2 % 4 eee eee een et er eae PTY te ta REAR ay ~ no Nigh Niet mg tare a BFS ae tegen SE Arh ome! Semnegeoreer w. poms ae ard os ¥ i , ’ ; SR URE IRS WBNS 8 SI te + ° ‘ ft ee ee Y 574 ; OS ie NN Se ’ ’ a 4 4 « 2 , , ¢ MLS BUD RMR RS 6 8 BE METIS RIB AC eRe EIST ey pr tncge ; 5 AAS NINA TBE RE EOI ATE GE GNI ee SONTAG sm ST einen \iintemtioaninenelinnitl “ 7 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 257. 08a ae ' RAGon \$T90 REMOTE STORAGE BUOKSTACKS OFFICE aa ee , a iy j J Stain th _ 4 me fi J ’ : POU toi Fs if ' y yf : f ; ee . & < . . : THE CODE wn : CITY OF ATBANTA: ACTS OF INCORPORATION, AND. THE OR- DINANCES OF FORCE IN SAID CITY. CODIFIED BY HENRY JACKSON, CITY ATTORNEY, And Adopted December 16th, 1870, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ECONOMICAL BOOK & JOB PRINTING HOUSE, 1870, mn Wt vs a iB r¥ ahi yy My ail 4h ba a ig * gered. ABRAM AL. .§ ~ ‘J 4 © i a ee Fel n ./ eo <. SOIL State 252, im P met | i REMOTE STORAGE | \ ‘J ‘ only /™ a : Lat OC. # >. BOOKSTACKS OFFICE av! LIST OF MAYORS = OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA, From its Incorporation to J anuary, 1870, Inclusive. , ———==-$$4— - Moses W. Formwalt went into office J anuary, 1848. . Benjamin F. Bomar went into office J anuary, 1849. - Willys Buell went into office January, 1850. . Jonathan Norcross went into office J anuary, 1851. . Thomas F. Gibbs went into office J anuary, 1852. . John F. Mims went into office January, 1853. John F. Mims resigned October 29, 1853. 6. Wm. Markham went into office November 14, 1853. 7. Wm. M. Butt went into office January, 1854. 8. Allisson Nelson went into office January, 1855. Allisson Nelson resigned July 6, 1855. 8. John Glen went into office July 20, 1855. 9. William Ezzard went into office January, 1856. 10. William Ezzard re-elected, went into office J anuary, 1857. 11. Luther J. Glenn went into office January, 1858, 12. Luther J. Glenn re-elected, went into office J anuary, 1859. 13. William Hzzard went into office January, 1860. 14. Jared I. Whitaker went into office J anuary, 1861. _ Jared I. Whitaker resigned November, 25, 1861. 14. Thomas F. Lowe went into office December 13, 1861. 15. James M. Calhoun went into office J anuary, 1862. 16. James M. Calhoun re-elected, went into office J anuary, 1863. 17. James M. Calhoun re-elected, went into office J anuary, 1864, 18. James M. Calhoun re-elected, went into office J anuary, 1865. 19, James E. Williams went into office January, 1866. 20. James EH. Williams re-elected, went into office J anuary, 1867. S2 Ot HR OD A January, 1868. © < vA #1. James EH. Williams remained in office, (there being no election,) a = - ~ ~ 1A A Pe ‘ a. 1 Viney: Mi 22. Wm. H. Hulsey went into office January, 1869. 23. William Ezzard went into office J anuary, 1870. CITY OFFICERS FOR 1870. WILLIAM ‘EZZARD,: Mayor. Sl QO ae RS ea ee a ois x . Chane. Soko ute aa Pn, vie ie | pipiens Fret ey Vounny DONNiwen 0 WEILL, {Aldermen Second Ward, Fg. Ken INTELL [Aldermen Third: Ward BP. HowELtg. sc, Aldermen Fourth Ward. AT BOWLER. orc JAldermen Fith Ward S. B.. LO VB, ie eee ove bine SUE ES IS, a Clerk PERINO “BROWN... ..4..0eees SEE oases pieten cal Gee Treasurer HENRY JACKSON, . cs PREM, CT Se ee ed ATTORNEY BT. Rye oP pee Gye GLE Rae ee Tax Receiver and Collector CHARLES PINCKNEY, M. D., and E. 8. Ray, M. D.,........ Physicians M MRT UAT iiss es. sata es |, eae Superintendent of Streets W.wY. LANGHORD, .Voey Teva. . Superintendent of Alms House G. W. ANDERSON) Wd. ce sin ott ad the Marshal JOHN Li WP OHNSON,. IL ON die SS Ni Hig ead First Deputy Marshal SAMDEL D. HASSETT, c.oegr he hit Second Deputy Marshal D.. Li. QuaBy.s Sek peas Lawtihunes. Second Lieut. of Police W... BotBa Bae caine gai) Sarah ee Ane Mids TO ee City Engineer J. L. PORTER bik. Oo7lh DERE Bein La ee Keeper of Magazine PATRIOH PITZGLRBON, @ Ujey sebell males wide Messenger and Hall Keeper Wma. M. Bourt,.. L. C. WELLS... bikie ts: sles ay hie wd i hoes: «Vocuhnnm b ialilenaabiae tt TAs City Assessors L. P. THoMAS, J. N. SIMMONS, EK. J. Roacu, : J. P. Logan, are sce eee Rito Up ane eae ene Board of Health J. M. Borina, | J. H. MACASLIN, CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA. ~ ACTS OF INCORPORATION OF THE OITY OF ATLANTA. SEc. 1. Name Changed. SEC. II. Justification of Officers. 2. Elections, Eligibility. 12. Street Duty. 3. Qualification of voters. 13. Legislative Power. 4. Vacancies. f 14. Collection of Taxes. 5. Corporate Name. 15. Municipal Court. 6. Election of Officers, 16. Fines. 7. Oath of Office. 17. Salaries. 8. Neglect or Mal-practice. 18. Retail License. 9. Quorums, Casting Vote. 19. Tax on Billiard Tables, 10. Expenditures, 20. Vendue Masters. 21. Repealing Clause. AN ACT to amend An Act, entitled “An Act to incorporate the town of Marthasville, in the County of DeKalb,” passed the twenty-third day of December, eighteen hundred and forty-three, and also to enlarge the boun- dary of said Town, and to incorporate the same under the name of the City of Atlanta; and to change the name of the town of Rome to that of the City of Rome; to provide for the election of a Mayor and City Coun- cilmen, and other officers of said Cities, and to confer upon them specified powers; and for other purposes herein mentioned. § 1: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- Change of tives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it jime2nd ts hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That, from and corporation after the passage of this Act, the town of Atlanta shall be known and called the city of Atlanta, and the authority and jurisdiction of the said city shall extend one mile from the State Depot in every direction.* § 2.. And be tt enacted by the authority aforesaid, That, with- in sixty days from the passage of this Act, by giving two days’ * Extended by Act of 20th February, 1854, 2 34. ‘¢ y 6th December, 1861, 3 69, “ 26th November, 1863, 2 76. “ < 12th March, 1866, 89. ee ‘s 12th October, 1870, 2 140. Citizens to vote for officers. Qualifica- tion of yo- ters. Vacancies, Corporate lame. ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. notice, and’on the third Monday in every January thereafter,* all free white persons, citizens residing within the incorpora-- tion of said City, who shall be entitled to vote for members of the Legislature of said State, shall be entitled to vote fora Mayor and sixt members of the City Council, in leu and in- stead of Commissioners, as is provided by the Act of which this is amendatory; and that any person or persons legally entitled to vote at said election, shall be eligible either for Mayor or members of the City Council—at which election one Justice of the Inferior Court, or of the Peace, and two free- holders, neither of whom being a candidate, shall preside; and the persons receiving the highest number of votes shall be de- clared duly elected. That the managers of said election shall give certificates to that effect, which shall be evidence of their election and authority to act, and be recorded by the Clerk of the City Council in a book to be kept for that purpose—which record shall be held and esteemed as the highest evidence of such election. § 3. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no person shall be entitled to vote at said election except he be duly qualified to vote for members of the Legislature as aforesaid, and shall be citizens residing within the corporate limits of said City. Any person voting at such election con- _trary to. the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and on indictment and conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment and labor in the Penitentiary of this State not more than two years nor less than one. © §4. And beit further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Mayor and members of the City Council shall in all cases hold their offices until their successors are elected and qualified ; and in event that the office of Mayor, or any one or more of the offices of the City Council, shall become vacant by death, resignation, removal or otherwise, that the Mayor, or, in case his seat is vacated, a majority of the City Council, shall order a new election, by giving at least ten days’ notice in any one or more of the city papers, or at two or more of the most public places in said city; and said. election, so held, shall be managed in the same manner as the elections to be held in chief, according to the provisions of the second section of this Act.{ § 5. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Mayor and members of the Council, as before men- tioned, shall be known as the Mayor and Council of the City of Atlanta, and by such, their corporate name, shall sue and * Changed by Acts of 12th December, 1859 and 6th December, 1861, 3 45, 60. . + “Six” changed to “ten” by Act of 28th December, 1853, ¢ 28. Vide, S135 @ 147. ! } Changed by Act of 6th December, 1861, 361. ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. 7 be sued, plead and be impleaded, and do all other acts relating to their coporate capacity, and shall have and use a common. seal, and shall be capable in law to purchase, hold, receive, en- joy, possess and retain to them and their successors for the use and benefit of the said City of Atlanta, in perpetuity, or for any term of years, any estate or estates—real or personal— lands, tenements, hereditaments of what kind or nature soever, within the limits of said city, and to sell, alien, exchange or lease the same or any part thereof in [any] way whatsoever. And the said Mayor and Council shall have full power and au-— thority to pass all by-laws and ordinances respecting the streets *eis\stive of said city; to open and lay out the same; respecting public buildings, work-houses, public houses, carriages, wagons, carts, drays, pumps, wells, springs, fire-engines, care of the poor, suppression of disorderly houses, regulations of negroes and free persons of color, and every other by-law, regulation or or- dinance, that shall appear to them necessary and proper for the security, welfare and interest of said city, and for preserv- ing the peace, health order and good government of the city. § 6. And be wt further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Mayor and members of Council shall, at their ection of first annual meeting after their election, proceed to elect, ™°™ by ballot, a Marshal, and if they deem it necessary, a Deputy Marshal, * Clerk of the Oouncil, and Treasurer, each of whom shall remain in office untila new election for Mayor and Council is had; (unless removed), and their suc- cessors appointed; and the salaries of the said: officers shall be gataries to regulated by the laws and ordinances of the Mayor and Coun- be 4zed. cil, and shall not be increased or diminished during their con- tinuance in office. § 7. And be wt further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That, as soon as convenient, after the election of the said May- or and members of Council, and. before they enter upon the discharge of their official duties, the Mayor shall, before some Justice of the Inferior Court, or Justice of the Peace, take and subscribe the following oath: “I (A. B.) do solemnly swear Path of that I will, to the utmost of my ability, discharge the duties ~~ of Mayor (or Council, as the case may be,) for the City of At- lanta, during my continuance in office, so help me God.” And » the Mayor, after being so qualified as aforesaid, shall have full power and authority to administer said oath to each member of the Council. $8. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Neglect or That, in case the Mayor, or any member of the City Couneil, mapractice while in office, be guilty of any willful neglect, mal-practice bleto indict- in, or abuse of, said office, he or they shall be liable to be in-™™ dicted before the Superior Court of the county of De Kalb, and, on conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not exceed- * See Act of 28th December, 1853, 231. 8 ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA, ing five hundred dollars for each and every such offence, and shall, moreover, be removed from office—which fine or fines shall be paid over to the City Treasurer for the use of said City. § 9. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Mayor and four members of Council* shall form a SEL eg quorum to transact all business, and the Mayor or President etext to pro tem. shall have a casting vote, and a majority of the votes give the shall determine all questions and elections before the Council ; votes’ and the Mayor and each member of the Council shall be, to Are Justices HH intents and purposes, a Justice of the peace, so far as to of the Peice enable them, or any or either of them, to issue warrants for cases. Offences committed within the corporate limits of said City— which warrants shall be executed by the Marshal or Deputy Marshal, and to commit to the jail of the county of De Kalb, or to admit to bail, offenders, tor their appearance before the next Superior Court thereafter, for the county of DeKalb; or, in case the offender or offenders are slaves-or free persons of color, and then, in that case, they shall be committed to the jail of DeKalb county, or bound over for their appearance at the next Inferior Court,of said county of DeKalb, to await his, her or their trial; and it shall be the duty of the Jailor of the said county of DeKalb, .to receive all such persons so committed, and safely keep the same until discharged by due course of law. § 10. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Expendi- That the expenditures of the Mayor and Council, and the , compensation of the officers, shall be paid out of the city funds, by an order drawn by the Clerk of Council upon the city Treasurer, and countersigned by the Mayor, or in his absence, by the president pro tem. of the Council; and the Marshal, Treasurer and Clerk shall give bond and security to the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta in a sum each, to be fixed by the Mayor and Council, for the faithful performance of his or their duties. | Justification § 11. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, of Officers. That any of the officers of such corporation, who may be sued for any act done in his or their official character, may justify under this act. | § 12. And bet further enacted by the authority aforesaid, hat the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta shall have power and authority to call out each and every male person with- in the jurisdiction of said corporation subject to road duty, who shall be compelled to do road and street duty according to the laws now in force in this State, or the said Mayor and Council shall have power to levy and collect a tax for that purpose.t . * Changed to six members—Act December 2oth, 1860, ¢55. + Acts 6th December, 1861, and 12th March, 1866, 264, 386. Street Duty. T ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. 9 § 13. And bet further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Mayor and members of Council shall have full Legislative power and authority to pass all ordinances and by-laws, ne- We cessary for the goverment of said city, which do not conflict with the Constitution and laws of the State of Georgia, and of the United States, reference to which alone shall be had in the adjudications tc be had upon this Act, and they shall have special power to make all contracts in their corporate capacity which they may deem necessary for the welfare of said city—to levy a tax, not exceeding the State tax, on all Taxation. persons, professions and proprety within the corporate limits of the city, of whatever kind, either real or personal, which is subject to taxation by the laws of this State, which tax shall be collected by a Tax Collector chosen by the Mayor and members of Council, who shall, previous to entering upon the duties of his office, give bond and security to the Mayor and members of the City Council, in a sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office, who shall also act as T'ax Receiver for said city—which tax shall be collected at such times and in such manner as the Mayor and members of the Council in their by-laws shall di- rect, and shall pay the taxes so collected over to the Treasurer of said city on or before the first day of August in the year 1848, and each and every year thereafter; and the said Tax Collector shall receive for his services such sumsas may be fixed and set apart by the Mayor and members of Council, and whose term of office shall expire (unless removed) with those who elected him:* to empower their said Marshal or Deputy Marshal to marshars remove all nuisances within the corporate limits of said city, ™Y- and especially require him, the said Marshal, to prosecute, be- fore the Superior or Inferior Court of the county of DeKalb, all offenders; and for this purpose the said Marshal or Dep- uty Marshal shall have full power and authority to examine places where he suspects a violation of the laws of this State to be carried on, and shall have full power and authority to call to his aid any and all of the white male citizens of said city, capable of bearing arms, and shall report all offenders against the penal laws of the State to the Mayor or any mem- ber of Council, whose duty it shall be, upon such information, to issue a warrant or warrants, binding over such offenders to appear before the proper tribunals to answer such charge. § 14. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in all cases where any person or persons, citizens of said, stenting city, or who haye property subject to taxation within the lim- tax payers— its of the same, shall fail, refuse, or neglect to pay the taxes bow Pre imposed according to this Act, the Clerk of the City Council against. shall issue executions for the same, which executions shall be signed by said Clerk, and bear test in the name of the Mayor, and be directed to the Marshal of said city, commanding him * Act 6th December, 1861, 362. 10 Ca-sa to is- sue. Three ‘Sinent bers of Council to form aCourt in the ab- sence ‘. the Mayor Fines. Salaries. ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. to levy on the goods, chattels, lands, and tenements of the de- fendants, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy the demand and cost, which execution shall bind all the prop- erty of the defendant from the date thereof, and the cost thereof shall be the same as on ‘l'ax Collector’s. executions by the law of this State; and the said Marshal shall proceed to advertise and sell in such manner as the laws and ordinances of said city shall or may direct: Provided, That in case any such execution shall be returned by said Marshal, “ no proper- ty to be found,” then, and in that case, a capias satisfacien- dum against the body. of the defendant or defendants may is- sue, from which he shall not be discharged except by virtue of the laws of this State, made for the relief of honest debtors; and should any defendant or defendants fail to give security for his or their appearance before the Superior or Inferior Court of DeKalb county, to take the benefit of said Act, then, and in that case, he, or she or they shall be committed ‘to the common jail of the county of DeKalb, there to remain until discharged by the due course of law. § 15. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, ‘That the Mayor, and, in his absence, three members of the City Council, shall have full power and authority to impose such fines, not. exceeding fifty dollars, for the violation of any or all of the by-laws and ordinances of said city within the corporate limits of the same: Provided, Such by-law .and or- dinances be not violative of the Constitution or laws of this State, or of the United States.* § 16. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the payment of all fines imposed pursuant to the preced- ing section, shall be enforced in the same manner which is hereinafter (before) provided for the collection of taxes.t § 17. And be wt further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Mayor of said city shall receive for his services the sum{ of two hundred dollars per year, and that each member . of the Council shall receive a salary of twenty dollars a year, and the salaries to be paid to the officers of said corporation, together with all the expenditures made for the use of said city, shall be paid,out of the city funds in the hands of the City Treasurer, who shall keep a book, in which he shall make an entry of all sums of money received, and shall also make an entry of all sums of money paid out, and for what purpose, and shall take receipts for all sums of money paid out, which book and receipts shall be subject to the inspection of the Mayor and members of the Council of said city at such times as they or either of them shall think proper; and all - sums of money paid into the hands of the City Treasurer by * Acts/26th November, 1863, and 12th October, 1870, 379, 3138. + Act 12th March, 1866, 386. t Acts 29th December, 1853, and 26th November, 1863, 232, 377. A€TS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. 11 this Act shall, and itis hereby directed to be, a fund for the use of said city. § 18. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Mayor and City Council shall have power to license Retail Li- persons to retail, and sell by retail, spirituous liquors within ©” the said city, and no person or persons shall sell by retail any spirituous liquors within the same, without first obtaining such license, for which they shall pay a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, which tax shall be appropriated to the use of the said city of Atlanta.* § 19. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Mayor and members of Council of the city of Atlan- Tax on Bil- ta shall have full power and authority to levy a tax, in addi-"#"4 7» es tion to the taxes levied by the provisions of the thirteenth section of this Act, on all billiard tables: kept or used for the purpose of playing on, gaming or renting, and on all ten-pin alleys, nine-pin alleys, or alleys of any kind, which are kept or used for the purpose of playing on with pins or balls, or either, or for the purpose of renting the same, which tax or taxes shall be collected according to the provisions of the thir- teenth and fourteenth sections of this Act; + and the Mayor and City Council shall have power and authority to levy and collect a tax, not exceeding fifty dollars, for each exhibition, from all itinerant show-masters, who may exhibit within said city, any shows, circus-riding, tumbling, sleight-of-hand, leg- erdemain, or tricks of any kind whatsoever, coming under this description.{ : § 20. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That said Mayor and City Council shall have power and au- thority to license a Vendue-master or Vendue-masters for said venaue- city, such Vendue-master or masters first paying to the May- masters. or and City Council the sum of fifty dollars each, for said license, and giving bond and security to the Mayor and City Council in the manner prescribed by the laws of this State re- gulating Vendues. And if any person or persons shall sell any goods, wares or merchandise, or any other property what- soever, as a Vendue-master, or at auction or public outcry, within said city, without having first obtained a license from the Mayor and City VUouncil, he or they shall forfeit and pay for every such sale the sum of five hundred dollars, to be re- covered in any Court of competent jurisdiction, and to be applied, one-half to the use of the said city, and the other half to the person giving the information and suing for the same: Provided, always, That nothing in this section shall be con- strued to extend to any sales made by lawful officers under * Acts 3d March, 1856, 12th December, 1859, 26th November, 1863, 236, 249, 278. + Act 28th December, 1853, 233. t Act 26th November, 1863, 378. 12 ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. executions issuing from the proper authorities, or to sales made by or under the authority of Executors, Administrators or Grariiaies or to prohibi. resident citizens of said city from vending at auction their own property therein. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * § 21. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Repem'"€ That all laws militating against the provisions of this Act be and are hereby repealed. Approved 29th December, 1847. eee SEC. 22. Duty of Receiver. SEc. 24. Authority to Fine. 23. Assessors, 25. Authority to Tax, AN ACT in addition to and amendatory of an Act entitled An Act to amend an Act to incorporate the town of Marthasville, in the County of DeKalb, passed on the twenty-third day of December, eighteen hundred and forty-three, and also to enlarge the boundary of said town, and to in- corporate the same under the name of the City of Atlanta, and to change the name of the town of Rome to that of the City of Rome, to provide for the election of Mayor and Councilmen, and other officers of said Cities, and to confer upon, them specific powers, and for other purposes therein mentioned, approved the 29th December, 1847. § 22. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- tives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it as hereby enacted by authority of the same, That from and after Duty of Re- the passage of this Act, it shall be the duty of the Receiver of cove" Tax returns of the City of Atlanta to furnish the Mayor and City Council of the city of Atlanta with a list of the names of the persons liable to pay tax within the limits of the incorpora- tion, which has not been given in, according to the laws of said city, in each and every year.* me § 23. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Assessors. [hat the Mayor and Council of said city shall have power and authority to appoint three persons, who shall be freeholders and residents of said city, Assessors, whose duty it shall be to assess the tax on all persons and property subject to taxation within said city, which has not been given to the Receiver, as the laws of said city require, and return the amount so assessed by them, together with the names of the owners of the prop- erty, within thirty days after they shall receive said list; and the said Tax Collector shall issue executions against said defaulters for double the amount. so assessed and returned to him, which shall be collected in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations that now govern the collections * Act December 6th, 1861, $62. ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. 13 of the State tax; and the Tax Collector of the city of Atlanta shall have the same fees for issuing, and the same commis- sions for collecting that the Tax Collector for the county of DeKalb now has by law.* § 24. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, , ort That the Mayor and City Council of the city of Atlanta shall to Fine.” have power and authority to fine, not exceeding twenty-five dollars, or imprisonment, not exceeding twenty-four hours, any person or persons who shall be guilty of hooting, hallow- ing, or making any other unnecessary or unusual noise within the limits of the corporation, to the disturbance of the citizens thereof, and who does not desist when required so to do by the Marshal or any citizens of said city. § 25. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Mayor and City Council of the city of Atlanta shal] Authority have power and authority to levy tax in each and every year, on all the real estate and stock in trade within the corporate limits of said city, hable to taxation by the laws of the State, of not more than one per cent. on the value thereof, for the making within or beyond the limits of said incorporation such improvements as may be necessary to promote the interest of said city, and for the purpose of enabling said corporation to May own _ take, own and hold stock in any plank road or roads, or other stock in | improvements connected with said city, which tax shall be» levied and collected in the same manner as is provided for col- lecting the tax in said city by the foregoing parts of this Act, or in such manner as the Mayor and City Council may pro- vide by the laws to be made by them for that purpose: Pro- vided, Such by-laws shall not be repugnant to the Constitu- tion and laws of this State. Approved February 23d, 1850. SEc. 26, Authority to Tax. SEc. 27. Repealing Clause. AN ACT to authorize the Mayor and Council of the City of Atlanta, and the Mayor and Council of the City of Rome, to levy and collect a tax with- in the corporate limits of said cities. § 26. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of hepresenta- tives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and ttn. vot to is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That, from and exceed 3 of after the passage of this Act, the Mayor and members of} Per cent. Council of the city of Atlanta, and the Mayor and Council of value of the city of Rome, shall have full power to levy a tax of not P™Pe"y- exceeding one-half of one per cent. upon the value of all the property within the corporate limits of said cities, respectively, * Act December 28th, 1853, $29, $30, 14 ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. of whatever kind, which is or may be. subject to taxation by the laws of this State, on all persons and professions within the corporates of the same, which taxes shall, be collected ac- cording to the provisions of the law incorporating the said cities of Atlanta and Rome. Repeatitite § 27. And be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of clause. laws militating against this Act be and the same are hereby repealed. ! Approved January 22, 1852. SEC. 28. Wards—five. SEc. 31. Marshal and Deputy. 29. Assessors. 32. Salaries. 30. Oath of Assessors. 33- Billiard Tables. Provisions of an Act amending the Charter of the City of Atlanta, and for other purposes. § 28. And be it further enacted by the authority of the same, Wards~five That the number of members of the Council of the city of Atlanta be increased to ten, and the present Mayor and Coun- cil of the said city of Atlanta have power and authority to lay off said city into five wards, and that two members of Council Annual be annually elected from each of said wards, and that those elections. two in each ward haying the highest number of votes be declared such members elected; that each person voting for said members of Council shall express on their ticket the per- ackets ~—_ son for whom he is voting, and the ward of which such person voted for is a member.* § 29. That the said Mayor and Council shall have full Assessors, POWer and authority to elect by ballot three persons as City Assessors, to assess the value of all real estate lying within the corporate limits of said city, and subject to taxation, and which said Assessors shall make a return to said Mayor and Council at such time as they shall appoint; and said Mayor and Council shall place such assessments so returned in the hands of the Tax Receiver of ‘said city, who shall enter the same in his books with other taxes, and the same shall be col- lected as other taxes of said city. § 30. That the said Assessors, before they enter on the dis- Oath of As- Charge of their duty, shall take and subscribe an oath before sessors. the Mayor, faithfully and truly to assess all the real estate within the corporate limits of Atlanta, and to return such assessment to the Mayor and Council thereof, with the name *Act December 12th, 1866. §90. §92. | “* October 5th, 1868. §95. oy “25, 1870; §t47. ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. 15 of the owner thereof, and shall receive for their services such sum each, as the Mayor and Council shall order. § 31. That the Marshal and Deputy Marshal shall annually, at the first regular meeting after the election and installation Marshal and into office of the Mayor and members of Council, be by ballot oe elected by said Mayor and Council, and shall be removable from office by the same for any neglect of duty or misde- meanor. § 32. That the salary of the Mayor of said city shall be five hundred dollars, and that the members of Council shall receive Salaries. no salary for their services as members of Council.* § 33. That the Mayor and Council shall have power and au- .o. a 7 thority to license billiard tables and ten-pin alleys, and which bies a license fee shall not exceed fifty dollars on each table or alley- track. 3 Approved December 28th, 1853. - SEC. 34. Extension of Corporate Limits. § 34. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the corporate limits of the city of Atlanta shall be extended Extension so as to embrace the territory lying within the following rate Limits. boundary, to wit: Commencing at a point on the incorpora- tion line one-fourth of a mile from the Macon & Western R. R., and.on the south side of said road, and running in a west- erly direction parallel with said road five hundred yards; thence one-half mile in a northerly direction, running con- centric with the present corporation line; thence in an easter- ly direction to the incorporation line ; thence to the beginning along said line.t Approved February 20th, 1854. *Act December 18, 1859, and Nov. 20, 1863. §54. §77. yExtended by Act, Dec. 6th, 1861. §6o9. wf as Nov. 26th, 1863. §76. - 3 March 12th, 1866. §8o. Te ay He Oct. 12th, 1870. §140, 16 AOGTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA, SEC, 35. Spirituous Liquors. SEC. 37. Writs, how directed ? 36. Retail License. 38. Acceptance of Amendment. 39. Repealing Clause. AN ACT to amend the 18th Section of the Charter of the City of Atlanta, and to confer certain powers upon the Mayor and Council of said city here- in specified, and to prescribe the manner in which the Clerk of the City Council shall direct his summons, precept and execution, and other processes. § 35. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- Fy ‘ tives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and pronibit the 18 hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the eigh- sale of spit teenth section of the Charter incorporating the town of Mar- thasville, now city of Atlanta, shall be, and is hereby altered and amended so as to read, And he, the Mayor, and Council of the City of Atlanta shall have power to restrict, regulate or prohibit the sale, vending and distribution of any wine, rum, gin, brandy, whisky or other spirituous liquors, or any mix- ture of said liquors, in quantities less than one quart, in the incorporate limits of said city, under such penalty as they may prescribe, not exceeding fifty dollars for each offence.* § 36. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That said Mayor and Council shall have power to issue license for the retail of spirituous liquors and intoxicating: drinks, under such terms, condition and restrictions as they may deem | expedient for the public good, for which license they shall Power tois- demand and receive not exceeding fifty dollars, and Clerk’s fee ou aca’ Of one dollar and twenty-five cents each ; and which license Clerk’s fee. shall be of force for the term of twelve months from date, and no longer ;+ in addition to the power to collect fifty dollars for issuing retail license as above specified, the said Mayor and Council shall have power and authority to levy an extraordi- nary tax upon spirituous liquors and distilled drinks and wine ean eee for the purpose of retail in said city, of not exceeding raordi- . : : nary tax on fifty per centum upon their assessed value given in under oath liquors. by such retailer when he returns his taxable property, which sum of money, so raised by such tax, shall be kept and known as a Poor School Fund for the education of the poor children of the city of Atlanta; and if any person shall sell by retail in quantities less than one quart, any wine, brandy, rum, gin, whisky, or other spirituous liquors, in any place whatever within the incorporate limits of the city of Atlanta, without a license for such purpose from the Mayor and Council of said city, such person or persons so offending shall each be fined in a sum of not exceeding fifty dollars and cost of trial, and on * December 12th, 1859, November 26th, 1863. $49. § 78. T $6 $6 #f s¢ #6 “ “ ‘6s \ ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. 