IT PAYS TO READ SELECTED READING LIST FOR LIBRARIANS Recommended for students preparing for the Indi- anapolis Library Training Class and for all members of the Indianapolis Staff who have leas than two years of accredited library experience. "Our duty is to read — it is our obligation — and some of us hope that, if some form of efficiency rating is introduced into the library world, ability to read, to read effectively and well, will be the outstanding qualification for librarianship." HISTORY — CIVICS - GOVERNMENT (Examine all and study at least one book under each sub-head) GENERAL HISTORY Outline of History, py H. G. Wells Modern History, by C. J. H. Hayes and P. T. Moon MODERN EUROPEAN HISTORY Modern and Contemporary European History, by J. 8. Schapiro Europe Since 1815, by C. D. Hazen Modern and Contemporary European Civilization, by H. G. Plum and others UNITED STATES HISTORY History of the United States, by H. W. Elson Contemporary American History, by ©. A. Beard New American History, by A. B. Hart We and Our History, by A. B. Hart CIVICS AND GOVERNMENT Forms and Functions of the American Government, by T. H. Reed New Community Civics, by R. 0. Hughes EUROPEAN GOVERNMENT Governments of Europe, by F. A. Ogg Read especially the chapters on England, France, Switzerland and the Scandinavian countries National Governments and the World War, by F. A. Ogg and C. A. Beard CURRENT EVENTS YEARBOOKS ; Consult the following for information on specific and elusive facte: New International Yearbook, Statesman's Yearbook, World Almanac PERIODICALS Keep well informed by reading regularly such magazines as the Literary Digest, Current History, Review of Reviews, World's Work, Independent, and Time. Form the habit of devoting regularly fifteen to thirty min- utes a day to a good daily newspaper, concentrating on national and world events. Read systematically and consistently. LITERATURE (Examine all and study at least one book under each sub-head) ENGLISH Introduction to English Literature, by H. S. Pancoast History of English Literature, by R. P. Halleck English Literature during the Last Half-Century, by J. W. Cunliffe toe a Pan > 1 4-iF re ot « a y i i : oo eee ~- eae Er AMERICAN ie.) History of American Literature, by R. P. Halleck Short History of American Literature, ed. by W. P. Trent and others History of American Literature, by F. L. Pattee History of American Literature Since 1870, by F. L. Pattee FRENCH Century of French Fiction, by B. W. Wells Read chapters on Balzac, George Sand, Zola, Daudet, Maupassant Landmarks in French Literature, by G. L. Strachey French Literature during the Last Half-Century, by Pierre de Bacourt and J. W. Cunliffe RUSSIAN Outline of Russian Literature, by Maurice Baring Essays on Russian Novelists, by W. L. Phelps A Guide to Russian Literature, GERMAN 1820-1917, by M. J. Olgin History of German Literature, by Calvin Thomas Read chapters 13-20 SCANDINAVIAN Essays on Scandinavian Literature, by H. H. Boyesen Read chapters on Bjornson and Brandes Henrik Ibsen, by Henry Rose Knut Hamsun, by H. A. Larsen Johann Bojer, by Carl Gad THE NOVEL The Development of the English Novel, by W. L. Cross The American Novel, by C. C. Van Doren Contemporary American Novelists, by C. C. Van Doren Some Modern Novelists, by H. T. Follett Essays on Modern Novelists, by W. L. Phelps STANDARD AND MODERN NOVELS (Select at least three which you have not read. Most of these, or others by the same authors, should be read within the first two years of library service by every ambitious librarian) Vanity Fair, by Thackeray Middlemarch, by Eliot Sense and Sensibility, by Austen Cloister and the Hearth, by Reade Heart of Midlothian, by Scott Jane Eyre, by Bronte Nicholas Nickleby, by Dickens Eugenie Grandet, by Balzac Hunchback of Notre Dame, by Hugo Count of Monte Cristo, by Dumas Fathers and Children, by Turgenav Crime and Punishment, by Dostoievaky Anna Karenina, by Tolstoi Scarlet Letter, by Hawthorne Return of the Native, by Hardy Portrait of a Lady, by James Ordeal of Richard Feverel, by Meredith Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, by Stevenson Light That