Od D9 ot lew Ae Ss shin eth the ee) whe a} VP biotin oF ; ee KOA eT Rh Pon A eh eD OD A eet Ap eae Se we ah es Pr We Se iehs dS bh iept St =i W" Y pets - ’ pot b Pe” Tey eye Geek hae tee Cie ed i rw he a BP at 3 Pi std og be she ioe dk me tee gribece ge Date , PAY ry be LAND seis! f ; Jet Lap ented Mest ante pee yt hi ox / nu 4 4 64 D ds ety Re ele ty Veh a ft) if eter ae pr ; Seite os bias Lk wane ae oP eo eg honk Paes -% Hye ‘ ' ‘ a et he J ; ” PIVEN Peds ot-5 Unt} tepid op Jer a> inh FIL Pp at te Ped TS =? ~~ aut Sp 9 5 Eat ae 3S, Te = a. + t ald sh er my opkoty iy vale eb} aes 4 Se a ha Wel oS 39 , ria fet Dey wiry Higehs Pubes Gab he ton pede he doite Steers =e ets = hak cece ee tetas Nest z ett . ~ at Sa eae ea peare Ite < mn ae es Sa ee Sater tot tata tea PAP pn Pete be 3) Stl Sef tehegey LF AP ob Ae Fo Me Peat eguttysysce ’ the ee ep ete de Th lope { Fite be Osh: oh Beth. ana Bias $44 Re dale: Lae 3 LA ath gig Be Met year at ih hs etd pyran Gh EU j et 9e Jed ta be Se Os ie ip Fhe 4 ev Aes hy tolet AEN GS iD Mey ‘ : , 4 riety hi " ise KY ae i ke be et LL 9 : 242) are ei uky i bt in Ts i , by tite De ire + daa yi VA EN Pe Ptoy Pick eh RC PA oA NO ih ee A i Rd ‘ 44) by ag ee th bef i i ae 3 ; q ip +e Eke: oe fe Ma Sede ; Ln EAL Ae ie ; Pa Sakae IP 2 Tt) ee He Popa hy han? era bey twini tian Wat SM Py D i) 5 | wa Re i thee if dete bets! 7 ihe th a Deuces Witne , Pur erie ee ay | t Venclg (dia - lig Was SA fie a vA s rie Fae fe Hes yey? Mi By ‘i wy? “a Saar Pen yids ny qd Teste + or Hay ara) Bh eg Fi ; 4 Pasa thee cts} = eee = i : ibe d at erecta Fix Bre te, sets et 4 ne. ie cee Hee ie 6 HAS un) we VAM A yale t ? a Pa te) ee ie ‘ ‘ ' % : * ‘ ’ ’ ; t ad yo ti 2 , we - . ‘ ¢ + je Be Rape tes Qoeby Ge Re a ab ’ cal $ 4 ) ’ t ) ee Nee > avy - > Rayah, Cee be ite Wobeelhs > . M ety ¥ i te op we Bee dy Wee " dare Vee wet Ta Pe yn Pa oe hee tal Fly De PRs MWe Bee ab vag . ’ aM Ve Harpy die |W ) t de aye Ye te te Mee ateg, oh " ‘ ’ q ? ue . ‘ : ’ , te BY hae N ‘ . : Asis 1 eiee * ‘ " 4 : a POL ONE eb a ‘ ‘ 44? VW Ne fede Qe de a Setoad vats. m < Soa Gea ae i ‘ ‘ FNS Dded Ach ’ “4 d to a my s Wie. EN ao) thes int: . +1 pabbars, ait a Sop ape "4\ : 4 Dee a SES eR Dey ‘ ‘ Det Me Yee Mer a eh aod ds alt ate we pee ° . +. my "al he w SI — ND < Ss “ ¢ COD pong eee The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN APP 2 3 196d L161— 0-1096 ie ee eae rd ” Si ioe, ¥ eae DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS WASHINGTON . ABSTRACT | , OF THE OF THE oy set ~ oe ee Pe oe ‘ #} > -_ nih end a, - TPeS Nate . } : ‘ TAL ! | : | 3 1 9 2, 0 ; ; ; . x : oF A sox sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington . ieee Cloth, $1.50 —_———_—— is See WASHINGTON 3 ° >. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE ey (1923 OURTEENTH CENSUS UNITED STATES — j \ : Se oe - GLa ada \ AORMAMMOO IO TA aM T saa 2UeVvad SHT 10 UARAUA reer ieee es VOTOVIBGAW eo able ; iiecetalieaal se + i. 5 AY —— Matinee 1. yee y — CKO eE i: = EB FOURTEENTR CENSUS. ae "a POPULATION: reall : Gaia, vohene, I.—NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION OF INHABITANTS. ; ser re. vies Leda cdiaborbettd of bat eo Volume IV stiles SH? WO AGRICULTURE: - SHE 4 Volume V.—GENERAL REPORT AND ANALYTICAL TABLES. Volume VI.—RePoRTS i ATH , Wits “(T* FOR COUN - AAG Se ere Ge oe ee if a3 Pert 2. The Southern Sta States. ete f Part 3.—The Western States and the Outlying Possessions. os TN lo eet he VII.—IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE—GENERAL REPORT AND ANaLyrican. 8 i x “ AND REPORTS FOR STATES, WITH STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES. an Manuracrunns: Peas 0 lt “Volume VI VIII.—GENERAL Ruse AND ANALYTICAL TABLES. Hee Volume IX.—ReEports ror STATES, WiTH STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES AND PRIN Volume X.—ReEpPortS FOR SELECTED INDUSTRIES. MINING: © re ‘Volume XI.—MINES AND Quarnins—GBNeRAL Report AND ANALYTICAL % ae REPORTS FoR STATES AND. Seuecrep INDUSTRIES. ; , sy i Fad, ' : oe FOURTEENTH CENSUS. ae CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES. — ABSTRACT ABSTRACT OF | adgatnies W ainornget! Ww ‘catubisei tq ‘eli yd oleaiag ; Or, f dot ‘“ KOTO 2 SII DVR IMIG THA MOY 7: r WIFUC 2233 7 a et, _ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. 4 z « * ee : E epee ik pie peaeee - DEepaRTMeNT oF COMMERCE, foe cena ee MeN hel io, he ie BUREAU OF THE CENSUS, Cita, WEARS Washington, D. C., December 15, 1922. “Sir: : Bes gsi _ I transmit herewith the Abstract of the Bocas Census. This volume contains — all of the essential statistics collected at the census of 1920 for population, occupations, riculture, irrigation, drainage, manufactures, and mines and la ae § ; ep epectally, gee ie i pa: & ms os. lit Meigs tht enna ait M. STEVART, Ser pete ) minting? dey Director of the Census. Hon. Herserr Hooveryi: 9? 3) yrs prsigiy - Secretary of Commerce. (3) ORGANIZATION OF THE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS DURING THE FOURTEENTH DECENNIAL CENSUS: 1919-1922. DIRECTOR: WILLIAM M. STEUART, : 1921-1922 SAM. L. ROGERS, 29.03 (aes 91919-1924 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: | T JOSEPH As aie oh teas 1921-1922 WILLIAM M. STEUART, : 1919-1921 + CHIEF CLERK: ARTHUR: J HERSCH, 3) =: » 1921-1922 THOMAS J. FITZGERALD, : 1919-1921 DIVISION OF POPULATION: WILLIAM C. HUNT, Cuier STATISTICIAN. DIVISION OF AGRICULTURB: WILLIAM L. AUSTIN, CuHi=r STATISTICIAN. ayy oI EVISION OF MANUFACTURES: EUGENE F. HARTLEY, CHIer STATISTICIAN, ‘tae fs ) DIVISION OF VITAL STATISTICS: WILLIAM H. DAVIS, CHIEF STATISTICIAN. DIVISION OF STATISTICS OF CITIES: STARKE M. GROGAN, CHIEF STATISTICIAN. DIVISION CF REVISION AND RESULTS: JOSEPH A. HILL, CyHrer STATISTICIAN, 1919-1921. GEOGRAPHER: ‘ CHARLES 8. SLOANE. (4) : Abstract atin ws wleven, Hal seit _- - MIR ist ee oh: j - teereees haan nie a ae erth on of terms... ; . - aad Laie serena a opeg «2: =. California. . et SoutH CENTRAL _DIVISION. Kentucky. Tennessee. Alabama. Mississippi. This grouping of the states facilitates the study of sacial, economic, td industrial phenomena with reference to their geographical aspects. In forming these groups the lines have been based partly. on present and partly on historical conditions. The advantage of this geographic order lies chiefly in the ease with which conditions 3 im contiguous states can be compared. If more detailed information is desired in regard ry any subject Grretele by the census or forany minor civil division (small city or village, township, etc.) not shown in this Abstract, the reader is referred to the Reports of the Fourteenth Censiiay A list of these reports is To on page 2. ie a | . os sr ee See mt NMOS so . we Re A et EM tes en .f tne So re ~ a vartenes ae ae re EL aW pt re ss ae - — © +denr oy} 10 AOS o18 Solep Joexe oY} MONON poId 103300 Jo s194Ued OY} IOF “ UI 40} S10} OY,L—ALON Soy & HEEL 2 aE soinjoejnuem yy, woneindog 4; oy ss {ozot-0o6t) sjeasey 4, 4, - 9S MO Ow tl OUM wy ow - uo » oo» uononpolg uo}04) ,, » sonjeq Wey ,, 4, (otot—0061) @Beasry paroidwy ,, ,, sep (00st—ost) SUNY UL RAY JE}O] 4, 4, suuey Jo sequin jo 19]u99> OZ6I OL 0931. NOUT he ® i ! fava gong Thy eae OD Mion & GFOOS8ORE Tennessee is STHOLOVAONVH-ANY ‘sro adoud IVUALINOIOV ‘sNUuVa 10 SUALNAD 4 anv a Saar 4 | =, 0261 OL 0621 NOUS oe ©) eae ey NOWVINdOd JO SURENTO : L eu? Buy moys den t : x ; - on : 09810740 a ! , = é cash » uoqayxeT° : : : } eae 2 > ouasioor pumas Qo, Or : 0) . = 4 = ~N ourrreneel anes uopaysan S ot Y oor 1 “ ; , am Nf. 988 S> — oDRTS ie 4 0983 qinotasy104 "| 098 >, sos, ee Oust Dalat ee a0) pu Gene Garter ea oO gone wor Pe) eS WS aN ae) (eee wane nfo conose Pe TO “Vo Waar sie F lo a SR} ~ o. 0681 Ze Aojtindy ; DoW] meOcTT © % 25.9881 OCG) ogg Sag 081K vildod “2 O61 4 SIO “mt ey. Be re 5 i tS oe aay ee es ee tra ee wh : hae a SS = pa odes AIA, EE et | alae Pbtps iy See 4 a oy , Pre be ' + a > ag as FF Fy =i 7 : %5 . ~ ff on ats, v4 pe nts arr. it ry ‘ e fey - ee oe fi Pity = a ere me, Hoare thot ashe, My me cae < ag Ae v4 Lae eS ‘eaten, res ph Ne OF ite Wain abate yak oe Sp Ao ie adh th _ aS 9 Be ve I ; . Fa a oe “85 So teh gee ae Bar gta belie? Orly; ; at M oe aioe vg eon rea OO tale te breathe Seen ote K2 aon, ithe a Atala -O°4 BeAr een igh yt 7 po - es * a th ri ‘s, /VRRL- “gh E ead Aes y Pes eb a Mier cA OOO, Mics Mk 3 cre Ba Pub - AB vi 0 eke i Sa. ch i we k nas 4 wih yt EP Mind bite + ey tie bl hy 4) ps ee J ie : : oe nnn: aurea ee, PR ce dens is "s waned: a be id Lee) HOLLER GOO In Gages Ape teeta y Tehptingsh Sag * aa ete gm i we i “aie, . Nativity and parentage of total population and of each color or race class, for the United States: TPSHO W920 se os oi be ae SS WEES SS PT EWN aan See aie Sia eel old meh Clipe Oe ha O86 . Color or race, nativity, and parentage, by divisions and states: 1920. :...........2.--.....12-----e 98 . Per ceni distribution of total population y color orrace, nativity, and parentage, by divisions and a SUARCS?, LO20. oe 2... oon Bien’ 25's ymin am im le ans» «0 Se teat aed nne pillage a 100 ty . White and Negro population, with per cent Negro in total population, dy divisions and states: ee {AMand 1910... 2. Pega. ave cecdege sas cle ee ne so culee ue ciliata aman nn Mis se - Negro population, distinguished as black or mulatto, with per cent mulatto in tctal SEETO DO 2 Pp lation, by ‘divisions and States: 1920 and 19102 .. oy... 20.4220)... 22> oleae oe oe i : . Native and foreign-born population, with ner cent foreign born in tetal population, by divisions ; and states: 1920 and 1k) Cs eR REM MMC MRTG PS idem A . 1083 Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and ‘‘all other,” by divisionS and states: 1920and 1910...............2 “01 Per cent ofiverease, b y color orrace, nativ ity, and parentage, by divisions and states: 1910-1929... . - 10) White population by nativity and parentage, by divisions and states: 1920 and i910............. Color or race, nativ.cy, and parentage, for cities having 100,000 inhabitants or more: 1920._........ 108. g Per cent distribution oftotal population by color or race, nativity, and parentage, for cities having 100,000 Tnhabitants or more: 1920.00 viocud....-lioeia lobes: 0s ened dle ss Lio Per cent of ine: ease, by color or race, nativity, and parentage, for cities having, in 1920, 100,000 i Dl Fy habitants or more: 1916-1920 0 Se eee eee eee ge | a . White population by nativity aud parentage, for cities having, in 1920, 100,000inhabitants or more: oe i”, Fed i Omer SRS ot a . Color or race, nativity, and parentage, for cities having from 25,000 to 100,000 inhabitants: 1920... 114 , ; ie. or race, nativity, and parentage, for urban and rural communities, by divisions and states: Be ‘ 1920 ~@emeeeveves , wanes eewr cer eoresernespersetenenerer ere eenessae se 1s tere rere Pen SESE TIES: 2” Ss Me. he (0) ! Se ae bs j ye ie et cae de © bg Vic cele toi aN: ‘ CONTA CONTENTS, Lk SEX DISTRIBUTION. if Table. Page. 88. Sex distribution and ratio of males to females, by pMSilation classes, for the United States!’ 1790- 1 37. Sex distribution and ratio of males to females, for , white, and Negro population, by divisions ET ROM EC POD cas ot a is Me dee wSS8 taeda pane se hated scades oaon out ¢ cis 122 38. Sex distribution, 1920, and ratio of males to females, 1920 and 1910, for the white population by nativity and parentage, Bat VESLOLES OLE SUSUR ah > fos Gro Rees a ote y's a 5 Vile sta weae ew nce cals 124 39. Sex distribution and ratio of males to females, for total, white, and Negro population, for cities having, in 1920, 100,000 inhabitants or more: 1920 and PO1G. SS BOURNE ORES TO STE 12 40. Sex distribution, 1920, and ratio of males to females, 1920 and 1910, for the white population by nativity and parentage, for cities having, in 1920, 100,000 inhabitants or more ............-....-- 128 41, an distribution and ratio of males to females, for tot tal, native white, foreign-born white, and Negro Ng ulation, for cities having from 25,000 to 100, 000 inhabitants: 1920..........--s-.-.-+----.--- 130 42. Sex distribution, 1920, with ratio of males to females, 1920 and 1910, for urban and rural communi- . ties, by epimbiand states! i eas TENET BM UNE ne ORS GOO) PEWS ars 1S 1, 134 AGE DISTRIBUTION. 43. Distribution by age periods of the total population, for the United States: 1850-1920..........-. 135 44, Distribution of males and females by age periods, for the United States: 1850-1920.......2..0.0.. 136 45. Distribution by broad age groups for population classes, by sex, 1920, with percentages for 1920 RE aT TEU SGU So an oon aes ache ce ie acter tel L ms (car tg er ee 138 45. Distribution by age periods for population classes, by sex, for the United States: 1920............ 140 47, Pe cent ot Ee by age periods for principal population classes, by sex, for the United tates: mph kata = sol alanmlee Sees Sap ail ie Be, Demers aU Be Oh PASE lA ai elem A 142 48. car ee ormea by age periods, for Indian, Chinese, and Japanese population, by sex, for the United 5 ates: MMM a ea clan ates cin Kins oie see © dake bd othe. = waged cies ca.s ORGS ORS VEE ERO cee oe 14 ' 49. Distribution of population classes by broad age groups, by divisions and states: 1920..-.......... 144° 50. Distribution by broad age groups, for cities having 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1920,-............ 164 » 51. Distribution by broad age groups for population classes, in urban and rural communities, by A MMOCES RTE RIND oO GU crn bic x on eek Scotia «yee ioe wenets Sear cod EE eee eee 186 MARITAL CONDITION. 52. Marital condition of the population 15 years of age and over, by classes, for the United States: 1 Pemrimerurie wee oatt ie tps sens Joc tieliigluerslsigere sisal it 2 Oy ei pee Lag Lae 53. Marita] condition of the population 15 to 34 years of age, by sex and single years, for principal population classes, for the United States: 1920. 5.0.2... ... 2.2.2 cele cece eee ee tee 218. 54. Marital condition of the total population, by sex and age periods, for principal population classes, for the United States: 1920 and 1910.......2. Be ip ePe el hac abs Ps A at ao Ok 222 55. Marital condition of the population 15 years of age “and over, by sex, for principal population Prmeee ey ealtvaniorie Ati States: 19200 ed, a win ninmteipieieenine's.- +s Gilad de sas gutacibers 226 56. Marital condition of the population 15 years of age and over, by sex, for principal population classes, for cities having 100,000 inhabitants or more: 1920... 2... 2.20220 ese. eee eee eect new eeees 240 57. Marital condition of the population 15 years of age and over, by sex, for cities having from 25,600 Ree APTA CRIS LO ti cn ws mo Dh aim ic A a Ae ox eh SOO RS MEd os Sedan de> a ceeeamite 256 58. Marital condition of the urban and rural population 15 years of age and over, by sex and age riods, for principal population classes, far the United States: 1920. ....-. 2.22.5 .-222- eee eens 264 59 Marital condition of the population 15 years of age and over, by sex, for urban and Nae com- uniess Dy Cayisions and staies; 1020. ce een tRt np enenaeeeencas Sree ten ae 268 STATE OF BIRTH OF THE NATIVE POPULATION, 60. Number and per cent native and foreign born in the total population, with classification of native . according to whether born in state of residence or elsewhere, for the United States: 1850-1 920... 61. Total population and total white population distributed as born in division of residence, in ottek . divisions, or in foreign countries, by geographic divisions, 1920, with percentages for 1920 and Se ee hh new men vhMeauialed ok cawepscae san wna ck ake 273 62. Total population distributed as born in state of residence, in other states, or in foreign countries, by states, 1920, with percentages for 1920 and 1910.... 2... ..-- 0... 4-4 seme eed poses stenee enya dt 274 63. White population distributed as born in state of residence, in other states, or in foreign countries, by states, 1920, with percentages for 1920 and 1910.11... 22... 20-2 - eae a gases sleet ee wee sees 275 64. Native population of each division and each state, b oy division and state of birth: 1920........... 276 65. Total population distributed as born in state of residence, in. other states, or in foreign countvies, 1920, with percentages for 1920 and 1910, for cities having, in 1920, 50,000 inhabitants or more... 284 66. Native. Population, by division and state of birth, for cities having 100,000 inhabitants or = POO eee re ee a Sea NO) 2 Sli a PUREE LEE Salem SARE chtasiad als.s DeRee es OS ETERS eats 83 | 67. Urban and rural population distributed as born in division of residence, in other divisions, or ir tonrr Onin tres Dy CIV islONs: 10200) 00 debe abd Su Ol S02 URS oR aM 296 : 68. Urban and rural population distributed as born in state of residence, in other states, or in foreign. : t SM UE, ROD rg on oo apace csanne snnct > nabsined sas. c= OeRoa bck? Ca gma: « & 297 COUNTRY OF BIRTH OF THE FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION. 69. Country of birth of foreign-born population, by sex, for the United States: 1920........-...: ai. 399 70. Country of birth of foreign-born population, by sex, for the United States: 1920 and 19; Dovieoaas /2 300 71. Country of birth of foreign-born population, for the United States: 1850-1920........ 2... 44. 02 / 72. Increase in foreign-born po ulation by country of birth, for the United States: 1850-1920... 6 0g Bt 73. Country of birth of foreign-born population, by divisions and states: 1920......2..ee.. ghd edeoeke SO 2, 74, Per cent distribution of pecit rebate opulation by country of birth, by divisions and states: 1920. 210 75. Country of birth of foreign-born population, for cities having 100, 000 iri habitants or “20re: ies 3) 2 76. Per cent distribution of foreign-born population by country of birth, for -eities havi 160,000 TOPADI CAMS OF TOOTS?’ 1920. - oo ais ae ln ne ne ae enn enh oe + «+ ellie eS in eae BA! 77. Country of birth of the foreign-born pepiiohiony: in urben and rural commuuities, for A Untied a ‘States: ogy ew seer ete ee ed aad Net oor se resaunieneet eee. ee en ee ae. 12 _. ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. YEAR OF IMMIGRATION OF THE FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION. Table. : Page. 78. Foreign-born Seana. by sex, race, and year of immigration, for the United States: 1920..... ‘819 79. Foreign-born population by year of immigration, by divisions and states: 1920...........-s...-- 320 80. Horaienborn male population RY year of immigration, by divisions and states: 1920............. 322 81. Foreign-born female population by year of immigration, y divisions and: states: 1920..2........ 323 82. Foreign-born population by year ofimmigration, for cities having 100,000inhabitants or more: 1920. 324 83. Foreign-born male population by year of immigration, for cities having 100,000 inhabitants or | TROLAS 1920. foo ee shi hremre «a bbe wip = $b aye} onmehsloremein eyecare pik - sin fegicrarys Shays ane 5 catia mm ane ee B26 84. Foreign-born female ss aah ey year of saat for. cities aT ae 100,000 inhabitants or 3 0) Ce ty. i enn et er Sener ee ee Cr i ae ee 20 1920 86. Foreign-born population and foreign-born white population of urban and rural pera by sex and year ofimmigration, for the United States: 1920... 2... icpes aces ewe cnet eeeseesae- 332 87. Foreign-born population of urban and rural communities by year of immigration, by divisions — AUG States; TOW es eek ells fe ea cmccume cease eww base ceeetem ie ee 334 CITIZENSHIP OF THE FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION, 88. Citizenship of each class of the penta of the United States for which figures are available: 1890-19 QD. «nea wriie poe song mabe mn dtr’ sept el ot ygtiers cee ond ed nets ai -lneee eee See eine ee ae 90. Citizenship of foreign-born white males 21 years ofage and over, by nea of birth, for tive United Shea tess 1070 arid TODD oe no meek aie -ateraat cme peste fis ibis aimear on p> ecdlbew ess . ene. MIOAS ee ee ee ee ee i ee ee es ee ee ee “ne School attendance, by broad age groups, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910.. Sct... Sis Pane atiendance of population 7 to 20 years of age, by sex, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910.2 . 405 sini bi rhea me gh Bapuiction 7 to 20 years of : age, by age periods, by divisions and states: 1920 _ and 191 @ pat Ne ee woos ‘ *, School attendance. ina oY ater am 7 to 20 years of age, for principal populatioa classes, by divisions wis ‘| and states: 1926 pe “ool attendanes of povulation 7 to 13 years of age, for principal population classes, by divisions — ‘states: 1920 amd 2.110... RUM CA SER wwsee havnt Uinns sea nn neta veuhti smear ae Ba. ; su attendance of pop: ‘Mation 7.t0 20 years of age, for principat population classes, for cities in £920, 100,000 inhabitaats or more: Lo2Z0and 1910. -.... oo Eps, Se Pbwa she asin RGrwes Sata Ue all CONTENTS. 13 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE-- continued. Table. Page. 124. School attendance of population 7 to 13 years of age, for - Seah population classes, for cities having, in 1920, 100,000 inhabitants or more: 1920 Crt 1 a Ra RN PRET. ABI 418 125. School attendance, by sex and age periods, for cities having 25,000 inhabitants or more; 1920.... 420 A26. School attendance of the urban and rural population 7 to 20 years of age, by divisions and states: 1020 O10 - LOND ae: op tes ter gk RTs de LA he PTS + CEE A= BAA LAILOE TARE SE GE. oo ase 425 127. School attendance of the urban and rural population 7 to 13 "years of age, by aivisions and states: Men ao me uni eeen. » + sc cise + oh sdbgent ucevsagsaavamuvnn teas dent gar lk on hpap Ras Jee ILLITERACY. 128. Number and per cent illiteratein population 10 years of age and over, for population classes, by Seer a ae CEL ARLES: LOCO INNO. os oan cnn ope bocce a schowpee ccapy csmep idan PCR weaUn t fame ane 427 129. Numiber and per cent illiterate in population a bab of age'and over, by age periods, for popula- cieneensses.ny sex,for the United States: 1920 ..ce sa sack cay onds be bees wee we de been sces oeQhhO 428 130. Number and per cent illiterate in Soeaienion? 10 pots of age and over, by age periods, for popula- : tion classes,’ by sex, for the United States: 1920 and 1910.....2..0.. 0.52.20 eee lee 430 131, Number and per ce + illiterate in population 10 years of age and over, for principal population nT, UPC VASES DITO SEALGS: 1020-0. sah cantor se ae ence = Serco te tntgh peeetec: attest ace 432 132. Number ’and per cent illiterate in population 21 years of age and over, for principal population classes, by divisions and states: 1920... 2... 22.25. ¢peteie WA VAisOCS QU Yi Biagel Gib. co. B 133. Per cent illiterate in population 10 years of age and over, by sex and principal population classes, py divisions 4nd states? 1920 4nd 19105 OR EA TDS J SE, CAs 434 134. Per cent illiterate in population 21 years of age and over; by sex and principal population classes, Dy Gsvinons and statest- 1020 ahr 1910. ~ 2. 44.n oo owe mee eek} ces waned mak «are deeebe cereus 435 135. Number and per cent illiterate in population 10 to 15 years of age, inclusive, for principal popula-- tien) classes by; di visionsand:statess 1920. .caswiwerice Piece. Yeh ONL A. gai llowe 4236 136. Number and per cent illiterate in population 16 to 20 years Of age, inclusive, for principal popula- Se mnEreeee: Pee CLUISIONS OTIC BtAGCS: LOM... nae aera dacsce- es - aia 9, 638, 453 2,398, 572 33.1 33. 1 MLO ees Oh bois, cake ~~ dpe a Spee Mian serene 7,239, 881 1,931, 398 36. 4 36. 4 PI Nicks cise asthe = = <-cx ge each te Ugg Aleaut ie wile pig 5, 308, 483 1,379,269 35. 1 35. 4 ca PRIA alas.) mma oe ota Cae aN ay Beet 3; O20: Zid 1h < ioe fee se cba eas pe 1 Enumeration of 1870 incomplete in Southern states. Percentages in this column for 1860-1870 and 1870-1880 represent estimated true rates of increase. ~ AOS i - UNITED. STATES, | 17 ‘TABLE 56.—POSITION OF THE CENTER OF POPULATION: 1790-1920. [The center of Leg erg’ may be said to represent the center of gravity of the population. face of the United If the sur- tates be considered as a rigid level plane without weight, capable of sustaining tho population distributed thereon, individuals being assumed to be ofequal weight and the plane to be sup- ported, as on a eguilepam of te) at point, atits center of gravity, the influence of each individual in maintaining the he,plane would.be directly proportional to his distance from the pivotal point or center gravity. This is the point referred to by the term “center of population.’’] _ LOCATION, | pat gaa APPROXIMATE LOCATION BY IMPOR- ob) TANT TOWNS. North West iat latitude. | longitude. 1 fei 7 30.| 76 11 12 || 23 miles east of Baltimore, Md...-.-.-- 6176 56 30 || 18 miles west of Baltimore, Md....... -80 | 77 37. 121) 40 miles northwest by west of Wash- ington, D..C. (in Va.). _421)°78 33 0 |) 16 miles east of Moorefield, W. Va.l.-. 54) 79 16 54 || 19 miles west-southwest of Moorefield, 39 2 Oj} 80 18 0|| 16 miles south of Clarksburg, W. Val.) 738 .59° 01-81 19. 0° gag ak mii of Parkersburg, eo “A a . Va, 89 0 24182 48 487} 20 Ata south by east of Chillicothe, vole 0. ; 39 12 0} 83 35. 42)| 48 gues east by north of Cincinnati, = fhe ~ Geen eS io. 39 4 84°84 39 40 || Smiles west by south of Cincinnati, » he y Seeds ‘ Ohio (in Ky.).. 39 11 56| 85 32 53 || 20 miles east of Columbus, Ind........ 39 9 .86| 85 48. 54 || 6 miles southeast of Columbus, Ind. .. 39 10 12] 86 32 20 || In the city of Bloomington, Ind.....- an ee aes ‘(1.9 miles west of Whitehall Clay town- oY ship, Owen County, Ind. 39 10 86 43 15 |/,8.3 miles south-southeast of Spencer, ee _ Washington township, Owen Coun- ty, ind... MOVEMENT IN MILES DURING PRECEDING DECADE, || From point to) West. |North-|South- rete, ward. | ward. | ward. line. | Si dated da iveann Hoes 18 Ball SF 180-6 by OL eee | 0.5 36.9 |" 36.5 |... 5.8 50: 5 17 ea eal 6.7 40. 4 Plas to, 9.0 55.0 54,8 Bed Wout itn ars hy ane 3.5 80: 6 80.6 he 9 Sr te 44,1 42.1 13.8 {..50 86 58.1 Olek le seeks 9.1 “48.6 47.7 0 ES 3 14,6 14 4s eee 2.8 39:0 38.9 Ooo |. 5 oo cee ge (oo ley ee Voi. de ws nd | 1 Present area of West Virginia included in Virginia until 1861; admitted as a separate state in 1863. 2 . °75108°—-23-—— ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION, TABLE 6.—POPULATION OF THE UNITED POPULATION. DIVISION AND STATE. 1920 1910 1900 18901 1 United States..... 105,710,620 | 91,972,266 | 75,994,575 | 62,947,714 | 59,155,783 | 38,558,371 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: 2 New England........ 7,400,909 | 6,552,681 | 5,592,017} 4,700,749 3 Middle Atlantic...... 22, 261, 144 | 19,315, 892 | 15, 454,678 | 12,706, 220 4 Kast North Central...| 21, 475, 543 | 18,250,621 | 15,985, 581 | 13, 478, 305 5 West North Central. .} 12, 544,249 | 11,637,921 | 10, 347,423 | 8,932, 112 6 South Atlantic....... 13, 990, 272 | 12,194, 895 | 10,443,480 | 8, 857, $22 7 East South Central...| 8,893,307 | 8,409,901 | 7,547,757 | 6,429, 154 8 West South Central..| 10,242,224 | 8,784,534 | 6,532,290 | 4,740,983 9 MOU Rha Se eos 3,336,101 | 2,633,517 | 1,674,657 | 1,213,935 10 Pacies = eee an as 5,566,871 | 4,192,304 | 2,416,692} 1, 888,334 NEW ENGLAND: 11 A Sh a eM pee Cag ONZE 768, 014 742, 371 694, 466 661, 086 12 New Hampshire..... 443, 083 430, 572 411, 588 376, 530 13 MOTMONt. s0vio ches 352, 428 355, 956 343, 641 332, 422 14 Massachusetts.......- 8, 852, 356 | 3,366,416 | 2,805,346 | . 2,238, 947 15 Rhode Island.-...... 604, 397 542, 610 428, 556 345, 506 16 Connecticut ...220..- 1,380,631 | 1,114, 756 908, 420 746, 258 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: 17, NOW Rnioc ay sateen 5 10,385,227 | 9,113,614 |. 7,268,894 | 6,003,174 18 New Jersey ....2530.. 3,155,900 | 2,537,167 | 1,883,669 | 1,444, 933 , 096 19 Pennsylvania. ......- | 8,720,017 | 7,665,111 | 6,302,115 | 5,258,113 | 4,282,891 | 3,521,951 ‘| Hast NortH CENTRAL: Bagi ‘arly 20 OO ee Bee ete 5, 759, 394 |. 4,767,121 | 4,157,545 | 3,672,329 | 3,198,062] 2,665, 260 21 Tritiengd fea ee peste 2,930,390 | 2,700,876 | 2,516,462 | 2,192,404 | 1,978,301 | 1,680,637 22 WINGO caL eet. ene 6, 485,280 | 5,638,591 | 4,821,550 | 3,826,352 | 3,077,871 | 2,589, 891 23 Michiganes 22220. 22 3,668,412 | 2,810,173 | 2,420,982 | 2,093,890 | 1,636,937} 1,184,059 24 WV ESCONSIN an fo. ue 2,632,067 | 2,333,860 | 2,069,042 | 1,693,330 | 1,315,497 | 1,054,670 WeEsT NoRTH CENTRAL: ait 25 Minnesota...2). 222%... 2,387,125 | 2,075,708 | 1,751,394 |° 1,310, 283 780,773 | . 439,706 26 OWe eo est 2oPo 2,404,021 | 2,224,771 | 2,231,853 | 1,912,297 | 1,624,615 | 1,194,020 27 Missouri.............| 3,404,055 | 3,293,335 | 3,106,665 | 2,679,185 | 2,168,380 | 1,721,295 28 North Dakota........ 646, 872 577,056 319, 146 190, 983 \ 4 135.177 414. 181 29 South Dakota........ 636, 547 583, 888 401, 570 348, 600 ? ? 30 NSDrASKaa) 1. eck 1,296,372 | 1,192,214 | 1,066,300 | 1,062, 656 452, 402 122, 993 31 KGHSHSE whee Le 1,769,257 | 1,690,949 | 1,470,495 | 1,428 108 364, 399 ScutH ATLANTIC: 32 Delaware: rie. oe 223, 003 202, 322 184,735 168, 493 146, 608 125, 015 33 Maryland -\:tsc. 6... 1, 449,661 | 1,295,346 | 1,188,044 | 1,042,390 934, 943 780, 894 34 District of Columbia. . “437, 571 331, 069 278, 718 230, 392 177, 624 131, 700 35 Wircinianileon aoe 2,309,187 | 2,061,612 | 1,854,184 | 1,655,980] 1,512,565 | 1,225, 163 36 West Virginia........ 1,463,701 | 1,221,119 958, 800 762, 794 618, 457 442,014 37 North Carolina....... 2, 559, 123 | -2, 206,287 | 1,893,810 | 1,617,949 | 1,399,750 | 1,071,361 38 South Carolina....... 1,683,724 | 1,515,400 | 1,340,316 | 1,151,149 995, 577 705, 606 39 RFOOPOTA Sa eke 2, 895, 832 | 2,609,121 | 2,216,331 | 1,837,353 | 1,542,180; 1,184,109 40 HHOTERR2ac oer tee ee a. 968, 470 752, 619 528, 542 391, 422 269, 493 187, 748 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL: 41 eran Gee beay $2 ee hath: 2,416,630 | 2,289,905 | 2,147,174 | 1,858,635 | 1,648,690 | 1,321,011 42 Tennessee. ..........- 2,337,885 | 2,184,789 | 2,020,616 | 1,767,518 | 1,542,359 | 1,258, 520 43 A DOI, Ss ee eo 2,348,174 | 2,138,093 | 1,828,697 | 1,513,401 , 262, 996, 992 44 MASSISSIPPI Fes. 1,790,618 | 1,797,114 | 1,551,270 | 1,289,600 | 1, 131,597 827, 922 WEsT SOUTH CENTRAL: 45 PAPA NSS eeaci ol: 1,752,204 | 1,574,449 | 1,311,564 | 1,128, 211 802, 525 484, 471 46 Lipwisismae coe... 1,798,509 | 1,656,388 | 1,381,625 | 1,118, 588 939, 946 726, 915 47 Oklahomace. YF ck. 2,028,283 | 1,657,155 7 790, 391 7 258, 657. |S e-od= sqcken ee ae : 48 ORAS. eee. Are 4,663,228 | 3,896,542 | 3,048,710 | 2,235,527 | 1,591,749 818, 579 MOUNTAIN: 49 Montanaro. lf. scyck8 548, 889 376, 053 243, 329 142, 924 39, 159 20, 595 50 IO eee oat OS Lee 431, 866 325, 594 161, 772 88, 548 32, 610 14, 999 51 WYOMING ook wc ce 194, 402 145, 965 92, 531 62, 555 20, 789 9,118 52 Conran fccss. 0.5.8 939, 629 799, 024 539, 700 413, 249 194, 327 39, 864 53 New Mexico.......... 360, 350 327, 301 195, 310 160, 282 119, 565 91, 874 54 Hed 1011), Yo ae eam 334, 162 204, 354 122, 931 88, 243 40, 440 9, 658 55 el Gs). Se se 449, 396 373, 351 276, 749 210, 779 143, 963 86, 786 56 y Nevadare ce so slt2 77, 407 81,875 42,335 47,355 62, 266 42, 491 ACIFIC: 57 Washington.......... 1,356,621 | 1,141,990 518, 103 357, 232 75, 116 23, 955 58 OTEPON Sse aw deinen oc oe 783, 389 672, 765 413, 536 317, 704 174, 768 , 923 59 California 5... 2.64... 3,426,861 | 2,377,549 | 1,485,053 | 1,213,398 864, 694 560, 247 1 Includes population (325,464) of Indian Territory and Indian reservations, specially enumerated in 1890, but not included in the general report on population for 1890. 2 Includes persons (6,100 in 1840 and 5,318 in 1830) on public ships in the service of the United States, not credited to any division or state. ’ Population of area taken to form state of Missouri in 1821; part of Louisiana territory in 1810. — ee) DIVISIONS, AND STATES. STATES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1790-1920. a POPULATION. 1860 1850 1840 | 1880 1820 1810 1800 1790 $1,443,321 | 23,191,876 | 217,069,453 /2 12,866 020 9, 638, 453 7,239,881 | 5,308,483 | 3,929,214 2, 728, 116 = 234, 822 | 1,954,717 | 1,660,071 | 1,471,973 | 1,233,011 | 1,009, 408 5, 898, 735.| 4,526,260 | 3,587, 664 2,699, 845 | 2,014,702 | 1,402,565'| 9’ 958, 632 4, 523, 260°} 2,924, 728 | 1,470, 018 792, 719 272, 324 Sl. B00. toot oe 880, 335 426, 814 140, 455 66, 586 10.783 tPMOhT UG USAT os 4,679,090 | 3,925,299 |. 3,645,752 | 3, 061, 063 |. 2, 674,891 | 2,286,494 | 1, 851, 806 3,363,271 | 2,575,445 |. 1,815,969 | 1,190, 489 708, 590 335, 407 |” 109, 368 940, 251 449/985 | ’ 246, 127 167, 680 Ti, GAS heel, Ae ue ee 105, rc) SPOT eA poe a os OTe aT ae ee ee a PORT ELS ak OO MPS Tare tes BET Vic Waa 628, 279 - 583, 169 501, 793 399, 455 298, 335 228, 705 151, 719 96, 540 326, 073 |. 317, 976 284,574 269, 328 244, 161 214, 460 183, 858 141, 885 315, 098 314, 120 291, 948 }-- 280, 652 235,981 | 217, 895 154, 465 85, 425 1, 231, 066 994, 514 737, 699 610, 408 523, 287 472, 040 422, 845 378, 787 -7 174, 620 147, 545 108, 830 97, 199 83, 059 76, 931 69, 122 68, 825 460, 147 370, 792 309, 978 297, 675 275, 248 261, 942 251, 002 237, 946 3, 880,735 | 3,097,394 | 2,428,921] 1,918,608 | 1,372,812 959, 049 589, 051 340, 120 -” 672, 035 489, 555 373, 306 320, 823 277, 575 245, 562 211, 149 184, 139 2, 906, 215} 2,311,786 | © 1,724,033 |. 1,348,233 | 1, 049, 458 810, 091 662, 365 434, 373 2, 339, 511 1, 980, 329 1, 519, 467 937, 903 581, 434 230, 760 Ad, BS 1S I a 1, 350, 428 988, 416 ” 685, 866 343, 031 147, 178 24, 520 OR ty ele 1,711, 951 851, 470 476, 183 157, 445 55, 211 TURD yal Deer, bak Ai ee aes "749, 113 397, 654 212, 267 31, 639 8, 896 4, 762i | oa R PIPE Tee ty 9g 775, 881 305, 391 BO OUR Per A Bhs Re aks To Me ce pe DU 172, 023 » Se age OOO PCa RB a eas SG SS) a nD a Pos | Ge 0d 8 674, 913 192, 214 MECN Eas cel. A es Dg og oe” 1, 182) 012 682, 044 383, 702 140, 455 66, 586 BUD P7SS Eh aon, on pe a MMR aR Pe fb ie bat. ob le Chi dcoh ual bps (tien < ck Sao odlake «. . -.5 pI DReERE oes 8S GRRE PRE cee ae ee ea! i OF) Se S| aren ee Sh sie & AS RCS 6 0S Baa RESTA RD RAF 2 SET a Wie RN Pa LP NCC @ 1 Mal 112, 216 91, 532 78, 085 76, 748 72, 749 72, 674 64, 273 59, 096 687, 049. 583, 034 470, 019 447, 040 407, 350 380, 546 341, 548 319, 728 75, 080 51, 687 43) 712 39, 834 33, 039 A 023 14,008. 1,596,318} 1, 421, 661 1, 239,797 | 1,211,405 | 1, 065, 366 974, 600 880, 200 747, 610 ri 992,622} 869,030 | 753,419 | 737,987 | 638,829 | 555,500 | . 478,103 |. 393, 751. 703, 708 668, 507 594, 398 581, 185 502, 741 415, 115 345, 591 249, 073 | 1, 057, 286 906, 185 691,392 516, 823 340, 989 252, 433 162, 686 82, 548 140, 424 87, 445 54, 477 BE FORGO ep BU Se 1, 155, 684 982, 405 779, 828 687, 917 564, 317 406, 511 220, 955 73, 677 1, 109) 801 1,002, 717 829, 210 681, 904 422, 823 261, 727 105, 602 35, 691 "964,201 . 771, 623 590, 756 309, 527 FOTVO0R bist, Bees Noe no veces sles 791, 305 606, 526 375, 651 136, 621 75, 448 40, 352 % Ba VO ees 435, 450 209, 897 97, 574 30, 388 14, 273 61 WEIS ays ny OSU 708, 002 517, 762 352, 411 215, 739 153, 407 76; B56 bier eed HERG oS "604,215 | SONORA OU ool. ode tosh dishes desdbeldocca ds cove dl MEARE? SoU eee Ee egg 5 GN EA ae RM ap OA Fa 9 RR | Sii T a Re 93, 516 GT yg COR SG A ee a ee a Ce POPE ey bh ie eee SsaKa 40,273 |... . BEARD AS ci eed beaded. - en ah Gta ee ob ee th gen a es SNe. Gi Lotto Nes os LY ss} honda bade biol 4. OY bb amaedtew ici ai'y otee meee oe BS NG PES 22k 5 Ps Re SR SO ee Se fee ns, Oe ERROR, cr 52, 465 OSS 7 Re On ER Bs We © SO a! SS RS ee A) CO Pye 379, 994 oy Ee Oe Oe CR Re? Se eS RS a ees I eee 4 Population of that part of Dakota territory taken to form North Dakota: 1880, 36,909; '1870, 2,405. Po ulation of part taken to form South Dakota: 1880, 98,268; 1870, 11,776. akota territory. “(In s Population of area taken to form Arkansas territory in 1819; part of Louisiana territory in 1810. studes population of Indian Territory, as follows: 1900, 392, 060; 1890, 180,182. 20 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 7.—RANK AND DECENNIAL RATES OF INCREASE IN [A minus sign (—) OO ONTO Orie COND —_ 57 68 59 lin computing the decennial increases from 1820 t DIVISION AND STATE. 1920/1910 United States...J.0-.s/..2.- (GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England...... Vil Middle Atlantic....| I East North Central.|» IT - West North Central] IV South Atlantic. .... Tit East South Central.|. VI West South Central he 1900) 1890 RANK IN POPULATION. 1886 1870, 1860, 1850; 1840 ad | l Fah 1820, 1810 E 1790 X | 1X | EX. | 1X acifics. is. Sie. 0 VIL VITT) VII) Vit Vill VIII] VILL VILE | | |) | | | | | SS Mountain >.323..... NEW ENGLAND Fineness (oa TSS 35 New Hampshire 41 WOPMIONT. ide cuee sk Massachusetts-..... 6 Rhode Island... ....|' 38 Connecticut........ 29 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: New Yorks 2.....; 1 New Jersey........ 10 Pennsylvania. ..... <2 EAST NorTH CENTRAL: | To RS i BUG. eo. | il TERI GIG ome id 3 LET nS Sr aaa 7 Wisconsin. 2... 13 West Norta CENTRAL: Minnesota... .-. ES 16 ii BCT OY i ae a oo 9 North Dakota...... 36 South Dakota. ..... 37 Nebraska. ius... . 31 Wansas gc els 24 SouTH ATLANTIC Delaware. -........ 47 | Maryland 3:35... . - 28 District ofColumbia| 42 ITPINIAL A tes... . 20 West Virginia...... 27 | North Carolina..... 14 South Caroling..... 26 COTES «25. Aiw.. . -. 12 | Florida... ... 32 | East SOUTH CENTRAL: | Kentucky........-.. 15 Tennessee. ......... 19 AIGA. od 18 Mississippi......... 23 West SOUTH CENTRAL: Arkansas. 7.2... J] o| 25 Louisiana... -..2 22 | 24 Oklahoma......... 21} 23 WOME tua t sac co: 5 5 MOUNTAIN: Montana........... 39 | 40. PG ee es 43 | 45 Wyoming.......... 48 | 48 COlOPRGG ee ee BE Bhi ts y- New Mexico ‘ 44 | 44 cag teat 5) ee ot eer 46 |} 46 Utah ee 40 41 Nevada. ........... 49 | 49 PACIFIC: Washington......: Sie 3086 Oregon vive. £5 ele Ss: 1 84 [85 California.......... Sy 12 Table 6) were included. 2 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. ® Dakota territory. 26 | 26) 26] 25!/ 28) 26) 26)... lll 21 REL. IBS 19 19) Baa Pee os ie Pes Pen Ws 9. Me 43 eee alence or Cledwes es ab dee au eocee 44 rt et 47 come elm w tw eloese nls ee eeleonee se eucbye awe eeres 41 ao.cne)ee¢es|aceniahenewelececen =|Ua obe|sueet of | 34.) 82 |... ...140 600. cee ane re re 46 ee es ee ee ee es oe 30} 87. . 35. |.-.0<| eee sateeetae ae FCs eet 40 41 te ee ee Gate b dveslt > ple 5 a eel PRIN SRR ta Mea ge "889188 be B4chs, cA! .oe e eE Py CESS SS [2s a 24 | 26 29°) voutlo. oe GES CO) ea rey ‘ j tT ; o 1850, persons on public ships in 1830 and 1840 (see ee tia —— 21 DIVISIONS, AND: STATES. POPULATION, FOR DIVISIONS AND STATHS: 1790-1920, denotes decrease.] PER CENT OF INCREASE IN POPULATION. onNnwst le) ~OOoCre NQeHineKn nO mo 1D CP oon Hid sd thy OD NANNN NANA oe Boose a SSRs iS SBSRBSBEBS 1 6D i So ae Vie as a MOOR “abs eteOrh th Gree an 4 ee ae FIR a ns os ee i Se | ee eae aT | 4 ‘ gow ee re ae ae tae, a 8? SS bee St Be Me 8 pi Per 46 » as ea 5, ii mi f] 5 COD fh CO + Qpeta: 2.4 ao. Wer © > 0. eis of RS poe os 4.) 2 ow wee ee , a... # rt PON OD ’ to Ce ae Oe ao) ae € b- .0. £2 Cfo 8. 94 S © (0 =e s ’ a ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘a ’ ' ’ s ’ rir ‘ 7 . ‘ ‘ . . . ' , . ' ’ . ’ ‘ ’ : ‘ ' . ‘ ’ ’ ‘ : ‘ ’ , ’ ’ ' . ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ , . , . . , . . | ’ 2 eee hy ABO ‘ 27 ‘ ¥ VE Bee ee, Ser | ET er aE ie SE = os @ 4 fm) bd HOO §O-oD 3 P+ tO 4 00.0) SH Omid Vr *# 6 ‘ cae : ‘ oe eastagimhe 'Netor om +o : ag ; y nt TE , , . ee S OC vr 2 Cae eT we ot Re ee a, aoe, at Oe aK, Th . ‘ . : ot reefer oe : Ph Me le | “<4 : ES . , . . . ’ , ‘ Dro eet UeRg ee thsi} Slot pesca tr wr Cede ah 00 ise Sar Oe © te oP tht One reer iS Sia ss edt baa ster Ses scat el erga! ele Bs - * See | HOD. 30 8 s 6 #8 . exe ‘ . rt ot} a a ee Fo 8 ea Ne ee ee oof . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ t ¥ . ' ‘ J ’ ’. ' ‘J , ‘ ' * . , ’ . . ' ' . ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ . e . . ‘ . ‘ . ‘ . — we nooOoratoo : HOMROOH HOM AONMO : 2° 1 ’ ' ra O19 68 9 Ort eS OOo +O: Ox Se. tbs Se 4 rie ee = OG! aay FS ae et Sa oto 3 eRe, yo Biel Sie Sie Sp ie oe, e268 3 era LW s Agha 1 ee ee tee . . =H Ls ith: Sal . on Ob sh OO CO ’ S co Lie) =] Chace i LO et ret rb ; ‘ ° ea se 8 Me wre D+ @ tor) SSSmaon 1S es ote BOC} BSE ‘ ‘ 8 ’ hee St te ele ae [e.4) aS wee Pi ect ae Oe ree ore —_ m= rN rd x 6 near) ‘ . AC} ' ea e ’ ' are ote ar teeter sss “eee o> i a ’ pees ‘ ee! ' ’ ' re ® ey ee @F ee Res e i TR ae WJ Le qu .. te ’ ’ ' Z igs . Pees. 8. 8 ee € Ci ae | Se S it) Be OH HD 00 ee AOMROC re Oworwwy Com Nr ‘ 1G : m8 LONI Oh 19 OO ‘ AaMor oo Hae Oct gee of eee ae See o RASSONS «+ SBSHSSNS Siss sss: Fae ee ES Oo CRIN Ie ROT ed TOL CU a re sae eae re _ oO meas OO rir ft Om ret rir Or N Om 81D + | ’ oe Ar isso CIO = OO mwa +e (elt iol ee ee oe Te A 1 F- & ae cr ‘ ' mercy ' o 6 ‘ . 8 7 ‘ — rm ‘ ; a a . : ee a aie an yae os ' orn ‘ ars ' eos ' . ws ' ' ’ ) . ‘ J ' Cre, Cg ev igre wr Rr ‘ ' ' CONS @ be C0 ws CorODOon Ot o> OCOOtae +: | : : | ee a oP) mop CO HOD © mst , ‘ : , ee ; . ; aol MSSM AA Pili aditsaAd SSK Agassi Fis § bt Aisa indaids Biss ses 1 ry Riera mM N GS © HOO + « N Nr OLN ODO rs eet ’ tan . eo ag rN Ok Cttyo 377 rate ae ee se at oe N oe NL ‘ ' tei : ’ ’ - ) —_ N i © : ' . F c 7 aye : ’ eu , ae TiN whe wie e iors AO ONOO ee NreOWDOO Wrir Dewodnyoe + 00 ' e NONM MMAID OOD WoO pes ogre We el ee ee i Nee Howtidcgacscad +: SS ipl ei Deel els claits Rises oh hel ee tee betel cn Shetek: eeiet Seteaes «na ee eee “eee to NOiaOornoa «+ nae ta oo rt ™N 09 od oD =H IS GOOD Hh ‘ Cre | MAN es trem AwM~o rl oe ae ek PN pss Cy, Toa re rq 8 ot le Cc oD ‘ noe » ri *) tau Ge ta Me sipes s 18 os ee ' ' ‘ e ' ' ’ ' ‘ r ' ' ‘ ‘ ’ ’ ' ‘ ‘ ’ 1 , . 6 ’ : 1 ge eee ’ . ’ D2 LD tt Py CO SD OS? OD eid MH CON mH” COO sorts 409 * ' J OMI + NOOO © b= O29 rae ed iN ‘ y : + er) § is Os ie ee OO Oe FOS Ee oe a. . . * * * . * . . * e ‘ s . . ’ & * ° * * . * * * e * . bd e = 2 PO OS TH 15 mai Od adniad odds Sic «+ : Ariga tis NWSEwdSS- WO eet Se tet rege HO THER mt 1 OO OS OSS WER. SOS Be pies ee REVS Se SS: Shaw om +o eee as ache = ae OP) rm rm on. . o 98 e ro a fe Veet fae | iN + 2 co , ‘ ' ‘ . ‘ . ' ’ ' ’ ‘ ' ' ‘ ’ ' AmYXy YR ONMO AH Op HD CO DON Od UD sH rt OD WOAO NA 190 Hr HCl (ROOOCrY OO SH HO oD i= wat , Zs +09 0D nl oon HedtKASSSai SASH AHH Sridsdid wd SSD Hows WSaid sos HA 2S tot Or nuda Sod r= mick OID p{ MAR HON ANY ne emt: hee Bes ead eae hed GB ete woe ES, oes = y et Obes Leal rt ODN { ¢ ‘ > or ¥ 4 rts re se °° =< . € s 4h 8 ‘ . ' ~ OAOMrDOM AS DOIDHNAD ODD OPNANK CHACON OH MEBMMHOPMHIND WOCHr. OM bone MPOW RE AID ONO WASNSSO Hers: SHON SH Swot KS SNS NSOHSSSHSS ASS 165 +d SMSNSoOsS cals MmrNMONN OOO ANN rAN HAN OON I= CON we S&S MADRS SHSS EN NOD oe or) Soa BSRaSS bare) boa al : marc 68 ON oo NAOMHOAN OH Noss sass BARA SA BOS fort te) © GH ri Pe 00 00 00 6 & Ph Oh MOSH ona Asters me LAN BAN MSAGR- Sa 6 \3299. 2 Sos isoidg .ddhdaxtti..dcd iS rd Sri SURO RSSASo Gta SS is RSAam Sele RO 134. 9 43, 4 f if SHAHMOK BHR NWHDOON KBRROBNANMO ODOOCOCOMMWOD WMO CBINOH MY ARBOMMCD | COWDWAIWOOO oOo oa BSG SHdesrdssS Hiss SHdS Soinsddgiis Won ~ 7 TOON Sr oisgrrer aa MARSH OOON MNRAS AC MINN FINO 00 PO HOON OD OD C3 OOV ID 0 HID COD OARD CORD WMNRSCONOM RH mis sia xin os Sei SCAM iH HR HN SSN OS iS Sosa nN Koko te) 5 ore A ei Pe Od P= 6S Hi oS SIS Aon CStna tome Sep Es ‘onsite 5 ASA BSBISSHAS AOS MOOWHD Ot WOIDO1NH OCHHHOFPO ANMNCSOHOR NMOWDH MOMM~ COONO 19 1 OOH ri * : * . . J . * > s s s ° * J * ° J * To | > * * Cohn pats x8: Massa Hadid Rega SHANSSHAAH SMSO. HONS CSSSSSR TASS OAM Orr OM grr ws Soi ae Te nom SSO ‘| i : ives’ e< 4 Decrease dito to loss of territory, West Virginia having been detached from Virginia and admitted asa separate state in 1863. in computing the rank for 1900 The territory of Oklahoma in 1900 ranked 38 and Indian Territory 39. the population of Indian Territory was included with that of Oklahoma. 29, ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 8.—POPULATION PER Se an ors DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920, 1910, Bess pre area, opulation: square DIVISION AND STATE. P1990 ATE 1920 United States. -..0:cs.cletaa ee 105,710, 620 2,973,774 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: ING Wieland reo so hie teks wegen 7, 400, 909 61, 976. MITOBOA TIATMAC J tien ve en = eats 22, 261, 144 100, 000 East North Central...........23-.: 21, 475, 543 » 245, 564 West North Central......-.....-+- 12, 544, 249 510, 804 South A Clantie: ogee teens Coach 13, 990, 272 269, O71 Kast South Central............- se 8, 893, 307 179, 509 West South Central... ...2..-...:. 10, 242, 224 429,746 Mountains 0950 S660. Wie aes s arate 3, 336, 10% 859, 009 Pacithes Peis dee ere Wits ens Sarees ee 5, 566, 871 318, 095 NEw ENGLAND: Maimeri rae. ese tae ee 768, 014 29, 895 INGwW Hist pshires 2-00 orneh. < ques 443, 083 9,031 MOrmonte 20 i ce Bae alae 352, 428 | 9, 124 Massachtisetts: v2.5... eck.) tee 3, 852, 356 8, 089 HHOGOMSIANG 3. oss lp ee o . e 604, 397 1, 067 Commectieurg ss 5. a°5,25 bay ce comes 1, 380, 631 4, 820 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: New Y Orme rates). . lip lipea deme 10, 385, 227 47, 654 IN OW: JGESCVec udoues... § asesasooeer 3, 155, 900 7, 514 || Pens yl Vata tn aia ~ sae el ee 8, 720, 017 44, 832 EAST NortTH CENTRAL: LO.105 9 ees senses Dn ge eRe RRR 5, 759, 394 40, 740 LM a ee a SPS Pt Ah! Me 2, 930, 390 36, 045 | SO ae.) ae 6, 485, 280 56, 048 UMN) a6 2.6 5 AAR Fa Pe eps Ee By 3, 668, 412 57, 480 | VV TSB OREO EEO Sede a ca alure ce atk en a 2, 632, 067 55, 256 West NortH CENTRAL MGieS Obese tT eh eel 2, 887, 125 80, 858 TOW Mebek Pee ecto 3 eae, 2, 404, 021 55, 586 | DTISSORE COT Dea. sate ta 3, 404, 055 68, 727 IN OTD Dakota: sere. 2.60 646, 872 70, 183 SOUAEWaKOLASe ow. 52 ae p ek aU 636, 547 76, 868 INCDYAS Ke seattle t sub ed. Scio th vow 1, 296, 372 76, 898 Saal Sapa eee ee os Sess 1, 769, 257 81,774 SoutH ATLANTIC: : DOA Wateesc se er ere A: 223, 003 1, 965 MOMPINMGn ee ey aa... Js 65.52 ewe 1, 449, 661 9,941 District of Columbia............... 437, 571 60 WAT EITM ty: ears. tlic ee out ECR 2, 309, 187 40, 262 WY Coen teeta atch sds. ee 1,463, 701 24, 022 Nortir Carcinac os Les 2, 559, 123 48,740 Bourn Carding; oi. 5.26. Loe 1, 683, 724 30, 495 Rieorw ini: res fo bo.) aa 2, 895, 832 58, 725 BqONR Ate tio ot Orange kee gt 4c 968, 470 54, 861 EAST SoUTH CENTRAL: AOCTMORICIOY soos ciaueuinei sek - <0 v «2h ee 2,416, 630 40, 181 MOTeSeeOs. fo. seen a > > aa 2,337, 885 41, 687 WELD A MN a. Veo. <3) 2, 348, 174 51,279 MISSISSI PDT: ce pugcn: - Jk. 5 Geni MEET 1, 790, 618 46, 362 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL: ; PP RRRSE BAS os iu lag) «sn seem 1, 752, 204 52, 525 TISIANO Sa. 1c seach ess casecaet 1, 798, 509 45, 409 Olbahowads ob. ac «een Maas 2, 028, 283 69, 414 MOR Ga rete cs. ess Nae 4, 663, 228 262, 398 MOUNTAIN: MEO CR. Soro sdn tk. A eee es 548, 889 2 146, 131 TET ERR asa tetelp A e carey aabia 431, 866 283° 354 WY ViGIIIng et co 8 os Eee a 194, 402 2 97, 548 DOLOr ners Ohare Ss. te 939, 629 103, 658 Blow Mexeg-ores: 2. ct Adee 360, 350 » 122, 508 MPPODARLO Te alias so. oy. etc ede 334, 162 113,810 LS kas a ba greanaee Geteall ei a) Sag 449, 396 82, 184 INGORAC Ra dis LL ae 77, 407 109, 821 PACIFIC: BV GpMTURUOR fides aes OL. eee 1, 356, 621 66, 836 OE 9 aH idle oat ae ae aba Sale APA 783, 389 95, 607 Baltomnianeciedec. Mee... Roe. 3, 426, 861 155,652 POPULATION PER SQUARE MILE, 1920 1910 1900 35.5 30.9 25.6 119. 4 105. 7 ~~ 90.2 222. 6 193. 2 154. 5 87.5 74,3 65. 2 24.6 22.8 20.3 52. 0 45.3 38. 8 49.5 46.8 42.0 23.8 20..4 15.2 3.9 3.1 1.9 17.5 13.2 17.6 25.7 - 24.8 23. 2 49. 1 47.7 45,6 38. 6 39.0) | * 287.7 479, 2 |. 418. 8 349.0 566. 4 508. 5 401.6 286. 4 231, 3) » 188.5 217.9 191. 2 152.5 420. 0 337. 7 250. 7 194, 5 171.0 140.6 141.4 117.0 102. 81.3 74.9 70. 115.7 100. 6 86. 63. 8 * 48.9 42, 47.6 42, 2 37. 29. 5 25.7 21. 43, 2 40. 0 40. 49,5 | 47.9 45, 9. 2 8.2 4, 8.3 7.6 5. 16.9 15.5 13. 113. 5 103, 0 94. 145, 8 130. 3 119. 7,292. 9 5,517.8 4, 645. 57.4 51, 2 46. 60. 9 50. 8 39. 52.5 45,3 38. 55. 2 49. 7 44, 49. 3 44,4 37. Li. 7 13.7 9. 60. 1 57.0 53. 56. 1 52, 4 48. 45. 8 41.7 35. 38. 6 38. 8. 33. 33. 4 30. 0 25, 39. 6 36. 5 30. 29. 2 23.9 | uh 17.8 14.8 Ai 3.8 2.6 Bi 5.2 |" 3.9 1. 2.0 1.5 0. jR1) 7.71 5. 2.9 2.7 1 2.9 1.8 sis 5.5 4.5 3. 0.7 0.7 0. 20.3 | Tf Te 8. 2 0 4, 22.0 15.3 9. 1 Includes population of Indian Territory for 1900. 2 Total land area includes part of Yellowstone National Park, geographically located in Idaho : (36 square miles), Montana (198 square miles), and Wyoming (2,948 square miles). ‘Total population 3 of park (165) returned as in Wyoming. x OW PPRONOCON OFPFEO ANSP ANOOCOKHWrSs COONENNAN Pee ee 4 ki AIK{OCP GES COUNTIES. 23 TABLE 9.—AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES: 1920 AND 1910. “pecepen = POPULATION. POPULATION. Land Land ’- lareain 1920 areain 1920 COUNTY. square COUNTY. square Mises fie. giles), peoy ooh. es 1920. Por 1910 1920. Por 1910 Total. |square Total. |square mile. mile. ALABAMA...... 51, 279 ||2,348,174| 45. 8 |2,138,093 || AtaBams—Con. Autauga.--......| 584 || 18,908 | 32.4] 20,038 || Talladega........ 755 || 41,005 | 54.3} 37, 92k Baldwin......... 1,595 |} 20,730} 13.0{ 18,178 ||} Tallapoosa. ...... 763 || 29,744] 39.0] 31,034 Barbour......... 912 || 32,067| 35.2] 32,728 || Tuscaloosa....... 1,346 || 53,680) 39.9 | 47,559 Bip, fst... 634 || 23,144| 36.5 | 22,791 || Walker.......... 792 || 50,593 | 63.9 37,013 Blount Jf .'...). 649 |, 25,538 | 39.3 | 21, 456 Washington ae 1, 087 || 14,279 | 13.1 | 14,454 Wileox........ 896 || 31,080] 34.7| 33,810 Bullock ..2....... 610 || 25,333 | 41.5} 30,196 || NSS hoe Fe , Core ds Sie Butler....... ©: 1 bea, 763 29) 5311 38.7 29, 030 Winston. 9. os. 24 630 || 14,378 | 22.8 | »12,.855 Calhoun......-.. 616 || 47,822 77.6 | 39,115 Chambers: ....... 612 || 41,201| 67.3 |. 36,056: ARIZONA.......1 113, 810|| 334, 162 2.9 | 204, 354 Cheromes.'."). <5 - 577 || 20,862 | 36.2| 20, 226 oot | oe ee 5g Apaition DY... 11,379 || 13,196 |. 1.2! 9,196 “ in} : <4 AG Chilton..-.2..... gas ee rio stig! “oy ier cee tee} aay fa ae}. oon] ane Choctaw..-.-...- ee oer res |} 27.81) te eat est Oe ae ore. s hiomiens Clarke.) O00... So oe 400 DTT se Dee I eared et aide, Nee rhs Mie Clay 614 99 645 | 36.91 91.008 Grahams Fer .)2 4, 630 10, 148 2..2-| ©23, 999 were eee weet eee 9 Y . ? V 2 Cleburne. ....... 569 || 13,360) 23.5.| 13,385 4b Greenlee... 1,878 || 15,362| 8.2 [0.0022 Opftee 678 || 30,070} 44,4\ ‘26, 119 || Maticopa....-.... be: 3 ees erie. > Colbert. .-. 20... Gi81) 31,007 | 51,81) 24 B02 ieee otrt Py ough te cor ae ees Conecuh........- 849 || 24,593 | 29.0) 21,433 || pag 77777 aie ae 690 |... 3.6 1. men Gaisd i) 20.0- <4. ee MES as ioe» ay a ne Cs | meee les 9, 505 ; 3.6 | 22, Covington prer: 4° 1, 042 38, 103 36. 6 32, 124 Pari abeme e 5, 880 16, 130 3.0 9, 045 Crenshaw........ G18 ||) 23, 0174 37.2.) 03, a1 ee raz... Tae lili? oo | tgs | alee Cullman... ...... Mee i at 084) ak eager ee goat: Bae eon | ceed eee ee eee DTI 40.3 1 BOOS ee a ae 9, 987 || 14, LS sala aise od, 957 || 54,697 | 57.2| 53, 401 Prokal yy. des. = 4 786 |} 34,426 | 43.8] 28,261 ARKANSAS -: ...152, 525 ||1,752,204 | 33.4 |1,574,449 Elmore........-- 638 || 28,085) 44.0] 28,245 || Arkansas......... 1,000 || 21,483 | 21.5] 16,103 Escambia......-- , 957 |}; 22,464 | 23.5] 18, 889-]| Ashley.....-..... 940 |} 23,410] 24.9 | 25, 268 Etowah.j.......-| 539 || 47,275 | 87.7 | 39,109 || Baxter........... 586 || 10,216 | 17.4 | 10,389 Fayette........- | 643 || 18,365 | 28.6] 16,248 || Benton.......... 876 || 36,253] 41.4] 38,389 Franklin |, 24... 647 || 22,011] 34.0] 19,369 || Boone........... 608 || 16,098 | 26.5] 14,318 Geneva.......... 578 || 29,315 | 50.7| 26,230|| Bradley.......... 659 || 15,970] 24.2] 14,518 Greene.....0...-- 635 || 18,133 | 28.6| 22,717 || Calhoun......... 629 || 11,807] 18.8] 9,804 Chae Ghana 646 || 24,289 | 37.6| 27,883 || Carroll.......2... 641 || 17,786 | 27.7.| 16,829 Paty si, 3 -..1. 560 || 21,547! 38.5 |.-20,943 || Chicot........... 607 ||, 21,749 | 35.8] 21, 987 Houston......... 579 |} 37,334 | 64.5 | 32,414 || Clark............ 82 |} 25,632 | 29.1} 23, 686 Jackson .........- 14D Vi 5,804 | (31.51 32, 0187| Clay ec.) uc... 654 || 27,276} 41.7 | 23,690 Jefferson .......... 1, 120 || 310, 054 | 276.8 | 226, 476 || Cleburne... ......| 596 || 12,696 | 21.3 } 11,903 PIT) ec. x.{ 601 18,149 | 30.2] 17,487 || Cleveland........ 693 12, 260 | 20.3}. 13, 481 Lauderdale... ..- 694 || 39,556 | 57.0| 30,935 || Columbia........ 785 || 27,670 | 35.2 | 23, 820 Lawrence. .2...; 700|| 24,807 | 34.7,| 21,984 | Conway.......... 563 |} 22,578 | 40.1) 22,729 Eas ho cant i--t 608 || 32,821] 54.0| 32,967 || Craighead........ 687 || 37,541] 54.6 | 27,627 Limestone..:.... 596 || 31,341 | 52.6 | 26,880) Crawford........ 593 || 25,739] 43.4 | 23,942 Lowndes... ..:... 739 || 25,406; 34.4| 31,894 || Crittenden....... 582 | 29,369} 50.4 | 22,447 Macon. .j200...1 614 23,561') 38.4 by-26,0404) Cross... /.225,.-. 619 18,579 | 30.0] 14,042 Madison..,......|. S11 || 51,268 | 63.2| 47,041 || Dallas:.......... 679 || 14,424 | 21.2 | 12, 621 Marengo....2....| «966 || 36,065| 37.3 | 39,923 |; Desha........... 747 || 20,297 | 27,2} 15,274 Marion......3,.-,|) 743 || 22,008} 29.6 17,495. || Drew-....-....... 847 || 21,822 | 25,8] 21,960 _ Marshall..:.:....| 602 ||| 32,669 | 54.3 | 28,553'|) Faulkner........ 651 || 27,681 | 42.5 | 23,708 Mobile...........| 1,226 || 100,117] 81.7}. 80,854 || Franklin......... 606 || 19,364 | 32.0] 20,638 Monroe.......... 1, 012 || 28884} 28.5.) 27,155'|! Fulton........... 625.|| 11,182| 17.9} 12,193 Montgomery.....| 801i |) 80,853 | 100.9 | 82,178 || Garland......... 788 || 25,785 | 34.9} 27,271 Gran. ..c.2-..5 587 || 40,196 | 68.5 | .33,781 || Grant............ 637 || 10,710 | 16.8) 9,425 to ae 737 ||; 25,373'| 34.4 |. 81/222 }) Greene.....-..... 561 || 26,105 | 46.5 | 23, 852 Pickens. ........ 875 ||\ 25,353 | 29.0| 25,055 || Hemnstead...... 727 || 31,602| 43.5 | 28,285 Ralph thd i324. 671 || 31,631 | 47.1 | 30,815 || Hot Spring....... 613 || 17,784} 29.0| 15,022 Randolph. ....... 590 || 27,064] 45.9] 24,659 || Howard......... 602 || 18,565 |. 30.8 | 16, 898 mssell. 2igeg... 4 655 || 27,448 | 41.9] 25,937 | Independence....| | 762 || 23,976 | 31.5 | 24, 776- Ser@lair. | 4.4... 648 ||; 23,383 | 36.1] 20,715 || Ivard..... 2.2... 583 || 13,871 | 23.8) 14,561 Shelby... .!2.5..-! 819 || 27,097 | 33.1] 26,949 || Jackson.......... 634 || 25,446 | 40.1 | 23, 501 Sumter.......... 908 |] 25,569! 28,2] 28,699 || Jefferson......... 903 || 60,330! 66.81 52,734 24 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-POPULATION, TABLE 9.—AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. POPULATION. Land areain 1920 COUNTY. | sib ge miles: 1920. Per | 1910 Total. | square mile. ARKANSAS—Con. Johnson.......... 675 |} 21,062} 31.2) 19,698 Laiayette..o....- 525 || 15,522 |. 20.6) °- 13) 741. Lawrence. -:.)..!- 592 || 22, 098 fF 37.3 | 20, O01 Boge eu Stee ee 601 || 28,852] 48.0] 24,252 Bineom 2.5 052) 571 18,774} 82.9} 15,118 Little River.:.... 546 || 16,301 | 29.9} 18, 597 Logarto ete oo... 726 || 25,866! 35.6 | 26, 350 Lonoke eo... - 807 33, 400 | 41.4 | 27, 983 Madison eck 2h 836 14,918 | 17.8] 16, 056 Marioncisg.2:. 04. 646 ||. 10,154 | 15.7 } 10,203 Malar. 2225 8502 623 || 24,021 | 38.6] -19,555 Mississippi... ...- 792 || 47,320| 59.7] 80,468 Monroe. 2, 22... 603 || 21,601 | 35.8} 19,907 Montgomery. ...- 784 || 11,112) 14.2] 12,455 Nevada icc. ik. 620 || 21,934] 35.4 | » 19,344 Newton.......... 846 || 11,199 |] 13.2 |.-10,612 Ouachita... 4). 2: 733 20,636 | 28.2 | 21,774 PS) gai nT a 552 9,905 | 17.9 9, 402 Erba liineeses a) |. 34 692 || 44,580 | 64.3} 33,535 bo oe ee 601 || 12,397 | 20.6-) 12,565 Poinspetiv a. /: 721 || .20,848 | 28.9] 12,701 GUN. wees. 5.) 846 || 16,412 | 19.4] 17,216 PORE eno oe acek <.) ../. 1,027 || 6,183 | 6.0 9, 171 Colusa ey 2 58 1,140 | 9,290} 811 7,732 Contra Costa..... 714 || 53,889.] 75.5 | 31, 674 Del Norte. ....... 1, 624 2, 759 2.7 2, 417 Eldorado......... 1,737 6, 426 3.7 7, 492 Bienes. she. .b 5,950 || 128,779 | 21.6 | - 75, 657 LC a6 Men faba ,oo7 || 11,853 8.9 Ty hha Humboldt. ...... 3,575 || 37,413 | 10.5) 33, 857 Imeperialy, Scot .+ 4,089 |} 43,453 | 10.6 3, 591 eg ae a 9, 991 7, 031 0.7 6, 974 2 eR a 8, 008 |} 54, 843 6.9] 37,715 Maier Joa ks ss 1, 159 || 22,031 | 19.0] 16,230 TiGkO. Fine satis. t 1, 238 5, 402 4.4 5,°526 Lassen. oor tse. 5 4, 531 8, 507 1.9 4, 802 Los Angeles... .. 4,115 || 936,455 | 227.6 | 504, 131 Madera........... 2,112 1) 12,203 5.8 8, 368 Marini. 2 i)suieee 29 529 Mariposa.;.'22. .2- 1, 463 Mendocino......- 3, 539 Merced -- Fags. 3 < 1, 995 ModG¢a: bine oan 3, 823 Ne s5 Oe ee 3, 030 Monterey -...2...- 3, 330 Ieee te ok 783 Nevada: iu. 4. 974 | Orange...) 2350. . 4. 795 | Pisces sees: ee 'h. 1, 411 PU MmaS) ras oe 2, 593 Riverside ......:. 7, 223 Sacramento... ... 983 San Benito... ._. 1, 392 San Bernardino. .|20, 175 San Diego..._.... 4, 221 San Francisco. ... 42 San Joaquin....-. J, 448 San Luis Obispo.) 3, 334 San Mateo... 2... 447 Santa Barbara... .| 2,740 Santa Clara. 21... 1, 328 Santa Cruz..-.... 435 Suaeis eta ok eee 3, 858 CAEN St Be 923 piskiyon ) fog... 6, 256 OAM: aloe. 3 822 Sonoma. -.......- 1, 582 Stanislaus........ 1, 450 Suetertypa, Aes 608 Tehama. 7. | 2,925 Priaity.. pet) 3, 096 TUBEG. foes . 4, 856 Tuolumne 2, 190 Vemtara.) 2 oO 8 1, 858 VOLO Lot aie ee 1, 014 YX UDG. gk, ck 632 COLORADO..... 103,658 Adanis., 3 /220¢ . 1 1, 262 iMlam@sa 3.0 -f2. 2. 727 Arapahoe... ...... 842 Archuleta... 222... 1,220 Bite. We es 4k 2, 552 Bentsen. shh. 1 1, 524 Botilder. Jo) Vs... 764 Chaffee. .....22.... 1, 083 Cheyenne.) 212... 1, 777° Clear Creek... ... 390 Conejos: H28500).1 1,252 Costills,, 2.0 40.0: 1, 185 CroWley...2..!..; 808 Custer. 48st s. . (| UAT Deltatersyn32o.! 1, 201 Detiver. SS 2o8F 5 38 Dolores... 2 Vito. 4 1, 043 Dotiglas. .. Jom 24 845 Haeptevs 1 FFA 1, 620 EPase... 5.78.3 2, 121 COUNTY. square CALIFORNIA—Con., POPULATION. . 1920 Per | 1910 Total. |squar mile. 27,342 | 51.7 |. 25,114 2,775 | 1.9}. 3,956 24,116 | 6.8]. 23,929 24,579 | 12.3] 15,148 5,425] 1.4] »6,191 960} 0.3] 2,042 27,980 |. 8.4 | 24,146 20, 678.| 26.4 | -19, 800 10,850. | 11.1-}° 14,955 61,375 |. 77.2'| 34, 436. 18,584] 13.2] 18, 237 5,681 | 2.2} .5;259 50,297 | 7.0 | 34,696 91,029 | 92.61 67,806 8,995| 6.5} 8,041 73,401 | 3.6 | 56, 706 112, 248 | 26.6] 61,665 506, 676 |12,063.7| 416, 912 79,905 | 55.2} 50,731 21,893 | 6.6! 19, 383 36,781 | 82.3] 26,585 41,097 | 15.0] 27,738 100,676 | 75.8] 83, 53 26,269} 60.4] 26,140 13,361 | 3.5 18,920 145783} 1.9] 4,098 18,545 | 3.0] 18,801 40,602) 49.4°| 27, 559. 52, 090'| 32.9] 48 394 43, 557 | 30.0 | 22,522 10,115 | 16.6] 6,328 12,882] 4.4] 11,404 2, DSL <0: Bt 3, BOL 59,031 | 12.2] 35,440. 7,768 | 3.51 9,979. 28,724 | 15.5 | 18, 347 17,105 | 16.9] 13,926 10,375-| 16.4 | 10, 042 939,629 | 9.1 | 799, 024 14,430 |--11.4 | 8 892 5, 148 | - 7auoaees 13, 766 | 16.3 | 10, 263. 3,590 |. 2.9} 3,302 8,721 |. 3-4 | 2516 9,705 | --6.4] ° 5,043 31,861 | 41-7 | 30,330 9,753.04 eT, Cae 3, 746 |“ -2e1-+ --3, 687 2,801 |. 7.4} 5, 001 8,416 | 6.7 | 11,285. 5,032 | 4.2] 5,498 6,383 |< 79 jews eae 9,172 | -2..9-+--“1)94a7 > 13,668 |} 11.4] 13,688 256, 491 |4,422.3 | 213, 381 1,243 |. WeDo 6425 - 3,517}. 4.2}. 8 1oR= 3,385 | 2.14. 2,985 — 44,027}. 20.81 48,321 —————eoo CCU COUNTIES. 25 TABLE 9.—AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued ‘rail . POPULATION. POPULATION. Loy, | Land . 1920 ~“Tareain 1920 COUNTY. — uare|| ) COUNTY. square por | er miles: | | per | 1910 : 1920. Per | 1910 Total. | square ‘|| Total. |square ' | mile: mile. CoLorADo—Con. is DISTRICT OF eee ee a . Cotumpia!,..}. 60 || 437,571 |7,292.9 | 331, 06 Elbert... 3.84) "5, 331 et 0? Fremont... +6 1.51" 18,181 Gareet re ae 16 rn PLORIDA......, 54, 861 || 968, 470 | 17.7 | 752,619 Grand. fF ho Abas 1, 362 aca SAP eat wk is. a | ina 2 Me | 25, 2 | 34, 305 ‘ey aie Se eS, Ae 59 5,622] 9.5 { Gunnison.» yet 1.8 | 5/807 || Bay.) 2722 oe 1 S07 14.6 Biase sdale. 0.6 |" 646 |] Bradford! 7.7777 539 |} 12) 503°} 23.2} “14,090 aren: oo, a 4 Brevard.,,....... 1,025 ||. 8,505°| 8.3}. 4,717 nm : ’ 3 Jefferson . ) 17.8 | 14, 231 Browar eee 1212 5,135 i roe Kiowa 2.1: 2/999 || Calhoun. .........]'1,089 8,775 | 81). ..7;465 Kit Carson 4.1-}~ 72493 || Citrus... 2.02.2... 62 5,220} 84) 6,731 La Plata. 6.1 | 10,812 || Clay--..-......- 615 || 5,621} 91] 6,116 eee tal cts 17.9 | 10,600 || Columbia... .... 792 || 14,290 | 18.0 |. 17,689 Larimer 10.6 | 25, 270 ny Lg Dade. - oi gs aig 1. 2 2, 788. 21,2511 ae Las Animas 8.1} 33, 643 || De Soto....... 1. 3, 54 25 134 6.8} 14) 200 Lincoln.......... tee feted ah Wt eels 3 sae 3 782 || 113) 540 | 145.2 | 75, 163 . Din <- 6. $3-'- 5 Xe 0. 549 || Escambia... .... 657 || 49,386 | 75.2) 38,029 Fee sb te2°t gts Re, eal Flagler.. = 25. .3.. Ag tt pe, 440 [BO ee 7 J offat Bed foe TeRE Franklin. . 20... .. 541 5, 318... 9.8 |: °'5,201 Bote 3.1] 5,029 |} Gadsden... ..... 540 || °° 23; 539.|. 43.6 | 22, 198 ntrose:........ 5.2} 10,291 |} Hamilton........ 528 || 9, 873. |. 18..7 Jo 11, $25 ag b hy yaaa ae 12.5 9, 577 Hernando. ..... 497 4,548 9.-2 4, 997 tero. e 18:0-}° 20,201 |} Hillsborough... .. 1/636 |} 88,257.) 85, 2° 78) 374 hs ae aed 5-0-| 3.544 || Holmes.) 473 || 12,850 | 27.2} 14.557 ow a 3 ah a 0.9 7 499 } Jackson... 22... 2 (989 || 31; 224. |. 33,346 20/828 Phillips. 8.0| 3.179 || Jefferson. ........ 585 || 14,502 | -.24.8 } 17,210 Pitkin 24): O33 2:7 4, 566 Lafayette’. .....-- 4, 263 242 4.9 6,710 Prowers 8:54" 9,'520 || Lake. 2s22..)-: 1/047 || 12, 744 |..12.2.}.. 9,509 ‘Pueblo. ......-.--| 2,433 $007? hg as I peti 8 4/031 || 9,540}. 2.4 | © 6,204 Rio Blanco... ..- BOT Sed if POON ho we de 715 || 18,059 |- 25.3 | 19,427 Rio Grande ee 8.7 Ae 0 a a pe 1,148 9, 921 8.6-|. 10,361 utt... Fa 3:94 '7' 561 || Liberty... ...2. 823 || °5,006}| 6.1] 4,700 pa =e a ? , Saguache AS Sa 1.5} 4160 || Madison 2.2... 2 719 || -16,516 |. 23.0] 16,919 San Juan,........ 3.8 | “3,063 || Manatee... _....- 1, 337 || 18,712 |. 14.0 | ~ 9,550 ‘San Miguel....... 451°} 4) 700))| Marioni. 2 . . .. 1, 647 ||’ 23,968 | 14.6} 26,941 are Bh sl oe ‘729 SGT Ure. fea. ot 1,100 |} 19,550 |. 17.8 | 21, 563 Summits 1.8 oS: 4 Y 2:7 2,000 || Dassau.. 2.5... 2 630 || 11,340; 18.0} 10,525 5 i : Okaloosa. 2.-...-- 956 9, 360 92 82h cesses belber. } ic se», 2-4: 12.2| 14,351 Washington...... 4.4 |'» 6'002 || Okeechobee. ..... TRB CCI 489 | -<99.-9>}s Uae sWeald Foe Ach 13:4 °|'°39'177'|| Orange... .....--- 929 || 19,800) 21.4 | 19, 107 Mima... 7-025 4.35 5.9 | 8499 j| Osceola. 2.2--.5- 1,356 |i 7,195 |---5.3-|~/ 5, 507 hs cf Palm Beach...... 2,538 || 18, 654 7.3 | © 5,577 ConNEcTIcUT ROBCU 7 Fe taht 767 8, 802 |. 11.5 7, 502 eae, Pinellas.......... 293 || 28,265 | 96.5 }-.....2. Casinet Same oe ee ee RES 1,907 || 387 66r |- 20.3 | "24; 148 ‘Litchfield args ba 76’ 962 | Putnam......... 752 |} 14,568] 19.4] 13,096 Sitiddlosek. it 47’ 550 Bt ronea ss. ho 608 || 13,061 |- 21. 5-] - 18, 208 9 toiasslderitn ce , Sth Leen 1,077 || 7, 7.3} 4075 New Haven. 415, 214 g = Sn a Sn ae atita Rosa...... 1,025 || 13,670 | 13/3} 14,897 oh Poland oe a = Seminole. .......- "321 10,986 | 34:2}... 002. ain aa ih $7 52, 815 SURGE 8 Core ds cae oO 7, 851 + 18:5 6, 696 Wi RENT" Suwannee... ....- 692 || 19,789 | 28:6] 18,603 Taylor. 2... 4.2 2{ 1)045 |} 11, 219} - 10: 7 | "7, 108 > Darawane.... - 223, 003 oy aa ) : ) ———— Volusia... .2..2 1,123 || 23,374} 20:8} 16,510 2 gent Beh . 81, 023 Wakulla, ....... 602 |}. 5,129 |} 8.5 | 4,802 Gasil see vr “148; 239 | 340. 8 |. 123” 188 |} ‘Walton... 2.1.2: 1,095 || 12,119} 11:1] 16, 460 ipext irae ee! LB 43° 741 | 47.9 46, 413 |) Washington. ...21, 620 |) 11,828 | 19:1] 16,403 1 Not divided into counties. 26 ABSTRACT OF THE GENSUS—POPULATION, TABLE 9.—AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. POPULATION. POPULATION. Land Land , areain 1920 areain||- 1920 COUNTY. square COUNTY. square miles: ||"... | ~ | 4910 miles: 1920. e 1920. ; Per Total. | square . || Total. | square mile. mile. GEORGIA....... 58,725 ||2,895,832 | 49.3 |2,609,121 GEORGIA—Con. ' Appling... 2... 3.. 454 || 10,594 | 23.3] 12,318 || Gilmer....:..... «| 440 8,406 | 19.1 Atkinson... 2... 330 2; G00 | Vee ache due te ae 1aScock 3. a4s..4 «sho. tO 4 24,7. Bears, Lie tives ce 271 6,460 | -28.8 |. £028. CVAR: i ¥seoe ook 439 ||. 19,370 | 44.1 Lis es ROSE Pie 357 8,298 | 23.2 7,973) Gordon .n <0. 4

T1334 || Jackson. a... . 2. 355 ||, 24,654 | 69.4 Camden... ..4.. 711 6, 969 9.8 7,690 || Jasper. soci ..-..-- 321 16,362 | 51.0 Campbell.......: 211 11,709 | 55.5) 10,874 ||: Jeff Davyis........ 300 7,322 |° 24.4 Gandlers 4 46 052 228 9,228 |. -4005 Weak Jefferson. ........ §46 22,602 | 35.0 SSrED 3). Ce ht 8 492 34,752 | 70.6.1. 30/855 1) Jenkins oy. yo.) 4, 342 14,328 | -41.9 @atoosat Fe. 8 169 6,677 | 39.5 7,184 || Johnson... 4...:.. 292 3; 46.4 Charlton 52.2: 2.3 881 4, 536 5.1 45722 i Jones. Jeb. ee be 377 || 13,269 |° 35.2: Citaphrm}. Ae. )2¢ 370 || 100,032 | 270.4 | 79,660 || Laurens.........-- 806 39,605 | 49.1 Chattahoochee...} 218 5, 266 | 24.2 BROCE ee. aos eae 326 10,904 | 33.4 Chattooga: 2. - Ju. 328 14,312 | 43.6] 13,608 |) Liberty.......... 936. 12,707 | - 13.6 Cherokee... 2.2... 429 18,569 | 438.3 |. 16,661 j) Tineoln. 4.2... .. 2. 291 9,739 | 33.5 114 |) 26,111.| 229.0 |...23, 273 || Lowndes.-....... 476 || 26,521 | 85.7 203 eiG0 | aioe 8,960 || Lumpkin.,...... 280 §,240 1 18.7 142 11,159 | 78.6 287 11,509 | 40.1 900 || 7,984] 8.9 470 || 5,119 |--10:9 353 || 30,437 | 86.2 369 |! 17,667 | 47.9 632 || 18,653 | 29.5 is 284 || 18,803 | 66.2" 529 29, 332 55. 4 360 itp ie Columbia. ....... 350) ||. 11,718 | 33.5 | 12,328 || Meriwether....... 496 || 26,168 | 52.8 OYa a | A a ae ae 241 LE; 1800: 46. 40) ear MANE cet ce bee 253 9, 565 | 37.8 Coweta.2.552.5.5 443 || 29,047 | 65.6] 28,800 || Milton...2....... 145 6,885 | 47.5 Crawford......... 319 8, 893.| 27.9 8,310 || Mitchell.......... 548 || 25,588 | 46.7 WS Bie dk. . 277 || 18,914] 68.3 | 16,423 || Momnroe...:......: 584 || 20,138! 34.5 Dade ind gays. vt 186 3,918 | 21.1 4,139 || Montgomery.....| © 190 9, 167 | 48.2 Dawson.......... 216 4,204] 19.5 4, 686 OF PAI ce oe bas 390 || 20,143 | 51.6 SCRE pin. . hate 823: || -31, 785 | 38.6 |. 29,045 || Murray..2.....2. 342 9,490 | 27.7 Pekalbi.. -y-. 2.4. 272 ||. 44,051 | 162.0] 27,881 || Muscogee......... 235 || 44,195 | 188.1 MOdgO. i-5015-.5 45 43 22,540 |} 52.3) 20,127,|) Newton.......... 262 || 21,680} 82.7 Dooly 5. cone. Jk a: 897 |||. 20,522 | 51.7 |. 20-554h|sOeconee.staccovicee 172 || 11,067} 64.3 Dougherty....... 342 || 20,063 | 58.7] 16,035 |} Oglethorpe... .... 504 |} 20,287 | 40. 35 Douglas.” 5.4: 208 || 10,4771 50.4] 8,953 || Paulding. ......2. 324 |) 14,025 | 43.3. PRATT Y ope ak ote 524 18, 983 |. 36.2 | 0 185122) HPickbens 2 sot. 231 8,222 | 35.6. MEMOS Si 22. bce 362 3,313 9.2 3,909 }| /Pierce.. i Jo. Jus 517 ||.11,934 | 23.1, Effingham....... 448 9,985 | 22.3 9, O01 iii keeps 158 es 2b 307 || 21,212 | 69.1 Bert sca sec be 361 23,905 | 66.2 1° °24.125'||* Polio... Ab obs 317 20,357 | 64,2, Emanuel. ........ 889 || 25,862 | 29.1] 25,140 |) Pulaski.......... 258 {| 11,587 | 44.9 BYGMWS i cs sale o o's oie 287 6, 594°}. 23: 0") ces ee ibmam ds: ait es 861 15, 151 ay POMBIM os 4 2. 2c cso 401 12,103 | 30.2} 12,574 || Quitman......... 144 3,417 | 23. MSVOUCC sa was - cis ae 234 ||...11,396 | 48.7 | 10,966 || Rabun 1 877 |P*"8, 746 4) ¥5t2! PAO sd ot shan > »'o 504 502 || 39,841 | 79.4] 36,736 || Randolph ..-.... 412 || 16,721; 40.6 Forsythe, .¢ 5. 2. y= 247 || 11,755 | 47.6 | 11,940 || Richmond ...... 319 || 63,692 | 199.7 Franklin. :....... -279 || 19,957 | 71.5 | 17,894 1! Rockdale........ 119 || 9,521 | 80.0} PURO Ss 5 o5c8se 185 || 232,606 |1,257.3 | 177, 733 34. 0 Schley..........- 154 |] 5, 243 onl, COUNTIES. 27 TaBLE 9.—AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES: 1920 AND. 1910—Continued. POPULATION. POPULATION. Land Land areain 1920 areain 1920 COUNTY. square COUNTY. square ‘ iles: | MES, TS 1920, Per | 1910 1920. Po: | 1910 Total. | square Total. |square} mile. mile. | GrEORGIA—Con. ipaHo—Con. Serevens A Mi. "794 || 28,552.) 29.7.| 20,202 |) Franklin. .....5.¢ 556 87650 |. 15.6 1.2 Spalding .:......: ' 209 21,908 | 104.8) 19,741 |) Fremont:..2..2.. 1, 849 10, 380 5.6 | 24,606 Stephiens AFR 3.4 166 |} 11,215 | 67.6 O/728 |} Gemil --.h.2. 2 567 6,497.1. Wales Stewart....0....<| 2.411 || 912,089 | 20.4 | .13)437 || Gooding... 211777 74011 97,548. | 10.2 tore seat SULTITUCT bwin ta le'aha'e 456 29,640 | 65.0 29, 092 || Idaho... 3.22. - *. <2} 8,039 11, 749 1.4 | 12,384 Talbot. ....0...-. * 312 || 11,158 | 35.8 | 911,696 || Jefferson: 22.22. 1,094 || 79,441} 8.6 Joslizel. Taliaferro. .2....4 212 8,841 | 41.7 8) 766 || Jerome.... 22.2.2. 606 5,729 0.5) 4), Wee atimall, & 2 ok 466 14,562 | 31.1 18, 569 || Kootenai..2...2.) 1,253 17,878 | 14.3 |. 22,747 Taylor........... 340 || 11,473 | 33.7 | 10,839 || Latah. 2... 20.221. 1,071 || 18,092 | 16.9 | 18,818 Telfair. )..J2..... 373 || (15,201 | 41.0} 13,288 |} Lemhi. 22120222. 4,597 5,164.| 1.1 |..14,786 Perrel ss de.5. 1.4 322 || 19,601 | 60.91) 22,003 |! Lewis. ....22...24 470 6-840) |. 19.4 Wet THOMAS! it. si “| 5380 || 33,044 | 62.3°}. 29,071 || Lincoln, 2.2... ... 1,188 || 3,446 | 29] 12,676 Tifts. csveewevee| 243 || 14,493 | 59.6] 11,487 || Madison... 2.1.2.) 481 9.167.| 19.2412 e At Toombs!$ 2 5+... ima 393 13,897 | 35.4 11,206 |} Minidoka... 2... 706-1 Pew, Odor |! 12-0) ogo TOWDS S208 2k 181 3,937 | 21.8 3/932 |, Nez Perce. a... . 851 || 15,253.) 17.9 | 24,860 Treutlen......... 137 7,664 | 55.9-}.c230s ) Oneida. £08 ...4 1,209 6,723 5.6-| 15,170 ‘REO P<. 22 2 Shi4 485 36,097 | 83.0] 26,228 || Owyhee... 22.2.2: 7, 956 4,694 0.6 4,044 Purner-..\.ts~.)5 231 12,466 | 54.0 10,075. || Payette: Ae... 414 Ups Ne by Al bah Oe Twiggs..... geeepatvc Sit }} 640,407 |. 33.1). nk0;786 || Power oy... .2 1,391 |) 5,105 27 Wika ae BHO ony hei sned 824 6,455 | 19.9 6,918 || Shoshone... 2.2... 2,597 || 14,250 5.5 |. 18,963 E86 ws Fhe. 317 14,786 | 46.6.) 12,757 || Teton...........4 463 3,921 8 Sgro MINCE, eas ewkd 432 23,370 | 54.1] 18,6092 || Twin Falls. 2.22.2 1,957 28,398 | 14.5 | 13,543 Walton.......... 331 || 24,216 | 73.2 | 25,303 || Valleys... ..2.... 3,779 2, Bak), OKToins ie WRATOS .4fGb es ¢ V1 28,361 | 36.8 | 22,957 || Washington...... 1,479 9,424 6.4} 11,101 Watren....4 62... 404 || 11,828 | 29.3) 11,860 Washington...... 669 || 28,147 | 42.1 | 28,174 . | | Wayne. ...s2... 788 || 14,381 | 18.3 | 13,009 |) Tanmors......../56,043 | 6,485,280 | 115.7 5,638,501 Webster. ..... a Pt | 302 5, 342 Dea 6, idL = -—_ $_————S=_ SS Wheeler..........) 264 9,817°) 37.2. jredivas AGAMSS) 35. ot 842 || 62,188.| 73.9 | 64,588 Witte: 1.6. 0b-.44 245 6,105 | 24.9 5, 110 || eenendee Pe gle a Be 226 || rogers wee bar ea BONE: 5 388 || 16,045 | 41. 07 Whitfield...2....|. 283 || 16,397 | 59.7 | 15,934 Baong:i 0 id - 2 293 || 15,322 | 52.3.) 15,481 Wiltox Bree 408 || 15,511 | 38.5. [18,486 || Brown........22. 907 || 9,386 | 31.4 | 10,397 4 | 42,648 | 48.4 | 43,975 » 8,245 | 32.2 | 8,610 | 19,345 | 42.7 | 18,035 | 17,896 | 48.2 | 17,372 | 56, 959_}.. 54.6.) 51,829 Ada... eS 1,154 35, 213 | 30.5 | 29,088 ! eee suan EL eR Ue 700 38,458 | 54,9.) 34,594 Weeenss 5.5.3...) 4 1, 366 $068 Fo 9.9 | sasurd Garter. {joc.-.24 493 |; 21,165! 42.9 | 23.517 Bannock........- 1,837 || 27,582| 15.0] 19,242 || Clay........2. _..| 462 || 17,684 | 38.3 | 18,661 Bear Lake. ...... 980 8, 783 9.0 q,422 || Clinton ..s .2....¢ 483 || 22,947 | 47.5 | 22,832 Benewah......... > 786 6, 997 8:9 [Sek i Cotege se: avec: .'d 525 || 35,108 | 66.9 | 34,517 Bingham.. weavehd 2,184 |} 18,310 | 8.4 | 23,306 |} Cook........2.- . «| 983 | 3,053,017 |3,272.3 |2,405,233 Blaine. ..,....-.. 9797 || 4,473 | 71.6}, 8,887 || Crawford......... 453 || 22,771 | 50.3.| 26,281 ae © r 1, 822 1.0 5,250 || Cumberland..... 353 || 12,858} 36.4 | 14,281 Bonner .......... 1,748 || 12,957 | 7.4 |,..18, 588 || De-Kalb...2..... 638 || 31,339 | 49.1] 33,457 Bonneville....... na HOS Ih 17, 500-|° 0.2 toch wae Dey Witt! occ. ia 415 || 19,252 | 46.4! 18,906 Boundary........ 1,276 4,474 ie Ye Douglas. ...2..... 417 || 19,604 | 47.0} 19,591 Uo .-| 2, 048 2, TAM aa fe Dp Page.3 02.24. 345 42,120 | 122.1 }. 33,4382 Se a 6 7 as 8 ci BS peel Pe gt eke 621 || 25,769 | 41.5 | 27,336 | Canyon .)....5...1< 592 26,932 | 45.5 | 25,323 Edwards. .......- 238 9,431 | 39.6 | 10,049 Caribou... eae @ 1, 263 2,191 ae |. alae Effingham....... 511 19,556 | 38.3 | 20,055 ‘ co peat at 2,505 || “15,659 | 6.0) 7,197 || Fayotte.......... 729 || 26,197 | 35.9.| 28,075 | Clark... -..--++- L 778 1, 886 1 Lei S| cs RR 500 || 16,466 | 32.9 |. 17,096 “Clearwater. ..... 12 508 4,993 7 Mis Wao“ a ey Batik ce. a 445 57, 293 | 128.7 | 25,943 ; Ce’ Sn ae 4,921 3, 550 0.7 3,001 |} Palten...3..2-.2'4 884 48,163 | 54.5 |. 49,549 i Himore.. <9... 1, “ 808 5, 087 1.8 4,785 |} Gallatin....2..... 339 |. 12’ 856 | 38.0.) 14,628 . -1 Total land area includes part of Yellowstone National Park (36 square miles); total population of park Returned as in a Wyoming. 28 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 9.-AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. Land areain COUNTY. square miles 1920. ILLINots—Con. Greene... 28708 2. <0 515 APY ee aks RN 433 Hamilton. ......°% 455 Hanecock...u....: 780 Prardime fi 38 185 Henderson... ..... 376 Henry gees 8 824 Troquoiss 63a) 2. 8 1, 121 Feekson. ot. oe 588 Jasper es 508 Jefrerson kh 2k 603 TORS@Y.. 2. SP CAA 367 Jo Daviess... 22. 623 Johnson. 1823 348 ASaNOe Ss Sey Oe 527 Kankakee... 2.2.2 668 Hendall. A fio. fo3 324 109 6V ap OHae ee eee a 711 La Salle. i... 28 1s 146 Piaker ow Sit A55 Lawrence: 2... -: 358 a eae ge ee 742 Livingston... 1, 043 Tosa ROA Ot 3 617 MeDonough...... 588 MeHenry..-....- 620 Meheam, ox 2 1, 191 Malone ae 585 Macoupin........ 860 Madison. i 2.0.4 737 Marion: 3; 8222. 569 Marshall. 0.2. 396 AY Fle) eat ae el 555 Massae 3 Sah SS 240 Ménard 20) 255 317 Mercer. Psi ee. 540 Monroe 22 3.8 389 Montgomery ..... 689 Morgan 2095 3 576 Motiltrie. © 0 238 6 1 EAE em 756 Peon ot 28 oes 636 ig fe Se 45) Paar ee ee ke geal Bike eee Os 786 Popes... 1 fe. 385 Pulaski. 2 ie. 43 190 Pitta en 173 Randolph. ....... 587 Richland... 2.2.2... 357 Rock Island... 2. 424 SesCabir 2 8G hE 663 ST a (ollie: Galo 399 Sangamon... .....] ' 876 Schuyler.) ......: 432 SEGUE. 26 Pek 249 Shelby. s.icie... 7712 UATE Wo a omioke 290 Stephenson......| 559 Tazewell..... Cede tit OSE POPULATION. 1920 ¢ Per 1910 Total. | square mile 22,883 | 44.4 | 22,365 18,580} 42.9 | 24,162 15,920 | 35.0} 18,227 98,523 | 36.6 | 39,638 7,633 | 40.7. | 7,085 9,770 | 26.0] 9,724 45,162 | 54.8 | 41,736 34,841 | 31.15}. 35,548 37,091 | 63.1 | .85,143 16,064 | 31.6} 18,157 28,480 | 47.2} 29,111 12,682 | 34.6 |» 13,954 21,917 | . 35. 2.)) 22, 657 12,022 | 34.5) 14,331 99,499 | 188.8}: 01,862 44,940 | 67.3. |. 40,752 10,074 | 31.1 | 910,777 46, 727.|.. 65.7. | © 46,189 92,995.| 81.1.) 99,132 74,285 | 163.3.} 55,058 21,380.|.. 59.7} |. 22)662 98,004 |. 37.7 | 27,750 39, 07 37.5.| 40,463 29,562 |. 47.9:) 80, 216 97,074 | 46.0 | 26, 887 33,164 | 53.5 | 32,509 70,107 |. 58.9 | 68,008 65,175 | 111.4 | 54,186 57,274 66.6 | 50,685 106, 895 | 225.0} 89, 847 37,497 | 65.9-| 35;094 14,760 |..37.3 | - ‘15,679 16,634 | 30.0] 17,37 13, 559 | 56.5 | 14,200 11,694 | 36.9 | 12,796 18,800 |. 34.8-| 19,723 12,839 |. 33.0 | 13,508 41,403 | 60.1| 35,311 33, 567 |. 58.3 | * 34, 420 14,839 | 43.9 | 14,630 26, 830 |. 35.5) 27, 864 111,710 | 175.6. | 100, 255 22,901 | 50.8] 22,088 15,714 |. 34.8-| - 16,376 26, 866 |. 34. 2-| 28, 622 9,625 | .25-0} 11,215 14,629 |..77.0 | 15, 650 7,579 | 43.81] 7,561 29,109 |. 49.6-} 99, 120 14,044 |. 39-31 195, 970 92, 297 |.217.7-1 "70, 404 136, 520 | 205.-9 | 119, 870 38,353 | 96.1] 30,204 100, 262 | 114.5-} 91, 024 13, 285 |..30.8 | - 14,852 9,489 | 38.1] 10,067 29,601 | 38.3-| 31, 693 9,693 | 33.4] 10,098 37,743 | 67.5 | 36,821 38,540] 59.61 34,027 COUNTY. 1910 TLLINoIs—Con. Bion. 4 Vis eek 50. 2. | 121, 856 Vermilion. . 2... & 93. 6 996 Wabash. ...3.-.: 63.8 | 14,918 Warren A 22.2.8 . . 89. 4.| 23, 318 : antes TOP RSES Washington 32.1} 18,759 BYMO Ses. be 31.1}. 25,1 Whites -s.tke bd 39.6 | 23,052 Whiteside... 2: 53.3 7 Wilby. 2 Giese -110. 1. 5 371 Williamson. -.... 36.1 | 45,098 Winnebago.....- 71.9 | . 63,153 Woodford. «.....- 36. 6. | 20,506 INDIANA... 700,876 Adants-./.2.22..23 21, 840 liom? . 0s. ikS 93,386 Bartholomew. -.: 24, 813 Béhton. £23.21 12, 688 Blackford’ “1... 15,820 Boone vi Gs8h.aes 24, 673 Brown .J.L.tb..b4 7,975 Garros. 3.872 2h3 17,970 , Wes 82 ce Bek 36, 368 Clack! / 6.882. 30, 260 @tayes «hus Kets 32) 635 fintén -/: 442.242 pred Crawford... si... 12, 0 Daviess.2 2.2 27, 747 De Kail. gn ..2! 25, 054 Dearborn .-.....- 21,396 Deesturs 2222.52 18, 793 Delaware. ..-.-.. 6, ¢ 51, 414 Dabeis.| iit. ..5 46.6 | 19, 843 Elkhart. ........: ' RAYOULO 1.025054 14,415 Piya sess 30, 293 Fountains 2st 20, Re Franklin......... 15; 335 Fultonct 545-244 16, 879 Gibson 1-5-8. ..53 30,137 Gratiot Uiare 2 55 oor Greene. 729. St be 36, 873 Hamilton sss. ..4 2 2 oe Haneock.-.:.--.- 19, 08 Harrison. =... 22: |, 20, 232 Hendricks... .-... a 20, 840 BADR ach cc mine ot - : 29, 758 Howard, -... +... 148.0} 33,1] Huntington.....- =O | - 28, 982 Jackson.!. 2202... - 468°} 24,727 Jaspers} “Fis ui2 24.8 | 18,044 EBY naegisb aera 62.2) 24,961 Jeiferson.-....... “56. 20, 483 Jennings. te... 9. BATT 14, 208, JORNSON sh... 2. "64. 394 ke ee A eee 90. , 183 Koseiusko.,.--.- » 50.1 | - 27,986 La Porte......-.- 84.8.) 5 45,797) Lagrange.......- 36. 15, 148 i. re “Secale cet ———-. ee _ COUNTIES. | 29 TABLE, 9.—AREA AND. POPULATION OF COUNTIES; 1920 AND 19i10—Continued. areain COUNTY. square miles: 1920.) INDIANA-—-Con. A toon hsb ain ph 492 Lawrence: - 2... 2: 456 Madison ?.!.... 2 450 Marion: 22.2.0 Fe 397 ‘Marshall a Nee abae 441 TES oy CREE een Ae 339 Miami 6.254.225 2 bh)" 1381 Monroe. Foys. oop 416 »Montgomery.....1; -501 ‘Morgan. .....:.. »{> §.406 Newton. ........- 405 NGC. deca, ccce nel, 417 RPOG doo ew cc eel. 85 21g Sir -| 407 Owen. ....-..---- 393 sighs 6 5S BR pe i 447 Perry goose <2 384 LG ee ea 338 Ligh ty ae Oe eee 415 Posey -<.0.54..45 402 Pilaskis Yi83,. e525 432 PUL AM arise. 483 Randolph. ......- 447 PINOY art Shao sts 448 HS eee 409 St. Joseph: ...... 460 MCOUC acto soe S ee 190 BQORDY cnc aac od 'sy 407 Spencer, vc... heels) R08 Starke..... ener 305 Steuben. . 22.2... 305 StHltvanwsosd.3 460 Switzerland...... 222 pee oe a dak 503 AADOUHL. kbeSis cess 260 Pint.) soe ys Ss. 162 Vanderburg.....-- 233 Vermilion........ 254 si) ee pe oe eed 409 Wanashis-ss..d. AN, aod AVATTeM oe oe ke th... 368 Warrick. 22 ta2-% 392 » Washington.....} 519 Wayne siosdas 411 yee Ea 365 WED Seite des 507 Whitley. 202s e50% 338 TOWASS os See de -|55, 586 Adair. eer ere wee ene 573 Mddms. 2552225." 427 quauakee ere Ft 639 AnUabon. rte» 613 au NOLS ees of | 443 chee cthay 712 Black I Hawk. es 565 BO kg 569 Bremer... -- ORES ey oe - Buchanan-...... 567 a vr tid & ee Land || POPULATION. 1920 Per 1910 Total sae 159, 957 82, 864 | 28, 228 30, 625 | 69, 151 65, 224 348, 061 263, 661 23, 744 24,175 11, 865 12, 950 28, 668 | 29, 350 24, 519 233-426 || 28, 490 29,296 | . 20, 010 2,182 | 10, 144 ~ 40, 504 22, 470 24, 009 “4,024 |- 4,329 16, 974 17, 192 12, 760 14, 053 18, 875 22,214 16, 692 18, 078 18, 684 19, 684 20, 256 20, 540 “9, 334 21; 670 12, 385 13, 312 19, 880 20, 520 26, 484 29, 013 18, 694 19, 452 19,241 19, 349 103, 304 84, 312 7, 424 8, 323 25, 982 26, 802 18, 400 20, 676 10, 278 10, 567 18, 360 14,274 31, 630 32, 439 9,311 9,914 42, 813 40, 063 16, 152 17, 459 6, 021 A 6, 260 92, 293 ; 77, 438 27,625 : 18, 865 100, 212} 245.0 | 87,930 27, 231 26, 926 9, 699 10, 899 19, 862 91, 911 16, 645 17,445 48, 136 43,757 20, 509 22,418 17, 351 17,602 | 15, 660 16, 892 2,404,021} 43.2 12,224,771 14,259 14, 420 10, 521 10, 998 17,285 17, 328 30, 535 28, 701 12, 520 12, 671 24, 080 23, 156 56, 570 44, 865 29, 892 27,626 16, 728 15, 843 19, 890 19,748 COUNTY. Iowa—Con. | Codangy | SERUM. Pec. ode Delaware... 2... 2. Des Moines... .. Dickinson Monona, oe PUOTIOG we os ake wee buen PONHSOM. as. 252s Montgomery. .-.. a ox oo bo POPULATION. 1920 | Per | 1910 Total. | square mile. 18,556 | 32.5] 15,981 17,845 | 30.9 17,119 17,783 | -31.3 | 17,090 21,5491 37.7] 20, 117 19,4211 34:4] 19,047 17,560| 30.8] 17,765 34,675 | 61.2 | 25, 011 17,760 | 31.0] 16,741 15, 4381 | 31.0 | 15, 375 10,506 | 24.5 | 10,736 15,660} 27.8| 12,766 25, 082 | 32:9 | 25, 576 43,371 | 62.8} 45,394 20,614 | 28.8} 20, O41 25,120| 42.6} 23, 628 12,574 | 25.1] 13,315 16, 566 | 31.1] .16, 347 13, 183 | 31:8] 17,888 35,520) 86.81.36, 145 10, 241 | 27.2]. 8 137 58,262} 96.9} 57,450 12, 627 |° 32.1). 9816 29,251.) 40.4] 27, 919 18, 860 | 38.1] 17,119 15, 807 | 27.3.|, 14,780 15,447 | 30.54 15,623 16, 467 | 28.7] 18, 0:3 14,420] 23.8! 13,574 17,596 | 29.6 |, 17,374 19,531 |° 34.31 19, 242 14,723 | 25.8 1°12; 731 23, 337.| 41.0} 20,921 194, 488. | 35.4). 28162 18, 298. |. .42.9'|" 13, 640 13, 705,|. 29.3 | 12,920 12, 951 |. 30.0) 12, 182 11,689 | 27.2] 11, 296 18, 600 | 31.9 }° 18, 469 19, 931.| 31.5 |. 21, 258 27, 855 en hie 16, 440.| 3&1) 25, 951 26, 462 43.4 | 25, 914 18, 607.| 32.7) 19,050 20,983 |. 36.3 | 21, 160 25, 0S2.|. 25.84 21,971 39,676 |. 77.6'|. 36, 702 74, 004 | 104.4 | 60,720 12,179.| 30.8 |. 12, 855 15, 686.| 36.3} 13) 462 15,431.| 26.5 | 14, 624 15,020 |. 26.7 | 15,621 26,270 | 46.3 | 29,860 24,957 | 44.3 |}* 22, 995 32,630 | 57.0} 30,279 15, 422.| 35.2) 15,811 13,921 | 30.1] 13, 435 17,125 | 25.0] 16, 633 23, 467 | 543] 25,429 17,048 |. 40.2 | 16, 604 29,042 67.2} 29,505 30 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-——POPULATION,. TABLE 9.—AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. ! POPULATION. POPULATION, Land Land =| a area in 1920 .. areain. 1920 COUNTY. square COUNTY, square ; : Milestone faa. miles: 1920. | per | 1910 | 1920. Per | 1910 Total. | square! Total. |square mile. | ile, TowAa—Con. Kansas—Con. is ay a 569 ||. 19,051 | 33.5 | 17,262 || Geary.i........52 390 || 13,452 | 34.5 |” 12,681 Osceola. ........- 395 || 10,223 | 25.9] . 8 956 || Gove.....2.....4. 1,080.]| 4,748 | 4.4 |. 6,044 ey MRE ee 531 || 24137]° 45.5 | 24,002'|| Graham.......... 897 ||. 7,624 1.8.5 |... & 700 Palo. Alto. 5... ), 561 || 15,486 | 27.61 13,845 || Grant............ 578 || 1,087 | 1,9 | 1,087 Plymouth........ 856 || 23,584 | 27.6 | 93,129 || Gray...........4. 857 ||. 4,207 W857), 3121 | ; | ¥ Pocahontas... ....|, 576 15, 602 | 2751.) . 14, 808 oh) ata ates 582 || 154, 029 | 264.7.| 110, 438 || Greeley.--------- iicee lotta eee eee Pottawattamie...| 942 || 61,550} 65.3 | 55, 882 || Hamilton......../ ’984 || 25861. 2.6 ” 260 Poweshiek. ...... 580 19,910} 34.3} 19,589 Harper........... 799 13. 656 17. 1 14, 748 Ringgold......... 540 || 12°919 | 23.9} 12.904 Harvey: > apeapsein 9 540. || 20-744 | 3841 19°00 a : Mt: ? e ? Sige ee ae ee! 574 |! 17,5001 “80.5 | 16, 555 Tata Baotte eee seus. 449 || 73,952 | 164.7] 60,000 || Haskell. .-..-2... 577 1,455 | 2.5 $93 Bhelby so este. 589 || 16,065] 27.3) 16,552 || Hodgeman....... 858 3,784 | 4.4) 2,930 BAK oe oe 760 ||. 26,458 | 34:8 | 25, 248 || Jackson.....2..2, 675 ||. 15,495 | 23.0} 16, 861 Btoryes er, ees 567 {| 26,185 | 46.2] 24, 083 ig waren hed oa i ies . aa ne on : OW) toes ooo ak A 8, 14 Marna. 0. 720 || 21,861 | 30.4} 22, 156 a pa : POR LE oe co 534 || 15,514] 29.1] 16,312 Gaon hoo 6.2 427 || 17,268 {40.4.1 16 616 | yonmsOdet +--+ 2- allt aint eae ae: Van Buren....... 477 || 14,060 | 29.5} 15,020 || Kingman... ..... 867 || 12,119 |..14.0| 13,386 Wapello.:..-..... 428 ||" 87, 987 }- 88.6 | 87,743 ll icigwa. || 7231) 6 aE me eae Wibue y e Pae ‘ , ‘ pane eee 570 || 18,017 | 31.7 |" 18,194 Labette.. 0... 643 || 34, 047.| 53.0 | 31,423 Washington...... 559 || 20,421 | 36.5 |. 19,925 WRBYNOS eo ge 524 || 15,378] 29,3} 16,184 || Lane...........2. 715 || 2,848 |° 4.0] 2,603 Webster. ........ 714 || 37,611 | 52.7] 34,629 || Leavenworth....! 440 || 38,402] 87.3| 41, 207 Winnebago.......| 399 || 13,489 | 33.8] 11,914 bo hg o> eaters 721 9,894 | 13.7] 10,142 ari. he Ce 613 || 13,815 | 22.5] 14,735 Winneshiek...... 685 || 22,091 | 32,2] 21,799 || Logan...-22222117 1,082 || 3,223] 3.0| 4,240 Woodbury.....-. 864\|| 92,171 | 106.7 | 67,616 i AW OPta fr Get 399'||, 11,630 | 29/1 | 9,950 || Tuyon.-.......2... 845 || 26,154 |" 31.0] 24,927 Wright. ......,..| 575 || 20,348] 35.4]. 17,951 || McPherson... _.. 900 |) 21,845 | 24.3 | 21, 52k Marion SROs 953 || 22,923 |” 24.1 |° 22, 415 KANSAS........| 81,774 |'1,769,257 | 21.6 [1,690,049 || pent one {Lata eee: bie Pepe: ngs mht | sh PRE ETP en RPO ee PI SID |S re he ae a ae Ua - . ‘4 a EVES Ug Se ages 508 || 23,509 | 46.3] 27,640 || wiami : Anderson........ 577 || 12, 986.|. 22.5 | 18;899 || Aramlas-s-+---+=- oe Ike ae | aa ea a Atchison eee ce 412 23, 411 56.8 | 28,107 || Mont ome: =i ae 644 49, 64. 7 ; td Barber........... 11344] 0,730 86) O91 T woe. } faa Oe Ee ae ee Prartoner sc cee. . 892 || 1:18, 422.| 20.7) 17) 876 Il Morton 22027 718 ‘ i ua 14307 | i Mi Eh S a a ae a'e 6 atm 7 i ’ Bourbon......... 656 || 23,198} 35.4] 24,007 || ne P Biden i fo s5 |. rl || 20,049 | 36.7 {ic at a14 || AemBBS .- .-<- += berg Ml Bet 2 BR Burs ooo... 4 1, 434 || 43, 842 |: 30.6 | 23,059 || Ness... 1.079 ; : pee bi) ae 769 7, 144 9.3 7,627 || Norton..........' |’ 876 wi? ee NY : Chautauqua. ....|' 652 |) 11,598). 17.8} 11,429 || Osage..022211277! 718 | ‘18621 |° 25.9 197908 ee icttin) | [ORC ON OnE tm pa.e aa 9 hd 7s Cherokee......... 605 || 33,609 | 55.6] 38,162 Cheyenne........ 1/008 ||, 587.| 5.54) -abaas |} erent 24 wa lcamtage | uae te Clark. 22.2252: 973 || 4,989 | 5.1} 4,093 || Pawnee.......1.” 742 | 9/323 | 12.6 HE Se Clay... 05.0048 638 |) 14,365) 22.5} 15,251 |) Phinips...27-77.7) ‘9g7 || 12505 | 4411-4 on Cloud............ 702 || 17,714). 25.2). 18,388 |! Pottawatomie...!| 829 || 16,154} 19.5 17 Goffey... ss... 644 | 14,254 | 29.1] 15,205 173 : Comanche........ 788 || 5,302 |. 6.7]. +3, 281 ears appa 1 He ree} ae ee Cowley........... 1,133 || 35,155 | 31.0}. 31,790 || Reno.......... i 44 493 | 35.8 re act Crawiord......... 605 || 61,800 | 102.1 | 51,178 || Republic...” "704 || 15 85 i i Decatur..2.0222) 801 |} 8,121) 91x 8976 | Reel 7o7 || 128321 201 42106 Ait 9 we seme mas 2 a Dickinson.......: 838 25,777 |. 30.8 |. 24, 361 i Doniphan........ 378 || 13,438 | 35.6| 14,422 ane ies 2 be rs pi ang ieee Douglas.......... 469 || 23,998. 51.2) 28724 ll Bush. Ute 719 || °° 880 f° 4L 67 ee Edwards......... 611 |} 7,057 | 11.5| 7,033 || Russeli.......--..| 308 {| 10°748| 120| 16,800 ste ceeeeeeeeee 652 9,034 | 13.9} 10,128 || Saline...202272227} 720 || 251031 34, 4 ie Bc ee ee eee een e 3 fa SBS ue. oT 901 |} 14,188} 15.7 | 42,170 Ellsworth. ....... 724 || 10,379| 14.:3:| 10,444 Scaearick es a ue ee nd < nae Finney.,-........ hake Hae oe ee T0008 [Sewer 2.425. o TVS aa Mayas eg $001 ROP «weer ena ee , , ; , 393 || Shawnee.........| 544 || 69,159 | 127.1| 61,874 Pranklin.........| 585] 21,946] 37.5] 20,884 || Sheridan.........! 806 || 6484! 611 8651 COUNTIES. 381 TABLE 9.—_AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. COUNTY.’ Praevo.. ALS. ea Adair..... ree pe les Anderson...... 4 » Campbell, .2... 4: Garlisle:.o.c...b <4 i ee es Payette... si3..., Sf CI oe 3 Be = oe | e ~~ s 2 : ae i ES a a eenup......... psi Raps Fleming...+...-. POPULATION. 1920 Per 1910 Total. |square 5, 592 53 4, 549 14,985 | 16.9 |. 15, 365 11, 559 | . 14..5).0'12; 510 "908 4 A 1, 034 3, 943 5.4 2, 453 29,213 | 24.8] 30,654 5, 617 5.2 5, 455 5,880; .. 6.5 5, 398 11, 424 | 14.4] 12,721 2, 424 2.6 2, 759 17, 984.|. 19.9} 20,229 1, 856 2.6 2, 006 21,157 | 36.4) 19, 810 8,984 | 17.9 9, 450 122, 218 | 854.7 | 100, 068 2,416,630 | 60.1 (2,289 905 17,289 | 43.2). 16, 503 16, 761 42.5 | 14, 882 9,982] 49.7 |. 10, 146 12,045 | 47.8} 12,690 25, 356 | 52.3 | 25, 293 11,996 | 44.4 | . 13, 988 33,988 | 88.5 | 28, 447 9,572 | 38.1 9, 420 18,418 | 60.6} 17,462 29, 281 | 184.2 | 23,444 14,998 | 80.6} 14,668 10,210 | 50.0; 10,308 20,614} 42.7.| 17,640 19,652; 34.6 |. 21,034 9,323] 30.3 9, 487 15,197 | 36.4] 15, 805 13,975 | 43.4]. 14, 063 20, 802 | 50.5 | 19, 867 61, 868 | 426.7 | 59, 369 8, 231 | 41.6 9, 048 8,346 | 63.2 8, 110 22,474 | 54.4). 21, 966 17,213 | 45.4] 15,479 35, 883 | 49.5 |. 88, 845 17,901 | 67.6 | 17, 987 19,795 | 41.4], 17,789 8, 589 | 36.9 8, 153 13, 125 | 33.6) 13, 296 10,648 | 27.5{ 9,846 40,733 | 85.2} 41,020 10, 894 | 35.4] 10, 469 8, 887 | 33.8 9, 814 15, 569 | . 61..3.| » 12,273 54, 664 | 203.2.) 47, 715 15,614 | 48.0) 16, 066 27,427 | 68.7 | 18,623 19,357 | 97.3}, 21,135 15,197 | 78.7] 14,114 4,664 | 42.8 4, 697 12, 503 | 52.8} 11,804 10, 435 | 39.5) 10,581 32,483 | 59.0} 38, 539 19,927 | 40.1] 19,958 11,391 | 40.8 | 11,871 20,062! 680' 18,475 Land areain COUNTY. square miles: 1920. JCENTUCK Y—Con. Hancock...) 20s. 193 Prardiny, Se". fk 606 Wiarlan! sie. Jove 478 Warrisor. -.. . 22% 311 Fath. Bock ace 430 Henderson....... 435 EOBIY 3 yeh ot: 52 303 Biekman 32. 4.92 $225 tHopkinse 224). |. 92 546 VOCKEON -4-yth <2 333 Jefferson’: 322.5. 2. 387 Jessamine........ 172 FOUMSOR.2 ot. Se 268 MOL LON 8 eo 8 163 A 0 Paaee g g p 348 ROTO 58 13! a 2 LG 356 RATIO blak oils resa ars 288 Heurebki sn 24 HLS 447 Lawrence.:...... 422 RON co 2820S. eed 199 Wesie 22. 02s. tke 373 Mevchek.. 223 sh. 355 THAWIS soak oc tte 491 TeCOLIE. 202 ot 338 Livingston... .. 392 aang Saale pas 8 BY 643 Be aang oe 8 eS 277 MoeCracken Se SE 229 McCreary -2.....- 408 NICER Soe ol. an 253 Madtsomlis: o. 24 » 446 Magoffin: o 30.4... 302 MMariON 2) Po oe 345 Marshall. c2:.. 327 Martin eee ot oS 227 MESO SES coos. to 227 Meade aos. + . 301 Meme. ooo oe 203 BIE og a ce tS 253 VIG ECAMA ES os. 5 303 WLONTOG : ss eewiede s 441 Montgomery....- 198 Wrorgarr ® Sek Ne 365 Muhlenberg...... 472 WWOEISON Eo. tas 41 Aree poh a in Nps 208 dass MENSA Gate 584 Oldham Byes: Bei 180 Las Rot eas Sec LR By 367 CIWEIOY sic age coe 216 Pendieton-......- 279 ae ay Oa Sh 335 or day Be AE Si 779 Pawel} ee ge 181 PASE, i ce aoe 628 Robertson ....... 109 Rockcastle.....2:| 310 Hower h. 2.3.22 272 PUUISSB lice ec aap sie 329 BCobti iiss decease 289 —w POPULATION. 1920 Dar 199 Total. |square mile. 6,945 | 36.0 8, 512 24,287 | 40.1] 22,696 31,546 | 66.0] 10,566 15, 798 | 50.8 | 16, 873 18,544] 43.1] 18,173 27,609 | 63.5} 29,352 13,411 | 44.3 13,716 10,244] 45.5] 11,750 34,133] 62.5} 34, 291 11, 6&7 |, 35.1} 10, 734 285, 369 | 740.0 | 252, 920 12,205 71.0] 12,613 19,622 73.2) 17,482 73, 453 | 450.6.| 70, 355 11,655 | 33.5 | 10, 791 24,172 | ' 67.9}. 22,116 10,004] 34.7] 10,701 19,814] 44.3} 19,872 17,643 | 41.8] 20,067 11,918 | 59.9 9, 531 10,097.) 27.1 8, 976 24,467 | 68.9] 10,623 15,829 | 32.2 | 16,887 16,481 | 48:8} 17,897 9,732 | 24.8) 10,627 23,633 |° 36.8} 24,977 8,795 | 31.8 9, 423 37,246 | 155.8 | 35,064 LE, 676) 1 <2: Sul oecaaes 12,502 | 49.4] 13,241 26,284 | 58.9] 26,951 13,859 | 45.9] 18,654 15,527 | 45.0} 16,330 TS, PID CE ath sal, LOL 7,654 | 33.7 7,291 a 17,760 | 78.2 |. 18,611 9,442] 31.4 9, 783 5,779" | 28.5 6,153 14,795 | 58.5) 14,063 10,075 | 33.3] 10,453 14,214 | 32.2] 13,663 12,245 | 61.8] 12,868 16,518 | .45.3 | 16,259 33,353 | 70.7 |, 28,598 16,137} 39.3 | 16,830 9,894 | 47.6; 10,60! » 26,473 | 45.3] 27,642 7,689 | 42.7 7, 248 12,554 | 34.2]. 14, 248 7,820} 36.2 7,979 11,719 | 42.0 | 11,985 26,042 | 77.7) 11,255 49,477 | 63.5} 31,679 6,745 | 37.3 6, 268 34,010 | 54.2 | 35,986 3,871 | 35.5 4,121 15,406 | 49.7} 14,473 9,467 | 34.8 9, 438 11,854 | 36.0] 10,861 15,318 | 563.0! 16,056 4 o2 ABSTRACT OF THE GENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 9.—AREA. AND POPULATION OF. COUNTIES:,1920 AND 1910—Continued. POPULATION. POPULATION. Land areain 1920 COUNTY. ste COUNTY. miles: || 7 1920. Per 1910 1910 Total. |square mile KENTUCK Y— TOUT an Con. son. a esaH Shel Ys wi dc ea 2 427'|| 18,532 |. 43.4 | 18,041 || Red‘Rivers:..... | 38.3 | 12,402 PAT PSOMs 2% ip: 216.|} 11,150 | 51.6} 11,460 || Richland... ..... 36. 9° 15, 769 Ppencel ~. «0% --'- 186 7,785 | 41.9 4,907, |} Cabinet 3. 2. J 20 20.3 | 19,874 Taylors Suse. Ue sb 279 12,286 | 43.9] 11,961 || St. Bernard ..-.2: 8.0 5, 277 ol W056 £6 AR Be ts fea 367 15,694 | 42.8] 16,488 || St. Charles ....... 29.1 1 207 Pring) eis): 428 |} 14,208 | 32.2}: 14,539 || St. Helena....-.. 2.1 | 9,172 Trimble.:........ 154 || 6,011 |--39.0 | © 6,512 || St James......0. | 83.6 28,009 rnran bass te 825 || 18,040 | 55.5 |’ 19,886 || St.John the Bap- | . aan Warren or. . 22: 530 30, 858 | 58.2 } 30,579 EES i Sees sch Oe 615 “14, 338 Washington...... 299 || 14,773 |. 49.4 | 18,940 || St. Landry....)..- 75.9 66, 661 Ww 47a||-10,08 | 93.9).1,018 || Sones AYBO! 7 wise's,-]e 5 2 7 3 IS cig Webster.......-..| 344 || 207762 { 60.4,| 20,974 || St. Mary....-..<. 48,7 | 39,368 Whitley <..05- ches 442 || 27,749] 62.8 |. 31,982 || St. Tammany. .. 22. 8:} 18,917 W Olfe 25-4 gad. sty 230 8,783 | 38.2]. 9,864 || Tangipahoa...... _ 39.8] 29,160 Woodiord.......- 195: |} 1, 784 | 60.4] 532,571 )1) Tensas.....-.- =a 19.1 | 17,060 Terrebonne... ... 15.3 28, 320 LOUISIANA! .../45, 409 |/1,798,509 |. . 39. 6 |1,656,388 Meee Lp aera Ae 21.4 | 20,451 rem cee rneceenl | oe men ee ye ermilion-....'.-- it Be Acadia. 2.32... 8. 647 ||. 34,820 |. .53.8-} "31/847 |} Vernon..-....... --15.0-} 17,384 Aen. Ste. bee 663 18, 382 4-- 27594 PITS. Washington... 2. * 36.9 18, reuse 480 yeah | 22, Ly gee ay atl ‘Webster 2-422 40:6" “19, , 186 .\ssumption...... 17,912 : 4,1 pallies co Avoyelles........ 847 || 35,300 | 41.7] 34,102 West Carrall..--+ 51.8 e pe est Carroll. ...- 24.2 24 Beauregard ...... PFET 2H vi20, 100, | chek a tlre eke West Feliciana. . 85.0 Sy 449 Bienville. 7... -- 848.1]. 20,977 | 24.7) 21,776 SOT ot nen «be 16.6 “18, 357 PAO OO sere fates eek Se 3, 200 : ; ye 4 Caleasiet....... 4. 1,086 |} 32,807 | 30.2 | 62,767 M Asan " RU es ete 25. 7-| 742,371 Caldwell .-....... 531 9,514 147.9 8, 593 = Cameron .-.....4. 1,501 3, 952 2.6 4,288 || Androscoggin -. -. {143.3 | 59, 822 Catahoula... ..... 718 || 11,074 | “15. 4°]. 10,415 || Aroostook... .. 2. “12.7'| 74) 664 Claiborne........ 778 27,885 | 35.8} 25,050 |} Cumberland 145.8 112? 014 Concordia........ 714 ||..12,466 | 17.5 |}. 14,278 || Franklin....-.... 11.1 |} 19,119 Hancock: ::>..) 19.9} 35,575 Pesinaice! 2 BU} GS] Bee | onesie 6 lin fast BatonRouge| . 4405 : East Carroll. ..... 420 ||. 11,231 | 26.7 | 11,637 || Knox...).....,.- 74.8} 28, 981 East Feliciama....|- 464 || 17,4871 37.7 | 20,055 } Lincoln. 222... 2. 35.0°} 18, 216 Evangeline.......|. 964 23, ABS ABA 4 hae ene CU STORG See Sie ce 19.0 36, 206 | ie ba Penobscot--....-. 26.9} 85,285 Franklin: ......2, 630 || 24,100] 38.3 | -.11,989 || Piscataquis...... 5.5 | 19, 887 i ae wens 683 || 14,403 | 21.1] 15,958 4 ADONIS. ii oge os <5 589 ||,-26,855 | 45.6}. 31,262 || Sagadahoc... .... 2 UOT: 574 Therville 2... .y... 584 |} 26,806} 45.9] 30,954 || Somerset../...... é 36, 301 SACKSON:. 2. +4. 4 => 578'|| 14,486 | 25.1 |..13,818 |} Waldo..,..,..... F 23, 383 bay inal : Washington...... 42 905 Jofterson Davisl "|" 970 || "as.o9o| ao (inten Pe ae re Bae La falle..........} 640 || 9,856 | 15.4 |" 9,402 Lafayette...../.. 279 30,841 | 110.5 | 28, 733 Lafourche. ....... 994 || 30,344 | 30.5 |, 83,111 ||. MARYLAND..... i ioedin | 5... de 472 || 16,962 | 35.9 | 18,485 igang 228 (ek Livingston....... 662 |) 11,643 | 17.6] 10,627 || Anne Arundel... Madison ......-.- 650 || 10,829 | 36.7 | 10,676 || Baltimore... ...|' Morehouse....... 831 |} 19,311] 23.2] 18,786 || Baltimorecity..-: Natchitoches. .... 1,289 |} 38,602 | 29.9 |, 36,455 Bl yert.\.. vec > sm Orleans, ....,-..% 178 || 387,219 |2,175.4 | 339,075 edie. § teens yen Ouachita-......., 642 |] 30,319 | 47.2 | 25,830 || Carroll....2...2.. Pep quemines ae 4,011 }| 10,194 | 10.1 | 12,524 || Cecil, ...-....... ‘ ointe Coupee..." 576 || 24,697 | 42.9°| “25,289 || Charles..¢.05....% PRADICOS: ois cls 1,370 || 59,444 43. 4, 44,545 || Dorchester ....... , | 1 Divisions of state designated as parishes, ha kes eee et els 15 =. ¥-21 ie 442 Howard J. 0g. . 22 250 ete) ese. 4d 282 Montgomery... - 521 Prince Georges...|.°. 482 Queen Annes. .../0° 365 St: Marys:)...5.. 5.1 371 Somerset. ..Js...- SB1L Masao 228 Soho. c . 268 Washington... ... 459 Wicomico:...../.| °° 371 Worcester...-....| | 495 MASSACHU- SUITS: L ... Barnstable....... 409 Berkshire........ 966 Bristol a2) AE: 3. 567 Dukes. 4 Fe... op) LOT PUSS Pook De Pee 497 Franklini.: if... 697 Hampden........ 636 Hampshire.......{ . 585 Middlesex... 2... 832 Nantucket. ...... ol Niopioliens 2. oui 406 Plymouth........ 675 Suite snes ss 5 pS Worcester... ..:..- FL, 556 MICHIGAN. ...... Ie, 4590 | PA TOSS eh 684 Algere® psa) Le 920 Alleganods! b.... 833 Alperiazct.l ese. h 584 Anita Fy hb 475 RATERS eo ak oe 374 Baregau.. 222s.) 917 Berrys ss. 556 Ba yree t F sees 443 Benieievas.e 22). -| 314 Berrienst. 25.03). 569 Branep sess. .t 497 Cathoun.: 27220. .4]) 693 Caasiere cs ot. 493 Charlevoix. Wem oy 4i4 Cheboygan... te chi S25 Chippewa. ....... 1,573 Clare. weve. « 682 Clinton ..4 bo25. 2 |: St Crawford 2 ee 575 Delta pa oy ees a 1,169 TiewNSON. .....-- 776 | WatGiw. sedhe «4 571 SOY Eee aes nd 485 ~ Genesee... .-.-.. 655 8; 039 ||3,852,356 | 26, 670 113,033 359, 005 4,372 482; 156 49, 361 300, 305 69,599 778, 352 2797 219,081 156, 968 835, 522 455, 135 3,668,412 5, 912 9,983 |- 37, 540 17, ‘869 11, 543 9, 460 7, 662 21,333 69, 548 6,947 62, 653 23, 997 125, 668 75.08°—23-—_3 65, 2 479, 2 |3,366,416 27, 542 436, 477 43,600 231, 369 63,327. 669, 915 2,962 187, 506 144, 337 731, 388 399, 657 63.8 {2,810,173 53, 622 25, 605 ; aie 2 | POPULATION. Land 1 een areain 1820 COUNTY. square S: a Total. | square mile. MicHicgAN—Con. Gladwin! 2.2... *, ABO: BRS 8,827 | 17.0 |. 8,413 G ogebic. wh Gob. 12 1,133 || 33,225.| 29.3 |. 23,333 Grand Traverse. 467 19,518 | 41.8 |... 23,784 GTS ib vedod. 4. 579 {| 33,914 | 53.6 | 28,820 Hilisdale. 5.22.5. 597 || 28,161} 47.2) 29,673 Houghton)... .... 1,019 71, 930°} 70. 6°] 88; 098 UG «5996 gg Mihi lage 854 32,786 | 38.4] 34,758 eres cy rae ON be 553 || 81,554 | 147.5 1» 53,310 TOMTARG uo 579 || 33,087 | 57.1 | 33,550 Ui ae re ce 570 8,199 | 14.4 9, 753 DEOM ye ot ae HU. 22,107 | 18.4] 15,164 Isabella st. 22 se. 22 22,610 | 39.51 23,029 JARRSON Lo Ha 9. 72,539 | 102.6 | 53,426 Kalamazoo....... 71,225 | 126.7 |, 60, 427 Kalkaska.... 2... 5,517 9.7 8,097 CTE Se A ICRA. B 183,041 | 212.8 | 159,145 ikeweenaw. 5-2. 6,322 | 11.4 7, 156 Peo. t RB a. 4,437 LF 4,939 Taaneer 02 es 2. 25,782 | 38..7 | 26,0383 Leelanat. 22... 4. 9,061 | 26.8} 10,608 Lenawee......... 47,767 | 64.3 | 47,907 Livingston..:.... 17,522 | 30.8] 17,736 oS) SN Ws Aa 6,149 | - 6.7 4,004 Maekinac 3.2... 8,026 lak 9,249 Macomb J......./. 38,103 | 80.7} 32,606 Manistee. -':. 2... - 20;899-| 387.2 | 26,688 Marquette.....-- 45,786} 24.5 | 46,739 SOIR Ald ge 19,831 | 40.1 | ‘21,832 Meeosta., £2.12... | 17,765) 31.1 | -19, 466 Menominee...... . 23,778 | 22.5] 25,648 Migland «. }253. |. 17,237 | 32.6. ‘14,005 Missaukee......-- ' 9,004) 15.5 |° 10,606 Monroe ..|."; 2.2... 37,115) 64.8} 32,917 Montcalm. :'....). 30,441 | 42.0} 32,069 Montmorency.... 4,089 7.3) 3,755 Muskegon......- =| 504 jf 62, 362 | 123.7 | 40,577 Newaygo......... 17,378 | 20.4 |- -19,220 Oaiciand J. 200... | 90,050 | 101.6 |° 49,576. Oeeanaer? 2222...) 15,601) 28.7) 18,379 Ogemaw j...--.-% 7,786 | 13.4 8,907 Ontonagon. --.... 12, 428 9.3 | ' 8,650 CJscegia -). 25. 5..4 _ 15,2214 26:4) 17,889 Oseoda:. i052. 5.<. 1, 783 3.1 2,027 CSB eMOo Tle Se 6,043 | 11.4 6, 552 Ottawa-.'..---.+6 47,660 | 84.4] 45,301 Presque Isle..._.. 125131: 1° 17:9} 11,249 Roscommon... .. 2,082 3.8 2, 274 Parma W. 5S oee Lk 100,286 | 121.1 | 89,290 Be Chair ces. st 58,009 | 81.7 | 52,341 St. Joseph......-. 26,818 | 53.3] 25,499 EA Tee aaa 31,237 | 32.0°} 33,930 Schoolcraft.....-.. 9,977 8.3} 8,68! Shiawassee....... 35,924 | 64.5 33° 246 PUSS Sere. ss 33,320 } ~ 40: 3°} 34, 913 Van Buren...-.., 617 || 30,715 | 49.8 | 33, 1&5 Washtenaw. ..... 704 || 49,520] 70.3 | 44,714 WAYIG, : i: 5-'snos 4 620 111,177,645 |1,899.4 | 533, 594 Wexford = pea’ ee 577 || 18,207 | 31.6} 20,769 ABSTRACT OF THE’ CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 9,—AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. POPULATION. Land areain 1920 COUNTY. ae miles: 1920. Per | 1910 Total. |square mile. MINNESOTA. .. ./80, 858 | 2,387,125 | 29. & |2,075,708 cy ee 1,830 || 15,043.|° 8.2 |: 10,371 ANOKAS . 8 So.) 459 15,626 ,-34.0 | 12,498 Becker. h8cdhs. $s 1,349 22,851 | 16.9) 18,840 Beltrami.......:- 3,822 || 27,079 |.. 71]. 19,337 Benton. 4, 6.2.27. 405 || 14,073 | 34.7} 11,615 Big Stone... «...--. 491 9,766 | 19.9 9,367 Blue, Earth......- 762 || 31,477 | 41.3} 29,337 BYOW#...-\.;-254-¢- 612 || 22,421 | 36.6 | 20,134 USTtOH 3. oo oz. od. 867 |} 19,391 | 22.4). 17,559 Garver: «ho. -%- 376 || 16,946} 45.1 | 17,455 BESS a re a 2,104 15,897 doth +, 04.1, 626 Chippewa.....-..- 591 || 15,720] 26.6 | 13, 458 Chisdgo .{ 33... 2. 427 14,445 | 33.8 | 13,537 8 RR oe aR 1,043 || 21,780} 20.9] 19,640 Clearwater... :...- 1,01 8, 569 8.4 6,870 Dooku ou Sh. 1,498 |i 1,841] 1.2] 1,336 Cottonwood..-... 640 14,570} 22.8 | 12,651 Crow Wing......-. 1,057 || 24,566} 23.2} 16,861 Dakotasc ti: 6s. 599 |} 28,967.) 48.4). 25,171 Thodset..6 fiat. 440 || 12,552 | 28.5] 12,094 Douglas.....-. 4: 648 ||) 19,039] 29.4] 17,669 Faribault ..2..... 719 || 20,998 | 29.2] 19,949 HMilimore 8: ed 868 |] 25,330 | 29.2 |, 25;680 Ereeborn. 3. 3... 735 |}: 24,692 | 33,6 | 22,282 Goodhue.......-. 767 || 30,799 | 40.2} 31,637 GRAD. cote. sss: ay 553 9,788 | 17.7 9,114 Hennepin -. 2: ~~. 565 || 415,419 | 735, 3 | 333, 480 Houston, 26: 23. 570 14,913 | 24.6 14,297 Hubbard... ....-. 958 || 10,136] 10.6] 9,831 ISRRUE S05 big ete 442 |) 13,278 | 30.0] 12,615 TESSPa. sts ss. < dave 2,730 || 23,876 8.7] 17,208 Ja@Kson . 2 i254. 702 15,955] 22.7 | 14,491 Ieanabec: ~. ..-. 534 9,086 | 17.0 6, 461 Kandiyohi. ._.... 801 || 22,0601 27.5] 18,969 Kittson: | 4.2, -.). 1,111 |} 10,638] 9.6] 9,669 Koochiching. ....| 3,141 |} 13,520 4.3 6, 431 Lae qui Parle. .-.,. 790 |} 15,5541 19.7 |,.15,435 Taakeos. Un fat. 2,099 8,251 3.9 8,011 Le Sueur, 2, ...4-- 466 || 17,870} 38.3] 18,609 Laneoln 1 x. ye...) 535 |} 11,268}; 21.1} .9,874 yo Nees Relea 2 708 ||, 18,837] 26.6] 15,722 Meleod. | ec... | 496 20,444 | 41.21. 18,691 Mahnomen...2...) 572 6,197 | 10.8 8, 249 Marshall......... 1,788 |} 19,443 | 10.9| 16,338 Martin . 2.21...) 719 |} 21,085 | 29.3 | 17,518 Meeker.....-....!. 621 |} 18,103} 29.2] 17,022 Mille Lacs...:..-.|, 583 || 14,180| 24.3] 10,705 Moerison }-.2..:.4 1,143 || 25,841} 22.6] 24,053 Mower. -/.5..2:-4 711 25,993.| 36.6] 22,640 Magrray... 3-565 <4 704 || 13,631 | 19.4) 41,755 Nicolet . 1.22. Lk 443 || 15,036] 33.9] 14,125 Nobles: - ..2-2.... 722 || 17,917} 24.8] 15,210 Norman, f 5.30. :t 860 || 14,880] 17.3} 13,446 Olmsted....- 52... 666 ||, 28,014] 42.1] 22,497 Otter, Dail: 2.) 4 2,039 50,818 | 24.9] 46,036 Pennington. ..... 607 || 12,091 | 19.9 9,376 Fines 5. ts. ox. st 1,413 ||, 21,117} 14.9] 15,878 Pipestone ........ 469. |} 12,050 | 25.7 9, 553 POUR sas <4-a- 9%. ~} 1,979 37,090 | 18.7} 36,001 POPs seve t caves sat 693 || 13,631 | 19.7] 12,746 COUNTY. MInNNESOTA—Con., Ramsey..s.i3.... Red, Uake} 200... Redwood... .).... Réenwvillel.244%.4 3 Rageesit...). bidak oe Waseca). i fies. Washington... .. \. Watonwan.w.2... Yeliow Medicine . MISSISSIPPI 1... Carroll eee eee ele Covington........ De Soto tt te teen ee ed Holmes a Itawamba POPULATION. 244, 554 7, 268 22,183 21, 369 18, 960 24,831 | 9,851 57,669 | 16, 823 20, 324 | 22,212 12,491 13,019 17, 927 17, 490 41, 511 28, 672 14, 869 24) 359 21, 23 14,15 5, 564 ~ 10, 430 | 13,607 1,519.0 | 223, 675 16.8 |. |°6, 564 23.7 | 18, 425 24.2 | 23,123 57.2 | 25,911 22.3)|" 10,222 8.0} 11,333 31.7'| 163,274 38.9} 14,888 21.5 | 8,136 26.7| 15,540 40.9 |..47,733 41.9} 16,146 17.3 |» 8,298 20.4 | 12,949 27.2 | 23) 407 14.0} 8,049 33.1] 18,554 19.9 | 8,652 32.8]. 13, 466 59.9 | 26,013 28.7 |..11,382 13.7. |» 9,063 52.8} 33,398 41.5 | 28,082 22,1 |. 15, 406 Se eee Se * WH wR wna wey grer Se FSSFS SSBSS SE mow Wal Scr OWre eb at COUNTIES. 30 TABLE 9.—AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. COUNTY. _ Jeflerson Lamar ee eee ee ry er Montgomery Neshoba sete ee eee Panola cere eet tone wt tle eee es ee eT Tishomingo we meee coe Warren s 5. 24. . Wa ae Wilkinson -: Winston Reekc: tata) corer erste es eenne el Tunica. {..<...4 ea ney POPULATION. 1920 Vee 1910 Total. |square tile. 7 » 18,508 | 27.7 |. 18,498 15,946 | 31.5] 418,221 12,755 | 31.6) 12,860 32,919 | 47.3] 29,885 49-619 | 26.1 20, 348 19,243 | 29.0°) 21,883 12,869 | 26.0} 11,741 45,897 | 65.6] 46,919 12,663 | 30.3 |. 13,080 16,973 | 29.5 |. 18,298 29,618 | 66.1 | 28,894 37,256 | 65.1 | 36,290 24,652 | 42.7 28, 597 27,632 | 55.4 30, 703 29,292 | 40.4 33, 505 17,144 | 32.0 |. 15,599 26,105) 37.9 26, 796 32,613 | 42.4 BBs 178 13,805 '| 34.7 173 706 19,303 | 34.4 |, 17,980 20,727 | 36.5 |, 23,085 23,710:| 34.8 |. 28,503 16,872 | 36.9 |. 19,676 27,845 | 40:0) 31,274 15,468 | 19.4] 10,593 8,987 | 14.0 7,685 28,725 | 70.6 37, 272 19,962 | 40.4 19, 688 17,606 43.0 16, 931 19,861 | 50.3 11 593 20,272 | 25.6 | 23,944 16,420 | 27.5 16, 723 14,190 | 33.6 15, 694 18,109 | 31.5 17, 201 16,178) 25.8 16, 603 6,598 ° T4277 1 ca wie 46,374 | 68.8 | ; 28,787 35,953") 57.27) 29,078 19,636 | 49.1 | 19,714 15,419 | 34,6 |. 14,631 15,091 | 35.3] 13,067 20,386 | 48.8] 18,646 20,044 | 48.7 | 18,997 T3650 1); 34.6 4-552 e3 33,362 | 58.3 | 37,488 51,092 | 70.7 | 48,933 15,467 | 19.0 14, 709 12,644 | 30.4 14, 853 15,319 | 23.0; 18,075 18,139 | 30.4 | 17,139 18,738 | 38.2} °21,519 37,149 | 41.0] 46,672 3,404,055 | 49.5 |3,293,335 21, 404-|* 87.5 | 22, 700 14,075 | 32.9 | 15, 282 13, 008 | 24.6 | 18,604 20, 589 |- 30: 1-} 21, 687 23, 473. | 29,9: 1, 23, 869 COUNTY. | | Missour{—Con. Boone. A HWE Lz st eee ew ewe Carroll Ranger De Kalb DoOuT ase Nei. Buc Franikklim. ofu22. .. Gasconade....-.-. es ee ee Lafayette... .-.. Lawrence Linn TY ai Sis Livingston McDonald... 7... wm ee we wwe ce ene a ee a ; oy Land areain square miles: 1920. POPULATION. 1920 Per 1910 Total. | square mile. 16,879 |. 28.3 | . 16, 747 23, 933. |. .27.5 |) 25,869 12,989} 17.4) 14,881 13,909 | 22.8 | 14,576 29,672 |. 43.4 |; 30,533 93,684 | 229.6 | 93,020 106.| 34.5 | 20,624 13, 849.| 32.0] 14,605 23,007.|. 28.5 |. 24,400 10,474.| 15.2 | 11,582 29,839]. 51.4 | 27,621 20,480 | 29.1) 23,098 7,482 | 14.8 5, 504 21,536.| 29.9 |. 22,973 13,933 | 28.0 | 16,080 21,769.| 28.3 | 123,503 15,252 | 27.6] 15,832 11,874 | 23.8 |. 12,811 20,455. | 50.9] 20,302 14,461 | 34.2 |. 15, 297 24,680 | 63.4 | 21,957 19,308} 34.6]. 20,311 12,355 | 16.5 13, 576 14,173). 2873 15, 613 12,033 |} 22.2 13, 181 16,641 | 29.5 | 17,605 11,694 | 27.5.) 12,531 12,318 | 16.5 | 18, 245 15,436 | 19.2 |.16, 664 32,773 | 61.8 |; 30,328 28,427 | 32.3-| 29,830 12,331 24.1 12) 847 15,034 | 31.9 | 16,820 68,698 | 103.0 63, 831 17,554 | 40.5 | 16,744 19, 719 | 27.3 | 20,466 25, 116 | 33.8 | 27, 242 7, 033] 17.3 8, 741 14,084 | 31.6} 14,439 13,997 | 29.9 | 15,653 21,102 | 23.1 |, 2,065 0 4580) 1751 8, 563 367, 846 | 603.0 | 283,522 75,941 | 119.6 | . 89,673 25,555 | 39.0] 27,878 24,899 | 30.0.| 26,297 10,783 | 21.0} 12,403 16,857 | 22.41 17,363 30,006 | 49.0} 30,154 24,211 | 39.8) 26,583 13,465 | 26.7} 15,514 15,956 | 26.3 | 17,033 24,778 | 39,6} 25,253 18,857 | 35.5] 19,453 14,690 | 27.9) 13,539 27,518 | 34.0 | 30,868 10,721 | 21.5°| © 11,273 9,5 18.3'| 10,088 30,226 | 69.3 | 30,572 36 TABLE 9. Land area ln COUNTY. MISsSOURI—Con. Mer ove. PS gt Mississippi- 2... 2. Moniteau. o. 22332 Monroe. - Montgomery. .... Morgan i)iios< 4.2 New Madrid. Perrys wees bok Ripley St. Francois.'....-. Db. Louis ss Se St. Louis city. -.- Ste. Genevieve. . sehuyler {) 1.3.4 Beotland .. -/.. 2.7 Vernon: 2.250 s.- Beaverhead vag Aye: Bie FLOR 4 spe: 14, 681 || Gallatin.......... 2,507 || 15,864) 6.3] 14,079 13, 559 |+" 22:9°) 14, 283 || Garfield. ...... 2-2 4, 837 5,368 iY ey aa CA $1,125.) 14.9 |. 115 926 || Glacier.: 3... 2.) 2,981 4,178- 1 Ne: oe, cope peak 26,634] 58.4] 19,559 |! Granite, 00.21% 1,717 4,167 | 2.4] 2,942 14, 434.| 31.2 14, 898 }| FHI. | A a8 2.892 |) URS, O58) == 4, BES 35, 813 2.3. 3,913 Jeflerson.....-.--: 1, 632 5, 203 3.2 5,601 14,941 | 22.3} 15,796 || Lewis and Clark..| 3,447 j| 18,660 5.4] 21,853 20,345 | 31,2'}%:22,556 || Liberty. -..2.-.-' 1, 451 BD ASO Vga eRe $3,096.) 33.22 14, A29 || Lincoln. ....- 4.3 3,624 7,797 2.2 3, 638 20,351.| 31.7 |. 21,561 || MeCone.-.......; 2,645 OP oe teak © 1 ee 10, 490.|. 19, 4.} 115488 |) Madison. 2... 22: 3, 622 7,495 2.1 7,229 13,115.| 25.4 | 14,308 || Meagher........2 2,369 2,622 aS 4,190 10 12 21.6 |- 12,913 || Mineral: J... 0. . 2. | 1,230 2,327 | te ot ipa Ala 27,633 | 56.3 |) 26,182 || Missoula!) 220.1." 3,173 || 24,041] 7.6} 23,596 20,508.| 36 3 |..21,451 || Musselshell....... 2,903 I 32.080: T x: eee Se, 10,106.| 12.2 D5 P9R 1. Pemks. aI ce 2,661 || 11,330 4.3] 10,731 12,061}. 19.2 | 13,099 || Phillips... -2....2 5178 W290, BI Re tele 22,8283.| 42.7.) 24,695 || Pondera......... 1 BSS uo, S4icr es etek 15,341} 21.7 |-.16,412 || Powder River...- 3, 337 3,357 dB arate ene 31,403; 68.6 | 35,738 || Powell....-..._- -| 2,329 || 6,909} 3.0] 5,904 100,737 | 206.9.|° 82,417 || Prairie........... 1,742 3, 684 ps i Tar Al 772,897 |12,670.4) 687,029 || Ravalli..........-| 2,391 ||. 10,098 | 4.2] 11,666 9,809 | 20.4] 10,607 || Richland...-7.77"} 9’103 | 8,989] 4.3 |:..-2-.- 28, 826 |. - 38. 2 29; 448 || Roosevelt........ 2,303 10, 347 Ny a eat 8, 383 heh 9, 062 Rosebud verde Bis = 4,993 8,002 1.6 7.985 10,700 | 24.4 | 11,869 Panders: ., .-! 11, 624 98.7 11,610 Saunders... Dh dite ot 756 29,589 Die2 21, 179 Cuming. ie ee 13.769 93.9 ‘43° '782 Scotts Bluff.....- 123 20, 710 28. 6 8,355 ee eS Ete.” “7 pehyt ; Seward j . so... 574 || 15,867 | 27.6.) , 15,895 Ceister tn .-- <5 -4 F2, 96,407) 10.2| 25,668 || vari | &.T0T | | me at Dakota; J.22-.-.: 7,694 |. 30.4| 6,564 |) Sheridan’. {!...- 2,469 || °9,625| 3.9} 7,328 Pawes-Lutf-.:) 10,160 | _ 7.2 ):{18,254 || Shermans. 2/2. .-. ‘573 8,877-} 15.5) 8,278 Dawson, |. 5----- 4 16,004') 16.2 |. 15,961 || Sioux............ 2,055 4,528 | 2.21 5,599 Deuet-! 4 ic. --; 8282), 7.5 J 1,786 || Stanton. /.i..-.) 431 || 7,756.) 18.0} 7,542 ta S Mager 6 web... 578 || 138,976) 24.2} 14,775 Dixon....-.------ ll, aa 2 : me , a D POL de ar - see a 23 © . : ” é, se Doukias Bec Dou 524 | 617. 9) £68,546 ||P Dotias. -.-.-..-- 716 || 1,773 | 2.5] 1,191 Tronty tn. 4 4969 | 5.3] 4,098 || Ehurston, . 2) -- B87 || 99,589] 24.8]. 8,704 wire... 13671 | 23.7) 14,674 || Vatley....- teen afe 570 |} 9,823 | 17.2] 9,480 est 3 Washington....-;| 380 12,180 | 32.1 | 12,738 Vranklun.’.2..-... 10,067 | 17.4] 10,303 ° Frontier... .---- 8,540 | 88 | 8,572 || Wayne.,.......-- 450 9,725 | 21.6] 10,397 Purns.) -) 2... -- 11,657 | 16.2) 12,083"|| Webster.......-- 578 || 10,922] 18.9] 12,008 Gage... .- Cielo 4 29,721 | 34.5 |: 30,325 || Wheeler. 2... .- 578 2,531 |" 4.4] 2,292 Garden s.0 -b:5 -.- AjS72 | .. 2.7.) 08/688 |) Yorks 22.2. 575°|| 17,146 | 29.8] 18,721 Garfield, ..2...-- 3,496 | 6.1 |. B47 ry SARVRTIOT. lee oii, > nina 4,669 | 10.1 4,933: Hi Goh 4 Ter a oe cee 1,486 | 1.9]. ,1,097 NEVADA... ...:/109,821|| 77,407]. 0.7 | 81,875 Greeley... 2-2. -- 8,685 | 15.2]. 8,047 |)... 1 Basra as ae peep 23,720 | 44.9 | 20,364 || Churchill....... | 5,050 4,649| 0.9]. 2,811 1 ry HW Gtiekh yet: 8,045 || 4,859 |---0:6'| 3,321 Hamilton. ...---- 13,237 | 24.6 | 13,459, || Douglas.) :>....: BS iis ST 825 2:5} > 4,895, Baran {2-22.22 .. 9,220} 16.1 9,578 |) Elko+. .2.@:¢5 22! 17,059 8,083 0.5 8,133 PR livin i> ~~ 3,327 | 4.6} 3,011 || Esmeralda-:...-- 3; 413 2,410;1- <0: 77 9,369 Hitchcock. ...1..- 6,045 | .8.3-} 5,415 uh A ae 17,151 | --7:2-| 15,545 || Eureka. ... ey 4,157 1,350} 3} 1,83 LES 94 Humboldt... .-- - 9, 804 3,743 0.4 6, 825 Hooker .\./..:..-- 1,378 |-. 1.9 981 || Lander. 4.- >... - 5,721 1,484}° 0.3} 1,786 Howard... .-..... 10,739 |.-19.1-|'"'10; 783 |} Lineoln...-.....- 10,511 || “2,287 | - 072} ; 3,489 Jefferson. ....-.-.. 16,140 | 27.9] 16,852 || * Johnson..-.-.--.- 8,940 | 23.9 | .10,187,|| Lyon... .: feet 1,509 ||, 4,078 | 2.7] 3,568 Kearney). 4).654/-- 85583 | 16. 64),/ 9,106 |} Mineral... ...-...- 4,019 1,848) ) 0,5 [- san no¥ bee 5 tg ef Ba RMR i die gs 18,294 6,504) 0.4| 7,518 eat | kts 5,294 | 5.0 4. 58,692 || Ormsby..v.-.--.- 156 |} °2,453 | 15.7 | 3, 415 eyapaha......--| 3,594 4.6 3/452. ||, Simiball) 22.2... 4,468| 4.7| 1,942 ]| Pershing. ..-..... 6,053 PoaSit* OAS ant ace Ws de... - - 18,894] 17.0] 18,358 || Storey.........-- y 251 1, 469 5.9 3, 045 Lancaster... .-- - 85,902 | 100.7 | 73,793 || Washoe....,.---- 6,251 || 18,627 3.0] 17, 434 Mimi ot : ‘ White Pine... -.. 8 795.|| 8,935 | 1.0] 7441 Lineoln../.:..... 23,420 | 9.2'|' 15,684 || - Bogan... 8c. 1,596 | -2.8)'' 1,521 ) a re 1,946 | 3.4] 2,188 : MePherson......- 1,692 2.0 2,470 NEw HAmpP- Madison....-...-| 22, Skt §- 39.1.7 ‘19,101 SHIRE je 05.5140 9,031 || 443,088 | 49.1 | 430,572 . : a be re Merrick. .-....... 10,763 | 23.2| 10,379 || Belknap......... 397 ||. 21,178'|° 53.3 | 21,309 Moran. 0.6)... 9,151 6.5 #,584 || Carrol}........... 955 |}. 15,017 | 15.7] 16,316 Nance... .. ne 8,712 | 19.5| 8,926 || Cheshire......... 728 || 30,975 | 42.5 | 30,659 Nemaha....-..-. 12,547 | 32.3] 13,095,|| Coos............. 1,798 || 36,093 | 20.1 | 30,753 Menekous, - oc... 13,236 | 22.9} 13,019 || Grafton........-. “1,729 40,572 | 23.5 | 41,652 Otoe's. 2...) 19,494 | $2.2] 19,323 || Hillsborough...-.|, 895 || 135,512 | 151.4 | 126,072 Pawnee........... 9,578 | 22.2] 10,582) Merrimack.......| 932 |} 51,770] 55.5 | 58,335 a a 3,967 | 4.5] (2,570) Rockingham. -...|,,. 694 |} 52,498 | 76.0 | 52,188 Phelps... 2... 9,900 } 18.4 | 10,451-1| Strafiord.........|, 379, || 38,546 | 101.7 | 38,951 Bigeds. 1... =... 10,681 | 18.5 | 10,1224] Sulliyan.....;...' 527 || 20,922 | 39.7} 19,387) 38 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 9.—AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. POPULATION. Land areain 1920 . COUNTY. Sauae miles 1920. ae peck dae Total. | square mile. NEW JERSEY.| 7,514 || 3,155,900} 420.0 |2,537,167 Atlantie.. 2... ,- 569 83,914 Bergen,). ¢.22..:- 237 210, 703 Burlington... ..- 815 81,770 Camden... ....-. 222 || 190,508 Cape May..-..-- 265 19,460 Cumberland..-.| 500 61,348 ESSER ee.) 127 || 652,089 Gloucester. ..... 332 48, 224 Hudson: 2 2 43 || 629,154 Hunterdon.....-. 437 32, 885 MEBTOCI- heuer ou. 226 159, 881 Middlesex.....-.} 312 || 162,334 Monmouth...... 479 || 104,925 Morris: pac. 5 4. 475 82, 694 WMeean ts. kee) 43 637 22,155 WEABSAICH + noo ue 196 |} 259,174 PAIOUI te ae 343 36,572 Somerset: 2. .-|. 305 47,991 Piissex: KS5iye |: 529 24,905 Omen oot bess 103 |) 200,157 NY TT ORAS oe sc. Nae 362 45 , 057 Bernalillo. ...... 1,214 || 29,855 Chaves. i522... 4 , 042 12,075 Oolia re re oo 3,798 21,550 OS ya, Se 1, 406 11, 236 DéBaca, 2.22.) 2,400 3,196 Dona Ana.......} 3, 821 16, 548 ead yy ask 4,245 9, 116 GARE AES See cae. kt 3, 981 21, 939 Guadalupe...... 3, 031 8, 015 Hidalgo......... 3, 447 4, 338 p AEE Te Septet t 4,378 3, 545 Laneolt se. es 4 4,779 7, 823 Lys A Rae aaa | 2, 976 12, 270 McKinley....... | 5,506 |} 13,731 OBA ne dhe. o.'. ut 2,475 13,915 rere ec ret 6, 689 7, 902 RIAs systoere wont 2, 905 10, 444 Rio Arriba...... 5, 871 19, 552 Roosevelt ....... 2, 487 6, 548 San Juan.-...... 5, 476 8, 333 _ San Miguel...... 4, 894 22, 867 Sandoval........| 3,871 8, 863 Santa Fe........ 1,973 15, 030 Sierra seers. 3, 118 4,619 BOPOET Og. 4 15, 070 14, 061 Oe Alec. 6a 2, 252 12,773 Torrance.-.. 2... 3, 369 9, 731 pS ee 5, 370 16, 680 Valencia........| 5,659 || 18,795 NEW YORK... ./47,654 ||10,385,227 Aipahy: 2 3.2/5": 2 527 || 186, 106 Allegany ....... 1, 047 36, 842 Brooks.) 2.66... 41 || 732,016 Broome......... 705 || 113,610 Cattaraugus..... 1,343 71, 323 147.5 | 71,894 889.0 | 138,002 100.3 | 66,565 858.1 | 142,029 73.4 |. 19,745 122.7 | 55,153 5,134.6 | 512, 886 145.3 | 37,368 14,631.5| 537, 231 75.3 | 33,569 707.4 | 125,657 520.3 | 114,426 219.1 |. 94,734 47,1 | 26,781 1,943.3 | 149, 197 124.5 | 43, 187 2.9 | 327,301 24.6 | 23,606 2.0 | 16,850 5.7 | 16, 460 8.0 | 11,443 a ae a 4.3| 12,893 2.1 | 12 400 5.5 | 14,813 2.6 | 10,927 ag: «eas OF le tecend 1.6] 7,822 4.1} 3,913 2.5 | 12/963 5.6| 12,611 1.2] 7,069 3.6} 14,912 3.3} 16,624 2.6 | 12064 1.5 | 8,504 NeNo SorANS heros] Ooms] ran Mae ~J om — 217.9 |9,113,614 || 353. 1 | 173; 666 35.2 | 41) 412 17,854.0}......0. 161.1 | 78, 809 53.1 | 65,919 Land areain COUNTY. square miles: 1920. NEw YoRK— Con. Cayliga. 22.5..4 703 Chatauqua..... 1, 069 Chemung......} 407 Chenango...... 894 Clinton... ......} 1,049 Columbia......| 644 Cortland |. 22... 503 Delaware. ..... 1,449 Dutchess....... 806 Erie... 22. -4| 1,084 Pese@x..c. BANh 3 1, 836 Franklin....... 1,678 Pulfon.| Ses. 4 516 Genesee. :...... 496 Greene......... 643 Hamilton. ..... 1, 700 St) gkerkimer. oo’. | 1,459 Jefferson. ...... 1,274 5 66 71 Dewiss 32a) 42 1,270 Livingston..... . 631 Madison....... 650 Monfoe 22. 2) ¢5,663 Monigomery...| 398 Nassau. 0 2... 274 New York. .... 22 Niagara. 2.22... 522 Oneida......... 1, 250 Onondaga.....- 781 Oitario ?.2 5 649 Orange......... 834 Orleans 5.22552: 396 Oswego... 966 Otsego. <.2.:... 1,009 Putnam): :. ess: 233 Queens......2.- 108 Rensselaer.....} 663 Richmond..... 57 Rockland. -.... 183 St. Lawrence...| 2,701 Saratoga... 2... $23 Schenectady...| 206 Schoharie. ..... 642 | Schuyler....... 336 Seneca. 2. 6228.2 336 Steubenes. .... ..| 1,398 Sutiolkes joc5 22. 920 Sullivan......-. 1,002 ‘RaOa se ee ge 520 Tompkins...... 476 WIStere AL aes m8) Warren 4.00 7o:. 87 Washington....| 837 Warne. bo. 599 Westchester....| 448 Wyoming...... 601 meee 2... Dots nies 343 | POPULATION. 1920 Per | 1910 Total. | squar | mile. 65, 221 92.8 | 67,106 115,348 | - 107.9 |.105) 126 65,872 |. 161.8.| 54 662 34,969] ..--39-4 |. 25,575 43,898 |... 41.8 | 48 230 38,930 | 60.5 |. 43,658 29,6251 58.9} 29, 249 42.774 | 29.5 | 45,575 91,747'| 113.8 | 87,661 634,688 | 613.8 | 528) 985 31) 871 17.4 | © 83, 458 43) 541 25.9}. 45,717 44,927 |. 87.1 |44) 534 37,976 76.6 |. 37,615 25,796 | 40.1] 30,214 3, 970 2.3] 4,373 64,962] 44.5 | 56) 356 82,250] ° 64.6 | 80,382 2,018,356 |28, 427.5 |1,634,351 23, 704 18.7 | 24/849 36,930 | 58.4 | 38,037 39,535 | 60.8] 39,289 352,034 | 531.0 | 283) 212 57,928, 145.5 | 57,567 126,120 | 460.3 |. 83930 2,284,103 |103,822.9 |2,762,522 118,705 | 227.4 | “92,036 182” 833 | 146. 3'| 154, 157 241; 465.| 309.2 | 200, 298 52,652 | 81.1 | 52° 286 119,844 | 143.7 | 116, 001 28,619 |. 72.3 | 32/000 71,045 | 73.5} 71,664 46,200 | . 45.8 | 47,216 10,802 | 46.4 |). 14,665 469, 042 | 4;343.0-| 284, 041 113)129 |. 170.6 | 122 976 116) 531 | 2,044.4 | 85; 969 45,548 | -’248.9 | 46) 873 88) 121 32.6 | 89,005 60,029 | 72.9] 61,917 109,363 | 530.9 | 88,235 21,303 | 33.2 | 23) 855 13,098 | 39.0] 14,004 24,735| 73.6| 26,972 80,627| 57.7| 83,362 110,246 | 119.8] 96,138 33,163 | 33.1] 33,808 24,212| 46.6 | 25,624 35,285 | © 74.1 | 33,647. 74,979 | 65.9| 91,769 31,673 | 36.2 | 32,225 44, 888 53.6 | 47,778 48, 827 81.5 | 50,179 344,436 | 768.8 | 283) 055 30,314] 50.4 31, 880 16, 641 48.5} 18, COUNTIES. 39 TABLE'9.—AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. POPULATION. | POPULATION. Land : Land yoo | area in. 1920 | areain 1920 COUNTY. sana Priyaye COUNTY. square 1920. || 19 “1920. or | 2910 , Total. | square ; Total. |square os mile. . mile. NorTH Nort ‘ARO- ia CAROLINA... . /48, 740 |/2,559,123 | 52.5 |2,206,287 jee tl EN . 0 4 . = === || Mitehell é.2.. 2.2 213 || /11,278 | 52.9 | - 17,245 Alamance........ 492 |} 32,718 | 66.5} 28,712 || Montgomery..... 498 |} 14,607 |. 29.31], 14,967 Alexander.....-.| 289 |) 12,212) 42.3 | 11,592 || Moore....2:....1) 639 || 21,388 | 33.5 | 17,010 vei dea += oa a a ; an al 6 op ie Nosh...) 0.8 ~..1. 3 586. ||''41;061 | 70.1] 33,727 — FMULSOLL 2 ee ee eee 5, ol, 1), 205 Ney AG ( 28, 32. 03 i ue teen a 427 || 21;001 | 49.2 | 19,074 New Hanover 216 | 40,620 |. 188.1] 82, 037 very}. toi HP QR 9! 10,335 |° 48.4 [220 2.0. Northampton - 504 ||. 23,184 | 46.0 | 22 22 (i “Beatort:<....\. 2. 840 || 31,024 36.9 | 30,877 || Onslow......-... 743 ||. 14,703 | 19.8 | 14,125 es ee a 703 ||’ 23,993 + 34.1 | 23 039 || Orange....-...... |. 390 |) 17,895 | 45.9) 15, 064 Bladen... --..---- 976 || 19,761 | 20.2|° 18006 || Pamlico........-. 350 || 9,060] 25.9| 9/986 Brunswick:....::| » 790 ||. 14,876 | 18,8 | 14,432 || Pasquotank...... | 223 || 17,670 | 79.2) 16, 693 | Buncombe......- 639 || 64,148 | 100.4 | 49,798 | . Burke...-.20.-0-. 634 || 23,207 | 43,6 21,408 |) Perquimans... | bso || iior | 442 | 11osd 1 Wabarrds:..5.-1 2. pPgODi|/i°83, 780 | 86, 5 |,:26,240'|| Persons d 1 co. x ’ on 5 hada “! rs Me a Persons: :)...4 2: 391 18,973 | 48.5 | «17,)356 Caldwell..:...... TL fi /89, 984 | 42,4. fe 20,579 lopips Tg |. 627 ||. 45/569 | 72.7 |..86,340 Camden: 22... 5. 220 5,382 | 24,5 BAO! BPryle ooh) comin. 251 8,832 | 35.2 7, 640 Cartéret.2.5.... 2. 573 ||. 15,384 | 28.8.) 13,776 Oaswelll y.0a... J 402 ||' 15,759 | 39.2). 14,858 |; Randolph... ..... 803 |) 80,856 | 38.4) 29, 494 Catawba. .u...... 408 |] 323, 839 2.9 | 27,918 |} Richmond..-..-. §21 |||, 25,567 | 49.1} 19,673 Chatham: .......: 696 |} 23,814 | 34.2] 22,635 || Robeson......-.. 990 ||. 54,674 | 85.2] 51, 045 Cherokee. ..0... 2. 454 }).:15, 242 | 33,6 |...14,136 || Rockingham..... 579 || 44,149 | 76.3 | 36, 442 3 . WROWweNt ye 5.) £: 489 || 44,062 | 90.1] 37,521 eed pO Eo ss 10, pee 64.5 | 11,308 th) eer ae 46 ‘ 21.1 8, 909 Pog 9 98 Cleveland ....2... 496 |! 34,272 | 69.1.| 29,494 Batibo! ap Be aiieesa) coo. \. ab eck carta Columbus... -- p 983 |) 30, 124 | 32. 3:), 28,020 || Seotland.)... 2.2: 349 |! 15,600 | 44.7 |. 15,363 Ly, he alee a OU) 10089, O88 |. 24.0. brat |! Gtanty |... +. 416 || 27,429 | 65.9} 19,909 Cumberland... ..|' °670 || 35,064 | 52.3 | 35,294 || PbOKeS---;------+- bons! ede abaeratia eet Ourrituck......2- 292 7,268 | 24.9.) <7,693 |]. Mere}. 6.000.) ot 377 ‘tog 6s ih OR BSI) A881 | SUITY. 4.024... 2% §20 ||. 32,464 | 62.4 | 29,705 Davidson ......-. 569 |) 35,201 | 61.9 | 29,404 |} Swain...2.21...2. 553 |; 13,224 | 23.9] 10, 403 Davie. j.4 060.) f2 © 288 |]. 18, 578 | 52.6.| 13,394 || Transylvania..... 379 9,303 | 24.5 7,191 Pyrrells or. . ay 390 4,849 | 12.4] 5,219 Maplin: 2.002. . J: 790 || 30,223 | 38.3 | 25,442 |) Union.....2,....2 565 || 36,029 | 63.8 | 33,277 ‘Durham !)..00: ..-2 312 ||, 42,219 | 135.3 | 35,276 .; Edgecombe...... 509 }: 37,995 |. 74.6.} 32,010 || Vance.... 5.2.4. 279 ||. 22,799 | 81.7 | 19, 425 eporevtn.1.£6.... 376 77,269, | 205.5 .|. 347,801 1] Wake... 222... 824 || 75,155) 91.2°) 63, 229 Franklin. ........ 468 || 26,667] 57.0 | 24,692 |} Warren. ..:..... 425 || 21,593 | 50.8] 20, 266 , Washington. .... 327 || 11,429 | 35.0] 11,062 Gaston..!.0)...2: 363 || 51,242 |.141.2 [> 37,063 || Watauga..c:..... -303 || 13,477] 44.5 | 13,556 eige. | .0.000 Lo: 359 |}°.10, 587 | 29. 4.) 10, 455 ‘ © Graham....2... 4° £298 4872 |. 16.3 | 4,749 |) Wayne.......2... 571 | 43,640 | 76.4] 35,698 Granville. 212.1 51/0 503 ||:.26, 846 | 53.4 .}.25,102 || Wilkes........... 735 || 32,644 | 44.4} 30,282 Greene... 222... 2: 252 ||) 16,212 |. 64.3.1 .13,083 |] Wilson.'...2.2.. 2. 373 || 36,813 | 98.7] 28, 269 | Me T 2 sce sh 324 || 16,391 | 50.6] 15,428 Guilford...2.....: 691 |] 79,272 | .114.7.| 60;497 || Yaneey.o..0...-. 298 || 15,093 | 50.6] 12,072 Halifax..........}' 676 ||. 43,766.| 64.7 | 37,646 3 Harnett... .....5-: 588 |} 28,313.| 48.2}: 22,174 . _ Haywood........ 546 || 23, 496 3.0 | 21,020 _ Henderson....... 358 || 18,248 |. 51.0 }»16, 262 Norts Darora |70, 183 || 646, 872 9.2 | 577,056 “Hertford )..2....: 341 || 16, 294.) 47.8 |. 15,436 || Adams..2.; 2.2.2 997 5,593 | 5.6] 5,407 Raa, . J Urs). oP 417 4] UIT, 722.1. 28.1 loses ok Barnes. 22.224. 1,510 ||, 18,678 | 12.4] 18 066 Oe eryde |.) 20.) 2% 617 8,386 |. 13.6). 8,840 || Benson.......... | 1,864 ||, 13,095 | 9.6] 12,681 Wy apedell. . o.2y..... 588 ||. 37,956.|. 64.6. /1/34,315 || Billings. 2........ 1, 168 3,126] 2.7] 10,186 Me cmmelnson 3.0/2.5 494 || 13,396.|. 27.1'} 12,998 || Bottineau.:....-.. 1,681 |} 15,109 | 9.0] 17,295 Johnston......... 807 || 48,998] 60.7 | 41,401 || Bowman..i...... 1,164 4,768 | 4.1 |. 4,668 Press LE HS.) MALT 9,912}. 23.8} 8,721 |) Burke...i..02...5 1,113 9,511} 85] 9,064 meomeega sb. 261 || °13,400.| 51.3 | 11,376 || Burleigh. .u..... 1,651 || 15,578 | 9.4]. 13,087 oe donor. | oo. 390 ||'29,555. |. .75..8 |. 22,769 || Cass... .. 0.2 13 1,763 || 41,477 | 23.5] 33,935 Lincoln... 22.2... 17209 | 17, 862.|. 59..7.| 17,182 || Cavalier. £00)... 1,494 || 15,555 | 10.4] 15,659 - McDowell... 2+... 443 || °16,763.|. 37.8 | 18,588 || Dickey..¢.22....4 1,142 ||. 10,499 | 9.2]. 9,839 Mee mracor. of 20) 1 2) 6¥3) |) 92, 887.) 25.1.$1.12,101 || Divide...’ 2c.) .a1 1,270 || \:9,637,| 7.6.|..\6,015 | Madison... -..:. 1 THY 486 , 083. | ..46..1 | 20,132 |) Dunne..2.22 ib. 2} 2,084 8,828 | 4.2) . 5,302 ay ee 428 || 20, 828 |. 47.6°):17,797 || Eddy... 2. 20....1 651 ||). 6,493 | 10.0] 4,800 _ Mecklenburg... .. 597 ||. 80,695 | 135.2 | 67,031 || Emmons......... 1,563 || 11,288] 7.2 ).,,9,796 AOD ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-——POPULATION. TABLE 9.—AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. ee POPULATION. POPULATION. Land Land || © areain 19206 areain|| | 1920 COUNTY. sauare COUNTY. savare Sou «) miles: ||" Mless Hove sees ar 1920. |}. Per | 1910 ) 1920. || 2. Per | 1910 Total. | square a Total. | square mile. bi . mile. BN ca AKOTA Outo—Con. —Con ! Hosters. hes. ioe 644 6, 108 9.5 5,313 av abe iS Be ne 445 || 26,013 | 58.5 | 27,182 Golden Valiey....} 1,013 4, 832 ASB Nee HriOs. 1 09 ode. ~ 256 39, 789 |.155.4 | 38,827 Grand Vorks..... 1, 433 28, 795.|.. 20.1 | . 27,888 ||-F airfield Gee as “he 495 40, 484 |. .81.8 | 39,203 Grange Ooi 1,681 9, 553 Bcd: le ohinameee Fayette..s....2% 1.413 21, 518 | 52.2} 21,744 Griggs. raat eM 717 7,402 | 10.3 6,274 |) Franklin. 517 283, 951. |. 549, 2 2217 567 Hettinger... .. -lalpbeda 7, 685 6. 8 6, 557 We ee Eidderi <<. ck , 386: Hinc%s COS. OB: Oe] © oy Baap EEO op ot. age $05 dusee eo aes bcos pists , ars Gallia J. os one sais oe 449 || 23,311] 51.9 25, 745 La Moure-.....-. 1,147 || 11,564} 10.1) 10,724 Droste ms 1% 96 Geauga. . is. ja. A16 15,086 | 36.1 14 670 Logan. .-..----++- fees hey eee Pe Eiger lhegreene: 2 oat ae 415 || 31,291 | 75,2°| 29,733 McHenty...-.-.- ig ease: , Guernsey........ 518 || 45,352 | 87.6'|. 42,716 Mcintosh........ 1,003 |; 9,010 9.0 7, 251 Me Kenzie. ft. . 3: 2, 847 G, 544 3. 4 5,720 || Hamilton........ 407 || 498,678 |1,213.0 | 460, 732 Melean:o 4)... 4 2,305 || 17, 266 7.5 | 14,496 || Hancock......... 535 38, 294 | 71.8] 37,8606 Mercer (2.708. 2/0 1,110 8, 224 7.4 4,747 || Hardin! 2 i... it 473 ||. 29, 167 |. 61.7 | 30, 407 Morton): 35) . at 1,947 ||. 18, 714 9.6 | 25,289 || Harrison: ...... 23 401 19, 625 | 48.9: 19, 076 Herry i602. 432 414 23, 362 | 56, 4. | 25, #19 Mountrail........ 1,914 || 12,140] 63] 8,491 INGISOD Joie ss. - ake G81 ||. 10,362 | 10.6 | 10,140 || Highland........ 549. || 27,610 | 50.3 }° 28,711 Olvera a. ie 720 || 4.4251 6.1} 3,577 || Hocking.......2. 411 || 23,291 | 56.7 | 23, 650 Pembina... .-).- 1,117 || 15,177 |. 13.6 | 14,749 || Holmes. /........ 418 || 16,965 |. 40.6 | 17,909 | aif) 61s Pn 1,055 9, 283 8.8 9) 740 ME UrON ai. a Py 494 || $2,424 | 65.6} 34,206 SHEKS00 ti. 404 || 27,342 | 67.7 | 30, 791 Hamsey.;... ct. 1,205 || 15,427 | -12.8 | 15,199 PUATISOMR Sos 2s Bee 860 11,618 | 13,5 | °10,345)|| Jefierson’ 22). 222 407 77, 580 |. 190.6 | 65, 423 Reprille:_ic..) & 899. li 7, 7760 BO 7 840 1 ined foie 513 || 29,580 |. 57.7] 30,181 Bichiand; 0s... 2 1,437 || 20,887} 14.5 | 19,659 || Lake. ......2...2. 241 25, 667 | 119.0) 22,927 Holette! 22. vs O18 10,061; 11.0 9,558 |) Lawrence.-....... 443 39, 540 | 89.3 | 39,488 Licking..0 20. 3. 669 56, 426 | 84.3 | 55, 590 Sargent. ...2...2. R55 9,655 | 11.3 9, 202 i ; Sheridan........- 996 7, 935 8.0 8, 103. || Logan. ..5 00s... 25 451 || 30,104 | 66.7 | 30, 084 ni ak ae 1,114 3, 308 oe Oy cic pages Lorain Jes. gy 497 90, 612 | 182.3 | 76,037 Iii ee nee hee 1, 223 4,940 $000. iy) eaieas S708 Ble "4342 275, 721 | 806.2 | 192,728 DUAR Sees pura bee » 006 137542 | 10.0]. 12,504 || Madison...-..-.. | 497 19, 662. |. 39.61 19,902 Mahoning........ 427 186, 310 | 436.3 116, 151 BEDCLS. doe enn apo chy; 7,401 | 10.3 7, 618 PL SIIS I. S. . tlee 2,282 || 24,575} 10.8 | 18,189 || Marion........ -.«| 409 || 42,004 | 102.7.| 33,971 DOWNED. wie +42 0b a4 1, 037 8,327 8.0 8,963 || Medina....-.....]) -485'|| 26, 067 | 59.9 4:,23,.598 PENNIES le rato a0 3hteg 865 12, 210 |. -14,1 | 12,545 |] ‘Meigs. /.0.¢5... 9p), 1412 26,189 | 63.6.) 25, 594 Niercer .. 0 005. 4 450. || 26,872 | 59.7.) 27,586 9 Ta a a 1, 282 |} 19,078 | 14.9] 19,491 || Miami.........2. 408 || 48,428 | 118.7 | 45, 047 a A 2,054 || 28,811 | 14.0] 25, 281 WV OHS. (20520. 94 1,293 || 12,957.) 10. 0°}.11,814 || Monroe....222..2. 20,660 | 46.1 | 24,244 UN AER ce Cana ae 2,138 || 17,980 8.4] 14,234 || Montgomery..... 209, 532 | 460.5 | 163, 763 Morgan.:.1....2. 14 555. | 36.2 |: 16,097 Morrow.:..2....1 15, 570 |. 38.6.) 16,815 CHIC ee eas 20, 740 |'5,759,394 | 141.4 |4,767,i21 || Muskingum...... 57, 980 | 87.3 | » 57, 488 moans Ooty 8 546 ||° 22,403} 41.0} 24,755 || Noble.....255..2. 17,249 | 44.7 | 18,601 gS 8 er Ue OR 406 68; 223 | 168. 0 56, 580 || Ottawa. 2.202. 22,193 |. 82.2 |, 22, 360 CSP ATONE... Orie te 421 24 627 | 58.5 22) 975 || Paulding-..2....4 18,736 | 45.4 | 22, 730 Ashtabula........ 723 65, 545 | 90.7 59 647 WW Berry. 1 Ole. a 36,098 | 90.5 | 35, 396 ATC ROIER eS. eo 487 50, 430 | 103.6 47, 798 || Pickaway........ 25, 788 | 52.6 , 158 Auglaize... 2... 397 || 29,527 | 74.4 |. 31,246 || Pike. ...2.28...4 14,151 | 33.1} 15,723 Belmont:../..... 530 93, 193 | 175. 8 | 76, 856 || Portage. i222... 2. 36, 269 | 69.6] 30,307 ay ed Ae 481 || 22° 621 |. 47.0} 24,832 |) Preble.....2....1 23,238 | 55.9 | 23, 834 epibier. to) 8 a8 452 || 87, 025 | 192.5 70,271 || Putnam......... 27, 751 | 57.6 | 29,972 Garrell eo... 8 387 || ib, 942 | 41,2) 15,761 || Richland:.:2..... 55, 178 | 109.7 | 47,667 Champaign.......}° 421 ||’ 25,071 |. 59.6 |. 26,351 || Ross. .....00...2 41,556 | 62.2 40,069 1 Ws a 407 || 80,728 | 198.3 | 66,435 || Sandusky........ 37,109 | 89.9] 35,171 Clermont: ........ 465 || 28, 291 |. 60.8 |» 29, 551 |} Scioto...0.20...22 62,50 | 100.9 | 48, 463 Chiton, £22... 2: 411 || 23,036 | 56.0 23, 680 || Seneca. ....2...22 43, 176 | 78.5 | 42,421 Columbiana. ..... 534 || 83,131 | 155. 7 76, 619 || Shelby-.s.02..... 25, 923 | .62.8 | 24, 663 Coshocton........ 558 ||; 29,595.| 538.0] 30,121 || Stark.....2......)° 566 || 177, 218 | 313.1 | 122,987 Crawford......... 409 || 36,054} 88.2] 34,036 || Summit...1....2 408 || 286,065 | 701.1 108, 253 Cuyahoga........ 463 943) 495 |2,037.8 637, 425 || Trumbull........ 633 83, 920 | 132.6 766 Drrke. 1. boc. 52% 586 42, 911}. 73.2 42, 933 || Tuscarawas...... 555 63, 578 | 114.6 3 , O35 Defiance......... 405 24, 549 | 60.6 } 24 498 |] Union.......2..-. |. 446 + 20, 918 | 46.9] 21,871 COUNTIES. Aq TABLE 9.—AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued, POPULATION. POPULATION. Land says ni 1920 ~~ lareain 1920 COUNTY. COUNTY. square es: Per | 1910 1920, 1910 Total. | square Total. | square mile. mile. OxnIO—Con gee oak /On Van Wert... .-. 28, 210.| .69.5'| 29,119 || Mayes.....2....4 676 || 16,829 | 24.9 | 13,596 Vinton... 22.00. 2. 12, 075 |. . 29.3 }:/13,'096 || Murray... 22.1... 13, 115-| .80. 9+) 12, 744 Warren... -...... 25,716 | 62.3 | 24497 || Muskogee. ....... 814 || 61, 710| 75.8} 52,743 ‘Washington... ... 43,049 | 68.3 |=45,422 |] Noble............ 734 || 13,560} 18.5} 14, 945 0 Nowata.......... 586 || 15,899 | 27.1| 14,223 Wayne.,......... 41,346 | 74.2| 38,058 || Okfuskee..:....- 623 || 25,051 | 40.2} 19, 995 Williams: 2.2.22 a 627 os 9 26) 198 on, hed Ye ome , 892 | 73.4 | 46,330 || Oklahoma... 717 || 116, 307 | 162.2 | 85, 232 Wiyamdet. et : 5-0 19,481 | 48.0} 20,760 || Okmulgee....... 697 || 55,072! 79.0} 21,115 Osage dha us 4 2,277 || 36,536 | 16.0] 20,101 4 A, OKLAHOMA... 414 | 2,028,283 | 29.2 [1,657,155 | Pawneo. 20.00]. $84] 19428} a8 | Aras ——SS } Wek plea 21-2 ORE = 22 a 703 23, 5 a 535 Payne tte eee rene 678 | 30, 180 44.5 23, 735 ; Tepe pes ei 6, 253 | 1807 138 diols: A 26...7 20, 862 | 20.9 |. 13,808 || Pittsbure........ 1,370 || 52,570| 38.4| 47,650 Beaver.) .225.22.. i 14, 048 7:7 | 13,631 || Pontotoc....2.... 728 || 30,949 | 42.5] 24, 331 Becktiam. 22.2... 18, 989 | -20.7 |. 19,699 || Pottawatomie....| 793 46,028 | 58.0} 43,595 Le 6 30 25.2 <4 15, 875 |.. 17.1.) 17, 960 || Pushmataha..._. 1,430 || 17,514) 12,2 | 10,118 Roger Mills... ..,| 1,135 || (10,638 | 9.4 |) 12, 861 BryaAMl.2.vil.. 5 40, 700.| 43.9 |:929, 854 || Rogers........... 710 || 17,605 | 24.81! 17, 736 ys oom Faaent asic oy 207 cg oo 685 anadian..0.._; 2,258 | 25.0 |- 23,501 || Seminole... 633 || 23,808] 37.6] 19, 964 le ah AA ie ok | get knee aoe || Bequoyabe <5... 693 || 26,786 | 38.7] 25, 005 ong ear ge ee ote rm 1 an a Stephens......... 897 || 24,692 | 27.5 | 22, 252 Osta .0 22... 82, 144 |. .40.7 |. 21, Texas. «22242... 2,005 || 13,975 | 6.5 | 14, 249 illman.. 50 || 22; 433 | 26.4] 18,650 ® Cimarron........: 3, 436 1.9 4, 553 (Pali: hipaa i ¢ : i Cleveland ........ 19/380 | 35.0 5 és Pulsa..-......... 585 || 109, 023 | 186.4 | 34, 995 ot ee Te 48 406 | 35.1] 15,817 Comanche....... 26, 629 | 24.3 | 41,489 || Wagoner......... 545 || 21,371 |. 39.2} 22,086 Gitton oo. 16,679 | 26.5 |--co--.: Washington.....| 425 || 27,002| 63.5 | 17,484 a eee 19,160 | 25.3 | 17, 404 || Washita.J.2_...7 1,006 |} 22,237] 22.1 | 25; 034 Woods. 240050077 1,255 |] 15,9391. 12.7.1. 17, 567 Greg eee): 62,480 | 4.9 | 26,223 || Woodward... ... 1, 233 || 14,663 |. 11-9 |. 16, 592 dy DES) ais Sta gla 18,736 | 18.8 |. 23, 231 |; Delaware... -.... 13, 868 |° 17.5 i cd | Dewey -:-.-...2). 12,434 | 12.6 ; 2 Bilis. 5 Ee ee 9 14,673 | 9.6 15, 375 || ORkGon,...... 95,607 || 783,389 | 8.2 | 672, 765 3 rset oe Le 37, 50 5; 3 5 S| — Wee: ae a Oe A ted ob! 3,086 || 17,929 /- 5.8 || 18, 076 Be Garvin... ccsce.: 2445 | 39.5 | 26,545 || Benton.......... 688 || 13,744 20.0| 10,663 i Grady....)....... 33, 943. | - 30.5 |) 30,309 Clackamas SH itee 1, 858 37, 698 20.2 29, 31 eer MePeenbe eS 16, 072 | 16.2 | .18, 760 Hatsop... 2.20: 23, 030 d Be Geer... Py.) 15, 833-| 24.6 | 16,449 || Columbia... 127. 662 || 13,960} 21.1 | 10,580 Bs cee tees 1: e ang a < 139 (Coos 1,628 || 22,957 | 13.7} 17,959 op ieee ey Wh Gronks. 1} 2934 Pe 4a | 12 | ofa i Haskell... 2.2... 19, 397} - 31.5 18, 875 Carry ase 1 a 3, 025 Lg 2, 044 auenes . 26, 045 | 33.0 040 eschutes...'..-. 9, 62 yk al oe a Ps Ween ke 22, 141.|. 28.5 | 23,737 || Douglas..:..-.... 4,991 || 21,332] .-4.3-} 19,674 2 Jefferson. 2.2.2... 17, 664 | 23.0 | 17, 430 _ Johnston... .. 20, 125.| . 30.6} 26, 734°|) Gilliam. ..2.2.... 1, 201 3, 960 |. - -3.3 3, 701 Rey. st 34,907 | 37.4 | 26,999 || Grant............ 4,520 || 5,496] 1.2| 5,607 % Bariey CER 9,933 || 3,992}. 0.4 |) 4, 059 _ Kingfisher... .. ‘15, 671.| 17.6 |. 18,825 | Hood River...... 540 8,315 |. 15.4 8, 016 @ Kiowa... 7 23, 094.].. 21.7} 27,526) Jackson.........- 2,794 ||, 20, 405.|. 7.3 | 25, 756 3 Tar rei eee 2 Be 28. 20, 27 | Jefferson 1,779 | 3,211] 18 " i a is HOLL Seale gc Be “te cise odc.b Mtiincoln.......... 33,408 | 34.8| 34 778 | Josephine........ 1,637 || 7,655] 4.71 9, 567 ee amiahe. fo. 27, 550-| 37.3} 31,740 || Klamath......... 5,999 || 11,413-}..1.91 8 554 baer | Babe... bck). 7,920 |) 3,901} 0.5] 4,658 Bete 1.0 te. 12, 433 25. 1 10, 236 [Ta @e ak oat 4, 587 || 36,166 | 7.9 | 33,783 McClain. 2222077 19,326.| 34.4] 15,659 i See rrisint 3. "87,905 | 20.0 | 20,681 || Lincoln.......... 1,008 || 6,084| 6.0} 5,587 rs ak) 3] | kee | eae | ape Te | ae + - a ee . heur...... *-- ; etree). 14674 35.0 | 11,619! Marion........... 1, 193 || 47,187! 39.61 39, 780 ees ° 42 TABLE 9.—AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES: ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION, 1920 AND 1910—Continued. Land areain COUNTY. square r miles: 1920. OREGON—Con Morrow.) You Joe 2, 025 Multnomah...... 434 mrt Kis SP A oe 709 Sherman = 22. ...2 836 Tillamook....... 1,425 Wimatitlawss, nv 3, 203 WMO Cee ek 2, 007 Wallowa cut uo 3, 169 Wasco... 2, 343 Washin gton. aa a 731 ‘Wheeler....2.-.. 1, 704 Yaron ek ks 714 PENNSYLVANIA.|44, 832 (AGAMS Ih ae clo 528 Allegheny... .... 725 Armstrong..-..... 653 OO OMe oe 429 Bedford pea. oes, 1, 026 Berks kvow vl" 865 RSPAS! OP a rh 535 Bradford... 2.5.43 1, 145 ivokier eas Gay oe 608 Bitlere oath A 790 Caambria.. seu. 4 717 Cameron. 24.0 5 392 Carbon... 06.03 406 COUT ..c) Sty cee 1, 146 Chester. .... eee CaGs Clarion ss eon 601 Clearfield... 2.2... 1, 142 Clinton |e os 878 Golumbia. cv... 5 <5 479 Crawford... 0.22. - 1, 038 Cumberland..... 528 Dauphin .y.2%2514 §22 Delaware.)....... 185 BERS ie oe Ea 806 Marae yr bs 781 Fayette... 2.0.0. 796 Horest sisi yesh bo 424 Franklin. ¢ 3242). 751 PINGOM ioe ewe 493 Greene) eo. 2). 574 Huntingdon. .... 918 Indiana ih. sa.s2% $29 Jefferson...:..... 666 PUAN he es 392 Lackawanna..... 451 Tancastern. oo... . 941 Lawrence,......... 360 Lebanon. 6. s:.... 360 MONTE H as oh. o 344 Berne Wee a. 2. 892 Lycoming, ...... yi; 220 MeKean...2¢..2. 987 Mercer: .c........ 700 (5015 54 0 Ape eR Ee 398 Monroe....... EN Da POPULATION. 1920 Pos: 1910 Total. |square mile. 5, 617 2.8 4, 357 275, 898 | 635, 7 | 226, 261 14,181 | 20.0) 18, 469 3, 826] .4.6 4, 242 8, 810 7.8 6, 266 25, 946 8.1} 20,309 16, 636 83 | 16,191 9, 778 3.1 8, 364 13, 648 5: 8 | > 16, 336 26; ST BG? Lhe 21 ae 2, 79k 1.6 2, 484 20, 529 |- 28.8 | 18, 285 8,720,017 | 194.5 |7,665, 111 34, 583 | 65.5] 34,319 1,185,808 |1,635.6 j1 018,463 75, 568 | 115.7.| 67, 880 111, 621 | 260.2 78, 353 88, 277 | 37.3 38, 879 200, 854 | 232. 2'|' 183, 222 128, 334 | 239.9 | 108,858 53, 166 | 46.4-| 54, 526 82,476 | 135.7 | 76, 530 77, 270 | $7.8 | 72, 689 197, 839 | 275.9 | 166, 131 6,297 | 16,1 . 644 62, 565 | 154.1 |; 52, 846 44,304 | 88.7) 48,424 115, 120 | 148.2 109, 213 36,170 | 60.2 | 36,638 103, 236 | 90.4] 93, 768 $3, 555 | 38. 215, 8545 48, 349 | 109.9 | 48, 467 60,667 | 58.4) 61, 565 58, 578 | 110.9 | 54, 479 153, 116 | 293.3 | 186, 152 173, 084 | 935.6 | 117, 906 34,981 | 43.4} 35, 871 153, 536 | 196.6 | 115,517 188,104 | 236.3 | 167,449 % 477 | 17.6 9,435 62,275. | 82.9} 69,775 9, 617) 23:9 9, 703 30, 804 | 53.7 | (28,882 39, 848 | 43.4] 38,304 80,910 | 97.6] 66,210 62,104 | 93.2} 63,090 14,464] 36.9 15, 013 286, 311 | 634.8 259, 570 173, 797 | 184.7 | 167,029 85, 545 | 237.6 | 70,032 63, 152 | 175.4 |. 59, 565 148, 101 | 480.5 | 118, 832 390, 991 | 438.3 | 348, 186 83,100 | 68.1} 80,813 48,934 | 49.6] 47,868 93, 788 | 1384.0] 77, 699 31,439 | 79.0} 27, 785 24,295! 39.0! 22, 941 areain COUNTY. square miles: 1920. PENNSYLVANIA— Con, Montgomery. .... 484 Montour -¢ 06.466 130. Northampton...) 372 Northumberland.| 454 POPEy iets. oon 564 Philadelphia... .. 128 8 a ie a i Be 544 POLUGr. 2.3 eS TY 1,071 Sehuylkall. 0. 777 PLY GGL es cle anaes 31 Somerset...s swat ws 1, 034 Sutbivans 2.88 ced 4538 Susquehanna... .|: 824 TRROSAG Ea ae 1, 142 Verrion: eae 305 Venango. 2.4... 4 661 Warren gos oboe: 902 Washington... .. . 862 Weyae. Panos 739 Wi sade 1, 039 Wyoming. ic... 397 Wer eunn atin 903 RHODE ISLAND. .\.... 1,067 TSTISUOL: -heetee h a 24 eB riG.e Se ae VA: Now portic.. 4. 4¢ 114 Providence....... 430 Washinegton...... 825 SouTH CAROLINA. -. .|30, 495 Abbeville... 2.2... 510 ATC. opie ek 1, 100 Ailendale-..2s.... 435 Anderson .. v.22. 758 Bamberg. 3: fe e223 375 Barnwell... i... §22 Beatifort hss 7s ia. 702 Berkeley: 4.246 24 1, 238 Galhoun 4 se 6 42 391 Charleston: ....-. 888 Cherokee......... 373 Chester. 225 0.5. 592 Chesterfield... 2... 837 Clarendon... Sob 862 15, 983 } 18.5 | 12,947 SWE RS 931 4, 557 4.9 07 402s] PROtriS eta sh 1,654 || 186,667 | 112.9 | 115,693 olemian © =. 21. 2S 1,290 18, 805 |. 14:6 | 22,618 || Harrison 2... ..-- 872 ||, 438,565 |} 50.0 37, 243 Colfin..: =... 2 878 || 49,609 | 56.5 | 49,021 || Hartley ..:.....-- 1,507 ||. 1,109} 0.74 1,298 Collingsworth...-| 898 9,154 }--10.2 D;224 ||| -Haskellinco...-.-. 923 \||°.14,193 | 15.4 7 16,249 ‘Colorado... -.-..-- 972 195013: 17 190677" 185897 |i] “Hays. fo ooo es 623 15, 920 | 25.6 15, 518 Womal = 53... .. 559 8,824 | 15.8 8,434 |} Hemphill... .-.-.. 873 4, 280 4.9 3,170 Comanche... - . -- 948 || 25,748) -27-2 | 27,186 || Henderson... ..-- “3/946 || 28,327 1 29.9 | 20,131 Concho. 2.2. ..--- 918 5,847 |-- 6.4 | 6,654 || Hidalgo........-- 15629 || 38,110 | 23.4 |° 13, 728 WOGKO 2.522.) 5. 902 24, O01 * +2825 41 26/6080] EIN. eee 966 43,332 | 44.9] 46,760 Ooryelli .222.... 5 1,085 || 20,601 | 19.0] 21,703 || Hockley......--- 867 137 | 0-2 137 Cottle. ..3.27.-.- ¥ 1,012 6, 901 6.8 MOOD i EPOQ a chnse sob at 405 8,759 | 21.6 | 10,008 Grahei2} 2. 2 878 B74: 220405 331 || Hopkins!........ 813 || 34,791 | 42.8 |. 31,038 Crockett ..:...-.. 3,215 1,500 025 f296:| Houston o-2 5.2 1,231 28,601 | 23.2] 29,564 Crosby {0.07.10 870 || 6,084 | 7.0] “1,765 || Howard..2:.... 2. 391 6,962 | 7.8} 8,881 Culberson. .....-- 3, 787 912 Or B=) PANE Hudspeth. -.-.-- 4,621 962 ee Teor secs Dela |.6 Vi... 2: 15532 4,528 3.0 PANY) at. ... -- 2, 263 1,445 0.6 1,678 Dickens. 02..) 5 881 5, 876 6.7 3} 092 || Jefferson 22>... -: 920 73,120} 79.54 38,182 Dimmit.2.)....-. 1,360 5, 296 3.9 3,460 || Jim Hogg-.....--- 1,140 |}- 1,914 We becatie Donley.:.-...---} . 906 8,035 8.9 5, 284 || Jim -Wells-....---) 791 6, 587 Ps fg pr aa oh) A eee RS 1, 703 8, 251 4.8 8,964 || Johnson.-...--.-- 740 || 37,286) 50.4 | 34,460 Eastland. ......-. 925 ||; 58,505-| 63.2} 23,491 || Jones...) 222.-.-2 922 || 22,323 | 24.2] 24,299 CL Alt 5 Sot ox 892 760 0.9 PAB) Karnes : 3. 2 692 19,049} 27.5] 14,942 Edwards: ..2.-.-- 1,960 2, 283 1.2 3;768 || Kaufman... ....-: 834 41,276 |. 49.5 | 35,323 1 eo Se oa 923 || 101,877 | 110.4 | 52,599 || Kendall.......-- 598 4,779 8.0 4,517 Meine 0-205. .5 2: 975 ||" 55, 700.| : 57.1 |. 53,629 |) Kent--..3.9.--)-2 875 3,335 3.8 2, 655 Wrath 26} 8 1,083 || 28,385] 26.2 |. 32,095 || Kerr.......---.-- 1,142 |]:5,842 | 5.1] 5,505 aa a 745 || 36,217] 48.6 | 35,649 || Kimble.....---.. 1,301 3,581 | 2.8): 3,261 Paty ..i..:.15: 838 || 48,186] 57.5 | 44,801 || King...........-. 867 |: 655 | 0.8 810 Mavetio.......!.. 968 || 29,965 | 31.0] 29,796 || Kinney.:......-- 1,312 ||. 8,746 | 2.94- ..3,401 PBEIGE wh yas = ha 885 || 11,009 | 12.4 | ,12,596 || Kleberg.«.....:-s 698 4, 8307] 1122 ins part's 1S (ita oe 1,011 D788) |” 9eZ41-74,608-4| BROX. bs cer - 4-2 862 9,240 | 10.7] 9,625 ae 612 ||. 4,747| 7.8] 5,726 || La Salle.-........ 1,561 4,821} 3.1) . 4,747 Hort Bend.--....-| 792 || 22,931 | 29.0 | 18,168 || Lamar..../....-. 945 || 55,742 | 59.0 |. 46,544 Franklin See es 289 9,304 | 32.2 9,a04. || Jiamb... s sa. -dag 1,022 1,175 dat 540 Freestone ey ie 882 ||. 23,264 | 26.4 | 20,557 || Lampasas. ....-.- 740 8,800 | 11.9 9, 532 a keel ee 1,124 9,296 8.3 8,895 || Lavaca........--. 950 ||. 28,964 | 30,5 | 26,418 Gatnek eee Seon it DIS st O71 ke 2OR 1 Le nee - 4-2 ra 8, O99 3 8, 78 2 as Ee a 657 || 27,707 | 42.2 | » 23,417 i Yoakum......... 879 504| 0.6] 602 Héavan! <2. ....¢ 1,071 377 0.4 392 OUNE «| at 50.3 136 875 13,379 | 15.3] 13,657 Wars. it 6i9 || 4,461] 241... Papata.. i. i8s die 1,040 || 2,929] 28] 3,809 Red River....... 1,039 || 35,829 | 34.5 | 28 564 || Z9valla..---..... 1,348 ||» 3,108.) 23) 1,889: Réeves. . 2.2... 2,781 || 4,457] 1.6] 4,392 aie Refugio. ......... 740 || 4,050} 5.5] 2814 |] Uran... ll... 82, 184 || 449,396 | 5.5 | 373,351 Roberts. -...'..i.. 882 1, 469 1.7 950 || Beaver........... 2, 660 5, 139 19 4,717 Robertson... .. 872 || 27,933 | 32.0| 27,454 || Box Elder......- 5,444 | 18,788] 3.5| 13,894 Rockwall. ....... 149 || 8,591} 57.7] 8,072 || Cache..... 0.2.2. 1,164 || 26,992} 23.2] 23, 062 peta eee tae Ke Se 17, O74 15. 8 % $58 Carbon A eee 1,487 || 15,489 | 10.4] 8,624 gees Foes. 4 : 2. 94 ageett, or... TT Bae 400 0.5}. ? t dian! | aii 1 deals meemtaaah shel ie kien! NS a yh 51) a a 589 || 12,299-} 20.9 8, 582 || Davis... San Augustine...| 622 13, 737 | 22.1 W 264 Brichemae <1 3, 268 8003 28 Prien zon 4 if a hea 602 9,867} 16.4 9,542 || Eimery........: ..| 4,453 7,411 oe, 6, 750 San Saba....-.2.1| 4,16 || 10°15} 90 | 112546 | Grand 0202022707 3692 || isos} 0.8 | 17395 3 0 ae are ; \ : rand... 3) : KY 1, 595 Saag eet 4,387 1 851 33 iv 893 Iron. GR ie SON 3,256 || 5,787} 1.8} 3,933 Shackelford...7.2} -o47 |) a’900 | 2} aot || Kane. 1200772) ates etna | oe Leas ie Oye 5 eee or on i; 2 ; oe : es ot aa idee Ae 6,561 || 9,659] 1.5] 6,118 LS Daa 3 473° 1 ; Morgan..........| 626 || 2,542] 4.1] 2) 467 Mmith 2 sh ) 920 || 46,769 | 50.8} 41,746 || Piute..... | Somervell........ | 184 || 3,563} 19.4] 3,931 Went ire Tt 1, ast : 40 3 vas Seite Me ES 1,348 |} 11,089] 82] 13,151 || Salt Lake.......- 756 || 159, 282 | 210.7 |.131, 426 Stephens......... 925 || 15,403] 16.7] 7,980 || SanJuan........ 7,761 || 3,379| 0.4) 23 Sterling.......... 948! ©1053! 1.1! 1,493 |! Sanpete.......... 1,616 ! 17,505! 10.8! 16,7 A COUNTIES. 47 * TABLE 9.—AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. ——_—wroO0oaleleeeeeeeoeeeeeS=<$<~$S$ eee rT eT eee eee POPULATION. Land area in 1920 COUNTY. square SECA anne Ff) ; 1920. Per 1910 Total. |square mile. UtTaH—Con. ey 2 eee 1,978 || 11,281 5.7 9,775 TSVINT TGs soa c's ap 1, 870 7, 862 4,2 8, 200 ee 6,849 || 7,965] 1.21. 7,924 Wiptah(i. 0...) 4,294 || 8470] 2.0] 7,050 ie 1 cae Sea ..| 2,034 || 40,792 | 20.1 | 37,942 Wasdtchi.......)4 1, 167 4, 625 4.0 8, 920 Washington.....- 2, 465 6, 764 2.7 5, 123 Wayne..........- 2,475 || 2,097) 0.8] 1,749 Weber........... 541 || 43,463 | 80.3} 35,179 VERMONT...... 9,124 || 352,428 | 38.6 | 355,956 Addison. ........ 756 || 18,666 | 24.7 | 20,010 Bennington.....-. 661 21, 577.4 - .32..64]' 921, 378 Caledonia.......- 618 || 25,762 | 41.7} 26,031 Chittenden....... 543 43,708 | 80.5 | 42, 447 1) (ae es ear 638 7,364 | 11.5 7, 384 Franklin.........|' 652 || 30,026 | 46.1 | 29) 866 Grand Isle....... 83 3,784 | 45.6 3, 761 Lamoille .. 22... 436 11,858 | 27.2 |. 12, 585 Oranee. yh. 676 17, 279 |. 25.6 | ‘18, 703 Orleans. ........- 688 || 23,913 | 34.8 | 23, 337 Hutlands foot. 0 911 46,213 |}. 50.7 |. 48,139 Washington...... 719 38,921 | 54.1 | 41, 702 Windham..-...- 795 || 26,373 |. -33.2 | 26,932 Wandsor’. £02.24. 948 36,984 | 39.0 | 33,681 VIRGINIA....... 40, 262 |/2, 309, 187] 57.4 {2,061,612 Accomac........- 502 || |34,795 | 69.3 | 36,650 Albemarle....... Charlottesville 751 || 36,693 | 48.9 | 36,636 CUG Mar. weit: dt Alleghany....... Clifton Forge 458 21,496 | 46.9 | 19,921 PGERY 3. Vets. = + Ameiia. 0052... 371 9,800 | 26.4 8, 720 Ambersty.-....% - 470 19,771 | 42.1). 18,932 Appomattox ..... 342 9,255 | 27.1 8, 904 “oh Sake Norte 31 || 34,100 |1,100.0| 25, 560 Alexandria city - ree’ ? Aupusta 22... 2). ein city | \i, 006 || 45,204] 45.0] 43,049 105 eee wg fh DES 6,389 | 11.7 6, 538 Bedford.......... 791 || 30,669} 38.81 29,549 Bland Seep acini 360 5, 593°} 15.5 5, 154 Botetourt........ 548 16, DOH 30.22 0 LT, 127 Brunswick....... 657 || 21,025 | 37.7 | 19, 244 Buchanan..:....- 514 15,441 | 30.0] 12,334 Sh et anean eS 584 || 14,885 | 25.5 | 15, 204 ampbell........ oleh bers city \ 557 || 56,786 | 101.9 | 52, 537 Caroline......-... 529 || 15,954 | 30.2] 16,596 2. el Se 458 21,283: | 46.5) 21,116 Charles City... .. 188 || 4, 793-| - 25.5 |'' 5, 253 Charlotte. .:'..... 496 17,540 | 35.4] 15,785 Chesterfield......| 468 || 20,496 | 43.8 | 21, 299 Mierke. As cuss. 17 7,165 | 41.9] 7,468 Moree be 333 4,100} 12.3 4 711 Culpeper.:....... 384 || 13,292 | 34.6] 13,472 OCumberland.....| 293 || 9,111] 81.1] | 9,195 Dickenson. wees 325 || 13,542! 41.7! 9, 109 Land : areain COUNTY. square miles: 1920. VIRGINIA—Con. Dinwiddie. ...... Petersburg city \ 521 Elizabeth City... 54 USSOR Coney ae 258 Wairfax |: Soleo 417 Fauquier ..2..-%. 666 Ployd.”. jecda. Ay 376 Fluvanna........ 285 HWranklin=s. 2... 697 Frederick........ \ 435 Winchester city Giles ni 4 Hes. 2% 369 Gloucester. ...... 223 Goochland....... 287 GAYSON: o: we. -) 425 CIT BONO 15.0 sich 155 Greensville....... 307 Hantax:s, 5.85.0. 814 ELST OW Olu ie. 2b 4 512 FIGNTiCO I ea ~ ek 280 ‘Richmond city. Henry 4.4 tae.) 3 444 Highland........ 429 | Isle of Wight..... 314 James City... <2. 164 Kingand Queen..| 320 King George. .... 180 King William....| 263 Laneastere 2. .\.. 130 L6G 6. coe 446 Loudoun. «s+... .. 519 HOuIsa sees. Soe 516 Lunenburg...... 430 Madison.:! 22.28. 324 Mathews..-.....- 94 Mecklenburg.....- 669 Middlesex......- 146 Montgomery. ..-- \ 401 N Radford ay wes ansemond...... Suffolk city... \ 423 INGISOnN? 2.25. Peet 473 New Kent......-. 191 Bortolo ets ee Norfolk city: ae 415 Portsmouthcity Northampton. ... 239 Northumberland. 205 Nottoway.-.....- 310 Oranve. oie 359 fed eg ps Eat aN 322 Eee Se eS 485 Pittsylvania. .... Danville city... \, Ot5 Powhatan. ....:-. 273 Prince Edward. . 356 Prince George. -.. Hopewell city - . \ v4 Prince William. . 345 Princess Anne... .|.... 279 ALIAS Rds Puke yo oe 333 POPULATION. 1920 | Per 1910 Total. |square mile. | 48,961 |. 94.0} 39,569 25, 249 | 467.6 | 21, 225 8,542 | 33.1 9,105 21,943 | 52.6 |. 20, 536 21,869 | 32.8 | 22, 526 13,115 |. 34.9 | 14,092 8,547 | 30.0 8, 323 26,283 | 37.7 | 26,480 19,344 | 44.5 18,651 11,901 | 32.3. | 11,623 11,894 | 53.3 |, 12,477 8, 863 | 30.9 9, 237 19,816 |. 46.6 | 19,856 6,369 | 41.1 6, 937 11,606 | 37.8); 11,890 41,374 | 50.8] 40,044 18,088 | 35.3 | 17,200 190, 639 | 680.9 | 151, 065 20, 238 | 45.6}, 18, 459 4,931 | -11.7 5,317 14,433 | 46.0 | 14,929 6,138 | 37.4 6, 338 9,161 | 28.6 9, 576 5, 762 | 32.0 6, 378 8,739 | 33.2 8, 547 9,757 | 75.1 9, 752 25,293 | 56.7 3, 840 20,577 | 39.6 | 21,167 17,089 | 33.1 | 16,578 15,260 | 35.5 | 12,780 9,595 } 29.6} 10,055 8,447 | 89.9 8, 922 31,208 | 46.6 | 28,956 8,157 | 55.9 8, 852 23,222 | 57.9:|. :21,470 29,322 | 69.3 | 26,886 17,277 | 36.5 | 16, 821 4,541 | 23.8 4, 083 227, 522 | 548.2 | 153,386 17,852 | 74.7 | 16,672 11,518 | 56.2 | 10,777 14,161 | 45.7 | 13,462 13,320 | 37.1) 13,486 14,770 | 45.9 | 14, 147 16,850 | 34.7 | 17,195 78,032 |. 76.9 |. 69,729 6,552 | 24.0 6, 099 14,767 | 41.5 | 14,266 14, 312.} 48.7 7, 848 13,660 | 39.6 | 12,026 13,626 | 48.8] 11,526 17,111 1 51.4!) 17,246 48 ABSTRACT QF THE -CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 9.—AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES: 1920':AND 1910—Continued.: POPULATION. POPULATION. Land Land areain 1920 ,., areain 1920 COUNTY. square COUNTY. square MileSiheo ee te THELEARN eect be Cee 1920. Per | 1910 1920. Per | 1910 Total. | square Total. |square mile. mnile. WORN, es Rrra ie ener ace VIRGINIA—Con. We ee SO aes on. Rappahannock...| 274 8,070 | 29.5 8,044 |} Snohomish....... 2,064 || 67,690 | 32.8] 59,209 lgamond ud eeen Ae 204 7,434 | 36.4 7,415 ent Pat sens 1,756 || 141, rd 80.5 | 139, 404 oanoke .. 2 -h. evens...20..22 5 | 2,505 21, 605 8.6 | 25, 297 ptoanokecity... B05 | 898, 207 | eK Mat hsB4, 408 Thurston <<... 709 || 227366 | 31.5 | 17,581 ockbridge-~.-...- re ahkiakum..-.-|\ (267 3,472 | 13.0 3, 285 DaenaNisis citylp 626 |] 24,537 | 39.8 | 24,416 ’ Walla Walla. .-.-.}. 1, 265 27,539 | 21.8}. 31,931 Rockingham ....- Whatcom --....}< 2,082 || 50,600 | 24.3] 49,511 Harrisonburg 876 || 35,922] 41.0} 34,903 |] Whitman........ 2,108 || 31,323] 14.9] 33,280 tty 080. Yakima..ocs.2... 5,059 || 63,710 | 12.6] 41,709 Russeilis. te2ei le 496 26,786 | 54.0 | 23, 474 NGOtbee we ee 543 24,776 | 45.6 | 23,814 Parenter 510 }}_20, 808 | 40.8 | 20,942 || Wasr Vircinta .|24, 022 |/1,463,701 | 60.9 [1,221,119 Smyth. je227.. 2 435 22,125 | 50:9 |. 20,326 Moa ST] : 3a ; Barbour........-} 348 || 18,028 | 51.8] 15,858 Shoberiynaie 2b aes (004 27,555 | 45.6 | 26,302 Berkeley oy oe 325 2, 5 4 15.6 21, 999 rae eer eee” “s ' CODE: ILS 5 D, 4 10, 331 | “premotor é| 413 16,453 | 39.8] 15,809 |) Broxton......... 517 23,973 | 46.4 23, 023 Stafford! ?.220222! 2741) 8,104|' 20.61 8, 070; ||i BEOOKS.1-8-<4--+ 418i 0. MM OUia aAeRa ta Aisa Gabel! yxe. te 261 65,746 | 251.9 | 46,685 Swrrys 205.4. 278 || 9,305 | 33.5 | 9,715 . ) , Sussex ....-...... 515 || 12,834 | 24.9 | 13, 604 |] Galhoun..-.=...-- oe | aa reeh teen eeee Tazewell ......-.2 531 || 27,840 |. 52.4| 24 946 A SS BOREL ae . , a yas Warren 16 3°859 | 41.0 9’ 589 Doddridge....... 317 11,976}. 37.8 | 12,672 arteicis 02. (Th % ? E , Fayetie}.2.s¢..)3 667 60,377 | 90.5 | 51,903 ota Bev alle sd RS age ot recent Uae Gilmer...+.22-+-. 331 |) 10,008 | 32.2} 11,379 it aes ae SONG. Fir ae ah , Washinetén Greenbrier... ..-- 998 || 26,242] 26.3 | 24) 833 Bastal et \ 604 || 39,105 | 64.7 | 39,077 || Hampshire....... 648 || 11,713 | 18.1] 11,694 Westmoreiand... 252 10,240) 40.6] 9,313 TISHCOCK, - -~2

218 7,535 | 34.6 Citar a LOLS, ae cuencs 2 935 26, 870°} 28.7 | 21; 367 VENOOG Sota tay 's ood: 364 42,306 | 116:2{ 38,001 || Portage. ......... 812 33, 649 | 41.4] 30,945 Wyoming.....:.. 5022 15,180 }.° 30,2} 10,392) |) Price. cil..2..... 1,279 ||. .18,517 | 14.5] 13,795 Racine........... 324 ||. 78,961 | 243.7 | 57,424 WISCONSIN....- 55,256. ||2,632,067 | 47.6 |2,333,860°|| Richland........ 590 19) 823 | 33.6} 18, 809 =| — == ee [be OCKS. SES See, 716 66, 150 |, 92.4 | 55, 538 AGAMAs. .-bse8 oo 684 9,287 | 138.6 8,604) eRusk: Seles... . 925 16,403 |, 17.7} 11,160 Ashland ©. f.. 21,504 | 27.5} 22,497 |}| Carbon........... 8, 007 9, 525 owe died BAD Converse... 2s...) 4,133 7, 871 1.9 6, 294 MNOW Gre. 5 Bee eel 792 10, 261 | 13.0 8, 306 | Jackson. J. < 0.3 990 17, 746 | 17.9") 17, 075*||-Crook. > 3.022... | 2, 866 5, 524 1.9 6, 492 Jefferson ......... 552 || 35,022 | 63.4 | 34,306 || Fremont......... 12,261 |} 11,820] 1.0] 11,822 Jureat... 4.82: 802 || 19,209 | 24.0] 19,569 | Goshen. -........ 2, 186 B64 par yt et Kenosha........- 282 || 51,284 | 181.9 | 32,929 | Hot Springs... ... 2, O25. 5, 16457 2. Ghee. 4.0% | Johnson......... 4, 164|| 4617 |: del |. 3, 453 Kewaunee....... 337 || 16,091 | 47.7) 16,784 | La Crosse........ 481 44,355 | 92.2) 43,996|| Laramie:........ 2,678 20, 699 7 thea 26,1127 Lafayette........) 642 || 20,002| 31.2) 20,075 || Lincom.......... 8, 945 || 12, 487 aT. re es Langlade......:.: 875 || 21,471 | 24.5:| 17,062 || Natrona-........ 5, 322 14, 635 Eat | 4, 766 EADCOIN 2... von se 902 | 21,084 | 23.4; 19,064 || Niobrara......... 2, 604 6, 321 ys Ee AR Manitowoc....... 602 || 51,644 | 85.8) 44,978 || Park...2......... 5, 207 7, 298 1.4 4, 909 Marathon. ......- 1,554°|| 65,259 | 42.0) 55, 054]! Platte............ 2195 |b aay Pgs Po: Marinette........! 1,415 || 34,361 | 24.3} 33,812°| Sheridan...-..... | 2,574 || 18,182} 7.1] 16,324 Marquette.-...... 457 10,443 | 22.9) 10,741 || Sweetwater......|10,495 13, 640 1.3) 11, 575 Milwaukee....... 235 || 539, 449 |2;295.5| 433, 187 Pinta, ish et... 2, 094 6, 611 3.2 | 16, 982 Monroe.........- 937 || 28,666 | 30.61 28,881 ||, Washakie........ ROH SOB AA, Rat big ict ia OCOntO. == -bsick 2 1, 118 27,104 | 24.2) 25,657 || Westone. ....... 2, 403 4,631)" 1.9 4, 960 BOGS, .. 2b oe. 2 1, 183 13,996 | 11.8] 11,433 || Yellowstone | Outagamie....... 646 || 55,113 | 85.3) 49,102 National Park zaukee......... 233 || 16,335} 70.1) 17,123 (part of)1...... 2, 948 165 | 0.1 | 519 LU ) _ 1Geographically located within limitsofIdaho, Montana, and Wyoming; total population returned as in Wyoming. t 75108°—23———4 50 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 10.—POPULATION OF CITIES HAVING, IN [Except as explained in footnotes, population shown for each census CITY. 1920 Now. Yorkeave Y ssc 5, 620, 048 Bronx borough..-......- 732, 016 1 Brooklyn borough......} 2,018, 356 Manhattan borough....| 2,284, 103 Queens borough......-- 469, 042 Richmond borough.... 116, 531 ayeChicage; Wsro. esse hee aes 2, 701, 705 3 | Philadeiphia, Pa..........- 1,823,779 4| Detroit, Mich.............- 993, 678 5 | Cleveland, Ohio............ 796, 841 OT SG ss ORS DLO c el. tee eaese 772; 897 4:1 DOStOnh, Masi. «cae pe kese> 748, 060 8 | Baltimore, Md.....-......- 733, 826 9.| Pittsburgh, Pa.3..2...2..... 588, 343 10 | Los Angeles, Calif.........- 576, 673 AL: 1 Buttaloln, Wiese: Ae. 506, 775 12 | San Francisco, Calif.......-. 506, 676 13..)..MiJwaukee, Wis............ 457, 147 Washington, D. C.°........ 437, 571 TST Newark, N. J. oc cw--hevass-< 414, 524 16 | Cincinnati, Ohio........... 401, 247 17 | New Orleans, La..........- 387, 219 18 | Minneapolis, Minn......... 380, 582 19} Kansas City, M0.... 2.00%. 324, 410 20 | Seattle, Wash..........---- 315, 312 21 | Indianapolis, Ind...... 5... 314, 194 22) Jersey City, N.J...de...--- 298, 103 23 | Rochester, N. Y......0s.--- 295, 750 24°’ Portland, Orég.......ds2..- 258,.288 254i Donver; Colon... close c 256, 491 26) |} Toledo, OHIO! 42. ...0520.- 243, 164 orp Providence, Moll...) 200, 616 34 | Omaha, Nebr.6............- 191, 601 35 |. Worcester, Mass..-.......- a 179, 754 36 | Birmingham, Ala.........- 178, 866 a7|. Syracuse, No¥ 2.0... 200.4. 171, 717 38 | Richmond, Va............. 171, 667 39 | New Haven, Conn......... 162, 537 40 | Memphis, Tenn..........-. 162, 351 41 | San Antonio, Tex.......... 161, 379 Ad W Dallass (Tex acc ns < Sig win'gh 158, 976 43 | Dayton, Ohio.............. 152, 559 44 Bridgeport, Conn.......... 148, 555 45.) Houston, Tex... coche 138, 276 46 ove pte Comms! ..... 23.7. 138, 036 etek SOCTRULOMs & Beienrns's - s aleoee 137, 783 48 |.Grand Rapids, Mich....... 137, 634 49.|.Paterson, NJ" 62%. jee 135, 875 50 | Youngstown, Ohio........- 132, 358 51 | Springfield, Mass........... 129, 614 52 | Des Moines, lowa.......... 126, 468 53 | New Bedford, Mass.-...... 121, 217 ba Pall Rivers Mass.i.. so: 120, 485 bo] brenton, N.iJo.4.i0. showers 119, 289 oo fT wvashyville, Tenn... Joc6.5. 118, 342 57 | Salt Lake City, Utah....... 118, 110 58 | Camden, N.J-.......... ws.|-. 116,309 be aNoridlk, Valle. tes 115, 777 60} Albany, N. Y.............. 113, 344 Gi) oowell, Mass..52.. dic sae 112, 759 62 | Wilmington, Del..:..... swe 110, 168 63 | Cambridge, Mass..... yee 109, 694 64.) Reading, Pia sws- sasha sdse 107, 784 65 | Fort Worth, Tex..... ewiees 106, 482 46 | Spokane, Wash............ 104, 437 67 | Kansas City, Kans......... 101, 177 Petia OURS; NAY eee oo eke 100, 176 1910 4,766, 883 430, 980 1, 634, 351 2) 331) 542 284) 041 85, 969 2, 185, 283 1,549, 008 465, 766 560, 663 687, 029 670, 585 558, 485 533, 905 319, 198 423° 715 416, 912 373, 857 |: 331, 069 347, 469 , 363,591 339, 075 301, 408 248, 381 237, 194 233, 650 267, 779 218° 149 207, 214 213, 381 168, 497 “4224 326 181, 511 223, 928 214, 744 150, 174 69, 067 154, 839 124, 096 145, 986 132, 685 137, 249 127, 628 133, 605 131, 105 96, 614 92) 104 116, 577 102, 054 78, 800 98, 915 129, 867 112) 571 125, 600 79, 066 88, 926 86, 368 96, 652 119; 295 96, 815 110, 364 92, 777° 94, 538 67, 452 - 100, 253 106, 294 87, 411° 104, 839 96, O71 73, 312 104) 402 82) 331 79, 803 1 Population shown is for New York and its boroughs as now constituted. 2 Ryde Park town annexed to Boston city since 1910. Combined population: 1910, 686,092; 1900, 574,136; 1890, 458,670; 1880 § includes population of Allegheny, as follows: 1900 369,927; 1870, 254,662. POPULATION. 1900 1890 1880 1870 3, 437, 202 | 2,507, 414 | 1,911,698 | 1,478, 103 200; 507 88, 90 51,9 37, 393 1,166,582 | 838,547] 599,495 | 419° 921 1, 850,093 | 1,441, 216 | 1,164,673 | 942’ 292 152) 999 87,050] ” 56,550] 45,463 67; 021 51,693 | 38,991 | 33, 029 1,698,575 | 1,099,850 | 503,185} 298 977 1,293,697 | 1,046,964} 847,170] 674,029 285,704 | 7 205,876 | 116,340] 79577 381,768 | 261,353] 160,146 | 92 829 575,238 | 451,770 | 350,518 | 310, 864 560,892} 448,477] 362,839 | 250,526 508,957 | 434,439 |. 332,313 | ° 267, 354 451,512 | 343,904] 235,071. | — 189, 256 102) 479 50,395 | 11,183 5,728 352,387 | 255,664 | * 155,134] 117, 714 342,782 | 298,997 | 233,959 | 149) 473 285,315 | 204,468 | 115,587 | 71, 440 278,718 | | 230,302] 177,624] — 109 199 246,070 | 181,830} 136,508} 105,059 325,902 | 296,908] 255,139 | 216 239 287,104 | 242/039 | 216,090 | ~ 191, 418 202,718 | 164,738] 46,887 | 13, 066 163,752 | .. 132,716} 55,785 | 32, 260 80, 671 42, 837 3, 533 1, 107 169,164 | 105,436} 75,056 | 48, 244 206,433 | 163,003 |. 120,722 | 92) 546 162,608 | 133,896-}* 89,366}. 62,386 90, 426 46,385 | 17,577 8, 293 133,859 | 106,713} 35,629 4.759 131) 822 81,434] 50,137 | 81, 584 175,597 | -132, 146} 104,857 | 68, 904 125, 560 88,150} 51,647 | 31,274 204; 731 161,129 | 123,758] 100,753 163,065 | 133,156} 41,473 | 20, 030 66, 960 48,682 |. 34,555 | 10, 500 42; 728 27, 601 16,512} 10; 006 89, 872 65,533 | 37,409 |. 21,789 102,555 |» 140,452 30,518] 16; 083 118, 421 84,655] 58,291 | 41, 105 38, 415 26, 178 3; 086+... 21ee 108, 374 88,143 | 51,792. | 43051 85, 050 81,383 | 63,600} 51,038 108, 027 81,293 |. 762,882] 750,840 102; 320 64,495] 33, 592 , 226 53, 321 37,673 | 20,550] 12.956 42° 638 38, 087.1: . 10,856 1 cede chat 85, 333 61,220] 38,678] 30,473 70, 996 48,866 | 27,643] 18) 969 44,633 27,557} 16,513 9, 382 79, 850 53,230| 42,015] — 37,180 102) 026 75,215 | 45,850] 35, 092 87, 565 60,278} 32,016} 16, 507 105,171 78,347) 51,031}. » 33, 579 44 885 33,220] 15,435 8, 075 62, 059 44,179 | 33,340] 26, 708 62, 139 50,093 | 22,408] 12, 035 62) 442 40,733 | 26,845] , 21,320 104, 863 74,398] 48,961] 26, 766 73, 307 57,458 | 29,910] 22) 874 80, 865 76,168 | 43,350], 25, 865 53, 531 44,843 | 20,768} 12, 854 75, 935 58,313 | 41,659} 20,045 46, 624 34, 871 3 19, 229 94) 151 94,923 | 90,758] 69, 422 94, 969 77,696 | 59,475 | 40, 928 76, 508 61,431} 42,478 | °30; 841 91, 886 70,028} 52,669] 39,634 78, 961 58,661} 43,278 930 26; 688 23; 076 6, 663) bode td akee 36, 848 19,099.10 00d a BU pk OR Sy 51, 418 38, 316 3, 200) sser in 47,931 32, 083. [i 18,803) |. Jae ae Hyde Park not returned separately at earlier censuses. 129,896; 1890, 105,287; 1880, 78,682; 1870, 53,180; 1860, 28,702; 1850, 21,262; 1840, 10,089; and 1830, 2,801. Allegheny not returned separately at earlier censuses. * Population as reported by state census of 1852; returnsfor 1850 for San Francisco were destroyed by fire. ny PRINCIPAL CITIES. ie = 1920, 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1790-1920. year does not include that of territory subsequently annexed.] SSS 00000—00O0—060606060@0—OOoOoOOOO0CO38o3803}808};};;; eee ——— xs os POPULATION. ‘ 1860 1850 1840 1830 1820 1810 1800 1790 1,174,779 696, 115 391, 114 242, 278 152, 056 119, 734 79, 216 49, 401 23, 593 8, 032 5, 346 3, 023 2, 782 2, 267 1,755 1, 781 279, 122 138, 882 47,613 20, 535 11, 187 8, 303 5, 740 4,495 813, 669 515, 547 312, 710 202, 589 123, 706 96, 373 60, 515 33,131 32, 903 18, 593 14, 480 9, 049 8, 246 7, 6, 642 6, 159 25, 492 15, 061 10, 965 7, 082 6, 135 5, 347 4, 564 3, 835 109, 260 29, 963 BPR | < Sao ai ah ols SOCY titel in| eee ow Shslevdieas aa Pcie |s aisle bis acres 2 565, 529 121, 376 93, 665 80, 462 63, 802 53, 722 41, 220 28,522 | 3 45, 619 21,019 9, 102 2, 222 LAR hed wae Sale het wnat eacleien » cece ee 4 43,417 17, 034 6, 071 1, 076 DG 1. eed ale tar gach ee oes 5 160, 773 77, 860 BOSOM Be ad thnk witch 0 ~ aicB® wih. bake » = dhe oP tb Gules db ay a0 ou,a]aadmaleh a = scab 177, 840 136, 881 93, 383 61, 392 43, 298 33, 787 24,937 18,320 | 7 212, 418 169, 054 02,313 80, 620 62, 738 46, 555 26,514 13,503 | 8 77, 923 67, 863 31, 204 15, 369 7, 248 4, 768 TOS NCAT... cates 9 4,385 MERU Neb fe nie cuss Sp lades pSh nw eds] hasan enedbs/sfpescsnegsces|ssopesccuqupalanye sss daiah 10 81, 129 42,261 18, 213 8, 668 ZOOS. voen skate atueschebeut ote echo on 11 56, 802 RD 1. LAUR Che St bie Boca sad AOI Ec

