BULLETIN No. 14 PVM UST RIAL CODE R@EES att Construction, Installation, Inspection and Maintenance of Steam Boilers STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION ALBANY NEW YORK OFFICE, 230 FIFTH AVENUE BUREAU OF INDUSTRIAL CODE 230 Fifth Avenue, New York City RULES Relating to the Construction, Installation, Inspection and Maintenance of Steam Boilers in Factories, Mines, Tunnels and Quarries. The rules contained in this Bulletin were adopted by the State Industrial Commission in accordance with the requirements of Sections 5l-a and 52 of the Labor Law. Rules 800-821 and Paragraphs 378-409 became effective July 1, 1917. Paragraphs 1-377 and 410-430 become effective January 1, 1918. BOILER CODE State INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION is Rules for the construction, installation, inspection and mainte- nance of steam boilers as provided in sections 91 and 124 of the Labor Law. Section 91. Bowler inspection. The commissioner of labor shall eause to be inspected all boilers used for generating steam or heat be for factory purposes which carry a steam pressure of ten pounds > or more to the square inch, except where @ certificate is filed with such commissioner, or shall have been heretofore filed with the state fire marshal under the provisions of former section three n' hundred anf fifty-seven of the insurance law, by a duly authorized ansurance company, in conformity with the rules or regulations OW of the officer with whom such certificate shall have been filed, and ; certifying that upon such inspection such boilers have been found yp to be in a safe condition. Every such insurance company shall we \ report to the commissioner all boilers insured by them coming _ within the provisions of this section including those rejected, together ‘ with the reason therefor. A fee of fe dollars shall be charged the i S owner or lessee of each boiler inspected by the inspector of the wy SJ department of labor, but not more than the sum of ten dollars shall o> be collected for the inspection of any one boiler for any year. Such f~ fee shall be payable within thirty days from the date of such inspec- tion. If a certificate of inspection, heretofore filed in the office _ of the state fire marshal, or hereafter filed an the office of the com- missioner of labor shows a boiler to be in need of repairs or in an unsafe or dangerous condition, the commissioner of labor shall order such repairs to be made to such boiler as in his gudgment may be necessary and he shall order the use of such boiler discon- tinued until such repairs are made or such dangerous and unsafe conditions remedied. Such order shall be served upon the owner or lessee of the boiler, personally or by mail, and any owner or lessee fatling to comply with such order within a time to be specified therein, which shall be not less than ten days from the service of the order if served personally and not less than fifteen days from the mailing thereof af served by mail, shall be liable to a penalty of fifty dollars for each day’s neglect thereafter. Every owner or lessee of any such boiler who shall use or allow a boiler to be used by any one in his employ after receiving notice that such botler is in an unsafe or dangerous condition shall be subject to a penalty of not to exceed five dollars for each day on which such boiler 7s used after the recerpt of such notice. Owners and lessees of bovlers shall attach to such boilers the numbers assigned by the commas- “} sioner of labor, under a penalty of five dollars for each day’s failure so to do after such numbers have been assigned. The provisions of this section shall not apply to cities in which boilers are regularly inspected by competent inspectors acting under the authority of local laws or ordinances. § 124. Inspection of steam boilers and apparatus; steam, air and water gauges. All boilers used in generating steam for mining or tunneling purposes shall be kept in good order, and the owner, agent, manager or lessee of such mine or tunnel shall have such boilers inspected by a competent person, approved by the commissioner of labor, once in six months, and shall file a certificate showing the result thereof in the mine or tunnel office and a duplicate thereof in the office of the commissioner of labor. * * * Each boiler or battery of boilers used in mining or tunneling for gener- ating steam, shall be provided with a proper safety valve and with steam and water gauges, to show respectively, the pressure of steam and the height of water in the boilers. Every boiler-house in which a boiler or nest of boilers is placed, shall be provided with steam gauge properly connected with the boilers, and another steam gauge shall be attached to the steam pipe in the engine-house, and so placed that the engineer or fireman can readily ascertain the pressure carried. INSPECTION OF STEAM BOILERS Rule 800. All boilers used for generating steam or heat for fac- tory purposes, shall be subject to a regular internal and external inspection each year, and all boilers used for generating steam or heat for mining, tunneling and quarrying purposes, shall be inspected externally at least once in six months and subject to a regular internal inspection each year. Rule 801. Whoever owns, uses or causes to be used a portable boiler subject to inspection, as provided in sections 91 and 124 of the Labor Law, shall report the location of such boilers to the Indus- trial Commission on January first, or within thirty days thereafter, of each year. Rule 802. The owner or user of a boiler or boilers herein required to be inspected shall, after fifteen days notice, prepare the boiler for internal inspection, or hydrostatic pressure test, if necessary. To prepare a boiler for internal inspection, the water shall be drawn off and the boiler thoroughly washed. All manhole and handhole covers, and washout plugs in boilers and water column connection shall be removed, and the furnace and combustion chambers thor- oughly cooled and cleaned. Enough of the brick work shall be removed to determine the condition of the boiler, furnace or other parts, at each annual inspection, if necessary. The steam gauge shall be removed for testing. 5 Rule 803. If it is found that steam or hot water is leaking into the boiler, the source of such leakage shall be disconnected and so drained as to cut out such steam or hot water from the boiler to be inspected. Rule 804. If the boiler is jacketed so that the longitudinal seams of shells, drums or domes, cannot be seen, and if it cannot otherwise be determined, enough of the jacketing, setting wall or other cover- ing shall be removed so that the size and pitch of the rivets and such other data as may be necessary can be determined at first data inspection. Rule 805. In preparing a boiler for hydrostatic test, the boiler shall be filled to the stop valve. If boiler to be tested is connected with other boilers, that are under steam pressure, such connections shall be blanked off unless there be double stop valves on all con- necting pipes, with an open drain between. INSPECTION BY INSURANCE COMPANY Rule 806. All boilers subject to periodic inspection by duly authorized insurance companies shall be exempt from regular annual inspection by the Industrial Commission on the following conditions: a.The insurance companies’ regulations shall conform with these Rules. -b. The insurance companies’ inspectors who inspect boilers oper- ated in this state shall hold certificates of competency issued by the Industrial Commission, as hereinafter provided. c. Reports of all inspections shall conform to the requirements, and shall be made upon forms approved by the Commission. d. A copy of all internal and external inspection reports shall be filed with the Commission within twenty-one days after the inspection is made. e. Insurance companies, whose inspectors hold certificates of com- petency, shall immediately report to this Commission the name of the owner or user, and the location of every boiler on which insurance has been refused, cancelled or discon- tinued because of existing dangerous defects and shall within a reasonable time report all other refusals, cancellations or discontinuances. CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY Rule 807. Certificates of competency and commissions as inspec- tors of steam boilers shall be issued to persons in the employ of duly authorized boiler insurance companies who pass a written examina- tion as to their knowledge of the construction, installation, main- tenance and repair of steam boilers and their appurtenances, 6 Provided, however, that a person holding a certificate of com- petency as an inspector of steam boilers for a state that has a standard of examination equal to the standard set by the Industrial Com- mission of the State of New York, shall, upon written request of a duly authorized boiler insurance company, by whom such person is employed, be granted a certificate of competency and a commis- sion as an inspector of steam boilers for the State of New York without further examination. The commission shall be retained by the insurance company and shall be immediately returned to the Industrial Commission when the inspector ceases to be employed by the said company. Inspectors’ certificate shall be issued by the Industrial Commission upon recommendation of an examining board appointed by the Industrial Commission, composed of one repre- sentative of each of the following interests: a representative of boiler manufacturers, the duly authorized boiler insurance companies, the operating engineers, the Boiler Inspection Division of the Industrial Commission, and such others as the Industrial Commission may designate. Rule 808. An applicant who fails to pass an examination shall not be granted a new examination until after the expiration of ninety days. GENERAL Rule 809. A certificate of inspection upon the form approved by the Industrial Commission shall be issued and shall be con- spicuously posted under glass in the engine or boiler room. Rule 810. In case a defect affecting the safety of a steam boiler is discovered, the owner or user of the boiler shall immediately dis- continue the boiler from service and notify the Industrial Commis- sion. An inspection shall be made and a certificate of inspection tssued before the boiler is again placed in service. Rule 811. Any boiler in this state at the time these rules take effect, if hereafter installed, may be operated after a thorough interna! and external inspection and a hydrostatic pressure test and a cer- tificate issued. The maximum allowable working pressure on such boiler shall be determined as provided in Par. 378, Rule 850. Rule 812. No boiler shall be operated at a pressure in excess of the safe working pressure allowed by the annual inspection certificate, which pressure is to be ascertained by means of these rules. Rule 813. No person shall remove or tamper with any safety appliance prescribed by these rules, and no person shall in any man- ner load the safety valve to greater pressure than that allowed by the certificate of inspection. Rule 814. If there are valves in the connections between water column and boiler, at least one steam gage shall be connected directly 7 ee + eae space of boiler, with but one cock between said gage and oiler. Rule 815. The discharge of safety valves, blow-off pipes, or other outlets, shall be so located that there will be no danger from scalding. Rule 816. Safety valves, try cocks, water column and water blow-offs on boilers, operated at a pressure of more than fifteen (15) pounds to the square inch, shall be tested daily when the boiler is In operation. Rule 817. All patches on a boiler shell or drum, which exceed twenty-four inches in length, measured on a line parallel to the longitudinal seam, and between the center lines of the extreme rivet holes, shall be calculated for safe working pressure from said patch seam, the efficiency of which shall be determined in the usual manner. ‘The efficiency of the patch seam may then be increased by multiplying said efficiency by a factor which is determined by the angularity of the inclined patch seam to the girth seam, according to the following table: ) Angle Factor Angle Factor ORS To i aC Te DIP pou degnces oul teks, ok Se 1.20 5) Rane iar teagan sate 1;42.---55 pad ts as FS ee 1.15 40 Tiree trie. Dal, A, citer Met ee ards No. 9 B.W.G. The above thicknesses shall be increased for maximum allowable working pressures higher than 165 Ib. per sq. in. as follows: Over'165 Ib. but not exceeding: 235bi ... 6.7 .$.45 23 ees ae ee 1 page Over..235,1b. but not exceeding 285/Ib.. ....s. -- <> v= ase se * > es ee 2 gages Over. 285 1b. but mot exceeding 400 Th... 0. tc Ge a ees os 3 oe ee 3 gages Tubes over 4-in. diameter shall not be used for maximum allowable working pressures above 285 lb. per sq. in. 22 Tubes for Fire-Tube Boilers. The minimum thicknesses of tubes used in fire tube boilers measured by Birmingham wire gage, for maximum allowable working pressures not exceeding 175 Ib. per sq. in., shall be as follows: Diameters less than’ 246 in.2 . oy ONS. te ope te broek ole he No. 13 B.W.G. Diameter 214 in. or over, but less than 344 in................ No. 12 B.W.G. Diameter 314 in. or over, but less than 4 in.................. No. 11 B.W.G. Diameter 4 in. or over, but less than 5 in.................. No. 10 B.W.G. Diameteryb ))in.'.:3.. 3 254 xen eee eR ee RPE rere ee ee No. 9 B.W.G. For higher maximum allowable working pressures than given above the thicknesses shall be increased one gage. 15 SPECIFICATIONS FOR BOILER PLATE STEEL THESE SPECIFICATIONS! ARE SIMILAR TO THOSE OF THE AMER- ICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS, SERIAL DESIGNATION A 30-14. 23 Grades. These specifications cover two grades of steel for boilers, namely: FLANGE and FIREBOX. I MANUFACTURE %4 Process. ‘The steel shall be made by the open-hearth process. II CHeEmicaL PROPERTIES AND TESTS 25 Chemical Composition. The steel shall conform to the fol- lowing requirements as to chemical composition: FLANGE FIREBOX Cat DOM ew a ct see seis fol Ne ah altte Kise Plates 34 in. thick and under. .0.12—0.25 per cent , Plates over 34 in. thick........ 0.12—0.30 per cent Manganese’ ii... 5 << s waekes 0.830—0.60 per. cent 0.30—0.50 per cent idly wivak Acid. ...e... Notover 0.05 percent — Not over 0.04 per cent BSIC)cot:s ce. Not over 0.04 per cent Not over 0.035 per cent SUlGIUr Mott sos See or ee Not over 0.05 per cent Not over 0.04 per cent 26 Ladle Analyses. An analysis shall be made by the manu- facturer from a test ingot taken during the pouring of each melt, a copy of which shall be given to the purchaser or his representative. This analysis shall conform to the requirements specified in Par. 25. 2% Check Analyses. Analyses may be made by the purchaser trom a broken tension test specimen representing each plate as rolled, which shall conform to the requirements specified in Par. 25. *Approved and recommended in its modified form, October 9, 1914, by the Association of American Steel Manufacturers, the American Boiler Manu- facturers’ Association, the National Tubular Boiler Manufacturers’ Associa- tion, the National Association of Thresher Manufacturers and the representa- tives present of leading Water Tube Boiler Manufacturers, with whom the Boiler Code Committee was in conference on September 16, 1914, and by whom further modifications were afterwards offered, 14 III Puystcat PROPERTIES AND TESTS 28 Tension Tests. a The material shall Seat to the follow- ing requirements as to tensile properties : FLANGE FIREBOX Tensile strength, lb. per sq. in.......0....4. 55,000—65,000 55,000—63,000 Yield point, min., lb. per sq. in........... 0.5 tens. str. 0.5 tens. str. Elongation in 8-in., min., per cent (See Par. 29) a = lS Tens. str. Tens. str. b If desired steel of lower tensile strength than the above may be used in an entire boiler, or part thereof, the desired tensile limits to be specified, having a range of 10,000 lb. per sq. in. for flange or 8000 lb. per sq. in. for firebox, the steel to conform in all respects to the other corresponding requirements herein specified, and to be stamped with the minimum tensile strength of the stipulated range. ; c The yield point shall be determined by the drop of the beam of the testing machine. 29 Modifications in Elongation. a For material over 34 in. in thickness, a deduction of 0.5 from the percentages of elongation specified in Par. 28a, shall be made for each increase of 1g in. in thickness above 84 in., to a minimum of 20 per cent. 6 or material 14 in. or under in thickness, the elongation shall be measured on a gage length of 24 times the thickness of the specimen. 30 Bend Tests. a Cold-bend Tests—The test specimen shall bend cold through 180 deg. without cracking on the outside of the bent portion, as follows: For material 1 in. or under in thickness, flat on itself; and for material over 1 in. in thickness, around a pin the diameter of which is equal to the thickness of the specimen. b Quench-bend Tests—The test specimen, when heated to a light cherry red as seen in the dark (not less than 1200 deg. fahr.), and quenched at once in water the temperature of which is between 80 deg. and 90 deg. fahr., shall bend through 180 deg. without cracking on the outside of the bent portion, as follows: For material 1 in. or under in thickness, flat on itself; and for material over 1 in. in thickness, around a pin the cei of which is sane to the thickness of the specimen. 31 Homogeneity Tests. For firebox steel, a sample taken from a broken tension test specimen shall not show any single seam or cavity more than 14 in. long, in either of the three fractures obtained in the test for homogeneity, which shall be made as follows: 15 The specimen shall be either nicked with a chisel or grooved on a machine, transversely, about 1/16 in. deep, in three places about 2 in. apart. The first groove shall be made 2 in. from the square end; each succeeding groove-shall be made on the opposite side from the preceding one. ‘The specimen shall then be firmly held in a vise, with the first groove about 14 in. above the jaws, and the projecting end broken off by light blows of a hammer, the bending being away from the groove. The specimen shall be broken at the other two grooves in the same manner. The object of this test is to open and render visible to the eye any seams due to failure to weld or to interposed foreign matter, or any cavities due to gas bubbles in the ingot. One side of each fracture shall be examined and the length of the seams and cavities determined, a pocket lens being used if necessary. 32 Test Specimens. Tension and bend test specimens shall be taken from the finished rolled material. They shall be of the full yy S v Parallel Section _____.______ aigte ee | & is Ee eB Te not less than 9" ~~ " ; cay Eo a sepia 3S SS i yen AOE ee a ean Se ey A 19 - ----—--------------~—----= Fie. 1 STANDARD ForM or TEST SPECIMEN REQUIRED FOR ALL TENSION TESTS OF PLATE MATERIAL thickness of material as rolled, and shall be machined to the form and dimensions shown in Fig. 1; except that bend test specimens may be machined with both edges parallel. 33 Number of Tests. a One tension, one cold-bend, and one quench-bend test shall be made from each plate as rolled. 6 If any test specimen shows defective machining or develops flaws, it may be discarded and another specimen substituted. c If the percentage of elongation of any tension test specimen is less than that specified in Pars. 28 and 29, and any part of the fracture is outside the middle third of the gaged length, as indicated by the scribe scratches marked on the specimen before testing, a retest shall be allowed. -LY PERMISSIBLE VARIATION IN GAGE 34 Permissible Variation. The thickness of each plate shall not vary under the gage specified more than 0.01 in. ‘The overweight 16 limits are considered a matter of contract between the steel manu- facturer and the boiler builder. V FINISH 35 Finish. The finished material shall be free from injurious defects and shall have a workmanlike finish. VI MARKING 36 Marking. a Fach shell plate shall be legibly stamped by the manufacturer with the melt or slab number, name of manu- facturer, grade and the minimum tensile strength of the stipulated range as specified in Par. 28, in three places, two of which shall be located at diagonal corners about 12 in. from the edge and one about the center of the plate, or at a point selected and designated by the purchaser so that the stamp shall be plainly visible when the boiler is completed. b ach head shall be legibly stamped by the manufacturer in two places, about 12 in. from the edge, with the melt or slab number, name of manufacturer, grade, and the minimum tensile strength of the stipulated range as specified in Par. 28, in such manner that the stamp is plainly visible when the boiler is completed. c ach butt strap shall be legibly stamped by the manufacturer in two places on the center line about 12 in. from the ends with the melt or slab number, name of manufacturer, grade, and the minimum tensile strength of the stipulated range as specified in Par. 28. d ‘The melt or slab number shall be legibly stamped on each test specimen. VII INsPEcTION AND REJECTION 37 Inspection. The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the pur- chaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works which concern the manufacture of the material ordered. The manu- facturer shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with these specifications. All tests (except check analyses) and inspection shall be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment, unless otherwise specified, and shall be so conducted as not to interfere un- necessarily with the operation of the works. 