WiVAN pi O@mr-amm @7 F- Lyi iler-iilele Ore LIBRARY OF CONGRESS/ NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA a A co = MARC 21 Format for Classification Data INCLUDING GUIDELINES FOR CONTENT DESIGNATION = Network Development & Library of IW / e - NEY + te National Library _ Bibliotheque nationale MARC Standards Office Congress ~ y WS of Canada du Canada MARC 21 Format for Classification Data INCLUDING GUIDELINES FOR CONTENT DESIGNATION 2000 Edition ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS This edition of the MARC 27 Format for Classification Data has been designed to fit into one 1 % -inch three-ring binder which is supplied with the loose-leaf text of the format. Front and back inside covers on heavier paper are included, along with a set of 18-divider tabs. Most divider tabs are intended to precede a section that bears a similar title (e.g., "1XX Classification Numbers and Terms). A pair of special tabs, left intentionally blank, have been provided for local use. There are no pages in the published format intended to follow these special tabs. These extra tabs are provided for organizing local MARC classification data element pages or related documentation with the text of the published format. (THIS PAGE MAY BE DISCARDED AFTER DOCUMENT ASSEMBLY) MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 Assembly Instructions MARC 21 Format for Classification Data INCLUDING GUIDELINES FOR CONTENT DESIGNATION 2000 Edition Prepared by Network Development and MARC Standards Office Library of Congress In cooperation with Standards and Support, National Library of Canada LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING DISTRIBUTION SERVICE / WASHINGTON NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA OTTAWA Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data MARC 21 format for classification data : including guidelines for content designation / prepared by Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress in cooperation with Standards and Support, National Library of Canada. -- 2000 ed. Rev. ed. of: USMARC format for classification data. 1990 ed. c1990; and, Canadian MARC communication format: classification data. 1992. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-8444-1000-4 1. Classification- Books- Data processing. 2. MARC formats. I. Library of Congress. Network Development and MARC Standards Office. II. National Library of Canada. Standards and Support. Z696.A4.M365 2000 025.3'16-dce21 99-053383 Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Main entry under title: MARC 21 format for classification data : including guidelines for content designation 2000 ed. Loose-leaf for updating. Issued also in French under title: Format MARC 21 pour les données de classification. Rev. ed. of USMARC format for classification data, 1990 ed., c1990 and, Canadian MARC communication format: classification data. 1992. ISBN 0-660-17990-3 CCG cat.no. SN3-270/2000E 1. MARC formats. 2. Classification-Books-Data processing. I. Library of Congress. Network Development and MARC Standards Office. II. National Library of Canada. Standards and Support. Z696.A4.M365 2000 025.4'2 C00-900063-1 Available in the U.S.A. and other countries from: Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20541-4912 U.S.A. Available in Canada from: Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada Ottawa, ON K1A OS9 Canada Catalogue no.: SN3-270/2000E Copyright (c) 2000 by the Library of Congress except within the USA. Copyright (c) Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (2000) as represented by the National Library of Canada. This publication may be reproduced without permission provided the source is fully acknowledged. This is a loose-leaf publication intended to be kept up-to-date by the issuing of new and replacement pages. The publication date for the base text is January 2000. It supersedes the December 1990 edition and updates 1-2 of the USMARC Format for Classification Data and the 1992 edition of the Canadian MARC Communication Format: Classification. MARC 21 Format for Classification Data Update No. 1 October 2000 FILING INSTRUCTIONS This update contains loose-leaf pages to be interfiled in the text of the 2000 edition of the MARC 27 Format for Classification Data. Some pages are new, representing newly-defined data elements in the format. However, most pages replace existing pages in the base text. Care should be taken when interfiling replacement pages to be sure needed pages are not discarded. A listing of the substantive changes covered by this update is contained in Appendix E. Changes in the text are marked by a line (|) in the left margin. This mark is used to indicate places where deletions have occurred as well as additions and modifications to the text. This update title page should be filed behind the title page for the base text. Appendix E may be filed in any appropriate location in the text. Prepared by Network Development and MARC Standards Office Library of Congress In cooperation with Standards and Support, National Library of Canada LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING DISTRIBUTION SERVICE / WASHINGTON NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA OTTAWA Available in the U.S.A. and other countries from: Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20541-4912 U.S.A. Available in Canada from: Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada Ottawa, ON K1A OS9 Canada Copyright (c) 2000 by the Library of Congress except within the USA. Copyright (c) Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (2000) as represented by the National Library of Canada. This publication may be reproduced without permission provided the source is fully acknowledged. @ This update is intended to be interfiled with the base text (January 2000) MARC 21 Format for Classification Data Update No. 2 October 2001 FILING INSTRUCTIONS This update contains loose-leaf pages to be interfiled in the text of the 2000 edition of the MARC 27 Format for Classification Data. Some pages are new, representing newly- defined data elements in the format. However, most pages replace existing pages in the base text. This update is divided into two sections. One section contains data element sections or fields issued in their entirety. The other section contains replacements for only parts of a data element section or field. Care should be taken when interfiling replacement pages to be sure needed pages are not discarded. A \|isting of the substantive changes covered by this update is contained in Appendix E. Changes in the text are marked by a line (|) in the left margin. This mark is used to indicate places where deletions have occurred as well as additions and modifications to the text. This update title page should be filed behind the title page for the base text. Appendix E may be filed in any appropriate location in the text. Prepared by Network Development and MARC Standards Office Library of Congress In cooperation with Standards and Support, National Library of Canada LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING DISTRIBUTION SERVICE / WASHINGTON NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA OTTAWA Available in the U.S.A. and other countries from: Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20541-4912 U.S.A. Available in Canada from: Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada Ottawa, ON K1A OS9 Canada Copyright (c) 2001 by the Library of Congress except within the USA. Copyright (c) Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (2001) as represented by the National Library of Canada. This publication may be reproduced without permission provided the source is fully acknowledged. Update No. 2 (October 2001) is interfiled with the base text of January 2000 as modified by Update No. 1 (October 2000). Q. O25 .42028 5579 eo rev ae Contents us5 if 2000 4 Contents INTRODUCTION General information Scope of the classification format Kinds of classification records Types of numbers Classification number usage in bibliographic and authority records Required classification data fields Components of a MARC classification record Description of record parts Multiscript classification records Field and subfield repeatability Fill character and related values Display constants Record content responsibility Organization of this document Main parts General information sections Components of the detailed descriptions Typographical conventions Standards and other documents related to this format Classification schemes National and international standards MARC standards and other related publications ’ Documentation maintenance SUMMARY STATEMENT OF CONTENT DESIGNATORS LEADER AND DIRECTORY VARIABLE CONTROL FIELDS OOX Control Fields-General Information 001 Control Number 003 Control Number Identifier 005 Date and Time of Latest Transaction 008 Fixed-Length Data Elements VARIABLE DATA FIELDS 01X-084 Control Information, Numbers and Codes-General Information 010-042 Control Numbers and Codes O66 Character Sets Present 084 Classification Scheme and Edition 1XX Classification Numbers and Terms-General Information X53 ~=Classification Numbers-General Information 153 Classification Number 154 General Explanatory Index Term Tracing and Reference Fields-General Information 253 Complex See Reference 353 Complex See Also Reference ») 453 Invalid Number Tracing 553 Valid Number Tracing MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 Contents - p. 7 Contents 6XX Note Fields 70X-75X Index Term Fields 76X Number Building Fields 856 Electronic Location and Access 880 Alternate Graphic Representation APPENDIX A - Control Subfields APPENDIX B - Full Level Record Examples APPENDIX C - Multiscript Records APPENDIX D - Glossary APPENDIX E - Format Changes Contents - p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification MARC 21 Format for Classification Data - January 2000 eo ,) oa ee Introduction Introduction The five MARC 21 communication formats, MARC 27 Format for Authority Data, MARC 27 Format for Bibliographic Data, MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data, MARC 27 Format for Classification Data, and MARC 21 Format for Community Information, are widely used standards for the representation and exchange of bibliographic, authority, holdings, classification, and community information data in machine-readable form. A MARC record is composed of three elements: the record structure, the content designation, and the data content of the record. The record structure is an implementation of the international standard Format for Information Exchange (ISO 2709) and its American counterpart, Bibliographic Information Interchange (ANSI/NISO Z39.2). The content designation--the codes and conventions established explicitly to identify and further characterize the data elements within a record and to support the manipulation of that data--is defined by each of the MARC formats. The content of the data elements that comprise a MARC record is usually defined by standards outside the formats. Examples are the ’ Library of Congress Classification (LCC), the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) or other classification schemes used by the organization that creates a record. The content of certain coded data elements is defined in the MARC formats (e.g., the Leader, field 00, subfield +w in the 4XX and 5XX tracing fields.) The MARC 217 Format for Classification Data: Including Guidelines for Content Designation defines the codes and conventions (tags, indicators, subfield codes, and coded values) that identify the data elements in MARC classification records. This document is intended for the use of personnel involved in the creation and maintenance of classification records, in the publication of classification schemes from machine-readable data, as well as those involved in the design and maintenance of systems for the communication and processing of classification records. A section in the documentation entitled scheme-specific conventions describes coding practices for the two major classification schemes, the Library of Congress Classification and the Dewey Decimal Classification. Classification data may be used for online public catalog retrieval systems, online systems for library classifiers (e.g., for machine-assisted classification), systems for the maintenance and development of classification schedules, validation of classification numbers assigned to bibliographic records, and linking to MARC authority records. Wherever possible, classification data elements were designed to be generic, i.e., usable for any classification scheme. Data element features were designed to accommodate the two major classification schemes in use in the United States: Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) and Library of Congress Classification (LCC). Aconcise version of this specification can be found at http://www.loc.gov/marc/classification. A simple field list is located at http://www.loc.gov/marc/classification/ecadlist.html. ee eee Se eee ee SCOPE OF THE CLASSIFICATION FORMAT The MARC 27 Format for Classification Data is designed to be a carrier for information about classification numbers and captions associated with them. The source of the information is the classification scheme identified in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition), subfield +a (Classification scheme code). Kinds of Classification Records MARC classification records are distinguished from all other types of MARC records by the presence of code w (Classification data) in Leader/O6, Type of record. The MARC 27 Format for Classification Data further identifies three kinds of classification records in 008/06, Kind of record: MARC 217 - Classification October 20017 Introduction - p. 7 Introduction i Schedule record - A classification data record in which field 153 (Classification Number) contains a classification number or span from the schedule itself, including a number which has been built from applying add instructions (008/06, code a) i Table record - A classification data record in which field 153 contains a classification number or span from a table. Table numbers generally cannot stand alone and are intended to be added to a base number to form a synthesized classification number (008/06, code b) HB Index term record - A record in which the 1XX field contains a general explanatory term in field 154 (General Explanatory Index Term) that represents a concept that is not related to one classification number or span (008/06, code c) Types of Numbers The MARC classification record is an authority record for the classification number(s) and caption contained in field 153 (Classification Number). Classification numbers with captions may also appear in fields 453 (Invalid Number Tracing) and 553 (Valid Number Tracing). Index term only records contain - an index term in field 154 (General Explanatory Index Term) instead of a classification number and caption in field 153. Three types of classification numbers are defined in the classification format and identified in 008/07 (Type of classification number): i Single number — A single classification number is one classification number; the components of which may be contained in a single or repeatable subfield +a (Single number or beginning number of span) in a record. f@ Defined number span — A defined number span is a range of classification numbers with a beginning number contained in subfield +a and an ending number contained in subfield +c (Ending number of span). The numbers between the beginning and ending numbers are defined by a separate table or subarrangement. Hi Summary number span — A summary number span is also a range of classification numbers with a beginning and an ending number. The caption contained in subfield +j (Caption) summarizes a topic that is represented by the span in subfields +a and +c. A summary number span is not defined by a separate table or subarrangement; instead, the numbers falling within the span are generally defined separately by their own records. Classification Number Usage in Bibliographic and Authority Records MARC bibliographic records may contain classification numbers in fields O50-O9X. MARC authority records may contain classification numbers in fields 053 (LC Classification Number) and 083 (Dewey Decimal Classification Number). Classification numbers may be valid, invalid or, in the case of a span, partially valid. A valid classification number may be used in a bibliographic or authority record by itself or with additional letters or numbers. In the case of a span, a portion of it may be used in a bibliographic record. In addition a number that has been synthesized by correctly applying a table, internal subarrangement or add instructions to a classification number or span is considered valid for use in a bibliographic or authority record; a classification record may or may not be created for synthesized numbers or numbers within spans. A partially valid classification number span is one in which only the beginning or ending number of a span is valid. Only the valid portion may be used in bibliographic or authority records. An invalid number may not be used in a bibliographic or authority record. However, a classification record may Introduction - p. 2 October 2007 MARC 21 - Classification ®) Introduction be created for an invalid number in cases where the reference information cannot be communicated by a simple 453 tracing because a more detailed reference note is required. Invalid numbers in a 153 field of an invalid record or in a 453 field (Invalid Number Tracing) may not be used in bibliographic or authority records. Required Classification Data Fields A classification data record should contain at a minimum the following fields: 008 Fixed-Length Data Elements 084 Classification Scheme and Edition 153 Classification Number or 154 General Explanatory Index Term ee COMPONENTS OF A MARC CLASSIFICATION RECORD A MARC classification record consists of three main components: the Leader, the Directory, and the Variable Fields. The following information summarizes the structure of a MARC record. More detail is provided in MARC 217 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media. Description of record parts ™@ Leader —Data elements that provide information for the processing of the record. The data elements contain numbers or coded values and are identified by relative character position. The Leader is fixed in length at 24 character positions and is the first field of a MARC record. ™@ Directory —A series of entries that contain the tag, length, and starting location of each variable field within a record. Each entry is 12 character positions in length. Directory entries for variable control fields appear first, sequenced by tag in increasing numerical order. Entries for variable data fields follow, arranged in ascending order according to the first character of the tag. The stored sequence of the variable data fields in a record does not necessarily correspond to the order of the corresponding Directory entries. Duplicate tags are distinguished only by the location of the respective fields within the record. The Directory ends with a field terminator character (ASCII 1E, 3). @ Variable fields —The data in a MARC classification record is organized into variable fields, each identified by a three-character numeric tag that is stored in the Directory entry for the field. Each field ends with a field terminator character. The last variable field in a record ends with both a field terminator and a record terminator (ASCII 1D,,). There are two types of variable fields: e Variable control fields -The OOX fields. These fields are identified by a field tag in the Directory but they contain neither indicator positions nor subfield codes. The variable control fields are structurally different from the variable data fields. They may contain either a single data element or a series of fixed-length data elements identified by relative character position. @ Variable data fields -The remaining variable fields defined in the format. In addition to being identified by a field tag in the Directory, variable data fields contain two indicator positions stored at the beginning of each field and a two-character subfield code preceding each data element within the field. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 Introduction - p. 3 Introduction The variable data fields are grouped into blocks according to the first character of the tag, which identifies the function of the data within the record. The type of information in the field @ is identified by the remainder of the tag. OXX Control information, numbers, codes 1XX Classification numbers and terms 2XX Complex see references 3XX Complex see also references 4XX Invalid number tracings 5XX Valid number tracings 6XX Note fields 70X-75X_ Linking entries 76X Number building fields In the fields that contain classification numbers, references and tracings, the final two characters of the tag are the same. (153, 253, 353, 453, 553) 15s Classification Number 253 Complex See Reference 35s Complex See Also Reference 453 Invalid Number Tracing 553 Valid Number Tracing Within the 1XX, 4XX, 5XX blocks, certain parallels of content designation are usually preserved in the subfield coding. Within variable data fields, the following two kinds of content designation are used: e Indicator positions - The first two character positions in the variable data fields that contain values which interpret or supplement the data found in the field. Indicator values are interpreted independently, that is, meaning is not ascribed to the two indicators taken together. Indicator values may be a lowercase alphabetic or a numeric character. A blank (ASCII SPACE), represented in this document as a b, is used in an undefined indicator position. In a defined indicator position, a blank may be assigned a meaning, or may mean no information provided. Subfield codes - Two characters that distinguish the data elements within a field which require separate manipulation. A subfield code consists of a delimiter (ASCII 1F hex), represented in this document as a +, followed by a data element identifier. Data element identifiers may be a lowercase alphabetic or a numeric character. Subfield codes are defined independently for each field; however, parallel meanings are preserved whenever possible (e.g., in the 153, 453, and 553 fields). Subfield codes are defined for purposes of identification, not arrangement. The order of subfields is generally specified by standards for the data content, such as the classification scheme itself. Multiscript Classification Records A MARC classification record may contain data in multiple scripts. One script may be considered the primary script of the data content of the record, even though other scripts are also used for data content. (Note: ASCII is used for the structure elements of the record, with most coded data also specified within the ASCII range of characters.) General models for multiscript data are described in Appendix C, along with several full record examples. : é Introduction - p. 4 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification ») » Introduction Field and Subfield Repeatability Theoretically, all fields and subfields may be repeated. The nature of the data, however, often precludes repetition. For example, a classification record may contain only one 1XX field. The repeatability or non-repeatability of each field and subfield is specified in the format. Fill Character and Related Values A fill character (ASCII 7C hex), represented in this document as a vertical bar (|), may be used in classification records in field O08, and in control subfield +w of the 453 and 553 fields (Invalid and valid Number Tracing). A fill character may not be used in the Leader, or in tags, indicators, or subfield codes. The use of the fill character in a classification record indicates that the format specifies a code to be used, but the creator of the record has decided not to attempt to supply a code. Code n (Not applicable) is defined in many coded positions to indicate that the characteristic defined by the position is not applicable to a specific type of number or kind of record. Display Constants A display constant is a term, phrase, spacing, or punctuation convention that may be system generated under prescribed circumstances in order to make a visual presentation of data in a record more meaningful to a user. In the classification format, certain field tags, subfield codes (e.g., subfields +c, +z), indicator values (e.g., field 684, Auxiliary Instruction Note, first indicator, type of note), and coded values (e.g., control subfield +w/O, Special relationship) may be used to generate specific terms, phrases, and/or spacing or punctuation conventions for the display of a record. The use of display constants is determined by each organization or system. Examples of display constants are provided under Scheme-specific conventions and Input Conventions in the field descriptions. Record Content Responsibility The MARC 21 Format for Classification Data serves as a vehicle for classification data of all types from any organization. In general, the responsibility for the data content, content designation, and transcription of data within a MARC record may be determined by examination of the field indicated in the responsible parties section below. Responsible Parties In unmodified records, the organization identified as the original cataloging source in 040 subfield +a is responsible for the content of the record. The organization identified as the transcribing agency in field 040 +c is responsible for the content designation and transcription of the data. In modified records, the organizations identified in O040+a and +d (Modifying agency) are collectively responsible for the content of the record. Organizations identified as transcribing or modifying agencies in field 040 +c and +d are collectively responsible for the content designation and transcription of the data. Certain data elements are defined in relation to the authoritative agency that maintains the list or rules upon which the data is based (e.g., field 750, Index Term-Topical). An organization using an authoritative-agency data element must use the authoritative list or rules specified for the data element. These lists or rules are specifically identified in the data element descriptions. The responsibility for the content of the data element belongs to the organization identified in subfields +a and +d of field 040. Other data elements are defined in the format as being exclusively assigned by a single agency (e.g., field 010, Library of Congress Control Number). The content of agency-assigned elements is always the responsibility of the agency. The content designation and transcription of the data may be the responsibility of another organization identified in subfield +c of field 040. MARC 21 - Classification October 20017 Introduction - p. 5 Introduction ee ORGANIZATION OF THIS DOCUMENT Main Parts The MARC 27 Format for Classification Data consists of a Summary Statement of Content Designators followed by a detailed presentation of each content designator. Following the descriptions of the Leader and the Directory, the variable control fields are arranged in field tag order (001-008). The variable data fields are presented in the following groupings in order to bring together fields that serve related functions: — Numbers and Codes — Classification Numbers and Terms — Tracings and Reference Fields — Note Fields — Index Term Fields — Number Building Fields — Electronic Location and Access Appendixes to this document provide information about several control subfields (Appendix A), full level record examples (Appendix B), multiscript record examples (Appendix C), a glossary of terms used in the document (Appendix D), and lists of changes to the format since the last edition or update (Appendix E). General Information Sections To avoid repetition, general information sections are provided for groups of fields with similar characteristics. These general information sections provide instructions for the content designators that are common to each field in the group. The description for each of the fields refers back to the general information section for that group. A X53 General Information section is provided for Classification Numbers. This general information section provides instructions for the content designators that are common to classification numbers whether they are used in a 153 classification number field or in a 453 or 553 tracing field. The description for each of the classification number fields refers back to the X53 general information section. A Tracing and Reference Fields-General Information section describes the use of the various reference note fields and tracings in constructing displays of cross references from these fields. It also provides instructions for applying subfields +i, +t and +w in the 453 and 553 tracing fields. The description for each of the reference note fields contains the detailed instructions for the content designators for the field. The user is referred to the Tracing and Reference Fields General Information section only for cross reference display descriptions. The 453 and 553 descriptions refer to both the X53 and the Tracings and References General Information sections for content designator instructions. In addition, the format includes several general information sections to summarize blocks of fields. These are: OOX (Control Fields), 008 (Fixed-Length Data Elements), 1XX (Classification Numbers and Terms), 01X-O8X (Numbers and Codes), 6XX (Note Fields), 70X-75X (Index Term Fields), and 76X (Number Building Fields). Introduction - p. 6 October 2007 MARC 217 - Classification Introduction Components of the Detailed Descriptions A detailed description generally consists of six parts: content designator listing; character position or field definition and scope; guidelines for applying content designators, with examples; input conventions; and content designator history. The content designator listing area presents — the name of the content designator — the repeatability/nonrepeatability code ® or NR) For the Leader and the variable control fields, the list gives the name of the character position and any defined coded value. For the variable data fields, the list gives the name of the indicator positions and any defined coded values and the name of the subfield codes and any defined coded values. For all variable fields, the repeatability/nonrepeatability code at the field level specifies whether the field may be repeated in a record. For variable data fields, the subfield repeatability code specifies whether the subfield code may be repeated within a field. The character position or field definition and scope area describes the contents of the character position or field, the appropriateness of its use in specific kinds of bibliographic records, and gives other information, such as field repeatability in particular circumstances, the use of required lists or rules in formulating the data, etc. The guidelines for applying content designators area describes the content and scope of each coded value, indicator, or subfield code and gives other information, such as appropriateness for use and repeatability in certain circumstances. The coded values and subfield codes in this area are presented in alphabetical/numerical order. Examples showing the use of the content designator are » provided immediately following the description. The examples illustrate the application of specific MARC content designation. The data may be fuller or less full than would be used in actual cataloging practice. In some cases, policy decisions will need to be made concerning the application of MARC content designation. In addition, further editing, articularly of the LCC schedules, may be necessary to encode the data beyond what was done in this document. The scheme-specific conventions area describes inputting practice applicable only to specific classification schemes, as identified by the classification scheme code in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition). Examples include the equivalents of scheme-specific terminology in MARC, display constants, and input conventions only applicable to specific schemes. The input conventions area provides general guidance for the application of the content designators, and for such things as punctuation, spacing, and the use of display constants. The content designator history area provides a record of significant content designator changes. The types of changes that are included are: — newly defined content designators that impact on coding consistency within a file redefined codes and values changes in codes and values for consistency across MARC specifications changes in repeatability when it impacts on file consistency restructuring obsolete content designation. Obsolete content designation formerly defined in only one format are designated [USMARC only] or [CAN/MARC only]; unmarked items were defined in both formats. © In the MARC formats, a distinction is made between obsolete and deleted content designators. An obsolete content designator is one that may have been used in MARC records and that may MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 Introduction - p. 7 introduction continue to appear in records created prior to the date it was made obsolete. Obsolete content designators are not used in new records. An obsolete content designator is recorded in the Content © Designator History area. Content designation instructions are provided for retrospective conversion of records having data elements that would have been identified by the obsolete content designator. A deleted content designator is not recorded in the history area and will no longer appear anywhere in the MARC documentation. A content designator that had been reserved in MARC but has not been defined, or one that had been defined but is known with near certainty not to have been used, may be deleted from the format. A deleted content designator is available for redefinition in a format. Typographical Conventions Throughout this document, the following typographical conventions are used: OQ - The graphic O represents the digit zero in tags, fixed-position character positions, indicator positions, and other places numerics are used. This character must be distinguished from an uppercase letter O in examples or text. b - The graphic symbol 6 is used for a blank in coded fields and in other special situations where the existence of the character blank might be ambiguous. (In most textual examples, the blank is represented in the conventional way, by the absence of a character.) + - The graphic symbol + is used for the delimiter portion of a subfield code. Within the text, subfield codes are referred to as subfield +a, for example. / - Specific character positions of the Leader, Directory, field O08, and subfield +w are expressed using a slash and the number of the character position, e.g., Leader/O6, +w/O. 1 - The graphic 1 represents the digit one. This character must be distinguished from a lowercase alphabet letter | (el) and uppercase alphabetic letter | (eye) in examples or text. | - The graphic | represents a fill character in MARC examples. When this mark appears in the left margin, it indicates areas of the text of this document where changes have been made. STANDARDS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THIS FORMAT The MARC 21 Format for Classification Data should be used with the following standards and related documentation. When a standard is applicable to data in specific fields of the format, the fields are given in brackets following the citation. Classification Schemes Class FC: A Classification for Canadian History. Ottawa: National Library of Canada Class PS8000: A Classification for Canadian Literature. Ottawa: National Library of Canada Dewey, Melvil. Abridged Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index. Albany: Forest Press Dewey, Melvil. Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index. Albany: Forest Press DC&: Dewey Decimal Classification Additions, Notes and Decisions. Albany: Forest Press Library of Congress Classification LC Classification —Additions and Changes National Library of Medicine. National Library of Medicine Classification. Washington: for sale by the Supt Ole DOCS aU non Grey Op Universal Decimal Classification. London: British Standards Institution [also published in other @ languages and various editions] Introduction - p. 8 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification » » Introduction National and International Standards: ISO publications may be obtained from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (www.iso.ch) and its agents; and ANSI/NISO Z39 publications may be obtained from the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) (www.niso.org). Format for Information Exchange (\SO 2709) and Bibliographic Information Interchange (ANSI/NISO 2392) Representations of Dates and Times (ISO 8601) MARC Standards and other related publications: These publications are available from the Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, Washington, DC 20541, USA (Worldwide distribution) and Canadian Government Publishing - PWGSC, Ottawa, Ontario K1A OS9, Canada (Canadian distribution). Where indicated these publications are available on the Internet. MARC 27 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media (www.loc.gov/marc/specifications) MARC Code List for Languages (www.loc.gov/marc/languages) MARC Code List for Organizations (earlier title: Symbols of American Libraries) MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions (www.loc.gov/marc/relators) Symbols and Interlibrary Loan Policies in Canada (www.nic-bnc.ca/6/16/s16-202-e.html) MARC 27 Concise Formats (all five formats in concise form) (www.loc.gov/marc/concise) MARC 27 LITE Bibliographic Format (www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/lite/) MARC 27 Format for Authority Data MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data Subject Cataloging Manual: Classification Subject Cataloging Manual: Shelflisting Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings DOCUMENTATION MAINTENANCE The MAAC 27 Format for Classification Data is prepared by the Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress, in cooperation with Standards and Support, National Library of Canada. Please direct any questions related to the content of this document to either: Network Development and MARC Standards Office Library of Congress 101 Independence Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20540-4402, USA Fax: +1-202-707-0115 Email: ndmso@loc.gov Standards and Support National Library of Canada 395 Wellington St. Ottawa, Ontario K1A ON4, Canada Fax: +1-819-953-0291 Email: marc@nlc-bnc.ca MARC 21 - Classification October 2001 Introduction - p. 9 Introduction The MARC 27 Format for Classification Data is organized on a field-by-field basis with each field separately paged to facilitate the updating of fields. Periodic updates of new and replacement pages for the base text and cumulated versions of the base text will be available from the Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20541-5017, USA (Worldwide distribution) and from the Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), Ottawa, Ontario K1A OS9, Canada (Canadian distribution). Their availability will be announced on the Library of Congress MARC website (www.loc.gov/marc), the National Library of Canada MARC website (www.nlc-bnc.ca/6/19/), on listservs, and through press releases to the library press and to those who purchase the initial base volume. Updates are also available on standing order from the Library of Congress and the Canadian Government Publishing-PWGSC. This publication and all updates are supplied to all purchasers of the Library of Congress MARC Distribution Service tapes of classification records as part of their tape subscription. Introduction - p. 10 October 2001 MARC 21 - Classification » MARC 21 Format for Classification Data - January 2000 Summary MARC 21 Format for Classification Data SUMMARY STATEMENT OF CONTENT DESIGNATORS LEADER DIRECTORY VARIABLE CONTROL FIELDS 001 Control Number 003 Control Number Identifier 005 Date and Time of Latest Transaction 008 Fixed-Length Data Elements VARIABLE DATA FIELDS Control Information, Numbers and Codes 010 Library of Congress Control Number 016 National Bibliographic Agency Control Number 035 System Control Number 040 Record Source 042 Authentication Code 066 Character Sets Present 084 Classification Scheme and Edition Classification Numbers and Terms 153 Classification Number 154 General Explanatory Index Term Tracing and References 253 Complex See Reference $15 Complex See Also Reference 453 Invalid Number Tracing 55.5 Valid Number Tracing Notes 680 Scope Note 681 Classification Example Tracing Note 683 Application Instruction Note 684 Auxiliary Instruction Note 685 History Note 686 Relationship to Source Note Index Terms 700 Index Term-Personal Name 710 Index Term-Corporate Name 711 Index Term-Meeting Name 720 Index Term-Uncontrolled Name 730 Index Term-Uniform Title 750 Index Term- Topical 751 Index Term-Geographic Name f53 Index Term-Uncontrolled 754 Index Term-Faceted Topical Terms MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 Summary - p. 1 Summary Number Building Fields 761 Add or Divide Like Instructions 762 Table Identification 763 Internal Subarrangement or Add Table Entry 764 Rule Identification 765 Synthesized Number Components 768 Citation and Preference Order Instructions Location , Alternate Graphics 856 Electronic Location and Access 880 Alternate Graphic Representation Summary - p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification MARC 21 Format for Classification Data - January 2000 Leader ’ Indicators and Subfield Codes The Leader has no indicators or subfield codes; the data elements are positionally defined. Character Positions 00-04 Record length O05 Record status a__ Increase in encoding level c Corrected or revised d Deleted n New O06 Type of record Ww Classification data 07-08 Undefined character positions O09 Character coding scheme 6 MARC-8 a UCS/Unicode ® 10 = Indicator count 11. Subfield code length 12-16 Base address of data 17 Encoding level n Complete classification record o Incomplete classification record 18-19 Undefined character positions 20-23 Entry map 20 _ = Length of the length-of-field portion 21 Length of the starting-character-position portion 22 Length of the implementation-defined portion 23 Undefined nn FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE The Leader is the first field of a classification record. It is fixed in length at 24 character positions (00-23). The Leader consists of data elements that contain numbers or coded values that define the parameters for the processing of the record. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 Leader - p. 7 Leader Character positions 20-23 comprise the Entry map for the Directory. They contain four one-character numbers that specify the structure of the entries in the Directory. More detailed information about the structure of the Leader is contained in MARC 27 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media. a a ydytS SESS GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS @ CHARACTER POSITIONS 00-04 - Record length The Record length character positions contain a five-character number equal to the length of the entire record, including itself and the record terminator. The number is right justified and unused positions contain zeros. ee 05 - Record status The Record status character position contains a one-character alphabetic code that indicates the relationship of the record to a file for file maintenance purposes. a - Increase in encoding level Code a indicates that the Encoding level (Leader/17) of the record has been changed from o (Incomplete classification record) to n (Complete classification record). c - Corrected or revised Code c indicates that an addition/change has been made to the record. The change, however, does not constitute an increase in the Encoding level (Leader/17) of the record. d - Deleted Code d indicates that the record has been deleted. n - New Code n indicates that the record is a newly input record. a 2 en eee ee O06 - Type of record The Type of record character position contains a one-character alphabetic code that indicates the characteristics of and defines the components of the record. w - Classification data Code w indicates that the content of the record constitutes a classification record. The specific kind of authority record is identified by the code in 008/06 (Kind of record). 07-08 - Undefined character positions These two character positions are undefined; each contains a blank (6). bb - Undefined character positions Leader - p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification (A «¢ 7 . ) s Leader 09 - Character coding scheme This character position contains a code that identifies the character coding scheme used in a record. The coding scheme used affects the number of octets needed per character, the placement of non-spacing characters, and the use of escape sequences and may affect the character repertoire. Detailed information on the character sets used in MARC 21 records is contained in MARC 217 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media. b - MARC-8 Code 6 indicates that the character coding in the record uses the 8-bit character sets described in MARC 217 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media. Non-default character sets used are identified in field O66. a - UCS/Unicode Code a indicates that the character coding in the record makes use of characters from the Universal Coded Character Set (UCS) (ISO 10646), or Unicode™, an industry subset. ——————oo————————————— 10 - Indicator count The Indicator count character position contains a one-character number equal to the number of indicators occurring in each variable data field. (An indicator character position contains a code which conveys information that interprets or supplements the data found in the field.) In MARC 21, two character positions at the beginning of each variable data field are reserved for indicators; therefore, the Indicator count is always 2. 