17 conviction before the Mayor, or three members of Council for each offence, and every sale on distinct days shall constitute separate offence: Provided, moreover, Nothing in this section of the Act shall be so construed as to annul, limit or disparage the discretionary power and the entire control over this mat- ter, conferred upon said Mayor and Council in the first section of this Act.* :; § 37. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all warrants, summons, precepts, executions, or other Write—how process issued by the Clerk of the City Council of Atlanta ‘ected? shall be to the Marshal and Deputy Marshal of the city of Atlanta. , § 38. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the citizens of Atlanta shall, at their next election, by ep epatly vote, declare whether they accept or reject this amendment of their Charter. § 39. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws militating against this Act be, Repealing and the same are hereby repealed. Approved March 3, 1856. Sec. 40. Clerk’s Costs. Sec. 41. Insolvent Executions. 42. Authority to Fine. AN ACT to incorporate the City of Greensborough, to provide for its govern- ment, define its powers, and for other purposes therein mentioned. § 40. And be it further enacted, That from and after the fifteenth day of January, in the year eighteen hundred and ane fifty-seven, the Clerk of the City Council of Atlanta shall °°” receive the sum of thirty-one and one-fourth cents on all solvent tax fi. fas. issued in pursuance of the Charter and Ordinances of said- city, and shall receive such compensation for all insolvent tax ji. fas. as the Mayor and Council shall by ordinance ordain and. establish.+ § 41. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and Coun- cil of the city of Atlanta, from and after the passage of this Insolvent Act, shall not be liable to pay any insolvent execution, except *°r""* upon such terms and regulations as they may prescribe. § 42. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and three | members of Council of the city of Atlanta, sitting as a Muni- pummority cipal Court, shall have power and authority to impose a fine °°" of not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisonment in the guard house of said city, upon any offender against any of the laws * December 12th, 1859. November 26th, 1863. $49. § 78. + Acts December 6, 1861, and October 12, 1870, @ 68, 2 139. 2 3 18 City Park. Right of State. Time of election. AOTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA, or ordinances of ‘said city, for a space of not exceeding thirty days.” | Approved March 5, 1856. | Kin ial ee re Src. 43. City Park. | SEc. 44. Right of State. AN ACT to authorize the Mayor and Council of Atlanta to take possession of the enclosed ground lying between the General Passenger Depot and Decatur street, and the Atlanta Hotel and Loyd street, in the City of Atlanta, for the purpose of beautifying and ornamenting the same, to be be used as a Railroad Park. § 43. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact, That the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta be and they are hereby authorized to take possession of the enclosed ground lying between the General Passenger Depot and Deca- tur street, and the Atlanta Hotel and Loyd street, in the city of Atlanta, and that they be and are hereby allowed to beautify and ornament the same with shade trees, flowers, and shrnb- bery ; to construct walks through the same; to pave or flag said walks; and said piece of ground, thus beautified and ornamented, to be used as a public or Railroad Park, until it shall be required by the State of Georgia, to be used and occu- pied for Railroad purposes. § 44. The General Assembly do further enact, That the oceu- pancy of the ground described in the first section of this Act by the city of Atlanta shall not work a forfeiture of the right of the State of Georgia in and to the same. | Repeals conflicting laws. Approved November 23d, 1859. Sec. 45. Election. AN ACT to change the time of holding the several elections in this State, and for other purposes. § 45. The General Assembly do further enact, That the elec- tion for Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta shall be held on the third Wednesday in January, annually, instead of third Monday, as now provided for by law.t | Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 12, 1859. I Un nnn ee EEE aaa * Acts December 6, 1861, November 26, 1863, and March 12, 1866, 3 65, 279, % 86. + Act December 6th, 1861, 360, ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. 19 SEc. 46. Streets. SEc. 50. Lottery Tickets. 47. Grading and Draining. 51. Bank Agencies. 48. Pavements. 52. Itinerant Traders. 49. Spirituous Liquors, 53. Reserve of Power. AN ACT to amend the Charter of the city of Atlanta, and for other purposes therein mentioned. § 46. Be it further enacted, That, from and after the passage of this.Act, the Mayor and City Council of the city of Atlanta Power to shall have full power to open and lay out, to widen, straighten, ope lay ' or otherwise change, streets and alleys in the said city of tend streets Atlanta: whenever the said Mayor and Council shall exercise the power above delegated, they shall appoint two freeholders, and the owners of said lots fronting on side streets -or alleys shall, on five days’ notice, appoint two freeholders, who shall proceed to assess the damages sustained or advantages derived , .cossore by the owner or owners of said lots in consequence of the of damages opening, widening, straightening, or otherwise changing, said *PPointed. streets and alleys, and in case said assessors cannot agree, they shall select a fifth freeholder; the said assessors to take an oath that they will faithfully discharge their duties, and either party to have the right to enter an appeal to the Superior Court of Fulton, within ten days from the rendition of said award ; the Mayor and Council of said city of Atlanta to haye power and authority to levy, collect and enforce the final award or judgment in each and every case, by execution against the owner or owners of said lots, when the same is found to be advantageous to said owners. § 47. Be tt further enacted, &c., That said Mayor and Coun- Grading cil shall have power and authority to establish and fix such aand drain- system of grading and draining of the streets in said city ag Ms *tee* they may deem proper. § 48. Be it further enacted, &c., That said Mayor and Coun- cil shall have power to order such pavements, or sidewalks, Pavements. laid down as they deem proper; and upon failure of any per- son to comply with the same within the time prescribed, the said Mayor and Council may have the same done, and levy and collect the expenses thereof, by executions against the lands and goods and chattels of the owner of the lot or lots. § 49. Be at further enacted, &c., That the eighteenth section of the Act of Incorporation of the city of Atlanta, approved No spirits December 29th, 1847, read as follows: “That the said Mayor peso and Council (of the city of Atlanta) shall have power to cense. license persons to retail, and sell by retail, spirituous liquors, within the said city; and no person or persons shall sell b retail any spirituous liquors within the same without first obtaining such license, for which they shall pay a sum not 20 ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. . exceeding three hundred dollars ; which tax shall be appropri- ated to. the use of said city of Atlanta.* § 50. Be it further enacted, That the Mayor and Council of Lottery said city of Atlanta shall have power to impose a tax for the ' vending of Lottery Tickets, in case of any Lottery authorized by the laws of this State; and the tax imposed shall not be less than five hundred dollars on each ticket sold in said city. § 51. Be it further enacted, That each and every person Bank Agen- desirous of establishing a Bank Agency in said city, shall first pay to said Mayor and Council a sum not more than three hundred dollars, for the right and privilege of doing business for the term or space of twelve months. | § 52. Be it further enacted, That said Mayor and Council oat Pav shall have power to levy and collect from itinerant traders, - who may, directly or indirectly, by themselves or others, sell any goods, wares, or merchandise, in said city, such tax ag to them may seem proper: Provided, That no person or per- sons shall be prohibited from selling, free from tax, any num- ber of books, maps, charts or mathematical instruments made in this State or elsewhere, within said city of Atlanta. § 53. And be it further enacted, That the State reserve to Reserve of itself the right to repeal or modify this Act, at any time she ower. may deem proper. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved December 12th, 1859. een Src. 54. Salary of Mayor. AN ACT to amend the Charter of the City of Atlanta. § 54. Be it further enacted, That the Mayor and Council of Salary of the city of Atlanta shall be and are hereby authorized to fix Mayor. —_the salary of the Mayor of Atlanta: Provided, the same shall | not exceed the sum of one thousand dollars per annum. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved December 18th, 1859.+ i * Act December 6, 1861, § 60. + Act November 26th, 1863, $77. ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. . 21 £ SEC. 55. Quorum. SEC. 58. Subscription to Stock of R.R. 56. Selling Liquor to Slaves. Companies. ~ 57. Fermented Drinks. 59. Tax. AN ACT to amend the several Acts incorporating the city of Dalton, and wie ‘amendatory of, and additional to the several Acts incorporating the city of Atlanta, and to extend the corporate limits of the town of Cumming, in the county of Forsyth. . § 55. Be it further enacted, That the Mayor and six mem- bers of the City Council of the city of Atlanta shall consti- Quorum. tute a quorum for the transaction of business, and in the ab- sence of the Mayor, seven members of the Council shall make _comald sey a quorum, and when both the Mayor and President pro tem. pro tem. ab- are absent, any member present may be chosen as Chairman irae” for that meeting. | § 56. That the Mayor and Council of said city shall have full power and authority to pass all such by-laws and ordi- Power to nances as they may deem necessary and proper to provide for SURPre’s. the punishment of all persons who may be convicted of sell- Arena 9 ing to or furnishing any slave or free person of color with ADY slaves. intoxicating drink of any kind whatever within said city, not to exceed one hundred dollars fine ‘and fifty days imprison- ment; and also to provide more effectually for the suppression of disorderly houses and houses of ill-fame, and to suppress disorderly conduct and breakers of the peace of a!l kinds in _ said city.’ § 57. Be it further enacted, That the said Mayor and Coun- Gouget cil shall have full authority and power to prohibit the sellin g of may pre- liquor, lager beer, or other fermented drinks, without the ob- vont ie taining of a license for that purpose: Provided, The owner or iit 3 keeper of each house or saloon kept for that purpose shall not cense. be required .to pay exceeding the sum of one hundred dollars prove’ for a license for one year. § 58. Be wt further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That - said Mayor and Council shall have full power and authority May sub- to make such subscription or subscriptions in behalf of said fetibe to city for such stock in any railroad company as may be deemed B.R. Com- necessary and proper for promoting the growth and prosperity °° of said city, which may have been heretofore made by said May tage ‘Mayor and Council, and also to issue bonds upon the faith and bonds to se- credit of said city to secure said subscriptions, and to levy ce s>- ‘ ; , : scriptions, , such tax upon the real estate and stock in trade in said city as eta may be necessary for the payment and redemption of ‘thethe same same: Provided, Said tax shall not exceed one per cent. PeT proviso. annum on the value of said property. 3 59, Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That 22 ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. the Mayor and Council shall have full authority and power to May taxnot levy a tax of not exceeding one per cent. on all the inhabitants one percent of said city, who are taxable by the laws of this State, in addi- aban °x- tion to the aforesaid special tax, and the various articles upon the city. which a specific tax is now levied by the laws now in force for the purpose of defraying the ordinary expenses of said city, and the improving the streets and making such other improve- ments as may be considered necessary to promote the interest and prosperity of said city. Assented to December 20, 1860. Sec. 60. Election. Sec. 65. Authority to Punish. 61. Vacancies. 66. Double Tax. 62. Receiver and Collector. 67. Compel attendance, 63. Market. 68. Fee-Bill. 64. Street Duty. 69. Corporate Limits. 70. Repealing Clause. AN ACT to amend and alter the several Acts incorporating the City of At- lanta, in Fulton County, Georgia. $ 60. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- Flection of tives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, That Mayorand the annual elections of Mayor and Council of said city, after the next regular annual election in January next, shall be Shallas- held on the first Wednesday in December, 1862, and in each sume their and every year thereafter, and that they shall be duly qualified and assume the discharge of their respective duties at the first Financial Tegular meeting in January thereafter, and that the financial Fear. year shall terminate on the last day of December.* § 61. In the event the office of Mayor shall become vacant vacancies; at.any time within three months of the expiration of his term how filledin GF office, the President pro tem. of Council shall act as Mayor expimhicn during the balance of said term, and exercise all the rights * and powers of Mayor during said term; and in the event of a vacancy in the Council of said city, within the like period, the acting Mayor and Council shall have power to fill said vacancy by the election of an Alderman belonging to the Ward in which said vacancy may occur for said unexpired term. Fiseewoe § 62. Be it further enacted, That the Mayor and Council of anaaret said city shall have power and authority to elect a Receiver of tor of Tx Tax Returns and Tax Collector at the same time of electing a be elected Clerk and other officers, and prescribe their duties and com- prescribed. pensation. . To estab- § 63. Be it further enacted, That said Mayor and Council wor hageal shall have full power and authority to establish a Market in *Act December 12, 1866, § 90. ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA, 32 and for said city, and to pass all ordinances necessary to sus- tain, protect, regulate and govern the same, not contrary to the laws and Constitution of this State. § 64. Be it further enacted, That all persons liable to per- form road duty by the laws of this State shall be liable and Persons tia- subject to work on the streets of said city, under the direction ble to work and control of the proper officers of said city: Provided, That the Mayor and, Council of said city shall have power to levy a street tax street tax in lien thereof: And Provided further, That all in jieu of persons who shall fail or refuse to pay said tax on or before =~ such day as said Mayor and Council by ordinance may require, pang to the person failing shall be required, upon three days’ notice, to pay. must do ind preform street work as aforesaid; and upon failure streets. thereof, such defaulter shall be liable to be dealt with by the Mayor and Council.as for violation of other ordinances of said city.* § 65. Be wt further enacted, That the Mayor and Council of said city shall have power and authority to enforce the Authority ordinances of said city by appropriate fines and penalties ; and *° ?™™*" whenever it shall become necessary to imprison any person by sentence, order or judgment of said Mayor and Council, it shall be lawful to use the common. jail of Fulton county, Georgia, instead of the calaboose of said city, upon terms and conditions to be regulated by and between said Mayor and Council and the Inferior Court of said county.t § 66. Be it further enacted, That said Mayor and Council shall have power and authority to enforce and. collect a double Double Tax tax of any person who'shall fail or refuse to give in a list of his or her taxable property to the Receiver of Tax Returns of © said city. | §$ 67. Be wt further enacted, That the Mayor and Council of said city shall have power and authority to compel the attend- Compe! At- ance of parties and witnesses at the Mayor’s Court, and the ‘42° meetings of said Council, and for this purpose said Mayor and Council shall have power and authority to take and receive of parties and witnesses such bonds as they shall deem necessary to secure the attendance of parties and witnesses, and to pass all ordinances necessary to carry this Act into effect, and to forfeit and collect said bonds in the same manner as such bonds are now forfeited in the Superior Court in this State. § 68. Be it further enacted, That said Mayor and Council shall have power and authority to establish a fee bill for the Fee Bill. officers of said city not higher than the fees allowed to the county officers, nor lower than those allowed to Justices of the Peace and Constables of this State. § 69. Be it further enacted, That the coporate limits of the * Act March 12th, 1866, f{ 86. + Act November 26th, 1863,,§ 79. 24 ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. city of Atlanta be extended on the north side of the city by Corporate beginning at the point on the Western & Atlantic Railroad ‘where the present corporation line now crosses, and thence run up said road to the north corner next the railroad at the lot whereon Felix Sowers resides, and thence east from said corner five hundred feet, thence southeast to the present corporate line.* § 70. And be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of ‘Repealing Jaws militating against this Act be, and the same are hereby "repealed. Assented to December 6, 1861. & Src. 71. Tax on Commis’n Merchants. Src. 72. Takes effect—when ? AN ACT to authorize the Mayor and Council of the City of Atlanta to as- sess and collect a tax on the proceeds of sales made by Commission Mer- chants in said city. § 71. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact, That the taxon . Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta be, and they are Commis. hereby empowered to assess and collect a tax from commission chants. merchants, of not exceeding one-half of one per centum upon the amount of proceeds of sales of all goods, wares, merchan- dise, and all other articles sold by them in said city on com- mission, in such manner and form as said Mayor and Council may prescribe. Takes erect, 8 0: De %& further enacted, That this bill shall go into effect —when? from and immediately after its passage. Assented to April 18th, 1863. SEC. 73. Tax on Brokers. AN ACT to be entitled « An Act to empower the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta to assess a tax on Brokers.” | § 73. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of poxon =. Georgia, That the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta rokers, be, and they are hereby empowered to assess a tax on such persons carrying on the brokerage business in said city, of not more than three hundred dollars per annum, in addition to all other tax they may be required to pay. Assented to April 18, 1863. * Act November 26th, 1863. § 76. “March 12th, 1866. § 89. October 12th, 1870. § 140, _ ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. 25 Src. 74. Purchase Lands. SEc. 75. Takes effect, when? AN. ACT to authorize and empower the Mayor and Council of every city and town of this State to purchase lands outside of their corporate limits for Cemeteries and other public uses of said incorporations. § 74. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact, That the Mayor and Council of every city and town of this State be, Purchase and are hereby authorized and empowered to purchase such quantities of lands as in their judgment may be necessary or convenient for cemeteries and other public uses of said cities and towns, whether such lands be within or outside of their corporate limits. § 75. Be it further enacted, That this. Act shall go into operation on the first day of May next. Sahenae: Assented to 18th April, 1863. _ SEc. 76. Corporate Limits. SEc. 78. Ardent Spirits. Exhibitions. 77. Salaries. 79. Authority to Fine. ; 80. Bonds of Officers. AN ACT to alter and amend the several Acts incorporating the City of Atlanta. § 76. Be it enacted, That immediately after the passage of this Act the limits of the city of Atlanta be extended so as to Corporate include a parcel of land situate on lot of land number twenty- Limits. one, in the fourteenth district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, containing one hundred and sixty acres, recently pur- chased by the Mayor and Council of said city for a cemetery ; the line to commence at the present corporation line, near the southeast corner 0! Atlanta Cemetery, and to run in a south- east direction until it strikes the line of said parcel of land, and thence to run around the east and south line of said land to the southwest corner of the same, and thence in a north- western direction to the present corporation line, including said parcel of land, and the land lying between it and the present corporation line within said city.* § 77. Be it further enacted, That the City Council of Atlanta, or a majority of them now in office, shall have power Man a and authority to fix the salary of the Mayor for the next year; fixea?’ and the Council of any year hereafter shall have the power to fix his salary for the subsequent year: Provided, Said salary Proviso, shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars; and a ee a a al oa *Act March 12, 1866, § 80. October 12, 1870, § 140, 26 ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. the City Council, for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-four, Cite oun Shall each receive ' for their services a sum of not exceeding cil for 1864two hundred dollars, the amount to be determined by the and thereat’ yresent Council, and each Council hereafter to fix the amount termined? to be received by their successors, not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars each per annum. el § 78. Be it further enacted, That the Mayor and Council of Mayor and said city shall have full power and authority to regulate the have power retail of ardent spirits within the corporate limits of said city, - Jer ot and, at their discretion, to issue license to retail, or to with- ardent spir- hold the same, and to fix the price to be paid for license at any its under re- sum they may think proper, not exceeding two thousand dol- lars.. Said Mayor and Council shall also have power to pass such ordinances as they may think proper in regard to grant- a ing or not granting license to theatrical companies or perform- ower as to ey aye ; theatrical ers, or for shows or other exhibitions: Provided, The price to companies; he paid for such license, when granted, shall not exceed two ~~ hundred dollars for each ‘performance or exhibition ; and said Authorizea Mayor and Council shall also have power and authority to levy ta tax Com- such tax as they may think right and proper, on all commis- Merchants, Sion merchants, auctioneers, or negro brokers, or traders with- Auction- in said city, not exceeding two per centum on the amount of eers, &c. ‘ their sales. § 79. Be it further enacted, That the Mayor of said city, or, In rl aa in his absence, three members of Council, when sitting as a three mem. Court, shall have the power to impose a fine, not exceeding here et five hundred dollars, for the violation of any ordinance of said may fine. city. § 80. Be it further enacted, That said Council and Mayor Bonds of x Shall be authorized to fix the amount of all bonds to be given --how fixed. by the officers of said city, and to adjudge and approve of the same. | Src. 6. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to November 26th, 1863. Src. 81. Small Pox Hospitals. SEc. 83. Power to tax. 82. Quarantine Expenses. 84. Vaccine Virus. AN ACT to prevent the spréad of Small Pox in this State. § 81. WHEREAS, the Small Pox has been introduced, and is likely to spread into every County in this State, thereby caus- ing great expense and trouble to the people— The Justices of the Inferior Court of each county, or the corporate authorities of any town or city in this State, within Hospitele the limits of which any case or cases of small pox may ap- pear, or has appeared, are hereby authorized and empowered to provide a suitable hospital for those so afflicted, and to fur- ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. 27 nish them with medical and any other attention that, in their judgment, those so afflicted may require; also, to provide pro- per quarantine regulations to prevent the spread of said dis- ease: Provided, That no person or persons shall be forced to ‘leave his or her home to go to said hospital when they are pro- perly provided for and guarded at their own expense. Said Court (corporate authorities) shall not pay any expense of any ~ case so situated. 4 § 82. Said corporate authorities shall make, or cause to be made, a proper and justaccount of all expenses accruing from Quarantine said quarantine and other attention, either medical or nursing, “Pees of all whom they have under their control, and who submit to the regulations of said Court or corporate authorities. § 83. The Inferior Court and said corporate authorities, in the several counties, and cities of this State, be, and are Fower to hereby authorized, to levy an extra tax, sufficient to pay all ~ just, equitable debts contracted under the provisions of this Act. § 84. Requires the Governor to procute vaccine virus and y, cine Vie send to Justices of Inforior Courts in each county, 2 Ty Repeals all conflicting laws. Approved February 5th, 1866. SEc. 85. Registration. Src. 88. Tax on Gross Receipts. 86. Collection of Fines. 89. Corporate Limits. 87. Bonds, power to issue. AN ACT to alter and amend the several Acts incorporating the City of Atlanta, in Fulton County. § 85. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact, That the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta shall have Registra- full power and authority to. require any person, firm, company °°" or corporation engaged in prosecuting or carrying on, or who may engage in, prosecute or carry on any trade, business or profession, within the corporate limits of said city, to register their names and business, calling or profession, annually, and to require such person, firm, company or association, to pay for such registration, and for license to engage in, prosecute or carry on such business, calling or profession, a fee not exceed- ing twenty-five dollars per annum. § 86. Be tt further enacted, That said Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta shall have full power and authority to en- Collection force the payment of fines for the violation of the city ordi- nances of said city, and enforce the payment of street taxes by compelling parties who fail or refuse to pay such fines or taxes to work on the streets or public works of said city. 28 ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. § 87. Be it further enacted, That said Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, in order to meet the necessary and con- tingent expenses of: the city administration, shall have full eh power and authority to issue and negotiate bonds, the whole bonds. property of the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta to’ be pledged for the ultimate redemption of said bonds issued, and hereafter to be issued, as authorized by this section. § 88. Be it further enacted, That the Mayor and Council of Maytax the city of Atlanta shall liave full power and authority to levy gross re- ceiptsof bu-and collect a tax of not exceeding one per cent. on the gross siness. —_—_ receipts of all the registered business of said city. § 89. Be it further enacted, That the corporate limits of said Corporate city be so extended as to measure one mile and a half in each limits. and every direction from the General Passenger Depot, the: center of the present corporate limits. Approved March 12th, 1866. ee Src. 90. Elections. SEc. 92. Illegal Voting. ot. Managers. 93. Takes effect, when? AN ACT to prescribe the mode of electing the Mayor and members of Council of the city of Atlanta. § 90. Be it enacted, etc., That at all elections for Mayor and Election ef members of Council of the city of Atlanta, the polls shall be Council— opened. and an election held in cach ward ‘for Mayor of said where held? city and two members of Council from, each ward—said elec- tion to be held at such places in each ward as the Mayor and Council hereafter may, by an ordinance, designate, and shall be superintended in the same manner as now Bot for by law. § 91. That it shall be the duty of the BRA at such Momcet elections, on the day after the same is held, to meet at the City Hall, in said city, and consolidate the returns of the elections of their respective wards, and the person receiving the highest number of legal votes for Mayor shall be declared duly elected, and the two persons in each ward receiving the highest num- ber of legal votes in the ward of which they are residents at the time of said election, shall be declared duly elected mem- bers of Council for said ward. 92. That any person at said election, who shall vote for Megal vot- members of Council in any ward, (such person, at the time a of voting, not being a resident of said ward,) shall be held ‘and considered to be guilty of illegal voting, and upon con- viction ‘thereof, shall suffer all the pains and penalties now Penalty. prescribed by law for illegal voting. § 93. That this Act shall not take effect and be of force un- ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. , 29 less the same is ratified by a majority of the legal voters of said city, and an election for that purpose shall be held at When Act the City Hall, in said city, on the first Tuesday of February next. ‘ Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 12th, 1866. SEc. 94. Elections. SEc. 95. General Ticket. 96. Consolidation of Returns. AN ACT to amend an Act entitled an Act to provide the manner of electing the Mayor and members of Council of the City of Atlanta, and for other purposes. § 94. The Act entitled An Act providing for the election of | a Mayor and members of Council for the city of Atlanta, Mection. assented to December 12, 1866, is hereby amended as follows : § 95. That all elections for Mayor and members of Council ' of the city of Atlanta shall be by general ticket—two members General of Council to be chosen from each ward—said election to be M*+t. held at such places in each ward as said Mayor and Council may designate, and shall be superintended as now provided for by law. § 96. That it shall be the duty of the managers at such elections, on the day after the same is held, to meet at the city Consotida- hall, in said city, and consolidate the returns of the elections tion of ®& of their respective wards, and the persons receiving the highest number of legal votes shall be duly declared Mayor and mem- bers of Council of said city. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved October 5th, 1868. SEC. 97. Pawnbrokers. AN ACT to authorize the Municipal authorities of the various Towns and Cities in the State of Georgia to license Pawnbrokers; to define their pow- ers and privileges, and for other purposes therein named. § 97. Be tt enacted, &c., That from and after the passage of this Act, and its approval by his Excellency the Governor, it Pawnbro- shall be lawful for the Municipal Authorities of the several ¥¢'- incorporated towns and cities in the State of Georgia to license Pawnbrokers in their respective jurisdictions; to define by ordinance their powers and privileges, to impose taxes upon them, to revoke their license, and generally to exercise such superintendence over Pawnbrokers as will insure fair dealing between the Pawnbroker and his customers. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved October 10, 1868. 30 ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. ) SEc. 98. Water Commissioners. Sec. 111. Price Regulated. 99. Election. 112. Division of Water. 100. Oath of Office. 113. Taxation. IOI. Quorum. 114. Notes, Drafts. 102. Power of Board. 115. Regulations. 103. Private Property. "4216, Revenue, 104. Compensation. 117. Salaries. 105. Tunnels. 118, Mal-administration. 106. Contracts. 119. Engineer. 107. Water Bonds. 120. Mayor and Commissioners.’ 108. Payment of Interest. 121. Takes effect, when ? 109. Distribution of Water. 122. Repealing Clause, 116. Payment for Water. AN ACT to authorize the Mayor and Council of the City of Atlanta to pro- vide for the introduction of Water Works in said city, and for other pur- poses. ! WHEREAS, by reason of the rapid increase of population in the city of Atlanta, it has become manifest that the present supply of water for extinguishing fires, and for domestic and sanitary purposes, is inadequate for the wants of said city, § 98. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of hepresenta- WaterCom- tives in session assembled, That for the purposes aforesaid missioners. there shall be created within the city of Atlanta a Board of Water Commissioners, to consist of one member from each Ward, to be elected and empowered to act as hereinafter de- scribed. $99. Said Water Commissioners shall be elected by the vo- Election. ters having the right to vote for Mayor and members of Coun- cil, and shall be chosen at any regular annual election for city officers, and the persons so elected shall. constitute the Board of Water Commissioners, and shall choose from their number annually one as President of said Water Board, but the May- or.of Atlanta, and his successors in office, shall, ex officio, al- ways be one of said Board, and the members so elected shall determine by lot, or otherwise, after a period of two years, who of their number shall vacate the Board to the extent of two members, thereby creating vacancies to be filled at the next regular election, who may hold their offices for the term of two years from the date of their installment. § 100. And be it enacted, That said Board of Commission- Ce URE erey 1 proceeding to organize, shall take and subscribe the oath administered to the Mayor and members of the Council, and shall provide books in which shall be kept a record of the acts and doings of said Board, a full report of which shall be made annually to the Mayor and Council of Atlanta, and the books of said Board shall be subject to examination at any ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. 