“WS Emersons First Bart. & ‘ . ee ” m HER ae Ss 7 ae ie aga? to > & ae Hay 8 AMERICAN frag Psa First, x Pa Lae 3 “STEREOTYPE EDITION. wigryineents SEES = tt ea ‘ aa ae ae i "x A bree ‘ - Emerson’s First Part. 2. THE NORTH AMERICAN * 4 AR ITOH M EEL e: PART FIRST, FOR YOUNG LEARNERS. BY FREDERICK EMERSON, LATE PRINCIPAL IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SN BOYLSTON SCHOOL, BOSTON. CLAREMONT: CLAREMONT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. i 1844, nae 8s ALIAS A PAAPL PEAS FADES DESLIS SSOP SAAS AL SPSS SATO Entered accordingeto Act of Congress, in the year 1838, by Frederick Emerson, in the Clerk?s Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. a Satelite ietietintiteti tind LODO 0 8 88 HH TTT PREFACE. In a systematic course of general education, Arithmetic claims a place among the primary objects. Its elementary exercises, when rationally conducted, are adapted to the capacities of children at a very early age. Its influence on the character of children, in developing the reasoning faculties, and habituating the mind to investigation, is highly conducive to progress in every other branch of knowledge. Notwithstanding the obvious truth of this remark, the practice of postponing arithmetic till children arrive at the age of nine or ten years, still prevails in many of our schools, and calls for the attention of those whose influence may correct the error. The purpose of this manual is, to facilitate the instruction of the younger elasses, It contains the ‘first part of a Course of Evercises in Arithmetic, which is published in three books, severally denominated, Parr First, Parr Srconp, and Parr Turrp. The method employed for illustrating the subject, it will be seen, is original and peculiar. Parr Fins‘ is confined to the simple elements, and it may be advantageously used as an introduction to the subsequent study _of arithmetic from any larger book now in common use. Learn- ers will, however, find the steps of progress to be most gradual, easy, and certain, in passing from this book immediately into Part Second. The lessons contained in Part First are all to be performed orally ; the slate and pencil not being required. In the title-page will be seen a drawing of an improved structure of the Abacus. It is a convenient apparatus for illustrating the combinations of numbers ; although it need not be used in teaching from this dook: its use is superseded by cuts and unit marks. 4 | Oe Boston, August 1, 1838. {> This book is adopted in the Public Schools of the cities of Boston, Salem, Portland, Providence, New York, Philadelphia, and Louisville, by orders of the respective Boards of School Committee and Trustees. 513 Nat} Ew x. a \ sae ore 1S‘ “4 r ARI PHMETIC. NUME RATION. Note to Teachers. The learners are to have their hooks open before them, while performing the lessons in Numeration. Do not omit auy lesson. ne Lesson First. I, ig Here is the picture of some apples:— count them On», two, three, four, five, Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Oo0000 See this flock of black-birds: they have lighted upon the bars of a gate, and are all singing toether, Find how iy there are on each separate bar. = 4 SP = = = | (Mee Os SSS —==|= " = , > = 7, $) ) (OE TESCO CCC DUET ETT TTT TTT ETT DD 65754.0% UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 4 NUMERATION. Lesson Seconp. II. Note to Teachers. Yn this lesson, the teacher may read the questions, and the children give the answers ; or, if the children can read with tluency, they may read the questions to each other, by turns; each one reading a question to be answered by the scholar next below him, and thus proceeding through the class. ‘his lesson should pass through the class several times at one recitation, until each scholar bas had several tarns in answering. ‘The chief ~urpose of the lesson is to show, that