2 - Number of character positions used for indicators 11 - Subfield code length The Subfield code length character position contains a one-character number equal to the number of character positions used for a subfield code in variable data fields. (Each data element in a variable data field is identified by a subfield code.) In MARC 21, a subfield code consists of a delimiter (+) and a lowercase alphabetic or numeric data element identifier; therefore, the Subfield code count is always 2. 2 - Number of character positions used for a subfield code ee rE Seinen oie t an sntiee? 60s he 12-16 - Base address of data The Base address of data character positions contain a five-character number that specifies the first character position of the first variable control field in the record. The number is the base from which the starting character position of all the other fields in the record is addressed in the Directory. (The starting character position in the Directory entry for each field of the record is relative to the first character of the first variable control field rather than the beginning of the record.) The Base address of data is equal to the sum of the lengths of the Leader and the Directory, including the field terminator character at the end of the Directory. The number is right justified and unused positions contain zeros. - Length of Leader and Directory (including the Directory field terminator character) a MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 Leader - p. 3 Leader 17 - Encoding level The Encoding level character position contains a one-character alphanumeric code that indicates whether the classification record is complete or incomplete. n - Complete authority record Code n indicates that the classification record is complete. o - Incomplete authority record Code o indicates that the classification record is incomplete because it does not yet contain all the information needed for a complete record. This character position is used for new records that are incomplete; previously completed records in the process of being changed are coded n in this character position and in 008/10 (Record update in process), they are coded b (Record is being updated). i 18-19 - Undefined character positions These two character positions are undefined; each contains a blank (6). bb - Undefined character positions ES 20 - Length of the length-of-field portion In MARC 21, the length-of-field portion of each Directory entry is always 4 character positions in length. 4 - Number of characters in the length-of-field portion of a Directory entry er 21 - Length of the starting-character-position portion In MARC 21, the starting-character-position portion of each Directory entry is always 5 character positions in length. 5 - Number of characters in the starting-character-position portion of a Directory entry OO 22 - Length of the implementation-defined portion In MARC 21, a Directory entry does not contain an implementation-defined portion; this character position always contains a O. O - Number of characters in the implementation-defined portion of a Directory entry a 23 - Undefined In MARC 21, this character position is undefined; it always contains a O. O - Undefined —____s...___ ee Leader - p. 4 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification Rs al Ww Leader INPUT CONVENTIONS ‘ System-Generated Elements - The following Leader elements are usually system generated: 00-04 Logical record length 06 Type of record 07-08 Undefined character positions 09 Character coding scheme 10 Indicator count a4. Subfield code count 12-16 Base address of data 18-19 Linked record requirement 20-23 Entry map It is common for default values in other Leader elements to be generated automatically as well. Capitalization - Alphabetic codes are input as lower case letters. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 Leader - p. 5 lo a isk ; +e - = icone ee PT a 1) ‘Cares ieee, ry nr = Gablp pa Panty PRASF, > .- i te at owes ¢ enews weleaa) Sap ioe as ? Wo rune (ue SS » ifwas \ +. 0hg % warns ne, im-w Os ie! do aga ra ae ea) a VTA Aa) ; 7! oi cere Ge ee tine Gp ay G1 | Qygest \ iyo & 5. Crate r niet, Mh ICAI al CRY PAG NCAA katana, sal degen th hate i. fo a oe : cg fein ; “‘“rel cotati ge i s peer. « see 6 = a ee eS: - ENT cas aig ce Fe eee Cr aa } , oo me ¢ ar poy! ‘ 7? — aie ol - - ee ——z _— PA AS. = = LL —— oe ' ' ; wii}h<9* i en 2 @ . oh 7 - . ; y i, 1 ! c = s 6 hk y ge _ u um » che " ‘we bev q°-§ (are 0 @ becwmry may. a - a me = - a < ==) Gain,« : Rigi : \; oe Ra je A ae)! y - . vag oo : } ile Sk a ta eertisy Peg Ui ss Mey ieaieded é a = : ‘ . i. ae : - Peat aa eth " > neab i ther tere @ A eating purenueieliars cnctom ota pri ——- - ~ ; - = * oi —_— ——? eee EE y = — ee ee | 1 ad awe ® , ih > ine @ Enea se ' ay, Se. = ug ©? Oea 2 pe A Mee Gores - ’ a a Ze ) oxgnar hae st peal rc) - \. Directory Directory (nr) Indicators and Subfield Codes The Directory has no indicators or subfield codes; the data elements are positionally defined. Character Positions 00-02 Tag 03-06 Field length 07-11 Starting character position Nene nnn ees ___——_— oooSESESE=ESSOoEEESSSSEOoESSEO>—>—E=ESSES=S=EE=EEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOSOOOOOO ——————eaEE=—_—_—_—:!::—__— CHARACTER POSITION DEFINITION AND SCOPE The Directory consists of a series of fixed length entries, with one entry for each variable field (control or data) present in a record. Each Directory entry is 12 character positions in length and contains three portions: the field tag, the field length, and the starting character position. The Directory immediately follows the Leader at the beginning of the record and is located at character position 24. The Field length and Starting character position portions of the Directory are defined by Leader/20-23 (Entry map) as being 4 and 5 characters in length, respectively. Because a field tag is always 3 characters, the length of the Tag portion of the Directory is not specified in the Entry map. More detailed information about the structure of the Directory entries is contained in the MARC 21 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media. ee ————— DESCRIPTION OF A DIRECTORY ENTRY @ CHARACTER POSITIONS 00-02 - Tag The Tag portion of each Directory entry consists of three ASCII numeric or ASCII alphabetic characters (upper case or lower case, but not both) that identify an associated variable field. 03-06 - Field length The Field length portion of each Directory entry consists of four ASCII numeric characters that specify the length of the variable field to which the entry corresponds. This length includes the indicators, subfield codes, data, and the field terminator associated with the field. A Field length number of less than four digits is right justified and unused positions contain zeros. 07-11 - Starting character position The Starting character position of each Directory entry contains five ASCII numeric characters that specify the starting character position of the variable field to which the entry corresponds relative to the Base address of data (Leader/12-16) of the record. A Starting character position number of less than five digits is right justified and unused positions contain zeros. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 Directory - p. 7 Directory @ EXAMPLE ce Taq Field length Starting character position Entry 1 001 0013 00000 Entry 2 005 0016 00013 Entry 3 008 0015 00029 Entry 4 153 0040 00044 a a en a a a ee lh ed INPUT CONVENTIONS Each Directory entry is system generated. ee «qt A Directory - p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification MARC 21 Format for Classification Data - January 2000 00OX AS O0OX Control Fields—General Information 001 Control Number (NR) 003 Control Number Identifier (NR) 005 Date and Time of Latest Transaction (NR) 008 Fixed-Length Data Elements (NR) DEFINITION AND SCOPE The control fields contain record control number and coded information used in the processing of MARC classification records. These fields have no indicators or subfield codes. Each data element in the fixed-length 008 field is positionally defined. A detailed explanation of these positionally-defined data elements can be found in the field description. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 OOX - p. 7 7 - . ad / yiRetooog afl ff Bue nsstgirinates tee hilo bom tethoeart the ho hs woo behiet we avenue mo pees pblell eed a o 1. tiowiges Sele ae 4 a Ort ge et ae > a Tey Lurie’ pienciiweg 2 htp) 19D teeta oe: ar Dothy weld Ole 4 et) ot bead S0 ed Sivernsie eter be : on =yr ‘ 001 001 Control Number nr) : Indicators and Subfield Codes This field has no indicators or subfield codes. FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains the control number assigned by the organization creating, using, or distributing the record. For interchange purposes, documentation of the structure of the control number and input conventions should be provided to exchange partners by the organization initiating the interchange. The MARC code identifying whose system control number is present in field 001 is contained in field 003 (Control Number Identifier). An organization using a record of another organization may move the incoming control number from field 001 (and the control number identifier from field O03) to field 035 (System Control Number), 010 (Library of Congress Control Number), or 016 (National Bibliographic Agency Control Number), as appropriate, and place its own system control number in field 001 (and its control number identifier in field 003). @ EXAMPLE 001 cfb90000001b 003 DLC 010 6b +cfbb90000001b [LC generally supplies its control number in both fields O01 and 010] INPUT CONVENTIONS Field 001 may be system generated. The structures of the Library of Congress and National Library of Canada control numbers are described in /nput Conventions under field 010 (Library of Congress Control Number) and field 016 (National Bibliographic Agency Control Number), respectively. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 001 -p. 7 ron” Pi oe - ~ 48 oe on a ‘a4 i ef Tudhie®. ‘6 onled pian tokwr oye bh vd bevulase ‘eterna (ave ‘orion toe. ett Po gee edt le aolifameraony Sieben i Onitsitin colfetioNte at yl peing onietaes ar ; sue! PA Darel ert 81 000 baat i aman, i Shi nits one gr pore 4 SCNT) Fee iE) reece Oem | \ bes & ortct conetrwges m4 ee ; i : i it (DGD biel) coat eibreiy edy Ctl? © hee 1400 salt eet Wtrrecsti — learnt (Ot Prete, ieee wdargrnt YW ye) O70) dros ‘owns I; 1 niclrwe foridot ieteye owe or emklg hee grees aa afer fou) , POO Cheol mh eedipagin rediase & 10> tw TOR) | AIOS @ “cy*)\ir Ce aR naa nara 38 i mn ——, is = eS I Sl oe 7 : =o bs *) i : 4 2 iad : Oi 4 RWI late bn. Penge. To yee et to omg et on hanno oa ammignG, to yewilll O(9 Shale wmv as MOS + Teoh Ad) bation ov peeralan g Cm item Gedenll tovine? voomga collage (aan At6 Cel feng 6 — a a a ae 003 003 Control Number Identifier «wr | Indicators and Subfield Codes This field has no indicators or subfield codes. FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains the MARC code for the agency whose system control number is present in field 001 (Control Number). For organizations in the U.S. and countries other than Canada, the source of this code is the MARC Code List for Organizations that is maintained by the Library of Congress. For Canadian organizations, the source of the code is Symbols and Interlibrary Loan Policies in Canada that is maintained by the National Library of Canada. An organization using a MARC record from another system and putting its own number in field 001 (Control Number) must also use its own MARC code in field 003. @ EXAMPLES 001 cfb86104358b 003 DLC 001 14919759 003 OcoLC 001 6bbbb9007496 003 DNLM 001 0010COO086bb 003 CaOONL INPUT CONVENTIONS Field O03 is usually system generated. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 003 - p. 7 a ee A eis ~ ; hy ; thal) of Pr owety Bt vere lent (eadeve crew su araaeeeael fe aoen ort a arts vovlle qalyifeuald Dew eae eee ip 4 ‘ wy .eaengee’? le ede at ve tolian tanh fad sediaes “aaa me SP HANG) Ah Ep AIR nee! WeMUer nl eee Meduanyes si sb0n 0 le ines wir 2 voute) to nt on oh hi 7 Te we eo pote oe nie ae jmcih ani SAU seni [0G 4a”, ebte, SSAW avi atl wet hele fei 8 005 005 _ Date and Time of Latest Transaction nr) Indicators and Subfield Codes This field has no indicators or subfield codes. FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains 16 characters that specify the date and time of the latest record transaction. The date and time serve as a version identifier for the record. They are recorded according to Representation of Dates and Times (\SO 8601). The date requires 8 numeric characters in the pattern yyyymmdd (4 for the year, 2 for the month, and 2 for the day). The time requires 8 numeric characters in the pattern hhmmss.f (2 for the hour, 2 for the minute, 2 for the second, and 2 for a decimal fraction of the second, including the decimal point). The 24-hour clock (00-23) is used. The date on which a record is first entered into machine-readable form is contained in field 008/00-05. The Date entered on file never changes. @ EXAMPLE 005 19910201141236.0 [February 1, 1991, 212:36 P.M. (14:12 36)] INPUT CONVENTIONS Field 005 should be system generated at date and time of latest transaction on a record. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 005 - p. 7 008 Q 008 Fixed-Length Data Elements nr) Indicators and Subfield Codes Field O08 has no indicators or subfield codes; the data elements are positionally defined. Character Positions 00-05 Date entered on file 09 = Standard or optional designation [See position description for a Standard specifications] b Optional n Not applicable O6 Kind of record a Schedule record 10 Record update in process b Table record a Record can be used c Index term record b Record is being updated O07 Type of number 11. Level of establishment a Single number a_ Fully established b Defined number span c Provisional c Summary number span n Not applicable 12 Synthesized number indication a Not synthesized 08 Classification validity b Synthesized a Valid n Not applicable b First number of span invalid & c Last number of span invalid 13 Display controller d Completely invalid a_ Displayed in standard schedules or e Obsolete tables n Not applicable b Extended display ee eee CHARACTER POSITION DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains 14 character positions (00-13) that provide coded information about the record as a whole or about data in field 153 (Classification Number). These coded data elements are potentially useful for retrieval and data management purposes. The data elements are positionally defined. All defined character positions must contain either a defined code or a fill character (|). x e GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS @ CHARACTER POSITIONS 00-05 - Date entered on file Six numeric characters specify the date the record was first entered into machine-readable form. The date is given in the pattern yymmdd (yy for the year, mm for the month, and dd for % the day). The date entered on file in 008/00-05 is never changed. The date and time of latest transaction information in field 005 changes each time a transaction is made to the record. The MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 008 - p. 1 008 latest transaction information enables an organization handling more than one version of a record to identify the most current version. The fill character (|) is not allowed in any of these positions. Field 008/00-05 is usually system generated. ee 06 - Kind of record A one-character alphabetic code indicates whether the classification record contains data from a schedule, a table, or an index. The classification scheme is identified in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition). A schedule or table record contains a number in the field 153 (Classification Number). An index term record contains field 154 (General Explanatory Index Term) and does not contain field 153, because the index term cannot be attached to a record for a classification number or span. a - Schedule record Code a indicates that the classification record is from a schedule. A record for a synthesized classification number that is built by using add or divide like instructions or by applying a table is considered a schedule record. 008/06 a 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aHT169.6 +hCommunities. Classes. Races +hUrban groups. The city. Urban sociology +hCity planning + hZoning +jGeneral works. 008/06 a 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a338.5 +hSocial Sciences + hEconomics + hProduction + jGeneral production economics b - Table record Code b indicates that the classification record is from a table. The table is identified in subfield +z (Table number). A record for a synthesized table number that is built by using add or divide like instructions is considered a table record. 008/06 b 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 b6+zN4+a10.5 +hTables of regions or countries (300 numbers-A) + hUnited States + jMiddle Atlantic States 008/06 b 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 b66+z2+a7471+hGeographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons + kSpecific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds +kThe modern world; extraterrestrial worlds +hNorth America + kSpecific states of United States +hNortheastern United States (New England and Middle Atlantic states) +kMiddle Atlantic states +hNew York +jNew York. Borough of Manhattan (Manhattan Island, New York County) c - Index term record Code c indicates that the record is for an explanatory index term that represents a concept. An index term record must also contain a field 753 (Index Term-Uncontrolled) with explanatory information. 008 - p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 008 008/06 c 084 Ob+anlm+c5th ed., rev. [National Library of Medicine Classification] 154 bb +aBibliography 753 6b+iOf subjects represented in NLM's classification, appropriate classification number preceded by the letter Z a 07 - Type of number A one-character alphabetic code indicates whether field 153 (Classification Number) contains a single number, a defined number span, or a summary number span. A record containing code c (Index term record) in 008/06 (Kind of record) contains code n in this character position. Scheme-specific conventions (Library of Congress Classification) - An A-Z subarrangement is coded as a defined number span (value b). Code c (Summary number span) may be used to suppress the classification number span upon display if it is desirable to display only the classification caption. Scheme-specific conventions (Dewey Decimal Classification) - Defined number spans (code b) are also referred to in the Dewey Decimal Classification as spans in the number column. Summary number spans (code c) are called centered entries. a - Single number Code a indicates that field 153 (Classification Number) contains a single classification number. 008/07 a 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 6b +aHB1321+hEconomic theory. Demography +hDemography. Population. Vital events +hDeaths. Mortality +jGeneral works 008/07 a 084 Ob+addce+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a005.2 +hGeneralities + hComputer programming, programs, data +kComputer programming and programs +j Programming for specific types of computers, for specific operating systems, for specific user interfaces b - Defined number span Code b indicates that field 153 contains a classification number span that is defined by a separate table or subarrangement. The table or subarrangement is identified in field 76X (Table Identification) in subfield +z. Generally, individual records are not created for each classification number falling within the span. However, some institutions may create classification records for synthesized numbers within a defined number span. 008/07 b 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 b6b+aHV9501 +cHV9920.5 +hSocial pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology + hCriminal justice administration +hPenology. Prisons. Corrections + hBy region or country +jOther regions or countries (1801- ) 762 bb+ZH9 MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 008 - p. 3 008 008/07 b 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] « 153 bb+a371.2191 +c371.2199 +hSocial sciences + hEducation +hSchools and their activities; special education +kSchools and their activities +hSchool administration; administration of student academic activities +kAdministration of student academic activities + hAdmissions and related topics + hSchool enrollment +jGeographic treatment of school enrollment 761 O0+iAdd to base number + b371.219 +inotation +72+d1+c9+ifrom Table 2, e.g., school enrollment in Communist countries +e371.2191717 c - Summary number span Code c indicates that field 153 contains a number span consisting of the first and last number of the topics subordinate to the caption in subfield +j (Caption). Generally, individual records are created for each established classification number falling within the span. 008/07 c 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aHV1571 +cHV2349 +hSocial pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology +hProtection, assistance and relief + hHandicapped + jBlind 008/07 c 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a712.5+c712.7 +hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts +kFine and decorative arts +hCivic and landscape art +hLandscape architecture (Landscape design) +jSpecific kinds of land tracts x n - Not applicable Code n indicates that the code is not applicable, because the record does not contain a field 153. 008/06 GC [index term record] 008/07 n 084 Ob+anlm+c5th ed., rev. [National Library of Medicine Classification] 154 bb +aResearch 753 6 +iForm number 20 or 20.5 in any NLM schedule where applicable ee eee ee a eee 08 - Classification validity A one-character alphabetic code indicates whether the classification number or span in field 153 (Classification Number) is valid, partially invalid, completely invalid, or obsolete. This character position does not contain information about whether the classification number is a standard or optional one. That information is in 008/09 (Standard or optional designation). A record containing code c (Index term record) in 008/06 (Kind of record) contains code n in this character position. Scheme-specific conventions (Library of Congress Classification) - For display purposes, parentheses around the number may be generated from the information in this character position to designate that it is invalid, or in cases where one number of the span is invalid, around the portion that is invalid. 008 - p. 4 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 008 Scheme-specific conventions (Dewey Decimal Classification) - For display purposes, brackets around the number may be generated from the information in this character position to designate that it is invalid. For a classification number span, both numbers in the span are either valid or invalid. a - Valid Code a indicates that field 153 contains either a valid classification number or a valid span in which both the first and last numbers of the span are valid. A valid classification number may be assigned to a bibliographic or authority record either by itself or with additional classification number elements. In the case of a span, any portion of it may be assigned to a bibliographic or authority record. 008/08 a 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aPOQ4315.25 +hitalian literature + hindividual authors and works to 1400. +hDante Alighieri, 1265-1321 +hTranslations. + hEnglish. + hDivina commedia. +hinferno. +jParticular cantos 008/08 a 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b+a338.5144+hSocial sciences + hEconomics + hProduction + hGeneral production economics + hCosts + hElements in cost calculation +jSize of enterprise b - First number of span invalid Code b indicates that field 153 contains a classification number span in which the first number in the span is invalid. In the case of the Library of Congress Classification, if any element of the first or last classification number in a number span is invalid, code b or c is used. 008/08 b 084 Ob +alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 6b +aHE386.5 + cHE387 +hTransportation and communications + hWater transportation + hWaterways ¢ hinternational waterways + jSound duties [Classification number display: HE386(.5)-HE387] c - Last number of span invalid Code c indicates that field 153 contains a classification number span in which the last number in the span is invalid. In the case of the Library of Congress Classification, if any element of the first or last classification number in a number span is invalid, code b or c is used. 008/08 c 084 0Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aKFC1 +cKFC1199.5 +jUnited States (California) [The last number in the span, KFC 1199.5, is an invalid number, referring to KFX subclass; a tracing from KFC 1199.5 appears in the record for KFX.] d - Completely invalid Code d indicates that field 153 contains a classification number or span that is completely invalid. This code is used when a record is created for an invalid number when a simple see reference may not be used because it cannot adequately convey the relationship between classification numbers. This classification number may be a single invalid number or a span MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 008 - p. 5 008 in which both the beginning and ending numbers are invalid. The record may contain field 253 (Complex See Reference) to guide the user to a valid number. 008/08 d 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aKF175 +hUnited States (General) + jPeriodicals 253 Ob+iFor periodicals consisting primarily of informative material (newsletters, bulletins, etc.) relating to a particular subject, see subject and form division, "Periodicals" 253 Ob+iFor law reports, official bulletins or circulars, and official gazettes intended chiefly for the publication of laws and regulations, see appropriate entries in the text or form division tables [A record is made for the invalid number because the information in the first 253 field (Complex See Reference) cannot be attached as a tracing to any classification number record.] 008/08 d 084 Ob+addc+#c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a130.112+hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology + hParanormal phenomena +¥hPhilosophy and theory +hSystems +jForecasting and forecasts 253 16+iDo not use; class comprehensive works on parapsychological and occult forecasting and forecasts in+a 133.3. +i Class a specific type of forecasting or forecast with the type, without adding notation +z 1 +a 0112 +i from Table i e.g., astrological methods of forecasting +a133.5 [A record is made for the invalid number, since the see reference (field 253) cannot be made a tracing (field 453) because there is no one classification number or span to which it can be attached.] e - Obsolete Code e indicates that field 153 contains an obsolete classification number or span. An obsolete number is one that was once valid but is no longer valid. Further information about the history of the classification number may be found in field 685 (History Note). The record may contain a valid number in field 253 (Complex See Reference) to guide the user. 008 - p. 6 008/08 e 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a 627.136 +h Technology (Applied sciences) +h Engineering and allied operations + hHydraulic engineering +h Inland waterways +h Canals +j Maintenance and repair 253 Ob+iComprehensive works on maintenance and repair of canals relocated to +a 627.130288; +i maintenance and repair of ship canals relocated to+a 627.1370288; +i maintenance and repair of barge canals relocated to+a 627.1380288 008/08 e 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a297.19 +hReligion +hComparative religion and religions other than Christianity +kReligions other than Christianity +hIslam, Babism, Bahai Faith +k Islam +k Sources of Islam; Islamic doctrinal theology (Aqaid and Kalam); Islam and secular disciplines; Islam and other systems of belief; Islamic worship +hSources of Islam + jMythology 685 12+iProvision discontinued because without meaning in context + d19960930 +2 21 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 008 n - Not applicable Code n indicates that the code is not applicable, because the record does not contain a field 153. 008/06 Cc [index term record] 008/08 n 084 Ob+anlm+c5th ed., rev. [National Library of Medicine Classification] 154 6b+aFollow-up studies 753 6b+iForm number 20 in any NLM schedule where applicable 753 b6b+#iln a particular area, with the subject of the original study, e.g. Heart Diseases, +eWG210 eee eee 09 - Standard or optional designation A one-character alphabetic code indicates whether field 153 (Classification Number) contains a standard or optional classification number or span in the classification scheme identified in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition). A standard classification number or span is from the standard part of the schedules or tables. An optional classification number or span is an officially recognized optional alternative to the standard part of the schedules or tables. A record containing code c (Index term record) in 008/06 (Kind of record) contains code n in this character position. Scheme-specific conventions (Dewey Decimal Classification) - For display purposes, parentheses may be generated around the classification number as a display constant from the information in this character position. Optional numbers are primarily used in the Dewey Decimal Classification. a - Standard Code a indicates that field 153 (Classification Number) contains a single classification or span from the standard part of the schedules or tables of the classification scheme. 008/09 a 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aPR2754.A +cPR2754.Z +hEnglish literature + hEnglish renaissance (1500-1640) +hThe drama ¢hindividual authors + hShakespeare, William + hCollected works + hModern editions +j20th century. By editor, publisher, etc., A-Z 008/09 a 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a616.9792 +hTechnology (Applied sciences) +hMedical sciences. Medicine + hDiseases + kSpecific diseases + hOther diseases +hDiseases of the immune system + hlmmune deficiency diseases +jAcquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) b - Optional Code b indicates that field 153 (Classification Number) contains an officially recognized optional single classification number or span provided by the classification scheme for classifying certain topics. Information about applying optional classification numbers is contained in field 683 (Application Instruction Note). MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 O08 - p. 7 008 008/09 b 084 0b+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a789.8+hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts + hMusic +hComposers and traditions of music +kOther traditions of music +jWestern art (Classical) music 683 2%+i(Optional number; prefer +a781 +c788) [Classification number display: (789. 8)] n - Not applicable Code n indicates that the code is not applicable, because the record does not contain a field 1:53 008/06 Cc [index term record] 008/09 n 084 Ob+addc +bSistema de Clasificacién Decimal +c1980 + espa 154 bb+aEl 753 bb+iv.a. la palabra que sigue al articulo en los nombres geograficos que comienzan con el articulo "el" [Translation of field 753: see also the word that follows the article in geographic names that begin with the article "el".] 10 - Record update in process A one-character alphabetic code indicates whether a change in any field in a record is being considered. Code b alerts users to a potential change in the record and that it may not be advisable to use the number in field 153 (Classification Number) in bibliographic or authority records. The organization investigating the modification may be identified by the National Union Catalog symbol contained in the last subfield +d of field 040 (Record Source). Code b is used for a record being changed after initial completion, and does not indicate completeness of the record. Leader/17 (Encoding level), code o (Incomplete classification record), indicates whether a record is incomplete because it does not yet contain all the fields to make it a complete record. a - Record can be used Code a indicates that no change in the record is being considered and that the data may be used. b - Record is being updated Code b indicates that a change in the record is being considered. 11 - Level of establishment A one-character alphabetic code indicates the extent to which the formulation of the 1XX number or term conforms to the classification scheme coded in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition). The codes defined for 008/11 apply only to the 1XX field. The completeness of the entire classification record is indicated in Leader/17 (Encoding level). a - Fully established Code a indicates that the 1XX field is fully established. It may be used without reservation in a bibliographic or authority record. 008 - p. 8 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 008 c - Provisional Code c indicates that the 1XX field is in a provisional status. This may occur when the classification number has been assigned but not yet published or the 1XX field cannot be formulated satisfactorily because of inadequate information. Further investigation should be made when the number or term is next used in a bibliographic or authority record. When the needed information is available, code c will be changed to a. 12 - Synthesized number indication A one character alphabetic code indicates whether the classification number or span in field 153 (Classification Number) has been derived by the application of add or divide like instructions (including additions from a table) to a classification number or span in the schedules or tables in the classification scheme identified in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition). A record containing code c (Index term record) in 008/06 (Kind of record) contains code n in this character position. Scheme-specific conventions (Dewey Decimal Classification) - Non synthesized numbers or spans always appear in the schedules or tables. On the other hand, synthesized numbers have been derived by applying add or divide like instructions, including the general instructions in Table 1 for adding standard subdivisions. Synthesized numbers may appear in published schedules, tables, indexes, manual or in no published source. a - Not synthesized Code a indicates that the classification number or span in field 153 (Classification Number) is not derived from add or divide like instructions to a classification number or span in the schedules or tables. 008/12 a 084 0Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b +a616.994+hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hMedical sciences. Medicine + hDiseases + kSpecific diseases +hOther diseases +hTumors and miscellaneous communicable diseases +jCancers 008/12 a 084 0Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +z1 +a071 +hStandard Subdivisions + hEducation, research, related topics + jEducation b - Synthesized Code b indicates that the classification number or span in field 153 (Classification Number) has been synthesized by applying add or divide like instructions including additions from a table. The components of a synthesized number may be identified in field 765 (Synthesized Number Components). 008/12 b 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a616.994059 +hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hMedical sciences. Medicine + hDiseases + kSpecific diseases + hOther diseases + hTumors and miscellaneous communicable diseases + jCancers + hPreventive measures and surgery + jSurgery 765 06 +b616.994+a618.1 +c618.8 +t059 MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 008 - p. 9 008 008/12 b 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+z1+a07101 +c07109 +hStandard Subdivisions + hEducation, research, related topics + jEducation + jGeographical treatment 765 0b+z1+b0710+z2+8s1 +21 +uU07101 765 O0b+z1+b0710+22+s9+#z1 #u07109 n - Not applicable Code n indicates that the code is not applicable because the record does not contain a field 153: 008/06 Cc [index term record] 008/12 nn 084 0Ob+anlm+c5th ed., rev. [National Library of Medicine Classification] 154 6b +aBibliography 753 6b+iOf subjects represented in NLM's classification, appropriate classification number preceded by the letter Z a 13 - Display controller A one-character alphabetic code indicates whether the classification number in field 153 (Classification Number) appears in the standard schedules or tables or only in an extended display. An extended display includes records created for numbers or terms as index access to the schedules or tables but not enumerated in the schedules or tables itself. It also may include records for classification numbers within defined number spans created by applying a table or other add or divide like instructions. These would normally not appear in the standard schedules. Field 753 (Index Term-Uncontrolled) contains explanatory information that provides index access. A record with field 154 (General Explanatory Index Term), identified in 008/06 (Kind of record) by code c (Index term record), always contains code b for extended display in this character position. a - Displayed in standard schedules or tables Code a indicates that the number or term is displayed in the schedules or tables (008/06, Kind of record, code a or b). The number or term may be displayed in the index if field 753 (Index Term-Uncontrolled, is present in the record. 008/13. a 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+zP-PZ1+a131+hTable for languages (900 nos.) +hGrammar + hPhonology +jGeneral works 008/13. a 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a581.464 +hNatural sciences and mathematics + kLife sciences + kNatural history of specific kinds of organisms +kPlants and animals + hPlants + hSpecific topics in natural history of plants +hAdaptation + kAdaptation of specific parts of plants +hReproductive adaptation + jFruits 008 - p. 10 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 008 008/13. a 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +z1+a08693 +hStandard Subdivisions + hHistory and description with respect to kinds of persons +hPersons by miscellaneous social characteristics + hPersons with special social status + jNondominant groups b - Extended display Code b indicates that the record is displayed in an extended display of classification records that includes synthesized numbers not appearing in the standard schedules or tables or general terms that appear only in the index to a classification scheme. Generally numbers in this category are synthesized numbers (008/12 (Synthesized number indication), code b), that have been formulated by applying add or divide like instructions, including the application of a table. 008/13 b 084 0b+afcps +eeng [Canadian PS8000 Classification] 153 bb +aPS8093 +cPS8097 +hCanadian literature +hHistory and criticism of Canadian literature + jRelation of English and French literatures to one another and to other literatures 008/13 b 084 0Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a616.994059 +hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hMedical sciences; Medicine + hDiseases + kSpecific diseases +hOther diseases +hTumors and miscellaneous communicable diseases + jCancers +hPreventive measures and surgery +jSurgery 753 bb +aCancer + bsurgery [The synthesized classification number appears only in the DDC Relative Index.] 008/13 b 084 0Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 b6b+z7+a0691 +hGroups of Persons +kPersons by various nonoccupational characteristics +hPersons by miscellaneous social characteristics +h Persons with special social status +jAliens 753 6b+aAliens [The synthesized classification number appears only in the DDC Relative Index.] 008/13 b 084 0b+anlm+c5th ed., rev. [National Library of Medicine Classification] 154 bb+aResearch 753 66+iForm number 20 or 20.5 in any NLM schedule where applicable 753 6b+iOther fields outside the NLM area, in appropriate LC number 008/13 b 084 Ob+anlm+c5th ed., rev. [National Library of Medicine Classification] 153 bb +aQW1 +cQW155 +hMicrobiology and Immunology + jBacteriology 750 O2+aBacteriology [The classification number span appears only in the NLM index.] MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 008 - p. 17 008 INPUT CONVENTIONS Capitalization - Alphabetic codes are input in lowercase. Field length - Field 008 should always consist of fourteen (14) character positions. System-generated data elements - 008/00-05 (Date entered on file) is usually system generated. System generation of other 008 data elements depends upon the capabilities of an individual system. a 008 - p. 12 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification MARC 21 Format for Classification Data - January 2000 01X-084 '01X-084 Numbers and Codes- General Information 010 Library of Congress Control Number (NR) 016 National Bibliographic Agency Control Number (R) 035 System Control Number (R) 040 Record Source (NR) 042 Authentication Code (NR) O66 Character Sets Present (NR) 084 Classification Scheme and Edition (NR) ——eee—aaaaaSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSc = DEFINITION AND SCOPE Fields 01X-084 contain standard numbers, codes, and other data elements relating to the record. rr MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 O1X-084 - p. 7 Se = 20.5. —@>-Seier teers ae . a a | ye Pz te 2 2s a . 2 a oe ost ect Ol Goo igia sivaviaes oils qette Rie cabot seinen) iinese Times Ry : + i : - - 4 io oA a. Soe “o 7 = ; ne np? eae =". 010 010 Library of Congress Control Number nr) First Indicator Second Indicator Undefined Undefined 6 Undefined 6 Undefined Subfield Codes +a LC control number (NR) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) +z Canceled/invalid LC control number (R) FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains a unique number assigned to a record by the Library of Congress. The LC control number is carried in field 001 (Control Number) in records distributed by LC's Cataloging Distribution Service. It may also be carried in field 010 +a. A LC record may contain field 010 with a canceled or invalid control number of a previously- distributed record. A record may be canceled because it is a duplicate and represents the same classification data represented by another record. The structure of the canceled or invalid control number is the same as that used by LC in field 001. Field 010 may or may not contain a subfield +a with the valid control number from the 001 field. GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS @ INDICATORS Both indicator positions are undefined; each contains a blank (6). @ SUBFIELD CODES +a - LC control number Subfield +a contains a valid LC control number (see explanation of structure of this number given below). 010 bb+acfb90000001b +z - Canceled/invalid LC control number Subfield +z contains a canceled or invalid LC control number, including invalid NUCMC numbers. 010 bb+acfb80022124b6 + zcfb80014241b + 8 - Field link and sequence number See description of this subfield in Appendix A. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 O10-p. 17 010 INPUT CONVENTIONS Field 010 is an agency-assigned field; it may be used only for an LC control number. Punctuation - Field 010 does not end in a mark of punctuation. Capitalization - Prefixes are always input as lowercase alphabetic characters. ——— STRUCTURE OF THE LC CONTROL NUMBER The LC control numbering system used with classification records has the same basic structure as that used in control numbers for Library of Congress bibliographic (LCCN structure A), authority, and holdings data records. On January 1, 2001, a structural change will occur (LCCN structure B). The basic control number has been fixed in length at 12 characters and will remain that length. Under LCCN structure B the location of element parts is slightly altered to accommodate a four digit year. Under both structures, the prefix, year, and serial number are the basic elements required to make an LCCN unique. LCCN Structure A (1978-2000) Name of Element Number of characters Character position in field Alphabetic prefix 00-02 Year 03-04 Serial number 05-10 LCCN Structure B (2001- ) Name of Element Number of characters Character position in field (a Alphabetic prefix 00-01 Year 02-05 Serial number 06-11 Alphabetic prefix Prefixes are carried in a MARC record as lowercase alphabetic characters and serve to differentiate between different series of LC control numbers. Prefixes are left justified and unused positions contain blanks. If no prefix is present, the prefix portion contains blanks. 