| TECHNICAL BOOKS 1921 A SELECTION CHICAGO AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 1922 This list was prepared by Donald Hendry for The Booklist, a selected list of books for the general reader, published monthly from October to July, by the American Library Association, 78 East Washington Street, Chicago. Sub- scription price, $2.00 a year. Reprinted from Booklist Books 1921. TECHNICAL BOOKS 1921 FOR SMALL OR MEDIUM SIZED LIBRARIES “Recommended by Donald Hendry, Head of the Applied Science Reference Department, Pratt Institute Free Library, Brooklyn, N. Y. ADVERTISING Blanchard, Frank Le Roy. The essentials of advertising. N.Y. McGraw-Hill,1921. 322p. $3. An elementary textbook on advertising in its various aspects. Considers briefly the layout and construction of advertisements, the selection of type, and use of color, illustrations, advertising mediums; newspapers, magazines, out- door, street car, mail order, booklets, house organs, motion pictures, etc. Con- tains chapters on the advertising manager’s duties, the advertising salesman, the advertising agent, and related matter. Review questions accompany each chapter. Author is director, Course in advertising, 23d St., Y. M. C. A., N. Y. 659 Advertising. Analytic: Advertising—Bibliography 21-—524/4 Fischer, Albert T. Window and store display; a handbook for ad- vertisers. Garden City,N.Y.,Doubleday,1921. 203p. illus. $2. Considers the use of display as an advertising medium. Author writes from twelve years’ experience. 659 Advertising || Salesmen and salesmanship 21-13069/4 Hackleman, Charles William. Commercial engraving and printing; a manual of practical instruction and reference covering com- mercial illustrating and printing by all processes for adver- tising managers, printers, engravers, lithographers, paper men, photographers, commercial artists, salesmen, instructors, students and all others interested in these and allied trades. Indianapolis, Commercial engraving pub.co. 1921. 846p. illus. $15. An unusually comprehensive, well illustrated book valuable to all interested in the preparation or production of advertising matter. Contains over two thousand illustrations, some in color. 655 Engravings—Printing || Photochemical processes || Printing, Prac- tical | 21—4570/5 Hall, Samuel Roland. The advertising handbook; a reference work covering the principles and practices of advertising. N.Y.Mc- Graw-Hill,1921. 743p. illus. $5. Considers all phases of advertising, especially the preparation of copy, print- ing, illustration and advertising mediums. A section on laws affecting adver- tising is included. Resembles the engineering handbooks in appearance. Author writes from large experience in the teaching and practice of advertising. 659 Advertising 21-10428/3 APPLICATIONS FOR POSITION Kilduff, Edward Jones. How to choose and get a better job. N.Y. Parper,192Z12.215p... $2. Expert advice to those seeking business employment. Special attention is 3 given to letters of application. A list of “helpful books ond business” covers four pages. Author is professor of business English, New York Univerity. 374.1 Profession, Choice of |} Applications for position. Analytic: Business— Bibliography 21~-12504/5 Shidle, Norman G. Finding your job. N.Y.Ronald press,1921. 183p. $2. Valuable, suggestive book for the man or woman seeking suitable industrial or commercial employment. EY 374.1 Applications for position 21-17767/3 Whitehead, Harold. Your job: how to choose a job, how to get a job, how to grow in a job. N.Y.Biddle business publications, 1920. 1171p. $2. Interestingly written, inspirational book for young business men. In thirty- four short snappy chapters the author gives good advice and offers useful suggestions to the man choosing an occupation and ambitious to succeed in business. Author is professor of sales relations, head of vocational depart- ment, College of business administration of Boston university. 374.1 Profession, Choice of || Success 20—22993/4 AUTOMOBILES Bayston, John Robert. The Ford car, construction and repair; a practical guide including instructions on the care and repair of the Ford car, complete methods for testing and repairing the Ford electrical system, and questions and answers. Chic.Amer. tech.soc.1921. 148p. illus. $2. A practical book of the correspondence school type. Describes in detail the construction and operation of the Ford car, how to overhaul it, lubrication, carburetion, and the electrical equipment. A section on operation troubles is arranged in question and answer form. Designed especially for the repairman. Contains one hundred and thirteen illustrations. Author is head, Automobile engineering, American school of correspondence. 