Recreations for “Piano ttt - OWA. KTS ROSE 3 BHUOZASR? RIS $2: ORISA _-BENDEL,.FRANCOIS BOHM, CARL ~ CZIBULKA, A. DELIBES, LEO DREYSCHOCK, F. FIELD, JOHN GHYS, HENRY GOUNOD, CH. GURLITT, C. GUTMAN, ADOLF JEFFERY, A. _ JENSEN, ADOLF Rint, FF: KRUG, D. MERKEL, G. NEUSTEDT, CH. OESTEN, THEO. RESCH, JOS. SCHARWENKA, X. “é SCHUBERT, FRANZ SCHULHOFF, J. SMITH, SIDNEY SPOHR, LOUIS THOME, FRANCIS TYROLIENNE POLACCA BRILLANTE STEPHANIE GAVOTTE VALSE LENTE (Ballet from ‘‘Sylvia”) NOCTURNE IN F-MAJOR NOCTURNE FAVORI AMARYLLIS GAVOTTE DE LOUIS XIII. MENUET IN G-MINOR POLONAISE IN D-MAJOR NOCTURNE IN F-MAJOR GAVOTTE IN E-MINOR SERENADE SERENADE SERENADE BARCAROLLE GAVOTTE FAVORITE de Marie Antoinette ALPINE BELLS SECRET LOVE MENUET IN G-MAJOR TARANTELLE SERENADE MENUET from Symphony in E-Flat (Mozart) SOUVENIR DE VARSOVIE MAZURKA TARANTELLE BRILLANTE POLONAISE FAVORITE, MENUET DE LA MARIEE GAVOTTE MODERN TOURS, BERTHOLD SS Mn PS RASS CS WN D\JOs.W. Stern &Co, ANCE = New York : yA oS PDR; i , Tn’ ar a 7 a == NS = w Tyrolienne. IDYLLE PASTORALE. Edited and fingered by Max Rolle. Introduction. FRANCOIS BENDEL. Andante. papa Ja ae 9 aa ae 3 ‘™% BES wae se we [7 | | '(i\jin@ @ 27 | \ ing a 7 | > 2 cone =a go Wb aa Se Pe LH SS) 7 ¢ a ee ’ 4 Pa: e 4 Az = 5 4 e ‘ = J ? A i . wy 5 & BD. De. % Da. a ON *% a a ~»- iy ee 2° |. all Pas b 2 sig 2 — #1 3 s)4 3 ee ——> 72 is OB ee ee bad Tog re —— =a Le Sred ek bs rae en. 1 Ee eee 2 Ze ipa a | —=<— A, cat ee | ‘jal Ve = yee eSB ne eae ss SS OE J Be Ge SSW ee lO ee FSIS TCS ew A 1h” a A See eS CNRS BS. hee ES = 723 PSs ey a A YS, PTS -— —-#_-____..-1__fa 4 far 7 T kK Tes—s = BE i: 4 i oo ye = a i = = Mo : + : ~ er ee ae: a, # “2, * a % Copyright MCMIX by Jos.W.Stern & Co. : i) v Ww) 9 a CO ‘ oye’ L S \ Nod. 3a ort CE SwmhhoRn tae pet” wl 1 @ | as Ted. NM] 6982 4956-6 / oS Gea 6Sy 5 7] ey es SE Oe 4 > Gi er * Sy 1 SP ison ti) h fey JM LY N < ~~ Wy 4956-6 A iP eo a ae ‘_. Zz a oP A 1 2 SE Be TD ae en 0 ee a eee AS SPR SDE Re [| pes 8 acca ae eae eet een Al SS em a ee pe ————————— i en a Sa — se Ses eee A > 5 Ye Ge BaP {Gy see a -fa€ om io oo ee ee rs aco! = —— = 4 5, 4 — 4 : fa eae <2 2 Gin LSS wee Eee 4 7” as ae a Se ” A OS™ EEE ED EE” AR ed LST OLE F ae a NO 6S ee ae Ma a a ge fae See £1 ESS AU 1 2 Ee ) ES (| GE PSSA SY i aS SS WSS SS SE 6 FM / 2 Se ee 2S 9 I Ee ees = ga Oa eo as a oad 2 A en ee PAG ed ee oe eee eee el GF AS 20 Fe 1 er a se nee et eee Ge ee eee ‘EW 8 ae Et) /2| Seep 0 ES, 1 ee ee er Se SS Se. WA ) 28S 9 ES ES ey. v1-1 anne Gn So a I a 5 TO et ae 4 A Sas Ses GEE". 2D Ss om (8 FS 4956-6 - FEA tT hii Li ge He ki s <<“ < i % alll) let * 2 aT Hill Tl GN 1 dyyh - Pat Ne 6 ne It i ¢ al ey ch naw . mH 6G ae Tr & a ly =. '¢ . mi it oh a} a) can cn ee Oe Aer Inte T Fi lif Pie 4956-6 A CHARMING TEACHING NUMBER BY PAUL LINCKE This delightful little piece and affords unusual opportunity for teachers. concep cin given plified arrangement, as im: The s: is the instrumental favorite of the day. It isc the scope of students of the earliest grades. rings it within b 3 >= N34 aw ae ome 3 ° Ba Sl ns o & oe © = * ms as ~~ ofa j . ‘ , tion, . herewith, é ; : Dy. 4 a ; : f Piano. a Copyright MCMII by Apollo-Verlag, Berlin. British Copyright Secured Copyright assigned MCMVIII to Jos.W.Stern & Co. 0 L 72 im 0) og © 3 nk: ae i. € cai: a5 ee (e) ag ae ay C9] =m 48 Hg 9 1 form for advanced players, may be obtained ill be forwarded postpaid by the publishers on receipt uf 25c. Ic . JOS. W. STERN & CO., 102 W. 38th St., New York City