010 bb+acfb97051955b [LCCN structure A; cf97-51955] 010 bb+acf2001050268 [LCCN structure B; cf2001-50268] Year For control numbers assigned under LCCN structure A, the year portion consists of two digits representing the year the control number was assigned. For control numbers assigned under the LCCN structure B beginning with the year 2001, the year portion consists of four digits. Serial number The serial number portion consists of one to six digits. Serial numbers of less than six digits are right justified and each unused position contains a zero. The hyphen separating the year and the serial number in LC printed products is not carried in the MARC record. For example, the serial number in control number 85-2 is carried as 85000002. / « i EEE ESS ESISSan Ss! OT0 ~pr2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 016 ) 016 National Bibliographic Agency Control Number (F | First Indicator Second Indicator National bibliographic agency Undefined 6 National Library of Canada b Undefined 7 Agency identified in subfield +2 LS Subfield Codes +a Record control number (NR) +2 Source (NR) +z Canceled or invalid control number (R) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) eS SSSSOOOOess—=—=S=SOOomm——————au6>— FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains unique numbers that have been assigned to a record by a national bibliographic agency other than the Library of Congress. (Library of Congress control numbers are recorded in field 010.) The control number may also appear in field O01 (Control Number) in records distributed by the same national agency. An organization using the record may remove the national bibliographic agency control number from field 001 and use field 001 for its own system control number. This number is a record control number used in a national bibliographic agency system, rather than a number used 3 for an entry in a national bibliography. A record may contain field O16 with a canceled or invalid control number of a previously-distributed record. A record may be canceled because it is a duplicate record for the same classification number. a ————————— GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS @ INDICATORS First Indicator - National bibliographic agency The first indicator position contains a value that either identifies a specific national bibliographic agency as the source of the control number, or refers to a code subfield +2 (Source). b - National Library of Canada Value & indicates that the National Library of Canada is the source of the national bibliographic agency control number. 7 - Source specified in subfield +2 Value 7 is used when the source of the control number is indicated by a code in subfield +2. The source of the code is the MARC Code List for Organizations that is maintained by the Library of Congress. 016 7b+a94.763966.7 + 2< National bibliographic agency identifier > y Second Indicator - Undefined The second indicator position is undefined and contains a blank (). MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 016-p.1 016 @ SUBFIELD CODES , (Ce +a - Record control number Subfield +a contains a valid record control number assigned by a national bibliographic agency. 016 7b6b+agn0349684n + 2 +z - Canceled or invalid control number Subfield +z contains a canceled or invalid control number assigned by a national bibliographic agency. +2 - Source Subfield +2 contains the MARC code or the name of the organization that identifies the national bibliographic agency that was the source of the record control number recorded in field 016. It is used only when the second indicator position contains value 7 (Source specified in subfield +2). The source of the MARC code is MARC Code List for Organizations that is maintained by the Library of Congress. 016 76+aMC967544 + 20006342114 + 2< National bibliographic agency identifier > +8 - Field link and sequence number See description of this subfield in Appendix A. eee CONTENT DESIGNATOR HISTORY 016 National Library of Canada Record Control Number [REDEFINED 1997] [CAN/MARC only] Ca Both indicator positions were undefined. The defined subfield codes were +a (NLC record control number) and +z (Canceled/invalid NLC control number). KG 016 -p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 035 e) 035 System Control Number r) @ wW First Indicator Second Indicator Undefined Undefined 6 Undefined b Undefined Subfield Codes +a System control number (NR) +6 Linkage (NR) +z Canceled/invalid control number (R) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) ee EEE ESE FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains the control number for the record in a system other than the one whose number is contained in field 001 (Control Number), field 010 (Library of Congress Control Number), or field 016 (National Bibliographic Agency Control Number). For interchange purposes, documentation of the structure and use of the system contro! number must be provided to exchange partners by the originating organization. Each valid system control number and any related canceled/invalid control number are contained in a separate 035 field. i GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS ~ B INDICATORS Both indicator positions are undefined; each contains a blank (6). @ SUBFIELD CODES +a - System control number Subfield +a contains the MARC code (enclosed in parentheses) of the organization originating the system control number, followed immediately by the number. For U.S. organizations and countries other than Canada, the source of the code is the MARC Code List for Organizations that is maintained by the Library of Congress. For Canadian organizations, the source of the code is Symbols and Interlibrary Loan Policies in Canada that is maintained by the National Library of Canada. 035 bb+a(CaBVaU)5826213556 +z - Canceled/invalid system control number Subfield +z contains a canceled/invalid system control number that is associated with the valid system control number contained in subfield +a. 035 bb+a(OCoLC)7661149 + z(OCoLC)7621149 6 - Linkage 8 - Field link and sequence number See the description of these subfields in Appendix A. em —— MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 035 -p. 17 035 INPUT CONVENTIONS Structure - The structure of the system control number is determined by the documentation provided Ce by the originating system. No space occurs between the parenthetical MARC code and the first character position of the control number. For Canadian organizations, the code is preceded by the letters "Ca". i «a «eC 035 - p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 9 040 040 Record Source nr) First Indicator Second Indicator Undefined Undefined 6 Undefined 6 Undefined Subfield Codes +a Original classification agency (NR) +d Modifying agency (R) +b Language code (NR) +6 Linkage (NR) +c Transcribing agency (NR) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains the MARC code or the name of the organization(s) that created the original record, assigned MARC content designation and transcribed the record into machine-readable form, or modified an existing MARC record. The MARC codes in field 040 specify the responsible parties for the content, content designation, and transcription of a classification data record. For organizations outside of Canada, the source of these codes is MARC Code List for Organizations that is maintained by the Library of Congress. For Canadian organizations, the source of the code is Symbols and Interlibrary Loan Policies in Canada, that is maintained by the National Library of Canada. lf a library chooses to create a record for a classification number which has not been authorized by the particular classification scheme (such as one for a synthesized number), the classification scheme upon which it is based is specified in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition), and the library creating the record is identified in field 040. GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS @ INDICATORS Both indicator positions are undefined; each contains a blank (6). @ SUBFIELD CODES | +a - Original cataloging agency Subfield +a contains the MARC code or the name of the organization that created the original record. 040 bb+aDLC+cDLC 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aHT169.6 +hCommunities. Classes. Races +hUrban groups. The city. Urban sociology ¢hCity planning + hZoning +jGeneral works [Cataloging produced and input by the Library of Congress.] MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 040 -p. 7 040 040 bb+alU+clU 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a362.2923 +hSocial sciences +hSocial problems and services; association + kSocial problems and services + kSpecific social problems and services +hSocial welfare problems and services + kProblems of and services to persons with illnesses and disabilities +hMental and emotional illnesses and disturbances +kSpecific problems + hSubstance abuse + hAlcohol +jEffects on persons close to those with a problem [Cataloging produced and input by the University of Ilinois.] +b - Language of cataloging Subfield +b contains a MARC code for the language used in the textual portions of the record in the Note fields (6XX). The source of the code is the MARC Code List for Languages that is maintained by the Library of Congress. +c - Transcribing agency Subfield +c contains the MARC code or the name of the organization that transcribed the record into machine-readable form. If a transcribing agency also modifies the record in the process of transcribing it, the agency's MARC code or name is also contained in subfield +d. 040 bb+aNLM+cNLM 084 Ob+#alcc 153 bb+aSF887 +hAnimal culture + hVeterinary medicine + hVeterinary medicine of special organs, regions and systems +hUrinary and reproductive organs + jObstetrics 753 %b+aAbortion, Veterinary [Cataloging produced and input by the National Library of Medicine. It is used by NLM to reference an LCC classification number in its classification index.] +d - Modifying agency Subfield +d contains the MARC code or the name of the organization responsible for modifying a MARC record. A modification is defined as any correction to a record, including data, content designation, or keying changes. The MARC code or name of each organization that modifies a record is contained in a separate subfield +d. Subfield +d is not repeated when the same MARC code or name would occur in adjacent +d subfields. If the transcribing agency also modifies the record in the process of transcribing it, the MARC code or agency name is also recorded in subfield +d. +6 - Linkage +8 - Field link and sequence number See the description of these subfields in Appendix A. tejeole aol) Petear) ial Ane SS eS INPUT CONVENTIONS For Canadian organizations, the code is preceded by the letters Cam _ _ envio ar Ss ee ee 040 - p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification Ce « 9 042 Authentication Code nr) First Indicator Second Indicator Undefined Undefined 6 Undefined 6b Undefined Subfield Code +a Authentication code (R) FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field will contain one or more authentication codes assigned by centers that review and upgrade, if necessary, an authority record in a national database. When defined, the authentication codes will be compatible with those used in other cooperative projects. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 042 -p. 1 ¥ 066 066 Character Sets Present nr) First Indicator Second Indicator Undefined Undefined b Undefined b Undefined Subfield Codes +a_ Primary GO character set (NR) +c Alternate GO or G1 character set (R) +b Primary G1 character set (NR) et ee a ————————————>z———— vn FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field is used in records encoded with characters from sets other than ISO 10646 (or Unicode) to specify the character sets for data content that are present in the record. The field alerts users that special processing may be required. The codes for identifying character sets are all but the first character of the escape sequences that designate the sets (the first character is the escape character, hex 1B). The characters that make up the escape sequences, as well as other details about character encoding of MARC records, are described in MARC 217 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media. ee GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS @ INDICATORS Both indicator positions are undefined; each contains a blank (6). @ SUBFIELD CODES +a - Primary GO character set Subfield +a contains a code identifying the primary character set. The code is the Intermediate and Final characters of the escape sequence that designates and invokes the default GO character set. Since MARC Latin (including ASCII, MARC Greek, MARC subscript, or MARC superscript) is the MARC default set, if it is the primary set, it does not need to be identified in this subfield. 066 bb+a(N [The Intermediate character in the designation sequence is hex 28 (ASCII graphic "("opening parenthesis) that identifies the character set as one byte per character and its use as a GO set, and the Final character is hex 4E (ASCII graphic "N") that identifies the Basic Cyrillic set.] O66 bb+a$1 [The Intermediate character in the designation sequence is hex 24 (ASCII graphic "$") that identifies the character set as multiple bytes per character and its use as a GO set, and the Final character is hex 31 (ASCII graphic "1") that identifies the Chinese, Japanese, Korean character set.] MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 066 -p. 7 066 +b - Primary G1 character set Subfield +b contains a code identifying the primary extension character set. The code is composed of the Intermediate and Final characters of the escape sequence that designates and invokes the default G1 character set. Since ANSEL is the MARC default set if it is the primary extended set it does not need to be identified in this subfield. O66 bb+bS$)1 [The Intermediate characters in the designation sequence are hex 24 hex 29 (ASCII graphics "$)") that identify the character set as multiple bytes per character and its use as a G1 set, and the Final character is hex 31 (ASCII graphic "1") that identifies the East Asian character code for bibliographic use (ANSI/NISO 239.64).] O66 bb+b)Q [The Intermediate character in the designation sequence is hex 29 (ASCII graphic ")") that identifies the character set as one byte per character and its use as a G71 set, and the Final character is hex 51 (ASCII graphic "Q") that identifies the Extended Cyrillic character set.] +c - Alternate GO or G1 character set Subfield +c contains a code identifying an alternative character set used as either GO or G1 sets in the record. The code is the Intermediate and Final characters of each escape sequence that will be used to designate an alternate graphic character set used in the record. The intermediate character(s) indicate whether the set is single or multibyte and whether it will be designated as a GO or G1 set. The subfield is repeated for each additional character set present. O66 bb+c)2 [The Intermediate character in the designation sequence is hex 29 (ASCII graphic ")" ) that identifies the character set as the G1 set and one byte per character, and the Final character is hex 32 (ASCII graphic "2") that identifies the Hebrew character set. ] a ne EEEEEESSEESnInEEEESDSEnnNnT SST 066 - p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification ») 084 084 Classification Scheme and Edition (nr) First Indicator Second Indicator Type of edition Undefined O Full 6 Undefined 1 Abridged 8 Other Subfield Codes +a Classification scheme code (NR) +f Authorization (NR) +b Edition title (NR) +n Variations (R) +c Edition identifier (NR) +6 Linkage (NR) +d Source edition identifier (NR) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) +e Language code (R) FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains information about the authoritative classification scheme and edition that contains the classification number(s) and term(s) in the record. It also may indicate the edition title, date, and language of a particular version of the classification scheme. If a library creates its own record for a classification number maintained by another classification source, the classification scheme on which it is based is specified in field 084 and the library creating the record is identified in field 040 (Record Source). GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS @ INDICATORS First Indicator - Type of edition : The first indicator position contains a value that specifies the type of edition containing the classification data. O - Full Value O indicates that the classification data is contained in the full edition of the classification scheme. This value is also used for classification schemes not issued in an abridged edition. 084 0Ob+addc+c21 153 bb +a616.9792 +hTechnology (Applied sciences) +hMedical sciences. Medicine +hDiseases + kSpecific diseases + hOther diseases + hDiseases of immune system +hlmmune deficiency diseases +jAcquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) 084 Ob+alcc 153 6b+aN6370 +cN6494 +hVisual arts +hHistory +hModern art +jBy century MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 084- p. 1 084 084 Ob+afcps 153 bb +aPS8001 +hCanadian literature + hGeneral + jPeriodicals « 1 - Abridged Value 1 indicates that the classification data is from an abridged edition of the classification scheme. 084 1b+addc+c13 153 bb +a323.3 +hSocial sciences +hPolitical science (Politics and government) +hCivil 8 - Other and political rights +jCivil and political rights of other social groups Value 8 indicates that the classification data is contained in an edition other than those specified by the other values. The edition is specified in subfield +b (Edition title) or subfield +c (Edition identifier). 084 8b+audc+clnternational medium edition 153 bb+a512.5+hMathematics and natural sciences + hAlgebra + jGeneral algebra Second Indicator - Undefined The second indicator position is undefined and contains a blank (6). @ SUBFIELD CODES +a - Classification scheme code Subfield +a contains the variable-length alphabetic MARC code that identifies the classification f scheme used to formulate the classification number and caption in field 153 (Classification \ Number). The code is based on the general classification scheme used without regard to the particular edition or adaptation of the scheme. A classification number or span that has been adapted in some way from the information in the authoritative classification scheme is coded for the scheme in this subfield and the MARC code or name of the library that made the adaptation is contained in field 040 (Record Source). The source of the classification scheme code is MARC Code List for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions that is maintained by the Library of Congress. 084 153 084 153 040 084 153 733 084 - p. 2 Ob + addc +c21 bb +a 323.32 +hSocial sciences +hPolitical science (Politics and government) + hCivil and political rights + hCivil and political rights of other social groups + jGroups identified by miscellaneous social characteristics Ob + alcc bb + aHES81 +hTransportation and communications + hWater transportation +hWaterways +jGeneral works bb +aDNLM +cDNLM Ob + alcc bb + aSF887 +hAnimal culture + hVeterinary medicine + hVeterinary medicine of special organs, regions, and systems +hUrinary and reproductive organs + jObstetrics bb + aAbortion, Veterinary [This record is created by NLM for use in the NLM index to refer users to an LEGGE number. The basic classification scheme is identified in field 084 and agency that © created the record is in field 040 (Record Source).] January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 3 | 084 084 8b+audc +clnternational medium edition 153 b+a642.12+hHousekeeping. Home economics. Domestic science + hFood. Cooking. Dishes. Meals +hMeals and mealtimes. Tableware +jMorning meal. Breakfast +b - Edition title Subfield +b contains the title of the edition when a MARC code has not been assigned to the scheme or further information needs to be given about the edition. 084 8b-+addc +bSistema de Clasificacién Decimal +c1980 + espa 153 bb+a331.012+hCiencias sociales + hEconomia + hEconomia laboral + hFilosofia y teoria +jSatisfacciones del trabajo [Data is from the Spanish edition of the Dewey Decimal Classification. ] +c - Edition identifier Subfield +c contains the edition number, date, or other textual designation of the classification scheme edition contained in the classification record. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a401.3 +hLanguage +hPhilosophy and theory +jlnternational languages 084 Ob+anlm+cb5th ed., rev. [National Library of Medicine Classification] 153 6b +aWQ160 +hObstetrics + jMidwifery +d - Source edition identifier Subfield +d contains the edition number, date, or other textual designation of the classification scheme edition used as the primary source for the edition identified in subfield +c. Subfield +d is not used if it would be the same as subfield +c. Subfield +d contains the edition on which the current edition is based. 084 8b6+addc+bSistema de Clasificacién Decimal + ¢20 + d21 +n contains parts of edition 21 in revised area table for former Soviet Union and Table 6 expansions for North and South American native languages +e - Language code Subfield +e contains the MARC code for the language of the classification scheme edition when the language is other than English. The source of the codes is MARC Code List for Languages that is maintained by the Library of Congress. 084 Ob+afcps+efre 153 bb +aFC2033 +hCanada + hHistoire locale du Canada: provinces, territoires et régions extraprovinciales + hProvinces maritimes + hHistoire par période +j1867-1945 +f - Authorization Subfield +f contains an indication of whether the translation has been authorized, i.e., done with the approval of the producer of the source edition. If this subfield is not used, it is assumed to be authorized. If desirable, codes may be defined for use in this subfield. 084 8b+addc+bSistema de Clasificacién Decimal + ¢21 + funauthorized +n - Variations Subfield +n contains general information about variations in this edition from the primary source edition. Field 686 (Relationship to Source Note) contains specific information about the relationship of a particular number to the source edition. MARC 21 - Classification October 2007 084- p. 3 084 084 8b +addc +bSistema de Clasificacién Decimal +c21 +ncontains parts of edition 21 in revised Table 2 notation for former Soviet Union and Table 6 expansions for North and South American Languages + espa +6 - Linkage +8 - Field link and sequence number See description of these subfields in Appendix A. a A ee ee a ce 9 a a ee SCHEME-SPECIFIC CONVENTIONS Dewey Decimal Classification - Only the standard abridged edition uses value 1 in the first indicator position. nn 084 - p. 4 October 20017 MARC 21 - Classification G © MARC 21 Format for Classification Data - January 2000 3 1XX 1XX Classification Numbers and Terms- General Information 153 Classification Number (NR) 154 General Explanatory Index Term (NR) DEFINITION AND SCOPE The Classification Numbers and Terms fields contain either one or more classification numbers from a schedule or table, as identified in 008/06 (Kind of record, code a for schedule or b for table), and associated caption(s), or a general explanatory index term, as identified in 008/06 (Kind of record, code c for index term only). A classification data record must contain one 1XX field, which is constructed according to the classification scheme that is identified in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition). Field 153 (Classification Number) is used if the record is an authority for a classification number or span and its associated caption and caption hierarchy. Field 154 (General Explanatory Index Term) is used if the index term cannot be accommodated in one of the 70X-75X Index Term Fields in a schedule or table record because it does not have an associated classification number. GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS Guidelines for applying content designators for field 153 are provided in the X53 Classification Numbers-General Information section. Guidelines for applying content designators for field 154 are provided in that field. MARC 217 - Classification January 2000 1XX -p. 7 X53 Q X53 Classification Numbers- General Information 153 Classification Number (NR) 453 Invalid Number Tracing (R) 553 Valid Number Tracing (R) First Indicator Second Indicator 153 Undefined Undefined 6 Undefined b Undefined 453, 553 Source of classification number O Schedule 1 Table EEN Nn Ett Subfield Codes Name portion Tracing and control subfields +a_ Classification number-single number or +j Reference instruction phrase beginning number of span (R) [453/553] (NR) +c Classification number-ending number of +t Topic [453/553] (NR) span (R) +w Control subfield /453/553/] (NR) > +z Table identification (NR) +6 Linkage (NR) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) Caption portion +h Caption hierarchy (R) +j Caption (NR) +k Summary number span caption hierarchy (R) DNs. GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS The content designators identify the subelements occurring in classification numbers that are constructed according to the classification scheme that is identified in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition). These fields may contain a single classification number (008/07, Type of number, code a) or a span of classification numbers (008/07, code b or c) from a schedule (008/06, Kind of record, code a) or from a table (008/06, code b) and its associated caption (subfield +j) and caption hierarchy (subfields +h and +k). The subject context of the classification number is indicated by the preceding hierarchy captions contained in repeatable subfields +h and +k. (Fields 153, 453, and 553 must contain at least one subfield +a and one subfield +j.) @ INDICATORS First Indicator - Undefined /753/ » The first indicator in field 153 is undefined and contains a blank (6). MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 X53 -p. 1 X53 First Indicator - Source of classification number /453/553] The first indicator position in field 453 and 553 contains a value that specifies whether the classification number is from a schedule or a table. It facilitates in sorting the tracing into the correct source. O - Schedule Value O indicates that the classification number is from a schedule. A number which is synthesized by using add instructions is considered a schedule number. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aKK1261 +cKK1261.5+hLaw of Germany and West Germany + hCivil law. Burgerliches Recht + hProperty. Law of things. Sachenrecht +jRight of property. Constitutional guaranty 453 Ob+wj+aKK1275+hLaw of Germany and West Germany +hCivil Law. Burgerliches Recht + hProperty. Law of things. Sachenrecht + jOwnership. Eigentum +jRight of ownership 1 - Table Value 1 indicates that the classification number is from a table. The table is identified in subfield +z (Table identification). 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+z1+a0715+hStandard Subdivisions + hEducation, research, related topics +h Education + kSpecific levels of education +jAdult education and on-the-job training 453 1b+wahna+z1+a07152+c07154 +hStandard Subdivisions + hEducation, research, related topics + hEducation + kSpecific levels of education + hAdult education and on-the-job training +jlnstitutes and workshops, radio and television classes, correspondence courses Second Indicator - Undefined The second indicator position is undefined and contains a blank (6). @ SUBFIELD CODES +a - Classification number- single number or beginning number of span Subfield +a contains either a single classification number or the beginning number of a classification number span. 084 Ob#alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aPQ4315.25 +hitalian literature + hindividual authors. + hindividual authors and works to 1400. +hDante Alighieri, 1265-1321.+hTranslations + hEnglish. + hDivina commedia. + hInferno. + jParticular cantos 084 Ob+afcps [Canadian FC Classification] 153 bb+aFC2601 + cFC2650 + hCanada + hCanadian Local History. Provinces, territories and extra-provincial regions + jPrince Edward Island 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a786.67+hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts + hMusic + kPrinciples, forms, ensembles, voices, instruments + kEnsembles, voices, instruments + kInstruments and their music + kSpecific instruments and their music + hKeyboard, mechanical, electrophonic, percussion instruments + hMechanical and aeolian instruments + k Mechanical instruments + jMechanical stringed instruments X53 -p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification © X53 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] d 153 bb+a133.323+hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology + hParanormal phenomena + hParapsychology and occultism + hDivinatory arts + hFortune-telling by crystals and stones; dowsing; fortune-telling by cards, tea leaves and coffee grounds, oracles and sibyls + jDowsing 453 Ob+wahna+a133.3239 +hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology +h Paranormal phenomena + hParapsychology and occultism + hDivinatory arts +h Fortune-telling by crystals and stones; dowsing; fortune-telling by cards, tea leaves and coffee grounds, oracles and sibyls + hDowsing +jTelediesthesia (Distant prospection) +c - Classification number- ending number of span Subfield +c contains the ending number of a classification number span. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a153.94001 +¢153.94999 + hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology + hPsychology + kSpecific topics in psychology +hConscious mental processes and intelligence + hintelligence and aptitudes + hAptitude tests +jTests for aptitudes in specific fields 084 Ob+#alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aBL1112.2+cBL1137.72+hReligions. Mythology. Rationalism + hReligion + hHistory and principles of religions + hAsian. Oriental + hBy religion + hHinduism + hSacred books. Sources + jVedic texts 453 Ob+wanna+ aPK3000 + cPK3581 +hindo-lranian philology and literature + jVedic )) literature +h - Caption hierarchy Subfield +h contains a caption for each higher level of the caption hierarchy that precedes the caption for a classification number or span that is contained in subfield +j (Caption). The caption at the highest level is recorded in the first subfield +h. The caption at each successive level is recorded in sequence in separate subfields +h up to and including the level that precedes the caption contained in subfield +j. Captions for all levels of the hierarchy are recorded in the field. If the caption in subfield +j is the highest level of the hierarchy, subfield +h is not used. (However, some systems may wish to omit some levels of the hierarchy for display purposes.) A caption hierarchy for classification numbers in a summary number span in the Dewey Decimal Classification is contained in subfield +k (Summary number span caption hierarchy). 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aQL638.E55 + hZoology + hChordates. Vertebrates + hFishes + hSystematic divisions + hOsteichthys (Bony fishes). By family, A-Z + hFamilies + jEngraulidae (Anchovies) 084 Ob+addce+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a306.36 +hSocial sciences + kSpecific topics in sociology and anthropology + hCulture and institutions + hEconomic institutions + jSystems of labor 553 Ob+wi+a331+hSocial sciences + hEconomics + kEconomics of labor, finance, land, energy + jLabor economics + tsociology of labor )) +j - Reference instruction phrase [453/553] Subfield +i contains the reference instruction phrase for a tracing that cannot be system generated from the codes defined for subfield + w (Control subfield). Subfield +i is appropriate MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 X53 -p. 3 X53 only in field 453 (Invalid Number Tracing) and field 553 (Valid Number Tracing). Guidelines for applying subfield +i are provided in the 7racing and Reference Fields-General Information section. +j - Caption Subfield +j contains the lowest caption in the caption hierarchy for a classification number or span. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aKK253 +cKK1803 +hLaw of Germany and West Germany + hHistory of law. Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte + hBy period + hPeriod from ca. 919 to ca. 1867. Hochmittelalter, Spatmittelalter und Neuzeit + hSources. Rechtsquellen + himperial laws and legislation. Reichsabschiede + hindividual. By date + jRatisbon (Franz i. Reichsdeputationshauptschluss) 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a600 +jTechnology (Applied sciences) +k - Summary number span caption hierarchy Subfield +k contains the caption at a level higher than the last for a summary number span when the classification scheme identified in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition) is the Dewey Decimal Classification. Caption hierarchies for single classification numbers, defined numbers spans, or other types of summary number spans are contained in subfield +h. The last caption in the caption hierarchy for a summary number span in field 153 (008/07, Type of number, code c for summary number span) is recorded in subfield +j. 084 0Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a220.12+hReligion + hBible + kGeneralities + hOrigins and authenticity + jCanon 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a617.9+hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hMedical sciences. Medicine +h Miscellaneous branches of medicine. Surgery + jOperative surgery and special fields of surgery 453 0b+wanna+a617.307 +hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hMedical sciences. Medicine + hMiscellaneous branches of medicine. Surgery + kSurgery + hOrthopedics +j Orthopedic appliances +t- Topic [453/553] Subfield +t contains the topic to which the tracing applies. Subfield +t is appropriate only in field 453 (Invalid Number Tracing) and field 553 (Valid Number Tracing). Guidelines for applying subfield +t are provided in the Tracing and Reference Fields- General Information section. +w - Control subfield [453/553] Subfield +w contains up to four character positions (designated as +w/O, +w/1, etc.) that indicate whether special instructions apply to the display of the 453 or 553 tracing, whether the reference should be displayed, and whether a field 685 (History Note) is associated with the tracing. Subfield +w is appropriate only in field 453 (Invalid Number Tracing) and field 553 (Valid Number Tracing) fields. Guidelines for applying the codes defined for subfield +w are provided in the Tracing and Reference Fields-General Information section. +z - Table identification Subfield +z contains the identification of the table to which the classification number belongs. The identification of the table by which a classification number or span is further subarranged X53 -p. 4 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification y )) X53 is contained in field 762 (Table Identification). Subfield +z is not repeatable; it is input before the first element of the classification number in the first subfield +. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+zN1+a49.6+hTables of regions or countries (100 numbers) + hEurope +jGerman, Austrian, and Swiss (Collectively) 453 1b+wj+zN1+a47.82+hTables of regions or countries (100 numbers) +hEurope + jAustrian, German, and Swiss 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+z2+a482+c484+hGeographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons + kSpecific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds + kThe modern world; extraterrestrial worlds + hEurope. Western Europe + hScandinavia + jDivisions of Norway j 553 1b+wjg+z2+a481 +hGeographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons + kSpecific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds + kThe modern world; extraterrestrial worlds + hEurope. Western Europe + hScandinavia + jNorway + tdivisions of Norway +6 - Linkage +8 - Field link and sequence number See description of these subfields in Appendix A. Se a nnn EEE aE EEE INPUT CONVENTIONS Order of Subfields - The caption hierarchy (in subfields +h and +k) and caption (in subfield +j) follow the classification number(s) or number span. A table number in field 153 (Classification Number) is identified in 008/06 (Kind of record), code b and in field 453/553 (Invalid or Valid Number Tracing) is identified by the first indicator, value 1 (Source of classification number). For table numbers, subfield +z is the first subfield(s). Invalid Classification Numbers - The punctuation (for LCC, parentheses; for DDC, brackets) indicating that the number is invalid is not input as data. For display purposes, punctuation may be generated around the number to designate that it is invalid, or in cases where one number of the span is invalid around the portion which is invalid. For a classification number in field 153 (Classification Number), the information about its validity is included in 008/08 (Classification validity). For a classification number in field 453 or 553, the punctuation indicating invalidity may be generated on the basis of the tag. Number Spans - The beginning and ending numbers of a number span are usually separated by a hyphen in a display. This hyphen may be generated as a display constant preceding subfield +c. Display of Classification Numbers and Captions - Conventions for the display of classification numbers and captions as they appear in the published schedules are considered local information and are not treated in this format. . eer ye ee eS eee MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 X53 -p. 5 X53 SCHEME-SPECIFIC CONVENTIONS Library of Congress Classification Classification Number Elements - In recording a span of classification numbers, the beginning number of the span is recorded in a single subfield +a, followed by the ending number of the span recorded in subfield +c. Note that all elements of the ending number of the span are to be recorded, even if they duplicate elements recorded for the beginning number of the span. In field 453 (Invalid Number Tracing) the classification number in subfield +a is an invalid number assigned to ensure appropriate placement. (Frequently .2 is added to the previous classification number used.) In field 553 (Valid Number Tracing) the classification number in subfield +a (and subfield +c if appropriate) is the same as the classification number under which the reference is made. 153 bb+aR126.A+cR126.Z + hMedicine (General) + hGeneral works + hThrough 1800 +jAncient Greek 453 06+wj+aR134.82 +hMedicine (General) + hHistory +hBy period +hAncient + jBiography [The previous classification number in the hierarchy is R134.8 (Paleopathology) 153 bb+aF1404+cF1405.9+hLatin America. Spanish America +hLatin America (General) + hCongresses +jPan American conferences 553 0b+wj+aE11+hAmerica+hGeneral +jPeriodicals. Societies. Collections (serial) + tinternational American Conferences [The see also tracing appears under the caption for E11 (Periodicals. Societies. Collections (serial): For international American conferences see F1404-F 1405.9.] Punctuation - Decimal points used to separate digit portions of a classification number are recorded as they appear. Generally, punctuation (commas, periods, dashes, etc.) occurring within the caption are included in recording the caption in both subfields +h (Caption hierarchy) and +j (Caption), except for a period following the data in +j. A blank is encoded before additional elements that are not simple numeric or alphanumeric elements, such as a date or ordinal number. Internal table identification - If the table is an internal subarrangement coded as an external table, subfield +z contains the first classification number under which the subarrangement should appear followed by /1 if only one subarrangement, /2, /3, etc. for multiple subarrangements. Full instructions are given under Scheme Specific Conventions in field 763 (Internal Subarrangement or Add Table Entry). Dewey Decimal Classification Classification Number Elements - Dewey Decimal Classification numbers are contained in a single subfield +a. Optional Classification Numbers - An optional classification number is designated for display purposes by enclosing the whole number in parentheses. It is not necessary to include the parentheses as part of the data in the field. The information is included in 008/09 (Standard or optional designation). Summary Number Span Caption Hierarchy - A summary number span caption hierarchy (subfield +k) is the caption hierarchy for what DDC calls centered entries. Subfield +k is used by the DDC to identify captions appearing as centered entries. Table Numbers - Dewey Decimal Classification table numbers may use the letter "T" followed by two dashes before the table number. The "T" and the two dashes may be generated as a display constant for subfield +z (e.g., +z2 +a72982 may be displayed as T2--72982). ——— ET ee eee ee eee eee X53 -p. 6 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification ») 153 1 53 Classification Number (np) First Indicator Second Indicator Undefined Undefined 6b Undefined 6 Undefined ee Subfield Codes +a _ Classification number-single number or +k Summary number span caption beginning number of span (R) hierarchy (R) +¢ Classification number-ending number of +z Table identification (NR) span (R) +6 Linkage (NR) +h Caption hierarchy (R) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) +j Caption (NR) Ss aaeeonmwansaauaees_ooos FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains a single classification number or span from a schedule or number(s) from a table and its associated caption and caption hierarchy. ee ee GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS Guidelines for applying the content designators defined for field 153, scheme-specific conventions, and input conventions are given in the X53 Classification Numbers -General Information section. @ EXAMPLES 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aF61+cF75 +hUnited States local history + jMassachusetts 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+zL4+a1+hTable of subdivisions: Institutions in America (LD- LE) + hAdministration + hGeneral works. Office reports +jBoard of regents, trustees, etc. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+zP-PZ2 + a269 +hTable for languages (500 nos.) +hTranslating + jMachine translating 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+z6 +a94511 + hLanguages +hOther languages ¥ hAltaic, Uralic, Hyperborean, Dravidian languages + kUralic languages + hFinno-Ugric languages +hUgric languages + jHungarian (Magyar) 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a401.3+hLanguage + hPhilosophy and theory +jlnternational languages MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 1 Nes Nag of 153 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a220.1+c¢220.9 +hReligion + hBible + jGeneralities 153—pa2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 9 154 154 General Explanatory Index Term wry First Indicator Second Indicator Undefined Undefined 6 Undefined 6b Undefined Subfield Codes +a General explanatory index term (NR) +f Schedule identification (R) +b General explanatory index +6 Linkage (NR) term-succeeding level (R) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) SSS SSS FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains a general explanatory term from the index to the classification scheme that is identified in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition). Field 154 is appropriate only in an index term record (008/06, Kind of record, code c) that is created because the index term cannot be accommodated in a 70X-75X Index Term field in a schedule or table record (008/06, code a or b) that contains a classification number in field 153 (Classification Number). This occurs when the index term is not associated with one classification number or span. Field 753 (Index Term-Uncontrolled) is always used in a record containing field 154 to direct the user to different locations within the classification scheme for classifying the topic. GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS @ INDICATORS Both indicator positions are undefined; each contains a blank (6). @ SUBFIELD CODES +a - General explanatory index term Subfield +a contains a general explanatory index term representing a general concept that may be found in numerous places in the classification scheme identified in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition). 008/06 c [index term record] 084 0b+anlm+c5th ed., rev. [National Library of Medicine Classification] 154 bb+aResearch 753 6b+i(Form number 20 or 20.5 in any NLM schedule where applicable) 753 6b+iOther fields outside the NLM area, in appropriate LC number 008/06 Cc [index term record] 084 Ob+anlm+c5th ed., rev. [National Library of Medicine Classification] 154 bb+aFollow-up studies 753 66 +i(Form number 20 in any NLM schedule where applicable) 753 6b+iln a particular area, with the subject of the original study, e.g. Heart Diseases, +eWG210 MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 154-p. 17 154 008/06 Cc [index term record] 084 Ob+addc +bSistema de Clasificacién Decimal +c 1980 + espa 154 bb=+aEl 753 bb+iv.a. la palabra que sigue al articulo en los nombres geograficos que comienzan con el articulo "el" [Translation of 753: see also the word that follows the article in geographic names that begin with the article "el"] +b - General explanatory index term-succeeding level Subfield +b contains a term at a level after the first in a general explanatory index term. 008/06 c [index term record] 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 154 bb+ aAdministration + bOrganization + fKJ-KKZ 753 66+uOrganization and administration + f - Schedule identification Subfield +f contains the identification of the schedule or subclass to which the general explanatory index term is related. 