31 time by persons authorized to do so by the Mayor and Council. § 101. And be it enacted, That a majority of said Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and Quorum. .all contracts and engagements, acts and doings, of said Board, within the scope of their duty or authority, shall be obligato- ry upon, and be in law considered as if done by the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, and said Mayor and Council, and all the real estate within the city of Atlanta, shall be lia- ble for the payment of the principal and interest that may be- come due on the bonds or obligations to be issued by virtue of this Act. ~ § 102. And be it enacted, That the said Board shall, for and in the name of the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, fower of take and hold the lands and real estate, rights, franchises, and property of every kind, so purchased by the Board aforesaid, and any other lands, real estate, or property, necessary in their opinion, for the construction of any canals, aqueducts, reser- voirs, or other works, for conveying or containing water, or for the erection of any buildings, or ‘machinery, for laying any pipes or conduits for conveying the water into or through the _ said places, or to secure and maintain any portion of the works, and in general to do any other act necessary or conven- ient for accomplishing the purposes contemplated by this Act. § 103. And be tt enacted, That in case of any disagreement. between said Board and the owners of any lands, or water begat) rights, which may be required for the said purposes, or affect-~"°P°™ ed by any operation connected therewith, as to the amount of compensation to be paid to said owner, or in case any such owner shall be an infant, or a married woman, or insane, or shall be absent from the State, the Judge of the Superior Court of Fulton County shall on the application of either party, or in case any such owner shall be unknown, or can not be found, then upon notice of such application, to be given as said Court may direct, nominate and appoint three dis-interest- ed persons to examine such property, and estimate the value thereof, or damage sustained thereby, who shall after reasona- ble notice to the parties, or notice to be advertised, as said Court may direct, of the time and place where they will be heard in relation to the matter, proceed without delay to hear the same and make their report thereon, and deliver the same to the Court at the next session thereof which shall be held in said County. § 104. And be tt enacted, That whenever such report shall be confirmed by the Court aforesaid, the said Board shall with- fo™Pe™** in two months thereafter pay to the said owner, or to such person or persons as the Court may direct, the sum mentioned in said report, in full compensation for the property ‘so requir- ed, or for the damage sustained, as the case may be, and in all cases where the title or interest of any person, or persons, in 32 ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. lands required and taken up for the purpose of this act, is - doubtful or disputed, or in case said owner shall be unknown, insane, non compos mentis, or an infant, or can not be found, the value of or damage to such lands awarded by the Com- missioners appointed by said Judge of the Superior Court, may be paid into said Court upon affidavit made of such facts by the claimant, his agent, or attorney, and such payments shall have the same effect as if made to the owner thereof; and the said Court may proceed in a summary way, upon pe- tition of any person claiming to be the owner of said lands, or any part thereof, and to what person or persons the said money shall be paid, and‘shall have power to distribute. the same among the persons entitled thereto; and thereupon the Mayor and Council of the City of Atlanta shall become seized’ in fee simple of sucl: property so required, and shall be discharged from all claim by reason of such damage. ee § 105. And be it enacted, That the said Board in behalf of Tunnels. the Mayor and Council of the City of Atlanta, and all per- | sons acting under their authority, shall have the right to use the ground, or soil, under any road, railroad, highway, street, lane, alley, or court, within the State, for the purpose of con- structing, enlarging, improving any of the work contemplated by virtue of this act, upon condition that.they shall not per- manently injure any such road, railroad, highway, street, lane, alley or court, to be restored to its original state, and all dam- ages done thereto to be repaired. | § 106. And be it enacted, That all contracts for material, or Contracts. for the construction of any part of said work, which shall involve the expenditure of five hundred dollars, or more, shall be made in writing; and of each contract two copies shall be taken, which shall be numbered with the number of said con- tract, and indorsed with the name of the contractor and a summary of the work to be done or material furnished. One of said copies shall be deposited with the Auditor of Accounts of the city of Atlanta, and one shall be retained by said Board. The said Board shall have authority to require :rom any per- son or persons with whom they shall enter into a contract, satisfactory security for the faithful performance of ‘said con- tract according to its terms, and no member of said Board shall be interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract re- lating to said work. | § 10%. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of purchasing Water material, and constructing the said Atlanta Water Works, the Bonds. Board of Commissioners shall be authorized:to issue for, and in behalf of the City of Atlanta, certain: obligations which shall be known as “ Atlanta Water Bonds,” and of such denom- inations as convenience requires, to the amount of not exceed ing Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, ($500,000 00,) bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent. per annum, redeemable at the city of New York, thirty years from date, the interest of AOTS -INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. 33 which shall be paid annually in the city of New York, on all bonds to which this Act refers. Payment of § 108. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of paying qaproct. interest on bonds which shall have been sold, and before a revenue can be realized from said Water Works not yet com- pleted, the interest which may fall due on bonds disposed of, the Mayor and Council of Atlanta shall provide by tax for the payment of said interest. . $109. And be tt enacted, That the said Board shall regu- Distribu. late the distribution and use of said water in all places and ter. for all purposes where the same may be required, and from time to time shall fix the price for the use thereof, and the time of payment; and they may erect such number of. pub- lic hydrants, and in such places as they shall see fit, and di- rect in what manner and for what purposes the same shall be | used; all of which they may change at their discretion: Provided, That all conduits or appliances required and fur- nished for the purpose of extinguishment of fires shall be erected at the expense of the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, and placed as they shall direct, and be under their exclusive control and direction. § 110. And be tt enacted, That the said Board shall have Paymentfor full power, and authority, to require the payment in advance for the use, or rent of water, furnished by them in, or upon any building, place, or premises, and in case prompt. payment for the same shall not be made, they may shut off the water from such building, place, or premises, and shall not be com- pelled again to supply said building, place or premises with water, until said arrears, with interest thereon, shall be fully paid. § 111. And be it enacted, That the said Board shall make no price regu- contracts for the price of using the water for a longer term #4. than three years; and at the expiration of any term or lease, the price paid for the use thereof shall be adjusted according to the regulations then established. / § 112. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons shal] Diversion of maliciously or wilfully divert the water, or any portion thereof, from the said works, or shall corrupt, or render the same impure, or shall destroy, or injure any canal, aqueduct, pipe, conduit, machinery, or other property used or required for procuring or distributing the water, such person or per- sons, and their aiders and abettors, shall forfeit to the said Board, to be recovered in an action of trespass, treble the amount of damages (besides cost of suit) which shall appear on trial to have been sustained, and all such acts are hereby declared to be misdemeanors, and the parties found guilty thereof may be further punished by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or math at the discretion of the Court. 34 Taxation. Notes, Drafts. Regulations Revenue. ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. § 113. And be it enacted, That all lands and real estate and property of every kind so held as aforesaid, by the said Board, for and in the name of the Mayor and Council of the City of Atlanta, shall be exempted from all taxes and assessments. § 114. And be it enacted, Uhat the said Board shall be au- thorized to execute promissory notes, or accept drafts for any of the legitimate purposes of the said work, in anticipation of the receipts of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds hereinbefore authorized to be issued by them, or of the revenue of the said works: Provided, however, That the whole amount of the permanent indebtedness_of the City to be incurred by them, by virtue of this Act, shall not exceed the sum of five hundred thousand dollars. 3 $115. And be it enacted, That the said Board shall have power to make rules and regulations respecting the introduc- tion of the water into, or upon any premises, and from time to time to regulate the use thereof in such manner as shall seem to them necessary and proper: and the members of said Board, and all engineers, superintendents, or inspectors in their ser- vice, are hereby authorized and empowered to enter, at all sea- sonable hours, any dwelling or other place where said water is taken or used, and where unnecessary waste thereof is known or suspected, and examine and enquire into the cause thereof; they shall have full power to examine all service pipes, stop- cocks, and other apparatus connected with said works, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the same are of the character and dimensions, and fixed in the manner directed in the per- mits issued therefor: and if any person or persons refuse to permit such examination, or oppose or obstruct such officer in the performance of such duty, he, she, or they so offending, shall be liable to such penalty, not exceeding ten dollars, for such offence as the board may impose, and the supply of water may also be shut off, until the required examination is made, and such alterations and repairs are completed as may be ne- cessary. | $116. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of enabling the Treasurer of said City of Atlanta to pay the interest upon the bonds issued, by virtue of this Act, it shall be the duty of said Board to pay annually, to the said Treasurer, and at least one week prior to the time when such payment shall become due, all the net revenue of their said works, for the preceding six months; unless the said revenue shall be more than is suf- ficient for said payment, in which case they shall pay to said Treasurer only a sufficient sum for that purpose: in order to create a fund for the payment of said bonds, at their maturity, it shall’ be the duty of the Mayor and Council of said City of Atlanta, to raise, annually, by tax, the sum of thirty-five hun- dred dollars, until said bonds shall: be paid and redeemed, which sum the Treasurer of said city shall, annually, on the first Monday in November, of each year, pay over to said ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA, Board for that purpose: the said Board are hereby authorized to invest the said sum from time to time, together with such net revenue as may from year to year remain in their hands: after paying all necessary expense of said work, and the inter- est upon said bonds, as a sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds, the said Board shall have power to make such rules and regulations respecting the management of said fund as they shall deem expedient; but no part thereof shall at any time be used in any manner inconsistent herewith: they shall keep accurate and separate books from those in which their other accounts are kept, and shall annually make a full and detailed report of the state of the said fund to the Mayor and Council. In case the revenue received by the Board shall not in any year.be sufficient to pay said interest and all necessary expenses of said work, the said fact. shall be reported in their semi-annual statement by the said Board to the Mayor and Council ; and it shall thereupon be the duty of said Council to pay over to said Board an amount of funds equal to said deficiency, and if necessary, they may raise said amount of tax in the next year thereafter. ‘ § 11%. And be it enacted, That the members of said Board 30 shall not receive any compensation for their services, but shal] Salaries. be paid for all reasonable expenses they may incur while in the performance of their duties. The said Mayor and Council shall be authorized by a committee of their own number, or otherwise, to inspect semi-annually, or oftener, the state and condition of the works and property, and all property thereto belonging ; and the said Board shall give them every reason- able facility and assistance in making such inspection. $118. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta may at any time remove any member of said Board: Provided, it shall satisfactorily appear, after rea- sonable notice to the parties, and hearing the causes of com- plaint and answer thereto, if any shall be offered, that the member, whose removal is sought, has been guilty of mal- administration or neglect of the duties of his office, that his removal will be right and proper, and two-thirds of all the members elected to said Council shall concur in such removal. § 119. And be it enacted, That said Board of Commissioners Mal-admin- istration. shall have power to appoint a competent Engineer, for the Engineer. construction of said Water Works, and to fix his compensation therefor while so employed, but. said Engineer shall have entire control of subordinates, either as assistants, mechanics, or laborers, which may be required during the progress, or after the completion of said Water Works, and to fix the amount of compensation which all persons so employed shall receive, 3H ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. Bare § 120. And be it enacted, That until a regular city election Commis. can be held, the Mayor and Council of Atlanta shall have and sioners. exercise all the powers which this Act confers upon said Com- missioners. Takeseffect § 121. And be it enacted, That this Act shall be deemed a when? public Act, and take effect immediately. Repealing = -§ 122. And be it enacted, That all laws or parts of laws ‘ militating against this Act, are hereby repealed. Approved September 23d, 1870. Mayor and a eee Src. 123. System of Schools. SEc. 125. Agencies. 124. Taxation. 126. Bonds. 127. Repealing Clause. AN ACT to empower the Mayor and Council of Atlanta to establish and maintain a system of Public Schools within said city, and for other pur- poses. hired peed § 123. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of 98: Georgia, That the Mayor and Council of the City of Atlanta be, and they are hereby empowered to establish and maintain a system of Public Schools, which shall be free to all the children within said city. | § 124. Be it further enacted, That the said Mayor and Council shall have power to impose and collect. the requisite taxes, and to issue and negotiate the requisite Bonds, or oth- erwise engage the credit, and apply the resources of the City, to raise revenue for the establishment and maintenance of said system of Public Schools. | ‘agg Agencies. § 125. Be it further enacted, That said Mayor and Council shall by ordinance or otherwise in their discretion, provide for appropriate agencies to regulate, improvise, and carry on said system of schools, and render the same efficient. Bonds. § 126. Be it further enacted, That the Bonds issued by the City shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars for said purpose, and the said City shall be bound for the redemption of such bonds as may be issued under this Act, as it now is, and shall be bound for all bonds or obligations heretofore issued by the Mayor and Council, or by their authority, and they shall assess such tax annually as shall be necessary to pay all interest due upon the bonded debt of said City, and to pay the bonds when the principal is due. . Repealing = § 127. Be wt further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws militating against the same, are hereby repealed. Approved September 30th, 1870. Taxation ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. ‘Src. 128. Board of Health. SEC. 137. Donation to Oglethorpe Col- 129. Lots and Cellars. lege. 130, Vacancies. 138. Municipal Court. 131. Legislative Power. 139. Perquisites. 132. Fire Limits. 140. Corporate Limits, 133. Borrow Money. 141. Building Inspectors. 134. Tax on Real Estate. 142. Recommendations of In- 135. Qualification of Voters. spectors. 136. Bonds to H. I. Kimball. 143. Legislative Power. 144. Repealing Clause. AN ACT to amend the several Acts incorporating the City of Atlanta, § 128. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen- tatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Mayor and Council of the City of Atlanta shall have full power and authority at their first, or subsequent meeting after each municipal election to appoint one fit and proper person from each ward, who together shall constitute a Board of Health, a majority of whom shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. That it shall be the duty of said Board of Health to meet weekly, or as often as may be necessary ; to visit every part of the City, and to report to the Mayor and Council all nuisances which are likely to endanger the health of the City, or of any neighborhood. That said Mayor and Council shall have power upon the report of said Board of Health, to cause such nuisances to be abated and its recommendations to be carried out in a summary manner, at the expense of the party whose act or negligence caused such nuisance, or of the owner of the property upon which the same may be located, as the Mayor and Council shall elect. § 129. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That 37 Board of said Mayor and Council of the City of Atlanta shall have full Hots and ellars, power, upon the recommendation of said Board of Health, to cause the owners of lots or cellars within the corporate limits of said City to drain or fill the same to the level of the streets or alleys upon which said lots or cellars are located. That if the owner of said lots or cellars, or the occupant of the same, in the discretion of the Council shall fail or refuse, after reasonable notice to him or his agents, to comply with the requirements of said Mayor and Council by draining said lots or cellars, or by filling up the same, it shall be lawful for said Mayor and Council to have this work performed, and the amount so expended collected by executions issued by the Clerk of Council against the owner or occupant of the lots or cellars, as the said Mayor and Council may elect, and a sale under said execution shall pass as complete and perfect a title to the property sold as a sale by the Sheriff under a judgment and execution. | 7 38 ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. vacancies. § 130. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, 'That said Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta shall have full power and authority to fill any vacancies that may occur in the Board of Health; that this Act may be plead as, and shall be a complete defence to any action brought against the said Mayor and Council or either of them for any act done by them under its provisions, and the ordinances passed in pur- suance of it. Levislative § 131. Be wt further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That power. said Mayor and Council shall have full power to pass all ordi- nances that may be necessary to carry the provisions of this Act into complete and full effect. ; § 132. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesacd, That Fire Limits. .4id Mayor and Council shall have power and authority to es- tablish fire limits, and from. time to time, in their discretion, to extend and enlarge the same; within which fire limits, when so established, it shall not be lawful for any one to erect other than fire-proof buildings, or structures of any kind other than fire-proof; and should any one erect, or, cause to be erected, within such fire limits so established, any such buildings or other structures, said Mayor and Council, after giving five days’ notice, shall cause the same to be removed at the expense of the owners of such buildings or other struc- tures—the said expense to be collected by executions issued by the Clerk of Council; and said Mayor and Council shall have power to determine what buildings or other structures are or, _ are not fire-proof. Pen 8, § 133. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That ney. said Mayor and Council shall have power to borrow money or contract loans for the use of said city, both from bodies cor- porate, and from individuals either residing in or out of the State of Georgia; and to pledge the funds and property of said city for the payment of said loan or loans, and shall have power to purchase any real or personal estate for the use and , benefit of the city, and to sell or dispose of any part of the property, domains, land, or lots to said Mayor and Council be- longing or appertaining by lease or in fee simple, as to them shall seem meet and proper: Provided, That this power shall only be exercised by resolutions passed by said Mayor and Council; and that all notes, mortgages, deeds, or instruments of any kind or description made and executed by said Mayor and Gouncil, shall be signed by the Mayor and Chairman of the Finance Committee. TaxonReal § 134. Be wz further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That Estate. the tax on the real estate in the City of Atlanta, shall not ex- ceed two per cent. on the value thereof. Qualifica- § 135. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That tion of vo- al] persons, citizens of and residing in the corporate limits of the City of Atlanta, who shall be entitled to vote for members ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF. ATLANTA. 39 of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, shall be en- titled to vote for the Mayor and Council of said city at any election that may be hereafter had. § 136. Beit further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the issue of seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) in bonds Bonasto H. of the City of Atlanta, of one thousand dollars($1,000)each, to 1 Kimball. H. I. Kimball for Fair Ground purposes, made by said Mayor and Council on the seventh day of March, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy, be hereby ratified and approved. That said Mayor and Council shall have full power and authority to levy such'a tax upon the real estate and stock in trade in said city as may be necessary for the payment-and redemption of the same. ’ § 137. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That y nations the donations of — acres of land, » portion of a tract known as to Ogle- the old Fair Ground, heretofore made by the Mayor and Coun- phere Cor cil of the City of Atlanta to Oglethorpe College, upon the condition of said College being. located in said city, is hereby ratified and approved. t § 138. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That he where the Mayor is unable, from any. cause whatever, or fails {n?™ to hold the regular terms of the Mayor’s Court, it shall be competent for the Mayor pro tem. to convene said Court, and to preside as the judicial officer, with as full and ample power as the Mayor. § 139. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That perquisites. the officers of the City of Atlanta, elected by the Mayor and Council, shall receive no perquisites of any kind or descrip- tion, except what are expressly voted to them by said Mayor and Council—any thing in previous Acis of the General “Assembly to the contrary notwithstanding. § 140. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, 'That orate the corporate limits of the City of Atlanta be extended for the Limits. purpose of Police, and of regulating the retail of ardent spirits, so as to include all that portion of lot-one hundred and twelve, (112) in the fourteenth (14th) district of Fulton County, pur- chased by the Mayor and Council of said City from Chapman Powell; and all that portion of lot one hundred and fifty, (150) of the seventeenth (17th) district of Fulton Co., purchased by said Mayor and Council from H. R. Sasseen and Dorinda A, Sasseen,and three hundred(300)yardsin each and every direction around said purchases; and all of that territory between the Western & Atlantic Railroad and the county road leading from Atlanta to Marietta and a line three hundred (300) yards west of said Railroad, and running concentric to the said Road; and all that land lying between said county road and a line run- ning three hundred (300) yards east of said county road and concentric to the same, from the present corporation line of the City of Atlanta to the new Fair Grounds. 40 ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. § 141. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That BuildingIn- the Mayor and Council of the City of Atlanta at their first or spectors. any subsequent meeting in each and every year, shall have full power and authority to elect three free-holders, residents of said city, Building Inspectors, whose duty it shall be, 1n con- nection with the City Surveyor, to inspect all buildings and walls located on the various streets, lanes, or alleys of said: city, when they shall be requested so to do by the Mayor, and to report the result of said investigations to said Mayor and Council, with a recommendation as to the best course to be pursued in reference to said buildings or walls for the protec- tion of the citizens. | § 142. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That Recommen- said Mayor and Council shall have full power and authority spectors. to execute, in a summary manner, the recommendations of said Building Inspectors, or a majority of them, at the ex- ’ pense of the owner of said building or wall, or of the owner of the lot upon which the same may be located, in the discre- tion of said Mayor and Council, should the said owner, after fifteen days’ notice, fail or refuse to remove the objections re- ported by said Building Inspectors, or a majority of them, such expense to be collected by executions, to be issued by the Clerk of Council. § 143. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That Legislative said Mayor and Council shall have full power and authority to pass all ordinances that may be necessary to carry this Act into full effect. Repealing § 144. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of ause. _ laws militating against this Act are hereby repealed. Approved October 12th, 1870. ee TE Src. 145. Sale of Personal Property. Src. 146. Repealing Clause. AN ACT to authorize the sale of Personal Property at any place within the corporate limits of the City of Atlanta. . gale of Per. .§ 145: Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, sonal Pro- That whenever personal property, that has been levied upon aa in the County of Fulton, is of a character to render its remo- val to the Court House of more than ordinary expense or in- convenience, the same may. be sold at any place within the corporate limits of said city, at public outcry, within the hours now provided by law, and after having given the notice re. quired by law; Provided, The owner thereof gives his con- sent. | Repealing § 146. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws Clause. nilitating against this Act are hereby repealed. Approved Oct. 25th, 1870. : ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. 41 SEC. 147. Elections. 148. Repealing Clause. AN ACT to make it lawful for legal voters of the City of Atlanta to vote for Mayor in any one of the Wards in the City ; provided, no person shall vote but one time at the same election; and to prevent any person from voting for Councilmen for any other Ward than the one in which he actually re- sides at the time of voting. § 147. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- Biections. tives of Georgia, in General Assembly met, That it shall be lawful from and after the passage of this Act, for the legal vo- ters of the City of Atlanta to vote for Mayor in any one of the Wards of the city ; provided, no person shall vote but one time at the same election, and that no person shall hereafter vote for Councilmen for any other Ward than the one in which he actually resides at the time of voting. i § 148. Be it further enacted, That all laws, and parts cf Repealing laws, militating against this Act, are hereby repealed. ty sina Approved October 25th, 1870. Sec. 149. Uniform Police. Src. 150. Repealing Clause. AN ACT to require the Mayor and Council of the City of Atlanta to cause the entire Police force’of Atlanta to be so uniformed as to be readily recognized by the public as peace officers, § 149. It is enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- Uniform tives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, That ge the Mayor and Council of the City of Atlanta shall cause the - entire police force of the City of Atlanta to be so uniformed. as to be readily recognized by the public as peace officers. Repeali § 150. Be it further enacted, That all laws, and parts of Clause. laws, militating against this Act, are hereby repealed. Approved October 25th, 1870. Src. 151. Purchasers’ at Marshal’s SKC. 152. Wards. | sales. 153. Repealing Clause. AN ACT to amend the Charter of the City of Atlanta. § 151. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, That the Marshal of the City of Atlanta, or his Dep- Purchasers uty, shall have full power and authority to place the purchaser Sales. at any sale made under any execution issued under the laws governing the Mayor and Gouncil of the City of Atlanta, in possession of the property sold, under the same rules and reg- ulations that govern the sheriff and his deputies at sheriff’s sales. 42 ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. § 152. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That Wards, the Mayor and Council of the City of Atlanta have power and authority to lay off said City into as many wards as said Mayor and Council deem proper, and that two members of Council be annually elected from each of said wards, and that those two in each ward having the highest number of votes be declared such members elected; that each person voting for said members of Council shall express on their ticket the per- son for whom he is voting, and the ward of which such person voted for is a member. EEE ua SIRS. ue ot further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws conflicting with this Act be, and the same are l.ereby repealed. Approved October 27th, 1870. POWER TO TAX. SEC. 154. Persons, Professions, &c. Skc. 166. Brokers. 155. Billiard Tables, Alleys. 167. Auctioneers, &c. 156. Real Estate, Stock in Trade. 168. Small Pox Expenses, 157. Property, Professions, &c. 169., Gross Receipts. 158. Spirituous Liquors. _, 170. Pawnbrokers. 159. Lottery Tickets, 171. Interest on Water Bonds. 160, Itinerant Traders, 172. Atlanta Water Bonds. 161. Subscriptions to R. R. Co’s. 173. Public Schools. 162. Ordinary Expenses. 174. Public School Bonds. 163. Street Tax. 175. Real Estate. 164. Double Tax. 176. Fair-ground Bonds. 165. Commission Merchants. Dec’r 29th, % 154. The Mayor and members of Council shall have full 1847. $18 power and authority to levy a tax, not exceeding the State tax, on all persons, professions and property within the corporate limits of the city, of whatever kind, either real or personal, which is subject to taxation by the laws of this State. § 155. The Mayor and members of Council of the city of acti no Atlanta shall have full power and authority ta levy a tax, in addition to the taxes levied by the provisions of the thirteenth section of this Act, on all billiard tables kept or used for the purpose of playing, gaming or renting, and on all ten-pin al- leys, nine-pin alleys, or alleys of any kind, which are kept or used for the purpose of playing on with pins or balls, or either, or for the purpose of renting the same. | ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. 43 § 156. The Mayor and City Council of the city of Atlanta, oon shall have power and authority to levy tax in each and every 1950. § 25. year on all the real estate and stock in trade within the corpo- rate limits of ‘said city, liable to taxation by the laws of the State, of not more than one per cent. on the value thereof, for the purpose of making, within or beyond the limits of said incorporation, such improvements as may be necessary to pro- mote the interest of said city, and for the purpose of enabling said corporation to take, own and hold stock in any plank road or roads, or other improvements connected with said city. § 157%. The Mayor and members of Council of the city of y,, oon Atlanta, and the Mayor and Council of the city of Rome, shall 182. $28 have full power to levy a tax of not exceeding one-half of one per cent. upon the value of all the property within the corpo- rate limits of said cities respectively, of whatever kind, which ‘ is or may be subject to taxation by the laws of this State, and a further tax, not exceeding the State tax, on all persons and ~ professions within the corporate limits of the same, which taxes shall be collected according to the provisions of the law incorporating said cities of Atlanta and Rome. § 158. In addition to the power to collect fifty dollars for is- suing retail license as above specified, the said Mayor and March ad, Council shall have power and authority to levy an extraordin-* te ary tax upon spirituons liquors, and distilled crinks, and wine, kept for the purpose of retail in said city, of not exceeding fifty per centum upon their assessed value, given in under oath by such retailer when he returns his taxable property, which sum of money, so raised by such tax, shall be kept and known as a poor school fund, for the education of the poor children of the City of Atlanta. ~§ 159. The Mayor and Council of said city of Atlanta shall have power to impose a tax for the vending of lottery tickets, Dec. 12th, in ease of any lottery authorized by the laws of this State aes and the tax imposed shall not be less than five hundred dol- lars on each ticket sold in said city. § 160. The Mayor and Council shall have power to levy and collect from itinerant traders, who may directly or indirectly, 1859. ne by by themselves or others, sell any goods, wares or merchandise in said city, such tax as to them may seem proper : Provided, That no person or persons shall be’ prohibited from selling, free from tax, any number of books, maps, charts, or mathe- matical instruments, made in this State, or elsewhere, within said city of Atlanta. § 161. The Mayor and Council shall have full power and authority to make such subscrip‘ion or subscriptions in behalf of said city for such stock in any Railroad Company, as may be deemed necessary and proper for promoting the growth and prosperity of said city, which may have been heretofore made by said Mayor and Council, and also to issue bonds upon Dec. 20th, 1860. § 58. 44 ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. the faith and credit of said city, to secure said subscriptions; and to levy such tax upon the real estate and stock in trade in said city as may be necessary for the payment and redemp- tion of the same: Provided, Said tax shall not exceed one per cent. per annum on the value of said property. § 162. The Mayor and Council shall have full authority Dec. 20th, and power to levy a tax of not exceeding one per cent. on all 1860. $59 the inhabitants of said city, who are taxable by: the laws of this State, in addition to the aforesaid special tax, and the various articles upon which a specific tax is now levied by the laws now in force, for the purpose of defraying the ordinary expenses of said city, and the improving the streets, and mak- ing such other improvements as may be considered necessary to promote the interest. and prosperity of said city. Dec. 6th, § 163. The Mayor and Council shall have power ‘to rea a 1861. $64 street tax in lieu of work. § 164, The Mayor and Council shall have power and author- Dec. 6th, Hy to enforce and collect a double tax of any person who may 1861. § 66. fail or refuse to give in a list of his or her taxable property to the Receiver of Tax Returns of said city. See mode of pope. tion. § 165. The Mayor and © Sadat of the city of Atlanta be and ies. “evi, they are hereby empowered to assess and collect a tax from Commission Merchants of not exceeding one-half of one per centum upon the amount of proceeds of sales of all goods, wares, merchandise and all other articles sold by them in said city, on commission, in such manner and form as said ee and Council may prescribe. § 166. The Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta be and April 18th, i863, § 73. they are hereby empowered to assess a tax on such persons carrying on the brokerage business in said city, of not more than three hundred dollars per annum, in addition to all other tax they may be required to pay. § 167. The Mayor and Council shall also have power and Novem.26th authority to levy such tax as they may think right and proper 1863. §%8. on all commission merchants, auctioneers, or negro brokers, or traders within said city, not exceeding ‘two per centum on the amount of their sales. Feb. 5th, § 168. May tax for small-pox expenses. 