629.2 Ford automobile 21—2295/3 Moreton, David Penn. Automobile electrical systems; an analysis of all the systems now used on motor cars, with two hundred wiring diagrams and giving special attention to trouble shoot- ing and repairs, by David Penn Moreton and Darwin S. Hatch. NY UP bk colOot BOT se. Presupposes a knowledge of the fundamental principles of electricity, and describes in detail the installations, operation and repair of the ignition, starting and lighting systems used on various makes of cars, a good deal of space being given to Ford car electrical systems. The same authors’ Electrical equip- ment of the motor car; automobile starting, lighting and ignition systems P. C. bk. co. 1920. 506p. 250 blue print wiring diagrams. $3.50) assumes but little knowledge of electricity on the part of the reader. The books are for the use of garage men, the repairman or the car owner. Senior author is associate professor of electrical engineering, Armour institute of technology. 629.2 Automobiles A22-60/3 Wright, John Calvin. Automotive repairs: v. 1, Instruction manual of repair jobs for the general repairman and the owner. N.Y. Wiley, 1921. 530p. illus. $3.50. The first volume of the most complete work yet attempted exclusively on . 4 automotive repair work. Designed as a textbook for schools where repair work is taught, or for home use ‘by car owners and others. The present volume treats of general repair jobs and of automobile construction and opera- tion, in much detail, illustrated with line drawings, diagrams and half tones. Three other volumes are announced for early publication to complete the work: v.2, for electrical service men; v.3, for battery service men; v.4, for tire service men. Author is chief, Industrial education service, Federal ‘board for vocational education. 629.2 Automobiles—Repairing 21-17453/3 Note: Dyke’s automobile and gasoline engine encyclopedia remains the most comprehensive, useful reference book on the subject. It is brought up to date every year. BANKING Kniffin, William Henry. American banking practice; a treatise on the practical operation of a bank, intended for students, bank employees and others who would know the conduct of a bank under recognized practice, with which is combined the negotiable instruments law, uniform in forty-six states. N.Y. McGraw-Hill,1921. 390p. illus. $3.50. A textbook in which are considered the activities of the bank of moderate size. Author is instructor in banking practice, New York university, and vice president of a small-town bank. 832.1 Banks and banking—wvU. S. 21-—21283/3 BLACKSMITHING Friese, John Frank. Farm blacksmithing; a text-book and problem book for students in agricultural schools and colleges, technical schools, and for farmers. Peoria,Ill.,Manual arts press,1921. 92p. illus. $1.25. An elementary book describing the ordinary jobs of blacksmithing required on farms, Author is supervising engineer, Arthur Hill trade school, Saginaw, Mich. 682 Blacksmithing 21-—-13975/3 BOILERS Croft, Terrell Williams, ed. Steam boilers (Power plant series) N.Y.McGraw-Hill,1921. 412p. illus. $4. An elementary book on steam boilers adapted for the use of readers prepar- ing to take engineers’ license examinations, and for others wanting a plainly written book without difficult mathematics. The matter is divided into twenty- five divisions treating of the evolution of the steam boiler, types of boilers, construction and materials of construction, accessories, combustion, furnaces and boiler settings, chimneys, draft, and much related matter. The book is well illustrated with 514 specially prepared line drawings. Questions and answers accompany each of the 25 divisions, and numerous problems with their solutions are provided. 621.18 Steam-boilers 21-13880/3 BUILDING Hicks, Isaac Perry. Hicks’ builders’ guide by I. P. Hicks and Joshua C. Duncan. N.Y.,U.P.C.bk.co.1921. 384p. illus. $3. New and enlarged edition of a useful book which has been of service to practical builders for many years. Considers details of building in various materials and includes estimating. 694 Carpentry—Handbooks, manuals, etc. || Building—Hstimates 21-18781/4 = COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE Kilduff, Edward Jones. The stenographer’s manual. N.Y.Harper, 192 MY Poe S180: Information about standard forms, spelling, rhetoric, etc., for ‘beginners in stenography. Author is professor of business English, New York University. 651 Stenographers || Commercial correspondence. Analytics: rune Sp English language—Orthography and spelling 1-1212/ CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Baxter, Leon H. Elementary concrete construction. Mae Bruce,1921. 