hs cE eee Pei a1 auits Vales AOR PARE san. Unido] Re spite o's/t op hd Gotan ovigces|sawameebesce ween’ tate ke 24 pas = 4 Se rE ae Sieh rie Sek Naa he awe o Sliad bdo pins wo ASpde~ vdeo va Ges s|aadtebonececlh ote Sree taaholy 13, 768 3, 829 2G A al aie BY role ARRMIN ly Se gMRRRR WG BS 21. poll 7 RAGS Be ID lke 6 50, 666 41,513 23,171 16, 833 11, 767 10, 071 7,614 6,380 | 27 18, 554 17, 882 6, 048 B4as Sie ke US, oh eehcdae nce). ole UREA 28 6%, 033 43,194 21, 210 10, 341 4,012 1,357 359 200 }29 10, 401 "YOY BTS OBE, | FU ata y Mega fs ot OG, CAE ee 8 cnn ene Be pny ore 30 EG ER oa). ras natant cabmebe dep elaes teak on bin bs = cawpabnpslsethesencceslndebovetinein 31 3,477 BROS leche cn vas baer ive dels |Fooneie ad} [--- sasmitags|sosead-th bees dot aw th 32 9, 554 OO BIR Be 2 18 ee SOR Ey ee ee te 33 TTT BB TRE Delp RS i da SD ie OYE Er as Aree pee ene ae -+|34 24, 960 17, 049 7,497 4,173 2, 962 2,577 2,411 2, 095 35 a an Stl. PUL ps enya ts alee So ccbiapen=[scuteuwedeec|oseetcwcccesleoeauercceue 3 28, 119 ER Re Lei eet Eke SaaS bls sin PRUE ho sc. co neue otitond bv puminn win deimpe oo ae 37 37,910 27, 570 20, 153 16, 060 12, 067 9,735 5, 737 3, 761) 38 739, 267 7 20,345 12, 960 10, 180 7,147 5, 72 4,049 |... sees 39 22, 623 BOM et. Pee Oia ir Ss Se) ODS ae cde nbmorpience bweweteneny doa thas 40 8, 235 eS BSS eae || FSS A RES IR DEP RRR PIPES FN al ia Da Gsn pe 10,977 | | S008 067 | 22 050 deh, OOO. et SBR Lcd etedd elas 713, 299 77, 560 BD OOGH AONE, Odes ob OD AS «ce donwlooniey apne she SOLS Une Ad 4,845 DOG [oases cid ssa oe| pm vida ond olege kde sand nafss te ¥eccgcns|sescesensccclsecccopecens 45 729, 152 717, 966 9, 468 7,074 4,726 BO08 astecnc. sea eee at 46 Sa gee ae ae a I eae PB Bee ESSE 4 LIRA ier es Sane PEER agecclesices giueic ps | oemaae eines 8, 085 Meee cS Sree Lo IS CoB act las subg sn [apes Cotman anatcndaus bau 48 PME ee edie), 02 PIS ES Yio aod's plecncdbacdonsletocbevevees|ineuegauh st: 49 2, 759 EI Ae has POS alen. te Oe haat foe ahs *lie's Gh oi «|o a> on aa eget open eh 50 15, 98 11, 766 10, 985 6, 784 3,914 2, 767 2,312 1, 574 |51 Stee ale a sale da vienna via seit] emt de ccaccdeleccndeewadeclocess ecudels s/s sisgigeemuen uleees wer sesss o2 22) 300 16, 443 12, 087 7, 592 3,947 5, 651 4,361 3,313 |53 14, 026 11,524 6, 738 4, 158 1, 594 1,906. |: pg dwn ale mateo Oct uae 54 17, 228 6, 461 4, 035 3, 925 3, 942 S.002 | Camis. cos edeumbas thee 55 16, 988 10, 165 6, 929 FROG Se gina at atouis sane dts als Camu ape ne itr os orp oe 56 TR eR as sia 2 1 2') =e ope © «<1 opeg> as 0 9 4 ofanip avin owe + Golumbus 2... ...: bSeL... ). J) 081, 125 20, 554 17,614 10, 571 51.4 |) 2,940 16.7 aMacOn..j......+-+4 eee 52,995 40, 665 23, 272 12, 330 30. 3 17, 393 74.7 ' Savannah...... S.. We Rae 83, 252 65, 064 54, 244 18, 188 28.0 || 10;820 19.9 ot re ee ; 9 BS outils $i] Wap at. ..e2 36.397.) 29,807.) 24,147 |) - 6,590]. 221] 5,660). 23.4 Bloomington...... Bee ey ook 28, 725 25, 768 23, 286 2, 957 11.5 2,482 10.7 Bicarosisiy.i devils... ..-.-'.. 2,701, 705 | 2,185,283 | 1,698,575 || 516, 422 23.6: |h 486, 708 28,7 meeeicero town). ....4)..2.....-.- 44, 995 14, 557 16,310.|| 30,438 | 209.1 ]| —1,753| —10.7 me Dartvillel 600 9k... atl... wal) 988, 776.4% 6/27, 871 16, 354 5, 905 21.2 41,517 70, 4 B. Dotatury 14 aL... | dls. Les 043, 818: (981, 140 20, 754 12, 678 40,7 10, 386 50. 0 _ Bast St. Louis. ...../. BE coe 266, 767 58, 547°) 29, 655 8, 220 14.0 28,892 97. 4 ELS" RAS SaaS eet oh 927, 454 25,976 22, 433, 1, 478 5.7 3, 5As 15.8 . Byanstonici-020200 1.0.2 enh: “Y BT, 234 24, 978 19, 259 12, 256 49,1 5,719 29. » Joliet...) SE a | CS a 38, 442 34, 670 29, 353 3,772 19.9 5,317 18, 1 Be mmine LP a 2 0 bel tah 30, 734 24,199) }). £17,248 6, 535 27.0 6, 951 40.3 Oak Park villaée: he Se |. Ge? , *39, 858: 19, 444 3po. eae i 2 CO;414 | 105001. seh ei Beomeotia. 2 £60. 2...) ae 76,121)| 66, 950 56, 100 9,171 13.7 10, 850 19.3 Quincy! auf... PSO) 8 Lehi 035, 978 36, 587° |) 4 36, 252 609 | endo. 335 0.9 Rock island... ... Rb ef 35,177 24, 335 19, 493 10, 842 44.6 4, 842 24.8 ey mOpkiord v8 Blo. i) 8 Bs. 2-). 65, 651 45, 401 31, 051 20, 250 44.6 14, 350 46, 2 4 Springfield o8 tk. a, eee 59,183 51, 678 34, 159 7, 505 14.5 || » 17,519 51.3 se ) LORNA 3 | | Anderson)? ... 2.2.2)... Pies We |. | 29, 767 22, 476 20,173 7, 291 32.4°1|- --2, 998 11.4 Bowes Chirapo: |) -... iP 35; 987 19,098 {| 3,411 16, 869 88.3 15,687 | 459.9 Seaview i |e 85, 264'| «69, 647 59, 007 15,617 2:4 10, 640 18.0 Ber NRW, curs c.-..-1; 86, 549 63,933 | 45, 115 22, 616 35.4 18, 818 41,7 EY cel oe he wince oa pipet i 55, 378 16, 802+¢0 SOS 38 ater pee 209/ Br soc. seh oie VS" Ty dala RE | FA aaa oe 36, 004 20, 925 12,376 15, 079 Ti 8, 549 69, 1 Perincmmmaponis. 2s ..| °314, 194 |° 233,650.) 169, 164 gn 544 34.5 64, 486 38, 1 Bememmemoi eS 30, 067 17, 010 10, 609 13, 057 76.8 6, 401 60.3 0 SEO OSS aa | ah aa ie 36, 524. 24 005 20, 942 12, 519 52.2 3, 063 14.6 iehmond..........- Ee can a Se TOO 22) 324 13, 226)|)' 4, 441 19.9 4, 098 23.5 South Bend.:..... 3) Reh <7 -"70; 9831}. 53; 684 35,999 || 17, 299 32.2 17, 685 49.1 : ‘aida Hatta: AL RS, goatee I 66, 083 58, 157 36,673 ||’ 7,926 13.6 21, 484 58.6 32, 811 95,656 ||' » 12, 755 38.9 7, 155 27.9 99, 292 25, 802 6, 870 23.5 3, 490 13,5 - 43,028'| «35,254 |! 13, 699 31,8 7, 774 22,1 Bb, » 268 - 62, 139 ||. 40, 1p ae a et 0-0 *' 38,494 | 36, 297 4 ; . 47, 7828, | 33, 111 23, 399 48-9 14717 44.4 26, 693 p12, 580 9, 537 35.7 Ve i OEP uae 9b Ay > ) Kansas City... 22.22. eee 1° 461, 177 | © 82,381}? 51,418 |] “18,846 | -- 22.9] 30,913 | 60.1 mibopeks. js... ‘aS rn °50, 022 || 43,684 |» 83, 608 6,338 14.5 10, 076 30.0 ON Rips ong ee cz L392, 217°) > 52, 460.])" < 24, 671 19, 767 37.7°|| 27,779 | 112.6 re : & i . > KENTUCKY : Pht a : , ; : Pezneton.. REESE .-|.. 87,121 53, 270 42, 938. 3, 851 a2 10, 332 24.1 emeet@rics. 3-0 ee. 41) 534 35, 099 26, 369 6, 435 18.3 8, 730 33. 1 Louisville...:..... > ae - 934’ g91 | 223,928 | 204,731 |] * 10,963 4.9 19,197 |. 9.4 ST a SI | oe i 99) 317 30, 309 28, 301 908 |} “S328.3 2, 008 7.1 _* MES Sie fee 5 ds eon we tan New. Orleans. ...... B66. 43 (887,219 | 339,075 | 287, 104 43,144 14.2 ||. 51,971 18.1 BA Shreveport...20...0.5.0.......) © 48,874.40) 028, O15 |. » 716, 018 15, 859 56.6 12, 002 75.0 54 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 11,--POPULATION OF CITIES HAVING,IN 1920, 25,000 INHABITANTS OR) MORE, WITH DECENNIAL INCREASE: 1900-1920—Continued. {Except as explained in footnotes, population shown for each census year does not include that of terri- tory subsequently annexed. ] ‘ JA minus sign (—) denotes decrease.] INCREASE, POPULATION. CITY. 1910-1920 _ 1900-1910 | Per 1 Per 1920 1910 1900 Number. sent: Number. pak MAINE. Batvor .) SHA Me ae! Ls 25, 978 24, 803 21,850 |}) 1,175 4.7. ||... 2,953 13.5 MMONISLOM ee te see ot tee. ot ee 31, 791 26, 247 23, 761 5, 544 21.1 2, 486 10.5 Portland. wee... hak by ey 69, 272 58, 571 50,145 ||: 10,701 |. 18.3 ||. 8,426 16.8 MARYLAND. j ; Baltimore eve seh Mee oye ae 733, 826 558, 485 508, 957 175, 341 31.4 ||. 49,528 9.7 LeUIELIGNG 9.2 2 eal Wien’ oo ee 29, 837 21, 839 17, 128 7, 998 36. 6 4,711 27.5 Haskrstowite.s 2 a 28, 064 16, 507 13, 591 11, 557 |... 70.0 2,916 21.5 MASSACHUSETTS . TRCHLOIE TTL ash c. eyes cw wene 748, 060 670, 585 560, 892 77, 475 . 11.6 || 109, 693 19.6 WrOCROMN MSc ie eb ae aes 66, 254 56, 878 40, 063 9, 376 16. 5 16, 815.| * 42.0 Brookline town 2..../.2....-.! 37, 748 27,792] © 19,935 9,956 |.... 35.8 7, 857 39.4 Cambridggg 205 sce. Ad 109,694 | . 104, 839 91, 886 4, 855 4.6 ||. 12,953 14.1 Reeser FSi ed, Lae aba 43,184 32, 452 34, 072 10, 732 33, 1 —1,620; -—48 Pmicenee, cles 1.6.30 ebmaen es 36, 214 25, 401 19, 167 10, 813 42.6 6, 234 32.5 eeeett ie uc Be ai 40, 120 33, 484 24, 336 6, 636 19. 8 9, 148 37.6 Pall River... cb. Chad 120,485.;. 119,295 | 104, 863 1, 190 1.0 ||. 14,4321)" 13.8 RCMP EUG dbs es os - Coat 41, 029 37, 826 31, 531 3, 203 8.5 6, 295. 20.0 Havertill ois e205... cu ad 53, 884 44,115 37, 175 9, 769 22.1 6, 940 18.7 Moljore, Lie ae eee 60, 203 57, 730 45, 712 2, 473 4.3 |]. 12,018 26.3 Funwremees to. Choa Folk. ot 94, 270 85, 892 62, 559 8, 378 9. 8 ,333 | 87.3 oT RAL a alo eae 2 Ree 112,759 | 106,294 94, 969 6,465 6.14]. 11,325) (a1.9 opr eo. i kg 99, 148 89, 336 68, 513 9, 812 11.0 || 20, 823 30. 4 AICO eye Nake ee ey CORE 49,103 44, 404 33, 664 4,699 10.6 10, 740 31.9 Meuigne too es 39, 038 23, 150 18, 244 ||. , 15, 888 68. 6 4,906 |. 26.9> Nem Bedford “woken... bs 121, 217 96, 652 62,442 ||. 24, 565 25.41) 34,210]. 54.8 Io ee OR sy emia: 46, 054 39, 806 33, 587 6, 248 15: 7 6,21 18.5 PAGHSHOIG cof oe Beek ane. s. 5b 41,763 32,121 21, 766 9,642 30. 0° 10, 355 47.6 Quite Gk ee eee ace... | 47, 876 32, 642 23,899 || 15, 234 46,7 8,743 36.6 Regpratw. 2b. actos... obs - & 28, 823 18, 219 10, 395 10, 604 58. 2 7, 824 75. 3 Pate Mee eee ac. ot 42) 529 43, 697 35,956 |} —1,163 |; —2.7 7,741 21.5 Rontervilles a ie uw amen chs 93, 091 77, 236 61, 643 15, 855°] *7 20. 5 1D, G03 4) ei aath a Springfield sicher es tg 129, 614 88, 926 62, 059 40, 688 “45.8 26,867 | 43.3 AU BUOD soci ge eee ets = ts 37, 1387 34, 259 31, 036.||- . 2,878 8.4 3, 223 10. 4 Ween. 6. a duos teresa. oh 30, 915. |.) 27, 834 23, 481 3, O81 1st 4,353 |. 18.5 WV ORORBLET 6 6c cemia. bye G2 cat 179, 754 145, 986 118, 421 33, 768 23.1 } . 23.3 MICHIGAN. ; Battle Creek..%. ise ee... ek 36, 164 25,267 | 18,563 10, 897 43,1 6,704 |. . 36.1 OS EER ey | hk lala §, 47, 554.| 45, 166 27, 628 2, 388 “5. 3°! 17,688 | /. 63,5 I es ess Pus ada duce a ka 993,678 |. 465,766}. 285,704 || 527,912] 113:3'|| 180,062! 63.0 Ne aay BOD | el aga iE 91, 599 38, 550 13, 103 53, 049 137.6 25,447 | 194.2 Sireud Rapids. och ose. laee 137, 634 112, 571 87, 565 ||. . 25, 063 22. 3°] ; 28.6 Hamtramck village! ../........ 48,615 3, DOO pas Sly saad. x 45, 056. | 1, 266. 08) eo RES Highland Park: .. 2.22000. 17 48, 499 4, 120 - 427 || 42,379 | 1,028. 6” 3,693] 864. 9 amen. 4c. oe eee 48, 374 31, 433 25, 180 16,941 53.9 6,253} 24.8 C8 Ur a a a 48, 487 39, 437 24, 404 9, 050 22.9 ||. ..15, 033 61.6 iSpy? Otc 2 ieee A 57, 327 31, 229 16,485 || 26, 098 83. 6 4,744 89. 4 RO Re eae erie a 36, 570 24, 062 20,818.]}. 12, 508 52. 0 3, 244 15.6 Pree ee het etc he 34, 273 14, 532 9, 769 19,741 | 135.8 4,763 | |, 48,.8 POU PUTO Red ec... 56 e- 4e sos 25, 944 18, 863 19, 158 7, O81 37.5 —295 | —1.5 Gabi wa pee tie. tic eck eke 61, 903 50, 510 42,345 || 11, 393 22. 6 8, 165 19.3 MINNESOTA. UL UNM Sie A a Pa a 98, 917 78, 466 52,969 || 20,451 | 26.1 || 25,497] ~ 48.1 MCS DONS | ne. Steg pe coed. 380, 582 301, 408 202, 718. 79,174 26.3 || 98, 690 48, 7 ST cn ie coe ll ewe ole a: 234,698 | 214,744} 163,065 || 19, 954 9.3 || 51,679 31.7 MISSOURI. pee LF OO Sak ae aeeelig y 29, 902 32, 073 26,023 |} —2,171| —6.8 6, 050 23. 2 Kanbhs City. o.0 odl e 324,410 |) 248,381 | 163,752 || 76,029| 30.61] 84,629} 51.7 Sp. Joseph sk. sty. ieee L. 77, 939'|\) ©77,403 | 102, 979 536 0.7 || —25, 576 | 24,8 ST 2c oC a ge ee eg 772, 897 | 687,029} 575,233 || 85, 868 12.5 || 111,791 19, 4 Srirmetielth, oie Nose. 39, 631 35,201 | 23, 267 4, 430 12.6 11, 934 51.3 1 Hyde Park town annexed to Boston city sinco 1910. Combined population: 1910, 686,092; 1900, 574,126, 2 Unincorporated. — | ie ey de i a ae " 9). ‘PRINCIPAL CITIES. 55 ‘TABLE 11.—POPULATION OF CITIES HAVING, IN 1920, 25,000 INHABITANTS WITH DECENNIAL INCREASE: 1900-1920—Continued. ba i aa _ {Except as explained in footnotes, population shown for each census year does not include that of terri- tory subsequently annexed. | [A minus sign (—) denotes decrease.] | INCREASE. POPULATION, apse — EE SY Se tir. ig 1910-1920 1900-1910 : Per Per 1920 1910 1900 Number. cantl Number. dente | MONTANA. Ca RE Sa 41,611 39, 165 30, 470 2, 446 6.2 8, 695 28.5 NEBRASKA & Lincoln.. ....'. IES RIAD Die ow 54, 948 43, 973 40, 169 10, 975 25.0 3, 804 9.5 Omaha l....... it Scho Sa eS 191,601 | 124,096 | 102,555'|} 67, 505 54.4 || 21) 541 21.0 7 NEW HAMPSHIRE BaNCheSter a. jo. == L. dain e's s 12 33, 813 28, 523 25, 238 5, 290 18.5 3, 285 13. Ns eh eee Ob gat Usk 4 93, 372 66, 525 52, 733 26, 847 40.4 13, 792 26. ERMTPAS UES hn ue, ab ie Shs wed 75, 917 64, 186 * 50, 167 li, 731 18.3 14, 019 ree PSB ICUON, cnaien ss ti.gt ae osu da 32, 277 25, 452 14, 230 6, 825 26.8 bh yam Re pa JGHMStown J..2 4a. cE 67, 327 55, 482 35, 936 11,845 21.3 19,546 |. 54. PARCESTOE: Go) oc. oe, ce 53, 150 47, 227 41, 459 5, 92% 12.5 Br78S tds MEK OOSPOrt..n event ve ek. ae 46, 781 42,694 34, 227 4,087 |-.- -9.6 8,467 |. 24. New Castle... ty) ot ons oo, 44, 928 36, 280 28, 339 8, 658 23: 9: He Gay fee ae. Norristown borough ........... 82, 319 27, 875 22, 265 4,444 15.9 | 5, 610 20. Philadelphia sto. 0, a... 3. 1, 828, 779 | 1, 549, 008 | 1,298, 697 || 274,771 bY is a ee de he ae PRLS DUTEH coo bec t CP eae al 588, 343 533,905 | 2 451, 512 54, 438 10:2 82,393 18. ROARING lig apooss + [tencean Gok 107, 784 96, O71 | 78,961 || 11, 713 12.2 || ° 17,110 Zi. SCLANTON (ices us. .Saebe cc anh 137, 783 129, 867 102, 026 #, 916: |-2+- 6.4 27,841 | 27. Witkes- Barto. toy... eigat co sk 73, 833 67,105 1, 721 6§, 728 10.0 15,384 | 29. Walligmsport. 2.250. . e geek 36, 198 31, 860 28, 757 4,338 |. » 13:6 3,103 10. PERS easy ran. 1. eee vet 47, 512 44,750 |‘ 83,708 2, 762 6.2 11,042 32. RHODE ISLAND RIESE od cpings aye ods ie i eae sk 29,407 21, 107 13, 343 8, 300 39.3 7, 764 58.2 TOMO othe sstlc AS ow he a a 30, 255 | 27,149 22, 441 3, 106 11.4 4,708 21.0 PE MAHORC au oat nee | 64, 248 51, 622 39, 231 |} 12,626 24.5 12,391 31.6 PPO VIICNICE cz es eee ss 237, 595 224, 326 175, 597 13, 269 5.9 48, 729 27.8 Woonsocket: 8. ko sl! 43, 496 38, 125 28, 204 5, 371 14.1 9, 921 5.2 SOUTH CAROLINA. ORateston oor 2h eae ve 67, 957 58, 833 55, 807 9, 124 15.5 3, 026 5.4 Columbia ........ Gries eet od 37, 524. 26, 319 21, 108 11, 205 42.6 5, 211 24.7 1 South Bethlehem borough and Bethlehem borough consolidated an since 1910, Combined population: 1910, 32,810; 1900, 23,999. 2 Includes population of Allegheny, 129,896. d incorporated ‘as BetHiehem city. ‘ 2 (ity sige t is tcoeny S aah PRINCIPAL CITIES. 57 TABLE 11. POPULATION OF CITIES HAVING,IN 1926; 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE, yee WITH DECENNIAL INCREASE: 1900-1920—Continued. [Except as explained in footnotes, population shown for each census year does not include that of terri- tory subsequently annexed. | 4 [A minus sign (—) denotes decrease.] £ < X INCREASE, ¥- De POPULATION, x : fie: 1910-1920 1900-1910 es +f ; Par: } Por j Bates |i 1920 1910 |. 1900 Number.) ¢onf. || Number.) oa. vi | SOUTH DAKOTA, Beetax Helse ee 25, 202 14, 694 10,266 || 11, 108 78.8 Bas cae Fi é TENNESSEE, b a, Chattanooga... ......... Leper 57,895 | | 44, 604 30,154 |) 13,291 29.8 {| 14,450| 47.9 BP Wanox Vile Fone) SP 77, 818 36, 346 32, 637 41,472 114.1 3, 769 11.4 meommempnhis: 2) 8 bo), ee 2. 162, 351 131,105 102, 320 31, 246 23.8 28, 785 28.1 +” Nashville. Ph ib 8 CCP aS 118,342 | 110,364 80, 865 7, 978 7.2 || 29,469 36.5 a Sal TEXAS ie Austin .)00.2.. beets bo SH 34, 876 29,860 | 22, 258 5,016 16.8 7, 602 34.2 Be togtimont.. OJ. .isiyhe lh. Oe. 40, 422 20, 640 9,427 || 19, 782 95.8 || 11,2131! 118.9 Berra RCS. oe OT 158, 976 §2, 104 42,638 66, 872 72.6 49, 466 116.0 emet Paso. 64). yoiiee. 222 77, 560 39, 279 15,906 |} 38,281 97.5 i 28,373)" 146.9 106, 482 73,312 | © 26/688 || © 33,170 45.2:\) 46,624} 174.7 44; 255 36, 981 37, 789 7,274 19.7 808i nig 4 138, 276 78, 800 44,633 || 59, 476 75.5 || 34,167 76.6 161,379 |’ 96,614 53,321 || G4, 765 67.0 || | 43,293 81.2 38, 500 26, 425 20,686 || 12)075 45.7 5, 739 a. 40, 079 8, 200 2480 || 31,879 | - 388.8 5,720 | > 230.6 M Ogden.64, 6.5 OMFS La 32, 804 25, 580 16,313 7,224 28.2 9, 207 56.8 } Galt Lake City.....-::.2.....:. 118) 110 92,777 53,531 || 25,338 7.3 || 89,246 73.3 rn i pe y VIRGINIA. ; and A fk morhinure yt sses elseif 82 40,070 | 29) 494 18, 891 576 2.0 || 10,603 56.1 © Newport News... ....5.---.2.- 35, 596 20, 205 19,635.|} 15, 391 76.2 | 570 2.9 RS ae coe ears 115.777 | 67,452 46,624 || 48 395 71.6 || 20,828 | © 44.7 Petersburg. ....-- ides ERLE 31, 012 24,127 21,810 || 6 885] 28.5 2) 317 10.6 PePertomouth ies eis ee he. 54, 387 33° 190 17,427°|| 21,197 63.9 || 15,763 G0. 5 > Richmond.:.....-.. SEB inh ici 171,667 | 127,628 | 85,050 || 44,039 34.5 || ° 42,578 50,1 pcan cio... et ees ue 50,842 | _ 34,874 91,495 || . 15,968 45.8 || 13,379 62.2 18). wAsimveton: my * ¢ TH) * ; . - ~ ° ta | Sreetiiret att. «sc. oie a con ny on 25, 585 24,298 | 111,062 )] 1,287 5.3113, 936 } 119.7 RSE ic panei OT 644 24, 814 7, 838 2) 830 11.4 || 16,976 |. 216.6 ements to yee sibs 384: (9g7 104 80,671 |} 78,118 | 32.9 |! 156,523} 194.0 “ See aby SE 104 437 | 1047402 |. © 36/848 || 85 (2): 67,554 ‘| 183.3 ONE IG 6 Os A es 2] | 96,965 83,743 |. (87/714 || 13,222 15.8 || 46,029 | 122.0 whist Vrrernta ‘ GO Foy bere PERO) 39,608 | — 22,996 11,099 |} 16,612 72.21 +41, 897 b 107.2 Beiericobutes 6: essere} 27/869 | 209,901 4 050'|| 18,668 | 202.9 5,151 | 127.2 Mumingter ic. os 152 50,177 31, 161 11/923'!/ 19,016 | 61.0} 19,288 | 161.4 Wheeling. .....- Ror. meget! |) 86,208 41, 641 38, 878 || © 14,567 35.0 2, 763 71 Re ye soe | atvort:|? mesese |-.- -reveaath Bb 781 22.9|| 6,552] 35.1 Meh OE a Ak, Siete: |. 40,472 21371 11,606 || 19; 101 4 9, 765 4.1 OR ye 30,421 | 30,417 | - 28,895 eg ES ay 1,522 5.3 on GER Oe 38,378 25,531 19/164 |} 12,847 50.3 6, 367 33.2 St 457,147 | 373,857 | 285,315 || 88, 290 22.3 88, 542 31.0 Rar messes SO 33, 162 33, 062 28) 284 100 | 3 4778 16.9 Rewer.) Way tah aS: | §R eas 38) 002 99°102 || 20, 501 54.2 8,900 30.6 _ Sheboygan. ...... WL Myvi Me “| 30}955 | 26,398 |... 22’ 962 4.557.|° 17.3 3, 436 15.0 Ss SU ia ard co 39) 671 40,384 | -. 31, 091 S16 O18 9. 293 29.9 . 1 Population of Fairhaven and New Whatcom cities combined: 2 Less than. one-tenth of1 Ber’ siessas : 58 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 12.—POPULATION OF CITIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES HAVING, IN 1920, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE, ARRANGED IN GROUPS ACCORDING TO POPU- LATION: 1920 AND 1910. Group 1.—CITIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES OF 25,000 OR MORE (287 places). CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, OR 1920 1910 BOROUGH. ALABAMA. Birmingham .. .|178, 806 | 132, 685 Momig sce... 60,777 | 51,521 Montgomery....| 43,464 | 38,136 ARIZONA. Phoenix: 3. Via 29,053 | 11,134 ARKANSAS. Fort Smith..... 28,870 | 23,975 Little Rock....| 65,142 | 45,941 CALIFORNIA. Alameda....... 28,806 | 23,383 Berkeley....... 56, 036 | 40, 434 FROSHO. Sikh dst 45, 086 | 24,892 Long Beach....} 55,593 | 17, 809 Los Angeles. ... 576, 673 | 319, 198 Oakland........ 216, 261 | 150, 174 Pasadena... ...- 45,354 | 30,291 Sacramento....} 65,908 | 44,696 San: Diege.: ii. - 74,683 | 39,578 San Francisco. ~ ete 676 | 416,912 Bat J0Se.de; wth 39, 642 8, 946 StOcktoniis. 40,296 | 23,253 COLORADO. Colorado Spgs. . soo 105 | 29,07 Denver. ..22....|2¢ 20 56, 491.| 213,381 Pueblos sss jes 43) 050 | 1 41, 747 CONNECTICUT. | Bridgeport. .... 143,555 | 102, 0o4 Hartiord....... 138, 026: | 98,915 Meriden........ 29,867 | 27,265 New Britain....| 59,316 | 43,916 New Haven... .)162,537 | 155, 605 New London... .| 25,688 | 19,659 Norwalk....... 27, 743 6, 954 Stamford....2.. 35, 096 25, , 168 Waterbury ....- 91,715 | 738, 441 DELAWARE. Wilmington..../110,168 | 87,411 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washington. :. ./437,571 | 331,069 FLORIDA. Jacksonville....| 91,558 | 57,699 SOW Sor ie: 9,571 5,471 Pensacola... ... 31,035 | 22,982 Pampas: it 51,608 | 37,782 GEORGIA. Atlanta. ssc: .. 200,616 | 154, 839 AUPUSTA.2enciek - 52, 548 | 41,040 Columbus...... 31,125 | 26,554 MACOM SA Soc... 52,995 | 40, 665. Savannah.....- 83, 252 | 65, 064 ILLINOIS. AUITOTS 3.045.60- 36,397 | 29, 867 Bloomington. .. 28° 725 | 25,768 Chicago. 2... . iy 701 705/2;185,283 ICEL0 we eas ce 44 895 14, 557 Danville........ 33,776 | 27,871 Decatur sachin... 43, 818] 31,140 East St. Louis.. 66, 767 | 58,547 Elgin... .. ‘Wien 2 7, E4] 25,976 Evanston...... 37,284} 24,978 POUL sine oh os 38,442] 34,670 MONG 6 o's 6's. 30,734 | 24,199 Wak bat@o.c.< 39,858 | 19,444 PORtiaw; .s0sto 76,121 | 66,950 Quincey. 0% 55,978 | 36, 587 CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, OR 1920 BOROUGH. ILLINOIS—Ccon. Rock Island....| 35,177 Roektords sec. : 65, 651 Springfield. .... 59, 183 INDIANA. Anderson.....-. 29, 767 East Chicago...| 35, 967 Evansville..... 85, 264 Fort Wayne... .| 86, 549 uaa hie oie 55, 378 Hammond..... 36, 064 Indianapolis... .|314, 194 Kokomo... ui. : 80, 067 Mimeie sai... 36, 524 Richmond...... 26, 765 South Bend... 70, 983 Terre Haute. ... | 66, 083 IOWA. Cedar Rapids...| 45, 566 Council Bluffs. .| 36, 162 Davenport..... 56, 727 Des Moines. . ..- 126, 468 Dubuque....... 39, 141 Sioux City-.... 71, G27 Waterloo....... 36, 230 KANSAS, | eee City. .:.|101, 177 Mapoka.. cb. 50, 022 Wic hita eae Se 72, 217 KENTUCKY, Covington...... 57, 12) Lexington...... 41, 534 Louisville... .. (234, 891 Newport... ..... 29, 317 LOUISIANA. New Orleans. . ./387, 219 Shreveport..... 43, 874 MAINE, Banner cn kk. 25, 978 Lewiston....... 31,791 Portland....... 69, 272 MARYLAND. Baltimore. ..... 1733, 826 Cumberland. -..| 29, 837 Hagerstown. ...| 28, 064 MASSACHU- SETTS. BOStOn. 24 2026 5 748, 060 Brockton....... 66, 254 Brookline town 37, 748 Cambridge..... 109; 694 Chelsea. ......)- 43, 184 Chicopee ..| 36, 214 Everet phe 09 Neh a Fall River...... 120, 485 Fitchburg..... »| 41, 029 Haverhill....... 53, 884 Holyoke.:...... 60, 203 Lawrence...... 94, 270 Lowell.'s2 22.04 3 112, 759 Lynn ~ oe ce «| OOP148 Malden. yo... . 3. 49, 108 Medford s,....3< 89, 038 New hs ah SZ 217 Newton 2.£.: 5 05 Pittsfield......- 41, 763 Quincy... . |. ee 47, 876 Revere......... 28, 823 Salers eno 42, 529 1 Corrected figures. 1910 24, 335 45, 401 51, 678 22, 476 19; 098 69, 647 63, 933 16, 802 20, 925 233) 650 17, 010 24, 005 22) 324 53, 684 58, 157 32, S11 29, 292 43) 028 28, 015 558, 485 21) 839 16, 507 670, 585 56, 878 27° 792 104, 839 32, 452 25, 401 18, 219 43, 697 | CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, OR. | 1920 BOROUGH. MASSACHU- SETTS—con. Somerville..... “| 93, 091 Springfield . ....|129, 614 Taunton.......| 37,137 Waltham....... 30, 915 Worcester. .....|179, 754 MICHIGAN. aac City Supe ne 47, 554 Detroit. vce. ne 993, 678 Flint oF Boe 91, 599 Grand Rapids. .|187, 634 Bamtramck,...| 48,615 Highland Park. 46, 499 Jackson eas 48, 374 Kalamazoo...s: 48, 487 Lansing .2.5.< 6 67, 327 Muskegon ...... 36, 570 Pontiacs... sacar 34, 273 Port Huron. ...| 25, 944 Saginaw........ 61, 903 MINNESOTA. Duluth. ........ 98, 917 Minneapolis. .. .|880, 582 t. Fate. ewe 234, 698 MISSOURI. Joplin 25.7 3a 29, 902 Kausas City... .|32 24, 410 St. Joseph. ..... 77, 929 St. Louis tances 772, 897 Springfield .....} 39, 631 MONTANA. Butte... 3.56.41 6 NEBRASKA. Lincoln. .......| 54, 948 Gmahas cos. 191, 601 NEW HAMP- SHIRE. Manchester.....| 78,384 Nashua........ 28, 379 NEW JERSEY. Atlantic City...| 50,707 ayonne?s... ie 76, 754 Camden........ 116, 309 garg CUS. See O70 ast Orange... .}. 1 Elizabeth...... 95, 783 Hoboken ..... -| 68, 166 Irvington....... 25, 480, Jersey City .....|298, 103, Kearny oucics 26, 724 Montclair.......| 28,810 New gic gee 32, 779 Newark......../414, 524 Orange ees 83, 268. PBassaie... 0.232 63, 841 Paterson . 0. Jo. 135, 875 Perth Amboy ..| 41,707 Plainfield....... 27, 760 Trenton # p29 119, 289 West Hoboken.| 40, One NEW YORK Atbativewet ss 113, 344 Amsterdam 524 Auburn........ 26, 192 Binghamton....| 66, BOUBE Sass pee 506, 775 1910 < " OS a eee eee * PRINCIPAL GITIES. 59 _ Waste. 12.—POPULATION OF CITIES AND, OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES HAVING, _- IN‘1920, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE, ARRANGED IN GROU PS ACCORDING 'fO POPU- LATION: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. a } GRouP 1,—CITIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES OF.25,000 OR MORE (287 places)—Centinued. CITY, TOWN, ay CITY, TOWN, CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, OR | 1920 } 1910 || “vi~LAGE, oR 1920 1910 (VILLAGE, OR 1920 | 1910 BOROUGH. HoUp BOROUGH. BOROUGH. NEW YORE= ferrse.) 7 OHIO—Ccon. TENNESSEE— . ys he 5 Youngstown, . ./132,358.| . 79, 066 | Cr C2 ae 45, 393: |, 37,176 || Zanesville. ..o... 29, 569 |+.28,026 || Memphis... _...! 162,351 | 131, 105 “Jamestown../..| 28,917 |; 31,297 |]. : 4 Nashville... ..).. 118, 342 | 110, 364 _ Kingston....... 26, 688 |, 25, 908 bs pomp ina ; be é ‘ ‘Mount Vernon . 42, 726 80,919 |] Muskogee... .. 30,277 |... 25, 278 ee _ © New Rochelle. .| 36,21 28, 867 || Oklahoma City. 91, 295 64,.205' Austin i»......, 34, 876 | 29, 860 New York:.0... 5,620 rth 4, 766, S83) i ePulsatd wo. 2g. | 72, 075 18, 182 |} Beaumont...... 40,422 | 20,640 Bronx........ 2, 616 | 430, 980 ees Dallas...:...... 158, 976. | 92° 104 Brooklyn..... ‘org aselt 654, Sal any Gee El'Paso.......; 77,500 | 39,279 (omer arama yo yone 24, ov riot Portland...)...4../258, 288 | 207, 214 || Fort Worth... ./106, 482 73, 312 eens. a8 z 1); e Galveston .. 2... 44,255 | 36,981 - Richmond 4. | 116,531 | 85, 969 || FENNSYLYANIA. Houston... ....|138,276 | 78, 300 gicheicays. <7 | | 366 | 27,805 || Allentown...... 73,502 | 51,913 || San Antonio. . .|161,379 | $6,614 Niagara Falls...| 50,760 | 30,445 || Altoona........ 60,331 | '52)127 || Waco.....-.. 38, 500 | 26, 425 , ee ora. : 35, 000'| . 27,936 ||. Bethlehem. .... 50, 358 12° $37 || Wichita Falls. .| 40, 079 8, 200 'Rochester...... 295, 750, | 218, 149 || Chester. ........ 58,030 | 38, 537 n | Pe Roi |. 060 0r.. 26, 341'| 20,497 || Easton......... 33,813 | 28, 523 Vea - Schenectady.i..| 88,723 |. 72,825 || Erie....2....... 93,372. |, 66,525 || Ogden.......... 32,804 | 25,580 Syracuse...i:.- 171, 717 |, 187,249 Harrisburg pectee 75,917 | 64,186 |) Salt Lake City .{118,110 | 92,777 Troy ......-..:..| 72,013 |,. 76,813, || Hazleton.:..-.. 32,277 | 25,452 © - Utica... .2.0.4...| 94)156 |. 74,419 || Johnstown... -.. 67,327 |. 55, 482 ae es _. Watertown... 31,2 26, 730 || Lancaster... -.. 53,150'| 47,227 || Lynchburg..... 30,070 | 29, 494 Yonkers... ...../100,176 | 79,803 ||\MceKeesport....| 46,781 | 42/694 || Newport News. 35, 596 | 20,205 New Castle. .... 44,938. 36,280 || Norfolk. ..-..-; 115,777 | 67, 452 | ORTH Norristown..... 32,319 | 27,875 || Petersburg. ... 31,012 | 24,127 Puy PABOLBY A: . Philadelphia. . .}1,823,779}1,549,008 || Portsmouth. ...| 54,387 | 33,190 _ Asheville....... 28, 504} 18,762 || Pittsburgh... .|588,343.| 533,905 || Richmond... 171, 667 | 127, 628 } ~ Charilotte....... 46, 338 | 34,014 || Reading...../.. 107,734 | 96,071 || Roanoke..-.... 50,842 | 34,874 Wilmington. any 33, 372 25, 748 Scranton... 22: 137, 783 129, 867 WASHINGTON. "Winston-Salem. 48,395 22, 700 liga jt 73, 833. |> 67, 105 Cad pen ~? a’ oa Bellingham © ..}-25,585 | 24,298 se x! Williamsport...| 36,198 | 31, 860 Mt 4 79 ‘ OHIO. ? Vier Bvereth ret a.s.h 27,644} 24 814 P . P eS Yo rik ene eee ne aoe ‘| 47; 512 44, 750 a ttl 315 312 237° 194 PP Wkeron 2 005.5.., 208, 435 | 69,067 |]. nssonn iskanb lppalenneelc | Soviet base p ND. POkaneleo.e 4 104,437 | 104,402 penton: .....+ Bh prety 217 Tacoma 96,905 | 83,743 Cincinnati. ..... 401, 247 | 363, 591 || Cranston....... 29,407 | 21,107 ih Sh ? ; cee hed 196, on 560, 663 Bewport ot Ee 30; 255°} 27, 149 ‘WEST VIRGINIA. | umbus...... 7, 031'| 181, 521 || Pawtucket. .-.. 64, 248: |... 51, 622 ees 8h. 2 996 ayton../..... ,|152,.559 | 116,577 || Providence. ..-. 237, 598 224) 326; Clarkstes, od 7 809 “7 201 ast Cleveland . 27, 292 9,179 ||: Woonsocket... .| 43, 496 38, 125.) Huntington....| 50,177] 31,161 ry aration, foie.) 39,675 | 35, 279 wourt Wheeling....... 56,208 | 41,641 _ Lakewood...... 41,732 | 15,181 A Riven ; 4 Lima...........| 41, 325 | 30, 508 ‘ WISCONSIN. “Lorain. ......)..| 37,295 28, 883 |) Charleston. - ~..| 67,957 | 58,833 || Green Bay... .- 31, O17 |. 25, 236 Merion Walk Gy 20, 768 || Columbia... .-..| 37,524 | 26,319 senosiis ies 40,472 | 21, 371 b Marion. ......: yy 891.| . 18, 232); ‘s + a Crosse... :.. 30, 421. |) 30,41 DiNewark...0...|| 26,718 | 25,404; 4)0° 0 Da ROTA. ote ~Madison......-. 88° 378.|. 25,531 ¢ ~ Portsmouth z..|'83, 011" 23,481'|| Sioux Falls... .: 25,202 |. 14,094 || Milwaukee... .. 457,147 |.373, 857 me @hd)..'!. 31-60, 840°} "46, 921. |. sterner saton Oshkosh... .....| 33, 162 |, 33,062 _ Steubenville. :..| 28, 508) 22, 391 ae sage Racine........- 58, 593 |. 38, 002 + Boledo!. 4°. 05). . 243) 164 168, 497 || Chattanooga-.:..| 57,895 | 44,604 || Sheboygan... ... 30,955 | . 26,308 _ Warren... ..... 27, 050 | 11, 081 Knoxville. -.... 77, $18.| 36,346 || Superior........ 39,671 | . 40,384 i ¥ Group 2. —Crrtes AND OTHER JNCORPORATED PLACES OF 10,000 TO 25,000 (459 places). . an i | ALABAMA, — a CALIFORNIA, | CONNECTICUT. ‘Anniston Oe ted. | 17,734 12, 794 || Bakersfield..... 18,638 }. .12;727 |} Ansonia.......- 17,643 | 15, 152 Bessemer....... 18,674 | 10,864 || Eureka......... 12,,923;}...41,845'|| Bristol. .... 20.2). 20,620 | 9,527 Dothan.) Ss: 10,034 | 7,016 || Glendale. .....- 13,5 2,746 || Danbury....... 18, 943 | 20, 234 _ Florence. . ..-..| 10,529} 6,689 || Pomona........ 13,505.| . 10,207 |} Derby...::.25.. 11, 238 |. 8,991 Sparacsden....... 14, 737 |. 10,557 || Richmond. ....| 16,843 6,802 |) Middletown. ...| 13,638 | 11, 851 i ae 15, 589 13,649 || Riverside. . 19, 341.| 15,212 || Naugatuck. .... 15, 051 |, 12, 722 “@usealoosa.....|.11,996 | 8,407 || San Bernardino | 18,721 |. 12,779 || Norwich...-...- 22,304 | 20, 367 eee >* yu Santa Ana...-- 15,485 |. . 8,429 |} Torrington... .. 20, 623. |: 15, 483 ARIZONA. Santa Patera. 19, an pene Willimantic....| 12,330} 11,2380 een! ae si} Santa Cruz....- ,91 11, 14 . ee Se tere Se ela Moree: ct 36 O68 [cok BAT FLORIDA. ARKANSAS. Seed Valielouw. . oe. st 21,107.| 11,340 || Key West...... 18,749 | 19, 945 wVenice: vaisiv.s 10, 385 3,119 || St. Petersburg..| 14, 237 4,127 . ‘Hot Ln eae 11,695 | 14,434 ‘i itile COLORADO. GEORGIA. se, Rock.........} 14,048 | ‘11,138 || Boulder....,... 11,006 | 9,539 || Albany......... 11,555 | .8, 192 \ ie Bluff... ... 19,280 15. 102|| Greeley 2. 22... 10, 958 | 8. 179\||. Athens ......-..... 16,748 | 14,913 xarkana..... 1g 257 5. 655. |! Trinidad. ...... 10, 906 10, 204 | Brunswick aap ta 14 413} 10,182 eras Texarkana, Ark., and Texarkana, ae based upon combined popillation (19,737 in 1920), rors in pce of 10,000 to'25,000. 60 TABLE 12.—POPULATION OF CITIES AND OTH IN 1920; 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE, ARRANGE LATION: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. GROUP 2.—CITIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES OF 10,000 To 25,000 (459 places)—Continued. ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION, INCORPORATED PLACES HAVING, ~ GROUPS Bae oe TO POPU: CITY, TOWN, CITY, TOWN, . CITY, TOWN, ? OMT VILLAGE, OR | 1920 1910 VILLAGE, OR 1920 1910 VILLAGE, OR 1920 | 1910 BOROUGH. BOROUGH. bd peices enor J GEORGIA—COn. KANSAS—con. LON? MASSACHUSETTS La Grange...... 17, 038 5, 587 ||’ El Dorado..:..- 10, 995 35129 en . OMG 1 Nes 3, 252 | - 12,099 |) Emporia: -2.2 =. 11,273 299 058 || Weymouth . — ; Valdosta..2..... 10,783 | 7,656 || Fort Scott...... 10, 693}, 10,463 || © town. .24...-2]. Waycross....... 18, 068 | 14,485 || Hutchinson..... 23, 298 16, 364 || Winchester >. — IDAHO. | Pawronce.... .._| 12,456 120874 ened Boise Ue. 21, 393 17,358 Leavenworth... 16, 912 | 19,363: |} Woburn. 2.2.02.) OCALCH Oe Ca 15, 9, 110 arsons.e. 2. 357 16, G28.)...12, 463 . f Ea Pittsburg... 13,052 | 14, 735 ||) See ‘ ish Alma 6 900 S4 15,085. |" 9, 688 Mia Ald hae Align ON Ae 24,682 | 17, 528 , "4 Alpena.......: eat. peterills Ls 24, 823 | 21,122 KENTUCKY ' Ann Arbor..... CPWYN se s22e: 14, 150 5, 841 8. 68g || Benton Harbor. Blue isignd.c.. .| 41,49 | OMG Tl See ee epee 11 See |) Escanaba a4 WANG. Soe se 15, 203} 14, 548:|) QOwensboto.....| 17 424 16, 011 || Holland. ....2.. Cantons... 10, 928.|..10,453.|| Paducah........| 24735 29, 760 | Tronwood.....-. Centralia....... 12, 491 9, 680 ad cme mes || Ishpeming... 4 Champaign. ....| 15, 873 | 12,421 LOUISIANA. Marquette. ..... Chicago He ights 19, 653 14, Alexandria ee 17, 510 11, 913 Monroe. ows weese Forest Park....| 10, 768 6, 594 || 35 49 Owosso. 23.2 2.4 esti: 0 66 } aton Rouge...| 21, 782 14, 897 Freeport Seles is ile s 19, 669 Li 567 Lake Charl 13. 088 \ “Sault Ste. Marie Galesburg. .... : 23, 834 | 22, 089 Me Be OES as + 12. ne 1, oho Traverse City... Granite City..--] 14,757 | 9,903 OREO: asks Ha 4 d 0,209 || Wyandotte.v.!. ORTIN dss ok 0, 986 6, 861 INE Jacksonville... .| 15, 713 15, 326 amas : meas vc See Kankakee...... 16,753 | 13,986 || Auburn..--.-... 16,985 | 15,064 || Austin. ........ Kewanee....... 16, 026 9,307 || Augusta:....... 14, 114)} 13,211 || Faribault... -..- PeOalip. 3.7; 13,050 | 11, 537 || Bath. ...22.20.- 14, 731)| 9,398 ||) Hibbing-.....-. Thiel... edece 11,882 | 10,892 |} Biddeford. .--.. 18, 008 |) 17,079 ||: Mankato... .-. t Mattoon:...:2.. 13, 552 | 11,456 ||: Waterville...-.. 13, 851'| 11, 458 areas Min Ot eee Maywood... <... 12, 072 8, 033 ml. ULOUd. ~~... Murphysboro...| 10,703 | 7, 485 ART ey Virginia. ....... Oitews. 2.44 0,816 |. ..9,535 || Annapolis...... 11,214 |, 8,609 || Winona..:..... Pekin se. gece 12,086 | 9,897 || Frederick....... 11,066 | 40, 411 MISSISSIPPI Streator |... ok 14,779 | 14, 253 : . wai Urbana.......-. 10, 244" | <8 945 A SRA CRUSE TES || Biloxi...... nest Waukegan...... 19, 226 | 16,069 ||’ Adams town...| 12,987} 13,036 puenius weaeee F 1 (2) +2, 5 ny, Pee INDIANA. © | RtHebord | 49.90 | ae ats |f Hattiesburg 1; Bloomington...| 11,595 | 8, $38 |] Arlington town.| 18, 665 | 11, 187 |) 4ackson.....2..) 2: CHIGOM: oes. 10,962 | 6,229'|| Belmont town. .| 10,749.|. 6, 542. || Laurel-.--.--.. Crawfordsville. .| 10,139 |” 9371 || Beverly........ 22,561 | 18,650 || Meridian... ...- Eikhart.........|-24,277 | 19, 282 |) Braintree towi.| 10,580}? 8,006 || Natehez..2..-.. ely O00 332.27, 10,790 | 11,028 ||\Clinton town...| 12,979 |) 13/075 || Vicksburg... - Frankfort....-.. 11, 585 8, 634 || Danvers town. -| 11, 108 | ..9, 407 | ’ MISSOURI Huntington. ...|.14,000 | 10, 272 || Dedham town..| 10,792 | 9) 234 Sak Jeifersonville...) 10, 098 |' 10, 412 ||’ Rasthampton Cape Girardeau. La Porte. ..22.. 15, 158 | 10,525 i eee 11, 261 8,524 || Carthage.......) 10, Lafayette......- 22,485 | 20,081 || Framingham Columbia. --..- 10 Logansport... 21,626 | 19, 050 bow. £°5 2. 17,033 | 12,948 || Hannibal... --.. Marion......... 23,747 | 19,359 || Gardner town. .| 16,971 | 14,699 Independence. . Michigan City-.} 19,457 | » 19,027 |] Gloucester. -.-. 22, 947 | 24) 398 || Jeflerson City... Mishawaka. .... 15,195 | 11, 888 ||. Greenfield town | 15, 462 10, 427 || Moberly........ New Albany...-| 22,992 | 20,629 || Leominster... 19, 744'| “17, 59° || Sedalia......... New Castle... 14, 458 9, 446. || Marlborough... .|. 15, 028 |..14,.579 MONTANA, Were Lash 12,410 | 10,910 || Melrose. ....... -| 13, 204}. 15,715 Vincennes. ..... 17,160 | 14 805'|| Methuen........ 15,189 | 11) 44g || Anaconda...... Whiting.-...... 10,145 | 6,587 || Milford town...| 13,471 | 137055 || Billings... --.: Natick town....| 10,907 |’ 9, 966 || Great Falls..... TO | Newburyport. .| 15,618 | 147949 || Helena. .-...... Boone......1... 12,451 | 10,347 |) North Adams. .| 22,282 | 22/019, || Missoula.....-. Burlington... .. 24,057 | 24,324 || Northampton. .| 21,951 | 19,431 NEBRASKA. — Clinton......... 24,151 | 25,577 | Northbridge i Fort Dodge... 19, 347°|" 15,543 || town. ........ 10, 174 | 8,807 || Grand Ealenid-¢ : Fort Madison...| 12,066 | 8,900 || Norwood town.| 12,627 | — 8,014 || Hastings... .-. Towa City......- 11, 267 | 10, 091 || Peabody........ 19,552 | 15,721 || North Platte... Keokuk........ 14, 423.) 14,008 | Plymouth town 1) 13, 045'| 12)141 jie) wevaDas Marshalltown ..| 15,731 | 13,374'|/ Saugus town... :|-10,874'| 8,047 || Reno. Mason City..... 20, 065 | 11, 230 || Southbridge : “ CHO. .). 4-525 -5 Muscatine. ..... 16,068 |) 16,178 || town...-..... 14, 245. | 12, 592 pales Ottumwa....... 23, 003.| 22,012 || Wakefield town} 13,025.| 1, 404 Maser sant KANSAS. Watertown ‘ Berlin Pee ae BOW. gua Jae- 2 21,457 | 12,875 ||. Concord. ../.... Arkansas City..| 11, 253 7, 508 || Webster town. -| 13,258 | 11,509 || Dover.. Ateniso,.. 5.2 8 12) 630 | 16,429 | West Spring- : Keene... wees a Chanute....2... 10, 286 9,272 ||. field town. ...) 13, 443 9, 224. || Laconia... . 2... Cotleyville...... 13, 452 | 12,687 || Westtield town.| 18,604 | 16, 044 i Portsmloyeany OL a > CITY, TOWN, Ve $aeee CITY, TOWN, CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, OR | 1920 1910 VILLAGE, OR 1920 1910 VILLAGE, OR 1920 | 1910 “BOROUGH. BOROUGH. BOROUGH. NEW JERSEY. Wee NORTH DAKOTA. PENNSYLVANIA Asbury Park...| 12,400 | 10,150 |} Fargo.......... 91,961 |. 14, 331 ms SA elleville..-:... Lp; 660 Feat Grand Forks: _<} 14,010'| 12,478 || Du Bois, .-..... 13, 681°} 12, 623 Bloomfield. ....| 22,019 | 15,070 || Minot.......... 10, 476 | 6,188 || Dunmore....... 20, 250} 17,615 Bridgeton. -...- 14, 823 | 14,7209 ||, |. emo Duquesne. ..... 19, 011 | © 15, 727 Englewood ..... 11, 627 9,924 || - > ih eET OR. te 15, 586 | 10, 190 Garfield ; 22... 19, 381 | 10,213 || Alliance, ....... 21; 603°) 15, 083'|) Greensburg... .|, 15, 083 | 13, 012 Gloucester... - 12, 162 9,462 |} Ashtabula. ..... 22, 082 | 18, 266 |; Homestead... .. 20, 452 | 18,713 Hackensack ....| 17,667 |} 14,050 || Barberton.....- 18,811 9,410 || Jeannette: ..._..| 10,627 8, 077 Harrison. ..--..| 15,724 |’ 14, 498 || Bellaire.........)/15, 061 | 12, 946 || Lebanon... ..- 24,643 | 19, 240 Long San sae .| 18; 621 |. ° 13,298 |} Bucyrus: ..>. 22. 19, 425 8, 122 || MeKees Rocks.| 16,713.| 14,702 Millville... 2... 14,691} 12,451 |} Cambridge... -- (13,104 | 11,327 || Mahanoy City..| 15,599 | 15, 936 Morristown... -| 12, 548 | 12,507 || Chillicothe.-....| 15,881 | 14,508 || Meadville...... 14, 568 | 12,780 Phillipsburg..-.| 16,923 |' 13,903 || Cleveland Monessen... 2... 18,179 | 11, 775 Rahway-.....-- 1, 9, 337 Heights. ..... 15, 236° | 2,955 || Mount Carmel. .| 17, 469 | 17, 532 Roosevelt .. POSSE A 11, 047 5, 786. ||. Cozhoston pag a 10, 847 | _ 9,603 || Nanticoke.:.... 22, 614 | 18, 877 itd 352 224 10,174 7,500 || Cuyahoga Falls.| 10, 20 4,020 || New Kensing- P Wmioh.. ..82% cui 20,651 | 21,023 |) East Liverpool.| 21,411 | 20, 337 teas OR eee 11, 987 7, 707 West Orange. . .-| 15,573 | 10,980 test Youngs- pags 740 North Braddock} 14,928 | 11, 824 OWN dasvcis” 11, 23 197 City fo. Foie 21, 274 | 15, 657 eae at peace Blyria....2 52: = "| 20, 474 | 14, 825 || Old Forge...... 12,237 | 11, 324 Albuquerque...| 15,157 | 11, 020 || Findlay..::.:..| 17,021 14,858 || Olyphant.......| 10,236 | 8, 505 SEW ¥ ORK Fremont. -. +... 12, 468 9,939 |} Phoenixville... 10, 484} 10, 743 : Ironton.:...-:.. 14,007 | 13, 147 || Pittston....... 18, 497 | 16, 267 Batavia........ 13, 541 11,613 || Kenmore....... 12,683 1561 4 Phyamoutivece 16,500 | 16, 996 Beacon...-.-..- 10, 996 | » 10,629 |} Lancaster... ... 14,706 | 13,093 || Pottstown....., 17,431, 15,599 Cohoes. . . .'.22u:} 22, 087 |). 24, 709' || “Marietta... 2... 15;140°} 12, 923°!) Pottsvillef: 22... 21,876 | 29, 23 SPLINE yup nnn 15, 820.| 13, 730_|| Martins Ferry. .| 11, 634 9,133 |) Punxsutawney.| 10, 311 9, 058 Dofiand Bc Sie aay 13, 294.|.. 11,504 || Massillon....... 17, 428.|;.13,.879 || Shamokin...... 21, 204.| . 19, 588 Dunkirk. .:.::. 19, 336 | 17,221 || Middletown. ...| 23, 594 |,.13, 152 || Sharon........- 21,747 | 15, 270 Fulton a 202U.8. 13, 043 | 10,480 || New Philadel- Shenandoah... .| 24, 72¢ 25, 774 Geneva....:..-| 14,648 | 12,446’|| phia....2.)... 10,718} 8,542 || Steelton.....:.. 13,428-| 14,246 Glens Falls...:.| 16,638 |. 15, 243'|) Niles........... 13, 080 8, 361 || Sunbury... .-.. 15, 721 | 13, 770 Gloversville. .-.' 22,075 -|. 20,642 || Norwood....:.. 24 966 | 16,185 || Swissvale.......| 10, 908 7, 881 Herkimer. ...-. | 10,453 | 7,520 || Piqua..2... 222. 15,044 | 13,388 |] Tamaqua......- 12,363 |’ 9, 462 Hornell...2.-.. 15,025) 18,617 || Salem. .2..2..-- 10,305 | 8,943 | Uniontown... 15, 692 | 18, 344 ‘ Hudson... BY oA | 11, 745 |) 11, 417'|) Sandusky... .-.| 22, 897 | 19,989 || Warren......... 14,272 | 11,080 Tiong... 0se.5 | 10,169 | 6,588 || Tiffin.......22.. 14,375 | 11, 894'|| Washington... .! 21,480 | 18,778 TeHaCa 2. Sse ui | 17,004 | 14,802 |), OKLA D Ite West Chester...| 11, 717-|,. 11, 767 Johnstown.-..--| 10,908 | 10,447 : | Wilkensburg...| 24,403 | 18, 924 Laser ..| 17,918 | 14,549 || Ardmore) ......| 14,181 &, 618 || Woodlawn..... : 112, 495 1,396 Little Falis..... 13, 029 | 12, 273 || Bartlesville... 2. 14, 417 6,181 | pa Lockport.......| 21,308 |. 17,970 | Chickasba...._- nO-279.1°°)0) 90 || BAR IPEAND « - Middietown’.../ 18,420 |/°15,313' || Enid. .......... | 16, 576 |...13,.799 || Bristol town.:..! 11,375 | 8, 565 North Tona- Clues rralne hee ipeplies | 11,757 | 11,654 || Central Falls:..| 24,174 | 22,754 wanda......- 2} 11,955 |) MeAlester:.:.2. 12,.095.|" 12,:954.|| Cumberland Ogdensburg....| 14,609 | 15,933 || Okmulgee...... 17, 480 4,176 LOW De ec ys | 10,077 | 10, 107 Olean. ..--.J..-| 20, 506 | )14;743 |) Sapulpa....s.2. 11, 634 8, 283 || Hast Provi- Oneida... 522... 10, 541 317 || Shawnee. ...... 15, 348 | 12, 474 dence town...| 21,793 | 15, 808 Oneonta: ..i..- 11, 582 9,491 OREGON Warwick town .| 13,481 | 26,629 Ossining......- 10, 739 |. 11,480 v9 Bike West Warwick Oswego..-....-- 23, 626 | 23,368 |) Astoria......... 14,027 9, 599 TOWN. jon alas 15, 408 baa Peekskill. 2.2.2. 15, 868 |. 15,245. || Eugene... 2.0.2. 10, 593 9, 009 sOUTH Plattsburg..... 10,909 | 11,138 |] Salem. ....22... 17, 679 | 14, 094 Saag Port Chester... .| 16, 573°} 12, 809 PENNSYLVANIA, . bic ie paswe Bree Port Jervis.\/.2.| 10,171 |» 9,564 exes Anderson.......| 10,570 | 9, 654 - Rensselaer:..-2.) 10, 823 | 10, 711 Ambridge Sey | 12, 730 5,205.|| Florence:.....-. 10, 968 7, 057 _ Saratoga |. | f Beaver Falls... 12, 802.}, 12,191.|| Greenville...... 23, 120 1. Lee Sprmegs. san A 13,181 | °12;693 || Berwick....... 0. 12, 181 5, 357"|| Spartanburg... | 22,638 | 17, 517 _ Tonawanda....) 10,068 8,290 || Braddock..-... 20,879 | 19, 357 athe oF Watervliet... .. 16, 073. |. 15, 074 || Bradford. .....- 15, Sb nkes, G44 ||, POUTA D4 ROTH: White Plains...) 21,031 | 15,949 || Bristol.........| 10, 273 9, 256_|| Aberdeen... .. 14,537 | 10,758 Monta 3 Ganonsbiirg.....| 10,632) 3/R01 || TENNESSEE. “CAROLINA. eS HUE Acie Ol aR , $ uy Carbondale... . 18, 640 }*+ 17, 040-|; Bristol......-.. 18,047 7,148 Durham........ 21, 719. |< 18;241 ||} Carlisle... ..2.. | £0,-916-}’ ‘10, 303°|) Jackson... ...-.. 18,860 | 15,779 SGastonia . cui 2. 12, 871 5,.759 |) Carnegie. 222... -.| £1,516} 10,009 || Johnson City .-.| 12, 442 8,502 _ Goldsboro-.....) U, 6; 107 || Carrick... .. poe | 10,504 | AAT | he dg - Greemsboro.....| 19, 861 | .15,; 895 || Chambersburg .| 18,171-) 11,800 |), High Point.....) 14,302}: 9, 525 || Charleroi. ae ..| 11,516 9,615 |, Abilene.......--| 10,274 9, 204 _ New Bern... 2) 12,198 |. 9, 961 || Coatesville:2.= 14,515 |- 11,084 || Amarillo. ....-- 15, 494 9,957 _ Raleigh...-. ...2| 24,418] 19,218 {| Columbia....... 10, 836 | 11, 454 || Brownsville....| 11,791 | 10,517 - Rocky Mounit._| 12, 742 |» 8,051 || Connellsville....| 13,804 |. 12, 845 | Cleburne. ..---- 12,820 |} 10,364 -. Salisbury....-..| 18, 884 7,153 || Dickson City:..| 11, 049 9, 331°} Corpus Christi. . 10, 522 8,222 _ Wilson..-......, 10,612) 6,717 | Donora...... ~- + 14,131.!, 8,174 | Corsicana... . -. 11,356 |, 9,749 br », PRINCIPAL), CITIES.» > 61 Tap © 12.—POPULATION OF CITIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES HAVING, L 1920, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR,MORE, ARRANGED IN GROUPS ACCORDING TO POPU- LATION: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. GROUP 2,—CITIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES OF 10,000 TO 25,000 (459 places)—Continued. — 3 Bristol, Tenn.,and Bristol, ted 2 mased upon combined population (14, 776 in 1920), included in places of 10,000 to 25, 000... 62 ABSTRACT OF THE GCENSUS—POPULATION. TapLy 12.—POPULATION OF CITIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES HAVING, IN 1920, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE, ARRANGED IN GROUPS AG SCORDING TO POPU- LATION: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. GROUP 2.—CITIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES OF 10,000 ‘TO 25,000 (459 places) —Continued. CITY, TOWN, CITY, TOWN, CITY, TOWN, BiG VILLAGE, OR 1920 1910 VILLAGE, OR 1920 1910 VILLAGE, OR 1920 1910 BOROUGH. BOROUGH, BOROUGH. TEXAS—Ccon. VIRGINIA. WISCONSIN. Del Rio: ..... .ax 10,589. | ain 8e anc Alexandria... -.. 18,060 | 15,329 Appel See 19,561 | 16,3773 Denison) 3 Syn 17, 065.,|...13, 632 || Bristol. 3... ~; 26,729 6,247 ||' Ashland. ....-.- 11, 334} 11,594 © Greenville...... 12,384 8,850 || Charlottesville. .| 10, 6838 6,765 |} Beloit... wos seo} 21, 28445) 15,128 Earedo.l sssc cn 22,710 | 14,855 ||, Danville........| 21,539 + 19,020 |}: Kau Claire... .. -| 20,906] 18,310 Marshall........| 14,271 | 11,452, |} Staunton....... 10,623 | 10,604 || Fond du Lac...| 23,427 | 18,797 Palestine... - 11,039 |,. 10,482 |) Jamesville... ...| 18,293} 13,894 PATIS cee ay 15,040.}, 11,269 WASHINGTON. Manitowoc. .:..: 17, 563 | ..13,027 Port Arthur, ...| 22,251 7, 663 Marinette.......| 13,610 | 14,610 Rangerer seu ox: 15 2087) 0-24 taps Aberdeen.......| 15,337 | 13,660 || Stevens Point..| 11,371 8, 692 San Angelo... ..| 10,050 | 10,321 |} Hoquiam....... 10,058 8,171 || Waukesha... ..:| 12, 558 8,740 Sherman. ...... 15,031 12,412 || Vancouver..... 12, 637 9,300: |)’ Wausau: .2.2 .c 18,661 | 16,560 Temple.........| 11,033 | 10,993 || Walla Walla....} 15,503 | 19, 364,|| West Allis.....: 13,745 |. 6,645 Texarkana Be a 141, 480 9,790 || Yakima.......: 18,539.}. 14,082 WYOMING Byler. . ! eta . 5,637 | 5,018 || Harvey......... 7, 227° Palo Alto......,] 5,900] 4,486 || West Palm een Highland Park. 4, 209. Petatuma....:..| 6,226] 5,880 || “Beach..s...-: 8,659 | 1,743 || Hillsboro....... | Baga Rediands....:.. | 9,571} 10,449 |] West Tampa...) 8,463)! 8,258 || Hoopeston... .. ro errd _ 1 Texarkana, Ark., and Texarkana, T eet oct te alongs 1a, Tex. , based upon combined population (19, 7371 in spies included i in ? Bristol, Tenn., and Bristol, Ais af 10.600 He 25, 000. 83, based upon ‘combined population (14,776 in 1920), included ‘int ig dbess ’ a er . . ine Hastinvs.. . ses Tonia vores nee Tron Mountain - Hauvrivnrs 2.8.4. Ludington...... Manistee...-:.. Manistique..... Menominee..... Niahind sss Mount Clemens. Munising. ..02.. Muskegon Hillsdaie....22.) 1920 8, 101 5, 384 5, 446 8, 525 6, 224 5, 789 7,147 5, 904 1910 64 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——POPULATION. TABLE 12.—POPULATION. OF CITIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES HAVING, _ IN 1920, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE, ARRANGED IN GROUPS vay tienen TO POPU: LATION: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. Grover 3.—CITIES AND OTHER. INCORPORATED PLACES OF 5,000.20 10,000 (721 annals. CITY, TOWN, CITY, TOWN, ) CITY, TOWN, . VILLAGE, OR 1920 | . 1910 VILLAGE, OR 1920 1910 ‘VILLAGE, OR £920: «}7 1910 BOROUGH. BOROUGH, BOROUGH. MICHIGAN—con. NEW NEW YOREK— Petoskey -.....- 5, 064 4,778 En peak toes ih ik River Rouge... .| ..9,822 4, 163 || Claremont town) 9,524 7,529 || Rockville Royal Oak..-..| 6,007 ne 071 || Derry town. 2. .| 5,382 5, 123 Center 22.....| 6; 262 3, 667 St. Joseph...... 7,201 5,936 || Franklin. ..2.. 6,318 6,13 VOU. LE Ree 5,308 3, 964 PMPs 2. aoaee 5, 995 3,635 || Lebanon town-| 6,162 5,718 || Salamanca.....|. 9,276 5; 792 Three Rivers...| 5, 269 5,072 || Rochester...... 9,673 | $,868 || Saranac Lake:..| 5,174 4, 983 Ypsilanti.......| 7, 413 6, 230 |} Somersworth...| 6,688 6,704 || Seneca Falis,...] 6,389 6, 588 MINNESOTA. NEW JERSEY. ode oh ae gs be 352 | ne 4 Albert Lea... 8,056 | 6,192 || Boonton.......- 5,372 |. 4,930 || Walden. ......1 5,493 | 4,004 Bemidji... io. - 7,08 5,099 |} Bound Brook..| 5,906 3,970 |} Waverly. 2..2.. 5, 27 4, 855 Brainerd ....... §, 591 8,526 || Burlington..... 9, 049 8,336 || Whitehall. ..... _.5,258 | . 4)917 Chisholm. ..-... 9,039 | 7,684 || Cliffside Park..| 5,709 |. 3,394 |! yong caro. |” , COQ Ue tie sc sryare St 5, 127 yi 0381 || Collingswood...| 8,714 4,795 TINA Crookston...... 6, 825 7, 559°} Dover :-:e0n.>-- 9, 803 7,468 ’ Fiveleth. .- 22... 7, 205 7, 036 || EK. Rutherford..| 5,463 4,275 || Burlington.....|. 5,952 4, 808 Fergus Falls....|. 7,581 6,887 |} Fort Lee.......| 5,761 |. 4,472 || Goncord:.122.5.- 9, 903 8,715 Little Falls. .. 5, 500 6,078 || Guttenberg... .. 6,726 5,647 || Elizabeth City..| 8,925 8, 412 eens Seb 5 720 4, at eg ae pene a ee ae ” aes bite inh ss, BeBe 7,045 — ew Ulm......| 6,745 5, 64 ammonton,. .- reenville...... 5, 772 4,101 Qwaton neta 7,252 | 5,658 Hawthorne. -... 5 135 3; 400 || Henderson. --- 5,292 | 4,508 ed Wing. .... S G71. M048 Pace tess 3: sa 38 || Hickory.....2.. 5,076'| + 3,716 ~ South St. Paul.| 6, 860 4,510 || Madison........ 5, 523 4, 658 || Kingstone...... 9 771 6, 995 Stillwater. ..... 7,735 |. 10,198 || N. Plainfield...| 6,916 6,117 || Lexington... .. 5, 254 |. 4, 163 Willmar.......| 5,892 | 4,135 Nutley yes. 9, 424 6, 009 Reidsville $93.3 5, 333 4,828 PS eeET Pleasantvillé...| 57887 | 42390 Thomasville 5, O76. 3 77 Gorinthe. 71] E408 P80 || Red Bank,..2..| 9251 Za0e | oe See aers 8 5, 02 e BR oo pach) Oya . Greenwood RA “is 793 5, 836 Ridgefield Park s, 575 |. (1) NORTH DAKOTA.| ; DOVES swe 8,15 6, 386 idgewood..... 580 5,416 || Bismarck....... 4 ¥ McComb.......| 7,775 | 6,237 || Roselle......... 5,737 |. 2,725 Devils Haweca | barn Bist Pascagoula... . 6, 082 3, 379 || Roselle Park...| 5,438 3,138 || Jamestown.....| 6.627 £353 4 irpelo 2 eae 5,055 | 3,881 || Rutherford..... 9,497 | 7,045 : q Yanb0 CW. eee 5, 244 6,796. 1. Salem... co. 4.: of 435 6,614 OHIO. 3 Secaucus.......| 5,423 4,740 || A ee ya MISSOURI Somerville...... 6-718 |" 5°060 | kaka ie hae Brookfield... . 6,304 | 5,749 || South Amboy..| 7,897 | 7,007 || Beliefontaine...| 9.336 | 8.933 _ Chillicothe..... 6,772 6,265 || South Orange. .| 7,274 6,014 |} Bellevue........| 5.776 | 52209” Clinton. ........ 5,098 | 4,992 || South River..../ 6,596 | . 4,772 || Bowling Green.| 5,788|' 5,229 PS. S0t0) 25 ee 5, 003 4,721 || Vineland....... 6,799 5, 282 || Circleville... i. | 7,049. |" 6, 744 Kirkoviliat 277) -Zais | °83ur || Wostheld ce .| 8.008 | Saan | Sonnealate al es Jecises 4 teeeee a ; seceeee enance 55.20. 0G, {hte Maplewood..... 7,431 4,976 || Woodbury....- 5, 801 4’ 642 Delaware....... : we oars Monies c207000-] eons | Bap || NEW texte Demniscp slic) Siaesaoes | Nevada........ 7,139 | 73176 || Raton... ....-:- 5,544 | 4,589 || Dover..........| 8.401} 6 621 Poplar Bluff....| 8,042 | 6,916 |! Roswell.......- 7,033 | 6,172 || Kast Palestine..| 5,750} 3,537 _ St. Charles. ....| 8,503 9, 437 Santa Fe..-.... 7, 236 5, 072 || Fostoria. 222.22. ~ 9, 987 9307 Sane | Sane| BG | maxon. eaiig-—| Bae | ga Webb City... 7,807 | 11/817 || Canandaigua...) 7,856 |” "7,217 || Girard....00....} 625561 3-736 Webster Groves| 9,474 | 7,080 || Depew..-...... 5,850 | 3,921 |} Greenville......| 7,104} 6,237 MONTANA. eth “15 hs no ee nee Pett } Jackson... 2.2.4 ) 5, 842.4. .5, 468° 3 Bozeman 6,183}. 5, 107\| Freeport... 8'509 | 47836 ental aa a 700 | 15 Bavie; igo 5, 429 3,624 Glen Cove...... 8,664 ces ae Logan... .sd.+2. 5,493 | 4,850 : Kalispell.......| 5,147 5,549 || Hastings-upon- Mount Vernon..| 9, 237 9,087 Lewistown..... 6,120 | 2°992 || Hudson......} 5,526 | . 4,552 |] Nelsonville... 6,440 |. 6,082 — Livingston. .... 6,311 5,359 |} Haverstraw....} 5,226 5,669 || Norwalk.......- 7,379 7, 858 Miles City... ... 7, 937 4,697. || Hempstead... ... . 6,382 4,964 |} Painesville.....| 7,27 5, 501 NEBRASKA. Johnson City...| Sos |. 8°75 || Se Bemand.22) Gai2| - sioue. Beatrice........ 9,664] 9,386 || Lancaster..-.} 62059 | 4’364 {I St. Marys...2...| 57679 |. 8732 Columbus. 227 5,410 | 5,014 || Malone......... 7,556 | 6,467 || Shelby.........| 5,578 | 42903 Fairbury....... 5,454 | 5,294 || Mamaroneck. ..|' 6,571 | . 5,699.|| Sidney._....... 8,590 | 6,607 Fremont.......| 9,605 | 8,718 |] Massena........ 5,993. | 2,951 Stecthonenicts: 5,847 | 3,370 Kearney... spannp-d. pt 0e 6,202 || Mechanicville,.| 8, 166 6,634 || Troy .--2.22t.%. 7, 260 6, 122 Novae] ak]. Bes Neda] Sk ee | Manca | ae 28 Leg oe , 63 y ga? oti ANA puee-| 147, 739 Scottsbluff. ....| 6,912] 1,746 || N.Tarrytown..| 5,927] 5,421 || Van Wert......| 8,100] 7,157 _ bf ee aes 5, 388 6,235.1) Norwich...2.. 2. 8, 268 7,422 |) Wapakoneta....! 5, 6, 349°" 1 Not returned separately. PRINCIPAL. CITIES. 65 TABLE 12.—POPULATION OF CITIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES HAVING, IN 1920, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE, ARRANGED IN GROUPS ACCORDING TO POPU- LATION: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. Group 3.—CITIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES OF 5,000 TO 10,000 (721 places)—Continued. CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, OR BOROUGH. oHio—con. Washington Court House. . 11k Cie Sel WATER. 25.22 i. Oregon City.... Pendleton. ..... The Dalles... .. IBANLOr. 25.30 f. Bellevue........ Coaldale........ Conshohocken. . Coraopolis... .. Conemaugh. . East Pittsburgh Edwardsville... Eliwood City... Lo Se Ford City ...... Forest City..... Frackville...... Huntingdon.... ee hs a: _ Jersey Shore... _ Johnsonburg. -. ouniata......... 1920 1910 ces esece 75108°—23——_9 CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, OR BOROUGH. PENNSYLVANIA— con. Lansford....... Larksville...... Latrobe..-.....- Lehighton...... Lewistown..... Lock Haven.... Luzerne........ Monongahela Shyer re on oe Mount Oliver... Mount Pleasant Munhall...... 2. Nanty-Glo..... New Brighton... Northampton. - Palmerton...... Ridgway -.... 2. Rochester. ..... St. Clair (Alle- wee ene OS hs Sehuylkill Havens}... 2: Scottdale....... Sharpsburg..... Stroudsburg. ... Summit Hill... Swoyersville..-. Tarentum...... Titusville. ...-. Turtle Creek. . . PMLORG al: was Vandergrift..... Waynesboro.... West Hazleton. West Pittston. . Wilmerding.... RHODE ISLAND. Burrillville town...) 34.2 Coventry town. Johnston town. Lincoln town... N. Providence towil... .. SHA 2 Warren town... Westerly town . SOUTH CAROLINA. Chester.......25 GOO YS ox Sonne 1920 1910 eee ewe ee CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, OR BOROUGH. SOUTH CARO- LINA—COon. Newberry. ..... Orangeburg. ... Rock Hill -..2 Rapid City..... Watertown..... YAR KtOn dea tis TENNESSEE. Clarksville...... Cleveland...... Columbia....... Dyersburg...... Kingsport ...... Morristown..... Murfreesboro. -.- Burkburnett. - . Childress: ....-. CISGD ay sien ct Denton 224. sf Eagle Pass...-. Eastland. ..<-. WORMS ie was aap 2s McKinney...... Mineral Wells .- Victoria.....--. Waxahachie. . - Weatherford...: Y O8kilin i sees UTAH. LOgaNie. 2. sre 2 VERMONT. Bennington. ... Brattleboro... . Montpelier --.-. St. Johnsbury -. Springfield ..... VIRGINIA. Clifton Forge... Covington...... Fredericksburg. Hampton. ..--- Suffolk Winchester..... 1920 1910 66 ABSTRACT OF ‘THE CENSUS——POPULATION. TABLE 12.—POPULATION OF CITIES’ AND’ OTHDR. INCORPORATED PLACES HAVING, IN 1920; 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE, ARRANGED IN GROUPS ACCORDING TO POPU- LATION: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. . : ; > oe GRouP 3.—CITIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES OF 5,000 T0'10,000 (721 places)—Continued. CITY, TOWN, CITY, TOWN, CITY, TOWN, , a” ry VILLAGE, OR | 1920 4° 1910 VILLAGE, OR 1920 1910 VILLAGE, OR | 1920 | 1910 BOROUGH. BOROUGH. BOROUGH. yg WASHINGTON. : si WISCONSIN. WISCONSIN— Anacortes...... 5, 284 5 Ls con. fom FI Bremertonc..-.| 8,918 | 2,998 ll arahoo. 2ci2c.| 8538 | —-eeael| Son 8 S| ete} oe Olympia o-| 2905 | Gann || eres Oe | 0 | eLOe heen | Doe | ber page Ppa ’ , Chippewa Falls 3 oughton......| | 5,1 6 pees ate 5, SOL. | 325 280 || Oidabny 4. « .| 6,725} 3)691 || Two Rivers....| 7,305 | 4,850 Wenbtches ....| 6.324 | 4/050 | ier ete 2 -a2 4] By 166 | ae tien otacte avers | eae ede eda Cae ? 4 SAUKAUNA--2 22. 9 ‘ Weauwatosa.o...| 5 WEST VIRGINIA. "iad Leta ah PAL & i st 5 ie Wisconsin’) |” : Dikins...f Ve) 6, 788 5 ‘Menasha..-.2.2: , 214 6,0 t: Mapidsy ois. de 7,243 6,521 Grafton....... “| 8,517-| -.-7,563.|| Menominié."-21) |5,104°1" 5,036 1) aa. : : Keyser. 292.0 6, 003 3,705) }) (Merrill s. 2. 5 03 8, 068 8, 689 . : wae . Princeton. ....| (6; 224 3,027 || Neenah......... 7,171 5,734 || Laramie........| 6,301 8, 237 Weston....-...- 5, 701 2,213 || Portage......:..| 5,582 5,440 || Rock Springs...| 6,45 5, 778 Williamson.....| 6,819 | 3,561 || Rhinelander....| 6,654 | 5,637'|| Sheridan... 175 |” 8/408 GROUP 4.—CITIES AND OTHER, INCORPORATED PLACES oF 2,500 TO 5,000 (1,320 places). ALABAMA, Andalhisig =. S. MATRON <2 vedaa se RADAR Go cke see e'e Brie LOMs 2.66 Decatur: cant Demopolis...... Enterprise./-... Eufaula...i..2- Roanoke....-2. Tuscumbia....- Union Springs. . ARIZONA, © CHEN: otis ce esate Flagstafl....2.. JOTOMG.....200 Mesa he oe ARKANSAS, Arkadelphia... Batesville. 22... Clarendon...... CON WAYs choo. 2 CrOossetGis - Aan: s De Queen. .....% El Dorado. #2... Fordyce... 22... Forrest City... . Harrison... 22... Newport..-.... Prescott: . 1.55.3 ROgGrs:). <4. ec - Russellville... .. Seare Siloam Springs. meee ewees or ARKANSAS-——con. CALIFORNIA. Renicts -"svawe te Burbank....... Burlingame... Coalinga...... ay East San Diego. Fort Bragg... - Grass Valley. .’- Hayward....... Hollister: .). =... ‘ Huntington Inglewood. ....- C pe Pps ome ah 2 Pacific Grovée..'. Piedmont...... Pittsburg....... PortervVille. 2.2... Redondo Beach’ Redwood City... Roseville... 2.2. Palinasy wto2 652 San Fernando. - San’ Gabriel... ' Santa Maria.... Santa Paula.... Sausalito....... Selma a. 4 anes Alamosa...:o¢-< | New Castle..... Live Oak.. t Aree ats o.oo PS) Jeon, South San — ) Francisco. ..s Taft -sse see ee eseeece Turlockvaeseene Upland... .sas.% Ventura...see-2 Matis: <6eated Woodland...... COLORADO. Brighton. .....- Canon City..... elie 2 Ea ea SNSC.) cae de Ehslewooll 1 Sega Florence. /..2.2. Walsenburg.... ' CONNECTICUT. Branford....... Danielson. -.... EIGwOn. ode page Jewett. City...-.) Stafford Springs C BLORIEAES Apalachicola. .. Barto De Land....,... Fort: Myers..... Kissimmee. ....'.. Lake City. . ei TH 7? LATION: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. ——_ | PRINCIPAL Crips. | 67) '9--POPULATION OF CITIES AND. OTHER INCORPORATED 5 "2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE, ARRANGED IN GROUPS ACCORDING TO POPU: Grove 4. Cris AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES OF 2,500 'To 5,000 (1,320 places)—Continued. me ee 0 a CITY, TOWN,, VILLAGE, oR | 1920 | 1910 VILLAGE, OR | 1920 Frias, OF |; 1980" | -48i0 . BOROUGH. ; BOROUGH. BOROUGH. [oo 3 GEORGIA. . ILLINOIS—con. INDIANA—CO?. fit inbridge.....| 4,792 |,,.4,217 || Geneva......... 2, 803 50 arnesville..... 3,059 | 3,068,|! Georgetown....] 3,061 reports ee a Sto ate BROS ncn‘: -2)500 |" 1683 || Gillespie........| 4,063 -Jasonville........| 4,461 | 3,293 nton 1.0.2. 2/679 | | 2'002 || Glen Ellyn..... 2) 851 agper.... 22-1 -o%sa0 | "B'496 fon!.....| 4/363} "3/297 || Glencoe... 2272. ’ 381 ‘Lawrenceburg..| 3,466 | °3,930 le.....| 4,350 | | 47067 |]. Greenville? 1227. 3,091 Martinsville....| 47895,|- 47520 artown..:..| 4,058} 3'551.|] Hatvard...222.. 3-294 Mitchell......1.| 32025 |’ 37438 ege Parks.) 3,622] 2,173 || Havana......2- 3,614 Monticello... -.- 9536} 27168 wington..-.,-} 3,2 2,697 || Highland... 7.) 2,902 Nappanee...... 2678 |! 2.260 uthbert..-....) 3,022) 3,210 |; Hinsdale....2..) 4,042 Noblesville. -.- 4-758 | 5,073 awson.....:..| 3,504] 3,827 || Jerseyviile:..2..| 3,839 Torth Manches-|i.- ai.) “ge 340i Been Lake Forest pi North Manches- petmonii.....| | 21707 | -'-2855 || Lockport....-._| 2,684 North Vernon} gost | 2013 - od 2,519 | 2,036 || Lyons.......... 564 Plymouth...... 4,338 | 3,838 ort Valley..... 3,223) 2,697 || Madison....--.. 4,996 Rengsclaer..--..| 2,912 |. “2,393 ykinsville...} 3,070,} 3,420 |) Marseilies.......) 3,391 Rochester -.....| 3,720 |’ 37364 ETS So engi) 2 aoe pre cot sega -| (87 088 Rockport....-.- 2,581 | 2,736 Manchester: .... : OPTtS. 2.1. ie s8- 7 505 ' 996 ; filledgeville..2.| °4'619'| 4/385 || Morrison. .-.-.. 3” 000 Se 7 eed 2 OR a arg Bpomas. 4b 1/3, 2b Pos, Mound City....| 2,756 Tell City ee “| Zone | 37360 m.....52,-| | 2,640 | Mounds..2-:... 661 Tipton ..-... 22. 4’ 507 | 24? 075 erdale.-22-.| | 2,890 |-----2- Mount Olive. /.| | 3,503 Union City.2.1.]13}406 |" 3/209 he Sele Be Nopervilleves,:- | 3,500 West Lafayette.| 3,830 | 3,867 wndersville....) 2,695 Nokomis. 22)... 3,4 West. Terze as ssboro....--| | 3, 807 Oglesby .).001.2. 4,135 rae 1 apoosa,. | 2,719 Glney 4,491 Ly ect ee MO Og pee Mest | Peco all «| tat oe r* Winchester... -. 4,021 | 4,266 homaston..... ('2, 502. Park Ridge....- 3,383 ‘Boeeoa UTE| 8 a7 Prncknoyuilies:| 22640 ae 7 Hog pate patie lo} 7a : . Xa 3,7 alia. co. -.| 2,860 Prineeton.....-| 4,126 Atemesa.ci072:| Stas | 22989 etic. || 3 3k a Sua ++} 4,358 Belle Plaine....| 3,887 | 3,121 or. 4. ee | |.9'.335 Batinson 48-8 |g oe Carititl out gins =< 4, 254 3, 546 Yeats dy tat ee eh ae ee) Clarinda........ 4, 51 3, 832 diac << | | Hogbelle see 3,310 Clarion. 2 oi as 2,826 | §2,065: 0. ape peo rare Jae2- Soon Clear'Lake.-:..| 2,804 | °2,014 Ba St. Charles.....| 4,099 Memes aha 2 S0bn prio 2-598 Salem -.:.s¢2-¢:} 8, 457 Deena peat +. 1030 3,592 2,984, Sed 4 has AS 2, 841 Denison. co1.6.} 3, 58 |) {s8y138 3,956. helbyville..... 3, 568 Eagle Grove:...| 4,433 | 3,387 3,235 Siri teeeeees or 2,544 | Wldora. .\.)oss6- 3,189} 1,995 ee? . 8,569 fens Berses reese ee) Emmetsburg...| 2, 762') 2,325 2,957 Te Nae ota cen a Aa Rt Esthervillo....- 4,699 | 8,404 2,87 Summit.....+-.| 4,019 Glenwood 8, 862 |) 4,052 weiss | > cs 000 |} Ronis, hi tie ee Hamopton...... 2’ 992.|. 92/617 0, Oe ; } “TREE pip: Hatlan: § 05>. 2, 831 2,570 Psakaeins ‘Puseola.! 92.2%. 2; 564 Taide oar o_ ihe ik : yam pendence..} 3,672 3/517 eRe : Vand aNe ee 5: pe | _Indianola.......| 3,628.|. "3,283 2 bi A LS z s ‘ Ww p SC eee 5) vo , ‘ jy, 1 2; 464 Virden.......-- 4 682 peer : : te : oa tits eae Le ican age Knoxvilles.).2.|/ 3,523.) °°3;290 piliesgsb-| 1381541; 2,668) wectiniie 7c} a8 Tie Mars../22... 4,683 | 4, 187 ree By ’ Westville.....:.| | 4,241 pe 2 W1-abd-| | 4° 395 |. 4,436 || yw Manchester 2. - 3,414) 2,758 Re ah se ? ; heaton oe eter 137 To ae PAG Ys is i or eciac.c.| } 3.3161 i14,912) : ; Maquoketa... .-. 3, 626 3,570 i ehh aed DS 7 , White Hall Dalawa 2,954 ; : 3, 589. = 2, 186 W ood River 3 476 Marion sot eeet 4, 138 4, 400 2,716 2,619)|| eel nt Missouri Valley.| -3,985 3,187 5° 6671). 2/8381) >> peprana retard Pleasant : 987 “s ae 8,404 |) 2,971 f ystic..-.+..-. 7 496 3 2904. 2,747 || Alexandria..... 4,172 Nevada... 523.0. 2, 668 2, 138 3, 830 1, 825 || Angola. ......-. 850). New Hampton.| | 2,539 23275 8,451 | .2,348)|} Attica........+. 3, 392 Osdge.:.g. 000.5. 2, 878 2,445 3,543 | 2,601 pen #0 20K28- ‘ sa Seid edevevare 2, oe 3 os | 4,024.1...3,898 HFOPAs 4.5256. a ella. et at. 1338 021 4 594 2360 || Boonville...-...| 4,451 Sac City-.t.!... 2,630 2,201 2532 | 2/505 || Columbia City.. 3, 499 Sheldon......-- 3, 488 |» 2,941 2754 | . 2,479 || Crown Point...) 3,232 Spencer. ....... 4,599 |» 3,005 2,631 2,421 || Decatur....»..- , 162 Storm Lake....| 3,658} 2,428 3,558; . 2,704 || Dunkirk....... 2,532 | 0 | een ee 2,601 2,290 dias Franklin... s. 4,909 Valley Junction} 3,631 2,573 ie a 3,423 |........ || Garrett....+.--| 4,796 inton....-<-.-| 3,381.4, 3,336 <. Ses 4,742 | 14, 835 || Gas City.......| 2,870 Washington .. 4,697,| 4;380 wien t| «2, O74 2, 498: || Greencastle... .- 3, 780 Waverly ...2.;- 3,352 3, 205 meseo.%....-.! 3,375 | 3,199.1] Greenfield...... 4’ 168 Winterset...... 2906 | 2,818 inion City, Ind., and Union City, Ohio, based upon combined population (4,940 in 1920), included in of 2,500 to 5,000.5 tif S80 1B. vane « AT WOS, ss MA 68 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. : * * —-POPULATION OF CITIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES HAVING, Tasie 12. 500 INHABITANTS OR MORE, ARRANGED IN GROUPS ACCORDING a0, POPU: LATION: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. GRouP 4.—CITIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES OF 2,500 TO 5,000 (1,320 places)—Continued. CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, OR BOROUGH. KANSAS. BlOM eS: aus is Cane Cherryvale..... Clay Center... - Columbus...... Concordia...... Council Grove. . es Gaeleua oo 6c Girard... ec523. Goodland... ... Great Bend.... Hay Se area. Herington...... Hiawatha. ..... Holton. ui: acs: EFOrsom: ico eke: eee s Biatae eee Mulberry....... Neodesha....-. Olathe... wae es KENTUCKY. Catlettsburg... Central City.... Corbin: sore & Earlington..... Elizabethtown . Franklin: ....-. Georgetown. ... Glasgow........ Harlan 2226555. Harrodsburg. . . Hazard Hickman....... Ludlow. .....-. Morganfield... . Mount Sterling. Nicholasville. - Providence-.... Russellville. ..- Shelbyville. .... Somerset....... LOUISIANA. Abbeville. ..... Covington. De Ridder. . Donaldsonville. 1920 1910 CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, OR BOROUGH. LOUISIANA— con. Jennings: jis... Kentwood.....- Leesville... 2... Mansfield... ... Merryville...... Natchitoches. -. Oakdale........ Patterson Hane &, Slidell. - = 22122. MAINE. Eastport....... Ellsworth. ..... Fairfield. ...... Faas Talos. é:; MARYLAND, Crisfield....._. ; Havre de Grace. Hyattsville... .. Takoma Park. . Westernport. .. Westminster... MASSACHUSETTS, Acushnet town. Auburn town. . Ayer town...:. Barnstable town Barretown..... Billerica town.. Blackstone LOW It. 8. Bourne town... Cohasset town. . Dalton town... Deerfield town. Dighton town. . Dudley town... East Bridge- water town... Falmouth town Foxborough t Groveland town ; Hadley town... Hanover town.. Hardwick town Harvard town.. Hatfield town. . Holbrook town. Holden town... Holliston town. Leicester town. Lenox town.... LGR ARO 1920 1910 CITY, TOWN, , VILLAGE, OR BOROUGH. MASSACHU- SETTS—Ccon., Medfield town. . Medway town... Monson town... Nantucket town North Brook- field town. . Oxford town. .. Provincetown Randolph town Rockport town. Scituate town. . Seekonk town... Shrewsbury tOWN: cone. Somerset town - Sutton town. .. Templeton town Wareham town. Warren town.. West Bridge- water town... Westford town. Westport town. wigehes Se Big euiies ay Paphe Sinn 4 Roenay OE. re Crystal Falls. .. Durand Grand Ledge...| - Greenville...... Tastee 5 abenemiae Marine City.... Marshall........ South Haven... Wakefield...... MINNESOTA. Alexandria..... 1920 1910 RD ore SSesees RONDO RO OT RO , a a oe a en a ee Sex PWS hr E Ty} y 4 —" — a dane tes PRPS S4 oe «I 833 bo Ete 09 bo et 3 +: ~ 91 2 PH LH 5 ~ #2 2», > zg ¥. ¥ PRINCIPAL CITIES. 69 . Fr TABLE 12.—_ POPULATION OF CITIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES HAVING, "IN 1920, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORF, ARRANGED IN GROUPS ACCORDING TO POPU- LATION: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. Group 4.—CIiTIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES OF 2,500 To 5,000 (1,320 places)—Continued. 73 CITY, TOWN, CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, OR 1920 1910 VILLAGE, OR BOROUGH. BOROUGH. MINNESOTA— MiISSOURI—Con. = Maryville....... - Columbia Hts-.} 2, 968 590 |} Monett......... z t Crosby -........ POO TSE, 2} Neosho. .../...- BeDetroit:. 14... 3, 426 2,807 || Richmond...... . SoS Saas 4,902 3,572 || Sikeston........ - Fairmont...-... 4,630 2,958 || Slater. 2.225... mr Giberts. 2. =... 3,510 1,700 || Warrensburg.. _ Grand Rapids..| 2,914 2, 230 || Washington. . ae PS. 2....} 4,571 3,983 || West Plains... _ Hutchinson....| 3,379 2, 368 ¢ “ rational id ideo MONTANA. Sy Palls:.,...--. p ised Lake City... ... S74 1.8142 |) oot Lodge... . Litchfield... ... 2,790 | 2,333 || Gy ndix enesieiei Spsinis| Stee] ue | Bet tote +7 ar: 2 UNS ene 9 Vv gp t0S | Serpe pop + =) te 1 7s B20 2, sot Whitefish... ... Montevideo..... , “Northfield... 4,023 | 3, 265 baer ca) Pipestone Silay dg 325 2,475 || Alliance........ Warts Jammesi: 3. . . 2, 673 2,102 || Auburn........ tc St. Peter.......| 4,335 4,176 || Aurora......... egouk Center....| 2,699 | 2,154 || Blair........... dep acs: oe. , 570 2,558 || Broken Bow.... c Thehs River Chadron.:..;...: ie Cs. 4,685 3,714 || Falls City...... a ‘Hasbors. ..| 4,546 | 4,990 || Gering..°....... "Waseca CRE , 908 3,054 || Havelock..-. P 3 West Holdrege.....-- _ Minneapolis..| 3,055 3, 022 |} McCook... 2... -¥ Ww est St. Paul..| 2,962 2,660 || Plattsmouth 9 ee natn 3, 481 2,385 |} Schuyler. .....: > MISSISSIPPI PUGEOY Uo. dae : Superior........ 3,708 |} University Pl.. ory 2,122 || Wymore ....... Bey St. Louis..| 3,033 3, 388 eine ookhaven. .--| 4,706 5, 293 : > SEE 3, 252 3,929 || Sparks........2 3, 007 1, 834 Site «|. 2, 826 2,029 Sinreuret: enada........ 3,402 | 2,814 Moss Point.....; 3,340] 3,054 || Conway town .. axew Albany ...|. 2,531 2,032 |} Exeter town.... i eae 1 B02 2, 584 || Gorham town... - Starkville... ..- 2, 596 2,698 || Haverhill town. Water Valley...) 4,315] 4,275 || Lancastertown. | West Point... ...| 4,400 |’ 4,864 || Littleton town . Winona: ...-..-. 2,572 | 2,612 || Milford town... Newmarket TOWN ose ives MEO hs . oi: 3, 575 4,148 || Newport town . pne Perre..../ 3,815 |-...-... Northumber- ae: , 665 4,252 land town. ... reeds oS 545 2, 702 2,894 || Pembroke town Se Asch” 3) 248 2,980 || Peterboro town. i : ae sehr 3; aah ea Walpole town.. Sville.-| 4,7 , 655 si 5 Rk aes 3 035 2” 082 NEW JERSEY. 3, 410 3, 144 || Audubon....... ae 3,028 j....--.-'|| Bergenfield: ... {SIN ROk A Se 2, 635 2, 322 everly 520 ou. Pare is ci 2, 636 1, 999 pete are se + ixcelsi 4, 165 3,900 || Bordentown. .- ane m....| 2,685 2,013) || Butler. 23... 20: ea , 348 2, 556 || Caldwell... ..... 3, 124 2,632 || Cape May..-...-. 124 2,628 || Carlstadt....... “eee 3, 622 3,033 |} Dumont..:.:... Bad 323 3: 4, 422 4,171 || Dunellen....... Bi ke 2, 848 2,430 || East Newark... ington...... 4,695 | 5,242 || Edgewater...... erty,....<:--| 3, 097 2,980 || Egg Harbor. . i 4, 060 4,454 |) Fairview......-. ty A ed 3, 549 3, 584 || Flemington..... Payers 3, 760 3, 920 Paap 1920 | 1910 4,711 | 4,762 4,206} 4,177 3,968 | 3, 661 4,409 | 3,664 3,613 | 3,327 3,797 | 3, 238 4811] 4,689 3,132 | 3,67 3,178 | 2,914 3,780. | 2,570 2,701 | 1,835 3,816 | 2,428 4515 | 4,860 2,867 | 1,479 4,591] 3,105 2,863 | 2,729 2,962} 2, 630 2,702 | 2,584 2,567.| 2,260 4,412] 2 687 4,930 | 3, 255 2, 508 627 3,602 | 2, 680 3,108} 3, 030 4,303 | 3, 765 4,190 | 4,287 2,636 | 2, 152 2,852 | 1,185 2,719 | 2, 106 4,112| 3) 200 25921 2 613 3,238 | 2, 500 3,102 | 3, 413 4,604] 4,897 2,734 | 2,155 3,406 | 3, 498 2,819 | 3,054 4,239 | 4, 069 3,783 | 3,939 3,181 | 3,348 4,109 | 3, 765 2,567 |. 2,184 2,563} 3,062 2,615 | 2,277 2,553 | 2, 668 4,740 | 1,343 ,667 | 4,991 2,562 | - 2,140 3,906 | 1, 125 4, 371 250 2,886 | 2, 265 3, 993 |. 2, 236 2,999 | 2.471 4,472 |. 3) 807 2,537 |. 1,783 3,394 | 1,990 3, 057 | 3, 163 3,530 | 2, 655 2,622 |, 2,181 4,882 | 2.441 2,590 | 2, 693 Sf ie Bes CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, OR BOROUGH. NEW JERSEY— con. Freehold ....... Glen Ridge. .... Hackettstown. - Haddon Hasbrouck Heights....... Highland Park. Hightstown. ... Keyport: <.. 5: Lambertvijle-. Heong... 22.5 Little Ferry - - Merchanty ille.. Metuchen....... Milltown. ...... Ocean City ..... Palisades Park. Paulsboro Spade Raritan ppebeese eee Wanaque....... Washington.... Westwood...... Wharton......- Wildwood.....-. NEW MEXICO. Gallup eee Las Cruces..... Las Vegas (East Las Vegas POO RSE Las Vegas..... Silver City....-- Tucumcari. .-.. NEW YORE. ANDI boas eeu Babylons ey. ess Baldwinsville. Ballston Spa. - Brockport. ..... Bronxville..-.... Canastota....... Cooperstown. . - Corinth i222 2 Dannemora...-.. Dansville....... Dobbs Ferry... Dolgeville. ..... East Aurora.... East Rochester . East Syracuse. - Ellenville. ....-- Elmira Heights. Fairport.......- 1920 | 1910 4,768 | 3, 233 4,620 | 3, 260 2,936 | 2 715 2,950 | 1,459 3,435'| 2° 560 2,805 |' 2.155 4,866 | 1,517 2,674 | 1,879 4,415 | 3 554 4,660 | 4.657 2,979 | 1, 486 2,715 | 2541 2,749 | 1,996 3,334 | 2 133 2,573. | 1, 584 4,125 | 4,467 2,512] 1,950 2,633 | 1,411 4,352} 2.191 3,385 | 1,950 4,292 | 2 719 457 | 3,672 2,655 | 1,902 3,585 | 2,756 ,039 | 1,675 asi e Meeniate 8 3,341 | 3, 567 2,597 | 1,870 3,902 | 3179 2,662 |: "3, 217 3,117 | 2,526 4,683 | 5, 016 3,265. | 2517 2,585 |. 2,053 2,523 | 2 600 3,685 | 3, 099 4,103 | 4,138 4,795 | 3,884 2,980 | 3,579 3,055 | 1,863 3,995 |. 3, 247 2631 | 2,701 4,320 | 3,563 4,728 | 5,296 PM STS | Ss 2,710 | 2,251 2,528 | 2,695 2,725 | 2,484 2,576 | 2, 166 2,623 | 1, 146 4,631 | 3,933 4,401 | 3, 455 3,448 | 2,685 3,703 | 2,781 3,901 | 2,398 4,106 | 3,274 116] 3114 4,188 | | 2,732 626 | 3,112 210 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-POPULATION. TABLE 12.—_POPULATION, OF CITIES AND, OTHER. INCORPORATED, PLACES: HAVING, ‘IN 1920, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE, ARRANGED IN. CRAES: AGCORO LNG TO POPU LATION: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. tl GORE OPT I i Group 4.—CITIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES OF 2,500 TO 5,000 (1,320 places)—Oontinued. CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, OR 1920 1910 cry, TOWN, )/VELLAGEy OR | CITY, TOWN, ay VILLAGE, OR 1920. | | BOROUGH. BOROUGH. BOROUGH. | NEW YORK—con. NORTH CARO- OHTO—Con. Falconer......:. 2, 742 2, 141 erie We Upper Fort Edward...| 3,871 | 3,762 || Morganton‘..... 2, 867 Sand Sef +08 Fort Plain.....- 2, 747 2,762 || Mount Airy....| 4, 752 Wadsworth... ae3 Frankfort....... 4,198 3,303 || Newton......... 3, O21 Wauseon..2.... wad Ceahar. ott. 2, 843 3,081 || Oxford. ........ 3, 606 Wihlardsaiy 2... “ey Gouverneur....; 4, 143 4,128 || RoanokeRapids| 3, 369 Willoughby. ach 2; Gowanda....... | 2, 67% 2,012 || Rockingham...| 2,509 iil Granville... 3, 024 3, 920 || Sanford:........ Oy Slay OKLAHOMA wet Green Island....| 4, 411 4,737 || Shelby ......... 3,609 ARs Te iteg Greenport... ..- 8,122 3,089 |; Spencer........ 2, 510 Aiea t PH T. nig’ Hamburg....... 3, 185 2,134 || Tarboro. ....... 4, 568 Enaaa k ashley cogh Highland Fatls-| 2,588 | 2,470 || Wadesboro... 2, 648 Briatope eel, ay’ Hoosick Falls...| 4,898 | 5,532 Oat OE vod Irvington....... 2,701 | 2,319 || NORTH DAKOTA. Clareman OY se 733 Kenmore......-. 3, 160 1, 020 «et 1a. yf ral 5 Dickinson...... 4,122 leveland. o.2i. riled | La Salle ~ 170,.1-; o@? 404) Eada ae te” : Williston... 2.... 4,178 Duntane-2& O33, DS Sars ice oe 4, 253 460 7 Kk City Mineola.......-. 3,016 | 1,981 eo aa ’ OHIO. Frederick....... Mohawk...:...). 2, 919 2, 079 ‘artsh ime. Mount Kisco...| 3,944 2,802 |} Barnesville..... 4, 865 Hobart mee Le “Mount Morris...} 3,312 | 2,782 || Bedford. -.:.... 2,677 Holdenville 2 on a Nyack ee 4,444! 4 619 || Berea..........| 2,959 Hominy cd, a4 Owego.......... 4,147 | 4633 || Bridgeport... 3,977 Tdabel wae - buy Patchogue...... 4, 031 3) S24 dL DIVAN o. ya e's oe 4, 252 i adill: a Ce Oh ry Penn Yan...... 4,517 4,597 || Byesville....... 2,775 Ma TA Sates . = Perry... -.:.--. 4,717 | 4,388 || Celina, -7.. 12... 4,226, Nawharbed foe Aa Pleasantville...| 3,590 | 2,207 |} Cheviot. ..2.... 4, 108 Nowathaea | 5 3°68 Potsdam. ...... 4,039 | 4,086 || Clyde..-........ 3,099 Panis Veies ae Sag Harbor..... 2,993 | 3, 408 || Crestline........ 4,313 fO8 hoe ce ry Saugerties...... 4,013} 8,929 |} Crooksville..... 3,311 Potent taal PETE ees Scarsdale....... 8 OG tne ac aoa WeLon bee oe 3,210 Pu call de See " a Seating: Sic a 4,358 | 2.957 || Elmwood Place} 3,991 dened ac ob ab As Ye: Sidney’. p22.5:-/|. 2, 670 | 2,807) Buclid.. $2225... 3, 363 Silluatenre 1 nee Silver Creek:...| 3,260-|...2,512 || Fairport Harbor| 4,211 Sul Mb le Soy take - Southampton ..| 2, 891 2,509: || Franklin. ...... 3, 071 W. i ON a Spring Valley...|. 3, 818 2,353 || Garfield Heights} 2,550 Wattots ae ee , pulern: i... 2 3, 154 2, 66a: 1) Geneva... .... a 3, OSL Wa Ads my EE oy Tuckahoe... ... 3,509 | 2,722 || Glouster...2.... 3,140 Wuodward 3, Tuppet Lake...|. 2,508 3,067 || Greenfield...... 4,344 Wee Led sare THON... eas. s 3,303 |. 1,544 || Hilisboro..:.... 4, 356 ee | ake ae Walton..uece. 2 3, 598 3, 103 aubere sp 3,320 Wappingers Lebanon. ::2...| 3, 396 1 SE 8 RR i et 3, 285 3,195 |} Leetonia. ..2.... 2, 688 Warsaw........ 3,622 952064. tasbon. oy 2s ui. 3; 113 Waterford...... 2, 637 3,245 || Lockiand....... 4,007 Waterloo... :.-.. 3, 809 3,931) \/ London... 2... 4, 080 Watkins: yoo... .3 2, 785 2, 817 '|| Marysville.....\. 8, 635 MRSS? one Wellsville. .-... 4, 996 4,382 || Maumee... :-... ~~ 3) 195 ct Westfield....... 3, 413 2,985 || Medina... .: eae Barats ee: 8) at Sp aoe Whitesboro... .. 3, 088 2,375 || Miamisburg....| 4, 383 +f eee ee Sane Middleport....-| 3)772 {2,980 CAROLINA Mingo Junction.| 4,616 pees ae | tre? oo : Montpelier... .. 3,052: ae sldenarls 8, 2, 691 | 2, 116 Napolyon 4 ee 4,143} 4,007 || Rosebérg..:.... a ae ae sheboro. ...... 559 | 1, 865 || New Boston....] 4,817 eee Beaufort. .7.2... 2, 968 | ¥ 483 || New Comers- i PENNSYLVANIA. ey ve baiers Belmont........ 2, 941") <1, 176 town. 2 0.2 3; 389 Aliquippa.....| © 2,981 | °1)'748 Canton......... O84 1, 393 || New Lexitigton » 3,157 Ambler..... see 8,004] 2649 Dunn. f- -.---| 2,805 | 1,823 || Newburg: Apollo, 229 yeu A 518 “O0E Edenton........ 2, 777 2,789 Heightas =... - 2; 957 Aspinwall. .:... cubs 599 Haimlet........| 3,808 | - 2,173 || Oberlin.....2..] 4,2 ‘Athens......... jee Hendersonville.| 3,220 |) 2,818 || Orrville??s.2... 4,107 |” Avoca, oi... Ie 46 Kings Mountain| 2, 800 2,218 || Pomeroy-...... 4,294 |» Barnesboro..... Bee Fi: Laurinburg... 2,645 | 2, 822 || Port Clinton... 8,923 -Beaver....:.... hgh Lenoir...-...... 3,718 | 3,364 || Reading. ....... 4, 540°] Bellefonte, ...2. ‘sig og fa Lincolnton.-...} 3,390] 2,413 || Salineville.....- 2,700 | Bellwood:...... ie Fe Lumberton....,|- 2,691] | 2,230 |} Sebring....22... 4d | Bentleyvi Monroe. :!)..... 4, 084 4,082 || Shadyside...... 3,084} Birdsboro..-:... Mooresville.....| 4,315 By 400 |) ‘Toronto. ....... 4, 684 Blairsville... ... Morehead City-. 2: 958 2, 039 j| Union City..... 14,534 ‘Boyertown..... 1 Union City, Ind., and Union City, Ohio, based upon combined population (4, 940 i ini places of 2,500 to 5,000, paisa : ware bt an 20), in " pe ARte BF EO _ IN 1920, 2, aes LATION: 1920 A PRINCIPAL CITIES. ebl ULATION OF CITIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES HAVING, ABITANTS OR MORE, ARRANGED IN GROUPS ACCORDING TO POPU- ND 1910—Continued. GROUP 4.—CirrEs AND OTHER INCORPORATED, PLACES OF 2,500 To 5,000 a, 520 places)—Continued. Webi ua CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, on - ) BOROUGH. PENNSYLVANIA —continued. = Be @Q i5'5 & owner asa Ua... .. Center) yp a Co feed Hil rp -Collingdale ¥ (Darby P. O.). Coplay .227.7... Coudersport.... mea wensyille. -- *Doylestown.~. -- Bat Ma COU. ee peeeces= ewrees abeth:.-.... Eiigabetnioy es eeee ws ucceeeee oeene see we weer ee ew ewww sewer -eeaeee ee een ee ~se ween ee revo eee ewww we 1920 1916 Se “Reynoldsville.. 'Somerset! ie .| Setith , South sh aes § ep N oto | CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, OR BOROUGH. eee eee Sy ee oy PENNSYLVANIA —continued. Bellevernon.. North East... Northampton Heights,.....4 Northumpber- arm yr ee oe 11 Parkesburg..... Parnassus...... Pen Argyl: .-... . Perkasie eS TE Portage wie a) Prospect Park. . Quaker town. ek Red Lion v2. Royersfor d Ae Sewickley~.<... Sharpsville...: Ship Pesca zp | Slatington..<... Sou Allentown.. Brownsville. . South Fork.:... Williamsport. Susquehanna TEP Obras ef Sykesville... .. Towanda. ..¢..: Meronaien 3.3.88 ‘Waynesburg.... Wellsboro...... FSU OL ances eek West Newton . West Reading. . West York... Westview... Williamstown. . RHODE ISLAND. Barrington East Green- wich town.... ‘Scituate town..- ‘Smithfield town i! Tiverton town.. Pfutrimant vee ve CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, OR BOROUGH. RHODE ISLAND—Con, North Kings- town town... North Smith- field town...- Portsmouth TOW ree fe nt '- souTH CAROLINA, Baal S Pide gt ype Batesbuire 2 Ae Beduforts 223.34 Bennettsville- .. Darlington..... qasley?... 35.64 Hau Clairéz:s. .: Georgetown. ... Hartsville:.:..: Lancaster... se: LIBUTENB oon. 3) Marion ic. secs" Summerville. .. Yorkvillesc,. -$ SOUTH DAKOTA, Rey» i Ea apes Alona SN ok Athens.:... Oe | Brownsville.... Covington..... i EK. Chattanooga. Elizabethton... Fayetteville.... Franklins. c. 24 Gallatin -..-.... Lebanon...... Lenoir City---.. Lewisburg..-..4 McMinnville.. Martin Spe) haan Shelbyville Liaarie Springfield..... ‘TTaCy, GAuyessc: Trenton fi. sue Tullahoma... : 1920 1910 ee 2 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 12.—POPULATION OF CITIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES HAVING, IN 1920, 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE, ARRANGED IN GROUPS ACCORDING TO POPU: LATION: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. Group 4.—CITIES AND OTHER INCORPORATED PLACES OF 2,500 TO 5,000 (1,320 places)—Continued. nails 5 “ee CITY, TOWN, CITY, TOWN, CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, OR | 1920 1910 VILLAGE, OR 1920 1910 VILLAGE, OR 1920 |. 1910 BOROUGH. BOROUGH. BOROUGH, TEXAS. UTAH—con, WEST VIRGINIA Arlington.......| 3,031 | 1,794 || Eureka......... 3,608 |. 3,416 “pe . Athens ge... .\. 3,176. be 2, 20L teduebh: bduga ce. ob 3,078 | 2,964 || Hinton......... 3,912 |. 3,656 Ballinger....... 2,767 | 3,536 || Murray........- 4,584} 4,057 || Logan.......... 2,998 | 1,640 Bay City......- 3, 454 3,156 || Nephi.......... 2, 603 2,759 || McMechen..... f.! 2, 921 Beeville.......- 3, 063 3,269 || Park City.-.... 3,393 3,439 || Mannington....| 3,673 2, 672 Big Spring....-. 4,273 4,102 || “Payson......... 3,031 2,397 || Piedmont... ... 2, 835 2, 054 Bowles -224:¢--- 3,179 2,874 || Richfield...2... 3, 262 2,559 || Point Pleasant.| 3, 059 2, 045 Cameron.....-.- 4,298 3,263 || Spanish Fork...| 4,036 3,464 || Richwood...... 4, 331 3, 061 Clarksville... ..- 3, 386 2,065 || Springville. .... 3,010 3,356 || St. Albans. ....| 2,825 1, 209 Coleman........ 2,868 | 3,046 ||-Tooele......-.-4 3,602 | . 2,753 |) Salem.......... 2,920-| 2, 169 Gommotee...] aga | oats ||. VERMONT. Bonin | eet ee es Coopere c's 2k! 2,563 1,513 || Bellows Falls...} 4, 860 4, 883 Charleston..-| 3,650 |.....2.. Crockett........ 3,061. | 3,947 || Newport...-... 4976 | 2,548 etch aso gs 5% 3,232 | 1, 526 OHETO sevaiis . 's% ; -¥ urlington..... 3, 626 3, 212 Electra........- 4°74 "640 || Abingdon...... 2,532 | 1,757 Chintereiies. | 3,275 | 1,747 Georgetown ....| 2,871 3,096 |} Bedford........ 3, 243 2,508 |} Delavan........| 3,016 2, 450 Gonzales....... 3, 128 3,139 || BigStoneGap..| 3, 009 2,590 || Edgerton......- 2, 688 2,513 Gorman........ 3, 200 963 || Buena Vista....| 3,911 3, 245 || Fort Atkinson..| 4,915 3, 877 Graham........ 2, 54 1,569 || Cape Charles...}| 2,517 1, 948 || Hartford....... 4,515 2, 982 Hearne.,is...-% 2, 741 2,352 ||. Farmville...... 2, 586 2,971 |) Hudson. ....... 3,014 2, 810 Henrietta.-.....| 2,563 2,104 || Graham........ 2, 752 1,917: || Hurley gap: yet) 3,888.) censa. Honey Grove...| 2,642 2,300 || Lexington...... 2, 870 2,931 || Jefferson....... 2, 572 2, 582 Huntsville......| 4,689 2,072 |} Marion......... 3, 253 2,727 || Ladysmith..... 3, 581 2, 352 Jacksonville....| 3,723 2,875 || Martinsville....| 4,075 3,358 || Lake Geneva...| 2,632 3, 079 Jefferson....... 2,549 2,515.1) Norton. 2022... 3, 068 1, 866 || Mayville. ...... 3, O11 2, 282 Kaufman....... 2,501 1,959 |} Phoebus...-.... 3, 043 2,394 || Mineral Point..| 2, 569 2; 925 < Kingsville. ..... STU. ce ceae Pocahontas. ....} 2, S91 2,452 || Monroe. ...-.... 4, 788 4, 410 Lockhart....... 3,731 2,945 || Radford........ 4, 627 4,202 || New London...| 4,667 3, 383 Lubbock -.....% 4,051 1,938. 1ipatem oon. ..% 4,159 3, 849 || North Ton ficies. i 4,878 2,749 || South Boston. .| 4, 338 3, 516 Milwaukee...| 3,047 1, 860 Magnolia Park .| 4,080 |.-...... Vinton. ........ 2,779 | 1,928 |} Oconomowoe...} 3,301 3, 054 Marfa... 225.054 3,553 |....2-.. || Wytheville. .... 2, 947 3, 054 |} Oconto......... 4, 920 5,629 Matt. 2 22222.2_]. 37108 | 2f9g9 || WAsHmNeTON. Platteville...) 2308 | 448 Memphis....... 2,839 1,936 || Auburn.......- 3, 163 957 || Plymouth...... 3,415 3, 094 Mercedes.....-. 3,414 1,209 |} Charleston....-.| 3,338 1,062 || Port Moxie: 3 325.5% 3, 482 2,694 || Chehalis........ 4, 558 4, 507 Washington..| 3,340 3,792 — Mission. ..-,-.- 3, B47"). 00 ina Cle Elum..-:... 2, 661 2,749 || PrairieduChien| 3, 537 3, 149 Mount Pleasant! 4,099 3,187 1) Colfax boo es 3, 027 2,783 |! Reedsburg... .. 2, 997 2,615 Nacogdoches. . .| 3,546 3,369 || Dayton........ 2, 695 2,389 || Rice Lake...... 4, 457 3, 968 New Braunfels.| 3,590 3,165 |} Elensburg..... 3, 967 4,209 || Richland Center| 3, 409 2, 652 Pittsbure.. Soo: 2,540 1,916 || Hillyard. ......} 3, 942 3,276 || Ripon.......... 3, 929 3, 739 Plainview ...... 3,989 | 2,829 || Medical Lake...| 2,545 | 1,730 |} Shawano....... 3,544} 2,923 Polytechnic-...] 4,338 |........ Mount Vernon..| 3, 341 2,381 || Shorewood... .. 2, 650 707 | Quanah........ 3,691 3,127 We Paseo. jcgcee'c. . 3, 362 2,083 |} Sparta......-.. 4, 466 3, 973 San Marcos..... 4,527 | 4,071 || Port Townsend.| 2,847] 4,181 || Stanley.......: 2,577} 2,675 Seguin! 72.564 3, 631 2,116 || Raymond...... 4, 260 2,450 || Sturgeon Bay. .| 4, 553 4, 262 Smithville ..... 3, 204 3,167 || Renton........ 3, 301 2,740 || Tomah......... 3,257 | .3, 419 Sour Lake... .... 3,082 [oe en nae Rostyni <<... | 2, 673 3, 126 Tomahawk. .... 2, 898 2,907 Stamford....... 3, 704 3,902 || Sedro-Woolley..} 3, 389 2,129 || Viroqua........ 2, 574 2, 059 — Stephenville....} 3,891 2,561 || Snohomish. .... 2,985 |. 3,244 || Washburn.:...| 3,707] 3,830 Sweetwater ne 4,307 4,176 || Toppenish.... . 3, 120 1,598 || Waupaca....... 2,839 | 2, 789 Texas City. ../| 31509 |... || WES" Vincmwa. West Bend..21] 3378 | 2 dea Uvalde. «...'...; 3, 885 3, 998 “iy ae arenes 4 an 2, ae Whitewater-...| 3,215 | 3, 224 enwood....... ; pe bide Buckhannon...| 3, 785 2 225 Bee ey: vpaet a Fork-| 2, 763 2,197 oe Town... 2 527 2,662 || Evanston....-. 3, 479 2,583 ingham SBLOTE cake cd 9 283 3, 184 || Greybull.. "2, 692 258 Canyon....... 2,676 | 2,881 || Follansbee..._. 3,135 | 2) 031 Rawlins. weet | 3969 | 4,256 BES LR CR a petal ePaper 2 ioe Sedma yt A PRINCIPAL. CITIES. 73 TABLE 13.—POPULATION OF PRINCIPAL CITIES, TOWNS, AND VILLAGES IN OUTLY- ING POSSESSIONS: 1920 AND 1910. {This table shows the population of all cities, towns, or villages having a minimum limit of 1,000 in Alaska, Hawaii, and Guam and of 2,500 in Porto Rico. American Samoa and the Panama Canal _ Zone have no cities, towns, or villages with as many as 1,000 inhabitants. For total population of each outlying possession, see Table 3.] ALASKA. TOWN: 1920 1910 | TOWN. | 1920 1910 CS a 1,155 3,541 || Sitka tgp s22.0 5 PE eS 1,175 1,039 Juneau... ....- meepeved 34.3 3, 058 1,644 || Anchorage.....2.....20.56.11 POSGHELS: 6.822 OSU 2, 458 1,613 1Sitka village (population 539 in 1910) and Sitka (native) village (population 500 in 1910) consolidated and incorpora ed as a town since 1910. HAWATI.} CITY. 1920 1910 CITY. 1920 1910 Honolulu district ?.......... 83, 327 De, toa \f TLUOM ety ca cboine oe. Ube es 10, 431 6, 745 1No other cities and no towns or villages in Hawaii. 2 Generally considered as Honolulu city. PORTO RICO. CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. 1920 1910 CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. 1920 1910 Aguadilla town..........-.-- 8, 035 6,135 || Lares.town..-.252..0....-[22% 2,693 2, 751 Memeo FOWN: ..05. .212.05.-./ 2,552 3, 064:|| Manati town !.............-. 6, 147 4, 439 mrecroo LOW: 225. is... 2 10, 039 9,612 || Mayaguez town ....:.-../... 19, 124 16, 563 Arroyo town : 258 6.6 22... 3,025 3,220.|| Naguabo town....-......-. 3, 691 3, 303 hoes hoes BOMNIRe cack wt sie 10, 411 Bare | PF Onte Uiby <2 Se oe Soo bane 25 41,912 35, 005 Cabo Rojotown -... 222.2222: 4,327 3, 847 || Rio Piedras town........... 5, 820 3, 084 SPOTS COWS 2 ada acpsc eres soe 12,149 10,354 || Sabana Grande town........ 2, 856 2, 636 Merounad tOWN........06....-- 3,151 3, 244 || San German town........... 5, 019 4,999 Datane Vilagess. 2. oes ssc: 6, 602 4,786. || San Juan city............... 71, 443 48716 PeveU TOWN 2202. Sk. ee. 5, 243 4,498 || San Lorenzo town........... 3, 662 2, 663 Samo GOWN. ..J >... -.....--- 4, 259 3, 869 || San Sebastian town. ........ 2,611 1,920 Fajardo town............--.- 6, 571 6,086 || Utuado town.............-.. 3, 700 3, 208 Gnayama town.............-. 8,924 8,321 || Vega Baja town............- 3, 607 3, 082 feptavO TOWN. x 3... 2... 2, 550 2,230 || Vieques town 2:2... ...0-0.. 3, 424 3, 158 Humacao town,............-- 6, 183 5,159 || Yabucoa town....... 22222... 2, 888 2, 816 RepEIUOR FLOWN J5 oo ees saias ojo 2 4, 263 4141 |) Yaucotown ..2.4% x. oe 7, 053 6, 589 ete of barrio Bajura Afuero annexed to barrio Pueblo Poniente (comprising part of Manati town) since 1910. GUAM. © Lae a a RE TO NET oe ee seed vr cITY 1920 { is 8 Ree Arse sO. POMS DTS SOF DORA, 7,432 c ica Includes population of Anigua (321), Tutujan (56), and Moina (28). No returns for 1910. Fy ‘ - ’ : + i a. ‘ if ¢ “ BS i - : 74. ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION, TABLE 14.—DISTRIBUTION OF: POPULATION IN GROUPS OF CITIES, CLASSIFIED AC- CORDING TO SIZE, AND IN RURAL TERRITORY: 1890-1920, CLASS.OF PLACES. eee ea ; 1910 | [* 1900 | 1890 NUMBER OF PLACES. United States: TEU TOLECORY. ok ics wes apn eaek O eaececr cers 12,787 “22, 313 11,801 14,417 Places of 1,000,000 or more.............----- ae: 3 |. mot 3 Places of 500,000 to 1,000,000. ......-..---+-- 9 5 3 1 Places. of 250,000 to 500,000... .........Js0c2bf b 13 hae M1 | 9 aed at Places of 100,000 to.250,000........ pacslcuiher ey 43 sap tf) 81 . phe nad] Places of 50;000;t0 100, 0007.2. Caco k fay 76) aee 59 |. 40 PF B80 Places of 25,000 to 50,000.< 5s. .2....-..--.--- 143 119 82 66 Places of10;000-t0/25 0002225 fo. acaceteee cee 459 367 280 228° Places of/5,000 to:10;000: iisarvt) agelie.ies ithy > 72k | 9 th COLI hy he iery AB8aleitey at 41380 Places.of 2,500: to 5,000. Acc. cris eede ae 1,320 £20 kyl NO rrred 893 i rag roo 726 6 Rural territory sos see ess ee coe An Os GR PRC ota) eye Se ER er. Incorporated places of less than 2,500....... 2 12,905 11, 832 8, 930 36,490 Other rural territory. ... Kee TURE RESTS Se eewten |e wedo's egies wax stax pears che ae eee SS ee Tt) POPULATION. Fintied States ci 5 ae ee a 2 105,710,620 | 91,972,266 | 75,994, 575. | 62,947,714 Urban territory............0 5°00 een) ga 304603 |'742/166,120 | 30,380,433 | 22,298,359 Places of 1,000,000)0r more: evs eee eer e ces oe 10, 145, 532 &, 501, 174 6, 429, 474 3, 662, 115 Places of 500,000 to 1,000,000..........---------- 6, 223,769 | 3,010,667 | 1, 645, 087 806, 343 Places of 250,000 to 500,000......-..-------+--02.} © 4,540,838 | 3,949,839 |» 2,861,296] 2, 447, 608 Places of 100,000 to 250,000......-.--22+--+----2- 6,519,187 | 4,840,458 | 3,272,490 | 2, 781, 894 Places of 50,000 to 100,000... cs e.-2eeee0. ae \-.. 5,965, 747 | --4,178, 915+} 2709, 3884 -* 2022-822. Places of 25,000,t0 50,000... .--,-aec-eceree--eee- 5,075,041 | 4,026,045 | 2,800,627 | 2, 268, 786 Places of 10,000 to 25,000........-..-. TeTITTITTT | 6) 942"'742 | S524’ 434 | 84988 950 1930429" 247 Places of 5,000 to0.10,000....-0eeeeee seer eens eee | 4,997,704 | 4,254, 856.1 3,220, 766.| "2,372 717_ Places of 2,500 to 5,000. ..........-... 2.8 esceene--| || 4,593, 953 3,879, 732 3,103,105 | 2, 506, 827 Bital territory?) ...c.<.<...<.ceeveec Om Clifierl) 68,406,017 | 49,808,146 |. 45,614,142 | -40/649;355° Incorporated places of less than 2,500.........2. 8,969, 241 | 8,169, 149 , 801, 4,757, 974. Other rural territory .........5... BPR CIB A 42,436,776 | 41,636,997 | 39,312,609 | 35,891, 38 4 yr Tes as , a a 7 - — =) P _ PER CENT OF TOTAL POPULATION, ©) 9°)" — : | tes Hest lagers 2 United States...........c.s000 Wh se sdtegine sak ae 200-0. | neat gatne 100.0} 100.0. Urban tOTvIEORGe. ©. onic tus... co pee ata tes F lepee g61.4 | phe et aie oe eee ’ .- Places of 1,000,000 or more.........- iaveys dine eros 9.6 9.2 8.5 |. » Places of 590,000 to 1,000,000. .....- yeti aeaS oN int i Hatie 0-9 3.3 2:2. -. Places of 250,000 to 500,000......-.---2s0secsnene wh 43 4.3 3.8 Places of 100,000 to 250,0002. 22.0. el ae 6.2 5.3 4.3 Places of 50,000 to 100,000-.....2..2 20.0 eee. ites 5.0 AB | - 3.6 Places, of 25,000 £050,000. s.ccwee- enieealeee Ge se Lebo j 468% 5 ated corte ston tetas Places of 40,000 40:25, 0002 cue 2 soe ae Se we 6.6 6.0 5.7 Places of 5,000.10 10,000... 2. wetgatar ered seats 4,7 4.6 4.2 Places.of 2,500't0 D000. aces See eeee cheese oe 4,3 4,2 4.1 Rural Territory): a ee wena i Re aga aaa 48.6. |- 54,2.) 60. 0 Incorporated places of less than 2,500........-.. 8.5 8.9 8.3 ed 40.1 45.3 51.7 Other rural territory !..%. ae Pee. Fees Z 1 The total number of places:of certain classes for the United States asia whole is less than the sum of 4 the numbers shown for the individual states of the country, for the reason that each of three cities liesin — two adjoining states, namely, Bristol (Virginia and Tennessee), Texarkana (Arkansas and Texas), and Moreoyer, one of thes cities, Bristol, lies | in two geographic divisions (South Atlantic and East South Central), and is counted in both. Eachof © these cities consists of two incorporated municipalities, but each is, from the statistical standpoint, one ~ city and should be classed according to its total population. In each case that part of the population ~ Union City (Indiana and Ohio), and is counted in each state, living in each state, whatever its number, is credited to the group of cities to which, according to its total Caegag ge the city belongs. Classed in this manner, Bristol fell in 1920 and 1910 in the class of cities — aving 10,000 to 25,000 inhabitants, and in 1900 and 1890 in the 5,000-10,000 class; Texarkana fell, in 1920, — 1910, and 1900, in the 10,000-25,000 class, and in 1890 in the 5,000-10,000 class; and Union City fell at each — census from 1890 to 1920 in the 2,500-5,000 class. i 2Tncludes 48 places not returned separately. 3 The number of incorporated places can not be exactly determined from the returns of the 1890 census, q at which incorporated places were not distinguished from unincorporated ones, and very small places, whether incorporated or not, were not enumerated separately. It has been assumed that those places were incorporated in 1890 which were returned separately in that year and were returned in 1900 as incor- — porated. (See Reports of the Twelfth Census: 1900, Population, Vol. I, p. lviii.) The figures given for 1890 in this table for incorporated places having fewer than 2,500 inhabitants may, therefore, include the — population of some unincorporated places and exclude that of some incorporated places. i PyT’T s. F oe ATS) URBAN AND ‘RURAL. am TABLE Re ae AND, RURAL Re te a BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND Total. ; CHW IYE ¢ 4 | st (Bo th a obigg gatas it .| 105,710,620 #0 ee Div ISIONS®. 7 Enea Geel ...2% : -) 7, 400,909 Mindie tlantic. ..... 22) 261, 144° __East North Central. -|~ 21,475, 543 West North Central..| 12, 544, 249 A pete 5 3 Poe asol8, 990, 272 saute Soutien | 3 3 outl vente 10, © Mount Aan 3, 336, 101 Racifie . , 255... Pe 6, 566, 871 New: aRaL AND: ; RING 224 Ue csc Shee 768, 014 New Hampshire. cats 443, 083 ty /Wermont OO po RO 352,428 ‘OMassachusetts woh Sida 3, 852, 356 “Rhode Island...) 2... 604,'397 ge Connecticut....... 0 1, 280, 631 _ MIDDLE ATLAN TIC; i iNew York: De aet 200 40, 385, 227 » Pi Wew Jerseys...) 022.5 3° 155, 900 ‘Pennsylvania. - JI AS! 8, 720, O17 East cn eta Crntigats Ohio 5, 759, 394 Ht 3 930, 390 “hee. 6, 485, 280 2 3, 668, 412 0 2; 682,067 ny: 2, 38%, 125 is. 2, 404, 021 Ee 3, 404, a e 646, 87 South Dakota......-- 636, 37 » Nebraska. ... tees wey 1, 206, 3725 » Kansas. Pee aaah ali ‘Ms , 169, 257 - SouTH ATLANTIC: , 223, 003 b 1, 449, 661 a. > has ” 437, 571, 2) 028,283 || Urban. 54, 304,603 5, 865, 073 16, 672, 595 13, 049, 272. | 4, 727, 372 4, 338, 792 | 1, 994, 207 | 2, 970, 829 1, 2147 980 3,471, 483 299, 569 | 279, 761 * "499; 976 3, 650, 248 589, 180 936, 339 "8,580, 844 2, 474, 936 5, G07, 815 3, 677, 136 | iy 489, 850 £. 403; 153 1.244) 568 1/051, 593 "875, 495 | 1) 586,903 88, 239 101, 872 405, 306 | 617,964 120,767 869, 422 "437,571 673, 984 369, 007 490, 370 293, 987 0727, 859 | B55, 825 633, 543 | 611, 226 509,317 » 290, 497 539, 480 1, 512, 639 | Afi 172, O11 * TAR. 735 301,019 | 4. 331, 729 240, 121 628, 162 | POPULATION: 1920 Rural. 61, 406,017 468, 445 163, 322 © 249) 459 202, 108 15, 217 444, 299 1, 795, 383 -” 680, 964 3, 112, 202 2, 082, 258 1, 387, 499 *1, 335, 532 |} ., 528, 526 or 817, 152 ; 558, 433 534, 675 891; 066 1, 151, 293 102, 236 580, 239 || sete terse ewes 1, 635, 203 1, 094, 694 2) 068, 753 1, 389, 737 (2, 167, 973 612, 645 1, 783, 087 1, 726, 659 1, 838, 857 1, 550, 497 A, 461, 707 1, 170, 346 -Y, 488, 803 B, 150, 589° 376, 878 312, 829 137, 054 486, 370 295, 390 © 216, 635 233, 812 62, 153 607, 886 392) 370 4 095, 132 POPULATION: 1910 Urban. 42,166, 120 4, 998, 082 13, 723, 373 9,617, 271 3, 873, 716 3, 092, 153. 1, 574, 229 L 957, 456 947, 511 es 382, 329 262, 248 255, 099 98, 917 3, 125, 367 524, 654 731, 797 7, 185, 494 1, 907, 210 4, 630, 669 2, 665, 143 1, 143, 835 3, 476, 929 1, 327, 044 1, 004, 32 850, 294 680, 054 'T, 398, 817 63, 236 76, 673 \ 310, 852 493, 790 » 97, 085 658, 192 331, 069 476, 529 228, 242 318, 474 294, 832 538, 650 219, 080 555, 442 441, 045 370, 421 207, 311 1 202, 681 ~ 496, 516 320, 155 988, 104 133, 420 69, 898 307, 060 1, 469, 739 PER. CENT CHRONO HK OORNIRFOWMO NHK OMMO ONMNAO FMD O-1TDOWN * CAD WWONMNOUON HWwWOD . URBAN. Rural. 1920 | 1910 49,806,146 || 51.4 | 45,8 1, 554,599 || 79.2) 76.3 5,592,519 || 74.9} 71.0 8, 633, 350. || - 60.8-}~ 52.7 7, 764,205 || 37.7} 33.3 9, 102, 742 || 31.0} 9-954 6, 835,672'|| 22.4} 18.7 6, 827,078 || 29.0} "22.3 1, 686, 606 || 36.4 |'"'36.0 1, 809, 975 || 62.4] "56.8 480,123 || 39.0.| 35. 175, 473 || 68.14" 59, 257, 039 ||. 31-2-}° 27, 241,049 || 94.8] 92. 17,956 || 97.5-|° 96. 382,959 |]. 67.8 |” 65. 1,928,120.) 82.71% "78, "629, 957 || 78.4 | °!°75. 3,034, 442 || 64.3 | 60, 2, 101, 978' |} 63.8 |) 5b. 1, 557,041 ||. 50.6] °° 42, 2, 161, 662 || - 67.9.| "6. 1, 483,129 ||-. 6w1-] (47, 1, 329, 540 || 47.3 | 43, 1,225,414 ||) 44.1.) 0a 1, 544,717 ||. 36.4 | 130. 1,894,518 || 46.6 | 4b, 513, 820 3.6. OO: 507, 215 || © °16.0:}° 13. 881, 362:||.. .31.3-) 0026, 1,197,159 || 34.9] "29, 105, 237/|] 54.2148, 637, 154 |b’ 60.0')» 50. ne Eye 100.0 | “100. 1, 585, 083 || 29.2 | > 98. 992, 877.|| 25.2] 918 1, 887,813 || 19.2 | 0094. 1, 290, 568 |f'olFb > 14: 2)070, 471 || 25.1} 20, 533, 539.||.. 36.7.| 9 29. 1, 734, 463 ||. ..26.2 | 024. 1, 743, 744 || 26. 144 120. 1, 767, 662.||...21.7 | 97, 1, 589, 803.\| 13.4) 004. 1, 371,768 || 16.6.| 12. 1, 159, 872 || 34.91 - 80, 1, 337,000 || 26.6 | 0°19, 2,958, 438 |]. 82.4 | 9124. 242, 633 ||. 31.3.|. 0°86. 255,696 || 27.6] 21. 102, 744 He. 29.05 | 7 29. 394,184 || 48.2] 50. 280, 730 || 18.0) -44 141,094 || 35.2.) 0°81. 200, 417 || 48.0 | 0:46. 68, 508 || 19.7 |» 06. 536, 460 |}. 55.25}. | 53. 365,705 || 49.9 |. 45. 907,810 || 68.0 | 1 61. 76 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——POPULATION. TABLE 16.—NUMBER AND AGGREGATE POPULATION OF URBAN PLACES OF SPECI- FIED SIZES, AND POPULATION OF RURAL DISTRICTS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1890-1920. DIVISION AND STATE. UNITED STATES: (GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS. New England: $800-s.00ep.. Mgaeee 1800. IRS ed nk es ee ee fe BID 5 te eee ce pe ce eee ee ee 1890 it Sweats eres ti! | 190,000 or more. Num berof| = tg places 68 | 27, 429, 326 50 | 20, 302, 138 38 | 14, 208, 347 28} 9,697, 960 219 178 122 96 15.| 10, 549, 599 i1.| 8,599, 877 11 | 6,465, 480 91 4,446 905 6, 775, 993 4, 761, 966 3, 403, 810 2,173, 801 2, 131, 333 1, 575, 658 1, 310, 307 1, 022, 832 1, 769, 625 1, 172, 021 787, 675 664, 831 694, 390 307, 051 161, 129 952, 332 339, 075 287, 104 242, 039 374, 601 213, 381 133, 859 106, 713 2 0 8 6 7 5 6 5 6 4 2 2 4 4 598, 082 2 1 5 1 i 1 2 1 1 1 6 | 1,977,647 6 2 1 i | J —_—_— | ihe ee ee ee ee ee Ce iii Ce ee ee rr) oy _ DDD ROO Or or PLACES OF— 25,000 to 100,000. 10, 340, 788 8, 204, 960 oy 509, 965 4,291, 608 601, ae 2, 681, 461 1, 553, 809 935, 320 698, 122 733, 831 801, 931 448 447 354, 998 1, 119, 452 712, 387 514, 853 409, 189 367, 926 289, 285 348) 494 264, 388 607, 225 636, 814 243, 376 158, 255 176, 623 230, 995 112, 158 44, 843 601, 598 267, 688 341; 901 250, 691 O16 ee, a ye we he li 96s tafe LW a ele eel tm ee ee weeseel|see easel ssesseseocsce es Pe eeel te ese ccc enselessbeecclacceetaseesens es be Me ee NS PRIS o Shai Rio ow ee] a eee 4 d)0 6 ds Hie + 1a @ te wie lelne alpine Bid oe S el TES PAP © oe 12. ee 6 6 6 a) e oc bse 6066 he) s ule eels Bide ele ee wale ee 10,000 to 25,000. % ss 5,000 to 10,000. um- ber of} © ee places. ; 721.| 4,997,794 612 | 4,254 856 1468 | 3, 220, 766 1339 | 2,372,717 MW WEDD Cron 1 See note 1 to Table 14, p. 74. 1, 054, 768 ” 851779 810, 334 647, 318 1, 697, 009 1, 349, 807 1, 027, 611 770, 956 1, 543, 115 1, 396, 143 1, 252, 955 947, 440 705, 677 455, 439 335, 850 312, 545 534, 462 444,714 429, 391 286, 374 343, 900 220, 364 98, 512 © 147, 837 B15, 442 354, 582 174, 907 118, 479 227, 902 144, 593 99, 787 97, 218 320, 467 307, 013 108, 903 101, 080: NOAA PID 598, 045 628, 603 604, 527 448, 489 1, 113, 921 547, 893 1, 172, 577 1, 086, 197 899, 043 652, 288 540, 654 w~ SBSH BaRa e33 a> & ~~ _ LY re ~l N s/ 86 » URBAN AND RURAL. 17 TABLE 16.—NUMBER AND AGGREGATE POPULATION OF URBAN PLACES OF SPECI- FIED SIZES, AND POPULATION OF RURAL DISTRICTS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES; 1890-1920—Continued. DIVISION AND STATE. UNITED STATES: 1920 as i a | OEE aa ee Oe eet ee ew ee ee i * East South Central: 1920 Num- ber of places, PLACES OF— PER CENT OF TOTAL POPULATION LIVING IN— 2,500 to 5,000. Rural Places of— districts— population. — Popula: 400,000 45,000 ieeag 5,000 2,800 tricts, tion : “: ' more. |100,000,| 25,000.} 10,000, 5,000. 4, 593, 953 || 51,406, 017 25.9) 9.8] 66| 4.7] 4.3] 48.6 3, 879, 732 || 49,806,146 || 22-1] 8.9] 6.0] 46] 4.2] 54.2 3, 103, 105 || 45, 614, 142 BB F371) BoP 4035 4aee 6050 2, 506, 827 || 40, 649, 355 15.4| 6.8] 5.4] 3.8| 4.0] 64.6 —SaoaoS OES —=—=—_= 309, 936 || 1,535,886 |l. 29.8/ 23.0] 14.3] 81] 4.2] 20.8 309,447 || 1,554,599 || 24.5] 24.4] 13.0] 9.6] 4.7] 23.7 320,508 || 1,538,590 || 19.1 | 22.4] 14.5] 10.8[ 5.7] 27.5 436, 522 || 1, 560, 850 12.4] 21.8] 13.8] 9.5] 931] 33.2 958,412 || 5, 588, 549 47.4| 10.6] 7.6] 5.0] 4.38] 25.1 787,136 || 5,592,519 || 44.5] 10.9] 7.0] 4.5| 4.1] 29.0 631, 034 || 5,378,795 || 41.8) 8.5] 6.6] 4.1] 4.1] 34.8 483, 843 || 5,372,448 || 35.0] 8.5] 61] 4.3] 3.8] 42.3 876,126 || 8, 426,271 31,6) 4126] 729 |) aoe s ck tae oars 819,156 || 8,633,350 || 26.1) 8.5] 7.6] 6.0] 4.5]. 47.3 728,847 || 8,765,606 || 21.3} 5.9] 7.8] 5.6| 4.6] 54.8 625,440 || 8,381, 124 1GUh }..O22 1 De ALS 1? age. 6259 615,377 || 7,816, 877 EP 15. Sb 1 BB | 463'] age! 6223 541,919 || 7, 764, 205 1376 4/7 6.914 3.9 | "4.3 | ydol 8607 449, 647 || 7,400, 879 POU 34 Fb S825)° 8.9] ea TS 332, 256 || 6, 623, 293 He) AOU 8.5) 3524. Safa 74.2 478,849 || 9,651,480 || 12.6/ 8.0] 3.8] 3.1] 3.4]. 69.0 365,950 || 9, 102, 742 9.6] | 5.81 1°3.6 1° 3.3.1). 304 374.6 297,385 || 8,210, 848 Fab || 4.944 4:15 1.9) aed 786 222, 546 || 7,129, 903 Pa AOA SP TENT GO| abide Bus . 340,521 || 6,899, 100 FB) #111 B59] 2:84. Bese, 77.6 236, 565 || 6,835, 672 Ob he B45 e.6 |) 2. 1 2 Be eke 222,758 || 6,416, 701 4:11) 4.614) WeSae SB Orbe8:Ore2 85.0 132,500 || 5, 611, 846 9S 4.1 28 1h eT fbi Bis 495, 846 || 7,271,395 3) S917 BO!) BO). 4684¢ 71.0 397, 599 || 6,827, 078 B30) 2 44.0 | 2.61". 456e 7787 - 195,433 || 5,475, 093 4.4): 3.715271 24) Seer 8318 102,522 || 4,024, 984 5.1} 8.317 2.5)" 2.0] 2.98) 8429 216,906 || 2,121,121 1932.) 693) B81. 6.6). , 6aGiae 63.6 184,522 || 1, 686, 006 Bl), 8.81 5.51 6.6). 70d: 64,0 123, 895 || 1, 133, 294 8:0] ) 6.745 6.0). £3). 7awt 67.7 59, 668 858, 308 8:8] 3.7) , 8.0]7 3.9) -4.94% 70.7 301,980 || 2,095,388.|| 35.5] 10.8) 5.8] 4.8| 5.4] 37.6 237,438 || 1,809,975 || 34.2) 6.4] 7.3] 3.2| 5.7) 43.2 133, 598 || 1, 294, 336 18.4)) [14:14 5° 45) (368). 5.Suh: 5836 111,530 || 1,086, 599 BEB) 18.3) Sl. 2 Sage BTS 19, 244 468, 445 ||. 22... 16.5| 10.1] 9.9] 2.5} 61.0 21, 731 480,123 Wf..tecas 11.4} 11.0] 10.0] 2.9} 64.7 19, 056 461, 639 ||........ 7.2) 13.9] 9.6] 2.7} 66.5 12, 178 487,305 ||..--.... B51 UBT TS Tae WBF7 42,275 163, 322 ||........| 24.1] 19.6] 9.9] 9.5] 36.9 40,913 S7U,413 lic cec cess 22.3 | 118.1 |) 9.3]' 9.5}. 40.8 47, 982 185, 310° He.cs< 5. 13.8 | 16.4} 13.1] 11.7) 45.0 56, 664 134,061 ||; ....3.. 11.7| 13.0] 11.3] 15.0] 48.9 20, 521 7 Tae CVC SES Dams BB ie Oras 13.5] 11.8] 5.8]. 68.8 20, 511 ORT NaCl, St4e. |i) eke 12.6} 9.5] 5.8), 72.2 8,120 267, S10), aes. 64 3.5 8.8} 10.9} 2.4] 77.9 22, 342 281, 784 Il......../- basdel ad) 41 1 | OaPE Shs 1 See note 1 to Table 14, p, 74. 78 TABLE 16.—NUMBER AND AGGREGATE POPULATION OF URBAN PLACES. OF SPECTI- - | FLED SIZES, AND POPULATION, OF RURAL ‘DISTRICTS, BY DIVISIONS AND Stas ae 1890-1920—Continued. 59 Bi DIVISION AND STATE. WEW ENGLAND—Con. Massachusetts: 1920 1 890. Sete tie’ Bic ga ee MIDDLE ATLANTIC, New York: ee a ee aed aig 1920 Peele aati an dh ee Se er Ono WEST NORTH CENTRAL. COCO LOCOCO Or HR Om Rowwrt 100,000 or more. 1 521, 583 v 146, 999" "784,176 448) 477 237, 595 924326 175, 597 132) 146 444, 128 235, 659 108, 027 6, 807, 810 5,646, 249 4,060, 571 2, 711, 204 1,084, 100 "740, 848 557, 674 344, 833" 2, 657, 689 2, 212 780 1, 847, 235 1, 390, 868 2,171, 635 1, 390, 839 965, 052 558, 261 314, 194 233, 650 169, 164 | 105, 436 2,701, 705 2 185, 283 1 ; 698, 575 } 1,099, 850 1, 131, 312 578, 337 285, 704 205, 876 457, 147 373, 857 285, 315 2047 468 ABSTRACT OF |THE CENSUS-——POPULATION. hid 1G }- iC i see 3 PLACES OF—~- a t "\ ; 25,000 to 100,000. «} 10,000 to 25,000. 5,000 to 10,000. 7 } elise ATATE SLs FlOTes - Num- : || Num- Num- . ber of iia ber of bees \ber ot| P eae ' places places. places. j p ne > 3 20 | 1,028,383 ©39| se4iat| 47 | 301,312 90 | 1/008) 483 30'| | 450, 398 49 | 0 349” 931 17 252) 988 a7 | 413° 698 46 | 310, 720 15 706, 723 91 | | 319) 8861! 98Bh 4 OC-259° aa 4 167,406} ._ 6| 96,361 A “61; B45 4 143,525 | 4 69,776 63) 915 2 67, 435 5 |) 87,405 “497 008 1 27, 633 4 78, 403 ined 57, 240 6 269, 425 9] 152,390 oh Bi 832. 5 268, 375 8 126, 698 - 874) 041 4| 9997703 7 114) 851 : iN 36 542 4/212) 040 7 108, 310 -| BY 26 ; 755 re tead ’ “46 | 755,097 36} 540, 139 “100, 606 16} 685,322 | - 30 439, 571 |- “462; 373 8 396, 462 28 458, 937 159 996 |) 1847 029 9 | . 449) 394 | 22 | 346,523 a ak : : dar etae 3 We es 16 718, 999 18 267,130 | 242, 399 il 623,079 | *18| 271, 936 1427 066 7 349, 073 14 218 271 407/651 5) 275, 580 9 | . 125,899 og 76, 334 16 879,658 | © 57} 889,740 17} » 802,381 | © 43 | | 638,300 14 569, 623 25 | 350, 403 9 366, 321 21 298, 534 14 535,822 | 29] 456,388 9 393,371 | | 23 360, 984 5 241, 866 19} 305,089 7 349,709 | | 14 199) 186 ia 559, 351 19 298, 280 4 245,421 | © 20 339, 996 4 176, 704 14 218) 623 3 116) 366 10 143, 945 16 700,310 | < 27 406, 143 11] | 434,395; 20] . 381, 285 6'| 216,570 19 319, 195 2 72, 518 19 294, 926 12 | . 583,309 14 179, 991 7*| 261, 592 15 203, 817 4 182,718} 14] 212 890 3| 134,439 11 160, 098 8] 302,669; 12] . 202,313 7 219; 030 10| 160, 061 4 117, 372 13 197, 148 1} |< 25,000} £40 | |...149,285 1| , $98,917 8 | ..111, 525.|. 1 78, 466 5| .. 60,219 1 52, 969 3 42, 631. 1 2 29, 468 a OPPs. VOSURBAN, AND, RURAL.) ) 7727, 79 Taste 16.—NUMBER AND, AGGREGATE) POPULATION OF URBAN PLACES OF SPECI- tea" By haa , AND POPULATION OF RURAL DISTRICTS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: a 9 > sa + ontinued. ss i oe en nee ee i PLACES OF=- PER CENT OF TOTAL POPULATION LIVING IN— Rens anos | 000 Re 61 004000 to 5,000.) by ooReral Hoar 10 000,00P laces of— ; ~~ prvision’ AND STATE. ; districts— | ; fs. a | -———— -}- pepulatior:: ee Geel ) places. on more. |100,000,| 25,000.| 10,000.| 5,000. NEW ENGLAND—con. Massachusetts: — : BODO ig cae we Laudeaeeer sh | PO i) ABs Sh0 202, 108 |} 939.5 | 26.7] 15.4] 8.3] 48 5.2 ee ‘1910. spr ivaebaprcaet 2-1, 928 || bate 241,049 || 34.1] 30.0] 13.4] 10.2] 5.2 a2 ee 1000.15, 9+ olienicct | 2 OT | | geOnaeke 3238, 248 ||" 28.67) (30,4) 147 1 1b 18 8.5 Pog, 1800. - += -- seen ieee] | TT | 278,718 - 235, 093 20.0) 31/6} 14.3) 11,2 |, 12s4-h 10.5 Rhode Island: 0 ea | iy Pres a ERTS, herent - 8 26,473 o 15, WF) vBOud | 97-7 |) 15.9) 101) 4eeqr 2.5 Se AOL wi. 5 = ’ 7 23, 112 17, 956 41.3] 26.5] 12.9] 11.8] 4.3 3.3 Se Se 8 | :.28 202 |! + 20,909.) 41.0] 115.7] 20.4] 114] 6.64 4.9 eR ogo week core Gee = oe 9 31, 180 , 18,904), 38.2) 8.0) 22.7] 16.6; 9.0) 5.5 © Connecticut: a" : dio Sie 54 1020.|- o.-----} Nek ke 5 16, 564 444,292 || 32.2 | 19.5} 11.0] 3,9] 124 32.2 TT SR Boe 8 27, 024 382,959 |} 21.1] 24.1] 11.4] 6.6| 244 344 ho |S Sn Vactntedl hae 4 11, 632 364, 665 11,9 194.5 [112.61 95 ser «40.1 Mays 1890.15. ---eb es ee ad 9 35, 440 ig 1 ED 28.4/ 14.5] 4.9] 4%) 47.4 bO% i SADDLE cate BS dey ~~ New York: Rate. | as * SS Rete BO ~81 286, 192 || 1, 795, 383 65.6]. 7.3 5.2 19] 2.8 17.3 “TOPs Feepeeieg SL ae 72 |, \° 261, 979 1 “1,928, 120 || "62.01: 7.5)) 4.81 ° 1.8) -248idtinte2l. 2 ETS TS eee SL ch, 56/ |" 198,132 ||) 1,970, 783d), 16609) 5.5] ) 63] 2.5] 27d WN me 18001. %. boron ed 49 178;,911%* || 2,108, 48% gh ‘45.2 |, 7.4) 5.8) 3.71. 3.0g¢ 35.0 ~~ New Jersey: rr z Oa see. 471 162, 408 680, 964}; 34.4] 22.8] 851 7.7 | 5.bdr 21.6 TTT a ea 35 | 129, 281 629,957 || 29.2 | 24.6] 10.7] 5.6] 5.de}-924.8 ST eS ae a ee Px 96, 493 554, 50% 1) 20.61 185] 11.6| 5.7| 5.bd. 29,4 eee e001), i oeeie. || 316 56, 042 568,295 || ° 23.9| 19.17] 87] 5.11 3.94. 39.3 - Penns Ivanija: ; "1990. . < BB iD: Ew oda 144} 509, 812 || 3,112, 202 SOB PY 1S | ee | Sade: SORT JAC ae Ae ae ee 1) 116 |) 3 405; 876 ||, 3, 034, 442 B80 10. bee fh ee I) Dak eee TOMO AUT IOITY:..... 96 | 336,429 || 2,853,505 || 29.3] 9.0] 5.6] 5.5) 953) 45.3 Ok SSS eae 74 | 249,490 |} 2,700,716 |} 26.5] 7.0] 5.7] 4.8] 47] 51.4 EAST NORTH CENTRAL. - Ohio: ay bite vi ae ROOD Oooo let... k 154] 195,707 || 2, 082, 258 87,71 OF 7.9) 8.6.1 see 36.2 STO aes it haan 157 | 198,089 || 2,101,978 || 29.2] 8.3] 7.6] 6.8] 4.2) ..44.1 / ae Se 1551 | 186,661 || 2,159,163 ||, -23.2| 5.8] .7.3| 7.2] 4.5); 51.9 mee 18005) 8s oe i....| £56} | 197,365 || 2,167,939. 15.2] 9.5] 54] 54] Bed], 59.0 Indiana: | Bole . US ee ee 139 | 144,062 || 1, 447, 535 10:7 | 19.1.| 10.2] 5.7] 4.9); 49.4 SS Se eee fea... 137 | 135,978 || °1, 557, 041 8.7 |. 9.1 |: [12,6 iad Dil 9 1b OikscbT. 6 oh SSR SNe 138 | 136,357 || 1,653, 773, S715) 7.04423. Bl 6. 4. |. Dae 60.7 TS SOC eaten 131} 104,851 (| 1, 602, 365, 4:3)| ' 56.31 1-6.6 1° 5.41 4eQrap . 73.4 Mlinois ) SR eee 80°} 270,949 ||" 2,082,127 |) 41.7| 10.8] 63] 5.0] 4.2); 32.1 ST ees eens 71°| > |'239, 887 ||" "2,161,662 1) 38381 7.71 5.91 5.1] 4,84:04B8.3 ECS 61| 199,792 || 2,205, 182)|), -85.2| 4.5] 6.6] 3.8| 4.14; 45.7 tay POOOOR LS oc ceceesee...| | SL | BEA GZT |) 2.156, 180.1 eRe 7] | LO NT] 26 8.eas 55.8 Michigan: ~ ) 3 , is Se él 33} 121,472 |! 1,426, 852 30:8/° 159] 49] 61) 3.34, 38.9 | eg COE ee veedesens| | SL | , FY6,549 |) 1,483, 129 2G OST TS lb. bride 52. 8 ey 1900")... sey ....{ 30] 112,362 || 1,468, 659 1.84) 715} SSH: 626 | “SiGaby 6057 P1800. ee eeeeteeeee---| 30 | | 104,382 || 1,363, 506 || 9.8] 6.4) 7.6] 6.0) 5.0} 65,1 dp msin: ty el aa Soret iass... 41 148, 936 || 1,387, 499 bar Rn a ss be aie bee 5.3 5. 5h, 52.7 Ste Ce Loree... 37 | 128,653 || 1,329, 540 16.0/ 9.4| 6.9] 5.3 4..- 5.5 | 57.0 ee 000s)... a SS «8 ae 93, 675 |; 1,278, 829 13,8 )°) 67) |) OS 4.7). Seb O18 hg LR oe ae I 75,221 || 1,131,044) 121] 1.5| 88| 64] 4,4) 668 | WEST NORTH CENTRAL. O20y).... i eeesle.. |) | $32) > 119020 |] 17335,592f 26:8 } a 471 487 ai), 55.9 Rime... eaters. 1) | ad 80,374 || 1,225,414) 24.9) 3.8] 2.9] 5.5) 3.94: 59.0 OTE aie eee, AY 20 64, 651 || 1,153, 294'|/ 20.9} 3.0| 2.4] 4.1] 38.7); 65.9 ee eee a. )t 12 |p 42,270 |} 867,284 ff 2272541) 224! BL), Seethiobe. 2 - 45:1 ee Hote 1 to Table 14, p. 74. 5 } , 80 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 16.—NUMBER AND AGGREGATE POPULATION OF URBAN PLACES OF SPECI. — FIED SIZES, AND POPULATION OF RURAL DISTRICTS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1890- 1920—Continued. DIVISION AND STATE. WEST NORTH CENTRAL— continued. er TB9O 8 tN sb. ee SOUTH ATLANTIC, Delaware: es es a a as Ly are Oe RE Ee ee ad as ee es 100,000 or more. Num- ber of places. wee ee eee were nee mete eee eae e ese ett eee Popula- tion. er a 1,097, 307 935, 410 841, 969 584, 486 ee ee ee eS ee 508, 957 ee ae a ed es wee eee ew ee ene ee ee ey ee) es 200, 616 1 See note 1 to Table 14, p. 74. 25,000 to 100,000. Sd Oe a) ee ee ee ee es ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ey ee ee es ry ee es | | SO Se rr ee ee ad Ce as es es ee es si ee as . f ee es ee fe i ee es i ee Go WOO rb DO ed ek as ee a ae ee ee ee ee ee ee ees be es PLACES OF— 10,000 to 25,000. Popula ber oF Popula tion places tion 285, 053 11 192, 629 330, 091 9 137, 107 218, 259 8 129, 096 145, 082 if 115, 234 147, 472 8 110, 146 144, 677 5 70, 753 26, 023 3 51, 278 52, 324 3 48,775 3 46, 447 2 , 809 25, 202 1 14, 537 2 24, 847 1 10, 266 1 10, 177 54, 948 3 36, 060 70, 232 1 10, 326 OB 170. tk. of bce 55, 154 3 39, 361 122,239) 14 194, 333 178, 465 9 125, 378 85, 026 7 102, 579 69, 323 4 69, 530 87,411 76, 508 61, 431 57, 901 2 22, 280 3 48, 757 2 30, 719 2 22, 847 201, 907 15 67, 639 165, 010 16 95, 532 131, 674 7 130, 306 116, 259 6 , 460 173, 862 6 88, 494 72, 802 4 62, 724 38, 878 3 34, 725 34, 522 1 10, 108 156, 609 10 153, 903 59, 762 5 89, 283 6 87, 447 4 54, 526 105, 481 4 67, 303 85, 152 y 33, 258 55, 807 3 44, 363 54, 955 1 15, 353 219, 920 7 101, 857 146) 769 5 7. 183, 557 3 51, 131 142, 022 2 40, 049 _ 5,000 to 10,000. Popula- ber of : places. tion. 18 114, 802 9 , 402 10 70, 618 | 8 , 582 16 109, 337 17 120, 938 18 120, 291 ll 73, 573 3 18, 889 3 16, 788 2 17, 241 1 5, 664 6 41, 994 4 27, 708 1 6,210 9 655048 g 61,670 7 48, 004- 5 38, 811 10 75, 733 13 97,180 10° 67, 863 10 71, 196 3 21,037 4 27, 734 4 28, 842 2 15,797 © x _ la moe Nee DHF OC WOW WROD CUIDMNO 2 woke : URBAN AND RURAL. Sl _ TABLE 16.—NUMBER AND AGGREGATE POPULATION OF URBAN PLACES OF SPECI- FIED SIZES, AND POPULATION OF RURAL DISTRICTS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1890-1920—Continued. DIVISION AND STATE. WEST NORTH CENTRAL— PLACES OF— + 2,500 to 5,000. Num-| ber of} Popula- places.} tion. PER CENT OF TOTAL POPULATION LIVING IN— 5 Rural Places of— districts— population. 100,000 | 25,000 | 10,600 t or to more. |100,000.| 25,000. continued. Iowa: 1920.) 1... baax =) ee 45 | 156,543 || 1; 528, 526 5.3 | 11.9}. 80]. 4.8 be sel0 ).0..5.., 55850... . ~ 43 153, 454 || 1, 544,717 }Js.2.222.) 14.8 6.2 2:7 (0 Ue emeiarory Oss it a 46 154,413 || 1,659, 467 ||..22..2:| 9.8 5.8 3. 2 5 1800-55. pL SR... 27 88,-866 -|}. 1, 506, 533 |}... ..... 7.6 6.0 3.0 Missouri: CLE Mi aah pile eam am 34 122, 641 1, 817, 152 32. 2 4.3 3:2 3.'2 CULDS 5 Oe SAR ee 35 127,039 1, 894, 518 28. 4 4.4 ad 3.7 US Ses Soe 25 88, 543 || 1,978, 561 Wit OS Lo > 3g hoe Lal... Loa Sat’... b 97 97,808 || 1,822, 219 21.8 2.0 1.8 2.7 North Dakota | SVG e1 ueageD..£....., SH... 6 22, 903 558, 635 1paeve.. of esc tz 2:9 * UB Re a ESS SR 5 19, 639 Diy TST walpic tons + 4.6 | 2.9 he Stat ae Seni ee ees 2 6, 172 Pe 6 A | Hy 5.4 oS ehes fo Ce 1 ~ 4,979 18D, Sa ers of. see 3.0 South Dakota 1 i Oo Se A ES aa 6 20, 139 534, OVO eo. SS. 4,0 6.6 BiI910 oS. Av a ae t 24,118 507, 265 te sccl ce. |t tases. 4.7 Oe PES Perro 3 24, 460 B60, GBS ae a a oes os 1.5 Gta OOU.). S22. de I... 6 18, 378 SoD, Uno te eS ek Nebraska: A 7. ES SI 17 57, 649 891, 066 14.8) 4.2 5.0 Seen... .) dedi... 14 44, 528 -881, 362 10. 4 5.9 5.2 (0 Cy eS Cae 11 35, 973 813, 598 9.6 6.2 4,5 SOM Ee eu eh ibe... 6 17, 863 |} 771,015 13, 2 5,2 3.7 Kansas: Bigs. $2... FS A. 35 124,482 |} 1, 151, 293 b. 7 6.9} 11. 4.3 7) Bag Tee Sa 28 92, 767 || 1,197,159 ||.....-.. 10.6 ; 5.7 de SS 21 75,490-(1 jd, 199, 592 1... 5. 5.8 4.6 BONO. cosets ban oe bs nee» 19 62,152 |} 1,155,907 }/........ 4.9 5.0 SOUTH ATLANTIC. _ Delaware | UG © Seas a 3 10, 599 102, 236 ee ee 7 a oie Spo enor Se LEGAL. 3 9, 674 LUD; Soe BS: Dore ies oc bee Se eee 3 9, 209 OO, Gia oe, 4h AP cn ele yews a 1 ae 3 9, 636 OF, 4b et Bes Siero es saa Maryland 2 Re See Be ae 10 34, 378 580, 239 50. 6 4.0 0 EU Fe ea Cet OS 7 23, 216 637, 154 tS ek Nae a BASSE Se 7 22, 688 596, 838 42. Seas a . _ Ss aE ORS 7 22, 619 546, 688 7S ode oa beget _ District of Columbia EEE OS URCACES Gs of RT SRR FS eee | Ag ROR Poe ADDO fet eit pels shares es i RS aes Fe eee es Aree eet As Oey eae ie eee ho stay (SS Sp gent OS Rs I nes | A a co TODFOo eo cote hu aeide [ores oon ee Re Pe a i Be | ee 7 a SN 8 Oar SS Virginia: OBO. 4-3)... 4 OG ace... 18 58,300 || 1,635, 203 12.4 8.7 2:9 2.5 Mepeemo10. | GE IL he... 15 51, 595 || 1, 585, 083 621 -SOPtEET ES UT ae 12 39, 826 Wie Teg eae gPhis 7.0 2.1 _ “oa eee 12 40,092 |} 1,373,259 ||........ 7.0 5.8 1.8 est Virginia: SS ae 19 66,599 || 1,094,694 |/........ 11.9 6.0 2:7 ee ee 13 42,913 992. S77 Hitt. 5: 6.0 5.1 4.1 aE SES | Pe “ § 27, 631 Boa, Sau ie Ss322% 4,1 3.6 2.5 Se SR De 5 14, 359 681, 429 ||........ 4.5 ars 2.9 North Carolina: Oe 28 89, 888 || 2,068, 753 ||........ 6.1 6.0 3. 5 a 9 20 73, 245 ||- -1, 887, 813 }]....:-.. 2.7 4.0 4.4 | EL Se 16 57; 162: he BOF, Ga: fit tet sc peace: 4.6 2.2 a2* SS SS Arr rs li SO-B51 i 4, GUS Aa Petes st. cleoss...s 3.4 1,3 _ South Carolina: : oy 1920 18 64, 236 |} 1, 389, 737 |j........ 6.3 4.0 3.4 12 45, 685 , 290, 568-}]: 2.2.2. 5.6} °) 221 4.0 12 49,030-|) 1,169,060 }|:.:.:.:. 4.2 3.3 1.6 10 -B1, 724°}|- -1, 034, 966 }j..::..2:} ° 4.8 1.3 1.2 33 109, 529 |} 2,167,973 |; 6.9 |. 7.6 3.5 3.3 22.1. _.74, 2,070, 471 }} as 59 |. 5:6.) 9 2.8 3.5 “1s'|° © 63, 937 || 1, $69, 949 ||... oe 2.3 22 12 39, 434 £O70, BSL Uses het 22 2.0 DYSART EE 8 io) OS BE SOO. EO? G2 OP iret ds PEO TENE SOHN AOA AOGO©R Soon oe Ae EU Oe ee WOcF TOM Noe bp tricts. IAAM G0 > BITS Cee OOH SE PP ene es OHWH BWO-1 WHOO HUNCH CNT DPR SAINM BAIS PSP NSS. PELs ss wR O C&O PNW Nw www pPpge KP poy Rr OOO CONOw tr © coor wmocwn o> me oor _ oo CO~] @ aj] +] SS2e SEs . SARS NSRS . ~~ or OF FO OLN COMO WHwWH ONO eos] Ae © * 6 82 ABSTRACT OF; THE CENSUS>++POPULATION. TABLE 16.—NUMBER AND AGGREGATE POPULATION OF URBAN PLACES OF SPECI- FIED SIZES, AND POPULATION OF RURAL* DISTRICTS, BY: DEV IEZONBS say “ovine 1890-1920—Continued, nisn PLACES OF 100,000 or more. 25,000 to 100,000... } 10,000 to 25,000. DIVISION AND STATE. e (1933 ATL Num- Num- Num- ber of a hat ber of Yepnier “| ber of Fgpule- places / places. S places.| ; SOUTH ATLANTIC—con. ARTY Florida: 1920's oS ek oo. Cee ol eR, Ber oe 4: 203,772 | | 2 - 32,986 DOLO ac) Pes ea ko aah 2 ea os 2 95,481 | | 2 . 42,927 TOGO Tere Base SS Bo ch toes ee 1 238, 429 3 . 50,.700 TROD oo) 2:5 ageless SE te eel Ride ees] es woes. Seeks peek |. Tie ae 3]. 47,03 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL. Kentucky: TRA se Se bee ae 1 234, 891 3 127, 972 4 69, 057 10S 6 PRE ine Seah Rae ee las ed 1 223, 928 3 118 678 4 60, 688 LOOG 39) ee a ok ae eck 1 204, 731 3 97, 7608 3 42,907 PROD so) 2 Seles Wares 1 161, 129 1 » 37,371 3, 59, 282 Tennessee: POR eset) Sale eee 2 280, 693 2 135,713 13 39, 349 POLO ashe ee, aloe be Ney 2 241, 469 2 80, 950 12 22,927 TORO i Se, PSL: 1 102, 320 3 143,656 1 14,511 BOOO fo sis Mee h. Ueae ehh er ce 3 169, 763 rie 32, 574 Alabama x : OEY bas ee od on, Uae 1 178, 806 2 104,241 7 99, 293 MOU ol were ook s Stee 1 132, 685 2 89, 657 4 47, 864 LOOU pe Stew sec. be ae | ae ele Pee 3 107; 2. AUD ee eG eee TSOO rs ee Se ee ae ee 2 57, 254 1 21, 883 Mississippi: F 1920. Stee ote at | bat ea oe ee ee ee eC ee 9 136, 201 EQ), Syccictern vias aes acca bad = 5 RSE cece owe ales. coea lees 5 88, 885 TOD x. te pega ahah pp |~> 89,9 ee LOe i 19203... is EE 15 SOVPGE. |. WGBSOMAOT eda lclese sate «f+ T.6-4 25 3.0 |. 2. @¥4 / 86. 6 | OESTSg Say eeenaeee 14 AT, TAG WM SOG BAS eke Ok Lele che 4,9.}..3.9 | 2.74 88.5 oS ee en 15 Bi, 632 Wo 43, O98 ol be 261° 48) 53.81 > 93,9 Cl eee eee ? 93, 200-1) 210/644 fice ee 9.6) “1eoe4. 8] 94.6 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL. $ "Arkansas: AS A $900 iS... fw @.04... [27 90,070 || 1,461,707 ||........ 5.4} 30h. B04 5. RL 83.4 ‘eT SR eee x ae 19 65,293 || 1,371,768 ||........ Ot d. Bb Be ob eee: ae L = - ES DE EMRE eR eae 9. 29, 906 PPOO RS le 2.9 2.1 2 2.3 91.5 Sa Ue a Se 3 9,219 1,055,052: }/. 222... Dad 1.0 2.4 0.8 93.5 Bi it isiand: hO dei Ee Se etisleodna » 24 79, 638 1, 170, 346 21.5 2.4 3.6 2.9 4.4 65.1 ee Se a hs. [15 52, 167 1,159, 872 20. 5 Ny VALS Me See GA 3.4 70.0 2) ES Sane Rima a at enena I 8 27,331 nd O15, 337 UL oh fears 2.0 1.8 2.0 73.5 TE he! U RS Ue i SS Sapa 6 19, 349 ” 934) 743 nO il a A Ny tt Lf 74.6 Oklahoma: ! ; gus! 6 09920)... L222 2-1-1 86 | (9898,023 || 15488, 803i] ue... 9.5 | $.6.11.).5.1,|. ©. 5.1BM! 773.4 ; bd. 8.008.08... 32 | 107,217 || 1,337,000. I. wu... 5.4] .4.8.1..2.7.1 .6.84! 80,7 5. Lee nee 10 32, 693 Maly Oea Woe ksin cachet ogee 2.5 0.7 4.1 92.6 Cee eee Guay 1 4,151 op 9 a Aa a RGN ENR eh 1.6 96.3 a Rel Se rag See ara 60 208, 115 3, 150, 539 AW § 5.9 5.9 4.1 4.5 67.6 SEER S/S Bini ana. digs» 51 172, 922 22908, 438 |cue22c.. 2] FAT 4.0 3.5 4,4 75.9 Deere te idee agit oa as 5 29 105, 503 2021, QOL woe e 6.7 Seo 3.6 By 82.9 ‘no ae 22 60, S08 1} 3, 886, O86 lo, ened) 75.9 Bee | RE 8 Tek ri MOUNTAIN. 4 it Montana: up Be et os bane 17,679 OVO, S1S: leasisceks 7.6} -13.8 6.8 3.2 68.7 » EMRE lake cn sic» 5 18, 743 242,633 ||...-.-.- 10.4] 15,8 4.2 5.0 64.5 Y 1 Sele a 6 18, 931 DDG, C10) Win oe 4 120 [-<:10.:6 3.9 7.8 65. 3 1 et fig RR SARS ali 4 14, 230 904,137 fests. eects sy a ae 10.0| 72.9 _ Idaho: | Bei RR ee a Ss 11 35, 099 BA Wah! | gp ae 8.4; 11.0 8.1 72.4 Re See eRe ers Co SU ates iT, 24, 838 Ze, OOO! |Pn eae a Se wpe oe 5.3 8.5 7.6 78.5 tg San 1 4, 046 TOL OTRD IR eos Sat eels ty Ss 3.7.) 2.61 - 93.8 poh ae hk Gos els tie x aol ace ee come © BN ASS foe eters Sun tabula wats pt mia delncMicaae eens 100. 0 Wyoming | ee, ee ets 5 5 oe 3 10, 140 BAY OA iu aie ctl STS ae 13..0:]° 1113 5.2 70.5 M10. oe. ois esis a wwe ose 3 9,478 1 EASY 7 tal | Bieter ot rgd a 7.8 | 15.4 6.5 70.4 Peri eti k oe toe! os i 4,363 65, he ie ee ete 4 bas 3 Ber 8.9 4.7 71.2 ND RR ee ca nw bi 1 3, 406 41) UE hal RU rio a are 18. 7°| 10.2 5,4 65.7 1 [Includes population of Indian Territory for 1900 and 1890. 84 ~ ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 16,—-NUMBER AND AGGREGATE POPULATION OF URBAN PLACES OF SPECI- FIED SIZES, AND POPULATION OF RURAL DISTRICTS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1890-1920—Continued. PLACES OF 100,000 or more. 25,000. to 100,000. 10,000 to 25,000...| 5,000 to 10,000. DIVISION AND STATE. Num- Popula- Popula- Popula- Popula- ber of A ber of : ber of f ber of places tion places tion places tion places. ton MOUNTAIN—Ccontinued. Colorado: 1G Oa BETS. 1 256, 491 2 73, 155 3 32, 870 5 34, 748 1918. 6 Wes ee i 213, 381 2 73, 473 1 10, 7 52, 558 TF pana Cable Sirah a 1 133, 859 1 28, 157 3 43, 687 PE 11, 495 1s oe Se 1 106, So Reg ee ae 3 , 082 3 15, 792 New Mexico: ih: 75 neal < adedaiane: Sean) (a) thet ele! Rs. = immense PS al een ee 1 15, 157 a 19, 813 i U1 1 eae Ramey RS CLEA MBLC ea Feel Wee des Uae DY ee ALS Rage! go ots 8 uf 11, 020 2 11, 244 1900. o . c e bhe .ee]. ace: Peeiek Ie t a c ld ie ee ea 11, 841 BB90- webs eel re ee a le se a) ere te | ee KE | 6, 185 Arizona: EGA ES os BRE a Ah eR le Umer eae 1 29, 053 1 , 292 6 43, 063 AL) (Aeris a ig Ge Wicd Ean UM aes ied SUT as ONES Ce Se 2 24, 327 4 27, 631 jE 1 ea ee es A and Ao Bhs ea) PRD a ee oe | Spo eR Moat Sar Pems M B) a 2 13, 075 T8900. < - eal. Be eB Se Sa SS hr oe st ees eae PE ye and 1 5, 150 Utah: j 199 Pack pee 1 118, 110 1 32, 804 1 10, 303 2 14, 721 ROS O se ooh oC oe ee ee 2 Se ee a 2 118 S57 to 3S se. |. tecsemeeee 243 16, 447 ROOR 2 s a Se ie eee 1 53, 531 1 16, 313 2 11,636 BSOO NS SE ig re re Lik Ra ao EP ks 1 44, 843 1 14, 889 1 5, 159 Nevada: 1920 se er hc a ee ee Bd ee 1 19,016 is ct See ee 1919. Se... Aen a sar = | aac i ; 867 |... ohachadeelih 1900 EE cb 8.5. |. Leabeclbed ese cleac ac etoe kab dl: 2 BBP IS |e | eee ASG0:s . Sede ae eS Se eee a A ee ee. ere 1 8, 511 PACIFIC Washington: yO AS a ana “2 419,749 3 150, 194 5 72,074 47,544 — SOTO: CBr ss Z 341, 596 1 83, 743 5 96, 218 4 31, 773 LT NS GE PU a RA se a 3 155, 233 1 10, 049 2 14,672 ASOO eee foe ae cick. 5 ah eee Oe 2 78, 843 1 19, O22 hc coh dd he ed Oregon: UL y. Rae Se Sake? Gt | Sana 1 258, Sees tS. CES ee, 3 42, 299 8 50, 445 iC (eels es alee a 1 WN, 2048 42s gaat. Ehotcke tee 1 14, 094 5 39, 210 BOO. fee SS Ou SIs SR tg 1 00426 || Pea Spica een aes 2 15, 044 haa Se pe a Re BP Sah SY 1 46, 385 1 10, 532 2 11, 313 California dU Fp SR bye Aaa 2 a 3 1, 299, 610 G 451, 404 13 206, 094 26 171, 802 TERE apes cae 3 886, 284 5 183, 945 13 196, 701 10 64, 108 TOO ee oR oe 2 445, 261 2 96, 242 6 98, 854 9 62, 977 + 9 ie SN i SR 1 298, 997 3 125, 463 5 70, 626 5 28, 124 a r Pe Gis i i A URBAN AND RURAL. 85 ‘Tastrt 16:—NUMBER AND AGGREGATE POPULATION OF URBAN PLACES OF SPECI- oY ED SIZES, AND POPULATION OF RURAL DISTRICTS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1890-1920—Continued. PLACES OF— PER CENT OF TOTAL POPULATION LIVING IN— ) ; 2,500 to 5,000. Rural Places of— DIVISION AND STATE. districts— populatian.iy asa) (ot avo ai. Mlb ab boa ey Num- 100,000 | 25,000 | 10,009 | 5,000 | 2,500 “ey ber of P cole: or to to to (0) tricts. places more. |100,000.) 25,000.) 10,000.} 5,000. MOUNTAIN—Continued. Colorado: 1020 -20ccccccrrscoress.: 15 55,995 486, 370 23 7.8 5 Sed, 6.0 51.8 CULES BE See Age Fk aaa 16 55, 224 394, 184 26.7 9. 2 3 6.6 6.9 49.3 BO00. STS ARR LE 13 43, 453 279, 049 24.8 5.2 8.1 2/4. 8.1 51.7 OW! URGE EE SSUES a Sec 6 17,318 227, 344 QDS ite shee e2 11, 2 3.8 4,2 55.0 New Mexico: Puameo. 2 Git Lok io... J. 8 29, 990 M205, 300 He. ons desesess 4,2 5.5 8,3 82.0 POSIT ARAM Sra - 7 24, 307 O80, FBO) cosh. ANSE Be 44 5. BVA |OO LT a RB 8 BU Geb LRS ot os. caid 5 15, 540 16Y, 929 |e betes es ena eiahe tte 6.1 8.0 86.0 WC ETS a ae ae 1 3, 785 ASD BIS FP Jl ss eee ets 3.9 2.4 93. 8 Arizona: CTR Cape ee a 7 25, 119 216,635 |]......-.. &7] 61) 12.9} 7.5! 64.8 (ey SER ET marie 3 11, 302 i TO 07 Sot | Se ES Sarees 11.9 fi Os BD 69.0 Bp soe ere a ooo 2 6, 420 103, 436 Testa bes sect eee 10. 6 532 84,1 TS EE ee 1 3, 152 a 8 all Oy PSP ee te SMC, OS 5.81 3.6| 90.6 Utah: O20 ree SA de 12 39, 646 233, 812 26.3 723 2.3 33 8.8 52.0 EU pay ie all gE HS a 12 38, 130 200, 417 jie. lb. = fi ay fe fae ee 4.4} °10.2 63. 7 le eA RIS OE 8 23, 947 171,828 fio 19.3% "3.9 | ee eT 1 BL BOO. 2 ee ee WS. oc. 3 10, 264 135, 624 |). ...22.. 2153 %4 2.4 4.9 64.3 Nevada: Le a anemia a 1 3, 238 Ge, both. ee a, 2d : Bis al Daan 4,2 80.3 SP ih 2s Sak cos 1 2, 500 Ge OURAN E tort. oh at. a ona os 13S. oo dle 35% 83. 7 MOMMIES ck ager aec 2 7,195 =o) UE A ee | Re Ae 17.0 &3.0 PE ees ideas « 2 7,513 TEST AL SR CRN AGRA 2 120) 15.9| 66.2 PACIFIC. Washington: Mae a a 18 59, 174 607, 886 30.9 Tt |e Bs re 4,4 44.8 ee ane, es: 15 52, 195 536, 460 29.9 lee 8.4 7 ara! 4.6 47.0 PEBMIRS Goss. we oan le ba.c 9 81, 523 S06, 626 Wie aecine s 30. 0 1.9 2.8 6.1 59, 2 LOLS ee 7 28, 413 2o0, OSE Wes tane 3 79 Em | a Otloscocee 8.0 64, 4 Oregon: (0 1 ya gt ae ag ei a 11 39, 987 392, 370 iy |.) Pea 4 6.4 Bi 50.1 yo tee pees 11 46, 542 365, 705 WON asseee 2.1 5.8 6.9 54, 4 See te 2 oie aun 5 8 27,710 280,356 ||..-...-- ais Opie on. 6.7 67.8 MDE os coos’ aie oc 6 16, 863 232, O14. oa 14.6 33 Dake bd 73.2 California: Sa eee 56 | 202,819 || 1,095,132 || 37.9] 13.2) 60] 50] 59] 32.0 0 39 138, 701 907, 810 at8 Leite 8.3 2a7 5, 8 38. 2 MMM ons a .'nle osc’ s 2 74, 365 707, 354 30..0 6.5 6.7 4.2 5.0 47.6 eee oe. SRLS S. 19 66, 254 623, 934 24.6 10.3 5.8 a3 5.5 51.4 * ; t 86 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. Tae ‘47 -*POPULATION OF URBAN CLASSES AND’ OF RURAL Tie Hee - STITUTEDAN 1920, WITH: INCREASE: 1920 AND 1910. rh. Wibh Obs [The figures for 1920 and 1910 relate to the same individual places but not to the same deaiiBeatoni of places, since certain communities passed during the decade from the rural to the urban or from the — urban. to the rural elass,and others passed from one urban group to another.] i INCREASE: Num- Ee POPULATION, co »1471910-1920°°°'° CLAS$ OF PLACES..., / ,.. ; / | A ck Per Number. ant: United States........... Ee hes a a Kaan a Be 105, 710, 620 91, 972, 266 ||. bor 18,'788) 3541p 1914)9 Territory urban in 1920...... oe ees 12,787 i 54, sh 603 43,193,184 11,111,419 [90 25.7— Places having in 1920—; 5 ; ‘so | Wel A |-O4 ap OTL 1,000,000:or more...) .)..2..- betes aaa 3 HO 10, 145, 532 |e» = 8, 505, 411 _. 1,640,121.) °°19.3 a .§00;000 to 1,000,000. : sc .. TRAD Pod Borie * 2 9 ieee & 6, 223° 769 [°! = 4, 664, 460. ||. >. .1, 559, 309.|.. 33.4 — 250,000 to 500,000-2.3.. 20. SaB Sede 13 4, 540, 838 3,712, 123 828, 710°] © 122.3" & 400,000 to 250,000...) oa... TR ARES a 43, floc 23500 to 5,000 Oss ie a See yee Ls B20) 4, 593, 953 3, 778, 635 _ 815, 318.}.» 21.6 | 25,000 or- more. oi.-.------- eilliss.| 287 lev 87,770,114 |» 29,746,272 || 8; 023, 842.| “Me7.0 aS 000; OF Mone ss. oe ei _ 68 27, 429, 326 | 21 969, 485 ; 5 459, 841.| 024.9 200,000 OF TOGO. ct Bie ea £0 25 20, 910, 139 16, 881, 999 4, 028; 140 23597 500, 000ar MOTEs. . base Lj. Sake she 12 He: 16, 369, 301 13; 169, 871. et 199 430.|. 9 24.3 1000:000.0r more...1.;-... 1 e5ahen te 3 10, 145; 532 &, 505,411 |} 1, 640, 121.|. .19.3 ' (Og Territory rural in1920 .¢ 0)... fge..4 |... ce od) 51, 406, 017 48,779,082 || 2,626,935.| °° 5.4 PSE SB SE aE a | Rar : AOS Sh) A fle SE > he 1 See note 1 to Table 14, p. 74. ps RN Bae oS OTUOAT raedgrrisfes Wy 4 oser 3 (Wer ; P MIO} 2 QRS | \ THO ' te HOO are ee: tag ire) Ae one . . O08 | : ayrinuia? 4 AL 4 ve eF t ; OORT 4 hy OGR 1 : “°) @PTIES AND THEIR SUBURBS. 87 LE 18.— REA AND POPULATION OF CENTRAL CITY, METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, i AND" AD: ACENT TERRITORY, FOR CITIES OF 200,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920 _ JA metropolitan district has as its nucleus a city of 200,000 population or more and includes in addition ay" l -ry2_coa . POPULATION. Percent re toh ‘Hap bate ‘RO _ Area of in- San | 208 $ DISTRICT... - i eR, SAN LT AS ee P sw ah ws 920 910- 1920 1910 1920 _ 6,816,110.3 | 29,238,582 | 23,045,544 26.9 In central cities (32 cities)............. Rin aes 1,518,715.9 |] 22,111,380 | 17,673,818 25.1 Outside central Cities...)..--/.....--.. PA ed, ee 5,297,394. 4 7,127,202} 5,371,726 3g.0 ©..08 i rey } Lay ry , | ‘Cities and adjacent territory... !0..........| 13,369,925.9 |. -30,188,543 | 23,870,351 26.5 RE Petite ects -----h-o- sane ot 11,851, 210.0 ||’ 8,077,163 | 6,196,533 | 30.3 : | AKRON ele { Metropolitan district........... ee) Oe eee Pee. 113, 912. 0 285, 113 104, 320 173.3 » Incity proper: ......:. Shee o>. O.20R ab... 1. 14,520..0 208, 435 69, 067 201, 8 © Outside;.c.c:5..... L 10. 862... 3. Ou820.38.....1. 99, 392..0 76,678 35,253 117.5 City and adjacent territory. -........0..0.....522.024- 348, 664. 0 305, 696 122,915 148, 7 B mcjacentderitory... 20s. 08S... 2.) b. 88h 00.221. 334, 144.0 97, 261 ' 53, 848 80.6 BAG Peis 3S i $TF BGO , ATLANTA. UES ns Sy Sane 85, 266. 2 249,226} 185, 235 34.5 SeClGy | DLOVOL , - - wt v.5- . 54 “ats op Agee 8 Seer ee 16, 773. 4 200, 616 154, 839 29.6 _ Outside..-+..-...... ers a a tee el. Loe 68, 492. 8 48, 610 30, 396 59.9 City and adjacent territory. ...........2022 2002.00.22. 364,723. 0 279, 235 208, 075 34,2 . Adjacent territory...... ES a te teat 347,949. 6 78,619 53, 236 47,7 +2. RY BALTIMORE. eearODOltan Gistrict jo... dee eee ed 244, 160. 0 787,458 663, 810 18.6 In city proper..-... SE eee Se eee 50, 560. 0 733, 826 558, 485 31.4 6 Outside se: ..22..2-: Eel. Obe~.c.. 1 O.210,861....4.1... .193600.0 53, 632 105,325 | 49,1 City and adjacent territory..2...........0. A ope Or 432, 448.0 814,395 689, 841 18.1 i Adjacent Beene peer wt rore. Sect eib yet cen tee oh. 381, 888. 0 80, 569 131, 356 —38,7 os en Oh BOSTON. . BMOUODOMLGN CISETICH 2. 2... n ee leew enn e ene e cents 365, 073. 3: 1, 772, 254: |.....1, 531,138 157 In city proper...... Se eather | Pe EL, © 27, 870. 0 748, 060 670, 585 11.6 _. Outside....,....... Spt eG | el aE 337, 203. 3 1,024, 194 860,553 |...19.0:- ‘City and adjacent, territory +: -)...2.1. 00 0c eee. es 392,016.6 || 1,801,320 | 1,556,671 15.7 Ve medjacenp territory...) iste od 364, 146.6 1, 053, 260 886, 086 18.9 hi ae : a ; Oe BUFFALO. . WMetropolitan-district. .\.| 2A ........ 0402. ee std 140,.015..0. 602, 847 493, 290 22,2 Meee CaUy proper. «2-22... shee doses. 24, 894.3 506, 775 423, 715 19.6 ee Outside............ EE lg TRE EE & 115, 120.7 96, 072 69, 575 38. 4 | City and adjacentsterritoryw. s2....... Moi... 306, 223.0 623, 865 511, 147 22, 1) Wy Adjacent territory... i000. TOMES © a 281, 328. 7 117,090 87, 432 33.9 * those s‘iburban areas which lie within approximately 10 miles beyond the municipal limits and in which the density of population is 150 per square mile or more. The adjacent territory is the total suburban territory, regardless ofits density of population, which lies within a distance of approximately 10 miles beyond, the limits of the central city. ; Het | ie ‘vie a on Z : {Pop ae shown for central cities for each census year does not include that of annexations made subse- quently to census date, but total population given for each district for 1920 and 1910 relates to same area.] ‘ tv) 8.70 S CHICAGO. Métropolitan district 469, 569.6 || 3,178,924 | 2, 455, 942 29. _- Incity fr is . cf > 123, 382.9 |} 2,701,705 | 2,185, 283 23. acc oeh co 5-62. o-s dhoesoeneeee cece .| 346, 186. 7 477, 219, 270, 659 76 City and adjacent territory... -... 2... 212, seep coer -e + .| 594,410.4 || 3,201,301 | 2,472, 712 29. Bemendiacentrerittory..| ee... dt en igre: \:| °° 471, 027.5 499,596 | 287,429 73 >. tae (&°. CINCINNATI. a ii ‘4 ok wr > . ; jitgpolitan EE ae re wc iie hone Woes 606, 850 567, 876 6.9 _* Incity proper...... bE EL Aya OS, 45, 529. 6 401, 247 363, 591 10.4 | SAS REE -ezpesooh-asiaeew.[ —) 166,408.84] ° ' 205,603 204, 285 0.6 eisy and adjacent territory .....................2-006- 527, 812. 2 681, 287 637, 156 6.9 RIN PRTTILOTY 52 occ nese lace wea twecees 482, 282. 6 230, 040 | 273, 565 2.4 1 A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. ‘s 88 ABSTRACT.OF THE: CENSUS--POPULATION. TABLE 18.—AREA AND POPULATION OF CENTRAL CITY, METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, AND ADJACENT TERRITORY, FOR CITIES OF 200,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. Q [See notes at head of this table, p. 87] ou i} rhed | ‘POPULATION. __ | Percent Area | ofin- DISTRICT. —— oan rene 1 CLEVELAND. Metropolitan districts A usetT e e e e a 148, 846. 9 925, 720 622, 571 43, 7 Pe OtLy DIODE! -. ib eth poet eee aes AAR 2 36, 089. 0 796, 841 i 42.1 Oiferd6t 5 ke... cece ne coed a ee ae 112, 757.9 128, 879 61, 908 108. 2 City and adjacent territory ..........2..0..c.e--22e-0- 351, 584. 0 951, 579 643, 854 47.8 Adjacent VErrvory fis 25S oS ee aeee eee ee 315, 495. 0 154, 738 83,191 86.0 COLUMBUS. sar eat The y? hs ee Metropolitan district... 2 cas yeas os nthe a. POR eRe. Heb 2 80, 689. 0 260, 335 199,146. 30.7 PUAIECY DIGUOE- occupy age sae nae es eee 14, 449. 0 237, 031 181, 511 30. 6 Qutside sxe sme pa ics Dae BT-HRee b= R- OOO OAR: EFes 66, 240.0 |}. ...4; 23,307.}... 17,635.) 32. 2 City.and adjacent territ ory. ,.<+...-.Mie-peeeanacdards 347, 313. 0 284,841 | 222,521, 28.0» ojecent territory... ties eae! 1b "382, 864.0 47,810 | °° 41,010 16.6 DENVER. Tee sar . Metropolitan district... .).c¢ge... 0 Ueaant.. UE. 46, 205..0 254,232 |. . .219,814}")) 20.5 incity proper. ......27ai0s., J. 7. 8 SUR Bon ae 37,085. 0 256,491 - 213, 381 | 20. 2 Outside > jd 3 Uh ee oa ete ee eerie ee 9, 120. 0 7,741 5, 933 30.5 — City and adjacent territoryc.i......2. 0.2) Lok... 510, 438. 4 289, 465 240, 657 20. 3 Adjacent LOLmritory su. ose desu ie costae seas 473, 353. 4 32, 974 27,276 20, 9 DETROIT. , 3 Metropolitan digtrict f° 0 09s bo eee Ne coe 175, 253.8 || 1, 165,153 514,086 |. 126.6 ER) CICS ERNIOE. 2 ct SS elas sol ea ca 49, 839. 0 993,678 465, 766 113.3 Outs 106 ae aos: «1. 5 nm eee REL eae ale ba Gee 125, 414. 8 171,475 |, jv», :48,3820]. » 254, 9 City and adjacent territory .-......2.2.--.- else 2s ~-295,906.6 || 1,181,057] > 522,740] 125.9 Adjacent teritory 9.2. . <2. eae aa sap eee ee 246, 067. 6 187,379.|.. 56,974 228.9 INDIANAPOLIS. Metropolitan district......... Bos 206 oO OE eke 153,918. 9 339,105 254,494] 33.2 tncity Proper. oc. 5 0:01. cee iss Some ee 27, 893.9 314, 194 233, 650 34.5 Outsideis fay... 1. (on p8.2 se) Cpe Bite oh 126, 025.0 24,911) 9 20,844) 19.5 © City and adjacent territory ..................2..-22.1- 465, 542. 4 367, 317 283, 226 29.7 AGIACeNE-TOLELUOLY i). de eee: eee te ee eis 437, 648.5 53,123 |” 49, 576 bee KANSAS CITY (MO. AND KANS.). phon sz aris . Metropolitan district.....05. 222002. a: 264, 006. 7 477,354} 369,276 | «29.3 In city proper (Kansas City, Mo.)_.. .....0%.-...- 37, 395. 0 324, 410 |, 248, 381 | 30.6» In city proper (Kansas City, Kans.) ...2....2..... 10, 138. 1 101,177 |... 82,331 22.9 Outsidese: 78 2. . Lb Yond eae Noir 216, 473.6 51, 767 38, 564 34.2 Cities and adjacent territory ............2...2......2.05 604, 077. 1 502, 242 393,245] 27.7 Adjacentterritory ..\ 0s. Toe... a Ge. S. 556, 544. 0 76,655 62,533: | 22.6 LOS ANGELES. Lat Metropolitan district...) ci¢.20a.... RSA. de 831, 605..0 879,008} 464,841 | 89.1 | iG city! propee. ..-. 102555... LR BR ere e 234, 037. 0 576,673 319,198 |° 80.7 ROMA. (oo cals. JERE Ze aE GIN Mey: Peer at a Sale ahd 597, 568. 0 302,335 | 145,643 107.6 City and adjacent territory... 22.122... eee cee s ce eee 941, 870.6 880,653 | 466,462 88. 8 Adjacent territory... 2.000 2000... LIL. oP 707; 833.6 ||" 308,980 | 147,264). “106. 4 LOUISVILLE. , | Metropolitan district... PO IR CRO Me oY. 214, 126.9 318, 159 294, 606 8.0 PU Cay eMOpEr =... - OEIC S yom ces oibes eRe ee sae babe 14,348. 8 234, 891 223, 928 4.9 RUB As. | ccc. Sate y Paved os Han REE awe Letce wiecee haa 199, 778, 1 83, 268 70, 678 17.8 City and adjacent territory... .... 2.22222. .eee neces ee 472, 505. 6 340, 985 317, 743 7.3 ma discen’ berrnory 0 oor, dae eet a 458, 156. 8 106,094 | ~ 93,815 13.1 1 A minus sign (—) denotesdeerease. ----- cones i 4 | & * . CITIES AND THEIR SUBURBS. 89 pos 18.—AREA AND POPULATION OF CENTRAL CITY, METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, AND ADJACENT TERRITORY, FOR CITIES OF 200,000 AND 1910—Continued. INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920 [See notes at head of this table, p. 87.] + DISTRICT. MILWAUKEE. t “Metropolitan Oeettict, Oa res... ik Sh fi RY... wo dawn { BETAINE. £1. DEG AS... BANG AUD eee es RMR REN Ce ooo ween beh ewe ne ease vccinwn+ * City and idinernt BORTREK Ts AOU A Ok Ee. lene Adjacent ee See rr 2a -MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL. "Metropolitan ohh ao pt Si hep ei ioe F In city proper (Minneapolis)... ......2.........-- | ety proper (St.Paul)... .- 2, ....-..--...-dan-s ear, Outsitienssoa: oh ty. ia. SERENE iso AD 8 epee ee “Cities and adjacent territory ALS wal. ptean Md EM: OR MMMCONIUCOMTIUOE ee ee tse eee Be 9 / ») NEW ORLEANS. R Metropolitan district So EOE A eos lk Th CPE eee In city proper. ..... ET Siesta ac Neh oe Gain edb owes ba cnew ce doves Pity and ra BOUTIGOUY Sek oo cs AAD ORs dense UME ROTERCI Vice ween n ne , NEW YORK. 4 “Metropolitan Wintrictices? se... lok or. 3 me Beeps it CiLY. Propers. ., sick oj. 2.5. 4b An ie Oe koe or : pC CRS ae RAREST TE RG 2 oP Rhity and adjacent territory ve pal pe gay ae RY RR Se REITER TALE es ol capa awn ee dene : PHILADELPHIA. Beeropaliven MASTICE at iO... ht BU RE... cee. 1. Incity proper....... aS eee ee oot AIRE See og EE UB Se Selo dl no oe sc he ne Geen " ‘City and adjacent territory .. Besos ee ee SORES «cease ME MIMCODL LETTICOL Yo. ok calh ene oassaaaceeces-- & PITTSBURGH. Metropolitan MBARIDR ECHOES oasis hk Gb HS vo ven ae Suey. Li City-proper. - . . .;.'. ee Ne eae Ord RE batecie I EGOS so ss oan seein anne cc engerrececcs _Gity and adjacent territory’. ah aoe | We Day Oe = tas Adjacent MUPIROR Mme weet kl ees. : PORTLAND, OREG. * NEAR IIDOT ECR HA 6 igo nace cep e cance teceescenes Fe EM RU oS hs us cD i eves euesecubsssess SSSR Soaks ke oe ee ’ City Mad Adjseent territory ...,...-...-seecescrceeecee ee egmcent FerritOry....... nese e eee ee eee e cece eee a PROVIDENCE. Betropctitan EES a Ee Cae aS } IN i en nape wear arene EF Outside... RES Miity and adjacent territory.............-............- ‘g PaumOerL TORTILOTY .. 2... ec PAL ‘Sir Area in acres: 1920 128, 287. 3 16, 184, 9 112, 102, 4 219, 519.3 203, 334, 4 94, 303. 0 31, $34. 0 33, 339. 0 29, 080. 0 638, $59. 4 573, 636. 4 126, 240. 0 113, 920. 0 12 320. 0 361, 625. 6 247, 705.6 191} 360. 0 560, 527. 3 "483, 439, 4 81,920. 0 401, 519, 4 645, 329. 8 563, 409. 8 422, 039. 9 25, 517.2 396, 522, 7 499, 223.9 473, 706.7 160, 762. 0 40, 442. 0 120, 320. 0 440, 742. 8 400, 300. 8 126, 469. 4 11, 388. 0 115, 081. 4 271, 590. 4 260, 202. 4 Per cent of in- ——1| crease:! POPULATION. 1920 1910 537, 737 431,417 457, 147 373, 857 80, 590 57, 560 546, 822 440, 206 _ 89,675 66, 349 629, 216 526, 256 380, 582 301, 408 934, 698 214) 744 13, 936 10, 104 679, 864 571, 707 64, 584 55, 555 397, 915 348, 109 387, 219 339, 075 10, 696 9,034 419, 679 367, 235 32, 460 28) 160 7,910,415 | 6,566, 859 5,620,048 | 4,766, 883 9/290, 367 | 1,799, 976 8,034,349 | 6,657,946 2,414,301 | 1,891,063 2, 407,234 | 1, 983, 306 1,823,779 | 1,549; 008 583, 455 434 298 2,428,728 | 2,004,185 604, 949 455,177 1,207,504 | 1,033, 052 ” 588, 343 533, 905 619, 161 499, 147 1,216,464) 1,041, 385 628) 121 507, 480 299, 882 240, 005 258, 288 207, 214 41) 594 32) 791 329, 246 264, 303 70, 958 57, 089 444 228 395, 972 237, 595 224, 326 206, 633 171, 646 551, 502 489, 772 313, 907 265, 446 i A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. Coho yO KO Srey Soe wr Owa © Rit Se eee rae WO OWWa fet pet . BE SSS oe One SPS WH WOOO 2 90 AND ADJACENT TERRITORY, FOR, CITIES, OF 200, 000 Tl TABLE.18.—AREA AND POPULATION OF CENTRAL Fab we SEHR OH so7—~ ABSTRACT, OF THE CENSUS-——POPULATION. “AND 1910—Continued. ass aris ‘ [See notes at head of this table, p. 87.] 7 SBS i { iGo 3 y ) peek “POPULATION. er on DISTRICT. Easeares: crnee: 1 1) OU WE ees | — 1920 (1910 19299. ROCHESTER. MiG , t Metropolitan district............-cecscecececeeeecese- 118,391.8 || 320,966 | 248,512 29.2 In eity*proper. 2.) 60.36. oe eek ee eee a 18, 891. 0 » 295, 750-} 9 248, 149 Po 85.6 Outside 075. ....1 0 8s ‘ee x et 99, 500. 8 25,216 |» 80,363 |) 17.0 City and adjacent’ territory .:-....dj.--..-cnec--e- ....| 338,084.6 342,999 | 272, 7 7. 25.8 Adjacent territory 2.055. 205.483 HE 4 aes ae -- 819, 193. 6. | 47,249 [os TE AS. 5 : uy ay ne a SSID (we. ST. LOUIS. LOTARUMIM Metropoutan: CiStrict pisces cs 5s ape eae corer 2 nn 197, 757.1 952, 012 828, 733 14.9 In cityproper...) S22 088! Da PE deees 39, 040, 0. 772, 897 -|. 8) 1687, 0294} 2012.5 Outside. i080. ..., eo ieee OP 5 Mes 3's 5 « Pee 158) 717.1 17915 @ sy, 704 > 3h 26. ae City and adjacent territory:.........£. OOo! h, 456, 357.4 || 1,014,457 |. 881, 925 |. 15.0. Adjacent territory...... Naeem! ce Maa epee SARs 417, 317.4 O4y 560 194, 896 23.9 : 2 mM — Yaoi —- FiLO Rb CO i ‘ - Pa ; ae SAN FRANCISCO-OAKLAND. Toe SHS a Metropotitan'district\ :. hives er adel. setae 286, 500.8 || >” 89% 477 4» 686,873 29.8 In city proper (San Francisco)................---- 26, 880. 0 506, 676 416, 912 21.5 In city. proper (Oakland): ....0 2 at oes 29, 248. 0 216,261 | 150, W409 44 Oe Outdide Ye... Meuse cds Junk ok RL ceddeee 230, 372. 8 168, 540 119; ae: at 40.9 Cities and adjacent territory..........- A SOS EE 381, 880. 0 900, 921 “692, 654 30. 1 Adjacent territory 4.2 (Oe 0 NS Nae ee eee 325, 752. 0 177, 984 | ° 125, 588 inti ALT SEATTLE. + ‘ Ppt OPO tatmiellict.... wo. Aue i ea 145, 638. 4 357,950 | . 255, 622. 40.0. In cityopremer” .. 5.2 ate ek a dees 37, 478. 4 315, 312 509937) 194 | O 2592 Oe Out side CS ee EY ee ae a 5 Re bee 108, 160. 0 42, 638 “18, 428 ‘131, 4 City.and adjacent tertitory ...6..4-...,- sees ecdecs. 381, 606. 4 383, 324 274, 997 39.4. Adjdcentbemrttory 28 | 30ih isk ee. ase: -. B44, 128.0 68, O12 7) 987, 803 | 79.9 ie WAIST 1 12 i TOLEDO. Ae j BRGUrOpOMmboss CUISLPICU oo. one a ce peta da ela o 59, 661. 2 263, 717 180, 375 | 46. 2 Bie In aaty-proper. . 22.05. ee ab 1 Se 18, 010. 0 243, 164 “1168, 497 | 4d Outage rest. So) Se A a a aes 41, 651.2 20, 553 ot re 878} 73.0 i + : id dial f, City airadiacent territoryy. . uc. lew dees ewee se dees 336, 890. 0 294, 248 208, 72 | Oe Adjacent Vernilory ~~ eves. sh pias ta Ls Hagan 318, 880, 0- “61, 084° oo ute V26.50 : ; OFT} JG (22 & : WASHINGTON. : : {VAWU SeTTA q Metropolitan district....... La, Same Fe Chae weiss ns Sp 170, 146, 0 506, 588 | 380, 508 33.1 In city proper’... 22.227 .S2 Gy cBHAR BO See ts roe 38, 408. 4 437, 671-} 9% 381,069 ib 1327 2F Outside O60... 1 ES EG 2s AE Gy 131, 737. 6 69, O17 | -49, 439° nats 39.6 City and adjacent pariithery. NRE RISE: ag eae era “yee 567, 166. 2 540, 702 4 30. 8 Adjacentterritory 200 20. 2.08 esas ee is 528, 757. 8 108, 131. pat 82; 389 aS (257 ‘ A . : LOOSLEY * Lys " 1 A minus sign (—) denotes decreases = i 178: vu Lier imesilog tole WIVAG, ¢53 .. abt IU ~ 4 iols rath ore. Fie es sp fF LRITPIRS Pa é i hw a o iat. = al Oa RE SR aD eT PEL +o.» CITIES AND THEIR SUBURBS. 91 LABLE 19.—AREA AND POPULATION OF CENTRAL/CITY) AND OF ADJACENT TERRI- bene DBORY, FOR CITIES OF 100,000 TO 200,000 INHABITANTS:=°1920 AND) 1910. — , _ [The adjacent oo is the total suburban territory lying within a distance of approximately 10 miles beyond the limits of the central city.] {P opulation shown for central cities for each census year does not include that of annexations made sub- de ot aad to census date, but total population given for each district for 1920 and 1910 relates to same 2 rez8s 1D a ; POPULATION Area in DISTRICT. a u 0 2 1 BS jew ar a | 1920 1910, a A | See MIE NR Mk «ON | LE eH Amiga * Total for 29 Petridtd Sip cess ae 10,097,202. || 6,698,418 | 5,312,730 | ¢. Totalin central cities (30 Oe Re EE eli 469, 903. 0 4,143, 265, |... .,3, 165, 314 ¢, Total outside central cities..-..............--+---- 9, 627, 389. 3 fe 555, 153 2, 147, 416 : $i Q icra eerennnnnnneraas Edit ARES SNARE INS ae nate ding ray and Schesestad © fi uding bay Sb cheneeta y:) 9 Lak a Totalin city and outside. .............2........ cee ee 418, 195. 2 _ 382, 959 357, 467 ae REE OVE, ea Sa 11,924, 1 113, 344 100, 253 13.1 ‘a; Outside Alpany.......--.-.---. A eebilay foe 8 408, 271. 1 260) 615.|;.... 257,214 4.8 a : Beat Fe BIRMINGHAM. | ath aah Total in PA MPITOOE UBIO. 64) a2 cM cio cee os da oER awd 399, 443. 2 , 290, 884 208, 066 39. 8 h Mee eM TORU RIOR, 0s. yc ssa nk sot 31, 346. 6 178, 806 | 132, 685 34.8 » ; «, Outside city proper.....-.-.---2--.++-44--------+ r 368, 096. 6 112, 078 15,381 |. + (0548.7 > ae - Me fare “' BRIDGEPORT. bist O " Total i in ity OES Boe: ae es Seer 191, 130.0 || .-. 190,043. 132, 554 43.4 3 PR AEe DEQDEIy NOLOM IRS TET. 8. is cn eec nce cep ones 9,370. 0 143, 555 102, 054 40.7 ae _ Outside gity PIOpeas « Spebhy 2 = hon Rea sped. ob +s 181, 760. 0 46, 488, 80,500 |, 52. 4 * = tN ahetd Ey ‘ wIY f ; 4s LE / 286 3% DALLAS. ; ain ps4 Totalin city and Data Det ivveadoureea bias tp eeSd 123, 725. 0 184,515 112, 008 64.7 > Ry ee eee ee 14, 605. 0 158, 976 92, 104 72.6 a Outside Fity PPOPED..--.- 2. se sees eee eee eee see ee 109, 120. 0 25, 539 19, 904 28.3 Hi bop eh DAYTON. | Sven? ‘a ¥ Yotal in oity Piroummeset 37 _ Lips. ieee 347, 547. 0 210,177 163,646 |” 28.4 OP Cs eS 2 es ee 10, 107. 0 152, 559 116, 577 30. 9 Outside city peener PE oe a sao eg Ro Ge 337, 440. 0 ‘57,618 47, 069 22. 4 ial . *e Ny DES MOINES. | 2 laf agen ie ple a mien city and outside. -.........: fee on: pepe Pers 435, 069. 2 154231 ™ TT, 584 88.2 gL: ge ae ea ee 33, 597. 2 126, 468 86, 368 46. 4 . city-propier: 3... a2 855 AO Ws sp. 23s 401, 472. 0 27, 763 25, 216 10,1 | FALL RIVER-NEW BEDFORD, z i an ia cites Rina omdittet’. <. L eS. en ts 416, 404. 0 333, 130°|' ! 296,935 12.2 STA aos See es.d-acceheaes 21, 723. 0 120, 485. 119, 295 1.0 kas bo US Soleo tad lel SANS Si ee a es a ein Pen fare oe 12, 206. 0 gi 4 wy Wy i 96, 652 25. 4 _ Outside Fall River and New Bedford............. 382, 475. 0 91, 428 80, 988 12,9 / FORT WORTH. | 0% ebizhis Weotal in city and outside. ..................-.-22J..0. 299, 280.0 ||. 136, 691 93, 699 45,9 Begeaet Gilby DLOPEr 5. b. d ee eee eee ee dees 10, 553. 4 106) 482 738, 312 45, 2 m SUP BEY POS sc c: bane eo BSS Re: Bee 288, 726. 6 30, 209 20,387 |... 48.2 ut GRAND RAPIDS. . iki ‘Totalin COR (| a a 315, 360. 0 171, 204 145, 632 17.6 RRTIMEGY DTODED «oo. 5. 5 jb eee ee ere eee eese- 11, 211.0 |} 137, 634 112, 571 22.3 gp Oulsidp city proper.......-...--- or ee: Pee dee 304, 149. 0 33, 570 | 33,061}. 1.5 2 bee HARTFORD. : eT hs Ebeue 4 ‘otal in city and outside SORTS oo. Ue STS Ste eee Ne SERS 320, 057. 3 300, 423: 225, 024 33.5 LS ee eee eee 10, 162. 9 138, 036 98, 915 39. 6 . pe Ontaing eit proper. 1S Ri Fo TRIE BC 309, 894. 4 162, 387 126,109 1, 28.8 j 1986 + i bs 1 A:minus sign (-) denotes PEA bs pf 99 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. ’ A ! 1 TABLE 19.—_AREA AND POPULATION OF CENTRAL CITY AND OF ADJACENT TERRI- © TORY, FOR CITIES OF 100,000 TO 200,000 INHABITANTS: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. [See notes at head of this table, p. 91.] | é ¢ - POPULATION. Per cent © Areain | ofin- DISTRICT. ere : | mr iN 1920 1910 1920 HOUSTON. Rotalin-city and outside 27252. ars ate octet’ = 497, 504. 0 168, 351 103, 584 62.5 In CItY: Proper —.... 6 Ls ewe yeis d ao te tinoeertenenty 23, 338.0 138, 276 78, 800 75. 5 Outside city proper, ..... -s-=s delaen cenesep ss os 474, 166.0 30, 075 24, 784 21.3 LOWELL. | (Including Lawrence. ) | Totalin city and outside. 2...1..2.22c2.2.2c2..0.e eee 365, 108. 0 313, 206 283, 741 10.4 In. Lawellin ete eos ake te ae Reach ieee 8, 308. 0 112, 759 106, 294 6.1 Outside Lowell sociancs ake te Barinedb guna doe cu 356, 800. 0 200,447 | 177,447 13.0 MEMPHIS. : Totalin city atid‘outsidéw?S:.0.. Ube. ce 454, 098. 0 214, 169 181,143} 18.2 Inetey proper ts os Mao ae uns ok 14, 994. 0 162, 351 131, 105 23.8 Outside city propers:..: Wes Bese see. Sete hak 439, 104. 0 51, 818 50, 038 3.63 NASHVILLE, ‘ Total in dity'‘and outside) e Seen 347, 724. 8 169, 194 150, 902 12.1 In eity proper fc s2ee 708 Saas feb eae se et 11, 544.0 118, 342 110, 364 1.239 Outsidé-city proper: 2632 Sate. See secs tes 336, 180. 8 50, 852 40, 538 25.4 NEW HAVEN. , J Totalin cityand outswies oc Jos cece oan elas 229, 696. 0 264, 829 211, 640 25.8 . Rit att yeproper (42.205 52 ne, Sees Sk ee oe 11, 460. 0 162, 537 133, 605 21.7= Outshiaeity prover: . ..\ sce sete k seeees ane paeeaee - 218, 236. 0 102, 292 78, 035 31.19 NORFOLK. (Including Portsmouth and Newport News. ) Siptal icity Ane outmae.. ./ebite. dis. 2455 Sea eee: 269, 689. 6 || 303, 278 205, 445 47. TSOINOPIOLK Arc. > oe eh . on eae. cabs BESS 4,771.8 |} 115, 777 67, 452 71. Critcine Niariolir .!. Sor: eae tate oe Soe ae 264, 917.8 187, 501 137, 993 _ 35. OMAHA, / Total ineity and outside.:2. Sheed: ide eet Pee te 373, 330. 0 | 249, 999 207, 829 20. ey City? DLOper 2.5 sb. o. SR REY ae he abs ees 23,634.0 | ~° 191,601 124, 096 54. OUtSNAR CET DIGHEE . « agicisl'y'\ a chunreraes = ¢ a8 Bares 349, 696. 0 58, 398 83,733 —30, READING. ee: Povaliy city and Ouside>= seas se Le Soke wis woe Sees 314, 103. 5.’ 169, 655 153, 960 10. 2 I City proper. eit ccc Pee ee oe 6, 690. 7 107, 784 | 96, 071 12.2 Ontside cli proper. .: sae) sae Glee soos bag as 308, 012. 8 61, 871 | 57, 889 6.9 RICHMOND, 3 a we Totalin city and outsideé.........2.0.2. £5 RE oe 396, 224. 0 205, 807 168, 854 21. Th ky proper. Scr pal sae} gee iepen haces teget 2 15, 360. 0 171, 667 127, 628 34, Outaide city rope ts 58s cian das cewlemes nea 380, 864. 0 34, 140 41, —17, SALT LAKE CITY, Total in city and outside............-.- Ue eh ee 437, 504.0 150, 066 119, 903 25.2. RUCUY DEODOP.< bs lI parce es antes 32, 704. 0 118, 110 92,777 27. Oiriside City Proper... ps oc--\ seek anes adaceowtene- 404, 800. 0 31, 956 27, 126 17.3 SAN ANTONIO. | Totalin city'and outgide {0.02 Bee iii. 379, 366.1 191, 160 109, 852 74.0 ADCIEY DEODER 280. a CRE a de Sncgeuetane Leebek 22, 860.5 161,379 96,614 67.6 Outside ciby properiss -haiots: wees pean se on ee 356, 505. 6 29, 781 13, 238 125.0 SCRANTON. | MALI CY BUC OUTSIGR.. vcs si iun ce dee anccees tose 331, 446. 5 347, 793 314, 998 10.4 incity proper. 2... 2... 2... aeaptughmehgeh. (5 12, 361.7 137, 783 129, 867 6. 319, 084. 8 210,010 185, 131 13. RISO CIE YT DPOROEs o216, hn Soe at cores cate nW che wed 1 A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. CITIES AND THEIR SUBURBS. 93 TABLE 19.—AREA AND POPULATION OF CENTRAL CITY AND OF ADJACENT TERRI. TORY, FOR CITIES OF 100,000 TO 209,000 INHABITANTS: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. [See notes at head of this table, p. 91.] DISTRICT. So SPOKANE. Total ig city and OUubside 4. J. 2. ses aoe. oh IS 2. Pn Cty proper. -/-2< 4.44366 fag h s\seweewtere ceeeee et ROI LSIeR CLE y | PEOPON sie 3 ocr kak nee pga dete gai" | SPRINGFIELD, MASS, Potatin city ana oftside.)..504 bt. Soo A ae ively proper... 4525 BIG, 0 OFidtereeL YY DEOOr sf siek cS bee cad . SYRACUSE. Totalin @ty and Gitside. ff). Soi. SP0bis. te Rt POD OIER Ll foh oe bk g Oak shia ame vie te Outsidercity praner . (P25 841) bol. 2s... | ER as TRENTON. ODA PCLT aM OUTSICOs) <= wigs Sciee oorssoite SieeSne os ER ayo ey Std Vito, oa] ene ee a ek aan eae GIS PIM DIODEl. fas er os oo oe okt WILMINGTON. eral in City ald outside... -- 0 ees REE rR. 088 arin Sg} Se sine omy 2) Toe 28 Outsics etty properties oceans aks cee ate oe WORCESTER. POLAT CILY ANG OUESIIG .oi5 cb oe cee ew cence ecteet RE it ga ae PI Reames hte eae T IT UDEL te. oda sas sven se des ou. o YOUNGSTOWN. = Totalin citwand outside.s....... 2.008. aE ENE Pin ts em Sissi k aa Lio wba s ole sss twain mu 3's Outsiaecity propercesb...... 2G Rls eS | 1 A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. Area in acres: 1920 405, 600. 0 24) 819.0 389, 781.0 392, 003. 0 20, 451.0 371, 552. 0 325, 401.6 11; 782.0 313,619. 6 233, 386. 0 4,490.0 228, 896. 0 243, 496.7 4) 495. 1 239, 001.6 398, 953. 6 23,731. 0 375, 222. 6 436, 446. 0 15, 902. 0 420, 544.0 POPULATION. 1920 1910 127, 492 124, 838 104, 437 104) 402 23, 055 20; 436 332, 762 258, 092 1207614 88,926 203, 148 189, 166 227, 562 185, 327 171, 717 137, 249 55, 845 48,078 181, 197 143, 297 119, 289 96, 815 61, 908 46, 482 171, 703 134,904 110, 168 87,411 61, 535 47) 493 268, 551 228, 271 179, 754 145, 986 88,797 82, 285 287, 387 {79,535 132, 358 79; 066 155,029 100, 469 ‘Per cent | ofin- crease: l 1910- 1920 8 Less than one-tenth of 1 percent. 94 ¢ 4 ABSTRACT’ OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. PATA OY = . r LiPo Ree JanT COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION.’ TABLE 20,—COLOR OR RACE, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1790-1920. [Figures are given under each class for all census years for whichrdataare available. ] COLOR. OR. RACE. _- J CENSUS Negro . ; ' YEAR. e i> ats — “aT Total <4 , Chi- | Japa-.| All population.|| _ White: | Indian. | nese... | nese. |.other. Total. Black. | Mulatto. / : Sham jose 1920...... 105, 710, 620 || 94; $20,915 |10/463y131|| 8, 802,577 | 1,660,554 | 244,437 | -61, 639 [111,010 |1 9,489 1910...../ 91, 972, 266 || 81,731,957 | 9,827,763 || 7,777,077 | 2,050,686 | 26®,683 | 71,5314 72,157 | 23,175 19005. 02.4 75, 994,575 || 66, 809,196 | 8/833,9944|......-.-.-[.-.2.. 2.2. |. 237,196 | 89,863) | 24,326 Jiu... EO So sand 62, 947,714 || 55,101,258 |37, 488, 676 || 6,337,980 | 1,132,060 | 248, 253 | 107,488 | 2,039 }....... 2SRO. can't 50, 155, 783 || 43, 402,970 | 6,580,793 |)..-..------|..--------- 466,407 | 105, 465 tt 18705. _... 38, 558,371 || 33,589,377 | 4,880,009'|| 4,295,960 | 584,049 |. 425,731 | -63,199 | = 56 fxiicie” * 1870 5. . .|89, 818, 449 || $4, 387; 292 | 6,899,172 ||.......----|-..-2----0- 425,781 |. 68,1994 196643 0... 1860, 2... : 81, 443,321 || 26,922,537 | 4,441,830 || 3, 853, 467 588, 363 |.444,021 |. 34;9383)|22.. s2sfurt.... 1850...../] 23,191,876 || 19,553,068 | 3, 638, 808 || 3,233,057 | 405,751 |......:..|c-ccesvselumeaeeelassunae 1840...... 17, 069,453 |] 14,195,805 | 2,873,648 ||. ..4...<---}o<-wayne= oo] oases een 193038 12, 866, 020 || 10;587}378 | 2/828/0424|....2...-.-|.2.........)...--.-+c|abeebuo de IBM: 62s) 9; 638, 453 || £95 866; 797 | ASVTESGSS |... 5. | acne qeccunlencne-onnfamenel wea It 1plo.... 7, 239, 881° |] 460862, 073 |1/B77PSOSY!.... 2... |. cisco. cele ) 1500. 4. 5,308, 483 Ih. 4,306,446 |i, 002, O87 ||... j...2..-]oas-vececes]a-. +s ah alieneeeeeennnnes 1790...... 3,929, 214 || 3,172,006 | 757, 208. |\. 2. <..2+-|.5> ene -c+dh «OT OE Re DECADE. Total population. IS1O=1926 2-2 oe. 13, 738, 354 1900-1910........... 15, 977, 691 1890-1900-....2.-... 13, 046. $61 1880+1890. 250.02... 8 125466, 467 1870-1880. .022. COi..) 1195079492 1870-1880 6......| 10,837,334 1860-18706... 8, 375, 128 WOO—ESLO oS weces csc 7, 115, 050 1850-1860..........: 8, 251, 445 1840-1850. ....2..... 6, 122, 423 BS0-LS40 ee ee. 4, 203, 433 ER20-1830 022 eke. 3, 227, 567 1810-1820. .......... 2, 398, 572 1SOC-EBIG eo ree. 1, 981, 398 1790-18002. 2 ee. 1, 379, 269 INCREASE,’ BY COLOR OR RACE. Chinese. _ White. Negro. Indian. 13,088,958 | 635,368] —21,246| —9,802| 38, 14,922,761 | 993, 769 28, 487 |v: 948) 3321) 11, 707,938 | 1,345,318! —11,057| —17,625 9 11,580,920 | % 839,247 | 9 —7601|.. 92,010 9,813, 598'| 1,700,784 | 4 40,676 42, 266 9,065,678 | 1,188,621| 440,676 42, 266 7,414,765 | 950,842 | 4-18 290| 28, 266 6,666,840 | 438,179 | 4—18, 290 28, 266 7,369,469 | 303,022| 444,021 é 5, 357, 263 | ~” 765, 160 |... |. -; -. «| -seneee dines 6) sean 3°@58,427} 545,006 |..-. 2... -..}.-00 eee 2,670,581 |. 556,986, |..:.....cuc.|c. ose tote, te . 2, 004,724]. 393,848 |...-2c00csea]-o umeuegeanil nnn 1, 585,687 | ~~ 375,771 |... cs 3. 4 eee ee a a Jsgeme joe cage 1,134,440 | 244) 829 * 1 Comprises 5,603 Filipinos, 2,507 Hindus, 1,224 Koreans, 110 Hawaiians, 19 Malays, 17 Siamese, Samoans, and 2 Maoris. 2 Comprises 160 Filipinos, 2,545 Hindus, 462 Koreans, and 8 Maoris. 8 Includes 18, 6836 Negroes enumerated in Indian Territory, not distinguished as black or mulatto. 4 Exclusive of Indiansin Indian Territory and on Indian reservations, not enumerated at censuses prior y to 1890 5 Asenumerated. 6 Estimated corrected figures. Enumeration in 1870 incomplete. 7 A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. 8 Figures for 1890 are exclusive of 325,464 persons (117,368 whites, 18,636 Negroes 13 Chinese), specially enumerated in Indian Territory and on Indian reservations. 9 See note 8. , 189,447 Indians, and . 95 tore Sia PER CENT PER CENT OF TOTAL~ -- PER CENT OF INCREASE! SINCE : OF TOTAL Sale rt NEGRO. PRECEDING CENSUS. ox eT} ¢ Pog id | Boe bel Peete temp hel et Boye a Aas sa &. S é & bo} a = = | < —Q a Z A | 'S 5 aes | 32 bes ij ; J As rE & } ( } x7 : . -)Ra68e | 4 a 618 68 ried ey : : ‘ i SI t = { ' ’ 12) owe - *3 i 5.33 : (Shr ‘ y i 8 t = 3 pee : ag : f Tae Ge is ; ; OGl SR, eases See Rye res goied eq tod rf { WL CE 96 ABSTRACT OF THE’ CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 21.—NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE OF TOTAL POPULATION AND Figures are given under each class for all census years for which data are available. The term ‘ ‘native at : a acente foreign born; and ‘‘mixed parentage,’”’ those FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION. NATIVE POPULAR: POPULATION. CLASS OF POPULATION AND CENSUS YEAR. vy AHO Mixed) || Native 3 . : . : Mixed Native. Foreign Native Foreign Foreign : born. . || parentage. | parentage. song parent-| parentage. er et ay Al Total: iy TO 20 eS ee 2 91,789,928 |13, 920,692 || 68,994,682 |15, 764, 366 |7, 030, 880 13, 832, 797 87, 895 Tees a 78, 456,380 |13, 515, 886 || 59,491, 427 |12, 949, 181 |6, 015, 772 13, 429,955 | 85,931 OOO Ki te 65, 653, 299 10, 341, 276 49, 956, 178 |10, 650, 802 |5, 046, 319 10, 269, 085 | 62, 733 1800.2 53, 698, 154. |\ 249, 560: Ike? Us... 2hs]..ecceceuet |: deabaler diebeebine heb men eLIs nm 1880 SPR ol ae 43, 475, 840 6, 679, 943 ee ee ee ee ee fee 1870 232 25 32, 9917 142 |: GROG, 220 Hit... cacead oleecabtina’eect {asso bedemal ieee Ch inCR Minna oo 1a acre a feeo 27, 304, B24 |'4; 1R8, DF fies lic son sheleceetlesteeblecestore oadllecesh Mtge bdodas 4 so | = Se 1850 2 etethia on we 20, 947, 274 2, 244, 602 ee soewedmescclee-s Sag White: ; bo | PU eae eel 81,108, 161 |13, 712,754 |) 58,421,957 |15, 694, 539 |6,991, 665 13,627,161 | 85,593 LOLOL Se ke 68, 3386, 412 13, 345, 545 49, 488, 575 12 916, 311 5 981, 526 13, 261, 666 | 83, 879 A900 vik ret oy 56, 595, 379 10, 213, 817 40, 949, 362 10, 632; 280 5, 013, 737 10, 143, 607 | 61, 356 1200 3 Se 45, 979, 391 9° 121, 867 34, 475, 716 8 085, 019 3, 418, 656 8,926, 762 | 89, 206 EB8Os essa Jeb 36, 843, 291 6, 559, 679 28) 568, 424 6, 363, 769 L 911, O08 i}. cf ateiivel to.eviaubeS Ee EIQ se oe co 28, 095, 665 S 493, 712 22) 771, 397 4, 167, 098 rE 157, 170 Whe Ee cuckescael inane LRG es amr 22, 825, 784 4 096, (58-ioken ool iOdsa.uii as Leech ieee eee Jost Sis asl ee 1850 See ams wale/s 17, 312, 533 2, 240, 535 ie eoeee jo Sec fadeonceve sw ledioan was allsisicle eo e's eles wialss « 6% e@eleae e@eee Negro: 19002 3S e 10, 389, 328 73, 803 |} 10,334, 151 25,843 | 29,334 72,630 | 1,173 FOIG 3 Se 9, 787, 424 40,339 || 9/748) 439 14,560 | 24,425 38, 887 | 1, 452 TOG se. i, 8, 813, 658 20, 336 || 8,779, 267 9,198 | 25,193 18, 690 108 Indian: i ‘ 15°. 6 A A a 238, 138 6, 299 230, 410 2, 719 5, 009 6, 137 162 WOMes og... et 262, 930 2 753 253, 481 1,900 7, 549 , 407 348 Cs | ema se 234, 983 2) 213 227, 272 1, 358 6, 353 1,937 229 Chinese ‘ DOR) seen cg 18, 5382 43,107 2,391 11,952 4,189 42, 210 897 LOS ea 14,935 56, 596 "738 12, 076 2,121 56, 368 228 A214 6 So Sa 9,010 80, 853 245 7, 762 1,003 12 80, 817 24 Japanese: Tee aS 29, 672 81, 338 212 28, 948 512 }/ (4) 81, 276 62 1) | Ea emer OE 4,502 67, 655 44 4,313 145 (1) 67, 629 26 POOD ue nna Se 269 24° 057 32 204 33 7 24, 034 16 All other: 3 ROA os oe ee 6, 097 3, 391 5, 561 365 171 (4) 3,383 8 POLO Be 2s ecb s 177 2; 998 150 21 6 (@) 2,998 a 1In 1920 and 1910 all persons born in foreign territory, both parents being natives of the United 2 Enumeration in 1870 incomplete. : 3 $ § § { 5 Ch COLOR OR RACE, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAGE. is OF EACH COLOR OR RACE CLASS, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1850-1920. 97 ‘” arentage”’ includes those persons having both parents native; “foreign parentage,”’ those having both ving one parent native and the other foreign born.] PER CENT OF TOTAL OF EACH CLASS. NATIVE OF Ne CLASS. . CLASS OF POPULATION : : ox ; Foreign-born F co AND. .Population. || Native population. ; Native. “CENSUS YEAR. population. Soins 3 3 Py 3 Ps 3 3 & ba | &2 |ta| S2 | gz] £2 | 82 es | 58 |S8) 58/23] 33 | 58 % ec |e Total ee 65.3 | 14.91 67 |] 13.1 )°0.1 |}. 75.2) 17.2 BRO PIDIO! 2. | 64.7 | 14.1] 6.511 146] O11) 75.8] 16.5 1900-2. ...2: 65.7 | 14.0} 6.6 || 13.5] 0.1 || 76.1] 16.2 EE TS 9 hee catan apps ebay leery rere |r ee ree Pees | Cae eee ere STG STR Sc U9 Gi SE, aie a |e 0 oo | 5 LE 5 aE Bi coe AE ER SI RR SSE RR | SUNSET | ene ee i IES SR Se acs Me RNR RD NN PESTER | De os ae | ee ee e) 1850-.-..1-.} 90.3 |° 97 Ie..--.|..-2.-- Ee |e A eee eae White: | ce bee, | 2.) ee 85.5 | 14.5 || 61.6] 16.6| 7.4 |} 14.4] 0.1 |] 72.0| 19.4 A ae 83.7 | 16.3 || 60.5 | 15.8) 7.3 |} 162} O14 || 724] 18.9 me 19a: -.| 84.7] 15.3 |) 61.38 | 15.9}. 7.5 |] 15.2 |-0.1 || 72.4} 18.8 wis90 23) S 83.4] 16.6 || 62.6] 14.7| 6.2]| 16.2] 0.2/1 75.0] 17.6 eS oe ea Se ah YM ae Me | 77.5°| 17.8 me te7oeos 2 Tt 93.6 4°116.4 67.8} 12.4. 3.4410 ore 81.0} 14.8 A aa OD woe AOR MUSES ieee gn SD coe: SPRL Sa | Pe: eee os CS de ls 6 con RRS i Coa Bees Ole | eee 9 SIG | ane nee es Negro: : Br OM: : i..|. 99.3] 0.7/1 988] 02] 03]} 0.71 (@) || 995] 0.2 al aia 99.6 | 0.4 |] 99.2] 011 0.2]] 04] (3) || 99.6) 01 a 1900. - 0...) 99.8] 0.2 |] 99.4] 0.1) 0.3] 0.2] (3) || 99.6]. 0.1 Indian ES aaa SS 97.41/° 26]) 94.3] 171-20] 251/01] 96:8) 11 ST Dee ti 99.0} 10] 95.4] 0.712811 09] 011] 96.4] -07 J | gee 99.1] 0.9] 95.8] 06) 2711 O8] 0.1 ]] 967) 06 mese: ae 30.1] 69.9 || 3.9] 19.4]. 6.8]] 68.5} 1.5 |] 12.9} 64.5 SEL ae a 20.9] 79.1} 1.0] 16.9] 3.0]] 7838] 0.3 ]] 491} 80.9 * prone tS 10.0] 90.0} 03) 86] 11] 8991) () 2.7 | 86.1 Japanese: ! f me 1920-7)... ) 26.7 | 73.3 || 0.2 | 26.1] 0.5 || 73-2] 0.1 || 07] 97.6 , 5.) ae 6.2} 93.8] 0.11 - 6.0) 0.21) 93.74 (3) 1.0) 95.8 ie igqoeet = = 7277S 11} 989]| 0.171 08] 0.1]/ 988] 0.1 ]| 11.9] 75.8 Proxies: % pert i 64.3 | 35.7 || 586] 3.8] 1.81] 35.7] O1 |] 91.2}- 6.0 eae 5.61944 ]/ 471 0.7 0.2 |) 944 Lo... 84.7} 11.9 PER CENT OF TOTAL PER CENT OF TOTAL FOR- EACH || EIGN BORN OF EACH CLASS. Foreign born. o o } g2| 24 | 32 = | ee eR oO oD ® as leg | a8 Ay oy ay ye 99, 4 0.6 7% 99. 4 0.6 ae 99.3 0.6 8.6 99, 4 0.6 8.7 99, 4 0.6 8.9 99.3 0.6 7.4 97.9 1.0 De PH SPSS Et Aa Aid oh bee GS 0.3 98, 4 1.6 0.2 96. 4 3.6 0.3 91.9 5.4 24 97.4 2 2.9 87.4-} 12.6 Qi 87.5 | 10.3 22.6 97.9 D1 14,2 99.6 0.4 11. 100.0 | () LF 99.9 01 3.2 || 100.0 | (3) 12.3 99.9 O1 2.8 99.8 0. 2 Be4 4) TOO SOFT | tes, were Classified as American citizens born abroad and were included in the native class. #Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 75108 °—22-—7 = LpReeaune—k 98 TABLE 22 rae ay ite popula- DIVISION AND STATE. elon: 1920 United States. 2.2500. 22.2 105, 710, 620 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New siitiglandie.: ats. iG - 7, 400, 909 Middle Atlantic... .22......55- 22, 261, 144 East North Central..2.......... “21, 475, 548 West North Central. ......i..:. 12, 544, 249 South’ Atlantic.) 23... eta ce 13, 990, 272 Hast South Central........2.... 8, 893, 307 West South Central............ 10, 242, 224 Mauatain §. 3.4. 8a 3,336, 101 Paviiiges W505 teehee es 5, 566, 871 NEW ENGLAND: BE SUIGis Var an.) 2h eee ook eee 768, 014 New Hampshire 443, 083 WOTIAON Dll sy on oh Une ons ae ees 352, 428 Massachusetts: 2 3; us sacetece ce 3, 852, 356 Rhode Island... o)incnissnulaameaire 604, 397 COMMOCHICUCE. w2'gs ac ieuioeics semen 1 380, 631 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: Newsork? =o eb. ss Soe, 10, 385, 227 NewrJansey 0. os .4 he bd Oe 3. 155, 900 Pennsylvania :....2.%5.-. dbs 2. 8, 720, 017 East NORTH CENTRAL: TO aco de fa Bn od ib b tia steepdeiee 5, 759, 394 Br 0 We 5 ae Hey tS MAR SD i SARA Ye | 2,930, 390 BGS ass os a a digs = kak ae 6, 485, 280 MIRON -s2 5 << - ne eee 3, 668, 412 WVESGODSETE 222 I. oo inten 2, 632, 057 WEsT NorRTH CENTRAL Minnesota. . 6.8. 5.5 ib. <2) Behe 2 2, 387, 125 Lowe. jg: - $2 ¢. & sS.40- -- eee 2,404, 021 MISSOUE Nac bs oss ao sotto om che eegione 3, 404, 055 North Dakota...........- ME fic 646, 872 South Dakotas... 5.5 - tsb Gades 636, 547 NebEaska !0 Bo 3. Ss eo EO 1, 296, 372 PCAN SHG. bi. Me od wih old «da betscibles 1, 769, 257 SouTtH ATLANTIC POawares del Sh. va. seems 223, 003 Marviand 0% 22.3.5 .bis.. tebe. 1, 449, 661 District of Columbia. ........-. 437, 571 VitohbAs. $2. f4-!) 5 ds ocieRa kh a 2, 309, 187 West Varginias..1'.° 2. tees o 463, 701 NoarthCarolineso8..'.\.2 sesame 2, 559, 123 South Carolina....1.......0.. 1,683, 724 Qeprpyhan. 1. o. 6, 0.0 ap cds ds - « 2, 895, 832 Plorggas. 1 Fos. : 5 sas ego 968, 470 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL: Remick ss. shee oe 2, 416, 630 Tennessee: o. 6.231 uk ce fees See 2, 337, 885 Alabama. s' a: i ocr eee. dane 2; 348, 174 NISSISSIP PLE sess aes oa seeiae oe 1 790, 618 WEstT SouTd CENTRAL: Arkansas.iccoodinc. o€e side be iut 1,752, 204 TABBRIAS oe 1... rectus + apnea ia’ L 798, 509 OKIignOm ate Ue seals eee 2, 028, 283 MORAG i nae see bee wen Geen 4, 663, 228 MOUNTAIN Ties vitae ch: GNM Bee Oe cana cS ep Y 548, 889 BSMIO KG 5s sn Boe RAE Reo 431, 866 Pe YOUNIS... oan wan es veel omee 194, 402 TEN Ua NR lame nce a mer ep 939, 629 INOW MexICOs is sete nse 82 Sucieee 360, 350 ARO O Fee as Sos oa eee 334, 162 MUO CAM wes. <. sioke echt cet vole eames 449, 396 PEA > ale cuisacae amie SC ape 77, 407 PACIFIC: OY BSNL chia as a's eeu inn ep 1, 356, 621 OPORO okie tc aol tec bcaesanden 783, 389 CORTON TIO 7. Fae nee kn cs s Koa eat 3, 426, 861 —— White. 7,316, 079 21, 641, 840 is 938, 862 12, 225, 387 9, 648, 940 6, : 367, 547 8, 115, 727 3, 212, 899 5, 353, 634 765, 695 442, 331 351, 817 3, 803, 524 593, 980 1, 358, 732 10, 172, 027 3, 037, 087 8, 432, 726 5, 571, 893 2) 849, 071 6, 299, 333 3, 601, 627 2,616, 938 2, 368, 936 2, 384, 181 3, 225, 044 639, 954 619, 147 1, 279, 219 1,708, 906 192,615 1, 204, 737 326, 860 1,617, 909 1, 377, 235 1, 783, 779 818, 538 1,689, 114 638, 153 2, 180, 560 1, 885, 993 1, 447, 032 853, 962 1,279, 757 1, 096, 611 1) 821, 194 3,918, 165 534, 260 425, 668 190, 146 924° 103 334, 673 291, 449 441, 901 70,699 1,319, 777 769, 146 3, 264, 711 94, 820,915 |10, 463, 131 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——-POPULATION, -—COLOR OR RACE, NATIVITY, AND COLOR OR RACE. Chi- nese. In- dian. Japa- | All Negro. nese. |other. 244, 437 | 61, 639 [111,010 | 9,488 a 79,051] 1)715| 3,602] 347] 115 600,183 | 5,940 | 8,812] 3,266 | 1,103 514,554 | 15,695| 5,043| '927| 462 278,521 | 37,263] 1,678] 1,215| 185 4,325,120] 13,673| 1,824| 7360] 355 2) 593/532] 1,628} 542 35| 28 2,063,579 | 60,618 | 1,534] 578 | . 188 30,801 | 76,899 | 4,339 | 10,792] 371 47,790 | 31,011 | 34, 265 | 93, 490 | 6,681 1,310 839 | 161 7 2 621 28 95 S dps ; 572 24 il 7h eer 45,466 | 555] 2,544] 191 10, 036 110} 295 35/11 21, 046 159| 566] 102} 26 198,483 | 5,503} 5,793| 2,686 |. 735 117, 132 100] 1,190} 325] 66 284° 568 337| 1,829] 255} 302 186, 187 151| 941] 130] 92 80, 810 125| 283 81}. 20 182) 274 194] 2,776|° 472| 231 60,082} 5,614] 792%] 184] 113 5,201 | 9,611] 251 60 6 8,809 | 8,761] . 508 85 |. 26 19,005 529 | 235 29|. 42 178, 241 17i| 412] 135] | 52 °467 | 6,254) 124 72 1 832 | 16,384| 142 38 4 13,242 | 97888]. 189] 804]. 30 57,925 | . 2,276 68 52| 30 30, 335 2 43 Stone 244 479 32 | 371 29]. "43 109, 966 37| 461] -103| 144 690, 017 s24| 278 56 | 103 86, 345 7 98 10 6 763,407 | 11,824 88 24 1 864719 304 93 15} 55 1, 206, 365 125] 211 9 8 329) 487 518} 181| 106| 25 235, 938 57 62 9]. Gl 451,758 56 57 She ol 900; 652 405 59 18 8 935,184 |~° 1,105| 364 |...... a ae 472, 220 106 | 113 5 1a 700, 257 |. 1,066 38 57 18 149, 408 | 57,337] 26 67 741,694] 2109] 773} © 449 1,658 | 10,956} 872| 1,074 920| 3,098] 585] 1,569 1,375| 1,343| 252] 1,194 1177318} 1,383] 291] 2) 464 5,733 | 19,512] 171] 251 8,005 | 32,989] 1,137] 550 1,446| 2711] °342| 2,936| 60 346] 4907] 689] °754| 19 6,883 | 9,061 | 2,363 17, 387 27144] 4590] 3,090]. 4,151 38, 763 17,360 | 287 812 | 71,952 | 5,263 COLOR OR RACE, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAGE. PARENTAGE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920. 3 = ; WHITE POPULATION BY NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE. ed DIVISION AND STATE. Grocrararc DIVISIONS: __ East North Central __» West North Central _ South Atlantic... __ East South Central _ West South Central bey ENGLAND: CdS) ee New Hampshire. 7 mivermont......:... ib: Rhode Island We. -§ ye ew ‘York......... ew Jersey........ 2 SParnsylvatio. Tree | East NORTH CENTRAL: Le eS ecesces 2 Goon Gin a -. South Dakota. .... Belotraska aces. . a i hata be opi pal ak 2 nn outh Carolina. ... Mreorgiay oi... Mie e MORI. 5). OE.) = pe: ec 8 _ Mississippi........ VEST eg CENTRAL: Ar Kansas. ......... ee eT rs + | United States. .| 91, 789, 928 /13, 920, 692 NATIVITY. Native. 5, 514, 964 17, 300, 726 18, 243) 402 11, 168, 596 13, 659, 735 8, 820, 318 9, 777, 396 2, 868, 481 4, 436, 310 660, 200 351, 686 307, 870 2, 763, 808 429, 208 1, 002; 192 7, 559, 852° 2,413, 414 327, 460 5, 078, 942 2,779, 062 5, 274, 696 2, 939, 120 2, 171, 582 1, 900, 330 1, 145, 707 2, 330, 147 1, 782, 210 1, 738, 067 1, 752, 082 1, 987, 851 4, 299, 396 453, 298 391, 119 167, 835 ~820, 491 330, 542 253, 596 390, 196 61, 404 Foreign orn. 467, 620 ph 130, 561 107, 814 91, 397 44, 558 1, 088, 548 "175, 189 378, 439 2, 825, 375 742, 436 & 392) 507 680, 452 151, 328 1, 210, 584 29, 292 460, 485 486, 795 225, 994 186, 835 131, 863 82, 534 150, 665 110, 967 19, 901 103, 179 29, 365 31, 705 62, 105 7, 272 6, 582 16, 564 53, 864 30, 906 15, 648 18, 027 8, 408 14, 137 46, 427 40, 432 363, 832 95, 591 40, 747 26, 567 119, 138 29, 808 80, 566 59, 200 16, 003 265, 292 107, 644 757, 625 Total. 81, 108, 161 5, 445, 425 16, 729, 265 17, 715, 583 10, 853, 426 9, 333, 020 6, 295, 608 7, 656, 394 2, 759, 674 4, 319, 766 658, 346 351, 098 307, 291 2, 725, 990 420, 481 982, 219 7, 385, 915 2, 298, 474 7, 044, 876 4, 893, 196 2, 698, 208 5, 092, 382 2, 874, 992 2, 156, 810 1, 882, 772 “2, 158, 534 3, 039, 018 508, 451 536, 756 1, 129, 567 1, 598, 328 172, 805 1, 102, 560 298, 312 1, 587, 124 1, 315, 329 1, 776, 680 812, 137 1, 672, 928 595, 145 2, 149, 780 1, 870, 515 1, 429, 370 845, 943 1, 265, 782 1, 051, 740 1, 781, 226 3, 557, 646 440, 640 386, 705 164, 891 807, 149 305, 596 213, 350 385, 446 55, 897 1, 069, 722 666, 995 2, 583, 049 Native white. Native parent- age. 2; 887, 387 495, 780 225, 512 228, 325 1, 230, 773 173, 553 449, 206 8, 668, 266 1, 212; 675 4, 750, 071 3, 669, 122 2, 329, 544 3, 066, 563 1, 670, 447, 1, 054, 694 827, 627 1,528, 553 2, 536, 936 207, 966 308, 598 757, 064 1, 308, 804 139, 876 893, 088 239, 488 1, 534, 494 1, 232, 857 1, 765, 203 799, 418 1, 642, 697 532, 295 2, 039, 134 1, 832, 757 1, 394, 129 826, 762 1, 226, 692 941, 724 1, 679, 107 3, 112, 262 275, 803 294, 252 122, 884 603, 041 |. 273, 317 151, 145 245, 781 36, 285 711, 706 — 497, 726 i, 677, 955 Foreign parent- age. 99 Mixed parent- age. Foreign- born white. _—_ | |... 58,421, 957 |15, 694, 539 1, 906, 340 5, 397, 951 4, 043, 692 2, 126, 126 353, 643 115, 484 415, 799 451, 132 884, 372 86, 150 81, 039 42, 100 1, 093, 258 182, 660 421, 133 2, 844, 083 829, 058 1, 724, 810 838, 251 227, 066 1, 467, 036 775, 288 736, 051 708, 126 376, 710 300, 064 203, 973 141, 341 231, 948 163, 964 23, 288 276, 670 101, 918 47, 920 25, 234 130, 059 18, 865 39, 534 75, 901 11, 701 214, 618 95,827 573,.927 6, 991, 665 735, 936 1, 700, 302 1, 881, 521 ¥, 251, 752 199, 961 64, 268 111, 880 873, 566 256, 741 569, 995 385, 823 141, 593 558, 783 429, 257 366, 065 347, 019 253, 271 202, 018 96, 512 86, 817 140, 555 125, 560 9, 641 66, 269 23, 695 22, 116 49, 036 143, 398 73, 442 331, 167 13, 712, 754 1, 870, 654 4,912, 575 3, 223, 279 1, 371, 961 315, 920 71, 939 459, 333 453, 225 ils 033, 868 107, 349 2, 736, 112 738, 613 ts 387, 850 678, 607 150, 868 1, 206, 951 726, 635 460, 128 486, 164 225, 647 186, 026 131, 503 82, 391 149, 652 110, 578 19, 810 102; 177 28, 548 30, 785 61, 906 7, 099 6, 401 16, 186 43, 008 30, 780 15, 478 17, 662 8, 019 13, 975 44, 871 39, 968 360, 519 250, 055 102) 151 681, 662 ——<—- " = ae OTS: ee sith fa Wa 28 Sano Se acd 5 eta on Se t dgiaaeie val x © son DAD CO < ‘ nie joa) Ko & ri ~ J : ow = 8 See © || . ea ee Zz sho re 5° Alton 2. eae o@eoN a o ' a Seas . pee Sag iit es See ts. 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Se i - to o NS oa tae ee os nt ey : bn ics” _ ceo z rr & ote at oS 6 6 ~o 09 = S200 BQean ae H Z ; > in a) is o° 1B. © 5 S25 ] mo AS os! Soenae : ae aa] ~ 5 oo Seen asaees ase of civiaisgd gees Lee ee oO Cohen = A ae = An SNS 4 peels: (ora) Pe Pe TAS 2e2° Koc oo = f =a < So ore & S53 = ees ais ao ako gsauee et Raye dc Sue om ai 3 Eee ~ eee ) ee, Sage ae sone = od his y= arog as ees © 04 SAS ‘ nine os A ; a Seas ers + 4S SIS of ae 2 ae ~ H ra fag ROS . = Yn) sae 64 ON i" <4 o bebe oo RKO Ea iya) = > fp PHD ibe i HN ms 6B ri 09 y CLD H se 6 So 4c 4 Sor eae agen : “ Bo fe 1GR ES ws ie 03 0915 On - i > 4 ALY re & os oO Sri nia oo OS OTS RSH +0 Ne) per oor Bsc se < BO a $ ¥ TSoies acy x Gsacnae ZEEE ° BAS ma 4 sd 2A =) ; of ey = op x 1 Scheid - a Bs nN oo fi na a i © rid nN Gaase vidi 4 ae SSS Bed fre “pa as ae ee SES ve $228 oo pee Ss a8 dicunig Bg | = ee see & aa sed aoe ¢ Hage dug of aa M4 = | SSS oc ess oats cosa Te) 6 bs 5 caw has tr 5 SS Ng nN on SS * ~ aa cf [oral 9 46 00 ares * < Ze i B DN na a _ SESS o Sis tabes £ $s Do SS Aas” ett Fa cum REESE SR aie tose BLA rn OF Srecede Seidel fond Tess Pet ddaece ss DOO 8 F538 Oo” rH I 5 Sen Tock) tot PE 09 Sea (om) poe spel ae ee on (ea) 1 Or ASH 2 : Snes : aa oe S oS > oD aes ere. aan =H w od to] Sedo a © ot a aaa ‘es ee 5 lH rics Om os = gs ob aks aa ° a] % = as S 8S ts ‘ & Rs 2 mons - Roll = S700 co Oo wm EERE Ee . AE see ° Seas AN ao forhon) SS 5 Bre ois o 3 rm o ceesees eaters: oie OS ~ te Bose oO <# oh Loe Bes tH est Q a Aas Sas ‘ ue Sab ‘a4 Se Oo Sig — Ses st aces co a Q “ : eeccees Sas aa Se Ppa eens Baud # aeons a 2 Agsces v4 ar _ ANA a ee no Lore x das lorelan) Oo A> bc SBr ~ 5 a goer ith comes : SEE Bago #09 ba Wty 2s Sig os ot. 3 5 < ee ig iee2 ereccee 333 gussee Ses Oo Sid Sed = Um | ~ Spt ee ae Oo R28 eS set be te as er ’ ‘ DO : oOo os N on bd A geese s eae. ss else : 2 ot od ak Seok bee ae oO sacs z gas | doa Ago aon Seah Oo tell aad faa) q ess Ea SABE Pee A ‘ 2, es ‘ : S . ‘ . ev 'e sv = Ean} Oc rn —H o- Ay jeeps tere’ fags aaa qaae eI oy eee . aebas aft eats iis Pibiin: hopper ree Achat oD Oo Or qd se go aim f ‘ fra Oo: oo Sey Se54 as . co . © S paar ae d hacual, ee Oe f= os 3 3 By Ss Sa E Bes a8 ppigdst 5 Pibids toes nro 60 O> Sol q ae ie SSs uk Bien Pg Past : Se5e oS) = J Te ame as : rao clon n : ZZ atoidedldn ee Qin os a 3 =| Oy wa diactlant Ses Oo 2 C69 g Ss “BERS Lamy Od cd a: SPLGELEL ERE ers < Aas sen d [ae88 5 gs ae Pigdis IS 615 8 EEEEUEEE =e <2 ale Sis ee : o & WY ~ iow) Ba Be ‘ Z ‘ ae | ‘ BS Of fei See: =: ‘mee ; Ac ' . . 4 , ve . ’ . . eI bgs8 ae cangs . yt ae Vs : ; 5 c. SOS a . O . . 1, 1 : 5 We e BoM poze i ee leas! ieee 4 ae ee nut : ws Lacs SgEEEVES EE beige dad oe ‘ os fet 5 eee pao. ‘ SB be td } ee seeneee eeeee wm aE dagdaa 3 SEAS AH EEE EEE asrens i lalla tts es Pit »... POPULATION, BY DIVISIONS AND. STATES: 1920 AND 1910. N ‘AND STATE. Total popula- tion.! -_ United States . 105, blebs 620 |/$4, 820,915 |10,463,131° P Ott th OSs, C- - GEOG..DIVISIONS: | New England..... 7, 400, 909 Middle Srepa ee. 22,261,144 oe orth Central. 21,475, 543 ee North Central. 12, 544, 249 © South Atlantic. .. ||13, 990, 272 | 12 028, 283 ye Te BS... 2 np seas 4, 663, 228 White. 7, 316, 079 21, 641, 840 20, 938, 862 9} 225, 387 S 648, 940 6, 367, 547 8, 115, 727 3, 212, 899 5, 353, 634 765, 695 442331 351, 817 3,803, 524 “593, 980 1, 358,'732 10, 172, 027 571, 893 2, 368, 936 2, 384, 181 3, 225, 044 639,954 619, 147 1, 273, 219 1, 708, 906 192, 615 lj 204, 737 "326, 860 1, 617, 909 L 377, 235 1, 733, 779 "818, 538 1 689, 114 ” 638, 153) 2, 180, 560 1, 885; 993 1, 447, 032 ” $53, 962 1, 279, 757 L 096, 611 L 821,194 3, 918, 165 534, 260 425, 668 190, 146 924, 103 334, 673 291, 449 441,901 70, 699 1, 319, 777 769, 146 3, 264, 711 Negro. “79, 051 600, 183 514, 554 278, 521 4, 325, 120 q; 523, 532 2; 063; 579 30, 801 47, 790 1, 310 621 572 45, 466 10, 036 21, 046 198, 483 235, 938 472, 220 700, 257 149, 408 7AL, 694 6, 883 2 144 38, 763 2, 259, 672 1 Includes Indians ,Chinese, Japanese, and all other. Total popula- White. Negro. tion. 91,972,266 ||81, 731,957 |9, 827, 763 6, 552,681 |} 6,480,514 | 66, 306 19,315,892 ||18, 880, 452 417, 870 18, 250, 621 ||17, 927,622 300, 836 11,637,921 |!11, 351,621 242° 662 12, 194,895 || 8,071,603 /4, 112; 488 8, 409, 901 -|| 5, 754, 326 |2, 652, 513 8, 784; 534 || 6,721, 491 1 984) 426 2,633, 517 || 2,520, 455 21, 467 4, 192,304 || 4,023, 873 29, 195 f 742, 371 739, 995 1, 363 430, 572 429) 906 564 355, 956 354, 298 1, 621 3, 366, 416 || 3,324, 926 38, 055 542,610 532, 492 9, 529 1, 114, 756 || 1,098, 897 15, 174 9, 113,614 || 8,966,845 | 134,191 2, 537, 167 || 2, 445, 894 89, 760 7,665, 111 || 7,467,713 | 193,919 4,767,121 || 4,654,897 | 111,452 2, 700, 876 || 2,639,961 60, 320 5,638,591 || 5,526,962 | 109, 049 2,810,173 || 2,785,247 | 17,115 2, 333, 860 || 2,320, 555 2, 2,075,708 || 2, 059, 227 7, 084 25224771 || 2,209, 191 14,973 3, 293, 335 3, 134, 932 | 157, 452 , 056 ” 569, 855 617 583 888 563, 771 817 1; 192,214 |} 1, 180, 293 7,689 1,690, 949 L 634, 352 54, 030 202, 322 171, 102 31, 181 1, 295, 346 || 1, 062} 639 | 232,250 331, 06 236, 128 94, 446 2,061,612 || 1, 389, 809 | 671,096 1, 221, 119 L 156, 817 64, 173 2, 206, 287 L 500, 511 | 697, 843 1, 515, 400 679, 161 | 835, 843 2,609,121 |} 1, 431, 802 11, 176, 987 752,619 ” 443, 634 308, 669 2,289,905 || 2,027,951 | 261,656 2; 184, 789 || 1,711,482 | 478, 088 2) 138, 093 1, 228) 832 |, 908, 282 L 797, 114 ” 136, 111 |1, 009, 487 1, 574, 449 || 1,131,026 | 442, 891 1,656,388 |) ’ 941, 1, 086 713, 874 L 657, 155 |} 1, 444) 53l | 137,612 3; 896, 542 3,204, 848 | 690,049 376, 053 360, 580 1, 834 325; 594 || . 819, 221 651 145, 965 140, 318 2, 235 799,024 |) . 783,415 11, 453 327, 301 304, 594 1,628 30 171, 468 2, 009 373, 351 366, 583 1, 144 . 81,875 74, 276 513 1, 141, 990 || 1, 109, 111 6, 058 672; 765 ” 655, 090 1, 492 pe an, 549 21,645 PER CENT NEGRO IN TOTAL POPULATION. 1920 | 1910 9.9 | 10.7 1.1 1.0 2.7:|- 2.2 24) 1.6 9.2 |; 2-1 30.9 | 33.7 98.4.1 31.5 20.1 | 22.6 0.9} 08 : 0.9 0. 7 0.2'| 0.2 Gila 0.1 0.2), 0.5 tase 14 1; %ebt 1.8 aie 61.4 1.9| 25 Bist 8. 5 B33.4 2.5 Bid 4 We 281) 2.2 O45 1,9 16] 0.6 0:2 | 0.1 0.4 }° 03 Qsil< 0.7 521 4.8 O45 0.1 0:1;/4° 0.3 1.0} 0.6 R354 3.2 13.6 | 1504 16.9 | 17.9 25.1.\' 28.5 29.9 | 32.6 5.9 1° 5.3 29.8}, 31.6 51.4:|. 55.2 41.7 | 45.1 34.0.) 41.0 9.8, 11,4 19.3.| 21.7 38.4 | 42.5 52.2 56.2 oH 28/1 38.9.) 43.1 7.4 | 8.3 15.9.|° 17.7 F 063%} >) 055 OB 0.2 OATH 1.8 1.2 | 1.4 16) 0.5 2/4) 1.0 Gd: 0.3 04) 0.6 0.5 | 015 02) 0.2 dil) 0.9 | 102 TABLE 25.—NEGRO POPULATION, DISTINGUISHED AS BLACK OR MULATTO, WITH PE CENT MULATTO IN TOTAL NEGRO POPULATION, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. DIVISION AND STATE, United States. .|10, 463, 131 GEOG. DIVISIONS: Total Negro. New. England...... 79, 051 Middle Atlantic.:.| | 600,183 E. North Central..| 514, 554 W. North Central.} 278, 521 South Atlantic. ...| 4,325, 120 E. South Central. .| 2, 523, 532 W. South Central.| 2,063,579 Mountain... s..5... 30, 801 EBEINCS Sen.. eee 47, 790 NEW ENGLAND: Maine care 227 1,310 New Hampshire. . 621 Vermonts.cv sii. . 572 Massachusetts... ... 45, 466 Rhode Island... ... 10, 036 Connecticut....... 21, 046 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: New Yorks .7.. 198, 483 New Jersey v..-:. 117, 132 Pennsylvania. .... 284, 568 E. NORTH CENTRAL: | Ohio? 500010. 186, 187 Indiana... 26). 0Ui. 80, 810 Tlimois. G5 554... 182,274 Michigan? 005.2... 60, 082 Wisconsin......... 5, 201 W. NorTH CENTRAL: Minnesota ........ 8, 809 OW ae. tule eet. 19, 005 Missouri. ..i......| 178,241 North Dakota..... -. 467 South Dakota..... 832 Nebraska. 2.0.0... 13, 242 Kansas, 1. 22s... 5’ 57, 925 SouTH ATLANTIC: Delaware. oo. ..... 30, 335 Maryland......... 244,479 Dist. of Columbia..| 109, 966 Virginia.) 31 2t0. 690, 017 West Virginia..... 86, 345 North Carolina....; | 763,407 South Carolina....} © 864,719 Georgia.) Jd. 0. 1, 206,365 MIOTIDG sassy: 329, 487 E. SOUTH CENTRAL: Kentucky... 22 2s... 235, 938 Tennessee cs 2. 451,758 Alabama, .... 5s. 900, 652 Mississippi-....... 935, 184 W. SouTH CENTRAL; Arkansas. 24.14. 472, 220 Louisiana.....0.1. 700, 257 Oklahoma........ 149, 408 PRORAT ele ceo aids 2 741, 694 MOUNTAIN Montana:.../..... 1,658 RS TN ee SU 920 Wyoming.ii...... 1,375 Colorado. 2.22.4... 11,318 New Mexico....... 5, 733 Arigona se Anik. .- 8, 005 Uta RG Sane 1, 446 MOVOdR i... kee 346 PACIFIC: | Washington....... 6, 883 Oregon... x1 i. 2,144 CAMIOMNIB . oo... 38, 763 1920 Black. | Mulatto. 8,802,577 |1,660, 554 63,734 | 15,317 530,350} 69, 833 408, 197 | 106, 357 226,567 | 51, 954 3,627, 737 | 697, 383 2) 143, 871 | 379, 661 1,743, 116 | 320, 463 25,235 | 5, 566 33,770 | 14, 020 | 884 426 439 182 327 245 35,562 | 9,904 7,919 | | 2,117 18,603 | 2,443 171,507 | 26,976 103,684.| 13,448 255,159 | 29, 409 148,234] 37, 953 66,812 | 13,998 138,634.| 43,640 50,463 | 9,619 4,054 | 1, 147 6,563 | 2; 246 15,555 | 3,450 148,339 | 29,902 355 112 547 285 9,620} © 3,622 45,588 | 12,337 27,822 | 2,513 213,186 | 31,293 81,502 | 28, 464 525,846 | 164, 171 69,073 | 17,272 637,981 | 125, 426 748,250] 116, 469 1,037,153 | 169,212 286,924 | 42,563 194,444] 41,494 368, 852 | 82, 906 767, 533 | 133, 119 813,042 | 122) 142 410,624'| 61,596 583; 550. | 116, 707 122,011 | 27,397 626,931 | 114,763 1,275 383 738 182 1,016 359 8,568 | 2,750 4, 949 784 7, 314 691 1,117 329 258 88 3,936 | 2,947 1, 480 664 1910 Total Negro. || Black. 9,827,763 || 7,777,077 66, 306 : 44, 156 417, 870 |} 335, 901 300, 836 || 201, 027 242, 662 || 173, 031 4,112, 488 || 3, 256, 669 2,652, 513 || 2, 145, 458 1, 984, 426 || 1, 586, 440 21, 467 15, 332 29, 195 19, 063 1, 363 737 564 356 1,621 1,185 38, 055 24, 100 9, 5 6, 350 15,174 11, 428 134, 191 103, 583 89, 760 75, 553 193,919 || 156, 765 111, 452 72, 203 60, 320 45, 767 109, 049 72, 221 17, 115 9, 079 2, 900 1, 757 7, 084 4, 468 14,973 11, 329 157,452 || 112,762 617 460 817 521 7, 689 5, 602 54, 030 37, 889 31, 181 27, 475 232,250 || 189, 098 94, 446 61, 494 671,096 || 448, 186 64, 173 43, 294 697, 843 || 553, 720 835, 843 || 701, 462 1,176, 987 || 972, 782 308,669 || 259, 158 261,656 || 195, 713 473,088 || 354,391 908,282 || 756,872 1, 009, 487 838, 482 442,891 |} 361,520 713, 874 || 561, 297- 137, 612 98, 269 690,049 || 565,354 1, 834 1, 223 651 425 2, 235 1,942 11, 453 7, 815 1,628 1, 189 2, 009 1, 561 1, 144 854 513 323 6, 058 4,218 1, 492 1, 058 21, 645 13, 787 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. Mulatto. , 050, 686 22, 150 81 969 99; 809 69; 631 | 855, 819 507, 055. 397, 986 6,135 10, 132 65, 943 118, 697 151, 410 19.4 11.6 | 19. 20.7 | 33.2 18.7 | 28)! 16.1 | 20. 15.0| 19.1 15.5] 20. 181] 28.6 29. 3. be et ed RON 09 SUS SF toe bene ©) BOF Qo De oow Hy Be Boas NSS Rg RERSSLAS x LPP ON gH SS cop RSI © ne oe ses WOOD POPNOW OM NAWNIO HORM COMPRODOOW WRWODNT HOOWH wo g a COLOR OR RACE, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAGE. 103 1 TABLE 26.—NATIVE AND FOREIGN-BORN. POPULATION, WITH PER CENT FOREIGN NOR HOCH NORD NPE CUXOOO POP WAIWOH DOWHOWND GWRFROD COON : BORN IN TOTAL POPULATION, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. ‘ ‘. 1920 1910 PER CENT FOREIGN f B. BORN IN _ DIVISION AND STATE. Total tn te Total EY et eh oY ,: i (8) > iv 4@ fi a- iv’ g ine ae id Po fe m Native bors, alate Native ee Meo 3 3 1920 | 1910 4 United States.../105, 710,620 ||91, 789, 928 |13,920,692 ||91, 972, 266 |178, 456,380 [13,515,886 || 13.2] 14.7 é ages DIVISIONS: 1, _New England..... 400, 909 || 5,514, 964 |1, 885, 945 ||! 6, 552, 681 || 4,727,571 |1,825,110 || 25.5 | 27.9 y Middle Atlantic. . .|22) 261, 144 ||17,300, 726 |4; 960, 418 {|19, 315, 892 ||14’ 464) 719 |47 851 173 || 22.3 |) 25.1 |. E. North Central. .|21) 475; 543 ||18) 243) 402 |3; 232) 141 ||18, 250, 621 ||15; 176, 855 |3,073, 766 || 15.1} 16.8 : ape __W. North Central -/12) 544; 249 ||11, 1687 596 |1} 375, 653 ||11) 637, 921 ||10; 021; 226 |1 616,695 || 11.0} 13.9 ‘South Atlantic... .|13) 990, 272 ||13, 659, 735'| ’ 330, 537 |/12, 194, 895 ||11; 804, 901 | 299,994 || 241) 2.5 _. — E. South Central. .| 8, 893, 307 ||-8,820, 318 |- 72, 989 || 8, 4097 901 || 8) 3227076 |. 87,825 || 6.8] 1.6 _ _W. South Central .|10, 242, 224 || 9, 777,396 | 464, 828 || 8, 784, 534 || 8, 432,342 | 352)192 |] 4.5 | 40 ae. Mountain SRE oes, eee 101 2, 868, 81 a 620'|| 2633, 517 || 2,180,195 |. 453,322 || 14.0] 17.2 Radihioe.... 5... ’ 436, 310 {1, 130, 561 || 4, 192, 304 || 3,236,495 | 955.809'|} 20/3 | 22.8 New ENGLAND: — Bias Maines 2774) £5... .. "768, 014 ||: 660,200 | 107,814'|} 742,371'|| 631,809 |. 110,562 |] 14.0] 149 _.. New Hampshire .-] 443,083 |} 351,686 | 91,397 || 430,572 || 333,905 | 96, 667 || 20.6 | 22.5 © Vermont..))..:.... 352; 428 || 307,870] 44,558 || 355,956 || 306,035 | 49,921 || 12.6 | 14.6 | Massachusetts... .| 3, 852/356 || '2)'763) 808 |1,088) 548’ |} 3, 366, 416 |} 2, 307,171 |1, 059,245 |] 28.3 | 31.5 . Rhode Island..... 604, 397 ||: ’ 429, 208} °175,189'|| ” 542'610'|| 363, 469 | ° 179,141 |] 29.0] 33.0 Ss Conn ecticut it oe 1,380, 631 || ‘1,002; 192 | 378, 439'|] 1,114,766 || 785,182 | 329,574 || 27.4] 29.6 ID TLANTIC: : New York........ 10, 885, 227 |] 7, 559, 852'|?, 825, 375 |] 9, 113, 614'|| 6, 365,603 |2, 748,011 || 27.2} 30. New Jersey... ... 3,155, 900 || ‘2413, 414 |’ 742) 486 || 2’ 537, 167' || 1, 876,379 | 660,788 || 23.51 26. | -. Penni 8, 720,017 || 7,327, 460 |1, 392) 557 7 665, 111'|| 6, 222) 737 |1, 442, 374-|| 16.01 18. iT ENTRAL: Be ORIOs 4 a) So.. 5, 759, 394 || 5,078, 942'| 680, 452°|| 4,767, 121 || 4, 168, 7471 598,374] 11.81} 12, Indiana... ...-..-| 2,930, 390 || 2,779,062 | 151, 328 || 2, 700, 876 2 541,213 | 159,663 || 5.2] > 5. OS ee eas 6, 485, 280 |] 5,274; 696 |1, 210, 584 |! 5, 638, 591 || 4, 433, 277 11, 205,314 || 18.7] 21. % Michigan... .:..... 3,668, 412 |} 2 939, 120 |’ 729; 292 || 2’ 810, 173 || 2) 2127 623 |.’ 597,550 || 19.9] 21. _. Wisconsin...-----. 2; 632; 067 ||'2)171, 582} 460) 485 |] 2; 333) 860 || 1} 207 995 | 512,865 || 17.5] 22 he Minnesota...1..... ei 4 125 1 330 486, 795 2, 075,708 || 1,532,113 | 543, 595 | 20.4 | 26. Bee Lowa. 2 Le... 5, 994'|| 2) 224 771 || 1,951,006 |. 273,765 || 9,4] 12. Bere. Misgouri.... Sik... . 3, 404, 055 || 3,217,220} 1867 835 || 3,293,335 || 3,063,556 | 2207779] 5} 7 North Dakota..... ” 646, 872 || "515,009 | 131) 863 || 577056 || 420,402 | 156,654 || 20,4 | “27. __.. South Dakota..... 636,547 || 554,013 | 82,534 || 583,888 || 483,098 | 100,790 || 13.0} 17. ~ Nebraska..i...... 1,296, 372 |] 1, 145; 707 | 150, 665 || 1, 192 214 || 1,015,552 | 176,662 || 11-6 | 14, Sount Ais wradeeees 1, 769, 257 || 1,658,290 | 110, 967 || 1,690; 949 || 1555, 499'| 135,450 || 6.3] 8. “Maryland , od 003 : 203, 102 . is oor ; 202, 322 || 184,830} 17,492] 89} 8 __.. Maryland......... 4 : 95, 346 ||! 1,190,402 | 104,944 1° 7.1] 8 (oe "437, 571 ||’ 408,206. | 297365 || 331,069|| °308,167| 28902] a7] 7. ; - Virginia Hee Tere 2, 309, ae 2, 277, 482 31, 705 2, 061, 612 || 2,034,555 |. 27,087 || “L4] 1, st Virginia... ; 5 || 1, 221, 119'|| 1,163,901 | 57,218 || 42) 4, North Carolina. .. O50, 123 || 2) 551) 851 7, 272 || 2° 206, 287 || 2’ 2007 195 | 6,092 |" 0.3] 0. South Carolina... .) 1,683, 724 || 1, 677, 142 6, 582 || 1,515, 400 || 1) 509, 221 6,179} 0.4} 0. _..| 2) 895, 832 || 2 879,268} 16, 564'|| 2) 609, 121 || 2) 593,644 | 15,4771] 0.6} 0. lorida.......-.--. 968, 470 ||” 914, 608 | 53, 864 ||” 752, 619 711,986 | 40,633 |} 5.61 5. JE. ENTRAL: _ Kentucky......... 2 630 2 5 7A 80, 908 2 289, 905 || 2,249,743} 40,162 ||] 1.3} 2 mmnessee......... 5, 64 184, 789 || 2) 166,182 | 18,607 |} 0.7} 0. “So Sa 2) 348). 174 || 2/330, 147} 18,027 |] 2) 138,093 || 2118,807| 19,286 | Os] 0. Mississi i =. L 790, 618 ||: 1, 782) 210 8, 408 || 1,797, 114 || 1) 787, 344 9,770 |) 0.5} 0. eas 1, 752, 204 || 1,738,067 | 14, 137 || 1,574, 449 || 1,587,403 | 17,046 |] 08 | 2 $280.4: . 1,798) 509 || 1,752,082 | 46, 427'|| 1/656, 388'|| 1/603/622 | 52)766-|| 2.6] 3. 2; 028, 283 || 1,987,851 40, 432 |} 1,657,155 || 1,616,713 | 40,442 || 20] 2 4,663, 228 4,299, 396 |. 363, 832 1] 3, 896, 542:|| 3,654,604 | 241,938 | 7.81 6. 548, 889 || $453,298}! 95, 591 || “376,053 || 281,340) 94,713) 1774] 25, 431, 866 || 391, 119 |: 140,747 ||. 325, 594’|| 283,016 | 42,578 | 9.4] 13. JALES.. 194, 402 ||’ 167,835 | 26,567 || 145,965 || 116,945. |. 29,020 |) 13.7] 19. 939, 629 ||" 820, 491 |» 119,138 |. 799,024 |} 669; 437 |. 129,587 || 12.71 16. beh 360, 350 || 330,542 | 29, 327,301 || 304,155] 23,146]| 8&3] 7 834,162 as, 596 80, 506 204, 354 155,589 |. 48,765 || 24.11 23, M... Leib... O85 307,529 | . 65,822 || 13,24 17. (1: 038.4t. 77, 407 61,404 | 16, 003 81, 875 62,184 | 19,691 || 20.7] 24. 1, 356, 621 || 1,091,329 | 265,292 || 1,141,990 || 885,749 | 256,241 || 19.6] 22. ” 733, 389 ||.’ 675, 745 | 107,644'|| ’ 672,765 || 559,629 | 113,136 || 13.7] 16. et kcca- ; 3, 426, 861 || 2,669,236 | 757,625 |) 2,377,549 || 1,791, 117 | 586,432 || 22.1 | 24. 104 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION, TABLE 27.—INDIANS, CHINESE, JAPANESE, AND “ALL OTHER,” BY) DIVISIONS AND 355.) 12 East South Central...... 1, 623 2; 612 542 "414 35 sebwiyA sQ8oyW. 108 West South Central..... 60, 618 76, 767 1, 534 1,303 578 (42840 0/1881 119 — Mountaim 23-3 63-4. fss- 76,899 | 75,338 |} 4,339 | 8,614 ||. 10,792 | 10,447} 371] 196 Pacihe 2233305 woke sabes 31, 011 32, 458 34,265 | 46,320 ||: 93,490 |' 57,703 | 6,681 |. 2,755 NEw ENGLAND: Lot papi prok) ¥ ; Maing. occ eat es 839 892 161 108 74). SB edge. eo ’ New Hampshire. ........ 28 34 95 67 8. ee Aes 5 VORA. SE PVOTEIAIID ies p 24 26 11 8 nor. eg hereon a Massachusetts. ........-- 55 688 2,544 2, 582 191 151 Rhode Island. .:..222.-.- i10 284 225 W272 Boyt: 3a) ie) Wii: At Connecticitthe a6 - 2. Sa 159 152 566 462 ||: 102 | | 71} ue. Se : MIDDLE ATLANTIC: Mey Faroe Newey oki clea. hae 5, 503 6, 046 5, 793 5, 266 2,686.4 . 1,247) New Jersey...........-.: 160 168 1,190 1,139) 325 206 Heit Gwe. q Pennsylvania..........: 337 1, 503 1, 829 1, 784 2553 190 | — ipo East NORTH CENTRAL: “PTs Qi ee hive hie eA aN 151 12 941 569 130° TO!) 3G YOBANL. ce Padianas!. ote pen os err 125 279 283 276 81 88 Tn ose ote rd ee ere 194 188 2,776 2, 103 472 285 1 ESS TO 9 Rigel ga ident "a 5,614 7, 519 792 241 184° 49 Wiisoonsinins aoe alorsaes 9,611 10, 142 251 226 60 34 West NortTH CENTRAL: Minnesotan): osise oc sos 8, 761 9,053 508 275 85 67 TOW 5. ake sa tk pie 529 471 235 97 29° _ 36 MISSORTI re nen. ONS 171 313 412 535 135 99. North Dakota > o2 noo: 6, 254 6, 486 124 3 ( AO chante wey. WS South Dakotas. sfrs.2 16, 384 19, 13 143 121 38 . _ 42 hae Anis . Nebraska a2 ess a 2, 888 3, 502 189 112 804 590 | Kansas Jick vembincca 2, 276 2,444 68 16 52 107 SoutH ATLANTIC: 1 ne Delaware 25 AL ees 2 5 43 30 8 oa Maryland ©... Leis 32 55 ) 871 378 OU a Ray aed Sime. | aoe District of Columbia..... 37 68 461 369 103 w Pel Ware Sue ls oie ee $24 539 278 154 | 56 14} West Virginia.:.... 22... 7 36 98 90 10 wie North Carolina... ....2..: 11, 824 7, 851 88 80 24 AD Pyis ihaae, | e South Carolina... ...2.2-. 304 331 93 57 16°) ‘ents Georgia ier era ek Koa 125 95 211 233 #9) 4. BROTIC Sy tice) eS GN 518 74 181 191 106— 60) East SoutaH CENTRAL: tt Kelitucky cna os at 57 234 62 52 9 12. Tennesseewwic 2.0 ch snes 56 216 57 43 8 8 | Alabama tees yo0. J e028 405 909 59 » 62 18 4D Miassissippr?. Seca 1,105 1, 253 364. 257 Wt ae Soa 2 WEst SOUTH CENTRAL: ‘ APKANSaS hci Sow ee ae 106 460 113 62 Bk 9. Louisiana cei ie oo deee ss 1, 066 780 387 507 eee 31 Oklahoma... .....0...2-5 57, 337 | . 74, 825 261 139 || 10 67 43 | Dera eae on Cr. Sen ey 2, 109 702 773 595 449 - 840; MOUNTAIN sf é Mantand sais ie 5 ee 10, 956 10, 745 872 1, 285 1,074 1,585 | TGAhGeen Seno. oo don Geet 3, 098 3, 488 585 859 1, 569 1, 363 Wiyomingcs fo Myaset 1, 343 1, 486 252 246 1,194 1,596. Colorsaas: i. Or oy ae 1, 333 1,482 |} * 291 373 2, 464 2, 300 New Mexico. .......0.2.: 19, 512 20, 573 171 248 251 |. .258 ACPIAOTIS caret coe Reena 32, 989 29, 201 1,137 1, 305 650 | 371. tan. sob ve yee Us ae 2, 711 3, 123 342 371 2, 936 2,110 Nevadairk aed ./ees ot 4,907 |. 5, 240 689 927 754 PACIFIC: | : éhixg ¥ Washington. sy... de2s-5 9, 061 10, 997 2,363 |, 2,709 || 17,387 | 12,929]. Preson So ise f5 geet 4, 590 5, 090 3, 090 7, 363 4, 151 | 3,418 Californipses, io. -0.204 04 17,360 | 16,371 || 28,812 |, 36,248 |]. .71,952| 41,356 |. 1 Comprises Filipinos, Hindus, Koreans, Hawaiians, Malays, Siamese, Samoans, and Maoris, in 1920; Filipinos, Hindus, Koreans, and Maoris, in 1910. 2. vie IDin Ss 19 Us ut mA © cm HON 19) UD ~ 00 = an ROanonoons nm CUO © : HCA CON Ao DO GO O00 ue a — o At ‘ A rind |e eH a's od es roms Z COE CO io Sane fr e 13.15 06 fee = (24 eo 5 Kaos a i¢ =: aénaea | Pisses < a i © & née a 117 i elayes © By © , see < SID Or st [- oO OD Arieighansed 4288 Ow 069 60 SA RS pe Sas "ses OH z OQ o DAO BOS Sor C229 RVG aca Ooo (295 9 wH a asasdS BO OD , NX Kas . TO O19 i in bo ees. pn a 4 aais < SSSA cd No tol a Pat Savas 7 HS SASS S > 8 D2 2.09 oy Ex | Ss a 8 Sige en ss 0 & co rt Ms ad Bm OF SO a Syd A CSPO LTS a Sa = a af r=) Bere ds Sain i CO. ward Assos At he ios 2s sco > tt {tl ae ary i ated AHS SSSARS AG LD m4 mises a Ly =H 00 tm Aes aa = 12S eee ‘as Dr & 5 ar ale goal, oof | re means HH Ars SEL Oowo fe) <{ OZ a SARnx Sra ee ts 16 | AS ~s 00 rst i Se ase onK b * + = = OO mit om © co | Crrt Sr 15 - OF Ss 3S oy AA A bu se 1m O [ | oan ‘ tN HS sds > el wet odo ee © Rea No m4 ow ce mie sue OOD co Ons 3 a Pie ee bP pis oe | ? Ssiadd~i qeocnen Ba eeee phe te acta be ae agg tI i ] r O > rc Sess Dl = rod z ; | = é * om © a a SS) S | Rs eis) Er Seng te poy | psa yey > singe 6 10 st NS dédal Oa i e 3 °o SO cided fone sot “Ey eye: ne tac KY 1D CP 9 Sam Co6r AMO eo Stik | e Sligeex PSSS"e° RSs ones a hi iniggesusd RA A%*gs] kag = Z ia oe dsecaascs nen GSS SAsge aedaaxs PSaeS BSS oiarke Fk = fe) S-' F oO ee : = uD | Far, Ss los) = a rE a Soaks 19 Go Bs xt ap a Sess TN eS | ay | ts cost 00 < 69 Ht SH 1D | \— | isa PP eS RS oO & Oo Za] t = oe 6 Orie 409 [aAN cote OOcs0 | ides = GO 1 GO } cy Gos ere ao ; Se eeeee ceeeeee Be RO peetir te - aa xt iS So ee ZH S88 | ree iubsdis Badcaad | PB ii iii hy: EES: eee ahs i ges, tae a) Oe oP ae rere Spee: fgesa Boeess fete tent det Steg tet ei CIE a2 3 Som Re Sat owe : oo Td Ag: ra gens : EAS ‘ . e oe = 4 ex — pcs Si u a L pe oZe egue Me EeE: Tore eae “Oot! Dies ie: eee ote Se eae cae ‘oo ie vee sari aes ARE OB seo. ESR ig j8258 cnet theca ey tes aq! ‘oy tee 1B siz oe tae es Pires eee Pot oe bj) fg PR EERE CS OD - = es hs ee Toes ee ET. —— sa ‘ots t se See tee eee tale ee # ‘ ES OO) ah > | 2g { ¢ A ~ a © . a nF = as MF ns > Sie pw on ’ Gas at BL CG 55285 ES 25083 oo. ee: a 738 a3 ees cee ease aor ts , © {oo op = pe Fier Ae - P| . J 3 om a Y ane nd Ct Eon . SRO? toe OTL la Zi Pu O88: Fe E; See S25 OO a Bees e Me 4 robs 2 So $3-° 2a sini Ae Cyerl eats & = bel gs 4 &: aa) BS aa % —t I “2 so cee Seon gacazdesEAsat gene 25 e828 as. se Niig ane Sate whidcs SESSaS B49 8 Giese gig Bi . SS cee Spd js = 7 } sf +o bic men Pra : 3 BEe ie | <254 EEREEER g y, , -% Oo He ‘ i a = = BeLes a £ EOS = ,: we — Bo, a tintas ia =" ot amaeital Ps Pd ay. a eos 1 Decrea: se ofles less than one-tenth of of 1 perc ent. 106 —" SO OO NI Cr CODD a / DIVISION. AND. STATE. United States-..-- GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England......- Middle Atlantic..-.. East North Central - West. North Central. South Atlantic. ..... East South Central. . West South Central. | Mountaifi ecto cs Pacific ests fg New rtawsanise: A Std Mermont Ai. ax Rhode Tslanid. Connecticut. ..... ma ye MIDDLE ATLANTIC: IN ew. York: o2 fee ees New Jersey... 2.22). Pennsylvania..../.. EAST NORTH CENTRAL: Michigan. ....../.... Dp der eee SOUTH ATLANTIC: Delaware... Be usyane Maryland......2.2.. District of Columbia Virginia... 3... 5 ee West Virginia....... North Carolina. ..... South Carolina. 2... erooreiaOnSs. 5 so dy PIONS: Vel>. 22 ee EAST SOUTH CENTRAL: Kentucky Tennessee Mississippi pe WeEsT SouTH CENTRAL: Arkansas... 5 bo 223 pasion Boo ot ee idaho: 1 8.22..12: 2% Wyotning..0)..) 2.48 Colorado vaso) 25 ye N ew Mexico... f2.0: ‘PACIFIC: Washington......... Oregon ..... be i aee @adlifornia. Oo 2 e.ds dite ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——-POPULATION, TABLE 29.—WHITE POPULATION BY NATIVITY AND — TOTAL WHITE POPULATION. 1920 1910 94, 820,915 | 81, 731, 957 SSS ree 7,316,079 | 6,480, 514 21; 641, 840 | 18) 880,452 20, 938, 862 | 17, 927, 622 12, 225, 387 | 11, 351, 621 9, 648, 940 | 8,071, 603 6, 367, 547 | 5, 754, 326 8,115, 727 | 6,721,491 3, 212, 899 | 2 520, 455 | 5,353, 634'| 4, 023, 873 765,695 | 739, 995 442, 331 429, 906 351, 817 | -- 354,298 3, 803, 524 |) 3,324, 926 593,980 | 532,492 1, 358, 732 | 1, 098, 897 10, 172,027 | 8, 966, 845 3, 037, 087 |. 2, 445, 894 8, 432, 726 | 7, 467, 713 5, 571, 893 | 4, 654, 897 2) 849, O71}. 2, 639, 961 6, 299, 333 | 5, 526, 962 3, 601, 627 | 2,785, 247 2,616,938 | 2, 320, 555 2,368, 936 | 2, 059, 227 2, 384,131 | 2,209, 191 3,225,044 | 3, 134, 932 639, 954.” 569, 855 619,147 | | 563,771 1,279, 219 | 1,180, 293 1, 708, 906 |. 1, 634, 352 192, 615 171, 102 1; 204, 737 | 1, 062, 639 *396' 860|. ” 236, 128 1,617, 909'| 1, 389, 809 1, 377, 235'|.. 1, 156, 817 1, 783, 779° | - 1, 500, 511 "818, 538} 679,161 1, 689, 114 | 1, 431, 802 "638,153 | ” 443; 634 2,180,560 | 2,027, 951 1) 885, 993°). 4, 711, 432 1, 447, 032 | 1, 228, 832 853,962 |” 786, 111 1, 279, 757 | 1, 131, 026 1,096, 611.] "941, 086 1, 821, 194 | 1,444, 531 3,918, 165 | 3, 204, 848 534,260} 360, 580 425,668 | 319, 221 190, 146 140, 318 924, 103 783, 415 334, 673 | 304, 594 291, 449 171, 468 441, 901 366, 583 70, 699 74, 276 1,319,777 | 1,109,111 "789, 146]. ” 655,090 3,264, 711'|- 2, 250, 672 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. 1920 81, 108, 161 5, 445, 425 16, 729, 265 | 17, 715, 583 10, 853, 426 9, 333, 020 6, 295, 608 7, 656, 394 2,759, 674 4, 319, 766 658, 346 351, 098 307, 291 2, 725, 990 420, 481 982) 219 7, 385, 915 2, 298, 474 G 044, 876 4, 893, 196 2, 698, 203 5, 092, 382 2, 874, 992 2,156, 810: 1, 882, 772 2, 158, 534 3, 039, 018 508, 451 536, 756 1, 129, 567 1, 598, 328 172, 805 1, 102, 560 "298, 312 1, 587, 124 1,315, 329 1, 776, 680 812) 137 1, 672, 928 595, 145 2, 149, 780 1, 870, 515 L 429, 370 845, 943 1, 265, 782 1) 051, 740 1, 781, 226 3, 557, 646 440, 640 336, 705 164, 891 807, 149 305, 596 213, 350 385, 446 . 55, 897 1, 069, 722 666, 995: 2, 583, 049 - 1910 68, 386, 412 4, 666, 128 14, 054, 273. 3, 162, 425 |}. 629 862 1, 807, 986 1, 516, 217 1, 935, 707 1, 499, 162 | 153, 682 958, 465 211, 77 1, 363, 181 1, 099, 745 1, 494, 569 ” 673, 107 1,416, 730 ” 409, 792 1, 987, 898 L 692) 973 1 209, 876 | "T76, 722 1, 114, 117 8389, 304 1, 404, 447 || 1, 2,964, 864 268, 936 || NATIVE WHITE— 58, 421,957 | 49, 488,575 fe nn se =8 NATIVE PARENTAGE. 1920 1910 2, 803,149 | 2,613, 419} 9, 631, 012.) 8, 462, 961 | 11, 790, 370 | 9,751, 968 7,475, 548 | 6,523, 687 8,779, 416 | -7, 341, 205 6, 092, 782 | 5, 452, 492 6, 959, 785 |. 5, 767, 449 2, 002, 508 |: 1, 466, 624 2, 887, 387. |. 2,108, 70 495, 780:| ».494, 907. 225,512 | 230, 231 228; 325}. 229, 382 1, 230, 773 | 1,103,429 173, 553-|- 159, 821 449,206} 395, 649 3, 668, 266 |. 3, 230, 325 1, 212, 675 | 1,009,909 4; 750, O71 | 4,222,727 3, 669, 122 | 3, 033, 259 3, 066, 563 | 2,600,5 1, 670, 447 | 1,224, 841 , 054,694 | 763, 827,627 |. 575, 08k 1, 528, 553 |» 1,303, 526 2; 536, 936.| 2, 387,835 207, 966 |. 162, 461 308, 598.|.- 245, 652 757,064] -. 642, 075 1, 308, 304 | 4, 207, 057 139, 876-| 127, 809° 893, 088 | >. 766,627 239, 488 |), «166, 711 1, 534,494 | 1,325, 238 1, 232, 857 | 1,042) 107 | 1, 765, 208 }..1, 485, 718 799, 418 |” 661,970 | 1, 642, 697 | 1,391,058 | 532,295 | 91373,967 | 2,039, 134 | - 1,863, 194 | 1, 832, 757 | 14, 654, 606 | 1, 394, 129 | 1,177,459 | 826, 762. = 757,233 | 1, 226, 692 |. 1,077,509 "941, 724.| 776,587 | i, 679, 107 |. 1,310, 403 3, 112, 262 | 2} 602, 950 275,803 |. 162, 127 294, 252 |» 208, 599 122, 884} 80, 696 | 603, | 475, 136 | 273, 317 | » 255, 609 | 151, 145. | 82, 468 | 245,781 |». 171,663 | 36,285 |. 35/326 | 711,706 | 585, 386:| eat 726.| 416,851 COLOR OR RACE, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAGE. 107 “rane xnsoe BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. ° r . PER CENT OF TOTAL WHITE POPULATION. ‘| NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN OR MIXED FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. a PARENTAGE. Native, native || Native, foreign : # , or mixed Foreign born. parentage. parentage. x a 1920 1910 1920 1910 1920 1910 1920 1910 1920 1910 ‘| 22, 686, 204 | 18, 897, 837 || 13, 712, 754 | 13, 345,545 || 61.6| 60.5 || 23.9| 93.1 || 48 16.3| 1 | 2,642,276 | 2,052,709 1, 870,654 | 1,814,386 || . 38.3 40.3 36. Le 1? “SE. 25. ; 2 ] 7,098, 253 | 5,591,312 |] 4,912,575 | 4)326,179 || 445] 44.8 || 32.8 0.6 37 38 3 } 5,925, 213 | 5, 108, 434 || 3, 223,279) 3,067,220 || 56.3] 544 ]| 283] 98.5 || 1541. a72} 4 3, 377, 878 | 3,214,703 |) 1,371,961 | 1,613, 231 || 61-1] 57.5 |} 27.6] -28-3]| 11.2] 442] 5 ”553, 604} ” 439, 843 315,920 |” 290,555 || 91-0] 91.0 5.7| 5.4 Be Bsns aba ig 202, 826 214, 977 71, 939 86, 857 95.7 94. 8 oae Py th 1 W339 be | 696, 609 605, 283 459, 333 348,759 || 85.8] 85.8 8.6 9.0 5.7 5:3)" 8 | 757,166 616, 921 453, 225 436,910} 62.3] 58.2 ||’ 23.6| 24511-14171 17319 | 1,432,379} 1,053,655 || 1, 033, 868 861,448 || 53.9] 52.4 || 26.8] 26.2]| 19-3 | 21.4 | 10 162,566 | . 134,955 107,349 | 110,133 || 64.7] 66.9 |] 21.2] 48.2] 44.0]° 149/11 125, 586 103, 117 91, 233 96,558 || 51.0} 53.6) 28.4] 24.01] 20.6) 92.51 12 | 78,966 75, 055 44, 526 49, 861'}| 64.9} 64.7 |} 22.4) 24211 42.71.) 14.1} 18 } 1,495,217 | 1,170,447 || 1,077,534 | 1,051,050 ||. 32.4] 33.2 || 39.3 | 35.21) 2831 31.6 | 14 246, 928 194, 646 173, 499 178,025 || 29.2} 30.0]] 41.6] 36.6] 29.2| 33.4 115 533,013 | 374, 489 376, 513 |) 328,759 || 33.1 | 36.0'|| 39.2 | -34.t |] "297.7 | 99.9 | 16 7 3,717,649 | 3,007, 248 || 2,786,112 | 2,729,272 || 36.1 | 36.0]. 36.51 33.5 || 27-41 0304] 47 | 1,085, 799 777, 797 738, 613 658, 188 |}, 39.9] -41.3 | 35.8] 31.8 || -243 | "26.9 | 18 | 2,294, 805 | 1,806, 267 || 1,387,850} 1,438,719 || 56.3 | 56.5 ]|, 27.2] 24.211 16:5] 19.3 }19 ‘| 1,224,074 | 1,024, 393 678,697 | 597,245 || 65.9! 65.2 |) 220] 2201) 122! 12.8] 20 + 7368,659 |” 350, 551 150, 868} 159,322 || 81.8] 80.7]| 12.9] 13.3 5.3)" 6.0 | 21 1,206,951 | 1,202,560 || 48.7] 47.1 |) 32.2]-- 31.24] 19.2} 21.8 |'22 726, 635 595,524 || 46.4] 44.0 || 33.4]. 346]| 20.2] 21.4 | 23 460,128 | 512,569] 40.3} 32.91) 492.1] - 45.0 |] 17.6} 29,7) 24 486, 164 543,010 || 34.9] 27.9 }) 44.5} 45.7 || 20.5:| 26/4 | 25 225, 647 273,484 || 64.1 | 59.0]) 26.4] 28.6 9.5 | 12.4 | 26 186, 026 228,896 || 78.7} 76.2 |) 15.6 | 16.5 5.8 7.3 | 27 131, 503 156,158 |} 32.5] 28.54) 47.0} 44.111 20.5 | © 27/4 | 28 82, 391 100, 628 49.8 43.6 36.9 38.6 dys} 17.8 | 29 149, 652 175,865 || 59.2] 54.4]: 29.1 | 30.7 |} 11.7] 14.9 | 30 110, 578 135, 190 76.6 73.9 16.9 17.9 6.5 8.3} 31 ' 19, 810 17, 420 72.6 74:7 17.1 15.1 10.3 10. 2°{ 32 102, 177 104,174 || 74.1) 72.11) 17.4) -- 18.4 8.5 9.8 | 33 28, 548 24, 351 73.3 70.6 18.0 19.1 8.7 10.3 | 34 30, 785 26, 628 94.8 95. 4 3.3 27 1.9 1.9 | 35 61, 906 57,072 || 89,5} 90.1 6.0 5.0 4.5 4.9 | 36 ; 5,942 11 99.0] 99.0 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 '| 37 6, 401 6, 054 97.7 97.5 1.6 1.6 0.8 0.9 | 88 16, 186 15,072 ||: 97.3 | 97.2 1.8 |'---4.8 1.0 1.1} 39 _ 43, 008 33, 842 ||, 83.4 84.3 9.8 ° 8.1 6.7 7.6 | 40- _ 30, 780 40, 053 93.5 91.9 5.1 Thi 2 i:4 2.0 | 41 15, 478 18,459 |}; 97.2 96. 7 2.0 2.2 0.8 1.1 |.42 _ 17, 662 18, 956.1). 96.3 95.8 2.4 2.6 oe 151 43 "8019 9,389 || 96.8] 96.3 2.21 2.5 0.9} 9 1.2} 44 13, 975 16,909 ||, 95.9 95.3 3.1 5 oy ERaL P 1.5] 45 44, 871 51, 782 || 85.9} 82.51) 10.0] 12.0 4.1 5.5 | 46 39, 968 40,084 || 92.2} 90.7 5.6 6.5 2.2-} 2.81 47 360, 519 239, 984 79. 4 81.2 11.4 11.3 9.2 7.5 | 48 93, 620 91, 644 51.6 45.0 |} 30.9 29.6 17.5 25.4 | 49 38, 963 40,427 || 69.1] 63.8 ]} 21.7] 23.6 9.2 | 12.7 | 50 25, 255 27,118 || 64.6] 57.5 |] 22.1] 23.2 |) 13/3 |” 19.3 | 52 116, 954 126, 851 65.3 60.6 7 ha 23.2 12: 7 16.2 | 52 29, 077 22,654 || 81.7] 83.9 9.6 8.6 8.7 7.4 | 53 78, 099 46, 824 51.9 48.1 75 is} 24.6 26. 8 ‘27.3 | 54 56, 455 63,393 || 55.6) 46.8 || 31.6] + 35.9]/- 128] |17.8'1 55 _ 14, 802 17, 999 51.3 47.6 rs eb 28. 2 *20.9°| * 24.2 1 56 78 ‘ 250, 055 241, 197 53.9 52.8 27.1 25.5 18.9 PA NEY poe Ms 7 f 102, 151 103, 001 64.7 63.6 22.0 20.6 13.3 15.7 F683 681,662] 517,250 || 51.4] 49.0 ]°'27.7| 28.1 || 20.9] 22.9] 59 108 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——-POPULATION, | ss. ——— TABLE 30,.—COLOR OR /RACE, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAGH, | | ; COLOR OR RACE. 2 i oe popula- ho 0A Woke tee i oo a Z| : sa | “ i Nn- 7 White. | Negro. | dian pret { t. Akrony Ohio.. .o2)....-228-6- 208, 435 202,718 5, 580 pod aout 10% AIpany NY cc. eceetewsceee 113,344 112, 036 1, 239 3 2° ‘AtlantesG@accrisesss users 3 200, 616 137, 785 62,798 | 6 5 epee tas operat {, Baltimore, Md. .-..-.-+-.<.-- 733, 826 625, 130 |... 108,322 |..- 44 | » oe Birmingham, Ala........-.-- 178, 806 108, 550 70, 230 i teat 9% rat 3p Bostor, Binsesc se. os. Mee. 748, 060 730, 485 16,350 34 76 40 | Bridgeport, Conn. ....+..+.-- 143, 555 141, 220 | 2, 228 3 |: » [Eben cagnen f Buffalo ce y eke Le we eee - 2 506, 775 502, 042 | 4511 97 |. ; 13 me er Cambridge, Mass.......-. ee 109, 694 104,250! 5, 384 ‘9 ~ ile ‘apo 8 # Camden, N.J......-..¢-ee0+- © O16 B00 4b © | 107, 753 8) 500 2 oe, Fonte fen Sol Chicndo, Tl: -: sanie siuge sees 2,701,705 |} 2,589,169. . 109,458 |". 94 diz 214 Cincinnati, Ohio. ..........-. 401, 247 371,097 | 30,079 6 Bit2 ‘cae. 6 Cleveland, Ohio........ a 796, 841 762, 026 | 34,451. |. 34 87h nnn 18 Columbus,;Obi0.5. 2: $b ¢ssex-'- 237, 031 214, 721 | 22, 181 16 ! Mebherag Lom Dallas, Lex .& a gq oss ce games 158, 976 134, 888 , 24, 023 4 |, Boho “oes | i | " " ; t DAVEOD ORM oe ans oh tee eee 152, 559 143, 495 | 9,025 2 4 3 ft Denver , Cold. ¢) ga. - ix oe. 256, 491 249, 644 6, 075 66 — 465 4) 29 Des Moines, lowa......-..--- 126, 468 120, 887 5, 512 8 hee ae Detroit, Mich + e023. 6. a2. 993, 678 952, 065 | 40, 838 165 82 j Mall River, Mass .. 23 bas. -% 120, 485 120, 114 ; 315 10. [bie wdes del Fort Worth,/TPemes 2.2). 6 sic: 5 106, 482 || ° 90, 466 15, 896 2 oe Dae Grand, Rapids, Mich......... 137, 634 136, 472 1, 090 “95, ge Hrartiord, Commis. 34. voce e 138, 036 133, 681 4,199 6 10 Froustony Tex x2 #6 ofa vale 138, 276 104, 268 33, 960 & |o i @ Indianapolis, Ind........-.-. 314, 194 279, 411 34, 678 8 3 Jersey City, Ni Jc. 5022s. ac. 298, 103 290, 009 8, 000 2. 4 Kansas City, Kans..;......--. 101, 177 - 86, 703 14, 405 247 a Kansas.City; Mo... 24. 4 oe. 324, 410 293, 517 30,719 36 29 Los Angeles, Calif.....;.....- 576, 673 46, 864 15, 579 189 “861 Louisville, Ky. iw... 1. aus» 234, 891 194, 769 40, 087 10 i Lowell, Mass... 0... 1.4. s2.-- 112, 759 112, 509 re ALO HT arete the Le Memphis, Tenn............-- 162, 351 101, 113 61, 181 12 6. Milwaukee, Wis.......:..-.-- 457, 147 454, 824 2220 Hl nx 24 3. Minneapolis, Minn..:......-- 380, 582 376, 365 3, 927 | 37 ‘Lay acy Om Nashville, Tenn.............- 4 118, 342 82, 703 35, 633 3 oa Ore + bal New Bedford, Mass........-. 121, 217 116, 142 “£998 14 yee New Haven, Conn.........-. 162, 537 157, 816 | . 4, 573 19 : New Orleans, La...........-- / 887,219 |) . 285,916. 100, 930 18 New York, N..Y.......25-.-- 5, 620,048 || 5, 459, 463 152, 467 | - 149 Bronx borough........... 732, 016 726, 98 4, 803 8 Brooklyn borough. .-.-...