Failed, by Kipling Rise of Silas Lapham, by Howells Soundings, by Gibbs y 53250 Scaramouche, by Sabatini Alice-for-Short, by DeMorgan Nocturne, by Swinnerton Jean Christophe, by Rolland Gosta Berling, by Lagerloff Old Wives Tales, by Bennett Christina Alberta's Father, by Wells Forsyte Saga, by Galsworthy Fortitude, by Walpole Lord Jim, by Conrad Eldest Son, by Marshall Divine Fire, by Sinclair Ethan Frome, by Wharton Sussex Gorse, by Kaye-Smith Babbit, by Lewis Bent Twig, by Fisher Alice Adams, by Tarkington Birth, by Gale One of Ours, by Cather So Big, by Ferber Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard, by France Marie Chapdelaine, by Hemon THE DRAMA Modern Dramatists, by Ashley Dukes Dramatists of Today, by E. E. Hale, Jr. Living Drama,by N. (B). Miller Playwrights on Playmaking, by Brander Matthews The Play of Today, by E. R. Hunt The Russian Theater, by 0. M. Sayler STANDARD AND MODERN PLAYS (Select at least three which you have not read. Most of these, or others by the same authors, should be read within the first two years of library service by every ambitioue librarian) Hedda Gabler, by Ibsen Magda, by Sudermann Saint Joan, by Shaw Sea Gull, by Tchekhov Monna Vanna, by Maeterlinck Lady Windermere's Fan,. by Wilde Jane Clegg, by Ervine Dear Brutus, by Barrie Michael and the Lost Angel, by Jones The Piper, by Peabody Second Mrs. Tanqueray, by Pinero Mary Stuart, by Drinkwater Great Divide, by Moody Liliom, by Molnar Loyalties, by Galsworthy Icebound, by Davis Tragedy of Nan, by Masefield The Hairy Ape, by O'Neill Cyrano de Bergerac, by Rostand Outward Bound, by Vane Three Plays, by Pirandello Plays of Near and Far, by Dunsany The Weavers, by Hauptmann Seven Short Plays, by Lady Gregory Playboy of the Western World, by Synge This Fine Pretty World, by Mackaye SELECTED ANTHOLOGIES Representative One-act Plays by American Authors, by Mayorga Representatives One-act Plays by Continental Authors, by Moses Representative Plays by American Tramatists, by Moses Chief Contemporary Dramatists, (lst and 2nd series), by Dickens POETRY Poets of America, by E. C. Stedman Naturalism in England, by G. M. C. Brandes (Volume 4 of his Main Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature) SELECTED ANTHOLOGIES Oxford Book of English Verse, by A. T. Quiller-Couch American Anthology, by E. C. Stedman MODERN POETRY New Era in American Poetry, by Louis Untermeyer Tendencies in Modern American Poetry, by Amy Lowell New Voices, by Marguerite Wilkinson Studies cf Contemporary Poets, by M. C. Sturgeon Our Best Poets, English and American, by Theodore Maynard From Whitman to Sandberg in American Poetry, by Bruce Weirick SELECTED ANTHOLOGIES Little Book of Modern Verse, by J. B. Rittenhouse Second Book of Modern Verse, by J. B. Rittenhouse The New Postry, by Harriet Monroe and A. C. Henderson Modern British Poetry, revised and enlarged 1925-1926 by Louis Untermeyer “ » Pst 4 ¥ y P? . . pe BS Se aL gas Te week ps0 8G) ¥.. Seo » Phy JER “Bag ball ~ ss ‘e te, é ty oles OP, COS SS BeOL aa “lohan Me f baz SP aa! rev siek “d aaae PHY, ys ‘6 ‘> 4 tos MaIT we : 4 B92 ae ‘ins m eh Sap tio) 19 eoa7e Ve ter! Cadi semua te ane rt Mentha os. ati ey f BLU IOn Ties; GES th sia ee a eecormatt 8 Ligh eae pices B aeeey. rad ee ith i SO: ay ae cs 4. 28 aja ion bebia bale aK. > >) 4t5 ol 7 - es American Poetry Since 1900, by Louis Untermeyer Contemporary Poetry, by Marguerite Wilkinson Our Poets of Today, by H. W. Cook Verse of Our Day, by Margery Gordon and M, B. King THE ESSAY English Essays and Essayists, by Hugh Walker MODERN ESSAYS Courage, by Belloc How to Live on Twenty-four Hours a Day ty Bennett From a College Window, by Benson Far and Near, by Burroughs Fancies Versus Fads, by Chesterton Cheerful Giver, ty Crothers Books on the Table, by Gosse Adventures in Contentment, by Grayson Walking Stick Papere, by Holliday Giving and Receiving, by Lucas If I May, by Milne Shandygaff, by Morley Points of Friction, by Repplier Books and Culture, by Mabie Virginibus Puerisque, by Stevenson Fisherman's Luck, by Van Dyke Life's Minor Collisions, by Warner Books in Black and Red, by Pearson Penguin Persons and