008/06 C [index term record] 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 154 bb+aCivil wars + fE-F 753 6b+uMilitary history under individual countries +6 - Linkage + 8 - Field link and sequence number See the description of these subfields in Appendix A. ED 154-p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification MARC 21 Format for Classification Data - January 2000 )) | Tracing and Reference Fields Tracing and Reference Fields- General Information Reference fields 253 Complex See Reference (R) 353 Complex See Also Reference (R) Tracing fields 453 Invalid Number Tracing (R) 553 Valid Number Tracing (R) +i Reference instruction phrase (NR) +t Topic (NR) +w Control subfield (NR) /O Special relationship /1_ Hierarchical relationship /2 Reference display /3. History Reference ———ss—— DEFINITION AND SCOPE A cross reference is used to refer between classification numbers that are constructed according to the classification scheme that is identified in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition). It leads from an invalid classification number to a valid classification number or from one valid classification number to another valid classification number. Tracings or reference note fields are used to direct the user to another classification number, often for specific aspects of a topic. Cross reference displays may be generated by combining the contents of a tracing or a reference note field and field 153 (Classification Number) of a record. In some cases the inputting library may provide both a tracing and a reference note field and choose to suppress the tracing for display purposes. @ TRACING FIELDS Tracing fields lead directly from one number to another number. A 453 Invalid Number Tracing field leads from an invalid number to a valid number. A 553 Valid Number Tracing field leads from one valid classification number to another, often for classification of certain topics. Cross reference displays generated from the tracing fields are called simple cross references. \|n a simple cross reference display, the content of the 453 or 553 field is the number referred from, and, following a reference instruction phrase, the content of the 153 field is the number referred to. In the tracing fields, the reference instruction phrase is associated with a code in subfield + W/O (Special relationship) and/or subfield +w/1 (Hierarchical relationship). In unusual cases the reference instruction phrase may be carried explicitly in subfield +i (Reference instruction phrase). 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aHD1330 +cHD1331 +hindustries..Land use. Labor +hLand use + hLand tenure + jLandlord and peasant 453 00+ wj+aHD1501.2+hindustries. Land use. Labor + hAgricultural economics + jLandlord [An invalid classification number in field 453 leads the user to the valid classification number span in field 153.] MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 Tracing and Reference Fields - p. 7 Tracing and Reference Fields Cross reference display example: Industries. Land use. Labor Agricultural economics Landlord see HD1330-HD1331 [Note: the invalid number in 453 +a may be suppressed for display] @ REFERENCE NOTE FIELDS Reference note fields lead from one classification number to one or more other classification numbers. A reference note field is used when more complex reference instruction is needed than can be conveyed by one or more simple cross references generated from 453 and/or 553 tracing fields. There are two types of reference note fields: 1) see references (field 253), which refer to a classification number in another record and 2) see also references, which guide the user to related topics in other valid classification numbers (field 353). Cross reference displays constructed from the reference note fields are complex cross references. In a complex cross reference display, the content of the 153 field of a record is the number referred from, and, following a reference instruction phrase, the reference note field contains the number(s) referred to. In the reference note fields, the reference instruction is given as explicit text in subfield +i (Explanatory text). 008/06 b [table number] 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b6+a621.47 +hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hEngineering and allied operations +h Applied physics + hHeat engineering and prime movers + jSolar-energy engineering 253 2b6+i Class engineering of secondary sources of solar energy with the secondary source, e.g., generation of electricity from solar radiation + a621.31244, +iwind energy + a621.45 [Reference instruction phrase is explicit in 253 subfield +1] Cross reference display example at 621.47 621.47 Solar-energy engineering Class engineering of secondary sources of soiar energy with the secondary source, e.g., generation of electricity from solar radiation 621.31244, wind energy 621.45 ee ae eee GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS Guidelines for applying subfield +i (Reference instruction phrase), subfield +t (Topic) and subfield + w (Control subfield) in the 453 and 553 fields and examples of simple cross reference displays are provided in this section. Guidelines for applying the content designators for the classification number and caption portions of the 453 and 553 tracing fields are provided in the X53 Classification Numbers —General Information section. Guidelines for applying the content designators and examples of complex cross reference displays for fields 253 and 353 are provided in the individual field descriptions. & TRACING FIELDS- SIMPLE CROSS REFERENCES Simple cross references are generated for display from tracing fields. Displays may vary from one system to the next; those shown below are only suggestions. The content of subfield +i and subfield + w determine the reference instruction phrase used with the tracing. The character positions defined Tracing and Reference Fields - p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification Tracing and Reference Fields for subfield + w are described here. Subfield +t (Topic) provides additional information about the use of the classification number. +i - Reference instruction phrase Subfield +i contains a special reference instruction phrase that may be used in a cross reference display when the generation of a reference instruction phrase based on a code in control subfield + w/0 is not possible. When a tracing field contains subfield +i, subfield + w/0 contains code i (Reference instruction phrase in subfield +i). +t - Topic Subfield +t specifies the topics for which the tracing is appropriate. If the topic is the same as the caption in field 153 (Classification Number), subfield +j (Caption), the topic need not be repeated in subfield +t. However, if the topic is the same as the caption of the number referred to in subfield +j of field 453 or 553, the topic is still contained in subfield +t to facilitate a display of the tracing. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aTT898.2 +hHandicrafts. Arts and crafts +hHome arts. Homecrafts + hDecorative crafts +hFancy articles +jMerry-go-round art 553 Ob + wi + aNK5030 + cNK5035 + hDecorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament + hOther arts and art industries + jFairground art + tHandicraft of carousel horses Cross reference display example at NK5030-NK5035: Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament Other arts and industries Fairground art Cf. TT898.2, Handicraft of carousel horses 084 0b+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a546.8 +hNatural sciences and mathematics +hChemistry and allied sciences +k Chemistry + hinorganic chemistry +jPeriodic table 553 Ob+wk+a 541.24+hNatural sciences and mathematics + hChemistry and allied sciences + kChemistry + kGeneral topics in chemistry + hPhysical and theoretical chemistry + hTheoretical chemistry +jAtomic structure + tperiodic table Cross reference display example at 541.24: 541.24 Atomic structure Class periodic table in 546.8 +w - Control subfield Subfield +w contains up to four character positions (designated as +w/0, +w/1, +w/2, and + w/3) that indicate whether special instructions apply to the display of the 453 or 553 classification number, whether the reference should be displayed, and whether a field 685 (History Note) is associated with the tracing. Because the definitions of the codes in subfield + Ww are dependent on the character position in which they occur, the coding of any character position mandates that each preceding character position contains a code or fill character (|); succeeding character positions need not be used. For example, if subfield +w/1 (Hierarchical relationship) is not applicable, but +w/3 (History reference) is, subfield +w/1 must contain code n (Not applicable), and subfield +w/2 must contain either a code or a fill character. If +w/1, +w/2, and +w/3 are not applicable, only +w/O need be coded. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 Tracing and Reference Fields - p. 3 Tracing and Reference Fields +w/O - Special relationship Subfield +w/O contains a one-character alphabetic code that describes a relationship between the classification numbers contained in field 153 and fields 453 or 553. The codes may be used to generate a special reference instruction phrase in a cross reference display. If more than one code is applicable, the field may be repeated and the generation of a display of one of the tracings may be suppressed by code a (Reference not displayed) in subfield +w/2 (Reference display). a - Previous classification number k - Class elsewhere reference b - New classification number | - See also reference i - Reference instruction phrase m_- Standard subdivisions do-not-use in +i reference j - See reference n_ - Not applicable a - Previous classification number Code a indicates that the classification number in the tracing field is a number previously used for the subject. It directs the user to the currently used number in field 153 (Classification Number). The code may be used to generate a special reference instruction phrase such as see also under the new number: in a cross reference display. Field 685 (History Note) may be included in the record to give additional information about the history of the classification number contained in the tracing. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a133.323 + hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology +h Paranormal phenomena + hParapsychology and occultism +hDivinatory arts + hFortune-telling by crystals and stones; dowsing; fortune-telling by cards, tea leaves and coffee grounds, oracles and sibyls +jDowsing 453 0b+wahna+a133.3239 + hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology + hParanormal phenomena + hParapsychology and occultism + hDivinatory arts + hFortune-telling by crystals and stones; dowsing; fortune-telling by cards, tea leaves and coffee grounds, oracles and sibyls + hDowsing + j Telediesthesia (Distant prospection) 685 12+iNumber discontinued; class in + a133.323 +d19960930 ao 2.21 Cross reference display example under (RR PEMAEE [133.3239] Telediesthesia (Distant prospection) Number discontinued; class in 133.323 [Brackets may be generated around the invalid number on the basis of the field 453 tag]. b - New classification number Code b indicates that the number in the tracing field entirely supersedes the number contained in field 153. The code may be used to generate a special reference instruction phrase such as see also under the previous number: in a cross reference display. If the meaning of the number in field 153 is changed only for certain subjects, this complex information is conveyed in field 685 (History Note). This type of reference might be used by a library that assigns new classification numbers to new books but does not reclassify existing ones when a new edition is published. Tracing and Reference Fields - p. 4 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification Tracing and Reference Fields 084 0b+addc+c19 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b +a787.1+hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts + hMusic + kIndividual mediums of musical expression + kInstruments and instrumental music + kSpecific instruments and their music + kOther instruments and their music +hString instruments and their music + kSpecific bowed instruments and their music + jViolin 553 Ob +wbnna+a787.2+hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts + hMusic +kInstruments and their music + kSpecific instruments and their music + hStringed instruments (Chordophones). Bowed string instruments +jViolins Cross reference display at 787.2: See also under the previous number: 787.1 i - Reference instruction phrase in subfield +i Code i is used in conjunction with subfield +i (Reference instruction phrase) when explicit text is needed that does not fall into any other category. j - See reference Code j indicates that the number in the tracing field is a simple see reference that guides the user from the number(s) in the tracing field (field 453 or 553) to the number(s) in field 153 (Classification Number). The code may be used to generate a special reference instruction phrase such as see or For [topic] see [number]. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 6b+zP-PZ1+a499 +hTable for languages (900 nos.) +hTranslating + jMachine translating 553 1b + wj+zP-PZ1 +a691+hTable for languages + hLexicography + hDictionaries + hOther special lists +jWord frequency lists + tResearch on word frequency, etc., in connection with machine translating 680 60+ilncluding research Cross reference display example at 691, Table I, P-PZ: Table for languages (900 nos.) Lexicography Dictionaries Other special lists Word frequency lists Research on word frequency, etc., in connection with machine translating, see P-PZ, Table |, 499 084 Ob +addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b +a621.45 +hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hEngineering and allied operations + hApplied physics + hHeat engineering and prime movers + jWind engines 553 Ob + wig + a621.42+hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hEngineering and allied operations + hApplied physics + hHeat engineering and prime movers +j Stirling engines and air motors Cross reference display example at 621.42: 621.42 Stirling engines and air motors For wind engines, see 621.45 MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 Tracing and Reference Fields - p. 5 Tracing and Reference Fields k - Class elsewhere reference /553 only] Code k indicates that the topic in subfield +t (Topic) of the tracing field is classed in another number that is not a subdivision of the number in subfield +a (Classification number element-Single number or beginning number of span) of field 553. The code may be used to generate a special instruction phrase such as Class [topic] in [number]. 084 153 553 Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb +a 331.23 +hSocial sciences + hEconomics + kEconomics of labor, finance, land, energy +hLabor economics + hConditions of employment +} Guaranteed-wage plans Ob + wk + a331.2162 +hSocial sciences + hEconomics + kEconomics of labor, finance, land, energy + hLabor economics + hConditions of employment +h Compensation + hMethods of compensation + tTime payments Cross reference display example at 331.2162: Class Guaranteed-wage plans in 331.23 | - See also reference /553 only] Code | indicates that the number in the tracing field guides the user from the number(s) in field 553 to related topics classed in the number(s) in field 153. The code may be used to generate a special instruction phrase such as Cf. [number] [topic] or see also [number] for [topic]. 084 153 553 084 153 553 Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a305.562 +hSocial sciences + kSpecific topics in sociology and anthropology +hSocial groups +hSocial classes + hLower, alienated, excluded classes +jLaboring classes (Proletariat) 0b + wi + a331 +hSocial sciences + hEconomics + kEconomics of labor, finance, land, energy +jLabor economics + tsociology of laboring classes Ob + addc +21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a306.36 +hSocial sciences + kSpecific topics in sociology and anthropology +hCulture and institutions + hEconomic institutions + jSystems of labor 0b + wi + a331 + hSocial sciences + hEconomics + kEconomics of labor, finance, land, energy +jLabor economics + tsociology of labor Cross reference display example at 331: See also 305.562 for sociology of laboring classes, 306.36 for sociology of labor m - Standard subdivisions do-not-use reference Code m indicates that one or more standard subdivisions may not be used with the number in the tracing field. The code may be used to generate a special instruction phrase such as Do not use for [topic]; class in [number]. 084 153 553 Ob + addc +21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a331.01 +hSocial sciences + hEconomics + kEconomics of labor, finance, land, energy +hLabor economics +jPhilosophy and theory 06 + wmh + a331.011 +hSocial sciences + hEconomics + kEconomics of labor, finance, land, energy +hLabor economics + hPhilosophy and theory +jRights and position of labor +tsystems analysis applied to labor economics Tracing and Reference Fields - p. 6 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification id Tracing and Reference Fields Cross reference display example at 331.0717: Do not use for systems analysis applied to labor economics; class in 331.01 n - Not applicable Code n indicates that the relationship between the heading in the tracing field and the 153 heading is not one of the special relationships for which other codes are defined in subfield +w/O. A tag related reference instruction phrase such as see or see a/so may be used in a cross reference display from the related heading. If code n is applicable, subfield +w need not be coded unless a subsequent character position is required. +w/1 - Hierarchical relationship Subfield +w/1 contains a one-character alphabetic code which indicates the nature of the hierarchy when the tracing is for a hierarchical relationship between topics. The codes may be used to generate a special instruction phrase in a cross reference display. g - Number representing broader topic h - Number representing narrower topic n - Not applicable g - Number representing broader topic Code g indicates that the number in the tracing field represents a broader topic than the number at the preceding level of the caption hierarchy that is contained in field 153 (Classification Number). The code may be used to generate a special reference instruction phrase such as see a/so under the narrower number: in a cross reference display. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 66+a621.252+hTechnology (Applied sciences) +hEngineering and allied operations + hApplied physics + kFluid-power technologies + hHydraulic-power technology +hPumps and accumulators + jPumps 553 0b+wjg+a621.69+hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hEngineering and allied operations + hApplied physics + hBlowers, fans, pumps + kPumps +j Pumps. Pneumatic pumps + thydraulic pumps 084 0Ob+addce+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a621.64+hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hEngineering and allied operations + hApplied physics + hBlowers, fans, pumps + kPumps + jHand pumps 553 06+ wijg+a621.69+hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hEngineering and allied operations + hApplied physics + hBlowers, fans, pumps +kPumps +jPumps. Pneumatic pumps + thand pumps 084 Ob+addce+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b +a621.65 +hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hEngineering and allied operations + hApplied physics + hBlowers, fans, pumps + kPumps + jReciprocating pumps 553 0b+wijg+a621.69+hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hEngineering and allied operations +hApplied physics + hBlowers, fans, pumps +kPumps+jPumps. Pneumatic pumps + treciprocating pumps MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 Tracing and Reference Fields - p. 7 Tracing and Reference Fields 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a621.66+hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hEngineering and allied operations + hApplied physics + hBlowers, fans, pumps + kPumps + jRotary pumps 553 0b+wijg+a621.69+hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hEngineering and allied operations + hApplied physics + hBlowers, fans, pumps +kPumps +jPumps. Pneumatic pumps + trotary pumps 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a621.67+hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hEngineering and allied operations + hApplied physics + hBlowers, fans, pumps +kPumps + jCentrifugal pumps 553 0b+wjg+a621.69+hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hEngineering and allied operations + hApplied physics + hBlowers, fans, pumps + kPumps + jPumps. Pneumatic pumps # tcentrifugal pumps Cross reference display at 621.69: For hydraulic pumps, see 621.252; for hand pumps, see 621.64; for reciprocating pumps, see 621.65; for rotary pumps, see 621.66; for centrifugal pumps, see 621.67 [In this example, subfield +w/O controls the display, which is for a see reference.] h - Number representing narrower topic Code h indicates that the number in the tracing field represents a narrower topic than the number at the lower level of the caption hierarchy that is contained in field 153. The code may be used to generate a special reference instruction phrase such as see also under the broader number: in a cross reference display. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a666.3 +hTechnology (Applied sciences) +hChemical engineering and related technologies + hCeramic and allied technologies + jPottery 553 Ob+wkh+a666.5 +c666.6 +hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hChemical engineering and related technologies + hCeramic and allied technologies +j Specific types of pottery +t comprehensive works Cross reference display at 666.5-666.6: Class comprehensive works in 666.3 [In this example subfield +w/O controls the display.] n - Not applicable Code n indicates that a hierarchical relationship is not applicable to the tracing. If code nis applicable, subfield +w/1 need not be coded unless a subsequent character position is required. +w/2 - Reference display Subfield +w/2 contains a one-character alphabetic code that enables the generation or suppression of a cross reference from a 453 or 553 field. a - Reference not displayed n - Not applicable Tracing and Reference Fields - p. 8 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification Tracing and Reference Fields a - Reference not displayed > Code a indicates that the generation of a cross reference display from a tracing field should be suppressed. Code a is used when a 253 or 353 complex reference field contains the reference to be displayed or when it is otherwise not desirable to display the reference. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a230 +c270 +hReligion + kChristianity +jSpecific elements of Christianity 553 0Ob+ wnga+a230+c280 + hReligion + jChristianity [The 553 field contains a tracing from a DDC centered entry, or broader number span, which facilitates online browsing.] n - Not applicable Code n indicates that there is no reference display restriction on the tracing field. If code n is applicable, subfield +w/2 need not be coded unless +w/3 is used. + w/3 - History reference Subfield +w/3 contains a one-character alphabetic code that indicates whether field 685 (History Note) in a record refers to the number in a 453 or 553 tracing. a - History reference, field 685 used b - Not applicable a - History reference, field 685 used Code a indicates that the record contains a field 685 that contains further information y about the number in the 453 or 553 tracing field. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b+z2+a71334+hGeographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons +k Specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds +kThe modern world; extraterrestrial worlds + hNorth America +hCanada +hOntario +kSouthern Ontario + hLake Erie region +jElgin County 453 1b+ wanna z2 + a71335 + hGeographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons + kSpecific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds + kThe modern world; extraterrestrial worlds + hNorth America + hCanada + hOntario + kSouthern Ontario + hLake Erie region +jSt. Thomas 685 10+iRelocated to +z2 +a71334+d19960930 + 221 Cross reference display at T2-713395: --[71335] St. Thomas See the new number: T2-71335 Relocated to -71335 [If desired the tracing may be suppressed for display purposes. The second note about relocation is generated from field 685 (History Note).] n - Not applicable Code n indicates either that the record does not contain field 685 (History Note) or that field 685 refers to the classification number contained in field 153. If code n J is applicable, subfield + w/3 need not be coded. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 Tracing and Reference Fields - p. 9 Tracing and Reference Fields @ REFERENCE FIELDS- COMPLEX CROSS REFERENCES Complex cross references are carried directly in records as reference note fields. They are used when relationships exist between classification numbers that cannot be adequately conveyed by one or more simple cross references generated from 453 or 553 tracings. Subfield +i (Explanatory text) contains textual information in field 253 (Complex See Reference) or field 353 (Complex See Also Reference). 008/06 b [table record] 084 Ob+#alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 6b +zKF1+a7.5+c7.529 +hTable of form divisions (20 nos.) +hStatutes. Regulations. Rules of practice + hFederal legislation +hRegulations. Rules of practice +jParticular regulations or rules of practice (or groups of regulations or rules adopted as a whole) 253 Ob+iFor rules of practice before a separately classed agency, see the issuing agency i INPUT CONVENTIONS The general input conventions for the 453 and 553 tracing fields are provided in the X53 Classification Numbers-General Information section. The input conventions for the Reference fields are provided in the description of each field. Display Constants for Cross References - In the 453 and 553 tracing fields, reference instruction phrases such as those listed below are not carried in the MARC record. They may be system generated as display constants associated with the field tag. Tag-related: see: see also: in complex reference fields 253 and 353, the complete reference instruction may be a combination of a tag-related phrase, such as see: or see also: and explicit text in subfield +i. SCHEME-SPECIFIC CONVENTIONS The general scheme specific conventions for the 453 and 553 tracing fields are provided in the OS) Classification Numbers-General Information section. The scheme-specific conventions for the Reference fields (253, 353) are provided in the description of each field. The Library of Congress Classification scheme does not use subfield +t in field 453. Display Constants for Cross References - In the 453 and 553 tracing fields, reference instruction phrases such as those listed below are not carried in the MARC record. The following display constants may be system generated by the code in subfield +w/O (Special relationship) and the code in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition). Tracing and Reference Fields - p. 10 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification Name Previous number New number See Class elsewhere See also Standard subdivision Tracing and Reference Fields DDC undetermined undetermined For topic see number Class topic in number See also number for topic Do not use for topic; class in number LCC undetermined undetermined topic see number not applicable Cf. number topic not applicable The following display constants may be system generated by the code in subfield + w/1 (Hierarchical relationship). Code Name Number representing broader topic Number representing narrower topic DDC see also under the narrower number see also under the broader number LCC undetermined undetermined ec MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 Tracing and Reference Fields - p. 11 253 > 253 Complex See Reference A | First Indicator Second Indicator Type of reference Undefined O See reference b Undefined 1 Standard subdivisions do-not-use-reference 2 Class elsewhere reference ee Subfield Codes +a Classification number referred to- single +j Explanatory text (R) number or beginning number of span (R) +z Table identification (R) +c Classification number referred +6 Linkage (NR) to-ending number of span (R) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) Eee... ee FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains explanatory text and the Classification number referred to that are required when a see reference relationship exists between classification numbers that cannot be adequately conveyed by one or more simple cross references generated from a 453 (Invalid Number Tracing) or 553 (Valid Number Tracing) tracing field. A see also reference that directs the user to a related y number is contained in field 353 (Complex See Also Reference). A cross reference display may be constructed from the 153 and 253 fields of the record. Field 153 (Classification Number) contains the classification number or span referred from. Field 253 contains the explanatory text for the reference and the other classification number(s) or span(s) referred to. When several reference notes are associated with a classification number, each may be recorded in a separate field or they may be combined and recorded in a single field. References providing information about use of numbers discontinued in whole or in part for a topic and about topics relocated in whole or in part to other numbers are contained in field 685 (History Note). ETT GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS @ INDICATORS First Indicator - Type of reference The first indicator position contains a value that indicates the type of reference contained in the field. O - See reference Value O indicates a see reference to a classification number or span in another classification record. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 253 “pp. t 253 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 6b+aHE198+hTransportation and communications + jGovernment ownership (General) 253 Ob+iFor government ownership of a specific mode of transportation, see the mode 1 - Standard subdivisions do-not-use reference Value 1 indicates instructions prohibiting the use of one or more standard subdivisions. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a130.112+hPhilosopy, paranormal phenomena, psychology + hParanormal phenomena +hPhilosophy and theory +hSystems +jForecasting and forecasts 253 16+iDo not use; class comprehensive works on parapsychological and occult forecasting and forecasts in+a133.3.+iClass a specific type of forecasting or forecast with the type, without adding notation+z1 +a0112+ifrom Table 1, e.g., astrological methods of forecasting +a133.5 2 - Class elsewhere reference Value 2 indicates instructions to class a specified topic in another number that is not a subdivision of the number in field 153 (Classification Number). Often the reference cannot be made into a tracing because it does not refer to a particular classification number but is a general instruction. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b+a303.6 +hSocial sciences + kSpecific topics in sociology and anthropology +hSocial processes +jConflict 253 2b+iClass conflict in a specific social relation with the relation, e.g., racial conflict + a305.8;+iclass a specific conflict considered an historical event with the event in+a900, +ie.g., disturbances of May-June 1968 in France + a944.0836 Second Indicator - Undefined The second indicator position is undefined and contains a blank (6). @ SUBFIELD CODES +a - Classification number referred to-single number or beginning number of span Subfield +a contains either a single classification number or the beginning number of a classification number span to which reference is made from the classification number(s) in field 153 of the record. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b+612.39 +hTechnology (Applied sciences) +hMedical sciences. Medicine +hHuman physiology + kSpecific functions, systems, organs + hDigestion + jMetabolism 253 2b6+/iFor metabolism within a specific function, system, or organ, see the function, system, or organ, e.g., metabolism of plasma+a612.116 084 Ob+afcps [Canadian PS8000 Classification] 153 6b +aPS8005 +hCanadian literature + hGeneral + jSocieties 253 26+iSocieties devoted to literature in general are classed in+ aPN21+cPN29 +c - Classification number referred to- ending number of span Subfield +c contains the ending number of a classification number span to which reference is made from the classification number(s) in field 153 of the record. 2538.-p:"2 January 2000 MARC 217 - Classification 253 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 253 bb +a745.674 +hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts + kFine and decorative arts +hDrawing and decorative arts + hDecorative arts + hCalligraphy, heraldic design, illumination +hlllumination of manuscripts and books + jllluminated manuscripts and books by language 26 + iClass illuminated manuscripts and books in specific languages produced in specific countries and localities in+a745.67093 +¢745.67099 +i - Explanatory text Subfield +i contains the explanatory text of the see reference or see note. The text may be broken up by subfield +a or +c data and may be only a connector term, such as e.g. or and. 084 153 253 084 153 253 Ob + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb +z2KF1 +a7.5+c7.529 +hTable of form divisions (20 nos.) +hStatutes. Regulations. Rules of practice + hFederal legislation + hRegulations. Rules of practice + jParticular regulations or rules of practice (or groups of regulations or rules adopted as a whole) 0b +iFor rules of practice before a separately classed agency, see the issuing agency [The example is for a table record, as identified in 008/06 (Kind of record), code b (Table).] Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a003 + hGeneralities + jSystems 26 +iClass systems in a specific subject or discipline with the subject or discipline, plus notation+z1+a011+ifrom Table 1, e.g., systems theory in the social sciences + a300.11 [A Complex See Reference must include all of the instructions needed for applying the table to the number.] +z - Table identification Subfield +z contains the identification of the table to which a classification number recorded in field 253 belongs, if the classification number is part of a table. For a classification number span, subfield +z is given only once, before the first number. 084 153 253 +6 - Linkage Ob + addc +21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb +z1 +a089 +hStandard subdivisions + hHistory and description with respect to kinds of persons +jRacial, ethnic, national groups 26 +iClass treatment with respect to miscellaneous specific kinds of persons of a specific racial, ethnic, national group in+z1+a081 +c088, +ie.g., Chinese children+z 1+a083; +iclass persons treatment (e.g., biography) of members ofa specific racial, ethnic, national group in+z1 + a0923; +iclass treatment with respect to specific racial, ethnic, national groups in places where they predominate in=z1+a091+c099 [The reference note is too complex to be included in field 453 (Invalid Number Tracing) or field 553 (Valid Number Tracing).] + 8 - Field link and sequence number See description of these subfields in Appendix A. i MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 200 2.3 253 INPUT CONVENTIONS The input conventions described in the X53 Classification Numbers-General Information section are also applicable to this field. Display constants - Display constants for a reference instruction phrase may be system generated on the basis of the field tag. However, because several types of standard wording may be used for see references, it may not be desirable to use display constants. In cases where display constants are not used, all terms to be displayed are recorded explicitly in field 253 subfield +i (Explanatory text). SCHEME-SPECIFIC CONVENTIONS The scheme-specific conventions described in the X53 Classification Numbers-General Information section are also applicable to this field. Library of Congress Classification - For LCC, field 253 is used for the following situations: é If more than three numbers are referred to, which would require more than three tracings in three separate records If a synthesized number is referred to and it is not desirable to create a separate record for it If a span of numbers or whole subclasses are referred to for which no separate classification record exists For a general reference note that does not contain a specific classification number or that includes a specific number or numbers only as illustrative examples. 253 -p.4 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 353 353 Complex See Also Reference (r First Indicator Second Indicator Undefined Undefined 6b Undefined 6b Undefined Subfield Codes +a_ Classification number referred to-single +i Explanatory text (R) number or beginning number of span (R) +z Table identification (R) +c Classification number referred +6 Linkage (NR) to-ending number of span (R) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains exp/anatory text and the classification number referred to that are required when see also reference relationships exist between classification numbers that cannot be adequately conveyed by one or more simple cross references generated from field 553 (Valid Number Tracing). This field guides the user to related topics classed in other valid classification numbers. A Complex See Also Reference is appropriate only in valid or partially valid classification number records (as indicated in 008/08 (Classification validity), code a, b, or c). A cross reference display may be constructed from the 153 and 353 fields of the record. Field 153 (Classification Number) contains the classification number or span referred from and field 353 contains the classification number or span referred to. When several reference notes are associated with a classification number, each note may be recorded in a separate field or they may be combined and recorded in a single field. GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS @ INDICATORS Both indicator positions are undefined; each contains a blank (6). @ SUBFIELD CODES +a - Classification number referred to- single number or beginning number of span Subfield +a contains a single classification number or the beginning number of a classification number span to which reference is made from the classification number(s) in field 153 of the record. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a384.6025 +hSocial sciences + hCommerce, communications, transportation +k Communications and transportation + hCommunications. Telecommunication +k Telecommunication + hTelephony +jDirectories of persons and organizations 353 bb+a914+0c919,+iplus notation + a0025 +ifrom table under + a913 +c919, +ifor telephone directories, e.g., New York City telephone directory + a917.4710025 MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 353. rer 353 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aF2423+hLatin America. Spanish America +hSouth America +hGuiana + hSurinam. Netherlands or Dutch Guiana + hHistory + hBy period +j1604-1814 353 bb+iCf.+aF2381 +cF2383 +iEssequibo, Dememrara, and Berbice (Former Dutch colonies) [The reference is for a number span that cannot exist as a separate record because it encompasses several hierarchies.] + ¢ - Classification number referred to-ending number of span Subfield +c contains an element of the ending number of a classification number span to which reference is made from the classification number(s) in field 153 of the record. The element may consist of the whole classification number or a part of the classification number. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+zL5+a19.8+hTables of subdivisions: Institutions in America (LD-LE) + hHistory and description +jDormitories, residence halls, etc. 353 bb+iCf. + aNA6600 +, +iArchitecture [The reference is for a number span that cannot exist as a separate record because It encompasses several hierarchies.] +i - Explanatory text Subfield +i contains the explanatory text of the see also reference. The text may be broken up by subfield +a or +c data and may be only a connector term, such as e.g. or and. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aHF5030 +cHF5335.22 +hCommerce + hBusiness + jDirectories 353 bb+iCf. classes D, E, F, Local residence directories which include business directories +z - Table identification Subfield +z contains the identification of the table to which a classification number recorded in field 353 belongs, if the classification number is part of a table. For a classification number span, subfield +z is given only once, before the first number. 084 Ob#alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+zZ1+a13.C78 +hNational bibliography. Imprints + hLiterature (General) +hSpecial topics, A-Z +jComparative literature 353 bb+iCf.+aZ6514.C7, +iComparative literature (General) [Reference is from a table number to a schedule number. ] + 6 - Linkage +8 - Field link and sequence number See description of these subfields in Appendix A. Se LL INPUT CONVENTIONS The input conventions described in the X53 Classification Numbers-General Information section are also applicable to this field. B5o -'pee January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 353 Display constants - Display constants for a reference instruction phrase may be system generated on the basis of the field tag. However, because several types of standard wording may be used for see references, it may not be desirable to use display constants. In cases where display constants are not used, all terms to be displayed are recorded explicitly in field 353 subfield +i (Explanatory text). SCHEME-SPECIFIC CONVENTIONS The scheme-specific conventions described in the X53 Classification Numbers-General Information section are also applicable to this field. Library of Congress Classification - For LCC, field 353 is used for the following situations: r If more than three numbers are referred to, which would require more than three tracings in three separate records lf a synthesized number is referred to and it is not desirable to create a separate record for it If a span of numbers or whole subclasses are referred to for which no separate classification record exists For a general reference note that does not contain a specific classification number or that includes a specific number or numbers only as illustrative examples. Dewey Decimal Classification - This field is not likely to be used frequently in the Dewey Decima/ Classification except when it is desirable to provide both complex reference fields (253, 353) and tracing fields (453, 553). Since the majority of see also references can be accommodated in a simple see also tracing field (353), the example shown is only intended to illustrate the coding of data elements, not to show instances of actual use. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 G53 = pe 3 First Indicator Second Indicator Source of classification number Undefined O Schedule 6 Undefined 1 Table Subfield Codes Number portion Tracing subfields +a Classification number-single number or +j Reference instruction phrase (NR) beginning number of span (R) +t Topic (NR) +c Classification number-ending number of +w Control subfield (NR) span (R) /O Special relationship +z Table identification (NR) /1 Hierarchical relationship /2 Reference display Caption portion /3 History reference +h Caption hierarchy (R) +6 Linkage (NR) +j Caption (NR) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) +k Summary number span caption hierarchy (R) nla ancl sea i ti i lates lll lala a cic, ch et semen FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains a tracing for a cross reference from an invalid classification number. It is used for a valid or partially valid classification number (008/08, Classification validity, code a, b or c) record to trace a reference from an invalid to a valid number. When a 453 number tracing field cannot adequately convey necessary information about an invalid classification number, a separate record may be created for the invalid number (008/08 (Classification validity), code d) containing field 253 (Complex See Reference). In such instances, a 453 number tracing field may also be included in the valid or partially valid classification number record in the record for the valid number if desired. A tracing for a valid classification number that is invalid only for a particular topic is contained in field 553 (Valid Number Tracing). The content designators used in the classification number and caption portions of field 453 are the same as those defined for fields 153 (Classification Number) and 553 (Valid Number Tracing). Da :arEaan Tac GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS Guidelines for applying these content designators, including indicators, scheme-specific conventions and input conventions are given in the X53 Classification Numbers -General Information section. The guidelines for applying tracing subfield codes +i (Reference instruction phrase), +t (Topic) and +w (Control subfield), are given in the Tracing and Reference Fields -General Information section. MARC 21 - Classification October 2000 453.-pi i 453 @ EXAMPLES 453 - 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] =e 153 bb +aHA29 +cHA32 +hSocial science (General) + hStatistics + jTheory and method of social science statistics 453 Ob +wj+aH61.5 +hSocial Science (General) +hTheory. Method. Relation to other subjects + jStatistical methods 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aNA2795 + hArchitecture + jColor in architecture. Polychromy (General) 453 Ob + wj + aNA3640.52 + hArchitecture + hArchitectural decoration + jPainted decoration (Color use) 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b +a621.388337 +hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hEngineering and allied operations + hApplied physics + hElectrical engineering; lighting; superconductivity; magnetic engineering; applied optics; paraphotic technology; electronics; communications engineering; computers + hElectronics, communications engineering + kSpecific communications systems + hTelevision + hComponents and devices + hVideo recorders and video recordings + jMaintenance and repair of video recorders and video recordings 453 0b +wmnna¥a621.3883320288 + hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hEngineering and allied operations + hApplied physics + hElectrical engineering; lighting; superconductivity; magnetic engineering; applied optics; paraphotic technology; electronics; communications engineering; computers + hElectronics, communications engineering + kSpecific communications systems + hTelevision + hComponents and devices + hVideorecorders and videorecordings + hMiscellany + hAuxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials + jMaintenance and repair 084 0Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +z4+a2+hSubdivisions of Individual Languages and Language Families +kDescription and analysis of the standard form of the language +jEtymology of the standard form of the language 453 16+ wm+z4+a142+hSubdivisions of Individual Languages and Language Families + hPhilosophy and theory + hLanguage and communication + jEtymology 008/08 a [valid] 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b +a133.3+hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology +hParanormal phenomena + hParapsychology and occultism + jDivinatory arts 453 0b +wm+#at130.112+hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology + hParanormal phenomena + jForecasting and forecasts + tcomprehensive works on parapsychological and occult forecasting and forecasts 008/08 d linvalid] 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 66 +wm+a130.112+hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology +hParanormal phenomena +jForecasting and forecasts 253 16+iDo not use; class comprehensive works on parapsychological and occult forecasting and forecasts in+a133.3.