- 2,018, 356 1, 984, 953 | , 31, 912 | 32 Manhattan borough...... _ 2,284,103 || 2, 168, 906 109, 133 | 61 Queens borough.......... 469, 042 463, 661 5, 120 47 Richmond borough. ..... 116, 531 114, 953 1, 499 1 Newark. do. soot epee 414, 524 397.223!) oy, ° 46, 977 | 19 Norfolk: Viaelae jo. dbaee ee 115, 777 72,226 |... 43,392 3 Oakland, Calif... ...1........ 216, 261 204,004...’ 5, 489 36 Omalia, Nebt nt ails topes, 191, 601 | 181, 046) 10, 315 25 PALersOl; Wises Lote caen eat _ 185, 875 134, 254 | 1, 551 gsi Philadelphia, Pa..........--- 1, 823, 779 ||, 1,688,180 134, 229 | ... 120 Pittsburgh, Pa...........-.-- -” 588, 343 550, 261 $7,725 | na ae Portland, Oreg........++---- 258, 288 252,961)... 1,556 “96 Providence, Ral;.-.4l.-- . 237, 595 231, 756 5,655 | ..., 80 PUOAG EE BM Pee 5 clatlem obs 107, 784 106, 851 924.4 eee Richmond; Vax... 2. eg ss - . 171, 667 117,574 64, 041 | 18 Rochester, N. Y.........-- wool» 295, '750 294,089 | . 1,579 32 Bt. Tenis; Md.4 4...-4, 2.4 0-: 772, 897 702,615 | , 69,854 |... 38 Ste.Paule Minin. 2... 1 «cn -- 234, 698 231, 1 3,376 |, - 32 Salt Lake City, Utah...-....- 118, 110 | 116, 781 718 | 3 San Antonio, Tex..........-- - 161,379 146, 799 14,341} - 18 ‘San Francisco, Calif........-- 506, 676 490,022). 2,414] “45 Setanton; Pare -ep.. hae sae << 137, 783 : 137, 214 563 | caic 44 ‘ Seattle, Wash.............--- 315, 312 302,580]. 2,894]. 106 Spokane, Wash............:.- 104, 437 103, 380 pe) cal | 22 Springfield, Mass...........-- 129, 614 126, 799 "2, 650 } «2: “14 Syracuse, N. Yur; --h-g ss: - 171, 717 170, 372 1,260! 68 M@oletio, Oniolva.0...u.....-- 243, 164 237, 385 ‘5,691 | ‘11 TrontonjNe I atl CIFY a, ‘Sa eft i yas VV 2 f ative yy Oo Native. Foreign Total. parent- Seely, oe | age. Akron, Ohio. 2c... be cees 170,414 | 38, 024 164, 829 125, 079 ¢Albany,N. Ya... Gat 95, 649 | © 17, 695 94, 400 56, 265 a pela nte Ga | pees: .3.0a || 195,827 4, 789 133, 047 124’ 948 Eee rel te. 649,017 | . 84, 809 541, 219 378, 380. mingham, Ala...2....| 172,666} |. 6,140 102, 466 92) 211 i Boston, Mass... ...- b.2.| 605,441 | 242) 619 491, 566 181; 811 _, Bridgeport, Conn. ....... 96,773 | 46, 782 94, 806 36, 816 "eB dio, N- Ber LO.as 384, 951 | 121; 824 380, 512 165, 135 + Cambridge, Mass-...0... 76, 398 |, | 33) 296 72, 146 29, 045 Camden, N. Ji} 95) 955 |. 20; 354 87, 491 56, 249 _ Chicago, Tl... 2.1.. Leal 1, 893, 147 | 808,558 |} 1, 783, 687 642, 871 _ Gincinnati, Ohio... 2.2.2: 358, 326 | © 42) 921 828, 270 206, 605 ay Caiscrateg Ohiow....2.2:] | 556,668 | 240,173)|| 522, 488 212, 247 i } Sol bus, Ohio...... ii] 220; 8444 | 16; 187 198, 666 159, 069 Dallas, Tex..2.22....4.5.) 150,175 8,801 | 126, 158 112, 509 rs { j ; a ayton, Ohio.......... ee} 139,394 | . 13, 165 130, 384 100, 996 = Denvet, Colo........... "| 21g’ 261 | 38) 230 212, 024 144’ 678 _, Des Moines, Iowa........ 115, 199 11, 269 | 109, 663 84) 361 © Detroit, Mich......... 1) 702; 794 | 290} 384 662) 768 313, 997 . L. 1 River Mase <1.025, 78,064 | 42,421 77, 733 19, 168 | Fort W rth, Tex..1.....| 98,980] 7,502 83, 107 75, 515 ’ Grand Heapias Mich.< 2°) 109,207 |. 28) 497 108, 117 56, 079 » Hartford, Conn... 22.2. 97,124 | 40,912 93, 014 40, 327 meereoustons Tex 1.3 o.. 126,188 | 12, 088 92, 256 72, 433 4 Indiana olisy Tid oo 297, 098 17,096 23 453 218, 297 3 3 ersey | y> +X is ss 484 3S@e me 221; y oes City, Kaus.. 4 Pate 89, 456 75, 047 56, 575 “ee City; Mos. din. « 296, 827 266, 197 209; 134 Los ngeles Catt Bo ys 454, 542 434’ 807 294 458 : Louisvi ees dca es 223, 224 183) 148 139, 403 ‘ge pivall Mass BOK LOcts 74, 643 74, 469 24, 676 EY emphis, Tenn iy os 1 OLL¢ 156, 507 95, 338 82’ 795 nett Wis. :.i.0.cs| 846, 987 344, 756 130, 845 i‘. e&polis, Minn. !_...: 292, 334 288, 333 133, 178 | Nashville, Tenn: 2122252) 115, 930 80, 316 74, 022 4 New Bedford, Mass... 12. 70, 139 67, 453 20; 098 + New Haven, RS} 112, 130 44,401 18 259, 924 190; 641 eae oir ois | ees Bs mx borough... ... 108 274 | is Brooklyn Barons. Si 1, 352, 168 1, 325, 666 456, 240 - Manhattan borough. 1,333, 839 1, 246) 826 388, 279 ueens borough. - 356, 871 "851, 985 149,342 Richmond borough. . 84, 736 83) 420 38, 203 Mowat Sea 280, 220 113; 413 Norfolk, Va.... ore 2 Asoc th. 65, 639 57. ‘759 1 SN Be 158, 842 90; 279 Ta Beem 145, 665 86, 525 Bows vlcecas 89, 109 31, 824 1, 290, 253 698, 782 ) Pittsburgh, Pa........... 429, 995 216, 530 _Btahugn, Pa Bin tdcatne 205) 847 136, 216 ‘s A ees tee re 167, 700 162, 805 63; 728 i ae 97, 298 81; 000 AE De 112, 937 102) 956 AF Be 222, 768 111) 976 5 oe Bia 599, 376 359, 482 179, 576 77, 378 97, 347 56; 234 4 “San Antonio, Tex...0)... 124, 555 110, 153 76, 299 pean hog Calif.....:| 357,481 349, 822 167, 179 2 Sa ees 109, 196 108, 646 48, 715 | oe Bais 41643 | 234, 336 228, 705 139, 701 Sp okane, Wash. ......... 87, 341 86, 554 57, 324 d Mass Ep .8 th 98, 153 95, 549 48, 945 _¥ Syracuse, Ni ¥ 2.021 2021! 39, 138, 051 80, 072 ¥ Toledo, Ohio. 32011022. 199, 240 124’ 055 Gil 84, 829 44, 195 “TAG 298, 312 239, 488 Wilmington, Del........ 83, 103 56, 868 ! ba.) 2k 124, 973 50, 716 ® Yonkers, N.Y.00...... 72, 478 30,059 ~ Youngstown, Ohio....... 91, 761 46, 459 Native white. Foreign parent- age. 133, 375 --- §, 207 44’ 061 41) 454 COLOR OR RACH, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAGE. WHITE POPULATION BY NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE. Mixed parent- age. 11, 405 11, 101 3, 284 46, 090 3, 578 71, 514 10, 896 61, 018 10, 818 8, 425 252, 320 |, 41, 354 63,712 15, 395 5, 630 10, 501 | 24° 284 10, 036 101) 736 13. 380 3, 066 17, 259 10; 933 8) 022 16, 577 28° 325 6, 323 mae 880 | 53, 541 16, 669 109 Foreign- born white. 110 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 31.—PER CENT DISTRIBUTION: OF TOTAL: POPULATION .BY “COLOR “OR RACE, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAGE, FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920. COLOR OR RACE. NATIVITY. NATIVE WHITE. Ind. For- | | Chi; Na- | For- | wixed| eign- CITY. : Japi; || Nae | Hor {| tive | eigm | nar. | born White.|Negro.| ‘snd’ Il tive. wien Total. he ie ent~ | whita: all ¢ age. other . BSS. ‘Akron, Ohi6..i. 0.4.82)... 97.31 2:74 O14! BRS 18.2 ho 60.01.1367 1.548018. 9 Atbany, Mews. 2.4. 260 ks: ce 98.8 Liat 0.1 84:4} 15.6 83. 3 49.6 | 23.9 9.8 15. 6 Atlanta; Ge) les. 2h 4 Qi 68.7) 31.3 (4) 97.6 2.4 |} 66.3 || 62.3 2.4 1.6 2.4 Baltimore, Md. .....00.2..-- 85.2} 14.8 0.1 88.4} 11.6 73.8 1) 51.6%} 15.9 6.3 11.4 Birmingham, Ala........-.-- 60.7} 39.3} @) 96. 6 3.4 || (573 || 51.6 7. s0GF Hy 3.4 Boston; Masse... 2k. 97.7 | 222 0.2 67.6 | 32.4 65.7 || 24.3) 31.8] 9:6 31.9 Bridgeport, Conn....2.....-- 98.4 1.6 0.1 || 67.4} 32.6 |} 66.0 |} 25.6) 32.8 7.6 32.3 Bitialo, NPY. 2. fe ae. 28 99.1:') O.9]} @) 76.0 | 24.0 75.1 32.6 | 30.5} 12.0 24.0 Cambridge, Mass... ...: 95.0 4.91.01 69.6 | 30.4 1) 65.8 || 26.5] 29.4] 9.9 29.3 amidens Nous. 1 ck Lae: 92.6) 7.3) @) 62. 5:.8087. 5p! TO) 48,4. 19, Sg ola? @ Chicago, Tbe dd. . 22.48.26... 95.84 4.1 0.1 |} 70.1 | 29.9 || 66.0 |} 23.8] 32.91° 9,3 }029.8 Cincinnati, Ohio..i Sve. 022..- 92.5 7.5) @) 89.3 | 10.7 || 81.8 j| 51.5] 20.0) 10.3] 10.7 Cleveland, Ohio. ....5....--- 95.6 4.3 (4) 69.9 | 30.4 65. 6 26.6} 30.9 80) 30.1 Columbus, Ohio-...-.2..4..--. 90.6 9.4 0.1 9322 6.8 83.8 67.1} 10.2 6.5 | "6.8 1 S| Ee iy. ear leay emo er te 84.8, 15.1] @) 94. 5 5.5 || 79.4 |} 70.8 5.0 3.5 5.5 Dayton, Qhidwec -. sana Laie = 94. 1 5.9 @) 91.4 8.6 85.5 66.2 | 12.4 6.9 8.6 Danver, Colo, .. 4 syense-. dt (ee 2.4 0.3 |} 85.1 | 14.9 |] 82.7 || 56.417 16.8 9.5 14.7 Des Moines, Iowa... -...2:-- 95.6 4.4 0.1 |} QL 8.9 |} 86.7 |] 66.7) 12.1 7.9 8.9 Detroit, Macha. os ea ca sce 95.8 4,1 0.1 10.2. | 229.3 66. 7 31.6} ° 24.9} 10.2 99.1 Fall River, Mass. ........... 99.7 0.3 (1) 64.8 | 35. 2 64. 6 15/9 Fo S7ae) Alda 35. 1 Fort Worth, Tex. .......:-- -| 85.0] 14.9 0.1 |} 93..0 7.0 |). 78.0 || 70.9 4.3 2.9}... 6.9 Grand Rapids, Mich.....-... 99.2 0.8 ask 79.3.|) 20.7 78. 6 40.7] 25.3 | 12.5 20. 6 Prantford, Wonn: . 30s cup 2 96.8 3. 0 0.1 70.4 | 29.6 || 67.4 29.2) 30.2] > 7.9 29.5 Houston; Pex: . .) kan see. - 75.4} 24.61 @) 91.3 8.7 |]. 66.7 || 52.4) ° 8.5 5.8 8.7 Indianapolis, Ind.........--. 88.9} 11.0]. (2) 94. 6 5.4 || 83.5 |} 69.8 8.5 O29 1. ae ae Jersey City, No. face Gs. 97.3] 271.) || 744) 256). 71,8 202 bs83.4a' 1. O05 95 Be Kansas City, Kans. 2-5... 2. 85.7. 1452 0.1 BS. 4. | eldb 74.2 55:9 [12.0 6,2 1k. 5s Kansas City, Mo............ 90. 5 9.5 0,1 91.5 8.5 82.1 64.5} 10.8 6.7 8.4 Los Angeles, Calif.....-..... 94.8 2.7 Qi Wo 1828. | 21. Bale. 15.4 Leonie. © 9.3] 19.4 HIOUIS VIO gS V--- 03... e gens es 82:9} 17.1 (1) 95.0 5.0 78. 0 59.3) 11.5 vf | 4.9 Lowell, Masso... 22.82.44... 999.8 0.2 0.1 66.2 | 33.8 66. 0 21.9). 32.8. fea 3 33. 7 Memphis,’"Tenn.. )iV%.0.... 62.31. 877ES @) 96.4 3.6 58.7 |} 51.0 4.7 3.0 Beg Milwaukee; Wis. ......0.2.-. 99. 5 0:5}. @) 75.9 |) 24.1 75.4 28.6 | 33.4] 13.4 24, 1. “Minneapolis, Minn....../.... 98.9} 1.0 0.1 76.8: | 238.2 75. 8 35,0}. :28. 6 | 8 4292 ANB Nashville, Tenn. ...222...-.- | -69.9:| 30.1 (@) 98. 0 2.0 67.9 62.5 3.1 2:2 2.0 New Bedford, Mass-:....... «1 ©95.'8 4.1 0.1 |} 57.9 '|'.42.1 ]} 55.6 || 16.61 30.0 9.1 40.2. New Haven, Conn. -....2..-- 97.1 2.847) O21 f} 76 |6:28.4 I 69,0 |] 27.3 | 938.7 8.0 28.1 New Orleans, La..../..2...|173,8'] 26.1 0.1 92.9 cee 67.1 49.2] 10.8 v 6.7 New Yorkywiy¥ . 228 G25 OF lb 2177 0.1 63.9 | 36.1 61.7 20..7 |: 33,3 Fey) 35.4) Bronx borough 3....0.... 99. 3. OPT ert OD 63.4 | 86.6 || 62.8 |} 18.1] 36.7 8.0 36.5 Brooklyn borough. ...... 98.3 1.6 0.1 || 67.0] 33.0 || 65.71] 22.6] 34.9} 8.2 32.7 Manhattan-borough...... ' 95.0 4.8 0.3 158:'4 |) 41.6 54.6 17§0-A534.8 6.0} 40.4 Queens borough. .......- | 98,9 1.1 0.1 76.1.) 23.9 75.0 31.8] 31.4} 11.8 23.8 Richmond borough... ...| °98.6 1.3 Ql tf FAKE 27.3) MOT B28 is2e Gfoloieah~ 27.8 95.8; 41). O.1 |} 716 |. 28.4 |], 67.6 || 27.4] 322] 81] 289 62:4} 37.5 0.1 94, 0 6. 0 56.7 49.9 4.5 2.3 bid 94.3 2.'5 3.1 76.9} 23.1 73.4 41.7) 20.47 1133 | 20.9 94:5 5.4 0.1 81. 4./° 18.6 76. 0 45.2°] 21.6 9.2 18. 5. 98.8 Ash 0.1 66.7 |. 33.3 65. 6 23.4°| 32.4 O70 1, Soca 92.6 7.4 0.1 78. 0. | 22.0 70. 7 38.3} 24,5 7.9 21.38° 93:5, 6.4 0.1 79.5 | 20.5 73,1 36.8} 26.8] °.9.5 20. 4— OT 016 1.5 80.7. 1.19.8 79.7 52.7] 16.2 | 10.7 18.2— 97.5. 2.4 0,1 70.6 |. 29.4 68, 5 26. 8°12 82. 0 9.7 29.0— 99.1 0.9 (2 91.1 &.9 90.3 152 2- Pet 4,1) 8.9% 68.5) 31,5 ts 97.3 2.7 65. 8 60. 0 3.4 24 1 ee 99.4] 0.5} @ 75.9 | 4.1 || 75.3 || 37:9] 26.5] 10.9] 24.1 90.9 9.0.) 0.1 86.6} 13.4 EF ahs 46.5} 20.4] 10.6 “13.4— 98.5 1.4 0.1 78.0 | 22.0 76.5 33.0°}>'29.9 1. 13,6 |. 22.07 98.9 0.6 0.5 |] 83.2 |. 16.8 82.4 /} 47.6] 19:9 | 14.9 16.5— 91.0] 8&9] O1]} 77.2] 22.8]) 68.3] 47.3] 131] 7.9] 2277 96. 7 0.5 2.'8 7006 29. 4 69.0 33.0} 24:8 | 1124 5 27.77 99.6 0.4: ¢6 A) CIEE WOE20, 7 78.9 35,4 | 82. 8} 10.7 20.7 96.0 0.9 po 98.1 (403: WS25.7 T2i5 44.3 | 17.3) 10.9) 23.4 1199.0 0.7 0.3 83.6 |) 16.4 82.9 54.9}. 15.9 }.002. 1: 16.18 97. 8: 2.04. 0.1 7527 | 24.3 73.7 || 37.8) 25.5.) 10.540 24.1 99.2 0.7 63 SLEL $018. 9b! 80.4 46.6] 23.8] 10.0} 1 18.8 97.6 2.3/7. @ 8403, O15, 7 81.9 51.0}. 21.0 9.9}. 15.7 96.3 3. GOES sO. (ALT W525. B Abe FEEL 37.0} 27.0 71 pon 25.2 74.7) 25.1 0.2 93.3 6.7 |] i 68. 2 54. 7 8.0! 5.4 459° 6.5- 90,2 9.8 (1) 85.2 | 14.8 75.4 61.6.) 1704 Joo 64 14.8 99.2] O07} O11} 70.2} 29.8) 69.5 |} 28.2] 31.6]: KF) 29.7— 98. 0 1,9 0.1 74.2 | 25.8 |. 72.4 30.0]. 82.2) 10.1]. 25.7— 94:9} 5.0] 0.1 |] 744) 25.6 ]) 69.3 || 35.1.) 26.0] 82]: 25.6 "3 é& 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 percent. COLOR OR RACE, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAGR, 111 ee 82.—PER CENT OF INCREASE, BY COLOR OR RACE, NATIVITY, AND PARENT- AGE, FOR CITIES HAVING, IN 1920, 160,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1910-1920. [Per cent not shown where base is less than 100. A minus sign (—) denotes decrease.] i ‘ Indian} Pid APM NATIVE WHITE. ; Chinese, Foreign: = CITY. White. | Negro. | Japa- Native | Foreign} Mixed | born t nese,and|| Total,..|| parent- | parent- | parent- | white. uy em all other. age. age. age. “Akron, One ved ORL é ‘Vosiarte 174903 1) ahh Ady 198.8] 231.0] 153.7 84.0] 196.1 Paiberty, N.) YI i. ap. 13) OF! P1955 PLL 16.5 26.5 5.5 THA 0'9 ‘Atlanta, pvetha Lab ie 340 21,0 40.058 Std 35.1 35. 8 28.8 20.5 7.4 Baltimore, ME AS aya 32. 1 27.8 72 36. 6 44,7 20.7 20.7 8.9 Birmingham, Ala....... JUN 35:1 34.3 Haels Oe. 87.2 39.1 30.1 10.9 6.7 Boston, Mass...0000.. 20.45 14 20.5 |. =7.5 18.5 15.2 21.9 IGE ),7 Bridgeport, Conn. .....) 42. Re 40.3 67/3. FPR 47.1 35.6 61.7 32.9 28.3 Patiala, NVC). a8 19.0} 154.4 66.9 25.4 38.0 16.1 20.3 2.6 ‘Cambridge, Mass.........:... ADA 2113.8 TAOS 10.3 1B.4 9... 5905 49: 7.2 Camden, N. 3.2.02... .02. 2... O11 HH) .°°39,9 Ae 20.3 18.4 }-...4.1]\ aon (90.2 pemoeOs TILL ee. ik 21.0 148.2 45.0 B14 44,4 26.0 2te5ik 2) Bol Cincinnati, Ohio..2........... 7.9 63,2 (Rie ene 14.3 33.3 |... 0274) liseaippOLog 6 ‘Cleveland, Op 6S. IVES 38.1 |» 307.8 25.5 46.7 60. 4 43.7 o1.7 22. 4 bis, Otiie.28. eb) 2Nk- 27.3 TAA TEE OA 30.3 36.1 12 {5p o La 4 pDellas, Tex... PE 82. 2 $3.8 Fea 2: 83.3 88.3 51.2 49.2 67.3 D TE ae | aa Ce Gee ee 33.2.1) 80% a2. Fil Wed dee bons sriver, Colo...........+-..-. Ay Git v 12,0 4. elt 26.1 35.3 BE aa er tit 4 Des Moines, da Fac tagsad Ss pss 44.9 CA Gh | Sree bak pane 50. 2 56.8 29.0 35,7 8.0 ‘Detroit Mi eal tt cart AG te the oe 118.5 || 172.8] °° 8715.1 80.1 |) | g4.8 : Fall River, Mass peas fae | bale » TE Ts See lLS fe caeh Saiase 14.4 20.9 12.0 13.9 | —16.8 pot Worth, Tex............. 50.9 19.7 tats ne: 49.1 50.6 41.2 27.4 74.8 rand 1 Rapids, Mich.. es ae a G3)0 Tende ene. 29.4 37.5 17.4 31.2 0.1 P SRS hea tote Eh dA. cae vee 41.3 30. 0 53.0 45,2 30. 2 ere. Ls ae aii gh | toatl 90.2 AE an 90. 2 9S * 27-0 71.9 90.1 Indianapolis, Ind............. 31.9 BOLO Weseae ston 36.7 45.6 1.5 8.7 | —14.2 iMemey City, NoJ...... 50.02" 10.8 34.2.) —41, 3 16.3 16.3 18.4 a dere nsas City, Kans......-...- 18. 8 GAT UB ay A ettind 19.8 17. 8 30.4 18.9 12. 7 Bene City, Mo, .<:1o<--. 30. 6 30. 4 26.1 33.5 36. 1 26. 0 23.6 7.9 ‘Tos Anestes ONT. tas dads @ 79.1 105.0 126. 2 iat 738. 2 89.9 84. 4 85.0 > Be eed Bde eed. t ben oy 10.4 92, | S19 12,415 eed aaa eee Sie me 0 978 fae 18.9 19.2) 16.8) 24.5} +125 ‘Memphis, Tenn... ......-.... 28.7 1627, (Sik Dh 32.2 38.0 5. Gdn WO ah f 10: '7 ‘Milwaukee, Wis.........2:... 92) O° 6827.4 HN RY. 31.9 66. 0 13.0 G0.0414 7,2 aoe Manns. fais. 26. 0 BUS 101. 4 355 38.5 27.6 48.3 2.4 PEI OTST... 42) Wife 440284 WER FER 13.4 16,.2.)),. #4130, 1: 3202 4 99. 2 New Bedford, Mass A EE 24.0 73.2 aha woe: 32.1 7.3 44,9 51.9 14.2 ‘New Haven,Conn............| 21.4 28.4 | 48.0 28. 6 17.7 38.2 32.2 6.8 _ New Orleans, La....... ee 14.6 1321 | #6920 17.2 29.3], 0H800. (9988: bd SB Pew Mork (NoWns. ./. 10... 16. 9 66. 3 35.0 26.5 26.4 29.6 | 9 14.8 3.3 Bronx’ borough..........- 70. 4 16.7 4.7 65.6 43, 4 90. 8 32.3 79.3 Brooklyn borough........ 23, 3 40. 5 29. 0 27.6 21.5 36.5 11.9 (15.4 Manhattan borough...... —4.3 | 80.3 36.9 TQ 12.8 6.1 —0.9 |; —16.5 } ' Queens borough.......-.-- 65. 2 60.1 vAts’s 74.6 85.3 67.2 68.3 4b, 2 _ Richmond borough..-....| 35,6 20:8 (Jee sine 37.9 35.3 47.7 22.9 29.9 Walewark, Ni Jo... 220 17,6 79.2 28. 6 23.4 19.7 32.9 4.6 5.7 Norfolk, Va... ..-1..-..0..... 70. 5 73:3 PP TN 69.2 67.6 82.6 82. 2 84. 8 Oakland, Calif........... BA 4307 79.7 31/1 51.1 63.6 33.7 44,2 22.6 Omaha, Nebr.l............-.- 24.9} 100.6} —1L.4 32.4 40.9| 19.8.1) 26.1 1.4 Paterson, NAS i. $3.) bail 8.3 OB Sie Sk 13.4 12:1, 18. 6 1.4 —0.6 Philadelphia, Pa... -- He 15.4 58.9 16.3 19.4 19.7 23.7 67) 4.0 | Pittsburgh, neues Medd. 8.3 47.2 30.3 A7i Qe! 23.0 13.7 5.6) —14.4 sand Gia. i 2.2. hike, 27, Dae ecag.9 bse? 32.7 30.8| ..27-8]) 5229 7.6 - Providence, SRL 6 kta: 6.0 6.4} —52.5 14.4 6.3 22.1 14.9 —9.6 Peeending hPa 0.20.5 0h 12.1 17.4. Lea eis 12.5 8.4 44. 9 PQA Rd Mmichmond, Vai .'?. 032.6552. 45, 4 15.6 |. 6iJe.. 47.1 48.9 26.1 36.6} 13.5 Rochester, N. Y.........2..-- 35.4 19. 6.Ao tse tie.8 40.8 50.3] ..38:3 20. 0 20. 9 Wms LOS! Mb. yi. 8. bss. 9.4 58.9. | 26.3 16.0 33.2) ..—3. D4 2 2i4d)i 17.9 gee: Paul) Minn, 26s 2.) i... 9.3 Tot eR Sk 15.9 25.6 14) 182.4.) —8.7 Salt Lake City, Utah......... 2TH V2.6 704 34.4 47.4 13:6 29.6 2.1 San Antonio, Tex.........--- 71.1 gag ee 61.1 71.0 }° 44.3? 80.5} 110.5 San Francisco, Calif.........- 22.5 47.0] (+6.7 30. 0 44.9 PEA |i 22.6 On 1 @eranton, Pas ji. s50.. 000. 6.1 60.7. fo dud. 10d 15.4 D7 11.3 —0) 55) —18.6 Weeattle, Wasbicd.. 2 aL... 32.9 26.0 37.7 37.0 32.1 39.9 55.6 21. 4 Spokane, Wash............-.- 0.3 0.6 | —45.7 5.7 5.0 1.6} \) 15.4}, —20.7 ‘Springfield, Mass............- 45, 1 7907, fos aol 48.41) 37.0] _.62.1 63.9 | 35.9 ¢ eaesse NN fe OS, ves 3 25.2 128k See Sel 31.1 37.1 25.3 19.7 5. 0 Toledo, Ohio............-.--- 42, Biki 203. 2.|. since 48. 1 65.1} 25.1}: »299)% 191 VN Cassia. 23 ca. 5 22. 0. 6722 [oder ae. 25.04¢ ° 14.3 45.9 18.2'}: $143 Washington, D. C............ 38. 4 16.4 50.5 40.9 43.7 32,5 1if i278 17.2 ingtong Delux. 2. (ci... 26. 9 18.3.) oo8.ie9. 28. 6 26. 6 8712 hoia QBIB 19.0 | Worcester, Mass... ....22 4... $3.3 1.4, hee es J: 29.9 22. 4 36.3 33.4 10. 2 "Yonkers, N.Y ie Sick. 25.6} 25.2 |esc.oee- 40.51) 38.9} 43.94 ..:848).) 3.3 | eat MiG. 22s 22002... 62 Oe 9244.3 Meo ei. 7516 81.5 79.5 45.5] ° 36.1 ae . 112 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-POPULATION,) TABLE 33.—WHITE POPULATION BY NATIVITY AND PAR DNT MAT, FOR he ,) vic : : TOTAL WHITE = a NATIVE WHITES =~: oO POPULATION. TOTAL NATIVE WHITE, NATIVE PARENTAGE. 1920 1910 1920 1910 1920 1910 ) Akron, Ohio s..g.3..-!-a. 202, 718 68, 404 164, 829 55, 163. 125, 079474 .32;793. 9) Albany, N.iYiig....-t44, 112, 036 99, 171 94, 400: 81, 006 56, 265°). 445473. S | Atlanta} Ga-ssoa: o se: 137, 785 102, 861 133, 047 98, 451 124, 948 Oh, 987 4 | Baltimore, Md..........-| 625, 130 473, 387 541, 219 396, 344 378,380|. 261,474 5 Birmingham, Ala. ih ss 108, 550 80, 369 102, 466 74, 669 92,211 drs iy 66,312 6 | Boston, Mass).cf..-240¢ 730, 485 655, 696 491, 566 414, 974 181, 811 157,870 7 Bridgeport, Gonna . . =25), 141, 220 100, 650 94, 806 64, 470 36; 816) | +0. 27,156 § | Buffalo, N. Y.i...-22-2- 502,042 | 421,809 380, 512 303, 365 165,135:}.) 119,692 9 | Cambridge, Mass... ®... 104, 250 100, 017 72, 146 65, 409 045- 25,615. 10°) Caniden SN i Tigh. 2. sek 107,753 88, 391 87, 491 72,709 56, 249 49, 581 41 | Cliieago, Ti. obs. 2.1 2,589,169 | 2, 139,057 || 1, 783, 687,| 1,357, 840 642, 871 Jil) 445,139) 12 Cincinnati, Oltie.. 2. be. . 871,097 "343, 919 "398° 270 287, 127 206,605 |. °). 154; 937) 13 | Cleveland, Ohio........- 762, 026 551, 925 522, 488 356, 222 212, 247) 182, 324) 14 | Columbus, Ohio....-.-.. 214,721 168, 709 198; 666 152, 424 159,069 | -; 116; 846) 15,| Dallas; Tex....c.....2+- 134, 888 74, 043 126, 158 68, 824 112,509 |.) 69,746 16 | Dayton, Ohio........-.. 143, 495 111, 707 130, 384 97, 860 100,996'| «72,301 (771 Denver, Colo. t..-:. toe 249, 644 207, 071 212, 024 168, 130 144, 673 | 106, 9: 18 | Des Moines, lowa....... 120, 887 83, 414 109, 663 73, 019 SOL yy 93, 7a 19 | Detroit, Mich..........- 952, 065 459, 926 662; 768 303, 361 S13 ate AES, 108 20 | Fall River, Mass.......- 120, 114 118, 857 77, 783. 67, 983 19, 168} * eae 91 | Fort Worth, Tex.......- 90, 466 59, 960 83) 107 55, 751 75,515 |° '..'50, 139 22 | Grand Rapids, ag we 136, 472 111, 879 108, 117 83, 544 56, 079 4 Srp aia 93 | Hartford, Conn. ........ 133, 681 97,078 93, 014 65, 835 40, 327° “31, 011 24 | Houston, Tex......-..-. 104, 268 54) 832 92, 256 48, 514 72,493 1° + 37, 18h 25 | Indianapolis, Ind ....-.- 279, 411 211,780 262, 453 192, 013 219, 297°}. 150, 593 26 | Jersey City, N.J..... 22. 290, 009 2617 659 214, 028 183, 962 87,083 4°.” 74, 861" 97 | Kansas City, Kans.....- 86, 703 72; 996 75, 047 62, 652 “B56, 525 rear 48, 021 28 | Kansas City, Mo........ 293; 517 224" 677 266, 197 199, 350 209,134 f° 153,717 29 | Los Angeles, Calif....... 546, 864 305, 307 434, 807 244, 723 294,458: nyed 30 | Louisville, Ky.........: 194, 769 183, 390 183, 148 165, 954 139,403" : “113, 543 31 | Lowell, Mass. ........1.. 112, 509 106, 102 74, 469 62, 645 24, 676))) , £03 32| Memphis, Tenn......... 101, 113 78, 590 95, 338) 72, 123 82,795 |9 o> 89, 985 33 | Milwaukee, Wis......... 454,824 | 372,809 344, 756) 261, 353 180; 845. fi! 678,828 34 | Minneapolis, Minn.....- 376, 365 298, 672 288, 333 212, 734 133,178 |.» 96,286 35 | Nashville, Tenn......2.. 82, 703 73, 831 80, 316 70, 838 TA, 022) fi 9:63; 687 36 | New Bedford, Mass..... 116, 142 93, 699 67, 453 51, 074 ||... 20;098 fev. 118,738 37 | New Haven, Conn...... 157, 816 129, 944 112, 130 87, 160 44, 401-4 (03 0 37/728 38 | New Orleans, La........ 285, 916 249, 403 259, 924 221, 717 190,648 }.110147,473 39 | New York, N.Y..-..2.. 5,459,463 | 4,669,162 || 3,467,916 | 2,741,459 || 1, 164, 884] ~ 1.92Y, 818 40 Bronx borough...... ”726,990 | 7 426,650 || > 460,019 |. °277) 715 132,770 | ou 92, 569 41 Brooklyn borough. | 1,984,953 | 1,610,487 || 1,325,666 |) 1,039, 131. |}/=» 456, 240;} 11/378, 548 42 Manhattan borough.| 2,168,906 | 2) 266,578 || 1,246, 826 |.1, 162,559 || 388,270} \.«B44, 351 43 Queens borough..... 463, 661 280, 691 351, 985 201, 576 |) -o B49, 8420}: odo 80, 607 44 Richmond borough . 114, 953 84, 756 83, 420 60, 478 38,203 fyy 28, 249 45.| Newark, N. J.22.....2.- 397, 223 337, 742 280, 220 227, 087 113,413.) %O4737 .46 | Norfolk, Va...i...-.0202 72, 226 2,353 65, 639 38,.789 ||... 57,759.10 usd oa7e | 47 | Oakland, Calife:.....0.2 204,004 | 141,956 || 158, 842 105, 134 90,279 1b.” 055,198 48 | Omaha, Nebr.? - Ls 181, 046 144, 941 145, 665 110,039 ||... 86,525. /061,416_ 49 | Paterson, N.J.......2-4 134, 254 123, 969 89, 109 78, 571 - 31) 82:41! 119/28) 392 | 50 Philadelphia, ) eee 1,688,180 | 1,463,371 || |1,290,253 |. 1,080,793 698,.782 |: 1584) 808 - §1 | Pittsburgh, Pass.....5.4 550, 261 508, 008 429,995 |’ 367)572 216,530:)) 176, 089 52| Portland, Oreg.......... 252, 961 198, 952 205, 847 155,172 | 136} 216. so 104,163 53 | Providence, RvI........ 231, 756 218, 623 162, S05 142, 320 63,728.41 159,966 54 | Reading, Pa. ..:....-... 106, 851 95, 276 97, 298 86,464 ||. ; 81, 000! | hiior Fy TEE | Richmond, Va.......4.: 117,574 80, 879 112, 98 76,794 ||. 102,956] i°69;130 | 56 | Rochester, N. Y.....:..}) 294,089 | | 217,205 222768 |. 158,212 ||. 1119761}, ein? 528 | 57-| St. Louis, Mo.i........ J 702, 615 642, 488 599, 376 516,782 ||... 3597 482 |! , 269, 836 58 | St. Paul, Minns...... 2. 931,171 211, 51p 179, 576 154,992 |] 1977} 378 2 52 96159 59 | Salt Lake City, Utah....|. 116, 781 91) 471 97, 347 72, 436 56,234)... 38,152. 60 | San Antonio, Tex....1.. 146,799 85, 801 110, 153 68, 394 76,299}. 644629 61 |} San Francisco, Calif-. 5. 490, 022 400, 014 349,822 k) 269,140 167,179]! .°115)359. 62 | Scranton, Pa. .té... 202. 137, 214 129, 288 108, 646 94,176 48,715: |.) 38; 745. 63 | Seattle, Wash......-.1.4 302,580 | | 227,753 228, 705 166,918 ||. 1397 TOL i Peso Spokane, Wash......... 103, 380 103, 071 86, 554 81, 851 oe io hh6Ay S74 | iy pga uae Oth ra 126, 799 87, 387 95, 549 64, 388 48) 945. eg 88, 788 | 66 | Syracuse, N..Y..........}) 170, 372 136, 101 138, 081 105,320 |} .-.-- 80,072 |) 58) 408 | _ 67 | Toledo, bintaee fe ae Slt 237/385 166,567 || -..199;240 | 134,530 1247055 | 0985947 | 68 | Trenton, N. ue aM eegh ie 114, 902 94) 198 ||) 84, 829 67, 888 Ad4,.195 Jo! 88,679 | 69 | Washington, D.C.....-.| 326, 860 236,128 || © 298,312 | 211,727 A889. 166/711 | 70 | Wilmington’ Del........ 99, 382 78,309 - $3,103 631 56, 868"| 1976 | | Worcester, Mass......... 178, 391 144) 664.|] . 1247973 |. 96} 172 50,716.) A142 | 72) Yonkers, N. Yu...... 2. 98,178 78,190 72,478 51, 600 059 } 0) 221, 640_ 73 | Youngstown, Ohio...... 125, 595 77, 109 91, 761 52, 288 6,0 25, 595 et 1 Includes, for 1910, Gopalstion of South dine ‘consulideted with Omaha since 1910. ' COLOR OR RACE, NATIVITY, AND, PARENTAGE. Hats) __ QIPIES HAVING, IN 1920, 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920 AND 1910. ro ~- PER CENT OF TOTAL WHITE POPULATION, NATIVE WHITE— ; FOREIGN OR MIXED FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. ; ; Native, foreign | oesaPARENTAGE, © Mating mathe or mixed Foreign born. - P Be: parentage. 1920 1910 1920 1910 1920 | 1916 | 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 ; 39,750 | 17,370 87, 889 13, 241 617 | 255.27) 19.6- |. 25.44 18.7] 194] 1 ASO, 38/135 - 36, 633 17, 636 18,165'}| -50.2}/ 44.84 34.0] 36.8] 157] 183] 2 ss x 6, 464 4,738 4,410 || 90.7] 989.4 5.9 6.3 3.4 4.81 3 162, 839 134, 870 83, 911 77,043 |} 60.5] 55.2) 26.0] 285] 134/163) >4 ’ 10, 255 8,357 6, 084 5,700 || 849] 82.5 9.4] 10.4 5.6 Wk dad ~} 809,755 257,104 || 238,919 240,722) ||) 249'), 24.1) 9. 42,4]00 39.2] 32.7); 36.71 6 +]. 57,990} 37,314 46, 414 36,180:|}° 26.1 |: 27.0] 4L.2].) 371] 32.9};.359] 7 215,377 | | 183,673 121, 530 118,444 |} 32.9] 284] 42.9] 43.51 242) 214108 . 43,101 | * © 89,794 32,1 34,608 || 27.9 | 25.6]. 41.3]: 39.8] 30.8] ..346] 9 81,242 | | 23,128 20, 262 15,682 || 52.2) 56.1] 20.0] 26.2} 188.) 17.7110 )}011,140,816 | 912, 701 805, 482 781,217|| 24.8 | 20.8) 9 44.11.0427] 314) 365] 11 4 ua, 132, 190 42, 827 56, 792)} 55.7 | 45.1) > 8281 38.4] 11,5)]5)/16.5 | 12 | (310,241 | | 223,908 239, 538 195,703 || 27.9 | 240] 40.7] 40.6] 31.4]. 35.5 }-13 e|o 39,597 }. |. 35,578 16, 055 16,285 || 74.1 |) 69.3) ° 184] © 211 7.5 9.7 | 14 : ,649. | 9,078 8, 730 5,219 ||) 834 | 80.7] 10.1)|>. 12.3. 6.5 7.0 | 15 S| 29, 388 25, 559 13, 111 13,847 || 70.4] 647) 20.5] © 22,9 9.1] 12:4 | 16 lo 6 67,346 61, 185 37, 620 38, 941 58.0} 51.6] 27.0) 295} 15141881 17 Q]i 056, 302. 19, 234 11, 224 10, 395 69.8 | 64.5} 20.9] 23,1 9.3... 12.5 | 18 |i ¢ 348,71 188, 255 289, 297 156,565 || 33.0] 25.0}. 36.6] 40.9] 30.4] 34.0] i9 =f) 58, 615 52,125 42, 331 50, 874|| 616.0 | )133)) 48.815. 43.9] 35.2). 42-8 | 20 Bl | iny,-592 5, 612 7, 359 4,209 || 83.5] 83.6 84). 9.4 8.1 7.0 | 21 _ 52,038 42,767 28, 355 98,335 |] 41.1'} 36.4] 381] 382] 20.8.).«,25.3,) 22 BUS» 6152, 687 34, 824 40, 667 31,243]| 30.2] 31.9] °° 394] ° 35.9.) 30.4]. 82.2 | 23 c 19, 823 11, 333 12,012 6,318 |Jo 69.5 | 678}: 1906 20.7] 11.5.) 15 | 24 |. 43, 156 41, 420 16, 958 19,767 ||. 735| 71) 154] 19.6 6. 1 9.3 | 25 Do 126, 945 109, 101 75, 981 77,697 ||: :30.0'} 28.64.05 43.8 | 0 41.7] 26.2), 29:7 |°26 G|G 848, 472 14, 631 il, 656 10,344 |) 665.3 |. 65.8) 213 Jos 20.0 |. 184) 14.2 | 27 Be 57, 068 45, 27, 320 25,327.) 71.3 |. 68.4.) . 19.41. 20,3 9.3.) 11.3 | 28 ele 140, 3 74, 756 112, 057 60,584) 53.8) 657 | 9.25.7) 245) 20.54...19.8 | 29 Ole 648, 74 52,411 11, 621 17,436'|| 716] 61.9] 22.5] 23.6 6.0 9.5 | 30 49,793 41, 942 38,040], 43,457 |} 21.9] 19.5) 443) 395] 33.8] , 41.0 }:31 e\Pe 12,548.) 9. 12,138 5, 775 6,467 || 81.9] 763] ©124]. 15.4 5.7 8:2 | 32 | |io $218,911.) 182,530 110, 068 111,456:||- 288} 211). 47.0} 49.0] 24.2], 20.9} 33 Yes 2185, 155 116, 548 88, 032 85,938 || 341 32:2). 41.2]. 39.0} 23.41. 28:8 | 34 rho 6,294 7,151 2,387 2,993 |} 89.5] 86.3 7.6 9.7 2.9 4,1 |°35 : ~ 47,355 32, 336 48, 689 42, 625 17.3] 20.0) 408] 3845| 41.9] .45.5.1:36 £0 [8 (287,729 49, 434 45, 686 42,784 ||/ 28.1} 29.0 | 42.9] - 380] 28.9]. ..32,9 | 37 oh 69, 283 74, 244 25, 992 27,686.|| 66.7} 5%1]. 24.2] 29.8 9.1). d1.1 | 38 © | 25308,082 | 1,820,141 || 1,991,547 | 1,927, 703,||. 21.3} 197] 42.2]. 89.0] 36.5]. 41.3 | 39 AAih (B27 185, 146 266, 971 148,935 || 183} 21.7]. 45.0}: 43.4] 36..7.],.34.9 | 40 869, 426 663, 583 659, 287 571,356 || 23.0] 23.3] 438] 41.2] 33.2]. 35.5] 41 Slt 858; 547 818,208 922,080} 1,104,019 |) 17.9} 15.2) 3896]. 86.1] 42.54.,.48.7 | 42 ele (202, 643 120, 969 111, 676 79,115)|| 0322} 287) 48:7 |< 43.1] 241 4. 28,2 | 43 45, 217. 32, 235 31, 533 24,278 || 33.2]... 33:3.| 393] 880] 27.4]. 28.6 | 44 r 166,807} 132,350 117, 003 110,655 || 28.6 | 28.1} 42.0] 39.2 }--29.5]°° 82.8] 45 rersots ¢ 8 6, 587 3,564 || - 80.01 81.4} 109] ° 10.2 9.1 8.4 | 46 i |, 68,563 49, 936 45, 162 36, 822 || 44.3 | 38.9} 33.6 |) 85.2 220}! 25.9 | 47 — * | © 89,140 | 48, 628 35, 381 34, 902° |} 47.8 | 4224 | 3207 | 88.5} 19.5] 24 1 | 48 et hath? 50, 179 45,145 45,398 || 23.7 | 22.9} 42.7] 40.5 | -33.6'1 36,6 | 49 ay - 591, 471 496, 785 397, 927 382,578 || ~ 41.4] 39.9} 35.0}. 33.9 }-- 23.6] 26.1 |.50 i |) 218, 465 191, 483 120, 266 140, 436 |/°°39/4 |. 84.7]: 38:81 B77) 21,94). 27.6 | 51 Oat 89,631 51, 009 47,114 43,780 |! 53.8 | 52.4] 27.5] 25.6} 186) » 22.0 | 52 We 99, 077 82, 354 68, 951 76,303 || 27.5} 27.4) 42.81 37.7) 29.8 | 934.9 153 4h 6,298 11,750 9, 553 8,812'|| 75.8] 784 | 15.3 | 12.3 8.9 9.2 | 54 ort 9, 981 7, 664 4,637 4, 085 87.6 | 85.5 8.5 9.5 3.9 B, 1.1555 4) (Ho, 792 83, 687 71, 321 58, 993 ||) B81 | 8°84, 3°} 87.7] 7) 88.54 2403} 27, 2. | 56 * 8939, 894 246, 946 103, 239 125, 706 || 51.2) 42.0)" 841) 3844-147} 19.6 | 57 yf 102,198} 98,398 51, 595 56, 524'|| 33.5} 20,119, 44.2) 44.2] 22.3 |:2:96)7'1'58 et \ictialts 4, 284 19, 434 19, 0385 || 482) 41,71 35.21: 37.5 + 16.619 "20.8 | 59 q wh 40°38, 854 | 23; 765 36, 646: 17, 407 ||. 52.0} . 52.0 | 231]. 27.7] 25,0] 20.3 | 60 ‘art 1, 643 153, 731 140, 200 130, 874. |v 34.1 |. + 28:8 fa 3%3 |. 38.4] . 28.6)| - 32.7 | 61 nas 59,931 |. | 65,431 28, 568 35,112 || 35.5 | 80.0}> 43.7]. 42.9] 20.8 |, 27.2 | 62 af) 89,004}. | 61, 134 73, 875 60, 835. || 46.2 | 46.4]. 204] 26.8] 24.4] 26.7 | 63 ete) 29, 230, 27, 277 16, 826 21,220 ||-.554} 52.9] 28.3]. 26.5] 16.3] 20.6) 64 ob 465604 28, 656 31, 250 22,999 ||. 38.6} 40.91, -368|. 32.8] 24.6) 26.3 | 64 bb 57979]. 46,912 32, 321 30,781 || 47.0 | : 42.91 340] 345] 19.0.) 22.6 | 66 Be 0 25,185 +) 59, 383 38, 145 32,,037.|| 52.3 |» 454.10 31.7], 35.7] 16,4 |,.19.2 | 67 Bee by $0684 29, 209 30, 073 26,310 || 385} 411[- 35:4] 31.0] 26.2 |, 27.9 | 68 a , 824 45, 066 28, 548 24, 351 73.3{ 706] 180) . 19.1 87 | 10.3 | 69 ee 26, 235 19, 694 16, 279 13, 678'||'-9 57.2 |) 57.4) 26.4) 25.1] 16.4] 17.5 | 70 i 74, 257 54,751 53, 418 48,492 || 284] 286] 41.6) 37.8] 29.9] 33.5] 71 ‘— 42, 419 29, 960 25, 700 26,590 || 30.6} 27.7] 43.2] 383] 26.2] 34.0] 72 45, 302 26, 654 33, 834 24,860 || 37.0] 332] 361] 346] 269] 32.2] 73 75103°—23——8 114 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. | TABLE 34.—COLOR OR RACE, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAGE, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM _ 25,000 £O. 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920. NATIVE WHITE. i TAZ sa FOREIGN- | ante : 4 ‘ BORN | NEGRO. All é Native Foreign Mixed WHITE. CITY, Geer parentage. | parentage. | parentage. 20 Gg O} nr | Per |Num-| Per |Num-| Per |Num-} Per Num-} Per || Num-} Per | Num- ; er cent,| ber. |cent.|. ber. |cent.| ber. ber. |cent.| ber. . i Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. ALABAMA: {i Mobile.’ sf. 7S. 60, 777||-36, 854} 60. 6|| 29,060] 47.8] 2,942] 4.8] 2,846] 4.:7}:2j006] 3. 3/23, 906| 39.3 Ai Montgomery....... 43, 464|| 23,6311 54. 4]| 21.145] 48.6) 996] /2.3)..°729] 17> 761 45.6 IZONA? yh ee epi f cc Phoenix./).... 2... 29, 053}| 27,716] 95. 4|| 18,191] 62.6] 3,063] 10.5] 2,417} 8.3] 4,045] 13.9) 1, 79 KANSAS: : hes Lens v4 Fort Smith.......: 28, 870|| 25,276] 87. 6|| 21,718] 75.2] 1,280] 4.5] 1,415] 4.9} 864] 3.0) 3,584] 12,4 Little Rock........} 65, 142\|:47, 657|.73. 2|| 40,851] 62.7] 2,618| | 4.0] 2,390) 3.7]/1,798| 2.8|17,477| 26.8 ALIFORNIA;: : t j , r aon , Alameda........... 28, 8061] 27,839]°96. 6|| 12,160! 42:2] 5, 941) 20. 6| 3,861] 13.4) 5,877] 20.4). 0.8 Berkeley........-:.| 56, 036]} 54, 196} 96. 7|| 28,669] 51/2) 9,381) 16:7] 6,573) 11.7) 9,573) 17.1 0.9 Fresno.....-..).-:: 45, 086|| 42; 820} 95. Ol] 23, 793] 52. 8| 7, 221] 16. 0} 3,254] 7.2} 8,552] 19.0 11 Long Beach. ...... 55, 5931] 55, 040} 99. Ol 37,888] 68. 2| 5, 603) 10.1).4;750| 8.5] 6,799) 12. 0.3 Pasadena...-....-4 45, 354|} 43, 762] 96. 5|| 27, 966] 61.7] 4,975] 11.0] 4,036] 8.9} 6; 785| 15.0 2.4 Sacramento......+. 65, 908}] 62; 207} 94. 4]| 32; 696} 49. 6/11, 510} 17.5] 7, 128] 10. 8110, 873] 16.5 1.0 San Diego........: 74, 683}| 72; 555} 97. 2|| 41,514] 55. 6|10,06| 13.5] 7, 678| 10.3|13, 295| 17. 8 1.3 San José......1..4 39, 642|| 38; 783} 97. ||: 18, 011| 45.4] 8,541] 21.5] 4,411] 11.1]'7,820| 19.7 0.5 : Stockton........48 40, 296|| 37,994] 94. 3]] 20,491] 50.9] 6, 419] 15. 9] 4, 103] 10.2] 6, 981} 17. 0,8 OLORADO;: } ' : ‘ ; Colorado Springs...| 30, 105]] 29, 071] 96. 6l| 20,930] 69.5] 3,020) 10.0] 2,517] 8.4] 2,604] 8. 3.4 3 Pueblotsii..:f Ad 43, 050]| 41, 635] 96. 5||.23,596| 54. 8| 7,480] 17.4} 3;066} 7.1] 7,393] 17. 3,2 ONNECTICUT: Meriden..-....-.:! 29, 867|| 29, 712| 99. 5i|\ 8/212] 27.5/10, 643] 85.6] 2,048] 9. 91/7, 909] 26. 0.5 New Britain....._.| 59, 316l| 58, 993} 99. 5|] 11,161] 18. 8|22, 942] 38. 7| 3,660| 6.2121, 230| 36. 0.5 New London......| 25, 688}] 25, 126| 97. s|| 10,372] 40.4] 6,580] 25. 6| 2,334] 9.1) 5,840] 22. 2.0 Norwalki......-... 27, 743||: 27,086] 97. 6|| 11,611] 42.9] 7, 141| 25.7] 2,379] 8.6].5,955) 21. 2.3 Stamford.......... 35, 096|| 34,205] 97. Si] 9,093] 25. 9111, 656] 33. 21 2; 752! 7. 8/10, 704} 30. 2.5 a Waterbury........ 91, 715|| 90,711) 98. 9|| 22, 122| 24. 1/31; 211] 84.0] 7,484] 8.2129, 894] 32. 1.0 LORIDA: ih Jacksonville. .. ..| 91, 558|} 49, 9721 54. 6||'39, 960] 43.6] 8, 497] 3.8] 2,621] 2.91 3,894] 4. 45.3 Miami. -.... 2d 29,571|| 20, 269} 68. 5|| 14,348] 48.5} 1,811] 6.1] 1,547] 5.2) 2,563] 8. 31.3 — Pensacola........_.| 31,035] 20, 624} 66. 5|| 16,304] 52.5] 17169] 3.8] 1,706] 5.5) 1, 445] 4. 33.5 i Pampa. .--.-.+0.. 51, 608|| 40,045) 77. 6|| 17,542] 34-0| 8, 943] 17.3].2, 894] 5.6110, 666] 20. 29; 3.2 EORGIA: ; ; : pe ; < ‘Augusta:.:....: ©] 52, 548I| 29, 888].56. 9] 26,883] 54. 2}1,190| 2.3] sss} 1.7] 927] 1. 43.0 Columbus........- 31, 125|| 22,028}70. 8|| 20,903} 67.2| 7382] 1:2] .412| 1.31 326] 1. 29.2 Mico 820... la 52, 995]| 29, 898} 56. 4]| 27,923] 52:7)..-707| 1.3] 570} 1.1) - 698) 1. 43:60 | me tvannen AE 83, 252} 44, 030] 52. 9||'34,420] 41.3] 3/736} 4.5] 2,627] 8.2)3,247] 3. 4A e IS: : Mi ; : Auroraes22. 2.42.6: 36, 397|| 35, 765] 98. 3/| 16,399] 45. 1|'8,707| 28. 9| 4,183] 11.5|.6, 476] 17. ute Bloomington...... 28, 725|| 27, 884} 97. 1|| 18, 021} 62. 7| 4; 470|/15. 6| 2,562] 8.9} 2,831] 9. 2.3 Cicerotown..../-..| 44, 9051] 44, 986|100. Ol} 6, 470| 14. 4/18, 827] 41. 8| 4, 223] 9. 4)15, 466] 34. (jm Danville .. ix 4. 33, 776|| 31, 387]. 92. 9|| 24,329) 72. 0| 3, 086] ' 9,11 2,056] 6.1), 916] 4. 7.0 Decatur. is... 50 4s 43, 818}| 42, 631} 97. 3] 38, 254] 75. 9} 4, 043] 9.2] 2,744] 6.3] 2,590) 5.. ae East St. Louis... .. 66, 767)| 59, 304} 88. 8/1 38, 854] 58. 2} 8, 967] 13. 4] 4, 701] 7. 0} 6, 782) 10.. 11 Bivini | : et COLOR OR. RACE, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAGE. 115 a ‘TABLE 34.—COLOR, OR RACE, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAGE, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM . 25,000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. ‘ NATIVE WHITE. ) FOREIGN- | | een - BORN | NEGRO. > so All |] | * |) Native Foreign Mixed WHITE. ' ¢ITy.* ee || parentage. | parentage.| parentage. E ts | RTE FSSE: A FO NB oe I NER IES TERR eRe TER - a || Num-| Per || Num-| Per |Num-| Per |Num-j Per |Num-| Per |Num-| Per “il ber. jecent.|| ber. |cent.| ber. |cent.) ber. |cent.| ber. |cent.| ber. |cent. elowa: | " Cedar Rapids...... 45, 566)| 44, 878} 98. 5|| 26,667) 58. 5) 7,790}. 17. 1) 4,558] 10.0] 5,863) 12.9} 677) 1.5 , Council Bluffs. ::-. 36, 162)| 35, 559) 98. 3)| ‘23, 306} 64. 4) 5,119] 14. 2) 3,146) 8. 7|-3,988} 11.0} 598] 1.7 y Davenport... ..-. 56; 727)| 56,029] 98. 8/} 29, 394] 51. 8/12, 147) 21. 4) 6, 844} 12.1) 7,644) 13.5) 681 1.2 . Dubuque echt Sere ty 39, 141|| 39,063] 99.8 19, 559} 50.0} 9, 268] 23. 7} 6, 015) 15. 4] 4, 221) 10.8 73) 0.2 os atone Oy Oe | | 71, 227|| 69, 993} 98.3 38, 751) 54. 4/13, 205) 18. 5) 6,821] 9. 6/11, 216} 15.7] 1,139) 1.6 a PR Sor sctg 36, 230|| 35, 382| 97.7|| 24,175] 66.7| 4, 594) 12. 7| 3,684] 10.2] 2;929| 8.1] 7837) 2.3 SAS; | Pig | 4 n° “Popeka. reg wae ty F0) 2 45,696] 91.4]! 33,594} 67.2] 4,820] 9.6] 3,282} 6.6] 4,000] 8.0] 4,272] 8.5 ie ets ject a 72,2 7|| 68, 623| 95.0)] 58, 052) 80. 4) 3,702] 5.1) 3,848) 5.3] 3,021} 4.2| 3,545] 4.9 KENTUCKY: a | ae . 4 Covington......... 57,121 54,075] 94.'7/| 37,391! 65.5] 8,590] 15.0} 5,211) 9,1} 2,883] 5.0! 3,040] 5.3 2.) | Lexington s200.0.¢ 41, 534'| 29,077] 70.0|| 25, 983) 62. 6] 1, 367| 3.3] 927] 2.2] 800] 1.9|12, 450] 30.0 pe “Newport...-.-2...- 29, 317|| 28,453} 97.1|| 17, 834! 60. 8| 5,448] 18.6| 3,078} 10.5|-2,093| 7.1) 864] 2.9 LOUISIANA: | AR , B Shreveport. BUS 6. if 43,874||'26,368| 60. 1|| 22,747) 51.8] 1,349| 3.1] 976). 2.2 1,296 3.0117, 485| 39.9 ” Bangores (00,18 25, 978)| 25,745] 99. 1!| 15, 593) 60.0) 3,684] 14. 2} 2,728) 10.5) 3,740) 14.4) 208) 0.8 ‘ _Lewiston.......... 31,791 31, 714] 99. 8!) 9, 606) 30. 2) 8, 719] 27.4] 3,127) 9.8)10, 262} 32.3 54| 0.2 me ©Portland.. ic! 2°. .¢ 69, 272 68, 890} 99. 4)| 35, 969) 51.9 12,588) 18. 2) 7, 104| 10.318, 229} 19.1) 300) 0.4 MARYLAND: ! Cumberland... .. 29, 837||-28, 402} 95.2!|,23,310! 78.1) 2,210) 7.41 1,719) 5.8! 1,163! 3.9 4.8 | Hagerstown... ..- 28, 064|| 26, 549| 94. 6|| 24,853! 88.6) 639! 2.3! 629] 2.2} 428) 1.5 5.4 s MASSACHUSETTS; — |. If. : Brockton... .22....} 66, 254'| 65, 635| 99.1|| 24,643] 37.216, 895] 25.5! 6,973] 10. 5/17, 124] 25.8 0.8 * Brookline town...-| 87, 748)| 37,360] 99. 0!| 16,928] 44.8) 7, 492] 19. 81 3,580} 9.5] 9,360] 24.8 0.9 cy Chelsea... 2.222, ~--} 48, 184/| 42,776)-99.1))° 6, 910; 16.0115, 595) 36.1)-3, 073} 7.1)17, 198) 39.8 0.9 ~~ Chicopee. ..-2 22! 2..| 36; 214|| 36; 196|100. 01 “6, 158) 17.014; 210] 39. 2 3, 646) 10. 1/12, 18] 33.6 (1) me. t 97.:2|| 11, 754] 29. 3/11, 495] 28. 7| 4, 649] 11. 6/14, 079] 27.6 2.8 ‘Fitchburg. 2552. 99.'9|| 10, 042} 24. 5/13, 427] 32.71 4, 347] 10. 613, 162] 32.1 0.1 a *99.3}| 21, 573) 40. 0/12, 794) 23.7) 5, 821) 10. 8/13, 307} 24.7 0.7 pt UGE 0 |e 99.7|| 10,994] 18. 3/21, 901] 36.4] 6, 881! 11. 4/20, 255] 33.6 0.2 Rae ite Spits 99.°7}| 12, 325) 18.1134, 605) 36. 7] 7,999] 8.5)39, 063) 41.4 0.2 Fk A nc Nike the 99. 1}} 33,988) 34.'3/24, 772) 25. 0111, 589) 11. 7/27, 858} 28.1 0.8 98. 9]] 15, 087} 80. 7/14, 344] 29. 2) 5,021] 10, 2/14, 105] 28.7 eS oe ANSEF hated 98..6]| 15, 463} 39.6) 9,021) 23. 1) 5,449] 14. 0} 8; 554} 21.9 1.4 98.7|| 20,148} 43.'7/10, 411) 22. 6} 4,737) 19. 3/10, 179) 22.1 1.2 9} 99. Ol) 18, 468) 44. 2/10, 194) 24. 4) 4,456) 10. 7) 8,211) 19.7 1.0 99. 9}! 14, 845) 31. O14, 166} 29. 6] 5, 048} 10. 5/13, 749! 28.7 0.1 768] 99. 8|| 6892] 23.9] 9-916] 34. 41 3, 113] 10, 8| 8; 847] 30.7 0.2 i 99. 5||' 12,736} 29, 9/13 604} 32. 0} 4,785) 11. 3/11, 203) 26.3 0.3 i 99. 6} B82, 289} 34. 7|25, 157) 27. 0/11, 097} 11. 9/24,'182! 26. 0 0.4 6,787) 99. 1]) 12,068} 32. 5\10, 820}..29. 1} 3,.901|..10. 5) 9,998) 26.9 0.9 4: $9. 8} 10,676) 34.5 8, 490} 27.5}. 3,573} 11. 6} 8,104) 26.2 0.1 5,073) 97. 0]) 25,411) 70. 3! 3,072): 8.5) 3,212) 8,9) 3,378! 9.3 2.9 416) 99.7)) 17,950) 37, 7/12) 480 26.2) 8,032) 16.9) 8,954) 18.8 0.3 89,8341 98..1|| 50, 186} 54. 8/13, 7291 15.0/10, 792] 11, 8/15, 127] 16.5 1.9 Tamniporhok: Pld Se 48) 615 593} 95. 81] 2, 073!° 4, 3119, 423) 40. 0) 2,035) 4. 2/23, 47. 4 4,2 “Highland Paris... 2.1'46, 4991] 467055]: 99. 0]! 19” 605 42. 2} 8 480} 18.2} 5; 309) 11. 412° 661] 27.2 0.8 oe ae 8, 374; 47,530] ‘98. 3/] 30,658] 63. 4) 6, 604] 13.7} 4,952) 10. 2| 5, 316] 11.0 e 5 ae 47,707) 98. 41) 27, 873) 57. 5) 7,686) 15.91 4,941) 10. 2) 7, 207] 14.9 1.6 ees este h 56,602) 98.71) 38,373] 66. 9) 6, 489] 11. 3) 5,755} 10. 0} 5, 985) 10. 4 1,2 36, 358). 99. 4) 15,198) 41.6) 9, G08) 26. 3) 4,772) 13. 0) 6,780) 18.5 0.5 Saeeeaeih gc bani 33,645) 98. 2)} 20,031) 58. 4) 4,271) 12. 5) 4,158) 12. 1) 5, 185) 15.1 1.8 25, 439)..98. 11° 9, 100 vate 5, 863] 20.7) 4,630) 17. 8) 6,346) 24.5 1.9 Bie ieas 61, 529] 99. 4]| 25; 805] 41. 7/14; 593] 23. 6} 9; 526] 15. 4/11, 605] 18.7 0.5 Pe sen ase 98,314] 99. 4/| 23,931] 24. 2/32, 000} 32. 4/12, 265} 12. 4/30, 1181 30. 4 0.5 Tea UN SARE aospetedh Cai 29, 136) 97. 4|| 26,134] 87.4) 1,054)" 3.5) 1,221) 4.1) 727) 2.4 2.5 StcJoseph..,....-. 73, 712| 94. 6||. 58,531) 68, 7] 8,490 10.9} 5,268} 6.8] 6,423} 8.2 5.4 Springfield saneP ans he 37, 962| 95. S|] 33,852! 85.4] 1,504} 3.8] 1,633] 4.1] 973) 2.5 4,2 BES ce acare oh 41,139} 98. 9)| 13,444) 32. 3/10, 789) 25.9} 5,452) 13. 1)11, 454) 27.5 0.5 aie sien 54,016] 98. 3/| 33,381) 60.8} 8,899] 16.2} 4,538] 8.3] 7,198] 13.1 1.6 - Manchester........ 78, 306] 99. 9)| 18, 851) 24. 0/23, 815] 30. 4] 8,124] 10, 4/27, 516] 35.1 0.1 2 ee 28) 379|| 28, 338} 99.9]} 8,799] 31.0] 7,785} 27.41 2,962) 10.4) 8,792) 31.0 0.1 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 6116 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——-POPULATION: ¥ Tapiy B4.—COLOR OR RACE, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAGE, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 ‘TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. NE CITY. W JERSEY: Atlantic City....- Bayonne: -\.io/e-1 CTtOM: 2k ubeGs wow East Orange... si. Elizabeth. seco co.) Hoboken: j22° 2. Irvington town, ... ear ny towns. eet air town. ... New Brunswick... Monte Perth Amboy.... Plainfield. 1.26.4. TOW RR E SCS LOWM 2% 2o0us Pes NEW YORK: & No Amsterdam..:.2... ATI DUN: .. tees. ot Binghamton...... BAmire asics ese Jamestown...-..- KINGSHOM. sas s5 45 Mount Vernon.... New Rochelle. --. Newburgh:...2.2. Niagara Falls: -... Poughkeepsie......| < Rome, . ox. 5 ihe. Schenectady... ... Watertown. .:-.:- RTH CAROLINA: Asheville........-- Charlotte. {4.252 . 1. Wilmington... 2... Winston-Salem... OHIO: Marion 2. fame ce ol Portsmouth..-.... Springfield....... Steubenville. ....- Zanesville: <3 .05 OKLAHOMA: Muskogee... . 2.24. Oklahoma City.... MUSES gu Daisy «'s al 50, 707 76, 754 26, 470 50, 710 29, 926 31; 285 28, 504 46, 338 33, 372 48, 395 87, 091 “| 27, 292) 39, 675, 29, 569 30, 277 91, 295 72, 075 | 36, 742] 98. TOTAL WHITE, Nuim-| Per ber. |cent. 39, 686] 78. 76, 072 99. 26, 408} 99. 48° 310] 95. 93,770}. 97. 67, 914] 99. 25, 372] 99. 26, 622} 99. 25, 310} 87. 31, 634] 96. 29) 626]. 89. 63) 223]. 99. 41 189] 98. 25,240! 91. 40, 037] 99. 29, $29] 99. 33, 371). 99. 35, 688] 98. 66, 140] 99. 44, 829] 98. 38, 720] 99. 26, 123} 97. 41) 358) 96. 33, 536] 92. 29, 715] 97. 50, 237|. 99. 34, 130] 97. 26, 164] 99. 88, 245] 99. 71, 401! 99. 93,764] 99. 31) 171 99. 21,347) 74. 31; 693] 68. 19, 896] 59. 27, 649) 57. 85, 767| 98. 27, 161 99. 38, 337| 98. 41, 621) 99. 40, 062} 96. © HOOK OOD SD OO HW 00 e OO ~J 27, 572) 99. 27, 651} 99. 26, 163]. 97. 31, 847| 96. 53, 799] 88. 27, 382) 96. 26, 342) 97. 28,005) 94.7 22,717|.75. 0 82, 871] 90.8 62,901), 87. 3)| 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. He me He Or CO RY OT CO KIO Or Or fH So HO C2 Or kD Or CO OTS CO O2:00 6 Or Qo © C2 On NATIVE WHITE. | FOREIGN- UTE a” BORN NEGRO, - Native Foreign » Mixed WHITE,.,. , parentage. | parentage. | parentage. 7 : | | | Num-| Per |Num-| Per |Num-} Per |Num-| Per | Num-| Per ber. jcent.| ber. |cent.} ber. icent.| ber. |cent.} ber. jcent. ——<—| | — | qx | —\— {| — |—___,/} —— | | 22,087] 43.6] 7,320] 14.4] 3,270] 6, 4}°7,009] 13. 8110, 946] 21.6 14, 497] 18..9]80, 107] 39. 2} 5, 996]. 7, 8/25, 472) 33.2) 648] 0.8 4, 866] 18.4] 9,672) 36. 5} 2, 259} 8, 5) 9,611] 36.3) . 47; 0.2 27,455] 54, 1) 8, 578] 16. 9} 5, 497} 10, 8] 6, 780 ap 412,378 4.7 25, 837} 27. 0/31, 126] 32. 5} 8,542} 8. 9128, 215] 29. 51.1, 970} 2.1 14, 473] 21. 2/23, 840] 35. 0} 6, 105] 9. 0/23, 496} 34. 5] p-8 9, 806} 38. 5) 6, 995] 27. 5} 3,.063]12. 0} 5, 508} 21.6} 1044 0.4 7, 739} 29. 0} 8, 111} 30. 4} 2, 868] 10. 7] 7,904} 29.6) 0.3 12,671) 44. 0] 5,013} 17. 4} 2,467] 8.6] 5, 159] 17. 9) 83,4674 12.0 11, 546} 35, 2} 8,942} 27. 3}. 2, 211)--6. 7] 8, 935] 27.3]. 1, 3.4 10, 063} 30. 2} 9, 425} 28. 3].3, 175]. 9.5] 6, 963] 20. 9) 3, 10.9 8, 816] 13. 8/24, 837} 38. 9] 3, 205) . 5. 0/26, 365] 41.3) 0.9 6, 348} 15. 2/17, 255} 41. 4! 2,668] 6. 4/14, 918] 35. 1.2 11, 614] 41. 9] 5, 812} 21. 0}. 2,312], 8.3} 5, 502} 19.9} 2,445 8.8 8, 504| 21, 2/13, 508} 33. 7|.3, 949]. 9. 9]14, 076} 35. Q) 7,916] 26. 5] 9,748} 32.6) 3,237] 10.8] 8,928} 29, 8) 0.3 10, 328}, 30. 8|10, 634] 31.7} 2,602} 7.8] 9,807|..29.3| . 0.4 15, 819} 43.7] 8,914) 24.6) 3, 9. 3) 7,579} 20.9] 1,4 40, 030} 59. 9)11, 389] 17. 0] 4,353) 6. 5/10, 368}, 15. 5) 0.9 29, 047) 64. 0). 7, 613}-16. 8). 3, 7.6} 4,706} 10,4 ha 13, 406] 34, 4/10, 722] 27. 6] 3,177] 8. 2I11, 415} 29.3) 0.5 16, 149] 60. 5] 4,983] 18. 7] 2, 228)..8.3) 2,763] 10.4) 2.1 15, 010} 35. 1]11, 815}. 27. 7} 4, 10. 4|10, 090 23. 6).1,345) 3.1 11, 730} 32, 4| 9, 417} 26. 0} 3, 10. 9} 8, 457} 23.4] 2,637) 7.3 14, 975) 49. 3] 6, 825] 22.5) 2,980] 9.8] 4,939] 16.3]. 632) 2.1 13, 477} 26. 6/13, 779] 27. 1] 5,095] 10. 0/17, 886} 35.2). 1.0 18, 448) 52. 7| 7, 334] 21.0) 2,818) 8.1) 5, 530} 15, 8). 2.4 12, 639} 48. 0} 6, 213} 23. 6) 2,078! 7.9} 5,234] 19.9). 170} 0.6 35, 897] 40. 5|23, 922| 27.0) 7,936] . 8.9120, 490] 23.1). 388 0.4 33, 082} 45. 9/18, 790) 26.1] 8, 046] 11. 2/11, 483) 15.9) 0.8 33,751] 35. 8|27, 528] 29. 2] 9,228) 9, 8/23, 257) 24,7]. 0.4 16, 246] 51.9; 4,640] 14.8) 4,456} 14,2) 5,829) 18,6]... 0.3 19,984) 70.1} 431] 1.5) ~ 1,3] °555| 1,9) 7,145) 25,1 30, 196] 65.2} 469} 1.0 1,1} 514) 1..1/14,641) 31.6 18,316) 54.9]' 523). 1.6 1,3) 624) 1. 9/135 44 | 26,911] 55.6] 206) 0. 4} 0,5} 296}. .0..6|20,735] 42. § 53, 783] 61, 8/11, 581) 13.3) 5,723) 6. 6)14, 680) 16.9} 1, 283 15 15, 067] 55. 2| 4,963) 18.2} 3, 12,0) 3, 843; 14.1), 131) 0.5 27, 201} 68. 6] 5, 447| 13.7} 3,026] 7.6} 2, 663] 6.7} 1, 328}- 3.3 20, 557) 49. 3} 9, 153] 21.9) 4, 656] 11.2! 7, 255] 17.4} 100} 0.2 32, 572| 78. 8| 3,080} .7. 5] 2, 6.0) 1,917] 4.6 hips 3.0 10, 970} 29. 4|i1, 165] 29. 9} 2, 7, 2,11,,927] 32,0}. 8 18, 952] 68. 1) 3,627] 13.0) 1, 6.4} 8,207} 11.5} 249) 0. 23, 549] 84.4] 1,655] 5.9} 1, 5.4} 954) 3,4) 230) 0.9 20,959] 78.4] 2,211) 8.3} 1, 5.6) 1,505) 5,6). 551. 2, 27, 621} 83.7] 1,989} 6.0} 1, 4.7| 694} 2.1} 1,160 43,037} 70. 7| 4,850} 8.0} 3, 5. 2) 2,757] | 4.5 7, 029 14, 282} 50.1] 5,727} 20.1) 1,’ 6.3) 5,581) 19.6] 1,11 16, 092} 59. 5| 3,654} 13. 5} 1, 7.1) 4,677] 17.3} .. 702 22, 762| 77.0} 2, 367| 8. 0} 1, 5.4) 1,272) 4,3] 1, 559 20, 565] 67.9). 714) 2.4 3.0) 541} 1.8] 7,195 71, 446] 78. 3} 4,228) 4:6) 3, 4.1) 3,477| 3.8] 8, 241, 55, 660) 77,2) 2,706). 3.8} 2,510] ..3, 5, 2,025] 2.8} 8,878 a s i _= = COLOR OR! RACH, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAGE. 117 “isis 94.—coton OR RACH, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAGE, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 TO 100,000. INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. —- " a en acne i 4 rs | NATIVE WHITE. FOREIGN- | wr aire: ‘a See - BORN NEGRO. . Native Foreign Mixed WHITE. (ieee? + | CITY. parentage. |parentage.| parentage. Hed “ mount): UL eee i tae E Num-| Per || Num-| Per |Num-| Per |Num-| Per |Num-| Per | Num-| Per ber. |cent.| ber. |cent.} ber. |cent.| ber. |cent.| ber. PEXNSTLYA Cail Fae . BeT ps ade 73, 316} 99. 7|| 51, 937} 70.77/10, 147] 13. 8} 2,620]. 3,6] 8,612) 11/7} © 176) 0.2 “te bean 2 59, 431} 98.5|| 43, 390] 71.9) °7, 222] 12. 0| 3.507} °5.8| 5.3121 8.8} S88) 1.5 _ . Bethle! Bor anf etehs 49,992) 99. 3}| 26, 503} 52. 6/10, 244] 20. 3] 2’ 302] 4. 6110, 943 21,7)" "344. 0,7 —-Chester:...:2..-.., 50, '827| 87. 6] 25, 627} 44. 2/10, 390] 17.9] 3,518]. 6. 1/11, 2921 19.5) 7/125 12.3 \ < Haston:---..-. News» 83, 520}'99.°1]| 22, 9591 67. 9)-4, 570} 13. 5} 1,970] 5.8) 4,021) 11.9) 283)0°0. 8 ne Mies sect. Sante 92, 596] 99, :2]| 41, 179] 44. 1/24, 656] 26. 4) 9, 391) 10.117, 370) 18. 6) 749}. 0.8 ) Harrisburg. .....'.). 70, 654) 93.1]! 59, 268] 78. 1]-4, 661] 6. 1] 2,581] 3.4] 4,144]. 5.5) 5,248] 6.9 @zleion: * .. 2... ‘ 32, 247| 99.9]| 11, 384] 35. 3/11, 044] 34. 2] 3, 796] 11.8] 6,023) 18.7) 22e 0.1 * Johnstown........- 65, 656} 97. 5|| 34, 207] 50. 8/14, 799| 22.0) 4,508} 6. 7/12, 142} 18. 0] 1,650) 2. 5 Phancaster 525.772. - 50|| 52, 227| 98. 3)] 42, 126) 79.3) 4, 380|" 8.3) 2,998) 5.6) 2,714) 5.1) 915 1.7 , McKeesport....... 45, 832) 98, 0] 16, 284] 34. 8/13, 914] 29.7] 3,764] 8, 0111, 870) 25.4} ». 928" 2.0 _,, New Castle. -.-... 44,061 '98,.0}] 22; 580] 50. 2)-9, 484) 21.1) 3,304]. 7.4) 8,693) 19.3). 867"! 1.9 | Norristown borough 30, 801) 95. 3] 19, 411] 60. 1]-5, 088] 15. 7| 2,005] °6.2) 4,297) 13.3) 1) 5077 4.7 . Wilkes-Barre...... 73, 276) 99. 2|| 28, 709) 38.9 21,424) 29.0) 8, 576] 11.6/14,567) 19.7)! 552° 0.7 » Ae ont athe 35, 2831 '97. 5||/ 27/439! 75.81 3,351] 9.3) 2,234]. 6.2) 2,266) 6/3) 9t4t 2.5 oe oo EE ES, 46, 088} 97. 0!) 41, 552) 87, 5| 1, 834] — 3.9} 1, 509). 3.2) 1, 193) 25) 1,416) 3.0 RHODE ISLAND: | | , Cranston.....-,...- 29,193! 99. 31) 11, 151) 37.9] 7,794) 26,5] 2,732) 9,3) 7, 516) 25.6) ° 204). 0.7 : Bre OFh. >. all 28, 616 94.,6| 12, 275] 40. 6|-7, 173| 23. 7| 3, 416} 11.3) 5,752} 19.6) 1,607) 5.3 S AbAWLMICKED: ii... 63,,888} 99. 4)| 14, 780} 23. 0/19, 670) 30. 6} 8, 414) 13. 1/21,024} 32/7) 332] 0.5 »» Woonsocket... 2... 43,409) 99.:8|| 6,760) 15, 5|14, 726] 33: 9| 5, 897} 13. 6/16, 026] 36.8] ~~ 70} 0.2 | SQUTH CAROLINA: , Charleston....-.- +." 35,585] °52.°4/| 28, 262! 41. 6/3, 159] - 4,6) 2,021) 3.0] 2, 143] - 3.2/32, 326] 47.6 a olumbia-....--... 23, 067| 61.°5)|/ 21, 605| 57.6} 513) 1.4) ° 405) Li) 544) 14/14, 455) 38.5 va AKOTA : _ Sioux Falls... .-... 14,068) 55.8} 4,833] 19,2) 3,217} 12,8) 2,961} 11.7) 83] 0.3 TENNESSEE: Nas aes 34, 911) 60.3] 1,601] 2.8) 1,249) 2.2) 1,240) 2/1/18) 889) 32.6 _ Knoxville. 63,558) 81,7| 1,071) 1.4|.1,070) 1.4) 812) 1.0/11, 302] 14.5 TEXA ig Mapa err armpren soak Oe 6 20,905) 59,9] 2,691) 7.7/.1,785| 5.1] 2,547] 7.3) 6,921] 19.8 é ee kates. ae 21, 710| 53.7) 2,065) 5.1! 1,493) 3.7] 1,918) 4.7)13,210} 32.7 a 27, 456| 35, 4/11, 248) 14.5) 3,747) 4.8]33, 363% 43.0] 1,330) 1.7 Le: Galveston. ..... “A 17, 289} 39. 1} 6, 158] 13.9) 3,979)" 9.0} 6,392) 15.6) 9,888! 22.3 Ce ge a ele 25,897| 67.3} 1,826] 4.7) 1,272). 3.3) 1,767) 4.6) 7,726) 20. 1 Wichita Fails... ig 33, 866 84.5) 1,118] 2.8] 1,154) 2.9) 1,720) 4:8!'2,217)' 5:5 ‘Ai... BS 3 r 1a Ted 16,857) 51.4) 5,769} 17.6' 4,890;.14.9) 4,609) 14.1}' © 265! 0.8 + ¥ Wourg. 400.) 20, 527| 68.3) » 464 iid © 402] 4/3) | 847) 1.2} 8, 329) 27.7 __~ Newport News.... 16, 889] 47.4} 1,711 4.8 819}. 2.3) 2,047) 5.8)14, O77) 39. 5 + Petersburg. ....... 16,145] 52.1} 464) 1.5) - 277). 0.9] |- 511} 126/13,608) 43. 9 B Portsmouth....... -26,'744| 49. 2} 1, 853) 3.4). 959). 1,8] 1, 543) | 2. 8123,'245) 42.7 Roanoke Deki fs 39,000] 76.7; 921) 1.8). 709) 1.4] 869) 1.7) 9,331! 18.4 _ WASHINGTON ) : SY Bellin a 12, 667| 49.5) 4, 272) 16.7) 3,197) 12. 5) 5,328) 20.8 40]. 0, 2! _ Everett........... 13,038} 47.2} 5,270} 19.1) 3,339} 12. 1) 5,741)-20.8" 150} 0.5 ide vnears ey oe et 44,657) 46. 1/18, 689) 19.3/10, 647 11. 0/20, 563}. 21.2) --898} 0.9 M G ~ ) Charleston ......5.. 31,044| 78. 4} 1,588) 4.0) 1,096) 2.8) 1,354) 3,4)\4,502! 11.4 3 Clarksburg. .....-. 21, 750| 78. 0).2,129| 7,6) 794) 2.8) 1,937) 7.0) 1,258) 4.5 _ -Huntington 44,720) 89.1} 920} 1.8) 914) 1.8) © 782)..1.5) 2,888] 5.7 Be ovneeing.... 7. 34, 059| 60.6| 9,575) 17.0) 5,145) 9.2) 5,796] 10.3) 1, 623]. 2.9 ONSIN:. . : r reen Bay......... 14,492} 46.7}°7,956) 25.7) 4,894) 15.8) 3,565)-11.5 32} 0.1 Ke 11, 409} 28. 2/12, 270) 30.3) 3,965) 9. 8/12, 714) 31.4) 101) 0:2 13,192} 43.4} 8,090) 26.6) 4,651) 15.3] 4,447| 14.6) 39F 0.4 19,145] 49.9} 8, 950} 23. 3| 5,118) 13. 3} 4,852).12.6) - 259} 0.7 12,456] 37. 6/10, 089] 30, 4| 4,751) 14.3] 5,794) 17.5) 39) 0,1 17, 211| 29. 4/17, 878) 30. 5) 6,980) 11. 9/16,199] 27.6) 2041-'0.5 8,205] 26. 5110, 376) 33. 5) 4,098) 13. 2| 8,274) 2607)... 22)... 10,830) 27. 3/12, 437; 31.4) 5,441) 13. 7/10, 764).27.1) 107) 0.3 118 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION, > - i TABLE 35.—COLOR OR RACE,NATIVITY, AND PARENTAGE, FOR URBAN — DIVISION AND STATE. TOTAL POPULATION. Per cent urban Urban. Rural. United States GEOG. DIVISIONS: New England Middle Atlantic... E. North Central... W. North Central. South Atlantic. ..- E. South Central. . W. South Central. Mountain Pacific NEW ENGLAND: New Hampshire... Vermont Massachusetts. .... Rhode Island Connecticut MIDDLE ATLANTIC: Newer ork at 2. New Jersey...-..2- Pennsylvania E. NORTH CENTRAL: Michigan... .......- W. NORTH CENTRAL? Minnesota. --..-..- ee South Dakota... . Nebraska... 2.252. SoutH ATLANTIC: Delaware.......... Maryland Dist. of Columbia 2. VESTA iki eet West Virginia, North Carolina. - South Carolina... E. SoutH CENTRAL: Kentucky-o2. vi. ; Tennessee. . 2.22... »_ | Mississippi... 0.2... W.SoOuTH CENTRAL? Arkansas: $2 cnc. a sees scene es ene ee ecescee ee Arizona se eeenseees ems ew ew owes PACIFIC: Msg ESSE BE ef - 54, 306, 603/51, 406, 017] 51.4 5, 865, 073 16, 672, 595 535, 836 588, 549 1 5 8, 426, 271 7, 816, 877 9, 651, 480 6, 899, 100 7, 271, 395 2) 121,121 2,095,388 13, 049, 272 4,727, 372 4, 338, 792 1, 994 207 2,970, 829 1, 214; 980 3, 471, 483 wee ew 299, 569 279, 761 109, 976 3, 650, 248| 589, 180 936, 339) 8,589, 844 2,474, 936 5, 607, 815 468, 445 163, 322 242, 452 202; 108 15, 217 444,292 1,795, 383 680, 964 3, 112, 202 2, 082, 258 1, 447, 535 2, 082, 127 1, 426, 852 1, 387, 499 1, 335, 532 1, 528, 526 1, 817, 152 558, 633 534, 675 891, 066 1, 151, 293 102, 236 580, 239 1, 635, 203 1, 094, 694] , 2, 068, 753 1, 389, 737 2, 167, 973 612; 645 1, 783,087 1, 726, 659 1; 838, 857 1, 550, 497 1, 461,707 1,170,346 1, 488, 803 3, 150,539 376, 878 312, 829 137, 054 486, 370 295, 390 216, 635 233, 812 62,153 607, 886 392; 370 1,095, 132 61.1 ” 875, 495 120,767 869, 422 437, 571 748, 735 391, 019 2, 331, 729 49. 9| 68.0 me OH OAIC OD a ma = enaienetien are NATIVE WHITE—NATIVE NATIVE WHITE—FOREIGN 7 1 Per cent not shown, base being less than 100. PARENTAGE. OR MIXED PARENTAGE. \ Per Per Urban. | Rural. | cent |; Urban. | Rural. | cent urban ) urban ‘24, 556, 729 33, 865, 228 ‘42. 0115, 706, 372| 6,979,832) 69.2 Se = 1, 867, 235] - 935,914 66. “iS vee, 995], 86.3 5, 976, 653 3, 654, 359 3.5m 5, 970, 956} 5,819,414] - 69.4 — 2, 627, 908} 4, 847, 640 37.8 2, 559, 203} 6, 220, 218 74.1 1, 231, 225] 4, 961, 557 70.5 1, 904, 386] 5, 055,399 43.6 ” 695, 078] 1,307, 430 41.5 1,724, 085] 1, 163, 302! 65.9 153, 986 341, 794 52.4 — 112,873] 112; 639 75.6 59, 302| 169,023}. - 40.9 — 1,116, 638/ 114,135 6.4 ” 163, 738 9, 820 , 8.7 260,703} 188, 503 D| 5: ddadct 2, 487,080} 1, 181,186] 67,8 ee, 640; 395,009} 89.4 — 837,624] .'375,051! 69,1]. 915,112} 170,687), 84.3 2, 651, 949| 2,098,122]. 55.8} 1,687,569) 607, 236 73.5.8 '| 1,996, 363] 1,672, 759| 54.4 “970, 976). 77.9 || 1,043, 866] 1, 285, 678}. 44.8 120, 730], 67.3 — 1, 583, 665] 1, 482, 898 nae 902; 177| 768, 270| 54.0), 63. 444,885} 609,809} 42.2 356, 046 471, 581|. 43.0 610, Ni 42.2 552,275) 976,278] 36.1 412, 525] 34. Sea 949, 293] 1, 587,643]. 37,4 148, 152) 70.5 36, 448] - 171, 518] 17.5 265, 436, 11.7 58, 251| 250,347) 18.9 197,270} 13.5 225,605] 531; 459} 29.8 ), 28.9 © 449 990| . 858, 814| 34, 4 204, 199) pee 63,747| 76,129) 45.6 5,757| » 82.5.) 482,491] . 410,597) 54.0 35, 193| 83.2 — a a eam tial. 00.0 jy 413, 778) 1, 120,716) .27..0 288, 802) 944,055] 23, 324, 229] 1,440,974]. 18. 164, 425] . 634,993] 20, 419, 183] 1,223,514) . 25. 163,060} 369, 235] 30. 422, 898] 1,616,236! - 20,’ 15, 402, 359] 1, 430,398). 22. al. 278,827] 1,115,302] 20. 63 127, 141] 699, 621] - 15. 62.6 195,777} 1,030,915} 16. 39. 320,229} 621,495) 34, 3 y 437,374] 1) 241,733] 26. 34,1 951; 006| 2) 161; 256} - 30, 38. 81,508} . 194,295] 29.. 33.6 80, 213] . 214,039} 27, ~ 28.4 33,705| 89,179] 27. 92a 276, 329] 326,712] - 45., 62.3) 48) 859| . 224” 458) 17. 26.7 58,330]. 92,815]. 38. 42.3. 108,034] 137,747] 44. 52.4 8,100] 28, 185] 22. 20.8 373,611} 338,095] 52. 57.6 227,549] 270,177] 45. 56.1 1,122,925] 555,030] 66. 71.0 : COLOR OR RACE, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAGE, 119 hes 4 AND. RURAL COMMUNITIES) BY DIVISIONS; AND STATES: 1920. mw INDIAN, CHINESE, P : FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. | NEGRO. JAPANESE, AND ALL baal OTHER. DIVISION AND STATE, - - a Pre, ty ; Per - Per Per Urban. Rural. .| cent | Urban. Rural. | cent | Urban.| Rural. | cent ; urban. . urban. urban 10, 356,983] 3,355,771) « 75.5] 3,559,473) 6,903,658] 34. 0| 125, 046] 301,528) 29.3 tad p a United States. ‘1 GEOG. DIVISIONS: » New England.......: 228, 926] 87.8 90.3} 4,699} 1,080) 81.3 © Middle Atlantic.....¢ 672, 894} 86.3 86.2) 13,508) 5,613) 70.6 . East North Central.. 711, 653]: 77.9 87.2| 7,863} 14,264] 35.5 West North Central.} 764, 577| 44.3 76.3} 4,183] 36, 158}. 10.4 * South Atlantic. ...0.. 93, 432] °° 70. 4} 26.5} 2,333] 13,879]. 14.4 _ East South Central... 23, 5321 67.3 22.6 331{ 1,897) 14.9 . West South Central.. 238, 873] 4800 25. 9 55, 985) 11.0 Mountain... =< ...... 271, 786|. 40.0 "54,1 84,9741 8.0 Pacific..........1.... 350,098} 66. 1 86. 9 87,678| 47.0 } fei t} : * (S| ED | |S | a | | NEw. ENGLAND: @ Maine. WRAL. ).c2! 48,197) 55.1 58.5 5141 49.1 * New Hampshire... 19, 804)° 78.3 71.0 14|..89.3 Pwermontl 02. .../ 9.1 8, 26, 380} » 40.8 38. 5 26}, (1) © Massachusetts. ...1..} 1,045,106) . 32,428} 97.0 95.9 358) 89.4 ~ Rhode Island........) 171,685)') 1,814); 99.0 96.8 8|. 77.5 aa . See 276, 210} * 100, 303} *)) 73,4} 79.1 160] 81.2 9 DLE ATLANTIC: PoNew York’). .....9.2 2, 585,350) \ | 200, 762]. 92.8 93.3 5, 155}. 65.0 * New Jersey). .... 05: { 628,402} \ 110, 211h 85.4}: 78.8 211}. 87.4 __© Pennsylvania..... 2.1) 1,025, 929)° +361, 921): 73.9 84, 247}. 90.9 East NortH CENTRAL! wr fe D8 Whio.-2. 502.2... 24 570; 449} 108, 248): 84.4 83. 63}. 95.2 eeeindiang. 2. t so. 118,813} 32,055] 78.8 88.9 75). 85.3 P WMinois. -20P!. 2... . » A} 1,046,677) 160, 274): 8627}: 88.7 73], 98.0 Michigan.22.....0..0 521,554) 205,081! 71.8 91.6 4, 827| 28.0 ~ * Wisconsin! ?.......624 254,183) 0 205, 995) > 55. 2 83.7 9, 226}, 7.1 - West NortH CENTRAL: | Minnesota. ?...... AL) 2415463) 244,701) 49.7 93.7 766] 8,614, 8.2 Butows... 08.2... Ju. 4} 90,019] 135, 623} 39.9 80.7 400 435] 47.9 pee muassouris PP... 2.2 5 148,813}" 87,213)’ 80.0 75.3 700 70} 90.9 _ | North Dakota... .... 16,161} 115, 342) °° 12.3 58, 2 3091 6,142} 4.8 South Dakota....... 12,150| 70,241, 14.7 40. 9 243]. 16,325] 1,5 Srevmepraska 0? .. 3 & 59,346} 90,306} 39.7 91.5 644] 3, 267]. 16.5 tH ene Bb. oct at 39, 432) 71, 146] |: 35.7 72,7| 1,121] 1,305} ;,46.2 UTH ATLANTIC: So Delawaré.2)..... 242] 16/815 2,995} 84.9], 12,992! 17,343] 42.8 41 12). Q) Maryland............ 87,740| 14,437] 85.9} 124,509) 119,970] 50.9 403 42}. 9026 _? Dist. of Columbia?...) 28, 548). 2. ..... 100;0|' 109, 966|.......... 100.0 yee Ee 100. 0 See evirpinial Ae. 8. 19, 226} © 11,559} 62..5]o 209, 134) 480, 883} 30.3 377 884} 29.9 _ ‘West Virginia..../.5.) 19,755) 42,151) 319], 22, 484) 63, 861) 26.0 97 24}. 80. 2 _ © North Carolina....... 4, 239 2,860} 59.7; 155,165} 608,242} 20.3 114 11,823]. 1.0 ee Bia ara a, Bete] feel ate BL EB) as eee Georgia.. 2)... . LPS 12, 482 3, 754] =<. 7658 , 036 a2 2. 2 é ; oe Florida. 29; 509| 13,499} 68.6} 120,596] 208,891) 36.6 203 627| 24.5 HAST SOUTH CENTRAL: © : ' 1 } : oe ieeene Se Sol odes) aba deel ey aes Mr erennossee.......).0) 11, 484 3, 994] 0 74's i (281, 2 37. ¢ 3 pe4 vodeccceseee| 11)183)!0.° 6,479} ' 63:3} 196, 833] 703,819] 21.9 74, 416} 15.1 4 a Assissippts.-. ¥.£-"- 4,179 3,840) 521. 98, 626} 836,558} 10.5 87| 1,385) 5.9 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL: f Sec | BBP 2 Bee SB ouisi bed 82,6001 .c12, 262 1% , 844 2 : : woe te 14,211|°° 25,757). 35.6}. 47,904] 101,504 32.1) 5,211) 52,470]. :9.0 1 FA EO 168,050) | 192,469} © 46.6) 223,373] 598,321} 30.1) 1,129] 2, 240). 33.5 Se] 32,763] © 60, 857] 35.0 1,270 388| 76.6] 1,045] 11,926). 8.1 Beet] LE; B24 .127, 839): 2816 645 275] 70.1 842) 4,436]. 16.0 irip??.... .\. ae: 8, 437)" 16, 818} 33.4 833 5421 60,6 629] 2,252) 21.8 aes 59,626} 57,328] 51.0 9, 364 1,954] 82.7} 1,102) 3,106] 26,2 Ray arty 5,665, 23,412) 19.5 1 4,872} 15.0 950} 18,994} -4,8 cited oan 28,910] | 49, 189] 37.0 2,631 5,374|>> 32.9] 1,357) 33,351} 3.9 See tal.....,.....-..0 4 “Se, B11f 2! 9 B4, Dadi io B72 1, o 440/ 0, 69.6} 1,108] 4,941) 18.3 ‘ee avevads.............. 2,603} 12,199] 17.6 68 278] 19.7 394, 5,968] 6.2 ies waite t 149,686] 100,369] 59.9 5, 782 1,101} 84.0] 13,411) 16,550) 44.8 Bees Korn) a5 61,508} 40,643) 60.2 1, 844 3 86,0} 5,084) 7,015) 42.0 laa aie 472,576} 209,086] 69.3} 33, 888 4,875| 87.4| 59,274 64,113] 48.0 q ; 90. ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS~-POPULATION.|)) TABLE 36.—SEX DISTRIBUTION AND RATIO OF MALES TO, FEMALES, [Figures are given under each class for all ~ PER CENT.1! Males CLASS OF POPULATION AND to, 100, RPSte Bra Both sexes. Male. Female. ea taal Male. |Female. || males? — Espey DP age aa : pe: - SORES CARI AD MRS St 105,710, 620 53, 900, 431 51,810,189 || 51.0 104.0 iit Soaps Ge sap apes ey 2g 91,972, 265 47, 332, 2771s 14, 639, 989} > BL.5 foe 706. 0 PAR OEE Cenk Caceres 7, 994, 575 38, 816, 448 37, 178, 12745>=41, 1 104, 4 BoE at a 62, 947,714 32, 237, 101 30, 710, 613 §1. 2 Pv71910500D bot Geen gemee: «lbp ORO es ae © 50, 155, 783 25, 518, 820. } - 24, 636, 963.1} °/ 50.9... 108.6 | 1 oi Oh WN 2 ky ee RE 38, 558, 371 19, 493, 565 19, 064, 806 © $50.6 aiileg, 2 PO a hs os Siew ena 31, 443, 321 16, 085, 204 15,358, 117 a1 Vf 7 1850 eas --hane qe ee tgenne 23, 191, 876 11,837,660 | 11,354, 216 51.0 . $104.3 LRG ree ee oh. oe alt 17, 099, 453 8, 688, 532. 8, 380,921 |}. 50.9 . 191108. 7 1ST eo ec. Cae a 12, 866, 020 6, 532,489 ° 6, 333, 531, 50.8 2 42108. 1 os «6 RAS iy cams NS Pa 9, 638, 453 4, 896, 605 wane 741, 848.1" 50.8% 1°08. 3 White oT ha dw = fe leo + ade ARON TON occ hoe oct ce eae es 94, 820, 915 48, 430, 655 46, 390, 260-511 48, 104, 4 Tey yc ONT SPR IRIR Poe 81, 731, 957 42,178,245 | 39,553, 712 51.6 » 108.6 "" 118 pe INR nat a 66, 809, 196 34, 201, 735 32, 607, 461 §1.2. 104. 9 TOO stewie aber .. Lae See 55, 101, 258 28, 270, 379 26, 830, 879 61.3 1105, 4 ASSO AR eh oo aay 43, 402, 970 22, 130, 900 21, 272, 070 51.0 + 104.0 i 0 eae Xe, a 33, 589, 377 17, 029, 088 16, 560, 289 |}. | 50.7 » 102.8 WRBO cach ee: sie | 26, 922, 537 13,811, 387'| 13,111, 150 51.3 105.3 ESGQ Sea kee ex a Gs ee 19, 553, 068 10, 026, 402 9,526,666 |}. 51.3 105. 2 res LO RPA pcs gay Seer! 14, 195, 805 7, 255, 544 6, 940, 261 51.1 104.5)" PBSO Ee or OR. CS a 10, 537, 378 5, 366, 213 5, 171, 165 50.9 103. 8 ROE iss AVE ee a) Bee 7, 866, 797 3, 995, 809 3, 870, 988 50.8 » 103. 2 POLS IF, BOS. Pe 8 Sd 5, 862, 073 2, 988, 130 2, 873, 943 51.0 104.0 TRO Se Capt et 4, 306, 446 2,195, 305 2,111, 141 51.0) 104. 07 TOU ies va slabioats 2b Se WS 3, 172, 006 1,615, 434 1, 556, 572 50. 9 (1038.8 Native white— ei PIED a nin s welt oetnlo's 4 KIC 81, 108, 161 40, 902, 333 40, 205, 828 50. 4 101.7 Oe eer Hee Oo Bc, he 68, 386, 412 34, 654, 457 33, 731, 955 59. 7 (9102. 7 TOOG SOSA. des. 2 RZ 56, 595, ear 28, 636, 450 27, 908, 929 50. 7 102. 8 TSO a 5 eee te sd ae 45, 979, 3 23, 318, 521 22, 660, 870 50:74 “102.9 Fe eee eS OSs. ites 36, 843, 01 18, 609, 265 | 18,234, 026 50. 5 «102.1 BRT SIUC. Laut ka 28, 095, 665 14,086,509 | 14,009, 1 50. 1 100.6 TOG6Uds ce, Aye. eek ee ae 22, 825, 784 11, 619, 157 £1, 206, 627 | 50. 9 103.7 Bose ele Ae ey ME rg 17, 312, 533 8, 786, 968 8, 525, 565. 50, 8 » 103.1 Native parentage— é ; 7. | oS SA PR SS 58, 421, 957 29, 636, 781 28, 785, 176 50, 7 iJ 038.0 4 POL eet. PS Fok aM 49, 488, 575 25, 229) 218 24, 259, 357 51.0 404.0 1 BT (eg i MRS 40, 949, 362 20, 849, 847 20, 099, 515 50. 9 ed albe § 108: Ke * PS) A See 6 gE Sl 34, 475, 716 17, 536, 950 16, 938,.766 » 50.9 |... 49. dele) 108.5 Foreign or mixed parentage— . nbloie ie ae OO. a SHEET... Cem e 22, 686, 204 pe 552 11, 420, 652 49.74) 60.3 |) 4} 98.6 Li) at aaa PO SSeS 2 18, 897, 837 9, 425, 239 9, 472, 598 49,9}. 50.1 fein 9) 99.5 IOs « Matte. . a5 Hoe ok 15, 646, 017 ré 836, 603 7, 809, 414. 50.1 | 9 49-9)}F «9100.3 A ae 0: og ae 11, 503,675 5 781, 571 5, 722, 104. 50.3 |, 49.7 |/¢i.401.0 Foreign parentage— : hs tower eee is ce ae ae 2S SR ae 15, 694, 539 7 810, 531 7, 884, 008 49. 8 50.2. Hieron 98. MIO Mi... ee. se 12,916, 311 6, 456, 793 6, 459, 518 50. 0 50.0 |} 100.0 — AEE Yogi (Mt aia Se 10, 632, 280 5, 341, 350 5, 290, 930 50.2)} 49.84}; 10L0)— Mixed parentage— } : Nitire Bt ‘ DOO edie Hos « oan eee oe 6,991, 665 3, 455, 021 3, 536, 644 49.4] 50cBcHorinc@% To POLO tek a se eee 2 e 5, 981, 526 2, 968, 446 3, 013, 080 49.6] 50.4 |le (985 — GOP sec. ho. 65013787 2, 495, 253 2, 518, 484 49, 8 502) [he 127 89.1 Foreign-born white— “rele ryeal) BeaTOR ewe OQ ss aden tiete- oe -Meieen apes depelaswoeey 7, 528, 322 6, 184, 432 54.9] 45.14], an ROM cd. IN. Uebae o 13, 345, 545 7,523, 788 5, 821, 757. 56.4] 43.6.) Big | POOH bet. LO. tne iba ak 10, 213, 817 5, 515, 285 4, 698, 5382 54.0 46.01]. a | $600 Sas... oie oe 9,121, 867 4,951, 858 4,170,009} 54.3) 45.7 |]. tH | BRON ait Me hse No, i cas 3 6, 559, 679 3, 521, 635 3, 038, 044 53.7 46,3 || | | 174 a 8 Ne Sa 5, 493, 712 2, 942, 579 2,551,133 53.6 46. 4, \ POG Pris <..bG.. =: Lee ae 4, 096, 753 2, 192, 230 1, 904, 523 53.5 | 46.5 II. Lee | PBMODS... Pesens aa ative : 2, 240)535 1, 239, 434 1, 001, 101 55. 3. 44.7 I). 8 | 1 Per cent not shown where base is less than 100. © Cigna | 2 Ratio net shown where number of females is less than 100. ethan -“%- ott ; Jie | «ath Wee . okey OF J Ra ces eT. , FAIL ON Los : rea i _ CLASS OF POPULATION AND ~ CENSUS YEAR. ee Bi) 910, ole ebb ne eee eee eee eee a fay , yo erie § » asi0 eat eae a 00s oe Sate + ene ere e- : 1850... 2+ eee eee ee we DIS « eee TT Rees eae 918808.» spe eee -o > Siew li SOOT a ath es f Sopep-bs 0-5 -- wm eww ee ee eee ‘ Se lee Mite saws MEG ewlw - Gis o ark Bo Su0 ee eee ee eee as es es - t 4 ere ee ete eee eee ee i Pmt ee mem eee eee ee ah ' = eee am = i Pp ; tar; 0: see ‘ oP eee cee ee | y ex fo A ‘ » 2 6 4 3 Lane 2 7 4 3 ck population (6,337,980) * | FA ' SEX DISTRIBUTION, | sus years for which data are available.] C Y POPULATION CLASSES, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1790-1920. 121 PER CENT.! ‘Both sexes. Male. Female. tar Male. | Female. 10, 463, 131 5, 209, 436 5, 253, 695 49.8 50; 2 9; 827, 763 4, 885, 881 4, 941, 882 49.7 50. 3 8, 833, 994 4, 386, 547 4,447, 447 || 49.7] 50.3 7, 488, 676 3, 735, 603 3, 753, 073 49,9 50.1 , 580, 793 3, 253, 115 3, 327, 678 49.4 50. 6 4, 880, 009 2, 393, 263 2, 486, 746 49:0° 51,0 , 441, 830 2, 216, 744 2, 225; 086 49.9 50. 1 , 638, 808 1, 811, 258 1, 827, 550 49,8 50. 2 , 873, 648 1, 432, 988 1, 440; 660 49.9 50.1 , 328, 642 1, 166, 276 1, 162; 366 50. J 49.9, 1,771, 656 900, 796 870, 860 50. 8 49.2 8, 802, 577 4,444, 514 4, 358, 063 50. 5 49.5 177, O17 3, 922,332 | ' ~ 3,'854,745 50.4} 49.6 , 295, 960 2, 115, 367 2, 180, 593 49, 2 50. 8 , 853, 467 1, 936, 536 1, 916, 931 50. 3 49.7 1,660, 554 |} 764, 922 |, $95, 632 46.1 53:9 _ 2, 050, 686 963, 549 1, 087, 137 47.0 53.0 584, 049 |], 277, 896 306, 153 47.6 52.4 ‘588, 363 280, 208 308, 155 47.6 52. 4° 244, 437 125,068 | .. 119,369 51.2 48. 8 265, 683 135, 133 130, 550 50. 9 49,1 . 237, 196 119, 484 | 117,712 50; 4 49.6 248, 253 125, 719 122, 534 50, 6 49, 4 66, 407 33, 985 32, 422 51.2 48,8 sy EY 12, 534 13, 197 48;7 5L. 3 44, 021 23, 924 20, 097 54:3 45,7 61, 639 53, 891 7, 748 87. 4 12.6 71, 531 66, 856 4,675 93.5 6.5 89, 863 85, 341 4, 522 95. 0 5.0 107, 488 103, 620 3, 868 96. 4 3.6 105, 465 100, 686 4,779 |} 95.5 4.5 63, 199 "58, 633 4,566 92. 8 7.2 34, 933 33, 149 1, 784 94. 9 5.1 111, 010 72, 707 38, 303 65:5°|* °° 84.5 72, 157 63, 070 9, 087 87. 4 12.6 24, 326 23, 341 985 96.0 4.0 2, 039 1, 730 259 87; 3° 12.7 ~ 148 134 14 90. 5 9.5 55 47 8 ine pe aie ee 9, 488 8, 674 814 91.4 8.6 3,175 3, 092 83 97.4 2.6 5, 603 5,232 371 93, 4 6.6 160 144 16 90. 0 10.0 2, 507 2, 409 98 96.1 3.9 2,545 2, 526 19 99: 3 0.7 1, 224 923 301 75.4 |- >; 946 462 419 43 90.7 9.3 2 Py Rak Aes | CREEL SS FRETS Ubi, 8 3 Baltes rth SG 110 75 35 68. 2 31.8 19 17 7 | Nai Po od) 6 4 73 | ae eh be oe fag 17 12 “i Go-Go ONES o1 8 © Co 2? CO mre oOohre bo Oware Go bo) ee > OO QO G2 Co Oi Go merece eee re 2] istinction between blacks and mulattos for Negro population not made in 1880 or 1900; distribution and mulatto population (1,132,060) not made for 1890. 122 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION, 6 TABLE 87.—SEX DISTRIBUTION AND RATIO OF MALES TO FEMALES, FOR son le DIVISION AND STATE. United States....... GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England.......... Middle Atlantic......... East North Central... .- West North Central... South Atlantic... -...... Kast South Central..... West, South Central.... Mountain sos bien ole PAGHIG. gots tees New Hampshire. .....- Vermont. heeted New Py.Ork i. 2 Pec Poe New Jersey. .:....2...- Pennsylvania.....:.... HAst NoRTH CENTRAL: VVISCOHSIR: Sd. aes ore ’ WEST. NoRTH CENTRAL: Minnesofas.3. poten DGlaWaren ci.) cence es MOAT VIANIG 005 1052 ag es District of Columbia. .. ‘Ng bags 1 Fs Pe VM aa eee West Virginiat i. 32..2.- North Carolina... ...... South Carolina.... 2... Goorbias 226k pe ALOIS epee era EAST SOUTH CENTRAL: Konticky so pau fo Tennessee Oklahoma Texas... ee ae a Wyoming Colorado LO Ng Bi aaa California 2) 964; 626 1920 Male. ae OER Sade WE IO | See Suen ane We. nner 53,900, 431 3; 672; 591 11206, 445 117035, 041 6, 459, 067 7, 035, 843 4° 471, 690 5, 265, 829 1, 789, 299 388, 752 ne 119 178, 854 1, 890, 014 997, 524 695, 335 5, 187, 350 1; 590, 075 4) 429 020 2, 955, 980 1, 489, 074 3, 304, 833 1,928, 436 1,356, 718 . 1,245, 537 1, 229’ 392 1,723, 319 341, 673 ~ 337) 120 672,805 909, 221 113, 755 1, 227, 494 1, 173, 967 1) 173, 105 897, 124 895, 228 903, 335 1, 058, 044 2) 409, 229 299, 941 933, 919 110, 359 492) 731 190, 456 183, 602 232) 051 46, 240 734,701 416, 334 1, 813, 591 TOTAL POPULATION. yy’ ai ~} °° Malesto 1005. _ 1910 “|.« © ‘females. \ Female. Male. Female. 1920 51, 810, 189 47,332,277 44, 639, 989 104. 0 3, 728; 318 3,265,114 | ~ 3,287,567} - 98.5 11, 054,699 | ° 9,813,266 | - 9,502, 626 101. 4- 10, 440, 502 9, 392, 839 8, 857, 782 105.7 ~ 6,085, 182 6, 092, 855 5, 545, 066 | --- 106, 1: 6, 954, 429 6, 134, 605 6, 060,290 | - 101.2 4,421, 617 4,245,169} —-4,164,732] .- 101.1 4,976, 395 4,544, 505 4,240,029} - 105.8 1, 546, 802 1, 478, 018 1, 155, 499 115.7 2, 602, 245 2, 365, 906 1, 826, 398 113.9 379, 262 377, 052 365,319 | 102.5 | 220, 971 216, 290 214, 282 100. 5} 173, 574 182, 568 173, 388 103. 0 1, 962, 342 1, 655, 248 1,711, 168} — 96.3 306, 873 270, 314 272,296-|- 97.0 685, 296 563, 642 551, 114 101.5 5, 197, 877 4,584,597 4,529,017] 99.8 1, 565, 825 1, 286, 463 1, 250, 704 101.5 4,290, 997 3, 942, 206 3, 722, 905 108.2 | 2,803, 414 2, 434, 758 2; 332, 363 105. 4 1, 441, 316 1, 383, 295 1, 317, 581 103.3 8, 180, 447 2, 911, 674 2,726, 917 103.9 | 1, 739, 976 1, 454, 534 1, 355, 639 110. 8 1, 275, 349 1, 208, 578 1, 125, 282 106. 4 1, 141, 588 1, 108, 511 967,197 | 109.1 1, 174, 629 1, 148, 171 1, 076, 600 104.7 1,680, 736 1, 687, 813 1, 605, 522 102.5 305, 199 317, 554 259, 502 112.0 299, 427 817, 112 266, 776 112.6 623, 567 627, 782 564, 432 107.9 860, 036 885, 912 805, 037 105. 7 109, 248 103, 435 98, 887 104. 1 720, 206 644, 225 651, 121 101.3 234, 028 158, 050 173, 019 87.0 1, 140, 695 1, 035, 348 1,026, 264 |» 102, 4 700, 601 644, 044 577, 075 108. 9 1, 280, 061 1, 098, 476 1, 107, 811 99.9 | 845, 431 751, 842 763, 558 99. 2 1,451,009 | 1,305,019 1, 304, 102 99. 6 473, 150 394, 166 358, 453 104.7 | _ 1,189, 136 1,161, 709 1, 128, 196 103, 2 1, 163, 918 1, 103, 491 1,081,298 | 100.9} 1, 175, 069 1, 074, 209 1, 063, 884 99,8 893, 494 905, 760 891, 354 100. 4 856, 976 810, 026 764, 423° | ~~ 104.5 | 895, 174 835, 275 821, 113 100.9 | 970, 239 881, 578 775, 577 109. 0 2, 254, 006 2,017, 626 1, 878,916 | 106, 9 248, 948 226, 872 149, 181 120.5 | 197,947] .. 185,546 140, 048 118, 2° 84,043] ~~ —- 91, 670 54,295 | - 131. 446, 898 430, 697 368, 327 169, 894 175, 245 152; 056 150, 560 118, 574 , 780 q 217, 345 196, 863 176, 488 31, 167 52, 551 29, 324 621, 920 658, 663 483, 327 367, 055 384, 265 288, 500 1,613, 270 1, 322, 978 1,054, 571 7 REA SEX DISTRIBUTION. WHITE, AND NEGRO POPULATION, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. WHITE. NEGRO. Males to 100 Males to 100 DIVISION AND STATE. 1920 oninlon, 1920 females’ ce . Male. Female. 1920 1910 Male. Female. 1820 | 1910 United States ...| 48,430,655 | 46,390,260 | 104.4 | 106.6 | 5,209,436 | 5,253,695 | 99.2] 98.9 ‘GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England....... 3, 627, 911 3, 688, 168 98.4 99, 2 40,155 38, 896 103. 2 97.8 Middle Atlantic. ....| 10,890,488 | 10,751,352 | 101.3 103.4/ .301,147] 299,036 |° 100.7] 94.9 - East North Central... 10, 748° 049 | 10, 190, 813 105. 5 106. 0 273, 026 241,528 113.0 108.3 West North Central. 6. 293. 744) 5, 931, 643 106.1 109.9 143, 76 134, 759 106. 7 107.8 . South Atlantic. ..... 4,893, 290 4 755, 650 102.9 1038, 2 | 2,133,377 | 2,191, 743 97.3 97.5 A East South Central..| 3,226;512 | 3" 141, 0385 10227 108.6 | 1, 243,795.) 1,279, 737 97,2 98.4 West South Central. 4,203, 877 3. 911, 850 107.5 109.3 1, 029; 457 | 1,034, 122 99.5 100. 4 Mountainicticc. so... 1 717, 709 L 495, 190 114.9 127.4 19, 726 11,075 | 178.1 121.3 Papa: late te 2, 829° 075 2 524, 559 112.1 125. 4 24, 991 22,799 109. 6 120. 4 NEw ENGLAND MY, won oe atcia'e oe 387, 455 378, 240 102.4 103. 2 716 594 120.5 105.6 New Hampshire. , oe 221, 667 220, 664 100. 5 100. 9 es 288 115.6 104.3 Wermentae | oe. 178, 504 173, 313 103. 0 104.9 320 252 127.0 261.8 ; _ Massachusetts pith ite 1,864,317 aw 939) 207 96. 1 96. 6 22, 912 22, 554 101.6 97.1 ay, Rhode Island: 2.2. 292,131 *301; 849) 96.8 99.2 5, 096 4,940 103. 2 95. 1 Connecticut 23:22. 683, 837 674, 895 101.3 102.3 10, 778 10, 268 105. 0 91.0 ‘MIDDLE ATLANTIC: Br Ney Or Se 5, 081, 010 5, 091, 017 99.8 101.3 95, 418 103, 065 92.6 91.3 De New. JGrsey.2... nn. 1,531,146 | 1,505,941 | 101.7] 103.1 57, 432 ; 96.2 | 94.5 ‘3 Pennsylvania... .... 4, 278, 332 4,154,394 | 103.0 106. 1 148, 297 136, 271 108. 8 97.7 i EAst N ORTH CENTRAL: rip ae Oe ee 2, 854, 664 2,717, 229 105.1 104.3 100, 160 86, 027 116, 4 108. 5 BAS SURF Eo Vo). haya tc 6 a 1, 446, 825 1; 402) 246 103, 2 104.9 41,817 38, 993 107.2 106.0 EROS 7h. Fou ee ls 3,207,773 g 091, 560 103.8 106. 6 93, 835 88, 439 106.1 109. 1 eo Michioan. Nebraska.) Soo. , 230 615,989 |. 107.7} 111.0 7,309 5,933 | 123.2 | 124.2 « NGAITBES otk oes ane, cea 878, 150 830; 756 105. 7 110.1 29,739 28, 186 105. 5 107.3 _ SoUTH ATLANTIC: Delaware..........- 98,049 | -» 94,566] 103.7} 104.4 15, 655 14,680 | 106.6 | 105.5 ; { Maryland fo ea ae 605, 601 599, 136 101.1 99.2 123, 453 121, 026 102.0 97.7 PS District of Columbia . 152, 031 174, 829 87.0 94,9 50, 855 59, 111 86.0 82.2 Bere Vir oitie: fb et 825, 133 792, 776 104.1 102. 8 342, 536: 347, 481 98. 6 97.1 ay West Virginia oe han 715, 869 661, 366 108. 2 110.5 47, 129 39, 216 120. 2 132. 8 = “North Carolina...... 899, 031 884, 748 101.6 101.2 373, 965 389, 442 96. 0 94.8 a South Carolina. A ong 415, 823 402,715 103.3 102. 4 422° 185 442, 534 95.4 95, 4 me. Gdorgin tee, 854, 109 835,005 | 102.3 | 102.4 | 590,443 | 615,922! 95.9| 97.2 BY. 0) Ve bz prea Aa ee, ee 327, 644 310, 509 105.5 110.2 167, 156 162,331 103.0 109.5 East SoutH CENTRAL: ‘ ¥ a OMLUCK YY.) css. as 1,108, 853 | 1,071, 707 103.5 103. 2 118, 548 117,390 101.0 101.0 . Tennessee..........- ”951,224 | 7934769 | 101.8! 103.3] 222,639] 229,119] 97.2| 97.6 e Alabatna:.. 20:5... 733, 039 713,993 || 102.7'| 103.8 | | 439,779 |. 460,873 |. 95.4.) 97.2 oo UM ISSISSTD DIL... fs =e 433, 396 420, 566 103.1 104. 7 462, 829 472,355 98. 0 99, 2 West SOUTH Geeewas ‘oh Od Shack oe Ce Oe 658, 169 621, 588 105.9 |° 107.7 236, 895 235,325 | 100.7 101.7 i Louisiana. ......-..- 557, 498 539, 113 103. 4 104.3 344, 794 355, 463 97.0 98.3 £ Oklahoma! oo. 952, 691 868, 503 109. 7 114.7 76, 294. 73,114 104. 3 109. 5 PEM ISUL oo ay eros < 2, 035, 519 | +1; 882° 646} 108,1 109.0 371, 474 370, 220 100.3 100.0 MOUNTAIN: Soc PMortanavl. of Sal ht. . 291,592 | ++ 242, 668 120.2 152. 2 962 696 138. 2 136.3 I Ty TR CERE PRD ia Ne 230, 136 195, 532 Deg 13ico 585 335 174. 6 157.3 Row yore. oon so. 107, 501 + 82, 645 130. 1 165.6 863 512 168. 6 223.4 Celorados.J.2° 5 ast... 484° 245 ~~ 439, 858 110. 1 116.4 5, 834 5, 484 106. 4 105.0 * New Mexico... ...... 175, 350 | 159, 323 110.1 115.8 4, 593 1,140 402.9 120.9 SATIAgn Sh 22. 159, 345 132, 104 120. 6 142.9 5, 859 2,146 273.0 110.4 (AG ee Shea OO a 997 232 214, 669 105.9 110.1 834 612 136. 3 152.5 NOVAS fea k 42, 308 |’ 28, 391 149.0 181.5 196 150 130. 7 105. 2 ACIFIC: © Washington =a 711, 693 608, 084 117.0 134, 2 3, 957 2,926 135, 2 160.9 a 407, 159 861,987 | 112.5 | 130.1 1,197 947 | 126.4) 155.0 iCalitorms 1. ot at). 1, 710, 223 1, 554, 488 110.0 120.1 19, 837 18, 926 104.8 109.3 ABSTRACT OF THER CENSUS—>POPULATION. TABLE 88.—SEX DISTRIBUTION, 1920, AND RATIO OF MALES TO ghee 1920 nines NATIVE WHITE—NATIVE PARENTAGE. DIVISION AND STATE. 1920 Male. Female. United States....... GBOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England. sc. .25..... 1, 388, 963 | 1, 414, 186 Ren Atlantic... i 4, 738, 608 | 4,842, 404 East North Central... 5, 991, 476 | 5, 798, 894 West North Central..... 3, 810, 076 | 3, 665, 472 South Atlantic; ..:2.2.-- 4, 433, 700 | 4,345, 716 East’ South Central... -. 5. 086, 676 | 3,006, 106 West South Central..... 3, 587, 989 | 3,371, 796 MOUNTS rier arr 1,055, 895 946, 613 Malis sah vad 1, 493, 398 | 1, 393, 989 NEw ENGLAND: . Mainares be 254s 250,299 | 245, 481 New Hampshire binge: ( iy: 112, 848 112, 664 Vermont ob Me aos os ode 115, 392 112, 933 Massachusetts. it. ..... 601, 525 629, 248 Rhode fsland........2.. 86, 368 87, 185 Connecticut. dis ot... 222, 531 226, 675 MIDDLE ATLANTIC New Work. .Uke ake. J: 1, 821, 141 | 1, 847, 125 New Jersey....:..-...45 605, 157 "607, 518 Pennsylvania eB, Ne 2, 362,310 } 2; 387, 761 East NORTH CENTRAL: 0 (BG 1, 860,779 | 1, 808, 343 Prides 22 fee 23 1 175, 902 L 153, 642, PIL DISe ss ESS 2 L 562, 087 L 514, 476 Michigan 220 sso a8 866, 769 ” 303; 678 Wisconsin... #26. 2.5225. 535, 939 51S, 755 West NortH CENTRAL: hi Minnesota:: wif Sess dc 778 i 32 793, TOW a: a! pee oso ae 40 53, 146 Missouri De sate ee as 5 283 069 1,253, 867 North Dakota. ee Pe 108, 334 99, 632 South Dakotayinves.25 54 161, 980 146, 618 INGOT ashe err ces 667 403 368, 015 1 TCE A a) ea ee 57, 40. 641) 401 SOUTH ATLANTIC: ee bt Cn eer pe i oo a 69, 359 Maryland. ic sig. ss7e% 3 ‘ 8, 28 444, 801 District of Columbia. . | 108, ale eel 616 Virginig .: .. : idm Sete v0 eo Gia 78 53 56 44} : West Virginia...s)....- 632) 425 | 600, 422 North Carolina. ..2..... $88, 953 | 876, 250 South Carolina. ..27... 5. 405, 120 394; 298 oo ase ae sie | aa Lond sot. |. OWE. TITS: 5 74, 83 ‘ ay East SOUTH CENTRAL: yi Kentucky e532. 6932232 2 1, 039, 134 | 1,000, 000 |, Tennessee... 202.22 A 923) 544 1. 909, 213; MWY of nek lap oe One abs be 704, 986 689} 149 Mississippi ec. 20s. 2. 419, 018 407; 744 WEs?t SOUTH CENTRAL: Arkansas. ..4ii.85-.-34- 628,856} 597, 836 LOUiSHaITA: < OSSlOte. 2. 4 478,415 | 463, 309. Ulsanoma iis i23' 207 045 873, 888 805; 219 ee sabe be Op a. Rie 1, 606, 830 | 1 , 505, 432 4a Monta s.oI8. tds 147, 662 128, 141, Ae ee ioe) land WOME... 0ti. £25.24" B8, Colorado. -)-3bi .€.. 5-44 313,759] | 289) 282 New Mexico.i2......... 141, 937 131, 380 ATIZDIGT:.< G8T>- 52.24 82; 435 68, 710 1 el tl MRS 7S Cy Sy 8 125, 360 120, 421 4 Nevadai....06¢.2...0..2 20, 727 15, 558 ACIFIC: Washingtons........2.. 374, 555 837, 15h OPOEGH ifs 0k 2 ~'de wep 258, 647 239, O79 Yvert ace 360, 196 ~ 817, 759 '29, 638, 781 [28,785,176 NATIVE WHITE—FOREIGN PARENTAGE, Males to 100 Males to 100 1820 females. females. 1920 | 1910 Male. | Female.} 1920 | 1910 | Sf | —— - - — — - t ‘ +] #) Bi ey ' 103.0 | 104.0: . ia! 531 |7,884,008 | $9.1 | 1000 98,2.|° 98.1 |] 935,127 | “971,213 |° 96.3} | 96.3 98.9 | 98.9 |l2, 658, 961 5 } 97.1] --97.1 - 103.3 |. 102.9 ||) 016,078 |2}027;614 | 99.4] 99.1. 103, 9 | 106.6 ||1, 076, 084 |1, 050 102.5, | 104.3 102.0} 102.1 || '176,458 | °177,185 |} 99.6} 98.1 102.7} 103.5 55,361 | 60,123 | 92.1). 93.8. 106.4 | 108.2 || 212,320} 203/479 | 104.3 | 105.8 111.5.| 119.8 || 234/201 | 216,931} 108.0 | 115.2 107.1 | 117.4\|| 445,941 |) 438/431 | 101.7 108. 4 102.0 | 101.9 101.4 | 101.8 100. 2-|.. 99, 2 97.7.|. 96.3 102.2} 102, 101,3 | 100.2 95.6.}. 95.2 95.8 |, 95.9% 99.1 | 99.6 94.3] 95.6 98, 2 “96.6,} . 96.1 98.6 96.3, |<. 96.4 99. 6 023. |, 97.4} -97.4 98.9 ., $54,378 | 870,432 | 98.2] 98.3” 102. 9 413,305 | 424,946] 97.3 | | 96.2 101, 9 112,924 | 114,142 ie 100.4 — 102. 5 724, 616 | 742, 420°] 7 97,6 | 98.5 107.9 394,176 | 381,112} 103.4 | . 100 103.3 371, 057 4,994 | .101.7 |. 101.3 105, 5 358, 334 ~ 349, 792 | 102.4} 103.3 103, 0 -189;693 | 187;017 |; 1014. 102.7 102.3 146, 528 | 153,536 | 95.4} 97.9- 108.7 , 105.5 | 111.57 110, 5 110.3 105. 7 (104.1 104, 1 106, 0 101.7 a» Cs 100. 8 96. 3, 84.8 Segal 102. 9 118.4 105. 3 102.0. 101.4 104.5 102, 7 } 109.9 |. 101.8 } “108. 6. 104,4 4 T00. 2 102.8 105, 2 103,.3 108. 5 106, 7 |: 115.2 }. 112.8 124.1 108. 5 108. 0 120. 0 104. 1 133.2 1.1 “111, 145 108, 2° 49° 146 | 46) 681 105, 2 285, 650 2 SEX DISTRIBUTION. ; 125 (ya THE WHITE POPULATION BY NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE, BY “NATIVE WHITE—MIXED PARENTAGE. FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. a ’ ike, . «DIVISION AND STATE, ye Males to 100 Males to 100 Drv § se 1920 ' females. 1920 females. AE ? a x a Pi. Male.’ | Female. | 1920 | 1910 Male. | Female.| 1920 | 1910 fig a =i United States..... 2... 3,455,021 |3,536,644 | 97,7 98.5. |!7, 528, 322 |6, 184,432 | 121.7 | 129.2 Gzognarnic DIVISIONS: ew England.............| 358, 085. | °377, 851 94.8 95. 2 945,736 | 924,918 | 102.3} 104.8 or _ Middle ‘Atlantic.. seeer---| 820,353 | 874, 949 94.3 94.9 ||2,617, 566 {2,295,009 }° 114.1 | 120.9 a East North Central... _. ..| 931,161) 950, 360 98. 0 97.7 |/1, 809, 334 {1,413,945} 128.0} 181.3 __- West North Central....... 628, 562 | 623,190} 100.9 | 101.6 || 779,022 | 592,939] 131.4] 141.3 =" South Atlantic............ 97,989 | 101,972] 96.1] 96.9 || 185,143 | 130,777] 141.6] 146.9 East South Central....... 42,382 | 44,960] 94.3] 95.6 42,093 | 29,846 | 141.0} 139.2 _ West South Central.......| 142,791 | 188,019 | 103.5 | 104.2 260,777 |. 198,556 | 131.3 | 138.8 : “Mountain... ... 00622002... 156,240 | 149,794] 104.3) 109.0 271,373 |. 181,852-} 149.2 | 189.6. me at, Pacific... Spinigheteiste brainy id 272} 458 | 275, 549 98.9 | 104.2 617,278 | 416,590 | 148.2] 181.9 z EW ENGLAND: | OT aa Beets latte < 37, 967 38, 449 98.7} 101.6 55, 807 61,542} 108.3')° 111.1 4 ge - New Hampshire. Ee ae: 21, 93 22,611 97.0 96. 6 46, 844 44,389 | 105.5 | 110.4 et OE aE 18,217| 18,649] 97.7] 96.5 23,711 |.--20,815-} 113.9}? 127.3 ee Massachusetts...) {00 22... 194,507 | 207,452) 93.8 94, 0 533,319 | 544, 215 98. 0 99.5 P Bs »* Rhode Island..:..030.... 30, 942 33, 326 92.8 94, 1 86, 164 87,335 98.7 | 103.6 srotimertiont..... 2.05). 54, 516 57, 364 95. 0 95.1 199, 891 |. 176,622 |. 113.2 |} 116.7 | Mogi ATLANTIC: - BOM © OPM no CON, 421,746 | 451, 820 93.3 94.5 ||1, 442,575 |1,343, 537 | 107.4 | 110.5 ey: ‘New Jersey. .......2-.. 277], 125} 999) 131) 442 | 95.3 | 95.4°|| 7391) 655 | 346,958 | 112.9 | 118.2 a = Pennsylvania ... 28.05... 278, 308 291, 687 95, 4 95, 4 783,336 |. 604,514} 129.6 | 145.5 ae EAst NortTH CENTRAL: meee eyhid 0.28" ee 189,236 | 196, 587 96.3 95.8 || 391,344 | 287,353 | 136.2 | 137:8 a BAOIGNe CS... ab Perso. 69, 819 71, 774 97.3 97.7 88, 180 62,688.| 140.7 | 156.4 SSS a 273,806 | 284,977 | 96.1] 97.4 || 657,264 | 549,687 | 119.6 | 127.3 > !Michigans? 22-2027" ee. 215,514 | 213,743 |''100.8 | 99/1 |] +413, 806 |. .312,829.| 132.3°| 1127.4 1 ‘y yasconsitT 250. Sate 182,786 | 183,279 99.7 98.6 258, 740 |. 201, 388. | 128. 5°|" 130.8 173,047 | 100.5} 100.9 278, 588 4.» 207,576}. 134.2] = 144.0 126° 725 99.9 99. 2 127, 065 98, 082 | 128.9 | 135.7 103, 336 95.5 |@ 97.5 103, 418 82,608 | 125.2} 135.9 46, 929} 105.7} 109.1 75, 386 56,117) 134.3} 145.8 South Dakota...2.2.. 2... 44480 | 427337 |'105.1 | 108.5 || 47,610 | . 34,781 | 136.9} 145.8 WNebraska:!.....404- Behe 71,618 68, 937 | 103.9}. 103.8 84, 277 65,375. |) 128.9.) 13627 = MeaNSaS sees OE a 63, 681 61) 879} 102.9} 104.2 62,678 47,900 | 130.9 | ©149.9 SouTH ATLANTIC: * perelawereses..... 20. 4,684 4,957 94.5 96.9 11,369 8,441) 134.7 |. 1382.4 a MarVInNGs ie. See 32,419 33, 850 95.8 94.7 54,628 47,549 | 114.9 | 108.9 _- District of Columbia... ... 10,4681) 13,227) .79.1 | 89.7 15, 142 |...18,406 | 112.9 |. 113.0 oe: Virginia {ARP Cee hae 11, 484 10,632 | 108.0}; 104.4 19, 051 11,734 | 162.4 | 169.0 ‘ maewvest Virginis.... 0022... 12,943 12,904} 100.3} 100.5 41,910 19,996.| 209.6-) °261:8 ee North) Carolina...02) 22... 2,805 2,935 95.6 97.0 4,341 2,758. |. 157.4 |) 170.5 _ . South Garolina............| 2,930 2,764} 106.0} 99.2 4,095 2,306} 177.6} 159.3 ra 6,914 | 100.5 98.9 10, 004 6, 182.} 1618 |» 171.4 13, 789 96.5 99. 7 24, 603 18,405 | 133.7 | 157.6 23, 251 92.0 93.2 17, 479 13,301 | 131.4 | 117.2 8, 834 96.2 97.2 9, 021 .. 6,457. | 139.7 |9 152.4 7,911 97.8 98.5 10,625 |... 7,037.| 151.0} :165:9 4,924 95.8 99.9 4,968 3,051 | 162.8 |. 173.7 9,707 | 106.7} 107.0 8, 591 5,384 | 159.6°} 168.3 22,648 89.9 92.3 26, 808 18,063 |. 148.4) 133.9 23,435} 109.2] 113.4 24,931 |... 15,037 | 165.8 |) 178.4 82,229 | 105.2 | 105.0 || © 200,447 | 160,072 | 125.2.) 132.6 30,597 | 105.6] 116.5 58, 229 35,391 | 164.5 | 233.4 21,028} 111.8] 114.0 24, 877 14,086 | 176.6 | 227.5 7,783 | 115.5 {| 180.9 16, 934 8,321 |. 203.5 | 287.2 37, 356 98.2} 101.1 68, 219 48,735 | 140.0 | 16001 , 061 | 104.5] 113.6 16, 845 12, 232. | 137.7 | 189.6 10,915 | 107.7} 113.7 44) 657 33,442 | 133.5-) 188.4 31, 952 99.6 | 101.1 30, 875 25,580 | 120.7) 131.0 3,602 | 119.6} 132.6 10, 737 4,065 | .264.1 | 331.4 70,523 | 103.3 | 110.0 153, 118 96,937)| 158.0 | 199.7 36,386} 101.8] 108.7 62, 310 39, 841 | 156.4 |, 209.9 168, 640 96.4 | 100.7 || 401, 850 279, 812} 143.6] 169.6 126 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 39.—SEX DISTRIBUTION AND RATIO OF MALES'TO FEMALES, FOR TOTAL, 4 OR MORE? — TOTAL POPULATION. CITY. 1920 1910 grea Male. Female. Male. Female. | 1920 | 1910 Akron, Ohio. <.J...c..s--t 121, 169 87, 266 | 36, 604 32, 463 138.9 112.8 Albany, NEV... cvewect.. 54, 674 58, 670 48, 270 51, 983 93.2 92.9 Attanta Ga tut vases. tent 96, 457 104, 159 74, 501 80, 338 92. 6 92.7 Baltimore, Md - jc... - 2.5 361, 560 372, 266 268, 195 290, 290 97.1 02:4" 5 Birmingham, Ala:........- 89,015 89, 791 67,268 |: 65, 417455. 99 L444 4102.8 © Boston, Mass........-.-+2+- 368, 756 379, 304 329, 703 340, 882 97.2 96.7 Bridgeport, Conn...-....-. 73, 709 69, 846 52, 549 49, 505 - 105.5. 106.1 Buffalo, N. Y.....s..2-0--- 253, 654 253, 121 212, 502 211,213 100.2} 100.6 Cambridge, Mass..........- 52,428 57, 266 50, 161 54, 678 91.6. 91.7 Camden, N.J......--+----- 59, 212 57, 097 47, 396 47,142] 103.7} 100.5 Chicago, Ths: . ..ceteiees-t 1,369, 917 1,331, 788 1,125, 764 1,059, 519 102.9] 106.3 — Cincinnati, Ohio........... 194, 342 206, 905 177, 511 186, 080 + do) | of 95. 4 Cleveland, Ohio...........- 413,398 383, 443 289, 262 271, 401 107.8 106. 6 Columbus, Ohio...........- 118, 810 118,221 91, 452 90, 059 100. 5 101.5 Datias, Texent si. bee. 202 .b 79, 506 79; 470 46,499 45, 605 100.0} .. 102.0 Dayton, Ohip.. is wees 77,114 75, 445 58, 848 57, 729 102. 2 101.9 Den very COlGS ss tee axes cs< ob 131, 906 124, 585 107, 395 , 105, 986 105..9-},. 101.3 Des Moines, Iowa.....--.-.-- 62,178 64, 290 43,135 3 96. 7 | 99.8 Detroit, Mich........::.... 540, 248 453, 430 240, 354 225, 412 119.1] 106.6 Fall River, Mass.....-...-. 57, 918 62, 567 57, 627 61, 668 92.6. 93. 4 Fort Worth, Tex........... 56, 366 50, 116 39,007 34, 305 112.5 113.7 Grand pi a Mich....... 67,516 70,118 55, 539 57, 032 96.3 97. Hartford, Conn...........-- 69, 106 68, 930 49,211 49, 704 100.3}... 99. PPOUSLOR, NOkeo stake es eee 69, 048 69, 228 40,126 38, 674 ~ 99.7) 103. Indianapolis, Ind.-...-.... 155, 839 158, 355 116,069 117,581 98.4} . 98. Jersey City, N.J...-.2.---- 150, 416 147, 687 137, 457 130, 322 101.8} 105. Kansas City, Kans.....--... 51,798 49,379 42,773 - 39, 558 104. 9 108. MgnsagQity, Ma. 26-5 =e 162,362 162, 048 126, 414 121, 967 100.2 103. Los Angeles, Calif.......-.- 285, 175 291, 498 162,669 156, 529 97.8 103. Louisville, Ky... .2...0..... 112,159 122, 732 108, 548 115, 380 91.4 94. Bowell, Massi. 2.3/2 .02... 54, 271 58, 488 51,525 54, 769 © 92.8 . 94. Memphis, Tenn.........--- 79,116 83, 235 66,270 64, 835 95.1. 102. Milwaukee, Wis........--.. 228, 614 228, 533 189, 488 184,369 100.0 102. Minneapolis, Minn......... 189, 215 191, 367 157,345 144, 063 98.9 | ..109. Nashville, Tenn......2...-. 56,004 62, 338 52,155 58, 209 89.8 89. New Bedford, Mass....-... 59,388] 4 — 61,829 47,731 48, 921 96. 1. 97. New Haven, Conn:.-....... - 80,221 82,316 66, 695 66, 910 490. 8 14 dary) 99, New Orleans, La.....---.- 189, 026 198, 193 163, 239 175, 836 95.41... 92. New York, N. Y....-..-.-- 2,802,638 | . 2,817,410 2,382,482 | 2,384, 401 99.5 | 99. Bronx borough......... 364, 208 367, 808 217,120 213, 860 99. 0.}.- +101. Brooklyn borough.-..- 1,007, 859 1,010, 497 809, 791 - 824, 560 99.7 |. 98. Manhattan borough....|. 1,135,708 1, 148, 395 1, 166, 659 1, 164, 883 98.9 100. Queens borough ..-...-.. 233, 440 235, 602 144, 205 139, 836 99. 1 108. Richmond borough. ... 61, 423 55, 108 44,707 41,262 111.5] 108. Newark; N.J.....22.....-- 209, 200 205, 324 173,389 174,080 | . 101.9 99. Norfolk, Va............--.- 60,018 55, 759 32, 867 34, 585 107.6. 95. Oakland Calit.'s Weis 0. 226 ,) 111,954 104, 307 78,222 71, 952 107.3 108. Omaha, Nebr.2..........--- 98, 954 92; 647 79, 363 70,992 | 106.81, 111. Paterson, N.J.-..-2.-2..... 67, 248 68, 627 62, 439 63,161 98. 0 98. Philadelphia, Pa........... 907, 633 916, 146 760, 463 788, 545 99.1 96. Pittsburgh, Pa.........-... 296, 260 292; 083 273,589 260, 316 101.4 105. Portland, Oreg.........---- 132,115 126,173 118, 868 88, 346 104.7| 184. Providence, R.1........... 115, 154 122, 441 110,288 114, 038 94.0) 96. Reading, “Pau. . ..03....6 53, 198 54, 586 47, 576 48, 495 97.5 | 98. Richmond, Va...-...22. 80, 631 91,036 60, 905 66, 723 88.6}. > 9h. Rochester, N. Y.i......... 145, 494 150, 256 108, 352 109, 797 96.8 98. Sti diouisy Mo. sacs tb . 383, 402 389, 495 346, 068 340, 961 98.4}. 101. St: Paul, Minn...........2. 117, 368 117, 330 111, 809 102, 935 100.0}. 108. Salt Lake City, Utah...... 58, 697 . 59,413 47, 583 45,194 98.8 105.3 San Antonio, Tex.......... 80, 782 80, 597 47, 865 48, 749 100.2 98.2 San Francisco, Calif........ 272, 703 233, 973 236, 901 180,011 116.6 131.6 Semanton; Pas... We ot 67,549 70, 234 65, 591 64, 276 96.2 102.0 Seattle, Wash cub dalek pite'a mate 167, 601 147, 711 136, 773 100, 421 113.5: bain 36. 2 Spokane, Wash............ 52,329 52, 108 57,513 46, 889 100. 4 122.7 Springfield, Mass........... 63, 722 65, 892 43,221 45, 705 96. 7 94.6 Syracuse; Naty -. es... 85, 935 85, 782 68, 806 68, 443 100. 2 100.5 Toledo, Ohio............--. 125, 518 117, 646 84, 691 806| 106.7). 101.1 Trenton Nid is... sc. 4. 60, 639 58, 650 50, 231 46, 584 103. 4 107,38 Washington, D.C.......... 203, 543 234, 028 158, 050 173,019 87.0-]. . 91. Wilmington, Del..-........ 56, 180 53, 988 43,938 43,473 104.1 101.1 Worcester, Mass:........... 89, 586 90, 168 73,424 72, 562 99. 4 101.2 Yonkers, N. Y.......-..-.- 49,010 51, 166 40, 103 39, 700 95.8! 101.0 Youngstown, Ohio......... 70,770 61, 588 43, 649° 35,417 | 114.9 123.2 1 Ratio not shown, number of females being less than 100. SEX DISTRIBUTION. 127 m Nb. NEGRO POPULATION, FOR CITIES HAVING, IN 1920, 100,000 INHABITANTS 910. _ WHITE, ; es NEGRO. . Males to 100 Males to 100 Ber ot os are 1920 females. 1920 females. ho = Male. Female. 1920 1910 Male. Female. | 1920 | 1910 Poe Zz fy ad ; £ - on, Ohio... s--~--.--]) 117, 481 ise SITs 7 3,554 2,026 | 175.4] 119.0 NER ee a eS 53,975 58,061 | 93.0} 92.8 635 604} 105.1} 92.0 Ret VRS a, 67,435 | 70,350} 95.9 | 99.2 28, 993 33,803 | 85.8] 81.0 fimore, Md......- 24} 308,324 316,806 | 97.31 93.6 52, 889 55,433 | 95.4 | 85.5 mingham, Ala...:... --§4'932 | 53,7181 102.1 | 107.3 34, 160 36,070 | 94.7} 96.3 oston, Mass..... Nfs 359, 403 371,082 || 96.9 |. 96.4 8, 295 8,055 | 103.0} 96.6 dgeport, Conn... ..-. 72, 386 63,834 | 105.2 | 106.2 1,220 |- 1,008} 121.0} 97.3 ie a Se 250, 973 251,069 |’ 100.0} 100.5 2, 522 1,989 | 126.8} 111.1 ridge, Mass.......- 49,800} 54,450 | 91.5 | 91.6 2,535 2,799 | 90.6] 89.8 oy Ge ae 54, 856 52,897 | 103.7'| 100.8 4° 304 4,196} 102.6] 94.3 maT 8 As, 1,311, 243 | 1,277,926 | 102.6.| 106.1 55, 943 53,515 | 104.5 | 105.9 ‘Cincinnati, Ohio........ 179,144 | "191,953 | 93.31} 95.0 15,145 14,934-| 101.4] 101.8 eyeland, Ohio.....:.-. 394, 337 367,689 | 107.2 | 106.5 18, 733 15,718 | 119.2] 105.7 Columbus, Ohio.....:.-.- 106,905 | » 1078161 99.2} 100.6 11,788 10,393 | 113.4} 113.9 oo SG i a ae 67, 629 67,259 | 100.6 | 104.2 11, 828 12,195 | 97-0] 92.9 Dayton, Ohio....2.0.... 72, 308 71,187 | °101.6\| 101.8 || 4,776 4,249 | 112.4] 104.6 Denver, Colo.......--- .] ) 44980221 121,423 | 105.6 | 100.8 3,069 3,006 | 102.1] 95.6 Des Moines, Iowa....... 59, 342 61,545 | > 96.4:| 99.6 2,771 2,741 | 101.1} 103.5 Detroit, Mich........:-:|. 615,989 436,076 |) 118.3 | 106.6 23, 605 17,233 | 137.0] 108.3 Fall River, Mass.....-.. 57, 716 62,398 | 92.5] © 93.3 152 163 | 93.3}. 96.1 Fort Worth, Pox.i1i.S..| | 2748;247 42,219 |:114.3 } 115.7 8,010 7,886 |. 101.6} 104.3 Grand Rapids, Mich..:. 66, 908 _ 69, 564 96. 2:}) .°97.3 || 555 535'| 103.7] 109.1 Hartford, Conn.......:.. » 66, 832 66,849 | 100.0} 99.1 2,137 2,062 | 103.6} 84.1 Houston, Tex........--. 52, 621 51,647 fr 101.9] 111.2 || 1 16,394 17,566 | 93.3} 88.3 Indi apolis, Ind eso .cc. 138, 362 141,049} 98.1] 98.7 17,378 17,300} 100.5] 98.1 Jersey City, N.J.....--- 146, 229 143,780 | 101.7} 105.4 4,099 3,901 | 105.1} 1027 Kansas City, Kans-..... 44,615 42,088 | 106.0} 109.3 7, 130 7,275 | 98.0}. 99.1 Kansas City, Mo........ 146,741 146,776 | 100.0} 103.8 15,472 15,247 | 101.5 | 101.7 Los es, Calif... .i.. 268,231 | < 278,633 | 96.3} 101.3 7,389 8,190 |. 90.2}. 94.0 Louisville, Ky....-.--:. 93,037 101,732 | 91.5} 94.2 19, 094 20,993 | 91.0] 9307 Lowell, Mass......--:--. 54, 098 58,411 | 92.6] 94.0 100 70) -() (1) emphis, Tenn.....:--. 50,132 50,981 | 98.3. | 108.9 28, 935 32,246 | 89.7] 92.9 : ukee, Wis...-.:.--| | 227,310 227,514} 99.9} 102.8 1, 233 996 | 123.8] 95.2 Minneapolis, Minn....-. 186, 852 189,513 | 98.6 | 108.9 2,133 1,794} 118.9} 137.1 Nashville, Tenn.....-... _) 89,827 42,876 | 92.9 94.7 16,173 19,460 | 83.1] 80.0 New Bedford, Mass.....| 56,565 59,577 | 94.91 97.2 2,756 2,242 | 122.9] 106.1 ew Haven, Conn....-- 77, 822 79,994 | 97.3] ° 99.7 2,269 2,304] 98.5} 92.5 al es Son 141,790 144,126 | , 98.4| 95.6 46,919 54,011 | 86.9] 84.7 SRS 2,723,217 | 2,736,246 | 99.5] 100.0 72, 351 80,116 | 90.3] 85.0 ip, BS borough..:... 361, 748 365,242} 99.0] 101.6 2, 269 2,534 | 89.56] 86.6 Brooklyn borough..| 991, 274 993,679 | 99.8] 98.3 15,197 16,715 | 90.9] 82.2 A “Manhattan borough.| 1,078,586 | 1,090,320| 98.9] 100.2 51, 912 57,221 | 90.7] 86.2 _ Queens borough..... 230, 998 932,663 | 99.3 |. 103.3 2, 238 2,882; 77.7| 81.9 aR Richmond borough . 60, 611 54,342 | 111.5 | 108.6 735 764| 96.21 83.1 200, 348 196,875 | 101.8}. 99.8 8, 552 8,425 | 101.5] 89.6 38,077 34,149 | 111.5] 97.7 21,794 21,598 | 100.9] 90.4 103, 922 100,082 | 103.8) 103.9 3, 029 2,460 | 123.1] 112.0 93/151 | ©. 87,895 | 106.0} 111.1 5,598 4,717 | 118.7} 120.5 66, 452 67,802 | 98.0} 98.9 731 820| 89.1] > 85.6 839, 296 848,884 | 98.9] °96.8 67, 132 67,097 |. 100.1 | 87.6 276, 025 274/236 | 100.7 |) 104.8 19, 913 17,812 | 111.8] 108.8 128, 430 124,531 | 103.1} 127.4 833 723} 115.2} 139.1 112, 150 119,606 | 93.8} 96.6 2, 850 2,805 | 101.6. 94:1 52, 698 54,153 | 97.3} 98.0 491 433 | 113.4} 108.2 55, 896 61,678 | 90.6] 95.1 24, 696 29,345 |° 84.2} 85:0 144, 689 149,400 | > 96.8} 98.7 744 835 | 89.1] 93.2 347,665 | 354,950 | 97.9 | 101.3 35, 359 34,495 | 102.5 | 101.7 115, 427 115,744 | - 99.7] 108.0 1, 829 1,547 | 118.2}. 153.5 57, 832 58,949 |, 98.1] 104.0 392 326.| 120.2} 143.2 73, 741 73,058 | 100.9| 99.9 6, 842 7,499 | 91.2] 84.5 260, 885 229,137 | 113.9 | 125.8 1,362 1,052 | 129.5} 166.1 67, 243 69,971 | 96.1] 102.0 300 263 |. 114.1] 116.4 159,279 143,301 | 111.1] 131.2 1,671 1,223 | 136.6} 154.5 51, 706 51,674 | 100.1 | 121.6 38 345 | 110.7] 117.8 62, 232 64,567 | . 96.4] 94.6 1, 339 1,311 | 102.1] 83.2 85, 207 85,165 |..100.0| 100.5 * 677 583 | 116.1] 106.2 122, 255 115,130 | 106.2} 101.0 3,184 2,507| 127.0] 99.7 58,330 56,572 | 103.1 | 107.4 2,241 2,074 | 108.1] 123.1 152,031 174,829 |. 87.0}, 94.9 50, 855 59,111 | 86.0] 82.2 50, 574 48,808 |..103.6 | °101.9 5, 568 5,178 | 107.5] 93.6 88, 898 89,493 |. 99.3] 101.2 608 650 |. 93.5] 84.9 48, 061 50,117! 95.9] 101.1 898 1,042] 86.2] 89.6 66, 774 58,821 | 113.5 |” 123.2 3, 900 2,762 | 141.2} 124.1 128 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 40.—SEX DISTRIBUTION, 1920, AND RATIO OF MALES TO FEMALES, 1920 AND> HAVING, IN 1920, 100,000, ee NATIVE WHITE—NATIVE PARENTAGE. NATIVE WHITE-—FOREIGN PARENTAGE. CITY. Males to 100 Males to 100 1920 females. 1920 females. Male. Female. | 1920 ; 1910 Male. | Female. | 1920 Akron, Obi0.. oi. s4ps------5 72, 485 52,594 | 137.8] 110.4 14, 565 13,780 | 105.7 Albany) IN GX . .. Roo. Hes =4 27, 226 29,039 93. 8 93.3 12,682 14, 352 88.4 |. Atlanta, Gae. ocr, ese. 5h 60, 913 64, 035 95. 1 97.8 2,327 | «2,488 93.5 Baltimore, Md. --osc.p:..-., 185, 737 192, 643 96. 4 92.6 56, 318 , 431 93, 2 Birmingham, Ala........... 46, 261 45,950 |. 100.7} 105.3 3,307 3,370 98.1 BHosson, Masse <5. 50-75 -..<6 89, 898 91,913 97. 8 96.1 |} 116,910} 121,331] .96.4 Bridgeport, Conn....:...-.. . 18, 668 18,148 | 102.9} 102.2 23,121 23, 973 96. 4 Buta; Nay. bes ee. 5 82,313 82, 822 99.4} 100.2 74, 705 79, 654 93.8 Cambridge, Mass............ 13,503 15, 542 86. 9 88. 8 15, 879 16, 404 96. 8 Camdent,:Nad...edserns--24 28,376 27,873 | 101.8 98. 6 11,294.) 11,523 | 98.0 Chieago, Dla. fies eg gee.? 322, 922 319,949 ; 100.9 | 103.8 |, 434,412 | 454,084 96. tides Cincinnati, Ohio........-.. ..{. 101,319 105, 286 96.2.) 97.9 36, 620 43,691} 83.8] . Cleveland, Ohio. +....3.-%.. 107, 693 104,554 | 103.0 | 101.6 || 121,995 | 124, 534 98.0 |. Columbus, Ohio...:..5..--. 78, 836 80, 233 98.3 99, 7 11,644 12, 558° 92.7 DSUMASy OK ans Ds Saale tient 55, 785 56, 724 98.3 | 103.1 4,065.| 3,954] 102.8 — Dayton} Ohio:.2.02s.5..-..4 50,926 50,070 | 101.7 99.9 8, 950 9,937 |... 90.1 | Denver, Colo..........----. 75, 229 69,449 | 108.3} 100.2 20,675 22,387 92. 4 |. Des Moines, Towa..-.....-..: - 41,163 43, 198 95.3 99. 1 7, 241 8,025} 90.2 Detroit; Mich. .).t.f. 5 h...24 170, 624 143,373 | 119.0} 105.4 || 125,202 | 121,833 | 102.8] ° Fall River, Mass.:.......... 9,176 9,992 91.8 92.9 21, 887 23,348 | 93.79] Fort-Worth) Tex S62.5.....1 39, 539 35,976 | 109.9] 110.9 2,415 | |. .2,111.)9114. 4: Grand Rapids, Mich........ 27, 445 28, 634 95. 8 95.9 16,512 | .18,267) . 90.4 Hartford, Conn...2......... 19, 843 20, 484 96. 9 96.9 20, 386 21,368}. 95.4 Houston, Tex. ./.00..4... 4 36, 157 36, 276 99.7 | 109.8 5, 812 5,989.| 97.0 Indianapolis, Ind)... 5.2...) 108, 588 110, 709 98, 1 97. 2 12,600 13,979 | 1 90) L< Jersey City, N. Jot. 2. i 44,007 43,076 | 102.2] 102.7 48,116 a » 9558) Kansas City, Kans....-.... 28,689 27,886 | 102.9 | 104.2 6,040 6, 109 98.9 Kansas City, Mo..2-2./....: 103, 801 105, 333 98.5 | 102.6 17, 202 17,981 | 95.7 Los Angeles, Calif.......... 142,121/] 152,337 93.3 99. 8 41, 282 45,526 | © 90.7 Louisville, Ky wd SOG ek eet 67, 500 71, 903 93.9 96. 2 12, 002 15,074 | .+79.6 Lowell, (Mass ... 2. aie. «=» -i 11,810 12, 866 91.8 89. 3 17,781 19, 260 92.3 - Memphis, Tenn. 42 6-¢5--.-: 40,818 41,977 97.2 | 108.5 3,746 | | 3,925 |. 95.4. Milwaukee, Wis...-..-...-: 65, 054 65, 791 98.9 98. 0 72, 222 80,497 | 89.7. Minneapolis, Minn.......... 66, 416 66, 762 99.5} 111.4 50, 273 58,551 |. 85.9- Nashville, Tenn. .0.-5....05 35, 652 38, 370 92.9 95. 2 1,637 2,016 |. 81.2 New Bedford, Mass......... 9,68 10, 411 93. 0 92.7 17, 706 18,673 |. 94,8. New Haven, Conn.......... 21,545 22, 856 94.3 94.8 26,492 | 28,210} 93.9. New Orleans, La...-......: 94,570 96, 071 98. 4 97.6 19, 148 22,658 84.5 New York, PE adh SO 575, 847 588, 987 97.8 98.0 || 919,740] 953,273 96. 5 Bronx borough......... 66, 172 66, 598 99.4 | 100.6 || 131,452} 136,928} 96.0 Brooklyn borough...... 226, 063 230,177 98. 2 95.4 || 344,079 | 359,338} 95.8 -Manhattan borough....}. 188, 954 199, 325 94. 8 99.1 || 355,145 | 365,309] 97.2. , Queens borough... ..... 74, 416 74, 926 99.3 | 100.6 72,145 75, 255 95.9 Richmond borough. .... 20, 242 17,961 | 112.7| 105.3 16, 919 16,443 | 102.9 | Newatky Nod... 4 oi, . 2c ceed 56, 465 56, 948 99, 2 96. 1 65, 567 67, 808 96. 7 Norfolk, Wali... oS26. 20.24 29, 524 28,235 | 104.6 94.5 2,774 -2,4383 | 114.0 | Qakland (Oalif../. 822035. ...% 45, 443 44,836 | 101.4 99.9 21, 154 22,907 |. 92:3 |: Omaha, Nebr.l.. iol. 0.2... 44,332 42,193 | 105.1} 109.3 20, 241 21,213 95.4 | Paterson; NiJ.j.0i5.2....2, 15, 378 16, 446 93.5 94.2 21,539 22,543 95.5 |’ Philadelphia, Pa--......... 344, 382 354, 400 97.2 95.1 || 219,690 | 227,381 96.6 |. PitteburghjPa .osoc.c8.. 2.1 107, 253 109, 277 98. 1 99. 0 76,444 81, 137 94.2 |. Portland, Oreg Sey Pa ele me 67, 180 69, 036 97.3 |. 123.7 20, 492 21,443 | 95.6 ‘ Providence, R. I.223.....-.5 30, 646 33, 082 92. 6 93. 2 36, 516 39, 532. |. 9204 |» Bending Pa... 1 205.8... of 39,371 41,629 94. 6 94.1 5, 828 6,088. 9507 Richmond sve. i222. 5.4 48,641 54,315 89.6 93.6 2,817 3,030 93.0.) > Kochestet, N.Y}. ii¢.00...., 54, 847 57, 129 96. 0 97.4 37,474 40,971 91.5°)) StsLouis, Mo...).263........ 178, 475 181, 007 98.6 99.9 74, 412 83, 567 89.0 St.(Paul, Minn .. 6.3 i0....1 39,171 38,207 | 102.5] 111.9 33, 024 37,166.) 88.9 Salt Lake City, Utah....... 28,191 28,043 | 100.5] 110.9 11, 598 11,917.) .:97.3. San Antonio, Tex.......... 37, 928 38, 371 98.8.) 100.0 10,137 | 10,924) 92.8 San. Francisco, Calif. ....... 88, 737 78, 442 | . 113.1 4 126.9 61,388 64, 260 | .. 95. 5. PCPA DOMs Wed t,t Seat sab 23, 589 25, 126 93. 9 96. 7 21, 543 23,674 |. 91.07) Seattle, Wash... 22 252....24 71, 333 68,368 | 104.3} 126.1 27,286 | © 27,392 99.6 |. Spokane, Wash....-......., 28, 322 29, 002 97.7} 115.3 7,920 8,646} 91.6] — Springfield, Mass: .-.....-... 23,856 | ~~ 25,089 95. 1 92.7 16,054 16, 937 94. 8 Syracuse, Ne Yt ec seed 39, 807 40, 265 98. 9 98.3 19, 816 21,066 | 94.1] EOI, EUG... norte cscs. §3, 758 60,297 | 105.7 99. 0 25, 039 26,062} . 96.1 |. PTERtON, IND. ic wont per = = 4 21, 862 22,333 97.9 98.9 15,991 | 16,190 | 98.8, Washington, D.C.......... 109, 872 129, 616 84, 8 93. 4 16, 549 18,580 89,4 Wilmington, Del... .:....... 28, 419 28,449 99. 9..|': 98.2 9,353 Q; T79T ys oe RS sk TES iaee fy oie, Se 24, 816 25,900} 95.8} 95.2 27,803 | 29,0388 |. 95.74 pe i 4 AP i aelie e | 14, 565 15, 494 94.0 95.7 15, 577 16,703 |. 93,34 Youngstown, Ohio.......-.. 23, 755 22,704 | 104.6} 109.6 16,991 17,468 | 97.3 ‘ oo re. 101 .nehrfomt t SEX DISTRIBUTION. Ai | 129 1910, FOR THE WHITE POPULATION BY NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE SITLE INHABITANTS OR MORE, VRCORRSE NDE, FOR. OL ERS _ NATIVE WHITE—MEXED PARENTAGE. FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. CITY. Males to 100 ; Males to 100 1920 females. 1920 females. ’ Male. | Female.| 1920 1910 Male. | Female. | 1920 | 1910 Memans ODIO.) ..... Leniges>--- 5, 824 104.4} ..97.4 24,607 | 13,282] 185.3] 149.9 MUMEMG IN 6 Mi ncn d. eeu. s ee 5, 091 84.7 | 88.8 8, 976 8,660 | 103,6 98.9 UAC eboeeers Gener ree 1, 495 83.6 | 86.5 2,700 2, 038-4 432.5} 150.4 Baltimore, Md............ «..|) | 22, 23% 93.2} 91.5 44,034 | 39,877] 110.4] 100.6 Birmingham, Ala............. 1,765 97. 4.1 '/.. 99, 1! 3, 499 2,585 | 185.'4.] “145.8 Boston, Mass 0. ee ese 34, 825 94.9} ~96.0 || 117,770 | 121,149 |-°97.21' 95.8 Bridgeport, Conn....-..-..... 5,318 95.3 98. 6 25, 279 21,135°] 119.6 | 122,3 NS ae peo cee 29, 207 91.8] . 91,9 64,748 |. 56,782} 114.0 | 112.8 omy Mass... 4... T op ss 5,199 92.5 92.7 15, 219 16, 885 90, 1 90, 2 DAMIEN IN. Fira... Jy. os <- ones 4, 100 : 94.8} 90.7 11, 086 9,176 } 120.8 | 116.1 Chicago, We... eee --+} 122,145) 130,175 | 93.8] 95.6 |! 431,764] 373,718 |.115.5 | 121.1 Cincinnati, Ohio... ...22...... 19, 413 88.5 | 91.6 21,792 | 21,085 + 103.6 | 105.9 ad, Olio. «44.654 bate 31, 574 98. 2 95.4 ||. 133,075. | 106,463 | 125.0] 1246 olumbus, Ohio... .......2... 7,312 90. 5 87, 8 9, 113 6,942 | 131.3)" 135.6 Se ae ees 2, 682 91.0} 881 5,097 3,633 | 140.3 | 142.2 Dayton, Ohio... 2.2.2 20002.002. 5, 038 92.2] 80.7 7, 394 5,717 |. 129.38} 144.0 Betiver, Colo ve. 2 4) 03. 11, 421 88.8 | 90.4 20, 896 |! 16,724 | 1249] 115.8 Des Moines, Iowa............. 4,727 89.0] 91.6 6, 211 5,018 |. 128.9} 123. 8 Doteity Mich. 23.21)... 51, 068 100.8] © 96.5 |} 169, 095 }'.120, 202 |. 140.7 |..122.9 Fall 2 yhoo glo Lem oe lbs pias 6, 319 89.5 93. 4 20,334 }°' 21, 997 92:4 92.1 Fort’ Worth, Tex. ..)001..00. 1, 555 102.9 | 106.3 4,738 2,621 |. 18028 |. 205. 4 Grand Rapids, Mich.......... 7,952 / 85.4} 84.9 14, 999 13,356 | 112.3:-]) 116.4 Hartford, Conn......22....2-. 5, 133 88.5'| 93:1 21,470}! 19,197 | 14108 }106. 4 Houston, Tex... .. 22.25 62.0.1 ; 92.0 97.5 6,809 1° 5,203. |. 1830/9: }» 149. 8 peairapelis ne alee Dt Sb Ta 7, 815 89.2]. 87.8 9,359 7,599 | 123.2} 184:4 Jersey City, Nay. OR a 13, 894 96.31} °96.5 40, 282°}! 35,769 |}. .112.4 |»°120.5 Kansas City, Kans............ 3, 036 92. 4 97.4 6, 850 4,806 | 142.5 }9162.9 Kansas City, Mo.......02..2.. 10,361 89.9 | 92.0 15,377 |) 11,943 $128.8 } 9132.3 Los Angeles, Calif.............| 24,640 85.3) | 86.3 60,188 | 51,869 | 116.0} 121.8 Louisville, Ky................ 7, 653 84.9} ° 99.4 |) 5,882} 5/7391 102.5 |. 103.5 Lowell, Mass..--..22.....,... 6, 041 90.0} 91.7 18,466 |” 19,574) 94.3 | 97.3 emphis, Tenn. «0. 5........: 2,302 89.6.| -92.9 3, 266 2,509 |..130.2 | 147.4 Milwaukee, Wis.............: 29, 331 92.1} 93.7 60,708 |. 49,365 | 123.0 | 128.0 eapolis, Minn............ 21, 761 88.6] . 93.3 48,402}. 39,630 | 122.1 | 132.8 Nashville, Tenn.............. 1, 251 90.0, 91.1 1, 287 1,100 | ° 117.0 |) 111. 4 New Bedford, Mass........... 5, 308 93.6] 92.1 23,864 | 24,825} 96.1] 99.9 New Haven, Conn....2....... 6, 253 92.3]. 92.9 23,532}... 22,154 | 106.2} 111.4 New Orleans, La.....-.... ats) (42575 , : 7844-1 84,7 15,497,|. 10,495 | °147.7 |)112.4 New York, N.Y............. 207; 540 | 222,529 | 93.3.) 93.9 }/1,020,090 |..971,457 | 105.0 | 105.4 _ Bronx borough........... 28, 668 94.9] 96.4 || -185,456 | 131,515 | 103.0 | 109.8 Brooklyn borough........ 79, 605 92.1) 92.2 |] ‘341,527 | 317,760 | 107.5 |. 105.0 ‘Manhattan borough...... 65, 981 91.5] 93.5 }|- 468,506 |. 453,574 | 103.3] 103.6 - Queens borough: ......... 27, 305 97.7 98.3 57, 132 54,544 |} 104.7.) 115.1 Richmond borough. ...... 5,981 101.8 | 101.7 17, 469 14,064 | 124.2 |..122.6 Mewar Ne yo) ! ei) kok 16, 402 96.3 | 93.7 61,914 | 55,089} 112.4] 110.6 bk NS Aa SS 1, 340 100.5 | 86.2 4, 439 2,148 | 206.7.) 141.5 and, Calif 2 0 t" 11 833 93.4] 91.2 || 25,492] 197670 | 129.6 | 130.6 Omaha, Nebr.............207! 8, 668 96.1 | 101.1 ]} 19/910 | 15,471 |. 198.7] 134.5 Paterson, Ne Jk es 6, 330 92.1] 93 23,205 | 21,940. |..105.8 | 107.0 Philadelphia, Pa............. 69, 706 93.3 | 91.7 || 205,518 | 192,409] 106.8} 102.9 meersouren, Pas... 0-325 88 26, 961 93. 2 95. 0 65, 367 54,899. | 119.17} ° 128.7 Portland, Oreg............... 13, 414 93.9 | 100.0 || 27,344] | 19770} 138.3 | 172.7 Seeeurtonces, He bebo. ks 10,909 90.0} 92.8 34,079 | 34,872.] 97.7'|° 103.3 os Ly gt RS 2,042 87.3 91,8 5, 457 4,096. |. 133.2] ‘145. 8 Richmond, Va............... 1,905 85.5] 92.3 2, 533 2,104 | 120.4 | 427. 2 Rochester, N.Y... 220. 15,376 90.6 | 91.4 36,992 | 34,329 |. 1078 | 112.6 Ree Mowe 2 ote eek 38, 512 88.71 98/2 56,266 | 46,973}. 119.8 |° 126.9 Seraul, Minn...........).. 15, 229 90.8 | 93.2 28,003 | 23,592} 118.7'|.' 126.2 Salt Lake City, Utah......... 8,306 89.4} 95.4 9, 737 9,697-| 100, 4 | 104.0 San Antonio, Tex: . 6, 182 93.5} 94:5 19,494. | 17,152 | 113.7 |. 107.7 San Francisco, Calif... .:...... 27, 842 95.5} 101.7 82,918 | 57,282 |. 144.8 | 162.4 Seranton, Pa . 020) .) fe tsees| 6,972 90.1} 92.6 15,139 |, 13,429 | 112.74. 127.2 Seattle, Wash......... WHS 16, 881 96.8} 101.2 43,779-|., 30,006 | 145.5 | 179.6 . Spokane, Wash.......2./..0.. 6, 001 90.1] 102.8 9, 463 7,363 | 128.5.) 171.5 Springfield, Mass. .....0...4.. 6,449 90.0} 92.3 15, 873 |» 15,377 | 103.2 | 100.7 oe iW’. ined eon 8,151 91.1] 90:2 17, 433.) ; 14,888 | 117.1] 123.2 oledo, Ohio.........2-2...2. 11, 707 94,6.| 92.7 || 21,751 | - 16,394 | 132:7,},. 120.2 mrensomN Juice ot i S.. 286 4, 000 89.8} 998.9 16, 477.|... 13,596 | .121.2.| 132.2 Washington, D.C............ 10, 468 79.1 | 89.7 15,142 | 13,406 | 112.9] 113.0 ilmington, Del. . 20.2 222.21, 8, 455 94, 7.| 93,2 lle, 9,347 6,932 17113408, |. 127.5 Worcester, Mass. ...0..0..0254 8,405 93.3] 95.6 |} > 27, 874]. 25,544 | 109,1,} 115.1 WonkersyN. YS... o.c855 {uns 4,929 94.6.) 9597 |he5-12,990;| > 12,710 | 102.2.1..413.6 Youngstown, Ohio.....-..... 5, 331 96.7} 96.4 |} 20,697.|» 13,137 | 157.5 |), 180.6 1 = *75108°—-23——9 * TABLE 41.—SEX DISTRIBUTION AND RATIO’: OF MALES ‘TO FEM C03 FOR TOTATZL NATIVE WHITE, FOREIGN-BORN WHITE, AND NEGRO POPULAT ON, FOR a HAVING FROM 25, 000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920, 130 ABSTRACT OF THE’ CENSUS——POPULATION, | FOREIGN-BORN ALL CLASSES. || NaTIvVE Were,” os ay NEGRO “e- |to e- |to o 100 Male.| maje.| te- || M@le-|-mate.| te- fe- nale. males||) > |males} males ts ALABAMA: o | ) Mobiles. 2s |: a4 ai 31, 628} . 92, 2)| 16, 845) 18,003). 93.6} 1, 190 145. 8/11, 102 z Montgomery....... 23,278) 86.7 iL, 166} 11,704) 95.4) 46 153.7 8 553/11, 274 75.9. RIZONA: . PROGRIX 22. bso. 2. 13, 878} 109.3] 12,191} 11,480) 106.2 129.7 ARKANSAS: x Fort Smith........ 14,676} 96. 7/| 11,993] 12,429) 96.5 132.7 Little Rock... .... 5. 33, 392} 95. 1|} 22,429) 23,430). 95. 132. 3) 8 CALIFORNIA: Alameda.. Say Dp 14,751} . 95. 3}| 10,401} 11,561} 90.0 112.4 Berkeley .. Be oboe ae 29, 804] . 88.0 20; 293 24,330} 83.4 101.9 MY OSNOse sete cee 21,457; 110. 1]| 17,311) 16, 957) 102.1 132.0 Long Beach. . 00.2. 29, 440} « 88. 8|| 22, 414] 25,827] 86.8 100.8 Pasadena. ... 222... 25, 493) - 77. 9|| 16, 106} 20, 871} + 77.2 (ash Sacramento........ 81,379} 110. 0}} 25,537] 25,797} 99.0 151.1 Sen a) aS) Se ca eke oe nt Sani Jose. bP i 5. fe) 45 ; a Stocktomi:.) JX 18, 574| 116. 9]| 15,.785| 15,228) 103.7 158.0 OLORADO: Colorado Springs ~~ 16,327} | 84. 4/| 12,044) 14,423}. 83.5 94.9 Pueblo fe) 22) a 20, 993} 105. 1|] 16,997] 17,145) 99.1 134.3 CONNECTICUT: Meriden. i... 22. SU oe 14, 908) 100.3!) 10,742} 11,061}. 97.1 108. 4 New Britain.i...-. 28,457; 108. 4|| 18, 859) 18}904) 99. 811, 792 124.9 oe ee Se) tel tae a0 22 ue OTWaHCT .f S84 L 4 , 115) 11, ) . Stamford... £20 4 17,570] 99. 7|| 11,535] 11,966p 96. 4|° 108.3 i Waterbury -- 32... 44, 285) 107. 1|| 80,075] 30,742) 97. 816, 808 13, 086} 128.4 LORIDA: : Jacksonville. 22... 46,547) 96.7!) 22,544) 23,5341 95.8 128..5|20, 220101, 208 Semen ae Le et Ba bs ie tog 102. 7 vee 8,710 hen 3 etd. ensacola.... 5, 124} 105. 2|| , 9,794) 9,385) 104.4 67.7 é Tampa... oe 25, 610| 101. 5|| 14,439] 14/940] 96.6 124.6 EORGIA: I. PAUIPUSb Chicopee...-...-.-- 103, 7|| 11,994] 12° 020) 99.8) 6/427| 5,755] 111.7 Bh ee Everett.....-.-+---|. 97, 4|| 13, 828] 14,070] 98. 3) 5; 401| 5,678} 95.1] 551/578) 95.3 : Fitchburg. "Bhi sf 96. 6|| 13, 470| 14,346) 93.9] 6,655] 6,507) 102.3) 18). M4h * "Haverhill. 22-21. 96. 7|| 19; 461! 20,727} 93. 9| 6,829] 6) 478] 105.4] — 174] 187] 93.0 “Holyoke........... 92. 3|| 19171| 20, 605] . 93. 0) 976221107633} 90.5! 83} 63{L..... “Lawrence..:..-.--- 98. 9|| 26,841) 28,088] 95, 6/19, 839|19, 224|'103.2|- 142). 77]... 1 Nei antl URN. 97, 2\| 34; 565] 35,784] 96.6 13, 782|14,076} 97.9) 404] 408} 99.0 eMalden..4.-,---\--¢ 90, 3|| 16, 442! 18,010] 91.3) 6,604] 7,501) 88.0] 241! 290! 83.1 B yallediord i... :.---'e~ 91, 2\| 14,376] 15, 557| -92.4| 37971] 4/583] 86.6) 261] 274] 95.3 , Newton......-- a 82, 4|| 16,441] 18, 855! | 87.2) 4’138] 6,041| 68.5| 211] 350) 60.3 + Pittsfield. = <2. 2-1 95. 6|| 15, 879| 17,239) 92.1) 4)297| 3/914] 109.8] 195} 203] 96.1 Quiney...00 0 102. 3|| 17,041) 17}018) 100. 1) 7,115) 6,634] 107.3) 9-15] 12! BD A RGVOLS. bugs - - s1¢- «- 100, 4{| 9947] 9/974) 99.7| 4.459] 4/388] 101.6) 24) 24)... Balelit-o dee o--- no's 94, 7|] 15; 056| 16,089} 93.7 5, 522] 5,681| 97.2} -57| | 73/...... + Somerville.......-- 91..0|| 32,658] 35,885] 91.011, 506/12,676, 90.8) 153) 175] 87.4 Taunton......-.--- 95, 2|| 13,001] 13;788| 94.3) 4/879] 5,119! 95.3] 224) 121) 185.1 = wWaltham.......-.. 89, 8|| 10; 888] 11,901} 91.1) 3,743] 41361] 85.8) 18] 25)... AN; . ) - Battle Creek jd rt m8 15, 384 16,311 4.3 1,883 1, 495 126.0 560) - 495) 113.1 | Bay, City..-.------ . J .7| 4,611) 4,343) 106.2 72 fee $.) IE rane. «cee a9 129, 3|| 40, 987| "83; 720| 121. 6| 97 497| 5,630] 168.7| 1,121} | 580} 193.3 ey Hamiramek village 128, 9|] 11, 988] 11,543] 103, 914’ 282] 8,780] 162.7] 1,108) 914] 121.2 _ Highland Park. . 123, 1\| 17, 7071 15, 687| 112. 9| 77681] 4, 980| 154.2} °193) 165] 117.0 Dd ADKBON cass. - +52 109..0]| 21/795] 20; 419] 106. 7| 2) 807] 2,419] 119.8] - 505) 305] 165.6 _~ Kalamazoo. ..-..... 97. 7|| 19, 678] 20, 822| 94.5] 3,877] 3,330) 116.4] 385! 367] 104.9 ysLansing.......»-»- 110, 5|| 26, 258] 24° 359] 107. 8] 3; 437| 2,548) 134.9] 377) 321] 117.4 Muskegon........- 110, 0|| 157356] 14,222] 108. 0| 3°672| 3, 108| 118.1) 105] 77/_..... ag gag 122, 5|| 15,346] 13,114] 117.0] 8)155| 2,030) 155.4) 362) 257| 140.9 Port Huron........ 101.0|| 9,587] 9,506 100.9] 3/178] 3,168) 100.3] 270) 230) 117.4 Saginaw... 4------ 100. 5|) 24,724] 25/200] 98.1] 6,092] 5,513 110.5; 179)’ 149] 120.1 ESOTA: Duluth 1 Eg a 110. 3|| 33, 790| 34,406] 98. 2|17, 722|12,396, 143.0} 270] 225] 120.0 eJoplin. -losj.--s5-53 95. 4|| 13,795] 14,614; 94.4] 418) 309, 135.3} 368| 373] 98.7 fh reSt, Josephs. «4.2; 99.7|| 33,080] 34,209] 96. 7| 3,617| 2,806 128.9] 2,208] 2,001] 110.3 Springfield... .. .-< 92. 1|| 17,643] 197346] 91.2] 547) 426, 128.4] 814] 853] 95.1 INTANA: ' , Shope cee ale les 119.6|| 15,386 14,299] 107. 6| 6,933] 4,521] 153.4] 120; 94}...... EBRASKA: ; Rad ineolns 2c. 4-40-92 93. 5|| 22,347] 24, 471|. 91.3] 3,604] 3,504) 105.4} 484) © 412) 117.5 EW HAMPSHIRE: “92. 1|] 24,295) 26, 495 91.7|13, 241/14, 275] 92.8 31 hy ty a §.oc Nashua. .5..... in 99. 1|| 9,536] 10,010] 95.3] 4,551] 4,241) 107.3; 26 Meee os a, JERSEY: » Atlantic City ...... 91. 5|| 15,369) 17,308). 88.8 3, 547! 3,462) 102.5) 5,251) 5,695] 92.2 Pee ONUNEeae...is.-R¢ 108. 4|| 25,378} 25,222 100. 6/14, 187)11, 285}. 125.7 3 328) 97.6 Spe Chiton. iiss... ie 101. 3|} 8,331} 8, 466 98. 4| 4,954) 4,657) 106. 4 2 7a tke « East Orange... -. 3 84. 7|| 19, 141} 22,389] 85. 5] 3,105] 3,675]. 84.5] 988)°1, 390). 71.1 Blizabeth.........- 107. 1|| 327815} 32; 740] 100. 2/15, 641|12, 574] 124. 4} 1,035] ~ 935] 110. 7 Hoboken.......--.- 109.7} 22, 455 21,963} 102, 2/13, 050 10 124.9 112 7 eee Irvington town .... 98. 41} 9,738} 10, 126 06.2) 2, $44) 2,664) 106.8 52 “es ee ae Kearny town...... 13) 473 13) 251} 101.7|| 9,324) 9,304 99.3 4, 098 3, 896} 107.7 34). 44)_...... Montclair town .. 13; 186 15, 624! 84.41] 9,335' 10, 816) 86.3! 2,392 2 767! 86.4! 1,428) 2, 030 70.0 1 ‘Ratio not shown where number of females is less than 100. 132 ABSTRACT OF THE, CENSUS—-POPULATION. TABLE 41.—SEX DISTRIBUTION. AND RATIO OF MALES TO FEMALES. FOR TOTAL, NATIVE WHITE, FOREIGN-BORN WHITE, AND NEGRO POPULATION, OR, CITIES HAVING FROM 35, 000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. uO FOREIGN-BORN ALL! CLASSES. NATIVE WHITE. cache NEGRO. CITY. Males A Males a Males ; Fe- jto,100 ‘e- ito 100 “e- |to 100 Male.| male.| fe- || Male-| maie.| te- |M@l¢-| mate. fe. |Male- males males males Nrw JERSEY—Con. New Brunswick. -.| 16,278} 16,501] 98.6|| 11,149] 11,550) 96.5) 4,546) 4,389) 103.6] 562 Orange, Jp. i 5- cs 16,191} 17,077} 94. 8/| 10,981] 11,682] 94.0} 3,483] 3,480) 100. 1|'1, 706 (PARSAIC? do. Scab a 31, 840] 32,001} 99. 5|| 18,026) 18,832} 95. 7/13, 495)12, 870) 104. 9] ~ 292 Perth Amboy...--- 21,817} 19,890} 109. 7|} 13,248) 13,023 101.7) 8,285 6, 633 124.9 264 Plainfield........-- 13,325] 14,375) -92.7|| 9,495) 10,243] 92.7] 2,709) 2,793] 97.0} 1,108 West Hoboken town.. ..-.-| 19,864] 20,210) 98.3)| 12,605] 18,356] 94.4) 7,233] 6,843} 105.7 5 West New. York HADEN sds oe as See 14,993) 14,933] 100. 4|| 10,245} 10,656] 96.1] 4,695) 4,233/°110.9|° 48 NEw YORK: °” Amsterdam... .2.4- 16, 217| 17,307} 93. 7)| 11,148) 12,416} 89.8] 5,000) 4,807) 104.0 67 Avburn:is.5----t 18,211] 17,981] 101. 3|| 13,683].14,426] 94.8] 4,222] 3,357] 125.8] ~293 Binghamton....... 32,479] 34,321] 94.6|| 26,581} 29,191) 91.1) 5,585} 4,783] 116.8) 283 Wimara . gave... < yee 22, 748] 22,645) 100, 5||. 19, 867] 20, 256) 98.1! 2,557} 2,149].119.0; 316), Jamestown...-...-| 19,184] 19,733] 97. 2|] 13, 060) 14, 245) 91.7) 6,016) 5,399) 111.4) 106 Kingston ......-.-2- 12, 562} 14,126] 88.9] 10, 869] 12,491] 87.0] 1,417) 1,346} 105.3) 274 Mount Vernon... -. 20, 434] 22,292| 91. 7||,14, 724] 16, 544] . 89.0) 5,138] 4,952|.103.8) 549 New Rochelle. -.. -. 17, 708] 18,505) 95. 7|| 12,382] 12,697) 97.5] 4,188) 4,269) 98.1) 1,108 Newburgh... .-.-<. 14, 838] 15,528] 95. 6|| 11, 898] 12, 882} 92.4] 2,607] 2,332) 111.8) © 319 Niagara Falls... .- 27,113} 23,647) 114. 7|| 16, 487} 15, 864) 103. 9/10, 320} 7, 566) 136.4) 298 Poughkeepsie - .. = 16, 708] 18,292} 91.3!) 13, 439] 15,161] 88.6] 2,866] 2,664) 107.6) 384 Cine: Shore in ee 13, $89] 12, 452) 111. 5|} 10,606} 10, 324) 102, 7} 3,173) 2,061) 154.0) 103 Schenectady. .-...-. 44, 857} 43, 866} 102. 3|| 33, 252) 34, 503) 96. 4/11, 324) 9,166} 123.5) 193 TOWso ee so = Se re 33,076] 38,937] . 84. 7||-27, 440| 32,478) 84.5! 5,326) 6,157] 86.5) © 277 Utena -0dag tsi Sines 45, 802] 48,354) . 94,7] 33,411] 37,096} 90. 1/12, 177/11, 080} 109.9; 178 Watertown..-.... =. 15,170}. 16,115) 94.1) 12,225] 13,117} 93.2] 2,880} 2,949) 97.7 49 NORTH CAROLINA: Asheville: io. .-4. 2% 13,304] 15,200}. 87. 5]|. 9,886] 10,906] 90.6]. 275) 280) 98.2} 35135 4 010 78,2 Charlottes so... ss 22,345} 23,993] 93, 1]| 15,247] 15,932) 95.7]. 284) 230) 123.5} 6, 810 7331 87.0 Wilmington. .....- 16,170) 17,202) - 94.0}|, 9,520] 9,752) 97.6 398 226) 176.1] 6, 241) 7, 220 86.4 6 Winston-Salem .... 24° 182) 24,213} 99.9/) 13,764! 13,589] 101.3) 177; 119) 148. 7/10, 232 10, 503) 97.4 HIO: . Canton. lez... la a 47, 188] 39,903] 118, 3]| 36, 332]. 34, 755} 104, 5/10, 057) 4,623) 217.5) 763} ° East Cleveland -...| 12,849} 14,443). 89. 0/| 10, 932} 12,386] 88,3 rh 874] 1,969} 95.2 43 Hamilton...-...... 20, 371] 19, 304] 105, 5). 18, 059} 17, 615) 102, 5) 1, 513) 1,150} 131.6] 792 Lakewood: ...... +. 20, 110) 21, 622} 93, 0}| 16, 205} 18,161) 89. 2) 3, 843] 3, 412] 112.6 52 1k 01ts Soae eeDS Sete _-| 20, 700} 20, 626} 100. 4|| 18, 943] 19,202) 98.7] 1,085} — 832) 1380.41 ° 653 TOPghn. 2522.4 ow 20, 416] 16, 879} 121, 0}| 12, 649) 12, 166} 104. 0} 7,447] 4,480) 166.2} 319 Mansfield. :.....-.. 14, 066] 13, 758] 102. 2|| 12, 090} 12, 275}. 98.5} 1, 817} 1,390) 130.7} 156 Marion. 96.3 ieee. 13, 960} 13, 931] 100. 2}|} 13, 2@6) 13,431} 98.8] 563) 391] 144.0) 131 ING@WADK. gorse ice xe 13, 376] 13, 342] 100, 3}| 12, 191} 12, 467} 97.8] 889] 616) 144.3] ~— 292) Portsmouth. ....-- 16, 385] 16,626) 98..6)| 15, 352] 15, 801], 97.2} 401) 293] 136.9] 628) Springfield... ..... 30, 503} 30, 337} 100. 5|| 25, 327) 25, 715! 98.5) 1, 512} 1, 245) 121. 4) 3, 653 Steubenville. -...... 15, 035) 13, 473] 111. 6}| 10, 915] 10, 886} 100.3] 3, 504) 2,077) 168.7} 609 Watren..vcs-. 4s 4. 14, 282] 12, 768} 111. 9]| 10, 793] 10, 872) 99.3] 3,056] 1,621] 188.5] 427 Zanesville... .. 2... 14, 293} 15,276] 93, 6/| 12,767) 13,966} 91.4; 720} 552) 130.4] 803 OKLAHOMA: Muskogee... .....:.; 14, 889] 15,388] 96.8]) 10,997) 11,179] 98.4; 342) 199) 171.9} 3,375] | Oklahoma City....| 46,640] 44, 655] 104. 4|| 40, 177] 39,217] 102. 4] 2,162] 1,315] 164.4] 4, 151) 4, 090 TAS 25450 23 eee 37, 639} 34, 436) 109. 3}| 31, 868} 29, 008) 109. 9| 1,240) 785} 158. 0} 4, 366) PENNSYLVANIA: Allentown........- 36, 053] 37, 4491 96.3]| 31, 383] 33,321) 94.2) 4, 568) 4,044! 113.0} — 93}-- Altoona....-...2...| 29,814] 30,517» 97. 7|| 26,268) 27,851) 94.3} 3,070) 2,242] 186.9] 464 Bethlehem........ 25, 928) 24,430} 106. 1|}, 19, 323] 19, 726) 98.0) 6,396] 4,547] 140.7] - 189) 7 $ eONOSLEL - Leen Ss igo oe 31, 554| 26, 476} 119. 2|| 20, 446) 19, 089) 107. 1) 7,140) 4, 152) 172. 0} 3,.900}'3,225) 120. WMastons ise. thc. 16, 499} 17, 314]° 95. 3]] 14, 099) 15, 400} 91.6| 2,245] 1, 776} 126. 4|-- 145) 138) BTIO. bo aa bss Secioe 46, 960] 46, 412) 101. 2) 36, 776) 38,450}. 95.6) 9,734] 7,636] 127.5) 429 Harrisburg......-- 37, 176} 38, 741] 96. 0}| 32, 122) 34, 388] | 93. 4) 2, 360} 1, 784] 132. 3} 2,679 »Hazleton.a... Js. ss 15, 893] 16,384] . 97. 0]| 12, 592). 13,632) 92. 4|.3, 282) 2,741) 119.7 13 Jotinstown....J.2.2 35, 025} 32, 302} 108. 4/| 26, 479} 27, 035) 97. 9] 7,340} 4, 802} 152. 9} 1, 185) — Lancaster... . Js. ««| 25, 033} 28,117}. 89. 0} 23, 175) 26,338}, 88. 0).1, 401} 1,313] 106.7|- 452) McKeesport... -.-+< 24, 386] 22, 395) 108.9}/ 16, 900} 17,062}. 99.1) 6,965] 4,905) 142.0} 500} * 4! New Castle........ 22, 928] 22,010] 104. 2|| 17, 407] 17,961} 96.9) 5, 037| 3,656} 137.8] © 474) °" Norristown. _ bor- bert . : GUEN. Lin’. - drone 15, 610} 16, 709} 93. 4/} 12,691] 13,813] 91.9) 2,143) 2,154) 99.5) 766 Wilkes. Barre. :.- 4c 36, 339} 37,494| 96.9]) 28,251] 30,458} 92.8) 7, 782)'6, 785) 114.7). 301} © Williamsport ...-..| 17, 496] 18,702] 93.6]| 15, 797| 17,220] 91.7) 1,267) 999) 126.8]. 431} 483 nT al Obie << bya Columbia... 22 2.52.| 17, 926|'19, 598) 91. 5|| 10 981] 11,542] 95.1 "313| 231} 135,'5| 6, 630 7,825] 84.7 Pours Dakota; Sioux’ Falls.2.5.... 12, 917} 12, 285! 105, 1]| 11,248) 10, 870] 103, 5| 1,592! 1, 369} 116.3}. 47/° 36)... OTieirscee! pias ) ~~ Chattanooga:.>2:: 28; 978} 28; 917| 100.2|} 18, 711] 19,050) 98.2) 695)" 545) 127. 5] 9, 567] 9,322) 102.6 " Knoxville......... 37, 603| 40, 215] 93, 5|| 31,720} 38,979) 93.4] 446]. 366) 121.9] 5,434) 5,868) 92.6 TEXAS?) we © Austin... 2.222...) 16, 425} 18, 451) © 89, 0)| 12, 013]-13, 368} 89. 9] 1,320) 1, 227; 107.6} 3,073) 3, 848) 79.9 Beaumont.....:.. 20, 713} 19, 709} 105, 1)| 12, 927) 12,341) 104, 7) 1, 170 ” 748) 156. 4 6, 597| 6,613) 99.8 mt Pago). 2) 2280 08! 37, 198| 40, 367| 92. 11| 21, 026] 21,'425] 98.1115, 208!18,'145} - 83.8] 6731. 657! 102. 4 + - Galveston... .....| 23, 850} 20, 905} 111. 7|| 13, 984) 13, 442) 104. 0] 4, 294) 2, 598] 165. 3| 6, 027} 4, 861| 103. 4 Y eolWaeo. Hh. 52 22.20. 18, 692} 19, 808] 94.4|| 14, 078] 14917] "94. 4] © 990] 777} 127. 41-3, 612] 4, 114] ’ 87.8 is Wichita Falls. . ..| 24, 085] 16, 044] 149, 8]! 21, 472) 14,656] 146, 5} 1,309) 411) 318. 5} 1, 242) 975) 127. 4 ‘UTAH ; ‘ “Ogden... 208.053 16, 491} 16, 313] 101) 1]| 13, 728] 13,788] 99:6] 2, 308} 2,301} 100.3]. 153) 112} 136.6 Lynchburg aces Sales 13, 828} 16,242} 85.11; 9,959] 11,434) 87.1) 199] 148] 184.5) 3, 670) 4,659) '78.'8 Newport News...| 20, 145| 15, 451} 130. 4|] 11, 153] 8) 266] 134. 9] 1,288} °759| 169. 7) 7, 654} 6, 423} 119.2 Petersburg. 2. ..:2.| 14, 599] 16, 413] 38, 9|| | 8,118] 8,768] 92.6] 7801} 210) 143.3) 6, 174|°7,434) | 83.1 Portsmouth. /.....| 28, 002} 26,385} 106. 1|| 15, 438) 14,118} 109.3) — 893) 650) 137.4 11, 635/11, 610; 100. 2 1: Roanoke. ..../.21/| 25, 037} 25, 8051 97, 0)| 20, 062) 20,568) 97.5} 509) 360} 141.4). 4, 455) 4,876! 91.4 "WASHINGTON: ©) @ . _ Bellingham:....... 13, 288} 12, 297] 108. 1|] 10, 137] 9, 999] 101. 4] 3, 082] 2,246] 137.2) 21} d9pi ee. _ Everett....... OME 14, 624 13, 020} 112. 3)| 11, 054] 10, 593; 104. 4] 3,404} 2, 337} 145.7 79 Ce ee AN acdmiat . 2.002 208% 51, 601 45, 364| 113. 7|| 83, 024) 35, 969) 105, 7/12, 042) 8, 521; 141.3) . 488} 410) 119.0 OWEST VIRGINIA: _ +> Charleston. . 22. ..2. 19, 953) 19,655] 101. 5|| 16,901] 16,827) 100.4} 796} 558) 142.7) 2,234) 2, 268]. 98,5 Clarksburg. 22.2... 14, 183} 13, 686} 103. 6]| 12,369} 12, 304) 100. 5) 1,177) 760) 154.9) 636} 622) 102.3 ' Huntington... .... 25, 177) 25, 000} 100. 7|| 23, 264) 23,290} 99.9) § 455) 277} 164.3).1, 450} 1,433} 101. 2 . Wheeling. ...2..... 27, 436} 28, 772| 95.4|| 23; 401] 25, 378) 92. 2| 8,192} 2, 604| 122.6). 834]: © 789) 105, 7 eh bal . Green Bay. 212.04. 15, 109) 15, 908] | 95. 0|| 13, 189) 14/153] 93. 2] 1, 872] 1,693} 110.6 -. 18} 14h... Bmuikenosha../.200 02. 22, 258) 18, 214) 122,2)) 14, 225) 18, 419} 106. 0) 7, 962 4, 7521 167.6, 58 eee ‘La Crosse.....1:..| 14, 502} 15, 919} .91.1|} 12, 255) 13,678) .89. 6) 2, 227 oN 220) 100.3, - 18 ES. o>. { \) Madison....0/...2.} 18, 275) 20, 103) 90. 9]| 15, 476) 17,737) 87. 3) 2, 620) 2, 232) 117.4... 134) 9128) 107. 2 + | Oshkosh... 2. Sy Ce) 15, 945] 17, 217} 92.6)} 12, 888} 14, 408) °89. 5) 3, 019 2 775} 108. 8 20 UTE ooo BworRaeing .) Se .3 . % fpncemes ye cen Reet T Noe ese Lost aK & ; Oa8 Pao tes he y reine Sle .cee t) 1) dep Une Be sore nson 3 11, 573, 230° | 10, 631, 364} 9, 170,628 | 7, 634, 693.| 6,914,516 2,257,255 || 2,217, 342 | 1,916, 802'| 1, 566,734 | "1, 447, 983 11, 398,075 | 9,760,632 | 8,874,123 | 7, 10,641,137 | 9,107,140 | 8, 080, 234 | - 7,033, 509 | 5; 715, 186 “9, 430, 556 || 9,063,603 | 7,556,089 | 6,5 1,4) to? 9) 277, 021 9, 056,984 | 7;335,016 |} 6, 196,676 | 5, 087/772 9,086,491 | 8, 180, 003 | 6,529,441 | 5, 227,777.11 4,080,621 30 to 34 *8)071,193 |. 6,972,185 | 5,556,039 |- 4-578, 630 | 3) 36S; 943 to 39. Paste sore ee ©) 1 cin ta on 7,775, 281 |. 6,396,100 | 4,964) 781-|- 3, 866/161] ‘3, 000, 419 IES ES 5 ood a Baediet eran - 6,345,557 | 5,261,587 | 4, 247,166-| 3,185,518 | 2, 468, 811 45. EY PTS bce srg-y- <1 ex tees pA: -F| 5; 763,620 | 4, 469/197 | 3,454,612 | 2,731,640 | 2 089, 445 BORE ob ere one's: «= 4 ey Sane fp se “k ‘g 134, 873 | 3,900, 791 2, 942, 829 | - -2, 326, 262 | “1, 839, 853 | stp 59 OR ii ool miei ae -kc3, 549,124 | 2,786,951 | 2,211,172 | 1,672,336 | 1,271, 434 SSE Set SRS Bate eee | 2) 989) 548 | 2)2677150 |} 1,791,363 | 1,458,034] 1 104; 219 top) ORIG st neers rs. |. POLL 19; 068; 475 | 1,679} 503 | 1; 302) 926-}--17010, 110'} 7-725, 876 PT ARV CATS oo icieee ee oe 5 nih carpe ER -, 1,395,036 | 1, 113,728 883, 841 701, 751 495, 442 ROIVeATS Jeo fe el .d. ee be “856, 560 667, 302 519, 857 393, 062 281, 065 UOB4t years... 0 ice -------4- pe eve oa tid : 402, 779 321, 754 251, 512 903) 851 146, 362 85, to 89 PRS pen sg 2.<2- | uli Ringe TOE & 156, 539 || . 122, 818 88, 600 75, 240 AG, 835 90 to 94 years... 2. = “39 980 | *\~ 83) 473 23, 992 23, 645 16, 100 ee gdh haus ee ce: Re ae N 9.579 | 7391 6, 266 5, 648 4, 763 ryears and OVer.!>.../...-,-- Mas Se Amey Eh Dog 4, 267) 1) ye 3, 555 -*.'8, 504 3) 981 4, 016 Ais Re eli He a se! 148, 699 | “169, 055 200, 584 162) T6540 O98 To . ) pa POPULATION—continued. . PER CENT DISTRIBUTION. Si “KGE.P PERIOD. Foe Ue + 4 : t a bri a ee) 3 oe ‘ mf ie | SSH UES A870! Oe 1880 1850, 1920 | 1910 | 1900 | 1896 | 1880 | 1870 | 1866 | 1850 | re) a) ve w : 5 ee Fa 43 All ages. Beod 88, 558, 371/81, 443, 321 23, 191, 876 ||100.0 |100.0 |100. 0 |100.0 /100. 0 |100.0 [100.0 |100.0 “Under "5 years. -.... 5, 514, 713 | 4, 842,496 | 3,497,773 || 10.9 | 11.6 | 12.1 | 12.2 | 13.8] 14.3 | 15.4 | 15.1 } nder 1 year: ap 1) 100, 475 | "934583 | "620" 446 |] 22124) 251-251-291 291 3.0) 2.7 “Sten yar HS +-'-] 4, 814, 713 | 4, 171,200 | 3,241, 268 || 10.8 | 10.6'| 11.7} 12.1 | 12.9 | 12.51} 13.34 14.0 '10 to 14 years...._.. 4.786, 189 |°3,'720, 780 | 2: 890,629 || 10:1] 9.9] 10.6} 11.2 41-4] 124) 118 | 12.5 to 19 years.......| 4,040, 588 | 3. 361, 495 es 529,792 || 8.9} 9.9 | 9.91 10.5 | 10.0} 10.5 | 10.7 | 10.9 ‘ } to. 24 years...0 112. 8, 748, 299 8.8) 9.8) 9.7)° 9.91 10.1] 9.7 i 5, 726; 400 Sede pea IEA & ake 18,2] 18.4 et: q URE: 3,075, 118 | 8.6 8.9 8.6 8.3 8.1 8.0 : t0,34 years... ....,. mien, 2) 562, 829 tg F a : : ‘ 6. So een 5.3 ae we ioe 248 | 2,825, 819 { 4) Tol 65] 62) 8|%0 12.8 | 12:2 0 44 years. 939, 712 : Ds ’ A 3 4 : 45 to 9 years..201-) 1) 578, 932 |f27 814, 330 i, 84s, 660 { Bs 49} 45)°44]) 4.21041 \'s.3 8.0 i) F years....... 1, 367, 969 4G 2 B94 BT 8 TS. fre, {$1 585, 879 1,109, 540 : 5.0 | 4.8 to 59 years....... * 876, 552 Tho" =e re 4 = Bo sf , i “ig 0,64 years......: 778, 971 aaa i ws , Gi i : 2. SRE ede aga pata Hes Ee PA ed ete te) 4 years.......| 844, 35 , 1. ‘A. } ; 7 4 : 75 t0.79 years.....:.| ~ 175,686 |f 248890 | ©» 257, 234 1h O'8).°0.7] 0.7] 0.61 0.6} 0.5 ft! . 80 to 84 Years...2 2.) be: 0.4) 0.3} 03] 03] 03 3 " 129, 077 93, 552 77, 382 | 0/31" 0.3°| | 073 85.to 89 years....... Oud 0.1 1 rt 0.4 hes aa bi 16,653} 18,778} 14, 695 f t3) 33 8} Bab @ foe} o1 100 years and over.. 3,522 | "2, gaa “a aBa YT ay Peay PP Ay Payor ayy aye pray may _ Agéunknown...... 5, 161 51, 511 14, 285 0.4] OS FOB OS 4S.c 2 (2) | 0.2] 0.1 1 Exclusive of 325,464 persons specially enumerated in 1890 in Indian Territory ere on India’ reserva- tions, for whom statistics of age are not available. ? Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 136 SEX AND AGE PERIOD. Unider 5. years: «:. .. .cce-neue Under 1 year. Rey ee Pe any 1 2 3 4°|-540,9: Years 0. sees. 5. [710 to 14 yearscs,:: seep. aes 6: fb G0.19 Years... ih 29 | 10 to 14 years....22.2.... Sak 30 1 15 to 19 years aes 4 se cup dea 31 | 20 to 24 years... 22.50 0..428 : 32 | 25 t0.29 years... 2... jee - ne 33. | 3010.34 years...,..... 5.024 34 | 35 (0.39 VOArs -4 26. on fufod ew 35 | 40 to 44 years.< 2.3... 404.248 fs BG)| 45 to 4) years. oc... sees. Of 150 CO G4 (VORTS4 ws -. ae sec d be 33 | 55 t0'59 years... 2c. 5. d 8 39 | 60 to 64 years.......5-2.-..4 40 | 65.to 69 years... -...24-4--4.2[, 41 | 70 to 74 years .c 5 ota cn Bg 42 | 75 to 79 years........ es. 43 | 80 to $4 years...2...2. 6.5) 28 44 | 85 to 89 years... 2. .sece ese 45 | 90 to 94yearS 1-225). 422.000 46 | 95 to 99 years ., 2... pepe sce 47 | 100 years and over-..... 2.24. 48 | Age unknown.............. 1 Exclusive of persons (169,221 males and 156,243 females) specially enumerated in 1890in Indian Territory ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION, TABLE 44,—DISTRIBUTION OF MALES AND FEMALES BY 1920... 5, 857, 461 1 141) 939 5, 753, 001 5, 369, 306 - £673, 792 4’ 527, 045 4, 538, 233 4, 130, 783 4 074, 361 3. 285, 543 3, 117, 550 > 535, 545 1, 880, 065 #4 581, 800 1, 079, 817 ”706, 301 “419° 965 185, ti 92} 875 5, 715, 769 L 115, 316 5, 645, 074 5, 271, 831 4) 756, 764 4, 749, 976 4, 548, 258 2 199, 328 1, 669, 059 is 400, 748 ” 988° 658. 688, 735 436, 595 216; 876 87, 267 1910 47, 332, 277 5, 380, 596 i 123; 409 4,924,123 4 601; 753 4 527, 282 4 580, 290 4, 244, 348 3, 658, 768 | 3, 367, 016 2’ 786, 350 2’ 378, 916 2) 110; 013 1,488, 437 1 185, 966 153, 745 56, 335 14, 553 3) 045 1, 380 114, 443 44, 639, 989 5, 250, 768 1, 093, 933 4, 836, 509 4 505, 387 4, 536, 321 4, 476, 694 3, 935, 655 3, 315, 417 ps 029, 084 - 475, 237 2; 090, 281 | n 790, 778 1, 298, 514 1 081} 184 | ”815, 509 552, 084 336, 022 168, 009 66, 483 18, 920 4, 346 2, 175 54, 612 POPULATION. 1900 38, 816, 448 4, 633, 612 969, 257 4, 479, 396 4) 083; 041 cy 750, 451 3; 624; 580 3, 323, 543 2) 901; 321° 2’ 616, 865 9) 255,916 1; 837, 836 1} 564, 622 1, 145, 257 "917, 167 667, 669 449, 609 261; 579 122) 273 40, 742 9, 858 2 417 ¥ 271 127, 423 37,178, 127 4,537,016 "947; 635 4,394,727 3, 997, 193 3) 805, 638 3, 710, 436 1, 37 8, 207 1, 065, 915 ” 874) 196 635, 257 434, 232 258, 278 129, 239 and on Indian reservations, for whom statistics of age are not available. “1890 1 $2, 067, 880 ——— | —_—_—_—_—SSX\X—BsaKXr————O—XnN—X— oe — or Sig griaree — ~I bo for) SS re O LE S =< 1 30, 554, 370 Pa Sanne pS ——————————————— f.e Se. 0S eee aa ——e——SEal_EPeEo=EESS=SQQ@aEESES]>__|___————————e— —lElElEE———— eee 2, 529, 466 2) 152, 966 1, 815, 117 1) 530,914 1,313, 538 1,117, 340 wee eee eee ee eee 24, 636, 963 ee oN hee AGE DISTRIBUTION. 13-7 AGE PERIODS, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1850—1920. POPULATION—continued. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION. 1870 1860 1850 1920 | 1910 | 1900 |.1890 | 1880 | 1870 | 1860 | 1850 “19,493,565 | 16,085, 204 | 11,837,660 || 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0} 100.0 | 100.0 1 2, 449, 547 | 1,769,460 || 10.9] 11.4| 11.9| 121] 13.7] 143. 15.2] 149] 2 471, 804 318, 226 21| 2.4| °25| 25) 29] 29 29] 27| 3 2, 109, 545°} 1,640,407 || i0.7°}' 10.4) wb 1 °i1.9 | Yas) 125} -wwer}o1s/9°} 4 1, 900, 868 | “1,473,116 || 10.0} 9.7} 10:5} 11.1] 12.4] 125] 118] 124] 5 1, 650,012} 1, 237, 680 8.7) 9.61 9.71 40.1] %9. 7°16. 10.2}. 10.3) 10. 5 be6 8.419.971) 931° 9.71 10.01) 9.4 7 2,911,558 | 2,194, 469 18.2185 42 . 4:15.90 Se] 84] “83P.78 8 2,129,017} 1,490,135 4 73) Fi |-a 3} ot] eo} eit 12] 126 Hag X 6.1 2 5.1 i 4.7) hb) 4.0 388 | 8803.8 13 835, 350 575, 685 62 |pris 409 3.5 31 3:0 2.7 2:6 2.4 | 14 : 2. 1 wiowiteMilr15 455,764) 309,515 J oo}: pa Lepore] £5) 13 Pooks |> 25 hig Lhe OVA || RMAC He OR OF. 70.9 17 \ 172,563) 127,460) os] 071 o7| 06| 05) oat Vth ott tg 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 | | 19° 43,790 36, 727 0.3 0. 3°20 3 ! 01) o1} of} a1] cost 20 2 a\i.} a 2 2 % 5 21 5, 854 i188 Hi tobe a aa honey | ty ctf RD (OG: dae 1, 233 1,077 (2) (2) (?) (2) (?) (?) (?) (2) 1-23 | 27, 890 9,173 O.2b 06.24) 6.8 P0038 |e (2) 0.2)" 0.1) 24 15, 358, 117°| 11, 354, 216 || 100.0°| 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0-}:100.0 | 25 eee ee eee ee ee ee ee eee "2,717,456 | 2,392,949 | 1,728,313 || 11.0] 11.8] 12.2] 123] 13.8] 143] 15.6] 15.2 | 26 ~” 542) 858 462,779 | 311,220 || 22) 25] 25) 25] 29} “28].. 30)°27 127 2,377,271 | 2,061,655 | 1,600,861 || 10.9} 10.8] 11:8] 123] 13.0] 125] 13.4] 14.1] 28 2 350,604 | 1,819,912 | 1,417,513 || 10.2) 10.1! 10.8} 11.3] 11.4] 123] 11.8) 12.5} 29 2 050,803 | 1,711,483 | 13292112 ||. 9.2] 10.2| 10.2} 10.8] 103) 10.8| 111) 114] 30 $919; 353 ) 9.2} 10.0} 10.0} 10.1] 10:3] 10.0 31 Bits 4 2,814,842 | 2, 082, 849 | I. 18:34". 18.3 1,389) 196 I) él cal gil zol ee] asl 33 1 280) 196 : ~ Vigs.610 [ft 1,892,231 | 1,335, 684 ri] 68] 63/ 59] so 6.0 12.3.|..11.8 1 949) 691 BOF) .S, 1 “odtaae + 739, 354 |p 11222,107) = 879,087 I) By) gz] apt 43] ai} sole. 8284p %7 hee - 627, 609 : 4 OM 400 be) SURES. 74) BIB. BF. ABB A... 37 750,529 | 583, 855 ; Be hb 4.9) 49 371 490 o7| 24), aa} 23] 21) 19 39 371; 480 27) .24]). 2 t) 19h. 233) 691 433,055} 300, 411 19} 18) 17] 16) ta) 12 2.8} 2.6 40 171, 322 Lah 2 be! Ra pe 1. 89, 176,327) 129,74 | 3] Os| oz] o6| o6| os |t 22 AD hao {— 0.4} .0.4] O81 0.3] 0.3 mt i 43 69,035 49, 762 40, 655 0.4] 1008 Jor 004 : 0.2{ O14] O1) OL) O1f | a4 2 2 2 i : 9, 731 7, 924 6, 512 8 QO Q he f 0.1 14 2, 236 1,720 1, 478 (2) (2) (2) @ (?) (?) (?) <3): oy 1, 366 23, 621 BAL RL ot 6-8 be Oe ads (2) 6.2} (2%) | 48 2 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. Fr j e 4 138 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. . TABLE 45.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES, BY — POPULATION. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION. . : Ae Tee ek ; CLASS OF POPULATION aur? si ‘exh AND AGE GROUP. Both Both Fe- |} Both Fe- sexes. Male. |), Female. «| sexes. |e: | mater sexes. || “2°: | male. Allclasses!...... 105,710, 620 || 53,900,431 | 51,810, 189.|) 100.0 |} 100,0 | 100,.0.|| 100.0 || 100.0 |. 100, 9 Under 5 years.::..... 11,573, 230 || 5,857,461} 5,715,769 |); 10,9 }| 10.9} 11.0)|) 11:6 |} 11,4), 11.8 5 to 14 years.......... 22,039, 212 |] 11,122,307 | 10,916,905 ||, 20,8 |} 20.6] 21.1 || 20.5 | 20.1| 20.9 15 to 24-years........ 18, 707,577 || 9,200,837 | 9,506,740 |} 17.7 H}.1%e1 | 18,3)|], 19.7 |] 19.2] 20.2 25 to 44 years........: 31, 278, 522 || 16,028,920 | 15;249,602.||, 29,6 |} 29.7 | 29.4 || 29.1 || 29,7). 28.6 25 to 34 years....... 17, 157, 684 |} 8,669,016 | 8,488, 668.||, 16,2 |] 16.1 | 16.4 || 16.5 |] 416.7] 16.2 35 to 44 years... ...- 14, 120, 838 || | 7,359,904} 6,760,934 || 13.411 18.7} 130°) %12-7 |] 13.0] 12.3 45 to 64 years........- 17, 030, 165 |} 9,114,960 | 7,915, 205)|} 16.1 || 16,9] 15.3 || 14.6 || 15.1) 14.0 45 to 54 years.......| 10,498,493 || 5,653,095 | 4,845,398 || 9.9 /] 10.51 94/9911 95) &7 55 to 64 years....... 6, 531,672 || 3,461,865 | 3,069, 807 62|} 64] 59] 55H &7l- 5.8 65 years and over.....| 4,933,215 || 2,483,071 | 2,450,144 |} 4:7}. 4.6) 4674) -43]) 4.2) 4.4 Native white— . , | Native par.!.| 58,421,957 || 29,636,781 | 28,785,176 || 100.0 || 100.0 | 100/0 |} 100.0 || 100.0 | 100.0 Under 5 years.....5:.: 7,366, 530 3,741,194 | 3,625, 336 12,6 12,6 | 12.6 13.2 |) 13:2); 13.3. 5 to 14 years..). 2.20. 13, 483, 572 6,803,480 | 6,630, 092 23,0 23.9 | 23.0 22.6 || 22,5.) 22.7 15 to 24 years......... 10,775, 753 || 5,344, 295.| 5,431,458 |) 184 |] 18.0] 18.9 ]| 19.7]] 19.4] 20.1 25 to 44 years...:..-.. 15, 776, 025 || 7,968,863 | 7,807,162 |) 27,0 || 26.9 | 27nd || 26.2 |] 26,3) 26.0) 25 to 34 years......- 8, 860, 843 || 14,421,983 | 4,438, 860 15, 2 14.9] 15.4 15.1 j}) 15.0.) 15,0) 35 to 44 years......- 6, 915, 182 3,546, 880 | 3,368, 302 11.8 12,0} The Zig ea 11.3} 10.9 45 to 64 years........ 8, 239,032 || 4,354,663] 3,884,369 |} 14.1 |] 14.7} 13.5 0 13.6 ]] 141] 13.2 45'to 54 years....... 4,989,713 || 2,649,866] 2,339,847 || 8.5 ih 891 Sidi SI] o&4] 7.8 55 to 64 years......- 3, 249,319 || 1,704,797 | 1,544,522 |) 5.6] 5.8) S41). 5.5 |) BG] 53 65 years and over.....| 2,738,876 || 1,365,527 | 1,373,349 4,7 4.6 4,8 4.4 |) 43] 4.6 Native white— | ; For. par.'...) 15,694, 539 || °7,810,531 |) 7,884,008. || 100.0 || 100.0 | 100. 0;||-100.0 || 100.0} 100.0 Under 5 years... ....- 2,124,350 || 1,072,885 } 1,051,465 || 13.5.]) 13.7) 13.3 j, 14.1]| 14.2) 14.0 5 to 14 years.s.......: 3, 870, 731 || ° 1,944,735 | 1,925,996 || 24.7 |} 24.9} 24.4 |) 22-8 || 22.9) 22.7 15,.to 24 years:.2...... ,814, 123 || 1,383,857 | 1,430, 266-|) 17.9 1767 | 1801\|} 920.8 || 20.5). 21.1 25 to 44 years......... 4,094,449 |) 2,017,298 | 2,077,151 |} 26.1 |) 25.8] 26.3 |) 28.4]) 98.2) 226 25 to 34 years....... 2,338, 688 |! 1,150,323 | 1,188, 365>|) 14.9 flco14o% | 15d |}od5.2 |! a5. O}o 15.4 35 to 44 years......: 1, 755,761 866, 975 888, 786 11.2 tei f Figs 13. 2 13; Iie 13.2 45 to 64 years......_.. 2,418, 332 || 1,208,166 | 1/210, 166 |). 15.4 || 154.5] 15.3|| 12:6 || 128), 124 — 45 to 54 years....... 1, 489, 610 745, 976 743,634 |} 95 || 961 94]1 921 $O4lo 22 55 to 64 years... .... 928, 722 462, 190 466, 532 5.9 5.9 5.9 {PP 93824 3.9 3. Sue 65 years and over..... 364, 554 || 179, 375 185,179 2.3 2.3 2.3 1.2 |), VB (La 4 + ey F r : . Native white— : 3B PEROB EW npn taay Sy Mixed par.t..|/ 6,991,665 || 13,455,921 | 3,536,644 || 100.0 |] 100.0 | 100.0 || 100.0 || 200.0} 100.0 Under 5 years........|. 838,057 423, 778 444,279 |} 12,0 |} 12.3 | 1127' 11 °14.3 Hh 14.6). 14.0 — 5 to 14 years.......). 2) 1,651, 018 833, 214 817, 804 23: 6 24.1 | - 23.1 26.9 || 231). 26. 5; 15 to 24 years... ...2.. 1, 454, 834 715, 997 738, 837 20,8 20.7 | 20.9 |) 23.2 || 23.0] 23.4 — 25 to 44 years......\). | 2, 059, 616 986, 381 | 1,078, 235°|| 29:5 28.5 | 30.3.4] 25.9 |} 25:2 26.5) > 25 to 34 years,.....: 1,175, 141 559, 355 615, 756 16,8 ||.16.2 | 17.4 |) 15.8 || 46.2] 16.3 © 35 to 44 years.......) | 884,505 427, 026 457,479.|| 12,7 || 12.4] 12.91 40.1 || 40.0} 10.2 45 to 64 years.... 2.2.4 833, 541 419, 843 413, 698 UNO HQ 02) BL Ze eB Bo 3t. 8.0 45 to 54 years...... i 508, 931 280, 968 277, 963 8 0 81 TOW 25.5 jh MOA 5.4 4 55 to 64 years.......| 274,610 |) > 138,875 135,735: |) 39 |) 4.0] 38]) 261 271 26mm 65 years and over..... © 161,369 74, 189 77, 180 2,2 21 2.2\ p> 1.6 1) anh @ 1 fe : j is een. A ’ : | 5 Zz 1 Totals include persons of unknown age. >a | ; } i eo ARR | ie J i | AGE DISTRIBUTION, : 139 SEX, 1920, WITH PERCENTAGES FOR 1920 AND 1910, FOR THE UNITED STATES. POPULATION. . PER CENT DISTRIBUTION. CLASS OF POPULATION 1920 1920 1910 EEE, 2) SERRATE SERIO R Soe RI | ft Ce or on ON Rk RE | MIE a dc is la OF id Both Both Fe- || Both é Fe- S@xes. Male. Female. || sexes. || Male. | mate. |] sexes. || M@!°- | male. _..oFereign-born | Ay, -. white !..:.....1:| 12,712,754 || 7,528,322 | 6,184,432 || 100.0 || 100.0 | 100.0 || 100.0 |} 100.0 | 100.0 Under 5 years....:..: 44,984 22, 857 22,127. |} 0.3 0.3] 0.4 0.8 0.7} 0.9 Sto lhvyears.scs. 275.3 501, 246 252, 926 248, 320 3270 3.4 4,0 4.9 4,4 5.6. 15 to 24 years......... 1, 454, 786 716, 258 738, 528 10.6 9.5} 11.9 15.8 15.6 | 15.9 9 to-44 years:...2.0.:| 6,271,742 || 3,550,778 | 2,720,964 || 45.7 || 47.2] 44.0 || 44.1.|| 45.8] 41.9 25 to 34 years..p22..) 3,105, 838 1,738,906 | 1,366,932 22.6 2321 | 22.1 23.7 25.0 | 22.1 aoe cer years...25.5) 3,165,904 1,811,872 | 1,354,032 23il 24.1) 21.9 20.3 20.8 | 19.7 oi} ome aati 3. 720.5| 4,091, 505 2,292,387 | 1,799,118 29:87) 30.5 | 29.1 20. 4 2542 |» 26.7 A5 to.54 years;.o22..| 2,467,052 1,395,969 | 1,071,033 18.0 T1885 | 17.3 15.5 15.7 |) 15.3 bd to.64 years..:...:| 1,624,453 896, 418 728, 035 11.8 11:9 | 11.8 9.9 9.5 | 10.5 65 years and over..... 1, 328, 227 679, 384 648, 843 9.7 9.0} 10.5 8.9 81} 9.9 thts 4 : Piyt By ! oe Negro?! oo... 2.2. 2| 10,463,131 5,209,436 | 5,253,695 || 100.0 || 100.0 | 100.0 || 100.0 |} 100.0 | 100.0 nder 5 years.-..:..- 1, 143, 699 568, 633 575, 066 10.9 10.9 | 10.9 12.9 12.9 } 12.8 5 to 14 years.......2..| 2,508,121 |} 1,247,592 | 1,255,529 || 23.9 || 23.9 | 23.9 || 24.4 || 2405 | 24.4 15 to 24 years..:.40:..| 2,138,062 |} 1,000,585 | 1,137,477 |) 20.4 |} 19.2] 21.7 ||. 21.3 || 20.3) 22.3 25 to 44 years.....-2.. 2,941,236 || 1,415,444 | 1,525,792 || 28.1 |) 27.2] 29.0 || 26.8 || 26.7 | 27.0 25 to 34 years....... 1, 607, 604 | 755,931 | | 851,673 || 15.4 || 14.5] 16.2]) 15.8 |] 15.4] 161 35 to 44 years... 2... 1,333, 632 659, 513 674,119 42.7 1227 |. 1228 Wei 1ha3 {2 10.9 45 to 64 years........- 1,380, 797 789, 791 591, 006 1362 15.2 | 11.2 11.3 12.2 | 10.4 45 to 54 years... ..- 950, 699 548, 501 402,198 || 91 10.5 7.7 Taz 7.8 6.7 - 15 to 64 years... .... 430, 098 241, 299 188, 808 4.1 4,6 3.6 4.0 4.4 3.6 65 years and over..... _ 832,713 173, 881 158,832 |} 3.2 3.3 3.0 3.0 3:1 2.9 JS ES ieee 244, 437 125, 068 119, 369 |! 100.0 |; 100.0 | 100.0 || 100.0 || 100.0 | 100.0 Under 5-years........ 33, 346 16, 591 16, 755 13.6 13.3 | 14.0 15. 2 14.9] 15.5 mobo 14 years. ro tt 64, 339 82, 156 32,183}; 26.3 2} 27.0 25. 6 25.6 | 25.6 15 to 24 years...2.. on 45, 426 23, 123 22,303 18.6 18.5 4187 18.9 19.1) 18.7 25 to 44 years...... ve 55, 336 28, 805 26, 531 22.6 23.0.) 22.2 22. 6 22.8 | 22.5 20 to 34 years....... 30, 011 15, 521 14, 490 12.3 12. 4 12,1 12. 6 12064 92-6 35 to 44 years.o.c... 25, 325 13, 284 12,041 10.4 7) 10:6.) 10.1 10. 1 10. 2 9.9 45 to 64 years......... 32, 060 17,481 14,579 || 13.1 || 14.0] 12.2|) 12.4 ]| 126] 122 45 to 54 years....... i 19,534 10,751 8, 783 8.0 8.6 7.4 bead ie vielecttiy & hed: _ 55 to 64 years..2.5.: 12,526 6, 730 5, 796 5.1 4! 4.9 5.2 5.2] 5.1 65 years and over..... 13, 139 6,512 |... 6,627 5.4 5.2| 5.6 4.9 4.5| 5.3 na] : tee } } t ., Chi., Jap., and | : ita all other}...... 182,137 135, 272 46,865 || 100.0 || 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 Under 5 years...... 4 22, 264 11,5238 10, 741 12. 2 8.5 22.9 3.3 1.8 |} 17.0 by Bes Barseris. As. . 15,185 8,204 6, 981 8.3 6.1 14,9 3.0.1). °:200 }° 13.2 15 to 24 years..:..02-- 24,593 16,722 7,871 13.5 12.4 | 16.8 16.5 16,2 } 19.9 . 25 to 44 years. ....-4.- 80,118 61,351 18, 767 44.0.|| 45.4 | 40.0 51.1 51.8 |) 43.8 25 to 34 years....... 39, 589 26, 997 12,592 || 21.7 || 20.0] 26.9 || 30.7 || 30.6] 31.2 . 85 to 44 years... 2:2... 40,529 34, 354 6,175 22:3 2524 | 13.2 20.4 || 21,2 | 12.6 45 to 64 years:........ 34, 898 32, 629 2,269 || 19:2 |) 24.1] 4.8 || 22.6 || 24.4} 5.2 45 to 54 years....... 22, 954 21,064 1,890 || 126) 15.6) 4.0]| 15.3 || 165/> 37 _ 55 to 64 years..:.:..| 11,944 11, 565 379 || ° 6.6 8.5 0.8 7.3 7.9 1.5 65years and over..... 4, 337 4, 203 134 ||. 243.11 0.3 1.6 18 |) 0.5 So Me. ari bed : i no Ls Fh HFS Ohi i ei GAT. ff 140 ABSTRACT OF .THE, CENSUS-—POPULATION. TABLE. 46.—DISTRIBUTION. BY AGE PERIODS FOR POPULATION ET SSS Sea SSE IANS EASES SSnnPS Se aerate. = ns ean nn es ALL CLASSES. . WHITE. AGE PERICD. ) Both sexes.|| Male. Female. || Both sexes.|| Male. Female. Allages. 2. SieL-. ..0X.- 105, 710, 620 || 53,900,431 | 51,810,189 || 94,820,915 || 48,430,655 | 46,390, 260 Under B VOAUS Hos) = 402/779 185,903 216, 876 373, 066 172,064 | 201,002 85 6. 89 yeats.).0 00. 0.2:9L.. 156, 539 69,272 87, 267 143, 536 63,308 | > 80,228 — 08-10 94 years fe .tl os ault 39, 980 16, 383 23,597 33,713 - 13, 852°) 19, 861 Gbito 99 years-).2.). 024. ysgeee 9, 579 3, 869 5,710 6, 831 2,706)’ 4,125 100 years and ovér...././.2... 4, 267 1,561 2,706 1,168 487 OF 45, 333° Age unknown, .........022... 148, 699 92, 875 65, 824 123, 663 78,325 NATIVE WHITE—FOREIGN NATIVE WHITE—NATIVE PARENTAGE. PARENTAGE. Both sexes. Male. Female. |Both sexes. “Male. Allages.c: 54... 2: 68, 421,957 || 29,636,781 | 28,785,176 | 15,694,539 || 7,810, 531. ii Mder S-years.(. <2. . Us cuueee 7,366,530 || 3,741,194 | 3,625,336 | 2,124,350 || 1,072,885 |. 1 7051, 465 Under 1 year. .... 200s: 1, 453, 404 737, 923 715,481 | ’396,780 200, 361'| 196, 419 , Sted years ..1.8 Mee. 6,977,863 || 3,534,092 | 3,443,771 | 2,107,263 || 1,058,518" 1,048, 745 10 to 14 years. - 6,455,709 || 3,269,388 | 3,186,321 | 1,763,468 "86,217 "877, 251° 15 £0.19 Yeats 295.01 1 S01 5,599, 046|| 2'797,477 | 2)801,560 | 1) 499,368 || ~ 707,722)" © 721,646. 20 £0 24 years. 4.1.42... 0,98. 5,176,707 || 2) 546,818 | 2,629,889 | 1,384,755 676, 135 |?” 708, 620° BS tg 29 Years... 4509... BAe. 4,764,802 || 2,367,312 | 2,397,490 / 1,286,562 || 631,349} ’ 655,213 30 £0.34 years. 0.9%... fs2555 4,096,041 || 210547671 | 2'041,370 | 1,052,126 518, 974'|° 533) 152 35 £0 89 yeats. 1.6.4... 0.0. 3,815,852 || 1,962,634 | 1,853,218 924, 617 459,058 | 465,561 40 to 44 Years. ..2.1...0 2200... 3,099, 330 || 1,584,246 | 1,515,084 831, 144 407, 919°)" 493° 295 45 th 49 yearssd 2.1... .1 6.0.21 2; 753,013 || 1,463,247 | 1,289,766 813, 043 409,412 | © 403)631 50.10 54 years:i7....../0 ou “| 2,236,700 || 1,186,619 | 1,050, 081 676,567 || 336,564 1 240,008 BF La bOyeats. oS. io. 1,719, 190 899, 029 820, 161 519, 246 257,752 | 261,494 — RG to 64 years... ca den gia 1, 530, 129 805, 768 724, 361 409, 476 204, 438 038 GLO O9 YOarss< ised. ante ee 1, 126, %22 584, 783 541, 939 208, 359 103, 405 POON E VORIS = 2. sh. 22 ca eee 784, 183 395, 582 388, 601 90, 854: 44 781 WL 7h YOAES. ooo cel tS 487,797 234, 584. 253, 213 43,198 21; 058 BU.t0 BE years. v0 o.2 succes 228, 018 103, 493 124, 525 16, 029 7, 333 BOE G0 YRS. os secckknavlee 87, 530 37,459 50, 071 4, 862 2, 230 WY WO D4 YOaTS: oc ee cade cneee 20, 159 7,922 12, 237 975 440 OS 10:99 Years foo. s ell aces 3, 853 1,475 2,378 240 110 100 years and over............ 614 229 385 37 18 Age unknown..........5..4.. 92,169 58, 759 AGE DISTRIBUTION. CLASSES, BY SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920. AGE PERIOD. POCA lWageeds. 0.001. 6 210. G06 Under 5 yearse0i.. LL.) 2.02 Suuneer.t year.o..j i. jk. fan to 29 years. 2 2..6 A ...0.2. iSO toss yearsX tL et. S5 to 39-years.3t.... M@ to 44:years.8.5..2 1 Moto 40: yearsie 2. fT 66 to H4-years-2 0... Ju... .2. Oe LO OF: years:s SL RL Uk Rube G4 years Ct... o. ).0.0. eo OO, yeaTs.oot Ub Loe moto /fyears.l.0... 2....-1.1. ‘eto 7Piyears.2 0, SL. 2.0. Beto 84 yearsc bt dk de a9 to 89 years.) 0... Ld) we Oto 94years.i 0... {22.02.04 Gato POvyears. 1/5... 12..5..41. ‘Age Wie Ee 0. Ponder S years: bee. TO 04 years. 2... J.0.4... 0% WOO YOUR es. J......4..... _)100 years and over... ......... _ Age unkn : Npen 1089 years... pase 0 95 NEGRO. Both sexes.. Male. Female. 10, 463; 131 || 5,209,436 |, 5, 253, 695 1, 148, 699 568, 633 |»; 575,066 | 227,660 || 1112, 660 115, 000 1, 266, 207 631, 341 634, 866 | 1, 236, 914 616, 251 620, 663 1, 083, 215 513, 416 569, 799 1, 054, 847 487, 169 567, 678 909, 739 424, 352 485, 387 697, 865 331, 579 366, 286 773, 931 383, 587 390, 344 559, 701 275, 926 283,775 551, 589 320, 506 231, 083 399, 110 227,995 171, 115 229, 980 129, 153 100, 827 200, 118 112,137 | 87, 981 137, 035 76, 184 60, 851 91, 579 47, 411 44,168 “52, 352 27,172 25, 180 28, 122 13,049 15,073 12, 281 5, 620 6, 661 5, 847 2,340 3,507 2, 562 1,087 1,475 2,935 1,018 1,917 23, 503 13, 510 9, 993 NATIVE WHITE—MIXED PARENTAGE, 141 INDIAN, CHINESE, JAPANESE, AND ALL OTHER. Both sexes. Male. Female. 426, 574 260,340 | 166, 234 55, 610 28,114 27, 496 11, 828 6, 009 5, 819 44, 623 22, 455 22, 168 34,901 17, 905 16, 996 33, 186 18, 545 14, 641 36, 833 21; 300 15, 533 35, 062 19, 580 15, 482 34, 538 22° 938 11, 600 35. BAB 25, 433 10,112 30, 309 22) 205 8 104 98, 991 17, 869 6, 122 18, 497 13, 946 4,551 13, 473 10, 251 3, 222 10, 997 8) 044 2.953 7, 144 4’ 854 2,290 4,719 2974 1,745 2) 530 1, 410 1, 120 1, 591 790 801 722 344 378 420° 191 22 186 76 110 164 76 $8 Y, 533 1,640 493 FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. Both sexes. Male. Female. 6,991,665 || 3,455,021 | 3,536,644 ~ 838, 057 423,778 414, 279 163,014 82, 649. 80, 365 832, 235 420, 821 411, 414 818, 783 412,393 406, 390 757, 799 377,362 | 380, 437 697, 035 338,635 | 358, 400 635,963 || |. 303,552) 332,411 539, 148 255, 803 283, 345 487, 531 934, 974 252, 557 396, 974 192,052 | 204, 922 322) 309 162, 093 160, 216 236, 622 118, 875 117, 747 158, 513 80,091 78, 422 116, 097 58, 784 57, 313 69, 989 35, 191 34, 798 42, 376 20, 821 21; 555 | 24, 196 11, 571 12; 625 10, 084 4, 537 5, 547 3, 671 1,615 2, 056 862 367 495 159 72 87 32 15 AG 3, 230 1,619 1,612 Both sexes.||/ Male..« |; emale. 13,712, 754 || 7,528,322 | 6, 184, 432 44, 984 22, 857 29, 197 4. 569 2,337 | 97 982 169, 884 85, 774 84, 110 331/362. || 167,152} < © 1647210 §27, 942 259; 270 "268, 672 926,844 || 456,988 | 469” 856 1,454,363 |] 792,088) 662,275 1, 651, 475-||----946; 818 |”. “7042657 1,737, 805 || 1,008, 677 | °729) 128 1) 428° 099 || 78037195 | 624,904 1) 2907 675 || 744? 493}. 5552959 1) 167,377 ||. 651,546] 515: 831 908, 722 503; 789 404, 933 715,731 || 392,629 | 393/102 519,226 || 275,400 | 2437 826 381/325 || 1947732 | 186,593 246, 487 124, 170 122, 317 118; 935 56, 701 62) 934 47,473 22, 004 25, 469 W717 5,193 |. 6) 504 2 579 1) 049 1! 580 485 205| 280 20, 264 13, 732 6, 532 142 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-POPULATION, TABLE 47.—PER CENT DISTRIBUTION BY AGE PERIODS FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, BY SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920. ALL, GLASSES. AGE PERIOD. Both sexes. mt awege lor... ASE Pere Sa 100. 0 Under 5 yeasts. 0... . seen dy sone ce gamete 10. 9 WACO? T YORE Se osc see eens. sha paeeee ee 2.1 5 to 9 years. 2.: oN Sbch) ee ee Sea 10. 8 20 O14 VOars es Yess as se eee one cen eemtente ¢ 10. 1 15 to 19 years 8.9 20 to 24 years 8.8 25 to 29 years 8.6 30 to 34 years 7.6 35 to 39 years 7.4 40 to 44 years 6.0 45 to 49 years...., = aeig:altia.5 oa bee dames ie petaataes 5.5 WIrbO. OF VORTSs = Sees ss colb see = bee sue cee aoe betes 4.5 PA OF: VOSGES = ot... HEL Se gm ae nen 3. 4 men 64 years. i>... eens. emcee bani Oit0:69 Veareerne.. 0... iho ears Belceeeafemeeetenrs 6 2.0 UDO TEGOSIS se nL tena bees Ute denetaraiet ates» 1.3 TOGO: VORTS oc ot on dt chal a ee acs ae 0.8 SWOCO SE VORNS sf Ue d sO Sas ee anerveam 0, 4 BE bOS9- YOAIS. soc Sok. Abc) oer aeeannen ae 0. 1 DORNCO OE VORTS oie o's ips all Care ae Ae he Se) (1) ay GO: DOAV ARTS Lost ie a CE ae A Oe @) 100 years and over..........- Se dc a a eermee ge Q@) ALEC UNENOWH: ts... hn tale o < tie pated ele) em J Oo fant = E| © =e Ne SESS Sor RE OAH WIA MOOD H ROWOIN NHOPOo NNNO HO a ee SRARS SSPYPYHL FMONNS MKHSOS NOS Wowoon NOR One eTONT HO He OO He OO Or bo bo — + SSSRS SSP PY BREAnNNe ©o ~— SBRRS SSPPNY AEN —_ ~ | | WHITE. NEGRO. SRROW BSHBHSH WS to &n GO KS tO ce "| male. sexes. male 100. 0 |/100. 0 |100. 0. |100. 0 }/100..0 | 100. 0 10.9 | 11.0 | 10.9 || 10.9} 10. 21) i214. 2. Bebe 2 Biba oe, 10.5 | 10.8 | 12.1 ||. a4} 42. 9.8 | 10.0} 11.8 |} 1S} 1h 8.6 | 9.0 | 10.4 |) 99]. 10. 8.3). 9.0} 10.1 Ire 44010, 8.5.) | 87, 1: 68uTabeeSe et 598 7.8| 771.671 641. 7% 7.6.|.. 7514S, 784 MieTe Dis 7B 6.2.) 6.0}. 5.3 4hose34 > 5 571. 52 b SB lhe SF Qk 4 AT | 4,4 le 44 | 05353 3.61 34] 224 oQm4 0 3.02.) 2. 8 Woe oute De Bab iy LB 2.151.200 45 5123 Pedy ed a 1.4 L442:0, Gita@r ti 5G 0.8) 09} O5 th O57. 10. 0.4.) 0.4 |. 0.3 aO34 6 10s 0.1.}.0.2] OL sO P4e 0 (?) (1) 0. Layegh) h4 Os (1) A?) se te (1) (1): @) (2). [ee Pad Beeps @ 0.2.1}. 0.1} 0. 2dhoOcBsh 50:2 AGE PERIOD, sexes. ‘| male.'sexes. Allages.22005....0L2 100. 0 120% 0 |100. 0 |100.0 Under 5 years. ..........- 12.6 |! 12.6 | 12.6 | 13.5 Under 1 year........... Wd Ht BSL 25 | 28 bEOO years... *. Uae 11.9 || 11.9 | 12.0 | 13.4 10 to 14 years.:.2.2.....-5 Ll elton TA) th 15,tO49 years. seco... eos bo ea) Meg Fer al Mae er ae a 20 to 24 years....0..:.---- 8.9) 86/°91) 88 25 to 29 years.....5.....-: Se WP SLO Bo BL! 30: t0;34 years... :.22... 8 hed) Ve MOM Rede te Orel 3060.39 years..20. 00/0. she. 6.5 6.6 | 6.4] 5.9 40 to 44 years.z.. 22.22.02: 5.3 5.3.{ 5.3 | 6.3 45 to.49 years.....2....4.. 4,7 4,07) 4.5 | 522 50 to 54 years....5....2.-5 Bets) 4.04°3.6| 43 55 to 59 years. ........4.5 2.9 3..0:) 2,8 | “3.3 60 to 64 years,............ BaiO || Zadet nee Oo | REG 65 to 69 years..-.........- LO) 2.0 7° 1,9.) 3 70 0:74 yearsys saz... 2.42% 13 |) Ltd 4) 0.6 16 tO 79 years... ...- 22.0425 0.8 || 0.8] 0.9] 0.3 80 to 84 years............. 0. 4 0.3) 0.4) O.1 85 to 89 years............. 0.1 Oder" ,0, 2 1 90 to 94 years............. (1) 63 ¢ : 95 to 99 years.......2...5. @) 1) f 100 years and over........| () (1) 1 Q Age unknown............ 0.2) 10.2") Oto pe 0, 2 iLess than one-tenth of 1 per cent. NATIVE WHITE, Native parentage. | Foreign parentage.| Mixed parentage. os = ‘ a STONED sO sO Se CLA COST oF RWW OW WNNOOR NH wom POOR WrkOOW CONF W il ed NO Se Se: Re SSSPrNeS Boo ed me OOOO AICO BOIS ATR ons | Sg sseiinpstarsfptesarinsesnseossansoaionmen.siutaesentnnde Sietpnuceenssmatnsn pnperersinine att eee aegis oteonenanenoais-geeegeesipeargencnaaenseecn-psseentiepeaemmaneann ooaaaa D> ree Re Ser wv = RAR -PSSrNY eS ~~ BARARS SSOorE Ve FOREIGN-BORN WHITE, Fe- | Both — . Be- male.|sexes. Male, B« Male. male, ae a a ae ee eee 4 100.0 |100.0 |1¢0. 0 |/100:6 |100, 0 100.0" 10020 100.0 aa ere 12.3 | 11-7 | 0.3 |} OB | 0004 24) 23) OG) UP @.ocy 12.2}-11.6| 121° R11o 14 11.9°| 11.5 Pea 2 2s 10:9 | 10.8} - 3.9] 44> 4.3 9.8) 1017 687) GLI 76 8.8}. -9.4 | 10.6 |} 10.5} 10.7 7.4| 8.0 | 12.0} 12.6) 414 6.8 |- 71} 1274/98.4 10 10,8 5.6 | 5.8 | 10.4 || 10.7} 10.1 4.7!) 451 951 O91 90 3.4 {| 331 85 1°87] 83 23} 22+-6.6 196.747") 6 1.7 {> 1.6} 5: BPP 2] OG 4.0 ]- 1.0) -3 81 RTS BO 0.6 | 0.6} 2.8] 2.6] 3. 0.3] 04} L811 REI? 20 0.1) 02) B91 O8) > 1 @) | 0.1) °O3 1-037" 0, GQ) | @) } OLN OL) O04 es (t) lee ie 1 Co eae G) | @) | O11 O2) OF i | ‘* e x epee SS eel, Niger Si iT] AGE DISTRIBUTION. 143 TABLE 48,—-DISTRIBUTION BY AGE PERIODS, FOR INDIAN, CHINESE, AND JAPANESE POPULATION, BY SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920. ase: 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. i KO SCONIOOr COWES CO ness NUMBER. AGE ‘PERIOD. Indian. Chinese. Japanese. Both Fe- Both Fe- || Both Fe- sexes. || Male--)-riate. || sexes. || Male- | snate. || sexes. || Male- | mate All ages.2. 0.0/0... 244, 437 || 125,068 | 119) 369 ||'61/639 || 53,891°} 7,748 ||111, 010 || 72, 707 |. 38,303 : 2 ROR SS eS a ees] oe _————) | ‘Under 5 years... Li... 1) 83,346 |} 16, 591°} 16,755 ||) 25898 |] 15.480 | 1,418 || 19,029 || 9,853 | 9,176 “Under ear... 6, 416 ||.» 3, 236. 3,180 || © 622 209} 323 ||. 4,704 || 2,428 |. 2) 276 5 to9 years. Est. x oh BOR. i 34) 166 16, 931 | 17,235 |} '2;5115]| 1,370 1,141 || 7,743 |]. 4,048 |. 3,695 ‘10 to 14 years..0.... 1.2... » 80, 173) |} 15,225], 14, 948 |Ii2, 005s] 1,223 |. 782.) 27569 || 1,379 |. 1190 “115 to.19 yearsii...... Poncu|9 25, 417 |} 12, 710°} 42,707 |} 2} 760-] 2,161 | 599 || 47342 || 3,081 |. 1/261 20 to 24 years... vos b SRR BTS 20, , 009 |} 10, 413.| 9, 596 |], 4,845 || 4,122 |. 793 || 9/636.J). 4,535-| 5; 101 _ 25 t0 29 years.............| 16,537 |] 8,558 | 7,979 || 5,279 || 4,543] 736 || 11,270 |] 4,600 | 6,670 ) (BOto 34iyears..2.... DOs.) 13)474)|| 6, 6,511 |} 4,682 || 4,093] 589-|] 15,253 |) 10; $19 |. 4).434 85 to 39 years...... -fudh..| 13,707 |) 7,213 fs 6,494 |} 5,319 |] 4,789 | 530 || 15,394 |] 12,369 |. 3,025 ‘40 to 44:years........ ts. 11,618 |] 6,071}: 5,547 || 5,345 || 4,913 | 432 |] 12) 762 || 10,670] 2;092 _ Ab t0 49 years......... su..| 10,806.|| 5,987. 4,819 |} 95)527 |] 5,242 | 285 || 73181 |] 6,184 997 250 to 54 Years... 22. 8,728 || 4,764] 3,964 || 6,045 || 5,850] 195 |] 3/515 |] 3,199 386 ‘BB to 59 years...... L pera 6,573 || 3,594}. 2,979 || 5,594 || 5,476] 118 || 1,214 || 1,094 120 160 to 64 years....... ..| 5,953 || 3,136 | 2.817 |] 4504 {| 4)416 88 489 443 46 "65 to 69 years.......i.2... 4,655 || 2,429] 2 226 || 2303 |I 2/261 42 151 134 17 pat 0L0-14 YCarSectriiiercoe 3,455 1,748 1,707 1,217 1,188 29 31 26 5 75 t0 79 years...........-. 2,150 || 1,049] 1,101 355 344 il 12 6 6 80 to 84 years..........--. 1, 457 666 791 129 120 9 2 8 Mae A, . 85 to 89 years...... sae 674 298 376 42 40 2 5 & biraies 090 tio 94 years....... 200.0. 409 130 229 8 Sibi © 1a tants wail 95 to 99 years...... eve ae 179 69 110 | 7 ARAL? oS DoH. ol ates yo Pa -100 years and over......-. 160 73 87 4 3 Lh ec ene | eed et Be Age unknown......202.1,)) 791 400 391 260 242 18 412 330 82 ; RRR BR Br aa i a ne EY PER CENT DISTRIBUTION ¢ All ages...... ...--..| 100.0 |} 100.0] 100.6 || 100.0 ‘100. 0 | 100. 0 |] 100.0 |} 100.0 | 100.0 Be tinser’. years. ..... co | ae 3.80) 10H 4.7 BY | 18 3b a7.) dee bie ie Under Lyear.. 2. 6. | 26h (2.7 1.0 0.6} 4.2 4.2 3.3 B ue j a ih SS ae eae 14.0 13.54; 14444) 4.1 9.5 | 14.7 7.0 5.6 9, 10 to 14 years.....).¢.cc..| 12.3 12.9}. ¢ 12.5 Hor 3.3 2.3 | 10.1 2.3 1.9 3. heat to 19 years ) 10. 4 10.2 10. 6 4.5 4,0 Teh 3.9 4,2 3. 20 to 24 Years 8.2 8.3 8.0 7.9 *O) 9.8009 38.7 6.2}, 13. 2 to 29 years...... SRI 6.8 6.8 6.7 8.6 8.4| 95 10. 2 no ae 30 to 34 years...........-. 5.5 5.6 5.5 7.6 7.6) 7.0 |) hbnd teacddeQilpe Ld. 35 to 39 years...... aa 5.6 5.8 5.4 8.6 8.9 6. 8 13.9 17.0 te 140 to 44 yearser .. 1.20560: 408 4.9} cox 4.6 tho 68% Qi-fo 5.6 || WS hy Me 5. 45 to 49 yearsy.... 2.21220. 4.4) 4.8 4.0}}' 9.0 iy ae 6.5 8.5 2. N50 to 54 years... -.524..} 3.6 3.8 3.3 9.8|| 10.9}. 2.5 3.2 4.3 L. Ms fo 50 poate. <..cut i) Rete 29 2.5 Win oh |) VOB v1.5 11 1,5; p50 60 to 64 years........ eo. eh 2.4 Diba pan Qe A 7.3 A a rae ee | 0.4 0.6 0. 5 to 69 years........ eee? 1.9 1.9 1.9 a7 4.2) 0.5 0.1 0.2 0 Bevo GO 74 YOarsy. ... 6.025, 2% 1.4 1.4 1.4 a0 21/2 0. 4 (1) (1) @ 15 to 79 years.......2..... 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.61, 0.1 }|. Q) (1) Qa), 80 to 84 years.....J.001.0. 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.2 O24 OL OC) eR pea e 685 to 89 years........ OK. 0.8 0.2 0.3 dh o.; 0.1 Ot! @) (1) (Dood ath : | 90 to 94 years....... i: ee 0.2 0.1 4) 0. 2 (1) $s vee eis BUN Cotas. ot [caine Se haadieny tok a wm 9oito 99 years.......0.£... 0.1 O.1 0.4 (1) CED ET Na ahem bls Sogdian pot everergdnarane ee a ait +100 years and over, .2..:.. 0.1 Ov 1 0. 44h ve CO) (1) (1) Hecate on 0 || ORE RTA ere & Age unknown.....4.2.. 0.3 0.3 0.3 0. 4 0.4 0. 2 0. 4 0.5 0.2 144 ABSTRACT OF THE: CENSUS——-POPULATION, TaBLE 49.—DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION CLASSES BY BROAD AGE GROUPS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920. NATIVE WHITE, | ee) | ee ee a ee —_— AGE. All classes. UNITED STATES. All ages, number..::--. 105,710, 620 Under SV Carsous vet osswes 11,573, 230 Bb tod4 yearse:. o. Poo. 0l Lb. 22,039,212 15.to 24 years..0.20l.b.... 18, 707,577 20,40 B4:VOaTs [3,2 5,-2.2 17,157, 684 35 to 44 years.......-..--- 14,120, 838 45 to 54 years... 5.2.2... 10, 498, 493 65.to 64 years. .j.585.0...). 6,531, 672 65 years and over......-.- 4,933,215 Ageunknown............ 148, 699 Allages, percent..... 100.0 Under 5 years.) .20i02... 10.9 Sto l4iyearsil. 2. se... Fb. 20.8 15 to 24 years 17.7 25 to 34 years 16.2 35 to 44 years 13.4 45 to 54 years 9.9 55 to 64 years. J. ii..... 6.2 4.7 65 years and over.....--. GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS. NEw ENGLAND. All ages, number...... 7,400,909 Under biyearsaco. oo Sse 753, 030 BLO 14 Years... 4... .'< sales 1,352,622 15 to 24 years... 2b... 1, 208, 526 25 to 34 years............. 1,215, 814 35 to 44 years. ........... 1,044, 653 45 to 54 years.........-.- 846, 784 59°10 64 Years?2 22% «021.2. 540, 420 65 years and over........- 432,159 Age unknown.|......,.... 6,901 All ages, per cent...... 100. 0 Under 5'yearsii i 14. 82 10.2 O't0.14 years... 2.2/2 18.3 15 to 24 Vears. $2.0... 5322 16.3 Soto0.o4 Years. gosh. ole 16. 4 3510 44 Years.....5...2... 14.1 495 [0/08 VEars. oe se Io 11,4 Soto 64 years... 2820.2... 1.3 65 years and over........ 5.8 MIDDLE ATLANTIC. Allages, number. ..... 22,261, 144 Under 5' years... 2.2)....2. 2 354, 451 OU0 14 Yeats: 32%. 402 4,285, 734 1>'to HM years. 2.052.641. 3,741, 583 25 to 34: years....2......2 3, 834, 710 $6,to 44°years. 2 7.2)... 455 3,188, 579 45 to S4'years...--..-.2.4 2,376, 207 59 to 64 years....5.2..4.. 1,436, 850 65 years and over........ 1,020, 881 Ageunknown:. 62.525. 22, 149 All ages, per cent)..... 100. 0 Under 5 years. vo. 10. 6 5 to 14 years. 2 Jose. 19.3 15-to 24-years.. 2.2.20... 16.8 #25 to 34 years. Mle 17,2 35 to 44. years.....-.2.2.. 14.3 45 to 54 years......2..... 10. 7. Bo tO 64 years<. So. .2252 6.5 65 years and over........ 4.6 Foreign- born Native Foreign Mixed white. parentage. | parentage.| parentage. 58,421,957 (15, 694, 539.) 6,991,665 |13,'712, 754 i. 366,5 30 | 2,124,350 838,057 44, 984 13; 433, 572 | 3,870,731 | 1,651,018 501, 246 10, 775, 753 2,814, 123 1, 454, 834 | 1,454,786 8, 860, 843 psig oe iv 175,111 3,105,838 6,915,182 | 1,755, 761 ” 984, 505 | 3,165, 904 4,989, 713 L 489, 610 558, 931 | 2,467,052 3, 249,319 928, 722 274,610 | 1,624,453 2,738, 876 364, 554 151,369 | 1,328, 227 92,169 8, 000 3,230 20,264 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 12.6 13.5 12.0 0. 23.0 24.7 23.6 3. 18.4 17.9 20. 8 10. 15.2 14.9 16.8 22. 11.8 11.2 12.7 23. 8.5 9.5 8.0 18. 5.6 5.9 3.9 11. 4.7 . 2.3 2.2 9. a —_——E——— ES _—E—E—EESSSSSEESSS ee eee 2, 803,149 | 1,906, 340 735,936 | 1,870,654 308, 941 315, 755 114, 720 5,857 515, 042 552, 888 205, 611 66, 278 442, 503 376, 966 162, 989 211, 661 401,035 244, 525 108, 785 444, 957 349, 050 167, 109 69, 456 443,935 301, 768 139, 451 41, 658 353, 565 233, 146 79, 704 21, 130 201, 818 247,329 29,336 11, 407 141,052 4,335 6 180 1,531 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 11.0 16.6 15.6 0.3 18.4 29.0 27.9 3.5 15.8 19.8 22.1 11.3 14.3 12.8 14.8 23.8. 12.5 8.8 9.4 23.7 10.8 7.3 5.7 18.9 8.3 4.2 2.9 10.8 8.8 1.5 1.5 7.5 9,631,012 | 5,397,951 | 1,700,302 | 4,912,575 1,130, 577 934, 255 231,318 9, 848 1,997,195 | 1,629,979 405, 326 163, 967 1,723,828 973, 480 338, 189 589, 178 1, 530, 892 641, 841 274,615 | 1,247, 586 5 7 211, 466 451,274 209, 249 | 1,199,299 ” 006, 979 405, 039 136, 806 860, 498 597, 633 255, 040 66, 741 492,759 520, 468 104, 977 37,417 343, 250 11,974 2,066 641 6,190 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 11.7 17.3 13.6 0.2 20.7 30. 2 23.8 3.3 17.9 18.0 19.9 12.0 15.9 11.9 16.2 25.4 12.6 8.4 12.3 24, 4 9.4 7.5 8.0 17.5 6.2 4.7 3.9 10.0 5.4 1.9 2.2 7.0 NOOR SH Oa Bree eoeSSsroms MAID OADWMODO we “AGE DISTRIBUTION. 145 TABLE 49.—DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION CLASSES BY BROAD AGE GROUPS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. a | “AGE. , / GEroGRAPHIC DivIsons— Continued. East Nortu CENTRAL. “ Attages, nu number...\... 21, 475, 543 sock to56 7 - 2, 220, 2 to 14 years.,....- gas ee - 4, 088, 944 Tey ok Saemben 3, 642, 633 years...-.- << z-s--| 3,684, 814 FOatSic- - -- x52 '4y- 2, 973, 734 to 54 years. 2+ sh 8S OF » 230, 859 _ 55 to 64 years...-.-...-.~-] 1,479,117 _ 65 years and over.........| 1,182,157 Age unknown............ | 23,253 if - ; wages ses, per cent.,.... 100. 0 nder 5 years..... GOs ==: . 10.3 “Bto 14 years..........-.-- 19.0 to 24. years......-.+<..- 17.0 to 34 years...... 8. 2k: =: 17.2 to 44 years......... ae » 13.8 to 54 years........+4... 10.4 to 64 years........ O83; » 6.9 years and over......... 5.3 - West Nort CENTRAL. - Y i) Ove: ae } 4} : oes 7 $ bd _ Allages, numiber......| 12, 544, 249 _ Under 5 years... -. rer 1, 341, 412 re tol years... ae bl C06, E35 ° 2, 562, 668 _ 15 to 24 years...-..22.-. ».| 2,246, 266 ag ipo 4 years... - 2-330. 40- , 025, 311 _ 35 to 44 years........----- 1, 625, 049 cg pee REE | BO ga- 1, 236, 684 , 55 to 64 years....-.-... bie §33, 928 _ 65 years and over......... 654, 608 z = OWR a4 .------ 18, 323 bo : he res, ‘per ces... 100. 0 nder 5 years........;--- 10.7 _ 50 14 years...... 20. 4 ~ 15 to 24 years... ght. 9 , 20 to 34 years....-.2.4 | o “oh6. 1 » Bo to 44 years......5.2: |» oho. 0 » @5 to 54 years......0.57.-.| |; » 9.9 _ 55 to 64 years...... eee — 6.6 _ 65 years and over.. 5.2 SouTH aan q BS ron : ‘All ages, n number. .....| 13,990,272 ‘ Years... .700- pe. 1, 729, 369 to id years. ...---4¢;- ‘oz-| 3,331, 017 24 VRAIS... -- 4062 24) 2, 706, 546 to 34 years....... iy. 84 2, 031, 209 to 44 years...... 400-25. , 065, 223 to 54 years...... Ty 1, 200, 015 to 64 years...... BOS. ge 700, 2: “65 roars and over.....>. 556, 519 unknown es 20, 124 ay : All ages, per cent.z.... 100. 0 ‘Under 5 years..... aes 12.4 r to 14 years...... aaa... (24. 2 _ 1b to 24 years...... §-48--- Ws i | 25 to 34 years..... a ae / 14.5 _ 35 to 44 years......2.24..- g al. 9 B83 to 54 years........- cc 4 28.6 _ 55 to 64 years...... fs... ~—~8.0 years and over......... 4.0 75108°—23——_10 bi All classes. NATIVE WHITE. Native | Foreign | Mixed parentage. | parentage. | parentage. Foreign- born white. = ee ae eee ey 11: 790/370 | 4: 043; 692 | 1,881, 521 1,491,025 | °481, 147] 720271 2; 620,804 | 864,609 | 421, 952 2,176,485 | 679,383 | 389,472 1,851,260 | 662,802] 327,330 1,386,250 | 505,373 | 282, 700 1,000,703 | -441,988| 162,351 672,022 | 290,825} 80,252 576,871 |. 115,537} 44,588 14, 950 2,028 773 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 12.6 11.9 10.7 ; 22.2 21.4 22. 4 */18.5 16.8 20.7 5 15.7 - 16.4 17.4 11.8 12.5 13.4 8.5 10.9 8.6 5.7 7.2 4,3 4.9 2.9 2.4 7,475,548 | 2,126,126 | 1,251, 752 1, 032,060 |” 143,939.| 137, 420 1,812,235 | 354,698 | 309, 971 1,398,762 | 413,015 | 286, 883 1, 102,643 || 432,819 | 216,722 814,809 | °330,075| 151, 116 584,256 | 251,768 | 87,343 388,799 | 147,021 40, 134 328,496 | 51,442] 21,619 13, 398 1, 349 644 - 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 a lB, 8 6.8 11.0 24.2 16.7 24, 8 18.7 19.4 22. 9 714.7 20. 4 17.3 10.9 15.5 12.1 7.8 11.8 7.0 5.2 6.9 3.2 4.4 2.4 1.7 8,779,416 | 353,643 | 199,961 1,131,305 | 46,879 | 20, 483 2,119,614 82/6341 33,159 1, 667,201 | 57,954 | 37,132 1,276, 735 45,57 33, 621 1,026,008 | - 37,778 | 29, 025 722,053 | 40,375 21, 599 5622 | 28,829 12, 006 371, 793 13, 143 7, 814 9, 995 181 122 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 12.9 "13.3 10.2 24. 1 23. 4 19. 1 | 1 ti 19.0 16.4 18. 6 14.5 12.9 16. 8 27 ia e402 14.5 8.2 11.4 10.8 5.2 |) a3 6.0 4.2 3. 8 3.9 3, 223, 279 6, 468 103, 999 297, 802 722, 592 RRR hon PNANN OWS ~J00 MS NTH DO DOD LO ra, ae ct 826 os 687 gl, 260 212, 344 275, 490 276, 843 240, 124 238, 571 1, 816 100. 0 0.2 Nm ua mR hohe NNOS Cro moe oes 315, 920 857 11, 108 me ROR SASF os 514, 554 36, 991 73,529 95, 858 117, 266 94, 424 278, 521 19, 689 43, 922 48, 994 55, 535 49, 029 4,325, 120 527, 394 Aye 125, 359 "904° 219 597, 559 496, 723 359, 706 146 TABLE 49.—DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION, CLASSES BY, BROAD, AGE, GROUPS, BY ABSTRACT OF THE: CENSUS—-POPULATION, DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. AGE, All classes. GEOGRAPHIC DIVIsIONS— Continued. EAst SOUTH CENTRAL. All ages, number... -.. 8, 893,307 WNC Oars...) ane Se 1, 088, 134 tO TATVears. cos. '. tiene see 2, 210, 996 15 to 24 years. ....-..-..- 1, 702, 626 2 OO SE VEALS. ooo e basen ee 1, 252, 787 30 LO ASV Bars. os.) see tye 1, 034, 178 S500 54 Yeats. 5.4 ees ee 777, 838 5p to 64 years, .... 255.5) F 451, 533 65 years arid Over........ 365, 167 Age unknown.:... 55.5. 10, 048 All ages, per cent...... 100. 0 Under'd-years..... 0 0.. 12, 2 SLO T4RV BATS! och st ee ne 24.9 1 to 24 years.....65..... 19. 1 ZF CODE VORTSS 2. ot as cetep es 14.1 35to 44 years.......20... 11.6 45 to 54 years........2...- 8.7 $5 10.64 years ....4 5/2002 5.1 65 years and over....2..-- 4.1 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL. All ages, nhumbper...... 10, 242, 224 Under 5 years: 2... ous 1, 216, 509 tO Lary bare. oo. bo 2,519, 413 T5024 Years. ob oo 2, 032,527 29-40 34 Fats... - «4.6 asm ees 1, 563,'198 BOLO 44 Weats? Vober 1, 223, 684 4570 54 Years......L.--. Ube 847, 836 6b 20-64 Yeats: .. Cones: 469, 924 65 years and Over........ 349, 353 Age unknown....... 0. | 7} _ 9,780 All ages, per-cent...... 100. 0 WMGer Ovyears. . Sik 7. seen 11.9 pO LsyPars.o2 2. ob Soe 24, 6 PIUO OE VEATS... 5b hae. 19.8 ZO COOP VEATS....s shieu tals « 15.3 Jo t0 44 "years... 2.0 ye 11.9 BS TO Sa VORTS cc) Pee eee ok 8.3 oo.L0 64 years... Sok 4.6 65 years and over......... 3.4 MOUNTAIN. All ages, number...... 3,336, 101 elders yearse s .. Soret. 396, 814 SLO 14 years. Sees 710, 354 15 %0 2d VGars: \<% so Ye eee 565, 353 SOTO SA VOATS. ss on Santen 563, 184 35°10 44 years: 2... 461, 032. ASLO S42vears. ob oem fee 316, 063 Jo'CO 64 Yeats... Love nte. 190, 964 65 years and Over 119, 276 Age unknown’... 5.055. 9 13, 061 All ages, per cent...... 100. 0 Under 5’years.....).372.. 11.9 O10 14 years: ...ccb eh ssc 21.3 Lo tO 28 Oars. oe cu eS 16.9 20 LO d# YOATS. oc. st OF i 16.9 gato 4d Years... he. 13.8 45 to 54 years..... As ee 9.5 55 to 64 years......2.0.... 5.7 65 years and over..'.2... 3.6 i| Native parentage. parentage. parentage. NATIVE WHITE. \ Foreign Mixed .. born white. Foreign- 6,092,782 | 115, 484 797, 844 oT 1,539,143 | | 14,718 1/155, 331 | 13,193 855,340 | 14,898 687,673 | | 18,807 494773 | | 22/763) 306,695 | 17,275 251, 378 6, 990 4’ 605 96 100. 0 100. 0 13.1 5.8 25.3 12.7 19.0 11.4 14.0 12.9 11.3 16.3 8.1 19.7 5.0 15.0 4.1 6.1 6,959,785 | 415,799 894,870 | 49,99 1,782,338 |, 91,638 1) 373, 627 | ~'76, 212 1, 048, 640 | 63) 309 792,807 | 52,214 524564 | 42? 964 303,812 |< 27/701 226,883 | 11,346 12) 244 420 100. 0 100. 0 12.9 12.0 25.6 22.0 19.7 18.3 15.1 15.2 11.4 12.6 7.51) & 8410.3 4.4 6.7 3.3 | 2.7 02,508 | 451,132 286,226 | 54, 586 487,823 || 96, 897 354,806 | 76, 047 315,240 | "77, 102 236,083 | 65, 226 155,915 | 46,666 94,567 | 25, 867 60, 830 8, 743 11) 018 298 100. 0 100. 0 14.3 12.1 24.4 21.5 17.7 16.9 15.7 17.1 11.8 ‘14.5 7.8 10.3 4.7 6.7 3.0 1.9 _ 71,939 SSeaneosS ot bet bet DD Pt WADSS —_ = a ae) ors ¢ me bohe ePasse NOONMOF FOO CR AHSCHMOSNS 4 i Indian, Sika apan- Negro. ese, and all other 4a iit! iD BUDEG kes 2, 523, 532 2, 228 "277; 610 263 “641, 716 11x ~- 512,759 391 sie | 234” 939 | 9) 924 110,817 | 141 , 620 |’ 95 Sieh te LEV OUI 4 b i 100.0 100.0 Piet Sie 25.4 | 92.9 “20.3 wie A “44, 0°) 14.6 ~ 110), eee aan AC Ae foi: Ae eee z “#3. 6/7 4.3 is7 £2 £2 WW 2, 063,579 | 62,918 e222, 5821 * 9, 149 09,573 | 18,431 434’ 391 | 12’ 100 314, 115° | 7, 866 253, 874 | 6, 382 183,488 | “4,311 61, 438 * 92) 066 50 34 100.0} , 100.0 10/84 "148 “Oh, T 129.3 ey Ft Cae ote5, 2' fF OS ae CAS aa 8.9 |") 26.9 ESS. | ee 3.0) 93 Se _e z od _ 30,801 | 92, 401 1,540" pat ; © 3,005 | 20, . 6,741 764 ~ 8,500 | 12; 803 5 494 yo aoe oe 1/294 05s 33. 817°? Oe "159 Po" * 320 100. 0 i 5.0 9.8 21.9 27.6 17.6 ~ 10.8 4,2} ‘ “2, q? 7 AGE DISTRIBUTION. 147 TABLE 49.—DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION CLASSES BY BROAD AGE GROUPS, BY mi DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. NATIVE WHITE, Indian, Foreign- Chinese, AGE. All classes. born Negro. | Japan- Native | Foreign | Mixed white. yee. parentage. | parentage.| parentage. and all other. GEOGRAPHIC DIvIsions— Continued. PACIFIC. __ Allages, number...... 5,566,871 || 2,887,387 884, 372 548,007 | 1, 033, 868 47,790 | 165,447 nGer peers... .. spi. - - 473, 479 293, 682 91, 050 57, 089 6, 051 8,112 | 22,495 eo to 14 years... ..5 ccs k- 927, 464 559, 378 182, 670 116, 096 42, 987 6,516 | 19, 817 15 to 24 years............. 861, 517 483,120} 147,873 | 105, 937 93, 493 7,151 | 23, 943 25 to 34 years....... ORS A. 986, 657 479, 058 155, 822 98, 371 211, 363 9,850 | 32,193 35 to 44 years........... Ge 904, 706 410, 946 127, 905 79, 603 243, 760 10,035 | 32,457 45 to 54 years...... 0... C 666, 207 298, 702 98, 596 50, 562 193, 807 6, 464 | 18,076 55 to 64 years.........1... 428, 686 198, 023 56, 760 26, 256 134, 846 2,753 | 10,048 _65 years and over....... ne 303, 095 154, 828 22,740 13,576 104, 585 1, 668 5, 698 Age unknown............ 15, 060 9, 650 956 517 2,976 241 720 All ages, per cent...... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 Under 5 years......:...-. 8.5 10. 2 10.3 10. 4 0.6 6.5 13. 6 5 to. 14 years... ...5 3.5... 16.7 19, 4 20.7 21.2 4,2 13.6 12.0 15 to 24 years........ ee 15,5 16.7 16.7 19.3 9.0 15. 0 14.5 a to 34 years....... Bebe: 17.7 16.6 17.6 18.0 20. 4 20. 6 19.5 35 to 44 years....... Re. 16.3 14, 2 14.5 14.5 23.6 21.0 19.6 45 to 54 years.....: Be hd 12.0 10.3 11.1 9.2 18.7 13.5 10.9 55 to 64 years............. Oe 6.9 6. 4 4.8 13.0 5.8 6.1 65 year's and over..... Bi. 5.4 5.4 2.6 2.5 10.1 3.5 3.4 NEW ENGLAND. Maine, ___Allages, number...... 768, 014 495, 780 86, 150 76, 416 107, 349 1,310 1, 003 Under 5 years...........; 75, 140 49, 736 11, 527 12, 826 828 113 110 5 to 14 years........02..28 141, 632 89, 887 23, 214 22, 981 5,171 199 180 bib £024 years......1.020.5% 124, 928 75, 964 18, 462 16, 241 13, 874 234 153 =25 to 34 years.......5:5-0% 109, 443 66, 070 12, 181 9, 176 21, 649 234 133 35 to 44 years.........2.... 100, 362 62, 602 7, 718 6,173 23, 535 189 145 45 to 54 years...........05 88, 380 57, 182 6,373 4, 404 20, 141 140 140 705 to 64 years...:....2... 65, 133 45, 462 4,350 2, 758 12, 380 104 79 65 years and over......... 62, 101 48, 163 2, 283 1, 839 9, 654 94 68 Age unknown......5..... 895 714 42 18 117 3 1 _ Allages, per cent...... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100: 0 Under 5 years............ 9.8 10. 0 13. 4 16. 8 0.8 8.6 10.9 BOLO 14 VOATS. .... ..). cjo.tik}-. 18. 4 18.1 26.9 30. 1 4.8 15, 2 17.8 Bin ho 24 years-....1.g.10.- 16.3 15.3 21. 4 21.3 12.9 17.9 15,2 ~20,C0 34 years........-04.. 14.3 13.3 14.1 12.0 20. 2 17.9 AZi¢2 me to 44 years...../.0.n6.. 13.1 12.6 9. 0 8.1 21.9 14, 4 14.4 145 to 54 years.......5..... 11.5 11.5 7.4 5.8 18.8 10.7 ° 13.9 Boo t0.64 years.2u../....... 8.5 9. 2 5.0 3.6 11.5 7.9 7.8 65 years and over......... 8.1 9.7 2.7 2.4 9.0 7.2 6.7 New Hampshire. _. Allages, number...... 443,083 225, 512 81, 039 44,547 91, 233 621 131 Under 5 years..........45 41, 391 21, 229 11, 997 7, 634 456 72 3 10.14 years... ... 325.0; 78, 553 38, 564 22,616 | - 13,508 3, 740 119 6 115 to 24 years...... 200-05 70, 597 32, 031 18, 331 9, 524 10, 600 84 27 25 to 34 years...... Lerhai 65, 473 28, 520 11, 474 5, 520 19, 826 108 25 1785 to 44 years.......,.2.-. 59, 683 28, 243 6, 955 3, 726 20, 627 107 25 45 to 54 years......... fei 53, 174 27, 425 5, 511 2, 403 17, 756 51 28 »55 to 64 years.........5... 38, 210 23, 188 2, 887 1, 404 10, 681 36 14 65 years and over......... 35, 210 25, 775 1, 204 805 7, 396 29 1 _ Age unknown....... bbe = 792 537 64 23 151 15 2 Allages, per cent-..... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 Under 5 years...... Jatt: 29.3 9. 4 14, 8 17.1 0.5 11.6 2.3 _ 5 to 14 years....... Leguens f° 1 Gade? 17.1 27.9 30. 3 4.1 19. 2 4.6 io GO 24 VeATS......\0sise>- 15.9 14,2 22. 6 21. 4 11.6 13. 5 20. 6 25 to 34 years.......... ids» 14.8 12.6 14, 2 12. 4 21..7 17. 4 19.1 30 to 44 years.......4..4.. 13.5 12.5 8.6 8. 4 22.6 17. 2 19.1 0345 to 54 years....../...-... 12.0 12, 2 6. 8 5. 4 19.5 8.2 21.4 Broo to 64 yearsssw........- 8.6 10. 3 3.6 3. 2 11.7 5.8 10.7 65 years and ovelr......... iy Pe 11.4 4:5 1.8 8&1 4,7 0.8 al v. 148 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION, AGE. NEw ENGLAND—Con. All classes! NATIVE WHITE. Native parentage. | parentage.| parentage. Foreign Mixed | | Pt we : rt Hise Teg rT h TABLE 49.—DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION CLASSES’ BY BROAD AGE DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. Laat GROUPS, BY Vermont. Allages, number:....% 352, 428 228, 325 42.100° 86, 366 44, 526 Under 5 years. .....:. 5,3. 34)544 24, 250 §, 339 4,358 640 -6.to 14 yeatss....1. 542.5% 65,997 45,158 9,111 8,479 3, 123- 1b to 24 years: - -.- 1.90} 84 56, 061 37, 889 6,046 7, 082 4,954. 25 to 34 years..--.-.L32.41 48, 711 30,424 4,677 5,235 |. 8, 200: |< - -2aete 35 to 44 years.....2-e.-2. 46, 125 27,320 764 4,621 9,304. 45 to 54 years..-..--. 25-28 41,255 24,375 | *& 5,330 3,639 7,849 | 66 to 64 years..-..j-9>4.24 29,665 18,239 4,159 2,059 5,161 | - 65 years and over. -.68.24 Of 29, 694 20,377 2, 651 1,381 5; 253° |- Age unknown......2: 2.8. 376 293 23 42 - 43. All ages, per cent...2.. 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 -100. 0 , Under 5 years. .....2.-2 ae 9. 10. 6 2. 7 11.8 - 2 5.to 14 years........ ePe. 18.7 19.8 21.6 23.0 7.0 1bito 24 years.....).0.0... 15.9 16.6 “14.4 » 19.2 Ald 2bit0.34 Vears.......$- 08. . 13.8 13.3 11.1 + 14,2 18.6. 35 \to 44 years......./.85-- 13.1 612.0 11.3 12.5 -- 20.9: 45 to 54 years.......:- gi. HT (10.7 112.7 ~9.9 17.6 | - 55 to 64 years.......0). years 18.4 8.0 ' 9.9 5.6 11.6. 65 years and over...:..... 8.4 8.9 6.3 3.7 11,8-]- Massachusetts, All ages, number. ..... 3,852,356 || 1,230,773 | 1,093, 258 401,959 | 1, 077,534 Under,p years... ..j.- 2.24% 385, 761 141,475 175, 207 61,778. 2, 824 ) HtLO 14 years.c. ....). S429 693,364 226, 624 311,661 113,047) 34,935 peor! a 15.to 24 years......\. 2%... 629,875 193,719 | , 219,190 91, 00 117, 791-|- -< -FfO744 ¢ 35 to 34 years.......Ji/.¢.| 688}189 181,055 | . 144,552 61,199 | 256; 567-|--- 9,244) $39 to 44 years... ....|. #74.,62 557,783 153,506 98, 730 37, 623 258, 986 8, 18L {> 45 to 54 years...... L eba.8 446, 856 129,721 81, 809 21,579'| 207,711 -| --- 5/807. 55 to 64 years....-.. 1. heain be 275,949 | © 99,663 45,957 10,492 117, 262 - 2/253. | 65 years and over. -. 2-20. 206,447 103,105 15, 869 5, 157 80,744 - EET Age unknown........ nd 8/132 161,905 283 --720- “N45 Ff All ages, per cent,...-. 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 - 100: 0 160.0 ‘100.0 | Under 5-years.....\.....:- 10.0 11.5 16.0 15.4 0.3- 9.5 5ito 14 years.:...../. 000d. 18.0 0 018.4 28.5 2831 += Se QI 19q Hage gl&to 24-years..... 3.2.11... » 16.4 15.7 “20.0 22.6 1029 ~16.9° SOO LOCA VRATS.. - . ls Bade 2 + | 17.0 | © 81427 ©4302 15,2 23.8 ~~ BOSS 36 to 44: years......).0.2i.. 14.5 12.5 *' 9,0 9,4 - 24.0 18.0 45 to 54 years..... 6.00... » 11.6 '10.5 LT 5 5.4 - 19.3 ee 3 v4’ ) 55 to 64 years......). G..580: 7.2 © 81 Si 4,2 2.6 10.9 mak At | 65 years and over...¢-4... 5.4 8.4 F105 ‘£3 75 » HBTS : ; = - BLEay | Rhode Island. : ‘ All ages, number...... 604, 397 173, 553 182, 668 64, 268 173, 499" Under.d'‘years:......--.-- 62, 356 | 21,055 29,153 10, 637 493 § to 14 years....... 1, e.g 112,089 33,087 52,408 18,603 6,347 15 to 24 years......\. dis... 103, 993 28, 868 37, 593 14, 898 21,028 (25t 0 34 years... 2.4 vec.22 98, 885 25, 120 24, 304 9,384 38,255 35 to 44 years....... i048 85, 842 | 121,350 16, 639 5, 726 AQ, 265 45 to 54 years.......00 4.04 69,073 ||*' | 17,513 13,103 3,067 34,073 55 to 64 years......). 220.18 41, 676 12,966 6, 967 1,337 19,746 65 years and over.......2. 30, 190 13,476 2,456 607 13,176 Age unknown...... 250.0. 293 118 S O37 + &@ 116 . All ages, per centict .. 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 / 100.0 Under 5 years..... Be plait ay 10.3 12.1 16.0 16.6 0.3 §to 14 years........: 30d. ) 1845 19.1 28.7 28.9 3.7 4p) 15 to 24 years...... L adhe, 17.2 16.6 > 20.6 - 23.2 12,1 4- g2o to. 34 years....../.J.5.-. 16.4 14.5] | 2.41363 14.6 }- -22.-0 | whto 44 years......). J... Um 14.2 1233: & 4191 | © «8,9 |* 23.24 45 to 54 years..... i ae Bid 1 £.£10/14.) & S72 | 6 4/8 19.6. 5b;to 64 years...... Le 6.9 1 OA 725+] | 6213.8 G1 }- 344" G5 years and over..... 2. " 5.0 8781.) & S113]. |). 8 209 7.6 [ee 1 £ Qi Re EERE S 1 Per cent not.shown, base being less than 100. i 4 Ores) TAGE DISTRIBUTION.) 1 / 149 ¥ ‘Tapiy 49.—DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION CLASSES BY BROAD) AGH GROUPS, BY a DIVISIONS AND. STATES:, 1920—Continued. g a = sass a | og/NATIVE WHITE. Indian, a cota ‘ Chinese a) ais ca SE |, « Forvign- ‘ ¥ AGE. . _| All classes. born Negro. oe . ) Native..|, Foreign,|, Mixed white. and-all ee br parentage. | parentage.| parentage. perk other. _ New ENGLAND—Con. Connecticut. | lages; umber. 233. -1,380,6310||, 449,266] , 421,133.|, 111,880]. 376,513 | 21,046 853 Un er 5 yearsex...... sisi © 153,838 51, 196 82, 532. 17, 487 716 1, 873 34 540 14 years........-.2--.}) 260,987 81,722 | 133,878 28, 993 12, 962 3, 390 42 to 24 years.........-.2.} 223) 072 74,032} | 77,344 | 24,235 |). 43) 414 3, 909 138 to 34 years......... Fea bess’ 240,403 69, 846 47, 337 18,271 | 100,361 4131 167 to 44 years... ....-.0: 194, 858 56, 029 32, 303 11, 587 91, 224 3,544 i71 to 54 Years... ...-255 148, 046 45, 552 27, 325 6, 566 66, 035 2) 398 170 to 64 years.........0. 89, 787 33, 628 15,384} 3,080 36, 588 1)009 98 yearsand over.........|. 68,517 36, 433 4’ 873 £618}. 247 829 734 30 OWE. «1... 1-256: 1, 413 768 157 43 384 58 3 SRA, ages, per cent. .2.22 190.0 100.0 100.0 100,0 109.0 100.0 100.0 Rader DPGAEB. 6.04. 4-9.0- 1i,1 il. 4 19.6 15.6 2 8.9 4.0 5 bo 14 ES ie m 18.9 18, 2 31.8 25.9 3.4 16, 1 4,9 Lo! eOTBy...... 4 O-at 16, 2 16.5 18. 4 21,7 11.5 18. 6 16,2 $0 34 Years.....-- 1.2. 17.4 15.5 1.2 16,3 26.7 19.6 19.6 Bb to 44 Years:...... 1.4.35 14,1 12.5 Re 10.4 24,2 16.8-| .. 20,0 45 to 64 years;......:. east 10,7 10.1 6.5 5,9 17.5 11.4 19,9 to 64 years. ..... |-5.0- 6,5 SVU 3.7 2,8 9,7 4.8 11.5 years and over........- 5.0 ; 81 1,2 1,4 6.6 3.5 3.5 . any sts New York. 10, 385,227% |} 3, 668, 266-| 2,844;083.|- 873,566 1,010, 290 || °417,525.| 455,599! 115,374 1, 874, 569 726,440.| 826,445 | 202,210 1, 742, 798 654,345:| 520,364 | 173,826 1, 863, 021 606,711:| 353,466-| 147,421 253, 885 | 112, 139 229,224} 71,193 a Alkagesynumper. 08 - 2; 786, 112 198,483 |. 14,717 u der 5 years... . «9 1 AG 40 14 years. a..-.-.0. “ity YOaTS. +. ---- +++ a eae oe os a : ’ 145,725 | 33,226] 284,030 7,223 906 5S, 154 17,812 | 198,995 4, 366 342 1,231 365 3,652 415 38 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0.|,. 100.0 16.0 13.2 0.2 7.4 6.7 29.1 23.1 B41 aL anaes 18.3 19.9 12.7 18.8]. 15.6 12. 4 16.9 25.2 "26.8 te 622 8.9 12.8 23, 8 | 19,9]. 21.2 81 - 81 17.3 9.9 12.2 Bed 3.8 10.2 3.6 6.2 2.0 2.0 7.1 CO aera 1 SS. Ce2BS BODO NOS St S S ants n co 00 . lore Ss) He OL =: “Pe oo.cn Or om as on 29.09 — BS peat 255, 172 65, 781 25, 184 19, 838 74 151, 204 54, 905 83, 757 _ 21,052 225 101,500} 41,850 | 187,740.| "> 22; 729 403 69,716 | 28,810| 183,811'| 20,802 407 58, 008 17,294 132, 490 13,579 346 32, 685 7,833.) 74,091 5, 366 140 11, 243 4048} 49,664 3° 391 35 222 68 526 204 7 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 18.0 14, 1 0. 8.7 2.6 30. 8 25.6 3.4 16.9 ee 18. 2 2154 11.3 18.0 13.4 12,2 16.3 25. 4 19.4 24.0 8.4 11/2 24,9 17.8 24.2 7.0 0.657 17.9 11,6 |) 6 92026 3.9 3.1 19.0 . A669] dd OF833 ‘ 1.4 o 1.6 6..7 i 2.9 ; 21 150 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-—POPULATION, t TABLE 49.—DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION CLASSES BY BROAD AGE GROUPS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. NATIVE WHITE. Indian, Foreign cea AGE. All classes, ; j born Negro. ss Native Foreign Mixed white. and all parentage. | parentage.| parentage. other MIDDLE ATLANTIC—Con. Pennsylvania. All ages, number...... 8,720,017 || 4,750,071 | 1,724,810 569,995 | 1,387; 850 284,568 | 2,723 Under 5 years.....-....2... 1, 005, 465 571, 377 329, 352 79,792 2,412 22, 409 123 BEG ie -Veatae ws sos bale 1,796,971 || 1,022,610 548, 362 137, 335 45,209 43, 287 168 15 to 24 yeas. ....)....% 1, 472, 582 854,423 | 301,922] 109,458} 150,665 55,618 | . 496 25 to 34 years...... penn 1,421, 339 728, 062 186, 866 85, 344 359, 021 61,479 567> 30.to 44 years: ........-2- 1,191, 033 588, 551 127, 673 68, 300 353, 124 52,859 526. 45 to 54 years: \.......-20 890, 795 447,018 117, 812 48, 319 246,178 30, 934 534 55 to 64 years: .......522- 539, 906: 291, 914 76, 630 25, 682 134, 638 10, 735 257 65 years and over......-- 394, 308 241,940 35, 580 15, 557 94, 591 6,590 45 Age unknown.......2.2.. 7,623 4,176 613 208 2,012 607 7 Allages, per cent...... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 WOT OVERS... ba caee 1%:3 12.0 19.1 14.0 0.2 7.9 4.5. tLe VOUNs an occ eh 20.6 21.5 31.8 24.1 363 15.2 G-an 15'tp 24 years. .....0 2.2. 16.9 18.0 17.5 19.2 10.9 19.5 18.2. 25 (0 34 yeats..........0. 16.3 15.3 10.8 15.0 25.9 21.6 20.8 99.00 44 VOaTS. . os. sp oe amy | 17 12.4 7.4 12.0 25.4 18.6 19.3 45 to 54 years. .....4. 5.7. 10, 2 9.4 6.8 8.5 17.7 10.9 19.6 55 TO 64 yéars...... 082. 6.2 6.1 4.4 4.5 9.7 3.8 9.4 65 years and over........ 4.5 5.1 2:1 Pda | 6.8 2-3 Le 3 PAST NORTH CENTRAL. Ohio. Allages, number. ..... 5, 759,394 || 3,669, 122 838, 251 385, 823 678, 697 186,187} 1,314 Under 5 years......2922., 586, 136 418, 294 117,586 34, 743 1, 238 14,227 | 48 Bro 14 years.c. . sees 1,057, 131 781, 431 186, 485 68, 134 23, 499 27,542 40 15 to 24 yéars-'... 2. foo, 965, 313 672, 593 115, 946 69, 073 72, 741 34,711 249° 26 to 34 Years......08.. 2. 990, 126 599, 325 110, 760 67, 630 171, 229 40, 813 369° S5'to 44 hears? oo. ek 819, 078 465, 297 97, 844 61,632 161, 066 - 32, 961 278 45'to 54 years. -.....52. 2. 614, 798 339, 485 99, 357 45,771 109, 416 20,576 | 193 Ho to 64 years.......0.5 22 403, 463 225, 002 74,584 - 24, 266 70,791 8,710 | 110 65 years and over........ 319, 437 194, 932 35, 464 14,470 68, 250 6, 295 26" Age unknown........2... 3,912 2, 763 225 104 467 352 1 Allages, per cent....-- 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 Under 5 years.....2.224.. 10. 2 11.4 14.0 9.0 0.2 7.6 3: ioe oto l4- years? .... 3.22%, 18. 4 20.5 22.2 17 3.5 14.8 bi ie 15%0 24 years.......i22)- 16.8 18.3 13.8 17.9 10.7 18.6 18.9 20°'tO 34 years....../..---. 17.2 16.3 13.2 17.5 25. 2 “219°, °° Sa 30 bo 44 Wars. aS eo: 14.2 12.7 11.7 16.0 23.7 TRIE *° See 45 to 54 years.......62:). 10.7 9.3 11.9 11.9 16.1 LE © So Tae 00 tO 64;iyears: 2. .e lee. 7.0 6.1 8.9 6.3 10. 4 4,7 8.40 65 years and over.....:.- 6.5 Bie 4.2 3.8 10.1 3.44 2.0 Indiana. _Allages, number ...... 2,930,390 || 2,329,544 227, 066 141, 593 150, 868 80,810; 509 Under 5 years.....2..2.:. 289, 195 251, 471 22,221 9, 339 216 5,022 ¢ OBR Oto 14 years... 5.5.0 c hs 559, 381 483, 095 37, 954 20, 912 4,498 12, 901 21. 15 to 24 years...... aye ' 497,329 |' 420, 420 26, 008 23, 275 12,574 14,981 | a ™ 25 to 34 years. ........... 459,385 ||. 357, 509 28, 774 24, 734 32, 063 16,199 | 106 35 to 44 years....... andy 394, 314 290, 637 30, 902 25,179 33, 640 13, 833 |. i= 45 to 54 years............ 318, 838 227, 731 36, 528 19, 855 25, 348 9; 274’. =o OG oO tO 64 yedrse. ic 8 et 224, 423 160, 064 29, 998 11, 443 18, 587 4,293 38 65 years and Over........ 183, 695 135, 739 14, 533 6, 788 23,472 3, 145 18 Age unknown............ 3, 830 2,878 148 68 470 262° ges ' Allages, per cent...... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 Under 5 years... 222.2422. 9.9 10.8 9.8 6.6 0.1 KZ CO 14 VORFS.. 2. dibs: 19.1 20.7 16.7 14.8 3.0 16.0 | 15 to 24 years. ......661.. 17.0 18.0 11.5 16.4 8.3 18.5 25 to 34 years. ....0.0642. 15/7 15.3 12.7 17.5 21.3 20.0 | 35 to 44 years......0.02... 13:5 12.5 13. 6 17.8 22.3 17.1. 45 to 54 years........5.2. 10.9 9.8 16.1 14.0 16.8 11.5 55 to 64 years........-.2. 7.7 6.9 13.2 8.1 12.3 5.3 | 65-years and Over........ 6.3 5.8 6.4 4.8 15.6 3.9" e 7; AGE DISTRIBUTION, 15L TABLE 49.—DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION CLASSES BY BROAD AGE GROUPS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. NATIVE WHITE. Foreign- born Native Foreign Mixed white. parentage. | parentage.| parentage. “28 AGE,” {All classes. East NortH CENTRAL— Continued. | ai Tilinois. ? ) Al aL aes ‘umber... ---,-| 6, 485,280 || 3,066,563 | 1, 467, 036 558, 783 | 1, oe; $51 5 years......4.: -.:|. 655, 073 394,165 | 183,903 62, 919 629 told 14 years.............:}° 1, 240, 594 702,900 | 346,259 | 129, 769 36 219 15 to 24 years.-..... tenae+]. dy 101, 668 571,322 | 265,913 | 119,508] 111,856 2 to 34 yearseo.......- -.:| 1,154, 990, 486, 616 246, 524 99, 919 278,759 35 to 44 yearss:.....5.-55: 923, 362 357,692 | 170,212 73,173'| 285, 445 os'years....-.-4- aes 679, 499 251, 694 140, 968 43, 933 221, 558 55 to 64 years cone 423, 523 162, 607 84, 067 19,424} 149, 415 65 years and over......... 297, 647 134, 267 28, 297 9, 834 120, 145 Age unknown...... eae 8, 924 5, 300 893 304 1, 925 _Allages, per cent»... 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 ‘Under 5 years..........-. 10.1 12.9 12. 5 11.3 0.1 5 to 14 years... Rete St ne 19,1 22.9 23. 6 23. 2 3.0 15 to 24 years. Pee wid die 17.0 18.6 18. 1 21. 4 9.3 25 to 34 years. ES pale 17.8 15.9 16.8 17-3 23.1 iapto44 years:......1.9.%° | 14.2 11.7 11.6 13.1 23:7 45 to 54 years......... os 10.5 8.2 9.6 “7.9 18.4 5p to 64 years.......;.!: ae 6.5 5.3 5. 7 3.5 12. 4 65 years and Grete tos 3. 4.6 4.4 1.9 1.8 10.0 ai Michigan. Allages, number......| 3,668,412 || 1,670,447 775, 288 429, 257 726, 635 ‘Under 5 years........ ‘saait, 404; 586 234,339 | 107, 586 54, 881 2, 894 5 fo 14 years........ jolt) 694,673! 374,635 | 175,108 | 107,754 28, 746 1 to 24 years.......... <2:h > 611, 807 297,181 | 139, 145 89, 135 72, 505 725 bo 34 years::.... 6.22: 656, 704 262, 829 | 135, 848 69, 827} 170,458 peto44 years’? |. 18: 501, 772 188, 424 92,124 49,655 | 159, 988 45 to 54 years.........- Os 360, 950 134, 740 67, 907 31,435 | 120, 858 55 to 64 years.......:... wif? 243,216 92, 443 40, 394 16, 628 91, 316 65 years and over.......2. 190, 972 83, 588 16, 818 9,790 79, 067 Age unknown. ea 8 Win 3, 732 2, 268 358 152 803 All ages, Per cent; .><.- 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 Under 5 years........ ee 121.0 14.0 13.9 12.8 0.4 ped years: .. 2.) 5%, 18.9 22.4 22.6 25.1 4.0 15 To 24 years-........ ene | 16% 17.8 17.9 20. 8 10.0 25 to 34 years....... hexane 17.9 15.7 2 17.5 16.3 23.5 to 44 years eral g hats 13-7 11.3 11.9 11.6 22.0 to 54 years....... Bh See 9.8 8.1 8.8 7.3 16.6 to 64 years.......:. eee 6.6 §.5 “5. 2 3.9 12.6 65 years and over......... 5.2 5.0 2.2 2.3 10.9 , 1b “ps Wisconsin. _., |... — _Allages, number......| 2,632,067 || 1, 054, 694 736, 051 366, 065 460, 128 Under 5 years.......... <1, 285, 042 192, 756 49, 85 , 221 491 50 14 years. .225: 537, 165 308, 743 118, 803 95, 383 11, 037 Sh years soos 466, 516 214,969 | 132,371 88, 481 28, 126 Ro to 34 Go) ea PES 423, 609 144, 981 140, 896 65, 70, 083 to 44 years:->.....02.-5 335, 208 84,200} 114, 291 43, 061 91, 597 to 54 years........... Lut° 256, 774 47, 053 97, 228 21, 357 89, 671 to64 years::.....) 2s: 184, 492 31, 906 61, 782 8, 491 81, 457 years and over......... 140, 406 28, 345 , 425 3, 706 87, 129. : unknown. . See Ee 2, 1,741 _ 404 145 537 _ Allages, percent......| 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 Under 5 years...... Se BN | 10.8 t S #83 6.8 11.0 0.1 $014 years:-......... ae 20.4 29.3 16.1 26.1 2.4 15 to 24 years......... 2 17.7 20. 4 18.0 24.2 6.1 4 64 years.......) 2... 4 - 16.4 13.7 19.1 1 3B 15. 2 04 | Se a | S27 8.0 15.5 11.8 19.9 WB io 54 years......., 22. 9.8 4.5 13.2 5.8 19.5 poGt years.......1 222% 7:0 + “3.0 ~ 8.4 © 2:3 17: 7- 65 yearsand over......... 5.3 2.7 2.8 1.0 18.9 ‘aw ‘ a 4 ‘ : ro ai “ eS Se a ae ee ee ee 182, 274 ee opSeS8anas HE OROWEO —— Indian, Chinese, ————qce. | —_ qq [ume “€§ / um — |... — —_ el aS eed ¢ Pook paws QO bt b= J 00 D0 G0 He CO 152 TABLE 49.—DISTRIBUTION OF. POPULATION CLASSES, BY, BRO ABSTRACT OF THE, CENSUS——POPULATION., DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. a d AD AGE GROUPS, BY AGE. West NoRTH CENTRAL. Minnesota. Allages, number...... Under 5 yearsses..-+-58%- bite 14 yearss oo. ... biewal LavtO: 24 Years. sie... leeee = 25°60 34 Years: rs... 4 ase 35 tO: 44 years. i4...-d-6255 45-CO 54 YOars.os.... dsssb’ 5oito.64 years.iv...-d.as5 - 65 years and over. ..-....- Age unknown..........:- Allages, per cent,..... Under 5- years... ... 5 44a to 14 years: 22... +d. as 15 £024 yeatss 2 24-9 2, 20 40 34 Years. . 22: ao CO 44 years: ...-.4.5 ze 45 to 54 years;....-. 3.9 si 5d to 64yearsy....+. 5.4.28 65 years and over......-2: Towa. Allages, number...... Under 5 yearse>.....-228- iO 14 VOATS2 2... - = 3 seals Leto 24 years::.... cee. 2x60 4 Years. co... . 2 aa 35 to 44 years...... wis 45 60-54 Years. os... sige. Sato 64 years: 3... ..tsesac 65 years and over... ..... Age unknown........26.- Allages, per cent...... Under 5 yearss.. 22. fsa tOu4 years». ......1.) ae 15. £0 24 years;......) 44s 20 £0 34 Years... 2... 4 ais 30 £0 44 Yearse......3.2 258 45 £0 54 Years... 22. os aa bo TO 64 Years... 0.3.6 Ak 65 years and over......... Missouri. Allages, number. ..... Under 5 years:.-...4-ane : &:bo'14 Yearss. 2.25.4 -plab - Wa LOWee VOATS.-. 2.64 carat 254034 Years... 22.6) ens 35.10/44 years. +. 222.) oaer g 45 +054 years....... a2. 55:60 64 years... 2.2) ca 3 65 years and over. ..-.... Age unknown...........- All ages, per cent...... Under 5 years;......6. 64, Gio yearse-.. 05.) ie 45 to 24 yearsy-.. 22h aes BOBO. 94 YOCOlSS < oe Sobek oie 35.10 44 yearse- 2.2 de wee 45 to 54 years.-... 22s a2 wen 55 Go 64 years:..... 0. sae 65 years and over....2...% All classes. 2,387, 125 261, 394 482, 560 437, 528 303, 893 2,404,021 250, 887 467, 780 425, 863 . 385, 334 308, 278 3, 404, 055 327; 9094 673,496 598, 886 NATIVE WHITE. - Native ||. Foreign |. Mixed ~ parentage. | parentage.) parentage. b Foreign- orn white. 827,627 | 708,126} 347,019 160,041] » 51,576 47,122 234,977 | 131,998] 102,679 159,112 | 159,511 88,131 111,469.| 153,942 55, 646 67, 698 99,945 30, 204 42,795 67, 427 14, 453. 28, 140 34, 271 6,026, 21, 812 9,084 2, 630. | 1,583 372 - 128 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 19,3 7.3 13.6; 28. 4 18.6 29.6 19. 2 22.5 25.4 13.5 21.7 16.0 8.2 14,1 8.7 5.2 9.5 4, 2 3.4 4.8 ) s167 2.6 1.3 0.8 1,528,553 | 376,710 | 253,271 208, 256 18,207 225425 361, 802 43,493 54, 499 290, 632 61, 126 57, 953 226,884 76,137 47, 009 162, 551 68,185 34, 439 119,772 59, 716 20,944 82, 348 36,492 10,015 73, 626 13,082 5, 870 2,682 272 117 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 13.6 4,8 8.9 » eae 7 11.5 21.5 19.0 16.2 22.9 14.8 20. 2 18.6 10.6 18.1 13.6 y (8 15.9 8.3 5.4 9.7 4.0 4.8 3.5 2.3 2,536,936 | 300,064 | 202,018 238,529 16)433 10; 646 575,020 36; 905 29, 301 477, 512 35, 939 38, 859. 390, 766 45, 557 43,165} 306, 089 51,989 38,342. 147, 451 39, 937 10,779; 122,907 15, 232 5,562 2,988 195 123 100. @ 100. 0 100. 0 11.4 obs oda 22.7 12.3 14.5 18.8 12.0 19.2 15.4 15.2 21, 4 y 12.1 17.3 19.0 2,290.9 19.3 | 12.5 5.8 13.3 ind 4,8 2,8 1 ios . 9A 1D 5D S190 - et et et et —, tb 09 08 0 WE 8) 809 80 viz ohn «gab: 1,003 | BL: 1, 289. 0 2,039. 2,004 1) 211 467. | 257, AT), dees 100.0 . 0 5.9. 8 11.4 3 14.6 a 23.1 2 ya 3 13.7 aa 5.3 wr 2.9 0 , 005 090. 70 045 21; » 304 aes » 746 198, 166. 0 7200 , 95. 074 85 780 ae . 90 Ax 100.0 00 Oe 4 16.0 | 5, 17.4 a 19.7 oth 11.8 4 8.7 2 : 114.0) TO KER DISTRIBUTION, a 158 TABLE 49.—DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION CLASSES BY BROAD AGE GROUPS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. Seeibrs) } af NATIVE WHITE, Indian, “ at | 1 rai te Foreign- Chinese, ae ae “| All classes. born Negro: pan- He bite | ; . Sale 1 Native Foreign’ | Mixed white. 630, et | “ ss). os) parentage. | parentage: | parentage. and all |__| / WEST Norra CENTRAL— __ Continued. . North Dakota. © ANages,number-:...{} 646, 972. 207,966 | 203,973} 96512 | 131,503 467 | 6 451 Onder 5 years..........-- 90, 889 45, 085 24, 678 19,889 "312 20 905 5 to 14 years!....... US 2, 160, 532 63, 012 57, 507 34; 384 3,926 | --- 83 | 1,620 to 24 years!. 22.5 292%. 115, 994 . 35,364 | 46, 865 20; 417 12) 157 49 | 1,142 to 34 years.....2.5:522.| 97, 569 ' 25, 550 36, 500 11, 107 23,571 90 751 "85 to 44 years.......5.¢.2! 78,012 ‘17, 809 21, 641 6, 534. 31, 255 108 665 145 to 54 years...../.413..7 51,712 10, 734 10, 736 2,748 26,921 - I) 503 to 64 years........52... 31,548 -' §, 879 4,730 1,021 19, 460 30 428 years and over...:...2+ | 19,324 3, 654 ©1188 376 13,691 15 400 ‘Resumamorn 1,292 * "879 128 86 210 2 37 ' Allages, per cent.:/.!. 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0} 100.0 ‘Under a 6 ah 14,1 0.0917 12.1 20.6 0.2 4,3 14.0 Sht0 14 yoars..22223.2-0-..| | 9-24.8 30.3 28, 2 35.6 3.0- 17.8 25.1 P16 to 24 yeats...../.52:2..) |< 17.9 17.0 93.0 21.2 9.2 10.5 17.7 '25'to 34 years.......:225..}) | © 15.1 12.3 17.9 11.5 17.9 19.3 11.6 Hip tot pears. -01:141- (0.121 8.6 10.6 6.8 23.8 23.1 10.3 46 to 54 yeats..... por sh.. 8.0 5,2 5.3 2.8 20.5 15.0 7.8 to 64 years.......52:... 4.9 2.8 2.3 Ot 14.8 6.4 6.6 “65 years and over.....2%.. 3.0 1.8 0.6 “0. 4 10.4 Bulg 6.2 South Dakota. an ages, number...... 636, 547 308,598 | 141,341 86, 817 82, 391 | 832-| 16,568 nder 5 years....,.:.....| 79, 831 56,213 | 8,985 12, 120 113 VR ae es! tol4years......2.252.5:| 141, 081 “85,059 | © 24,698 25, 586 1,707 162] 3,819 ‘15 to 24 years....... be....| 1116;181 56,050 | 31, 577 20, 445 5; 229 137 | 2,743 25 to 34 years..... SS eee 104, 564 43,608 | | 32, 208 13, 790 12, 769 149 | 1,950 to 44 years......22: 2... 78,710 29,495 | | 21,976 8, 263 17, 063 136] 1,777 ‘i t0 54 years.-...5:))2.-.| | 58,165 17,715 12,631 3, 844 17, 384 84.) 1507 55 to 64 years....... Pilse.| | 36,082 11,345 6,905 1, 892 14, 707 54) 1,179 _ 65 years and over....:-... 25, 536 8, 040 2,156 839 13, 231 35 1, 235 Age unknown........... ‘1,447 1,073 115 38 188 5 28 All ages, per cent. Mess 100.0 |} + 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0} 100.0 ‘Under i EEE Ce 12.5 18. 2 6.4 14.0 0.1 8.4 14,1 Bto14 yeays!-.222).24N1.| | 8 22:2 97.6 |) 0 Og, 5 29. 5 2.1 19.5 23.1 15 to 24 years..”.....: 2. bea s - 18.3 18.2 22.3 23.5 6.3 16.5 16.6 25 to 34 years........2.... 16.4 14.1 22.9 15.9 15.5 17.9 11.8 35 to 44 years........2.1.. 12.4 9.6 15.5 9.5 20.7 16.3 10.7 45. to 54 years........: Ue ss 8.4 5.7 8.9 4.4 21.1 10.1 9.1 55 to 64 years.......22.2.. 5.7 3.7 4.9 2.2 17.9 6.5 7.1 65 years aud over......... 4.0 2.6 1.5 1.0 16.1 4,2 G5 we *) : : oh) Nebraska. Ve an ages, number...... 1, 296, 372 757,064 | 231,948 | 140,555 | 149,652 13,242 | 3,911 Under 5 years............ 143, 240 A112, 252 14, 195 15, 172 212 878 531 V4 .2t 272, 688 191, 875 36, 820 37; 687 3, 762 1, 754 790 5 235, 867 || _ 189, 230 49, 487 34) 439 9, 660 2,403 648 214, 251 110, 887 55, 000 23) 595 21,018 3, 099 652 163, 093 “78,795 | - 37,672 15, 062 28, 282 2,700 582 118, 405 54,679 | | - 22,383 8, 154 31, 409 1, 458 322 81, 941 37, 255 11,774 4, 130 28, 033 578 171 64, 341 30, 054 4, 436 2, 262 27, 063 338 188 2; 546 "2,087 181 54 213 34 27 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0] * 100.0 100.0 | 100.0 11.0 14. 8 6.1 10.8 0.1 6.6 13.6 250 It | 0-05.38 15.9 26. 8 2.5 13.2 20,2 * 18.2 18.4 21.3 24,5 6.5 18. 1 16. 6 16.5 14.6 23.7 16.8 14.0 23.4 16.7 12.6 10.4 16.2 10.7 18.9 20. 4 14,9 91 et 7,2 9.7 5.8 21.0 11.0 8,2 6.3 4,9 5.1 2.9 18.7 4.4 4.4 15.0 4.0 1.9 1.6 18,1 2.6 4.8 Fs WEsT NORTH CENTRAL— | jheereet “i Continued. 2, Kansas. eilodet AindY All ages, number ..:... 1,769,257 || 1,308,804 | 163,964 | 125,560); 110,578). 5’ bit », 112,426 Under 5 years. .../....-.- 187, 262 161, 684 9,865 | — 10,046 754] 4,693.]., ..220 61014 years.......-ace-¢-| BOSp58h 300, 490 23,277 | 25,835) 4,249 |° 10,257-4.;.. 473 15 to 24 years...........1| 315,947 240,862 | 28510] 26,639. 8.642 . 958 25 to 34 years.......175. 56 274, 752 193,479 33, 385 22, 410 15, 179 6c 804 35 to 44 years....... SoG te 227,313 152, 462 28, 667 18,272 18, oy 193 45 to 54 years.....--sec0se| 173,435 112,887 |. 20,998 11,959 20,715 5 497 55 t064 years........- nieey 118, 483 76,381 | 12,912 5271 19) 325 sot 248 65 yearsand over... ..22 we, 104, 747 68, 403 6, 264 4,080 22,649 poy “56 Avelunknown....3.42¥-.- 2,737 2, 156 86 48 181 73. gran All ages, per cents.2c2. 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 10070 100. 0 Under 5:-yegrs.... 650.20. - 10.6 12.4 6.0 ;8.0 Dg 4653); ,9FL 5to.14 years; ..-../-6.5--- 20.6 23. 0 14.2 20.6 "3.8. [- (19,5 {hto 2 years... ...4.¢9.u..- 17.9 18. 4 17.4 ST. 2 7.8. . 8955 251034 years... .-1.9.2%.. 15:5 14.8 20.4 ( 47.8 pals ys G tees $hto44.years.......5.3 e.. 12,8 11.6 17.5 | 14.6 gS At » 8.0 451054 years...-... TBO. 9.8 8.6 212.8 9.5 | 18.7 ot BRS 550064 Veass —...-4-2.£4-- 6.7 5.8 7.9 5.0 ae PA si Oho 65 yearsand over. ..;. Q4.: 5.9 5.2 3.8 3.2 | 20.5 23 SoutH ATLANTIC. & Delaware. t HA ; {kf ; ; pHi Allages, number,..... 223, 003 139,876 | | 23,288) 9,641 19, 810 brie Under 5 years. .....4 Gesg. 22, 929 14,687 | 654,150 | f°); 271 ys | 5t014 years...... 4660.8! 41, 358 26,320} ~ 6,348] — 2,096 621 od 151024 years .....4. £56291 38, 528 24,581 | | 608,872 1,750 2,396 398 25 to34years.....3.45-2; 36, 291 21,952 | e267 | i aky 584 “5, 3il “10 35 to44years.....1-voy las 30, 403 18, 228 1, 949 1,251 4,670 yada 45to54 years... ..1.560. 4 24,055 14,450 |) 2,091 876 3, 273 Als 55t064:years...../.05)... ~ 96,315 10, 566 1,524 “ p047 1,905 na 65 yearsand over......... 12, 402 8, 664 | 580 339 1,522 2 Ageunknown...... i. Gey - G22 428 Ors 7 y¢7 68; Jule ffeive od "it yaprg All ages, per centi..... - 100, 0 100.0} . 100.0] + 100.0 100. 0 ay a Under 5 years... 24.2.5... £0. 3 10. 5 we7i.8 ee ay FP) 0. 2 «Ate BLO 14-years.......2d.9.87-- 048.5 18.8 27.3 Is 21,7 ee! rf on ibto24years.....1-.... if 47,3 17.6 16.6 » 18.2 12,1 ; OF 2h toda years... ..2.5.4y.- 16, 3 15.7 11.9 15.9 “26.8 2 { rf $5to44years.....J.0.44-. 13.6 13. 0 8.4 13.0 i 23.6 a Ba 45 to 54:years...-24.:.gi-- 10.8 10.3 9.0 9.1 : 16.5 be EG) 551064 years.....2....... 7.3 7.6 6.5 5.4 | <6 "a 65 yearsand over......... 5.6 6.2 255 3.5 be chet, 3 Maryland. 8 6 i bee seshi. co. abe seule (OES Sa] epou 16 Due Allages, number,.....| 1,449,661 || 893,088 | 143,203! 66,269) 102,177 | 9 | 445 Under 5 years... 2.222... 147,005 101, 453 14,768 | 6,483 140 ar Btol4vears \: .--.4-abe ks 283,574 || 187,167 | 30,359 | 12,577. 2,935 ofall 15to2years......ccus.c| 2680756 166, 941 25,204 | > 12,545 11, 421 500}. 6 251034 yeass,....).06p-5. 234, 839 142,532 19,321 | = 11,306 21,312 2 pal pto44 years... ..J.cnd2< 196, 117 112, 814 15,844 | = 10,047 22, 560 ye ee 45 to54'vears.... .léag.v% 154,358 84,755 18,009 | | 7,275 19, 147 25,066 |... 10 65 to64 years... .-..254... 96, 053 53, 540 43,519 | || 93,798 12, 857 | this 59 Me 65 yearsand over......... 72,468 43,184 6, 151 2, 225 11,719 1 \ Ageunknown........22.- « 1,491 : 702 aa 28 } 913 — 86) ho a ii eee : j Y BE ; f : tho ue All ages, per cent...... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 | 0}. 100.0 Under 5 years... ./...5... 10.1 || - 11.4]. 10.3 9.8 Ql > 86 bio. 14 years: .. 54.0244. 19.6 21. 0” 21.2) 1" 4 49.0 | 2.9 wae 1bto24-years.....4.¢.4i.. 18.2 18.7 17.6 18.9 11.2 _ 12.4 Zo tos4iyears......1.Q ik. - 26; 2 16.0 TS, & 171 | 20.9 Ree iy 35to44ivyears.....2.5.85.- ¢ 13.5 12.6 11.1 15.2 22.1 se po 45to54years....-....5-- 10.6 9.5 12.6 11.0] | 18.7 23. 55to64 years.........0..- 6.6 6.0 9. 4 5.7 12.6 11.7 65 yearsand over......... 5.0 4.8 4.3 3.4 11.5 i 1 Per cent not shown, base being less than 100. f 154 ABSTRACT OF THE GCENSUS-—POPULATION. TABLE 49.—DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION, CLASSES; BY BROAD AGE, GROUPS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. NATIVE WHITE. Foreign- . i _cousaly {LA born Native Foreign | Mixed white. parentage. | parentage.| parentage. _AGE. | Allelasses. ee | Lf AGE DISTRIBUTION, 155 TaBin 49.—DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION CLASSES BY BROAD A > DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. GE GB RN Ee BE paths | NATIVE WHITE. Indian, apesitist”)| yore ee TAGS. | -AGEy, _...| All elasses. Negro apan- ty a tists Native Foreign | Mixed ‘ ese, 6 Dis | parentage. | parentage.| parentage. and all (ait other SouTH ATLANTIC—Con. District of Columbia. All ages, number ....:- 437, 571 239, 488 35,129 | 23,695 28,548 | 109,966 Pinder 6 years......2.---. 30, 4 8) 2; 781 1, 555 52 7,714 nd op to14 years.......2.0--- 59, 656 33, 760 5, 194 3, 111 720 16, 842 29 to 24years..:.-......-- 84, 581 48, 298 6, 022 4,603 3, 256 22, 253 149 } to 384i years....... 500-4. 89, 921 50, 352 5, 800 5, 166 6, 574 21, 857 172 44 years...... Lipaga: 71, 164 35, 804 5, 146 4, 044 6, 497 19,524]... 149 to 54; years.. ... |. sox. ae §2, 190 25, 976 5, 442 2,.857 5, 158 12, 639 118 to G4 yearsic....|. ss... 27, 099 14, 207 3, 264 1,418 3, 095 5, 043 72 ears and over......,. 20, 635 11, 646 1, 434 901 3, 073 3, 566 15 Age unknown...... Po 1, 889 1, 201 46 40 123 468 11 es, per cent...... 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100..0 100. 0 100.0 1 cart FOMR..<- 012-6 -- 7.0 7.6 7.9 6.6 0.2 ag aaa rf to ee ee 13.6 14.1 14,8 13. 1 2.5 15.3 3.9 pyears....../4-4 me 19. 3 20.2 17.1 19.4 11.4 20. 2 20.0 25 to 34 VOLS, s+ sl R-be-- 20. 6 21.0 16.5 21.8 23.0 19.9 231 35 to 44 Years.........4... 16.3 15.0 14.6 17.1 22. 8 17.8 20.0 (45,to 54 years......-...:.- 11.9 10.8 15. 5 12.1 18.1 11,5 15.8 to 64 years............. 6.2 5.9 9.3 6.0 10.8 4.6]. 9,7 years and over......... 4.7 4.9 4,1 3.8 10.8 3.2 2.0 Virginia. % All ales; number ...... 2,309, 187 1, 534, 494 30, 514 22,116 30, 785 690, 017 nder 5 years..........-.- 27. 184 189, 591 3,773 2; 311 "90 81) 263 4 8 ‘Wb to 14 years.....-.-)24..- 549, 128 || © 364,362 | 7,209 4, 344 1,107 | ~ 171,862 O44 5 Bu of eee ae 446, 525 292, 508 5, 926 4, 524 3, 808 | 139, 518 241 Dae VORTSis - <5 ened> 327, 948 218, 380 4, 336 3, 463 7, 392 94, 172 205 to 44 years...... assses.| 278,390 180,827} 3,285 2, 913 7, 385 83, 813 167 to 54 years....-..-+.-.- 208, 340 133, 649 2, 043 2, 347 5, 428 61, 744 129 to 64 WORTH: ...-575--- 120, 626 83, 591 1, 981 1, 311 3, 009 30, 656 78 years and ower......... 100, 008 70, 122 939 893 2) 521 25, 493 40 Age unknowli...-........ 3, 038 1, 464 22 ‘LU 45 1, 496 1 0 sau ages, per cent...... 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 1 “Under 5 years...........- 12.0 12.4 12.4 10. 4 0.3 11,8 2.4 Bobo f4-years.ce cu. ni. .--- 23.8 23.7 23.6 19.6 3.0 24.9 19.3 15 to 24 years..........:.. 19.3 19.1 19. 4 20. 5 12.4 20.2 19.1 SaniLO a4 years.........s0.- 14.2 14.2 14,2 ¢ 49.7 24:0 13.6 16,3 “5 ito 44 years.......4.+... 12.1 11.8 10. 8 13.2 24.0 12.1 13.2 % to 54 years....... Bee 8.9 8.7 10. 0 10.6 17.6 8.9 10.2 to 64 years.......0.. es 5, 2 5.4 6.5 5.9 9.8 4,4 6.2 3) years and OVEr.....-+-- 4.3 4.6 3.1 4,0 852 Be L Bee 7 West Virginia. .. All ages, Rpraber 5: S95 .2¢ 1, 463,701 1, 232, 857 56, 625 25, 847 61, 906 86,345 121 “Under 5 years..........-. 195, 934 169,766 | . 13,958 3, 160 187 8 854 | 9 t O94 FORTS gis ideas... 348, 519 306, 041 17, 891 5, 165 , 2,964 16, 451 7 | M5 to 24 years.....2.....:. 271, 153 : 5, 717 4, 260 7,738 18, 489 15 t034 years:.....:.....] 217,406 173, 154 4, 310 3, 705 19, 334 16, 869 34 3 60.44 years:.).../-o2-<. 178, 251 140, 780 4,318 3, 738 16, 425 12,967 23 45 to 54 years. -. 122, 713 99, 007 4, 804 2) 945 8, 323 7, 609 25 to 64 years....... 70, 799 58, 827 3, 745 1, 716 3, 692 2, 814 5 years and over.......,. 56, 140 48, 310 1, 837 1, 141 3, 028 1, 822 2 A Benuninayre. coed ‘al 2, 786 2, 038 45 17 25 470 “t 1 ages, per cent...... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 160. 0 Jnder 5 years........ “ae 2 13.4 13.8 24.6 12.2 0:3 10.3 74 MG 14 VOATS. 0c. ocde%..G... i » 23.8 24.8 31.6 20.0 4,8 19,1 5.8 iLO 24 years.......5.0:.. 18.5 19. 1 10. 1 16.5 12,5 21.4 12.4 )to 34 years....... Cet... 14.9 14.0 7.6 14.3 315-2 19.5 28, 1 to 44 years...../......- 12.2 1l.4 7.6 14,5 26:35 15.0 19.0 to 54 years....... Die. 8.4 8.0 8.5 11.4 13.4 8.8 20,7 10.64 years.......5.:.-. 4.8 4.8 6.6 6.6 6.0 3.3 4.1 years and over......... 3.8 3.9 3.2 4,4 4.9 2.1 1.7 = : Tarn 49..DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION CLASSES BY BROAD ‘AGE GROUPS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. 156 ABSTRACT OF ‘THR CRNSUS--POPULATION, “NATIVE WHITE. ) Indian, ; _ Foreign- rene AGE. “| All classes. ‘ porn Japan- Sak Bs: Nitive’ | Foreign’| Mixe white cd all ‘parentage. | parentage.| parentage. Bue = . other SouTH ATLANTIC—Con. saint iT North Carolina. . sidimuleD ie fopeig Allages, number..-.-. 2,559,123 || 1,765,203 5,737 | | 6,740 7,099 ~ eu Under 5 years.......:---- 358, 808 248/913 | 694] | ‘\"652 35 sgh 5 to 14 years........- te 455,760 | | °41)332 ‘1,191 227 - © | 3) 538 15 to 24 years.....--:.2-.-| 500,219 || 383;715| “1,015 | | £040 -810 Bg a 25 to 34 years..-...--2,---| 339,253 240101} ~* 868] | ~~ 916 1,687 | be ig gap) 35 to 44 years...... i Go 273,279 || 191,780 Gol | |, See 1,642 199 45 to 54, years.......2% pane 191, 441 1325307 >* 618 VS SL }, 283 |- 0 $e 55 to 64 years.......----;-| - 119,699 88; 405 HS B48 ae ay "786 |: Gi 65 years and over.....--. sf 98,716 72, 580 208 “Ort - 616 oY 385 Age unknown.......-..-. 3, 209 1,642 | | * 3 4 13 Ly ISAO Ali ages, per cent...... 100. 0 100. 0. 100. 0 ‘100. 0 100.0} © 100.04" * 100.0 “Under 5 years.....\.2....- 14.0 ‘14.1 12.1 11.4 OB fp PERO Y MED 5 to 14 yeats.... 2.2122. eat - 26.4 * 25. 8 23. 2 20.7 = Bes 278} © 2954 FO CO 24: VPGES- << «sie 2, gee - ~ 19.5 18.9 NG 18.1 Wh4- 95 to 34. years....-.). Se se-- 13.3 13.6 15.1 16.0 23.8 35 to 44 years.......--.2-- 10.7 10.9 11.3 42.7 23.1 45 to 54 years........- eae 7.9 pal by /10.8 10.1 “18.1 55 to 64 years..-..... a ie 4,7 5.0 POLE 6. 2 ae ol apy ‘65 years and over.-........ “3.9 4,1 3.6 “4,7 9807 T South Carolina. Allages, mumber:..2:-| 1,683,724 || 799,418 | 7, 025 ‘5, 694 6,401 Under 5 years.........-+- 228) 581 109781 | | £86633 | i; e565 "13 BLOi14 VORCS mele bain oe 458, 867 204,726 | | 1,108 4,005 169° TAtO 28 yoale” . . Jd. aactos 342,965 154,618 1,308 1, 093. 820 4 20 .U0 34 VRAIS. . - «odo augeieaie 225, 339 ‘114,160 ‘1, 014 tT 022" 1,587 35 to 44 years..... 2.26.22. 183, 874 91,928 947 834 ¥365 45 to b4 Years... . scree 122 399 58, 884 1,027] | ‘591 1,115 55 to 64 years..... 2.22... 66, 988 36, 038 682 325 651 |: 65 years and Over.......-. 53,375 28,792 304 257 668 - Age unknown...........-. ~ gs dy B00 491 2 2 + -SED All ages, per cent...... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 “400. 0 100.0°} ~~? © 100. 0° Under 5 years.......2.... 13.6 13.7 9.0 “9,9 + - -QPD 4 eesnk FO OAL NiGATS. i. 45 to 54 years.--..J.574--- na (iS 7.4 ~ 14.6 ~ 40.4 17.4- Bo LO O4:VeErs. ee. 4,0 4.5 9,7 #57 10. 2-} 65 years and over........-. 3.2 3.6 4.3 “4,5 10.4 Georgia. Allages, number...-..| 2,895,832 |) 1,642,697 | © 16,371 13,/860°)' 16,186 "})15 Under 5 years.......-....| - 363,229 915,192 | | © 1,453 “V8 -B6- fe ‘5 to 14 YeatS......J.252-6- 747, 685 416, 892 (8,351 9345 | | -- 443-4 15 10.24 Vears....-4-ceenye 580,363 816, 293 2,951 2, 438 1, 954- 25 to 34 years........ pay 411,122 237,663 2;658 2, 465° 3,743 35 to 44 years.......- ratiprn: 325, 977 188, 833 2,038 2 3, 686 45 to 54 years.......2.22. 932) 024° 425; 020 1,994 1, 604 2. 920- 55 to. 64 years......-. sed 130/381 78; 581 1283 975 1,874: 65 years and over....,...- 102, 111 ‘63, 099 640 1;515- Age unknown............ 2,940 1,124 re) 1 ia EBs Allages, per cent...... 100. 0 100. 0 ‘100. 0 100. 0 - 100; 0! 459 ts Under 5 years. .....,-,--- 12. 5 13.1 8.9 8.5 - 052: HatO 14 WeslS... sriedicacegs- 20.8 h 20. A “*20. 5 16.9 ee oF | 15 to 24 years....... b-Ee@= 20. 0 pes RS “18.0 17.6 ~~ 9221 2D1t0:34 YEAIS..-.. 5.5 -8e- 14.2 14.5 "16. 2 17.8 23:1 DcbO 44 VOaFS.....ds.56- - rar Wes 11.5 12.4 15.9 ~- 22:8 -45 to 54 years...../..-.-.- , 80 7.6 , 12.2 11.6 --18;0 bp to. 64 years.....4.4-,--- 4.5 4.8 ede: 7.0 11.6 65 years and over........- “3.5 RO I Bhat BY 4.6 9.4 > 7 yi , OITA) 1 CAGE -DISTRIBULIONG, py aceped, 157 mam 49,—DISTRIBUTION.OF POPRULATION..CLASSES, BY, .BROAD AGE GROUPS, BY : DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued, Prk . NATIVE, WHITE. dadian, neon tf 4 ae ot | Foreign- ese, “eek | AGE, “|All classes. _ born Negro, | J@Pan- a ie ‘lore | bor tll Native. | Foreign | Mixed ‘| ‘white. Seren cs hy t parentage. parentage. parentage. ot hay, Nae jam Souta ATLANTIC—Con. Florida. ; All ages, number...... 968, 470 532, 295 35, 751 27, 099 43,008 | © 829, 487 830 der 5 yearsy...--- eee, 105,263 63, 678 aAGB0./. iP 35803 1. asi! 260 33, 264 | 89 TO 14 Yeats. 4). --- aer-'- 217,731 124, 586 9, 842 6, 325 t, 922 74, 890 166 M5 to 24 VERS 00 -+-b ney - 178, 456 95, 403 5, 939 4,879 4,777 67, 304 154 25 to 34 Seep---- aoe | 149.090 78, 441 4, 496 4,044 8, 636 53, 337 136 "85 to 44 years... ...-7.--.| 127, 768 65, 014 * 600 3/258 9,658 | 46, 120 118 | 45 to 54 years... ...| oo. 94, 495 48, 005 3, 347 2,523 8, 261 32, 263 96 55 to 64 Years... ----- 242+ 52, 290 30, 867 2,483 1,592 5, 120 12, 187 41 years and over.. a pege's 6 25, 396 1,348 1,147 4, 226 8,520 27 ge oF nee ob ware 2,713 27 28 148 1, 602 3 iy Allages, per cent...... 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 | 100.0 # SORT ont bo ren 10.9 12.0 13.1 12.2 0. 10.1 10.7 a 4 years.......... ans 22.5 23. 4 27.5 23.3 4.5 22. 7 20. 0 | Sr hove ena Ri 18.4 17.9 16.6 18.0 1.4 20. 4 18.6 Bo 15.4 14.7 11276 14.9 20. 1 16. 2 16. 4 | $142 12.2 10.1 12.0 22.5 14.0 14.2 9.8 9.0 9.4 9.3 19:2 |" 9.8 11.6 . 5.4 5.8 6.9 5.9 11.9 3.7 4.9 AY dy “2826 3.8 4.2 9.8 2.6 Oss OR AST sdivh Centian. “ Kentucky. cy n aged! mummber. ..- 2,416,630 |) 2,099,134 | 65,931) 44,715] 50,780 |" 285, 938 132 ponder diyedrs..... |. vn... 291, 625 266,945 | . .2,070 2,098 30 20, 468 14 ind 14 yeate >...) oon 558, 808 502, 132 4,654, 5,657 518 45, 823° 19 ‘U5to24years.............| 445,862 385, 852 6,122 7, 870 1, 883 44,118 17 to34yeats.............| 347,062 286,527 | 8,532 9,273 4,513 38, 186 31 0 44 years........). S| 980" 840 229,509} 11,996 8,974 5, 392 33,917 22 054 years......... caine 225, 894 171,182 15, 607 6, 347 5, 625 27,120 13 to 64 years........ fer" 4 141, 879 107, 268 12, 303 2,948 5,135 14/213 12, 7 years and over......- a 113,772 ae 412 4,586 1,528 7,646 il; 596 4 Ageunknown............ 1,918 1, 307 61 20 38 og ni ese -) Allages, per conte oe 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 | 100.0 M Oro YOUrS....... 4. 50 0-- 12.1 13.1 3.1 4.7 0.1 8.7 10.6 to 14 St ai BAe ~t 23.1 24.6 761 12.7 1:7 19.4 14.4 to 24 years........ a- $4 . 18.4 ,/18.9 af eor3 17.6 6.1 aoy 3 hep 12.9 £0 34 years........5.5.. 14.4 14.1 . 12.9 20.7 14.7 16,2 23.5 44 yours... . 1.5. 12.0 11.3 ance 20.1 17.5 14.4 16.7 0 54 years........ ane. 9.3 8.4 23.7 14.2 18.3 11.5 9.8 0 64 years........... r 5.9 Bid 18.7 6.6 16.7 6.0 9.1 years and over......... 4.7 4.3 7.0 3.4 24.8 4.9 3.0 Tennessee. al All ica, number...... 2,337,885 || 1,832,757 | 20,423 17, 335 15,478 | 451, 758 134 Beet ROT Se --+- ere “} 280,739 { "232,474 | 1,425), 1,135 45 45, 653 7 Deo Ld4yeaty. |...) ‘562,821 452,304} | -3,217,}" © 2,668 429 | 104, 103 10 5 to 24 ea il 445, 443 345,774 | | 2,617 3,000 1,348 92, 684 20 S to 34 years....---- sen: 4 ” 058 257, 983 2, 812. 3,120]. . 2,581 68, 534 28 to 44 years......-. eet) 1 76ct36 210, 152 3,278 3,174, 8,215 56, 285 31 4 Biosty oll fie. Sp 210, 131 157,025 3,597 2,290 2,940 | 44,259 20 ce to 64 years........ conte | 124,915 “96,384 2,357 1,168} 2,238 22,060 8 BE coats Salman 101,189 79,371 | | .1,106 769 2,661 17, 275 7 Age wecsterapess 2,154 -1, 200 rae Ld 11 21 905 3 aE 100. 0 “100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0} 100.0 5 years. es 1A 12.0 12,7 7,0 6.5 0.3 10.1 §.2 a Be -: 24.1 24.7 15. 8 15.4 2.8 23.0 at eee Menbs......../ Lal 19,1 18.9 ee 17.3 7 20.5 14.9 0 34 yeats......... et 14.3 14.1 13.8 18.0 16.7 15.2. 20.9 av th We aa 11,8 11.5 16.1 18.3 20.8 12.5 23.1 EEA § a0 9.0 8.6 17.6 13. 2 19.0 9.8 14. 9 oon 73 O03 11.5 6.7 14.5 4.9 6..0 ~ 4.3 4.3 5.4 “4.4 17.2 3.8 $2 | &.8f i>. 158 TABLE 49.—DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION CLASSES BY BROAD AGE GROUPS, BY ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION, DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. Sal AGE, East SoutH CENTRAL— Continued. Alabama. ) Allages, number.....-| 2,348,174 Under 5‘years:...... sn<-'s 299, 522 ot0 14:years. cos... -b sues 617, 643 1510 24 years... ....b soo’, 456, 268 20.6034 Yearsia...... sne- 325, 332 35 to 44 years....-........ 261, 647 45 to 54 years:........ 2...) 196, 974 55 to 64 years... ....-..-.- 104, 583 65 years and Over......... 83, 498 Age unknown..,...... ‘ys 2, 707 All ages, per cent...-.. 100.9 Wnder 5years... 2.) ever. 12,8 9 t0;14 years.;.....-4 4 sae 26.3 15 to 24 years....... Le athe 19.4 29 b0 34 years.......4 a a. } 13,9 35 tO 44 years..... }> 6 113.6 5 to 14 years.......j.b0.. 20.3 28. 4 23.0 25.9 4,4 11.3 20. 8 Sto 24 -years........¢-S. - 15.0 15.7 AT. 7 19:2 TAY kbckd; £7308 25 to 34 years........3.02. 18.6 17.1 1.9 17.5 23.0 ee 12.5 35'to 44 years......-.0.0!. Leda. 12.8 13.2 11.8 26.3 2800 | MOARAT 45'to 54-years........0.28. 9.6 7.5 8.4 6.1 19.3)... .) Meht 2p Oe 55 to 64 years..........01. 5.7 4,5 4,4 : 2.8 12.3)... BOT Hotes 65 years and over-......... 3.1 2.7 1.5 4.1 6.7 | AD} de 6 BIS Idaho, Lalx Allages, number...... 431, 866 294,252 | 47,920] 44,533| 38,963 920] 5,278 Under 5 years........22.. 54, 536 45, 372 3,431 4,856 173 5B = © 649 5 to 14 years.........00... | 97,876 TT, 452 7,895 | 10,437 1,179 99) 814 15 to 24 yearsi:.....01¢.! 73, 640 52,741 7, 881 9,123 3,015 130}. 5 750 B5 to 84 yearsl.......dubot 68, 987 43, 264 9) 227 8, 122 7,363 219]. 792 35 to 44 years......-..00.. 51, 373 32, 698 8,479 6, 115 9,018 191 |. 872 45 to 54 years......2.002.1 40, 007 21,183 6, 483 3, 578 8,084 | 142 | » 587 55 to 64 years./......22..4 24, 269 12,991 3,346 1,620 5,817 ‘SL |) > 444 65 years and Over......... 14, 839 8, 308 1,151 666 4,329 _ bl} oo 854 Age unknown...... 202.1 339 248 27 235.16 35 ty Hi2el- aay WB All ages, per cent...... | 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 Under 5 years.......2.011 12.6 -15.4 4. 2 10.9 0.4 be 6. Os 6 112.3 O40 14 years... 2.1.48... 22.7 26.3 16.5 23. 4 3.0 10,8)» 15.4 1540 24 years......5 ese. 17.1 17.9 16. 4 20.5 dnt hi. W4s1-}) 14.2 20 tO 34 years......;./2.11. 16.0 14,7 19.3 18, 2 18.9 23.8 15.0 do-bO 44 years......) 0604. 13.3 ft. 1 M7. 7 13.7 23.1 20.8 16.5 45 to 54 years.......0i2... 9.3 7.2 13.5 » 8.0 20.6. 15.4 11 55 to 64 years....... 3021. 5.6 4,4 7.0 3.6 14.9 5.5 8&4 65 years and over......... 3.4 2.8 2. 4 ° 45 111 . 8.4 6.7 MEL 4 CA Wyoming. Allages, number...... 194, 402 122, 884 25, 234 16,773 25,255 1,375 2,881 Under 5 years........0... 22, 524 16, 864 3,176 1,954 105 |: 1 BO} 1) 866 Sto 14 yeats.s3.... POY 38, 343 27,633 5, 541 3,695 1,041 128), +» 805 15'to 24 yearsiel.. 1 SA 31, 946 21, 135 4,268 3,353 2,501 |. 261} 428 25 to 34 years? s.... AL 39,318 23,697 4, 865 8,363 6,538 305 | 550 B5'to 44-yearso/)...1 808.8 29, 927 16, 285 3, 529 2,368 6,717. __ 830] > » 698 45 to 54 yeats(.. 1 240.1 17,049 8,965 "2,243 1,226 4, 153. 185 |.» » 277 55 to 64 years........221.. 9,431 4,937 ‘1,192 693 2,478 «65 166 65 years and over.....2... 4,989 2,736 ‘409 217 1,507 85 . 85 Age unknown....../..... 875 632 fa cit be A 215 nets Hite 6 $4.1 Pb NS Sh WoC ae Allages, per cent...... 100. 0 100. 0 100, 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0} 100.0 Under 5 years.......2.0031 11.6 O498,7 | kO.ga6 11.6 0.4 bien vd, Bolge LMT 5 tO 14 years)... 2. Ak. (19.7 492.5 » 22.0 222.0 4,1 98} 10.6 a5 to 24 years.w.. 52 AL. 16. 4 17.2 » 16.9 ‘20.0 9.9.1... xn. IROas dee 25 to 34 years.......5./... 20. 2 19. 3 19.3 ~ 20.1 25.9 |... 2Be2er 26 AOE 35 to 44 years..........01. 15.4 13.3 14.0 14.1 26. 6 24.0] > 24e 45 to 54 years.........016. 8.8 7.3 8.9 7.3 16.4 135°] )) o 8 55 to 64 years..........2.. 4,9 4.0 4,7 3.5 9.8 |... 4.7 Bt 65 years and over......... 2.6 1.62, 2 °1.6 11.3 6..0 251-5. 3.0 i Ry 7@ Dos era a 7 : —- AGE DISTRIBUTION. 161 TABLE 49.—DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION CLASSES BY BROAD AGE GROUPS, BY ». ‘ 4 : AGE. | All classes. ‘ ‘jis ile Movuntain—Continued. ; Colorado. Allages, number. « £22. 939, 629 Under 5 years.........-.- 97, 058 "5 t0 14 years........ aes, 184, 300 TO 24 yeaTs...... 2. Soh 156, 970 to.34 years..... 153, 730 44 years... 134, 428 to 54 years..... 100, 424 _ 55 to 64 years...... 2.2500. 64, 002 65 years and over 41, 063 own 7, 654 lages, per cent....-.. 100.0 un SLO Vears: .... 1. Gor. 10.3 Pele YOarss.......). 20%. 19.6 p24: yeaTs.....-.|.2.2.. 16.7 pee VeaTS...... jie, 16.'4 to 44.years,..... 202000. 14.3 Oot years......-.20).. 10. 7 to 64 years... .... 2.8002. 6.3 years and over......... 4.4 New Mexico. | An ages, mumber......| 360, 350 yenrs...... 3 ae 46, 399 to 14 years.......... ra, 87, 281 GO 24 Oars... 2.21 se 67, 259 a Se yeats........ 2054: 55, 915 to 44. years..... 2.5506: 41, 308 to 54 years... 2.6 .2.: 30, 754 i Gs Years........ e... | 18, 735 years and over......... 12, 244 nown...... ae 455 | All ages, per cent...... 100.0 pen Gryeats....... 0.0... ‘12.9 to.14 years.........).2.. 24.2 ipo 24-years,.......8.2.. 18.7 to 34 yeats........ £00. 15.5 Ad VGaRs, os...) 20>, 11.5 10.54 years........ 1). ¥e 8.5 mo.Odyears...... L005. §. 2 ears and over......... 123.4 Arizona. 2 g All a es, number..... 334, 162 |}. der Siyears. ..... MS 40, 807 14 years... ..... 1. $20.5 70, 567 me 24 youts...... 505.3 60, 273 1034 years......./.250.! 60, 452 _@o0'to 44 years... 20. 20265 46,854 “45 to'54 years... .... 05254 29, 254 H5'to 64 years..... 22.0525: > 14, 953 65 years and over......... 9,977 i unknown...... j-O4t <0 1, 025 nee ages, per cent...... 100.0 Inder Syears....-....... 12.2 ree peerees----+- 0450 21.1 5 to 24 years.......... . . 18.0 ipo vears......4.0 ab... 18.1 85 to 44 years............. -14.0 sap to 54 years......_.0-/:. 8.8 5 to 64 years........ S235. 4.5 9 years and over.....-.:. 3.0 75108°—23——11 DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. ~ NATIVE WHITE. Foreign Mixed parentage. | parentage.| parentage. 56, 129 12; 298 6, 909 5, 107 7,915 8, 437 23, 862 3, 128 1, 818 7,115 74 63 100. 0 109.0 100.0 12.0 11.6 10.7 21.5 24.0 2155 17.63 18. 5 19.9 ~14.8 17.6 13.2 13.8 9.5 9.3 = 6: I 4.6 2.4 2. 5 37, 143 4,015 2, 030 69,402 | 4,818 3,442 “2963 | | 2,457 2, 433 2,012 29, 725 1,871 | | 1,557 22, 527 'Y, 487 1, 105 13, 875 945 539 8, 887 423 266 378 10 6 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 13.6 21.3 15.1 95.5 25.7 15.2 18/3 12.9 15.0 9.9 11.6 07.9 8.2 5.0 4.0 2.2 2.0 19, 165 10, 062 3, 839 83, 442 10, 348 6,227 26, 322 5, 550 3,935 5, 033 3, 460 20, 691 3, 938 2,718 12, 757 2, 658 1, 505 6, 914 1} 348 67 4,317 557 307 2 40 10 0 100.0 100.0 .7 25.5 16.9 1 28. 2 27.5 i 14.0 “17.4 5 12.7 15.3 ay 10.0 12.0 .4 6.7 6.6 6 3.4 3.0 .9 1.4 14 pat et et DD SRONMOROSS SWAN D > Gr OO Or — eww pes SS Saws WOoWrRONON a Ow mmonitinesS etc NOOR EIS Indian, Chinese, Japan- ese, and all other. 18.8 8 —D RBSR Ah DSBHRGS NONI NWNHNDS q 162 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——POPULATION, TABLE 49.—DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION CLASSES BY BROAD AGE GROUPS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. NATIVE WHITE. Indian, ; Chinese SEDER ERE RIERA SEEEe ES Oe AGE. All classes. : born Negro. Baa Native Foreign Mixed white. and all parentage. | parentage.| parentage. other MountTain—Continued. Utah. All ages, number. ..... 449, 396 245, 781 75,901 63,764 56, 455 1,446 6, 049 Under 5 years.....-.....- 61,375 48,052 5, 593 6,747 165 95 763 Sto 14 years... ....-. 05.5 108, 117 78, 371 11, 589 15, 366 1, 805 155 831 15,to 24 years-L..-. 2.235. 4 81,977 49, 541 12,043 14, 694 4, 598 203 898 — 25 to 34 years..........--. 68, 502 31, 239 14, 207 11, 710 9, 895 342 | . 1,109 35 to 44 years.........0.-. 53, 987 18, 209 14, 440 8, 374 11, 355 8} 1,261 45 to 54 years.........00.. 36, 145 9,789 11, 307 4,340 9, 844 205 660 55 to 64 years......-...2.. 22,949 6, 242 5, 497 1,927 8,951 56 276 65 years and Over.......-.. 15, 883 4,076 1, 212 572 9,761 33 229, Age unknown...........- 461 262 53 34 81 9 22 All ages, per cent...... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 Under 5 years...........- 13:7 19.6 7.3 10.6 0.3 6.6 12.6 Sto i4 years... se. ve. 8. 24.1 31.9 15.3 24,1 |. 3. 2 10. 7 13.7. bb:to 24 years........820.. 18. 2 20. 2 15.9 23.0 8.1 14.0 14.8 25 to 34 years........1... 15.2 12.7 18.7 18.4 Le 23.7 18.3 30ito 44 years... ...5.5.9%. 12.0 7.4 19.0 iG BEE e 20.1 24.1 20.8 450 54 years. ... 2. 107-08. 8.0 4.0 14.9 6.8 17.4 14.2 10.9 55ito 64 years........0.55. 5. 1 2.5 7.2 3.0 15.9 3.9 4,6 65 years and over. ....... 3.5 1:7 1.6 0.9 17.3 23) 3.8 Nevada. Allages, number. ....: 77, 407 36, 285 11, 701 7,911 14, 802 o 346 [> » 6,362 Under 5 years.......2.... 6, 743 4,115 1, 256 719 73 15 565 5:40.24 years: ..-....|. Same! 12, 469 7, 358 2, 069 1,509 363 30 1,140 15 to 24 years........20102 10,775 5, 602 1, 331 1, 465 1, 361 42 974 254034 yeasts)... . 1428 .¢ 14, 403 6,179 1, 898 1, 489 3, 866 68 903 35 to 44 years......-...2.- 14,325 5, 749 2,338 1, 406 3, 829 81 922. 45 to 54 years........22+-. 9, 664 3, 820 1, 629 841 2,518 68 738 56t0 64 years./... 22. 26..5 5, 240 2,049 826 328 1,495 23 519 65 years and over--....... 3,473 1, 238 346 148 1, 236 19 486 Age unknown...../..1... 315 175 8 6 if ETS pert 65 All ages, per cent....-. “100.0 100, 0 100. 0 100, 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 Under 5 years..........:- 8.7 (a 10.7 | oO 0.5 4.3 8.9 6 to14 years... Sa. 16. 1 20. 3 17.7 19.1 2.5 8.7 17.9 15 to 24 years........0.01. 13.9 15. 4 11.4 18.5 9.2 12.1 15.3 25Ho 34 years. .......0.22. 18.6 17.0 16. 2 18.8 26. 1 19.7 14,2 35 to 44 years........0.6!. 18.5 15. 8 20. 0 17.8 25,9 23. 4 14.5 45 to 54 years........5.... 12.5 10.5 13.9 10.6 17.0 ,. ae 12,4 50 't0 64 years........4.2.. 6.8 5.6 asd 4,1 10.1 6.6 82 65 years and over......... 4.5 3.4 3.0 1.9 8.4 5.5 7.65 PACIFIC. Washington. é All ages, number...... 1,356, 621 711, 706 214, 618 143, 398 250, 055 6,883. 29,961 Under 5 years. .... 2.2... 126, 434 82,750 20, 064 17, 594 1,399 399 4,228 Sf 4 years.su.. Yl. 0EP 4 245, 811 149, 782 47, 532 34, 620 9,077 814]. 3,986 15'to 24 years/.......640.1 217, 499 121, 305 41, 830 29, 523 19, 287 922} 4,632 25 tO 34 years.........52.: 239, 867 116, 052 40, 902 24, 461 50, 1,400 6, 196 35 to 44 years........25..1 213, 392° 97, 999 28, 238 17,921 61,982 1,563 5, 689 45. to 54 yéars........20... 151, 215 67, 541 19, 930 10, 700 49, 250 1,034 2, 760 55 to 64 years........2.... 97, 405 43, 248 11, 461 5, 590 35, 318 444 1,344, 65 years and over......... 60, 211 29, 642 4,409} 2,838 22, 159 238 925 Age unknown.......23.... 4,787 3, 387 252 151 42, Re 69 201 All ages, per cent...... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 |. Under 5 years.........0!. 9.3 11.6 9.3 12..3 0.6 5,8 Bio 14 yearga: 02. 8S 18. 1 21.0 22.1 24.1 3.6 11.8 15.to 24 years........2.21. 16. 0 17.0 19.5 20.6 Ale | __ 1334 25to 34 years.......0..11. 17 16.3 19.1 iy Sah 20. 3 20.3 3510 44 years........5.0.- 15. 7 13. 8 13. 2 12.5 24. 8 2267 45 to 54 years..........0.- ( 11.1 9.5 9.3 7.5 19.7 15.0 55 tO 64 years... ole .2 6. 7.2 6.1 5.3 3.9 14.1 6.5 65 years and Over......... 4.4 4,2 2.1 2.0 8.9 3.5 AGE DISTRIBUTION, 163 TABLE 49.—-DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION CLASSES BY BROAD AGE GROUPS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. ; NATIVE WHITE. Indian | Foreign Chinese, AGE. All classes. born Negro. | J@pan- Native Foreign Mixed. white. fa parentage. | parentage.| parentage. and all other. Paciric—Continued. Oregon, All ages, number...... 783, 389 497, 726 95, 827 73,442 102, 151 2,144 |} 12,099 Under 5 years...../.2.... 71,318 |} 54,660 7, 618 7,215 392 117 1,316 5 to 14 years.........0.... 142, 098 103, 265 17, 896 15, 746 3,231 263 | 1,697 15'to 24 yedrs.. 22.2522... 125, 924 84, 201 17,361 14, 416 7, 587 268 | 2,091 25 to34yeats.......0..1..| 132,767 79,182}. 19,028 13,277 18, 997 411 } 1,872 35 to 44 years....... Bsr are 118, 904 | 67, 674 14,379 10,477 23,955 581 1,888 45 to 54 years... 2.22.0... 88, 391 49,424 10, 421 6,745 20, 165 343 1,293 mo vo 64 years... /0....... 60, 550 33, 679 6,327 3, 546 15, 704 133 1,161 65 years and over......... 42, 583 25, 052 2,731 1,979 11, 993 71 757 Age unknown............ 854 589 66 41 127 7 24 All ages, per cent...... 100.0 100.0 ‘100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 iinder biyears... 200.22. 9.1 11.0 7.9 9.8 0.4 5.5 10.9 bo i4 years... ..J.......- 18.1 20. 7 18.7 24: 3.2 12.3 14.0 POLO 24-VeaTse. 2. ees) 16.1 16.9 18.1 19.6 74 12:57 LS 25 to 34 years.........020. 16.9 15.9 19.9 18.1 18.6 19.2 1515 35 to 44 years............. 15.2 13. 6 15.0 14.3 23.5 24. 8 15.6 45 to 54 years.... 22.2.0... 3 9.9 10.9 9.2 19.7 16.0 10.7 55 to 64 years..........,.. 1B 6 6.8 6.6 4,8 15. 4 6.2 9.6 65 years and over......... 5.4 5.0 2.8 2.7 11.7 3.3 6.3 California. Allages, number...... 3, 426, 861 1, 677, 955 573, 927 331, 167 681, 662 38,763 | 123, 387 Under 5 years: ........... 275, 727 156, 272 63, 368 32, 280 4, 260 2,596 | 16, 951 5to 14 years......-. i 539, 555 306,331 | 117,242 65, 730 30, 679 5,439) 14,134 ie to24 years... ... 2" c. 518, 094 277, 614 88, 682 61, 998 66, 619 5, 961°} 17, 220 510 34 years... 614, 023 283, 824 95, 892 60, 633 141, 510 8,039°| 24,125 35 to 44 years.......5..... 572,410 || 245,273 85, 288 51, 205 157, 823 7,941 | 24,880 45 to 54 years:.........-.. 426, 601 181,737 | 68, 245 33,117 124,392 5,087 | 14,023 55 to 64 years... .......2... 270, 731 121,096 38, 972 17, 120 83, 824 2,176 7, 543 65 years and over......... 200, 301 100, 134 15, 600 8,759}. 70, 433 1,359 | 4,016 _Ageunknown............ 9,419 5, 674 638 325 2,122 165 495 All ages, per cent...... 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0- 100. 0 100.0 100.0 Under 5 years... ..-...2.. 8.0 9.3 11.0 9.7 0.6 6.7 13:7 5 t0:14 yearsi: 22.2222. 0.. 15.7 18.3 20. 4 19, 8) 4.5 14.0 11.5 4510-24 years: >... fue. 15.4 16.5 15.5 18:7 9.8 15. 4 14.0 25 to 34 years.:.... 02.0.2. 17.9% , 16.9 16.7 18.3 20.8 20. 7 19.6 35 to 44 years...... 0/22... 16.7 14.6 14.9 15.5 2352 20.5 20. 2 45'to 54 years......0.2.... 12. 4. 10.8 11.9» 10.0 18.2 wwe hBauck 11.4 69 to 64 years: .. 2.5.0... 7.9 7.2 6.8 5.2 12.3 5.6 6.1 65 years and over......... 5.8 6.0 2:7 2.6 10.3 3.5 ac3 <3 164 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS=—-POPULATION, TABLE 50.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS, FOR - [By class of population for CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. |All ages.! Alabama. BmrmuiInGcHAM—AII classes.......----.- 178, 806 Native white—Native parentage: .| 92,211 Foreign parentage. . 6,677 Mixed parentage... 3, 578 Foreign-born white. -.....5.5...21 6, 084 N@PEGE Oh. . 2.. CL ASEL AL. <\5 Te tecen 70, 230 MOBILE—AH classes. 222.422... -80b58% 60,777 MONTGOMERY—AII classes. ......22.2- 43, 464 Arizona, PHOENIX—AII classes... ...20ecse2ee-.| 29,053 Arkansas, Fort SmitH—All classes. .......se04-- 28, 870 LifTLE Rock—All classes.......i. -+--| 65,142 : California. Los ANGELES—AIl classés......2....- 576, 673 Native white—Native parentage. .| 294, 458 Foreign parentage.| 86,808 Mixed parentage...| 53, 541 » Foreign-born white) .e...-.022.22) 11250575 Bperocee fb SS , Get 2k 15) 579 OHinese). 0.0...) OURUAE. Sager: se 2, 062° Japaneses...) BURA. 128 3 11, 618 OAKLAND—AIl classes. J.-J... J 222.02 216, 261 Native white—Native parentage..| 90,279 a parentage..| 445061 Mixed parentage...| 24,502 Foreign-born white. /.. 22.22.22... 45, 162 Negrocé foc... 2) Sat Shs eae 2 5, 489 CTABBSG 2. 0:5 baie ences yee awa 3, 821 Japaneses... AVE... F.8.eos. 2, 709 SAN FRANcISCO—AII classes......0...| 506,676 _ Native white—Native parentage. .} 167,179 Hides parentage..| - 125, 648 Mixed parentage...| 56,995 Foreign-born white. ..........2..- 140, 200 CLLOL er wc eR Bo 2,414 Chineses. 32.7... Shi... RE 7, 744 Japanese. 24.22. a. Bes 5, 358 ALAMEDA—AIl classes.........2.....-- 28, 806 BERKELEY—AIl classes <7. ttt Tiree 56, 036 FRESNO—AII Classes... ....-..-ceecece 45, 086 Lone BEACH—AII classes............. 55, 593 PASADENA—AII classes..............-- 45, 354 SACRAMENTO—AII classes.........---. 65, 908 SAN DieGo—AII classes. .............. 74, 683 SAN JOSE—AII classes........2...2...- 39, 642 STOCKTON—AlIl classes........---...-. 40, 296 Colorado. DENVER—All classes. .........¢5..22-- 256, 491 Native white—Native parentage..| 144,678 Foreign parentage..| 43,062 Mixed parentage...| 24, 284 Foreign-born white............... 37,620 OPO ew et a nse San bs ole ee 6, 075 COLORADO SPRINGS—AIl classes....... 30, 105 PUEBLO—AII classes. .........20222.- 43, 050 Connecticut. BRIDGEPORT—AIl Classes.............- 143, 555 Native white—Native parentage..| 36,816 Foreign parentage..| 47,094 Mixed parentage...} 10, 896 Foreign-born white..............- 46,414 CREO ede een tule aie are? oa oe ale 2, 228 1 Includes persons of unknown age. years. AGE PERIODS, 85, 681 45, 965 12) 871 9) 525 12;,807 2,524 263 1, 551 32, 877 214, 141 104, 679 po ue we © $4 & _ “TO? He OO. & oO BEeees 65 years and over. B. oe nN SLnoS me —« DLN D PD -oOOos BReZZ35 8 =F oe LA Db NO a eta PD as ha Ae MF» rt ag Fn dos i | 20 > ae as ~~ ~1 Ze += 2 orrad/GoAGE° DISTRIBUTION. | 165 CITIES HAVING 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920. _ cities of 100,000 and over.) DWH H*IDOOOSCWMCTITWOOCWNWROION PNR HK OWWRAID . OLN PER CENT OF TOTAL. afv CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION ! jaa De 8 os ae bh or oe peor at! jos a] Badend| St014 | 15 to 24 125 to 44 |'45 toes’ | Fears AN Gp hectmayl egellael » | oeaoy 1 Ae, years. years. years. years. om Wy . over. Alabama. IRMINGHAM—AII classes. . sen: 0-4 snes e+e- 9. 2 19.1 20. 7 35.3 13.1 2.3 oN ative wetter Beare parentage........ 10. 4 19.7 20. 0 34. 9 12.4 2.6 op . Forei Phtea ge parentage....... 14.0 31.0 19.5 22. 9 11.3 1.4 parentage. ........ 10. 5 23. 5 22.9 30. 5 11.2 1.3 _ Rorelph-born white. = de ake B-<-$ ope “pe - ge “O83 3.9 11.6 46.3 30. 3 7.6 f ae rad he ete ity ts = 2 ce ae co 36. 4 12.7 ce GR be Sr i a ; 9. 8 33.7 15.9 3.6 stoourin—al Babies! aeaeet ct Geeta ee ees ¢ es Ne i em 15.2 3.4 | r Arizona. ’ Bade! Ait LE Spnalel lpeh Raita Borer ee 8.7 16.3 “1773 37.0 16.8 3:7 Ni sro are V0, srr Arkansas. t “sae SMirH—All Classes: ....¢/,---bien,S---| 36 9.5 20. 2 19.1 31.6 15.6 3.7 LimtLe Rock—Alll classes .. ..4/+-..1s2-+-5-- eet 16.6 19.4 36. 6 15. 4 3.5 ee epimers Salifornia. a ANGELES—AII classes. ...........------ 6.6 13. 4 14.9 37.1 21.6 6. goa aye: white—N ative parentage... -... 7.0 14.4 15.6 35.5 20..5 6. : ¢ ape Foreign parentage.....--} - 10.2 18.9 14. 8 32. 2 20.5 ae ‘i Mixed patettage, ep ae 8.5 16.9 17.8 36.8 16. 6 3. ~ Foreign-born white. Se Ute gaigg phtegsie “0.8 5.3 11.4 43.3 29. 5 9. 4y Tm eo a ea pee ie 6.3 13.8 16.2 42.3. 13.0 2. gne CHING, «1 ua, *y--- Se ee 6.51) gn dt. 4 12.8 28.5 36. 3 4, PuMEPAtOSG...0F.... 5-2-4 Aca vane AE aSe waa 17.6 2 Oo 13.3 50. 8 8.8 0. —All classes... ..- TESS een ee 7.6 15.1 15. 2 37.0 19.8 as Native Wotie Native Parefiiags. 3.22... 10.1 18. 7 16.8 33. OD 16.3 4, Tain ce-o! cacwor a} ePoreign parentage...., -- ~- 8.4 18. 5 17.0 36.9 16.9 2. Bis | ‘Mixed paretitage. ..-.--.- . ye 10, 2 20.0 19.4 35, 3 13.0 I. in Horeige-ten Whites neve aeentsns | 0.3 3.0 8.3 43.9 32.8 LL. EMO Gen. s.-.) cys Son t «Seay pont “bee e- ee tere 11. 4 15.3 48, 0 16.7 3. my, @HINESO.\....} 55 “us - -;- pest ape aes he DF adage 1 4e- 23,2 38,4 1. papeaee | ROD sh Lo eae. ee - b 18H pan 24.9 15.8 36. 8 19.9 4, 6.8 13.6 13. 6 31.9 24, 5 o 7.6 16.9 15.8 30. 5 21.3 Ae St ao 14,6 we t2-9 36. 2 21.4 5. : = ; bee “ Colorado. 7 =a ‘6 ww Ke ON eee 6.9 14.4 16.3 34.8 20. 2 4.9 Native white—Native parentage.......-. 8.5 15.9 16.7 33.6. 16. 8 4.2 a Foreign parentage. ...--. 6.6 17.8 20.0 33.6 19.0 2.8 aes » «Mixed parentage... ---. 8&5 18.6 20. 8 35. 1 14.6 2.2 ats ‘Foreign-born white eh ete baited Bra 97 Bete 7.6 39. 6 38.4°} °° 11.6 CLT Ono. tin. | stem ig Si ema atra hse oo Tt TL eee | 14 16.0 42.1 20.3 3.6 SLORADO SPRINGS-—All Classes...) o4--5-5- ‘6.8 |. 15.5 16. 8 31.0 23.0 6.5 B REL ren tiaeste- Sean S- pee 4 te" ~ | oe =O - 9.5 18.8 16. 5 32.7 18. 1 4.1 | te wok} * Connecticut. — Baigpor lasses mleMae goto «$Me wth = bore 12.8 i xan de & 16.7 35.0 15.251, 3.0 «Native white—Native parentage....-..- | ow tee & 17.3 TT T3926 15.0 #5 we: Lor. Foreign parentage... +.--| pa ly 6 = 3 18/4" 18. 4 8.4 0.9 i , Mixed par entage, tT oak fey ~ . a . G2 : iN. a 9 ae ie orei -born white -.-)..¢e54---+++ esp. 0. a § “13. ; y ; mig ac et conpae eae aaa Ruf Ph org 11.7 17:5 445 16.1 1.7 166 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION, | TABLE 50.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS, FOR [By class of population for AGE PERIODS. CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. All ages.} i 65 | Under 5| 5 to 14 | 15 to 24 | 25 to 44 | 45 to 64 |"? Years years. | years. | years. | years. | years. over Connecticut —Continued. HARTFORD—AII classes. ....-..--2.---- 138, 036 14,253 | 23,067 | 23,976 47, 967 a 370 5,331 Native white—Native parentage..} 40,327 4,322 6,352 7,436 | 12,980 | 6,716 2 488 Foreign parentage..| 41,754 || 7,879 | 12,116] 7,951 | 8)757| 4,554 "476 rae Mized parentage... % 933 j, 802 2, 75 2,441 | 3,308 975 132 oreign-born white......,-2.----- 1, 443 5,155 | 21,391 | 10,473 2,1 Nosros ss... (ee ES 4,199 || © 378] '678| 955 | 1,477 | 595 | eri NEw _HAvENn—All classes. ....-------- 162,537 || 17,940 | 31,004 | 27,266 | 51,555 | 27,540] 6/944 Native white—Native parentage. .| 44,401 5, 242 7, 815 8,019 | 13,131 7, 198 2, 822 Forei ign parentage. 54,702 |} 10,195 | 17,594] 10,286] 10,382] 5,625| 598 Sane at 9 parentage. . i Hdl eh 3, or 2,755 3, 649 1, 158 176° orelene OF. WHILE. . odor eons 1, 623 5,449 | 22,600 | 12,691 Negron ee EP Sot 4,573 430 | -’680°}-- °'738-}- 1,795 |. "824 ote Mienipee Al Glassen: . de opeee bak 29,867 || 3,172] 5,553} 5,122] 9,025] 5,375| 1,590 NEW BriTAIn—All Classes. .......-.-- 59, 316 8,142 | 12,060 9,795 | 19,642} 7,998 1, 667 New LoNDON—AlL classes. .....-..-+ 25,688 || 2'571| 4,391] 4,481] 8109| 4785) 1,347 NORWALK—All classe$.......scsseeeee 27,743 || 2}596 | 5,057 | 4,390} 8 367| 5,537| 1,746 poicee et ese. a Bhp 3, Le 4, es z, 086 |-- 5,523 | 11,387] 5,518 | ~1,307 ATERBURY—AII classeS...,....++--- . 10, 17,564 | 16,113 | 31,575} 13,311 2, 669 Delaware. WILMINGTON—AII Classes............-- 110, 168 11,541 | 18,522 | 19,814 | - 1 ' Native white—Native parentage. .| 56,868 || 6,261 | 9,662 | 10, 931 rt 348 % ihe 2? He Foreign parentage .| 19,132 |} 3,590] 5,385| 3,343] 3,758] 2665| 386 : Mixed parentage... 7, 103 977 1, 586 1,329 2, 085 914 205 Foreign-born white.......00......- 16, 279 33 | °° 455 2, 056 8, 416 4,135 1,119 Fy yeaa Bhs OE fae aT 10, 746 679 | 1,482} 2,153} -- 4; 2,007 368 District of Columbia. ‘W ASHINGTON—A1] Classes. ..../22....- 437, 571 30,436 | 59,656 | 84,581 | 161,085 | 79, 28: 20 Native white—Native parentage. .| 239,488 |] 18,244 | 33,760 | 48,298] 86,156 | 40, 183 | 11 646 Foreign parentage .| 35,129 2,781 5, 194 6,022 | 10,946 8, 706 1,434 Mixed parentage...) 23, 695 1,555 3,111 4,603 9,210 | 4,275 901 Aion OF ai WhHikttrsic. suiceeucec. +x sa on : oo Z io maar? ae 13,071 | 8,253 3, 073 og i PAR ee socwe OGG Te 7a a y ; 22,253 | 41,381 | 17,682 | 3,566 riosid, i ppceson ee Ad PIBSSOS. ‘Jo cenene sss oy b oe 15,614 | 17,484} 34,555 | 12,832 2,470 PENSACOLA—All Glasses. 212272 ae 31, 035 2) 896 5.704 87590 | - 10°94 aaat a TamPA—All classes 51,608 |] 5, 18 10° 133 9° 734 17 384 7185 309 2 ws Gee 9 ? J DOD eee eeresese eeeerreer ] ? 5] , ‘y 7,185. p re Georgia. ATLANTA—AIlI classes oo. Jeol elle. 200, 616 17, 134 4 Native white—Native parentage. . 124; 948 11, 789 oy 708 35° aa Pig *ttan Date } eo : 5, 44,059 | 17,109 | 4,167 paneien parentage . 4,815 479 1, 224 884 1,333 785 110 Mixed parentage... 3, 284 306 578 540 1, 208 5 3M s ike Foreign-born white 4,738 15 156 579 | 23210] 1,418] 368 5S Y es. oe eng HS. HRS Sp Lala a 62,796 || 4,544 | 10,470] 14,483 | 23°344| 8'396| 1,571 AUGUSTA—AIl classes. ...... 222 ee eeee 52,548 || 4,263] 8,944] 10,769} 18,367| 8324] 1.771 CoLUMBUS—All classes..............0: + 31,125 |) 2,671| 6,116| 7,214| 9737] 4.280] 1,103 errant ene: S38 | Gomi | ston | eS] Soe | ks | 2am J —Al OB: Sasiede ee d : 14,0 17,831 | 30,532 | 11,495 | 2,212 & Lae Illinois. CHicaGco—All classes... eee 2,701,705 || 272,455 | 481,271 | 448 688 971, 263 | 438 35 - Native white—Native parentage. .| 642; 871 ||“ 96,138 | 139,293 | 111,974 | 2017 423 75) 304 6237 * Foreign parentage .| 888, 496 || 132, 441 | 236, 862 | 178,055 | 245, 384 87,362 | 7,804 Pika’ | Miged parentage. .. a a 36, 304 68, 836 56,515 | 70,745 | 18,361 38 ‘oreig Bh URED ip har ae ; 4,390 | 81,929 | 399, 536 0 250 I SEE lees 109, 458 || 6/404} 12'2921 197772] 52° 716 6 a a 959 AvRorA—Allclasses............2... 36,397 || 3,420] 6,008] 5,858 )° 120771 7061] 1,941. BLOOMINGTON—Aliclasses............ 28, 725 2, 255 4,458 4, 853 9, 168 5, 928 2? 009 CERO TOWN—All Classes....2./2..... 44/995 || 5,618 | 10,452 | 77817 | 15,301 | 5)013 1°) 57 DANVILLE—AII classes... one eee eee 33, 776 2, 999 5, 823 5,766 | 10,979 6, 285 1,907 DircaTuR—Allclasses.....01.tc2s.0--- 43,818 || 3,827] —7,499| 8,266] 13/889] 8 100| 2,209. East St. Lovis—All cl t ; : , : By _ Gyouis—All elasses.< 2-042... 66,767 || 6,591 | 12,523 | 12'184 | 937914] 10,387] 1,825 LGIN-—All classes. v2.2.5. eee 27, 454 1,735 | 3,738 4,773 ¥ 285 | 1,939 1 Includes persons of unknown age. ag 4 AGE DISTRIBUTION. 167 é CITIES HAVING 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920—Continued. cities of 100,000 and over.] PER CENT OF TOTAL. CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. | 6h a ts Under5 | 5 tol4 | 15 to24 | 25 to44 | 45 to64 |” Years ay and years. years. years. years. years. Connecticut—Continued. GPARTFORD—All classesi\. 0.. 10.3 16.7 17.4 34.7 16.9 3.9 Native white—Native parentage........ 10.7 15.8 18.4 32.2 16.7 6.2 a yee ss Foreign parentage....... 18.9 29. 0 19.0 21.0 10.9 it mae. air a 1 n 8.3 16.0 17:2 37.0 1751 4.3 Oak PARK VILLAGE=HAll classes............. 8.2 16.6 15. 1 35. 0 20.1 4,7 -PEroRIA—Allclasses... Bib 2h. OPiS | REL. 7.4 15.0 17.0 35. 2 20. 2° 5.0 mUENOY + Alclasses-cd v6... 65) .06. 2) LR XE 7.3 15.3 17.1 31,2 21.99 7.2 Rock ISLAND—A ll classes... 2.2......- 2g a 8.3 15.6 17.0 35.5 18.8 4.6 me OCKFOHRD—AIl Classes... ..).........5....... 9.0 15.6 18,1 34.9 17.4 4,8 NSPRINGFIELD—AIl classes..................2- 8.3 1737 17.2 8258048 1827 5.2 nike | OA Indiana. InpIANAPous—All classes tdodGicdt. Lae OE 8:1 TH15S2 17.6 35.3 18:7 4.6 Native white—Native parentage. heaven las 9.3 16.8 19.0 34.2 16, 2 4,0 Forei ign parentage........ 5.9 11.6 12.0 3257 32.6 5.5 Mixed parentage......... 6.3 13.9 17.5 39.7 19, 4 3.2 ag eae Whitecss: | .2ac per. A AS 0.1 2:2 7.4 40, 9 33,5 16:6 POPRTOR Ufa. o) OLS ik GTO EY ULL ee 7/2 18} 18.:3 39:7 16. 4 3.0 “ANDERSON—AIl Classes... .........----00-00. 9.0 bv19I0 19.1 31.6 18.5 4.8 Bast Cuicago—Allclasses....,;.2.... 02.22. I, 5 20.6 14.3 37.8 10.3 0.9 EVANSVILLE—All Classes. -. 0.2002. L le c.2k. 8. 4 1722 18. 4 32.4 18.6 5.0 ForRT WAYNE—All classes. ...2..20... 00.000. 89°}; 16:1 18.9 33.6 17.7 4,7 _Gary—Ail feossesets 2.1 Cay a Prk a Re #1920 -» boa Z 40.9 10.1 11 AMMoND—Allclasses...............csL. 2. 12.3 20.8 16. 8 34.7 13/1 2.2 "Ke OKOMO—A lI classes. .....1......2.........- 10. 2 16.7 18. 8 32. 1 17.3 4,9 SMUNCIE—Al) classes... .ooJ.1.............2-. 8.7 i iy Ba) 18. 2 3177 18.8 Bia geicumonD—All 1 2k ot ST Ee 8.0 |) 16.0 16.5 31.8 20. 8 6.8 POUTH Benp--All classesy...2:2.301.. 10:9 20.1 17.6 BOL). 15.4 cs ty ; ERRE Havuts—All classes emt, Paw ab cde Soo 8.3 17.0 17.9 33.0 18.9 4,8 e.. |e lowai ‘Des Moines—AIl classes....2......-.uee--- 8.8 16.1 18.3 34. 7 17.3 4.6 Pi: Native white—Native parentage. . 22.2.5 10.4 | 18.0 19.5 32.4 AL SSS 14:2 a Foreign parentage....... He 7.4 15.2 171 38.3 19, 1 2.8 Mixed parentage... ..u.J.. ie 3 SURE2 21.8 37) 4 bis Wipe 2.6 SE icccaenborn Wine: dds oe SRR 0. 2 29 8. 6ip ts": [4250 33. 3 12.9 ihigt RIEL » le Soca om e'e t cB) che 8.6 11428 18.3 38.3 16.9 2.8 Grpan RAPIDS—All classes.................. 8.6 ‘16. 2 17.8 33.8 18. 4 5.1 UNCIL BLUFFS—AIl classes... 20.2020. 222 9.4 BIG. 7. 18.0 Shee - 17.6 5.0 JAVENPORT—AII Classes. ....c22.5.-.. lene 7.9 |: 15.8 17.0 34.5 19. 2 5.4 UQUE—AI]I classes. /2.....0...6... by RE 9, 2 16.5 17.6 30.9 19.8 5.9 ux Crry—All classes... sh b. 0b a ke 9.5 15.7 19.1 36.0 16. 0 3.6 ATERLOO—AII classes...... 2.0.02... ec aee 9.4 17:2 17:6.) ..... Bad Se 16.9 4.5 Kansas, | SAS Ciry—All classes... .0.......0 020.02. 10.1 ‘18.4 17:8 32:9 16.7 3.9 ~ Native white -Native parentage......2.. Sak 4 2021 19.3 80. 5 14.6 3.9 ae, ; Foreign parentage...... » 16.6 24.6 16.2 25.1 15/222 2.2 i% Mixe parentage So, 1} 79 19, 2 21.8 34.2 14. 8°): 2.4 ut Foreign-born white. Grind: $fe.2%..) Sh Oe O91} SiS BCS 11.4 47.0 27:7 7.4 Pa ak Seeae eda os SAMA I, 7.8 16.7 16.9 37.1 17.7 ES OPEKA—AIT Classe oss Se Swick Liss lel 8.8 51622 17.5 ahs 19. 2 6.7 \ IcHITA—All classes... . BOK diam. a tdci do » as 16.8 18. 1 83.9 17.2 5:3 Kentucky. VILLE—All Classes... .jui.é.-.-ssi---- 7 iit 16, 2 17.9} 33.8 © 19,5 4,8 She Native ‘fala ative parentage...:.1 Cs a 10,3 20.7 20. 4 32:0 13.3 3.3 ; hg oo n parentage........ 2,3 657. 10.;1i4: 3L.7 42. 4 6.7 \ parentage... 2.i.... 4,3 12.9 19. 2 42. 0 19.4 1 2.2 a Foreign-born white RC SR IS I aie 0. | i. 4 7 eaage# i 40. 2 26. 3 PepTON 18s. Poe be. 2S. COS eb AE Bi poy 1279 pa GGG nae 12 19.3 8.7 . G1ox—All classes 21-2 beRess Lop 2. 8.5 16.9 ORT Bok: 82.9 HIG 2 ‘15. ET XINGTON—AI] Classesi...... by thie b Si. it. 7.0 14.9 16:5)).9 9234.6 21.2 5.6 8.6 16:6 LAG fiog 1827 5.1 eres gral C1ASsP8ud. i 24 BRE nee}. LSS, as 170 ABSTRACT OF THE’ CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 50.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS, FOR. [By class of population for . Nees nnn: ee AGE PERIODS. CITY AND CLASS, OF POPULATION, All ages.} Underd| 5 to14 | 15 to.24 | 25 to 44 | 45 to 64 | pas years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | 97. Louisiana. NEw ORLEANS—AIl classes....1...-. 387,219 || 32,383 | 70,341 | 77,494 | 130,099 | 61,792 | 14,329 Native white—Native parentage. . 190, 641 20, 923 | 42,593 44) 301 | 59,224) 19, 8, 887 Foreign parentage... 41, 806 L, 813 5, 305 5, 235 |. 11,845 | 14,974 2, 593 Mixed parentage...| 27,477 1, 729 3, 850 4,553 10, 905 5,585 . 864 Foreign-born white........0.-...- 25,992 99 749 |. 2,948 | .10, 2901 |. 7,682) 4,182 NORTOQL Io scas.b

  • Sp eeI0r WH GGes: = 24 seset aes 32, 104 103 1, 064 3,367 |. 15,136 RiOT 0 te Ac an 5, 834 535 935 862 1, 968 FALL Hives All classesie2¢ 1 0.21..-. 120, 485 || 13,640 | 25,413 | 21,872 | 34,290 Native ee ative parentage. . 19,168 |} 3, 467 5, 144 3, 405 3, 890 eran par entage.. 45, 235 7,508 | 14,011 9, 860 9, 825 Mixed parentage. . 13, 380 2, 523 4, 637 3, 239 2,357 Foreign-born white........0..1...- 42,331 101 1,577 |. . .5,324.|. 18,079 BELO 2 Saat elas, Os ett een era ene 315 40 44 37 uh iy LOWELL—AIl classes Re AAP 112, 759 11,766 | 20,198} 19,324 | 35,671 | Native white—Native parentage. . 24, 676 3, 769 5, 246 3, 831 6, 275 Foreign parentage. 37, 041 5, 626 9, 892 8, 266 8, 992 Mixed parentage... 12,752 2, 243 3, 912 2, 861 2,786 _ Foreign-born Whited... teSsel..<. 38,040 114 1,119 4,326 | 17,527 OpbOe ei. 5 Zo Bee, eR "170 12 26 31+ 60 NEw Beprorp—All classes...1....... 121,217 || 12}977 | 22,402! 21,811-| -39,475 Native white—Native parentage. . 20, 098 2, 468 3, 713 2, 999 5, 370 Foreign parentage. . 36, 379 7,192 | 11,73 7,977 6, 947 Mixed parentage....| 10,976 2,355 3, 744 2,369 1, 964 Foreign-born white...............- 48, 689 215 2, 389 7,636 | 23, 280 INOGID GA ile gi Ya dc ame es 4,998 747 82. 813 }.1, 887" SPRINGFIELD—AII Classes. .-........--- 129,614 |} 12,880 | 20,984] 21,385] 45,948 Native egies, ah parentage. .| 48,945 5, 441 8, 088 8, 184-}. 15, 75L- Popa parentage . 32, 991 5, 222 8, 272 6,085 | 8,476 Mixed parentage...| 13,613 1,971 3,215 3,016 | 4,073 “Rhee white. ..... | 31, 250 62 1,014 3,607 |. 16, 450 NOSTON Obs, vaso Uacwn ins cde tatse'ss - 2, 650 177 392 476 1,118 | 406 WORCESTER—AII classes. .....2..1...- 179, 754 || 19,139 | 31,818 | 29,605 |. 59,802 Native white—Native parentage. .| 50,716 6, 607 9, 683 8,426. | 14,092 op parentage .| 56, 841 9,589 | 15,617 | .11,448 |. 13,538 } } Mixed parentage...| - 17,416 2, 708 4, 684 3, 898 " Foreign-born a Gt MRS “SP OR eR 53, 418 122 1,621 5,582 | 27,049 PRE aie ok Fs nesl = wokopen sole 1, 258 109 202 240 421 BROCKTON—AII classes. ............... 66, 254 6,102} 11,275 | 10,534 | 22,060 BROOKLINE TOWN—AIl Classes. .....-.. 37,748 || 27504] 4.654| 5,626] 13,306 CHELSEA—AIl Classes... .......20.-2.00- 43,184 5, O88 9, 084 7,688} 13,157 1 Includes persons of unknown age. AGE DISTRIBUTION. | 171 CITIES HAVING 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE; 1920—Continued. cities of 100,000 and over.] PER CENT OF TOTAL. CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. : 65 Under5| 5tol4 | 15 to24 | 25 to44 | 45 to 64 |” aa years, years. years. years. years. yt over. Louisiana. NEw ORLEANS—AIl classes..............2-5. 8.4 18.2 20. 0 33.6 16.0 3.7 Native white—Native parentage......... 11.0 2203 23.2) 31.1 10. 2 2.0 Foreign parentage........ 4.3 |) 12.7 12.5 28.3 35.8 6.2 Mixed parentage. ........ 6.3 |) 14.0 16.6 39.7 20. 1 3.1 Foreign-born white........5........22..5 » 004 2.9 Tis 39.6 29.6 16. 1 MI ORTM) rer a5. sty Set sate ogi. Ads ob owls oh) tf 17.6 20. 2 37.3 14.0 2,8 SHREVEPORT—AII classes, .......5.....202-2- 7.8 16.6 21.0 37.8 13.1 2.8) Maine. BANGOR—ALI Classesits is 22 fo. dee og cSlele e. 7.6 16.0 15.9 | 30.6 22.3 7.6 LEewiston-——ALl classes....... 220.2... b cele Ads » 94 18.5 19.4 29.8 1726 Biel PORTLAND—ALI Classes ......052....cceeeee be 8.8 15.7 16. { 32.1. 20.7 6. 4° Maryland. BALTIMORE—AIlI classes. ......).2....200.05. 9.5 1752 18.3 33-1 17.5 4.4 Native white—Native parentage........ 11.4 19. 4 19.3 31.8 14,3 3.8 Foreign parentage........ 11.0 22. 4 18.4 23.9 20.5 3.8 Mixed parentage. ........ 10. 6 19.5 19.0 32.0: 15.6 2.8 Foreign-born ‘white. J). 3.0 so. 3 .n055 oak 0.1 2.9 11.8 43.8 ‘20.8 10.6 eM EOTORTE FC. Lh ba a SOM SDS Ok SRS alec ri” 14.3 19.6 39.6 15.9 2.8 CUMBERLAND—AII classes... 020.5 02.5 00 se es 9.6 18.3 19.3 31.1 15.5 4.3 HAGERSTOWN—AII classes.....2....... whe OE 10,6 18.8 17.6 31.4 16.3 4.8 _- + Massachusetts. Boston+All classes... 0.00. 05.0..05 0088 00- 9.5 17.0 16.7 33.4 18.8 4.4 _~ Native white—Native parentage...-.... 12.1 18.2 16.9 29.1 16.7 6.3 eA f ae Foreign parentage........ 15.3 28.0 20.9 22.6 11.6 1.5 ai Mixed parentage......... 14.8 26. 1 22. 4 26.9 8.6 12 »» Foreign-born white......0.0.0......00.2- anyoOc-2 2.8 10.6 48, 7 30. 6 7.9 —N SERS ESS Sos SR ee ee Se 7.4 11.4 16.4 43. 7, 17D 2.9 OAMBRIDGE—AIl classes... .. PPTs Ol< od -ane gh 9.7 17.4 17.2 32.2 18. 6 4.9 _ Native white—Native parentage........ 12.2 1éi5 17.6 27.9 173 105 ary Gro. Foreign parentage........ 15.4 28.1 21.4 22.4 11; 2 1.6 Y »... Mixed parentage......... 14.1 26.6 23.8 | 25.9 8.3 1,2 - Foreign-born white-......./.0....02.5... 0.3 Sid 10.5 47.1 31.1} 7.6 UMP INCRTOU TAs ee. os OR dd ode Oe Talon 5 alalein ges 10.0 Lhcp 16. 2 36. 9 16.3 3.0 FALL RiverR—All classes, .-.22.....-.2.6205- 11.3 21.1 18.2 28.5 17.0 4.0 _ Native white—Native parentage......... 18. 1 26.8 17.8 20.3 12.1 4,9 M Foreign parentage. ....... 16. 6 31.0 21.8 21.4 8.4 0.8 fy ty Mixed parentage....:.... 18.9 34.7 24.2 17.6 4.2 0.5 Foreign-born white..... Demet 4, Sete 0. 2 3.7 12.6 42.7 32. 6 8.1 CRIN Ulan aik's ode lc'ae oS «004 cols’ me's 12.7 14.0 1s 37.1 21.0 2.9 LOWELI—AII classes.5 2.0... 22. eu). bd ee oes 10. 4 17.9 17.1 31,6 18, 4 4.4 _. Native white—Native parentage......... 15.3 21.3 15.5 25, 4 15.7 6.7 RO vy aorcien parentage. ....... 15.2 26.7 22. 3 24.3 10. 2 1.3 4; " Mixed parentage. ........ 17.6 80.7 22. 4 21.8 6.4 1.4 >) Foreign-born white. )....2........ 2202-5. 0.3 2.9 11.4 46. 1 32,1 7.2 UCT 1 ES Se Se ee ae 7.1 15.3 18.2 35.3 22.4 1.8 New Brprorp—All classes. .--...... eh 10:7 18.5 18.0 (382.6 16.3 3.9 _. Native white—Native parentage......... 12.3 18.5 14.9 26, 7 19.0 8.6 Bit. Foreign parentage. ....... 19. 8 32.2 21.9 19.1 6.3 0.7 ere 7 Mixed parentage......... 21.5 84.1 21.6 17.9 4.2 0.'7 _ Foreign-born white..............: Gages] | pp 04 4.9 15.7 47,8, 25.9. 5.3 RO a ee ee ae ss ee 14.9 16.5 16.3 37.8 3 ee 2.6 SpRINGrELD—All classes. .__...1.2.21.sss.2. 9.9| 16.2 16.5 BB. 4 |. i1TB 4.4 Native white—Native parentage........ Ab | 16.5 16.7 32.2 Tuk 6.3 Foreign parentage........ 15,8 25. 1 18, 4 25.7 13.3 1.6 ‘ee | eg Mixed parentage. . 2... 14.5 23.6 22, 2 29. 9, 8.8 1,0 |. Foreign-born white. ..-.....2..... tag -GR 0.2 ee 11.5 52.6 . 26, 3 6.0 HP IPORLOreD. 2...) er ee, sop E SDL sit Ge 106.7 14.8 18.0 42,2 15.3 3.0 | WorcesTeR—All classes... .....2.....a.0.- 10.6 17.7 16.5 33. 3 17.3 4.6 _ Native white—Native parentage........ 13.0 19,1 16. 6 27.8 16..5 6.8 Qs _ Foreign parentage. .a. -.. 16.9 27.5 20. 1 23. 8 10. 4 1.2 ory Mixed parentage wh hak + GG 615.5 |) 9 2669 22. 4 26.8 7.3 1.0 "Pie Foreign-born white-.... <2... 62. +. 4483-43 0.2 3.0 10.4). 50.6 28. 5tiigit 71 is By egro.. Se deme bois di sce cco ee a abn eee deen a “ee 8. 7 16. 1 19. 1 t ous 5 18. 4 4, *, | Brocxron—aAll classes... ......- Fie sh ob 9, 2 + 17.0 15.9 bs Hs 19.6 4,9 ' BROOKLINE TOWN—AII classes .........+-.4- 6.6 12.3 14.9 ee ne < o 7.0 | CHELSEA—All classes........:00-04--0emae- @. 11,8 21.0 17.8 30. 5 14,6 4.1 ae i. 1 L72 ABSTRACT OF ‘THE CENSUS—-POPULATION. TABLE 50,—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS, FOR “ [ By Class of population for AGE PERIODS. CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. _ | All ages.1 * R 10 BRAD. Ct, SH 4 | Under5| 5 to 14 | 15 to 24 | 25 to 44 | 45 to 64 i years, | years. | years. | years. | years. | 2° over. Massachusetts—Continued. ae CHICOPEE—All classes: .2...... 25+... 36,214 || 5,203 | —7,933-} 6,168} 11,088} 4,818 _ 993 EVERETT—AI] Classes. ....-.. Sere ee |i SOL 20 4,397 7,777 | +6, 897 | 12,134 7,186 |’ 1,723 FITCHBURG—AII classes: ........2----- 41,029 || © 4,500 7,821 | 7,063 | 12,876 6,919 1, 826 HAVERHILL—AIl classes........-..---- 53,884 ||’ 5,039 | 8,888 | ~8,978'1' 17,438 | 10,439 | 3; 046 HoLyokE—All classes:.-....-..- a 60, 203 6,215 | 11,315} 11,131 |-419,209) © 9,987.) 2,320 LAWRENCE—AII classes; ...-..2225.--- 94,270 ||; 10,526 | 18,054 |. 16,211 |} 30,587 |. -15,571 | 3, 289 LYNN—AII classes. ...2.2....-..0. cia | 99,148 || ~9,085 | 16,440 |. -15,758~-) - 83,122") 19, 388) 5,328 MALDEN—AIl classes, ........j)...--.--2 49, 103 4, 692 9,329 8,428 | 14,655.) 9,452 2, 541 MEDFORD—AIl ClasseS........\....-.--- 39, 038 4,098 | 6,793 6,276 | 12,893; 7,059 1,916 NEWTON—AII Classes......:.......---- 46, 054 3, 925 7, 944 7,324) 14,363 | 9,582 2, 899 PITTSFIELD—All classes... ....\.yea--+- 41,763 4,345 7, 442 6,796} 13,764} 7, 459 1, 904 Quincy—All €lasses., ..5.....i. pat RN 47, 876 5, 358 9, 045 7,566 -| 46,028) 8,021 1, 852 REVERE—Alb classes, 3.2......2.92.--- 28, 823 3, 355 6, 366 4,859 9,027") 4,282 907 SALEM—All Classes, ......0.-c0csseee-s 42529 || 4,378] 8,030] 7,097 | 12,848| 7,813] 2,341 SOMERVILLE—AII Classes. ...........-- 93, 091 9,084 | 15,557] 15,083 }~ 29,988 | 18,172 5, 203 TauUNTON—AII classes....-.....-..---- 37, 137 3, 905 6, 782 5,978 | 11,054 7, 213 2,199 WALTHAM—AII Classes. ....-...-% ih. 25) 1 0015 2,741 5,180 |-. 5,421 -| ~. 9,828} | 5,992] 1, '744 Michigan. 1 ern bec DETROIT—AIl classes: .%'2...-..).2.--.- 993,678 || 112,117 | 156,947 | 179,614 |°391, 688 | 127,744 | 24,708 Native white—Native parentage. .| 313,997 || 43,970 | 55,731 | 64,346 | 113, 611 30,245] 5,784 ieee DarPoTp ee - rie 24 a 3475 oa “1% af 567 -| - 69, 754 ixed parentage... 1, 736 526 , 255 1,643 | - 30,697 Foreign-born white...........---- 289, 297 1 632 18, 973 39, 679 186, Bil) PSTD awit wecae eee peice sates 5 = Rt 9,191 44 GRAND RAPIps—All classes.........-- 137, 634 ||| 13,696 | 24,424 | 23,370 |!°aa/ont” Native white—Native parentage..| 56,079 7,605 | .11,549 9,747 | 16,183 Foreign parentage.| 34,779 3, 737 7, 490 7,181} 11, 033 Mixed parentage...| . 17, 259 ‘2,208 | . 4,339 , 846 |. 4,788 Foreien poet WhitG-) 5... s.e. * 355 50 |. rs 2,426 | “1, ao CORPO Lee SSR ie nln eae a 2% 090 95} je-ed 55 P 4B BATTLE CREEK—AIl classes........... 36,164 || 2,906} 5,284] 6,292 )-- 12/506 | BAY Crry+-All classe ze... ..b 3.4... 47, 554 5, 106 9,710-}-- 8,574 |. 13, 523 . FLINT—AIl classes.5.2.9%. oo cpls ). . 91,599 9,548 | 13,536}. 19,747 | 33,316 HAMTRAMCK VILLAGE—AII Classes..... 48,615 ||| 10,129 |’ 10,724 | °° 6,454')" 18, 457 HIGHLAND PARK—AII classes........- 46,499 || 4,743 | -6,451 8,168 | 19, 871 JACKSON—AIl classes..........2.. re ck 48,374 ||| 4,533 7,436 | 8,559} | 16,737 KALAMAZOO—AII classes. .......- J. o.u| | SQ 487 4,497 | 7,712 8,368 | 15, 556 LANSING—AII classes; -. 2.0... 57,327 || ° 5,692 8,640 | 1,690 + - 19, 582 MusKEGON—AILI ClasseS.......26-.-.-- 36, 570 3,820 | | 6,069 7,076 |. 1%, 654 PontTrac—All classes ..............---- 34, 273 3, 160 4, 968 6, 703°}! “12,191 7° Port HurRoN—AII classes......-. 0 25, 944 2,609 | 4,686 | 4,442) 97 6 SaGinaw—All classes... ........22..-- 61, 903 6,156 | 11, 490. | "20, 837/41 19, 18 Minnesota. : . ee ee MINNEAPOLIS—AIl classes.........-.-- 380, 582 || 35,585 | 58,410-| 66,844.) 138, a nt Native white—Native parentage. .| 183,178 || 19,362 | 26,673 | 24,521 || 40,814} * ioe n.paren wee. - ee a Rise ieee ee eee ixed parentage...| 46,331 5, 947 “10, 757 |" 14, 552 Foreign-born white®.-.../EoL 88,032 a: “208 a 000 7, O15 oe CAs 1 ae OED Bi he RD Sp ed 15g »» =» 9568 - ; Sr. Pauv~—All classes:.......05...---- 234/698 || 21,967 | 38,490} 42,541 | ©s1)447'| Native white—Native paren tage. . 77,378 ) 2, 960 18, 070 4, 710 22, 087 ‘ore parentage.! 70,° | Of SI dd, 1 15,618 , 964 Mixe anaee c 32,008 || 3)879 | 7,615 |.-7) 808°} 9, 943 Foreign-born white......... SLIM ) 5h, i a he dy oe -3, 910 + « 20; 860 GETOS ath wesw ate css eS. » 3,3 “19 ls B{---» 480-1. 1, 645 DuLuTH—All classes. :....... ae 98,917 |} 10,113 | 17,607-|. 18,079 | 34,492 Missouri. 2 ; omen nad calee Kansas Crry—All classes.............| | 324,410 ||| 24,000 | 45,494 | "56, 173’) 124 470 Native white—Native parentage. .| 209,134 |] 17/869 | 32,201 |. 38,681-) 77,179 Hora tae || aus | 9B Bt | Bil Aa ixed parentage...| 4 3; 157. | -- 76-|-- 8,972 Foreign-born white... ...)...% By 27,320 ©7134 | 1 081-| 992) 883°! G1" 499 CRIOR cas s bee eu soe. Sas 80,719 || © 1,462 3, 807-|)- 5, ‘14, 67. Sr. Louis—Allclasses.......-..-...... 772, 897 || 58,703 | 122) 554 | 137) 595" 278; 803 Native white—Natiye parentage. .| 359,482 || 39,563 | 76,398 | -78,382 | 117,719 | — eee eae | Aas | Heat fee | sae Mixed parentage... 306 | 35, 353° Foreign-born white............... 103,239 ||? 85 | 21573-|-- 9,642!" 40,.437- Negro’. eo. cntoiseteccc en. 69,854 || 4,143 | 9,244 |. 12,100 | 31,2227 \Includes persons of unknown age. OITA, AGE DISTRIBUTION. | 178 CITIES HAVING 25,000 INHABITANTS OR; MORE: 1920—Continued. ities of 100,000 and over.] LOST OD PER CENT OF TOTAL. CITY AND CLASS. OF POPULATION, . 65 PREM vy ae ehol ee toler) bro. 6} Underd | 5 to14 | 15 to24 | 25 to44 | 45 toes [PP VTS nae toy | .eteoy | years. years. years. years. years. oar Massachusetts—Continued. eat Clageesa ..!-oat.a...) a2 ee 14.4 21.9 17.0 30.6 13. 3 2.7 VERET?I—AIl classes». ......-2.---24-+ ‘Lefe : 11.0] oo9 19.4 17.2 30. 2 17.9 4.3 CHBURG—ALI Classes; ...5i¢25..-2 oc... 11.0 19.1 Lied 31.4 16.9 4.5 AVERHILL—Ail classes......./.......... a 9, 4° 16. 5 16.7 32. 4 19, 4 5.7 ourote all iy ESS ISSA en leper 10. 3 18. 8 18.5 31.9 16.6 3.9 ge ce lies: ns eae 11,2 19. 2 17. 2 32. 4 16.5 3.5 WNN—Albclassess.0 4).-1-59.-4---- o.G--| 9, 2 16.6 15.9 33. 4 19.6 5.4 Mapex Ail 1 pele Rapuara taeda 9.6 19.0 17.2 29. 8 19.2 5.2 MEpDrorD—All classes..../........- Pare ees / 10. 5 17.4 16.1 33. 0 18,1 4.9 hl logger CERES ape ia e's Ss ntes Se Gay ee 8.5) 7.2 15.9 31.2 ~ 20.8 6.3 PrrTsrIeELD—All Classes... ......++-- b Sie 13 e 10. 4 17.8 16.3 33. 0 17.9 4.6 cy—Allelasses.. ao... -22::. bia 2M er SH Orn Dee 18.9 15.8 33.5 , 16.8 - 3.9 BRE + te Onde - ess 109, 133 7,548 | 10,735 Queens borough—All Classes. ....... 469, 042 || - 48,279 | 91,271 . ~ Native white—Native parentage. .| 149,342 || 24510 | 39,435 Foreign Dapap}ace - 147, 400 |]. 16,217 | 33,924 Mixed parse 55, 243 6,912 | 14,450 Foreign-born white.......2....-.-- 111, 676 193 2,615 f RONCETO secs ee ayn. ss. de Pein 5 ot 5, 120 430 823 Richmond. borough—All classes. .... 116, 531 11,994 | 23, 537 ,, Native py Dileep ae ve parentage. .; ~ 38,203 4, 826 8, 952 Forei ign DBEGBEAES - , 33, 362 5,245 | 10,184 Mixed parentage...| | 11,855 1, 607 3, 132 Foreign-born white........20.-..- = 81, 583 150 1, 053 Negra. qr.20 stay ay... dace Beate 1, 499 166 214 RRocHESTER—A1l Classes......<. es 295, 750 |). 29,300 | 49,565 Native white—Native parentage. .| 111,976 ||, 13,286 | 21,447 ' Forign Beagepsace 78,445 || 11,949 | 17, 824 Mixed parentage. . 32, 347 3, 724 6, 968 Foreign-born white et LW $Ou 2 5 44,321 227 3, 185 NC QT OS oq. - ons biae sarees «dodge a pda » 1,579 113 183 SYRACUSE—AII classeS........-s0----- 171,717 ||, 16,275 | 27,409 | Native nite Nee parentage. .| — 80,072 8,631 | 13,976 3,607 Le Lah DAgeBEAES + 40, 882 5, 626 &, 875 168 — Mixed parentage. . 17,097 1, 864 3, 380 Po Foreign-born white.......-. | Fae 3 , 2, d21 69 1, 068 , 104 NORE Gages os: Ute one ode padiden o28 1, 260 74 153 ' rs | YoNKERS—All classes................. 100,176 || 10,524 | 20,718 285 Native white—Native parentage. .} 30,059 4,003 7,030 , 024 Foreign Dares eee-+ 32, 280 4,981 |} 9,831 382 Mixed parentage. . 10, 139 1, 353 2, 766 } Foreign-born white......22....... 25, 700 39 741 NORE OS pecavin ow tints BB oe - od Gs FE- 2 08 1,940 145 345 AMSTERDAM—AII Classes. .........---. 33, 524 3, 551 6, 516 AUBURN—All classes... 2... sig... 36, 192 3,310 6, 018 BINGHAMTON—AIl classes. ...... 2.2... 66, 800 6, 403 9, 943 ELMmrA—All classes. ~....../.5.+.----- * 45, 393 3, 838 6, 471 JAMESTOWN—AII classes......--6----- 38, 917 3,379 6,418 KINGSTON—All clasSeS..........0..--- 26, 688 1, 956 4,352 MOUNT VERNON—AIl classes.......... 42.726 4,114 8, 172 4 Includes persons of unknown age. AGE DISTRIBUTION. 177 CITIES HAVING 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920—Continued. cities of 100,000 and over.]} PER CENT OF TOTAL. CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. : 65 "tO O8 Under 5 | 5tol4 | 15 to 24 | 25 to 44 | 45 to 64 oa years. | years. | years. years. years. si over. New York. PPBANT-—AILClASSES. Ye. J. eke wah ape einnes dad 14.7 16.1 35.1 20. 6 5.8 Native white—Native parentage. ....... 9.4 17.9 19.5 33.7 15,1 4.4 Foreign parentage....... 9.4 15.5 12:3 30. 4 27.8 4.5 (a0 Mixed parentage......... 7.2 15.5 18.6 39.1 16. 9 2.7 gy a oreign-bornm) Whites. | ...--.4--.- aeons 0.1 2.9 9.4 43.6 29.7 14, 2 Byes WNOSTO veel «ane S OR, Bocce info oct ntl eas 6.5 11.7 16. 2 42.9 18.3 4.4 SBURFALO—AI classes 5 oc. 2. nce ce -nenncenes 10.3 17.8 17.1 33.7 17.3 3.8 Native white—Native parentage........ 13.9 21.5 18.8 32,4 10.8 2.4 Foreign parentage....... 13.1 22.9 19. 5 25.9 16.1 2.5 Mixed parentage. ........ 13.5 23.9 20. 4 30. 7 10, 5 1.0 » Foreign-horn: white... .|.....-.---b+-----.+ 0.3 3.4 9.7 46.5 31.1 8.9 a Bee aldblaeke [PRE 5 ee Ph. 6.1 10.3 19.5 49. 0 13. 1 Ti New York city—All classes............... 10.0 18. 4 17.8 34.6 16.0 3.1 Native white—Native parentage....... 13.5 21.1 19.7 30.9 11.7 2.9 Foreign parentage....... 17.2 31.8 19,9 20.3 9.6 Det Mixed parentage ......0.6 15 6 24,8 20.9 28, 8 8.8 1.1 Foreign-born white..................... 0.2 3.3 13.9 50. 2 26.5 5.7 BNOST@sc sty... | victevn: {berets LN oe 7.3 11.0 19.1 48,2 12.6 1.6 Bronx borough—All classes. ......2......- 10.5 19,4 18.1 34.7 14.6 f 227 Native white—Native parentage........ 16, 2 24.3 20.1 29.1 8.4 1.8 ‘Riot parentage....... 16.4 31.7 21.1 21.7 8.1 0.9 Mixed parentage......... 17.9 26.9 20. 7 27.1 6.6 0.7 Foreign-born, white... 020.5...) 2... 0.1 3.0 13.4 52.1 25.8 5.5 BreeravU te. wee Gh eee COS RLS 8.5 20.5 16.6 36. 6 14,7 3.1 Brooklyn borough—All classes............ 10.6 19.6 18, 2 32.6 15.7 3.3 Native white—Native parentage........ 13.9 21.8 20. 4 29.5 shee! 3.0 Foreign parentage....... 17.0 32.5 20.0 19.5 9.7 122 . Mixed parentage......... 16.0 24.6 20.5 28.3 9:2 123 Foreign-born, white! 7/00) 0.22. Sle. - 0.2 3.3 14.1 49, 2 26.9 6.2 ROME tid. t dadics Jeet cece. . uiJsulk 8.1 12.7 18.9 43, 2 14.5 2.3 Manhattan borough—All classes........... 9.2 16.6 17.6 36.7 16.7 Suk Native white—Native parentage........ 10.9 16.8 18.8 34. 8 14.7 3.3 Foreign parentage....... 19.0 33. 0 19.6 18, 4 8.8 154 Mixed parentage......... 15.4 23.5 20. 7 29. 4 9.7 132 Foreign-born whité: ... 220.000.0000... 0.2 3.6 14.8 50. 9 25.4 5.0 Wesrocy 22. Re St gulek a Os a 6.9 9.8 19.3 50. 7 11.8 $2 Queens borough—All classes... 10.3 19.5 17.0 33.6 16.3 3.2 Native white—Native parentage......... 16, 4 26. 4 19.3 27.6 8,1 2.0 Foreign parentage....... 11.0 23.0 19.4 30. 8 14.3 1.4 | Mixed parentage. ........ 12.5 26, 2 22. 4 30.5 7.5 0.8 Foreign-born white.....1......22.20.2... 0.2 2.3 169 46.7 34.3 8.5 MUPIMMGMTULU ale... Aiidoe 1 cGbe he! or BELTS. 8.4 16.1 17.5 38. 7 16.0 27 - Richmond borough—All classes. .......... 10.3 20. 2 16.7 31.2 16.2 4.3 Native white—Native parentage........ 12.6 23.4 20. 0 27.7 11.8 4.2 aN i patentage?\. i... 15.7 30. 5 17.6 21.5 12.9 ey v Mixed parentage. .:-..... 13.6 26. 4 22,7 27.4 8.6 1.3 Foreign-born white......2........0.00.. 0.5 3.3 9.5 46.6 28.0 8.3 bet Negrocy. 2... Jat “aE ae Pa a I a a bit 14.3 20. 5 37.4 13.0 3.3 ROCHESTER—AIl classes....2.2..5.02222.00.. 9.9 16.8 | 16, 2 34, 2 18.3 4.6 Native white—Native parentage........ 11.9 19, 2 18.4 33. 0 13. 6 3.8 Je Foreign parentage... .-... 15.2 22.7 14.7 25.5 18, 7 3.1 Mixed parentage. ........ 11.5 21.5 20. 4 33.0 12.0 125 Foreign-born white. ............5....... 0.3 4.4 12.5 45,9 28.1 8.7. MM OETOUC sh. tate CU os CNL DE 7.2 11.6 16.8 44,5 16.5 3/4 “SYRACUSE—All classés |. .-.22..5.222000220-. 9.5 16.0 16.3 34.3 19.1 4.8 Native white—Native parentage. ....... 10. 8 17.5 18.1 33.5 15.6 4.5 Gi! Foreign parentage....... 13. 8 21.7 15.8 25.3 20. 5 2.9 cue Mixed parentage......... 10.9 19.8 20. 0 33. 8 13.7 ayy Foreign-born white. .....:.......20....- 0. 2 3.1 10.6 47.4 29.0 9.6 che FT oiee st Gail O93 8 Seb ae a Soe aaa a ae 5.9 12,1 | 16.7 43.0 18.3 3.9 YONKERS—AIl classés.. 2.) 2.2002..0.20022... 10. 5 20. 7 16.9 32.3 16.3 3.3 Native white—Native parentage. ........ 13.3 23. 4 17.9 29. 0 12.9 3.4 Foreign parentage....... 15.4 30. 5 20. 3 21.4 11,2 pid Mixed parentage. ........ 13.3 27.3 22. 2 27.1 8.8 13 Foreign-born white...................... 0.2 2.9 9.3 51,2 29.7 6.6 ie BRS BS ee Sie ae cea 7.5 17.8 17.6 39.5 15.6 2.0 ' AMSTERDAM—AIlI classes. .........022.0....- 10.6 19.4 15.5 32. 5 17.5 4.4 AUBURN—AIl classes... 2.) 9.1 16.6 15.5 33.1 19,2 6.4 BINGHAMTON—AII classes. ..........2.22..-. 9.6 14.9 15.8 33. 1 20. 4 6.1 ‘EL_mirRA—AIil classes... 2.2.22 0..2.2. 22 cece eee 8.5 14.3 18. 6 32.0 20. 4 6.1 JAMESTOWN—AIl classes. ......2......2.024. 8.7 16.5 17.5 31.6 19.7 6.0 KINGsTON—All Classes... ......2..2..2200--- 7.3 16.3 16. 8 29. 8 22,7 7.0 MOUNT VERNON—AIl classes. .............. 9.6 19,1 16.0 32.3 18,2 4,7 75108°—22—12 178 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION, TABLE 50.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS, FOR [By class of population for AGE PERIODS. CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. | Aliages.1 “Ti YA TT i i ; ‘ Under 5 5 to 14 15 to 24 25 to 44 ‘45 to 64 years. New York—Continued. NEw RocHELLE—AII classes. ..5....-. 36, 213 |] 3,370 NEWBURGH—ALI Classes... ..5.5+----- 30, 366 2,503 |, NIAGARA FALLS—AII classes. .......-. 50, 760 6, 206 POUGHKEEPSIE—AIlI Classes.........-- 35, 000 3,273 | ROME— All Glasses.o 20). [Yd] gegen. 26, 341 2, 800 |, SCHENECTADY—AIl Classes. ..o..e----- 88, 723 ||. 8,693 OE ROY=A TT CLASSUS f ok caee'u sss degen ean eeld s 72, 013 5,348 | Utica—All Classes. 2... ....-eeceeeee- ~ 94,156 |]. 9,529 |.° WATERTOWN—AII classes.....2.....-- , BI, 285 2,716 North Carolina. ASHEVILLE—AIl classes... ...:.46.---- 28, 504 2, 892 CHARLOTTE—AI]I classes......4.4..---- 46, 338 5, 053 WILMINGTON—AIl classes. ...3.0s.-.-- 33, 37: 3, 431 WINSTON-SALEM—All classes.......... 48, 395 4, 812 Ohio. a AKRON—All classes. .i).......3.0s..... 208,435 || : 20,879 Native white—Native parentage. .| 125,079 || 12,684 Foreign parentage..| . 28,345 6, 461 Mixed parentage...| © 11,405 1,341 Foreign-born white....2...u0..... 37, 889 86 Weare. 80. is... $4 Ses. oe dedod Taber 5,580 ||. 306 |) CINCINNATI— All classes. .....0.5...... 401, 247 || 30,736 Native white—Native parentage. .| 206,605 23), 735 Foreign parentage..| 80,311 3,012 Mixed parentage...| | 41,354 1, 963 Foreign-born white......2.0...... 42,827 |i i 26 COTO. Bt. 4. Eph Ae ss fe EAE sore 30,079 1,995 CLEVELAND—A1I classes......0.21..... 796, 844 38) 433 133, 892 Native white—Native parentage...| © 212, 247 98) 507 Foreign parentage..| 246,529 || 46,792 Mixed parentage...| © 63,712 10, 298 Foreign-born white.....-...00..... 239, 538 | 453 Neorg. zc. .....4¢deee © ecble... - 34,451 || < 2,371 CoLUMBUS—All classes.......0v1..... (2387, 031 19,315 Native white—Native parentage. --| °159,069 |] = 14, 999 Foreign parentage..| | 24,202 1, 693 Mixed parentage...} ) 15,395 1: 953 Foreign-born white........20..... © 16,055 26 Neere. £4: i. SOAK odes oak 22,181 {| © 1,638 DAYTON-+-All classes jv. 2. ).2 09.8. 152,559 || : 14,024 Native white—Native parentage. --| -100, 996 10, 796 Foreign parentage..| | 18,887 || 5 1,794 Mixed par ansaee- --| & 40, 501 | Yai 709 Foreign-born white... . 2.) .4¢.....| ) 48,111 ei 21 CPT O.LG..,... | Ia... pee 39,025 1c 0 704 |... TOLEDO—All classes.2/.....2.2000..... 243,164 || | 22,739 |, Native white—Native parentage...| 124,055 || ¢ 14,123 y aopien pakeutaee-- ’ 61,101 |] © 6,594 Mixed parentage...| / 24,084 || © 2,605 Foreign-born white......).22..-...- 38,145 ||. 68 ee Nesronse; an) aka SOB A f 45,691 346 Y OUNGSTOWN—All classes... ..51..... 132,358 || 16,477 Native white—Native parentage...| « 46,459 6,432 Foreign parentage.. 34, 459 (7, 899 Mixed parentage. --| ) 10,843 |} < 01, 647 Foreign-born whitte......0.s02..-.. 83, 834 i) 62 CSTD ctras o0 toe Oe ee, 6, 662 |]: 443 CANTON—A1] classes..2...2.. 0. sdb... 87,091 |}: 8,904 East CLEVELAND—AII Classes. ........ 27, 292 2,370 HAMILTON—A li classes. ........0...... 89,675 || 3,672 LAKEWOOD—A ll classes.......022..-.- 41,732 || 4, 251 Lima—Adlolasses, 20.2. bh Ge ce ee 41,326 4,144 -LORAIN—A liclasses............2.-..-- 37, 295 (4, 784 MANSFIELD—A I! classes... ...5221.-..- 27, 824 2,498 MARION—A liclasses .5...../.2.24..... 27, 891 2,796 NEWARK—A llclasses...........4.-.-- 26, 718 2,240 PORTSMOUTH—A Il classes............. 33,011 3,492 SPRINGFIELD—A ll classes.............-. 60, 84 5,476 STEUBENVILLE—A ll classes............ 28, 508 8,337 WARREN—AlIl Classes:... 2.202255... 27,050 3,021 ZANESVILLE—All classes............-.. 29, 569 2,731 1 Includes persons of unknown age. AGE DISTRIBUTION. 179 CITIES HAVING 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920—Continued. ‘cities of 100,000 and over.] PER CENT OF TOTAL. CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. , 65 OY oe Ph 4 UnderdS | 5tol4 | 15 to 24 | 25 to 44 | 45 to 64 car years. years. years. years. years. over. New York—Continued. NEW ROcCHELLE—AII classes........ eo 9.3 19. 3 16. 8 32. 8 17.4 3.5 NEWBURGH—AIl classes... .......-.....--- 8.2 16.2 16.9 S127 20.9 5.9 NIAGARA Faris—All classes................ 12,2 18.7 15.9 35.9 14,7 22,5 ~POUGHKEEPSIE—AII classes. ..............-- 9.4 16.7 16.1 31.6 19.9 6.4 RomME—AIl classes............2-2-4: peat aes | 10.6 19,1 16.7 30. 6 17.3 5. 7 SCHENECTADY—AII classes.....-...-....---- 9.8 18.5 16. 2 34.5 17.1 3.8 ee eB ICIBSSOS lt lk ew woe hesseuccee 7.4 15.3 16.8 32. 6 21.9 5.9 pUTiCA—All classes: .'s0') 0.520505. .5 0.5 ee 10.1 17.8 Let 33. 1 18.3 51 W ATERTOWN—AIl Classes... -- Poche «ebb ees oo 8.7 16.2 16, 4 31.4 20. 8 6.4 North Carolina. ASHEVILLE—All classes... -..........2,2200- 10.1 19.7 19.1 83.5 14,2 3.2 ~ CHARLOTTE—AIlI classes. ...2.......-0.2..06- 10.9 19.6 24.3 32.7 12.3 2.8 WILMINGTON—AII Classes... .........202000- 10. 3 19.5 21.1 32. 0 13. 4 3.4 WINSTON-SALEM—AII classes.............0.. 9.9 17.9 28.7 30.7 10.6 2.0 eu 7 j te : Ohio. ry « hi rm ie : - _ AKRON—AIl classes. ..... Io Bib\bte ative © 6 “a biols Sol = 10. 0 13.4 23, 4 39. 4 11.5 2,2 : Native white—Native parentage........ 10.1 13, 4 27.8 36. 8 9.8 1.9 ; Foreign parentage........ 22,8 24.9 15:5 24,4 10.7 127 . _.... |. Mixed parentage......... 11.8 16. 2 22.3 36.1 12.0 127 Foreign-born white... ......+.....+2.5- 0.2 4.6 15.2 58.7 17.6 3.6 ROR AINOREOR. 26: . | Seas ces «cca ce ties st caues eh 5.5 9. 8 24.3 49.0 10.3 1.1 _Crncinnati—All classes... 222-22... e sess eee 7.7 15.4 16.4 34. 4 20. 7 5.4 Native white—Native parentage........ 11.5 1 Ne 20. 0 32, 7 11.7 2.8 “ee =o Foreign parentage....... 3.8 9.2 10. 5 32, 2 38, 1 652 ay _ Mixed parentage......... 4,7 13.2 19, 4 42,6 17.8 2.1 .,. » Foreign-born white... 2... 2..........5-- 0.1 2.1 7.0 32.7 36. 8 21:2 PP Grr nr 24.05 AG 6 1s 0x ge Sain ob one nt 6.6 13.8 17.3 42, 2 17.4 2.5 _CLEVELAND—AIl classes. .............22-22-- 11.1 18.4 16.8 36.5 14.3 2.9 . Native white—Native parentage...... ab 13. 4 19, 9 18.6 34,1 11.4 235, ie bar © ; greige parentage... 19.0 30. 2 17.9 23,2 8.6 1.0 i: o) Mixed parentage......... 16. 2 26. 6 21.3 27.1 7.9 0.9 _ , Foreign-born white. .-....2.....25..00-- 0. 2 3.7 12,4 53. 2 24.5 6.0 Bee FOR RG Gs os US Sade ios 25) ceisn'ge eo} faa cohen 6.9 12.0 20. 4 47.1 12.2 173 CoLUMBUS—AII classéS......0.0........005-- 8.1 15.1 17.5 35,4 19.0 4.8 .. Native, white—Native parentage........ 9.4 16.9 18. 8 34.3 16. 2 4,2 ehh | _. Foreign parentage....... 7.0 asyel 13. 0 30.6 30. 6 5.8 o) 1 _ Mixed parentage......... 6. 2 14.0 18.1 37.6 20.6 3.5 _», © Foreign-born white... 2... .......2... Bad 0. 2 3.0 10.3 41.3 Fy 13.6 OE iri] Bai it ran eg eaae 7.4 13.6 18.1 42.0 16. 1 2.4 _DayTon—All classes. .:.......2.-.2--42- ays 9, 2 15.8 17.2 34.8 18.3 4,6 _. Native white—Native parentage........ 10.7 17.8 19.1 34. 0 14,4 3.9 bre yb ete 's » Foreign parentage....... 9.5 15.7 11.5 27.4 31.1 4,8 ded": Mixed parentage...... reo 6.8 15.0 172 38. 0 20. 0 3.1 _ Foreign-born white. .-.:........ era ee 0. 2 3.3 9.7 44,1 30. 5 1252 ay PNO@BEG gs. 22 | was lees sae andy) pon les=< 7.8 4s" 18.0 41. 8 15.9 2.9 ToLepo—AIl classes. ........ CoE Bs eae 9.4 16.3 7.6 35.3 17.3 4,2 _.. Native white—Native parentage...-.... 11.4 18.5 19.7 33. 4 13. 7 3.3 me eT as" Foreign parentage....... 10.9 19. 4 17. 4 31,4 18.3 2,5 via me Mixed parentage.:....... 10.8 20. 0 20.1 34. 0 13,2 1.9 _. Foreign-born white... ... + a ea Se 0. 2 3.1 9.4 45. 4 30. 6 11.3 OS Es ee e- A bde ARD tea oh 6.1 11.2 18. 8 47.7 14.1 2.0 -Younastown—aAll classes... 22.2 .225.2--- eng eav'd 18.5 16.7 36. 6 13, 2 2,5 Native white—Native parentage........ 13.8 20. 3 18.8 33. 0 11.3 2.6 "+ Foreign parentage....... 22.9 30. 1 15.7 21.4 9. 0 0.8 Mixed parentage......... 15, 2 23.9 22.3 29,3 8.1 La Foreign-born white. ................... 0. 2 3.7 12.0 57.0 22.2 4,8 rs Negron. x4... - 554 goat. bare die spay « 6. 6 12.3 20. 7 47.6 cp es! 1,2 CANTON—AI classes....... .i...2--- eee eee 10. 2 15.9 17,8 36.9 15. 6 a -EAst CLEVELAND—AIl classes......2....4.. 8.7 14. 4 15. 6 39, 2 ers 4, 4 ~HAMILTON—AII classes... .... ae RE ee ae 9.3 17.0 1 BEN 31.7 18.5 4,9 _ LAKEWOOD—AIl classes.............2.2240-- 10. 2 14.5 14.0 38.7 16.1 3. 4 ~Lima—All classes........... ab ie ak PR w treo 10. 0- 17,5 17.7 32,2 18.0 4.5 LORAIN—AII classes. . 2... 2.20. ee. eee ecseceee 12.8 21.9 15.1 34. 5 13. 4 2.2 ( SFIELD—A Il classes... 2... 62-2 -saciceeee 9. 0 15.5 ie 32.9 19.3 6.1 @ ION—A ll Classes. -............- ad eo Odee kde 10. 0 Ld./7 17.2 31.5 18.3 5. 2 )NEWARK—AII classes... ..2.....--.. 502-000. 8. 4 16.3 16.5 32. 0 20. 7 6.1 _ PortTsMOUTH—AII classes. ..............-0-- 10. 6 17.7 19. 6 32.3 15.7 4.1 SPRINGFIELD—AIl classes. .............2.-0- - 9. 0 16. 9 16.9 32. 4 18. 9 5.9 STEUBENVILLE—AIl classes............- ieecg 11. 74 18.7 16.5 34.9 14.7 3.5 -Warren—All classes.......... bh + de dite Kids « 11.2 15.6 17.7 36. 0 15.4 4.0 ZANESVILLE—AII classes... ....4..-sceeeeees 9. 2 16.6 15.9 31.1 20. 6 6.5 180 ! 4 ABSTRACT OF (THE CENSUS—-POPULATION, TaBLE 56.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS; FOR CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. All ages.1 Oklahoma, Oregon, PORTLAND—AII classes ......5..2.....! Native white—Native parentage... Foreign parentage. . Mixed parentage... Foreign-born white. ...). 4. o....--. Negrorg-.. 224 Be, Ke See ae Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA—AI] classes...........: Native white—Native parentage... Foreign parentage. . Mixed parentage... Foreign-born white......0..0.....: Nevron: . oj ee Hee betas eet Native white—Native parentage... Foreign parentage.. Mixed parentage... Foreign-born white. .............: INe@?tD 7... os. 2c cere a. o4 Native white—Native parentage. . Foreign parentage. . Mixed parentage. .. Foreign-born white................ N@BED i. «|: : epost eee ie od Native white—Native parentage. - Foreign parentage. . Mixed parentage. . Foreign-born white. ..............- N62rpt A -.-,- does cee eae ae ALTOONA—AIl classes... ....2..00...--. BETHLEHEM—AIl classes....2.0....--- CHESTER—AI] classes...... 2.2.0 0.....- EASTON—ANl classes: .. 2.22. d2.....--- Hrre— Ait classest... 2. 32 Uc apap itis o - HARRISBURG—AII Classes....0....-.-.- HAZLETON—ALJI classes...-..5.22....2- JOHNSTOWN—All classes. ...)0.2.2..--. LANCASTER—A ll Classés.....00000....- McCKEESPORT—ALI Classes............- NEW CASTLE—AIl Classes. . 22.2.2. ..-- NORRISTOWN BOROUGH—ALI Classes... WILKES-BARRE—AII Classes..........- WILLIAMSPORT—AII classes..........- : YORK-HATI classegcss ey ba eee ed Rhode Island. © PROVIDENCE—AII classes. ......5...... Native white—Native parentage. . Foreign parentage. . Mixed parentage... Foreign-born white................ INCBROR DE hes bstet ae = sees erckod os CRANSTON—AIl classes. .......5..-.-.- NEWPORT—AlIl Classes.............---- PAWTUCKET—AII classes. .....2.. Laas WOoNSOCKET—AIl Classes. ............ South Carolina. CHARLESTON—AIl classes......:....... CoOLUMBIA—AIl classes... .. + i A See 258, 288 136, 216 41, 935 1,823,779 698, 782 Under 5d years. 6, 275 3) 252 5 to 14 years. 5, 850 14, 882 11, 746 39, 397 24,110 7, 698 5, 380 1,721 169 321, 197 136, 168 121,961" 32) 164 12; 839 17,998 110, 383 46, 840 41,610 13, 285 _ 2,972 5,660 | 19; 502 14 475 3,717 12,474 6, 522 1 Includes persons of unknown age. [By class,of population: for AGE PERIODS. | | | |] —_. 15 to 24 |25 to 44 | 45 to 64 | Years - years. | years. | years. | joo, j the —dL LIRR IO , ee 5,716 | 10,340 | 4,513.| . 1,017 18, 639, | 83,409 | 13,757 | 3,016 14, 745.1. 28,502]. .9,017-[... 1,507 40,518 | 95,628 | 50,387 | 12,140 , 805 | 47,085)| 23,009.|, 6,039 7,438 | 15,239] 6,997 951 , 434 |} ° 9; 982°}. 3, 638 555 4,154 | 21,178 |), 15,435] 4,353 176 |" castBh, bin. aed in cee 313,992 | 608;889 | 323,044 | 76,449 125,702 | 219,347 | 105,082 | 30, 229 83,360 | 97,887] 64,247 | 10, 458 28,958 | 43,427 | 18,656 | 3,392 ,020 | 188,978 | 115,374 | 29,859 25,701'| 58,714 | 19.269] | 2,488 102,045 |-197,840 | 95,779 |) 19, 709 40,511 | 67,727-|; 26,787 | 5,477 30,298 | 38,330 | 20,357 | °-3,556 11,910 | 16,387] 6,416 986 12,317 | 59,246 | 36,375 | 9,092 6,956 | 15,981 | 5,740 595 17, 871 | 34,102 639 | 5,600 13,972 | 25,582 | -15, 3501" 4,318 1,842 2,056 | 1,721 282 664 | 1,399 | 837 188 1,228 | 4,705 | 2, 501 736 163°} °°" 356 | 127 26 25,057 | 41,607 } 21,569°|) 4,342 , 852 | 12°789-| - 5,0374° 1, 147 9,121) 11,270] 5,674} 611 3,697 | 3,993 | 1,042 | 128 2,303 | 13,316 | 9,699 | 2,449 83 | 238 113 7 12,205 | 24,007 | 12,156'}* 3,414 10,635 | 19, 186 BL Die 2, 583 8,260 | 16,768} 7,314] 1,810 10,778 | 20,695 } 8,618 }° 1,807 5,462 | 11,046 | 6,512] 1,871 15,814'| 30,311 | 14,976 | 3,938 12, 854 |- 26,189 | 14,759}? 3,817 6,227 |- 8,666| 4,829 }° 1, 054 11,680 | 2k, 268 | 9,298 | 2,031 _ 9,078 | 16,195 |) 10,717 | 3,580 8,337 | 14,698 | 6,785 | 1,268 7,392} 14,504 | 6,783 | 1,658 5,021 | 10,242 | 6,768") 2,138 13, 431- | 22,086 }- 11,818 |’ 2,637 6,572 | 11,087'|.- 7,456 |'* 2/208 8,562 | 14,377 |) 9,180 } 2, 856 39,037 | 76,081} 45,195 | 11,083 10,240 | 18,631 | 11,399 | 4/463. 14,940 | 16,633 | 9,133} 1,143 5,187 | 6,272 | 1,934 218 7,817 | 32,339'| 21,635 | 5,010 844 | 2,135 | 1,029 "236 4,356 | 9,259] 5,687] 1,820. 7,064 | 9,159 | 5,399 | 1,432 11,644 | 20,414 | 11,583 | 2,799 8,653 | 12,887 | 7,040 | 1,6 14,115 | 23,022} 9,594 | 2,142 8,175 | 13,486 | 4,873] 1,154 abe» UAGE DISTRIBUTION, . 181 } CITIES HAVING 25,000 INHABITANTS!OR MORE: 1920—Continued cities of 100,000 and over.) PER CENT OF TOTAL. __ CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. | ae Oka TP" £9.03 Eb! sot oo) h Under 5 | 5tot4 | 15 to 24 | 25 to 44 | 45 to 64 0? USNS inet. | .Bi years. years. years. years. years. ray over Oklahoma. MusKoGEEAlll classes_.. . -- gaa kd. 0b. 9.1 19.3 18.9 34. 2 14.9 3.4 OKLAHOMA CiTy—All classes.....-.......-- 8.2 16.3 20. 4 36. 6 15. 1 3.3 Tuisa—All CERT 9 tailogy Gh ee ae re 8.9 16.3 20. 5 39.5 12.5 Buk 1S é f er enOTeR Ont: BOE | us a! | RORTLANDGLAD classes “f2|Vat-os: Pad. 7.7 15.3 15.7 37.0 19. 5 4,7 1g ‘Native. oilers parentage. . 220... 9.6 17.7 16. 7 34.6 16.9 4.4 ay if Red parentage: Jrut... tt 8.5 18.4 17,7 36. 3 16,7 2.3 ' arte Mixe parentage... ...-. O609 37 19.4 19, 6 36.0 13:1 2.0 > Roreign-born sb PE ARTES. . OG i) | BbCom 3.7 8 8 45, 0 32.8 9/2 petieers f a tt. foot te Be sh eee 5.3 10.9 11.3 47.0 22.7 2.6 bos bic " Pennsyivanta. PRILADREPHIAS AM as605. 0.3 eee tc eo © ..9,8 17.6 17,2 33.4 17. ¥ 4,2 ‘Native Rtn ae parentage... .2.... £17 19.5 18.9 31.4 15.0 4,3 ny ' Foreign parentage. ...... 15.4 27:3 18.6 21.9 14,4 23) Mixed parentage......... 12.3 22.3 20. 1 30. 1 2.9 2.3 Morelen-DoOrnm White. os 2h ice ee. eee ee 0.1 oe2 12. 6 47, 5 29. 0 7.5 CTO tir. GE Se ic ad 35. oo a elo a aoe 7.3 13. 4 19, 1 43.7 14, 4 1,9 PrrrsBURGH—All classes: 10.5 18.8 17.3 33. 6 16,3 3.3 Native: white— Native parentage........ 13.3 21.6 18.7 31.3 12.4 2.5 at *.| ‘Foreign parentage. ...-.. ‘14, 8 26. 4 19: 2 24.3 12.9 2.3 . Mixed parentage.....: ees 12.3 23.8 21.3 29.3 11,5 1,8 Ee eR - 0.1 125 10, 2 49.3 30. 2 7.6 i} Negros 2... bs dl. 0 ae aes 72 15.0 18, 4 42. 4 15.2 1.6 READING—All Classes...¥.........-..-- Aided. “9.4 18,1 16. 6 31.6 19. ft 5.2 Native white—Native parentage......- u 9.0 17,9 17, 2 31.6 19:0 5.3 es : Foreign parentage........ 19. 2 Bl, 2 15. 5°} 17.3 14.4 2.4 Mixed parentage......... 4°10. 7 18.9 1922 31.9 19. 1 4.3 ~ “Roreign-born Whee 4. 2001)... 0.1 3.3 12.9 49.3 26.2 8.2 p mNegro.0te.d £58. Sem eC a LOK Ig’ |}; OREO 17. 6 38.5 13.7 2.8 ScRANTON—AIl A ee ee ee Py | SOP 21-6 || *- 18:2 30. 2 157 3:2 Native: crn pale parentage oh ea eee 14.9 25. 8 20. 2 26.3 10.3 2.4 ; Lk A parentage,.o2>..>. 13.5 27.5 20. 2 24.9 12.5 1.4 Mixed parentage...:..... “92, 8 27. 0 25.1 27.1 7.1 0.9 Roreign-bom white... srs SS IQ, 1 2.6 8.1 46.6 34.0 8.6 RSP EI Re ile a a 6.4 15.1 14.7 42.3: 20.1 1,2 ALENTOWN-—Ali Gimssew.. 1 a. ek 10.6 18.'8 16, 01): - ae 16.5 4.6 ALTOONA—All@lasses!..2.. 2.0002. oe: 10:6 18.8 17.6 31.8 16, 8 4.3 BETHLEHEM—AII classes. ...- Pie oo ete ge, 13.1 19.0 16. 4 33:3 14.5 3.6 CHESTER—All Classes......... Ra ee eee 11.7 16. 0 18.6 35.7 14,9 ‘eo ee ene oe ae ES ©1095 16. 8 16, 2 32.7 19.3 5.5 JE—A1) Classes. ..2.)s2....,-.2 Sy eee eRe 11.4 18.9 16.9 32.9 16.0 4.2 -HARRISBURG—ALII classes....-.. Vs 2 E28. EOEQSD 15. 7 16.9 34.5 19. 4 5.0 -HAZLETON—AII classes... ....- * Ae A rar, 12.2 23. 3 19.3 26. 8 15.0 3.3 JounstowN—All classes. ......2.: Bh BiG 408 - 13.0 21.2 17.3 31.6 13. 8 3.0 LANCAsTER—All classes... 2.220200. 2. 50-22. “9-1 16. 4 | 1 30.5 20: 2°{ 6.7 McKEEsPoRT—All classes......:.....- GIO i>. ei 5) 21.1 17.8 31.4 14.5 2.7 NEw CasTLE—All classes. ..../..:-. 2.02.22. 12.1 20. 2° 16. 4 32.3 15, 1 3.7 NORRISTOWN BOROUGH—A|Il classes........- 9.3 15.9 15.5 5 ay 20.9 6.6 WILKES-BARRE—All classes.............---- 11.4 20. 9 | 18. 2 29.9 16,9 3.6 “WILLIAMSPORT—AII Classes...............--- 8.6 15.9 18, 2 30. 6. 20. 6 6.1 : Been ome | oie i AS Teele 9.0 17.3 18.0 30:3 | 19.3 6.0 Ver la Rhode Island. ge DY g Bit Oe } b ; | Gott, ; : “Prowinpxer An d1asBes ere ms \) oh eae Oa 9.9 17.9 16.4 32. 0 19.0 4,7 ne teeechern ye parBhiage. Bh nae ‘11.4 18. 4 16; 1 29.2 17.9 7.0. fs S ¥te Te parentage, 2ooa2. 16.0 ‘28:9 19.6} - 21.9 12. 0° a ic, vee parentage.....,... 14.7 | 26.1 22. 5 27.2 8.4 0.9 a id ee aaa ye 2.9 11.3 46.9 31. 4 73 Le Ti Noe OY SE 9.4 15.5 14.9 37.8 18. 2 4.2 ‘Granston—Aii ES ea are cee 9.9 18. 2 14. 8 31.5 19.3 6.2 mwrort—All classes..............-....-.-- 8.4 15.4 23. 3 30 3 17.8 4.7 AWTUCKET—AIl classes........--..-------- 10.1 Pes 18.1 31.8 18.0 4.4 WoonsocKET—AIl classes...............-.-. 10.9 19.6 | 19.9 29.6 16. 2 3.7 South Carolina. BUHARLESTON—AIl-classes...................- 9.2 18.4 | 20. 8 33.9 14.1 3.2 CoLumBIA—AII classes. .................-2-- 8.7 17.4 21.8 35.9 13.0 3.1 * . 2 -* + 182 ABSTRACT OF ‘THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 50.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS, FOR) ' [By class of population for. AGE PERIODS. CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. |All ages.! awe Under5| 5 to 14 | 15 to 24 | 95 to 44 | 45 to 64 (6 years years: | years. | years. | years. | years. ae South Dakota. rato Lago Sioux FauLs—aAll classes. ....-:..2--- 25; 202 2,426 4,090 4,688 8,632 1 14,085 | 1,054" Tennessee, # at MEmpnHis—All classes........ eeeaitieieeik ate 162, 351 12,060 | 25,358 | 31,564 | 61/7160} 25, 630 5, 427 Native white—Native parentage. .| 82,795 7,416 | 14, 468 16, 405 | 29,785 | 11,737 2,672 Foreign parentage... 7,671 662 | | 1,398 "987 2,300: |. 2) 040° 274) Mixed parentage...| | 4,872 » (836 662 | 9°» 848}: 2,040 B59} 50 121 UF oreign-porn white.:.....)-2-04--- | 5,775 » 13 164 |>. 586], 2,458'} 1,797 746 Negro-t 262... 40208. 022 Pues. 61; 181 3; 630 8,666 | 12,7383 | )25)102'| 9,185 1,611 NASHVILLE—AIl classes.:....-1-2%--+: 118,342 || 9/630 | 21,139 | 23,578 | 38,123 | 20)685 5, 076 Native white—Native parentage. . 74; 022 (6,917 | 14,491 | 15,180] 23,095 | 11, 421 2, 888 Foreign parentage. . 3,653 ||: 160 393 404 1,181 1,320 194 Mixed parentage... 2,641 |} 124 337 Sileje st, 05040" 514 104 Foreign-born white.....-+--.----- 2,387 4 67 234 789 836 457 Negro. S405. RR BATS: Paeeep aes 35, 633 2,424 5, 850 7,248 | 42,005 6,594} 1, 433- CHATTANOOGA—AIl Classes. ....0.-+--- 57, 895 4,487 9,590 | 12,446}. 21, 091 8, 510 1,717 KNOXVILLE—AII classes: .....2...2)--- 77,818 7,786 | 15,347 |. 16,063 | 24,364) 11, 567 2,540 Texas. } {ey "3 Danias—Allelasses 33. efi 25 b38 28 3 - 158, 976 12;800 | 24,975 | 33,361 | 60,230}, 22,243.) 4,983" Native white—Native parentage. .| 112,509 9,874 | 18,633 | 24,354 |; 41,368"| 145597) 3, 443 Foreign parentage. . 8,019 800 1,425 |. 1,502 | 9 2,742'| 1,352 195 Mixed parentage. --| ) 26;630 551 927 |... »h5 138 2;103/ 714 ‘142 Foreiee -born whites)... ..5.0 ag... 8,730 || 115 531 | .1,199 3,795 }) 2,357) ~~ 693 NORPOG fib <5 = Ld Oho ost od ae eR 24, 023 1,458 3, 454 5,150 | 10,140 3,215 } 99 “510 Fort WortTH—AIL Classes ey a ag gues =| ¢ 106, 482 8,544 | 16,673 | 22,501 | 40,731 414,570 | 8,019. Native white—Native parentage. .| 75,515 || .6,433 | 12,547 | 16,027 |. 27,884 }..10,065)) 2,203 : Foreign parentage..| 4,526 643 | , 706 767,|, 1,462: 815 125 Mixed parengege- --| 3,066 = avi 559 603 |... 1,156" 405 67 hehon sd “DON Whites, 2252) .ap- +. 7,359 ||» ATT 622 1,485 | 3, 305'}) 91, 40b yo 351 Neero secs .-s 6s z- pee et- sb asgp---} | do 80611 | at 000 2, 235 3,610 6, 872 1, 840. 269 HiGberon LAE ClASSES.. fae --.. 4 Foreign-born white aro Sod Pgtigge def 36,646 || 675 4,743 | 7,820] 18,468 }o27,508 }- 2/306 CRTOR Ab colds 2c ops ss = pees Fe 14,341 || , :965 2,311 3, 168 5,708 | . 1;727 | 392! AUSTIN—All.classes.. :.i¢--.--}4a ae --- 34,876 || 2,454 6,377 6,706 | 10,894) ' 5,985 |» 2,376" BEAUMONT—AIl classes. -.-...- pane Se 2 40,422 ||. 3,872 7,701 | 8,401 | 14,498-). 4,936 1983 HL Paso—All classes... ...-.g. ep -- +] ) 17,060 8,343 | 15,572 | 14,864] 25,872 |» 110,817 2,053 GALVESTON—All classes... ......, .c5--- A4, 255 3,562 7, 113 8,547 | 16,201) | 7,123 1, 616° Waco—All classes: >. 9p. -:.. a: BES Ss 388, 590 3,361 7,666 7,516 | 12,734 |'' / 5,736) 41,3437° WIcHITA FALLS—AII classes... s..4...- 40,079 3,366 5, 833 8,066 | 15,115} 14,210) >) 637 Utah, i} 4 ; acyl TAO Pp are : mi ae Cen THO AIS SALT LAKE Crry—All classes.......-.- * 118,110 |) | 12,805 | 23,532 | 21,227 | 37,223 | 18,416 )/ 4,712) Native white—Native parentage. . 56, 234 8,897 | 14,870; 10,978] 14,816 5, 308 1, 258° Foreign er 3 adh 23° 515 |}, 1,711 3, 769 4,275 | 8,875 |) « 4, 506 357 Mixed parentage. . 17, 598 2,035 4,166 4,040 5, 600 1,585 150.0 Foreign-born white... 2-22. -42-.. 19, 434 @ 9°60 627 1,757 7,285 ) | 6,776 2,897. OPO. ee Spee. ee as eee 718 39 66.| yon 9h} 7 B52} 9) 0142 1 23 OGDEN—AIl classes, .. 5 ......4.4.04--- 32, 804 3,874 6,992 | «6,093 |; 9,822} 4,817 1,185. 0 ; yr oat a Ki % 1 Includes persons of unknown age. ~ rotten { ag ‘ ¢ fe is COMA > 4 it 117 Tra icf oy att ot CHART ADA Dian GRY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. PLM DiS h GIT BE Ot G Vat AEP ad Deis Ae Dee Gp Aes 21897 AIRY Tenhesses, wih ee ee ee a sMPHIS— a , Native w eee ddehiace! oe “1 : i Demaedi canes ore La - eaackaaae ative parentage. ...2. - sg »,! ee pereupase. 1 JANAG parentage... 2/200. . (Sahai S55 RE SO ie oO teem ia ene shee + i a aaah |S em erin wm me we ie we te ed parentage .. 5. BSG. 52) pager cob aeedar ot agre .- 7 1a bo? ee as Picreien parentes. eo scee . : => a es poe eo de gag sar = ie - white — lative parentage. >... . 4 Mixed parentage......... “Hen aaess sone cr Apes sa mire meee meme meres reece theta ere sete weet seneetns ¢ “on ee ME ob _ Mixed parentage. | awe 0,8" Deskin Wa. ph.-osth- edocs hss. poe 9 rye yA ar ye SSO SNE ts Co 00 ST OW | bie digerct ae aed parentage... & Pore ete tay parentage. 9.0020, Ea “a Forel n:born w ite. ris es a POL S| | 00 DOO PON WH DOOD — NN CWODNNRWEON SHOP, SAOCRHOKNO RON 5p bast GPPt DS SOP PS Go Go-Go. Sat Ge: = ss a tive parentage,...).°.. § Foreign parentage... .... vi oy white Ey >. . EEE OF eel t tee Ee me . | Mixed parentage........- ) OE es ea We ie he by hak set > ah rene tt NI0—Alll classes. oh Sa AE oreign A oaretita ge S VES tt et et iwhite...}.....-.-4 CE NaS rar 0 90 DW SONS Od SS PATIO DACNMWMOMAONDH AOL MOWMRONUNOHWWORDrF — lt et em bD =p SSsssSoue8ask y Fauis—Alfelesces rae ania ‘De + aaa: ‘Utah. VE (hob SE0,8) 11 VE ee ee) tat O + 1-80 rest Gs 1 | BOD A LAKE CG 7 hon EhaghelO@ 8 2284. } ere. e wh ite— ative parentage. -..:...|, . oreign parentage. & leila Dt et et $0 § 0 $3 Go © So OQNIOOonaeS PER CENT OF TOTAL. 15 to 24 | 25 to 44 years. : 20. 9 RPOIWN WHR Won 45 a2 64 65 years et ; we PHWROWMO RN NN WH Ww WO Dr O32 OW ODO Oa bw PH RONNAN PE NNWNAENNASEPNNNNNSNNN WoO DATS ROI LO EEO IRIN NID NO ATO0 tS DOW OOM ORR i) 5. wwe SENS OO oro IW or 85 184 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——POPULATION, TABLE 50.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS, FOR [By class of population for, AGE PERIODS, CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. |All ages.! NE sears Unders | 5 to 14 | 15 1024 | 25 to 44 | 45 to 64 the years. | years. | years. | years. | years. over. Virginia, ‘T wks NorFOLK—AIl classes..........2.2:---- 115,777 9,664 | 18,375] 24,321 | -43,452 |) -16,941 2,985 Native white—Native parentage. .. 57, 759 5, 298 9,766 | 11,806 | 20,554 8, 498 1, 821 Foreign parentage. . 5, 207 765 1,370 1,096 1,297 608 69 Mixed parentage. . - 2 673 313 492 501 867 432 66 Foreign-born white-.....-......-.- 6, 587 12 202 1,001 3,651-}. 1,434 | 286 NGSTD 9 chix ~~ Shah Ae A —naeeO 1 Includes persons of unknown age. — t. : | AGE DISTRIBUTION. 185 CITIES HAVING 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920—Continued. "cities of 100,000 and over.] PER CENT OF TOTAL. CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. Under 5 | 5 to 14 | 15 to24 | 25 to 44 | 45 to 64 |69 years years. | years. | years. | years. | years, | ®”d ovel Se Wei _ Virginia. iat 5 > 2 - weNORFOLK—AIl Classes... 25 {200 00... lk 8.3 15.9 21.0 3%) 14.6 2.6 Si ' Bative white—Native parentage........ 9, 2 16.9 20. 4 35. 6 14.7 3.2 TRS . Foreign parentage....... 14.7 26. 3 21.0 24.9 11.7 1.3 et ‘Mixed parentage......... 1107 18.4 18. 7 32. 4 16, 2 25 naj | Foreign-born white.......-...-.-.2..2-. 0. 2 3:1 15. 2 55. 4 21.8 4.3 CIN Gg St Nc a RR Ss eS 7.6 15. 1 22.8 39. 2 13, 6 Ga Ricumonp—All qaasces...f 10 Xt... ay aebee 9.1 17.2 20.3 33. 7 15.5 3.9 Native white—Native parentage........ 9.8 18.1 20. 4 32.5 14.9 4,1 G0 u .s Foreign parentage. ...... 9, 2 19.7 14.0 27, 2 24.7 4.9 3 és Mixed parentage......... 8.4 17.1 18. 4 32, 7 19, 1 4.3 fee tordion-porm white. .: 5. .2f........02064 0.3 3.0 10.7 45, 4 29, 4 10.9 Se aS ag ee Cage Bee” 8.5 16.5 21. 8 35. 6 14,2 28 LyNcHBURG—AIl WISSROS SU... ts en Oak 9. 4 19.0 21.2 2 15.2 3.6 Newrort News—All classes............... 8.4 15.2 24.3 37. 3 12.0 By _ PETERSBURG—AII classes.........-..-.-..-- 9.7 18, 5 21.1 32. 0 14,2 3.8 PoORTSMOUTH—AII classes. .................. 9.9 18, 1 217 33.6 14.0 237 cee All 2 REE Seaeoe Srypet 11.0 19.5 20. 5 32.3 13.7 2.9 3 ig Washington. Srarrce—All classes. .... PAUSE IL... See 70% 14.0 15.6 39. 8 18,8 3.7 4K: Eero Sager kee parentage........ 9.6 16.8 16.8 36. 2 16.5 3.7 Bye. pore parentage....... 9.0 18.2 18.7 36. 6 5,3 1.9 4 . parentage... ...2.. 11.2 20. 1 20. 6 34. 7 11,6 1.6 he Foreign-born white ee, & 22 Ee ee 0.7 3.9 8.7 49.9 30. 0 6.3 BUMPTOMG MGbeC.....b Sebed ss .-2-bactds 4.5 8.9 12.8 50. 6 19. 8 225 Srokans—All LOS Dp 2 Se ee ee 8.0 16.9 16. 4 33. 8 20. 2 4.6 ' Native white—Native Gablatese Paes b, - W 10. 2 19.9 17.7 31.5 16.3 4,2 y a Foreign parentage. .....-. 6.6 16. 4 1727. 35. 4 21.2 237 i Mixed parentage......... 10. 1 22. 1 21.4 32. 1 12.3 2.0 _ Foreign-born WRAUGSE Seth... fan ne. dea 0.7 3.6 7.2 40.7 38. 0 9.9 ye aaa BRT ea Te: 6.9 13.6 13.3 38. 1 23.5 4.4 BLED Classest f.d%. 1.5.2... 48d 8.7 17.5 17,1 31.1 20.0 5.4 “EveretTt—All classes. .............-.2--000 8.7 17.4 1733. 33. 5 19. 0 4.1 TaCOMA—AIl classes:. . 2... eee sce ee eee eee 8.3 14. 2 16,1 34, 2 18.9 4,2 West Virginia. CHARLESTON—AII classes..................-- 10.0 18,2 19.8 34.8 14.0 3.0 'CLARKSBURG—AII classes. 2222.2. 11.6 19.6 19,4 33,1 13ak 3.0 “HUNTINGTON—AIl classes. 2. ..0.....220600- 10. 7 19.3 19.9 SP BY 14.6 bach WwW ae Se ee ee a ee Ph eS 9.3 18.0 17,1 2.5 18. 2 4.7 ot fi . Wisconsin. é eee sure All lasses JSPR. F355 20665 4 AEE 10.0 17.8 17.9 34.1 16. 2 3.9 Native white—Native parentage £84 18.3 26. 0 20. 8 27.5 6.0 1.3 ma Foreign parentage. -..-.- 9.3 18. 2 19, 6 34. 2 16.6 1.9 Mixed parentage......... 12.1 25. 4 24, 0 31.1 6.9 0.5 we perder bors White-~--P200F 6). ....422 0.1 3.2 8.7 43.3 32.8 41-7 Bis ee oS ee ae oe ) ee ore: | 6.4 11.9 16 2 49, 2 14.0 1.38 GREEN Bay—_Ali classes jit Jelee. GN 10. 2 19, 7 19, 6. 29. 9 15, 7 4.7 MMOSHA Albelasses-. 2 3Podde555..0. 250k 11.7 18.9 18.5 35. 6 12.6 2.5 CrOossE—AIl classes... ......2..-...-.-..- 8.9 17.3 18, 4 29.9 19, 2 6.2 Neem EEE EF ae eee, 8.9 16.0 18, 2 34.3 17.9 4.4 | "OSsHKOSH—All classes... 22 /2..-..2.-.2224 8.8 18.6 17.3 28..4 19.9 6.8 MemPEN All) Classes mu... 2s. -- oe b eens 10.4 16.7 19. 0 35. 1 15, 1 3.7 SAT os EA SBOSER es ete Pe cis betes « 10. 8 19. 6 17. 2 30. 0 17.5 4.9 ‘ RIOR—All @isones: 4. FS5.280. ... 2 REL 10.7 20. 0 18.3 32.0 16.3 2.6 iA OT pe ay) 5 ; Be Met at : } a j . 1 GaRit aw Cae wig oe ~ SAR ‘ani: Of) 186 ABSTRACT OF THE \CENSUS--POPULATION, TaBLE 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES, IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: Padre : 13 Ot i ; \ =| NATIVE WHITE. | AGE PERIOD. ~ | All classes. RPMS ee Naret Foreign-born Native Foreign. ni whites arentage. mixed P g parentage. | %o #946) a» UNITED STATES. URBAN POPULATION. ot All ages, number. .c....¢d.02... 54, 304, 603 24, 556, '729 15, 706, 372 | 1» 10,356, 983 vated pie renee Ted Meg ee A ? “Under @years. 2. fii secs Pedee 5 ; ~- »sbeeeS 072A Bto9 yaetel.. sks SRE sy 050; 276 2, 534; 608 ' 2,096, 478 ont is 120-016. 10 to 14 years......-.. Pcs dale. 4, 664) 312 2,333, 029 1, 790; 012 }: 40 245, 035 15 to 19 years........ Si. dedethcb 4h488;968 2,210,680 |. 1, 503,354) 1413, 728 20 +0 44 years......c.cc......2s002.| 23/203) 269 9, 985, 517 5, 689, 320.| 5,700,938) whi ines OVOrpes dss... Sota. 11, os mH reas +4 a 1 ee Bt corey FO UDRBOWR: - 535 Owes ok oe Sta 3" ae, , eC BO) 2 All ages, per cantiths.scadetl. - 100.0 |] © 100.0 | ..». +'100.0 sie 100.0. 0 Under 5 years....... OVE anv wtetoee. 9.7 11.4 23 niaas8q heim 0.3 A) 5069 yeatay.... Re LE. 9.3 10.3 18.3 thle cabs Qt) oa MOO L4ioarBe. ou. ede Sua bs 8.6 9.5. 11.4 eer 2 15to 19 years......- Pu etdt Jala Sota be 8,2 9.0 9.6 i 14.0 7 QO to44iyedtss. te dS 22. o8 2 842.7 40.7 36.2 ri A--6570 iy 45 years and Over..i.2.. 22.2 .104 ee & 821.3 18.9 15.6 ® 37.0 5 RURAL POPULATION. . ; A TE é Allages, number. .............. 51, 406, 017 33, 865, 228 6, 979, 832 3, 355, 771 Under § years... 25 |. .c-. ca dead 6, 297, 479 4,575, 292 787, 872 | coos 5, 480 : Sag DPOOR safe ns rea 8 225, ee ‘, 899, ni 45, ae s ioc OO yearsivoss Re ees Rstes 347, 799 443 255 |... . 84 rs 10 to 14 years......l.cli.. es eaka 5,976,825 ||. 47122680} » 792,239)... 86,397.1- ISto 19years....3) Peo aa. 4, 984, 593 3° 388) 366 683,813 |. 114, 214 20 to 44: yearse. 4 Lee LL. 17) 352) 274 | 10, 967, 215 2,546,535: © «1,497, 648 a years and-over..!.J2.......3+0.. 10,397, 18 | 6, 338, ~- a a * eager cn ge unknown...2. 808 2... 4.6.91. 49, 0,3 3, fn PR. > D5 3 five ‘i > Lee ito ep] fis All ages, per cent.......... ETE. 100.0 |] -. 100. 0 100.0;}) Ja 7 -100..0., Under 5 Feats... ieee 12.3 ||4 4 13.5 13 uigash § 0.6 HLO OORT: UE... 12.3 13.1 Asko baxsM |=6dSS AGito T4 verdes. ok ee 11.6 12.2 11.4]. adtiiw noel 15 to 19iyeate: 3. 1c eh... Buel. 19.7 10.0 6 Ae . 2a Sato 44 years. wih. LTE. 33. 8 32.4 . 86.5 jesxeals 1144.6): 45 years and over..... + Tae Oe ee. 20. 2 18.7, . 19.0 |. coxph Bs NEW ENGLAND. isiail¥ tes W URBAN POPULATION. ; Os oho H Allages, number..........5.++- 5, 865, 073 1, 867, 235 2,.279, 995 1,641,728.) Pres 5 oor ‘beth Si... kee. it ned Li ae se ‘818, hon eoneal Sy under S. #Gar..1 Sai... de beek Ot ,, 609. |. 4 B10.9 years,.. Moucwmels. kee 552, 726 178, 469 350, 245 “18, 210 TO VO ISIVORTR coos. oe 508, 127 161, 633 302, 862 | a! 088, 329 mio tae piri foo diae | Betas | gt O44 yYeatss.. [ob Jor2. CER. de 34, i aang a 45 years and OVer....0......acss0e- 1371484 [li 4867278 |. 266,685) h-1), 602,576: +1 Age unknown... <1) hudioosuoea . 5, 326 ‘ 3, 148 659 | os % 1, 298 All ages; per cent.i.........20-- 100.0 100. 0 100.0}. 100.0- Under:5 years: -isshae. Ae #4410, 2 13.5 . 16.4 Oc Sto yearstrvawee Oe et. i 9.4 ' 9.6]. 15.4 fs lidedy IGto 14 years, 1 02850r 4 ab. 8.7 8.7 13.3 el Qld}, 15to 19:Vearswk BoE KL. “ 1. 8.0 7.9 11.0 » » $Ba9 20to 44: yedrsicsccet ht BAL. 140.3 36, 2 32.3 65.6]. 45 years and over..i.00......0025 t. 23.4 26.0.]. ALT 86.7, RURAL POPULATION. , nF 9 Aine ree All ages, number. ...........04- 1,535,836 ||... 935,914 _ 362, 281 228, 926 Under 6 years......... rare Prviee ae 821 94, 925 $6, 794 1, PICGLOD BV Odds emia aa ieere aio Be : Rr pits. | oF Mth 0 yOBTECe. ero. eee ck 149) 164 88, 754 55, 998 3, 559 10 to 14 years... 2-22. o oo 142, 605 86, 181 49, 304 6, 180 OsEO VOT S. 0 5c Ties Oke = eel oe 121, 728 74, 057 8, 841 BP TOAE Vents. sans Ss teecn 519, 064 294” 845 105,857 | ° 115,024 i hier t BTU OV ERR rehe cit cu eee dh ot gh i 8% ren 56, es 93, ate BAMERNOW Gisccees feces ces b «cos vfs) Allages, per cent............... 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 BOGE fe VOBER oe Si ta Se acca teon'a c 10.0 10.1 15.7 0.5 BUC CRES MSU une ae Saute cs ce 9.7 9.5 15.5 1.6 POC OMS VORTBI ee. ccc enc owideroe ecu 9.3 9.2 13.6 2.7 Ee UO 19 VORINS 6 iock weed Ciekes kes 7.9 ‘ 7.9 10.5 3.9 20 10 44 YOATA is coke nee cdtsns vom nee 33.8 31,5 29, 2 50. 2 OF VOALHATNC OVCL ksi us eetraste eee sok 29, 2 31.6 15.5 41.0]. AGE DISTRIBUTION, 187 “TABLE 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES. IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATHS: 1920—Continued. _ NATIVE WHITE. OTe Y "PERIOD. | . Foreign-born “AGE PERIOD. || All classes. Native Foreign, or his ort Negro. parentage. parentage. GEOGRAPHIC Dtvistlons—Con. MIDDLE ATLANTIC, URBAN POPULATION. ) Allages, number.............:] 16,672,595 5,976, 653 5,925, 321 4, 239, 681 517,432 Under 5 years... 1,725, 761 715,015 962, 724 8,285 39, 187 peoUnder I year/........... le 334, 848 141,066 183, 829 1,011 8, 820 5 to 9 years... vu.] 1,626,893 628, 045 920, 163 41, 627 36, 612 Ne 14 years... ; 1,478,189 580, 170 765, 365 98, 091 34, 203 5 to 19 years... 1,346, 881 535,667 591, 433 182, 275 36, 951 20 to 44 years... z 7,031, 300 2,387,444 1,889,056 2, 462, 567 283, 868 45 years and over 3, 446, 332 1, 121,584 794, 321 1, 441, 688 85, 550 Age unkn 17,239 8,728 2, 259 5,148 1,061 Wot, ; ce L _ Allages, percent.......,...... 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 mer DVCATS, ,......-.- 0 )- i ee 10.4 12.0 16.2 0.2 7.6 ROD VORTS.-40 0 -- 2-0-2 -- ese pe eee 9.8 10.5} | 15.5 1.0 7,1 MeO 14 YOAIS., 4. ......-.-4-5-4---- 8.9 9.7 12.9 2.3 6.6 nie Tt WOON) iuty « «0/0 «a0 40 pe 7 bees 8.1 9.0 10.0 4.3 TA PRA SY COT a aiaty « - 2 0 oe de gio te 42.2 39. 9 31.97) ° 58.1 54.9 ap years and Over........./........ 20. 7 18.8 13.4 34.0 16.5 ____, RURAL POPULATION. _Allages, number............... 5, 588, 549 3, 654, 359 1, 172, 932 672, 894 82, 751 Under 5 years.......2.0.220250202! 628, 690 415, 562 202 849 1,563 8,119 _ Under 1 year... SE tata aol cae wre 119, 496 79, 568 37,913 211 1,686 Se ee ie ire 613, 446 400,715 196, 021 7,844 8, 234 ODES ote ea Bieta 567, 206 388, 265 153, 756 16,405 8,167 60.19 Years... ...0..-.--- APRA FB 468, 716 331, 848 105, 953 22, 766 7, 604 MOS VORB ors Grae ---- de nae- nes 1,917,975 1,211, 227 302, 206 368, 455 34, 085 years and over........... ee c-s 1,387,606 903, 496 211, 699 254, 819 16,377 Meeumenown............J....2... | 4,910 3,246 448 1,042 165 G pe Cy Se 0 : | Allages, per-cent............... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 Somer) years.d. 5.8 001... 11.2 11.4 17.3 0.2 9.8 Gao 0 yearsii hl... lle. 11.0 11.0 16.7 1.2 10.0 mo vo 14-yeats: o. 2... . es. Gait... 10. 1 10.6 13.1 2.4 9.9 Bono 19 years we... 08 Rah 18.4 9.1 9.0 3.4 9,2 Meco a4 yoorsi fut... 2.2... S001... 34.3 33.1 25.8 54.8 41.2 45 years and over...-.....2........ 24.8 24.7 18.0 37.9 19.8 East NortH CENTRAL. 4) » URBAN POPULATION... aoe _ All ages, number .........2....| 13,649,272 5, 970, 956 4,109, 954 2,511, 626 448, 873 Mader 5yearss...........5.02.4.. 1,300, 667 | 732, 861 531, 051 5,398 30, 972 prude? t yeGel.S... 2... 1k Lk. 249,053 || . 143,498 97,994 613 6, 868 GtoO years. o.2........1.41 e.te.| 1,205,077 640, 783 505, 860 27, 218 30,912 GO t0N4 years f... 2.2.6 ).8. oat. 1,076, 614 567,441 422,012 57, 396 29,537 15019 yearsi/).ii5........ bet ei 1,032, 583 539, 149 371, 163 89, 943 31,947 P0104 yearsit). ie... ....).008 22. 5, 668, 681 2, 439, 325 1, 603, 027 1,376,421 245, 383 45 years and Over...........44 Booet 2,748, 482 1, 040, 877 674, 770 951, 834 78, 988 Ageunknown..........---s-5004-- 17,168 10,520 2,071 3,416 1,134 _ Allages, percent...... Ast ee 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Mer 5 years... ....-....5..- foes 10.0 12.3 12.9 02 6.9 OS es he “9.2 10.7 12.3 imal 6.9 Ne ob cons tom nigpnes 8.3 "9.5 10.3 2.3 6.6 ON LOR ES SS Ee aoa 7.9 9.0 9.0 3.6 a a iS ee 43.4 40.9 39.0 54.8 54.7 } 45 years 8nd over... ......5........ 21.1 17.4 16.4 37.9 17.6 + RURAL POPULATION. | fr Fre. eet Tost ta mapon, mummber......).20.5.%. 8, 426; 271 5,819,414 | 1,815,259 711, 653 65, 681 jeer > Y@ars...........5--.25 oa 919, 365 758, 164 152, 199 1,070 6,019 mamcer 1 Year. 5. .-.-.--- denn -a eS 171,720 143,657 |’ 26, 348 112 15216 5 to 9 years...... Spat Ce Fd 919, 648 727, 238 178,168 5, 803 6,522 ‘WO't0 14 years....)........ ea 887, 605 685, 342 180, 521 13, 582 6, 558 MPU VOGES eo... poet, 760, 473 573, 652 161, 654 17, 942 5, 967 Wo 44 years..: 02202222221. GIT te | > 2) saeh aed 1, 861, 869 681, 216 267, 824 24,251 45 PeeNd OVE... .2...$ oc 5. on6< 2,093, 651 1,208, 719 460, 771 404, 646 16, 241 WAB@unknown.ies...:... 2) uas.. 6,085 4,430 730 786, 123 An ages, percent. .....3<5.c4... » 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 Winder 5 years... ...-.......065,-.. ¢ 10.9 » 13.0 8.4 0.2 9.2 | el aes i a re ~ 10.9 é 2.5 9.8 0.8 9.9 ieee JOC ae ae 10.5 11.8 9.9 1.9 10.0 Bene 80 VORP sis. hoa eee » Tp. 0 ; 9.9 8.9 2.5 9,1 Ee ees 33.7 32.0 37.5 37.6 36. 9 “4S years and aver.................-. 24. 8 20. 8 25.4 56.9 24.7 188 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-POPULATION, x TABLE 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES, IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued NATIVE WHITE. AGE PERIOD. All classes. Native orgign, or Korg Negro. parentage. | parentage. GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS—Con. West NORTH CENTRAL. rv ae URBAN POPULATION. hvoges Allages, number........200.00. 4,727,372 2,627,908 | © 1,275,306 eo 212,591 Uader 5 yearsviivit ........ Boe 416,519 299, 418 101, 632 . 48,698 5 Under 1 Year... --- +--+ +e ee eee ee baer ae Lenin oe as TH 2, 888. to 9'years.. VIL thi. oo ER 2} | 2 5, ~) 14, 827 10a 44 years iat be 0... 8080008 389, 343 255, 493 107,158{ 10, +15, 476 aotearoa Sk ous. Oabeoa 2,022/980 || 1,058'700 |. 581120 -102°708 45 years'and over-.u......--ss0-20.| 1,087,683 |]: 484,034)!" 2627577 | bss 43; 993 Age unknowmel 7.2... 5. Be.8e. 10,089 7,436 864 | cty¢ 5836 All ages, per Gent... . - -i: o. 66,<-- 100..0 100, 0 / 100.0 100.0 IONer years. we. . ass ene ie 8.8 11.4 j 80 6.4 S109 VORIS. | os.) oc use e sce eee 8.6 10.6 a ee dr > O50 awa Teo. cscs - «ae oe 6 8.2 9.7 8.4 7.3 15 to 19 years........ Ra bg A 8.3 9.3 8.8 ay eee BOLO AL Gaal on to ois - cute aa 42.8 40. 3 45.6 -, 60.7 45 years and Ovet.........J...22--- 23. 0 18. 4 20.6 4 20:7 RURAL POPULATION. 3 , Allages, number, .-... J ccs-ees 7,816,877 4,847,640 2,102,572 65, 930 Ander yearsvn. co. . 2... deme BAe 924, 893 732,642 179,727 +} 5, 991 Wader [ year. So... sete gem ae 174, 509 141, 288 oe 948 1, 160 ip teen ccammenmmey cake 360/298 || oe ss1 | 333° 950 a 1b to19 Years] tea || gatsea] = 21960 67980 PE LO 4A-VOOTS cn Set Hie « de mens Seas 2,729, 220 1,519, 450 905, 057 23, 517 49.y@ars and OVO so .c...-. dsmen ss ve 1,637, 537 817,517 | 336, 750°} ~~~ ° 16, 290 Wgse UDRNOW ase eas dona. 8, 234 5, 962 1, 029 oo, 288 Allages, per cent......2......-- 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 Wrder 5 yearsivenn ci OA. 11/8 1 8.5 yee LDL $40 9 Years. Rb De eR PAT Ou 11.6 13.9 .. 10,2 SM IGD 10'to 14 years. eo. Ga 11.0 » 12.5 Th Bb Odes as 10.5 O5'to 19 yearsh oki be 9.6 10, 2 bs tis GA desicde ee 9.5 2050 44 yearskvc ea OR... 34.9 & 81.3 . 43.0. Bb7 45?years and Ovet..-...-. $2... 20.9 16.9 _..16.0 & Qany SouTH ATLANTIC. owe Ses a URBAN POPULATION. Allages, number..-............ 4,338,792 2, 559, 203 410, 397° |" "1,144,371 5 Foe ee ae nana 2 mrieet Pett ane ee Sto 9 years... 2.222, 403, 101 253) 189 | 45, 409 + 102) 243 Obl: YearsAsme.. 0. de eee 86, 467 239, O72 41,075 : 154.019 yearsifh.ic. | Mw See 393, 552 237, 734 35, 575 ti OM tdi44 yoansise.or...... | ebbalte 1,900; 941 1, 088; 602 150, 184 o% Bal, 504 45 years and OVer..-.......-sss:202 "$34, 398 465, 302 92,300}... 190, 566 Apetinknowmi? isc. ..... 1 diiebie 11,077 5, 364 “241 1. 4,900 _ All ages, per cent............-. 100. 0 100.0 100: 0 100.0 Under 5 years, wig. -..--.- 4. 6-655: 9,4 10, 5 11.1 56% Thee 5 to 9 years....... eRe ha el oo, 3 9.9 11.1 abd, se 10-60 14-yeatsa 2 oh Pe oe. 8.9 9.3 ~ 10. 0° Pratzes' i 20 A019 Vearse ied. oe ede 9.1 9.3 8.7 ot) te 2040.44 Veattsa Oo chee d. 43, 8 542.5 36:6 Or Wee 45 years and Over......../.22 4... 19, 2 18, 2 92-5 1) : 16,7 RURAL POPULATION. | | A veea o brie toy Ge ya ages, number. jics.4...2--2- 9,651, 480 6,220, 213 143, 207 | 9: » 98/432 |" 8, 180, 749 a et b Veareaa. eae Bag 44 a! L3ePs ibe as, 365 21,749 | oon 434,317 Biov years TEES) agaatses || gett) «= “agteae at 110 14 yeatseia.c. 60060) aab ae , 1, 247, 094 780, 163 14,625 oy Ito 19 yearsosgsu.. ss <4. pox Gout 1, 015, 559, 637, 941 11,642 a Wie 44 yearsccs. cr)... op aa tes 3, 092, 926 2, 005, 757 43° 679° ts. 45-years and Ovef.o0... 2.2) e0e shes 1, 622, 391 1, 083, 166. |. 31, 766 Age unknown. s. ..3..22.24.005 ean 9, 047 4,681 62 f All ages, per‘cent........00..... 100.0 100. 0 100, 0 nf SOUT VOANE. Ven. isd sea ete de 13.7 13. 8 15, 2 EP OAT Sip ans ain wm dn sett 913.9 U 13,6 13,7 89 NP LO TASV ORES RON. ooo aot hok Mencia 12,9 Y 42. 5 .~ $10, 2-4. r PATO LO PORTS oie oak winnie cand s » © 40.5 ~ 10.3 -- 81. : 2010 44 Yoarsy.: 2... se sewedon tenes: 82.0 © 82,2 30, 5 x 4h-years and Over.....-=-.0d-32e--4- . 16.8 U.47.4 29, 2. “Awad 4 Re Ol) 1) AGE DISTRIBUTION, 189 PABLE &1.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES, IN URBAN-AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. 4 NATIVE WHITE. hice ay loo trans . | Foreign-born #08 PERIOD. ra All classes, Native I hie or white: Negro. ) nanserp parentage. | jarentage. } GEOGRAPHIC Drvistons—Con. East SoutH CENTRAL. URBAN POPULATION. *Allages, nitinber........22/.222.; 1,994,207 1, 231, 225 |! 142, 928 148; 407 571,316 menace ce! St RS Coe 176, 132 126, 894 7,395 90 41,730 SmeuUnder 1 year. ........2.. 552.2... — -B6, 405 26, 205 1,357 14 8, 82 eres --:-2--+ o BSE 185, 992 126, 817 8,707 358 50, 101 Bee VOarses 0.222222 SARK. 186, 064 124, 070 9,308 822 51, 853 apt TO yearset! <1; .22:-. ERE. 183, 794 119, 137 9,422 1, 492 53, 730 ¥0 44 years!?).13........: ie A ae 855, 442 511, 980 59,547 19, 589 264, 154 years anid ove 1 Papen) ae be 402, 697 220, 362 48, 437 25, 986 107, 813 ge tS COGS SES 4, 086 1, 965 12 70 1,935 ) ‘Allages, per cént........ Lehi + 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Under 5 years.?...........! Pees) 8.8 10.3 5.2 0.2 3 to 9 years...) .. Le ttl } 9.583 10.3 6.1 0.7 8.8 Loe 9.3 10.1 6.5 1.7 9.1 9.2 49.7 6.6 a 9.4 42.9 41.6 41.7 40,5 46.2 20. 2 17.9 33.9 53.7 718.9 6,899,100 || 4,861,557 59, 898 23/532)| °° 1,952,216 912) 002 670, 950 4,799 73 235, 940 185, 216 138, 134 887 7 46,130 941, 952 665, 409 5, 041 207 271, 047 896, 988 622, 847 4,716 487 268, 715 727, 593 506, 464 4, 083 685 216, 187 2, 222, 762 1, 560, 763 21, 691 10,173 629, 508 1, 191) 841 2, 484 19, 536 11, 897 327, 563 tL ft 5, 962 2,640 2 30 3, 256 © “All ages, per cent....... 1.2.1 E;. 100.0 100. 0 | 100. 0 100. 0 |. 100.0 mmaer pb yeais.).........., R01... 18.2 13.8 8.0 0.3 12,1 (G0 9 years... .5.......... 7 ee 48.7 13.7 8.4 0.9 13.9 maeto 14 yoars. .t..- 22.222, Lo Poet 13.0 12.8 7.9 2.0 13.8 Ete Eugene. ---.5-.--. LR... > 10.5 10. 4 6.8 2.9 11.11 no 44 voars: 1¢... 22... LAL... 32.2 32.1 36.2 43,2 32.2 4S years and Over........ 17.3 17.1 32.6 50. 6 16.8 WEsT SouTH CENTRAL. URBAN POPULATION. 2, 970, 829 1, 904, 386 303,.768. 220,460 ‘635, 282 270, 209 194, 302 32, 258 3, 788 39, 086 55, 150 39, 062 7, 561 389 7,978 285, 215 197, 048 29, 951 9, 733 47,652 280, 816 190, 605 26,793 12, 860 49, 743 279, 964 185, 027 25, 336 16,368 52, 525 1, 311, 812 824, 664 121, 566 107,018 255, 917 531, 228 305, 183 67, 536 69, 966 87, 405 It, 585 a 328 727 2,954 100. 0 100. 0 100..0 100. 0 109.0 9,1 10. 2 10. 6 BR £71.13 9.6 10.3 9.9 4,4 8.9 9.5 10.0 8.8 5.8 9,3 9.4 9.7 8.3 7.4 9.8 44,2 43,3 40.0 48.5 47.8 17.9 16.0 22.2 31.7 16°3 ‘Allages, ntumber.......2.0.200.) 7, 271, 395 5, 055, 399 | 392, 841 238, 873°| «1,528,297 Wnder 5 years.2.2........./ DREGE. 946, 300 700, 568 49, 406 4, 456 183, 496 *) Under 1 year: .......... 1 FASE. 188, 247 139, 122 10,769 401 36, 207 Be ey ae Biess>.. DER FA . 1,000, 964 721, 116 53, 333 11,303 206; 325 mepto.14 yearsili 0.22.2... 2. 952, 418 673, 569 49, 553 15, 545 205, 853 8510.19 years i0.f1......-. 22. AL. 790, 087 547, 836 44,006 18, 338 173, 857 $20 to 44 years.2¢ 00! :....2.: TA ST 2, 437, 546 1, 657, 547 139, 939 102, 536 520, 581 | 5 years and overii:..2....2f0.2.. 1, 135, 885 750, 076 56, 285 |. , 187} © 236, 089 Age a) Se 2 8,195 4, 687 319 908 2,096 * All ages, percent......./..1 © 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 mer YORU... co ES She. 13.0 13.9 12.6 1.9 12:0 A Sy Se Sk ) 13.8 14.3 13.6 4.7 13.5 Pt 14 years:.¢..........: CBP 23 13.1 13.3 12.6 6.5 13.5 emt 19 years: 6...5252::.)B.2.... 10.9 10.8 11.2 Tt 11.4 i mebo.44 years. 2). ........, 2.06... > 83.5 $82.8 35,6 42.9 34.1 “45 years and over......... PRI, 2.15.6 14.8 14,3 35.9 15.4 ee — esis ; ~ naew -_—~- incr? 4 190 ABSTRACT OF ‘THE CENSUS+-POPULATION. TABLE 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES, IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. AGE PERIOD. GEOGRAPHIC DitvislONs—Con. MOUNTAIN. URBAN POPULATION. Allages, number.:..... 22. 22. Wuder 5 yearsy.....0..: cL aa. Cmder verre sso coi ese ee oe SLOG VOATs: eee. sof OA. TOTON4 yearsiee.: 5.2 cE RES br volo yearses.f 0.52... cE ESR. A) toad yearsize eho 3c. 2c SRR. 45 years and overlie: .2. 255) A. MgO UNKNOWN: . 2.222222) Eel. 101014 years 2262302225504 aR hevo LO vearst 280 2.525225 20:50:44 years: ob22 00 sP Rss 45 years and oyér......5.-L850.... RURAL POPULATION. Allages, number....... 2. a Re Wnders yess... 6255 eS. Rader l’year. i) 0oE SA aeORO Years! TAG 2. oS 5. 2 Pe OTOL yearsiay... 262525 VRIES fa LOLS yearsiaas. 62. PRP aes CO toad yearsert Ole. il. PARA Ie a5 years and Overt. 02. Pee. Meo imknowne: . 3s fec OPER Allages, percent......././20... Under'd yeats.9. 02222 DAR DIVO D YOarse WG eevee! Oe ee oe UOCOrs Vonrd eo ee ee oe AeLO1L9 years?.2.. Js) PRR 204044 years obo. AR 45 years and Over........-L. 422... PACIFIC. URBAN POPULATION. Allages, number......./20.0u. Wnder's yearsiy 2) RR eganderT years... PSA. piOy yearsy Syl, sll bt 14 yearsigt Ol... PM 15 t0.19 years 86. ..5...) AAR 204044 years.id.tat... 2... ALI 45 yearsand Overl:........ 05.01. Allages, percent......././0U... Utider’S years.t:.6..... RL AML DPO'O'yoarst-e-hosue 2.5222 ae eee tet 14 years ee. Seen ee ose RAtOLD years oii. eect ae 20-5044 years.42: 2-202. . (2 ee 45 yearsand Ovér..........2.50.... RURAL POPULATION, Allages,number....... 122.574 Pudér 5 years: 2: 2255.) DOR De:. Crider lyear. ioc. FPS OLORY ears. 20032...) eae LOtOT4 yoarstecols sy FERRY: THhTOL9 yearsse Ole. 2) DSR 20t044 yearssc.00)..'. 2.) BR ARE 45 yearsand Overs......., AL. Age unknown’. .........) VA. f.. Allages, percent..... 20/02/02... Under s'y earss. 627025 TH EL e: MUN VOALS dovtte sc cconcn chat tebe. LOR ol4 yeare8 05 SU eRe. LDS OLD VORTS i. be wicks t howbeh cee 2070 44 yearsi eee st Es. 45yearsand'over....... 2.05.01... All classes. 1, 214, 980 116, 560 NATIVE WHITE. Native parentage. Ronee, or Forsigncbarn Negro. parentage. $14, 358 16, 678 31, 431 1, 030 6, 832 218 32, 589 990 31, 367 1, 016 29, 796 1, 074 135, 491 8, 502 53, 421 3,915 151 100.0 100. 0 10.0 6.12 10. 4 5.9 10.0 6.1 9.5 6.4 43.1 51.0 17.0 29285 442, 808 14) 123 60, 960 510 12, 386 112 36, 842 630 48, 956 an 469 , 063 659 169, 323 10, 480 66, 451 1,517 213 r So JB 100. 0 ‘100.0 13. 8 + 3.6 12.8 63.8 1d 3.8 9.0 0 Mell 38. 2 73.9 15.0 10.7 944, 345 eo 6 41,514 88, 750 2, 627 17, 453 524 94, 092 2, 810 84, 072 2, 613 77, 865 2, 560 413, 737 21, 319 184, 635 9; 365 1,194 20 6220 100.0 » 100.0. 9. 6.3 10.0 6:8 8.9 |. » 6.3 8.2 6.2 43. 8 oars) by | 19.6 2 2ige 226 488, 034 3 Be 276 59, 389 0 485 11, 287 ie 63, 834 © 620 56, 768 1. OS 46, 342 » > 608 177, 567 2,654 855 oh oe 279 1 fae 21 100. 0 Sie 100.0 12.2 Mar 13.1 8. he +5 ae 36. 4 ) 83 17.2 24.2 Fgh CONT AGE DISTRIBUTION.) © > 191 TABLE 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY URBAN. AND RURAL REE WORD AG eR ae OMMUNITINS, BY. DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920-6 ‘7a : : § AND STATES: 1920—Continued. e | naw wo NATIVE WHITE. oe AGE PERIOD.’ mora asec Oo ee | Bene! , . ) Native ‘Foreign. or | Foreign-born - parentage. mixed wae none -* paemty parentage. ; NEW ENGLAND. | om f Maine. “bee URBAN POPULATION. a: All ; ’ ie Ail dies, pleariber.--..-4-21¢.4-. 299, 569 153, 988 . Be Under'l yeats..........)..25.0.. 27, 469 14, 454 85, 170 59, 152 766 to 9 years... oe a ec. 5,481 2. 90 12, 505 397 64 Oto 14 yeatser ..... 2... d.201, B 26, 135 Bors ete 35 2 45 to 19 year eee wie s-] 2 aS ae 25, 232 1 , 8 12, 328 1,023 ~ £ to 44 ote rea reich] | 24,979 it aut Rion 1, 733 ” SEs a mss 6 aM ght: ‘115. Banc ue werer.2.22....18....- 79, ys = 1 28, 105 of rs a » 9391 273 i‘ es 208 100. 0 Moo). f+ kien i... SOE ee Tee, 9,2 eth ae : 100. 0 100.0 ry 2 14.5 i? 77 8.3 8 13. 4 2.9 5.5 38.6 age 12.1 5.3 8, 26.6 0 33. 0 50.7 : . 30. 0 12.3 38. 6 ope 468, 445 satan 47, 671 5082 ts 48, 197 544 9,219 6,884 ee 431 49 } 32, 860 11, 629 oe me 44,759 32,342 10 as 47 38,881 97’ 769 , 817 1, 502 51 155,329 108, 476 od 637 2, 388 41 ze 135,705 |/ oes | ia] Tehabe an "+ IRIE sedis wereeee : Palipee pent. -205128.8 f et ; ot 19 "41 7 * SERS a aes eae : .0 i RMD E 22s... 1.8201... 10.2 10.3 ee 100. 0 100. 0 1 NAweAIE fo 6:2... 6100.8.... 9.7 9.6 15.0 0.9 9.0 RG vearse ch: ..:5.-< 128.00... 9.6 9.5 14.0 1.9 8.6 aS vests... ...-.. 1.2.80... a “8.1 11.2 a 9.4 yearsandover...-..2.- jee... rae 31.7 29.6 Pr plies __-New Hampshire. é ee wai 40. 2 23,9 Os) 2 URBAN POPULATION. vAna Me Cee ee 279, 761 112, 873 94 Bamaderl yeays Ui... Lieie: pegs il, 151 eye yy 441 A eer 25, 666 (2, 15 2, 954 aa él ist 19 Peppa ah ----.- BSc 24, 775 9.56 14, 415 1,078 35 10.44 years...’ ‘w OARS pk ey 23, 171 By see 7 141 2, 030 38 Readava.....ae. 107, 210 38, 232 30, 904 37,813 ot ere ee ewe een ee > | Ce aaa aca rae pagers 9, 447 26, 861 ae | es, per cent........0.i. 100 65 100 15 und er 5 years:.l......... er he .0 100. 0 100.0 1 Bin9 years.|.<¢...........0i.,.. 2.§ 9.9 16.2 ye 100.0 ‘aio l4 yearesc...........tic... 9.2 9.0 15.2 = aS _ Wbto 19 years..........-..... oe... an 8.5 13.8 28 ae 20to 44 years....:.....-.-. Ef ay SB 7.5 12.2 “4 BOG 45 years and over.........22. 22. ae 33.9 32.6 52.9 pio RURAL POPULATION, | ; et 10.0 37.6 17.7 | oft ages, number | , d wire = ake RAS. 183 329 : . ‘ - les kaa teres 14,424 Mears 30,685 |... 19, 804 180 5to9 WONG co occ-cch atk. 2 768 1U;. 4, 247 78 21 IDM yin occ 14, 096 aon ane i 4 Nosed bee iteees. 14, 016 9.393 rea 227 7S one oe _ 11, 981 7,812 ears ae a 45 years and 0% a 0 ES rl 53, 391 34, 325 3, 473 681 13 SoS Sa 55, 159 9, 608 9, 390 62 Age oe Bee ) ae 4,767 8,972 38 _ Al ages, ercent........ E 1 22 RS Under 5 years)..........-..1..-.- 00. 0 100. 0 100.0 100 ~ | St09 years.J.0.0......... 14 ae 8.8 8.9 13.8 .0 100. 0 a veath ose. e tn. 8.6 (8.4 14,9 ne 11.7 : TACs va eee 5.8 + 8.3 13.7 oe 18.3 : 33. 8 36.7 eos 47.4 B44 ¥ : 15.5 45.3 21.1 192 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TaBLy 61,.—DISTRIBUTION BY.BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES, IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. NATIVE WHITE. AGE PERIOD. All classes. Nativia Foreign or ) orglgnshows Negro. parentage. mixed parentage. New ENGLAND—Continued. Vermont. URBAN POPULATION. Allages, number............-.-. 109,976 59, 302 32,295 18, 146 220 Wnder 5 yearssi_ou... 2... LAR. 10,352 6, 234 4,013 on * 89 16 Under d yeati..........) 2Gae-1- 1,946 1,188 743 10 5 to 9 eared. sc... .-...--4ee ds. 9,779 5, 627 3, 854 276 22 HO to 14 -yearsiea........ i580 21> 9, 483 5, 499 3,449 516 19 25't0'19 yearscest..... bth hh. 9, 308 5,388 3, 153 752 150 20 to 44 yearsibl.é...-...., cheb: 42,386 22, 158 10,940 . 9,186 93 45 years and OVer..-......222..0.. 28, 522 14, 290 6, 868 7,308 53 Ave unknown’. Ss........ ack Mt. 146 106 18 19 2 All ages, per cent............... 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 Unter 5 years-00i........) 45.081 .. 9. 4 10.5 12.4 0.5 7.3 p20 0 -yearseSoih eo... kd eek baes 8.9 9.5 11.9 15 10.0 AMG 14 yearsi- J... 2.2. ctah bens 8.6 9.3 10.7 2.8 8.6 15 to 19 years?.c...... rey ye TD 8.5 9.1 9.8 4,1 6.8 204044 yearss.3.......5. steely. 2 38. 5 37.4 33.9 50.6 42.3 45-years and Ovef..-........4.0.-.- 25.9 24,1 21.3 40.3 24,1 RURAL POPULATION. : All.ages, number ......42...-.-; 242,452 169 , 023 46,671 26,380 — 352 Wider 5 yearSsi Ha... 2 Eee Ek 24, 192 18,016 5, 684 451 36 Under’! yeafh.. .....- 51484 Eh: 4,628 3, 487 1,092 AF 145 Hito O*yearss. 65. 2... cca tS ee 23,633 17, 236 5,341 - = «nb O08: 44 WD to 14 yearscle..... 25.5) fee. bes 23, 102 16, 796 4,946 1,322 36 RS tol 19 yearscie. tJ... .. 0b Lhe, 20, 200 14,728 4,029 1,405 36 W)to'44:yearsse5_£. 5. GR 79, 003 53,359 14, 303 11,214 118 45 years and Over-..........022.0.. 72, 092 48,701 12,351 10, 955 80 Age unknown... ./.........000.02. 230 187 17 24 2 All:ages, percent. -..-4.--5:.-.2 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 Uitter 5 years005. ue. <5 201.2 10.0 10.7 12.2]. THLE > 10.2 D.bO O years ek PP. 9.7 10. 2 11.4 3.8 12.5 AOtoil4yearse de oo. oo. abe 8 9.5 9.9 10.6 5.0 10. 2 Leto 19yearsIF oes tthe 8.3 8.7 8.6 6.37) 10.2 Sto 44 years. £2... 2a .ns dobliags 32.6 31.6 30.6 42.5 33. 5 45 years and Over.......... 2.0... 29. 7 28.8 26.5 41.5 22.7 Massachusetts. ' URBAN POPULATION. Allages, number............... 3,650, 248 1,116, 638 1,441, 872 1, 045, 106 43,624 Maider-5 yearsth.J5. .... 5.448082. 367, 497 131, 199 229,337 - 2,746 4,086 Under lyeafs. ......... 4880.01. 71, 535 25, 900 44,385 294 ' 923 Sto 9:yoarss. éh os... 105. Ree 341, 269 108, 826 218, 158 10, 809° 3,371 AD to 14yeatseisi 1. ......) AiR blL 315, 061 97, 587 191, 142 23, 135 3, 128 Ah to 19 yearsOl oo .. 2... 24.620 6E. 286, 656 86,181 158,364 38, 910 3,064 20 to-44:yearsoal S .:.....2abealis 1, 473, 077 399, 913 472,491 577, 933 | 21, 206 45 years and Oveér!:..........8.0.. 863, 671 291, 097 172,038 - 390, 871 | 8,635 itge unknown. AY ...:.. 128.0. 3,017 1,835 342 702 134 All ages, per cent............... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 Minder 5 years: 22. .2.27. 6 BOE 10. 1 11.7 15.9 0.3 9.4 5 to 9. years...... 9.3 9,7 15.1 1.0 Ton 10 to 14 years 8.6 8.7 13.3 2.2 72 Sto VO-yearsh S22. 2 cbedeeubdb 7.9 dod 11.0 3.7.43 7.0 20to 44 years. ..:.-...o Sop) tf 40. 4 35. 8 32.8 55.3 |) 48.6 A5 yearsiqnd Over... ...... 3.3.08... a 23. 7 26. 1 11.9 37.4] 19.8 RURAL POPULATION. Allages, number. .....J.......- 202, 108 114,135 53,345 32, 428 1, 842 Rhbder 5 yearsxis 21 ...... 8882S. 18, 264 10, 276 7,648 78 222 Under lyyemt.........--3. 2588s. 3, 356 1,940 1,362 5 42 6toOO-years.) Li... PT 18,557 10,001 8,011 329 184 AO. tO 14 yearp.cee win... <5 cso Doses 18,477 10, 210 7,397 662 174 15 to 19 -yearsat........... Abs. 2s. 15, 475 8, 420 5, 951 948 “125 20 1044 yearsl28 oc. 5.0 je Blea 65, 639 33, 766 15, 497 15, 547 704 45 years and Over...........202.4.. 65, 581 41, 392 8, 825 14,846} -» 422 Mpeumkno write coh. wn5 05 ele SOS 115 70 16 18) ro eae Allages, per cent............... 160.0 100. 0 100. 0 100 0 100.0 Opder 5 years .43t...... 4.00000. 9.0 9.0 14.3 0.2 742.1 S419 years... .0..... 0.22.5 BALES. 9.2 8.8 15. 0 1.0 10.0 DOGO 14 yeoars.t nite Std. 9.1 8.9 13.9 2.0 9.4 EGR0 10 yeoarsn .£. 2. Fadel <. ‘fa 7.4 11. 2 2.9 6.8 MOTO 44 yearsd 2... 5. ese Fawlen ds 32. 5 29. 6 29. 1 47.9 88.2 45 years and OVer:........-.--..2-- 32. 4 36.3 16.5 45. 8 me AGE DISTRIBUTION. 193 Taste 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES, IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. AGE PERIOD. All classes. New EnGLAND—Continued. Rhode Island. URBAN POPULATION, Allages, number, 5. ... 5.082 22 89, 180 Maier 5 yearsso).2.. 22.2002 0% 61,054 aemer ds YERTIA .. 2.2... Pec 12,457 mee @ Vears.-/. sy. 2h...) 082.0) 56, 881 eeeoud years. O07 2A... 2b 8S St 52, 504). Peas) Years.Voh. SIs... 21.) 230 0S 50, 440 mpno@e years. 255. ju...) 100,05 231,913 45 years and over.:-...... V0, 82 136, 125 | Pee MNKNOQWHis. -.. 2.225.082.) - 263 iAlbages, percent.......5.3.0... 100.0 Seer © YO@IS.. 4. ......-..5-0.25-- 10.4 Men OATS. £2. of... --- 020 dep acts - 9.6 me 4 VOats. 2. oa aE. 8.9 ato 10 VOats.¢..2..........4-G.0... 8.6 Mae 44 VeaTs.2. 5... .-..5..3.b. 8%. 39.4 45 years and over........../....... 23.1 RURAL POPULATION. Allages, number......... 90 +8¢ 15, 217 danoer O.yearsiss. ..... 2.023.008 0h 1,302 peoneaer ? Years. ....... 03.200. 5. 289 5 to 9 years... -.. 2 Mere Pires 1,372:| 10 to 14 years..--.2....... 1.80) 20% 1,332 sO 19 Years. o2).. «.-.----- 1-25-98 1,215 MreOA4 Vears. ioe. oo... be ke 5,152 45 years and over............:...:: 4,814 BMG TIMETOWNOIS. ... 0000004 5% bcos - 30 pAlbages, per cent.......2.2.20;- 100.0 Mimier pb YeaIs;. ~,....... 5- 8.6 Me TOOTS... 45 te. ee ee ead eee 9.0 ME OM TOOTS. ©. 4... .-..---- 409 65-6 8.8 SEO ORTE.o. 4 -...-...- 125.5... 8.0 mp UR A4 VOaTS. «. .-. -4i-e 33.9 45 years and over........../.2.2. Sia 31.6 Cennecticut. URBAN POPULATION. Allages, numbers. ........4:-2: 936, 339 BMIGE D VOOUS yore. yee eee does es 105, 870 OP igh Er ch 2 cn se 20,916 EDM VOOESe so gae gy ose deage ops 92, 996 BOE YOOlS re sy. - + ~~ 1 -cae ise 81,072 CO) Oe 72, 856 NES VOATS. ccsigy cuince on «1-29-08 390,661 45 years and ovef......----J..2046 ws 191, 912 MD MMMIOW Dijinae o.. cine oced-peee- 972 ,Allages, per cent............... 100.0 Mer O VCHIGicay.s-5l--cdeelsees 11.3 LUO ae 9.9 Cl es eens 8.7 MUO NOY CATS. bs. .s oe ke ee doa mses 7.8 my oe 44° Years... co... .- 2-25-59 41.7 45 years and over......-...2.0255-. 20.5 RURAL POPULATION. _ Allages, number............. — 444, 292 Sled 5 YCOS,-..---.. ol -ape lee 47, 968 maiden a VERE ns... 2... dseeala- 9,181 5 to 9. years........ eR EGS Hd ad ol 46,000 MEMOS VORP. wea ces. +--+ -sdensp lee 40, 919 MNRAS YOOTS. puwe'4> so see emma cas 33, 976 MERGOM4 VOOTS. ciycn iyo ss. --- deana lan 160, 550 45 years and over...........-..:- ae 114, 438 POT EMOWE Lage... 525-56 degseces 441 Allages, percent............... 100.0 Mnger b YORE. 4) «2-22-25 2h Alas ce 10.8 SNUIPEP OATSOLE Soul... eee aden ep ee 10. 4 BEE ae eae’ 9.2 Cn ie ae ar 7.6 Mees VOATE. 5. un. 2... + daa ees 36.1 Bey weno and OVebs.......--deocapet 25.8 79108°—22—l1 NATIVE WHITE. ; . | Foreign-born Native Forgen oF white Negro. parentage. parentage. 163, 733 243, 679 171,685 9,710 20, 266 39,319 ..., 486 964 4,302 } 7, 887 35 232 16, 704 37, 384 1,957 817 14,777 32, 653 4,328 723 14, 257 27,753 / Beads 705 57, 201 79, 434 90, 856 4,264 40,429 27,093 66, 228 25234 99 113 6 100. 0 100.0 100:.0 100. 0 12. 4 16.1 0.3 9.9 10.2 15.3 1,1 8, 4 9.0 13.4 2.5 7.4 8.7 11.4 4.5 7.3 34.9 32.6 52. 9 43.9 24. 7 DB 38.6 23.0 9, 820 3, 249 1,814 325 789 | 471 33 170 EDS eee Sey if 821 502 17 30 785 472 45 29 746 373 69 27 3,134 984 906 126 3,526 444 767 76 19 3 3 5 100.0 100.0 100..0 100, 0 8.0 14,5 0.4 10.1 8.4 15.5 0.9 9,2 8.0 14.5 2.5 8.9 7.6 ‘11.5 3.8 8.3 31.9 30. 3 49.9 38.7 35.9 13.7 42.3 23.3 260,703 382, 078 276, 210 16, 655 30,712 Moyieow oo eee 1,481 6,352 14, 130 59 371 24,498 64, 106 3,067 Jedial 22, 204 51,056 6, 587 1,211 21, 696 39, 152 10, 734 1,244 101, 844 113,718 166, 506 8, 222 59,269 |, 40,773 88, 497 3,135 480 150 288 51 100. 0 100. 0 100..0 100. 0 11.8 19.1 0.2 8.9 9.4 16.8 » ep | 7.9 > 8.5 13.4 2.4 7.3 8.3 10.2 3.9 7.9 39.1 29. 8 60. 3 49. 4 22.7 10.7 32.0 18.8 188,503 150,935 100, 303 4,391 20,484 26, 896 1 39 4,072 4,992 29 86 18,365 26, 143 1,064 421 16,655 21,566 2, 244 447 14, 582 15, 647 3,350 390 61, 785 42,560 54,409 1,728 56, 344 13,073 38, 955 1,006 288 96 7 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 10.9 17.8 ‘0.2 8.9 9.7 17.53 1 9.6 ‘8.8 “14,3 2.2 10,2 taf. 10.4 3.3 8.9 32.8 28. 2 54. 2 39, 4 29. 9 12.0 38.8 22.9 TABLE 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES, IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. | 194 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—=POPULATION, NATIVE WHITE. AGE PERIOD. All classes. : , Foreign or FOr born| | Negro. Native Ah: white. arentage mixed earl * | parentage. MIDDLE ATLANTIC. Hs ITO-—TH AIH 2 New York. : Dberalel ebat URBAN POPULATION. TONTAATIOT WAR Allages, number............65. 8,589, 844 | 2, 487, 080 3,322,640.| .. } [) 297185, 212 Under 5. yearsoo.. 2.28 TG 845, 868 299, 026° 527,450 13,512’ - Wnder 1 yeate: <2 0.22 ea. 163, 238 59, 046 100, 277 my t wight 5to 0 years. Loe... 20324. Pons h% 804, 584 256, 704 510,52¢4} > -~--+ 11, 218 10 to 14 years 523.2. ...2..54 p20 ee 740, 395 237, 284 431, 280 PLeo’y AOP4B! 16 0 19 years.ji.08,.....-- 4.00) s55 680, 737 220, 856 330, 053 12,027 20 to'44 years. 2.8 2.6223. 3, 712, 075 1,016, 757 1,077, 991 109, 410 45 yearsand over... .......4-2.24:5 1,795, 661 451, 223 - 443,913 28, 224 Age unknowine ogo eee 10, 524 5, 230 1, 426 398. All'ages, percent... .2.. 4.947%. 100. 0 100.'0 100. 0 100.0. Wider § years 202.02. ge. 9.8 12.0 15.9 THAD StG.0 VRars, poe wk ss oS ode oes 9.4 10.3 15.4 S62 10 to 14 years 23802 2.2.0 202 E Pes 8.6 9.5 13.0 1 EGR 18 to 19 yeare Stl a ta9 8.9 9.9 +). OG Be Wto44 years | A. eR 43.2 40.9 32.4 59.1 45 years and 0Ver:../. 5.2... 3.63222. 20.9 18.1 13.4 5.2 RURAL POPULATION. ; All ages, number. ......4.323:2. 1, 795, 383 1, 181, 186- 395, 009. 271 Upder b.years... 2.05055. bees 164, 422 118, 499 43, 523 1,214 | Under 1 year... 2.2.2... Ne 30, 625 22,273 7; 932 245 MeO V@Rls fos... cae ee 167, 567 117, 105 ‘46, 446 236 11014 years e021) ee 162, 023 115,347 40, 402 y214 LanO.1O vearg Set oe aa ae 136, 962 99, 068 30, 456 102 0 44 years oo... ues eee 615, 217 392, 462 122; 591 430 ASV OSTS AUC PVer..o.. ss 4- eee 3 547,751 337, 671 111, 421 05 AVOUNEKMOWN SS «<<. accede cay one 1,441 1,034 f+ +-170 ‘I Alvagres, percent... 22.0. fe Se 100.0 100. 0 100.0 2 OP 1 FO88 1660 Unper 5 years 20 ee ee ike: Be} 10.0 11.0 -. LBs ar NS i DEGO VOR S har te seceeeaes do ote 9.3 . 9.9 11.8 9.3 IED. I4,.VOArs Oe. cooks dees ; 9.0 9.8 10.2 gy Ig tol G yeas ee oe oe aes 7.6 8.4 i 8.3 20 f0'44 years ote 2G... hee | 34.3 33.2 31.0 40.9 45'YOats and OVer?.. > 2.5. ode eee. 30.5 28.6 2852 23.0" New Jersey. URBAN POPULATION. , J aa Allages, number. .........-.-.. 2, 474, 936 837, 624 915, 112 628,402 | 92, 328 Unger. voars oor. oo sc ae 268, 200 102, 302 157, 167 , 7,542 SUDOOE | VOM ta + - LO"F: "9S" t00: Oe Mitel DVORTS © son ccs. « pea pt RE 10.8 wry) 172 dele NO DiRO, VOAlS.hi 0 seas - abe a ware 10. 2 10.8 16.2 * 8.3" 10Gb 4 vente Sooo le ee 9.1 9.9 13:5 ae ISTO LS VOATS ie oe <=. <5 - meee ¥ oe 8.9 10. 2 . ae Pata AS VOOlS oom. .>.-~s. ee wee | AES 39.0 S425 ~ 49.4 45 years anid QVer-. 2. 2 oo oe 7 is 20.1 19:1 Lise 18.6 RURAL POPULATION. | Allages, number............: ae! 680, 964 375, 051 170, 687 oo Ueger 5 vox... .-..... 2. Bena ar 70, 496 39, 373 28; 289 2, 82! SRLEOT D VOR on ve cov. cece ea dome 13, 003 7,416 5, 037 ~ Dae Spee YOATS bree oe ccs digae ee 70, 086, 38, 044. 28,231 |’ 2,609 MTG 14 Years. on A... deen ne 64,912. 36, 742. 22,934: ~ 2) Ola 154019 years. J. 0........ | aaa-e va 55, 251° 32, 437 16,400 |’ >, 2,245 201-0 44 years, cu. oa... eee egened 251, 879 132, 244 50, 540° ath 9, 007" 45 yearsand Over..........-.2c-.-- 167, 387 95,477 24; 235°} > 21) SO | (APORMEROW Dc. ..0cecccceck ccs. os 953 734 ses MS eae Allages, percent......... aiey.. 100. 0 100.0 100: 0 ~100 6 Uniler 5 years. -....--.... 4.5. «7-. . 10.4 , :10.5 16. 6 > oa BEG P VOBES. clus a .-- 05s cede aes 10.3 1 21001 16.5 Ay! 3 ‘ 1D i014 yearsia . <..-<...- Ja u-- 9.5 i a WS 13.4 ; LO IPtO19-years Aas: 2... ok. wine ges - ig Sol + B68 9.6 ws ee | 20 10.44 years o22........1:g-¢5-- | o3s00 -3543 29.6 — 38.6 | 45 wears and OVer............-- oti 24.6 25.9 as Rrr ars 20.9 AGE DISTRIBUTION, i - fOs TABLE_51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES, IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. NATIVE WHITE. Foreign-born AGE PERG | All classes. Native Foreign, or white. Negro. parentage. | parentage. Mippie ATLANTIC—Continued. Pennsylvania. URBAN POPULATION. All ages, mumber....... exe 5, 607, 815. 2, 651, 949 1, 687, 569 1, 025, 929 239, 892 Under 5 years.............. beams 611,693 ||. 313,687 278, 107 1, 658 18, 133 Mupaeder 1 year.:..... 2... OO 119, 949 62, 055 53, 637 194 4,039 beoo years...) ..0.2...... LORI 569, 437 280, 823 261, 240 9; 563 17, 743 Bemmeere years..-te:. 22... BO 511, 470 260, 045 212, 693 21, 965 16,714 Been WORTH se Oe 466, 234 239, 927: 168, 361 40,015 17, 799 20T0 44 years....: Ber pace. 2, 291, 338 1, 044, 245 523, 030 593, 918 128, 812 45 years and over-.-.......0/.0.... 1, 152, 536 510, 524 243, 537 357, 518 40, 181 MeeteIe OWI s 2: ts... 5... IN 5, 107 2, 698 601 1, 292 510 Allages, per cent............... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 Under 5 years.......... LD Ge eee. 10.9 11.8 16.5 0.2 7.6 CS 2 eee eee ; 10, 2 10.6 15.5 0.9 7.4 CA CE) AUS Sa a 9.1 9.8 12.6 2:1 7.0 15 to 19 years... 1 8.3 9.0 10.0 3:9 7.4 moto 44 years... -~. 2-22-22... 40.9 89.4 31.0 57.9 53.7 45 years and Over.................. 20.6 19.3 14.4 34.8 16.7 RURAL POPULATION ay _Allages, number...........-..- 3,112,202 || 2, 098, 122 607, 236 361,921 | 44,676 Beart oVears.- 22.2... OS 393, 772 257, 690 131, 037 754 4, 276 murder | yéar-...2.22.... fim VE gh 75, 868 49, 879 24, 944 124 919 ES as Ie BS 375, 793 245, 566 121, 344 4, 473 4, 389 reo 14.yenrscees eee 340, 271 236, 176 90, 420 9; 208 4,441 Sees Veale... 2... pe 276, 503 200, 343 59, 097 12,777 4, 257 20 to 44 years..:........... pe 1,050, 879 || . 686, 521 129, 075 216,100} ——-19, 088 Pyeers and Over.) 2... 672, 468 470, 348 76, 043 117, 889 8, 128 Age t oe EE RE Be 2, 516 1, 478 20 720 97 Tesemees, per cent.......) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 eee yeaa ys... LE 12.7 12:3 21.6 0.2 9.6 ) to 9 years....-. ) eee 5 ae bern!) 11.7 20. 0 1.2 9.8 Semereveste i Re 10.9 11.3 14.9 2:5 9.9 Meee yeate. ct . E. 8.9 9.5 9.7 3.5 9.5 Beet yeatee ss... 83.8 32.7 21.3 59,7 42.7 years and Over-.......... 1.20... 21.6 S24 12.5 32.6 18.2 _ East NortH CENTRAL. Ohio. ... ,, URBAN POPULATION. : ~Allages, number... ...... 522.22. 3, 677, 136 1, 996, 363 953, 098 570, 449 155, 975 Mater 6 years-a;........... 550 08 362, 776 223, 983 126, 379 1, 017 11, 357 Bsumder 1 yearn........ 2.26 i 69, 757 43, 569 23, 627 114 2, 437 BOMIVCATS. d506 .g0...-...) 504 be 328, 985 197, 530 113, 962 6, 415 M1, 062 Siee VOATSIiGa al... .. 5b dads tk 295, 619 180, 791 90, 949 13, 361 10, 500 SbO-VeaTS.or5 f iv 5... .... cas. 284, 023 176,996 74, 420 _.21, 449 11, 106 £044 years.ia3/ca,....... 950. =| 1,615,018 4 853, 298 348, 466 328, 873 83, 575 A years and over..-........ sg. Me (a a3 36h, on 198, sas 198, sks 28, fh \ge unkn: OWN...,.-------- SESH , 782 F 57 _ All ages, per cent....... ba. AE: 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Weler DYCATS) 9... .........42L.- 9.9 Me 1333 Cee 7.3 Bee PROPS Hele. .........43..L5:. 8.9 9.9 12.0 1.1 7.1 en LA Years sok. .........)5.4-5: 8.0 9.1 9.5 2.3 |) 6.7 eee Seema eas Ae vale | eee RE FORTE ee asics 5 otc gs SS. : y ‘ Z | 085 years and! Over.................. 21.4 18.1 20, 8 34.9 18.0 “4 RURAL POPULATION, _Allages, number. ....... 622.06. 2, 082, 258 1, 672,759 270, 976 108, 248 80, 212 MIADENVORUSES 6 oo. oso. sss RAS: od - 223, 360 194, 311 25, 950 221 2, 870 mommder 1. years. :........). 504. 5 42, 185 37, 029 4, 542 27 585 S60 9 years. ..yig.2........ L asa: 38 219, 817 189, 038 26, 670 1, 120 2, 986 10 f° PA YOATS.fo..)......-5- Ove < S 212, 710: 184, 072 23, 038 2, 603 2, 994 B DAOVOATS AIL GS...-.... ane oA 180, 631 156, 498 17, 702 3, 636 2, 791 1060.44 years.ci:.cu....... Pree f 694, 845 550; 423 82, 297 51, 078 11, 013 ) yearsand over........... 2: * 549, 765 397, 514 95, 247 49, 486 7,507 Sgeunknown............--.-...-- 1, 180 903 72 104) 51 _ Allages, per cent........4.. “eo 100. 0 100.0 100.0 | 100. 0 100.0 nder 5 years..... Ave vids) Gedb és 10.7 11.6 9.6) . 0.2 9.5 | SRO VATS UG... ee bee 10. 6 » 11.3 9.8 1,0 9.9 Te BOA AVCB TSI o.oo bt de cee i» kOe 2 11.0 8.5 2.4 9.9 OL OVOATS a. tc. os 0b eae 8.7 9,4 6.5 3.4 9.2 popes YOOrS.2.48.-...-...) 2. ies 33. 4 32,9 _ 30..4 47.2 36.5 PesteOnd OVEl.....-..-...n000-. 26.4 23.8 35.1 45. 7 24.8 x 196 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION, TABLE 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES, IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. NATIVE WHITE. AGE PERIOD. All classes. Native Foreign or phigh Soto | Negro. arentage mixed ; P 8°. | parentage. East NorTH CENTRAL—Con. Indiana. URBAN POPULATION. 7 as Allages, number.........4..-4. 1, 482,855 || | 1,043, 866 247,929 118,813 71,813 — Bader 5 yeatsser....--2-. ee 138, 979 107, 530 26, 088 183 15; 1 Under 1 yeats: .6.---..- 2 ids se 27, 392 21, 182 5, 066 18 1,122 bf0 Piveats:s.sugspe.-- sb gan fe 133, 419 101, 611 |. 24, 972 1,190 5, 640 IGtOd4 years isa, :.-2---b ey oy 123, 845 95, 755 20, 136 2,534 5,417 15 £0.29 yeatsarn-cos--- sch ape sey 122, 255 95, 300 17, 352 3,911 5, 679 90 C044 yearknss coe... .. bem a 616, 074 424, 784 92,214 63,525 35, 295 45 years and oOVer........--- ses--- 345, 364 216, 826 66, 998 47,028 14, 376 AZO UNKNOWN. os. oe ee aba en ss 2,919 2, 060 169 442 246 All ages, per cent ......-... 90)... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 Wuder 5 yeatssiq:.:.-:--. 2 ean.-. 9. 4 10. 3 10.5 0.2 7.2 $00 9 yOaTs.}.:.9...2.2-2. bee gue 9.0 9.7 10.1 1.0 1iQ ROSO14 Vearsusie: 2.2252 eb ae C - 8.4 9.2 8.1 a 7.5 1540 19 years 6.02: ---:52. ae. 8.2 9.1 7.0 3.3 12a 20-40 44 yearss 192... 2222 esa. 41.5 40.7 37.2 SBrb 49.1 £5 YOaTS ANCHOVEL tee ese = oe et 23.3 20.8 27.0 39.6 20.0 RURAL POPULATION. ¥ Allages, number............-.- 1, 447, 535 1,285,678 | 120, 738 32, 055 8,997 Panter ye, ee 27,964 || 28,865 at7 5 43 Ri O VeRtSd ae ‘p;-2.-408b eee: eae 151; 562 143, 868 6,578 | 223 887 Basel 4 yearbicce [65 .. 203eh aeey oe 150, 555 141; 861 7, 180 551 957 Es4089 years.i53-a3¢-52<--b cows gen 131, 949 123, 259 7, 004 | 777 903 20 $0.44 years...-<3:.--.--b seer oe -. 480,750 425, 223 42,302 | 10, 064 3, 136 45;years and over.........-Luen-.. 381, 592 306, 708 52, 147 20, 379 2,336 ARounkNOwn, «0... 0sceecbar oe =} - eel 818 47 28 16 Allages, per cent...........4... 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 Wnder 5 yearsa:....22.-.: bane-- 10. 4 fi, 2 4.5 , O- 8.5 Sto 9 years. i235 oes lek ke ae. 10.5 11.2 5.4 0.7 9.9 406014 years.ci2 2s. c let ate 10. 4 11.0 5.9 1.7 10.6 £5:60 19 years:s-o2.. 0. .is.-piax sexs. O51 9.6 5.8 2.4 10.0 20 £0 44 years.2 is... 222. eb tafe - 33. 2 33.1 35.0 31. 4 34.9 45 years and over............ fy 26.4 |] 23.9 43.2 | 63.6 |, - 26.0 Illinois. : URBAN POPULATION. 3 % Allages, number.......... int 4, 403, 153 1, 583, 665 1, 607, 483 1, 046, 677 161, 728 Unders yearsite ito. ae ees 430, 985 203, 160 215, 777 »417 40, 507 Under 1 year? t.. ..... Faade 80, 944 39, 052 39, 256 187 2, 429 oo 9 years; 2th... 6.2225 TEDL 418, 100 180, 762 217, 604 8,971 10, 648 IOToO'ESs years-4th 8 220.55 LORE 375, 807 158, 729 183, 921 22,590 10, 488 13'$019 Vears.(05.61...... LPR 345, 332 141,778 155, 441 36, 801 11, 176 201044 yearsfte lt. ......, RRA. 1,910, 401 626, 257 620, 743 571, 423 89, 894 45 years and over............0 0.02. 915, 366 268, 984 212, 977 403, 785 28, 572 Agetinknownl?? 401.....5) Ae 7,162 3, 995 1, 020 1, 690 | 448 Allages, per cent............... 100. 0 100: 0 100. 0 ~ 100.0 100. 0 Under 5 years! 001 ....... 0. 000° 9.8 12.8 13. 4 0.17 6. 4 eto 9 years. 4.0: 55230008 RE. 9.5 11.4 13.5 0.9 6. Oto l4yearsuhs... sb aR: y 8.5 10. 0 11.4 2.2 6.5 15tol9 yearpA.t.:.2... ccs Ge. 7.8 9.0 9.7 3.5 ee 20 to 44 yearpHsS- Bde. « 43.4 39.5 38. 6 54. 6 55. € 45 years and over........... 22.1... 20. 8 17.0 13. 2 38. 6 Py AS RURAL POPULATION, - 3 wen ages, MUNIMNDOP 92. ciel wee. | 2, eo — 1, te aa 418, nH 160, oh moer 5 yearset? .221..:...5 BAP: 2 1 31 Ee Warder | year... ..2...0..4 DER 42; 107 36, 220 5, 506 17 OBO O VCRs Ae 2. bone k sc BER. 227, 164 186, 656 37, 048 1;372 WOTG14 yearsMl to... CPR 219, 523 176, 753 | 37,455 3, 286 ies ements wae| iar] a] > a 45 yearsand over......-.-.-.2--... 485, 303 279, 584 113, 546 87, 333 Age tnknowmzs 2k .......). SF. 1, 762 1, 305 177 235 | Allages, per cent............... 100. 0 100. 0 100.0; ~——«:100.0 Unider 5 years {Fii....... 5. 2.007... / 10.8 iY 29 7.4 0.1 BGO OVears Ac BOK. 10. 9 12.6 8.9 0.9 TOTO LF VOaTB et nce ab Bo... 10.5 11.9 9.0 2.1 POCO ST VORB Recycle we eeSei ss 9.4 10. 4 8.4 2.8 FOGG 44 VOATE ete cw ecu yeneb inde... 35. 0 33. 3 39.2 89.6 45 years and Over........... Sod eee 23.3 18.9 27.1 54.5 a ~~ AGE DISTRIBUTION. | “197 TaBLE 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CL URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920-—-Gontinaed. NATIVE WHITE. AGE PERIOD. All classes. Native Foreign or B Terie cs Orn! Negro. parentage mixed , parentage. East NortH CENTRAL—Con. Michigan. URBAN POPULATION. _All ages; number ..-..:......... 2, 241, 560 ~ 902, 177 760, 947 521, 554 55, 006 OWuderSyeprs-.0P..... 4s te 243, 978 122, 594 115, 116 2, 477 3,652 mmder PyCnRT wn fe 47, 482 "24,912 | 21, 463 254 821 OLE |) nn eo 206, 625 97, 570 97, 189 8, 501 3, 258 Bees PO VERTS e.g. 173, 395 80, 140 | 76, 352 13, 977° 2, 847 BES to 19 yeargi el. 174, 338 78,795 71, 448 20, 263 3, 704 COS CT a Bae 1, 014, 018 375, 710 302, 688 300, 379 34, 188 ao yearsand 0Ver-.......5..-:-.2, 426, 537 145, 770 97, 814 175, 364 Z,ze7 Age ec a yd” ae 2, 669 1, 598 340 593 130 Poaess BSCR, Percent... f. ee 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100, 0 100. 0 Mauer oO YeRRS Ot. J... 25.0 ose... 10.9 13.6 15.1 0.5 6.6 gS ae a ear 9.2 ‘ 10.8 12.8 1.6 5.9 a CE he oi ee 7.7 8.9 10.0 Coes’ fy) 5.2 Pet VOI eo doe ee es 7.8 8.7 9:4 3.9 6.7 peo 44 yeereier eG Poe "45, 2 41.6 39, 8 57.6 62.2 “45 -yearsand over.....-....2:5--.. 19. 0 16.2. | 12.9 33.6 13,1 RURAL POPULATION. | All aves number... 2.3.38 1, 426, 852 768, 270 | 443, 598 205, 081 5, 076 pemaueri yeamee ier...) tivacs’. 160, 608 111,745 47, 351 417 489 i> Under | year. .......... LA PG | 29, 804 21, 379 8, 159 37 102 PetO 9 yearsvA® 2.0... fp Aen Se es 161, 595 103, 521 | 54, 931} - 2, 012 490 moto b43yearst tt DP eee, ie 153, 058 . 98, 404 54, 390 4, 256 489 Mee SU yearsa hat... jee s.: 121, 176 | 70,411 44,841 5, 120 392 meoito 44 yearsy 2. alt... 460, 751 223, 518 156, 757 77, 189 1, 828 i4S-years and over.<.........: ECD, 368, 601 165,001 | 85, 158 115, 877 1, 381 “Abe unknown. :i:........ 1/02 202.. 1, 063 io <* 670 | 170 10 ne | All ages, per cent............... 100. 0 100. 0 | 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 Simmer pr yeare ets... eS... ‘11.3 | es 5 | 10.7 0.2 9.6 Peete POUrSree Ee... 11.3 $3.5: | 12,4 1.0 9.7 meno t4Yearsis.... 2... eS... 10.7 12,2 12:3 "2k 9.6 ot a ae ae ) 8.5 9.2 10.1 2.5 aul MOTO 44 years. .i.... 2. bs... 32.3 29,1 35.3 "37.6 36. 0 ‘45 years and Over........... ae 25. 8 21.5 | 19,2 56. 5 27,2 Wisconsin. | URBAN POPULATION. | All ages, number............... 1, 244, 568 444, 885 540, 497 254, 133 4,351 SUindér 5yearei 22%... PPS. 123, 949 5, 594 47, 691 304 296 meeumrcer byenary... ee. 23, 478 14, 783 8, 582 40 59 MORO WeUrsiees. ES 117, 948 63, 310 52, 133 2, 141 304 Muto t4 years)... 2. ie. 107, 948 52, 026 50, 654 4, 934 235 eam Ovearsiehs.... 2.) out . 106, 635 46, 280 52, 502 7, 519 282 rth 44 yearsie 2... So . 518, 170 159, 276 238, 916 112, 221 2, 431 45 years and over.......... /Po.Lb.. 273, 282 47, 392 98, 316 126, 686 739 MmpmmnOWwOe OS... 2.1 SFO. | 1, 636 1, 007 285 328 14 ~ Allages, per cent............-.. 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 (jiider Syeare.Wiis.... Yes... 10. 0 17.0 8.8° 0.1 6.8 mao e yeatsrn LL. 9.5 14.2 9.6 0.8 7.0 Mito b4years.)...........9.4...-. 8.7 21.7 9.4 1.9 6.6 metolOyearsi.!... 2... Fo... 8.6 / 410.4 9.7 3.0 6.5 Bubos4 years... ........-.%..)..... 41,2 } © #858 44,2 44,2 55.9 Bh yearsand Over........) 2.05... 99200 10.7 18.2 49,9 “17.0 RURAL POPULATION. Allages,mumber............... 1, 387, 499 609, 809 561, 619 205, 995 | | 850 Wnders yearsei 044... GS 161, 093 117, 162 42, 381 Ses 72 Mnderdwyeari..........1.4 OS) 62 ~ 29, 660 22, 164 7, 194 26 20 mito Oyears,40........--.i fbn... 159, 610 104, 155 52, 941 1, 076 71 MOtoO 14 yoarsty.. AG. 151, 759 89, 252 58, 458 2, 886 90 MOTO 19 yeaTtsives:...- 4 SG / 131, 497 69, 746 56, 847 3, 987 88 moto 44 yearseee......... Lee. 474, 031 168, 848 236, 055 66, 079 326 45 years and over.?........ £202.00. 308, 390 59, 912 114, 673 131,571 198 eAgeunknowh.e.s)... 2...) ek... 1, 219 734 264 209 5 Peel) 220s, per Cent ob. 1 100. 0 100. 0 100.0} — 100.0 | 100. 0 “Onder 5*yearsVi.. 22.1 UUs. 11.6 Velq@, 2 35 0.1 8.5 bao 9 yearsit.)..........)- ¢ a thd 5 e AT. 9.4 0.5 8.4 OOo 14 years)... 2... 8: lege 10.9 , «14.6 10.4 1.4 10.6 Oe Se oo 9.5 11,4 10. 1 1.9 10. 4 mero years. td. 34, 2 27.7 42. 0 32.1 38.4 4u years and Over.........-.-..--- 22. 2 9.8 20. 4 63, 9 23.3 198 ABSTRACT OF )'THE CENSUS--POPULATION, a ABLE 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES, IN ‘i “URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. NATIVE WHITE. 3 Foreign-born AGE PERIOD. All classes. Nativec! Ae ts 28 or arkite. : Negro. parentage. parentage. West NortH CENTRAL, Minnesota. URBAN POPULATION. | All ages, number......- tek heh G 1, 051,593 356, 046 445, 068 241, 463 8, 250 ition Rudatate..... jee aah ”1027 693 57,517 44,194 gee 479 RST OC) Oe St ie iets 19,325 11,244 7, 941 30 }. 100 TT OD OV CSTH eee en. «nim dingneminnions 5 94,802 45, 909 46,461 1,922. 455 10 to 14 years. 84, 696 36, 136 44,399 3, 693. , 439 “15 to 19 years 85, 620 32,271 46, 582 6, 277. 448 Me 44 VOR Se ae. ks eden rental 459, 309 133,088 204, 694 116,499 4, 622 a) VATS AUCLOVer-.- 2... dspeed- - ne 222,690 -49, 970 58, 440 112,305 1,792 Age unknown...........4..- brea 1,783 1,155 298 314 | ‘. All ages} per cent .... 23.5 7202... 100.0 . 100.0 100.0 100.0. 100.0 Under 6. yearsecccs . 6. dug meee ce 9.8 16.2 9.9 0.2 | 5.8 Hy RURAL: gs Skee ay 7) Ao ois 9.0 12.9 10.4 0.8, 5.5 TE LOA CGT en. yo oo be dee ae 8.1 10.1 10.0 15) 553 $OAO 197 CAIS on. << ses Sage oe 8.1 9.1 10.5 2.6 5.4 WAG 44 VOR... soa demementes 43.7 37.4 46.0 48.2 |. 56.0 Ay VOAIS ANE OVEL.o2\-. oe eden awoce 21.2 14.0 13.1 46.5 21.7 RURAL POPULATION. Allages; number: ice ty rag 1, 335, 532 471, 581 610, 077 244,701 | 559 IO? S-VOREE |. onc + san dennete-de 158,701 102, 524 54, 504 295, | : laden Loveerre so 2c.) lene an ale 29,766 20,184 9, 251 31 13 DOD MOAT cc La » «<< actambiemh ae & 153, 797 83,919 67,329 | 1, 264 56 10 to 14 years 149, 265 69,013 76,488 2,743 53 15 to 19 years 133, 989 52,776 76,175 , 48 20 to 44 years 465, 927 120, 144 259, 928 __ 83,067 (214 “45 years and over.........- Aves asin 272, 983 42,777 75, 451 152, 878 148 MEOUN CROW Gy sick -.- nc awadnaanens a 870 428 202 211 2 Allages, percent....... eagaet: 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 Under 5 Yeates 26 4i0'-<-nedan-pacnne 11.9 21.7 8.9 0.1 7.7 NL POY CALS N Jiys ia a> sig ranches datagaie- LEYS 17.8 11.0 0.5 |. 10.0 BO COD 4 IATS ree aia als ihe a ls oh 11.2 14.6 12.5 LT, dite 9.5 TE:20. 10, Vosra, oo oc bn in pate nee 10.0 11.2 12.5 1. Fite -. 8.6 20 to 44 years........ ee ‘Ren Bed ~ 384.9 25.5 42.6 33.9 |, 38.3 49, Yeats And Over... ode cee 20. 4 9.1 12.4 62.5 25.6 Iowa. URBAN POPULATION. . Allages, number....... £B5-. tae - 875, 495 552, 275 217, 456 90,019 | 15, 345 IGOR VOR Te. ctuw nc ck pie eon 76, 668 62, 201 12, 996 217) 1, 233 Wider 1 vert... .. och pment 14, 534 i, 875 2,365 26 | 259 DORIS ia ate a - «0's ude duniaenae © 73, 609 57, 418 14, 255 707 |. 1,214. TCO S4 VOOES Le Sc. oe sau ak cisien Sel 71, 045 53, 547 14, 852 1,481 | 1,158 TR UO AD CMTS ie Se op neck & ee secs 72, 758 52,156 17, 166 2,222 |. 1, 180 SCO A4Voars ee... an pl irs 358, 505 215, 359 100, 791 34,777 7, 340 40 VOa8rs ANd OVEr--.......) asursene 221, 324 | 110, 356 57, 248 50, 483 3, 158 PURO UE IROW I in a's «ene als aecseoat 1, 586 1, 238 148 132 : . 62 Allages, percent.......0..22... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100, 0. 100.0 Uiider B.yeaie ecu’. 5. koa de cone 8.8 1t-3 6.0 0.2 o820 EOD MCRLS aos 6 ols ac a. cake nee 8.4 10. 4 6.6 0.8 wit A000 LA years. 6.2.4... shat epee Bel 9.7 6.8 1.6 re OST TE LOU OW CALS ee nosh ah peels. 8.3 9.4 7.9 ae is ot TET PR LOMEYOORS os one - nak She ges suis 40. 9 39.0 46.4 38.6 47.8 45; Vears and OVP... ....0-u.+.c0 soe di’, peoue 20.0 26.3 56.1 20.6 RURAL POPULATION. Allages, numer. 0.020. 22. Ye. . 1, 528, 526 976, 278 412, 525 _ 135, 628, 3, 660 oder 6 years. cei ct... Lenk te 174, 219 146, 055 27, 636 162, 317 Daber Lenka. psa... aes we 2 32, 632 27, 735 4,820 19 53 DO OF ORTS! ce oa a uc chgieae am 166, 370 132, 608 32, 560 809 | . 339 TD) COE VOOR Sig oie ooo apn no beatae ieee 156, 756 118, 229 36,325 1,823 » 334 BOAO 19 V Cares pg da ind nie advattice aad 142, 223 99, 796 39, 532 2,528 |» . 338 PAULO 44 Vearsise “See. ahem eee 545, 989 312, 756 187, 360 44,331 — pl, 368, 45 years and Over... .. 2... ual. 341, 118 165, 390 88, 871 85, 838 |) 946 ASO UDENOWD oie nae - ie att 1,851 | 1,444 241 ee 9 EN 28 Allages, pétoent...... 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 - 100.0 100.0 UOGer 5 Weare gs seit cnn baci ---s ; ad4 15.0 6.7 0.1 2 (Sa ae POD VONTSsogeie. ooo ees ook luge aes es 10.9 13.6 7.9 0..6.}6 198 101L0 14 years,.4......-..-3-45 ag sa . 10.3 12.1 5 sks ae 1. Suhe ojKe ALGO O-yearsiag....-. che Ghia» 6 ~9)'3 iH @ 16; 2 9.6 ee he oQs2 20 to 44 years............. 1 ade De 2 95.7 82.0 45.4 826%) bis 871 45'years and Over.............22... 22,3 GE 21.5 63, 3 5.8 COTTE L SS OAGE DISTRIBUTION. 199 TABLE 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES, IN Missouri. one URBAN POPULATION. . WAT ages, Niitiber.... 4-561 <8. 1, 586, 903 Under 5 years. ...........4.505-.-. "1247 352 Under 1 ae ta . 23, 540 5 to 9 years., fit ee. eee eee ee VEC S.. 128, 454 nee to P4yeatsaey «2.65505. 4.4k 0.5. 4 128, 665 15 to 19 years... ° eres oe We bl. 130, 977 20 to 44 years.o.. . . Peeerery O00 Gs. 700,620 45.years and OVer... 22.22. /.30....- 371, 186 Age unknown, «,..--...-- 4-4-2 ay « 2,649 Allages, Bett 0224-4 | ae 100. 0 Smder S-yearsi Ji :......../.823..-. rh. BOO OU years.: Kok cece ee Jbl. 5S 8. BOMO 14 VeAIB aN 220 esl C6802! 8. do 10 yeaisa Ab... 0... j0 08... “8. gat VedTSh AG... cece dF obh... © 44, 45 years and Over..........5.....-- 23. RURAL POPULATION. 9. | Allages, number........21 Guts. lj 817, 152 Bhider DS yearsil, . 226s c2 55 4 SSeS: 203; 557 vweUnder 1 years. ......... 42000 o>. 39, 143 Deo years.) AL! Lc. sss 1 £05 O58: 209; 921 $060 14 yearsivat A. 2.5.5..2 08508. 206, 456 ae sees 2000.33. 176, 186 20 to 44 years... 8. 0. .....22. $09.89, 602" 270 45 years and Ovér.:......... Li... 4177 200 eco bd ceamaaaat sacemyss 1,562 | Allages, per. Cent........ Seles +s 100. 0 Under 5 years: - bdbeescsarsed took ds ss ae |} Ee) 5 to 9 years...... BER Sse ees d.Oe8. 04 . 11.6 10:10 14 years..s........22.005)... 11.4 Rome IOyGaUs. dei sssscce gis bh. ot 59.7 20 to44 years: 22.2.2... bot ck 33.1 45 years and over.................- 23.0 North Dakéta. +) e URBAN POPULATION, 6 as _ Allages, number........ CoE OF. 88/239 memaor5 yoars............4.$Vesl.. 9,713 Omnger i year... 2 Vay 511. 1,819 ud W VOarS.» Jove A... fe 9,125 Pee da VoaIpaw..---. dee i. 8,038 Baamro yoatsiet So... 22 le ts 7,812 2010.44 years: i... Leh. 87, 290 a5 years and OVer.........2.01....-. 15,710 Age Vis -----+-4-8-QA5 -- . 551 8 Allages, péer-Cent....../.1.9.... 100. 0 Under 5 Years.---.-+- 2-2. 4-0 - 2+. 11.0 te MONGSe, Sn... ----- 4-0. Peek 10.3 OE CS) SP ae 9.1 JOUR CUE a Saas oer Sn 8.9 20\to 44 yearsi. fv... 22.2... O07... 42.3 45 years.and Over............... bal & 17.8 io) » RURAL POPULATION. aS t All ages, number. .......00.25. 558, 633 SIDGOLD FORMS. awn ------- 4-8 81,176 hUnderl yearo. .........5.5) ete. 14,781 ; 5to Myeats..e4.1....... NOU a5. 76,648 Mt 14 yeatsivi hg SEAS 66,721 Geo ro years. 2...) tho [ 53,642 Peeeto 44 yearsi ea or... 2... Ee. 192, 831 45 years and over... ere ee 1 vas. se 86, 874 Ageunknown.,.......... 1 4) ee we 741 SAllages; péreent......)........ 100. 0 Under 5 years.t.............00..-. 14.5 Rae? VOOTS toot. eT 13.7 Bin0.14 yoatse.j........0. 5.4.11... 71.9 momo 19 yearss.Js. 2 CPL .. 9.6 2040 44-yoarsu.si 2... 2) ae se URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, 1920—Continued— AGE PERIOD. All classes. West Norte CENTRAL—Con. 45 years and Over..-..........-..--- a Tee = rot weds 5 he i “ BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: ' NATIVE WHITE. . Foreign-born Native Foreign or White, ‘parentage mixed : parentage. 949, 293 353,930 148, 813 94; 514 1 766 266 17,913 3,944 37 93,915 24,653 1, 164 91,501 24,919 2, 843 90, 495 24,943 5, 513 404, 902 158, 850 65, 863 172, 246 98, 587 72, 986 1,720 212 178 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 10. 0 6.1 0,2 9.9 7.0 0. 8 9.6 7.0 1.9 9.5 7.0 3.7 42.7 44,9 44.3 18.1 27.9 49.0 1,587, 643 148,152 37,213 "194; 015 5, 313 42 37, 468 832 6 197,565 7,468 160 192, 039 9, 166 434 161,515 9, 735 611 517,455 60,323 9, 454 323,786 56,041 26, 460 1,268 106 52 100. 0 100.0 100.0 12.2 3.6 0.1 i 6.124 5.0 0.4 ©1721 6.2 1.2 10. 2 6.6 1.6 32.6 40.7 25.4 20. 4 37.8 qi 36, 448 35, 049 16, 161 5, 988 3, 644 56 1, 169 641 4 4,931 3,981 187 3, 876 3, 818 270 3,270 3, 964 523 13, 412 16,008 7, 583 4,514 3, 591 7, 493 _ 457 43 49 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 16.4 10. 4 0.3 i .33.5 11,4 1,2 * 10.6 10.9 1.7 9.0 11.3 3.2 : 36.8 45.7 46.9 12.4 10. 2 46, 4 171, 518 265, 436 115, 342 39, 097 40, 923 56 7,437 %; 176 15 31, 258 43/505 1,053 22,947 40, 587 2,416 16, 191 32, 463 4, 402 45, 850 90, 629 54,475 15,753 17, 208 52,579 422 "121 161 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 22.8 15. 4 0. 2 18. 2 16. 4 ~ 09 13. 4 15.3 2.1 9.4 12.2 3.8 ' 26.7 34. 1 47,2 9. 2 3.5 45,6 Negro. 134, 167 200 ABSTRACT OF. THE CENSUS-——POPULATION, TABLE 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES, IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. NATIVE WHITE. Foreign-born AGE’ PERIOD. All classes. Foreign or Native : “white mixed : parentage. parentage. West NortH CENTRAL—Con. South Dakota. URBAN POPULATION. All ages, number.............-- 101, 872 58, 251 30, 888 12, 150 tinder5 yearsf# sar. .... /.0fes eas 10, 014 7,770 |. 2,.157 .1. 30 Vader! yeu... ...... age 1, 809 1, 407 384 2 bite 9 years.) XG. ....-.-- 2 Wee 9, 402 6, 846 2, 438 vom 1010.14 yearsigt tf... .--..) Soa s- “8, 688 5, 930 2, 549 164 1btO19 yearssaes .....-. 4. CW ee. 8, 921 5, 527 3, 061 293 CO to44 years xis f..-2-.- 4. UPR: 43, 084 22, 658 14, 980 | _. 5, 159 45 years and Over.u: -..-.... 228.864 21, 046 8, 907 5,666 |. 6, 367 Age unknowns: .:....-..). 4a. Ae. WILT 613 37 61 | All ages, per cent........2.2.... 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 Under 5 years: ii... . 2... | Gee. 9.8 13.3 py ot 0.2 PROD YOAIS.1 BN. oo. cee aes 9.2 11.8 7.9 0.6 1040,14 yearby Uy... . 2 GS 8.5 10, 2 8.3 13). a5to 19 yearsyf-.. 6/2 -. PRR » (8.8 9.5 9.9 2.4 20¢0 44 yoatpy ge. l25. 25. pa AS 42.3 38.9 48.5 42.5 45 years and Over...-...-.4-¥.d4.-. 20.7 15.3 18.3 52.4 RURAL POPULATION. | All ages, number... 2.423.054. 534, 675 250, 347 197, 270 70, 241 Under 5 yearsiiy tg .. 2. -. 4 e8L 8a 69, 817 48, 443 18, 948 83 Under.i yeam . 2.262522. S98 ee 13, 135 9, 412 3,.282 |... 13 Bto 9 years} Bs 262.2652 eeB. <5 65, 119 40, 456 22, 096 . 421. £010.14 yearsiyat ..... 5.2 Lees: 57, 822: 31, 827 23, 201 1, 046 ESA GIO yearpaes. .:.- 2-2-2 COB. 2: 50, 555 24, 128 23, 243 .. £1, Fabs 2010.44 years-Ete:- 225-05. 885.2. . 196,895 76, 840 87, 065 _ 27, 8744 ay 45 years and:over®...-..-.... d88. 00. 93, 737 28,193 22, 601 38, 955 Age unknowns}: t)2..---- 2. Soi. oe. 730 460 116 : 127 Allages, percent.....-j.9.2.... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 Under 5 years; {wit:...-.-- es 5) a 13/1 19.4 9.6 0.1 Hto 9. years:i 4-5-2525 pes 12,2 16, 2 11.2 0.6. Wii 14 Veores go... BS.. 10. 8 12.7 11.8 1.5 thio lS years og 0202 SSeS 2 9.5 9.6 TB). accnew cee Q0t0 44 yearba,f.22:-22--bae::. 36. 8 30. 7 44,1. 39.7 | 45syears andi Quem... . 2.52) Sak -s 17,5 11,3 11.5 55, 5 Nebraska. : =T URBAN POPULATION. All ages, number......4.......- 405, 306 225, 605 107, 590 59, 346 | Hauder 5 yearsgaz gb ---.-- 2. Gane ¢. 36, 509 25, 115 10, 462 97 Under 1 year . . 6, 835 4,754 , 89 12 5to9 years. 2.... one 36, 352 23, 590 11, 229 701, 101014 yearsizen ...-. 2-2 4. 33, 997 21, 432 10, 323 1, 428 4510 19 yearsote......2.. Letege 33, 369 29, 069 10, 229 2,212 20 to 44 yearsecs .......-- ee. 8- 173, 951 91, 764 48, 079 26, 974 45 years and/over-.........). su. a0. ' 89, 649 42, 396 17, 190 27, 815 Age unknown... .2.....--.. 402 Ler 11, 479 1, 239 78 119 Allages, percent......5.2%..... , *160. 0 100. 0 100.0 | 100.0 (Under 5 years: aoe... .. 2. G.00rs. 9.0 i i byl 9.7 0. 2 B.t0/9 years:$ 20%... Re » 99.0 10.5 10. 4 1,2 0 ¢0 14 yearpe £2.22 SSPE 8.4 9.5 9.6 2.4 goto 19 yearss 6.22 ee wt. =! §-.08. 2 8.9 9.5 37 VOLO 44 yearns 4... Ba. © 42.9 40.7 44,7 45, 5. 45,years and. Gwen... 222. J. PAR -- 1 2 22; 1 18,8 16.0 46,9 RURAL POPULATION. ~ “ 5 “o Allages, number. .....4.2...-4- 891, 066 531, 459 264, 913 90, 306 Woder 5 yearsae 254... .. 4-BERL 899 106, 731: 87, 137 18,905.} .. tothe Undor'l yeas... 222 | £20502. 19, 979 16, 773 3, 087 | 5 BEY VROTS-£ Sh foo rs ROTTS 104, 228 78, 842 24, 373 _.., 580 16 to 14 years 98, 111 68, 011 28, 582 1, 103 | 15to19 years... Weeeeey = 85, 683 53, 208 30, 423 1, 665 } 20to 44 yearsisy. 4.2.22... Ios Se. 320, 208 163, 871 126, 524 28, 109 AS years and owerse - 22.2 JOS Oe. 175, 638 79, 592 35, 949 58, 690 Age unknown... a... 2... 620k ath: 1, 067 tp 6798 157 1994 Allages, percent......4.% 2 eS 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 Under 5 years. iy... 225. 4.0.8 OF. . 12.0 16. 4 bi. 0. 5bO 9 years.} $4.25 2256648 By. > , 14.8 9.2 0. 100 14 yearsi ib o:s ccs riod hates. 11.0 12.8 10. 8 5 uu lO yeatsg: S 2522622224. Stah:. . 9.6 » 10.0 11,5 sis 20,00 44 yealiss. % 6 2532.0823 ie ee 35.9 ~ 80. 8 47.8 Bis 13.6 65, 45 years and over....-....J.f.55--- 19.6 | § 448.0 Negro. Bes se Taste 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR. POPULAT URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVI AGE DISTRIBUTION, | 201 ION CLASSES, IN SIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. rn ATT Pi, mez,_:ZZ_Z_;©~_/~;|;,;:_;/,a;E::___ £7, NATIVE WHITE. AGE PERIOD. West NortH CENTRAL—Con. Kansas. URBAN POPULATION, Allages, number.............. Under's years). 22. ...2..422 ee mumdor lyearil......... LRA, OD YOOTS. ee Mths YOATSAL ys oe PEL Bevel years.00 i... e LOL BuO 44 Yeast). oe LARS 45 years and over-.......... 52204 Age unknown....2.........0.2001 ~ All ages, per cent....-....-.... Wander 6 years, jay... op eye MED YORE. pipe eee eee Hee WTO 14 YCATS oo ojae serene he ee pe MeO LP VCR ca ee sc ccecdiacgee- BUDO 44 VOATS nin. ec eiere ele Ge ge ee RURAL POPULATION, Allages, number.............. Minor try barsee es see kes ~Wuder I Year.,..5...-.-..¢ Neto 9 | Allages, per Cent.........0.22 Wonder 5 yeatse. ...........235.... CO GS Se mo 14 years 0l ee. Sow0 10-yearss: 08.0. May 44 VOATSUst ss 2c2c5.5cb RAL. 45 years and over................. South ATLANTIC. Delaware. URBAN POPULATION. Allages, number.............. MMII VORTS. cee wee cen ee moor L YOOr........+.......... MER URONIS.i 20 0.0s...... 220605 Age MMsIOWTE 2 L523... nok. _ Allages, percent.............. Minder 5 years...:.........-<..- a SS Lik See BOO 14 years....2;.....-.-.. » 4W hie - BOMOAD YORTS.o 5... .. 00-0) 5 ae -- 20 to 44 years........ ho, pels 45 years and over.............- ies RURAL POPULATION. ' i all ae@es, number. .......5.. Lb.» SSeS a Oe Mui yaar.................. § to 9 years.ci. sul Grilo topes SO ee BGO ae VeOTs.........4..-...0--- OSES ee me VOOrsendOver:...............- Allages, percent............. \ eee & VOATS.._........-..-..-<- NO eee 8 RE ES OS ES ee Mee ae VOOTS. 8... ete 45 years and over............... tal _ All classes. 617, 964 56,570 11) 291 Native parentage. 449, 990 46,313 9,147 858, 814 115, 371 22,279 110, 021 Foreign or ed parentage. Foreign-born hite. —_ ESaworos “1090 NK SPO a _ Negro. ’ 202 ABSTRACT OF. THE; GENSUS-—-ROPULATION., 1 TaRLE 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS,.FOR POPULATION CLA Bee, IN. URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS. AND STATES: 1920—Con “NATIVE WHITE. AGE PERIOD.» _ |. All classes. 5 Witty . Forgan or abbas : Ne perentage. parentage. SouTH ATLANTIC—Continued. $e priser ps Maryland. ) ) 2aenst URBAN POPULATION. ) 0. is , i GFE DOE TS Pere All ages, number........522...- 869,422 482,491 174, 279 87,740 Pinder 5 years-::..-....... 06,2. - | 82,386 54,019 “18, 534 Wunder 1 yearsi...........2hb. 8. 17,462 11,476. 3, 696 i B00 9 years-}.$au .b.... 22.458 Se - 77,195 48, 308 18,574 10;t0,14 yoarszas,} .:...:. 2h Ee - 74,056 45,233 18, 107 1,761 156019 Vearp.xaa at...... LesTeTe. 74,976 44,949 15,916 3,954 20:t0 44 years... 4b...... 228% Bde 368, 925 199, 642 62, 442 44,616) 4b years. and) Over. .........5.8....- 190, 919 89, 926 40,679 36, Age Unknown... -..----s- ani - |, 9% » 4l4 27 ve 82, All ages, per cent.........2..--- 100. 0 “100. 0 100. 0 400.0 Under 5 years ; pte > 11. 2 10.6 wee 3 pt * B09 VOATSS Tc 4c sn weiss aoe eee >a ~ 10.0 “10.57 (> 3010-14 VORIB oe. :- oe oe dee agen | a phe ae 4 10, 4 riage EWO 19 VOATH co wv na sos te geile ne a seo 9.1 . of mre LOO SF YORIB. SS. feces sa ene abt } © 42, 41. 4 35.8 oT 45 YeOars:aRGOver:):- .. 620. fe. Joe 2 | 22. 18.6 23.3 4156) RURAL POPULATION. _ ie “nee Cl saben All ages, number..........--.-- 580,239, 410,597. 35,193 14,437 TROP VOATS gen eae 64,619 47. 434 2,717 er! PURAGOE Ie VCORE. = Se... asad seman ven | 12,437 9° 092 427 “ag te SNA VOR Shore Sc.» 5 on bis baeteee aay 66,508. AT, 343, 3,078 ° "135° TOROS VOATS Oe ee. ce caine te - | 65, 815, 46,283 3,177 292°" FAN 19. VOARBoo8S 5 s+ te eaateoee tee « 56,021 39, 457 2,963 “44S BULGRE VOATB SS St. sascdes abt .k.- 194,790 138, 239 12,946 6, 275° 45 years and overu..........0.60... 131, 960 91, 553 10, 298 2239) Age unknown: .4.........-).0.d.... » 526 (288 14 6. 24 All ages, per cent........0.0.... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 Under 5 years: .. .......... O08. - e241 PEG 7.7 0. 5 to. 9 years.) .1o. 0.0.2 0.8 ate tae 5 ¢.8E°5 8.7 3 10 to 14 yearsz. te4.... 24 BE. . Vi, 3 1E3 20 ic}. Ib CO LO VORTR. sc bre tep eee eee Prd 9. 6 8.4 EY 20 t0:44-years.o! 2 .'S3ee ae. eee 33. 6 33. 7 | 36.8 gas? 45 years and over.................. 22.7 22.3 | 29.3 eT2nb0! District of Columbia. ; . eons th URBAN POPULATION. 1} ) a £ Be EL All ages, number........... th RE 437, 571 239, 488 58, 824 28,548 Under 5 yeatseiz.........-.88 Uf - 30, 436 18,244 4, 336 5 tinder 1 yearie........- 4 sek os 6,586 4,024 950 Hto9 years.{. 1G! Of......44 POS.R.. 29, 840. 16,890 4,320 a 100.14 years.22b 8... . Se Tos 29; 816 16,870 3,985 15,to 19 years.zg.........-. 2 ee | 33, 526 18,668 4,072 1,0455 20 to 44 years.............. Seschap p12’ 140 115,786 26,709 1598 45 years and over.......... bie aoe | 99,924 1, 829 15,316 “11,326, Age unknown, PS crete eee Geli & eee | “1,889 —1;201 ~~ 86 123" i , Re Sa i Pat a ue“ All ages, per font 00.00 AS. | 100. ¢ ' “100. 0 100.0 ]-+"--" 3 100. 0 Under 5 years......... OF ees. fos 6 Sy =n engis ender l yearn... 0s ~< Bote Hn oka? - $26 9+ * eats DUO Years) Sot! eo. i. ie {EOE goon 73 or TRO AO E024 VCR Sinii/ ooo s:0s see ba heaees a6 7.0 re Jhpols LET AD VOATG.. wcnnec cscs Sobalamie an = eae be mited ihh 6.9 ieee 20 L044 years., oo fo. fc ccekeb ee'es | AB: “48:3 4504 1° - WES ‘45 years and over.........-.,--.--- | 22% 21.6 26.0 | °° 39. > . 1 Norural population, as Washington city i is coextensive with se District of Columbia. ari) of Gm 2 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. LI ALol { a ' Ss | weve {a Vb 4 | ie i (Tt 2 3 5 x ‘e 89 a aayr ET At ‘ai b : (yi rb 7, a | AGE DISTRIBUTION; | 7 903 TABLE 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD, AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES, IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. NATIVE WHITE. AGE PERIOD. |). if AN] classes...|| Native Foreign, or abe mgt . Negro. ; at parentage. parentage. SouTH ATLANTIC—Continued. rbot bn URBAN, POPULATION. . ey Tae Alls ages, number....... Laagt.-- 673, 984 413,778 31, 469 19, 226 209, 134 Under i b fa-t-~-- 63, 263 42,384 3,589 46 17, 930 Under l-year:....-.-----. 953. --- 13,678 9,025 681 6 3,963 BRO PORTH Oy... eb Hun --- 62,558 40,442 3, 593 203 18,310 194014 years.,,;..-.------ L Ba feo a:0 59, 255 38,009 3,237 425 17,573 15 to. 19 years. ,4.¢-...---- | feo - 62,987 39, 062 2, 898 “820 20, 184 $044 yearSucs.;-..----- L eee a 299, 189 176, 575 11, 552 11,283 |: 99, 575 years.and owver..........|. Bis ss 124, 271 | 76,591 6, 574 6,412 34,580 Ageunknown............--. ee. | 1,761 H 3G 26 “37 982 “All ages, per cent..........- eee 100. 0 » 100.0 100. 0 100.0.) 100.0 Under 5 years....-...........0... 9.5 10.2 11,4 CS 8.6 U0 to 14 years. 22-22 2222.22 a (9.3 9.8 11.4 1.1 8.8 eo 14 yearses.c..-..-..- 0-2-4 ida _ 8.8 , B.2 10.3 2.2 8.4 154019 years.; - 44,4 » 42.7 36.7 58,.7 47.6 5 years iy oat aaa 18, 4 18.5 20.9 33.4 16.5 htt heyy URAL, POPULATION, 4 Allages, mamber....... cre. 1, 635, 203 1, 120,716, 21, 161 11, 559 480, 283 Under 5 years. .........-... ae 213,221 147, 207 2,495 63, 333 » Under 1 year a ee ea 2S 41,979 29, 144 453 3 12,354 Dee VOsTRis ro... cpa n 220, 577 « 147, 900 2,594 167 69, 787 1 pats years..., 6 SES So + 205, 738 138, 011. 2,129 312 66, 192 15to ri? ot ee ee 171,373 115,646. 2,384 520 52, 731 VOsrsy,i-5---.2..- eres ae 519, 314 360, 432 7,613 5,962, |: 145, 013 Seer ane Moyer Relaia:. Goede RS a 302,703 210,771 | 3,940 4,546 83,313 ile gaat ‘yhaleliledlgh 1,277 749 6 8 514 Te ages, per’ cent Tate © a ' 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 meer 5 yoatss..1..........-... Ln oe... 13.0 a 43.1 11.8 0.4 13,2 ie yearsit.. .c.........-|. G.%4-- , 13.5 | 18.2 | 12.3 1,4 14.5 e OL Se 2 oe - 12.6 12.3 10.1 2.7 13,8 TE ye ae oe ae - 10,5 » 10.3 11.3 4.5 11,0 4 BP SS VOOTS draitinn cine» «++ le b- 06 a ite |» 3b.8 32. 2 36.0 51,6 30.2 5 years and os nee ieee 18,5 18.8 18.6 39.3 17.3 West Virginia. ey 3 oes _ URBAN POPULATION. | D 2a | 18@ 88 . Tad on F Au ages; number... ....J.c54...- 369, 007 288, 802 37, 869 19, 755. 22, 434 U: Bee WOOTSss ......-.-. 4-32 es 39, 120 32, 704 4,613 55 1,.742 Suumecr kyear......... ope... | 7,570 6, 351 848 : 1 370 POW EATS:i occ p-....------+ “de | 36, 712 30,401 4, 373 223 1,713 POL4Vearsivcie........ | ates f. 34, 031 28,170 | 3,584 473 1, 801 BPO19 YeaTSacs.:..------)- ccc. oe 33, 300 27,555 2, 891 776 2,070 $044 years.;...........|. a. 155, 001 119, 804 12, 801 11, 264 11,083 yearsand Over..........'...-.... , 69, 033 | 48,773 9, 565 6, 852 3, 815 a Owie ft LO 008 1,810 | OL; 895 42 MORI Ds “260 lages, per cent......- Leica Be mmm 100. 0 100.0 100.0} ~ 100.0 - 100.0 00.6 YORTS; .5.....,.,-.--- at ee 10.6 i 7 WS 12,2. 0.3 TT pis years. DERE bade se on 9.9 10.5 11.5 1.1] 7.6 to aS YeaIES Gp --...--..-/- R- DE--.- 0, 2 , 2,3 9.5 24 8.0 Boxe 19 yeares .a,......-.--¢-: ae 1) -9,0 “9.5 7.6 * pee 9.2 20 to 44 years..- 2... 2.2..22. i agen | 42.0 41.5 33.8 57.0 49,3 45 zepiD PAMOV Ole so < ctois ence 18.7 16.9 25.3 34.7) 17.0 wed "RURAL POPULATION, | mE, fee . Aliages, number......... Sy 1,094, 694 944, 055 44, 603 “82,151 63, 861 sae 5 years.....-... Fane = in 156, 814 137, 062 12; 505. 132 7112 Under l-year............ L sea... 30, 948. 26, 947 2,437 LET 1,549 Peo 9 yeats.ies..-.-.-----b spa. 147, 660 130,019 .. 9,830 817 6, 992 ed POOlE oes; ..------/- 26> 4-- 130, 116 117,451 5, 269 *"V a51 5, 945 fe) 19 VWeatspas........-- Lites... .. 108,011 97,577, 2,705 1,781 5, 947 044 years... Seat Bee 370, 498 303, 932 7,651 29, 676 29,225 45 yearsand over..............---- 180,619 157,371 , 6,623 Sener 8, 430 Age Bnlnownm 101...) 0.008.. ° 976 643 20 103 210 All ages, per Cent.............-. 100. 0 - 100.0 ~ 100.0 . 100.0 100. 0 ag pe eg da op eae i Oe i> 14.3 |, 14.5 * "Za..0 0.3 M11 pe yeerst a er H } 13. 5 tH f 13.8 22: 0 “419 10,9 14 yearsauta....----. Peet 4h << 11.9 1 Ei 4 rs 3.4 9,3 to19 VeSIBA wa....-.-.4 i om. - 9.9 Hs 10.3 6.1 4.2 ene Dae Mn wars Sac cen pee 33. 8 32. 2 1752 “70.4 45.8 45 years and over..............--.. 16.5 16.7 14.8 19.4 13.2 Ri, 204 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——-POPULATION. Tasty 61.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES, IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. r AGE PERIOD. , ‘All classes. SouTtH ATLANTIC—Continued. North Carolina. URBAN POPULATION. Allages, number...............- acer. Year eres. : <-.-- sb ammmles MINGOr 1 Votre. 2.22)... eee 5to9 Allages, per cent.......).. RS TACT NVOATS IVE... 5. s ewbeme's oo sa Lg I fe ee © OS a 20% 0 44 yeoots.c tt... 2... 45 years and|over.........-. pvapemec RURAL POPULATION, Allages, number.......... soe Pruraero Years: 22225. 2.. ape abet! Untlerad Vearewes . 2. oR PIC I ROREGT Eo as c.g a o-« wialsnebuamire oat ROT OANA VOatge eo. on ob ee cash tel POC OPO WCAlp 2s... c} 7895 B84 31, 891 613 »-157- 16, 967 133, 058 2, 483 2,419 7° - 67, 599 51, 827 | 1,292 1;529:|'° 23,708 496 65 » ABODE BISH RAG 100.0 100.0 100.0} —‘:100.0 11.7 11.6 “O.47 8° 9.6 11.1 47 0.81% 10.3 10.1 10.4 1.7] 9.9 9.8 9.3 3:7 10.9 41.0 37.5 B72 180% BF? 14356 16.0 19.5 36:1 © 15.3 Ts) j 1,440,974 4, 854 2, 869 608, 242 10, 849 575 20 OV, 495 42,459 101 3 17,707 204, 802 582 48 }° * "95, 398 182, 065 482 71 “85, 662 147, 242 395 100 $9, 641 453, 405 1, 729 1,463 |? "178, 865 241, 465° 1, 088 1,156 86, 184 1,146 Lo "997 100..0 100. 0 ys ae eo 14.6 11.8 TOG TRY BOBS TARY 9 14. 2 - 12.0 +1; F{SPT © TOMES 12.6 9.9 2.5 a 10. 2 8.2. 3:5 oy 4 8 31.5 35. 6 51.2 29. 4 16.8 22. 4 40. 4 14.2 i rt 164, 425 8,717 4, 224 116, 489 18,446 827 ; 10, 130 3,904 152)-4-12244 2 Spree * 2, 000 17,277 764 38 11,860 16, 660 730 84 12, 068 15, 583 645 137 "12,156 69, 331 3,379 2; 221 249 26, 906 2,369 1; 725 17,706 222 3 EAT ty Ligh t= 100.:0 100. 0. ; 100, On|. +, 100. 0 11.2 9.5 PLY SIM 8s 10. 5 » By8- IG, FY 2458 a 10.1 8.4 2.0 10. 9.5 74: + + 8: G- | RGN NTO 42, 2 38.8 © 62:6 [Oe 2h dag 16.4 S72 40:8 1559 634, 993 4,002 2,177 748,230 — 91, 335 371 [ 107,396 18, 946 65 -f.....2: SOY Pree 89, 060 348 23 116, 405 © 81, 729 271 | 24 111, 430 66, 139 466 | 15 |e 7 oe 209, 653 1,728 1,339 |” 229, 461 96, 808 817 709 95, 618 269 1 ‘alte 1 4a 396 100. 0 100.0 |. 100, 0 100. 0 14, 4 9.3 0.3 14.4 14.0 8.7 YY, pe 12.9 6.8 1.1 , ld, 10. 4 11.6 3.4 “The 33. 0 43, 2 61.5 30.7 15. 2 20.4 -- 32.6 ere 9 ph or, ; Ok AGE DISTRIBUTION, | 2.05 TaBLe 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES, IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND; STATES: 1920—Continued. AGE PERIOD. SouTH ATLANTIC—Continued. Georgia. URBAN POPULATION, All ages; Wumbers 22.62.) ......- Meme DO. YeOrs.S ic 2.2... ee PLOT SOIT ie cic ms oe ook vane. » es eR pa Allages,per cent............... A OS ie a lead § to 9 years.....- Petter nee Pete... PRAM SORES foe. ops Sb ce ye oe OFIEE MOIS ee co coco > ab eam so MDG 44 YOAlS. o-oo week ne ene So years.andover..........0 80°"... RURAL POPULATION. Allages, number............... Beacon yearseit ¢......... 2. 22 peumderD year si... ea. ON SS See.) nee 10 to t4 years 15to019 years : pine YOATS. Cio. ccc eee Hee. 45 years and over............02.2 2. vAllages, percent.........0..... dpmder 6 years) Ooi. ..... 2.) Ou... Ber Foats.U5e oe Lk eee med fA years.) 0..2..5....) S.ak... BapO Lo yeaTs2 f.......50 LRA... mo a4 VOOTBL fi .....2.2 cb hes. 45 years and oVer.............00... Florida. URBAN POPULATION. Allages, number............... Pinger 5 ORs. 2. 8 TL. jae oe Is dal acm a RM IE Beads = SEE COTE an... 2 oh ey oe MIRA MOGTS og oo. no us cee ce « mess VORTS.. nw... ek coer’ - 45 years and over.............--..- MUMPSRPRTIOWIL. 5 foo. 25 oo ok cpren've _Allages, percent............... I PORTE has ccs ts kee dgees NE inns heath Ee oko as wn chia om oe - in i 1 ERTS eee #0 years andiover..........0..'5.... RURAL POPULATION. Allages, number............... RIMUCT BVCOTS ou. us enc dsut....... auger t years £2... ...). Be OL. Be Oy OATS. 4 0... es Rail. 2.2 Bema 4 Voarss 5. .2:...., 2602... Dawes YOarpin....:...... 02... motos years...) ............ 0lu.... 45 years and over...........000.... Age unknowns... __All ages, per cent........5.20... mmderoVootw............-....-... mw 00.9 years...) .UOL........ LOOOr. . SOTO P4yeares Wo. .: 2... ea ... 151019 yearsii.2.......... 3 ee 200 44 years... .i.........., 44... 45 years and over........... EAE Le: t F’ ; , All classes. 727, 859 65,377 355, 825 32,224 NATIVE WHITE. Foreign-born Native © ROPE. OF white. Negro. parentage. parentage. 419, 183 22, 987 12, 432 273, 036 42, 848 2,110 81 20,373 9,098 396 2 4,128 42, 505 2,397 108 24, 606 41, 134 2,164 257 25, 486 40, 608 1,915 534 27, 026 180, 188 9,042 6, 508 130, 500 71, 480 5,357 4, 982 44,372 420 2" 12 673 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 10.2 9.2 0.2 (ee 10.1 10.4 0.9 9.0 9.8 9. 4 2.1 9.3 9.7 8.3 4.3 9.9 43.0 39.3 52.3 47.8 17.1 23.3 40.1 | 16.3 1, 223, 514 7, 244 3,754 933, 329 172,344 526 124, 959 35, 345 100 JL eccemcepee cw 23, 894 171, 878 544 14 140, 300 161,375 591 64 134,218 128, 733 556 126 108, 030 393, 260 3, 246 2,215 284, 815 195, 220 1, 781 1,327 139, 881 Reed... 4. beck. 3 1, 126 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 14.1 i3 0.1 13. 4 14.0 7.5 0.4 15.0 13.2 8.2 1.7 14,4 10. 5 Ga 3.4 11.6 32.1 44.8 59. 0 30.5 16.0 24.6 3D) B 15:0 163, 060 42, 457 29, 509 120, 596 16, 343 6, 122 6 9, 587 3,279 1, 138 15 1, 962 15,798 6, 560 458 10,871 14,812 5, 480 877 10, 874 14, 092 4,211 1, 543 11, 269 67,319 13,352 15; 633 58, 491 34, 266 6, 696 10, 712 18, 508 430 36 125 996 100.0 100. 0 100, 0 100. 0 10.0 14.4 0.5 8.0 9.7 45.5 1.6 9.0 9.1 12.9 3.0 ~ 9.0 8.6 9.9 §.2 9.3 41,3 31.4 53.0 48.5 21.0 15.8 36. 3 x bag] 369, 235 20, 393 13, 499 208, 891 47, 335 1, 850 23, 677 9,272 326 10 4,532 48, 474 2,033 233 26, 903 45, 502 2,094 354 26, 242 36, 398 1,705 413 22) 139 121, 049 6, 948 5, 482 74, 862 70, 002 5, 744 6, 895 34, 462 475 19 23 606 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100: 0 12.8 9.1 0.7 11.3 13.1 10. 0. obeil (12.9 12.3 10.3 2.6 12.6 9.9 8.4 3, ik 10. 6 22.8 34.1 40.6 35,9 , 19.0 28.2 51,1 16,5 206 ABSTRAGT OF THE GENSUS——POPULATION, TaBLE 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES; IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. NATIVE WHITE. Foreign-born |. white. ’ Foreign or mixed parentage. Negro. AGE PERIOD. " All classes} |] Native — “3 | parentage. East SouTH CENTRAL. Kentucky. URBAN POPULATION. , .Allages, number. .......¢.44-%- 633, 543 422,898 83, 610 21,561] UnderS years: .-2......... le Piss <> 53, 007 43, 667 2,540 16, Under | yéar;; ... 22: -.: serge. - 10,577 8, 780. “460 O00 OD yearssfxag.si.ssss. dea et res 54, 783 43, 867 3, 198 POUOG4 Vearsgoe ..6....55- daae aes 4,770 42,395 3, 999 1540.19 years.ca% .a..-2..-- be. trage Gi: 54,016 40, 451 4,721 20 to 44 years... - yesdcl ed dere ms 264, 845 172, 969 36, 219 6, 742 45 years and over.........- ee ed cs 2 151, 330 79, 093 32, 866 14,054 Age unknown.............:- pate ee 792 456 OT "26 _ All ages, per cent....... Lo ~oa 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 1 Waders yeatss 32: . ss sss sone yee: - 8.4 10. 