Peppermints by Eaton And Even Now, by Beerbohm There's Pipins and Cheese to Come, by Brooks Trivia, by Smith SELECTED ANTHOLOGIES Atlantic Classics Modern Essays, by Morley Essays of Today, by Pritchard Essays by Present Day Writers, by Pence Adventures in Essay Reading, by University of Michigan BOOKS OF INSPIRATION Jungle Peace, by Beebe More Twice Born Men, by Bigbie Short History of Science, by Sedgwick and Tyler Next-to-Nothing House, by Carrick What Men Live By, by Cabot Theodore Roosevelt, by Charnwood Picture Towns of Europs, by Osborne Childhood in Brittany Highty Years Ago, by Sedgwick Lone Winter, by Greene Labrador Doctor, by Grenfell My Book and Heart, by Harris Daughter of the Samurai, by Sugimoto Far away and Long Ago, ty Hudson Remembered Yesterdays, by Johnson Among French Folk, by Johnson My Garden of Memory, by Wiggin Margaret Ogilvy, by Barrie CURRENT LITERATURE and literary criticism should be followed by reading some periodical devoted to current comment on books, such as the American Mercury, Bookman, New Republic, Saturday Review of Literature, Literary Review of the New York Evening Post, Literary Digest International Book Review, Ths Booklist, Book Review Digerat, Books, Publisher's Weekly and "Library Book Outlook" in the Library Journal. Laan et hs ’ 2 ; " Mi “Se iy Se Fs Ye Pp wri 2 ae Ht Bw fish ait emia we ; ‘ , an i :y ; d ete - Bes foal 4 rexviaW Agel vw avptyeued tag Seegem Oe cl .Yagubnat? "Qe & ona “aint adaee F a Ri eer eee : tens &) rae sb oe ai iad oe ee a ea we Rp) Be otal ‘ona : aa. oes id BART aye 16 re tggathiyes amet ener | f : a Mew ~ ‘ 2 vats { ty Sitti : ¥ = 51% } se i nea) Yt ree . | ‘hee We es setae tg neg ee hs i , . " t A 6246. an 6a ay xd herwcile® ed biveds meiseths Cig teeEE — ‘Ua 76h AES r ews eek 86 Sook dood fo srbgenih Het, i one neLvar CIStetL 1]. sttarés tJ. to walwak veSupiea. ant ses ie ot) sabIVed Xond Lezatiasiesal teagic. Crate he“ saat ae ee oe saint Seat” bua Xitoew, tas eee : / ey, t . io S — ee & uae * ‘ eat aie = A ae 1°, i ie al Li awe oe 8 Ore a pe een oe OPPORTUNITIES IN LIBRARY SERVICE (Careful reading of all references is recommended) American Public Library, by A. E. Bostwick Read chapters 1,4,6,7,10,14, and 26 especially American Public Library and the Diffusion of Knowledge, by W. S. Learned Libraries, by J. C. Dana Read chapters on A Librarian's Enthusiasm, Place of the Public Library in a City's Life, and Women in Library Work The Library and the Community, by J. L. Wheeler The Library and Society, ed. by A. E. Bostwick The Library Primer, by J. C. Dana Training for Librarianship, by J. H. Friedel County Library Service, by H. C. Long Children's Reading, by F. J. Olcott Century of Children’s Books, by F. V. Barry Children’s Reading, by Terman and Lima Juvenile Story Writing, by M. L. Robinson A.L.A. Manual of Library Economy Training for Librarianship, Library Service, American Library History, Branch Libraries, and Special Libraries. LIBRARY PERIODICALS The best known periodicals devoted to library service are Library Journal, Libraries, New York Libraries, Wisconsin Library Bulletin, Special Libraries and Library Occurrent. Form the habit of reading each number regularly. Systematic professional reading is as necessary for a successful librarian as for a successful physician. SELF-CULTURE HELPS (Read all starred items and become thoroughly familiar with the others) What Can Literature Do for Me? by C. A. Smith One Thcusand Best Books, by A. D. Dickinson Literary Taste and How to Form It, by Arnold Bennett* How to Get the Best Out of Books, by Richard LeGallienne* Some Great American Books, by D. L. Sharpe* English Literature, by W. N. C. Carleton* Map of the World of Knowledge, by S. L. Morse* Bookman's Manual: A Guide to Literature, ty Bessie Graham Contemporary British Literature, by J. M. Manly Contemporary Amsrican Literature, by J. M. Manly What Books Can Do for You, by J. L. Bennett* Reading with a Purpose; A new series of reading courses for adultes, by A.L.A.* INDIANAPOLIS PUBLIC LIBRARY Compiled by Cerene Ohr, Amy Winslow and Carrie E. Scott Charles E. Rush, Librarian 3.0112 077872809 112 07