+iClass a specific type of forecasting or forecast with the type, without adding notation +z1+a0112+ifrom Table 1, e.g., astrological methods of forecasting +a133.5 [This example illustrates a record that uses a 453 tracing for the invalid number and a reciprocal invalid record that uses a 253 complex reference field.] (e Dee October 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 553 > 553 Valid Number Tracing 1) 2 First Indicator Second Indicator Source of classification number Undefined O Schedule 6 Undefined 1 Table i eS UEEEEIIEtEE EEE Subfield Codes Number portion Tracing subfields +a_ Classification number-single number or +j Reference instruction phrase (NR) beginning number of span (R) +t Topic (NR) +c Classification number-ending number +w _ Control subfield (NR) of span (R) /O Special relationship +z Table identification (NR) /1 Hierarchical relationship /2 Reference display Caption portion /3 History reference +h Caption hierarchy (R) +6 Linkage (NR) +j Caption (NR) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) +k Summary number span caption hierarchy (R) ee SSS Sw—wm”—”09@™—] FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains a tracing from one valid classification number to another. It is used in a record for a valid or partially valid classification number (008/08, Classification validity, code a, b orc). If the classification number in the tracing is valid for some topics but invalid for others, this field is used, and the topics that refer to another number are specified in subfield +t (Topic). The content designators used in the classification number and caption portions of field 553 are the same as those defined for fields 153 (Classification Number) and 453 (Invalid Number Tracing). ee GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS Guidelines for applying these content designators, including indicators, scheme-specific conventions and input conventions are given in the X53 Classification Numbers -General Information section. The guidelines for applying tracing subfield codes +i (Reference instruction phrase), +t (Topic) and +w (Control subfield), are given in the Tracing and Reference Fields-General Information section. @ EXAMPLES 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a347.4202 +c347.4204 +hSocial sciences + hLaw +kBranches of law; laws (statutes), regulations, cases; law of specific jurisdictions, areas, socioeconomic regions +kBranches of law +hCivil procedure and courts +hSpecific jurisdictions and areas +kThe modern world; extraterrestial worlds + hEurope. Western Europe + hCivil procedure and courts of England +jCourts with specific kinds of jurisdiction MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 553 pa) 553 553 084 153 0b + wig + 347.4201 +hSocial sciences + hLaw + kBranches of law; laws (statutes), regulations, cases; law of specific jurisdictions, areas, socioeconomic regions +kBranches of law +hCivil procedure and courts + hSpecific jurisdictions and areas + kThe modern world; extraterrestial worlds + hEurope. Western Europe + hCivil procedure and courts of England + jCourts + tCourts with specific kinds of jurisdiction Ob + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aTR210 +cTR212 +hPhotography +hTheory of photographic processes in general + jPhotographic chemistry and chemicals 0b + wil + aQD701 + cOD731 + hChemistry + hPhysical and theoretical chemistry + jPhotochemistry + tPhotographic chemistry and chemicals Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a542.1 +hNatural sciences and mathematics +hChemistry and allied sciences + kChemistry + kGeneral topics in chemistry +hTechniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials + jLaboratories Ob + wm + a540.72 + hNatural sciences and mathematics + hChemistry and allied sciences + hEducation, research, related topics + jResearch + tlaboratories Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb +22 + a482 +c484 + hGeographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons + kSpecific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds +kThe modern world; extraterrestrial worlds + hEurope. Western Europe + hScandinavia +jDivisions of Norway 1b + wig + z2 + a481 +hGeographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons + kSpecific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds + kThe modern world; extraterrestrial worlds + hEurope. Western Europe + hScandinavia + jNorway + tdivisions of Norway —-erererererererererereeeeeee———— 553 - p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 2e MARC 21 Format for Classification Data - January 2000 6XX Y) [6XX_ Note Fields- General Information 680 Scope Note (R) 681 Classification Example Tracing Note (R) 683 Application Instruction Note (R) 684 Auxiliary Instruction Note (R) 685 History Note (R) 686 Relationship to Source Note (R) SSS _e“—eswmwwwswseleoooooo DEFINITION AND SCOPE The Note fields contain textual information about the scope of the classification number in field 153 (Classification Number) and instruct classifiers in the use of classification numbers. Except for field 680 (Scope Note), which is intended for display to public catalog users in addition to guiding classifiers, these notes often are not written in a form adequate for public user display. All note fields except 681 (Classification Example Tracing Note) are provided with subfield +8 (Field link and sequence number) to link and sequence fields in the proper order when the maintenance of a certain order is vital for the application and understanding of the instructions. Footnotes containing instructions that apply to several classification numbers are converted to the appropriate 6XX or 76x field. y) MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 6XX -p. 7 y by) 680 680 Scope Note ir First Indicator Second Indicator Hierarchical force Undefined O Not applicable or no hierarchical force 6 Undefined 1 Hierarchical force 2 Semihierarchical force a Subfield Codes +a _ Classification number-single number or +z Table identification (R) beginning number of span (R) +5 Institution to which field applies (R) +¢ Classification number-ending number of +6 Linkage (NR) span (R) +8 Field link and sequence number (NR) +j Explanatory text (R) a ————SSaee——MmavlaOltwmewo FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains information about a classification number or span in field 153 (Classification Number) that describes the scope of the number(s) in the classification scheme identified in field 084 (Classification Schedule and Edition). Field 680 is used for information such as an explanation and examples of the kinds of topics classed in the number or contrasting information regarding the scope and usage of other similar classification numbers. A separate 680 field is used when different types of notes are used or different characteristics apply. The information in this field is intended for display to public catalog users in addition to guiding classifiers. a ee Se GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS @ INDICATORS First Indicator - Hierarchical force The first indicator position contains a value that specifies whether or not the note applies to subordinate classification numbers. O - Not applicable or no hierarchical force Value O indicates that the note is from a classification scheme that does not make distinctions between hierarchical and non-hierarchical force or that the note has no hierarchical force. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aPR2754.A +cPR3754.Z +hEnglish literature + hEnglish renaissance (1500-1640) +hThe drama +hindividual authors + hShakespeare, William +hCollected works + hModern editions +j20th century. By editor, publisher, etc., A-Z 680 Ob+iClass here editions first edited in the 20th century MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 680 - p. 7 680 084 153 680 084 153 680 084 153 680 Ob + addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a598.65 +hNatural sciences and mathematics + kLife sciences + kNatural history of specific kinds of organisms +kPlants and animals + hAnimals + kSpecific taxonomic groups of animals +hAves (Birds) + kLand birds + hGalliformes and Columbiformes + jColumbiformes 0b +ilncluding Pteroclididae (sand grouse), dodos Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a331.255 +hSocial sciences + hEconomics + kEconomics of labor, finance, land, energy +hLabor economics + hConditions of employment + hOther conditions of employment +jFringe benefits 0b + ilncluding health and employee assistance programs, insurance, unemployment compensation Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb +a364.162 +hSocial sciences +hSocial problems & services; associations +kSocial problems and services + hCriminology +hCriminal offenses + hOffenses against property +jLarceny (Theft) 06 +ilncluding burglary, embezzlement, fencing 1 - Hierarchical force Value 1 indicates that the note applies to subordinate classification numbers. 084 153 680 084 153 680 084 153 680 084 153 680 Ob + addce +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a355.031 +hSocial sciences +hPublic administration and military science +hMilitary science + kBasic considerations of military science +hMilitary situation and policy +jMilitary relations 16+iClass here military alliances, mutual security pacts Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a153.4+hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology +hPsychology +kSpecific topics in psychology + hConscious mental processes and intelligence + jThought, thinking, reasoning, intuition, value, judgment 16 + iFormer heading: Cognition (Knowledge) Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a634.653 + hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hAgriculture and related technologies + kSpecific plant crops + hOrchards, fruits, forestry +kOrchards and their fruits +hTropical and subtropical fruits +hPapayas, avocados, mangosteens + jAvocados 16+iVariant name: alligator pears Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a004.7 +hGeneralities + hData processing. Computer science + jPeripherals 1b+ilnput, output, storage devices that work with a computer but are not part of its central processing unit or internal storage [Input devices are classed in 004.76, output devices in 004.77, and storage devices in 004.56] 2 - Semihierarchical force Value 2 indicates that the note applies only to some of the subordinate classification numbers, which are specified in the note. 680 - p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification Y) \)) 680 084 Ob +addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a704.9432 +hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts +kFine and decorative arts +k Standard subdivisions of fine and decorative arts +hSpecial topics in fine and decorative arts. History and description with respect to kinds of persons +h Iconography +hSpecific subjects + hNature and still life + jAnimals 680 2b6+iHunting scenes are classed in+a704.9432, +iwithout use of +a704.943201 + ¢704.943209; +ihunting scenes in which a specific animal is the center of interest are classed with the animal in+a704.94322 + c704.94329 Second Indicator - Undefined The second indicator position is undefined and contains a blank (6). @ SUBFIELD CODES +a - Classification number- single number or beginning number of span Subfield +a contains a classification number that is used to amplify the explanatory text of the scope note. The classification number may be a single number or the beginning number of a span. 084 153 680 Ob + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aHB848 + cHB3697 +hEconomic theory. Demography +jDemography. Population. Vital events 0b +ilncluding statistical works on specific aspects of population and vital events, as for example, + aHB1321 + cHB1528, +iMortality +c - Classification number-ending number of span Subfield +c contains the ending number of a classification number span that is used to amplify the explanatory text of the scope note. 084 153 680 084 153 680 Ob + addc + c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb +a785.6 +c785.9+hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts + hMusic + kPrinciples, forms, ensembles, voices, instruments + kEnsembles, voices, instruments +k Instruments and their music +hEnsembles with only one instrument per part +k Specific kinds of ensembles + jEnsembles consisting of only one instrumental group 16 +iThe inclusion of "only one kind" in the +a785.6 + c785.9 +iheadings limits the subdivisions to individual kind of instruments, not to. family of instruments. For example, a string quartet, which usually consists of two violins, a viola, and a cello is classed in+ a785.7194+istring quartets, not +a785.72194 + iviolin quartets Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb +z2+a3+c9+hGeographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons + jSpecific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds 1b+iAn area is classed in its present number even if it had a different affiliation at the time under consideration, e.g., Arizona under Mexican sovereignty + z2+a/91 + i(not +z2+a72) +i - Explanatory text Subfield +i contains text that explains the scope of the classification number. Subfield +i is repeated when other subfields are embedded in the explanatory text. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 680 -p. 3 680 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 b6+zT2+a.H1+hTable for exhibitions. Trade shows +hSpecial exhibitions + jParts of the exposition 680 0b6+iWorks on various exhibits which cannot well be classified with any one subject, e.g., a work on an educational exhibit, goes in class L, Education, subdivision Exhibits, but a work on Machinery hall is classed here 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a780.94+hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts +hMusic +hHistorical, geographic, persons treatment + jEurope. Western Europe 680 0b+iUse only for works that stress that they are discussing the European origin and character of music in contrast to music from other sources 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b+a670+hTechnology (Applied sciences) + jManufacturing 680 16+iGeneral aspects: planning, design, fabrication +z - Table identification Subfield +z contains the identification of the table to which the classification number in the note belongs, if the classification number recorded in field 680 is part of a table. Fora classification number span, subfield +z is given only once, before the first number. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb6+z2+a3+c9+hGeographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons + jSpecific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds 680 16+iAn area is classed in its present number even if it had a different affiliation at the time under consideration, e.g., Arizona under Mexican sovereignty +z2+a791+i(not +z2+a72) + 5 - Institution to which field applies +6 - Linkage + 8 - Field link and sequence number See description of these subfields in Appendix A. i SCHEME-SPECIFIC CONVENTIONS Dewey Decimal Classification - The following types of notes indicate whether the note applies to subordinate classification numbers in DDC: No hierarchical force Hierarchical force (first indicator, value O) (first indicator, value 1) Contains Former heading Example Variant name Common names Former name Including Class here Definition Scope General aspects Footnote symbols are omitted, and the instructions to which they refer are converted to the appropriate note. 680 - p. 4 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification v) 681 681 Classification Example Tracing Note 1R) First Indicator Second Indicator Undefined Undefined 6 Undefined 6 Undefined Subfield Codes +a_ Classification number-single number or +i Explanatory text (R) beginning number of span (R) +z Table identification (R) +c Classification number-ending number of +6 Linkage (NR) span (R) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) eee eee SSS — FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains a note that documents the use of the classification number in field 153 (Classification Number) of the record as an example or reference in the 253 Complex See Reference, 353 Complex See Also Reference and/or 6XX note fields of another record. It permits the updating of the 253, 353, or 6XX fields in the related record when a change is made to a 153 field. The information in this field is primarily intended to serve as a tracing of the use of classification numbers in examples and notes to assist classifiers in updating records. It is often not written in a form adequate for public user display. a CS GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS @ INDICATORS Both indicator positions are undefined; each contains a blank (6) @ SUBFIELD CODES +a - Classification number- single number or beginning number of span Subfield +a contains the classification number in field 153 of the record in which the classification number is cited. The classification number may be a single number or the beginning number of a span. +c - Classification number- ending number of span Subfield +c contains the ending number of a classification number span from field 153 of the other record in which the classification number is cited. +i - Explanatory text Subfield +i contains text such as Example under [...], and Confer from [...] that indicates how the classification number is used in the record for the classification number referred to in subfield +a. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 687-p. 1 681 +z - Table identification Subfield +z contains the identification of the table to which the classification number in the note belongs, if the classification number recorded in field 681 is part of a table. For a classification number span, subfield +z is given only once, before the first number. +6 - Linkage + 8 - Field link and sequence number See description of these subfields in Appendix A. @ EXAMPLES 084 153 681 084 153 680 084 153 681 084 153 253 084 153 681 084 153 680 Ob + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aHB1321 +cHB1528 +hEconomic theory. Demography +hDemography. Population. Vital events +jDeaths. Mortality bb + iExample under + aHB848 + cHB3697 + iDemography.Population. Vital events Ob + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aHB848 + CHB3697 +hEconomic theory. Demography + jDemography. Population. Vital events Ob +ilncluding statistical works on specific aspects of population and vital events, as for example, + aHB1321 +cHB1528 +iMortality Ob + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aKF6571 +cKF6594 +hUnited States (General) +hPublic finance + hNational revenue + hParticular sources of revenue +hTaxation +hParticular taxes + hOther taxes on capital and income +jEstate, inheritance, and gift taxes bb + iExample under + aKF6296 + cKF6297.5 +iTax saving. Tax planning Ob + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aKF6296 + cKF6297.5 +hUnited States (General) + hPublic finance + hNational revenue + hParticular sources of revenue + hTaxation + jTax saving. Tax planning Ob +iTax planning relating to particular taxes, except income tax, see these taxes, e.g. + aKF6571 + +iEstate and gift taxes [The reference note in field 253 does not refer specifically to another number and cannot be made into a tracing.] Ob + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb +zG1 +a.E645 +hSubject subdivisions +hHuman and Cultural Geography. Anthropogeography. Human Ecology =hSocial and cultural geography. Civilizations + hintellectual and aesthetic life. The arts +jTheaters. Drama. Motion pictures bb + iExample under +zG1 + a.A85 +iBiographical maps. Maps showing travels of individuals Ob + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb +zG1 +a.A85 +hSubject subdivisions +hSpecial category Maps and Atlases +jBiographical maps. Maps showing travels of individuals Ob +iClass maps showing special groups of people under the subject, e.g., actors are classified in .E645 687 - p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification as) v) Y) 681 SCHEME-SPECIFIC CONVENTIONS Dewey Decimal Classification - This field is not used because the DDC uses field 765 (Synthesized Number Components), to track the use of classification numbers within synthesized numbers. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 681-p.3 Oe "1g a Ez Rs Ur on oo Taubes wetet ve NTale: : Sel ag re she aia <—te bebe eeu en aug preg Se {ongion Chere apie, 48 AD i' ca we 7 a eP i: narsivartirny?) 23%. sind easy IG ont ike IT nogeatiinget® hee V1 of. qiathowry Gakwesrienes’ nist pir sorte ° Se Of, Letetaroge Ney a2 a Be "2 itis Tas 7 z ec hit vol ccaiprtiom, oF Vine 4 eee a oar Sanaa ey ; Ei oe | That 7 at ~~ 3 OAL ® & wih j acnany wf Ciaran de "SS Ghapeeil47) & ole 2e e Regen eaehy ¢ | Popgleteen Viet aves © eaiy. Ge 7 Hee. 369 Enateow is rhahe oat b> 24 wa ry el Cowpea Oyen wes ihn 6 oe 9) OF 40mm Ge. Ses re fo? Of © lire dptlw a a waste ane te we aipge 8 : > 6a are i 7 Lf Y a vee — 7 wy = é ' ¢ _) Fi 7 a ‘&., ; : ad yee ze 4 é wm é€ Fao i: “< LArt 7 vie o 7 oe a i 7 ¥ ob bei FAS 73 OAKS Ae ere er 2 Lory ot oom a? ep yere : hfaveten oneaiiaeae ; iC aut «Gla oy ats fru aa, Ov! SET aie 1° ty) Exermale -p ter 6 ake S268 pOhIERRT Se iay Raeay | » ‘ alii oe, _ ; oy Hing viene : wi * inde Ab oa '¢£ rea) 7 * A toe pir) wl Dimes, | Cicer hj » tina boanga 660 a me hor ieadn veneer ig tt Tae. oa Pam entra ma 7) mS te ew! Hf wii” pipers, infu i Pecunia Net q . Tt : d By ” ~@qgne ‘.\ aa re Piet .. doenmvg: ei ue-ayin shone a pul je met ges @ tardies) ye ie Ain J - oy — a, s a Ge : ' er’ bb) Ganaegn Cheese tinea, ot hin ie ' Me on DMS * > styrend iildeadiy deine dhllal tid et anar cbgeagceuity. myugeeeligahg, mie it ae . er ee eo aos a = te 7 fl : VF ah ° - . / cSt ~ r eo er ne OR Ae : i tr ey] at Grime ae —* = - _ a 7 ‘ i = te ; : : en I of os @e «Awe of Connie

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OU ERS. 3 itn Weer din ce re " Cita rie lal Aree y 6 Gir t/s= ae Pi ins T vin @ reaeiwlty 1 6 eS DONDR GPa ae a , On er oa] Aanilbiniiey —- eyotk, : v (Nee ty Cee ‘A > pie riceadar een nail evar oo ety Se longue Py osn. si | Ae ear Lett PA hor Rerseath iyi extn Pe af nT —i¥e ; 2 : Sb sitar oh?’ 4 a i 5 be ¥ . ara Hes? thas a Rare bag 77 eis aw eh lad ae : - ‘ eT @ , 7 _ oh 7 Doe \) 685 First Indicator Second Indicator Result of change Type of history information O Completely new number O Relocation 1 Completely vacated number 1 Formerly 2 Partially changed number 2 Discontinuation 3 Reused after being vacated 3 Expansion 4 Immediately reused 8 Other 8 Other ee ee ee ee ee Subfield Codes +a New number-single number or +f Title and publication date (NR) beginning number of span (R) +i Explanatory text (R) +b Previous number-single number or +t Topic (R) beginning number of span (R) +z Table identification (R) +c Classification number-ending number of +2 Edition number (R) span (R) +5 institution to which field applies (R) +d Date of implementation of authoritative +6 Linkage (NR) agency (NR) +8 Field link and sequence number (NR) +e Local implementation date (NR) ees FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains information about the history of the use and meaning of a classification number. The history information contained in this field refers to the number in field 153 (Classification Number) of the classification record unless a 453 (Invalid Number Tracing) or 553 (Valid Number Tracing) field contains code a (History reference, field 685 used) in control subfield + w/3 (History reference). If the tracing contains code a in subfield +w/3, the history reference refers to the number in that field. If there are two tracings in the record both with code a in subfield + w/3, the number in subfield +a or + b identifies to which tracing the history note refers. The information in this field is intended primarily for computer processing or to guide classifiers and is often not written in a form adequate for public user display. ee GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS @ INDICATORS First Indicator - Result of change The first indicator position contains a value that indicates the result of the change recorded in field 685 to the meaning of the number in field 153, 453, or 553. 0 - Completely new number Value O indicates that the classification number has not been used in any previous edition. MARC 21 - Classification October 2000 685 -p. 7 685 084 0Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 b+a006.7 +hGeneralities + hSpecial computer methods + jMultimedia systems 685 01+tMultimedia systems, interactive video, comprehensive works on computer graphics and computer sound synthesis +iall formerly located in + a006.6 +d 19960930 + 221 1 - Completely vacated number Value 1 indicates that the classification number in field 153 (Classification Number) has ceased being used or that the 685 field is linked to a 453 (Invalid Number Tracing) field with code a (Previous classification number) in control subfield +w/O (Special relationship). 008/08 d [completely invalid] 084 0Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b+a297.19 +hReligion +hComparative religion and religions other than Christianity + kReligions other than Christianity +hlslam, Babism, Bahai Faith + klslam + kSources of Islam; Islamic doctrinal theology (Aqaid and Kalam); Islam and secular disciplines; Islam and other systems of belief; Islamic worship + hSources of Islam +j Mythology 685 12+iProvision discontinued because without meaning in context +d19960930 +2 21 [A record is created for this invalid number to give the discontinuation information, because there is no other number in which to include it as a tracing.] 2 - Partially changed number Value 2 indicates that the meaning of the classification number has been partly changed by the addition or subtraction of a topic. 084 Ob +addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 b66+a158.5+hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology + hPsychology +k Specific topics in psychology + hApplied psychology + jNegotiation 685 22+iUse of this number for +tcooperation + idiscontinued; class in+a158+d 19960930+ 221 [The record for 158 contains a tracing for 158.5 that is coded a (Previous classification number) in control subfield + w/0.] 3 - Reused after being vacated Value 3 indicates that the classification number has been reused after being vacated for at least one edition. 084 0b +addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b6+z1+a081 +hStandard Subdivisions + hHistory and description with respect to kinds of persons + jMen 453 16+ wanaa+z1 +a088041 +hStandard subdivisions + hHistory and description with respect to kinds of persons + jMen 685 10+tCritical appraisal of a person's work +irelocated to+z1 +a092 +d19650501 +217 685 31+tMen+iformerly located in+z1 +b088041 + d19890306 + 220 [088041 is now an invalid number.] 4 - Immediately reused Value 4 indicates that the meaning of the classification number has completely changed, without any intervening period of nonuse. 685 - p. 2 October 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 685 084 0Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a439.1 +hLanguage +kSpecific languages + kSpecific Indo-European languages +hGermanic (Teutonic) languages. German +hOther Germanic (Teutonic) languages +jYiddish 553 Ob + wanna + a437.947 +hLanguage + kSpecific languages + kSpecific Indo-European languages + hGermanic (Teutonic) languages. German + kSubdivisions of German language + hHistorical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations +hGeographic variations in other places +jYiddish 685 41+tYiddish+iformerly located in+b437.947 + d19960930+ 221 685 42+/iUse of this number for+tcomprehensive works on Old Low Germanic languages + idiscontinued; class in+a439 + d19960930+ 221 685 40+tOld Frisian +irelocated to +a439.2 + d19960930 + 221 685 40+tOld Low Franconian +irelocated to +a439.31 +d19960930 + 221 685 40+tOld Low German, Old Saxon + irelocated to + a439.4 + d19960930 + 221 [The record for 439.4 contains a tracing for 439.1] 8 - Other Value 8 indicates that the field gives information about a change other than that specified by one of the other defined values. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a370+hSocial sciences + jEducation 685 88+iThis schedule is extensively revised, 370.1, 370.7, 375-377, and 378.14-378.19 in particular departing from earlier editions. A comparative table giving both old and new numbers for relocated topics, and equivalence tables showing the numbers in the old and new schedules appear in volume 1 of this edition +d19960930 + 221 Second Indicator - Type of history information The second indicator contains a value that indicates the type of history information note recorded in field 685. O - Relocation Value O indicates that a specific topic has been shifted from the number in field 153 to another number. This situation usually involves shifting from one hierarchy to another. 084 0Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b+a307.2+hSocial sciences + kSpecific topics in sociology and anthropology +h Communities + kSpecific aspects of communities + |Movement of people to, from, within communities 685 20+tPopulation size and composition + irelocated to + a304.6 +d19960930 + 221 [The record for 304.6 contains a tracing for 307.2 that is coded a (Previous classification number) in control subfield + w/O.] 1 - Formerly Value 1 indicates that a specific topic has been shifted to the number in field 153 from another number. This situation usually involves shifting from one hierarchy to another. MARC 21 - Classification October 2000 685 -p. 3 685 084 153 553 685 Ob + addce +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb +a304.6 +hSocial sciences +kSpecific topics in sociology and anthropology +h Factors affecting social behavior +jPopulation Ob + wanna + a307.2 +hSocial sciences +kSpecific topics in sociology and anthropology + hCommunities + kSpecific aspects of communities + jMovement of people to, from, within communities 21+tPopulation size and composition +iboth formerly also located in+a307.2+d 19960930 + 221 [Field 553 contains code a in control subfield + w/3 (History reference) to indicate that field 685 refers to the number in that tracing. !) 2 - Discontinuation Value 2 indicates that a topic has been moved to a shorter number in the same hierarchy, or that the topic has been dropped entirely, usually because it is obsolete or without meaning in context. 084 153 453 685 Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb +a152.182 +hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology + hPsychology +k Specific topics in psychology + hSensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological drives + hSensory perception + hOther types of sensory perception +j Cutaneous (Tactile) perception Ob + wanna + a152.1828 + hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology +h Psychology + kSpecific topics in psychology + hSensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological drives + hSensory perception + hOther types of sensory perception + hCutaneous (Tactile) perception + jltch and tickle 12+iNumber discontinued; class in 4+a152.182+b152.1828 +d1 9960930 + 221 [Field 453 contains code a in control subfield + w/3 (History reference) to indicate that the 685 field refers to the number in that tracing.] 3 - Expansion Value 3 indicates that the topic has been moved to a longer number in the same hierarchy. 084 153 685 084 153 685 8 - Other Ob + addce +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb +a796.32 +hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts +hRecreational and performing arts + hAthletic and outdoor sports and games +hBall games +jInflated ball thrown or hit by hand 23 +.a796.324 + tNetball + d19960930 + 221 Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb +a796.324 +hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts + hRecreational and performing arts + hAthletic and outdoor sports and games + hBall games +hinflated ball thrown or hit by hand +jNetball 03 +iExpanded from +a796.324 + tNetball + d19960930 + 221 Value 8 indicates that this field gives information about a type of change other than that specified by one of the other defined values. 685 - p. 4 October 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 685 084 0b+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a350+hSocial sciences + kPublic administration and military science 685 88+iExcept for military science (355-359), this schedule is new and has been prepared with little or no reference to previous editions. Most numbers have been reused with new meanings. A comparative table giving both old and new numbers for a substantial list of topics and equivalence tables showing the numbers in the old and new schedules appear in volume 1 of this edition + d19960930 + 221 @ SUBFIELD CODES +a - New number- single number or beginning number of span Subfield +a contains the new number to which a topic has been moved. If the new number is the same as the number in field 153 (Classification Number), this subfield is not used. The presence of this subfield signals that the topic is being moved away from the classification number in field 153. The record for the new number generally contains a tracing for the number from which the topic was moved. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 66+a160+hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology + jLogic 685 20+tReference +irelocated to+a121.68+d19960930+ 221 +b - Previous number-single number or beginning number of span Subfield +b contains the old number from which the topic has been moved. If the old number is the same as the number in field 153, field 453 (Invalid Number Tracing) or field 553 (Valid Number Tracing), this subfield is not used. The presence of this subfield signals that the topic is being moved into the number in field 153. This record generally contains a tracing for the previous number. 084 0b+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b6+a121.68+hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology +hEpistemology, causation, humankind + hEpistemology (Theory of knowledge) +hNature of inquiry +j Meaning, interpretation, hermeneutics 685 21+tReference +iformerly located in+b160+d19960930+ 221 +c - Classification number-ending number of span Subfield +c contains the ending number of a classification number span cited in field 685. The beginning number of the span is recorded either in subfield +a for new number or subfield +b for previous number. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b +a296.43 +c296.44 +hReligion + hComparative religion and religions other than Christianity + kReligions other than Christianity + hJudaism +hTraditions, rites, public services +jFestivals, holy days, fasts; rites and customs for occasions that occur generally once in a lifetime 685 20+tLiturgy and prayers for festivals, holy days, fasts; for occasions that occur generally once in a lifetime + irelocated to + a296.453 + c296.454 + d19960930+ 221 +d - Date of implementation at authoritative agency Subfield +d contains the date on which the authoritative agency implemented the change recorded in field 685. MARC 21 - Classification October 2000 685 -p. 5 685 084 0b+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b+a305.235 +hSocial Sciences + kSpecific topics in sociology and anthropology +h Social groups +hAge groups + hYoung people +jYoung people twelve to twenty 685 20+tComprehensive works on young adults +irelocated to + a305.242 +d19960930 +221 +e - Local implementation date Subfield +e contains the date on which the local library implemented the change recorded in field 685. +f - Title and publication date Subfield +f contains a code or a title and publication date string to identify the source where the classification number change first appeared if the change occurred in other than a published edition identified in subfield +2 (Edition number). The field also may contain a volume and number if appropriate, following the title and publication date or coded data. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a004 +hGeneralities +jData processing. Computer science 685 01+tData processing. Computer science +iformerly located in+b001.6 +d19850501 + fDDC 004-006, data processing and computer science and changes in related disciplines, 1985 +219 084 0Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a303.323 +hSocial sciences + kSpecific topics in sociology and anthropology +hSocial processes + hCoordination and control + hSocialization + jBy the family 685 03+tSocialization by the family+d19820315+fDDC 301-307, sociology, 1982+219 084 0b+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a530.1433 +hNatural sciences and mathematics + hPhysics +hTheories and mathematical physics + hField and wave theories +hQuantum field theory + jQuantum electrodynamics 685 01+tQuantum electrodynamics +iformerly located in+b537.67 +d19990901 + fNew and Changed Entries, September 1999+ 221 +i - Explanatory text Subfield +i contains the explanatory text in field 685. 084 0b+addce+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 66+a158.5+hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology + hPsychology + k Specific topics in psychology +hApplied psychology + jNegotiation 685 22+/iUse of this number for cooperation discontinued; class in+a158 +d19960930 +221 +t - Topic Subfield +t contains the topic that is being added to or subtracted from the meaning of the number in field 153, 453 or 553 of this or another record. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 b66+a307.2+hSocial sciences + kSpecific topics in sociology and anthropology + ah Communities + kSpecific aspects of communities +jMovement of people to, from, within communities 685 20+tPopulation size and composition +irelocated to + a304.6 + d19960930 + 221 685 -p. 6 October 2000 MARC 21 - Classification ( 685 +z - Table identification Subfield +z contains the identification of the table to which a classification number recorded in field 685 belongs, if the classification number is part of a table. For a classification number span, subfield +z is given only once, before the first number. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b+z2+a5129 +hGeographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons + kSpecific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds + kThe modern world; extraterrestrial worlds +hAsia. Orient. Far East + hChina and adjacent areas +h Southeastern China and adjacent areas + jHainan Province (Hainan Sheng) 685 01+ tHainan Province (Hainan Sheng) +iformerly located in+z2+b5127+d 19910501 +220 + 2 - Edition number Subfield +2 contains the edition number of the classification scheme in which the change recorded in field 685 occurred. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 66 +a160+hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology +jLogic 685 20+ tReference +irelocated to+a121.68+d19960930+ 221 + 5 - Institution to which field applies + 6 - Linkage + 8 - Field link and sequence number See description of these subfields in Appendix A. Oat ata eRe a ee ac en He ancien a aa ee ean Weg eee a a dl ea RE SCHEME-SPECIFIC CONVENTIONS Dewey Decimal Classification - Formerly notes are the other ends of relocation notes. In the printed version they are embedded in captions or in other notes rather than being a separate note. Subfield +d (Date of implementation of authoritative-agency) and subfield +2 (Edition number) are applicable only to the standard full English language edition of the DDC. Examples of the use of subfield +f (Title and publication date) are the DC&: Decimal Classification Additions, Notes and Decisions, small schedules that are issued separately in advance of the publication of a new edition, or on the “New and Changed Entries” page of the OCLC Forest Press’s website (http://www.oclc.org/ocic/fp/ddc/newnchng.htm). MARC 21 - Classification October 2000 685 -p. 7 ni babrus a a A on ee wantin i” i ; ad i Md y me a bs a iy A by ty his hl ‘oh Oe wa ma aft rl oF. f a3 oe aK , - " ‘ CP neater aor pe ap ; ain he enn inp Sanna nidnieeins Fanon of 4th sat, Seb eto ie My wm vetyveh 4 itis wien , hades seen fi. | wal rn 4 | GS Oye aie Te a T aL ee Y Lae baka ipnerite 7. co iy - ee Saree ee eer ai al Ae iy Avge’ Vyeseees F nh * MI GR ei va h ap ual Padivsiogtaseryth’ Wien eins Nace *" Al, f ma Le : f Med u epee Pa, 1A) r oo) go Lh sie ‘Qe Sep apeiteks Fpbleeviag iain: ; nN ; poquiao” es fev oa pcb a , “ Panera: atl ler re a ¢ cabhooty #w abet asad? poled w! deniigbing emigmoeS. jeatie ie nee! aya tanp a ‘S22 eee 138-008 OCA-O0M shia ene ae % cael 700 y 700 Index Term-Personal Name r) First Indicator Type of personal name entry element Second Indicator Thesaurus O Forename O Library of Congress Subject 1 Surname Headings/Name authority file 3 Family name 1 LC subject headings for children's literature 2 Medical Subject Headings/NLM name authority file 3 National Agricultural Library subject authority file 4 Source not specified 5 Canadian Subject Headings/NLC name authority file 6 Répertoire de vedettes-matiére 7 Source specified in subfield +2 Subfield Codes Name portion Name and title portions +a Personal name (NR) +g Miscellaneous information (NR) +q Fuller form of name (NR) ) +b Numeration (NR) Subject subdivision portion +c Titles and other words associated with a +Vv Form subdivision (R) name (R) +x General subdivision (R) +d Dates associated with a name (NR) +y Chronological subdivision (R) +e Relator term (R) +z Geographic subdivision (R) +j Attribution qualifier (R) Control! subfields Title portion +i Explanatory text (R) +t Title of a work (NR) +0 Record control number (R) +f Date of a work (NR) +2 Source of heading or term (NR) +h Medium (NR) +3 Materials specified (NR) +k Form subheading (R) +4 Relator code (R) +1 Language of a work (NR) +6 Linkage (NR) +m Medium of performance for music (R) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) +n Number of part/section of a work (R) +0 Arranged statement for music (NR) +p Name of part/section of a work (R) +r Key for music (NR) +s Version (NR) MARC 21 - Classification October 2007 700 - p. 7 700 FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains a personal name or the personal name portion of a name/title field used as an index term that supplements terms derived in the MARC record. The name may be referred to in the classification number and caption in field 153 (Classification Number). The field may be used to link a classification number with a related controlled personal name heading. The values in the second indicator position or the data in subfield +2 (Source of heading or term) identify the subject heading system or thesaurus used by an institution to formulate the personal name index term. Terms not controlled by a thesaurus are contained in field 753 (Index Term-Uncontrolled). a GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS Guidelines for applying subfield +i (Explanatory text) and subfield +0 (Record control number) and examples of field 700 are provided in this section. Guidelines for applying the remaining content designators and input conventions are provided in the MARC 27 Format for Bibliographic Data: field X00 (Personal Names-General Information) and field 600 (Subject Added Entry- Personal Name). i SUBFIELD CODES +j - Explanatory text Subfield +i contains explanatory text associated with the index term. +0 - Record control number See description of this subfield in Appendix A. @ EXAMPLES 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aBX1378.5+hChristian denominations +hRoman Catholic Church + hHistory + hBy period +h1447- +hModern history +h1789- +hIndividual popes +jJohn Paul Il, 1978- 700 00+aJohn Paul + bil, + cPope, + d1920- 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aBS580.M6 +hThe Bible + hGeneral + hWorks about the Bible +hMen, women and children of the Bible + hBiography +hIndividual Old Testament characters, A-Z +jMoses 700 00+aMoses + c(Biblical leader) + O(DLC)nbb79058331 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aB765.T5 +hPhilosophy (General) + hMedieval (430-1450) + hEuropean philosophers, A-Z +jThomas Aquinas 700 00+aThomas, +cAquinas, Saint, +d1225?-1274. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aPQ6322 +cPQ6365 +hSpanish literature + hIndividual authors and works to 1700 +jCervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616 700 00+aCervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, +d1547-1616. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aE843+hUnited States +hLater twentieth century, 1961-+hKennedy's administration, 1961-November 22, 1963+hBiography of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1917-1963 +jKennedy family (not genealogy) 700 30+aKennedy family. 700 - p. 2 October 2001 MARC 21 - Classification e 084 153 700 084 153 700 084 153 700 084 153 700 084 153 700 084 153 700 084 153 700 084 153 700 700 Ob + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aPR2751.A3 +hEnglish literature +hEnglish renaissance (1500-1640) +hThe drama +¢hindividual authors +hShakespeare, William +hCollected works +jThird folio edition (1664) 10 + aShakespeare, William, + d1564-1616. + tSelections. + £1664. Ob + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aPS1624.A1 +hAmerican literature + hIndividual authors +h19th century +hEmerson, Ralph Waldo +hPoems +jCollected. By date 10+ aEmerson, Ralph Waldo, + d1803-1882.