17 38 ejection. a Unless otherwise specified, any rejection based -on tests made in accordance with Par. 27 shall be reported within five working days from the receipt of samples. 6b Material which shows injurious defects subsequent to its ac- _ ceptance at the manufacturer’s works will be rejected, and the manu- facturer shall be notified. 39 Lehearing. Samples tested. in accordance with Par. 2%, which represent rejected material, shall be preserved for two weeks from the date of the test report. In case of dissatisfaction with the results of the tests, the manufacturer may make claim for a rehearing within that time. SPECIFICATIONS FOR BOILER RIVET STEEL THESE SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBSTANTIALLY THE SAME AS THOSE OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS, SERIAL DESIG- NATION A 31-14, A REQUIREMENTS FoR RonmuED Bars I MANUFACTURE 40 Process. The steel shall be made by the open-hearth process. II CuHemicaL PROPERTIES AND TESTS 41 Chemical Composition. The steel shall conform to the fol- lowing requirements as to chemical composition : PO tes ee SO Es So ce eet ea he he wee 0.30-0.50 per cent Mlimepaerug Fe aged See. Ae ed Ee, ON not over 0.04 per cent RM tee ciate Go ia iso) Adee e o6 bien 6 3,8 4 sles We ewes not over 0.045 per cent 42 Ladle Analyses. An analysis to determine the percentages - of carbon, manganese, phosphorus and sulphur shall be made by the manufacturer from a test ingot taken during the pouring of each melt, a copy of which shall be given to the purchaser or his representative. This analysis shall conform to the requirements specified in Par. 41. 43 Check Analyses. Analyses may be made by the purchaser from finished bars, representing each melt, which shall conform to the requirements specified in Par. 41, 18 III PuysicaAL PROPERTIES AND ‘l'ESTS 44 Tension Tests. a The bars shall conform to the following requirements as to tensile properties: Tensile. strength, Ib. per sq.pini. eka ee, shies Sees ee 45,000-55,000 Yield point, min., lb. per sq. in...... oMecs Steoeahs path Dry ec ge bets oat ane aes 0.5 tens. str. 1,500,000 Elongation, in: 8 in,y mins} percents: on) Jideg. Jalietag Lass but need not exceed 30 per cent. Tens. str. b The yield point shall be determined by the drop of the beam of _ the testing machine. 45 Bend Tests. a Cold-bend Tests—The test specimen shall bend cold through 180 deg. flat on itself without cracking on the out- side of the bent portion. b Quench-bend Tests—The test specimen, when heated to a ight cherry red as seen in the dark (not less than 1200 deg. fahr.), and quenched at once in water the temperature of which is between 80 deg. and 90 deg. fahr., shall bend through 180 deg. flat on itself without cracking on the outside of the bent portion. 46 Test Specumens. Tension and bend test specimens shall be of the full-size section of bars as rolled. 4% Number of Tests. a Two tension, two cold-bend, and two quench-bend tests shall be made from each melt, each of which shall conform to the requirements specified. b If any test specimen develops flaws, it may be discarded and another specimen substituted. | c If the percentage of elongation of any tension test specimen is less than that specified in Par. 44 and any part of the fracture is outside the middle third of the gaged length, as indicated by scribe scratches marked on the specimen before testing, a retest shall be allowed. 48 Permissible Variations in Gage. The gage of each bar shall not vary more than 0.01 in. from that specified. V WoRKMANSHIP AND FINISH 49 Workmanship. The finished bars shall be circular within 0.01 in. 50 Finish. The finished bars shall be free from injurious de- fects and shall have a workmanlike finish. 19 VI Marxkine 51 Marking. Rivet bars shall, when loaded for shipment, be properly separated and marked with the name or brand of the manu- facturer and the melt number for identification. The melt number shall be legibly marked on each test specimen, VII INSPECTION AND REJECTION 52 Inspection. The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the pur- chaser 1s being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works which concern the manufacture of the bars ordered. The manu- facturer shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the bars are being furnished in accordance with these specifications. All tests (except check analyses) and inspection shall be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment, unless otherwise specified, and shall be so conducted as not to interfere un- necessarily with the operation of the works. 53 Rejection. a Unless otherwise specified, any rejection based on tests made in accordance with Par. 43 shall be reported within five working days from the receipt of samples. 6 Bars which show injurious defects subsequent to their ac- ceptance at the manufacturer’s works will be rejected, and the manu- facturer shall be notified. 54 Rehearing. Samples tested in accordance with Par. 43, which represent rejected bars, shall be preserved for two weeks from the date of the test report. In case of dissatisfaction with the results of the tests, the manufacturer may make claim for a rehearing within that time. B REQUIREMENTS FOR RIVETS I PurysicAt PROPERTIES AND ‘TESTS 55 Tension Tests. The rivets, when tested, shall conform to the requirements as to tensile properties specified in Par. 44, except that the elongation shall be measured on a gaged length not less than four times the diameter of the rivet. 56 Bend Tests. The rivet shank shall bend cold through 180 deg. flat on itself, as shown in Fig. 2, without cracking on the outside of the bent portion. 20 57 Flattening Tests. he rivet head shall flatten, while hot, to a diameter 214 times the diameter of the shank, as shown in Fig, 3, without cracking at the edges. 58 Number of Tests. a When specified, one tension test shall be made from each size in each lot of rivets offered for inspection. b Three bend and three flattening tests shall be made from each size in each lot of rivets offered for inspection, each of which shall con- form to the requirements specified. Il WorKMANSHIP AND FINISH 59 Workmanship. The rivets shall be true to form, concentric, and shall be made in a workmanlike manner. 60 Finish. ‘The finished rivets shall be free from injurious de- fects. Fia. 2 THE BEND Fig. 3 THE FLAT- TEST FOR RIVETS TENING TEST FOR RIVETS III Inspection AND REJECTION 61 Inspection. The mspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the pur- chaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works which concern the manufacture of the rivets ordered. The manu- facturer shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the rivets are being furnished in accordance with these specifications. All tests and inspection shall be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment, unless otherwise specified, and shall be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the works. 62. Rejection. Rivets which show injurious defects subsequent to their acceptance at the manufacturer’s works will be rejected, and the manufacturer shall be notified. ‘ 21 SPECIFICATIONS FOR STAYBOLT STEEL REQUIREMENTS FOR ROLLED BARS 63 Steel for staybolts shall conform to the requirements for Boiier Rivet Steel specified in Pars. 40 to 62, except that the tensile properties shall be as follows: ememorsumengtn. 1. DET Pda ID soe sss aco s 5 a ale ee Mele Beet» Ht 50,000—60,000 en MMIMeeretie.. 10. DEP SO. IN, we ce is Sg ew sn ceneseaces 0.5 tens. str. 1,500,000 Elongation in 8 in., min., per cent rks ie Mae eeseet ee ee eee ee oe ee ew we ew we Tens. str. Also with the exception that the permissible variations in gage shall be as follows: Permissible Variations in Gage. The bars shall be truly round within 0.01 in. and shall not vary more than 0.005 in. above, or more than 0.01 in. below the specified size. SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEEL BARS THESE SPECIFICATIONS ARE ABSTRACTED FROM THOSE FOR STEEL FOR BRIDGES OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS, SERIAL DESIGNATION A 7-14, Il MANUFACTURE 64: Process. The steel shall be made by the open-hearth process. II CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS 65 .Chemical Composition. 'The steel shall conform to the fol- lowing requirements as to chemical composition: fy | Merde ise isis: FO ose: Ai Faslt tists not over 0.06 per cent EL IRE ear ee a not over 0.04 per cent Re aoe arc Sal acl goed sly ns» wos gece eee not over 0.05 per cent 66 Ladle Analysis. An analysis to determine the percentages of carbon, manganese, phosphorus and sulphur shall be made by the manufacturer from a test ingot taken during the pouring of each melt, a copy of which shall be given to the purchaser or his representa- tive. This analysis shall conform to the requirements specified in Par. 65. 22 III PuysicaL Properties AND TESTS 6% Tension Tests. a The material shall conform to the follow- ing requirements as to tensile properties: ‘Lensilo‘strength, Ib. per sq. ine 6). ie. bs fies eon ee eee 55,000-65,000 Yield point, ymin.; perisd.in > 5.565 5. bite. se at ee 0.5 tens. str. 1,500,000 Elongation in 8 in.,; min., per. cent®... 265.565 eect eee ee sees Tens. str Elongation 4h ‘2° in., min. “pervcenty.. -: 255.0. ereeieeer eas ene 22 *See Par. 68. b The yield point shall be determined by the drop of the beam of the testing machine. 68 Modifications in Elongation. a For bars over 34 in. in thickness or diameter a deduction of 1 from the percentage of elonga- tion in 8 in. specified in Par. 67, shall be made for each increase of 14 in. in thickness or diameter above 34 in., to a minimum of 18 per cent. 6 For bars under 5/16 in. in thickness or diameter a deduction of 2.5 from the percentage of elongation in 8 in. specified in Par. 67, shall be made for each decrease of 1/16 in. in thickness or diameter below 5/16 in. 69 Bend Tests. a The test specimen shall bend cold through 180 deg. without cracking on the outside of the bent portion, as fol- lows: For material 34 in. or under in thickness or diameter flat on itself ; for material over 34 in. to and including 114, in. in thickness or diameter around a pin the diameter of which is equal to the thickness or diameter of the specimen ; and for material over 114 in. in thickness or diameter around a pin the diameter of which is equal to twice the thickness or diameter of the specimen. b The test specimen for bars over 11% in. in thickness or diameter when prepared as specified in Par. 70, shall bend cold through 180 deg. around a 1-in. pin without cracking on the outside of the bent portion. 70 Test Specimens. a Tension and bend test specimens except as specified in 0, shall be of the full thickness of material as rolled. They may be machined to the form and dimensions shown in Fig. 1, or may have both edges parallel. b Tension test specimens for bars over 114 in. in thickness or diameter may be of the form and dimensions shown in Fig. 4. Bend 23 test specimens may be 1 by 1% in. in section. The axis of the specimen shall be located at any point midway between the center and surface and shall be parallel to the axis of the bar. 71 Number of Tests. a One tension and one bend test shall be made from each melt; except that if material from one melt differs 3g in. or more in thickness, one tension and one bend test shall be made from both the thickest and the thinnest material rolled. b If any test specimen shows defective machining or develops flaws, it may be discarded and another specimen substituted. ce If the percentage of elongation of any tension test specimen is less than that specified in Par. 67, and any part of the fracture is more than 34 in. from the center of the gage length of a 2-in. specimen or is outside the middle third of the gage length of an 8-in. specimen, as indicated by scribe scratches marked on the specimen before testing, a retest shall be allowed. IV PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS IN GAGE 72 Permissible Variation. The thickness or cross-section of each piece of steel shall not vary under that specified more than 2.5 per eent. (NoTE: Overweight variation is a matter of contract between the steel manufacturer and boiler builder.) VY FINISH 73 Finish. The finished material shall be free from injurious defects and shall have a workmanlike finish. VI MARKING %4 Marking. Bars shall, when loaded for shipment, be properly separated and marked with the name or brand of the manufacturer and melt number for identification. The melt number shall be legibly marked on each test specimen. VIL INSPECTION AND REJECTION %5 Inspection. ‘The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the pur- chaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works 24 which concern the manufacture of the material ordered. The manu- facturer shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with these specifications. All tests and inspection shall be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment, unless otherwise specified, and shall be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the. works. 76 Rejection. Material which shows injurious defects subsequent to its acceptance at the manufacturer’s works will be rejected, and the manufacturer shall be notified. SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEEL CASTINGS THESE SPECIFICATIONS ARE ABSTRACTED FROM THOSE FOR STEEL CASTINGS OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS, SERIAL DESIGNATION A 27-14, 7% Classes. These specifications cover two classes of castings, namely: Class A, ordinary castings for which no physical requirements are specified. Class B, castings for which physical requirements are specified. These are of three grades: hard, medium, and soft. 78 Patterns. a Patterns shall be made so that sufficient finish is allowed to provide for all variations in shrinkage. b Patterns shall be painted three colors to represent metal, cores, and finished surfaces. It is recommended that core prints shall be painted black and finished surfaces red. 79 Basis of Purchase. 'The purchaser shall indicate his intention to substitute the test to destruction specified in Par. 87, for the tension and bend tests, and shall designate the patterns from which castings for this test shall be made. I MANUFACTURE 80 Process. The steel may be made by the open-hearth, crucible, or any other process approved by the purchaser. 81 Heat Treatment. a Class A castings need not be annealed unless so specified. b Class B castings shall be allowed to become cold. They shall then be uniformly reheated to the proper temperature to refine the 25 grain (a group thus reheated being known as an “annealing charge’), and allowed to cool uniformly and slowly. If, in the opinion of the purchaser or his representative, a casting is not properly annealed, he may at his option require the casting to be re-annealed. II CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS 82 Chemical Composition. The castings shall conform to the following requirements as to chemical composition: Class A Class B RT, oe ee notrover:-0:.30) percent yom. se ae ae PESO Ga. - ays ss a «s not over 0.06 per cent ndt over 0.05 per cent OLS UL oda le apenas aa ea tage not over 0.05 per cent 83 Ladle Analyses. An analysis to determine the percentages of carbon, manganese, phosphorus and sulphur shall be made by the man- ufacturer from a test ingot taken during the pouring of each melt, a copy of which shall be given to the purchaser or his representative. This analysis shall conform to the requirements specified in Par. 82. Drillings for analysis shall be taken not less than 14 in. beneath the surface of the test ingot. 84 Check Analyses. a Analyses of Class A castings may be made by the purchaser, in which case an excess of 20 per cent above the requirement as to phosphorus specified in Par. 8%, shall be allowed. Drillings for analysis shall be taken not less than 14 in beneath the surface. b Analyses of Class B castings may be made by the purchaser from a broken tension or bend test specimen, in which case an excess of 20 per cent above the requirements as to phosphorus and sulphur specified in Par. 82, shall be allowed. Drillings for analysis shall be taken not less than 14 in. beneath the surface. III Puysitcan PROPERTIES AND TESTS (For Class B Castings only.) 85 Tension Tests. a The castings shall conform to the follow- ing minimum requirements as to tensile properties: Hard Medium Soft Tensile strength, Ib. per sq. in............. 80,000 70,000 60,000 Yield. point; lps: per sqa dns f.4:; 24) Aeie eee» 36,000 31,500 27,000 Elongation in 2;:in.,. per cent... b .5 «si sb: 15 18 22 Reduction of area, per cent............... 20 25 30 b The yield point shall be determined by the drop of the beam of the testing machine. 86 Bend Tests. a The test specimen for soft castings shall bend cold through 120 deg., and for medium castings through 90 deg., around a 1-in. pin, without cracking on the outside of the bent portion. b Hard castings shall not be subject to bend test requirements. 87% Alternative Tests to Destruction. In the case of small or un- important castings, a test to destruction on three castings from a lot may be substituted for the tension and bend tests. This test shall show the material to be ductile, free from injurious defects, and suitable for the purpose intended. A lot shall consist of all castings from one melt, in the same annealing charge. 88 Test Specimens. a Sufficient test bars, from which the test specimens required in Par. 89, may be selected, shall be attached to castings weighing 500 lb. or over, when the design of the castings will permit. If the castings weigh less than 500 lb., or are of such a design that test bars cannot be attached, two test bars shall be cast to represent each melt; or the quality of the castings shall be determined by tests to destruction as specified in Par. 87. All test bars shall be annealed with the castings they represent. 6 ‘The manufacturer and purchaser shall agree whether test bars can be attached to castings, on the location of the bars on the castings, on the castings to which bars are to be attached, and on the method of casting unattached bars. c Tension test specimens shall be of the form and dimensions shown in Fig. 4. Bend test specimens shall be machined to 1 by 4 in. in section with corners rounded to a radius not over 1/16 in. 89 Number of Tests. a One tension and one bend test shall be made from each annealing charge. If more than one melt is repre- sented in an annealing charge, one tension and one bend test shall be made from each melt. b If any test specimen shows defective machining or develops flaws, it may be discarded; in which case the manufacturer and the purchaser or his representative shall agree upon the selection of an- other specimen in its stead. 27 c If the percentage of elongation of any tension test specimen is less than that specified in Par. 85, and any part of the fracture is more than 34 in. from the center of the gaged length, as indicated by scribe scratches marked on the specimen before testing, a retest shall be allowed. IV WoRKMANSHIP AND FINISH 90 Workmanship. The castings shall substantially conform to the sizes and shapes of the patterns, and shall be made in a workman- like manner. 91 Finish. a The castings shall be free from injurious defects. 