numbers are formed, successively, by adding one unit to the next preceding number. How many stars are one star and one star? 4 J “1 “1 How many stars are two stars and one star? Me aN Kd oy) eae’ 2 1 How many stars are three starsand one star? ? en oa 4 34 Lh * BRAN oe Py nea “1 ; How many stars are four stars and. one star? Se we De We Me “7K Pe ten ee 2 How many stars are five stars-and one star? Se We Ye IE SL we Anema: 2 IN PSP AN 71 How many stars are six stars and one star? L 2a Eee Y Pos 28) DRE. Sea Me ay “fF 4, - “NX A eae 204 Ue’ 4 Waeaminey 0 Veit’ | TNs “How many stars are seven stars and one star i ied IL Ke de de we we Aye “7X sat A os set 2} 7N GON PR ERR a How many stars are eight stars and one star? Ns, Ay) Ns NA Nb Ay) Nb Nd vy) ~ oe ~ oe ~~ e ~~ ~~ ~~ er ~ os ~ ie ~~ oe ae PR IN a aN : HURee: TERT eA eee “1 How many stars are nine stars and one star? Ni, NZ AA M4 we NZ Né NZ M4 4, We US SFE IS AK UK UK OK x NUMERATION. 5 Lesson 'T'urrp. ILI. Note to Teachers. ‘Tne design of the preceding lessons has been, to teach the wames, and the comparative magnitude of numbers, from one to ten. The teacher should now imform the Jearners, that numbers are represented by FIGURES. He may direct them, to obtain the names of the figures by counting the unit marks, (from left to right,) which stand against the figures severally, in the following table. As this exercise will fend to fix a mental association of each figure with the number of units, which it represents, the lesson should not be omitted, even by children, who are already able to read figures. [ ee ee ee ee ee } ] i SESS HH ESHEETS HESE HEHEHE EERE HH THESE EHEHEHEOHEH SHE HE SHOES , [ CRPPH HOOT HHT SOT SST EEHTHEH HES HOH HESH SHEE EEHEHEHOHEEOES 3 . > * am “ ao ay Sa ae, & ai “a Ps - BAS > 2)0 De Osta se ei kasre at a So eS OS 8a ¢, 086.0. 9.8 ae gi > ; - t Pkt: b Ld pics. Beaters . PE_E_ ELE Ex. ein. agescke OF es a Ss ee te ae ee c. NUMERATION. Lesson Fourtu. Note to Teachers. dren read the words in the columns. a slip of paper, and the reading be performed on the figures, IV. Make two exercises of this lesson. Then, let the words be covered with First, let the chil- While read- ing the figures, lead the children to observe the analogies, two — twentg ; three thirty; four — forty ; five—fifty; &c. OMe awh Wwe 13 One, two, three, four, five, SIX, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, 14 fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, 34 39 36 37 38 39 40 4] 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ol 52 D3 o4 thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nine, forty, forty-one, forty-two, forty-three, forty-four, forty-five, forty-six, forty-seven, forty-eight, forty-nine, filiy, fifty-one, fifty-two, fifty-three, fifty-four, fifty-five, fifty-six, fifty-seven, fifty-eight, fifty-nine, Sixty, sixty-one, sixty-two, sixty-three, sixty-four, sixty-five, sixty-six, 67 68 69 70 71 T2 73 74 T5 76 77 73 79 80 81 82 Be 84 85 86 87 88 89 sixty-seven, sixty-eigh 5 sixty-nine, seventy, seventy-one, seventy-two, seventy-three, séventy-four, seventy-five, seventy-six, seventy-seven, seventy-eight, seventy-nime, eighty, eighty-one, eighty-two, eighty-three, eighty-four, eighty-five, eighty-six, eighty-seven, eighty-eight, eighty-nine, nibety, ninety-one, ninety-two, ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-cight, ninety-nine, one hundred ©e eC CCH eC © e a oe a ee: a | © e0@08@@e6@ 6 8 6 Ce NUMERATION. Lesson Firru. My, ~ How many balls are there in the upper line, How any in the first and second lines, counted together ? ae. counted across the page from left to mght? How many in three lines? How many in five lines? How many in four lines? How many in six lines? How many in seven lines? lines? ten lines? 45 14 Lesson SixTuH. Tell the numbers expressed by these figures. 70. 