+tPoems. Ob + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aPR3330.A +hEnglish literature =h17th and 18th centuries (1640-1770) +hindividual authors +hBunyan, John +hPilgrim's progress + hTranslations. By date +jGerman 10+ aBunyan, John, + d1628-1688. +tPilgrim's progress. + |German. Ob + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aPR2810 ¢hEnglish literature + hEnglish renaissance (1500-1640) +hThe drama + hIndividual authors + hShakespeare, William +hSeparate works +jKing Henry IV, part 1 10 + aShakespeare, William, + d1564-1616. +tKing Henry IV.+nPart 1. Ob + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aPR4357 +hEnglish literature +h19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900 + hindividual authors + hByron, George Gordon +hSeparate works + jChilde Harold's pilgrimage 10+ aByron, George Gordon Byron, + cBaron, + d1788-1824. + tChilde Harold's pilgrimage. Ob + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aDC204 +hHistory of France + hHistory +hBy period +hRevolutionary and Napoleonic period, 1789-1815 +hBy period +hEmpire (First). Napoleon |, 1804-1815 +hGeneral special + hBiography of Napoleon + jNapoleon's relations with women 00 + aNapoleon + bl, + cEmperor of the French, + d1769-1821 + xRelations with women. Ob + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aPR2968 +hEnglish literature + hEnglish renaissance (1500-1640) +hThe drama ¢hindividual authors + hShakespeare, William +hCriticism and interpretation +hHistory of Shakespearean criticism +j18th century 10+ aShakespeare, William, + d1564-1616 + xCriticism and interpretation + xHistory + y18th century. Ob + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aPT2130.L4 +hGerman literature + hindividual authors or works +h1700-ca. 1860/70 +hGoethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832 +hBiography and criticism +hBiography +hHomes and haunts + hSpecial + jLeipzig 10+ aGoethe, Johann Wolfgang von, + d1749-1832 + xHomes and haunts + zGermany + zLeipzig. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 700 - p. 3 700 084 153 700 084 153 700 084 153 Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a941.064092 +hGeography, history, and auxiliary disciplines + kHistory of ancient world; of specific continents, countries, localities; of extraterrestrial worlds + kGeneral history of modern world, of extraterrestrial worlds + hGeneral history of Europe. Western Europe £hBritish Isles + hHouse of Stuart and Commonwealth periods, 1603-1714 +h Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell, 1 653-1658 +hHistorical, geographic, persons treatment +jPersons 10+ aCromwell, Oliver, +d1599-1658. Ob +addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb +a947.05092 +hGeography, history, and auxiliary disciplines + kHistory of ancient world; of specific continents, countries, localities; of extraterrestrial worlds + kGeneral history of modern world, of extraterrestrial worlds +hGeneral history of Europe. Western Europe ¢hEastern Europe. Russia + kHistorical periods of Russia + hReign of Peter | (the Great), 1689-1725 +hHistorical, geographic, persons treatment + jPersons 00 + aPeter + bl, + cEmperor of Russia+d1672-1725. Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a973.924092 +hGeography, history, and auxiliary disciplines + kHistory of ancient world; of specific continents, countries, localities; of extraterrestrial worlds + kGeneral history of modern world, of extraterrestrial worlds + hGeneral history of North America +kCountries and localities + hUnited States +h1901-+h1953- +hAdministration of Richard Milhous Nixon, 1969-1974 +hHistorical, geographic, persons treatment +jPersons 10+ aNixon, Richard M. + q(Richard Milhous), + d1913- Ob + afcps [Canadian FC Classification] bb + aFC462 + hCanada+htThe British colonial period +hThe two Canadas, 1791-1841 +hPolitical history +jLord Durham’s report 15+aDurham, John George Lambton, + cEarl of, + d1792-1840 + tReport on the Affairs of British North America, from the Earl of Durham, Her Majesty’s High Commissioner Neen ee eee ee ee ee ee EET saaeEETEEEEEEEEESENDEENERER 700 - p. 4 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification co! 710 710 Index Term-Corporate Name ir) First Indicator Second Indicator Type of corporate name entry element Thesaurus QO Inverted name O Library of Congress Subject 1 Jurisdiction name Headings/Name authority file 2 Name in direct order 1 LC subject headings for children's literature 2 Medical Subject Headings/NLM name authority file 3 National Agricultural Library subject authority file 4 Source not specified 5 Canadian Subject Headings/NLC name authority file 6 Répertoire de vedettes-matiére 7 Source specified in subfield +2 Subfield Codes Name portion Subject subdivision portion +a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as +v Form subdivision (R) entry element (NR) +x General subdivision (R) +b Subordinate unit (R) +y Chronological subdivision (R) +c Location of meeting (NR) +z Geographic subdivision (R) +e Relator term (R) Control! subfields Title portion +i Explanatory text (R) +t Title of a work (NR) +0 Record control number (R) +f Date of a work (NR) +2 Source of heading or term (NR) +h Medium (NR) +3 Materials specified (NR) +k Form subheading (R) +4 Relator code (R) +1 Language of a work (NR) +6 Linkage (NR) +p Name of part/section of a work (R) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) +m Medium of performance for music (R) +0 Arranged statement for music (NR) +r Key for music (NR) +s Version (NR) Name and title portions +d Date of meeting or treaty signing (R) +g Miscellaneous information (NR) +n Number of part/section/meeting (R) MARC 217 - Classification October 2007 710-p. 7 710 FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains a corporate name or the corporate name portion of a name/title field used as an index term that supplements terms derived in the MARC record. The name may be referred to in the classification number and caption in field 153 (Classification Number). The field may be used to link a classification number with a related controlled corporate name heading. The values in the second indicator position or the data in subfield +2 (Source of heading or term) identify the subject heading system or thesaurus used by an institution to formulate the corporate name index term. Terms not controlled by a thesaurus or authority file are contained in field 753 (Index Term-Uncontrolled). Oe ee ee ——————————— ee GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS Guidelines for applying subfield +i (Explanatory text) and subfield +0 (Record control number) and examples of field 710 are provided in this section. Guidelines for applying the remaining content designators and input conventions are provided in the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: field X10 (Corporate Names- General Information) and field 610 (Subject Added Entry- Corporate Name). Hi SUBFIELD CODES +i - Explanatory text Subfield +i contains explanatory text associated with the index term. +0 - Record control number See description of this subfield in Appendix A. @ EXAMPLES 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aKF4987.F6+hUnited States (General) + hConstitutional law +hOrgans of the government +hThe legislative branch + hThe Congress + hThe Senate +hCommittees +hParticular committees, A-Z + jForeign Relations Committee 710 10+aUnited States. +bCongress. + bSenate. + bCommittee on Foreign Relations. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aLD2350 +cLD2399 +hindividual institutions + hUnited States + jlllinois. University. Urbana, Illinois. 710 20+aUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aKJV4074.51946 +hLaw of France +hConstitutional law. Droit constitutionnel + hGeneral + hSources + hConstitutions + hIndividual constitutions +jConstitution of October 27, 1946. Constitution du 27 octobre 1946 710 10+aFrance +tConstitution (1946) 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aJX1977.A417 +hinternational law. Foreign relations. Diplornacy. International arbitration + hinternational arbitration, organization, etc. +hSpecial topics + hUnited Nations + hUnited Nations, 1946-+hGeneral assembly + hOfficial records + jFrench edition 710 20+aUnited Nations. +bGeneral Assembly. + tOfficial records. + IFrench. TO = peZ October 20017 MARC 21 - Classification 084 153 710 084 153 710 084 153 710 084 153 710 084 153 710 084 153 710 084 153 710 710 Ob + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aZ663.78.A4 +hLibraries + hCollections + hindividual libraries + hLibrary of Congress +hCollections Services. Processing Services. Processing Department + hSubject Cataloging Division. Classification Division +jL.C. Classification--Additions and changes 20+ aLibrary of Congress + bCataloging Policy and Support Office. +tLC classification, additions and changes. 0b + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aHG3881.5.158 + hFinance + hForeign exchange. International finance + hinternational finance. International monetary system. International banking + hIndividual international financial institutions, A-Z +jlnternational Monetary Fund 20 + alnternational Monetary Fund. + 0(DLC)nb681052755 0b + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aBX940 +cBX1745 ¢hChristian denominations + hCatholic Church + jHistory 20 + aCatholic Church + xHistory. 0b + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aLD2152 +hindividual institutions +hUnited States +hHarvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts + hHistory and description + hHistory +hBy period +jEarly to 1800 20 + aHarvard University + xHistory + y18th century. 0b + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aBX1517.2+hChristian denominations + hCatholic Church + hHistory +hBy region or country +hEurope + hAustria + hBy period +j1945- 20 + aCatholic Church + zAustria + xHistory + y20th century. Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a332.1538 +hSocial sciences + hEconomics + kEconomics of labor, finance, land, energy ¢hFinancial economics + hBanks + hinternational banks + hinternational banks for development of resources and production +jinter-American Development Bank 20 + alnter-American Development Bank. 0b + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a266.5133 +hReligion + kChristianity + kSpecific elements of Christianity +kChristian church +hChristian social and ecclesiastical theology +hMissions +hMissions of specific denominations and sects +hPresbyterian churches, Reformed churches centered in America, Congregational churches, Puritanism +kPresbyterian churches of United States, of British Commonwealth origin +hPresbyterian churches of United States origin +hSpecific denominations + jPresbyterian Church in the United States 20+ aPresbyterian Church in the U.S. +xMissions. a MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 710-p. 3 711 ) | 74 1 Index Term-Meeting Name r First Indicator Second Indicator Type of meeting name entry element Thesaurus O Inverted name O Library of Congress Subject 1 Jurisdiction name Headings/Name authority file 2 Name in direct order 1 LC subject headings for children's literature 2 Medical Subject Headings/NLM name authority file 3 National Agricultural Library subject authority file 4 Source not specified 5 Canadian Subject Headings/NLC name authority file 6 Répertoire de vedettes-matiére 7 Source specified in subfield +2 Subfield Codes Name portion Subject subdivision portion +a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as +Vv_ Form subdivision (R) entry element (NR) +x General subdivision (R) y +q Name of meeting following jurisdiction +y Chronological subdivision (R) name entry element (NR) +z Geographic subdivision (R) +d Date of meeting or treaty signing (R) +c Location of Meeting (NR) Control subfields +e Subordinate unit (R) +i Explanatory text (R) +0 Record control number (R) Title portion +2 Source of heading or term (NR) +t Title of a work (NR) +3 Materials specified (NR) +f Date of a work (NR) +4 Relator code (R) +h Medium (NR) +6 Linkage (NR) | +k Form subheading (R) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) +! Language of a work (NR) +p Name of part/section of a work (R) +s Version (NR) Name and title portions | +g Miscellaneous information (NR) +n Number of part/section/meeting (R) FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains a meeting or conference name used as an index term that supplements terms derived in the MARC record. The name may be referred to in the classification number and caption in ) field 153 (Classification Number). The field may be used to link a classification number with a related controlled meeting or conference name heading. The values in the second indicator position or the data in subfield +2 (Source of heading or term) identify the subject heading system or thesaurus used by an MARC 21 - Classification October 2007 F/I if afer. gh 711 institution to formulate the meeting name index term. Terms not controlled by a thesaurus or authority file are contained in field 753 (Index Term-Uncontrolled). a GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS Guidelines for applying subfield +i (Explanatory text) and subfield +0 (Record control number) and examples of field 711 are provided in this section. Guidelines for applying the remaining content designators and input conventions are provided in the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: field X11 (Meeting Names- General Information) and field 611 (Subject Added Entry- Meeting Name). i SUBFIELD CODES +i - Explanatory text Subfield +i contains explanatory text associated with the index term. +0 - Record control number See description of this subfield in Appendix A. i EXAMPLES 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aGV722.5.P3 +hRecreation. Leisure +hSports + hAthletic contests. Sports events + hSpecial contests and events +hinternational + hOther contests and events, A-Z + jPan American Games 711 20+aPan American Games + 0(DLC)nb698056381 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 6+aML410.W2+hLiterature on music + hHistory and criticism + hBiography + hIndividual + hComposers, A-Z + hWagner, Richard, 1813-1883 +hBiography and criticism + hCritical works +jBayreuth 711 20+ aBayreuther Festspiele. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 6 +aF592.4+hUnited States local history +hThe West. Trans-Mississippi Region + hBy period +hEarly to 1848 +hLewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806 +jAuthentic history of the expedition. Lewis and Clark journals 711 20+aLewis and Clark Expedition + d(1804-1806) 084 Ob+addce+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 +a940.53141 +hGeography, history, and auxiliary disciplines + kHistory of ancient world; of specific continents, countries, localities; of extraterrestrial worlds + kGeneral history of modern world, of extraterrestrial worlds + hGeneral history of Europe. Western Europe +h1918-+hWorld War Il, 1939-1945 +hSocial, political, economic history +h Political, diplomatic, economic results +jConferences and treaties 711 20+aPotsdam Conference + d(1945) a FLd Spee October 2007 MARC 21 - Classification ) 720 720 Index Term-Uncontrolled Name (r) First Indicator Second Indicator Type of name Undefined 6 Not specified 6 Undefined 1 Personal 2 Other Subfield Codes +a Name (NR) +6 Linkage (NR) +e Relator term (R) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) +4 Relator code (R) FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains a name used as an index term that is not derived from a controlled subject heading system / thesaurus. It is also used for names that have not been formulated according to cataloging rules. The names recorded in field 720 may be of any type (e.g., personal, corporate, meeting). This field is used to provide additional names not appearing in the classification data record to provide subject access to the classification number in field 153 (Classification Number). The parts of names consisting of several parts can be recorded in whatever order is desired. Field 720 is repeated for multiple names. GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS B INDICATORS First Indicator - Type of name The first indicator position contains a value that indicates whether the name is personal, not personal, or the type is not known. b - Not specified Value 6 indicates that the type of name is not known or not specified. 1 - Personal Value 1 indicates that the name is known to be personal. 2 - Other Value 2 indicates that the name is known to be other than personal. Second Indicator - Undefined The second indicator position is undefined and contains a blank (b). MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 720 = pi 720 @ SUBFIELD CODES +a - Name Subfield +a contains an uncontrolled name that comprises an entry in an index to a classification schedule. There are no requirements for the style, formulation, or structure of the name, or whether it consists of one part or of several. Parts may be recorded in direct or inverted order. A single occurrence of subfield +a contains all the parts of the name. Multiple names are recorded in separate occurrences of field 720. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 6b +aZ8401.3 +hPersonal bibliography +hH +jHesse, Hermann 720 16+ aHesse, Hermann +e - Relator term Subfield +e contains a designation of function that describes the relationship between a name and a work, e.g., ed., comp,, ill., tr., collector, joint author. Subfield +e does not apply to classification records. +4 - Relator code Subfield +4 contains a MARC code that specifies the relationship between a name and a work. More than one relator code may be used if the name entity has more than one function. The source of the MARC code is MARC Code List for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions that is maintained by the Library of Congress. The code is given after the name portion in name/title fields. Subfield +4 does not apply to classification records. + 6 - Linkage + 8 - Field link and sequence number See the descriptions of these subfields in Appendix A. eS INPUT CONVENTIONS There are no special punctuation or spacing conventions prescribed for field 720. i —— — (202952 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification ) 730 730 Index Term-Uniform Title (r) First Indicator Second Indicator Nonfiling characters Thesaurus 0-9 Number of nonfiling characters O Library of Congress Subject Headings/Name authority file 1 LC subject headings for children's literature 2 Medical Subject Headings/NLM name authority file 3 National Agricultural Library subject authority file 4 Source not specified 5 Canadian Subject Headings/NLC name authority file 6 Répertoire de vedettes-matiére 7 Source specified in subfield +2 eS Subfield Codes Title portion Subject subdivision portion +a Uniform title (NR) +v Form subdivision (R) +n Number of part/section of a work (R) +x General subdivision (R) +p Name of part/section of a work (R) +y Chronological subdivision (R) +1 Language of a work (NR) +z Geographic subdivision (R) +f Date of a work (NR) +k Form subheading (R) Control subfields +s Version (NR) +i Explanatory text (R) +d Date of treaty signing (R) +0 Record control number (R) +h Medium (NR) +2 Source of heading or term (NR) +m Medium of performance for music (R) +3 Materials specified (NR) +o Arranged statement for music (NR) +6 Linkage (NR) +r Key for music (NR) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) +g Miscellaneous information (NR) +t Title of a work (NR) ees FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains a uniform title used as an index term that supplements terms derived in the MARC record. The uniform title may be referred to in the classification number and caption in field 153 (Classification Number). The field may be used to link a classification number with a related controlled uniform title heading. The values in the second indicator position or the data in subfield +2 (Source of heading or term) identify the subject heading system or thesaurus used by an institution to formulate the uniform title index term. Terms not controlled by a thesaurus or authority file are contained in field 753 (Index Term-Uncontrolled). eee LEE EE EtEEESaSESSE MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 730 =e 730 GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS Guidelines for applying subfield +i (Explanatory text) and subfield +O (Record control number) and examples of field 730 are provided in this section. Guidelines for applying the remaining content designators and input conventions are provided in the MARC 27 Format for Bibliographic Data: field X30 (Uniform Titles-General Information) and field 630 (Subject Added Entry-Uniform Title). @ SUBFIELD CODES +i - Explanatory text Subfield +i contains explanatory text associated with the index term. +0 - Record control number See description of this subfield in Appendix A. @ EXAMPLES 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 66 +aPT1419.C3 +hGerman literature + hMiddle High German +hCollections + hBy form + hPoetry + hSpecial forms + hLyric + hMinnesingers + hMedieval collections + jCarmina burana 730 00+aCarmina Burana. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aDC238.5 +hHistory of France + hHistory +hBy period +hRevolutionary and Napoleonic period, 1789-1815 +hNapoleonic wars, 1800-1815 +h1814 +hindividual events, battles, etc, A-Z +hAbdication (April 6, 1814) and Elba+jTreaty of Paris, 1814 730 00+aTreaty of Paris +d(1815) 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 66 +aBS135 +cBS136 +hThe Bible +hGeneral + hTexts and versions + hModern texts and versions + hEnglish + hEnglish versions + jWycliffe's (1380) 730 00+aBible. + pN.T.+lEnglish (Middle English). + sWycliffe. + kSelections 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aBM487.A5 +hJudaism + hPre-Talmudic Jewish literature (non-Biblical) + hSpecial texts or groups of texts +hDead Sea scrolls +hTexts + jGerman. By date 730 00+ aDead Sea scrolls. +!German. 084 0Ob¥alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aPR1588 +hEnglish literature + hAnglo-Saxon literature + hindividual authors and works + hBeowulf +hCriticism + jLanguage, grammar, etc. 730 00+ aBeowulf + xLanguage. + 0(DLC)shb85013267 084 0Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aBS420 +hThe Bible + hGeneral + hWorks about the Bible +hConcordances + jPolyglot 730 00+ aBible + vConcordances. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aBS635.A5 +cBS635.Z +hThe Bible + hGeneral + hWorks about the Bible +hAuxiliary topics + hBiblical history. Bible and history +hGeneral works +j1801-1950 730 00+ aBible + xHistory of Biblical events. 7305p a2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 084 153 730 084 153 730 084 153 730 084 153 730 730 Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a220.5204 +hReligion + hBible + kGeneralities + kTexts, versions, translations + hModern versions and translations +hVersions in English and Anglo-Saxon + kEnglish + jRevised version 00 + aBible. + IEnglish. + sAmerican Standard. + £1901. Ob + addc +21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a227.3 + hReligion + hBible +kSpecific parts of Bible, Apocrypha, pseudepigrapha, intertestamental works +hEpistles +jCorinthians 2 00 + aBible + pN.T.+pCorinthians, 2nd. Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a297.1226 +hReligion +hComparative religion and religions other than Christianity +kReligions other than Christianity +hlslam, Babism, Bahai Faith +klslam + kSources of Islam; Islamic doctrinal theology (Aqaid and Kalam); Islam and secular disciplines; Islam and other systems of belief; Islamic worship +hSources of Islam +hKoran and Hadith + hKoran +jlnterpretation and criticism (Exegesis) 00 + aKoran + xCriticism, interpretation, etc. Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a220.07 + hReligion + hBible + jEducation, research, related topics 00 + aBible + xStudy and teaching + zFrance. MARC 217 - Classification January 2000 730-p. 3 750 ) 750 Index Term-Topical (pr) First Indicator Second Indicator Level of subject Thesaurus 6 No information available O Library of Congress Subject O No level specified Headings/Name authority file 1 Primary subject 1 LC subject headings for children's 2 Secondary subject literature 2 Medical Subject Headings/NLM name authority file 3 National Agricultural Library subject authority file 4 Source not specified 5 Canadian Subject Headings/NLC name authority file 6 Répertoire de vedettes-matiére 7 Source specified in subfield +2 ne EU EEE EEEEEEE EEE ESSE Subfield Codes Main term portion Control subfields +a_ Topical term or geographic name entry +j Explanatory text (R) element (NR) +Q Record control number (R) ) +b Topical term following geographic name +2 Source of heading or term (NR) entry element (NR) +3 Materials specified (NR) +c Location of event (NR) +6 Linkage (NR) +d Active date (NR) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) Subject subdivision portion +v Form subdivision (R) +x General subdivision (R) +y Chronological subdivision (R) +z Geographic subdivision (R) eee SSS oOowmmonwv[jD— FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains a topical term used as an index term that supplements terms derived from data in the MARC classification record. The term may be referred to in the classification number and caption in field 153 (Classification Number). The field may be used to link a classification number with a related controlled subject heading. Topical index terms may consist of general subject terms including names of events or objects. The 750 field provides access to classification numbers according to generally accepted thesaurus-building rules (e.g., Library of Congress Subject Headings, (LCSH), Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)). The values in the second indicator position or in the data in subfield +2 (Source of heading or term) identify the subject heading system or thesaurus used by an institution to formulate the topical index term. To be included in this field, a topical index term MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 150° pal 750 must match the controlled heading, including any subdivisions. Index terms not controlled by a thesaurus are contained in field 753 (Index Term-Uncontrolled). GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS Guidelines for applying subfield +i (Explanatory text) and subfield +O (Record control number) and examples of field 750 are provided in this section. Guidelines for applying the remaining content designators and input conventions are provided in the MARC 217 Format for Bibliographic Data: field 650 (Subject Added Entry-Topical Term). @ SUBFIELD CODES +i - Explanatory text Subfield +i contains explanatory text associated with the index term. +0 - Record control number See description of this subfield in Appendix A. @ EXAMPLES 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 b+aE860+hUnited States +hLater twentieth century, 1961-+hNixon's administration, 1969-August 9, 1974+jWatergate Affair, 1972- 750 00+aWatergate Affair, 1972-1974. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aHO1028 +hThe family. Marriage. Women +hThe family. Marriage. Home + jMarriage with deceased wife's sister 750 00+ aMarriage with deceased wife's sister. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aBL65.C58 +hReligions. Mythology. Rationalism + hReligion + hReligion in relation to other subjects, A-Z +jCivil rights 750 00+ aCivil rights + xReligious aspects. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aHV5025 +hSocial pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology +hAlcoholism. Intemperance. Temperance reform + hHistory +j19th-20th centuries 750 00+aAlIcoholism + xHistory + y19th century. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aHV6564 +hSocial pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology + hCriminology +hCrimes and offenses +hCrimes against the person + hSex crimes + hRape +hBy region or country +hUnited States + hBy region +jSouthern states 750 00+ aRape + zSouthern States 750 - p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification © (¢ 750 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+z7+a613+hGroups of persons +kPersons by various occupational characteristics + kSpecialists + hPersons occupied with applied sciences (Technologists) +h Persons occupied with medical sciences. Persons occupied with medicine + jNursing and promotion of health 750 0O+aNurses. [This record is for a table number, indicated by code b in 008/06 (Kind of record).] 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a641.692 +hTechnology (Applied sciences) +hHome economics and family living +hFood and drink +kFood preservation, storage, cooking + hCooking specific materials +kSpecific food +hCooking game and seafood + jFish 750 00+aCookery (Fish) 084 Ob+addce+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 b+a707.4+hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts + kFine and decorative arts +k Standard subdivisions of fine and decorative arts +hEducation, research, related topics of fine and decorative arts +jTemporary and traveling collections and exhibits 750 00+afTraveling exhibitions. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a780.902 +hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts + hMusic + hHistorical, geographic, persons treatment + kPeriods of stylistic development of music +j500-1449 750 00+ aMusic + y500-1400 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a940.546544 +hGeography, history, and auxiliary disciplines + kHistory of ancient world; of specific continents, countries, localities; of extraterrestrial worlds + kGeneral history of modern world, of extraterrestrial worlds +hGeneral history of Europe. Western Europe #h1918-+hMilitary history of World War II +hCelebrations, commemorations, memorials +hMonuments and cemeteries + hEurope. Western Europe +jFrance and Monaco 750 00+aWorld War, 1939-1945 + xMonuments + zFrance EE MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 750 -p. 3 (1 c ( ) 751 751 Index Term-Geographic Name r) First Indicator Second Indicator Undefined Thesaurus 6 Undefined ~ 0 Library of Congress Subject Headings/Name authority file 1 LC subject headings for children's literature 2 Medical Subject Headings/NLM name authority file 3 National Agricultural Library subject authority file 4 Source not specified 5 Canadian Subject Headings/NLC name authority file 6 Répertoire de vedettes-matiére 7 Source specified in subfield +2 Subfield Codes Main term portion Control subfields +a Geographic name (NR) +i Explanatory text (R) +Q Record control number (R) Subject subdivision portion +2 Source of heading or term (NR) +Vv Form subdivision (R) +3 Materials specified (NR) +x General subdivision (R) +6 Linkage (NR) +y Chronological subdivision (R) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) +z Geographic subdivision (R) ee FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This fieid contains a geographic name used as an index term that supplements terms derived in the MARC record. The geographic name may be referred to in the classification number and caption in field 153 (Classification Number). The field may be used to link a classification number with a related controlled geographic name heading. The values in the second indicator position or in the data in subfield +2 (Source of heading or term) identify the subject heading system or thesaurus used by an institution to formulate the geographic name index term. Terms not controlled by a thesaurus or authority file are contained in field 753 (Index Term-Uncontrolled). EEE EE! GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS Guidelines for applying subfield +i (Explanatory text) and subfield +0 (Record control number) and examples of field 751 are provided in this section. Guidelines for applying the remaining content designators and input conventions are provided in the MARC 27 Format for Bibliographic Data: field 651 (Subject Added Entry- Geographic Name). MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 They By oyOy | 751 @ SUBFIELD CODES +i - Explanatory text Subfield +i contains explanatory text associated with the index term. +0 - Record control number See description of this subfield in Appendix A. @ EXAMPLES 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 6b +aD965.5 +hHistory (General) + hEurope (General) +hDescription and travel + hBy region +jNorth Sea 751 60+ aNorth Sea Region + xDescription and travel. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aG3732.A3 +hMaps +hBy region or country +hAmerica. Western Hemisphere +hNorth America +hUnited States +hEastern United states, 1870 and later +hNortheastern States + hNortheast Atlantic states + hNew England +hMaine +hRegions, natural features, etc., A-Z +jAcadia National Park 751 60+ aAcadia National Park (Me.) = vMaps. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+zH1+a68.95 +hTables of geographical divisions + hAsia + hMiddle East. Near East + hArabian Peninsula. Arabia. Persian Gulf States +jKuwait 751 60+ aKuwait. + 0(DLC)nbb8053139 [Record is for a table number, indicated by code b in 008/06 (Kind of record).] 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 6b +aF191+cF205 +hUnited States local history +jDistrict of Columbia. Washington 751 60+ aWashington (D.C.) + xHistory. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aHC106.7 +hEconomic history and conditions + hBy region or country +hAmerica. Western Hemisphere + hNorth America +hUnited States + hBy period +j1971-1981 751 60+aUnited States + xEconomic conditions + y1971-1981 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aF786 +hUnited States local history +hThe New Southwest. Southwestern States +j1848-1950 680 Ob +ilncluding the region of the Mexico Cession of 1848, the Texas Purchase of 1850, and the Gadsden Purchase. 680 Ob+ilncluding the Mexican boundary; Santa Fe Trail; frontier troubles with Mexico, Gadsden Purchase, 1853; etc. 751 60+ aUnited States + xBoundaries + zMexico 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b+z2+a811+hGeographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons + kSpecific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds +kThe modern world; extraterrestrial worlds +hSouth America + hBrazil + jNorthern region 680 16+iClass here Amazon River 751 60+ aAmazon River. 7512 pe 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 084 153 751 084 153 751 084 153 751 751 Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb +22 + a42134+hGeographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons + kSpecific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds +kThe modern world; extraterrestrial worlds + hEurope. Western Europe +hEngland and Wales +kEngland +hGreater London + hWest London +jKensington and Chelsea Royal Borough bO + aKensington and Chelsea (London, England) Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a330.944 +hSocial sciences + hEconomics + hEconomic situation and conditions +hGeographic treatment (Economic geography) by specific continents, countries, localities +hEurope. Western Europe +jFrance and Monaco bO + aFrance + xEconomic conditions. Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a938.05 +hGeography, history, and auxiliary disciplines + kHistory of ancient world; of specific continents, countries, localities; of extraterrestrial worlds + hHistory of ancient world to ca. 499 +kSpecific places +hGreece to 323 +jPeriod of Peloponnesian War, 431-404 B.C. bO + aGreece + xHistory + yPeloponnesian War, 431-404 B.C. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 J5h- p. 3 @ C 753 753 Index Term-Uncontrolled (r) First Indicator Second Indicator Undefined Undefined 6 Undefined b Undefined Subfield Codes +a Index term (R) +t See also reference term-succeeding +b Index term-succeeding level (R) level (R) +d Index term referred from (R) +u Use reference term (NR) +e Example class number (R) +v Use reference term-succeeding level (R) +i Explanatory text (R) +6 Linkage (NR) +s See also reference term (NR) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains index terms to supplement terms derived from data in the MARC classification record that are not derived from a controlled subject heading system/thesaurus. It may be used to provide additional terms not appearing in the classification data record, such as synonyms or permutations of phrases, to provide references between related terms, and to provide vocabulary control using see references. Such index terms are not controlled by a thesaurus or other authority file, such as LCSH or MeSH. \Index terms that are controlled are recorded in fields 700, 710, 711, 730 N/ DO MOneOln An uncontrolled index term in field 753 is contained in the record for the classification number or general index term to which it refers. If the index term is associated with a classification number the record contains field 153 (Classification Number). If an index term has no classification number associated with it or with any of its subtopics and thus cannot be contained in a record with a classification number in field 153, an index term record may be created (008/06 (Kind of record), code c) containing the index term in field 154 (General Explanatory Index Term), with the associated text in field 753. GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS B INDICATORS Both indicator positions are undefined; each contains a blank (6). @ SUBFIELD CODES +a - Index term Subfield +a contains the terms comprising an entry in an index to a classification schedule. If the entry consists of terms at several levels, additional levels are contained in subfield + b (Index term-succeeding level). The term in subfield +a is used for a classification number citation in the published index. If the index term is an unused term that is followed by the used term in MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 753 -p. 1 753 subfield +u or a term under which a see also reference appears, it is contained in subfield +d (Index term referred from). ( 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aPS648.W58 +hAmerican Literature + hCollections of American literature + hProse (General) +hSpecial forms and topics, A-Z +jWolf children 753 bb+aWolf children in literature + bAmerican + bCollections + bProse Display example: Wolf children in literature American Collections Prose PS648.W58 +b - Index term- succeeding level Subfield +b contains a term at a level after the first in an index term. Subfield +b may also be used for the succeeding level of an index term referred from, which is contained in subfield td. 084 Ob+addc+#c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b +a338.47 +hSocial sciences + hEconomics + hProduction + kSpecific kinds of industries + hSecondary industries and services + jGoods and services 680 16+iClass here quantities produced, shortages, surpluses, stockpiles, forecasts, and projections of supply and demand 753 bb+aDemand + bforecasts + bsecondary industries Display example: @ Demand forecasts secondary industries 338.47 +d - Index term referred from Subfield +d contains an index term that refers to another index term, either as a see or see also reference. When subfield +d is used, the field also contains either subfield +s (See also reference term) or subfield +u (Use reference term). 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a362.2+hSocial sciences + hSocial problems and services; associations + kSocial problems and services +kSpecific social problems and services + hSocial welfare problems and services + kProblems of and services to persons with illnesses and disabilities + ;Mental and emotional illnesses and disturbances 753 bb+aMental illness 753 bb+dCompulsive lying + sMental illness Display example: Compulsive lying see also Mental illness Mental illness 362.2 +e - Example class number Subfield +e contains a classification number or span that functions as an example related to data in other subfields in field 753. t) 753.-pi 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 4 753 084 Ob+anlm +c5th ed., rev. [National Library of Medicine Classification] 154 6b+aFollow-up studies 753 6b+i(Form number 20 in any NLM schedule where applicable) 753 bb+iln a particular area, with the subject of the original study, e.g. Heart Diseases, +eWG 210 +i - Explanatory text Subfield +i contains explanatory text associated with the index term. 084 Ob+anlm+c5th ed., rev. [National Library of Medicine Classification] 154 bb+aFollow-up studies 753 6b+iForm number 20 in any NLM schedule where applicable 753 6b+iln a particular area, with the subject of the original study, e.g. Heart Diseases, +eWG 210 [The record is an index only term record, identified by code c in 008/06 (Kind of record).] Display example: Follow-up studies (Form number 20 in any NLM schedule where applicable) In a particular area, with the subject of the original study, e.g., Heart Diseases WG210 +s - See also reference term Subfield +s contains a term to which a see also reference is made from the term in subfield +d (Index term referred from). 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a362.0425 +hSocial sciences +hSocial problems and services; associations +kSocial problems and services + kSpecific social problems and services + hSocial welfare problems and services + hSpecial topics +hSocial problems +jSocial action 753 6b+aEmployment services + bsocial services 753 bb+aSheltered employment 753 6b+dSheltered employment + sEmployment services + tsocial services Display example: Employment services social services 362.0425 Sheltered employment 362.0425 see also Employment services - social services +t - See also reference term-succeeding level Subfield +t contains a term at a level after the first in a see also reference term. 084 Ob+addce+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a363.1929 +hSocial sciences + hSocial problems and services; associations +kSocial problems and services + kSpecific social problems and services + hOther social problems and services + hPublic safety programs +hProduct hazards +hFoods + jSpecific foods 680 Ob+alncluding beverages, canned goods, dairy products, meats 753 bb+aDairy products + bproduct safety 753 6b+dDairy products + bproduct safety + sFood + tproduct safety MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 153 -~Pax3 753 Display example: Dairy products product safety 363.1929 see also Food - product safety +u - Use reference term Subfield +u contains the term under which a classification number citation will appear when the term in subfield +d (Index term referred from) or field 154 (General Explanatory Index Term) contains an unused term. +v - Use reference term-succeeding level Subfield +v contains a term at a level after the first under which a classification number citation will appear when the term in subfield +d (Index term referred from) or field 154 (General Explanatory Index Term) contains an unused term. 753 bb+dState labor + bWages + uWages + vState labor Display example: State labor < Classification Number > Wages, see Wages - State labor + 6 - Linkage + 8 - Field link and sequence number See description of these subfields in Appendix A. @ EXAMPLE 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 66+a786.7+hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts + hMusic + kPrinciples, forms, ensembles, voices, instruments + kEnsembles, voices, instruments + kinstruments and their music + kSpecific instruments and their music +hKeyboard, mechanical, electrophonic, percussion instruments +jElectrophones. Electronic instruments 753 6b+aElectronic musical instruments 753 6b+dElectronic musical instruments + sElectrophones 753 bb+aElectrophones 753 bb+dComputers + bmusic + sElectrophones [The last index term, which is a see also reference, acts like a tracing, since it is located in the record representing the term to which it refers, i.e. the record for Electrophones, not the record for Computers--music.] Display example: Computers music see also Electrophones Electronic musical instruments 786.7 see also Electrophones Electrophones 786.7 INPUT CONVENTIONS In addition to terms in a classification index, this field may include any term which might be useful to the classifier, e.g. equivalent topics in other languages, commonly used terms, etc. 753 -p. 4 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification ( 753 y Display constants - Display constants may be system generated and associated with a subfield code. The following subfield codes may be associated with display constants: Subfield Display constant +b : +S see also Ft - +U see ad ; a UU EEE MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 FOS Dra ) 754 754 Index Term-Faceted Topical Terms r) First Indicator Second Indicator Level of subject Undefined 6 No information provided 6 Undefined O No level specified 1 Primary 2 Secondary Subfield Codes +a Focus term (R) +z Geographic subdivision (R) +b Non-focus Term (R) +2 Source of heading or term (NR) +c Facet/hierarchy designation (R) +3 Materials specified (NR) +V Form subdivision (R) +6 Linkage (NR) +y Chronological subdivision (R) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains a topical subject constructed from a faceted vocabulary. For each term found in the field, an identification is given as to the facet/hierarchy in the thesaurus from which the term came. In addition, identification is given as to which term is the focus term of the expression. GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS Guidelines for applying the content designators for this field are provided in the MARC 27 Format for Bibliographic Data: field 654 (Subject Added Entry-Faceted Topical Term). MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 754-p.17 MARC 21 Format for Classification Data - January 2000 ia 76X .) 