1866. § 83. 169. The Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta shall 1806. 68 et have full power and authority to levy and.collect a tax of not exceeding one per cent. on the gross receipts of all the regis- tered business of. said city. Got. 10tb, § 170. May tax pawnbrokers. Sep. 234, § 171. Interest on Atlanta Water Bonds s peofinen for by 1840, $108, taxation. Be. A@TS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. _§ 172. For the purpose of enabling the Treasurer of the city of Atlanta to pay the interest wpon the bonds issued by virtue of this Act, (Atlanta Water Bonds) it shall be the duty of said Board (Water Commissioners) to pay annually to the said Treasurer, and at least one week prior to the time when such payment shall become due, all the net revenne of their said works, for the preceding six months; unless the said revenue shall be more than is sufficient for said payment, in which case they shall pay to said. Treasurer only a sufficient sum for that purpose. In order to create .a fund for the payment of said bonds at their maturity, it shall be the duty of the Mayor and Council of said city of Atlanta to raise annually, by tax, the sum of thirty-five hundred dollars, until said bonds shall be paid and redeemed, which sum the Treasurer of said city shall annually, on the first Monday in November of each year, pay over to said Board for that purpose. The said Board are hereby authorized to invest the said sum from time to time, together with such net revenue as may from year to year remain in their hands after piying all necessary expenses of said work, and the interest upon said bonds, as a sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds. The said Board shall have power to make such rules and regulations respecting the man- agement of said fund as they shall deem expedient, but no part thereof shall at any time be used in any manner inconsis- tent herewith. They shall keep accurate and separate books from those in which their other accounts are kept, and shall annually make a full and detailed report of the state of the said fund to the Mayor and Council. In case the revenue received by. the Board shall not in any year be sufficient to pay said interest, and all necessary expenses of ‘said work, the said fact shall be reported in their semi-annual statement by the said Board to the Mayor and Council, and it shall there- 45 Sep. 23d, 1870. § 116. upon be the duty of said Council to pay over to said Board an- amount of funds equal to said deficiency; and if necessary they - may raise said amount of tax in the next year thereafter. § 173. The Mayor and Council shall have power to impose and collect the requisite taxes, and to issue and negotiate the requisite bonds, or otherwise engage the eredit and apply the resources of the city, to raise revenue for the establishment and maintenance of said system of Public Schools. § 174. The bonds issued by the city shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars for said purpose, (Public Schools) and the said city shall be bound for the redemption of such ponds as may be issued under this Act as it now 1s, and shall be bound for all bonds or obligations heretofore issued by the Mayor and Council, or by their authority ; and they shall assess such tax annually as shall be necessary to pay all inter- est due upon the bonded debt of said city, and to pay the bonds when the principal is due. $ 175. The tax on the real estate in the city of Atlanta shall not exceed two per cent. on the value thereof. Sep. 30th, 870. § 124. Sep. 30th, 1870. § 126. Oct. 12th, 1870. § 134. A6 ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. $ 176. The Mayor and Council shall have full power and Oct. 12th, authority to levy such a tax upon the real estate and stock in 870. $18. trade in said city as may be necessary for the payment and re- demption of the same. (Fair-ground Bonds.) TAX — WHEN: AND HOW COLLECTED. Sec. 177. Time and Manner. Src. 179. Street Tax. 178. Fi. fa., Ca-sa. § 177. Tax shall be collected by a Tax Collector chosen by Dec. 29th, the Mayor and members of Council, who shall, previous to en- ‘#7. $18. tering upon the duties of his office, give bond and security to the Mayor and members of the City Council, in a sum not ex- ceeding ten thousand dollars, for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office, who shall also act as the Tax Receiver for said city—which tax shall be collected at such times, and in such manner, as the Mayor and Members of the Council, in their By-Laws, shall direct. | By S 178. In all cases where any person, or persons, citizens of i847. eth. said city, or who have property subject to taxation within the limits of the same, shall fail, refuse or neglect to pay the taxes imposed according to this Act, the Clerk of the City Council shall issue executions for the same, which executions shall be signed by said Clerk, and bear test in the name of the Mayor, and be directed to the Marshal of said city, commanding him to levy on the goods, chattels, lands and tenements of the de- fendants, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy the demand and cost, which execution shall bind all the pro- perty of the defendant from the date thereof, and the cost thereof shall be the same as on Tax Collectors’ executions by the laws of this State; and the said Marshal shall proceed to advertise and sell in'such manner as the Laws and Ordinances of said city shall or may direct: Provided, That in case any such execution shall be returned by said Marshal, “ no proper- ty to be found,” then, and in that case, a capias ad satisfaci- endum against the body of the defendants may issue, from which he shall not be discharged except by virtue of the laws of this State, made for the relief of honest debtors; and should any defendant or defendants fail to give security for his or their appearance before the Superior or Inferior Courts of De- Kalb County, to take the benefit of said Act, then and in that case, he, she or they shall be committed to the common jail of the county of DeKalb, there to remain until discharged by due course of law, . ACTS INCORPORATING THE CITY OF ATLANTA. AT § 179. All persons who shall fail or refuse to pay said tax 2g are (street) on or before such day as said Mayor and Council by Ordinance may require, the person failing shall be required, upon three days’ notice, to do and perform street work as aforesaid, and upon failure thereof, such defaulter shall be liable to be dealt with by the Mayor and Council as for a vio- {RG ge lation of other Ordinances of said city, or may be compelled = to work on the public works of said city. ul n,) of ky 1h i a av et “© ORDINANCES. ALMS HOUSE. Src. 180. Superin’dt of Alms House. Sgc. 181. Salary of Superintendent. § 180. The Mayor and Council shall elect, at such time as they may choose, an officer known as the Superintendent of viele pve the Alms House, whose duty it. shall be to superintend the House-how Alms House established for the city by said Mayor and Coun-* 7° cil, and to perform such duties as said Mayor and Council may from time to time require of him. $181. The salary of said officer shall be such as the Mayor gis satary. and Council may from time to time determine. ee eer APPEALS. Src. 182. Allowed, on what terms? Src. 183. In forma pauperis. § 182. Any person being dissatisfied with the decision of the , 04 on Mayor, or three members of Council, shall have the right to what termst appeal to a Board of Couneil by payment of costs and giving good and sufficient security for the eventual condemnation money, which appeal shall be entered within four days, and shall operate as a supersedeas of the execution or judgment, until the disposition of the appeal by the Mayor and Council, which said appeal shall be taken up and disposed of at the next meeting of Council, unless continued upon a legal show- ing. § 183. Whenever any party. shall be unable to pay costs or give security, or both, as before required, and shall file an pete affidavit, in writing, before the Clerk of Council, that he is advised and believes that he has a good cause of appeal, and that, owing to his poverty he is unable to pay the cost, or give the security, or both, as required in cases of appeal, such party shal] be permitted to enter an appeal without the payment of costs, or giving security, as required in section 182: Provided, always, Such party shall be in the custody or control of the Marshal or Deputy Marshal until the final decision of the case. <& ¥ 50 Salary. Duties. Amount of onds. Failure to give bond. Bonds for- feited. ATTORNEY—CITY SOLICITOR——BAIL. ATTORNEY—CITY SOLICITOR. - § 184. There may be an attorney elected. by the Mayor and Council for the city of Atlanta, who shall have the ttle of City Solicitor, who shall receive such salary as may be agreed on by the Mayor and Council, by resolution, whose, duty shall be to prepare all such cases as may come before the Mayor or Council, and prosecute the same, and attend to such legal business as may be required of him in favor of_said city, and give counsel in all cases required of him by the officers of said Cubye)\) | BAIL. Sec. 185. Amount of bond. SEC, 187. Bonds forfeited. © 186, Failure to give bond. 188. Scire facias to issue. 189. Surrender of principal. § 185. The Marshal, Deputy Marshal, members of Police, Mayor, or any member of the City Council may take bond with security, or bond without security, at discretion, payable to the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, in the sum of not exceeding two hundred dollars, for the appearance of any party or parties accused or suspected of being guilty of a violation of any ordinance or ordinances of the city of Atlanta, to stand to and abide his, her or their trials before the Mayor, or three members of Counci! in the absence of the Mayor, and before the Mayor and Council in cases of appeals; and also of witnesses to testify in any case or cases pending, or, about to be commenced in said Court. § 186. If ‘either party or parties, or witness or witnesses, shall fail or refuse to give the bond and security, or bond, as required of them, or either of them, such person so failing or refusing may be confined in the calaboose, or common jail of the county of Fulton, or be kept under a guard, so as to be present to abide the trial or trials, or to testify, as the case may be. § 187. All bail taken under this ordinance shall be special bail, and the power of the security over the principal shall be the same as in special bail. Upon the failure to appear of any principal in any bond or recognizance given by a person charged with a violation of any ordinance of the city of Atlanta, or by a witness to appeal and testify, the City Solic- itor, if there is one, if not, then the Court shall proceed to forfeit such bonds or recognizance as if taken for appearance before the Superior Court of the county of. Fulton, in the manner heretofore practiced in the State of Georgia, BONDS. _ | 51 § 188. The Clerk of Council shall issue a writ of scire facias on all forfeited bonds, recognizances, or other obligations Seire facias against the*principal and his securities, which shall be served 7 by the Marshal or Deputy if to be found in the city, (or if not » to be found in the city, by a publication in one of the city papers, as shall be-prescribed by order of the Mayor,) calling on the surety to show cause, at the next term of the Court, why judgment should not be entered against said surety for the sum mentioned in said bond, recognizance or other obliga- tion; and if, at such term, no sufficient cause be shown to the contrary, judgment shall be entered against said principal and securities, or such of them as have been served. § 189. Bail can surrender their principal to the Marshal or surrender Deputy Marshal in vacation ; the Marshal or Deputy Marshal °fPrincipal. shall take such principal and confine him, her or them in the calaboose, or common jail of the county, in discharge of such bail, or may surrender in open Court, in which event the Court shall order that he, she or they be in custody of the Exonerater Marshal or Deputy Marshal, and have an exoneretur entered ™ 3°" on the bond as to the sureties, if before the réndition of judg- ment on the return of scire facias. : BONDS. Src. 190. William Kay. SEC. 207. Form. 191. William Helms, contr’t with. 208. Improvement of City. - 192. William Helms, bonds de- 209. One Hundred Thousand - livered to. Dollar issue. 193. Proposals of William Helms. 210. Twenty Thousand Dollar is- 194. Chattahoochee Bridge Co. sue. 195. Amount of Bonds. 211. Retiring City Scrip. 196. Form. 212. Two Hundred Thousand 197. Signature. Dollar issue. 198. Registry. 213. Two Hundred Thousand 199. Delivery. | Dollars. 200. Georgia Western Railroad. 214. Ratification of previous issue. 201. When Issued ? 215. Georgia Air-Line R. R. 202. Stock in Company pledged. 216. Rent of Opera House. 203. Grading and Macadamizing. 217. Fair-ground Purposes. 204. Money raised from sale of. 218. Tallulah Fire Company. 205. Payable, when ? 219. Purchase of State Capitol. 206. Currency Bonds. ‘220. Delivery of Bonds. § 190, The Bonds to be issued by the Mayor in pursuance jas, 52 "BONDS. of a resolution empowering him to issue City Bonds to Wil- William . liam Kay, for the purchase money of fifteen acres of land ad- desi joining the Fair Grounds, shall be each in the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. Potieeke § 191. His Honor, the Mayor, is hereby empowered to pre- with Wm. pare, in due form, and with all necessary details and specifica- April 5, 1855 tions, a contract between the city of Atlanta and the said Wil- ham Helms, in conformity with the terms and conditions above stated, and execute the same in duplicate, delivering one part to the said William Helms and filing the other in the office of the Clerk of Council. § 192. His Honor, the Mayor, is hereby aiioied and re- quested to have prepared for delivery to the said William Helms, or such person or persons as he may appoint to receive the same, forty (40) bonds of the city of Atlanta, to bear date Gas Bonds. Of the day'on which said contemplated Gas Works shall go into operation, each for the sum of five hundred dollars ($500), payable fifteen years after date, with interest from date, at the rate of seven (7) percent. per annum, payable semi- -annually on presentation of the warrants or coupons,.to be thereto an- nexed, which said bonds and coupons shall be made payable, at the times therein respectively mentioned, at the house of the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company, in‘ the city of Augusta. Written § 193. The written proposals of William Hela, as presented Contract. to the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, on the 30th of March, 1855, and found on the minutes of Council of that date, shall be considered. and taken as a portion of this ordi- nance without copying the same. | March 30th, 1855 Chattahoo- § 194. The Mayor is hereby authorized and rected to sub- Company, scribe, in behalf of this corporation, for thirty shares of one $3,000. hundred dollars each in the Chattahoochee Bridge Company. | § 195. There shall be issued, in the bonds of the city of Oct, 24th, Ablahas three thousand dollars to pay for such subscription. 1856. The bonds shall be issued in sums of five hundred dollars each, bearing interest at seven per cent. per annum, the inter- est payable semi-annually at the Agency of. the Georgia Rail- road and Banking Company, in the city of Atlanta, principal Payable, payable at the end of twenty years at the same place. There where? —_ shall be attached to each bond, coupon or interest warrants for eagh half yearly sum of interest. * "8 196. The bonds: shall be substantially in the lowing form : “ STATE OF GEORGIA, “ Fulton County. Form of “Know all Men by these Presents, That the Mayor and * Council of the city of Atlanta acknowledge to owe to the BONDS. 53 Chattahoochee Bridge Company the sum of five hundred dol- | lars, lawful money of the United States of America, which sum the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta do hereby promise, for themselves and their successors, well and truly to pay to the said Chattahoochee Bridge Company, or to the bearer hereof, twenty years from date hereof, at the Agency of ' the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company, in the city of Atlanta; and the said Mayor and Council of the city of At- lanta, for themselves and their successors, do hereby engage to pay interest on the said sum of five hundred dollars, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, in the city of Atlanta, to- wit: On the first day of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-sey- en, and on the first day of July and January in each and every year thereafter, upon the delivery of the coupons severally an- nexed, until the payment of the said principal sum. “ In testimony whereof, the Mayor and City Treasurer have signed these presents, and, caused to.be hereto affixed the seal of said city, this day of a § 197. The bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and 'T'reas- urer, and have attached thereto the seal of this corporation, Bonds sign- with the attestation of the Clerk of Council, and the coupons “* or interest warrants shall be signed by the City ‘Treasurer. § 198. The Treasurer shall number and keep a register of Registry. said bonds. : § 199. The Mayor shall deliver the said bonds to the Pres- ; jdént of the Chattahoochee Bridge Company, or his order, in Wher del payment of said subscription, on the receipt of scrip for the stock subscribed, as the same shall fall due, for the construc- tion of a bridge over the Chattahoochee river, below the mouth of Vickery’s creek, near Roswell. ~-§ 200. The Mayor of the city of Atlanta is hereby authorized georgia and directed to subscribe, in behalf of the Mayor and Council Western R. of the city of Atlanta; for three thousand shares, of $100 each, ‘Amount of in the Georgia Western Railroad Company. onds. § 201. In and for the payment of each and every install- ment that may be called in, by the proper authorities of said Mrs company, his Honor, the Mayor, shall cause to be issued the é bonds of the city, in sums of one thousand dollars each, pay- able twenty years after date, at the Olerk of Council’s office in said city of Atlanta, said bonds to be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk of Council, and have the seal of the city attached thereto, said bonds to bear interest at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually at the office of the Clerk of Council in said city, upon the pre- . ‘sentation of the coupons or warrants for the said semi-annual interest, which shall be attached to said bonds. | ~ § 202. In addition to the faith and credit of the city of, oot Atlanta, the stock taken and subscribed for by his Honor, the patent: 54 BONDS. Mayor, in behalf of said corporation, in said Georgia Western Railroad Company, and the income thereon shall be, and the same is hereby, pledged for the payment of the interest that may accrue on said bonds, and the final redemption of the same. Bondsfor § 203. For the purpose of grading, macadamizing, and oth- grading, &. wise improving the streets in the city of Atlanta, the Mayor is streets. hereby authorized to issue bonds of five hundred dollars each, to the amount of ten thousand dollars, which bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk of Coun- cil, and shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, on the first days of January and July of each and every year, at the Clerk of Council’s Dutyor Office in said city, said bonds to be redeemable twenty years Mayorand from their date. ‘The Mayor and Street Committee are hereby Street Com- 4 uthorized and directed to ascertain on what terms said bonds can be negotiated, either directly or by paying them out to contractors for work on the streets in said city, and report the same to Council; and if said sale or negotiation of said bonds, or any part thereof, be approved by Council, then said bonds shall forthwith be issued. i Manevieakas § 204. The money raised from the sale of said bonds shall ed fromsale be applied exclusively to the improvement of the streets in a said city. § 205. The bonds contemplated to be issued under said ord- Payable, inance be made payable on the first day of July, eighteen hun- when? ~~ dred and sixty-three, the interest on the same to be payable at the Agency of the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company, in the city of Atlanta. -§ 206. The Mayor is hereby authorized to issue, in the name of the city of Atlanta, bonds to the amount of twenty-five Currency thousand ($25,000) dollars, in denominations of ten, five, two Bonds. one dollars, and fifty cents, and twenty-five cents, payable to bearer two years after date, receivable, at all times, in payment Jane 2rd, of all dues to the city of Atlanta, to be signed by the Mayor, and countersigned by the Clerk of Council. Resolution. § 207. The Mayor is hereby authorized and required to exe- Numberand cyte, under the seal and in the name of the said City Council, one hundred and fifty bonds of five hundred ($500.00) dollars each, to be numbered from one to one hundred and fifty, and marked with the letter “G,” and to be dated the first day of September, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and payable to John Collier, or bearer, on the first day of September, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, all of said bonds to bear interest Interest, from date, at the rate of eight per cent. per annum, payable howpaya- semi-annually on the first day of March and the first day of September in each year, at the office of the City Treasurer of Atlanta, according to coupons or warrants to be annexed to faa, 18th, 1865. BONDS. 55 said bonds, which said bonds and warrants shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk of Council. , § 208. The Mayor is hereby authorized and required to negotiate, by sale or hypothecation, said bonds, when duly Proceeds to executed, at such times and on such terms as he may approve, Ne tig. and pay over the proceeds to the City ‘Treasurer, to be by him applied to the payment and redemption of the city bonds due and to become due, and to the payment of claims against the City Council, already incurred or to, be incurred, for the improvement of said city. § 209. The Mayor is hereby authorized to issue, in the name parch 16th of the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, bonds, in 1866. convenient amounts, (not less than five hundred dollars) not to exceed in the aggregate one hundred thousand. dollars, aoen which are to be due as follows: Thirty-three thousand in fifteen years after date, and the balance in twenty years after date, where pay- and are to be payable at the National Park Bank, New York able. city, with interest at the rate of eight per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually at the same place ; which bonds shall | have attached to them coupons or interest warrants, and be How signed signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the City Treasurer, and have the corporate seal of said Mayor and Council attached to them, and said coupons shall be signed by the City ‘Treas- urer. The City Treasurer shall number said bonds, and keep a register of them, and return the same to the Clerk of Council, who shall record the same. Said Mayor is hereby authorized to put said bonds, or any of them, on the market, p. -ceds— and sell them for what he can get for them, and place the pro- how dispos- ceeds in the hands of the City Treasurer. ah, pr piesa? May be sold § 210. There shall be issued bonds of the city of Atlanta to the amount of twenty thousand dollars, in bonds of one hun- March 30th, dred dollars each, due three years after their dates bearing” interest from date, at the rate of eight per cent. per annUM, pire nepart. payable semi-annually, with interest coupons thereto, and pay- ment. . able at the office of the City Treasurer; they shall be signed, countersigned and sealed, as the bonds authorized by the ordinance of 16th March, 1866, and the provisions of said ordinance, as to numbering, registering, and negotiating said bonds, shall be applicable to the bonds hereby authorized. § 211. The fifty thousand dollars of bonds heretofore directed September to be issued, to be used in retiring the city scrip, shall be placed © _ in the hands of the Finance Committee, to be sold, and the pro- 9 ceeds applied to the payment of the current expenses of the tion of City city, or the redemption of the city scrip. eorip. § 212. The Mayor is hereby authorized to issue, in the January name of the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, bonds, ihe bt in convenient amounts, (not less than five hundred dollars), not to exceed in the aggregate two hundred thousand dollars, 56 200,000 in onds. ; Registry. 200,000 in onds. Legalizes issue. November 4th, 1868. Resolution. Air Line R. R. December 4th, 1868. BONDS. : which are to be due at any time not less than fifteen nor lon= ger than twenty-five years from the dates thereof, in the dis- cretion of said Mayor, and are to be payable at , with interest at the rate of eight per cent. per annum, payable semi- annually at the same place, which bonds shall have attached to them coupons or interest warrants, and be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the City Treasurer, and have the corporate seal of the said Mayor and Council attached to them, and the said coupons shail be signed by the City Treas- urer. The City ‘Treasurer shall number said bonds and keep a registry of the same, and return the same to the Clerk of Council, who shall record the same. Said Mayor and Council are hereby authorized by resolution to put said bonds, or any of them, through an agent or otherwise, on the market, and dispose of the same, and place the proceeds in the hands of the City Treasurer. | | | § 213. Another ordinance similar to the above, was passed on the same day, for the same amount. § 214. WHEREAS, The Legislature of the State did, by an Act approved March 12, 1866, amend the several Acts incor- porating the city of Atlanta, by conferring full power and authority on the Mayor and Council of said city, to issue and negotiate bonds for certain purposes therein named; and WuereEAs, The said Mayor. and Council did, on the 16th day of March, 1866, under and by virtue of said Act, adopt an ordinance authorizing the Mayor, in. the name of the Mayor and Council of the city: of Atlanta, to issue and negotiate bonds, in convenient. amounts, (not less than five hundred dollars), not to exceed in the aggregate one hundred thousand dollars, to fall due at different times therein specified ; and WHEREAS, By inadvertancy, the said Mayor and Council, under said ordinance, have issued and negotiated bonds in excess of one hundred thousand dollars, as limited in said ordinance ; Be it therefore ordained by the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, That all bonds issued and negotiated under and by virtue of said Act of the Legislature and the ordinance afore- said, be and the same are hereby legalized and declared valid. § 215. The city of Atlanta subscribes the sum of three hun- dred thousand dollars in city bonds, bearing seven per cent. interest, to the stock of the Georgia Air-Line Railroad, in lieu of all other subscriptions, at such times and in such sums as may be called for by the Directors of, said Company. § 216. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to issue to KH. N. Kimball bonds of the city of Atlanta in the sum of Bonds for E five hundred dollars each. The numbers and times of pay- N. Kimball. ment of said bonds to be as follows: BONDS. 57 Three thousand Dollars to become due April 1st, 1869 ; Fifteen hundred Dollars to become due July 1st, 1869 ; Fifteen hundred Dollars to become due October 1s, 1869 ; Fifteen hundred Dollars to become due January Ist, 1870 5 Fifteen hundred Dollars to become due April 1st, 1870 ; Fifteen hundred Dollars to become due July 1st, 1870 ; Fifteen hundred Dollars to become due October Ist, 18705 Fifteen hundred Dollars to become due January 1st, 1871; Fifteen hundred Dollars to become due April Ist, 1871 5 Fifteen hundred Dollars to-become due July Ist, 1871; Fifteen hundred Dollars to become due October 1st, 1871 ; Fifteen hundred Dollars to become due January Ist, 1872 ; Fifteen hundred’ Dollars to become due April Ist, 1872; Fifteen hundred Dollars to become due July Ist, 1872 5 Fifteen hundred Dollars to become due October Ist, 1872 ; Fifteen hundred Dollars to become due January 1st, 1873; Fifteen hundred Dollars to become due April ist, 1878 ; Fifteen hundred Dollars to become due July Ist, 1873 ; Fifteen hundred Dollars to become due October Ist, 1873 5 Which bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the City Treasurer, and have the seal of said city attached pent of Op- thereto, and shall be in payment for the rent of the Opera er House. House in said city, for and during the space of five years from Bear no in- the first day of January, 1869. Said bonds shall bear no ere Seca terest. | § 217. The Finance Committee shall prepare and issue to LN 7th, H. I. Kimball the seventy-five thousand dollars of city bonds, Resolutiou. which are mentioned in his contract of this date. Fair Ground purposes, § 218. Three thousand dollars in bonds of the denomina- i tions of one hundred dollars each, shall be issued to Tallulah “tie Pepi Fire Company No. 3, as a loan, to be paid back by them, half Resomtion. jm each three and six years; said Company to execute and Tallulah deliver to the Finance Committee its notes, payable in three by aie and six years as above, secured by mortgage on their engine house and grounds, to remain in force until said Company pays to the city of Atlanta the notes above specified. § 219. The Mayor is hereby authorized and required to 1SsUe purchase of in the name of the Mayor and Council of the City of Atlanta State Capt one hundred bonds, of one thousand dollars each, to be ; due and payable twenty years from the first day of July, 1870, a nenst-26th and to bear interest at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, 18%. payable semi-annually on the first day of January and July in every year at the National Park Bank, in the city of New York, which bonds shall have attached to them coupons, or interest warrants, and be signed by the Mayor, and counter- signed by the City Treasurer, and have the corporate seal of the Mayor and Council attached thereto; the coupons shall also be signed by the City Treasurer, who shall number, regis- ter, and return said bonds to the Clerk of Council, to be enter- ed on record. 3 “ 58 Elections. Duty. Dangerous walls. Expense of removal, Compensa- tion. Cellar Doors BUILDING INSPECTORS-—-CELLAR DOORS, § 220. The Mayor is hereby authorized to deliversaid bonds to the person authorized to receive the same, in pursuance of the contract. of purchase of the State Capitol. ee ee BUILDING INSPECTORS. SEc. 221. Election. SEC. 223. Dangerous walls removed. 222. Duty. 224. Compensation. § 221. Three freeholders, residents of said city, shall be el- ected at the first or any subsequent meeting of the Mayor and Council in each year, as Building Inspectors for the City of Atlanta. § 222. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspectors, in connection with the City Surveyor, to inspect all buildings or walls located on the various streets, lanes or alleys, of said ci- ty, when they shall be requested by the Mayor, aud to report the result of such investigation to the Mayor and Council. § 223. The Mayor and Council shall, if such buildings, or walls, or any portion thereof, located on any street, lane or al- ley, is reported to be dangerous, order the owner or agent thereof, or in the discretion of the Mayor and Council, the owner or agent of the lot upon which the said building or wall may be erected, to have the same taken down, or rendered se- cure; if such owner or agent shall fail or refuse so to do for the period of fourteen days, the Mayor and Council shall pro- ceed to have the same taken down, or rendered secure, at the expense of such owner, or agent; such expense to be collected by execution against such owners’s property, to be issued by the Clerk of Council. | § 224. Said Inspectors shall receive such compensation for actual service as the Mayor and Council may direct. ae rn re CELLAR DOORS. ‘ SEC. 225. Cellar Dade § 225. Any person or persons who shall hereafter build, or cause to be built, a cellar door so as to obstruct more than two feet on either sidewalk on Whitehall street, or any other busi- ness street, shall, on conviction before the Mayor, or three members of Council, pay a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs for each and every twenty-four hours such obstruction is permitted to remain; and any. and all cellar CEMETERY. 59 doors now on the sidewalks on either side of Whitehall street, which obstruct more than two feet of the sidewalks, shall be removed by the person or persons owning the lot to which the cellar belongs, within sixty days of this time, and any person failing to do so shall, on conviction of this offence, pay a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs for each and every twenty-four hours it shall remain unaltered thereafter, or be imprisoned in the calaboose, or common jail of said penalty. county, not exceeding thirty days, in the discretion of the Court. CEMETERY. SEc, 226. Disturbance of Graves. Src. 228. Burying out of Cemetery. 227. Tombs, disturbance of. ; § 226. Any person or persons who shall in any-wise disturb any grave, deface, pull up, or remove anything.put or placed Graves, dis- to mark a grave, or any paling or wall placed around the grave, path, or shall remove any plank, posts or timbers in the graveyard, such person or persons so offending, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, or three members of Council, shall pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be im- prisoned not exceeding thirty days in the calaboose or com- Penalty. mon jail of Fulton county. -§ 227%. Any person who shall destroy, mutilate, deface, in-_. jure, or remoye any tomb, monument, gravestone, or other Disturbin structure placed in the cemetery in the said city of Atlanta, adjuncts, or or any fence, railing or other work, for the protection or orna- " ment of any tomb, monument, gravestone, or other structure aforesaid, or for the ornament or protection of said cemetery, or shall. wilfully destroy, cut, break, remove or injure any tree, shrub or plant that may have been planted, or that may be growing in said cemetery, or commit any other trespass within the limits of said cemetery, shall, upon conviction thereof. be- fore the Mayor, or three members of Council, pay a fine of not, : exceeding one hundred dollars, and may be imprisoned in the weenie guardhouse or calaboose not exceeding thirty days, which mo- ney, when collected, shall be applied, one-half to the informer, and the other half by City Council, under the direction of the Committee on the Cemetery, to the reparation and restoration of the property destroyed or injured as above. § 228. Any person or persons who shall bury, or cause to be buried, any dead person or persons in any other place in this Burying city than the public cemetery, without permission of Council, Cemetery. shall, on conviction, pay a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, for each offence, or be imprisoned in the calaboose or county jail not exceeding thirty days. 60 Record of lost checks, Transcript ° of Record. Clerk to give bond and take oath. Clerk of Council duty of, Issue Licen- ces, &c, Heom id to be ept by Clerk, CHECKS—CLERK OF COUNCIL. CHECKS, — SEC. 2209. Record of lost Checks. SEC. 230. Transcript of Record. § 229. The Clerk of Council shall make and keep, in a book to be prepared for that purpose, a record of all city checks lost by the owners and renewed by the Council, with their dates, numbers, amounts, in whose favor issued, whether payable to order or bearer, for what. purpose or on what account issued, and the dates and amounts of all credits on said checks, with the name of the owner at the time of the entry of the credit. § 230. The said Clerk shall make correct transcripts of such record in a large, fair hand, and furnish one to the Treasurer, Marshal and T'ax Collector, to be posted conspicuously on or near their desks for conyenience of reference. The Glerk shall likewise post a copy on or near his desk. The description of each renewed check shall, immediately after its renewal, be added to the record and to each of said transcripts. eee CLERK OF COUNCIL. SEC. 231. Oaths and Bond. ‘ SEC. 235: Salary. 