3 3.0 OO 9 VeOARTS: fit aes ccccs. cecbaeeee ds 8.6 10. 4 3. 8 1Djto 14 years.4 ccc: . 2s eces lege raed 8.6 10. 0 4,8 T5t0 19 yearsc on) so. 22. haps 8.5 9.6 5. 6 20,00 44 Vearsic uy, so5.555 08s p. oee ss 41.8 40.9 43.3 45 years and Over...-...--..)......-- 23.9 18, 7 39.3 (»eRURAL POPULATION, 9+ « , eve All ages, number......... Bee 1,783, 087 1,616, 236 27, 036 9,219 Under 5 years... ...c.cceus). YY! eee 238; 618 223, 278 1, 628 4 Wader.1 year. ..........92¥--.- 47, 628 44,618 -.- 307 BeOS wears. (he... a 232, 788’ 215, 866 - 1,672 ObOS4 yoarsct....... 2 Pee. 2. 216, 467 300, 004 1,442 640-19 yearsfiit we... 2... eR. 181, 808 167, 076) 1,401 . 18> L044 years8e 2... ead. 582, 065 521,392 10, 426 4,47 Jone 45 years and Over..........-22-2.-- 330, 215 287, 769 10,453 4,352} // Age unknown...........- Le ant-: 1,126 851 14 peer All ages, per cent.........00.... 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 ..100 Under 5.years: .i..........803.... 13. 4 13. 8 6. 0 0. Bee years) blo sk a Pa es f3:1 13.4 6..2 $0 t0:14 years2 4... ka. 12,1 2 12,4 53 150 19 yearsR WG oR 10. 2 10. 3 5,2 2OU0 44 yearss. We... GE. 32.6 32.3 38..6 45 years and Over........../...: ae 18.5 17.8 38. 7 » 47. Tennessee, URBAN POPULATION. + voy | All ages, number..........2.-.. 611, 226 402,359 26, 830 “11, 484 | Under 5 years...22........ 1 estes ti 53, 526 40, 182 1,756 * 84 Dunder 1 years. 2.222. 4. gata ge 10,931 8, 218 320 BAO UO VOAIS©: une pss’. oo deat de 55, 799 39, 821 | 1,988 WOTO.14 yearS.uus tas o.-.'.. ese ade 56, 358 39, 461 2,062 $ae0,19 Yearsiceia.....-- pom e - 57, 942 39, 478 1,961 MUO 44 YeaTBoccs 5. ooo. oe ele gig oe 266, 185 168, 549 11,324 5, 174 45 years and Over.-...2....j....2-+- 120, 323 74, 316 7,719 5, 486 Age unknown) Jf)... 2...) VS. 1,093 552 ; All ages, per cent........2.0.... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 Mader 6. yearsy sic. oes aa 8.8 10. 0 ee ae DO O-VCATS +} 26 Se eee 9.1 9.9 7.4 10'to 14 years, an. ..2.. 0a ee airs «Wee 9.8 lev $530 19 yearsa..n.. Loe reap 9.5 moh 8 7.3 Be TOSS VORIB 5 2 cows < love neous 5 43, 5 * 41.9 42,2 45 years and OVEr.........0c.-000-- 19.7 18. 5 28. 8 RURAL POPULATION. Allages, number......./...1..-.-. 1,726; 659 1, 430,398 10, 928 3,994) UHGSES yearsen . .. 0... cdebevar- 227,213 192,292 ‘804 ; 11 Ugider Ly eave ..2. 00. te awa. 45,790 38, 993 j... d42 BLOG VCATS.s Suk oon en ee le aM dain 230, 585 191, 836 919 SOG G14 ‘years ib... «5.2 Cee ad... 220,079. 181, 276 '.,. 916 1670-19 years/i 22.2.2...) $2... 180, 429 147,928 769 ; BL. BOLO 44 YOATSS ie. oc nce n cone tdanas- 552, 080 457,954 3,947 ... 1,388q¢ 88,775 45 years and Over-.......... ae sigie-- 315, 212 258, 464 3, 568 2,403. 50, 764 Age unknown..,.........2.4...--- / 1,061 648 eee 5 bbtepoe) «ee Allages, per-cent....... Re? ae | -100.0 - (100.0 ». 100.0. 100. 0. . 100.0 AViider 5 years: A..........000) Aiea | 6 13.2 1 13.4 WA 0. 8.45007 £1 AD 0t0.9 years.;2............ 5 « 1.4 1.4 8.4 0.8 | ‘13.4 10 to 14 years...2..........-4 be... / 12.7 UIT 8.41. 17.4 13.4 15 to 19 years... .i..-...... 7 10.4 » 6.10.3 7.0 BeBalt Pe Be a 60,04 VORTSi iy... - pep masr sis cmar 32.0 32, 0 36, 1 34. 8 31.6 45 years and OVer..........-.2-0--- 18,3 18,1 82.7 60, 2 18.0 “°AGE DISTRIBUTION, | © 207 TABLE 61.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS’ FOR POPULATION CLASSES, IN ~URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. A MEET VITA | /NATIVE WHITE. meet doe aw | 2 eee [eee classes: WW Native | Foreign or porate Negro. ) | oad ; ae “parentage. inn a é' parentage. eee SE Sra ER Bea _ East Soutu CENTRAL—Con. i Alabama. Bee |) URBAN POPULATION. («| 7 _ Allages, number.....-. gasses: 509, 3 317 278, 827 22,400 | ~~~ 11, 183 196, 833 Under Ro. Tastee ene Co + er ee 48,688 | 30,358 2, 238 36 16, 052 ae @erl Year :2202.62:.4 Lane tee: 10, 588 6, 586 j7**-418"F 6 3,578 POTS ope celtses 3 asec. ; $1,938 - 29, 864 2, 560° 137 19, 377 iota 14 yeaTssou. 4. 2--22-- be he © | 50,309 » 28, 538 Wipe eS ca a 284 19, 156 15019 Vat cog te :-2:5224 ioeeg tye: | 48, 396 , 26, 525 1, 999 *4T4 19, 395 20 t0 44 years....¢.-.....-.- 4 ae 222, 259 118, 486 8, 276 5, 649 89, 807 re ‘yearsand Over...........-222:.- | 86, oat 44, a 4,985") °° 4, 587 32, 439 ge unknown. «11. Re od UAE. ; Ost) H Ovi ll 16 ‘607 _ Allages, per menti.s2ic4 Ra sere . 100.0 100.0 100.0 ~-* 100. 0 100. 0 Dader.s yoors. ) .c2cs2.2: 9.6 10.9 10-0 0.3 8.2 Me VORIS.£ 6 223323222 dag s-: , 10.2 10.7 11.4 1:2 9.8 istea VOSS. tyes .i.2 3.4 3:5 eee , 99 10. 2 "1004 2.5 pee Baol9 yeas. ae ..2..2..4. a “9.5 , ao. & 8.9 4.2 9.9 20 to 44 years.. ae eee | 43.6 42.5 86.9 50. 5 45.6 + sie and OVERS A F202 | NER GS 17.1 16.1 22.3 41:0 16.5 rn “RURAL POPULATION, pie "er Sa Pee Ay | . +i “An ages, number....... |ies....) 1, (888/857 1, 115, 302 12, 841 6, 479 703, $19 wader Syearsi..........- 4, bPo.5.. 250, 834: 161, 211 1,419 |... 28 88, 103 » Under 1 year.............-. De. + 61,962 34, 450° 254 Solis 17; 240 DeOP yoars:, oo... oa. 266, 293 ' 161, 483 | 1,545 ed 68 103, 116 A0to 14 yearsi.J...... LOee 8. 249, 108 148, 260: 1,519 151 99, 112 15 tod years... s....... Oct .6.. 196, 597 117, 505. 1,238 223: | 77, 603 20'to 44 yearsii... 2... + piers 575, 995 353, 100 4,951 _.. 2, 684 215, 845 45, eee | Overs. cacee- /4-B one: J 298, Be 173, gi | 2, 864 3, 314 LS Se go UnEnowM..)-.- 2.22.2 St ae “1, 838 3 5° 3. Hate ‘ \ Allages, perent...... $04... » ~100.0 100. 0 100.0 .. 100.0 100. 0 Under 5 ye ak (EES be sh 2 + 13.6 14.5 Piexkh abe 0. 4 12.5 mm Oypars 4s Joe 8s ee iO $4.5 14.5 t.. 12.0 1.0 14.7 10 toi4 years... RES & Gahe.. #+18.5 . 13.3 Pane 2 Ee} 2..3 14.1 Bowe 19 yearseey. ........ 5.4.43... “ 10.7 ; 840.5 9.6 - 3.4 11.0 Gee VORIS eo. ede ee ee 31:3 ‘Rit 9 Rr Sha ae! 41.4 30. 7 45 years and over...... ND 16.2 15. 5 f° 22.3 61.1 16.9 ae ORS Mississipp!. rT \ 4! URBAN POPULATION. | Kee - Allages, ntimber............5.. 240, 121 197, 141 10, 088 4,179 "98, 626 Rralier 5 years... .. 22... .. 320: Sea ae (212,286 + 96,224 905 45 114, 956 P¥0t0 14 yearsiii.s........: Pet ee (211, 339 , 93, 307 839 114 116, 906 BeeOlOyeanshy ...:......4.k...-2- 168, 759 73, 955 rigs 199) 93, 794 @Oito 44 years, years and over................-- 16.0 16.2 29. 2 47.6 | 15.6 MS «4 cdiey Be hy 208 ABSTRACT OF, THE GCENSUS—-POPULATION, TABLE 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD.AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES, IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. NATIVE WHITE. AGE PERIOD. All classes. Native Foreign or ale? = ane Negro. | arentage mixed P 8e- | parentage. WeEst SOUTH CENTRAL. Arkansas. URBAN POPULATION. All ages, number.............2. 290, 497 195, 777 15, 474 1) 6,590 73, 592 Dnder5 yeards,........ seas aa ey~ 26, 624 20, 540 ; 868 a9 5, 202 WnUer Ll Year ite 55. .clepier es 5, 440 4,213 ji ae Aer , 1, 072 Eber V CALS: Mart ce bees Sede uencesy 28, 356 20,.747 1, 032 29 6, 545 TOTO APY Carsicge bss e555 kde ahewgcs 28, 383 ||, 20, 197 1, 205 59 6, 915 ODOT VORTB ies s oki cs 1d daecees 27, 091 18, 341 1,315 119 7, 311 ZU L044 VOaTSoae f.cts2s.sde paces 123, 830 80, 125 6, 896 2, 283 , 503 45-sVears and OVEL.........ccceesecs 55, 490 35, 502 4, 137 3, 086 12,744 AVE UNKNOWI.... 5. os ..0 ss clemepe sss 723 325 21 5 372 . All ages, per cent......../...... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 Underd years...) .s. 5.252 ce pe pao 9.2 10. 5 5.6 0.2 7.1 Bll 9 YOaTS-0 eee sc ccesedpes +iey 9.8 10.6 6.7 0.5) 8.9 O70 14 years ls cis ces ssatease fies ote 9.8 10.3 7.8 1.1 9.4 $5.00 19 yOarecs isis ecs eee at 9.3 9.4 8.5 2.1 9.9 20 TO 44 Yearse. 22... ccc ce acgecse 42.6 40.9 44.6 40.8 46.9 45 years and Over.............e0c-- 19.1 18.1 26.7 55.2 17.3 RURAL POPULATION. ' All ages, number. .............. 1, 461, 707 1, 030, 915 23, 616 8, 385 398, 628 Aa OF. VOAFS. 4 4.2. os ete ce Cok 194, 187 146, 293 1, 783 27 46, 072 Dydeér 1 years §....... 1. 288.95. 40, 304 30, 634 331 3 9, 334- ED EBV CRIS: LES oc. a pincc acts Bib ades 200, 132 146, 802 2, 243 76 , 998 Wo 4 yoaTss.. 2... de hOoe ~ ok 193, 088 187, 957 2,468 135.) ° ‘52, 519 #50009 yearssg.......... Oke Fk 156, 761 109,251 2, 240 259 5 997 20144 yoarsiis 2... de esSed 478, 533 327, 759 8, 940 3, 112 138, 648 45 years and Over...........c02.2.. 238, 045 162, 398 5, 930 4,765 64, 911 Mee Unknow! & 2... de debe 961 455 12 Lldias 483 Allages, percent......2..2.22.. 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 NANOOD.G VORES T iust o, < autindicoecaes 13. 3 14.2 765 0.3 11.6 5to9 years.: 2 die... Od. 13.7 14.2 9.5 0.9 12.8 LOM 14 YeatSé a}... 6 cece dodeobdacs 13. 2 13. 4 10.5 1.6. 13.2 toto 19. yearsiéf. -. 2... JOSE. 10.7 10.6 9.5 3.1 11.3 20itio 44. yeatss: So. ee ET 32.7 31.8 37.9 370k 34.8 45 years and Over... 2... eee ee 16.3 15.8 25. 1 56. 8 16.3 Louisiana. URBAN POPULATION. All ages, number. .............. 628, 163 320, 229 84, 383 32, 609 190, 413 MLNGOE > YCORS.. occu ada enasos 54, 841 34, 652 5, 156 112 14, 882 PMO A YPRE es. dcon Oke mame 10, 857 6, 861 | 970 8 3, 010 5to 9 years..... 4 aE ed ae! 60, 481 35, 737 6, 444 317 17, 945 TOPO 14 YOO. ww eee ce dapegeten 61, 272 35, 468 6, 509 602 18, 671 BP OV COTS fs Gun kn iene de aeicee 60, 352 34, 191 6, 121 1, 250 18, 773 mate t 4 YORE tives cde pemnous 273, 106 136, 496 32, 806 15, 454 88, 117 Zo-VOATS AUG OVEP: 02. .dec cay eu seis 115, 584 42,709 27, 256 14, 802 30, 639 MeO AITIK TOWN on. iy voc uvcedégmeuaes 2, 527 976 91 ay 1, 386 Allages, percent.........0..... 100.0 100.0 100. 0. 100.0 100.0 arncer 5 yeare. ..... ca debeen eos 8.7 10.8 6.1 0.3 7.8 PAP WORT S Oe ee ce a ete 9.6 iB ap 7.6 1.0 9. 4 FOU F4 YORI Hoc c i sinvedspepessis 9.8 Tis i ak ‘1.8 9.8 LE COND RATS ic. «vt skkaseutomumeciet 9.6 10.7 73 Sa « q.3'a CUNO 44 VORESS oN cik i cede come cue 43.5 42.6 38. 9 47.4 46.3 45 years and OVEr............006 wet 18.4 13.3 32. 3 45.4 16.1 RURAL POPULATION. ° Bilages, NaMvEr. - ic. decsceods 1, 170, 346 621, 495 25, 633 12, 262 509, 844 Under'6 yearssiteis trod wace. ce 154, 372 88, 119 3, 632 74 62, 414 RTARE ORE a ss nwa a ols aininwe wale 29, 403 16, 935 671 we NAO » 11, 756 Sto Syears.. wie gL eee le. 162, 749 89, 533 4, 269 124 68, 654 AD tp 1d yearsie . 2.2... BEE... 157, 955 85, 037 3, 953 216 68, 601 amteto years... bar... 127, 953 67, 764 2, 887 437 56, 729 Mtads yoarsié ........ .. 1. 391, 608 204, 636 6, 523 _., 5,735 174, 378 45 years and over...........880.... 173, 911 85, 367 4, 362 5, 652 78, 340 Agoamiknownes. oo. eee 1, 798 1, 039 7 24 728 All ages, per cent...........5..- 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 — 100.0 BERET OF POOLE. LL wk cee vehegen ces 13. 2° 14.2 14.2 0.6 12: 15.2 0 LY ed Ses nd URS Se a) a i 13.9 14.4 16: 7+} >" +> * ape 13.5 1OtO 14 years. dey... SS. 13:5 13.7 15. 4 1.8 43,5 USGo 19 yearsh st... se E 10.9 10.9 11.3 3.6 | 11 20'o 44 Yearse. J... ... ec ded ules. 83. 5 32.9 25. 4 46.8 34. 2 46.1 15.4 45 yearsand over........ bdueeweas 14.9 18.7 17.0 “AGE. DISTRIBUTION. 209 o eri a -—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES, IN AND RURAL COMMUNITIBS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. NATIVE WHITE. oR eee ae . Foreign-born AGE PERIOD. 10 syle All classes. Native’ : Moreign or White. Negro. parentage. parentage. WEsT SOUTH CENTRAL—Con, Oklahoma, _ URBAN POPULATION. ) 0% yall ages, number....... i555. 539, 480 437) 374, 34,780 |. 14, 211 47,904 OD G, YORERD. ......--..<)4 BH dies 51, 816 44, 935 2, 275 133 3,:830 Under L year.........-.4 “a 10, 401 “9, 033 472 11 754 MtO9 WOOTS). Yih... -...-.-.uebe bs 52, 933 Ad; 176 2,312 242 4, 473 MO LOA4 VORTSA) .. 2.2... lid odes 51, 003 . 43,243 2, 258 277 4,491 BO LOnO yoarsiiy..........44 bi edes 49, 871 41, 402 2, 470 490 4, 875 20.to 44 years.z..2/......-.- BOE bs 238, 113 189, 736 16, 570 7, 353 22, 590 ppereers a. and over. .......... bbb ere c 94, 427 71, 823 8, 865 5, 663 7,479 Age unknown.............. iD 45 years and Over...........4.4... 19.3 15.1 .. 13,4. 8807p RURAL POPULATION. ‘ AOTATIGOT Lassa Allages, number........ Shh 2. 376, 878 194, 295 (109, 412. |... .. 60,8575) 9955 Wadeéer 5 year8st. 0. PR eS. 50, 477 | 32, 741 15, 795. |. «<6 ++ =» SBBEIPOY tinder tl year..... 2.5.07 tA. | 9, 518 | 6, 304 2, 868. |... ..---+- BEYE 4% Sto years... Ob... 02... TR A. 44, 228 | 26, 579 15, 040. |. - 1,152 Witold yearselS.. 2.5. PANES. 37, 0&3 21, 217 12, 712. |. 1,-952 154019 yearsii0 J. oy eR VS. 28, 664 15, 724 9, 944. |..-----4,.9667fH0y Fh oF 203644 yearsisy.0F. 5.07 Re. 148, 176 69, 464 42, 430 - « BQ, 28GCE BOE FP OIE 45-years and over......../.00 20. 7, 782 28, 269 13, 442. |. -.. -. 23,AAT pis Broo" Age unknown .. 2.0. RSS os. 468 ~~ 301 - -49.| ...-.----4 QBWORSaG* All ages, percent.......5244.- 100.0 100. 0° ... 100.0 ~ 100.0" MJnderd years. oo. ewe. 2S. , 13.4 16.9 ). 1d 4-}-...--..6 0.4 60/9 years. o.5..22 0205076 ME. | #44, 7 13.7 13, J} -. 02+ + <0 oD Oto l4 yearsed. 2.22524. Ti ae 9.8 “ 10.9 '.. .1L6 3.2 IStolP yearsy 8... af 2. 7.6 “8.1 - «209.1. 3.2 PO.to- 44 yearsu,J& 22.00. GRE. 39. 3 & 35. 8 '.. 38. 8. + $3, 1 45;years and OV@r.....55:5.) 24%... 18,0 } 4.5 8212.3 - 382 Idaho. esxeT URBAN POPULATION. . .MOITATOTOT HAG All ages, mia ber... 2.2) Cok et ‘119, 037. 80, 213 26,213.|....-. 11,124} oo Whder 5 yearsoo.f... 2... 35 GOS Es « 12, 634 10, 450 t2,080.|........tae SREB Uder.) yeati..... 2.5. Lae. 2, 472 - © 25058 my iB Sto yearss. CELLS... Ra 12, 272 | <9, 823 .2, 273 J AL7. 4. IGted4 yearstse tL. 2.5.7 Ea: _ 11, 368 8, 787 _. 2,306 «+ 221-71 WStowt9 years OL... Ei. 10, 508 7, 751 . 2,364 332: Mito 44 yearsesy. f. ... 2.) AGS 2b. - 48, 382 30, 410 12, 071 5, 102 |: 45 years and over..... ores &-) es a | 23, 753 / 12,902 | , 5, 284: Agennknownike ..00. 02 Bete. 120 90 .- 13 +2 013th All ages, per cent.......20221.. 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 ' 100.0 Under 5 years 3.3. a {ea 10. 6 13.0 7.7 O57) bto.9-years. Fh Cee aeee 10.3 12, 2 8.7 11 1040,14 years. ww... ee... } a RO.b 11.0 8.8 -2.0)) 1bLo 19. yearsd. 2. 0 Ye. 8.8 9.7 9.0 3.07 re fo. 44 yearszae 0.2. aS. . 40.6 37.9 46.0 45.9 5syears and Over.........5.2.90... Z 20. 0 16.1 19.7 47.5 RURAL POPULATION. ) Jit OF _-Allages, number. ........0.. ut 312, 829 |). 214, 039 '.66,240 |... 27,889 2998 875 Under + yearsai so... SS See ee. 41, 902 ' 84,922: Fs 2ST hc ae wien cae 114690. es Unier | yedks. .. 2.5. SF ART B.- 8, 098 _ 6, 787 |. chee cores pee ay 5 au 5to 9 years..... WS ees eR oe 39, 007 -, 81, 456 6, 827. 294 }- sO1014 yeansitul A... 2}. CoO. 35, '229 ' 27, 386 6,.926.}.......-. 547 Wi Gito. yeamsti3 AL ol POR LE. 27, 811 20, 582 |: 6,137 -- - = 808-Gikey 2010-44 yearsol)f.. 2.52.8. 0 a8 . 113, 299 70, 010 28,375.) . «.- PUR Abs ey 467 Cars and! OWELSa 2. . 2 SF See Se. 55, 362 29, 580 11, 688 -- 12/896 fous Wee unknowmsy....5. 52/375. +5219 153 30 of. as oom deck eee All ages, perieent.. 2222) 22.001.. ~ 100, 0 100.0 100. 0.|, -100,0 Under 5 years CW csecslcacs See {-& 13.4 16.3 os -abods fines 0.4 5to 9 years... 22 - RUAN D CGE of Se) 12,5 14.7 fee (0a 8 14 10:00 14 yearse..5. 2-2... 1G... 11.3 iv 12.8 » -¥0}. 2.0} 1520 19 yearse m2... Le Te .. GY 48.9 4.19, 6 9, /..2. 947 G0 44 years: os... Te Bel. | & 36.2 82.7 1. 42, 47.3): 45:years and, Over... ......).0.17... pe ar.7 | 213.8 ae 46.340 &-—"80L¢ AGE DISTRIBUTION. P1T TABLE 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION CLASSES, IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. NATIVE WHITE. Foreign-born AGE PERIOD. & All classes. Native Foreign or white. Negro. parentage mixed f parentage. MovuntTaiIn—Continued. Wyoming. URBAN POPULATION. All ages, number..............- 57, 348 33, 705 13, 744 | 8, 437 833 Wader SyearsvNe. 2.5021... 5,653 4,051 1,480 37 50 Pounder Lyean...........i008.... 1, 133 826 284 3 8 BO. Yours)... .....-..-.-)-U10.... 5, 248 3, 581 1,495 123 41 mete 14 yearsaes. .........; 200.1. . 4, 450 2,911 1,305 192 39 pp to 19 yearsii>, ... 2.2.2) 295... 4,146 2, 543 1, 247 289 46 20 to 44 years.:............. G0}... 28, 036 15, 906 6,459 | - 4, 801 472 aStyears and OVery...........00.0-. 9, 485 4,422 1, 753 2,971 178 wmige UnknOwNst. H...... sesh ak.. 330 291 5 24 | 3 _ Allages, per cent...... ee 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 imider 5 years... 22. § QNL.. 9.9 12.0 10. 8 0.4 6.0 MG) 0 YOATSs Pesto. --2---).G2bt... 9.2 10.6 10.9 1.5 4.9 morte 14 yearar.5..........).istf... 7.8 8.6 9.5 fae 4.7 moto 19 yearsy.d.......... 4.1... 7.2 7.5 9.1 3.4 535 eu bo 44 yoarsy.f..... 2... NaS... 48.9 47,2 47.0 56. 9 56.7 “5.years and Over.........) 2.2)... 16.5 13,1 12.8 35.2 21.4 RURAL POPULATION. All ages, number............... 137, 054 89,179 28, 263 16, 818 542 Under 5 years... 16, 871 12, 813 3, 650 8 9 marnider t yeatus....:....,.008.. 3, 085 . 2,367 632 6 2 mento 9 Yearss.fa.....-....-4 Bk. 15, 637 11,668 3,515 265 24 moto 14 yeatsiso.J. 20... , ASS .. ~ 13,008 9, 473 2,921 461 |). 24 mo to 19 yearsvis.J.. 2.2.20 882 8. - 10, 634 7,516 2,369 552 46 MOito 44 yearsuy.f.... 2... 58, 375 35, 152 11, 671 10,114 332 45 years and over!:................ 21, 984 12, 216 4,127 5, 167 107 mee unknown) .2........) 488 .8.. 545 341 10 29h becereee Bs All ages, per cent............... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 ‘100.0 mmider 5 years 0)... 2... RL... 12:8 14. 4 12,9 0.4 1.7 TBO? VOOTSI. matwerk...-.-f Bebe... 11.4 13.1 12,4 1.6 4.4 Buueto 14 yearsu.f.......... ee ae 9.5 10.6 10.3 2.0 4.4 Bro to.lO yearst.y..........$4.11... 7.8 8.4 8.4 3.3 1 9825 murvo 44 years..o......... 5 8.... 42.6 39. 4 41,3 60.1 61.3 45 years and over................-. 16.0 13.7 14,6 30. 7 19.7 : Colorado. URBAN POPULATION. ‘ All ages, number.......... neere 453, 259 276, 329 106, 838 59, 626 9, 364 Under 5 yearse.... Bon teh minh ARE ofa - 35, 718 25, 895 8, 967 225 537 meunder 1 year, .... 2. ee 6, 966 5, 104 vie’ 13 110 BUOD VORIS gar. fb cee eed ie See 37, 008 25, 258 10, 340 810 544 nbO 14 YOOIS ne oy. 656 6 Acumen ha -- 36, 633 24, 264 10, 491 1, 252 599 15 to 19 years........ SB gee ae: 35, 466 22, 663 10, 190 1, 884 684 0 to 44 years..... bai So rowh dude ae 189, 604 112, 580 45, 346 26, 540 4,576 = years ahd Oyer.,...-......%,.4,.. 111, 723 58, 989 21,413 28,772 Cs ORS jAge unknown.............-....+:. 7, 107 6, 680 91 143 iit = All ages, pericent.......5....... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 Bemaer 5. YeSIS.nc5........- 6 . -.-----4<3-8as-- , 829 1 in aug il a All ages, percent......./...4... » 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 Underhs years. ... 0.20.0). 8b... i 13.4 14,1 21,4 2.2 § to Oi years} Jo... enc ss 22 G02. 3.43.3 13.9 15.6 vee in Seta 10%t014 years #. f..........5.45%..-. » 115 12.1 d168 ; AL 41a $590.10 years./. 2... ck RL. F220.;7 10.1 8.6 8.2 2010.44 years. 8)... 055 8b. 5. 35.1 33.2 a sO eae 6)dd bore eis 45 years and Over........... thet 16.8 16. 5 13.9 op AA 5, Arizona, ¢ ANTAINS eh URBAN POPULATION. a vb Wa Baie xhithye| 2079 Allages, number............... 117, 527 58, 330 26, 299 28,910 |. nder 5 yearscc.--. 2... - be ales : 12, 559 6, 352 5, 147 | ee a fd | Se Under 1 yeate..¢.- 5: --. 2) eae See - 2, 786 1, 287 1, 347 | - Ap tet 2 ans Bap 0 yOars.t goog. 2-62: ot ager one Il, 629 5, 876 |. oper 1" -**) en se 10-10. 14 yearsiln.\sn 2.22 -} gee See 10, 202 $, 122 2, 984 a. kee 15to 19 YealSens. pic... .. 1 eee tees 9, 400 4, 671 2,240 ]- >> ** > 2.26307" < © 20to 44 years.............1. Pe 10k | §2, 828 26, 079 0, C1 | <*> + "eee 45 years and Over.............-..-. 20, 190 9, 689 8, O01 - -“@- iyo Age unknown... 2............001 ™ 719 541 29 ... 11254) ween He Allages, per cent... -5 2 ois36.--. ~ 100.0 ~ 100.0 100.0 <+9 2 EROS Agr Dnder S years. 2... co ibe ies ee 4 $0.7 10. 9 19, 6“ 2,5: BtO 9 Years. ¢.o.- 2562 lech ops = 9.9 10.1 1456 {- +?" Jip 14 years: 2). 2. fi ie cape ce 8.7 8.8 11.3 wire ts AOEO 19 VORRS sus, ic. oslo baepeiee 8 8.0 8.0 8.5 ee, ACO 44 YOORS. cs «2s Soleus sfeoeaeecs : 44.9 44,7 34.3 54,2 45 years and over.................- 17.2 16.6 11,4 torr arvada O, RURAL POPULATION .| ey aee wo... ii al gens Allages, number............. a: 216, 635 92, 815 35, 906 | “49,189 } Whder 5 yesrBrn 4... 652 town te +e 28, 248 12, 813 8, 754 ead Se - Under 1 year. -... 22. .2.f4 mp dup 5, 766 2, 535 2 STi * + +s a Oey Di 9 YOATS.. yey os... 22 ob gee ee 26, 265 11, 866 5, TOOT" ee ALO 14 Years nc leg. -- 2-3) ounce gus 5 22, 471 10, 578 3, 924 3340 ot Be perGt9 yeottotelee <<. o. epee | 19, 035 8, 455 2,714 TEES wig Rien MiG 44 youtde.. !.- 262s: eoe 86, 316 34 693 10,669 | 26,007 f° a5 yvearsand Over... lief... 2.2.4 33, 994 14, 299 4, 044 9; 209 1° Age unknown.w.i.... 2.2.25. JO... 9806 ) 01 21 poe O45 All ages, per cent............... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 | Under 5 years. +.........-2¢ ay re 13.0 13.8 24, 4 4,0] DTD VORP ois. oop css ae spd> dpe - ap hee 16.1 Pa shige MOVED 14 VOOTS is. og. sis... 5 ae ngs 2 - - 10. 4 11.4 10.9 ieee WDUO LO VOAT Si agin os o25 wh we cigs + > Be 8 age Boh 7.6 envi. IU 44 VORES.. oe nen ee neon see ~ "39, 8 37.4 29.7 53.1! 45 years and Over...............--- 15.7 15, 4 11,3 18.7 TALS LONG DISTRIBUTIONS? TAT A: 913 Pape hee fs -DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD. AGE GROUPS FOR, POPULATION CLASSES, IN V URBAN val RURAL COMMUNITIES, bee g DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. ; q NATIVE WHITE. 7 ut jartod-treini0 4 rN — ; = i To PR ® a ace periop. | "| "Allclassesii|// yative | Foreign or “ a Negro. oe Sarentage mixed m : 3 Pp i ob eas Mountain—Continued. : Utah. ) "coy g URBAN, PORULATION. ;. eat ‘ae eee ee) ee) ee ae ee Under 1 year-tS.......- tsb. 3S: 4,972 3,692 1239 6 14 a ycake tote L 23,931 16,470 7,041 319 49 to 14 years..ié.t....-.... £25. 21. 22,650 14,723 7,145 716 49 U5 to 19 years..0..0........ LE PRA ID. 20, 173 11,911 7,037 1,125 41 20 to 44 years..2..04......- | Se A 82,964 35, 312 32,979 13,489 581 Agent oo iad wee eeceee 2 tases pig 10, Se 12, ~ 16, on 223 PNENOWAD, po --------- po 162 Mais 5 Sb ilies a de ‘ oO years...16..00000.- bao... 2411 15.2 9.6 oY 4.9 TTS op eomemes eel 9 a 8a WM to 44 years. k-....22. 2. JLo... 38.5 39.7 45.1 41.7 sr 45 years andjover.........)........ 18.7 10.1 16.9 51.1 22. 2 4, _RUR -ROBYLATION, , “pal 20M REE pa es vba eee Bea. 51. ges ei aw 66, 540 24, 144 440 _ SaaS eRe L Ses.5. . 9, 54 5,788 37 » Under 1 year. | Sethe 4 LOv ofS. 72094 “5, 935 1,014 6 8 Bao OU yeats.s.c1% o.......-. L Ide. 21. 32,560 25,508 6,334 247 29 10 to 14 yearg.t02.2........ [ask Al. , 28,976 21,670 6,435 523 28 I5t0 .9 yearsuu0.i8...-..- idee | 23,200: 18, 947 - 6,206 666 26 }to 44 years.....0).....-- p POS JIS. 78,129 35,819 -29, 246 10, 568 245 ae hie (Oe wide... 34, ae 9, 5 12, 493 12, er i, unkni cee <== -@) : nes : Under 5 yeat abeeeeee eee OG... é 7.1 “8.8 8.1 0.4 Gy oF. iregeee tee | [eee ime) oo oc ER her M310 19 Fear 2820000000000 oa ae 13 Bs 0s Veatea.fh........-.b.% at ‘ » 48.9 44, 9 oQ) ru years onke ces ood «Basia 6 sais. 24. 6 21.0 20. 6 39. 6 a} au ot ie number... sie. = = 28, 185 = 12,199 lin meer) YOarsyL...-.-....-.-Sii4f.. 3,403 6 4 ewUnder 1 yearis...........is.2.. 1,132 "709 "311 3 mao Oo yoats.! 48 ...........2et Ee. 55562 3,214 1,603 121 17 ~ 10tol4 Year$-sh2-...-.----- BSS... 4,616 2; 737 1,196 171 9 " 15to19 yearg-ice.t1........ O00. Le: (3,966 2,162 996 274 18 | Mito 44 years.iv0 ii. ....... 082.35. | 275525 11,184 6, 803 7,305 132 Wears andjover..........8%..... 14,625 5,407 3,274 4,217 WS See i 998 78 8 gE RS oe ee Se “100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 i gi BE a @ 19.1 12.1 10.6 0.5 5.0 - | CES ae ie eS ee g 8.9 11.4 10.3 1.0 6.1 1 USD ASSAD & 2 oe f 07.4 29.7 7.7 1.4 3.2 * Oa S| ae © 16. 4 Mt. 7 Baa 2.2 6.5 2) eer = Gee » 44.3 39. 7 . 43.8 -- 59.9 47.5 ule oie gaat nia’ odin 23.5 19. 2 ye 34.6 31.7 1 Per cent not shown, base being less than 100. : q 214 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-POPULATION. TaBLE 51.—DISTRIBUTION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR POPULATION hear come IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued NATIVE WHITE. AGH PERIOD. Allclasses. || Native Forelgn or eben ee Negro. parentage. parantaae PACIFIC. | I Washington. ast URBAN POPULATION. All ages, number....../......-. 748,735 || 373, 611 206, 245 145, 686 5, 782 Under 5 years. .....-- 1 wer ge. 61, 644 38, 640 20, 000 956} 328. Under 1 year: ..:....... 72h. 12, 338 7, 783 3,938 87 62 BO P,YPOTS.1B... 2... oe PRL 62, 330 37, 083 21, 741 2, 424 9D 334 40 (0.14 yearsaie oo... 2b Pee. 56, 343 32, 692 19, 891 en OY 1 297 bS 1019 yearsgre 2.2. Sh To. 55, 876 30, 736 19, 563 |. 4,534 19°.) 0296 20 to 44 yearsesr bs PEO. 836, 962 156, 717 91, 590 - 77, 782." 3, 045 45:years and overs. ...... 4. 250.05. 171, 469 74, 763 33,132 - 60, 280.4") ‘1, 416 Age unknown:.... PAA ee :. 4,111 2, 980 . 328 « 6235 |Pite pice - Allages, per cent........ ees 100. 0 100.0 100.0 ~-100:0 | 100.0 neler 5 years: ail... 22.2. 50. GOR. 8.2 + 10.3 9.7 oFO. 67 .noNs BLT 2609 years. £6...) ea at 8.3 9.9 10.5 cleOrT6 95.8 #00 14 yoarns@ to. LB ay Fee 8.8 9.6 moat Ke r BYE £oitol9 yearse sl. 5A 7.6 8.2 9.5; J. Lg pone) t OSE 20it0 44 yeatss 2... ea. 45.0 41.9 44.4 4620.0.) 5257 d5vyears and over... 22.) 7 Fake 22.9 | 20.0 A Oeke 40.3 |) 24.6 RURAL POPULATION, . soe a BX) by All ages, humber. 2 0.060. 607, 886 338, 095 151,771 100, 369 | 1,191 Under 5 years..t 22... .. Jobe ee. 64, 790 44,110 17, 658 (SUBAS fT 29 A711 Under’ year: 002.) deges e , 12, 331 8, 542 3,199 |... -. 4b fo 13 e009, years! 4.0. ees ' 65, 928 42, 077 20, 679 135859 | 86 ROTO 4 VeaTsssG 2. . 22. ee ee. 61, 210 37, 930 19,841 | _. «+ Qy 215. 9 0% 15 to 19 yearsnce 2 2. ee a. 50, 609 30, 280 16,319 2, 804 Th! CFSE 2070 44 yeatsww, 22.2.5. d.800.2.. 227,311 117, 623 55, 403; |. 47,005.) 457 Am years and Overy. -..--...e2%. 08. 137, 362 65, 668 21, 796 - 46, 447 Poo 300 Age unknownyy) s). 2.22.5 2-203 81. 676 407 75 104) Joe: 3 Allages, per cent......5.00..... 100. 0 100.0 100.0° ~*~ 100:0 |" “100.0 @nider 5: years. Myer... aor. 10.7 13.0 11.6 ane Ve: | & 11.6.4 B.1O.9 VOATS fae sy sneer eo eee a 10. 8 12.4 13.6 1: 218 7.8 £00.14 yearsa 4. oS ea Se 40. 1 11.2 13.1 2.2 8.8 LAO. VOanss: G2 oS 8.3 9.0 10.8 2. S41 7.9 R010 44 yearss oo... Bape. 37. 4 34.8 36.5 + ve +e 46. SAT 41.5 45-years and Over::. 2.22. -3G.082.. 22.6 19. 4 14.4]... 46.3 » 27.2 Oregon, 4 URBAN POPULATION. All ages, number... 2.240.052... 391, 019 227, 549 95, 034 ~~ 61, 508 1, 844 Winder 5 yearsia.2 -.. 5. fe8Gb.. 30, 660 21, 649 8, 186 ... WU25D eh 2936 0 096 Under ls yeams os. 3 Se 5, 830 4,181 1, 486 J. ces scarp nd POSTS TOF §,t0.9 Years. - - <)i0 oo oe Sana aR , 32,210 21, 730 9, 371 ee Src 115 1010.14 Vearsey 0. Sa. 30, 023 20, 059 8,329 j........1,380.}-c1a9% 8 095 25010 yOarsne: 260200 0s eae Sse. 29, 334 18, 837 8, 146 .. 2,019. 4 93 2010.44 yeatsis . 26. 25 G08. Ts. 171, 503 94, 514 43, 423 |... . . 30, 250. 975 45 years and Over.....-.....282.1.. 96, 790 50, 447 17, 499 26, 788 Jisoe )) 0463 Age unknowns... 225... Skee. S. © 499 313 75. --- 96/Hn4 a Anes, per cent 202.3322. Ar 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 "100. 0 100.0 Unders yearscone 225265 54.9- OGf . G07 8 9.5 ~ 8.6 .|......- 500 299 5.2 BS to.0years: hurls oh 9208271. 8.2 ‘9.5 9.9 nue le BUSSE 6 1S 10 tod 4 years® 2 222225222490 i. 7.7 8.8 . 8.8. agi ee ae al an % | 15 tor9 yearset 22.2552 52420802 21. . 7 eo 8.3 . 8.6 - & SH 5.0 POLO4A Years S .25 2222S. 43.9 41.5 45.7 49.24) *) §2:9 45 years and over er 24.8 22. 2 . 18.4 43.67) 25:1 RURAL POPULATION. © ~ halts esi 6 Wa Allages, number......)..2..... 392, 370 270, 177 74, 235° “40,643 | 300 Under 5 yearsiv.c... 1... 2.202222! 40, 658 33, O11 6, 647 .... eID 3s TAQ sUnder l years. 5) 2. 2.255.880. 22. ‘7, 767 6, 373 1,172 - nace pe A QUOD GS I 9 StoD years: hf. 2020.5. OB. Ld. 40, 874 _ 31,898 7,984 |......2-. 3e@Oy Lishetig 10 to l4 yearsign::.. 2.25808 LT.. 38, 991 | 29, 578 7, 958 .. 764 34 #5 tol9 yearsIN. .. 22505. 400882. 33, 441 24, 377 7, 274 949. firme) 2B BOto 44 yearsise 2. ae. Ve. 143, 317 93, 329 30,090 |. 17, 321-qieoy Of COLTS 45 years and over:.... mat 5» 9 94, 734 || 57, 708 14, 250 21, 074 8 Age unknowns ee... eth 2. . 355 276 32 ESE OMS S300 Ke Allages, percont.............2. 100.0 100.0 100:0| 100.01 100.0 Under 5 yearst sa... 22.22. 0002.. 10.4 12.2 9.0 }.. 10.94 2038 NAG Sto 9 yoarst: Hat. 222 CeO. 10. 4 11.8 tO. Sti - 0. QIREY 6 EGS 10 to 14 years:. - Tae ae eed 2 ib iT Ieee 9.9 10.9 10.7 1, 9.1 210% OAS 1S¢0'19 yearsiot. 22525025! ts eae 8.5 9.0 9.8 2.3: 1 BUG 20%0 44 years efi cc le. dob}. t. 36. 5 34.5 40..5 42.6 ) 300 45 years and over..:........2.02.2. 24.1 21.4 19.2 51. Qaresy, ES res | Q : E ‘ o~meerteaevse - i > Koy, | AGE. DISTRIBUTION... | 215 _ DISTRIBUTION BY. BROAD AGE GROUPS FOR. POPULATION CLASSES, IN UR 3AN AND a COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. NATIVE WHITE. Foreign-born AGY Fi PERIOD. All classes. Native Foreign or rita. Negro. sphanaihi P parentage. | «mixed me 2 parentage . a - =i eo ~ : — nce | Pact#ic—Continued. P i eli y —_....... California. | URBAN POPULATION. ’ ’ » Allages, number . -. - . ty 331,729 ||" 1, 122,925.|' 643, 066 472,576 | 33, 888 Under'5 years... 169, 129° 96, 286. | 60, 564 , 2, 203 Under I year 08933, 820°] Te 954]! | °'12, 029" 168 445 5'to.9'years..... ©2974, 6843 '> | 1 97,253.4 £9 °62,.980 |. - ---. 8,187] 2, 361 10 to 14 years SEES p= 164, 768 - 92,344 55,852 12, 129 2, 221 15 to19 ir i POPE: oan? ad 163, 567 |} 90,248] . —_50, 156 17, 571 2,171 296-44 years. ..|.205.0) 2] 1! 4030, 911 ||© 470,367. ! |) 278, 7191. - - 234, 457 17, 299 45 years and overs: SSLTLE LAS GEORG 2) 281 271,'833 134, 004 195, 816 7, 486 Age unknown... 4. 388 USD 1. T8 BG * 80 7,8 4,599 791 1,643 147 ~ Allages, per cent... Boe te TOO 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 nder 5 years. . ..-. sprprcestennes | von on 4 7.3: 8.6 9.4 0.6 6.5 pep veats-»-- ve lB ay: 9.°8 1.7 7.0 |to 14 years.. ¢ Usihis 1 Beet iM 1B. ¢ 2.6 6.6 to19 years... ee ie 7105 8.0 68 3.7 6.4 to 44 years......... 44,2 j 41.9 43.3 49.6 61.0 45 years and.OVeT,......... b ae chee SP ney 26.6. | yg) 24, 2 20. 8 414 22.1 Br? RURAL POPULATION. ae ae i Allages, number... ae ey a etl Bog ae 555, 030 262, 028 209, 086 4, 875 Under 5 — — nt | aE EN, Goad dE 106, 598 9, 35, 084 , 393 Under 1 TRE RE BRS 20, 600 11, 230 6, 916 113 72 5 to 9 year oa ho SEE Bare 105, 595 60, 558 35,171 4, 232 415 Qin ea Danks ccna 94, 508 56, 176 28, 969 6,131 442 5 to19 YOATS. ~~. nye ee eee yep eat 79, 759. 45, 731 22,749 7, 918 391 to 44 years...j.22°....... ily ete 430, 290 200, 370 92, 074 106, 006 2, 980 hind ag and pvt, mare oe erage eh wine 410) Sle 131, 134 47,809 82, 833 1, 136 Age unknown... 000 ....- 25-2... 2, 030 5075 172 9 18 _. Allages, per cent......... Ae 100. 0° 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 mnaer 6 YOAss..|.21.....5--)8.14.. 9.:7 Ii 10. 8 y 413.4 0.7 8.1 5 to 9 years..-.. ayo SF BEE ed 9.6 10.9 13. 4 2.0 8&5 be ee | ges tase 8.6) 10.1 ii.1 2.9 9.1 arto Years: - |. O5.25..---) RAS. 7.3) wr 852 8.7 3.8 Bx 8-0 A, GORI So ccerev stew ewirwwrs 39.3 36.1 35.1 50. 7 42.7 45 years and over..... fe eseteeeeeee 25.2 23.6 18.2 39.6 23.3 7 y 7 - - : 4 Pe (he tndte) isd Oey tei , eet Bit V2? s bi Bae Ft | aa BES Bi} 7.00 ; me | OM ae Fite | BGK : Ae a WO 0 “TFs { ; i tour yo f 216 ABSTRACT OF THH CENSUS——POPULATION. Tabe 52,—MARITAL CONDITION OF THE POPULATION 15 YEARS OF CLASS OF POPULATION AND CENSUS YEAR, Total.t Ali classes: 19204. S58... 36,920,663 ea eer 32,425, 805 190Qay. 22.352: 25, 620,'399 IS9ORE see: 20,777, 872 White: £920. oma, SH BET 2 oS 33,'335, 586 1910... Ard. fo eee 29,158, 125 TOU0 ot Ede de 2 2c e 22;808, 628 LSOD ox tee tse pce: 18, 534, 187 Negro: Te eh 3, 393, 211 TIO Vale Soe. os xn ak ote » 8,059, 312 EHO PUR acme aa oe babs 2,633, 008 WROO ISO. 5, awe s 2, 119, 721 Indian ane SAL! a ee 76,321 1010S oe cc ceus iced 80, 383 Lt eee ee ha ee 72,076 PSI o Ciel crn ar ete , £9,911 Chinese eo by MBO Saicle oye qn ae eaters 49,818 BORG RIFd. Panes. « sisbiee 64,394 TOO0ES Ee Ser eens 83, 633 ABOO See st eke , 102,322 Japanese: ef 108063 Cb ea 57,427 1010. dhe ae Oda 60, 536 LLC ee me 4 23, 054 B90. crs ofc d ok © cipierais He “11, 731 All other: TODO. douche Mord a iniviam sa 3 8, 300 TURD gate te Gosden teks = » 3, 055 Native white: 1920. Sots spies x = 26, 083, 047 POLO Te oe cor mete. 22, 018, 232 19002 Als COP 17, 551, 269 ‘oy Cane epeeieent ean ed 13, 953, 598 Native white—Native parentage: ER che cha de bie teidig aides 19,092, 107 IN edie aia 16, 233, 095 pS By lr ag lk Al 13, 088, 058 15:25 EN Oe a a eae RO 10, 880, 185 Native white—Foreign or mixed parentage: Perel mUlUe erence ore.aie Sse 6, 990, 940 POM DOT DORE. lava 5, 785, 137 ph eA) eee er es 4,463, 211 ROOF eh s scan td 3,073, 413 Native white—Foreign parentage: 4 < POOBURA SE cian 4,792, 911 Ue ho rere 4,059,778 Native white—Mixed ‘ parentage: 4 $I OI 5s eae 2, 198,029 POLO Pas Sheesh 1, 725,359 Foreign-born white: O20 ois See 7, 252, 539 POO oi ec liak 7, 139, 893 LODO Toe Pein eee 5, 257, 359 AOVO Fe. Sooners oot ah 4, 580, 589 Single. Number. 12, 967, 565 12, 550, 129 10,297, 940 8,655,711 9,173, 430 7, 732, 832 1, 104, 77 1,083, 472 1,033, 285 842, 764 26, 450 27, 391 24, 323 7, 990 23,096 _ 84,330 48, 997 70, 625 24} 423 42, 688 17, 905 1,500 : 6,054 1, 966 9, 927,618 9, 091, 366 7, 627, 637 6, 262, 921 6,776, 518 6, 185, 324 5, 195, 263 4, 359, 200 3, 151, 100 2,906, 042 2, 432, 374 1, 903, 721 2, 141,310 1, 989, 127 1,009, 790 916, 915 1, $55, 047 2, 268, 916 1, 545, 793 1, 469, 911 MALES, — “a Married. Number. 35.1} 21, 849; 266 38.7 | 18,092, 600 13, 955, 650 41.7) 11, 205,205 | 2,050, 407 1, 749, 228 1, 422, 886 13175, 513 | 43, 095 46, 154. 41, 067 9, 863 24,782 26, 449 31, 794 26, 720 31, 250 15, 918 4,045 |. 199 1,619 |. 911 a) 1 | 14,795, 171 41.3 | 11,821, 805 9, 100, 302 7, 142, 105 3, 550, 882 2,677, 706 1, 906, 380 1,111, 810 2, 445, 291 1, 926, 075 1, 105, 591 751, 631 4, 902, 942 4, 432 135 3, 355, 556 2, 850, 805 1 Totalincludes persons whose marital condition was not reported. 2 Figures for 1890 are exclusive of 325,464 persons (169,221 males and 156,243 females) specially enumer- ated in Indian Territory and on Indian reservations, for whom statistics of marital condition are not available. , ORR OS — a IS GRAD: coon i oe ee ee es, GD a} “ 4 : us ORR RTT MANS cn enen cn: Orne oO BRUISE BORO GUND HK ne em KD on BA. A¥eo 00 oo WN) COOH A AGE. AND OVER, BY CLASSES, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1890 TO. 1920. MARITAL CONDITION, | 217 ; FEMALES, Neg ee ea a os ae POmineTON Single. Married. Widowed. en, + iv ~ Total. mas couety baw Per Per Per | Vorced. | 7 ti Number. | cont, | Number. | con¢, | Number. cent. ~ All classes: v) er’ 35,177,515 || 9.616,902 | 27.3 | 21,318,933 | 60.6 | 3,917,625 | 11.1] 273, 304 7 Poa eee 30,047, 825 |) 8,933,170}, 29.7 | 17,684,687 | 58.9 | 3,176,228 | 10.6 | 1357068 Sa 1900. .........-| 24, 2493191 || 7,566,530 | 31.2 13,810,057 | 57.0 | 2,717,715 | 11.2 | 114) 647 18902. 221 2222.} 19,602" 178 |! 6; 233° 316 |, 31.8 11, 124,785 | 56.8 2,154,598] 11.0] 71) 883 ee 1 \ yy i Soar oe ee cae See AMAT bh Ne RO nla, AAR hell Raita ieee = ius | 31,654; 84 ' “4 ete ee... % ols 4,841 || 8,772,732 | 27.7 | 19, 210,238 | 60.7 | 3,399,662 | 10.7! 22 be : P 4 8, 565 “ [9810.1 bases 0 ead 8,091, 249;} 30-1 | 15,852,011 | 59.0 | 2705,990 | 10.1 | 150” gor 900... ‘ 6, 747,306 |. 31.4 | 12,319,767 | 57.3 2,291,872 |.10.7} 91,737 a tr 5,575,143 | 32.0 9,924,785 | 57.0 1,831,772 |.10.5 | 61,125 9020.) Gael eis «1-4 sap i, me 100 825,258 | 24.1 | 2,039,181 | 59.6 | 507,961] 14.8 | 43,871 a my WO10.. Sige yues.su-ha| 3,103,044 823,996 | 26.6 | 1,775,949 | 57.2] 459,831 | 14.8] 33 986 py 1900... eis. -cec| 2,690, 683 803,683 |. 29.9] 1,443,817] 53.7] 414,107 | 15.4.| 297033 of 1800... toe -t. — 2}.175;550 652,314 | 30.0 | 1,187,434 | 54.6 | 320,194 | 14.7] 10; 688 at Go eet 12° 470, 431 16,238 | 23.1 43,923 | 62.4 9,217 | 13.1 826 ox Roe art ae G At 76, 982 16,324 | 21.2 49,095 | 63.8 10,071} 13.1 959 OT a Native white—Native parentage my ' Wyearsh LS. 4.0...| ween 561,320 || 560,321 |. 99.8 955 0.2 44 1.0 1G) yearse. 8... 38 LS 588, 313 086, 290 99. 7 £1,935 0:3; }* 4~ 88 fr0se2 sd DUGVCRTS. cb wo eet raw ee 554, 815 549, 577 99.1 5,083 0.9 155 }P FR eeSs PSyears.t 8 Gee. ck ob 555, 858 536, 783 96. 6 16,670 3.0 400 | 2,005 19 yearesk. ee. Ole oe -537, 171 494, 744 92.1 39, 749 7.4 773 1, 905 20 yearsixi do Shc nets 1) ees 489, 567 417, 792 85.3 1.) °68, 577 14.0-|+-- 1,320 1, 878 MM years. 4h 3y..). ite 538, 528 || 410,990 |! 76.3 | 123,437] 22.9 2, 354 1, 747 WS VOars: chao ta kook Dae 513, 123 || 349,503 | 68.1]. 158,545 | 30.9 3,460 | 1,615 9B yosie i. | Wee ks oj ea 501, 825 || ‘301,383 }' 60.1] 194,715| 38.8|- 4,344 |-1, 383 24 yearat). | Shei uk hs Aes | 603,775 || 267,588} 53.1 |) 229, 45. 5-|-- 5,533 |-0!1, 348 QB-yoarsscz scores sec eee 490, 375 || 225, 827-| 46.1 | 256,950 }--' 52. 4 6, 440 1, 158 86 years Wh uc enetaielis 482,989 || 194,082} 40.2] 280,357] 58.0 7, 430 1, 120 2TFoars.€ 2), SORE L688. 478,647 || 165,413 | 34.6 | | 303,826.}° 63.5 8,366 | 1,042 98 vears.7_.\. Coasts ae 483,036 |} 148,406 | .30.7 | 324,209.}° 67.1 9,400 |.’ 1, 021 39 years... 1. Seebeck. 432) 265 111, 139} 25.7] 811,487 |) 721-4. 8,899 |. °° 740 30 -years... |. WPeSud. , Hmae 465, 522 118, 151) 25.4 ,288.}' 72.0] 11,11 972 MM years... L....cp.02 eee 377, 883 || 80,5 21.3 | 287,816 | 76.2 8, 857 684 92 yours... A ives. ces} pai 407, 537 85,766 | 21.0} 309,923} '76.0| 11,172 676 33 Vears./i). DON Gees B08. 395, 788 72,745) 18.4 | 311,543 1! .78.7.}-.-10,955 545 af years.¥ ..). io cei et RRO 407, 941 70, 257 17.2 325, 397 79. 8 11, 699 - 588 Native white— Foreign or mixed Pe parentage: ity ooiy ee | theypare ct dil. «cose ou den. 217,665 || 217,364 | 99.9 280 0. Ppemsia azien) 1S 16 years: 50). 50% 1) 2 ..| 9229/3491] 228, 875']) 99.8 458 0.2 16 4, hae i 1% years...) H58.Sk 01: cils.|) 9246114 |} (215, 387 | 99.7 692.) 0.3. 35 |. DAGhods TH yearsxs -..1. 2ER_ DES. 2) Ae Be. 213, 207 210, 572° 98. 8 1, 804 } 0.8 ah 4 768 AO years.%. |. Bid. ood: eds eS 208,749! || 202; 904 97.2 4,970. } 2.4 .. 89 1 786 DO VORTS,.... [os Soc dam epeeeees 196, 971 184, 813 93. 8 11, 162 | 5.075 wm TOG 780 Ta COR mae tales Weak 207, 208 182,598 | 88.1 23,580 | 11.4 392 638 MP yeara.é..| 1s Ssh. 1 Oke. 204, 611 167, 729 | 82.0 35,648.} 17.4 611 |" | 628 23 yesra.2... 2S BSS. .c ede *204,073 || 152,776 | 74.9 49,777 | 24.4 968 | 552 DA VOnre 0 1. wd ae 201,907 || 136,943] 67.8 63,098 | 31.3: |) 11,287) «879 Ds steas cick pe det cons 195,074 || 117,884 | 60.4 75,087 | 38.5 1,675 |» 428 26 years.\.... ive ta ae ce 195,292 || 105,080 |! 53.8 87,747 | 44.9 |. . 2,061 404 OF years...) OS0,204..c}: huts 190, 438 89, 579 |» 47.0 98,052 | 51.5 2,467 | 0) 01 340 - D8 years... ab... dvac hoon oe | 183, 714 77,645 | 42.3] | 102,991! 56.1 27787} ae 29 years........ ble 1 See. | 10, 383 62,154.) 36.5 | 105,198} 61.7 2772 | . Coun 30: years.ti | os ile . RS ae 197 546 60, 294 30. 9 12' ? 129 62. 4 4 101 274 31 AOU) IS See aaa 172. 758 57, 207 29.0 1 9, 405 66. 4 4. 619 278, 32 years........ f J *_ ee 199, 441 iy 872 24.8 ae 493 68. 1 5 oo 266 $2 Years... on ete 402) 720/ 5, tt 219 33 Years... .--... 2.222222 166) 805 36 ah Aa ER eb oll ? op 146 : CIs sos... .... 149, 646 99° 829 22.1 123” 1 9 75.9 ne 3 25 193 tetteecees 149, 812 Poge f49. 4 (octemees [eee ot 99 29, 285 19,5 113. 382 76. 4 6. is 135 '525| 758| 67003 109 99 22.0 ABSTRACT OF THE ‘CENSUS*+—POPULATION. CLASS OF POPULATION AND AGE. Foreign-born white: 40/168 | 997 LS. da Gecdean bn Old 49,395 | 99. 5" Bs dea dinp OBES (54,239 | 99.44) 57,244 || 98.1 GOS. 4B Se. WOE de 57,281 | 96.3 eeu. due. bolt Bi 59,370 | | 91.6: Cora aries SoS? 60,874 | 86.0 92,957 | 79, 2°} Megs. dg Qa. p SRE 73390 | 70.0'|" °30, = TAS sd Gap Oeo. bee BIO 78,977 | 63.0 ‘ val ges . Jere ane & 81.468 | 56.9) 60, 0-} EES dead Senn f RR 75,457 | 50.9)" 70, 912 13. poe. baby oe PARE ||| :069}705 | | 4484- $3,768 |. ..53-8 Gs. 1-088. ope 75,756 | 41.54% 104,010 | 57.0 Pe. deta he oe 56,399 | 34:7 | 103, 321]. 63.6-} 73,176 | 34.2) 137,022 | - 64.0. 1S ee ae 41,967 | 28.5} 102, 588 |-- 69.6. 53,746 | 27.41 138,310 |-. 70.6 1 VAS a de SoBe op 46,366 | 24.2°|\ 140,989 |. 73.6 DGB sale Sajdibe oi} DO |) 45,121 | 22.8" 148) 476. |--75-0- WH WNHWOAGMOANWADD — SBarss SSS 33 ‘VOORSe 7... 5 Bhd Oe 34 Y@QERY nb. .- do > 4 obLE OTE HOH ORO PNOINWNOCUNE PRT SASSRRRRESKSESSRSERSE ‘4.1 SNMEARTTAL, CONDITION, 2) | | 291 AND SINGLE YEARS, FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, FOR THE UNITE 1920—Continued. : : ? FEMALES, i CLASS OF POPULATION AND AGE. nigra Single. Married. wid.» | Marital a adsavnaale ea Ea ie condi- ; Iaevcnigeen Total. || owed tion ¥ | | Pe or di- | not.re- et | ay as on Number, Number. cent. | Voreed ported 41,018: 571 1.4 “AS 49,122 1,978 3.9 i Ae 47, 446 4,999 9.5 ED earl alae al | 48; 963 11,944 19.5 207 152 2,691 18,985 | 30.6 287 140 425018 32,215 | - 42.9 613 199 33,591 37,168 52.0 618 125 37,032 59,429 60.8 1,110 158 32,011 72,670 | - 68.4 1,418 154 29; 485 87, 867 73.6 1, 834 141 28,210 101,402 | 76.7 2,398 167 22; 858 102,947 80.1 2,517 142 18, 623 103,626 | 82.8 2,796 103 21; 702 125, 765 83.1 3,668 116 14,890 106, 795 85.3 3, 444 106 21,807 149, 838 84.4 5, 659 139 4 10,275 93,471 | 87-2 3,357 78 uA Fat TA 14,697 | 130,952 |-- 86.6 | 5,426 112 Beis, .. Jere. | ve 1.134 973 10,840 118,951 | 88.1 5,090 92 AAR Sie ee “133,873 11,438 116,823 |- 87.3} 5,526 86 | R ~ 111,019 || 108,090 2,762 2.5 1 ate Se » yal ae aie 109,730 8.773 7.4 2s ay aa pe ' 86, 765 17,908 16.9 £056. 1.4 wee on. 82,448 37,299 30.5 2,111 366 61,136 47,427 |°° 42.4 2,968 313 53,137 64,890 |- 52-8 4, 486 319 36, 603 59,520 59.0 4,576 219 36,421 » 76, 245 63.9 6,416 270 28,662 76,927 68.2 7,047 228 (24,588 79,158 | 70-9 7, 751 215 23,217 ~* 86,147 72.5 9,285 216 16,937 -~ 76,022 | 75.0 8, 259 157 13,294 “= 68,544 |°°°76:3 7, 895 116 13,751 77,694 76.9 9,472 151 9,081 57,605,|. -77.6 7,451 93 15,716 87,777 |. 74.4 | 14,206 210 5, 245 40,547 | 78.8 5,571 68 7,339 “58,057 |°° 78.5 8, 499 79 5,103 48,199 79.8 7,064 69 4,951 49,756| 79.6" 929 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-POPULATION. TABLE 54.—MARITAL CONDITION OF THE TOTAL POPULATION, BY pce sets! 3 MALES: 1920 P : | Widowed or CLASS OF POPULATION AND AGE PERIOD. Single. Married. divorced. Per Per Per Number. hant. Number. cont. Number. cents ATL Glasses 1.5.25 cu pees... PA 29,944, 007 55.6 | 21,852,439 | 40.5 | 1,993,745 3.7 Unideér 15° years of ape... gaec den. ode ces 16, 976, 442 | 100.0 3,173 (2) 153 (2) TR YeCATS ANGLOVER 2. n yes taeda nos Lea we 12, 967, 565 35. 1 | 21, 849, 266 59.2 | 1,998,592 | ©) 5.4 1S COG RPOATS. 45 caw. ub estes Wee oo Roba 4, 567, 770 97.7 96, 374 2.1 mae * 0.1 20 to!2d.Vears.. 1. 21 36 to WR years. . d25 395: 2. deen. ace 491,663 | 13.9} 2,909,069] 82.0] 140,745.| ». 4.0 45 to D4)y Gare: gee ss cee eee ees wee 280, 785 10.6 | 2,184,378 82.4 180, 708 6.8 5106 D4 Years. Poe sO es 149, 315 8.8} 1,347,772 79.1 204, 812 | »»12.0 65 yewkeiend Over in 22.) ae a eee 91, 915 6.7 902,207 | 66.1] 367,953} »°26.9 Aigo GUENOWNs d.4 Sse sb ees bass. deeewe 15, 557 26.5 15, 095 25.7 2,592.} 4) 4.4 Native white—Foreign parentage..... 5, 158, 428 66.0 | 2,445,770 31.3 197,832 | «: 2.5 Uinider 15iyearsiof ageria.: i eh ak Se. es 3,017,118 | 100.0 479 (@) | geonk o(2) VO-years Qi PVET-<4g2 85s: | suns ove a+ dca pe 2, 141, 310 44.7 | 2,445, 291 51.0 197,809} 4.1 1S tO LA VOGTS.. Soong. <<} Ales es « sep ne 701, 637 99,1 4, 896 0.7 151} () QO PE Years Beye chee ee oo ee ed 551, 884 81.6 119, 851 Lea 2,107.} « 0.3 2h tO BE OO Seva Boal. ~ t nca ees ose dicate 467,578 | 40.6 662,155 | 57.6 18,579} 1.6 Behe ote ee Ca OG 5 I Sp ig 196,345 | 22.6 639,164 | 73.7 30,428}. 3.5. 45 to 54 years.....-..---, Se I 135,804 | 18.2] 561,888} 75.3 47,497 | - 6.4 55- TO BE VROIS sh. odes ws stuns thee ose ena 65, 414 14.2 342, 016 74. 0 54, gl lz 65 VOQrs ANG OVEles anes hb eos va oe > singe ae 20, 572 11.5 113, 895 63.5 44, 595.} ¢ 24.9 Age UO WE to Pale eels ~ » tater 2, 076 49.3 1, 426 33. 8 297 | 7.0 Native white—Mixed parentage ....... 2, 266, 533 65.6} 1,105, 830 32.0 79,419} 2.8 Under 15 years. Of agesrc i. tcee wee -e deem Os 1, 256, 743 | 100.0 239 (2) 10} @) — TS. YOArs ATO VBE... ice cen ele wn oleae 1, 009, 790 45.9} 1,105, 591 50. 3 79,409.| - 3.6 15 COTE VORTS. EN eas tee ey 373, 465 99. 0 3, 308 0.9 Scere) ae 20 fo 2 Years....). 5 Sh pee tage «och ae ee 272, 975 80. 6 63, 414 18.7 1,367,.} 0.4 25 to SPY bars. Oe Pe 217,840 | 38.9 330,365} 59.1 10,373 1.9 Ya 0 We: eB AT 0 de Me RN re DES BARC 83, 115 19.5 328, 223 76.9 15, 306 3.6 45 6G GH VORTS.. .'< 5... Sake eA take oe 39,916 | 14.2 223,551 | 79.6 17, 242 6.1 6b GaG4-years: ooo co ee eee 15, 448 11.1 107, 353 11.3 15, 917 11.5 65 years and OVeLr...2.. ep eeas tendes aha ae 6, 238 8.4 48, 819 65. 8 18, 997 25.6 Age UNKNOWN, ..ssueo ee oneeeen nee peas 793 49.0 34.5 124 we Foreign-born white.................... 2, 130, 562 28.3} 4,903, 186 65.1 470, 023 6.2 Under 15 years of ageszpec. sane cee san ooce 275, 515 99.9 244 0.1 24} () 15 yeara atid OVGl... 341, 835 14.6 55 to 64-years......2.....- SL ae 130, 330 8.4 975,239 | 63.1] 436,631 | 28.3 Beeps yeata. and Over.) 24.30 set. l of 108, 365 7.9 | 480,833} 35.0 | 780,608 | 56.8 eeeen Wermown.p tees 9,701 | 29.0 13,383°} - 40.1 4,023 | 12.0 Native white—Foreign parentage..... 4,768,233 |, 60.5 | 2,648,525 | 33.6] 461,384 5.9 Under 15 years of age...... 2.22 22.2.202..-2-- , 976, 962 | 100.0 471 | (2) 28} (2) Meereand over. 7 1,791,271 | 36.5 | 2,648,054! 54.0} 461,356 9.4 © 15 to 19 years...... IP datee see se abe 674,765 | 93.5 45, 336 6.3 747 0.1 Men IE OATS. bo | ee 417,140 | 58.9 283,156} ~— 40.0 6, 869 1.0 Beeeo toe vears. 327,577°| 27.6 823,381.| 69.3 36, 170 3.0 een tGee ents of i 166,760 | 18.8 656, 869 | 73.9 64, 442 7.3 © *45 to 64 years......0...5.. » Fie a BIS 120,476 | 16.2| ---509,685 | 68.5] 112,858] 15.2 55 to 64 years... 22.0... ...: » LR aig RI 63,214] 13.5 264,796 | 56.81 138,020] 29.6 |» 65 years and over..........-:5...... > 19,654 | 10.6 63,422 }- 34.2] 101,787 | ° 55.0 ReRTIOWDL OL 1,685 | 44.5 1,409 | -- 37.2 4634 12.2 _ Native white—Mixed parentage.,..... 2,109,026 | 59.6} 1,243,035 | 35.1] 182,227 5.2 Under 15’yéars of age..-... 2.22. see eee eee , 231, 854 | 100.0 219} (2) 10 | (2) Sppeereand oyer..}.. 12.1... eeee| , 877,172 | 38.1] 1,242,816 | 53.9} 182,217 7.9 MP MMIVOATS.4 0 tee 356,705 | 93.8 22, 815 6.0 55 0.1 BUPA VORB. oo to ik wn now we 214,387 | 59.8 139,202 | 38.8 4, 223 1:2 Demo tereveats..( O28 Ore 172, 223°}. 28.0 422413 | 68.6 20, 539 3.3 EE Sa ee 75,498 | 16.5 348,933 | 76.3 32, 754 7:2 Sa re veers. 44). koe 36,024] 13.0 200,886 | 72.3 40,860 | 14.7 BmeetOUE OATS... 2005. .1o eos)... 14,698 | 10.8 81,568 | 60.1 39,345 | 29.0 enue years and Ovpr.-;».... 20250... 6, 928 9.0 26,391 | - 34.2 43,743 | 56.7 Age 7 SB GR BL OE A 709 | 44.0 608 -| 37.7 194 12.0 Foreign-born white.................... 1,105,893}. 17.9] 4,123,806] 66.7| 946,961] 15.3 Mnider 15 years Of age... .. 2.0 see. ee. eee 270,094 | 99.9 303 0.1 50} (2) Mmere and OVEr. 5.) ccd ae ce 835,799 | 14.1 |°°4,123,503 | 69.7] 946,911 16.0 85.3 38,477 | 14.3 663 0.2 37.1 239,349 | 61.6 5, 593 4:2 12.8 | 1,150,570 | © 84.2 39, 881 2.9 8.2 |- 1,148,448} 84.8 93, 912 6.9 6.8 822,439 | 76.8 | 174,596 | 16.3 5.6 457,165] 62.8 | 229,248] 31.5 4.9 213,713} 32.9] 401,812] 61.9 23.4 3,342 | 51.2 1,211 | 18.5 50.5 | 2,040,252} 38.8] 551,895] 10.5 99. 9 1,071 0.1 63} (2) 24.1 | -2,039, 181 | 59.6 | 551,832 | 16.1 : 78.7 114,169 | 20.0 6, 782 1.2 : ; 31.6 356, 740 |} - 62: 8 30, 276 5.3 R- 13.5 650,348 | 76. 4 85,445 | 10.0 ab to SP years. je) Oe ts , 996 7.0 508,417 | 75.4 | 117,767 | 17.5 45 to 54 years....... ie BAL SR SES 19, 683 4.9 266,087 | 66.2 | 115,747 | 28.8 1555 to 64 years... 3.5.18. Soo! 7,973 | — 4.2 95,665 | - 50.7 84,682] 44.9 65 years and over..:). 2060 5..0 00... 6, 516 4.1 43,271 | 27.2} 108,343] 68.2 pL NE a a ee 1,876 | 18.8 44841... 44.9 2790 | 27.9 et ate 2-Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 7" 994 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——POPULATION. / Panis 54,-MARITAL CONDITION OF THE TOTAL POPULATION, BY SEX MALES: 1910 Widowed or | Single. "1% “Married. °" diverned. CLASS OF POPULATION AND AGE PERIOD. , Per Per Number. hint. Number. didint. Number. MIpCIA SSeS bie Tek Ghee dee 27,455, 607 58.0 | 18,993, 498 38.2 | 1,627,648 Under 15: years. of ag6.js....) wus sagem ce ¢. 2% 14,905,478 | 100.0 | ~~ 898 (2) 96 1.) > 15, years and OVer . jo. A... 5 cares Saas ds. seg. es 12, 550, 129 38.7 | 18,092, 600 55. 8 2 15 to 10; Fears . 1 cas. . | ve. i dopeecuges's sek xt 193,630] 43.0 249,097 | ~° 55.3 wine) 35 tO 44, Years. to nos pea hee et ae 58, 968 19.9 226,624 | "76.4 { Teed | 45 TD DS} Years...) x sas’. Henne ape cs oot ae) 21, 215 12.7 134,539 | 80.4 + 726.9 BG tb 68 Years. .|'n na+ech sope news eee bene 7, 556 9.5 62,277 | 78.5 11.9 65 years Gfid OVeR: mc. fo pope. oes ob tet 3, 297 7.0 31,730} 66.9 26.0 Age UNE WN. t 7. ee Cah Owe cewek ee - 694 45.0 493 32.0 6.4 Foreign-born white................-.+4 2,652, 619 35.3 | 4,432,298! 58.9 6.4 Under 15 Years, of ave. ouy 0. ln gcc se'qeke oben oe 383,703 | 99.9 163 | (2) Qo 15 years and OVer... 2.1... ce se ee es ab Re 2,268,916 | 31.8] 4,432,135] 62.1 S)ed 5 15 tO UDyears -.1 4 iin’ alia ip tte s oe tise oy 346, 672 98.6 2,851) 0.8 (@) 20 to 24 Yoears...2 na. sak des epgey- tee 661,481} 80.3 156, 222 | "19.0 3eQhe o 25 th désyears..) 3,6 So 4 a ob 67,203 | 12.2 439,901 | 80.0 wae 45 to 54 years... ... Me 22 Baa. BO se ae 25, 869 6.8 308, 831 | $1.4 Eee ae OS tO Sevears:°} er ee. ho yee whe. edb ob 10, 792 5.0 168,881} 78.1, 16.7 Oo years and Over. esp 9a5.'30 622. dae 6, 285 4.1 102,670} 67.3. >» 28.1 AGE GNEMOWI coerce ac cc les Meise 3, 980 23.3 8, 622 50.5 ~ 8.2 1 Includes Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and ‘all other.” > . . MARITAL CONDITION. 225 AND AGE PERIODS, FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, FOR THE UNITED 1920 AND 1910—Con. FEMALES: 1910 Widowed or CLASS OF POPULATION AND AGE PERIOD. Bingle Married. divorced. Per Per Per Number sons Number caine Number. lint SAM DIGSSOS eh) O52.) ib a eBags. 23,522,121 52.7 | 17,688, 169 39.6 | 3,361,527 7.5 Bnder 1b years: O68. 25. cles ee le eet 14,588,951 |. 100.0 3, 482 (2) 231 | (2) EOS OC) RS SS ee 8, 933, 170 29.7 | 17,684, 687 58.9] 3,361, 296 11.2 meme opeares. El... -1...-.s.2-4..--:. 3,985, 764 | 87.9 513,239 | 11.3 13,911 0.3 eS nD ae Serres eee 2,163,683} 48.3] 2,225,362]. 49.7 75, 724 i CIEE Ba Co 6 et I a. Se 1,516, 726 20.9 | 5,448, 894 10. 1 281, 589 3.9 LN Det RSG Se Apt Ses Se ae 628, 516 11.4} 4,410,310 80.1 461, 165 8.4 Cea VerRtot ell eet eet OR 331, 573 8.5 | 2,904, 043 74.8 642, 320 16.6 Bb to 64 Veale 05 crocs lore 167,991 7.1 | 1,479,454] 62.2] 729,652 | 30.7 Mo yearend Over...) nk ee eS 124, 223 6.3 687, 335 35.0 | 1,147, 461 58. 4 PISITNL WINS. hE. be oe edd. FK 14, 694 26.9 21,050 38.5 9,474 173 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 13,377, 257 55.1} 9,221,615 38.0 | 1,623,705 6.7 Wnder 15 yearsiof age! .2 a8 § 20% kaa on 3 ee. 8, 733, 135 | 100.0 2, 230 (2) 92} (2) Sevens @nd OVEN ict S58. bp o 2. bs bea. 4,644, 122 29,9} 9,219,385 59.4 | 1,623,613 10.5 ie bene Vente fa 3) ok ase cy. 2,199,856 | 86.7 318,334] . 12.5 6,345 0.3 Mert ae VORlS Jict eb. eo SS des bis Gadd 1,094, 534 45.64 1,226,851 51.8 32,753 1.4 Meraven yours ii. 1° 5s. ..teh asf... vale 713,194 | 19.5] 2,823,023} 77.1] 121,953 3.3 EE SESE Dicey Seleaaae Meal 284,455] 10.8] 2,163,079} 81.9] 192,085 7.3 SC ae ae ane 162, 006 8.5 | 1,455, 951 76. 7 279, 908 14.7 ki eas See a 99, 801 7.7 833, 750 64.5] 358, 250 27.7 Oe yeare and averse. oe Sack. 82, 137 7.4 398, 184 35.8 628, 809 56.6 TENE 0) a ipa = lg SR) Ge A Se 8, 139 28.3 10, 213 35. 5 3, 510 12:3 Native white—Foreign parentage. .... 4, 026, 839 62.3 | 2,128,379 32.9 295, 348 4.6 Menaer 15 years Of ave! 2.0.) cg. 2,366,719 | 100.0 214} (2) 13 | (2) ES Py Pe eee Serene 1, 660, 120 40.6 | 2,128,165 52.0 295, 335 ie. Bere omreaten til. 0icck si... 0.2. 4:-.... 689,242} 94.2 37, 924 5.2 458 0.1 Dy pole Years 4). 0.2. | ee 22), ho be ve 392,180}. 62.0 S34 Fit ye 37. 4,135 0.7 Senn bO de YORIS Shit .|.3. 50.) Us eal Gelade 307,391 31.9 656, 285 66. 2 26, 662 27. Sans $0044 Years ts.) 5.00.4. Gisedhas--be5d- 159,071 | 18.7 630,802.| 74.0 62, 334 7.3 Reemrc od VORrS 3. kg. kd kha. sco be. 80, 946 13.8 412, 518 70. 3 93,318 15.9 By tai64 years 2.1. Goo. tat ss -- S.Sa8 22,630 | 10.6 127,197} 59.3 64,393 | 30.0 Beyoarsend OVErs-!).. 1. 6... -...3..-.-- 7,087 9.0 27, 550 35. 2 43,622 BD. 7 oo LS TTNILG 0) 6 ka Oe, oe 1,573 45.1 1,172 33.6 413 11.8 _ Native white—Mized parentage....... 2, 011, 313 66.8 880, 548 29.2 117, 204 3.9 Bomaer 1p years Of aveics. i ble eke. 1,218, 416 } 100.0 90} (2) 15} (?) te BIR OV ONS cals ke peat ttc py's oie fo 5- 792, 887 44.2 |, 880,458 49.1 117, 189 6.5 SY PO VGA rare, oe) ee ot ee. 359, 049 94.7 17, 871 4,7 344 0.1 Bream boos yearses: 2 kee. 209,787 | 64.3 112,560 | 34.5 2,742 0.8 Rei VOATS 5 cele c cS Pca ceccc a dence ce 146, 786 29.9 329, 398 67.0 14, 753 3.0 OY OE A oe 47,959 15.6 237, 076 76.9 23, 027 yer nny LOO YORNS 2).) ).0. 00). | 4% iss Lacie ds 18, 202 11.1 119, 341 73.1 25, 709 15.7 Renee DOOM YORES 002 8. 8. eat Wel bese 6, 732 8.8 46, 857 61.4 22, 629 29.7 ie Oo years ANG Over) bbb.) Lis fh... tl. ao. 3, 812 4:9 16, 876 34. 8 27, 806 51:8 (ET SGT st baie Se iy a nn ae ae Se 570 41.4 479 34.8 179 13.0 Foreign-born white..................-- 1,369, 303 23.5 | 3,624,215 | 62.3 820, '700 14.1 Memrerin Voats Of 800)......3.........4..00-. 375, 193 99.9 212 0.1 46; (2) SE 994, 110 18.3 | 3,624,003 66. 5 820, 654 15.1 B15 to 19 years. OE] 277, 84d PO 86.3 42,049} 13.1 466 0.1 BRIO £0.28 VERT cs ee oleae 272,178 | 44.9 329,016 |” 54.3 3,960} 0.7 Ro RSE ES SES a oe 231, 734 18.0 | 1,025, 086 79.5 31, 269 2.4 PUM LIRaaORESe yt tlt eee? hk SL oS 98, 440 8.6 965, 486 84.1 83, 45] 7.3 ag ES ee aa RE eS ae ea 54, 634 6.1 687, 718 77.4 145, 798 16. 4 MMV ORES. SONS nc chceccccceebecses 31,728 }- 5.2 372, 214 61.1 204, 571 33.6 mayeols ANG GYOR Mur... ).......2..h...-- 25, 790 4.5 199, 737 34.7 349, 669 60. 7 Preemninowine ..- p. aZ-; Lat -22- 4.0-a8- 1, 765 Biel 2,697 41.5 1,470 22.6 8 P Othe hea oes.) Oust 4s fyac st. J. 2.74. 2,661,778 53.9 | 1,776,643 36. 0 493,179 10.0 Under 15 years of age... ..:..:2.--..--.-2.2.- 1,837, 782 | 100.0 694 (2) 62 | (2) ES -yeats and Over... io. 2¢-) ia... - 2-5 823,996} 26.6] 1,775,949] 57.2] 493,117] 15.9 DN So iad ietete Gia aE 448,515} 81.2 94, 08 17.0 6, 134 ba SS Ta ARSE: Innes 191,396 | 34.9 323,773 | 59.0 31, 652 5.8 i a ee See 115, 682 14.5 592, 547 74.5 85, 801 10.8 35 to 44 years......-.. REI a 38, 105 7.1 401,069 | 74.4 98,887} 18.4 Bete G4 Weatee eee ek, 15, 537 4.7 220,800} 66.4 95,853 | 28.8 EEE ES ey ae ee ee 6, 946 3.9 95, 023 52.8 77, 547°) 43.1 wawearsenoovers 2 22 ys Os Soe 5, 243 3.7 42, 404 29.9 93, 421 66. 0 REIINTTOW TT. 8 hoe eed ec oS etna cle votes | 2,572 18,4 6, 246 44,7 3, 822 27.4 2 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 75108°—23-——15 q * s 226 ABSTRACT OF THE. CENSUS—POPULATION, ae Taste 55.—MARITAL CONDITION OF THE POPULATION 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, MALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. DIVISION OR STATE AND CLASS OF ; ; ; SA PoLLeaes Single. Married. 3 Widowed. : Total.t Per Per | Num- | Per Ris. Number. | cent, | Number. | cent. |. ber. |cent- ‘ UNITED STATES. Sil Claenes 4, lo ee obs uc ck kash 26,920,663 |/12,967,565 | 35.1 /21,849,266 | 59.2 {1,758,308 | 4.8 |235 284 Native white—Native parentage. .... 19,092,107 ||6, 776,518 | 35.5 |11,244,289 | 58.9 874, ‘821 4.6 |134, 789 Native white—Foreign or mixed par. ./6, 990, 940 |/3, 151,100 | 45.1 |3, 550, 882 | 50.8 236, 294 | 3.4 | 40,924 Foreign-born white. .--...2---.22-.2.. 7, 252, 539 1, 855, 047 | 25. 6 |4, 902,942 | 67.6 438, 049 6.0 | 31,950 INERTUS ose ret oe ae ene eeeenne ee a 393, 211 L 104, 877 | 32.6 |2, 050,407 | 60.4 | 200,734 | 5.9 26, 689 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS. NEW ENGLAND. Allolasses#:. : :j. 102.0.) au 8h b- 2,614,119 ||, 935,919 | 35.8 1,522,214 | 58.2 | 137,307 | 5.3 | 14, 408 Native white—Native parentage... ... 972, 911 331, 847 | 34.1 | 569,103 | 58.5 | 60,870 | 6.3} 8, 897 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 696, 851 374,281 | 53.7 | 297,366 | 42.7] 21,697 | 3.1] 2,691 Foreign-born white. .......-...-22:--- 909,765 || 216,041 | 23.7] 636,924 | 70.0] 53,046 | 5.8] 2,596 INGgr0 6 os do 0. 5 Res OR ee. 30,498 || 11,870 | 38.9] 16,732] 54.9] 1,591 | 5.2 215 MIDDLE ATLANTIC, ATE CLASSOS:2 20 chs duit dee Tee ie 7, 863, 502 ||2, 788, 863 | 35.5 |4,658, 707 | 59.2 | 368, 584 4.7 Native white—Native parentage. .... 3? 210, 550 ||1,175, 331 | 36.6 1, 862, 452 | 57.7 | 159,676 | 5.0 | 13,922 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..|1, 873, 841 914, 692 | 48.8 ” 884, 508 | 47.2 | 66,587 | 3.6] 4,680 Foreign-born white.-.....i-.22..-252- 2, 530, 225 |} 605,712 | 23.9 1, 780, 343. | 70.4 | 130,220} 5.1 | 4,216 INDPTO donb as iek bones «> tae ee San ee Re 235, 674 85,397 | 36.2) 136,401 | 57.9 |. 11,815 | 5.0 887 EAst NORTH CENTRAL, : All elasses?. 4.2.26...) 440 2Gpe 7, 844, 734 ||2, 704,777 | 34.5 [4,692,684 | 59.8 | 368,357 | 4.7 | 61,984 Native white—Native parentage... .-- 3, 908, 456 ||1,396, 227 | 35.7 |2, 290,648 | 58.6 | 175,973 | 4.5 |.36, 429 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.. fe 953, 028 || 806,506 | 41.3 |1, 064,703 | 54.5 | 65,850 | 3. 4 | 13,030 Foreign-born whites. 22....-t2. 1, 753, 645 || 419,937 | 23.9 {1,207,092 | 68.8 | 112,897 | 6.4.| 9,551 Neprod S405. 2. oS eS ee 218, 760 76,969 | 35.2 | 125,254 | 57.3 | 13,075 | 6.0 , 887 West NORTH CENTRAL, . All Glasses?..c.scco/.2! Ses sbee.. 4,480,690 | 1,632,528 | 36.4 |2,596, 866 | 58.0 | 206,467 | 4.6 | 31,535 Native white—Native parentage...... 2; 367, 289 || 874,598 | 36.9 rss 364, 601 | 57.6 | 100,946 | 4.3 | 19,004 — Native white—Foreign or mixed par.. L ; 225, 560 |} 585,668 | 43.7 646, 061.| 52.7.) 34,764 | 2.8] 6,412 — Foreign-born WiitOr ot oe ee tee ae 761, 080.|| 178,443 | 23.4 514, 637 | 67.6 | 61,796 | 8.11 4,242 NOETO ds ty tar coat ce eats ene iat 4S Atl 112, 538 38, 637 | 34.3 63, 551 | 56.5 8,169 | 7.3 | 1,752 SouTH ATLANTIC. Allclgsses?...). $49.14 5,208 eR... 4,459, 049 ||1,538,338 | 34.5 |2,686,520 | 60.2. |.207,103 | 4.6,|.16, 262 Native white—Native parentage... .. 2,783,077 972, 859 | 35.0 |1, 678, 260 | 60.3 | 116,616 | 4.2 | 9,290 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 179, 697 74, 986 | 41.7 95,611 | 53.2 7,948.1 4.4 943 Foreign-born white:.:.....-.c..2.... 179,095 54,376 30.4 | 113,468 | 63.4 | 10,063 | 5.6 694 Negro Gat eo. 05k To RSE ALOR RES = R; 311, 264 |}. 483,651 | 33.1 | 795,982 | 60.7 | 72,281 | 5.5 | 5,415 — East SOUTH CENTRAL. . . P Albetasees tsa. 20s... Paes 2,799,332 || 894,179 | 31.9 |1, 742,015 | 62.2 |.142,301 | 5.1 | 15,260 — Native white—Native parentage...... 1, 896, 799 |} 621, 480 | 32.8 1, 180, 367 | 62.2 |. 84,210 | 4.4: 7, 611 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.. 7 » 824 26,448 | 34.0 46, 791 | 60.1 3,956 | 5.1) * 541 Foreign-born white. -..........-...-.. 41,062 9,531 | 23.2 27, 588 | 67.1 3,694}9.0{ 213 — Ua RAO RAINE! (SOE eG 782, 663 || 236,391 | 30.2 486, 794 | 62.2 | 50,380 | 6.4 | 6,887 West SoutH CENTRAL, oe a Alvelasses 2. oj 7.52.43 ei gob. cs: 3,375, 273 ||1,145,995 | 34.0 [2,027,272 | 60.1 | 166,000 | 4.9 | 22,863 Native white—Native parentage... .... 2,227,731 || 771,816 | 34.6 [1,336,835 | 60.0 | 97,489 | 4.4 | 12,251 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 233, 688 92,425 | 39.6 | 129,959 | 55.6 | 9,335 | 4.0] 1,522 Foreign-born white. .......-.0....4... 231, 050 70,114 | 30.3 | 141,822 | 61.4 | 16,643 | 7.2] 1,048 NO@pro J .29 eid. the ad BES ARR Ce: 664, 084 || 204,818 | 30.8 | 408,050 | 61.4] 41,453 | 6.2 | 7,904 — : ’ 3 MOUNTAIN. 7a "#™ AV CHEESES te dat esp eho s tek o = 2} 1, 228, 847 || 467,345 | 38.0 | 683,164 | 55.6 | 56,174 ) 4.6 | 13,432 — Native white—Native parentage...... 663, 674 || 249,428 | 37.6 | 370,161 | 55.8] 29,378 | 4.4| 7,871 Native white— Foreign or mixed par..} 258,172 || 106,906 | 41.4} 139,250 | 53.9 8,821 | 3.4) be | Foreign-born white............-....... 254, 224 88, 352 | 34.8 | 147,673 | 58.1 | 14,852 | 5.8 . CGT ad SE ARE tide ese ee. ooh ete tle. 17, 457 9,724 | 55.7 6, 611 9 756 | 4.3 | 277 PACIFIC. . All classea? voit. 27. 02) saan tah. 22 2,255,117 || 859,621 | 38.1 |1, 239, 824 | 55.0 | 106,015 | Native white—Native parentage... ... 1,061; 620 || 382,982 | 36.1 + 601,862 | 56.7 | 49,663 | Native white—Forcign or mixed par.. 492, 279 || 219,188 | 44.5 | 246,633 | 50.1 | 17,336 Foreign-born white. .:..----2..-.- ...-| 692,393 |} 212,541 | 35.9 333, 445 | 56.3]. 34, 838 Negro...... Eo 8 oe Bor pte ee 20, 273 7,420 | 36.6 | 11,032 | 54.4 1 Total includes persons whose marital condition was not reperted. ~ % MARITAL CONDITION, 227 BY SEX, FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920. DIVISION OR STATE AND CLASS OF POPULATION. Total.! UNITED STATES. aneeee SPSL NOs. i.....6.. 35,177,515 Native white—Native parentage. ..-. 18,529,748 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.|7, 211, 108 Foreign-born white...........-...-.- 5, 913, 985 ee Be Oe ot ton OL eee 3, 423, 100 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS. NEW ENGLAND. ES ES er Pere 2, 681, 138 Native white—Native parentage. -... 1, 006, 255 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.} 756, 451 Foreign-born white................-. 888, 754 MPP EL 1. Jou at oct chk Graves teccs- 28, 853 MIDDLE ATLANTIC. ABIES Oo ohn ck cisvccclsccecscse 7, 757, 457 Native white—Native parentage..... 3, 292, 690 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.|2, 023, 534 Foreign-born white..............-... 2, 208, 535 ag ESE ONE ae eee 229, 987 East Norra CENTRAL. PeREROnGS 82.2 eke. eee acc 7, 321, 833 Native white—Native parentage. .... 3, 770, 085 Native white— Foreign or mixed par.|2, 002, 374 Foreign-born white.................. 1, 359, 167 oe RR ae es 185, 274 WEst NortTH CENTRAL. ORO Be. 5 5 aid oid vie dba <> 0 4, 159, 479 Native white—Native parentage. .... 2, 263, 964 Native white—Foreign or mixed Pa 1, 206, 290 Foreign-born white............... 575, 368 RS PAR Ss FAS. Ob. - 5 eh > Sa de She 102, 372 SoutH ATLANTIC. PU IREDOS soe. oa abl Se. 4, 420, 837 Native white—Native parentage. ... - 2, 745, 420 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.} 185, 752 Foreign-born white.................. 124, 860 SE Ey ee See 1, 361, 103 EAst SoUTH CENTRAL. Send) Classes 25... 2... . 8.5) econ See 2, 794, 845 Native white—Native parentage. . -.. 1, 858, 996 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.} 85, 036 Foreign-born white.................. 28, 860 ae eee 821, 483 WEstT SoutTH CENTRAL. Geen) Classes Fo. oe ee 3, 131, 029 Native white—Native parentage. -... 2, 054, 846 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 221, 627 Foreign-born white................-. 170, 598 i ae A a Sa ea & rg eh gi 667, 340 MOUNTAIN. an a a ee 1, 000, 086 _ Native white—Native parentage. .... 564, 7. Native white—-Foreign or mixed par.| 236, 849 _ Foreign-born white.................. 165, 406 I od Mbt gsc sa Baie. Mk Ais 8, 799 | PACIFIC. RAED CIOSSOG A seek eee ane 1,910, 811 Native white—Native parentage... -. 972, 707 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 493, 195 Foreign-born white.......-.......... 392, 437 a coer 17, 889 FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. Single. - Married. Widowed. aan Di- Per ; Per |x} Per |voreed. Number. deixt} Number. pati: Number. ae. 9,616,902 | 27.3 |21,318,933 | 60.6 |3,917,625 | 11.1 |273. 304 5, 268, 490 | 28.4 |11,195,865 | 60.4 11,885,000 | 10.2 |152, 743 2, 668, 443 | 37.0 3, 890, 870 | 54.0 | 595, 407 8.3 | 48, 166 835, 799 | 14.1 |4, 123, 503 | 69.7 | 919, 255 | 15.5 | 27, 656 825, 258 | 24,1 |2, 039, 181 | 59.6 | 507, 961 | 14.8 | 43, 871 860, 653 | 32.1 |1, 485,377 | 55.4 | 315,093 | 11.8 | 17, 441 320, 837 | 31.9 534, 679 | 53.1 | 189,246 | 13.8 | 10, 339 371, 256 | 49. 1 331, 003 | 43.8 50, 003 6.6 3, 548 160, 504 | 18.1 603, 268 | 67.9 | 120,992 | 13.6 3, 258 7, 833 | 27.1 15, 954 | 55.3 4,732 | 16.4 287 2, 310, 805 | 29.8 )4,518, 248 | 58.2 | 888, 739 | 11.5 | 29, 367 1, 057, 617 | 32.1 |1, 852, 408 | 56.3 | 361,294.| 11.0 | 17,108 844, 769 | 41.7 987,130 | 48.8 | 182, 908 9.0 6, 134 348, 395 | 15.8 1, 541, 876 | 69.8 | 310,281 | 14.0 4,919 59, 219 | 25.7 | 135,197 | 58.8} 34,007] 14.8; 1,190 1, 916, 579 | 26.2 |4, 545,175 | 62.1 | 785, 038 | 10.7 | 65, 090 1, 068, 181 | 28.3 |2, 292, 058 | 60.8 | 365,386 | 9.7 | 38, 786 665, 130 | 33. 2 |1, 156, 234 | 57.7 | 163,530 | 8.2 | 15, 289 148, 405 | 10.9 974,174 | 71.7 | 226, 814 | 16.7 7, 998 33, 781 | 18, 119, 604 | 64.6 | 28,657] 15.5] 2,931 1, 150, 373 | 27.7 |2, 555, 896 | 61.4 | 411,472 | 9.9 | 34,727 656, 392 | 29.0 |1, 379, 396 | 60.9 | 202,817] 9.0 | 21, 270 414,657 | 34.4 702, 907 | 58.3 79, 244 6.6 7, 790 56,197 | 9.8] 404,122 | 70.2 | 110,643 | 19.2] 3, 466 20, 548 | 20.1 62, 061 | 60.6 17, 465 |.17.1 2, 062 1, 222, 561 | -27.7 |2, 654, 236 | 60.0 | 518,797 | 11.6 | 23/110 783, 803 | 28.5 |1, 669, 800 | 60.8 | 275,545 | 10,0] 12,149 63, 953 | 34.4.1 98,424] 53.0] 22,188] 11.9] 1,055 17,911 | 14.3] | 86,322 | 69.1 | 920,054 | 16.1 422 355, 986 | 26.2 797, 273 | 58.6 | 195, 668 } 14, 4 9, 465 706, 269 | 25.3 |1, 725,179 | 61.7 | 334,697 | 12,0 | 24,914 484, 438 | 26.1 |1, 174, 207 | 68.2 | 187,356 | 10.1 | 10,955 25, 804 | 30.3} 46,344 | 54.5] 12,180] 14.3 646 3, 654 | 12.7 17, 907 | 62.0 7, 119} 24.°7 133 192, 268 | 23. 4 486, 417 | 59.2 | 127,985 | 15.6 | 13,176 766, 117 | 24.5 |1, 988, 774 |-63. 5 | 339, 238 | 10.8 | 31, 236 515, 544 | 25.1 |1, 331, 436 | 64.8 | 189, 767 | 9.2 | 14,517 65, 938 | 29.8 130, 912 | 59.1 22, 805 | 10.3 1, 700 29,519 | 17.3 |. 109,951 | 64.5 | 30,011 | 17.6 826 151, 058 | 22.6 | 406, 214 | 60.9 | 94,624 | 14:2} 13, 980 233, 864 | 23.4] 654,476 | 65.4 | 98,277) 9.8} 11,510 143, 474 | 25.4 | 364,567 1 64.5 | 48, 411 8.6 | »6, 902 65, 753 | 27,8] 150,620 | 63.6} 17,526 | 7.4} 2,748 18, 424 } 11.1 117,521 | 71.1 27, 816 | 16.8 1, 417 1, 383 | 15.7 5, 645 | 64. 2 1, 513 | 17.2 236 449, 681 | 23.5 |1,191, 572 | 62. 4 | 231,274 | 12.1 | 35,909 238, 204 | 24.5 | 597,314 | 61.4 | 115,178 | 11.8 | 20, 717 151,183 | 30.7 |* 287,296 | 58.3] 45,023! 9.1] 9,2 52, 790 | 13.5 | 268,362 | 68.47) 65,525 | 16,7} 5,217 3, 182 | 17.8 10, 816 | 60.5 3, 310 | 18.5 544 “~— | —_q |_|] Ke | mi i — 2 Includes Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and ‘‘all other.’’ ? i 228 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-POPULATION. TABLE 55.—MARITAL CONDITION OF THE POPULATION 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, MALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. DIVISION OR STATE AND CLASS OF Single. Married. Widowed. POPULATION. Di Total.t Per Per | Num- | Per |Yorced. Number. cent. Number. cent.| ber. jcent. NEW ENGLAND. Maine. wi PAUL CLAGSOS FS wee den oe oe 279, 478 92,085 | 32.9 | 166,171 | 59.5 | 18,123 | 6.5 | 2,628 Native white—Native parentage...... 179, 623 54,944 | 30.6 | 109,474 | 60.9,.| 12,836.|.7.1 | 2,067 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 46, 064 22,558 | 49.0 21,441 | 46.5 1,738 | 3.8 271 Foreign-born white..................- 52, 806 14,186 | 26.9 34,758 | 65,8 3,471 | 6.6 282 Neptaet !s25) Be a see es dae ecu 553 239 | 43.2 260 | 47.0 44 | 8.0 6 New Hampshire. +} All classes 2.02 W301... £. 04 2.880.008 161,931 54, 688 | 33.8 94,791 | 58.5 | 10,324 | 6.4 Native white—Native parentage. ....- 82, 833 25,066 |.30.3 49,895 | 60.2 6,367 | 7.7 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 33,987 17, 782 | 52.3 14, 851 | 43.7 1,072 |.3.2 Foreign-born white. ...........-..---- 44,759 11,683 | 26.1 29,871 | 66.7 2, 871.1634 Wet: on teen's bine ae eee 247 109 | 44.1 120 | 48.6 13 | 5.3 Vermont. . AUT Claswes 2.7'07 20 12 os ee ae Nanos 127,905 41, 804 | 32.8 76,310 | 59.7 8, 372 | 6.5 Native white—Native parentage. ...-. 80, 228 26, 598 | 33.2 47,252 | 58.9 5,441 -| 6.8 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 25,581 9,936 | 38.8 14,093 | 55.1 1,316 | 5.1 Foreign-born white....--..........--- 21, 840 5, 237 | 24.0 14, 850° | 68.0 1,602 | 7.3 45) A aa ae Se ee Re Ae 233 108 | 46.4 | 110 | 47.2 11 |4.7 Massachusetts. F lat All classes 2,33.20..4 A sia) i. $08. 0: 1,347,788 ||. 496,697 | 36.9 |\ 775,687 | 57.6 | 67,582 | 5.0 Native white—Native parentage... ...' 5-863 | 147,344 | 35.4 | 239,979 | 57.7 | 24,154 | 5.8 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 397,634 218,689 | 55.0 | 165,229 |.41,6 | 12,101 | 3.0 Foreign-born whites s.2}-- -e6 naposes 514, 524 122,621 | 23.8 | 359,609 | 69.9] 30,467 | 5.9 rrp: 2 Xs oe se eee eee te ee ee 17, 383 6, 834 | 39.3 9,540 >| 54.9 824 | 4.7 Rhode Island. es a’ AN classes 2202458, 8 6 4. TAL 20, 210, 543 |! 77,269 | 36.7 | 121,208 |-57.6-| 10,714 | 5.1 Native white—Native parentage...... 59, 048 22,327 | 37.8 32,616 | 55.2 3,493 | 5.9 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 64,634 35, 266 | 54.6 27,110 | 41.9 1,910 | 3.0 Foreign-born white. .......2:....+.2-- 82,765 18,051 | 21.8 59,304 | 71.7 5,054 |. 6.1 Negro. 4.4) '15..\. code oho | eek Ge. as 3, 833 1,538 | 40.1- 2,018 |.52.6 » 240 | 6.3 Connecticut. Pll DIASROR ois bs dacn e Ube ek en's 486,474 || 173,286 | 35.6] 288,047 | 59.2 | 22,195 | 4.6 Native white—Native parentage...... 155, 516 55, 568 | 35.7 89, 887 |.57.8 8,579} 5.5 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 128,951 70,050 | 54.3 54, 642 | 42.4 3,560 | 2.8 Foreign-born white.......:....2.....- 193, 071 44,263 | 22.9 | 138,532 | 71.8 9,581 | 5.0 NESTO: FB oe cs ee eee eee 8, 249 8, 042 | 36.9 4,684 | 56.8 459 | 5.6 MIDDLE ATLANTIC. New York. All classes|4u0,. occ 1.2.8a.% ote mx 3, 732, 828 |)1;350, 088 2 |2,183, 536 | 58.5 173, 113 | 4.6: Native white—Native parentage...... 1, 243,486 || 476,643 |.38.3 | 693,545 | 55.8 | 62,274 | 5.0. Native white—Foreign or mixed par..|1, 010,836 |; 497,467 | 49.2 | 473,009 | 46.8 | 35,949 | 3.6 | Foreign-born white.............2..... 1, 392,276 |}. 342,291 | 24.6 | 969,247 | 69.6 | 71,243 | 5.1 NORIO 5 6 sons ot ddisy ado ohaob delice M 76, 684 28,031 | 36.6 44,240 | 57.7 3,423 | 4.5 New Jersey. All classes 9.1.05..20. BAL 1,110,387 || 382,481 | 34.4 | 672,749 | 60.6 | 50,577 | 4.6) Native white—Native parentage. ....- 408, 141 148,187 | 36.3} 237,697.) 58.2} 20,116 | 4.9 Native white— Foreign or mixed par..| 279,796 || 138,056 | 49.3 | 132,022 | 47.2 8,685} 3.1 Foreign-born white. .............5.4.. 378, 336 81,386 |-21.5 | 276,550. | -73.1 | 19,260} 5:1: N@RTO. U. tebdal DA. ENOL AR A. 42,680 14,047 | 32.9 25, 882. | .60.6 2,487 | 5.8 Pennsylvania. 7 All G1BSS68. 3 cis seine ois pole n bie wie sere 3, 020, 287 ||1,056, 294 | 35.0 |1, 802,422 | 59,7 | 144, 894 Native white—Native parentage...... 1, 558,923 || 550,501 | 35.3 | 921,210 | 59.1 | 77,286 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.. Foreign-born white-........... 22.2 759,613 || 182,035 | 24:0.| 534,546 | 70.4 | 39,717 bf Na Za Perens i hes i hoe (Benya ay 116, 310 43,319 | 37.2 | 66,279 | 57.0 | 5,905 1 Total includes persons whose marital condition wasmot reported. 3 5 279, 169 | 47.9.) 279,477 | 47.9) 21,953 | 3. 5 5 . MARITAL CONDITION, 229 BY SEX, FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Con. eeeeaeaeaeae—e—_=—_=c0ae eens eee SOE SIRS SS ORE RE EE AE SE ~ FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. ab _ DIVISION OR STATE AND CLASS OF Single. Married. Widowed. G POPULATION. om Total. yeas ; Per Per | Num- | Per |Yorced * Number. cent. Number. cent. | ~ ber: } cent: ‘NEw ENGLAND. ie Maine. Bess ‘ Meme mL CROSSOS: 85 AG ba eink ds Ake 271, 764 72, 159 | 26,6 | 162,623 | 59.8 | 34,017] 12.5] 2,685 Native white—Native parentage. .... 176, 534 || 44, 308. | 25.1.| 105,396 | 59.7] 24.543 | 13,9 | 2102 Native white—Foreign or mixed par 45, 954 19,191 | 41.8 23,188 | 50.5 3,232 | 7.0 309 Foreign-born white.................- 48, 544 8, 440 | 17.4 33, 639 | 69.3 6, 142 | 12.7 262 eee 445 1 33. 7 228 | 51.2 60°] 13.5 a (New Hampshire. . Sp All classes 9. 3 . 4.2.0 bode wes - 161,208 || 46,292 | 28,7 | 92,353 | 57.3 | 20,481 | 12.7) 1,845 Native white—Native parentage. -... 82, 886 21, 655 | 26.1 46, 867 | 56.5 | 12,901 | 15.6 | 1,317 ative white—Foreign or mixed-par. 35, 844 16, 771 | 46,8 16, 667 | 46.5 2,062 | 5.8 273 oreign-born white.........,..-...-- 42, 278 7, 810 | 18.5 28, 701 | 67.9 5, 451 | 12.9 247 0 ee BE Oe? eee ee - 183 51 | 27.9 108 | 59.0 15] 8.2 8 Vermont + Alliclasses9v..2..4.c02..42 aa se 32,397 | 26.1 | 74,505 | 60.1] 15,989} 12.9 | 1,014 Native white—Native parentage. .... 21, 274 | 27.0 46, 303 | 58.8 | 10,328 | 13.1 740 Native white—Foreign or mixed par. 8, 381 | 32.1 14, 758 | 56.5 2, 763 | 10.6 186 Foreign-born white...............-.. 2,691 | 14.1 13, 353 | 70.2 2, 871 | 15.1 85 LG EDS Say Seen 49 | 29.5 88 | 53,0 26 | 15.7 3 met ' Massachusetts. © Allelasses2vi........ eb BR wea 490,170 | 34.4 | 758,897 | 53,2 | 167,253 | 11.7.| 8, 000 Native white—Native parentage. .... 159, 021 | 35.6 | 220,932 | 49.4} 62,399 | 14.0} 4,188 Native white—Foreign or mixed par. 223, 523} 51.3 | 182,000 | 41.8 | 28,267] 6.5)! 1,831 Foreign-born white............-..-.- 102, 768 | 19.6 | 346,595 | 66.0} 73,705 | 14.0] 1, 833 Weeto. +. 22 scce..- ROG! IEE Oe 4,743 | 28.0 9,159 | 54.1] 2,888 } 16.8 145 Bi Rhode Island. SOA classes ls. J.is... Fab : 74, 098-} 33,8 | 118,772 | 54.1 | 24,577 | 11.2} 2, 834 Native white—Native parentage. .... 21, 125 | 35.0 30, 374 | 50.3 7,975, | 13.2 852 Native white— foreign or mixed par. 36, 290 | 50. 8 30, 269 | 42.3 4,444] 6.2 461 Foreign-born white.................. 15, 683 | 18.7 56, 189 | 67.0 11, 501 | 13.7 465 8 ES ESS oe Sa 988 | 27.4 1,913 | 53.0 645 | 17.9 55 Connecticut. + Allelasses 2..... » ae be. | AG .| 479,332 145,537 | 30.4 | 278,227 | 58.0 | 52,826 | 11.0) 2,063 Native white—Native parentage... .. 160,772 || 58,454 | 33.2 | 84,807 | 52.7 | 21,100 | 13.1] 1,140 _ Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 141,172 67, 100°} 47.5 64,121 | 45.4 9,235 | 6.5 488 Foreign-born white...........<.....- 169, 764 23,112 | 13.6] 124,791 | 73.5 | 21,322 | 12.6 366 Be 00 St OSE RRA. 7, 534 1,852 | 24.6 4,458 | 59.2 1,148 | 15,2 69 | MIDDLE ATLANTIC, “5. New York. re - iG 4 R Rtn Alliclassed #2... 222. $2)5.4 2. 3, 767, 540 ||1, 164, 525.| 30.9 |2, 134,604 } 56.7 | 448,670 | 11.9 | 13,562 Native white—Native parentage..... 1,280,815 |} 430,885 | 33.6] 692,314 | 54.1 | 148,557 | 11.6 | 6,756 Native white—Foreign or mixed par -|1, 107,185 |) 471,119 | 42.6 | 528,974 | 47.8 | 102,266 | 9.2) 3,218 Foreign-born white...............-.- 1,294,176 || 237,901 | 18.4 | 866,376 | 66.9 | 184,663 | 14.3) 3,148 Et a 82, 982 23, 895 | 28.8 45,512 | 54.8 | .12,973°| 15.6 42¢ RR New Jersey. Doe x ‘ ROCA I clades a. 6. oJ. PAY SL LAL 1, 092, 623.|| 311,293 | 28.5] 653,587 | 59.8 | 123,076 | 11.3] 3,297 Native white—Native parentage..... 414,714 || 132,014] 31.8] 233,470 | 56.3 | 46,896 | 11.3 | 1, 746 ve white—Yoreign or mixed par.| 299,594 || 124,973 | 41.7 | 149,351 | 49.9 | 24,143] 8&1 758 Foreign-born white. ./......)........ 333, 743 43,047 | 12.9 | 244,684 | 73.3 | 45,102 | 13.5 572 Set arte bed eles.i..-..--. 44, 443 11,227 | 25.3] 26,001 | 585 | 6,920:] 15.6 220 a - Pennsylvania. RUMBA clagshg Ale ck Deen bea vs. 2, 997,294 || 834,987 | 28.8 |1,730,057.| 59.7 | 316,993 | 10.9 | 12,508 tive white—Native parentage. .... 1, 597, 161 494,718 | 31.0 ,624 | 58.0 | 165,841 | 10.4 | 8,608 _ Native white—Foreiga or mixed par.| 616,755 |} 248,677 | 40.3 | 308,805 | 50.1 | 56,499 | 9.2 | 2,158 'Poreign-born white. .......-..------ 530, 616 67,447 | 11.6 | 430,816 | 74.2 | 80,516 | 13.9] 1,199 Negro. .... “> Ses Se 1 102) 562 24,097 | 28.51 63,684 | 62.1! 14,114 | 13.8 544 2 Includes Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and ‘‘all other.” be 230 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 55.—MARITAL CONDITION OF THE POPULATION 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, MALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. DIVISION OR STATE AND CLASS OF : : P BAvoe LGN! Single. Married. Widowed. Total. Number.| Pe’! Number,| Per | Num- | Per enn cent. *|cent.| ber. |cent-. East N ORTH CENTRAL. Ohio. Alkoldsces Se 78S. Bo oo 2,125, 426 || 712,996 | 33.5 |1, 290,796 | 60.7 | 101,596 | 4.8 | 17,225 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 1, 268, 641 440,316 | 34.7 | 757,095 | 59.7 | 58,127 | 4.6 | 11, 404 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 397,260 || 146,946 | 37.0 | 229,927 | 57.9 | 17,123 | 4.3} 2,949 Foreign-born white................... 378, 869 96,344 | 25.4 | 258,117 | 68.1 | 21,974] 5.8] 1,822 Weegro.), Sst. foes fro. Ee Ee 79, 550 28, 759 | 36.2 45,216 | 56.8 4,347 | 5.5 | 1,043 Indiana. Alfclasseg S257 RPS fs 1,059, 899 |} 327,582 | 30.9 | 663,577 | 62.6 | 55,549 | 5.2 | 10,339 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 803,900 |} 254,275 | 31.6 | 499,292 | 62.1 | 40,107 | 5.0] 8,123 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..} 137, 136 42,303 | 30.8 86,707 | 63.2 6,750 | 4.9 | 1,150 Foreign-born white... ..0.......2..... 85, 873 20,057 .| 23.4 58, 536 | 68.2 6,363 | 7.4 533 Negro.) 2:72. aR Ae. 32,583 10, 730 | 32.9 18, 878 | 57.9 2,314 | 7.1 530 Illinois. Alliclasses tris edcu apenweentn 2,347,493 || 830,251 | 35.4 |1,387,092 | 59,1 | 107,204 | 4.6 | 16,587 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 996, 562 |} 369,740 | 37.1 | 571,628 | 57.4] 43,763 | 4.4 | 8,527 _ Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 634,072 || 282,943 | 44.6 | 326,692 | 51.5 | 19,204 | 3.0) 3,879 Foreign-born white.......0.....0.02.. 638, 304 || 150,113 | 23.5 | 443,998 | 69.6 | 39,065 | 6.1] 3,256 Weer0... VA ae. So See ae. 75,490 25,741 | 34,1 43,552 | 57.7 5,091 | 6.7 918 Michigan. ATi Classen * OVOP Eee tee 1,371,116 || 474,065 | 34.6 | 820,071 | 59.8 | 62,418 | 4.6 | 12,358 Native white—Native parentage...... 557, 291 196,421 | 35.2 | 327,860 | 58.8 | 25,329] 4.5] 6,630 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 384,411 |} 164,553 | 42.8 | 204,809 | 53.3 | 11,664 | 3.0] 2,979 Foreign-born white. ....2...........2.. 397, 779 100, 966 | 25.4] 269,723 | 67.8 | 24,034 | 6.0 | 2,378 Negros): €30..5 Ge SP Oe hal 28, 742 10, 787 | 37.5 16,350 | 56.9 1,197 | 4.2 350 Wisconsin. All elasseg oe Sora hed eae 940,800 |} 359,883 | 38.3 | 531,148 | 56,5} 41,590) 4.4) 5,475 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 282,062 || 135,475 | 48.0 | 134,773 | 47.8 8,647 | 3.1 | 1,745 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 400,149 |} 169,761 | 42.4 | 216,568 | 54.1 | 11,109} 2.8] 2,073 Foreign-born white. ..... 20.2... e285. 252, 820 52,457 | 20.7 | 176,718 | 69.9 | 21,461 | 8.5) 1,562 Negro.) 7.2.5; RI RN a A. 2,395 952 | 39.7 1, 258.| 52.5 126 | 5.3 46 West NortH CENTRAL. Minnesota. Aillicladses WH i GP ES 868,738 |} 365,880 | 42.1 | 460,829 | 53.0 | 35,687 | 4.1] 4,134 Native white—Native parentage...... 224, 526 104,553 | 46.6} 110,741} 49.3 6,913 | 3.1 | 1,393 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 363, 582 187,785 | 51.6 | 166,374 | 45.8 7,383 | 2.0} 1,313 Foreign-born white... 2.000 2....2. 0228 273, 395 70,918 | 25.9 | 179,690 | 65.7 | 20,943 | 7.7 | 1,322 Negro. toc). , 28l.t...). BG MRE. 4,120 1, 543137, 5 2,248 | 54.6 238 | 5.8 79 iowa. Aliichsse6e 2 $225 402) suet aes 865,407 || 303,626 | 35.1 | 512,060 | 59.2} 40, 4.7 | 6,944 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 486, 568 179, 795 | 37.0 | 280,521 | 57.7 | 20,471 | 4.2] 4,434 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 246,076 94,801 | 38.5 | 141,523 | 57.5 7,910.) 3.2]. 1,512 _ Foreign-born white...../.......0.00.. 124, 427 26, 141 | 21.0 85, 345 | 68.6 | 11, 9.5 836 Negro.’ 220...) ae At ele PG 7, 861 2,649 | 33.7 4,459 | 56.7 44 160 | Missouri, ny Allclasses 3. TT d one bowcaa Gon 1, 216,243 || 406,275 | 33.4 | 733,960 | 60.3 |. 62,793 | 5.2] 9,895 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 845, 074 292,126 | 34.6 | 503,933 | 59.6 | 39,871; 4.7! 6,659 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 198, 064 67,276 | 34.0 | 120,127 |.60.7 8,715 | 4.4] 1,617 Foreign-born white.....000...02....2% 100, 946 .21, 962:| 21. 8 69, 323 | 68,7 8, 814.| 8.7 638 PIOETO, 0.3. See Gee. J Boma uke ee 71, 577 24,609 | 34,4 40,331 | 56.3 5,375 | 7.5 978 North Dakota. : . a Ali classee vel edad bes 214, 001 87,934 | 41.1 { 116,254 | 54.3 7,765 | 3.6 815 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 53,088 || 23,175 | 43.7] 27,4691 51.7] 1,649 | 3.1 298 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 85, 283 45, 542 | 53.4 37,535 | 44.0 1,599 | 1.9 208 Foreign-born white.2i 20.020. 602 M4 73, 266 18,406 | 25.1 49,901 | 68.1 4,364 | 6.0 289 Negro. ...:. TEX oOE sale dob Mle LOS OG 224 109 | 48,7 88 |] 39.3 16 | 7.1 5 i 1 Total includes persons whose marital condition was not reported. Neate MARITAL CONDITION, 231 _ BYSEX, FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Con. DIVISION OR STATE AND CLASS OF aie POPULATION, Total. East Norte CENTRAL. Ohio. Ss ae ARBRES dtm Ride el aaa 1,990, 701 meus white—Native parentage. .... 1, 230, 756 ative white—Foreign or mixed par.| 419, 866 oreign-born white.....:20.......... 275, 091 RE Sule e's dea reiech «<> see > 64, 868 Indiana. MerAli classes?) 0) So 1, 021, 915 Native white—Nati\ e parentage. .... 791, 078 eye white—Foreign or mixed par.| 141,097 Foreign-born white.................- 60, 281 Negro. ..-.... Col AE Stee eek Sie ae 29, 404 Tliinois. SewAll Classes?!) 2 Oe 2, 242, 120 ‘Native white—Native parentage... _.. 972, 936 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 668, 897 Foreign-born white...........:...... 530, 799 i Sa SAS oral aA pth 69, 199 ee Michigan. Ee pe 1, 198, 037 Native white—Native parentage. .... 504, 182 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 374, 805 Foreign-born white...........2...-.. 297, 216 Negro. REE ae gh ieee 20,115 ' ~- - Wisconsin. All classes 2......- Ss ee 869, 060 Native white—Native parentage. .... 271, 133 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 397,709 Oreion-born white..:.-- 2... 552-0... 195, 780 BE RAT ast ahe nen ntsge nn bert ste ? West Nortu CENTRAL. Minnesota. mee Aliclasses 9... 774, 433 Native white—Native parentage... .. 208, 083 _ Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 358,188 Foreign-born white. .... re “a ie 202, 399 Brg; 82. ee oh Pe EE 3,164 ; Iowa. OP VAlb classes'#)..' 1.022 3., 819, 947 Native white—Native parentage. .... 471,927 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 245, 281 reign-born white....../........... 96, 021 jo SEES A aS ete 6, 549 | Missouri. ; Beall Glasses i 80, 1,186, 407 Native white—Native parentage... ... 828, 313 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 210, 733 eign-born White... 2.0.0.) 5..2..:. 80,171 ) Ui CS At ORs oa Op Si rea 67, 096 : North Dakota. Br wAliclasses#y) 28 .).2022., SS 2 181, 450 Native white—Native parentage... 46, 781 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 78,744 Foreign-born white............./.... 53, 999 \ Sih NS oi dS a RR eb 140 we FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. Single. Number. 507, 550 337, 908 128, 219 29, 102 12, 287 244, 659 196, 246 37, 206 5, 714 5,477 617, 873 292, 277 946, 452 66, 445 12, 629 285, 297 130, 517 120, 550 30, 798 3, 056 261, 200 111, 233 132, 703 16, 346 332 248, 592 82) 353 145, 048 20, 160 537 224,706 308, 051 293,770 60, 522 9.771 13; 966 54, 685 16,182 32, 525 5, 548 31 Per cent. Married. Number. 1, 241, 451 756, 513 242, 606 199, 510 42,745 650, 187 503, 009 86, 285 42) 614 18, 254 1, 353, 118 573, 176 364, 441 372, 439 42, 872 782, 648 319, 367 226, 386 221, 204 14, 622 517, 771 139, 993 236, 516 138, 407 1,111 450, 785 109, 161 193, 538 144, 330 2, 063 505, 294 284.197 151, 068 65, 639 4,279 724, 886 511, 735 123,177 50, 142 39, 72 113, 843 27, 726 43, 326 41, 525 85 Per cent. 2 Includes Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and ‘‘all other.” ws Widowed. Di- Num- | Per |vorced ber. cent. 221,755 | 11.1 | 18, 466 122,797 | 10.0 | 12, 560 45,389 | 10.8} 3,412 44,740 | 16.3} 1,546 8, 823 | 13.6 946 114,244 | 11.2 | 10,723 81,498 | 10.3 | 8,664 16,213.) 11.5 1, 208 11, 526 | 19.1 286 4,995 | 17.0 568 247,985 | 11.1 | 19,275 95,809 | 9.8] 9,844 51,736 | 7.7 | 5,211 87,916 | 16.6 3, 108 12,498 | 18.1 | 1,109 118,412 | -9.9 | 10,768 48,105 | 9.5 | 5,789 24,725 | 6.6 | 2,894 43,181 | 14.5 | 1,806 2,144 | 10.7 265 82,642 | 9.5 | 5,858 17,177 | 6.3 |, 1,929 25,467 | 6.4] 2,569 39,451 | 20.2 | 1,259 197 | 11.7 43 68,945 | 8.9] 4,843 14,557 | 7.0] 1,588 17,158 | 4.8] 1,892 36,385 | 18.0] 1,250 492 | 15.5 686 81,118 | 959°)" “7,510 41,780 | 8.91 4,875 17,097 | 7.0] 1,884 21,290 | 22,2 581 923 | 14.1 169 139, 774 | 11.8 | 11,639 83,346 | 10.1] 8,012 24,876 | 11.8 | 1,888 19,547 | 24.4 560 11,991 | 17.9 | 1,176 11,618 | 6.4 735 2,423 | 5.2 261 2,400 | 3.0 239 6,586 | 12.2 226 22 | 15.7 2 232 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION,. TaBLe 55.—MARITAL CONDITION OF THE POPULATION 15 YEARS OF AGH AND OVER, ~ MALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. DIVISION OR STATE AND CLASS OF reer Sees | Eheim, mast Single. Married. | Widowed. ie, otal. Per Per | Num- | Per |vorced. | Number. | cont, | Number-| cont.| per. cent. West NortH CENTRAL—Con. South Dakota. ATT PAGE OR Fee i. Tin ee ea ee 224, 873 89, 284.}.39.7.|. 123,995 | 55.1 9,000 | 4.0] 1,272 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 90, 071 37,715 |} 41,9 47,359 | 53.1 3, 157 | 3.5 630 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 82, 442 38, 668 | 46,9 41,212 | 50.0 1,896 | 2.3 322 Foreign-born white.......2.......-.2. 46,678 11,190 | 24.0 31,392 | 67.3 3,603 | 7.7 257 yo Rene Rats lt Gach Ieagio dade nla sgh hee Tae of 365 155 | 42.5 180 | 49.3 20 | 5.5 "| Nebraska. . ATU Class O8 Bo eee 461, 298.|| 169,428 | 36.7 | 267,199 | 57.9} 19,715 | 4.3 |; 3,231 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 234, 558 89, 731 | 38.3 | 132,633 | 56.5 9,188 | 3.9} 1,913 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 136,935 59, 218 | 43,2 73, 224 | 53.5 3,407 | 2.5 717 Foreign-born white.................-. 82, 226 17, 521:} 21.3 57, 247 | 69.6 6,735 | 8,2 487 RPOOTO te x leigh otters ty: = site ae Sane es 5, 982 2, 272 | 38.0 3,255 | 54.4 342 | 5.7 98 Kansas. AT ClagS08 8ys ci oid doin ete bp ce 630,130 |} 210,101 | 33.3 | 382,569 | 60.7 | 30,744 | 4.9 | 5,244 Native white—Native parentage...... 433,404 || 147,503 | 34.0} 261,445 | 60.3] 19,697 | 4.5 | 3,677 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 113,178 42,378 | 37.4 66,066 | 58. 4 3,854. |}.3.4} 728 Foreign-born white...............2..- 60, 142 12,305 | 20.5 41,739 | 69.4 5,532 | 9, 2 413 PROGEO. Io cog 4> bance cue » dni Cae weee| 22,409 7,300 | 32.6 12,990 | 58.0 1,622 | 7.2 425 SouTH ATLANTIC. ‘ Delaware. AL GiASSOS.3 as ccs? det pet Anon cate 81,611 27,815 | 34.1 48, 850 | 59.9 4, 264 | 5.2 307 Native white—Native parentage...... 49, 936 16, 232.| 32.5 30, 706 | 61.5 2,518 | 5.0 203 Native white—Foreign or mixed par... 9, 229 4,144 | 44.9 4,681 | 50.7 354 | 3.8 43 Foreign-born white................... 11, 038 3,084 | 27.9 7, 296 | 66.1 623 | 5.6 20 PN GOT i obi wns ee oe otis es nit oh 11,359 4,318 | 38.0 6,157 | 54.2 768 | 6.8 41 Maryland. AlliclaSseg Fo ts foe a cise 9 ee cite 512,513 j| 184,547 | 36.0] 297,995 | 581| 26,771} 5.2) 2,440 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 302, 244 111,585 | 36.9 | 174,318 | 57.7] 14,374 | 4.8} 1,516 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 70,277 29, 004 | 41.3 87,522 | 53.4 3,348 | 4.8 347 © Foreign-born white....\....0.....5... 53, 048 12,445 | 23. 5 36, 865 | 69.5 3,528 | 6.71" 151 TREE Oe ign nid ro ogitge teak ence ee phage see 86, 565 31,320 | 36.2 49,116 | 56.7 5, 511 | 6.4 426 District of Columbia, : All classes 4.0; saic~ os dae § dase wsen 159, 013 60, 976 | 38.3 88, 698 | 55.8 7,616 | 4.8 884 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 84, 034 33,483 | 39.8 46,061 | 54.8 3,459 | 4.1 494 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 20,697 8, 942 | 43. 2 10,750 | 51.9 - 866 | 4.2 114 Foreign-born white..................- 14, 741 4, 854 | 32.9 8, 823 | 59.9 897 | 6.1 64 PLOREO «|. as ane anibiy sono cle te tiled Maines 38, 916 13,354 | 34.3 22, 801 | 58.6 2,387 | 6.1 208 Virginia. ; AIT Glasses 3... 5 «ua -'-1. 40 gee 6. obpints my = FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. Single. Married. Widowed. = Cnr eRam Di- Per Per | Num- | Per |vorced. cent. | Number. | cent. | “ber. | cent. 27.2'| 338,897] 59.3 | 71,278 | 12.5 || 4, 416 30.0 168, 859 | 59.9 | 26,455 | 9.4 1, 247 30. 2 21,660 | 50.8 7,799 | 18.3 250 14.5 | 10,740 | 61.9 | 3,984 | 23.0 49 24.1 137, 442 | 59.9 33,003 | 14.4 2, 869 22. 402, 863 | 67.7 51, 984 8.7 5, 886 22.5 | 330,520 | 68.3 | 39,026) 8.1] 4/307 24:8} 23,104 | 66.2] 2,768 | 7.9] 7397 8.6 10,626 | 75.0 2,189 | 15.4 103 22.1 | 29,013 | 62.5 | 6,096 | 13.1 945 25.1 | 902,689 | 62.7 | 157,022 | 10.9 | 15, 564 25.9 | 595,758 | 63.8 765 | 9.5 | 6,697 3123 77,729 | 59.6 10, 766 8.3 1,020 18.8 85,124 | 63.6 22,813 | 17.0 633 22.6 | 143,638 | 59.8 | 34,504.| 14.4 |. 7,208 23.1 108,119 | 67.3 13,388 8.3 1, 821 24.6 50,029 | 56.9 5, 285 7.1 884 30:1 | 30,508 | 62.7} 2,931 |. 6.0 502 9.9 24,805 | 74.7 4,712 | 14.2 357 15.6 347 | 63.0 100 | 18.1 18 22.8 84, 554 | 68.6 9,391 7.6 1, 146 25.1] 52,351 | 67.0] 5,354.1 6.9 770 23.8| 20,948: 69.6] 1,729] 5&7 237 8.3 10,092 | 75,1 2,100 | 15.6 122 13.:2 189 j Ae 35°.|) 13,2 7 20.5 38,172 |. 70.5 4,089 | 7.5 660 22.0} 23,042 | 69.8 | 2,221 | 6.7 414 25. 0 8,388 | 67.4 784.| 6.3 154 8.0 6,010 | 77.7 977 | 12.6 78 16.0 279 | 65.5 68 | 16.0 11 23. 8 195,193 | 63.5 34,186 | 11.1 4, 058 24. 5 120, 254 | 63.5 19,306 | 10,2 2, 697 S13d 39, 208 | 58.5 6, 034 9.0 859 11.0 32, 402 | 70.8 7,903 | 17.3 368 17.9 2,577 | 58.8 876 | 20.0 134 24.1| 66,577] 64.3 | 10,832 | 10.5 942 24, 8 50, 508 | 64.3 7,728 | 9.8 724 29, 2 5,127 | 60. 4 781 9. 2 89 14. 3 7,055 | 69.7} 1,528 | 15.1 58 13. 2 648 | 73.2 104 | 11.8 1l 2 Includes Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and ‘‘all other.’’ ital 238 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 55.—MARITAL CONDITION OF THE POPULATION 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, —=— MALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. DIVISION OR STATE AND CLASS OF . ‘ POPULATION. Single. Married. | Widowed. Total.? Per Per | Num- | Per ened Number. | cont, | Number-| cent.| ber. _ |cent. : ff | | TT MouNTAIN—Con. - Arizona. Alliclasses 25005. Ro TR Se 127,117 51,329 | 40.4 67,735. | 53.3 6,182} 4.9} 1,166 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 55, 598 21, 802 | 39.2 30, 217 | 54.3 2,505 | 4.5 666 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 16, 903 7,592 | 44.9 8,371 | 49.5 710) 4.2 200 Foreign-born white............2......| 37,579 14, 529 | 38.7 20, 882 | 55.6 1,810 | 4.8 183 Negros} #25. PE Se. ee 5, 436 3, 688 | 67.8 1,532 | 28.2 149 .|. 2.7 65 Utah All classes 2022.02. 3.5) CRAM 146, 262 53, 294 | 36.4 86,397 | 59.1 5,078 | 3.5 | 1,246 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 61, 418 26,627 | 43.4 32,489 | 52.9 1,662 | 2.7 525 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 51, 081 16, 858 | 33.0 32, 438 | 63.5 1,340 | 2.6 407 Foreign-born white .......2..2.062.... 29, 897 8, 029 | 26.9 19,531 | 65.3 1,969 | 6.6 288 Nepros} BEE RO. DRE IOCR: 704 254 | 36.1 404 | 57.4 29 | 4.1 15 Nevada. All classes 22°00 501.) S28 Vee 36, 464 16, 851 | 46.2 16,723 | 45.9 1,560 | 4.3 741 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 14, 870 6,458 | 43.4 f 47.1 657 | 4.4 407 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.. 8, 035 3,738 | 46.5 3,773 | 47.0 312 | 3.9 182 Foreign-born white..............1....| 10,516 5, 507 | 52.4 4,330 | 41.2 435. | 4.1 122 Neer. i dd. J he. Le Serer ere y 177 71 | 40.1 89 | 50.3 10 | 5.6 2 PACIFIC Washington. All classes 2220.0). .L iis) 4.015 .80! 546,019 |} 212,021 | 38.8 | 298,950 | 54.8 | 23,915) 4.4] 8,602 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 256, 979 i; 36.0 | 146,956 | 57.2 | 11,063} 4.3] 4,562 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 122,994 57,120 | 46.4 59,938 | 48.7 3,877 | 3.2 | 1,894 Foreign-born white.......2........... 147, 839 54, 736 | 37.0 82,441 | 55.8 8,303 | 5.6; 1,975 Weerois lek £00. che CDSS. 3,339 1,357 | 40.6 1,623 | 48.6 218 | 6.5 103 — Oregon. All classes 2200.8...) A20 d 88028. 308,126 || 112,181 | 36.4 | 175,423 | 56.9} 14,474] 4.7 | 5, 633° Native white—Native parentage. ..... 178, 671 62,377 | 34.9 | 104,035 | 58.2 8,451 | 4.7] 3,555 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 61, 479 25, 872 | 42.1 32, 476 | 52.8 2,014 | 3.3] 1,073 Foreign-born white..............0.... 60, 507 20, 639 | 34.1 35, 093 | 58.0 3,738 | 6.2 944 BMoegro:) 2Al hee. PEARS 1,011 393 | 38.9 534 | 52.8 4.9 27 California. All classes 2.20... Sab at ee sateen. 1,400,972 || 535,419 | 38.2 | 765,451 | 54.6] 67,626 | 4.8 | 21, 568 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 625,970 |} 228,008 | 36.4 | 350,871 | 56.1] 30,149 | 4.8 | 11,397 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 307,806 |} 136,196 | 44.2] 154,219 | 50.1] 11,445 | 3.7] 5,314 Foreign-born white. .......0....2..0.. 384,047 || 137,166 | 35.7] 215,911 | 56.2 | 22,797} 5.9) 4,345 Negros yst wh Set... Re. 15, 923 5, 670 | 35.6 8,875 | 55.7 946 | 5.9 335 1 Totalincludes persons whose marital condition was not reported. MARITAL CONDITION. 239 BY SEX, FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Con. DIVISION OR STATE AND CLASS OF POPULATION. MouNtTAIN—Con. Arizona. All classes 2...... Py Se ae eS ee Native white—Native parentage... ... Native white—Foreign or mixed par. Foreign-born white......--.......... EE: Ae es Native white—Native parentage..... Native white—Foreign or mixed par. Foreign-born white. ..... “sete Ciecgink eal | eee eee PACIFIC. ¥ Washington. Native white—Native parentage. .... Native white—Foreign or mixed par. Foreign-born white.................. PE ralen ok Sb cites ah os dos 4 05h cue axe Native white—Native parentage..... Native white—Foreign or mixed par. Foreign-born white........ eek es ees FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. Single. Married. Widowed. Somsimeerr Sos | grime mereges Di- Total.t Per Per | Num- | Per |vorced. Number. cent. Number. cent ber. cent. 95, 671 20,170 | 21.1 63,685 | 66.6 | 10,808 | 11.3 852 42,940 9,805 | 22.8 28,758 | 67.0 3,820 | 8.9 486 14, 826 3,943 | 26.6 9,465 | 63.8 1,229] 83 167 - 26, 741 4,395 | 16.4 18, 030 | 67.4 4,158 | 15.5 115 1,670 218 | 13.1 1,160 | 69.5 253.1415. 1 38 133, 642 35,127 | 26.3 83,713 | 62.6 | 18,168] 9.9 | 1,531 57, 940 , 246 | 34.9 33, 200 | 57.3 3,797 | 6.6 657 49,329 12,257 | 24.8 32,970 | 66.8 3,494 | 7.1 583 24,588 || 2,233] 9.1] 16,293 | 66.3] 5,752 | 23.4 273 492 51 | 10.4 368 | 74.8 12, 2 13 21, 731 4,196 | 19.3 14, 463 | 66.6 2,415 | 11.1 500 , 942 2,250 | 22.6 6,425 | 64.6 900 | 9.1 270 6,024 1,294 | 21.5 4,006 | 66.5 544} 9.0 157 3, 850 ZS ot 2, 834 | 73.6 686 | 17.8 46 124 25 €'20.2 7762.4 Tee Sr is yy 4 438, 357 100,343 | 22.9 | 287,871 | 65.7 | 41,889 | 9.6 | 7,816 222,195 || 52,529 | 23.6] 144,170 | 64.9 | 20,905| 9.4]| 4,327 115,212 || 36,171 | 31.4] 69,321 | 60.2] 7,658] 6.6 | 1,987 91, 740 10,519 | 11.5 | 67,306 | 73.4} 12,461 | 13.6 | 1,370 2,331 339 | 14.5 1,545 | 66.3 ee a ap Haas | 81 261, 847 60,142 | 23.0 | 170,069 | 64.9 | 26,514] 10.1 | 4,988 161,130 || 37,160 | 23.1 | 104,569 | 64.9] 15,972] 9.9] 3,340 59,315 17, 826 | 30.1 36, 061 | 60.8 4,373 | 7.4 | 1,041 38, 021 4,486 | 11.8 27,190 | 71.5 5, 763 | 15.2 559 7. 112 | 14.9 511 | 67.9 99 | 13.1 30 1, 210,607 289,196 | 23.9 | 733,632 | 60.6 | 162,871 | 13.5 | 23,105 589,382 || 148,515 | 25.2| 348,575 | 59.1 | 78,301 | 13.3 | 13,050 318,668 || 97,186 | 30.5 | 181,914 | 57.1], 32,992 | 10.4] 6,228 262,676 || 37,785 | 14.4] 173,866 | 66.2] 47,301 | 18.0 | 3,288 14, 805 2,731 | 18.4 8,760 | 59.2| 2,854] 19.3 433 2 Includes Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and ‘‘all other.’’ 240 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION, TABLE 56.—MARITAL CONDITION OF THE POPULATION 15 YEARS OF AGE AND INHABITANTS MALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. Single. Married. | Widowed. Total. Di- : Num- Per Num- Per | Num- | Per |vorced. © ber. cent. ber. cent.| ber. jcent. * Akron, Ohio. AT LGIASSOS BRE oe em ho eps oe oats 96, 896 43, 839 | 45.2 49,237 | 50.8 2,790 | 2.9 924 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 57, 897 28,340 | 48.9 27,347 | 47.2 1,503 |. 2.6 643 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.-.- 12, 062 5,392 | 44.7 6,180 | 51.2 852 | 2.9 128 Foreign-born white......2-..-.-.. .U.:| |23,694 8, 535 | 36.0 14,178 | 59.8 822°] 3.5 129 Neero. Sevet tee eth ome mas nats. 3,111 1,496 | 48.1 1,479 | 47.5 110 | 3.5 24 Albany, N. Y. All glasses #272908) hose ed ope dee 41, 837 16,265 | 38.7 23,036 | 55.1 meal || &.7 159 Native white—Native parentage. ....- 19, 438 8, 253 | 42.5 10,216 | 52.6 851 | 4.4 90 Native white—Foreign or mixed par-.| 13,098 5, 564 | 42.5 6,746 | 51.5 736 | 5.6 37 Foreign-born white.......2-...-....-- 8,714 2,141 | 24.6 5, 787 | 66.4 757 | 827.4 17 DEGRID. Seg ces Pacers Beate eal ee eats an 528 211 | 40.0 265 | 50.2 36 | 6.8 15° * Atlanta, Ga. ‘All Glasses BSP O RS te eae 70, 780 23,090 | 32.6 43,670 | 61.7 3,667 | 5.2 202 Native white—Native parentage... ... 43, 894 14,994 | 34.2 26,820 | 61.1 1,827 | 4.2 225 Native white—Foreign or mixed par. - 2; 535 974 | 38.4 1, 458 | 57.5 8 13.5 72 Foreign-born white.........-..22....- 2,610 654 | 25.1 1,798 | 68.9 141 | 524 12 BUTO> Yc oes bee Lees ee ee 21,715 6,450 | 29.7 13, 587 | 62.6 1,610 | 7.4 53. Baltimore, Md. ‘ Allélasses#: otc tie i. Ese be 263, 826 93, 859 | 35.6 154, 589 | 58.6 | °13, 695 | 5.2 1, 551 Native white—Native parentage.....- 127, 296 48,027 | 37.7 72,405 | 56.9 5,939 |. 4.7 867 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 51, 931 21,668 | 41.7 27,536 | 53.0 2; 420° }"4.7 286 Foreign-born white... .-......--.+--.- 42,748 9,592 | 22.4 30,320 | 70.9 2,696 | 6.3 122 NERTO! Score”. Rigas Wan Goons om tee 41, 516 14,412 | 34.7 24,174 | 58.2 2,631 | 6.3] 276 Birmingham, Ala. © al bs Allelassés@. 2 cuits end cee eta 63, 975 20,760 | 32.5 39, 373 | 61:5 8,221 |°5:0 “531 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 32, 385 11,2385 | 34.7 19, 687 | 60.8 1,226 | 3.8 207 - Native white—Foreign or mixed par-. 2,927 1,327 | 45.3 1,493 | 51.0 “$2 | 2.8 22 Foreign-born white.........-- at Sar 3,379 821 | 24.3 2,348 | 69.5 188 | 5.6, , 14 OTA: Pes a: ft See Sete day nab ape es 25, 262 7,371 | 29.2 15, 831 | 62.7 1,723 |'6.8 | 288 Boston, Mass. : — wie . Allclasses 2...-.. Os etna SeUeee tsk 269, 269 |} 111,245 | 41.3 | 142,521 | 52:9 | 13,085 | 4.9) 1,358" Native white—Native parentage. ..... 62,015 26,679 | 43.0 30,720 | 49.5 |. 3,307.) 5.3 591 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 85, 302 50,000 | 58.6 32,041 | 37.6 2,857 | 3.3 314 Foreign-born white.......-..-.-+++..-- 114,208 31,488 | 27.6 75, 587 | 66.2 6,557 9 BZ 390 INQRTOS. « ey = pctv ast > Pp en's Dee Se 6.771 2,665 |. 39. 4 ’ 3,625 | 58.5 354 | 5.2. 63 Bridgeport, Conn. alate git hee ¢ 9 - 485 134 | 27.6 252 | 52.0 97 | 20.0 2 Atlanta, Ga. JIL er es ce er 78, 161 19,390 | 24.8 44,425 | 56.8] 13,760.| 17.6 551 Native white—Native parentage..... 47,157 12,831 | 27.2 27,149 | 57.6 6,765 | 14.3 392 Native white—Foreign or mixed par. 2,977 961 | 32.3 1,615 | 54,2 383 | 12.9 16 Foreign-born white.................- 1, 957 300 | 15.3 1,328 67. i) 323 | 16.5 5 SE a has, iba cir d vps 26, 067 5,296 | 20.3 | 14,333 | 55.0] 6,288 | 24.1 138 Baltimore, Md. Re, Aliclagses 4... 55 =o disp sep aee ays 274, 258 $2,603 | 30,1] 152,688 | 55.7 | 37,035.|] 13,5 | 1,854 ve white—Native parentage..... 134, 620 45,021 | 33.4 73,045 | 54.3 | 15,458] 11.5] 1,066 ‘ative white—Foreign or mixed par.; 58,068 20, 866 | 35.9 29,725 | 51.2 7,148 | 12.3 315 Foreign-born white................-- 38, 647 5,605 | 14.5 | 25,690 | 66.5 7, 204 | 18.6 136 Negro......... eee. ele Ae eG, 42, 900 11,105 | 25.9 24,213 | 56.4 7,224 | 16.8 337 Birmingham, Ala. Meee A Classes: i view. i-edenue- 64,178 14,670 | 22.9 39,049 | 60.8 9,421 | 14.7 971 Native white—Native parentage..... $2, 134 8,357 | 26.0 19, 583 | 60.9 8,849 | 12.0 325 Native white—Foreign or mixed par. 3,107 1,089 | 35,0 1,670 | 53.7 315 | 10.1 29 Foreign-born white.................. 2,452 288 | 11.7 1,776 | 72.4 369 | 15.0 13 | che ies RES Bris ieee 26, 483 4,935 | 18,6 16,020 | 60.5 4,887 | 18.5 604 Boston, Mass. DEOANIOMMOSOStnc. cs...) s.r 1008.85. 280,922 |} 105,906 | 37.7 | 137,853 | 49.1 | 35,055.| 12.5] 1,694 Native white—Native parentage..... 64,592 28,031 | 43.4} 26,840] 41.6 8, 762 | 13.6 751 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 92, 201 49,862 | 54.1 34,927 | 37.9 6,939 | 7.5 417 Foreign-born Woute...0 64 dake .c.- 117,526 26,310 | 22.4 72,526 | 61.7 | 18,090 | 15.4 471 RRR gee serene 6,507 1,679 | 25.8 3,496 | 53.7] 1,257 | 19.3 54 Bridgeport, Conn. en TO ee ee or ae 48, 443 13,452 | 27. 29,741 | 61.4 4,915 | 10.1 238 ative white—Native parentage..... 12,649 4,102 | 32.4 6,958 | 55.0 1,438 | 11.4 120 Native white—Foreign or mixed par 14, 685 6,705 | 45.7 6,936 | 47.2 958 | 6.5 51 Oreign-born white............2..... 20,324 2,503 | 12.3 15, 332 | 75.4 2,402 | 11.8 58 NSS) he a eee 7 142 | 18.1 514 | 65.6 116 | 14.8 9 Buffalo, N. Y. mead OinnpeseEs .2.- iS Te. 168s 208; 182, 246 56,519 | 31.0 | 104,353 | 57,3 | 20,395 | 11.2 703 Native white—Native parentage..... 53, 744 20,493 | 38.1 28, 323. |.52; 7 4,535 | 8.4 307 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 72,307 28,208 | 39.0] 37,223} 51.5) 6,542] 9.0 240 Foreign-born white.................. 54,519 7,504} 13.8] 37,678] 69.1 | 9,106] 16.7 139 MerOngcbabscbil. ict. ie J Atk... 1, 636 300 | 18.3 1,105 | 67.5 210. | 12.8 17 Cambridge, Mass Pee All Classes@si.€. 2. 2.02. 4.065.... 42,479 16,258 | 38.3 | 20,658. | 48.6 | 5,308 | 12.5 215 Native white—Native parentage..... 11,196 4,925 | 44.0 4,606 | 41.1 1,561 | 13.9 94 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 12, 897 7,125\| 55,2 4,782 | 37.1 915°; 271 58 | Foreign-born white.................. 16, 283 3,608 | 22.2] 10,123] 62,2} 2,497] 15.3 45 Meer 0. ab 222); 50 eserstA RS... 2, 089 596 | 28.5 1,139-| 54.5 333.| 15.9 18 2 Includes Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and ‘‘all other.’’ 75108°—23——_16 949. ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TaBLE 56.—MARITAL CONDITION OF THE POPULATION 15 YEARS OF AGE A ND INHABITANTS. OR CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. Total.) Camden, N.J. “A llietagses 4st, Sa. Soe Grae hig seiel Native white—Native parentage. ...-. Native white—Foreign or mixed par-. Foreign-born white. .....-<.-.-.-+->-- Chicago, Il. Altelasses.4.0y 56. 225 -e- aes 4 aman ps - Native white—Native parentage as Bie Native white—Foreign or mixed par. - Foreign-born white: ...... 5-2 +-.-05--- PORTO sd. c- ode a> upc ae ene Cincinnati, oF See Altpiasste tt: So ost eee Native white—Native Haketiises enc aie Native white—Foreign or mixed par. . Foreign-born white. ....-.-----.--:.-- Cleveland, Ohio. (ATT Glasses 29S Seer ee a See Native white—Native parentage. .---- Native white—Foreign or mixed par. . Foreign-born white: ... 12255 4-0 3455-- Negro ..j%:°*. 5. Foes). - eeoe jl BP To oe Columbus, Chic. All classes ties Fug ee Beers oe Native white—Native Haieritage mater Native white—Foreign or mixed par. - 419, 005 46,977 Foreign-born white.......-:.--:22---- Wetro. $4.54 5 SOs ot See eee. Dallas, Tex. All classes: 222208227 Ee OOS ses Native white—Native parentage. -..--. Native white—Foreign or mixed par. . Foreign-born white... .....2....2..2-- Dayton, Ohio. All classes 23.5.4... Peat ak ee Native white—Native Sdteadaons Nl. . Native white—Foreign or mixed EF : Foreign-born white...........0......- Neero.i 22 801. 2 Ee Pee. x Denver, Colo. Alliclasses 23052 S925 7 Bus a AL Native white—Native parentage...... Native white—Foreign or mixed par... Foreign-born white. ............ eT gae ae Weegro.., #6321 JR ... Se. bauGe Sou Des Moines, Iowa. VAT Classes 226n 22 A A wet ee AS Native white—Native parentage...... Native white—Foreign or mixed par. . Foreign-born white.....:.2...c2ei.u5. WOSTO. 24s hb a. Soe. ou ck ok Old Dk i Totalincludes persons whose marital condition, was not reported. 41, 826 19, 548 8,353 - 10,668 3, 206 991, 179 204, 635 317, 969 147, 890 67,276 47, 056 21, 339 12, 170 295, 411 72,312 78, 818 128, 440 15, 527 91, 110 57, 708 14, 948 8, 826 - 9, 519 “MALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. Single. _ Num- per. 362, 178.} 83, 009 162, 186 99, 374 16, 166 53, 414 27, 922 17,351 4,179 3, 940 103, 595 we, TAB 38,710 31, 414 5, 526 Per cent. Married. Num-= ber. * Widowed. Di- Num- | Per jvorced. ber. _|cent. CoN» Go 0) PSN. DO eH CO DO 26, 070 ni 986 | 4, 378 a 715 1, 965 578; 949 110,751 | 145,481 | 294, 380 27; 284 85, 551 36, 217 o7, 037 14, 890 7, 384 178, 661 Or CHT Cn NOR & PW ONID SSSS8 Rosor en i MARITAL CONDITION. 248 bey BY SEX, FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 MOR E: 1920—Continued. FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. Single. Married. Widowed. Pt : Se DE Total. Num- | Per | Num- | Per} Num- | Per lvorced. . ber. cent. ber. cent. ber. |cent. Camden, N. J. CAT Gldssos?. ot. UU. Ri. 39, 535 9,614 } 24.3 25,128 |-63.6 4,621 | 11.7 148 Native white—Native parenatge.....| 19,079 5,081 | 26.6 11,623 | 60.9 2,271 |11.9 96 Native white—Foreign or mixed par. 8, 649 2,989 | 34.6 4,865 | 56.2 768 | 8.9 26 Foreign-born white.................. 8,774 910 | 10.4 6,737 | 76.8 1,102 | 12.6 17 SEES SE SR a se 3,031 633 | 20.9 1,902 | 62.8 480 | 15.8 9 Chicago, Ill. mul Allélasses#! =... 2.22.) 205.28.. 956, 800 |} 274,924 | 28.7 | 560,645 | 58.6 | 110,299 | 11.5} 8,938 Native white—Native parentage... 202, 805 71,470 | 35.2 | 106,190 | 52.4] 21,536 | 10.6 | 2,972 ‘Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 348,904 || 146,955 | 42.1 | 173,778 | 49.8 | 24,434] 7.0] 3,034 Foreign-born white.................. 361, 027 48,732 | 13.5 | 253,443 | 70.2 | 56,012 | 15.5 | 2,252 TS Sp DR ES 2S 43, 855 7,719 | 17.6 | 27,084 | 61.8] 8,306 | 18.9 680 Cincinnati, Ohio. me All Glasses?) :*. 2 =o aa .. 160, 893 50, 874 | 31.6 84,733 | 52.7 | 23,772 | 14.8] 1,442 Native white—Native parentage.....| 71,744 26, 307 | 36.7 37,532 | 52.3 7,108 | 9.9 762 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 56,813 19, 237 | 33.9 28,511 | 50.2 8,622 | 15.2 422 Foreign-born white ae be 20, 564 3,082 | 14.7 | - 11,294 | 54.9] 6,120 |} 29.8 108 Rent fee, oe Soot dae ade. 11,757 2,293 | 19.5 7,388 | 62.8 1,920-| 16.3 150 Cleveland, Ohio. All Glasses ?2s>_ 2.) 2 1.22 wcee--|, 266,322 68, 142 | 25.6 | 168,144 | 63.1 | 27,421 | 10.3 | 2,433 Native white—Native parentage.....| 69,181 22,214 | 32.1 39,398 | 56.9 6,563 | 9.5 955 Native Ww. Leh Sense or mixed par.| — 82,899 32,383 | 39.1 44,073 | 53.2 5,689 | 6.9 693 din a MEREO. TS Se vee denen’ --- 101, 803 11,520 | 11.3 75, 960°} 74.6 | 13,630 | 13.4 637 eee SATUS: 12, 413 2,017 | 16.2 8,696-| 70.1 |. 1,539 | 12.4 147 Columbus, Ohio. Bt Aliciassed#? S28 oe, 90,919 || 25,537] 28.1 | 52;357-| 57.6] 11,372]12.5} 1,611 ative white—Native parentage..... 59,511 17,890 | 30.1 33, 896 | 57.0 6,540 | 11.0 | 1,158 ative white—Foreign or mixed par.| 16,680 5,099 | 30.6 9,068 | 54.4] 2,278 | 13,7 230 Foreign-born white......-......--... 6,717 986 | 14.7 4, 220°} 62.8 1,453 | 21.6 55 eee ot ee Oe * 8,002 1,559 | 19.5 5, 167 | 64.6 | 1,101 | 13.8 168 Dallas, Tex. Allclasses?.......- Fed ha ean 60,572 || 15,341 | 25.3 | --35,146|.58.0] 8,710 | 14.4] 1,346 istive white—Native parentage..... 42,579 11,759 | 27.6 24,354 | 57.2 5,641 | 13.2 810 ative Ao ag ag or mixed par 5, 074 1,518 | 29.9 2,902 | 57.2 582 | 11.5 71 mreign-Dorn White... 2.2... caele.-- 3,310 541°] 16.3 2,202 | 66.5 536 | 16.2 26 eel Septal i aE 9,597 1,520 | 15.8 5,679 | 59.2 | 1,951} 20.3 439 Dayton, Ohio Rivendare te | 56, 493 13,930 | 24.7 34,904 | 61.8 6;794 | 12.0 830 ative white—Native Batiniage bse 35, 848 9, 443 | 26.3 22,044 | 61.5 3,755 | 10.5 583 tive white—Foreign or mixed par.) 11,891 3, 381 | 28.4 6, 844 | 57.6 1,529 | 12.9 129 F paper MER o8 oe noe tc na ne - - 5, 495 567 | 10.3 3, 825 | 69.6 1,062 | 19.3 39 me ere AS Le 3,250 534 | 16.4 2,187 | 67.3 448/13.8|- 79 Denver, Colo. All RM SO ole iter 5 97,101 25, 586 | 26.3 54,996 | 56.6 | 13,791 | 14.2 | 2,039 oS white—Native Batentage fee? 51, 640 13,939 | 27.0] 28,920] 56.0] 6,865 | 13.3] 1,264 ative Ma ee gata or mixed par.| 26,659 9,023 | 33,8 14, 201 | 53.3 2,942 | 11.0 475 Foreign-born white... ... Sie pnd agg 16,221 2,188} 13.5] 10,366 | 63.9] 3,456 | 21.3 207 ees. eee.) oot spre oe 2,477 422 | 17.0 1,428 | 57.7 525.) 21.2 93 Des Moines, Iowa. Dee Allctassest.!..j 822 | ES 48,449 || 13,699] 28.3] 28,263] 58.3} 5,301 | 10.9| 1,074 Native white—Native parentage... .. 31, 138 9, 047 | 29.1 18,017 | 57.9 3,245 | 10.4 755 | tive A ie aga or mixed par.| 10,383']/~ 3,585 | 34.5 5,704 | 54.9 899 | 8.7 177 | Foreign- born white. ..-.-...i-.0-.... 4,856 || 693 | 14.3 3,205 | 66.0 872 | 18.0 71 | " Negro.. oe op Ar ee 2,068 |] 373 } 18,0 1,336 | 64.6 284 | 13.7 70 ‘Includes Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and “‘all other.” 244 TABLE 56.—MARITAL CONDITION OF ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-——POPULATION. ‘ THE POPULATION 15 YEARS OF AGE AND INHABITANTS OR | CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. Total.t Detroit, Mich. AT elasses2iy 4. od g.gs-b eee 404, 761 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 120, 241 Native white—foreign or mixed par..| 102, 277 Foreign-born white ..2.4.s).) asec bs -- 161, 229 GOVO: os adsl deals «.- - cecSakty patch e+ 20, 397 Fali River, Mass. “All elassesifsa 9 65 J. Bowe.) fue fae - 38, 430 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 4, 887 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| | 13, 888 Foreign-born white. ..... 0... ink see - 19, 497 MGR OL oy ajere ape. alk a wists Re dake bois oS» 108 Fort Worth, Tex. All elassesites J2y «Je ts Ga § ERS che - 43, 869 Native white—Native parentage.....- 30, 123 Native white—Foreign or mixed par. . 2, Foreign-born white. .....<¢--.s.--:-- 4,307 DUBETO § ie emi- | sae» b oo doe Od eR oe 6, 447 Grand Rapids, Mich. (ANT ClaSS@S Ps y ue «slot tee} RAP Come - 48, 657 Native white—Native parentage. ..... | 17, 994 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 16, 632 Foreign-born white.......2.-...---:-- 14, 5383 ISRETO J ES ee a 13,865 2,004 | 14.5 10,294 |.74.2 Fall River, Mass. me BAL Classesae it... AVL. 0S a. 43,002 15, 885 | 36.9 22,376 | 52.0 Native white—Native parentage... .. 5,670 2,592 | 45.7 2,403 | 42.4 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 16, 048 9,033 | 56.3 6, 200 '| 38.6 Foreign-born white... /.2.....00..... 21,156 4,231} 20.0] 13,703 | 64.8 ee es 123 |} . 27 | 22.0 68 | 55.3 Fort Worth, Tex. ) All classes?)).).....4.2. CPS eae 37, 396 8,674 | 23.2 23,203 | 62,2 Native white—Native parentage..... 26, 407 6, 414 | 24.3 16,386 | 62.1 Native white—Foreign or mixed par. 2,525 680 | 26.9 1,536 | 60.8 Foreign-born white...) .....02225... 2, 253 347 | 15.4 1,560 | 69.2 mero o.605 0080.2.) eal. 955.7... 6, 205 1,233 | 19.9 3,765 | 60.7 Grand Rapids, Mich. Se) All classes?) 0...) oe Oc. odd. 50, 857 14, 426 | 28.4 30, 200 | 59. 4 Native white—Native parentage..... 18,931 || -. 5,645 | 29.8 10, 767 | 56.9 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 18, 632 7, 168 | 38.5 10,015 '| 53.8 Foreign-born white.......1.....2.... 12, 881 1,535 | 11.9 9,157 | 71.1 DSS 2 ee es ere 403 72 | 17.9 257 | 63.8 Hartford, Conn. (AMT OSS St SR ee 50, 298 16,727 | 33.3 27,885 | 55.4 Native white—Native parentage..... 15, 174 5, 740 | 37.8 7,397 | 48.7 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.) 15, 175 7,310 | 48.2 6,703 | 44.2 cst oan Prnite: 2 2M Pei .8. 18,408 |) 3,304 | 17.9 12, 838 | 69.7 Mero..e\) 8.5...4. Gas. OF554, . 1, 525 365 | 23.9 941 | 61.7 Houston, Tex. meee rll Classes %).2...) (1.86 J. ast.-|, 51,806} 11,903 '|°23.0] 31,211 | 60.2 Native white—Native parentage..... 25, 959 6, 791 | 26.2 15, 470 | 59.6 Native white—Foreign or mixed par. 7, 372 2,008 | 27.2 4,373 | 59.3 ‘oreign-born white..........2..2.2.. 4,716 625 | 13.3 3, 200 | 67.9 ry Gol 1 eo F.0 E GS, 13, 750 2,479 | 18.0 8, 160 | 59.3 Indianapolis, Ind. DO ORL Boe 121,688 |} . 29,217 | 24.0 | - 73,583 | 60.5 ative white—Native parentage..... 82, 164 20, 547 | 25.0 50, 023 | 60.9 tive white—Foreign or mixed par.| 18,742 5, 465 | 29.2 10,625 | 56.7 meld aU eee. 2 7,424 869 | 11.7 4,690 | 63,2 A ea Wo os fe eee Ps. eS 13, 353 2,334°}° 47.5 8, 243 | 61.7 Jersey City, N. J. Be Allciagses#). 9... Ai) 1.9 38.29.. 102, 266 |} 31,309 | 30.6 | 58,551 | 57.3 Native white—Native parentage..... 10, 557 | 40.2} 13,173 | 50.2 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 38, 44 16,386 | 42.6 | 18,396 | 47.8 Foreign-born white..........:....... 34, 671 3, 782 | 10.9 | - 25,120} 72.5 OS. FA. Gt Ee. gee bAe Hees... 2,912 583 | 20.0 1, 859 | 63.8 Kansas City, Kans. ee Albolaasesee Oe). Soe. 34, 979 7,556 | 21.6 | 22,749 | 65.0 Native white—Native parentage... .. 19, 038 4,392 | 23.1 | 12,376 | 65.0 Native white—Foreign or mixed par. 05 1,895 | 31.3 3,534 | 58.4 ign-born white....... ie eek Fh 4,438 390} 8&8 8,341 | 75.3 EGE ROSS aS) coe aaa 5,442 875 | 16.1 3, 493. | 64.2 » »2Includes Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and “all other.”’ ae _ Wren OSS Sue ea Leia by 8s Deb 00 KH i= > G2 00 Om O00 RKOnNnNne _ a KOOWO 246 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS=-POPULATION. TABLE 56.—MARITAL CONDITION OF THE POPULATION 15 YEARS OF AGE AND . INHABITANTS OR MALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. CITY AND. CLASS OF POPULATION. | Single. Married. Widowed: ip Total! || Num- | Per | Num- | Per | Num- | Per |vorced. ber. cent.| ber. cent.| ber. jcent. Kansas City, Mo. ee Jtiotted All. classes Sd. esi dea deh wis. Set). 127, 472 42,613 | 33.4 76,423 | 60.0]. 6,265) 4.9 Native white—Native parentage..... - 78, 673 26, 468 | 33.6 47, 262 | 60.1 3,532 | 4.5 Native white—Foreign or mixed par,.| 20,724 7,794 | 37.6 | (11,824 | 57/1 |> 9813.) 3.9 Foreign-born white.-.........2.2...2.. 14, 769 3, 821 | 25.9 9,857.| 66.7 |-. 922 | 6.2 IN@PTO-(: 92 2b Gee Je oe deeb ES AS 13,175 4,452 | 33.8 7, 433 | 56.4 995 | 7.6 Los Angeles, Calif. A ny Al classes 225, 2.0 23.928. 6459. 52 -| | 227,455 77,225 | 34.0 | 134,206 | 59.0] 11,263) 5.0 Native white—Native parentage.....- 110, 657 35, 800: | 32. 4 66,472 | 60.1 5,609 | 5.1 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 46 551 18 528 | 39/8 25, 255 {54.3 | 91,805 | 3.9 Foreign-born white... 2.2.20... 6cb. eel. - 56, 736 17, 997 8127 34, 531 | 60.9 3,348 | 5.9 INGETO.-1 2255. A; - code Bane Beb< nase 5, 880 1,758 |'29.9 3,635 | 61.8 367 | 6.2 Louisville, Ky. All classes 9vv:)ac. 4.8 bbb ded. fas » 84,139 |} 28,853 | 34.3] 49,480] 58.8] 4,6431 5.5 Native white—Native parentage..... -| 45,877 17, 1387 | 37.4 26, 287 | 5743 |. 1,905 | 4.2 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 16,9883 }|, 5,684 | 33.5 10, 226 | 60, 2; 876 | 5.2 | Foreign-born white.......05..sue.-.-- 5, 796 873 | 15.1 4,174 | 72.0 701 {121 DIOLTO -2 0-6 Lido oo ods ese ba de a7 15, 451 5, 147 | 33.3 8,779 | 56.8 1,160 | 7.5 Lowell, Mass. All classes 4. .5:3%). 24.4.0. Louis 2G -| . 88,583 14,375 | 37.3 21, 865 | 56. 2,164 | 5.6 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 7,344 2,762 | 37.6 4,070 | 55.4, 453 | 6.2 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 13,229 7,392 | 55.9 5,381 | 40.7 414 | 3.1 Foreign-born white........5....+.-:.- 17,859 4,161 | 23.3 12,332 | 69.1 1,290 | 7.2 NGSTO «|. 6.754 heme Re + CORD «.. 06 J. 41,555 || 10,393 | 25.0] 25,306 | 60.9{ 5,414 113.0 425 ‘Native white—Native parentage... . 20,744 5,363 | 25.9] 12,741 | 61.4] 2,407 111.6 222 Porclan ee pret or mixed par.. Lf ie mo 43 : Lat Gata 2241 9.8 14 oreign-born white....-............. ; 5 : 219 |10.7 6 crest Sey See ot” 16, 482 3,978 | 24.1] 9)753159.2| 2,564 15.6] 183 Oakland, Calif. ¥ ATI Glasses 2.2... 2), > vo seve e ee --| 79,813 18,919 | 23.7 47,873 | 60.0 | 11,208 }14.0] 1,744 Native white—Native parentage. .... 31, 905 8,377 | 26.3 18, 255, | 57.2 4,390 |13.8 857 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 25,847 7,708 | 29.8 15,009 | 58.1 2,554 | 9.9 556 oreign-born white..................| 18,948 2,339 | 12.3] 12,477] 65.8] 3,836 |20.2 276 gel A ac ET lll ap ae 1,975 315 | 15.9 1, 230 | 62.3 373 |18.9 54 Omaha, Nebr. (1 ES a eee eee Recent pie 68,516 19,030 | 27:8 40,719 | 59.4 7,512 |11.0 | 1,072 Native white—Native parentage. .... 29, 180 8,680 | 29.7 | 16,896 | 57.9} 2,923 |10.0 557 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..}| 20,660 7,913 | 38.3 10,962 | 53.1 1,488 | 7.2 266 Seca born IEE. <2 Lleths lites tac} 14,940 1,880 | 12.6 10,319 |:69.1 2,559 |17.1 155 he Ag lL RE Reel ced 3,719 555 | 14.9 2,527 | 67.9 542 114.6 94 Paterson, N. J. Hi Allclasses 2. eh pan yk Bi avril idle oc -| 49,605 16,053 | 32.4 27,887 | 56.2 5,494 j11.1 153 ave white—Native parentage. .... 10, 992 4,193 | 38.1 5,466 | 49.7 1,275 {11.6 54 ‘Native Petter se orpien or mixed par.. 15 oH g, oe ae a 387 = 5 1,100 | 6.5 ri Foreign-born white...........2...... 55 5. beat | 08.9 3,006 |14.3 58 0G Sap Mie BA a 641 "173 | 27.0 351 | 54.8 "112 (17.5 4 ' Philadelphia, Pa. NES ee ne pee Reet 667,074 || 205,963 | 30.9 | 373,687 | 56.0} 83,850 12.6] 2,799 ative white—Native parentage. ... - 245,971 86,181 | 35.0 | 128,726 | 52.3; 29,308 11.9] 1,474 ¥ tive Fes oe roles or mixed par.. ne ie ane af i aide 47,8-} 18,408 |10.1 663 ROOM WHITO. 01 oo 5. Se rama 185 , 125,730 | 67.7 | 28,397 {15.3 453 i aR Rl aN aa ..| 52,747 || 123770 | 24.2] 31,992 | 60.7| 7,722 114.6] 209 Pittsburgh, Pa. Ali plese 2) =} 8 --| 206,266 || 64,636'| 31.3] 115,400 | 55.9 | 24,925 |12.1] 1,130 Native white—Native parentage. ... . 71, 585 26,444 | 36.9] 37,326 | 52.1] 7,219 |10.1 530 Rtas eer ehee | | Cecil: Peatr bau || Beate | ark | See hee [is ae or SEPORUE WUC. oon. cece pe ncnes 7 4 s ; : 17 Ba RR 13,521 2°651-|19.6| 8,931 | 66.1 | 1,834 |13.6 93 Portland, Oreg. | Bepaliptasees 209.7 |) O02 | O82 20 .| 96,540 |} 93,974} 24.8] 58,553 | 60:7 | 11,037 [11.4] 2,931 Native white—Native parentage.....| 50,268 12,463 | 24.8] 30,132] 59.9] 5,793 |11.5] 1,853 ; ive white—Foreign or mixed par..| 26, 285 8,536 | 32,5 14,919 | 56.8 2,155 | 8.2 669 Foreign-born white...... oo Bey ee i 18,797 2,826 | 15.0 12,600 | 67.0 2,978 {15.8 383 ell yall I i pe aa y 597 6 | 12.7 414 | 69.3 80 113.4 2 Providence, R. I. , Wy Allolasses?.? 2! 2) 28 Bee 8 89,342 || 31,389 | 35.1] 46,225 | 51.7} 10,807 |12.1 889 tive white—Native parentage. :.. . 23, 688 9,037 | 38.2 10,946 | 46.2 3,326 {14.0 369 tive white—Foreign or mixed par..| 29,705 15,334 | 51.6 11,960 | 40.3 2,141 | 7.2 259 POUL WaIALO.. tw oe denaose ss 3, 849 6, 462 19 1 22,213 | 65.6 4,944 |14.6 220 SE i PS Beet eras as 2,080 554 | 26.6 1,094 | 52.6 390 |18.8 41 : Reading, Pa. Allelasses®.! 20.2... 0. sk. 39, 824 11,147 | 28.0] 23,648] 59.4 | 4,646 |11.7 357 4 Native white—Native parentage. .... 30, 801 8,822 | 28.6 18,053 | 58.6 3, 592 |11.7 316 . Native white—Foreign or mixed par..|_ 4,776 1,767 | 37.0| 2,477] 51.9 493 |10.3 34 ‘oreign-born white.................. 3,943 | 487 | 12.4 2,920 | 74.1 527 {13.4 6 , SESS AE rir SS Sepak Baas 304 | 71 | 23.4 198 | 65.1 34 111.2 1 -2Includes Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and ‘‘all other.” a 3 t at ¥ by "tn, .o TABLE 56.—MARITAL CONDITION OF THE POPULATION. 15 YEARS OF AGE “ INHABITANTS OR re See —~ 252 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION, MALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. Single. Married. . Total! || Num- |'Per| Num- | Per ber. cent.| ber. cent. Richmond, Va. All classes 2. x. . 23 we atitale cide gan 58,541 20,323 | 34.7 34, 860 | 59.5 Native white—Native parentage...... 34,488 12,634 | 36.6 20, 227 |. 58.6 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.. 3,323 1, 245 |. 37.5 1,902] 57.2 Foreign-born white...........- ito toa 2,457 565 | 23.0 1,718 | 69.9 IN@ETO | 4h. ape ee sb able to giiee ae 18, 238 5, 867. |, 32.2 10, 992°} 60.3 Rochester, N. Y. 4 All Classes 3pe. 4. «5 a wai -lo Gis ae 105, 777 36, 954 } 34.9 63,681 | 60.2 Native white—Native parentage... .-... 37, 315 14,451 | 38,7 21,133 | 56.6 Native white—Yoreign or mixed par..| 32,518 13, 797 | 42.4 17,323 | 53.3 Foreign-born white...........2..-.... 35, 284 8,481 | 24.0 24,816 | 70.3 Wesro. FG ak: once soe gga cats oe Betas ote o's 605 202 | 33, 4 377 | 62.3 St. Louis, Mo. AN] Plasses 34 0. e.:. bum atau b SRE die « 292,198 ||. 106,790 | 36.5 | 168,509 | 57.7 Native white—Native parentage...... 119, 751 50,356 | 42.1 63, 812 | 53.3 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 88,240 33, 291 | 37.7 50,551 | 57.3 Foreign-born white......2..........-- 54, 962 12,952} 23.6 37,306 | 67.9 BIGETO: | 2. nl Ghee n= 0+ $cvebiob amie abs 28, 887 10,012. |. 34.7 16,678 | 57.7 St. Paui, Minn. + WA] PlaSses Bigs p... be wu oo a dale ate « 86,946 33, 992 | 39.1 48,640 | 55.9 Native white—Native parentage...... 23, 443 10,017, | 42.7 12,420 | 53.0 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 34, 483 16,701 | 48.4 16,733 | 48.5 Foreign-born white. -............05.8. 27, 359 6,654 | 24.3 18,572 | 67.9 DIGRTO. Fo, aniomaee- - eh bp -haet quieh = <0 1, 561 569 | 36.5 868 | 55.6 Salt Lake City, Utah. AT] Chasse Aine gre «5 oy -fen Sein crete 40, 485 13, 769 |-34. 0 24,640 | 60.9 Native white—Native parentage...... 16, 293 , 6,150 | 37.7 9,378 | 57.6 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 14,055 5,017 | 35.7 8,528 | 60.7 Foreign-born white................... 9, 384 2,296 | 24.5 6,333 | 67.5 NOSTO. i 2: od -ceme ts «hoe dabch aiiee cae « 340. |} 119 } 35.0 1 56. 8 San Antonio, Tez. All Classes 2ei:.. sic 0:5 aja ane suet 58, 356 21,213 |.36.4 33,665 | 57.7 Native white—Native parentage...... 25, 952 10,078 | 38.8 14, 582 | 56.2 Native white—loreign or mixed par..| 10,225 4,153 | 40.6 5, 586 | 54.6 Foreign-born white. ............526... 16,770 5,370. | 32.0 10,133 | 60,4 WeerO: Ca eilcsas cs scott See 5, 232 1,559 | 29.8 3,243 | 62.0 San Francisco, Calif. ALL PlaSSES 20. oe. - be ee b dine ute © 223, 704 97,940 | 43.8 | 105, 865 | 47.3 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 66, 898 30,500 | 45.6 29,325 | 43,8 Native white—foreign or mixed par..| 65,712 31, 953 | 48.6 29, 861 | 45.4 Foreign-born white. ..2...........-..- 80, 880 31,107 | 38.5 41,431 | 51.2 DORTO:. 4 atl po- <> oe ch openhee aaa cee 1,181 554 | 46.9 514 | 43,5 Scranton, Pa. . All Classes 2.5.64... bs -ps0b onde. 45, 189 16, 861 | 37.3 26,386 | 58.4 Native white—Native parertage...... 13, 730 5, 786 | 42,1 | °° 7,423 | 54,1 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 16, 455 8,209] 49.9 7, 746 | 47.1 Foreign-born white...) ....5.lscescues 14, 756 2,764 | 18.7 11, 085 | 75,1 RETO. de cagsnar sso cick eattanee meee 242 98 | 40.5 130 | 53,7 Seattle, Wasi. ALL CMASRGS Bass). ok ce sein cb cieepicee 133, 208 52, 453, | 39,4 72,673 | 54.6 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 52, 937 18,723 | 35.4 30,718 | 58.0 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| | 31, 223 13,935 | 44.6 15,740 | 50.4 Foreign-born white...... 02.2.0. 60.. 42; 086 16, 828 | 40.0 22,511 | 63.5 | NOOTO. f on detok is «sco cb ip Mik heer oe 1, 472 570. | 38.7 739 | 50, 2 1 Total includes persons whose marital condition was not reported. 4 a , 01 MARITAL CONDITION. 258 _ OVER, BY SEX, FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 MORE: 1920—Continued. — —————— a FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. Single. Married. Widowed. he I | Total.1 aie ee Te Per Num- Per | Num- | Per |vorced. cent. ber. cent. ber. cent. . Richmond, Va. Be Altctasses#<;) 258.88 | Won 67,978 31.9 | © 35,171 | 51.7 | 10,263 | 15.1 543 ative white—Native parentage. .... 39, 758 34.0 20,587 | 51.8 5, 294 | 13.3 273 tive white—Foreign or mixed par. 3,911 34.7 1,960 | 50.1 560 | 14.3 26 oreign-born white.....2............ 2,027 17.0 1,285 | 63.4 391 | 19.3 6 a So SRS 6 Os BS ee 22, 273 29.0] © 11,335 | 50.9] 4,016 | 18.0 238 Rochester, N. ¥. _ Allelasses?........). aoe} Sie 111, 108 31.4] 62,523 | 56.3| 13,068 /11.8] 418 ive white—Native parentage. .... 39, 928 36. 8 20, 846 | 52.2 4,114] 10.3 212 tive white—Foreign or mixed par.| 37,809 38.8 19,159 | 50.7 3,800 | 10.1 120 oreign-born white.................. 32, 675 16.4} | 22,115 | 67.7} 5,056 | 15.5 78 gl EL RRRRRS a eas 678 | 25.7 398 | 58.7 97 | 14.3 & St. Louis, Mo. oT 3 PLDIRSSOS2 Ci Ek 2.00.5 et 2k. 299, 442 29.5 | 165,846 | 55.4} 41,477 | 13.9 | 3,444 ative white—Native parentage. .... 123,770 35.7 65,681 | 538.1) 11,975 |. 9.7.| 1,730 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 102, 442 32.0) 55,370 | 54.1 | 13,216] 12.9 | 1,024 Foreign-born white..........2....... 45,619 13.2] 28,131 | 61.7} 11,120 | 24.4 318 SERS Mean Sie 27,580 19.4} 16,644] 60.3} 5,162] 18.7 370 ano St. Paul, Minn. BerAlicinsseg??',§ 2) 8.08) BOI 87, 295 38.6] 47,815 | 54.8] 9,276 | 10.6 797 ive white—Native parentage.....| 22,890 39.7 11,623 | 50.8 1,877; 8.2 264 ive white—Foreign or mixed par.| 40,258 42.0] 20,313 | 50.5 2,716 | 627 315 eign-born white.....0........:... 22,877 18.8] - 15,0431 65.8} 4,478 | 19.6 189 a, SRS Sa Pape 52 15.6 818 | 65.7 204 | 16.4 2 Salt Lake City, Utah. __ Allelasses?............ EBS bas 41, 27.0| 24,381159.1|.. 4,915 |.11.9| zor Native white—Native parentage. ... . 16,174 33.3 8,953 | 55.4 1,485 | 9.2 330 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 15,377 29, 4 9,322 | 60.6 12134: 7.9 3il Foreign-born white.................. 9, 363 2.8 5,828 | 62.21 2169] 23.2 141 SS SO eee 273 11.0 187 | 68.5 47.1 17.2 9 - _ San Antonio, Tex. é SAL Dintsdy 2 oak Ot 57, 986 27.1] 32,539] 56.1} 8,644] 14.9] 1,016 Native white—Native parentage. .... 26,579 29.6 15,032 | 56.6 | 3,188 | 12.0 456 Native white—Foreign or mixed par. % 29.9 6, 202 | 55.9 1,391 112.5 183 Foreign-born white.................. 14, 458 23.3 8,010 | 55.4} 2,971 | 20.5 89 DS AES Ss aR Saal 5, 833 20.1 3,282 | 56.3 | 1,090] 18.7 288 SE San Francisco, Calif. BiAliclagsasas... 6... ..s.0 1..-| 185,109 28.3} 100,816 | 54.5 | 26,177} 14.1 | 5,332 Native white—Native parentage... . 56, 919 31.9} 29,313 | 51.5} 6,945] 12.2] 2,366 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 69, 625 34.8; 35,719 | 51.3 7,666 | 11.0] 1,926 Foreign-born white.................. 55, 212 17.1} 33,441 | 60.6} 11,235 |.20.3 986 Neero..-...... et Soe 891 21.8 493 | 55.3 167 | 18.7 35 Seg fee : b Scranton, Pa. jee ee eee 47, 492 4.5| 25,8071 54.3} 5,008] 10.7| 198 Native white—Native parentage..... 15, 149 1.3 7, 583 | 49.7] 1,274] 8.4 62 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.| 19,096 5.9 8,799 4 46.1 1,466 | 7.7 49 a cbte WiNtGL i)... 2.4........ 13, 047 0.2 9,353 | 71.7] 2,826} 17.8 14 Meme ees. 250001...) 2 0 201.06. 22.5 122 | 61.0 32 | 16.0 1 iy) i he _ Seattle, Wash. Yo ET CE Se er ad 113, 606 24.6] 70,054 | 61.7 | 12,331 | 10.9 | 3,150 lative white—Native parentage. .... 49, 829 25.4] 29,925 | 60.1] 5,616] 11.3] 1,602 lative white—Foreign or mixed par.| 32, 191 32.6] 18, 284 | 56.8] » 2,547} 7.9 845 { -born white. .........-....48. 28, 363 15.8 | 19,230] 67.8] 3,958 |.14.0 654 WER Gece donna secs aps wun Leen nic - 1, 033 14, 4 695 | 67.3 148 | 14.3 41 7 . 2Includes Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and ‘all other.” 254 ABSTRACT OF. THE CENSUS—-POPULATION. TasLe 56.—MARITAL CONDITION OF THE POPULATION 15 YEARS OF AGE AND INHABITANTS OR MALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. CITY AND CLASS OF POPULATION. Single. Married. Widowed. . Total.? Num- | Per | Num- | Per | Num- | Per |vorced. ber. cent. ber. cent.| ber cent. ————S- | ———— ———————___] — | —__] ——_] Spokane, Wash. ATW Glasses 4s. 2-4). cede eb Sb ah - 39, 145 13, 447 | 34,4 23,457 | 59.9 4.2]: Native white—Native parentage. ..... 19,642 6,615 | 33.7 11, 924 | 60. 7 3.9 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.. 9, 879 4,004 | 40.5 5, 432 | 55.0 2.9 Foreign-born white.............-.---- 9, 107 2,657 |. 29. 2 5, 788 | 63.6 6. 1 |. GETO log est iedy de o> doch eae Be 302 95 | 31.5 180 | 59.6 | 5.0 Springfield, Mass. z All Classe 2ea< ssc da editint auay dado 46, 723 16, 209 | 34.7 28, 213 | 60. A3., Native white—Native parentage. .-... 17,098 5,677 | 33.2 10, 447 | 61.1 4.8 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 13,097 6, 269 | 47.9 6, 353 | 48.5 3.0 |. Foreign-born white.............-.-..- 15, 337 3, 833 | 25.0 10, 708 | 69. 8 4.9 Negro oo .45-b Sek dss bdo badee bade oe se 1, 046 367 | 35.1 623 4.8 Syracuse, N. Y. ATI Chassey?.. 2: ios erage » 63, 998 22, 276 | 34.8 38, 504 | 60. 2 4,5 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 28, 489 10, 229 | 35.9 16, 859 | 59.2 4.3 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 18,026 7,638 | 42.4 9,631 | 53.4} 3.7 Foreign-born white........5.......2-- 16, 880 4,146 | 24.6 11,711 | 69.4 BLT Nerro 24 bb odds bbe Danae 566 243'| 42.9 2 50. 5 6.0 Toledo, Ohio. Albelasses 225 ot. . ceuneeaaeasee 94,177 32, 833 | 34.9 56, 200 | 59.7 4.3 Native white—Native parentage. ....-. 45, 044 16,437 | 36.5 26,196 | 58.2 4.0 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 25, 256 10,300 | 40.8 13, 857 | 54.9 3. 4. Foreign-born white..........-.-..-0.- 21,105 5,049 | 23.9 14,582 | 69.1 6. 2. INTO .1. at Vesey ee cb eal Be WE 2, 694 1,002 | 37.2 1,535 | 57.0 4.1]. Trenton, N. J. Ali classes fread vette ek Ue cee * 42,852 14, 879 | 34.7 25, 766 | 60. 1 4.7 Native white—Native parentage...... 15, 579 5,726 | 36.8 8,935 | 57.4 5.4 | Native white—Foreign or mixed par.. 9, 584 4,972} 51.9 4, 247 | 44.3 3.5 Foreign-born white........- ie ee. 15, 890 8, 533°} 22,2 11, 533° | 72.6 4.8 Negro j.'s SURRK , 1S OL SER A 1,731: 611 | 35.8 1,021 | 59.0 5.3 Washington, D.C. ATT ClaSSer 4. Cee eS eae ses. alte 159,013 60,976 | 38.3 88, 698 | 55.8 4.8 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 84, 034 33 483 | 39.8 46,061 | 54.8 4.1 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..} 20,697 8,942 | 43,2 10,750 | 51.9 4,2 Foreign-born white................... 14;741 | 4,854 | 32.9 , 823.} 59, 9 6.1 INGETO. 5th. cs bale dents fo wd o@ phos LERL ot - 38,916 13,354 | 34.3 22, 801 | 58.6 }.. 6.1 Wilmington, Del. “¥ | ay. AlVielassep asset G Spee Eek. ee 41,374 15,038 | 36.3 24,027 | 58.1 5. 0 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 20,614 7,336 | 35.6 12, 143 | 58.9 4.7 Native white—Foreign or mixed par.. 7,081 3,329 | 47.0 3,455 | 48. 8 = | Foreign-born white... ..2.......02..02. 9, 103 2,533} 27.8 6,050 | 66.5 5.3 | Wegto 7.4 SUL A ae. . 4, 540 1,813 | 39.9 2,372 | 52.2) W2 Worcester, Mass. rind All ClASSep* 5. ti bax gob ek cede cant 63, 974 24,151 | 37.8 36,858 | 57.6 4.2 Native white—Native parentage. ..... 16, 635 5,985 | 36.0 9,636 | 57.9 | 5.3 Native white—Foreign or mixed par..| 19,802 11,033 | 55. 7 8, 233 | 41.6 2.4 Foreign-born white.....:....-...-.... . 26,997 6,928 | 25.7 18,686 | 69. 2 4.9}. INOSTO.. «+p « cans = 2b de ine dine 11, 529 3, 430 7,326 63.5 629 Munvtis. ..) nef. <%- bs i arate die b 13, 797 3,937 8,817 63.9 |” 702 | Ridhgnpnd ceascbwnle gar tone! 10, 203 3,169 6, 272 61.5 621 |. South eR ene ~~) em vens- ome 25,231 8,418 15, 454 61.3 1,027 |. j VPerre Tanto... .-b eas d- oe 24, 625 7,860 15,194 61.7 1,195 OWA: Codariiepids: ssuspodeids-<- 16, 781 5, 281 10, 496 62. 5 781 Counelt Biiutts... bc ..24-%'s- 13, 245 4,327 7,978 60. 2 695 Davenport 02.0... pe FAB 21, 866 7, 658 12, 806 58. 6 1,016 | Dupudne, 200 7. Let Joe 13,823 5, 284 7,761 56. 1 662 | Sioux City 0620. Te 28, 524 11,590 15,301 53.6 1,195 Waterloo. ote Ji. . fp 22s 13,320 4, 088 8, 495 63. 8 551 1 Totalincludes persons whose marital condition was not reported. hei MARITAL CONDITION. : 257 OVER, BY SEX, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 TO 100;000 INHABITANTS: 1920. FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. ciTY. Married. y er pears Di- Total. Single. j-=<+—__—_—__—____—_| Widowed. vorced. Number. | Per cent. ALABAMA MOUMOIN....-..) Pd8s.... 218 23, 322 6, 085 12, 690 -. 04.4 4, 083 © 445 Montgomery.....2.-.......... 17, 320 | 4,527 9, 048 -. 52.2 3, 364 378 ARIZONA: Pnoeeed.! Fo ..... 1.8 10, 237 2,396 | 6, 293 61.5 1,355 183 ARKANSAS: — 1 BE Fort S00 A ao ae <- SAeae & | 10, 351 2, 599} 6, 160 59.5 1, 415 131 Rime run... ........ 0.24... 25, 301 6, 263 14, 434 57.0 3, 912 621 CALIFORNIA: EEE One ps ouce- se 4.5 11, 232 2,690 6, 631 59.0 1,699 201 Borkelge. 7, .....,AwA..... 1% 23, 484 7, 302 12, 256 52.2 3, 552 364 Breeao.ne. 02 Raa Sit 15, 814 3, 813 9, 927 62.8 1, 780 276 Long Beach...) 2 Qt)... 5.4 24, 152 5, 346 14, 419 59. 7 4,025 349 ERS ee eal i 21, 184 6, 719 10, 336 48.8 3, 798 298 Sacramiento.....,A/A.....4.: 23, 862 5, 591 14, 419 60. 4 3, 286 550 Sin ee... REA. A 30, 278 7, 086 17, 341 57.3 5, 140 672 Si iMiicbdo>-steecs. oo. ce 4. 15, 4,313 8, 410 54.5 2,332 342 Bm Stockton. 2...) % 24.....1.6 14, 192 3, 157 8, 62.0 1,795 335 COLORADO: Colorado Springs............: 12, 957 3, 950 | 6, 832 52.7 1,941 212 uehigst....2..). SF See F 14,901 ||.’ 3, 499 9, 364 62. 8 1, 831 188 CONNECTICUT: Merid@e.... 222) tR0622043 10, 673 3, 426 5, 954 55.8 1,248 33 New Biftain....) 4.86.2... 18, 526 5, 484 11, 367 61.4 1,640 28 New London.......2......... 9, 412 2, 742° 5, 412 57.5 1, 204 53 Norwalltg.l.....) 4.40 005...1: 10, 422 3, 018 5, 934 56. 9 1, 368 79 Stamion®.J.....4 8 .86....2.43 11, 941 3, 440 7,244 60. 7 1,211 40 mit Waterbary...../008.......5 30, 514 9,946 17,615 SY, 7 2, 841 95 _ FLORIDA: . Jacksonville. ..... 2S 34, 549 7, 242 21, 581 62. 5 5, 357 346 MIAIGI ESO... ...4-Patd.- 2-2. 10, 781 2, 306 : - 6,938 64. 4 1,.337 184 Paneacem......5.000. 2200.03 10, 738 2, 486 6, 552 61.0 1, 585 86 Pee tampere....... 1608222. . 17, 725 4,051 | 10, 621 59. 9 2,-752 281 GEORGIA AugustOas. 6/21. 21000 0525): 20, 591 5, 156 11, 422 55.5 3;776 205 Puree... -.4081¢...-..1. 11, 932 3, 076 6, 483 54.3 2,237 132 COTM nooo ndoPeUG....-.L. 20, 392 4,618 11, 853 58. 1 3, 731 177 BEOeMMAN. -:...17.52.-...--. 31, 738 8, 155 18, 552 58.5 4, 831 191 ILLINOIS Aurore. ....-21.0.0022522.43 13, 577 3,772 8, 118 59. 8 1, 532 145 Bloomington.............-... 11, 560 3, 376 6, 430 55. 6 1, 602 | 133 Cicero town...-..--20......-- 13, 829 3, 569 9, 158 66.2 1,046 47 Danvilles y.,...1.100...2..15 12, 594 2, 987 7, 696 61.1 1, 668 237 Decatewme, ......1.8200......03 16, 431 4, 205 10, 052 61.2 1,979 194 East St.Louis. ...5:30.......: 22, 226 5, 063 14, 378 - 64.7 2,496" 287 EUS GR a 11, 890 4, 052 6, 116 51.4 1, 466 168 Evanstine ......5.0:36...5..1. 15, 251 5, 433 7,977 52.3 1, 696 115 DE Joliet) Jo. ...-.. 4-900.....2): 13, 324 | 4, 192 7, 563 56. 8 1, 447 114 AS Oe ee ae 5s Ss ae 10, 716 2,7 6, 804 63.5 1,078 121 " Oak Park village. ............ 16,219 5, 233 9, 057 55.8 1, 789 117 | epee lage enemas 29, 573 8, 565 16, 625 56.2 3,773 566 FAR. L}200......42 14, 416 4, 470 7,673 53.2]... 2,058 188 mm Rockisland...............4. 12, 958 3, 336 8, 024 61.9 1, 425 165 mt Rockford: ........ S029. ....2). 24,042) © 6, 991} > 0! 14,373 59.8 2, 346 295 ee’ Springfield! .....).0.25...:..!. 22,733 f° 7,191} 12, 306 54.1 2, 902 311 INDIANA: ~ qf (Mee Anderson..................:4. 10, 795 2,510 6,911 64.0 1, 182 191 mis East CRicago....). f!}......4. 8, 562°} 1, 502 6, 523 76.2 480 |’ 39 me Svangville..................J. 32, 942 9, 565 | 18, 374 55. 8 4,619 362 Fort Wayne....... ae 33,001) 10, 181 18, 830 57.1 3, 501 473 ORs See 14, 686. 2,506 | — 11,092 75.5 981 ot Hammonds... 0.0'%......4. 10, 826 2, 410 7, 464 68.9 |. 835 115 Me MOkOnIO.......). Sei%-.....4. 10, 426 2, 006 7,109 68.2 1, 181 127 = Muncie.............. RE 3 13, 245 2,758 8, 745 66. 0 1,393 346 me Richmonde)...... of...:.... 10, 118 2,473 6, 127 60.6 I 132 BS South Bend.....) !.0%......2. 23, 738 6,199 | > 14,918 62.8 2, 337 235 Terre Haute......... aeebee 24,771 6, 361 14, 933 60.3 3,017 450 Towa: | * Cedar Rapids...... \ es ~ 17, 486 4, 834 10, 359 59.2 1, 993 291 s Council Blufts....F.55......-. 13,123 |! > 3,509 | , 868 60.0 1, 446 183 ow Davenport.......5..8.....4. 21, 416 6,141 12, 456 58.2 2, 482 302 Mera bute... nb eke eee de 15, 229 5,618 | 7, 736 50. 8 1,759 106 > Sioux City........ 5. Be gn ae “. 24,730 } 7, 308 14, 694 59.4 2,319 399 S WVateriog:..0.2. <1 219.....4. : 13, 282 3, 388 8,276 62.3 1,349 | - 264 75108°—23—-17 q 258 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS+-POPULATION. TABLE 57.—MARITAL CONDITION OF THE POPULATION 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, MALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. CITY. Married. aaa) ae “PE Total.) Single. Widowed. yoRscas Per cent. KANSAS: Topeka: .b.....'.b.3 eee 17,725 5,117 64. Wichites 2... Serco Te 26, 437 7, 644 64. 4 KENTUCKY: Covingtont...... 20a..... 4.2 20, 183 7, 032: 59. 4 EXEL Se eee eee ee 15,536 5, 353 58.4 Newporh st.....5 MA ..... 4.0 10,373 3, 509 60. 2 LOUISIANA:. POs Sererenare. oy os eee: 16, 589 5, 630 59.1 AINE: © 0.4 Bangoted 6.0.5, SLA 0525. 13 9, 144 3, 218 58.3 Lewiston .f.... Pa GAS SSL. y 10, 949: 4,208 55. 0 Portlang. }.. 3) SR Ee , 806: 8, 286 60. 4 MARYLAND: tt Cumberland... 29a... 2. 4.¢ 10, 946 4,191 55. 8 Hagerstown .....2.48 2.0.01] 9,658 2, 969 63.3 MASSACHUSETTS: Brocktom i...) S80. .¢ 24, 023 8, 276 59.7 Brookline'towi.}-..0-.. tA 11, 682 4,091 59. 9 ik 2 See A oe ae Oy 15, 255 5, 698 56. 9 Chicopee .f.25 6214 Sa. 11, 881 4, 182 60. 4 HIVORELL So ee eee 13,719 4,727 60.8 Pitcher’ £.....5-488.....ub 9 14, 078 4, 982 59. 7 Haverhill... . 242 .£0...2..13 19, 368 6, 685 59. 3 Holyoke. i... 2.48596 5.....4¢ 20, 159 7, 773. 56. 2 Lawrencp,i.... 2) 0 a6 602. 32, 557 11, 783 58, 6 LP tae oe eo ae ee 36, 136: 12, 899 _ 58.2.1. Malden}. oo...) ete Le 16, 303 5, 622 60. 1. MGOTOrd 7etcces Pree ory ee 13, 120 4, 083 64.4 Newtotst.2 ...}2ee..... 4. 14, 765 5, 202) 60.6 Pittshalee Ff... ebUbe. 2 2th s 14, 501 4,983 60. 4 Quiney.sé. f.2 5. 048... 2b 16, 905) 5, 988 60.1 ReveresayS <2: 2706 Rb: cbs 9, 499, 3, 270 61.5 BAleae. « (. seoveeewes ote 14, 507 5, 612 55. 7 Somervilles. ....4.€.24.....45 32, 205» 10, 869 61.2 F Pauntote. G0 ieee sass tec y 12, 767 4,779 57.1 Walthamr 3222.4. f 26.2. ap 10, 512 |}, 4,072 56.2 MICHIGAN: Ay Battle Creek... .4..2.0...2..,. 13, 788 3, 839 64.6 Bay Cite + ....4.8.08-....-44 16, 335 5, 556 60. 1 FUNG, Se ss Olek es 40, 091 15, 466 55.7 Hamtramck village.......... 2 16,789 5, 785 62.8 | Highland Park. §.1.18......) 20,012 7, 999. 56. 1 Jacksomce: £2 or: 8. NB. 6252273 49, 196 6, 200; 60. 2 Kalamazoo: ..:: J:3.b822:.6.53 17, 887 5, 480 _ 62.3 Lansingen 4...) 482d 2.5. FS 22, 832 7, 230 62.2 | Muskegon.§ 2:22 5-8.882 022.23. 14, 153 5, 209 57.6 Poptip@ie £2... 428:8802 5209 14, 764 5, 699 55.9]. Port Hateon. .<< : 48588s 225522 9, 381 2, 839 64.2 Saginawey L205 646 828as es 22, 073 7,015. 62.7 Jove MINNESOTA Dulutifas & s.2 4.82 RIS | 37, 924 16, 180 52.7 MISSOURI: Joplin’ HAE S222 4oB.08e 5 6524: * »; 10,430 2, 940 64.2 St. Joseph 6s... is d.h62057..) HO Sr 29, 5128 9,736 59.6 Spreigneiiysct ores ors aes 13,774 3, 757 66.2 MONTANA: ea iy : Butte.gep <2. 2 4 VY es. ood. 17,616 7, 444} 49.3 NEBRASKA” | Be Lincolwte a. ook tees oy 19, 274 5, 926. 63.6 NEw HAMPSHIRE: Manchester. ...... abe hs 26, 121 9, 203 59. 0 Nashua-.t.i. Peers) oe eee ZL ai 10, 239 3,717 58.0 NEw JERSEY: || i : | Atlanti¢@ity ..... Ae. . 554. 18, 346 5, 942: | 61.5 Bayonnes .0.25-.08£AR--. 0-4. r 25, 9, 307 59.9 Clifton 30... 2. be hb. eed. r 8, 763; 2,718 65.1 Kast Orange ou. yee ood, 17, 450 4,978 67.7 Elizabewm ....... 808 .....4. 33, 955 12, 257; 59.7 Hoboka@iy .t-<.--p Gd. od. 25, 764 10, _ 52.9 Irvington town..... sce). i 9, 050 2, 685; 66. 0 Kearny town...../.i0......2. 9, 388 3, 275 59.3 Montclair town... 2......--... 9, 263 2, 840. 64.8 New Brunswick..../......... 11, 125 3, 719}; 61.0 OPBDRO ATs fi itenivte ren 11, 043 4,163 57.5 iar -) MARITAL CONDITION, 259 PEY SEX, FOR CITIES, HAVING, FROM 25,000 TO 100,000, INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. 4 ee : - as . FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. CITY. Married. is. i aan 1 Sa Di- : img! Total. |}... Single. Widowed.) - orced. = Number. | Per cent. :. : KANSAS RE CORPS hoy .1-p nn ------bar 19,776 5,439 11, 392 57.6 2,570 365 me Wichita. ........ say RE 27, 461 6, 856 16,918 61.6 3, 150 474 _ Kentucky ep Covington. -V.. 1.4.49 >----- 44 22, 407 6, 989 12, 007 53.6 3, 176 223 >. Le Le one GS 16, 904 4,724 9,070 53.7 2, 846 244 MEO VGUNIOETL ES. ...15.------>--1-- 11, 559 3,475 6, 305 54.5 1, 598 174 _ Louisiana: . Shreveport... .. 2 RE Se 16, 556 3, 839 9, 590 57.9 2,799 302 MATNE: , AS {al Bangor:. * REM is ER BPs 10, 726 3, 657 5, 482 50.6 1, 488 142 Mo Lewistin,...°.).c-c....-..b cc 11,975 4,520 5,953 49.7 1, 400 94 MP OPHGRE cornu). 2... -...b xe 27, 434 8, 762 14, 754 53.8 3, 556 352 _ MARYLAND ) Me Cumberland... /..-2°........, 10, 567 3, 300 5,926 56.1 1, 198 7 mee Hagerstowne:.|...;.....--\ <0 10, 138 2, 853 6, 065 59.8 1,148 70 MASSACHUSETTS: © RIES & Sid ag 24, 854 7,616 |". 14,205 57.2 2, 721 287 : zs Brookline town:..-........... 18, 808 8,965 7,173 37.9 2,581 163 1 aii 5 eR © 13,957 Il 4,441 |° 7, 898 57.4 1, 352 58 Me Chicbpeb!.. 2.) oe. Lo. 11, 197 |} 3,459 6, 840 61.1 875 18 ere vererp oto, |e 14,227 ||. 4,172 8, 383 58.9 1,597 71 \ Fitchburg. . - 7 RE G2 14, 630 4,993 1-° 8 110 55.4 1) 438 76 mee Haverni,.....1.°.08) TS 20, 589 6, 426 11, 343 55.1 2, 534 269 Me Holyoke... ..1.n-on------1 on 22,514 8, 964 11,178 49.6 2,318 45 ' Lawrence...... Kya mh. 33, 133 11, 286 18, 310 55.3 3, 406 106 ES Lae iii Bee a ice 37, 487 11, 644 20, 718 55.3 4) 663 449 ga ee a 18, 779 6, 569 9, 782 52.1 2,317 108 me Medford. ......1.):00.0-7 [= 15,027 4 660 8,578 57.1 1, 716 68 Be NOWEON. 3. ccd. 5 pe oe eet oe 19,420 || « 8, 103.| 9,017 46.4 2,229 60 Ber ittane |) eee 15,475 ||’ 5, 231 8, 464 5407 1, 702. 71 BINT ini cnt depngnns- s+ -b or 16, 568 4,794 9,913 59.8 1,779 74 mee hevers. | Oe 9, 603 2,715 5, 868 61.1 959 48 Memnlene | | OT 15,614 5,917 7, 861 50.3 1, 769 61 ' Somerville... -.- _& ee 36, 245 11, 789 19, 741 54.5 4,532 174 -'' Taunton. - 4 ay TS Bn 13, 683 4,7 7,157 52.3 1,654 | 67 et Waltham... 2 ).828 02000 12) 482 5,172 5, 838 46.8 1/390 76 CHIGAN; cai Battle Creek.... 2-2 .......-. 14, 186 3, 304 8, 829 62.2 1, 702 336 DS aS een 16, 403 4,796 9, 706 59.2 1, 751 150 Mee Pinte} See 28, 424 6,.256 19, 552 68. 8 2,176) | 416 - Hamtramek village... ....... 10, 973 1,515| 8, 999 82.0 403 43 © Highland Park..7-°°.....-)-" 15, 293 3, 439 10, 333 67.6 1, 362 152 Meeseckigg:......J3.°2°.... 1 17, 209 3, 893 10, 928 63.5 2,080 306 Me AIAMAZOO.o is... -... 1-0 18, 391 4,777 11,079 60.2 2,120 401 Me Lanne: ..... 20 20, 163 | 4,250]° 13,534 67.1 2,049 311 i) Muskegon! ... .).) 299.2222 12,528 || 3,274} « 7, 850 62.7 1, 278 114 mer Pontiae>:) 2.475... 1 4 11, 381 2,653 7, 560 66.4 1, 034 111 Se Proruburon...|........-\.. 9, 268 2,313 5, 828 62.9 1,039 78 mee Saginaw... 2.18208...) | 2) 22,184. 5, 969 13,516| 60.9 2, 409 237 - RRR ee sees 5 33, 273 10, 994 19, 235 57.8 2,715 290 Soplings . 0/2, B50. 11, 212 2,497| | 6,710 59.8 1, 743 247 I aE ES a Be 29, 519 7,824} °° 17,450 59.1 3, 600 am GO ~~ Springfield. ..... 2: _ ER, & 15, 294 3,918 |° 9, 145 59.8 1,974 219 ONTANA: = Beet. tee. Ol 13 Bae 3,497} - 8,185 59.2 1,836 [°° 207 eae aS a BS 21,176 6, 249 12, 234 57.8 2,407 269 N EW HAMPSHIRE: Manchester........ poten 7 8 29, 397 10, 678 15, 073 51.3 3, 310 222 i ke bb See 10, 223 3,338 5, 645 55.2 1, 143 78 NEW JERSEY: Lo | Atlantic Ditty... 2.28... .).e 20, 663 5, 792 11, 359 - 55.0] - 3,325 | 169 SS ee he eS Me | 22, 609 6, 184 14, 416 63.8 1, 954 33 Baan 3 Cea TTS 8, 540 222p tO! 5,541 64.9 | ---- 750 24 East Orange...../220!....2.1.5 21,587 || ° 6,891 11,910 55.2 2, 659 69 . Eirabetn?...-| £55 ---.-1-1 ' 30,998 || 8 759}. 19,129 61.7 3,027 61 Meettoboken. 2. .85......) {182 29.793 6, 832 12, 996 57.2 2,769 120 “le irvington town............... 9,241 2, 348 5, 930 64.2 926 24 4 ) Kearny town...... lai Bh 9, 231 2,912 5, 435 58.9 862 18 *) Montclair town... 0.0... 22.02. ; 11, 763 4,177 6, 133 52.1 1,381 49 ew Brunswick...........1.. 11, 385 3,347.1 ~ 6,678 58.7 1, 307 26 Waneeie.-... 1 P.28........8 12,009 4,155 6, 324 52.7 -1, 492 31 mys f 47 : 260 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——POPULATION. TABLE 57.—MARITAL CONDITION OF THE POPULATION 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, "MALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. CITY. Married. ay Total.! Single. Widowed. vorosal Number. | Per cent. NEW JERSEY—Con. i Lg Re ARR DS, a 20, 626 6, 589 13, 309 64.5 27 Perth Anrboy ..}.7 0224... 56.4. 13, 759 4,516 8, 680 | 63.1 ohh ONE. on ice oles oot ae 9, 355 2, 876, 6,054 64.7 “38 West Hoboken town.......... 14, 255 5, 004 8,644 60.6 19 West New York town....-.... 10, 243 3,123 6, 696 65.4 25 NEw YORK: Amsterdam... -...-:-5-0-..5 11,281 3, 636 7,098 62.9 30 MAURO rere PS. oa ae ee ue 13, 508 4,636 8, 074 * §0.8 » (GS Bivetigmton . 20 ips. 2. cee 24, 399 8, 143 14, 827 60.8 138 ASRS: o> 4 hae ae an OE 17, 587 6, 366 10, 256 58.3 87 JRTNOSINWE:« .. sicloins oes s2-- nd ce 14, 220 4,523 8, 902 62.6 82 AC RriSON Se < calfeteis aes an wim nie hie 9, 433 3,321 5, 517 58. 5 28 Mount Vernon. 5..:4..-... is 14, 150 4,750 8, 752 61.9 25 New Rochelle. ....--......... 12, 452 4,602 7, 305 58.7 * 36 NewWDreM: .. .iArvee sete 11, 135 3, 879 6, 507 58. 4 | ° 29 NWisgata. Malls: ig: uo aves oper 19, 226 7,048 11, 406 59.3 44 Poughkeepsie... .\. 5 252..d0. 12, 207 3, 980 7,471 °61/2° 38 RUNES oes sh coun ae 9, 849 3, 962 5,271 53.5 26 Schenectady... ¢6..-0.4 a 32, 299 10,748 20, 031 62.0 112 St a! Seale oN nF 24, 861 9,750 13, 556 54.5 56 Utes. sesh ete as eee 32, 707 11, 247 19,673 60. 1 140 ; Woaterttiwn.... iol e4---55-4an 11, 243 3, 362 7,122 63.3 |. 61 NorRtTH CAROLINA: MSTIOVING ba on aid aye oclrae 9,123 2,902 5, 748 63.0 43 Charidttes. ni. 2 ecg. Soot 15, 352 5, 089 9,498 61.9 | 16 Witniturton.... dc. 2. ..... 7 11, 384 4,059 6, 747 59.3 25 * Winston-Salem... ..........2 17,572 7,151 9, 682 55. 1 40 HIO: | yt og ee | 2 A 35, 630 "13,007 20, 951 58.8 325 East Cleveland. ............-. 9, 722 2, 686 6, 667 68.6 49 PEAR Rk ctr age. ook wont cee 15, 160 5, 404 8, 831 58.3 159 LAKGW G0... cok We nese cba 14, 320 3,559 10, 238 71.5 54 TAME Ae oe hee EM po anoeewied oe 14, 904 4,406 9, 587 64.3 209 LOraiifien ip. dithieves os. odes 13, 881 4,929 8, 382 60. 4 bs PEG 3's eR Alas 10, 596 3,326 6, 629 62.6 1 Maripiie: Seek uimnon ot atre 10, 095 2, 886 6, 602 65. 4 114 NEWSER. bod eee te en 9,994 3, 031 6, 258 62.6 151 Portsmouth.....5-. A > 11, 782 3, 881 7, 223 61.3 127 SpringRels .. cube Someta 22,664 7,319 13, 875 61,2 186 Steubenville. ..0.5.55......2.5 10,598 3,911 6,170 58.2 |); 62 Warren BU. incense ososnts fs 10, 621 3, 568 6,591 62.1 71 ZANEBV Ml bs:.-« os. 9. GH< +. eed es 10, 486 3,128 6, 685 63.3 114 OKLAHOMA: ; MUSKGBOG.. «00 ie gs eRe ow 5 oe 10, 640 3, 045 6, 899 64. 8 j' 129- Oklahoma, City ....55........4 39, 478. | 11,799 21,305 60. 1 » 629 WISE. nq ty... .!s gommeeeoeben 28, 524 10, 012 16,778 58. 8 445 PENNSYLVANIA: ATIONtOWN . . . . 2\2-6 Aawred aoe den 25, 253 Ty 3td, 16, 521 65. 4 124 FSi: ne pees ies! 20, 979 6, 929 13, 001 62.0 » 201. Bethlehem... ..\.g2ep0see- es a8 17, 802 5, 616 11,372 63.9 Ch ea CWSStar: 5.2.0 ledcas wc we nkiee 23, 580 9, 273 13,130 ee My wal g Hast0p yo op sos Age gees ee cshan 12, 075 3, 859 047 62.5 aol #08 THCY Ada ps ons ols aegpeee ae DER 32, 853 11, 239 19, 881 60.5 “> 219 Harrispurg «<6. 2) gs ppeee ass dae 28, 122 8, 545 17, 829 63.4 | 235 PASSO Ss. decees ucekoaree 10, 130 3, 778 5, 891 58. 2 rae Johnstown...... @epacs ties dae 23, 407 8,542 13, 859 59. 2 r 116 PABCASCCH. 2... Cok cte seek tee 18, 301 5,745 11,329 61.9 ~~ 141 McKeesport . . ..)g. age cess 5 chp 16,562 5, 907 10, 032 60. 6 | 44 New Castle... 0. 0 SE 15, 735 5,110 9, 846 62.6 89 Norristown borough,........: 11, 507 4, 235 6,575 57.1 » 60 Wilkes-Barre, 2 ijs < geis< 02408 24, 465 9,124 14, 165 57.9 ¢ 59 Williamsport. 2.05 Jo... escape 13,095 4, 209 8,018 61.2 9 69 YOrR .xe¢ ch oss ch dees s ec cdg 16, 848 5,010 10, 639 63.1 194 RHODE ISLAND: Cranstoie sos cs haga cs ec sdee 10, 462 |} 3, 379 6, 445 61.6 pert:) N6WP@Bh.e. . 2: ob es ease... din 12, 796 6, 600 5, 632 44.0 | 65 PAWUUCHEE. «66. keecsee NATIVE WHITE—FOREIGN PARENTAGE, Urban communities: 15 years and over............ 13 to 19 years Hes eee 20 to 24 years. ......2...... 25 to 84 years... 2.6.5. cess 35 to 44 years: ......0.2.0.. 45 to 64" years. 2. . oc es. 2. 65 years and Over.......... Age unknown............. Rural communities: 15 years and over............ 10-1019 years. .. tema Ce 20 t0.24 years.\. 2. ccc cs6 0 25 tO 34 years....J.d...20- 35 tO 44 years........0..00- 45 to 64 years. . 2... .225.... 65 years and over.......... Age unknown............. MALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. Total. 8, 350, 138 1, 060, 228 1, 163, 280 2; 150, 465 18, 466 3, 233, 948 502, 152 485, 955 797, 721 568, 535 773, 174 103, 488 2, 923 1, 558, 963 205, 570 190, 180 352, 602 298, 440 434° 992 75, 887 1, 292 Single. Per Number. cant, 6, 982, 294 2,090, 406 | 98.1 1, 774, 284 | 73.3 1, 730, 334 | 34.2 729,697 | 17.5 559,406 | 11.7 80,260 7.4 17,907 | 28.8 5, 985,271 | 34.7 2,477, 364 | 97.4 1, 426,339 | 67.7 1, 055, 256 | 29.2 458, 889 | 14.4 455,606 | 10,5 101, 951 3 9,866 | 32,1 3, 025, 709 | 36,2 1, 036, 261 | 97.7 819,028 | 70.4 673, 505 | 31.3 258,770 | 15.8 195,452 | 10.8 33, 294 6.9 9,399 | 23.3) 3, 750, 809 | 34.9 1,691,454 | 97.4 928,228 | 67.1 598, 807 | 26.4 232, 893 | 12.2 234,648 | 9.2 58, 621 6.6 6,158 | 33.3 1, 493,560 | 46.2 497,758.| 99.1 394,421 | 81.2 325, 818 | 40.8 132, 504 | 23.3 129,741 | 16.8 11,802} 11.4 1,516} 51.9 647,750 | 41.6 203, 879 | 99.2 157, 463 82. 8 141,760 | 40.2 63,841 | 21.4 71,477 | 16.4 8,770} 11.6 560! 43.3 Married. Number. Per cent. Widowed. eo | | I | EFS 35. 5 |11, 605, 237 a OOOO YE | Ss 35, 608 625, 517 3, 210, 968 3, 272, 922 | 3, 758, 311 684, 452 17, 459 10, 244, 029 nO DDH = mc Wor 00-10 COW cn Lo DAIID re hee S&S COON ko = — ET 6, 397, 484 42) 369 441, 051 1, 623, 905 1, 607, 137 2, 086, 814 590, 203 6, 005 1, 601, 951 , oT 88, 426 456, 818 413, 736 573, 594 64, 900 902 843, 340 1, 321 81, 425 205, 337 225, 428 330, 310 48, 995 524 Oars] b> SSPE wS NESSSRwS cr © WO Or © eR OD AOOON AIO BSpeore NNO pP NFPNONW®OO ONNWMOWNAIMH Ww o> 1 Total includes persons whose marital condition was not reported. Di- Num-_| Per_ | Vorced. ber. cent. 897, 500 4.6 | 142,778 635 | (3) 336 8,608) 0.4 | 5,682 68,504 | 1.4] 33, 841 124,618 | 3.0 | 42,727 385, 855 8.1] 51, 853° 307, 066 | 28.4 7,771 2,214} 3.6 568 860, 808°} 5.0 | 92, 506 1,195} (8) 423 11, 903 0.6 598. 57,420 | 1.6 | 17,095 96, 082'| 3.0 | 20, 865 330, 708 7.6 | 38,558 361, 590°]. 25.8 | 10,735 1,910 | 6.2 232 363, 354°} 4.4 | 77, 523 : 307} (3) | 201 4,137 0.4 3, 338 29,876 | 1.4 | 19,595 49,573 | 3.0 , 233 145, 698°} 8.0] 26,612 132,745 | 27.5 | 4, 238 1,018} 25 306 511,467 | 4.8] 57,266 683 | (3) 269 6,728 0.5 2, 808 34,042| 1.5 | 10,816 54,956 | 2.9] 12, 983 189, 753 yes , 457 224,182 | 25.4] 6,788 1, 123 6.1 145 114, 275 3.5 | 18,729 84] %, 25 1, 085 0. 24 522 + 9,516] 1.2] 4,274 16,200] 2.8] 5,464 61,360 | 7.9] 7,661 25, 923 | 25.0 T4i 157 5.4 42 57, 337 I | 7, 463 32 | (8) 10 387 0.2 163 3,686 | 1.0] 1,103 7,092] 2.4] 1,672 28, 824 6.6 3, 807 17,232 | 22.7 699 84 6.5 14 -MARITAL CONDITION. + ..27-5> 265 OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX AND AGE PERIODS,. FOR PRINCIPAL’ POPULATION UNITED STATES: 1920. . 6LASS OF POPULATION AND © Single. Married.” *’ Widowed. AGE PERIOD. Di ) Total.1 . - ¢ . wtids ) ; Per Per | Num- | Per |Vorced. Number cent Number, cent. ber. cent. ALL CLASSES.* Urban communities: . 15 years and over....... .1.--|19, 618, 764 ||5, 698,673 | 29.0 11,310,188 | 57.6 12.2) 186, 181 b9 95 to 19-yearse. 3...) 8 2, 815, 910 ||2,064, 740 | 89.2 | 241,588 | 10,4 0:21} 3,056 BP 20t0 24 years)......58.0.. 2, 680, 496 |/1, 350, 388 | 50.4 | 1,276,092 | 47.6 1.2} 17,879 § ) 25t084 yearsi....... 5.0.1. 4, 988, 362 |/1, 137, 218|° 22.8 | 3,621,083 | 72.6 3.3] ‘58, 522 35 to.44 years..............| 3,876, 690 || 543, 5871° 14.0 | 2-953, 031 || 76.2 8,3] 54,218 mie 4560 64:yearsiv.).....0.01. 4, 463, 857 || 493, 192 | 11.0 | 2,843,001 | 63.7 24,1 | 47,220 / | 65 years and over.......... 1, 256, 723 || © 99,414 | 7.9 | © 360,584 | 28.7 62.8 4,808 » Ageunknown......./..2.. 36,726 || © 10,134 | 27.6 14,859 | 40.5 14.3 478 Rural communities: 15 years and over............ 15, 558, 751 ||3, 918,229 | 25.2 [10,008,745 | 64.3 9.8} 87,123 Sy eto todd yearsirc.o5. 2125.16. , , 854 1/2, 072, 910) 849]. 354,954 14.5 0.3 2, 961 t 20tb 24 yearss......).4.2.. 2,069, 480 || 813, 663'} 39.3 | 1,207,605 | 58.4 1,6} 10, 703 25 t0 34 yearsis. 2... L01. , 500, 306 |} “499, 186'}' 14.3 | 2,871, 272 | 82.0 3,0 | 22, 909 Me 35 to 44lyears? i... 0.400. 2, 884, 244 || 224,295 | 7.8 | 2,473,403 | 85.8 5.7 | 20, 809 : a5 toes-yearse..f.. 21.81. 3, 451, 348 228,675 | -6.6 2, 623, 271 76. 0 16.5 24, 793 : 65 years and Over...,...... 1, 193, 421 74,028} -6.2 469, 626 39. 4 Sant: 4, 801 Age unknown. ........8... 19, 098 5,472 || 28.7 8,614. | 45:1 15,2 147 NATIVE WHITE—NATIVE | PARENTAGE. Urban communities: / 15 years and over.../........ 8, 547, 716 ||2, 654, 151] 31.1] 4, 801,681°| 56.2 | 976,781 | 11.4 | 101, 304 See to tp 10 years)......).1,1.. 1, 150, 452 |/1, 013, 637] 88.1] © 132,184 | 11.5] 1,953] ° 0,2} 1) 396 BP 20 to 24yearsi 0...) 2... 1, 264; 443 || 685,128} 50.2 | 603,563 | 47.7} 13,621 |" 1.1) 10, 409 DMRS 25 to B4!years.!).}/. 2.21 sh. (2, 185, 811. || 520, 786 |" 23.8 | 1,561, 682'| 71.4} - 68,995 | 3.2) 32) 417 || 85 t0 44 years... eo 0G. 1, 585, 027'|| 226, 433°} | 14.3 | 1, 204, 587'| 76:0} 123, 562 | 7,8 | 29 031 Be. 45 to b4iyearses.J55. 1.1010. 1, 752, 571'|| 199, 198-|°° 11.4 1, 122, 339'| -64:0.| 404, 388 | 23.1 | 24° 650 "> 65 years'and over.......... 587,868 || — 53, 079)|' 9.0 | ~168,976 | -28.7-| 362,042 | 61.6] 2) 725 y Ageunknowne.....5.).2%. 21, 544 5, 895 | | 27.4 8, 350 | -38.8 2, 220 10.3 246 Rural communities: 5X » 15 years and over.........-..| 9, 982, 082'||2, 614, 339°] 26:2 | 6,394, 184'| 64.1] 908,219 | 921 |’ 31, 439 _ lstoldyears.........2....| 1,651, 117 |/1,'408, 473'|~ 85,0 | © 240,740 | 14:6} - 3,925 | 0.21) “L672 o 201024 yearsii... 21.2. .-| 1,365, 446 540, 080° |" 39.6 800; 457 || 58.6 16, 564 122 5, 958 HY) 25 to 34'yearsii... 2... cle. 2, 253, 049 323, 992 | 14.4 | 1,859,980 | 82:6-} - 53, 900 2:4 13, 157 Be BS to 44 yearss! 5... ak. 1, 783, 275 || 141, 130} 7.9 | 1,543,106 | 86.5} 85,505] 4.8] 12 151 See 45 toG4iyearss!.0)..) 5.11. 2,131, 798 |; 146, 572, | 6.9 | 1,633, 011 | 76. 6-| 334,196 | 15.7) 15, 232 \ 65 years and over.......... 785, 481 55, 286. |" «7.0 | 311,857 | 39.7 | 412, 657 | 52.5 |" 3) 184 *. Ageunknown.......... c..| 11, 866 3, 806-| > 32.1 5,033 | -42:4-|-- 4,472] 12, 4' 85 NATIVE WHITE—FOREIGN | PARENTAGE. Urban communities: CHS "15 years and over............| 3,544,449 |/1, 394, 008 |' 39.3 | 1,786,049 | 50.4 | 336,269] 9.5 | 23,873 15 tO 19'yearsui.). 2.6.5. Uo. 535, 170 || 502,373 | 98.9 31, 650 5.9 331 0.1 203 HP 20 to 24 yearsuic.- 2.22. GC. 540, 520 329; 697 | 61.0 204,493 | 37.8 3, 526 0.7 1, 713 25 to 34 years/2....... -++:-| 862, 859 || 263, 589} 30.5 | 569, 472 | 66.0} 21,459] 2.5] 7 433 ~ 85 to 44 years............1.) | 622, 518 |] 135, 209] 21.7] 434,200 | 69.7-] 45,481 ]°°7.3 | | 7025 > 45 t0 64 years! vo... .. ott. 854, 808 146, 879 17. 2 507, 645 59.4 + 192, 515 ono 6, 993 1fi 65 years and over..... A 125, 740 © 14; 860°)" 11.8 37, 613 29.9 72, 639 57.8 459 APeOunknOWwn......)...... 2, 834 1, 311 46.3 976 34. 4 318 Liew 47 Rural communities: | dV LPO & , fie © 15 years and over.......0.... 1, 362, 098 ||, 397, 263} | 29.2 | 862,005 | 63.3-| - 95, 552°]°° 70.1) 5, 662 1 15 to 19 yearsiu......222).) | © 186,476 || 1172, 392°) | 92.4 13,686 | 7.3 159} 0.1 5 © 20 to ZAvearse sh Sl... 10). 168, 100 87, 443 |} 52.0 78, 663 46.8 1, 238 0.7 392 We 25 to 34iyearso. 4). .022 2. 325, 506 || ~ 68,988} 19.7 | 253, 78.0 | 5,908} 1'8 P! ob 375 W) 35 to 44: years... bbe. 266, 268 || 31,461} 11.8 | 222,669 | -83.6-}- 10, 496 | 3.9 |) ¥ 440 Mee 45 16 G4 years es 20 |, °355,:358 36, Sl} - 10. 4 266, 836 75.4} «49, 208 |)''13. 8 2, 169 \) #65 yearsiand over.....2.:.. 59, 439 4, 7940) > 8.1 25, 809 43.4 28, 460 | 47. et ae na Age WeeTIOWTL . 4. 951 374 | 39.3 433 |. 45.5 95 10.0 wad ? Includes Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and ‘‘alh other.” » «> 4: Less than orie-tetith of 1 per cent, 266 ABSTRACT .OF 'THE’ CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 68:—MARITAL CONDITION OF THE|\URBAN AND RURAL RORULATION 15 YEARE CLASSES, EOR! THE UNITED MALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. CLASS OF POPULATION AND Single. Married. os |\1o Widowed.» 9 AGE PERIOD. | OMA BBs Total.! ” igtoT ||} ‘3 er, } Per Number. eat. Number. Gant. NATIVE WHITE—MIXED PARENTAGE. Urban communities: ze. eee Wate: b 15 years and Over.:.........] 17344, 599 || 627 809)), 46.7) 667,821 | 49,7 1b tod9;yearsyy. 25.42 .t p-] 225,898) |} 9223, 46845 98.9) ac 2)142°) 0,9 20 to 24 years... eee. .-2.05- 9214; 472°|| 171, 984 |: 8002)) © 41,072] 19.2 25 to g4-yearseu. Pie. 1S pap - 359, 263:|| ©1483, 237. 4° 3969 |) 0208)452:| 58,0. 35 to 44. years: i. .23- ity £2). 265, 935:|} > 53, 616-4) 2022 | §201,777)| 75,9 45 to 64 yearsee. os..4 22 a. 242,174 31, 905 | 13,2 190)457'| 78.6 65 years and Over.......: Bi 35, 793 98, 052.4; (8.5 23,607 | 66,0 Age unknown............. 1, 064. 547 | 51.4 344 | 32.3 Rural communities: an | P Bby 206 Gil ©7e To RI Bie 2 } 15. years and Over. 2... 2.4.45. - » 853; 480 || 381, 981)]> 44.8) »4387,770.| . 51,3. 165 to A9iyearsicg. ee. -f-2 22 a-|) -151, 464; || 149, 997}. 99.0 1,196:} 0.8 20 to 24 years... sin... - ¢s-|, 124, 163-|] 100, 991,}; 8103 | 22,342 | 18.0 25 to 84 yearses. sou. 4.5 -an- : 200; 092 74, 603 | 373 |) § 121,913] 60,9 35 to 44 yearsoc. we. J.c-av- 161, 091 29,499 | 18.3] - 126,446] 78.5 45 10 64: years... ..2-.-0e- 177, 669 23, 459.4 13.2] /140,447'| 79,0 65 years and Over...:.:...-]' } | 38,396 3, 186 8.3 p2hoZ12 |! 65, 7 Age unknown...........--..-- 555 246 | 44.3 214 | 38.6 FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. Urban communities: 15 years and Over. ¢.2...2..:-| 5 362, 678).||1, 355, 757;| | 25.8.4 3,667, 83 68, 4 15 to. 19sveargvin - 3%. 197, 865 113; }.4 98.6 7, 05825250) i et 20 to 24,years. .. <. oe eres 860, 275 || 270, 300}; 75.0 487).031:]) 24,2 25 to 34 years... o. ae ON ;.| 1,378, 523:|| 471, 065). 34.2 278) 64,1 35 to 44 years... 24.) 4-;2-4)-} 1; 379, 788; ||, 223, 156)» 16.2 | 1,412,177:| 380.6 45 to 64 years... i.) ¢-0- ea-| 1,625,196) || 163, 9559); 10.1 | 1; 323,147)| 81. 4. 65 years and over ../.:.... 411, 122 , 28, 017 6.8 |) °256,622 | 62.4 Age unknown... ..../...2. .. 9, 909 4, 151-p. 41.9 |) 22987829 | 33.6 Rural communities: — . 15, years and Over. ss. ..:-s2-| 1,889) 861)||' 499, 2900} 26.44 1;285,)108)) 65, 4 15 to 19,years.e. 3... s-s-45-|) 9.61405 |} 9 60,2141, 98.1} £1 /1,008)], 1.6 20 to 24 years... -. b= dep ale 965713 || 74, 5680) 77.0 |) 9:21, 2641] 22,0 25 to 34. yearsy vs oye. een. e=-| 9860,383) || 148, 096. }0 41.1 |) 6206,287:|) 57.2 39 to 44 years, sua. 4d. 3.0. 9432; 084 || © 98,924) 2b.:7 |) -324;218r| 75,0 45 to 64 years... 2. 5 »Jea-o5-|| (667, 291 |) 6 96, 14ehe 14.14 |) 269558050) 77, 2. 65 years and Over.......22.| | -268,; 262 24,962.) 9.3 | (165,643 | 61, 7. Age unknown......... “Sh - 3, 823 |}! : dy 372e4.- 35. 9 17343 | 35.1 NEGRO. 3s Urban communities: 15 years and Over.....:...... 1,325,398 } 441,845 | 33.3 782,776 | 59,1 15 to 19,yearsawn. Ax... pease] 9188)893) || 132, 9132)o 9507) 6:65; 5501) 4.0 20 to 24,years.n.....4.¢.2.. /189, 209 || 11h, 451°} 58.9 | 0: 74,299 | 39.3 25 to 34. yearsy.. a.. 4.2. vo. 852, 012 |) 105,975 p). 30.1 231,454 | 65.8.]. 35 to 44 years... wi. . oe ae | 807, 200 54, Skt}. Ve7 | 6280,159 | 74.9. 45 to 64 years... ...-.5. 02. 285, 246 31; 803epy Ld |) e221j700 | 74. 2. 65 years and Over.......0-. 645,421 3, 1480)> 6.9 253912 | 57.0 Age unknown...-.....0.0. s-| |} SEAdQ Sl? 2,044). 27.6 | 6.98, 702 | 49.9 Rural commuuities: 15 years and over............ 2, 067, 813 || 663,032 | 32.1 | 1,267,631 | 61.3 15 to 19 years... a... 6. ¢5.] B74; 523 || +358, 730eh< 95.8 14; 493 (| 3.9 20 to 24 years.......-.9.5.. 297,960 || 156, 144°}, 52,4 135,054 | 45.3 25 to 34 years..:....0.0. 92. 403, 919 83, 626:} . 20. 7 303,182 | 75.1 35 to 44 yearsiu. 2... 2.5. ue. (352, 313 32, 749-4) 923 297, 8387 | 84.5 45 to 64 years...) sae. .a. pa. 604, 545 25, 112;fs & 0 425,768 | 84.4 65 yearsand over,....2.. 2. 128,460 || 2 (5, 296i} 2 4:1] --87f952 | 68.5 Age unknown... 2.¢-..3.23-| 0-6, 093 ||) 1 04,375) 22. 6 13,345 | 54.9 ‘2 Total includes persons whose marital condition was not reported,’ "on! ” OF AGE AND, OVER, BY SEX AND A STATES: 1920—Continued. MARITAL, CONDITION, 267 GE PERIODS, FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION: FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. CLASS OF POPULATION AND ; AGE PERIOD, «OO SF Mi¢ : 3 NATIVE WHITE—MIXED PARENTAGE, Ay + Urban communities: » U5 years and over..i2.... 02. m ,15 to 19-years....: Miss} «LGR pee 20 tbo 24-years:).2.07..., 2.20 ni. 25 to 34 years.\.¥.0: bso} AE pm B60 44ryears... 2.25.....008 fen 4910 Gai years.). 1.58. ..).629 -, 65 years and over........... _ Age unkn Rural communities: 9715 yearsiand over f.4.... 5.521 OND ire rere teow FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. Urban communities: _. do years and over....,... L£b5 my £0 tO LOyyears.. 4.55... 1.220 Spar 20 tO 24:vears te. . k 20 t0'34 years.1 2... Spe 80 tO 44-years...n v.12 54: » 45 to G4 years... .). na. . 2.30% 65 years.and Overe....-.0.. 4 Age unknown, -. 2.4... L-2iGe Rural communities: | wrad years and Over .2 oa. . 2). da bo'to 19 years.{........ ae Hie 2000 24cvears...» ar...) pos ie 40 LO S4 years. ¢ 2). an... 00s »»» 35 t0 44 years... ........ i= BON ipe 40 tO 64-years: , -. 2... 2). 954 .>> 65 years and over-......22: », Age unknown) ...2.....52. bee} ot} -AEGRO. » Grban communities: » 45 years and over -2.23....52. poe 40 tO 19, years. ...-55.. 2). 20% Miah 20 to 24 years... 52 Wren 20 tO 94 ears. .5.02...\. 22); 35 tO 44 years.............. po; 40 to 64.years....2.:2.... 540. >. 65 years and over.......... boy Age unknown..;..2...) sa: Poy Fs ry y Rural communities: Total. 782, 210 140, 303 114, 076 194, 095 151, 922 149, 262 32, 111 444 4, 599, 750 215, 863 399, 282 1, 121, 251 1,061, 819 1, 853, 515 442, 914 5, 106 1, 314, 235 52, 809 70, 574 245, 681 292, 213 445, 603 205, 929 1, 426 1, 883, 150 171, 629 227, 792 388, 894 297, 585 236, 447 54, 821 5, 982 2,039, 950 398, 170 339, 886 462, 779 376, 534 “B54, 559) 104, 011, 4, O1L Number. 614, 724 715, 989 187, 587, 156, 097 156, 558 95, 494 94,476 24, 433 1, 344 119, 810. 41, 653 18, 040 18, 782 14, 861 18, 999, 7, 293.4) 182 314, 919 aa Per PSRs e OWOaHIsk Om RSS Symon MRS Se Ces CHOWAN RDA COCCI DOO Omrnrocreo oo . KHnWOCOK S00 cent. WO. Pe © Sa SRS cc er pa Married. Widowed. Dj- Per | Num- | Per |Voreed. Number. cent. ber. cent. 775, 296 50.9 } 116, 124 7.6 14, 712 13,884] 5.8 206 | 0.14 171 88, 431 | 36.2 1, 692 0.7 1, 337 ~ 271, 963 | 64.5 | 10, 813 2.6 4, 992 “220, 453 | 72.1 | 20,845 | 6.81? 4 556 167, 009'| 63.2 |. -55, 424 | 21.0 3, 425 13,152 | 29.2] 27,008} 59.9 213 404 34, 5 136 11.6 18 467, 520 |. 59.8 | 47,462 || 6.1 |’ 3,919 8,931}. 6.4 107 | 0.1 75 50, 771 44,5 873 0.8 321 150, 450 |. 77.5 3, 692 1.9 1, 042 128, 480 84. 6 6, 300 4.1 1, 053 115, 445 | 77.3} 20,092] 13.5 |”. 1,264 13,239 | 41.2} 16359 | 50.9 163 204 46.3 39 8.8 1 8, 140,910 | 68.3) 714,477] 15.5} 22, 627 MBPs 557 12.8 341 0. 2 130 237, 899 59. 6 3, 649 0.9 975 930, 009 | 82.9 | 28, 766 2.6 4,989 885, 660 | 83.4 | 72,657 6.8 6, 953 926, 690 68. 5 | 322, 347 23. 8 8, 427 130, 570 29. 5 | 285, 852 64.5 7,125 2, 525 49. 5 865 16.9 48 982; 593 74, 8 | 204, 778 15.6 5, 029 10, 920 20. 7 158 0.3 ae. 51, 450 72.9 816 $22 153 220, 561 89.8 5, 515 29 631 262, 788 |. 89. 9-| © 13, 185 4,5 Pile 352,914 | 79.2}. 70,695 | 15.9°})' 2,370 83, 143 40.4 | 114, 123 55. 4 712 1817 67; 3 286 20. 1 12 790, 160 | 57.1} 250,844 |. 181 | 23, 523 35,902 | 20.9} 1,544] 0.9 717 138, 579 60. 8 9, 325 4.1 8, 426 ‘280, 736 pay. 36, 616 9.4 8, 666 204,411 | 68.7] 59,462] 20:0 6, 617 117, 854 | 49.8 | 100,32+ | 42.4} 3,697 10, 121 18. 5 41, 856 76. 4 282 b 02) 557 42.7 1, 720 | '28.'8 118 “1, 249, 021 61.2.) 257, 117 12. 6°] 20, 348 78, 267 | .19.7 3, 436 0.9 1, 085 218, 161 |. 64.2} 13,761]. 4.0] 3,764 869, 612 |. 79.9.| . 83, 675 |. -7.3-}0/6; 488 304, 006 80.7 46, 808 12,4 4, 880 243, 898 |. 68.8.|.. 92, 797 |. 26.2'}'3, 614 33, 150 |. 31.9. 65, 730. |. -63..2-]' 475 1, 927 48.0 910 |. -22.7 42 2 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 268 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 59.—MARITAL CONDITION OF THE POPULATION 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, DIVISION AND STATE. United States -........ GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England..........-... Middle Atlantic. © 153,755 84.94- © 90,014 935, 628 342, 490 36.6 524, 890 Or oOo RON “Aang ror ar DH Ors SH SSHSRUS “SSH: Dorcr orc ADXAWIDAS Horry Per cent. 58.9 PANS LS FP RSSSRR He se ONS Di- vorced. © } Wid- owed. SA 142,778 100, 421} 9, 367 260, 241°| 17) 314 207,757} 42, 994 ‘81,866 '|' 17) 391 73,532 | | 7;869 37,000 |° 6, 210 °53,140']' 11) 403 -- 120,185 | 5; 899 » 963, 358°} 24° 331 i ie Lh 1 Total includes persons whose marital condition was not reported. 3 BY SEX, FOR URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920. LFS MALES 15 YEARS OF |AGE AND OVER IN RURAL COMMUNITIES. / (MARITAL CONDITION. 269 } DIVISION AND STATE)? 1} uw Single. Married. 4 [ mae hme ea | TRE YT aT: CRED ETERS UN 1A Di- 1 : ) Total. Per Per owed. | vorced Number, dint. Number bent United States. 2:2. ...222.}) 17,225, 163 || 5, 985) 271, © 84. 7 24.0 | 10,244, 029. 59.5 |, 860,808 | $2,506 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: jp) New England... .: 0.4... 00. 559, 828 185, 220°} 33.1 331, 782 59, 3 36, 886 5, 041 Middle Atlantic... 02.2... 025. 1, 964, 963 665,120}; 33.8 } 11,181,095 | 60.1} 108,343 |. 6, 423 _ East North Central........ 2. 2,994, 544.|| 1,016,102 |; 33.9 | 1,792,760 | 59,9]. 160,600 | 18, 990 | West North Central. -....... 2,731, 755:|| 1,021,712} 37.4 | 1,662,945 | 57,2), 124,601 |} 14,144 South Atlantic. ........2450. 2,934, 562 || 1,004,444} 34.2 | 1,781,439 | 60.7] 133,571 |. 8,393 East South Central......21.. 2, 105, 866 666,550} 31.7 |} 1,320,810 | 62.7], 105,301 | 9,050 _. West South Central.......2. 2,298, 764 772,913. | 33.6} 1,394,677 | 60.7 | 112,860 | 11, 460 ; Mountain Be 24 eS tad - - 1 SOR! 774, 142 304, 722 39. 4 423, 481 54. 7 35, 989 7, 533 eRCIaI@ A'S. E35) EAE S- -ls LO. 860, 739 348, 488 40.5 455, 040 52,9 42,657 | 11, 472 NEw ENGLAND: PMainerye by),.1 4 aa. ..|. O88. 172, 943 56, 088 32,4 } 102, 582 59, 3 1, 838 New Hampshire shed < : 22 GO: 63, 270 20, 601 32.6 36, 630 57. 94; 984 Vermomt:'s “So f25 4 5. ese. 89,281 || | 28,950} 32.4} 53,081] 59.5 924 » Massachusetts... ..0....5005- 73, 078 24, 713 33,8 }o° | 42,994 58, 8 497 - Rhode Island... .......-.¢2.. 5, 800 1,990} 34.3 3,298 | 56.9 68 Connecticut....... Se ieee ot 155, 456 52, 878 34,0 93, 197 60, 0 730 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: ; Brew MOCKS. 5-325...) 292: 668, 805 220, 749,|' 3330 402, 477 60, 2 2, 263 mew Jerseys 22 135 dd 625. 525. 946, 246 83, 929 34.1 147, 940 60. 1 659 over - ic ik = ee hy A i. 049, 912 360, 442. 34.3 | 630, 678 60, 1 3, 501 East ‘hitte ‘CENTRAL: mes Qwlo. fo. G57. .T-0 na... oteh 743, 003 238,242} 32:1 fi 456,398 | ~ 61.4 4; 806 : Tegiidre eee ee gala ges: 511, 795 156, 918 30: 7 321, 801 62.9 3,671 BIASIMNIGISSS: P9322) 688 oo. oS. 742, 448 262,589.] 35.4 435,349 | 58,6 4; 333 Beg michipam: ir: 223.3 6352-1. ac. 504, 951 162, 181, 32,1 309, 985 61, 4 8, 870 ay IsCOmgiNal. 2) 2g 3360632155: be 492) 347 , 196,172 3958 fii) 269, 227 54. 7 2,310 Est NORTH CENTRAL: Minniesotaz:. ° 2) s.45 .. J. 250, 479, 82 212, 425 44,3 244, 218 50. 9 1, 792 hy te! Se 8 po Res aia Gag sk P= ea ae 541, 696 (195, 394 36.1 317, 429 58. 6 2, 936 Ree MSS F920 1 2G 253.022): OS 622, 458 202,922] 32.6 380,728 | 61.2 3, 653 North Dakota..j..:....1... 183, 774 76,691 | 41.7 98,751 | 53,7 677 Bes south Palkota-! igs / 22k bes. 187, 506 75,801} 40.4 102,270] 54,5 961 Bea teebtagiee 02. hor esis chase 308, 967 115,375 | 37.3 178,284 | 57.7 1, 558 paleonsasiy. 60-5.) 52 25.25. boi. fi, 407, 526 143,104] 35.1 241,265 | 59,2 2, 567 Soura ATLANTIC: Se CIAWATO. 2-0... 9 Gn...) bass 36, 476 11, 569 31.7 22, 481 61, 6 97 Maryland 3: +2) soo al WEES 2 ake eee 130, 112 | 29, 296 22:5 79, 283 60. 9 19,857'} ‘1, 479 AST SOUTH CENTRAL: i ae 8 4 Ox Rentuekyes. 2558 A? .. |. Fees 245,729 +} | 69; 887 28.4 ' 134,361 54. 7- 37,827 | 3,413 Pormessees. 4) ld... Ue 232, 024 60,248 | 26.0]! 131,793 |..-56.8-| - 36,329} * 3, 455 Alabama........ $40. See. 184,295'|} 44,893 | 24.3 106,780 | 57.9: | 29,786'| © 2) 728 Mississippi... ... BD oi. ah 90, 505 | 24, 455 27.0 49,213 54. 4 15,308} 1, 282 West SouTH CENTRAL: Lag A WEIS TASS Arkamsas.io200) 08...) JIS 105, 503 24,747 { 23.5 63,043 | - 59.8 |-- 15,494} / "2, O15 Douisiata os...) eth... OP. ‘932 347 68, 19 29.3 123,842 |. -63.3-|- 37,158] 2, Oklahomass...) 04.49... 924. O° 184, 637: 43,313 | 23.5 117,990 | -- 63. 9-|---19,650°} 3) 379 a Texasiises... | Raltee. Lee. - 535,593 || 134,822} 25.2 817,155 | -- 59. 2-|- 73,258)” 9, 333 OUNTAIN dF ae Monta¥id.?....) 4.46... 108 58, 181) 15,620] 26.8 35,418 | - 60. 9-}-- 6,088 898 fTdahobeen?. . 0) 2G... GOS, 39, 519° 10, 032 25.4 24, 956 63. 1 3,919 '* 688 Wryomitigy, 068 ie... 5eh 17,790 3,784 | 21:3 12,069 |. 67.8 1,641'| | */ 264 Colorado..+.... 4 GahG «ck Se. 168, 954 43, 906 26.0 98, 366 58; 2 22,834 3, 058 New Mexico..... BGG... LIES. 22, 032: 6, 207 23.'2 12,816 58. 2-| - -°2, 720 248 Arizond é:4.3..3.43 AS os abe 38,450'|] | 8,977} 23:3 24,021 |. 62.5 4,899'| °° 480 Utahisve.s. . dV st2 0c PRY. 71, 697 19, 338 27.0 43,005 60. 0 8,134 | 1, 154 ‘, /Nevada....... eS Pee 5, 250 1188 | (21.7 3,212 |---61;2-}----- 646°} 184 ACIFIC: aera “! Washington.....0003.... 904. 263, 574 64,294 | 24.4 164, 865 |. -62:5-| 28,073 | 6,016 Grogomicnss... 1400...) Se 144, 220 35, 748 24.8 88,214 | -61.2 | - 16,406 | 3,776 California. -... sob abe c et Je 887,5204| 223,294 25.2 512, 942 57. 8-| - 130,341 | 19, 712 ‘1 Totalincludes-persons whose marital eondition was not‘reported.’ © ‘ § BY eae FOR URBAN AND hay A apt tat cheba PEE SONS AND Bee Pee: rey es { Waitt i TATU SMARITALY GONDETION; [sa yes. 272 4ictaa tT FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER IN RURAL COMMUNITIES, _DIVISION AND STATE, TOG9T Citid lo @ Totals if Wid- . pa 9 . Por owed. Number. Number cont, ‘United petoeane 3 toe 15,558,751 || 3,918,229 | 25.2 | 10,008,745 | ° 64.3 |1, 522, 003 GEo nar emi DIVISIONS: y 199 ick Balend...... 2... ) 26.) ro9 530, 418 1353943]... 25.6 323,578 | 61.0] 66,153 avi A tlantiCns sesec--4- deh 1, 814)244 468,926.) 25.8Jo01, 143,033 | 63.0] 1947372 ies Sra orth Central.....-{.2,f°9' 705,109 || 666,090.); 24.61 1°756,651 | 64.9 | 263” 396 _., West, Nor Central Boas . +=]. ).2, 394, 668 640,441], 26.7} 1)537,308| 64,2] 201) 195 “South Atlantic....0...2.) 22. , 805,361 |} 753,723 | 26.9] 1)752;935| 62.5 | 283/907 -— East South Central..-..... 2. 042; 292 506, 856-|~ 24. 8-| 1} 303; 082-}~-63.8-|- 2157 447 _ , «West South Central -p.-- |. » 2,072, 949.|| 495,043] 23.9 |. 1366; 744.| 65.9. | ° 193,683 , Mountain...) eee. ss: pectin. Browcls 124,862} 21,6]. 400,613 |. 69.3 | 47/396 Beh Cif do rieees--taeaty 685,497 11° 196,345] (20-54) *-495/ BBE |. god | 56,454 we i rms Lon My Thi T ‘ 43 PSE SO iil hace ENGLAND) or wign phy REOHID SS fe ne te aasas>-} 157, 566 36,526} 23.2]. 99,767.) 63.3 | 19,634 ye New Hampshire. -<:......- 57, 516 13,2540| | 20 dao ‘¢ 35, 367]. 61.5 8, 048 i Ee a a a ee 82,2 19,383} 23.64 351)673 | 62.8 © 10;481 ype ae oN S ei 73, 732 21,039 | (28.5 42) 360'|' 57.5 9,799 - Rhode Island...........1... 5,411 1,470} — 27.2 3/172} 58.6. 696 Meonmocticut::..4...:23.4.... 153, 949 44,268] 28.8 91,239 | 59.3] 17,495 a RS wy ew Morkos ...4......... bain 632, 566 156,321 | 24.7 395,410} 62.5] 77,957 Ow Jersey. . ..4..0.....5.5: 229° 224 58, 872 25. 7 143, 840 62. 8 25, 499 mn Feansyivania.-i........27-. 952; 454 253, 733 26. 6 603, 783 63. 4 90, 916 East NortH CENTRAL; ent aod | . 0 CS ie ngs): -taa 683, 368 164,478 | 24.1 444,879 | 65.1] 69,320 Ie dish ccrcyee soc 483,407 412,941} 23.4 318,035} 65.8] 48,573 a - eatemya tag: tom ferent +=} ef 668, 904 172,102} 25.7 426,683 | 63.8 | 65, 247 vd! Michigan. 2... . 1. sesede>}- => 3 446, 640 96,835 | 21.7 303,054] 67.9] 43,897 aC eeeeeeeneee 422, 790 119, 734 28. 3 264, 000 62. 4 36, 359 West NortH CENTRAL: te .% Tonite tae er-t-otorse a> hh wo|, $398,041 |. 122,493] 31.1 238,840 | 60.6] 30,730 ~~ ‘Tow pajere ‘er {-120-00"-| 5 _ 489,485 ||. 130,066} 26.6 | > 313°459°} 64.0] 42,507 BLN. MissOuri- i ¢...-oel5s.-b-s}y 574,760 It) 138,527'{ > 24,1 375, 956 | °° 65.4 |” 55, 986 ‘North 1 DARE cee 20"-| 150,314} 43° 782° 99.1} 967712} 64.3 8, 940 f (South eoee sar t21:| 2 154, 411 42,570 | 27.6 100,189} 64.9 | 10,517 propre, ceain] Sikes 27m Dog 73,075'| °° 26.8 |°°°-176,651°|~°64.7 | 212477 a 358, 1428 jf, 89, 928} 25.1 235, 501 | 65.6 | 31,038 84,3084]. -8)207°| °° 23.9) >>> 5°22; 111°P 64.5 3, 689 183,363 50,135 | -27.3-}-- 113, 402-].- 61.8} 18, 978 eye e se coebetel = pee eiwele o [leo fe ia Tos Pepe His SEG] « wre P es Fos ale id ss sree dere teins leew SR LL. we{ > 489, 595 | 7188; 710 [3827 |- 77993, 453 |" 60. 8°] 48; 014 303, 329 74,455 | 24.54) 208, 67,2} 23,311 595, 611 173,160 | 29.1), . 363,708} » 61.1]. 55,651 396, 166 111,688] 28.2 239,792 | 60.5] 43,196 627, 308 157,370 | 25.1 395,377 | 63.0] 70,360 182, 686 39,998 | 21.9 120,559 | 66.0{ 20,708 524, 966 125,168 | 23.8 346,699 | 66.0} 49,551 517, 021 130,288 | 25.2 330,090 | 63.8] 52,956 NOT D6 iid adae sects. 536, 485 137,445 | 25.6 333,427 | 62.2] 60,583 oe eee 463, 820 113,955 | 24.6 292,816} 63.1] 52,357 WEstT SOUTH CENTRAL: ee 419, 974 91,337] 21.7 281,282 | 67.0] . 43,460 Ne rae 338, 992 87,084 | 25.7 215,055 | 63.4] 34,125 SE ae 410, 042 89,505 | 21.8 284,873 | 69.5 | 32,334 0 BS eee 903, 941 227,117 | 25.1 585,534 | 64.8 | 83,764 MOUNTAIN: ON 102, 444 21,416! 20.9 72,701 | 71.0 7,300 Ea 83, 768 18,092| 21.6 59,598 | 71.1 5,472 eae 36, 379 7,336 \ 20,2 26,103 | 71.8 2,448 EEE ee 138, 504 29,192} °° 21.1 96,827} 69.9] 11,352 New Mexico................. 81, 471 18,786 | 23.1 53,761 | 66.0 8,112 PN Wa oot. po ona as 57, 221 11,193} 19.6 39,664 | 69.3 5, 909 MR ie Ceccpas Jab os 0 61, 945 15,789} 25.5 40,708 | 65.7 5, 034 OR Sees 16, 481 3,058 | 18.6 11,251] 68.3 1,769 PAciFic: Cr 174, 783 36,049 | 20.6 123,006 | 70.4] 13,816 eee 117, 627 24,394] 20.7 81,855 | 69.6] 10,108 Melifornia.s7......5.......:| 323,087 65,902 | 20.4 220,690} 68.3] 32,530 272 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-POPULATION., TABLE 60.—NUMBER AND PER CENT NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN IN THE TOTAL POPU- LATION, WITH CLASSIFICATION OF NATIVE ACCORDING TO WHETHER BORN IN STATE OF RESIDENCE OR ELSEWHERE, FOR THE UNITED STATES: Total CENSUS YEAR. p opulation. O08 SL Td Ser 105, 710, 620 Poros. Lee ‘91, 972) 266 ee 75,994, 575 ROL war. 1 62) 622, 250 Te Eee 50, 155, 783 (Ls ee 38,558, 371 ONES Na Aa 2 97) 489561 ee 2 19 987, 563 Total. Per cent of Number. total , popu-.| lation. 91, 789, 928 86.8 78,456,380 | 85.3 65,653,299 | 86.4 53, 372, 703 | 85.2 43,475,840.| 86.7 32,991,142 85.6 293) 358, ‘386 85,0 217, 742, 961 88.8 . Born in state of NATIVE POPULATION. 1850-1920. With state of birth reported. sate Cee Born in other states. Per - Per Per | cent of cent of | cent of Number. | total-|- Number. | total | native popu- | popu- | popu- | lation. lation. | lation. “i; 071, 013 67.2 9. 2 |. 9422. 61,185,305 | 66.5 | 16,910,114] 18.4) 21. 51,901,722 | 68.3 |" 13,501,045 | 17.8| 20. 41,871,611 | 66.9] 11,094,108 | 17.7} 20, 33, 832’ 734.) 67.6 9, 592, 764 19.1]... 22, 25, 321, 340 65.7 7,657,320 | 19.9 23. ' 17,527,069'| 63.8 |° 5,774,434 | 21.0) 24. 13, 457, 049 67.3 | 4,251,250] 21,3 24. CENSUS YEAR. State of | outlying] ican birth not | posses-: | citizens-} ‘|reported.| sions cr | born at sea. | abroad.- TO ha tone oc oot ban Cmts dent eee oP ce aay niaeomenee ~ 313,582] 38,873 | 92/010" TOR ei ieee, Son ead te Se a ee 285, 685 8,925 | 66,351 PORTS is fe Sore Aes ee, Au eae le 4 SGM Sah i a I 180, 458 5,175 | 64,899 ROU Fe ot eae st ee ve eee 396, 652 1, 785 8,547 TMS Se Se oe eat waite cic Be pace avgithe, PUR eae ai el oN uae |. cc Seana ay BaD ot ee: PE ih. MB ee Ne eM es ae ae) ee ae 12, 262 pa 1h hee belle Bets SC See. ba tea ae eer ce wesc paeeaos dee ne ore 49 265 2, OLS If co Scceee DROS Spies ona Sah oe uci o/c ine erd ema ait SiBMa corey s « pomineaie ancl] = | SOMRSURIGIe ee, itn ore NATIVE POPULATION— > continued. . Born in| Amer- ‘FOREIGN-BORN: OND HOO D- POPULATION. PP es: a> Sa cent of Number. | total ts opu- lation. 13, 920, 692 13.2 13,515,886. | 14.7 10,341,276 | 13.6 9, 249, 547 14.8 6, 679, 943 13.3 5,567,229 | 14.4 24° 136, 175 | 15.0 29 a eqal. a 1 | Exclusive of population of Indian Territory and Indian reservations, specially enumerated in 1890, with a native population of 325,451 and a foreign population of 13, not distributed by state of birth. These areas were not enumerated prior to 1890. . 2 White and free’ colored population ont; eas - ia , . 3 _ LOIS TIIOSTATE: OF BIRTH.1 0 273 nm 1.—TOTAL POPULATION AND TOTAL WHITE POPULATION DISTRIBUTED AS TORS IN DIVISION OF RESIDENCE, IN OTHER DIVISIONS, OR IN FOREIGN COUN- : TRIES, BY GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS, 1920, WITH PERCENTAGES FOR 1920 AND 1910. BORN IN THE UNITED BORN IN THE UNITED — STATES AND. WITH ; STATES AND WITH ¥ : STATE OF, BIRTH STATE OF BIRTH ; REPORTED, REPORTED, FOREIGN . fie ses? beans Fi BORN. DIVISION OF RESIDENCE, |, Total. . vetear | BONAR lca oats oh ary Bgor. ) * || division | 70H In Born in vb of resi- other division | Bomin} | dence, '| divisions. of resi- nibenes , ; 7 dence. i, Rami Moehine| ob SEMA) 2A ST | 1920) 1910| 1920, 1910 1920 1910 — TOTAL POPULATION? 1920 PER CENT OF TOTAL POPULATION, Gel Uv ius USES (VIG Oe Sa. LEE PIR aE BED United States...... 1105, 710, 620|| 77, 906, 515/13, 438, 948 13, 920, 692/| 73. 7|-72. 6| 12.7) 12.3 13.2 14.7 New England.............| 7,400,900]! 5, 040, 243 449, 015 1, 885, 945]| 68.1) 66.2) 6.1| 5.5] 25.5| 27.9 _ Middle Atlantic..--°-.>--- 22, 961, 144]! 15,949,575] 1,264,649 4,960, 418]| 71.6| 69.7| 5.7|-. 4.9) 22.3] 25.1 East North Central... --. 21; 475, 543|| 15,796, 227| 2; 367,738 3,232) 141|| 73.6| 73.4) 11.0| 9.3! 15.1| 16.8 West North Central....-..| 12} 544, 249|) 8’ 893/937| 2) 216,017, 1,375,653|| 70. 9| 65.4 17.7| 20. 2| 11.0] 13.9 See AH 4 feot 13,990, 272|| 12,718, 354] ' 909,047)” 330,537|| 90.9] 92.6] 6.5| 4.7) 2.4) 2.5 East South Central....- 8, 893, 307||, 8,190,448] 612,977. 72, 989]| 92. 1 91.5] 6.9] .7.3] 0.8}, 1.0 West South Central....:..| 10,242) 224]| 7;658, 879| 2,066,629 464, 8281), 74. 8| 72. 3| 20.2] 93.3). 4.5]. 4.0 DyMOuntaIn. |. <3. jess... -- 3, 336, 101)| 1,520, 606 1,315, 787. 467, 620|| 45.6] 41.8] 39.4) 40.2) 14.0] 17.2 GL Pa eal dain 5,566, 871|| 2; 137, 746| 2.237, 1089) 1, 1, 180, 561]] 38. 4] 35. 8) 40, 2) 40. 3 20.3 22, 8 ngiey i apiaths 33 - £5 | "WHITE POPULATION: 1920 % PER CENT OF WHITE POPULATION. United States... ...| 294, 820,915!) 68, 601, 740/12, 119, 885 12, 712, 754|| 72. 3) 70.6, 12.8| 12.7] 14.5) 16.3 _ New England......... . 2.2} 7316, 0791) 5,003,487} 417,067) 1, 870, 654]! 68. 4| 66. 4|--5.7| 5.2) 25. 6! 28.0 Middle Atlantic......2.... 21; 641, 840)} 15,714, 467| 936,794). 4) 912'575|| 72.6) 70.3]. 4.3] 3.9] 22. 7] 25.6 East North Central....... 20, 938, 862|| 15,606, 106| 2,035, 589] 3, 223° 279! 74.5| 73.919. 7] 8.7) 15.41 17.1 West North Central... ... 12; 295, 387|| 8,699, 489| 2:0997 261|.17371,961|| 71,2} 65.3] 17.2} 20.0) 11.2] 14.2 South Atlanti¢:.........-. 9648, 940i| 8,487,981| 824 645| 315; 920] 88.0} 89.8) 8.5}-6.5| 3.3) 3.6 Bast South Central... ...|\ 6, 367/547) 5,791,383] 495,062]. 71,9391] 91.0] 90.3) -7.8| 8.0] 1.1] 1.5 West South Central.......] | 8, 115, 727 5, 791, 839| 1,823,403] 459,333]| 71.4] 67.9! 22.5] 26.5] 5.7] 5.2 Mountain. 12... .¢000..2..: 3,212, 809|| 1, 442/878] 1,987,952! 453°°995!|'44. 9} 40.7| 40.1} 41.21 14.1) 17.3 Pacifie. 11.0 .01.1.2...).2.| ° 5,353;634)! 2,064,810) 2, 200,112 1,038, 868 38. 6} 36. 1|-41. 1} 41,5] 19.3] 21.4 (; a G ,U? i nt o & » oth - . - »1 Includes persons born in'the United States, state of birth not re ted; persons. born in outlying pos- sessions, or at sea under United States flag; and American citizens born abroad... The combined number ante classes in the United States in 1920 was 444,465, or four-tenths of 1 per cent of the total population. ates, te white persons born in'the United States, state of birth not reported; white persons born in ae ET aan ber of or at sea under United States flag; and white American citizens born abroad. The mber of these classes in the United States 1 in 1920 was 386, 536, OF four-tenths of 1 per cent of the total white population. be i v ee » 75108°—23 18 C PsHiqwes om? DRO Ta 274 TABLE 62.—TOTAL POPULATION DISTRIBUTED ‘AS BORN'IN STATE!OF RESIDENCE) IN OTHER STATES, OR IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES, BY STATES, 1920, WITH PERCENT. AGES FOR 1920 AND 1910. | i ORY ASDOSD Ya Hla [For geographic divisions, see Table 61.] h oe ——————e—e—rwvw—wnmnh—RVeoagxww00—m0O0 0S OOeeOoo0naoana SSS” TOTAL POPULATION: | PER CENT OF TOTAL lo Dek BE ctl POPULATION. ABSTRACT OF ‘THE 'CENSUS—-POPULATION, oe | Born in the United States and with state of birth .re- ported. ne: Born in the United ' States and’ with | state of birth re- ported. STATE OF RESIDENCE. Polen Foreign elon Se ag born. || Bornin | Bornin Born in | Bornin . ora veshtaeectt state of ether residence, | states, residence. | states: Mai) eh ee 1920) 1910; 1920) 1910} 1920) 1910 United States:....-- 105, 710, 620 ie» 071, 013/20, 274, 450 13, 920, 692 - 67.2} 66.5) 19.2) 18, 4) 13,2) 14. 7 NEw ENGLAND: bs | =i “Ly Sade ms Mainesise S92 $b ' 768,014) 598,345 58,475} 107, 814/| 77.9} 78.0) 7.6 *6.7| 14.0] 14.9 New Hampshire. -..... 443 083 257,074) . 91,950 91, 397]|| 58, 0} 57. 7} 20. 8} 19.2} 20.6 5224.95 Vermont: 700, bes 352; 428 250,538 54,748 44, 558/| 71.1) 70. 4) 15.5} 14.7} 12. 6] 14.0 Massachusetts:..22..... 3, 852, 366)| 2,265,287) 487,242) 1, 088, 548)! 58, 8} 55.3} 12:6 12..9)''28. 3] 31.5 Rhode Island -v........ 604, 397 324,792) 102,790}: 175, 189]} 53. 7| 49. 2} 17. 0}'17, 5 29. 0} 33.0 Connecticut... 1, 386, 631 756,212) 241,805). 378, 439)| 54. 8} 54. 5) 17.5) 15: 7| 27.4] 29.6 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: , ie eX ~ 1° 5° * SRR eee ee ee Now: York: fo) 22 Feo 10, 385, 227|| 6,634,469] 865, 523 2, 825, 375]| 63. 9] 62.0| 8.3] - 7.5) 27:2] 30.2 GW JEMOV i - cae 3,155, 906)) 1,693,459) 711,531] 742, 486/! 53. 7| 53. 0) 22.5] 20.7] 23.5! 26.0 Pennsylvania vy 22 $00) a 8,720, 017)| 6, 564/988!" 7445254) 1, 392/557! 75.3] 73.61 8. 7. 4] 16.0) 18.8 East NortTs CENTRAL: RRO See es een 5, 759, 394)" 4,079, 758) 983,017/" 680, 452)| 70. 8] 74.4! 17.1] 12.7] 11.8 12.6 Indiana. ar 9.07.4 4 v+-[ 2,930) 390!) 2, 209, 448) « » 561, 058) 9» 151,323}) 75, 4] 75. 2] 19d} 186les2! 5.9 TITINIOLS «picnics sala srnatigtcwiens 6, 485, 280)| 4,090, 918} 1, 156, 685) 1, 210, 584) 63.11 60. 4] 17. 8] 17,7] 18. 7] 21.4 Michicgn + 2.5. le. de 2 3,668, 412}), 2,223, 333 697, 365 729, 292/| 60. 6}, 62, 7] 19.0} 15,.51-19.9} 21.3) ‘ Wiseonsim: Je. is aie 2,632, 067|| 1,852,574, 309, 809} 460, 485] 70, 4) 66, 8] 11. 8] 4.0} 17. 5) 22.0 VEST. NORTH CENTRAL: “ eq) rio se Minnesotae. sc. ci. 2-es- 2,387,125) 1,392,176) 499,584). 486,795)! 58.3] 54. 0| 20,9] 19.4) 20,4] 26.2 OWS. os es cde gost es 2, 404;,021|| 1,624,606] 543,565) 225, 994|| 67. 6| 63.7] 22.6] 23.61 9,4 112033 Missouri: & : Je: via: 3,404;055)/ 2,382,282) 821,375] 186, $35)! 70. 0 67. 5} 24.1) 25.01) 5.5} 70 North Dakota-ce. 2. ma - 646, 872 304, 679} ; 204, 092 131, 863/}, 47. 1) 34. 3) 31,6) 37.6) 20.4) 27.1 South Dakota.e2..oeceu.- , 636, 547 303, 260} | 247, 194 82, 534/| 47. 6] 38, 6) 38. 8! 43. 6|.13).0) 17.3 Nebraska... .:. be be aed 1, 296, 372 735, 442) 402,676; . 150, 665)| 56.7} 50, 0| 31.1) 34, 7] 11.6] 14,8 Kansas BA cct veers OF eeryit 1, 769, 257 967, 838} 681,185} 110, 967/| 54.7] 48.7] 38.5] 42,81 6.31 8.0 ~ SOUTH ATLANTIC! | ecb re att Delawane. si svesd wetsga+ 223, 003 142, 963 59, 045 19, 901|} 64.1) 67; 8} 2625] -23. 41 8:9) 18:6 Maryland asco 4d... 1,449, 661)|. 1,107,290), . 236,134) -. 103,179}! 76,4}: 79.2} 16.3} 12: 5| 07. 1} 8.1 District of Columbia-.. 437,571 160, 109] - 244, 222 29, 365}| 36.6} 42.1) 55: 8h 4907he 6 7} 07.5 MAFPINI A cn. ott oe haat 2,309, 187]) 1,978,940} . 293,493)... 31,705]| 85.7} 89.4) 12.7] 9,2] 4.41. 1.3 West. Virginia... oo. v2] 1,403, 701}; 1,113,343], 283, 552 62, 105)| 76.1} 76, 2}, 19,4) 18. 8).04.2) 4.7- North Carolina......... 2,559, 123/| . 2,391, 258] -. 157, 996 7, 272)|.] 6. 2h0 4:9 0.3) 0.3) South Carolina..... ,---| 1,683, 724)| 1,565,791] 109, 369, 6, 582)! 93. 0} 94. 4.06.5) 5.1)00. 4) 0.4) COOR TIA 2 ee eS ee 2,895, 832/| 2,595,423} 279, 246) 16, 564|| 89.6] 90.6} 9.6 8.5! 0.6] 0.6 ‘ cy aleenneey TR eae ers 968, 470 560,103} 349, 624) 53, 864|| 57.8) 61.5} 361} 32,5) 5.6) 5.4 AST SOUTH CENTRAL: Wentuck Visee-) 22 es 2,416, 630)| 2,134,989) 247,732 30, 906}} 88.3] 88.7} 10.3] 9. 123/138 PT CUDOSSED. its eae sees 2, 337, 885|| 1, 994, 580 322, 329 15, 648)| 85. 3} 85.7] 13.8] 13. 0.7; 0.9 ATS Daivie yea see 2,348,174/| 2,055,273] 269, 981 18, 027|| 87.5} 86.9) 11.5} 12, 0.8) 0.9 im Dinty sapere 224 Reape ah eT 1,790,618)} 1,595,136) 183, 405 8, 408]| 89.1] 87.0) 10.2) 12, 0.5) 0.5 EST SOUTH CENTRAL: ATER NSAG SS 5. Ie gece 1, 752, 204/| 1,196,930} 533, 148 14, 137|| 68. 3] 67.1) 30. 4} 31, 0.8} 1.1 Louisiana yes.) eee. 1,798, 509}} 1,522,615} 223,013 46, 427|| 84.7] 84.9] 12.4] 11, 2, 6). 8020 Oklahomacet. 8. 4ee 2, 028, 283 819, 229) 1, 155, 880 40, 432)| 40.4] 31.1] 57.0! 65. 2.01 2.4 . SOR ROU NC SV 0 yeh uae reads 4,663, 228) 3,306,311) 968,382} 363, 832|| 70. 9/ 70.1] 20. 8| 23. 7.8) 6.2 EOUNTAIN: PLOMbHIa Ss A: ..'cc ce eee 548, 889 172,818) 274, 877 95, 591]| 31. 5} 26. 4! 50.1] 47.3] 17. 4} 25.2 TARO ene: ge em 431, 866 148,028} 240,313 40, 747|| 34. 3) 27. 7| 55. 6) 58. 9. 4)-13.1 IW Worn oe cans Ray ua 194, 402 48,982} 116, 830 26, 567|| 25, 2} 21. 8} 60.1] 57,7] 13.7) 19.9 (OLORAAG sh. Nate 939, 629 317,506} 492,079; 119, 138/| 33. 8} 29. 2| 52. 4! 53.8] 12.71 16.2 New Mexico............ 360, 350 209, 234 119, 877 29, 808}| 58. 1} 56. 4] 33. 3] 36. SS) aw he en Soe gues 334, 162 OH 776 ee 573 80, 566]! 32. 9} 38.6 Ee 36. 6) 24. 1] 23.9 URE a) eeaca: ope ee 449 396 4, 006 3, 999 59, 200]| 69. 9} 65.1] 16.5} 16.2} 13.2) 17.6 ‘ EGG WCE Leal Lic cls he ate 77, 407 24, 761 35, 734 16, 003 32. 0} 26. 4| 46.2) 48.5) 20.7) 24.1 ACIFIC: Weshington.... 225.24. 1, 356, 621 410,175} 662,451) 265, 292/| 30. 2) 23.0] 48.8! 53.3] 19.6] 22.4 APERON os chip nda leegonda s 783, 389 295,723} 374,292) 107,644/| 37. 7] 33.5] 47.8] 49.01 13.71 16.8 AORN se Seite 3,426, 861)/ 1,268, 243) 1,363,951) 757,625|| 37.0} 38.0] 39.8] 36.3 22.1 24,7 Pel =o ee, en SN ON 1 Includes persons born in the United States, state of birth not reported; persons born in outlying posses- sions, or at sea under United States flag; and American citizens born ‘abroad. The combined number of these classes in the United States in 1920 was 444,465, or four-tenths of 1 per cent of the total population, STATE OF BIRTH. ATS TABLE 63.—WHITE, POPULATION DISTRIBUTED AS BORN IN STATE OF RESIDENCE, IN OTHER STATES, OR IN FOREIGN COUN®RIES, BY STATES, 1920, WITH PERCENT- AGES FOR 1920 AND 1910. | . [For geographic divisions, see Table 61.} Df WHITE POPULATION: PER CENT OF WHITE# POPULATION. Born in the United Bornin the United States and with States and with ; state of birth re- state of birth re- STATE OF RESIDENCE. ported. ported. Foreign 1 Total. born. Bornin | Bornin } P state of other Bornin | Bornin residence.| states. state of other residence. | states. 1920) 1910) 1920/ 1910) 1920/ 1910 - United States...... 94,820, 915|| 62,524, 789/18, 196, 836/13, 712, 754|| 65.9| 64.6) 19.2] 18.7] 14.5] 16.3 NEW ENGLAND: |S er 2 765, 695 596, 893 58,109) 107,349]} 78.0) 78.0} 7.6) 6.7} 14..0)' 14.9 '- New Hampshire. ...... 442,331 256, 800 91,656 91, 233)| 58.1) 57.8] 20.7) 19, 1] 20.6) 22.5 Pe Vermont. os. oo... } . 351, 817 250, 196 54, 519 44, 526)| 71.1] 70.6) 15. 5} 14. 4) 12.7) 14.1 _' Massachusetts.........- 3, 803, 524|| 2, 246/606] 468,631) 1,077,534/| 59. 1| 55. 5} 12.3] 12.5! 28,3} 31.6 “Rhode Island.-.......- “593, 980 320, 269 98,665) 173,499]) 53.9) 49.4) 16.6) 16.9) 29.2) 33.4 ppermeeticnt ha = ea WN 1, 358, 732} 748,187} (230,023) 376, 513)| 55.1) 54.6} 16.9] 15, 2) 27.7) 29.9 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: Y New York............. 10, 172,027|| 6,566,130) 765,945] 2,786, 112!| 64.6] 62.4] 7.5} 6.91 27.4! 30.4 _- New Jersey. .-.-......-]' 3,037, 087|| 1,650,564), 640,091; 738,613)) 54.3) 53.4) 21.1) 19, 4| 24.3) 26.9 _’ Pennsylvania. ......... 8, 432: 726|| 6,464, 194| 564, 337] 1,387, 850l| 76.7] 74.41 6.71 6.2] 16.5] 19.3 East NortH CENTRAL: Jc) ape ee aan .-|. 5,571, 893}| 4,012, 837) 865,637). 678, 697||.72.0) 74.9] 15. 5) 12.0} 12. 2} 12.8 Windiang..§)osiset... 1. 2.849’ 071|| 27 181,795} 508,423! 150, 868|| 76. 6| 76.0 17.8] 17.7} 5.3] 6.0 TiMois. |. fOr sesso! 6, 299, 333]| 4,046, 455| 1,020, 859] 1,206,951)! 64.2] 61.0} 16. 2} 16.8} 19. 2| 21.8 “Michigan....2........1. 3,601, 627|| 2207, 704| 650, 259| 726, 635!| 61.3] 62:7] 18.1] 15, 4} 20.2] 21.4 Wisconsin..-..........- 2’ 616, 938|| 1, 842,264} 305, 462| 460, 128|| 70. 4| 66.7] 11.7] 11.0] 17.6] 22.1 West NORTH CENTRAL: ; PIT ESOGD, «one - +--+) 2,368, 936!) 1,382,057} 492,350) 486,164)| 58.3] 54.0) 20.8] 19.3] 20.5} 26.4 oS RS ee 2, 384) 181|| 1/618,130] 530,884] 225, 647|| 67.9] 63. 9| 22.31 23.3] 9.5] 12.4 )©8Qfissouri. ooo |. 3, 225° 044|| 2° 280) 498] 746,767} 186, 026|| 70.7| 67. 4| 23.2] 24.8] 5.8] 7.3 1 North- Dakota!’ .’......- 639, 954 298,954) 203,361) 131, 503)} 46.7) 33: 8} 31.8} 37.9] 20. 5} 27.4 _-' South Dakota?...227. ..| 619, 147|| 288,924} 244°501| 82, 391|| 46. 7| 37-2} 39. 5] 44.5! 13.3] 17.8 Bee OUEBSRD PCs hs 52k “1279, 219 731,066) 391,329) 149, 652)| 57,1) 50.1) 30. 6} 34. 5] 11.7] 14.9 Pp OlKaitsas. oo le). - 1/708, 906]| 942) 997| 646,932! 110: 578/| 55.2) 48.9] 37.9)-42,3] 6.5] 8.3 SoutH ATLANTIC: , | Delaware..............-| . 192,615]! 122,524) | 49,445] 19, 810/| 63. 6| 66. 9] 25. 7} 22.7} 10. 3] 10.2 2 910,534) 189,777 102,177|| 75,6) 77.6) 15. 8|.12. 4) 8.5) 9.8 z 113, 486) 181,813 28, 548}! 34-7] 41.9} 55.6] 47,2) 8.7] 10.3 ' 1,360,807} 223,106 30,785) 84.1] 87.7] 13.8) 10,2) 1.9] 1.9 | 1,079,987} 231,288)- 61, 906)| 78.4) 78.1] 16.8) 16.7) 4.5) 4.9 1; 665,379} 109, 612 7,099] 93. 4| 94:5} 6.1] 5.0] 0.4] 0.4 718, 524 92,445 6, 401)| 87,8] 89:8} 11.3) 9.3) 0.8) 0.9 . gia 1,471,937| 198,469} 16, 186!| 87.1] 88.5] 11.7] 10.2) 1.0] 1.1 Florida... -.. Cyn cys}. 638, 153]} 342,353] 250,440; 43, 008)| 53.6] 59.6) 39.2) 32.31 6.7] 7.6 East SouTH CENTRAL: . f_ Kentucky............,. 2,180, 560|| 1,933,612} 213,855|. 30, 780|| 88.7) 88.6} °9.81 9.31 1.4] 2.0 5’ Ménnessee! 6.0). a. !. 1, 885, 993|| 1,628,768} 238,751| 15, 478/| 86. 4| 86.5} 12.7] 12.2] 0.8} 1.1 '** Alabama... 2. ee 1, 447, 032)| 1,213, 217 213, 626 17,662|| 83.8) 82.8; 14.8) 15.5) 1.2) 1.5 ‘Mississippi... ......... 853, 962|| 732,695] 111, 921 8, 019|| 85. 8} 84.3) 13.1) 14.3] 0.9] 1.2 EST SOUTH CENTRAL: OS 1,279, 757 885,648) 375,105 13,975}|..69. 2} 67.2} 29.3) 30.9]- 1.1) 1.5 Louisiana o 35.020. 6.5 2. 1,096, 611 887,092} 160,368 44, 871)} 80.9] 81.0) 14.6) 18.0) 4.1) 5.5 by OKiahoma>:>.<),, s.. 6. 1,821, 194 702, 130) 1, 068, 052 39, 968|| 38.6] 27:9) 58. 6|°68. 8] 2,2) 2.8 | 2 eee 3,918, 165|| 2,650,041] 886,806] 360, 519] 67.6| 66.4} 22-6] 25.8! 9.2] 7.5 Mounrans: 7 sae S Montanai!..........4. 634,260] 162, $52] 272,356] 93, 620/] 30. 5] 24.9) 51.0! 48,5] 17.5] 25.4 OG ure BR 2 425, 668 145,087| 238,917 38,,963)| 34. 1) 27/3) 56.1) 59.2). 9, 2) 12.7 ) Wyoming. 27220272217. 190, 146 47/507} 115, 432| 25, 255|| 25. 0| 21.5} 60. 7| 58. 6| 13. 3] 19.3 | Colorado; 22... 924,103] 313,547} 482,961! 116, 954/| 33. 9) 29. 4) 52. 3] 53.7 12. 7] 16.2 ; “New Mexico-........... ~ 334, 673 189,989} 114,398 29,.077|| 56, 8} 53.9) 34. 2) 38,21 8.7) 7.4 Arizona......... BR ASe,s ac 291, 449 79,576} 129,858 78,099}|°27. 3] 29.4) 44.6) 42,2)°26. 8] 27.3 eh eee ONE Gis t ote 441,901 310, 819 72,498 56, 455)! 70. 3} 65. 6} 16: 4) 16. 1} 12.8) 17.3 P Log ES See i. 70, 699 19, 962 35, 071 14, 802)) 28, 2) 22. 6} 49. 6] 52.2) 20,9] 24.2 _ PAciIFIc: __ Washington............ 1,319,777|| 396,184} 656,453] 250, 055|| 30.0] 22.6] 49.7/ 54.3] 18.9] 21.7 ) ~s Oregon...) 222... ae eee 769, 146 290,378) 371,416} 102, 151|| 37.8] 33.6) 48.3} 50,0) 13.3) 15.7 | Pe California 75. os... 3,264, 711|| 1,216, 634] 1,333,857) 681, 662|| 37.3] 38.6] 40. 9] 37,5] 20.9] 22.9 . . Tneludes white persons born in the United States, state of birth not reported; white persons born in — outl possessions, or at sea under United States flag; and white American citizens born abroad. ‘The combined number of these classes in the United States in 1920 was 386,536, or four-tenths of 1 per cent of the total white population. — ‘TABLE 64.—NATIVE:' POPULATION OF EACH DIVISION AND 1°... POPULATION BORN IN— 18,019, 528 A Lid - 7 , = AW ¢ | TE Boe 2BhO Gla iO 390 MEL ee Geographic division. East North Central. West North Central. Middle | Atlantic. 19, 062, 140 | 11,320, 725 ——, 75,377 pe-aeaalT 270, 157 apap 0, 189°) 54,513 | 27,065 | 1307579 276 ABSTRACT OF ‘THE CENSUS—POPULATION. BivISION OR STATE vs OF RESIDENCE. population. United ) States. . New England. 1 United States..| 91,789,928 || 91,659,045 || 5,660,113 GEOG. DIVISIONS: i 2| New England....: 5,514, 964 5, 500, 369.||' 5,040, 243 3 Middle Atlantic..2.|: 17,300,726 || 17,271,642 256, 717 4 E. North Central..| 18, 243,402 || 18, 228;914 104,048 5 W. North Central.| 11, 168, 596 11, 157; 842 53, 641 6}, South Atlantic..:.)) 13;659,735 || 13, 654,338 51, 487 7| E. South Central..| 8, 820,318 8, 819, 018 6, 146 8| W. South Central:} 9,777,396 9,771,813 14, 133 9 Mountain... «0.2... 2, 868, 481 2, 358, 988 25, 956 10 CHG. anh cmap ee 4,436,310 || 4, 401, 821 107, 742 NEW ENGLAND; , jl NGING:. 5-5 yan dees 660, 200 12 New Hampshire. . 351, 686 13 VETMORS 1. dom da cx 307, 870 14 Massachusetts... ... 2, 763, 808 15 Rhode Island. -... 429,2 16 Connecticut....... 1, 002, 192 MIDDLE ATLANTIC; 17 New York. w.i1.2. 7,559, 852 7,537,778 18 New Jersey.......{ ~2,413,414-l] 2,410,562 19 Pennsylvania...-. | 7,327, 460 || 7,323, 302 EK, NORTH,CENTRAL!?} |. oe 4 20 Oni Ge “es cha aun dans 5,078, 942 5, 075, 425 21 Indiana.......52..|, 2,779,062 ||.» 2,777,975 | 22 Tiingis: ; 0: Sa dele 5, 274, 696 5, 270, 360° 23 Michigan... 2. J 2. 2, 939,120 2,929,513 24 Wisconsin: .... 322. 2, 171, 582 2, 169, 941 W. North CENTRAL: yao 25 Minnesota.......2.|, 1,900,330 1,897, 151 26 OWaG «pecs gacin 2,178,027 ||’ 2,176,305 27 Missouri. (.. 22. Loc e | 35,217,220 3,215, 630 28.) North Dakota... 2. 515, 009 513 29 South Dakota... .. 554, 013 30 NGDraska iy aus te-5 1, 145, 707 31 KOn5RS. dace “1, 658, 290 SouTH. ATLANTIC; ’ AY $2) | Delaware... yo... 2s ‘208,102 | , 202,987 33 |, Maryland... 3...-; 1, 346, 482 1,345, 664 34 Dist. of Columbia.| | 408, 206. 407,070 35 VETER. i549