76X Number Building Fields- General Information 761 Add or Divide Like Instructions (R) 762 Table Identification (R) 763 Internal Subarrangement or Add Table Entry (R) 764 Rule Identification (R) 765 Synthesized Number Components (R) 768 Citation and Preference Order Instructions (R) DEFINITION AND SCOPE The Number Building Fields provide instructions for building onto classification numbers from sources within the schedule and tables. Such fields are highly structured, and many are intended to assist the classifier in constructing classification numbers. The information in these fields is not written in a form adequate for public user display. Footnotes containing instructions that apply to several classification numbers are converted to the appropriate 6XX or 76X field. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 76X-p. 7 Ned gamle nolteoMeael> ano tdi, af ema atte sevun se bgvoel> me you Dem erie yidigkl a0q chia clove -gemadies Ariane \, ctee™ geatt Soterentied edT 2tediervect Gq/iaaipedic ORT TO yalna™. 188 laivG Ml Obs . , : - 1) at here opt 215 Bocdmun notaplings!s leseved of (gga inet aponounee sg oreo ; ® in ' " biel? . Z he a4 ; ea eee : RS Td 761 761 Add or Divide Like Instructions S| First Indicator Second Indicator Undefined Combined note types 6 Undefined QO Not a combined note 1 Add or divide like portion of a combined note 2 Class elsewhere portion of a combined note 3. Relocation portion of a combined note EEE ENdEIIEEIE EEE Subfield Codes +a Number where instructions are +f Facet designator (R) found-single number or beginning +i Explanatory text (R) number of span (R) +n Negative example class number (R) +b Base number (NR) +r Root number (R) +c. Classification number-ending number of +x Other classification number (R) span (R) +z Table identification (R) +d Divided like number (R) +6 Linkage (NR) +e Example class number (R) +8 Field link and sequence number (NR) rr a a a FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains information necessary to construct a classification number by adding numbers from other parts of the schedule or from a table, or basing it on numbers defined in other parts of the schedule ("divided like"). ee eee eee GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS B INDICATORS First Indicator - Undefined The first indicator position is undefined and contains a blank (6). Second Indicator - Combined note types The second indicator position contains a value that specifies whether the add or divide like instruction is combined with another type of instruction that is logically tied to the add or divide like note. An example is a statement of exceptions to an add note, where the pattern span cannot be used for a particular topic because the topic is classed elsewhere. If the note is a combination, it is split into separate but consecutive 761 fields according to note type and the second indicator value shows which type is contained in each 761 field. O - Not a combined note Value O indicates that the add or divide like note is not combined with another note type. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 761.2 ps1 761 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aHB911 +cHB1108 +hEconomic theory. Demography +hDemography. Population. Vital events +hBirths. Fertility +jBy region or country 761 60+iAdd country number in table to +b910 762 bb+zH2 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a025.29 +hGeneralities + hLibrary and information sciences +hOperations of libraries, archives, information centers +hAcquisitions and collection development +kAcquisition of and collection development for specific types of materials +j Acquisition of and collection development for materials from geographic areas 761 b0+iAdd to base number + bO25.29 + inotation + z2 + d1+c9 +ifrom Table 2, e.g., acquisition of materials from Latin America + e025.298 1 - Add or divide like portion of a combined note Value 1 indicates that the field contains the add or divide like portion of a combined note. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b +a338.17 +hSocial sciences +hEconomics +hProduction +kSpecific kinds of industries +kPrimary (Extractive) industries + hAgriculture + jProducts 761 61+81.1+iAdd to base number + b338.17 + ithe numbers following +163 +iin+d 633 +c638, +ie.g., rice or seed rice + €338.17318, +iforestry + €338.1749, +i forest products + e338.17498 ; +ihowever, 761 62+81.2+ifor supply of timber in nature, see + x333.7511; 761 62+81.3+i for demand for timber, see + x333.7512 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a660.2844 +hTechnology (Applied sciences) +hChemical engineering and related technologies + hGeneral topics in chemical engineering +hSpecific types of chemical plant and specific activities in chemical plants +hUnit operations and unit processes +j Unit processes 761 b1+81.1+iAdd to base number + b660.2844 + ithe numbers following + 1547.2 +iin + d547.21+c547.29, +ie.g., fermentation + e660.28449 ; +ihowever, 761 63+81.2+ipolymerization relocated from + x660.28448 + ito + x668.92 [Note: The "however" is kept in the add or divide like portion rather than put at the front of the next portion to avoid puzzling users if the add portion is not displayed to the public while the class elsewhere or relocation portion is displayed.] 2 - Class elsewhere portion of a combined note Value 2 indicates that the field contains the class elsewhere portion of a combined note. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a333.852 +c333.859 +hSocial sciences + hEconomics +kEconomics of labor, finance, land, energy +hEconomics of land and energy + hSubsurface resources +h Minerals +jSpecific minerals 761 61+81.1+iAdd to base number + b333.85 + ithe numbers following + r553+iin+d 553.2+¢553.9, +ie.g., tin¢ e333.85453, +iuranium +e333.854932 ; +ihowever, 761 62+81.2+ifor fossil fuels, see + x333.82; 761 62+81.3+ifor groundwater, see +x333.9104 3 - Relocation portion of a combined note Value 3 indicates that the field contains the relocation portion of a combined note. 761-p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 761 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a759.3+c759.8+hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts + kFine and decorative arts + hPainting and paintings + hHistorical, geographic, persons treatment +k Geographic treatment + kEurope +jMiscellaneous parts of Europe 761 b1+81.1+iAdd to base number + b759 +i the numbers following + 22 + r4+iin notation +z2+d43+c48+ifrom Table 2, e.g., painting and paintings of France+e 759.4 ;+ihowever, 761 63+81.2+iindividual painters from countries of former Soviet Central Asia relocated from + x759.7 +ito + x759.9584 + ¢759.9587 @ SUBFIELD CODES +a - Number where instructions are found-single number or beginning number of span Subfield +a identifies the classification number (single number or beginning number of span) under which an add table or further instructions are found. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b+z3B+a30872 +hSubdivisions for the Arts, for Individual Literatures, for Specific 761 Literary Forms +hSubdivisions for Works by or about More than One Author +kSpecific forms +hFiction + kFiction of specific scopes and kinds + hSpecific kinds of fiction +hAdventure fiction + jDetective, mystery, suspense, spy, Gothic fiction bO +iAdd as instructed under + a102+c108 +b - Base number Subfield +b contains the base classification number to which one or more other numbers will be added. 084 153 761 762 084 153 761 Ob + alcc [Library of Congress Classification] bb + aNB201 +cNB1114 +hSculpture + hHistory +jSpecial countries bO + iAdd country number in table to + bNB200 bb +zZN5 +imodified Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a025.06001 +c025.06999 + hGeneralities + hLibrary and information sciences +h Operations of libraries, archives, information centers +hInformation storage and retrieval systems devoted to specific disciplines and subjects +jSpecific disciplines and subjects bO +iAdd to base number + b025.06 + inotation + d001 +c999, +ie.g., MEDLINE +e 025.0661 +¢ - Classification number- ending number of span Subfield +c identifies the ending number of a classification number span. The beginning number of the span may be in subfield +a, +d, +e, $F Or +X. 084 153 761 Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb +a725.1+hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts +kFine and decorative arts +hArchitecture + kSpecific aspects of architecture +kSpecific types of structures +hPublic structures + jGovernment buildings bO + iAdd as instructed under + a721+¢729 +d - Divided like number Subfield +d contains the classification number or span that will be used as the pattern for MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 761-p.3 761 constructing another classification number. If the number is part of a classification number span, subfield +c is used for the ending number in the span. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aND1314+cND1314.6 +hPainting + hSpecial subjects of painting + hPortraits. Group portraits. Self-portraits + hHistory +hSpecial countries + hEurope + jGreat Britain 761 60+iDivide like +dND1309 + cND1309.6 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a016 +hGeneralities + hBibliography +kBibliographies and catalogs of individuals, of works by specific classes of authors, of anonymous and pseudonymous works, of works from specific places, of works on specific subjects or in specific disciplines + j Bibliographies and catalogs of works on specific subjects or in specific disciplines 761 60+iAdd to base number + b016 notation + d001 + c999, +ie.g., bibliographies of philosophy + e016.1, +i of novels + e016.80883 +e - Example class number Subfield +e contains an example of the classification number resulting from the add or divide like instruction. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a780.0001 +c780.0999 +hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts +hMusic +jRelation of music to other subjects 761 60+iAdd to base number + b780.0 +ithree-digit notation + d001 + c999, +ie.g., music and literature + e780.08, +imusic and Welsh literature +e780.0891 +i(not +n780.089166), +imusic and the performing arts + e780.079 + i(not + n780.07902) + f - Facet designator Subfield +f contains extra character(s) to be added to classification numbers that indicate facets. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a327.123 +c327.129 +hSocial sciences + hPolitical science (Politics and government) +hinternational relations + hForeign policy and specific topics in international relations + hEspionage and subversion +jEspionage and subversion by specific nations 761 60+iAdd to base number + b327.12 + inotation + z2 +d3+c9+ifrom Table 2, e.g., espionage by France + e327.1244 ;+ithen for espionage and subversion by that country in another area add + fO+iand to the result add notation +z2 + d1 +c9 +ifrom Table 2, e.g., espionage by France in Communist bloc + e327.124401717 761 60+iAdd+f00+ifor standard subdivisions; see instructions at beginning of Table 1 +i - Explanatory text Subfield +i contains the explanatory text of the instruction. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aQC793.5.G552 +cQC793.5.G5529 + hPhysics + hNuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity +hElementary particle physics +hSpecial nuclear and subnuclear particles, antiparticles, and families of particles, A-Z +jGluons 761 60+iSubarrange like +dQC793.5.A22 +cQC793.5.A229 761-p.4 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 761 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a880.1+c888 +hLiterature (Belles-lettres) and rhetoric +kLiteratures of specific languages and language families + hLiteratures of Hellenic languages. Classical Greek literature + jSubdivisions of classical Greek literature 761 60+iAdd to base number + b88 +ias instructed at beginning of Table 3, e.g., a collection of classical Greek poetry + e881.008; + ihowever, observe the special interpretations of and exceptions to notation from Table 3 that appear below, e.g., collections of classical Greek poetry of the medieval and Byzantine periods +e 881.0208, +icritical appraisal of classical Greek epic poetry and fiction of the ancient period + e883.0109 +n - Negative example class number Subfield +n contains an example of the incorrect classification number for the topic used to illustrate the add or divide like instructions. 084 0Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b +a780.0001 +c780.0999 +hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts +hMusic +jRelation of music to other subjects 761 b0+iAdd to base number +b780.0 + ithree-digit notation + d001 +c999, +ie.g., music and literature + e780.08, + imusic and Welsh literature +e780.0891 +i(not +n780.089166),+imusic and the performing arts + e780.079 + i(not +n780.07902) +r - Root number . Subfield +r contains the initial digits of the pattern number or span when these digits are not added. If this subfield is present, subfield +d must also be present to specify the digits that are added. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a014+hGeneralities + hBibliography + kBibliographies and catalogs of individuals, of works by specific classes of authors, of anonymous and pseudonymous works, of works from specific places, of works on specific subjects or in specific disciplines +jBibliographies and catalogs of anonymous and pseudonymous works 761 b0+iAdd to base number + b014 + ithe numbers following + r03 + iin +d031 +c039 +i (but not notation 02 for books of miscellaneous facts), e.g., bibliographies and catalogs of anonymous and pseudonymous works in French + e014.41 +x - Other classification number Subfield +x contains classification numbers other than those that belong in one of the other defined subfields. If the number is part of a classification number span, subfield +c is used for the ending number in the span. 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a755+hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts +kFine and decorative arts +h Painting and paintings + klconography # jReligion 761 61+81.1+iAdd to base number + b755 +ithe numbers following +r704.948 + iin +d 704.9482 +c704.9489, +ie.g., paintings of Holy Family +e755.56 +i ; however, 761 62+81.2+ifor individual painters, see + x759.1 +c759.9 +z - Table identification Subfield +z identifies the table identification to which a classification number recorded in field 761 belongs. Subfield +z is not repeatable; it is input before the classification number to which it refers. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 761-p.5 761 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +z4+a24 +hSubdivisions of Individual Languages + kDescription and analysis of the standard form of the language +hEtymology of the standard form of the language + jForeign elements 761 bO+iAdd to +24 +b24 + inotation +26 ¢d1 +c9 +Fifrom Table 6, e.g., French words in the language +24 +e2441, +iFrench words in English +e422.441 +6 - Linkage +8 - Field link and sequence number See description of these subfields in Appendix A. ee EE ee eee ee SCHEME-SPECIFIC CONVENTIONS Library of Congress Classification - This field may be used to record divide like notes only if it is impractical to indicate the subarrangement either in separate classification schedule or table records. Dewey Decimal Classification - For the DDC, this field includes instructions about how many zeros to add for standard subdivisions. In these cases, the zeros are recorded in subfield +f (Facet designator). This field does not include general advice about number building, such as that at the start of DDC Table 3; such general advice is recorded in fields 683 (Application Instruction Note) or 684 (Auxiliary Instruction Note). In DDC, a single add note may be a combination of an add note and a class elsewhere note or a relocation note, or (rarely) all three. The DDC add notes at 659.29001 -659.29999, 739.222-739.225 and T7-06 are examples of notes with all three types. A system may display all three portions together in one paragraph, as is done in the printed volumes; it may display them as separate but consecutive notes; or it may suppress display of the add portion while displaying the class elsewhere or relocation part. In DDC, subfield +d (Divided like number) is used for pattern numbers or spans when either a complete number or an incomplete number is added (concatenated). If digits are dropped from the beginning of the pattern number or span and only the remaining digits added, subfield +r (Root number) must be present to specify the digits dropped. EE eS SS eee 761-p. 6 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 762 762. Table Identification (rR First Indicator Second Indicator Table application sequence Undefined 6 First 6 Undefined 2 Second Siliiiinc 4 Fourth Ne .--trrneTTETTEESESSnESEDSEEnnESaSEIRNSSTnInInI nnn Subfield Codes +j Explanatory text (R) +6 Linkage (NR) +z Table number (NR) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) DS eeseEe__.___ LL FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains the identification of a table which provides an arrangement for or additions to the classification number or number span recorded in field 153. Field 762 is repeated for each table if more than one table applies to the classification number or number span recorded in field 153. If the classification number in field 153 is itself part of a table, the identification of the table to which the classification number belongs is recorded in subfield +z of field 153. Ce eee GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS B@ INDICATORS First Indicator - Table application sequence b - First Value & indicates that the table recorded in +z should be applied first in building the classification number. 2 - Second Value 2 indicates that the table recorded in +z should be applied second in building the classification number. 3 - Third Value 3 indicates that the table recorded in +z should be applied third in building the classification number. 4 - Fourth Value 4 indicates that the table recorded in +z should be applied fourth in building the classification number. Second Indicator - Undefined The second indicator position is undefined and contains a blank (6). MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 162. p01 762 @ SUBFIELD CODES +i - Explanatory text Subfield +i contains any explanatory text relating to the table. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 66+aHD311+cHD1130.5 +hindustries. Land use. Labor + hLand use + hBy region or country +jOther regions or countries 762 bb+2zH7+imodified +z - Table number Subfield +z contains the identification of the table by which a classification number or span in field 153 (Classification Number) is further subarranged. Subfield +z is not repeatable; it is input before the classification number to which it refers. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 66 +aNB201 +cNB1114+hSculpture + hHistory + jSpecial countries 762 bb+zN5 +imodified 084 Ob+anlm+c4th ed., rev. [National Library of Medicine Classification] 153 bb+aWT29 +hGeriatrics. Chronic disease +jDay care centers and programs 762 bb+zG + 6 - Linkage + 8 - Field link and sequence number See description of these subfields in Appendix A. 762 -p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification a $ 9 > 763 Internal Subarrangement o Add Table Entr First Indicator Classification number validity aoRWNH—O Not a classification number entry Standard valid classification number Standard invalid classification number Optional valid classification number Optional invalid classification number Obsolete classification number Subfield Codes +a +b += C +d +e +h + j +J +k Classification number-single number or beginning number of span (R) Base number (NR) Classification number-ending number of span (R) Divided like number (R) Example class number (R) Caption hierarchy (R) Explanatory text (R) Caption (NR) Summary number span caption hierarchy (R) FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE 763 Second Indicator Type of classification number 0 1 2 8 +-m +n +P +r +S + X "y +Z +6 +8 Single number Defined number span Summary number span Other Manual note (NR) Number where instructions are found (R) Corresponding classification field (R) Root number (R) See reference (R) Other classification number (R) Type of division (R) Table identification (R) Linkage (NR) Field link and sequence number (NR) This field contains one entry in an internal classification subarrangement or add table. The entry may consist of a classification number and its associated caption, a note, or a see reference. A classification number that is part of an external table is recorded in field 153 (Classification Number) with the table identification recorded in subfield +z (Table identification) of that field. An internal table may also be coded as an external one and identified in subfield +z of field 153 of the record to which it applies. GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS B INDICATORS First Indicator - Classification number validity The first indicator position contains a value that specifies whether field 763 contains a standard valid, standard invalid, optional valid, optional invalid, or obsolete classification number. A standard classification number is one from the standard part of the schedules or tables; it may be valid or invalid for use in a bibliographic or authority record. An optional classification number is one which is provided as an optional alternative to the standard part of the schedule or tables; it may be valid or invalid for use in a bibliographic or authority record. An obsolete classification number is one that had been used in an earlier edition, but has been relocated to another number MARC 21 - Classification October 2000 763-p.17 763 or discontinued. These values generally contain the same information for the classification number in an internal subarrangement or add table entry as the codes contained in 008/08 (Classification validity) and 008/09 (Standard or optional designation) do for the classification number in field 153 (Classification Number). 0 - Not a classification number entry Value O indicates that the field does not contain a classification number. Although the field may contain classification numbers embedded in explanatory text, it is not considered a classification number entry and is assigned value 0. When value O is used, subfield +a is not present in the field. Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under HV1796.A-HV1796.Z, notation [1]: 763 08+81.3+ilncluding state documents + p680 Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 616.1-616.9, notation O25: 763 08+81.34+iClass here comprehensive works on emergency therapy for specific diseases or kinds of diseases + p680 1 - Standard valid classification number Value 1 indicates that the field contains a standard valid classification number. Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under HV9501-HV9920. 5: 763 10+81.8+a3+jCollected works (nonserial) +p153 Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 616. 1-616. 9: 763 10+81.33+a025 +hSpecial topics + jMedical emergencies + p153 2 - Standard invalid classification number Value 2 indicates that the field contains a standard invalid classification number. Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 616. 1-616.9: 763 20+81.15 +a[00846] + hHistory and description with respect to kinds of persons + hPersons in specific stages of adulthood + jPersons in late adulthood +p453 3 - Optional valid classification number Value 3 indicates that the field contains an optional valid classification number. Dewey Decimal Classification - table under (789. 3-789. 9): 763 30+81.6+a016 +hGeneral principles, stylistic influences of other traditions of music, musical forms +jStylistic influences of other traditions of music + p153 4 - Optional invalid classification number Value 4 indicates that the field contains an optional invalid classification number. Dewey Decimal Classification - table under (789.21-789. 29): 763 41+81.6+a[0093 + c0099] + hHistorical, geographic, persons treatment +jTreatment by specific continents, countries, localities + p453 5 - Obsolete classification number Value 5 indicates that the field contains a previously valid classification number that is no longer used in the classification scheme and edition cited in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition). 763 -p. 2 October 2000 MARC 21 - Classification “~ 763 Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 721-729: ) 763 50+81.16+a[042] +hSpecial topics +jArchitecture for persons with disabilities +i Relocated to + x087 + p685 Second Indicator - Type of classification number The second indicator position contains a value that specifies whether field 763 contains a single number, a defined number span, or a summary number span. The definitions for each value are the same as those in 008/07 (Type of number). 0 - Single number Value O indicates that the 763 field contains a single classification number. Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under HG2701-HG3542. 7: 763 10+81.19+a19.Z+jBy region, A-Z+p153 Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 820. 1-828: 763 10+81.4+a3+jElizabethan period, 1558-1625+p153 1 - Defined number span Value 1 indicates that the 763 field contains a classification number span that is defined by another subarrangement or instructions. Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under HV7315-HV7400: 763 11+81.2+a.A1 +c.A5 +jPeriodicals. Serials +p153 Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 616. 1-616.9: 3 763 11+81.56+a062 +c069 + hTherapy + jOther therapies + p153 2 - Summary number span Value 2 indicates that the 763 field contains a classification number span consisting of the first and last classification number of the topics subordinate to the caption in subfield +j (Caption), Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under HD1781-HD2210: 763 12+81.7+a2.5+c2.7 +jBiography +p153 Dewey Decimal Classification - subarrangement under 362-363: 763 12+81.1+a6+c8+jSpecific forms of action+p153 8 - Other Value 8 indicates that the 763 field (1) contains a type of classification number for which none of the other defined values is appropriate or (2) does not contain a classification number. Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under HD1781-HD2210: 763 08+81.14+i5 nos. Dewey Decimal Classification - Manual note related to add table under 6 16.1-616.9: 763 18+81.61+a071 +ivs.+a01 +jEtiology vs. Microbiology + p684 MARC 21 - Classification October 2000 763 -p. 3 763 ™@ SUBFIELD CODES +a - Classification number- single number or beginning number of span Subfield +a contains a single classification number or the beginning number of a span contained in an internal subarrangement entry. The classification number may be partial (such as digits to be added or a Cutter number) or be represented only by an indication of sequencing. Subfield +a is not used for classification numbers that may be embedded in the text of a note. Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under HV7641-HV7895: 763 10+81.3+a1.A+¢1.Z+jMinistry or department + p153 Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 880. 1-888: 763 10+81.2+a1 +jAncient period to ca. 499+p153 +b - Base number Subfield +b contains the base classification number to which one or more other numbers will be added. Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 341.2-341.7, notation 026: 763 08+81.71+iAdd to base number +b026 + ithe numbers following + r341.026 +iin+d 341.0261 +¢341.0268, +ie.g., multilateral treaties + E0265 + p761 [Because it is part of the internal table, the add note is recorded in field 763, rather than in 761 (Add or Divide Like Instructions)] +c - Classification number-ending number of span Subfield +c contains the ending number of a classification number span contained in an internal subarrangement entry. The classification number may be partial (such as digits to be added or a Cutter number) or be represented only by an indication of sequencing. Dewey Decimal Classification - table under (789.21-789. 29): 763 31+81.4+a00901 +c00905 +hHistorical, geographic, persons treatment + jHistorical periods +p153 +d - Divided like number Subfield +d contains the classification number or span that will be used as the pattern for constructing another classification number. Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 616.1-616.9, notation O7: 763 08+81.81+iAdd to+bO7 +ithe numbers following + 1616.07 iin + d616.071+¢ 616.079, +ie.g., etiology + e071, +idiagnosis + e075 +e - Example class number Subfield +e contains an example of the classification number resulting from an add or divide like instruction. Dewey Decimal Classification — table under 352-354, notation 21: 763 08+81.12 Add to+b21 +ithe numbers following #r352.1 +iin =d352.105 + 352.19, +ie.g., international administration +e211+p761 +h Caption hierarchy Subfield +h contains a caption for each higher level of the caption hierarchy that precedes the caption in subfield +j (Caption) that is associated with a classification number as part of an internal subarrangement entry. A caption for a classification number in a Summary number span 763 -p. 4 October 2000 MARC 217 - Classification & 763 in the Dewey Decimal Classification is contained in subfield +k (Summary number span caption hierarchy). Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under HD311-HD1130.5: 763 10+81.9+a6+hHistory +h19th and 20th centuries +j1945-+p153 Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 616. 1-616.9: 763 10+81.27+a0232+hSpecial topics + hPersonnel + jPhysicians + p153 +i - Explanatory text Subfield +i contains explanatory text that is part of an internal classification subarrangement. Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under HD1781-HD2210, notation [7]: 763 08+ iUnder each country: Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 820. 1-828, notation 8: 763 08+81.19+iClass here 19th century + p680 +j - Caption Subfield +j contains the caption for the classification number or span that is part of an internal subarrangement entry. Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under E186.6: 763 10+81.2+a.A1+c.A69 +jOfficial publications + p153 Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 616. 1-676.9: 763 10+81.62+a08+jPsychosomatic medicine + p153 +k - Summary number span caption hierarchy Subfield +k contains the caption at a level higher than the last for a summary number span in the Dewey Decimal Classification scheme. Caption hierarchies for a single classification number, defined number span, or other type of summary number span are contained in subfield +h. Dewey Decimal Classification - subarrangement under 362-363: 763 10+81.3+a62+kSpecific forms of action +hControl + jStandards +m - Manual note Subfield +m contains a note from a classification manual that is part of an internal classification subarrangement. A reference from a schedule internal subarrangement to a manual is recorded in subfield +i (Explanatory text). Dewey Decimal Classification - Manual note at 617: add table: 06: 763 08+81.5+mDo not use + x06 + mby itself under numbers whose meaning is limited to surgery, since surgery is a therapy. [. . .]+p684 +n - Number where instructions are found Subfield +n identifies the classification number or span under which an add table or further instructions are found. Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 617, notation 001-007: 763 08+81.2+iAs modified under +n616.1+¢616.9 + p683 MARC 21 - Classification October 2000 763 -p. 5 763 +P - Corresponding classification field Subfield +p contains the field tag of the field in which the internal subarrangement data would appear if it were not part of an internal subarrangement. This subfield allows for an easier conversion from an internal subarrangement to an external table if desired. It may also be used to highlight specific types of fields for display or printing. If it cannot be determined which field the data would fall into if it were not part of an internal subarrangement, this subfield may be omitted. If the data is a reference and can be recorded in field 253 or 453, the choice of which tag to use in subfield +p is made according to how the text reads, not how it might read if it were made into a tracing. For example, "do not use; class in" would be a 253 as it now appears. If the data could be recorded in either field 153 or 253/353 choose 153. Subfield +p may be repeated fer option notes to show that the note would appear in field 683 (Application Instruction Note) or in some other field if it were not an option. Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under E186.6: 763 10+81.2+a.A1+c.A69+jOfficial publications +p153 Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 616. 1-616.9, notation [00724]: 763 08+81.9+iDo not use; class in+s027+p253 +r - Root number Subfield +r contains the initial digits of the pattern number or span when these digits are not added. If this subfield is present, subfield +d must also be present to specify the digits that are added. Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 930-990, notation 0091-0098: 763 08+81.16 +iAdd to +b009 +ithe numbers following + z2+r1 +iin notation +22 +d11+¢18+ifrom table 2, e.g., urban regions + e€009732+p761 +s - See reference Subfield +s contains the classification number to which a see reference in an internal Classification subarrangement refers. Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under HF3221-HF4040. 7, notation [3]: 763 08+81.19 +iFor works on policy, see + sHF1451-HF1647 + p253 Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 616.1-616.9, notation [00724]: 763 08+81.9+iDo not use; class in+s027+p253 +x - Other classification number 763 - Subfield +x contains classification numbers other than those that belong in one of the other defined subfields. Dewey Decimal Classification — table under 264.04-264.09, notation O8: 763 08+81.7+iAdd to+b08 +ithe numbers following +r265 +iin+d265.1 +¢265.7, +le.g., the ceremony of baptism +e081,+ithe ceremony of baptism in the United Methodist Church + e264.076081; +ihowever, + p761 763 08+81.8+ifor Holy Communion (Eucharist, Lord’s Supper, Mass), see + x036+p761 Dewey Decimal Classification — table under 292-299, notation 1-9: 763 08+81.12+iAdd the numbers following +1291 +iin¢+d291.1+¢291.9, +ie.g., organizations + e65 + ilformerly + z1 + x06] +p761 p. 6 October 2000 MARC 217 - Classification C 763 +y - Type of division Li ) Subfield +y contains the type of division to which a table specified in subfield +Z applies. 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 6b +aG6043 +hMaps +hBy region or country + hEastern Hemisphere. Eurasia, Africa, etc. + hEurope + hCentral Europe + hSwitzerland + jCantons, A-Z 763 08+z2zG6041.S+yhistory 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 66 +aNC1762.G82A+cNC1762.G82Z +hDrawing. Design. Illustration + hCaricature. Pictorial humor and satire + hHistory + hSpecial countries +hOther, A-Z +hGuam + jSpecial artists, A-Z 763 08+ yindividual artists +zN7 +z - Table identification Subfield +z contains the identification of the table to which a classification number recorded in field 763 belongs. For a classification number span, subfield +z is given only once, before the first number. Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 930-990, notation 0099: 763 08+81.20+iClass persons of a specific period in+s01+c09, +iplus notation+z1 +a 092+ifrom Table 1;+p 253 763 08+81.21 +iclass historians and historiographers in+s007202; + p253 Dewey Decimal Classification - table under --093-099 in Table 1, notation O9: 763 08+81.11+iAdd to+b09+ithe numbers following + z1 +109 +iin notation +21 5 + d090 + c099 +ifrom Table 1, e.g., 20th century + e0904, +irural regions + e091734 +p761 +6 - Linkage + 8 - Field link and sequence number See description of these subfields in Appendix A. @ EXAMPLES Example 1 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aHE394.A+cHE394.Z +hTransportation and communication + hWater transportation + hWaterways +hBy region or country + hUnited States + jRiver improvement. By name of river 763 08+iUnder each: 763 10+81.1+a.x+jPeriodicals. Serials +p153 763 10+81.2+a.x3+jGeneral works +p153 763 10+81.3+a.x4+jGeneral special + p153 Display example: Transportation and communication Water transportation Waterways By region or country United States 9) HE394.A-.Z River improvement. By name of river MARC 21 - Classification October 2000 763 -p. 7 763 Under each: .x Periodicals. Serials .x3 General works .x4 General special Example 2 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb+aNK101 +cNK377 +hDecorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament + hStudy and teaching +jSpecial countries 761 60+iAdd country number in table to +bNK100 762 6b+zN3 763 08+iUnder each: 763 08+zNK101/1+y3 number countries 763 08+2zNK101/2+y1 number or decimal number countries 763 08+zNK101/3 + yCutter number countries [Separate table records are created for each number in the internal table. The use of field 763 instead of field 762 allows for the display of the table under NK107. Separate table records: 008/06 b [table record] 084 Ob +alcc 153 bb+zNK101/1 +a1 +c3+jTable for 3 number countries 008/06 b [table record] 084 0b +alcc 153 bb+z2NK101/1 +a1 +hTable for 3 number countries +jGeneral works 008/06 b [table record] 084 Ob+alcc 153 b6b+zNK101/2+a.A1 +c.Z9Z +jTable for 1 number or decimal number countries 008/06 b [table record] 084 0b+alcc 153 66+zNK101/2+a.A1+hTable for 1 number or decimal number countries +jGeneral works Display example: Decorative Arts Applied Arts Decoration and Ornament Study and teaching NK101-NK377 Special countries (Table N3) Add country number in table to NK100 Under each: TABLE NK101/1 1 General works 2.A-Z Special divisions, regions, A-Z 3.A-Z Special cities, A-Z TABLE NK101/2 Table for 1 number or decimal number countries Al General works A2A-.Z8Z Special divisions, regions, A-Z 763 -p. 8 October 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 763 Example 3 084 0Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a860.1 +c868 +hLiterature (Belles-lettres) and rhetoric + kLiteratures of specific languages and language families + hLiteratures of Spanish and Portuguese languages. Spanish literature + jSubdivisions of Spanish literature 680 16+iClass here Judeo-Spanish (Ladino), Papiamento literature 761 61+iExcept for modifications shown under specific entries, add to base number + b86 +ias instructed at beginning of Table 3, e.g., a collection of Spanish poetry +e861.008 683 Ob+81.1+iUse the following period table for literature in Spanish language from all countries and continents, for comprehensive works on literature in Spanish language 763 08+81.2+iPERIOD TABLE FOR SPANISH 763 10+81.3+a1 +jEarly period to 1369+p153 763 08+81.4+iClass here 14th century + p680 763 08+81.5+iFor 1369-1399, see+s2+p253 763 10+81.6+a2+j1369-1516+p153 763 10+81.7+a3+jGolden Age, 1516-1699+p153 763 10+81.8+a4+j1700-1799+p153 763 10+81.9+a5+j1800-1899 +p153 763 10+81.10+a6 +j1900-1999+p153 763 10+81.11 +a62+h1900-1999 +j1900-1945+p153 763 10+81.13+a64+h1900-1999 +j1945-1999 +p153 763 10+81.14+a7 +j2000-+p153 763 08+81.15+iClass comprehensive works in + x860 + p253 763 08+81.16+iSee also + x849.9 +ifor Catalan literature + p353 763 08+81.17+i(Option: Distinguish Spanish-language literatures of specific countries by initial letters, e.g., literature of Chile Ch860, of Colombia Co860, of Mexico M860 [or, of all American countries A860], of Spain S860; or class literatures not requiring local emphasis in+x868.99. +ilf literatures are identified by one of these methods, assign the optional period numbers given below for literature of American countries; otherwise, assign the period numbers given above for all Spanish-language literatures. Other options are described under + x810 + c890 763 08+81.18+i(OPTIONAL PERIOD TABLE FOR SPANISH 763 08+81.19+i(For American countries 763 30+81.20+a(1+jColonial and revolutionary period, 1519-1826 + p683 763 30+81.21+a(2+j1826-1888 + p683 763 08+81.22+iClass here 19th century + p680 + p683 763 08+81.23+iFor 1800-1826, see+s1; 763 08+81.24+ifor 1888-1899, see+s3 763 30+81.25+a(3+j1888-1909 + p683 763 30+81.26+a(4+j1910-1999 + p683 763 30+81.27+a(42+h1910-1990+j1910-1945 + p683 763 30+81.28+a(44+h1910-1990 +j1945-1999 + p683 763 30+81.29+a(5+j2000- )+p683 Example 4 084 0b+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 66+a617+hTechnology (Applied sciences) + hMedical sciences. Medicine + jMiscellaneous branches of medicine. Surgery [. . .] 763 11+81.1+a001 +c007 +jStandard subdivisions + p153 763 08+81.2+iAs modified under +x616.1+c616.9+p683 [. . .] 763 10+81.3+a06 +jTherapy + p153 763 08+81.4+iClass here rehabilitative therapy + p680 MARC 21 - Classification October 2000 763 -p.9 763 763 08+81.5+iClass comprehensive works on rehabilitative therapy and training for persons with a specific disease or kind of disease in+s03+p253 763 08+81.6+iFor surgery, see+s059+p253 763 08+81.7+iSee Manual at +x617:+iAdd table: + x06 + p684 763 08+81.8+mDo not use + x06 + mby itself under numbers whose meaning is limited to surgery, since surgery is a therapy. Subdivisions of + x06 + mare added to surgery numbers for specific physical therapies used in preparation for or rehabilitation from Operative surgery, or for branches of surgery not limited to operative surgery, e.g., drug therapy in treatment of burns +x617.11061. + mNotation + x06 + mis used freely under numbers not limited to surgery, e.g., ophthalmological therapy + x617.706. + p684 [...] Display example: 617 Miscellaneous branches of medicine Surgery 001-007 Standard subdivisions As modified under 616.1-616.9 Eee! 06 Therapy Class here rehabilitative therapy Class comprehensive work on rehabilitative therapy and training for Persons with a specific disease or kind of disease in 03 For surgery, see 059 See Manual at 617: Add table: O6 From DDC Manual: 617 06 Therapy Do not use 06 by itself under numbers whose meaning is limited to surgery, since surgery is a therapy. Subdivisions of 06 are added to surgery numbers for specific physical therapies used in preparation for or rehabilitation from Operative surgery, or for branches of surgery not limited to operative surgery, e.g., drug therapy in treatment of burns 617.11061. Notation 06 is used freely under numbers not limited to surgery, e.g., ophthalmological therapy 617.706. _—_—— a eee ae INPUT CONVENTIONS If desired, an internal table in a classification scheme may be considered an external one and coded as such. Each entry in an internal subarrangement or add table is recorded in a separate 763 field (if coded as an external table, each is recorded in a separate 153 field in a separate record). The sequence number is assigned following the order of the subarrangement or table. Subfield +8 is always the first subfield in the field. Punctuation - Input punctuation as data in field 763 for invalid or optional numbers, because it is not possible to indicate which portion of the number is invalid when one portion of a span is invalid. —_——————— ee a eee ee ee 763 -p. 10 October 2000 MARC 21 - Classification a (« 763 SCHEME-SPECIFIC CONVENTIONS Dewey Decimal Classification - For the Dewey Decimal Classification value 1 (standard valid classification number) in the first indicator position is used when field 763 contains more than one classification number taken from the DDC Manual. In DDC, subfield +d is used for pattern numbers or spans when either a complete number or an incomplete number is added (concatenated). If digits are dropped from the beginning of the pattern number or span and only the remaining digits added, subfield +r must be present to specify the digits dropped. Library of Congress Classification - If an internal table is more than four lines or applies to more than 10 records (numbers), it is coded as an external table, i.e. each number to be applied is in field 153 of a separate table record (coded as "b" in 008/06 (Kind of record). If it is desirable to display it as an internal table, the table identification in field 153 subfield +z of each table record contains the classification number (or beginning number of a span) where it will display. If more than one table is required (for more than one subarrangement), "/1", "/2" etc. is appended to the table identification. In the record for the number(s) where the internal table is to appear, field 763 +z also includes that table identification. The use of field 763 distinguishes the table identification as one that displays internally; an external table is identified in field 762 in the record to which it applies. When separate table records are created for each number in an internal table, and field 763 is used as a reference to that table, it is not necessary to sequence the fields using subfield +8. Seen eee MARC 21 - Classification October 2000 763-p. 117 f AN noe Ye oh tes | aA nee vet nieeetint ih: (Ra ray ae pti ‘uh ” ca vi Ne al Ay m N ‘ ee ah, “A a ni yi a ay Tal ; ra") P er fi | pi bias ee oe Aaay , | é me ciel Le tr Ota he hee: 3. ant! MWe OF Ret dt ttt r . hme vi yh dah — ; m7 A | vo py, ial ' vas! en byt 7 | Pe ; ‘? bn; rot mw " Asal | ihe re . My >, * an r a > Rad Wi ried Lewy sy. ithe rj a ' Fie? Pat | Hal te we ane eg a amet Tey a rsh a ee Ae me ale b buys hadi an vo) = ICA dort OnE ayaa HT ‘Ma ROS SN Ya al Vere a a) han NGA TET e Lae tT. mets un Wy Y ar wor mot 16007 WOM Vue quP ay mre As il ny ? i" ital ee i“ #4 ie AMOI (MME) setae a Sim Pa eval ally nyt art ni eaves RED GT Oe 4 ae a ay. ns j i ale FA, } TT } " i ee an Same Slee! » st aha ey Wane iM * y ag my : ¥ hw Lee wee ' > oat een ? , : i ae “6 a i ah bens eA ab tirveii ae i dba ad a Peas am, vo veil Fy ‘6 ides wet vt pin ia Bi oA Dinca wah) Wn Herb | lepine newt ogre Me, sil Fm rim sehen wares vip, pedi te shane wer ‘ARN RR ak ‘wsreari ‘y ne ata me men bins baby ee A ala 1h, ih ie ( nd i i ‘ip Fh neti i i Hea yg preity ¥ a> ‘Wa abe oan iT od: : pre prhivt deere a EL |, ny ayy ng nN ord rr ‘ey a ree = da i i nyEA wien cr my had Ly) ‘ig i) By e . uf igal 4 his me! i peg ‘ nau am tht ane ree 4 J q aa ; Mi nt rag , Ad yf ier a me, | G ' So » 764 764 Rule Identification (R : First Indicator Second Indicator Undefined Undefined b Undefined ® Undefined Subfield Codes +a Rule number (NR) +6 Linkage (NR) +j Explanatory text (R) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) EEE eee... eee FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains an identification of a rule number that is used to build a number by applying a table. Each unique rule number may be translated into a sequence of steps used by a system to calculate the number in classification schemes that have multiple rules for building specific classification numbers. i GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS @ INDICATORS Both indicator positions are undefined; each contains a blank (6). @ SUBFIELD CODES +a - Rule number Subfield +a identifies a particular rule that is used to apply a specific table to a classification number or span in a classification scheme that has multiple number building rules. The subfield is input in the first record in the table to which it applies, and may be used by a system to automatically calculate a synthesized number by following a sequence of steps. 