232. Attend meetings of Council. 236. Fees. 233. Issue licenses, orders, &c. 237. Costs to be taxed. 234. Books to be kept. § 231. The Clerk of the City Council of Atlanta shall, before he enters on the duties of his office, take the usual oath, give bond, with two or more good and sufficient securities, in such sums as the Mayor and Council shall determine by resolution, annually before the election. § 232. The Clerk shall attend all meetings of Council and Mayor’s Court, and shall keep a fair and correct record of the proceedings of Council and Mayor’s Court. § 233. The Clerk shall issue all licenses, as hereafter pointed out, and all orders, summons, notices, or other instruments which may be required of him by the Mayor and Council. § 234. The Clerk shall keep the following books and accounts : . A book or rough sheets of minutes. . A book of neat and accurate minutes. . A book for recording all license issued. . An ordinance and covenant book. ; . A book of minutes of the Mayor’s Courts. . A police docket and docket for Mayor’s Court. S> Ot HR GW HL COMMISSIONER. OF PUBLIC WORKS. ”. A book of charges, in which all cash items shall be entered as coming into the hands. of said Clerk; also, an account of all moneys paid to the City Treasurer. 8. A check-book, which shall contain a margin, showing the number, amount, date, for what purpose ordered, and to whom granted in each case. 9. A book in which he shall register the names and places of business, and date of license of each person, firm, company, or corporation doing or carrying on any business, calling, trade or profession in said city. | § 235. The Clerk of Council shall receive for his services @ gajary. salary, per.annum, payable quarterly, without perquisites, and shall do and perform all such duties as are now, or may here- after be, required by the laws.and ordinances of the city of Atlanta. § 236. The Clerk of the City Council of the city of Atlanta pees, shall be, and he is hereby entitled to demand and receive the ' following fees, unless he receives a salary in lieu of the same, in which case they are to be received by him and paid into the City Treasury : For each summons to parties accused..........- $ 650 For each subpoena for witness......-..+--+se0ee- 15 For each judgment of Mayor and Council........ 15 For each entering an appeal............ +--+ eee 1 25 For each bond on appeal..........0. esses eee ee 1 00 For each fi. fa., cd. 80., CCC... vere eee ee eee eee 50 For each 100 words in returns to certiorart...... 15 § 237. No party convicted shall be taxed with the cost of more than two witnesses to each material point, unless the pore ht Ne Mayor shall certify that they were necessary in the case. CE ne COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS. SEC. 238. Election and Salary. SEc. 239. Duties. § 238. There shall be elected by ballot, at the time of elect- Elected at ing other officers for the city, by the Mayor and Council, Mioncomer” Commissioner of Public Works, who shall be entitled to, and officers. receive such pay as may be fixed by the Mayor and Council before his election, each year. Salary. § 239. It shall be the duty of such Commissioner to super- His duties. vise and superintend, under the direction of the respective committees of the said Mayor and Council, all the public works (including work on streets,) in said city, and to perform such other duties as the Mayor and Council may from time to time require of him, : . 62 Appoint- ment of COMMITTEES—-COURTS AND TRIAL. ° COMMITTEES. § 240. The Mayor shall appoint, from the members of Coun- cil, the following standing committees, for the’ preparing of and considering of business for the action of Council, to whom Committees may be referred such business as the Council may deem appro- Terms of Court. Summons and Trial. priate, viz: Committee on Finance; Committee on Ordinances ; Committee on Streets and Sidewalks ; Committee on Wells, Pumps and Cisterns ; Committee on Lamps and Gas; Committee on Relief ; Committee on Market ; Committee on, Fire Department ; Committee on Police ; | Committee on Cemetery ; Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. COURTS AND TRIAL. SEc. 241. Terms of Court. SEC. 249. Practice. 242. Summons and Trial. 250. Construction. 243. Form of Summons. 251. Punishment. 244. Failure to Appear. 252. Fines, 245. Subpoenas. 253. Persons Implicated: 246. Defaulting Witnesses. 4 254. Contempt of Court. 247. Continuances. 255. Collection of Fines. 248. Plea, in absence of Def’t. 256. Work on Streets. § 241. The Mayor, or in his absence the Mayor pro tem. or three members of Council, shall hold a Court at ten o’clock each day, except Sunday, at the City Hall, for the trial of persons charged with violating any of the laws or ordinances of the city of Atlanta. § 242. Any person who is charged with an offence against any of the ordinances of the city of Atlanta, shall be inform- ed, by the summons in writing served on him, of the nature and cause of his accusation; shall have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his behalf ; Shall have a speedy trial before the Mayor, or, in his absence, the Mayor pro tem. or three members of Council; shall be confronted with the witnesses against him, and have the privilege of cross-examina- tion, as in the Superior Uourts of ,the State of Georgia. The Same rules as to examination of Witnesses, and the evidence” adduced as obtain in said Courts, as far as they are applicable to examining Courts, shall be applicable to cases before the Mayor’s Court, and before Council, . The party accused shal] , COURTS AND TRIAL. : 63 have the privilege of defending himself by counsel, or by himself, or both, as to him shall seem proper. No one shall be condemned, fined or punished without a chance of being heard in his defence. Officers of city, informers and parties injured, shall be competent witnesses, when not on trial. § 243. It shall be the duty of the Clerk, in all cases where Form of complaint is made, or information. given, of any violation of Summons. any of the laws or ordinances of said city, (whether the party be confined in the guard-house or not,) to issue a summons, directed to the accused, requiring said offender to appear be- fore the Mayor, or three members of Council, in the Mayor's absence, to answer said charge, which summons shall contain the offence, and time, and place of trial, bear test in the name of the Mayor, be signed officially by the Clerk, and directed to the Marshal and Deputy Marshal.of the city of Atlanta to be executed, who shall execute the same by serving a copy upon the accused, or leaying it at his or her place of residence. § 244. Any person summoned as aforesaid, who shall fail, nasal gla neglect, or refuse to appear, or to rendera satisfactory showing for such failure, neglect or refusal to appear and answer the charge specified, he or she may be fined in a sum not exceed- ing one hundred dollars, and the cause continued to such time as the Court may direct, and the Court shall issue an order requiring the Marshal, or Deputy Marshal, to arrest said offen- der, and bring him or her before the Court to answer said contempt, and it shall be the duty of said Marshal or Deputy to keep the offender in. custody until he is brought before the Court, unless he gives bond for his appearance as provided by law. § 245. Whenever the attendance of any witness may be required before the Court to establish any fact, the Clerk of Council shall issue a subpeena, directed to the witness, stating the time and place of trial and the parties to the case, which shall bear test in the name of the Mayor, and be served as other summons by the Marshal or Deputy Marshal, or other officers of Council. Subpena. . i ., Witnesses § 246. If any person so summoned as a witness shall fail, to be sub- neglect, or refuse to attend said trial, or render at the time a P°™°- sufficient excuse in the judgment of the Court, said defaulting witness shall be liable to a fine of not exceeding fifty dollars ; and if said cause shall be continued on account of the witness’ absence, the Court may issue an attachment against said wit- ness, requiring him to show cause, on the day appointed for pefautting trial, why he should not be f urther dealt with for contempt ; Wines and the Marshal or Deputy Marshal shall, by virtue of Sid dgainst. © attachment, arrest and confine said person, so as to have him, her or them before the Mayor at such time as he may appoint, Attached for for further hearing of the original complaint, contempt, - 64 COURTS AND TRIAL, ‘ § 247. Where the ends of justice require it, all cases may be Contin- continued. All continuances shall be addressed to the sound saving discretion of the Court, under the rules governing the Superior Courts of this State. Pleainab- § 248, Any party against whom any complaint is lodged or fondant, information given, may file a plea of guilty under such regu- lations and upon such terms as the Court may prescribe, and if said party cannot.attend the trial, the Court may pass such sentence or order in the case as if the party were personally present, if the defendant is consenting thereto. § 249. The Mayor and Council shall have the opening and conclusion of each case, unless the defendant introduces no evidence; then he shall be entitled to the conclusion. The Mayor and Council shall announce first, if they are ready for trial; if not, they shall be held to as strict a showing for con- tinuances as the defendant. The rules of evidence shall be the same as in the Superior Court, as far as applicable to the case on trial. All officers shall be legal witnesses when not on trial. | Rule ofcon- § 250. The Mayor’s Court shall be controlled by the rules Suction. of the Superior Courts as far as they are applicable to Mayor’s Courts, and a sound construction of the charter and ordin- ances of the city. Practice. § 251. All offenders against the ordinances or laws of said rune city shall be tried by the Mayor, and in his absence, by three nishment : ; ihe _ members of Council, and said Court may impose such punish- ment asis provided by the laws and ordinances of said city for the offences of which said offenders may be found guilty. § 252. For violations of any ordinance, or section of an Fine. ordinance, for which no particular penalty has been prescribed, the Court may impose, in its discretion, any fine not exceed- ing one hundred dollars and costs, or imprisonment. not exceeding thirty days in the calaboose or jail. § 253. If, on trial of any cause before the Mayor, it appears Persons im- that any other person beside the one on trial has violated a Piicated. by-law or ordinance of this city, he or she may then and there be tried, unless the case is put off for legal cause. | § 254. Any person who, during the sitting of Police Court, Croempt or during a session of the Council, shall be guilty of a con- ~ tempt of Court, or of Council, or refuses to abide by an sentence or order of said Court or Council aforesaid, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars and costs, or con- finement in the guard house, or both, as shall seem expedient or proper under the circumstances. . pint Collection. § 255. The Clerk ghall issue an execution instanter, where oranes. any fine is imposed by the Court, or Mayor and Council, to be, DEPOT,—-GENERAL “PASSENGER. 65 levied upon the goods, chattels, lands and tenements of the person or persons fined, if the sum is not.immediately paid, which execution shall bear test in the name of the Mayor, and be signed officially by the Clerk, and be directed to the Mar- shal and Deputy Marshal of the city of Atlanta; and whenever said fi. fa. or fieri facias shall be returned, “no property to be found,” then.a capias ad satisfaciendum against the body of the person fined as aforesaid may issue in terms of the charter of this city; or the Court may, by order, compel any person fined, who:shall fail or refuse to pay the fine, to work on the streets of said city, under the street overseer, or other person having control over said works. § 256. When any person is convicted of any offence against the laws and ordinances of the city, before the Mayor or three Work on members of Council, it shall be discretionary with the Court to punish such offenders by ordering them to work on the streets or public works of the city, under the supervision of the proper officer ; and payment of all fines not otherwise paid may be enforced by work as aforesaid, not exceeding thirty days. oes DEPOT.—GENERAL PASSENGER. Sec. 257. Peddling in Car Shed. SEC. 259. Porters. 258. Soliciting custom. 260. Marshal and Police. § 257. It shall not be lawful for any person to peddle, or offer for sale under the general passenger shed, or on the plat-7erSir’ og form attached to the same, in this city, (except in the saloon in car shed. connected with said shed or depot,) any fruits, water-melons, nuts, cigars, beverages, ice-cream, candies, cakes, pastries or other articles whatever, except newspapers and books of .a moral tendency. All offenders against the provisions of this section shall be subject to a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment in.the calaboose for a term of not exceeding thirty days for each and every offence. Penalty. § 258. It shall not be lawful for any person under or about _ . ... said passenger shed to drum or solicit patronage for any hotel, dont oe boarding or eating house, or for any line of railway, on the , arrival of any of the trains in this city. Any person violating this ordinance, shall, upon conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding twenty dollars for each offence. - § 259. The proprietors of hotels in this city are required to provide each and every servant or porter who may visit Phe ire tone. cars for the purpose of conveying baggage or passengers to or from the passénger depot, a frontlet, to be worn on the hat or head, with the name of the hotel to which said servant or ae may belong, and also numbered; and on failure to com- 66 DOGS——DRAINAGE. ply with this requisition shall be liable to a fine not exceeding Penalty. twenty-five dollars and costs, for each offence. + § 260. The Marshal.and Police, during their several hours Marshaland Of duty, shall be vigilant in the discovery and arrest of all per- Police, duty sons who may offend against these ordinances, in any partic- ular, and bring him, her or them to answer for the same, DOGS. Sec. 261. Running at large. SEC, 263. Claimants. 262. Collars. 264. Lists of persons procuring 265. Disposition of imprisoned collars. 7 dogs. § 261. No dog shall be permitted to. run at large in the Running at Streets of the city of Atlanta, unless such dog have and wear Aare. a collar as is prescribed by this ordinance: and any dog so found, without such collar, shall be caught by the Marshal or other police officer, or any other person, and imprisoned in a pen to be erected at the calaboose for that purpose; and the sum of fifty cents shall be paid from the City Treasury for every dog thus brought to the calaboose. § 262. It shall be the duty of the Marshal to have prepared Collars, Collars of tin, copper or brass, with the words stamped there- on, “City of Atlanta,” for such persons as desire collars for their dog or dogs, and he shall sell the same at the price of one dollar, which sum shall be paid to the Clerk of Council for the use of the city. | . § 263. The owner of any dog caught and imprisoned as Claimants, aforesaid, shall be entitled to the possession of said animal, upon proof of property and the payment of one dollar for a collar, and one dollar into the City Treasury. § 264. The Marshal shall keep a list and record of all per- Lists ofper- Sons Who procure such collars, and if any person shall coun- ioe hole terfeit or use any collar not bought as aforesaid, shall, on con- viction, pay a fine of not exceeding forty dollars and all costs. § 265. All dogs not claimed within forty-eight hours after Disposition heing caught and imprisoned as aforesaid, shall be conveyed of unclaim- eddogs. by the Marshal or other police officér, without the corporate limits and_ killed. | DRAINAGE. Src. 266. Lots and cellars, Src. 267. Nuisance. hota ana § 266. All lots and cellars within the city limits shall, by cellars. their owners and occupants be kept in such condition as ~ DRAYS. 67 not to allow any water to stagnate, or otherwise become offen- sive or unhealthy, or any other nuisance to exist thereon ; and upon conviction of a violation of this ordinance, such own- ers or occupants may be fined not exceeding ten dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding ten days, for each day such nui- -gance exists after the notice hereinafter provided for has been served. § 26%. The Marshal or Deputy Marshal shall give said own- ers or occupants written notice of the existence of such nui- sances, and, after three days from the time of said notice, shall PEBERSR EF proceed to abate the nuisance by draining said lots and cellars, or otherwise, as may be necessary; and the Clerk of Council shall issue execution for the costs of such abatement against said owners or occupants, and the lot on which such nuisance may exist. DRAYS. Sec. 268. License. SEC. 273. Rates of Charges. 269. Carriers residing out of city. 274. Refusal to pay Hire. , 270. Authorized Draymen. 275. Driving in boisterous man’r. 271. Refusal to Haul. © 276. Standing in Street. 272, Unlicensed Draymen. © | 277. Number on Dray. § 268. Any person having or using a dray, wagon, or other vehicle in the city of Atlanta, drawn by a horse or horses, Or ricense to other animal or animals, for transporting persons, goods, wares be obtained or merchandise, or any other thing or things, to or from the depots, or other place or places in said city, for hire (excepting those who haul wood or produce into the said city, and except in cases of building, and removal of families from one part of the city to another,) shall first apply to the Clerk of Council and obtain a license. And for any vehicle drawn by one horse or other animal, he, she or they shall pay twenty dollars, and by two horses or other animals, forty dollars, and the Clerk’s fee, for one year; license may be granted for six months for half the amount specified. § 269. Any person residing outside of the city who shall desire to act as a common carrier of either persons or prop- Non-resi- erty within the limits of the city of Atlanta, shall pay to the aay ho seg Clerk of Council for such license the sum of thirty dollars for a wagon, or other vehicle, drawn by one horse, or other animal, and the sum of sixty dollars for any wagon drawn by two horses, or other animals, and be in all things subject to the same fines, fees, prohibitions, regulations, restrictions and punishment as draymen residing in the city of Atlanta. § 270. Any person who shall carry persons, or haul, or dray ‘68 Licensed draymen only are au- thorized to Penalty for refusal to haul. Penalty for employin unlicense draymen. Rates of charges, Refusal to pay hire. for hire (except in cases of building, and removal of families from one part of the city to another, and as is excepted in the preceding section) without. having first obtained a license as stated in the preceding section, shall, upon conviction under this ordinance, pay a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and cost, or be imprisoned in the calaboose not over thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Court. § 271. Any person having and using a licensed dray or oth- er vehicle, who shall, through ill-will or obstinacy, or without sufficient cause, refuse to dray, haul or carry, when the money is tendered, when requested by any person, shall, on conviction, be subject to a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and cost, or imprisoned as in last section, or both, in the discretion of the Court. pid § 272. Any merchant, or other person, who shall knowingly employ any drayman, with any team of horses, or other ani- mals, or horse, or other animal, and vehicle or carriage, to haul or convey any goods, wares or merchandise, or other thing, or things, to or from any place in the city of Atlanta, for which there is no license. (except as before excepted) shall, upon con- viction before the Mayor, or in his absence, before three mem- bers of Council, of so doing, be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs. | § 273. No person having or using a licensed dray ‘shall charge or collect more than the following rates, to wit: For each hogshead of Molasses,........0..e.0eeeeeees $1 00 sf ie SUGAD nw pivie «ied «lar et nae “Leys eee ve) Flour, Meal, Bacon, and all kinds of grains, fresh meats of all kinds, salted or otherwise, Lard, and all other articles of merchandise and provisions, or other articles, per load of eighteen hundred pounds, and bulk freight that can be safe- ly transported, .\).0ds kat recht Aa ee 25 For a one-horse dray, or other animal dray load, of nine hun- dred pounds, or bulk freight that can be conveniently car- TIBCs carte: ae. ese scor'b. ¢ radeorecahe.' aubtee plies «coun Waihi ane oe) For all parts of loads, and small articles, charges may be made in proportion ; no charge, however, required to be less than twenty-five cents, unless otherwise agreed on, a copy of which rates shall be put on each license when issued by the Clerk, and which rates may be changed at any time bya resolution to that effect. § 274. Any person procuring the services of a drayman and dray, and having become liable to pay for the same, as above specified, who shall fail or refuse so to do, or any drayman, or any person having control of a dray, who shall charge or re- ceive more than the before-stated rates for drayage, (unless otherwise agreed on) shall be subject to a fine of not exceeding ELECTION FOR MAYOR AND COUNCIL—EXHIBITIONS. 69° one hundred dollars and costs, on conviction, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the —Court. § 275. If any driver of such vehicle, or any drayman, shall drive in a rude, boisterous, disorderly, dangerous or hurtful Driving in manner, or in such a manner as to put any person in fear of Dolsterous bodily hurt, or shall cause bodily hurt or damage to the pro- perty of any person, he shall, on conviction be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned in the calaboose or jail not over thirty days, or both, in the, discretion of the Court. § 276. No drayman or driver of any other licensed vehicle shall allow his dray, vehicle or team to stand in a public street, Standing in and if, through his carelessness or neglect, his team runs away, he may, on conviction thereof, be made to pay a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and cost, or be imprisoned not over thirty days. § 277. Each dray license shall have a number therein, and the drayman or owner shall keep that number on his dray, Numbers. and for failure so to do may be fined five hundred dollars and: costs, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Court. ELECTION FOR MAYOR AND COUNCIL. SEC. 278. Election for Mayor and Council. § 278. Hereafter, in all elections for Mayor and members of 5... rho Council, or for Mayor or one or more members of Council, ding. said election shall be held at the following named places in each ward : First Ward—At L. H. Davis’ building, on Broad Street. Second Ward—At the City Hall. Third Ward—At the Fair-ground school-house. Fourth Ward—At Willingham Building, on Decatur Street. Fifth Ward—At the hall of No. 3 Engine Company, on Broad Street. es EXHIBITIONS. SEc. 279. Circus, Menagerie, &c. SEc. 281. Street Music. 280. Concerts. 282. Rinks. § 279. All Circus Shows exhibiting in said city, shall pay . the sum of fifty dollars for each exhibition or performance. Citcus; Me* All Menageries or exhibition of animals, shall pay ten dollars ~ ° for each exhibition. All Theatrical, Sleight-of Hand, Leger-Theatre,&c. Concerts. Street mu- sic. Rinks, Organiza- tion. Engineers. off aratus ngines, FIRE DEPARTMENT. demain, Minstrel companies or other companies of like char- acter, shall pay in advance, ten dollars for each night or day; and all panorama exhibitions shall pay five dollars for each day or night: Provided, if any company may. desire to remain in the city for one month or longer, license may be issued for fifty dollars per month, upon payment of which, and Clerk’s fee, the Clerk of Council will issue license. § 280. Nothing in this ordinance shall prevent concerts, either vocal or instrumental, (other than in negro character) from performing free. } § 281. All organ grinders, singers, and other street music shall pay five dollars a day, and, on failure to procure license, shall, on conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding one hun- dred dollars and costs, or not exceeding thirty days’ impris- onment in the calaboose, or both, in the discretion of the Court. § 282. All. places of amusement, or exhibitions known as Velocipede Rinks, or Skating Rinks, shall be taxed the sum of one hundred dollars in addition to their Bepwre y Tax, ie quarterly to the Clerk of Council. FIRE DEPARTMENT. SEc. 283. Organization. ' SEC. 290. Fire Wardens. 284. Engineers. ' 291. Duty of Fire Wardens. 285. Apparatus of Engines. 292. Investigating Committee. 286. Board of Delegates. 293. Appropriation. 287. Duty of Officers. ' 294. Engines to fill Cisterns. 288, Cisterns. 295. Punishment for neglect of — 289. Duty of Firemen. duty. § 283. The Fire Department of the city shall consist of a Chief Engineer, and First and Second Engineers, and all the members of the regularly organized and chartered fire compa- nies that now exist in the city, or may hereafter be created. § 284. The members of the Fire Department shall select from their own body a Chief Engineer, First and Second En- gineers, and shall, after said election, report to the Mayor and Council the names of the individuals so elected, who shall at once enter upon and perform the duties of their respective of- fices: Provided, Said election of Engineers be approved by the Mayor and Council. § 285. All fire companies are empowered to take charge of, and have the care and management of their respective engines, hose, ladders, hooks, and other apparatus for | extinguishing fire, that now belongs, or may hereafter belong, to the differ- ent fire companies. FIRE DEPARTMENT. TL § 286. The Fire Department shall be under the control of a Board of Delegates, which shall consist of the Chief Engineer, apis First and Second Engineers, the two first officers and one pri- hy. tei vate from each Company. § 287. The Chief Engineer shall have the supreme and abso- lute command of the Fire Department at all fires, and, in the “iS apaes| absence of the Chief, the Assistants shall be invested with his authority, and, in the absence of the above-named officers, the same authority shall devolve on the senior President or Fore- man present. — § 288. The Chief Engineer shall examine, or cause to be examined, all the cisterns belonging to the city as often as he Cisterns. may deem necessary, and if the same are not in a condition to be used in case of fire, he shall report to the Mayor and Coun- cil, or their Committee on the Fire Department. § 289. All firemen shall remain with their engines and apparatus in time of fire, and will not be allowed. in buildings Duty of where the fire originates, except pipemen, axemen, and such others as the officer in command of the Fire Department, or in command of their respective companies, may order there. § 290. The Mayor and City Council shall at the third meet- ing, annually, elect two Fire Wardens, whose duty it shall be Fite Ward- to attend each fire that may occur in said city, and who shall unite and co-operate with the officers mentioned in the consti- tution of said Fire Department, in deciding upon the propri- ety and necessity of blowing up or destroying any house or buildings for the purpose of arresting the fire. § 291. The Fire Wardens shall act in conjunction with the officers of the Fire Department, and assist in keeping all per- Duty of Bite sons, who are not connected with said Department, except the city authorities, the owners of the property, their agents and insurance agents, without the line of operations ; and any one who shall refuse to obey the orders of the Fire Wardens shall be punished by the Mayor or Mayor pro tem. or three members of Council, by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. § 292. There shall be an Investigating Committee, to consist of the Chief Engineer, First and Second Engineers, and. Fire investiga Wardens, whose duty it shall be to investigate the origin of all mittee, &c. fires that may occur in the city, and cause to be arrested all persons who may be suspected of setting fire to any building or buildings. The Chief Engineer shall report, annually, to ectirienet- the Mayor and Council the number of fires, and their origin. neer. _ § 293. For the support and maintenance of the said Fire Department, and furnishing it with all necessary appliances Support of for the working and government of the same in all its branch- partment. es, the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta agree to pay 72 FIRES—-PRECAUTIONS AGAINST. to said Department six thousand dollars, annually,’ payable quarterly, to be apportioned to the following companies, as fol- lows, until otherwise changed by said Mayor and Council: Atlanta’ Fire Company No.1,.......0000 0. Je. $2,250 Mechanics’ Fire Company No. 2,.....:.... tli soa 2,250 Tallulah Fire Company, No. 3,.....ccsecescceeees 800 Hook and Ladder Company No. 1,........0.2008- 400 Chief Engineer,........ viene et nen malian: de ae 300 § 294. The two steam fire engines No. 1 and No. 2, shall ence, keep the cisterns of the city filled with water, the city furnish- isterns. . ing the water. | § 295. Each officer and member of the Fire Department Punishment shall be punished by the authorities of said Department, in &. their discretion, for every failure or neglect to comply with the provisions of the above and foregoing ordinances. ee HIRES--PRECAUTIONS. AGAINST... SEc. 296. Kilns, SEC. 302. Stationery Engines. 297. Chimneys, Stove-pipes. 303. Regulations in case of Fire. 298. Fire Limits. 304. Stealing at Fires. ' 299. Blacksmith Shop. 305. Injuring Engines, &c. 300. Uncovered Lights. 306. Trash in front of Engine 301. Servants with Lights. Houses. § 296. No person shall be permitted to build and fire any Kilns. open plank kiln or kilns within one hundred yards of any house, or fifty yards of any fence, in the incorporate limits of said city; and any person violating said ordinance shall, on conviction, be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars for each day such kiln is kept burning, or not exceeding thirty days’ imprisonment in the calaboose, or common jail, of Fulton county. § 297. It shall be the duty of the Marshal and Deputy Mar- Chimneys, shal to make frequent examinations into the condition of the P* stove-pipes and chimneys in this city; and if either officer shall deem their condition a source of danger from fire, he shall require the tenant or occupant of the house where such stove-pipe or chimney is, to remedy the game within twelve hours; and on failure or refusal of such tenant or occupant, such offender shall be liable toa fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. And if, from the evidence, the Court believes the condition of such chimney or stoye-pipe dangerous, the Court — a order the alteration to be made at the cost of the occu: pant. . , § 298. No person or persons shall build or erect, or cause to 73 FIRES——PRECAUTIONS AGAINST. be built or erected, any house or houses for any purpose what- ever, the walls of which shall be constructed of wood, or which Fire limits. shall be covered with any material other than iron, tin, slate, tiles, or something which shall be deemed and considered fire- proof, on any street or streets herein mentioned, that is: On Whitehall street, from Marietta street to Peters street; On Peachtree street, up, to Houston street ; On Mitchell, Hunter and Alabama streets, at any point be- tween Loyd and Forsyth streets ; On Pryor street, between Alabama street and Peters street ; On Decatur street, west of Collins street ; On Marietta street, east of Forsyth street ; On either side of Broad street ; On Wadley street ; On Forsyth street, north of Peters; On Ivy street, from Decatur to Wheat ; On Line street ; Or on any of the alleys or streets within these limits. - Any person, or persons, who shall be convicted before the Mayor, the Mayor pro ¢em., or three members of Council, of a. violation of this ordinance, shall be liable to pay such fine as may be adjudged by said Mayor, the Mayor pro tem., or three members of Council, not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days; and any per- son so convicted shall be subject to a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or thirty days’ imprisonment for every three days he, she or they shall permit such house to remain. § 299. No building shall be used or occupied as a black- smith’s shop within the fire limits of the city, as set forth in Blacksmith the preceding section, unless the same be made fire-proof. : § 800. Any person who shall be found guilty of carrying an uncovered or open light of any kind into any stable, or barn, Uncovered or any place where provender, trash, or any matter is contained among com- that is easy of. combustion, in the city of Atlanta, on convic- Matter, tion of the same before the Mayor, Mayor pro tem., or three members of Council, shall be fined ‘not exceeding one hundred dollars:and costs, or be imprisoned not exceeding poy thirty days in the calaboose or common jail of Fulton County. bi § 301. If any person or persons shall permit or send any servant or other person into such place or places as described Permitting in the preceding section, he, she, or they shall be liable to the lie! ia penalty imposed by said section, on conviction before the per- porart son or persons therein mentioned. | i § 302. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to erect or run, or cause to be erected or run, any stationary Stationary steam engine of any kind or description within the fire limits ties" of the city of Atlanta, without. first obtaining the consent of the Mayor and Council thereto ; and any person violating this 74 - GUNPOWDER. ordinance shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, Penalty. or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, in the discretion of the Court, for each and every day such violation continues. ____ § 303. No person or persons, except firemen, the Mayor and Regulations Qouncil, the police force, the owners of the property, their fire. agents and the agents of Insurance Companies, shall be allowed ' within the immediate vicinity of any fire, without being ordered there by the officer in command of the Fire Depart- ment; and in case any person or persons shall refuse to obey the orders and directions of such officer, he, she, or they shall be carried before the Mayor, Mayor pro ¢em., or three members of Council, and punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. - § 304. The officer in command of the Fire Department, at the fire, shall cause to be arrested, by the police of the city, any person or persons who shall be caught stealing goods, or any other articles of value, from any store or other house at or in the vicinity of the fire. Stealing at fires. § 805. Any person or persons who shall wilfully and know- Tagine. &o, LNgly injure or damage, in any way, or by any means whatever, any engine, hose, hook, ladder, or any other implement, mate-. rial or apparatus of any kind, belonging to, connected with or used by any of the fire companies in the city as a part of their machinery or material for extinguishing fires, shall be punished by the Mayor, Mayor pro tem., or three members of Council, by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. | § 306. Any person or persons who shal! wilfully and know- front of fn-ingly put any trash, or other obstruction, in front of any gine Houses engine house, or hook and ladder house, in the city, shall be punished by the Mayor, Mayor pro tem., or three members of Council, by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. —— GUNPOWDER. SEC. 307. Quantity to be kept. SEC. 310. Council may refuse. 