    °'s3,228|' 101, 650 |“ 128, 699 183,180] 2,137,746 |" 26,986 ||’ 17,993 |. 169°} 16,327 | 10 i. 1,926 BO 417 | 883.1 206) 7 Oy 1, 052 46 2 2,256 | 11 {| 1,076 © 219 1 167 373 398 1, 251 12 13 || 1,386 | 12 ; AS a 3) 245 184 334 359 499 13 71 23065 | 13 0 24/7038 4,033 2)985 2,378 4,311 4,312 559 73,| 5,835 | 14 Joe stot 1,731 951 1,320 15287 2, 196 130 | 20 179 | 16 0 es 2 , ; 1,179 | 16 /o).*tfs6,293.4'! 22, 273)|° i14}433"]).0' 8,046} 43,680 |» .87,786']]: 10,906 | 86 | 11,082 | 17 er er ee a rt » 310. _ oy, HEWES, 5 ) ? ? 2 ? Pe. asd 843.9] 190, 857 | 14, 229°)8 6, 328 5, 651 12, 650 369 33.| 3,115 | 20 30,844) 144,620. | 8, 508}! 3,079. | 2,617 7, 469 92 15 980 | 21 jhe 61240]! 181, 749 | 939,652}. 13,867] $90,433 | 22,757 610} 41] 3,685 | 22 ee eee ees Geet bastase lost aap. |en|. adn ates | ae J) 5,820. 7, 96 ; 146 y 1,539 | 24 Re A 6477.4 2B} 495 |) 7% 3, 827 7,083 5, 281 5, 301 126 21 | 3,032 | 25 15,985 97, 684 | |e 9, 944 9, 359 4,502 8, 134 201 10.| 1,511 | 26 “| 5© 40,2504 — 151, 506 81, 522 11,886 6,461 11, 998 242| . 27:1. .1,301 | 27 8 «210879 1,758 | 28% 973 3,552 1, 502 4, 802 19 9} 1,408 | 28 8 8,246 925 2, 284 4, 862 1,619 2, 780 37 5 737 | 29 peel: aes | eee GRRE) EST: SE) am] oh w/a xe 23, 4 5, ? 8 ? ? » 10 5 | BL ne 41171) 192 | ) 624 210 148 195 979 26 2 87 | 32 ‘| 4)232, 304 5,571 | Ol< 2,682 1,015 1, 764 2, 240) 278 9 531 | 33 | 6294823.) 10, 630 | |" 4, ae 1 2,739 610 14 512 | 34 7) 2)159;718| 34,841 | 4,765) 1, 618 1,571 4,131 389 | 7 522 | 35 |) 1,241,205 40,868 | 2» 1,796) 9874 880 4 427 54 3 217 | 36 ty 2 508," 17,253 | 2b) 2, 52K 4° 553 509 2, 309 gl 1 206 | 37 | 1,649, 891 “10, 664 | > 2,054 | 260 352 1, 707 126 shibosask 139 | 38 Cages) eee SeRh aR a S88, SB df te] fy f) > st Pe ) ? ? ? ‘ Wo 44,550 | 2, 217; 35 7, 691 1,085 1, 038 2, 627 97 6 973 | 41 er) 97,070 | 2,139,173 | 127,444 1,302 1,016 4, 965 68 1 294 | 42 We 130,017 | 2,147, 326 | | 2.15, 879 643 562 4, 561 100 3 229 | 43 oo | 227; 1, 686, 597 45, 142}. 506 415 3, 440 75 1 153 | 44 aera) tenes een cine: barat kot mabe TG «| La a REL | 21,660 | 108,636 | 1,578, 94 00 Poise) RES | Sewer | dno] Pts) aks, ae] ak | a our » *109, 400° ; 7546, 06 20, , 145 ? , eS, 078 9%, 158 | See 9, 205-4) | > 3)100] 3,011 + 4,745 66, 809 2’ 118 |: 1,706 55 5 |. 7257 | Bi |. © 16,363 24, 065 35, 651 344,520 6,851 | 9, 738 183] 14 971 | 52 mes |: 12; 022 47, 894 218,001 1, 657 2 43 2 504 | 53 } 6,980 11, 631 32) 566 127, 683 12) 605 4,188 171 41. 1,884 | 54 ays 5 Bp92l 0B, 348 | ue 2; 874 337, 202 4) 206 639. 113 5 | 1,434 | 55 : ‘a 1,020 ind 019 |. oy 1,344) 32,.599 8) 498 670, 81 > 156 | 56 Pee oe 23,9474 21,702 | eo 19, 672 fy. 50585} 470/572 bey 8,842], 8,527 37.| 6,297 | 57- “Vo * 10,080} 12,861 | 914,281, 28,857 346,134 |, ° 2,814 944 14} 1,958 | 58 ~ 50,051 |, 67,096 | - 94,7464 » 104,288] 1,321,040 |. 15,330 ||. 13,522 | 118} 8,072 | d9 278 hs CO OD Gre CO DD _ ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. é TABLE 64.—NATIVE POPULATION OF EACH DIVISION AND EACH POPULATION BORN IN— ofa he eke New England division. OF RESIDENCE. New i Ver- | Massa- | Rhode Maine. it mont. |chusetts.| Island. | Middle Atlantic division. -_ | | S| OO Oh OO United States. _—S eee een eee eee eee SSS ee Eee GEOG. DIVISIONS: New England... 109, 081 47, 642 17, 669 723, 464) 357, 113) 331, 726|2, 430, 731) 378, 810) 818, 399)| 236, 83. 47, 092 324, 792 48, 133 70, 911 20, 520 17, 650 10, 954 Middle Atlantic. . 19, 424 10, 451 28, 554 E. North Central. 12, 171 6 226 14, 143 W. North Central 11/058 4 095 10, 612 South Atlantic...| 7,166} 3,406) 4,290 E. South Central. 769 £93 549 W. South Central) 2,190 979| 1,583 Mountain. ... 0... 5, 796} 1, 840) -. 3, 748 Pavificver. 2.4 ee 24, 974) 7,329, 11, 755 Nrw ENGLAND: Maine. 26. .2.. 24 - 598, 345] 12, 428) 3,194 New Hampshire.| 17,056 257, 074 20, 859 Vermont.,... 2.0. 2, 530 10, 417 250, 538 Massachusetts....| 93,931 69, 052 45, 778) 2, 265, 287 Rhode Island....| 4,887} 3,736 5. 031 Connecticut. . 2... 6,715 4 406 8, 326 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: New York...) 48 12,231} 6,481) 23,216 New Jersey. 3,664] 2,345! 2, 766 Pennsylvania. . yj 3,529} 1,625) °° 2,572 E. NortH CENTRAL: i0.4. Ges 2,111} 1,217) 2,209 Indiana? ....) Re. 624 371 665 Tlinois!}..... Ju 8,647} (2,224) 4,524 Michigan. ..., 22: 3, 263} - 1,579) 3, 816 Wisconsin..../... 2, 526 835} 2,929 W.NORTHCENTRAL: Minnesota....... 1} 5,820). «1, 285) °° 2,961 Owassl < 71, 463 8,351] .. 6, 293]. 303,,260| 29 7,132 16, 349 6, 220 92,115 39, 603 987 7,639] 30 ; 8, 10, 412 3, 811 55, 062 156, 671 669 1,978) 31 319 143 85 146 242 39 31} 32 1,918 1, 126) | js» 857 1, 168 1,913 194 178] 33 2,818 12; 171 1,578 2,744 3, 490 259 374) 34 2,849 1, 726|| 1,062 1, 552 2, 594 390 295) 35 1/325 534 296 759 1, 506 79 84) 36 795 376 179 379 832 58 86) 37 440 267 148 306 587 193 76| 38 1,479 719 546 Tod 1, 875 65 156}. 39 6, 544 2,836] . 1,610 8, 457 4,622 348 440) 40 1)'782 929 531 1,132 7,553 149 138} 41 2,408 1,102 674 1, 549 7, 665 127 369) 42 1, 828 1,125 582 1, 217 2, 592 99 136] 43 993 704 785 993 2, 733 44° 102) 44 2,642 1,777 1, 009), 6, 431 62,623 200 426) 45 1,765 1, 083 745 2, 259 6, 995 119 138) 46 5, 173 5, 531 3, 437 34, 004 178, 934 659 1,556] 47 , 309 6, 142|| . 4,174). 15,958] 63, 336 839]. 1,770) 48 | 12,570} 23, 505|| 983, 517) os 27, 666) -» 22,366] 15,059]. . 9,726] 49 5, 732 9, 450|| 8,592 17,779] 20,242} 2,236), 2,554) 50 1,996 3, 263 2,228). 18, 903]. 11, 429 613). 2,884) 51 10,184 11, 333 6, 145 45, 253 62, 799 947 23754) 52 1,532 1,112 561 3, 428 9, 837 140 257| 53 , 099 2,182|| 9, 1,413 4, 087 9,074 259 578| 54 1,751 1, 520 1,173 4,348 4, 236) 200 379] 55. 1,014 * 831 507 1, 569 " 11 167| 56 38,430]; 950, 871]) 57, 944) on 49, 254/07, 41,815] 12,082), 10,136) 47 = 16,698 21, 952|| «20, 961), « 30,609], 26,932] 4,954). 5, 262) 58 52, AW2\: 45, 243 85, 955 86, 551 104, 828 6, 761. 10,162 59 \ 280 ABSTRACT OFTHE: CENSUS==POPULATION. TABLE 64.—NATIVE POPULATION OF EACH DIVISION AND BACH POPULATION BORN IN— West North Cen- DIVISION OR STATE | tral div.—Con. OF RESIDENCE. South Atlantic divisions “5 ° South ) Ne- Dela- | Mary- braska.| S@0Sas.|| Vore,| land. fing. 1] United States: .|1,066,914/1, 535, 540/207, 804/1, 416, 193/226, 06/2, 661, 359|1)378/ 42412, 835, 102/1)870,809 GEOG. DIVISIONS: 2 New England....|. 1,666) © 2,121 3 Middle Atlantic..| 6,775)" 10, 152 4 E. North Central. 30, 963 49, 962 5 W. North Central 846, 99211, 113, 185 6 South Atlantic.. 4 910 8) 601 7 E. South Central. 2: 509 4 470 8 W. South Central 23) 612 136, 207 9 Mountain ..'...... 80, 575 101, 097 10 Pacific. 2k 0} 69, 912 109, 745 NEw ENGLAND: iW Maine}s 2. 6 139 137 12 New Hampshire . 92 108 13 Vermont... 400 133 152 14 Massachusetts... 815 1,145 15 Rhode Island. -. 174 146 16 Connecticut... 2.2 313 433 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: 17 New York. ...-+. 4,913 18 New Jersey. 2-2: 1,312 19 Pennsylvania... 3, 927 E.NORTHCENTRAL: 20 O06. eee on Ie 8, 320 21 Indiana... 2... 42. "8,109 22 Pinois ets foods 24° 198}| 2 Michigan......-.. 6, 085 24 Wisconsin». ..... 3, 250 W.NORTHCENTRAL:?| 25 Minnesota. 2... -.- 5, 406 26 LOWa ths bse 5 18, 770 27 Missouri, .': 22.2% 83; 712 28 North Dakota. ..: b, 713 29 South Dakota.... 4, 285 30 Nebraska. ....3.. 31; 461||'~ 31 Keansas ters ys) 967, 838)|' SouTH ATLANTIC: 32 Delaware. . 82 33 Maryland. . 878 84 Dist. of Columbia 1, 805}]° *: 35 Virginia. . 202.528 1, ae 36 West Virginia. }?. x 37 North Carolina. . 38 South Carolina... 39 Georgia?.. 22.232) 40 Florida@=*> =<. 22% E. SOUTH CENTRAL: 41 Kentueky..... 42% ' 42 Tennessee. .....-. 43 Alabama... 2.22; 44 Mississippi-....... W .SOUTHCENTRAL: 45 Arkansas......222 46 Louisiana....... 4 47 Oklahoma 2 ee 48 POxaS ee: oes 188 MOUNTAIN 49 Montana sie... 0. 50 Idaho's s>: 55 38% 51 Wryomling.-..:i2: 52 Oolorado... .-...: 53 New Mexico 54 Arizona >: :..5i2) np f)Y Utah tess oooh 56 Nevada: ‘PACIFIC: | am 57 Washington. .....} 58 Oregonce ees: se California... .. 22: a a ’ STATE’ OF BIRTH. © 281 STATE, BY DIVISION AND STATE OF BIRTH: 1920—Continued. POPULATION BORN IN— ae eatio East South Central division. West South Central division. Ken- Ten- Ala- | Missis- || Arkan- | Louisi- | Okla- oy Florida. || tacky. | nessee. |\.bamai |“ sippi. |piisas. |: ana. | homa, | Te*as- 3,128,986] 652, 352/| 2, 930, 790| 2,743, 221| 2, 607,273] 2, 087, 558//1, 640, 814/1, 782, 74911, 050, 159] 3, 865, 863/ 1 = == : 3 Se = ~— E = — —_ = — : = - = >= eT i iu ho Re melee he ee Oe ee Se eel 2, 292 2,783 1, 818 1, 828 508 1,975 429 '2;021| 2 a6, 765)| ©1521, 182\00% 14, 502/25: ,20, 2986 3,113 8, 594 2,606 12,055) 3 © 8, 507 "862, 348) ° 111, 26). 56, 654 19,043]. 20,664] 13,517] 22199] 4 » 2, 369 108, 026). 81, 749): 15, 655 58, 492 11, 521 63; 994 38, 808] 5 2, 750, 751\ 598, 540 59, 964 #7, 117 187, 475 6,605 9, 420 3, 748) 15,715) 6 ." £215, 588 2 190, 839}'25.139, 095), 2; 164, 357 |! 26, 797|x)) 42, 240 4,581 225538]. 7 ‘ 8. 502 7413) 092 "258, 212 191, 943 z, 478, 900}1,.669, ap: 899, 405} 3,611,512) 8 “8, 325]... 1,679|| 28, 869]. 22,621} 8, 867 20, 983}. 5,217| - 34,985] »» 79,639] 9 Uy, 987). ae < 10 43,687) 36,845 10, 196 26, 373 ee 1056 26, 894, 61,376) 10 137 160 104 91 60 45 149} 11 100)" 46 47). 3 18 84} 12 : 90) 73 54 44 30 88; 18 ~~ 10 1,638) 1, 048 8gg| 1, 423 204). ..1, 083] 14 Ger 18 218 160 119 30 180} 15 2, 840) v | 741 577 387 629 323 102 437| 16 6,713 8, 992 5, 944 4, 723 5, 430 1,114 6,407| 17 3,208 » 2 7ali 1, 140 3 385 1, 126 44) ¥ vay 77| 18 ve 101 134, 471; 27, 653 23, 166 Qos 694 0114; 575 i) 21, 772}. 85, 070 (2,307]| © 191, 021})\ © 48, 402}:-: 18, 469}. 02, 152]} 9218, 181) © 12, 124hoe. 9, 316}oe* (6 Qi] Sik 4,100). 1, 310)e o> 6 | 688 /e2: 269|| 3,635| «1, 517 702 824]. 3,962 3,437| 30 386 178 160 232 , 28! » 50 33 100) 32 B 2, 1, 055 1,979]. 1, 707 1, 181 434 764 301 1, 183} 33 123, 1, 158} <8 3, 484]/01 3,221 2, 258 656): 1,101 392 2,360| 34 + S86, 2,095|| 0110, 367|'* 18, 675 4, 451 778) 1,064 550 2,373] 35 | 082) 521|| 127, 921 6, 148 5, 968 378 281 546 591| 36 pall, © 1,874]| 09 2,158}'°: 11,069}: 2,797 613 513| .._» 238 1, 162| 37 Ph e204, 2 850|| \o 1,085|2 5, 757}....... 1, 446 529 385 Wiscousin.- Sau 1, 425 464 250 W. NorTH CENTRAL: Minnesota...J..... i) 3,680 556 434 OWS... Preise 1,519 1, 853) 798 Missouri. 2Sé. .. 2-4 1, 043 800 |. 677 North Dakota..... 2, 604 224 121 South Dakota. ...-. 1, 786 310)}) 11, 298 Nebraskan ge. -. 1, 218 9il | 2,474 RENSOS. ae 887 980 596 SoutH ATLANTIC: ° Delawareion : 2... é 26 10 14 Maryland 2i..-.... 154 69 Dist. of Columbia. 219 117 106 Mirginia jot . 2. <4 214 117 92 West Virginia. -...- 91 58 87 North Carolina. ...- 65 85 39 South Carolina. ... 34 32 15 eorgia. Sie 2254 838i) 73 43 Blortaeds ont 22S) 199 115 73 E, SoutTH CENTRAL: Kentuckyziiwis...- 162 62 70 Tennessee: -. 2... 146 81 Alabama n% 22.2. 72. 26 27 Mississippi-..:... - 87 §2 21 W. SOUTH CENTRAL: Wrleansasves. 25 3 213 f 242 116 Lotisiana ss. fie .. ; 92 i. SE 30 Oktahomavh.2.. ... 809 907 486 LOXaS rele 2s See Ne 762 541 $11 MOUNTAIN Montana 2. .....- | 172, 818 3,604) 2,631 Edaho... st; fost 3 5, 101-} © 148, 028 3, 182 Wyoming. ......-. 2, 443 1, 737-4 ° 48, 982 Colorado: Nt. . 1, 443 1, 436. 3, 491 New Mexico-....... 154 163 130 Arizona so 2 720 733 290 DITA Vt. fed 1,374 8, 324 3, 322 INGE t 2238S 461 688 323 PACIFIC: - Washington eee 16, 816 15,308 | . 2, 243 Oregon. : 426 th... 4, 850 9,5131}° , 1, 461 t California......... 8, 932 7, 462 3,377 | . New as Colorado. ‘iMexito. Arizona. 473, 372 2,477 463° 1/0214 6, 573 1,692} 848 14, 324 2, 987 1, 404 30, 557 4,059 Jou 1,451 2; 877 879)» 657 1, 452 501 5412 11,083} 18, 410 Jo» 8,642 |» 352) 966 | 235, 886 |-115, 045 51,063 8,615-|--15, 713 152 29° 24 95. 49} 1l 115 4746p £ 9 1,076 2374i° 111 129° 20 8 910 81 51 |) & 8, 405 917 Ji .& 457 963. 164456 .@ 126 2, 205 611 265 2,774 1,040.4. 21305 1, 427 | 234 100 (185 6, 280 938 471 2, 505 626 312 1, 338 149 131 1, 624 192) 100 3, 805 443 182 6, 810 1,173 404 349 51 f 201} 1,112 107 } 62 | 8, 002 286 })> 61385 8, 855 1, 807 548 67 5 9 394 101 62 544 131 105 430 222'| 7y227 82, 795. | 26, 676 11, 250 42,9 | 37,5 |34.3 | 15,8 } 21. KANSAS; ji 1 Ui .S | be aes OW O° | | Sie a ae Kansas City.... 2.25. 101,177 || 39,959 | -48,969'| 11, 724 5 | 86.7 | 48.4] 49.6 | 11.6 | 12.6 Topekedie: 204. £2. 50,'022 |} | 26, 803 | 18, 706 - 4,035 6) 45,5 | 37.4) 44.4) 8.1 (Wichita, o......)-Q8: 72, 217 ||. 29; 883 | 38, 285 8, 044 4° 36. 0 53.0 | 57.3 42 KENTUCKY: ty a | 25 Covington........: y.| Sy dol 41,726 | 12, 412° 2, 894 7, 2 | 21, 7 21.3) 51 Louisville... 21). .2. 234, 891 || 181,096} 41,536} | 11, 667 75.3 | 17,7 ‘16.7 | 5.0 1 Includes persons born in the United States, state of birth not reported; ifeote born in outlying p ; sessions, or at sea under United States flag; and American citizens orn abroad. cs (‘TATYTO% STATH OF BIRTH. Peds 285 TABLE |65.—TOTAL POPULATION DISTRIBUTED AS BORN IN STATE OF RESIDENCE, ~ IN OTHER STATES, OR IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES, 1920, WITH PERCENTAGES FOR + 1920 AND! 1910, FOR CITIES HAVING, IN 1920, 50,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE—Continued. AJ t POPULATION: 1920! PER CENT OF TOTAL POPULATION. | Born inthe United : : geie Doh ai ems States and ‘with |’ et a Lee ae Foreign CITY OF RESIDENCE AND state of birth re- Ne ng we eros born. * CLASS OF POPULATION. |”)! ported. 10 sc bicaeei 3% amteracemet: d Total.t aoe a tase — TF orn. OT Bornin | Bornin Hier | Ofer arel | a if) OSS tl state of other 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 residence.| states. | LOUISIANA: A 7! © *| New! Orleans. +./.... ’ 887, 219 310,086 | ~ 47,908 27,365 || 80.1'] 79.7} 12.4)11.2] 7.1) 8.4 _ MAINE: ¢ i } Qn . ; } ] A ir Porn’... i 34. 69, 272 || 46, 815 8, 877 13, 346 || 67.6 | 67.3 | 12.8 | 11.4] 19.3 | 20.7 ‘MARYLAND:?) @ (92 | Baltimore..../..:... 733, 826 ||, 533,190 | 114,635 84, 809 || 72,7 | 73.8 | 15.6 | 12.1 | 11.6 | 13.9 _ MASSACHUSETTS bh ie I. : wr PADSEON. Sone.) spp 12 949, 060 420, 345 82,086 | 242,619 || 56.2 | 51.7 | 11.0 111.6} 32.4 | 36.3 Apt OCKEOH Sj cas sb 666, 25 42, 027 6, 908 17, 191 || 63.4 | 60.9 | 10.4} 11.5 |.25.9 | 27.2 ; -. Cambridge. ....-...). 109, 694 62, 856 13, 220 33, 296 || 57.3 | 54.3 | 12.1 | 11.6 | 30.4 | 33.7 Psat albatiVel, i. -;.-). 120, 485 70, 674 7, 228 421 ||'58.7 | 50.1 .)..6.0 | B21 P3502] 42.7 ae VEIN), . 1) sw . 2 53, 884 29, 408 11, 024 13, 335 |} 54.6 | 52.1 | 20.5 | 22.2 | 24/7 | 25.4 { he Seolyoke.=:. | -2 <3. |. 60, 203 39, 425 6, 406 20, 280 |} 55.5 | 48.5.) 10.6 | 10.9 | 33.7 | 40.3 - Lawrence...) .,22..). 94, 270 47, 645 7, 427 39, 201 || 50/5 | 42.8 | 7.6.) 8.7 |-41.6 | 48.3 i>. WEIL: oh. tai 112, 759 62, 333 11, 998 38, 116 || 55.3 | 48.0 | 10.6 | 10.8 | 33.8) 40.9 gt 0 Saas eee 99, 148 56, 760 14, 035 28, 138 || 57.2 | 53.0 | 14.2 | 15.7 | 28.4.|.30:9 : New Bedford........| 121, 217 60, 584 9, 309 51, 078 || 50..0 |.45.9 | 7.7] 8&7 | 42.1.) 45.2 | © Somerville. ... 22...) - 93, 091 55, 916 12, 695 24, 254 || 60.1 | 56.8 | 13.6 | 15.8 | 26.1-| 27.0 Springfield... ... 2L..) 129, 614 65, 817 31, 948 31, 461 || 50.8 | 50.2 | 24.6 | 23,4 | 24.3-} 26.0 Ait reester’ i.) 4 4%... 179, 754°} 104,571 |. 24, 218 03, 527 || 58.2 | 54.4 | 11.8 | 12.1 | 29,8 | 33.3 Sree: | fis} © | GAN: = y Spe OtLO! Gags a4. } -» - +0 -| 993, 678.1) 445, 883 | 251,862 | 290, 884 || 44.9 | 52.7 | 25.3 | 13.0): 20.3 | 33.8 ee MIL. ge as-is -a¢-e le aQl, 909; 62, 930 22, 671 15, 213 || 57.8 | 62.2 | 24.8.) 19:8 1 16.6 | 17.5 oP Grand Rapids...-...|, 137, 634 89,229 | 19,398 28, 427 || 64.8 | 60.1 | 14.1.} 14.1 | 20.7 | 25.2 ,. Lansing... -../..-<2--|> ,57,327)]|, 89, 814 11, 009 6, 042 || 69.5 | 67.6 | 19.2.| 19.0} 10.5 | 12.8 er mapitinw.....).....-/ 61, 903 41, 798 8, 126 11, 655 || 67.5 | 63.3 | 13.1 | 12.9 | 18.8 | 23.2 _MINNESOTA , nas gm | | 6 oe 6 Daluth--..... Goak-b 98, 917 43, 512 24, 737 30, 196 || 44.0) | 35.6 | 25.0 | 24.5 |-30.5 | 39.1 Minneapolis-!...... -| 380, 582 185, 521 | 105, 051 88, 248 || 48.7 | 43.4 | 27.6 | 26.9 | 23.2 |.28:6 St. Paul.............], 234, 698 127,905.| 54,117 51, 722 || 54,5 |.50.0 | 23.1 | 23.4 |]. 22.0} 26.4 ISSOURT: - Kansas City.........| 324,410 || 146,667 | 147, 633 27, 583 || 45.2. |.42.9 | 45.5 | 44.5}, 8.54 10.3 § ©'Sti Josephs....025...)" “77,9389 1) 46, 306 24, 351 6, 438 || 59,4} 54.0] 31.2 | 34.3 }..8.3) 10.5 © S18te Bouis. 2 ...0.2..4)) 772, 897. 472,971 | 193,568 | 103,626 || 61.2-| 57.9 | 25.0 | 23.3.) 13.4) 18.4 Bis Lincoln ., ...--..22-./. 54, 948; 26,261 20, 899 7; 235 || 47.8 | 40.0 | 38.0 | 42.5 | 13.2 | 16.4 z | Ompha. .. -, -.|.2-6--5|5 191, 01; 78; 104 75, 353 85, 645 || 40.8 | 36.3 | 39.3 | 41.1 | 186 | 21.9 NEw HAMPSHIRE: © [5 8 8 OH ey + ik te _* © Mancehester.... 22... 1) '78,384 40, 525 9,970 27, 537, ||,51,,7-| 43.7 | 12.7 | 13..0)},35.1 } 42. 4 Ne JERSEY:. : — >. - ~¢ / ape ws ah _ Atlantic City........] 50,707. 16, 700 26; 273 7,509 |} 32.9. | 34.3 | 51.8 | 50.5) 14.8 | 14.7 6 Bayonne. .....¢.5..2|5 16,754 37; 529 13,625 25, 514'|| 48.9.) 43.6 | 17.8 | 19.3°]'33, 2 | 37.0 ¢ , Cam \ =---}o 116, 309 57, 835 37,885 20,354 || 49.7 | 50.5 | 32.6 -}32.6 | 17.5 | 16.7 ~~” East Orange....... 50, 710 23, 213 20, 411 6, 890 || 45.8 | 43.3 | 40.3 | 39.6 | 18.6.) 16.7 Elizabeth........../|. 95,783 51, 021 16, 250 28,276 || 53.3.| 50.5 | 17.0 | 16.9.) 29,5 | 32.6 ® $0Hobokent .)! ...... || © 68, 166 31, 431 13,073 23,543 || 46,.1-| 41.3 | 19.2 | 19.1 | 34.5 |. 39.4 1 } Jersey City... 2... | © 298,103 158, 671 62, 583 76, 294 || 53.2 | 49.1\| 21.0 | 21.6 | 25.6 | 29.1 , OWATHS .5.1.....- 414,524 || | 226, 357 69,177 | 117,549 || 54.6 | 52.81) 16.7 | 14:9 }) 28.4] 31.9 mea Hapsaic: 5-2... 2 + -| + 63,841 28,714 8, 656 26,396 || 45.0 | 34.3 | 13.6 1.13.5 | 41.3 | 52.0 mer barerson-........-.. 135, 875 76,008 | 14, 504 45, 242 || 55.9 | 52,4 | 10,7.) 11.1 1.33.3.) 36. 2 ee Trenton. 21.220. 25.197119, 289"})7> 70, 802 F-18045 30, 168 |i 59.4 1°58.1.) 15.11 14.4.5 25.31 27.2 1 Includes persons born in the United States, state of birth not reported; persons born in outlying pos- Sessions, or at sea under United States flag; and American citizens born abroad. 4 286 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 65.—TOTAL POPULATION DISTRIBUTED AS BORN IN STATE OF RESIDENCE, IN OTHER STATES, OR IN FOREIGN. COUNTRIES, 1920, WITH PERCENTAGES FOR 1920 AN'D 1910, FOR CITIES HAVING, IN 1920; 50,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE—Continued. CITY OF RESIDENCE AND CLASS OF POPULATION. POPULATION: 1920 Born in the United States and. with state of birth re- ported. Total.! Foreign porn. Bornin | Born in state of other residence.| states. New York: AL DANY foes apo}. 113, 344 87,779 7, 643 17, 695 Binghamton. ....... 66,800 |} 40,502} 14,942] 10,401 rs A oe Oe 506,775 || 337,601 | 45,443 | 121, 824 New! York... 2.2.0... 5,620, 048 |/3, 107, 563 447, 800 |2, 028, 160 Bronx bora....... 732, 016 426, 041 33,402 | 267,742 Brooklyn. boro... ..|2,018, 356 1,217,615 | 127,687 | 666,188 Manhattan boro. .|2, 284, 103 1,071,382 | 241,470 | 950,264 Queens boro......| 469,042 || 321, 367 32,376 | 112,171 Richmond boro. ..} . 116, 531 71, 158 12, 865 31, 795 Niagara Falls.\. 21... 50, 760 25,572 6, 818 17, 948 Rochester! 2... 2... 295, 750 200, 479 22, 219 71,411 Schenectady . /.41..:. |, bao 60, 517 7,447 20, 564 Syracuse ses.) A NEL 171, 717 126, 485 12, 249 32, 383 Troyes 3. 2.08.) 4.0 J. 72,013 56, 215 4, 056 11, 525 Uiica. |. Sues.) As 94, 156 66, 013 4,704 23, 291 Yorkers: 67.) At ) 100, 176 64, 036 10, 102 25, 796 OH#I0: Wkront. pee E 208, 435 88, 010 81, 686 38, 021 Ogniter 7s ees t 87,091 |} 55,441 | 16,828] 14,729 Cincinnati...........] 401, 247 265, 910 91,599 42,921 Cleveland). 12 923.1 796, 841 413,127 | 140,812 | 240,173 Columbus. .21. 252 237, 031 172, 973 46, 055 16, 187 Dayton 0.2.) 2.22.1 152,559 || 106,381 32, 667 13, 165 Springfield... 22.2... 60, 840 46, 796 10, 943 2,772 gledo|. 4. dds cheb dt 243,164 || 149,599 | 54,372 | 38296 .. Youngstown........ 132, 358 62, 992 35, 074 33, 945 OKLAHOMA: Oklahoma City...._. 91, 295 24, 255 63, 048 3, 565 Tulsa. 2 36 10 68-t 72,075 14,775 54, 260 2, 066 OREGON: Portland.’ 3. 22°14 208, 288 76,607 | 130,190 49,778 PENNSYLVANIA: Allentown. 2 ..0220., 73, 502 61, 444 3, 390 8, 622 Altoona -526 5.5.25 | 60, 331 52, 229 2, 734 5, 326 Bethlehem. ........, 50,358 || 36, 035 3,295 | 10,975 @hester.: .... J. ....°) 58, 030 31, 489 15, 044 11,389 by ries io) a264 1b. Bh i 93, 372 63, 485 12, 284 17,396 Harrisburg: :.. 2020. . 75, 917 64, 344 7,178 4,190 Johnstown.......... 67, 327 51, 332 3,794} 12.172 Lancaster:: |. | 53, 150 47, 934 2,368 2,718 Philadelphia ..2..... [, 823,779 ||1, 165,137 | 252,244 400, 744 Pittsburgh. ..... 2.3 588, 343 392, 205 73, 955 120, 792 eading...2.. A Both 107, 784 94, 527 3,579 9,573 Scrantone .¢¢.!: 2.55.3 137, 783 102, 229 6,8 28, 587 Wilkes-Barre...:... 73, 833 55, 879 3, 262 14, 580 RHODE ISLAND: Pawtucket... 2.2.0... 64, 248 31, 986 10, 994 21, 138 Providence.......... 237, 595 127, 301 39, 837 69, 895 SOUTH CAROLINA: Charleston. :......).. 67, 957 58, 258 7,349 2, 234 ' Includes persons born in the United States, state of birth not re Sessions, or at sea under United States flag; and American citizens PER CENT OF TOTAL POPULATION. Born in Born in Foreign state of other) | orn. residence. states. 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1919 77.4 | 75.9 | 6.7 | -5e815.6'| 18.2 60.6 | 64.2 | 22.4] 19.0] 15.6! 15.3 66.6 | 64.2} 9.0] 7. 4 | 24,0) 28.0 55.3] 61.2} 8.0] 7.6 | 36.11 40.8 58.2 | 58.2] 4.6] 6.9436.6 | 34.7 60.3 | 57.9] 63] 6:8 133.01] 35.2 46.9 | 43.1] 10.6] 8.4] 41.6 47.9 68.5 | 65.6] 6.9] 6.3 23.9 | 27.9 61.1 | 61.1} 11.0] 10.3 | 27.3 | 28.4 50.4 | 49.2 | 13.4] 10.5 | 35.4 | 39.8 67.8 | 65.6] 7.5] 6,8 | 24.1 | 27.1 68.2 | 65.5] 8.4] 8.8 | 23.2] 25.7 73.7171.4) 7.1] 5.81 18,9 | 22.5 78.1 174.31 5.61° 5, o 116.0 t 20oF 70.1 | 67.0] 5.0] 4.21 24.7] 28.6 63.9 | 56.8 | 10.1 |° 9.6 | 25.8 | 33.5 42.2 | 63.8 | 39.2 | 16.8 | 18.2 | 19.2 63.7 | 68.4 | 19.3 | 14.2 | 16.9 | 17.2 66.3 | 65.3 | 22.8 | 18.6°} 10.7} 15.6 51,8 | 562.8 | 17:7) 119 1 90:41 35..0 73.0 | 74.4] 19.41 15.9] 6.8] 9.0 69.7 | 73.0] 21.4] 14.9] 86] 11.9 76.9 | 76.7 1-], 4.61 6.8 61.5 | 62.1 | 22.4 | 18.5 | 15.7'| 19.1 47.6 | 48.2 | 26.5 | 20.0 | 25.6 | 31.5 26.6 | 13.9 | 69.1] 80.3] 3.9! 5.2 PO (ow POLS forte pat ee 29.7 | 24.4 | 50.4 | 50.6 | 19, 3.| 24.3 83.6] 84.01 4.6] 4.0} 41,7} 12.0 86.6 | 85.7] 4.51 4,2 }o88 1 10.0 Tian @,'8. te ae 218 | a 4.-3-| oi 25 Or hte S sie Oh. ee 67.9 | 66.2 | 13.2] 11.0] 18.6 | 22.5 84.8 | 85.0] 9-5) 847° 5.5 | 6:5 76.2 | 67.8] 5.6 [425 418/1 | 27.6 90.2] 89.3] 4.5] 3:8b¢5eb) 6.8 63.9 | 63.4 | 13.8] 11.6 | 22. 0 | 24.8 66.7 | 62.3 | 12.6 | 10.9 | 20.5 | 26.4 87.7 | 87.8} 3.3} 3.0] 89} 9.2 74,2 | 66.8] 5.0} 6.0] 20.7 | 27.0 75.7 | 70.9, 4.41 5.0 19.7 | 24.0 49,8 | 47.5 | 17.1 | 17.4329} 34.8 53.6 | 47.6 | 16.8 | 17.8 | 29,4 34.3 85.7) 89,7 | 10.8! 6.01°3.3| 42 orted; persens born in outlying pos- orn abroad. ot eee ; sea OAT Te ORR TRG EL on 3 987 yt} B85. —TOTAL POPULATION DISTRIBUTED AS BORN IN STATE OF RESIDENCE, ER STATES, OR IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES, 199, WITH PERCENTAGES FOR ask AND 1910, FOR CITIES HAVING, IN--1920,.50,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE—Continued. POPULATION: 1920 PER CENT OF TOTAL POPULATION. ; 0, Born in the United : _ Loa States and with FD bee Ok | abereien “cry OF RESIDENCE AND state of birth re- veattverive't states born. _ CLASS OF POPULATION. ported. a Be ; : dei e Total.! oreign 4 ihe OS | Pap, pA orn. pes jvUr LF Bornin | Bornin pale. {24 at state of other 1/1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 | 1920 |1910 one aang ) residence.| states. Dieadibes i eect — a : || t o- i 3 ‘RENNE SSEE?, ) _ Chattanooga - See eee 3, Sd 29, ago pine i es 51.2 a 4 a 46; 7-1. 2s 4-118. 0 ee en 4%, 8 81.7 | 75.3°| 16.9'| 22. ay PE SS eee ~ 162) 351 4 943 78 $63 5, 844 | 169 {47,5 {48-6 | 48 94036 |: Be |) Nashville: 2002.01 118,342 |] 98/495 | 17,131 | 2442 F832 | 93.3 | 14-51 13,8) 20] 27 (Texas: | ( | . ii PEG _OBL... fLb0 188 76 97, 061 ‘51,479 8, 801 61. 57.1 32.4'} 36.6 }5.5)| 527 vA asollgs...... f 22,503 | «20, 33, 655°|| 29.0 | 31.5 | 26.9 | 30,2 | 43.4)| 36.9 |” Fort Worth. ......]. 106, 482 || 63,521 | 33,352 7,502 || 59.7 | 57.7 | 31.3| 35.2] 7.0] 5.8 _ * Houston2 9.21)... .).) 138,276 || 885,954 | 139,551 | 12/0884) 62.2 | 63.2 | 28.6.) 280).8.7) 8:1 0 “7 vas -tperg os a} JOG, 379 93, 323 30, 160 36; 824 || 57.8 | 60.1 | 18.7 } 21)1,) 22..8)| 18:1 ' ‘UTA Ste b AeA ; < ahi g 4? | Ao wa salt Lake City RO p | 118,110 | 66,848 | 30,693 | 19,807 | 56.6 | 49.9 | 26.0) 28.0} 16.8 | 21.1 VIRGINIA: | 02 GA A TP Notfolk.. <2 Teed 115,777 || 66; 463 | 41,998] 6, 998yll 57.4 | 64.4.}.36.31 30.0) 6.0| 54 «> Portsmouth........- |. 54,387 ||: 33,383 | 19,276 1,582 || 61.4 | 67.6 | 35.4} 28.9}.2.9 | 3.5 _» Bichmond.¢....-.).|- 171, 667 140, 474 | 24/920 4,713)|| 81.8 | 86.3.| 27 | 3.2 pron Roanokess.260....0 J i> 50, 842 142, 380 7,514 878.1} 83.4 | 84.9 | 14,8) 12.8)-4.7) 2.2 WwW GTON: be, | | SE Ee © 315,312 || 72,161 |) 156,576 | 80,976. || 22.9 | 16.1 | 49.7 | 53.8 | 25.7 | 28-4 )}* Spokane... .|- 104, 437 || 26,408 | 59,944] 17/096 || 25.3 | 16.2 | 57.4 | 61.2 | 16.4 | 20.9 ©) Tacoma...----....1-] 96,965 |] 26,984 | 45,078 | 21, 705 || 27.8 | 21.0 | 46.5 | 49.1 |'22.4 | 26 WEST VIRGINIA: fe! Huntington.......). 50, 177 30) 494 18, 532 735 || 60.8 | 56.3 | 36.9 | 40.3 1.5 1.7 vai Wheeling.'.2...... , £6 , 208 36, 349 18, 799 5, 808} 64.7 | 61.7 | 24.5:) 24.9°| 10.3 | 138.0 ISCONSIN: > ba . - Milwaukee: - Lui. 407, 147 296,480 | 48, 821 110, 160°}! 64. 9°} 60.4 | 10.7 | 9.8 724. 1 }:2978 Bie % : an poem fs eee al L cg: 2 38 593 || =. 32,193 10, 066 16, 2S 4) 54.9-+ 53.9 | 17.2 1-13.05) 27.7 | 32.9 5 r ; . i ! a ludes p ersons berks th the United Stated, state of birth not reported; persons barn in outlying pos- 8, OF at Sea unas, nited a 2; flag; and American citizens born abroad. ; i bgt | ere. £8 3) {it $0$ i £1 } t) 133 Lf a cd S2n <3 Wee ‘ mE Oo OD =F x wine v SERS roa) Pa) y > aa curs n poh es —=# a rr tS rer ri een fRSEEES2535 288 00 SID Cr H Cp bS i Total CITY OF RESIDENCF. native population. ARTOM, OMEOL. sackecuee ck 170, 414 Albany, Naot 2. sumac 95, 649 AtlantajiGa.\.eser i are: -|. 195, 827 Baltimore, Md....i.....-. 649, 017 Birmingham, Ala.1....... 172, 666 Boston; Mass: ss. Uy soc 505, 441 Bridgeport, Conn. ......-.. 96, 773 Buffalo;-Ni Y ©. 93.5 -2 3974 190, 749 1, 283 17 236 501 é 226 71 43 39 75 72 ea es ea A q ate 3 556 1,471 1,873 2.027 1,140 1,577 1,417 1,039 2866 106, 575 1, 413 ' 66 66 263 , 442 66 37 28 115 87 4 2,498 205 130 152 195 350 5,770 21, 963 314, 381 300 717 1,207 102, 066 14, 256 10, 289 4, 312 9, 179 21, 990 é ; | 5 4) 975 22, 646 2,954 2, 499 1,161 2,042 3,650 69, 6173 9, 506 6, 503 2,441 5, 827 10, 936 4,535 763 530 300 523 2, 628 hi! 13664: 304 218 130 198 510 Ona 4p eee ae cd se 7,060 2 2 3 B26 9 708" 2, 937 4,269 6, 562 98, 450 643 oi ae aio i BiO.e } , 6 P°496,918)/) 5,778 2,811}. 1,248 1, 801 4,093 0S 20,553) | 7,922 1, 214 427 537 1, 028 =" © 3,099 3,595 3, 884 9, 293 94,726 707 Oy2 2,339 J st 116 124 205 291 Se 40’ Ora 8 3 8 ©) 155, 889 1,690 414 139 121 1} 458 2) 2593 505 226 201 301 1, 181 + 8, 387 46,428 15, 161 1851 1,248 2,270 (1) 298) 1, 428 22 8 pete! 1, 30% 1,336 1,140 73,969 1,917 275 O68 | 2,657 6, 433 97, 689 798 567 523 25 5,616 5, 490 6,320 10,844 | «235,048 3, 222 GSS S017 633 ee ® 54 91 66 101 Oo ) 4,5IB |) 45563 4,061 12, 236 85, 659 2) 192 o 13385 1, 425 1, 233 6,616 29,730 359 SE) 1 2094 7293 132 130 152 144 (ised steed. nao S61 318 37} 40 bDy 3,308 420 86 8 | Bac 3. 3° 433 “195 88 54 16 198 © © 294’ 823 10, 630 4,509 1,598 2,000 2,739 eo 74, 436 1 A45 132 82 117 352 Ox! 768 119 74 95 118 192 BP) 61,501 229 101 112 179 116 222 004)731 2,687 387 132 154 251 75108°—23——19 Out- lying 289 Born at sea under US: flag. Ameri- can citizens born abroad. _ et OT Ob i" Nos eh oe Oo NRNIOR WWE — foe] NORON NEDO — ww» — RNR WON HOH WONR ORC E 390 ABSTRACT OF, THE, CENSUS-—-POPULATION. TABLE 66.—NATIVE POPULATION, BY DIVISION AND STATE OF BIRTH, POPULATION. BORN IN— CITY OF RESIDENCE. New England division. || Middle Atlantic division. _ {New | Vor | Massa-| Rhode} COM || News| New |. Penn- ne mont. phi, Island. | 2€¢t |! York.» | Jersey. |sylvania. setts cut. 1¥ Akron, Ohio. . -b asc... 208 106 182 | 1,102 122 405 5, 630 900.| 22,963 2} Albany,iN. Y..j..0.....- 146 116 833 | 1,377 112 497 87, 779 694 1, 228 3 f Atlanta; Ga. | A SS, 5, or praska.| *8"S8S-/| ware.. Thad. , | Of Col- | Virginia. | Vir- | Caro- umbia. ginia. | lina. £1 EL AKTONMORIO: o. ..hs eas as - 8 243 496 S41 SR IDENY, Week Coben ook 45 38 Ot ONCE CAD oon ook sere uns ba 92 144 4}, Baltimore; Md... ses. ad 171 312 5| Birmingham, Ala.-.-....... 82 ih 3 6 | Boston,i;Mass..... 24°. ssweg 155 238 7| Bridgeport, Conn. ..-....... 39 51 Sb Buttalop NY --- 21 Soe ode ad 183 278 9| Cambridge, Mass....-...... 36 55 101 Camden, Ni d:.--) eames 4 27 29 24) | (chicago, Glo... 3's} sare a 5, 651 7, 846 12| Cincinnati, Ohio.......-.... 191 437 13 | Cleveland, Ohio............ 572 878 14 Columbus, Ohio....2....... 206 492 AG belialigs, TGn.. ..- sh see aeanaa 335 | * 1, 293 16: | Daytons Ohio.o2. 1 eee + oe <0 129 282 47 | Denver; COlo.... 5 pes nay +4 7,197 | 10, 109 18 | Des Moines, Iowa.--...2.-.. 1,904 1, 812 19 | Detroit, Mich.-.....--+.-... 1, 047 1, 864 20 | Fall River, Mass.:.2..0..... 16 13 21 | Fort Worth, Tex,.......... 253 |: 1,224 22 | Grand Rapids, Mich..--.... 121 236 23 | Hartford, Conn......--..... 29 39 24) Houston, ex. 5.4.) s2c 45.5 391 1,030 25 | Indianapolis, Ind-.........- 462 1,101 26 | Jersey City, N.J-:--..32.... 51 66 27 | Kansas City, Kans......... 984 | 39,959 23 | Kansas City, Mo.:--..:.-... 4,373 | 37,772 29 | Los Angeles, Calif..-.:..--. 7,228 | 13,997 30 | Louisville, Ky-.-...- i 92 296 SL Lowell, Mass. .-.4:gqe'ss+ . 1,724 890 | 4,161 541 | 4,697 | 39 383 367 185 283 202 134 110 53 229 30 227 | 40 2,115 | | 1,721 | ... 912 1, 244 786 579 345 201 962 141 |. 1,195 | 41 11,085 | 9,059 | 4,073 3,508 | 2,501 |. 2,354]. 1,148 549 | 2,689 313 | 2,952 | 42 468 * 503 171 342 201 125 95 57 203 42 228 | 43 433 407 536 376 182 91 90 54 267 | 46 162 1,273 819 419 426 514 | 1,265] | 869] 2,121'| 47 347 || 0. 1,188 868, | 1,014 777 659 501 916 | 1,606 | 48 25 53 25 15 y 2 10 3 24 | 49 4, 152 1,726 | ©1,399 | '2, 101 552 281 858 |. 202] ‘1,470 | 50 ” 626 2045 |? 1,506 |> 3,856 515 167 319 121 607 | 51 122 1, 567 |< °15263 346 419 805 348 | 1,023 | 1,708 | 52 81 74 48 44 15 16 42 6 52 | 53 2%6 40. | 34 17 7 10 2 1 18 | 54 268 565 606 377 142 70 105 37 902 | 55 64 257 113 88 47 31 75 28 92 | 58 369 || ©: 42,818 |/15,400 | > 4,787 | 13,423 || 6,781 | 3,448 | 1,059.| 3,873 | 57 50 669 | * '378 212 169 165 152 1 53 (73 555 467 187 127 216 130 | 206 588 | 59 “185 1,516 | 2,025 |'° 1,376 | 1,516 |} 1,346 | 2,179] 841} 93,323 | 60 328 2,580 | 1,547 743 620 917.| 1,575 |) 656 | 3,172 | 61 13 27 24 15 13 16 7 5 26 | 62 200 2,116, | 1,352 526 569 953 464 760 | 1,884 | 63 33 630 568 121 106 332 90] © 352 459 | 64 85 81 58 69 15 8 55 12 87 | 65 50 129 68 43 20 26 39 iB 80 | 66 97 2,269, |! '1,388 474 289 224 139 134 314 | 67 161 63 47 62 23 12 34 10 32:1 68 1,158 3,484'| 3,221 | 2,258 | 1,667 656 | 1,101} 392} 2,360 | 69 313 105 114 191 15 32 13 72 | 70 27 43 | 32 27 17 7 28 6 33 | 71 46 105 57 45 22 19 33 3 46 | 72 Lis 686 497'|- 1,318 136 63 90 79 155 | 73 487 ft 7333 307 150 73 "360 65 297 82 43 41 19 14 38 12 49 717 (2° 520 312 245 86-} - 210 62 228 294 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 66.—NATIVE POPULATION, BY DIVISION AND STATE OF BIRTH, POPULATION BORN IN— Mountain division. CITY OF RES'DENCE. Mon- Tdaho Wyo- Colo- New Ari- Utah. Ne- tana, * | ming. | rado. | Mexico. | zona. vada. At BERTON, OBIO. . ot ie. ce cde 79 22 18 213 32 26 24 317 2} MADEN» INN a - csuxoccss sn 10 3 2 33 4 4 6 3 3 | Ablanta,|G@es oo... iin) eels 25 10 11 73 14 9 27 we) 4 | Baltimore, Md............. 63 23 33 186 30 26 63 (15 5 | Birmingham, Ala.......... 7 1 8 | 81 16 19 14 6 6 | Boston, Mass............... 90 33 23 249 49 24 59 36 7 | Bridgeport, Conn.......... |, 22 3 4 73 9 9 7 1 8 Witslo, Wer Y .- i ows cst de 46 24 29 143 35 15 38 9 9 | Cambridge, Mass. .........- 16 7 5 49 9 2) il 3 10 | Camden, N.J.............. 11 3 6 19 4 4 16 3 ed! CCR, dln. Pane ok. 850 609 279 2,786 326 223 559 116 12 | Cincinnati, Ohio. .......... 26 26 13 164 33 21 34 7 13 | Cleveland, Ohio........... 130 81 57 543 283 44 19 ‘ 14.) Columbus, Ohio oe 2: 22: 60 24 22 149 24 24 31 6 1! Dallas, "Bex... cok pep ccead- 51 34 21 300 148 57} >. 48 17 16; | Dayton, ‘Ohio! .. Sk..... 18 5 9 87 41 9 16 1 17 || Denver, Colo. 2: .. AGL 2.24. 486 258 |. 1,307 | 74, 236 1, 881 163 880 121 18 | Des Moines, Iowa-.......-. 122 78 76 376 33 23 35 11 49: Detroit, Michi. Ab... 426 133 123 963 220 104 184 54 20} Fall River, Mass. .s....... BER Is. Ese eb 6 1 1 2 ee! 21 | Fort Worth, Tex........... 33 29 37 [i> 287 141 89 40 23 22 | Grand Rapids, Mich......- 46 13 13 89 18 7 18 5 23 | Hartford, Conn. ...v.2..... 17 5 4 92 3 4 6 7 24): Houston, Mex... su. ....4. 33 24 32 219 57 39 43 11 25:| Indianapolis, Ind ..).....2. 59 20 14 257 31 21 39 13 26 | Jersey City, N.J........... 17 8 8 52 10} ci: 4 14 8 27 | Kansas City, Kans:........ 69 41 34 418 107 36 28 | 6 28 | Kansas City, Mo! 2.2.2... -. 200 126 128 1,929 276 95 239 45 29'| Los Angeles, Calif.......... 1, 726 966 687 8,979 2,294 | 5,021 3, 793 949 30 | Louisville, Ky-........... 16 9 14 85 15 16 15 7 31 | Lowell, Mass... ..- ee os. aS «PER gh 1 14 4 4 6 3 32 | Memphis, Tenn...........- 32 9 11 117 16 SOO ip Sa 4 33 Milwaukee, pe ie pa 108 51 af 222 18. fivc soe ere is) 8 34 | Minneapolis, Minn......... 787 117 68 408 38 21 | 110 28 35 | Nashville, Tenn............ 8 4 3 a2 3 ahs, 182 2 36 | New Bedford, Mass........ 6 IE ae one § 12 Zh: secrete 6 1 37 | New Haven, Conn......2.. 13 NG 8 106 5 7 OL paw Qe 1 38 | New Orleans, La... 2.2.22. 33 21 8 122 47 34 28 7 39 | New York, N. ree hued 553 237 179 1, 833 496 274 674 | 168 40 Bronx borough......... 36 19 9 117 Baba | Sete 26 | 6 4) Brooklyn borough... ... 134 55 45 444 192 83 160 48 42 Manhattan borough. ... 335 131 106 1,094 182 143 | . 348 102 43 Queens borough........ 30 19 11 135 46 20 32 7 44 Richmond borough. . .. 18 13 8 43 22 15 8} 3 45.) Newark, NoJ.... 0.2.24. 40 20 20 106 27 16 25 | 21 46 | Norfolk, Va...... 42: aed 14 8 15 32 20 15 | 17 foie te 47 |, Oakland, Calif. .....2.00.0. 629 407 212 1,774 204 423 | 1,276 | 1,637} 48 | Omaha, Nebr. ....22......- 189 116 356 1,021 70 31 218 16 | 49} Paterson, N. J. ..225-....0. Jp Meee 6" bail i t 13 10° ares 4 4| 50 | Philadelphla, Pa........... rae 178 59 129 520 144 78 1 | «29 61 | Pittsburgh, Pa... 54.4: 25 46 204 32 22 33 11 52 | Portland, Oreg............. 1,846 | ° 2,422} ° 470 | 2,532 158} 171] «1,353 | .. 341 | 53:|| Providence, R. 1.) ....: J. 18 5 5 66 an | is a 12 6 o4: | Reading. Pa. OPS ye Bess see aas 13 10 4 2.1 a 72 Li 50 | Richmond, Va... 2si...-... 8 14 4 29 13 ) 61 Tomy te 56.| Rochester, N.Y. ........... 34 16 9 99 15 13 8} BY. |) St2Louis;,Mo s. 2. ahh eS. _170 97 65 919 147 73 153 27 | 58.|' St. Paul; Minn...) 200.204. 430 40 38 250 20 60 16 | 59 | Salt Lake City, Utah....... 698 2,174 837 2 Die 153 193 | 66, 848 494 | 60.; San Antonio, Tex.e.. 21... 45 27 51 268 209 119 65 } 14 | 61,| San Francisco, Calif........ 1, 062 664 294} 3,078 385 748 | . 1,788] 2,825 Gay Serantonpe a... b ol. e. oe 22 4 il 39 3 1 Oy 2 63,| Seattle, Wash....-.u....... 4,795 |. 1,917 534 |. 3,148 168 183 | 1,147 344 | 64,| Spokane, Wash.) .......... 2,309 2,749 162 813 56 44 374 109 | 65.| Springfield, Mass........... 7 Gentyomracuse;, Ns Yost wes. 2 lock Gal oredo, ‘Oho. 22 1 sek ls 325: 63; (herexton, Ni J. obec es. 4. 69.| Washington, D. ©.....5.... 70-|: Wilmington, Del........... 71 | Worcester, Mass............ ae wonkersy NOY 2. pee. oe cals 43 | Youngstown, Ohio _ 4 i STATE OF BIRTH. 295 FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920—Continued. : POPULATION BORN IN— Pacifie division. Outlying possessions. : Pana- +18 Virgin Ameri- Philip- : Oregon. | California. |} Alaska.| can | Guam. |Hawaii.) «uit, | pine Banta Flan gs I Samoa. Pare Islands. ; U.S Dh Th Ses ae a 20 eRe aw ee 1 6h GRA eee 3 LOH ea 2 4 2S W9sssoseee2 3 9 14 35 91 6] 4 tt ea EVRA A eS (iy a So Dy ee Sophen ens a RES pe ee Seceaieae gl [lad 35 iL, 48 67 | Bg 6 3 4 1 a Pepe teepencant a 2 3 8 56 218 6 2 3 5 bit 9 BE. 4 2.60... b dee ot. te 4 3 ANNES, LO 69 14 236 110 11 5 4 9 | OTD TTI a 12 4 6 |. 22516. La eG eso: & 13 6 re aS? es Gomeemeae ss? Sia) 1 ee 14 He (BG dec ods 5 7- b O I O 15 Lil Nore ol cat 16 Fete ae ae a De Cree bebe cece aaa 17 <7 Se 18 19 Feet al. coteae at Se ees ae 20 ee er ry i ee eee em eee secre r ene Se ee ee ee ee eee ee ee ee ee ee weer eee met eee ee a er 296 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION, TABLE 67.—URBAN AND RURAL POPULATION DISTRIBUTED AS BORN. IN DIVISION OF RESIDENCE, IN OTHER DIVISIONS, OR IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES, BY DIVI- SIONS: 1920. ee ea Vea Te, ee ee SSS SS. 0 SSS BORN IN THE UNITED STATES AND WITH STATE OF BIRTH REPORTED. : FOREIGN BORN. © Born in division Born in other x TVISION OF SRS DENCE: Total. of residence. divisions. Number. pou Number. ft Number. aoe URBAN POPULATION. > J United States....... 54, 304, 603 35, 851, 517 66.0 | 7,659, 466 14.1 19.3 SSS] |_botbrReee SS eee ee 1,331, 285 18.3 241, 404. 3.3 Mountain s2s% “Pra fe oe” 2,121,121 1, 024, 727 48.3 800, 760 37.8 281, 473. 1323} i 36.3 394,119 | 18.8 Pidia sie hee 2,095, 388 922,779} 44.0} 761,141 Includes persons born in the United States, state of birth not reported; persons born in outlying pos- sessions, or at sea under United-States flag; and American citizens born abroad. The combined number of these classes in the United States in 1920 was as follows: Urban, 292, 678, or five-tenths of 1 per cent of the total urban population; rural, 151,787, or three-tenths of 1 per cent of the total rural population. r . » ie STATE OF BIRTH) (°° 77°°! 997 TABLE 68.—URBAN AND RURAL POPULATION DISTRIBUTED AS BORN IN STATE OF “RESIDENCE, IN OTHER STATES, OR IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES, BY STATES: 1920. URBAN POPULATION, Born in the United States and with state of birth reported. STATE OF RESIDENCE. Foreign born. mr ey e! “) 4 &Y Born in state of: Born in other ! : hate. . residence. | States. 44°T Number, |. te: Number. | o, nt Number ad r hye ; } 1 at United States.......... _ 54,304,603 |) 32,069,159} 59.1.| 11,441,824} 21.1] 10,500,942 | 19.3 New ENGLAND: ; OES emer s 299, 569 212,774): 71.0 25, 842 8.6 59,465] 19.9 ‘New Hampshire. -.... 279, 761 151,449} 54.1 54,959 | 19.6 |). 71,574] 25.6 1 re 109, 976 (71,5521 6521 19,488 | 17.7 18,167| 16.5 © “Massachusetts. ... 6... es 3,650,248 || 2127-910 | 58.3 456,106 |} 12.5]}° 1,055,640 | 28.9 * Rhode Island....2.......). 589,180'||° 314,329] 53.4 99,981} 17.0 173,365 | 29.4 P sConnectidut..... 52.25.22. 936, 339 497,114) 53.1 159,285 | 17.0 277,909 | 29.7 “MIDDLE ATLANTIC: pe meow York. «.:.. 0 ie A 8,589,844 || 5,184,387] . 60.4 732, 058 8.5 | 2,623,903} 30.5 © New Jersey --...... a aE 2,474,936 || 1,291,367}: 52.2 545,556 1 22.0 631, 873-| 25.5 © Pennsylvdnia......:....-). 5,607, 815 |} 3,999,609 | . 71.3. 565,701 | 10.1 | 1,030,260] 18.4 East NORTH CENTRAL: 4 pCO ee niet re ert 3,677,136 || 2,338,945. | . 63.6 755,100 | 20.5 572,098 | _15.6 b ndiana:+...... a 1, 482, 855 |} 989,915 | 66.8 367, 231 |~ 24.8 119, 251 8.0 OE eee Se 4, 403, 153 2,479,409 | 56.3 $53,121} 19.4]: 1,050,200] ° 23.9 TEE, og ae ae Sir 2, 241, 560 1, 226, 386 | 54.7 478,704] 21.4 523,978 | 23.4 Be wiscorsine’ =...) 23. L 1, 244, 568 825,597 |> 66.3 159,504} 12.8 254,410 | 20.4 ‘West Nortsa CENTRAL DUMINTOSOLA. 05 50 < 101, 872 38,174] 37.5 50,026| 49.1 12,236 |. 12.0 eenebrasks. |... 2.0200...) 405, 306 182,037} 44.9 159,077] 39.2 59,905 | 14.8 : 8 ae aa | 617, 964 284,421 | 46.0 288,666 | 46.7 39, 649 6.4 SouTH ATLANTIC: BP ORINWATC.. o...-don-nosc: t 120, 767 67,094.| 55.6 36,374} 30.1 16,878 |. 14.0 meMaryiand’.......2525...4 869, 422 629,929 | 72.5 148,716 | 17.1 88,678 | 10.2 District of Columbia... .. 437, 571 160,109 | 36.6 244,222) 55.8}- 29,365 6.7 i Virginia: 2.0 ccc2 55222555 673, 984 507,678 | . 75.3 143,510 | -21.3 20, 018 3.0 : ‘West Virginia.....::..... t 369, 007 243,184] ° 65.9 103,347 | 28.0 19, 864 5.4 _* North Carolina.....2..... t 490, 370 415,393'} 84.7 69,614} 14.2 4,373. |. 0.9 South Carolina. ...2....... 293, 987 251,737 | 85.6 37, 444:| 12:7 4,356 1,5 ehGeorgia-..........2- Pat 727, 859 570,610.|° 78.4 141,738} 19.5 12, 733 1.7 BOA bee tO 8355, 825 167,119 | 47.0 148,801 | 41.8 37,614 | 10.6 EAst SoutH CENTRAL: BIC OMUICKY, ...5- 201, 226 423,544] 69.3 BIZ ONT5I 1 EBS 2 11,621 1.9 SerAlabama.’.......320....! 509, 317 386,118 | 75.8) © 109,275] 21.5 11, 431 2.2 * Mississippi........ EE » 240, 121 182,995.| 76.2 51,210 | 21.3 4, 296 1.8 West SouTH CENTRAL: | eae ee pathy 290, 497 168,.408,| . 58.0 |. .112,214] 38.6 5,647 1.9 * Louisiana:....... RS | 628, 163 492,772 | 78.4 98,113 | 15.6 34,093.15. 4 _ Oklahoma........-. Roast 539, 480 158,470 | 29.4) °° 361,039] 66.9 14, 449 2.7 EN Se ae 1, 512, 689 920,524 | 60.9 407,716 | © 27,0 | °° 169,235 |° 44.2 OUNTAIN: ‘ : 172, 011 54,086 | 31.4 81,613 | 47.4 33,482 | 19.5 : 119, 037 35,414| 29.8 70,875 | -59.5 11, 801 9.9 e pact - 57, 348 13,232] 23.1 34,259 | 50.7 8,966} 15.6 es 453, 259 136,508 | 30.1 247,029 | 54.5 60,483 | 13.3 "New Mexico. .......3..... 64, 960 28, 44.5 29,988 | 46.2 5,794)... 89 Memrigerne fe. 117, 527 29,070 | 24.7 56,632 | > 48.2 29,704] 25.3 OSB Se ee 215, 584 133,995 | 62.2 47,279 | 21.9 33,152 |. 15.4 ST a Se 15, 254 4,232} 27.7 : 51.2 2,805] 18.4 'ACIFIC:= ~" f Washington............... 748, 735 192,405 | 25.7 384,119] 51.3 159,291 | 21.3 MeOrevon. foo... oe... es 391, 019 123,250}. 31.5 199,430 | 51.0 65,073 16. 6 + Cali Se 2, 331, 729 804,139] 34.5]. 987,572} 42.4 512,078 | 22.0 _ 1 Includes persons born in the United States, state of birth not reported; persons born in outlying pos- Sessions, or at sea under United States flag; and American citizens born abroad, The combined number these classes in the United States in 1920 was as follows: Urban, 292,678, or five-tenths of 1 per cent of total urban population; rural, 151,787, or three-tenths of 1 per cent of the total rural population. i 4 TABLE 63.--URBAN AND RURAL POPULATION) DISTRIBUTED AS BORN IN STATE OF RESIDENCE, IN. OTHER STATES, OR IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES, BY STATES: 1920— Continued. ; 298 ABSTRACT OFi THE GCENSUS+—POPULATION. RURAL POPULATION. Born in the United States and with state of birth reported. TA WO BTA STATE OF RESIDENCE, Foreign born. Born.in state of Born in other Total. ? residence. states. Per Per Per ‘Number. | cent. Number enn: Number. | cent. F . > Ft e tiles } aT We ’ naypt Adatiay United States.......... 51,406,017 || 39, 001, 854 75.9 | 8,832, 626 17.2 | 3,419,750 6.7 NEW ENGLAND: Lex oy oy, oa MLALITO. po age pts} a as eee 1 . 468, 445 385, 571 82.3;).. . 32, 633 7.0 10.3 New Hampshire. ..%....-. 163, 322,|| . 105, 625 64.7) 86,991 22. 6 12.1 Vermont. are ¢-- toe P+ <4 242, 452 178, 986 73. 8:) 35, 260 14,5 10. 9 Massachusetts. ..:..%..-.-|- 202, 108 137,377 68.0,}.; » 81,136 | 15.4 (16.3 Rhode Island. ....,...-..-)- 15, 217; 10, 463 68. 8, 2, 809 18.5 12.0 WonneCthiCUL 0. te os 3s sale 444, 292 259, 098 58.3 82, 520 18.6 22.6 MIDDLE ATLANTIC:} et bear > Eph! Gane New) ¥00Kn--.-- tan ap - oe =. 1,.795, 383 1, 450,082), 80.8.) » 188, 465 7.4 11.2 New Jersey..,. ¢-- 4-5 say - += *. 680, 964 402,092,|. - 69.0 165, 975 24. 4 16.2 Pennsylvania... .}2.5...2. | 8,112, 202 2, 565, 379 82.4 178, 553° 5.7 y Ad East NORTH CENTRAL; 23 ; \ ) OIG. ona gae-' bp ee ak 2, 082, 258 1, 740,813} 88.61. 227,917 10.9 |- 35.2) ANGISHS ge o00-4 ones oe 1, 447, 535 1, 219,533 84, 2 193, 827 13.4 2.2 TN GIS cay senses due po - oe 2, 082, 127 1,611, 509 77.4 303, 564 14.6 | a. 2 MAGICA se cs dae cmp - 2 “1, 426, 852 996, 947 69.9 218, 661 15.3 / 14.4 WVISGOMSING sou dood ows xe bE 1,387,499 || 1,026,977) 74.0 150, 305 10,84. 14.9 West NoRTH, CENTRAL Lido ; Minnesotan 2... | awe 5 -} 1,335,532 ||. 845, 086 63. 3 242, 448 18.2 | 18.3 Wall onl goa ued ie cue nb ak 1,528, 526 1,098,558 | 71.9 289,913 | 19.0 8.9 MisSOUTIC tooo... od ay ope tb 1, 817, 152. 1,426; 838} 78.5 349, 067 19.2 |. 2.1 North Dakota: .. 4.5 ta, 2k 558, 633 | 270, 862 48.5 167, 390 30. 0 20. 7 South Dakota.........---- 534, 675 265,086 | 49.6 197,168 | 36.9 418. 1 Nebraska ts. -)ticdcweme ook 891, 066 553, 405 62. 1 243, 599 27.3 10.2 FOATISAS. ck a cee ee tek 1,151, 298 683, 417 59.4 392, 519 34, 1 6.2 SoutH ATLANTIC: | Delawareia 5 Ugg cep. ost 102, 236 75, 869.|, 74.240) 922, 671 22. 2 3.0 Marylang.,... 001 4-2 case ae 580, 239 477, 361 82.3 |. », 87, 418 15.1}, 2.5 District. of Columbia?.. ... AR eign ys sab all eae Oodapee eekeas. aialawcitps bkeshl aoatee el teen meen Sh bio Virginio hs odin tee Se . 1,635, 203 1, 471, 262 90.0 149, 983 9.27]. 0.7 West Virginia... ..5..---1 1,,094, 694 870,159,} 79.5 180,205 | 16.5 8.9 North Carolina. .1.22....-:/:. 2, 068, 753 1, 975, 865 95. 88,382} 4.3] — nye & South Carolina...../.2...-1 .. 1,389, 737 1,314, 054 94. 71,925 | ° 5.2 0.2 oor gin nt i. sds ames -b 2, 167, 973 2, 024, 313 93. 137, 508 6.3 0.2 HWIOTMIG oo oe. cde ee tat 612, 645 392, 984 64. 200, 823.| ~32..8 4. ys East SouTH CENTRAL: ‘ » Kentuce ya ---- 4-0 oge-> +t 1, 783, 087 1, 644, 504 92. 128, 224;| °° 7.2 0.5 Tennessee..... ... - - Beg 1,726, 659 1,571,036 91. 150, 154 8.7 0.2 Alabama.......... © eee 1, 838, 857 || - 1,669,155} 90. 160,706 | 8.7 0.4 MISSIBSI DM. > = cde == ea 1, 550, 497 1, 412, 141 91. 132, 195 8,5. 0.3 West SOUTH CENTRAL: Io . YEE in A Arkansas sc) ka cee ae - 1,461,707 ||". 1,028,522 70. 420,934] 28.87 ee LOUlsiG0A > .. 2. dope na-< 28 1,170, 346 ||. 1,029,843 88. 124,900; 10.7 {hed Cid angiites . o. sdinewessa4 1, 488, 803 669, 759 44, 794,841 | 53.40 a RY TOKAE ete oss rey na geaee 3, 150, 539 2, 385, 787 75. 560,666 | 17.8" 622 MOUNTAIN: ; pe Montana. t..: .. odes pee - od 376, 878 118, 732 31. , 193,264 ]°° 51.3 +16. 5% CS EGS NO Te ake winks ee gua ee 312, 829 112,614 36. . 169, 438 | °° 54.27 9.3 AY YOUNES. t wa a Taste 69.—COUNTRY OF BIRTH OF FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION, - COUNTRY OF BIRTH. es ¥ » Denmark ee es Netherlands... :.... 2.4.22. Se ee G2 rence. sah - SHE -- :...... / eeakh. ¥e Czechoslovakia: 1.2.11)! Lae e Pmangaryi is)... . bol. Pep sugo-Slavia sss: -.). se0.006 Bastern BMPOE) Ss oes ole SPF 42 Merttsussia.. WG bok Poh Peibnirarien 291 2. Bo. Br iMlland 2322-26. 245% Bul aria .. ‘ me soca MEE ous iJ © Bs salina and Newfoundiand.. . Breet ronch | Canada—Other. . - Newfoundland..........:. Ww est “Gta te DEA nee ee es ey ant South BEAD 2 _ Central America. . tgs te South America Ee en ete a } ‘acif iret ¥ af . z ' ‘COUNTRY OF BIRTH. 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 2Comprises Danzig, Fiume, Saar Basin, and “Europe, not specified.” 8 Except possessions of the United States. 299 BY SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920. et PER CENT NUMBER. PER CENT. to 100 DISTRIBUTION. Total. || Male. | Female.|| Maie.| *€ || mates. |/rotai.|| Mate.| *& . ° -| male. ma es. al. ale. male 13, 920, 6927, 675, 435/8, 248, 257]| 55.1] 44.9|) "122.9 100:0} 100.0) 100.0 11, 882, 053}/6, 570, 781/5, 311,272|/ 55,3] 44.7]) 123.7|| 85.4] 88.6) 85.0 3, $30, 0941, 979, 01}1, 850, 503|/ 51.7] 48.3] 107. ol| 27. sl 25.8] 29.6 813, 853|| ’425, 664] 388, 189|| 52.3) 47. 7|1 109.7|| 5.8|| 5.5} 6.2 254, 570|) 133,956} 120,614 52.6, 47.4|| 111.1) 1.8], 1.7) 1.9 67;086|| 36,184} 30, 882{lr1 54.0] 46.0] 117, 2 0:5] /-005/1 0.5 1,037, 234|] 455,571| | 581,663|| 43.9| 56.1) 78.3] 7.5] 5.9] 9.3 363; 863]} 202,758] 161, 105 55.7) 44.3 125.9 2. 6)im 5 26] 2.6 625, 585|] 344, 938] |.280,647|| 55.1] 44.9} 122.9) 4.5] 4.5] 4.5 19) 154|| 114,063) 75, 091||. 60.3| 39. 7|| 151.9|| dad) dedfio 12 131, 766|| 75,510] | 56,256] 57.3| 42.7|| 134.2I| 0.9). 4.0} 0.9 62,687|| 35,971] 26, 716|| 57.4} 42.6|| 134.6] 0.5) 0.05}. 0.4 12; 585 7,671 4,914 61.0} | 39.0 156.1 0, 1). , Oath Wy) 0.1 118,.659]| 67,830 50,829||. 57.2| 42.8] 133.4l| 0.9], 00.9) 10.8 153, 072 79,475| 78, 597 51.9} 48.1) 108.0 1,1 vbr Oh 41.2 34,321|| 19,197| 16, t24|| 56.9| 44.1] 126.9]| 0.2]. 0.8)).0.8 4, 330, 874)|2, 389, 053)\1, 941, 821 55. 2} 44.8 123.0)) 81.11) 3154) 31.1 1, 686, 10 "91" 293 794, 815 52:9} °- 47.1 112, bf + TT Oy 12.7 1, 139, 979 646, 388 493, O91 56.7| 43.3 131. O}f ** 8.2) 8.4) 7.9 62, 438]| 196,253] 166,185] 54.1] 45.9] 118.1 2,6l) 2.6) 2.7 575, 627 323) 453 252” 174 56.2) 43.8 128.3 ALT 421 4.0 397, 283 216, 914 130, 369 54.6) 45.4 120.3 2.9 2.8|'* 2.9 169, 439 114, 752 54, 687]|; 67.7) 32.3 209, 8 1,2 1. 5jay 009 1, 803, 971)|1, 013, 471 790, 500}; 56:2; 43.8 128, 2: ° 13, O13. 2F 212.7 1, 400, 495 774. 017 628, 478 55. 3} > 44.7 123. 6if * 10. Ht > 10, TT’ 10. 0 135, 068 go 866} 52? 202 61.4) 38.6)) 158.7 1.0 Lo il AN | 149, 824|| 85, 987| 6425371 56.9} -43.1|} 132,21} ail} a1) 1.0 102, 823 58,135) 44, 688 56.5} ~~ 43.5 130.1 0.7 Ko) feral UA f 10,477 9, 508 ~~ 969 90:8) --9.2 981, 2 0.1 0.4)" €) 5, 284|| 8,658| +-1,626||; 69.2) 30.8] 225.0] @) fa) fo@ 1, 911, 213)/1, 185, 001) 726, 212 62.0) 38.0 163. 2}| - 13, 7|| 15.4) 11.6 175, 976|| 143,606} 32,370 81.6; 18.4 443.6 1,3 Poise" Osi 5, 608 4,905 703 87.5} - 12.5 697.71} @) 0,1) () 1,610, 113}| 958,277) 651, 836 59. 5} - 40.5 147. Oj} 11.61) 12,5) 10.4 49, 535|| 36,667; | 12,868|| 74.0] 26.0} 284.9/; 0.4l) 0.51 0.2 69,981|| 41,546] 28/435] 59.4| 40.6] 146.1) O.5|| 0.5) 0.5 5,901] 3,665] 2,236)) 62.1) 37.9!) 163.9)' (ty |} @y"' ay 237, 950|| 172,460/ 65,490] 72.5| 27.5] 263.3)/-- 1.7] 2.21 1.0 36, 628|| 25,352| 11,276] 69.2} 30.8|| 224.8)/- 0.3/) 0,31 0.2 3)203|| 2,062, 13141/] 64.4} 35.6|1-- 180.7) Gy} @y | @ 51, 901 31,241! 20,660 60.2! 39.8 151, 2 0.40 0.4! 1028 11,019 8,042 2,977 73.0} 27.0 270.1 0.1 0.1) (4) 43, 560|| 40,754! 2,806) 93.6 6.4{/ 1,452.4], 0.31) 0.5) (1) 817502|| 57,304 24’ 198|| 70.3] 29. 7/| 236.8|| --0.6l|-- 0.7) 0.4 4,901. 3,774| 1,127) 77.0 23.0] 334-911 @) | @ | 5,236] | 3,931 1/305] 75.1] 24.9]] B01. 2/) Gy |} oa!) 1,727, 017)] 890,917} 836,100) 51.6 48.4l] 106.6)/ 12.4 11.6 13.4 1, 138, 174|| 556, 837] 581, 337 48.9} 51.1 95, 8 8.2 VA) ee! Bs 07/786|| 157,748} 150,038] 51.3) 48. 7|| 105.1]|--2.2|) 2:1) "204 817, 139|| 392/931] 424,208|| 48.1] 51.9]] -- 92.6|| 5.9|| 5.1) 6.8 13,249|| 6,158] 7, 091|| 46.5] 53.5] 86.8 O.4]) 0.1) 001 78, 962| 43,263] 35,699] 54.8] 45.2!) 121.211 0.6] 0.6, 0.6 14872 8/341] 6,531] 56.1] 43.9]| 127.7] O.a}h- Of 0.1 5 34) 922) 29,168 54.5} 45.5 119. 7}}. 0.5 0.5) 0.5 486; 418|| 276,526] 209,892] 56.8] 43.2l| 131. 7|| 3.5][.8.6} 3.4 23, 463 14 291 9, 172 60.9} 39.1 155, 8 0. 2-5: 0.2) 0.1 4,912 2, 849 2, 063 58.0} 42.0 138.1]; @) O)rgo® 18, 551 11, 442 7; 109 61.7} 38.3 161.0 0.1 0.1) 0.1 73,672) 41,277} 32,395] 56.0} 44.0|| 127.4l| .0,5]| 0.5), 0.5 5, 781 3, 433 2, 348 59.4) 40.6 146. 2)) ()_ {l, @), Q) 10, 914 6,019 4, 895 55.1). 44.9 123. 0 0.1 2g y gee OTS | 44) 340 24,523) — 19,817 55.3} 44.7 123.7 0.3 0.3) 0.3 3°712\| 2/050; —-1,662|| 55.2) 44.8] 123.31 @) || a. | @ 3, 589 2, 320 1, 269 64,6) 35.4 182. 8]| (4) (1) @) 5, 336 2,932) - 2, 404 64.9) 45.1 122.0) Gy yt) (1) 3800 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—=POPULATION. 4 | Taste TO.—COUNTRY OF BIRTH! OF ‘POREIGN-BORN POPU: : 1920 : ae Both sexes. Per ; : i cent o OL, » sine ean’ COUNTRY OF BIRTH. ead 4 Oe 3 (POSTWAR BOUNDARIES. ) Number. fue cent oF ! Female. born | popu- _popu- | lation. ation. cs Total foreign born....\'.......2....2- 13,920,692 | 100.0 13.2 || 7,675,435 |. 6,245,257 | Butopedss .. ih: Gok. er SR oh 11, 882, 053 85.4 11.2 || 6,570,781 Northwestern Europe. ......2.2...-2.- 3, 830, 094 27.5 8.6: 4) 1, 979,591 Brgland (hoo. dik Aaa ed 813, 853 | 5.8 0.8 425, 664 Scotland. 6.0... Ae. ee. 254, 570 18} | 50/2 Wels) 280. IN a, ee ie ded 67, 066 0.5 0,1 Trelagid.s tec)... due... eee 1, 037, 234 7.5 1.0 || NOPWAY .Uivh cn caut cy. doe a ae 363, 863 2.6 0.3. Sweden. 25 og J. ae he 625, 585 4.5 0.6 Denmark. un. ho erie ee awe. we 189, 154 1.4 0.2] Netherlands... . dir atc. oly. tas wot 131, 766 0.9 0.1 Belg: baw .. dp -itee vad iae 4 bei w oe 62, 687 0.5 0.14) Luxemburge .- i. cee ~ = Jee es eke 12, 585 0.1 Ade: x Switzerland: .. os in -. fio aes- sae. 118, 659 0.9 0.1 Fyani@ei isis as . tsk gubte os Siete Cae 153, 072 Let 0.1 ic Coanitral Burope!' 4. GOR. LEAR. A 4,330,874 | 31.1 4.1 || 2,889,053 |. 1,941,821 FORINAD Yi nis dievigmatec dee tees we 1,686,108 | 12.1 1.6 891, 293 794,815 4) PONG decnk oes fete sdk ES ees 1, 139, 979 8.2 1.1|) » 646,388 Czechosloyakta . x. coves. i t= sah 362, 438 2.6 0.3 196, 253 AUSEEAs Jin cp sds cute. ee ae eee 575, 627 4.1 0.5 323, 4538 Hun garyin oy. She seer ~~ cee he 397, 283 2.9 0.4 216,914} | 180 TugoBlavid eC la. ous she =. dae 169, 439 1.2 0.2 114,752 | Eastern Buropes. 22: aoee... Se aes 1, 803, 971 13.0 1:7 1,013, 471 Bitissid. . jcc - duce. - dae bea |. 1,400, 495] 10.1 1.3 774, 017 Lithianiie ... Jo pan. - ca de ie. 135,068 | .1.0] 0.1 82, 866 Finland oy. gy. dae Spey. - lado oc 149, 824 dod 0.1 85,287 |. Ruianias i. sis ape - dian wes 102, 823} - 0.7 0.1 58, 135 Bulgarialc n.d 208 «ole “ele. 10, 477 0.4| '@) 9, 508 Turkey in Europe.....--.4..--.-3- 5, 284 () (4) 3, 658 Southern Europe,.....-..-- lia tae. s-4- 1,914,213 | »43.7 108>|} 1,185, 001 THOCO. Hse hnoss ar Mub ecco: 175, 976 1.3 0.2 ‘143, 606 Albania:.jeig.s ths sense dia ee sla 5,608 | »@) (1) 4, 905 Ee gee RR alpen MAME ey A A 1,610,113} 11.6] 1.5 Spaith, tle A > ly eed clea ce 49, 535 0.41 QQ) » 868. Portilgals osy . daa agyat «+ deeds ok- 69, 981 0.5 0.1 Other Burope?.4..06 A6i . Hees 45,901 | @) (ly. Bite. Mata sia neato de ae, dec 237,950| . .17!| 0:2 Armonia’. : J). 225. dea spa. dipipe sds. 36, 628 0.3 ( PelOStING -.5./\hase . Abe oo aa woe otro oie 6 3, 203 (4) 1) YOO. hee te ees de ak - seb te 2 8. 51, 901 0.4 Q) TOLKOY 10) ASU oii stan an ainncdbanpincdeine 11, 019 0.1 a GHIN 8a es. he oes ly aah ans See be 43, 560 0.3 (4) Japan .;.4-..3.0- ahh ay cial age ay 81, 502 0.6. 0.1 TG Ss. A ca + alge OG Nae dae ; 4,901 | -G)o4 @ Other Asia...i}5 49. dia sad .- - sta a Od 1. 5; 236 (1) ee Arieridg.22.. 808). 110 8 ea 1,727,017; 12.4] 1,6'| 890, 917 Ganada-—Frenéhy. 2 0161 2. ah a8. 307,786-| 2.2) 0.3 157,748 Oanhada—Other 32.232 ob. ithe Jee 817, 139 5.9 0.8 ss Newfoundland................ aS ew 4p 18, 249 01} © West Indies oso 5452 a ie 78, 962 0.6 0.1 MARC eo an nen a mee cleans ORT: Ape 486, 418 3.5 0.5 Central and South America. .........-. : 23, 463 0.2 Ge ila Allother 8.7.3 26}. oui ee A. 73, 672 0.5 0.1 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 percent. . | Fy hate io 2 Persons reported in 1910 as of Polish mother tongue born in Germany (98,182 males; 91,914 fema Austria (199,485 males; 129,933 females), and Russia (270,363 males; 148,007 females) have been deducterl ie ee een i countries and combined as Poland for comparison with number reported in 1920 as orn in Poland. £01 ‘COUNTRY OF BIRTH. |... . 301 2¢€ ‘LATION, BY SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910. 1910 Both sexes. | ot \cent of) Per | Males = eran a5 total |centof|| Male, Female. | to 100 ee: Number, | foreign-| total females, FOO, GT) GES (OT9.Y y ' “F< porn Fe u- iets ac pope ation. 1 Gon. & Total foreign born. A | gag oii ee eet} 18,515,886 | 100.0} 14:7]! 7,667,748 | 5,848, 138 131.1 | t RS a eee = = = ee Sess Oe oe ; EMTOPE. econo ses Wi. 1 Bee 11,791,841 | 87.2) 12.8 |] 6,702,997 | 5, 088, 944 131.7 4, 239,067'}) 31.4) 4.6 |] 2,226,393 | 2,012, 674 110.6 4.” 877, T19 6.5 1.0 477, 320 400, 399 119.2 261,076) 1.9} . 0.3 144, 659 116, 417 124.3 82,488}' 0.6} 5.0.1 45, 397 37, 091 122.4 1,352,251} 10.0 1.5 611, 556 740, 695 82.6 403, 877 3.0 (0.4 230, 156 173, 721 132.5 665,207 4.9]. 0.7 369, 953 295, 254 125.3 181, 649 1, Sip £20,2 109; 120 72, 529 150.5 120, 063 0.9]. O1 68, 363 51, 700 132, 2 49,/400'} 0.4) | 0,1 29, 895 19; 505 153.3 | 3,071} @) Q). 1, 963 1,108 177.2 i 124, 848 0.9} 0.1 72,726 52, 122 139. 5 117,418.) 0, 9 00, 1 65, 285 52, 133 125.2 4,600,298] 34.0] 5.0]| 2,636,069} 1,964, 229 134.2 29’ 314 937-1. 17.1 2.5 || 1,239,593 | 1,071,644 | 115.7 na 2 937, 384 6.9 1.0 568, 030 369, 854 153.6 SAustria.:........ 2 845, 555 6.3 0.9 513, 970 331, 585 155.0 OS Seek ite ee eG age 495, 609 3.7 0.5 305, 543 190, 066 160. 8 Serbia. ene tie ee eS 4°639'1! (1) (1) 3) 837 802 478. 4 Montenegro... .. 2}... 2260. .ebe deal « 5, 374 (*) (1) 5, 096 278 1, 833. Eastern .2/....5¢)....L.0. 59,729 0.4 ‘ 40, 467 19, 262 210.1 | GE SR Sa See a 56,756} 0.4 ; 54, 968 1,788 | 3,074.3 eS. 5) HA DOE...) tab aoi.. ba 67,744 0.5 60, 758 6, 986 869.7 ndla eae g A oc. | SUES. LOR 4 () 3,779 885 427.0 ’ ASIA. § TAY bw. 4 Sh yes BF j 2,591} CG) |, 2,078 513 405.1 be ee | MUA tieriba. .......)......0..-b... 1,489,231 | 11.0 777,596 | 711,635 109.3 fied Srrerieir 02 | boxe eeu | oe 385,083 |) 2.8 201,164 | 183,919 109. 4 —a2—Othcr............ oe 819,554 6.1 404,792 414,762 97. 6 @ ae we aes UR | SR 5,0 (1) 2, 525 2, 555 98.8 Senttes Poet! SEE Le 47, 635 0.4 : 26, 764 20, 871 128.2 De hited ig Me ciccstect clin: 221; 915 16) (0. 136, 677 85, 238 160.3 ise and South America. ........... 9, 0.1 5, 674 4, 290 132.3 i al other ioe Be 3 eoreh..-c13 a 43,330 0.3 25, 105 18, 225 137.8 |. 8 Albania included with Turkey in roe’ in 1910, , gapmprises Danzig (2,049), Fiume (384), Saar Basin (263), and ‘‘ Europe, not specified’’ (3,205). 5 Except Rrpreate of the United States. : Africa, Australia, Atlantic Islands, Pacific Islands except possessions of the United States, SOULE Ob eacitiod, ” and born at sea. j 302 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION, ~ TABLE 71.—_COUNTRY OF BIRTH OF FOREIGN-BORN [ Figures for each census year relate to’ NUMBER. COUNTRY: OF BIRTH. 1920 1910 1900 1890 * 1880 1| Total foreign born..........- 13, 920, 692 13, 515, 886 |10, 341,276 | 9,249,560 | 6,679, 943 | 5, 567, 229 2 Burope....jos---c.c-eeef 11, 882, 053 |11, 791, 841 | 8, 871, 780 | 8, 020, 608 | 5,744,311 | 4, 936, 618 Cs minnie 3,330, O04 | da Siri ug:(. 840, S13 | 7900, 002 | 664160 |. 565/040 a Nellans. L8ek at. Y cB ' 5 Sogn ae eel 254,570 | 261,076 | 233,524 | 242,231 | 170, 136 6 Wales....0...- Pee BOT ,8.. 67,066 | 82,488:} 93,586 | 100,079 | —_ 83, 302}. 7 Rie opsiei ee cecee eset eset 1, aot ns 1, me = 1, aa 459 | 1, poi “4 1, 854, a 8 OPW yr RX. 4 OGLE. F 63, 8 . 403, 388 181, 729 9 Swedaniti:.....0S8.552....4 625,585 | 665,207 | 582,014 | 478,041 | 194, 337 10 Denmark! -..j.200.bbL....4 189,154 | 181,649]. 153,690 | 132,543 | 64, 196 li Netherlands... .vs.t:...--, | 131, 766 120, 063 | 94, 931 81, 828 58, 090 12 Belgium. ......scesJiu.--.. 62,687 |; 49,400] 29,757] 22,639 | 15, 535 13 Luxemburg........ OFS 3.4 » | 12, 585 3,071: 3, 031 2, 882. 12, 836 14 Switzerlatid: ..j.20U.000....1 118, 659 124, 848 115, 593 104, 069 88, 621 15: Fraticec..... 100/201. ...4 153,072 | 117}418 | 104,197 | 113,174 | 106, 971 16 | Central and Eastern Europe... .| 6,134, 845 |'6, 024,041): 4, 136, 646 | 3, 420, 629 | 2,187,776 17 Germany. .../. 638 4.....-4 1/686, 108 |22) 311, 237 | 2; 663, 418 | 2, 784, 894 | 1, 966, 742 18 Polwhd si... Vee... ..1 1 139, 979 |. 2 937,884 | 383,407 | 147,440 | ~ 48,557 19 Czechoslovakia... .-..0...-.- 362, 438 }...-. LEB. a Es chee Oy es Ee ee eee 20 ANSEAS uy op dos cytes 575,627 | 2 845,555 432,798 | 241,377 | 124,024 21 Hungary.......--- LOE} 397,283 | 495,609} 145,714] -62,435 |. 11,526 2 JUPO-OIENIS - o\ tomes Cg aate= ot 160; WOE Ae se cher eine Sa.e% ee ge o|z sates abe bp ceteeae etree GLA AE 23 Ser Dit tse = deat Seance oa as ono ae eee MGSO TOY... cis t2 SERS eee sheep ener js Pu x MDRESTGET®- =“ geecati °°? ha ahaa” aa DOL 4 Te... conte cals tte cepa mae etaantg rates BU 5 beh 1 tpn ORR erwin, ~ ron Aa 1, 400, 49 : a> K WGA 26 Lithtiania......00220.....-! 135, 068 |fir184s412) 423,726 182,644.| .. 35,722 27 Wand: 5 ee ee ce 149,824 | 129,680] 62,641 we wenn 28 Ramaniad. .. iG87,.712....3 102, 823 65, 923 15, 082 |... 2.2 sinee |e eee ces anmetey sh <= ot bagel 29 Balgariate .2. 3 Bea.3a8... <1 (10, 477 6498 peg os Ss dee] oe cn sed noe [pecs dehhaenl «aa q 30 Turkey in Europe........-.. 5,284 | 332,230 49,910 41, 839 41, 205 31 | Southern Europe.....2...------ 1, 911, 213 | 1,525,875 | 530,200) 206,648] 58, 265 32 Greene L525 PAG MEY Se og 175, 976 101, 282 8, 515 1, 887 776 33 A Pee lea inn ayes ¢ 5, 608 ig woe BRE = aS = aeae A |b oss od ce SR. 6 oe cen 34 Viahet. , haeetee tad 1,610, 113 | 1, 343;125 |" 484,027 | 182, 58 44, 230 359°"! Ghali Cll. . code tere eet 49 535 22’ 108 ; 6,185 5, 121 36 FiGrtagal <= se nmnte 2 pees 69, 981 59, 360 30, 608 - 15,996 |... 8,138 37 | Other Europe 5......¢/..2.---+- 5,901 2, 858 2,251| 12,579}... 3,786 38 Weta SA ts eee 237,950] 191,484] 120,248| 113,396 | 107, 630 is ae elas Sag chee cere 36, = 4 BIOSUNGs cen cc cech GaGhinamee ts 3, 20 HA Syria. | A Fe ee Oo, 51, 901 59, 729 (4) (4) (*) 49> Turkey in Asia... i) Sots cen ns 11, 019 at China| 2o8 0 Le 43,560 | 56,756} 81,534} 106,701 | 104, 468 44 {Yapani ee. 20721 Be 81,502 | 67,744] 24, 788 2, 292 401 25} indig {08 993 t ey 4’ 901 4) 664 2) 031 27143}... 1,707 a6] Other(Asia....s...b.s.cuec ee! 5, 236 27591 | 11,895 2; 260 1) 054 47 Ameria .... ead. gne 2.3 1,727, 017 | 1,489,231 | 1,317,380 | 1,088,245 | 807,230 48 | Canada—French ®...........--. 307,786 |. 385,083 | 395,126 | 302, 496 ; : 49 | Canada—Other 6........04.----- 817,139 | 819,554 |, 784,796 | “678, 442'|+ 717,157 50 |’ Newfoundland ¢........4..----- » 13, 249 BAD buys. . ideas a}- «.- aime eee Bhde@uba. Gee ....-k4tad cove! 14) 872 | 15,133," 11,081 1° “64 ope 6,917 52 | Other West Indies...........-. 764,090 | 732,502] 714,354 , 9) 484 Sd Maxtieb oo. chee wes heed 486,418 | 221,915 | 103, 393 77,853 | 68,399 54: |*Central “America... 522225.....4 4,912 1, 736° 3, 897 . 1,192 2 AOE 652): South. A mericay cs deh can snance ad 18, 551 8, 228 4,733 5, 006 4, 566 56 “AN other ®. 020 20.220) 73,672. 48,380 | 81,868 | 27,811} 20,772 : ‘ ' Wilk © 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. ‘ ie pe aw 2 See note 2, Vable 70. # Albania included with Turkey in Europe in 1910. ¢ Turkey in Asia included with Turkey in Europe prior to 1910. 5 Includes ‘‘Europe, not specified” at each census, and Danzig, Fiume, and Saar Basin in 1920. ¥ | ‘COUNTRY OF BIRTH. 303 POPULATION, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1850-1920. countries as constituted in that year.} B Pitre aith tool ai oent{ ' ‘ i ss ; ~ NUMBER—continued. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION. ihagecyoneteas Acacia aeel SUG © tears ecb lar et eS a See Se ements ts SANS 1860 | 1850 1920 | 1910 | 1900 ‘|--1890 | 1880 | 1870 | 1860 | 1850 “4 138,697 | 2,244,602 | 100.0) “ 100.0] 100.0 ~ 100/01 100.0} 100.0] 100.0] 100.0] 1 3,805,701 | 2,031,867 || 85.4| 87.2] 85.8 | 86.7 ~ 96.01 98.7 92.01 90.5| 2 2,472,211 | 1,437,475 27.5 31.4 40.6 47.4 52.3 56. 1 59.7 64.0 | 3 433, 4 278, 675 5.8 6.5 8.1 9. 8 9.9 |... 10.0 10,5 12.4] 4 108, 518 70, 550 1.8 1.9 2.3 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.6 3.1] 5 45, 763 29, 868 0.5 0.6 0.9 11 1, W4s1100193 t. Ldoittedod |! 6 1, 611, 304 961, 719 7.5 10. 0 15.6 20. 2 27. 8 33.3 po. 3809 42:8 | 7 43, 995 12, 678 2.6 3.0 3-3} '! HES O74 ....21)- 2°. ba 0.6| 8 . 18, 625 3, 559 4.5 4.9] § $6 5.2 2.9 1.7 5} 021 9 . 9, 962 1, 338 "1.4 1.3 15 1.4 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.1 | 10 28, 281 | 9, 848 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0. 8 0.7 0.4} ld 9 072 1/313 0.5 0.4} © 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 | 12 A RD Bee eee 0.1 (1) (1) (1). 0. 2 0.24 bee 4 13 . 53, 327 13, 358 0.9 0.9 11 11 1.3 18 1.3 0.6 | 14 109, 870 54, 069 Ll 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.1 259 2.4 | 15 1,311,722 586, 240 44.1 44.6 | <40.0 37.0 32.8 32.1 31.7 26.1 | 16 1; 276, 075 583,774 12.1 17.1 25.8 30.1 29. 4 30. 4 30. 8 26.0 | 17 . T DSP ato. 8.2 6.9 3.7 1.6 0.7 0.3 ie eps ae 18 eth aes B i.e. te eel chews sah. 22. eee teach: shi Joravely 19 Bi 25, 06 946 4.1 6.3 4,2 2.6 1.9 12 0.6 @)y | 20 Py 2.8t 8 rene 2.9 3.7 1.4 0.7 0.2 0, 1: fo 2 Hecate. 4! 21 Be Ee: Si S15 2S a oieie la lolg © DP AMeY eet cs oe |< bia Pathas 2 | 0 \ale. tbe SH. aca cwinmedlonce ce veel ommstoulss heme be nce = 22 7 SOF gee IR EER hee mip © |e Ei 8) loded GR |b Rana... Sac cfk ees ce nee leeee couche... 23 De or acl § Me Fete rN Che) WE AR POUL OSS. PUL cso clee lowes scanners MiUeIash:.. [128 10.1 \ 0% Ay 25 3, 160 1, 414 1, 01 f4 obe , 2.0 0.5 0.1 0, 1 0.1 | 26 Rn 1.1 1.0 0.6 o7 AERA at TS ina 0.7 0:5 4: HO Oa tL DORON. ws ctokeie ce ccec dt tee. 28 Ee a ert 0.1 0.1] ae tier TE Bh hoe ciccl cee eabapphine oo 1120 . 4128 4106 |] @) 0.2 011 @) @) Q) (1) @) "| 30 20, 365 8, 152 13.7 11.3 5. 2,2 0. 0.5 0.5 0.4 | 31 "828 Beat? 0.7 0.1} @Q) (1) Q) Q) Q's] 82 hl eae 3,679. 11: 6 idieas O19: [nto 47 |-2! ao Gre: 0.3. bid OLB Horn’ 0.2 | 34 4 244 3,113 0. 4 0. 2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 | 36 4,116 1, 274 0.5 0.411. 0.3 0.2 9.1 “0.1 0.1 0.1 | 36 +, S98 0 Q) ) (1) 0.1 0.1 |.-..@) (posed. edn 37 36,796 1,135 1.7 1.4 1,2 1.2 1.6 1.2 0.9 0.1 | 38 0.3 39 1 4 ) (4) SR ul be wl og, Bea tao Beep Pra ET n= re 0.1 42 35, 565 758 0.3 0. 4 0.8 1,2 1.6 1% 0.9} @) | 438 OR ee, eS ae 0.6 0.5 0.2 2 Ql ¢ paler cols sete 44 See eee i} (2) (1) (1) 1 (i Vaccine aia 45 | OME, Bt 377 () (?) 0.1 1) (1) a (3) () 46 | 288, 285 168, 484 12.4 11.0 12.7 11.8 12.1 9.9 7.0 7.5 | 47 18.0 3 5 2.2 2.8 3181 | 13 48 249,970 147,711 | 5.9 6.1 7.6 ot A 10.7 8.9 6.0 6.6 | 49 Z ) o4 2) o lle BOL). Ba A 30 i 0. 0.1 0,1 0.1 0.1 51 7,353, 5,772 { ere e on \ 0.3 { Me ae \ 0.2 0.3| 25 27, 466- 13,317 3.5 1.6 1.0 0. 8 1.0 0.8 0 0.6.| 53 233 141 () (?) ag Ry () (1) (2) @) 54 3, 263 1,543 0.1 0.1]. Q) 0. 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 | 55 7,915 43,116 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 1.9 | 56 ‘6 Newfoundland included with Canada prior to 1910. © POLLS EE * 1 Except possessions of the United States. 8 Africa, Australia, Atlantic Islands, Pacific Tslands except possessions’ of the United States, “country not specified,” and born at sea. Ra ke | 2a. " a 804 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-POPULATION, , > po 3 ms % TABLE 72.—INCREASE IN FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION BY [The increases and decreases for each decade have been based on the numbers of persons reported, at the. im which the censuses were taken. The increases and decreases for the decade 1910-1920 are, therefore, place within that decade. ] [Per cent not shown where base is less than 100. COUNTRY OF BIRTH. 1 | Total foreign born........... to fe =] 5 © uo] ® ee Countries . with unchanged |, Sonmr Sampo Z ) a = Pe 2 Luxemburg. 24-6 22.5 02b& li Switrerlands f2e ee ee ee 13 Spain “00 se. bE... 2 hb. — bo = E 5 p Countries with changed boun- daries since 1910; 20 Hungary 22 .f0..2. LE 28 BPEL 275 nf: eI ON NSP ns 24 Turkey in Europe........- 25 OTGCGG Sais goin Rebate ee at = 26 Etaby: @fe ict tees sb Countries organized since 1910: 27 Pong eee cas ShopwATmenia bio Fe ee SORE BIOSbINGs fo 5 od eee ee AT Misia st: eieaiey 9.8) Salalah CR Seg 36:| Turkey in Asia...-.........1.. et ie SY 7 Ra aS ly eS 41 America... 5.9.8. ..05-5 42 Canada—French Bites sa. abo 43 | Canada—Other 5.....2......05 44 | Newfoundland 5 .............. 47 | Central and South America.... 48 All other’7...... eorirn ap 1910-1920 Number, 3,174,610 | 30.7 2,920,061) 32.9 || 404, 806 90,212 2351, 151 36,900 —1) 021 —26) 946 74, 694 266, 988 - 2202, 095 362, 438 159, 426 35, 608 3, 043 46, 466 237, 786 —11, 291 2) 415 8) 169 31, 327 264; 503 13, 499 30, 342 Per.cent. 3.0 0.8 I a w Bic | He Sate | SSoNSSn or ae ay oe Oo OIWMOCOOOorOr- bo ee ee es ee ee eee 0 -~e ee Pewee 1900-1910, (*) 10,620 71, 236 | 359, 729 24,778 42’ 956 2’ 633 +9) 304 171, 851 1890-1900. ‘Number, .|Per cent.|,, Number....|Per cent. “1,091,716 |. 11.8 SS SE 851,172, 10. 6 | 4.4 4b) 68, 579-0 —7.5 | 11.8 | 8; WE iB, 61 19 —6, 493}, —6.5 | —16.3 |] —256, 050} —13.7 |) 20.1 || 13,7284) 5 4.3 | 14.3 103,973 | 21.7 26.5 13,103. | 16.0 1.3 149}, 5.2 8.0 11, 524 1 107.0 Hes: ae)? hod erpest ool} 213.6 865 |. 14,0 93.9 14,612 | | 91.3 18.2 21,147 | 16.0 66. 0 7,118 |) 31.4 fi 4 87 tet 13,2] 121,46) 4 a 95, 4 191) 491 79.3 240, 1 83,279] 133. 4 179, 5 1 303,723 | 166.3 338. 6 15 OD a ed “925.2 hai» 38, O7kd; 488.9 1, 089. 5 6,628 | 351.2 177.5 301, 447 | - 9265. 1 144.6 || 235,967 | 160.0 -|-++----- ANGE. .-56 Eu 2h oo WU. Seda Bi. 4 eM eben 471.8 —10, 328}. —82.1 59.2 6, 852 6.0 Ae ae, (3) 5 Gc —30. 4 —25, 167 | —23.6 173. 3 22,496 | 981.5 129.6 +12) *—h3 578.2 9,635} 426.3 13. 0 229,135 |. 21.1 245 92, 630 30. 6 4.4 || 106,354}, 15.7 eo SEP = as i Se 9.4 114.6 25,540 |. 32.8 15.5 2,482} (39.2 36.0 4,557| 16.7 1 Finland included with Russia prior to 1900. 2 See note 2, Table 70. 8 Albania included with Turkey in Europe in 1910,, ‘Turkey in Asia included with, Turkey in Europe prior to 1910. ‘Includes ‘Europe, not specified” at each census, and. Danzig, Fiume, and Saar Basin in 1920.9 + ad COUNTRY QF BIRTH. | 805 COUNTRY OF BIRTH, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1850-1920. g and end of the decade, as having been born in the specified countries as constituted in the years afiected, in the case of certain countries, by the changes in the boundaries of those countries which took 1 ; A minus sign (—) denotes decrease.] 1880-1890 1870-1880 1860-1870 1850-1860 Number. Number. | Per cent. Number. | Percent. Number. Per cent. 2, 569, 617 1,112, 714 20. 0 1, 428, 532 34,5 1, 894, 095 84.4] 1 9,276, 297 | 807, 693 16. 4 1, 130, 917 29.7 I, 773, 834 87.3 | 2 244,932 | «36.9 109, 114 19.7 121, 552 28, 0 154, 819 56.6 | 3 ) > 72, 005 42. 4 29) 301 8 32) 317 29. 8 37, 968 53.8| 4 16,777 |. 20.1 8) 769 11. 8 28,770 62.9 15, 895 53.2] 5 16,938} 0.9 —1,256|. —0.1 244” 523 15. 2 649, 585 67.5} 6 140, 936 77.6 67, 483 59, 1 70,251 | 159.7 31, 317 247.0| 7 283) 704 46, 0 97, 005 99. 7 78,707 | 422, 6 15, 066 493.3] 8 23, 738 40. 9 11) 288 24. 1 18, 521 65. 5 18) 433 187.2] 9 —9, 954 77, 5 7,034| © 121.2 BOE RR pa ape abibbipe: ree aoe aD 10 as 448 | 17.4 13, 468 17.9 +: 826 40. 9 39, 969 299, 2} 11 ee EY ho cst Ta lene bes divpartdh sin hI Cok mean 12 . 1,064 | "20.8" 1, 357 36. 1 —480 | 11.3 1, 131 36. 3 | 13 + 7, 858 96.6 3) 596 79. 2 426 10.3 2, 842 293.1} 14 68, 347 106.5. 34, 089 113.2 20, 145 202, 2 8, 124 449,0 | 15 “F104 45.7 2) 982 :8 3, 481 38. 4 7,759 590. 9 | 16 6, 208 5.8 —9, 431 on Sich 6, 532 5.9 55, 801 103. 2 | 17 818, 152 41. 6 276, 209 16. 3 414) 458 32, 5 692’ 301 118, 6| 18 i * 117, 353 94. 6 53, 227. Face 45, 736 182. 5 24,115] 2,549.2] 19 50, “A417 7.739 | 208, 4 81 i a Sign eget bi agertn eld Geico A 2 1 146,922 | 411.3 131) 078.| 669. 2 11) 484 47. 0 (1746 123; 5 | 21 EE eT | GO SRS, co aI SS RES El SA AR sce | eal ceil naga 22 ES RIE a 0G Ste RCI ine NE eel | OG RS RE lk | RR a Reason Sea 23 8 634 $903 | 299. 0 31741 138.9 3 22 20. 8 | 24 ‘1,111 386 . 0 62 18. 9 ee PRO Se 25 138, 350° 27,073 | 157.8 5, 480 46.9 7, 998 217.4 | 26 98, 883 34,121 | 236.4 7, 138 97. 8 FDO HUES Mo o7 oo he I og AE 2a EME | aly Saco ASA, SIR ale: he Bead Aged 28 eo aa ne ons tniee) | Site © ofa > =F See Pie sc eae Seem one ole efticiniu << = 29 EGE a SET ee ER RRAR | BS A IR et | aap Peleg 30 i 8, 793 2,108} 125.6 275 19.6 Pe he patiobjod SB 31 -. 5,766 43, 065 66.7 27, 769 75.5 35,661 | 3,141.9 | 32 ee ee @). >, Men ve @) Webs. pass (3) ili: v 2a? -. 3 _ | 36 2, 233 41, 426 65.7 27,477 77.3 34,807 | 4,592.0 | 37 1, 891 Ore he Pee ed | BEE enn - § pe aig | ME ep eR, ees aay Ne 33 | 436 | 1, 121 191.3 ie RE ee | PRB Sk Getic eee 39 ' 1, 206 190 22. 0 —367,| 29.8 854 226.5 | 40 981, 015 255, 895 46. 4 263, 050 91.2 119, 801 71.1 | 41 42 263, 781 223, 693 45.3 243, 494 97.4 102,259 69.2 yas me 6.855 4,831] 41,8 4,217 57.4 1, 581 27.4 | 45 we 9g! 454 25, 964 61,2 14’ 969 54. 5 14,149 106. 2 | 46 a 925 1 407 36, 4 370 10.6 1, 812 107.6 | 47 6,539 6, 061 41.2 6, 796 85.9 —35,201| 81,6 | 48 a pt _ $Newfound land included with Canada prior to 1910. - SExcept possessions of the United States. ; Africa, Australia, Atlantic Islands, Pacific Islands except possessions of the United States, ‘country not specified,” and born at sea. >. 75108°—23—--20 yy Waal ATO OTH Co DD — oc 0O DIVISION AND STATE OF RESIDENCE. United States... GEOGRAPHIC DiVS.: New England....: Middle Atlantic. . E. North Central. . | ‘ Total foreign born: 1920 13,920,692 1, 885, 945 et Ee OT fel 7 ek een? eR SSS SS eee SS eee +] W. North Central. .|1, 375, 653 South Atlantic. ...| 3380, 537 E. South Central.. 72, 989 W. South Central. . 464, 828 Mountain... 7... .-- 467, 620 Pacihies 2 oe ees 2s 1; 130, 561 NEW ENGLAND: Maine? 2) gay) 4h. 452 107, 814 New Hampshire. . 2 91 397 Vermont st. 22,2 44° 558 Massachusetts. ..../1, 088; 548 Rhode Island... ... "115, 189 Connecticit...... 378, 439 MIDDLE ATLANTIC New York... v4... 2 , 825, 375 New. Jersey.......- e 42, 486 Pennsylvania... .../1, 392° 557 E. Norta CENTRAL: OHig aie. Vaan 680, 452 Indiana erred: 151; 328 FUOIS Fh was ete Sse 1; 210, 584 Michigan .2....2..- 729, 292 Wisconsin... x22... 460, 485 W. NortTH CENTRAL: Minnesota... 2... 486,795 TOWG: 2 iba, et schet 225, 994 Missouri rss 186, 835 North Dakota... 131, 863 South Dakota. ..2.| +82, 534 Nebrask@iseu. jo oes 150, 665 UG hai: (pt aa 110, 967 SouTH ATLANTIC Delaware-......--- 19, 901 Maryland... 2.2... 103, 179 Dist. Columbia... .- 29° 365 Virginial ese: sess 31, 705 West Virginia.....| 62,105 North Carolina. ... 7, 272 South Carolina. “Gh 6, 582 COrgia. - 2.283. .2e 16, 564 Florida ye ee ge 53, 864 E. SoutH CENTRAL: Kentucky ........- 30, 906 Tennessee... .....-- 15, 648 Alabama ine. oe eas is, 027 Mississippi 8, 408 W. SouTH CENTRAL: Arkansas p23 ci. 14, 137 Louisiana. . 2.2... 46, 427 Oklahoma 40 432 TEXAS obi eh pee 363, 832 MOUNTAIN Montanai. oak. ¥ 591 ldaho =e tees , 147 Wyoming... s0...- 26, 567 Cotorad6.--. 5 119, 138 New Mexico....... 29, 808 Arizona. s 80, 566 tahoe oe oe 59, 200 er ON ACL ain oh Scat oats ., 16, 003 ‘PACIFIC: ~~ ‘ 2 Washington....... 265, 292 Oregon 202. Foes 107, 644 California.......... 757, 625 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS— POPULATION. 47, 501| 2,999 267, 429 83, 885/29, 185], 472, 319] 35, 362 51, 650)15, 226 ‘135, 147 17, 196] 5,698 Mi Tt 1) Gee aad a obo’ oe NORTHWESTERN EUROPE, , ox (=) eats gs eeniatr i £2, 137 V773(: 7, 456 N y 418) } A, 48 t ” 455} 45) A} dca 235) +s 093 3,711; 7631 , 180] 12) 986] 4,907 ” 608] 58’ 092 6,065} ~ , 363 ee A | SS 2,171) 137/. Bil 1,823] | 51 473) GO SI. ao + =~] Paes © CONTR ©. 00 es 1| ‘37, 656| 6, 763) 284, 747). ‘17, 781| 1,255] 65,971 1,854) 549}': 2) 884 28, 474| 1,367} 183, 172} 5,692| "245. 22 253 “7, 487 650] 45, 464 28, 448/21, 167] 121,601) 12, 148] 7,772) 29, 262 3; 707| 1,106} 7,271 19, 598} 3,444] .74' 274) 13, 175] 1,154} 16, 531] 3, 022] 1, 750|. . 7, 809 1,695] B47}... 5; 422 551} 2; 576| 1,170} 4, 825 1, 500} 411) 44}... 2, 895 24) 1,692| 499] ° 6,580 793} 106] 4,320 4 1,327| 163] 1,732 122) 998] 704} 1,459 ' 446] 25] 301 16] 190! 10), 4421. 61) 7, 886| 2,040] 8,927] 30,305] ~ 3,609] 592} 472031 6,955] 10, 532 16, 597] 3,433] 45,308] 11) 460] 31, 926 3,6 1917 18, 721) 4,592) 2,2 POPULATION, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920. NORTHWESTERN EUROPE—continued. Luxemburg. Switzerland. COUNTRY OF BIRTH. 807 CENTRAL EUROPE. EASTERN EUROPE. a 4 oi - iS is 3 *. °o . i bh ast < et r | . S 7) & a 77 3 a ‘= * =| ° le J 9) 4 "A =) Cs cst a a, ; 4 7) aq —~ | Ss © 5 | 3 ee 3 a 5 5 a | en | ff, | |, | 862, 438| 575, 627| 397, 283|169, 439|1,400,495|135, 068/149, 824/102, 823] 1 | J J | | | | S| SS — | ae Eo. OO—oS es ee | 9, 653 123, 863 143, 743 23, 081 310, 844 145, 275 37, 504 12; 077 2) 023 9,195 13) 070 22° 558 | |) | | | | 295, 651 92, 382 120, 194 111, 893 37, 377 205, 491) 1 151, 250 74, 634 70, 642 55, 776 11, 960 15,674 40, 969 23, 380 247,519 419 177,770 67, 579 38, 247 16, 747 68, 869 151, 172 36, 917 122) 755 2) 798 13, 266 190, 224 149, 592 22, 607 10,016 4,277 747 8, 080 2,519 585 810 622 226 1, 947 "219 1, 293 6, 260 66 BD rh Co bo . —_ ~] -~j — ooos] | | —_ | — | | 18, 189] 110; 767 3,581] 48, 362 766|. 7,408 1,267], 14, 652 10,771| 26) 690 12; 030} 45; 329 143} 3,763 120} 3,467 56} 1,333 950| 92, 034 146] 8,055 990} 38, 719 8, 547| 529, 243 3,313] , 73,527 36, 227| 161, 124 30, 377|. 43, 690 4471), 7,673 19, 285! 117, 899 9, 426| 45,313 8, 784]. 21, 447 10,697} 16, 100 1,603} 7,319 2) 327| 18,769 199] 29,617 470}, 11,193 738) 15,719 2,155| 12,050 27; 2,244 359} 24, 791 43} 5,181 127]. 5,421 2,802] 3/911 29} 932 22} 1,187 84} 3) 452 gg} 1, 243 . 354] 2,736 37] 2, 262 155], 1,582 220 828 117 662 312] 1,928 218} 5,005 620| 7,057 3, 782|.. 5, 203 460} 1, 458 1,189} 1,482 2,109} 16,669 535] 254 1, 167 816 836, 684 693 124 3, 565| 11, 125 1,186] 6,979 7,279) 27, 225 2) 098 31, 635 3/245] 1, 281 76| 219 219}. 455 280| 7,718 888| 24) 966 1, 032} 1,393 1,017|. 1,558 476 20,789) 14,570 794| 320 11,662] 1,226 12, 121] 12, 504 6,246} 2” 109 30, 227| 2) 818 4,095} 6, 406 1,445] 237 30,358! 3,080 6, 475| 30, 096 2,934) “6, 757 741) 29, 108 687| 107 417 98 32} 1,108 14 1,085 180) eas 68 56 90 52 2,206} 175 38, 104 7i| ‘240 717| 289 29 15 9 53 72 42 ty Pah 56 50 3 33 12 74 5 62 27 18 ay a7 132} 101 37/189 80| 3,577 g| 989 33] 856 115} | 879 gs) 49 16) 407 12} 779 7) 182 527| 11, 863 101] 6,050 260) 7,053 308 ABSTRACT OF, THE CENSUS—-POPULATION, TABLE 73.—COUNTRY OF BIRTH, OF FOREIGN-BORN SOON OOHe Wh _ EASTERN EUROPE— SOUTHERN EUROPE. continued. DIVISION AND STATE | 4 ey OF RESIDENCE. © S.. a | = a a |3 ) Bl shia bei Bal) Bag et iA % |s4] & 3 b& pa £ © 2 3 i353 = 2 3 a 5 ven oom mije |Pos|ar a fe | & 165 4 Pe United States ..._.- 10, 477/5, 284/175, 976)/5, 608}1,610,113 49, 535 69, 981 9815, 901 36, 628 3, 203 51, 51,901 1,015 GEOGRAPHIC DIVS.: oe: mE New England.......: - 214; 631) 32, 186/2, 819} 238, 508} 2, 864/40, 302) 209 Middle Atlantic... -._| 1,336 2,534] 44, 531/17 156} 925, 222/16, 921] 3;090\1, 412110, E. North Central. ...| 5, 806)1, 035) 45, 135 1,019 203° 181 3) 022) . 360)2, 211} 6, 157 W. North Central... .| 1,095} 124] 11, 236} 262 34) 488 776 59}: 465] South Atlantie:...... 161} 203] 11,450} 19} 40,267) 6,547) 714) 355 EK. South Central... 5t) 50} 2,014) © 23) 8,584) = 215 29) - 89 W. South Céntral. ..- 241; 101) 3,484 12} 27, 724| 2, 522)’. 199) » 336) Mountain. = 2 es 821 72) 9,483] 143 287 498 4 563] © 3834) 106} Paci? 3 ee ere 752) 534) 16,457} 155 103; 641 12 105}24, 894)" 718 NEw ENGLAND: Maine ..... erg aay bn 5}. 66] -1,228| 408! 2797 33h} +-153/=° 410 New Hampshire ...-. cae 5, 280 we 2, O74 20} 142) Vermont. i ee Sire gtk 167 4,067; 661 29)" 41. Massachusetts’. 2.22. 120} 451) 20, 441/1, oH? 117, 007 824/29, 191) 100 Rhodetsland -.....-° 45 45 L 219 "142 32, 241 89} 8,999)" = "14 ; Connectitut 2. 225... 33} 69 3, 851} 203] » 80, 322) 1, 237) 1,°788) * * 8 AIDDLE ATLANTIC: New ork ESE Sh oR 614)2, 050) 26,117] 415 tsb, 173 e 7 1,484] 342 Mersey wo, ‘ 157, 285) 2,002} 687 pehiieyl va nils oO Ee 299° 764) 2,197) 919 ie} EK. NORTH CENTRAL: roae Ai AAT siete gh Veet 60, a8 rs pe 149) 35 TCL es rote ek tes y 112) % 4 14] °°°7 ee Ei Ne ye 94, re $} ~ 110) 524 MCHA} Mah hs 30, 216) °° 446)" 70} + 813 Wiseonsin * i 11, 188 74 17| “44. W. NortH CENTRAL: Spee is es RI 4 ek + 9| 149 Qian ea 4,9, oR Eee MSBETIEL orn ieee cod 14,609) 435 12): 76)" North Dakota ....... 176 6 2) 95 South Dakota........ 413) 5 4) O71 pebianes aaa ogre tee 3, 547| ote , 6)" 53 Ranses pees hee 3, 355 Loh 1 PSS SouTtH ATLANTIC: Delaware. 320 4,136; 142 19a Maryland eos es 9,543) 226 63) 79 pe Columbia ...... > Ke Le He 17 ATOR oe ar. eee 435 ~. 82) North Caroling Beg ee vid 14, i 106 UAE cade orth Carolina ....2: 4 1 14) South Carolina .. 344 19 Fes 16 ae athe hinlhS LE Nai 4 43 4 009 28 eg Oli raass fer ietat ee Si} eek EK, SoutH CENTRAL: : , nn, A aia ee: L Ras Ee 8) ' 30)" Tennessee .f* 4 ee 9 Whee 16 Alabama ............ 2732 71 7\ 33 Mississippi . 1, 841 62 Ci Pate W. Sou?TH CENTRAL: Arkarisas ..°.......° 1,314, 22 4| 10 SsOUSSEADS, tern ss ohare 16, 264) 1,293) 112) 74 Okighoma 00. . Tos 2,122) 126, - > 13) °° 4 na ace pay area 6 8,024) 1, 081 70; 203 Montana ...0°......52 3,812) 68! '31) 48) Sse snielen's «a, 4 atom ) ate 1, ep 39 CUNO 8 A el ie wee 29 Colorido.. 22)...” 28 12’ 580, 297| | 33/43 New Mexico ........2 1,678) 199} 19 Tithe 8 oe RE on 1, 261; 1,013 30 Wish ee Cee 3,225) 250} 4) 19 By Pe ee pip aN x iye 2,641) 1,180) 149) ° 4 ACIFIC: é; Westie a: aaa 10,813} 412}' 160|° 75) 259 g} 18) fs le OSE GN Tae class: « teem 4,324) - 553} © 125) 34)- 8s Ao thse real «56 California - iri Toes 88, 504/11, 140/24, 609 91 5, 167} 1, 259) 1 Comprises Danzig, Fiume, Saar Basin, and ‘‘ Europe, not specified.” * COUNTRY OF BIRTH, ' 0°" 809 POPULATION, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. t _ AstA—continued. AMERICA. ALL OTHER. - = o 3 ° o ~~ i (=) itz} ‘ ad Canada. 3 rs me 7g 4 S ay i Dn = sas a 3 a 3 fs a} 8 a A 1's <& S 12a} 48lea! s cS 5 a o |3a } a lon | oule sa! & few Co . Oo a cf ped | > 8S 2 = : a Pies sis | 8s iS asl - set! bie S Peale 131s (8 | 8a) & ° = Z = =a fo lid ta jae lO ea) be 560/81. 502!4. 901 5, 236 307, 786| 817, 139 13, 249/78, 962/486, 418/23 463)5, 781/10, 914/44, 340/3, 712/3, 589/5, 336) 1 — - . > 7 = : ———— SS nie | ce es | ———— | 332 ai 385) 235, 871) 8, 201! 5, 400 224! 1,805]' 490) 537/32, 715)' 176} 805) 384) 2 954 1, 154 17, 045 121, 255) '2, 775 44, 596] 5, 237/11, 092/2, 156) 2,238) 1/759) 471 66011, 020) 3 ) 482)1, 598 29) 1267 224’ 625) 831 2, 630 ry 181 2) 061| 873} 1,428} ~ 299) 284/17, 521|1,633) 4 190} 207 10, 459 70, 246) «181 616 22, 787) 2 (763) {3L5). 557 43}; 134) °270) 951) 15 + 89 230/21, 256 641 1,025) 315) . 283} 231) 104)» 85) 171i) 6 32 32) 686 570| 265] > 98|!. .82 15h ei Zon Zope 92). 7 130} 105, 100| 1, 799/261, 478] 1,550} 248! 317) 68) BE 1225) 256) 8 1 167} 233) 3,482) 30,615) 196 ” 323 98, 484 485] 9346) .624}" 159) 1356) 212} 218) 9 267, 331)2, varie & aI 5, 566} WL 099 703\ 1,656 89) 816). 4, 417] 940) 4, oe 9,051 2,085 282) 611) 10 7| 35,580} 38,840) 215) | 139 9 19}. 21 23 19 4 12!) 40) 11 2| 38,277) 14,035) 182 52 10 Si (8.12 21 45 Afesck4t 11) 12 J) 14,181) 10,704 67 15 7 43 8} 5 4 5 3 10) 13 107 108, 691} 154; 787) 7,168) 4,176 146| 1,156} 317] . 340|28,294) 103) 62} 216) 14 » 538 28° 887 7, 595|° 233 "218 8 240) 43 43) 3,950} 23 Bi. 25.45 395), 14, ‘769 9,910 236) 800 441° 316]. 89} . 105}. . 403). 37) 206) 82) 16 744 it5, 560| 97,244] 1,810/38, 288] 2,999] 8 645|1, 528] 1,384) 1,168} 320). 260) 483) 17 190 “7 9) 624|° 477 3,141 420} 1,133} 293), 334). 437] 95) 106} 170) 18 220 713) 14,387) 488 3, 167| 1, 818} 1,314) 335) . 520, 154)" 56) 294] 367) 19 128) 4, 741 44, 145 686 89] > 44 78 881 4,032) 34,741) 311) © 913) 4,032) 842) 371; 608 2 £33| > "401 8/1543 35 96) 2,650) 113) | 35). 101 39}. 36) 166] 26 31 299) = 6, 263 38| |. 247)'+ 3,411) > 222) | 94). .140 23). 41) 180} 27 18) 1,533 14, 210 20 29 39} 10 Doha aetee 2) 23) = 75} 28 50% 3,9 > 8 25 68 27, . 20 24 eth! Deo mb2. 72}: 29 30) 351) 5,429 20 64; 2,611 73/31 80 5p 6120071) 99) 30 26 571) 45781 9 73| 13,770) 164) 33 70 5}. .820)5:°20) 93} 31 i! 23 430 8 61 52 19); 12 12 2 SRG te 7| 32 15 117} 1; 777 61) 737 87)|.) 215) 6.57 62 32). 36) © 21} 49) 33 i) 24) 2a, a) 1083 V7.0: (20 |e 0|)... Bl. wQhorodlst eH © 3) 38 Bi) BOP '2. (915 993; 551 -69l 40/28) tthe Bl gh 11] 39 a| 277} 3/864 a 19,171] > ©167|.° 261) 58, ..59)..95). 17} 8} 27) 40 12 5O| | 853, | «13 ar. adel ot aakt 1al | sal aaa yierooeerekmal a1 BL) 470 &.4alo 99] © BSI c.1176.0 seal 0 asl, 15). 3t a4} oo} tel 42 101.) Bal seR5al0 e.g] 4051.0 146l aa7| ~~ 39} 2. 10, » 6h af 1a} 43 Be? Bole 376i LF) 8116] e-h1101-0 taal at]).-. sl... .2ee 31 ol 44 6 58 935 | 201 |. 43|' 280| 25 321: 27 Those av @eh 45 7 , 48 0 5 » 442). . 126) 2,363 il 59} 6, 884 72| 30 54 2). 823) 520) .. 51} 47 45) § 0249)! 3,951 ' 858) 9 472/251,827, 311) 125) 178 39]: 51). 199) 139] 48 39] 2,211] 12,489| | 63] 43} 236, |72| 50} 8 5| 39): 66)) > 41) 49 23] © (476\) \4)4g5|% 59] +. 04) onp2sl © 926) 9 .44)) 57] 23). 72h Al} 27) 50 67 92) 1,348 4h }.21} 1,801)! 29] 2.15] 17 8}...14| 42) 10} 51 33]. 418|9 7)224| ©39] 124] 21,037). 185] | 56] 112 9| -40)* 22) 63) 52 gi i 6 42}0 9696] © 2.8] ©. 38] 20,272)» 26] 26] . 14 5]. 64fhec Qh 558 31 90} 1,874] 0 016] « 76] 61)580| > 78} °.23| 81 Y}oi-26} 65, 22) 54 24 45|\) | 1,426 4} § 20] .1, 166). 32} 117| 222 4} 138). 2) 40] 55 s| §108)) 1,073 8 7 01,177)... BT} 1-15) .. 40) 104}. 23] <2! 10) 56 > 7) 201) | 2,581; 40,598 318) 258 450, 822! 133) 612 35) ©. 679]: 13,121) ° 9 2 595). 123] 73) ..215 , 191)/2, 097)1, 032 306)" 57,380) 336! 1/306) 88,771, 3,972) 734 4,024 246| 126} 180) 57 43} 461} °.13] 54] 53 &, 957|1,678|° 143} 377) 59 * Except possessions of the United States. ha POPULATION. 310 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS; TABLE 74,—PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF FOREIGN-BORN PER CENT OF TOTAL FOREIGN BORN IN SPECIFIED DIVISION OR STATE. Northwestern Europe. am “puryiezqIMg |S o “kueuLIED | ¥ 3 | "a0uRlT eat : NCO 09 HOO IN Daya Nee NSut 2 AS ey SR OS CR SO bs ett ‘SHOSoHOHAA ACAANCORt4 Soonsononn | eRe SOAC*Age RA SHH COLOO Ie COLD OD “MR OOnMTO minted Od 06 oY oS 409 sit 3 Fh OF.68,03 C22 269 MIAN MDMOCMr HONHOSSOSO HHS Bd WHE COMBS Sa ON OO ce ES Se BY Sg IS Sy Re eS ee ee ee ee es PLEACIFONDIAO | a (Sasa SMHS SOSSOM ANH ONWHH ATNHMOD OHONNSCSCOS COHS MOM AnnHSOSS SHS 2 SOO BS Se rh SS BS CO 8 0 A OD Sp 8 er Rt G0 CY 97 Ce BB MOR BS Br pared PONAM Orn AAKtOWS™ IHS. OS ee Be OCT EE We Se et Se Bn ON SHAD 00 rt Be SHES owono AAS ANVSHSOSHR WHS er “Said” OtNHa wo OhH OHHOOCoOHF WOMH. OHE~O HDOWOHHOO o Ao SAMA BOM OAM St ae Ce eke ene Nh Lisp anh alle iat = Sa CO C2 Sf De rt C2 TW Os Noo w: SO 1 OO RYO Os SW od HO ON 09 a) ‘pueyioos | =| | “pursug | 7) | United States....... UD E> CD CD S> OO GO 16 AHHANACAN COD At G2 SCD) Oo A) EY Rin sor aondanr ‘ ma [as] a = = o i@) En! — a) o is) —s & S = “4 cS _ Ss 5 S peal East South Central... West North Central... South Atlantic. . 22. Fast North Central. 2. New England:-.. Middle Atlantic. - 3 es os o fas] Ay GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: SIS IO ce oy S | | S AOD 69 N00 INO NA” OHO 1D OIA N © © SH HOO SOI NO ODO? A OD CO Ds xi StH Ign HH HOR Tock) HOSSSS ooo Sonne MO SOMON Soonconen Cones HOHS DID OAS Sr 09 COODN 11 1 b> = O2 st sH re 0D Ey SH © SC Ow#WS Mio OO wr I9 69 OO Qo OO 4c CN Man won a m CON Maaco = plate 68 06025 Sonwsae HoOnNONAHA Ona AA RAMOS od oO Co Ht 2110 N19 OD A COMmN NWO RD 1D 09 © HH OD 6229 ADA O09 CO 4 NHAC PNM tO Heino tO 09 Hid AD ocodSoco aSO oonseoa Seorerco QO eSdod wert =Oonmr Srvc SONH SS Mr pap a BE CS CY CN SH 00 SHON NHO RN OD Ht Bae Be ag Be RO 0 wi st soo LaOoHAAS OD C1) SO =a : SE Te ae CN Ey OS HS 0g ON AS OY om SHAN SONIA oonmooo oon moOoCoocCo ocooco°oceon ocooonococoe oooo ooco Snr HOONOD OCCoO COoONnono oD SHO OPOOCM™ ADOOGOMOND AORMNDHANS AM A AIS 16 SMe S10 OsmN DARD oa Are 0 Ru Ei ey ORG en bw ee he ot i es St Oe Oe a See ee 8 AN HAI OON AANA BNA SO SAR OoORAN AANAHHONMN wd VD I ArNOS MMMAAOMN OD CON 0 0 Or O GO ovo BCD SO AQ BCD Ht O OOMmMOOr 1 ON O> 2) OD 2D be tH Sk aon moor DAHOSOOAD CO = Pat eee - 0 A Sey Oe 8 OA OR OS a ee ee Oe Ree hee Oe Re Be as eel ORS ee ee re ek ek ee cae 8 A a ae Ht tH OO SHO HOO Ow ton N4919 HOO SHE Pe Me SF ot BS Oe Ea ae. ooor Oto C2 S) Se OO tr cr) tt) Se a ag sett bos gps gt tt att Sod gets SRD ES DS Sot SA Sp Shee SG oe SOS ok 9h a dS tt Ss Sn eh A Sa es Se eh Lee ast fe cee eoe ve saree tyes ager ts Sones it. itor! Pore. ae ek Set ho ee oe rs wl Ge At te ap ek. 8 ed Boo ae ‘Sa! hs Re a oe ea ee ed ee a ee one 8 6S ea Oe ee oe oe! Ee Oe ek eee 8 6. te 'ne @ £eenebpen ° ax. Of 6 me 2 oe ee ‘ia See al eo we oye .%, aa hc See ce ’ 13a ‘ . , ‘a ‘ D ‘28 ‘ ‘oO ‘ 12 mE=P . a : ee: : 7 : S55 : ee wee ee ae 6 ‘ : , Ser eee ea fy ete a re ates at ee tt ttt te ec eae Sosa oae eee C4 GRAMS i vee GouS PRR SiO be Bas : fie Gh: Ble ‘So ogee Be Ona 's--g2kho7 00s Sea aro ’ aM PEON SA ‘ FOO sg eet s-- Sot SSoR ore oe AGEs Bean Se ea> CESS GEBb ese RR SeSSe io aes Za. Ass "HOSS Ss: 39 QD Peres s Mapes sSa40oag He ook. Cas Eee ASS CUSEe ER ee Sess BABS AE Es A SPER ZES EES Bea a Ses ea ee Soe Se Fug Se © Crt it OF SG Soar aon Soo Sr ot OVD oes pa oO OC PHEY COST HG pater AMS BAze Onna HE eZawid POSACEZ aoe Meds pd in BASES ZADAREOS eal Lent menses pea RANRA RARKARSH BROSSSRSG AIRS VSSS SEGSRSSR BSS 1 Less than one-tenth of i per cent. 311 COUNTRY: OF ' BIRTH. : : — - b i a CY 09 “HI sO B~ 00. © ™~Oo On Next ABS ae Sees AOmMNOMDH196o MOD HIS SSRs Cone ont bt a a wOwodowvonreo tt re HIN cm O90 parpery. FATT iN ANG SERS x — Sa LS. ee anaes oo er OO tO TI SSOLSSSO too t+. .O0O0 SAmHCOoMH SEN CO BUCO A Prt OFS OR aaaS IDO SN BS AEy A SH OH OD cCOonSoonso Coon eoco onsesoon CIE. HI0 © OR ORO r Seeds rein AANA AAAAA Goo oD CD ODO 00 OOH Hi 19 1d ahadaqd 1h191n “eoTIsuLy “0g he att db RM ALES Set ORS Steet ee Ot SNOW MOO HID ANOS MON AAAS ae ery Coy | ieee ae ey ee eee Geer Ye ney vee n ‘ ee a ON eG seg SW i 8) ee Re one Ba h~ Siw 6 ue SB pue [eayueg| © SSSS6S60000 Ctesoo ooo oooodU CTosetitiog coococescoo COOoD ONSOS COCO SOSoSD coco : ‘ooTxeyy | «3 Qosdsdssn GHOSOS coo coooS Sodngoda SSSSSSSSS SHS AoKG cHoswonr oon =) & . “SOIDUT 180 © St eS ee weg AN WSN = et on aa RAT 60 PR I ODEN 6.00 (| ODI CN XH OD KO AN mri S- | e SOTPU ISOM) “o> Sseoeteocoso Seteco= HOS Scoot Gletive Sonn onnriy CONT CNSO CLOooooC[ ood ashi rapiernonal THe ntae ot | SSR DER Bea SRO SETS Ques Thee Dicmeees Fie qt (PUrTpUnOL aan: SCOUT eeteito | 2Seseoo0 cet. Coto Sees Pesslotics LOLS Soltis Sole tie: ef I 130 | AN 19 OHH OD bud ¢ dnek Crim COCOM SD 190000 wed wH SG ERROR IG GEE 10 id HAIGOGAANS ON 5 “RRSSANSRS CADMAS Caa AMO MANADO aim AID COCO eer BAO SOOM rn Toe cal DuSSL |e Nos Lg UR ST a OR MU a GC fT: gL ARMs LS REECE ROBE SOE SY SAT VERE : Bee Nea S oppure eg ae o | que NSSsSSocco|] Srrsem SSS SOONH HSSHOSS SSSsecsss soce CSSco NHcoooooo moe | “ OHM CV OD OS " fi mao 12 ODN avi -letaen =a See. Bee ee ee eee ee | oN ‘ | ureds | SocédiccHe see 7tOSe oso =e SROGNOOnN AT@1T sat ace ANGSSHn ane Sl Mean mA ret Southern Europe. fo we SSeS | 1 AOR OMNON ek Bo oe he ee el “odoin gy UT Tox FON CH OO : he he ho Ok A Be eee SCHAAR ONS EPEC EEE Spe cis Ge StHBAcos se [OOOO aye seneny OMA IAIA I cman eli asa now's Lene: ae ego —— PER CENT OF, TOTAL FOREIGN, BORN IN SPECIFIED DIVISION OR STATE—continued. “CIARIg-08n f | Sedsda aed CQHONM SH HOO "Ares tas POPULATION BY, COUNTRY OF BIRTH, BY DIVISIONS AND, STATES: 1 Central Eu- as 2, GC TEE | epee euTyD | eseeosoon Ga aay SoS nd A , rib ste F sSeossridose PLP SP Pe acoso i CON N98 tt Sssot ovnvia Sass ao BOSS art ASS Ssooseo COON HORS AcHocoen AROMAS W194 =| CNOA ANVearsne “Seana. Seotnoso. Seen ~SSSson. WGOe B SO 03 08 Me meal cE oR OO —— BSEe PS AOS SCHOMH Ort lm st O00 OL SH D-H THAN ep eS op eo os . . ‘ t 58 68 0 ot Be 8 28 Ess idigece HOS AAS oocooosoeo SO:9 etal pes Pee ee oye . aA eS oeoco onoo Sucaonok oon $9.02 NH CO. ON SANCOOWO- HOM ey WOMOGRHSS stixtit SSOoONSCSCSN. DN Dm ONAN LOAN AS 19 +00 0010 a qr essa ne 2 Except possessions of the “ii States. a | -IN, ‘eesng Scoceiss ddd Q) —“AAOwWrYOANOD ’ mm Cle P SHO 00 % it £- t PRENEACRO RNS Cobh eels eRe O = __ceraeumey|- Baescssecd: etiSsscoereco-. sucee 5] i SMO BGES PASO PEC OO CRS OMEN Gri opera a gee. g SQM COON DD ORs CL EUNIRS rt 9 Airs PUR Pe Oe Por qt (puvpluniy ie apAoeon = ‘ = STUen t : 2 fax fda! Serr Beane [ ps ay ’ te ay aS é mw }—— awt: Hoan OnSoSS Hochdcs dcéa chads Séstice BSRSESHSSSS SLES Slot SUuSectstee ose cal Hw SANTS ROSHON RAS HOHE NN QASHOAA TE MOOCAIHSWM AGQOH HAVA TOCORONH raza) 2 and “RISEN a ad = 09 09 09 00 se - 26 3 mo COS OV OPSseeaxs hy ~oOoNC S; DOD visits SoGHSINS io, So ot tee Sas eS - FE when oo et rAd el Pa lm ee eet =} saree Oran Sa HO AA MAS Hoon ecco ao test en IQ Fi m1. OR 060 SSMOMCOOA HOR ONNS Soc]S] HOoOnnoSoSS SSO | BANGS IDO 1 O19 OHO HO OO Sdhdebebes! oi | SPA ots ao it}: a ———" Risk bh bE > Fel 8 TS tS Cy te Iw ‘dxowicccno TRAoOoHonN BHSNST TS OS roi Sel 08 HL es ad i i pO ev es as wi Re ene a an es nae age TasLy 75.—COUNTRY OF BIRTH OF FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION, ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. WN CODON H Oe Ode pak famed forsk foud CITY. a q ca i) D Akron, Ohio. ......... 5 729 Albany; N. Y 2.5.22. i 315 Atlanta), Gas.) be22 a 143 Baltimore, Md........ 736 Birmingham, Ala!.... 53] ) 445 Boston, Mass... ....- f 5, 079 Bridgeport, Conn..... E 843 BuffaloNe V0. 2.610 | 1,984 Oambridge, Mass..... 2 822 Camden, N.J.y...8.4 i; 359 Chicago, Ib... i... 8, 5é 38} 9, 910 Cincinnati, Ohio...... ? 414 Cleveland, Ohio...... 3,418 Columbus, Ohio...... ; 281 Dallas, Tem... (0 32.8.1 ‘ 159 Dayton, Ohio... 22... 3,165 183 Denver, Colo......... 1,090 Des Moines, lowa..... ; ( 33 Detroit,,| Mich... 24.2.4 6,933 Fall River, Mass...:.. 600 Fort Worth, Tex...:. lili Grand Rapids, Mich... 214 Hartford, Conn....... 937 Houston; Tex... Jocset 173 Indianapolis, Ind..... : 445 Jersey City, NvJ.. 22. 3 1, 460 KansasCity, Kans. ... 127 Kansas City, Mo...... 4 658. Los Angeles, Calif... . 2, 802 Louisville, Ky.,.:.... 155 Lowell, Mass.i.-:...-. 916 Memphis, Tenn...... 130 Milwaukee, Wis...... 589 Minneapolis, Minn.... 1,141 Nashville, Tenn...... 50 New Bedford, Mass...| 541 New Haven,Conn.... 858 New Orleans, La....- 286 New York, N.Y 2.2. . 21, 545 Bronx borough. .... 2, 511 Brooklyn borough. . 7, 534 Manhattan borough. 8, 687 Queens borough. :.. 2, 060 Richmond borough. 753 Newark, N. Ji: 22.3.) 2,170 Norfolk; Vai: Jc. 3.) 160 Oakland, Calif........ 1,700 Omaha, Nebr......2.. 56: Paterson, N.J.. 2.2... 1, 861 Philadelphia, Pa... .. 8, 42 Pittsburgh, Pa....<.. 2, 758 Portland, Oreg....... 1, 809 Providence, R. 1... . 1, 735 Reading, Pa.......;.. 83 Richmond, Va....... 191 Roehester, N. Y...2.. 1, 142 St. Louis, Mo... .2.0-. 1, 060 St. Paul, Minn. ...... 712 Salt Lake City, Utah. . 977 San Antonio, Tex. .... 138 San Francisco, Calif... 3,569 SCRBDLOD, ba ss 4s. 4 | 480 Seattle, Wash... 22.1 3, 19 Spokane, Wash......, 570 Springfield, Mass..... 1, 309 Syracuse, NI Yi lel o.! 467 Toledo, Ong ee 365 Teno, NSD. feet 511 Washington, D.C.... 793 Wilmington, Del... .. 276 Worcester, Mass...... 936 > UULELS, Meaty cake. t 1, 259 Youngstown, Ohio.... NORTHWESTERN EUROPE. Denmark. * a ’ FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920. COUNTRY OF BIRTH. ‘4 NORTHWESTERN | EUROPE—con. rd - a eo : i 2 S 3 Z of S FI a 3 N 8 qo ba or) 4 : Biles | 84) Se} Riga 8 ° Ss a o a | d < ss 5 2 | ee | esi | seeenenniniennins ff Lithuania. CENTRAL EUROPE. EASTERN EUROPE, | Finland. 813 e Rumania. COIS wWHe 314 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-POPULATION, 4 . , TABLE 75.—COUNTRY OF BIRTH OF FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION, EASTERN | EUROPE SOUTHERN EUROPE. —con. ) CITY. ana a id ‘a hes o ne , &0 S44] 8 |e. 3 Sto | tae His 5 Aye O ...-| 0 7 2 60} 1 3 23 | Hartford, Conn./.....:--- 44 16 321 162 167 24 1: Houston, Texi. ..... 406-4 - 5 2 177k 8 25 | Indianapolis, Ind... .2.--.- 110} 15 564}. 13 26 | Jersey City, Nu J.....i0--- -| 16) 14 B57f + 5 27 | Kansas City, Kans. ..---.-. 11 3 QTBPAY Ne. CADE cee ess oe 28 | Kansas‘City, Mo.... 2. ¢--| 31 2 570} +1 Qt 29 | Los Angeles, Calif. ..U.+-+- 59}.' 70}. 1,036} 4 144}: 30 | Louisville, Kyi.......0-% -|.25. 1 Siises . 31 |. Lowell, Mass... ....-..+5--+ 7 Sir 3, 7334 7 1, 669} | 92) Mempnis, Peni. cba on ae atalgers |. 2 aa 280)... - 4 33 | Milwaukee, Wis- -.2...--1 - 53}, 14) 1,815), 44 34 | Minneapolis, Minn......-.. 83 5 873}. 1 Bef Nasbvilles, LOM on sie. terete. |. cents Ofiss 110%: jay OT 7 tess ee yh 36 | New Bedford, Mass.....-.. 13 4 588} 280 7, 609) 37 | New Haven, Conn..7...-.- 6 5 314)--..2 - 154], 24 38 |. New Orleans, La--.....5--| 2) 6} = 432)...2 AQ (Bh 93 30:1 New. ¥ ork; No Y <~ 2 4, 286 48 | Omaha, Nebris..... 020. L.| 36 3 423) °''3 1 49 }*-Paterson,’N. Ju...) ee oe y 283/21 11° S66r >. 6Gha ee 50 | Philadelphia, Pa... .j/...-| 47} | 81) 1,814] 260 252 61 |’ Pittsburgh, Pasit.. ois. 49) © 17| ©1;363) 24 4 52 | Portland, Oreg........-..-| 113 6 896) 3 53 | Providence, R.I....0.-..- 17} 20 432)" 4 1, 823 54 | Reading, Pa.f...... UE o Bt. 1 57» 2) 55 | Richmond, Va-......5.:.--|--.. 8 208)5< 7 56 | Rochester, Nw Y.....020.4- 22} 30 410} 7 14 67 | St. Louis, Mosel... ie. 93} 35! 2,049] 192 7 68° |c8t_ Paul, Mints... vo.ck 19} .2 5% 354] °° 1 59 | Salt Lake City, Utah.....- 1 4 548) 5h 496 = BON 60 | San Antonio, Tex.-....-.. 4) 3 145)... 61 | San Francisco, Calif. ...... 92; 40! 3,205), 26 82 62. -scranton, Palin...) loss. a. dor. 4 16lies.P ; 37433). GeZUS 63 |. Seattle, Wash... .. ls ren ws 2; 184) 1,400) 72 64 | Spokane, Wash........--. -| 32 1 LOW eich’ (SBZ2F eee ae 65 | Springfield, Mass.....2:-.. a, 12 939} 14 66:;.Syracuse, N. Yi.) dese ss 261 26 433], ..8 67| Toledo, Ohio..........-.-- 683; 98| 682| 2 Soa romrentomN, Jigs...) Lose wcle uae 4 127} 1 69 | Washington, D.C....2.... 5} 721.15 207] .508 70} Wilmington, Del....:.0-.-/.00. ic. 267)302. Worcester, Mass... -..8- 4 3) 62), 720) 461 (44 2¥ onkets, MN. Yous -» » ese gt 122 2 121}vei.} 45507): 825.2 Tee. v3 |- Youngstown, Ohio..-..-.. 117} 365 )1 297/413) 5,538). = BBLS Le ‘COUNTRY OF BIRTH. 815 “Fr FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920—Continued. AMERICA. ALL OTHER. - ! 8 38 ' 4 “wilo.el & a i. tte ac 3 | ogi} slag] 8 Pi Bel 8 | sileelie | 2 (22 es lbs] 3 8 ea] e/g |$4} S| §& | 84 lsaleg ql Sg $ 8 aio re a 18 CL an-n-4 ~ o “e o Si J ~ 3 o S) Z, Si} Ss Sat aol 4 |< [fh 187) a 21 55 85 31 23 ne 2 3 nm 1 12 34 6 29 6 10 2 Dik 6} 2 10 41 9 13 12 9 1 Bie. 2 aled it: 3 28 633 55}. 164 46 31 25; 21 2|.38| 4 1 42 33 7 10 7 Dl igae. 1 4) 5 2,799} 1,955 60), | 254 84 75) 494). 25 Vow Bal (6 3 30 25 17 69 3 2 9) 7 61 130 65 93 53 44 Tse 2215380) S 472 922 3 51 9 20; 360 Bla. «xt 3) 9 199 52k) lac. 30 8 10 1/11] 10 194 773] 1,224 617], 292) 360 3 75| 136] 228] 12 COW How} oo 1 16) 158) 21 3] 12 7 | ian 5| 18 137|,, 422] - 725) 257) 112] +1731 131. 36] 26; 88) 19 17 15 6} 109] 12 SI 6,428) ula ee 7| 20 2 813,831] 12 ? pha (ee 1 3] 21 8 19} ” 20}, 12), 10 7 2 10} 22 SIH ono a OO Ben 13 45] 1,920. 49 75) 287)21, 653]. , 385 22 9 a oOo = = Co. 30 17 4 18 10 9} 402 FS EG gy Bie 1B)! a Oh. Sgt bh PWD POD We TOT eon fon ate. bo 00 NID ee Bela ae osha i tdliees Gin ARE tee 746 ae 5| 35 i) 6} 36 5| 11] 37 1] 28) 38 229} 108] 208} 39 25] 25) 40 39) 73] 41 27) 87| 42 11} 17} 43 6| 6} 44 40} 26] 45 2} 4} 46 15] 22) 47 26| 10/48 31 7 49 22] 85] 50 12} 41| 51 7} 28) 52 1]. 12) 53 4} 3] 54 ae 4| 55 5| 15] 56 15] 75] 57 7| 29) 58 1} 11] 59 6| 10] 60 29] 82! 61 os 3| 8) 62 21] 41| 63 1] 14| 64 mist 9| 65 Art: 41 9] 66 17| 21} 67 1] 6| 68 13} 17| 69 eaerere tt 2 gato ftange cay ham aa Ob OL bes sgh the ® hes 5| 70 a Mi CAB Aap Seid ee | RU he” ee 12) 71 ore TOH72 13 2 Except possessions of the United States. Northwestern Europe. PER CENT OF TOTAL FOREIGN BORN IN SPECIFIED CITY. ABSTRACT OF ‘THE CENSUS—POPULATION, TABLE 76.—PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION BY __ O16 ee? ah i> Fo et A et KBR pee Pm vores ee 8 Se be) Bare oe ee © see 86 OLE Lele 66) BAR ari ole ASNSOHSOSHSSON SHH 7H OD DOD OD OD 1D RH SH HID CO assoSsssosssocononn a A awe Sem ‘Tw iS stor eCsswv ‘ a iaisiekalstatelsnint att Soiiatatsae OU N31 DN 8 Pe oR Be Ore oe en ee ee eee et et eee FRC Sa oe PE en ee ae As ee Oe ee coooocooooonooor DB P+ 00 19 19. CO DOO NODS OM MOH OHAANMONMHROHOH HN HOM OMANI O OM MAN © ems sie 60 tre ute. Sle. 2 8 eo DP ~/6) 0) 2 Oe: oe” Bike 5G ey eh 2 iss, te EN ES SD 609 502 60 (Gis De Code OO N ABAWANOAANNWMIN HL N et ee ee et ee eae ee ot egy ee eee ee eee Cebit Malm La ana ss Neal ee TURN Toa” YAM Viti” Vonsall Virasael Nepal elt aaES WN LAIN ne A adel acing? AAU atin” SOT MIN, Vereen DUS Yen ee | By 8 oe a wl ae, Pee) SE ow bY Os 16). Orb, Sh DE eg eel rat ie ee ar ee ae 8 2 ee rakes Cee gt ae ae ee Da Fi eee ee eee ey ee a) Sat 8 OS ge i et bel 6 ON Oe ar 0. gen os go 8 1 ee nL ee Ne he Le ong eee ee +O Oe . pe eee ie tl ar eae +e oct F, MPa ihe ed Ol eee ‘did SP sig BOM 1000 | ‘a 2S 38) *-@ ja fA tng 4 O20 SSS Ra wR eo gS eS Psacsea og so. Sere sk oaks wea ¥ SaSeaecs SC O-4 o 8 SSaeensersser ss MSS aeoesagacsktes << ORQRQOOOOOSCA PII OD SHAD OI ODO AN 9 ie. Pian ae PRLS a Se We se nraere re ee RPT A rN ras 4 ot ot TO) ss eee) OE oe 5G AD, 2 9 Ege — 6-0 = 9-0-0 0 8 (ee ee ee i a ee ee ee ooonooooooooo= pet Bae Sa ee a ee ge ee ee ee HODSOWORARAMIAN O Fee ae are eRe eee ee ew ee le le lel NOD Dh O29 SOO AN HO OOO OTIC Ge Ve WEN Serie? 1 On, 000 0 0, ee we Oe) 8 © 0002 00 DOPOD O Or 10 0 Or a OF ey eae he rs re rei rei sl Ob ls ap Se | oe oe ae ae eS Ee kee AD) CO AD UI SH OU SH OD sh SO KO GR SH OD rm werk =e NADN ANA ANMNDOMOWN Te ae ee ee Sc es ee a IY te ee st ee ee ee eS NNM AS ae SSSR IN CHS ik et OK bt sate MO ca > A Pol a a BO ee we oe” He eh e 0 ee ee NNORN RS AH ORnROMN AD re CO HID SIND LDN CO Ri SHO Cee Re eet ee a ee en he ee ee ee a ne ee ‘Se we iteoUM Loe ee Lec let no wer ee ¥ ae er ol RS RO, he GE, wae Se ol aa, ERY a he ee on COL | Se oa ee ee ee oe a ee ee ee Po a8. eS ee eile se 8th Pa ee eee OO, i A aT ts a Se ee Bet ge OTe Dame 8 Cae FT 8 OO 0 ee ON Rew Gh Ae .¢ cee ut a ee ee eh eee eet ace Ce ee ee ne ‘ OP 0 Weep eS Nh Hig ed eee Ae , Conn. New Orleans, La-- , Wis.. polis, Minn > | Nashville, Tenn.- 6 | New Bedford, Mass 7 | New Haven Nae y Pex x: pids, Mich ity, We » Lowa... , Conn... ity, Mo... Tenn... geles, Calif. 30 | Louisville, Ky.... ol 3 PAP OK Pes c ver, Mass... polis, Ind. . ; Mich... 22%: Fort Worth phis, 33 | Milwaukee a Minnea 3 3 y City, yton, Ohio....... Kansas C Denver, Colo... ..... Des Moines Lowell, Mass... :. 19 | Detroit 22) Grand Ra 23 | Hartford 24 | Houston Kansas C 2} Mem 20 | Fall Ri 21 25 | Indiana 26 | Jerse 27 29 | Los An 16 Da 17 18 28 38 BHHSSSSOOHHH SHAG. SadciidscHscHdn Spasetehadfal tetas BaASsSSoH Sst SaSSdods RABI RAISSSHSSD cee yh iy pts 2 phi ek * pele ag = aah pt a ek ee ge ee ee ete Ce Od ee Wee, ee OE ce Le ee ee eee | La | re mt. es On FO a —O ek ee ee a ee ee ee ee et ee ee PE ie aoe, ae es pe Ge te aN ge oe ae ee TS ty 64! 6 Oe wigs sa oa lh a ae ae. i earn ie Ke Bu Sal Baked wird MOMAN MB ad te Fann ay eet Ad SR ee A ee ey ee ele ee ee OO 6S ee Se we ee ee SMD NAN MOON Ot eee ee ae ee ek ies toe ee ee i ee a es pee Lyme ips. cies. aug, to ION des GSS) et ah en A 2 DDS SS eID O HOM DW NDA DOHNNODNANON OH Mri ow WodaiesS esos e _— se) N 1, Sesed oR RS gl. WB SO oH, Mees Seed fea SA LS ee eee a ee OL ale ae in Saat Coen ALE) ey View ee Mee ue ae ee Rae oe eT eran eae tot wy OO "SD Ca aS Oy BT PSA OS ae eh ag ee ae A eae ie ee tw a gae P e ae e e ceL B e er an prt £ ee ee, ee Se ee ee ele aD OPS eet er ed ewe Ye ee Oe, iia She S DOR wean Ree oy Oe het ee as ee ' bint Se. Pas oe eo ee ey WEF PUI ke BUR > a ea 1g Cn o2> Gh a gre0sss cs . eae hoe teed rer na, Bea SS Ysa? wee So eho. S ee :3F9 Sy > Zi S52 ¢ : 2° 8B in Prd 45 OO SD -O nena real Dry 8 4 ARO a sO ae Ssigd 44a; 3 Sheers, Spoe te weosae ge ea sy Bat Sr g4azo5 25 Comal L ~ 5 ~— — A a = Ss Po mae > ‘ RASSSR A Se M Se eS 8 Sage sas shes eS ta} 2Qeacg . a3 2.8 = >WSH acy PRB 4 a DN see ass BMiMeagolsagaegnuane qheoschs ook sare J = aAD HD 83 28008 .4 BPT: ~ BoP ——-4— Dp Dd MaSom sess legsedk sss “sess reyeae ous > BEUS OSS Se SSOSHA., J ses SOG aes = DPSaeRaeSROBSS.. SB GSR sQhHaeOseSs5 - BESS OF Sa Spt S 8 BOO WMO Zz ZZOORAARAMM RADA RANNNANHHEE SHH INO h= WHOM HO ~wOR Om 1:9 Or OO mA CO SABIRs Hot eh eff

    . Baoan © ie ee eee COmMOOTDONOOCOCOCONDA ONONNOSCOFDOOCOCSOCS ST SS ye we pened Ee ae Tic) nf Oh LS bee pAlb gdb ha Se ahs 1 per cent. 2 . rs o=-9..6 2+ Soe Lee Le fete wer eis Ee sie Re cores Siok GY rae oe ot OL Se Se at Se a a SSS MODAN MAS HANH NAN PL Ge? Se ee ee ee ee ee ee ky ie oe Soya ae ae, ad sella ie Sia amie alae corey ne) INOS HAN YN O te ei Zon mingner peepee pape © i Less than one-tenth aS ee Ae ee oe ee ee ee ee wee 8. a Od ane OO ee Oars nt ne eee i a eee ee a ee Seba Bs ssw ye eee, oe oe ee eee Sa UN ae ee bes 317 COUNTRY: OF BIRTH. UNTRY OF BIRTH, FOR CITIES, HAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920, Se Ta PER CENT OF TOTAL FOREIGN BORN IN SPECIFIED a ¢ HIN CONO rR OWOMHONN cA TO OMm Od RN Hild © ae Se a on ret AI OD B. 00 O> Lo i for) rein SHAD 6D P= 00 maAGS — S Rite Ce ee ee ae er eee eee ee a ee pe a eae fo a ee Se es ea — Aa eter at 2S? PE: cm in SEE et, og ONE ee FO TOL OSS ice I re a De yt ae | < Cee 6 Bein 6 6s 2a, ee Gd Pe em oe se fie ew 6 6 Me SS 6s to ae Sy Wg “On FF es pus {eiyueg | ocooocoocooocoo”je.cm“nj9$ce Sosddsisdsdcssdss UTSttesseHncscosca Srsoeescscscscosssis SGHodccsddcsdcss WACK is iS Ne oS HGBASG SHS GSW Axa re rt es ~~ \ Son | eISSN *@OLIVULY "Og | MNO N SRN HANH BANANA LANAI NON ata TPHAAAHMORH HOODMAN ATAANR ONS Ns AN WANA Seon RAS ; Cy Ores Ss rhe i Sr Ot HN SrA SORA rer ee HAMS et ec ae Peet Fee te) eee ’ OorKey | SaSSoSon non ot SBHMODOMSOCASOE HERS DSOSSOS Ha HOD QDOSos DSOANRSESHHOWSOON RNVOSLVSOSSSOL SS = TASK ONO AAA AA LAO ID LD PON DMANDOS MOD HAIATANANR AA QW AANA ROMINA HOON 5 e*SOTPUT JSAM SSOOOSSSSNSSSESSS SSESSTSSSSSSSSSS TSU SS SHHSHASH SGHSSSSSSSSHSSSY SSSSUSSSSHSSSS < “purl Se ee a On BOSS OO Be neg a ee aces Meee ee ase Pig ie- > ge etabs CS SO AO ST OOOO cm SSLSISESS cewvciisessco oer SS OSS SHOES SSSL a os SHA DOOSMOS DOM DOR MONRNONNMDOOH Stiri nmiS Nee FIDO OD DONANOM HOHE GION HOOR HR HOON F190 ; "1940 ; Ned idried SaialS Hod ried wi x BM GAAGAHGATAAMHON OtHNnGTANANHOAAHA FAN GSHAANA GSMO RH OOD Sx SSH SGN SBN AA g aa Bn SS I FO OO LS A LO OSS She] TPP aR “Yously BUSESSSSKGSSSES SSSHAGSSNSSSSSSS BSSHSSSSSSSSSS SSSSdctSHtSSS6HS SSIiSSHdHSoSoMoLU aD R IR mom Pee ae RAS NO ene ret DO AMON ~AAD AAT ARS mrP ATO AAR ROAR RT a My ‘ueder ~~ vaeaeg | € DO ih Ie HS CHIC ISIUSSLOSKRY 1ST0S HS STISITS CGH SCLIN COS Loo CAO NOC CSS | 8 € ANBAR A RAAT Se BARS ATE OM ALA TEN SA LAA AAAS RAND AHS NO ARM DARA HAN 8 s "OUND | SS SSSSSESSSESSSSS SSSSSSSSTSSISHS SSUS t9SSSISSSS SHU SSSSASSSUSSS SwLNSSLSSHSSSS ses < que] ROP NON oats Oc ee aaa Tee eee RSet a atin yin RES RE Res eT oeee oS a load ce |e GP] PSA BHSSSSSSS SSS SCSSSHSOHSHSOLTISSH SSSSHESSESTSSLUY SHSSHSSSSEMSSSS SSSSSHSHSSLHSS 15 PHN NODMAINMH AN es rit (AAAS Lots OLN MANN ANA HS ANIM OM BORO Mere Pals AT rt 0 HOD oO OD =) “STuUSTIIY Séscaoscsdsudddsédd Ssdsa isSddcddicds Slséssesécedddd SSSSSSLSHSASSSS SSOSSSSSSGENSS 3 jesnqiod. | SOaa isaesaceee : feSe (SSsSS Ose GSES Pals to danis Cease aaa ae eee Tes ies POONA ARORA A ae IR ome S ara a9 SN : ~~ ‘CO SoOlCt ‘tot ODN rFSOSOLOUIS SNOW ‘SLOINISSOLS oS ‘~ ‘SISO Toot : 2 Bs da | REO Rt SAR nee a RAR SN GIONS HOSMRAR THAR BRAN ae n TS | £8 “UTE 8 | Seceoccooscititssess SSloSéloSsSlssessdsde] GSetIsesussssso SanSSSctSlCSSs6id SHISIISMSS TOSS | +a =5 aan enna ik. oH TSN ane Meee 5S Sin ee awe eoe TAP eorS OS pee ae ooo ee poe |e eA *ATCIYT PEA HS S45 ORES SN SBANC IN STISaS wi MOOS coe Ae Sh RE SeRsae © i Hog rss of oda FS OE re Os S Z Pr HOON OD AD SH HEE ES Or " | "9000I) PS SNR AHOHOHOOHS AANA SSH SHASS SHHHHH SHH SSHSS SGSHHSSHHSSHSANSAN SGASHSH HSH | B ng ui Aes y Qaim, “erie Srestihe E “eTUCmIN fddddddddddiicH cay “pucluLy eee ee ee pi g “eIUENUINT | SSSaSHUSTSASHSS By} DONA HR HAD DODOTR NAMATANRRARANOGH SANA Kes ON OO HOD Phnlaid opertog ANMARONF AAR SAO Set ee, SOAS R ANSE A eee ye oe eee See ae Le ee ee ee eee ae Oh ae ee ee ee eee Noe ee a ee ee ee ee ee ee ek a ee coe ans ais ice As ss DaNOMANRRH AR HN HH HAOHEAS AS OR ARNOT EAS OBONNS wes “X= isda ee 4 —IASIGN Sed ea vic bd iivini diate iin <1, ch aa Sogeseaas: r bial ae B18. ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-POPULATION, 7 TABLE 77.—_COUNTRY OF BIRTH OF THE FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920. : = | tl. PER CENT NUMBER. PER CENT. || DISTRIBUTION OF — ' FOREIGN BORN. COUNTRY OF BIRTH. Total. Urban. | Rural. || Urban.| Rural. || Total. ||Urban. Rural. ¥ ———————— | | | ——————_ | | | Total population. ............ 105, 710, 620/|54, 304, 603/51, 406, 017 51.4 48. 6)... 2... Sas eee I, Total foreign born........... 13, 920, 692/10, 500,942| 3,419, 750|| 75.41 24.6] 100.0] 100.0} 100.0 SS ee | rc eee Baroy One 11, 882, 053]| 9,102,938] 2,779,115! 76.6} 23.4/| 85.4|| 86.7] 81.8 Northwestern Europe.........- 3, 830, 094|| 2,737, 407} 1,092, 687|| 71.5] 28.5] 27.5] 26.1) 32.0 Mhpland 7 eka ak 813, 853 ; 193,177|| . 76.3} 23.7)| 5.8) 5.9) 5.6 Dcotlandins sie ee et at 254, 570 195, 614 58, 956 76. 8 23.2||, 1.8 1,9)". ae Wanton. tare Le ER 67, 066|| 47,716, 19,350) 71.1; 28.9] 0.5// 0.5) 0.6 Thandie Oe RY ee 1, 037, 234 7| 136,287|| +, 96.91 13.1!) 7.5i| 861 40 ER WY tang 2 3 ve set ptm oe 63, 863 171, 698} . 192, 165 47.2 52.8]/. | 2.6]. 1.6 5.6 Sweden toe et ey et 625, 585|/ 394, 700 0, 63.1). 36.9 4.5/3.8] 68 Denntark 24 co Voun cast 189, 154 101, 016 88, 138 53. 4 46. 6 14). 10 2.6 Netherlands... 6.3.40. 4... 131, 766 74, 424 57, 342 56. 5 43.5 0.9 0.7 Tay Belgium he) PAL at 62,687||, 41,710/ 20,977|| 66.5} 33.5) 0.5|| 0.4) 0.6 PA RCUI OTE eee! toda ch 12, 585 7, 213 5, 372 Bist 1s oes: (Oed 0,1 4 Switzerland. . (1.21.0 0.2...- 118,659|} 67,731; 50,928. 57.1)’ 42.9] o.9l| 06). 1) France 22 0477. Be 153, 072||' 113,962) 39,110) 74.4, 25.6) L.A) a Central Europe: -:...9.5....2.4 4, 330, 874|| 3; 207, 139} 1, 123, 735 74.1 25.9)| 31.1) 30.5) 32.9 German yi. Qs, .sydo 0-4 1,686, 108|| 1,137,961] 548,147|| | 67.5) 32.5/)) 121//. 10:8] 16.0 Boland. 47.0.) {748 fae 0.0 1,139, 979|| 961,813] 178, 166 84.4), 915.6]]) ' 822i). 9 5.2 Ozechoslovakia.........-.-- 362, 438] 240,453] 121, 985 66.3] 33.7/) 2.6 2.3) > BB Austria. [200.4 235 JS. 8.1 575, 627|| 431,670| 143,957|| 75.0) 25.0) 41) o 41) 42 Hun garys.i : 45 45.618 2h 397, 283|| 317,737 79, 546 80. 0 20. 0 2.9)) 3.0) 2.8 Jugo-Slavia:..... 05.0... .2 2. 169, 439 117, 505 51, 934 69.3 30. 7 2 Kei a Hastern Europe. .......0.00.2.. 1, 803, 971|| 1,545,926] 258, 045 85.7 14.8]| 13.0)| 14.7) 75 Bussiat Jeo oy be ae 1,400, 495|| 1,241,157] 159,338 88.6} 11.4/) 10.1)) 11.8) 9 47 Lithuania.c i74;l5.6. 11 2.4 135, 068]) 118,634) 16, 434/| 87.8} 12.2) LO] lel) 0.6 Bintand sek $75 yieod 2) a 149, 824 79, 974 69, 850 53. 4 46. 6 ey | 0. 8 2.0 Rumania: .0.45..4.18. 0200 2. 102, 823||, 93,456 9, 367|| 90.9 9.1)| 0.7|| 0.9} Oe Bulgarians’ fe ic a ih. 8 8 a 10, 477 7, 879 2,598|)) 75.2 24.8 01) OL 0. Turkey in Europe.......... 5, 284 4, 826 458 91.3 8. 7)| (4) (4) (4) Southern Europe.............-. 1, 911, 213)| 1,607,943} 303, 270 84.1 15.9 13.7 15, 3} * BD Greecd hk OF 175, 976||' 154,052). °21,924|) 87.5]. 12.5/| (1.3) 15} 06 Albania. Pho RS 5, 608 452|| 91.9 8.1]! (2) (1) Cy Ttaly sie ay cade bt see 1,610, 113] 1,359, 250/ 250,863/| 84.4, 15.6) 116]/ 129] 73 Spain de ie des et. 49, 535 *" 13,172)|, 73.4] 26.6|| O.4|} 0.3] =O Porttugallhr. (eee Ore 69, 981 §3, 122 16, 859 75.9 24.1), 0.5), 0.5 0.8 Other Europe 2..../........... 5, 901 4, 523 1,378 76. 6 23.41 (2) (2) (*) Asia v5.42) 8 1400 & 237,950|| 170,690} 67,260) 71.7] «28.3 2.0 MTMeniAl. je MOUS Ste to 36, 628 30, 307 6,321 82.7| 17.3 0.2 Palestineg.o. 19.0; | (24<4-4.1k Dae 3, 208 2,914 239 91.0]: 9.0 (1) Vrlat. 6 i -len.d- ot oe nbn de He oR 51,901|| 45,321]. 6,580) ~~ 87.3)» 12.7): 0.2 Turkey in Asia... .23-..0.4..0.4 11,019 9, 854 1,165 89. 4 10.6 r¢)) Ching. 228 Wo. je Soe 43, 560 34, 635 8, 925 79.5} 20.5 0.3 Sapam. : £0. 2.6504 42) ho bE ae 81, 502 40, 751 40,751}; 50.0 50. 0 h2 Indias 22 1518.6. et re pe 4,901 2,698 2,2 54.9 45. 1)| | 0.1 Othen Asis. 2.63): Her Lye 5, 236 4,215 1,021 80.5} 19.5 QC) A & fi BS: Ye Amerivay.. ooo. 057i) ce 1,727, 017|| 1,170,024; 556,993 67.70 |. 32.3 16.3 Canada—French.....).0.2..... 307, 736|| . 243, 750 64, 036)| 79.2): 20.8 19 Canada—Other:...:....2...03.. 817, 139||| «591, 812} 225,327 72.4 27.6 6.6 Newfoundland... .i..2.2...... 13, 249 12, 037 I, 212 90. 9 9.1 Q) | West Indies ?.02..11..225,1b a. 78, 962|| 72,742 6, 220|| 92.1 7.9 0.2 iy Lona Seale Riyaite, iN (at i eae? 486, 418 229,179] . 257, 239 47.1 52.9 7.5 Central and South America..... 23, , 504 2, 959 87.4 12.6 0.1 ¥ All other 4.002222 73,672|| 57,290) 16,382|| 77.8! 22.2 05 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. ‘2 2 Comprises Danzig, Fiume, Saar Basin, and ‘ Europe, not specified.’ i? 3 Except Peon of the United States. : ee. Po / an ‘ Africa, Australia, Atlantic Islands, Pacific Islands except possessions of the Unite 6s, “Cou not specified,” and born at sea. . Ph Fes ose: bi ia ‘wopre.. peXYBAR OF IMMIGRATION. | : 319 TABLE 18.—FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION, BY SEX, RACE, AND YEAR OF IMMIGRA- ui TION, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920. ALL CLASSES. WHITE. NEGRO, ; INDIAN. CHINESE. JAPANESE, YEAR OF |- : |) | —_-__}|_——— an IMMIGRATION. | | Per Per }|Num-} Per |Num-| Per | Num-| Per | Num-| Per |othe anit! [ Number. cent. Number. cent.| ber. |jcent.| ber. jcent.| ber. |cent.) ber. |cent. OMB. bos i ore. BaD MiPRL ITE SRO BEL NTS “Bots SEXES: Cae ” i a Total... 13, 920, 692/100. 0)/13, 712, 754/100, 0} 73, 893/100. 0) 6, 299/100. 0} 43, 107/100. 0) $1, 338/100. 0} 3, 381 = ELS SN IN BS TO (NEEDS PARES VODs LE TINES EFRON ERO Ca a ny 214, 123 ME: 5 1.5) 5,938} 8.0) © 644} 10.2] 1,141] 2.6) 5,027} 6.2 93 1918.......22..2) 85,570) '°0. 6 0.6} 3,628) 4.9). 429] 6.8 -41° 3,953) 4.9 47 Teese. pe. 116, 222) 0.8 0.8} 4,537) 6.1) 485] 6.9 952} 2.2) 4,120) 5.1] 119 Toe. $0. 5.1) | 277,184) 83 1.2} 3,698) 5.0} 558} 8.9 973} 2.3] 4,177) 5.11 103 Were .ob..) o-i!. £f 3, 098; 1.5 1.4) 3,218} 4.4) 3747 5.9). 1,299} 3.0]' 4,396] 5.4) 182 { Ye? pole 0 ; : ; 1914.00)... 220..)2) | 449,876) <3: 2 302) 1 3,791) 5.1)! 806} 4.9) 1,166). 2.7). 3,755} 4.6] 151 1911-1913....... , 604,890) 11.5 11.6) 8,687) -11. 8; 497|--7.9] 2,508) 5.8] 7,497] 9.2) 555 1906-1910. ERS 2, 229, 868) 16.0 16.0} 10,779) 14.6} 563) 8.9] 4,616! 10.7] 18, 175) 22.3) 1,364 1901-1905. ..-... 1,814, 264) 13.0 13.1) 6,194) °8.4)' 321] 5.1). 2,639) 6.1 14, 526] 17.9] 404 1900 or earlier 5, 761,237) 41.4 5 717, 465 41. 7 10, 105} 13.7) 837) 13.3 29; 678] 52.6 10, 040) 12.3) 112 Not reported... 1, 264, 360 9. 1}} 1, 239,258) ° 9.0) 13, 233) 17.9} 4, 335 21.2) 4, 551)-10.6}) 5,672) 7.0) | 31l Pi : ; 06 | f ty : " eae . Total Jay Be if 675, 435/100. 0 7, 528, 322/100. 0) 42, 641/100. 0 3, 539/160. 0 40, 573/100. 0) 57, 213)100. 0) 3, 147 119,892| 1.6|| 112,592] 1.5) 3,521) 8.3). 4051 11.41 937; 2.3 2,310 4.1| 98 47,320| 0,6] 42,723} 0.6}. 1,953) 4.6], 237; 6.7/ 460] 1.1] 1,908) 3.3| 39 Mitesseeeess} | 62,559] 0,8]/ 56,825] 0.8} 2,490]. 5.8] 245} 6.9] 841) 2.1] 2,060] 8.6] 89 STL} -96;056| 1,3]| 90,676} 1.2] 2,004) 4.7|-..305] 8.6] 859} 2.11 23193) 8.7] 89 1915... 112,226] 1.5]! 106,752| 1.4] 1,725) 4.0] 211! 6.0] 1,167]. 2.9] 2,256] 3.9] 115 1914.-....-..-:,| 256,216} 3.3]] | 250,808] 3.3] 2,136) 5.0| 481} 5.1] 1,052} 2.6] 1,904) 3.3] 135 N11-1913.......| 933,333] 12.2]] | 921,758} 12.2) 4,796]'11.2| 295] 8.3} 2,229] 5.5] 3,733] 6.5| (529 906-1910, ......| 1,288, 152| 16-8|| 1,261,115] 16,8] 6,326] 14.8], 331], 9.4] 4,269] 10.5] 14,783] 25. 8| 1,328 1905.......| 1,057,498] 13.8|| 1,037, 662| 13.8} 3,983) 9.1], 178] 5.0] 2.4921 6.1] 12,914] 22.6] 7369 100 or = .| 3,168, 590] 41. 3]] 3, 130, 503] 41.6] 6,203] 14.6) 479]. 13.5] 22,075] 54.5) 9,224) 16.1) 101 533,593] '7.0|/ 516,908] 6.9] 7,599/'17.8| 672] 19.0] 4,199] 10,3). 3,950) 6.9} 265 bash th R . ayy | FEMALE. 6, 245, 257/10 00. 0|| 6, 184, 432)100. 0 31, 162|100. 0) 2, 760 100. 0). 2, 534/200. 0} 24,125/100.0) 244 zl : 22 F [2 Ie : 94,231| (1/5|| | 88,688) 1.4! 2,417} 7.8]. -230| 8.7|-..-204) 8.1] 2,6781 11.4) 5 38,250} 0/6]/ 34206} 0.6|' 1,675) 5.4|°° 192] 7.0) 124] 4.9]. 2045] 8.5] 8 _ 53,663] 0.9|/ , 49,234] 0.8) 2,047| 6.6) 190] 6.9} 111] 4.4) 2/051] 8.5}' | 30 “81, 128] °1.3|| 7,999] %.2) 1, 5.4] 253] 9.2]. 1141 4.510 2,054! 8.5] 9 14 -90,872| 1.5|| 86,932] 1.4) 1,488] 4.8] 163] 5.9]. 132) 5.2} 2,140] 8&9] 17 “193, 660] “3.1|| 189,899] 3:1) 1,655) 5.3/°04195] 4.5]... 114} 4.5/0 14,8511 77] 16 671, 557| 10.8|| 663,388] 10.7| 3,891) 12.5] 202) 7.3} +286/11.3] 3,764] 15.6] 26 941) 716| 15.1|| 988,256] 15.1] 4,453] 14.3] | 232] 8.4]. 347| 13.7] 3,392] 14.1] 36 756, 766| 12/1|| 752,518) 12.2} 2,311). 7.4] 143) 5.21. 147] 5.8) °1,6121 6 7] 35 2, 592; 647| 41.5]| 2,586,962] 41,8] 3,807|.12.5) 358| 13.0] 603] 23.8) 816] 3.4/ IL 11.7|| 722,350] 11.7] 5,634| 18.1] 663/ 24.0] 352] 13.9] 1,722) 71)" 46 730, 767 | fos ‘ 320 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——-POPULATION. TABLE 79.—FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION BY YEAR YEAR OF IMMIGRATION. Total eign DIVISION AND STATE. come 1920 || 1919 | 1918 | 1917 | 1916 | 1915 | 1914 Byes cl United States....... 13,920,692 ||214,123 | 85,570 |116, 222 |177,184 |203,098 |449,876 |1, 604,890 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: , 2 New England. ........- 1,885,945 || 29,877 |} 9,160 | 16,766 | 29, 248 | 31,142] 59,020 | 214, 966 3 Middle Atlantic. . .| 4,960,418 || 56,703 | 17,745 | 30,605 | 48,535 | 65,547 i78, 633 | 657, 352 4 East North Central.....| 3,232,141 || 27,055 | 8,818 | 13,569 | 25,994 | 34,008 |106, 821 | 412) 127 5 West North Central. ...| 1,375,653 || 8,498 | 4,189] 5,817| 9,730 | 10,649 | 24,390 | 85,656 6 South Atlantic: 2.....% 330, 537 5,916 | 2,566 | 3,040} 5,209 | 5,218 | 12,452]. 38, 856 7 East South Central....- 72, 989 647 288 247 421 509 | 1,486 4,726 8 West South Central... 464,828 || 33,994 | 16,082 | 16,358 | 20,225 | 18,850 | 20,112 | 45,929. 9 Mountain... beg? lode 467,620 || 17,661 | 9,099 | 11,180} 14,747 | 13,062 | 15,159 | 42,897 10 Paetfies: 8.8. AY yo 1, 130, 561 || 33,772 | 17,623 | 18,640 | 23,075 | 24,113 | 31,803 102, 381 | $$ | |__| NEw ENGLAND: ja pee: il Maine SThih ah abte.e AttL oe otk 107, 814 3, 842 i 147 i 3885 2, 019 i, 950 2, 887 8, 289 12 New Hampshire........ 91, 397 2, 262 660 956 | 1,637 | 1,523 2,435 8, 227 13 MGrIMOnt ie ot ce yo re 44, 558 2, 065 586 752 1, 077 996 ‘s 260 3,909 14 Massachusetts.....0...- 1; 088; 548 || 15,424 | 4,863 | 9,390 | 17, 164 | 18,520 | 33,726} 123, 795 15 Rhode Island.........-. 175, 189 |} 2,670 742 | 1,700] 2,720] 2,580} 4,829] 17,743 16 Connecticut Soc ee 378, 439 3,614 | 1,162 | 2,583 | 4,631 | 5,573 | 13,883 | 53,003 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: 17 Wew, York: 0.2. Pee eet 2, 825,375 || 42,568 | 12,748 | 21,380 | 31,089 | 39,678 |101,615 | 352,344 18 New-Jersey.2.2 .cccce cee 742, 436 5,827 | 2,048 | 3,673 | 6,528 | 8,891 |-26,316 | 99,215 19 Pennsylvania........... 1,392,557 |} 8,308 | 2,949 | 5,552 | 10,918 | 16,978 | 50,702 |.205,793 East NORTH CENTRAL! oe 20 SATE eager Webasinay emaeNpu ts 680,452 |} 4,999 | 1,591 | 3,154] 6,304] 8, 252 | 30,191 | 110,368 21 Tmdtene. | ao aes oe 151, 328 833 274 512 | 1,089}. 1,426 | 4,574] 17,392. 22 Tinos? p22 TIP oD 1, 210, 584 6,157 | 2,707 | 4,140 | 7,311 | 11,249 | 36,540 | 143, 23 Michigan............... 729, 292 |] 13,695 | 3,787 | 4,910] 9,503 | 10,712 | 26,542 | 103, 3 24 Wisconsini: 2%. 2 2.53. FF 460,485 || 1,371 459 853 | 1,787 | 2,369] 8,974 | 37,164 WEst NORTH CENTRAL: “a 25 Minnesota.....i...... cic 486,795 || 2,481 765 | 1,435 | 3,157 | 3,755 | 9,125 | 31,853 26 Towac:, 30 = adolf f. 225, 994 1,421 512 845 | 1,399] 1,701] 4,042] 13,758 27 ‘Missonfi. oo). Bee oe Ne 186, 835 |} 1,144 656 776 | 1,097 | 1,374 | 3,837] 13,440 28 North Dakota.........- 131, 863 442 161} 249 729 849 | 2,111 | 6,503 29 South Dakota... 2.2... 82, 534 400 122 135 357 509 1, 136, 3, 923 30 Nebraska..........:.... 150, 665 749 458 640 924 | 1,061} 2,325 | 10,124 31 BE Vai Cy ges a 110,967 || 1,861} 1,515 | 1,737 | 2,067}. 1,400] 1,814 055 SoutH ATLANTIC: . 32 Delaware.......-.- we Sa 19,901 174. |. 66 106 204. 279, 816 3,130 33 Maryland ao. gts 103, 179 684 298 444 640 917 | 3,357 | 11,206 34 District of Columbia... . 29, 365 489 179 233 342 376 752 2, 467 35 WARES oe a rie alnne se 31,705 655 366 411 559 539 995 3,013 36 West Virginia: 22.0220. 62,105 626 334 607 | 1,975] 1,643 | 4,123] 11,897 37 North Carolina. ........ 7, 272 160 33 54 ) 25 84] > 212 |eto 686 38 South Carolina. .......- 6, 582 74 28 33 65 67 186 618 39 Gepreias. th bet... ob 16, 564 228 87 171 184 436 dy 40 Plondas. law r o 53, 864 2, 826 1,175 | -1,062 | 1,178 | 1,129] 1,575 4,370 East SOUTH CENTRAL: 4 41 Kentneky tb. 3. .Jasg... ct 30, 906 177 93 70 130 163 614 | 2,011 42 Tennessee ki: -.. secs. oe 15, 648 206 63 54 98 112} 3. 323 947 43 Algbammia. ti os bei. occas 18, 027 190 100 96 124 154 379 1, 225 44 Mississippiz. 4. . Jas3.. 04 » 8,408 74 32 27 69 |) 80} . 170 - 643, WEST SOUTH CENTRAL: ob Goa 45 Arkansas. tr. ex dvsc... ob 14, 137 84 28 |i °. 47 85 68] + 172 663, 46 Lowisiana.iou. seas... oh 46,427 1, 099 474 426 324 ' 389 648 1,701 47 . OkKiahomale «2 Joua.. sly 40,432 I, 516 748 648 687 2,178 48 IBORAS? jobs, ods eae 863, 832 31, 295 | 14, 832 | 15,237 | 19,129 | 17,831 | 18,627 | 41,387 MOUNTAIN: ; .. . ea VE 49 Montana. .b.0.de22 28 95, 591 842 342 576 | 1,454 | 1,276] 2,780 8, 692 50 hdaho:- 2s. 40, 747 715 571 480 562 598 “935 | 2,943 51 MOMS «oon bt on oat 26, 567 578 333 378 536 498 924) 3,255 52 ECLOTHUO.. 2c oo: ete 119,138 || 1,694] 1,383) 1,810] 2,038 | 1,649] 2,720] 10,895) 53 New Mexico............ 29,808 |} 1,729] 1,078] 1,738] 2,230] 2,143| 1,706] 3,349 54 PU ZOU Sen ont edness os oe A 10,879 | 4,566} 5,299} 6,720} 5,559| 3,928 7, 333 | 55 Ps Ramee BEAN RES Re 59, 200 793 589 635 858 985 4,972. 56 “ Nevadar.: labo aoe oe 16, 003 431 237 264 349 354 511 1,458 ACIFIC , i 57 Washington..........4. 265,292 || 6,803 | 2,962] 2,836 | 3,931 | 4,018] 6,658 | 21,165 58 Oregon 8: Muctactnicse: 107,644 || 2,224 690 860 991 | 1,246] 2,500| 8,805| 59 California............:.. 757, 625 || 24,745 | 13,971 | 14,944 | 18,153 | 18,849 | 22,555 | 72,321 lf Q YEAR OF IMMIGRATION. | 321 : j OF IMMIGRATION, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920. YEAR OF IMMIGRATION—Con, PER CENT OF TOTAL ARRIVING IN— 5 1901- | 1900 or | _¥ eat 1911-| 1906-|1901-| or hiotee m rte z 7 as « Tal 0 ~ } 1980 | 1905 | eartier. | Houne || 1810) 1918) 1917) 1916| 1915/1914) t998 | r9i0 | 1905 ear- Beit so ; ier. /2,220,868,|1,814,264/5,761,237 1,264,360) 1.5 | 0.6 | 0.8 | 1.3} 1.5 | 3.2 | 11.5 | 16.0 | 13.0 |.41.4 1 | 304 832, 443 |108,353 || 1.6 | 0.5 | 0.911.6/1.71 3.1 | 11.4 | 16.2] 13.3 | 44.1 2 eet 1,849,913 |846, 252 || 1.1 | 0.4 | 0.6} 1.0] 1.31 3.6 | 13.3 | 18.5 | 15.9 | 37.3 3 [6 , 64 {1,389,247 [823,670 || 0.8 | 0.3 | 0.41 0.8 | 1.1] 3.3 | 12.8 | 15.8 | 11.7 | 43.0 4 "| 142’ 247 [131; 968 | 775, 031 [177,578 || 0.6 | 0.3 | 0.4} 0.7| 0.81 1.8| 6.2| 10.31 9.6| 56:3 5 oT 83, 42,176 | 118, 650 | 42,637 || 1.8] 0.8 | 0.9} 1.6] 1.6 | 3.8] 11.8 | 16.3] 12.8 | 35.9 6 Sp. 6,685 | 34,423 | 15,386 || 0.9} 0.4] 0.3]0.6)0.7]2.0| 6.5] 11.2] 9.2) 47.2 7 “1 | 31, 854 | 131, 588 | 79,549 || 7.31 3.5/3.5) 4.4) 4114.3] 9.9] 108] 6.9] 23.3 8 ‘ 48,394 | 177,378 | 50,781 || 3.8 | 1.9 | 2.4|3.212.813.2] 9.2] 14.4] 10.3 | 37.9 9 4b 1133, 984 | 452, 564 |120, 204 || 3.0/1.611.6] 20/21/28] 91 15.2 | 11.9 | 40.0 10 4 OS a ave Se Fe ae Ee aT OO RNR AON (Re OO a nC neces EOE x! 11,687 |. 48,103 | 13,146 |] 3.6} 1.1]1.311.9}1812.7| 7.7] 12.4] 10.8} 44.6 | 12.2) 11 : ; 41,964 | 11,058 || 2.5 | 0.7] 1.0] 1.8]1:712.7| 9.0] 12.9} 9.7] 45.9 | 12.1 | 12 ‘ 4,665 | 19,122| 4,403 || 4.6/1.3] 1.7|2.4/2.21}2.8] 88] 12.8] 10.5) 42.9] 9.9] 13 oh 144,993 | 499,067 | 44,387 || 1.4] 0.4/}0.9/1.6] 1.7] 3.1 | 114] 16.3] 13.3] 45.8] 4.1 | 14 | , 463 | 79,195 | 11,970 |] 1.5} 0.41 1.0} 1.6] 1.5] 2.8 | 10.1 | 15.7 |-13.4 145.2 | 6.8 | 15 56,577 | 144,992 | 23,389 || 1.0 | 0.3 | 0.7/1.2] 1.5] 3.7 | 14.0 | 18.2} 15.0] 38.3] 6.2 | 16 Ph. 448,411 |1,058,145 |197, 481 || 1.5.) 0.5 | 0.8 | 1.1) 1.4]3.6 | 12.5 | 18.4 | 15.9 | 37.51 7.0) 17 8 115, 086 | 286,803 | 48,365 |} 0.8 10.3 | 0.5} 0.9 | 1.2] 3.5] 13,4] 18.8] 15.5 | 386] 6.5 | 18 dg 1226007 || 504,965 1100, 406 || 0.61 0.2] 0.4/0.8 | 1.2] 3.6 | 14.8] 18.7 | 16.2] 36.3| 7.2 | 19 - | 91,414 | 248,824 | 51,112 |] 0.7.| 0.2] 0.5 | 0.91 1.2] 4.4 | 16.2 | 18.3] 13.4 | 36.61 7.5 | 20 ht 22 | 15, 438'| 60,829 | 26,339 || 0.6} 0.2 | 0.3] 0.7 | 0.9 | 3.0 | 11.5 | 14.9 | 10,2 | 40.2} 17.4 | 21 er 156, 792 | 517,963 {120,181 |] 0.5 | 0.2 | 0.340.6 | 0.9 | 3.0] 11.9 | 16.8 | 13.0 | 42.8] 9.9 | 22 ar 74, 020 | 295,883 | 76,804 |} 1.9 | 0.5 | 0.7 }1.3 | 1.5 | 3.6 | 14.2 | 15.1] 10.1 | 40.6 | 10.5 | 23 2 41,900 | 265,748 | 49,234 || 0.3 | 0.1] 0.2.).0.4]0.5] 1.9] 81] 11.0] 9.1 | 57.7 | 10.7 | 24 ct 52, 276 | 287,015 | 42,898 || 0.5 | 0.2] 0.3} 0.6] 0.8 | 1.9 | 6.5 | 10.7} 10.7] 59.0] 8.8 | 25 er 14, 794 | 136,092 | 32,797 || 0.6 | 0.2 | 0.4/0.6)0.8|1.8] 61] 8.2] 6.5] 60.2] 14.5 | 26 z 19,883 | 92,092 | 28,666 || 0.6} 0.4] 0.4/0.6] 0.7| 2.1] 7.2] 12.84 10.6 | 49.3 | 15.3 | 27 ey: 19,526 | 65,523 | 19,792 || 0.3 |.0.1 | 0.2|0.6]0.6]1.6| 4.9] 12.1] 14.8} 49.7 | 15.0 | 28 tT 7,485 | 47,777 | 12,553 || 0.5 | 0.1 | 0.210.4/0.6/1.4| 4.8] 9.9 | 9.1] 57.9 | 15.2 | 29 iw 0, 86,623 | 22,966 || 0.5} 0.3} 0.4/0.6] 0.7/1.5] 67] 9.5] 6.9] 57.5 | 15.2 | 30 * 7,468 | 59,909 | 17, 1.7/1.411.6/1.9]1.311.6] 55] 8.3] 6.7 | 540 | 16-1 | 31 .? 2,622 |. 6,607 | 2,450 | 0.9/0.3] 0.5/1.0] 1.4] 4.1 | 15.7] 17.3 | 13.2] 33.2] 12.3 | 32 a 14,709 | 48,693 | 6,780 || 0.71 0.31 0.4 | 0.6 | 0.9 | 3.3] 10.9 | 15.0] 14.3 | 47.2] 6.6 | 33 abr. 3,505 | 11,567 | 5,117 11.7} 0610.8 | 1.211.3} 2.6] 84 | 14.8] 11.9} 39.4 | 17.4 | 34 bt 8,873 | 10,487 | 5,915 |] 2.1) .1.2] 1.3/1.8)] 9.5 | 15.4 | 12/2) 33.1] 18.7 | 35 7,995 | 12,238 | 7,529 || 1.0] 0.5] 1.0| 3.2 | 2.6 | 6.6 | 19.2 | 21.2 | 12.9 | 19.7] 12.1 | 36 Be 768.| 2,365 | 1, 2.2|0.5|0.7}1.0]1.2]2.9| 94 | 13.4 | 10.6 | 32.51 25.6 | 37 te 656 | 2,438 | 1,523 |] 1.110.4/0.5/1.0| 10] 2.8] 9.4 | 13.6] 10.0] 37.0 | 23.1 | 38 ay 9,006 | 6,456 | 2,843 || 1.4/0.5/0.5/1.0]11]2.6] 89 | 15.7] 12.1 | 39.0] 17.2 | 39 | 6,042 | 17,799 | 8,620 |] 5.2) 2.2]2.0|2.2}2.1]2.9]| 81] 15.0] 11:2} 33.0] 16.0 | 40 oh a 2,149 | 16,962} 5,589 || 0.6} 0.3|0.2|0.4/0.5/2.0] 65] 95) 7.0] 54.97 181 | 41 1a 1,551] 6,915| 3,557 111.3] 0.4 | 0.3] 0.6] 0.7] 2.1} 61] 11.6 | -9.9 | 44.2 | 22.7 | 42 1,915 | 7,022 | 4,516 |] 1.1] 0.6] 0.5/0.7) 0.9} 2.1] 6.8 | 12.3] 10.6 | 39.0} 25.1 | 43 1,070 | 3,524 | 1,724 110.9] 0.4 10.3} 0.8/1.0] 2.0] 6.5] 13.0] 12.7 | 41.9 | 20.5 | 44 1,266 |. 6,754 | 3,645 || 0.6 | 0.210.3/0.6|0.5[1.2] 4.7] 9.4] 9.0] 47.8 | 25,8 | 45 4,957 |° 19,395 | 12,843 || 2.41 1.0] 0.9} 0.7] 0.8114] 3.7] 9.0} 10.7 | 41.8 | 27.7 | 46 3,043 |’ 17,476 | 9,066 || 3.7 +9 L61)1.7/ 1.4/1.6] 5.4] 9.5) 7.5 | 43.2 | 22.4 | 47 22,588 | 87,963 | 53,995 || 8.6 | 4.114.2|5.314.9]5.1] 114 | 11.3] 6.2 | 24.2] 14.8 | 48 11,376 | 38,870 | 14,292 || 0.9 | 0.4 | 0.6] 1.5| 1.3] 2.9] 9.1] 15.8 | 11.9 | 40.7 | 15.0 | 49 4,122 , 203 | 4,147 1.8) 1.4 | 1.24.4) 1.5) 2.3 Te2 | 13230102 2 4SE7 44622 150 3,128 | 8,550| 3,623 || 2.2/1.3] 1.4] 2.0) 1.9 | 3.5 | 12.3 | 17.9) 11.8 | 32.2] 13.6 | 51 13, 765 | 54,712 | 11,849 || 1.4] 1.2/1.511.7]1.412.3| 9.1 | 14.0] 11.6 }-45.9'} 9.9 | 52 6,512 | 2,879 || 5.8|3.6|5.8| 7.5] 7.2) 5.7] 1.2 | 136] 81] 2181) 9.7 | 53 5,677 | 12,777 | 7,925 |113.5|5.7|6.6|8.3 | 6.9/4.9 | 91/123] 7.0] 15.9] 9.8 | 54 6,039 | 30,007 | 3,868 [1.3] 1.0] 1.1}1.4/1.7| 2.8] 84 | 14.9) 10.2 | 50.7) 6.5 | 55 1,887 | 5,697 | 2,148 12.7] 1.5] 1.6 | 2.2|2.2]3.2] 9.1 | 16.7] 11.8 | 35.6 | 13.4 | 56 ; | 33,081 | 111,633 | 30,992 |] 2.6) 1.1] 1.1/1.5) 1.5125] 8.0) 15.5] 12.5 | 42.1} 11,7 | 57 } 12,605 | 52,641 | 8,166 |} 2.1] 0.6/0.8/0.9] 1.2] 2.4] 8.3 | 15.5) 1171/4891] 7.6 | 58 88,298 | 288,290 | 81,046 || 3.31 1.8 | 2.0] 24] 2.5/3.0] 9.5 | 152 ]-11.7 | 381] 10,7 | 59 75108°—23 21 322 ABSTRACT.OF THE CBENSUS—-POPULATION, TABLE 80.—FOREIGN-BORN MALE. POPULATION BY YEAR OF, IMMIGRATION, py DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920. YEAR OF IMMIGRATION. Total forcien+ ||=sa55 4 DIVISION AND STATE, .- born males: 1918- 1916- 1911- 1906- | 1920 1819 1917 1915 1910 ‘4901- | 1900 or | Year 1905 earlier. ———$ | | — | | | | United States. ...|7,675, 435 187, 212 158,615 |1, 301,775 |1, 288, 162 |1, 057, 498 \3, 168, 590 | 533,593 —_——- SaaS SS eee Win eet as —= Bieicaat ee GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: sy New England. .....- 956,111 19, 1921 22,224 | 164,243] 161,596 Middle Atlantic. .... 2, 647, 050 41,870 | 40,854] 500,267 | 506,043 East North Central. .|1, 816,081 || 19,944 | 22,768 | 335,702 | 309,365 West North Central. .| 781, 943 7,143 9,011] ~ 74,446 87,313 “4 - South Atlantic. ..... 194,364 || 4,883 |. 5,526 | 36,522 | 32,911] 25,810] 67,610,| 21, 102 East South Central..} 42,968 "513 A15 4,431 5, 221 4,391 | 20,5921 7,405 West South Central..| 264,915 || 30,945 | 19,593 45,690 28,777 18,613 | 79,548 | 41,749 Mountain. ...-......: 932’ 660 || 15,435 | 14,813]. 43,854] 43,882) © 31,634 _ 107,732 | 25,310 Pacitie.s..dcccc.at ~.| 689,343 || 27,287 | 23,411 | 96,620°| 113,044 | 88,277 |” 281,335 | 59,369 NEW ENGLAND: Maine. beck 56,098 2,632 | 1,708 7,458 7, 289 6,386 | 25,744] 4,881 New Hampshire..... 46,973 ||. 1,714]. 1,354 6, 857 6,538 | 4,716 | 21,551 | 4,243 Vermngit, Sm eeseh ak: 23,733 1,359 957 3,418 3,175. | 2,670 | .10,349°}. 1 Massachusetts. ...... 540,428 || 9,337 | 12,350] 92,695 | 92,064 | 75,331 | 242,259 | 16,392 Rhode Island.......- 87,450 1,649 | 2,100} 13,205] 14,353) © 12,322 | ~ 39,687 |, ‘4, 184 Connecticut......... 201; 429 || 2501 | °3,755 | 40,610] | 38,177}. 31,748 | 75,722) 8,916 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: ¢ ae Now YOrmki.t ai chaye 1,465,875 || 31,794 | 25,940] 259,827 | 275,624 | 247,426 | 550,806 | 74,458 New Jersey..-...- <.* 394, 144 4,072 5, 356 74, 709 77,271, ,005 |. 150,420 | 17,311 Pennsylvania........| 787,031 6,004 | 9,558 | 165,731 | 158,148 | 133, 854. |° 275,734 f East NorvTH CENTRAL: ; Se te ODIO. pcpickcasnest aes 392, 668 3,695 | 5,990 93, 679 76,556 55,283 | 135,588 | 21, 877 Tedibg Pees.) am 88, 576 613 | 1,187 | .15,361 | 14,952,| 10,059 |. -35,688.}~ 10,766 ROE Ree one Le 660, 269 4,391 | 6,062.) 108,511 | 118,063 | | 92,694 | 282,175] 48,373 Michigan. 70. .<.'.4 4. - 415,539 || 10,277 7, 988 88,221 | | 68,427 44,902 | 165,517 |. 30, Wisgonsin sc ghs 3 259, 029 968 1,591 29, 930 31, 367 25,658 | 150,048 | 19, 467 West NORTH CENTRAL: “ey | 7 Minnesota...-..-,..% 279,099 1,652 2,542 28,119 | 32,514 32,058 |,.165,642 | 16,572 Tawi dy executes + af) 127,369 1,075 |, 1,371} .12,887°] | 11,886 9,122 |. 77,643}. 13, 885 Miseourl. foes 22h. 104,079 969 | 1,059} 10,754 | 14,164] 12/2491] 52,958 | 11, 996 North Dakota. ...... 75,641 301 495 5,740 | 9,348 |-41,678 |. 40,657.17, South Dakota... -..... 47,728 288 305 3,585 | | 5,124 4,636 | 28,543 » 247 Nebraska.i::.2.-1's.- 85, 072 + 135 1,015 8, 352 8,782 6,488 | 50,356 9,394 Kanes chee ee 62,955 ||’ 2,193] 2,224 5,509} | 5,495 4,588 | 34,736 | 8,330 SoutTH ATLANTIC . bs t elaware, to<-.+-+ > - 11,443 146 184 2,631 2,070 1,649 | 3,661] 1,102 Maryland......:..... 55,486 544 653 9, 207 8,510 8,327 |. 25,384 2,861 District of Columbia.| 15,799 287 312 2,109 2,466 2,034 6, 274 2,317 ie wsce ost | 19,870 725 727 3,158 3,125 2,496 6,729 | 2,910 West Virginia. ...... 42,084 585 |. 2,064] -12, 688 9,039 5, 568 7,774} 4,366 North Carolina. .. 4,483 92 6 512 1, 555 957 South Carolina... ... 4,243 54 62 656 630 454 1,565) Be GOONPIB cu cae: toh as 10, 334 147 172 1,373 1,705 1,309 |. 4,085.|. 1,543. POS ik, dee = Shred 30, 622 2, 303 1,268 4,046 4,737 3,461) 10,583 | 4,224 East SouTH CENTRAL: llokr et — (UF FOONTICK Ys neces ue « 17,578 147 131 2, 004 2; 019 1,445. 9,448-| 2,384 Tennessee. ....-....- 9,159 143 93 826 1,096 980 4,245] 1,776 Alabama............ 10, 911 156 135 1,120 1,443 1,278 4,501 |, 2,283 Mississippi........... 5, 320 67 56 481 663 "693 2,398 962 WEsT SOUTH CENTRAL: oe. Mi ATKANSOS. Jno.) dp 4 8,728 67 83] ., 601 869 813 |. 4,411 |, 1,884 Louisiana.....2......| ‘28,120 992 483 1,724 2,451 2,974 | 11,937] 7,559 Oklahoma......-.... 25; 322 1,624 878 2, 168 2, 422 1,955 |. 11,136} 5,139 OSES cnties » -nebene 202,745 || 28,262) 18,149 41,197 23, 035 12, 871 064 | 27, 167 MOUNTAIN: a Montana... 4.3 1,568]. 1,084 7,958 | 11,117 California............ 458,387 || 20,612 18, 306 68, 276 74, O71 ‘YEAR OF IMMIGRATION.! 9) 1 9/ 323 pena 81.—FOREIGN-BORN FEMALE POPULATION BY YEAR OF IMMIGRATION, BY a DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920. YEAR OF IMMIGRATION. " Total 4 Soy, i 0 _ ‘ females: || 1918-'| 1916-'| i9f1-"| 1908- | 1901- | 1900 0r | ea" 1920 || 1919 1915 | 1910 | 1905 | earlier, | ROUTS ported Be +++ |6, 245, . 956,089 | 941,216 | 756,766 |2, 592,647 | 730, 767 A AS Bc 140, 885 | 143,139 | 117,062 |’ 417, 181 | 67,932 Nas Ld Sue) 401, 265, |. 413,586 -} 343, 219 |. 872, 953 | 211, 484 # 5,95 ; 217, 254} 201,903 | 150; 968 |, 620, 231 | 192) o80 ot Worn North Central 1.1% : 5,544 | 6,586.) 46,249 | 54,934-| 51,149") 324,496 | 104) 802 = South Atlantic. ..........} 136,173 || 3,599 | 2,723] 20,004) 20,906 36; 966 51,040 |" 21, 536 *, Hast South Centrai.....-,} 30,021 422 253 | | 2,290'| 2,950 |-~- 2904] 78,831) 7, 981 _, West South Central.....-- 199,913 |} 19,131, | 16,990.} 89,201], 21,510 | -43;241 |° 52,040 | °37) soo ake tain: --..22.....---2.} 184,960 || 11,325 | 11,114 | 27,264\| 23,430 | -16; 760, | ° ‘69,646 | 25, 491 |. Pacific... 441,218 || 24,108 | 18,304] 61,677 |. 59,358 | 45.707} 1712290 |" 60; 835 Te i SA? aioe: 51,716 || 2,357 | 1,696 | 5,668] 6,070 1» 5,301 } 92,359 | 8, 265 fos New ae ee apie SS 44,424 || 1,208 | 1,23 5,328] 5,287| 4,134]. 20,413 | 6,815 et i) ae ee Se ae 20,825 || 1,292 87 2/747 | 2/548 | ~ 1,995 8,773 | 2,598 ; 13) Massachusetts. ..........- 548,120 || 10,950 | 14, 204 83,346 | 85,155 | 69,662 | 256,808 |” 27,995 pa Rhode. Le ae 87,739 || 1,763 | 2,320.| 11,947.| 13,994} 113141 | 397558 |” 7,788 cae ee bereeteceense| 177,010 || 2275] 3,459 | 31,849 | 30,855 | 247829 |) 69,270 | 14? 473 IDLE TLAN TIC ~ Bs ge ee Se 1,359,500 || 23,522 | 26,529 | 233,810 | 244,292 | 200,985 | 507,839 | 123, 023 ie flew Jersey. .....)..:.-..4 348, 342 | 3,803 | 4,845 | 59,7131 62,463 | 50,081 | 136,383 | 31,054 i ep enacts Caan Rattle ose 605, 526 | 5,253 | 6,912 | 107,742] 106,831 | 92,153 | 229,231 | 57,404 _ EAST NORTH CENTRAL: Bead Be OR Baa Bs Boe 287,784 || 2,895 | 3,468 | 65,132 | 47,687 | 36,131 |) 113,236 | 29,235 yy indiana,. i...) .,.. B-FOLL sere 62, 752 494 454 | 8,031] 7,670] 5,379 | 25,141 | 15,573 |. Illinois. . ; 550,315 || 4,473 | 5,389 | 83,096 | 85,663 | 64,098. | ‘235,788 | 71,808 |) Michigan. ...,..... ah 313,753 || 7,205 | 6,425.| 52,418 | 41,624 | 29,118 | 130,366 | 46,597 A eae si . 201, 456 862 | 1,049 | 18,577 | 19,2591) 16,242] 115,700 | 29,767 Mi 207,696 || 1,594] 2,050] 16,614] 19,521 | 20/218 |- 121,373 | 26,326 aie . 98, 625 858 | 873 | 7,114] 6,747] 5,672} 58,449 | 18 912 Me MISSOUT «60.5 428-0 --- nee 82,756 831 814 7,897 9,706 | 7,634] 89,134 1, 16,740 56, 222 302 483 | 3,723 | 6,630] 7,848} 24,866 | 12,379 Gee ws 4 6. 34, 806 234 187 | 1,983] | 3,013 | 2,849 |) 19,234 | _7,306 DPE phn bil. oe 65,593 472 549.| 5,168| 5,577] 3,998] 36,267] 13,572 48/012 || 1,253 | 1,5801 3,760] 2,740] 2,930| 25,173 | 9,576 re Be Ce oeaey 8,458 94 126.} 1,594), 1,377 973 2,946 | 1,348 Beas Page’ 4. ane 47,693 438 431,| 6,273 | 6,941 | 6,382] 23,309] 3,919 BOL ae 13, 566 381 263.| 1,486]. 1,872} 1,471 5,293 | 2, 800 bE Re > 11, 835 296 243.| 1,389 |. 1,767] 1;377 3,758 | 3,005 aes cl. eh 20, 021 375 518 | £975 | 4,099 | 23497 4,464} 3,168 North Carolina es tor 2,789 101 45 328 346 256 810 903 “South Carolina........... 2,339 48 86 215 264 202 873 701 uGeorgia.s, x. .-< ep ok. -+ wre 6, 230 168 89 716 889 697 2,371 | 1,300 seen See 20h ay raf 235242 It 1,698 |° 972 | 3,028} 3,351 | °° 2,581 7,216.) 4,306 T SOUTH CENTRAL: ref Pee 8 ae ey 13,328 123 69 784 929 704 7,514 | 3,205 cbs jae Be LS dee}, ~ 69480 126 59 556 726 “571 2,670 | 1,781 | 7,116 134 85 638 863 642 2,521 1 2,233 | bie) age 3,088 39 40 312 432 377 1,126 762 eS ee 5,409 45 49 302 456 453 2,343 | «1,761 Sto) ene 18,307 581 267 | 1,014] 1,720} 1,983 7,458.5, 28 -| 15,110 640 457| 1,937| 1,421} 1,088 |) 6,340 4. 3,927 eats }- paki. as 161,087 || 17;865 | 16,217 | 36,648 | 17,913 | 9,717] .35,899:| 26/82 | oS Montana... Me bg 1 ee $a) 35, F083 546 854 | 4,484] 4,894] 3,711 |, 18,858] ..7,426 emda. week. 28b. 2. ce 14,454 510 336 | 1,874| 1,682} °1,304 | ., 7,307 |) 1,981 “Se aC aaa 8,502 299 301 | 1,365] 1,253)" 821 2,950 | 1,513 49,340 || 1,301:| 1,602] 5,970] 6,316] 5,162) 22,634 | 6,355 eh app beek ar 12,433 || 1,156| 1,809 | 3,112] 1,532 916 2,338 |. 1,570 rae Ce 34,163 || 6,679 | 5,430| 7.4791 3,959| 2,219.) 4,705.| 3,692 ; 26, 113 645 624| 2970] 3,220] 2,976] 14,345] 2/033 ORE Sate | 4,182 189 158 510 574) 351 1,509 891 Pea Washington. |... 6. . 2... 4, 101,134 || 4,658} 2,746 | 11,455 18,357 | 11,280 | 40,703 |, 16,935 | Mam eR OMA ge. feo. 40,846 || 1,346 767| 4,773] 5,619 | 4,341 |, 19,832 ya 68 } ee RY ee gee 299, 238 18, 104 | 14,791 | 45,449] 40,382 30, 086 110, 694 TABLE 82.—FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION BY YEAR OF IMMIGRATION, 1917 — 1916 YEAR OF IMMIGRATION. 1915 3,213 324 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——-POPULATION, Total city. ss veel | 1920 1919 | 1918 4 | Aron Ohi06! 4 vs sais 1 Bee 2 38, 021 569 209 MIG Rak. PO ERR te La 17, 695 95 51 Sha CEATIN AE o's 8 oy obs eee on 4,789 102 10 4,|-Baltimore,,Mds.:.. 2.. 65.6 84, 809 528 235 5 | Birmingham, Ala..........-. 6, 140 51 17 6.|Boston; Niass; 5.232) ese. 3 242,619 || 2,977 966 7.| Bridgeport, Conn..........-- 46, 782 434 220 S$. Ppulalo Ns Ys ccc tsh ioe e 121, 824 || 1,050 549 9 | Cambridge, Mass. .-.-....-.-. 33, 296 626 218 10:} Camden, N. J: 5.6.41. 1: nee. 20, 354 191 50 1i | Ohieago, Uh; . 5 ac ixi. tb guess 808,558 || 3,988 | 1,737 12 | Cincinnati, Ohio...........-. 42,921 178 55 13 | Cleveland, Ohio. .: 2.2... --'. 240, 173 1, 604 490 14 | Columbus, Ohio............. | 16,187 100 29 15.1 Dallas, Rex: --\- pees 8, 801 454 259 16.1 Dayton, Ohion gia; 5. os aime’ 13, 165 94 29 17, .Den Ver, ColOdiccetak. Wena 38, 230 400 300 18 | Des Moines, lowa..........-. 11, 269 93 30 19; fF Detroit, Michi pa. i54¢. 2 cenb's 290,884 || 8,884] 2,461 20 Fall River; Mass. fo0 bo. 42,421 308 175 21 | Fort, Worth, Tex........-.-. 7,502 || 1,079 558 22 | Grand Rapids, Mich......-.. 28, 427 114 42 23° Hartiord, CONT. 5s lam. tk Spee 40, 912 394 105 za ¢ Houst0m; Texp soft stk 12, 088 774 444 25 | Indianapolis, Ind.......-..-- | 17,096 87 15 2h-faersey City, Niwote.: eee r 76,204 450 154 27.| Kansas City, Kans...:.:.--.|, 11,721 297 303 28 | Kansas City, Mo.........2--- 27,588 411 267 29 | Los Angeles, Calif. 22.2.2... 122,13 5,909 | 2,965 30 | LOUISVINe yee. 28 | 11, 667 it 10 31 | Lowell, Mass.......-.----.- | 38,116 | 4s4| 197 32 | Memphis, Tenn...........-. | | 5,844 47 24 33 | Milwaukee, Wis..........--- | 110, 160 | 308 119 34 | Minneapolis, Minn.........-.- 88, 248 756 236 35, eNashwitie, Temi 28.5 . ob sede 2,41 28 1 36 | New Bedford, Mass.......-.- 51,078 1,513 515 37 | New Haven, Conn.........-. | 46,124 | 292 95 38..} New Orleans, La... 2. . ieee 27, 3668 | 716 340 Bo PONG W 2Diie NG Vcd owe cbr ees 42,028,160 |) 34,005 | 9,631 40 Bronx borough......-.-- 267, 742 1, 282 466 41 Brooklyn borough. .-..-. 666,188 || 8,946} 2,531 42 Manhattan borough. -..-. 950, 264 || 21,126 | 6,314 43 Queens borough.......-- 112,271: || 794 178 14 Richmond borough. ...-. | 31,795 1,857 142 Be PLO WEEK SIN 6 Dis o.oo co's splabaned 117,549 || 1,006 383 Nose Via o0 8 eh. Le 6, 998 297 179 47.| Oakland Calif... Une 49, 895 820 413 er Oman 'Nebri ht. ek 35, 645 211 123 40°: Paterstre N 7.23.0). tes 45, 242 324 93 50 |; Philadelphia, Pa.......5.... 400, 744 || 2,665} 1,036 Hii Pitspaten,. baste 4. Soe. 120, 792 603 180 52 |) Portland, Oreg.........: 225 49,778 || 1,205 412 Ba PLP TOVIOeNEe, It. ha oe - shale 69, 895 606 224 m4 heads Pa do got. Cla 9, 573 55 20 5D enon, Va oo. s. .etem 4,718 50 7 56} >Rochester; N.Y 5 iso... 250 71,411 948 301 57. ape aos, Mol... 2.) Be ee 103, 62 452 195 BS Ste Pant oMinn 2225. Bie ee 51, 72 342 89 59 | Salt Lake City, Utah........ 19, 897 263 184 *60 | San Antonio, Tex.......-. 36,824 || 4,763,) 1,462 61 | San Francisco, Calif. ....-.-.: 149,195 || 3,553 » 733 fa) Ocranvon, Fa..cccis.. hee 28, 587 90 49 63 | Seattle, Wash. ...:........-. 80,976 || 3,061] 1,531 642| Spokane,’ Washi+? 2... ../5". . 17, 096 454 136 65 | Springfield, Mass. ..........- 31, 461 420 139 We De Vincuses N.Y vos 3e. bee 32,383 295 126 OT Ome: ONIO J ee eS ae 38, 296 341 86 68} Trenton, N. J. 82 52. ahh 36, 168 213 $4 69.|. Washington, D.C... 20... 29,365 489 179 70 | Wilmington, Del............ 16, 337 120 55 7. | Worcester, Mass... .. 2.2%. 53,527 434 211 Wa) Vorors: WoW ca cocdsc dense 25, 796 205 82 73 | Youngstown, Ohio.......... 33, 945 198 64 1914 ng | | nf 1911- 1913 ORS ws Peneeee & ram SNS AS ta = SSIRSS DWAAWA 325 YEAR OF IMMIGRATION. FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920. rN OD SHAD CO BD 00 DOH NOD HID OAS HAD oO 1 © B= CO bar 2} ID OM DRO HAOD WHO Oro met NOD =H SBSS ree | BPODAMHOHOMOMAHH ARDRAAMAOMWONOWMWODND WANHOMHOHWNOOnRUWN DED AO MN HE © PH Or 00 OD Pe SH O.O> HW OO XH OO rH HH OD a! oe 6 2008 lene we 8 One TO O46) 4 ee 6 He 6.1 ey 6 OR 6 S&C oe oD 5 oe Be DO CO MOIDNDWDOANMOOMAHOMNMO BPIDOEENONNAKRARHM AHR NROCOHHANMNWONMAIN MANOKHMMAMNOAMRMOO NAMODNHHOOMNOND SS BOSS SHSMHSHARS AK SAKr sds HHIHSS ASHSGASSSSHASHHS Bs Obs Nog Seg 15 18 iS 15 be os OSS riog ies SN Bede 0 m3 AMD ADO MAD IDOOWOHN AORHOANAMD ONE ERHOMH MHONHOHOANOHHH AHASCSCOMAOMMNMHON WHOWKRAKRH HHO SS SAHVGSGHAGGISGSHA AHSHAGHSHASDHSSAS HAHSASSARASSHH SAAGCHSSSAHSHAGSH HASNHHNTSHIG HH a =o Sr ee Oe ee oe Be Be ee 3S et es reir sors hoe ore Bn) Sess rer Se ee | Seas sees SASS NSS Se ce Oe ee Oe S oe FROM OMAMHONHDHIGSH DOMMAHHEOSCOMNOH MANHNOANHROHHIO AGTHANSCHOHNACHHOHR HOBHONAWNOWH HO So MWSididgH#SSdGSSSGASMHS NAANASHEASSASdAISrK HoidSHAK AN ISSISSHH SSSKACHSGH dda SHH SH SE HATE KS i SEPA RE PELE SAYA SLES CRANES SR SO NF TE PK FC PR OTE ERS S| nS POOH HOD ORM ON M AHN SHOHHORDWHOSNOON ON GCHRAODHAMDHONMAHMD DOAHMMOSOWOHMHNAOGDWHHH WAROWNWDASCHOHOM ae RASH OR SANS KR SK THiS SSN SAS KHASK Sod SKADSAANGASH HAS SADAAGASBS SS Home SAH Bidos A wiry 6 Sod Hi =| rt oS ee Be eo re AN eal mae sealant sn I con oe oe oe aAAes HN < * Sed 5 = QDI H HOE AWSOME HA CBMHOODAGEERMEMOS ADHMANWOMAAMONM WMOMHONHNRDNOONONH HOMROHNNOGOMHSRO | gq SS 2 BAAS AS Hed ded aides GHasindddddnsadH aaiddndssdddsiaa sdidinnninadidadaaia wdaididididddivinidiccic | § Bey be r ° i ANAAAAOGOAROOOM AR ABOOMAOWNAAAMOOOM AA HHHOWOHOROM ATOONHONMINOHHON MAb NOMMOMMDMHaIND | 2 & S AM SSHHARHHHRH SHAH SHHNHRASHNSHNHANS AHSHSWMHSHHAHRA SCH BANK HAH HHA HSHH BASNHHHARHAHAHSH a ba q+ fe et S) = NDRMONAAROHBOHNOM MHOHOKRNOHHHWOHON HIOMHOHSANOGOONH SPOVONWKROHHHAORNA ONMHHOMORANHwOOM | S 2 4 ASSSSHHSNSSSSSN SHSNHH SHA SSHHNS ASSHAHHSHSSHSH SHHHHSSSHANHHSSH SGHSNHHHSSHHHSH = mal “i = GHOMDN ODA AHO HOH OHO AAD HONIG DADIMDAOMOWN HOD OMHMOHMANNOOMHOS MNANKONOMHOMOHMo | 8 S SBSSSSSSSHSSSSSN SSSHSUSSHSSHHANS HSSSSNSHSSSHSS SHHSSSSSSSSSSSH HHSHSSSSSsSsssss $ 3 s 1900 NODCD ADIO NAA ANAAR AOMOKHHONAADOMH WHO AONAIOAHH AH MOOWMAMDMOMOAMHANRH ONNMOWHNMOMHOA | g = Sssdddsdsddsssn ssdddrssdSSNHNs SSSSUHSHSSSSSS SaSSSSSSSSSSSSS WHSriSdSSSSSSSsS | 8 wee) = WDM OOARRHMABDOH HON MODE HHOHOHOHO OH MOMANOOOHNMNMAKRWD ONGOOKHMOABOHMHEHOH DH HOD CON OD PON 1000 n . > ‘rn e- & 22. Ss §sS" 2S eee” Se So eA Be ae Be en a! a Be hee a a it rr ee a a ee OT ee a ee get We eT ee Ee eee ow Fo Tt el OT ad | = ASASSHSSHSSSSSH SHSHSHSHSSSNHHS BSSSHSNSNHSHANSH SHHASSSSNSSHHSSH ANSHANHSSSHSSSS s aca AN ae aaa ene ee i a ae a oe. ae eae noe Ceri 2 ae et 1 00ND 1919 HH rH SWE ANCD 19 SoD =H Or 19 0 1D > 90 : 2 oS | SRSSSSsnnSA5hee seeass SER PLYESLBSSHSSS SRISRSVSPeIaess BRUWSsesasen sass 4 AS BOER oon ndoOmned OOOH ERSRSESS 1009 DOMAMASd69 NING RSSRHARSSSAASR SBSSSSSANSASENAM ) PSs Po AMS igo adore eat Des HTT WISP AS Peis rst wo ovis Ms Aoi of %, by PE i2SOSNOMSUNOANA SIVAN AGHSCOAOAAR MP MOP 19 Ori gigOm 19h BOP RDiQOAN DI OYHO RSLASSSSISAB >] CoSe RS SNDORE oo AD 1.99 16 op eo) wz ie) S-| Se: | SSBERASRERRSRES SSSRGRSSRSSSRES GREBVISSESSRSSS SSSSSLSSSSRSSae SeansaSsssssae i o SR RRR RRR OR RNR ALN Co Se ie et oe oe oe 2 ee ee Pe Pea! Cg ee eg ee ny Nal oa seo ko M3 BS as SATS sod eke) ah cobs is oy ks Mod ous Ss S Noy ao s:| ag | S#4eeseseensees “EMRE SESEATEEY Stoker ees SoS SSeNSS HS S a) a ' SHORARALASHAHOCSOA Dy PW MRIQDAD NWO INMOANIANHHHHDH AOWAMI9M Or HMINMO 19.> AAD RONH 3 asc < RE8 28 2 g R SROS888 ‘eal or-ry> Qo YOnOrn rj C129 00 mb io,¢) No momen oS > re a > a es SA SSSASBYRSASSE GNSRESSSSARGRE AE ASSASHRBON SPOR SSR AR eSsES Be SaSSSAASS o Pee 2 SSA athe RON RA ON Lonel Mea aN Sra ot Yes} Kel Ses ors OT Coser s hook Pea Payor res a? is =~ ot of Bak be hed pd Fe AAAS DT tole tof oS Seneea~ GF Swolwog sees oat coed soh oc) fH CHOW M HDDS ANS SOAAMIAHOS 2 IOS Dor OO 1D NARHA xH 00 00 6 Or mj 19 Sr 10 4 BOOS HOM OHNE < rts HE tO OO Sas=3 Es SSSBSSB8SANR Rison SoaSsrsrs mrs rh HHS BSSx a Ss Pa anf Sd A | $2 | SSSRSSSRESSGIES SSSSSERENSKSESE HRSNRSSASRGEE SASSSkS assesses Saasehstessnen & TMS POS OS oS oS uF oF of THAIS oS oT Taher Ter os aan St Dot es os Si PSTN TSS SSOSS SoG rioTonnarsorwtavoaswer | a= ON 9 BOGS SHAS MHA oD Or ed's: wr, bes POSE SRE Qasr we sot 2 acres ~ nao S oe ae Ged iy Ae 5 c : ms +S - e a7 =~ i m, far Ges & D ab ba ~ ah q $26 ABSTRACT OF ‘THE! CENSUS—POPULATION, 2 TABLE 83.—FOREIGN-BORN MALE ‘POPULATION BY YEAR) OF =r aie eet ition CITIES. HAVING.100,000 INHABITANTS.OR MORE: 1920.. . a YEAR OF IMMIGRATION. Toval ) STE: ro Year | not re- | ported.. | Akron, Ohio. sti /.8.01.) ES 2. 882, AQbamys Nive 4. 414. 174 Atlanta, Gas... 2.3.4 $-p ds ath G. 354 Baltimore, Md... .c.c2-...0s--- 1,027. Birmingham, Ala.s.os..s...1-- 801 Boston jMass.23. 3.0. 8204 a1 5, 660° Bridgeport, Connsia2.1.: AE J. 1,892. BufisloyN: Weve bdo ei © 5,899) Cambridge, Massi 2.2).; 4 .21-. 127) Camden, N.J RE aid Bade tilt Ok ate ) T42, Chica goy Dbz ti 4.8.8.) bet ‘.(G 25, 126 Cincinnati, Ohio... jog... 2 ke. 1,129) Cleveland, Ohio...2.52...2.02../0 883 Columbus, Obio.} .g.04.4-0.5i.). 1,434 Dallas; Peksy 28 bh Qed.) 80s i 901 Dayton; Ohio. j.2.24. ).% ks (a 330 Denver, Colo. 22.2... 4. Shh 828 Des Moines, LOY Serie )-S hes 728. Detroit, Mich.av.. 2. ae es 9,105 Fall River, Mass-.s. See oe ee Tes 549 Fort Worth, ROX) 0.2 04eby heck 1,035 _ Grand Rapids, Migh isi 554.63. L 1,332 Hartford, Connsg.'. $4.} 358 Houston; Tex... .. Pe dibOdet 971. Indianapolis, Ind. 2. ...2.5..4-- 1,251. Jersey; City, Ni Ji. 3 3. 4-0,05-4 807 Kansas City, Kans. . 34.26 a feb 358. Kansas City; Mo..2...... @.8h-L 2,247 Los Angeles, Calif. .-........ i+ 4,688 Loanisvillé, KYysa.- 2) -4-9.5--- _ 877 Lowell, Mass. s....; ee ee $2 215, Memphis, TENSE 4. $54 40265 + yo 654. Milwaukee, Wis.......)..-:-2:-- 8,190 Minneapolis; Minn......-.-1.-- 1,941 Nashville, Tenn...3...2.¢-02.: “ac 2028 New Bedford, Mass......2..:-. 249° New Haven, Contiys 5) d-eeaak 1,156 New Orleans "MsDsepede eee Teck Ps 5, 549 New York, N. Y.2.s4.s-pccee- 411358 Bronx borough. ..+-.-s-2-- ~, 5,606 Brooklyn borough. ..2....- 14,179 Manhattan borough. .......}, 17,477) Queens borotigh.....-...... , - 2,906 Richmond borough........ 1,190. Newark, N. de.) m sp dewee ges 92,618 | Norfolk, Oye e GE eae Laceans Ore 398 Oakland, Calif... .. paawag gab (1,542, Omaha, oN Le Shae Wo | ' 4,820. Paterson, Nadéc dua ep Gee ee ee ‘ ae Philadelphia, Pa......---- gash 9,078 Pittsburgh, P93... - 4. 447 4-2-43-+ 2,455 Portland, Gis ack a gee digap eee 926 Providence, R.1....-...-+-ns-- 1,698 Reading, [2 ee EAE Ope | ain eae Richmond, Va..... ep dieca ss. |. 368 Rochester, N. Met ee ep dig peek i} sue, St; Dawigy Moe. 2 sn ee dco svt UB St. Paul, Minis 2 24.4 cent a 10 Salt Lake City, Utah......-:... i oy BOE San Antonio, Tex......--.-..4-: 2,721 coy Francisco, Calif. 4.5.5. 2.1 ( oe CLANLODy Fae. sh sx ee fo sei lo cdg Seattle, Wash...........-...--. 4,751 Spokane, Weh..-'s edcackacl pore Springteld PWatscie. 4 4.42523} 380 WLACUSG, IN You.) oo cup ce oceest 2) Ou Toledo, Onis iaeolk SP a hea h: heck ye ‘Be Trenton, N. pgs Jo EU Eo | ; cme abe Washington, D. C../.....2-3... Bee dy Wilmington, Deli» 2) etme y st rrp dae Worcester, Mass.;-.-... 220-0524 gi! Yonkers, 1s aco Cod Youngstown, Ghioe TFET ag —_ - an YEAR OF IMMIGRATION. 827 84.—FOREIGN-BORN FEMALE POPULATION BY YEAR OF IMMIGRATION, FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920. YEAR OF IMMIGRATION. 1911- 1906— 1901- | 1900 or 1915 1910 1905 | earlier. ee eee ee eee Cen ) SSC ern | a eee Mt B ston, ORS Sesereeres Bridgeport, Conn..... WO 5 = wav ‘By falo, AS eticta tas se Cambridge, Mass.............. “Camden ‘N Shy x ew Peete De OS oan w Orleans abe ae York, N, ic et eee “Bronx botough......-....- eb . ‘Brooklyn bor oudt >) eee pes “Manhattan borough... -.... FY ny Queens borough. ..... gh ake ae nie a ‘borough........ wwe ee ewww we eee! hy 7 ae al 1 Lake pity Dita oo... Sk Sew eee wwe See eee See ee See eee ee ee ewww enews eee cee were ee seo! Sew ewe eens ‘addy 328 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——POPULATION. Wy TABLE 85.—FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION BY YEAR OF IMMIGRATION, FOR CITIES — HAVING FROM 25,000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920. YEAR OF IMMIGRATION. stp yel > oreign CITY. , horn: || yo16- | i94t- | 1906~'| 1901- | 1900 or | Par ; 1919 1915 1910 1805 earlier. ported ALABAMA! ; MODIS ho Leo kaa} Pret 2,157 134 141 225 197 724 736 Montgomery ..j.. Ge... Aa 771 26 93 106 83 834 429 ARIZONA: PROC 2.055. 28S. vend pe 4,146 909 615 524 333 1,323 ARKANSAS: Port: Smith eb WA 855 7 50 72 | 84 461 Wittle Beaks ksh iG... +Ake 1,815 19 94 161 76 749 CALIFORNIA: ATAMIOG a, Be... fo Odehande ine Be 6, 353 317 724 879 743 3, 166 Berkeley: Sl RL A 10, 506 850 1, 235 1,393 1, 295 5,105 Hrosriow HL. LOR ng Se 9,715 851 1,550 1,696 1, 266 2,931 Vong Beaks. .). 50.04.) 7,100 1,049 607 700 506 3,415 Phsadotaie. 2.5 PS scenes 7,169 614 804 806 611 . Sacramento..o.60...5-.. 44. 12, 988 931 1,780 2,023 1,628 §, 134 Bam Wingo. Sr ire sen ore 14,088 |} 1,429 1, 834 1,537 1, 223 6,278 Ban Jostens. k SPR dene 8, 274 252 888 7 991 3,631 Btocktem) 00 oie 8,341 525 1,001 1,136 934 3,534 COLORADO: Colorado Springs........-.-: 2,639 92 136 169 215 1,539 Phobloiy at. 4.08 bk AN 7,489 1,097 952 854 871 2, 222 CONNECTICUT: Meriden... 220. 7,916 203 1,099 1, 198 908 3, 846 Now Britain. .). 502.5 .0¢.40% 21,340 659 5,610 4, 843 3,345 6, 603 New London... ......-.-.:- 5, 935 246 1, 016 988 941 2,606 Norwalkis2. 0. alien. 7) 6, 008 123 861 1, 080 2,471 Btamigry ts 1 ied 2 eee 10, 764 438 2,056 2,272 1,749 3,425 | Waterbarye ili) toh... 29, 974 1,420 7,415 5, 340 4,231 , 980 FLORIDA: VacksoOmtles. so Sock. ye 4,144 226 468 632 550 1,427 Jari. tats Ab ORS iy Oe 7,398 || 2,361 1,599 1,170 575 1, 157 PONSACOlas WN bey See wae 1,499 55 105 148 125 550 Tampa seis. totes stasis 11,352 974 1,633 2,492 2; 052 3; GEORGIA: CANIS US ti ah. ob Dae east 999 23 115 109 95 360 Columbtsae 5 2M eae det 333 ii 47 60 42 155 Maen iN ue Me he chat 703 17 97 116 120 248 Saveamnab. 0c), Soe eS: 3,336 165 413 520 355 1,600 ILLINOIS: : Avrotaccits:.) REY) ee 6,482 71 1, 035 1, 057 667 3,110 ‘Bloomington: .). fede 2, 841 "26 215 229 162 1,670 Cleero town. 2. (etre. 7. Ae 15,471 157 2, 666 3,346 2,694 5, 836 Dan vibes eee bbe Os pes I, 926 22 118 1 15 1,191 Dacagiites tie swe: 2 ee 2,595 28 301 303 264 1,400 Mast St. Lowlse ot 32. eles 6,798 115 1,370 1, 330 1,018 1,971 By Se AF ee. Pe 5, 061 35 245 361 233 2,505 AO VOTE OM ocak cues. Ie catate 6, 811 146 1,219 1,009 778 2,938 oliet. ee LEN on be 8, 522 170 1,419 1,372 1,143 3, 737 Molirie Seo ce, on 7,398 280 1, 206 1, 225 820 3,538 Qak' Part villagevs = vives 5,648 99 360 496 437 3,417 See BOLE ree. Lae. ee ad ee 7, 821 118 696 808 652 4,112 PA PUITIOY eet ab cents va oe 2,417 9 80 81 1,747 Hock: [slenq* 3/56) RIS 2 §, 365 125 655 745 516 2,764 Cer e. Gre nee Cet aoe 17,373 618 2, 898 2,776 1,998 7,159 prince Heidt We ot ee 6, 268 71 522 839 6 2, INDIANA: ATOMS $2 oO moat ee ea 946 18 126 124 70 405 ‘ast Cmicagos tess 2) nae 14, 701 368 4,738 3,619 2,003 2,183 MVR VIC. ot ie ae'ens steers 3, 164 32 107 127 125 2,241 MOPE WAV, oboe eee aoe 6,657 165 880 664 523 | 3,865 Sere re Se eae eae 16,510 772 4,583 | 3,961 2, 226 2,317 Fiemmond? eee) ee 8, 136 73 1, 831 1,746 1, 240 2,612 Pap kang 2 oc Be ke aa 1,170 24 212 181 112 532 PTCA So aa, ae ena 828 24 63 66 51 366. Mes eariet re ot nes. Ws 8 cee 1,135 25 155 131 93 58 itty rms 2b See a7 9 13, 415 174 2,116 2,875 1, 785 4,591 : POETG PAoiRe Oe oe eae coo tone 3,6 35 339 497 411 1, 767 OWA: 4 bin OSE Mes «1 ye: | s% Gao 5, 873 125 934 744 507 2;8204 9. ROTO TE ST GTS s2 tents c= t Seman 4,002 131 399 411 247 L772 EVER VONCLIOR te 6 ecg 'cale =} oiiien 7,663 169 455 474 455 4,380. ES Ce ae eee 72 él 283 195 185} 2,971). DIOTES, Vb Mn os baan's = 2b to > 11, 250 348 2,097 1, 913 1,211 5,063 | WEEOEIOG te Sl. nade ons oh male 2, 938 75 486 303 189 139. KANSAS: an THOR ie sas paar aoc oe ae 4,035 . 432 591 404 189 1,878 WAU Gere track dance es ba aan 3, 044 435 333 277 169] =1, 151 + HVS YEAR OF IMMIGRATION. (829 »TABLE 85.—FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION BY YEAR OF IMMIGRATION, FOR CITIES 4 HAVING FROM 25,000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. : YEAR OF IMMIGRATION, 4a ie z +h ; crry, oreign a ; BROS ts yop) |) A9t6- | 1914- | 1906- | 1901- | 1900 or | Year aa 1919 1915 1910 1805 earlier. ported. _ KENTUCKY mar, COVINgtON..../.c34.)}---.- des 2, 894 18 85 118 134 2,182 357 mic Le TAMIR «of dil 817 27 92 98 74 343 183 BPN O WRONG £0 5-4 -80h ch -+- 25 ds 2, 094 18 131 170 175 1,422 178 LOUISIANA: Son Shreveport... ..c22..----- 4s 1,316 56 139 170 154 428 369 MAINE “i , Mey, BANEGTe.2...4-ei2. 7... -) 3, 839 177 333 388 435.[. ) 1,668 838 Mie. Lewistorly....4.i0s.i-.--+ 06 10,277 || 1,006 1,511 1,472 1,039 4, 583 666 Mew Portland. ....<;2-.-.-- ialsd 13,346 1, 878 1,949 1,692 6,122 1,061 MARYLAND? 0 fy Bee Cumberland.......-......--: 1,168 13 108 110 106 336 495 in. Hagprstown.. J. ;25------+<-- 435 il 55 60 43. |... 202 59 _ MASSACHUSETTS: Mico oBr ockton 17,191 651 2,701 2, 987 2,477 7,896 479 ae 9,502 631 1,531 1, 369 1,027 4,756 188 ie 17, 286 394 3, 939 3,813 3121 5,055 964 : 12,190 5 2,215 2,551 1,754 4,907 313 5 11, 227 374 1, 265 1,758 1, 469 6,212 149 be 13, 180 805 2,078 | 2,012 1,616 5, 377 1,292 yom 13, 335 580 2, 243 2,212 1,719 6,152 9 Zp. 20, 912 2, 957 8,215 2,501 10, 223 472 =. 39, 201 1,709 8, 297 8, 147 5,318 14, 859 871 A 28,138 || 1,307 4, 597 4,920 4,172.1 12,824 318 i 14, 158 44 1,794]. 2,422 2,200} 7,242 59 e 8, 598 279 938 1, 142 1, 123 5,043 73 4 10, 296 496 1,559 1, 453 1,245 5, 381 162 z = 8, 247 239 1, 645 1, 436 994 3,224 709 ‘SD 13,776 578 2, 322 2,297 2,016 6, 207 356 ® 8, 857 168 930 1,501 1,506 4,012 740 “ 11, 258 372 1,559 1, 696 1,601 5,819 214 i : 94,954 || 1,117] 3,072|, 3,268] 3,115 | 13,497 185 A 10, 185 638 1, 666 1, 1,274] © 4,708 434 8,126 455 4, 204 1, 232 962 4,135 138 “Miomaan: j, Battle Creek...............- 8, 427 144 614 455 252 1,289 673 2B Bay Glad --.5o4-a25------1 28, 276 660 6, 514 6,073 4,511 9,100| 1,418 SR ee Bo 23, 543 962 4, 182 4, 184 3,696 | ~~ 9,878 "641 Irvington town.............- 5,520 40 503 731 688 2, 693 ~ 865 Kearny town..............-- 7,925 222 1, 363 1,639 1,047 3, 439 215 Montclair town........-.---- 5,575 347 880 869 664 2,192 623 New Brunswick............. 8, 969 323 2,127 2,009 1,586 2,098 826 Lat pS a ee i 7,039 173 923 918 |** 1,164 3, 413 448 on Re a ea 26, 396 340 6, 856 6,594 4,589 6, 949 1, 068 ELM ATIDOY < O. oci cian cosas 15, 046 285 3,181 3, 285 2,566 4,529 1,200 Se 5, 559 216 971 1,050 840 2,084 398 West Hoboken town........| 14,097 368 2,114 2,535 2,322 6,555 203 West New York town....... 8,933 173 1, 429 1,619 1,416 3,570 726 330 TABLE 85.—FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION! BY YEAR OF IMMIGRATION, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. ABSTRACT OF' THE CENSUS-——-POPULATION. YEAR OF IMMIGRATION, ‘ Total ory. roe me 1920 i916- | 1911- 1906- 1901- | 1900 or 1919 1915 1910 1905 | earlier. NEW YORK: , Amsterdam..........--+.1-- 9sos || 140 1,913 2,220] 1,558] 3268 ]'° aa Me Ci lt ls : oe 8 Rea Og 7, 607 285} 1,475 1, 595 998 2,741 213 Binghamton. ii... 2.6/0. 10, 401 107 2, 440 2,152 1,373 2,674'| °° 1,655 SIPS okt Var Pots cA eA o 4,735 81 527 510 415 2,152) 15050 Jamestown........-.-----5-- 11,427 || 330] 1,596] 1,601] - 1,586 | 5,305") * * 919 KING SOL, eve Peck Vas seabed 2, 769 33 180 261 330 1, 398 572 Mount’ Vernon.¢et......6 222 10,171 284 1, 333 1,595 1,818 | »-- 4,877" 264 New Rochelle. ..2..1..-..--. 8, 666 369 1, 092 1, 469 1,393 3, 947— 396 Newburgh.....:.-.+-.-..--- 4,957 93 585 731 613-| -- 2,260. 675 Niagara Falls.........-..--- 17, 948 1,344 | 4,725 3, 006 2,280 4,318 | 2,275 Poughkeepsie. ....-..------ 5, 556 148 833 889 738 Sey aL * Bae ROMOG OR 5, 240 262 1, 409 1,147 691 ‘ e ft Schenectady. ....--.----+--- 20, 564 543 3,679 3, 882 38, 659 Pa TG i) Eee ee eee ae 11, 525 124 938 1,221 1,036 2,074 Utica es 2. od. AVebw wpe 23, 291 529 4,655 4,955 3,799 338 WatertGwn.:.1 tb. ees. pie 5, S44 269 » 654 824 773 663 NorTH CAROLINA; | ; Ht “4 Ashpvilte’.... 806 ch5.2 2 28 561 18 29 |' 56 - 67 154 Chartottey: . 0}. 2 tet. dey 522 29 63 55 70- 150 Wilmington... S.305 25.0285 647 3h 95 83 45 104 “ Winston-Salem.\..:.:..--.+.2 317 19 48 | 63 44 49 HIO: oh ad Canter yess Loeb sh waa oe PS 14,729 1,185 4,939 2,509 |- -- -1,676- 944 Kast Cleveland 3, 847 i120 414 488 |: «» 416 128 Hamilton 2, 667 30 331 806 234 279 Lakewood 7, 263 113 1,549 1,374 944 424 ST is 5 cP ERS og a's 5 ESS 1, 933 46 318 211 169 413) Lorain 11, 944 346 3, 393 2, 867 2, 152 316 Mansfield 3, 209 V7 690 751 429 311 Marion 955 24 132 110 64: 142 Neowarkucds .. dtt reno 0 1, 508 26 341 270 162- 140 PortsTmotth:..1-8 te sbss 3. Se 698 17 63 53 35 151 Norineretd. 23.225 as... b eee 2,772 61 367 267 165 } 334 Steubenville. ............... 5, 693 227 1,571 1,315 866 382 Watrete di. derbi. 4,687 260 1,725 1, 059 468° 139 TOMOSVUIOs 3 ic Gee iiss ck eee 1,273 6 209 162 150 A ee OKLAHOMA: a bes eh Muskogee: . 2. )-28 hse. - Ae 556 37 29 38 66 ae | Oklahoma City.....-.....2. i 3, 565 534 380 389 292 S548 BLS. (init So Oo paseo © tad 2, 066 118 228 264 193° ce Oe PENNSYLYANIA he es iN Allentown... i220. -.-e.b 22. 8, 622 97 2, 273 2,028 1,517 te) 419 AGO S «. 0d SEX. ~ cape 5, 326 162 1, 007, 976 gil mer | Bethlehem...ic0 02... ..chone 10, 975 ‘614 3, 345) 2, 592 1,683 se CN OSUERS 5 ocd. hans wes Unplaee 11, 389 565 3, 801 2, 366 1,326 v > Oa POBSEOW AC sw waters ia chia 4,040 127 971 781 615 _ ie RTC 5 eos dwinin en'p wire etic 17, 396 387 3, 163 2, 859 1,954 Pah? 1, MarrisWarg...4.0ilstosecpete 4,190 100 674 720 “550 wane | Havel ons iis 4. nc se sbi 6, 026 75 580 731 981 pa | FORNSEOWD. 04s howe seeeabinne 12, 172 175 2,970 2, 687 2;310° * 284 *Dancaster. 2.2.2 se ee~ eben. 2,718 56 275 296 231° ian McKeesport......2---++00- 11, 887 203 2, 389 2,121 1,915 te New Castle. .od.nens¢e seb ome 8, 703 230 2, 090 1,755 1, 383 < 58 Norristown borough:.......- 4,337 90 558 660 759 pee Wilkes-Barre. ;.........-t.-. 14, 580 80 2,187 2, 287 2,065 i, ee WWIAMSPOrtsi svete ceeweke ss 2; 272 47 808 256 216 at oD ORES oh cig ait wtagh eno h ad 1, 200 22 117 87 131 . 214 RHODE ISLAND: . we CTEBSON: | so . wideete on eobece 7, 551 175 1,018 NOW 2cise doy siey erect ons 5, 916 159 635 PaWiPEKCL. nde dp ob yet : 21, 188 1,075 3,165 Woonsocket.......:. vail we 16, 082 1,350 2,215 SouTH CAROLINA: Charleston. ......:-.----1 |. 2,284 |}, 77 256 COlHERI < ae Fog ca ee 547 19 65 SoutH DaKora: © ne LOUK Nats os dsiery ~~~ 6 ~ ees 2,977 62 212 TENNESSEE: Chattanooga. 2... ¢scct wey 1, 253 18. , 129 DRC TRERAV LIC! oe ba ecg hee «a when | 61 821 14 worpas) YEAR.OF2 IMMIGRATION S \ 665 245 S31 TABLE. 85.—FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION BY YHAR OF IMMIGRATION, £08 CITIES HO ‘¥ A OTE: HAVING FROM 25,000 TO 100,000 INHABIT avs 1A Seanbheec The ‘i = A id ba ——- hy Year Jno ise lewd not re- ported. Rue Pp ese One bj ee * Austin... ee aoe 904 we eaumMone 4. ...-.-6 ae. Bi-+- 183 te 1 Papo, Yue -- 4-285 oBsee- 1862 0 pIvOrUe 0 vexsdege eRe, t. 13213 aM oW mete me ew eee -:- ware 524 “wienita Male yet: 484 Shy 6! (th £2 « gden re... mmm ttm ween 548 Hh aye «5. 4-220si6s-- Pi 10070 prin WS... 22 @-20: - 481 Tie pth) Seek SRR ae ae (ip mE ees YS bene ee tors. 61. ~ TROOROKG. 0... 55... -2.-5- 150 "WASHINGTON: Soret ee. -2:80E---- 847 OCCU utes) 614 a 7 es ae 2;777 EST VIRGINIA: ¢ ppatlespoy SEER: er eS ~ 484 arksburg......./.¢. “eee 91825 ty Huntington.........: es = 187 Re Reale 889 _ Wisconsin: br ie Green Bay;....... eee 1 604 Oui Kenosha »,.......5.5- Bed. 1,068 Toa Orosseit ......).5-55----- 23 17 1831 pd Madison Th ; 467 Me Oshkdel. 2202] 2382--~- 936 fp. Bacine,. ~.....-..,-3, Bxo+--- ? 1978 Beoeeneboygan..........2 2... ; 786 MPU DCTION. 00. uo el... | 1, 464 ; . Zz 5 3382 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 86.—FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION AND FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION OF URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY SEX AND YEAR OF IMMIGRATION, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920. . ee oeeeeeaaaeaaaaaaaaagaaag000—0—00008NNNNNS—v—w’—<9@==—] BOTH SEXES. ’ MALE. FEMALE. CLASS OF POPULATION AND A RS ee eee YEAR OF IMMIGRATION. | Urban. | Rural. Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. a fa | SECs ce a en | os SS ————— a SS Olle eee sO oS .2.:e5>5>7°—S——— | fy SR eating aL 76 Satine a6 oS epee Se 152, 493 61, 630 83, 498 36, 394 68, 995 25, 236 Cb, SEs ar kt) «Sa 9,0 Sa a ae 57, 363 28, 207 31, 060 16, 260 26, 303 11, 947 R017. sey se Pee ast 84, 364 31, 858 44,313 18,246 40, 051 13, 612 TOI tas Og A Se oo eS 131, 386 45, 798 69, 663 26, 393 61, 723 19, 405 BG15 0. tron, (SO Sek eee 154, 813 48, 285 83, 432 28, 794 71,381 19, 491 NAF RCRA AS SiR y= Maley lige i Marae 364, 541 85,335 203,799 52, 417 160,742 32, 918 9011-19138 ee te aS 1, 303, 789 301, 101 746, 998 186, 335 556, 791 114, 766 HOG -1GIOs ee et ee cue edie 1, 787, 112 442,756 1, 012, 374 275,778 774, 738 166, 978 1901-1905 258 es 1, 443, 128 371, 136 825, 715 231, 783 617, 413 139, 353 $900. or earlier. 5.) AGA ee 4,175,275 | 1,585, 962 2, 217,610 950,980 |} 1, 957, 665 634, 982 Not reported. ..-b AA 846, 678 417, 682 342, 257 191, 336 504, 421 226, 346 Per cent of total......... 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 ees | eg en faeces een ee een barat me ee a cna Se Fe eg ee nh: gpa gS oS ee Ge a IR 1.5 1.8 1.5 1.8 1.4 1.8 TOUS ee rs rei eee eee 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.9 ROUT ee AR? 1 TE Nee 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.8 1.0 BGI Gs EE Pe bi ee 13 £3 1.2 133 “Sy 1.4 a ARO pS, Ae 1.5 1. 4 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.4 OREN Y. Sugphdligt ede hg gil iy RAR akan bn, 3.5 20:5 3.6 2.6 3.3 23 GO1I—19013 ROSS PS oS 12. 4 8.8 13.2 9:2 11.5 8.2 HOOG=“191N Sho 78 a 17.0 12.9 17.9 13:7 - 16.0 11.9 AOOIZ190S F3G sb ES oc 13e¥ 10. 9 14.6 11.5 12.8 9.9 1900 or earlier... 2... 602... 0028 39. 8 46.4 39. 2 47.2 40. 4 45,2 Not reported...) cc fiviees 4.4 3.1 12.2 6.0 9.5 10. 4 16.1 i at YEAR OF IMMIGRATION. 333 LE 86.—FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION AND FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION OF URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY SEX AND YEAR OF IMMIGRATION, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920—Continued. BOTH SEXES. MALE. FEMALE. CLASS OF POPULATION AND YEAR OF IMMIGRATION. Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. Urban. Rural. Foreign-born white population............. 10,356,983 | 3,355,771 || 5,560,396 | 1,967,926 | 4,796,587 | 1,387,845 EL 143, 212 58, 068 78, 054 34, 538 65, 158 23, 530 RE as a Ogee 51, 329 25, 600 27,760 14, 963 23, 569 10, 637 SSS ee rererteere 77, 132 28, 927 40, 164 16, 661 36, 968 12; 266 En SR Ra | PS 124, 881 42,794 65,915.| .. 24,761 58, 966 18, 033 a ep hadengea neg le etal 148, 457 45, 227 79, 639 27,113 68, 818 18, 114 1 Nau Se I 358, 160 82, 547 199, 986 50, 822 158, 174 31, 725 Ee et te 1, 289, 714 295, 432 738, 584 183, 174 551, 130 112; 258 NY Ai a a 1, 763, 726 430, 645 995, 348 265, 767 768, 378 164, 878 YR pe Bas 1, 428, 308 361, 872 814, 106 293 556 614, 202 138, 316 1900 or earlier.................. 4,144,032 | 1,573, 433 |] 2,190,978 939,525 | 1,953, 054 633, 908 Not reported... .......-........ 828, 032 411, 226 329, 862 187, 046 498, 170 224, 180 Per cent of total......... 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 | ash ay ig I 1.4 1.7 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.7 ee tt hoa skim aeck + dane" 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.8 kts A Pg a nl EE aig 0.7 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 SS seh ihe Rl eileen beacedhs 1,2 1.3 i eae 1°23 3 ie ee 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 oS ae il nba es tana 3.5 2.5 3.6 2.6 3.3 2.3 BR ene. claw ow + Lainey « 12.5 8.8 13.3. 9.3 11.5 8.1 NRO Lato . clay ott. + tate 17.0 12.8 17.9 13,5 16.0 11.9 eset os cam pce = 4 tarps 6 13. 8 10.8 14.6 11.4 12.8 10.0 Mee OBTIICL...... cc. sche ss ss’ 40. 0 46.9 39. 4 47.7 40. 7 45.7 Not reported. ........-....---- 8.0 12.3 5.9 9.5 10.4 16.2 $34 ABSTRACT -OF THE! CENSUS+—POPULATION. | TABLE 87. FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION OF URBAN AND. RURAL — i ; pas Be ° , | lps se DIVISION AND ~~ STATE. United States. GEOG: DIVISIONS: New England..... Middle Atlantic... t eRe Rs | Total foreign born: 1920. —_— 10, 500, 942 1, 656, 120 4” 288° 036 &. North Central..| 2,519,937 - W,. North Central -. South Atlantic. 2. . _, E. South Central. . W. South Central. Mountain: .2:..5).. gar acific. «sg Pt NEw ENGLAND: pi Maine. J. a. 9.4-s86- . New Hampshire... + Vermonts. ¢.caccte Massachusetts..... ™ Rhode Island..... bo Connectieut.....-. MIDDLE ATLANTIC: “SONeW York ages. 22. New Jersey... ....- Pennsylvania..... EK. NortTH CENTRAL: wiOhios si geaes socks Michivan. ....c.iuss Wisconsin......... W. Nort CENTRAL: Minnesota......... TOW Se ne as ola ee North Dakota..... South Dakota..... Nebraska. .......- WOANSOS oto cae le SouTH ATLANTIC: Delawarec: cs eeds Maryland. o. ccc oe Van OUI). ocace 2 West Virginia..... North Carolina.... EK. SOUTH CENTRAL? Konbuckyces cases Tennessee........- Mississippi........ W. SouTH CENTRAL: PAPICATIGAS. 0 05 20e 20 “609, 942 233, 879 49,015 Year of immigration. ij ona? 223, 424 186, 147 986, 442 | B9, 465 “71, 574 ‘18, 167 2,623, 903 631, 873 1, 030, 260 16, 878 88) 678 297 365|| 20,018 19, 864 4, 373 4) 356 12, 733 37, 614 21, 687 11; 621 11, 431 4, 296 5, 647 34) 093 14, 449 169, 235 33, 482 11, 801 8, 966 60) 483 5, 754 29, 704 33, 152 2) 805 159, 291 65, 073 512, 078 1919. 1916-])1911- + 1915 A 1, 823, 143/38, 230, 240 4, 175, 275] 846, 678 - 1901- 1910 earlier. 3] 274,037]. 403, 620 72, 623) .- 139,376] 781, 885|1, 488, 126 66,229]. 486, 560}. 744, 964 17,417) , 71,980} 143, 654 10, 874] °35, 435] ‘68, 227 987)... 3,886). +9, 548 42,304) 44, 506) 39, 067 15,201; 24,318) 44,313 60, 595] 100, 536] ,, 198, 726 4,419| 7,642)", 18, 868 4,253] 10,184), 16,977 873} 2,478) = 4,974 45, 893| 171,973) 313, 764 7,778, 24,924) 50,575 9,407| 56,836), 93, 462 102,086] 468, 153] 917,761) 15,692| 117,065) 218, 256 21,648] 196,667| 352,109 14/361] 131,608] 184,365 2,387| 21,268] 32,988 18,034] 175, 935} ..325, 579 28,287; 122,361] 143, 088 3,160} 35,388) 58,944 5,393} 29,777) 62,654 2,404, 9,608) 15,059 3,247; 16,932} 39,238 253 1,300} 3,474 192 9 2,322 1,656] © 8,592} 14,224 4,272| 4,868) 6,683 454| 3,851 5,331 1,680| 13,762} 27,054 1,243} 3,595) — 7,848 1,524 2,975} 5,694 683} 3,592} 5,655 171 567, «1,119 134 555} 1, 027 469} 1,522) 3,548 4,516} 5,016) 10,956 206] 1,230] 3,062 340| 1,113] 2,697 351 1,167} 2,677 90 376] 1,107 52 293 891 1,829} 2,065} 5,880 1,675) 1,420| 2,576 38,748] 40,728] 29,720 1,091 3,802} 8,462 647 1,249) 2,513 717) 1,330} © :2, 458 3,062} 6,144 14,082 775 937 1,135 7,438] 6,637; 6,643 1,332} 3,909} 8,324 139 28 696 11,543; 19,761] 44, 406 3,103} 8,214) 19,331 45,949] 72,561] 134,989 URBAN COMMUNITIES. | Year not re- | ported. | 21, 551 13,910 / bs BS “160 - Percent of total pe ( --arrivingin— —— wat 2s att nal Sl saad 4 SOLO He DOR =a ia 4 30.8) 39.8 oo ha REISER ee Bioopap aBeok SRS Resess e ioe kt KD bo W bd CO oo WO bo bo S8SkRam SNENS RRR SSBNSS Se RPRe SABKSSSSP es SYNS ep pete ae ——o a Filet el ad doris wre wo Pe See i § WANT COR NTO OOOO WORN HORMONA OCNOWNNIO NWONN NA Aw WAN 33. 9.9 47. 4,4 39. 17.4 33. Laat 34. 15.8 30. 26. 6 38. 22.4 40. 15.9 31.9] 13.6 61. 18.3 43. 21.2 3i. 26.1 43, 19.5 46. 33 40, 31.2 37. 23.3 20. 14.8 41.8] 183 50. 11.7 35. 14.2 52. 9.2 ‘ 35.4) Loge 20. 9 53. 35. , 5 BAS AABas SSN cn | | | | RN | | | | a | Year 1900 not oy Te: lier. porta Or 81 53 37,3). 6, 403 i % 39/8)" 11.2 » 49, moe 95.4} 18, 43.8] 11.1 40, 4). .10. 7 45.6} 10.8 45.0)" 11.2 45.1) 9.0 45. 4.0 “45. 6.8 36.4) 6 36.91 6,4 38. fo 87.8) , 6.8 : 35.6] 6.7 36.5) 16.0 41.5|. 9.1 33.9] 10.1 52.3\e 9.4 50. 8.9 54.6] 15.4 47.0| 13.3 46,6} 22,6 48.9] 23.2 45.9} 13.2 44.5] 15.6 — ‘\ B Rac —S oe BDAC NPN HWNOO ARKH D CNH O CONnNON PENS COOOMOO WO & a S JYEAR OF IMMIGRATION, )) 1° 835 MMUNITIES BY YEAR OF IMMIGRATION, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920. — RUBAL COMMUNITIES. Per cent of total Year ofimmigration. arriving in— Sas sit | @ ol . DIVISION AND | STATE. - 5, bas Total foreign born: 1920 1916- | 1911- | 1901- | 19000r | .»°2" |11911-|1901-| or | 2 2 ; not re- re- 1919 1915 1910 | earlier. ported, 1919} 1910 ay ; ‘i lam ws aitxeG» | 187,498} 434,721) 813, 892/1, 585,962) 417, 682|| 17.6) 23,8] 46.4) 12.2 —————_—__—. —— SS eee E—E—eEeESSS aa ae land..... 12, 428} .31,091| 61,350} 103,679] 21,277|| 18.9] 26:7] 45.1| 9.3 221,007]. 250, 908} ...68,608!} 19.8] 32.8] 37.2/ 10,2 145, 868} 396, 285! 94,448] 10,6] 20.5]..55.6) 913.3 130; 461! 474,128|101,590|| 7,8) 17.0) 61.9] 13.3 27, 766).3 25,534} 16,410|| 27.9] 28.7) 26.4] 17.0 Fs). 5,313|° 10,067] 5, 143/| 14.4] 22.2) 42.0}, 21.5 Me 43, 074| 74, 790|* 88, 800|| 35.1] 17.8] .31.0/ 16.1 ae 71, 393] 95, 814/29, 980|) 29.9) 25.4] 34.0} 10.7 #is ye bas 107, 660| 154, 757|» 41, 426|| 22.9] 27.3). 39.3]. 10.5 } y New ENGLAND: ' eo EC ead ) “Maine.-...........| 48,349] 3,974) 5,484) 11,178} » 20,968). 6, 745]| 19.6} 23.1] 43.4} 14.0 _ ‘New Hampshire..| 19, 823]/ 1, 262/ 2,00 3,698/ > 9,788] 3,074|| 16.5} 18.7} 49.4} 15.5 Gey Vermont......,.,. 26,39i|/' 3,607]... 3,687] +5, 414] 10,922), 2,761|| 27.6] 20.5] 41.4) 10.5 + Massachusetts..-..]. 32,908) 948], 4,0A8 | » 8,448) 17,416} » 2,028] 15.2) 25.7] 52.9) 6.2 ~ Rhode Island..... 1, 824 Ba} oc) pQ28)) wr 465 843 234]| 15.5) 25.5) 46.2).°12.8 _. Connecticut....... 100,530|| 2,583}. 15,623] | 82,147| 48,742) 6,435]| 18.1] 32.0). 43.5). 6.4 DLE ATLANTIC: ; | NewYork....:...| 201,472)| 5,749] 25,484) 50,566] 91,228] 28, 445))..15..5/(°25.1)..45.3)0 14.1 be Bley derseys .-: 23 110, 613}| ¢o2, 384] -0.17y357|; 986, 564] © .44,052| 910,256] 17.8] 33.1) 39.8 9.3 ELNo yy Bek itt 262, 297|| . 6,079} 76,806]. 133, 877| 115,628) 29,907|) 22.9) 37.0] 31.9] 8&3 _E. Nort Ce Lz, . | . Ohio.........-.. -+| 108,354] 1,687}. 17,203} 31,292! 45,305}. 12,867/| 17.4) 28.9) 41.8] 11.9 _ Indiana........... 32,077 321). 2,124). 5,072] 17, 253)... 7,307|| 7.6} 15.8]. 53,8] 22.8 By: LT SS ee aN 160,384)| 2,281} 15,672} 34,939) 82,515] 24,977|| 11.2) 21.8. 51,4] 15.6 \ Michigan.......... 205,,314|| 3,608}, 18,278} 40,983] 118,444]. 24,001|) 10.7] 20.0}, 57.7} 11.7 ca a eee 206,075|| 1,310} 18,119] | 33,582] 182, 768| 25,296|| 7.0] 16.3) 64.4) 12.3 » NORTH CENTRAL: , ; : ; ; & Minnesota.........} 244.,.787|| » 2,445] 14,956}. 41,657] 164,382} 21,347)! 7.1) 17.0) 67.2) 8.7 — Towa...-.....---.-} | 18, 368} 86, 788|\ 18;887|| 8.6] 13.5] 64.0} 13.9 ~-Missouri........... tT: 4, 515)°. 21, 877] |. 8,747|| 5.8] 12.1] 58,7). 23.5 _. North Dakota..... 32,030| 57,930] 16, 104|] 8.2) 27.7], 50.1) 13.9 Zt South Dakota. .... 13, 300}. 41,793] 9, 718]| 7. 8| 18.9} 59.5) 13.8 pe he |. SB er 10,571] 59,101] .15,055}| 6.6] 11.6] 65.1) . 16.6 = oe ok ROP Bite Be} 10,020} 42, 257/11, 732||° 10.2} 14.0] 59.3] 16.5 SOUTH ATLANTIC: : ee rd 738] °° 1, 041]. 774|| 15.5] 24.4] 34.4} 25.6 - on bos ae 3,106}' 6,403] . 2, 888}| 14.5) 21.4) 44,2) 19.9 15sec. OfUolum pias.) liuaie «cous Si) ae ae oko 5, hark atte les LE crank h = CUNEN edbinlc o's Al lawsin yee laan sie tmtapaes lehtoice « me Virginia... ......°. 3,071] 3,798]. 2,779|| 17.4] 26.3] 32.5), 23.8 +. West Virginia...-.| 42,241) 2,859) 14,071) 16,478) 5, 435) 4, 398]|" 40.1) 36.6) 12.9) 10.4 | NorthCarolina. .-- 2, 899 151 415 6 1, 014 695||° 19.5} 21.5] 35.0} 24.0 * South Carolina... 2; 296 66 316))|”. *523 772 549|| 17.2] 23.5] 34.7} 24.7 i | 3, 831 107 567, 1,052} —«:1, 286 819|| 17.6] 27.5) .-33.6} 21.4 16,250|| 1,725) 2,058} 3,174} 5,785 3,508] 23.3) 19.5! 35.6; 21.6 9, 239 264| 1,558). 2,035)". 3, 752) 1.630) 19:7] 22.0] 40.6) ..17.6 4,027 81 269 676], 1,912! 1,089]| 8.7) 16.8] 47.5) 27.0 6, 596 159 591]. 1,544 2, 7651. 1, 537|| 11.4] 23.4] 41.9], 23.3 4,112 112 417]: ' 1,058} 1, 638 887|| 12.9] 25.7] 39.8] 21.6 8, 490 192 610/_ 1,700] 4, 110). -1,878]|- 9.4] 20.0] 48.4) 22.1 12,334), . 494 673} 3,248} 5, 713] - 2,206); 9.5] 26.31 46.3] 17.9 25,983|| 1,924]. 1,985/ 4,310] 12,071] 5,693|| 15.0) 166}:146.5) 21.9 194,597), 41,745] ..37,117, 33,816} . 52,896) 29, 023]|. 40.5) 17.4] 27.2). 14.9 _ ~~ Montana. 62, 109/} * 2,123] °° 8,946} 18,005) 24,872] 8,163) 17.8} 29.0) 40,0) 13.1 bv ee eS 98,946|| 1,681] 3,227 7,030) +14, 243]. 2, 765|| 17.0} 24:3) 49.2) 9.6 iy yurcie nee eS -.-| 17, 601| 1,108} 3,338} 5,434) 5,369). 2,352|| 25.3] 30.9) 30. 5) 13.4 bt raj Dien 58,655, 3,863} 9,120) 16,306] 23,069] 6,297)} 22.1) 27.8) 39.3) 10.7 ms ew Mexico.......| 24,054|| 6,000] 6,261) 5,309). 4,475} -2,009]| 51.0) 22.1) 18.6)" 8.4 ie Atizona. ..... 50, 862i] 20,026} 10,163} 8,937] 6,762} 4,974]; 59.4) 17.6} 13.3) 9.8 npranpnnee----|, ..26,048}| 1,543} 3,703, 6,514) 12,313) ..1,975|| 20.1) 25.0) 47,3) 7.6 reeehebewecf 13,198] "1, 142] 2,042) 85858) °° 4, 711)< 1,445]} 2401) 29. 2) 35.7)" 10.9 Pees. 106,001|} 4,989] 12,080) 29,888} 47,996] 11,048]| 16.1) 28.2! 45.3] 10,4 SSH: 49° 571|| 1, 662} 4,517] 10, 010) "22, 327} (4, 055]} 14.5) 23.5) 52.4) 9.5 Se 245, 547|| 25,864] 41,164] 67,762] 84,434! 26,323]| 27.3) 27.6) 34.4) 10.7 336 | ABSTRACT OF THE '\CENSUS—-POPULATION. TABLE 88.—CITIZENSHIP OF EACH CLASS OF THE POPULATION OF THE CENSUS YEAR, SEX, AGE, AND COLOR OK RACE. 1920 Both sexes, all ages .|105, 710, 620 WTEC orice tdci 94) 820, 915 Nepro. gob bs ice 10, 463, 131 IndidnveAe 4.58 437 Chineses ui 61, 639 Japanese..:....... 111,010 All other. 2.5.2 9,488 Males, allages......225... 53,900, 431 WHI. 0 S20 ek. oe 48, 430, 655 Neero. 2. 2ereN sts. oe 5, 209, 436 INGIAN. joes 83 22 125, 068 Chimese iss a apres 8 53, 891 Japariese: 3... 8.25.4 72, 707 Alf others wis: 258 22% 204 8, 674 Females, allages......... 51,810, 189 1€6 «ibe EG Le 46, 390, 260 Negron ite. 0225 oh 5, 253, 695 Indian. ovase ¥oe23. 119, 369 Chingses. 4 ists. 7,748 Japanese: .... 2. ip ae 38, 303 Alf other? Seyo32 0208 814 Both sexes, 21 years ANG OVERS: 225654 60, 886, 520 Whipewss 0222.58 55, 113, 461 NO@GHO. SPs ih oe st 5, 522,475 Iadianes okt. g 116, 486 Chinesé:. 2 o23...8 50, 625 Japanese. w2225..1 75,727 AT ogher. iso o..$ 7,746 Males, 21 years and over-.| 31,403,370 White 2 het 28,442, 400 NGgPO . ee. ot -2, 792, 006 Hake FS oes Sa eee OO i 61,229 CHM esas oho Soe 46,979 || Japariese® Ss 2o42. .f 53,411 ATER OMe ses ne 5 f 7,345 Females, 21 yearsand over | 29, 483,150 White. (2-8 JG0) 6,671, 061 INGE: ere he 2,730, 469 Bae Hic ti bpges, Sager age Raber 55, 257 COINeSe et ss So 3, 646 Japanese cot 22,316 SATE OUR GN en ess 401 1910 Males, 21 years and over.| 26,999,151 eas oat So See 24,357,514 sic fg apg ae eS 2,458, 873 rere tos eee 2, 967 CRIMeSe 2 be id 60, 421 PaHAN CSO get A 56, 638 PA TRO CIOT sea’ oe oe 2,738 1900 Males, 21 years and over.| 21,134, 299 Tift: i aa re 18, 918, 697 Wear: davis tee 2,060, 302 Vb als 62) vee eae Ba ei 57, 077 DIN GSC - hi se sso ee - J 81,018 Japenese... 24. iu. . 17, 205 18901 Males, 2l yearsand over.| 16,940,311 Total. Native. Total. 91,789,928 |13, 920, 692 81, 108, 161 13, 712; 754 10, 389, 328 "938, 138 18, 532 29, 672 6,097 46, 224,996 40, 902; 333 5, 166, 795 "121; 529 13) 318 15, 494 5, 527 45,564, 932 40, 205, 828 5, 222, 533 116, 609 5,214 14,178 570 48, 200, 127 42) 614, 741 5, 458, 063 112’ 044 10, 131 658 4, 490 24,339,776 21,513, 948 23, 860, 351 21, 100, 793 2) 704, 291 53, 374 1) 437 246 210 20, 218, 937 17, 710, 697 16, 124, 013 14,014, 427 7,675, 435 7 528, 322 6, 245, 257 6, 184, 432 31,162 2; 760 2) 534 24) 125 244 12, 686, 393 12; 498, 720 64,4 4, 442 40, 494 75, 069 3) 256 7, 063, 594 6, 928, 452 38, 234 2, 559 38, 285 6,780, 214 6, 646, 817 21,148 1, 225 | 51,958 56, 429 2) 637 5, 010, 286 4) 904, 270 10,344 1,006 77, 498 17, 168 12,591,852 | 4,348, 459 FOREIGN BORN—NUMBER. Natural- ized 6, 493, 088 3,035, 191 6, 221,705 6, 208, 697 10, 104 603 1, 637 541 123 3,322, 104 3,314, 910 5,316 187 1,199 3,034, 117 | 2,545, 753 Having first papers. 1,223, 490 1, 219, 057 3,496 8 |17133/ 797 | 1,198, 588 1, 194,276. 1 116, 744 3, 411, 898 236, 061 Alien. — 5, 398, 605 1,189, 452 | 37 oy 277 1 Exclusive of population of Indian Territory and Indian reservations, specially enumerated +a 1890 but not distributed by age. a. & UNITED STATES FOR WHICH FIGURES ARE AVAILABLE: 1890-1920. CITIZENSHIP, 337 At - ‘CENSUS YEAR, SEX, AGE, __ ... -AND COLOR OR RACE. age 1920 _ Both sexes, all ages. - Brew Japanese. ..° 025°... 22. cas. oe POET ta) ere tet go Se “Males Maliavede oj eee LP, White.” ws J ' Females, aliages....- Yi, SR Se mer ive. eA ease tbe Satis 4 "| Both sexes, 21 years and over... Tay ‘ White meonwewasseseccas cars a eee PIMORTOne Jul) ode ice... Be? Indians a me Japanese.) 1-...:...-. 0... es ak Re a Sree Males cred nak endoveri--.. 4...) - I pe caida peat g =~ by oem - ee : aT hep 5 ne See : Females, 21 yearsand over. ......... Whi Meemeerone. 022 aoe. ee. i ee t Bemmier. 02790080000 f 2062. Bae 1900 Males, 21 years and over.......... : Se Co de es. T... in ack J 1890 ! FOREIGN BORN—PER CENT. Natu- ralized. a posses ats wore Se ee ee ee . Bee = NESS | woponsds yeas CONOR WORD WNEWOMO!] DNOMOUINS bt yoy ey retro FosBone a NUP PORT BPUAUWORNO!] CAIWoUNe Having first papers. Sato Leet 02 99 _ RR OW > OP Or ATE OO NWwWOO=-10 et Stara 6 Wien ee ee ee 1 SESSS PP ASP PSs! OS re role CHRP ER OPH OTHO!] WWOWWOe SESSLY RE CATO COCTS SOY 9 ow “TOT DP 0D os > Alien. a DWOIRDW 9 A a Re & He Or ANOF WOOF NONMOWoCO!] Nwounwreo Oe eee Sines’ . IONNIOP ASSES EE oon] oo we OonImMwe SASSSSS FSSSLSE| RESEE ES FWwocmud w RHO onwnmocw moO STO Oc o> Si 25 8 3 Sue SR FONE KRS Bp eo me 20 POS A'S MORRIS ~ = Citizen- ship not reported. — NM YO w oro CIO ON or or mONNOwWhNhd MDwowOrH OOo ee _ teh BS PSOE GeO) = Se BOE eo ar eae rs a ee et he PIO Om Pe PN Wr Pom | SN WO we Sren CO OOUNTsT STD ND Oe bb COR DO FOO © CITIZENS, NATIVE OR NATURALIZED. ee, of totalo Number. specified class. $8, 283, 016 93.0 87, 587,320 92.4 10, 400, 052 99,4 238, 803 97.7 20, 366 - 33.0 30, 244 A By’? 