6 Minor defects which do not impair the strength of the castings may, with the approval of the purchaser or his representative, be Fig. 4 STANDARD Form oF TEST SPECIMEN REQUIRED FOR ALL TENSION TESTS OF STEEL CASTING MATERIAL welded by an approved process. The defects shall first be cleaned out to solid metal; and after welding, the castings shall be annealed, if specified by the purchaser or his representative. c ‘The castings offered for inspection shall not be painted or covered with any substance that will hide defects, nor rusted to such an extent as to hide defects. V INSPECTION AND REJECTION 92 Inspection. The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the pur- chaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works which concern the manufacture of the castings ordered. The manu- facturer shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the castings are being furnished in accordance with 28 these specifications. All tests (except check analyses) and inspection shall be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment, unless otherwise specified, and shall be so conducted as not to interfere un- necessarily with the operation of the works. 93 Rejection. a Unless otherwise specified, any rejection based on tests made in accordance with Par. 84, shall be reported within five.working days from the receipt of samples. b Castings which show injurious defects subsequent to their ac- ceptance at the manufacturer’s works will be rejected, and the manu- facturer shall be notified. 94 Rehearing. Samples testéd in accordance with Par. 84, which represent rejected castings, shall be preserved for two weeks from the date of the test report. In case of dissatisfaction with the - results of the tests, the manufacturer may make claim for a rehearing within that time. SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRAY IRON CASTINGS THESE SPECIFICATIONS ARE IDENTICAL WITH THOSE OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS, SERIAL DESIGNATION A 48-05. 95 Process of Manufacture. Unless furnace iron is specified, all gray castings are understood to be made by the cupola process. 96 Chemical Properties. The sulphur contents to be as follows: Light castings: js .0 ° bibs © wesys Satragis ote ope ple «fe gt Shy 0 not over 0.08 per cent Medium geastings « . .oigGwk ote sete pee Sac. Mie Bb 26 oe ee not over 0.10 per cent Heavy JCOBSUUCS ..cbak po seheh ee nee ChE ce his is ae aie not over 0.12 per cent 9% Classification. In dividing castings into light, medium and heavy classes, the following standards have been adopted: 98 Castings having any section less than 1% in. thick shall be known as light castings. 99 Castings in which no section is less than 2 in. thick shall be known as heavy castings. 100 Medium castings are those not included in the above classifi- cation, 29 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS 101 Transverse Test. The minimum breaking strength of the “Arbitration Bar” under transverse load shall be not under: Mint e CH AtAILO Beds 24-55 Peed sed); kd S So 4 ic aGe aides 0 3g an Hel dk. G48 2500 Ibs. AIOE a), I oe ahs ics he Be a 5) ody « ties oslo a feo ee 2900 Ibs, PREM CNORN GRE SS cis. Ew ee de eo et Pe oe Re aN fd cos He a's ose 3300 Ibs. In no case shall the deflection be under 0.10 in. 102 Tensile Test. Where specified, this shall not run less than: PORN Sat BO i ah TE oe aah ww oss eee 18,000 Ib. per sq. in. PaROMRTIRT ar AULOINe oh. «IB teh aie s Ay GN PRs od vs gc os 21,000 Ib. per sq. in. TE WARE Toe Se ae CLEA i i oa 8 i a ee 24,000 Ib. per sq. in. OK ‘x g ' 3 8 8 “Ny ) ! Ly y_ _y Fie. 5 STANDARD Form or TEST SPECIMEN REQUIRED FOR TENSION TESTS OF Gray-IRon CastTING MATERIAL 103 Arbitration Bar. The quality of.the iron going into castings under specification shall be determined by means of the “Arbitration Bar.” ‘This is a bar 114 in. in diameter and 15 in. long. It shall be prepared as stated further on and tested transversely. ‘The tensile test is not recommended, but in case it is called for, the bar as shown in Fig. 5, and turned up from any of the broken pieces of the trans- verse test shall be used. The expense of the tensile test shall fall on the purchaser. 104 Number of Test Bars. Two sets of two bars shall be cast from each heat, one set from the first and the other set from the last iron going into the castings. Where the heat exceeds twenty tons, an additional set of two bars shall be cast for each twenty tons or fraction thereof above this amount. In case of a change of mixture during the heat, one set of two bars shall also be cast for every mixture other 30 than the regular one. Tach set of two bars is to go into a single mold. The bars shall not be rumbled or otherwise treated, being simply brushed off before testing. . 105 Method of Testing. 'The transverse test shall be made on all the bars cast, with supports 12 in. apart, load applied at the middle, 2 10” Pipe Cope -. 5 ‘POURING BASIN PATTERN >] ut seeks Pd 5 FAIRS Fig. 6 DETAILS OF PATTERN AND MoLp REQUIRED FOR ARBITRATION BARS IN TESTING GRAY-IRON CASTING MATERIAL and the deflection at rupture noted. One bar of every two of each set made must fulfill the requirements to permit acceptance of the cast- ings represented. 106 Mold for Test Bar. The mold for the bars is shown in Fig. 6. The bottom of the bar is 1/16 in. smaller in diameter than the top, to allow for draft and for the strain of pouring. The pattern shall not be rapped before withdrawing. ‘The flask is to be rammed up ‘ j 31 with green molding sand, a little damper than usual, well mixed and put through a No. 8 sieve, with a mixture of one to twelve bituminous facing. The mold shall be rammed evenly and fairly hard, thoroughly dried and not cast until it is cold. The test bar shall not be removed from the mold until cold enough to be handled. 10% Speed of Testing. The rate of application of the load shall be from 20 to 40 seconds for a deflection of 0.10 in. 108 Samples for Analysis. Borings from the broken pieces of the “Arbitration Bar” shall be used for the sulphur determinations. One determination for each mold made shall be required. In case of dispute, the standards of the American Foundrymen’s Association shall be used for comparison. 109 Finish. Castings shall be true to pattern, free from cracks, flaws and excessive shrinkage. In other respects they shall conform to whatever points may be specially agreed upon. 110 Inspection. ‘The inspector shall have reasonable facilities afforded him by the manufacturer to satisfy him that the finished material is furnished in accordance with these specifications. All tests and inspections shall, as far as possible, be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment. SPECIFICATIONS FOR MALLEABLE CASTINGS THESE SPECIFICATIONS ARE IDENTICAL WITH THOSE OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS, SERIAL DESIGNATION A 47-04, 111 Process of Manufacture. Malleable iron castings may be made by the open-hearth, air furnace, or cupola process. Cupola iron, however, is not recommended for heavy nor for important castings. 112 Chemical Properties. Castings for which physical require- ments are specified shall not contain over 0.06 sulphur nor over 0.225 phosphorus. PurysicaAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS 113 Standard Test Bar. This bar shall be 1 in. sq. and 14 in. long, without chills and with ends left perfectly free in the mold. Three shall be cast in one mold, heavy risers insuring sound bars. Where the full heat goes into castings which are subject to specifica- a9 tion, one mold shall be poured two minutes after tapping into the first ladle, and another mold from the last iron of the heat. Molds shall be suitably stamped to insure identification of the bars, the bars being annealed with the castings. Where only a partial heat is required for the work in hand, one mold should be cast from the first ladle used and another after the required iron has been tapped. a Of the three test bars from the two molds required for each heat, one shall be tested for tensile strength and elongation, the other for transverse strength and deflection. The other remaining bar is reserved for either the transverse or tensile test, in case of the failure of the two other bars to come up to requirements. The halves of the bars broken transversely may also be used for the tensile test. b Failure to reach the required limit for the tensile strength with elongation, as also the transverse strength with deflection, on the part of at least one test, shall reject the castings from that heat. 114 Tensile Test. The tensile strength of a standard test bar for castings under specification shall not be less than 40,000 Ib. per sq. in. The elongation measured in 2 in. shall not be less than 214 per cent. | 115 Transverse Test. The transverse strength of a standard test bar, on supports 12 in. apart, pressure being applied at the center, shall not be less than 3000 lb., deflection being at least 14 in. 116 Test Lugs. Castings of special design or of special impor- tance may be provided with suitable test lugs at the option of the inspector. At least one of these lugs shall be left on the casting for his inspection upon his request therefor. ° 117% Annealing. Malleable castings shall neither be “over” nor “under” annealed. They must have received their full heat in the oven at least sixty hours after reaching that temperature. 118 The “saggers” shall not be dumped until the contents shall at least be “black hot.” 119 Finish. Castings shall be true to pattern, free from blemishes, scale or shrinkage cracks. A variation of 1/16 in. per foot shall be permissible. Founders shall not be held responsible for defects due to irregular cross sections and unevenly distributed metal. 120 Inspection. The inspector representing the purchaser shall have all reasonable facilities given him by the founder to satisfy him — that the finished material is furnished in accordance with these specifications. All tests and inspections shall be made. prior to ship- ment, 33 SPECIFICATIONS FOR BOILER RIVET IRON THESE REQUIREMENTS ARE AN ADAPTATION, WITH SLIGHT MODI- FICATIONS IN THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS, OF THE SPECI- FICATIONS FOR ENGINE BOLT IRON OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS, A REQUIREMENTS FOR Ro.tiED Bars I MANUFACTURE 121 Process. The iron shall be made wholly from puddled iron or knobbled charcoal iron, and shall be free from any admixture of iron scrap or steel. 122 Iron Scrap. This term applies only to foreign or bought scrap and does not include local mill products free from foreign or bought scrap. Il Puysrtcat PROPERTIES AND TESTS 123 Tension Tests. a ‘The iron shall conform to the following requirements as to tensile properties: Bremee eet MOTIL OLD DOr Ml, OTE a. 2 we 'o.e = csis ob ole we vee eo old 48,000—52,000 Peete Onn Mit Fae PON mic Me gin ie iene ae wt ml hele viv Cee ele lees 0.5 tens. str. PGugaiin i1-o I, mils per Cent. 1's. da se ee eg LS 2 Preeo OL: ASH.) Mie: Pere CON ta wry. tos esi ele ce lne's 0 « 45 b The yield point shall be determined by the drop of the beam of the testing machine. The speed of the cross-head of the machine shall not exceed 114% in. per minute. | 124 Bend Tests. a Cold-bend Tests—The test specimen shall bend cold through 180 deg. flat on itself without cracking on the out- side of the bent portion. b Hot-bend Tests—The test specimen, when heated to a bright cherry red, shall bend through 180 deg. flat on itself, without fracture on the outside of the bent portion. | ce Nick-bend Tests—The test specimen, when nicked 25 per cent around with a tool having a 60-deg. cutting edge, to a depth of not less than 8 nor more than 16 per cent of the diameter of the specimen, and broken, shall show a wholly fibrous fracture. d Bend tests may be made by pressure or by blows. 34 125 Htch Tests.t The cross-section of the test specimen shall be ground or polished, and etched for a sufficient period to develop the structure. This test shall show the material to be free from steel. 126 Test Specimens. All test specimens shall be of the full sec- tion of material as rolled. 127 Number of Tests. a Bars of one size shall be sorted into lots of 100 each. 'T'wo bars shall be selected at random from each lot or fraction thereof, and tested as specified in Pars. 123 and 124; but only one of these bars shall be tested as specified in Par. 125. b If any test specimen from either of the bars originally selected to represent a lot of material, contains surface defects not visible before testing but visible after testing, or if a tension test specimen breaks outside the middle third of the gage length, one retest from a different bar will be allowed. III PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS IN GAGE 128 Permissible Variations. The gage of each bar shall not vary more than 0.01 in. from that specified. IV FrnisH 129 Finish. The bars shall be smoothly rolled and free from slivers, depressions, seams, crop ends and evidences of being burnt. V MARKING 130 Marking. The bars shall be stamped or marked as desig- nated by the purchaser. . VI INSPECTION AND REJECTION 131 Inspection. a The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry at all times, while work on the contract of the purchaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works which concern the manufacture of the material ordered. The manu- facturer shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities ~ to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with 1A solution of two parts water, one part concentrated hydrochloric acid, and one part concen- trated sulphuric acid is recommended for the etch test. ; 35 these specifications. ‘Tests and inspection at the place of manufacture shall be made prior to shipment. 6 ‘The purchaser may make the tests to govern the acceptance or rejection of material in his own laboratory or elsewhere. Such tests, however, shall be made at the expense of the purchaser. 132 Rejection. If either of the test bars selected to represent a lot does not conform to the requirements specified in Pars. 123, 124 and 125, the lot will be rejected. B REQUIREMENTS FOR RIVETS I, PHysicAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS 133 Number of Tests. When specified, three rivets of each di- ameter shall be taken at random from each lot offered for inspection, and if they fail to stand the following tests the lot will be rejected. 134 Bend Tests. a ‘The rivet shank shall bend cold through 180 deg. flat on itself, as shown in Fig. 2, without cracking on the out- side of the bent portion. b The heads must stand bending back, showing that they are firmly joined. c When nicked and broken gradually the fracture must show a clean, long ane fibrous iron. II WorRKMANSHIP AND FINISH 135 Workmanship. (The rivets shall be true to OM: concentric, and shall be made in a workmanlike manner. 136 Finish. ‘The finished rivets shall be free from injurious de- fects. III INspPHcTioN AND REJECTION 13% Inspection. 'The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry at all times, while work on the contract of the pur- chaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works which concern the manufacture of the rivets ordered.. he manu- facturer shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the rivets are being furnished in accordance with these specifications. All tests and inspection shall be made at the 36 place of manufacture prior to shipment, unless otherwise specified, and shall be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the opera- tion of the works. 138 ejection. Rivets which show injurious defects subsequent to their acceptance at the manufacturer’s works will be rejected, and the manufacturer shall be notified. SPECIFICATIONS FOR STAYBOLT TRON THESE SPECIFICATIONS ARE IDENTICAL WITH THOSE OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS, SERIAL DESIGNATION A 39-14. I MANUFACTURE 139 Process. The iron shall be rolled from a bloom or boxpile, made wholly from puddled iron or knobbled charcoal iron. The puddle mixture and the component parts of the bloom or boxpile shall be free from any admixture of iron scrap or steel. 140 Defimtion of Terms. a Bloom—A bloom is a solid mass of iron that has been hammered into a convenient size for rolling. b Boxpile—A boxpile is a pile, the sides, top and bottom of which are formed by four flat bars and the interior of which consists of a number of small bars the full length of the pile. c Iron Scrap—This term applies only to foreign or purchased scrap and does not include local mill products free from foreign or purchased scrap. Il PuHyscraL PROPERTIES AND TESTS 141 Tension Tests. a ‘The iron shall conform to the following requirements as to tensile properties: Tensile strength, lb.“ per Jad. Ain ke veiee ne 0.30—-0.50 per cent Phosphorus ts % See. Sea. we 2 Pimbi te iece lode te hio einen aie not over 0.04 per cent Sulphur ' 855 os Sandia e's 5's 's Ds 4 RARE Bit & Vinee aire not over 0.045 per cent b Chemical analyses will not be required for charcoal iron tubes. 166 Check Analyses. a Analyses of two tubes in each lot of 250 (or on total order if less than 250) may be made by the purchaser which shall conform to the requirements specified in Par. 165. Drill- ings for analyses shall be taken from several points around each tube. 6 If the analysis of only one tube does not conform to the requirements specified, analyses of two additional tubes from the same lot shall be made, each of which shall conform to the requirements specified. III PuystcaLt PROPERTIES AND TESTS 167 Flange Test. a For tubes not more than 6 in diameter a test specimen not less than 4 in. in length shall have a flange turned over at right angles to the body of the tube without showing cracks or flaws. This flange as measured from the outside of the tube sha'l have a width of from 4 in. to $ in. The width between 43 these limits to be not less than 10 per cent of the outside diameter of the tube. For tubes more than 6 in. diameter the flange test is not required. b In making the flange test, the flaring tool and die block as shown in Fig. 7, may be used. 168 Flattening Tests. A test specimen 3 in. in length shall _ stand hammering flat until the inside walls are brought parallel and separated by a distance equal to three (3) times the wall thickness, without showing cracks or flaws. In the case lapwelded tubes, the test shall be made with the weld at the point of maximum bend. Position after using Flaring Tool oth Position = ee aes 64 4 - FLARING TOOL a A=0S. Diam. of Tube less 2" ka -st--Liners B= ” ” ” ” ” a, DIE BLOCK \e C= » ” ” ” Plus 2 i A=: QS. Diam. of Tube + 5 Fia. 7 DeEtTaits oF FuARING TooL AND Diz Biock REQUIRED FoR MAKING FLANGE TESTS OF BOILER TUBES 169 Hydrostatic Tests. Tubes under 5 in. in diameter shall stand an internal hydrostatic pressure of 1,000 Ibs. per sq. in. and tubes 5 in. in diameter or over, an internal hydrostatic pressure of 800 lbs. per sq. in., provided that the fibre stress does not exceed 16,000 Ibs. per sq. in. in which case the test pressure shall be deter- mined by the following formula. percaik 32,000 xX. D Where t is the wall thickness in inches; D is the inside diameter in inches. Lapwelded tubes shall be struck near both ends, while under the test pressure, with a 2 lb. steel hand hammer with the blow to be equivalent to 2 lb. falling 2 ft. 44 170 Test Specimens. a All test specimens shall be taken from tubes before being cut to finished lengths and shall be smooth on the ends and free from burrs. 6 All tests shall be made cold. 171 Number of Tests. One flange and one flattening test shall be made from each of two tubes in each lot of 250 or less. Each tube shall be subjected to the hydrostatic test. 172 Retests. If the result of the physical tests of only one tube from any lot do not conform to the requirements specified in Pars. 167 and 168, retests of two additional tubes from the same lot shal] be made, each of which shall conform to the requirements specified, ETCH TESTS FOR CHARCOAL IRON 173 Etch Tests." A cross section of tube may be turned or ground to a perfectly true surface polished free from dirt or cracks, and etched until the soft parts are sufficiently dissolved for the iron tube to show a decided ridged surface with the weld very distinct, while a steel tube would show a homogeneous surface. IV WorRKMANSHIP AND FINISH 174. Workmanship. Finished tubes 33 in. or under in outside diameter shall be circular within 0.02 in. and the mean outside diameter shall not vary more than 0.015 in. from the size ordered. For tubes over 34 in. in outside diameter, these variations shall not exceed 0.5 per cent of the outside diameter. All tubes shall be carefully gaged with a B. W. G. gage and shall not be less than the gage specified. Tubes on which the standard slot gage, specified, will go on tightly at the thinnest point, will be accepted. The length shall be not less, but may be 0.125 in. more than that ordered. 