June 5, 1876. Sept. 3, 1860. March 1, 1875. June 15, 1857. June 19, 1865. Dec. 15, 1856. Feb. 16, 1863. March 18, 1861. March 17, 1862. Nov. 2, 1863. April 20, 1863. March 2, 1885. March 1, 1875. July 4, 1871. April 15, 1878. May 2, 1864. Feb. 16, 1885. May 4, 1857. May 21, 1877. Sept. 5, 1859. Feb. 9, 1857. Foster, Mrs. Abner, Beardstown, IIL, Fry, Maj. Cary H., Fort Union, New Mexico, Green, Samuel M., Cape Girardeau, Mo., Gregorio, Marchese Antonio de, via Molo, Palermo, Sicily, Gill, Prof. Theodore, Washington! D. C., Goodnow, Isaac T., Leavenworth, Kas., Hall, Prof. James, Albany, N. Y., Hann, Dr. J., Vienna, 5 Hauer, Dr. Franz Ritter von, Vienwe: Hilgard, Prof. EH. W., Berkely, Cal., Hilgard, G., Belleville, Ill., Hitchcock, C. H., Hanover, N. H., Hitchcock, G. N., San Diego, Cal., Holden, Prof. E. S., Lick Observatory, Cal., Holmes, Nathaniel, Cambridge, Mass., Hough, Daniel, Indianapolis, Ind., Howland, H. B., Buffalo, N. Y., Huguet-Latour, Capt. L. A., oe Majors Vice-President of National Historical Society, Montreal, Canada, Hunt, T. Sterry, Ph. D., A.A.S., Montreal Canada, E., Irwin, J. T., Ravenna, Mo., Johnson, Dr. H., Jacksonville, I1l., Jones, John P., Keytesville, Mo., Koelle, John, Berkner Station, II1l., Lane, Judge H., Chicago, II1., Lee, W. J., Iron Ridge, Mo., Mason, Otis T., National Museum, Rie ington, Marcou, Prof. Tees: Gaclowist, Combsidees Mass., McAdams, Wm., ve nereervilis Ill, Mueller, Baron Ferdinand von, Methuen AUs., Newberry, NY 2 Norwood, Chas. J. Columbiat Mo. A : Norwood, J. G., M. D., Columbia, Mo., Dr. J. S., Columbia. College, naa: 7 Peal Nov. 18, 1878. Oct. 6, 1856. May 21, 1877. April 20, 1885. March 5, 1866. Aug. 21, 1865. Sept. 8, 1866. May 16, 1881. May 16, 1881. Sept. 3, 1860. Feb. 5, 1877. Oct. 15, 1860: Jan. 4, 1876. April 4, 1881. June 18, 1883. Feb. 15, 1875. March 19, 1877. Sept. 21, 1857. Sept. 21, 1857. May 6, 1861. Feb. 17, 1878. March 16, 1874. Fet. 5, 1877. March 238, 1857. Feb. 3, 18738. 1881. Sept. 8, 1860. Feb. 21, 1859. June 18, 1883. Oct. 7, 1861. May 17, 1875 May 19, 1856. ‘Parker, J. C., San Diego, Cal., Patrick, J. R., Belleville, I1l., : ‘Peter, Prof. Robert, M. D., Levineton ee A Phillips, Henry, Jr., 209 S. 15th Street, Philadelphia, Pratt, George C., : ; Putnam, F. W., Cambridge, Mace ef Rauch, John H., M. D., Burlington, Iowa, Riley, C. V., Washington, D. C., Sawyer, Amos, Hillsboro, Ill., Spencer, Prof. J. W. Stanton, F. J., Denver, Col., ‘Stone, George C., New York, ‘Swallow, Prof. G. C., Helena, Mont. Teft, J. E., Siringfield, Mo., Vasey, George, M. D., Washington, D. C. Wadsworth, Dr. J. L. R., Collinsville, [11., ‘Weber, I., Belleville, Ill., Wheelock, L. P., Sandusky, Ohio, Wilson, George, Lexington, Mo., Yoakum, Dr. F. L., Larissa, Texas, Jan. 3, 1876. March 6, 1876. March 17, 1862, April 4, 1881. Nov. 21, 1881. March 19, 1877. Oct. 6, 1856. Dec. 15, 1879. May 4, 1874. Jan. 21, 1884. June 1, 1874. Feb, 20, 1882. June 16, 1856. June 19, 1874. Jan. 7, 1861. Dec. 20, 1880. Feb.5, 1877. Sept. 2, 1867. March 17, 1884. Feb, 21, 1870. A LIST OF THE SOCIETIES AND IN: STITUTIONS RECEIVING THE PUB- LICATIONS. ALGERIA. Algiers. Sociéte des Sciences Physiques Naturelles et Clima- tologiques de |’ Algérie. : ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Buenos Aires. Museo Publico de Buenos Aires. Sociedad Cientifica Argentina. Statistical Bureau. Cordoba. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactes. Academia Nacional de Ciencias en Cordoba. Observatorio Nacional Argentino en Cordoba. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Bistritz (Transylvania). Siebenburgische Gewerbe-Schule. Brunn (Moravia.) | K. K. Mahrisch-Schlesische Gesellschaft fir Ak- kerbau, Natur- und Landeskunde. Naturforschender Verein. 7 (eps) Budapest (Hungary). Ethnologische Mitteilungen aus Ungarn. K. Ung. Geologische Anstalt. K. Magyar Természettudo manyi Tarsulat (Royal Hungarian Society of Natural Sciences). kK. Magyar Tudomanyos Egyetem ( Royal Hungarian University ). K. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia (Hungarian Academy). Termeszetrajzi Fuzetek (Journal of the Hungarian National Museum). Gratz (Styria). Industrie-und Gewerbe-Verein. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fir Steiermark. Hermannstadt (Transylvania). Siebenburgischer Verein fur Naturwissenschaften. Verein fiir Siebenburgische Landeskunde. Klagenfurt (Carinthia). — ~Naturhistorisches Landesmuseum fir Karnten. Klausenburg (Transylvania). Ertesito az Erdélye Museum — Egylet Orvos — Ter- meszéttudomanyi Szakoszatalyabae ( The Med- ical and Natural Science Section of the Musewm- Association of Transylvania). Laibach (Illyria). Landes-Museum (National Museum). Leipa (Bohemia). Nord-Bohmiseher Excursions-Club. Linz (Austria). Museum Francisco-Carolinum. Tee eis Prag (Bohemia). K. Bohmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Lotos (Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein) Gesellschaft fiir Physiokratie. Akademie cisare Frantiska Josefa pro vedy, slovesnost a umeni v Praze. Pressburg (Hungary). Verein fiir Natur-und Heilkunde. Reichenberg (Bohemia). Verein der Naturfreunde. Salzburg (Salzburg). Vaterlandisches Museum Carolino-Augusteum. Trieste (Illyria). Societa Adriatica di Scienze Naturali. Museo Civico di Storia Naturale. y Trencsen (Hungaria). > Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein des Trencsiner Comi- tates. Wien (Austria). Aunthropologische Gesellschaft. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften — Univer- sitats-Platz 2. K. K. Central-Anstalt fir Meteorologie und Erd- magnetismus. K. K. Geographische Gesellschalt. K. K. Geologische Reichsanstalt. K. K. Naturhistorisches Hof-Museum. K. K. Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft. Oesterreichischer Touristen Club. Verein zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse. BES Qa Wien (Continued). Verein zur Forderung des Landwirthschaftlichen Versuchswesen in Oesterreich. Oesterreichischer Alpen-Club. Niederosterreichischer Forstverein. Oesterreichischer Reichsforstverein. BELGIUM. Anvers. Academie d’ Archéologie de Belgique. Bruxelles. Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des . Beaux Arts de Belgique. Observatoire Royal. Societé Belge de Microscopie. Société Entomologique de Belgique. Societe Malacologique de Belgique. Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique. Société Scientifique de Bruxelles. Société Royale Belge de Géographie. Société Royale Linnéenne de Bruxelles. Societe Scientifique Flammarion d’Ixelles-Bruxelles. AY 6 Liege. Societe Géologique de Belgique. Louvain. Université Catholique. ; ; BRAZIL. Rio Janeiro. Instituto Historico, Geografico y Etbnografico. Nautical Observatory. REN Nok CANADA, Halifax (Nova Scotia). Nova Scotia Institute of Natural Sciences. Hamilton. The Hamiiton Association. Montreal (Quebec). Royal Society of Canada. The Natural History Society of Montreal. Ottawa (Ontario). Institut Canadian Francais. Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada. Quebec (Quebec). Entomological Society of Canada. Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. Universite Laval. Toronto (Ontario). Canadian Institute. Winnipeg (Manitoba). Manitoba Historical and Scientific Society. CHILE. Santiago. ; Deutscher Wissenschaftliche Verein. Societé Scientifique du Chili. . CORSICA. Bastia. Société des Sciences Historiques et Naturelles de la Corse. ogy peas COSTA RICA. San Jose. Central Office of Statistics and Meteorology. Museo Nacional. DENMARK. Kjobenhavn. . Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab (oye Danish Society of Sciences). ENGLAND. Alnwick. Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club. Bristol. Bristol Naturalists’ Society. Halifax. Yorkshire Geological and Polytechnical Society (formerly in Leeds). Kew. Botanical Garden. Leeds. (Quarterly) Journal of Conchology. Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society. Liverpool. Biological Society. London. British Museum (Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, Ws 3G.) Entomological Society (11 Chandos Street, Caven- dish Square, W.). MGMT Ae) London (Continued). ‘¢Nature’’ (care of Macmillan & Co., Bedford Street, Strand, W. C.). Royal Geographical Society of London (1 Saville Row, W.). Royal Microscopical Society (King’s College, Strand,. Wes Gey: Royal Society of London (Burlington House, W.). Manchester. Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester (36 George Street). Microscopical Society. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Natural History Society of Northumberland, Dur- ham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Museum, Newcastle). York. 3 Yorkshire Philosophical Society. FRANCE, Abbeville. Société d’ Emulation d’ Abbeville. Alais. Société Scientifique et Litteraire d’ Alais. Amiens. : Société Linnéenne du Nord de la France. Académie des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Arts. d’ Amiens. Angers. © Societe d’Etudes Scientifiques. Académie des Sciences et Belles-Lettres d’ Angers. Arras. Académie des Sciences, Lettres et Arts d’ Arras. Autun. Societé d’ Histoire Naturelle d’ Autun. Auxerre. Société des Sciences Historiques et Naturelles de Yonne. Avranches. Societé Académique du Cotentin. Bar-le-Duc. La Societé des Lettres, Sciences et Arts de Bar-le-Duc. Bayeux. Société des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres de Bayeux. Bayonne. Societe des Sciences et Arts de Bayonne. Besancon. Société d’Emulation du Doubs. Bordeaux. L’ Académie Nationale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux. Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux. Société des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles. OL! bent Caen. Académie Nationale des Sciences, Arts, et Belles Lettres. Société Linnéenne de Normandie. Faculté des Sciences de Caen Laboratoire de Géologie. Chalons-sur-Marne. Société d’ Agriculture, Commerce, Sciences et Arts du Departement de la Marne. Chambery. Academie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Savoie. Cherbourg (Manche). Societe Nationale des Sciences Naturelles de Cher- bourg. Societe Académique de Cherbourg. Dijon. Académie des Sciences, Arts, et Belles-Lettres de Dijon. Draguignan. : Société d’Etudes Scientifiques et Archéologiques de la Ville de Draguignan. Elbceuf. Société d’Etudes des Sciences Naturelles d’Elbcuf. Epinal. Société d’Emulation du Departement des Vosges. Evreux. Société libre d’ Agriculture, Sciences, Arts et Belles- Lettres de |’ Eure. eet Ay ee ‘Grenoble. Académie Delphinale. Faculté des Sciences. 1 aALyon. Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres, et Arts de Lyon. Musée Guimet. Societe d’Agriculture, Histoire Naturelle et Arts Utiles. L’ Université de Lyon. Societe Linnéenne de Lyon. ‘Marseille. Academie des Sciences, Lettres et Arts. Societe Scientifique Industrielle de Marseille. Montauban. Academie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Tarn-et-Garonne. Montpellier. Academie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier. ‘Nancy. Societe des Sciences de Nancy. Academie de Stanislas. Nevers. Societé Nivernaise de Lettres, Sciences et Arts. wNiCe Societe des Lettres, Sciences, et Arts des Alpes- Maritimes. Niort. Sociéte de Statistique, Sciences, Lettres et Arts du Département des Deux-Sévres. — 46 — Paris. Pau. Ecole Polytechnique. Journal de Micographie. Revue Archéologique. Société d’Anthropologie (15 rue de Ecole de Medecine). Societe d’Ethnographie (47 Avenue Duquesne). Societe Zoologique de France. Ecole Normale Supérieure. Institut Pasteur. Société de Biologie. Institut National Agronomique. Academie des Sciences. Societe Academique Indo-Chinoise de France. Association Scientifique de France fondée par Le Verrier. Museum Qd’Histoire Naturelle. Revue Geographique Internationale. Société de Sciences, Lettres, et Arts. Perpignan. Sociéte Agricole, Scientifique et Litteraire des Pyré- nees-Orientales. | Reims. Académie Nationale de Reims. Société d’ étude des Sciences Naturelles de Reims. Rouen. Societé des Amis des Sciences Naturelles de Rouen. Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Rouen. 7S) Saint-Brieuc. Société d’ Emulation des Cétes du Nord. Saint-Dié ( Vosges). Societé Philomathique -Vosgienne. Saint-Dizier (Haute-Marne). Societé des Lettres, des Sciences, des Arts, de l’Ag- riculture et de |’ Industrie de Saint-Dizier. Toulouse. Association Pyrénéenne et de l’Union des Sociétés Savantes du Midi. ; Academie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres _ de Toulouse. Bibliothéque de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Vendome (Loire et Cher). Societe Archéologique, Scientifique et Litteraire du Vendomois. Vitry-le-Francois. Societé des Sciences et Arts de Vitry-le-Francois. GERMANY. Altenburg. Naturforschende Gesellshaft des Osterlandes. Augsburg (Bavaria). Naturhistorisher Verein. Bamberg. Naturforschende Geseilshaft. soe se sar Berlin ( Prussi«). Botanischer Verein der Provinz Brandenburg. Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft. Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde. Konigtiche (Preussische) Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Verein zur Beforderung des Gartenbaues in den Koniglich Preussischen Staaten. Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde. Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft. Kaiserliches Gesundheits-Amt. Deutsche Landwirthschafts-Gesellschaft. ‘Bonn. Naturhistorischer Verein der Preussischen Rhein- lande und Westfalens. Braunschweig (Brunswick). _ Verein fur Naturwissenschaften. Bremen. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Geographische Gesellschaft in Bremen. Breslau (Silesia). Schlesische Gesellschaft fiir Vaterlandische Cultur. Chemnitz (Sazony). Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. Danzig (Prussia). Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Darmstadt (Hesse). Verein fir Erdkundeund Verwandte Wissenschaften. 4 ; — 49 — Dresden (Sawzony). Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft ‘‘ Isis.’’ Verein fir Erdkunde. Gesellschaft fur Natur-und Heil-Kunde. KO6nigliches Zoologisches u. Anthropologisch-Ethno- graphisches Museum. Durkheim (Bavaria). | ‘¢ Pollichia, ’’ Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein der Rheinpfalz. Emden (Prussia). Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Erfurt (Prussia). Akademie gemeinnutziger Wissenschaften. Frankfurt-am- Main. ZErzlicher Verein. Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Verein fiir Geographie und Statistik (Care of, Stadt- Bibliothek). Frankfurt-an-der-Oder. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein des Regierungs- bezirkes Frankfurt-a. O. Freiburg-im-Breisgau (Baden). Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Giessen (Hesse). Oberhessische Gesellschaft fiir Natur-und Heilkunde. Gorlitz (Prussia). Naturforschende Gesellschaft. hea 9 ae Gottingen (Prussia). | Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Greifswald (Prussia). Geographische Gesellschaft. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur Neu-Vorpommern und Rugen in Greifswald. Gustrow (Mecklenburg). - Verein der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklen- burg. Halle-an-der-Saale (Prussia). Kaiserliche Leopoldini Carolina Akademie der Deutschen Naturforscher. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. ‘¢ Zeitschrift fir die gesammten Naturwissen- schaften’’ (formerly in Berlin). Verein fiir Erdkunde. Landwirthschaftliches Institut. Hamburg (Prussia). Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Hamburg-Altona. Hanau (Hesse). Wetterauische Gesellschaft fur die gesammte Natur- kunde. Hannover (Prussia). - Gesellschaft fur Mikroskopie. Naturhistorische Gessellschaft zu Hannover. Heidelberg (Baden). Naturhistorisch-Medicinischer Verein. sa Tt el Jena. Jenaische Zeitschrift fur Medicin und Naturwissen- schaften. Geographische Gesellschaft (fiir Thiiringen) zu Jena. Karlsruhe (Baden). Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Kassel (Prussia). Verein fur Naturkunde. Kiel (Prussia). Konigliche Sternwarte. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur Schleswig-Hol- stein. Konigsberg-in-Preussen (Prussia). Konigliche (Ostpreussische) Physikalisch-Oekonom- ische Gesellschaft. Landshut (Bavaria). Botanischer Verein. Leipzig (Saxony). Dr. Felix Fligel (39 Sidonien Strasse) (Agent of the Smithsonian Institution). Koniglich-Sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Verein fur Erdkunde. Zoologischer Anzeiger. Luneburg (Prussia). Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. ey eee Luxemburg (Luaemburg). Institute Luxembourgeois, Section des Sciences Naturelles et Mathematiques. Magdeburg (Saxony). Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Magdeburg. Mannheim (Prussia). Verein fur Naturkunde. Marburg (Prussiw). Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Natur- wissenschaften. Metz (Lorraine). Academie de Metz. Societé d’ Histoire Naturelle de Metz. Verein fur Erdkunde. Munchen (Bavaria). Koniglich-Baierische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Deutscher und Oesterreichischer Alpenverein. Munster (Prussia). Provinzial-Verein fir Wissenschaft und Kunst. Nurnberg (Bavaria). Naturhistorische Geselischaft. Offenbach (Baden). Verein fur Naturkunde. Osnabruck (Hanover). Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Passau (Bavaria). Naturhistorischer Verein. Posen (Prussia). Historische Gesellschaft fur die Provinz Posen. Regensburg (Bavaria). Historischer Verein fiir die Oberpfalz. Konigliche Baierische Botanische Gesellschaft. Zeologisch-Mineralogischer Verein. Stettin (Prussia). Entomologischer Verein. Stuttgart ( Wirtemberq). Verein fiir vaterlandische Naturkunde in Wiurtem- berg. ; Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Wiur- temberg. Thorn (Prussia). Copernicus-Verein fir Wissenschaft und Kunst. Wiesbaden (Prussia). Verein fir Naturkunde. Wurzburg (Bavaria). Physikalisch-Medizinische Gesellschaft. GUATEMALA. Guatemala. Secretaria de Formento. INDIA. Bombay (Bombay). The Bombay Natural History Society. ee AM aes Calcutta (Bengal). The Asiatic Society of Bengal. The Indian Museum. IRELAND. Belfast. Belfast Naturalists’ Field Club. Dublin. Royal Dublin Society (Kildare Street). Royal Geological Society of Ireland. Royal Irish Academy. : ITALY. Bologna. Accademia delle Scienze dell’ Istituto de Bologna. Catanta. Accademia Gioenia de Scienze Naturali. Firenze (florence). Biblioteca Nazionale. Istituto di Studi Superiori in Firenze. Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano. R. Accademia Economico — Agraria dei Georgofili di Firenze. Genova (Genoa). Accademia delle Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Societa dei Naturalisti. Societa Ligustica di Scienze Naturalie Geographfiche Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova. Milano (Milan). Fondazione Scientifica Cagnola (Branch of the R. Istituto Lombardo). | R. Istituto Lombardo di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali. ) Modena. R. Accademie di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Napoli (Naples). R. Accademia delle Scienze e Belle Lettere. Accademia Pontaniana. Societa di Naturalisti in Napoli. Accademia delle Scienze fisiche e matematiche di Napoli. Padova (Padua). R. Accademia di Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti di Padoua Societa Veneto-Trentina di Scienze Naturali residente in Padova. Palermo. Societa d’ Acclimazione e di Agricoltura in Sicilia. Hortus Botanicus Panormitanus. Pisa. Societa Toscana di Scienze Naturali. Roma. Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele. R. Comitato Geologico d’Italia. Societa Italiana della Scienze. Accademia dei Lincei. Istituto d’Igiene sperimentale della R. Universes di Rome. Te oo Roma (Continued). Stazione Agrarie e dei Laboratori di Chimica Agraria. del Regno. Siena. R. Accademia dei Fisiocritici in Siena. Torino (Turin). R. Museo Zoologico di Torino. Club Alpino Italiano. Accademia delle Scienze di R. Torino. Venezia ( Venice). R. Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. JAMAICA. Kingston. Public Gardens. Institute of Jamaica. JAPAN. Tokio. Tokio Daigaku (Jmperial University) (Formerly Kaisei Gakko). Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Natur-und Volkerkunde Ost-Asiens in Tokio. JAVA. Batavia. : Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory. CAs for MEXICO. Mexico. El Museo Nacional. Ministerio de Fomento, Colonizacion, Industria. y Comercio. Observatorio Astronomico Nacional Sociedad ‘‘ Andres del Rio.’’ Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica. Sociedad Mexican de Historia Natural. Sociedad Cientifica ‘‘ Antonio Alzate.’’ Deutscher Wissenschaftlicher Verein in Mexico. NETHERLANDS. Amsterdam. ! | Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen (Royal Academy of Sciences). Koninklijke Zoologische Genootschap ‘‘ Natura Artis Magistra’’ (Ltoyal Zoological Society). Nederlandsche Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (Weth- erlands Geographical Society). Genootschap ter bevordering van Natuur—, Genee- sen Heelkunde to Amsterdam (Society for the Advancement of the Natural, Therapeutic and Medical Sciences). Haarlem (Noord Holland). Fondation de P. Teyler van der Hulst ( Teyler Insti- tution). Hollandsche Maatschappij van Wetenschappen (Holland Society of Sciences). Leiden (Zuid Holland). Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereeniging (Nether- lands Zoological Society). Rijks Observatorium (Royal Observatory). Seat, Middelburg (Zealand). Zeeuwsch Genootschap van Wetenschappen (Zealand Society of Sciences). Rotterdam (Zuid Holland). Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelijke Wijsbegeerte (Batavian Society of Haperi- mental Philosophy ). Utrecht. Koninklijk Nederlandsche Meteorologisch Institute (Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute). Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunstan en Wetenschappen (Provincial Society of Arts and Sciences). | Zwolle (Overijssel). Overijsselsche Vereeniging tot Ontwikkeling van Provinciaale Welvaart (Overyssel Society for the Promotion of Provincial Welfare). NEW SOUTH WALES. Sydney. Royal Society of New South Wales. Linnean Society of New South Wales. Australian Museum. : Department of Mines, Geological Survey. NORWAY. Bergen. Bergen’s Museum. Christiania. Det Kongelige Norske Frederiks Universitet (Royal Norwegian Frederick University). dh les Throndhjem. Kongelige Norske Videns-Kabers Selskabs (Jmperial Norwegian Scientijic Society). Tromsoe. Museum. PORTUGAL. Lisboa (Lisbon). Academia Real des Ciencias. Sociedad de Geografia. QUEENSLAND. Brisbane. Royal Geographical Society of Australasia (Queens- land Branch). Queensland Museum. ROUMANIA. Bukarest. Societate cde Sciente Fizice. Accademia Romana. RUSSIA. Derpt (Dorpat). Naturforscher-Gesellschaft. Derptskoie Obshchestyo Iestesto-Ispytalelei ( Dorpat Society of Naturalists). K. Livlandische Oekonomische Gesellschaft. ‘Helsingfors. | Sallskapet pro Fauna et Flora Fennica (Society for the Fauna and Flora of Finland). Kazan. Imper. Kazanskii Universitet (Zmperial University of Iazan). ESE Ge Kiew. Société des Naturalistes de Kiew. Krakau. Académie des Sciences de Cracovie. Moskva (Moscow). Imper. Moskofskoie Obshchestyo-Ispytatetei (Jmpe- rial Moscow Society of Naturalists). Meteorological Observatory of the Agricultural Academy. Odessa. Société des Naturalistes de la Nouvelle Russie. Riga. Obshchestyo Iestestyo-Ispytatelei (Society of Nat- uralists). Sankt-Petersburg (St. Petersburg). Imper. Bibliothek (Royal Library). Imper. Akademia Nauk (Imperial Academy of Science). Imper. Russkoie Geograficheskoie Obshchestyo (Jm- perial Russian Geographical Society). Institut Impérial de Médicine Expérimentale. Imper. Sankt-Peterburgskii Botanicheskii Sad (Jm- perial Botanical Garden of St. Petersburg). (Packages sent through Wm. Mintor, Wan- drahm Brucke 6, Hamburg, Germany). Imper. Sankt-Petersburgskoie Mineralogicheskoie Obshchestyo (Imperial Mineralogical So- ciety of St. Petersburg). Tiflis. Magnitnaia i Meteorologicheskaia Observatorio — (Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory). EaRY Paco SCOTLAND. Edinburgh. Edinburgh Geological Society. Royal Physical Society. Royal Scottish Society of Arts. - Royal Society of Edinburgh. Glasgow. Geological Society €76 Henderson Street). - Natural History Society of Glasgow (207 Street). Philosophical Society (207 Bath Street). SINGAPORE. Singapore. Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Adelaide. Royal Society of South Australia. Bath SPAIN. Barcelona. Academia de Ciencias, Artes, y Oficios para la Mujer. Cordova. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas. Madrid. Observatorio de Madrid. Real Academia de Ciencias de Madrid. Sociédad Espanola de Historia Natural. mbes Fes) pa SWEDEN. Lund. Kongliga Universitet. Stockholm. Entomologiske Tidsskrift (Hntomological Journal). Kongligi Svenska Vetenskaps Akademien (Loyal Swedish Academy of Sciences). Biologiska Fareningens (Biological Society). National Historical Museum. Upsala. Kongliga Vetenskaps Societaten (Royal Society of Sciences). Vesteras. Riksbibliotheket (State Library). SWITZERLAND. Aarau. Mittelschweizerische Geographisch-commercielle Ge- sellschaft. Aargauische Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Basel. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Bern. Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft fiir die Ge- sammien Naturwissenschaften. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Schweizer Alpen-Club. Chur. Naturforschende Gesellschaft Graubiindens. ee foe ‘Frauenfeld. Thurgauische Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Fribourg. Société Fribourgeoise des Naturalistes. -Geneve. Institut National Genévois. Société de Physique et d’Histoire Naturelle Genéve. -Lausanne. Societé Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles. Université de Lausanne. Musée d’Histoire Naturelle de Lausanne. -Neufchatel. Société des Sciences Naturelles. Saint Gall. Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. Zurich. Eidgenossische Polytechnische Schule. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Schweizerischer Alpen Club. Schweizerischer Forst-Verein. TASMANIA. Hobarttown. Royal Society of Tasmania. UNITED STATES. _Albany, N. Y. New York State Library. New York State Museum of Natural History. aad oy deeaee de Ann Arbor, Mich. Library of the University of Michigan. Austin, Tex. The Texas Academy of Science. State Library of Texas. Geological Survey of Texas. Baltimore, Md. American Chemical Journal. Biological Laboratory. Johns Hopkins University. Maryland Academy of Sciences. Peabody Institute Library. Baton Rouge, La. State University Library. Boston, Mass. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Society of Natural History. Boston Public Library. Brookville, Ind. Brookville Society of Natural History. Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Cambridge, Mass. Cambridge Entomological Club. Harvard College Observatory. Harvard College Library. Museum of Comparative Zoology. 5 — 65 — Cambridge, Mass. (Continued). Peabody Museum of American Archzology and Ethnology. Champaign, Ills. State Laboratory of Natural History. Chapel Hill, N. C. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. Charleston, S. C. Elliot Society of Science and Art. Charlotteville, Va. Library of the University of Virginia. Chicago, Ills. Chicago Academy of Sciences. Historical Society. Public Library. Cincinnati, O. | Ohio Mechanics’ Institute. Society of Natural History. Cleveland, O. Academy of Science. Columbia, Mo. Missouri State University Library. Davenport, Ia. Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences. Denver, Colo. Colorado Scientific Society. as, fy Des Moines, Ia. ; Iowa Academy of Science. Golden, Colo. State School of Mines. Good Hope, Ills. American Antiquarian. Granville, O. Denison Scientific Association. Hanover, N. H. Dartmouth College Library. Houston, Tex. State Geological and Scientific Association. Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell University. Jefferson City, Mo. | Missouri State Library. State Geological Survey. Kansas City, Mo. The Academy of Science. Knoxville, Tenn. East Tennessee University Library. Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska University. Louisville, Ky. Public Library of Kentucky. Madison, Wis. Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters. Be 7 Madison, Wis. (Continued). Natural History Society of Wisconsin. State Historical Society. Washburn Observatory. Wisconsin University Library. Meriden, Conn. ; Scientific Association. Milwaukee, Wis. Naturhistorischer Verein. Pablic Museum of Milwaukee. Minneapolis, Minn. The Minnesota Academy of Natural Science. Mount Hamilton, Cal. Lick Observatory. New Brighton, N. Y. Natural Science Association of Staten Island. New Haven, Conn. Astronomical Observatory of Yale University. Connecticut Academy of Science. American Journal of Science. Yale University Library. New Orleans, La. Academy of Science. New York, N. Y. Academy of Science. American Geographical Society. Chemical Society. Microscopial Society. Set) Py jee New York, N. Y. (Continued). Association of Engineering Societies. Journal of Otology. Astor Library. American Entomologist. Linnean Society of New York. Torrey Botanical Club. American Museum of Natural History. Mathematical Society. Northfield, Minn. Carleton College Observatory. Peoria, Ill. Scientific Association. Philadelphia, Pa. Academy of Natural Science. American Philosophical Society. American Entomological Society. ‘Journal of Comparative Medicine and Surgery. Numismatic and Antiquarian Society. Zoological Society. Library Company. Pharmaceutical Association. Polyclinic. Pennsylvania Woman’s Medical College. Wagner Free Institute of Science. Journal of Pharmacy. Portland, Me. Society of Natural History. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Vassar Brothers Institute. Bs GUsa Princeton, N. J. Museum of Geology and Archeology. Rochester, N. Y. Rochester Academy of Science. Rolla, Mo. Missouri School of Mines. Sacramento, Cal. State Mining Bureau. Salem, Mass. Kssex Institute. Peabody Academy of Science. San Diego, Cal. San Diego Society of Natural History. San Francisco, Cal. California Academy of Science. Technical Society of the Pacific Coast. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Geographical Society of California. Santa Barbara, Cal. Society of Natural History. Sedalia, Mo. Sedalia Natural History Society. Springfield, Ills. Geological Survey of Illinois. Springfield, Mo. During College Library. PTO St. Louis, Mo. Journal of Ophthalmology. Missouri Botanical Garden. Washington University Library. St. Louis University Library. Public Library. Mercantile Library. St. Paul, Minn. Geological and Natural History Survey of Minne- sota. Topeka, Kas. Kansas Academy of Science. Trenton, N. J. Trenton Natural History Society. Urbana, O. Central Ohio Scientific Association. Washington, D. C. American Academy of Medicine. United States War Department. Engineer Depart- ment, U. S. A. Chief Signal Office. Geological Survey. United States Fish Commission. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Education. Smithsonian Institution. United States Naval Observatory. Bureau of Ethnology. Bureau of Entomology. Philosophical Society. ce Fes Worcester, Mass. American Antiquarian Society. Worcester Society of Antiquity. VICTORIA. Melbourne. Royal Society of Victoria. National Museum of Victoria. LOCATIONS OF SOCIETIES AND INSTI- TUTIONS. Alphabetically arranged by towns. PAGE. Aaran . ; 4 ; 63 Belfast Abbeville : 2 : 43 Bergen Adelaide : : ‘ 62 Berlin Alais ‘ : 2 ; 43 Bern Albany . 7 ; ; 64 Besancon USCC pei ate Sagan 37 ~—_— Bistritz Alnwick . : : ; 42 Bologna. Altenburg : ; 48 Bombay . Amiens : P ; 43 Bonn Amsterdam . ‘ 5 58 Bordeaux Angers . . : ‘ 44 Boston Ann Arbo : ; . © 65 Braunschweig BVErSi eee te a : 40 Bremen Arras ; ? , 44 Breslau rosbure. (24. ee, 48 Brisbane Austin. : ; : 65 Bristol Autun . Pe Se : 44 Brookville Auxerre . : : < 44 Brunn Avranches : . : 44 Bruxelles Baltimore ; : ; 65 Budapest Bamberg ; : : 48 Buenos Aires. Barcelona ; ‘ 62 Buffalo Bar-le-Duc . ; : 44 Bukarest Basel ; d ; : 638 Caen Bastia . ; : 41 Calcutta. Batavia . : : F 57 Cambridge Baton Rouge . ; : 65 Catania : Bayeux . ; ; . 44 Chalons-sur-Marne Bayonne : 44 Chambéry My ps lala PAGE. 55 59 49 63 44 37 55 54 49 44 65 49 49 49 60 42 65 37 40 38 d7 65 60 45 55 65 55 45 45 Champaign Chapel Hill Charleston Charlottesville Chemnitz Cherbourg Chicago . Christiania Chur Cincinnati Cleveland Columbia Cordoba (Arg. Rep? ) Cordova (Spain) Danzig Darmstadt Davenport Denver Des Moines Dijon Derpt Draguignan Dresden Dublin Durkheim Edinburgh Elboeuf . Emden Epinal Erfurt Evreux Firenze . Frankfurt-am- “Main Frankfort-an-der- Oder Frauenfeld Fribourg Freiburg-im- Ppratsene ; Genéve Genova 59 Giessen . Glasgow Golden Gorlitz Gottingen Granville Gratz Greifswald Grenoble Guatemala Gustrow Haarlem Halifax (Cansdasee Halifax (England) Halle-an-der-Saale Hamburg Hamilton Hanau Hannover Hanover Heidelberg Helsinfors Hermannstadt Hobarttown Houston. Ithaca Jefferson City Jena Kansas City Karlsruhe Kassel Kazan Krakau Kew Kiel Kiew Kingston Kjobenhavn Klagenfurt 7 tate PAGE. 50 62 67 50 51 67 38 51 46 54 51 58 41 42 51 51 41 51 51 67 51 60 38 64 67 67 67 62 67 52 52 60 61 42 52 61 57 42 38 Kiausenburg Knoxville Konigsberg Laibach . Landshut Lausanne Leeds Leiden Leipa Leipzig Liége Lincoln Linz Lisbon Liverpool Louisville Louvain . London Lund Luneburg Luxemburg Lyon Madison . Madrid: . Magdeburg Manchester Manoheim Marburg Marseilles Melbourne Meriden . Metz Mexico Middleburg Milano Milwaukee Minneapolis Modena . Montpellier PAGE. Montauban Montreal Moskva Mount Hamilton Miinchen Minster . Nancy Napoli Neufchatel Nevers New Brighton Newcastle-on-Tyne New Haven New Orleans New York Nice Niort Northfield Nurnberg Odessa Offenbach Osnabruck Ottawa Padova Palermo Paris Passau Pau Peoria Perpignan Philadelphia Pisa Portland Poughkeepsie Posen Prag Pressburg Princeton Quebec (0) = PAGE. Regensburg . * Reichenberg Reims Riga Rio Janeiro © Rochester Rolla Roma Rotterdam Rowen Sacramento Salem Salzburg Saint Brieuc Saint Dié Saint Dizier Saint Gall San Diego St. Louis mt. Paul. Sankt Petersburg San Francisco San José. Santa Barbara Santiago Sedalia Siena Singapore Springfield, Ill. Springfield, Mo. Stettin Stockholm Stuttgart Sydney Thorn Throndjhem Tiflis Tokio Topeka Torino Toronto . Toulouse Trencsén Trenton . Trieste Tromsoe. Urbana. . Upsala Utrecht Vendédme Venizia Vesteras Vitry-le-Francois . Washington Wien Wiesbaden Winnipeg Worcester Wurzburg York Zurich ; Zwolle ; < SG ULE PAGE. 63 | 54 59 54 60 ol BT 71 5T 41 48 39 71 39 59 71 63 59 48 57 PUBLICATIONS. The Academy has published its transactions in octavo volumes containing approximately 650 pages each. Except Volume II each of these was divided into four numbers. Volume II contained but three numbers. Number 1 of Volume I was issued in 1857 and Volume V was completed in December, 1891. In January, 1892, the method of publication was changed and each paper accepted for publication since that date has been printed and the copies distributed as soon as printed, such papers bearing consecutive numbers in Volume VI. The Academy has published in addition two special mordgraphs in quarto. The first in 1880, containing ‘‘ Con- tributions to the Archzeology of Missouri’’ and the second in 1891, containing ‘‘ The Report of the Washington Univer- sity Eclipse Expedition.’’ The Journal of the Meetings of the Academy is printed in appendices to the separate volume. The dates of issue of the different numbers were as follows: Volume I, No. 1, 1857. ab Lohecre no. 1858. i Tis 58. ohh 1859. A: ee 1860. < | 8 ee aan 1863. a Iu Cece ye 1866. 