49 82 43 16 17 50 83 38 18 ol 84 39 72 19 oz How many in nine lines? How many in eight How many in VI. 22 59 88 23 56 24 a7 90 11 44 25 91 T7 26 D9 33 92 66 27 60 93 32 65 94 “R ADDITION. ADDITION. Note to Teachers. Learners sould henceforth recite with closed books Very young children, however, may go through once with their books oper The table at the end of each lesson is to be committed to memory. Lesson First. f * « Tell me how many trees are 1 tree and Meck 1 and 2 are how many : y? Henry’s sister gave him 1 apple, and his mother gave him 3 more. How many apples had Henry? land 3 are how many? James found 1 pear under the tree, and John gave ‘him 4 more. How many pears had James then? | A 4 l and 4 are how many ? Sarah’ s brother gave her 1 cherry, and her mother gave her 7 more. How aaa had Sarah then ? Tl and 7 are Here many ? Recite the table that begins, One and one are two. land 1 are 2 land 6-are 7 land 2 are 3 land 7 are 8 l and 8 are 4 land 8 are 9 l and 4 are 5 land 9 are 10 1 ane: 5 aré- 6 l and 10 are 11 - a siti: m ers gD oF ADDITION. 9 Lesson Seconp. Il. 2 houses are on one side of a street, and 2 on the other side. How meted are there on both sides ? 2 - are on one side of a room, sia 4 on the other sl How many are ia on both sides? 2 and 4 are how many ! rf Suppose 2 hats are in one place, and 5 in another; » how many will there be, if we put them reer: ? 2 and 5 are how many 3 ? _ ‘There are 2 lamps on one side of a table, and 7 on ~ “the other side. How many lamys are there in all ? i TY) i fies 2 and 7 are how many? Charles found 2 chestnuts under one tree, sate 8 under another. How many did he find in all ? 2 and 8 are how many? Recite the table that begins, T'wo and one are three. 2 and 1 are and 6 are 8 2 and 2 are and 7 are 9 2 and 3 are and 8 are 10 2 and 4 are and 9 are il 2 and 5 are and 10 are 12 ‘10 ADDITION. — - Lesson T'uinp.~ III. 3 birds are on one branch of a grape-vine, and 2 on another branch. How*many are on both branches? w 3 ands? are how many ? 3 boys are standing to recite, and 3 otherg,are com- ing to recite with them. How many will there be? 3 and 3 are how many? William noweewns 3 fish-hooks: if he should buy 6 morertike them, how many would = then have ? Jud | 3 and 6 are how many? Jane put 3 pins into a cushion, and Lucy ae in 9 more. How many were there in the cushion then? = “ sth <— wae vhs tee es Pecan ti 5S fs ss . 3 and 9 are how many? ‘Tell me how ae Hee are 3 balls and 10 balls ? 260 20000000000 3 and 10 are how many? Recite the table that begins, T'hree and one are four. 3 and 1 are 4 ‘3 and 6 are 9 3 and 2 are 5 a and. = feate. 10 3 and. 3 are 6 “3 and &-are 11 > 3 and 4 are 7 3 and 9 are 12 > 3 and 5 are 8 ‘3 and 10 are 13 ae: ie ; ai ip. * -— 11 Lesson FdUrtTH. IV. ~ In a pond there are + Bees swimming one way, and 3 another way. How n ny are there in all? re Se SY Sy * Pe 7 4 and 3 are how many? Charles has 4 tame squirrels, and his brother has 4 miorton: many have they both together? E> Gad fray a a> eae. fe Py (SES GaBIN AA 45, » Zea es ) ge NYS ny? 4 jugs are on one end of a shelf, and 5 are on the other end. How many are there on both ends? | “e008 oot 4 and 5 are how many? Sy Sey, BAA ae. “Saag 4 and 4 are how ma Here are 4 jars filled with honey, and 6 mire “filled _ with jelly. How many are there of them all? mt a nen iM y i 4 and 6 are how many: D “tn " " 2 . (i (( ( Gi (i F another man. How many did he sell to the biLL Lhd tbbd and 7 are how many ?, Recite the table that begins, Four and one are five. 4 and 1 are 5 ‘4 and 6 are 10 4 and 2 are 6 4-and: 7 are 4 and 3 are 7 4 and 8 are 12 4 and 4 are 8 4 and 9 are 13 4 5 9 4 and 10 “Or 12 oe Lesson Firtn. V. Here are 5 little girls singing together, and 2 more are jumping rope. How ADY Ok there in all? | 5 antl 2: are hier tne A gunsmith sold 5 guns to a hunter, and'8 moye to a fowler. How many guns did he sell them both? CGE ME 5 and 3 are how many? Luther found 5 eggs in one nest, and ee found ~ 4 in another nest. How many did they both find? - SSOOSOD C8SOO0,. 