308. License to sell. 311.. Signs. 309. License, how obtained. 312, Fire-works. § 307. No merchant or other person shall, within the city of Powder,one Atlanta keep in any house, except in a public warehouse, more bekept © than one keg of powder at a time, which shall be kept in~ atin can; and for a violation of this ordinance, the offender may be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or imprisonment in the calaboose, or common jail of Fulton county, not exceeding thirty days. GUNPOWDER MAGAZINE. 15 § 308. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to sell gunpowder without first having procured a license from the Lisense to Clerk of Council, who'shall receive a fee of fifty cents for each powder. and every license granted for the term of one year; and any person or persons selling,’ without first having obtained such license, shall, on conviction before the Mayor, Mayor pro tem, or three members of Council, pay a fine of one hundred dollars and cost of trial for each and every day the party so convicted shall have violated this ordinance, or be imprisoned not more than thirty days in the calaboose or common jail of Fulton Penalty™ county. § 309. When any person desires to sell powder, as a part of his or their business, all such persons shall first petition Coun- cnet dll cil for a license, and accompany such petition with the namies to obtain of three of his or their neighbors, where powder is to be sold, “agian signifying their willingness ; and such applicant shall give pond and security, in the sum of one thousand dollars, that he will not violate any ordinance relating to the sale of powder in Atlanta. - § 310. When application is made, in writing, to Council, it shall be competent for the Board to grant or refuse license, if, Council ‘ x es: ‘ : may refuse. in their opinion, the applicant or bondsmen 1s not responsible, or in any way disqualified for such trade or traffic in gunpow- der. ) Ras | § 311. All persons licensed to sell powder shall be required to place asign over their place of business as follows: “ Li- 2. censed to sell Powder.” § 312. Any person who shall burn rockets or crackers, or | any kind of fireworks, within the incorporate limits of the city Fire-works. of Atlanta, without permission, in writing, from the Mayor, shall, on conviction of such offence, pay a fine of not exceed- ing five dollars and costs. ed GUNPOWDER MAGAZINE. SEC. 313.. Magazine. Src. 315. Election of Keeper. 314. Powder to be stored. . 316. Rates of Storage. 317. Powder sold for Storage. | § 313. A magazine shall be provided by the authority of the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, where every person shall deposit his, her or their powder. ¥: § 314. All powder, exceeding in amount one keg, shall be stored in said magazine, which shall be in charge of the keeper Speed: thereof, who shall register and keep all powder sent to the magazine, and deliver the same to the owner, on application and payment of the fees. 76 Election. of Keeper. Rates of storage. Ps Duty of keeper to sell when storage is not paid. Board of * Health. Decayed flesh, &c., to be remo- ved in six hours. HEALTH. § 315. The keeper of the magazine shall be elected by the Mayor and Council at the time of electing the other city offi- . cers; and in the same manner; and the Mayor and Council shall, before his election, determine upon his salary, and he shall give bond, in such sum as may be required by the Mayor and Council, for the faithful discharge of his duties. — § 316. The rates of storage for gunpowder in the magazine shall be one and a half cents per pound for the first six months or any shorter time, if paid by the owner within ten days after its storage, and one-half cent additional if not paid within such time, and one and one-half cents per pound for every six months following or any shorter time, to be paid’ by the owner before delivery, and if not paid within ten days from the expl- ration of the preceding six months, then one-half cent addi- tional per pound shall be charged. § 317. It shall be the duty of the magazine keeper, if any person storing gunpowder refuses or neglects to pay the storage due thereon within six months, to advertise said pow- der in one or more of the city papers for ten days, and sell the same, or so much thereof as will pay the storage due, at pub- lic auction in some prominent place in the city. | Aus: oh HEALTHOe = * SEC. 318. Board of Health. 324. Small-pox sign. r 319. Decayed. flesh. 325. Sale of infected clothing, 320. Examination of lots. 326. Privies. 321. Butcher pens. 327. Disinfecting agents. 322, Carcasseés. 328. Examination of privies. 323. Contagious diseases. § 318. ‘There shall be a Board of Health appointed for the city, consisting of five persons, and they shall have full power and authority to require the owner or any occupant of a lotin the city to remove or remedy anything‘on said lot which, in ; the opinion of the Board, may endanger the public health, and » . on failure of the owner or occupant to remove or remedy the same, the Board shall direct the Marshal to do so at the cost | of said owner or occupant; or if the occupant has but lately ¢ come into possession, and the same has not been placed there ~ by him, or any member of his family, or by his permission, — order or direction, then it shall be removed at the cost of the ‘a prior occupant, and if not to be found, then at the cost oe , owner of the lot;. and it shall be the duty of the said Board to make such suggestions as they may deem advisable to the . Council to preserve the public health. * | § 319. Any owner or occupant of any lot who shall suffer to remain on his or her lot, owned or occupied by him or her, . _ any decayed flesh or vegetables, or any other thing which.may, Vv » Ww ~ boose or common jail of the county not more than thirty days, HEALTH. ri annoy his or her neighbors, or tend to affect the health of any . citizen, shall, on complaint to the Marshal, be required to re- move the same within six hours, and on failure to.remove or remedy the same within six hours, if it can be done, (and the possibility to be decided by the Mayor, Mayor pro tem., or three members of Council,) shall, on conviction, pay a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, for every six hours it is suffered to remain; and if it be adjudged as a nuisance, in the manner prescribed by the statute or the ordinances of the city of Atlanta, the Marshal shall in that case, by order, abate the same, and the offender shall pay the cost of trial and abate- ment; or, if the occupant has but lately come into possession, and the same has not been placed there by him, or any mem- per of his family, or by his consent or approbation, the costs of the removal shall be charged to the prior occupant, and, if not to be found, the owner of the lot; and, on judgment of the Mayor, Mayor pro tem., or three members of Council to that effect, execution shall be issued by the Clerk of Council in favor of the city of Atlanta against the persons liable under the provisions of this ordinance. § 320. It is hereby made the duty of the Marshal and Dep- TT uty Marshal to make frequent examinations (more especially Examina- the lots, yards and fences of the citizens, to see if they are kept in a clean and healthy state, and if he or they shall find anything which may become a nuisance, he shall notify the ~ person or persons on whose premises the same may be found to remove the same in six hours, and_on failure or refusal on their part to do so, shall be proceeded against in the manner prescribed in the foregoing ordinance. § 321. No person shall keep a butcher-pen or slaughter- . in the Spring, Summer and Fall months) into the condition of Men apzs.’ house within three hundred yards of the dwelling or business bhi house of any citizen of said city without permission of the Mayor and Council for such purpose; and any person violating this ordinance shall, on conviction, pay a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned in the cala- _ in the discretion of the Court. ~ $322. Whenever the Marshal or Deputy Marshal, shall see ‘or be informed of any dead carcass within the incorporate Careasses. limits of Atlanta which may annoy any person, it shall be the duty of said officer to notify the owner thereof to remove the same in four hours, and on failure or refusal of said owner so to do, he or they shall, upon conviction, pay a fine of not ex- ceeding twenty dollars, and costs of removal; and, in case the owner cannot be found, said officer shall remove the same im- mediately, and report the same to Council; and the Marshal or Deputy Marshal shall receive for the removal of a horse, cow, or calf the sum of one dollar, and for every dog, hog or cat, 78 Contagious diseases. Small-pox sign. Sale of in- fected clothing. Privies— how ‘con- structed ? Condition in which to be kept. Examina- tion of privies. HEALTH. ri fifty cents, which the owner shall pay, and if no owner can be found, the same shall be paid by the Treasurer of the city. » § 323. It shall be the duty of every hotel keeper, boarding- house keeper and other citizen within this city to give imme- diate notice to the Board of Health of any case of contagious disease, of a dangerous character, which may occur in his or her hotel, boarding house, or other dwelling, and the Board of Health shall report forthwith to Council; and if any hotel- keeper, boarding-house keeper, or other citizen, shall fail or neglect to report as aforesaid, any and all such cases of said disease as may occur or be at their hotel, boarding house, or place of dwelling, each and every offender shall on conviction, be liable to a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned in the calaboose or common jail of the county not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Court. § 324. Owners or occupants of all residences, texements, or rooms, in the city where small-pox exists, shall hang out a red flag at some conspicuous place on said premises. Any person failing to comply with this ordinance shall, upon conviction be fined not exceeding twenty-five dollars and costs, or imprisoned ten days in the city prison. § 325. Any person who shall °™* room, for the purpose of playing or rolling on said_ tables or alleys, after the hour of half-past eleven o’clock at night, shall upon conviction be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned in the calaboose or common jail of the county not more than thirty days, in the discretion of the Court. § 360. Any person shooting with any fire-arms in said city, unless it be in a licensed shooting gallery, or by permission of Shooting in ' : nate “ city. the Mayor and Council, on military parades, shall be fined, on conviction, in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned not more than thirty days in the cala- boose or common jail of the county, in the discretion of the court. § 361. Any person who shall write, paint, draw, carve or cut any letter or letters, word, words, or device, or in any way mu- Defacing tilate or deface any church, public building, private house, Dain wall or fence, belonging to another in said city; or shall post any bills on the same, without the owner’s consent, shall on conviction, be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned not more than thirty days, in the dis- cretion of the Court. § 362. Any person who shall fight chicken cocks in the cor- porate limits of this city, either with or without gaffs, and any iain person who shall bet any money, or other things of value, at a chicken cock fight, shall be liable, on conviction, to pay a fine of not exceeding fifty dollars and cost of trial, or be imprison- ed in the calaboose or common jail of the county, not more than thirty days, in the discretion of the Court. Penalty. 86 PEACE, GOOD ORDER AND MORALS. § 363. Any person, or persons, who shall break, injure, or Injuring deface any of the street lamps, or lamp-posts, or gas fixtures, lamps. § belonging to the city, or the Atlanta Gaslight Company, shall Penalty, ON Conviction pay a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. Has § 364. All Barber shops in the city of Atlanta shall be clos- closing bar-@d at 10 o’clock, A. M., on the Sabbath day, and no work shall nee ghops be done in them after that hour on said days, and all offenders 1036 o'clock On conviction shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dol- Penalty, lars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. § 365. Any owner, or agent of such owner, of any house, Owners of OF houses who may rent or cause tobe rented, or occupy, or Houses of allow to be occupied, any house or portion of a house fo be used as a house of ill fame in the city of Atlanta, shall upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, Mayor pro tem., or three members of Council, pay a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars, and shall be imprisoned in the calaboose not exceeding thirty days; and any owner, or agent of such owner, of any house or houses in said city who “shall suffer or permit any woman of ill-fame to occupy any such house or houses within said city, for the purpose of fornication or adultery, for the space of two days, after notice thereof by the Marshal or De- puty Marshal, shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to all the pains and penalties above specified. § 366. Any person being the owner or occupant of a house Abated, of ill-fame, who shall continue the same or allow the same to as be continued for two days after the same has been so adjudged by the Mayor, or in his absence, the Mayor pro tem., or three members of Council, on conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days in the calaboose, or both, in the discretion of the ‘court: and it shall be lawful for the Marshal or Deputy Marshal, by the order of the Mayor, or in his absence, the Mayor pro tem., or three members of Council, to abate said nuisance by demolishing, tearing down, or clos- ing up such house or houses, for which he shall receive such sum as may be adjudged reasonable by the said Mayor, Mayor pro tem., or three members of Council for his services, to be paid by the owner. Occupants § 367%. Any person, or persons, who shall occupy or allow to ea a be occupied, any house, or portion of a house, to be used as a ’ house of ill-fame in the city of Atlanta, shall upon conviction thereof, pay a fine of not exceeding five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discre- tion of the Court. sekaadank § 368. Circumstances from which it may be reasonably admissible. inferred, that any house is inhabited by disorderly persons of immoral character and notoriously bad fame, shall be sufficient to establish the fact that such house is a i disorderly house, or house of ill-fame, — PEACE, GOOD ORDER, AND MORALS. 87 § 369. When any house or houses shall be adjudged by the Mayor, Mayor pro tem., or three members of Council to be @ Beaton of house or houses of ill-fame, and the occupant or occupants 1s sy (or are) not the owners thereof, it shall be the duty of the Marshal or his deputy to eject the tenant or tenants therefrom, for which service he shall be entitled to a fee of two dollars, to be collected from the said tenant or tenants, or out of the owner by a fieri facias, on the return of nalla bona as to the tenant or tenants. § 370. Any person or persons who shall permit parties of disorderly character to assemble in his or their house or hou- ses, within the corporate limits of the city of Atlanta, to the disturbance of the citizens residing in his, her or their neigh- borhood, shall be guilty of keeping a disorderly house, and shall, on conviction, be fined not exceeding one hundred dol- lars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the court. Disorderly Houses. § 371. The president, chairman, or other officer, or commit-_ tee of men, or any person, who desire or intend to call a public ke meeting of the citizens of Atlanta for political purposes, shall notify the Mayor or Chief Marshal of such desire or intent, and of the time and place of meeting, before said meeting is called, and upon failure to do so, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, Mayor pro ¢em., or three members of Coun- cil, shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars and costs, or be imprisoned in the calaboose of the city not exceeding thirty days, in the discretion of the court, and upon receiving such notice it shall be the duty of the Mayor or Chief Marshal to attend such meeting with a sufficient police force to preserve peace and order. § 372. The Marshal, Deputy Marshal, or Police, shall arrest and confine in the guard house, any offender against the laws at heh and ordinances of this city, where, in their judgment, such arrest and confinement is necessary to secure said offender’s appearance before the court, to answer his or her offence, or preserve the peace of the city; or they may take bond and good security, to be judged of by the arresting officer, to appear and abide the trial before the Mayor, Mayor pro tem., or three members of Council. § 373. Any person who shall commit a violation of the penal laws of this State, in the presence of the Marshal, or Jaa iawa, Deputy Marshal, shall be arrested by them, or either of them, &c. ; and carried before some proper officer for examination, and if ordered by the Mayor or any member of Council to prosecute any such offender, he shall do so. § 374, Any person or persons, in said city, between the ages of eighteen and fifty years, who, upon being summoned by the Persons Marshal or Deputy Marshal, or Police, or Mayor, or a member to suppress of Council, to aid in suppressing an affray, breach of the peace, “4% “« 88 Penalty. License. Penalty. Offer to sell. Mayor pro tem. Penalty. License from Inferi- or Court. PEDDLERS, or other outrage, shall. refuse so to do, or refuse to arrest, or aid in arresting any offender against the laws of this State, or any ordinance; and any person who shall oppose, resist or obstruct the Marshal, or Deputy Marshal, or Police, in the arrest of any of the offenders against any ordinance, or law of this State, or other discharge of duty, shall, on conviction, pay a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days in the calaboose, or both. PEDDLERS. SEC. 375. License from city. SEC. 377. Penalty. 376. License from Inferior Court. § 375. No itinerant trader, or peddler licensed by the Clerk of the Inferior Court of any county in this State, shall offer for sale any goods, wares, or merchandise in the corporate lim- its of the city of Atlanta, without first obtaining from the Clerk of Council a license, for which he shall pay the sum of fifteen dollars, and Clerk’s fee, for each day he, she or they, shall offer any goods, wares, or merchandise for sale in said city. ) ) . $376. If any such person shall offer any goods, wares, or merchandise, for sale in the corporate limits of said city, with- out first having obtained a license from the Clerk of Council, the Marshal or Deputy Marshal, or night watch, shall arrest such person, and carry him, her or them before the Mayor, Mayor pro tem., or three members of Council for trial; when he, she, or they shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hun- dred dollars each, for every day he, she, or they shall violate the preceding section, or be imprisoned in the calaboose or or common jail of the county not more than thirty days. § 577. If any itinerant trader or peddler shall offer any goods, wares, or merchandise for sale within the city of Atlan- ta, without license from the Clerk of the Inferior Court of Fulton County, he, she or they shall be immediately arrested by the Marshal or Deputy Marshal, or night watch, and car- ried before the Mayor, or some member of Council, where, up- on proof of such charge being made, he, she or they shall be bound over to the next term of the Superior Court of said county thereafter, to answer said offence. +f POLICE FORCE. 89 POLICE FORCH. Src, 378. Consists of what ? SEC.: 397 Hours of Duty. 379. Marshal, election. 398. Office. 380. Chief of Police. 399. Arrest of Offenders. 381. Office. 400. Failure to perform duties. 382. Ordinances enforced by 4o1. Trial and punishment. Marshal. 402. Policemen—election. 383. Duties. 403. Commanded, by whom ? 384. Report Policemen. 404. Arrest by Policemen. 385. Failure to perform duties. 405. Guard city from Fire. 386. Trial. 406. Report Offenders. 387. First Deputy Marshal. 407. Report.violations of Ordin- 388. Assist Marshal. ances. 389. Duties. 408. Trial. 390. Captain of Police. 409. Intoxication. 391. Office. 41o. Assuming to be Policemen. 392. Trial. 411. Police Headquarters. 393-. Second Deputy Marshal. 412. Costs of Marshal and Depu- 394. Duties. ties. 395. Lieutenants—election. 413. Costs of Lieutenants and 396. Duties. Policemen. § 378. The Police force of the city shall consist of a Chief Marshal, one or more Deputy Marshals, Lieutenants of Police, and as many Policemen as the Mayor and Council shall deem necessary. : MARSHAL First and Second of what to consist ? ELECTION—DUTIES, &C. § 379. The Chief Marshal shall be elected by the Mayor and Council at their first annual meeting after their election, and Election. shall, before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office, take the oath prescribed for officers of said city, give bond in such sum as may be determined by the Mayor and Council previous to his election, with two good and sufficient securities, conditioned as specified in the Charter incorporating the city of Atlanta; and the said Chief Marshal shall receive for his salary such sum as shall be fixed by resolution of the Mayor and Council, before his election, and not to be increased Salary not or diminished during his continuance in office, and is hereby dire required to keep and use a horse in the discharge of the duties diminished. of his office. § 380. The Chief Marshal, under the direction of the Mayor. or Mayor and Council, shall be Chief of the Police Force Ct tal ond. 90 POLICE FORCE. the City, and shall exercise general superintendence over the same, and is hereby made responsible for the good government of the same. ° § 381. He shall keep his office wherever the Police Commit- Marshal, tee may designate, and shall not absent himself therefrom, except on official business, without permission from the Mayor, or in his absence from the city, trom the Mayor pro tem. ~~ §.382. It shall be the duty of the Chief Marshal to see to Ordinances the enforcement of all the ordinances and laws made for the ce pale government of the city, to enforce all orders and resolutions of the Mayor, or Mayor and Council, or committees from the Council; and for every violation thereof to have the offender or offenders brought before the Mayor, or in his absence the Mayor pro tem., or three members of Council, and to see the judgment of the court executed. § 383. It shall be his duty to attend to the collection of ji: Duties of fas. and other.matters placed in his hands for said city; to Marshal. “attend all meetings of Council, light the room for the same, and generally attend said meetings; to attend the Mayor’s and City Courts, and do all such things as the said courts may require, and he shall also see to the enforcement of all the laws and ordinances of said city, that may be enacted or pointed out to him from time to time, and shall perform all the duties required of him by the Charter, and amendments thereto, of the city. § 384. It shall be the special duty of the Chief Marshal to Report q note the conduct of the officers of police and policemen, and Policemen. to report the same, through the Police Committee, to the Mayor and Council, whenever not. in accordance with the laws and ordinances of the city. ! § 385. The Chief Marshal shall do and perform, faithfully Failureto and diligently, all and singular the duties now required of penorm du- him, or which may hereafter be required of him; and for fail- ure to do so, shall be dealt with as the Mayor and Council shall deem best. § 886. On complaint of any person, on oath, that the Chief Trial of _ Marshal neglects or refuses to discharge the duties of his office Marshal. faithfully and vigilantly, or acts without authority of law, or is guilty of malpractice in office, or charges more than his legal costs, or acts oppressively by himself or other officers, it shall be the duty of the Clerk of Council to summon the Chief Mar- shal, in writing, to appear before the Mayor and Council at their first regular meeting after complaint is made, or as soon — thereafter as convenient, to answer such complaint, and, upon conviction, they shall adjudge such penalty as they may deem fit and expedient in the premises—either a fine, reprimand, or dismission from office, or all, in their discretion. And if it shall appear to the Mayor and Council that such complaint is POLICE FORCE. 9] groundles or frivolous, they shall order the complainant to pay all cost of trial, and the Clerk of Council shall issue exe- -eution accordingly. FIRST DEPUTY MARSHAL—ELECTION—DUTIES, &C. § 387. The First Deputy Marshal shall be elected by the Mayor and Council at the same time and in the same manner Election. as the Chief Marshal; shall take the oath prescribed for officers of the city; shall give bond, with two good and sufficient secu- rities, in such sum as may be determined by the Mayor and Council previous to his election, conditioned the same as the salary. Chief Marshal’s; and his salary shall be fixed in the same manner as the Chief Marshal’s, and he shall keep a horse for Keepa his use in discharging the duties of his office. pis § 388. The First Deputy Marshal shall assist the Chief Mar- shal in exercising a general superintendence over the Police Shall assist Force of the city, and shall be subject to the Boho the cee At Chief Marshal, under the direction of the Mayor, the Mayor and Council, or Police Committee. And in the event of remo- val from office of the Chief Marshal, or other cause preventing the performance of his duties, the Deputy Marshal shall do , |, and perform all and singular the duties of the Chief Marshal, or ticle until the vacancy is filled or the Chief Marshal returns to, Marshal duty. § 389. The First. Deputy Marshal shall perform all the duties required of him by the Charter and amendments thereto, Duties of of the city, and by the ordinances and laws of the city; shall ty Marshal, assist the Chief Marshal in seeing to the enforcement of all the ordinances and laws of the city; shall enforce all orders and resolutions of the Mayor, or Mayor and Council, or of Committees from the Council; shall have all offenders brought before the Mayor, or in his absence, the Mayor pro tem., OY three members of Council, for every violation of said ordinan- ces and laws; and shall, in the absence of the Marshal, see that the judgment of the Court is executed; he shall perform all duties required of him by the Mayor and Council, or which may be pointed out to him from time to time by the Mayor or Police Committee; he shall be vigilant and attentive in. the discharge of all of his duties, and for failure in this particular shall be dealt with as the Mayorand Council shall deem best. § 390. The First Deputy Marshal shall be Captain of Police, and have control of the Lieutenants of Police, and all police- Captain of men of the city. He shall require of the Lieutenants and po- °°" licemen a strict performance of their duties, and shall report to the Mayor and Council, through the Chief Marshal or Po- lice Committee, all delinquents. He shall be on duty at all, hours of the day, and until ten o’clock at night. § 391, The office of the First Deputy Marshal shall be kept oftice. Oath and Bond. 92 Trial and Punish- ment. Election. Duties of Second Deputy Marshal. Election. POLICE FORCE. at the headquarters of Police, and he shall not absent himself therefrom—except on official business—without permission from the Chief Marshal or Mayor. § 392. On complaint of any person, on oath, the Deputy Marshal shall be subject to arraignment before, and trial by, the Mayor and Council, for the same offence, in the same man- ner, and subject to the same punishments as the Chief Mar- shal; and if it shall appear to the Mayor and Council that such charges, or complaints, are groundless or frivolous, they shall order the complainant to pay all costs of trial,‘and the Clerk of Council shall issue execution accordingly. SECOND DEPUTY MARSHAL—ELECTION—DUTIES, &C. $ 393. Whenever the Mayor and Council shall deem it ne- cessary to have more than one Deputy Marshal, he or they shall be elected at any time, subject to removal at any time, in the same manner, take the same oath, and give the same bond, as the regular Deputy Marshal, and the salary shall be fixed in the same manner; and his or their powers and duties shall be defined by the Mayor and Council at the time of election, or at the next meeting of Council thereafter. § 394. It shall be the duty of the Second Deputy Marshal to assist the Chief Marshal in the peformance of his duties in the levying and collecting executions, and in such other mate ters as the Marshal may direct. To attend to the collection of all special tax, as he may be directed by the Clerk of Council. ‘T'o enforce all of the ordinances in reference to drays and dray- men. ‘l'o make out a complete list.of all business houses, pro- fessions and occupations, subject to the tax ordinances, and to return the same to the Clerk of Council. To make weekly settlements with the Clerk, and to pay over to said Clerk upon each settlement the amount of money in his hands. To per- form such other duties as may be required of him by the May- or, or the Mayor and’ Council. : | | LIEUTENANTS OF POLICE+-ELECTION—DUTIES, &C, § 395. A First and Second Lieutenant of Police shall be elected at the same time, and in the same manner, as the Chief Marshal and Deputy Marshal, and shall receive for their sala- ry such sum as may be fixed by resolution of the Mayor and Council before their election, not to be increased or diminished during their continuance in office. me § 396. It shall be their duty to assist the Chief Marshal and Duties of Deputy Marshal in the enforcement of all the laws and ordin- Lieutenants ances made for the government of the city, all orders and res- olutions of the Mayor, or Mayor and Council, or committees’ from the Council, and for every violation thereof, to see that the offender or offenders are brought before the Mayor, or in _ POLICE FORCE. 93 his absence the Mayor pro tem., or three members of Council ; and in the absence of the Chief Marshaland Deputy Marshal, to see the judgment of the court executed. § 397. They shall have command of the policemen of the city under the direction of the Captain of Police, and one anes - Lieutenant shall be on duty at all hours of the day and night. The division of their time on duty shall be made by the Police Committee, and subject to be changed at their discretion. § 398. The Lieutenant on duty shall keep his office at the headquarters of Police, and shall not absent himself therefrom, except in attendance upon his duties, without permission from the Captain of Police, or Marshal. Office. § 399. Hvery offender against the laws and ordinances of the , os o¢ city shall be arrested by the Police force, and carried before neat the officer on duty at police headquarters, who shall take a bond, with good security, from such offender, for his appear- ance before the next Mayor’s Court, and to attend from court to court until a trial can be had; or, in his discretion, shall release him on his own recognizance, without security, to ap- pear, as above stated, before the Mayor's Court; or, upon fail- ure to give bond, commit him. to prison to await his trial. When an arrest is made by the Chief Marshal, or Deputy Marshal, they can take the bond, or commit to prison without going before the officer on duty at police headquarters. — § 400. The Lieutenants shall be faithful and vigilant in the discharge of their duties, and for failure in this particular, Nee on shall be dealt with as the Mayor and Council shall deem best; ties. they shall particularly notice the conduct of each and every policeman, and shall report through the proper. channels all delinquents to the Mayor and Council. § 401. They shall be subject to arraignment before, and tri- al by, the Mayor and Council, in the same manner, for the Trial and same offences, and subject to the same punishment as the De- ipimeme a puty Marshal. : POLICEMEN—ELECTION—DUTIES, &C. § 402. The Mayor and Council, at the first annual meeting after their election, or as soon thereafter as convenient, shall “ecu gata elect by ballot as many policemen as they may deem necessary to guard the city, who shall receive for their services such com- pensation as the Mayor and Council may determine. The : : : ane Number. number of policemen, and their compensation, to be increased or diminished in the discretion of the Mayor and Council. § 403. The policemen shall be commanded by the Lieuten- ants, under the direction of the Captain of Police, and it shal Gites of be their duty to guard the city by day and by night; to enforce caoien snd obedience to all laws and ordinances of the city, and to pre- ¥ 94 Duty. Arrest all offenders. Guard city from fire, Report all offenders. Report vio- lations of ordinances, Suspended from office. Trial, Intoxica- tion of Po- licemen, Assuming to be Po- licemen, POLICE FORCE, serve peace and order at all hours of the day and night. The time and place of their duty shall be designated by the Police Committee, subject to be changed at their discretion. § 404. They shall arrest all offenders against the laws and ordinances of the city, and carry them before the officers on duty at the Police headquarters. They shall be conservators of the peace, and shall assist, when necessary, in suppressing any riot, or other disorderly conduct, and breach of the peace, which shall come to their knowledge. § 405. They shall guard the city from fire, and are hereby required, on the appearance of fire, to give immediate alarm by ringing the fire bell and crying “fire;” and shall protect persons and property. § 406. It shall be their duty to be vigilant in detecting and reporting offenders against these ordinances; and any member of the police force who shall know any person to be guilty of a breach of these ordinances, and shall fail to report the same, shall, upon proof thereof, be forthwith removed from office. § 407. They shall report to the Lieutenant on duty, or Cap- tain of Police, ull violations of the laws and ordinances of the city, and he shall report the same to the Marshal, whose duty it is to bring the offenders before the Mayor, or in his absence, the Mayor pro tem., or three members of Council. § 408. Hach of said policemen shall be liable to be suspend- ed from office by the Mayor, or Police Committee, for a viola- tion of the laws and ordinances of the city, until a trial can be had by the Mayor and Council, or Council, and must give up the tools of office to the Captain of Police or Marshal. If found guilty upon the trial before the Mayor and Council, or Council, they shall be punished by dismission from office, fine and imprisonment, or all, in the discretion of the Mayor and Council, or Council. § 409. If any of the officers of the police force, or police-_ men, shall at any time become intoxicated, or under the influ- ence of liquor, or fail, neglect or refuse to perform all duties, ~ as the laws or ordinances of the city may require, or shall be guilty of any immoral or disorderly conduct, such officer or policeman so‘offending may be suspended from duty by the Mayor or Police Committee, until the first regular meeting of Council, when such offender shall be tried, and, if found guil- ty, shall be fined, reprimanded or removed from office, or all, in the discretion of the Mayor and Council. § 410. It shall not be lawful for any person, not being a po- liceman in the city, to assume to act as such, or act as such, or represent himself as such; and every one violating this clause of this ordinance, upon conviction thereof, shall be fin- ed not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not ex- ceeding thirty days, in the discretion of the Court. POLICE FORCE. 