6 bh Meas aoa 1868. Ree ase by 1873. Ph K's eee bs ee ’ 66 ee) Volome 1 a aaa ae | aaa a's 3 : 6 STV AN, fe : IV, 6s IV ‘ ce we a ett eC ie Yate deer TS = i=) fay SUBJECT INDEX OF VOLUMES I, I, Il, IV AND V. 1857-1891. Acorn-cups, A New Gallon, C. V. Riley, Vol. III, No. 4. Acorns and Their Germination, G. Engelmann, Vol. IV, No. 1. Agave, Notes on, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. III, No. 3. Agave, Addition to Notes on, G. Engelmann, Vol. III, No. 3. Agave Shawii, The Flowering of, G. Engelmann, Vol. III, No. 4. American Trotting Horse, The Evolution of, F. E. Nipher, Vol. LY, No. 3, Ancient Graves in Pike County, G. C. Broadhead, Vol. II, No. 2. Anisopteryx, Pometaria Harr, and Anisopteryx escularia, W.- V., On the Difference between, with Remarks on the Genus Paleacrita. Chas. V. Riley, Vol. III, No. 4. Anthophyta and Pteridophyta of Ames, Iowa, Catalogue of A. 8. Hitchcock, Vo). V,- Nos. 3 and 4. Antiquities Cyprian, Planetary Configurations on, G. Seyffarth, Vol. IV, No. 3. Archeology of Missouri, A. J. Conant, Vol. III, No. 3. Archeology of Missouri, Contributions to, W. B. Potter, Special Publication, 1880. Army Worm (Bombyx graminis), A. Wislizenus, Vol. II, No. 1. Artesian Well (Belcher’s), A. Litton, Vol. I, No. 1. Atmospheric Electricity, A. Wislizenus, Vol. II, No. 1. Atmospheric Electricity, A. Wislizenus, Vol. II, No. 2. Atmospheric Electricity, Temperature and Humidity, Yearly Re- port for 1867, A. Wislizenus, Vol. II, No. 3. Atmospheric Electricity, A. Wislizenus, Vol. [II, No. 1. Atmospheric Waves, from West to East along the Great Lakes, J. M. Bigelow, Vol. II, No. 1. Ba Oo Auroral Phenomena, Sept. 12, 1881, E. A. Engler, Vol. IV, No. 2. Barium Group, The Analysis of the, C. Luedeking, Vol. V, Nos. 3 and 4. Base, Secondary, in Geodetic Surveys, O. B. Wheeler, Vol. V, Nos. 1 and 2. Bismuth, Fused, Anomalous Densities of; Dr. Chas. Lue Vol. V, Nos. 1 and 2. . mee Occurrence of in Missouri, G. C. Broadhead, Vol. I, No. Pigeioidost B. F. Shumard. Vol. I, No. 2. Blastoidea, from Sub-carboniferous rocks of Kentucky, Sidney S. Lyon, Vol. I, No. 4. Blister-beetles, belonging to the Genera Macrobasis Lec. and Epi- canta Fabr., the Larval Characters and Habits of, with Re- marks on other Species of the Familiy Meloidea, Chas. V. Riley, Vol. III, No. 4. Brachiopod from the Potsdam Sandstone of Texas, B. F. Shumard, Vol. I, No. 4. ; Bryozoa, lst Series, Hiram A. Prout, Vol. I, No. 2 Bryozoa, 2d Series, Hiram A Prout, Vol. I, No. 2. Bryozoa, New Species of, Hiram A. Prout, Vol. 1, No. 2. Bryozoa, 3d Series, Hiram A. Prout, Vol. I, No. 3. Bryozoa, 4th Series, description of, Hiram A. Prout, Vol. I, No. 4. Bryozoa, New, Hiram A. Prout, Vol. II, No. 2. Burnt Brick from Nineveh, G. Seyffarth, Vol. I, No. 1. Butterflies Hackberry, Descriptions of the Early Stages of Apatura Lycaon, Fabr., and of Apatura Herse, Fabr., with _. Remarks on their Synonymy, Chas. V. Riley, Vol. III, No. 2. -Cactus-Flora of the United States, Additions to the, Geo. Engel- mann, Vol. II, No. 1. Canker-worms, Remarks on, and Descriptions of a New Genus of Phaleenide, Chas. V. Riley, Vol. III, No. 3. Canon (Great) of the Colorado, Account of the Passage through by Mr. James White in 1867. With Geological Notes. C.C. Parry, Vol. II, No. 3. Carabid, Transformations of a, J. C. Duffy, Vol. V, Nos. 3 and 4. Carboniferous and Devonian Rocks of Missouri, Description of New Fossils from, G. C. Swallow, Vol. I, No. 4. Carboniferous System of Southern Illinois, On the ig Henry Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 1. Bea ya Champollion and Renouf, Critical remarks on, Dr. G. Seyffarth, Vol. I, No. 4. Chemistry of Combustion, Contribution to, C. Luedeking, Vol. V, Nos. 3 and 4. Chloroform, The Post-mortem Detection of, Dr. Chas. Luedeking, Vol. V, Nos. 1 and 2. Climate at the Base of the Rocky Mountains, Geo. Engelmann, Volali, No: 2: Climatic Change in Illinois, its Cause, A. Sawyer, Vol. III, No. 2, Coal Measures of Missouri, G. C. Broadhead, Vol. II, No. 2. Comparative Anatomy, Remarks on, in reference to Organotactic Laws and Phyllotactic Numbers, Dr. T. C. Hilgard, Vol. I, No. 4. Cretaceous Fossils from Texas, Description of, B. F. Shumard, Vol. I, No. 4. Cretaceous Strata of Texas, Observations upon, B. F. Shumard, Vol. I, No. 4. Crinoidea, New Fossil, B. F. Shumard, Vol. I, No. 1. Cuscuta, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. I, No. 3. Dicotyledonous Leaves in Cretaceous Strata of Texas, B. F. Shumard, Vol. II, No. 1. Digastric Muscle of the Human Being, ‘‘ Reversion of Type”? in, C. A. Todd, Vol. IV, No. 2. Draba brachycarpa, On the Dimorphism of, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. I, No. 1. Dyas in Nebraska, (translation by N. Holmes), Jules Marcou, Wolk EL No. 3: Harthquakes, Catalogue of, in 1871, Richard Hayes, Vol. IU, No. l. Earthquakes in 18'72-3, Catalogue of, Richard Hayes, Vol. III, No. 2% Echinodermata, Catalogue of the Palzozoic, B. F. Shumard, Vol. II, No. 2. Eclipse of the Sun, Jan.1,1889, Report of Washington University Eclipse Party (H. S. Pritchett, F. E. Nipher, E. A. Engler, C. M. Charroppin, Felipe Valle, J. E. Keeler). Special Publi- cation. 1891. Egyptian Theology, according to a Paris Mummy-coffin, Dr. G. Seyffarth, Vol. IV, No. 1. 6 — 81 — Egyptian Seal, G. Seyffarth, Vol. I, No. 2. Electrometer Dellman, used by Dr. A. Wislizenus, On the scale value of, F. E. Nipher, Vol. V, 1 and 2. Electrical Resistance, On the Expression of, in Terms of a Velocity. F. E. Nipher, Vo]. IV, No. 3. George Engelmann, M. D., Biography of, Enno Sander, Vol. IV, No. 4. BGpBocP A Seedcoats of the Genus, L. H. Pammel, Vol. V, Nos. 3 and 4. Field of Force due to a Single Mass, On certain Properties of, ‘Francis E. Nipher, Vol. V, Nos. 3 and 4. Firs, American (Abies Link), Synopsis of, G. Engelmann, Vol. III, No. 4. , Flowers and Insects, Asclepiadaceee to Scrophulariaceee, Charles Robertson, Vol. V, Nos. 8 and 4. Flowers and Insects, Umbelliferee, Charles Robertson, Vol. V, Nos. 3 and 4. Fossil Horse in Kansas, G. C. Swallow, Vol. II, No. 2. Fossils, Description of New, G. C. Swallow, Vol. II, No. 1 Fossils, Description of New Paleozoic, B. F. Shumard, Vol. II, No. 1. Fossils, New, Shumard and Swallow, Vol. I, No. 2. Fossils, New, Shumard and Evans, Vol. I, No. 1. Fossils, New, B. F. Shumard, Vol. I, No. 3. ‘Fossils, Niagara, J. W. Spencer, Vol. IV, No. 4. Fossils, New, from the Primordial Zone of Wisconsin and Missouri, B. F. Shumard, Vol. II, No. 1. Fossils, Permian, on B. F. Shumard, Vol. I, No. 2. Fossils, Tertiary and Cretaceous, B. F. Shumard, Vol. I, No. 2. Fungi, On the two species of, destructive to vineyards, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 1. Fossil Tooth from Virginia, A, H. A. Prout, Vol. I, No. 4. Galvanometer, Lecture, On a New Form of, F. E. Nipher, Vol. III, No. 3. Gasteropoda from the Coal Measures of Texas, Description of, B. F. Shumard, Vol. I, No. 4. Gentiana, New Species of, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 1 Geology of Kansas and Nebraska, Jules Marcon, Vol. I, No. 4. Geology of Kansas, Mr. Meek’s Notes on his Preliminary Report, G. C. Swallow, Vol. II, No. 8. Aaa Sy ae Geology, Macon County, Missouri, Notes on, W. J. McGee, U. S. Geologist, Vol. V, Nos. 1 and 2. Geology of New Mexico, G. G. Shumard, Vol. I, No. 2. Geology of New Mexico, G. G. Shumard, Vol. I, No. 3. Geology of Ste. Genevieve Co., Remarks upon Dr. B. F. Shumard’s | paper on, A. H. Worthen, Vol. I, No. 4. . Geological