5 and 4 are how many? Here are 5 tops spinning in one row, and 5 more in, another row. How: @ € are there in all? 89999 99S gh 9 are how Se ? Here are 5 keys for trunk locks, and 6 keys for desk locks. How many are there in the whole? BELLE LELULE and 6 are how many? Recite the table that begins, Five and one are six. and 6 are 11 and 7 are 12 and 8 are 13 and 9 are 14 and 10 are 15 and 1 are 6 and 2 are 7 and 3 are 8 and 4 are 9 and 5 are 10 CULO NON Sh Ro oy oy ADDITION. 13 LESson SixtTH. VI. 6 pear-trees are standing in a row, and 2 more are ence near them. How many are there j in all? * 6 and 2 are how many : ? 6 robins were on the ground, and 3 more have lighted near them. How many are there in all? 6 and 3 are how many i An Indian shot 6 arrows at partridges, and 4 at wild turkeys. How many arrows did he shoot away? SPELLS. FESO 6 and 4 are how many? A trader sold 6 shovels to a well-digger, and 5 more toa farmer. How many did he sell to both ?. bbibbdbd 6 and 5 are how many 3 ? There are 6 vials filled with one kind of: medicine, and 6 with another. How many are there in all ? GHDGHt CObbed 6 and 6 are how many * Recite the table that begins, Six and one are seven. 6 and 1 are 7 6 and 6 are 12 6 and 2 are 8 G and 7 are 13 6 and 3 are 9 6 and 8 are 14 6 and 4 are 10 6 and 9 are 15 9 and 2 are how many? There were 9 plums under the tree, and Henry shook off 3 more. How many were there then? 9 and 3 are how many? If I pull out 9 quills from a bunch, and then pull out 4 more, how many shall I have taken out? PETTEEGdd Til 9 and 4 are how many? There is a class of @ boys, and 5 girls, studying arithmetic. How many are there in the class? 9 and 5 are how many? A fisherman caught 9 fishes in a net, and*6 more with a hook. How many did he catch in all? ‘ “9 and 6 are how many ? Horatio and Edmund keep their books upon the same shelf. Horatio has 9 books, and Edmund has only 7, How many books have they together? 9 and 7 are how many? Recite the table that begins, Wine and one are ten. 9 and ‘1 are 10 9 and 6 are [5 9 and 2 are 11 9 and 7 are 16 9 and 3 are 12 9 and 8 are 17 9 and 4 are 13 9 and 9 are l8 9 and 5 are 14 9 and 10 are 19° ADDITION. 17 Lesson T'entTH. X. If I should call 10 boys up to the desk, and then should call 2 more, how many would be called ? 10 and 2 are how many? William had 10 marbles, and, returning from school, he found 3 more. How many had he then? 10 and 3 are how many? 10 boys were going to school, and overtook 4 more How many were there going to school together ? 10 and 4 are how many? In a fruit-basket there were 10 red apples, and 5 yellow ones. How many were in the basket? 10 and 5 are how many? In ahen-coop there are 10 white hens, and 6 black ones. How many of both colors are in the coop? 10 and 6 are how many? James has a new jacket, trimmed with bright but- tons; and there are 10 of these buttons on each side. How many are on both sides, counted together? PPTTTEEEEE TPPPPridel 10 and 10 are how many? Recite the table that begins, J’en and one are eleven. 10 and 1 are 11 10 and 6 are 16 10 and 2 are 12 10 and 7 are 17 10 and 38 are 13 10 and 8 are 18 10 and 4 are 14 10 and 9 are 19 10 and 5 are 15 10 and 10 are 20 B2 -13 SUBTRACTION. SUBTRACTION. Note to Teachers. Here explain to the learners, that the cipher ed represents nothing of itself, being used only to occupy a place. Also, lea them to observe the correspondence between addition and subtraction. Lesson First. I. There was 1 pitcher on the table, but a careless =< I talken from where there was 1, leaves what ? 2 trees stood near by, but the wind has blown 3} of them down. What number is left standing? 1 taken from 2, leaves what number ? 