6, 231 65.7 49, 676, 605 92.2 44,346, 301 91.6 5, 172, 374 99.3 121, 742 97.3 14, 660 74 be 15, 893 21.9 5, 635 65. 0 48, 606, 411 93.8 43,241,019 93.2 5, 227, 678 99.5 117,061 98.1 5, 706 73.6 14,351 a.0 596 73.2 54, 421, 832 89.4 48, 823, 438 88. 6 5, 468, 167 99.0 112, 647 96.7 11, 768 23.2 1,199 1.6 4,613 59.6 27, 661, 880 88.1 24, 828, 858 87.3 2,759, 088 98.8 58, 857 96.1 9, 893 21.1 802 es 4,382 59.7 26, 759, 952 90.8 23,994, 580 90. 0 2,709, 079 99,2 53,790 97.3 1,875 51.4 397 1.8 231 57.6 23,259, 239 86.1 20, 744, 814 85.2 2,441,911 99.3 61, 933 98. 4 9, 831 16.3 629 11 121 4.4 18, 973, 994 89.8 16, 859, 900 89.) 2,053, 292 99.7 56, 209 98.5 4,415 5.4 178 1.0 15, 137, 605 89.4 338 TapLE 89.—CITIZENSHIP ;OF, FOREIGN-BORN WHITE, POPULATION, ABSTRACT OF THE CBNSUS-—POPULATION. Nattralized. j., +g COUNTRY OF BIRTH. ving Total. first ; Number. fd DAP, 1 All COUMtrIOS. 6.3 0S 5..8 gees cence ss 18, '712, 754|| 6,479, 159 , EUROPE. “Northwestern Europe: 2 2 WInelAMG st: . . 20-0 4> RdM den dB ae aaa ae 812,823] , 512,670 3 Septlamde...... 220 2b fk pie oe ieee. os 254, 567||; 154,931 & Wratless fun. <. o-oo ds Se Bes. F208. ae 67, 066]|, 48,897 5 PEC We apna oar) Se RG eS APR” Sas 1, 037, 233]|,, 681, 362 6 NOL WY one sacinmjarnleid DORA RAR tea 363, 862 244,743 7 Swedenars. at ..a:dk hab she G-Gaeess- es , 625,580}|,. 431, 556} 8 Denmark s as... dole Re. ocn- ae Or eee on (189, 154 130, 826 9 Nétherlands. ...21 2. Bod. cee PO SRe- - as 131, 766 73,773) 10 Belgie. .... 45 a ddl oiss -4-O.1Sea =< - 62, 686)| 30, 740 11 Laxem pure: .. <2. Ue ted RR - oe 12, 585 9,124 12 Switzetlend....:- 4 YS 625-8. 80.5 ~0% 118, 659|| - 76, 957 13 PaO cy san veered Wadi oes ehcbeg Roe as , 152, 880]|» » 26,740 Ceniral Europe: 14 Germaarnge. ba... soak Geib a 26-4-Ogebes -es 1, 686, 102}| 1,227, 713 15 Poland sor. 3... =< dh dbidiwase «4K sites 47 1,139, 978) 9, ~~ 638, 707}. ¢ 16 Czechosiovakiaw 2 < 520M fie 2h... e sac. cco 362, 436 165, 997 132,176). 1, 17 Austrians. 0. 28 Tae Sent 2-8 ake =e 575, 625)| . 216, 968 "262, 690)... 18 Hungary, . 2) cco 6 Maes s-B. tee - ae 397, 282 115, 736 ; m 19 JUPAS VIG ccs He Soe ns ah ee e+e 169, 437 42,686 Eastern Europe: 20 GSB. bog sdae bse dank eee ae eile aa 737, 120 192,264 | 26.1 95, 562 385,970} 63,324 ». Finland....... h: d:eee vee 4 70, 716 21,669 | 30.6 11, 279 32,458 | 5,310 Mee) cRLtee ID. 2 yO - 3 eh Sel aL 27, 835 8, 014 28.8 4,929 12, 569 2,323 t Bulgaria and Turkey i in Europe.. - 32, 460 1, 877 5.8 1,895 26, 187 2,501 | . s - Southern Europe: he ks Be ae eee 74, 975 4,946 6.6 4,550 58,208 | © 7,271 Meee ree RL. 4: Keg. «5 - J 712, 812 126, 523°| 17.7 55, 522 468,442 | 62,325 Me (SPRAll. co. - 3 25 SE. d.es~ a9 Sas eae 14,170 2,318 16.4 824 9,213 1,815 2 Omer. ob ce eee od PES. aie 2s 5 aye 28, 693 7,141 24.9 1,113 18,444 1,995 4 Europe, not specified............. ee 4 1, 586 |f 564 | 35.6 102 521 399 ASIA. | ‘Purkey in TASH <2 chs as ailtlea cess eS yee- 32, 691 6, 940 21.2 3,363 19, 413 2,975 gather * MOS + ob ee oo 1+ USK ie Seo b div ge» 2, 558 855 33.4 290 965 448 ; . AMERICA. etait: Kronthy, a SE ee eee ee 170, 987 76, 367 44,7 6, 745 68,807 | 19,068 -Canada—Other and Newfoundland ....} .». 362,372 195, 395 53. 9 19, 405 81, 911 |. 65, 661 ~Mexico.....-.- Sih GG whe BUN s be Soe Pot oe - 102, 009 10, 932 10.7 2,358 67, 930.| 20,789 Memes InG1os® . 2.6.54... fou, 3. 2 -S 22 -- 9, 671 2,961 30. 6 611 4, 271 1, 828 ntral and South IMOrICA. -..2.... 2) - 3,315 1,152 34.8 272 ly 240 651 ; ak: lother..-.. Lapebod ama o.5 34 -- 19, 220 6,216 | 32.3 1,032 6,986 |- 4,986 Wai be | tr 1 . 8 Except possessions of the United States. es e gt ait Bot he 6 842 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-POPULATION, 1 TABLE 91:—CITIZENSHIP. OF FOREIGN-BORN AND FOREIGN-BORN FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION. i : ‘ Having first «von ) Citizenship DIVISION AND STATE. Naturalized. papers. _» Alien, «| not reported. i a Total, - - oF el Per | Num- | Per Per Per Number. cent. | “ber. | || cent. | NUE) cant. cent. Tipes tt) te oe 38.8 | 805, 509 United States...../13,920,692 [6,493,088 | 46.6 [1,228,490] 8.8 [5,398,605 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England........ 1,885,945 |} 788,403 | 41.8 | 141,726] 7.5} 884,984 109g . Middle Atlantic. 2.2.1 4,960,418 ||2, 134,347] 43.0°| 413,125 | 8,3 |2,162,891.| . L 5.0 East North Central...} 3, 232,141 |/1, 643,240 | 50.8'| 392,887 | 12.2] 995,148 |. Be Guan West North Central..| 1,375,653 || 901,448 | 65.5 | 109,998 | 8.0}. 252,010 8.2 South A tlantic.....0.. 330, 537 || 189,923 | 42.3 | 23,202}. 7.0 |. 139,506 8.4 East South Central...) 72,989 |} 39,992] 54.81] 4,124 | 5.74. ..17,533 15.5 West South Central.) 464,828 || 121,441 | 26.1 | .15,338 | 3.3 |. 291,133 7.9 Moumtarhl . 2. J. 260s 467,620 221,914 | 47.5°| 32,998 | 7.1 |. 186,904 | 6.5 Paani 1 S018 LE 1,130, 561 502,380 | 44.41 .90,092 |} 8.0.) 468,496 6.2 NEW ENGLAND: Le Maine it... S884 107, 814 42,768 | 39.7). 6,947} 6.4]. ..50,579 . Toe New Hampshire..... 91,397 || 38,147] 41.7] 5,156] 5.6| 41,661 7.0 Venmontes. «..2...-.: 44,558 || 21,086 | 47.3 | 2,295] 5.2| 19,065 ‘Lihd] Massachusetts... .. 1,088,548 |} 459,321°| 42. 2°} 82,119 | 7.5. |. 518,365 743°| 2.6 Rhode Island. .. 20.: y 175,189 || _ 82,276 |. 47.0°| 15,325 | 8.7] - 69,903 |. 399 4,4 Connecticut.....02).. }. 878,439 || 144,805 |. 38.3} .29,884 | 7.9 | 185,411.} 339 | 4.8 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: rs sent naeh ese nnattt TOF New York......102..) 2,825,375 ||1,216,185 | 43.0°/-241,335 | 8.5/1, 220,801 1'147,054 | 5,2 New Jersey........-. 742,486 || 320,935 | 43.2| 65,384 | 8.8| 321,897 -34,270| 4.6 Pennsylvania. ....... 1,392,557 || 597,227 | 42.9 | 106,406 | 7.6 | 620,193 968,731} 4.9 EAst NORTH CENTRAL: ; +e 2 READ As. Olgess 06... 4. 23S 680,452 || 307,527 | 45.2] .81,607 | 12.0 |- 257,738. . , AD Indiana.........0.../] 151,328 || 66,351 | 43.81 25,263 | 16.7]. . 42,493 |. | 1h GIS ES . ale 1, 210, 584 667,056 | 55.1 | 186,450 | 11.3:| 329,506 — 64 Michigan............. 729, 292"|| 345,709 | 47.4] 93,011 | 12.8 | 250,350 5.5 Wisconsin. ..'<.\.).,.-; 460,485 || 256,597 | 55.7| 56,556 | 12.3] 115,131 7.0 WEsT NORTH CENTRAL: Seletel tetas cea Minnesota.......50.. =} 486,795 328, 421-| 67.5 | 44,710 | 9.2 85,585 5.8 TownelS.u-....hasee. 225,994 || 156,593 | 69.3 '| 12,228 | 5.4 |. 36,128 9.3 Missouris.... 2... 20/24 186; 835 108, 063 | 57.8 | .15,027 | 8.0 45,522 -| 9.8 North Dakota........ 131,863 || 96,680] 73.3 | 7,144] 5.4| 17,990 ae | South Dakota....1... 82,534 || 56,990 | 69.1] 6,906 | -84]|--- 9,598 Palo Nebraska............ * 150, 665 92,243 | 61.2 |- 15,273 | 10.1 | 28,365 9.8 Ug Cae lve 3 110, 967 62,458 | 56.3 8,710 | 7.8] 28,822 9.9 SoutH ATLANTIC: 1 Delaware/....... Pfu 19; 901 8,405 | 42.2) .-1,635 | 8.2 8,264: pss 8.0 Maryland.......10).. 103,179 || 52,016 | 50.4} 9,700 | 9.4 |---37,249 OAT District. of Columbia 29, 365 15,626 | 53.2 2,204 | 7.5 7,952 12.2 k's aL eae Raat leans 31, 705 15,181 | 47.9 2,555 | 8.1 10, 198 11.9 ‘West, Virginia........ 62, 105 15,122 | 24.3 3,275 | 5.3 38, 490 4 North Carolina... ..... 7,272 3,453 | 47.5 301 | - 4.1 2,201 1181 South Carolina....... 6, 582 3,243 | 49.3 p20 451 | 6.9") 15847 vel Georgia. i... 222.3 16,564 || 8,912] 53.8]. 15097] 6.6 4,734 “| 11.0 Florida. 62.0). 53, 864 || 17,965 | 33.4}. 13984 | 3.7]. 28 574 9.9 East SOUTH‘ CENTRAL: an te We che el, Kentucky....... 222. «|... 30,906 || 18,972 | 61.4} 1,694 | -5.5 |-.--6,024 |) 13.6 Tennessee: 20.) jek 15,648 8,101 | 51.8 822 | 5.3 4,118 16.7 Ia DAMS. -.. cw ccinan 18,027 ||, 9,059 | 50.3 1,224 | 6.8 4,637 17.2 Mississippi........... 8, 408 8,860} 45.9 384 | 4.6 2,754 16.8 West SouTH CENTRAL: ; . WEPANSOS ois ec ies 14,137 7,841 | 55.5 826 | 5.8 2,916 18.1 Lauvislenise, oo oh 46, 427 15,920] 34.3; 2,307] 5.0} 21,982 13.4 Okiahoria sor 40,432 || 20,145] 49.8] 1,971] 4.9] 12565 14.2 Poxas... 2. isu ies 363, 832 77,535 | 21.3 | 10,234] 2.8) 253,670 6.2 MOUNTAIN Montana. sc .ucheden 95, 591 60,181 | 63.0 9,340 |} 9.8 19, 066 7.3 TdahO- sse5 i. naee 40,747 || 24,982 | 61.3] 3,347] 8.2 9,953 6.0 Wyoming 26, 567 12,654] 47.6] 2,537] 9.5 9,391 7.5 Colorado 119, 138 64,738 | 54.3 9,481 | 8.0 38, 961 ' 5.0 | New Mexico 29, 808 6,352 | 21.3 831 | 2.8] 21,092 52 Arizona ...| 80,566 11,960 | 14.8] 1,964] 2.4] 63,437 4,0 1 Hn GPa Ok Pe at ieee 59, 200 34,601 | 58.4! 4,069] 6.9] 18,178 4.0 Nevada 16, 003 6,446 | 40.3] 1,429] 89 6, 826 8.1 PACIFIC: c Washington.......... 265, 292 140,426 | 52.9 | 30,296 | 11.4 78, 516 6. Oreromc ic vee ica. 107, 644 57,726 | 53.6] 12,219] 11.4] 33,092 4, California............ 757,625 || 304,228 | 40.2] 47,577] 6:3] 356,888 6.5 KOTTAIU IO1--- CITIZENSHIP” | 343 E POPULATION, BY DIVISIONS AND. STATES: 1920. : TT * FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION. Citizenship not reported. |“ Nataralized... |. Having first Total. Aad : i Per | Num- | Per ' Bes) ‘ rae Number. _| Number.| cent. | ber. | cent. f6 United States...01(19;212, 754 |'6, 479,159 5,223,715 | 38.1} 790,823} 5.8 g EOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: a Neves ae SAE: eB re 654 , 18, 7429 : 140, S11 7.5 y 873, 456 46.7 309 958 |) 3.7 o+ dle Atlantic. ..... 575 ||2, 129) 4 3 | 41 8.4 |2, 1281 43,3.) 243,947] 5.0 ‘(5 East North Central- 2} 3/223, 279)||1) 641) 228 | »50.9 | 392,466 | 12.2 | /990/000) 30.7 | 199,575} 6.2 4.4 West North Central: :} 1,371, 961:|| ’ 900; 871 7 | 109,904 | 8.0] 249,478) 182} 111708} 8.1 ) ee South Atlantic... 1.02) «315,920 |} 138,249 22,934 | 7.3 | 128,507 | 40.7] 26,230} 8.3 Bot South Central}. 71,939"|| 339,788 4,082 | 5.7 |° 16,968}. 23.6 | 11,101 }' 15.4 _) + West South Central: :} 459,333" 120,903 | 15,235 | 3.3 | 287;115} 62.5| 36,080] 7.9 08 Mountain. tu. . 1.02) 0 453,225) 221, 327 | 32,804 | -7:3:| 173,832 | 38.4] 25,172] 5.6 ©) Pacificss...4.0..2.02} 1,083; 868 |] 500,938 | 89,685'| 8)7.|° 376,193} 36.4}. 67,0521 6.5 Bi ee tee | —— | | | ne ' NEw ENGLAND mi. Maine... ... . ite. . cap 09107, 349%] | 42, 662 6,925 | 65 7,471)" 7.0 Zz ‘New Hampshire. /.2.)).' 917233 | 387131 5151 | 5.6 6,424.1 7.0 ont. ., io. .2.02P 01 44,.5260)| | 20, 077 2,292 | bil 2110) 4.7 t + Massachusetts:2. .....} 1,077,534 |) | 457, 889 81,4141 7.6 28,206 |. 2.6 orameeticnts- ) ok‘ ogrolcrs'| (iar een a si7 | 7.9 wi | £8 » We Connecticut S wah. 2.22) ‘ i 8, 173 4,8 a DLE ATLANTIC: Mew York Pi) Xe . J. ve 2,°786, 112 ||1, 212, 638 8.6 8.| 142,279). 5.1 _ 1 New Jersey .t 22 ...0c). 738; 613 || ’ 320, 374 65,246] 38 : 33,685 |" 4.6 Minor cee 1,387,850 |} 596, 404 7.7 44.5 | 67,983 | 4.9 ORTH CENTRAL: is Me Obie 3 RG le 678,697 || 307)078 | 45.2 | 81,527 | 120] 256,769]. 37.8 |..33,323'|) 4.9 BH Tidiana..,A08 2 #150, 868 || | 66,273 .9 | 25,226 | 16.7] 42,163} 27.9| 17,206]! 11.4 -@6 Mlinoiss2 2) 22.02.2222 1,206) 951' || 666) 460 11:31 > 327,119.]. 27.1 |. 77,026 |) 6.4 tes Wiest ome “726,685 || 344,909 92,830 | 12.8] 249,044.| 34.3 |. 397852] 5.5 a wie “ats WA. |e “| 460,128 || 256; 518 537: | 12.3) 114,905.| 25.0 | 323163 | 7.0 reer ORTH ENTRAL: : e Minnesota.....-....1. 486,164 || 328,278 44,688 9.2 85,181 17.5 28,017 5.8 po Towa J2..i.4. Yo es 225,647 || 156, 551 5, 875 : ,997'|' 9.3 ¥ Missouri.) 0246.2). 0. 186,026'|} 107/942 15,006 | &1) 44,960} 24.2] 1391181) 9.7 RiNuatti Dakotact.._ 4, 131,503 {| 96, 568 7,135 | 5.4| 17,823] 13.6} ° 9,977 | 7.6 ve South Dakota........ ‘82,391 |] 56, 955 6,901 | 84 9,508 | 11.5} 9,027] 11.0 sbraska.4.2..0....1} 149,652 |! 92) 170 15,261 | 10.2]: 27,558 | 18.4] 14.6631. 9.8 cele wbeesek ssi} 110,578 || 62) 407 8,689 | 7.9] 28,573 | 25.8] 10,909} 9.9 | age BisWare..).0.0b . |. Tak, 1,632 | 8.2 8,222 | 41.5] 1,568}! 7.9 1.6 Maryland.) 22.95.00 2.).° 9,649 | 9.4 |° 36,577 | 35.8] 4114) 4.0 : aati +t of Columbia - & 2186 | 7:7 7,427 | 26.0} 3,428 | 12.0 tiiV! Ble T NO A SAD 6 2499 | 8.1 9,658} 31.4]. 3,590} 11.7 eee ds] $3] *3i| a] Sale| gs S.No ‘arolinas....25)¢.\° 7,099 J 4 i 18.0 © South Carolina. 1. ro ee 448 1720) 1735.) 27a} ?908|- 13.5 ©. | Georgia’. ..... ae 1,083 | 6:7 4,506 | 27.8]. 2,751 |) 10.8 HIN i maa "1 ae r ; bit dd 1,867 | 4.3 19,889.) 46.2} . 4; 10.1 OUTH NTRAL: ‘ i _ Kentucky... .2 01... 248.0 1,689 | 5.5 5,957. | 19.4 |. 4)192°]' 13.6 &)) Tennessee. ..0 2202.00]! © C5817 | 5/3 4,042.| 26.1 | 235651! 16.6 eee ete 1,203 | 6.8 4,471.1 25.3]. 2/9981 17.0 ae a 8 Ae £373 | 4:7 2,498} 31.2] 1,346] 16.8 SourHt ENTRAL: West Ksivisas..} S02P 2) 824] 5.9]. 2,845 | 20.4] 24974/ 17.9 pr Beebe LES 2274 | 5.11 20,855] 46.5} 5.9591 13.3 Seobentes i Bik 1,957 | 4.9]: 12)259 | 30.7] 5.688] 14.2 Me Dems SO. eb.20. 1 Lt 10,180 | 2.8 251,156 | 69.7 21,936 |" 6.1 LOUNTAIN: : Bt Montana.....0....2. 9/318 | 10/0'|.°<17,491 | 18.7]. 67961! 7.3 SPidahiore. ..).8.15... 5. 3,340} 8.6 8,218 | 21.1] 24461 6.3 Tew Na Oe pas 2,520 | 10.0 8,135 | 32.2]..1960 |" -7.8 Out! ‘Colorado ee ee 9,457 | 8.11 36,991 | 31.6] 5,840 }> 5.0 |. New Mexicd<.i A041 821 | 2.84): 20,476 | 70.4.) 21486-)% 5.1 ~ Arizona....... Sods 1,953 | 2.5:|.»° 61,339] 785] 37050]'. 3.9 Pee Ural, So) 028... 61 4,048 | 7.2) 15,517) 27.5.) 273%] 4:1 Ps Nevada...).00h 0.20 14 802. 6, 430 | 43 1,427 | 9.6 5,665 | 38.3] 1280). 8.6 IFIC: } a Washingion.!...... 2. $250, 0554} 140/166 | 56.1 | 30)191 | 12/2 | 963,981 | 25.6 fo 15;717.) 6.3 “| SP Orevons. 2.1.60 207. 102,151|| 57,627 | 56.4 | 12,159 | 11.9 |. .27}893 |. 27.2 f 4,4 BACs wba Ak 681, 662.|| 303}145 | 44.5 | 47,335'| 6:9 |. 1284,389 | 41.7]. 46,793'|") 6.9 7S: > he 344 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 92,—CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES. ; Having first : Citizenshi DIVISION AND STATE. Total. Naturalized. papers. Alien. not Serie Per Num- | Per Per Num- | Per Number. cont. | per. | cent. | NU™PEF:| cent. | ber. | cent. United States..... 7,528,322 |/3,443,968 | 45.7 |1,133,727 | 15.1 |2, 562, 917 «84.0 | 387,710 5.2 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: eee, New England...../.. 945,736 || 381,815 | 40.4 | 131,196 | 13.9 3.1 Middle Atiantic...... 2,617,566 ||1, 115,431 | 42.6 | 380,474 | 14.5 4.0 East North Central...| 1,809, 334 874,857 | 48.4 | 367,160 | 20.3 Soe West North Central..| 779,022 496,624 | 63.7 | 101,622 | 13.0 | Jee South Atlantic....... 185, 143 76, 007 41.1 21,311 | 11.5 8.0 East South Central... 42,093 22,744 | 54.0 3,764 | 8.9 ' 14.6 West South Central..| 260,777 67,539 | 25.9 | 13,879 | 5.3 t - 8.6 Mounmtain.: 2c. 5 <2 271,373 125,014 | 46.1} 30,899 | 11.4 567 Pacific: s..4- $85...) 22 GGL 278 283,937 | 46.0 | 83,422 | 13.5 6.2 NEw ENGLAND: Maitie...... dat. .1.8 55,807 19,013 | 341] 6,688 | 12.0 6.2 New Hampshire...... 46, 844 18,080 | 38.6 4,930 | 10.5 5.9 Vermont.) 6. £3..3..b 23, 711 10,189 | 43.0 2,155 | 91 4.3 Massachusetts.-...... 533, 319 221, 087 41.5 75,186 | 14.1 Qauk Rhode Island..-...... 86, 164 40,045 | 46.5 | 13,818 | 16.0 3.6 Connecticut.......... 199, 891 73,401 | 36.7 | :28,419 | 14.2 3.9 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: 4, NewYork /.2. 09. ..29 1,442,575 || 632,112 | 43.8 | 218,599 | 15.2 4.1 New ersey-2.52. .< ./0 391, 655 165,859 | 42.3} 61,641 | 15.7 3.5 Pennsylvania......... 783, 336 317,460 | 40.5 | 100,234 | 12.8 4.2 East Norte CENTRAL: Ae. ORAS Oe aes oe 391,344 163,227 | 41.7 | 77,674 | 19.8 4.4 Indiana............---| 88,180 |} 36,131 | 41.0 | 23,767 | 27.0 10.2 Titpisy. ob et et 657, 264 354,892 | 54.0 | 127,218 | 19.4 5ae Michigan... 2. Js....8 413, 806 182,236 | 44.0] 87,779 | 21.2 4.9 Wiseorisins. £. 25. ..4.22 258, 740 188,371 | 53.5 | 50,722 | 19.6 6.0 West NoRTH CENTRAL: d Minnesota........-.22 278, 588 181,733 | 65.2 | 41,197 | 14.8 * bf TOWa? us. ft SAE ee 127,065 85,777 | 67.5 | 11,339 | 89 8.7 Missouri ... §. 35). 5.08 103, 418 59,177 | 57.2 | 13,930 | 13.5 i; 8.9 North Dakota........ 75, 386 54,090 | 71.8 6,668 | 8.8 7.3 South Dakota.......- 47,610 31,915 | 67.0 6,422 | 13.5 10.7 Nebraska. ..2.20....:.)- " 84,277 50,171 | 59.5 | 14,052 | 16.7 9.3 Wansast. .. Aan. 1.8% 62,678 33,761 | 53.9 8,014 | 12.8 1 9.9 SoutH ATLANTIC: ag Delaware... 508 ...5% 11,369 4,498 | 39.6 1,559 | 13.7 6.7 Marydand.j.2.22.5. 92 54,628 27,088 | 49.6 8, 926 | 16.3 3eF District of Columbia... 15,142 8,179 | 54.0 1,838 | 12.1 11.6 Virvinia.. 1. id... oe 19,051 8,862 | 46.5 2,376 | 12.5 tia West Virginia. ....... 41,910 ~ 8,760 | 20.9 3,157 | 7.5 7.8 North Carolina....... 4, 341 1,981 | 45.6 288 | 6.6 17.9 South Carolina....... 4,095 2,017 | 49.3 425 | 10.4 15.0 Georgia....-...-..-...| > 10,004 5,275 | 52,7 997 | 10.0 10.5 Wilaridaks 22 5: oie se 24, 603 9,347 | 38.0 1,745 | 71 10.0 East SoutTH CENTRAL: CAE ye Kentugky-i 2b 54.32 17,479 10,490 | 60.0 1,522 | 8&7 11.9 Tennessee.) /.J0. 2.02 9,021 4,592 | 50.9 751 | 8.3 16.6 Avlepriia. 1b 6 et ee 10,625 5,274 | 49.6 1,139 | 10.7 16.5 Mississippi.....:....-- 4, 968 2,388 | 48.1 Boa | ated 16.9 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL: en: | Arkansas...) 3: it. ..)..G2 8,591 4,707 | 54.8 759 | 8.8 18,2 Lowisiana./. 6.28 ..)..6¢ 26, 808 9,607 | 35.8 2,185 | 8.2 10.7 Oklahoma..2./.....2. 24, 931 11,559 | 46.4 1,809 | 7.3 (15.0 ¢, Moesag Io. t 0 Me. ay 200, 447 41,666 | 20.8 9,126 | 4.6 6.3 OUNTAIN: if Montana... 2h . 3 58, 229 35,631 | 61.2 8,815 | 15.1 Tae Taha. © 22.40 oe. <1. oe 24, 877 14,715 | 59.2 3,184 | 12.8 6.5 Wyoming. } 5 8a)..|. 2 16, 934 7,582 | 44.8 2,450 | 14.5 8.1 Colorado.............-| | 68,219 35,804 | 52.51! 8,791 | 12.9 5.0 New Mexico........-. 16, 845 3,557 | 21.1 765 | 4.5 5.1 Arizona. 2.4. 427. 2 44,657 6,462 | 14.5 1,854 | 4.2 4.2 Otani ged 5 30, 875 17,038 | 55.2] 3,639 | 11.8 4,1 # INevailal ...b 6.2%. 8 10,737 4,225 | 39.3 1,401 | 13.0 7.4 ACIFIC: ray | Washington. ......-. 153,118 80,164 | 52.4 | 28,626 | 18.7 / 58 Orageni.¢.4.5..5...8 62,310 32,902 | 52.8 | 11,367 | 18.2 4,5 Osliforiin... 0.18... 2 401, 850 170,871 || 42.5 | 43,429') 10.8 6.8 i é ‘ s > y CITIZENSHIP, G45 MALES AND FEMALES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920. FOREIGN-BORN WHITE FEMALES. vane? Having first ‘ Citizenshi DIVISION AND STATE. | Total. Naturalized. papers. ge not reported. al: ho Per | Num- | Per eer Num- | Per Number.| cent. | ber. | cent.| Number) cont ber. | cent United States..... | 6, 184, 432 |/3,035,191 | 49.1 | 85,330] 1.4 |2,660,798 | 43.0 | 403,113 | 6.5 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: _ New England........ 924,918 || 404,614] 43.7] 9,615] 1.0} 469,974] 50.8] 40,715] 4.4 _ Middle Atlantic...... 2,295,009 |/1,013,985 | 44.2 | 30,572] 1.3 |1,111,747| 48.4 | 138,705 | 6.0 _ East North Central...| 1, 413,945 || 766,381 | 54.2 | 25,306 | 1.8 | 521,638 | 36.9 | 100,620] 7.1 _ West North Central..| 592,939 »247 | 68.2] 8,282] 1.4] 127,802} 21.6] 52,608] 8.9 _ South Atlantic....... 130,777 62,242 | 47.6 | 1,623] 1.2} 55,527| 42.5] 11,385 | 8.7 __ East South Central...) 29, 846 17,044 | 57.1 318} 1.1 7,549 |. 25.3 | 4,935 | 16.5 __ West South Central..| 198, 556 53,364 | 26.9] 1,356] 0.7] 128,538] 647] 15,298] 7.7 Ce TEN a 181, 852 96,313 | 53.0}, 1,995 | 1.1] ° 73,725 | 40.5] 9 819| 5.4 Beeecie.>.}....5--.....] | 416,50 217,001 | 52.1] 6,263] 1.5] 164,298] 39.4] 29,028] 7.0 NEW ENGLAND: MUERING lor dle..... 51,542 23,649 | 45.9. 237 | 0.5 | 23,646 | 45.9| 4,010] 7.8 - New Hampshire...... 44,389 20,051 | 45.2 221} 0.5 | 20,4677} 46.1 | 3,650] 98.2 Mee wermont i. 2....... 20, 815 10,888 | 52.3 137 | 0.7 8,706 | 41.8] 1,084] 5.2 -_ Massachusetts:....... 544,215 || 236,802] 43.5 | 6,228] 1.1] 284,128] 52.2] 17,057] 3.1 _ Rhode Island......... 87,335 42,025 | 48.1] 1,394] 1.6] 39,463 | 45.2] 4,453 | 5.1 | Connecticut.:..:..... 176, 622 71,199 | 40.3} 1,398] 0.8] 93,564] 53.0] 10,461] 5.9 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: _ New York....-.-.....| 1,343,537 || 580,526 | 43.2] 20,992] 1.6] 658,520} 49.0] 83,499] 6.2 “New Jersey......-....| °346,958 || 154515 | 44.5 | 37605 | 1.0 168,778 | 48.6 | 20,060] 5.8 _ Pennsylvania......... 604,514 || 278,944] 46.1] 5,975 | 1.0] 284,449] 47.1 | 35,146] 5.8 EAST NORTH CENTRAL: , 0 TE 287,353 || 148,851] 50.1] 3,853] 1.3 | 123,406} 42.9] 16,243] 5.7 SENS ae 62, 688 30,142 | 48.1] 1,459] 2.3 | 22,897] 36.5] 8,190] 13.1 ~ Illinois...... 4 eons 549,687 || 311,568] 56.7] 9,128] 1.7 | 189,175] 34.4] 39,816] 7.2 |Memtehigans ot sesso. 312,829 || 162,673 | 52.0] 5,051] 1.6} 125,360 | 40.1] 19,745] 6.3 _ Wisconsin... .... Hite. 201,388 |} 118,147) 58.7] 5,815] 2.9] 60,800] 30.2] 16,626] 83 West NORTH CENTRAL: ° BePeininesots...-.,.-.... 207,576 || 146,545 | 70.6} 3,491] 1.7] 43,678] 21.0] 13,862] 6.7 CSS eee 98, 582 70,774 | 71.8 0.9 | 17,024] 17.3] 9,899 | 10.0 ESTs ee 82, 608 48,765] 59.0] 1,076| 1.3} 23,860] 28.9] 8,907] 10.8 _ North Dakota:....... 56,117 42,478 | 75.7 467 | 0.8 8,709 | 15.5 | 4,463} 8.0 __ South Dakota-....... 34, 781 25,040 | 72.0 479 | 1.4 5,343°| 15.4) 3,919 11.3 | Nebraska. ..-.-....... 65,375 41,999 |. 64.2] 1,209} 1.8] 15,313 | 23.4] 6,854 | 10.5 . CS ee 47,900 28,646 |° 59.8 675 | 1.4 | ~ 13,875'| 29.01. 4,704) “9.8 | 30UTH ATLANTIC: BOPIAWATC ules... 8,441 3,890 | 46.1 73 | 0.9 3,675 | 43.5 803 | 9.5 | © Maryland............. 47,549 24,749 | 52.0 723 | 1.5}, 19,958] 42.0) 2,119] 4.5 _ District of Columbia.. 13, 406 7,328 | 54.7 348 | 2.6 4,051 | 30,2] 1,679 | 12.5 a 0 a ae 11,734 6,176 | 52.6 123 | 1,0 4,005 | 34.1] 1,430] 12.2 _ West Virginia..-..... 19,996 6,320 | 31.6 115 | 0.6 | © 11,658] 58.3] 1,903 | 9.5 _ North Carolina....... 2,758 1,439 | 52.2 10} 0.4 810 | 29.4 499 | 18.1 _ South Carolina........ 2, 306 1,206 | 52.3 23 | 1.0 696 | 30.2 381 | 16.5 meetOOPSi8. 1.00... 6, 182 3,571 | 57.8 86. | 1.4 1,829 | 29.6 696. | 11.3 PeRIOTICR.: J... 2... 18, 405 7,563 | 41.1 122| 0.7 8,845 | 48.1) 1,875 | 10.2 tAST SOUTH CENTRAL: mmentucky..../....... 13,301 8,452 | 63.5 167 | 1.3 2,562 | 19.3 | 2,120] 15.9 _ Temnesseé............ 6,457 3,462 | 53.6 66 | 1.0 1,860 | 28.8] 1,069] 16.6 ) @epeabemas..../....... 7,037 3,716 | 52.8 641 0.9 2,016 | 28.6] 1,241] 17.6 * issippi............ 3,051 1,414 | 46.3 Z| 0.7 1,111 | 36.4 505 | 16.6 | Vest SOUTH CENTRAL: { Al Bil -aateas.--: + 5,384 3,102 | 57.6 65 | 1.2 1,280 | 23.8 937 | 17.4 i BMA. oo0'n-..... 18, 063 6,176 | 34.2 89} 0.5 8,710 | 48.2} °3,088 | 17.1 | Oklahoma... 2..°.... 15,037 8,505 | 56.6 148 | 1.0 4,442] 29.5] 1,942] 12.9 mkas...i........ 160,072 35,581 | 22.2] 1,054] 0.7} 114,106} 71.3} 9,331]. 5.8 {OUNTAIN: .., pemenmtens.|.,/.......| | 3,391 24,384 | 68.9 503.| 1.4 7,878 | 22.3 |°° 25626 |. 7.4 AD Gssicd_ sow. s..-.-- 14, 086 10,244. | 72.7 156} 1.1 2,861 | 20.3 825 | 5.9 _ Wyoming............ 8,321 5,048 | 60.7 80} 1.0 2,603 | 31.3 590 | 7.1 : Bielorade 1 48,735 28,862 | 59.2 666 | 1.4] 16,766 | 34.4] 2,441] 5.0 -, New Mexico..-....... 12, 232 2,737 | 22.4 - 56] 0.5 8,813 | 72.0 626 | 5.1 | WeMeTIZONG..i.....6...... 33, 442 5,295 | 15.8 99 | 0.3 |. 26,876} 80.4] 1,172) 3.5 ONE she 25, 580 17,538 | 68.6 409 | 1.6 6,682 7° 25.7 (42,0511 41 maveveads. i... 8.2 .... 7 2,205 | 54.2 26 | 0.6 1,346 | 33.1 488 | 12,0 = Washingto’. 4 A 96, 937 60,002 | 61.9] 1,565] 1.6] 28,605) 29.5] 6,765| 7.0 lean... ts. . 39, 841 24°725.| 62.1 792.| 2.0] 12,576 | 31.6] 1,748] 4.4 Smaliiornia;............ 279,812 || 132,274 | 47.3 | 3,906] 1.4 | 123,117] 44.0] 20,515] 7.3 ee 5 i 846 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 93.—CITIZENSHIP. OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES) AND FEMALES) [No inquiry as to the citizenship~ FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER—NUMBER: iy DIVISION AND STATE. Total.. United, States. -:-...'-..4- * . -6, 928, 452 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England 3. icc S 2. aig any - 866, 042 Middle. Atlantic... icpe.s.s,- 2, 406, 975 Fast, North Central.......20: 1, 687, 728 West. North Central.....2.2.. 738, 673 Olt ss UT ULG. wan Co Baik eit 170, 407 Kast South Central... 20.2. Ants 39,697 West South Central.....:..,. 208, 431 Mountain. ... 22. BS 241, 321 PHC se meet aon Tooban Eee 569, 178 NEw ENGLAND: MaiiOp ant Sore ie ee Oe aie 49,355 New Hampshire... ......2..-. . , 42,432 PMOUULUI ba. akan ear oa Siam ett ee 20, 462 MASSACHUSCEESp. coc Lites feu 491, 107 Rhode Isang’. ne Uae toe 78,118 Comnecricgt te ease ago. 184, 568 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: NeW rk On ib via. lee ape 1, 318, 883 New dGrsey ot yoo. ia Sos, "360, 902 PeOHNSVIVADIG o>. Seen creel 727, 190 East NORTH CENTRAL OTE stati te a ae 363, 504 ahaa crate 1 Ya Age tiy Ge ele OS Blah it gs be 82, 908 STOO. foo es oe a, Paes 613, 797 OVER od oe aco, eee nes: 381, 808 WW ISCO tn. aa ets Soka 245,711 West. NortH CENTRAL: e Minn ecOTar 24:4 aida ae an ne 286,856 LO Witla e 6 Ub cece mands a Sars 9 121, 392 RRIIBSGIAEL xcjtb cs pee eee Se eo 97, 345 North: Dak Otek sais te 70, 043 SOU ERODE 2 ok ee oa lle 45,340 Nebraska): ..o.2 4 ingdees a 79,821 1 ss ead Be Bae ER A lege os 57,876 South ATLANTIC CIR WaTOSS24 shake eh eee 10, 614 =D gp 1 on ARIES gle Saree gy 50, 363 abe) of Columpbia:. 12.5. -.: ea 042 pe ga eae pe, Sy i See IB iy by 17,431 West. Virginia........ A Fp 338; 471 INORG A OTOMMa. Ye so 0 we soe 4,035 South Caroling os. naa. oe 3, 850 AAGOrir ie: Gel i dee 9,319 do Gg}: HOEAMNS Raa nega 22, 282 East SoutH CENTRAL ae CRU. tA sh eka ane 16, 827 PE GTITICNSOO 2). bas ny adam na eg eh 8, 428 Ala baie e's Tsar a Sate wh cL eee Missigsippi . 4 ed, oa Sees ; 4,628 WEsT SOUTH CENTRAL: . Arhanes s.< 44.5.4 Ei aegis 8, 166 TOM SIaNs 252}, Be ee tee 24, 848 ORT TOON. = 1S ns s dein cae eee | 22, 817 ro §.26 2! US eae Roald xe 152, 600 MOUNTAIN: NECTAR 22044 ie Ta nesaepen ls 54, 250 POTEG oe eee ST SS ee ae 23,366 IW VOunin es ot eh ae 15, 796 OOLGRMELO J 2 wb To coils on eaten: 62, 089 New Mexico ]..20/.0.00000; ipl 36 9 E! ATICGDS «vx. doe ae 4 , 582 Utahe! 3004: eR OM ae pa) ez} PROV 2S. p ee deme ees _ 10,203 PActric: Washington.|.......... vals talig . 143,258 OPERONS Oe vst Sete Lh YD ee . 58, 580 ONL Lo) yt a eo Bea 367, 7, 340 Citizenship — Naturalized. Fe en not P \ ‘jet pap | reported. : g,Stn aio _ 1,116, 744 116, 744 | 367, 478 ‘f, 065, 420 ” 3437 952 483, 504 72, 664’, 29° 056 64) 503: 119, 979 275, 35k SL cise GGA CLORE EP MNO iC 2) Se Sees Pets Peed ie 214, 958 |, 60, 03 | 98, 734 76,524} “aid, 987' |! 45, ery 93° 563 | 125; 4 "158,727 . 302, 437 156, 820, 34,871 | ~ 341° 910 175, 631° 134; 720°, 177, 355 Sf, 160 57, 561 51, 350 |, ~~ ow HAN 05 eee Ss8 = — for) y ADHD, x eink th SB 2oF i SH aoe ao = \o CITIZENSHIP, KMOrraisra 347° | YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND. 1910. eS was made in 1910,] | DIVISION AND STATE. ped tod: F ; , Teel Oieh United Staths. neds Sy See SRAPHIC DIVISIONS: i es [oat North Central... ..... . ‘West North Centfal’: 21-27% ee PATA AtiGsh fF ae ast South Central.:......2. est 5 eter ce Sewaw Hamipstiire. oes ae, ae ne mevemmont...... 1. eee Wee mnssnctrmpttsiuy so oc, hode Isiand . shape 50 UREN he mummneetrcntiis.t| oo... LS: . DDLE ATLANTIC: | |“ ri Were, ... Boke GREK ee ed 1) Gee We ee ee | mon ee cmpeicie e dame = leks, wee ewer ee ee une ee ~ 48, 464 Total. 6, 646, 817 796, 847 2, 272, 271 1,573, 343 869, 408 |} * 150, 665 46, 308 171, 940 ‘257, 537 508, 498 41, 956 23,759 453, 601 75, 899 153, 168 1, 221, 013 "309; 648 741, 610 308, 478 88, 927 604, 524 3027 177 269, 237 “298, 282 146, 880 _ 121, 404 79, 721 54, 528 94) 345 74, 248 8,776 47, 973 11) 738 14) 882 34. 687 3) 296 3,355 8) 513 17) 445 20, 440 ; 10, 112 10, 521 5 235 9,718 26, 519 23, 551 “112, 152 Naturalize 3,034, 117 323, 994 879, 348 812, 489 510, 918 61, 134 25, 955 70, 765 113° 670 2345, 844 tate 16, 415 10, 811 189, 126 32/040 60,608 502, 083 128 438 248, 827 142, 465 42533 317, 339 167, 304 142° 848 179, 187 90, 573 65, 612 46, 636 32° 495 57, 270 39; 145 3,707 24 256 6, 474, 6. 411 o 263 ‘ 68, 895 297 675 137, 274 | FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER—NUMBEBR: bie 1910 di “Having first papers. 48, 508 202; 012 148, 254 76, 934 8, 997 2, 220 |: 10, O7F |: 23, 219 50, 557 1,490 1, 421 1, 164 30, 016 "5, 314 9) 103 131, 085 24, 511 46, 416 17, 509 "13; 320 43) 482 26, 235 47,708 26, 222 6, 654 10, 117 9) 824 os. 020 9, 924 6, 173 658 3, 278 L 058 ” 859 1,358 |; 570,772 | 2, 266, 535 366, 161 965, 101 496, 278 144,177 57.127 8) 647 52’ 853 85, 619 160, 572 23, 672 19, 377 9, 652 212/033 31° 996 | 69; 431 475, 259°) “1997 076 367, 766 113, 856. | 18, 354 174, 581 76, 550 42° 937 58; 132 20; 275 95, 835 10, 965 4’ 376 12, 347 12° 247. 775, 393 58, 184 225, 810 186, 322 137,379 "23" 407 9, 486 88° 251 35, 029 61, 525 8, 308 _A, 743 ~. 132 22, 426 6, 549 14) 026 112, 586 348 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 93.—CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES AND FEMALES [No inquiry as to the citizenship FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER—PER CENT. : Having first ‘ | Citizenship not DIVISION AND STATE. Naturalized. papers. Alien. _ reported. 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 ee a a ee ee ee ee —————— EEE United States........ 47.8 45.6 16.1 8.6 30. 9 34.1 5.2 117 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England............ 42.4 40. 7 14.9 6.1 39.7 46.0 3.0 7.3 Middle Atlantic.......... 44,3 38. 7 15.6 8.9 36.2 42.5 4.0 9.9 East North Central...... 50. 0 51.6 21. 5 9.4 23. 0 27.1 bed 11.8 West North Central...... 65. 5 58.8 13.6 8.8 13.3 16.6 7.6 15.8 South Atlantic: ......0... 42.6 40.6 12:2 6.0 37.0 37.9 8.1 15.5 East South Central....... 55.6 56.0 9.3 4.8 20. 4 18.7 14.8 20.5 West South Central...... 30. 9 41.2 6.5 5.9 53. 6 30.7 9.0 22,2, Mountaintet We eos sony 49, 7 44,1 12.6 9.0 31.8 Bae 5.9 13.6 PP RCHIC S de dibbliecs ue oan g 48. 4 46.4 14.5 9.9 31.0 31.6 6.2 12.1. New ENGLAND: MGING. 2! it ace coi ceeeene 36.5 30.9 i as! 3.1 43.9 48.8 63a. 17.1 New Hampshire. ........ 41.0 39.1 11.4 3.4 41.8 46.2. 5.8 11.3 AY PLIVIOMD ics on homer c calc ens 46.6 45.5 10.3 4.9 38.5 40.6 4.5. 9.0 Massachusetts............ 43.5 41.7 15.0 6.6 39.5 46.7 2.0 4,9. Rhode Ishadsise.. Sek 48.9 42.2 hy pe 7.0 30. 2 42.2 3.6 8.6 CONNGCHICNT sass s-achoees 38. 4 39.6 15.2 5.9 42.6 45.3 3.8 9.2 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: IN@WAY, OF Betton whoa Seen 45.8 41,1 16.3 10.7 33.9 38.9 4.0 9.2 New Jersey.........--.2. 44.0 41.5 16.8 7.9 35.8 39.4 3. 4 eb Pennsylvania ............ 41.6 33.6 13.6 6.3 40.6 49.6 4,2 10.6 East NORTH CENTRAL: i COTM OR age ine eo oe ee 43.1 46,2 21% Del 31.4 36.9 4.4 5 By UNGISNA ot eee es Soe 42.1 47.8 28.4 15.0 19.3 20.6 10.2 16.6 BW Basa) ko hogy at DS ES Pe 2, 20.5 aso 18.1 28.9 Bul. 11.4 Michivatt oo; se. os sane 46.0 55.4 22.6 8.7 26.5 PAs | as te 10.6 Wiusconsin. i sccaa. ace. 54.8 Dart 20. 4 Niet 18. 7 15.9 6.0 13.3 West NortTH CENTRAL: 3! Wes MoNNeCOtassse cele cometh 66.5 60.1 13.4 8.8 4 19.5 nae Mal: 11.6 GW Lc bao ee co cumeebe 69.3 61.7 9.2 4.5 ang, 13.8 DRE: Meo 20. 0 MESSOULT ck ch Olver co eeues 59.1 54.0 14.1 8.3 dpe g Zles 9.0 16.3 North Dakotas bose S863 73.3 58.5 9,4 12.3 10.0 13.3.7 21: tea 15.4 South Dakota:........... 68. 4 59.6 13.9 14.7 6.8 8.0 10.8 TZ INGDISSKAL oy wee. dc eha 61.4 60. 7 17.4 10.5 11.9 13.3 9.3 15.7 KSTIBAG 5 Ft ere Sore «tien bist Doel 13.6 8.3 19.0 16.5 10.3 22.5 SoutH ATLANTIC: ¢ Delaware: ioo-i ss. soe ck 40.8 42.2 14.5 105 38. 0 36.3 6.7 13.9 Maryland: 23 c0a3..52oby 51.8 50. 6 17.3 6.8 27.2 28.3 3.7 14.3 Dsitrict of Columbia. .:.- 55.4 55. 2 12.6 9.0 20. 2 19.6 17 16.2 ALP UNS cape oso CaN ee 47.9 43.1 13.2 5.8 27.5 alee 11.4 19.6 West. Virginia.:.......2.. 21.6 20.9 8.1 3.9 62.4 65.0 7.9 10.2 . North Carolinay.......... 46.7 43.7 tak 5.9 27.9 25.1 18.3 25.4 South Carolina........... 50. 0 47.7 10. 8 5.5 23.9 22.0 15.3 24.7 GeOrgiay de Vieloc od. cect 53.9 47.3 10.3 ed 25.1 21,7 10.7 |. 23.7 OTIC sh eas el. oe 40, 2 34.2 y a 4.5 41.8 42.5 10.2 18.9 East SoutH CENTRAL: e, Kentucky. puelyic es iets 61.1 64.7 87 4.0 18.2 13.5 12.0 17.8 Tennessee... solos 3 kcke 52.6 53. 8 8.8 4.6 21.6 18.5 17.1 2 AAG DAMS J Cet ke ee eccecb s SAG} 46.0 11.5 6.5 20.7 26.5 16.6 20.9 — Mississippi.......-....... 50. 2 46.7 qo 4.9 25. 2 23.6 17.1 24. 8 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL: ae a ” Arkansas! 23. so... 20) .b 4 56.2 54.4 9.2 6.1 16.2 14.3 18.4 25.2 Lousiana: cov. err 37.6 37.8 8.5 4,4 ! 43.1 34.5 10.7 23, : OkighomsS =o. sr..0s000h 3 49.3 51.3 7.8 5.3 Blog 18.9 15.6 23.6 © IPOXGS. .i'- 3 yoraacccsgenks 2558 38.7 5.8 6.1 61.3" 33.8 ae -< qlee MOUNTAIN: ¥ A MONGANS 5. 33d os..0235 508 62.7 46.6 16.1 11.4 14.1 28.6 te 0" 13.5 NOGINY. ck he eet Oe e es 60. 7 49. 6 13.5 9.6 19.2 24.0} 6.6 16.8 WE-VOIMING. .65 5545. 22 505hc 46.1 37.4. 15.4 10.6 30.3 44.5 8.2 25 COldrado J seaco~n sec ces bu 55. 8 50.0 13.9 mar ao 27.8 5.0 - 12.9 New Mexico..;........46 25.5 34.1 5.7 a. 7 63.3 48,4 ‘5.54 Lis ¢ PREIS C28 c atcitc ce eee 17.8 23.0 5.4 4.3 71.9 56. 7 “497 = Te TIER. Nome oh ewes bd 56. 9 47.0 12.4 7.4 26.6 29.5 BL dete, ee Nevada . J. 225-94..2-2-05- 40. 4 43,9 13.7 10.0 38.6} 35.1 7.3 |ooseee O PACIFIC: : ade Washington............-. 53.9| 468] 198] 104] 206} 29.3) °° B7) 186. OregOties cress cecesevess 54.5 46.4 19.2 11.9 21.9 27.3 4.5 14.4 CSNTOIMIY . ot lee. co cae 45.3 46.2 1157 9.3 36.5 33.6 6.6 10.9 — ‘ CITIZENSHIP. 349 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. of females was made in 1910.] DIVISION AND STATE, Gnognaree DIVISIONS: _ Middle Atlantic...... East North Central. : West North Central. . * South Atlantic....... _. East South Central... ~ West South Central... mere MoOUntAIN .. 4. 45. 0..%5 4 New itampshire op en oe Vermont of b. x. .1.5¢ _ , Massachusetts........ Rhode Island........ gy pee rae DLE ATLANTIC: me, New York... 4....5; © New Jersey..... dee we. Pennsylvania... ..-.% errr Nec NortH CENTRAL: ewe ee eee eee ee eee 2 m4 4 Nebraska. ......----. West Vaginia St. a jalatiey . North Carolina....... , Mississippi .......-- +: VEST SOUTH CENTRAL: > _ Arkansas opp Oh ee °oleatgag ge ey Uae a ab PACIFIC: . a Washington.........- MOTEPON >. 22.5 .ka-.) ie 2RoS) lorae <) _ TI RARSASS er OO | | | | SE _ Naturalized. Num- Per ber. cent. 2,893,787 | 52.0 388,049 | 46.2 959,199 | 46.3 732,715 | 56.8 390,628 | 70.6 08,759 | 50.3 16,279 | 59.1 49,755 | 33.4 90,885 | 59.5 207,518 | 56.0 22,451 | 49.9 19,226 | 48.5 10,285 | | 57.9 227,939 | 45.8 39,963 | 50.7 68,185 | 42.5 549,557 | 45.4 146,789 | 46.7 262,853 | 48.1 136,715 | 52.8 28,696 | 49.9 297,536 | 59.0 155,327 | 55.2 114,441 | 60.6 142,035 | 72.6 69,111 | 74.2 46,887 | 61.5 39,837 | 78.1 24,134 | 73.8 40,771 | 66.8 27,853 | 64.3 3,698 | 48.5 23) 687 | 54.8 6, 926} 56.2 5, 701 54.7 5,826 | 34.3 1,349 | 55.0 1,188 | 54.4 3,293 | 59.5 7,141 | 44.4 8,220 | 64.9 3,278 | 55.6 3,472 | 55.2 1,309 | 48.4 2,976 ; 59.5 5,846 | 35.7 8,133 | 61.2 32) 800 | 28.7 22,618 | 71.9 9,708 | 75.8 4,719 | 65.0 27,688 | 64.5 2,500 | 28.8 ¢fee| | a2ied 16,815 | 71.7 2-115 | 157.3 56,761 | 65.1 23,581 | 65.1 $27,276 | 51.5 Having first : papers. Alien, Num- | Per Num- ber. | cent ber. 77,532 | 1.4 |2,226, 672 8,521 | 1.0] 405,170 27,691 1.3 | 956,162 23,179 | 1.81} 441,004 7,572 | 1.4] 105,135 1,461 1.8 46,150 Oi | “he 6, 2 1,219 | 0.8} 84,503 1,790 |} 1.2 51, 321 5,802 | 1.6 130, 944 189 | 0.4 18,751 201 0.5 16, 874 117 | 0.7 6,377 5,555 | 1.1 | 248,507 1,232) 1.6] 33,445 1,227| 0.8] 81,216 19, 140 it. 6 564, 261 3,185 | 1.0} 145,890 5,366 | 1.0] 246,011 3,350] 1.3} 104,001 1,353 | 24] 19,682 8,386 | 1.7 | 161,042 4,553 1.6 103, 343 5,537 | 2.9 52, 936 3,211 | 1.6} 37,404 781 | 0.8] 13,686 993 | 1.3 19, 853 407 | 0.8 6, 702 433 | 41.3 4, 397 1,119} 1.8] 12,705 628 | 1.4 10, 388 67 | 0.9 3,131 647 6 16, 914 324 | 2.6 3, 491 108 | 1.0 8, 327 100] 0.6 9, 386 10} 0.4 648 21 1.0 583 7a | 22.3 1,533 1 | 0.F p18 759); 1.3 2; 212 62:1 1.1 1, 535 59 | 0.9 1,639 17} 0.6 897 64] 1.3 1, 066 82] 0.5 7,586 124| 0.9 3, 266 949 |} 0.8 72, 585 479} 1.5 5, 990 139 L, i 2,217 72| 1.0 1, 965 603} 1.4] 12,446 45 | 0.5 5,642 79| 0.4] 16,638 348] 1.5 5, 320 25:| 0. 'é 1, 103 1,443) 1.7 22, 954 726 2.0 10, 326 1.5 97, 664 i SUE ST Ose Ye SCO Seat sO NWOOHWO ARMWW NEE PTORNOWHOSO CORE AH Oo PNONMNMONWHE WW Ree Onery wnnre ped er tl a dal NNONNRe NP eo NNO ty ‘4 a) 26,3 28. 5 39.5 a ~] w ns — SSH MESA WIN WH BAM Byrwgg ist) ~I Le] fet) ll all oe Sd eee Or co Loe) a Bur > io 9) © Se ie eo ES TRO NNWOR OHO WWUO NONW ABUNNOCWON®D WOROHNDNT TRATED COW HNNAKRS > ow ~I eet —_ “ — bo — set Pipe ers bo a ler) a 3 or NEROINN SNR > =) _ low on oO oe NPS a) 18) 568 | 350 eyes ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION TABLE 94,CITIZENS Ny! ’ FOREIGN-BORN WH TS TE FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION. #2 === CITY. ing Naturalized. Having first ; Citi i Total papers. _ Alien. Dearcoartal : 7 Ceo rene e Num- Per hot ee SENET ERAT RS: ber. cent. ae Per Num- | Per | Num- | P . cent. | ,.ber. cent. ber re be sae ea 33,021 || 11,004 mes: ny c 722s eagate \. Atlante G Re * ate Wine 17,695 || 10, 526 rig aaa 14.0] 20,5388) 540). 1,148) 3.0 Peete ee oe 4,789 || 2,719 | 56.8|'- 302 Oe | a] Oe tales "349 | 2.0 Birminghson, A ick te st,800 || 42.527 | 0.1) 8,530 ei | ate | geal Lane 9.5 os on, Masgs st: se bi Rl 3 9 48; i Ova @’ "On Ie 1 Peele gt ame | mee) ter) eae] eel a a ies | 8g alopns. ¥ Fk LOT a5) , 733 | 35. ‘9 : : eet . BON) BE agp | G2] wea) Ia sets | 8 B50 | 7 Seige | ee] at) ee Oe aa oa I cago Fit. | Gos | 2 ab dg Se 4, ; 38; ‘ ; #4 hdtiga’ ort ot | Cincinnati; Ohio. . 1.2117: 808, 558:|| 425, 817 37 | 101280 | 125 |-2 S Bulge i zs | 03 Cleveland,’Ohio.......... o'eat || “387323 | eo | 22680 | G2} sal “Bo.7) AL | 8.1 Columbus, Ohio... 22... 240,173-|| 101,805 | 42.4] 38.993) 16.2 9, $31 |) 28] 2 OR ly £8 Dallas, Tox. eeeeeeeene 16, 187 8,856 54, 7 1. 069 ¥ 91, 564, a 38. si xe Sit. 38 ap ms. As aa a 8s 8, 801 (3.544 | 40.3 599 6.6 4’ 460 | 27.6] 1,802 | 11.1 Dayton; Ohio. .-. eae: 6.7] | 3,687 | 41-9) 1 °980) 11.1 Denver, Colo............. | He 165 6, 936°) 52.7 1,185 9.0 4 oni Des Moines, Towa........ 38,230 || 23,918) 62.6| 3,263) 8.5 4,967. |- 35. Bota sr arate ee 11,269] °7,135 | 633 | —°702| 6.2 9,937 | 26.0) 1,112 | 2.9 Fall River, Mass...._._.. | 290,884 || 04,015 | 36.1] 47,770 | 16. 2s) Bee are ee Fort Worth, Tex......... wan || ‘iss | oe2| Lae] 3 127, 196 OT Oe Grand Rapids, Mich. . -_- 7,502 || 1,816 | 24:2} 229) 34 24, 501} 57.8). 270), 1.8 Hartford, Conn........... 98427 || 15,277 | 53.7| 3,479 | 122)" 4) 254-|- 56.7} 1,203) 16.0 “rly p i ome reais 40,o12|| 17,028 | 41.6) 3,375 | 82 7,604.|- 26.7) 2067) 7.8 Indianapolis, Ind. ).112!) ipeee|| ‘eu | ao | 78] 61] 645) aoe $30) 13 Jersey City, 'N.J./0..1.2. 17,096.) 8,517 | 49.8) | 2 733 | | 1S. tol ood 9 das eee a 916 -| 78 Kansas City, Kans... | ~ om4.|| 36,785 | 48.2| 6,624| 8&7 ‘4, 403:|- 25.8 |) 2,110 |) 12.3 Kansas City, Mo. (4 ged ig esa oo 4.225 | 36,0] 13640] 14.0 31,007 | 40.6 | 1,878] 25 Los Angeles, Calif... .___ 27,583 || 12614 | 83.0 Se ee ba ubere | aston | gl Louisville, Ky...2..4... 2,131 49,542 | 40.6 | 7,851 t 7, #31) 2o8 | Does 11.2 jKy ase 11” 667 Visas | one | | cube 6.4 | 68514} 47.9} 6224) 5.4 Lowell, Mass. ..... 88 4 yi etre e704 14.6 Memphis, Tenn... 1.7. ae 15,168 | 39.8 | 2,116) 5.6} 20 sista Milwaukee, Wis....1..... ef. 44 25241 43.2 ? 300 one , 929} 53. 9 303 0.8 Minnea olis, Minn se eeeee 10, 160 55, 026 50.0 14.291 13. 0 Ms 924- 82: 9 1, 009 : 17.3 aE ng Sateen 1 160 eeete | Ob] | ieee} iat | athe: g19-- 22.8 4550 | 411 New Bedford, Mass. ..... 57’ ave 1,441 | 59.7 "434 | 5.6 19, 819] 22.5 |.) 3,629 | 4. New Haven, Conn....... Ah ie 078 16,517 | 32.3 2.750 aha 502-|- 20. 8 335 | a | Ne nares eae) -1- eat So aaah | ged dae BT) ay abe aot aeaedaate aap 0.8 New York, N.Y.0..2121! ee ee | le | ard GTO | | Uae 2, 10a pe Oe tans at 67 Bronx borough....... ” 267, 160 || 810,086 | 39.9'| 180,404} 8.9 ae 24} 43.9] 3,487 | 127 Monies bovoughi....| 666,188 || 281476 | 42.3 24,490] 9.1 arama eert cia e| anhattan borough..| 950,2 , 42.3 | 61 : ? 9. 36. 9 |: 14) 338 Queens tan Women : ay ri 319,915 | 33.7 | 82, 388 ag aha 239 | 43.6 | “33,381 '} bs ee ooo i Tok ear’ geet | wives | {doch 2 858. 8.7) Ob TO Bee Ocetearalt ae gh.) 31,795 || 14,868 | | 46,8 3,221 8.2 | (38,123) 29.5) 6,287 | 5.6 Newark, N. J. 8) 3,221) 10.1) |11,879) one) 1827) B7 Norfolk, Va....2:.0....2 48,441 41:2 9, 164 7230 ) Ai bktidy f | Oakland Calif Say ast See 3, 090 44,2 O17 13. : ie aah 46.1 | 5 707 4.9 Omaha, Nebr..........,, 23,506 | 47.1 | 4,452 eB , 366 | 36.7 | "425 | 6.1 Paterson, N. t) eee 3 18, 130 50. 9 i 146 14, i Pe 7 40. 2 i 1, 900 if’ 3.8 Philadelphia Pa St A-wcleod a yaks R95 48.2 om 956 6. 4 9, 503 °6. 7 2, 866 8. ler ar Sa te 190,206 | 47.5,| 32,586 SER OR TE. & 1,849 | 4. Portland, Oreg....J...... 62,524 | 51.8] 8, 984 a 159, 115 [90.7 ee Providence, R.1..2....1! 25,020 | 50.3] | 6,335. | 12, 44,502): 36.8 | 4,782)" 4.0 Reading, Pa. ....22/...01 32,783 | 46.9| 6,376 of 17,538 | 35.2) 876 | 18 tichmond, Val... : a7 | | | BOO | Plc ote ee area a8 Rochester, N. Yee... 1! pa | ee) oe | ee) past eenee noe fl ( St. Louis, Mo....2.:... 36,881 | 51.6 | 6,199 oF 1,446 30.7 | 564 | Be St, Paul, Minn).).)...... eos | cee | 10028| 97 | 28.600 | 27-6 HEMEL Salt Lake City, Utah...” eee | ere] sést | amg|. 10195} 187 $390 5 ae 12,320 | 61.9 | 1,552 eat F118? Gop edad meat, at San Antonio, Tex.. 36, 82 “ 5,659 |. 28.4: 866 |" 18 Sap ere tb (38,904 6)409 | 17.4 o26°| 2, 5"|.!097 el ol Sq@antoniePa../-t,0..0 ae 95 70,171 47.0 12. 100 ey , LOG ee 1357 2,334 | 4 Seattle; Wash. 10.00.09 8, 587 15,163 | 53.0 1 103 2. 56,010 | 37:5 | 40,914" Mey peered (Th 80,076 || 37,745 | 46.6 1103 | 3.9) 20, 186 | 85-6 | "2135 | Ab. Springfield, Mass......... 17, 096 10,718 | 627| 1716} 10.0 28,395 |. 35.1} 4,805 | 6.0. Sage eee ts 31/461 || 13,321 | 42.3) 3,577 | 114 4,311 |: 25.2')) © 351 | 21 Toledo, thio. 1.0 88.2. ¢ 82, 383 16,405 | 50.7 93° 908 6.8 13,879 | 44.1 684} 2.2 Trenton, N.J...........- 38, 296 |} 20,598 | 53.8 4,292 | 11.2 i eae 3.1 Washington, D. O..22222: 20,03 eer ee 3as3 | ics| 13738 | 45.5 o. Wilmington, Del......... 29,365 || 15,626) 53.2 2,204) 7.5 7.952 | 271 y. Worcester, Mass........-. 53) 591 6,764) 41.4] 1309] 861 7, pi ie ae ee Yonkers, N. Y.....----- 25 796 espe Be gi 4,997 9. 3 23,74 tad. Youngstown, Ohio... apn 33, 945 ii oD ea 220 8.6 9, 190 35.6 "s30 | 34.91 2,760| 8.11 18,323] 54.0 1909-- GILTIZENSHIP; LAS $51 ATION, FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920. FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION. COMOWDORWEMDEOOIR OONNNODDOAHOONWH NAP OWDMANOORMH WO APN NPWAIOWOHDWIOMWO HON MENON OH wmOUPoo a crry 1: Having first F Citizenship Sihatrones Sort Naturatized. papers. Alien. not reported. _- saree (adee Total . ——_———. eet} oro ot | -eM | Num-;| Per | Num- | Per Num- Per. | Num- | Per Teneo |. 190 toot bers] cent.'|) ber.»| cent. | ber. | cent.| ber. |cent. rons Ohio. .). 2. . | 28 37, 889 10,988 | 29.0 5,325) | 14.1 20, 446-|. 54.0 1,130 8. anvesIN. Yel 22. !.22 17, 636 10,518 | 59.6 1,018 5.8 5; 757.|, 32.6 343 Lf ee Pr TRY 4,738 2016.| SRS 300 6.3 1, 278.) 27.0 444 9. more, Md.:......... 83,911 ||’ 42,372] 50.5'| 8,481) 10.1) -'81,828 | 37.9 |)! 1,230]. 4. irmingham, IS 88 6, 084 2,969 | 48.8 440 ho8 1, 530°]. 25.1 1,145 | 18. Mass... A 22... -.01). 238,919 106,449 | 44.6} 20,936 8.8:} ‘101,659 |. 42.5.) 9,875 4, port, Conn... 2.0: 46,414 || 16,689] 36.0] 4,980} 10.7 | © 21,196 | 45.71 3,549.) 7. BY... Aue. 1.08 121, 530.1) 63,224] 52.0] 12,890 10.6} »37,903 |. 31.2] . 7513] 1-6. e, Massi fa . 28 32, 104 13,974 | 43.5 2, 290 2.4 15,666.| 48.8 174 0. NSC ERE. i |) 20, 262 7,749 | 38.2} 2,451!) 12.1 8,802 |. 43.4 |. 1) 2600} 06. ; Tl - os SLSR 1.08 805, 482 425,327.) 52.8) 102,203) 12.6'| 237,792 | 29.5 | 41,160 §, Cincinnati, Ohio... .-... 42,827 || 28,203 | 66.1'| 2;678| 6.3 9,779 | 22.840 2,077 | -4. - Clev pOhio.. sx. ...2.} 239,538 {| 101,626 | 42.4] 88.955! 16.3) 91,241! 38.1] 7,716] > 3. ’ Oolumbus, Ohio.........2} 16,055 8,883 | 55.0'| 1,067| 6.6|.° 4,385 |. 27.3] 1,770} 11. Dallas, Tex....2.2....:.). 8,730 || 3,533 | 40.5 590 | 6.8). 3,642] 41.7 965 | 1. ‘i Pate Ohio.) £2. 4.72 13,111 63922 | 52.8 1,183 9.0 4,639 | 35.4 367 2. 4 er, Belo... AOS 385 37, 620 23,885 | 63.5 35-255 Bi? 9,485 |. 25.1 1,045 2. loines, lows 21 ...T¢ 11,.224 73181} 63.,5 702 6.3 23982. 1.. 212 1,009 9. tyMich 5.505.204 289,207 || 104,478) 36.1] 47,6871 16.5) 126,408| 43.7] 10,774} 3. | 8 iver, Mass. .\......2: 42,331 15,340 | 36.2 1, 802 4.3 24,420 | 57.7 769 1. Fort Worth ,Tex....112. 7, 359 1,802 | 24.5 229! 3.4 4,141. | 56.3] 1,187)] /16. ‘! apids , Mich..... 28, 355 157258 | 53.8 Sy477| 12.3 7,562 | 26.7 2,058 % i ¢ Cont... 22. . 1.2 40,667 || 17,009| 41.8| 3,366| 8.31 19,773 | 48.6 519 | 1. pomp Tex... 1-1 12,012 4,914 | 40.9 730| 6.1 5,438.| 45.3 930 |. 7. | apolis, Ind. ....... 16, 958 8,495 | 50.1 2,059.; 12.1 4,316 | 25.5 2,088.4, 12. | ey City, N. Js... 221: <| 5 75,9821} 36,7101 48.35 6,614] 8.7:| 30/812 | 40.6] 1,845 fon. | City, 1.05 11, 656 4,219 | 36.2) 1,685} 14.0 5,426| 46.6 876 | 8. sCity, Mo. -<......))°. 27,320 || 14,594] 53.4] 1,932] 7.1 7,739 | 28.3} 3,055.) 41. les, Califs.....2:} 112,057 ||, 49,370} 441°) 7,832:| 7.0°| 48,769] 43:5] 6,086] © 5. i % ille, Ky. +.ii..1.2c) 11,621 7,814} 67.2 570] 4.9 1,542] 13:3 |) 1,695} 014. ls MASS... 2). £2)... 52 38, 040 15,159} 39.9 2,114 5.6 20,466 | 53.8 301 0. mphis, Tenn PAS 1-06 5, 775 2,512 | 43.5 384 6.6 1,882 | 32.6 997 Le )Milwaukee, Wis.........:|,.110,068 || 55,008) 50.0)| 14,283] 13.0] 36,232] 32.9] 4,545) 4 fin: , Minn... .-.22 88, 032 54,120;} 62.5) 10,644] 12.1 19,662 | 22.3 8,606 4. shville, Tenns. ):).....: 2, 387 1,432 | 60.0 134 5.6 497 | 20.8 324),) 13. dford, Mass... .2: 48,689 16y207%) B3i5 2, 651 5.4 29,369 | 60.3 372 0. m, Comn.....2.} 45,686 ||, 18,451 | 40.44) 3,707 | 8.1} 20,480] 448] 3,048]. 6. New Orleans, La...... 1-3@ 25, 992 10,182 | 39.0 1, 591 6.1 11,007 | 42.3 82620) e12. ew York, N. Y......... 1,991, 547 ||: 807,022} 40.5 178,783}, 9.0| 910,655 | 45.7.| 95,082 | » 4. Bronx borough.....2.| 266,971 130,184] 48.7 | 24,461 9.2 98,214 | 36.8 }. 14,162 5) ea. Brooklyn borough, ...| 659,287 || 280,790 | 42.6 | 60,807 | 9.2} 285,360 | 43.3} 32,330} 4. | ©) Manhattan borough..| 922,080 |} 317,730) 34.5'| 81,135] 8.8} 482,577 | 52.3 | 40,638]. 4. | Queens borough......} 111,676 || 63,526] 56.9| 9,168] 821 82,813] 29.4]. 6,169} 5. ore Richm shmond borough:.| = 31,533 ||, 14,8421 47.1] 3,217] 10.2] 11,691 | 87.1] 1,783] 5. 48,368} 41:3 9, 150 7.8 53,869 | 46.0 5,616 4, 3,085 | 46.1 13.4 2,290 | 34.8 378 5: 23,412 | 51.8 4,424 9.8 15,561 | 34.5 1,765 3. 18,099 | 51.2 53189 | 14.5 9,314 | 26.3 2, 829 8. 21,813 | 48.3 2,953 6.5 18,548 | 41.1 1, 831 4, 189,710 | 47.7) 32,459 8.2} .157,356 | 39.5) 18,402 4, 62,485 | 51.9 8, 966 7.5 44,147 | 36.7 4,718 3. 24,973 | 53.0 6,313 13.4 14,961 | 31.8 862 1 32,701,| 4714 | 6,333] 9.2): 27,287 | 39.6| 2,630] +3: 3,469 | 36.3 1,444 | 15.1 4,165 | 43.6 475 5; 2,287 | 49.3 895 8.5 1,411 | 30.4 §44-}., 11, 36,863} 51.7| 6,190] 8.7) 24,547| 34.4] 8,721 Job. + £2. 3.5 C 58,544} 56.7] 10,018 9.7 28,326 | 27.4 6, 351 6. bis a. coh 51, 33,368 | 64.7 | 5,648] 10.9) 10,114] 19.6|..2,465! 4. 63.3 1,548 8.0 5,214 | 26.8 363 i 17.41 . 9241 2.5] 927,039} 73.8.1 .2,204,| 6. eS 49.9) 12,047 8.6 47,526 | 33.9] 10,698 7. 53h 1,202] 3.9} 20,177| 35.6} 2,181 frovts 51.0 9,895] 13.4 21,527°| 29.1 4, 802 6, ae 63.6 1,716} 10.2 4,051 | 24.1 351 2. oO 42.6 3,564} 11.4 13,711 | 43.9 676 2. Be. 4 50. 7 2, 206 6.8 12,739 | 39.4 991 3. LEMS 1-8 53. 9 4,282} 11.2 12,053 | 31.6 1, 268 3: 39.4] 3,552) 11.8| 13,662] 45.4] 1,020]. 3. ‘ae 64.3 2,186 ye 7,427 | 26:0 8,428 | 12. eee ee 41.5 1, 399 8.6 7,011 | 43.1 1,113 6. ae oe 42.3 4,992 9.3 23,670} 44.3 2,163 4. ee eee 53. 4 2,199 8.6 9,128 | 35.6 638 2 34.9 2,754] 8.1} 018,250] 53.9) 1,014], 3. 352 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. 1 Tanue 95.—CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES AND FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES, Ag roti, Having first _ Citizenship CITY. Naturalized. papers. Alien. not reported. Total. Ber ee reper as Sree Os RI SERS r ; in Num- Per | Num- | Per | Num- | Per | Num- | Per ber. cent. ber. cent. ber, cent. ber cent. Wikron)i Ohio ..), f..2s44 1.88 24,607 6,279 | 25.5 ]- 5,138 9]. 12,499 |. 50.8 691 | 2.8 Albany N.Y Lie ict 8, 976 5,271 | 68.7 9i8| 10.2 2,655 | 29.6 132] 1.5 Atlanta, Ga. ...taciesdssi 2, 700 1,602 | 55.6 263 9.7 eo 95.3 |... 2252 9.3 Baltimore, Md........--. 44, 034 21,781 | 49.5] 7,803 | 17.7) 13,988 | 31.8 462} 1.0 Birmingham, Ala........ 3, 499 1,641 | 46.9 419 | 12.0 768 | 21.9 671 | 19.2 Boston, Mass........-.2- 117,770 53,114 | 45.1 | 19,028] 16.2] 41,919 | 35.6 | © 3,709) 3.1 Bridgeport, Conn........ 25, 279 8,691 | 34.4] 4,793] 19.0| 10,280} 40.7] 1,515] 6.0 Buffaloes No Y 2c. 32.428 64, 748 32,362 | 50.0] 12,099] 18.7] 17,089|. 26.4] 3,198| 4.9 Cambridge, Mass........- 15,219 6,686 | 43.9] 2,142] 14.1 6,325 | 41.6 66 | 0.4 Camden) N.J..s.20k..-0 11, 086 3,970 | 35.8] 2,370] 21.4 4,227 | 38.1 519 | 4.7 Ghicagoy LIS... Zk. - te 431,764 |} 223,433 | 51.7]. 94,681 | 21.9] 95,053.| 22.0] 18,597] 4.3 Cincinnati, Ohio......... 21, 792 14,387 | 66.0] 2,384] 10.9 4,244| 19.5 777 | 3.6 Cleveland, Ohio..:....-1. 133, 075 53,075 | 39.9] 37,202! 28.0] 39,338} 29.6 |° 3,460) 2.6 Columbus, Ohio........-. 9,113 4,698 | 51.6 956 | 10.5 2,553 |. 28.0} . 906} 9.9 Deltas sex. . STAR 5, 097 1,979 | 38.8 539 | 10.6 2,057 |. 40.4, 522) 10.2 Dayton Ohio.) ). i. . 4.08 7,394 3,653 | 49.4] 1,087] 14.7 2,467 | 33.4 187} 215 Dinvery Colo... a8 18 20, 896 12,622 | 60.4] 2,950] 14.1 4,762.| . 22.8 562 | 2.7 Des Moines, lowa........ 6, 211 3,832 | 61.7 647 | 10.4 1,197.| 19.3) 535 | 8.6 Detroit, Mich.....2....4. 169, 095 55,379 | 32.8] 45,248| 26.8} 68,204 | 37.4 |.° 5,264} 3.1 Fall River, Mass...... 00}, 820,334 7,428 | 86.5 | 1,659) 8.2} ° 10,974). 54.040'" 2735) 0.13 Fort Worth, Tex...... ehh 54, 28 1,053 | 22.2 211) 4.51. 2,779) 58.7)" .° 695 | 1407 Grand Rapids, Mich..... 14, 999 7,880 | 52.5) 3,253) 21.7 2,959}. 19.7 907 | 6.0 Hartford, Conn........-2. 21,470 || 8,715} 40.6] 3,167) 14.8 9,353] . 43.6 235°} 7S Houston, Tex....2.....0. 6, 809 2,745 | 40.3 689 | 10.1 2,891.| 42.5 484 | 7.1 Indianapolis, Ind... ..... 9,359 4,440 | 47.4] 1,866] 19.9 2,089.| 22.3 964 | 10.3 Jersey City, N. Ji... 1.51 40, 212 18,839] 46.8] 6,265| 15.6]. 14,478 | 36.0 630 | 1.6 Kansas City, Kans....... 6, 850 2,234 | 32.6 LiSAE | 122.6 2,870 | 41.9 205 | 3.0 Kansas City, Mo...... CEP eee Y 8,020 | 52.2] 1,797] 11.7 4,021}. 26.1} .1,639/| of Los Angeles, Calif........ 60, 188 25,406 | 42.2| 6,904] 11.6] 24,713 |.41.14 3,075 | 95.1 Louisville, Ky . £2... 5.91 5, 882 4,057 | 69.0 500} 8.5 636 | 10.8 689 | 11.7 Lowell, Mass......2....2. 18, 466 7,266 | 39.3) 1,945} 10.5 9,130-} 49.4 0.7 Memphis, Tenn. ......-... 3, 266 1,398 | 42.8 345 | 10.6 999 | 30.6 | 16.0 Milwaukee, Wis......-..- 60, 703 28,465 | 46.9 | 12,663] 20.9] 17,513} 28.9 3.4 Minneapolis, Minn....... 48, 402 29,124 | 60.2] 9,655] 19.9 ,064.| 16.7 By Nashville, Tenn.......... 1, 287 773 | 60.1 125| 9.7 231.|.17.9 12.8 New Bedford, Mass...... 23, 864 8,084; 33.7 2,408 | 10.1 13, 275-| - 55.6 © 0.6 New Haven, Conn....... A393, 832 9,459} 40.2} 3,500} 14.9 9,422 |. 40.0 - New Orleans, La......_:. 15, 497 6,065 | 39.1 1, 533 9.9 6,596 | . 42.6 8.4 New York, N. Y......-.. 1,020,090 || 424,748 | 41.6 | 162,533 | 15.9 | 395,912 | 38.8 3.6 Bronx borough....... 135, 456 68,185 | 50.3 | 22,632 | 16.7 39,278 |. -29.0 4.0 Brooklyn borough....| 341,527 147,373 | 43.2 | 56,203 | 16.5} 125,103 | 36.6. 3.3 Manhattan borough. .| 468,506 168,534 | 36.0-| 72,228} 15.4 | 212,342) 45:3 | 3.3 Queens borough...... 57, 132 82,423 | 56.8 8,442} 14.8 13,750-| 24.1 4.4 Richmond borough..| 17, 469 8,283 | 47.1 3,028 | 17.3 5,439 } 31.1 4.4 NeowarkiNg J... .d. . 61,914 25,156] 40.6| 8,614] 13.9]. 25,980} 42.0 5 Norfolk, Va......0....-.. 4,439 1,881 | 41.2 863 | 19.4 1,525} 34.4 5.9 Oakland, Calif. .......... 25,492 12,517] 49.1] 4,058] 15.9 8,008} 31.4] > 3,6 Omaha, Nebr............ 19,910 9/762 | 49.0| 4,795) 24.1 4015 | 20.2 4- 6,7 Paterson; N; J, i... 2.24 23, 205 11,241 | 48.4] 2,693] 11.6 8,651.| 37.3} eT Philadelphia, Pa......-.. 205,518 98,085 | 47.7 | 30,176} 14.7] 70,226 | 34.2 Si 4 Pittsburgh, Pa........... 65, 367 32,571 | 49.8} 8,397] 12.8]. 22,438 }-384.3-) 3.0 Portland, Oreg........... 27/344 || 13,590 | 49.7] 5,827] 21.3). 7,5031 27.4) mot of Providence, R.I1......... 34079 || 15,888] 46.6| 5,701| 16.7] 11,451} 33.6 3.0 Reading,’ Pa... id... 1.9% 5,457 1,934 | 35.4] 1,375] 25.2 1,933-| 35.4 2: Richmond, Va. 2./2....2! 2,533 1,230 | 48.6 355 | 14.0 663 | 26.2 11.3 Rochester, N. Y........: 36, 992 18,811 | 50.9| 5,707} 15.4] 10,801) 29.4 43 St. Louis; Mo... 2... -. af 86, 266 31,518 | 56.0} 9,347] 16.6]. 12,625| 22.4 4,9 St. Paul, Minn... .... 2.2: 28, 003 17,596 | 62.8] 5,088| 18.2 4,192} 15.0" ae Salt Lake City, Utah..... 9,737 5,792 | 59.5 | 1,312] 13.5 2,451 | 25.2 1.9 San Antonio, Tex...... teh 19, 494 3,273 | 16.8 668 3.4 14,491 | 74.3 }- 6.4 San Francisco, Calif...... 82,918 40,746 | 49.1] 11,007] 13.3 | 25,610] 30.9 6.7 Seranton, Pa............. 15, 139 7,811 | 51.6] 1,030] 6.8 5,414 | 35.8 5.8 Seattle, Wash..........:. 43,779 20,908} 47.8| 9,295} 21.2} 11,171} 25.5 5.5 Spokane, Wash.........- 9, 463 5,757 | 60.8] 1,575] 16.6 1,974 | 20.9 eT Springfield, Mass........- 15, 873 6,452 | 40.6] 3,278] 20.7 5,902 | 37.2 UME 6 eyracusey N.Y. 20%. 1.3: 17, 433 8,130 | 46.6] 2,046] 11.7 6,770 | 38.8 ee B Toledo, Ohio............. 21, 751 10,741 | 49.4] 4,017] 18.5 6,419-| 29.5 |- 2.6 Trenton, N. J... 2.35. <4 63. 16, 477 6,230 | 87.8| 3,367 | .20.4 6,414} 38.9 .8 Washington, D.C........ 15, 142 8,179 | 54.0] 1,838) 12.1 3,376 | 22.3 6 Wilmington, Del......... 9,347 3,621 | 38.7| 1,335] 14.3 3,875} 41.5 5.5 Worcester, Mass.......-.. 27, 874 11,274| 40.4] 4,713 | 16.9] 11,134} 39.9 ed Wonkergy nN. Yi 0.f<.< deve 12,990 6,921 | 53.3] 1,813] 14.0 3,991 | 30.7 0 Youngstown, Ohio....... | © 20,697 6,381 | 30.8] 2,635) 12.7}. 11,175-| 54.0 4 OVTALTIOT—CITIZENSHIEP: 10 TESA 1358 | ae t /FEMALES, FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR ‘MORE: 1920: HME wily Lab ‘3 | aie! fe od FOREIGN-BORN WHITE FEMALES, . . hina Nakusalized. Having first Rot Citizenship i a , papers. : not reported. B iroqey px Total. |||, oo - Num- Per | Num- | Per | Num- Per | Num- | Per e ber. - | cent. | ber., | cent. | ber. | cent. | ber. | cent. Sale hy Akron, Ohio... 0220s). 13, 282 4,709 | 35.5 Ee a BI 7,947 | 59.8 439 | 3 ‘Albany, N iE eae & 8,660 || '90 5,247 | 60.6 100°} 1.2 3,102 | 35.8 211 34 eens, pa. p00); 207 sf. 2,038 |] > 1,214 | 59.6 S74. 8 595 |. 29/2 ‘Atlas 3 ‘ ; : 192} 9.4 ‘Baltimore, Md........... 39, 877 20,591 | 51.6 6786 .1.7 | 17,840}. 44.7 768 | 4.9 Birmingham)‘Ala........ , 585 || M1828] 5104 21} 0.8 762 |. .29.'5 474) 18.3 Peoston, Mass)ib)...)...) 121, 149 63,835 | 44:0] 1,908 197 1.61] 59,740 |of 49.3 }0>6,166'} 5.1 ‘Bridgeport, Conn...) : 21,135 |] -/. 7,998 | 37.8 187}..0.9 | 10,916] 51-6) 2,034} 9.6 Mitigio, N.Yoct bos... t A 56, 782 ||.) 30,262 | | 54.14 79Lps 24) 20,814 Jo 86.7 $4818) | 7.6 @ambridge, Mass........ 16, 885 || 7,288 | 43:2 148}. 9 9,341 | 55.3. 10s‘; 0.6 {\ummmmdenis Ns ROLLE Py 9,176 |) 3)779 | 4109 81 0.9 4,575. | 49/9 74) | 8.1 (Chicago, Tl... .6.-......| (873,718 |) 201,894 | 540} 6,522) 17) 142,739 | 38.2} 22,563) 610 Gincinnati, Ohio is. ......,) 21,1035 13,906 | 66.1 294° 1.4 5,535. | 26.3'|! 1,300) 6i2 “| leveland, Ohio.:......,. S106, 463 48,851) (4506 fo 1,768 po 16] 51,903. 4.48.8.) 45256) 450 Taye ObH0, 880...) Sho (9G, 942 | 4,135 | 5926 il 1:6 1,832 | 26.4 864!) 12.4 Pallas, Tex! did.ss2s...). 2) 48, 633 4,554 | 4228 51 1.4 1,585 | 43.6 443\) 12.2 kee | Ege ‘ t ; (@@ayton, Ohio... i022... 5,717 8, 269°} 57,2 96] 4.7 2,172 | 38.0 18 Penyer, Colo.) sc...) 16, 724 11, 263.| 67-3: 305°) 1.8 4,673 | 27.9 483 5 i $s Moines, Iowas.....1. 5, 018 3,299 | 65,8 55 j.1 PUBS | = T2385 474 9.5 | $etroit, Mich?) |...) 120, 202 49,099 | 40.8 |). 2,389 |°°2.0| 63,204 | 52.61 5 510 | 4.6 | Pal River, Mass!)277111. 21,997 | 7,912 | 36.0 143°} 0.7 | 13,446 | 61.1 |" '*496'} , 2'3 _ Port Worth, Tox....... i 2,621) 749 | 28.6 1830" <.7 1,362 |-° 52.0: 492 | 18.8 Grand Rapids, Mich. ....} |. 13,356 (,378.| 55.2 224") 47 4,603.1.84.5 ) T1541 | 8:6 “VHartford, Conn. .2.. 2.2... 19, 197 8,294 | 43.2: 199 f° 1.0 | 10,420’) 54:3 284; 105 | Houston, Tex. .-..-...... 5, 203 2,169 | 41.7 41 0.8 2,547 | 49.0} 446 8.6 | Indianapolis, Ind........ 7,599 4,055 | 53.4 193 | 2.5 2,227 | -29.3'| 1,124.) s1428 de BY PND ign ss} - 35,769 | 17,871} 50.0 349) 1,0] 16,384 {45.77 Tosh | 304 E ity, Kans....... 4, 806 1,985 | 413 94'|' 2.0 2,556 | 53.2 T712b K326 Kansas City, Mo.-....... 11, 943 6,574 | 55.0 io es Ld 8,718} 31.1-]\- 1, 8164) (12.7 it s Angeles, Calif...... +-| 51,869 | 23,964 | 46.2 &38 1.6 | 24,056}. 46.4 |’ 3,011} » 5.8 | Donisvilie, Ky. 220222221) 5, 739 3,757 | 65.5 70 Sg 906'|'° 15.8) 3.1, 006"| 1705 “Lowell, Mass. ae eel ee Ae 19,574 7,893 | 40.3 169} 0.9} 11,336 | 57.9 176 2 emphis, Tenm......... 2, 509 -Wy1l4| 44.4 39. 1.6 "983 | 35.2). 473 86 | Milwaukee, Wis.-.......-| 49,365 || °+26,543'| 563.8 fo 1,620} 3.3] 18,719 | 37.91.» 2,483} 8.0 ‘Minneapolis, Minn....... 39, 630 24,996 | 63.1 989)}) 25} 11,598}: 29.3)}. 2,047} + 52 : Nashville, Tenn........../) 1,100 | 659 | 59.9 9}. 0.8 266 | 24.2 166 | 15.1 | w Bedford, Mass...... 24, 825 8,263 | 33.3 243} 1,0} 16,094.) 64.8 2251 0.9 New Haven, Gonn....... 22, 154 8,992) 40.6 207] 0.9} 11,058} 49.9) 1,897} 8&6 i Orleans; Las.......- 10, 495 4,067} 38.8 58} 0.6 4,411 |. 42.0)o (1,959 | 118.7 New York, ST ee 971,457 || 382,274 | 29.4 | 16,255} 1.7} 514,743 | 53,0 | 58,185 | 6.0 _» Bronx borongh....... 131,515 i} 61,949 | 47-2 p> 1,829) 1.4) 58,936}, 44.8 | 8,801 | | 6.7 » » Brooklyn borough . . -) 317,760 || 183,417 | 42.0}. 4,604 | 1.4] 160,257) 50.4]..19,482 | 6.1 | Manhattan: borough, .| 453,574 || 149,196 | 32.9]. 8,907}. 2.0 | 270,235) 59.6} 25,2361 5:6 + Queens borough... ..- 54, 544 81,103 | 57.0 726.643 | 19, 06344:934..9»}:.53,652 | | 6:7 Richmond borough...) 14, 064 | 6,609} 47:0 189 13 6,252) 44.5 1,014 72 te Oe 55, 089 23,212} 42.1 536} 1.0] 27,889 |--50.6]. 3)452°| 6.3 ite, Vg a 2, 148 1,204.1 56.1 AG.4 0 765 |< °35..6[ E58 "b | 94 Mand, Cait). . 19, 670 10,895 | 55.4 366} 1,9 7, 553 |- 38.4 856 |.) 4,4 a, Nobeot.-. 11. 15,471 8,337 | 53.9 344.) B92 5,299 | 34.3]. 1491 | 9.6 Paverson, Ni. Fo... 2... 21,940 10,572 | 48.2 260 | 1.2 9,807 1.45.1) 1, 218) | 5 Philadelphia, Pa........- 192, 409 91,625 | 47.6) 2,283 }\ 1.2) 87,130 }° 45.3) 110371 | - $29 ttsburgh, Pa........... 54,899 || 29,864) 54.4 569'F 10] 21,709 |}- 39:5 19 27574 5-0 Moree 2 oo. 19, 770 11,383 | 57.6 486 | 2.5 7,458 | 37.7 438 | | 2.2 ovidence, R.I......... 34, 872 16,813 | 48.2 632°} 61.8] 15,8386 | 45.417 1,591'| | 4.6 He Palen tl 4, 096 1,535 | 37.5 691° 4.7 2,232 | 54.5 260 | 6.3 Richmond, Va........... 2,104 1,057 | 50.2 40] 1.9 748 | 35.6 259'| 12.3 Rochester, N.Y:......... 34, 329 18,052.| 52.6 483'| 1.4] 18,656] 39.8] 2,138 6.2 St. Louis, Mo............ 46,973 27,026 | 57.5 671} 1.4] 15,701 | 33.4) 3,575 | 7.6 St. Paul, Minn) 277777221] | 23, 592 || 15,772 | 66.9 560 | 2.4 5,922 |. 25.1) 1,338) 5.7 alt Lake City, Utah..... 9,697 ||° 6,517 | 67.2 236 | 2.4 2,763 | 28.5 181} 1.9 n Antonio, Tex........ 17, 152 3,116 | 18,2 2560 25 | 12 548 V7S2 hd eed T YF mn Francisco, Calif.._... 57, 282 29,183 | 50.9] 1,040}. 1.8] 21,916] 38.3] 5,143} | 9.0 Balsu.U. 24. 13, 429 7,347 | 54.7 72|- 0.5 4,763 | 35.5.) 1,247} 9.3 ~ ae 30, 096 16,743 | 55.6 600}. 2.0} 10,356] 84.41 .2,397] 8.0 pokane, Wash.......... 7,363 4,951 | 67.2 141}. 1.9 2,077 | -28.2 194} 2.6 bringfield, Mass......... 15, 377 6,847 | 44.5 286 1.9 7,809 | 50.8 435 2.8 PracuseyN. Yo.c¢.0....1 14, 888 8,255 | 55.4 160} 4.1 5,969 | 40.1 504} 3.4 dle Bees. 16, 394 9,801 | 59.8 265}. 1,6 5,634 | 34.4 694} 4.2 Cee 13, 596 5,609 | 41.3 185 po) 44 7,248 |, 53.3 554;} 4:1 hingtom, D.C....... 13, 406 |] i 7,828 | 54:7 348 | 2.6 4,051 |, 30.2) 1,679} 12:5 ilmington, Del......... 6, 932 3,135 | 45.2 64} 0.9 3,136 | 45.2 597} 8.6 Worcester, Mass.......... 25, 544 11,319 | 44.3 279)) ° As | (12,536 | 492} od 41OY | 5 \Benikers; N}Yiols.:..... 12,710 6,814) 53.6 386}: 3.0 5,137.4) 40,4 373} 2.9 ngstown, Ohio....... ; 13,187 || 5,485 |. 41.4 119} 0.9 7,075 | 53.9 508-1 3.9 75108°—23 23 354. ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. | TABLE 96. CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES AND- FEMALES OR. MORE: {Noinquiry as to the citizenship FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER—NUMBER. CIEE Total. Naturalized. Having first papers. 1920 1910 1920 1910 1920 1910 2 Agron, Ohio.28. Sf. 22, 642 7, 051 5, 951 2,459 2 |-Albany, N.Wio... 28)... 8, 392 8, 192 5, 083 4, 827 3| Atlanta, Ga.2i...i.....! 2,476 2, 287 1, 396 1,011 4 Baltimore, Maio Sk... 40, 496 33, 638 20, 944 16, 643 5 | Birmingham, Ala........ 3, 199 2, 944 1, 564 1,179 6 | Boston, Mass.......-.--- 109, 209 103, 160 51, 418 47, 791 7 Bridgeport, Conn) 34 Jif 23, 292 17,114 8, 342 6, 563 8°} Buffalo, NoYes. 408 2: 60, 068 56, 337 31, 184 : 9 Cambridge, Massi AW. 2 14, 000 14, 636 6, 512 7,162 10 | Camden, N.J....20..--- 10, 177 7, 397 3, 764 3, O41 11 | Chicago, "TVG OC. 1k 63 , 401, 965 379, 850 214, 854 190, 693. 12 | Cincinnati, Ohio.......-. 20, 588 26, 723 14, 036 17, 253 13 | Cleveland, Olio. | 04 6. 122, 646 94, 431 50, 535 40, 482 14 Columbus, Ohio... 4../.. 8, 402 8, 487 4,489 4, 453. 15 | Dallas, Tex......1.-.-.-. 4, 484 2,811 1, 909 1, 504 16.| Dayton, Ohio. ...-...,... 6, 863 7, 303 3, 520 3, 451 17 | Denver, Colo... ...-...-.- 19, 728 19, 204 12, 300 10, 959 18 | Des Moines, Towa: syn 3/2 5, 836 5, 231 3,711 2 19 | Detroit, Mibtirs. . i tome (on - 158, 144 75, 323 52, 557 32, 891 20.| Fall River, Mass......°.. 18, 377 20,181 7, 205 8, 368 21| Fort Worth, Tex.......- 3, 892 2, 541 1, 002 963 22 | Grand Rapids, Mich... .. 13, 948 13, 689 7, 637 7, 758 23 | Hartford, Conn.......-..- 19, 759. 13,975 8, 381 6, 294 24 | Houston, Tex..........- 5, 87 3, 466 2,626 1,754 25 Indianapolis, TG? sas Sve 8, 860 10, 407 4,305 6, 088 26 | Jersey City, N. J. - 37, 665 37, 707 || 18,198 16, 556 27 | Kansas City, Kans...... 6, 190 | 5, 710 2, 160 2,427 28 | Kansas City, Mo.-.....-- 14, 096 13, 052 7, 706 6, 953 29.; Los Angeles, Calif. ....-- 58, 626 29, 576 24, 605 14, 097 30°] Louisville, Ky.........-- 5, 679 3, 334 3, 967 5, 704 31 | Lowell, Mass......--..-- 17, 119 18, 191 7,090 7,028 32 | Memphis, Tenn......... 3, 024 3, 403 1,343 1, 664 33 | Milwaukee, Wis..-.-...--- 56, 586 56, 101 || 27, 448 26, 155 34 Minneapolis, Minn. ...-- 45, 854 45, 159 28, 261 23, 462 351} Nashville) Tenn .. 272. .... 1, 185 1,435 738 951 36 | New Bedford, Mass...... 20, 980 17,151 | 7, S71 5, 441 37 | New Haven, Conn...-.-.. 21, 594 19, 194 9, 107 8, 628 38 | New se bai tee 14, 304 13, 486 5, 905 | .* 6, 188 39 | New York, N. Y.-....-- 927, 742 828, 793 405, 009 318, 091 40 Bronx borough a eo 124, 230 68, 676 65, 022 33,188 41 Brooklyn borough. . 309, 815 248,544 |, 140,340 109, 100 42 Manhattan borough. 423, 541 461, 246 160, 174 148, 847 43 Queens borough...-. 53, 942 38, 350 31, 524 21, 019 44 Richmond borough. . 16, 214 11, 977 7, 949 5, 937 45 ‘| Newark, N. Jez... ss. -++ 56, 524 49, 674 24, 026 2, 427 46 | Norfolk, PM ape dik «5's 4, 059 1, 820, |! 1, 702 931 47 | Oakland, Calif........-.. 23, 907 19, 334 |) 12,190 10, 237 48 | Omaha, Nebr.! oi ois... 18, 520 18, 165 9, 320 9,035 49 | Paterson, N.J.....-..-+- 21, 102 20, 182. |) 10, 708 9, 817 50 Philadelphia ee es eee 188, 025 167, 072 || 92,819 69,415 OL: | PHaisbureh. Pa: : tae 61, 394 70,148 31, 217 28, 797 52 | Portland, ie ot Serge 25, 409 25, 230. |! 13, 094 11, 251 53 | Providence, R.1--....-- 31,410 32, 863 |} 15, 217 12, 988 54 | Reading, Pa......-.....- 5, 009 4,528 i 861 1, 430 59; |. Richmond, .Va- -. 2... -- 2,348 2,040 | L 175 943 56 | Rochester, N, Y......-+- 33, 316 27, 067 |! 17, 681 13, 003 57 | St. Louis, Moz.::. jave o 52, 701 63, 440 30, 562 33, 081 58 | St..Paul, Minn. -.-.2....- 26, 453 29, 048 17, 043 17, 071 59 | Salt Lake City, Utah.. 8, 947 8, 675 5, 528 “45335 60 | San Antonio, Tex....-.. 14, 310 7, 354 3, 056 3, 114 61} San Francisco, Calif. .... 78, 211° 75, 768 39, 677 36, 375 62.) Scranton, Pals... i222. 14, 247 17, 461 7, 546 7, 930. 63 | Seattle, Wash... 22.0: 40,727 | 36, 097 20, 075 16, 438 64 Spokane, Wash...2eerdee 8, 837 12,389 5, 555 5, 495 65 Springfield, Mass. ......- 14, 674 |. 9, 942 6, 206 4,182 66 | Syracuse, N. Y.......... 16, 213 14, 944 7, 853 7, 036 67 | Toledo, Ohio. ..........- 20, 281 15, 826 10, 383 8, 752 68 | Trenton, N. J..........- 15, 075 12, 938 5, 951 5, 253 69 | Washington, D.C....... | 914,042 11, 738 7, 786 6,474 70 | Wilmington, Del. . Blt 8,777 6, 754 3, 488 2, 872 71 | Worcester, Mass......... 25, 911 22, 816 10, 892 9, 126 72| Yonkers, N. Y.......... |? £19; 176 12, 295 6, 649 5, 629 A | 73 | Youngstown, Ohio. ..... 19, 282 14, 027 6, 106 4, 268 i Includes population of South Omaha for 1910. \- CITIZENSHIP. 355 1 ee eats OF AGE AND OVER, FOR CITIES HAVING, ‘IN 1920, 100,000 INHABITANTS _ of females was made in 1910.] | FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 21 YEARS FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 2] YEARS OF AGE AND OF AGE AND OVER—NUMBER. OVER—PER CENT. J Adten. Citizenship not ied Having first Citizenship : reported. Naturalized papers. Alien. not reported. ey 1920 1910 1920 1910 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 11,028 | 3,198 629 1,077 || 26.3 | 34.9] 22.2] 4.5| 48.7] 45.4] 281} 15.3] 1 | 2,291 1, 661 114 1,242 || 60.6 | 58.9| 10.8] 5.6) 27.3] 20.3| 141] 15.2} 2 588 565 235 518 || 56.41 44.2|.10.4| 84] 23.7| 24.7] 9.5] 22.6113 11, 494 9, 559 424 4,772 || 51.7| 49.5} 18.9] 7.9] 28.4] 28.4] 1.0]. 14.2] 4 6 839 616 740 || 48.9| 40.0} 18.0] 6.3] 18.8] 28.5] 19.3] 25.1] 5 | 35,815 | 40,516] 3,339] 4,415 || 47.1] 46.3] 17.1] 101] 32.8] 39.3] 3.1] 43/6 | 8 8, 136 1,378 1/377 || 35.8| 38.3] 203] 61.) 380) 47.5| 5.9] 8.0] 7 S| 13,996| 16,255| 2,922| 6,354] 51.9] 52.2]-19.9) 7.7] 23.3] 28.9] 491] 11.3] 8 Si). 6,323 5, 866 57 419 ||} 46.5|. 48.9) 15.1] 81] 380] 40.1] 0.4] 29] 9 3,610 | 2,952 473 918 || 37.0| 41.1| 22.9| 6.6] 35.5] 39.9] 4.6) 12.4] 10 | 76,266 | 124,553! 17,163| 33,019') 53.5! 50.2] 23.3} 83] 190! 32.8) 4.3) 8&7) 11 pis 3,474 742 1,487 || 68.2| 64.6] 11.3] 6.5] 16.9| 23.4). 3.6] 5.6] 12 ‘| 32,349] 40,221 3,038 | 5,902 || 41.2] 42.9] 29.9] 83] 26.4] 42.6] 2.5] 6-3) 13 | 2,160} 2,349 839 1,271 || 53.4} 52.5] 10.9| 4.9] 25.7] 27.7] 10.0} 15.0 | 14 | 1,591 3 449 710 || 42.6| 53.5] 11.9] 4.8] 35.5 | 16.5) 10.0} 25.3} 15 “| 2,098} 2,964 175 492 || 51.3| 47.3} 15.6| 5.4| 30.6] 406] 2:5| 6.7] 16 ‘| 3,980} 3,801 536 | 2,342 || 62.3| 57.1] 14.8] 10.9] 20.2] 19.8) 2.7] 12.2] 17 | 980 893 508 1,251 || 63.6 | 53.7] 10.9| 5.4] 16.8| 17.1] 87] 23.9} 18 | 51,490} 28,733 | 4,633] 6,428 || 34.3} 43.7] 29.0] 9.7] 33.6] 381] 3.0} 85} 19 | 9,309) 10,594 236 487 || 39.2| 41.5] 89] 3.6]°50.7| 52.5] 1.3] 2.41} :20 ‘| 2,075 9 606 632 || 25-7| 37.9| 5.4| 3.8] 53.3| 33.4] 15.6] 24.9] 21 lel. 2, 227 3, 301 859 1,614 || 54.8| 56.7} 23.1] 7.4] 16.0] 24.1] 6.2] 11.8} 22 “| 8,036 5, 751 220 818 || 42.4] 45.0] 15.8| 80] 40.7|. 41.2} 1.1] 5.9] 23 Bir 2,131 46 442 727 || 44.7| 50.6} 11.6} 6.9] 36.3| 21.5) 7.5} 21.0 |'24 Bie 1, 782 1,795 916 1,335 || 48.6| 58.5] 21.0] 11.4] 20.1} 17.2] 10.3] 12.8] 25 19,734; 14,404] < 559] 3,680 || 48.3] 43.9] 16.4} 81] 33.8} 38.2] 1.5] 9.8426 | 2,321 1, 734 190 907 || 34.9| 42.5) 24.5] 11.2] 37.5| 30.4] 3.1] 15.9) 27 | 3,191 2, 564 1,422] 2,645 || 54.7} 53.3] 126] 6.8] 22.6] 19.6] 10.1] 20.3 | 28 ‘| 19,328} 8662] 2,803 4087. || 45.9 | 47.7] 12.8| 9.2 36.0 | 29.3] 5.2] 13.8} 29 é 3 1, 152 677 1/098 || 69.9| 684| 87| 46] 9.6] 13.8] 11.9] 18.2] 30 ‘| 8,014} — 9,897 103 839 || 41.4/ 38.6] 11.2] 2.3] 46.8] 54.4] 06] 4.61] 31 Bi 8 808 505 734\| 44.4} 48.9} 11.1| 5.8] 27.7 + 23.7] 16.7} 21-6} .32 | 14,731 | 14,435 1,953 5,624 || 48.5] 46.6} 22.0] 17.6] 26.0] 25.7] 3.5] 10,0433 |. 6,5 10, 305 1,472 5,965 || 61.6 | 52.0| 20.8| 120] 14.4] 22.8] 3.2] 13.2 | 34 Shee 194 170 149 934 || 62.3| 66.3) 10.5| &6| .14.7| 11.8} 12.6.) 16/3 | 35 | 10,946 | 10,084 126 838 || 36.1| 31.7] 11.1] 4:6] 52.2| 58.8] 0.6} 4.9] 36 | 7,998 7,693 1,050 1,447 || 42.2} 45.0] 15.9] 74] 37.0] 40.1} 4.9] 7.5'| 37 5,740 | 3,703 1, 186 3,050 || 41.3 | 45.5| 10.3) 4.4] 40.1] 27.5} 8.3] 22.6} 38 | 330,184 | 339,473} 32,725 | 64,704 || 43.7} 38.4 | 17.2| 12.9] 35.6} 41.0] 3.5] 7.8} 39 | 32,232 | 20,970} 4,690 5,670 || 52.3 | 48.3] 17.9] 12.9| 25.9) 30.5] 3.8| 83°} 40 | 102,756 | 90,521 | 11,562| 14,663 || 45.3 | 43.9| 17.8] 13.8] 33.2] 36.4] 3.7) 5.9} 41 +) 178,861 | 212,777| 13,467| 40,961 |) 37.8] 32.3] 16.8] 12.7] 42.2) 46.1} 3.2] 89 | 42 ) 14,758} 11,089] 2)305| 2,304 || 58.4] 54.8] 15.5| 10.0] 21.8] 28.9] 4.3] 6.2) 43 | 4,577 4,116 701 1,016 || 49.0| 49.6] 184] 7.6] 28.2) 344] 4.3] 85} 44 |} 22,102 | 19, 204 1,910 4,061 |) 42.5| 43.1| 15.0] 10.0) 30.1 | 38:7] 3.4] 8.2 | 45 te 1,317 565 203 173 || 41.9 | 51.2} 20.6] 83] 32.4] 31.0] .5.0} 9.5} 46 \) 6,902} 5,968} © 831 1,125 || 51.0| 52.9| 16.7] 10.4] 28.9| 30.9]. 3.5} °5.8 | 47 ‘| 3,209} 4,170 1,236 | 2,194 |} 50.3 | 49.7] 25.7 | 15.2] 17.3} 23.0] 6.7] 12.1 | 48 ‘| 7,197} 6,029 568 2949} 50.7] 48.6| 125] 6.9} 34.1) 29.9} 27] 14.6 | 49 ‘| 59,133} 63,156| 6,445| 18,968] 49.4] 41.5] 15.8] 9.3] 31.4| 37.8]. 3.4) 11.4 | 50 ‘|. 20,072} 28,439 1, 822 7,557 || 50.8 | 41.1] 13.5| 7.6] 327} 40.5] 3.0] 10.8 | 51 | 6,162 | 7,097 389 | 3,824 |} 51.5| 44.6] 22.7| 12.1] 24.3] 281} 1.5] 15.2'| 52 | 9,662] 14,910 958 | 2,150} 48.4| 30.5] 17.7| 86] 30.8| 45.4] 3.0], 6.5 | 53 | 1,583 2,675 203 209 || 37.2] 31.6} 27.2] 4.7] 31.6] 59.1] 4.1} 4.61 54 a0.” 563 503 262 471 || 50.0| 46.2) 14.8| 6.0} 24.0) 24.7 |. 11.2] 28.19/55 | 8,558| 8,361 1,474 2,756 || 53.1] 48.0} 16.8! 10.9] 25.7 | 30.9] 4.4] 10.2 | 56 | 10,303} 15,918] 2,608 7,392 || 58.0| 52.1] 17-5] 11.1] 19.5] 251] 4.9] 11.7] 57 | 3,382] 5,576 1,069| 3,815 || 64.4] 588] 189] 89) 12.6) 192] 4.0}. 13.1 | 58 | 1,963 1,990 173 1,392 || 61.8| 50.0] 14.3] 11.0] 21.9 22.9] 1.9] 16.0 | 59 ‘} 10,226 | = 2, 223 884 1,745 || 20.6| 42.3] 4.3] 3.7] 69.0] 30.2] 6.0| 23.7 | 60 | 22,488 | 21,872| 5,161 6,840 || 50.7] 48.0| 13.9] 14.1] 28.8! 28.9} 6.6] 9.0} 61 4,843 | 6, 83 1,766 || 53.0) 45.4] 7.2] 5.5] 34.0] 389) 5.9 }°10.1 | 62 9,333 | 11,474 2,133 5117 || 49.3 | 45.5 | 22.6} 8.5 | 22.9) 31.8} 5.2] 14,2} 63 1,576 | 8, 451 143 2069 |} 62.9] 44.4] 17.7] 111] 17.8] 27.9] 1.6] 16.7 | 64 5,058] 4,520 214 448 || 42.3| 42.1| 21.8| 8.0} 34.5] 45.5} 15] 94.55 65 5,899} 4,715 459 2,331 || 48.4] 47.1] 123| 5.8] 36.4| 31.6|° 28) 15.6 | 66 5,416 | 4,308 538 2042 || 51.2} 55.3| 19.4| 4.6] 26.7] 27.2}. 2.7] 12.9 | 67 5,374 | 5, 736 434 1,006 || 39.5} 40.6} 22.0| 7.3} 35.6| 44.3] ..2.9]- 7.8| 68 - 2,842] 2,304 1, 639 1,902 || 55.4] 55.21 12.6] 9.0] 20.2). 19.6) 11.7 | 16.2} 68 3,487 2,671 484 691 || 39.7] 42.5| 15.0] 7.7] 39.7]. 39.5.) 5.5} 10.2'} 70 9,698 | 11,184 684 992 || 42.0| 40.0|-17.9| 6.6} 37.4} 49.0) 26! 4.3] 71 3,518} 5,060 242 496 || 54.6| 45.8] 14.5] 9,0| 28.9) 41.2| 20) 40: 72 10,098 | 7,543 478 1,555 || 31.7| 30.4] 13.5] 47] 52.4) 53.8) 2.5) 11} 7% CE ae tis | at ad ae A | ee) he eeu, 356 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 96.—CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. MALES AND. ees 21 “ YEARS. OF AGE AND OVER, FOR CITIES HAVING, IN 1920, 100,000 INHABI ANTS 0. MORE: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. > [No inquiry as to the citizenship of females was made in 1910.J0 > a FOREIGN-BORN WHITE FEMALES 21 YEARS’ OF AGE! AND OVER: 1920 t 4 Sgr a uiidtaving first. 4. . Citizenship R CITY. Naturalized. papers. Alien... | not reported, © Total. : Num- | Per | Num- | Per || Num- |) Per ber. cent. | ber. | cent ber cent. Akton; Ohioi- 2 g0%. .). 11,270 4,343 | 38.5 154'} 1.4 6,399 | 56.8 3,3 Alljany, No. Se 1 7, 956 5,025 | '63. 2 89} 11 2,653 | 33.3 2.4 Atlanta, Gai ...:. da... 1,796 1,100 | 61.2 33} 1.8 495 | 27.6 9.4 Baltimore, Md.....:....- 36,151 19,693]. 54.5 605'} 1.7 | 915,123 | 418° 28 oBirmingham, Alal.i..... 2,271 1,227 | 64.0 19 | .0.8 6 26.7) 185— Boston, Mass.....2.5)...- 111, 827 || (51,404 | 46.04 9,723} 1.5 | - 52,954] 474 5.1 Bridgeport, Conn ........ 19,016 7,544 | °39.7 169} 0.9 9,444 | 49.7 9.8 Buffalo, Nj Yi. 00h . 23 51,648 |} '29,391 | 56.9 730/)) 1.4 |, 17,537 | 34,0 7% Cambridge, Mass...{/.... 15,490 ||. 7,058 | (45.6 134 | 0.9 |; 8,200 | 52.9] 0.6 — Camden, N.J....2..2.... 8) 208 35537 | 43.1 76'|) 0.9 |' 8,912 | 47.74 8.3 Chicago, Ill.......2..0.... 341,838 || 192/341 |. 56.3 | .°6,000:|..1.8 | 422,551 | 35.9) 6.1, Cincinnati, Ohio........- o° 19,761 || 413/511 |. 68.4 266 | 1.3 4,720 | 23. 9:} © 6.4 Cleveland, Ohio... ..20.... 95,147 045,650 | °48.04 <1, 543.) 4.6 44,185 | 46.4. 40 Columbus, Ohio..2.22...- 6, 324 & 3,931 4 62, 2 | 10V., 1.7 1,496 | 23.7 2. } Dallas, Tex. .' this need: 3, 011 1,455 | 48.3 45.) 1.5 1,149 | 38.2. | Dayton, Ohio.... 2.50... 5,197 3,115 |. 59.9 85 § 1.6 1,835 |) 35.3% Sede | Denver, Colo:.... 3.2. See 15, 554 10,948 } 70,4 } 286} 1.8 3,860 | 24.8 0 Des Moines} Towa-....... 4, 605 3,143 | 68.3 53}' 1.2 -967 | 21.07 6 Detroit, Mich. ...2..2.... 104, 366 45,864 |, 43.9} 02,1214. 2.0] . 51,569 |, 49.4 6 Fall River, Mass. ..2....- > 19, 768 7, 654 | 38.7 128} 0.6 |, 941,555 | 685 | Fort Worth, Tex. J... .-. 1,976 698 | 35.3 18} .0.9 |: 876 |) BA S5po ay Grand Rapids, Mich..... 12, 233 4111 | 58.1 207.) 1.7 3,830 | 31.3 8.9 Hartiord, Conn... 2u2. J. 17, 262 7,904 |) /45.8 17Es* 1.0 8,923 | 51:7 a | Elouston, Pexg eo a 4, 245° 2,020 | 47.6 33'{° 0.8 1,805 | 42.5) § Indianapolis, Ind. ....... 7, 140 3,905 54. 7 1854+. 2.6 1,967 || 2745 2 Jersey City, N. Jo... | 883,012 || 17,146 | 51.9 318 |) 1.0] °14,433 |) 4307 4 Kansas City, Kans. 2... - 4,144 1,896 | 45.8 Obit 2. 2 2,002 | 48.3°}° 7 Kansas City, Mo, 2.42... 10, 632 6,186 | 58,2 125°) 4. 2 2,931 | 27.6. 13.1 Los Angeles, Calif..0..... 45, 084 22,943 } 50.9 763 |) 1.7 18,728 | 41.5 5.9 Louisville, Ky... 20... 5, 503 3,656 | 66.4 66, |. 1.2 797 | 14.5, 1. Lowell, Mass........22.2- 17, 904 7,628 | 42.6 151). 0.8 9,979 |. 5567 3 Memphis, Tenn.......... 2, 270 1,053 | 46.4 33'}) 1.7 733 | 32.3 Milwaukee; Wis.......... 45, 098 25,481 | (56.5 1,500 | 3.3 15,781 | 35.0) 5.2 Minneapolis, Minn....... 36, 881 23;972 | .65..0 905 4° 2.5 }/| 10,100 | 27/4 5.2 Nashville, Tenn...2...... ew 1,012 626 | 61.9 ae 0.7 218 | 2105 eh New Bedford, Mass.....- 21, 506 7,706 } 85,8 202,): 0.9} 018,392 |, 62037 1.0 New Haven, Conn....... 20, 040 8;603..|' 42, 9 175} 0.9 |. © 9,485 |. 473 8.9 New Orleans, La..:...... 9, 510 3,876 | 40.8 52s) O45 3,781 | 3928} 4 1859 New York, N. Y......... 870, 140 || 360,255} 41.4] 44,838] 1.7] 441,892 | 5008¢ Oe Bronx borough ........ 118, 863 58, 287 | 49.0 1,628}. 14 50,947 | 42:9: 6.7 Brooklyn borough...... 283,451 || 125,779 | 44.4 4,076). 14] 185,643 | 47.9 1 OR Manhattan borough. ...} . 403,879 || 139,873 | 34.6 | »8,2604 2.0] 232,933 || 57.7 BAG) Queens borough........ 51, 070 30,015 |. 58.8 692 | 1.4 16,923 | 33J1 ONE Richmond borough. ... 12, 877 6,301 | 48.9 182 |. 1.4 5,446 | 42,3 « Newark, No Ji. is0 be... 49,435 || 22,019 | 44.5 473;|, 1.0 | | 928,797] 481 6.4 WNortolk, Vai.ai. ....) dk.) 1, 887 1,097 |} 58.1 18:4) 1.0 628 3 : Oakland, Calif. .......... 18,046 || 10,467 | 58.0 339.) 1.9 6,455 | 35.8 4.3 Omaha, Nebr.....:...... 14, 065 7,890-|, 56.1 319 |. 2.3| 4464] 37 9.9 Paterson, Nog. be Te... 19,644 || 9,992} 50.9 226. 1.(2 8,285 | 42.2 . & Philadelphia, Pa......... 173,623 || . 85,864 | 49.5} 02,031] 1.2] 75,007| | 43.2 Pittsburgh 7 Ba... .t.62... 50, 513 28,382 | 56.2 513:4™ 1.0 19,083 | 37.8 Portland, Oreg seh | 17, 724 || | 10,782 | 60.8 444): 2.5 6,105 | 34.4 Providence, R. Ti. .2... 32, 031 16,051 |} 50.1 564}. 1.8 18,941 | 4325 Heading, Pa. ci -cs tebe... 3, 684 1,429 | 38.8 Olle 1.7 1,955 | 531 ' 239. Richmond, Va...... oe 1, 904 ® 6985 |) 5h.i7 , Bae 1,8 654} 343 , 231 | Rochester, N. Y..........} 30,352 ||. 16,835 |) 55.5 441] 1.5] 11,081 | 36:5) 1,995} St. Louis, Moz: .1.¢.¢).. Lt 43,015 25,868 | 60.1 614} 14 13,154 | 30.67) 3,379]. St. Paul, Minn -:))o.<07-* 21, 861 15,172 | 69.4 518.) 2, 4 4,917 | 220511 1,254 Salt Lake City, Utah... 8, 867 6,234 | 70.3 199 |. 2.2 2,267} 25.6 167 |. San Antonio, Tex........ 12, 299 2,873 | 23.4 2481. 2.0 8,162 | 66.4 1,016 | San Francisco, Calif. 2... . 52, 656 28,099 | 53.4 1,000;)° 2.9 | (18,7382 | 3506 4, 825 Scranton, Pas = ~J as Qo oo fs oo Out Be © = nen ROP Ri SIPS ESESSE . ~J go Gn font ae F bo WOOO OR ONW OMNES roy Or =) (a) gests es DO 815| 68.6 76 1,589] 62:8} 62:3 - be ie] CO. ies) ~] bo c=] _ Mon) ¢ NPS PO mrs ‘Leal — — ~J S w ~ =] —_ ~“ Oot ex 00 S101 DOs rocn On olen SS) Sh’ bo =I or PON CVE DD Or AT SSSARSSOVE ROR R'O'RUR 00 bo se + rs 00-G> I DeENOP RD. Meh gees wee om OCOWOROrKHOR OO. | HERE 358 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 97.—CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION AND OF FOREIGN: ~ BORN WHITE MALES AND FEMALES 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, FOR CITIES — HAVING FROM 25,000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION. 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. .. Citi- Number Per cent CITY: Natural | pay 00 Total. natural- natural- ized. av : ‘ \ ing ship ized. ized. Total. |} __| first} Alien. |} not ideahitd N Per | pees ore F F F um-| Per | pers. port- e e- e- ber. | cent. e Male. | male. | Male. | male. | Male-| male Iowa: is Cedar Rapids..... 5,863] 3,656] 62.4; 511] 1,296} 400)| 2,906] 2,474) 1,832] 1,689) 63.0) 68.3 Council Bluffs....| 3,988)| 2,448} > 61.4 183 747 610} 2,117} 1,648} 1,258) 1,113) 59.4) 67.5 Davenport....... 7,644|| 5,469) 71.5] 457) 941) 777|| 3,915] 3,419) 2,786 71.2) 75.0 Dubuque......-.- 4,221|| 3,149] 74.6] 217; | 487; 368) 2,194) 1,914} 1,663) 1,457] 75.8) 76.1 Sioux City........ 11,216]| 6,336] 56.5} 1,105| 3,300) 475)| 6,210} 4,177] 3,395] 2,663] 54.7} 63.8 _ Bee a a 2,929|| 1,630] 55.7} 238! 711) 350/| 1,605) 1,122} 851) 719} 53.0) 64.1 ~~ ANSAS Topeka. 2v...s2.. 4,000|| 2,105] 52.6} 325] 1,309] 261} 1,814} 1,668) 991) 1,041] 54.6] 62.4 — Wichita... .4 ck. 3,021)} 1,508) 49.9 107 988 418)| 1,494) 1,158 793 657| 53.1} 56.7 © KENTUCKY: Covington. ...-... 2, 883|| 2,248] 78.0} 128] 281} 226]! 1,401] 1,428} 1,148} 1,075) 81.9) 75.3 Lexington........ 800 436| 54.5 46 153 165 473 292 258 66) 54.5} 56.8 Newport.......... 2,093|} 1,626} 77.7 108 297 62 968] 1,007 791 T716\> Sleth TT LOUISIANA iten oe pape oe 1, 296 542| 41.8 46 452 256 687 495 313 202} 45.6] 40.8 AINE: Bangor. ot fub..2 3,740|| 1,472] 39.4] 242] 1,548] 478] 1,670} 1,741) 627] 785) 37.5) 45.1 Lewiston......... 10,262|| 3,681) 35.9] 624] 5,518] 489/] 4,144) 4,496] 1,703) 1,783! 41.1) 39.7 _ Portland......... 13, 229|| 6,285] 47.5| 932] 5,278, 734]| 5,834] 6,198) 2,782| 3,207| 47.7| 51.7 © MARYLAND: ; Cumberland...... 1, 163 493) 42.4 57 248) 365 642 452 275 202) 42.8) 44.7 Hagerstown..--.. 428} 247| 57.7 32 105 44 270 147 146 97| 54.1} 66.0 MASSACHUSETTS: Brockton ........ 17,124} 8,397| 49.0) 1,443) 7,045 239]; 8,194) 7,651) 3,986] 4,072} 48.6) 53.2 Brookline town..| 9,360|| 4,133] 44.2) 456) 4,664) 107|| 2,799} 6,186) 1,813] 2,244) 64.8] 36.3 @holses. 62.00 A 17, 198)| 5,966] 34.7] 1,801; 8,830; 601]| 8,046] 6,942] 2,918] 2,613] 36.3} 37.6 Chicopee......-.. 12,182!) 3,635} 29.8] 1,061| 7,328] 158] 5,982) 5,267| 1,746] 1,734) 29.2! 32.9 Everett. 9 poe 11,079|} 6,079) 54.9) 917) 4,031 52|| 4,984) 5,214) 2,757) 3,096) 55.3) 59.4 — Fitchburg........ 13,162] 4,797| 36.4] 927] 6,764! 674|| 6,054} 5,802] 2,249} 2,370) 37.1} 40.8 © Haverhill. ....... 13,307|| 5,762| 43.3] 923) 6,476, 146]| 6,314] 5,958] 2,611} 2,953) 41.4) 49.6 Holyoke......... 20,255! 8,244] 40.7} 1,292] 10,420! 299)) 8,905) 9,698] 3,887) 4,033] 43.6) 41.6 — Lawrence........ 39, 063 | 13,714} 35.1] 2,449] 22,496| 404|| 18,020). 17,156] 6,591| 6,566] 36.6) 38.3 Lyanei sie. 27,858)| 13;485| 48.4] 2,224] 11,985] 164|| 12,694) 12,825] 6,146] 6,796} 48.4) 53.0 — Maldensc:2ecb. 3 14,105 6,964) 49.4] 1,524) 5,603 14|| 5,982} 6,799} 3,144) 3,578} 52.6) 52.6 Medford.......... 8,554} 5,310] 62.1) 754; 2,471) 19]| 3,675] 4,274] 2,328) 2,779} 63.3) 65.0 Newton......-... 10,179|| 4,782} 47.0} 731) 4,583] 83]| 3,886] 5,666] 2,065] 2,572| 53.1] 45.4 Pittsfield..... 8,211|| 3,460] 42.1) 556] 3,831/ 364|| 3,940| 3,515] 1,659] 1,654) 42.1) 47.1 Quincy 2.25.00: 13,749|| 6,974] 50.7/ 2,010; 4,562] 208]| 6,524] 6,044] 3,243) 35384) 49.7| 56.0 Revero.ei52 eo 8,847), 4,121) 46.6} 681) 3,503; 542)) 4,134) 4,047; 2,009 1,980; 48.6) 48.9 — Satomi Agile. 11,203/| 5,191} 46.3} 854) 5,063} 95!) 5,113) 5,229] 2,375] 2,611) 46.5) 49.9 Somerville. ...... 24,182|| 12,515] 51.8] 2,516} 8,988; 163|| 10,776] 11,828] 5,642| 6,563) 52.4) 55.5 Taunton.......-. 9,998|| 3,309} 33.1) 428] 5,622) 639]|, 4,428! 4,620) 1,513) 1,661) 34.2) 36.0 — Waltham........ 8,104|| 3,872] 47.8] 569] 3,504 69|| 3,404} 4,009) 1,668} 2,081] 49.0) 51.9 MICHIGAN: d Battle Creek... ... 3,378|| 1,720] 50.9} 254). 1,085) 319) 1,766) 1 346 847 806} 48.0) 59.9 Bay City.) 2. 8,954|| 6,370} 71.1] 760; 1,564! 260]| 4,379] 4,073] 3,161) 2,994) 72.2) 73.5 BMG 862 Bee 15,127\| 5,984) 39.6] 2,042) 6,222) 879)| 8,625) 4,775} 3,159) 2,464) 36.6 51.6 ‘Hamtramek vil...| 23,062|| 2,607} 11.3] 4,820) 15,431] 204! 13, 130| 7,576} 1,449} 962) 11.0) 12.7 Highland Park...| 12,661|| 4,725) 37.3] 2,310; 4,999) 627|) 6,975) 4,277) 2,498) 1,952) 35.8} 45.6 Jackson .........- - 5,316} 2,465] 46.4} 637) 1,863| 351] 2,733] 2,221/ 1,201) 1,194} 43.9) 53.8 Kalamazoo..-..-- 7,207, 3,304} 45.8} 570 2,374| 959/] 3,554) 2,981] 1,608, 1,572} 45.2| 52.7 Lansing.......... 5,985} 2,800| 46.8} 851) 1,624} 710|] 3,109} 2,284) 1,355! 1,315] 43.6] 57.6 Muskegon........ 6,780)| 4,147) 61.2} 838 1,311) 484)) 3,485) 2,926} 2,072) 1,975) 59.5) 67.5 Pontiad 322 ko 5,185}| 2,017 38. 467| 1,749 952|| 2,875). 1,769 3 924) --33..5¢ B2- 20 Port Huron...... 6,346|| 3,960) 62.4) 496) 1,845) 45|| 2,835] 2,830} 1,794} 1,982) 63.3] 70.0 — Saginaw..........| 11,605|| 6,602} 56.9] 987} 3,003] 1,013)| 5,571} 5,001] 3,291} 3,129) 59.1) 62.6 — MINNESOTA: oe shee ba UNE 30, 118)} 17,425) 57.9) 4,332) 7,137) 1, 224|| 16,825) 11,337} 9,414) 7,298) 56.0) 64.4 SSOURI : Jophin it / 4 see 727 552] 75.9 30 79| 66 405 294 299 236} 73.8) 80.3 St. Joseph. ....... 6, 423|| 3,467| 54.0] 570| 1,850} 536|| 3,388) 2,557] 1,817] 1,544} 53.6] 60.4 Springfield... ..-.- 973 640! 65.8 40 89} 204 528 409] 346 283} 65.5) 69.2. MONTANA: : Butte 26, 8 11,454|| 6,974| 60.9] 1,257) 2,450] 778|| 6,644] 4,221] 3,873) 2,873] 58.3) 68.1 NEBRASKA? baie Bimneoin 23) ee 7,198] 3,066) 42.6] 1,087|. 2,405} 640) 3,209} 3,002} 1,470) 1,433] 45.8) 47.7 — NEW HAMPSHIRE: Manchester.......| 27,516|| 10,930} 39.7] 1,904! 13,499] 1,183|| 11,807] 12,552} 4,960! 5,452) 42.0) 43.4 Nashua. .....2. -.) 8,792!) 2,959) 33.7 409! 4,508) 916!) 4,089| 3,7271 1,376) 1,458! 33.7] 39.1 “laoce rs ol Bs | ORN WHITE MALES AND FEMALES 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, FOR CITIES VING FROM 25,000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. TABLE 97.—CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION AND OF FOREIGN- FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION. 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. ? CITIZENSHIP, 359 ¥ Citi- Number Per cent CITY. pee - | Hav- zen- Total. natural- natural- ‘ ing ship ized. ized. Total. first | Alien.| not ‘% N ee ili ne F F F um- er | pers. port- e- e- e- ber. | cent. ed. || Male. | male. | Male- | maie. | Male-| male New JERSEY: Atlantic City..... 7,009)| 3,974) 56.7; 493) 2,185) 357]; 3,292) 3,202} 1,903} 1,877] 57.8] 58.6 ge SLE eet ll 25,472)| 9,590) 37.6] 3,190] 12,377] 315)| 13,117| 10,139] 4,843] 4,187] 36.9] 41.3 i A a a 9,611|| 3,957] 41.2) 776! 4,726) 152|| 4,510) 4,136) 1,948) 1,789] 43.21 43.3 East Orange..... 6, 780)! 3,836) 56.6) 416] 1,911) 617|| 2,936) 3,492) 1,846 1,890} 62.9) 54.1 Elizabeth. ...... .| 28, 215]| 11,161) 39.6) 3,145) 12,790} 1,119]! 14,586] 11,389) 5,610} 5,042] 38.5] 44.3 | Hoboken......... 23, 496]) 10,520] 44.8) 2,488] 10,159) 329]| 11,991] 9,440] 5,310} 4,712] 44.3] 49.9 . Irvington town..| 5,508|) 3,081] 55.9}. 542] 1,291) 594}/ 2,698 2,503) 1,496} 1,505) 55.4} 60.1 Kearny town..../ 7,904|| 3,980/ 50.4) 836) 2,760) 328]| 3,722) 3,407] 1,984 1,.755| -d38edlio 515 Montclair town. . 5, 159}} 2,428) 47.1 279} 2,094 358)| 2,203) 2,546) 1,195} 1,154] 54.2! 45.3 New Brunswick..| 8,935)/ 3,228) 36.1) 1,005} 3,982} 720)| 4,098] 3,809) 1,570/ 1,458] 38.3| 37.4 AIR a al 6,963)) 3,501) 50.3), 514) 2,427) 521 3,258) 3,251) 1,741 1,659) 53.4). 51.0 Passaic. /.....05.1 26,365)| 8,189) 31.1) 1,768} 15,803} 605|| 12,382] 11,411] 4,006] 3,560] 32.4) 31.2 Perth Amboy....| 14,918) 5,757; 38.6) 1,839) 6,492} 830]! 7,700} 5,967 2,926; 2,461) 38.0} 41.2 H Plainfield ........). 5, 502|| 2,457) 44.7) 548) 2,235). 262 5 2,537; 1,180} 1,198} 47.0) 47.2 West Hoboken...) 14,076)| 6,865; 48.8) 1,053} 6,015} 143|| 6,649] 6,201] 3,386] 3,183] 50.9} 51.3 __West New York..| 8,928] 4,106} 46.0) 1,067] 3,403} 352/] 4,352 3,809} 2,062) 1,846) 47.4) 48.5 New YorK: Amsterdam...... 9,807|| 3,969) 40.5} 776) 4,564 498)| 4,669] 4,422) 1,949] 1,853} 41.7] 41.9 mot is 7,579)|| 3,420) 45.1 774| 3,235 150}} 3,944) 3,034) 1,747 1,532} 44.3) 50.5 Binghamton..... 10,368|| 4,281} 41.3) 888} 4,736) 463)| 5,262} 4,391/ 2,064} 2,058] 39.2] 46.9 luc ea aa , 106/| 2,761) 58.7; 164, 1,217) 564|)| 2,311) 1,981) 1,376) 1,255) 59.5) 63.4 Jamestown....... 11,415) 7,214) 63.2} 575) 3,119) 507|| 5,590) 4,944] 3,645) 3,294] 65.2] 66.6 0 a 2,763)| 1,637) 59.2 144 322)| 1,344) 1,271 820 783| 61.0| 61.6 Mount Vernon...| 10,090|| 5,492) 54.4/ 1,092) 3,228) 278 4,711) 4,531) 2,803] 2,447] 59.5) 54.0 New Rochelle....| 8,457|| 4,786) 56.6 1) 2,577) 253|| 3,867) 3,925) 2,435) 2,145) 63.0]: 54.6 Newburgh... ..... 4,939) 2,718 55.0) 585; 1,223} 413|| 2,437] 2,143! 1,327] 1,269} 54.5] 59.2 Niagara Falls... .| 17,886)! 6,326) 35.4] 1,470} 8,775] 1,315]] 9,278] 6,475) 3,128 2,724 33.7] 42.1 Poughkeepsie....| 5,530|| 2,822] 51.0, 464) 1,736 2,646] 2,430} 1,376] 1,315] 52-01 54.1 MG. oo. tw §,234)| 1,896) 36.2) 562} 2,619) 157|/ 2,900) 1,792) 1,026 771| 35.4! 43.0 Schenectady ..... 20, 490|} 10,218) 49.9] 1,341] 8,324) 607/| 10,499] 8,267) 5,218} 4,437] 49.7| 53.7 St eet ee 11,483)| 7,132} 62.1). 401} 2,497] 1,453|| 5,058! 5,813) 3,294) 3,653] 65.1] 62.8 on AE ial magni al 23,257|| 9,932} 42.7) 1,494] 11,60 11,174) 9,984) 4,970) 4,556) 44.5) 45.6 Watertown....-.. 5,829) 2,937|, 50.4), 479) 2,132). 281)) 2,634) 2,645) 1,249} 1,540] 47.4} 58.2 N ortH CAROLINA: ; Asheville... 22... 555 285) 51.4 15 188 67 261 258 153 125) 58.6) 48.4 mnariotie.. i... 514 268} 52.) 21 117 108 256 207 131 121}: 51, 2): 58:5 Wilmington... . 624 303} 48.6 44 158} 119 371 198 182 103} 49.1] 52.0 : seater sale: 296 138} 46.6 23 108 27 167 102 75 58) 44.9] 56.9 HIO: Manion... Az. 14, 680|| 5,249) 35.8) 1,588}. 7,247) 596/| 9,416} 4,069) 2,892) 2,028) 30.7) 49.8 Be aa: 3,843) 2,678] 69.7| 336 7717 52|| 1,777) 1,826 1,288 1, 318):7e82. 5) 7262 mritcon.. . L., . 2,663|| 1,782} 69.9} 193 572; 116)| 1,448) 1,083 953 7 65.8) 73.8 Lakewood.......| 7,255|| 3,572) 49.2) 1,127] 2,349) 207 3,624) 3,140) 1,739) 1,723) 48.0) 54.9 | Rte nied 1,917}; 1,014, 52.9) 11 7| 248) 1,012 769 516 454) 51.0) 59.0 Lorain. . 2.2.2... 11,927|| 3,841) 32.2) 2,069] 5,839} 178]| 6,900) 3,930] 1,990] 1,626) 28.8} 41.4 Mansfield........ 3,207|| 1,479} 46.1). 3 1,243} . 159)) 1,633} 1,167 721 635) 44.2) 54.4 liege ibid 954 547} 57.3 65 249 93 536 361 299 232) 55, 8}. 64.3 sNewark.......... 1,505 719} 47.8) 142 532]. 122 821 558 379 311) 46.2): 55.7 Portémouth = hae 694 448) 64.6 21 117} 108 385 276 248 190} 64:4) 68.8 Springfield....... 2,757|| 1,766) 64.1 90 684; 217|| 1,420) 1,174 880 830) 62.0}. 70.7 Steubenyille.....} 5,581]/ 1,706} 30.6] 315) 3,199) 361/| 3,235} 1,794 908 696} 28.1] 38.8 Warren. 2... 2.20. 4,677|| 1,321) 28.2) 395], 2,900 61|| 2,846} 1,409 670 588} 23.5): 41.7 | Zanesville........ i 726, 57.1). 87}; 407) > 52it 697] +523) 358} 352) 51.4). 67.3 OKLAHOMA? | Muskogee........ 541 275) 50.8 35 134 97 330 186 153 115) 46.4) 61.8 Oklahoma City...) 3,477|| 1,656; 47.6) 215) 1,305] 301 1,975) 1,130 926 668) 46.9} 59.1 iP oac anes xeebaieh 935! 46.2! 172 408]} 1,163 718: 517 378! 44.5! 52,6 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS+—POPULATION. ae TABLE 97-—CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION AND OF FOREIGINE” BORN WHITE MALES AND FEMALES 21 YEARS OF AGE AND” HAVING FROM 25,000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. OVER, FOR CITIES | FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION. Total. Num-| Per-} pers. ber. } cent. CITY, PENNSYLVANIA: Allentown. 222... 8,612 Altoona.')) .jo8s.-2 5,312 Bethlehem... 2... 10, 943 Chester. 22.2255 .. 11,29 Hastons ise. 520.0 4,021 Brie. 8b S33 17,370 Harrisburg. ...... 4,144 Hazleton. .....2.. 6,023 Johnstown... 2... 12, 14¢ Lancaster. ...f22.. 2,714 McKeesport... .. 11,876 New Castle....... 8, 693 Norristown boro.| 4,297 Wilkes-Barre, . .... 14,567 Williamsport. .... York. 2.1%. FP RHODE ISLAND: Granstonis he. Newport?...0.2.. Pawtucket....2.. Woonsocket... ... SouTH CAROLINA: Charleston. ...... Columbia's. ...... SoutH DAKOTA: Siotzx Falls. oi... TENNESSEE! Chattanooga ..... Knaxville........ TEXAS: W260 2 ie Pons. Wichita Falls.... UTAH: Gaden 3 BA. 29G.2 VIRGINIA: Lynehburg...:... Newport News... Petersburg. ...... WEST VIRGINIA: Charleston. . 20... Clarksburg. ...... Huntington. .2 2s. Wheeling) :..2:.. Madison -: .:.:..- Sheboygan....... Superior. .::..... 2°943| 55.41 506 2,515] 23.0} 779 3:387| 30. 0| 1,236 12332} 93.11! 267 7771| 44.7| 1,390 1,905] 46,0} ’302 3406] 56.5) 449 4’ 900} 34.6] 1,377 1,737| 64.0] 196 5983] 44°5[ 787 3/213} 37:0} 604 1°475| 34.3} 240 8/095} 55.6} sid vO 58.7 119 : 61.4 61 50.1 817 70.0 310 53.7) 1, 632 37. 9}- 1, 695 52.9 182 50.4 24 62.3} 180 69.7 62 60. 6 4] 37; 0 78 41,2} ° 192 8.4|- 329 46. 0 757 46.0 95 28.9 45 60:6} 339 60. 5 20 57.2) 160 48.9}/ 99 61.8 109 52.6 75 59.6! 617 60.3 707 57. 6| 2,515 59.0 63 35. 6 120 51,1 46 49,2) 236 62.1] 405 42:7} 2, 903 62.7). 5¥4 59. 8} 585 63.2) 589 48. 1] 2,555 44, 0| 1,334 59. 9| 1/259 | FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. Citi- lwiiey Number Per cent zen- |) Total: natural- natural- _ ized. ized. Fe- Fe- male Male.) male, 8,711 632,71 ,., done 2,009 54.7}. 62, 1, 4,060 21.8], 26.6 3,716 27.0). 39.3 1,556} 34, 2}. 37. 9; 6,903 44.6) 49,1, 1,561 , 46.0} 50.0 2,543 57s Of. 58.8 4,314 31.0} 42.5 1232 63. 5). 68.5, 4, 493 40. 6) 52.4 3,243 .,, 4.8) 44,0 1,93 38. Bo Sa. 6,31 54,7) 60.3 909 59,8) 62.6. 507 62, 8}, 63.1,» 3, 413 “50. 9] 54, 0, 2,905 73. 51. 68,5) 9, 655 55. 3] 57. dr 6, 837 41,2) 42.3) 817 52-5]. debe 203 49. 5) 54, 2 1,281 6k 66,6 437 60:8) 73.9. 339]. 59.1) 64.95 i ot Ee 1,105) 39. 0} “41. 6; 655 40, 4) 46. 7° 11,745 10.9}, Li 1s 2,229 “ATA 52:35 666 46.4) 50. 4) 330 29.2 46. vr 2,067 61. 4)" 67.0... “1291 51.4 “en ae 651 "OnyO1 13 Oa at 185 49.1) 52. 4) 574 *"63, 5] 65. Dy 337] "52. 9 57.3) ; yeeteh 1, 994 59.0} 68.3 2,109 58.9} 68.9 — 7, 807 55.5] 66.05 486| 50.51 63.8 654 3B apa 251} 50. 1) 59.0 - 2,386 “47, 8) 55.4 f ty tea ee 1, 640), » B42. 6 63, .: 4°129 ae 0:5, 2,175 63.3] 63.4 2, 080 60. 0} 63.8 — 2, 631 64.4] 64.8 5, 818 46.3] 55.8 3,172 44.0) 52.5 4,031 68.9] 64.5 : MOITATI 107 —2 GEIZENSAIP ay posers! p61 I Seen OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION OF URBAN AND ‘2 OR COMMUNITIES, FOR ALL AGES AND FOR PERSONS 21 YEARS OF AGE AND R, BY SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910. mealies [No inquiry as to the citizenship of females in 1910.] at | FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. “CLASS OF pa ae CENSUS YEAR, Total | Nativs yur Naturalized. gh fy SEX, AND’ AGE. white. white. z: om | nts ‘ Total. Lae elegy! Per : | Number. ipaxt. é PS ES). 8.) Ih pag 2p bao ER he, * unban communrres. ©" [6 a : 1920 , Both EE ae 50, 620, 084 40,263,101 | 10,356,983 4,765,313 | _-46.0 rea Se it 5 saey ge EEO Ee 25,373, 627 19,813, 231 5, 560, 396 2/491, 155. |. 44.8 ci sa: ae Ban ee sd 4. ont 25, 246, 457 20, 449° 870 | ---4. 796, 587 2, 274, 158 47.4 “Both s sexes, 21 years ana aE eh 31,525, 050 22,088,194] 9,435,856 4,555,054}. 48.3 ) RS CSN ea Sas FAR D4 oo ie 15,911, 506 i0, 796,213 | 5,115,293 2; 392, 492 46.8 ry Gi Female... SPR Gat Oh See Bay y ----| 15,618, 544 11, 291; 981 4,321,563 2, 162, 562 50. 0 te an at: : 1981p). | | 7 a “Aates a4: years and over. ec. ALE 5, 12,311, 144 7,776,505 | . 4,534, 639 2,.016;008){ 44.5 Ta | RURAL comMUNITIES. seas a nye Loan os 1920 : ’ : a ' 4 ‘ Both sexes, all TSN oe aa as Se aioe ae 44,200, 831 40, 845, 060 3,355,771 1, 713, 846 51.1 fer Maloi.2i0....2.209.80..... 25 ie =|) #423,1057, 028 21,089, 102 1, 967, 926 952; 813 48.4 OS Female... bidivnd OBS 68 3 ae b 28, ...1) 621/143, 803 19, 755, 958 1, 387,845 761, 033 54.8 Both h sexes, a years and ater... 8... 23,588,411 || 20,526,547 | 3,061,864 || 1,653, 643 54.0 | ell aR Ee a 12, 530, 894 10,717,735 | 1,813, 159 922, 418) 50.9 ae Pema se. ...-U10.18 0. Lo... 11,057, 517 || 9,808, 812 | 1, 248, 705 731; 225 58.6 1910 “aaes 21 years BIN GVM Sac cece aves - - 12, 046,370 || 9,934,192 | - 2,112,178 1, 018, 109 48,2 ‘ eS SIE FT oan SPS I) US ts pC ta tece : . ; 5 bie, FOREIGN-BORN WHITE—continued. [ eas Fs ; | Having first : Citizenship not : M e 4 q CLASS” om SE) AND ASE. BEAR, _* papers. Alien --reported. 4 (eh } , - tet ; =a bee = ca © ge ; Od f, ; Per Per Per if Number. Gerit: Number. ck: Number. pane! URBAN COMMUNITIES. ia at 1920s ¢ ' ; + sl Both sores, all ages;.J$2.......1. G25...) 10974,473 |) oe gla 4,090,296 |... 39.5 526, 901 5.1 + Male. -.2.....-.1.- Mt REP: <...| 903; 634 16.3 1,927, 890 34.7 237, 7174" 4.3 _ Female... Bien 3 t< Seas LBS. 70, 839 1.5 2, 162, 406 45.1 289, 184 6.0 Both sexes, 21 years and over.......... 954, 041 10.1 3, 443, 807 36. 5 483, 954 5.1 Seo daeed.....-..-).2..1... 889, 813 17.4 1,615, 135 31.6 217, 853 4,3 ‘a Female......... SN URS a aS 64, 228 1.5 1, 828, 672 42.3 266,101; 6.2 PM hee cE 1910": c | ABN a SSB eee feet | Males 21 years and over. we & ads oi0 2 406,373 | 9.0, 1, 642, 943 36. 2 469, 315.|.., 10.3 . “RURAL COMMUNITIES. Aree . i BES visas ae Be 1920 | | Both sexes, all oo ee 244, 584 7.3 1, 133, 419 33.8 263, 922 7.9 RE ae ao t...[ 230, 093 AST ’ 635, 027 32.3.| ... 149, 993 7.6 < Female fc. seek... ... q-806. 4 14,491 1.0 498, 392 35.9 113,929 8.2 ) Both sexes, 21 years arid aver. $.¢.13... 240, 235 7.8 921, 102 30.1.| 246,884 8.1 | lies RE AS TR A BY a 226, 931 12.5 523,102 28.9 140, 708 7.8 a SENOS ER eng sina aia 13, 304 ya 898, 000 31.9 106, 176 8.5 : AVLOM Ge JOR .265 AL gl cared. wing Males 21 years and over................ 164, 399 7.8 623, 592 29. 5 306,078 |° 14.5 , g “362 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. i TABLE 99.—CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION 21 YEARS OF Agi T FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER IN URBAN COMMUNITIES. COUNTRY OF BIRTH. Naturalized. wa bth OT ee yy Total. s first Alien. er papers. Number. oni) All countries. .............. 9,436,856 || 4,555, 054 48.3 | 954,041. 8,443, 807 EUROPE. Northwestern Europe: is ls Brands sot Su ac anetane «8 oy 564, 447 366, 561 64.9 43,474 112, 278 Scotlante 37.000 rs Set be 177, 148 110, 063 62. 1 15,938 | 38,469 Wolega tt oe rice Be. 45,604 34, 361 75.3 2: 5,072 Trela Nay Sas ses ages ois Se 887, 302 586, 404 66. 1 46, 844 179, 861 Notwtate store. sneer oe 163, 013 192, 623 63.0 17, 157 33, 279 ween s? otros A Be 381, 737 257, 421 67.4 35, 692 69, 267 Denmark. i. Wiese. gehen eos 96, 460 65, 953 68. 4 9,575 15,047 Netherlands .20) 23 aii uc. he 66, 756 40,138 60.1 7, 739 15,949 Beloit? &. 4 Soe baeed... 08 35, 945 17,981 50.0 5, 596 10, 213 Ligxem DUrE . Salen. tees ee 6,972 5, 132 73.6 777 Switzerland 2242002 aay o 65, 370 43,532 66. 6 4,933 “11, 785 Wranee, oi. Stn ccacetenc este 104, 701 61, 389 58.6 7,993 26, 584 Germany .. 24). 958..3 boi ihe aclh ee 1, 113, 368 821, 760 73.8 79, 658 136, 763. Polead ds... loth Meee. te 883,085 250, 816 28.4 | 128,135 489° 041 Czechoslovakia... ...i500....4.. 222, 663 103, 011 46.3 34, 685 77, 712 Ausra sd CPR. RPP ss 395, 441 157,016 39.7 52, 385° | 169, 476 Henpary. 000 0 2 ie 283, 140 88, 255 31.2 |... 43,585 141, 762 JUSONAVIA. 265 UR EN 108, 098 26, 688 24.7 .21,619.| . 57, 097 Eastern Europe: Wiegia a. ofc do ae Bae dee 1,073, 131 443,798 41.4] 122,196 470, 183 WATHUATNG. ¢ soa et et eee 112, 112 28, 638 25.5 15, 037 66, 111 Finland: «« oe diye _ AND OVER IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY COUN _ STATES: 1920. TRY OF BIRTH, FOR THE ae FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER IN RURAL COMMUNITIES. ss COUNTRY OF BIRTH. Naturalized. ki = a wiles TRC Cacia GT Oe + Total. 2 first Alien. Phat er er aper: . ae Number. | ent, | PoP Ported. ia: _ All countries. .............. 3,061,864 || 1,653,643 54.0 | 240,235 921,102 | 246,884 eee aie East NORTH CENTRAL |) ef ‘ ae: Fe tar Fes AUST RR Sin 129,792] 114,882) 66,238] 3,002} 97,355] 89, 907] 10, 228 uw, 162I| Tndsahaniee,.. J... 25,611| 21,171| 20,458] 1,129] 13,923] 16,722} 5,674] -S871l)" 39: Tilinois: .!........£20,|:/ 287, 889] » 255) 823/145, 505| 7/893]. 97}963| 148) 155] 25,176] 29, 4191) °: Michigan? .......200,) 111,776 ie 756 69, 360| 3, 458]. © 81, 218]. 81, 589. i, 486 12; 220)}" +. Wisconsin: ......227-} 70, 341|"° 62,288} 28) 866] 3,289), 27,860] 31, 405 6, 333: a 188)) © > § » WEST NortTH CENTRAL: | us Re Mia va Minnesota.......J2s-| 77,819] 65, 9391-24, 876| 2,118]. 19,539] . 23, 940 Towa 2. Teas ..|- 30,977P© 27,023k 4,729] “418! 7,567) .- Missouri......-. Mae 44,263} 36,920] 12,079] 830| 14,905] 17,544 North Dakota....... 5,577| +5,010| 729) 94 896]. South Dakota... 0s2. 3,956h' 3,494b°° 795) ~ 108), 528 Nebraska.......- bb... 13,908) 6,912) | 537 5, 489 Kansans 305 of AbGp 9,113) .23955} |} 280 5, 362 BouTH ATLANTIC: ot Ok Delaware) .......|. 33a. 3, 080) .1, 352 58}.4. 3,629, Maryland............ 20,509] 7,822] . 610). 11,996] 15, 428 4: District of Columbia. 6, 926)" 1,775) | 324 2, 842 Sgr gy ab 1 gee See cle 3,732) 1,687 8&9 2, 992 West Virginia..\..... 3,526} 1,085 42 4, 365 North Carolina...... 844 204 Al. 643 South Carolina. ...-. 837|° 286) 16)" 613 ROOF Slings. sans chs 2, 472 871 47 8, 090 Cl! Utabtath..o...4 aan 10, 824)» 2,047) | 259}." 3, 435 Nevada.............. 475 206 5 421 PAcIric: Ge rt : teaeaa Washington. we SER ‘8 34,520) 17} 226] 1021] ©17, 215)" "15,3941 4, Oregon. ne: ge errs 14, 246 7 031} 508 7 793 Caliortia. i.c55.0ds0< 97, 147 30, 893! 3,060 79, 374| 70,296 PONT ISOS Cor GEN SHTP. ” Tarr 365 - “OVER IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, BY SEX, BY DIVISIONS AND i PEL IGOD sad ti # akziy : : cr ? ae FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION, 21, YEARS OF AGE AND OVER IN RURAL i. , COMMUNITIES. % tito i . a gth wb omen pore" anes EBaving first E Citizenship Per cent - DIVISION AND STATE. | Naturalized. papers, ey flien. not reported. || aturalized. Mies ten <<. ax gf | lor FRY F oR : ave >. uA oe ee aes 4 a4 "es - 5 . e@- 1@e- ne Male. Heras, Male. } »yoje-} Male. |Femaile.) Male. male, || Male. male, 228, 931/13, 304| 523, 102) 398,.0060/140, 708/106, 176); 50.9) 58.6 ' 554} 49,719). 43,148) 6,268} 6,160]] 37.4] 48.5 die Atlantic. ........| 142, 487) 125, ‘ 2,340} 144, 535! 114, 499] '23; 440} 20,327]| 40.0}. 47.8 f 4,408] 70,508|’ 73,226] 33,616! 28,589] 56.8] 62.7 est North Central... :--| 295, 237) 229, 3,217), 44,201} 44,032) 35, 238} 27,630] 70.0] 75.4 179} 26,789!’ 12,013] 6,116! 3,448] 32.8} 44.0 67). 3, 811].°2,118] 2,377) 1,403] 48.11. 53.0 547), 60, 154] °41,045| 9,931! - 5,874]| 30.6] 35.5 779] 51,888) 30,005} 9,156] 4, 743]] 47.0} 56,9 1, 213},,, 71,997], 37,914) 14,566} 8,002)| 45.7). 56.7 59).11,529]°> 7,.337| 1,739} 1,384)! ° 31.6)- 53.3 7), 4,817). 52,816 847 704) 35.9) 55.4 Bi] 5,182)..3,797| 617} 502i} 42,3] 56.4 102)’ 6,739] 6, 737| -> 606) -. 648} 39.9] 49.8 6 281}, 270 78) 88|| 50.4] 55.2 309}, 21,171). 22,191} 2,381) 2,834] 38.3] 42.8 803). 28,609]. 27,769] 8,219) 7,809]| 52.0) 57.6 _ 441|- 18,197]. 19,950] 3,407] 4,150|} 43.9] 47,2 1,096) 97, 729]. 66,780) 11,814} 8, 368]| 32.9} 41.4 348} ..16, 932) 14,094) 5,645} 3,791|) 45.1] 54.5 224) ° 2,057) ° 2,960} 2,820) 2,363)) 53.7) 57.6 493] 13,386} 12,887) 9,610] 7,748|| 61.9). 66.4 1,095} ,.19, 988). 21,754) 7,025) 5, 909)| 59.1) 65.9 N ety 2,248! 18, 145} :21,531| 8,516) 8,778)! 57.3) 61.6 OR ae ir asoth + Ces ae 1,093! 15, 706) 13,464; 7,095) 6,377|| 72.0) 78.4 363|- 7,817) °.7,317| 6,954) 5, 980) 71.5). 76.0 163|, 2,835] 2,309) 3,559} 2, 512/| 63.7]. 66. 7 313). 6,121). °.5,788| 4,231} 3,198]| 73.9] . 78.9 325|° 2,575) 3,714! | 3, 905) 2,776]! , 69. 3]. ‘75, 2 582), 4,001), 5,782) 5,146) 4,088)) 67.3) ,72.1 378) 5,646) 5,708} 4,348] 3,099/|° 60.9] 67.1 9 404 343 198 159|/ 48.8} 55.5 apd, 87 |. 1, 724)o 91,486} 1,056 897||, 52.9]. 56.8 (eee Ue ge eg a gt! Ry i Easy I elie pape ag ig ea + ler ay Bl 1% Lip atiatet ie laped Siar inia.. 19} °~ 1, 800) 1, 288 980 589); 48,1}. 50.9 58}. 19,681]. 6,957) 1,915 713}| 13.8) 22, 9 6 ABA ty |. <253 329 149)| 46.7} 55.3 5}: 308} 144 267 96); 52.0) 55.1 8 627|. . 234; 303)» 149]| 51.8] 59,4 37| 1,814). 1,308} 1,068} ~ 696|| 51.5) 58,0 30/° 1, 8491 760 830 554|| 45.4) 52.1 8 468 335 519 247\| 53. 5), 56.9 POR ip pf ade 20 830] 564 597 394)| 50.8) 56.1 eesita 9 664 459 431 208|| 45.1) 45.4 OUTH CENTRAL: 33} , ri 681 892 424)| 55.8) 59.1 17 as 2, 603 942 607|| 28.7) 24.4 66} 3,744) 2,018] 2,259} 1,069!) 51.7] 63.6 431} 51,921), 35,743) 5,838) 3,774|| 25.6). 31,0 292} 4,721) 3,473} 2,615) 1, 238!} 63.6). 73.9 85). 3,209|. 1,416} 1,112 470||. 60,3) 77.1 48} 3,456). 1,327 923 337|| 43.6} 62.1 187}, 8,924. 6,158) 1,783) 1,047) 51,9) 60.3 26)" 7,272) ° 4,697 484 311}| 21,5) 24.0 32} 16,057) 10,187) 1,000 531]; 14.9) 17.3 89} 4,229) 1,882 729 532] 52.0] 72,2 20| 3,520 865 510 277|| 39.8) 58.5 422; 12,357|'- 7560} 3,624) 2,153)| 55.3) 68,7 218) 5,007) | 2,986) 1, 438 711\|. 57.2) 70.5 573) 54,633] | 27,368) 9,504) 5,138); 38.6) 47.6 366 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION, TABLE 101.—COUNTRY OF ORIGIN OF THE FOREIGN WHITE STOCK — [Figures for 1920 relate to countries as — TOTAL FOREIGN NATIVE WHITE OF FOREIGN OR MIXED WHITE STOCK. PARENTAGE. Foreign- COUNTRY OF ORIGIN. — — Both wich eee Number, | 20S ala Weer Total. arents aa Tan heels 6 oreign. foreign. | foreign. Total: 1920........... 36,398,958 | 100.0 |/13, 712,754 |22, 686, 204 ||15, 694,539 |4, 539,776 |2, 451, 889 Northwestern Europe: England:< sit dette: 2, 307, 112 6.3 |} 824,088 | 1,483,024 || 574,499 | 571,560 | 336,965 Seottenmt: tk a jlieaw - a 731, 239 2.0 310, 092 421, 147 178,638 | 153,917 88, 592 WW agit pete we 230, 380 0.6 66,962 | 163, 418 78,114 | 54,889 | 30, 415 Renee 4,136,395 | 11.4 || 1,164,707 | 2,971,688 || 1,966,968 | 573,021 | 431,699 RorW ayo Mecwupctuae. ts 1, 023, 225 2.8 || 362,051 | 661,174 || 437,623 | 143,314| 80, 237 Bwetens. eck. fortes 1, 457, 382 4.0 || 632,656 | 824,726 || 599,744 | 144 382 600. Penindrr Joos een ve 467, 525 1.3 || 191,496 | 276,029 || 170,702| 73,915| 31,412 Netherlands........2.-.. 362, 318 1.0 134, 229 228, 089 142, 547 57, 301 28, 241 | ae aed Rialiin rag 122, 686 0.3 63, 234 59, 452 37,525 | 15, 420 6, 507 Luxemburg. ...........- 43, 109 0.1 12, 837 30, 272 16,263 | 10,847 3, 162 Switzerland..........-.- 327, 797 0.9 117, 270 210, 527 103, 452 75, 315 31, 760 ok France. Pereeeer 333,678 | 0.9 || 124,727] 208,951 90, 073 , Bd 32, 329 Germany...........- Ro 7, 259,992 | 19.9 |] 1,915, 864 | 5,344, 128 || 3,397,370 |1,367, 805 | 578, 953 ALISGT he, oete 2 Oe ea 3, 129, 798 8.6 || 1,445,141 | 1,684,657 || 1,435,524 | 171,678 77, 455 — BON ary cn. - daeces 1, 110, 905 3.1 || 598,170 | 512,735 || 472,521} 29.510} 10,704 Bhstiae tress | oes 3,871,109 | 10.6 |} 2,020,646 | 1, 850, 463 || 1,671,949 ; 135,098 | 43, 416 Wr erigs oie a tame 296, 276 0.8 |} 150,770 | 145, 506 130, 083 9, 765 5, 658 Le “epee tessa: 134, 318 0.4 85, 255 49, 063 43, 683 3, 820 1, 560 Montenegro............ 43,703 0.1 32,681 11, 022 9, 696 1,191 135 : phir in Europe....... 23, 268 0.1 18, 907 4,361 3, 948 372 41. outhern Europe: reece..... : dre iy} Ni = 212, 342 0.6 166, 786 45, 556 36, 990 8, 287 279 ho TS aa aR x ee Ge Ss 3,336, 941 9,2 || 1,615, 180 | 1,721,761 || 1,556,065 | 146,304] 19,392 vei ae dria | fa] eee) ocee|| deal oben] a Europe, not specified ........ 10,998 | (2) 3) 342 7, 656 5,019| 1,900 "737 sia: Turkey in Asia.......... 164, 480 0.5 || 100,843 63, 637 57, 915 4, 827 895 fs All other countries... ... 10,735 | (2) 5, 139 5, 596 1,791 2,343 1, 462 merica: F Canada—French......... 848, 309 2.3 || 302,675 | 545,634 || 326,435} 129,203 | 89,996 Canada—Other.......... 1, 755, 519 4,8 || 558,775 | 1,196,744 || 343,595 | 467,206 | 385,943 Newfoundland... ........ 25, 448 0.1 12, 320 13, 128 7, 163 2,780 3, 185 West Indies?........... E 45, 496 0.1 21, 909 23, 587 9, 987 9, 005 4, 595 Morico) va: ere 725, 332 2.0 || 473,287 | 252,045 || 178,309+ 45,720} 28 016 entralan ou Feo 19,487) .1)/ 11,782) 7,705 1,424] 3,595] 2, 686 OUNCE Aw aca. so. eee 116, 45 3 8, 299 15 38, 700 292 10, 167 Of mixed foreign parentage..| 1,502,457} 4.1 ||...... ...-| 1, 502) 457. |! 1, 502; 457 |... is 8 nial eal Total: 1900...,....... 25, 859, 834 | 100.0 |/10,213, 817 |15, 646, 017 ||10, 632, 280 |3, 346, 652 |1, 667, 085 Northwestern Europe: Helen ee dee te 2,173,741 8.4 || 839,830 | 1,333,911 || 565,461 | 494,929| 273, 521 Getiand. iy t,.. sean ss 594, 207 2.3 || 233,473 | 360,824 || 163,991 | 129.735] 67,098 Wales es. Aer hs 253, 045 1.0 93,560 | 159, 485 86,899 | 47,498 | 25,088 Ireland ae eee see a 4,826,904 | 18.7 || 1,615,232 | 3,211,672 || 2,244,241 | 605,987 | 361,444 Way en cen 788,758 |° 3.1 || 336,379 | "452,379 : 67,649 | 35,510 Swedetredh acct chew 4: 1, 082, 388 4.2 || 581,986 | 500,402 |/ 414,772 55,479 | 30, 151 Peomares | o.. . «|. sure. 310, 127 1.2 || 153,644 | 156,483 || 115,173 | 29,514] 11,796 Switzerland............- 257, 426 1.0|| 115,581} 141, 845 74,951 | 48,806] 18,088. Con eases tates ensss 268, 292 1.0 || 104,031} 164, 261 71,263 | 72,110 , 888. ern Europe: ‘ ‘55 : GRFINOITY ncn <.'- deaeee: 8,111,453 { » 31.4 || 2,813,413 | 5,298, 040 || 3, 709,706 |1, 180,880 | 407, 454 Austria RR aR oo 895,500 y' 3.5 || 491,259] 404 24 344,070 | 42,295 | 17,876 SPAY oulbiwn fas Janae he 218, 447 0.8 || 145, 709 72, 738 66, 713 4,895 | 1,130 Resstas ies eee 955, 918 3.7 || 578,072 | 377,846 || 356,249| 17,719 3, 878 re ital plipas Haee vedas oe 727, 844 2.8 || 483,963 | 243,881 || . 218,750] 22,442{ 2 689 other . ae Canada—French......... 830, 335 3.2 || 394,461 | 435,874 || 265,947 | 106,833 | 63,094 Canada—Other.......... 1, 637, 603 6.3 || 778,399 | 859,204 || » 260,471 | 317,988 | 280, 745 ~All other countries... .... 871, 604 3.4 || 454,825 | 416,779 || 268,251 | 101,893 | 46, 635 Of mixed for. parentage..| 1, 056, 152 Aida ll G-iver aes 1,056, 152 || 1,056, 152 |..........].... au toa 1 For 1920, according to birthplace of father; for 1910, 1900, and 1890, according to birthplace of person. — 2 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. ‘ : yas ’ Except possessions of the United States. ‘ The report for 1890 classified the foreign born by country of birth without distinction as to color orrace. For the purposes of this table it is assumed that, with the exception of‘‘Canada—Other” (see note 6), the number reported for each specified country represented white persons only. ‘The number for “All other a ee COUNTRY OF ORIGIN. 367 > BY NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1890-1920. ‘constituted prior to the World War.] TOTAL FOREIGN WHITE STOCK. ecu Saks eer a i Roreigh- COUNTRY OF ORIGIN. Per born cent white.! Number. | gistri- bution. foreign. me aotel;: 1910........... 32, 243,382 | 100.0 |/13, 345,545 |18, 897,837 |/12, 916,311 |3, 923, 845 |2, 057, 681 Northwestern Europe: E | ele SPE ie eee 2, 322, 442 tok 876,455 | 1,445, 987 592,285 | 546,215 | 307, 487 BE ES eo de 659, 663 2.0 261, 034 "398, 629 175.391 | 145, 227 78, O11 UES: SA eee eee 248, 947 0. 8 82, 479 166, 468 84, 934 52, 555 28.979 eet Seaaap apes ie Rea 4,504,360 | 14.0 || 1,352,155 | 3,152, 205 |) 2,141,577 | 603,013 | 407,615 DEOT WAYS fsb. 994). OF. oh 3.0 403, 858 575, 241 410, 951 106, 805 57, 485 la a iT ea 1, 364, 215 4,2 || 665,183 | 699,032 || 546,788 | 97.504 | 54,740 OE 2 re 1,2 181, 621 218, 443 147,648 | — 49,721 21, 074 Netherlands.........---- 293, 574 0.9 120,053 |. 173.521 116,331 | 38,199 | 18,991 RATT. heed: 16). --) nS 89, 264 0.3 49, 397 39, 867 26, 448 9, 802 3,617 - Luxemburg..........--- 6,945} (2) 3, 068 3, 877 2) 381 1, 244 252 ia petesrion hate e eps 301, 650 0.9 124° 834 | 176,816 90,669 | 61,244 | 24, 903 muges igi? pg eee 292, 389. 0.9 117, 236 175, 153 78, 937 73, 085 23, 131 Sentral a and Eastern Europe: ec Va. Wise ase. . 21 EG 8, 282, 618 25.7 || 2,501,181 | 5, 781, 437 || 3,911, 847 |1, 337,651 |. 531,939 UAEMIA. |. Guts ras. 1- | cc 2,001, 559 6.2 || 1,174,924 | ' 826,635 || 709}070 |” 80,595} 36,970 Hungary ...... Od. 5~ yp 700, 227 2.2 ” 495, 600 204 627 191) 059 10, 106 3, 462 Bes OR OSs... 2, 541, 649 7.9 |, 1,602, 752 938, 897 873, 055 51, 856 13, 986 ie d Eee sat. bt he 211, 026 0.7 ” 129° 669 81, 357 76, 261 3, 319 1,777 } POUMMAMIA. sf. pais. 5. of 87,721 0.3 65, 920 21 801 20, 707 "$21 273 - Bulgaria, Serbia, and Montenegro. .......... 22, 685 0.1 21, 451 1, 234 948 239 47 Turkey in Europe....... 35, 314 0.1 32; 221 3, 093 2, 560 423 110 Southern Europe: Na FF. ad. i F- 1- 5 a'eh 109, 665 0.3 101, 264 8, 401 5, 524 2, 400 477 Mase - doe. dbd= = <> 0 2, 098, 360 6.5 || 1,343,070 | 755,290 || 695,187 | 52,947 7, 156 MED. oho SA). Gausie 5b a 33, 134 0.1 21) 977 11, 157 4, 387 5, 364 1, 406 EN Pie oan ae et 111, 122 0.3 57,623 53, 499 41/680} 10,359 1, 460 Europe, not specified........ 7, 576 (2) 2, 853 4, 723 2, 926 1, 281 516 Turkey in Asia.......... 78, 631 0.2 59, 702 18, 929 17, 480 1, 255 194 All other countries . 7, 264|. (2) 4,612 2, 652 517 1,329 806 | Canada—French TS eS 932, 238 2.9 385, 083 547,155 330,976 | 133,999 82, 180 ' Canada—Other.......... 1, 822, 377 5.7 810, 987 | 1, 011. 390 307,291 | 387,617 | 316, 482 Newfoundland. ......... § (2) 5, 076 3. 559 1, 836 853 870 West Indies #..2..-...... 41, 842 0.1 23, 169 18.673 8, 681 6, 743 3, 249 SR oe ESN i 382, 002 1.2 || 219,802 | 162, 200 107,866 | 34,995! 19,339 Central and South : SOAINELICR v9. 2... -- 1 25 13, 510 (2) 9, 069 4,441 807 2. 050 1, 584 All ae ssl fale 8-6 - + - 4 < a 74, 523 0. 2 40, 167 34° 356 14, 214 13, 029 7,113 | Oaeetxea foreign parentage. .| 1, 177, 092 = Hh i Ciel me ity TET epOOE N 1g lll, O08 4 cine chee sltac tne oee : pee Otal: 1890, 2.5.2... 20,625, 542 | 100.0 ||49, 121, 867 |11, 503,675 || 8,085,019 |2,378, 729 |1, 039, 927 N orthwestern Europe: EN ea ee 1, 977, 595 9.6 909.092 | 1,088 503 488,661 | 386,711 | 193, 131 ohana Daa wag pa. .) 4ls 519, 252 2.5 242,231 | 277,021 134,243 | 97,661 | 45,117 Bead anes, -.;.1 a4 225, 582 1.1 100,079 | 125 503 75.375 | 34,863 |.. 15, 265 ‘Tend Saget ge Se 4,795,681 |° 23.3 || 1,871, 509 | 2,924,172 || 2,164,397 | 502,155 | 257,620 Retvey = a eee 606, 316 2.9 322, 665 283, 651 238, 679 29, 883 15, 089 Sweden Le Se meas SS Ses 730, 569 3.5 478, 041 252, 528 217, 217 23, 810 11, 501 iP a eet. iin |... a6 995 1.1 a 543 Hf 452 66,196 | 13,677 4,579 wi Neca A yee tay ale (Aled | eels Pe RR Sat, SS aaa ak le Oe | a ped th | < ieee 258, 919 1.3 113,174 | 145,745 68,572 | 61,187 | 15,986 entra he Eastern, and South- ern ‘arope: ORPRONTs fio... s. 0... 6,857,229 | 33.2 || 2,784, 804-| 4,072,335 || 3,006,342 | 827,823 | 238,170 sae atta inna 341, 549 1.7 241,377 | 100,172 90, 195 6, 744 3, 233 ae 77,121 0. 4 62, 435 14, 686 13, 048 1,390 248 ae 258, 583 1.3 182, 644 75, 939 69, 802 4, 962 1,175 aid Seal OO ae 249, 544 1.2 182, 580 66, 964 54,742] 11,096 1,126 other: Canada—French......... 526, 934 2.6 || 302,496 | 224, 438 157,104 | 42,356 | 24,978 Canada—Other.......... 1, 255, 629 6.1 || ® 673, 000 582, 629 183,602 | 227,144] 171,883 All other countries. ..... Lv 013, 774 4,9 523, 107 490, 667 342) 574 | 107,267 | 40,826 _ Of mixed for. parentage. . 714, 270 | aS nae 714, 270 pi PAD earn Pas GRRE | 3tates total, which represents foreign-born white onl NATIVE WHITE OF FOREIGN OR MIXED PARENTAGE. Both Total. parents | Father | Mother foreign. | foreign. | xountries” has been obtained by deducting the sum of the items for the specified countries from the United y- ® Switzerland included in “All other countries” in tabulation by birthplace ofparents. Number of per- | jons born in Switzerland, 104,069, also included in ‘‘ All other countries” in this table. | 6 Partly estimated; total reported for ‘‘Canada—Other”’ was 678,442, of whom eight-tenths of 1 per cent | were estimated to be nonwhites, this proportion being based upon returns oflater censuses. L e 34 368) ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 102.—COUNTRY OF ORIGIN OF THE FOREIGN WHITE STOCK [Figures for 1920 relate to countries as NATIVE WHITE OF FOREIGN OR MIXED PARENTAGE. TOTAL FOREIGN FOREIGN-BORN WHITE STOCK. WHITE.! COUNTRY OF ORIGIN. Total. \ 1920 1910 i920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910. 1 MBG tWIOO!. |. LOB Bib, 36,398,958 (32,243, 382 ||13, 712, 754 |13,345, 545 |22, 686, 204 18, 897, 837 Northwestern Europe . whee 2 Enpendee: 2p Oe St 2,307, 112 2, 322, 442 824, 088°} 876, 455 | 1,483, 024 1, 445, 987 3 Scotland... S48i= 2b: 73 239 659, 663 310, 092 | 261, 034 "421° 147 398, 629 4 Walégsl.. 0} seed o.. ie 230, 380 | © 248) 947 66,962 | 82'479 | 163,418 | 166; 468 5 Trelagd 10... | Mild Oe 7" 4,136,395 | 4,504. 360 || 1,164,707 | 1,352, 155-| 2,971,688 | 8,152) 205 | _ 6 Norway of Meek oss 1,023, 225 "979. 099 3627 051 403, 858 661,17 575, 241 | 7 Sweden A ei L 457, 382 1, 364, 215 632, 656 665, 183 824,726 699, 0382} — 8 ‘Den Manes sy MES el ey 467, 525 ” 400, 064 ~191) 496 181, 621 276, 029 218, 443 9 Netherlands... i). 0l.i 2.01. 362) 318 293) 574 134, 229 120, 053 228, 089 173, 521 10 Belgittm!))...| Mai felt » 192) 686 | 897 264 63,234 | 49/397 | 59,452 |. 39! 867 il Luxemburg. ) S08 S88 oie 43,109 6, 945 12/ 837°} 3, 068 30, 272 3, 877 12 Switzerland... 220.2202. 327, 797 301. 650 117, 270 124, 834 210; 527 176, 816 13 Freanee 2622 ob MO aS 333, 678 292, 389 124) 727 117, 236 208; 951 175, 153 Central and Eastern Europe: 14 Gerriibiiry. 2.) 208 21 7,259,992 | 8,282,618 |] 1,915, 864} 2, 501, 181 | 5,344,128") 5, 781, 437 15 ‘Austria 28 op SeeR oo. He! 3,129, 798 2) 001) 559 if 445, 141 | 1,174, 924 L, 684, 657 | 826, 635 | 16 Hungary. 2 ee ee 1,110, 905 "700, 227 ” 598, 170 ” 495, 600 512, 735 204) 627 | 17 Russia oe 2 J te 2 oe. 3, 871, 109 | 2, 541, 649 || 2, 020, 646 | 1, 602} 752 |-1, 850, 463 938, 897 18 Finignnee’. 2b} San ae 296, 276 "911 026 ” 150, 770 ” 429) 669- 145, 506 81, 357 19 Runrymie sb eo 134; 318 87) 721 |! 85, 255 65, 920. 49, 063 21,801 | 20 Bulgaria, Serbia, and Mon- 43) 703 22) 685 32, 681 et 451 11, 022 1, 234 M tenegro. 21 Turkey in EKurope......-... 23, 268 35, 314 18, 907 32, 221 4, 361 3, 093 Southern Europe: ' ’ 22 TECCOT IS Seed oo. Tee 212, 342 109, 665 166, 786 101, 264 45, 556 8,401 23 1A 5, Sapna ST. OR Te 3, 336, 941 | 2,098, 360 || 1, 615, 130 | 1, 343, 070 | 1, 721, 761 755, 290 | 24 Op Os brie ace SST lam 77, 947 33, 134 52) 686 21, 977 25° 261, 11 VST |” 25 FY OR(UZ AL: See 134, 794 111, 122 67, 948 57, 623. 66, 846 1 53, 499 26 | Btirope, not specified )......... 10, 998 7, 576 3,342 |) 2,853 7,656| 4,728 Asia: a lentes. ; 27 Turkey in Asia: :.......... 164, 480 78,631 || 100,843} 59, 702 63, 637 18,929 " 28 All other countries. Ne 10,735 | | «7, 264 ‘5,189 }°s 4,612 | 8; 596 |. 2,652 " America: > Sapp as oo . 29 Canada—French.:..2...... 848, 309 932, 238 302, 675 385, 083 545, 634 547,155 30 Canada—Other-....22.202. 1,755, 519 |", 822, 377 558, 775 810, 987 | 1,196,744 | 1,011,390 | , 31 Newfoundland...........- 25, 448 8, 635 12, 320 5, 076 3, 559 © 32 West Indies 3.000075 7277. 45,496 | 41) 842 217909 | 93169 | 23/587 18°673 33 Mex tee 2 of SARS. ee 725, 332 382) 002 473, 287 219, 802 252) 045 | ~ an 34 | Centraland South America 19, 487 © 13; , 510 11, 782°}" > 9,069 7, 705 |; 4; 1 35 "hi other“<.0. . | O00 Bees 116,458 | 74,523 48,299 | 40,167 | 68,150) - | 34,356 | 36 | Of mixed foreign parentage... .} 1,502,457 | 1,177,092 ||-......2000}222...2 2.2. 1, 502, 457” 1,177, 092 1 For 1920, according to birthplace of father; for 1910, according to birthplace of person. . Je pe | x At A t 1 1 ct 4 ea 1 We r ; me aH pa 'f é hijved aig ' By | | | $574, 499 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN. 369 | BY NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND ‘i910. constituted prior to the World War.] NATIVE WHITE OF FOREIGN OR MIXED PARENTAGE—Continued. Foreign ~, Mixed parentage. parentage. 1910 1920 592,285 | 908, 525 a ig : 853, 702 78,638 | 175,391 | 242,509 | 223, 238 5114} $4,934 | »-85,804-| — 81,534 968 |2, 141,577 |1, 004,720 |1, 010, 628 410,951 | 228,551'} 164,290 , 788 | 224,982') 152,244 | 147,648 | 105,327) 70,795 116,331 | 85,542 | 57,190 26,448 | 21,927] 13,419 \ 9381} °.14009'| 1,496 ' 90,669 | -107,075 | 86, 147 78,937 | 118,878 | 96,216 13, 911, 847 |1, 946,758 |1, 869, 590 » + 709,670 | 249,133 | 117, 565 191,059 | -40,214'| - 13,568 873,055 | 178,514 | 65,842 76,261 | 15,423 5,096 20, 707 5,380 1, 094 948 1,326 286 2,560 413 533 5,524 8, 566 2,877 695, 187 | 165,696 | 60,103 4,387 | - 10,288 6,770 41,680 | 14,052 | 11,819 2, 926 2, 637 1,797 17, 480 5, 722 1,449 517 3, 805 2,135 330,976 | 219,199 | 216,179 307,291 | 853,149 | 704,099 Le 1,836 | 5,965 1,723 8, 681 13, 600 9,992 107,866 | 73;736 | 54,334 807 6, 28 3,634 20,142 1910 © ee INCREASE? IN FOREIGN WHITE STOCK: 1910-1920 2A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease. 75108°-238——-24 Total. Per Number. Aninth 4,155,576 12.9 +15 830:) 0.4 71,576 | 10.9 | “18. 567 | '=7.5 +367, 965 | —8.2 ) 44, 196 4.5 93, 167 6.8 67,461 | 16.9 68, 744 23.4 33,422 | 37.4 36, 164 | 520.7 26, 147 8.7 41, 289 14.1 —1,022,626 | —12.3 1, 128, 239 56.4 410, 678 58.6 1,329, 460 Doce 85,250 | 40.4 46, 597 53.1 21,018 92.7 —12,046 | —34.1 102, 677 93.6 1, 238, 581 59.0 44,813 | 135.2 23, 672 21.3 3, 422 45.2 85,849 | 109.2 3,471 |’ 47.8 —83,929 | —9.0 —66, 858 | —3.7 16,813 | 194.7 3, 654 8.7 343, 330 89.9 5,977 44,2 41,935 |' 56.3 325, 365 27.6 Foreign-born white. Per Number cont. 367, 209 2.8 —52,367 | —6.0 49, 058 18.8 —15,517'| —18.8 —187, 448 | —13.9 —41,807 | —10.4 —32,527 | —4.9 9,875 5.4 14,176 11.8 13, 837 “28,0 9,769 | 318.4 —7,564 | —6,1 7,491 | - 6.4 —585,317 | —23.4 270, 217 23.0 102, 570 20. 7 417, 894 26.1 21,101 16.3 19, 335 29. 3 11, 230 52,4 —13,314 | —41.3 65, 522 64, 7 272,110 20.3 30,709 | 139.7 10,325 17.9 489 171 41,141 68.9 527 11.4 —82,408 | —21,4 —252,212 | —31.1 7,244 | 142,7 —1,260 ; —5.4 253,485 | 115.3 2,713 29,9 8, 132 20, 2 Native white of foreign or mixed. . parentage. Per Number. Patines 3,788, 367 20.0 37, 037 2.6 22,518 5.6 —3,050-| 18 —180,517 |. 5.7 85,933} -- 1409 125,694. 18.0 57,586 26045 54, 568 31, 4 19,585} 49.1 26,395 .|. 680.8 33,712 p19. 33, 798 19.3 —437,309:|° 7.6 858, 022. | 103.8 308, 108.| 150.6 911, 566-| 97.1 64, 149.}. 78.8 27, 262.} 125.0 9, 788. | 793.2 1,268) 41.0 37,155 |) 442.3 966,471 | 128.0 14,104.| 126.4 13,3471. 24.9 2, 933 62.1 44,708 | 236.2 2,944 | 111.0 —1,521 | —0.3 185, 354 18.3 9,569 | 268.9 4,914}. 26.3 89, 845 55:4 3,264.1. <7325 33, 803 |0/ 98.4 325,365.|.. 2796 8 Except possessions of the Wnited States. & | 370 pe aS oa: On _X_knmn—nm—_ _ _—> a eeOOOOOOO—OO————_—___e poue) oreign COUNTRY OF ORIGIN. white stock. 1920 | 1910 Total cic sase eee scxiux 100. 0 |100. 0 Northwestern Europe: Hingland 22 $22. fies 3.52 6,3: | anh 2 Scotland 42035. Geess2 sR 2.0 |. 2.0 Wales... jee eedaldiews 0.6 | 0.8 ireland. 3.320. aos. 5-3 11.4 | 14.0 NOrypay-<.stbadey. 2.50 2. 8:1-°3. 0; Sweden. 254. 25..-.54 4.0 |. 4.2 Denmark. g4s e255 -.b28 1 Shark. 2 Netherlands...25....... 1.0). 0.9 Belgium -\. Goel hy... 3b 0 3)10:0.3 Luxemburg...2........ 0.1 |: @) Switzerland............ 0.9 | 0.9 Rrarice: 23 $o8c eee 0.9 | 0.9 Central and Eastern Europe: ermany! Seb. 828. . 25 19.9 | 25.7 Austria: 268i 2g 8.6 | 6.2 Hungary sos8.)2u- 22) 6 3.1]. 2.2 Hussia. veer te. 2.5K 10.6 | 7.9 Hinlanty sae vo... be 0. 8270. 7 Rumaniaieer. @o2l 2. 0.4 | 0.3 Bulgaria, Serbia, and Montenegro.......... 0.1) OL Turkey in Europe...... 0.1] 0.1 Southern Europe: Greece siti. gee... K 0.6} 0.3 Ttalyon eS eon ekee be 9.2} 6.5 Spans. Sse Tpeee he Le 0.2 |..0.1 BROMmngel so secs cates 0.4 | 0.3 Europe, not specified.......| (#) (?) Asia: Turkey in Asia......... 0.5} 0.2 All other countries. -.... (2) (?) America: Canada—French....... 2.3-10{2.9 Canada—Other.......-. 4.8 1.5.7 Newfoundland......... 0.1} @) West Indies’. .......... 0.1) O.1 Mexittio..! -sagbs ct & 2.0} 31.2 Central and South America s32,82..... (?) Alfothers 32} 22a eees S85 0.3 | 0.2 Of mixed foreign parentage.| 4.1] 3.7 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-——POPULATION. TaBLE 103.—PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF, THE FOREIGN WHITE STOCK BY COUNTRY PARENTAGE CLASSES FOR COUNTRIES [Figures for 1920 relate to countries as PER CENT DISTRIBUTION BY COUNTRY OF ORIGIN. ©) Foreign- born white. _ elk a wa cl oP SD 9k SEBO YSONS, bt et Ort GO bo mb Se Te Or © COM NOROOUAIwWoO — _ en ee ee _ _ a nee ue eases cece” Be @ ie) 0.7 | 0.4 @ 1 @) 2,2'| 2.9 4.1 | 6.1 0.1.) @) 0.2.| 0.2 3,5 | 1.6 0.1] .0.1 0.4} 0.3 RHC NH MOOCNIMN CO” ROROCOHAOD Native white of foreign or mixed parentage. Total. 1920 | 1910 100.0 |100. 0 —— |) | | | | | ef | | | | ——__— _ wore NONwWED COFWONOOrAOC SONS BR SceeRPn® cosooprwr ~~ Wr Ob — BOS PSK SOESNN we SESErPS SS YW BRO RO CoO NONTONORA Serres wero Both parents foreign. 1920 | 1910 100. 0 |100.0_ 3.7 | 4.6 11] 14 0.5 | 0.7. 12.5 | 16.6 2.8) 362 808 | 4:2 axk |) Wel 0.9] 0.9 0.2) Od 0.1) (@. 0.7) 0.7 0.6 | 0.6 21.6 | 30.3 951 |. 5.5 3.0 | 126 10.7 | 6.8 0.8 | 0.6 0.3 | 0.2 0.1) (4 yin i) 0.2} (4) 9.9 | 5.4 0.1) 0.3 | 0.3 fo a Bae bl, 0.4} O.1 @)i | &) 2.1] 26 2.2) 24 (7) | (@) 0.1} O.1 t1} 028 @). | @) 0.2.1). 0:1 9.6 | 91 | Mother foreign, Father foreign. 1 For 1920, according to birthplace of father; for 1910, according to birthplace of person. oaaSSS})- | —eeeee Oe |$ OOO OO Se | I 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 100.0 |100, 0 |100. 0 |100. 0 12.6 | 13.9 | 13.7| 149 3.4] 37} 36]. 38 1, 2 \ 1.3 { 2s at 1.4 tt 12.6 | 15.4 | 17.6 | 19.8 3.2/2.7) 3.3] 28 — 3.2| 25)3.3/}-27 — 1.6] 13) 1.3] LO | RK 1. 3 ra 0. f ‘ie 2 0.9 0.3] 0.2] 0.3} 0.2 — 02) @.| O11} @) 1;7 1.6}: 133 7m OR | 1.9] 19} 1.3] 11 30.1 | 34.1.) 23.6 | 25.9 3.8| 2113.2] 18 0.7] 0.3|.0.4] 02 3.0| 1.3] 18] .07 0.2] 0.1] 0.2} O01 0.1] @ | 01] @) a a).| (2 @ OM ROR ROM ROME 02] 01},@ 1@ — 3.2/1.3) 08} 03 — 0.2] 0.1] 01] O12 | 0.3] 0.3] 01] O1 | Ol@]@]®@ — a1] | ala 0.1 &} 0.1 3) | on te 2.8] 34] 3.7] 40 — 10.8 | a9 15.7 ans By 0.21 02}02) 02 — 10].09} Li} 09 0.1] .01} O41), 01 — i 0.4] 034,04} 03 — ‘ ; COUNTRY OF ORIGIN. 871 ; UF ORIGIN FOR NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE CLASSES, AND BY NATIVITY AND ‘OF ORIGIN, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910. ‘constituted prior to the World War.] PER CENT DISTRIBUTION BY NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE CLASSES. Native white of foreign or mixed parentage. i Foreign- COUNTRY OF ORIGIN. porn Both white. Father Mother Total. avy foreign. foreign. 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 || 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 Ome LARP A. . J. 37.7 | 41.4] 62.3 | 58.6 43.1 | 40.1} 12.5 |. 12.2 6.7 6.4 Northwestern Europe: . ~ -England:..... See UES pats « .1. 35.7 | 37.7 | 64.3 | 62.3 24.9) 25.5] 24.8) 23.5 | 14.6] 13.2 SCOSIMNOS 283.0) drs HsD.s 42.4 | 39.6] 57.6| 60.4 24.4 | 26.6] 21.0) 22.0}. 12:1] 11.8 2 ewirbevenww sesiet 200k 133,14 709-1 68.9 Bor 0+) O4ek~-23, 8 [21,1 | 313862 bc 116 Oe Ses err. 28.2 | 30.0] 71.8] 70.0 47.6) 47.5] 13.9] 13.414 10.4 9.0 We Yuwebue..) tS ob... 35.4] 41.2] 64.6] 58.8 42.8 | 42.0) 14.0] 10.9 7.8 5.9 DP WOGGNRG «as s5 ss piseceses 43.4] 48.8] 56.6] 51.2 41.2} 40.1 9.9 TA 5.5 4.0 Denmark....... Ae oer 41.0| 45.4] 59.0] 546 36.5 | 36.9) 15.8] 12,4 6.7 5.3 /_. Netherlands:..............} 37.0] 40.9} 63.0) 59.1 39.3 | 39.6] 15.8]. 13.0 7.8 6.5 ] PON SBF ok Ea oc «ls 51.5 | 55.3] 48.5 | 44.7 30.6 | 29.6) 12.6}. 11.0 5.3 4,1 if Luxemburg.) ...si0.-..... 29.8 | 44.2] 70.2] 55.8 37.7 | 34.3 | 25.2). .17.9 7.3 3.6 Switzerland. .............. 35.8 | 41.4] 64.2] 58.6 31.6 | 30.1} - 23.0} 20/3 9.7 8.3 ee C28 50.00... LUG tbh .j- 37.4} 40.1} 62.6} 59.9 27.0 | 27.0'} 25.91. 25.0 9.7 7.9 Centraland Eastern Europe: GEINBINY, COO8. ox Leb ob os s' 26.4} 30.2] 73.6) 69.8 46.8 | 47.2) 18.8] 16.2 8.0 6.4 SUID. StS Weeds esas sie 46.2} 58.7] 53.8] 41.3 45.9 | 35.4 5.5 4.0 2.5 1.8 Pan gary le. Sh.b Te ke... 53.8] 70.8] 46.2] 29.2 42.5 | 27.3 2,7 1.4 1.0 0.5 BEMMOSIM. 25 Sos os bbls pb ss sie 52.2 | 63.1] 47.8] 36.9 43.2) 34.3 3.5 2.0 1.1 0.6 SPP UMONIG yo . Ess os ovis od... 50.9} 61.4] 49.1] 38.6 43.9 | 36.1 3.3 1.6 1.9 0.8 PaUMaNTA Ss. £3...5 030% Si... 63.5} 75.1] 36.5] 24.9 32.5 | 23.6 2.8 0.9 1.2 0.3 Bulgaria, Serbia, and Montenegro.............- 74.8 | 94.6] 25.2 5.4 22.2 4,2 2.7 1.1 0.3 0.2 . Turkey in Europe......... 81.3} 91.2] 18.7 8.8 17.0 7.2 1.6 1.2 0.2 0.3 Southern Europe: a ee ee eee 78.5} 92.3 | 21.5 7.7 17.4 5.0 3.9 2.2 0.1 0.4 RUMMY = SGMTh Sk. 03.55 BeBe oi 48.4] 64.0! 51.6] 36.0 46.6 |} 33.1 4,4 2.5 0.6 0.3 BPA. 065.52. ov ids 6G « 2 67.6 | 66.3 | 32.4] 33.7 19.2 | 13.2) 10.2) .16.2 3.0 4,2 » Portugal... <5......35......| 50.4 | 51.9] 49.6]. 481 39.2 | 37.5 8.7 9.3 1.8 1.3 Europe, not specified..........| 30.4] 37.7| 69.6| 62.3]| 45.6] 386] 17.3] 169] 67] 68 » Turkey in Asia............ 61.3 | (75.9 | 38.7) 24.1 35.2 | ‘22.2 2.9 1.6 0.5 0.2 _ All other countries......... 47.9 | 63.5) 52.1] 36.5 16.7 GoTes 284.618.3816 US IT 1 America: _Canada—French........... 85.7] 41.3 | 643] 58.7 38.5 | 35.5; 15.2) 14.4] 10.6 8.8 Canada—Other........... f) 81.8 | 44.5] 68.2) 55.5 19.6} 16.9} 26.6] 21.3.) 22.0] 17.4 _ Newfoundland..... weebee ee 48.4.) 58:8) 51:6] 41.2 28.1 |) 21.3}! 10.9 9.9.) 1205-1710. 1 mW OSL EMGICS 3.5 ls cade cess 48.2|° 55.4] 51.8] 446 22.0 |) 20.7} 1908 betes: 21001 7.8 ya FS a 65.3 | 57.5 | 34.7) 42.5 24.6 | 28.2 6.3 9.2 3.9 5.1 _Centraland South America|) 60.5 | 67.1 | 39.5] 32.9 7.3 6.0) 18.4). 15.2.) 13.8) °11.7 SS ee oe 41°55} 538)9 | 58.5] 46.1 33.2} 19.1) 16.6} 17.5 8.7 9.5 Of mixed foreign parentage. ...].......|..-..-. 100/04) 1.00.'0519100. 0} 100:.04. 2 jn 4... oo. hoe SUE : 2 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 8 Except possessions of the United States. 372 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-POPULATION. 4 TaBrn 104.—COUNTRY OF ORIGIN OF THE FOREIGN, _ [Figures relate to countries as DIVISION AND STATE. United States-.... GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New Engiland........ Middle Atlantic... 2. East North Central... West North Central... SouthsAtlanticss..LA East South Central... West South Central. . Mountain Seas. tle NEw ENGLAND: Mainion 30.09. 2b New Hampshire. ...£. Vermons...J.bie?s Connecticut ...ts...8 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: New Jersey..........- Pennsylvania: 05.4. East NORTH CENTRAL! ORIG fo See ev Michigan . .12 Minnesota.....i.-..22 lowa South Dakota eS aes Nebraska. 12.0.1 5 EET ay TRA MOO” Dh SoutH ATLANTIC: Delanware.. 3... ... 4.3 Maryland 3. 3.5) 23 District of Columbia: |: Virginiant -heagi. Le West Virginia........ . North Carolina....1.. South Carolina... .... East Souta CENTRAL: Kentucky ..4.£.¢.....4 Tennessee ..i S52.) Alans che Po Mississippi./.2.01... 4 WES? SOUTH CENTRAL: Arkansas Se ete ewe me Texas..299nt2 atin MOUNTAIN: Montana Idaho. i ed es ad wee eee ewe wee ewer cee w wee Arizona U Total foreign white stock.” 36, 398, 958, 4, 512, 930 12’ 010, 828 9, 148, 492 | 4 749, $39 ” 869) §24 274,765 | 1, 155, 942 1, 210, 391 2; 466, 247 259, 915 909, 526 6, 503, 761 1, 824, 412 3, 682, 655 1, 902, 71 519, 527 3, 232, 770 1, 562, 244 1, 541, 309 855, 628 522, 155 400, 102 52, 739 311, 649 87, 372 83) 415 144’ 378 18, 576 19, 120 46, 417 105, 858 141, 426 53, 236 52,903 27; 200 53, 065 154, 887 608, 071 271, 420 i 586, 756 1, 931, 180. a A -—— NORTHWESTERN EUROPE. England. . Wales. | Ireland. ds Sweden. meat 2, 307, 112 | 731, 239 |230, 380 /4, 136, 395 |1,023,225 |1, 457, 382 | 467, 525 324,095 | 111,369 | 7,264 925, 051 | 15,551.) ,138,102 | 17,097 700, 177'| 214) 391 95) 586 11,724" 888 | 61/118 | '170;736 | 447 468 514, 407 | 157/105 | 55,323 | ’657,662 | 2357795 | 382) 816.| 102) 847 _ 218,740 | 72,941 | 23/966 | 314,177 | 542,339 | 497,264 | 167,079 72, 408'| 24; 898°} 6,251] 1027689} 5,198. |. .10, 130-1" 4’ 608 22) 328+ 8) 170.|--1,976-| 41-299 | . 1, 214- 3,768 | 1,424. 52,985 | 15,531 | 3,166 | 55,250] 7,5199),07%9) 020°) a7 183 — 166, 553 |{'44) 778) 18, 313"| 86,710.|. 48,005. |. 235,419. | 81, 556'} 18,535! 228)'739 |. 106, 486. | --155,6 eae SS ees) Oe oS ee +S 2 é oo 13, 544 | 6, 041 448] 24216 | 1,221 LE, 220:].6° 47 951 122| 27,801 |..-.?887.|- 6, 880}. 5,097} 1,464") 16,428]... .. 298, 185,546 | 65,536} 3,122) 610,696 |... 9,663. 52) 942.| 12) 444 549 | 79,640]... 7973 53, 953'|° 17,300: 1,559°| 166,180 |... 2,579. 317, 179 | 94, 021'| 19, 703'| 983, 036 |. . 46, 220. 120,811 | 42)071 | 3,946 | 248° 652 | -<10) 104 |: 262, 187:|.. 78, 799'| 71, 937'| 493,200 |... 4, 794 131, 502 |. 35,084} 29,574 | 151/698 |.. .3, 181. 32,121 | 11,412 | 3,631} 44,952 |..1,541 159, 304'| 55,872 | 10,861} 304/924 | 66, 088. 144, 733°|42}084)} 3,739} 94/201 | 17,325. 46,747 | 12,703 | 7,518| 61,887 | 147, 660: 36, 873'| 14,860} 3,730'| 65,869 |. 280, 982 56,786 | 17,725| 7,170] 75,924 | 62,568 41, 598°|.° 11, 983} 3,769°| 82/213 |...1) 925. |. 8,913): 5,352)} 606] 11; 336 |. 127, 561. 12,6015} 3,885 | 1,653} 14,619 |..58, 866. |. 26, 438'| 7) 864} 2'507.| 32,151 |.-.7, 092. 35,581 | 11,272 | 4,531] 32,065| 3,345 4,541] 1,117 205 | 12,211 110 15,645 | 6483 | 1,904] | 33,533] 1,076 9 085"|.12 2) 759") Bin | 19797 |... .2795. 10, 588} 3,751) | 5559) 9) 885 4... 1,008" 10,887 | 3,460 | 2,239] 11,107 134 2,829| 1,305 89 1, 545 156 1, 6771 725) £42:| 2 $2675)4-..-.179. 5, 043°|.05 1, 947 269°| 6,607 |... 381. 12, 113'|.1!) 3,361 437-| »5,899 |...1,479 7, 864;).° 2,241 | 679°) . 23,695 191. 5, 7581.25 1, 827 693 8,846 Jo on194 |! 6,301 | 3,363 536 5, 283 561 2,405 739 68} © 3,505 268 5, 256)).00 11, 585 387 5,053 300° 6, 818 4... 1783 259 | 14, 104 964 13,032] 4,676 | 1,419| 11,878} 1,095 27, 879 <7, 487 | 1, 10N'} > 24 215 [8 95} 160 22,809| 9,175] 2,515 | 28,448 | 27,824 22,883 | 5,418] 3,083] .7,327| 7,061 9,061| 4,134] °1,106|] °4942| 13664 32,150 | 11,257] 4,672] 28,370) 4,111 3,034} 1,386 257 2, 466 380 8,094 | 2'113 601 5, 450 809 64,209 | 10,123] 5,716 5,634 | 5,738 4,313 | 1,172 363 4,073 418 153) 716 vorradiy9yo COUNTRY, OF; ORIGIN: Pr; . 373 ¥ | WHITE STOCK, BY DIVISIONS AND. STATES;. 1920. — uted prior to the World War.] R 4s rey CENTRAL AND EASTERN NORTHWESTERN EUROPE—continued. EUROPE. | DIVISION AND |STATE. | a Nether-|\:Bel- |Luxem-| Switzer- ; Hun- i: ty an lands. | gium. urg., land. France. |Germany.} Austria. gary. : c ; O'F5. : ; ' eepent fasus | : 2 United States......... isp toe 43,109 | 327,797 | 333,678 |7,259,992 |3, 129,798 |1,110, 905 _ Grognarmic prvisions: 7,620 ;|> 24y887-}, 162,381 |--194,105-} 41, 962 1nd: pin-068-e¢ 02 te geht 629 |. 5 9 woo Niaene nti generate es egy ; 165 |. 65,418 | 95,216 11° 871619 |1, 411,112 | 553,644 * East North Central. - ~~ ; 863 | 100, 011 | 73, 202 (27789, 953 | ”.958, 258 |. 388,690 es West Nort 4,| 56,819 |. 84,.437,/1 407,203 |, 292,995} 58,228 é “ee 6,435 | 10,320}.”195,706.| 56,970-| , 24,672 bes Ee Sy 844} °.7,600.},. 6,912 1. 96,191 | 7440] 4) 334 es 41d. |", 11,364 |. 29,362] 246° 190.1. 80,831} 5, 234- ee | > 1,155 | -19,091' | 12,247 | 135, 662°), 53, 502 |. 17,430 | 58,521 | 50,005 | 355,087}. 74,585 |. 16,702 © New] sie \ND:. | pr ane abe Ub bead oat ets Sa paigorsees: | it SHa | doe. Saeed, 2,880 1° 34 4, 148 "’< New Hampshire... °°... «Oy Dake ; nem De ae ea 54 4, 464 7, 718 201 MEN WeINOIMAONS .aos,J.-..2-.-.- { 266 539 2,146 2,699 634 * “: ERES Sa eae say ) 2,814] 11,391,| 71,568] 94,521]. 4,332 ie Bode Islund.|.coo 8)... Eh 272 Te 415} 2,531 9/622 | . 15,085 584 © Connect. ben cnnngeees ssh se O14 |° 91) 38,809] 6,123) 71,692] ° 72.784]. 35,066 > Mmpre ATLA Sat medka | ae ew Yor pn eset Aa BGe 1, 30,743 | 52,822,|1,029,448 |. 614, 102 | 156, 895 © New Jersey... 20°87} f 16,333,| 16,471, |, "303, 194 | 193,501}, 98, 086 8 oe. | ad peal 18,3421 25'923'| 538/977 | 603,419 |. 298,663 st ORTH ENTBAL!,», | pe , ae Beerecreer est 3 |°-35,235 | 20,274 |. 572,756 | 246, 890 |, 183, 466 Tate baepte d-nen't #3: ; $110,438 10,052 | 225/661 | 36,048] . 24’ 622 Tl ols. _ th de Imei aad 22) 524 | 25,377 | 865,311 |..424,054 |. 98) 191 We Michigans spn segs! : «8913 |, 12,092], 413/984 |. 132° 336 |. 53, 845 2 ike Bie Li ute 29/901) 5,407 | 712/941 | 1187030 |. . 287566 ES oO NTRAL: ; ' : ) Minnes ae 9,368 |. 4,920 |. 365,933 | 87,214] 24,116 Be MG Lone. species: --ttes ; }' 10,798 |. 6,464 |° 314,491 | 42° 100.| 3,951 Me . Missourie..... 0°23 77! 16,944 | 11,607 | 298177 | 36,941], 16,000 se». North Dakota.......,. 1,841 |. i434) 57,4771. 15,634 6, 096 “South DEWPS expe 2,592] 1,198} 76,263| 14,0541. 1,782 PR 3 Nebraska. = 2. Sr syy--+|)- « 6,236 | 2,786 | 180,572 | 68,804} ° 2° 196 f Sap esd a eek pept es = atin: 9,040 | 6,398 | 114,290 | 28,248 4, 087 “So MUANTIC; | ' = “Boiate tad rs > RS ae BAB 496.1 6,393| 4, 919 539 Be BEaryiands. ©. | con's - < 4,142 ee be RE Pe ae 9/921 | 3,216| 51/224) ~~ 9) 904 “SL pon a hin Sale "9, 829 | 34,702 | 40,806 | 221,073 | 41,117 | 10,800 374 TABLE 104.—COUNTRY OF ORIGIN OF » ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION., THE FOREIGN ” [Figures relate to countries as DIVISION AND SBATE. CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE—Ccon. Russia. : Tur- garia, Fin- Ru- |Serbia, key land. jmania.| and | py. Monte- a negro. | TOP: 3,871, 109 |296,276 |134, 318)43, 703 23, 268 SOUTHERN EUROPE. eci- United States... 212,342 |3; 336, 941 |77, 947 |134, 794 10, 998 a fe GEOG. DIVISIONS: New England...... 470, 118 | 35,253 | 4,307 649 | 4, 460 258 Middle Atlantic. ..-|1, 908° 800 | 26,796 |77,876 | 8,342 | 9,979 2,073 East North Central. ” 938 762 |103,097 |33,570 |19,179 | 5,070 2,963 West North Central 301, 845 | 68, 761 | 8,466 | 4,501 733 1,510 South Atlantic. .... 131, 635 | 1,995 | 3,144 | 1,369 427 741 East South Central. 13 276 403 6 191 94 494 West South Central 40, 568 724 991 705 185 1,715 Mountain. ......... 60,950 | 14,843 | 1,144} 4,150 | 555 228 PACE nen oe ee 100,155 | 44,404 | 4,164 | 4,617 | 1,765 1,016 NEW ENGLAND Sines eee See 10,983 | 2,435 76 23 525 17 New Hampshire. . 9; 143 | 3,038 28 23 311 10 Verntontt 22. Poh: 4 554 884 18 6 6 Massachusetts...... 274, 600 | 26,173 | 1,893 409 | 2,958 “112 Rhode Island: -.... 20, 429 581 541 74 283 20 Connecticut........ 150, 409 | 2,142 | 1,751 117 377 93 MIDDLE ATLANTIC New York) 1, 168,518 | 18,158 |58, 886 | 1,727 | 7,662 1,015 Now Jersey. <2 ..2. 227, 963 3 524 | 5,302 386 396 287 Pennsylvania-..... 512, 319 5 114 |13, 688 | 6, 229 | 1,921 771 E. NortH CENTRAL: ORG yee 3 fF, (6 150,074 | 12,764 |12,928 | 7,749 | 2,125 532 Indiatm... bees eo! 29; 526 402 | 3, 562 | 1, 856 841 256 TRONS a ete 391, 415 | 4,885 | 8,901 | 3,885 991 1,127 Michigan-. 2.222... 185, 816 | 70,365 | 7,270 | 4,501 784 790 Wisconsin. . 81, 931 | 14,681 909 | 1,188 329 258 W. NortH CENTRAL: Minnesota. ......... 42,526 | 61,640 | 3,523 | 2, 255 164 329 TOW see eee ie 16, 465 164 412 791 72 317 Missouri. .... =. 44, 94.5 198 | 2, 136 664 375 396 North Dakota...... 84,132 | 3,306 | 1,650 86 32 8 South Dakota. ..... 35,500 |} 3,235 169 212 40 71 Nebraska... .. 25 37, 525 112 478 330 38 147 Karas oe? sf Sar 40; 752 106 98 163 12 172 SouTtH ATLANTIC: Delaware........... 8, 919 60 181 1 13 Maryland ore 69, 306 252 699 197 29 145 Dist. of Columbia..| 11,481 151 140 24 98 68 Virginia, 2 1. os See 2, 662 347 258 58 45 166 West Virginia... ... 12, 256 455 722 958 135 104 North Carolina. .... 2, 520 29 56 29 20 22 South Carolina... .. 2, 881 78 31 8 19 ~ 30 ole Sd 12 a Bl ed 8, 676 68 202 33 54 138 Fionda: 3. 2p et 2, 934 555 855 60 26 55 E. SoutH CENTRAL: Kentucky 2: oa 6, 536 77 253 75 23 210 Tennessee. - 2°... =: 5, 986 64 149 21 29 77 Alabama;...)22) 3, 645 123 197 65 40 140 Mississippi-.......- 2, 109 139 57 30 2 67 W.. SoutH CENTRAL: Arkansas. .... 2.0.2. 1, 965 25 85 33 3 82 Louisiana.........- 4,297 220 128 147 36 369 Oklahoma.....:.... 16, 501 127 86 160 21 171 Taxa? so ee 17, 805 352 692 365 125 1,143 MOUNTAIN Montana>. 2.3 22.22 13,013'} 7,155 320 | 1,193 263 34 TGatier eo ee 3,642 | 1,954 73 167 56 17 Wyoming. ........ 3,237 | 1,669 86 596 82 10 Colorado-......2... 36,675 | 1,675 482 653 51 114 New Mexico........ 672 69 13 129 14 1b ES TSCR ee ee 1, 856 636 74 642 20 “1 Utena Pe 1,528 | 1,417 88 361 64 13 Newer...) Aes et 327 8 8 409 5 8 PACIFIC: Washington........ 26, 430 | 21,053 473 | 1,074 | 1,087 114 tf os Pa aaa 14,745 | 11,398 | 372| 480] 244 7,550 | 888 53 California.......... 58,980 | 11,953 | 3,319 | 3,063 434 167, 760 |18, 424 |59, 326 849 é es O14 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN. O15 |) WHITE STOCK, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920—Continued. constituted prior to the World War.] ' ie = . ASIA. AMERICA. ‘4 citi whi erie ee Cen. | ll, | mixed DIVISION AND STATE. ra foreign qj Turkey) an | ©40- |canada—| New | West | wex- | ang | coUn- parent- ! 4 in ada— found-| In tries ‘ © | asia. | Obher-|French.| Other- | jand. | dies | ico. | South age : ; Amer- ica. - United States./164,480 |10,735 (848,309 |1, 755,519 |25, 448 45,496 |725,332 /19, 487 |116, 458 |1, 502, 457 eS A i _ QxEoo. DIVISIONS: 4 _ New England....| 41,112 | 1,206 |620,157 | 510,069 16,017 | 2,358 281 | 1,030 | 58,357 | 158, 590 | ~. = Middle Atlantic. | 48; 127 | 2)713 | 53,726 | 2347110 | 5,170 [16,600 | 5,437 | 8219 | 7,787 | 477, 885 _) - E. North Central.| 28; 127 | 2; 631° |102'655 | 490,220 | 1,625 | 1/656 | 7,966 | 1,529 | 8/354 | 366,076 he W. North Central. 8, 572 745 | 42,027 192’ 348 | ” 419 680 | 26, 485 734 | 3,611 | 208,475 = South Atlantic...| 9,22 391 | 2,047 24° 356 351. (20, 538 797 898 | 1,594 35, 306 _ E. South Central.) 3,490 | 129 508 he zal 69 |. 482 756 | 254 570 | 13,116 |. ~ W.SouthCentral.| 7,934| 442 | 2,141} 22,803 | 176 | 1,544 |410,009 | 1,331 | 1,725 37,068 i _Mountain......-.| 3,328 429 | 10,014 69) 132 386 B71 1146, 353 371 | 3,323 65, 792 a Pacific. ..... eats ded 14,564 | 2,049 | 15,034] 205,210 | 1,235.) 1,267 1127248 | 5,121 | 31/137 | 140,149 : ABA Le SAE RAS eR PB GS RC PaO ARN ON) SYS a ah | NEW ENGLAND: Lae MING. ooo. bm ory 1,555 45 | 86,110 93, 947 406 124 12 31 222 6,716 | _NewHampshire..} 1,417 17 | 90,246 32, 642 336 51 9 40 152 5,191 : Vermont... 2. ..... 554 19 | 39,419 25, 949 124 21) = 10 22 81 3, 520 ‘oh Massachusetts... .| 27,954 | 478 |287,897 | 318,502 |14,007 | 1,406 178 |. 679 | 50,198 | 98,517 ji Rhode Island_....| 5,352 95 | 75,658 16, 846 517 236 12 91 | 6,608 14, 569 4 Connecticut...:..| 4,280 551 | 40,827 22,183 627 520 60 167 | 1,096 30,077 _ MIDDLE ATLANTIC: . ic |, New York.......- 25,233 | 1,604 | 49,730.| 185,474 | 3,211. |12, 834 | 3,134 | 6,437 | 4,322 | 272,788 ef New Jersey...... 7,652 | 534°] 2,004] 19,246 | 989 | 1,894 462 | 862] 1,357 | 75,069 B el et 15,242 | 575 | 1,992! 29,390 | 970 | 1,872 | 1,841} 920] 2,108 | 130,028 - E. Nortw CENTRAL: | ies i OMIO gil Lo 8,748 |. 369 | 4,030]. 46,456 | , 329.|.. 566} 1,019] 374] 1,570 |’ 72,434 5 Bil) ERGEING Jone oy 1,887)... 257°, 1,763: 12,611 97| 89 740 86 568 | 18,815 i Tlinois,.... 2.2... .| 5,210 | 1,260 | 14,322 | 74,437] ° 615} 570 | 4,592} 629 | 2,768] 126,458 \ * Michigan... 10,127 | 621°} 62,206 | 314,844) ° 4388 | 303] 1,387] 285 | 1,453 | 84,925 e He Beene a 2,205 | 124} 20,334] 41,972] 146| °128 228} 155 | 1,995 | 63,444 ORTH CENTRAL: Minnesota........ 1,926} 173 | 26,430] 67,064} . 148 93 333 | 106 829 | 70,623 Bea AOWAL Ste 1,180} 137 | 2,032] 29,169 54| 151 | 3,093} 118 691 | 33,089 . , Missouri.-.....-..| 2,110}. 130} 1,272 | . 16,738 81,| 296 | 3,815] 177 883 | 32,468 y~ © North Dakota..:.|. 835 441 5,774 | 33,013 34 6 35 16 219 | 20,212 ).. ’ South Dakota....| - 646 | . 72} 2,126} 12,948 17 17 92 37 179 | 13,576 . | Nebraska. .-..+-- 1,231 | -- 95°} 1,401 | 17,153 63 60 | 2,890 | ~ "87 370 | 20,133 Z. ‘babisk ai Ae ok ie 94°] (2,902 | 16,263) 22 57 | 16, 227:| > - 193 440 | 18,374 . SoUTH TLANTIC; 4 Delaware.... 43 6 42 860 9 43 61 6 38 1,909 mm * Matyland. 9:02). 272 52°] °339 3,639 98.| 396 100 | ~ 206 408 | 11,402 7 oie of Coldinbila. 624 55°} | 467 3, 747 44.| 191 71 | 170 197 4,604 % , . Virginia... -.. 1,608} 86 | — 296 3, 749 59.) 140 108 | 141 236 3,791 aS West Virginia. } S02 13 137 1,949 5 25 81 31 127 3,909 ‘North Carolina:..| 1,097 42 43 1, 276 Oates 21 33 45 85 727 -. South Carolina.--|. "788 | 14 63 584 9| 67 11 RNC 32 754 me . Georgia... .- 2.) 1,085 43 165 1,912 25} 156 88 ‘| 52 109 2,317 a IOC S40.) 1, 156 80 495 6, 640 96 |19, 449 244°} 215 362 5, 893 _ E. SoutH CENTRAL: { Kentucky........ 791 41 150 2, 160 27 51 172 47 235 6, 486 me i, berinewses,~..--. . 350 22 149 2, 153 18 70 245 86 136 2,700 Alabama......... 1, 111 29 138 1, 967 12| 279 185 90 125 2,638 ae tte Desc | List sr) ett 991 12 82 154 31 74 1, 292 OUTH CENTRAL: [ Arkansas......... 478 23 213 2, 360 2) 40 366 38 166 2,867 © Louisiana.....-.. 2,175 | 100 424 2,571 33.| 1,018 | 3,139-| 396 277 8, 338 _- Oklahoma.:.. 1, 661 83 700 7,685 33 4 |- 8,330 56. | 289 6,714 ‘ emacs. | 3,620'| 236 804 | 10,187 89 | 392 |398,174 | 341 993 | 19,149 OUNTAIN: ; - .Montana..../....|. 633 61 |, 6,041 | 25/194 | 134 40 264 50 401 | 13,989 = | Tdaho.; 2.222 3.|-° 148 54| 1,376 | --11,036 | - 110 914-115 278 20 602 8,523 4 ba oming........ 244 25) 1297 3, 593 7| 28) 2) 025 34 126 3,738 + Colorado......... 713 | -135 | 1,404} - 17,043 75 | 163 |-14,533-}-- 93 461 | 15,714 _ | New Mexico...... 454 38 163 1, 664 8 30 | 34/083 15 75 1, 603 Seer Arizona... :: .>..), 634 54 279 4,056 29 53 | 91,514 81 268 3,510 i. Wterts. ios). lt) Ba? 48 211]: 4,138 12 19 | 1,311 34 1,065 | 16,633 hg b Nevada. -:..... <4 55 14 243 2, 408 11 17 | 1,352 44 325 2, 082 | fr ACIFICS’ ’ ) -‘Washington......} 1,213 | 371] 7,175] 73,205 | 539] 145 507 206 1,488} 35,380 > © Oregon.:.2..-5-).}) 7 505'| - 141} 1,977 | 27,359 | 112 | . 109 655 813 | 16,849 California........ 12,846 | 1,537 | 5,882 | 104,646 | 584 | 1,013 |126,086 | 4, 716 28,836 | 87,920 1 Except possessions of the United States. ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-POPULATION. 376 TABLE 105.--PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF, THE FOREIGN: WHITE PER CENT WHICH SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF ORIGIN CONTRIBUTED TO TOTAL FOREIGN WHITE STOCK IN SPECIFIED DIVISION OR STATE. a] OCA N MOOT 3 « “Aresemyy | é |/2 af ei OE mMACKONO 5 _Ratonna BOOMS Sais. SE TTORYA) ; = SSS ea8 vnsny | 98 oS. Mo SSSA I wed |S cdckoded od SSS oeeegseee. idwhisodwledes ENA 7 Skee SANA CSASDSSAAAT Seda. SB wht : os 2c SY Geet ps3 ToD : er TEE toe Se eh ere Se & % : aa P| OO19 O19. CON SH Er aS 0 WOO Piety RAMASSS. SHEE STaH Ss Pe 600 00 S160! sr OOD | -AueULIO || sis Soché4ish| Hadad adi Sod SSSN8R Nidodid is ai Mefoe aan or 2 3 o ld ae CSSANSATS | WN INA SEs Si Ref fafa ae sacasads SRS5. BS S ddishgstas docs HHO ASHSS 0500 HOS Fi rs or ee ck o SR ESN A riot ecsdds) Soc) HHiddd Sédcden Son rineirein "ed pb se Nisa SHHHHSSs Hon o AROS AMAR OTS ON *“PURLIOZIEMG SSHHSAdHA | SoScsd SSS Hasse SHaicdcHa etrigseieis ces Otrn cdSHS Hed HdSaiN Heda 3 at ~ SPAT = Err Zi a aI le, a - ee PR ete eae DNDN NT ao an “- =) ae Ag +. >—VvwOOQOOOON = mre mnquoxny S Sesseoeess COCs "Loe ssscds coddédddd COCteotts hh Sst odds te8 “sd BOAR eset OD Pe OD rico rs rN OD NOOO om ODOT SON OCR CO SrtA INDO N QTL oD SOs LD NUH OO 00 at erst TON } — Saddccccs feaedac - “SSS SHSOHS “SSSSSSS SSSOSHSOSSS Gdds. ‘SSS6 SdSdSSSSS Sdc © OS || MOAN HMSO | ARASH ORR HANTS SCNMOCAOR ADHONOHOR WIDOT DHON WAODHNOM AHS & SpuUeLIeuON | ellocHndcdcdwHic |[UdSsddss SHS SHAH HeiSSASS SSSSSHSSS SSSS SSeS HSdSSSSAS Hds = [ & || SID DIDOOR [ONMMN- WEAN MDHOO OOP annor OMPONARORN AMON (OMMID SOMMBaANS wane & yavurue | A|SOSHASSSHA1SSSSSS SSS SSHON NdNSONGSH SSSHSSHSH SdoSH HSHS AIS AS Sosa ed oded A S| AHNHATOOM |ROGONT BAT GIONS NG SOHHHA SHR OSOTRH HGH Boor be wew iso a ea = *TSpo MG | LOerst L090 19 CNH ~OO -purrjoog | of Ars aAodoed PANN HAN HAHN FHNFRAHN ANd Ard HASSAN BHOS GHSONHiddS Hiss OF |PMOOOMAOOMD |ONGNSOS OSH AANGDHS HOSCHIAD COMP ODAHAHT GCHOD GAA HDHHOOORD ASE “pues | ro) 1916 1.06 06 wi od 5 | sadeeie GOm CSOs Acid awd od BGSAM IG 6S 1S Sri 6 Cixi od Bresso tian ror RerKer) a ’ e ‘ e ’ c ' . ' ’ ' & , ‘ iY AF TY oe ey ae ot: = eine ’ ‘ ' ' » ' , ' ‘ - ‘ ’ ’ ‘ * ‘. . . ’ . . ,. . . . % 8 a ee 8 . . ES . 0 a Mee ee eee ee a et ee) ee ee oe 7°. (f- 8 . 0 ee e . OF 8 oye s S Sota. se ye, Dae Sas al” 8 rg : 33 ‘ . eae we | . a 0 Vag 28m ik os, ' eo WSS a ’ v z ’ ‘ ee é Cee i Ft Se RS Sc ie NG ee a ees: Y t oe > Se ea Ry me. 2 ' ‘. oR EN Me og By ' oar 3 ew ’ . . iS ON ae EG eas 2 tk ee. SLO gs See a ee eae eh a sh te Ee tabs noes gees Fo BH BARS Saree Gree Ft ee $5 0s 8 oS © im 3525 Swe NT ew 1) 2b ap opie ao wii s SG es < @.0- "O78 Leg Oy eee bat .0 ie ee» 8: 9 te = ene eS ae bes Ses ook ae oe Set a Gt er,« i=] 2 “set ASoAkS:: CNN. O88 ET 8 ele wes e = f EN te 86s OS 8 ‘ "SO te gg tk a eh ower Ss ont rer ee wen m Seog eoees 1: = pace be . ee ai He = Seka Kaa a mee sag i Le ASSES go.) :8 | ‘RSS Aighe ot rsd Fe ey Bi SO os) ae Oo. 0g 6 PT diegcma i8S o, oo Oe omit | SoHt ESE ESH Ste eeS ASB GES IAS8e (Seg e eas tb ineSdeaese ! a ies e Phi HS or ols: pipes = Re OCRte Ana Br.Si Osea CAG A o8 ey 8 6 SO Uo Z PHO FOSS HE gM Ss So Spe he SSO SoG Bae eS Sar HOS SSS SR eo ess ea Sessa to eee iS) = sa ey bee =| = BERR Sey GG wh SOF sea gSShbor rd ao hope Cayo dna eGSohSe8 is S65 = AAS Tepeepeahzd. aa Beg SF AGS apserata Pa anesereog gous sass sggoSe gd & eh Sos a patos sgsug es onaBaecda Zz 4 PAs Dee SRO MP SES SERIES BONES MARS RSEN GEOG Om Om GOSS SeA Booed sS Sop ot Prt inte mM ODD Op oO 8.4.50 5 @ 0.08: ome ie) OVHP ORS Nano) S ao Oe | AS} S 2 SZ SRP AnE ah Pp SAPS Aza eo FheseanZ sOSObPZn0s Made § 40 2SRbOAdbw BOS S| a a < is 5 < iS ° =< oO A = a) S a a) =) Ay 19 00 aN IDORODOSnH Neri SO HAOH ISSR H HOnNMHIDS NOM 4 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent.” 377 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN, ° , BY DIVISIONS AND STATES : 1920. STOCK BY COUNTRY OF ORIGIN IfIED COUNTRY OF ORIGIN CONTRIBUTED TO TOTAL FOREI _| PER CENT WHICH SPEC GN. WHITE. STOCK IN SPECIFIED DIVISION OR STATE—continued. he! OCD HADDIN DS Es 8 eee SOD CHAN WOR DRO 3.69 3313 SS mal 1b Oo oonan BS 00 beet Oro te ce As 1 DOH COPrtaeo OA A tr = HiOSDOOHO an sw Cae aero ie Sado consid sos dso a 09 05.15 HM 0d od a5 ac VHGA wGtia SSHHFANKSS Sid ‘osequored UsI3 | oF “10 OXIA IO. | 9 SN a Ce ee Rh take eet, be sts Ee. 5 RIS Sn ek be Ro Ue yn eek has a See SSSA IL SOSSNHS SSS SoSSSS SooCeoeoo SecoSeoscseoscdass SSooSs Soda SeSeRses Soe jissseseeu [Sosa Ses Steet es Ss Ba Pes cee Maen eae oe Alcs aid IOI OO NAAN MAIN es ABA aes S GN oD 00 ; SS tS ELE ee ee td6c SSE Teste sts Cts o GN OTTOMAN | ah CR Se NO Sap eh AAA toot SO aH ASSaBARS HAND ° Se Ser ae a es ee pad Set a el nai pee el fea ee Tae ead Ree Be 8 Oe ee ar ea er i per ES Bey Heo Sn ae: SE iS. 7h OOTXOTL | ek |LSSSSSisais CoS Ce Sooo Wootton pig Sg po ep So9d900 Cais g S r4cd 13 18 S09 oor 2. rat et SS Stet PRA ett hr rt i a a a RIN NINN HAN, NH SH OOH nT .0D APEC 4 Sa Pee cae aan s zg SOIpuy SIM | os ee SO SS SO Ce SUC ee ee SSSSLSSSH CSSd SSSY CHS Bes —_ Se IEPA ws SRR RR 7c RE — aes re a es EE SES EG Ie fae, TE a SI, FS PUCPUNOL MAN, S 3 CETL SSS | SSSSSS- USL CeCe tee eee Sis Sttta6: Glee LEce Seseseee sie < : OVO SoDSSORM | OaOMOW Ome TNO HPHHoONMa DOAMNMOMMO MWO-O TNO RTONR OMS Ono 3 somo | SGHHS SSSSoSScSS Sso RAN ef Po Am Bak Aes me CON TACT et et PANINI RRO ~ ‘ ‘ mm NW NON SDD POM O RR mR NE IE, FRE ES SS BOSE er Oe EF — “ pegreds jou odomg | e|eeeesasee CeCe Sit SLCC o SUSU o SessdSddS SSodSS Sdodd TOSSES SSS > A pelt gta 3 REESE L SN SSornritce- Co sma CLL. Clisiddss Lots SS Cssistes Sco =| SS | Rea ae ay er re NON 0 8 AN 8 aS oR ee ems ae SC eek ee I Pe DT YO Da OS Ue Oger ee SBN ss See RA Me PP RSS i ‘uredg | ST SSSHHSSSS | SOSSSS Sd SSIS CESEEES SScSHSSSK SdSH Sada SacccsHcw SoH ® - “en | SASH owe aosdso Non Sasa davissdn BS GSS Hod. 09.3 OF cS Soin OF I ods 09 99 Pup a= co ; . 73 ok be ; =] = SHOW OS HS oO Ort Te HO “HOD b hae oe 541 135 24 677 | 1,386 | 87,498 | 20,079 2,618 m, “"eeececeeses 38 40 Se 149 453 1, 987 386 129 Beeton, Mass. ...............2| 1,313 797 18 669 | 2,100] 18,814 8, 691 900 Bridgep Wins cet ate on 132 73 10 289 504 6, 374 9,658 | 15, 875 Buffalo, N. Y........ stuaescet.. 1,226 217 116 | 1,696 | 3,279] 114,250] 37,295 5, 697 POTS ons st viaine 56 Pg eae 238 1, 382 1, 242 90 Ph ag I HES, ee 86 18 261 417 9,319 5, 562 496 at gh se--| 22,136 | 4,975] 5,080] 7,766 | 9,142] 421,443 | 316,295 | 70,209 pnati, Ohio...... Faasud * Las 1,717 | 2,234 | 93, 460 4, 363 5,395 eland, Ohio. .............|, 2,778 184 188 | 3,380| 2,048 | 102,441! 124,900! 75,666 Columbus, Ohio.............. 1 115 Pty cd, 120 786 | 20,748 1, 795 1, 574 A empes Ce 100 59 8 1 520 4,831 1,019 114 he ee ee Se 189 44 27 373 585 | 20, 194 1,974 3, 589 wer, Colo. 3... ...- yeaa. 1, 084 153 69 1, 220 1, 408 17, 889 4,157 1, 208 Moines, Iowa.......25... 467 79 10 334 407 5, 734 934 119 Me MRICH SO ro. aes 4,230 | 9,350 251 | 2,508) 4,604] 148,747 | 58,378 | 25,746 Huyer, Mass... 21s... 0. 1 go Mas, ait 14 172 491 4, 420 26 Worth, Tex............. 37 14 i 108 236 | 2,082 803 31 ids, Mich . . 20.4. 30, 846 110 16 171 337 |. 12,241 4, 257 278 Sy Se ea 98 27 28 210 410 5, 929 6, 182 698 “1 Se aes 151 66 9 285 826 7, 939 1,611 218 Mae TAA Stes cy 433 61 27 786 | 1,029 | 25, 249 2, 164 611 1 i po aaa Ghats 563 | 322 25 | 1,031}. 1.573 | 37,385 | 21,0901 | ~ 2'664 City, Kans. ...) 003.55 122 289 9 299 301 5, 651 3, 818 2, 664 Plty, MOMs... sacle 354 786 48) 1,145] 1,309 |. 18,134 2,613 794 les, Calif... 2.03. 1, 807 703 250} 2,925] 6,222] 38,522 8, 080 3, 246 2 bE eee aa 7 93 9) 2172| 1,047] 29,379 842 188 i) Ree en 38 223 1 9 154 561 2, 434 40 eine, Tent... 0.6.0... 72 18 2 225 472 3, 767 194 ROG AWIS.50.... aaa-- 2,026 388 888 | 2,219 998 | 187,933 | 27,813 | . 12,200 eapolis, Minn..........5 974 312 501 | 1,182) 1,189 | 33,955} 13,119 3,101 i ONT Sn... ing Maes 14 5 284 203 1, 830 222 321 Bedford, Mass.......... rd are, (uh et, 78 543. | 15185 | 4,038 84 Haven, Conn...2....... 124 207 3 265 432 9, 075 3, 962 910 Orleans, Laws... 2a... 346 217 6 796 |. 11,213-|. 22,192 1, 724 a Rta ei 9,552 | 4,342 486 | 16,063 | 33,957 | 584,838 | 431,397 | 123,175 ronx borough........... 1, 146 1 4 2,361 | 2,965 | 88,614 | 66,050] 20,380 rooklyn borough........ 3,519 | 1,042 115,| 3,824 | 7,255 | 191,637 | 119,098 | 19,967 anhattan borough...... 3,837 | 2,402 219 | 6,905 | 19,217 180,079 | 215,789 | 73,927 Queens borough........-. 851 457 101 | 2,452 | 3,729.| 111,182} 25,802 7, 022 nond borough...... 199 100 11 521 791 | 13,326 4, 658 1,879 : Ryd ocx Bll beiaia b be 658 133 26 | 1,364]. 1,779 | 49,841 | 34,423 9, 054 i ee Sarat cee aes 169 33 4 * 167 1, 492 310 100 aicland, Calif. 2...... ce... 627 217 39} 1,490] 2,982] 15,098 3, 420 765 meena, NOD? .-. Gov... 5 eee sk 344 402 63 586 522 16,748 16, 798 1, 384 RGOO, Ms Ds). 525... cu spose 9,448 | 1,376 16 | 2,680] 1,303 9, 821 4, 023 1, 308 hiladelphia, Pa.........2... 1, 190 89 | 3,984] 6,862} 149,310 | 63,317] 22 883 its eh ay 380 66 312 226 107 |} 42,513"). 2, 931 75,815} 44,152 | 17,162 ortland, Oreg.............-- 956| 593) 137] 3,045] 1'309| 19,733 |~- 47568]. 17086 OV vs. ie al ee 119 192 6 149 604 4, 162 4, 088 Ms ele SP4~ = bade i on 36 9 6 142 154 7,138 4, 702 838 Biv ad ~~ b.....i.. a 679 196 904] 1,535 770 |, 38,273 | 12,554 3,731 alt Lake City, Utah.........} 1,525 31 19| 1,431 352 5, 477 599 196 / an Antonio, Tex. ........... 134] 146 15 436 |. 1,076] 11,638} 1,114 135 an Francisco, Calif.......... 1, 452 836 148 | 5,298 | 11,806 | 58,924 9, 983 2,591 GentOR Pas 2. case 41 30 398 305.|. 12,131 | 10,033 2, 186 cattle, URES. Souk. sesceee) 1,143 906 112 | 1,352 | -1,812| 17,686 4,301 926 ‘ PPV BE oo a's ws 7 128 576 491 7, 902 991 231 pringfield, Mass......,...... 92 49 2 188 309 3,424 3,189 214 \WEMEMIOO RING V-logc,.. ch epeaee 200 56 18 660 720 | 19,693 6, 491 327 ‘ledo, iio. Suge. ..-3 aay. 335| 254] 155) 2,295]. 1,187|- 43,578 | 10,347]. 5 ‘'renton, N.J......... bias. 70 31 19 169 310 8, 870 7,250 | 11,576 ‘Vashington, D. C...... 000... 366 127 33 835 |- 1,447 |. 16,178 1,570 435 angio: Deloss... 6.20.6 47 17 6 109 327 4, 656 4,447 315 “Vorcester, Mass.............. 131 49 2 37 218 1, 692 3, 463 67 "onkers, N. Y............... 268 42 4 232 483 6,874 | 11,040! 3,811 “oungstown, Onto... Laas. 2 104 31 30 408 315 6,866 | 11,816 | . 10,725 E ry. P3 380 “a 1 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——POPULATION. 4 TABLE 106.—_COUNTRY OF ORIGIN OF THE FOREIGN WHITE STOCK: - _.. [Pigures relate to’countries as » _ SOUTHERN EUROPE. CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE—con. | |, Bul- ‘ LOITY. re} doggy ans | garia rheay pet : n- - Py Russia. land. | mania. hu rope. ALTON, OUI ion ae -~ >2,84 “21 Redding, PB.» Ses -- ee es eay: 1! cone Son 12 7 Ae Richmond, Va.....-- Le ota Sea 3 Soy 65 |; 3 a Rochester, N, Y.....J.-/7 ‘t 58 | ~ 204 64 133 St. Louis, Mo.......2.- 78 | ‘I, 485 |, 491 339 St. Paul, Minn... ......} V2 He FLL Ne 8 6 Salt Lake City, Utah... 127) hc. 64 |) 21 14 San Antonio, Tex...... 13 .132 |, >. 18 2 San Francisco, Calif. ... 2,711 | ° 1,098 |. °.604 89 Sergntons Pee acco de LS ay Sl: eerie d Vek ee Seattle, Wash.......2.2 3, 437 173 333 878 Spokane, Wash......... 256 |<. 101 |) °! 83 5 Springfield, Mass....... 295 4 > 80 |), © 28 39 BYTHCUSO IN ante Gs = 24> 5 584-2 76 | 540 33 Toledo, Ohio........... | 35 | 436 |) 897 | | 417 MEGAIGOL, Nien. ar = os due 12 fr 292 - yd Washington, D.C......} > 151 08.140 |) 24 1 | 208 Wilmington, Del....... iy 53H S163) |b R oD i) Le 1 Worcester, Mass.......- 3, 787 1 OP 97 Pe 40) 1 67 Yonkers; Ne Mivvecvehus 120 85}! 7 Youngstown, Ohio..... 50} 1,559 487 93 roa) COUNTRY OF ORIGIN... 381 tJ FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 INHABITAN TS OR MORE: 1920-—-Continued. tuted prior to the World War.] TT i t eyGIO RI AMERICA, of oot co Hit ol New- | West tral | coun- | foreign ada— |found-} In- a ain tries. esis Ls 1 * . land. dies. Amer- __| tea. et 43 23 gs 19 66 2,831 nell aon ra 20| 31 19°| ---11 | ~~ 39-}-~ 2) 206 4 36. 18 6 28 627 52 |. 279 61 | ..127 [| 219 | 8,465 ae, $0 ERY" 2 20 40 20 38 614 5,470 871 45 163 856 25, 024 a 72 65 8 18 76 3,217 99 102 80 44 225 | ‘415,313 880 87 5 32 666 3, 168 : wre ee ew wt tee 143 | 136 1144] 101 | © 266) 19,987 L 5 40 13 33 70 | 2,465 8 32}. 2,902 24 30] 1,249 5 16 24 |---~10 65 | 1,766 39 97 |. 1,783 40°} 196°} 6,173 $023 195 8 35 | 1,847 197} 175 733.;) 1114 | 882°) 26, 475 . 32 15 1 |. . 18 |11,639 |} 3,198 Ae ae ches ¢ BBA 3 13.|.. 4,559 12 41 575 Rapids, Mich... ip 10} ) 16-1 14 8 33 | 2,828 tford, Conn: 2... - 4.1 7 95 50 9]. 14) > 109} 9 3,449 pci, in k. G40 Ya: ) LT 44 4.5, 211 30 45°| 1,526 . 32 30 29 75) 2,710 98 | 165 26 53 | 108} 8,448 3 Bh. 2/374 3 35'| | 1,326 20 46} 2,105 28| 116|~ 4,525 BNeo ia 124'|\ 244 | 31,173.| 403 | -890'| 14,460 = 18 13 87 | 2,684 54 12 1 10° 684}. 3,003 5 28 17 9 19}. | 1,053 43 49 | 43 45 | 766 | 13,237 18 35 60 20 | 165 | 12,536 ee 8 15 34 il 468 47 38 3 81 117,911} © 2,755 62 77 6 38 57.| 8,267 25)|.° 855 |. 1,550.) =-796:| 213 | 6,522 ne ee 2,461! /11,483 |} 2,651 | 5,778 | 2,691 | 182, 882 “H-+ tt} 174 582 1 146 251 | 15,778 ‘Waa 79 170 32 95 59 3, 709 c, N, eee eae 99 183 65°}. 117 203 | 10,650 Pah bel ce 52 la , 17 31 24 56 705 2 20 13 12| 56| 4,318 497 | 1,326) 474] 502 | 516 | 40,506 PAUL? 162 26|- -58.| 145 | 14,648 68 | 49 116 42 |. 341] 7,644 BI0 CO) 185 | | 136 4|-- 48 | 1,817 | 6,362 1 16 101 6 12 4 5 | 23 7 16.| ‘33 614 50 31 T+> % ohh ieee trl ard L $0544) 32 | 139 526} -90| 287} 16,131 a D 24) © -a7 90}; 22} 153 | 8,974 6 14 265 10°} 310 | 5,427 Ce || 7,| 62 '| "42, 437 43 79 |... 2,188 ah hed 145 | . 245 | 5,180 | 2,005 | 2,613 |. 20,814 2 9 9 3, 181 Dpeeh fe iz 310,| 60 131} 128} 497] 10,123 pee ees Th 4 26 14 15 9]. 118} 2,951 Masser 12 97 50 12| 35 51 | 2,801 Beye i¥-p 22 | 34 8 20 64] 3,264 Shs tay) 40] - 38} 233 28| 111| 5,131 14 1 19 24... 29-)-)1,778 44] 191 71| 170 | .197| 4,604 1 27 53 4}. 321. 1,502 8A 39 4 15 |) . 61}. 3,366 30 89 19 51 47 |. 3,044 8 iO. 29 | 45 | _ 3,089 1 Except possessions of the United States. — 62.00 400 nRARASoS to oO — CORD yee & {fe M Zi i “*£183 o |dho any | (o) a? ; |Tascde Bae “2 visdriscs A) Ba Tsny COCO Sissies: igo eee eee & oO “f = Ca nea er DBRS So is] uUeuis fe yhle, 50 “RAO O a F ~ eeauaacerreens oo i“ " UH o ne is | E a oot aaeaeaaaaataca SED me “3 ees — hi — m Sees ee Sri ie Ts} 5 a quexny | O3S ososss idsoH Prt ee 5 ace ae oS 5, ek, 63 aie eeceaeee : Sriddidce OB xf ri Ogg od i ON a te S wpeq | oo SEE IESE riscf : oa lca be od * AQnaAre FNP es —_— tGusss -. mae rnd rs] : socodca io Fo ee: ad S6s6 Soi aS Scorn s a co) : eral} ‘aa =) pues soca * Ce Sse aoe : 5 SSS Os : I SSS ess Sac! Seieiet 4 was 9 o =~ — s oa A TION Se Se Sot q rt ON cw [Oe he si ae rics se BAS - eH || 2 ae SS os ot os Sasled coe \DODLLOS SSS SHR gaatea aes oR ee SAL Sesas 4 a “yreuru Pia btok ke ppbebe atta: Sees Sa SSASSSS ide AI ss +) fe 3) 9q 1D 0D oooo Bia e Sonic ek a Se) ae ckat SE SECRURESEESE S gdacudn ae os AH OD Sada + GSows NS Wiss Sscs s2 ¢ a4 riod WM oO Sal coca Is] coda Sak tosda loiorl ae tee SoooH Mea _ n odes ¢ . soso NAN OAD td AN SsxHis NOOR wo (ero Si SHaoN sor isssae wi £2, mepom OW OH ga or Os og a Mie BAY SANS CHeCesSs Ss eqneqasnaee Seaae eine a ° aA aeaaeicicl te ose ees gsccocacs prpeat ibe pep cog DES SSESS SSSR GET SOMTANRER a) om a . riNios DERI SH ae SSSS eee bie soso As page DREN Se Sa SEqUENRENSE AS = KEM = Saced OS sos +oo ed SEY.) Saad = DEESEE } dieses a Oo ION 4 at SH C9 ossod nr =n Sooxnn aoa tooo At Sad a. “+o et aS Sadcca am ea) ; Sages Soed S iat ciel deic orth hatte Mes ep obehebetes-eh al tcl Serene Paha ber yh Pe He Siss b4 7 pueye 1D HOD eae Gas Se i i aap BEM avers St etet-otas th atag vo Tear Lar ae Ber Some Sane e a vs sehen Sco oO edad dl Saas wht pnateos phe bs brterlic bin se Berks Se IIIS bs pi ohciestci ght Hosts aS nS oat Sa ican ON Seas aoe Sagi ged eaDaatezoae & ‘s - gdddicad PeEE pee icdas os ot ua sscod Oa rt Bb kB roth SSaded “) au a[BM OAW mt gids oo ssda oe a BSSAS OD Sond AHO aigoan H et per A Sasa coe dS Sai idal aS eta ea Seg dviel let ced escsdccaes ai SSCSSSSS Seis : : os ri +s SS gous sSsasososar stance oy 0. Ae : Re pA ee Sets Geshe iat = Asa GASaN x a en pica pee om gaa Ted Feacdbeseses Sesec : i eiod o sors epi veerepeet ance ~ Asaadso a oD ooo N — co a = on) A ~ col A od Q, aa ca) rs Hod od i oO 1D ada oe odaca oka Seg oG ria Coys) S65 S a) Hada a ok iB pia! aeashole pt Eh bgt. ep ets eho Eeasaawths eee ae dh efit 1S , L 2 2g Sag Ip Hie HRY Erte. re rai EDO ANS AaANSH aAee sodaa DCO A Q rica make MO Sass na i eee oe pr Gap Bi Fed tel ct ofcsbsd fs sso | Py ’ ach oo ce ’ ' oe =a b> eee cee es ay eee Patges et gcag rt =i 09 She ores Tote Ie teed Siddddsss tos odtd ctrl oad a ey Pe Oe eg IY at si RT le 5 A Re apart atey gat ere oh aria. amin oF Ro | ye © pee ae. 3 Sd wieteieterdic ivicicl ee ay 3 iid Hage Sper Rag gS: con od al oO ar) Oo aobPe oO ae se q $8858R SES AGERE: Pein eS) oar BARS ESS Ay SES ga ws (SS gH SASS 3 52838 2.34 Sams 98 m8 2 ap Man Pe eee qa sacha fa ese RASS prrere r ea a ggesekeces oo irl eae SS aah ore Pa q Steric BESESESS £3 See cS tS « Be OOoOREE ~ Ic9 Ree PAN HINO ODOM N CD HID ONO rN O35 SHLD Ob OO NO HIN Or ODMmOnMN 1) © P= CO mA DOMmOD COHN Hi9NoOr oO a | CSP AMWOMHWMIAN SMO HO ADGA OME DION HHReO HH ANHADOMAMWDOHD DHOMINHHNDNHNOAHEDOS CMON HO © 1919 0919 O10 383 Se NC eR Se) eee oe ee eS ee ee Oe 6 es ot 6 ee ‘osejuoIed UsTeIOJ Pextu JO TER OHNA BR RON AR FRNA HHO Pal iON DANK HOnMNES Haar Sota Mn NA FAO FOHMNMH Ae NS Re COAT TATTR AA UT eern rn wees | Le 20 2 95.) 8 © 60 fen bn. 6 hs 2 rer 6 ot ih. “ve Te Ao es. pe Sew wt OS a eh Oh oe @ eres ON 6 ee ne pe ot elre «@ ‘es _6 7 ee oF Nat el See, eee ee ee eee pe, ee soljunoed 18q4O TTY | SSSSSSsososscdcusd SS SConSorssosesssos SSSSS VSS SCCSSS SOMSSSTSHNUSUSSS SSSSSSSSaSSseSsS “BOLlOULY YINog aoe a! PROPOR =“ ADA NTI AAA RN AN RAN et NN ee AS A aoe PE moO AM AAR ARN AAT A pue femuey | —CLCOOCCCOC CIE SS TIAA SCS UHI S WLI IAS SUS SOUS SES ASST SUI SUH SSO SAH Sa Sa rem ewn reer En ne ——emmeerenemnmeenepmen pe z o Txoyl SLO LOSSES LO SEES SASSO BCC GLONANT CSTE SUO HN STE SCC OSH STOUSUSLESSS SHUSTIU SiS StS @S9PUT ISOM | OSSSSSSUS SUIS S CS SHE SESS SSE SST SHE SESS SSdddd SSSLE SLES SSSLEES SS SCS SSES SESE puei[puno MO Len aan var aN & AP BS 2 ARS DPRRRROoT LLNS NL NPN LN ON - i i iia a ane ries ArT -o- B ~ “*-™ 7. NN co p. PPV LON fA by p> a i ; -" nN es Ss RK ~ re Ke 2 SH eS et Se ee cee oe ee eB at es et of et = Le Lol x et rt Ae cee BE ce ce ee ee oe oe I es Lan (ous I el a N So oS St OD ODOC 8 on ONS SS 1 DO VOTO WOO DOB S VS ott tt SS OMS tO La AMERICA ip ot te wean Oe Og © SO Be EE ee ee OB ae 6 ee 8 Se eS ae Nei eee 8 ee ek Or ay ee, oe 6! fe 5 eee ants et PEO ae Beale” ag ite ate eee aris “IOYIO | AA PON ADE AMAA 9 UID HCO NOD WO MOAUNONA HOM WDAOMONANHOSSCSOHH COHSHNSSCSSHON SIN AMONMOMMOMOOrT AHMAR RAMA HHeAMO AMANDA HENAN MOOI ONMOMNANN SH SSSA SHAN SS HDHHN OMAK H AN ADAONAA SIDA N 6°62 sae Og Se 6 Te ee ee SW OU Sa hy ee Ss Se. a” B “Youel gy | SASS SSONSOMSDOSSSS SCOSMNPHSSONSSSSSSS HSSHSHHSSSSSSs SSSSScesbssssHs SSussHndiscsssse “Io fe) i I a, * ana a amen an aD! DOE ATI AT RATT A RAO ART SN NSN aI aan aan Aa oo eal eee DADA AAT 4 AO TEV | DAS SS RUC eee se aes Soren eres Voli Ss VS CoS tS SIDS SS SCHEELS CHM ASU SHWRS OS eS Ss 1D 1D OD BISV ul AoyInNy, | HSNO SHSSHSSSSSS SSSSHSSSHSSSSSSHSSSSSSISSSSdd6 SHSSHSSSHSHSSSS SSSSSHSSSSSaSS SESE Rea — cae RS TS A DS SAREE BY BOT *peppeds you‘edoma | CREME SOOO TIT SN RAT OS TT AN ARAN TRO Hoe DOO ‘2 Except possessions of the United States. RAE AE et an eal tie EOD BO OH rt OU at CA rt? OIG Oo eH 00 et a PARR RRR RRR , -_~ u ase nn ee ee ’ o-_ ‘ —_—_———— “. HRN HR Lem! Ss OSI NOOO He HN NN NIN ON CON rr He OD HONS Ht ‘ +tHIn wo “ured Cae PPPS ra” eae 2G Pret ad aD Ke at ah a at at aoe ee See OSes Sao Bawa was See z = fe © Fe oO E B . =) 2 s) “ATR Oo woeeces a did a oe ee ey hl ee ee et A A ae BR ade or a ASAMNAHS SHG AN ASSAN SARIS SAS SISAH HH SS Se SHS HSS ais PAI) SASK AGEN BSS SiS Aoew delet sols HS cl S Getic cari Ss od ot ei ods A od oh ia of sid cbe5 jd ri ghed Gd x44 ele ee ee ee ee Se ee ee a ae ee Os LY Le ea, we ee eet A ee et oe po? Re ne ee eee np ee ee ee ey ae ae ee ey Oe ee ee eee ee ee | ae SOUTHERN EUROPE , FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920 v 1 ) "90001 mom am OA A AN A -9qoin ul OO rs OD rt et TN NNT I ee LO nr VO es Sonnet re et par poe tA? ARN AHR RN AARAAAN AAR ATI 4 Tee, { . Tata ae tal taal? tabs ae ed 24 a rd ed ete et ie a a ee 2 tO old (eee 1 ee Sopsouo UOT PUR ||P me nee oe hs Sel ce nte ier eee eee Boe eA Rl aN ee On bs : < SAHA CD ON SH tO HILDE ODD HH Dot NO 1D 0D HD MNOO CO AOD HON OD OD ON COLD HR OOM NOD Hr HID OCD Ne HH Ht eTUeUIn y | rissSsossscssssss sossdssssdstisdddd UdGHdSeSSHAaHHSS SSSSSSSSSoSdSds SSSSSSSSSSSsddN mm Ore: aN Oo wHOote ANAONS | Anise Ao MAM Ord AO HMOONO WOO ' : “~ re } ‘ . 30 . ot oP 0 Fa we . ° aa : * i an! Tac ey TN ae, ohn oe ee ne Oe on a ee ee ee = | ‘puepory SOSSS SSSSOSSH SSSHSESSSSdsddd WeoSoasenis ‘needs esa nddsseasscdss oe E ‘COUNTRY OF ORIGIN = ; Se ee ee eee = - —— | a ody Se a "2 i c DHANOMOMOMDHNOKHE MMANAMOMHAINONOH ANNDOHOOOCHAHMN DOAN met tt Bate tehabadid wdad od dicdiod Sod of ohohed abel mn Ff a = - ad OS ee ee Be ee” pe ee ee” ee ee ee ee eee ee ee ee ee Ke a ee ee ee a aT $2.0) Se 7 oo . z 38 . * 2° ? = + - ; . “ = ; . ~ Sal oO aD ‘i OO Pe | TPE Y See as a BERT IRAN BRS SSSI S SH ASSAM | — Te — - : a ae a ae — “ ee Meat