95 ° § 411. Police Headquarters shall be designated by the Police Committee, subject to be changed at any time, Whengrvar Folleehead- in their discretion the interest of the city requires it. It shall vee always be located, if possible, in the central portion of the city. § 412. The Chief Marshal and Deputy Marshal shall be en- Costs of titled to demand and receive the following costs, when they or Marspal aay either of them perform the work: _ Marshal. For serving summons, in each case......--.. esse sees $ 50 For taking bonds to appear at court for either parties OF Witness, CACH is. sce cee lb eee rece eee we ete dies For serving subpoena on witness, each........-+-+++- 50 For attending trial, in each case......-..-eee eee ee ee 35 For serving fi. fa., ca. sa., or other execution.......... 1 00 For making deed to real estate, or personal property, when required... 2.0... cece eee ee eee eee renee 2 00 For ejecting occupants of houses of ill-fame.......... 2 00 For tearing down and abating nuisance—whatever the court shall adjudge a reasonable fee. For arresting persons and confining in the calaboose (where no bond is taken)...........++ sees eee eees 1 00 For each person employed, not exceeding two, to guard 7 prisoners, per day.......--ssseee eee yengd baited 2 1 00 For receiving prisoner (to go to City Calaboose)...... 50 For turning key to discharge prisoner, (to go to City Calaboose) i... 6c cece tee tree eee e etree eeccee 50 For attending prisoner under writ of habeas corpus be- fore a Judge of the Superior or County Court...... 1 00 The above to be charged in the bill of costs in the Mayor’s Court. For dieting a person per day, allowing two pounds of bread, half pound of beef, with a sufficiency of water, 50 For removal of carcass. of horse, cow, or calf.......... 1 00 For removal of carcass of dog, hog or cat............ 50 For shooting and removal of dog without collar...... 50 For settling execution if property is levied on and money paid before the sale........+-++e sees eens 1 00 For keeping a horse, mare, mule or ox, per day....... 25 For keeping sheep, goats, or hogs, per day......-.-+-- 04 For keeping each head of meat cattle.......-++-++++: 05 No party to be taxed with the costs of more than two wit- nesses to each fact. § 413. Each Lieutenant or Policeman shall be entitled to demand and receive the following costs, whenever they do the ert work, to be taxed in the bill of costs in the Mayor’s Court: and Police. For taking bonds to appear at court for either parties or ~ witness, each—the one making the arrest entitled to BH GOS bisiessis sais hehe cd Vx Nee NES Nom eke ai oie eae 1 00 For serving subpeena on witness, each......+-++++++- 50 96 Board of Education, Powers. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. For arresting persons, who are imprisoned and no bond CASH NTR UR 00S ote ate OO For attending prisoner under writ of habeas corpus be- fore Judge of Superior or County Court....7,...., 1 00 For removal of carcass of horse, cow, or.calf......... va ee ei) For removal of carcass of doo, Noo, Of Cit. san. woud ak Fae For shooting and removal of dog without collar....... 50 Provided, That the city is not liable for any insolvent costs, or in cases of no conviction in the Mayor’s Court, nor shall the enumeration of costs in this bill interfere with the costs allowed in other cases, not enumerated. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. SEC. 414. Board of Education. SEC, 422. Deposits. 415. Powers. 423. Appropriation. 416. Plan of Instruction. 424. Taxation. 417. Committees. 425. Rate of Taxation. 418. Treasurer. 426. Expenses. 419. Oath and Bond, 427. Reports. 420. Vacancies. 428. Mayor member of Board, 421. Disbursements. § 414. The Board of Education shall assume control of the - whole subject of Public Schools in the city, and shall have full aud ample power to provide the requisite buildings, and cause to be opened and conducted a sufficient number of schools to meet the wants of the population, so far as they can do so by a prudent and judicious application of the means hereinafter made subject to their administration and management. § 415. Among the powers hereby conferred, the following are for greater certainty specially enumerated. To contract, lease, or purchase buildings for school houses, and to make all needful alterations and repairs; to furnish said houses with appropriate school furniture and apparatus; to lay off the city into two or more school districts, whenever in the judgment of the Board it shall be proper to do so, and to increase or dimin- ish the number of Districts, or vary their boundaries at pleas- ure; to employ the Superintendent and all teachers, fix their compensation and prescribe their duties; to control the distri- bution of teachers and pupils among the several schools ; to dictate the course of studies, the organization of. classes, the number and character of text-books, the method of teaching, the time and mode of examination, and the distribution of re- wards, honors and diplomas, and to make and insure the en- forcement of a complete system of rules and regulations for the government and efficiency of the Schools as respects both teachers and pupils; also, to take measures for the gradual PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 97 formation of a School Library, and for managing and render- ing the same useful. ; § 416. The plan of instruction, and the system of rules and PAS regulations, when once adopted, shall be adhered to, unless struction, modified from time to time by a concurrent vote of two-thirds of the Board. § 417. Any of the ordinary powers of the Board may be per- y Ath formed by appropriate committees, when so directed by stand- tees. ing rules, or by special orders or regulations of the Board. § 418. On the fourth Thursday in November next, and an- MS nually thereafter, the said Board shall appoint a Treasurer of i, the Board of Education, who shall receive and pay out all money (from whatever source derived) set apart for the estab- lishment and support of Public Schools in Atlanta. § 419. Before entering upon his duties the Treasurer shall dea give bond to the Mayor and Council in such sum as the May- Bond. or and Council may require, with security to be approved by them, and shall also take and subscribe an oath to perform his duties faithfully. Said bond and oath, after bein g recorded on the minutes of the Board, shall be filed with the Clerk of Council. § 420. All vacancies in the office of Treasurer shall be filled Ee aigs ad by the Board as soon as practicable after they occur, and the ‘ Treasurer shall at all times be subject to removal by the Board, and shall, when ordered by said Board, deliver up’ to his suc- cessor all money, books, papers and property in his custody belonging to the Public Schools. § 421. The money. which comes into the hands of the said dete, Treasurer shall be subject to be managed, administered and ments expended by said Board. It shall be paid out only on the checks or drafts of said Board, signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary, and the Treasurer shall keep a book of receipts and payments, and transmit quarterly, on the first Fridays in January, April, July and August, a full and complete transcript therefrom to the Mayor and Council, and another to the Board of Education. | § 422. Whenever directed by a resolution of the Board, the Rises Treasurer shall keep the funds on hand deposited in some >? bank in the city, (specified in the resolution,) and if any pro- fits can be realized from such deposits, they shall be added to the fund producing them, and be expended asa part thereof. All deposits, and the terms thereof, shall be reported with the quarterly transcript from the Treasurer’s books, said books, and the moneys, bonds, certificates of deposits, and other as- sets on hand, shall at all times be subject to inspection by the Finance Committee of the Board and Council. The compen- sation of the ‘Treasurer shall be two hundred and fifty dollars per eanaDh 98 Appropria- tion. Taxation. Rateof Tax- ation. Expenses. Reports, ‘ PUBLIC SCHOOLS. § 423. For providing’the requisite school houses, furniture and apparatus, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars in seven per cent. Bonds of the city (or such part thereof as the Board of Education may deem prudent and advisable to ex- pend) is hereby appropriated. Said bonds shall be made paya- ble twenty years after the first of January next, with interest payable semi-annually in January and July. They shall be prepared and signed as other bonds of the city, and delivered to the Treasurer of the Board of Education, and said Board shall have power from time to time to negotiate sales of them, at their market value, reporting monthly to the Mayor and Council such sales, giving the number, date and amount of each bond sold, the time and place of sale, the price realized, and the name of the purchaser. The money thus raised shall be paid over to the Treasurer of said Board, to be drawn and expended for the objects aforesaid, at the discretion of said Board. The requisite tax to pay the interest on said bonds as it accrues shall be collected annually. § 424, Money to pay the current expenses of said schools shall be raised annually by taxation as follows : On the first Monday in May of each year the Board of Ed- ucation shall file with the Mayor and Council a statement of the amount, as nearly as can be estimated, which will be need- ed to pay the cost of maintaining the school for the succeed- ing schoolastic year, beginning September the first, exclusive of money, if any, derivable from the State, or other sources. Said statements shall set forth the various objects of expendi- ture, and specify the sum necessary, as estimated, for each. it shall be authenticated .by the official signature of the President of the Board. § 425. In fixing the rate of taxation for the year, a sufficient per cent. shall be added to produce the total amount covered vy said statement, and the same shall be collected with the other taxes as a School Fund, and be paid over by the Tax Collector to the Treasurer of the Board of Education, who shall give triplicate receipts, one to be retained by the Collec- tor, one to be filed with the Clerk of Council, and one to be transmitted to the Board of Education. Said money shall be expended for the objects enumerated in said statement, and no other, any surplus being carried over to the succeeding year, and used for like objects in that year. ve § 426. In order to defray any expenses that may accrue be- fore funds can be realized under the last preceding section, the Board of Education may, in their discretion, resort to the Building Fund above appropriated, taking care to restore to said fund, out of the first years’s taxes, the whole amount thus drawn therefrom. | § 427. In addition to the Reports already provided for, the Board shall within twenty days after the close of each school- RAILROAD COMPANY——ATLANTA STREET. 99 astic term, make a semi-annual report to the Mayor and Coun- cil of all financial transactions, and of the general. progress and condition of the schools, supplying full statistical infor- mation as to teachers, pupils, school houses, furniture, and other property. § 428. The Mayor of said city shall be ez officio a member of Mayor 4 M , member of said Board of Education. Board. Se RAILROAD COMPANY—ATLAN'TA STREET. SEC. 429. Occupy Stréets. SEC. 434. Tax—exempt from. 430. Conform to Surveys, 435. Number on Car. 431. Maintain Streets. ' 436. Macadamize Streets. ' 432. Running Speed. 437. Rules for Company. 433. Charges on Road. § 429. Authority is hereby granted to the Atlanta Street Railroad Company to construct Street Railways on any Street penn | in the city, and across the bridge on Broad street. : § 430. It shall be the duty of said Company to conform to the surveys, regulations and grades, as they are now, or may Conform to ereafter be established by law or an ordinance of the city of Atlanta, They shall submit all proposed plans, courses, styles of rails,and the manner of laying the same, to the Street - Committee for their approval and sanction, which shall be obtained before they proceed to break ground or occupy any of the highways aforesaid. § 431. The said Railroad Company shall be at the entire 5 satel cost and expense of the maintaining and repairing that MAY Streets. be necessary upon any road, street, avenue or. alley, occupied by them, for the width required. It shall also be the duty of the Company to clear the streets, or other public highways that they may occupy, of any obstructions placed upon them by said Company, when the same impedes the trade upon such highway; and for any neglect on their part to do so for a period of three days, they shall be punishable by a fine of twenty dol- lars for each offence, upon complaint of five citizens, on oath or affirmation. § 432. The running speed of the cars on said Railroad shall Running _ not at any time be at a greater rate than six miles an hour in *?°e4- the paved portion of the city, nor shall they incommode the Mustnot in- crossings, or stop at the corners of any street, or elsewhere, to be solicit passengers, It shall be the duty of the Conductors and ete. 100 REGISTRATION OF BUSINESS. _ drivers of the cars to give ample notice to drivers of vehicles eG ca and pedestrians of their approach, and also to afford all rea- sonable opportunity for them, or either of them, to avoid col- ; lisions or accidents; and any neglect to comply with the provis- pan eeect, ions of this section shall be punishable by a fine of five dollars; and the Mayor, Mayor pro tem, or three members, are hereby empowered fo revoke the license of such car or cars, and they shall not be again placed on such road until such license 1s renewed. Charseson .§ 433. The charges for passage on said Road shall not exceed Road. twenty cents for any through line, and ten cents for half lines or short distances. Tax,exempt § 434. The Road, Rolling and Live Stock of said Company ake are hereby exempted from taxation for the term of fifty years. m § 435. It shall be incumbent on said Company, before plac- umbers on - . ¥ ° Cars. ing cars on their road, to have the number painted in some conspicuous place on each car, and any omission or neglect to comply with this provision shall be punishable by a fine of ten dollars. Macadamiz- § 436. Said Company shall be required to macadamize the ing streets. width of the track, and for three feet on each side of every line of track, in cases of necessity to be judged of by the Commit- tee on Streets; it shall be governed in locating the track by the Street Committee, nor shall it locate any track without the consent of said Committee, or a majority thereof. § 437. And the said Mayor and Council of the city of At- Rules for Janta hereby reserve to themselves the right, in conjunction panye with the President and Directors of said Company, to make all needful rules and regulations for the government of said Company. REGISTRATION OF BUSINESS. SEc. 438. Registration. SEC. 439. Penalty. es § 438. Every person, firm, corporation, or company engaged ing business IN prosecuting or carrying on any trade, . business, or profes- reek llg Jo sion, within the corporate limits of said city, is hereby required andgetli-- to register their names, business, calling, trade, or profession ane annually, at such times as the Mayor and Council may, by resolution, from time to time direct; and persons coming into the’ city, and so engaging in business, after that date in each year, shall so register, within ten days after commencing such busi- ness, calling, trade, or profession, and pay for and procure his business license, ! RETAIL HOUSES. | 101 § 439. Any person liable to be so licensed, who shall fail to take out such license, after the Clerk has given fifteen days’ P&™™"v- notice of his readiness to issue licenses, may, on conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars and costs. RETAIL HOUSES. SEc. 440.: License. SEc. 446. Expiration of License. 441. Selling without license. 447. Persons to be admitted. 442. Applications. 448. Sign. 443. Conditions of bond. 449. Retailing on Sabbath. 444. Transfer of License. 450. License for Malt Liquors. 445. Open doors. ; § 440. The Mayor and Council shall, in their discretion, tie, grant or refuse license to retail ardent spirits in said city, on each application made; all persons to whom:they grant such license, shall pay to the Clerk a sum not exceeding two thou- sand dollars per annum, and give bond, with security, in a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars, and take the oaths as required by law. ‘The price of such licenses, the time they may last, and the amount of said bonds, may be fixed or changed at any time by an ordinance or resolution: Provided, No vested rights are impaired by such change. — i _§ 441. If any person shall, in said city, retail or sell in quan- sath tities less than one quart, any ardent spirits, without having Withest lis obtained such license, paid the required price, given the cense. required bond, and taken said oaths, he°or she shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the court. | § 442. The applicant shall, at the time of his application, ‘Seen deposit with the Clerk the price of such license, with a written PP 7" description of the place where he intends to carry on the business, and a certificate of two or more of his respectable, sober, and adjacent neighbors, where he intends to retail, recommending the applicant as fit to be entrusted with such license, and offering to become his security: Provided, No one person shall sign more than two certificates, and no certificate shall be signed by any one haying, or then applying for such license. § 443. If license is refused, the money shall be refunded. Conartis . The bond shal! be to keep an orderly and decent house, under of bond. penalty of forfeiting the license, and being punished as one retailing without license. . § 444. No license is transferable, except by consent of the 102 Transfer of license. RETAIL HOUSES. Mayor and Council. No license shall protect more than one place, (and that the place described therein), and no spirituous — or malt liquors shall be retailed in the streets of said city. Persons violating this section shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Court. § 445. No retailer of spirituous or malt, or fermented liquors Open doors. shall, at any time, keep open doors after half past eleyen Expiration of license. Persons o’clock at night, for the purpose of selling such liquors, except that bar-rooms, attached to hotels, may be kept open for the accommodation of travelers only, thirty minutes after arrival and thirty minutes before departure of any railroad train, , arriving or departing after said hours, on any night, except the Sabbath night. § 446. All retail licenses shall expire one year from the date of the same, but may be revoked by Council at any time when the person to whom the same may have been granted should violate any of the provisions of these ordinances. § 447. It shall be the duty of each and every person licensed to : . e a 3 . . Persons to to retail spirituous liquors, to admit the Mayor, or any mem- etc. Sign to be put up, etc Retailing on Sabbath day--forfeit license. Lager beer- license not to exceed $100 per annum, ber of Council, or either of the city officers, into his or her premises at any time when such permission may be demanded; and any person violating this section shall be fined not exceed- ing one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the court. § 448. Licensed retailers (hotels excepted,) shall, within twenty days after obtaining their license, affix a sign board near to, or over the door of the tenament in which the retailing 1s carried on, upon which shall be painted in plain characters the words: “Licensed retailer of spirituous liquors,” which sign shall be continued until the expiration of the license, and not’ one day longer, under the penalty of being fined not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or of being imprisoned not ex- ceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Court. § 449. Any person or persons licensed to retail spirituous liquors, or lager beer, or malt liquors, in the city of Atlanta, who shall sell the same, or keep open doors on the Sabbath day in said city, or violate any condition in said licenses, on con- viction, he, she or they shall forfeit their license, and these conditions shall be incorporated in all licenses when granted. § 450. No person or persons shall retail lager beer, or other -malt liquors, in less quantities than one quart, within the city of Atlanta, without first obtaining license from the Clerk of Council, for which license not more than one hundred dollars, and OClerk’s fee, for twelve months, shall be demanded. Li- cense may be granted for three or six months at the same rate. Any person violating this section shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Court. RULES OF ORDER FOR GOVERNMENT OF couNciL. 103 RULES OF ORDER FOR THE GOVERNMENT ) OF COUNCIL. Sec. 451. Convenes, when ? SEc. 462. Adjournment. 452. Minutes. 463. Conduct of Members. 453. Committees. 464. Appeals from Mayor. 454. Mayor pro tem. 465. Reconsider, motion to. 455- Order of business. 466. Clerk notifies Committees. 456. Accounts. : 467. Additional Rules. 457. Reports of Committees. 468. Book of Rules and Ordin- 458. Reports of Officers. ances. 459. Reading of Ordinances. 469. Trials. 460. Motions. 470. Communications. 461. Majority governs. 471. Parliamentary Rules. © § 451. RuiE I.—Council will meet at the Council Chamber each Friday evening, at 7 o’clock. The Mayor may convene Convenes, Council at any time he may think necessary. § 452. Rute I].—The Mayor shall take the chair at the hour. appointed for any regular, adjourned, or extra meeting, shal] Minutes of immediately call all the members to order, and on the appear- meeting. ance of a quorum, shall cause the minutes of the preceding meeting to be read. § 453. Rute Il].—He shall preserve order and decorum, and ae shall appoint all committees, unless the Council shall other- peibts on atle wise direct, in which case they shall be appointed by ballot. — mittees. § 454. Rute IV.—In the absence of the Mayor, at any stat- - ed or extra meeting, the Mayor pro tem. is vested with al] Mayet Pro the powers of Mayor, during such absence. | ? Order of business. -§ 455. Rune V.—The following order shall be observed in the transaction of business: | 1. Reading the Minutes ; 2. Trial of Appeals ; 3. Petitions and Communications ; 4, Reports of Standing Committees; Reports of Special Committees ; . Reports of Officers; %. Resolutions, Orders and Ordinances ; 8. Accounts and Salaries. § 456. Rute VI.—No account not examined and certified to , cunts be correct by a member of the appropriate committee, or the j Mayor, will be passed. : oo § 457. Rute VIJ.—Every Committee shall report upon the Reports of subject or subjects referred at the succeeding meeting, or show Committees good cause why no report is made. 104, Reports of fiicers. Reading of Ordinances. Motions. Majority— rules. Motion for adjournm’t. Conduct of members. Appeal RULES OF ORDER FOR GOVERNMENT OF COUNCIL, § 458. Rute VIII—LEvery officer whose duty it is made by order or resolution of Council, to report at the regular meet- ings of Council, shall punctually perform his duty, or be fined in the discretion of Council. § 459. Rute [X.—Every ordinance shall receive three dif- ferent readings in Council previous to its passage. § 460. RuLE X.—AII motions shall be reduced to writing, if the Mayor or any member of Council desire it. § 461. Rute XI.—In all matters coming before Council, a majority shall govern. In all cases of a tie, the Mayor or Chairman of Council shall have the casting vote. § 462. Rute XIL—A motion for wpe shall always be in order. § 463. Rute XIII—No member, while Council is in session, shall speak on the subject under discussion without first ris- ing from his seat. When more than one member shall rise at or near the same time, the Mayor shall decide in favor of that one who shall first attract his attention. Hvyery speaker shall address the chair, and no member shall interrupt another while speaking, except to call him to order. § 464. Rute XIV.—The Mayor shall decide all questions of from Mayor order, but any member dissatisfied with any of the decisions Reconsider; motion to. Clerk noti- fies Com- mittees. Additional Rules, Books of Rules and Ordinances. Trials, Communi- cations. shall have the right of appeal to Council. § 465. RutE XV.—A motion to reconsider any of the pro- ceedings of Council, will not be entertained unless it be made by a member who previously voted in the majority. § 466. Rute XVI. —The Clerk shall give notice to the mem- bers of Council of the several Committees to which they have been appointed, and shall cause to be published, once a year, a list of the Standing Committees. § 467. Rute XVII.—Any additional rule or rules may, from time to time, be made by Council, but no alteration of a rule shall take place without the consent of two-thirds of the mem- bers present. § 468. Rute XVIII—The Clerk shall keep a separate book in which shall be entered these and all other rules and by-laws which the Council shall pass, and.also a book in which shall be entered the several ordinances passed by Council? § 469. Rute XIX.—In the trial of persons charged with the violation of the ordinances, the Council Chamber shall be cleared, after the testimony and argument have been heard, until the decision of Council be formed. § 470. Rute XX.—No communication to Cotineil shall be | entertained unless the same be in writing. SALARIES-—SCALES—PUBLIC. 105 § 471. Rute XXI—The Mayor or presiding officer, when the Council is in session, shall enforce parliamentary rules for eer its government, so far as they are applicable to such a legisla- tive body. SALARIES, § 472. The salaries of the Mayor and Members of Council for each succeeding year, shall be fixed by Council at the first regular meeting in October in each year. SCALES—PUBLIC. SEC. 473. Weights. SEC. 474. Clerk’s Report. 475. Weighing Cattle. § 473. It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Market. to superintend the weighing of all corn, fodder, oats, hay, straw, shucks, pea vines, and stock of all kinds, that may be brought to the public scales to be weighed, between the’ hours of eight o’clock in the morning, and four o’clock in the evening; and the party selling the same shall pay fifty cents for each four-horse wagon load, thirty cents for each two- horse wagon load, and fifteen cents for each cart or one-horse wagon load; for each live hog, ten cents; for each sheep or goat, ten cents; and for each head of cattle, twenty-five cents. The standard weights of all corn, sold by weight and weighed at the public scales, shall be as follows: Shelled corn shall weigh fifty-six pounds per bushel, and meal shall weigh forty- eight pounds per bushel. The weight of wheat shall be sixty pounds per bushel; the weight of oats, shelled, shall be thir- ty-three pounds per bushel; the weight of peas shall be sixty pounds per bushel. For weighing any of the above articles of produce, the said Clerk shall receive. from the person pro- curing the same to be weighed, one-half cent per bushel; and the said Clerk shall make a reasonable deduction for wet, if, in his judgment, any should be made on that account, and make a fair return of the weight to the person entitled to the same. § 474. It shall be the duty of said Clerk to make outa, ip report to Council, once a month, of all the sums that he may phtti sence have received for such weighing, and shall in like manner pay one-half of the same over to the Treasurer of said city, and the other half he shall retain for his services in the premises. § 475. The Clerk of the Market shall charge for every fif- weicning teen head of beef cattle, belonging to the same person or firm, Cattle, Weights. 106 Election. Depth of graves. Record. Bond and ees. Compensa- tion. License. SEXTON—-SHOOTING GALLERIRS, thus weighed, the sum of one dollar and fifty cents; for every fifty head of beef cattle, three dollars and fifty cents, and the same proportion for any number greater. And for every twenty-five head of sheep, belonging to the same person or firm, fifty cents; for every fifty head, eighty cents; and the same proportion for any number greater; and forevery twenty- five head of hogs, belonging to the same person or firm, forty cents; and for every fifty head of hogs, seventy-five cents; and for every-hundred head of hogs, one dollar; and for every greater number, the same fee in proportion. SEXTON. Sec. 476. Election. Sec. 479. Bond and Fees. 477. Depth of Graves. 480. Compensation. 478. Record. § 476. The Mayor and Council shall elect a Sexton, whose duty it shall be to superintend the digging of all graves, and all interments that shall take place in and for the city of Atlanta § 477. No grave shall be dug less than five feet deep; nor shall any grave be dug, or corpse interred, except under the superintendence and direction of the Sexton. § 478. The Sexton shall keep a book of record of all the deaths and burials in the city, giving the name, age, place of nativity, disease, and the place from whence buried, and the . time of residence in the city. § 479. He shall give bond in the sum of three hundred dol- lars for the faithfulsperformance of his duties, and shall receive the following fees: For digging a grave, $1.50; for attending funeral without hearse, $1; for attending with hearse, $2; for special or general invitation, $1.50; and for attending with- out the corporate limits, within three miles, double price. § 480. The Sexton shall receive such compensation as may be allowed by the Mayor and Council. SHOOTING GALLERIES. Src. 481. License. Src. 483. Minors and drunken persons. 482. Restrictions. § 481. Any and all persons desiring to open a pistol or. . shooting gallery in the city of Atlanta, shall first deposit with the Clerk of Council twenty-five dollars and license fee, and then make a written application at a regular meeting of the Mayor and Council, who shall grant a permission, if they see proper. STREETS AND ALLEYS. 107 § 482. Any and all persons having obtained a license shall be subject to the same restrictions and liabilities, both as to ete orderly houses, days and nights, that retailers of spirituous liquors are; and for any violation shall be tried and punished the same way. § 483. It shall not be lawful for. persons conducting any yiiors ana shooting gallery to allow minors or drunken persorfs to prac- drunken tice shooting, under a penalty of a fine of one hundred dollars ?"*°™* and cost of trial, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. ated STREETS AND ALLEYS. SEc, 484. Sidewalks. Src. 498. Market street. 485. Obstructions. 499. Course of Market street. 486. Building. 500. Market street changed to 487. Riding and driving. Broad. ‘488. Removing sand. 501. Broad street extended. 489. Merchants, not obstruct 502. Crew street. sidewalks, . 503. Frazier street. 490.’ Awnings. 504. Marietta street. 491. Horses, where fastened. 505. Change of. names. 492. Liquids thrown on streets. 506. Whitehall street. 493. Hauling dirt. 507. Pryor street. 494. Sweepings. 508. Alleys changed to streets. 495. Filth placed in box. 509. Bartow street. 496. Overseers of streets. 510. Width of streets. 497. Duty of Overseers. § 484, All sidewalks in the city of Atlanta hereafter laid _. out shall not be less than ten feet in width, and shall be built S4ew*™*- under the supervision of the Committee on Streets, and the owners of bordering lots shall have the privilege of planting trees on the outer edge of the sidewalk. The sidewalks of Broad street are twelve feet wide. § 485. No person shall place any trash, lumber, wood, glass, or other obstructions, in any public street, lane, alley, or way, ree in said city, or on any sidewalk. Any person who shall place any obstruction, as aforesaid, in any street, lane, alley or way, or on any sidewalk, failing or refusing to remove the same within six hours after being notified by the Marshal or Deputy Marshal, or, having removed the said obstructions, shall replace the same or similar obstructions, shall, on conviction, be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. § 486. Any person or persons actually building or repairing, or about to build or repair any building, may collect and lay Bains. all such materials as may be necessary for such building or 108 STREETS AND ALLEYS. repairs in the street, lane or alley next adjoining to the place or spot whereon such buildings or repairs are intended to be made; but such materials shall be enclosed in a sufficient space as will effectually prevent the spreading into the streets, lanes or alleys; and the said space, so enclosed, shall in no case extend beyond ten feet on any street, lane or alley, and shall in na case obstruct the sidewalks. During all such time as such materials shall so lay in any street, lane or alley, the owner or proprietor of such materials shall cause a lamp or lantern, with a good and sufficient light therein, to be securely hung up, placed or fixed on a post, or otherwise, at each of the two corners of such-enclosure projecting into the said street, lane or alley, and in such manner as clearly and plainly to show the place and extent occupied by such materials. The said lamp or lantern shall be lighted by said owner or proprie- tor at or before dark in the evening, and shall continue to burn until day-light. Any one violating the provisions of this section shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Court. : § 487. Any person or persons who shall drive a vehicle, or Riding and ride ina disorderly manner through the streets, or over a bridge * faster than in a walk, or who shall ride on, or place any wagon, cart or vehicle on the sidewalk, or stop such vehicle on a regu- lar street crossing, except in case of loading and unloading wagons, carts or other vehicles, shall, on conviction, pay a fine. of not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be impris- oned not exceeding thirty days. May § 488. Any person who shall dig or scrape up and carry away Digging so. gravel, earth, dirt, rocks, or sand, from any street, lane or alley outof’ of said city, shall, on conviction thereof, pay a fine of not streets. exceeding twenty dollars and costs for each offence, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days in the calaboose. § 489. No Auctioneer, Commission Merchant, or other Mer- Auction. chant, shall be allowed to obstruct any public street or side- chants, etc., walk for the purpose of selling, vending, showing or disposing mot te ope. of their wares and merchandise, or of delivering the same; nor walks or __ shall an assembly of persons, as bidders, be assembled for the ’ purpose of bidding for the same, so as to obstruct free passage on the sidewalks or streets of the city of Atlanta. And any person or persons who shall do or cause the same to be done, Failureto OY Shall fail or refuse to remove the same, after being notified Fomove’,. by the Marshal or his deputy, shall on conviction be fined in prisonment a Sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and cost, or be im- prisened thirty days in the calaboose or common jail of Ful- ton county. § 490. All awnings erected in the city of Atlanta in front of Awnings. booths, stores and residences shall be at their lowest point eight feet from the sidewalk, and the pillars supporting said awning shall be placed on the extreme outer edge of said side- STREETS AND ALLEYS. 