101p. illus. $1.35. A manual training textbook consisting of an elementary text and a section with many projects in concrete work, most of which have been carried out under the author’s instructions by boys from ten to fourteen years of age. Fully illustrated with dimensioned line drawings and with half tones. Any beginner in the use of concrete might find the book instructive. Author is supervisor of manual training, St. Johnsbury, -Vt. 698.5 Concrete construction 21-14460/3 Hatt, William Kendrick. Concrete work; a book to aid in the self- development of workers in concrete and for students in en- gineering, by William Kendrick Hatt and Walter C. Voss (Wiley technical series for vocational and industrial schools) N.Y.Wiley,1921. 2v. illus. v.1, $4; v.2, $2. The first book in a series of industrial texts written by teachers who trained men in military schools during the War, the methods and materials worked out in that practice being utilized in the preparation of these texts. The object of the authors is to present scientific principles with their practical applications in a manner intelligible to the worker or novice in concrete work, in order to enable him to fit himself for a foreman’s position or enter into business as a local contractor. The present work is in two volumes and the matter is so arranged that the two should be used together. Authors are respectively professor of civil engineering, Purdue university, and head, department of architectural construction, Wentworth Institute. 693.5 Concrete construction 21-1059/3 Howe, Harrison E. The new stone age (Century books of useful science) N.Y.Century,1921. 289p. illus. $3. By the “new stone age” is meant the age of cement and concrete. Writ- ing for the general reader, the author endeavors to present an interesting story of the cement industry and of some of the engineering uses to which it is put. 666.9 Cement || Concrete || Concrete construction 21-1189/5 ELECTRICITY Annett, Fred Anzley. Electrical machinery; a practical study course on installation, operation and maintenance. N.Y.Mc- Graw-Hill,1921. 431p. illus. $3. Home study book for beginners, based on a study course which originally appeared in Power. The matter is plainly stated, with simple mathematics and many illustrations. A good book for the beginner who needs a self-in- struction book on the principles and operation of electrical machinery. Author is associate editor of Power. 621.8 Electric machinery 21-8521/3 Croft, Terrell Williams. American electricians’ handbook. 2d ed. N.Y.McGraw-Hill,1921. 823p. illus. $4. Revised edition of one of the most complete, compact and usable hand- books ever prepared for the practical needs of workers employed in operat- ing electrical machinery, installing electric wiring, etc. First edition in Book- list, 10:302, Ap 14. 621.8 Electric engineering—Handbooks, manuals, etc. 21-13977/3 Stoller, H. M. Small motors, transformers, electromagnets; a prac- tical presentation of design and construction data for small motors, small low-and-high-tension transformers, electromag- nets, and induction coils, by H. M. Stoller and others. Chic. Amer.tech.soc.1920. 320p. illus. $3. Publication of a correspondence school, Plainly written by good authorities. 621.8 Electric motors || Electric transformers || Electromagnets 21-148/5 Willoughby, George A. Practical electricity for beginners. Peoria, Ill.,Manual arts press,1921. 104p. illus. $1. A quite elementary book for boys. Designed as a_textbook in schools or for home study. Author is shop supervisor, Arthur Hill trade school, Sagi- naw, Mich. 621.3 Electricity || Electric engineering 22—926/4 FARMING Adams, Richard Laban. Farm management; a _ text-book for student, investigator, and investor. (Agricultural and _ bio- logical publications) N.Y.McGraw-Hill,1921. 671p. illus. $4. Considers the various factors entering into the business of farming: farm selection, soils, equipment and ‘buildings, capital, bookkeeping and accounting, costs, marketing, labor, tenancy, farm law, management, etc. Especially addressed to the beginner and the settler in new sections. Author is professor of farm management, University of California. 631.1 Agriculture || Farms 21—21879/4 FORMULAS AND RECIPES The Druggists’ circular formula book, in which may be found re- cipes for hundreds of unofficial preparations in daily demand in the drug store, the laboratory, the boudoir, the household, the workshop, on the farm, and wherever there are men, women and children, domestic animals, poultry, furred and feathered pets, trees and plants; together with a compilation of process outlines, notes, hints and other valuable information and sug- gestions for retail druggists and dispensing pharmacists, culled from the page of the Druggists’ circular and elsewhere. 2d ed. N.Y.Druggists’ circular,1920. 