175 Finish. The finished tubes shall be free from injurious defects and shall have a workmanlike finish and shall be practically free from kinks, bends and buckles. V MARKING 176 Marking. The name or brand of the manufacturer, the material from which it is made, whether steel or charcoal iron, and ‘““ Tested at 1000 lb.”’ for tubes under 5 in. in diameter, or ‘“‘ Tested at 800 lb.” for tubes 5 in. in diameter or over, shall be legibly stenciled on each..tube. VI INSPECTION AND REJECTION 177 Inspection. All tests and inspection shall be made at the place of manufacture. The manufacturer of boiler tubes shall 1A solution of two parts of water, one part concentrated hydrochloric acid, and one part concentrated sulphuric acid is recommended for the etch test. 485 furnish the purchaser of each lot of tubes a statement of the kind of material of which the tubes are made, and that the tubes have been tested and have met all the requirements of these rules. This state- ment shall be furnished to the manufacturer using the tubes. 178 Rejection. Tubes when inserted in the boiler shall stand expanding and beading without showing cracks or flaws, or opening at the weld. Tubes which fail in this manner will be rejected and the manufacturer shall be notified. CONSTRUCTION AND Maximum ALLOWABLE WoRKING PRESSURES FOR PowsER BOILERS 179 Maximum Allowable Working Pressure. The maximum allowable working pressure is that at which a boiler may be operated as determined by employing the factors of safety, stresses, and dimensions designated in these Rules. No boiler shall be operated at a higher pressure than the maxi- mum allowable working pressure except when the safety valve or valves are blowing, at which time the maximum allowable working pressure shall not be exceeded by more than six per cent. Wherever the term maximum allowable working pressure is used herein, it refers to gage pressure, or the pressure above the atmosphere, in pounds per square inch. 180 The maximum allowable working pressure on the shell of a boiler or drum shall be determined by the strength of the weakest course, computed from the thickness of the plate, the tensile strength stamped thereon, as provided for in Par. 36, the efficiency of the longitudinal joint, or of the ligament between the tube holes in shell or drum (whichever is the least), the inside diameter of the course, and the factor of the safety. TSXtXk RXFS where = maximum allowable working pressure, lb. per sq. in. TS — ultimate tensile strength stamped on shell plates, as provided for in Par. 36, lb. per sq. in. ¢ = minimum thickness of shell plates in weakest course, in. E = efficiency of longitudinal joint or of ligaments between tube holes (whichever is the least) R —inside radius of the weakest course of the shell or drum, in. FS = factor of safety, or the ratio of the ultimate strength of the material to the allowable stress. For new con- structions covered in Part I, /'S in the above for- mula = 5. 46 BorLeR JOINTS 181 Efficiency of a Joint. The efficiency of a joint is the ratio which the strength of the joint bears to the strength of the solid plate. In the case of a riveted joint this is determined by calculating the breaking strength of a unit section of the joint, considering each possible mode of failure separately, and dividing the lowest result by the breaking strength of the solid plate of a length equal to that of the section considered. (See Appendix, Par. 410 to 416, for detailed methods and examples.) 182 The distance between the center lines of any two adjacent rows of rivets, or the “‘ back pitch ’’ measured at right angles to the direction of the joint, shall be at least twice the diameter of the rivets and shall also meet the following requirements: a Where each rivet in the inner row comes midway between | two rivets in the outer row, the sum of the two diagonal sections of the plate between the inner rivet and the two outer rivets shall be at least 20 per cent greater than the section of the plate between the two rivets in the outer row. b Where two rivets in the inner row come between two rivets in the outer row, the sum of the two diagonal sections of the plate between the two inner rivets and the two rivets in the outer row shall be at least 20 per cent greater than the difference in the section of the plate between the two rivets in the outer row and the two rivets in the inner row. 183 On longitudinal joints, the distance from the centers of rivet holes to the edges of the plates, except rivet holes in the ends of butt straps, shall be not less than one and one-half times the diameter of the rivet holes. 3 184 Circumferential Joints. a The strength of circumferential joints of boilers, the heads of which are not stayed by tubes, or through braces, shall be at least 50 per cent of that required for the longitudinal joints of the same structure. b When 50 per cent or more of the load which would act on an unstayed solid head of the same diameter as the shell, is relieved by the effect of tubes or through stays, in consequence of the reduction of the area acted on by the pressure and the holding power of the tubes and stays, the strength of the circumferential joints in the shell shall be at least 35 per cent of that required for the longitudinal joints. 47 c In circumferential joints of horizontal return tubular boilers the shearing strength of the rivets shall be not less than 50 per cent of the full strength of the plate corresponding to the thickness at the joint. 185 When shell plates exceed 7 in. in thickness in horizontal return tubular boilers, the portion of the plates forming the laps of the circumferential joints, where exposed to the fire or products of com- bustion, shall be planed or milled down as shown in Fig. 8, to 4 in. in thickness, provided the requirement in Par. 184 is complied with. 186 Welded Joints. The ultimate strength of a joint which has been properly welded by the forging process, shall be taken as 28,500 Ib. per sq. in., with steel plates having a range in tensile strength of 47,000 to 55,000 Ib. per sq. in. Autogenous welding may be used in boilers in cases where the strain is carried by other con- struction which conforms to the requirements of the Code and where the safety of the structure is not dependent upon the strength of the weld. Autogenous welding shall not be used in place of caulking in longitudinal or girth joints. 187 Riveted Longitudinal Joints. The riveted longitudinal joints of a shell or drum which exceeds 36 in. in diameter, shall be of butt and double-strap construction. (This rule does not apply to the portion of a boiler shell which is staybolted to the firebox sheet). 188 The longitudinal joints of a shell or drum which does not Fic. 8 CIRCUMFERENTIAL JOINT ror THICK PLATES OF HORIZONTAL RETURN TUBULAR BOILERS exceed 36 in. in diameter, may be of lap-riveted construction; but the maximum allowable working pressure shall not exceed 100 lb. per sq. in. 189 The longitudinal joints of horizontal return tubular boilers shall be located above the fire-line of the setting. 190 In horizontal return tubular boilers with lap joints no course shall be over 12 ft. long. With butt and double strap con- 48 struction longitudinal joints of any length may be used provided the tension test specimens are so cut from the plate that their length- wise direction is parallel with circumferential seams of the boiler and the tests meet the standards prescribed in the specifications for boiler plate steel. 191 Butt straps and the ends of shell plates forming the longi- tudinal joints shall be rolled or formed by pressure, not blows, to the proper curvature LIGAMENTS 192 Efficiency of Ligament. When a shell or drum is drilled for tubes in a line parallel to the axis of the shell or drum, the efficiency of the ligament between the tube holes shall be determined as follows: a When the pitch of the tube holes on every row is equal (Fig. 9), the formula is: een hie efficiency of ligament Pp where p = pitch of tube holes, in. d == diameter of tube holes, in. Longitedinal Lime ee Fie. 9 EXAMPLE oF TUBE SPACING WITH PITCH oF Hotes Equa IN Every Row Example: Pitch of tube holes in the drum as shown in Fig. 9 = 57 in. Diameter of tubes —31 in. Diameter of tube holes = 3 az In. p—d 5.253.281 ; eo = 0.375, efficiency of ligament Longitudinal Foes ne Fic. 10 Exampue or Tuspe SpAcine witH Pirex or HOLES UNEQUAL IN Every SEconp Row 49 6 When the pitch of tube holes on any one row is unequal (as in Figs. 10 or 11), the formula is: p—n d P = efficiency of ligament where p = unit length of ligament, in. n = number of tube holes in length, p. d == diameter of tube holes, in. Example: Spacing shown in Fig. 10. Diameter of tube holes = 3 35 In. p—n 28X32 : ie Toi RPh ie Wie PS Newdae 0.453, efficiency of ligament p 12 Example: Spacing shown in Fig 11. Diameter of tube holes sais a's in. p—md _— 29.25—5 3.281 29.25 Ee 6-60: <6 4" re ond Longitudinal Line ———> Fig. 11 EXxaAmpie or Tuse SPACING WITH PrtcH or HOLES VARYING IN EvERY SECOND AND THIRD Row — 0.439, efficiency of ligament 193 When a shell or drum is drilled for tube holes in a line diagonal with the axis of the shell or drum as shown in Fig. 12, the efficiency of the ligament between the tube holes shall be determined by the following methods and the lowest value used. LiPo Ane) == efficiency of ligament P1 b vam = efficiency of ligament Pp where pi = diagonal pitch of tube holes, in. d = diameter of tube holes, in. p = longitudinal pitch of tube holes or distance between centers of tubes in a longitudinal row, in. Cues D0 The constant 0.95 in formula a applies provided 4 is 1.5 or over Example: Diagonal pitch of tube holes in drum as shown in Fig. 12 6.42 in. | Diameter of tube holes 4 45 in. Longitudinal pitch of tube holes = 113 in. 0.95 (6.42—4.081) 6.42 11.5—4.031 11.5 = 0.3538, efficiency of ligament = 0.649, efficiency of ligament The value determined by formula a is the least and is the one that shall be used in this case. Longitudinal Line ———> Fig. 12 ExamMputrE or TUBE SPACING WITH TUBE HOLES ON DIAGONAL LINES 194. Domes. The longitudinal joint of a dome 24 in. or over in diameter shall be of butt and double-strap construction irrespec- tive of pressure. When the maximum allowable working pressure exceeds 100 Ib. per sq. in. the flange of a dome 24 in. or over in diameter shall be double riveted to the boiler shell. The longitudinal joint of a dome less than 24 in. in diameter may be of the lap type, and its flange may be single riveted to the boiler shell provided the maximum allowable working pressure on such a dome is computed with a factor of safety of not less than 8. 51 The dome may be located on the barrel or over the fire-box on traction, portable or stationary boilers of the locomotive type up to and including 48 in. barrel diameter. For larger barrel diameters, the dome shall be placed on the barrel. DisHED Habs 195 Conver Heads. The thickness required in an unstayed dished head with the pressure on the concave side, when it is a segment of a sphere, shall be calculated by the following formula: _ b.56XPXL xTS ** where ¢ = thickness of plate, in. P = maximum allowable working pressure, lb. per sq. in. T'S = tensile strength, lb. per sq. in. | [ = radius to which the head is dished, in. Where the radius is less than 80 per cent of the diameter of the shell or drum to which the head is attached the thickness shall be at least that found by the formula by making L equal to 80 per cent of the diameter of the shell or drum. } Where two radii are used the longer shall be taken as the value of LZ in the formula. Concave Heads. Dished heads with the pressure on the convex side shall have a maximum allowable working pressure equal to 60 per cent of that for heads of the same dimensions with the pressure on the concave side. When a dished head has a manhole opening, the thickness as found by these Rules shall be increased by not less than % in. over that called for by the formula. 196 When dished heads are of a less thickness than called for _by Par. 195, they shall be stayed as flat surfaces, no allowance being made in such staying for the holding power due to the spherical form. 197 The corner radius of an unstayed dished head measured on the concave side of the head shall not be less than 14 in. or more than 4 in. and within these limits shall be not less than 3 per cent of L in Par. 195. 198 A manhole opening in a dished head shall be flanged to a depth of not less than three times the thickness of the head measured from the outside. 52 BRACED AND STAYED SURFACES 199 The maximum allowable working pressure for various thicknesses of braced and stayed flat plates and those which by these Rules require staying as flat surfaces with braces or staybolts of uniform diameter symmetrically spaced, shall be calculated by the formula: ?? 2 p P=CX where P =maximum allowable working pressure, lb. per sq. in. ¢ = thickness of plate in sixteenths of an inch P = maximum pitch measured between straight lines passing through the centers of the staybolts in the different rows, which lines may be horizontal, vertical or in- clined, in. C = 112 for stays screwed through plates not over 7% in. thick with ends riveted over C == 120 for stays screwed through plates over 7% in. thick with ends riveted over C’ = 135 for stays screwed through plates and fitted with single nuts outside of plate C = 150 for stays screwed through plates or made a taper fit and having the heads formed on the stays before installing them and not riveted over, said heads being made to have a true bearing on the plate and the diameter of the heads being not less than 1.4 times the diameter of the stays. If flat boiler plates not less than 2 in. thick are strengthened with doubling plates securely riveted thereto and having a thickness of not less than 2 ¢, then the value of ¢ in the formula shall be 2 of the combined thickness of the boiler plate and doubling plates but not more than 1% times the thickness of the boiler plate, and the values of C given above may also be increased 15 per cent. When two sheets are connected by stays and but one of these sheets requires staying, the value of C is governed by the thickness of the sheet requiring stays. 53 C == 175 for stays fitted with inside and outside nuts and outside washers where the diameter of washers is not less than 0.4: and thickness not less than ¢. If flat plates not less than in. thick are strengthened with doubling plates securely riveted thereto and having a thickness of not less than 3 ¢, nor more than ¢, then the value of ¢ in the formula shall be 2 of the combined thickness of the plates and the values of C given above may also be increased 15 per cent. 200 Staybolis. The ends of screwed staybolts shall be riveted over or upset by equivalent process. Staybolts must be hollow or the outside ends of solid staybolts shall be drilled with a hole at least z35 in. diameter to a depth extending at least 4 in. beyond the pressure side of the plates, except on boilers having a grate area not exceeding 15 sq. ft., or the equivalent in gas or oil fired boilers, where the drilling of the staybolts is optional. Flexible staybolts of either the jointed or ball and socket type need not be drilled. 201 When channel irons or other members are securely riveted to the boiler heads for attaching through stays the transverse stress on such members shall not exceed 12,500 lb. per sq. in. In computing the stress, the section modulus of the member shall be used without addition for the strength of the plate. The spacing of the rivets over the supported surface shall be in conformity with that specified for staybolts. If the outstanding legs of the two members are fastened together so that they may act as one member in resisting the bending action produced by the load on the rivets attaching the members to the head of the boiler, and provided that the spacing of these rivets attaching the members to the head is approximately uniform, the members may be figured as a single beam uniformly loaded and supported at the points where the through braces are attached. 202 The ends of stays fitted with nuts shall not be exposed to the direct radiant heat of the fire. 203a The maximum spacing between centers of rivets or between the edges of tube holes and the centers of rivets attaching the crowfeet of braces to the braced surface, shall be determined by the formula in Par. 199, using 135 for the value of C. 6 The maximum distance between the edges of tube holes and the centers of other types of stays shall be determined by the formula in Par. 199 using the value of C given in Par. 199 which applies to the thickness of plate and type of stay used. c The maximum spacing between the inner surface of the shell 54 and lines parallel to the surface of the shell passing through the centers of the rivets attaching the crowfeet of braces to the head shall be determined by the formula in Par. 199, using 175 for the value of C. d The maximum distance between the inner surface of the shell and the centers of braces of other types shall be determined by the formula in Par. 199 using a value of C equal to 1.3 times that value of C in Par. 199 which applies to the thickness of plate and type of stay as therein specified. e In applying these rules and those in Par. 199 to a head or plate having a manhole or reinforced opening, the spacing applies only to the plate around the opening and not across the opening. TABLE 3 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PITCH, IN INCHES, OF SCREWED STAYBOLTS, ENDS RIVETED OVER ‘ Thickness of Plate, In. Pressure, Lb. per Sq. In. 100 54 63% 134 ee Meee deh Ce ee ee 110 5 6 7 836 owl. cle ss sles ete eee ee 120 434 534 634 Be wae cece alo 0 hee at 125 434 5% 65% (6 in EN a 130 454 5% 64 (La GAO ee 140 446 534 64 73% 836° ° Taw cae ai ee 150 44 5% 6 7% 8. la Sega 160 4% 5 5% 6% (6, Gee ge Se 170 4 4% 55% 634 7% S95. Alone 1ISOai tes lerevenite 434 5% 614 7% 834.) 1k pee LOOM ae ER oR eee 454 53% 63% 7% 734 | eee . 1 kate NN A.) Widest Mech 414 5% 6% 7 734 8% BEB i cyh Se gee Riee te. . 414 4% 5% 6% 74 8 250 1) (LM Che: 4 454 54 634 6% 7% =U hahaa apes PMS prelates beeches 4c) 414 5 554 6% 7 204. The formula in Par. 199 was used in computing Table 3. Where values for screwed stays with ends riveted over are required for conditions not given in Table 3, they may be computed from the formula and used, provided the pitch does not exceed 8% in. 205 The distance from the edge of a staybolt hole to a straight line tangent to the edges of the rivet holes may be substituted for p for staybolts adjacent to the riveted edges bounding a stayed surface. When the edge of a stayed plate is flanged, p shall be measured from the inner surface of the flange, at about the line of rivets to the edge. of the staybolts or to the projected edge of the staybolts. 55 206 The distance between the edges of the staybolt holes may be substituted for p for staybolts adjacent to a furnace door or other boiler fitting, tube hole, hand hole or other opening. 207 In water leg boilers, the staybolts may be spaced at greater distances between the rows than indicated in Table 3, provided the portions of the sheet which come between the rows of staybolts have the proper transverse strength to give a factor of safety of at least 5 at the maximum allowable working pressure. 208 ‘The diameter of a screw stay shall be taken at the bottom of the thread, provided this is the least diameter. Fic. 13 MeEtTHop or DETERMINING NET AREA OF SEGMENT OF A HEAD 209 The least cross-sectional area of a stay shall be taken in calculating the allowable stress, except that when the stays are welded and have a larger cross-sectional area at the weld than at some other point, in which case the strength at the weld shall be computed as well as in the solid part and the lower value used. 210 Holes for screw stays shall be drilled full size or punched not to exceed { in. less than full diameter of the hole for plates over 77s In. in thickness, and + in. less than the full diameter of the hole for plates not exceeding 3’; in. in thickness, and then drilled or reamed to the full diameter. The holes shall be tapped fair and true, with a full thread. 211 The ends of steel stays upset for threading, shall be thor- oughly annealed. 212 An internal cylindrical furnace which requires staying shall be stayed as a flat surface as indicated in Table 3. 