153 bb+z KFA-KFZ+al +c599.5 +jUnited States - States and Territories 764 bb+a2+i Subtract 1 from number in 153/a and add table number to resulting number +i - Explanatory text Subfield +i contains the textual form of the rule as a sequence of steps to be followed in building a number from a table applied to a classification number span. 153 bb+2H3+al +c295+jTables of geographical divisions 764 bb+a 1+i Add table number to number in 153/a or to number specified in 761/b if present +6 - Linkage + 8 - Field link and sequence number See description of these subfields in Appendix A. ee EE MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 764 -p. 1 764 SCHEME-SPECIFIC CONVENTION Library of Congress Classification - The data in subfield +a is a numeric, identifying a rule to be applied. 764 -p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification @ ay » 765 765 Synthesized Number Components nr) First Indicator Second Indicator Field of number analyzed Undefined O 153 field & Undefined 1 Other field Subfield Codes +a Number where instructions are +t Digits added from internal found-single number or beginning subarrangement or add table (R) number of span (R) +u Number being analyzed (R) +b Base number (R) +v Number in internal subarrangement or add +c Number where instructions are table where instructions are found (R) found-ending number of span (R) +w_ Table identification-internal +f Facet designator (R) subarrangement or add table (R) +r Root number (R) +z Table identification (R) +s Digits added from classification number +6 Linkage (NR) in schedule or external table (R) +8 Field link and sequence number (R) FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains information about how a synthesized number or a portion of a synthesized number was built. It traces the different components of a synthesized number, showing the different portions of the number and where the add instructions are given. If a number was built using two or more instructions, a separate field 765 is given for each instruction. A synthesized number in field 153 (Classification Number) may be identified by code b in 008/12 (Synthesized number indication). Synthesized numbers may also appear in other fields. The information in this field is primarily intended to serve as a tracing of how classification numbers are synthesized to assist classifiers. It facilitates computer manipulation of synthesized numbers, both for validation that the numbers have been synthesized correctly and for index-building, to allow searching every use of a specific number. GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS @ INDICATORS First Indicator - Field of number analyzed The first indicator position contains a value that specifies the field containing the number being analyzed by the 765 field. This indicator facilitates different indexing of field 765 for public users trying to locate books on topics of interest and for classifiers and maintainers of the database. 0 - 153 field Value O indicates that the number analyzed is located in field 153 (Classification Number) of the record. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 765 -p. 17 765 1 - Other field Value 1 indicates that the number analyzed is located in a field other than field 153 of the @ record. Often the number is in field 684 (Auxiliary Instruction Note) or field 761 (Add or Divide Like Instruction). Second Indicator - Undefined The second indicator position is undefined and contains a blank (6). @ SUBFIELD CODES +a - Number where instructions are found- single number or beginning number of span Subfield +a identifies the classification number (single number or beginning number of span) under which add instructions are found to build a number. +b - Base number Subfield +b contains the base classification number to which one or more other numbers are added. In many instances it may be the same as +a. When two or more additions are used to build one number, the base number for the second and following 765 fields is the number resulting from the immediately preceding addition. +c - Number where instructions are found-ending number of span Subfield +c identifies the ending number of a classification number span under which an internal subarrangement or add instructions are found. + f - Facet designator Subfield +f contains extra character(s) to be added to classification numbers that indicate facets. a +r - Root number Subfield +r contains the initial digits of the pattern number or span when these digits are not added. If this subfield is present, subfield +s or +t must also be present to specify the digits that are added. +s - Digits added from classification number in schedule or external table Subfield +s contains the digits that have been added from a classification number in a schedule or external table to make up the synthesized number. +t - Digits added from internal subarrangement or add table Subfield +t contains the digits that have been added from an internal subarrangement or add table to make up the synthesized number. +u - Number being analyzed Subfield +u identifies the number being analyzed. Subfield +u is repeated when the same 765 field is applicable to more than one number appearing in the same record. If the number being analyzed is in field 153 (Classification Number), indicated by value O in the first indicator, this subfield need not be used unless both numbers in a classification number span are being analyzed. + v - Number in internal subarrangement or add table where instructions are found Subfield +v identifies the number (single number or beginning number of span) in an internal subarrangement or add table under which add instructions are found. 765 - p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 765 +w - Table identification- Internal subarrangement or add table Subfield +w identifies the classification number (single number or beginning number of span) under which an internal subarrangement or add table is found. +z - Table identification Subfield +z identifies the table used in building a number. For a classification number span, subfield +z is given only once, before the first number. +6 - Linkage + 8 - Field link and sequence number See description of these subfields in Appendix A. @ EXAMPLES 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a362.1969942 +hSocial sciences + hSocial problems and services; associations +kSocial problems and services + kSpecific social problems and services +hSocial welfare problems and services + kProblems of and services to persons with illnesses and disabilities + hPhysical illness + kMedical services +hServices to patients with specific conditions + kSpecific conditions + hDiseases + kSpecific diseases + hOther diseases +hTumors and miscellaneous communicable diseases + hCancers + hCancers of other organs and of regions +jRespiratory organs 765 06+b362.19+a362.196 +¢362.198+r61+s6994 765 0b6+b362.196994 + a616.9942 + c616.9949+r611+s2 084 0b+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a346.0469516 +hSocial sciences + hLaw + kBranches of law; laws (statutes), regulations, cases; law of specific jurisdictions, areas, socioeconomic regions +k Branches of law +hPrivate law +kSpecific subjects in private law +hProperty +h Government control and regulation of specific kinds of land and natural resources +h Other natural resources + hBiological resources + hGeneral topics + kManagement and control +jConservation and protection 765 06+ b346.046 + a346.046 +1333 +s95 765 0b6+b346.04695 + a333.7 + w333.7+t16 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb+a616.994059 +hTechnology (Applied sciences) +hMedical sciences. Medicine + hDiseases + kSpecific diseases +hOther diseases + hTumors and miscellaneous communicable diseases + hCancers + kPreventive measures, surgery, therapy, pathology, psychosomatic medicine, case histories +hPreventive measures and surgery + jSurgery 765 06+b616.994+ a618.1+c618.8+w618.1+c618.8+t059 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 6b +a372.1100992 +hSocial sciences + hEducation + kSpecific levels of education +h Elementary education + hOrganization and activities in elementary education + hSchool organization and activities in elementary education +hTeachers and teaching, and related activities +hStandard subdivisions + hHistorical, geographic, persons treatment + jPersons 765 06+b372.1 +a372.11+¢372.18+1r371+81 765 06+b372.11+a371.1008 +c371.1009 + f0+z1+s092 MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 765 -p. 3 765 084 153 763 763 765 765 084 153 761 765 084 153 761 765 765 765 765 765 765 084 153 684 765 765 765 765 765 765 765-p.4 Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a785.2+c785.9+hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts + hMusic + kPrinciples, forms, ensembles, voices, instruments + kEnsembles, voices, instruments + kInstruments and their music +hEnsembles with only one instrument per part +jSpecific kinds of ensembles 08 + 81.6 +iClass instrumental techniques for mixed ensembles in+s784.193; +p253 08 + 81.7 +iclass instrumental techniques for specific instruments in+s786 +c788, +i e.g., bowing techniques for violins +e787.219369 + p253 1b+b787.2+a784+c788 +w784+c788 +t1 +u787.219369 1b +b787.21 +a784+¢c788+v18+c19+r784.1 +s9369 +u787.219369 Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a333.953901 +c333.95391 +hSocial sciences + hEconomics +k Economics of labor, finance, land, energy +hEconomics of land and energy +hOther natural resources + hBiological resources + hPlants +hPlants as sources of energy +jStandard subdivisions and general topics of plants as sources of energy 10 +iAdd to base number + b333.9359 + inotation +d01 +c1 +ifrom table under +a 333.7, +iexcept use +d15 +ifor both development and generation of energy, e.g., generation of energy from biomass + e333.953915 1b + b333.9539 + a333.953901 + ¢333.95391 +w333.7 +t15 +u333.953915 Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb +a255.91 +c255.97 +hReligion + kChristianity + kSpecific elements of Christianity +kChristian church + hLocal Christian church and Christian religious orders + hReligious congregations and orders + hCongregations and orders of women +jRoman Catholic orders of women 10 +iAdd to base number +b255.9 tithe numbers following +r271.9 +iin +d271.91 +cC271.97 +ifor the order only, e.g., Dominican sisters + e255.972; +ithen, for each order having its own number, add further as instructed under + a255.1 +c255.7 +i(not as instructed at +x271), +ie.g., Dominicans in the United Kingdom +e255.97200941, #ithe rule of the Dominicans +e255.97206 0b + b255.9+ a255.91 +¢255.97+r271.9+s81+u255.91 0b + b255.9+a255.91 +¢255.97+1r271.9+s7+u255.97 1b +b255.9 + a255.91 + 6255.97 +r271.9+s72 +u255.972+u255.97200941 + u255. 97206 16 +b255.972+a255.1+¢255.7+f0+2z1+s09 +u255.97200941 16 + b255.972009 +21 + a093 +c099 +2z2+s41+u255.97200941 1b +b255.972 + a255.1+¢255.7+w255.1+¢255.7 + t06 +u255.97206 Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb +z1 + a093 +c099 +hStandard subdivisions + hHistorical, geographic, persons treatment +jTreatment by specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds 16 +iPersons treatment ... For example, a book on the style and character of sculptures by Cellini, Donatello, and Michelangelo is classed in +a730.92245, +ibut a book illustrating Italian Renaissance sculpture by describing the work of these same men is classed in+a730.94509024. 0b +z1+b09+z1+a093+c099+22+s3+2z1+u093 0b +21 +b09 +21 +a093+c099+22+s9+21+u099 16+ b73 +21 +s0922 +u730.92245 16+ b730.922+z1 +a0922+22+s45 +u730.92245 16+ b73 +21 +s09 +u730.94509024 16+ b730.9+21+a093 + c099 +22 +s45 +u730.94509024 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 765 765 16+b730.945 +21 + a093 +.c099 +21 + W093 + W099 + t09 + u730.94509024 9) 765 16+b730.94509 +21 + a093 + c099 + vO9 +109 +21 +8024 +u730.94509024 SCHEME-SPECIFIC CONVENTIONS Dewey Decimal Classification - The primary use for this field is for the Dewey Decimal Classification, which is based on the concept of number building. Field 765 is repeated each time an addition is made to the base number. Order of subfields - The base number (subfield +b) is always given first, followed by the location of add instructions (subfields +a and +c). When there are multiple additions to a synthesized number, a cumulative base number (the number which resulted from the previous addition) is used in subfield +b of the following 765 field. This field includes instructions about how many zeros to add for standard subdivisions. In these cases, the zeros are recorded in subfield +f (Facet designator). ?) ?) MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 765-p.5 q) ») 768 768 Citation and Preference Order Instructions (A) First Indicator Second Indicator Type of instruction Undefined O Citation and preference order note 6 Undefined 1 Table of preference Subfield Codes +a _ Classification number- Single number or +n Negative example class number (R) beginning number of span (R) +t Topic used as example of citation and +c Classification number-Ending number of preference order instruction (R) span (R) +x Exception to table of preference (R) +e Example class number (R) +z Table identification- Table number (R) +i Explanatory text (R) +6 Linkage (NR) +j Caption (R) +8 Field link and sequence number (NR) FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains a note or table with instructions about the order in which elements are to be applied in synthesizing a classification number or instructions about preference for the classification of different characteristics of a topic. GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS B INDICATORS First Indicator - Type of instruction The first indicator position contains a value that specifies the type of instruction note. O - Citation and preference order note Value O indicates that the field is a note that contains instructions about the order in which elements are to be applied in synthesizing a classification number or instructions about preference for the classification of different characteristics of a topic. 1 - Table of preference Value 1 indicates that the field contains part of a table of preference for the classification of different characteristics of a topic. Second Indicator - Undefined The second indicator position is undefined and contains a blank (6). @ SUBFIELD CODES +a - Classification number- Single number or beginning number of span Subfield +a contains a single classification number or the beginning number of a span that is part of the citation and preference order note or table. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 76S 7D) 1, 768 +c - Classification number-Ending number of span Subfield +c contains the ending of a classification number span that is part of the citation and preference order note or table. +e - Example class number Subfield +e contains an example of the correct classification number for the topic used to illustrate the citation and preference order instruction. +i - Explanatory text Subfield +i contains text of the citation and preference order note or table. +j - Caption Subfield +j contains the caption for the immediately following classification number in a table of preference. This caption usually matches the caption in field 153 (Classification Number) for that classification number. +n - Negative example class number Subfield +n contains an example of the incorrect classification number for the topic used to illustrate the citation and preference order instruction. +t - Topic used as example of citation and preference order instruction Subfield +t contains the topic used to illustrate the citation and preference order instruction. +x - Exception to table of preference Subfield +x contains the start of an exception note in a table of preference. +z - Table identification- Table number Subfield +z contains the identification of the number of the table to which a classification number recorded in field 768 belongs. For a classification number span, subfield +z is given only once, before the first number. +6 - Linkage + 8 - Field link and sequence number See description of these subfields in Appendix A. @ EXAMPLES 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a382.093 +c382.099 +hSocial sciences +hCommerce, communications, transportation + kInternal and international commerce (trade) + hinternational commerce (Foreign trade) + hHistorical, geographic, persons treatment + jlnternational commerce in specific continents, countries, localities 683 26+81.2+i(Option: Give priority in notation to the continent, country, locality requiring local emphasis, e.g., libraries in United States class trade between United Kingdom and United States in +a382.0973041) 768 0b6+81.1+iGive priority in notation to the continent, country, locality emphasized. If emphasis is equal, give priority to the one coming first in Table 2 Display example: 382.093 International commerce in specific continents, countries, localities Give priority in notation to the continent, country, locality emphasized. If emphasis is equal, give priority to the one coming first in Table 2 International commerce in specific continents, countries, localities (Option: Give priority in 768 -p. 2 January 2000 MARC 21 - Classification 9) ») » 084 153 768 084 153 768 084 153 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 notation to the continent, country, locality requiring local emphasis, e.g., libraries in United States class trade between United Kingdom and United States in +a382.0973041) Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a808.1 +c808.7 +hLiterature (Belles-lettres) and rhetoric + hRhetoric and collections of literary texts from more than two literatures + kRhetoric + jRhetoric in specific literary forms Ob +iObserve table of preference under + a800 Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a641.563 +hTechnology (Applied sciences) +hHome economics and family living +hFood and drink +kFood preservation, storage, cooking +hCooking + hCooking for special situations, reasons, ages +jCooking for health, appearance, personal reasons 0b+iUnless other instructions are given, class a subject with aspects in two or more subdivisions of +a641.563 +iin the number coming first, e.g., + tlow-carbohydrate, low-calorie cooking for persons with diabetes + e641.56314 +i(not +n641.5635 +ior +n 641.5638) Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb + a331 +hSocial sciences + hEconomics + kEconomics of labor, finance, land, energy + jLabor economics 1b+81.1+iUnless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g.,+tcompensation of women in banking +e331.42813321 + i(not +n331.2813321+ior +n331.7613321) 1b + 81.2+jChoice of vocation + a331.702 16+81.3+jLabor force by personal characteristics + a331.3 +¢331.6 16+81.4+jLabor force and market + a331.1 16 +81.5+jConditions of employment + a331.2 16+ 81.6 +jLabor unions (Trade unions), labor-management (collective) bargaining and disputes + a331.8 1b+81.7+jLabor by industry and occupation + a331.7 + x(except + a331.702) [Since this is a table of preference (indicated by value 1 in the first indicator) separate 768 fields are used, ordered by subfield + 8.] Display example: 331 MARC 21 - Labor economics Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g., compensation of women in banking 331.42813321 (not 331 (2813321 oF Sole O1332 4) Choice of vocation 33 12702 Labor force by personal characteristics 331.3-331.6 Labor force and market Bo 1e1 Compensation and other conditions of employment Dole Labor unions (Trade unions), labor-management (collective) bargaining and disputes 331.8 Labor by industry and occupation Soy, (except 331.702) Classification January 2000 768-p. 3 768 084 153 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 Ob + addc +c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] bb +z1 +a0+jStandard Subdivisions 1b +81.1+iUnless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g.,+tlanguage and communication in education and research + z1 + e07 +i (not+z1+n014): 16 + 81.2 +jSpecial topics +21 + a04 16+ 81.3+jPersons +z1+a092 16 +81.4+jAuxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials +21 + a028 + x(except +21 + a0288) 1b + 81.5 +jDrafting illustrations +z1+a0221 1b + 81.6 +jEducation, research, related topics +z1 +a07 +x(except +z1 +a074, +z1+a075,+z1+a076,+z1+a077) 16 + 81.7 +jManagement + z1 + a068 1b + 81.8 +jPhilosophy and theory +z1+a01+x(except +z1+a0112,+2z1+a014) 1b + 81.9+jThe subject as a profession, occupation, hobby +z1 + a023 1b +81.10+jThe subject for persons in specific occupations + z1 + a024 16 + 81.11 +jDirectories of persons and organizations +21 + a025 1b +81.12+jPatents and identification marks +z1+a027 16 +81.13+jCommercial miscellany +z1+a029 16+ 81.14+jStandards +z1+a0218 16+ 81.15 +jFormulas and specifications +z1+a0212 16 + 81.16 +jOrganizations + z1 + a0601 +c0609 16+ 81.17 +jOrganizations (without subdivision) +z1 + a06 1b + 81.15 +jHistory and description with respect to kinds of persons +z1+a08 1b6+81.16+jTreatment by specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds +z1+a093+c099.... Display example: Table 1. Standard Subdivisions Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g.,language and communication in education and research 1 07 (not 1 014): 768 -p. 4 Special topics --04 Persons --092 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials --028 (except --0288) Drafting illustrations --0221 Education, research, related topics --O7 (except --074, --075, --076, --077) Management --068 Philosophy and theory --01 (except --0112, --014) The subject as a profession, occupation, hobby --023 The subject for persons in specific occupations --024 Directories of persons and organizations --025 Patents and identification marks --027 Commercial miscellany --029 Standards --0218 Formulas and specifications --0212 Organizations --0601-609 Organizations (without subdivision) --06 January 2000 MARC 217 - Classification 768 History and description with respect to ))) kinds of persons --08 | Treatment by specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds --093-099 SCHEME-SPECIFIC CONVENTIONS Dewey Decimal Classification - A see reference that serves also as a preference order note is recorded in field 253 (Complex See Reference) or field 553 (Valid Number Tracing). An add or divide like note that serves also as a citation order note is recorded in field 761 (Add or Divide Like Instructions). An optional citation and preference order instruction is contained in field 683 (Application Instruction Note). The order of display of the fields in the record is not necessarily related to the order of the tags. For instance, if an option note is given in field 683 and field 768 contains the citation and preference order instructions for the standard schedule, the standard instructions must be given first. Subfield +8 is used to link and sequence 6XX and 76xX fields. If the instruction is that of a table of preference each entry is recorded in a separate 768 field. If subfield +8 is used, the sequence number is assigned according to the order of the elements in the table. ») » MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 768-p.5 ») ») MARC 21 Format for Classification Data - January 2000 a 8XX np) 8XX Location and Alternate Graphics-General Information | 856 Electronic Location and Access (R) 880 Alternate Graphic Representation (R) NSS}. 0—oo— DEFINITION AND SCOPE Field 856 and 880 are the only 8XX defined in the MARC 21 classification format at the present time. For the most part, these fields carry over the definitions found in the other MARC 21 formats. ee »)) MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 8XX - p. 1 ) ») 2) 856 856 Electronic Location and Access (r) First Indicator Access method No information provided Email ETP Remote login (Telnet) Dial-up i LL Method specified in subfield +2 NPWN- OF Subfield Codes +a Host name (R) +b Access number (R) +c Compression information (R) +d Path (R) +f Electronic name (R) +h Processor of request (NR) +i Instruction (R) +j Bits per second (NR) +k Password (NR) +1 Logon (NR) +m Contact for access assistance (R) +n Name of location of host (NR) +0 Operating system (NR) +p Port (NR) FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE Second Indicator Relationship 6 No information provided O Resource 1 Version of resource 2 Related resource 8 No display constant generated q_ Electronic format type (NR) r Settings (NR) File size (R) Terminal emulation (R) t uU V w_ Record control number (R) x Nonpublic note (R) y Link text (R) z Public note (R) 2 Access method (NR) 3 Materials specified (NR) 6 Linkage (NR) 8 Uniform Resource Identifier (R) Hours access method available (R) Field link and sequence number (NR) This field contains the information needed to locate and access electronic information. The field may be used in a classification record for a resource when that resource or a subset of it is available electronically. In addition, it may be used to locate and access an electronic version of a non-electronic resource described in the classification record or a related electronic resource. This field may also be used to link to an electronic resource intended to supplement the classification scheme, e.g. an image of a map. Field 856 is repeated when the location data elements vary (the URL in subfield +u or subfields +a, +b, +d when used). It is also repeated when more than one access method is used, mirror sites are recorded, different formats/resolutions with different URLs are indicated, and related items are recorded. MARC 217 - Classification October 2007 856 -p..1 856 GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS @ INDICATORS First Indicator - Access method The first indicator position contains a value that defines the access method to the electronic resource. If the resource is available by more than one access method, the field is repeated with data appropriate to each method. The methods defined are the main TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) protocols. When recording a URL in subfield +u the value corresponds to the access method (URL scheme), which is also the first element in the URL string. b - No information provided Value 6 indicates that no information about access method is provided. This value is used when subfield +g contains a URN and there is no URL recorded in subfield +u. When subfield =U contains a URL and subfield +g is also present with a URN, the indicator value for the appropriate access method of the URL is given. O - Email Value O indicates that access to the electronic resource is through electronic mail (email). This access includes subscribing to an electronic journal or electronic forum through software intended to be used by an email system. 1-FTP Value 1 indicates that the access to the electronic resource is through the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). 2 - Remote login (Telnet) Value 2 indicates that access to the electronic resource is through remote login (Telnet). 3 - Dial-up Value 3 indicates that access to the electronic resource is through a conventional telephone line (dial-up). Additional information in subfields of the record may enable the user to connect to the resource. 4-HTTP Value 4 indicates that access to the electronic resource is through the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). 7 - Method specified in subfield +2 Value 7 indicates that access to the electronic resource is through a method other than the defined values and for which an identifying code is given in subfield +2 (Source of access). Second Indicator - Relationship The second indicator position contains a value that identifies the relationship between the electronic resource at the location identified in field 856 and the entity described in the record. Only value 6 (no information provided) is used for classification records. b - No information provided Value 6 indicates that no information is provided about the relationship of the electronic resource described in the record. 856 - p. 2 October 20017 MARC 21 - Classification ») 2) 856 O - Resource 1 - Version of resource 2 - Related resource 8 - No display constant generated Do not apply these indicator values to classification records. @ SUBFIELD CODES +a - Host name Subfield +a contains the fully qualified domain (host name) of the electronic location. It contains a network address which is repeated if there is more than one address for the same host. +b - Access number Subfield +b contains the access number associated with a host. It can contain the Internet Protocol (IP) numeric address if the item is an Internet resource, ora telephone number if dial-up access is provided through a telephone line. This data may change frequently and may be generated by the system, rather than statically stored. Subfield +b may be repeated if all the other information in the field applies. +c - Compression information Subfield +c contains information about the compression of a file. If a specific program is required to decompress the file, it is noted here. The subfield may be repeated if two compression programs are used, noting the latest compression first. +d - Path Subfield +d contains the path, the series of logical directory and subdirectory names that indicate where a file is stored. The filename itself is recorded in subfield +f. This may be a surrogate path leading the user to the host where complete and current access information is stored in a locator table. +f - Electronic name Subfield +f contains the electronic name of a file as it exists in the directory/subdirectory indicated in subfield +d on the host identified in subfield +a. Subfield +f may be repeated if a single logical file has been divided into parts and stored under different names. In this case, the separate parts should constitute a single bibliographic item. In all other cases, a file that may be retrieved under different filenames contains multiple occurrences of field 856, each with its corresponding electronic name in subfield +f. A filename may include wildcard characters (e.g., * or ?) if applicable. Use subfield +z to explain how files are named, if needed. +h - Processor of request Subfield +h contains the username, or processor of the request; generally the data which precedes the at sign (@) in the host address. +i - Instruction Subfield +i contains an instruction or command needed for the remote host to process a request. +j - Bits per second Subfield +j contains the lowest and highest number of bits (binary units) of data that can be transmitted per second when connected to a host. The syntax for recording the number of bits per second (BPS) should be: -. If only lowest given: - ; If only highest given: -. MARC 217 - Classification October 2000 856 -p. 3 856 +k - Password Subfield +k contains the password required to access the electronic resource. An FTP site may require the user to enter an Internet Protocol address or may require a specific password. Electronically accessed catalogs may also require a password. If a system that requires a password will accept anything entered as valid, this subfield can be omitted from field 856. This subfield is used to record general-use passwords, and should not contain passwords requiring security. Textual instructions about passwords are contained in subfield +z (Public note). +1 - Logon Subfield +1 contains characters needed to connect (i.e, /ogon, login, etc.) to an electronic resource or FTP site. (For many general-use File Transfer Protocol servers, access is gained by entering the string "anonymous.") An account number required for login may also be indicated. This subfield is used to record general-use logon strings which do not require special security. +m - Contact for access assistance Subfield +m contains the name of a contact for assistance in accessing a resource at the host specified in subfield +a. +n - Name of location of host Subfield +n contains the conventional name of the location of the host in subfield +a, including its physical (geographic) location. +0 - Operating system For informational purposes, the operating system used by the host specified in subfield +a may be indicated here. Conventions for the path and filenames may be dependent on the operating system of the host. +p - Port Subfield +p contains the portion of the address that identifies a process or service in the host. + q - Electronic format type Subfield +q contains an identification of the electronic format type, which is the data representation of the resource, such as text/html, ASCII, Postscript file, executable application, or JPEG image. The intent of specifying this element is to provide information necessary to allow people or machines to make decisions about the usability of the encoded data (what hardware and software might be required to display or execute it, for example). The electronic format type also determines the file transfer mode, or how data are transferred through a network. (Usually, a text file can be transferred as character data which generally restricts the text to characters in the ASCII (American National Standard Code for Information Interchange (ANSI X3.4)) character set (i.e., the basic Latin alphabet, digits O-9, a few special characters, and most punctuation marks) and text files with characters outside of the ASCII set, or non-textual data (e.g., computer programs, image data) must be transferred using another binary mode.) Electronic format type may be taken from enumerated lists such as registered Internet Media Types (MIME types). +r - Settings Subfield +r contains the settings used for transferring data. Included in settings are: 1) Number Data Bits (the number of bits per character); 2) Number Stop Bits (the number of bits to signal the end of a byte); and 3) Parity (the parity checking technique used). The syntax of these elements is: < Parity >--< Number Stop Bits > 856 - p. 4 October 2000 MARC 21 - Classification @ ») ») ») 856 If only the parity is given, the other elements of settings and their related hyphens are omitted (i.e., ). If one of the other two elements is given, the hyphen for the missing element is recorded in its proper position (i.e., -- or < Parity >-- ) The values for parity are: O (Odd), E (Even), N (None), S (Space), and M (Mark). +s - File size Subfield +s contains the size of the file as stored under the filename indicated in subfield +f. It is generally expressed in terms of 8-bit bytes (octets). It may be repeated in cases where the filename is repeated and directly follows the subfield +f to which it applies. This information is not given for journals, since field 856 relates to the entire title, not to particular issues. +t - Terminal emulation Subfield +t contains an indication of a terminal emulation supported. Terminal emulation is usually specified for remote login (first indicator contains value 2 (Remote login (Telnet))). +u - Uniform Resource Identifier Subfield +u contains the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax. This data can be used for automated access to an electronic item using one of the Internet protocols or by resolution of a URN. Field 856 is structured to allow for the creation of a URL from the concatenation of other separate field 856 subfields. Subfield + u may be used instead of those separate subfields or in addition to them. + v - Hours access method available Subfield +v contains the hours that access to an electronic resource is available at the location indicated in this field. If the record is for a system or service, the hours of availability are recorded in field 307 (Hours, etc.). This subfield is only used to record hours of availability of the specific location indicated in field 856. +w - Record control number Subfield +w contains the system control number of the related record preceded by the MARC code, enclosed in parentheses, for the agency to which the control number applies. The data in the subfield links field 856 to the MARC record having the same data in a control number field. The sources for the MARC code are the MARC Code List for Organizations (maintained by the Library of Congress) and Symbols and Interlibrary Loan Policies in Canada (maintained by the National Library of Canada). +x - Nonpublic note Subfield +x contains a note relating to the electronic location of the source identified in the field. The note is written in a form that is not adequate or intended for public display. It may also contain processing information about the file at the location specified. +y - Link text This subfield contains link text which is used for display in place of the URL in subfield +u. When subfield +y is present, applications should use the contents of subfield + y as the link instead of the content of subfield +u when linking to the destination in subfield +u. The use of the link text is independent of any decision concerning the second indicator value. +z - Public note Subfield +z contains a note relating to the electronic location of the source identified in the field. The note is written in a form that is adequate or intended for public display. MARC 21 - Classification October 2007 856 -p. 5 856 +2 - Access method Subfield +2 contains the access method when the first indicator position contains value 7 (Method specified in subfield +2). This subfield may include access methods other than the four main TCP/IP protocols specified in the first indicator. The data in this subfield corresponds with the access schemes specified in Uniform Resource Locators (URL) (RFC 1738), a product of the Uniform Resource Identifiers Working Group of the IETF. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) maintains a registry of URL schemes and defines the syntax and use of new schemes; the Library of Congress will include an authoritative list based on that standard in the MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions. +3 - Materials specified Subfield +3 contains information that specifies the part of the entity to which the field applies. +6 - Linkage + 8 - Field link and sequence number See description of these subfields in Appendix A. Mi EXAMPLE 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aG1350+cG1352 +hAtlases + hBy region or country +hAmerica. Western Hemisphere + hNorth America +hUnited States + hNortheastern States. Eastern United States, 1870 and later+hSouthern States. Confederate States of America + hSouth Central States + jWest South Central States 856 76+ uhttp://minaret.loc.gov/images/gschedule/G1350a.gif + yMap of West south central states [The 856 field links to an image file related to the G schedule (Geography; Maps; Anthropology; Recreation), which consists of a map with references to classification numbers that cover particular areas. ] INPUT CONVENTIONS Spacing underscore and tilde in URLs - Replace the spacing underscore (_) and the spacing tilde (~) found in system, directory, or file names with their corresponding hex code, preceded by the percent sign (%): %5F for spacing underscore %7E for spacing tilde Style for Recording Telephone Numbers - In subfield +b, periods, spaces, and parentheses used to divide the portions of a number are replaced with hyphens. Numbers are recorded as follows: -- The exchange/line number portion often includes internal separators which are replaced by hyphens. If an extension is also given, it is appended to the telephone number preceded by a space and "x". 856 36+b1-202-7072316 +j2400/9600 +nLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC + oUNIX + rE-7-1 + tvt100 + zRequires logon and password CONTENT DESIGNATOR HISTORY +g Uniform Resource Name +y Link text Subfield +g was made obsolete in 2000 in favor of recording the URN in subfield +u and subfield +y was defined to use for display in place of the URL in subfield +u. 856 -p. 6 October 2007 MARC 217 - Classification ») ») » 880 880 Alternate Graphic Representation (r) First Indicator Second Indicator Same as associated field Same as associated field Subfield Codes +6 Linkage (NR) + 0-5, 7-9 Same as associated field +a-z Same as associated field FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE This field contains the fully content-designated representation, in a different script, of another field ‘in the same record. Field 880 is linked to the associated regular field by subfield +6 (Linkage). A subfield +6 in the associated field also links that field to the 880 field. When an associated field does not exist in the record, field 880 is constructed as if it did and a reserved occurrence number (OO) is used to indicate the special situation. The data in field 880 may be in more than one script. Descriptions of models for and examples of multiscript records are contained in Appendix C; description of subfield +6 is in Appendix A; specifications for character sets and repertoires for scripts are found in MARC 27 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media. GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING CONTENT DESIGNATORS @ INDICATORS The indicators in field 880 have the same meaning and values as the indicators in the associated field and are not described in this section. See the description of the specific associated field. i SUBFIELD CODES +a-z,+0-5, 7-9 - Same as associated field These subfields are the same as those defined in the associated field. For a description of the subfields, see the sections describing the associated fields. Escape sequences are not included in the examples below. 680 0b+6880-02+iClass here editions first edited in the 20th century. 880 bb+6680-02/N +iKnaccupyioTca 3ecb U3aHHA H3aHbl BIIepBIe B 200m Beke. +6 - Linkage See description of this subfield in Appendix A. M@ EXAMPLES See full record examples in Appendix C. MARC 21 - Classification October 2007 880 -p. 7 «@ »)) MARC 21 Format for Classification Data - January 2000 i, « Appendix A Control Subfields Subfields +0 Record control number +5 Institution to which field applies +6 Linkage +8 Field link and sequence number Appendix A contains descriptions of four subfields that are used to link field data to specific institutions or to other fields. These subfields are defined for several (+5 (Institution to which field applies)) or most (+6 (Linkage), +8 (Field link and sequence number)) fields in the format, thus their descriptions are brought together in this appendix. The subfields are included in field level subfield lists wherever they are defined, with pointers to this appendix. + 0 - RECORD CONTROL NUMBER Subfield +O contains the system control number of the related classification record preceded by the MARC code, enclosed in parentheses, for the system to which the control number applies. The sources of the MARC code are MARC Code List for Organizations (maintained by the Library of Congress) and Symbols and Interlibrary Loan Policies in Canada (maintained by the National Library of Canada). 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 6b+aBS580.M6 +hThe Bible + hGeneral +hWorks about the Bible +hMen, women and children of the Bible + hBiography + hindividual Old Testament characters, A-Z + jMoses 700 00+ aMoses +c(Biblical leader) + O(DLC)nbb79058331 084 Ob+alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 bb +aHG3881.5.158 +hFinance +hForeign exchange. International finance + hInternational finance. International monetary system. International banking + hIndividual international financial institutions, A-Z +jlnternational Monetary Fund 710 20+#alnternational Monetary Fund + 0(DLC)nbb81052755 084 Ob+#alcc [Library of Congress Classification] 153 6b +aPR1588 +hEnglish literature + hAnglo-Saxon literature + hIndividual authors and works + hBeowulf + hCriticism + jLanguage, grammar, etc. 730 00 +aBeowulf + xLanguage + 0(DLC)shb85013267 + 5 - INSTITUTION TO WHICH FIELD APPLIES Subfield +5 contains the MARC code of the institution or organization to which a note applies followed by any specific information about classification at the particular institution. It is used for institution-specific information that may or may not apply to the universal use of the classification record. MARC 21 - Classification January 2000 Appendix A - p. 7 Appendix A The sources for the MARC code are the MAAC Code List for Organizations (maintained by the Library of Congress) and Symbols and Interlibrary Loan Policies in Canada (maintained by the National Library of Canada). 084 Ob+addc+c21 [Dewey Decimal Classification] 153 bb +a005.262 +hGeneralities + hComputer programming, programs, data + kComputer programming and programs +hProgramming for specific types of computers, for specific operating systems, for specific user interfaces + hProgramming for digital microcomputers + jProgramming in specific programming languages 683 16+iArrange alphabetically by name of programming language, e.g., C+ + 683 16+ aUse first three letters of programming language to subarrange + 5< location identifier > [The library has its own method for arranging alphabetically, since the instructions are not specific.] +6 - LINKAGE Subfield +6 contains data that links fields that are different script representations of each other. Subfield +6 may contain the tag number of an associated field, an occurrence number, a code that identifies the first script encountered in a left-to-right scan of the field, and an indication that the Orientation for a display of the field data is right-to-left. A regular (non-880) field may be linked to one or more 880 fields that all contain different script representations of the same data. Subfield +6 is structured as follows: + 6 < linking tag > - < occurrence number >/