257p. $2. Contains directions for preparing a large number of preparations which may be made and sold by retail druggists. The matter is grouped under the fol- lowing heads: Pharmaceutical formulas; the prescription department; toilet preparations; perfumes and toilet waters; dental preparations; for the hair and scalp; soaps and laundry requisites; cleaning and renovating processes; insect, vermin and rodent destroyers; culinary recipes; varnishes and polishes; inks, glues, pastes and cements; veterinary recipes; and miscellaneous information. 615 Medicine—Formulae, receipts, prescriptions || Receipts || Cosmetics 22-26120/5 7 INVENTIONS Parkman, Mary Rosetta. Conquests of invention. N.Y.Century, 1921. 413p. illus. $2. Cyrus H. McCormick, Elias Howe, Thomas A. Edison, William Murdock, Robert Fulton, Guglielmo Marconi, Charles Goodyear, George Westinghouse, Eli Whitney, George Stephenson, James Watt, Wilbur and Orville Wright, Alexander Graham Bell. Tells in an interesting manner the stories of some of the great inventions. Suitable for young readers. ‘Contains portraits of in- ventors and other illustrations. 920 Inventions || Inventors 21-15868/4 MACHINE SHOP PRACTICE Pratt, James Alfred. Elementary machine shop practice; a text- book presenting the elements of the machinists’ trade. N.Y. VanNostrand, 1921. 320p. illus. $2.50. A quite elementary textbook based on the author’s experience in teaching machine shop work. Addressed to apprentices, students, workmen and teachers. Author is director, Williamson free trade school. 621.7 Machine-shop practice 21-5161/3 MANAGEMENT Federated American engineering societies. Committee on elimina- tion of waste in industry. Waste in industry. N.Y.McGraw- Hill,1921. 402p. $4. Report of a committee named by Herbert Hoover as president of the Feder- ated engineering societies to study present conditions and possibilities of economy by elimination of waste in the great industries of the country: the building trades, men’s ready-made clothing, printing trades, metal trades, boot and shoe manufacturing, and textile manufacturing. Gives extent and causes of waste, not means of reducing it. Bibliographies accompany some of the sections. 670 Efficiency, Industrial || Factory management 21-19580/4 MECHANICAL DRAWING Jones, Franklin Day. Mechanical drawing; a treatise on the draw- ing of mechanisms and machine details, including the making of different classes of drawings, the dimensioning, reading, and checking of working drawings, numbering and filing systems for drawings, and general drafting room practice. N.Y.Indus- trial press,1920. 342p. illus. $3. Describes procedure in the preparation of working drawings of mechanisms for manufacturing purposes according to the best present day practice. ‘Con- siders also drafting-room management, etc. Not an elementary book on mechanical drawing. Author is associate editor of Machinery. 621 Mechanical drawing 20-17314/3 Longfield, Ellsworth M. Sheet metal drafting, prepared in the Extension division of the University of Wisconsin (Industrial education series) N.Y.McGraw-Hill,1921. 236p. illus. $2.25. _ Good textbook for trade and industrial schools or for home study. Author is head of the Sheet metal department, Boston trade school. 621 Sheet-metal work—Pattern-making 21-6969/3 Stanley, Frank Arthur. Drawing room practice. N.Y.McGraw- Hill,1921. 253p. illus. $2.50. A reference book of facts, showing approved methods of procedure in mak- 8 a, ing drawings of mechanical objects. Addressed to teachers, machinists, tooi- makers, etc. Author has written and compiled a number of "excellent machine shop books. 621 Drawing-room practice || Machinery—Drawing 21-13877/4 METALLURGY Camp, James McIntyre. The making, shaping and treating of steel, by J. M. Camp and C. B. Francis. 2d ed. Carnegie bldg., Pittsburgh, J. M. Camp, 1920. 614p. illus. libraries and em- ployees of Carnegie steel co., $2; others, $5. Excellent book, based on instruction given to non-technical employees of the Carnegie steel company in its Bureau of instruction, of which the senior author is head. Authoritative text for anyone desiring a knowledge of the metallurgy of cast iron and steel. An introductory chapter is devoted to gen- eral principles of physics and chemistry. 669.1 Steel—Metallurgy A20—1265/6 MOTION PICTURES Teserpoura, Austin Celestin. The cinema handbook; a guide to practical motion picture work of the nontheatrical order, par- ticularly as applied to the reporting of news, to industrial and educational purposes, to advertising, selling and general pub- licity, to the production of amateur photoplays, and to enter- tainment in the school, church, club, community center and home. N.Y.Scientific American pub.co.1921. 507p. illus. 14cm. $3. A useful little handbook for those interested in the making and showing of motion pictures for non-theatrical purposes. Describes the various kinds of apparatus and their operation and contains much useful information on the subject. Author is of the Editorial staff of the Scientific American. 