56 213 Staying Segments of Heads. A segment of a head shall be stayed by head to head, through, diagonal, crowfoot or gusset stays, except that a horizontal return tubular boiler may be stayed as provided in Pars. 225 to 229. 214 Areas of Segments of Heads to be Stayed. The area of a segment of a head to be stayed shall be the area enclosed by lines drawn 2 in. from the tubes and a distance d from the shell as shown in Figs. 13 and 14. The value of d shall be the larger of the following values but not less than 3 in. (1) d = the outer radius of the flange not exceeding 8 times the thickness of the head. d = distance in inches ¢ == thickness of head in sixteenths of an inch P = maximum allowable working pressure in lb. per sq. in. Nore: Dimensions marked 3” in Figs. 13 and 14 changed to (i rt 215 When drum heads of water tube boilers are 30 in. or less in diameter and the tube plate is stiffened by flanged ribs or gussets, no stays need be used if a hydrostatic test to destruction of a boiler or unit section built in accordance with. the construction, shows that the factor of safety is at least 5. ogggceooge3e : LP Fic. 14 METHOD oF DETERMINING NET AREA OF IRREGULAR SEGMENT OF A HEAD 216 Stays shall be used in the tube sheets of a fire tube boiler if the distance between the edges of the tube holes exceeds the maximum pitch of staybolts for the corresponding plate thickness and pressure given in Table 3. That part of the tube sheet which comes between the tubes and the shell need not be stayed if the 57 greatest distance between the inside of the shell and the nearest tangent common to two tube holes when measured on any radius of the tube sheet that intersects the tangent between the holes does not exceed this maximum pitch by more than 3 in. The tube holes to which a common tangent may be drawn in applying this rule shall not be at a greater distance from edge to edge than the maxi- mum pitch referred to. 217 The net area to be stayed in a segment of a head may be determined by the following formula: 4 (H—5)'y/ eels), —0.608 = area to be stayed, sq. in. 3 (H—5) where H = distance from tubes to shell, in. R = radius of boiler head, in. 218 When the portion of the head below the tubes in a horizon- tal return tubular boiler is provided with a manhole opening, the flange of which is formed from the solid plate and turned inward to a depth of not less than three times the thickness of the head, measured from the outside, the area to be stayed as indicated in Fig. 14, may be reduced by 100 sq. in. The surface around the manhole shall be supported by through stays with nuts inside and outside at the front head. The distance in the clear between the bodies of the braces, or of the inside braces where more than two are used, shall not be less than 10 in. at any point. | TABLE 4. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STRESSES FOR STAYS AND STAYBOLTS- Stresses, Lb. per Sq. In. Description of Stays For Lengths between | For Lengths between Supports not Exceed- | Supports Exceeding in 120 Diameters 120 Diameters a Unwelded stays less than twenty diameters long screwed through plates with ends riveted over. 7500 b Unwelded stays and unwelded portions of welded stays, except as specified in linea............ 9500 8500 c Steel through stays exceeding 13 in. diameter... 10400 9000 AaW CIGECpOFtIONS: Of SLAVS... ,.n0; creo «essere ss 6000 6000 58 219 When stay rods are screwed through the sheets and riveted over, they shall be supported at intervals not exceeding 6 ft In boilers without manholes, stay rods over 6 ft. in length may be screwed through the sheets and fitted with nuts and washers on the outside. 220a The full pitch dimensions of the stays shall be employed in determining the area to be supported by a stay and the area occupied by the stay shall be deducted therefrom to obtain the net area. The product of the net area in square inches by the maximum allowable working pressure in lb. per sq. in. gives the load to be supported by the stay. b Where stays come near bounding surfaces and special allow- ances are made for the spacing, the load to be carried by such stays shall be determined by neglecting the added area provided for by these special allowances. For example, if the minimum pitch by Table 3 would make a staybolt come 6 in. from the edge of the plate and a special allowance would make it come 7 in., the distance of 6 in. should be used in computing the load to be carried. c The maximum allowable stress per square inch net cross- sectional area of stays and staybolts shall be as given in Table 4. d The length of the stay between supports shall be measured from the inner faces of the stayed plates. The stresses are based on tension only. For computing stresses in diagonal stays, see Pars. 221 and. 222. _ 221 Stresses in Diagonal and Gusset Stays. Multiply the area of a direct stay required to support the surface by the slant or diagonal length of the stay; div:de this product by the length of a line drawn at right angles to surface supported to center of palm of diagonal stay. The quotient will be the required area of the diagonal stay. axl l As where A = sectional area of diagonal stay, sq. in. a = sectional area of direct stay, sq. in. L = length of diagonal stay, as indicated in Fig. 15, in, d9 l= length of line drawn at right angles to boiler head or surface supported to center of palm of diagonal stay, as indicated in Fig. 15, in. es 4'\ At UT LO HE, Se, : gN oe 8 Fic. 15 MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINING STRESSES IN DIAGONAL STAYS Given diameter of direct stay = 1 in., a = 0.7854, L = 60 in., 1 = 48 in.; substituting and solving: 0.7854 X 60 Aes ee 48 Diameter = 1.11 in. = 1} in. = 0.981 sectional area, sq. in. 222 For staying segments of tube sheets such as in horizontal return tubular boilers, where L is not more than 1.15 times / for any brace, the stays may be calculated as direct stays, allowing 90 per cent of the stress given in Table 4. 223 Diameter of Pins and Area of Rivets in Brace. All rivet and pin holes shall conform with the requirements in Par. 253 and the pins shall be made a neat fit. To determine the sizes that shall be used proceed as follows: 1 Determine the ‘ required cross-sectional area of the brace’’ by first computing the total load to be carried by the brace, an:! dividing the total load by the values of stresses for unwelded sta, : given in Table 4, 60 2 Design the body of the brace so that the cross-sectional area shall be at least equal to the ‘‘ required cross-sectional area of the brace’ for unwelded braces. Where the braces are welded, the cross-sectional area at the weld shall be at least as great as that computed for a stress of 6,000 Ib. per sq. in. (see Table 4). 3 Make the area of pins to resist double shear at least # of the “required cross-sectional area of the brace.’ 4 Make the combined cross-section of the eye at the side of the pin (in crowfoot braces) at least 25 per cent greater than the “required cross-sectional area of the brace.” 5 Make the combined cross-sectional area of the rivets at each end of the brace at least 14 times the “‘ required cross-sectional area of the brace.” 6 Design each branch of a crowfoot to carry two-thirds the total load on the brace. | 7 Make the net sectional areas through the sides of the crowfeet, tee irons, or similar fastenings at the rivet holes at least equal to the required rivet section, that is, at least equal to 14 times the “required cross-sectional area of the brace.” 8 Make the cross-sectional areas through the blades of diagonal braces where attached to the shell of the boiler at least equal to the required rivet section, that is, at least equal to 1} times the ‘“‘ required cross-sectional area of the brace.” TABLE 5 SIZES OF ANGLES REQUIRED FOR STAYING SEGMENTS OF HEADS With the short legs of the angles attached to the head of the boiler fo pec nn RN SR a SEEN PANS Sa ht nse ES 30” Boiler 34” Boiler 36” Boiler Height Di of Angle | Angle | Angle | Angle | Angle | Angle | Angle | Angle | Angle |*7!™°?- Segment, |3’x214"|314"x3"| 4”x3” |314"x3"| 4”x3” | 5’x3” | 4”x3” | 5”x3” [6’x314 pir: in Dimension B} in Fig. 16 | Thick- ness, Thick- | Thick-| Thick-| Thick- | Thick- | Thick-| Thick-| Thick-| ¥¥8- 16 ness, | ness, | mess, { ness, | ness, | mess, | ness, } ness, inches | inches | inches | inches | inches | inches | inches | inches | inches 10 36 vs vs 4 cae age a Sa sae 6% 11 is 3% is is is is cm be 7 a 7 12 is 16 3% 4 is vs is is — 74 13 4 vs is is 4 is is 3% —e 8 14 Ty ise a a 5% 3% % is % 8% 15 “3 rs = a a 4 34 4 % 9 16 <2 — a — — — — b% ts 9% 61 224 Gusset stays when constructed of triangular right-angled web plates secured to single or double angle bars along the two sides at right angles shall have a cross-sectional area (in a plane at right _ angles to the longest side and passing through the intersection of the two shorter sides) not less than 10 per cent greater than would be required for a diagonal stay to support the same surface, figured by the formula in Par. 221, assuming the diagonal stay is at the same angle as the longest side of the gusset plate. 225 Staying of Upper Segments of Tube Heads by Steel Angles. When the shell of a boiler does not exceed 36 in. in diameter and is designed for a maximum allowable working pressure not exceeding 100 lb. per sq. in., the segment of heads above the tubes may be stayed by steel angles as specified in Table 5 and Fig. 16, except that angles of equal thickness and greater depth of outstanding leg, or of greater thickness and the same depth of outstanding leg, may be substituted for those specified. The legs attached to the heads may vary in depth 4 in. above or below the dimensions specified in Table 5. 226 When this form of bracing is to be placed on a boiler, the diameter of which is intermediate to or below the diameters given in Table 5, the tabular values for the next higher diameter shall govern. Rivets of the same diameter as used in the longitudinal seams of the boiler shall be used to attach the angles to the head and to connect the outstanding legs. SS a 7 Tee ne DN cess dee Table | eee Bia OOO1O00 620 00.0" Sore) a D = ee Fig. 16 Svayvina or HEAD WITH STEEL ANGLES IN TUBULAR BOILER 62 227 The rivets attaching angles to heads shall be spaced not over 4 in. apart. The centers of the end rivets shall be not over 3 in. from the ends of the angle. The rivets through the outstanding legs shall be spaced not over 8 in. apart; the centers of the end rivets shall be nor more than 4 in. from the ends of the angles. The ends of the angles shall be considered those of the outstanding legs and the lengths shall be such that their ends overlap a circle 3 in. inside the inner surface of the shell as shown in Fig. 16. 228 The distance from the center of the angles to the shell of the boiler, marked A in Fig. 16, shall not exceed the values given in Table 5, but in no ease shall the leg attached to the head on the lower angle come closer than 2 in. to the top of the tubes. 229 When segments are beyond the range specified in Table 5, the heads shall be braced or stayed in accordance with the require- ments in these Rules. 230 Crown Bars and Girder Stays. Crown bars and girder stays for tops of combustion chambers and back connections, or wherever used, shall be proportioned to conform to the following formula: : 2 Maximum allowable working pressure = * /OXdKiaaae (W—P)XDXW where W = extreme distance between supports, in. P = pitch of supporting bolts, in. D = distance between girders from center to center, in. d = depth of girder, in. T = thickness of girder, in. C = 7000 when the girder is fitted with one supporting bolt C = 10,000 when the girder is fitted with two or three supporting bolts C = 11,000 when the girder is fitted with four or five sup- porting bolts C = 11,500 when the girder is fitted with six or seven sup- porting bolts C = 12,000 when the girder is fitted with eight or more supporting bolts 63 Example: Given W — 34 in, P = 7.5 in, D = 7.75 in, — 7.5 in., T = 2 in.; three stays per girder, C = 10,000; then substituting in formula: Maximum allowable working pressure = 10,000*7.5X7.5x*2 (347.5) X7.75 X34 161.1 lb. per sq. in. 231 Maximum Allowable Working Pressure on Truncated Cones. a Upper combustion chambers of vertical submerged tubular boilers made in the shape of a frustum of a cone when not over 38 in. diameter at the large end, may be used without stays if figured by the rule for plain cylindrical furnaces (Par. 239) making D in the formula equal to the diameter at the large end. b When over 38 in. in diameter at the large end, that portion which is over 30 in. in diameter shall be fully supported by staybolts or gussets to conform to the provisions for staying flat surfaces. In this case the top row of staybolts shall be at a point where the cone top is 30 in. or less in diameter. In calculating the pressure permissible on the unstayed portion of the cone, the vertical distance between the horizontal planes passing through the centers of the rivets at the cone top, and through the center of the top row of staybolts shall be used as L in Par. 239, and D in that paragraph shall be the inside diameter at the center of the top row of staybolts. 232 Stay Tubes. When stay-tubes are used in multitubular boilers to give support to the tube plates, the sectional area of such stay tubes may be determined as follows: Total section of stay tubes, sq. in. = ee where . A —area of that portion of the tube plate containing the tubes, sq. in. a= aggregate area of holes in the tube plate, sq. in. P = maximum allowable working pressure, lb. per sq. in. T = working tensile stress allowed in the tubes, not to exceed 7000 lb. per sq. in. 233 The pitch of stay tubes shall conform to the formula given in Par. 199, using the values of C as given in Table 6. 64 TABLE 6. VALUES OF C FOR DETERMINING PITCH OF STAY TUBES When tubes When tubes * Pitch of Stay Tubes in the Bounding Rows have noua are Viva ae Plates of Plates Where there are two plain tubes between each stay tube... 120 130 Where there is one plain tube between each stay tube...... 140 150 . Where every tube in the bounding rows is a stay tube and each alternate tube basa nuts Where. bas ee ieds ate oe, 170 When the ends of tubes are not shielded from the action of flame or radiant heat, the values of C' shall be reduced 20 per cent. The tubes shall project about % in. at each end and be slightly flared. Stay tubes when threaded shall not be less than 33; in. thick at bottom of thread; nuts on stay tubes are not advised. For a nest of tubes C shall be taken as 140 and S as the mean pitch of stay tubes. For spaces between nests of tubes S shall be taken as the horizontal | distance from center to center of the bounding rows of tubes and C as given in Table 6. TUBE SHEETS OF COMBUSTION CHAMBERS 234 The maximum allowable working pressure on a tube sheet of a combustion chamber, where the crown sheet is not suspended from the shell of the boiler, shall be determined by the following formula: (D—d) T X27 , 000 WxD P= where P = maximum allowable working pressure, lb. per sq. in. D = least horizontal distance between tube centers, in. d = inside diameter of tubes, in. T = thickness of tube plate, in. W = distance from tube sheet to opposite combustion chamber sheet, in. Example: Required the working pressure of a tube sheet sup- porting a crown sheet braced by crown bars Horizontal distance between centers, 4 in.; inside diameter of tubes, 2.782 in.; thickness of tube sheets, }¢ in.; distance from tube sheet to opposite com- bustion chamber sheet, 34% in., measured from outside of tube plate to outside of back plate; material, steel. Substituting and solving: __ (4.125—2.782) X0.6875 X 27 , 000 34.25 4.125 P = 176 lb. per sq. in. 65 235 Sling stays may be used in place of girders in all cases cov- ered in Par. 234, provided, however, that when such sling stays are JOINT IN FURNACE SHEET used, girders or screw stays of the same sectional area shall be used for securing the bottom of the combustion chamber to the boiler shell. 236 When girders are dispensed with and the top and bottom of combustion chambers are secured by sling stays or braces, the sec- tional area of such stays shall conform with the requirements of rules for stays and stayed surfaces. 237 Furnaces of Vertical Boilers In a vertical fire-tube boiler the furnace length, for the purpose of calculating its strength and spacing staybolts over its surface, shall be measured from the center of rivets in the bottom of the water-leg to the center of rivets in the flange of the lower tube sheet. 238 When the longitudinal joint of the furnace sheet of a vertical fire-tube boiler is. of lap-riveted construction and staybolted, a stay bolt in each circular row shall be located near the longitudinal joint, as shown in Fig. 17. | 239 Plain Circular Furnaces. Unstayed furnaces more than 18 in. diameter when riveted or of seamless construction or such furnaces when lapwelded by the forging process shall have walls not less than ,°5 in. thick. The maximum allowable working pressure for such furnaces shall be determined by one or the other of the following formulae: a Where the length does not exceed 120 times the thickness of the plate -- (18.75X T) — (1.031) \ b Where the length exceeds 120 times the thickness of the plate panes 4250 T? LXD "66 where P =maximum allowable working pressure, Ib. per sq. in. D = outside diameter of furnace, In. L = total length of furnace between centers of head rivet seams (not length of a section), in. T — thickness of furnace walls, in sixteenths of an inch Where the furnace has a riveted longitudinal joint, it may be of the lap type for inside diameters not exceeding 30 in. but shall be of butt and strap construction for inside diameters exceeding 30 in. The efficiency of the joint shall be greater than: PXD Te 250 ae Example. Given a furnace 26 in. in diameter, 94 in. long and + in. thick. The length exceeds 120 times the thickness of the plate, hence the formula (6) should be used. Substituting the values in this formula: ies SDE eS seat ae 111 lb. per sq. in. 94 X 26 240 A plain cylindrical furnace exceeding 38 in. in diameter shall be stayed in accordance with the rules governing flat surfaces. 241 Circular Flues. The maximum allowable working pressure for seamless or welded flues more than 5 in. in diameter and up to and yncluding 18 in. in diameter shall be determined by one or the other of the following formulae: a Where the thickness of the wall is less than 0.023 times the diameter _ 10,000,000x T8 ae D3 } b Where the thickness of the wall is greater than 0.023 times the diameter yapeae: P i DUO Xa) O75 where P = maximum allowable working pressure, lb. per sq. in. D = outside diameter of flue, in. T = thickness of wall of flue, in. c The above formulae may be applied to riveted flues of the sizes specified provided the sections are not over 3 ft. in length and provided the efficiency of the joint is greater than PXD divided by 20,000 T. 67 Example. Given a flue 14 in. in diameter and 3°; in. thick. The thickness of the wall is less than 0.023 times the diameter; hence the formula (a) should be used. Substituting the values in this formula: ft 10,000 ,000 5/16 5/16 X 5/16 i4X 14X 14 —= 110 lb. per sq. in. 242 Adamson Type. When plain horizontal flues are made in sections not less than 18 in. in length, and not less than 4’; in. thick: a They shall be flanged with a radius measured on the fire side, of not less than three times the thickness of the plate, and the flat portion of the flange outside of the radius shall be at least three times the diameter of the rivet holes. b The distance from the edge of the rivet holes to the edge of the flange shall be not less than the diameter of the rivet hole, and the diameter of the rivets before driving shall be at least 4 in. larger than the thickness of the plate. | c The depth of the Adamson ring between the flanges shall be not less than three times the diameter of the rivet holes, and the ring shall be substantially riveted to the flanges. The fire edge of the ring shall - terminate at or about the point of tangency to the curve of the flange, and the thickness of the ring shall be not less than 4 in. The maximum allowable working pressure shall be determined by the following formula: W506! f ah Erica 1 eexXT) (082) } where P = maximum allowable working pressure, lb. per sq. in. D = outside diameter of furnace, in. L = length of furnace section, in. T = thickness of plate, in sixteenths of an inch. Example. Given a furnace 44 in. in diameter, 48 in. in length, and 4 in. thick. Substituting values in formula: P a (18.758) — (1.03 X48) \ == 1.309 (150—49.44) = 131 lb. per sq. in. 243 The maximum allowable working pressure on corrugated furnaces, such as the Leeds suspension bulb, Morison, Fox, Purves, or Brown, having plain portions at the ends not exceeding 9 in. in length 68 (except flues especially provided for) when new and practically circu- lar, shall be computed as follows: where “inl OKE D P = maximum allowable working pressure, lb. per sq. in. T = thickness, in.