and Geographical Description of the Human Race, N. Holmes, Vol. IV, No. 1. Geological Surveys (Missouri), G. C. Broadhead, Vol. IV, No. 4. Glycerine, Dr. Jas. Schiel, Vol. I, No. 1. Grape Culture, G. C. Swallow, Vol. I, No. 2. Grape Phyllaxera, Notes on the Natural History of (P. vastatrix Planchon), C. V. Riley, Vol. III, No. 3. Grape Vines of Missouri, Notes on, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. I, No. 4. Grasses, Dicecious, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. I, No. 3. Hail, Formation of, Spencer Smith, Vol. I, No. 2. Heats, On the Specific, Specific Gravities, and the Heats of Hydra- tion of the Acids of the Fatty Series, and their Mixtures with Water, Dr. Chas. Luedeking, Vol. IV, No. 4. Heat, Arid, of September, 1864, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 2. Hieroglyphic Tablet of Pompeium, grammatically translated and commented upon, G,. Seyffarth, Vol. IV, No. 2. Hydration of Colloids, C. Luedeking, Vol. V, Nos. 3 and 4, Hymenoptera, Descriptions of North American, with notes by EH. T. Cresson, B. D. ‘Walsh, Vol. III, No. 1. Icterus, On a new, Dr. Henry Shimer, Vol. II, No. 2. Indian Mounds, Results of Investigations of, Jas. R. Gage, Vol. LETS ANO; 2; Ilicineee and Celastracez, Revision of North American, Wm. Tre- lease, Vol. V, Nos. 3 and 4, Indian Stone Graves, A. Wislizenus, Vol. I, No. 1. Iodine in Blow-piping, H. A. Wheeler and C. Luedeking, Vol. IV, No. 4. Iodine, Action of the Electric Discharge on, C. Luedeking, Vol, V, Nos. 8 and 4. Iron Manufacture in Missouri, A General Review of the Metallur- gical Districts and their Resources, A. Schmidt, Vol. I1I, No. 3. clash <3 plate Iron Ores, Occurrence of in Missouri, Jas. R. Gage, Vol. III, No.c3, Isentropic Curve, Property of, fora Perfect Gas as drawn upon the Thermodynamic Surface of Pressure, Volume and Temper- ature, F. E. Nipher, Vol. IV, No. 3. Isodynamic Surfaces, of the Compound Pendulum, Francis E. Nipher, Vol. IV, No. 4. Isoetus, The Genus in North America, G. Engelmann, Vol. IV, NON. Juncus, Revision of the North American Species of, Geo. Engel- mann, Vol. II, No. 2. Juncus, North American Species, Revision of (continued), Geo. Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 3. Junipers American, of the Section Sabina, Geo. Engelmann, — Vol. III, No. 4.. Lead and Zinc Deposits of Southwest Missouri, the Forms and Origin of, Adolph Schmidt, Vol. III, No. 2. Leeds Mummy-Coffin, G. Seyffarth, Vol. I, No. 3. Linaceee, Revision of North American, William Trelease, Vol. V, Nos. 1 and 2. Locust, The Rocky Mountain, and the Season of 1875, G. C. Broadhead, Vol. III, No. 8. Loess and Drift of Missouri and Illinois, remarks on, and upon the Big Mound at St. Louis, Nath. Holmes, Vol. II, No. 3. Long’s Peak, Altitude of, Geo. Engelmann. Low-water Mark at New Orleans, On the elevation of, above the Gulf, Lieut. G. K. Warren, Vo). II, No. 1. ) Lycoperdon Missouriense, Description of, (Contrib. from Shaw School of Bot. No. 3), Wm. Trelease, Vol. V, Nos. 1 and 2. Magnetic Observations in Missouri, Summer of 1878, Francis EK. Nipher, Vol. IV, No. 1. : Magnetic Determinations in Missouri, Summer of 1879, F. E. Nipher, Vol. IV, No. 1. Magnetic Determinations in Missouri, during the Summer of 1880, F. E. Nipher, Vol. IV, No. 2. Magnetic Survey of Missouri, Fourth Annual Report, F. E. Nipher, Vol. IV, No. 3. Magnetic Survey of Missouri, Fifth Annual Report, F. E. Nipher, Vol. 4, No. 3. Mastodon, A. Wislizenus, Vol. I, No. 2. Lore eee ee a. ee a ee — F — —-— a, ee ft ae. eee es el Mastodon Remains, A. C. Koch, Vol. I, No. 1. Matter and Force, Thoughts on, A. Wislizenus, Vol. II, No. 2. Meloidea, A Remarkable New Genus in, infesting Mason-bee Cells in the United States, Chas V. Riley, Vol. III, No. 4. Mercury, Observations of the Transit of, H. S. Pritchett, Vol. V, Nos. 3 and 4, Meteor, December 27, 1875, G. C. Broadhead, Vol. IZI, No. 3. Meteroite, Notice of a Supposed, B. F. Shumard, Vol. II, No. 1. Meteorites, Haidinger’s Theory of, Notice of, Nathaniel Holmes, Vol. II, No. 1. Meteoric Iron from Nebraska, Analysis of, Hiram A. Prout, Vol. 1, No. 4. Meteoric Iron from Nebraska, Nathaniel Holmes, Vol. I, No. 4. Meteoric Iron of Texas, Notice of, B. F. Shumard, Vol. I, No. 4. Meteoric Showers, Observations of, Richard Hayes, Vol. II, No. 3. Meteorological Observations, 1857, Vol. I, No. 1. Meteorological Observations, 1859, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. I, No. 4. Meteorological Observations in 1861, A. Wislizenus, Vol. II, No.1, Meteorological Tables for 1860-61, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. II, » Nowe. Meteorological Tables for 1862, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 1. Meteorological Tables for 1863, 1864, 1865, Geo. Engelmann, Vor IL No:.2; Meteorological Tables for 1866-7, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 3. Meteorology, Wislizenus and Engelmann, Vol. I, No. 3. Meteorology, A. Wislizenus, Vol. I, No. 2. Microgasters, Notes on North American, with descriptions of New Species, C. V. Riley, Vol. IV, No. 2. Millerite, On the occurrence of, in St. Louis, A. V. Leonhard, Vol. IV, No. 38. Mineralogy of Missouri, Notes on, A. V. Leonhard, Vol. IV, No. 3. Mississippi River at St. Louis in 1861, Stage of, G. Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 1. Mississippi River, Stage of, G. Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 2. -Missouri Rainfall, with averages for ten years ending Dec., 1887. F. E. Nipher, Vol. V, Nos. 3 and 4. Pie hen ES Mites, Description of two new subterranean, Chas. V. Riley, Vol. III, No. 2. . Moon’s Motions, Correction of the Present Theory of, according to the classic eclipses, G. Seyffarth, Vol. III, No. 4. Moths, Description of two new, C. V. Riley, Vol. ill, No. 2. Mound (Big) at St? Louis, Nath. Holmes, Vol. I, No. 4. Mound Explorations in Southeastern Missouri, C. Crosswell, Vol. III, No. 4. Natural Series, T. C. Hilgard, Vol. I, No. 2. Nelumbeum luteum, Remarks on, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 1. Nuphar polysepalum, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 2. Oaks of the United States, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. III, No. 3. Oaks of the United States, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. III, No. 4. Oil Springs in Missouri, B. F. Shumard, Vol. II, No. 2. Opossum, Gestation of, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 2. Organotaxis, T. C. Hilgard, Vol. I, No. 3. Output of the Non-Condensing Steam Engine, as a Function of Speed and Pressure, F. E. Nipher, Vol. V, Nos. 3 and 4. Oxalis Suksdorfii, Measurements of the Trimorphic Flowers of (Contrib. from Shaw School of Botany, No. 2), Vol. V, Nos. 1 and 2, W. G. Eliot, Jr. Oxalis Suksdorfii, Observations of, Wm. Trelease, Vol. V, Nos. 1 and 2. Ozone, Observations on, A. F. Bandelier, Vol. II, No. 2. Paleozoic Echinodermata, Description of New, G. Hambach, Vol IV, Noz3: Papyrus Scroll, A Remarkable, Dr. G. Seyffarth, Vol. I, No. 4. Pentremites, Contributions to the Anatomy of the Genus, with descriptions of New Species, G. Hambach, Vol. IV, No. 1. Pentremites, Notes about the Structure and Classification of, G. Hambach, Vol. IV, No. 