778 Moving-pictures 21-17454/3 PATTERN-MAKING Shelly, Joseph Atkinson. Patternmaking. N.Y.Industrial press, 1920. 34l1p. illus. $3. Practical 'book on the making of wood patterns and core-boxes for foundry castings. Explains and illustrates in detail actual operations in laying out and constructing patterns and core-boxes; the tools, machinery and ma- terials employed, and contains other information valuable to the pattern maker and student. Fully illustrated with original halftones and line drawings. Au- thor is instructor in patternmaking, Pratt institute, and writes from experience as a practical pattern maker. 621.73 Pattern-making 20-—22221/3 PHOTO-ENGRAVING Horgan, Stephen H. Photo-engraving primer; concise instructions for apprentice engravers or for those seeking simple yet prac- tical knowledge of line and half-tone engraving. Bost.Amer. photographic pub.co.,1920. 81p. $1.50. A book for the beginner written by an authority. Explains in plain lan- guage, step by step, photo-engraving processes from making the photographic copy to the finished etched plate. A glossary of terms is included. The same author’s larger ‘book, Horgan’s half-tone and photo-mechanical processes (In- land printer, 1913. $3) is a standard book on the subject. Author is editor of the Process engraving department of the Inland Printer. 777 Photo-engraving 20-14361/3 9 PHOTOGRAPHY Wall, E. J. The dictionary of photography and reference book for amateur and professional photographers. 10th ed. rev. and largely rewritten by F. J. Mortimer. N.Y.Tennant & Ward, LOZ TEZDOD. Vi bo. Excellent reference book revised and brought up to date. Bibliography of photography (6p.) 770 Chiara chet Dictiduariés A22—402/3 RAILWAY SIGNALING King, Everett Edgar. Railway signaling. N.Y.McGraw-Hill,1921. 369p. illus. $4. “It is the purpose of this book to collect from various sources that which is already in use in common practice in the field of railway signaling and to present it in textbook form suitable for the beginner in his study of this subject.”—Preface. Concisely written and comprehensive textbook with excel- lent illustrations and a glossary of terms. Author is professor of railway civil engineering, University of Illinois. 625.16 Railroads—Signaling 21-19228/3 REFRIGERATION Power. Power’s practical refrigeration. McGraw-Hill,1921. 283p illus. $2. A practical book on refrigeration, based on a study course for operating engineers which appeared in the periodical Power. The book is well adapted for its purpose. Contains 103 illustrations. 621.56 Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery 21-19053/3 RUBBER TIRES Tufford, Henry Horace. The tire business answered; 2,250 ques- tions and answers on the complete tire business. Minneapolis, Dunwoody institute press,1921. 471p. illus. $2.50. Useful information presented in the plainest manner. Answers questions on the tire business, repairing, vulcanizing, salesmanship, etc. Author is supervis- ing instructor, the Dunwoody industrial institute, and former chief vulcan- izing instructor in an army school. 678 Tires, Rubber mama | SANITATION Hering, Rudolph. Collection and disposal of municipal refuse, by Rudolph Hering and Samuel A. Greeley. N.Y.McGraw-Hill, 1921. 653p. illus. $7. An exhaustive consideration of the problems involved in collecting, trans- porting and disposing of garbage, street refuse and other refuse materials in cities. Systems and methods employed in cities of this country and Europe are given in considerable detail, cost data being included. Collection and disposal in small towns are briefly considered. The book is illustrated and provided with numerous tables, charts and diagrams. 628.4 Refuse and refuse disposal 21-10302/3 TELEPHONY Smith, Arthur Bessey. Automatic telephony; a comprehensive treatise on automatic and semi-automatic systems, by Arthur Bessey Smith and Wilson Lee Campbell. 2d ed. N.Y.McGraw- Hill,1921. 430p. illus. $5. First ean appeared in 1914. In the present book the matter has been 10 revised and increased to include latest developments. The Strowger system is described in detail, other important systems are outlined, and considerable space is given to operating and traffic conditions. The most important Ameri- can book on the subject. 631.38 Telephone 21-14887/3 U. S. Standards bureau. Telephone service (Circular 112) Wash. Supt.of Docs.1921. 214p. illus. paper, 65c. A general treatise on telephone service and the telephone plant, with descrip- tions of manually operated and the various automatic systems of telephony, omitting detailed descriptions and technicalities which are reserved for publi- cations which will follow. An authoritative, instructive book for the reader interested in the development, equipment and operation of telephone service, its public relations, statistics, etc. Well illustrated. 