3 chairs were standing in a row, but a child has thrown 1 of them down. How many are upright? IES I from 3 leaves how many? 7 sugar-loaves are on a shelf; one of them has the top broken off. How many of them are whole ? 440 4 4 1 from 7 leaves how many ? Recite the table beginning, Ore from one leaves nothing. 1 from Tt leaves O 1 frony 6 leaves 5 1 from 2 leaves |} 1 from 7 leaves 6 1 from 3 leaves 2 1 from 8 leaves 7 1 from 4 leaves 3 || 1 from 9 leaves 8 1 from 5 leaves 4 1 from 10 leaves 9 SUBTRACTION. *9 Lesson Seconp. Il. Henry attempted to roll 3 hoops at once, but 2 of them have fallen down. What number is still up? 2 from 3 leaves what number ? 5 boys came up to recite, but 2 of them were sent back for having no lessons. How many recited? 2 us 5) Race fos many : 2 Here are 6 cherries, 2 of which have lost off their stems? JIfow many are there with stems on? —e--6 —@ @6 ® 2 from 6 leaves how many? 7 bottles were standing on a table, but 2 of them are turned down. How many are still upright? BGO 00 oom 2 from 7 leaves how many ? Here are 8 pitchers, and 2 of them are placed bottom upward. How many are Ris ciad side up? 2 from 8 leaves how Pairs Reeite the table beginning, Two from two leaves nothing. 2 from 7 leaves 5 2 from 8 leaves 6 2 from ® leaves 7 2 from 10 leaves 8 2 from 11 leaves 9 2 leaves 2 from 3 leaves 2 from 4 leaves 2 from 5 leaves 2 from 6 leaves 20 SUBTRACTION. Lesson T'uirp. III. A tobacco-smoker, having 5 pipes, has broken the stems off of 3 of them. How many remain whole? eS SR PROS: 5 ae 3 from 5 leaves how many? 6 hens were eating corn, and a boy frightened 3 of them away. How many of them remained? 3 f Soin 6 pe how many ? There were 7 farmers, 3 of whom drank rum and — whisky, and became miserable; the rest drank water, and were healthy and happy. How many drank water ? 3 fori 7 leaves how ay 8 bowls are on a table, and 3. of them are turned bottom upward. How many are right side up? SSCS 97444 3 from 8 edes how many? A silversmith has made 9 thimbles; now, if he sell 3 of them, how many will he have left? BB RR & & we @ @ 3 from 9 leaves how many? Recite the table beginning, Three from three leaves nothing. 3 from 3 leaves 0 3 from 8 leaves 5 3 from 4 leaves 3 from 9 leaves 3 from 10 leaves 1 6 3 from 5 leaves 2 7 3 from 6 leaves 3 3 from 11 leaves 8 4 9 3 from 7 leaves 3 from 12 leaves SUBTRACTION. Qh Lesson Fourtrn. IV. In a certain yard there are 6 sheep; 4 of them have -aiad down to rest. How many are standing? =f SSS GES a 4 S ee é REST le Coa f ee ‘ a, Mie ve : Kies it Ness Se Sees = mye: : 4 from 6 leaves how many ? Here are 7 umbrellas; 4 of them are open, and the rest are shut. How many of them remain shut? 4 from 7 leaves how many? Here are 8 water-yails, 4 of which have lost their handles. How many remain with handles on ? 4 orn 8 leaxes how many? 9 cricket seats were standing in a row, but 4 of them are upset. How many are still standing ? : in 9 leaves how many ? Augusta has’ ane pins, but 4 of them have lost off their heads. How many have their heads on? Mee ALA LF. 4 fiom 11 leaves how many? Recite the table beginning, Four from four leaves nothing. 4 from 4 leaves 4 from 9 leaves 5 4 from 5 leaves | 4 from 10 leaves 4 from 6 leaves 4 from 11 leaves 4 from 7 leaves 4 from 12 leaves 4 from 8 leaves 4 from 13 leaves 29 SUBTRACTION. Note to Teachers. Wearners will generally diseover the correspondence of addition and subtraction. It will be well, however, for the teacher to imvress the correspondence of these two operations, by frequently proposing questions, thus, —‘ Five and how many make eight ?— Then three from eight leaves how many ?’ ‘The learners must be informed, that the unit marks which are inclined represent the number to be subtracted, and those which are upright show the number that will remain. Lesson Firrn. YV, Robert had 7 nuts in his pocket, but he lost out 5 of them. How many of them then remained ? L1///7/7/ 5 from 7 leaves how many? ‘Thomas put 8 chestnuts into the: embers to roast, but 5 of them burnt up. How many were saved? LLL S/S7/7/ 5 from 8 leaves how many? 9 boys were playing ball, but 5 of them became tired, and went home. How many remained? PELE SS 77/7 5 from 9 leaves how many ? Charles had 10 marbles, and he gave his brother John 5 of them. What number had he left? PETEL///77/ 5 from 10 leaves how many ? A hen had 11 little chickens, but the rats caught 5 of them. How many of them then remained ? PLT EEL 77/77 5 from 11 leaves how many ? Recite the table beginning, Five from five leaves’ nothing. 5 from 10 leaves 5 from 11 leaves 5 from 12 leaves 5 from 13 leaves _5 from 14 leaves 5 from 5 leaves 5 from 6 leaves 5 from 7 leaves 5 from 8 leaves 5 from.9 leaves m C2 WO © {OoDOntAau SUBTRACTION. O93 Lesson Sixtru. VI. I placed 7 books upright on a shelf, but 6 of them have fallen down. What number remains upright ? |////441 6 from 7 leaves what number ? There were 8 chairs in a room, but 6 of them have been carried out. How many remain in the room ? LI /////7/ 6 from 8 leaves how many? 9 birds lighted on a tree, but a little dog frightened off 6 of them. How many then remained? LL S///77/ 6 from 9 leaves how many ? ’ If a farmer who has 10 cows should sell 6 of them, how many cows would he then have remaining ? PELL S7/7/7/7 6 from 10 leaves how many? Joseph bought 11 quills, but he lost 6 of them while going home. How many had he left? LT LEE 7/777 6 from 11 leaves how many? There were 12 little girls in a certain class, but 6 of them neglected their lessons, and were put out of the class. How many remained in the class? PT LELILSSS777 | _ 6 from 12 leaves how many? Recite the table beginning, Sir from six leaves nothing. 6 from 6 leaves 0 6 from 11 leaves 5 6 from 7 leaves 1 6 from 12 leaves 6 6 from 8 leaves 2 . 6 from 13 leaves 7 6 from 9 leaves 3 6 from 14 leaves 8 6 from 10 leaves 4 6 from 15 leaves 9 84 SUBTRACTION. Lesson Seventu. VII. A trader bought 9 barrels of flour, and sold 7 of them. How many had he then remaining ¢ LE SSSS S77 7 from 9 leaves how many? 10 boys ran a race in the wind, and 7 of them lost off their hats. How many saved their hats on? LIE SSS S/S 7/7 7 from 10 leaves how many? 11 doves were picking up oats in the yard, anda dog drove off 7 of them. How many remained ? LITLE SSS S/S 7/7 7 from 11 leaves how many ? Henry’s pear-tree had 12 blossoms on it ; 7 of them dropped off; the rest ripened. How many ripened ? LETTE SSS 77/7 7 from 12 leaves how many? Stephen received 13 quills, and gave away 7 of them for paper. How many had he remaining ? PPLE LE 7/4/7777 7 from 13 leaves how many? 14 boys started to go to school together; but 7 of them went off in a boat, and were upset, and drowned. How many of them went safely to the school? LP TETEL SSS 7777 7 from 14 leaves how many? Recite the table beginning, Seven from seven leaves nothing. 7 from 0 7 from 12 leaves 5 7 from 8 leaves ] 7 from 13 leaves 6 7 from 9 leaves 2 7 from 14 leaves 7 7 from 10 leaves 3 7 from 15 leaves 8 7 from 11 leaves 4 7 from 16 leaves 9 7 leaves SUBTRACTION. Q5 Lesson Erentu. VIII. 9 boys were in a stage-coach, and 8 of them were turned out for being noisy. How many rode on? LS/S/S//111 8 from 9 leaves how many ? Joseph had 10 sheets of paper, but he has sold 8 sheets. How many sheets has he remaining? LESSS///717 8 from 10 leaves how many? If I had 11 pens, and I should give you 8 of them, how many pens should I then have remaining ? LLL SS7// 7/77 8 from 11 leaves how many? 12 pears grew upon a little pear-tree, and 8 of them have dropped off. How many are still on the tree? LTTE SSS 7/777 8 from 12 leaves how many? A ship’s crew consisted of 13 men, and 8 of them died while at sea How many arrived safe in port? LLL LE S/S7777/77/ 8 from 13 leaves how many? In a certain class there were 14 scholars; 8 of them were thoughtless and idle; the remainder were very _ good scholars. How many were good scholars? wilt. PTTL IISS/77777 8 from 14 leaves how many? ‘Recite the table beginning, Eight from eight leaves nothang. 