— not less than 5/16 in. for Leeds, Morison, Fox and Brown, and not less than 7/16 in. for Purves and other furnaces corrugated by sections not over 18 in. long. D = mean diameter, in. C = 17,300, a constant for Leeds furnaces, when corrugations are not more than 8 in. from center to center and not less than 2% in. deep. C = 15,600, a constant for Morison furnaces, when corruga- : tions are not less than 8 in. from center to center and the radius of the outer corrugations is not more than one-half that of the suspension curve. ; C = 14,000, a constant for Fox furnaces, when corrugations are not more than 8 in. from center to center and not less than 1} in. deep. C = 14,000, a constant for Purves furnaces, when rib projec- tions are not more than 9 in. from center to center and not less than 12 in. deep. C = 14,000, a constant for Brown furnaces, when corrugations are not more than 9 in. from center to center and not less than 13 in. deep. C = 10,000, a constant for furnaces corrugated by sections not more than 18 in. from center to center and not less than 23 in. deep, measured from the least inside to the greatest outside diameter of the corrugations, and having the ends fitted one into the other and substan- tially riveted together, provided that the plain parts at the ends do not exceed 12 in. in length. In calculating the mean diameter of the Morison furnace, the least inside diameter plus 2 in., may be taken as the mean diameter. 244 The thickness of a corrugated or ribbed furnace shall be ascertained by actual measurement. The furnace shall be drilled for a f-In. pipe tap and fitted with a screw plug that can be removed for the purpose of measurement. For the Brown and Purves furnaces, 69. the holes shall be in the center of the second flat; for the Morison, Fox and other similar types, in the center of the top corrugation, at least as far in as the fourth corrugation from the end of the furnace. 245 Cast Iron Headers. ‘The pressure allowed on a water-tube boiler, the tubes of which are secured to cast-iron or malleable-iron headers, shall not exceed 160 Ib. per sq. in. The form and size of the internal cross section of a cast-iron or malleable-iron header at any point shall be such that it will fall within a 6 in. by 7 in. rectangle. 246a The cast-iron used for the headers of water-tube boilers shall conform with the Specifications for Gray-iron Castings given in Pars. 95 to 110, the header to be arbitrarily classified as a ‘“‘ medium casting ’’ as to physical properties and tests, and as a “‘ light casting ”’ as to chemical properties. 246b A cast-iron header when tested to destruction, shall with- stand a hydrostatic pressure of at least 1200 Ib. per sq. in. A hydro- static test at 400 lb. per sq. in. gage pressure shall be made on all new headers with tubes attached. 247 Where it is impossible to calculate with a reasonable degree of safety the strength of a boiler structure or any part thereof, a full sized sample shall be built by the manufacturer and tested to destruc- tion in the presence of the Boiler Code Committee or a representative of the Boiler Code Committee appointed to witness such test. TUBES 248 Tube Holes and Ends. ‘Tube holes shall be drilled full size from the solid plate, or they may be punched at least § in. smaller in diameter than full size, and then drilled, reamed or finished full size with a rotating cutter. 249 The sharp edges of tube holes shall be taken off on both sides of the plate with a file or other tool. 250 A fire-tube boiler shall have the ends of the tubes substan- tially rolled and beaded, or rolled and welded at the firebox or com- bustion chamber end. 251 The ends of all tubes, suspension tubes and nipples shall be flared not less than ¢ in. over the diameter of the tube hole on all water-tube boilers and superheaters, or they may be beaded. 252 The ends of all tubes, suspension tubes and nipples of water- tube boilers and superheaters shall project through the tube sheets or headers not less than { in. nor more than 4 in. before flaring. 70 RIVETING 253 Riveting. Rivet holes shall be drilled full size or they may be punched not to exceed } in. less than full diameter for material over 7; in. in thickness, and } in. less than full diameter for material not exceeding 3; in. in thickness, and then drilled or reamed to full diameter. 254 After drilling rivet holes, the plates and butt straps shall be separated and the burrs removed. 255 Rivets. Rivets shall be of sufficient length to completely fill the rivet holes and form heads at least equal in strength to the bodies of the rivets. Forms of rivet heads that will be acceptable are shown in Fig. 17a. 256 Rivets shall be machine driven wherever possible, with sufficient pressure to fill the rivet holes, and shall be allowed to cool and shrink under pressure. CALKING 257. Calking. The calking edges of plates, butt straps and head shall be beveled. Every portion of the sheared surfaces of the calking edges of plates, butt straps and heads shall be planed, milled or chipped to a depth of not less than § in. Calking shall be done with a round-nosed tool. MANHOLES 258 Manholes. An elliptical manhole opening shall be not less than 11 X 15 in. or 10 X 16 in. in size. A circular manhole opening shall be not less than 15 in. in diameter. 259 A manhole reinforcing ring when used, shall be of steel or wrought-iron, and shall be at least as thick as the shell plate. 260 Manhole frames on shells or drums when used, shall have the proper curvature, and on boilers over 48 in. in diameter shall be riveted to the shell or drum with two rows of rivets, which may be pitched as shown in Fig. 18. The strength of the rivets in shear on manhole frames and reinforcing rings shall be at least equal to the tensile strength of that part of the shell plate removed, on a line parallel to the axis of the shell, through the center of the manhole, or other opening. 261 The proportions of manhole frames and other reinforcing rings to conform to the above specifications may be determined by the use of the following formulae, which are based on the assumption that the rings shall have the same tensile strength per square inch of section as, and be of not less thickness than, the shell plate removed, SNOILYOdOUd GYAH LIAIY P-2) BPanbiy pooy PO?H WUNSsasunoy) wan YYOYS Le “ous 1ab107,,% 39d Of SLIAIY AOL S3/O4 vaynus °% ag how fey, UMOYS 2S0Y4 uoy, 426407 aghkow suolzsodosy poosy udojtng snipoy sjqnog | Cy My Bata tale UP SINE \ r it | . p were 4 oan | 4 a , f : - ‘42 " Fa 4 { he + ] ¢ me 7 be ‘ ‘ a L f awe oe 7 +, “ ¥ a a rr: ' Ln ’ ¥ ; ve a r ; : % ! Ps } i j ~ Ra aA wate 7 Fi - D Ns {i Tetaeted, Ape i t “4 4 " ’ 1 i. 4 4 iJ y - es y ‘i Wl / si { i 4 1 « bts tg OT My ; a ee r ¢ a nm We PS \ ‘j ‘7 a 5: J y t For two single-riveted rings: W Oi For a single-riveted ring: W == ae +d 2Xt LX ty +.9d For a double-riveted ring: W = ; xt Fig. 18 MertrHop or RIveTING MANHOLE FRAMES TO SHELLS OR DruMS witH Two Rows oF RIVETS eu _ 4xt For two double-riveted rings: W = ran +2d +o Where W = least width of reinforcing ring, in. t; == thickness of shell plate, in. d = diameter of rivet when driven, in. t = thickness of reinforcing ring — not less than thickness of the shell plate, in. T = tensile strength of the ring, lb. per sq. in. of section ' a—=net section of one side of the ring or rings, sq. in. S = shearing strength of rivet, lb. per sq. in. of section (see Par. 16) 1 = length of opening in shell in direction parallel to axis of - shell, in. N = number of rivets. To find the number of rivets for a single or double reinforcing ring: SECT Xa Sx 262 Manhole plates shall be of wrought steel or shall be steel castings. Nes 72 263 The minimum width of bearing surface, for a gasket on a manhole opening shall be $ in. No gasket for use on a manhole or handhole of any boiler shall have a thickness greater than { In. 264 224.) 234 \ 2435252 13 132 151 168 183 197 211 224 235 247 256 267 279 13% 143 164 183 200 216 230 246 258 270 282 293 302 14 155 178 199 217 234 250 266 280 294 305 319 331 144 167 102 mele te O35 el I2b4 mee 287| 303°] 318-] 3338" ocoumooe 15 178 206 231 252 273 291 309 326 343 357 372 386 1516 Siete |e eer 220 | 247 271 291 312 3832 | 350] 368 | 382] 400} 417 Us ened Rei ory ia ace 235 | 263 289 72178128 |Go34 3855 | 874] 394) 411 423 | 443 LODG Ol cere elcaclarein 249 | 281 808 | 332 357 880 | 399 | 420] 486] 457 | 476 aly imbed| eiesil eeepc s 264 | 297 | 826 | 353 | 3878 402 | 425] 447 | 467] 486] 502 pa i ee seca atk 9 re 814 | 345 | 374 | 400 426} 449] 471 494] 516] 536 dhe Wer lh 1 eee hs) Des AL es Mek 331 865 | 396 | 424 450 | 476 | 500] 520] 543] 564 node oad PRA bare eeadig Rf ae 349, | 384 | 417 | 448 476} 501 526 | 552] 577) 598 Oe Ree tA eee (ee 366 | 404 | 4389 | 470 500 | 529 | 555} 580] 604] 6381 1916 tap see | svete [Senne s 384 {424 | 461 496 528 | 558 | 584] 613] 641 663 74.0 art Rea A aah aed CLAM 401 444 | 483 519 552 | 583 | 613 | 642] 667] 699 QO |i se OR Oe Seen 464 505 | 543 578 | 613 | 643 | 675 | 706| 729 PA Nana Tino Aas ae eal ee aie hd 9 Al 485 | 528 568 604 | 640 | 673 | 705} 733] 766 DUG Tee cael soak aie tae arma ae 505 | 551 594 632 | 669 | 703 | 739 | 766] 797 DD cated et Let cert Heo ae eee ae 526 | 574 | 618 658 | 697 | 734 769 | 800 | 835 PPR CAR A A teal al babies irae arn Neda ES ve ie. ue 597 | 643 687 | 726] 765] 800] 835] 867 75 a Ting Re, 8 Usa bis | SRG PLS PASS ESP 620 | 668 713 | 754 | 796 | 830} 869} 906 Pa Re ai PEG eg Cae tig Bieay AL sir) i te x ate ki Ne 642 | 695 ae 784 | 827 | 866] 904] 945 DA ewe ae be cere si eee Ras ener SRR wre 667 719 768 | 814 | 859 | 897] 939] 978 DETERS Sr ena tell te Sit cehe Timea N'| tem ae 689 745 797 | 843 | 892 | 934] 975] 1018 RPC Pay a8 em pad eeepc esr Pies OY Li 714 771 825 | 875 | 922 |] 966 | 1010 | 1051 ZO LG Wilbert ese Lee bete ae rot co] Meyer chen eaape 737 =| 798 855 | 907} 956 | 1003 | 1047 | 1092 26 ile dil ieas & |Site tel setts Bee aneevenend eat pase 761 824 882 | 9386 | 987 | 1035 | 1083 | 1126 26147 Eee hee ee loka aloe Peel soc ee 850 909 | 968 | 1024 | 1073 | 1120 | 1167 27 intel ep nee le ehme ic Licatsce sce PReRmer eed Lileks eoanctt 2 eee 877 939 | 998 | 1053 | 1106 | 1157 | 1202 PUY OM) WO: anil pe rae grey Pee FC My MVR REA LS 904 968 | 1030 | 1089 | 1145 | 1195 | 1243 Sante pel ae ceo | Siktaen te ase eene tees oes Sa 930 997 | 1060 | 1120 | 1177 | 1232 | 1279 28 3G cl saeestelae ees Glave ets CROC ree lec oie Le Eons 1028 | 1092 | 1157 | 1211 | 1270 | 1321 p74.) Mii i RRL GP Bar eA 0 AN Ba eg DS | 1056 | 1123°| 1187 | 1248 | 1305 | 1360 ORG ml baart lovee |<. «ees Leen ed tenes || Se ee 1084 | 1155 | 1221 | 1284 | 1847 | 1400 SO ART harap eee eusia ca eel le Meese Soler ih 1 coe bee eRe 1115 | 1187 | 1255 | 1321 | 1382 | 1442 1 OB 2 Salim hegre en ech Mamet: Meee ere ra Mare al Cae eae PH memati A 1218 | 1290 | 1358 } 1424 | 1480 So Al ak BSL RS AR GAS ROS yh Penta pa ctoul a AE TM ea RU A 1252 | 1324 | 1394 | 1459 | 1523 aU TaN bined Bice ol ee cas pees Me Pe a eke ctl eg RR Me acre 1286 | 1359 | 1433 | 1496 | 1561 32. = Nate hils sale eh oes ls weed ete ade ed cians duerec She CARMEN rete ate oil eee eee 1317 | 1394 | 1467 | 1538 | 1608 BQ iW isleate ie bale ce tata elle oie eo CTL Tabb Rea cece tes] ne RUGRIIMMA | nee geet] laa Re ear 1430 | 1508 | 1575 | 1650 BS. basatwte |e: ccotctanell ee yren’s 1 Ribmonete. ilies toe tate ted 7 UO Ried] eee to oT ays) enema ee 1465 | 1542 | 1617 | 1687 = BD COPE CTEM Uae OE RESUME © me a HS 0 ON I a pe 1500 | 1578 | 1655 | 1733 a ee PRS ER He RA Miata Mee eC Raab iy Grea RNR. he ka 1536 | 1617 | 1695 | 1770 Ee es artsy Caer) MP mER NS mi Ae Pr lteg: Bock ptac’ | fac OY Ream Mme de EE 1654 | 1735 | 1816 BOA Pcie vessl| weebiote tile) Sete eos Lalmeme rete fcr cantae atl hee) at ORM a piigecite C2) CTs aaa apa | a 1692 | 1775 | 1856 16 Far] Re SRS 9 PSP Sm | STR T Fl ee e h 1810 | 1900 LUI § Papeete ume st a ara Park Arima Se ie Mirage oy POOL LD, eer ea A eS keh oo] Ree 1857 | 1941 OGG” Jaina. fonceees cfsceies eget Lees ETE Reel ne eet Ved ek eee Ace eee 1984 SY Mea PEL PaaS Prerermrs Fata Ary Mmm cn BCG 5 oy Ce Ee NR eau Aeys sh 2026 109 SAFETY VALVES 421 Method of Computing Discharge Capacity. The required discharge capacity of a safety valve or valves for a boiler may be based either on the heat units in the fuel consumed or on the amount of steam generated. The number of heat units that each safety valve will handle, for valves of the ordinary types in which the discharge capacity is pro- portioned to the lift, may be obtained as follows: U = 161,000X PX DXL for bevel seats at 45 deg. U = 227,500X PX DXL for flat seats. The amount of steam that a valve will discharge may be found as follows: ~W =110X PXDXL for bevel seats at 45 deg. W = 155X PX DXL for flat seats. where U —number of heat units per hour that a safety valve will handle, B. t. u. : W = quantity of steam that a safety valve will handle per hour lb. P = absolute boiler pressure or gage pressure plus 14.7 lb. per sq. in. D = inside diameter of valve seat, in. L = vertical lift of valve disc, measured with 3 per cent excess pressure, In. METHOD OF CHECKING THE SAFETY VALVE CAPACITY BY MEASURING THE Maximum AMOUNT or FUEL THAT CAN BE BURNED 422 The maximum quantity of fuel C that can be burned per hour at the time of maximum forcing is determined by a test. The maximum number of heat units per hour, or CXH is then determined, using the values of H given in Par. 427. The weight of steam generated per hour is found by the formula: CXHX0.75 W fee ee 1,100 The sum of the safety valve capacities marked on the valves shall be equal to or greater than W. 110 423 Hzxample 1: A boiler at the time of maximum forcing uses 2150 lb. of Illinois coal per hour of 12,100 B. t. u. per lb. Boiler pressure, 225 lb. per sq. in. gage. CXH = 2150 12,100 = 26,015,000 W =CXHx0.75 — 1100 = 17,740 A 3% in. bevel seated valve with 0.11 in. lift would discharge in heat units. U = 161,000 239.7 X34 X0.11 = 14,858,000 and in weight of steam W = 110X239.7X33X0.11 — 10,150 From which it can be seen that either method indicates that two such valves will give the proper relieving capacity. 424 Example 2: Wood shavings of heat of combustion of 6400 B. t. u. per lb. are burned under a boiler at the maximum rate of 2000 Ib. per hour. Boiler pressure, 100 Ib. per sq. in. gage. CX H = 2000 X 6400 = 12,800,000 W =CXHX0.75 + 1100 = 8730 A bevel seated 35 in. valve is marked by the manufacturer 0.11 in. lift and discharge capacity for 100 lb. pressure == 4840 Ib.; hence two such valves would be required. 425 Haample 3: An oil-fired boiler at maximum forcing uses 1000 Ib. of crude oil (Texas) per hour. Boiler pressure, 275 lb. per Sq. In. gage. CX H = 1000 18,500 — 18,500,000 W =CXHX0.75 + 1100 — 12,620 A bevel seated 25 in. valve is marked by the manufacturer 0.08 in. lift and discharge capacity for 275 lb. pressure = 6350 lb.; hence two such valves would be required. 3 426 Hxample 4: A boiler fired with natural gas consumes 3000 cu. ft. per hour. The working pressure is 150 lb. per sq. in. Bae. CXH = 3000 X 960 = 2,880,000 W =CXHX0.75 + 1100 = 1960 111 A bevel seated 2 in. valve is marked by the manufacturer 0.07 in. lift and discharge capacity for 150 lb. pressure = 2500 Ib.; hence one such valve would be required. 427 For the purpose of checking the safety valve capacity as described in Par. 422, the following values of heats of combustion of various fuels may be used: Ha—Bet. Us per lb. mre eM GUIIIECS COAL ah ory wie Uti als He Uae Oe be GP areata 14,500 Pee ICN Gee te rei cole cata ve AG. SEI ott Rs ial ak NS ily ees 13,700 ee Ie acre Gaara Sees Mae RE OS a ee ot a Pe ae naa 12,500 SPAS | oi oie eel TE Mia sak Ee acai i On ra ntGe Me OL ae Ne aie ame SY Sno LO a 13,500 Perera Or sort. Kiln Pied | cee y Vane i kts Me oe de Gack POR a BE 7,700 Pea nara soln ait Gried ole kee) oes Ye Ee het 6,200 WY OUC SHBWINES ee. ee L, ROME Gt ao ata 3/2 duaeemrne Ter ral Stee. be 6,400 Peat, air dried, 25 per cent moisture...... Pa ial drs sensor eae nay emu ure 2 abuts 7,500 Tip LSPs SE ole oe i a ent aE eC A STR Famer gee AN Re yg ES Aas Se 10,000 Pe OrISC Lees sc y Cee irk Mra desk Sed ROPE ia ticeel ic tt ut Rea a Ta 32 Gotan 20 , 000 Peeroreureciine Ol, Penne). wos ree is Oe NU ae aes 20,700 Beeercletiam crue Ol EHS or Pret he ee tL Os WESC aie. 18,500 HB. teu: per cu. ft. DR REAR or le Te slg is hee Vogt sss te wines see Fe sy animes <8 960 Re rate Ane ee Ee ci Nee ea bey Lees} ole ale aut cameos 100 ORE ne es TM ee gt a Es sb Es bee Lae ada 8 150 Reber Mie, MACATOUICLLOU as cole beac pose soc ec eid ele die ed ced ped atedale 290 112 “@AISN[OUL “Ul OOT OF ‘Ul ZE SeZTS 1OJ S3NU 10} poi0g yods eq 0} seZuvyqT *soqOUSIA 490x008 YWIM dn peynd ApJUsTUaAUOD 9q UB ‘UI OOT 0} ‘UI Bp sozIs odid Io} synu [euosexeyT + ‘spay jO USISep UINUITUTU Jo seyous1M uedo yytM dn pend A]}UeTMeA UO oq UBD ‘UT OF 0} “Ul [ sozIs odid 10j synu [euOZexeFT ‘ALOPOVjHYVS SI PUS YOU 4B 4YNU B YIM pNjs JosIv] Pus IoJOUIVIP “UI 8¢[ ‘pepusUIUIODEI oIs S}NU [eUOSexXeY YIIM s}]oq pvey sienbg "BOZIS 9DIB][ 10} ZUIZ[Oq UO posN sq 0} YOUSIM xog ‘oUII} JUaseId OY} 4% OZIS ‘UI-Eg 04} puosdg pud}x9 JOU Op s[RIOIVT *BUIYSVO B1OJod su19}}6d UI sIDTBMOT -[@ 9[QBIINS OFVUI [TM SIOINZOVNUBUT AIVSsad9 SIOYAA “SUOISUDUIIP POYSTUY sv} OF GOV} IOJ PUB DOVJ 0} J0}U9D IOJ GIB UDAIZ SOINBTY—:SaLON SET TAR Ie WLS eeT el Set ee eel el AT eT ee Bb Toteeeeeeee ss «pod Jo ssouHorg} [eJoUr WINUITUTTAT SET [4I 841 [Se [BGT [Set (AT [41 [AT [840 [AT LAT IAT AL AI IST] OT” Sr bcies big etre Ree "**"* “gq]oq Jo 1azoUrBIG, FF}_ OF_ OF 98] 98] ZEl_ ZEl TE 82 82} Sal_ Fe] O02 02 OZ_ 9T|_ 91°" °° ** Rs ERS See ee oN On ecae 8}]0q JO “ON 9S] ec] Ye lel GF MA LP ASH esr 0H A8s) 98] PElYelslet16c 422] SelweeclAls Serres eee seers ss* © sora 4]oq Jo JoyoureIg VES tS 1860 (846 [HS |2e0 [242 Ate [Hs [84% [ES | Os BT AE ET PET ET fc Beis aN ee ae esuvy JO ssouyoryL, Helse Aee| Eeseos vest, oF ech elh Mese|Hoe HrEl csel16e| 22] Szisre fe ages EE ES ot * RUBY To 1eteUrsicy 8h] 9F FF Ch OF SE OE} FE SE OF] SZ 9a Fe ZZ OZ GT| Sl cc ttt ees eraONpor ooKy 0} SORT 8 a) sete acip'a, 60 o 6. e[teliamve}\e\.ehelie fie ete) isle w 610} « 0:.0-ra le! ,6) a iw O1l%6 6 6 348 8 ii 249 PAs WRENS S pase Orc ten mnaisa ae Sora cie oe St OO NOT TOGO) a SSPE 0G S.C APOC KS Carcany FE SEC a) CY OCT eee 61% OF Pr HOH LE ce Ze oe wee eerone NES 88 Raa Berens idikione > rs.<" SS OORS OF TOMO a DB arena.l 6.6, 00.08 wil Che) ©. 6110.0 /0 BL.e 0:6 (81m le" A)1 01,018 68 ee) 61s: 6¢ 9¢ €c\% 6F OF SF GE 57 OG CS Fees See ee Ee A TE IOI By OIBs OF GGT a Pomc kal tary Oal 6ll- Sl Zi, OUST sh CT) Tipe OUSE6 [54 S- (Sin aca eee Ras ge napa meen BT]9 “Sop-cH JO dovy OF I09UOD 0 F919] 6S\549S] FSIS{IS| GFXOF FPHSTIF GEl%tOE! 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A1 OL eee. 8 0. 0 le. snimie, louie, @).\9: lee. eee hertets* OORT fon 193u99 ¥ CT al re | ZI ja OL 6 8 op, Ll Cray Cet fe fer Ser Were esr ©. 0 ace) 6) wiles 2s le eliaileheria oO Q0By 0} 2087 ¥-V Se) AP le ote ke teas | oo ee ot (0¢ ‘Id AUS) SUZIS LHDIVULS ‘SONILLIG AONV 1d CUVGNVAS ‘NI ‘OS Udd AAASSAUd ONIMUOM “AT-S2l GUVANVLS NVOINANWY St HIaEaViL 113 “208 PISTBI SIPN[OUT 9[GByz UI UIAIZ sesuey Jo ssauyHory, ‘syn 1oj pelog 40ds aq 0} sesuvT fal KR 9q 04 998} PasIvI PUB SoTOY 40d JO sespea episul UseAjzoq GOUBISICGE ‘BoyOuUsIM 4aHO08 yt dn pend A],USTUsAMOD 9q UVO “Ul BF O} “UL BT SozI8 edid 103 Bynu TeNOZereyy ‘spvey fo uswep wnNurrurur jo soysuSIA YIM dn paynd AT}UaTMaATOD oq UBD “Ul QT O} “UT T S9ZI8 edid 10; s3nu [vuosexreyy *£10}0BJSIYBS SI PUS FOCI 4B YNU B YIM PNys JOZIV] PU IOJOUIVIP “Ul 8<[ ‘“pepuoUIUIODEI o1¥ S}NU [BVUOsexXOY YIM 8}[0q pvoy eienbg ‘SOZIS OB1IV] 10} BUI[OG UO pesN oq 0} YousIM KOg ‘oUIT} JUaseId 04} 4B OZIS “UI FZ OY} PUOASG PUSzXO 4OU OP s[RI9}V'T *BUI}SBO SIOJOq sui94}¥ed UT BOOUBAOTIE o[qVIMs oYVUr [IM sIoINpOVMUCUL AIvss900U SIO AA ‘SUOISUIUITP poysTUy oovy 0} OBJ IOJ PUB OOVJ 0} 19}T99 Oj OIG USAID HOINST J—: SALON SOLS HES UtS Pe Guo les 116 (TC |. 6 joel etl [Cok Mel ott Sel AL | 8 Apoq Jo ssouyory} [BJO WMNUITUTIY Sie amore Ph oc Hetl ere ek eal ela (os el eel el A Pela ee Ss SEM BY Od $0 LO; OUIB ICL OF OF 9S} 9E]_ 98] ZEl ZE]_ 8z]_ 8Z_ 82] 82_ Sz] F2|_ Fe FS|_ FZ] Ot) ° 7”! 