621.38 Telephone 21-—26772/3 WELDING Mackenzie, Louis Burton, ed. The welding encyclopedia; a prac- tical reference book on autogenous welding; comp. and ed. by L. B. Mackenzie and H. S. Card. Chic. Welding engineer pub. co.1921. 324p. illus. $5. A comprehensive compilation of valuable data on oxy-acetylene, electric and thermit welding, giving methods, technical terms, trade names, welding rules and regulations of states, societies and associations. Editors are of the editorial staff of the Welding Engineer. 671 Welding 21-5456/3 Viall, Ethan. Electric welding. N.Y.McGraw-Hill,1921. 4417p. illus. $4. A comprehensive treatise, largely a aE from various sources, describ- ing the apparatus and operations employed in arc and resistance welding for manufacturing and repairing purposes, The different makes of apparatus now in use are described and illustrated, and many examples of work performed are given. Contains chapters on the physical properties and metallurgy of arc-fused steels. The book is fully illustrated. Author is editor of American Machinist. 671 Electric welding 21-—3641/3 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION Lauer, Henri. Radio engineering principles, by Henri Lauer and Harry L. Brown. N.Y.McGraw-Hill,1920. 300p. $3.50. A good textbook for the study of the principles of wireless communication in the light of recent developments which center about the characteristics of the three-electrode vacuum tube. A chapter is given to radio telephony. A considerable knowledge of mathematics is necessary to an understanding of the theoretical portions of the book, the descriptions of systems and operation are less exacting in this respect. The book is well illustrated with wiring diagrams, graphical charts and pictures of apparatus. Both authors were in the U. S. Signal service during the war, engaged in the preparation of train- ing literature used in the Signal service. 621.38 Telegraph, Wireless. Analytic: Telephone, Wireless 20—-171/4 Nilson, Arthur R. Radio questions and answers on government examination for radio operator’s license. N.Y.McGraw-Hill, 1921. 86p. illus. $1. One hundred and twenty-two typical examination questions for commercial radio operators’ license, with answers in full, and sixty additional questions without answers. A bibliography is appended. Author is director, East side Y. M. C. A., New York City. 621.38 Telegraph, Wireless 21-—21886/3 11 3 0112 072366781 WOODWORKING Worst, Edward Francis. Problems in woodwork. 2d ed. Milwau- kee,Bruce,1921. 246p. illus. $2.50. | Addressed to manual training teachers. Contains a large number of srdee lems with pictures and dimensioned drawings of the various objects. Sug- gestive book for teachers. First edition in Booklist, 15:94, D 18. 680 Woodwork (Manual training) || Weaving (Manual training) 21-8143/4 MISCELLANEOUS Fries, Amos A. Chemical warfare, by Amos A. Fries and Clarence J. West. N.Y.McGraw-Hill,1921. 445p. illus. $3.50. ra An authoritative book on the operations of the Chemical warfare service in the World war. Describes the organization of the service, the training given, the gases and incendiary materials employed, how they were used, defensive devices, and related matter. Senior author is ‘brigadier general, chief, ( Chemical warfare service, United States army. 665 Gases, Asphyxiating and poisonous—War use 21-16752/3 Hammond, John Hays. The engineer (Vocational series), N.Y. : Scribner,1921. 194p. $1.50. Written by a successful mining engineer for the young man who may be > ' considering some branch of engineering as a profession. Considers very briefly engineering generally; engineering ethics and education; the scope of the various engineering fields; mechanical, civil, mining, electrical, chemical, ‘an marine and military, and the opportunities which they offer. a 620 Engineers || Engineering 21-26549/4 § Pitman’s common commodities and industries series. N.Y.Pitman. illus. each, $1. A series of monographs of British origin, written for the general reader by good authorities in their various fields. Over sixty of these monographs ‘im have been published. Recent volumes are: Textile bleaching, by A. B. Steven. Sulphur and sulphur derivatives, by Harold A. Auden. The cycle industry; its origin, history and latest developments, by W. F. Grew. Alcohol, by Charles Simmonds. Ironfounding, by W. Whiteley. Concrete and reinforced concrete, by W. N. Twelvetrees. Player piano, by D. M. Wilson. Wall paper; its origin, development and manufacture, by G. W. Ward. Roehl, Louis Michael. Rope work. Milwaukee,Bruce,1921. A7p. a i illus. paper, 80c. _ Descriptions and illustrations showing how to make knots, hitches and splices - in rope. Author is supervisor of farm work, Cornell university. nN 677 Knots and splices 21-10293/3 12