109 walk; and any person violating this ordinance shall be fined hot exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the court. Occupants of the booths, stores, and residences shall be responsible for the location of the awnings in front of said booths, stores, and residences. § 491. Any person who shall wilfully destroy any shade tree, or who shall fasten any horse or animal to any shade tree, ong ae fence, or to anything on, in or by a sidewalk, shall, upon con- ened, etc. viction, pay a fine of not exceeding twenty-five dollars and costs, and the Marshal shall in every case seize the horse, or Penalty. other animal, and retain it until the fine and costs are paid. § 492. Any occupant of any lot who shall throw ordischarge from said lot any water or fluid substance so as to affect inju- HONG on riously any street, lane, alley, way or sidewalk in said city, streets. shall on conviction be fined not exceeding one hundred dol- lars and costs, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in. the discretion of the Court, for every twenty-four hours it is suffered to remain after notice by the Marshal, or his Deputy, to remove the same, but a citizen may by permis- sion of the Street Committee, construct a drain, or hollow pavement, for the water or fluid substance to pass off. § 493. Any person or persons engaged 1n hauling or trans- porting dirt for any purpose whatever through any street, lane, Pron alley or way of the city of Atlanta, after the first day of May, _ 1870, shall haul or transport said dirt in wagons or carts with close bodies. Any person violating this ordinance shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. § 474. Any person or persons who reside on or do business on any of the following streets in the boundaries specified, to Sweepinss. wit: Whitehall street, from Peters street to the Western & Atlan- tic Railroad ; Up Peachtree street to Ellis street ; Down Decatur street to Calhoun street ; Along Loyd street to Alabama street ; Up Alabama street to Forsyth street ; Up Mitchell street to Forsyth street ; Up Forsyth street to its junction wit The entire length of Broad street ; Up Marietta street to Foundry street ; h Peachtree street ; who shall deposit on any of the aforesaid streets, or the side- walks of said streets, any sweepings from any stores, or dwell- ing houses, or places of business, or any paper, hair, fuel, slop or washings of any kind, and suffer the same to remain more than six hours on either sidewalks or streets, after having been notified to remove the same by the Marshal, or Deputy Mar- 110 STREETS AND ALLEYS. shal, or shall replace the same, or any similar sweepings, paper, hair, fuel, slop or washings, after having removed the same under a notice given as aforesaid, shall on conviction pay a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars for each and: every of- fence, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Court. § 495. For the convenience of all persons affected by the Filth placed preceding section, it shall be their duty to place all accumula- in boxes. Overseer of Streets. Duty of Overseer. Market Street. Market Street. Broad Street. Broad Street extended. tions therein mentioned in a box, or other receptacle, and place the same on the outside of sidewalk on‘every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday mornings, at six o’clock, A. M., at’ which time the Street Overseer shall have all such accumulations removed according to his discretion. § 496. There shall be elected by ballot, by the Mayor and Council, at the time of electing other officers of the city, an Overseer of Streets, who shall receive such compensation as the Mayor and Council shall from time to time determine, § 497. It shall be the duty of the Overseer of Streets to su- perintend the street hands, and to direct the work on streets, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works. § 498. Market street in said city shall be opened seventy feet, wide, and extend from Marietta street to Mitchell street, the centre of said street to be on the dividing line between the blocks number five and nine on the south side of the Western & Atlantic Railroad, and thence straight to Marietta street, the same width. The City Surveyor shall proceed at once to es- tablish the line of said street. The sidewalks of said street shall be twelve feet wide. The grade of said street to be fixed by the City Surveyor, under the direction of said Mayor and Council. § 499. Market street is hereby widened and extended so as to make an angle at or near the north end of the bridge, said street to run in a direct line straight to Peachtree street, mak- ing the centre of Bridge-row at the North side of Walton street at Wyly’s corner, the centre of the new street. , § 500. The names of Market Street and Bridge-row are here- by changed, and the new street shall be called Broad Street. § 501. Bridge, now Broad Street, commencing fifty feet from the North side of the right of way of the Western & Atlantic Railroad is hereby extended along’ Bridge-Row to Peachtree Street seventy feet wide, making the centre of Bridge-Row in the rear of what is known as Wyly’s building the centre of Broad street, and the sidewalks on said street are hereby de- clared to be twelve feet wide. ‘STREETS AND ALLEYS. lll -§ 502. Crew street is to be forty feet wide, and the City Sur- | veyor is hereby suthorized to lay out said street in accordance oy td Pio with this ordinance, and fix permanent bounds or marks by feet. which its width shall be known, and all citizens residing or building thereon shall be governed thereby. § 503. It is ordered that Frasier street be surveyed, laid ont, and opened straight forward in its Northern direction, to a Meaghan point intersecting with Hunter strect, continuing its proper out Frasier lines and width to said point on Hunter street, in accordance rshae with the manner specified in the amended charter of the city Atlanta. - : § 504. Marietta street, commencing at the incorporation line, | of said city, on the East side of said street, and running South- Heady wardly in a straight line with Payne’s line is hereby opened dened, July and widened on the West, so as to be fifty feet wide, and said?” street shall thence continue in a straight line with Payne’s and Mills’ fences of said width, until it intersects with what is now known as Marietta Street, and thence fifty feet until it inter- sects with Walton Street. ; § 505. From and after the 8th day of May, 1863, the name of Pierce street shall be changed to the name of Decatur street, and that portion now known as Decatur street, from Pratt street to the Georgia Railroad, shall be known as and take the name of Shipley street, and the name of Payne street shall be changed to Marietta street, and the name of Cobb street shall be changed to Hunter street, and the said streets shall be hereafter known in the plan of the city of Atlanta by the names hereby given them: the name of Wadley street shall be changed to Forsyth street, and the name of Stockton street to Mitchell street. § 506. Whitehall street, in said city, from the railroad cross-__ ing to the junction of Marietta and Decatur streets, shall be aidan sixty jeet wide and no less; and the name of that portion of said street shall be changed to Peachtree street. Change of names, § 50%. That portion of Pryor street heretofore obstructed by, oot the M. & W. R. R. Depot, is re-opened, so that said street shall "7" °° extend uninterruptedly from Alabama street to Decatur street, of the same width as the remaining portion of said street. § 508. The following named alleys are hereby changed into ,),., streets, bearing the following names, to wit: Gianged te Jones alley changed into Jones street. ica Faith alley changed into Rawson street. Clarke alley changed into Clarke street. John’s alley changed into Fulton street. Henry alley changed into Richardson street. Mobb’s alley changed into Crumley street. An alley from Peck & Scofield’s planing mill, in a Northern direction to the corporation line, shall be called Fort street: 112 suRVEYOR—CITY—TAX RECEIVER AND COLLECTOR. All of said streets shall be forty feet wide, the same being widened by taking five feet on each side from the land adjoin- ing said streets. sos § 509. The street recently opened, extending from ‘the W. Street. & A. R. Road, and intersecting Cain street, shall be named Bartow street. | Width of § 510. All streets hereafter laid out in said city, shall not Streets. be less than fifty feet wide. SURVEYOR—CITY. SEC, 511. Election. SEC. 512. Duties. § 511. There shall be elected by ballot, at the time of elect- ey ing other city officers in and for the city of Atlanta, a Survey- or for said city, who shall take an oath before the Mayor to Oath of | peform such duties as may hereafter be required by said Mayor ofice. ‘and Council annually, and he shall be entitled to and receive such pay as may be fixed from time to time by the said Mayor and Council. © ROM. § 512. It shall be the duty of the City Surveyor to survey, Surveyor, lay out and give the grade of streets and sidewalks, and the inclination and shape of drainage for the city, and the form and dimensions necessary to culverts, and the thickness and strength necessary to all walls that are to be filled with earth, and to perform all other duties in his line of business that he may be called on to do by the resolution of Council, the Street Supt of Committee or the Superintendent of Streets; to survey such Streets, &c., Fite to work his lots and grounds as he may be called on to do by citizens and aon others, and to do all the engineering necessary for the city. The Superintendent of Streets shall work to his plans and direc- tions, as well as those engaged in any work coming under his department. TAX RECEIVER AND COLLECTOR. | SEc. 513. Election. Src. 516. Open Books. 514. Bond. 517. Returns to Clerk. 515. Office. § 513. The office of Tax Receiver and Collector shall be a Election. separate and distinct office, and he shall be elected by the Council at such times during each and every year as they shall by resolution determine, and his duties shall be defined by re- solution—together with the compensation to be allowed him, TAX RETURNS. ES and the bond and security to be given—before his election each and every year. § 514. Before the Tax Collector and Receiver of the City of gong, Atlanta enters on the duties of his office, he shall give bond with good and sufficient security, in such sum as the Mayor and Council shall by resolution determine, for the faithful per- formance of the duties of his office, and take the oath pre- seribed for other oflicers. § 515. The said Tax Receiver and Collector shall have his ggice. office at the City Hall, in the room now known as the Mar- shal’s office. § 516. The said Tax Receiver and Collector shall open his Fn ee books for receiving Tax Returns on the 10th day of April of each and every year, and continue to keep open and receive returns until the 10th day of June in each and every year. He shall open books and commence collecting taxes on the 20th day of June, and keep open and continue to collect until the 10th day of September, when he may close his books, (unless otherwise directed by a resolution of the Mayor and Council,) and shall place them in the hands of the Clerk of Council by the 29th day of the said Month of September in each and every year. And it shall be the duty of said officer to give notice through the existing daily papers of the city of Atlanta, of the times of opening and closing of said books. § 51%. The said Receiver and Collector of Taxes shall make pou to a return and pay over to the Clerk of Council, (who shall enter Clerk. the same on his books, and pay over the same to the city Treas- urer,) at least once in a week, all moneys belonging to the city of Atlanta, and shall do and perform all such duties as are now, or may hereafter be, designated by the Mayor and Council. TAX RETURNS. SEC. 518. Oath. Src. 522. Ordinance rigidly enforced. . 519. False Returns. 523. Vendue masters. §20. Ordinance each year. 524. Double tax. 521. Power of Court. § 518. The oath to be administered by the Tax Receiver for oath of giv- the city of Atlanta, shall be as follows, to-wit: You do solemn- erin of tax- ly swear (or affirm) that the account which you now give in is ™ a just and true account of all the taxable property which you possessed, held or claimed on the first, day of April last, or were interested in or entitled to, either in your own right, or the right of any other person or persons whomsoever, as pa- rent, guardian, executor, administrator, agent, or trustee, or in any ee manner whatever, according to the tax ordinances of 114 TAX RETURNS—TAX SALE the city of Atlanta, to the best ef your knowledge, informa- tion, and belief ; so help you God! § 519. Any person who shall knowingly make any false, in- Sey egg) complete or unfaithful returns under these ordinances shall, return-how ON conviction, be fined at the discretion of the Mayor, Mayor dealt with. nro fem., or three members of Council, not exceeding fifty dol- lars and costs, or be imprisoned in the calaboose or common jail of the county, not more than thirty days, in the discretion ' of the Court. Ordinance. § 520.''T'he Mayor and Goutal shall each year pass.such tax ordinances, not contrary to law, as they may deem proper. § 521. In all investigations under these ordinances, where ows ot, Charges of the violation of the same are being tried before the Mayor, Mayor pro tem., or three members of Council, he or — they shall have power to send for persons and papers, and com- pel attendance of parties and witnesses, and the einer of books, papers, and other evidence on the trial. Mayortori- § 522. It shall be, and is hereby made the duty of the May- idly en-- or to adopt such measures as he may think best and Prapst to nances.. insure a rigid enforcement of these ordinances. Doesnotap- § 023. The provisions of these ordinances do not, and are ply to ven- not, to be applied to sales made by properly licensed vendue due masters masters, nor to any property sold under legal process. § 524. In case any person or persons, firm or firms, corpora- Persons tion or company, subject or Hable under the tax ordinance of fare. the city of Atlanta, that may be passed in and for any year, to Bae ce make a return or returns of sales or receipts, of any business taxed, ete. under said ordinance, shall fail to make said return or returns within the time specified in said ordinance, he, she, it, or they shall be assessed at double the amount of the immediately pre- ceding return, and if no return shall have been. made, then assessed in the discretion of the Clerk of Council, and in all such cases of default in making returns, or in ‘payment of Execution, taxes so assessed, execution shall issue and be collected as oth- er executions issued by the authority of the said. Mayor and Council. TAX SALE. Sec. §25. Execution. Src. 527. Notice. 526. Advertisement. - 528. Redemption. ging a § 525. Whenever any fiert facias shall issue against any per- Brent Baclas son or persons, citizens of said city, or who have property sub- Marshal to ject to taxation within the corporate limits of the same, for levy the came. ‘taxes, in the manner prescribed by the fourteenth section of TREASURER. ‘as the charter of this city, it shall be the duty of the Marshal forthwith to levy the same upon the property of the ‘defend- ant, or a sufficiency thereof to satisfy said fiert facias and costs. § 526. Whenever the Marshal shall have any execution or executions placed in his hands, he shall execute the same in Executions the manner prescribed by this Ordinance, and whenever he ,5je’y, shall levy any execution upon any goods, chattels, or tene- sale. ments, he shall advertise the same in three of the most public places in said city, ten days before the sale, (except in cases where land is levied upon, when he shall advertise in three of the most public places in said city, and in one of the public gazettes at least thirty days prior to the day of sale,) and the said Marshal shall, on the first Tuesday of each month, be- tween the hours of ten o’clock, in the forenoon, and four o’clock in the afternoon, sell all property levied upon, in front of the City Council room, at public outcry, and shall receive for such selling six-and-a-quarter per cent. on the amount sold and shall knock down said property to the highest bidder, and execute titles to the same, if’ required; he shall ‘be allowed the same fees as are allowed Sheriffs of this State for executing titles.. § 527. Where real estate is levied on, it shall be the duty of ___ the Marshal to give to the owner, or the tenant in possession, NHce- if the owner is unknown, a written notice of such levy five days before sale. § 528. Whenever any land is sold under and by virtue of any tax execution issued in pursuance of the charter and or- Redemption dinance of the city of Atlanta, the owner, or owners thereof, his, her, or their agent or attorney, or the vendor of the land, . when the purchase money has not been paid, shall have the right and privilege of redeeming the land thus sold, within one year from the time of the sale, by paying the purchaser thereof the amount paid by said purchaser for said land, with legal interest thereon, and ten per centum premium on said amount, in current money. eo eases TREASURER. SEC. 629. Oath and bond. SEC. 630. Duties. § 529. The Treasurer, before he enters on the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe the usual oath, and shall give See on4 bond with two or more good and sufficient securities, in such Treasurer. sum, and receive for his services such compensation per annum Salary. as shall be fixed by the Mayor and Council, before his elec- tion, by resolution, payable quarterly, and shall do all such services in his department as may be pointed out in the ordi- nances of said city. -§ 530. The Treasurer shall keep a fair book of entry of all_ | sums of money he may receive and ‘pay out, and shall furnish ira 116 License. Oath. Returns. Acting with- out license. VENDUE MASTERS. the Board of Council with a detailed report of all receipts and expenditures, and the different orders upon which money has been paid out by him, and all the different sources through which he has received money; this report he shall submit to the Council every three months, and his book shall at all times be subject to the inspection of the Committee on Finance. He shall pay out no money but upon orders passed. by the Mayor and Council, drawn up and signed by the Clerk, and countersigned by the Mayor or President pro tempore. VENDUE. MASTERS. Src. 531. License. SEC. 533. Returns. 532. Oath. ¢34. Acting without License. § 531. Any person or persons desiring a license as vendue master in the city of Atlanta, shall deposit with the Clerk fifty dollars and his fee, and shall make written application to the Mayor and Council, at the next regular meeting, for such license; and if such license is granted, such person shall give bond and security to the Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, and their successors in office, in the just and full sum of four thousand dollars, conditioned for the punctual payment of all«taxes, and the faithful discharge of all the duties required of them by this Scate, and the ordinances of the city of Atlanta, which license shall be of force one year from the date thereof and no longer. ; oy § 532. Each vendue master shall, before receiving license, take and subscribe an oath before the Clerk, faithfully to per- form all the duties of vendue master for said city, according to the laws of this State and the ordinances of this city, which affidavit shall be deposited with the Clerk of Council. ~ § 533. Such vendue master shall quarterly, on the first Saturdays in the months of April, July, October, and January, in each and every year, make returns on oath of the amount of his sales during the term of the three months next preced- ing the time of said return; and shall also pay to the Clerk of Council, at or before the meeting of the Council to which said return is made, all money accruing to the city from duties or taxes upon such sales. § 534. Any person acting as vendue master in the city of Atlanta, without a license from the authorities of said city, and any vendue master failing to make returns, or in any wise violating this ordinance, may be fined in any sum not exceed- ing one hundred dullars, or be imprisoned in the calaboose or common jail not more than thirty days for each offence, or both, in the discretion of the Court. WAGON YARDS—~WARDS. 117 WAGON YARDS. SEC. 535. License. Sec. 538. Drunkenness, &c., in yard. 536. Violation of ordinance. — 539. Supervision of Marshal. 537- Regulations. §535 Wagon Yards may be licensed by the Mayor and Council upon petition, for which the applicant shall pay not less than one, nor more than fifty dollars. License. § 536. Any person who shall permit any one to encamp iat Pa with a wagon or other vehicle and team, on his or her lot, it ordinance. not being a regular Wagon Yard, shall, on conviction, pay a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be im- prisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the court; and the person or persons so encamping, shall be liable to the same penalty. _§ 537. It shall be the duty of all owners or keepers of wagon yards in the city of Atlanta, to give public notice, by painted signs on the gate of said wagon yard, to the following purport: “Drunkenness, violence, and indecent or obscene language for- bidden, under the penalty of not exceeding one hundred dol- lars’ fine, or not exceeding thirty days’ imprisonment, or both.” Regulation, § 538. Any person guilty of drunkenness, or of violence, or of the use of indecent or obscene language, in¥ or near any Rus ete” in wagon yard, shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, yard. or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the . discretion of the court. : § 539. It shall be the duty of the Marshal or his Deputy to 3 have all wagon yards under their special supervision, until the Sr>aivision hour of ten o’clock, p. M., and to arrest all and every person or persons guilty of a violation of this ordinance, and bring him or them before the Mayor, Mayor pro tem., or three members of Council. ee WARDS. SEC. 540. First Ward. SEC. 543. Fourth Ward, 541. Second Ward. 544. Fifth Ward. 542. Third Ward. § 540. The city of Atlanta shall be laid off into five Wards, as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the crossing of Whitehall street with the pis warg, Western & Atlantic Railroad, and running up the south side of said railroad: to the incorporation line, then down said line 118 Second Ward. Third Ward. Fourth Ward. Fifth Ward. Must be filled. WELLS. to the center of Whitehall street, then north along the center of said street to the starting point, which shall be known and constitute Ward Number One ; § 541. Commencing at the center of the crossing of White- hall street, at the Western & Atlantic Railroad, and running east down the railroad to the crossing of Calhoun street, in — the rear of the Georgia railroad workshop, then south along the middle of said street to the centre of McDonough street, thence along the centre of McDonough. street to the incorpo- ration line, then along said line to the center of Whitehall street at its crossing at the incorporation line, then along the center of said street to the starting point, which shall be known and constitute Ward Number ‘T'wo ; § 542. Commencing at the center of Calhoun street, at its south crossing of the Georgia Roilroad workshop, and running. down the south side of said railroad to the incorporation line, then along said line to the center of McDonough street to the starting point, which shall constitute and be known as Ward Number Three ; | § 543. Commencing on the north side of the Georgia Rail-: road, in the center of the crossing of said railroad by Loyd street, and running down the north side of said railroad to the incorporation line, then along said line to Ivy street, then along the center of Ivy street to Decatur street, then along said street to the center of Loyd to the’starting point, which shall constitute and be known as Ward Number Four; § 544. Commencing at the north of said Railroad, at the center of the crossing of Loyd street, and running west along the north side of the Western & Atlantic Railroad to the incorporation line, then along said line to the center of Ivy street, then south along the centre of Decatur street to the centre of Loyd street, then along the centre of Loyd street to the starting point, which shall constitute and be known as Ward Number Five. | ee eee WELLS. SEC. 545. Must be filled. Src. 547. Drawing water from cisterns. 546. Punishment. § 545. It shall be the duty of all persons owning or occupy- ing lots in the city of Atlanta, or their agents or representa- tives, to keep all wells, cisterns, and other pits and holes in the © earth, therein or on the same, securely covered or enclosed, so as to prevent injury resulting therefrom to the persons or pro- perty of others. § 546. Any such person who shall suffer or allow any well, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 119 cistern, or other pit or hole in the ground, to be or remain open, unenclosed, or otherwise so exposed as to be dangerous to the person or property of others, after being notified by an officer of the city, shall, on conviction, be fined in a sum not Punishment exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or not exceeding thirty days imprisonment in the calaboose, or both, in the dis- cretion of the Court; and every twenty-four hours that the same stands open and unenclosed, after, conviction, shall con- stitute a separate offence. § 547. Any person drawing water from the public cisterns | of the city, except for the pnrpose of extinguishing fire, shall, **™* upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not exceeding one hun- dred dollars and cost, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Court. onan set es te WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. SEc. 548. Standard Weights, SEC. 549. Penalty. § 548. The Marshal shall procure from the Clerk of the In- g,, garg ferior Court a set of standard weights and measures, and shall Weights. examine each and every scale, and other instrument for weigh- ing and measuring, in this city, and all the weights and meas- ures shall conform to said standard, and for each examination and arrangement of such scales, weighing-machine, or meas- ure, he shall receive the sum of ten cents, and shall stamp the instrument with the letter A. § 549. If at any time after the arrangement of such meas- ure or weighing-machine, the Marshal shall find it not in con- formity to said standard, he shall report the person using such false measures or weighing-machine, and such offender shall, on conviction, pay a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and cost, or be imprisoned in the calaboose not exceeding thir- ty days, or both, in the discretion of the Court. Penalty. 120 CITY PHYSICLANS. CITY PHYSICIANS.* Src. 550. Election, number. | SEC. 553- Small-pox Hospital. 551. Salaries. 554. Supervision of Relief 552. Duties, Committee. § 550. From and after the first day of January, 1871, the Election— Mayor and Council shall elect at their first annual meeting number. five City Physicians, one for each Ward, with the following salaries, and upon the following conditions : § 551. The City Physician of the First Ward shall receive sake tea. Me hundred dollars per annum; that of the Second Ward ’ four hundred dollars per annum; that of the Third Ward six hundred dollars per annum; that of the. Fourth and Fifth Wards eight hundred dollars each per annum. | § 552. Each of these Physicians must have his residence and office in the ward for which he is elected, and furnish all the medicines and other medical and surgical appliances ne- cessary for the proper treatment of the poor. It shall be the duty of the City Physicians to attend to all kinds of practice among the poor, viz: Medical and surgical cases, including obstetrics, venereal diseases, and small-pox. It shall also be their duty to vaccinate every child in their respective wards to which no objection is offered, and keep a supply of fresh and pure vaccine matter on hand at all times to supply other phy- sicians of the city, without charge. | Duties... § 553. If small-pox prevail to the extent of necessitating the opening of the Small-pox Hospital, each of these ward physi- Homint cians shall attend the patients in said hospital in rotation, one month at a time. without additional compensation, and it shall be the duty of the’Chairman of the Relief Committee to assign them to duty. The medical and other supplies furnished the Small-pox Hospital to be at the expense of the city. § 554. The member of the Relief Committee in each Ward Supervicion S221 have supervision over the ward physician, and see that he of Relief performs his duties faithfully. In case of neglect of duty, he Committee. shal] report the case to the Mayor and Council, and if, after due investigation, the ward physician be found guilty, he shall be reprimanded, fined, or dismissed from office, at the discre- tion of the City Council. _. * The ordinance in reference to City Physicians having been passed after the greater part of this Code had been printed, it could not be inserted in its — proper place. . ‘ ORDINANCE ADOPTING CODE. 121 AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT THE CODE, Containing the Acts of Incorporation and Ordinances of the City of Atlanta, codified by Henry JAcKson, City Attor- ney, and to repeal (with certain exceptions) all Ordinances not therein contained. § 555. The Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta do, . uf ordain, That the foregoing revised Code of the Laws and Ordi- Ordinance. nances of the city of Atlanta, codified by HENRY JACKSON, City Attorney, be adopted and declared to be in full force; and that all Ordinances not therein contained are hereby repealed, with the exception of those under which rights have vested in any person or persons, and the Tax Ordinance of said city. Passed in Council, December 19th, 1870. , *4 ar re ‘ \ { rh t eae = oie Wie . \ Hise couch ne on RG Seem it duet he f % 3 i ey \ ‘ i ete 6)! Qe Pen Cot vast oY eh ee moe r ’ ‘tial DT acai ERM Ce ARS ally roe aL a | ‘Y At ‘i Ru nba pres i ieee! a sid aie a. PEOT be a ae 6 eh Se owe ie ‘sonal a ney i We ‘ ‘ oa - tied " A d x =F bi wy i} {a Mia's et v6 OR BS mvt “4 Fa 4 4’, M o ie on sat «paberyeal Se ” epee si pig reat 7 oly AB oe in nl: AR vee si barbs » eaeotaeth at Wi | t, ae ar" 5 shi | Ne dora Ge eg i.) nt be, i ay ORE a fi oe ho we i a , ey hh Pi: iy i : ae ce Pe fe yieue ih a fiom Rial ON Ae + ibis «“ een ee sediaidhon aR: rina Af renin aie “i Gn i . eit Wk Sy i aw 8 a / 4 be payne wl é h iii STATEMENT OF BONDED DEBT, ETC. STATEMENT §556. Of the Bonded Debt and Assets of the City of Atlanta, December 1st, 1870: LIABILITIES : reeme p le | DIGG i icine rehie BW re ors sole EE aed 6 $858.000 ASSETS : Rea Esrate—City Hall and Lot,......... $ 60.000 City Property at Passenger Laid 120,000 Magazine and Grounds,. o> otabanet § G00 Badger Estate Purchase,. . suse e cael! POWOO BPAPROt ELOUBC iyi ene chs ees ee 8.000 AURIS EXIG. Pa) Gnd piace sole ve 1.500 Fair-grounds and Buildings....... 80.000 Stable Grounds and Stock,........ 9.000 ——— 294.500 Stocks—Ga. Air-Line R. R. Co........... $300.000 “ Atlanta’ Gus-Vo. 006. ee PG £4 46.750 ————— 346.750 MMM R UE TCT Oiled fsa wks ase © 2 4: oo Rie id ode aig ine 200.000 MES NSU ys CWE ye's op Niwa. d's bie $841.250 PE TODOPUS MMOs ine MD a ss cag sue es $10.000.000 The above is a correct statement of the Bonded Debt and Assets from the books in my office. The estimate on Real Estate Assets is a ready cash valuation. PERINO BROWN, City Treasurer. 123 ora Tad Cass 4 ie : ; > 4 s yA yeh Re ine ‘ged is Wy sey MAS: Ay. Sa ' play Mla athe py ; ea LNA : f ¥ " : > } J pane Dt SMa aa or we saves ee bi cape ous vases i ¥ a’ F Me cnxheuenanendl Mg ¥ ? Pe : ; ober it 0 242, 243 Terms Of Court... sn.os-snrrarpeeesene 241 "EA PAUEI GS Fe akhan 266 Niisati€e co... 7 cades savedenensnenaenaeeen 267 DRAYS— Driving in boisterous manner........ 275 LACEUSE. Siig) sas osantaeeunan epee 268 ef seq. Numbe?S y.iscestste ans chnpeaee canter 277 Payment! Of Hive... 2... cannyesveneny der 74 Rates ei hae eee 273 Refusal to. haul....:.+»cceasebmanengasact 271 Standing in Streets... .....0ssseaterseee 276 Unlicensed drays.....s..0ssecseeeseeoes 272 DRUNK ENNESS,......./00¢.8enes “355s 483, 538 ELECTIONS— Board of, Health..5. 4.8. Sih. Wieins 128 Building Inspectors .........+.++. 141, 221 Certificate of election.i...sc.s-..eee. 2, OI City, Attormeywissss. su. secede to eee 184 Clerk of Council.is...d.ccctesevedecsees 6 Clerk of Market......cccesseceeeeceeses 336 Commissioner’ of Public Works.....238 Consolidation of returns.........++ 91, 96 Fire Wardens ..:.,.0000scceehsliedsses ces 290 First Deputy Marshal..........6, 31, 387 Manner of holding...........¢ ee Tllegal voting .......sessseebenseaeeeees 5, Inspector of, Packing. drcassansae cues 332 Lieutenants of Police...... seers eeees e395 Magazine Keeper......s.ssesesessseeees 315 Marshal ns dns scssinn cele 6,31, 379 Mayor.psseousteess’ 2, 45, 60, 90, 95, 147. Mayor and Council, where held?...278 Members of Council, 2, 28, 45, 60, 90, 95, 147, He Overseer of Streets Latte tdseohak td. Physician, City...c.ssseseecesererereeeees ; = Policemen, adusevsvanbentdekesenneeliery nd 402 Qualification of eat aivies 2, 3, 135 Second Deputy Marshal.......6, 31, 393 Sexton ..sscatesactelopdegdih siaaieeaiennel 476 Superintendent of Alms House.....180 INDEX, 127 ELECTIONS—(continued.) PIRE-WORK S64 do wha aie, deiveseed 312 Siirveyory. City. ..i.é. csi Os aed 51I| FIRST DEPUTY MARSHAL— Tax Receiver and Collector +:.+4++-+513 Berd Si: PANN... ica eA 387 ‘Treasurer edeee wee eereeeeeee eee eeessee ces ves Captain of Police Jet eh tales Ma ye 390 Water Commissioners...........s.0000: 99 Dates sss ec e), Ss 388, 389 ENGINE, Stationary in Fire Limits........ 302 Blection s:. 203.602.5005. Pty 31, 387 EXECUTION— Oeerrat ORCA file NRE? oo 387 Pimpard: fig fas Oris 36 565 RR, 40000 146 Siig OMe TPS TET DECREE ee OL i ee 391 on LER SRR or cot ee 14 AE Ly SRR ED Fea 6, 387 BPO CHON i isa) Sete A aed aaee 137 PRS CP er 392 Expense of pavement...........ess00. 481 FRESH MEATS, Sale of.......... 334 pines) fifa. omit. ar 255 |GOATS— ET Rn Se 4I PHCOSUTES ee er 330 “ats and’ Sale see. es 526, 527 tray ti Stress ir ate 329, 330 iOS ern corre Dea Byte 0 14 ; EXHIBITIONS— Hing aw ida Ply ha AeA AMA a» chin de 47 ene Baye Scan Tae oe 78, 279 § #67: PSG WOKS) ebb cauthesthsdias Haskietis o+'o.. 312 “igi id he OTE OTT 19, 279, et seg. a we Vy’ go SO a BORE VOT PUGS 33002 occ l open cnc dcetecnss 10, 17 sponese. fo Sellarrrreeses ++0-308, 309, cae BAZING i 529 MARSHAL— OBSTRUCTIONS in Streets....485, 486, 489 Arrest Dy...cceceseesceeeecescese reese ens 399 | OFFICE— Bond......ceessceeeerecanenrenesionees 10, 379 Clerk of Market’s.ti.. c.csccececedeeeee 338 Chief of Police......sseeeererereeceeres 380 Marshal’s....../2. ApOHe. BA aime tates 381 Ciistsh -vananaactesa oe 402 PAWN BROS Lose aeralentB | Report endorse (06 $0 EAC oad Order ahd Marlo. 8 lh oat eaten sth xa) (tes ee Arrest of. Oflénders.......sesseis 372, 374 ae ri is if ; Se i as daa . : Barber Shops closed. on Sabbath....364 = ee igh teres heeawat tear it Mian es ESOESLETOUS CLEVE locss sian 49 any A 5 PPSTACING | BU GIGS i cdoncansesey ndos eee 361 | POLICE HEADQUARTERS........5.... 41l TRBGIGety COMNAUCL. 4.01... .eddaasecens 352 | POOR SCHOOL FUND... seeseeeree 36 Disorderly houses.........ssseee0s 565, 370 | HORTERS. ...s.setecesesenesiny arb esuapsencbecess 259 Disorderly riding and driving........ 487 | P RACTICE, TUES Of. .eeeeeereereeerrrees 242, 249 Drunkenness, ' &c,.,....54:355) 538, 483 | PRIVIES...... .....sseestecnsseberseees 326, et seg. Ejection of tenants of houses of PROCESS; CireCOnvesev chase corp gaaded sb pechaalammhguihted’s +’ 49 448 Transier Of Licenses: soup seasave dees 444 Without license... y-dny che sp4atenree tsa. 530 RMOCLION.. cxsremdngitas nsapestdaiberie dhs» Bre ORGS De ines enevn Keaieenad oe oats 529 SORGOTS s cidate Sou babinsch sar alam asics Bis & +i 530 LOL Ve rndnnssneee” inno denda> aieabaheds tes R20 DSTI OL ORTH a. Cade taMearnas heethe snes 6 TRIAL, and its Incidents......... 242, 469, 521 UNIFORM "Police... , oe .ecancedMebaaanases 149 VACA NCTE S sisdegvcaeniee ss Bee reM anne 4, 61, 130 VENDUE-MASTERS— Acting without license............ 20, 534 Application for license...... .... Pasties 531 pA TR a Pp EA ES) 20, 531 NIEEARN GG Fic emia s-8 ait aici anenaietss 532 BUS ba dlsns esteht gems Bakde 533 Sales excepted from tax ordinance..524 Besa casnr teins Cal \eeaie nsinh oh Mah aia lato 533 VOTERS— Qualifications of............ pth slew 23, 135 Mlegal vote hits. limesssesemguss 3, 92 WAGON Yards— Acting without license:...........¢... 536 Drunkenness in yard, &C........0..00. 538 TACEUS ON. ye ola weran epee ietaghoet 535 SES bast aking inuo es Bieandatedaiaaitece: 537 Supervision of Marshal............... 539 WARDS— ha Ga le hl He RR: 544 Paes VV Pl as cspuicgstuacsawranatuncunsvued 540 PIVEN WW ANGN< 1s