38. Phlomistuberosa, L., On the Pollination of, and the Perforation of Flowers, L. H. Pammel, Vol. V, Nos. 1 and 2. Phyllotaxis, T. C. Hilgard, Vol. I, No. 1. Pike’s Peak, Ascent of, C. C. Parry, Vol. II, No, 1. Pike’s Peak and Other Points, Altitude of, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 1: Pinus Aristata, On a new Species of Pine, and some other Pines of the Rocky Mountains, G. Engelmann, Vol. IJ, No. 1. De rots Pinus, Revision of the Genus, and Description of Pinus Elliottii, G. Engelmann, Vol. IV, No. 1. Planets, Original Egyptian names of, according to.a Turin papyrus, and some other new Planetary Configurations, G. Seyffarth, Vol. IV, No. 3. Platycrinus aud other Fossils from the Mountain Limestone of Illinois and Jowa, A. H. Worthen, Vol. I, No. 4. Population of the United States, Furmula for Predicting, H. 8. Pritchett, Vol. V, Nos. 3 and 4. Porphyries, Age of Our, G. C. Broadhead, Vol. III, No. 3. Porphyry Hills of Southeast Missouri, Age of, Edwin Harrison, Vol. II, No.8. Pressure of the Wind on Roofs and Inclined Surfaces, J. H. Kinealy, Vol. V, Nos. 3 and 4. Productus, New Species of, Hiram A. Prout, Vol. I, No. 1. Pronuba Yuccasella, Supplemeatary Notes on, Chas. V. Riley, Vol. III, No. 1. Pronuba Yuccasella, Further Remarks on, and on the Pollination of Yucca, Chas. V. Riley, Vol. III, No. 4. Pselaphidee, Synopsis of the Family of, Dr. Emil Brendel, Vol. V, Nos. 1 and 2. Pulp of the Cactus fruit, On the Nature of, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 1. Rains (Heavy) at St Louis, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 2. Rain and Snow, Fall of, from 1889-1861, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. Lie Noel, Red Spider, Observations on a Coccinellid, enemy of, J. C. Duffy, Vol. V, Nos. 3 and 4, Refraction, On Certain Problems in, Francis E. Nipher, Vol. IV, No. 2. Ribes, On the Structure of the Fruit and Seed of, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 1. Rivers, Improvement of Western, C. M. Scott, Vol. IV, No. 1. Rocks of Kansas, G. C. Swallow, Vol. I, No. 2. Rocks of Kansas, Carboniferous, G. C. Broadhead, Vol. IV, No. 3. Rocks of Kentucky, Stratigraphical Arrangement of, Sidney S. Lyon, Vol. I, No. 4. Rocky Mountains, Physiography of, C. C, Parry, Vol. II, No. 2. ' Rock Salt of Louisiana, Analysis of, E. Sander, Vol II, No. 3. ENS ache Rock Salt ea ee Deposit in Louisiana, aves Owen, Vol. Ii, No. Sarracenia parole Descriptions and Natural “History of two ‘Insects which brave the dangers of, Chas. V. Riley, Vol. III, No. 2. Satellites of Mars for the Opposition of 1881, Ephemeris of, H. -§. Pritchett, Vol. IV, No. 2 Silurian Strata, Vertical Section of, B. F. Shumard, Vol. II, NOAA Snow, Accumulations in the Rocky Mountains, Persistent, On the character of, and certain features of the Alpine Flora, - “. OF Parry, Vol. II, No. 3. Snow-storm, On a remarkable, G. Engelmann, Vol. IT, No. 1, Spiral on a Torus, A, J. H. Kinealy, Vol. V, Nos..1 and 2. Spirifer, New Varieties of, G. C. Swallow, Vol. II, No. 2. Springs (Late) in St. Louis, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 2. Spring of 1860, Meteorological Peculiarity of, George Engelmann, Vol. I, No. 4. St. Louis, Elevation of, above the Gulf, George Engelmann, ? Vol, 1,iNor4: Surface Integrals in Meteorology, Francis E. Nipher, Vol. V, Nos. 3 and 4. Symbolism, On Prof. Chase’s Intellectual, Nathaniel Holmes, Vol. II, No. 2. ' Tchikilli’s Kasi’hta, Legend in the Creek and Hitchiti Languages. Albert 8S. Gatschet, Vol. V, Nos. 1 and 2. Temperatures, The Mean and Extreme daily, in St. Louis during forty-seven years, as calculated from daily observations, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. IV, No. 3. Temperature and Relative Humidity in City and Country, differ- ence of, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 1. Temperature, Winter, in St. Louis, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 2. Temperatures, Winter, R. EK. Nipher, Vol. V, Nos. 3 and 4. Terebratula Mormonii, Jules Marcou, Vol. III, No. 2. Thunderstorms, Observations on, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. H, Now Tineide, on anew Genus in the Lepidopterous Family, with remarks upon the Fertilization of Yucca, C. V. Riley, Vol. III, No. 1. Topaz in Utah, Henry Engelmann, Vol. II, No. 1. Tornado of April14, 18'79, Wadsworth and Nipher, Vol. No. ae ee Ss ee Tortricide, Descriptions of some New (Leaf-rollers), C..V. Riley, Vol. LV,‘No. 2. Trias of Kansas, The, Maj. F. Hawn, Vol. I, No. 2. Trilobites, Some New Sedalia, A. W. Vogdes, Vol. V, Nos. 3 and 4. Valence and Atomic Weight, The Graphical Representation of the Relation between, C. J. Reed, Vol. 1V, No. 4. Verbene, Hybrid, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. I, No. 4. Vibrium and Cornus, On the Fruits of, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. II, SNOT, Well at the Insane Asylum, St. Louis County, G. C. Broadhead, Vol. ILI,.No. 2. Wislizenus, Frederick Adolphus, Dr. G. J. Engelmann, Vol. V, Nos. 8 and 4. Yucca Borer, Notes on Megathymus yucce (Walk.), Chas. V. Riley, Vol. III, No. 3. Yucca, Notes on the Genus, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. III, No. 1. Yucca, Notes on the Genus, No. 2, Geo. Engelmann, Vol. III, No. 2. Yucca Moth, On the Oviposition of, Chas. V. Riley, Vol. III, No. 2. . ; Yucca, Addition to Article Vol. III, p. 17, G. Engelmann, Vol. III, No. 3. Zoque: The Language spoken at Santa Maria de Chimalapa, and at San Migual and Tierra Blanca in the State of Chiapas, Mexico, A. Coruna y Colludo, (Trans. by J. A. Dacus), Vol. IV, No. 1. BS Gries 7 eee ot A Pets ot og ee eae * ate hl ; Me “ a si! 7 ons . 2 2 : eles « j ae. ’ os , } : f iL F . é aw “ P ay d tol , 2 5 t o Uh ee ’ 7 : “ ‘ ‘ B + * s : at y ; } ’ Ch “ey y “a ‘ a ¥ 7 “ ¥ . a ' $3 Ory x ‘ t 4 F F Ng ; | $ © ; : et - 7 k F ‘ . i | Fyne os } é ; my ' ~ es : t sa) f , ; rm : i | : ‘ ‘ y , ; \ 3 r aAt 4 Z oy heed F fe 4 ’ oe A ; ie : ; sre ind Pr + : 5 ‘ t ' ; } | * d : | | | 3 , J ; ~~ , y : *y * i i r i ; ds fh x . + ‘ 7 ~ ¢ dl ’ ‘ ‘ ; , i / = ait ; : ) | ; r « } . { » i | # « > - | ie, beeen e i) ; | | ; . | : + : | J . : i : ; } i ' i oe ig _- ~ 2 a a : op « a “ : ie - e. ah? 4 - LIST OF AUTHORS. Bandelier, A. F. Bigelow, Dr. J. M. Brendel, Dr. Emil. Broadhead, G. C. Conant, A. J. Coruna y Colludo, A. Croswell, C. Dacus, J. A. Duty de C: Eliot, W. G., Jr. Engelmann, Geo. Engelmann, Dr. G. J. Engelmann, Henry. Eogler, HE. A. Evans, Dr. John. Gage, Jas. R. Gatschet, Albert S. Hambach, G. Harrison, Edwin. Hawn, F. Hayes, Richard. Hilgard, T. C. Hitchcock, A. S. Holmes, N. Kinealy, J. H. Koch, A.C. Leonhard, A. V. Litton, A. Luedeking, Dr. Chas. Lyon, Sidney S. Marcou, Jules, -McGee, W. J. Nipher, Francis E. Norwood, J. G. Owen, Richard. Pammel, L. H. Parry, C. C. Potter, W. B. Pritchett, H. S. Prout, Hiram A. Reed, C. J. Riley, C. V. Robertson, Chas. Sander, Enuo. Sawyer, A. Schiel, Dr. Jas. Schmidt, A. Scott, C. M. Seyffarth, G. Shimer, Dr. Henry. Shumard, B. F. Shumard, G. G. Smith, Spencer. Spencer, J. W. Swallow, G. C. Todd, C. A. Trelease, William. Vodges, A. W. Wadsworth, J. L. R. Walsh, B. D. Warren, Lieut. G. K. Wheeler, H. A. Wheeler, O. B. Wislizenus, A. Worthen, A. H. hight y eee