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[BOUL UINUITUTAT PEL erat eda er Ve een |e ie oe eo 84) Ite EL | ee hee ect eel OZ ice UL Sueeseeel| oll Cll8 |.8 128 |S | 28 ear PrP ee ee eee a s}]0q Jo JequInN SEIZ|MOSWLTMST_ FI] ST\SZI 1/4016 [248 |92L IAL |849 [82S |G ah |Mee [AE |! 2S 27 SOO FOG Jo" teyOUrvICT APE Cea (el oak Stl Leer EAL Pe Led [ved 122 lth ee Be ees ce esuBpy JO ssouyory L, HAPs SziSO7 42191] SI] PSI} IT%O1| OT] 6 [As |%2|H9}] 9} SIAP SE RS oh Ae LI QI FI ZI “LI Il OL 6 8 ey, 2 49 9 eee ele ee ole ew wole cs cleceele ee esr rere eece Oe eee ors . reonpel 908} 04 9087 D Kio %9 9 Ie ¢ c UP P te ae ¢ rs @ |8z Sz \%z Kz g. [rei Mewieviate! suelo Meets rok sees +++ +g1B1098] ‘aouy 04 1090197) a ee} telSezzl_ FalS4zziS407|_ 61/S421|_ SIlSPl|seellsect] ITSO] 6 [818 |M2 [849 | sper078T 808s 09 Lo}ua) a 5468/24 26/84 88/5460] °120|9492| A Ss|AIS/A81| SIMONA) PI] STII] T1346 [218 | B[BIO}V] ‘99BJ 0} 00BT a 6 481 Se LO | 9:1. -9 1849 |--9 15th [a9 [le 28. S48 | Seen PS | eel S0p Gy J0.008) OF tere 6) Yezl12| |rlSorlMer] FPIMst/s<11|Morls46 | 6 |S Vez | 2 149) 9 9) Fi. 66111277 SMe super Sao] Jo ows 09 JOPTO:) gq Sect OH) Olioe LUMOH .OTf 6 (4G: Sets 1a kD | 98S: | Ste ae a Pl ec ee ea Vv TO). Ob OE S71 TS) Od < ST) ZU So SUELO VET) CUPU LEO WO ors ae Och ioe ok cma 908} 0} 008 v-V SE) PL | Shb0r 1 6-1 89] 2 O18. (HIP [hie] © Ante aed ' 9218 (0g ‘DIA TAS) SAZIS LADIVULS ‘SONILLIA AONV1A AAVEH VULXE “NI ‘OS UAd AUOSSAUd ONIMUOM “AT-092 ‘CUVANV.LS NVOIdGAY 9l AIAVL dal LAILAO sais 114 TIS Gb OT ONV CT SaTavy, NI GANOISNANIG SONLLILT GNVIT JO SAAT, CUVANVIG Of ‘DI Y39NdSY SIYINI993 YS9NGaYN T13 SNIGVY 9NOT AWYALVI re eh ie Ke---- a3aL daams a1anodd ZaL daamMs STONIS 13 LAILANO 3als T14 HONVUG 31EN0d T14 006 eis: FusIsLE Priuas 428 Fusible plugs, if used, shall be filled with tin with a melting point between 400 and 500 deg. fahr. 429 ‘The least diameter of fusible metal shall be not less than 4% in., except for maximum allowable working pressures of over 175 Ib. per sq. in. or when it is necessary to place a fusible plug in a tube, in which case the least diameter of fusible metal shall be not less than 32 in. 430 Each boiler may have one or more fusible plugs located at the lowest permissible water level as follows: a In Horizontal Return Tubular Boilers—in the rear head, not less than 2 in. above the upper row of tubes, the meas- urement to be taken from the line of the upper surface of tubes to the center of the plug, and projecting through the sheet not less than 1 in. 6 In Horizontal Flue Boilers—in the rear head, on a line with the highest part of the boiler exposed to the products of combustion, and projecting through the sheet not less than 1 in. . ce In Traction, Portable or Stationary Boilers of the Loco- motive Type or Star Water Tube Boilers—in the highest part of the crown sheet, and projecting through the sheet not less than 1 in. | d In Vertical Fire-tube Boilers—in an outside tube, not less than one-third the length of the tube above the lower tube sheet. e In Vertical Fire-tube Boilers, ‘Corliss Type—in a tube, not less than one-third the length of the tube above the lower tube sheet. f In Vertical Submerged Tube Boilers—in the upper tube sheet, and projecting through the sheet not less than 1 in. g In Water-tube Boilers, Horizontal Drums, Babcock & Wilcox Type—in the upper drum, not less than 6 in. above the bottom of the drum, over the first pass of the products of combustion, and projecting through the sheet not less than 1 in. h In Stirling Boilers, Standard Type—in the front side of the middle drum, not less than 4 in. above the bottom of the drum, and projecting through the sheet not less than Apia 116 + In Stirling Boilers, Superheater T'ype—in the front drum, not less than 6 in. above the bottom of the drum, exposed to the products of combustion, and projecting through the sheet not less than 1 in. j In Water-tube Boilers, Heine Type—in the front course of the drum, not less than 6 in. above the bottom of the drum, and projecting through the sheet not less than 1 in. k In Robb-Mumford Boilers, Standard Type—in the bottom of the steam and water drum, 24 in. from the center of the rear neck, and projecting through the sheet not less than 1 in. ~ In Water-tube Boilers, Almy Type—in a tube or fitting ex- posed to the products of combustion. m In Vertical Boilers, Climax or Hazelton Type—in a tube or center drum not less than one-half the height. of the shell, measuring from the lowest circumferential seam. m In Cahall Vertical Water-tube Boilers—in the inner sheet of the top drum, not less than 6 in. above the upper tube sheet, and projecting through the sheet not less than 1 in. o In Wickes Vertical Water-tube Boilers—in the shell of the top drum and not less than 6 in. above the upper tube sheet, and projecting through the sheet not less than 1 in. ; so located as to be at the front of the boiler and exposed to the first pass of the products of combustion. p In Scotch Marine Type Boilers—in the combustion chamber top, and projecting through the shect not less than 1 in. q In Dry Back Scotch Type Boilers—in the rear head, not less than 2 in. above the upper row of tubes, and projecting through the sheet not less than 1 in. r¢ In Economic Type Boilers—in the rear head, above the upper row of tubes. s In Cast-Iron Sectional Heating Boilers—in a section over and in direct contact with the products of combustion in the primary combustion chamber. t In Water-tube Boilers, Worthington Type—in the front side of the steam and water drum, not less than 4 in. above the ~ bottom of the drum, and projecting through the sheet not less than 1 in. | u For other types and new designs, fusible plugs shall be placed at the lowest permissible water level, in the direct path of the products of combustion, as near the primary eom- bustion chamber as possible. 117 » Wire Engine Boilers are not usually supplied with fusible plugs. Unless special provision is made to keep the water above the fire box crown sheet other than by the natural water level, the lowest permissible water level shall be at least 3 in. above the top of the fire box crown sheet. INDEX TO RULES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STATIONARY BOILERS AND FOR ALLOWABLE WORKING PRESSURES INDEX TO ComPLETE RULES.....:...........055 oP RMR Pan Pe rit RTL tee Meech CEN Ae ihaged Cheeta ae 121 INDEX TO COMPLETE RULES loads on stays, table of PCL STON GA VS MEMrer mena atn rater ery aie etn ha etcr at WPS eds cc Quy ean Cee oe Somes ony stress on stays and StSy=DOLL een intia sole te shaker a shone is teed teas 1S WOLmneipressure, Neate WOlers sess lol. Gps Ao a ome hee ee Le Gee working pressure, existing installations working pressure, existing installations, heating boilers working pressure, power boilers AME UGL ENE AL OS Ne: ter MUU nko a tyes Lyrae Ne 2 ke ictascesey Sus a cheats: ek uate Angies on h.r.t. boiler heads, 36 in. or less diameter Area, grate surface, table to determine size of safety valves of grate surfaces for direct spring-loaded safety valves ec eee eee eae of grate surfaces other than direct spring-loaded safety valves............ segments, formula for segments of heads to be stayed ORS (Hol Eyed eta). UR Usa ee Men Ree oe AE AT COE RE to be stayed in heads to be stayed in heads having manhole Automatic shut-off valves Back pitch of riveted joints Bars, steel for boiler parts steel, specifications for refined iron, specifications for we, ) (k, 8 eecundh sities ie! wile) ef ie) Gye ley @iisaiay 8,96 a) 5) 6: heute Sl inte aley a Pile siceteree, & Braces, diameter of pins, area of rivets in and design of crowfeetfor.......... made of steel plate Pusvele tbe el Vise elie eb bar a Me lbrel Mie, Bent op a lb hp a PAGE 82 13-17 PAR. 327-328 370 242 393 281 418-419 419 419 209 220 338-340 378-384 383 179-180 362 225-229 356 217 214 214-217 218 292 303 182 6 64-76 151-163 250 281 309-311 401-403 364 307-313 401-405 364 311 333 334 315 23-39 332 326 369 199-233 418 223 5 122 \ Braces— Continued arias made of steel plate (gussets)........ Dee Cramton, eis a ne 61 spacing bet weed... Sake ste ae agus, so taeee cee too hc ee 53 steel bars TOs, sepe os itehg rele Sein Se Rie eee Woe ioig okie «si eibters Sea eae eee 9 when welded) 0h. Cae ee Sees eee ei hatevcen Meatebauete, che eobne sede cee Nena ore 9 ‘Brackets; /to/support |b: buDOtlers ss a. 2 bis csi Galen wert cie is ete Shee ee 82 Brown LUPNACESs Fy Le ee aee eM ees oa ole omens cabo Nodeccb elles eto ok nals ee ce rn 67-68 Bt Of Various fUGIs os me pase tes ica ere eles | RACE acter a ailarpkd cee ee eee 111 Butt and double-strap joint double riveted......... Rhee halle Oe, his tanet ec AE Moos ia ny Uieletie-< ic te open eae et in enone 99 triple THVet] ors asst eiieiaie eee k SI eee reac rete eo edel sue Hae here tae ee oe en 100 quadrupleiriveted sence wae see rao ices POMP CMG rsa YE a A uss. 101 Guin tuple riveted ys sie Gey wre sese as eee elas Folie enabled he ta Mei te eames oe poet Cee 103 Butt straps, tables of minimum thicknesses of. ............-..---. 2 see eee cece 11 straps, to be rolled or formed................ i Lelie Alea ERS See eT 48 straps;of equal: width. 02. ey eS ese eis ec eee ee oe ee eee 105 SETAE, BAW: COOL a ers sires tee cals, sunie he oie. abrir le dene ete ae anerianatts e sin cee See 105 C Calking yt eerie eek 2 SRS SR sae ae a WEN aYy Sc Lee ote Cee Te tae Reema eee 70 Capacity of safety valves examples.of checking seta ace sein ia tieke einiet Gleiete sicleidl start ee eeee ea Rene eee 110 method ‘of checking 4 tes 2205 bbe) a RC yeh oh tere oe ea ae ee ea 109-111 method of checking (existing installations)...............ce2eeeeeeeeees 93 Cast iron (See gray iron castings or malleable castings) for headers) eR ks Bo Ce Sie ORR ne ans coke ee a 69 used ‘with superheated steam. 0. 12 ulm ens isieree ees, «oie s ie rae ae ete 10 boiler; hydrostatic pressure test Of sce et ck ee ie ie eee eee 89 boiler, maximum pressure allowed.on: 22s. s ent eiee ce ee oon eee 90 boiler.section to betestedin dinn ns): io ele ene cele eee 89 headers, maximum pressure allowed on, existing installations............. 92 headers, maximum pressure allowed on, power boilers................-.. 69 headers; tested’ to destruction: {co eee, lars eee eee ue dee eats ee 69 Cast steel (See steel) Castings, specifications for grayuiron +). ose ees ae ce eee ee eee 28-31 specifications for malleable iron... 2 Sacer oe ok ceeds ee ee 31-32 specifications for steely SF s balsa vse apie ete's © bse eis Ree REE i ee re 24-28 certificate of ‘competency 20% Be seksi ile cautions less 4) oteueliel Sian en eye ee Ae ts Channel irons for flat headsy gg eiccci aie csc ere es le ender ee 53 Check. valve'on feed=pipe 3 siivairataaie ter. les SRS. 5 esta etal re enn Cane eee . 80 Check valve on feed-pipe, existing installations....................-2-...-0e- 95 Checking safety valve capacity, method of............... EAR tea nie aioe A 3 109-111 Checking safety valve capacity, method of, existing installations.............. 93 Gireular'furnaces'and! fluessoue ki as sors eae are, «ete Ce cae 65-66 Cireularsmanhole opening: 230s 2. oud is oe ee ce en 70 Crreumferential joints. sce eS Rice Re ee Fn ae ce chap A See 46-47 Cléanout' door in, setting sige scp iesatne nue a eaten ch worden a 82 Cock (See valves, gage cocks, blow-off cocks) Combined ares of safety valves s. ois saeco uieyae ele eee te heehee Ren era 75 Combustion chamber, materials to be used in. .....:.......0..0 000 ce eee cease 9 Combustioniehamber; sling stays ici oie cee ce cere tonaee a ee ee 65 Combustion chamber, tube’sheets of (o 2s sie sie ienste ce pi alle, See ee eee ee 57 steel; for-heating boilers: som sc. os a eee se I ee eee 84 steel; forshells? drums ie Abit. 5 oa ORR es cece eee eee eee 9 steel specifications fOr si. Wek ere sued cos ten eee: oc rete TEL a mEeRERI a a) so) ee eee 13-17 Hanged connections, heating spoilers). 4 cents ete oie are eles aie ene een ee 85 Flanged construction for water leg and door framerings...................-- 10 Hlanges, castaron, ¢hickness Ofci.s...c 0s. see eeene ob kiss Reece & ene 78 Flanges, reinforcing, thickness and material Of....cccccccccccccss ss ceteccees 72 laring oftube endstae ue eic ce ee aia ib oe Cees Cue cet Cee nee 69 Flat surfaces, to be stayed....,..20se+seres ESTER RCE Tihs cia ene Bia, SA chi 2 52 Flat surfaces, to be stayed between tubes and between tubes and ghell.....:.. 56 Blues, circular, pressure allowed OD ao. vere © ale cllereeistere niet ace nck 66 BOX EULMACES i) ceed a i Ss hl Ck NA PI eta. eae ee ee ae 67-68 Fuels; heats‘of combustion ors 2 2 ae. 5 chs oP eee eile ec tee nee 111 Furnace sheets, stamps to be visible on................-...- MR ts 3 5 is 3 82 Furnaces: AGAMBOW TYPE hil vis ao ele cate eee a Ba alles NTRS SE tue [it ciha Crs TOM dct aa ie oe oenenne Rua 67 BROWS ce oe einen ee etre tie ate at ate ed See Pam Tay: A. LEN ee a Ea 67 Grr Gular AiUesie 2s, 6 ecards eet ds devo scus, Palle Ae fc UR Oiee cld aS eee ne a enero 66 OTT UALS oa se ih hate Neat cue eee ae eel a ALG ete Ts eee CESS PEED TAL tet een Se Dee ne 67 FOX ee i Se Sa bee Mea fe corti en Oe ae ced Sak, oe 67 internal cylindrical, staying Olsen. unseen eel ce ee ct een 55 heeds suspension bulb. kaise iG ee eh ce oe ees sian eee Cn rene 67 IMALEP UAL OL iN eile, Fete Obs 8b HRP ITT Ore ctne an Oree ne ee 9 IVE OT ISON ji scate fetes 38 siete l ach oashel's ft RUST GL a fo ea eeeee elcig lt cyte ate cs ean ee 67 Dain’ Cire lar NAc, eles cele aay Cake SPR Ie ee Renee NOI etc aa he OV Neo 65-66 Purves cei, ee Pe oe oie eo a bee Rae te ee neta ie cc nieces ula oer 67 thickness of Corrugatedorribbed aise ancien temicr 7 le lee miniesaenee neti 68 Ver tics: DoOikers (24.8 cay sockets ware ee ee es erates eae TEES Oe ee cat Cane era 65 Frysible plugger hain ow ccc eee slatainl 4d a cteee Mase Mbcee Rew hue eel ee ial netven a Geie Mica eae nea eee 115 Fusible plugs; location Of, s,s sis4064 qeniiares 6 nibh Fa os sls Sb eiele Aah eis AEM ‘ 115 194 379 180 381 340 314 317 314-318 406 315 316 295 318 2 23-39 312 264 22 327-328 395-407 364-368. 299-322 218 337 3 23-39 346 13 299 268 251 199 216 241 243-244 427 331 242 243 241 243 243 212 243 2 243 239-240 243 244 237-238 428-430 430 G om PAGB PAR, fe prk UALCUIR TS Vedat 5 8) OO eae ea ee Sig pee) Sree EP eR RE SP Oe 88 362 BOcKawexisting instal lationsyk eweiscy jodie a ioeedeie a wader oe ete 94 396 ROcksaien ting DOMES + 4 RCE eile Sucks eae alco, Ha Ree bie etn ue ates 89 367 SOUT WET OM GTS aay etek ceRen Van oes rails) sisies< slow cvoge Lelede nee Radeon hc on chase Sueno eee ie 77 =—.294 MAESCUOMS, COUN COTLOM POLS. hati varteats eaciv ye oan TR ee eit Pade eae ae 78 298 steam and connections, existing installations. ................... 000000. 94 398 Steam and, connections; heating boilers’ o\...j.cc00. a.) eats as ete Saeiae Wales 88 361 Stenlm avid COnnectloOns;. POWer DGllers > , Al isns wishes eis wclo sabloisie sc a cette 77 296 PEER TUN ECLA TO LM heen ey SPAN TS ar ao se oc NST oy eb sia ee UAT ee OL IAN Oey Ses ok 78 297 WHO sass PEXIStiN® INStallations so.sye.sc wlodoctys doled speycdaves sue a.svefeiirenc stereo le Vistas 94 395-396 LET a Soe NOR LITO: DOMELS hte .leioetavciai ais oaks ea atrenteoy aot ye ooeaie ee ee 89 366 EAL ON MAAS SHO WEL DOLLIES. «.}oithd dover tac ue ei coe Nee obo issn cc ees Ree 77 =291-295 easincd DolersvEately. Valves LOD... iii 6 Lniy Ge Rita ae, 88 360 KANC OMSL AV SeANC CrO WIL DATS. so. i ee Gaede Gite aU Pee BL BEL Sees hg alee eA 62 230 Gilobesvalyesmnot: to:be used, on, blow-off 3. 6% bs eas yey ee ty ae bo siGe ese shane eae 79 ~=6308 Rem OLT TOPCO as aie a leste ces eee aa sda sg sean Ses Sy ale Cale ee be 80 6314 Gratesurtace, table-of, 1orisatety. Valves... co. ss fee. oe cir od) severe eles a ds weerslolt late 87 358 Gravgironicastines, SpeciucatiOns fOr: = sik in ccjon ee ck aye tics oslo. vices Shans oe ehteore 28-31 95--110 Gillsse rE BUAV ATES CTESSESIETIN ciuehiss cic cry a Sine ae Siete EDLs Maes sl duaieaee oka ie aides 58-61 221-224 H Be ariciiitie Hauer ae TAA Cera) tes 5 oo, ok os ae aw Aba eG a RO un Fancy oa eR OKs 9 i) ae eee a Were Pt Lena Gis Aes ele toate hte Nha 5S hie est ha dnd auata Dare orn 72 264 MERRILL EVDO OHERUe yr eeiedt 2 6 Lacs Aven och Sauda we baa ae eoe’e 72 = =265 Me MeKtica Mur Creno ine. DOMES syle. fo oul eco ote Meg Lake Lue (2 26K imevonticalmaireitibe Doiersn. sso eee wn oe gs Sa oe e wees can led iane boas 72 266 EISaers castro, jexistinm installations... <4 0% n/a ruts ssh se ee c's Pee cla Same 92 382 PS PIE TIRING WALOL LETS areas terd ster yates re) cvaleta a Aye arkhat eps Shape atare edt Seder: rhe 69 245 MsirPOne DT esatre AlOWEG Ol oo soos ich Ss des sy sk Se ones fuldw oe basing oe 69 245-247 BieeeeOrerUAtTS. TUAteTIC OF. okt ks aby ols pa Rhee eae pase wats 10 9 Headseangles fon staying upper segments. 4.05. ili sissicAwes Sele e sts see babes . 61-62 225-229 POT eee CSCO OG SEA MOG. al tamil ge cats © adie «bk a snaie Gis wacsidie se aa lets 56 213-214 yh alee area ol segments to.pe stayed, tablefer) (50. eed ie aoc bs oe pda pines 107 420 GV EXP MOREOM CAVE ete 6 cet RPRTUS eer fells oy... x a 'eraaniel bean Revecgrl ws afore wa ahee 51 195-198 BPEMIGMCSLOMLATCAatlOr De SLAYVCO eat orem ni 24's Sadie oye oes oe aelsiwe Sake 56 213-214 / SYK RAE stamps to be visible...... Nene PLES. | cae ape tied Ee Stents ee 82 331 BERET CTE OT eMC ie PER Cte os, «cars test SEA Woe vs. PRA oh wate CWciuma aver ee 538 201 llesy nla ges OLer arin aay eee ere oc casks Teh a oear es. «.s shcb sen SMe hi we las bogus dacalas adore, weld 84-90 335-377 HMeatie DOlersnexistin ge IneballatlONSeci. wea «<4 so ace wcities Qa oe atetrale sete 92 383-384 Heating boilers, to which the rules of power boilers shall apply........ Jus eivee 84 335 Hert omcombustionor various fuels.» ai.cceisis: oc sw Setaeks oe dene oben cas Tile 42a WAAC REO TATA CURSEN See Oe arnt hese cet Re ice eels ‘su acala el oranetal aceite as tae 70 86254 FMEA CL OWES GAYS ene ca tees eA IRIEae ei cso eo ERS e ale oka hues ghotees tee 55 210 REV AeHAOUUT EAT DOLECES Ue Ae meisiy f+ is © slblelergte oe sop tele wala sos Ge 85 345 FOL AW US-OUL MO OWL DOLLS i ieesie aie cyte. fe « cdc aecdle arr eracgrtis Pal < hale ase 72 265-267 Horizontal return tubular boilers: PORATION TOb ewe Lely CISCHAT LCi ek) osc enon foie craig wa bare a eels Mint cera orth os ak ace 80 315 honpitucdinal joints, to ba.above fire line. oo. o/s jes har Se mks vie ele Gave nec 47 189 manhole below tubes...... DE trl eee Le nr ee Rae ane PL 42) 264 LARIAT LET COL | OLIUMIIMY cn tins cei dk bale on D able te Seae ele wil ceidiete Cie 47 190 AMG h HOUEO TATE DOOLUIR ot. ree eat ares cle a Mn ic, oe NR ath og eae ol wera 81 323-324 SAVIN CGHeAUSOLAOOVITIFON leds Wer Aeene else sac Ake eels MU eee de aw ie selon 61 225 WHLCTACO IMO CONE CCIONS Snel ieee | is s/steeha's jduisl giant aieneies ce ata anes 81 320 ALCL UO Or seerrann Mau mic re ict hael eee eae ota ociieid c USTe eo) sue, Seema otenetoneuse o clucrite 84-90 335-377 Hydrostatic pressure test RAAT OI, HEA CL anti aWartsa shen to eae Re Ta coals el ot, chee Oe eee cee hae Pes aes at ra 69 247 rere LUE OTL OTA wane wR SRE tela aes ihe ahaa coh coe Potato dds shantoietiva otatenone: sree cee 89-90 372-374 EDO ors mene tL oS EEA er ee ee SEA Me ORR. AS Soar castek eo cate ES ae Cl 96 408-409 PMV CTALIUOL SME Ac) rot enter taa., hers Cover soettt ck Laccettoe Goethe ane si) &origalh Sua © Meee eis © 82 329-330 GHAneGLONaOr Castaron DOller Ms, | atinractilew eon wteiae ce Maa are wilt cic eledti ens 89 372 [ PAGER Inspection at shop, heating boilers. ; 2.02 <:5,->'s +> eae +s cirls » > + + = > + ee Cee 90 Inspection ot steam: boilers, fee ve ce eek eae lon ns le ee ehe eee win « 0)'s) oe RN ae 4 Ingpection by insurance Gompany (2.4.05 sos cee estes oe bs coo be EE 5 Inspector's test gage connection , i 2 i... os ssa cele aes sins Soe si so eee 78 Inspirator or injector, used to feed boiler. ...............-.cecececccncccecs 81 Insulating material, not to cover boiler stampS............-.0-.eeeeceeseees 83 internal pipe; in steam space. ..u On ena ann eee 47 longitudinal or circumferential, single riveted..................cc0e-eeee 98 longitudinal or circumferential, double riveted.................-2eceeeee 98 LONPILUGINA COMES Maen st shail aaa 3 te ee gon aya, a 50 longitueinal hotrwater oOllers.i.c.. een Ree ee ee Co! oes = 85 longitudinal (ap cracks :j0 wi bes ws yee cle as oA ea Biers ee ee Me ae ee r 92 longitudinal steam heatine boilers: ssn eck oe ee Oe eee ES Lap weided tubes, specifications for 2.0 ii. sca ee wor eles s wat bee ES 45 LStGhes; WOOT ih ks ven Kosten ute ia wae siete laaea alee eyes ON stan vncn i (eyOie aban BRECK ere . 