8 from 8 leaves 8 from 13 leaves 8 from 9 leaves | 8 from 14 leaves 8 from 10 leaves 8 from 15 leaves 8 from 11 leaves 8 from 16 leaves 8 from 12 leaves 8 from 17 leaves 26 SUBTRACTION. Lesson Nintru. IX. 12 boys had leave to go out and play, but only 9 of them chose to go. How many remained in? PLE SSSSS// 77 Stephen bought 14 quills, and in writing he has used 9 of them. How many has he remaining ? PET EE SSS 777/77 John got 15 quills, and lost 9. How many remain ? PEELE S47 77/777 Recite the table beginning, Vine from nine leaves nothing. 9 from 9 leaves 0 9 from 14 leaves 5 9 from 10 leaves 1 9 from 15 leaves 6 9 from 11 leaves 2 9 from 16 leaves 7 9 from 12 leaves 3 9 from 17 leaves 8 9 from 13 leaves 4 9 from 18 leaves 9 Lesson T‘entTH. X. James had 12 peaches given him, and he gave 10 of them to his mother. How many had he left? LESSSSAS SSS Tiucy put 15 pins in a cushion, and then took out 10 of them. What number remained in the cushion ? te PELELSSSSSS S777 Ann had 17 pins, and lost 10. How many remained ? © FRELELLS477777777 Recite the table beginning, Zen from ten leaves nothing. 10 from 10 leaves O 10 from 15 leaves 5 10 from 11 leaves 1 10 from 16 leaves 6 10 from 12 leaves 2 10 from 17 leaves 7 10 from 13 leaves 3 10 from 18 leaves 8 10 from 14 leaves 4 10 from 19 leaves 9 QP ae *“ a * Co ee ee sd MULTIPLICATION. 27. MULTIPLICATION. Lesson First. I. A father promised his son a new book for every time he recited correctly, during the week. The week passed on, and the boy recited correetly only once. What number of books did he receive? Once 1 is what number? Charles caught 1 fish every time he went out to angle. How many did he catch in going 2 times? ore 2 times 1 are how many? A young cooper worked 3 days, and made 1 barrel each day. How many barrels did he make in all? - < 4 times I are how many? Recite the table that begins, Once one is one. Once lis. 1 6 times 1 are 6 2 times*I are 2 7 times l are 7 3 times l are 3 8 times lare 8 4 times l are 4 9 times l are 9 5 times | are 5 10 times 1 are 10 28 MULTIPLICATION. Lesson Seconp. II. A boy has 2 hands :— how many hands have 2 boys? —— 2 =e a 2 times 2 are how many ? A rabbit has 2 ears: — how many ears have 3 rabbits ? 3 times 2 are Loy nial? James caught 2 fishes every time he went a fish- img. How many ag he catch in going 4 times ? 4 times 2 are how many ? If 1 desk have 2 keys, how many keys have 5 desks? SS SS HS 5 times 2 are how many? Harriet lost 2 pins every time she-went to school. Now, how many did she lose in going 7 times ? l ek Le 7 times 2 are how many? Recite the table that begins, Once two is two. Once 2 is 2 6 times 2 are 2 times 2 are 4 7 times 2 are 3 times 2 are 6 8 times 2 are 4 times 2 are 8 9 times 2 are 5 times 2 are 10 10 times 2 are MULTIPLICATION. 29 Lesson 'l'uirp. III. Once 3 is how many? If one stand have 3 legs, how many have 2 stands ? ——=— ‘eo ) 2 times 3 are how many? When Henry was learning to write, he used 3 quills a week. How many did’ he use in 3 weeks? Ws fi fo 3 times 3 are how many? If one fork have 3 points, how many have 4 forks? Ce 87% F. 4 times 3 are how many? Once 3 is 3 6 times 3 are 18 2 times 3 are 6 -T times 3 are QI a 3 times 3 are 9 8 times 3 are 24 _ | 4 times 3 are 12 9 times 3 are 27 - | 5-times 3 are 15 10 times 3 are 30 me Oe Pn C.2 ‘er es “as , ne ~ £ wk ted Te a Bam a 30 MULTIPLICATION. Lesson Fourth. IV. 2 school-houses are so placed, that we see 4 win dows in each. How many do we see in both? 2 times 4 are how many? 3 horses are trotting off without riders. Each horse has 4 feet. How many feet have they all? ee Dy Won 3 times 4 are how many ! 2 A crib has 4 legs : —how many legs 1 4 cribs ? }