82 PAR, 375 298 318 334 290 139-150 121-138 16 7 139-150 385 13 181-191 344 186 127 PAGD Laying out shell plates, furnace sheets and heads................0.0ceeeeee. 82 GoM ERD GMelOMt Onl ut UITTA GOR Neils ro.« a5a/d:. a ee ainiedloreseee on ck owed ett Gnten 67 Wenethnak stays Det Wicel SUPP OLGs a. is aiid 4. carseat so 6 6 eb oc ckeete ee oer 58 Ligament between tube holes, efficiency of.............. 0. .c cece ce cdeeceee 48-49 ORE CrE CONS ta y= DOLbI st creissag £5" sco mela Me ae ee Soh oot 6 bo Ae ae 58 IN, Fh. 8.MSEIRLAEAIY fi. che des oo Ss oo ale dt al ete hit Pi ee ee 83 ICLOTINGS. SMak eUAeIe GUA eric oneesh ic ole oS Mate LT Bok es Soy fete 50 SH SETIO CM AUS | Sai aes © Ae ce na RR erat i hn ME alt Sat 115 Locomotive type boiler, water leg and door frame rings...................... 10 MMMM IEOMIUG HC hirer Sis a 054s e Chie sae hd le er ORC Oe Pee oe aes 47-48 Bocaire ne DOLMersn saad c sled tbs siclcs Sollee ee ee AO) ARPS Seat 85 REE AMC LSM RNG 5. sastin ola vie gk oo an Cuma in ok whe oe ae nee ae 85 MN OA Sate So pcg 6 eo ale ks eS Ae eee tao cme eh eee, eee 92 TL SEE Sek Se RRS a SoBe Re eran wine One me a ety OA ten ad 1 ae v7 50 of h.r.t. boilers to be above fire line, heating boilers..................... 89 of h.r.t. boilers to be above fire line, power boilers. ..................4.. 47 Peeper roMsteRIn Oiler 2 i. 59S daw laine cue oes Shoes FORMER Ie Beck We 84-90 RL CEOM ECOL DLA LE Mie 5 3) So ie aa or hh wr ores weds Saba cs oo ets, See ee 9 eRe ECSU OD LIE Eta OU ELS ey talaieaerA ae uke alert we coos fl saan Loe ek ees wee 81-82 M MISMBUEHITIRIIOE FSLOP. VaAlVGvOM. arac acs sacutdiee cin c uinsee s alde «lear eh cinta a eee. 78-79 Mallesile/castings, specificationsfor. ..6%.s4.6.s.605ecscrteccelacweeecct oe. 31-32 ER Tee Rx bas Mee MT cs Peder apse Pea cece Aeyfe 3) Sa) cchlapssa lacdgarlaue ge ea APGTGR oe deca erie 70-72 LO OME DEAT Eta DOLLeT ac riat tiki we wien @ oy siding Ee oa SE ree ee ae, belomehupes: ther t sOOUer, SLAVS OF f.6.6 cos, «. Ha pre cua a laneuctsi meinen eee 57 CuONT ESBS, TERED Sy ETL aes CEN R etic cs Sie cae nan, gine SS Ne et le (as BUMe US MVNCTIS IND. LOTGEEEIE er faerie ais own ecaoda Sub he Maaiasa gabe ORO A ie Oe 9 MMBU IT) RPT SCIBELG UC) steeds ee Perey. saat eee) traf aaiesloc =e 1es Vols oy ck caches Sool ed Go eee 51 BATU MMT ANTE SA Cr eve ve Men ets sth) Oe Secret sci oy «ashi ovatiattel a ised ai ove (ates arose boa e 70 Aaa OMI CT) OE EL INO PM MEME iets &o08 cin te Meat ia ie) ,00\ oahioueialgie sit) aig acouctn Paint Sere 70 gaskets, bearing surface of............. (h Regr erat ieee imeem Men Ren Ss 72 imany fire tube boiler, over 40 in. diameter. .. 25.066. .c cnc ascoenescanes : 72 PECL EMEC ACL eR Ceres EE ee i, alg 5.) > cians wae Rel eae ak SES NS Ea oe es Oped celal Miata BIZES Ole otis «ck aitce sos - sas areher die aya ad vena Gow eae. 70 IR RE SER GANS Ta Cy IE A wove vx dik -wins oop ee Siatndw cde Ved Dee Heise 71 MOUMEOE CONNEC MI AGL Ol aust rec onesie evs) 0 «as 8 acai Aa ve an Sita wee cies ae 70 reitorcement, on boiler 48 in. diameter cr OVeEr.. ...csesesccceccrcvcvese 70 Manufacture (See specifications) Manufacturer’s name, heating boilers...............-.ccccsecececeuncecees 90 red TMG AUTEST SRA GUT tee Mee ee Secs gan MALE R RS cs. gs 25/30 se fdlsawen SAO rans a Ard cs a vhs reba « 82 MEamiActaber s Stamp NOb, LO DE COVELEG 0. ..2 «.. sc... aces cps mois sii op wee snes csfatie 83 ‘COMER TRIDLIES (GEV HTC TIN a Ra ee Mm See ee a EGE: ee Sereag 9 oe 9-10 Materiais«selection of, for heating boilers. ..... 56.0 sis ee bowie es va ane a 6 eos e 84. Maximum allowable working pressure: Pe ROLSTICE A CAN CO SULIACER shots Matin fe cad sud ocs oy ce acvan kar sacl stores Grebe ananstene 52 RSD) oc 8c SP AMR a ans cs ss Li Gla Wretae ays fhe 4a SUN ede Lees 90-92 EMR REM 08 60s. 5 et B NT. 5 + sede n't. S Suara Shag, Wyalnbane a e.apanele eek tne e 84 Eee ce). chek, AG at oo = yi 8. gies hadi Sal wl hoes olahabrelh wey Oe 45 SMe aT RRDEA CCS LATS TH JOEY OF Lieeen cor cere io seins eiros lo ieeres eece vo tees, evens ica Toriataayn s sore arava earra ie aay obs Sg soos 81-82 eMPRRCMIRLTTCT ACs go erreur fe cy oor hah ao Nine Sula Sm Fueeaba nar wile SRT Sua ls eRe iGo 67-68 Mud drums, maximum allowable working pressure........... 00 c ee eee eens 92 Pare P ATA COLIA Ot tet on ok en liee ices 6 ar scit SREY om SH a bis as Wale Sudden, 8S eater aie 10 MAST GL VALVES. 5 2 sir ier gin <<. ed-os'e tar din Pains oboe baldbdwins SURO sue meee 75 N "ware. manuiacturers, on heating boilerays 3.05020 ei cee oes eee HR 90 Gneretiriy StOp) Valves: UL OMA TICS om si tenes wie won et haate so ate wletalole cla tle gre sla ehallele 78 DUCE CEMIMALOTIAL Of shih Dae ee eis Ne SLOANE Sse hehe ated eats ambled 10 PAR, 331 243 220 192-193 220 333 194 430 13 187-191 341 343 384 194 371 189 335-377 5 323-325 301-304 111-120 258-264 264 218 262 5 198 260 261 263 264 264 258 262 259 260 377 332 334 1-13 335-337 199 378-384 338-340 179-180 323-325 243-244 382 10 279 377 303 12 PAGH Nogzleswand pfittinge ne os-. ques sf oteainiety wien tare oda te pta @ohar nate eho eyciel < goc een 78 Number of Page COCKS hi «jes tates bi aia Gitte X oe Saas easels widen. sis th ate ieee 77 Naumberar serial cuk.ct 2s cece aacieuste peta s Bae Re He eth i A MM Ng te ose 82 O OG fanced Gonstruckon..: cso atine sete s owes Fics sisters acs de Saye seh ee 10 Oikirediboilers. eatety valves tors ecu: os ss oa. de sen eee oe eee eee 88 Openings, flanged connections, heating boilers.................. eee e eee eet 85 © >enings, threaded. to be:remforced sods kis mings usin hee ote tiv vi> ge PERS 72 Qutside’screw and yoke valves, on steam pipe... 2.6... 05. os oe eee owe sere 78 Outside screw and yoke valves, on water column. ..........-.cceeeccesevers V7 P Pins! jn, PrACESCGIAIMEtOR OF a koo.n eee barbadense Gieie a ease ee heow Ine eee Ce 59 Pipes, bottom blow-off and fittings, existing installations. ................00. 95 bottom blow-ot and fittings, heating pollerss metas oe nae eee 89 bottom blow-off and: Attings, POWER DOWers «ae lis-iie scicrs cncsienuciew teense 79 LECH ANG AEN OSE roe elo tee war tec He ce atbeké ares cheese dcr wae Ie eee 80 rbaysiferhashc\ OPEC way h Bano. sid HODGE Ib oh Nay eM ee ee, es RIES ce NS V7 MAM SCEAM, VALVES ON acne ce ree ena iets eis tetra eek ent on een ee aes 78 or nipple, number of threadsinto fittings.) a6. oa cose te cee ee eee 78 or nipple, number of threads into fitting, table, ..0:. 0.50... s..¢ fede eee 72 Surtace DIOW=Of ANG LttIMeS sca es ee ue ee ae ete re ee oe 79 threads, mintMuUM) NUMOeT OL oh sk. fe eit eieisic ese isiots io eee nies ee eT ee 72 Waber COLUMN, ANG -fEUIES 0s san wise ene ieee ee are eos he eae ee 81 Piping, SCO pes ie berks segee. Sncecy srose ako tole athe oe cele te, < aul emer St Nee Se ce 80-81 Pitch of rivets........ Te eee AR SEARS Sate a Aas aah ee ad ae Soleo 46 OL TEV EUR OLTs Biciare & one -eratonaele ocoveus tos beiahage oc anoiate obi cae SOR ene ee uetes ky Sm 97 Of atay—-Dolta cie.. cctloe wed Ore cate N Lies SIRO serch oP ee ae, ae ofatay-bolta: tables. foes «stoi va ooh Oe ee a ee 53 Ob stay tubes. .oosnc css Civacehe ode Deen Oa Nee ean eS ee 63 Planing edges Of plates... bee ces oak oie ce ee ee en a eae 70 Platéessteels specifications; £Or sons cc oy: ones ieee are nee ee erence ee 13-17 Plates, thickness; in shell/or dome atter flanging.. =. +.) etn eee nae li minimunuthickness' Of.in a boller:.,...7c0 ue oe le eee ee eee 11 minimum thickness of stayed flat surface... 57....2 5.0 0o. ne eee 52 Plugs ptusible ox cts oh Go Cae wis ce eee eal sae ARON MOR eis) aoe en een 115 POWEEDOLLGTS Sg 26. hice oh. et decaie ee ele eo hate a Le suk eS Ee gh ety a 9-83 Power boiler requirements for certain heating boilers..................0..006 84 Pressure, allowed on Cast Iron. boilers... 90 ee ce wien eee eee ee 84. allowed on shell or drum, formula for existing installations.............. $ 90 allowed on shell or drum, formula for, power boilers....................- 45 maximum allowable working, on flat surfaces, power boilers.............. 52 maximum allowable working. old bollerssae sae 2. . ee eee oe eee 90-92 maximum allowable working, old boilers steam heating.................. 92 maximum allowable working, heating boilers.....:...........--cceeree A 84 maximum allowable working, on shells, power boilers................... y 45 parts Over 2 in., material ot. 6) sc 5.ce aden a ek ee eee s 10 parts'of superheatera, material of .0 7555.54.08. cee ie ens ee eee g 10 PFOtECTION OL FOMts ans Scie tohe oa ass eee Fie SE Eee. ee eee eee 85 Pump, to buppiy feed water. gsi a4 ab ce Retin UR wets SR ee 81 PF UPMes SUIMEOES 5 yc 5 hav Glas Gn Nie hot Ge eee terete nren eee ee 67 08 ene le R Regulators, damper.'........... ROEM EN Tre any di LP RRR erat ons val chat tah RON eee 2% 89 Reinforced threaded openings in sheil, heads of drums................ecceeee 72 Relief valves for hot water boilers................. gr jx oN ce bas aera ee 86 AVESETHOITS HOM BLERITNEINS * 6 wi. Sapte oe A ees Se ee ern oe 79 Rings, waterlee and door trame,-materialofs. os. sare sve ei ae cence ee 10 River holes; nish and removal of burrs occas os + we oo eee ee ee 70 Irony Bpeoilicatsona tors) oi) Oe sete eine oo aed hale Ae ea oe Gee 33-36 steel, Specifications for yiy% O845) V/s oe Wa ea ine ee ae ae ee ee 17-20 a 223 401-405 364 308 314-317 290 301 300 268 307 268 320 314-318 182 365 268 349-350 305 13 253-254 121-138 40-62 . Riveted joints (See joints) PAGE PAR. ERIE td meray eters cic! oo te eee Rie ees SSUES, CTIA G re sey Aria! ¢ Esa cis slate atone tie 70 253-256 Rivets OMA Domo MnINe SCFEHELMN Oley oc cy oat tie ee ee cn isola eee oe ne 10 16 allowable shearing strength of, existing installations..................... 92 386 RISE MOUTHS, CLAINO CEP OL erSe © ein cicrs ante eho re ST oe oes 93 388 POMORACOS ATO OL ie Werte ee rene ae ie ME eee ne centre Mat 59° 7/223 mete ON LWes OL DLAC kets tesa nc sae een ret re ce eae awe e. SZ ea RESET ON MLUNMO GO tTaMes. trons ok a eo cae eae ee ee 70 ~=260 ROH ERMOTMANC NEAUS TOR mente. eer. ieee cent eT ee re etd sara a On 250 PELALC TAT CREUELY- CLIP Sts race ct a ONE ee OS Te a a ete “file 70 256 PIE CELA OEE Cee On Ee uo SOT CE Un Se oT ee oe eR 10 8 Mmormmraee. mil rivet holes: 1. pe eee et oe, Cade awake ee ihe sis) Rolling, ends of shell plates............... Rates ne So Be Cotes allan A te Sop. eae et 48 191 Tes ey, UUs @ cepa lhe ie dd Romaine tin oe Cage Soa at oy sR tial vies a pt eee me Pitre hall 2 ae A fe 4-8 S Safety, factor of ESTEE RIS CUE TD OLLCT Rita e ert hee tee ree ee ae erent s a BRKS) PoMosxisuinplan Jolt) Dollers.secers. somte teeta ore can Ooo e «ce aetna tr oie 91 380 LUGEMOOWELIOOLLELE Meme. cr eset oe aN nt rye een ec eee eee enmer sd een ke 45 180 Fats CeOMMeCATINODOLLELS earn acre einen Ramee oreerera + a eae Eee 84 340 Safety valves : MInONa On Existing INStAllaAtiOnsuc. cmos Gece cece oe eee 93 393 PlweacOwle AGUSTIMIEIIU, hic paar ae ce tien eo oatensor ee cee a ee Mee Coote at VAS UAE pprten CAORELEN Met OG-Ol CHECKING: saeinciicaicias on ae ecto cie oe omer ie Cee 109-111 422-4927 BONNE MONS CXIStINGIDOLIOES sate ace aati fc as h e ote ee et the eos 93 394 COMMECTIONS MERINO DWOLELS 2a cies acct see cb hea eset et uta as wean tee So oLy GUUMECHIUIS MPO W CEOOLCTS heen oeotae cts Grae on cre neers ns keane Chere ene 75 276-278 75 280 76-77 289-290 CCUANG RU CELOM Ree oh Seen re meet ee chalice oats Mico ork wich o nahe cine sean ate ot eateneld 76 282-287 EOHStLUCHION Heating DOMES ae cals. fcc Orde ah sdea lode esaa cam ee. 87 356-358 GiacnaTee CapACiLYy, CxIstine DOUETSI Yc ince cess ios ccas dledeate cece aeae 93 891-392 eCuArer CUpaeity, Power DOMETS. fo) ie bie hide eee ee tg wees aie as 73-74 270-274 NOETT CASA TR DATS T da generale fo cleo Gane ee ae RR Ra CTC aR Sie PAUP ct 75 278 Peeane pipe tor, exetne wistallationg; -f.52.00660 60652208 93 394 Eerave pine 1Or, Neate Oller. | ceo. a LIS IER ee 86 355 RE CLOMECRATCLOOUCT She SORTS Ene eo oo cea eke bee el eS ey eo ee 88 359 Gay CESS TEATS gS HAS AUER AGT TE Races ene Sick a ae ge RA 93 389-394 for heating DOilers. i... sees ciss - LOSER ake Cramer lottare tekcoery ch ae ole: 85-88 347-360 PONT Cem AveOCIMOUIET BTR tice sae cc irc as ook er arene ce detee en ae eto ei metas 88 360 RELL ATLL Pere ee Re aes eee Gas owe eg oases Monge aha eels 109 421 FORMMILAREOIn NOU eo OMETS.< tad ate tle testes sles ee creates stear ore ate ober ens otanates e».. 86-87 | 351-358 Mmetiod OfoeoMmpurine ahd. checkimo yy yo... acs cae oe ces Siege abate ne sts 109-111 421-427 method of computing and checking, existing installations................ 93 391-392 “ya gilbllste avis, © Set SO RS BOS Soe nfs 1 Ra yaaa Rape ar area a ena ame ea Ears ete al? 75 279 Puicmonvextcune installations tae ass sits tee sien cee ose ce eetrans 93 394 MEN PTS ONO Aer eS ne Oa lal tek agrees toe bs Geena 73-77 269-290 required on boiler:....0.......0..5. s tar pea ais er Spee alas ak RUM eo tavcg 73 269 required on boiler, existing installations... 2.2.2). 00.1 ok eee tee 93 390 Mere Ol Nemebip DOLECTS. 2... seo he hots ioe nade oe evinn sage ges aes ondeee 86 86348 EEE OLR Te ETO ae ee hd ake Satuiane ane eee Sens aotlei’e jeter entete ete ee (Be A MEM AIO! HEATING MOMCTSI Eten ee oete ied ose iotee See sere hogs maton ss Bioeth narty Seo OG BOELING OL gat. etersts’e terete 3 Chol te olen fea air cere ct IrRianira ttt. t tabi rely 73-75 271-281 BPtinw Ol. existing installadOnge id ccc T ic kltted Shs a caltawd: ence owe igs 93 390 setting of, existing installations, heating boilers.............. 0.00 .eee eee 86 348 BimeruMitan Heating DOUGSES sy spicata ie «ilu Ara vision tin aus Mbsiateuehetleeiehale sis ier SOm sol: RSET eo, OWED DOLMSIES Te ACMA ROC atte es etl caads Me ae eek (he MOE TLR ER OTE Se aN eae ats Sahat Aah etNatat rate tatc chtlohotal bina rcie Miata tel strokes anoheN tor 263 Beem OTs HEATING DONEIGS INRA. tae aS Cah te tohetonta padatigitoys Sin sol EN ERE OLR HoT oh ta tee ata ake als tates lalattw'a tel Sete le hele FS Werle he beta torey Ss 76 288-289 CADLCTOrS fom heating OUers pasts latetete feos Tes he lahat Te lela teeella Tobe tuts elles ote b Motte tells 87 ' 356 130 Safety valves — Continued PAGD carts OE oe I ae Bes EME eddie ta aoe tale Bou Ee ee ren eae oc oc) er 75 testing of existing installationas:) 3..0)..% so use Se ak ee sad ou Salk Poe 93 Saw-tooth type of butt and double strap joint..... 0.022... .. 1. cece taemar 105 Screwed stays, supporting of........ pie earevee Mia sie AeOg eee SG. cena) oh ee 58 Seamless tubes, specifications for..... aie abe o eheece BM eteE rere sca) oli eeee e 42-45 Seats of safety valves........... wat Sie ailel a leserded oh ee noes oie os ee 73 Second hand bowersi toca cones o-« POR Ror i hn TE ee Os ys 8 91 Sections Of Cast Ons: tobe Fested gouic ociem elie sls se ieis seiecaihs sic)- s aeetane rs eens eee 89 Sections 91 and 124, labor laws......... ja Rote aie goatee iets hs AI eee 3-4 Segment, area to be stayed........... SNe nae ae nn ne er oy si yee cage fe le 56-57 of Head to be Stayed.jcs scitea.asutie,«/oisuers\ia etehelo ses, a's ta she pe esayeneye least te mn Leesan 56 method of determining net areas, water tube boilers..................... 56 Segments; tableol.4% 5. 's's'x se sole ai aye owing ba apie Oe Gla alas = 9 one 107 Selection of material............ RSE Pea ere rye eS. Sree a oe Bde Sos 9-10 Serial Mule pen. ihe cose cts eieleusinere Re Es ry ae paoe e Ra ey wee WR Me cee ate C hi be al 82 Setting of safety valves. (jc..: soso a ss 2's 8 Sem ee dee erro eae lu et ae ee 73 of safety valves, existing installations... ...... .i'.uis. «4 «etn sd» le ee ee 93 of safety valves, existing installations, heating boilers................... 86 Setting, method of, wet bottom heating boilers.................... 20. e eeu 89 Setting, method of, wet bottom power boilers......................-4. WF chore 82 Settings, heating boilers. i:5,, soss.os ach Cen b eae Oe Lbs haute Gain iy renee 89 Settings, power boilers.........-.+. & ete tials eres tat po Sha ty cneeen eme euea ace 81-82 Shearing strength Of TIVEtS.oiin's.0 3 sect bis welpislale a 318 sie vine a ok pipe een um 10 Shearing strength of rivets, existing installations.................0......0005 92 Shellvor: drum, lonritudinal joints Of say o.com sie es snj ea eee a ae 47 or drum, to determine allowable pressure on, new boilers................ 45 or drum, to determine allowable pressure on, existing boilers............. 90 plate, thickness Of 2. s)he. «x «a < shod «eo biesrastslaleanne eat enn Scare il Shut-off valves.on (waterscolummn pipes. «=. .csc4. ee cere eee eee eee V7 Shop inspection of hea‘ing boilers....................-. Oe arte Thats ake ea 90 Sizes of Hanged fittings, tables: cv .ic ts cuc-¢ic. 2 eps slate vace = es oleae eee ee 112-113 STi SUAVE ailec ote ore ss oe Sasaeie peta te Bide te Gore fan Gales & ie Pee pet Sa co lee hee gt ano 65 Specisieations for gray iron castings... .. oa. 2. as ns ow cee eee eee ee 28-31 lap welded. and seamless boiler,tubes.:, 0.4). .....4 bss eee eee mate eee 42-45 material, iheating boilers. come) sc <.2 sete muacees eae eee 84 malleable, CASTINGS iii fis 4i sins digs aieusle reece erro aces, cele eee ee eee ee 31-32 Miate steel ese Feo) s sucha Ws wb ec A olG 0. acco oles atts © a'= cinta eee ee er 13-17 refined wrouchit ION, DATA cits Weaeiss = s\oks eel Uc eT aera cat te I 39 PIV Ot ATOM wie Voss eve Sclsten & ble Re ais Bibs (eve sa RI os Fe Sea 33-36 TIVetSEEC) ois. cereus teei cate eras Biotee bole eile whe Pilcimnstoies Sung eA eee ee ee 17-20 Atay DOLE IGM; 2h cals dae Meats re 6 ale GE Scie SREP salt eco alse in. Bee StAYV DOLE GHEE. uF e .c.dca ce setter dae ole soe eee Pe TE t= absi 0 ce Pea ene ee 21 SEECL Dare creas ood Sse ea eid uee x Ge gb ele se Doe IEA ice ercetee ae Oe ne 21-24 steel ‘Gastinis: Gi's cies siete Bite he eer Ee ics, |: ee ee ee 24-28 Stamping boilers A'S) MB. std ic ek. «cer ee iemmciicle«s Catan cen ae See 82 Stamps; A. SLi std., location Of,.es Gata vets ee as oct ae 83 Stamps, notto.be covered by insulation..’.< Suu, cise aa.» ao! oon me oe eee 83 Stamps, to be visible on shell plates, furnaces, sheets and heads.............. 82 Stay bolted surface, to compute allowable pressure on... ...........cece cence 52 Stay bolts ndjacentto.edges of stay-Dolted surface. ..... 1. 6-e oc elas 54 adjacent to 1urnace door or otheriopening= | Jee. ee. ee eee 55 adjacent todurnace joint, y.t: boiler; 4. eemicem ecient a ee 65 diameter.of; how measured «55. is a-< 4s we etlereeeye Rislane is se AG ee 55 enGds Olin nce «ae er OO ee eres oa Sk ko 53 55 WOles LON. ae ie ese ceiehe ae taste v's’ ace ovale ys oem s SU Tae cee BOA ee a ae 55 AxON -SpOCincations FOF, . x.., «. 1s se ass mM oes bie Slee ice Gielen ies een eae 36-38 IMAG ONION OL esi’ eis) aed 2a names BR ods kre Gy wn ale 8 cle pee eee ae 9 maximum allowable stress ON... 7.5/0 \s\o\s sivic sw dls ale eupe'pe ke tick 58 DIGI NOE spiciisiavs wise ops ieeMl 40%, ore ayatanehallchete. niapsiaitelaicehty syste. re ouke, asia Lis eeo ee es 52-54 eteel, specifications for. o.oo. baw tah doc ewe oa Galea cake» beeen es 21 tables:of sllowableilosd: om 5c cece ore acetates mene Ronn aes 106-107 PAR, 275 391 417 219 164-178 272 381 372 214-217 213 215 420 1- 13 332 271 390 348 369 326 369-371 323-328 16 386 187-190 180 378 17— 20 293 375 235-236 95-110 164-178 336 111-120 23- 39 151-153 121-138 40-— 62 139-150 63 64— 76 77-— 94 332 333 334 331 199 205 206 238 208 200-202 211 210 139-150 a 4 220 199-204 63 418-419 a ee A maximum allowable stresses for stays and stay-bolts.................06. 58 PAGH PAR, Stayed and braced surfaces. .............0ceeeeees Bb ar sas! Usa RR er Ue 52-63 199-233 RRO ES TIT TACOMA ys ct tet TAL Orel cheese Reid Wiece Sie, cee Cee Od hte ns 52 199 eee NET MMINNICES iva: oo. Sir sah e Gao Ss 3\c 5" Sardine «, « obah gid A acc sok Go aie 59° 222 Heataiermcepotler 36 in. on lessidiametersck wan. cede sone oae ae. fu ches 61-62 225-229 SORTS UNSEYO Ea Po ef AMS ROI eth et eRe) cm le Ae Se A ar aa St, 9) 196 UA TENBES Lis Cape aeREt OG EMIS IE seh ete ck Re DP nT mn a ca Sm DD Lie Paes Ree LIR OLED MEO THN C AC Omen oe Roth MMMM art Ines ae), GEE Ys Shea castane aie elo eed Saks ee Ssets 56. 2138 segments of heads with manhole OPENING 5 Wee Cute wa kh ne a eS RY Ot) V2ks Seav-roasyengsmitveted over, to be Supported: .. oc ccs cies cee noes cnscenscdeks 568 219 Bet Neil tt ox eNOS Tote f= a, Ah, tie sua earns Sle aad Ala Uieed o wietore Sic een Mee hee, 63 232-233 Sie AmCLOM MMM AnAT INCL CITOELA 5 o..0 fake eis