    3K AlL-other: os, ev Fc). .403 Ja eo 84,718 31, 740 127 37, 664 Of mixed foreign parentage. .2.2..... 1,097, 685 404,772 W340 Hov thd Stele, oe | ee i Less than one-tenth of i per cent. ‘COUNTRY OF ORIGIN, | 0 f°? ~ 885 PARENTAGE, IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920, © constituted prior to the World War.] fe . NATIVE WHITE OF FOREIGN PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF FOREIGN o; be OR MIXED PARENTAGE. WHITE STOCK. & ” Foreign-born | Native white real COUNTRY OF ORIGIN. Total white— | of foreign or ¢ ; eR > Per “et Birth-place mixed 4 Urban. | Rural. | cent of father. parentage. 4 urban. || gaye ee ge merge é | Urban/Rural. Urban. Rural.|Urban.|Rural. a! E Pogal.).020 it. ose: Bs ~-/15, 706,372 16, 979, , 892 , 882 | 69.2 || 100.0 0 | 100.0 | 100.0 100.¢ 0 | 100.0'|' 100.0 a “Northwestern Europe: Or ae a2 12 ~ mompignd) & yee 4b . 992,605 | > 490, 410 66.9 6.2 6.8 5.9 23 6.3 7.0 7 faeobiand 408k oe. 23 2 289,283 | 431,864 | 68.7 2.0 2.0 2i2 2.3 1.8 1.9 2 0) OU Cte SSSR 108, 674 BA 744) 66.5 9.6 0.7 0.5 0.6 0,7 0.8 FOVATICL. .2 es ch Pe oe. AKO 2,435, 778 535, 910} 82.0 13.2 6.8 | 9.6 5:0°/ 215.5 rat : es Sy aaa: | ee 228,737 | 432,437 | 34.6 1.5 6.0 1.6 5.7 1.5 6.2 es Sweden. ...-. SghiPe tire, J eT 483, 241 361, 485 |] 56,2 3.3 5.8 3.9 70 2.9 5,2 bind MOOIIMALK PES AE os ols ot 122, 922 153, 107 | 44.5 0.9 2:3 1.0 2:7 9.8 2.2 = © Netherlands:. .2:...... bet 118, 101 109, 988 | 51.8 0.7 1.6 D7 1i7 0.8 1.6 me belgiim:...... SS | 31, 806 27,646 | 53.5 0.3 0.5) 0.4 026'E "092 0.4 _, — Luxemburg:.. Wee ses alt 2 14,184 16, O88 | 46.9 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 |) © Switzerland.) 2,-2.2... ““}-"105,909 | 104618 | 50.3]) 0.7) 1.5]--0.6] Us} 07] 15 ¢ ee “icing adh 22s 142° 326 66, 625 68.1 0.9 1.60}. 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.0 entral and Eastern Europe: | _ f 1 a. Germany. 28 2x9 gh. 2!) See 3,363, 743 |1,980,385 | 62.9 17.9 |. 25.0:} - 42.7 |--18.0'} -21.4 | 28.4 i astra. 2% < ee 43s?) 1, 189, 521 "495, 136 | 70.6 8.8 8.1 10.7 | 10.1 7.6 ete | iad Hungary aes HAGE sysctl 2S e ’'358, 079 154, 656 | 69.8 3.1 2.9 4.4 4.3 2.3 2,2 i SPUR ASSIA). 3 12 SE Son Lid ot 1, 533, 755 316, 708 | 82.9 12.7 5,4-}- 17.2 71 9.8 4.5 ee ehamland 0 092 a. 61, 089 84) 417 | 42.0 0.5 1:5 0.8 Ort 0.4 1.2 Be ; eee Sele Abe ce OF el 45, 862 3, 201 | 93.5 0.5 0.1 0.8 0.2 O23] @) ‘ garia, Serbia, an on- Wipes 4enogro. Als cay oka. 0.2)! 7,398 | B62 | 67.4 ]}- 0.4] 0:1}. 0.2).0.3790) 0.1 4 pe rnkey supe been 7! 4,131 230] 94.7] O04) @) 0.21 @Q) (1) (1) Greece... 2200. We 88 41,327 |? 4,299| 90-7 ]} 0.7] 0.2] -1.4] 67°03] 0.4 MR MRY 2 bcd eee oat Ae: 1, 454, 416 267, 345 | 84.5 10.8 §:0-} - 13.2 7.4 9.3 3.8 eran... ke SE 18,277 g41 72.44).-0.2|-. 0.2) - 0.44: O88 001 | 0:4 ES ae | 45,503 | 21,343 | 68.1]/ 0.4] 0.4] 0.5) 90.5} 0.3] 0.3 | oy not pu en Sie 5,206} 2,450] e.0], ey | @ + © 1 @) © 1 @ Eottiekby in WAR. 2... U eat 52,728 | 10,909 | 82.9] 0.5]. 0.2} 08] 0:4} 9.3| 0.2 All other countries......... 4,058 |“ 1,588 | 72.5) @) (1). Po aypede fay vay 1 -@y Bitierica: | ™ Camada—French’ .......... 411,349 | 134,285 | 75.4 2.5 1.9 2.3 1.9 2.6 1.9 1)? Canada—Others... 2.2.2. 72,167 | 424,577 | 64.5 ]].-4.5] 5.5] 4.0] 4.47 949] 6.1 _- Newfoundland.......... cl, l2° 11, 872 | 90.4 4h-- 0.8 FC). | O04 > Cyd) O) Wa West Indies#)..* 22...) 00. | 21,068 2519} 89.31} 0.2] ©) 0.2] @) 0.1} Q) Beer Mexico, 21.12. He. co. EE | 100, 685 151, 360 | 39.9 1.2 3.9 2.2 a 0.6 yey 7 ~ Central and South Amer.ecar 5, 833 cy 872| 75.6 0.1 (1) O.1 (*) (1) (1) Hl other Bee tee ae << QS eh 47, 054 21,105 | 69.0 0.3 0.5 M4 0.3 0.3 0.3 Euutixed foreign parentage, . 1,097,685 | 404,772 | 73.1 4,2 3.9 | s/t | ae 70h. doe a a . 2 Except possessions of the United States. | _-75108°—23-5—25 | ay) , =o oe % Ee a ; on. a ia 386 TABLE 109.=-MOTHER TONGUE) OF THE FOREIGN WHITE STOCK BY ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-——-POPULATION, {Figures for 1910 have been revised by deducting from the total for each mother tongue, as shown TOTAL FOREIGN WHITE FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. STOCK. MOTHER TONGUE. 1920 1910 1920 1910 1 All mother tongues...............-- 36, 398, 958 32,243,382 || 13,712,754 | 13,345,545 4| English and Celtic 1.1:..2.....b.2-...db-..2 9, 729, 365 9,930, 861 || 3,007,932 | 3,363, 792 Saarmande ee en ee 8) 622? 500 9, 000, 139 2, 449, 364 ; 910, 857 4) Gcandina viam; «i 4. ag. /-4.008>- O Sebo 2) 972,796 2. 781, 402 1, 194, 933 }, 272; 150 D1 LR PATLR DO SIT OO edo ois mecaleracherhatac cero eeteaticatnre 6, 036, 001 4, 185, 932 2} 385, 388 6 | Slavicand Lettic................-.-.-2b..-- 5, 270, 581 3,194) 647 2; 460, 332 dy 831, 666 7)" Unpelgasifleg as. 0 ge os 12 ook eh ta eae 2,956, 321 2} 261, 563 1; 602; 073 5.| Unknown or mixed mother tongue. ........ "811, 394 ” 888) 838 7, 166 ” 116) 272 9 Engh gin Celtiots: . 1.2.2. -.1 2.84. ak may 9, 729, 365 9, 930, 861 3,007,932 | 3,363,792 Germanic: ki A 10 | (SOrIMAN Yo) a 3, decals ah ee 8, 164, 111 8,646, 402 2,267,128 | 2, 759, 032 Dutchand Frisian. f.3.¢...) as. sl bee 4 "370, 499 | "311 015 136, 540 126,045 12 Hlemish ;...) 64). 2p-t---. Sa. . th oe 87, 890 42) 722 45, 696 25, 780 Scandinavian: swedishs 4. 4.96.8. . =) gages 4) ae Ge 1, 485, 062 1,394, 410 643, 203 683, 218 14 Norwegian. 24.4... S.a.¢2.-. sons. Jegeae 1, 020, 788 "976, 827 362, 199. 402, 587 15 Danish 3; --.baw-.3g.4.-.Lada-.- ila 466, 946 410, 165 189, 531 186,345 Latin and Greek: 16 Italian’. :... =. ¢... 4 -PcaG--+ GTS. thay he 3, 365, 864 2, 135, 393 1,624,998 | 1,365, 110 17 Frenth a}... de =4- 8. cham lege | 1,290,110 1, 288, 897 ” 466, 95 528, 842 18 Spanish. 4...) 3.9. es he Tae ae 850, 848 "444? 132 556, 111 258, 131 19 Portaguese.} «. <4..4.n.2---) fale cab aedy 215,728 139) 221 105, 895 72, 649 20 Runginien. sb eee. chee 91, 683 49) 588 62) 336 42,277 21 MEORK 02. 3b dh 3 42 Fao s > oe ere ae 221,768 128) 701 174, 658 118) 379 Slavic and Lettie: ; oz OUSRG Go. be 4s <4 BO. -b ee | 2,436, 895 1,684, 108 1,077,392 943, 781 23 BACB... Shee Gh Sp - ce ap hy > +> dud se de 622, 796 "531, 193 234, 564 | 228,738 24 POUR segs bE eS cae ee oe ~ s'ok wc by ann Oe 619, 866 281, 707 274, 948 |. 166, 474 | 25 Russians - .:.,.4-- 4. B.4- = tio} ~ - ae £m 731, 949 91) 341 392) 049 57, 926 26 Ruthenian. ie ee \ig.a--:) ak wtb esos 95, 458 34, 837 55, 672 25,131 27 Sloveniam...i 3.4)... .6---- Ssh ae dads 208, 552 181,594 102, 744 123,631 | Serbo-Croatian— 28 ROBTIAT, . cparemtas wish bs nds tea oe 140, 559 92, 260 83, 063 74, 036 29 Dalmatian...... oes) sb dtd. AL Spee 3, 119 5, 372 2,112 4,344 | 30 Per DiAl icon wees sok ch - eck ah cees 52, 208 26, 483 36, 471 23, 403 3h Montenaeringeeg, 63-5 ub 2... dbo 4, 535 3,949 4,198 3, 886° 32 Bulgarian...) 9. .--4-¢.4..-.4.4.-/bass 14, 420 19,183 12, 853 18,341 33 Slavic, not specified 6... 2.0. .i5....48 3, 624 34, 799 » 2,039 21,012 34 Lithuanian and Lettish.........../..... 336, 600 207, 821 182, 227 140, 963 _ | Unclassified: | 35 Yiddish and, Hebrew. .-.: 24... lb ase 2, 043,613 1,664, 142 1, 091, 820 1,051, 767 36 MAEYOR cmt th,de == 4G gma sob geide =< 4b dels 473, 538 "315, 283 268, 112 : 37 Hap nish, 1s «ob 4s {ped gk pe ob keith +. baa de 265, 472 i97, 515 133, 567 120, 086 38 Armenian. bo... 42. f4p- boas .< 4h eed 52, 840 297 690 37, 647 23, 938 | 39 Syrian.and Arabic. -.o.¢.-.. 4.4... bad 104, 139 46, 495 57, 557 32, 868 40 MITKAS. & o0hrde4h oddeedthe st Jt} e» 4b Seae 8,505 5, 310 6,627 4,709 41 AIDAIIAN S52 Bis «ic wise Pe ROPER; oma oth wie ale 6, 426 2; 358 5, 515 2,312 42 Aull ofknemy?..) 4. dh tek ede eb ae aks «bebe 1,788 770 1, 228 646 | ASE TENGWO: =, och. ca ct dentate Rice odban sy 20, 336 297, 918 7, 166 116, 272 44 |-Of mixed mother tongue-:.2...0.......2.0.. 791, 058 590, 920° 2- See Soe Dee cele ete ree 1 Includes persons reporting Irish, Scotch, or Welsh, 4 Includes Icelandic (5,634 in 1920; 5,105 in 1910). = 8 Includes Romansh and Friulian (2, 206 in 1920; 3,183 in 1910). * Includes Basque (527 in 1920; 656 in 1910). : 6 Probably includes a considerable proportion of Hebrews erroneously reported as Russian in mother ongue. MOTHER TONGUE. CO EE EE r NATIVE WHITE OF FOREIGN OR MIXED PARENTAGE. 387 NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE, FOR, THE UNITED STATES: 1920.AND 1910. as in 1910, the number of native whites of mixed mother tongue who were included in that total.] Total. | Both parents foreign. Aw 13H ‘FIO 1920 1910 22, 688, 204 18,897,837. 6,721, 433.|. 6, 567, 069 173, 136 089) 282 * 1777, 963 | 1; 509, 252 3,045,047 | 1, 800, 544 || 2; 810, 249 | 15362, 981. }° 13354) 2481. 796; 143 | 7 804) 298° 172, 566 || |, 6,721,433 | 6, 567, 069 |] x 'e ‘ | 5,896,983.) 5,887,370 |/ BE) | 233, 959 184; 970 “] 42, 194 | 16, 942 pe 41841, 959'}° .¢ 714, 192 te 658, 589 J’) 574, 240. Pe 9277) 41541: 2.2237 820 |» 1,740, 966 |! 770, 288 4} 7 993) 154 f° 08760, 055 |) 294°737'} | © 186, 001 “| 109; 833 66, 572 Mee .0% 29,3477") Cot 7,311 PE 1-47, 1104-19-10, 322, > 4,359, 508 8740, 327 || Ye 5388) 232/409 302} 455 |} 1 < 42344, 918 16115, 233 | 3397 900 33, 415 Web) 39; 786 t 957 “Tee 105, 57, 968 Ve 2287, 496 18, 224 ba is: 1,007 1,028 Be 41-15, 737 3,080. | 337 63 [asi 1,567 842 Big 1, 585e:0 ¢— 13, 787, |) =, 154,373.) >: 66) 858 Pt = “Ye 0951, 793.40) 9.612, 375 1] 205) 426 | +) 86) 189. |... 131, 905 77, 429 4 15,193 5, 752 Wee 46,582 13, 627 601 46 ; 4 181, 646 590, 920 i 5 A Paci Reludes f apie Comprises om id eo a oe be 5 2 i af boo fo) ” | es 1920" | : 25, 694, 539 3, 3585, 586.4 ide 976, 338 2) 383, 187 2 474, 746 1, 252, 219 "79 7, 544 F-80588, 686 * 586 + 8, 801, 349 "146, 371 616, 225 436, 365 172; 329 1, 571, 605 ” 455, 918 1,208, 425 "9917 005 : 319, 040 303, 090 37, 850 96, 509 ie 058 \ re 224, 919° 28, 618: Se Or Es aes Se a ee ee ee ee E 12,916,311 ee 828 3, 976, 902 "424 382 12) 359 ~ 558, 230 ‘410, 364 152) 207 707,710 435, 671 119) 991 Father foreign. 4,539,776 1, 845, 808 | 1, 466, 770 58, 825 9, 620 144, 699 142) 448 73, 744 149, 444 115,952 . 60, 757 20, 346 27, 644 ee ee 1, 845, 808 ay PUD RERES PERO TE RSSRED: SBGL ENE Ee SEEer rd | uJ 254, 807 330, 049 111} 357 31, 337 56, 070 °1,368, 278 40, 523 3,437 97, 906 50, 370 215, 510 44,215 12) 180 443 2, 548 .- 56, 455 41,724 3, 482 2, 366 200 583 145 259 i] 154 499 - 2, 826 21, 748 ot, 727, 987 106, 531-- 55, 153: |- 2, 659 | | Or rrr | ES i 3,923, 845 | 1, 727, 987 1,412, 238. Mother foreign. 1920 1910 2,451,889 | 2,057,681 | 1 1, 290,039 | 1,132,197 | 2 661,583 |. 563,401 | .3 192) 053 133, 644 | 4 187, 865 140) 541 | ..5 90, 271 43° 797 | -6 28) 049 9,978 } 7 2) 029 34,193 | 8 1,290,039 | 1,132,197 | 9 628, 864} 542,190 | 10 28,763 20,065 | 11 3) 956 1,146 | 12 80, 935 55,056 13 79,776 57,345 | 14 317342 D1) 243 | 15 19, 817 7,420 | 16 130,448 108, 874 | 17 32-604 N795 | 18 3,908 1,830 | 19 sil 141 | 20 277 481 | 2 35, 126 17,337 | 28 36,470 23) 448 | 93 5, 532 1,002 | 24 9, 166 582 | 25 347 38 | 96 1, 811 494 | 27 386! 84 | 28 2 6 | 29 107 50 | 30 Spode 31 92 44 | 32 19 171 | 33 1,275 541 | 34 17,495 6,326 | 35 4,749 1, 632 | 36 5, 033 1, 836 | 37 83 30 | 38 588) 124 | 39 35 24 | 40 1. 4HGR. rT 53 6 | 42 2,029 34,123 | 43 all Wendish in 1920; 395 reported as Wendish in 1910. ish and Esthonian (1,390 in 1920; 2,533 in 1910), ersian (1,159 in 1920; 592 in 1910), Gy psy (173 in 1920; 156 in 1910), Georgian (65 in 1920; in-19 %, = 22 in 1920; 8i in er and ey pee (269 in 1920). RT Mi i A 888 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-POPULATION. TABLE 110.—INCREASE IN THE FOREIGN WHITE STOCK, BY MOTHER TONGUE, [ Per cent not shown where base is less than 100. INCREASE: 1910-1920. WOTHER TONGUE: 5 foreign white stock. Foreign-born white. Number. | Percent. || Number. | Per cent, 1 All mother tongues..............-.-. pi: 4,155,576 | 12.9 367, 209 2 | English and Celtic. ..... ua pp. =- cee abe. -- > —201, 496 —2.0 —355, 860 S| GGOIMIATIC. 3 pire wee e.cin'h crupeth ote fbiciais > 4@ BUDS ER oie « . —377, 639 —4.2 —461, 493 |: 4 | SCAMMINAVIA Roc. oak coe det so-so SEs elec ns 191, 394 6.9 +77, 217. —6.1 Te AA ANG CRORE oss walk a nin a aulaipiin skank enable ean |....1,850, 069 44.2 \ 25. 4 6 ( Slavic.and Lettigus.,.-\ ses cx - d-pea-Abe- dt - 2,075, 934 65.0 628, 666 184.3 FLAT ERMSOION © at's of ee oe cn Lo a Ae ee 694, 758 30.7 136, 653 9.3 8 | Unknown or mixed mother tongue............- —77,444 --8.7 » +109, 106 —93.8 9 | Enetish and Celtic. ... cise. p -. sd .cea ge... —201, 496 —2.0 —355,860 | —10.6 Germanic: 10 German >is. cp'....b aa oaks’ 4- BON DRE. =. 2 482,291 |. —5.6 ||’ —491, 904 +17.8 11 Wutch aid Hrisian i. Jays. ph Web. <2 59, 484 19. 1 10, 495. 8.3 12 HPLC SNea pe gis o +204 Cb due 2 odo bRN SEO -- 45, 168 105. 7 19, 916 77.3 Scandinavian: 13 Swedishy;s.6¢.....) Zerb we AEE CS ee 90, 652 6.5 |} © 9 =—40,015 5.9 14 Norwegian. si - +.) Sich aot - = - 4-4RS-BRE- ~~ 43,961 4.5 |k oo ¢ +40, 388°} ) ~=10.0 15 TPANISH . .659- Of'o on 0 = GER beds o's = Sn ED Mw oe 56, 781 13.8 |} 3, 186 ili ey, Latin and Greek: 16 TtQMANl tig. 3... 2) Bhd es 50 5+ dawn sere * 1,230, 471 57.6 259, 888 19.0 | 17 Penn wet... sk aah) -'-)o o~ eee ees «=o 1, 213 0.1 —61, 886 —11.7 18 DATS G65... Soka ite so cere taal Alla 406, 716 OLS6 297, 980 115. 4 | 19 FOMCU POSS «oi... bead We oo os tehbaat tenes 76, 507 55. 0 33, 246 45, 8 20 FeUMAGIAN, i." SEES ol. YET Oe: wes 42,095 84. 9 20, 059 47.4 21 LIDOON SBS i. 5 oa SEAR dp en's ss ce Pb eat an on 93, 067 72.3 56, 279 47.5 Slavic and Lettic: 22 CUA. CBR. Secs sph ai 2s a0 5s EARS ons 752, 787 44,7 133, 611 14,2. 23 CTOCU.. <3 Cdk. os ot AMV de oes - cot tases -91, 603 17.2 5, 826 2.5 24 PIOUS Res nae oa bree Wee ae = din sncnceblc eR aah 338, 159 120.0 108, 474 65. 2 | 25 Russian}. .......-. ty PRE °c So Oph ae 640, 608 701.3 334, 123 576. 8 | 26 Berithenion: . 0c bake. oS a 60, 621 174. 0 30,541} . 121.5 27 SIQVGQUISEO, ones 5 aie ess v3 os LRN sabe 26, 958 14,8 —20, 887 --16.9 Serbo-Croatian— 28 CrGgiian. seas As --- ees 0 bE... 48, 299 52.4 “ee Q, O27 12.2 | 29 DPNBAIAN Cob eM oad tes ete seas aoe —2, 253 —41.9 |}. » 2,232). —51.4 30 SOUIMSOS - can b MMe nse s seal eveccee 25, 725 97,4 13, 068 55.8 3l DIBMODROTAN. chibi cena waists «dec ig sank 586 14.8 . 312 8.0 32 Bulgaria; sl. ... 2. Hee As. SOS RR... —4, 763 —24.8 /—5, 488 —29.9 33 Slavic, not specified... 4........205.1..... ~31, 175 89.6 “ —18, 973 —90.3 34 Lithuanian and Lettish.:.........22.2...... 128,779! “' 62.0 |. 41, 264 29.3 Unclassified: 35 Yiddish and Hebrews .........07S.0...... 379, 471 22. 8 40, 053 3.8. 36 Magyar etc. 2S Boa 2 324.008 an. cs 158, 255 50. 2 39,018 17.0 37 PSR a5 5). 5 Cents oo sda SONS ovale w'aKe 67, 957 34, 4 13, 481 11.2 | 38 ATMOni a 55.2 RE teats ae I2BO ha ces cools 23, 150 78.0 13, 709 57.3 39 Syrianiand Arabic. § oi ces - oe dem 03 «5 <0 57,644 | 124.0 24,689 | 75. 1 | 40 PEUTICISN ROG a siamo p COME A woe wg OT eben soe 3, 195 60. 2 1,918 40.7 4] PLOGTIADL o:c'n »'s's oa'a Gee mieNiaca meas iy es se 4, 068 172.5 AE 3, 208°)? 138. 5 42 AN othe s-v'seo3 chia dieters’ bis taséte wen anche 1,018 132. 2 582 90. 1 43. }- Unknowns cic. 05s. 02 teh Oe — 277, 582 —93. 2 —109, 106 —93.8 44 | Of mixed mother tongue............00.02..00 020. 200, Ta S0. a ta scent poke Galan * _ lItis probable that a considerable proportion of the persons returned as Russian in mother tongue were in reality Hebrews. The increase between 1910 and 1920 is, therefore, probably exaggerated. ; es Dn te MOTHER TONGUE, hagu 889 ? ime FOR NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE CLASSES, FOR ‘THE UNITED STATES: 1910-1920. | A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. ] 3 . INCREASE: 1910-1920—continued. Native white of foreign or mixed parentage Both parents foreign. Father foreign. Mother foreign. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. | Number. | Per cent.| Number. | Per cent. ‘ 2,778, 228 21.5 615, 931 15.7 394, 208 19225 7k 2.4 —121, 299 —-3.3 117, 821 6.8 157, 842 13.9 | 2 1.4 —137, 305 —3.3 122,977 8.7 98, 182 17.4.) 3 17.8 104, 118 9.3 106, 084 41.6 58, 409 43.7 |. 4 ~~ 69.1 1,053, 233 | . 79.2 143, 946 43.6 47, 324 33.7}. 5 106. 2 1, 266, 919 104, 9 133, 875 120, 2 46, 474 106.1 |. 6 aig 5 seb 497, 391 65.9 {- 42,643 Bae a am 18, 071 y 9 a ¢ 4.1 115, 171 16.9 —51, 415 —91.7 —32, 094 —94, 1 8 2.4 —121, 299 —3,3 117, 821 6.8 157, 842 13.9} 9 0.2 —175, 553 —4,4 98, 492 “sr 86, 674 16.0 | 10 _ 26.5 21, 989 17.7 18, 302 45.2 8, 698 43.3 | iL 149.0 16, 259 131.6] ~ 6,183 179.9 2,810 245.2 | 12 18.4 57, 995 10.4 46,793 47.8 25, 879 47.0 | 13 , 14.7 26, 001 6.3 35,917 33.7 22, 431 39.1 | 14 23.9 20, 122 Spe 1h a 23, 374 46. 4 10, 099 47a | 15 126.0 863, 895 | 122.1 94, 291 171.0 12, 397 167.1,).16 8.3 20, 247 4.6 21,278 9.9 21, 574 19,8 | 17 58.5 83, 184 69.3 14, 743 33.3 10, 809 49.6 | 18 65.0 35, 226 rds Le 5, 957 48.9 2,078 113.6 | 19 | 301. 4 19, 509 290. 0 1, 857 419. 2 670 475.2 | 20 356. 4 31,172 427.4 5, 820 228, 4 —204 —42,4 | 21 83.6 541, 890 81:3 59, 497 105.4 17, 789 102.6 22 28. 4 53,722 22.6 : <6 199. 3 208, 291 188, 1 i 917.2 272, 623 894.8 Y 309. 9 28, 382 299. 8 09 82.5 41,699 76.1 215.5 36, 773 209. 4 —2.0 25 2.9 410.9 11,971 432.0 mae at eh ins 8.40 i BR aN 8 SBT 460 “W124 ‘ — 88.5 —11, 578 —88.3 ; 130.9 82, 431 129. 8 55.4 300, 290 51.4 138. 3 110, 339 138. 6 191,90 70. 4 46, 002 63. 7 164. 1 8,735 164. 4 asiiale 241: 8 29,925 933.8 212.5 1,061 | 222.4 4G Ate caps b EA oe tho. ee! Pus i4°351.6 OLB tos - badete Jus | 168,476 | (92.7 —84, 967 —92.9 200,138 | 33.9 200, 138 33.9 I. «+4 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-—POPULATION, 390 fos: d oS [One taro Ot te oS choad Ot patie eee eee Reps - aa Te he ais 2 8¢ ES Si eyssrdsa|s gis Ada SHHSTS SHDSOSD SSE ISOS SssSsooS is a : ya B han! ' es = HO 8 62 S SI CSHRRAA |S SNN HN HeON ~ waa 4 Lt aN ural. . ‘ 8 wil) de oi we FON 8 68 te * © 6 se tN INO St et NNN & ‘oF a as & See aaa ear SE | Gh ae yehet et SBASOS HAsdos Se eee SRS Gece |: Beets is |S. be she Ho ao Bisaneans esenasoa at : - - Olds Sono a ihe Rie a 5 io pi A a4. me g a § S s Lebo mies ig < oS aad ahs os ge tt 3 Ss “4 Ss SSSoOSE cme +s , a <2 g @ x S lz N 5 on ML hy ; . Sf 38 BS & |s Ss: OSs a qt eu =] : & = oo 2 rt = . ee Hes 218 : HO> 3 S me | SSSA eer So Sy SER x ae. mi a ae & SSS sso |e so oN SAHSSS raAAaToS SLISDOOS BASSSLOS a) ~ " wd - mM v4 ‘So a a ae S = s S]CNSHANS | OINSH HON HOSM = ASSN =a ane on Ze E: o “ij & =) Sadr sis x Bus sot HHS Siddsdd SHO OSs S BSSSSLES rics - > ol em = = = = S S | S| CNMHHOOS CON PON ProMmmoN OFnMnAM ow ya oe Goma z o ye es aw pl ee ° 2 8 6 RS CaS a ie a Sac a See Eee 2 oer 42%, 2 lain wv BO F 2 & s Birdsadd |S sis sat xddssds SH4dss SOSHOSS HSSSSKOO Ss si on ef ; = SYACHARSA (AN PAN HOt ASHGNS RATA Oo a INS aRaan ao. is ; — a Cia -s 6 2. a a . . . . « a” Sale i Ga 9 @k- beh pi Ae eee . 9 Ye Ns Net eS UF to 86 tS Lea ee Y . . g z fies & Ls SROESAS 1S SSS. S84 Slee RHHOSS' SC eSsocsa MASSSLeS oS: 3 = Or ees = SY|YeoOrneras |R HSM RON GSAHH6M BROCoOtR Oo a OOS “= a din) we Ok a lt ee a . ee eer RS ee ee ot ee eS eee eer A ae Be a a, ere rer oie ~ aes es pid = & 8 ROMPRES 1G SAS HAS HAtSSH rrdddd I> SaSoH OAH SOSH HH Om 3 py ee : = S ODRSSOHRSD!/0O DOR oO o8 OCOMHANH NOAMHO oO ns ACOonS & d om ahou & S| Syqpresarass gis Mod GHHSSS WrisdSSS SOSSSSS BHSSSSES SH a YO emt re oo) WP ed Os i Pad SR aca Ds Oe ts Pl Bes a een ses? SE et | © Bees 3 So Pepe me HON HOM ANWMOMOS KRRROMS 4 ee oOo OmrHo ako] - ”A o * s * = a | eS PE or 8 Dt a Si D OF bw OFS @'- Ce Oi Se bY oo ei es + oS . . * * Bp aRg ate: * J SI = & = BRP SHON s gis HAF GAinssS SHHNSS oO x S Besson oN 3 - CSE NEE TEE DUEL SS SS ~ eee? ic gem > eee alk Maryan ae oh as ge MEI cs 2 ie a a bo gL SR ah aT 4 ee See OS ile Pe a Bs ea A ON «Seta nea or ae dare 7 © cia ee aes eels a PR gl aah air RY Seni aN aaa oa i MMe SERS weil Se aR LOLA Oe Se ee 2 fae] Ee OE lary arn >> es ay SOR ote Ley aca aera ae en a SENS Wa cern ic Neem. LP Ey ES Ba i J Ps i= ae Pa : : ‘5 t : : +s. 6 : >. e~ 6 ¢ Oe 0 Wee a Ps 8 Sek as erm ek ib oF > Weep ere g oo. Der aii ose sh 0) gk OF Re Ae i ee ae po co i es of ee So, Ve est ee OO ee ae ee EE Oe Ee able eet eae’ — , . ‘ ‘ . ae eee oe eee ee ee oe eee ee ne ee ee a ae ee @> @& « ot, OO OH 0 7 . ’ . . ‘ oye fii hs fe) wi 8 OP Eo Se ; Q 3 A se Oenahi aly jeans > oensniyebc dynes nishahcte anja iat anemone bse pgtr em hoclaled Guinn SU aNGbes Soren bron ere en. f..6 "@ fm ‘ . : . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . ‘ . . . . Lp | . , . ‘ . . ‘ . . ’ i=! 5 n 4 ee ‘ ‘oO . / & . ‘ . : . $ ; : : . ¢ Se TS Sane, ee Cis eae ara ee ae ak oe . * 7, % Se eee ee ag ae C0 CRS aoe 8 ee wean Se 9 a Me cease Bele ae crepe ob ae ar” Song . -0-¢- Boe eo es 4 ee ee ee we ee é a ee ae og eee a $2 e886 ¢* es «4 . i} z eae es ° Tere ee eee re ee ere Hr eee eee areas > 3B fo) ee ‘ ’ ‘ * POM ece oe. «Te ow. ee o: - Be eae ft +2 . . 2 OD 0 2 Bi Se See Swie YS: ist tet tae ate ee: Poti ge emet bg i botg 2 2 ~» 5 . ‘ iw} - Q . e 6 Se ae ee eee a f$ # bose © © 8y ‘oa ve ALAS eae a «) Owe .'@d o . . ce 4 és 6: 9/2-¢ me os oe ae =| . "od fs ss ok ‘ . + Bl Hi em ee 3 ‘ ont te . Get: OSs i“ t- De Bey i te 8 1-344 ‘5; 74 a! ‘a4 ve se 7 Tia & . Bi fy B g:8s8 4 gett hae a eh 5 ey eae eo wee en oe S BOSSA OO TS ts Teo TOS ter tte eae ag ee ae ee rg | 9 4 doo G23 5G $a :2 qosa. ao S@-:dq J te) 3 J + fay ,@ ‘ ee ‘ fee Ae fi ae | 1 ke an i Bas SEaaag oe iwas ay a) | ro (SO oko} ro Soh has) » 1a ‘ er, hen tt qd. 29.8 aro <: Bia . m= 8 es rc D J «. A Ada gaa So . ioe aSe BO 800 8a a ns ~ 3 8.9 avaga 3.o Saas P- PRSsssteecegs sb5aKS Sie Sa0 FA Sees dg 2 q segn87e gas SESE ag ose eSsa85 Sece Heagsdaeees> BS ~ ~n — Hm fet N (<3) ont — * | 3 Gigs esd GHOAE az seeanmosecmae ne ania>sapend PE ) Do x 391 TONGUE FOR NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE CLASSES, AND BY NATIVITY AND MOTHER, TONGUE, _ FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910. * 4 ’ PER CENT DISTRIBUTION BY NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE CLASSES. Native white of foreign or mixed parentage. P Foreign- "Tr MOTHER TONGUE. . born “peel | pbth ghe white. , zu Father Mother pr Total. | ioreient foreign. foreign. | 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 || 1920 | 1910 | 1926 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 All mother tongues. -.-.......... 37:7) 41,4} 62:3) 58.6} 43.1) 40.1) 12.5) 12.2) 6.7) 6.4 . Minglish dnd Celticivs..0s.) 2 oh. . 30.9) 33.9} 69.1) 66. 1)) 36.9) . 37.3) 19.0) 17.4] 13,3), 11.4 mmrenarrier else SAC 01...) bt le 28.4) 32.3] 71.6) 67. 7) 46:1) 45.7) WB ASWA 77a. 6.3 peamdingviaite: si Verse... Us Doe, 40.2): 45.7). 59. 8le 54.38), 42.2| 40.3) 12.1) 09.2). 76.5)> 4.8 mrpatin and Greeks Gt2 fd. 4 Sh 8 id. 49.6) 57.0) 50,4) 148/01] 589.5) 6381.8) 6709) 7.9) 2 3.1 3.4 w®Plavic and "Léttic. /vs.i2. 6 66k AR. 46.7} 57.3), 53.3] 042. 7||47.0| 37.8) 4.7) 3.5) 7) 0 14 Beeemmcnanseinee AL. CoS. b0L. RK A tS. 5A2}° 64:8) 45.8) 35.2)|: 42.4) 33.4; 2.5) 1.4) 0,9), 0.4 _ Unknown or mixed mother tongue----. 0.9}- 13.4} 99. 1} 86. 9} 98.3) 76.8) 0.6; 6.3) 0.3) 3.8 ; : “ . Pepa gk, ah § SSRN erent. ” English atid Celticlsl.2.....01....0.000.] 30.9) 33.9) 6921): 66.1}}) 86.9) 37.3) 19.0) 17.4) 13.3) 11.4 _ ‘Germanic: : ) ~ German..... eke Gant SE EEE 27-8) 31.9) 72.215 681}}46.6) 46.0) 18.0) 15.8h.. 77 6.3 Dutch and Frisianz...) 22.2.2 .2..02. 36.9} 40.5): 63211659. 5)} 39.5) 40.0) 15.9) 243.0). 7.8) 6.5 . Piémishwess +. sce. 61..4 OG 5 88 52:0) 60.3] 48,0). 39. 7/) 982.6; 28.9] 10.9) > 8.0): 4.515 2.7 _ Scandinavian: MEIN WOGISING JS Doth 22. hoes eo lye eee 43,3} 49.0]' 56.7) 51.0]] 41.5) 40.0) 9.7) (Ol 5.4) 0359 Pr: NWorwepian..}.G00.J01.4 sual jl ced. 35.5) 4152] 64.5) 8, 8]} 94277) 42.0) 14.0] 10.9), 781 5.9 Beets Wanish st. POSS... ou oe, 40.6) 45.4), 59,41 54.6))) 36.9) 937.1) 15.8) 12.3), 6.7). 5.2 Latin and Greek: SR a See ee See 48.3) 63.9) 51.7) 36.1)) 46.7) 33. 1 4.4>- 2,6) 0.6] 0:3 Meer TONG. Jo. teed Ole 4 ANE 0, OSS. 36.2] 41.0) 63.8} .59.0)]° 35.8) 33.8) 18.4) 16.7) 10,1 8.4 Me Peas. Ss coos od Le Oba, 6524): 6821) 34.6) 41.9) 23.9) 27.0) 6.9) 10.0)...3.8).) 4.9 Been AP ortugiese. 650.008.) Sk ak 4 LoS 49,1) 52:2)! 60; 9):°47.8}) 40.7) 37.8) 8.4) 8&7) 18} 1.3 Gees Wulimatiian, 502.80. 41 HA Jie} bec, 68.0) 85:3)) 32:0p014. 7}. 28.6) 513.6) 2.5) 0.9). O.9h. 0.8 fee tee, yet S.SoO88.1 ASE Le OFS. 78.8); .92;0), 24.216: 8.0473) 5 5.7) 38.8] 2.0). O1py 04 - Slavic and Lettie: | : Syos Polish’. . va. -). CIS2BE SR AL O8E, 44:2); 56.0} 5528)/644. 0149.6) 39.6) 4.8) S.4looL4p9 1.0 ieee epee 0.52.1 .d0b oO.) OAR Sl Sed, 8757} 4820) 622310 56. 9h 46.7) 44.7) 9.8) 7.9) 5.9) 5 4.4 SS Sa Sa As is A 44.4). 59:1) 55.6) :40.9)), 51.5) 39.3] 3.3] 1.2), 0.9), 0.4 ne gmtistian acl ZFS cS.) ANS 12.358, 53.6) 63,4) 46:4[> 36.6) 41.4) 33.4) 3.8). 2.6) 1.3) 0.6 nn sieingheniagit Old 55.61 Se ctl, 58.3) 7251) 41.7): 27. 9)h> 89:7) 27.2) 1.7, 0.6), O04), OL Se, elOVerian. .. 5 OL0.20...4 12. JV 868. 49,3) 68,1) 50:7} 31.9) 46.3) 30.2) 3.6] . 1.5) 0,9) 0.3 | Serbo-Croatian: *, ee ey Sere epee 59.1] 80.2] 40.9] 19.8!) 38.7) 19.0, 2.0'. 0.6) ..0.3). 0.4 ty palmatiansy: 200A ED. S05. 08. . 67.7 80.9] 32, 3)) 191)te:28-9). 16.3) 3.3). 2.7) ..0.15 0.1 ai peMpjan. $206 0 ...0b AL Ge. 69.9} 88.4} 30.1) 11:6). 28.2} 10.5) 1.7) 1.0), 0.2). 0.2 i Montenegrin’. 2... 0... ee. 92,6}. 98.4) 97.410 16Hys 64) 1.5) 9:,0.9).0 041], 0.2)... - Bulgarian. ....- We Fo eras 891; 95.6) 109s 4.4fs. 77} 3.4[ 3.1) 0.8); 0.2) 0.2 ' Slavic, not specified... 22......0.2. 56.3) 60.4} 43. 7|° 39.6}))4225| 37.7) 0.7). L405) 0.5 Lithuanian and Lettish.......5..... 54,1) 67.8) 45.9] 32.2})0243.4 30.6) 2.11. 14), O41. 0.3 ‘Unclassified: + Yiddish and Hebrew.........-.2.-. 53.4) 63.2) 46.6}; 36.8} 43.3) 35.1) 2.4) 1.3), 0.9), 0.4 Bier yem. f ..J.0008....) Bit S52). 2ie. 56.6) 72.7] 4324). 27.3}. 40.2) 25.3, 2.3). 16) - 1.0), 0.5 SS ee ae, Saas 50.3) 60.8] 49.7} 39.2)| 44.5) 36.5) . 3.3). 1.7). 1.9). 0.9 Ser RS a a Soe. 71.2}; 80.6] 2828}* 19:4])\26.6) 17.9] 2.0) 14) .0.2), O11 i. Syrian and Airsbic....) So.5.22088 55.3): 70.7| 44 7he 20.3) 41.0] 27.5) 3.1) 1.5) 0.6), 0.3 MIRE hod oGdel od. ob AP. 2 SOS: 77.9 88.7); 22. Uy 118i 181) - 9.0) 3.6) LO. O4 0.5 oe Albanian... J.5éo....- aa Bes 85.8) 98.0) 14:2) 2.0)),) 11.8) 16) 2.1) 0.4) ..0,2)...... on Sly Na ae ae Se Sere 68.7} 83.9] 31.3] 16.1]| 22.3) 10.8). 6.1). 4.5). ,3.0)...0.8 vie t : ‘ . : 7 : 4 miemowieus ...J.000. #22) eh fo 4. 8 <.| (85.2k: 89.0] 64, 8}: 61.0})31.9| 30.7) 22.9] 18.8) 10,0); 11.5 aaa mother tongue... .12...-2.Wi0.|l--- ss}. -.+--|) 100.0 ani ££000| 100.0). oso]: 2S heneaele INS ie 7 2 Seefootnote to Table 109, p, 386. . th : . ge BY: ; : ti ig & i ’ Bi: ) Mat m | . ; - - 892 ABSTRACT OF THE’ CENSUS—POPULATION. Paste 112.—MOTHER TONGUE OF THE FOREIGN ne FOREIGN WHITE STOCK. Germanic. Seandinavian. S10? D TE. i DIVISION AND STAT All mother English tongues: and aS 1920 Celtic. ||, -tte< Dutch | Flem= |’ Swed- | Norwe- | Dan- | Frisians ish. ish. gian. ish. United States....... be 398,958 |9, 729,365 8,164,111 |370,499 | 87,890 |1,485,062 1,020,788 | 466, 946 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England.......... 4,512,930 11,981,954 | 185,564 | 6,045 | 3,971 | 142,307 | 15,274 | 16,703 Middle Atlantie........ 12’ 0107828 1/3; 145, 076 |; 111) 539 69; 729'| 11, 913 |. 174,199 | 60,399 |» 43, 673 East North Central...-. 9, 148, 492 1, 984, Til 2 896, 993 1178, 484 | 49,570 | 389, 506 | 235, 43 102, 565 West North Central. ... 4 749, 839 "71/4 419 1, 7 16, 113 | 73,240 | 12,041 |} 500,194} 542, 150+) 168, 131 South Atlantic......... ” 969/524 |] 251,295 | °205,640} 2,839] 1,497] 10,202] 5,090} 4,513 East South Central..... 274765 || 86,454 | 106,659 | 1,732 247} 3,732 |.. 1,196 | 1,379 West South Central..... 1, 155, 942 ||’ 162) 499 | 277,264 | 4,318 | 1,652] 18,836] 7,311 j Mountains. sie... oe 1,210, 391 413, 455 | 205,994] 12,817} 2,130] 81,791 |. 47, 896. |. 55, 149 Pacifici... (S03... 74 2; 466, 2A 832° 496 | § 458,295 |} 20,295 | 4,869 | 164,295 | 106,028} 67,746 NEw ENGLAND: . ; Maine: US agiui) 8h. 269,915 |} 142,531 3, 005 130 37 4,720 1,156.) 2,427 New Hampshire........ 216, 819 79, 632 4 996 293 605 3, 828 883 17 378 Vermonti 65.02 7oi. ihe 123, 492 57, 656 2; 526 153 22 2,395 218. 338 Massachusetts. .......2. 2,572, 751 ||1,257,891 | 76,341 | 4,169 | 2,269 | 78,937]. 9,475 | 6,670 Rhode Island. .2 624.182 420, 427 "171 486 10, 663 276 566. | 13,823 975 616 Pag 7p ha se hits ato: thioae 909, §26 272’ 758 88, 033 1,024 472 | 38,604 2, 567 6,279 DLE ATLANTIC: : New Yorki.. J0.t1..0: 6, 503,761 |I1, 696, 377 |1, 134,050 | 33,188.) 4,160 | 101,365 | 45,787} 24,912 New Jersey..........--- 1) 824’ 412 || 460, 197 | 355, 235 | 31,785 | 2,440 |. 22,304 | 9,994} 12,277 Pennsylvania........... 3,682,655 || 988, 502 622; 304 | 4,756] 5,313 50, 440 4,618 | 6,484 East NorRtTH CENTRAL: ; - OMOEA. tod 1, 902, 771 419,481 | 652,728} 8,329) 1,771 |. 16,422] 3,065) 5,227 © PnGiania AG See. ot "519, §27 110,818 | 223,894} 6,749 | 3, 889 12; 565 1,513) }.. -2, 559 FIMHOIS Te see S in oI 3, 232,770 643,522 | $04,730 | 38,341 | 15, 925 235, 075.| 66,077 | 36,995 Michigan. ......22....25 1/931; 180 || 629/660 | 3967602 |100;295 | 16,856] 66,807.| 17,055 |. 17,591 Wisconsin. .../220...024 1, 562,244 || 181; 236 | 719,039 | 24,770 | 11,129. | 58,637 | 147,724 | 40,193 WEeEsT NorRTH CENTRAL: titel Minnesotaie.. [222.2084 1, 541, 309 || 200,677 | 395, 682') 15,160 | 3,754 | 283,815 | 281,046.) 44, 600 Towa: .ihi.. aoe. 855,628 || 197,624 | 341/301 135,787] 2’ 280 |“ 63,461.| 62,513 | 47,970 Missourio.. ..08e0.. 244 688, 108 166, 426 | 335,471 3,769 | 1,735 13,206 | .. 1,.826 4, 605 North Dakota.......... 431/988 || 62,559 | 142,826 | 2,936 668 |. .28,371.] 127,532-}, 12,750 South Betote Ae fer, Setar = 310, 549 48, 489 115, 672 9,039 582 |. 24,116.) 58,946 17,015 — Nebraskais. 2. 2. ct 522,155 90, 636 | 216,148.) 3,382}. 920 55, 010 7,014 | 34, 266 Kignsas 3. Se. 6 os ees 400, 102 105, 008 169,013 | 3,167 | 2,102 32) 215 3, 273 6,931 Souts ATLANTIC: 4 -# Delawaresss vik cite. ee 52,739 19,783 6, 120 96 15 703: iter AES 147 Maryland? ...i)<....G.4 311, 649 65, 176 | 110,684 955 107 1,501 1,054. 827 District of Columbia. -... 87,372: 38, 473 17, 495 403 51 1,311 7i9 574 Virginia. .......: eS 83,415 || 30,039 | 14, 416 647 85 |. 1,408} 987} 838 West Virginia.......... 144,378 |} 31, 180. 24, 885 326 928 829 128 263 North Carolina. :....... 18, 576 7, 598 3, 145 198 26:4. 369: (148 141 South Carolina......... 19,120 6, 126 5, 068 109 66 270 178 195 Georeias Pees. ese sist 46,417 16, 864 9,435 292 64 763 | 314 - 306 Florida 2... 2222 ..18.% 105, 858 36, 056 14, 392 813 155 3,050 1, 449 1, 222 Bast SoutH CENTRAL: mt ein Keéntiickys.... 4225 20% 141, 426 38, 956 76, 036 902 124. .. 548). 2 8h 270 Tennessee. .....:..2006% 53,236 || 20,318 | 13; 686 350 22 |. .-802'|* » 192 372 Alabamiae i. .i8 222 ‘52, 903 18, 792 11,715 337 60 1,645}... - 553). 445 MISSISSI PDEs 3. teem weicterete 27, 200 8, 388 §, 222 143 41 737.4. 264 292 West SoutH CENTRAL: heh _Arkansas.....1.. ER a 53,065 |} 15,920] 21,328 578 126 975 288 499 EOUSIANG so ce eet 154; 887 28, 406 32, 203 750 .. §44 1,266 $53} 808 Oklahoma.......2..2 22.) 142}0874}'") 41) 580 | . 52,536 | 1,029 350. | 08,273 | 11,067 | « 1,778 i tT CRN, AMINE FEE 805,903 || 76,593 | 171,197] 1,961 632 | 13,322] 5,003} 4,007 GUNTAIN: ‘ Pika Montanadcteiseuenice seus 258, 457 ||) 93, 539 50,142} 3,999 945 | 17,158 | 27,793 7,441 | Wane wees onc leeks 131) 416 53, 316 26, 259 1, 224 196 | 138,432 7, 023 9, 142 Wyoming: dca ef sceuele 67, 262 24, 568 12,519 389 121 4, 885 1, 638 2,709 a Ee a pee alata ee! 321,062 || 100,189] 82,195| 2,587] 576 | 24,898] 4,061] 6,878 New Mexico............ 61,356 9,519 5, 984 284 97 853 363 327 PATIZON G2. ied cag we 140, 304 21, 950 7,697 283 93 2,168 787 1,161 NOON gas oe oe tee ieee 196, 120 96, 969 16,772 3, 955 72 | 17,218 5, 819 26, 066 -s IN GVAGMSsic ccs cutee ken 34, 414 13, 395 4, 426 96 30 1,179 412 1, 425 ACIFIC: Washington............ 608,071 || 213,638 | 110,690] 7,499] 1,773 | 72,864 | 65,405} 18,782 reget 4 fees ueisiie- ek. 271,420 || 90,501 | 74,531] 2,711] 1,161] 23,609] 16,119] 8,665 Ganiornia orescence secs 1, 586, 756 528, 357 273, 074 | 10,085 | 1,935 | 67,822 | 24,514} 40,299 MOTHER TONGUE. 3893 2 WHITE STOCK, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920. FOREIGN WHITE sTockK—continued. DIVISION AND STATE. Latin and’ Greek. Slavic and Lettic. Italian. | French. Spanish. | Portus |Rumay Greek. | Polish. | Czech. | Slovak. guese, | nian. ————— | — | SS United States..... 3,365,854 |1,290,110 | 850,848 |215,728 (91,683 [221,768 (2,436,895 622,796 | 619, 866 _ Guograrzic DIVISIONS: New England........ 494, 924 Middle Atlantic...... 1 943, 798 i East North Central... 4il, 536 ‘West North Central. . 72, 035 ‘South Atlantic. ...... 81, 408 East South Central...| 19,929 _ West South Central . | 660 OUTTA. is. oa... , 474 ‘sh | SE 2 207, 100 Nrw ENGLAND: Ch. ee 5,574 _. New Hampshire...... 3, 902 aon Vermonte.v 54... 8, 085 » « Massachusetts........ 237, 858 Rhode Island......... 70, 699 Connecticut.......... ; MIMDLE ATLANTIC: INOW SOF Kye. cb onal. LL 124, 162 New Jersey;s...: pel. B44, 765 : Pennsylvania... s.... 474, 871 East NogtH CENTRAU; | ee aS Sa 121,511 PMGIANAsOs ooh te. 12, 862 Illinois ..¢.2..2.. eee 196, 925 Michigan. ........ faa .| OF 475 pw isconsny 9)... ~-- 22; 763 WEsT NORTH CENTRAL: Minnesota-..........- 15, 306 2 AC Bel Oe ee ee 9,812 Boe MISSOUTL 2.5 - 00 33 -..- 31, 500 » North Dakota........ 341 _ South Dakota.....-... 1,007 Webraska............- 6, 730 CS CO oe 7, 339 OUTH ATLANTIC: MCA WATO LS. .0).2035- 8,325 ike Say ee 19, 692 _. District of Columbia..| 7, 561 ery irgimiag. 22.202... 5, 506 nen West Virginia oe 27, 033 ) North Carolina......- 830 , . South Carolina......- 769 pee Georgians. ...... 1 RRAL 1,410 Ploridass.......5--.-- 10, 282 Bast Soura CENTRAL: Kentucky ..:......... 4,194 ean sw onnessee. .....5..... 4,873 56 SCE sin] )| 907 - Mississippi SESS tae 4,355 we! SouTH CENTRAL: mrEaAnsas.. OSES... S. 3,019 S LOUISIANA. .....).-.-.. 46; 394 me Oklahoma...........- 4, 863 30, 145 * New Mexico.......... 3,637 _ Avizona.........---.-- 2,385 ¥ wee ta Me dats e' u's o's O'a Soe co 6, 167 PooNOVAGAGs......5----- -! 4,928 PACIFIC: Washington.......... 19, 205 eS i a oe 7, 689 ot California < oe 180, 206 ep | ae ee 651,788 | 5,417 |124,252 | 2,265 | 44,710 | 275,342} 8,306-| 25, 834 181,048 | 47,081 | 4,722 41,248 | 55,497 | 992) 522 |.82)289 | 39%) 285 204,149 | 14,775 1, 897 35, 443 |.54,895 | 969,902 266,313 | 159, 310 89,274 | 28,584 5,445 | 13,428 | 94,078 |167)477 15,504 | 27,396] 878 | 2,328 | 15,217 | 56,045 | 13,611.|. 9,600 9,443 | 1,813 98] 515 | 2,893] 3,444] 934] 13252 36,511 | 418,064 |» 505 | 623 | 47824] 17;470 | 57,959 | 2) 404 26, 282 | 153,704 | 905} 908 | 10,967 | 9,035 | 10,911 | 9/664 a | ee | | | + 76, 111 | 154; 014 | 82,172 | 2,908 | 197337 | 19,057 | 14,996}, 7,511 87, 356 171} 309] 27] 1,704] 2,706 66.|) 1,232 91) 246 87 | \ 237] -.4b| 6.850] 9/205 97 59 40,304 | 1,046 68} 42] 7241 | 3) 7220b- 155 323 303,821 | . 2,169 | 99,096 | - 834 | 29,044 | 145,822 | 3,648}. 2,732 79, 801 7228 | 22,022 | 389] 13623 | 16,578 )) 1258 284 49, 260 1,716 | 2,520 962 | 5,248 | -.97,309 |, 4,082 >]. 21, 204 119,622 | 36,373 | 2,559 [28,552 | 31,230 | 403, 969 52,730 | 46,200 24,103 | 4,524] © 953 | 3,480 |. 6,203 | 176,342 | 9,720 | 48, 857 37,323 | 6,184] 1,210 | 9,216 | 18,064 | 412/211 | 19,839 | 296, 219 32,578 | 3,277 457 |16,576 | 15,376 | 138, 106| 59;206-| 78,982 14,806 | © 1,744] »)° 49 | 4,071 | 43388 |. 46,251 | 3,666 | 11,750 49,124] 6,860 | 1,220 | 4,998 | 22’ 006 | 3827101 [1407011] 44) 010 77,572 | 2,400 121 | 9,229) 8,360 | 251,381 | 17,005]. 12; 776 30, 069 494 50 | 569] 4,765 | 152,063 | 46,425 | 11; 792 33, 630 516 27 | 2,253 | 2,812] 49,490] 35,394 | 6,478 10,653 | . 3,263 77 | 324] 3,408] 3/082 | 32/859.|. 1, 880 17,350} 4,825 91 | 1,814] 3,751 | 15,603 | 13,746 | 2/531 7, 267 60] 5] 365] 508 4,751 | 8, 491 333 3, 660 135 9{ 120] 408] 1,861] 10,982 |) 221 5,114 | . 3,011 34] 514] 1,747] 14,720] 54,024 281 11,600 | 16,774 56] © 55| °794] 4,571 | 11,981] ~ 1,282 626 256 22} 117] © 387] 9,194.0) 217 165 2,788 729 87 | . 420} 1,355] 29,129] 9,752 |). 1,398 2) 342 562 43| ~ 88) 1814! 7946 |. 7343 1,919 649} 226 | 152] 27366] . 1,752 | 01,548} 1,670 544 | 2,208 18| 823] 3699] 12°663| 7918 }- 5,901 664 129 31] 927) 7765 52 94 446 127 21| 20] — 802 585.4 > 116 19 1, 458 520 77 | . 149 |. 2,080 782} > 241 83 2,717 | 22,126} . 353} . 582] 1949 696.| 424 198 4,107 337 21} 278| 583] 4,307) > 266 373 1) 846 375 44 71 966. | - 248 80 2° 094 558 18 | 116] 1,308 611 |. - 255 648 1, 396 543 15] .-38| 7283 560 | 165 141 2, 299 460 17} 67] 415] - 1,292} 1,006 769 18,950 | 7,603 | - 224] »-92] 849 605 |. 689 337 4,592 | . 8,658 30| 45] 823] 2.530 | 6,335 465 10, 670 | 401,343 | - 234] , 419| 2,737] 13;043 | 49,929 833 8, 968 432 43 | 374| 1,472] 2,993] 4,389} » 2,264 3,301 | 3,303] 120] . 61| 7835 390.| . 1,305 150 1,321 | 2,257 69| .62| 1,407] 1,663 | 1,007.) 1,07E 6,658 | 15,313 79 | 258| 2,109} 3,024] 2,957.) 5,322 1,272 | 345497 59 8 | 334 297 244 1,622 | 93,278 67| 55] 431 441]. 391 154 1,769 | | 1,658 30 | 84] 3,682 256 | 393 364 1,371 | 2,966] . 438 6| (697 92| 172 91 15,33¢' 2,216 524] 324] 4,375] 7,805 | 4,329 | 4220 6,481 | -1,715| 416 | 253] 27069] 27190 | .2)897 598 54, 300 150, 083 | 81,232 | 2,331:| 12,893 | 91062 | 7,770}. 2,693 394 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——POPULATION. TABLE 112.—MOTHER TONGUE OF THE FOREIGN WHITE DIVISION AND STATE. | ee | nn | | a fa ' > { oS ie x 3, 624 | 336,600 | 2,043, 613 FOREIGN WHITE sTocK—continued. Slavie and Lettic—Continued. Ruthe-| Slove- nian. 95, 458 nian. 208, 552 200,421 | 14,420 Bul- not garian.| speci- Unclassi- fied. Slavic, recig: Yiddish an pete and fied. |Lettish. | Hebrew. 139 |. 604 1,759 | 2,693 8,290 | ° 169 1,594 9 228 23 8 |i y 239 | 117 1, 080 7 “908 2 75,185 | 211, 232 134,410 | 1,339) 275 eer | ee | | -- |---| Rus- sian.1 United States ..... euees| 731, 949 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: / New England... ...2... ED..58 BTATAS Middle Atlantic. 22.....2...|) 411, 516 East North Central. .......| 107,786 West North Central... 2.2... 49, 687 South Atlantiew..2 2.0 2.. 29,591 East South Central....2.... : West South Central......0..]) 11,380 Mountains. | (00 2h... seh » 13,104 Patiiiess setter ise ry eae ~~ 85, 087 New ENGLAND: | Main@i.s. -.350%..9. ..4 O68 | | 2,241 New Hampshits oF eek tbe. Sf] 23886 Vermonitie. 1.02.06 a 1, 245 Massachusetts... 0.22.25. 0. 32,617 Rhode Island /U:..22..222.2] | 4,122 Connectionte. . 3... .:) ac. 24° 634 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: ‘ New "Work. 2..i6.2)1.) #84 258, 265 New Jersey... .. 6025-22: tus} 48,613 | Pennsylvania iss...) 5. 107, 638 East NORTH CENTRAL: Ohip Ae Je 4 TGS e. Ld 31,318 Endiahe) S200 LoL cst Ss 5,977 THinoisA 01.4 .150.165., 28 88, 750 Michigaini® | 200 051.) ad 23, 630 W isconsine Hees hob gee 8,111 West NORTH CENTRAL: Minnesotac. j.$22.5...45 Gee 8, 562 SouTH ATLANTIC: Delaware? . /.73i.09 1 4 Yi 117909 | Marviland $2 i.1009.2...14 ELSA 107074 District of Columbia. .-....| | 3,422 Virginia: 4000.05. 1 RES” VB BAG West Virginia.......- es La 13, 937 North Carolina-.........0.. 821 South Carolina........iri..] » 1,144 Georgia: .....3. 008... p> SUR A 135524 Piorida, ys atu. Big 1,214 EAst SouTH CENTRAL Kentuteky..4.208.......1 84. . 2,328 Tennessee... 5.310... .-.4 2 Lee 2 Alabatiia:..j.000..... Live. 1,269 Mississip piv tens. 238 ie 794 West SouTH CENTRAL: - Arkansas....5.000..... 134 A pee Louisiaiial.4.006.5...,.558 - | 2,'242 Oklahoma? .).2f0.0b...) Wave 3,371 Jig 1! RP SOer AOpen pipe fe peer 5, 090 MOUNTAIN: Montana’. .j.006.....,48%: 3,521 Idahos. 410. A 734 “ Wyoming... 2... RS CNA Oe 554 < Colorado... j. 223... 5,2 BR P| 6052 New Mexico; Jé2.....,.45%. 277 Arizona...... Pose. ad Bed ob EEO Utell ..§.88... LAR. » 621 RON EOD is So sdocue se cch bonds 144 : PACIFIC: a ts Washington. ..2.......-: Qt (6976 11°C ehh Ore Oleee eoenee Addoaa pst "ee 3, 676 California... /.....,.: Rl Oe _ 24, 435 1 See footnote to Table 109, p. 386. 216 | 10,656 1,192 | 137338 873 |) 11) 350 2,879 | 27; 095 2,185 4,954 2, 364°} 2° 036 194 |" © 17308 10,532 | 57,039 3,741)" 6,672 74,805 | 167, 806 1,613 7,399 8 27, 984 132 1, 668 74 ee 128 1, 093° 6,210 274) 1,117 267}. 2,521 5,074 41, 057 76 7,385 150 8, 670 2,282. 1, 871 38° 1, 468 19 1,572 63 4, 867 91 1,698 137 3, 668 28 3,790 32] 2,251 19 ~~ 947 hal 749 451°" 1,840 - 840 1,424 230 9,325 258-4" 607 49 ' 146 77 LOM Sie 322 8, 702 21 130 3] il ‘94 1, 408» 3, 584 497 | 2,700 974 20, 811 MOTHER ‘TONGUE: | > | 895 STOCK, BY DIVISIONS'AND STATES: 1920—Continued. ). ©’ t. ee ; FOREIGN "WHITE STOCKcontinued. J AIO? LE sh ~ Unelassified—Continued. | DIVISION AND STATE. Of . ont | mixed 4 motner Mag- | pinnish.| Ame a Turk- | Alba- | All known! tonsue. _. yar. nian. Arabic. ish. nian. | other, i . ade ee oe — nas es a a ae | -eoe—X“Ss- | | LY | SO OO | United States ..-... 473,538 | 265,472 | 52,840 | 104,139} 8,505 | 6,426 | 1,788 | 20,336 | 791,058 @rbanaPmc DIVISIONS: ; New England: ....-. 23,418 | 31,051 | 18,603 | 20,846 | 1,841] 3,261 | 217 735.| 61,959 i Middle Atlantic. ..... 232,426 | 22,565 | 14,121,| 29,785} 3,663. 1,414} 524 | 4,639 | 244,987 ’ East North Central...| 177,461 | 95,842 | 7,558 | 20,117}. 1,467 | 1,070 | 591}. 5,547-| 194,416 ey West North Central..} 10,538 | 65,683. 821 7, 409 209 298 139} 3,127 | 125,064 South Atlantic.......| 14,798'| 1,792 548.| . 8,221 254 29 45 | 1,302) 19,655 . “Bast South Central.._} 2) 446 2351", 185 |<. 3,202 89 26 | ° 15 865 7, 265 <4 ' West South NE aS ie} 22,265 589 213 7,589 |. 108 12° 45-| 1,655 | 22,081 x _ Mountain dh ste sme attyent 3,280} 12,575 405 2, 706 190 158 48 765 36, 686 ¥ BP MPINCL NS che cae ce - 6,906 | 35,040 | 10, 486 4,174 689 158 164} 1,701 78, 945 New ENGLAND: MerM mine. .'s2.. ss .sccps.- 64 2,365 230 1,308 24 451 1 46 2,774 >. New Hampshire...... 64] 3,010}. 428 - 912 57 130th eee 28 2, 264 MVOPNONt 0 5t.- 0.0. <5 » 388 822 63 4861. 2 os cas og Pee Pahok 9 1,441 ‘3 'Massachusetts........| - 1,606 | 23,120 | 13,204} 13,270] 1,334) 2,354 38}, 354.) 35,985 - Rhode Island.......-- | 203 325 | 2,950] . 2,203 265 Veal ee ee 44 4,798 Connecticut.........- 21,093 | 1,409 | 1,728 | . 2,667 161 192] 178 254} 14,697 Mrppie ATLANTIC: | New York...:2....- | 98,606] 15,362 | 7,054 | 14,752 | 2,891 496 | 309. | 2,117 | 145,394 L New, Jetsey........---| .59,190 | 2,690} 3,519] . 3,871 326 168 72 777 | 40,192 Pennsylvania. ......-. 79,630) 4,513 | 3,548 | 11,162 446 750 | 143'|. 1,745.| 59,401 NORTH CENTRAL: , mo. st 2 oes. ..| 97,962] 12,491 | 1,028 | 7,159 506 456 | 103] 1,505 |. 35,324 CETTE Spa Sie ieee 15, 357 7 163 | 1,512 98 85 80 689 |. 10,096 ae 29,041} 4,233 | 2,210] 3,064 308 124} 283 | 1,548] 71,886 i Michigan..-..:...--.. 27,763 | 65,936 | 3,175 | 7,195 465 274 99 40, 812 Wisconsin... ci... '.- 7,338 | 12,805 982 1, 187 90 131 26 901 36, 298 Est NoRTH CENTRAL # Minneésota-...:.....-.. 2,823 | 58,705 213 1,649 50 27 13 602 48, 276 e. 0 SE a RSS, Agia 743 118 1, 026 7 89 549 17, 907 PS SOU 2 ye ode n'a seins 4,414 134 233 1, 782 61 216 17 948 16, 841 North Dakota: ...-. 4. 705} 3,398 42 731 Whois. oh 2 204} 12,849 South Dakota-....... 501 3,184 30 624 8 5 4 194 8, 567 i “Nebraska.....5....-.. 853 64 154 1,025 14 40 6 288 11, 868 EET TISAGE i ee Sat scp 499 60 31 572 15 3 8 342 8, 756 ATLANTIC: POOIAWATC S215 tec. ee 361 Gy 8 17 Bilaeeawees 5 44 828 © .Maryland............. 1,636 243 55 164 18 2 4 237 6, 057 _ , District of Columbia. 283 127 75 502 21 2 8 244 2,320 Bee viremia 0.5202) 118,156 352 232) 1,277 54 3 3 165 2, 084 West Virginia........ | 9,420 423 62| 2,372 108 5 4 173 2,123 North Carolina.....-. 92 18 12 1,07: Pikes. > ated 17 67 366 South Carolina’? 72.7” 69 64 6| ”793 og a nga 40 454 ee a 334 61 29| 1,016 35 Bly aaat: 93 1, 354 RE IOTI ea ee. fs sek - 4 397 447 69 1, 008 il 12 4 239 4,069 East SovrH CENTRAL: P. Kentucky... 2820 2-. 1, 542 59 31 704 25 2 5 304 3,496 ob TENNESSEE .\~. 1.2.0 - - ><> 505 32 20 279 4 24 S 207 1,573 Regt a LAY wile 340 108 32] 1,056 hs Bb apne 1 253 1, 430 i Mississippi. .::..-.- 59 136 2 ‘ i Re 5 101 766 EST SOUTH POaarpat’ , , “Arkansas.....:2.-..°. 119 15 6 ys he abe pre | Be hahaa te 3 167 1, 482 , EEE ae eee ee 638 187 39.| 2,096 60- -- 6 42]. 5, 702 _ Oklahoma gh. SETS, Spe 422 . 109 30 1,628 7 2 20 | ...242 |, 3,264 1, 086 278 138 | 3, 36 8 16 825 |. 11,633 704 | 6,736 144 430 62 34 23} 144 8, 034 178 | 1,590 12 123 4 2 87 4,876 495 | 1,689 58 147 34 10 3] 33], 1,909 1,344 | 1,061 43 612 27 13 13 | 309 7, 808 164 65 2 461 i erage: eis Bh 24 934 156 502 19 622 7 6 6 58} 2,102 187 802 117 284 38 hs Pa ee 82 9,919 52 130 10 27 Eas. 1 28 1,104 759 | 15,925 279| ~ 602 149 88 23 388. | . 20,756 583 | 9,738 95 375 32 15 9 222 9, 297 5,559 | 9,377] 10,112.| 3,197 508 55| 132] 1,091}. 48,892 | | | wf {| : Oi Snonon naw DiB SonR ow Hs : epics open pels Heat NS as Mote ee ee ae eee ete wee eras ry ee S| > 0035 | S isscrrisss Sere, Bar Sree. a Sake re Sani ee Sia S335 Senor Bi é | aes ase rr mabe tess 7" n i) : ic Ft eeHa es . { or a oh : Col | ee ipo FS“ ~~ ° on « ey -.€ e . Oh) oo err bun . > te « a = 2 comune | & | Sssscdssd Soaess “Sod scsse SHSedsoss SHC oR Se, Sse aoe Souccee oo z| 2 | d cF Pegeet 22 af: SSE Ce egs he eee s Tame O. i ° BE 93 nee fle 6) eee el N, OR, eee oe ee oe a ial laa 2: ar 3 - “e esonsnzi0g | pee “oO 05 SF OSES Se: Cae eae oe ee os Date SSS > ee aSsece. SSseses Sid ee q a . / i ; : a Ss js) =e F| . ay . ~ ~ va vy j S Sire |s os beh Actoh NS RERSe ANGRASS NSNHE SESH GANS WESTRAES Bas oO = a al youesly | MAN Hed od tod Hag S) Hat HAN AHA ER el eh es os eh ed ed Ness ANS GANAS aietod e & a 5; ce Saws Ost = ODAD OS. MOS Him SnOnHNO CORO DSSOK SANS KSSH ROttORaD Now >, . 14 24 Be oe OA 24 Oe Be OL ce a e286 (4 1 PE Br a eee ee Pre eS ee ee ee 4 5 Z UBTIeIT | oO Ei teatet ortaadaciod oe ee ONG re SSrin AS SOOS 6 wi od of 3 NS 1S Sed N OFS 315 mies cool =) y, a) : rs.) 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Pa = oS ar ey. see seen Si Geo 3 cs = zs a ey ribet “oe So 7 e “HRA aes =~ rs Ss pn fee oe Toes ~ aed yo gay nade Mop qeaae — =! : ols ee aie ee ome os eis a te o3 06 Foret 3 3 wed SEISSES B50" rts Pe Modes Tt C Soa a ry Goss Ss & pte < eekenes L * z — - : 4 N ety rie on ine) w “~~ IID e eo} =r Tete ass Soon, ee ; yooz a¥nr} os 1 - 1S ow eo ‘ Ss ae 6 S a o “ie ses bs 0 é S faa MEY pty? rs ot 48 eared Po, beets Soon Aa va Ax 8 ihn ESSE 324 . cw: 66 es aakent O miahat tats oe aaae Pmt : tases 7 ys hoo ree gt ies : a ates Caan) ote: a =) Ss om ayer. flow soos i os = opi pry eet | —_— 2 tbr 2223 ieieirte ara ve 2S Get ae if . ae ae moa | at Sree po oe dak ose Sees ee ee oS - Bens a | ’ “sa re ; ee: =O. or Tr ey on as aoc ae al IS 4 a SSS re a Oo TS ot = 4 5 oo = Soa < ‘ “a QO ae fon) on sae bec ~ ae Dy toe & S eiticel Soee post ; - : © Ss o % ew eseiel S mN S i Oo een wt . S rt S phy. Ss ¥ Saga ss - a) = a w 3 = re. aE Se ¥ Bes ° oo = oe) : tH So Ss oF “a a) oO =~ ros) = Hf, 4 ay : mo a 3 oS 3 sgcis~ 3 Sota: SOS Sse aemeee — sa ae | a oie eet Sau ype Boe W's iit sa: a os a. mT: cal oO pa al N mee i nN SSS LY aa : ~ Ss S at ae Pog o te - ea a: a N o N ae ' se’ Bao o - apres srt eb ee aah ae ee Me 23s a g Pg 3 oN = ay? 3 S see os Sesad ss se Mace aoe 3 mn AES n eee . re apt ee = Sones Se Ore bees Seal id — —. Sag entiioal oO : Ff ry Takes " = - par Sd a prbelce o Sead sai ‘o praes ee / 3 + 5 > : N So ©. -~ oO = oOo wo Tt ms ae N Y * : oOo HA 3 | bad rt ex o Ss [on] cy aq oe . IN a ple whinge’ oe ae ates = Si hh im ce Sos — es os aa 3S e renee a a per a tebe SOO Boe so =F Reta kel £ - a : ose nheketed ao _ N Se SSL ' oer :" o " me = =i oO aa coc = o “ =) ao ’ iy Oo I Ss = She TL S bebe ai a —— a on] Soci | = = 5 a a — ae na eae Ac ‘ ie? a ap — ; —_— — o as bx = ae os , ics cate Pr S pial a ae = e 7 4K 3 “N “I ss aa Gr) “EP ‘=i Page : ro) ai oF : Ss 8 Lon! S oD ~ Ww =~ i) ai Ss . i : N — ~ va S > Ss TR * oe mm = o N <7 © row = So at: lac) 3 v5 a a am 3 = a art ee eo i. A Ses aa SSS 23 ® oa : = 4.89 rst Oo o aa eee pe ay SSS Suse oe a5 is 3 eae ris Scee SID Lee bit pe Sas S 2 ci os a tH ~ eS rick ron Gas mt se - ade 4 cise S XN . Ss a f 3 a - iL cei) J s wis ad Ss Ss for) fen Seid sce 5 = a ne} = Er a ’ —) —— 398 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION, TABLE 114.—MOTHER TONGUE OF THE FOREIGN WHITE STOCK, FOREIGN WHITE STOCK, . Germanic. CITY. So pe tongues: Ger- os Flem- 1920 man. | Prisian.|. ish. Akron; Oblo..3. 1. 2.4.33 J. 77, 639 19, 794 292 54 Alparry NAY & 3. 8.4.85... 55, 771 14,037 728 22 Atlanta, Gai... 2.5.04. 12, 837 2,363 44 13 Baltimore;Md.-....2...2.-.- 246, 750 86, 836 496 74 Birmingham, Ala:.-2....... 16,339 2,452 41 18 Boston, Mass osc) veoh pa. 548, 674 20,538 |. 1,201 575 Bridgeport, Conn.........-. 104, 404 7, 784 133 37 BuMMmlogn. ¥arcpusesieak. 336, 907 93,943 | 1,206 75 Cambridge, Mass... ......... 75, 205 1,474 48 13 Camden, N.J....... dibed te 51) 504 9) 655 84 19 Chicago, Ill. ..... SERVES 1,946, 298 431,340 | 21,896 | 3,649 Cincinnati, Ohio......2..... 164,492 102,225 | 1,096 Cleveland, Ohio... ....2..... 549, 779 120,744] 2,770 87 Columbus, Ohio.......-...- 55, 652 92,939 181 59 Dallas, Tekst ose hes sade 22,379 5,418 106 17 Dayton, Ohio... 22... ee. 42,499 21, 781 171 17 Denver COMM. 2 le wesew acl 104, 966 23,048 | 1,041 69 Des Moines, Iowa....,.....- 36, 526 6,303 458 7 Detroit, Mich......4...-.- ..| 638,068 126,421 | 4,131} 8,971 Fall River, Mass..........- 100, 946 13 14 Fort Worth, Tex...........| 14,951 2,178 47 4 Grand Rapids, Mich... 80, 393 9,904 | 30, 887 73 Hartford, Conn............. 93, 354 7,331 99 17 Houston, Tex... 25'. 5.25. .~ 31, 835 8,634 139 44 Indianapolis, Ind....:...... 60,114 26, 609 417 27 Jersey City, NuJ.... 020.0. 202) 926 40,797 | 576|. 211 Kansas City, Kans......... 30, 128 7,407 122 260 Kansas City, Mo.....-..-.- 84,383 21,309 343 671 Los Angeles, Calif. .......-. 252, 406 445822 | 1,822 316 Louisville, Ky........+..-.- 55, 366 32, 158 345 38 Lowell, MASS Oo5 el oak iee 87, 833 500 29 188 Memphis, Tenn............ _ 18,318 4,273 54 4 Milwaukee, Wis............ 323, 979 163,344 | 2,016 205 Minneapolis, Minn......... 243, 187 35, 082 980 166 Nashville, Tenn............ 8, 681 2,244 50 2 New Bedford, Mass......... 96, 044. 1,373 31 72 New Haven, Conn........ 7} 113; 415 10,188} 113! 162 New Orleans, La.....25..5. 95, 275 23, 234 354 2 New York,N.Y..,...:... 4,294; 629 690,789 | 9,432:| 2,082 Bronx borough........-. 594, 220 111,627 | 1,076 127 Brooklyn borough....-. 1,528, 713 215,054 | 3,568 556 Manhattan borough. . °.| 1,780,627 227,489 | 3,739} 1,045 Queens borough. ..:.... |. 814,319 | 121, 900 82 2 Richmond borough... .. 76, 7 14, 719 221 68 Newark, N, J)4..200 Lp .d Je. 283, 810 57, 500 638 66 Norfolk, Va......- eg 14, 467 1,612 166 19 Oakland, Calif..... 2.2.22 Panic 113, 725 17,553 611 98 Omaha, Nebr....... label ke 94752) 17,781 | 328 | 382 Paterson, N.J...-..- iene 102, 430 14,313 | 9,918 799 Philadelphia, Pa........... 989, 398 173,835 | 1,172 453 Pittsburgh, Pali. ..i..0... 333, 731 227 4 113 Portland, Greg............. 116, 745 30,538 | 1,008|. 393 Providence, Rel... .2..-4- 168, 028 4,743 1 Reading, Pa. ...\..-. 2. 11.2. 25, 851 7,282 48 2 Richmond, Va... - 2-2 /i..5. 14,618 3,693 49 8 Rochester, N. Yul .c5.c.0.- 182,113 47,282 | 4,648 509 St: Louisy MOvc..--)..+ Jes 343, 133 168,872 | 1,406 434 St. Paul, Minn... 22-1... 153, 793 47, 922 669 92 Salt Lake City, Utah....... 60,547 | 7,175) 1,541 11 San Antonio, Tex: .......2. 70, 500 6,553} 12,470 134 95 San Francisco, Calif. ....... 322, 843 118, 055 62,468 | 1,446 427 Scranton, Pa....... Hees 88,499 || 36,192 | 12 265 49 15 Seattle, Wash.............. 162)879 || 677300] 20,814] 1,129] 626 Spokane, Wash............. 46,056 |} 19,144} 9,371 | ~ 391 81 Springfield, Mass.........-. 77,854 || 33,417" 3, 851 103 17 Syracuse, N.V............. 90,300 || 33,859 | 207874} 187 19 Toledo, Ohio..........:.... 113,330 || 23/259} 39,713| 310). 117 Trenton, N,. Jars -i.>--.ess.4- 70,707 || 16,981 9,810 71 i2 Washington, D.C.......... 87,372 || 38,473} 17,495 403 51 Wilmington, Del.........-. , 42,514 14, 964 4, 246 57 sf Worcester, Mass...........- 127,675 || 51,201} 1,697 | ©, 127 36 Yonkers, N.Y...-.o.slsl 0. 68)119 || 25322} 8,202) 260]. — ie ‘Youngstown, Ohio......... 79, 136 “23,412 9,354 108 6 MOTHER TONGUE.) {0/8014 399 FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920.’ © ti ib . : m j FOREIGN WHITE stocK—continued. Latin and Greek. Slavic and Lettic. 7 : Crry.. EE ey De EE ee DaO ee CE ent ee EE NE ED CE Italian. | French. | Spanish,| POrtU- |Ruma-| Groote | Polish. | Czech. | Slovak ) i "1 *) guese. | nian. | ? . . ‘atl Ohio. ee eee 6,416 | 1,574 430 21 | 1,705} 1,999] 2,787 365 |. 4,328 maimany, Nyy ....--.--.-- 6, 480 1, 232 71 3 51 ”280 3, 218 116 45 nia, Ga - ni OED TET EE 217 421 150 ie At 53> 610 226 81 17 amore, Md’... reece 16, 458 1, 883 489 73 | 324 984 4 - 26,900. | - 8, 694 783 irmingham, Ala...-2-.-.| © 3,771 521 74 (4% 2: “96 641 96 38 67 Wston, Mass.2i* tb S| 77, 005 6, 707 800 | | 2,637 390 | 4,104. 11,451 “710 [o'188 migceDort, Ronn. ierss; -.| 17, 602 1, 800 456 | \-. 50) 294 1, 086 7, 095 592 8, 843 alo, N, Yee....2s02-.|' 84,923 | 5,612 363 | © 72] '254] °740-|.. 83,344 478 964 Cambridge Mass aa B. woe 1) 426 2172 90 | 4,155 924 =| 516-|«- - 2; 725 28. 16 Camden, N.J.......---.-- 97685 | < 596 60 |} PXgg |} S49 93 | 9, 287 67 354 Ohicago, TH. 202.2222 124,457 | 20,075 | 2,703 181 | 3,229 | 15,755 | 318,338 {106,428} | 25°720 Cincinnati, Ohio....--.-.:|' 5,737 | 3,736 256| 15| "654| 485 | 1,041 320.) °° 96 veland, Ohio....... fe. .| 89,027 3, 589 » 459 “49 | 3,894} 1,864 | 65,841 | 43,997. |. 28,224 Bijabus,C Ohio.....- | | 4,592 |) “1,297 108 10| 71464 7513 371 178 241 Matas, Tex 22.108. 1,540 ; Dayton, Ohio......222:.. 919 Denver, a | #821 Des Moines, lowa.........| | 2,368 etroit, Mich........ ah 29, 056 all River, Mass.......... 2,088 Fort Worth, Tex......... 390 ; hats Ra ids, Mich...... 1,099 ford; Conn i. svi, ....- 14,290 Meouston, Text c......... 3, 364 Indianapolis, Ind......... 1,625 ersey City, N.J......... 33, 805 as City, Kans....... bes Angsles, Calif 2- 7,815 paeles Calif.J......{ 15,691 Louisvil le, Ky BN it Ei ase 1,259 Lowell, Mass PC ek 818 femphis, Tenn... .::::.: 2,958 iwaukee, Wis.......:-: 98 nneapolis, Minn...:... 1, 593 ashville, Tenn......:::: 261 ‘Bedford, Mass...:::: 1,215 Ne ‘Haven, Conn obs 24 34, 505 ww Orleans, La.....:.:. 21, 812 New York, he eS eee 803, 048 Bronx borough....... 83, 741 ” - Brooklyn borough. ...| 299, 845 _ Manhattan borough. . 355, 997 - Queens borough... .. 45 999 _ Richmond borough... 18, 173 : n Antonio, Tex........ 1,412 San Francisco, Calif...... 46, 809 We Rincon’ 0 Worseste " oungstown, Ohio... ...|- 11,935 400. ABSTRACT OF ‘THE CENSUS-——-POPULATION. TABLE 114.—MOTHER TONGUE OF THE FOREIGN, WHITE, STOCK, FOR 3 Slavic and Lettic—Continued. ee aga CITY. Rus-' |Ruthe- Slove- yoew Bul- | 2 ian eon, sian.1 | nian. | nian. tian, | 8@tian. nD Hebrew. Akron, Ohio...) agg... <1. £5 2, 554 Adbany , No gs - 4-8 -8¢ - - 320- 2, 843 Atlanta, 'Ga.....5.40....../. goa) de) Th. Sd or of db pe 9 ee ee ee 2,073 Baltimore, Md..-.........-..224- 39,333 Birmingham, Ala.......... diay [rec k :OME TA. Gide we 1,054. Boston, Mass... -f 218 88 3. p85. 60, 042 Bridgeport, Conn... 2... ....2.+- 6,255 Buffalo, Nay ...) “26 9...) 0. +. 9, 105 Cambridge, Mass. ........-...2- - i ae Camden, N.J.....c.5.. 0-008. 3,569 Chicago, Tlie. ss... bbe ai -|- dele 159,518 Cincinnati, Ohio...........225- , 898 Cleveland, Ohio.) 24. ...... 202. 30, 333: Columbus, Ohio... .. 2. J... 2, 762 Dallas, Dawe... .) 21g. js. 4. Tat-| ap gOR Uh ¢ Retl.os. es. 2 the ; 1,666 Dayton, Onto. 2.4 Joh). ee nee : jp Ms? 1,746 Derry. ek COle. 2p cae dane f 7,627 Des Moines, Towa... 2.02... 22-2: OS BR ee 4 2,518 Detroit; Mieh- 2.2298 ..05%2. | 34, 727 Fall River, Mass. ..2.....-..-2 - BH + 220-by SS 8s 2 30 1} \) 2,790 Fort: W orth? Text 22328, - ~ HSA, ONG 734 Grand Rapin, MiCho 30S a 659 Hartford) Conn.) 28 oo. dence. 13, 623 Heenistony, Pex2 eG os bee 2,119 Indianapolis, Ind.-...2..... ae. 2, 282 Jersey City, Pf te a 8,989 Kansas City, Kans. -........2.- 356 Kansas City, Mo? 275.2... 3.220: 5, 168 Los Angeles, Calif: ......01....- 10, Louisville, By ) Unclassified—Continued. | al Ns CITY. | But cca o eae Ot ' ae ’ | 100) n- mape o BS Arme-| "Y"3" | Turk- | Alba-| All Own.) mother ek 3 | Magyar, Finnish. nian. Rane ish. | nian. | other. tongue. _ Akron, arn 08} Raves FONOt 5,.733 1,616 TN Ys 6+ kee oy > 4-9 992 Nbay GB. 2 vy - 2 e- 0 OP ere Sc! eee oS) ea a= 2 CC | ee ee 355 timore, Md.... ..-..-+- 1, 001 4,660 irmingham, Ala......... SO m tect ON iy | Ole p OOs JP. nbcbbl-p--~c--|aaan eek 291 oston, Mass.........--¢- ~ 426 9, 290 BES OO Cont. 7. 4¢-4- 9,443 1,739 PTT gi be. 3 3,289 6, 144 bridge aad ayy 29-3 - 234 s\c.6684, O40 Ste e2ki ye 2] 30 ‘ Bee @ ob wile de oa POPE Ow fe. ee SS eS Se Ot ee oe wee ces fiseeene 96 Murago, Libyan on pe Rigg at OR aS eM ER ol Armogn ss As y ason3nq0g ESEE |S ESS ESESE SSSSH OSS SSE on a CHAAAMH SHAH AMAY an be ‘ystaeds |. SSHssosssossssosy SASSHUSS SSS IGS. om 3 SAMOANRRRAOMERAM HANOMHOONNHHNNINO - “ously AAGGSGAAAGAAASAC AKGADAS MIA ricco ed MONMAHOAHANPOIMIA ASWGOHOVHORNOMAM BLED aa i ee ROP a ace Bel Re Pe Ee ee aa BORE Gee a UCTTeIT - Gri rid adaied Sriodcoos WE Stine So Bled oe » TWMSAT MR ANANMNANM HON HOOT ONAN 8 ‘ystueqd | SSSSSSSSSSHSSSH SHHSSSSHHHSHHHS = SH HOOD AHO MHANA AMMMADOAMANTEe Or E UPISOEMION | COSSSSSSSSNSSSS SHmMSSsSsSsSSosHssxns } : ‘ ; 5 SH OTHAMERANANMHIOM FTONSOTRAWDHONMONM s ystpeag | iS SHdssadseosda Sey ncdddHonMSsS b oe | re ert rere em be | AO SS ; qstmepy | SESESSTSETSOSSS SSSA SSSESSSSSSS 3 a BE ae TFOONIAAGAATN OID TOMS NATE S FS pee tik SASSSSSSSSHSSSS SHASe Sx SSSSSssSS 5 WANA PID DOM AMONN MO M0 OO Od Cir © OD CO rs Gtk DGS GGG RASDAAGHY BAK DSMANK SSS 6 UBUD ANA AH QA BAONAATA DAMA Aa ADAANAHD Sak OD IEW OO DADE LI HH HOOD SH OM OMOO ME DOWD Ssh cane ees fom tance eee ae AS had Ade Pe as BAGS | RSRASBAASRASEAR SRSASAASRERARSA ae ws Nadal eniiiagira ss tape ptasae-eiahin din gsoegonn ante beak caabeecd gs estrone} eisniiaonnaede Rigs are Aa" oS aaa a ara ae cle eae er ne oe ert | . . ‘ : Dito: a: @ . ‘ ’ ’ ‘ ‘ . J ‘9g ' . : ,n tact . Or lint ghciagt digits: ff iye eta Rs Seite sited) ft eas ; i ip 1B SS: (78 gsm cats! oneen ? ‘ Dag shea ea Ok ga ty: ; ip SS iSy Ss Bes i SiS age 9s JeeMaO E ot gern (000 Bo et eS SF aM 2 Bg& s8Sty owe ek SS oa ve SOPs Es SS © a 25-b) AS, Pye) fol aS gy De n ee Bs 4 oat gases Se wb, 3 agoScor Roget sn FH ORS SO! nn as SeckashascehokS SESSa Pau ahs as B oi ePoed oo56+ os b, Hepes. ad..." & | Ub 2 wm he aA n BeSaceaGeeaecss Be Seaseass eases “4< A, Oibh > 8) ee ee eT deel Guth aa ee ret RRS 0 tee 6 eae , Calif We tg x pokane, i Ox") 43 SS Wash.. yee JN.J co gton, racus gton, Del ter, Mass..... rN. Y - Youngstown, Ohio.. pringfield, Mass 6 oledo, Trenton 69. Washin 70 Wilmin Scranton 63 | Seattle 64.15 Yonke Sy i Worces 60 | San Antonio 61} San Francis 62 6515S 66 67 68 7 72 73 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 4038 MOTHER TONGUE. R TONGUE, FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920. PER CENT OF TOTAL FOREIGN WHITE STOCK IN SPECIFIED CITy—continued. THE} a he ; ? ANC PION DO RDOH NAM HID OROHOHNMHOOKn DRS HAMM ORMRDRHOHAN 19 CO Be OO HS et NI OD HAD Oh CO DD mN¢ WOrTdmonANo Sts ANNAN NNNN ANN 0990 09 09 09 09 OD Oo et ot tH tH sot! SH o ° . . ° . . a . . * . . . . mee A . ‘reASep | NSA SSSSHSSHSNAaS SSSNDSSSSSSSSSS TSSSADSSHNSAHH HSSSSSHSSSSSSSS SSHSSSSHSESCUNt S 4 * oO “Marge OD DID DO BOM AAN IO H OOO HCOMD WHOM ONAN S 3 ocak te, Se 6 LO Se ake SPER Le OE BERR OT cite 0 Poa ot ee ke Ele SPM is evar ae ces Sartete jhe MENG eee oe Se as a Se oe cs ele ee ee 6 68 eg ses q°H SS SSSSdaiddddidisr Hrcisaitsnddddssid Hho Ss sSSaAsSHAN HSA HSA SAH SAU GASSHS HHMNHOKHOMODIOHH | B pues Ystppiz ee RE ANNAN min me mo on . ° ysmery pur = ueruentyyy] 2 peytoeds g jou “OrARrg 3 “TeLIRe on x ts pen cm Re oe BE (psa 4 See Cont SDDS OND ANAS NN Manas Progam: CRIA WEN aa Ly re ar re ubpesMg | SU ICTS SSL SSIS ISCO SLES | DS HOOT TOSSES COE STE SE SC OCe Cle tee 3h ee 3 “URIYCOID , Ot OO rt rs mr AAA SHON HHO A Aes Oo MO tet ot rot at a or™ ss * 2° —~ 2 vm.) . or es . ey Bs HN eo A 8. s , op ee ee NEN 2 NEN 8 te . . ° 4332 * NGS CBS ef . . ET ce, OL me orn tf SF Pe * 3 -oqieg MH OOODtooewToooneo cee eontetese Ceo oceee teense Se SCorZeoneotetTesso tOowmoowoor sade B es O29 Hd ates OT ° . . * o—~ _@ * * orm *@ . pe "UVIMBAOTS aosSsssotessssann ? a ea a Sea ares : BON 1h air Ge ON wig ae ee eS See SE a at rota = ADO MOON OMI AOD OD DDHAODDEEARDRANDH x na. MHOMTRANOONORS PF * ° 0, wat rwewe ree: “0 Sb? Et abs “es We Ue ek “o BE Le Le ee 6 8 8 0 8 8) ee ie ee oy aondssscHcsras Se ee a ee! oe oe ee ee ee ae ie SPE a . oe : < 2 roe ‘ D be: et He Me 8), 2 Re ee eo Ra a CP SC Dies je a A ee I Ne en 1 E Sle AGHSSASHSSSSASH HHS SEATS ASHHS SA ida SS sods S m4 DA \nad Rr) gw a ooo tba! “thks ole arosas: - ts 2) a co tee Se Ct LD = < . ¥ ‘“' > ty. ee 4 = my ~ a] aad 5 . 3 > ; Av Pee »y a : Be a | — x es ee 0 ee 404 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-——-POPULATION. TABLE 116.—SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OF POPULATION, 5.T0 20 YEARS. OF AGE, FOR. PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, BY SEX, 1850-1920, AND BY SEX AND SINGL. YEARS, 1920 AND 1910, FOR THE UNITED STATES. [Because of variations from census to census in the manner of preach ling statistics of school attendance, it is impossible to give co centages are, however, pase mupprarlye figures for any specifie age group. The school-attendance per- on the population 5 to 20 years of age, inclusive, for the reason that the numbers of persons attending school at ages above and ‘below these limits are insignificant. For all classes and for the white and Ne gro population in 1860 and 1850 the number 5 to-20 years of age has been calculated by adding estimates for age 20 to the numbers returned as in the 5-19 group; and for the Negro population In 1890 and 1880 the number in the 5-20 group was estimated on the assumption. that the proportion which this group formed of the total at all ages was the same for the Negro population as for the total colored population (Negroes, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and other nonwhites). JZ TOTAL POPULATION OF SPECIFIED CLASS, 5 TO 20 YEARS OF AGE, CLASS. OF POPULATION AND CENSUS YEAR, Both sexes. All classes: D920 TILA). 33, 250, 870: T9IOW S. F4FD. 29° 785, 997 1900....22.. 26, 041; 940 1890: ovis 22) 447, 392 TESH A Peso 18, 319, 830 p Road Renee a om 14, 507, 658 TSE. eae 11, 980, 728 1850 TEN. 9; 204, 908 White: F920. ot: 29, 333, 533 LAO s LURE a SO 25, 992’ 293 T9090 aay 22, 441 947 ASUOA SS 19, 250, 565 PASO US LAT A he 15, 618, 617 TSO sos Soe: 12) 528, 178) TRG0 Sabie 7: | 10, 099, 266 BOOZE IS 7, 681 163 Negro: A920 eter oe 3, 796, 957 1910-3. god... 3, 677, 860 1900 id 3, 499, 187 1200.4. 45 4< 05. = 12s, A 1880. thie es. | 2, OS para = 958 o3y7it 186012 es aues 1, 859, 370 1850 oe ah Ju. 1, 524, 829 Native white— Native par.: £920. casi vido 3 20,048, 170: A9TO 2S bea 8 17, ; 246, 081 2900 tah 42 45- 14, 876, 715 A890. ces yes. 12, 604, 550 Native white— For.or mix.par.: 1990 Not. Lo 8, 116, 313 TOD S285 524. 7, 157, 099 1 OOO thew fF). 6, 372, 199 1890) CELL: 5, 313, 470 Foreign-born white: 1920/5267 $67).. 1, 169, 050 991020 8 1, 589, 113 1900 S.GEN fis, - Y 193; 033 TRBO Fe Ee... 1, 332, 545 INCLUSIVE, Male. 16, 639, 600 14, 952, 530 13, 048, 537 iL 242° 700 9) 180, 762 z, 253, 307 6, 029° 870 4, 629, 874 3) 868, 917 1, 848, 797 1, 797, 688 1, 721, 758 L 560, 122 ¥ 301, 039 ” 963, 965 929° 994 761, 229 | 10,090, 524 506, 903 6,341,747 4, 060, 004 3,575, 800 3,180, 232 2’ 648) 107 577, 013 825, 031 584, 448 665, 458 8, 691, 250 TOTAL PERSONS ATTENDING SCHOOL. “Male. - ‘Both sexes. Female. iit ) i Per ) Ber Oa | Per. Female. || Number. | (on. || Number.) cong. | Number-| cont. 16,611,270|| 21,763,275) 65.51/10, 886, 703 85.4110, 876, 572 65.5 14” 833, 467|| 18, 009, 891] 60. 5I| 97.037, 655| 60. 4| 8,972, 236| 60.5 12’ 993) 403|| 13/367, 147| 51. 31] 6,663, 823] 51.1] 6,698,324] 51.6 11} 204) 692! 11 674, 878] 52..0]] 5,954, 142], 53,0} 5,720,736] 51.1. 9; 139; 068|] 9,951, 608| 54. 3]] 5,123, 507| 55.8] 4,828,101] 52.8. 7, 254, 351|| . 6,596, 466] 45. 5]] 3, 416, 153] 47.1] 3,180,313] 43,8 5,950, 858|| 5; 692,954] 47..5|| 2°978, 299} 49.4] 2'714,662| 45.6. 4) 575, 034|| 4, 089, 507| 44. 41) 2, 160, 296) 46.7) 1,929,211) 42.2 14, 605, 992/| 19, 644, 508] 67. 0|| 9,870,374) 67. 0| 9,774,134] 66.9 12’ 900, 212|| 16,279, 292| 62.6]| 8, 220, 847! 62. 8| 8, 058, 62.5 11) 170, 364|| 12’ 231; 004] 54. 5]! 6, 137,874] 54.5] 6,093,130] 54.5. 9; 595, 193|| 10; 667,171] 55. 4|| 5,464,413] 56.6] 5,202,758] 54.2 7,780, 171|| 9; 095, 485]. 58, 2|| 4’ 690, 093| 59, 8] 4, 405,392| 56.6. 623 6, 414,740} 51.2!) 3,326,797) 53.0! 3,087,943} 49. 4’ 5,012, 291|| 5,660,325) 56. 0|| 2’ 961,698] 58. 2| 2’ 698,627| 53.8 3) 812,246] 4) 063, 52.9] 2) 146, 432) 55.5) 1/916, 614) 50.3 1, 948, 160} 2,049,791) 54.0]! 979,246] 53.0} 1,070, 545) 55.0. 1, 880, 172|| 1,670,650] 45.4|| 783,869] 43,6] $86,781] 47.2. 1,777, 429|| 1,096, 734| 31,3|| 509,984! 29.6] » 586,750| 33.0 1) 566, 375 999, 324} 32.0|| 484,969). 31.1) 514,355) 32.8 1; 332) 644 856,014} 32: 5|| 438,375! 33,3] © 422,639) 31.7. "994 21) 180,372) 9.2 $8,594} 9.2} 91,778) » 9.2 929) 376 32,629]; 1.8 16, 594) 1,8) © 16,035) 1.7 763, 600 26,461) 1,7 © 13, 1,8] 12}597| 1,6 9, 957, 646|| 13,655, 361) 68.1)| 6,846,934) 67,9] 6,808,427) 68.4 8,554, 831|| 11, 110, 583] 64.4/] 5, 611, 901 64.6] 5,498,682] 64.3) 7,369, 812|| 8/244,687| 55. 4|| 4,141,997) 55,21 4,102,690] 55.7 6, 262, 803|| 7,204,755] 57. 2l] 3,695, 420| 58.3] 3,509,335] 56.0 4, 056, 309|| 5, 434,720] 67. 0|| 2,733, 322] 67,3] 2,701,398] 66.6 3,581, 299|| 4, 517,: 63. 1/| 2,270, 706] 63, 5| 2,246,497) 62.7. 3,191, 967|| 3,605,128) 56. 6|| 1,801,303) 56,6] 1, 803,825} 56.5. 2, 665, 303/| 2,948,534) 55. 5/} 1, 500, 393) 56.7] 1,447,641). 54.3. 592, 037 554,427} 47.4|| 290,118} 50.3) 264,309) 446 764, 082 651, 506} 41.0|| 338,240) 41.0} 313, 266) 41.0 608, 585 381, 189} 32.0)| 194,574) 33.3 iO 615] 30.7 667, 087 513, 882} 38.6] 268,100) 40.3] 245,782) 36.8 ea t he | SCHOOL’ ATTENDANCE: 405 TABte 116.—SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OF POPULATION 5 TO 20 YEARS OF AGE, FOR eats POPULATION CLASSES, BY SEX, 1850-1920, AND BY SEX AND SINGLE EARS, 1920 AND 1910, FOR THE UNITED STATES—Continued. < a r Fis NUMBER AND PER CENT OF TOTAL AT SPECIFIED AGE ATTENDING SCHOOL. a exe a Indian, Chinese, Japan- eae All pane | White. | Negro. ese, ‘snd albotter. CENSUS» |) i Wet? | i abn YEAR. Both sexes. Male. | Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Winnber: Per |} Num- | Per| Num- | Per | Num-| Per | Num-| Per |Num-| Per |Num-! Per | “{cent.|| ber.’ jcent.| ber. |cent.| ber. |cent.|. ber. jcent.| ber..|cent.| ber. |cent. 5 years | | 1920.....| 441,411) 18. 8]] 202,686] 19. 2| 207,736] 20.2] 14,122} 11.2) 15.638! 12.3) 638] 12.7) 591} 11.9 pan” rey , 673} 17.0)| 159, 467) 17.8) 161,229) 18.4) 11,774) 9.3) 13,286) 10.3) 446) 10.6; 471) 11.6 . years: . U 4920 ¢ -o. 1, 480, 714) 63. 3|| 683,070} 65. 5) 680, 447) 66.5) 54,306) 41.7) 58,921) 44.1) 1,924] 38.9) 2,046] 41.4 . 1910. ... .} 1, 059, 353} 52.1); 490,944) 55.2) 487,723) 55.8) 37,051) 28.5] 41,073) 30.9) 1,249) 30/1) 1,313] 31,3 ‘years: © 1920. .-..} 1,905, 404! 83.3] 874, 634) 85.6) 859, 058} 85.9} 81, 807} 64.0) 84,650) 65.9} 2, 687| 61.0 2,568} 60. 1 peel ae 1, 464, 730} 75. 0|| 677, 023| 79.0) 663, 813} 79.2| 58,270} 46.3) 61,834) 49.2) 1, 844] 46.7] 1,946] 50.2 . 8 years: * in » 1920. ....| 2,010, 894} 88.5) 915,061) 90.5} 901, 117| 90.7) 93,447] 72.1) 95,296} 73.2) 2,998! 67.9] 2,975] 68.3 hipaa ses 1, 586, 572| 82. 7|| 724, 680| 86.5) 711, 404] 86.6) 70,609] 56.5] 75,577| 59.3} 2,156) 56.0} 2,146] 56.7 9 years: . 1920: 2.) 1,944,314} 90. 4)| 889,955] 92.1) 869, 151] 92.1) 89,558] 76.4! 90, 287| 77.7} 2,714! 73.8! 2 649) 73.4 Shoal 1, 567, 665} 86. 2|| 719,310; 89, 4| 699, 450) 89.4) 71, 232) 63.7] 73,308) 65.4! 2,212! 64/3) 2,153) 63.6 Ts: ; 300. -..-| 2,077,965) 93. 0|} 940,070} 94, 8) 921, 080! 94. 9/105, 328) 79. 1/105, 566) 80.9 2, 991! 74, 8) 2,936) 75.4 he -23.| 1,681, 342) 90..0)| 761, 994/92. 9] 745, 176).93. 3) 83,575) 68. 0). 85,580) 71.5) 2,572) 68.5) 2,445) 68.2 years: “|. ~ 1920. . 2 .| 1,970, 255} 93.9|| 898, 983) 95.3) 887, 392) 95.4] 88, 166) 81.0} 90,668) 83.2) 2,595) 80.7) 2,451) 80.7 Ay ee 1, 555, 301] 91. 2)| 708,698) 93.6) 700,644) 93.8) 68,730] 70.8) 72,993: 74.5) 2,247) 74.6) 1, 989).72.6 2 years; . | ey 1920. ....| 2,082,749) 93.2/| 940,789} 95.0) 914, 973} 95. 1/108, 801) 79. 0/112, 367) 82.1) 3,043) 77.5) 2,826] 77.2 i ell 1, 716, 310) 89. 8|| 773, 524! 92.7) 754,321) 93.2) 88,619) 67.5} 94,648! 72.8) 2,656! 70. 8) 2,542) 73.3 3 years: ~~ 1920... ..| 1,877, 429} 92.5)| 850,181} 94.3) 837, 042) 94.3] 88,592) 77.3) 96,516) 81.3} 2,552 79,2! 2,546] 80.5 Os 1, 574, 253] 88. 8]! 714,162) 91.7) 703,744) 91.8) 71,574) 64.9) 80,242) 71.9) 2,435) 73.9) 2,156) 74.7 4-years; ' 1920. --.| 1, 766, 784} 86. 3)| 802,209) 88.4) 777, 753] ‘88.0; 85,701! 70.2) 96,060) 76.5; 2,661) 75,1) 2,400) 74.0 _-1910.'....} 1, 501, 456} 81. 2)| 685,670) 84.1) 664,734) 84.0) 66,988) 57.4) 79,046) 67.0) 2,721) 72.3) 2,297). 71.5 | *15'years!”” |’ 1920. ....| 1,357,345) 72. 9|| 603; 158] 73.6) 614, 289) 74.°7| 60, 524) 58.7] 75,070} 67.6) 2,266) 67.6) 2,038) 70.1 pend bi 1, 175, 009; 68.3)| 530, 808} 70. 1! 528, 099} 70.4) 49,221] 48.3} 62,639) 59.3) 2,302) 66.0) 1, 940) 67.2 years: | 1920. ....| 1,001, 701} 50.8)| 424,156) 48,9) 467,659} 53. 5|. 44,260) 41.7) 61,785] 51.9) 2,017) 57,3) 1,824 59.9 ARO 943, 511) 50. 6|| 415, 308) 51.0) 431, 179} 52.7] 38, 600) 36.2) 54,455) 46 3| 2, 173) 57.2) 1,796} 58.2 iy -yeatsee. 8 oh. | 10. 642, 360) 34. 6)| 269, 335) 32. 7} 307,326) 37. 4| 26, 105} 26.1) 36,610) 34.6) 1,660) 47.6; 1,324] 48.6 5 ‘Aya Gabis 629, 866) 35.3! 279, 588) 35.1) 288,301} 37.0) 24,727) 24.7) 34,363) 33.1) 1,633 oa 1, 254} 47.3 -1920......| 413, 619} 21.7|| 175,206} 21.2) 196,272) 23.2} 15, 842) 14. 8} 23, 906). 19. 6) 1,343) 33.4) © 960} 30.0 Ber lOio . 12 . 434, 864} 22.6]| 191, 480] 22.9) 199,331) 23. 4).16, 613)’ 15.3) 24, 894). 20. 2) 1,594) 34.3) . 952) 29.6 1800... 252,680} 13.8|| 117,226) 14.6) 113, 112) 14.0) 8,631] 8.9 1,4 10.7) 1,154), 27.7) 573) 20.7 gel ase 254, 421| 14. 4|| 121,347) 15:3) 110, 169] 14.3). 8,964] 9.9} 12,146] 11.9) 1,203) 25.0) 592) 21.4 years: | , - 1920......|. 148,352] 8.3] 73,643] 9.81) 63,719] 7.9}. 3,876) 4.4] 5,885). 4.8) 836) 19.2). 393} 11.9 )1910.....) 155,551) 8.4/| (77,656) 9.7) 64,496): 17.8) 5,040) 5.4) 7,088)..5.8). 904) 16.7 367 N12) « eS . tou vu : EA 406 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-——POPULATION, TABLE 117.—_SCHOOL ATTENDANCE, BY SEX AND AGE, PERIODS, FOR ~ « CENSUS YEAR, CLASS OF POPULATION, AND SEX. 1920 ‘All classes..2...-<26%-- Mia Oi ce care ae 25 whe hen Oke ay WEB... cuts: 3-9 pean eis 72): eos aera ne oe hee . ae Rialec aso see sie oe a! Male MAN ee ee persons attending school. 21,783, 275 10, 886, 703 10,876, 572 18, 009, 891 9,037,655 8,972, 236 | 15,627,786 7,882, 607 7, 745,179 -| 11) 110, 583 338, 240 [Per cent not shown PERSONS 7 TO 13 YEARS PERSONS 14AND 15 YEARS OF AGE. OF AGE. roe pe ees Total schoo | Total school, numper. numper. ; Per es Per Number. cent. Number. ent. 15,306,793 | 13,869,010 | 90.6 | 3,907,710 | 3,124,129 | 79.9 7,723,238 | 6,984,902 | 90.4 | 1,958,976 | 1,556,519 | 79.5 7,583,555 | 6,884,108 | 90.8 | 1,948,734 | 1,567,610 | 80.4 13,515,118, | 12,499,436 | 92.5 | 3,432,889 | 2,797, 409.|.,81.5 6,827,330 | 6,309,623 |. 92.4.1 1,726,962 | 1)405, 367 |..81.4 6,687,788 | 6,189,813 | 92.6 | 1,705,927 | 1,392,042 | 81.6 1,738,822} 1,331,043 | 76.5 | 461,778 | 317,355 |. 68.7 869, 045 655,699] »75.5 | 225,122-|,. 146,225 | 65.0 869, 777 675,344 | 77.6 | 286,656} 171,130 | 72.3 44,256 31,054 | 70.2 11,216 7,851-|.70.0 22, 203 15,543 | 70.0. , 658 3,920 |. 69.3 22,053 15,511 | 70.3 5, 558. 3,931 | 70.7 2,9 2,609 | 88.6 842 ~* 703 |. 83,5 1,712 1,502. | 87.7. 587 |) 479 |» 81.6 1,232 1,107 | 89.9 » 255 (224 | 87.8 5,429 4,672 | 86.1 924 765 |. 82.8 2,834 2,438 | 86.0 617, BOB] 845 8 2,595 2,234 |. 86.1 307 260 | 84.7 224 196 |. 87.5 61 rh MBL oka ost 114 97 | 85.1 801 een 23 | asxie : 110 99} 90.0 31 ¢ | 23 Taston. 13,136,967 | 12,181,396 | 92.7 | 3,272,950 | 2,690,787 | 82.2 6,636,501 | 6,148,896 | -.92.7 | 1,647, 491-| 1,351,089 | 82.0 6,500,466 | 6,032,500.| 92.8 | 1,625,459] 1,339,698 | 82,4 9,315,013 | 8,584,679 |, 92.2 | 2,363,691 | 1,982,664) 83.9 4,713,879 | 4,338,518 | 92.0} 1,193,040!» 994,541 | 83.4 4,601,134 | 4,246,161 | 92.3} 1,170,651 |, 988,123 | 84,4 2,664,732 | 2,505,236 | 94:0! 598,719} 453,603 | 75.8 1,338, 859 | 1,259,560} 94.1 3 229,744 | 76.8 1,325,873 | 1,245,676] 94.0 | 299,426] - 223,859! 74,8 1,157,222 | 1,091,481 | 94:3 | 310,540 | 254,520 | 82.0 583, 763 550,818. 94.4} 155,158]. 126,804 | -81.7 573,459 540,663.|'-94.3.|. «155,382 |,..127,716 | 82.2 — 378, 151 318,040 |. 84.1] 159,939 | 106,622) 66.7 — 190,829 160,727-| 84.2 79,471 54,278 | 68.3 187, 322 157,313 | 84.0 80, 468 52,344 | 65.0 12,950,418 | 11,146,173 | 86.1 | 3,569,347 | 2,676,465 | 75.0 6,539,326 | 5,608,062 | 85.8 | 1,798,449 | 1,337,710 | 74.4 6,411,092 | 5,538,111 | 86.4 | 1,770,898 | 1,338,755 | 75.6 11,252,886 | 10,057,883} 89.4 | 3,113, 894 | 2,409,311 | 77.4 5,690,176 | 5,079,331 | 89.3 | 1,572,638 | 1,216,478 | 77.4 5,562,710 | 4,978,552] °89.5'| 1,541, 256 }/1,192,833-|. 77.4 — 1,648,753 | 1,056,791 | 64.1 | 442,103} 257,8 58.3 824, 097 512,609 | 62.2.| 218,560} 116,209/%53.2 824, 656 544,182 | 66.0! 223,543 | 141,685} 63.4 — 46,034 29,415 | 63.9 12,246 8,596}. 70.2 — 23, 469 14,885 | 63.4 6, 347 4,488 | 70.7. 22,565 14,530 | 64.4 5,899 | °° 4,108-| 69.6 1, 840 1,418 | 77.1 918 556} 60.6 1,109 874] 78.8 777 461] 59.3 — 731 544 | 74.4 141 ~ 95 | 67.4 882 647 | 73.4 170 102} 60.0 — 462 351 | 76.0 111 "68 | 61.3 420 296 | 70.5 59 A Pee % 23 19 fe 16 iE ee % 13 12 este, 16 Bim x 10 |: (epee Mer ee ot 10,773,631 | 9,640,513 | 89.5 | 2,963,982 | 2,321,048] 78.3 — 5,448,095 | 4,867,727 | 89.3 | 1,497,805 | 1,170,305} 78.1 5,325,536 | 4,772,786 | 89.6 | 1,466,177 | 1,150,743 | 78.5 7,647,477 | 6,744,539 | 88.2 | 2,071,568 | 1,664, 80.38 3,875,729 | 3,409,430 | 88.0 | 1,051,381 | 838,613] 79.8 3,771,748 | 3,335,109 | 88.4 | 1,020,187 | 825,666} 80.9 — 2,015,386 | 1,864,944 | 92.5] 584,765| 414,773] 70.9 1,012, 837 938,745 | 92.7| 292,200] 210,475] 72.0 — 1,002, 549 926,199 | 92.4 | 292,475 | 204,298] 69.9 — 1,110,768 | 1,031,030} 92.8 | 307,649] 241,996] 78.7 559, 529 519,552 | 92.9] 154,184] 121,217] 78.6 ~ 551, 239 511,478 | 92.8] 153,515 a a | 479, 255 417,370 | 87.1 149,912 bhi 242,081 211,604 | 87.4 74, 833 a 237,174 205,766 | 86.8 75, 079 “y 2) SCHOOL) ATTENDANCE: © 7 407 | POPULATION CLASSES, FOR THE ge ae STATES: 1920 AND 1910. meere base is less than 100.] PERSONS 16..AND 17 YEARS |.PERSONS 18 TO 20 YEARS | OTHERS ATTEND- OF AGE, --. OF AGE. ING SCHOOL, Attending Attendin % _ CENSUS YEAR, CLASS OF school, 8 ; school. 8 Under | 24.years _ POPULATION, AND SEX. Total ' Obed Fe De enn 4 PL ARO _|-number. Per | Humber. o- : and Number, Number 8 over a 3, 828, 131 | 1,644,061 | 42.9 | 5,522,082 | 814,651 11; 902, 867 767, 533 | 40.3 | 2,688, 747 397, 847 se 925, 264 876, 528 | 45.5 | 2, 833,335 416, 804 1,966,635 | 344,789 "978, 621 201) 281 988, 014 143, 508 3,384,559 | 1,468,476 | 43.4 | 4,851,302 | 739,268 1,815,677 | 324,242 1,689,778 | 693,491 | 41.0 | 2,384,143 | 366,165 * 906,290 | 189/438 1,694,781 |’ 774,985 | 45.7 | 2,467,159 | 373,103 909,387] 134,804 430,799 | 168,760 | 39.2] 648,955 | ‘70,124 145,571.| . 16,938 206, 087 70,865 | 34.1] 292,055 | 28,349 69, 672 8,936 224, 712 98,3895 | 43.8] 356,900.| 41,775 75,899 8, 002 10,167 5,320 | 52.3 14,769 3,346 3,464 830 5,041 2,536 | 50.3 7,358 1,755 1,647 501 5,126 2,784 | 54.3 7,411 1,591 1,817 329 9 555 | 57.9 2,235 708 555 951 726 398 | 54.8 1,812 562 301 803 233 157 | 67.4 423 146 254. 148 1,588 890 | 57.9] 3, 906 997 1,334 1, 284 1,152 696 | 60.4] 2,518 819 693 1,070 Hemalos. es}... - 386 194} 50.3 “1,388 178 641 214 Allother......... 6 see 109 60.| 55.0 915 208 34 544 Male.... 2.4. gee eR 83 : ge Ree ey 861 197 18 533 Female..../.-.. -. 26 Ee ae 3 54 11 16 il Native EWES. Jivee sex - 4 3,179,688 | 1,420,296 | 44.7 | 4,470,268 |. 712,478 | 15.9 | 1,797,722 |. 287,402 Beare dt. 1,588,591 | 668,716 | 42.1 | 2,201,523 | 350,519 | 15.9) °897,151-| 163,885 itt Females... 1,591,097 }° 751,580 | 47.2 | 2,268,745 | 361,959 | 16.0} . 900,571 |. 123,517 \_. Native parentage....| 2,283,604 | 1,111,569 | 48.7 | 3,209,876 | 562,322 |. 17.5 | 1, 201,706 | 212,421 8 Cae 1,143,128} 7522,656 | 45.7 | 1,582,506 | 273,761.|. 17.3 | 599,140 |,. 118,318 Female......... 1,140,476 | 588,913.| 51.6 | 1,627,280 | 288,561} 17.7] 602,566} 94,103 “Forel en parentage. . 585,970 179,726 | 30.7 824,353 84,290 |. 10.2 498, 784 46, 145 SB) £59 290, 421 86,436 | 29.8| 403,530}... 44,462.) 11.0 | -214,490.|.. 28,593 Female..........| 295,549 93,290 | 31.6| 420,823| 39,828| 9.5|..214,2941. . 17,552 ; Mixed parentage, ... 310,114 |. 129,001] 41.6 | 436,039 |. 65,866] 15.1} 167,232). 28,836 Prue Malet joo 155,04 59,624 | 38.5 | 215,397} 32,296] 15.0 83,521 | 16,974 ce Pe Reritis Porro” 155,072 69,377.| 44.71 . 220,642 |. 33,570 | 15.2 83,711 | 11,862 Fo reign-born white... .. 204, 871 48,180 | 23.5] 381,034 |. 26,790]. 7.0 17,955 | 36,840 Pele. soo ely 101,187 |, 24,775 | 24.5 | 182,620} 15,646] 8.6 9,139 |. 25,553 +: ST Ca ee cee 103, 684 23,405 | 22,6| 198,414]. 11,144} 5.6 8,816]. 11,287 1910 : * .. Allelasses........ 3,650,951 | 1,573,377 | 43.1 | 5, 546, 049 | 844,836} 15.2 | 1,455,784 | 313,256 a Male.....:.... 1,825,895 | 7627029 | 41.7 | 2,738,284 | 424801 | 15.5} 725,816 | 179,237 i icRemate 1,825,056 | 811/348} 44.5 | 2'807,765 | 420,035 | 15.0 | 729. 968 134,019 019 ee ioe See bt. 3,209, 712 | 1,414,376 | 44.1 | 4,881,708 |. 764,479 | 15.7 | 1,345,467 | 287,776 | MemiRalesae (3. ets jel: 1,611,778 |) 694,896 | 43.1 2'431,769 | 390,483 | 16.1| 673,546 | 166,113 SeWeriales ! 0 03.85.. 1,597,934 | 7197480 | 45.0 | 2'449/939 |. 373,996 | 15.3 | 671,921'| 1217663 Samara. bie. . 1oo0.c!.. "428,250 | 152,145 | 35.5 | 640/936 | 74,745 | 11.7 | 106,684 | 227391 Rp aeale oes 122. 200.8 ...|) 206, 864 63,327 | 30.6 | 291,654) 30,617 | 10.5 50,503 | 10, 604 e Memale, .;- 626.01. - 221, 386 88,818 | 40.2 | 348,582 | 44,128) 12.7 56,181 | 11/787 a ee 11, 292 6,188 | 54.8 17,143 4,500 | 26.2 3, 306 1,453 Mele iso. .08..ek.. 5,765 3,235'| 5621 8,661 2,683 | 31.0 1,590 |: 962 We. Femaie: ...:: 266 .04.. 5,527 2;953"| 53:4 8,482 1,817 | 21.4 1,716 491 Rete tee). l)oles.. 1,258 540 | 42.9 2,701 628 | 23:3 185 560 BRITO Shas. . LOGO. a83: 1) 109 461 | 41.6 2,432 563'| 23.1 94 524 eee POMAIC. -.02 149 79 | 53.0 269 65 | 24.2 91 36 Japanese........0.5..0-- \, 895 120} 30:4 3,993 461 | 11.5 142 1,040 TEAC See anager ae 336 103.| 30.7 ; MBBS 10 R hs. oa Ba 999 ., Female......: PTS: - 59 VA A Be 489 291 5.9 59 41 All other...222.2222272 | 44 5 » 268 OSGW OAS TT Sie satin . 36, eA RSS ees 43 iy PARSE 264 MME FY i teat 35 Beremalers.. | 7s2. 5... ee Dy A TOL 4 et ee, LI GGth |ieseaeese es 1 Native white..........-. 2,990,669 | 1,376,133 | 46.0 | 4,243,662 | 734,855 | 17.3 | 1,303,075 | 252,162 et “pe. a ae 1,502,091} 674,701 | 44.9 | 2,085,449 | 373,719 | 17.9 | - 652,012 |" 144,143 _ -Femaie.......2..) 1,488,578 } 701,432 | 47.1 | 2,158,213 | 361,186} 16.7] 651,063 | 108,019 aistative arentage....| 2,073,951 | 1,060,244 | 51.1} 2,988,189 | 586,708 | 19.6 | . 862,610 | 192,203 Male A HELE SS - 1,044,605 |. 520,842] 49.9 | 1,472,212 | 301,536} 20.5} 431,091 1 110,389 ~~ Female..:.......| 1,029,346 | © 539,402} 52.4} 1,515,977 | 285,172 | 18.8] .431,519-} 81,814 2 “Foreign parentage... 304,606} 183,963 | 30.4] 825,406 | 81,648 | 9.9 |: 285, 767-|-°'36, 232 ». Male.......-.... 301, 181 90,939 | 30.2} 402,392 | 40,762] 10.11 143,503 ]- 20,514 "aK Female../12....'..| «808,425 |») 93,024.) 30.7] — 423,014 |. 40,886] 9.7] . 142,264] 15,718 Mixed Beeenteee ~s--| > 812,112 | © 181,926 | 42.3! © 430,067 | 66,499 | 15.5] 154,698 } © 23,727 of Male... .. BS ZS - 156, 305 62,920 | 40.3 | 210,845 | 31,421 | “14.9 77,418 | ° 13,240 } Female..........| 155,807 69,006 | 44.3 | 219,222] 35,078} 16.0 77,280 |. 10,487 Sepdien-born whitg..--.| 219,043 38, 243 | 17.5} ~ 638,046 | 29,624 | 4.6 42,392 | 35,614 OS 109, 687 20,195 | 18.4| 346,320} 16,764) 4.8 21,534} 21,970 i OA Sas 109, 356 18,048 | 16.5 | 291,726| 12,860] 4.4 20,858 | 13,644 5 h bi n > ABSTRACT OF THE’ CENSUS—-POPULATION. TABLE 118.-SCHOOL ATTENDANCE, BY BROAD AGE GROUPS, ‘BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. PRT Ree tomaL woman || "Eon nrreNoac comsoe [PERSONS uNpER|| PERSONS 21 OF PERSONS _ 7 YEARS OF AND OVER ATTENDING - AGE ATTEN DING ATTEN DING DIVISION AND STATE. Serve 1920 1910 tne HORE OL,. Num- | Per'| Num- | Per 1920 1910 Heated posbwrte § Mette Koa: 1910 {| 1920 | 1910 United States. ./21,763,275)18,009,891)/19,451,851) 68, 1/16,240,851| 63. 2)/1,966,635/1,455, 784|/344, 789/313, 256 ; eee YES SS ||_ ——SS=[_ OLS SS | GEOG. DIVISIONS: tf i New England..... 1, 424, 088/1, 222, 228/11, 223, 6231 69.2/1, 051,485} 65.3]| 174, 175) 149, 077)} 26, 290! 21, 666 Middle Atlantic. - ./4, 260, 67/3, 531, 373/|3, 746, 560| 67. 8/3, 131, 190|' 62.9|| 447,445] 339, 656]! 66, 672) 60, 527 E. North Central. .|4, 236, 641/3, 576, 003//3,'728, 706] 69.'7|3, 197, 292| 65. 7/} 427, 749 80, 186} .63, 504 W.. North Central..|2, 741, 410|2, 530, 591|/2,'420, 920), 71, 3|2, 271, 448) 68.4}| 270, 428 50, 053) 49, 581 South.Atlantic. . . ./3, 080, 686|2, 418, 444/92, 818, 406] 65. 2/2, 226,901! 58. 4/| 225, 36, 707} 37, 320 E. South Central. .|2,.018, 295/1, 730, 191/11, 858,659! 65. 9|1, 589,551} 59.6|| 141, 808 17, 828) 26, 376 W.. South Central. .|2, 247, 456/1, 795, 100|!2, 097, 596| 64. 4/1, 673, 480) 59. 4|| 125, 955 23, 905} 26, 812 Mountain. !:.2..... 732, 593} 505, 191|| "656, 638} 73.3] 460,193 67.3 12, 781}, 9, 876 acific...02i2....- 1, 021, 429} 700, 770)| 900,734] 73.4} 639,311) 66.9 30, 867), 17, 594 NEW ENGLAND: in tMaine. 3:206).2.22. ‘154, 163) 140, 831)) 134, 299], 71.1) 122,218] 67.3 2, 242). 2, 356 New Hampshire...] © 81,850} 77, 550|| ~ 73, 063] 69.9] 68,048] 66. 1, 489) 1,128 Vermont. .........| | 68,745] 70, 531/| 62,544] 71.6! 62,064| 70. 947; 918 Massachusetts.....} ‘741, 029]. 630, 119 633, 124) 69.8! 539,615} 65. 15, 974) 12, 245 Rhode Island...... 110, 838 96, 242/95, 499] 63.8! 83,312) 60.4| 1,517| 2, 053 Connecticut. ......| 267,463} 208, 955|) 225, 094] 68.1} 176,228] 63. 4,121); 2; 966 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: ‘ 5 New York........- 1, 900, 039) 1, 650, 863/11, 656,905] 67.3)1, 452,179) 63.4 36, 896) 31,.716 New Jersey........ 613, 575| ” 469, 272|” 5257979] 66.9] ” 405, 496|° 61.6 7,394] 6,936 Pennsylvania...... 1, 747, 063)1, 411, 238/11, 563, 676| 68. 6|1, 273, 515| 62.7 22,382) 21,875 ‘®. NORTH CENTRAL: iy 4 Ohio... ...........{1,125, 097) $98, 088)! 989, 417] 71.3] 810, 136] ° 66.2 28, 219) 15,377 Indiana... . 572,310) 529, 742)| 515, 287| 69.1] 482,597, 66.7 8,075] 10,729 i 1, 251, 189)1, 064, 34611, 108, 216], 68.4] 955,869) 63.6 22, 028], 20; 208 ichi 723, 639} » 568, 926/| 626,165} 76.1)’ 500,305} 67.6 11, 580! 9, 205 564, 406} 514, 901/| 489,671] 69.5} 448,385) 65.8 10,284; 7,985 Minnesota... ....... 510, 238) 462, 867|| 451,096]. 70.1) 417,496) 69.2 11,364; 9,643 WOW. 4) ieapiaes «=. 526, 864] 499, 272)| 454,078) 72.4) 434,117| 69.1 10, 329] 10, 194 Missouri. ...s...... 699, 809} ' 665, 972! 624,395] 69.2] 608,226) 65.9 10, 490) 11, 466) North Dakota..... 161,221} 121, 649)| 146, 289] 73.9) 110,459) 65.7 2,770) 2,397 South Dakota..... 146, 956} 126, 903)! 131,943] 72.8) 115,592] 68.0 2,322 Did71 Nebraska.......... 298, 619} 275, 829)! 256,961) 71:7| 242,625] 69.8 5,093} 5, 533 Katisas..i0i...3.. 397,703} 378,099)| 356,167| 73.7| 342,933] 71.6 07,775) 7, 877 SOUTH ATLANTIC: re igh ei a HY Delaware.......... 41,713) _ 36,330|| 37,759] 69.0} 33,362] 61.8 + 663} 559 Maryland.......... 270, 968} 234, 628]! 246, 056] 64.6] 213,622} 59.2 4,182} 4,039 Dist. of Columbia..| 70, 886] 54, 688)} 58,005) 64.5). 47,662! 64.4 6,177). 2,300. WATS. Succes 495, 674) 401, 696)) 460,037] 64.8} 381,532) 59. 5, 891; 5, 296 West Virginia..... 324, 747) 267,411) 297,044] 67.9) 244,996} 67. .-8, 264] 3, 896 North Carolina....| 626,981] 495, 196|| 576, 239] 68.6] 455; 109] 63. 5, 925! 8, 055 South Carolina. ...| 427, 962|.. 300, 359)|. 393, 077/ 68.2] 277,210! 53. 3,815} 4, 486 Georgia... 04.40... 624, 776}, 494, 781||). 570,386) 59.8) 452,234] 53. 5, 126} 6, 540 FUOTIAS .. a: ee 0s 196, 979) 138, 355)|, 179,803) 64:1) 121,174) 54. -1, 764) 2,149 E. SouTH CENTRAL: 4-h 3 “a Kentucky..,...... 524, 342} 473, 481) 480,526! 67.0) 437,863] 62. 4,613) 7,098 Tennessee. ..-..... 528, 993} 451, 190|| 488, 543] 67:4] 417,862! 61. 4, 917)" 7, 234 | Alabama.......... 527, 595} « 396, 845]| 499, 888/ 64.6] 371,850] 53. 4,437| 6,354 Mississippi... ...... 437, 365) 408, 675]. 389,702) 64.7; 361,976] 61. . 8, 861) - 5, 690 W.. SoutH CENTRAL: : sda bent ae i Arkansas... ..<. 410, 858) 333, 795|| 375,115) 65.8} 304,909) 60. 3,827] 5, 436° Louisiana... ....... 356, 690} 257, 027|| 327, 546} 57.0} 235,264] 44. - 3, 260)" -3, 639 Oklahoma......... 487, 013} 394, 201)| 444,247). 68.6] 361,376] 69. 5, 220} 6, 136 0 TLE Rete Ree 992, 900), 810, 077|| 950,688 64.8] 771,931] 61. 11, 598) 12, 601" MOUNTAIN bev tee Montana... ........ 115, 367} 62, 755]. 102,621) 75.5] 56,976] 65. 4,77%) 1,141 dahos i 4-2 4se6.i 104; 456} 68, 603]| 95,027; 77.7} 63,613) 71, 1,453)" 1, 192° Wyoming. ........ 38, 827 23, 745)| 34,387; 72.41 21,475) 65. -647| © 428 Colorado.......2... 198, 060] 153,412!) 175,745) 73.2} 138, 467| 69. 4,139) 3,303 New Mexico....... 83,370} 66,717). 75,119} 68.5] 60,704) 62. 1,080! ~ 812 FIZONS.. 945.454. 60, 688) 31, 346|| 54,387) 60.8) 28,753) 55. 1,030; 501 PANs Suubs2.4 «+--| 118,934) 88, 056|| 107,908 79.3] 80,725) 72. 2,411] 2,279 Nevada...5......-| 12,891) . 10,557]. 11,444, 73.41 9, 480}! 63. (250/26 PACIFIC: ‘ i Washington....... 265, 051) 201, 695] 238,012; 74.1) 185,795} 68. 7,471 cred Oregon: 22205. iti.. 157,552} 121, 409]| 141,613) 75.4} 111,597] 68. 5,161] 3, California.......... 598, 826; 377, 666|) 521, oe 72.6) 341,919) 65. 17, 735| 9, 803 _) SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. 409 = 119.—SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OF POPULATION 7 TO 20 .YEARS OF AGE, BY SEX, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. k R008) MALES 7 TO. 20 YEARS» OF AGE FEMALES 7 TO 20 YEARS OF AGE y ATTENDING SCHOOL. ATTENDING SCHOOL. 7 8 Ges BEE REE eS eR ‘DIVISION AND STATE. 1920 1910 1920 1910 es % OO ete 1 oe eid Kana MES a Rect 24 ; =) Per . Per’ |} Per ; OS a: a Number. | cont, | Number. | cont, || Number. | oon4. | Number. pen 7 .- United States.......... $, 706, 801 |- 68:0 | 8,132,602 | 63.0 ||.9, 745,050 | 68.2 | 8,108,249 | 63.3 ifes fe a mene a eee fae: eames [nee meer enn eens baer eee anerey 6 jae eae SSE) lee ae STS eS | eS ee es ee a eee eae oe GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: 3 ew. England viv... 5... 608, 434. 69.3 523, 899} 65.2 615,189 | 69.1 527, 586 |) 65.4 4 Middle Atlantic.......... 1, 879, 234} 68.4 | 1,566, 531 |} 63.2 || 1, 867,326 | 67.2 | 1,564,659 | 62.5 | East North Central. ..... | 1, 869,629 | 69.6 1 1,610,601 | 65.7 || 1, 859,077 | 69:8 | 1, 586, 691 | 65.6 West North Central... o..- 1, 208, 596 | 71.0'|-1, 144,488} 68.2 || 1,212,333 | 71.7 | 1,126, 960 |. °68.7 South Atlantic. 2... .0.. | d, 395, 324. 64:8 | 1,101,477) 57.9 || 1, 423,082 | 65.5 | 1,125,424 | 58.8 _, East South Central....... 8925, 257-1 65.9 793,545) 59.5 933, 402 | 66.0 796,006 | / 59.8 _. West South Central...... 1,040,793 | 63.9 | 839,147} 59.4 || 1,056, 803 | 64.8 | 834,333 | 59.5 4 pa Mountain, 256. 6 56 5.20. 328,957} 72.6 232,644 } 66.2 327,681 | 73.9 227, 549 | 68.4 a ET ES 450, 577,|.72.6 320, 270 |.. 64.9 450,157 | 74.2 319,041 | 68.9 New ENGLAND: A ee 66, 239 | 70.2 60,941 | 66.7 68, 060 | 72.0 61,277 |. 67.9 New Hampshire.......... 36,128) 69.5 33,805 | 64.4 36,935 | 70.2 34; 243.) 66.4 Beet, Vermont... 2 oe. Ue. 31,266 | 70.8 31,080} 68.9 31,278 |. 72.5 31, 034 (1.9 = ) Massachusetts .. sv... 2204. 314,927} 70.1 267,791 | 65.8 318,197 | 69.4 271, 824.) 65.6 _ Rhode Island... 20... 2000. 47, 336 | 63.4 42,589 | 61.2 48,163 | 64.1 40,723 |. 59.5 Dee Connecticut .to2....4..... 112,588 | 68.6 87,743.| 63.4 112,556 | 67.6 88,485 | 63.5 ~Mippib ATLANTIC: ' Woawe New York:?.. 2... eee 832,157 | 68.2:|. -723,463.| 64.2 824,748 | 66.4] 728,716 | 62.7 || .- New Jersey....... Ferd BES. 263, 928°} 67.5 203, 827. 62.3 262,051 | 66.3 202;169 1}. GO.9 meer ennsylvania.: lo 25..... 783,149 | 68.9 639,741 | 62.5 | 780, 527 | 68-3 633, 774:| 62.8 sy NORTH CENTRAL: ts SD Se eee ee 494,519 | 71.0 409,085 | 66:5 494,898 | 71.7 401, 051 | 66.0 LIA TIA a. dd BG oid 259,245 | 69.2] 243,500] 66.6 255, 992 | 69.1} 239,097 | 66.8 Sosy... .; Dtocdctvt. 557,008 | 68.81 480,526 | 64.0 551,208 | 68.0] 475,343 | 63.3 Bo MIeHigany. |... hop.) Ug. 314,630 | 69.5 251, 550 3762 j 811,535 | 70.6 248,755 | 68.1 mee wasconsin ...8225.00....5 244,227 | 69.0 225,940 | 65.7 || 245,444 |. 69.9 222,445 | 66.0 ‘West Norra CENTRAL: | won Se whe Glas 225,043 | 69.7 210, 343 | 69.0 226, 053 | 70.6.1. 207,153 | 69.5 : 226, 167) 71.8 218, 0441 68.6 |} 227,911 | 72.9 216,073 | 69.5 Pees OF Peon) Web. 312, 866 | 69.6] > 305,552] 66.3 311,529 | 68.9 302, 674, | 65.6 me Nortn Dakota: an... ii2. 73,083.) 73.6 56,380} 65.0 73, 206 | 74.2 54,079 |, 66.4 South Dakota........520. 66,151 | 71.8 | 4 59,038} 67.4 65,792 | 73.8 56, 554 | 68.7 Wma Nebraska... 1.4.44... .6/0. 128,304} 71.0 122,544} 69.5 128,657 |. 72.5 120,081 | 70.1 | 176,982 | 73.0 172,587 | 70.9 179,185 | 74.3 170, 346 |) 72:4 H ATLANTIC: A RUPINWATC.'. ..1 WyGh Ske 18, 957.| 69.4 17,144} 62.2 18,802 | 68.5 16,218 | 61.3 ; : See RR 124,602 | 64.9 107,311} 59.9 121, 454 | 64.2 106; 314- | 158.5 Jad 720 | 67.3) 6 23,185 | 65.0); : 29,285 | 61.9. 24, 527) 64.0 Re ae a ee 226,508 | 63.3 188,141} 58.2) 233, 529 | 66.3 193, 391 160.0 jr) 148, 588). 67.3 124,686 | 66.3 148,456 | 68.5 | 120, 310") 67.8 pub HOR 286,398 | 68.5 227,744 | 63.2 289, 841 | 68.7 227,365 + 63.0 po 193,276} 68.0] 134,767] 525. 199, 801 68.3 | 142, 443} 54.4 Se oe 279,458 | 59.4 219, 420 |- 52.3) 290, 928 |, 60.3 232, S14 |) 154.0 PA CITED Sia. cose 88,817 | 64.1 59,129} 53.0 90,986 | 64.0 62;045-| 955.1 239,915. | 66.4)| 220,640 1 62.8 |} 240,611 | 67.6 217,223! 62.6 244,777 | 67.6 209,798 | 61.2 243, 766 | 67.2 208, 064°) 61.5 Blites Gwcly oul. GaN 248,315 } 65.0 184,397 | 53.6 251,573 | 64.2 187, 453°|) 53.9 SVEVET TO... 192,250 | 64.5 178,710 | 60.6 197, 452 | . 64:9 183, 266 | 61.4 f ATIKAMSAS . 02. . 2 6B ee oa 187,438 | 66.1 152, 402 | 60.2:|| © 187,677 | _ 65.6 152, 507 |}... 60.2 | » Louisia 159,544] 56.5 114, 896 | 43.9 168,002 | 57.6} | 120,368 ):44.9 - Mabomg.......G5~..0. 222,124} 6841 185,149 | 70.0 222,123 | 69.0 176, 227}. 69.2 fo ESS ee 471,687 { 64.0 386,700 | 61.0 479,001 | 65.6 385, 234 fh 6125 Montane 51,244} 74.6 28,409 | 62.8 51,377 | 76.5 28, 567} 169.0 Bildbha. sc...) - Bs 47,975} 76.8 32,616} 70.1 47,052 | 78.7 30, 997} ' 72.6 ._ Wyoming....... ees 17,274) 70.1 10,813} 60-7 17,113 | 74.9 10, 662 | 70.0 @ecdlorado. ... -).. 0g... 0} } 7204 39} 68.2 88, 468 | 74.1 69,1328 | «70.2 ei New. Mexico. ..< 0)... 6 MP, : 63.8 37,457 | 68.4 29; 313:| 61.5 PRP ATIZONG.y...., . Regen GES. 7 003! fp 54.1 27,024 |. 61.3 14,120} 56.0 i Rana. ~_e 72.7 53,479 | 78.8 39, 867 | 72.4 P: Se Ee ae 59.8 5,711 | 75.9 4,695 } 68-1 ~~ Washin WoW. bd 208. Y 66.1 119, 626 |. 75.0.) .. 92,5964: )70. 2 | g.g2Oreg » 66.8 70,991 |. 75.9 55, 027» 69.6 | MeeOPHiA... 03.3... 63.8 259, 540 | 73.4 171,418 | 68.0 ) ae. gE % 410 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-—POPULATION. . 2 ~ TABLE 120.—SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OF POPULATION 7 TO. 20 YEARS ee 5 / PERSONS 7 TO 13 YEARS OF AGE PERSONS 14 AND 15 YEARS OF ATTENDING SCHOOL.: AGE ATTENDING SCHOOL. DIVISION AND STATE. 1920 1910 1920 _ 1910 Per Per Number. Number cent N umber Number. Gent! United States.......-- 13, 869, 010 11,146,173 | 86.1 || 3,124,129 | 79.9 | 2,676,465 | 75.0 eee EEE OEE eee Eee ose pene ar aces ae 29a) faa GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England...........: 898, 605 | ~ 95. 751, 547 | 95.2 179, 963 | 75.3 163,585} 73.6 Middle Atlantic... ........ 2; 805, 986 | 94. 2, 269, 431 | 93.0 582,517 | 79.3 496,046 | 73.5 East North Central....... 2, 693, 684 | 95. 2, 239,718 |} 93.5 598, 227 | 82.5 528, 507 | 77.9 West North Central... .... 1, 679, 682 | 93. 1, 512,644] 91.5 401,680.| 85.3 386, 893 | 83.6 South Atlantic. ........0. 997, 008 | 85.6 | 1,508,993 | 75.6 452, 330 |. 75.4] 360,081 | 67.1 East South Central......- 1, 283, 921 | 83. 1, 048, 420 | 75.0 307, 840 | 77.5 265, 274 | 70.4 West South Central.......| 1, 447,653 | 82. 1,106,205 | 74.7 251,732 | 76.9 286,521 | 72.8 Movnitain-.:.: <2 at. 452,896} 91. 302,970 | 86.4 104, 983 | 86.7 76,661 | 83.4 PACH bias ob wet de’ ves| 609,625} 94. 411,245 | 91.2 144, 857 | 89.2 112, 897 | 85.3 NEW ENGLAND: Maine oy tiki tesecwonneeu ce 93, 615 83, 590 | 92.3 21,967 | 83.7 20,350 | 78.6 New Hampshire. ......... 51, 544 48,314 | 94.9 12,312 | 86.6 10,991 | 75.5 Vermont. .. 06 te. 43, 336 42,700 | 95.7 10,577 | 86.2 10,613 | 85.1 Massachusetts...2.....35- 464, 752 385, 813 | 96.0 $0, 290 | 73.9 82,672 | 73.5 Rhode Island... /0......4. | 74, 872 61,436} 93.9 11, 827 |. 59.0 11,968 | 62.5 Connecticut... vissiees. 170, 486 129,694 | 95.6 32,990 | 74.9 26,991 | 71.6 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: } New York. :. tosetieieces 1, 226, 918 1, 032; 247 | 93.7 265, 353 | 81.5 240,687 | 78.7 New Jersey... i. obec eeee 404, 928 300, 367 | 92.6 74, 841 | 71.8 62,658 | 69.9 Pennsylvania....2....2..'. 1, 174, 140 926, 817 | 92.3 242,323 | 79.6] 192,701 | 69.0 East NORTH CENTRAL: f ee OME ae 703, 560 560,731 | 94.1 162,380 | 87.8 | 138,706 | °79.0 Tndiana ly.) Au sees 369, 713 335, 541 | 93.3 82,964 | 80.2 78, 746 } 77.2 Tlindissss... ch Sk). 288, 815, 080 678, 407 | 92.5.|| 171,810 | 79.0.| 156,538} 75.4 Michipan ) 02422 5) 0080- 453, 652 345,005 | 9L7T || 103, 747 |. 86.6 85,713. | 84.5 Wisconsin... 23) 62. /.2408. 351, 629 320, 034} 93.7 77,326 | 77.8 78, 814} 75.4 West NogtHe CENTRAL: Minthiesota.. 4. tet ees 314, $05 279, 592 | -93.0 76, 759 | °86.2 74,209 | 88.4 Towaw. son ..d0 Jes cemens 309, 744 291,643 | 93.2 74, 732 |. 85.8 72,278} 81.8 Missourtiis si Ae ESD 440, 394 408,655 | $0.1 103,.959 | 82.1 102, 823 | 78.4 North Dakota-....... hee 102, 876 75, 340.) 86.1 23, 489 | 87.3 17, 760 | 79.9 South Dakota...........- 91, 322 76,479 | 87.7 21,411 | 86.7 19,285 | 84.1 INODPASKIA.\nn 52 Hee eeeee 178, 910 160, 389 | 92.9 42,315 | 86.0 41,546 | 86.5 Kansas. dc. 2 Ai 241, 531 220,546 | 92.3 59,015 | 87.9 58,991 | 88.8 SouTH ATLANTIC: 4s Delaware......... Waele eu b 27, 336 22,977 | 87.0 5,997 | 80.7 5, 841 | 73.9 Maryland. ...../. seek 182, 147 ; 157,223 | 86.4 38,525 | 73.6 32,278 | 63.6 District of Columbia...... 38, 962 : 31,101 | 90.4 9,530 |. 83.2 8,271 | 84.1 Virginia... 4 BM ieee 324, 292 : 254,287 | 74.5 73,671 | 75.5} 64,373 | 70.1 West Virginia... /2...5.2. { 218, 053.) 89.1 166,925 | 87.8 48, 331 |. 82.3 39, 863 | 79.7 North Carolina: ..:....... ' 400, 846 | 87.0 291,608 | 76.5 91,619 | 77.4 73,078 |} 71.8 South Carolina. ........2. 274,429 | 87.1 184,535 | 67.6 64, 264 | 78.0. , 005 | 61.9 Geéorgiget) 3 Mees. Be 409,754 | 79.1 318,189 | 70.5 90,718 | 67.7) 71, 843 | 59.3 Plotidas:<. ...& A 126,189} 83.2 82,198 | 70.5 29,675 | . 78.6 19,529 | 64.2 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL: | Kentucky...) .pa.ite. 342,974} 88.5 | 293,068 | 81.3 78,178 | 77.6 73,107 | 73.6 Tennessee... . i208... ie * 333, 118 | 85.3 269,064 | 77.2 80, 780 |. 79.4 70,524} 73.2 Alabama)... 4 14s, 344,699} 80.4.) 243,275] 66.3 83,417 |. 77.5 61, 866} 63.5 Mississippi.......5......2 263,130} 80.1 238,013 | 75.4 65,465 |. 75.2 59,777 |. 71.1 WEsT SOUTH CENTRAL: Row joe! ASKANSAS . 0.0540. tenet ewes 256, 263 | 82.0 195,383 | 74.2 || 62,632) 77.0} 60,816) 71:7 Louisiana.........: AIO 234,249} 75.9] 165,194} 58.8 53,736 | 65.6 38, 362 |. 51.7 Oklahoma. .. 252 Ak. JA 304, 665} 85.8 235, 528} 86.41 73, 720.| . 82.0 61, 953 | - 86.6 OT OXAS es eee cde deee. cet lef) 652, 476'| 83:7' | 510,100} 76.8 161,644 | 79.1] 135,390} 76.7 MOUNTAIN: ; a we WTONTANG 0a sob bo opiewedehy us 71,513 | 92.8 37, 919 | 87.1 16,058 | 89.1 9, 669 | 83 idabes 201.0446 eeu hse. 65,102} 95.5 40,606 | 87.4 15,342 | 91.6] 10,901 | 89.2 Wiyothite. 26.4 ere aie 24, 554} 92.8 14,406 | 88.8 5,294 | 86.2 3,389 | 84. Colorado... 5.4 Ase bss. 121, 353°} 93.9 90,911 | 90.9 28,076 | 86.2 23,136 | 85.0 New Mexico. ....0.....202. 52, 829} 87.4 39,696 | 77.2 12,002 | 80.4 9,763 | 74.6 ATION gts... 5K IL Abe. 38,179 | 78.8 19,483 } 71.8 8,663 | 73.8 4, 832 |} 70.0 UtaWtohl.... 8 Ui eed). 71,611 | 95.5 644! 91.6 17,719 | 93.7 | ..13,408 | 88.§ A Nevadgin...).46 AN. 2222. 7,755 | 90.5 6,305 | 87.9 1, 829 |. 88.8 1, 563 82.6 ACIFIC: rT ge Washington.............. 162,750 | 94.7] 120,345} 91.1 38,442} 88.6] 32,555 | 87.0 Orepone, 064.8 20 Le. 94,312) 94.7 70,141 | 90.3 23,224 | 90.6 |. 19,924 | 87.7 California... tk BO, 3ee. 352, 563 | 93.7 | 220,759 |} 91.6 83,191 | 89.1 60, 418 | 83.6 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. | | 41) q Fi OF AGE, BY AGE PERIODS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. Ce = # —— - | y PERSONS 16 AND 17 YEARS OF PERSONS 18. TO 20 YEARS OF et AGE ATTENDING SCHOOL. AGE ATTENDING SCHOOL ied ; ata ___ DIVISION AND STATE. 1920 1910 1920 1910 y ‘Oi . ‘i gs ae a Per Per . Per Per Number. eats Number. etaht Number. ite Number. pa te f 3 ——— | ry | a | enn | rrr a pa BY United States......... 1,644,061 | 42.9 | 1,573,377] 43.1 814,651 | 14.8 | 844,836] 15.2 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: J New England. <2 -os2 21: 92,749} 39.0 85, 293 | - 36.8 52,306 | 15.0 51,060 | 13.9 | Betton Cesiait= 7) -borea f toa | Abas |oaro|) dame | US| sere] 33 East’ Nor entral:... 2.11." 293, 58 40. 4 A ). 5 : ye 13:3 rf West, North Central... ...|. 224 014 48.1 243, 032 aL 1 115, 553 17.3 128, 879 17.7 ~ Sou tlantic.. 222... 2.4) 249, 184.) 43. 229, é 11 : 71 1629 ' East South Central.......|, 181,363 | 48.3 |. 178,509 |’ 47.8 85,535 }16.8 | 102,348 | 19.6 ' West South Central....... 208,180 | 48.1 | 187,674 | 48.9 90,031 |. 14.7 93,080 | 16:7 eT a 65, 231 | 57.0 51, 831 |) 55.7 33, 528'| 20.0 28,731 | 19.3 Bere Obi Me. ha.) Uo | co 89, 730.| 55.4 72,925 | 52.3 56,522. 22.1 42,244] 18.1 New ENGLAND: RE UTHER SCRE 12, 082 | 46.5 11,807 | 45.4 6,635 | 17.8 6,471 | 16.5 | New Hampshire.......... 5,979 | 41.7 5,646 | 37.1 3,228 | 15.5 3, 097 | 13.2 mm SVoermant. ok ces 5,611 } 46.0 5,813 | 46.3 3,020 |. 18.1 2,938 | 15.9 | Massachusetts. .......... 49, 260 | 40.6 43,519 | 37.3 28, 822 |. 16.0 27,611 | 14:5 me =Rhodelsiind.! - &1 02.02: th" 5,627) 26.9 5, 889.| 28.4 3,273 |. 10.8 4,019 | 12-3 eae teat a ig Aad CUE 1/14, 290-}> 33.0 12, 619 |" 31.3 7,328 |- 11:6 6,924 | °10.8 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: : f 7? "New York....;.... Soe cez} 7 107,688-| 32.6 | 116,077 | 34.7 56,946 |. 11.4 63,168 | 11.5 New Jersey. -.......--..s. 31,016 | 29.9 28,917 | 30.7 15,194 | 10.0 13,554 |) 9.0 y OO ep Pah hac i = AAs widow's © 101,375} 32.8 95, 440-| | 32.9 45, 838 |. 10.8 48,557 | 10/8 ] RTH CENTRAL: : PTT CRS IS Sea ES i 82,659 | 44.4 76, 376.| 42.4 40,818 | 14.4 39,323 | 14.1 Indiana........... vi bk 41,405 | 39.9 43,997 | 42.1 21,155.| 14.2 24,313}. 15.4 (ET ER ES Ge 81,699 | 37.1 80, 928 |. 36.8 39,627 | 12.3 40,006 | 11.7 | “Michigan.................] 47,055 | 39.4 47, 279.}° 43.7 21,711} 12.3 22,308 | 13.6 ; ee ees web tae MS de si 40,763 | 42.2 35, 859.1 36.2 19,953 | 14.6 18,678 | 13.1 © ST NORTH CENTRAL: Peter he et 38,055 | 42.5 42,443 | 48.8 21,377 |. 16.6 21,252 | 16.1 LC Seas eae 45,078 | 51.4 45,618 | 50.5 24,524) 19.4 24,578-| 17.9 BemeMissoirin se? Oo) 54,963 | 43.9 63,730} 47.5 25, 079 |. 14. 4 33, 018-/ 16.2 ) North Dakota. .-......... 13,417 | 53.4 11,089} 49.4 6, 507 | 19.0 6,270 | 17:4 S- pouth Dakotai 000.6... 5: 12,757 | 52.6 12,979} 55.1 6,453 | 18.6 6,848 | 18.8 EO Se es ee 23,830} 49.7 26, 461.) 52.9 11,906 | 16.9 14,229 | 18.5 . sag ape eR 5s Be eh 35,914 |} 54.4 40,712 | 59.5 19, 707 | . 20.8 22,684 | 21.6 UTH ATLANTIC: * 3 bate ee tee P edees 2,068 es 3; Po 39-8 1, 458 |. 13.2 1,454 | 12.2 Maryland. -.S... 032)... 16,812 | 31. 16, 69 8,572 | 10:9 7,431) 9.8 District of Columbia. 2.27! 5,566-)) 44.8. 527749 47.6 3,947 |. 16.2 3013 | 16.2 Virginia ou 41,769 | 44.3 41,057} 46.5 20,305 |. 15.0 21,865 | 17.5 us 24,599 | 42.3 24,316} 48.4 11, 061-1. 13.6 13,892 | 18.4 54,9421 50.1 53, 737 | 54.1 28,832.} 19.1 36,686 | 26.4 36,318 | 49.2 30, 880 |) 42.8 18,066 | 17.2 17,290 | 16.9 49,133 | 39.7 42,271] 37.3 20, 781-|. 11.7 | * 19,931 | 12.1 17,027 | 45.5 12,422} 40.9 6, 912.|..12.8 7,025 | 15.0 40,983 | 42.5 |. 46,482 | 46.9 18,391 |. 13.8 | 25,206 | 18:1 49,669 | 50.7 49,076 | 50.2 24, 976'|' 1856 29,198 |\ 21.0 49,559} 48.8} 41,866 |) 44.0 22,213 | 16.3 24,843 | 18.8 41,152] 51.7 41,085 | 50.5 19,955 | 18.6 23,101 | 20.5 38, 423 | 50.8 36,652} 51:8 17, 797.|. 17.7 22,058 | 21.7 28,053 | 36.8 21,343 | 30.0 11, 508 |" 10.7 10,365 | 10.0 46,088 | 54.2 42,400 |) 60.1 19, 774. |. 16.8 1821, 495 | 20.8 95,616 | 48.8 87, 279 |. 51.0 40,952. | 14.2 39,162 | 15.7 10,036'| 58.3 6, 106'}) 58-0:|\os 5,014.) 21.2 |. © 3,282 | 16.4 9,741 | 62.3 8,010 | 66.7 4,842 | 22.3 4, 22.1 ery oming..... a AS 3,047 | 52.6 2,372 | 54.9 L 1,492.|..16.4 1,308 | 155 © Golorado........-.....-.--| 16,997 | 53.2}. © 15,526) 54.7 9,319} 20.2 8,894 | 20.0 Beene Mexico. Jo 553... 50.6 6,995 | 53.7 3, 403-| - 16. 4 4,250 | 22/0 . Arizona - LOE ERO RS 4,874 | 45.3 2,900} 43.8 2,671.|. 14.4 1,588. | 13.3 Peis LO el’ 12; 456-)" Fie 8,894 | 58.4 6,122 | 24.7 4,779.| 21.3 eS 1,195 | 61.4 1,028 | 53.0 665. | 22.0 84 | 15:0 rE Cc: * po j ; | ~ Washington.............. 23,105} 54.5 21,034} 53/7 13,715. | 21.5 11,861 | 18/5 F +h So Saeed eae 14,931 | 59.7 13,693 | 57.1 9,146 | 24.4 7,839 | 19.9 Pp eOntOMNR.. .. ins PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. where base is less than 100.] NATIVE WHITE—FOREIGN OR. ; 1920 1910 1920 1910 1920 —— a nT cae! 1910 ——— Per cent. Num- ber. Per | Num- | Per Num- | Per cent. ber. | cent. ber. cent. _Per cent. Number. Number. |4, 783, 723 | 69.2 4,016,779 | 64.9 j499, 632 ee fara 38.6 |1,887,282 | 57.5 601,518 | 48.8 | 1 44.5 |573, 500 aang 653, 535°) 70.4 | 507,030 |° 68.6 | 69,351] 45:1 | $9,145 | 37.9 | 11,167 | 66.8 | - 9,461} 65.3 | 2 1,669,634 | 70.1 |1, 193,976 | 65.2 |179,409 | 43.3 |257,783 |).89.0} 77,076] 61.6] 51,124] 57.6] 3 1, 112, 836 | 68. 2 |1, 016,626 | 62.5 |111,095 | 48.2 {107,194 | 39.3 | 67,374 | 63.5} 41,742) 61.3] 4 642, 67.6 | | 738, 217 5 | 34,6571 46.6 | 47,872 |. 40.5 | 39,737 | 63.6 | 35,152] 58.7] 5 102,119 | 68.3} 71,973 12,101 | 45.0} 11,797 | 34.5 | 845,820} 58.4 | 672,549 | 48.6] 6 25,740 | 66.8 | 29,800 27105} 47.8| 2,607] 39.1} 461,566] 55.5 | 425,687 | 48.7) 7 | 117, 4371 56.5} 106,784 24771 | 28.5 | 12, 381'| 26.4] 375,356 | 55.5 | 300,143 | 45.5| 8 157,950 | 73.1 | 135,219 93,342 | 46.3.| 15,521) 38.2] 2,867] 60.1] 2,373] 61.3) 9 281, 926'|. 73.7 | 217,154 42 801°] 51.9 | 28,700] 41.2| 6,319] 70.3| 3,344.) 61.0 | 10 71.9 | 33,912 5,255} 45.5 | 6,378 | 39.6 176 | 63.3 213 | 62.5 | 11 70.3} 27,606 4176| 50.0] 5,081 | 34.3 93 | 69.4 741 55.6 | 12 72.2 | 15,646 2989} 56.2] 3,033} 47.1 101 | 68.2 120 | 51.1 | 13 70.8 | 294,097 37,111] 44.8 | 50,254| 38.9] 6,420] 68.9] 5,410] 66.1 | 14 65.9| 45,731 6,038 | 38.6] 9,150] 35.2] 1,338] 63.3] 1,320} 62.6 | 15 Fs 70.5 | 90,038 13,782 | 46.0 | 15,260] 35.7) 3,039] 64.3] 2,324) 66.9 | 16 70.5 | 652,280 106,552'| 43.5 {165,321 |, 42.0} 21,267] 58.9] 14,159} 55.6 | 17 68.9 | 174,856 25,389 | 42.0 | 30,235 |. 35.2| 17,471 | 64.4] 11,938 | 58.7 | 18 70.1 | 366, 840 47,468 | 43.7 | 62, 227.1. 34.5] 38,338 | 61.8] 25,027 | 58.4 | 19 72.4 | 162,724 .3| 27,064 | 50.7 | 23,481] 38.9) 25,618] 65.0] 16,242 |. 62.2 | 20 66.6 | 47,541 5 | 4.536 | 45.5} 4,350) 36.9] 11,604| 63.2] 9,136] 62.5 | 21 66.5 | 353, 182 21 38170| 44:8] 43,466 | 37.2] 23,008,|. 63.4 } 13,617.) .58.9.|.22 69.8 | 226,244 | 66.4 | 29,130] 50.5 |'22,217| 44.27 6,445] 584] 2,375 | 63.9 | 23 65.9 | 226,935 | 62.5 | 12,195 | 50.0} 13,680] 41.0 699 | 65.5 372 | 62.8 | 24 67.1 | 255,505 | 68.6 | 10,656] 48.5} 15,010} 41.9 969. | 68.2 741 | 65.7 | 25 66.1| 130,013] 64.8| 5,111| 49.0] 5,569] 35.7] 2,897 | 67.5] 2,269 | 63.4 | 26 63.8| 74,230] 58.0] 5,106} 43.0} 6,767] 39.1] 24,118} 60.7] 21,531 | 55.3 | 27 73.6 | 66,157} 68.0| 4,637 | 47.4] 8,677 | 42.4 Bi hes BGaksd «04s 28 68.9| 55,002} 67.7] 1,899] 46.0] 3,213 | 40.2 131 | 63.6 117 | 67.2 | 29 66.5] 92,636 | 67.4| 4,062| 49.1] 4,595 | 41.4] 1,630] 63.4 874 | 61.1 | 30 68.2| 64,674} 68.9 | 3,186] 39.9} 4,041] 41.1} 9,925 | 69.8] 9,564 | 65.6 | 31 69.9 4,784} 61.0] 656 | | 45.0 567 | 30.2] 5,498 | 66.5] 5,544.1. 59.0 | 32 64.8} 29,698] 55.4] 3,429] 41-7] 14,288] 37.6] 39,789] 58.5 | 36,503 | 53.8 | 33 68.7| © 6, 67.8| 1,062| 51.5] 960] 49.1] 15,375 | 60.4) 13,147 | 159.5 | 34 67.2} 7,183} 65.7| 1,235 | 45.2] 1,204 | 42.1 | 181, 284 | 59.1 | 111,337 | 49.5 | 35 73.8| 8501} 646] 2731 | 45.4] 2,054] 24.8] 13,922] 61.4) 9,169) 53.5 | 36 72.6 1,926 | 72:3] '256| 46.0] 274] 40.1] 171,379 | 64.2 | 135,297 | 56.0 | 37 65.1} © 1,755] °635| 190] 44.1 195 | 36.4 | 203,028 | 64.1 | 144,803 | 47.5 | 38 71:5| 4,392) 65.3 591 | 46.9 |. 639} 41.9 | 212,041 | 50.7 | 174,871 | 43.3 | 39 70.5 7,128) 60.2| 1,951 | 47.1] 1,616 | 31.7] 53,504 | 53.6} 41,878 | 45.0 | 40 61.0 | © 14;377.|) 55.7 583 | 4741. 701 37.5 | 39,133 | 62.7] 42,081} 55.0 | 41 72.4| 6,224) 65.5| 575| 53.0] 767} 45.9] 75,324] 53.9] 73,980} 48.8 | 42 70.21 © 6,104] 63.0} 708] 49.1 815 | 41.1 |-166,943 | 54.6 | 128,850 | 42.6 | 43 69.9| 3,095] 65.8} | 239] 37.0}. 324] 28.5 | 180,166 | 55.8} 180,776 | 52.7 | 44 | 66:4] © 6,734) 626] 308] 41.74) 480] 34.9] 84,729] 547) 73,287 | 49.9 | 45 61.3| 13,671 |. 52.6| 1,247] 37.6} 1,522] 27.9 | 103,598] 45.4] 69,992} 29.9 | 46 69:91 © 20,308} -70.5| 1,139] 3434 1,391 | 43.1] 30,387 | 61.6} 29,208) 65.1 | 47 52.4] 65,981 | 50.2 | 22,077 | 27.8]. 9,487] 24.4} 156, 64.2 | 127,656 | 54.4 | 48 75.0 | © 24,693} 70.3 | 4,024] 56.6} 2,400] 33.9 171 | 70.4 176 | 62.2 | 49 74.5 | 017,334 | 72:5 | 1,217] 48.8] 1,004] 34.8 97 | 65.1 7 ee 50 71.7| | © 6,332} 67:4] 962] 484] 745 | 31.4 114] 52.1 132} 49.6 | 51 72.5| 40,073 | 69.7| 5,309| 49.0] 5,248] 45.6) 1,524] 68.0] 1,452] 63.3 | 52 66.1 243 | 64.2| 2,690| 45.2]. 1,076] 33.0 298 | 44.41 ° 200] 60.2 | 53 67.9} 7,985 | 59.6| 6,709] 38.5] 2,580} 35.7 490 | 49.5 234 | 611 | 54 75.1 | 30,416 }.69-9| 2,101 | 54.1} 2,228) 44.0 145 | 67.8 105 | 57.7 | 55 75.7) © 3,143) 69.2| 330] 418} 240] 19.2 Dy ot ae BEA, wns ob 56 73.9 | 65,874 |} 69.3 | 9,285 | 55-2'| 8,700} 44.0 785 | 70.7 498 | 57.7 | 57 74.4 | 29/163 | 67.6 | 3,686} 55.6 | 3,018} 37.2 254 | 72.2 95 | 52.8 | 58 73.5 | 122117 | 66.5 | 29,830] 50.5] 16,982] 40.6} 5,280 | 70. 2,751 | 62.0 414 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. : TABLE 122.—SCHOOL' ATTENDANCE‘ OF POPULATION 7 TO 13 YEARS OF AGE, FOR, [Per cent not shown — ALL CLASSES. NATIVE WHITE—NATIVE PARENTAGE.| _ DIVISION AND STATE. { ‘ i 1920 1910 1920”: 1910 a Per Per _ Per Per Number bent, Number beta Number. Gent. Number. dont | | | | | | | es | 1 United States. .../13, 869,010 | 90.6 |11,146,173 | 86.1 || 8, 584,679 | 92.2 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: 2 | New Wngland?’...... 898,605 | 95.3 751, 547. | 95.2 341, 324 | 95.2 95.2 3 Middle Atlantic... .| 2,805, 986'}' 94.3 | 2,269,431 | 93.0 || 1, 313,475 | 94.7 93.3 4 East North Central.| 2,693, 634 | 95.1 | 2,239,718 | 93.5 || 1, 729, 506 | 95.i4 93. 6 | 5 West North Centrai.| 1,679, 682 2-9 | 1,512,644} 91.5 || 1, 184, 836 | 94.3 91.7 6 South Atlantic. .... 1, 997, 008 | 85.6 | 1,508,993} 75.6 || 1,304, 485 | 89.2 82.1 7 East Scuth Central:} 1, 283, 921 83.6] 1,043,420] 75.0 944, 921 88.5 80.9 | 8 | West South Central.|-1, 447, 653} 82.5 | 1,106.205 | 74.7 || 1,077,986 | 87.0 81.1 9 Mountain. .0 5.29.2 4 452, 896} 91.8 302,970 | 86.4 317, 320 | 93.9 88.1 |) 10 Pactaeay. Pa 609, 625 | 94.1 411,245 | 91.2 370, 826 | 94.8 91.5 NEW ENGLAND: . Wy Maines 2. Le. LY 93,615 | 94.2 83,590} 92.3 59, 314 | 94.3 92.7 | 12 New Hampshire. ... 51, 544.) 93.4 48,314 | 94.9 25, 305 | 93.5 94.8 | 13 Vermont. ..).3.24 21] 2. 43, 336) | 93-9 42,700} 95.7 29, 686 | 94.0 95. 9 14 Massachusetts. ov... 464,752 | 96.1 385, 813 | 96.0 151, 889 | 96.5 | | 96.2 | 15 Rhode Island......, 74, 872.| 95.6 61,436 | 93.9 22,110 | 96.1 94.7 | 16 Connecticut. . 2.0... 170, 486 | 94.7 129,694 | 95.6 53, 020 |) 94:1 95.3 |) MIDDLE ATLANTIC: H 17 New York. ..2224..! 1, 226, 918 | . 93.9 | 1,082,247} 93.7 473,682 | 93.9 93.5 | 18 New Jersey...) 250... 404, 928 | 94.9}. 300,367-| 92.6 164, 326 | 95.4 |. 93. 0-4 19 Pennsylvania... .. 1,174, 140 | 94.5 |. 936,817] 92.3 675, 467 |) 95.0 93.2 | [EAST NORTH CENTRAL: | 29 BGis 424. UL oy 703, 560 | -96.0 560,731 | 94.1 501, 839 | “96.1 94.37) — a4 Indiana? . /.5-59.04 369, 713 | 94.9 335,541 | 93.3 820, 233 | 95.1 93.5 | 22 Minoisae 23.2550...) 815, 080+} 94.7.1 678,407 | 92.5 463, 333 |° 95.1 92.6 | 23 Michigan... ..). avs eh 453, 652.) 94. 345,005.| 94.1')) 244,696 | 95.3 94.4 | 24 Wiseonsin. 2.0.00... 351, 629}. 94: 320,034.) 93.7 199,405 | 94.5 93.9 | WEsT NORTH CENTRAL? 25 Minnesota. ....2....]" 314,905 | 93.9 279.592} 93.0 150,740 | 94.1 93.0 26 LOWS. oe 0 SH oT 309, 744 | 95.0 291,643 | 93.2 238, 772 | 95.2 93: 2m a7 |. 187 452.| 8s. 166, 213 | 96.2 | 118,070;) 94.4 | 16,950 |° 92.3 | 18,373 | 89.8} 18,538 | 95.8} 11,208! 91.8 | 20 S37, 777 94.0 58, 950 ) 92. 9 53) 009 } 89) 3 iol 877 13595 | 942 6,413 | 92.7 21 810, 016.| 94.5 | 261,272 | 93.2 | 2571 0.3 | 34,13 , 6 ,443,| 93.71 9,351) 87.3} 22 183, 595) 95.0 | 157,772 | 94.3 | 19,886 | 90.3 | 16141 | 90.7] 4,717 |- 95.21 12620) 93-7 | 23 1142, 738 | 94.9} | 163, 308 | 93.9 | 7/559 |”'88.9 | 10,648 | 88.9 498°| 95.0 240 |\' 91.3 | 24 155, 990 | 94.1 | | 170,345 | 93.3 | 6, 430 | 88°6 | 10,987] 89.6 660°} 95.5 456 | 92-7 | 25 eae ors 1S er tot on. «| 23hqon |eoeets | (atta | eT ie cot eet ase | ea te | 94.3 || 51,107 | 92.4} 32060} 88° 357 |. - 86. 4 36 | 80.4 | 4 © 59, 903} 92.4] 45,308] 87.3] 27521 | 86:8] 35°760| 740} |:-47-1....... ame yous) 28 | 33,233 | 93.8 | 36,431 | 88.9] 1105 | 85.9 | 2097] 77.6 95} 85.6} <9 O74 S572] So | 49,819] 94.3 |" 61,213 | 93.4 | 2/508} 86.5 | 33280] 883) 1,143 |- 94.0 604 |°"90°8'] 30 ) 32, 749 | 94.5} 40,672 | 93.1 | 2,197 | 71.3] 2,921 | 82.7]. 6,821} 94:5 |. 6,037] 98.8] 2 Lee 476 | 95.4 3,554 | 89.3 92.2 457 || 83.7 |° 3,922 94.2 |" 3/830 1°-81.1 | 39 es 98,737 | 95.6 | 23,360 | 87.8 | 2,016 | o1-9 3, 397 83.0 29, 600 84.0 26, 733 76,4 83 }> 5,451] 94.1 4, 266 | 91.8 94. 42 | 89. 924 | 93. 7431 ° 87.7 | BE |) 7520)).92.7|. 4,922 | 97.3 87.3 | 874 | 7803) 93,907 | 78.1.| 76,608}. 64:2 | 35 |) 13,444 | 90.2} 6,179, | 89.4] 1,942} 83.2] 1,508] 72:5} 10,103| 88.6] 6,456| 81.21 36 |. 1,548} 89.1 1,244) 89.1 133 | 78.2} 182] 70.5 | 118,612 | 81.8] 98,618 |. 68:6 | 37 ) va 95.0) 1,476) 86-7 | 203} 83.1 | 135} 77-6 | 142,232 | 82.3] 98,216 | 60.4 | 38 8,769 | 94.8]. 23950] 90.3 286 | 89.7) 436} 81:8 | 157,977.| 70.2 | 130;157-] 60.3 | 39 | 10,379} (92.1 |. 5,143: 81:2 | 1,213 |. 87.4) 1,227] 70.8 |-38,262) 73.11 29,7581 61.0] 40 16,831} 93.9] 10,103) 93.2| au.) ato] 4861 87.71 27,514 | S90 27,599.| 74.9 | 41 & ? ’ |) 3,910] 94.0]. 33935.} 89.1 289 |. 90.8 | 509} 82.2} 51,560) 71.1] 48,423] 64-7 | 42 5,027 | 80.7) 4,231) 85.3] 411} 85.4 | | 591 | 75.8 | 116,093 | 69.2 | 86,004 | 53.4 | 43 2,29) 88.0] 2,026}, 86.8) 126 | 63-0] 217 | 45.5.) 124,574 | 71.5 | 122,369 | 67.0 | 44 4480 90.9} 4,490] 86.5) © 167 |78.4| °326] 60.1] 56,726 69.9 | 465946 | 61.8 | 45 © 12,860] 85.61 9,945] 75.0] 702] 76.1} 1,094] 53.8} 73, ay 61.0 |..50,577 | 40.7 | 46 | ESS We cia aa bees Wicca ag ce Bed eg + 4,520 | 70.6} 45,926 | “66.6 | 15,699 ||. 46. 7 ; 4, 7, 08% 3]. ox? mt ? ; 5) ? a 94.0 | 16,640'| 90.1 | 2,634] 84.9] 1,639] 80.5 “31 90.8 102 || 84:3 | 49 ~ 12, 409°| 95.4 | | 10,606} 88.7 696 | 8t.4 664 | 81.7 a a 50 bie ee 93. 4 4,268 | 89.5 | © '647 | 82.2 551 | 82.0 be eFOsbed dh 91} 90.1 | 51 31, 41 | 95.1 | © 26,884 | 92.5 | 3/592 |° 83.7 | 3,833 | 86.1 999 | 93.2) 974) 89.6 | 52 4,749) 85.7] ° §3,5071'.80.6 | 2,035 | 75.5 | 773 | 61.3 213+} 85.9 126 |'"79.2.| 53 999,205) 83.7) °5,6831°.78.1 | '4820 |’ 61.3 | 1,926 | 66.4 355 | 90.6 166 | 86.9 | 54 17,989 | 95.8! 19,404'| 93.1 | 1,196 |° 89.0| 17563] 88.8 95}. 94.1 MOG 'Oe 55 2258 | 93.1} ° 2,093)" 93.1 | "104 | 72.7] "158 | 83.6 re) RY 923i ieee 56 heh aes es ; pak . * 55,048 | 95.2) 42, 902'}' 92.3] °5/790} 89.2] 6,142] 88.7 552 | -94.5 | 328} 85.0 | 57 22,606 | 95.6 | 18,311] 91.8] 2,148] 89.9] 2/004] 87.7] 175] 93.6 66 |2..2... 58 "M9, 423 | 94.1) 79,907 |’ 92.6 | 19,312 |/'85.0 | 11,853] 86.7 |’ 3,570 |.-93.8|. 1,813 | "92.4" 59 416 ABSTRACT OF THE GENSUS“—POPULATION. . TABLE 123,—SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OF POPULATION 7 TO 20' YEARS OF’ AGE, FOR 7 OR MORES [Per cent not shown NATIVE WHITE—NATIVE | ALL CLASSES. PARENTAGE. crry. | 1920 1910 1920 1910 Num- Per Num- Per Num- Per Num- Per ber. cent. ber. cent. ber. cent. ber, cent 1 | Akron, Ohio..... wl Net 24,908 | 58.1 9,357 | 57:4 || 15,631 | 55.0 5,794 | 60.0 BA AIORIEYs Neil ob cnaerthocses 15,540 | 66.2| 13,792] 61.7 9,693 | 67.2 8,296 | 65.5 3° | Atlanta; Garscyp stadt eaecees 31,082] 62.1 22,259 | 55.5 20,267 | 64.5 14,186} 59.3 4| Baltimore, Md... ....---+- 109,932 | 62.9}. 75,469 | 52.7.||. 63,925}, 647]. 41,567} 54.6 5 | Birmingham, Ala.......---| 30,570 | 64.6 19,582 | 56.9 16, 87 68. 8 10,866 | 61.2 | Bid DUSLOU, MLSSS.-Lecsecnae cess 117,768 | 69.6] 105,128| 66.8 31,373 | 73.5 27,184 | 72.2 7 | Bridgeport, Conn..........- 20,928 | 63.8 14,728 |. 58,7 5,533 | 65.3 4,517 | 66.0 81 Buttal, BAY obsess denen: 77,337 | 65.4 68,215 | 60.7 31, 239 | 69.8 24,972 | 66.2} 9 | Cambridge, Mass. .....-..-. 18,139 | 70.8] 17,459] 68.5 5,110 | 75.7 4,624 | 74.9 10 | Camden, Nod. svc geedeeenete "18,058 |! 63,2 13,549 | 56.9 9,298 | 63.7]. .7,672 | 59.3 11 | Citcagd, Wlec- to sa, despa 403,532 | 65.5 | 323,904] 58.5 || 119,441 | 71.2] 80,854} 67.6 12 | Cincinnati, Ohio..........- 59,327 | 69.4 | 52,107| 58.9 || 41,544 | 71.6] 82,343 | 62.8 13 | Cleveland Ohio. ... a. i --° 130,726 | 70.8 84,581 | 60. 2 39,444 | 73.4 25,137 | 69.9 14 | Columbus, Ohio... .........- 35,682 | 70.1 | 25,801 |. 62.4 26,897 | 71.3 | .19,239 | 64.9 15} Dallas tP6X. os day eens 4-wae 24,0902 | 64.2} 13,141 | 56.7 18,179 | 65.5_ 9,210 |. 58.7. 16 |. Dayton, Ohio: es cereweses: 22,697 | 69.1 16,300 ++ 61.0 17;145 | 70-1 11,990 | 63.8 17s): Denver; Colo. «hi... chdo08-- 37,322 | 71.1] 32,254] 66.1 23,231 | 73.71 17,776 | 68.4 18 | Des Moines, Iowa.........-| 20,991 | 72.8 13,411 | 64.5 15,561 | 73.6 | 9,198 | 66.8 19 | Detroit, Mich ..........0.. 133,263 | 64.8] 64,545 | 56.4 || 48,428.) 66.31" 19,983) 66.0 20 | Fall River, Mass........... 21,214 | 64.0} 20,839 | 61.9 4,608'| 75.8 | 8,487 | 74.4. 21 | Fort Worth, Tex. .......... 15,184} 60.3 | 10,213} 55.6 |} 11,818) 63.5 | © 7,641) 58.3. 22 | Grand Rapids, Mich.......| 22,874 | 69.9 17,707 | 62.9 10,847 | 74.1) © 6,850] 67.1 23 | Hartford, Conn.i.2.......65 21,260 | 69.1] 15,623 | 67.1 6,204} 70.8 |) 5,985 | 72.8 24 Eoustom; LORE... he eeu 21,324 | 62.6 10,690 | 54.1 12,639 | 65.6 5,724 | 57.27 25 | Indianapolis, Ind........... 42,839 | 62.8 | 32,538 |) 61.0 |} 32,950} 638.2 |) 23,835 | 62.7) 26 | Jersey City, N.J.......0ee 48,180 | 64.3| 43,971 | 60.4 || 17,886.) 66.1] 16,844] 65.8 27 | Kansas City, Kans.........] 16,789 | 67.4 13,086 | 61.4 10,420 | 67.8]. 8,464] 63.7 28 | Kansas City, Mo...... -....| 43,350] 66.1 | 32,231] 59.8 || 30,878] 67.3] 21,918] 61.5) 29 | Los Angeles, Calif..........{ 76,552} 71.5 41,977 | 64.7 43,176 | . 73.7 24,499 | 67.3. 30 | Louisville, Ky........- w.-s| 34,836] 64.4 33,606 | 58.9 26,022 | 66.2]; 22,061 | 61.2 31 | Lowell, Mass. ...sse0cectess 18,351 | 68.4 16,067 | 60.4 4,845 | 781). 3,558} 73.0 32 | Memphis, Tenn............| 28,408 | 62.5] 16,276 | 53.6 || 13,693 | 66.6| 9,230) 61.4 33 | Milwaukee, Wis............ 77,249 | 71.5| 58,631 | 57.4 || 31,570] ° 76.9| 19,242) 67.6) 34 | Minneapolis, Minn.........| 56,248 | 70.0| 45,990 | 64.7 ||. 25,236] 75.1) 16,931} 70. 7 | 35 | Nashville, Tenn............ 20,162 | 65.8 | 17,959 | 59.9 || 18,803} 67.5 | 11,379} 62.9 36 | New Bedford, Mass........| 18,197 | 61.2] 14,058 | 56.4 3,249 | 72.1 2,696 | 68.5 | 37 | New Haven, Conn...... .--| 26,689] 67.6 22,085 |, 65.5 7,190.| 67.9° 7, 222°). f2.e 38 | New Orleans, La........... 61,200} 60.9 | 49,845 | 54.2 || 37,363 | 62.6 | 30,681 | 59.0 39 1 New York, N. Vases. ch 2 887,939 | 65.1 | 766,240 |. 61.6 210,824 | 66.0} 192,121) 67.3 40 Bronx borough........- 123,388 | 66.6 | 74,956 | 64.6 ||. 27,174| 67.3] 22,748] 68.8 41 Brooklyn borough...... 337,151 | 64.8 | 279,822) 63.9 85,021 | 64.8 82,742 | 67.3 | 42 Manhattan borough....} 330,008 | 64.6 | 342,159 | 58.3 57,875 | 65.2 58,943 | 64.4. 43 Queens borough.......- 77,654 | 65.9 53,009 | 66.3 33,170 | 69.3 20,763} 72.1 | a4 Richmond borough..... 19,738 | 66.6 16,294 | 69.9 7,584 | 67.0 6,920 | 74.8 | as | Newatk; Ned...) 4. 66,924] 64.7| 56,376 | 62.2 || 20,1338 | 65.7 | 18,706} 66.7, 46 | Norfolk; Vau..) 6.055. oaks 16,634 |. 61.4 9,671 |. 58:3 8,775 | 63.8 5,716 | 64.9 47 | Oakband, Calif...........02. 32,335 | 74,0 21,141 | 66.2 16,901 | 77.3 9,436 | 72.0 48 | Omaha, Nebr.1,......-.2285 29,750 | 68.3 22,832 | 62.2 15,292 | 70.5 10,274 | 65.8 49 | Paterson, NJ... ie lak 21,437 | 61.8 19,714 | 58.2 5, 821 | 65.1 5,262 | 63.0 50 | Philadelphia, Pa.......2-s- 281,665] 66.2 | 220,394} 57.7 120,936 | . 68.3 97,815 | 61.3 51.) Pitesburgh, Pats:...de0ss- 99,183 | 68.9 79,889 | 58.6 42,952 | 72.0 33,118 | 64.4 52| Portland, Oreg..........++ 39,801 | 74.5} 24,889 | 61.1 || 24,272 | 76.5] 18,828] 64.2 53 | Providence, R.I-........--| 37,151 | 66.6 32,604 | 60.8 10,792 | .71.9 9,819 | 69.0 54 | Reading, Pac.) 252). Jags 17,500 | 68.0 13,223 | 55.1 13,326 | 67.6] 10,917 | 56.5 55 | Richmond, Va............. 26,711 | 62.7 17,469 | 52.6 17,344 | 65.3 | 10,830] 57.7 56 | Roehester, NoX? 2... se ng. 43,038 | 67.0 31,145 | 60.4 19,388 | 69.1 13,711 | 66.3 57 | St. Louis, Mo...... YS ee 109,601 | 62.7] 95,109} 55.9 || 68,067] 64.5 52,963} 60.1 68. | Sti Paul; Minn )..2 2 . 2.d3¢. 35,992 | 67.6 34,506 | 62.3 16,326 | 74.7 11,955 4 69.0 59 | Salt Lake City, Utah......- 23,694 | 76,2| 16,291 | 680 ]} 14,832] 80.7| 8,075) 74.9 60 | San Antonio, Tex........-. 25,226 | 58.5 15,026 | 56.1 14,195 | 65.2) 8,286 | 62.0 61 | San Francisco, Calif........| 64,062 | 68,0 47,245 |, 58.9 28,740 | 70.6 17,832 } 62.9 62 | Scranton, Pa..-...... cakie eds. SOK (Sk, | | GRO 21,237 | 58.1 10,995 |. 70.1 8,250] 65.6 63 | Seattle, Wash.......-..5.- 43,196 | 71.3 | 29,724] 64.3 22,937 | 74.0]. 16,245] 68.4 64 | Spokane, Wash..........-.| 18,683 | 77.1.) 14,495 | 64.2 11,865 | 78.5] 8,634] 66.3 65 | Springfield, Mass...........| 19,400 | 70.0 13,958 |. 67.3 7,798 | 72.6 Sb, Soa ar 66 | Syracuse, N. Y.-..0....260 25,898 | 70.7 19,521 | 61.1 13, 864 | 73.5 9,920} 66. 67 | Toledo, Ohio........-.. TI] 36;228 | 66.8} 25,956 |, 61.4 |]. 21,764 | 69.7 |. 13, 734 | 96.8 63 f-TrentOmgn J. toss ossicie Shee 9,441 | 67.1 14,978 |}: 60.6 7,222 | 68.6 6,679 A 69 | Washington, D.C.......... 58,005 | 64.5 47,662 | 64.4 33,491 | 66.1 26,914 | 67.1 70 | Wilmington, Del........... 16,213 | 65.2.) 12,597 | 58.3 8,843. | 65.7 7,203 | 61.4 71 | Worcester, Mass....:......- 28,517 | 69.0 22,789 | 64.2 8,995 | 74.0 7,112 |, ae 72 | Yonkers, Ni Y.'. s.03.--600- 18, 72.9 |; 18,990 | 65.4 6,674 | 77.1 4,843 | 74.0 73 | Youngstown, Ohio......... 21,737 |; 71-8 10,353 | 55.2 8,866 | 73.4 4,168 | 62.9 \ 1Includes population of South Omaha for 1910. & ee _. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. 417 _ PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, FOR CITIES HAVING, IN 1920, 100,000 INHABITANTS 1920 AND 1910. _ where base is. less than 100.] NATIVE WHITE—FOREIGN. OR FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. MIXED PARENTAGE. NEGRO. 1920 1910 1920 1910 1920 1910 Num- Per Num- Per | Num-'| Per | Num-| Per Num- Per Num- Per ber. cent. ber. cent, ber. | cent. ber. | cent. ber. cent. ber. cent. 6, 860 70.4 2,946 58. 4 1,924 51.1 527 36.3 492 61.0 90 57.7 1 5, 071 67.0 4,798 59.7 627 50. 4 582 39.9 143 64.4 116 56.3 2 1,637 | 73.5 1,210 | 65.8 225 |. 52.0 247 | 44.8 8,952 | 56.0 6,615} 48.1] 3 29,720 |. 64.8 20,554 |} 53.5 2,850 40.8 3, 546 37.9 13, 422 58.4 9,790 50.6 4 2,530 | 69.4 1,749} 62.0 272 | A7.0 284 | 41.6] 10,893 | 58.8 6,683 | 50.7] 5 76,600 | 71.6 63,960 | 70.9 | .7,907 | 47.0 | 12,430] 45.6 1,799 | 67.4 1,517 |" 66.2] 6 13,626 | 67.9 8,488}, 65.5 | 91,533 |, 39.3 | 1,578 | 31.1 233 1 59.9 150.1. 6228 | «7 41,303 | 65.0] 38,421 | 61.0 | 4,350] 47.7} 4,633 | 40.4 416 | 57.7 183 | 63.5 | 8 10, 902 71.5 10,525 71.6 1,197 49.5 1,495 43.1 921 76.1 $13 va es) 9 6, 742 66.3 |.. . 4,451 57.8 790 44.4 613 34.0 1, 228 60.9 810 60.2 1 10 246,546 | 66.6 | 208,076 | 60.7 | 26,193 | 44,2.| 31,049! 36.5] 11,140! 59.6] 3,926.) 57.9] 411 12,684 | 66.5} 15,849] 55.1] 1,312] 54.7] 1,762{ 40.8] 3,785 | 64.3]. 2,151] 57.3 | 12 76, 869 74.2 48,514 61.9 | 10,484 50.6 | 10,025 40,8 3,914 60.9 893 59.4 1 13 5, 263 69. 4 4,686 58.6 2 51.3 538 41.1 2, 860 66.3 1, 421 55.6 | 14 2,188} 66.7 |. . 1,623 | 59.1 452 | 43.1 179 | 41.8 3,267 | 59.7 2,128 | 49.5 | 15 3,988 70.5 3, 296 68:7 509 51.1 490 36. 2 1,052 60.9 524 55.7 1 16 12,312 | 69.6}. 12,415 | 66.1 | 1,029] 47.7] 1,425] 48.2 689} 65.3 601 | 61.6 | 17 4,195 72.1 3, 506 62.8 424 57.8 353 42.3 801 67.1 354. Died 1 o8 67,003] 69.0 87,244 | 57.4 | 14,087 | 49.3 | 6,704 | 37.7 3,699 | 53.5 605 |. 57.7 119 15,029} 65.1 13,906 | 66.6] 1,549 | 39.1] 3,408]. 42.5 2 eee Olt tt 20 1,088 | 62.5 950.|, 59.3 283. | 23.7 98 |) 23.1 1,994 | 54.8 1,523} 47.0 | 21 10, 893 | 69.0 9,600 | 63.3 992 | 47.7} 1,200] 44.9 131 | 68,2 56 | 53.3 | 22 12,745} 72.8 8,271 | 71.0] 1,670} 47.9] 1,771 | 44.8 633 | 62.9 293.) .72:2 | 23 3, 204 63.1 1,717 54.3 567 36.0 175 32:1 4, 910 60. 4 3, 072 50.8 | 24 4,855 63.5 5,477 58.5 4il 45.2 458 33. 4 4,619 61.9 2, 769 60.1 |} 25 27, 110 | 65.9 23, 559 62.5 2, 082 41.2 2,810 33.8 1,101 64.8 758 63.9 | 26 3,528.1. 69.2 2,930 | 61.0 536. |. 48.5 264 | 26.6 2,299 | 69.2 1,424 | °.64.1 | 27 8,301 | 68.2 7,097 | 60.4 | 1,121 |. 47.4 975 | 43.6] 3,039 | 588] 2,236 |. 52.0] 9s 23,663 | 73.6 | 13,319 | 66.0| 6,419} 55.0 | 2,802] 48.0] 2,185 | 71.6] . 1,029]. 62.6 | 29 3,851 | 58.7 6,178 | 55.6 207 | 48.8 344 | 36.4] 4,755 | 61.4]. 5,023). 56.4 | 30 12,289 | 69.1] 10,559] 66.7] 1,191 |. 42.7} 1,938} 32.9 B48 rae, eee ee 31 1,889 | 71.4 1,724 | 61.8 207 | 45.1 264 | 37.7 | 7,619 | 55.4 |-5-5,058) 42.7 | 32 40, 880 69.8 35, 393 55.9 4,543 56.3 3) 921 38. 2 249 65.0 73 63374 33 28,250 | 68.4] 25,805-| 65.0] 2,370! 48.9] 2,900] 42.0 366 | 65.7 257.|..67,6 | 34 769 68.3 1,023 64. 7 Jil 61.0 157 56.5 5,478 61.8 5, 400 53.9 | 35 12,134 | 65.8 8, 213 63.8 2,156 37.4 2,785 37.1 657 64.8 361 60.2 | 36 17,026 70.5 1i, 954 69.1 1,909 49.3 2,435 41.7 562 63.3 469 67.1 | 37 7,998 | 60.9 7,727 | 52.6 846 |. 42:3 2) 38.9 | 14,971 | 58.3] 10,571 | 45.7 | 38 585, 024 70. 3 431, 656 68.0 | 76,975 41.5 (133,503 43.4 14, 609 56.3 8,770 | 54.4 | 39 85, 598 ast 44,527 68, 2 9, 750 42.2 Teh 42.4 847 69.4 500 61.4 | 40 223, 210 69.9 155,744 | 68.4 | 25,407 40. 1° | 38, 555 46.6 3, 474 57.4 2,131 59.6 | 41 (037 | 71.4 | 194,142] 67.7 | 38,286 |) 42.3 | 84,015 | 42.4) 9,373 | 54.5]. 4,933} 50.7 | 42 y. 41,107 65.7 29, 057 67.0 2,633 41.9 2,793 39. 1 734 64.4 425 60.4 | 43 a] 11,072 69.9 8, 186 72.3 899 41.8 1,005 41,2 181 54.8 18] 63.1 | 44 40,267 | 68.8 29,676 } 66.01 4,238 | 40.2 | 6,775 | 43.4 2,271 | 60,8 1,210} 62-3 | 45 1,643 69.3 976 71.7 230 37.6 220 48.1 5,980 | 57.8 2,707 46.3 | 46 12,516 | 73.3 9,346 | 65.3 | 1,575} 53.5 | 1,163] 45.8: 618 | 69.1 299 | 60.6 | 47 11,863 | 68.9 10. 791 62.9 1,338 49.9 1,269 41.5 1,246 63.6 488 } 57.3 | 48 13,671 | 64.5 11,931 | 61.6 | 1,728 | 41.0] 2,328| 40.0 915: | 61.6 190 |. 55.9 | 49 129, 870:| 69.5 | 93,855 | 60.0 | 15,075 | 43.1 | 20,085 | 39.8}. 15,728 | 59.7) 8,646.) 54.7 | 50 47,310 | 69.3 38,071} 59.8 | 3,670 | 45.9 | 5,539 | 34,4 5,239 | 66.0 3,150 | 60.6 | 51 12,991 74,8 9, 266 62.1 2,.057 56.8 1,591 41.1 162 A Bie 7 52:8 | 52 | 23,544 | 68.6 18,242 | 65.8 2,049 88.9 3,812 86.2 754 5.9 698 63.6 | 53 3,696 | - 73.9 1,859 54.8 336 41,2 346 30.6 14 67.3 101 56.7 | 54 1,742) 72.2 1,063 | 58.6 178 | 49.2 207 | 48.1 7,440 | 56.2 5,369 |. 44.0 | 58 3 19,936 | 69.4 14,424 | 60.6 | 3,530 | 49.0] 2,909 | 41.9 174.| 64.0 58.0 | 56 : ' 30,043 | 62.4 32,938 | 53.2} 2,960] 40.5 | 4,573 | 38.9 8,517 | 62.5 4,598 | 55.0 | 57 1) 47,738} 64.0) 20,443 | 61.4] 11,519 | 494, 1,807] 42.2 395 |. 71.9 63.3 | 58 7,977 |. 72.1 7,362 | 66.1 788 | 52.3 776 | 44.1 61. | 2heite 57 | 57.0 | 59 1) 5,470] 57.6 4,242 | 55.2 | 3,488 | 41.6 | 1,074] 38.6 2,110 | 59.5 1,417 | 48.7 | 60 i. 29,753. ‘70.0 25,033 | 61.0 | 3,954 |) 46.4 | 3,352 | 39.7 197 | 61.0 108 | 46.6 | 61 P03, 66.1 11, 646 57.9 756 41.9 1, 259 34.1 78 68. 4 82} 59.4 | 62 #16, 2290") (71.4 12,093 | 66.0 | 2,892) 55.3] 1,992] 42.7 268 | 70.2 151 | 56,3 | 63 5,988 | 76.6 5,117 | 65.5 714 | 62.5 655 } 41.5 94 | 72.9 79 | 64.2 1 64 * 10,052 | 71.8 6,664 | 70.6 | 1,169} 49.1] 1,226] 42.1 377 | 67.9 237 | 72.5 | 65 10,711 | 70.8 8,302 | 62.2] 1,168} 48.9] 1,182] 34.9 142]. 58.2 116 | 59.8 | 66 » 12,600 | 165.2 10,878 | 58.5 | 1,303 | 48.8] 1,141 | 40.2 559 | 56.4 197.|. 61.0 | 67 10,383 | 71.1 6,728 | 65.1} 1,199 | 41.8} 1,292] 35.7 637-1 8Ge 2 279 | 59.9 | 68 8,030 | 68.7 6,606 | 67.8 | 1,062 | 51.5 960 | 49.1] 15,375 | 60.4] 13,147 | 59.5 | 69 5,601 | 69.6 3,687 | 59.6 485 |} 42.9 420 | 27.5 1,282 | 57.2 1,286} 59.4 | 70 | 17,537 | 69.9 13,331 | 66.8 | (1,782 | 47.2] 2,170} 40.3 192 | 65,3 172.| 65.4 | 71 P11, 163¢} 473. 2 7,921.| 72.5 800 | 488] 1,049] 29.1 322 | 68,4 176 | 57.0 | 72 |} 10,702] 75.4 5, 58.0 | 91)455. 1725239 30.4 712 | 57.4 183 |} 48.8 | 78 ie %5108°— 28327 q 418 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 124.—SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OF POPULATION 7 TO 13 YEARS OF ero [Per cent not shown NATIVE WHITE—NATIVE A Care PARENTAGE. city. 1920 | 1910 1920 1910 Num- Per Num- Per Num- Per Num- Per ber. cent. ber. cent. ber. cent. ber. cent. Li AEP IO Bed Oe 18,109 | 96.3 6,664 | 94.4 11,051 | 96.7 4,055 | 94.4 2 | Advany, N.Y.) co. docks. 10,835 | 92.6] 9,483] 91.0 6,584 | 92.6 5,641 | 91.1 3 | Atlanta, Ga................ | 22,971 | 92.5} 15,459] 84.0 || 14,352 | 93.9 9,729 | 87.0 4| Baltimore, Md...........-.. 84,194 | 96.1 | 57,574] 85.2 || 48,589 | 96.6 | 31,070] 85.5 5 | Birmingham, Ala..........: 21,605 | 90.5 13,681 | 82.2 11,544 | 91.7 7,310°| °83.7 Gi) Boston? Masso... a deat 83,821 | 94.7 74,483 | 95.7 || 21,642 | 94.9 18,135 | 95.4 7 | Bridgeport, Conn........... 16,106 | 90.6 | 11,290} 96.0 3,923 | 89.9 3,234 | 95.9 S4 Basler Me Ve Wcdceres 57,324 | 92.3 48,793 | 91.3 22,882 | 94.0 17,130} 92.8 9 | Cambridge, Mass........... 127889 | 97.2 | 12,483 | 97.5 3,443 | 97.9 3,010 | 96.9 10 | Camden, N.J..20000 285; 14,318 | 94.4] 10/393 | 89.5 7,272| 94.9] 5,789} 90.2 113) Ohivagorhile, St Sh eas 310, 269 | 93.9 | 240,844 | 93.1 88,747 | 94.2 56,460 | 93.5 12 | Cincinnati, Ohio,...........: 42,067 | 97.2 37,423 | 95.8 29,709 | 97.3 23,369 | 96.0 13 | Cleveland, Ohio...........: 97,487 | 96.2 63,607 | 95.7 28,193 | 96.6 17,745 | 96.6 14 | Columbus, Ohio...........- 23°720 | 95.9| 177356 | 94.3 |] 17,765 | 96.0] ° 127786] 94.8 S5il Dailas Peet. wt avd dee ses 16,215.| 93.3 8,776 | 82.1 12,128 | 94.2 6,096 | 82.5 16 | Dayton, Ohio...........2.-. 16,103 | 96.8 | 11,545} 94.9 | 12,052] 97.1 8,380 | 95.0 17 | Denver, Colo.........-....- 25,196 | 96.5 | 21,194]. 93.1 ]/ 15,592} 96.7] 11,390| 92.4 18 | Des Moines, Iowa........... 13,674 | 96.7 8,914] 92.1 10,187 | 96.8 6,081 | 92.2] 19 | Detroit, Mich............... 99,755 | 94.7] 48.623 | 92.0|| 35,371| 95.4] 14,204] 94.1 20 | Fall River, Mass............ 17,506 | 97.8| - 16,221 | 96.4 3,537 | 98.7| 2,583 | 98.0 21 | Fort Worth, Tex........... 10,393 | 88.6 7,042 | 80.5 8,045 | 91.1 5,263 | 82.8 22 | Grand Rapids, Mich........ 16,132 | 95.7| 12,187] 92.3 7,596 | 96.1 4,464 | 90.5 | 23 | Hartford, Conn............- 15,353 | 96.9] 11,008| 97.1 4,200} 97.2 3,405 | 96.3 | 244 Houston; Tex st oe ite: 14,922 | 90.2 7,316 | 79.9 8,683 | 91.0 3,795 | 79.4 25 | Indianapolis, Ind........-... 31,220 | 94.4 23,596 | 95.7 23,923 | 94.5 17,242 | 95.8 26 | Jersey City, N.J........22.. 37,911} 94.8 33,199 | 90.9 13,719 | 95.4 12,519 | 91.2 27 | Kansas City, Kans.......:. 12,479 | 96.8 9,130 | 91.0 7,746 | 97.3 5,925 | 91.2 28 | Kansas City, Mo............ 29,791 | 94.4] 21,489} 92.0 21,132 | 94.9 14,449 | 92.1 29 | Los Angeles, Calif......-..- 51,115| 95.0] 26,734] 93.6 |] 28,306} 95.4] 15,217] 93.7 30 | Louisville, Ky.............- 25,713 | 95.6 24,286 | 98.4 19,398 | 95.8 16,159 | 93.7 31 | Lowell,’ Mass: ...00<2.-25.. 13,590} 97.0] 11,769| 95.4 3,529| 98.0] 2,366] 95.7 32 | Memphis, Tenn............. 16,447 | 92.2 11,015 | 82.6 9,507 | 93.8 6,105 | 88.0 33 | Milwaukee Wis........-.... 54,250} 96.9 | 44,007| 92.1 || 22,404] 97.3| 13,439] 92.9 34 | Minneapolis, Minn.......... . 37,6381 | 94.0 28, 936 | 93.7 16,948 | 94.4 10,191 | 93.1— 35 | Nashville, Tenn............ 14,013 | 94.5 11,822 | 86.2 9,603 | 95.3 7,574 | 88.4 36 | New Bedford, Mass.........| 14,945 | 95.9 11,147 | 94.2 2,470 | 96.2 1,874 | 96.3 37 | New Haven, Conn........-. 20,282 | 94.6 16,376 | 97.3 4,970 | 92.6 4,945 | 96.8 38 | New Orleans, La........... 45,435 | 91.6] 36,710| 82.7 || -27,813| 92.9] 92.569] 86.2 39. | New York;'N:. Yueo. sf 222: 675,796 | 93.7 | 563,332 | 94.5 157,560 | 93.3 | 137,586 | 94.2 40 Bronx borough......... 92,616 | 93.1 §5,012 | 94.8 20,166 | 92.2 16,545 | 94.5— 41 Brooklyn borough...... 259,505 | 93.5} 207,390 | 94.8 64,167 | 93.0 §9,434 | 94.5. 42 Manhattan borough....| 247,853 | 94.0] 249,359 | 93.8 41,506 | 93.2 41,313 | 92.8 43 Queens borough........ 60,456 | 94.9 39,654 | 96.2 25,940 | 95.3 15,357 | 96. 2- 44 Richmond borough.....; 15,366 | 92.9 11,917 | 96.3 5,781 | 92.9 4,937 | -96.3 45 | Newark, NJJ....05..0.)04. 52,380 | 94.2| 42,217] 95.0 || 15,169] 94.6]° 18,521 | 94.9. 264 Norfolk, Vas... 56 ee 11,919 |; 93.2 6,722 | 85.3 6,272 | 93.6 3,859 | 89.6 47 | Oakland, Calif... 21,914| 96.0} 13,729] 94.2]) 11,371} 96.8 6,065 | 94.4 48 | Omaha, Nebr 0.25.1 .850; 20,957 | 95.3 15,395 | 92.4 10,636 | 94.9 6,720 | 92.6 49 | Paterson, N. J..20.0...225. 16,910 | 94.8 15,541 | 94.0 4,421 | 95.7 3,985 | 92.8. 50 | Philadelphia, Pa........... 210,282 | 94.0} 168,485] 92.1 || 89,216] 94.4] 71,942! 92.9] 51 | Pittsburgh, Pa............. 72,200 | 94.5| 59,128] 91.0]| 30,7531 95.2] 93.534) 91.6] 52 | Portland, Oreg............. 26,804] 97.5 | 15,375} 90.3 || 16,377] 97.9] 8392] 90.0 53 | Providence, R. I... ....0.2. 28,554 | 95.7 23,913 | 94.1 7,824 | 96.2 6,630 | 94.9) — 54) Reading) Pa... 5.0) wi. 12,951 | 95:5 10,455 | 93.0 9,635 | 95.5 8,570 | 94.4] 55 | Richmond, Va..........242. 19,166 | 93.2 12,488 | 82.0 12,273 | 94.7 7,600 | 86.9° 56 | Rochester, N. Y............ 32,021} 94.6| 22,170] 95.2]] 13,960} 95.0| 9,375) 95.3} 57 | St. Louis, Mo... 2022.2. 2..54 81,959 | 94.8 70,222) 91.7 50,954 | 95.0 39,027 | 92.1) 58 | St. Paul, Minn............. 25,148 | 95.0} 22,835] 94.1 ]|]/ 11,536] 95.5] 7,676} 92.9] | 59 | Salt Lake City, Utah....... 15,685 | 95.7] 10,838} 93.5 9,932 | 96.0 5,399 | 93.4 | 60 | San Antonio, Tex.......... 17,904 | 83.7] 10,410] 80.0 9,899 | 90.2] 5,523] 83.4] 61 | San Francisco, Calif... ..... 42, 92.2} 31,134] 91.2 || 18,137) 92.5} 11,872] 91.2] 62 | Scranton, Pa..............- 19,234] 93.1 | 16,053 | 90.0 8,058 | 92.9 5,9221 91.7] 63 | Seattle, Wash.............. 28,688 | 93.9 18,556 | 91.0 15,334 | 94.6 9,447} 91.4 64 | Spokane, Wash............. 12,229 | 98.0 9,239 | 88.8 7,835 | 98.1 5,456} 88.3} 65 | Springfield, Mass........... 13,929, 95.91 9,437] 96.7 5,377, 95.7| 3,696} 96.0] 66 | Syracuse, N. Y............. 18,269} 96.4] 13,440] 91.1 9,389 | 96.6 6,376 | 90.4} 67 | Toledo, Ohio. ..2.....2...2. 26,220) 96.3} 18,906] 94.6 |] 15,364] 97.1 9,539 | 95.7 | 68 | Trenton, N.J............... 15,143 | 97.6 | 10,822] 94.6 5,261] 97.8| 4,501 | 95.2] 69 | Washington, D. C.......... 38,962 | 93.5 31,101 ; 90.4 22,062 | 93.6 17,486] 91.5} 70 | Wilmington, Del..-........ 12,261 | 96.0 8,977 | 89.2 6,472 | 96.6 4,932} 90.1 71 | Worcester, Mass............ 20,873 | 95.1 16,292} 95.1 6,367 | 96.2 4,676 | 95.6— 72 | Woukers, N.Y... 0)... 000. 13,949 | 97.1] 10,059} 96.5 4714] 97.2| 3,322] 96.4 73 | Youngstown, Ohio......... 16,001 | 96.8 7,657 | 86.3 6,265 | 97.3 2,987 | 87.3 1 Includes population of South Omaha for 1910. ~~ sf ge te os! SCHOOL ATTENDANCE, 419 a CLASSES, FOR CITIES HAVING, IN 1920, 100,000 INHABITANTS 1920 910. . where baseis less than 100.] NATIVE WHITE—FOREIGN OR MIXED- PARENTAGE, FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. NEGRO. 1910 1920 -.. 1910 1920 1910 Num- Per | Num-| Per | Num-| Per | Num- Per | Num- Per ber. cent. | ber. | cent. | ber. | cent. ber. cent. ber. cent. 2,185 | 95.3] 1,312] 94.4 409 | 91.1 355 | 94.7 Te (ploy oat 3,324 | 91.0 70} 91.1 427 87.7 Co See 2 +2 pe ae ah 2 796 | 90.6 105 | 91.3 T7 A Sa 4 6,618 | 89.1 4,762 | .44.5)| 3 16,522 | 86.4] 1,675} 93.0]. 2,822] 82.8] 10,215 | 93.7 7,155.) 82.4.) 4 To2pL) 8fi3 160 | 88.4 211 82.1 8,105 | 89.5 4,899 |. 78.9 5 47,373. | 96.4 4,409 | 88.6]. 7,899 | 92.5 1, 253 95,1 1,053 | 96.3 6 6, 761 96.5 1,021 86.7 1,182} 94.0 170 | 95.5 113°] 91.9 7 28,251,| 90.8, 2,804 | 88.0]. 3,279). 87.4 302 | 94.7 129 | 93.5 8 2,390 | 98.1 733} 90.9] 1,036} 95.0 638 | 96.7 551 |. 97.9) 9 or OBL 89,1 556 | 92.5 492} 85.9 943 89.6 579 | 88.0 | 10 157,513 } 93.5 | 16,946 | 90.6 | 24,156 |. 89.5 7,798 | 92.2 2,680 | 91.8! 11 11,258 | 96.0 671 | 97.2 1317) 798, 5 2,799 | 96.2 1,479 | 94.1 | 12 37,323 | 95.8 | 6,375 | 92.8]. 7,912 | 93.2 2,792 | 96.2 620 | 95.5 | 13 3,161 | 93.7 327 | 91.1 4il 88.0 2,034 96.6 992 | 93.1 | 14 1,060 | . 84.7 292 73.6 126 | 82.9 2,278.| 92.4 1, 493 ae Wild F 2,412 | 96,1 299 | 92.6 385 | 89.3 81 98. 1 368 | 92.0 | 16 q 8,332] 94.2 613 | 89.6 1,042 | 94.2 463 95.7 410 | 92.3 | 17 ‘ 2,320) (92,7 226} 91.9 26242085. 3 548 | 97.0 251 | 92.61 18 95.1 28,791 | 91.6) 9;632 1 90.4 5,092 | 88.4 2,758 | 95.5 441 93.2 | 19 97.6 11,419 | 96.6 1,120 | 96.0 | 2,188 |. 93.9 BGI Pk, SOUT FEL 20 85. 3 623 1 82.6 198 | 45.8 3} 54.9 1,401 88:3 1,083.) 7251s {21 96.0 6,771) 93.5 619 | 89.2 912 | 92.3 9008 8 9. fee Rey 22 97.3 6,237 | 97.9 995 | 92.7 1,172:|. 96.1 45] 96, 2 194] 95.6 | 23 90.0 1,169}. 80.7 402 | 67.3 120 66. 7 3,463. | . 92,2 2,232 } 81.1) 24 94.2 3,953] 95.7 244 | 87.8 347 | 90.8 3,510 | 94.0 2,052. | *9502*) 25 94.8 173983} 91.2 1,420 | 89.0 2,144 | 87.0 845 | 95.6 553 |. 91.9 | 26 97.1 2,067 | 92.0 405 86. 2 211 83.1 1,623 96.8 924 |}: 89.6 | 27 94.1 4,786 | 92.8 677 | 85.6 720 | 89.6 2,110 | .93.3 1,532} 89.2.) 28 95.5 8,717 | 93.3 | 4,000} 91.0} 2,003} 90.3 1,411) 94.3 689 | 95.4 | 29 96.0 4,449 | 94.8 103 | 88.8 235 {°° 89. 4 3,446 | 94.5 3,443 | 91.0 | 30 97/3 8,053 | 95.9 727 | 87.8 | 1,343 | 92.1 pA HM eo hod eee 31 93.7 1,124 | 89.5 116 | 89.9 185'| ..77.4 5,461 | 89.3 3,598 |. 73.4 | 32 96.9 27,350 | 92.2 |. 2,610 | 93.6] 3,168] 88.1 188 | 97.4 rE: Kas apie 33 94.1 16,582} 94.3 1,326 | 87.9 | 2,007} 92.1 272 |. 95.4 154 | 93.3 | 34 96.0 652] 92.6 Be tn 94 | 83.2 3,853 | 92.3 3,502 | 81.0} 35 96.9 6,977 | 95.2 1,621 90.4 | 2,031 89.5 525 | 94.3 264 | 94.6 | 36 95.6 9,308 | 97.9 1,146 | 92.1 1,800 |. .96. 2 430 |. 93.9 323 93.9 | 37 91.6 5,599 | 84.7 480 | 86.3 627 | 78.8 | 11,127 | 88.6 7,904 | 73.2 | 38 94.5 | 327,186 | 95,2 | 43,941 88.2 |.92,220 | 92.6 10,763 | 92.9 6,225} 91.9 | 39 ; 93.8} 33,103 | 95.3 | 5,265] 88.6] 5,002] 92.5 673 | 94.1 358 | 94.0 | 40 ». 94.2 118,177 | 95.4 | 14,498 | 88.3 | 27,802 |.,.93.1 |. 2,597 91.7 1,946. | 92,0) 41 ‘| 177,345 | 94.9 147,795 | 94.7 | 21,919} 88.5 | 56,675 | 92.4 6,807 | 93.1 3,504 | 91.4 | 42 ; 32,318 | 95.2 21,977 | 96.6 1,652 | 85.7 | .2,020 |, 93.6 536 93.1 294 | 93.0 | 43 8,826 | 94.0 6,134 | 96.8 607 78. 8 721 92.7 150 | 94.3 123 93.9 |.44 32,746 ; 94.5 22,811 | 95.6 | 2,688 | 89.2) 5,017 | 93.1 1,770 | 95.0 860 | 93.7 | 45 1,248 | 94,4 676 | 92.3 135 | 93.8 154 | 86.5 4,261 | 92.3 2,033 76.4 | 46 8,850} 96.0 6,397 | 94.6 866)} 91.1 850 |} 92.5 427 | 96.8 196 | 92.5 | 47 8,656 | 96.0 7,372 | 93.0 760 | 91.7 947 | 87.5 895 | 95.6 354 | 91.5 /'48 11,113 | 94.9 9,568 | 94.9 1,220} 90.2 1,829 | 92.6 156 5. 7 | 158} 92.4 | 49 » 100,824), 94.2 74,300) 92.2} 8,588} 88.5 | 15,642 | 89.1 11,616} 92.8 6,573 | 89.2-| 50 35,582 | 94.2 29,147 | 91.3 2,046 | 90.1 4,133 | 86.5 3,813 | 95.3 2,310 | 89.4') 51 8,953 | 9705 5,740} 91.7 1,181 92.4 1,136 P87. 5 113°} 94.2 39, | 83039. 52 18,825 | 96.1 14,028 | 94.5 1,331 89.0 | 2,739 | 90.6 564} 95.8 493 | 94.6 | 53 HP) 92,7993 1). 96.3 15522 | 88.1 86.8 287 4528103 119 | 95.2 LeMay hee Lag 54 ‘ 1,253.| 95.6 750} 90.3 88 | 86.3 152517792, 7 5,549 | 89.7 3,986 | 72.5 | 55 8 15;714 | 94.8 10,621 | 95.7 | 2,216 | 90.8 |. 2,098} 92.1 |- 126 |..97.7 75: PRIOR! 5A | 23,046 | 94.9 24,392) 92.2 1,758 | 91.4 } 3,599 | 87.7 6,193 | 93.8 3, 188 88. 2°) 5T 12;474 | 94.7 13,672 | 95.0 875 | 92:8 | 1,301} 92.5 253 | 98.8 185. | 93.4 | 58 ) 5, 278 | 95.:7 4,841 | 94,2 417 | 90.1 560 | 89.6 Ga) 2, 34, 1 EER 59 046 | 78.5 53,056 | 78.9} 2)453.| 68.6 782 | 66.2 1,497 | 89.9 1,045 | 79.0} 60 93.1 16,490 | 92.4 2,311 84. 4 2,329 |, 88.9 135.,{.°91.8 S bce 61 93.5 9,088 | 89.8 498 | 89,4 97 82.1 SBide vrs eas G6r) ost OS 93.9 7,565} 91.6 | 1,798} 90.2] 1,356] 86.5 182 |. 96.8 110 | 86.6 | 63 98.1 3,269 | 90.4 389 | 95.3 461'| 83.5 |i eee i At aepeter ae8 64 96.6 4,804 | 97.4 690 | 89.8 780 | 95.1 273 | 96.8 153°] 99.4.) 65 96.8 6,104 | 92.3 702} 90.8 869 | 87.5 GS15*°O0. 01 190 Honea 66 95.5 8,250 | 93.8 848 | 92.4 926 |- 91.1 419 | 94.2 138°]. 95.2 | 67 97.8 5,124] 95.0 842} 93.6} 1,020] 90.5 458 | 97.0 177 | 92.7 | 68 94.1 4,260 | 91.8 503 | 94.0 642 | 89.2] 10,924] 93.0 8,743 | 87.7 | 69 95.6 2,792 | 88.7 318} 92.4 342; 83.0 962} 94.6 91 87.9 | 70 95.0 10,018 | 95.1 1,103 | 90.1 1,468 | 93.2 132 | 96.4 128 | 96.2] 71 97.5 5,858 | 97.1 495 | 89.9 741 | 92.7 229 | 96.6 137 | 96.5 | 72 97.0 3,799 | 87.1 937 | 93.8 716 | 80.2 537 | 93.9 155 | 79.91 7 7 490) ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-—POPULATION. TABLE 125.-SCHOOL ATTENDANCE, BY SEX AND AGE PERIODS, FOR CITIES HAVING 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920. 7 TO 13 14 AND 15 16.AND 17 TOTAL. YEARS OF | YEARS OF | YEARS OF 18 AGE. AGE. CITY. Both Fe- |} Num-| Per | Num-| Per | sexes. male. |} ber. |cent.| ber. jcent. ALABAMA: Birmingham... - - 32, 089 16,702 Mobile..........-- 11, 495 5| 6,100 Montgomery. -..-- 8,053 4,331 ARIZONA: PHOCOIS, gape cad 5, 130 2,606 712) 85. ARKANSAS: Fort Smith....... 5,501 2,900 813] 80. Little Rock....... 11, 546 6, 057 1,754) 84. CALIFORNIA? Alameda....,-..°.- 5,495 2,758}! 3,212) 96. 742) 92. Berkeley..-..-.--- 12,501 6,313|| 5,786] 94.9] 1,530) 93. Fretno.| s+ 2-4 8, 099 4,036|] 4,893] 95.3} 1,180} 89. Long Beach.....-- 8,951 4,620)| 4,784) 94. 1, 282} 89. Los Angeles.....-. 92, 045 46, 423]| 51, 115} 95. 0} 12,422) 90. Oskisand 2453... 37,67 18, 953|} 21,914] 96.0) 5,130) 91. Pasadena? .......- 7,674 3,829]) 4,009) 95. 1,091} 92. Sacramento. .....- 11, 061 5, 642}} 6,472) 95. 1,523] 90. San Diego........- 11, 948 6,007|} 6,515] 93.4] 1,549] 89. San Francisco.....| 73,039 34, 826}| 42, 293] 92.2} 9,909) 88. San Jose. ......-- =] 2, 995 4, 149)| 4,553) 96.1) 1,179) 92. Stockton Hi < v.02 6,509 3,275)! 3,968) 96. 879} 91. COLORADO: Colorado Springs..| 6,055 3,164|} 3,191} 95. 912} 90. 64. 6 Denver 4, Ss. 44,198 22,451|| 25,196] 96.5} 5,822) 83. 51.1 Pueblo.; 4. -.-..)- 8, 797 4,561|| 5,384; 94.9) 1,154) 81. 45.3 CONNECTICUT: : Bridgeport........ 25, 032 12, 445)| 16,106) 90.6] 3,098} 74. 27.5 Hartford ........-- 25,531 12,747|| 15,353] 96.9] 3,298] 80. 40.3 Meriden...../...-- 5, 662 2,629)| 3,490) 91. 861| 77. 30.5 New Britain...... 12,179 6, 026}|. 8,034) 97. 1,382] 71. 28.4 New Haven......- 32,715 16,322]| 20, 282) 94.6] 3,668) 70. 33. 7 New London...... 4,911 2,510)| 2,943) 97. 667} 86. 42.5 Norwalk.......... 4, 894 2,448]| 3,210) 91. 647] 71. 26.1 Stamford.........- 7,696 3, 822)| 4,762) 96. 937| 83. 37.0 Waterbury......-. 18, 463 9, 152|} 11,500) 94.3} 2,305} 79. 34. 8 DELAWARE: Wilmington......- 18, 090 9, 126 29.6 Dist. OF COLUMBIA: Washington......- 70, 886 35, 098 9,530} 83. FLORIDA: Jacksonville....... 16,123 8, 451 2, 268} 83. MIATIE «Siete <0 0 he 4, 656 2,333 650} 86. Pensacola.-....-.- 5,685 3,018 793] 80. PAI tn ts ae wise Sale 10, 534 5, 282 1, 447) 79. GEORGIA Atlanta, 2522 2... 34, 203 17,717 4,676) 73. Ailatistay: Bot ies. 9,190 4,824 1, 228} 71. Columbus......... » 96 3,167 729} 67. MACHR! OBE Loy. Sate 9, 502 5,011 1,278) 71. Savannah........- 14, 257 7,653 1,907} 74. 7 ILuINo!Is: ATIVOLFG. sae 10% 0s’ 6, 166 3,049 805} 76. 37.6 Bloomington...... 4,971 2,626 724) 83. 42.8 Chicago: Bs. <..2. 466, 053 230, 598 57,275] 72. 29.1 Cicero town...-.-. 9, 057 4,384 897) 57. 13.1 Danville.2%-..\.../. 5, 989 3, 028 902} 78. 36. 8 Decatairii8 4: . oss 8, 048 4,089 1,053} 75. 37.6 East St. Louis....| 12,374 6, 272 1,632) 76. 28. 5) Magi ie ois te 4,051 2,031 607} 79. 40. 6 Evanston........- 7, 269 3, 705 970} 85. 56. 2 JOUC sad cae at Side 7,441 3, 712 1,030] 80. ¢ 36. 8 MoHiO si ties <0. he 5,313 2,648 722) 82. 40. 3 Oak Park village..| 7,66 3, 672 1,079} 90. 61.1 Peoria... .........'.| “12,349 6, 364 1,813] 81. 38. 2 QUI DO d\siens ane ts 5, 855 2, 936 767| 72. 384.9) Rock Island...... 5, 701 2,857 825] 81. 38, 6) Rockford.........- 10,970 5, 466 1,794] 93. 39. 0 Springfield........ 11, 000! 5, 656)| 7, 090: 1,714) 85. 4. 7 SCHOOL, ATTENDANCE. 421 TABLE 125.—SCHOOL ATTENDANCE, BY SEX AND AGE PERIODS, FOR CITIES HAVING 3 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920—Continued. 7 TO 13 14 AND 15 | 16 AND 17 2] TOTAL, YEARS OF | YEARS OF | YEARS OF AGE. AGE. AGE. to 20 | Under| 7e2$ cITY. years |7 years age » “of | ofage. ae oe Both |} ypaie.} Fe || Num-| Per |Num-| Per |Num-} Per} age. ian se sexes. *| male. |} ber. |cent.| ber. |cent.| ber. ‘cent. bi INDIANA: | Anderson......... 5,1783||° 2,641} 2,532|| 3,258|:94.7) 821) 87.2) 3881 35.8] 206). 417). 83 East Chicago...... 6, 253]} 3,202} 3,051) 4,612) 93.3 610) 67.7 197} 21,7 73) 713 48 ‘Evansville. ....... 15, 739)|- 7,774} 7,965|) 9,901) 96.7), 2,257) 85.1} ~~ 801} 26.6) 425; 2,089 266 Fort Wayne.......| 14,219), 6,973] 7,246 8, 876; 93.9} 1,833) 70.7) 877) 30.0 575} 1,728) 330 IGary. sc. .... Ott. « 9,659] 4,847} 4, 812}| 6, 556) 95.3]: 1,096 83.9| 4061 32.1! 167] 13289) 145 Hammond........ 6, 987|| 3,528] 3,459)| 4,801) 95.2 863) 74, 8) 285) 25.3 111 861 66 Indianapolis... ... 48,065) 23,945] 24, 120|| 31,220, 94.4| 6,628) 75.0) 3,214) 32.9] 1,777| 4,145] 1,081 Be OkOMO. 5.5... 5,013} 2,463}. 2,550} 3,385) 97.0 674, 75. 4 336) 33. 5 143 407 68 MMUNCIO;..... 42k: es 6,355)| 3,163) 3,192)| 4,19 | G4. 6) 865) 76. 1! 396) 29. 7; 218; 602 82 Richmond........ 4,726)| 2,354} 2,372i| 2,862) 96.8; 689) 86/0} 330) 40.3, 2131. 532) 100 Poe eye . it. 13, 654|| 6,799) 6,855|| 9,092) 93. 5) 1,814) 77. 0; 690, 27.9) 539) 1, 491] 228 we Haute...... 12,.562|| 6,108] 6,454)| 7,526) 95.6, 1,891 86,5) 874} 38.5 i 1,319} 274 WA: | ar Rapids.....| 8,776i| 4,220; 4,556]/ 4,581 95.3) 1,305) 91.6 723) 47.6 456) 1,207). 227 - Council Bluffs... .. 7,131))> 3,547) 3,584]) 4,190! 94.5) 1,001) 90.4 567, .9 264) 975 134 ) Davenport.:...... 11,141] 5,704! 5,437|| 6,096) 96.3 1,466! 89.1 734| 42.6 471! 1,329} 1,045 | Des Moines. ......| .25y212'}.12, 446} 12, 766)| 13/674) 96.7| 3/513) 91.8) 2,223) 54.0) 1,581) 3,364) 857 Wubugne......,.. 6,835)!, 3,400| 3,435!) 4, 109 92.0) 884). 73. 1) 424) 31.1) 274) 1,026 118 joux City........ 12,,633)} 6, 264) 6,369]| 7,356) 95.4) 1, 669 88.9) 998] 46, 2; 672, 1,626) 312 Sverloo.<........ 7,165), 5,494) 3,671) 4,028) 95.3 994, 92.0) 562) 5106 343) 1,070 168 KANSAS: Kansas City...... 19,320;| 9,548) 9,772I) 12,479) 96.8}. 2,632) :79.7 bad 32.8 561| 2,106), 425 iiopeka ea. Vu, » » 8,715), 4,188) 4,527|| 5,151] 92.5, 1,300) 85.4; 800i 48.3! 482) 7001 282 _ Wichita..:........ 13,397|| 6, 558) ~ 6, 839]}, 8,040) 94.8) 1,933/ 89.2) 1,249| 58.7| 791| | 972) 412 KENTUCKY | | ' Covington........ 10,034/} 4,940} 5,094] 6,537] 97.2) -1,400| 77.3 6791 36.51 3501 957/111 xington........| | 6,881|), 3,312) 3,569) 4,111] 95.4) 1,010) 88 2/ — 590} 48.4/ 404) 569/197 | Louisville......... 38, 935)| 19, 086] 19, 849]| 25,713] 95.6, 5,585) 78.4] 2,354! 30.5] 1,184) 3,301] 708 Newpert bears. 4,751\) 2,380) 2,421|| 3) 263) 96,4 ts 71,2} > ° 284}'30.0) 7141) 361}... 63 OUISIANA: New Orleans. ..... 68, 989)| 33, 583) 35, 456)! 45, 435) 91.6} 9,499! 70.3 4,223) 30.3) 2,043 6,904; » 885 7,257|| 8,285 ae 4,597| 89.6} 1,126} 79.4} 642) 44.0} 7312). 74771 103 5,312)| 2,556] 2, 756!| 2, 862) 96.6 689) 89.7 521! 66.1 387 717) 136 6, 129)|,. 3,100) 3,029)| 3,983! 96,3 817} 80.9 338] 26. 2| 221, 635 135 12,849)| 6,305) 6,544)! 7,261) 95.1) 1,727) 88.4 1,155) 55.9 726; 1,612)... 368 122, 726)| 61, 491) 61, 235)| 84,194] 96.1] 15,755) 68.8] 6,404} 25.8} 3, 579| 10,485] 2,309 5j)068)) 2,516) 2,552)| 3, 463) 91. 9 810) 77.4 327) 27.6 120 317 31 6, 071)|- 2,459) 2,612] 3,476) 95.7 737| 82.7 266) 28. 1 128 430 354 143, 679|| 72, 306} 71,373]| 88,821) 94.7| 18,751) 83.4 9,774) 43.2 21,119} 4,792 11,864) 5,969) 5,895!) 7,605) 95.9! 1,516]°76.0 770; 40,1 1,218) » 258 6,602|| 3,224) 3,378]| 3,156) 95.9 ° 93.1 684): 75. 5 856) 383 22,075) 11,198} 10,877|| 12,889] 97.2] 2,782 80.3] 1,463) 42.1 3,197| 739 8,993) 4,548] 4,445) 5,976] 96.6 1,195] 78.5; 5681 38.8 848! 118 7,229}| 3,606] 3,623}) 5,158} 95.2) 668] 51.7} 242! 20:3 987) 44 8,154); 4,111) 4,043)! 5,230) 96.6) 1,105] 82.0 636) 47.6 756} = 128 24,929|| 12, 450] 12,479) 17, 506| 97.8| 2,031] 45.41 960) 21.6 3,440} 275 7,575)) 3,683) 3,892)! 5,148) 93.5 861) 59.1 442) 33.2 770} 103 ,274|| 4,653) 4,621|| 5,945) 96.1} 1,159] 68.8| 560! 34.7 1,181} 125 12, 290|] 6, 134] 6,156|| 7,559! 95.2) 1,320 63.2} 813) 38.4 1,754) 204 17,103)| 8,620) 8, 483)| 11,838) 94.7) 1, 673) 53.4 769) 25.2 2,013} +307 21,921'| 10, 697! 11, 224) 13, 590) 97.0) 2,651! 73.0) 1,325! 36.2 3,224] 346 17,470}) 8,634) 8,836)| 11,164} 96.5) 2,368} 83:2} 1,206) 42.7 1,805) 293 10, 136]} 4,987} 5, 149|| 6,339] 98.0! 1,425] 87.0 874) 52.6 803} 221 ; 3,694) 3,715)| 4,626] 97.8 977) 85.3 625) 52.9 630 163 20, 800}; 10, 240} 10, 560) 14, 945] 95.9 1, 886) 48. 4 770) 19.6 2,314; 289 10,001||: 4,967}. 5, 034)| 5,497] 98.1): 1,274/ 88.2] © 969) 65.1 1,288] 277 1e 3, 625}. 3, 635|| 4,693) 92: 978) 73.7} 496! 36.5 743} 128 9,390]| 4,741| 4,649) 6,099| 97.4) 1,219) 81.5) 696) 48.2! 812} 185 6,477|| 3,263] 3,214)! 4,306] 96.7) ©7782] 76.1; — 380) 37.5 780} ° 74 8,737|| 4,338]. 4,399) 5,466 96.9} 1,008) 70.8} 506) 36.2 1,320)» 143 16, 753}| 8,189) 8, 564)| 10,319) 94:9 2, 263) 82.5) 1,337) 47.5 1,634) 368 23, 689|| 11, 849) 11, 840)| 13,929] 95.9) 2/839' 77.8) 1)660) 44.9) 3,653] 636 6,833) 3,410) 3,423] 4,661) 97.6 737| 62.9 403) 35.1 659} 108 5,750}, 2,910} 2,840} 3,394! 92.7 735) 78.9| 461) 43.4 737| © 150 33, 548|| 16,813] 16,735]| 20,873] 95.1] 4,049! 74.3) 2,308) 41.7) 4,197]: 834 422 TABLE 125.+SCHOOL ATT 25,000 INHAB ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——POPULATION. ENDANCE, BY SEX AND AGE PERIODS, FOR CITIES HAVING 16 AND 17 YEARS OF AGE. ITANTS OR MORE: 1920—Continued. ey a ee ey 7 TO 13 14 AND 15 TOTAL. YEARS OF | YEARS OF AGE. CITY. Both Per | Num- sexes. Male cent.| ber. jcent MICHIGAN: Battle Creek... ..- 6,091} 2,974 94.6 §87| 89.0 Bay City... 25..... 10, 322|| 5,243 97.0} 1,481] 82.6 Detroit fe... 156, 0821) 79, 072 94. 7| 20,983} 88.2 PING 6. Se... 13, 841|] 6,903 95.2} 1,848) 85.9 Grand Rapids.....| 27, 296}) 13, 532 95.7] 3,909) 89.7 Hamtramck Village’ .. 323.0. - 8,405] 4,355 93. 7 763) 80.8 Higbland Park....| .7,290|| 3,734 96. 6 933} 93.4 JacksOn’. 055s. «2+ 7,959]| 3,978 96.2} 1,124) 89.6 Kalamazoo.......-| 8,437]| 4,170 93.9} 1,208] 87.2 Lansing... ..0.....- 10, 135]| 5,352 95.1} 1,633) 92.1 Muskegon........- 6,610|| 3,372 95. 7 915} 84.7 Pontiat ote Cleveland... ..... 150, 880)| 75, 536] 75, 344!) 97, 487) 96.2) 20,305) 88.8} 8, 601) 37.3 4, 333) 17, 591) 2, 563 Columbus........- 40, 801 || 20, 358] 20, 443]] 23, 720) 95.9] 6,037] 88.9] 3,566) 51.0] 2,359] 3,578] 1,541 ES Deytoll.... soc... 26, 511]} 13, 483] 13, 078] 16, 103] 96.8} 3,671] 89.3] 1, 842) 43.1] 1,081] 3,121) ’ 693 East Cleveland... 4,947|| 2,432) 2,515]! 2,650) 97.5 689) 94.8 468] 64.8 341 630 169 PPAIMALLON s eee. . 5 - , 821)} 3,367) 3,454]| 4,364) 94.0 1,086} 87.2 462) 34.7 242 579 88 ' Lakewood........ 8, 231|| 4,109] 4,122) 4, $35] 96.8] 1,125] 93.0} 633] 58.1) 422} -+1,056| 160 RMT. eats 7, 772|| 3,857] 3,915]! 4,868] 98.1] 1,157] 87.3} 602] 44.9) 283) 728] 134 POPS oS os Sina a 8,041)) 3,999) 4,042/). 5, 478] 98.4) 1,073) 91.9 512) 45.3 203 Til 64 Mansfield. ........ 4,561)) 2,268) 2,293]) 2, 884) 97.1 661) 84.2 322) 38.5 150 458 86 MATION: os. aces 4. - 5, 215)] ».2, 571 644|| 3, 295} 96.8 769) 88. 2 408) 45.9 172 507 64 BROWSE. i joca.--- 4,755|| 2,379! 2,376)| 2,872) 97.7 778) 88.1 377|, 44.4 187 472 69 " Portsmouth: .:.... 5, 931]| 2,859} 3,072]! 3, 769) 96.3 896] 85.5 400} 34.9 192 627 47 _ Springfield. ....... 10, $20|| 5,323] 5,497|| 6, 886| 97.0] 1,627] 90.5]. 812| 45.3; 3471 . 9721 176 _ Steubenville... .... 5, 195|| 2,629) 2,566]} 3,458] 95.0} 695] 83.0] 359] 40.1) 141] 4881 ~~ MESIOIO, ic. cscs. 42, 558]|| 21, 189] 21, 369/| 26, 220] 96.3] 5, 836] 83.9| 2,717| 36.0] 1,455| 5,568) 762 Vou ah re 4,599); 2,352} 2,247}! 2,720) 96.6 645} 93.9 359} 49.5 178 628 69 _ Youngstown...... 24, 516]| 12, 227} 12, 289}] 16, 001] 96.8] 3,360] 89.4) 1,617] 42.6] 759] 2,515} 264 *Zanesville...:..... 5, 104)! 2,501) 2,603}; 3, 292) 96.1 771) 88.1 378| 40.3 158 423 82 OKLAHOMA: » Muskogee. ...<.... 887|| 3,295) 3,592)| 3,972) 96.2 960} 89.3 684). 62.1 426 544) 301 - Oklahoma City....| 16, 679|| 8, 167| 8, 512|| 9,669] 92.8) 2,308] 85.7] 1,519] 49.5] 926| 1,830} 427 See ES i 12, 798|| 6,296] 6,502)| 7,755) 95.2} 1,756] 87.4] 1, 189) 52.6 603} 1,397 148 REGON Portland.......... 45, 290|| 22, 591! 22, 6991! 26, 804| 97. 5| - 6,244] 91.1) 4,039) 56.1] 2,714! 3,416] 2,073 PENNSYLVANIA Allentown........ 13, 197|} 6,590} 6,607|| 8, 996} 93.3) 1,723) 74.9 644! 27.5 372) 1,277 185 maltiogns .u/.-..... 11, 919|| 5,896] 6,023|| 7,725] 97.4} 1,696] 89.0/ 873] 43.8] -462| 1,018] 145 - Bethlehem........ 842}! 4, 4, 342)) 6,097) 94.1 1, 156} 79.7 467| 29.3 195 829 98 pester s. /..\. -. 8, 346)| 4,142) 4,204)! 5, 763} 93.3] 1,099] 75.6 425| 24.0 177 789 93 Loo aT 5, 2, 892) 2, 874)| 3,577} 93.7 878] 87.7 407) 38.6 216 607 81 Cee ond tnete S 17, 385)| 8,490) 8, 895/| 11,155) 91.4) 2,494) 86.2) 1, 369) 43.2 654) 1,234) 479 Harrisburg........ 13, 008}| 6,447} 6,561]| 7,995) 96.0) 2,134) 93.9) 1,061) 45.3 571) 1, 022 225 | PASzIOGON |... .... 7, 224)) 3,609! 3,615)]| 5,049) 95.6 969} 72.9 368} 26.9 175 580 83 Johnstown.......- 13, 991|| 7,026] 6,965]| 9,526] 97.2| 1,887] 81.5} 784] 32.4) 329] 1,329] 136 Lancaster......... 9,064}| 4,569} 4,495) 5, 856] 97.1] 1,289) 80.5] 6111 33.7} 329] = 838] «141 McKeesport....... 9, 350|| 4,594} 4, 756|| 6,303! 91.7] 1,282] 78.0/ 538] 31.8] 287| 780! +160 1 New Castle....... 9,242); 4,640) 4,602)| 6,063) 97.6) 1,231] 86.6 599} 40.6 273 916 160 Norristown bor- | a 5, 036)| 2,494) 2, 542)) 3, 457} 96.2 649) 71.2 29, 7 131 458 51 Philadelphia a eee 318, 545|/160, 311/158, 234//210, 282} 94.0) 46, 224) 84.6] 17, 455} 30.1) 7,704 31, 418} 5, 462 Pittsburgh Bei... 113, 274|| 57, 417) 55, 857|| 72, 200) 94. 5] 16, 016) 85.5) 7, 271] 36.8 3, 696} 11, 359} 2, 732 Reading.......... 19, 473|| 9,797] 9, 676]| 12, 951| 95.5] 3,042] 85.7} 1,042] 29.5] 465! 1,731) | 242 Beranton........... 28, 911)} 14, 304) 14, 607|| 19, 234) 93.1] 4,123] 80.0) 1,652) 29.9 728} 2,840 334 Wilkes-Barre... .. 15, 927|| 8,026] 7, 901)} 10, 282) 95.9} 2,370) 85.6) 1, 086] 38.5 555] 1, 485 199 Williamsport... .. 6, 196}} 3,040) 3, 156]} 3, 823) 95.6 979] 87.2 490} 38.3 256 540 108 Sh eae 8, 553|| 4,281] 4,272|| 5,592} 96.7] 1,246] 82.0] 570] 32.9 2581 770] «+117 RHODE ISLAND: OS ae 5, 447)| 2,833) 2,614)) 3, 522) 95. 2 659} 70. 4 330} 36.3 194 665 77 Newport:......... 5, 070|} 2,536; 2, 534}} 3,046) 92.7 702) 83.7 367} 23.1 205 646 104 Pawtucket ee te, 11, 608]! 5,754) 5, 854]| 7,662) 96.3) 1,144) 52.5 541} 23.2 312} 1,779 170 rovidence........ ,337|| 21, 571] 21,766|| 28,554} 95.7] 4,824] 65.0] 2,359] 31.8] 1,414] 5,510] 676 Woonsocket....... 8,110}} 3,964; 4,146]} 5,712] 96.0 752) 46.6 300} 16.6 212} 1,026) 108 424 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 125.—SCHOOL ATTENDANCE, BY SEX AND AGE PERIODS, FOR CITIES HAVING 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920—Continued. 770 13 14 AND 15 16 AND 17 TOTAL. YEARS OF | YEARS OF | YEARS OF 18 21 AGE. AGE. AGE. to 20 Under years crTy. a oss aea reeel caliee e of of | ofage. aa Both | aie. | Fe. || Num-| Per | Num-| Per Num-| Per| age. on sexes. || M@le-| male. |] ber. |cent.| ber. |cent.| ber. |cent. over SouTH CAROLINA: Charleston......-. 12,218}; 5,983 6,235)| 7,991 91.3] 1,679) 77.0 851| 37.4 Columbia......... 6,753), 3, 141 3,612|| 4,284) 92.8 980} 81.9 680} 52.1 SoutH Dakota: Sioux Falls........| 4,729||. 2,361] 2,368]) 2,708) 94.9] 685, 91.0, 427) 55.5) TENNESSEE : Chattanooga... -.- 10, 125}| 4,998) 5, 127|| 6,354! 94.3] 1,483) 82.5 848) 42. 4 Kriox ville. 228.8 « 15, 228}| 7,412 7,816)| 10, 099] 94.5 2,125) 78.3) 1,050} 33.9 MOTs ee 2 25, 619)| 12,045 13,574)| 16, 447 92.2) 3,788] 78.0 2,131 39. 4 poastiyilic a ae 21 785|| 10,549] 11, 236| 14,013] 94.5} 3,335; 80.8 1,744) 40.1 EXAS: . Austine ws. 2... 7, 836|| 3,781| 4,055)! 4,306) 93.9} 1,188 89.7 913; 68.1 ‘Beaumont........ 7,703); 3,701 4,002!| 5,135} 95.2) 1,174 82.4 621} 44.1 Dallas.>... (222. ..: 25, 556|| 12, 457| 13, 099|| 16,215] 93.3] 3,988] 83.0 2,466) 46. 2 El Paso: 5227..2. 14, 150|| 6,903! 7,247)| 9,374] 87.0] 2,251] 77. 1{ 1,067] 38.4 Fort Worth......- 16, 089)} 7,745 8, 344'| 10, 393] 88.6 2,490} 79.6} 1,495) 41.6 Galveston. .....-.-. 6,964); 3,369 3, 595, 1; 91.4] 1,075} 80.3 602} 40 0 Houston. ......... 29’ 512|| 10, 851| 11, 661)| 14,922| 90.2} 3,565) 79.3} 1,940) 40.4 San Antonio. ..... 26, 506|| 13, 120| 13,386 | 17,904] 83.7] 4,152] 73.4) 2,070) 36.1 Wadds st: siete: 7, 892\| 3,813] 4,079|| 4,996] 92.2) 1,245] 84.3! — 761} 51.8 Peas Falls | 5, 142)| 2,588) 2,554)| 3,508) 87.5 808] 79.7 427| 37.1 TAH: | Woden ss eee S| | 7,805!) 3,978! 8,827)| 4,660) 94.7) 1,175) 93.9 870! 70.8 Salt Lake City...) 26,888|| 13,412| 13,476| 15,685] 95.7} 3,929) 92.6) 2,552) 63.9 VIRGINIA: C f Lynchburg.>...... 5; cos 2,673) 2,931 3,748) 92.5 806) 74.1 445| 36.7] ° Newport News. ... 5,142); 2,451) 2,691 3,445} 91.7 735) 75.9 387| 33.5 Norfolk... ...0..... | 18° 382|| 8/815} 9,567 | 11,919| 93.2] 2,542| 77.7] 1,415] 38.4 Petersburg........ | 5,098|| 2,339) 2,759] 3,556) 88.5)° 745) 75.0) 410) 33.8 Portsmouth....... 10, 039|| 4,795] 5,244] 6,564] 95.7] 1,428) 80.2} 743) 38.9 Richmond. ......- 29° 833), 14; 261| 15, 572\| 19,166] 93.2] 4,075] 74.8) 2,212] 35.4 Roanoke oo. 9,984]| 4,844] 5,140)| 6,528) 94.9) 1,334) 81.1 838] 45.7 WASHINGTON: Bellingham. .-..... ,060)| 2,453} 2,607|| 2,969) 95.8 775\ 90. 5: 495| 57.8 Hverétt 0233... 5, 264|! 2,646} 2,618|] 3 95.5| 8701 90.0| 491! 51.6 Seattie: ©") (06) 4.» 25, 418| 25, 136|| 28,688] 93.9] 6,742] 87.7| 4,496] 55.2 Spokane.......... 21,013|| 10,348| 10, 665]] 12,229] 98.0] 2,983] 92.3) 2,040} 61,3 Tacs) see ee 16, 625]! 8,128) 8,497|| 10, 247| 93.8) 2,478) 86,5) 1,396, 48.8 WEST VIRGINIA: Charleston........ 7,406|| 3,638] 3,768|| 4,607) 92.6] 1,056] 81.3) 574) 43.3 Clarksburg........ 5, 299]| 2,618} 2,681|| 3,351/ 88.9} | 807] 85.9} 449) 42.8 Huntington....... 9, 594|| 4,743] 4,851|| 6,276) 92.9) 1,401) 80.5)°. 725) 37.7 Wheeling. ........ 10,005|| 4,921} 5,084|| 6,573) 93.6] 1,461) 79.9] 709} 36.0 WISCONSIN: Green Bay....-.-. 6,689}, 3,295} 3,394|| 3,888] 90.1] 1,069] 87.9] 682) 56.5 Kenosha. .......-.- 7,848)| 3,873) 3,975)| 4,803 93.6 991} 85.0 487| 43.6 La Crosse. 73)... 6,510|| 3,109} 3,401|| 3,492| 95.1; | 904] 91.4) 660) 60.4 Madison. ......... 8,670] 4,315| 4,355) 4,142/ 97.6] 1,068] 95.4) 853} 71.1 Milwaukee........ 92 161|| 46,018) 46, 143]| 54,250) 96.9) 12,327) 87.7|\ 7,253) 50.8 Oshiosn) 225) ee 7,159}| 3,546) 3,613) 4,137 95. 7! 982) 83. 4 611) 53.2 Ractive: areas 10,870), 5,411) 5,459)| 6,308) 94.5) 1,542) 91.0 875} 49.4 Sheboygan are a Mie 7,082)! 3,631) 3,451)| 4,055 96.4 850} 87.5 588) 53.0 Superior. ...:..... 9,114|| 4,422) 4,692 93.9] 1,251) 92.3 867) 62. 6 | SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. 425 TABLE 126.—SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OF THE URBAN AND RURAL POPULATION 7 TO 20 YEARS OF AGE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. : PERSONS 7 TO 20 YEARS OF AGE ATTENDING SCHOOL. Urban communities. Rural communities. DIVISION AND STATE. 1920 1910 1920 1910 Num- Per Num- Per Num- Per |} Num- Per ber. = ‘}-cent. ber. cent. ber. cent. ber. cent. » * United States.....:... 8, 828,040 | 67.9 | 6,541, 897 61:6 |/10, 623, 811 68.3 | 9,698, 954 64.3 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: \ New England.) 22...22:. 957,469 | 68:7 | 795,567} 64.4 266,154 | 71.1 |» 255,918] 68.2 » Middle Atlantic. it....... 2,713, 760} 67.0 | 2,142, 935 61.0 || 1; 032, 800 70.0 988, 255°} °° 67.3 East North Central.....-. 2,066, 136°| 68.3 | 1,484,196 | 61.4 || 1,662,570 | 71.6} 1,713,096-| 69.8 _ West North Central. .-.-. 773, 309 | 69.8 | 614,719 | 63.5 || 1,647,620 | 72:1] 1,656,729] 70.5 South Atlantic. .......2.. 716, O11 64.9 462,008 | 56.5 |} 2, 102,395 65.3. | 1, 764, 393 58.9 East South Central....... 342,913 | 66.0 |) 242,574] 58.2 || 1,515,746 | 65.9 | 1,346,977 | 59.9 West South Central...-.. 521, 410 65.8 316, 592 59.5 |} 1, 576, 186 63.9 | 1, 356, 888.) °' 59. 4 Mountaines: oA QR. ob. 219,292 | 74.1 156,027 |} 68.1 437, 346 72.8 304, 166 | 66.8 emer Acie. 20s...) Bt. Oe. 517, 740 2h 327, 279 65.3 382, 994 74.4 312, 032 68.6 NEW ENGLAND: ES EAT Sanka fien OBOE Reerea 49,882 | 70.3 40,800 | 64.0 84,417 | 71.6 81,418 |. 69.1 New Hampshire.......... 47,530 | 70.0 40,638 | 62.6 25,533 | 69.7 27,410 | 70.0 BR MEMIOT S52 eos cine «cle arpes 18,739 | 70.9 16, 832 | 68.4 43, 805 | 72.0 45,232 | .71.2 -Massachusetts............ 597,753 | 69.6] 500,578 | 65.5 35,371 | -74.1 39, 037 |. 69.5 mo nods Island... ..°..-|..<.- 92,983 | 63.6 80,699 | 60.2 2,516 | 69.7 2, 613 64.9 Connecticut. ...: ae hp 150, 582 | 67.6 | 116,020] 63.2 74,512 | 69.1 60, 208 | 63.9 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: Dein Y OOK: be bicaiis oi. eae 1, 355, 633 66.5 | 1,134, 811 6224. 301,272 ; 71.2 317, 368 ; 68.8 New Jetsey-....-20--- 4+. f 66. 4 02,135 | 60.7 118,213 | 68.9 | 103,361] 64.4 Pennsylvania... .......... 950, 361 |. 67.9 705, 989 59.6 613, 315 69. 7 567,526 | _ 67.0 East NortTH CENTRAL: itive etc e Sco dtas-': (acs 581,025} 69.8 400, 367 61.6 408, 392 rw 409, 769 71.4 OTS EAS SRE capeeian apap 231,211 | 66.2] 172,045] 61.7 284,026} 71.8] 310,552 | 69.8 P tae Ae. ol. ara 693,177 | 66.9 529, 882 | 60.2 415,039} 71.0 425, 987 68. 4 Michigan . ERY Cena sda ann pres | 340,523 | 67.5 208,785 | 62.8 285,642 | 73.4 291, 520 71.6 EY SCOIDSLD «oo 5 os eins ae dcich 220, 200 repo 173,117 | 63.0 269, 471 67.4 275, 268 |. 67.8 West NorRTH CENTRAL ' OS ne peepee 171,948 | 70.3| 189,267} 65.2 279,148 | 70.0 | 278,229] 71.4 9 aby ch i an Sa 146,091 | 71.9| 111,401] 65.3 307,987 | 72.6 | 322,716 | .70.5 SOMASEOUTT.- 1 Leg oo 5220 240, 826 | 66.1} 205,898] 59.5 383,569 | 71.4 | 402,328 | 69.8 '¢ CMI AROUA 2. os: c) one 17,298 | 75.3 10,790 | 67.1 128, 991 | 73.7 | 99,669 | 65.5 ' South Dakota... --......... 18,913} 75.3 12,992 | 68.9 113, 030 | 72.4 | 102,600 | 67.9 OS RE ee es 68,771 | 71.6 51,733 | 66.4 188,190 | 71.8} 190,892} 70.8 LS Spe shea rs Sle 109, 462 72.9 82,638 | 66.0 246, 705 74.5 260, 295 73.6 UTH ATLANTIC: _ Delaware........ reas gees 17,923 | 65.8 14,076 | 58.8 19, 836 | 72.1 19,286. | 64.1 ele i a ae 133,997 | 63.7 91,326 | 53.7 112,059 | 65.6 122,296 | 64.1 District of Columbia. |. 58,005 | 64.5] 47,662} 64.4 i A ha Lage} Re (SSO Se ieee 110,409 | 63.8 72,237 | 56.5 349,628 | 65.1 | 309,295] 59.7 West Virginia...........- 65,212 | 68.2 36, 404 | 61.4 231, 832 | 67.8 | 208,592] 68.1 = North Carolina........... 90,682 | 64.7 §2, 352 56. 2 485, 557 | 69.4 402,757 | 64.1 SeeeOuta, GArolns ... a. - ce 55,017 | 67.1 35, 660 | 54.6 338, 060 | 68.4 241,550] 53.3 2 a tag ee ated 124,540 | 63.5 80, 872.| 55.1 445, 846 | 58.9 371; 362.) | 52. 7 : SN. de arg «oh regal 60, 226 | 67.2 31,419 | 54.4 119,577 | 62.6 89,755 | 53.9 EAst SouTH CENTRAL: 5 Pe GULUCKY.....- 5 vp ecc sxe 47,696. | 78.4 33,978 | 70.7 60,212 | 80.1 46,747 | 74.0 LE ER aia irae 2,341) 77.5 1,705 | 67.7 9,103 | 72:4 7,775 | 62.8 PACIFIC: _Washington.............- 117,188} 72.7 86,642 | 66.0 120, 824 | 75.4 99,153 | 70.6 a PN he... o dauim ene 79.1 214,447 | 74.5 WEsT SOUTH CENTRAL: . ' 2 ATK ONSHS 5 fob gee ey 37,222 | 93.7 22, 266.| 87.6 219, 041 | 80.3 173, 117 | 72.8 MOUSE A isa. | ae hem eae 76, 564 89. 4 53, 685 79.6 157, 685 70.8 111, 609.|. 52.2 Oko UF nee oe aoe _ 68, 235 | 93.9 35,153 | 87.8 236, 430 | 83.7 200, 375 |. .85.8 DOXESe secre Recess 176,033 | 88.4} 103,240] 81.7 476, 443 | 82.1 , 880 | 75.7 MOUNTAIN: ‘th MOGUL OTIa Td eee Ok ere 19, 807.| 94.8 13,118} 90.4 51,706 | 92.1 24, 80L |, 85.5 TO SD De sce ok cbs. ce ab eee 15,741, | 95.4 6,921 | 89.0 49,361 | 95.5 33,685 | 87.1 befell eee & ee 6,128 | 92.8 4,054 |. 91.1 18, 426 | 92:8 10,352 | 87.9 OOLGES Das odie cE eae 49,614} 95.5 41,798 | 92.6 71, 739 | 92.9 49,313 | 89.5 New México.....2.....22. 9,152} 92.9 5,758 | 88.7 43,677 | 86.4 938 | 78.6 WATAZD BAe ot eee 2b een 13,351 | 88.6 6,211 | 82.2 24, 828 | 7423 13,272). 67.7 Ube he oe oc dig eck as: 31, 188 95. 8 22, 485 92.8 40, 423 95.3 31,159 | 90.8 INDUC Ha Ac ada cred eee 1,484} 93.3 1,086 | 90.0 6, 271 | °89.8 5, 269 |’ 87.5 PACIFIC: re Washington. .....2....... 78, 470 | 95.0 54773-- 91..7 84,280 | 94.5 65, 572 |. 90.5 ORGRON naa.) TG ie. anere 41,888 | 96.1 25,311 | 90.9 52, 424 | 93.7 830 | 90.0 ROSMMON MIN. sch. ace ee 223,774} 94.3 126, 363 | 92.8 128, 789 | 92.7 94,396 | 90.0 ! I ‘ 1 Norural population, as Washington city is coextensive with the District of Columbia, t a. White White Colored ers 2 oe vas N SO a ee tA ILLITERACY. 427 TABLE 128.—NUMBER AND PER CENT ILLITERATE IN POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, FOR POPULATION CLASSES, FOR THE UNITED STATES: epeten are given ania each class for all census years for which data are available.]} CENSUS YEAR AND CLASS OF POPULATION. 1920 | ee ‘Native white:.....0.... Native parentage..... Foreign or mixed par. _ Forei She parentage... py A Su. bForeien born whites... 5.4 1910 ; All classes......... ‘Native white......-...- _ Native parentage... Foreign or mixed par . Foreign parentage... Mixed parentage -. - ‘Foreign-born white.......... 1900 ‘as classes ey Sd he BO ; Native white........... ' Native parentage... .. Foreign or mixed par. Foreign-born white..... a 1890 2 : Spetgpaal ee ee White RS See ae Native white oS Reed Native parentage... -. Foreign or mixed ee Foreign-born white. . 1880 Se 1870 All classes......... White 1 Persons of Negro descent, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and ‘all other.’’ eseee scene wees et eee sees ereee POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. Total number. Niaber! 82,'739, 315|4, 931, 905 74, 359, 749|3, 006, 312 8379, 5661, 925, 593 8, 053, 225|1, $42, 161 60, 861, 863/1, 242, 572 44 077, 564\1, 109, 875 16, 784, 299} ’ 132, 697 11, 462; 926] 98, 076 5,321,373] 34,621 13, 497, 886|1, 763, 740 sees eres meses see waere wets 71, 580, 270'5, 516, 163 63, 933) 870)3, 184, 633 7, 646, 40012, 331, 530 Y, 317, 92212; 227, 731 50, 989, 341]1, 534, 272 37, 081, 278|1, 378, 884 13) 908, 063]. 155, 388 9,602, 968} 117, 336 4) 305,095] 38, 052 12) 944° 529/1, 650, 361 sae we eese ereee 57, 949, 824 6, 180,069 BL 250, 918/3, 200; 746 6, 698, 906 2; 979, 323 6, 415, 581 2; 853, 194 41, 236, 662/1, 913, 611 30, 310, 261 1, 734, 764 10, 926, 401 178) 847 10, 014, 256)1, 287, 135 47,413, 559} 6, 304, 702 41; 931; 0743, O12, "574 5, 489° 485)3, 112; 128 5, 328, 972 B, 042; 668 33, 144, 187/2, 065, 003 25, 375, 766|1, 890, 723 7, 768, 421| 174, 280 -| 8786, 887/1, 147, 571 36, 781, 607/6, 239, $58 32) 160, 400/3; 019, 080 4, 601, 20713, 220, 878 25, 785, 789|2, 255, 460 6, 374, 611 763, 620 28, 228, 945/5, 658, 144 24, 717, 870|2) 851, 911 3, 511; 075 2} 806, 233 :, 428) 757 2; 739, 689 Illiterate. Total Per || number. Number: cent. 42,289, 969|2, 540, 209 38, 070, 736 L 551, 529 ” ggg’ 6380 4, 009; 462 942° 368 30,651,045} 684, 707 22) 361, 495 7,419,691! 866, 822 37, 027, 558 2, 814, 950 33) 164, 2291; 662; 505 3, 863, 329'1, 152) 445 3, 637, 38611, 096, 000 , 203, 440.3, 011, 224 ? 327; 931\1) 567, 153 375, 509\1, 444, 071 81, 650)1, 371, 432 1 912,940] 955, 517 452, 855| 862,175 460,085} 93,342 414° 991| 611) 636 Et QMIANS ) 352, 659/3, 008, 222 578, 245 1) 517, 722 7714, 414 1 490, 500 646, 171 r% 438, 923 , 796, 497] 978, 408 21, 102) 888; 415 , 89, 993 4, 258, 866/2, 603, 888 2, 526, 487 1 250, 970 di, 732, 379 1, 352, 918 i, 664, 656 L 342° 347 MALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. Illiterate. FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. Total Per | number. Per bent: Number. ”936, 913 899, 793 557, 865 495, 263 62; 602 47 634 14 968 896, 918 4; 160, 333 4,552, '712|2, 701, 213 769, 641|1, 522; 128 783, O71|1, 179, 085 aoe - 1 131; 731 738,217 662, 958 75, 259 Borsa wwe OS DRDONNWwWoOre KF WOOD —_ Perro © x Orb #2 50 SS OOS oO — 3 rs —. Ae jt ns Oo 8, 246, 384/3, 168, 845 4) 922° 987 L; 633, 593 323, 397 1, 535, 252 , 233, 931 L, 431) 762 958, 094 872, 589 85, 505 675, 499 3, 060, 930)3, 316, 480 0, 352) 820/17 694; 852 708, 071 1, 621° 628 ’ 682, 801}1) "603, 745 3, 347, 690/1, 036, 595 ATs. 664 a 002, 308 ’ 873, 026 84, 287 005, 139 608, 257 , 970, 079)3, 054, 256 191, 383]1, 600, 941 778, 696|1, 453, 315 "764, 10111, 447, 342 Illiterate. cent. 40, 449, 346/2,391,696) 5.9 36, 289) 013 L 454, 783} ' 4.0 SNe —_ FeSeNtr aOOrontiwoa wa “ err DOonveas0 WwCoo qc * me Woes wy ry Poop SSom NAMOON COND a ry or N90 BS oc NNO OOWe _ 2 Exclusive of persons in Indian Territory and on Indian reservations, areas specially enumerated in 1890, but for which illiteracy statistics are not available. 428 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. ; TABLE 129.—NUMBER AND PER CENT ILLITERATE IN POPULATION 10 Betty Ne D [Per cent not shown “ILLITERATE POPULATION, 10 years of age and 10 to 14 15 to 19 20 to 24 Cae ewer over: 19204 years of age. years of age. years of age. Per Per Per Per Number hank Number. cent. | Number cant Number cant All classes........ 4,931,905 | 6.0 || 246,360; 2:3] 283,316] 3.0] 392,853) 4.2 Male: .25; .0%: 2,540,209; 6.0 |} 141,576 | 2.6] 171,489] 3.7 | 2037773 | 4.5 Female....:... 2,391,696 | 5.9 | 104,784; 2.0 | 111,827] 24} 199; 080 | 4.0 White eo) | 3,006,312 4.0 || 100,643 1.1 | 125,495}- 1.5 | -207,649| 2.5 Malo cron: loghooranel 1,551,529 | 4.4 57,150} 1.24 74/4551. 1.8] 108,958 | 2.6 Womsles::iesacas. ee; 1) 454, 4,0 43,493} 0.9 1,040| 12). 103,691} 2.5 Negrin Sun cuitacetunec's | 1,842,161 | 22.9] 140,892} 11.4] 152,008] 14.1]. 179,124] 17.0 Maleimoxdeanatece. 942; 368 | 23.5 81,944} 13.31, 94,455] 184] 96,895 | 19.9 Pamdine. ya: coma. | 899,793 | 22.3 58,948 | 9.5 7343. | 10.3} 822999) 14.5 tndian....of cae 61,730 | 34.9 4,751 | 15.7 4,373 | 17.2 4,211 | 21.0 Minit ies waleth: bie n 30,010 |. . 32.8 2,497.1 - 15.9 2,947 | 17.7 2,054 | 19.7 Fay 1h alert Ree a 31,720 | 37.2 2324 | 15.5 2,126| 16.7} 2,157] 22.5 CHinbies Siow uedeclans ci 11, 262 | 20.0 40} 2.0 145] 5.3 545 | 1.2 Pematet 108 or Vies| oii) | ate 3 22] tis | 163 CIB BIO a Syn wen ° . 5 e Japanese... 0.2. 8, 276 | 11.0 9) 41 92] G7). 1,208 | TT a e eee eee ewe wee ee meee e le . 7 6. .9 Female... co .062.ih3 4,131 | 16.2 7}. 0.6 103 | 8.2 366 | 17.0 AN othiers.s 2-56 lohi20).4 1,164 | 13.0 51 3.2 13] 1.9 98| 4.2 i ERT 1,093 | 13.0 BP es ie | 1.9 791° 3.5 Pemales: 222 8. 7 E22 Ws deg toes citetessoeeae Bil saece 19 16.8 Native white............ 1,242,572 | 2.0 85,856] 0.9] 97,013] 12] 98,9388] 1.4 ee RRS Oey uate Bee] ee ae [one SS a1s' DS ett ee vo 3) . . . a le . Native parentage. 1,109,875 | 2.5 71,845 | 1:1] 83,308} 1.5] 96,669] 17 Does iinstee 495,263| 23]. 20,408], 09> o8.907| it | semel as Foreign parentage...| - 98,076 | 0.9 10,032 | 0.6 9, 0.7 9,207} 0.7 emia | RE: aR ae | eae Mixed parentage...) 34,621} 0.7 379791 0.5 3,776 | 0.5 3,062] 0.4 Male...i:......2) 19,653] 0.8 2,120] . 0.5 21931! 0.6 1,753 | 0.5 Female.......-.- 14,968.|. -.0.6 1,859 | 0.5 1,583] 0.4 1,309 | 0.4 Foreign-born white.....- 1,763,740 | 13.1 14,787] 4.51. 28,482] 5.4] 108,711 | 117 ID via canned ” $66,822 | 11.7 7,500}. 451 18,724] 6.31 46,918} 10.8 Female..., ot 896,918 | 14.8 7,287| 4.41 14,758] 5.5| 61,793 | 13.2 1 Includes persons of unknown age. 4 : a ¥: << ILLITERACY, MITE 429 AGE AND OVER, BY AGE PERIODS, FOR POPULATION CLASSES, BY SEX, FOR THE STATES: 1920. where base is less than 100.] ILLITERATE POPULATION. | 25 to 34 35-to 44 45.t054. |, -.55 to.64 65 years of CLASS OF POPULATION | years of age. |. years.of age. | years of age, | years of age. | age and titer AND SEX. ' | } i Num- | Per |. Num- | Per | Num- | Per-} Num- | Per | Num- | Per > ber. |cent.| ber. |cent.| ber. |cent.) ber. |cent.| ber. |cent. All classes.......... 961,200 | 5.6 |, 988,961 | 7.0 | 857,776 | 8.2 | 594,573 | 9.1 | 591,385 | 12.0 Male... .0. 2263. ¢, | 486,217 | 5.6 | 509,107 | 6.9 | 453,950} 8.0 | 292,511 | 8.4 | 273,000 | 11.0 Female. ........ 474,983 | 5.6 | 479,854 | 7.1 | 403,826) 8.3 | 302,062| 9.8 | 318,385 | 13.0 Bet ne het 660,706 | 4.3 | 662,629] 5.2] 518,918 | 5.5 | 370,421 | 6.1 | 352,525 | 7.7 Sh eal ee aa Soe al 336, 1 4.3 | 355, 103 5.3 | 279,937 5.5 | 181,988 5.7 | 158, 298 6.9 a PemMBlese «5.02 bcos v5 324,600 | 4.3 | 307,526 | 5.1.) 238,981,|. 5.4 | 188,433.) 6.6 | 194,227] &5 SE Ra re a 287,063 | 17.9 | 310,538 | 23.3 | 323,924 | 34.1 | 212,682 | 49,4 | 227,310 | 68.3 Male. ..... -. oes ot ee 143,515 | 19.0. | 144,961 | 22.0) 164,954 | 30.1 | 103,407 | 42.9 | 108,473 | 62.4 DS sa ale dei em | 143,548 |. 16.9 | 165,577 | 24.6 | 158,970 | 39.5 | 109,275 | 57.9 | 118, 837 | 74.8 Indian © 25-34 yrs. . 22,429] 0.6 11,398} 0.7 11,031} 0.6 26,9771 0.9 14,600! 1.0 12,377, 0.8 _ 85-44 yrsi.| 19,470] 0.7|| 10,802} 0.8] 8,668) 0.6]; 24,795! 1.1)| 18,133] 1.1] 11,662) 1.0 _ 45-54 yrs.. 18,798) 0.9 10,769} 1.0 8,029} 0.8 24,479) 1.6 12,352} 1.6 12,.1271;3/1..6 ¥ Sal 17,153) 1.4 9,022) 1.5] 8,131] 1.4|| 16,592} 2.8 7,773} 2.6| 8,819] 3.0 yrs.an ' © over....| 14,530} 2.8 7,164, 2.8] 7,366} 2.8|| 12,120) 4.7 5,283} 4.1] 6,887] 5.4 '. Unknown 327; 2.9 165} 2.8 162} 3.0 412} 3.9 207| 3.7 205} 4.2 Rider Norn ‘ _ white....... 1,763, 740 13. 1|| 866,822) 11.7) 896,918) 14. 8|/1,650,361) 12.7|| 866,450) 11.8} 783,911) 13.9 10-14 yrs. . 14, 787 4.5 ¢ 4.5 7,287| 4.4 12) 684 A) 6,210} 3.4 6,474) 3.7 15-19 yrs. . 28,482) 5.4 13,724) 5.3 14,758) 5.5 86,109) 12.8 47,106} 13.4 39,003} 12.1 20-24 yrs... 108, 711} 11.7 46,918} 10.3 61, 793] 13. 2|) 219,128) 15.3)| 127,275] 15.4 91,853) 15.1 | 25-34yrs..| 469,793} 15.1!| 227,519] 13.1) 242,274) 17.7|| 455,188) 14.4|| 266,702) 14.2) 188,486) 14.6 35-44 yrs..| 460,890) 14.6)| 242,121) 13.4) 218,769} 16.2 333,914) 12.3 183, 231) 11.7} 150,683}. 13.1 45-54yrs. 316,722] 12.8)| 166,662) 11.9] 150,060) 14.0)| 228,180) 11.0 110, 055} 9.3) 118,125] 13.3 ren = 192,906) 11.9 89,980} 10.0) 102,926) 14.1]) 146,922). 11.1 60, 203} 8.5 86,719} 14.2 yrs.am - over...| 167,392) 12.6 69,636} 10.2 97,756) 15.1|| 163,201) 13.8 62,067} 10.2) 101,134) 17.5 Unknown| 4,057| 20.0|| 2,762| 20.1) 1,295] 19.8] 5,035) 19.21 3,601) 18.3] .. 1,484) 22.0 7 432 ABSTRACT OF THE GENSUS—POPULATION. . TABLE 181.-NUMBER AND PER CENT ILLITERATE IN POPULATION 10 YEARS OF oy eS FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, BY DIVISIONS AND NATIVE WHITE. ALL CLASSES: FOREIGN-BORN 1920 Native Foreign or WHITE. NEGRO. DIVISION AND STATE arentage mixed | : P ge. parentage. q Per Per | Num- | Per ‘Per Number! cent ‘lcent,| ber. | cent. | NUMbEr+| ¢ Number. cont, United States../4, 981, 905 | 6.0 ||1, 109,875 | 2.5 132,697 | 0.8 |1, 763, 740 | 18.1 |, 842,161 | 22.9 me | | a | | | a a es Seen ———SSs GEOG. DIVISIONS: New England..... 289,700 | 4.9 0.6 | 13,759 | 0.8| 257,207) 14.0| 4,607] 7.1 Middle Atlantic. .| 865,382} 4.9 0.7 | 24,048 | 0:5 | 760,010 | 15.7] 25,587 |. 5.0 E. North Central.| 495,470 | 2.9 1.0 | 28,390] 0.6| 342,832] 10.8| 82,052! 7.3 W. North Central] 193,221} 2.0 1.11 14,678| 0.5| 96,760| 64) 24,887] 10.5 South Atlantic. . .|1, 212,942 | 11.5 5.4] 3,878| 0.9 39,757 | 12.8] 812,842} 25.2 E. South Central. 845, 459 | 12.7 6.6 | 2,626] 1.5| - 6.4571 9-1-4 - 536,583 | 27.9 , South Central} 773,637 |. 10.0 3.9 | 35,021 | 6.6 | 128,725 | (29.9 | | 402,233 | 25.3 Mountain......... 132659 | 5.2 2.4}. 5,697 | 1.0 422 | 12.7] 4,457}. 5.3 Pacifioc: .. 224.4 123,435 | 2.7 0.41 4600) 0.4): 86,570| 86] 1,913} 46 NEW ENGLAND: Mafne.3.. ft} | 90,240] 3.3 1.3} 3,200| 29] 11,604] 112: 64) 5.9 “New Hampshire..| 15,788 |. 4.4 0.6 | 7950} 1.1) 18,746 | 15:4 33 | 6.7 Vermont. ..i229..: 8, 488 3.0 1.1) 1,709} 2.8 4, 837 | 11.3 28 6.2 Massachusetts....| 146,607] _ 4.7 0.3} 4,854] 0.5] 135,720} 12.8 2, 565 6.8 - Rhode Island... 31,312 | 6.5 0.51 1,561} 0.9] 28,169 | 16.5 839 | 10.2 Connecticut. .---. 67,265 | 6.2 0.4| 1395] 0.4] 63)181|° 17.0) 1,078) 6.2 New York...... "| 425,022] 5.1 0.6 | 12,256 | 0.5 | 389,603 | 14.2 5,082 | 2.9 New Jersey.--.... 127,661 | 5.1 0.7 | 2899] 0.4] 1113505] 15.3] 5,910] 6.1 pennsylvania... ""} 3123699 | 4.6 0.8| 8,303] 0.6| 258,812] 189] 14,645] 6.1 M's ‘ ENTRAL? : i : Ohio...-.-.-2--: 131, 006,| 2.8 1.0] 5,191] 0.6| 84,387} 126] .12,715}" 81 ndiana........... 52,034 | | 2.2 1.4] 2948] 1.0} 17,555| 118] 6,476) 9.5 Illinois: ....2.2.2. 173,987 | | 3.4 1.1| 6,470| 0.4| 131,996 | 11.0] 10,476) 6.7 Michigan. ....___| 88,046 | 3.0 0.61 6,502| 0.7| 70,535 |) 9.9 203 | 4.2 vyWisconsin ne ae 50,397 | 2.4 0.51 7,189] 0.8 | 38,359 | 84 182 | 4.1 - NORTH CENTRAL: Minnesota........ 34,487 | 1.8 0.4] 3,967| 0.5) 26,242) “5:4 1 | 3.1 Towas...-5020..1 20,680} 1.1 0.5 | 2,354] 0.4] 11,004 | 4.9] «1,283 |) 81 Missouri.......... 83,403 | 3.0 2.2! 4035| 0.9| 17,669} 9.6] 18,528] 121 North Dakota sa s/ub oGetog'| city OB Fa Gosbo’ gieke Wineen | aBdaane Nebraska.........|. 13,784] 1.4 0.4| 1,176| 0.4| 9,468] 64] 556] 48 geass on oss 22,821 | 1.6 0.6] 1,344] 0.5| 11,201] 105] 4,228) 88 Delaware...... |. 10,508 5.9 2.0} 132] 0.6} 3,373} 17.3) 4,700 | 19.1 Maryland...... rt 5. 2.0} 1,484| 0.9} 13,575 | 13:4] 35,404 | 18.2 FOE COLE oe 158 112 oe gee] SBE Biel oma’ 12392 | 256 APPIN ss Si OES t 5 : 1.0 150 S ,3 "2500 * West Virginia....| 69,413 | 6.4 48| 751] 1.5| 14548] 2401 (10,513) 15.3 Neri cena | Sarma ge | es | ay Bh Ea) Sth gs | es) a Georgia........ “ZT 398) 938.| 15.3 5.5| 259] 1.1 s61| 5.4| 261,115 | 20.1 yp potida. == 71,811 | 9.6 3.14| 508| 1.1| 2,657| 6.3 | 55,639| 215 . SOUTH CENTRAL: Kentucky........ 155,014 | 84 7.3| 1,304] 1.3] 2,244] 7.3] 40,548] 210 Tennessee.......- 182,629 | 10.3 74| ’492| 1.5] 1.263| 83| 79,532| 204 Alabama........- 278,082 | 16.1 6.4| 469| 1.7| 1,893] 10.9] 210,600| 31.3 yhussissipri. IIIT) g90) 734 | 17.2 3.6| 361| 23]| 1,057| 13.3] 205,813 | 298 . SOUTH CENTRAL: Arkansas........- 121, 837] 9.4 4.6| 658] 2.0| 1,145] 83] 79,245 | cme Louisiana.......:. 299,092 | 21.9 11.4} 3,139! 3.5 9,707} 21.9 | 206,730} 38.6 Oklahoma........ 56,864 | 3.8 2.4| 1,005] 1.2| 5,456] 14.0] 14,205] 124 ees Cs et 295,844 | 83 2.2 | 30,219 | 9.4] 112,417| 33.8] 102,053 | 17.8 OUNTAIN: 5 ; Montana....... 9,544 | -2.3 0.3} 398] 03| 5,178| 5.6 87} 6.0 Vashi 6s 4.2.8 4.924 | 1.5 0.3| 2601] 03| 2501] 6.5 44| 5&4 Wyoming........ F149 1 4B 0.4 101 | 0.3 2,233 | 9.0 66| 53 Colorado........-- 24,208 | 3.2 1.7| 969| 0.6| 14,224] 124 619 | 6.2 New Mexico... .. 41,637 | 15.6 11.9} 1,762] 82] 7,250] 27.1 228 | 4.3 Arizona........-. 39,131 | 15.3 1.3| 1779| 4.6| 19,201] 27.5 338 | 4.6. WWE sss sc 6,264 | 1.9 0.3} 7390} 0.3 504 | 6.3 59 | 4.6 By Sab ee ene 3, 802 5.9 0.4 38 | 0.2 1, 241 8.5 16 5k Washington...... 18,526 | 1.7 0.3] 751| 0.3] 11,630] 4.7 245 | 4.0 Oregon: cleo. 9, 317 1.5 1 0.4 461} 0.3 5,172 5.1 89 g California........- 95,592 | 3.3 0.4] 3,388| 0.5| 69,768] 105) 1,579) #7 } Peay ete a nfo od ee) ee - 4 we ILLITERACY, | AY 433 TABLE 132—-NUMBER AND PER CENT ILLITERATE IN POPULATION 21 YEARS OF Wht ee FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, BY DIVISIONS AND ene ae NATIVE WHITE. ALL CLASSES: i ; FOREIGN-BORN Rs | 192 : Foreign or WHITE. me Native mixed DIVISION AND STATE. parentage. parentage. Per Per | Num- | Per Per Per Number.| cont, || Number. cont.| ber. |cent.| NY™Per) cent, | Number.| cont es United States.. 4, 333, 111 GEOG. DIVISIONS: ——_—-—_—— Aun aes i ee nal A cRNA EP 5 SS SES EEE = —————— OS Oo OE—=EeEeEe—Oee OS ESS eee ~ New England....| 280,826} 6.1 || 11,058] 0.6 11,905 | 1.1| 252,584] 14.8] 4,466] 8.5 ‘Middle Atlantic...) 843,582 | 6:3 || | 47/443 | 0.9 | 19,664 | 0.6] 749,297 |' 16.7] 24,531 | 6.0 -'B. North Centrai.| 480,238 | (3.7 || 812372 | 1.3 | 25,360] 0.8] 339,165] 11.4] 31,084] 8.7 - 'W. North Central| 180,616'} 2.5 || 53,246 | 1.4 | 12,722] 0.6] 84,598]. 6.5] 23,550} 12.5 South Atlantic....|1,006, 764} 14.0 || 297,595 |’ 6.6 | 3,273 | 1.1) 38,785 | 18.5 | 664,235 | 31.5 E. South Central... 700,008 | 15.5 || 2527934} 8.4 |-2)391 | 1.6] 6,249 | 9/3] 438,003 | 34.1 W. South Central. oh 363 11.7 157, 177 4.6 19,330 5.2 104, 076 29.1) 323, 869 | 30.5 ountain......... ‘ 4 , 07 a 2: 1,386 5.8 Pacific............| 116,240} 3.2 7-350 | 0.41 3,736} 0.47 82502| 88; 1,868} 5.4 par aga i ae 18,572} 3.9 4156 | 1.3 |° 2,886.| 4.1] 11,302] 12/0 60 | 6.8 a Steg Mamnpuikes? 15,257 | 5.4 997 | 0.6]. °858} 1.6 | 13,437) 16.4 30} 7.7 - Vermont......... 87152 | 3.8 1,715 | 1.3 | 1,627| 3.8| 4,772] 12.5 98 | 8.2 Massachusetts....| 142,750] 5.9 |} 23469 | 0.3] 3,930] 0.6 | 133,330) 13.5] 2,401 | 8.2 Rhode Island.....| 30,319} 8.2 633 | 0.6 | 1,339] 1.3 |) 27,480 | 17.5 820 | 12.5 | TAS a pe 65,776.| . 7.8 1188 |, 0.4] 15165] 0.6) 62,263] 18.1 1,087 | 7.5 DLE ATLANTIC: : New York........ 415,359} 6.4 || 14,497| 0.7 | 10,270| 0.6) 383,862] 15.2| 4,815] 3.4 ~ New Jersey.....-. 124,358 | 6.6 6.073 | 0.9 | 2,285] 0.5| 109,893 | 16.3) 5,668 | 7.5 nN Casi 303,865 | -6.0|| 26,873 | 1.0] 7,109] 0.8 | 255,472} 20.1] 14,048] 7.8 ORTH CENTRAL: iste wales 126,645} 3.6 || 26,100} 1.2] 4,644] 0.7] 83,415] 13.4] 12,316 | 9.7 50,147. | 2.8 || . 23,545 | 1.8) -2'803| 2.1} 17,893] 12.4} 6,336] 11.7 Bk. Bn - 1697127] 43 }| 22,362] 1.4] 5,547) 0.5} 130,474] 11.7] 10,146} 7.9 i eh oe 85,613 | 3.9 6/798 | 0.8| 5,875] 0.9! 69,759] 10.5| 2111) 4,9 cane pana} iy 48, 70811, 3,2 2,567 | 0.6] 6,491 | 1.0| 38,124 8 175 | °4)8 |, NORTH CENTRAL innesota........ 32,369] 2.4 | 1,406] 0.4| 3,305] 0.6] 26,047] 5.6 234 | 3.5 7, es 19,444] 1.4 5,267 | 0.7| 2,065] 0.5| 10,749] 5.0]. 1,249] 9.9 _ Missouri.......... 77,348 | 3.8 ||. 38,780 | 2.81. 3,834] 1.0] 17,269] 10.0] 17,333] 14.3 _ North Dakota....} 9,873 | 2.9 58} 0.3]. 717| 0.6|: 7126) 5.9 16 | 4:8 - South Dakota--..| 7,640 | 2.2 520| 0.41. 671] 0.5| 3,795] 4.9 35 |" 6.7 ” Nebraska......... 12972} 1.8 1,832] 0.5] 965| 0.4] 9,253] 6.6 538:|- 5,7 FAAS Ie bs. Ss. 5 20,970} 2.0 5,183 |. 0.7,| 1,165] 0.6] 10,359] 10.2] 4,145) 112 SE ays 10,088} 7.4 2,190| 2.6] 110} 0.7| 3,327] 182] 4,453) 24.6 58877 | 6.8 ||. 12,533 | 2.5) 1,318] 1.1] 13,398] 14.3] 31,544) 22,2 10,190} 3.3), —52i}, 0.3 64| 0.2! ° 1,699] 6.4] 7,823 | 10.7 162}376 | 13.5 || 56,917 | 7.1 3i8| 1.1} 2086) 7.5} 102,884] 29.3 Fest Bt Viren 61,468 | 8.2 || 37,099}. 6.1]... 619] 1.7] 14,062) 25.4] 9,662) 18.9 forth Carolina...| 204.492 | 16.9 | 90642] 10.7| 155) 2.4 453 | 7.0 | “1113109 | 32.4 South, Carolina ... 93.0 || 32}894 | 8.5 94] 1.2 385} 6.5 | 146°027'| 38.7 18.4 || 54339] 6.7) 241 | 1.3 8391 5.6 | 205,819} 35.8 10.9 |]. 10,460 | 3.74, 354] (1.1), . 2,586] 6.6} 44,914 | 24.8 10,6 ||. 94,829] 9.2] 1,263] 1.4) 2,202} 7.5] 37,926 | 26,4 12.6 || 85,527 | 9.21 459| 1.8]. 1,240} 8.7 | 65,913 | 26.9 90.0 || 55,004 83] 379] 1.9] 1,825} 11.3] ‘171,283 | 38,8 20.8 ||. 17,574| 4.4]. 290] 2.4 gs2 }' 13.4 | 162) 881 | 35.9 11.5] 33,403} 5:7] 584] 2.3] 1,088) 8.3] 64,309) 26.5 24.9 || 61,049} 13.5] 1,819! 2.6] 9,328; 22.6} 157,204) 43.8 47 || 2096 2:9] '934| 1.3] 4,854] 18.4] 12,491 | 16,4 9.6 ||, 38,629 |. 2.5] 16,093 | 7.5}. 88,806} 33,3} 89,775 | 23.4 2, 8 550 | 0.41. 303} 0.4] 5,104] 6.0 ga} 6.7 1.9 545 1,.0.4]. 220} 0.4]. 22,3771 --6.6 41-| 5.9 9,5 269 | 0.4. 77| 0.3.| 2,120) 9.2 65 {| 6.1 3.9 6,671} 2.0] 769} 0.7] 13,427] 12.8 599 | 7.4 18.9 | 20,396 | 15.2] 1,211| 8.3] 6,275} 28.6 13} 4.4 16.3 1,197 | 1.4) 1, 159 4 ; 16, 057 28.7 316 4.8 2.5 410 | 0. 09 | 0. | af 6.7 98 |, 0.5 29| 0.2|- 1,18} 85 13°] °4.7 47,7G ba od 1,394] 0.3{ 575] 0.3} 11,494} 5.0 “941 | 4.6 905 | 1.8 1303} 0.5| 400] 0.4| 5,097] 5.4 89} 5.5 899,558 | 3.9 sad 0.4 | 2,761 | 65} 65,911] 10:7] 1,533 | 5.6 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. 434 BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: ABLE 183.—PER CENT ILLITERATE IN POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, AND 1910. BY SEX AND PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, 1920 T NATIVE WHITE. FOREIGN- NEGRO. arentage. “|p 1920| 1910) 1920 1920) 1910) 1920) 1910 1910 S 13.1} 12.7) 22.9) 3 2:5) 3.7) 0-8) 1-1 Meta tied DHODMOAS CD ra ri OD 0D OD Pea eo SW Pee a FAT! SS Mod BGA w aa eee bad 2 2) Oh et OF 8 ee ea we = Le rele ee ye <9" otha ig er are COO HIN CON FRINND BWHHDONS OFMOMSNNKH OMHO THRO SHOONNDH Ma a ee er HSHOHHS WAS BHSHM VHSONHHOeN 19 303 SS ri HO 1G noses sanxt MOOT did ode ers ante ,c ete tie 28° Lon: “Sehe es ee | Re ee 8 gees, ee 8 Se ee 2 ae ee oe ‘ate 20 2a S. Bal ne fe ?. Somes tence, Vee ce Sa fe de Se 8 owe) es, ee eee» ee ibe — (re eg eS. ae > eer es eee ee ee ee a ee ae a4 aH NNAMAMMOON NA RT eel = BO oe a Se ee eT Cae BH AS HOSA 0 08 AAAGHOW Wt Gatos RaSrASSs Seed 6 i og BMSAANAKRK SH SS oe oe oe] mrAN SAHSHANSHHAN FBHAN A cori SSSSHHSS SSS Sr ht Aw ee ene ee ee ye es fe, ee ee Aeon dee Pe | Oe Vee, Sk Oe Oa ee a ge ee a ar ee ee ae ee ee es ee ee ee ne eT a me ey Nt Mae ays eo eet vi oD 0. gt eae ee Ue ate re 15 9909 COVEN O'S oss Pet ar ee Ronee Shee ye hn Oe oe tay ag yee eS ee ere ee? paren e ai ek Te. 8 SOHN 09 OD SH = S209 OD tH $9. Sth AST Tak Wl ee a = : os aS et SrNOMOR DA~eOrKMOt Sa OBA ate or COWOWIONGS Otte S co = 1c WP os eases icchaleks [e iled alneid Obed nad Side “ed hedESee: bed imtcdod Ohad’ es negaed nce ‘ wie 2 E: | ial —) a s | 5| DOA AIA SION AAG adiddtt AANGAN BANANA DIGGS San HH ODS ANI A rit ed. 5 iS rine So M PE PE ie ee The he EE 7 ESRd PPE Pe 4s PEPE a So rr) OID DO Mono DATO OWN OARS GRHOGAD WARRWDASAN OOOH HONWD AOHOAAMA ANN a F 3 ~ ID WGAGHr AGO Miaddadges 6S cdodcdcdad ATWANRA Sr digdsidsed ABA AHGA 18 A 09 09.19 NS AA xi a 2 ol os aes Roe aN BANN AN 8 = So o DNOSHMOR® DASDOD De OMHD DAMAHNME AKWAARANGS NATA GOAN HEWOnNanno mow gS rr) HOGAN MOA dtodd didi MAMAN HAGA BSIHAAIMI3 HSS SH6sd Sowa A AANA 03 0815 sod 4 ~ renee srr Sear N A a eee “ S SRMOAOON DAaNMDOEEO HOA OOGOHR DHAVMEABMrY CAr wat He Ress oh et eg ta ete ORE OP ce 6 int et ee bee Res 6.2 Eton fe & ot et ire a re Rue eee Se See pe! 9 Ba Ta eee se Se ee pee ee ee a ee ie, A ee oe oe Or ca) ABA ADGA Hac S i ag z || IDG OF AS IX 09 08 Hxiesidimds adidid 0d BATAAN Hid 0.05.18 S 09 Nos ag A BSSNG Nricd a 8 ea |°so BDARDOWO~ROAr MHORDAN AMO ONNOY DHORRHS DBOWOANAHAMDSO HOHN WHOM MMANDODMAD ~mOMD A a r=) HHANRASCIN atts sadist AANAMAN HASAN SWINASHO IGS OHSSM BHD N 4 809.1515 Hid mic = Sere ‘ Sse erie N ’ 0. niet, ah. eek eer © a St 25 AP ee . Ai eB , i ie, er ee re | "OS er (Or See Oy Wie’ 6 0 - Se ‘ ie ty = e E We 'o™ oe ie & . e »* | ‘ ¢ vw se eee pee a oy SS yee te te Sag Re regener That pret es VCR SRD 0 th le RNS em lod Od ate . neers ee ee ee See § +0 ~ Ml rae ew Sew ea) Eee Ae) LA gig Mae Wee a OY 8A ban Rago 8 A tagg tt RR PE OE Oe ae a a eae $1.8 I Tu ak Ay Rea Hea: te eee oP. ee es arate Ueatia® aa eis Meee Sete es iS) Se eb tS Be 0 tye me ee Satetits 6 Be Me! tae qiii: gery + oe fa he oe a ee ae e Ue Sa ee 8 ( lest ei) < ~~ eee) im oe TAN a nae we io a wy tee 20% Sur GES at © tt ae 248s owe 44. 8 440 5S a4 asa tee +E ee Ae ee 6 oe ee CED 8 re eee SO RE I OP et ah Sree SEEM ESS ee ae an is BoisBedsds:: epee A | ab ees Somat fi) pe tee ee Sek Tt Pa SS : Sows oe 4 ‘2 a d PUROOS SOA eG ROB LB Re i= ir a a cB: SS eee B= eee et eee > apes mR Sic & iene’: Qa *oee5 wp gots rt Ma Gow see 10 VASa Pees eee tj Wem $ eG ge at a ke MW ASaHA ego: Fee Baa au SW tide i MM Ie ee TES TIP CBS i Simm ttt Big " S otag suse : q:Bebasseeem i igGks (iASS 48escaSS gates ae gag : aifos sig bois z ‘OS He oSztegas AIGkS teal She SaSagun :SAAd eas ae aS COC Sang ekab ase a cas 3 ta ao iS 2 HRA PAZ4 ARLE SSNS OSa4HAH GH 'A2MSSO iB 486-2 -3.9'4 BeOS Soe ee ou wasSgaad iy BBs = 3am a aq ro sod SS OP SS SASM AS AO mMSe PS ses ge SSE og8 oS n [=| Cerise} So aq aa b oo ‘4d HaSSesperel2dar Sh Pe eet O =o} Sea oe asc aS ..55 do 2 Eon eaagSS Bya FR AS gee Pomc Ss agg Zfnwed See bneEReaxog an a's re CEN SE =| = co Mm ke ST Oe ea ASH V OR SONS SS +4 Bees shaon Ose 5 p Bom SVS BLO’ SOOCH OR 090O71E So He ORC Sy OSS OB OS os: HOM OES OPC RP ORL 5 SAPREARE AN pAaAzPAMORAAM POSR aS Baa AnA Baa ZR0m Mads 640m BASE OAdDAZ RECO ico] >| =| > AMOMDDHONOD AO OOMO OM0 FHA OGONODNHOH PANG EHANMR HODH MOM HAHOrwOOWA « co wi9 BAS = i enn ae Fe RP SER LIDS PD. CS FD Se. BSG GED See.” SE OE Se Si ee en a gr oe ea So Bd Sane Be Bis S —) re eget HHOSHS SSS SHSSH SSHOSOSSS . SHSHANAAHR BAAN ANBRE SSOSCOCHMHSOSO oso Qi = | 2 Ss cA CID AAD oo SH O0 AD DARDHAS ATO ASAMA WAMAHOT ARR KHOWAN DHOA wWON~ HHHHOHRD MINS S =| Set} dt ete tae Pe ee Ge erie OF ay er a ee De at aka te Opt ed th ERO det Me EW aD . date ade steeds xt lome 5 tee dees eos | =i SHANANAAOMS HOHOSS FAAH NGANHRS SCHWOOOrF HOSS OH 1G OS AHS BO Hod SSSNBNOS oss A = i SRE EES SE eer ae 8 PE Ee LG ERTS me ae = °o ODAMHOWOON DOOM OH KOO ADHOSD HROMHDe OCONMRREORRKe ANMHT BPH HAHONAOQ MOH as ey | 3 SSHHASOHHS HOnSSS SOM FAHRISCS SSONSOSSS ANSMOSHSO Oo 06 <4 T-Eact St SSONGASS ooo cy = ;, oe a MOADHOADOONM | DHNMOD ADH DHNHOH WAWMWOKHD HDRBOCSCSCSOVWNM GONM AMO AAANM OND NOt | x 2 | . SHH MSH SO | GHG SH é 3 od HH Ht a er dnc opine ans gnats fal~—0- 6 a ASSIS sad |: B cree ne oft ibe Bt ERS Se 8 Oe ae ier clams s: Ssgbe tarde 4b ses 7 ERA cs} ban BS SSE: 4 :Hssa8 sary i: ig SHS LS aa IG eUS ikaw tt $ Hagig : « (Mok: ts te. 8 Eg oF aS 3 3 GSS eeENShes Sudaay /BOlgdasassscog ELE: Baa oer geaa i if =" Peds ¢ a Bg ae o 53'S: oo os sag < Seaeds ps5 ; 5 Eo) ae amass ‘ Hs 5 PEEREEEEr age seaabs aG3 55273 SE ek PEE EECEEE ERLE CE Pee pe pssas 5 use . S4SRR anFaa pe eae Ae Baan beigaaaael uae Om S SESZ a He HG ww Ee o? % aa Dp eins Ce & 6 oS 4 > a po - | —* ~ i a “A ~ 436 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TaBLE 135.—NUMBER AND PER CENT ILLITERATE IN POPULATION 10 TO 15 YEARS OF AGE, INCLUSIVE, FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920. [Per cent not shown where baseis less than 100. NATIVE WHITE. , ae FOREIGN- ALL CLASS BS: ome Forlani ae aR i arentage mixed WHITE. DIVISION AND STATR. Pp ge. | parentage. Per cent. Num- | Per | Num- | Per ber. |cent.| ber. | cent. Num- | Per ber. |cent. i ee nf ene femme yee ea ee 292,467 | 2.3 16,632 | 0.6 | 18, 183 11.59 oo a ia oO or ry — > ny United States......- GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England...........| 2,472 |. 0.3 1,012} 0.3 914 | 0.2 0.9 0.4 Middle Atlantic. ........ 6,448 | 0.3 2,566} 0.2} 2,146] 0. 2 1.0) 0.5 . East North Central... .. 5,587 |. 0.2 || 3,393} 0-2] 1,404] 0.2 0.6 0.5 West North Central..... 5,662 | 0,4 |} 3,207) 0.3 944°} 0.2 23 2.5 South Atlantic..........| 97,032 | 5.1 || 26, 147 y Hy 4 289 | 0.4 1.6 10.9 East South Central... .. 77,670 | 6.1 || 23,508 | 2.7 130 | 0.8 3.1 14.3 West South Central..... 86, 336 | 6.0 || 23,037-] 2.3] 9,527 | 10.6 34.1 13.7 Mountain... o.. seca ess 8,932 |. 2.3 2, 032.| 0.8 856] 0.9 10.7 1 Pacitiens >... aula en. 2,328 | 0.4 583 Ouz 422° + 0.3 3.2 0.6 NEW ENGLAND: Maine... av laagest ieee y 628 |. 0.8 432.) 0.8 147.) 0.6 1.2 0.9 New Hampshire........ 131 |. 0.3 66} 0.3 39} 0.2 De Tenet 2 talons WMermontin ors. dase es 109 |}. 0.3 67211023 305). 03 OS Hee SoA CS a Massachusetts. ........- 977 | 0.2 221°| 0.2 482 |. 0.2 0.8 0.5 Rhode Island........-... 204 | 0.3 ed I ie 93°} -.0.2 1.4 0.5 Connecticuth..2oe2es0ok 423 | 0.3 195 |} 0.4 1B Ot 0.9 - 0.3 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: 7 New MOrk: ss: fee Jaages siz 2,530 | . 0. 2 778,| 0.2 “972-} 0.2 09 0.4 New Jersey.-.......:-.- gil | 0.3 283 | 0.2 306 |~ 0.2 1.2. 0.5 Pennsylvania........... 3,007 | 0.3 |} 1,505] 0.3 868 | 0.2 3 0-6 — East NORTH CENTRAL: ONOs es hed O4. Peek oo 1,621 | 0.3 1,155 | 0.3 269} 0.2 0.6 0.5 THdtans. ve fee c 4 -s HoSs 743 | 0.2 620°} 0.2 69 | 0.2 0.5 0.5 THTBOISs: & s2eh3 oe eo 1,657 |. 0.2 923.) 0.2 425 |. 0.2 0.7 + 0.5 Michipains s sz 53 5 ier se acy sil 0. 2 340} 0.2 325°), O02 0.5 0.2 Wisconsin. 23 cheek 755° | 0.2 355° | 0.2 316 | 0.2 0.6- 0.2 West NORTH CENTRAL: Minnesota - 2:2. . i 23 2 814 | 0.3 315,| 0.3 358 |. 0.2 0.5 oO L6Wiae ek aye age. be ee h 518 |. 0.2 330} 0.2 137-|* 0.2 1.0 0.5 Missotiriws . /f:3 0: ageing 2,738 | 0.7 1,949 | 0.6 84.|° 0.2 2:3 3.6 North Dakota.......... 246 | 0.3 42} 0.1 120} 0.2 O67 |e Ree ee South Dakota........... 250 | 0.3 ao: | Oc2 81 | 0.3 LO YA. Bees Foe Nebraskaie a5. #2 28 S23 319 | 0.2 165 | 0.2 84 |-0: 2 138 0.3 Ransas i 22: socks Wea 777 | 0.4 833f }) 052 * 80} 0.3 sttSt 0.5 SouTH ATLANTIC: Delawarers 25.63 22 ey 125 |. 0.5 41} 0.3 10 | 0.2 12 AB fee Maryland..-:.2..2..:.-. 2,444) 1.5 558 | 0.5 60} 0.2 0.9 6.1 District of Columbia.... 78 |. 0.2 16} 0.1 6] 01 0.6 0.5 Virginia x: 2.90. eek 16,976 |, 5.4 7,010 | 3.4 50 | 0.8 21.9 10.0 West Virginia...........| 3,506 | 1.8 || 3,161) 1.9 78 |.0.8 ai 2.3 North Carolina..........|. 15,711 | 4.2 || 5,645) 2.2 10 | 0.7 7a ae) 8.3 South Carolina.......... 15,909 | 6.1 || 1,999] 1-7]. 2 |--0.2' 123° F 9.6 Georgia. <0 e.g32ua ses Ty 35; 263 | 8.3 6, 531 | 2.8 8 | 0.2 1.4 15.4 HIOTINIG 35 seek sees see: 7,020 | 5.7 1,186} 1.7 65 | 0.7 1:4 13,25 East SOUTH CENTRAL: i Kentueky - ssa: = Ws a = de 8, 767 | 2.8 ]| 7,617) 2.7 21) 0.3 2-8 4 Tennessee...+-:2-+-4+-2- 16,482 | 5.1 || $356 | 3.2 13] 0.4 1.0 13/9 Alahama.¢. 1.2354: 26,649 | 7.6 4,981] 2.4 47 |. .1.0 228 15.6 Mississippi..--.......-.. 25,712 | 9.3 2,554] 2.0 49 | 2.4 8.1° W155 West SOUTH CENTRAL: : 7 Arkansase. ig cuss 2:28 13,463 | 5.2 || 4,459 | 2.4 38 | 0.9 4.0 P1958 LOUIsiana. - sj, ib - die ts o 48 36, 266 | 14.1 |) 8,925] 6.3 763 | 6.2 9.9 25.6 Oklahoma: .2 sce; ae G59 5,232 | 1.8 || 3,309] 1-3 109 | 0.9. 17.3 ee Texasi.c.7.deeeiebeseek: 31,375 | 4.9 || 6,344] 1.4] 8,617 | 14.0 ab f 4, 6 MOUNTAIN: Me Montanae.« 22 sds gy sdb 228 | 0.4 69 | 0.2 571 0.3 0.8 1.9 TAARO. se goes FEES 197 | 0.4 63 | 0.1 21 0..2 4.4 oct ae W Yomding: 3 .cy<4s ss 58 |. 0.3 22 | 0.2 9] 0.2 QB" too wht alse Colorado......0ssseeesse 354| 0.8 || - 3814 0.5 97 | 0.4 6:84 el ae New Mexico, ........... 2,820 | 5.9 |] 1,328] 3.5]. 272) 6.5 15.5 5 2.6 ATIZONG.%. - 55 fae s'gsah 648 4,394 | 11.5 96} 0.5 348 | 4.4 19.9 2 0.6 Utah ie te 5 oe as ee Sg 272 |. 0.4 6L | 0.1 | 45 | 0.3 22) 1.4 Neo aa Nevada... 249665 sas.255- 109 | 1.6 12] 0.3 7) O4 16} 5.9 2 |eeenne PACIFIC: Washington. ........... 293 | 0.2 122 + Oe 80 | 0.2 ~ 241 0.4 1 0.2 COROT 6 Ue ag 24 4G 189 | 0.2 121 | }.0,2 }, 36 | 0.2 14°} +O: 5 |e cbs eee lee eee Galifotmiaiiidicsssesis2055 1,846 | 0.6 340} 0.2} 306| 0.3 956 | 4.3 oR 0.6 ia ILLITERACY. ! 437 TABLE 186.—NUMBER AND PER CENT ILLITERATE IN POPULATION 16 TO 20 YEARS OF AGE, INCLUSIVE, FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920, [Per cent not shown where base is less than 100.} NATIVE WHITE, . FOREIGN- ALL ‘ante Native Foreign or BORN NEGRO. parentage. hi howe i DIVISION AND STATE. parentage. Num- | Per || Num- | Per | Num-| Per | Num-| Per | Num- | Per ber. |cent.|| ber. |cent.| ber. |cent.| ber. |cent.| ber. | cent. United States.....-. 306, 327 3.3 86,079 | 1.6 | 13,707} 0.6 | 38,412 | 6.6 | 162, 758 15.1 @uoGRaPic DIVISIONS: - New England......2... LY} 1,115] 0.5] 1,040] 0.4] 4,108] 5.0 1] 18 . Middle Atlantic........ 0.8 2,915 |' 0:3 | 2,238) 0.3] 9,317} 41 804 1.6 _ East North Central..... 0.5 4,028} 0:4] 1,626) 0.3 3,129 | 2.7 772 1.9 West North Central. ... 0.6 || 3,501] 0.5} 1,012} 0.3} 1,559] 4.0 683 | 3.0 South Atlantic. ..0... 7.9 || 29,165 | | 3.4 316 | 0.7 825. | 5.6] 78,495 | 16.8 East South Central..... 7.6. || 22,583 | | 3.7 105) 0.8 157 | 6.7 |. 44,741 | 16.9 West South Central..... 7.3 || 19,194] 2.7] 6,164] 9.0 | 12,925 | 33.6 | 37,076 | 16.6 Mountain... /.22..4.20: 3:7 || 2,995 | 1.7 764| 1.1] 3,318 | 15.9 47d) 2.8 Racing, 0k i. ee 1.2 583 | 0,2 442} 0.4) 3,074] 7.7 29 0.9 NEw ExGLAND: | CSR oe epee ke es 1.6 518.) ' L3 257 | 1.4 2557| ° 41 3 2.9 New ian Ha a Nesp 11 60 | 0.4 Do, | 0,4 284 | 6.4 Oe oa tes Ah a0..0 he ee Bae 0.8 122 | (0.6 52} 0.8 Gtr Qc40 cates eseene 1.0 236 | 0.3 442} 0.3} 2,185 | 48 55 bP 1.5 30} 0.2 129; 0,5 613%) 37. 15 2.0 1.0 149} 0.4 107} 0.2 768 | 4,9 36 2.1 ew work. o.oo" 402° 0.9 875 | 0.3} 1;014) 0.3.) 5,023 | 3.6 167 re New Jersey......------- 0.9 441] 0.4| 308] 0.3] 1,442} 4.5 184} 1.9 B Feunsyivania es ae ne 0.8 |} 1,599] 0.4 916 | 0,4 | 2,852] 4.9 453 | 1.9 AST NORTH CENTRAL: oS a A a aed 0.6 1,280 | 0.4 278 | 0.3 850 | 3.1 324 2.1 MMGIAMA.... bo. ss ce cas 0.5 816 | 0.4 76} 0.3 143} 2.8 105 | 15 , pene tama bmp ihe cate wee 0. 1; e 0. 4 498) 0.3) 1, rs 4 ; e ie ° ichigan ....-..-..-.--- 0. 4 0.3 392 | 0.3 6 : 8 A We eeansin rte ape aba 0.4 338.| 0.3 382.) 0.4 180 | 1.5 6 1.5 st NORTH CENTRAL: PPM HOSOTS - -. i. -- 05's 0.4 267'| 0.3 304 | 0.2 153 | 1.3 6; L1 OSS Se be aman ae 0.3 324 | 0.2 152) 0.3 213 4.1 25 1.6 Ss Se ee ee 14 2,302 | 0.9 117,} 0.3 304 | 4.6 586; 4.0 North Dakota. ..:...... 0.5. 3 0.2 135 | 0.4 038 3) VA TARE 3 Sarees bet sere : Nebraska... See ST pee os 0, 2 73) 0.3 38 A Bite a ge m INGDIASKSs. 15.5 boi 85 0. 87 | 0.3 127 | 0.3 157 | 3.8 : ; ares ya) Saleh ane ite 0.7 321)| 0.3 99) 0.4 601 | 15.7 5h y 1.0 TH ATLANTIC: — « ® aDelnware. ..3.3.%)'...<. 1.6 64.| 0.5 12] 0.4 40 | 5.4 179 | 6.2 MAR VIANG. seeks th ole 2.4 793} 0.9 106} 0.6 183 |) 8.2 2,058 8.8 _ District of Columbia. ... 0.7 27) -Or1 6} 0.1 25 | 20 178} 1.7 B APBUNA 20. eo yes 3 6.9 || 6,154] 4.1 26} 0.5 46 | 3.0] 9,571) 13.5 me west Virginia.......... 3.2 || 3,313 | 2,7 54] 1.0 425 | 14.5 645 150 ~ North Carolina-.....-.. 8.2 8,386 | 4.8 6} 0.6 17 | 5:6: }* 42, 735-1 15,2 Ss again ae io7 || goer | a5| 10] od] 16] 21] 26583) i98 | ORAS aes ee : 5 3. 0} 0. : SF § Eh eal Pekvokie) bt. 6.9 1, 015} 2.1 89 | 1.6 99; 4.6 5,035 | 14.7 East OUTH CENTRAL: entukey.. 0.205.050 4.4 || 8456] 4.2 20 | 0.3 29} 4.5} 1,506! 7.0 ennessee. - 00h... A. 5.6 || 7,484] 4.1 20] 0.7 19]. -3.3 | 5,510} 11.6 NG Se gee ee 9.6 4,940 | 3.6 43} 1.4 Bo 4-+ Tele pod 8li tl ALar9 | er SOUTH C Leatr res pi | Hy SS | 22) 1.6 56 | 15.9-|- 19,908 | 19.6 Was OUTH CENTRAL: ATMANSAS. 0.205. 5.1 2,891 | 2.4 36} 1.0 47 {11.2 5,982} 11.7 ) Timsiuisiana. O55... 22 17.9 8,844] 9.0 557 | 6.4 275. | 14.0-} 23,081 | 31.1 Secianoma:: 62) 052...58 1.8 2,008} 1,2 62} 0.6 418 | 22.6 651 4,0 a dee uy ae 6.3 || 5,451 | 1.7] 5,509] 11.8 | 12,185 | 35.6 |.- 7,362) 9.0 TAIN: : EOWA. 3. 6. xe... sa 0.6 504 0.2 38 |: 0.3 OL) aT A betel sta : Qe nee eeeneeee-eee m . 0.6 46 | 0.2 19 | 0.2 2} 6.95 a heal ste BY yoming........:... 1.0 29) 0.3 15 | 0.4 93 | 10.2 1 0.9 Co 0 CSS SPs 1.6 603; 1.2 103 | 0.5 508 | 10,2 10 1.2 11.2 2,033 | 7.7 279 | 10.1 607 | 24.4 10 2.8 14.0 161.) 1.2 272 | 5.5} 1,869 | 25.8 20 4.0 0.7 64) 0,2 36} 0.3 69 | 3.6 Dobiis aba 3.6 9] 0.3 2} 0.2 39} 9.3 1) | bese 456 | 0.4 112] 0.2 96 | 0.3 112; 14 3 0.8 223 | 0.4 105,;- 0.2 25 | 0.2 61°] (1.9 Rock. mentite testis 4,188 |. 1.7 366} 0.3 821 |. 0.4} 2,901 | 10.1 26 1,0 488 ABSTRACT OF THE ‘CENSUS—POPULATION. - } TABLE 187.—NUMBER AND PER CENT ILLITERATE IN POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 — INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920. : NATIVE WHITE. FOREIGN-BORN ALL CLASSES: : 1920 Native F pe WHITE. NAGE: ciry. parentage. | parentage. | Num- | Per || Num- {| Per | Num-}| Per | Num- | Per | Num- | Per ber. | cent.||. ber...| cent.}. ber. .| cent.| . ber. cent. ber. | cent. Akron, Ohio..............| 5,958 | 3.5 161 | 0.2 71} 0.3 5,425 |] 14.6 272 5.5 Sy A ae ee 2,918 | 3.0 144] 0.3 130 | 0.4 2,582} 14.8] 41 3.5% Atlanta?Gasi..3.0..1 2k 11,0381} 6.6 |) ° 1,321) 13 18 | 0.3 223 |. “48 ')° 97465) 17.8 | Baltimore, Md.n. 152 104}; O14 213 | 0.2 3,379 3.9 122 3.5.) | Nashville, Tenn. .2.:..... 7,054 | 7.2 1,246 | 2,1 45'| 0.8 175 7.4 5,588 | 18.4 | New Bedfavd, Mass.......} 11,631 | 12.1 47| 0.3 270 | 0.9} 10,330] 21.7) 954°} 25. 2 New Haven, Conn........ 8,046 | 6.3 46| 0.1 96) 0.2| 7,738|-.17.2 149| 4.0 — New Orleans, La.......-. 19,010 | 5.9 1,375} 0.9 764) 1.2 3,072} 13.9°|- 13,234 | 15.7 New York, N.Y......... 281,121] 6.2 || 2,261) 0.3} 4,291} 0.3 | 270, /88| 13.8] 2756} 21 — Bronx borough....... 26,202 | 4.5 132 | 40,1 330 | 0.2] 25,020] * 9.7 63 16° Brooklyn borough....| 98,088) 6.1 694) 0.2] 1,552] 0.3} 94, 4371 14:5 791 20m I Manhattan borough. -| 140,810] 7.5 1,209} 0.4] 1,886] 0.3 | 135,058] 14:9 1, 723 1 See | Queens borough ...... 12,383] 3.3 170 | 0.2 422) 0.3{| 11,597} 10.5 146 34 Richmond borough... 3,688 | 4.0 56} 0.2 101 | 0.3 3,276 | 1152 33 2. te . Newark, Ny Jc 0ucs. 0k x 19,721 | 6.0 224 | 0.3 315} 0.3; 18,403] 15.9 |: 626 4.5 Nomolk, Va‘ inst ocr aes 6,111 | 6.3 569 | 1.2 28 |. 0.5 392] 6.0] .5)111| 13.9 Oakland, Calif.. 122121277. 4,638) 2.5 |] 115] 0.2] 192], 03) 3,489] 78) 1b}. 25° & Omaha, Nebr.....224-..45 4011] 2.5 151 | 0.2 85} 0.2] 3,884] 9.5 408 | 4.5 © Paterson, Ni Jo.) te 6,903 | 6.3 1251 0.5 158 | 0.4 544 | 14,7 r49 3.70 Philadelphia, Pa. -....... 58,631) 4.01 1,514} 0.31! 1,250} 0.3 50,379| 12.8] 5,316). 4.6 Pittsburgh, Pa.-...2...4. 20,297 | 4.3 361 | 0.2 524 | 0.3) 17,712] 14.9 1,661) 5.2 Portland, Oreg........... 3,654 | 1.7 187 | 02 127 0.2) \°.2,701| 5.8 09d eae | Providence, BR. Toei ad? 14, Sa. 208 113] 0.2 308 | 0.4} 10,484}; 15.3 | |. 580} 11.4 Beatin. Pde ck gence aon 3,043 | 3.5 515 | 0.8 79} O7 2,417 |- (25. 6; 20> TAIOF | Richmond, Va....2.if.4-¢ 7,931 | 5.6 848} 1.0 50 | 0.6 359 7.8 6,665.) 14.9 Rochester Neey 225. 290s 10,871; 4.5 137 | 0.2 165.7, 0.2.1 . 30,532]. 15.0 26) 1.9 Sb. Louis, Mo... 3. oe. 17,634 ,| 2.7 1,268 | 0.5 965 | 0.5 | 10,327) 10.1 4,996 8.2 St. aul, Minn oye b & 3 0467) 1.6 tix) Dah 174} 0.2 2,717 §.3 67 2.2) | Salt Lake City, Utah..... 970 | 1.0 69| 0.2 79 | 0.2 773 | 4.0 20} 3.10 San Antonio, Tex........ 14,955} 11.4 |] 1,301} 2:2] 1,521] 6.2] 11,233] 33-4 875 I. te San Francisco, Calif. '..... 8,520] 1.9 312); 0.2 251 | 0.2 6, 585 4,8 63 am SCANLON EE Ws wo cu reek 941; 6.5 (2) 022 242°} 0.67 6,614 ]° 23.4 11 2.3: Seattle, Wash............ 4,061 | 1.5 149] 0.1 104] 0.1] 2,608] 3.6} 49) 1.9. Spokane, Wash........... 687 | 0.8 49} 0.1 24) 0.1 550 3.3 20]. 3.2 Springfield, Mass......... 3,9389:| 3.7 101 | 0.3 175"}° 0.5 3 536°] * 1.5 118 i. aun a Syracuse, N. Y....0.-..-5 5,607 | 4.0 212'| 0.3 186] 0.4] 5,158} 16.2 40°) 3.6m w Toledo, Ohio............. 4,897} 2.5 368 | 0.4 244] 0.4] 4,002] 10.6 254 5.0 L "TEGNUOMN, Nie dois alee acc duce 6, 50 6.9 141] 0.4 85} 0.3 5,995 | 20.2 245 | 6. ‘ Washington, D.C!....... 10,509 | 2.8 564. | 0.3 76| 0.2] 1,728) 6.118053 | 8.6" Wilmington, Del......... 4,907 | 5.5 249 | 0.5 96 |' 0.5} 3,083] 19.2] 1,473} 15.7 Worcester, Mass...../...- 6,779 | 4.7 68 | 0.2 169} 0.3 6,507} 12.3 27 2.6 Yonkers, N. Y......s0--| 4,309 | 5.5 26 | 0.1 55| 0.2. 4,162 18.4 | Som | eae 5.7 0.2 0.3 16.0 5.5 oa ILLITERACY, 439 TABLE 138.—NUMBER AND PER CENT ILLITERATE IN POPULATION 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLA INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920. —eeaeaoQqQuuuee eee ALL CLASSES: 1920 CITY. Num- ber. HAlcron, Ohio.;;- 2. 34-1. -4 - 5, 840 mloany oN o:Yog sxe ga- 12-2 - 2, 854 PAtlanta; Ga. ;....4--23-4- 10, 162 Baltimore, Md...........-. 25, 394 Birmingham, Ala.........| 11,276 Boston, -- ha - 5, 708 akland, Calif....-....-.. 4, 490 maha, Nebr..-..-...---- 3” 890 mencorson, N. Ji. 3. 2. «5-4. 6, 737 hiladelphia, Pa....-....- 57, 269 ittsbur Bh ko. db ye 19, 991 meen ; Greg i 16-3: 58 pridence, , 1 Gk 6 .-| 11,168 Reading, Pa...... wer ages - , 953 eon IV OL sn oo. dp-us} 5 9, 402 MeUET, Dla ub yi 26-6- 10, 623 te Louis, Mo;.-.....-.--- 17, 120 mor raul, Minn .3. ....0-3. m Salt Lake City, Utah..... 900 ‘San Antonio, Tex........ 12, 504 San Francisco, Calif... ... 8, 260 Meranton, Pas. 2-4. ..-5- 6, 832 Seattle, Wash........ ...-| 3,914 kane, Wash....... sae 671 eee ecen rd © 4 cent. NATIVE WHITE. Native parentage. Foreign or mixed parentage. Per cent. FOREIGN-BORN SSES, FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 — F971 90.99 _ TOM WG MANN ETNAAA ATR MND WORM WME _ WNWOWWWOWMDOOWWH WOW DOK TORCH HOMN NWNWWODDKHODCUMH A COWARD PWNWORMAWW WDHAHWWOWRMORMONND — NNADW OOP Rr POND PWD RTM STEN DWOIWNIN OUR © gOraTaIG0 SSSSOSSSSSSSOSOWN SOSSHHSSSSS9SHS SSSSSSHSSNSSSS HOSHSHSSSSSS9N9S Or SSSSSooSSoSHSS NOK DWNOCOIWWRH WOW NON ONNONNWWONNOW NNW RBNNWNE ROR H HD “TW FR NOON WADNOWO CIWNON NATH We Om Oe bo POSSSSSSSS OOO SOSSSHSSSsSSss soos SoSSsoSorSrssooSS HOSSoSrSSrroSSS SreSsSoSS SOS SOSS EN ENN OOP NTRRHONM oO NWN AINNOOWOPR RON ROE PWRWNHWWWOONWHO CWNTIDRORNWNWOWNTO DENWNANhWNHNOMDOWoOw WHITE, gee Num- Per Num- | Per ber. cent. ber cent 5,343 | 15.8 264] 6.3 2, 541 15.5 40 4,4 218 5.1 8, 763 21.8 11, 478 15.0 11, 336 15.4 901 16. 5 9, 860 PY | 23,199 10.5 309 2.6 TO5k [TES 170} 10.6 15,949 | 14.3 103 | 3.0 2, 520 8.5 104 aes 3,433 | 18.7 633. 11.7 91,511 123 3,678 4.5 2,818] 7.01: 2768 |. 13.0 30, 678 14.1 1,517 6.1 LBZ | 11.8 Via dy SG ec Balt 1,201} 16.0] 2,234] 13.6 1173} 97 698 | 11.0 3,239] 9.2 216 | 4,7 781 (oes 230 7.6 27, 009 10.5 1,358 4.4 10,316 27.0 27 12.4 1, 700 29.0 956 8.8 3,466 | 13.2 L615, coe 5, 229 14.1 252 9.4 2,266 | 22.4] 3,005] 13.2 1,374] 8.6]. 2.4171 10.2 9,305 | 13.2 255." 4.8 1, 480 14.3 850 10.0 2,915 11.8 1, 661 YS ' 7,552 rpg! 568 abi! 860} 7.7] 5,143] 17.8 5,770 | 16.5 6} 5.0 528 10.0 1; 823 18.6 10, 387 10.2 60 3.6 3,358 | 4.1 120] 3.9 171] 7.8]. 5,326 | 22.9 9, 834 ya, | 923 30. 4 7,656 | 18.4 145] 4.7 3,503 | 14.7] 12,317]. 19.3 266, 663 14.8 2,621 pos 25, 381 10.4 59 2.0 93, 298 ocd 757 3.4 133, 101 L651 1, 630 20 11,448 | 10.9 143] . 4.2 3,435 | 11.8 32] 3.3 18,084] 17.1 592 | 5.3 375 | 6.3] 4,761] 16.7 3,408 | 8.1 117] -2.8 3,273 10.0 393 Ded 6,417 | 15.7 46] 4.4 49,607 | 13.7]. 5,186} 5.4 17,571 1537 1, 616 6.2 2, 674 6.2 69 5.7 10, 274 16.2 518 ya 2,364 | 27.2 30 | 5.0 354] 8.3] 6,291 | 18.3 10,338 | 16.2 > i hageae e) 10,182] 10.6] 4,880] 9.7 2,702| 5.6 67 | 2.6 750 4.2 20 3D 9,728 | 35.9 $311. 8.8 6, 461 4.9 66 3.4 6,543 | 24.5 ii |.2.8 2,568 |° 3.8 49) 2.1 547 305 20 3.8 ; 12.2 118] 6.4 pa I 35 Sue 1f.2 243 ey pA ae S| 233 8.3 6.4... 7,823 | 10.7 20.2]. 1,403] 18.6 13.0 2 ae 2 4 4.4 a Wy oe | 6.4 POPULATION. FOR CITIES HAVING, IN 1920, 100,000 F LITERATE IN POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY POPULATION ) CLASSES, ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS E: 1920 AND 1910. TABLE 139.—PER CENT IL SEX AND PRINCIPAL INHABITANTS OR MOR 440 } we: / - “gy - . ; n - ¢ ni = as (eS teres as ‘ ONONAINHCOSOMHER HT NODNHOHWHHROOCOH BROSBONMMOMANGH IDM DIDO HOON HOMO CTH CoR: — oe tn SSS Od od 25 hid fi A 06 Hesriqgnss NPSHSANM SHBG BS iseaicaiadid$s j a Melaka Me ee nh Coe ie” <0 pe ee Cnet cet bel ne oe pene ye) Cecas i wGeien gees 40 “She rule tis bet as — is Hee B59 este a ee apes ee ee ee ee i tee ee ee er ee ie eee FOREIGN- SA HAAGHAHBSHO-GHOMMO SB 69 a5 0d His ee ee ee ee) . rei SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSAHSSHSSSSSH SSSSSHSHSSSSSS SSSSSSSSHHSSSSS HPSHSSSSSASSSSS OA aw te ather 0: Mate aise) Se euhbeule 0 ce Jv 'e 0 > 6 So 6 is dre oe hte rend, Seem rane 8) as. 8 8 te Bee cetyl tien alse gelesen inde Sten amin pial ain my continents fanaa corey Ph ft Ee ae BLO OPO ed ee” OMe | Oe eee ee ne ee ew ee we ee Ee wel eS ee eae ce aon 8 cee oe pate cee eee ath et ns ee nee Oe Bn ee On ee ee ON OS NATIVE WHITE. pia tities a On Ea alae ar alee et a a er ea NET Oe Te ee Ta ee rr we oat ost eff sd ste of wasp ot =p ee 1920| 1910] 1920] 1910] 1920! 1910] 1920) 1D O ODOM N ODO © tH dele > 7 cant RI tars ale sl apn Pr ea ly ee ane a at NY ek Je get Yat vie ee Ee WR a ee ee ee as ae Oe eR re ee et ee ee ee a | DAOSHAROPHOARWO MAHON DOr-WDOSHOHrOSW DSMWSSMDADROANDWS CONMAONMNHOOCOrOMsS cece prsleanguecntgrnt gue giv ghttlr teh getongear gee mg orang anager yong SE SESS Eg eT Ce ee wee Ie SE TS ee OS ee gee ee ee nak ah os waht kaa et eal G2 ED ol 5 Si ae BS be 61 18 1920) 1910 3 9 1 7 5 4 1 2 2 9 9 i 5 6 1 8 i: 3 0 4 4 5 6 8 1 6 0 0 2 1 1 4 1 4 4 7 0 8 3 7 2 8 6 4 7 9 4 5 1 3 3 5 6 4 0 8 9 8 0 1 1 3 5 9 0 0 3 1} 0 5 1 9 1 OO TE a de Be ee nO ee Oe are ante nos ies peer eet "Oily en el ee ee Or ee a er eee cis, ue aisle ane « See aaicite 0 Stable eiheliys 5 0 pereidats smal tencs Mae. tivomts sirloin es sl Ci eine 6 ee se cee let Re eine Pt a eer a oii ene a RL gi el | DAMA MORADOAAHAM HBeHMOHPAHNODSMsIWOAH DODMAAHOMAMONSTHD BOW iwIHOSOMANIN MIO HO emonyeeraaeedl re ; ALL CLASSES. Lale © Oe wig. Sana 8k, Buon @neinS iris Byes ba By Open Oly Wis Own ew, OO, rn Onrib,. Over bth O25 0)" 0,40 n'y 0)n Orton CAVE OL JOIN Ol Lanne MS usec © Eis eae Rem are Oho aie oie, Se) ee eae eee eS fA aed et te ane oe To 1Includes South Omaha for 1910. | SCAOMHHHROMMIACAHOS MHOONWMNS HOON SH OD SOOO HDAOORPOMODA SOSAHROANKRON OR SD Rr) 46919 S00 SO © Hrs | 1910}| 1920] 1910 bo fet Beh ein beet gone ofl de of ath ee Set bw Sy WN Sit a eaeen ee mete on} 8 10S eb aten me 8 Foe oe) Ree Sens 1S ee eo eee eae cat ee oie a BARNS hen ae 1920 - - e- - tere - ears ch weds GHio. = Ohio Spokane, Wash, -. Springfield o- Onin. ets Yoakers, Youagstown, ASS... ccc ee ene Ind an ok Kans Pat Bs. Del. Mass... ad es bs Washington, Wilmington, td Shop borough.... alif.... P Teg... k, N. J MA N SIN o. hia Omaha Conn. .- Mass. , Lex. ee > aa Cambridge, Mass.. Ohio Pa ve N he: N } h 7rand Rapids, Mi Hartford, Conn. N.Y PiOnsa 3 N M N, Minn...... e re) = Salt Lake City, U a eV BLE os ee , Mo Rochester, St. Louis St. Paul fo) ty, ty, Mo Los Angeles, Calif... ebri.. gham, Ala... Mass...... ] ence 3 2 Oakland ? it, Mich. ..° Paterson a Co k Richmond borough Manhattan borough Newar. Bronx borough. Brooklyn borough. Queens Denver, Colo..... San Francisco, Calif. Scranton, Pa...... San Antonio, Tex... Seattle, Wash. Worcester ay Baltimore, Birmin Boston Bridgeport, Buffalo, N. Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dalias, Tex:. ... so 0. 8 Dayton, Ohio. Des Moines, lowa Detro Fall River Fort Wort Houston, Tex.. Indianapolis Jersey City, Kansas Cit Kansas Ci Louisville, Ky..-.. Lowell; Mass... S22 Memphis, Tenn-... Milwaukee, Wis... Minneapolis, Minn- Nashville, ‘Tenn... New Bedford, Mass New Haven, Conn. New Orleans, La... New York, Norfol Philadelphi Pittsburgh Portland Provid Reading, Pa. Richmond Syracus Toledo, Trenton, 441 ILLITERACY. ‘TABLE 140.—PER CENT ILLITERATE IN POPULATION 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY 1920 AND 1910. [Per cent not shown where base is less than 100.] Soke ara CLASSES, FOR CITIES HAVING, IN 1920, 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MO \ CY) SEX AND PRINC . io . Sf we a ee Oe See MOR gw Se ee edie re RRM e 2 opie 9 eo 6 iy gE ANE CS ce Sten Mine oko Rete lew Rant OS Ay eas 2 oe eae Se SORES SA Sambal cs 1G. <1 EN OW EGS Acpiees CG tm HOt Hvide is scaister ede dscd Grodtidtiss sHadieN +S: “ < Aanisrs el S 3 | aYASs8 RHE TSOH HMSO x SHSAGen oor SASH OO OH Jricd BOA df wis Hews SSAA GGA Se os | o ee - TO oOo 5 | 1 | OHOMMNOSOMEBHSOAH OS CHOHTMOAHTANWON AH ODOADAKR MD OHONM COD OMDHHARER OMAP OD WHOM HOM Drm OH dH) Py os AA Sos ° fos * . < e 4, Of. ay aaa 2 oe 40) A a 2) ee ee Barnes BALAN dod 15 SAid sd S15 916.08 bet dine Wt um: ge oem eile, 0 ie. 8 uae See ne eel aie ae moe a5 er en eee Rie DSC eae ces a, Siar ee Mp GO Sb GH Go St Gp ON EN ef SS tke UD SOON UD SH 19 O69 C19. 10/00 CW CP TAD ai eid etal io oA «3 ~ OI CUD DH HM MIAO DIS ANNO Wed O HOO tri 2H OD OER DMA HON MHD D490 OD HO MAH 09 O19 Ht IDE SEN OR PEE FH Sa Bl] As SAvSASSHSSHAS Shoda dross KIdcrnsstsusss Wyoe BON BOSNMHHSH Keidisddn Shs adsé RO 2s ‘ i] eo e gq DIN HOMMW AMM MOHMS KADNOOCAHHONMOMD BASES MKCHR AUS GONGNOAHAOMHINN, SOSUN MOTHS ESSH Nod SRASS Bis Be Fa | tebe Eb bee be + eee eee ees SSSI GSAS SSsSd NddsoGssoscNwocowe BVAeeInaA HOO OI O19 00 TO CD ON HOD AH HOH NO HH MDOP AIAN ONO Mm MOM AMm TAT = ro) BilssscdcscdddddddcHs SsSodccHticsHsssssH SSSoSoScHSHSSSSSS SSoSSSSSSSHSSSSS BSSSSSSSSSSSSS IS SRA BE BERRIES: EIS EE Te he a ea oS R os = UO HOD D9 4.09 0D ONO. ON HY AHS PS 0D Be 09 rai Pe ON 09 CN 07 1D. VI ON MAE ANANNAA HH HONMAO HH HAHN mH ONDA HOt 06900 tH 5 Bag Bl scooNSHsssoSsocHnsctis SscdcctddSSHisdSsH sSSosésnssadssssss SHSOSHSSSSHHSSSS SSSSSSSHHSSSSS] S ~ ao eT ee - al oS [—) ante i Zz i ae S HID HO DA HOM AO AMIN MD INNDOYAMION HA QOH OHIO NAN HAN DOAN DMANAONAN ONAN QIN HN 00 1D COT IL ~ Si sseHxosssssoosssno SSoSoSeSeSeSsoSoSsHtSsHtsSsH Sseesnsstssssss SHSeSSssesesSontcsoes Nddsddsssssscsss 5 == Pa at Sm eA Sg I a a Ng a re a 2 Sot a" ahi age A REE ES gern A ea a = CN CO MH EOD At md IOMINGD 100 DOO OPO HOP Orreded wt UH OO HOO HOMOOAA MOM MOOMOM WOH MOND ODAC MOOMOAAIOM 3g i me | SSMS MSs HSS aiS.c916 AcdsesNndtsnradcduadan Mad dadt dcdiag wiv BAGKBSSGHSGA HSH SASHA STS MEK SIH) 'S a g AODADDION OM MIDAHDD ANGOMWHHOSCOAAHOA BDHOMMWDOM AWGN AOD OGOOAAA WO 0009 09 19 OI NO} MMOCSrRHODMHORDHEE|O ma | Med AD Sw AGG HOSA ACS Naas Sodas Galiciis AS MABGA SIMA S wid BON Sidad Hodis aaa AAA W A IGOSMS a n Es eS. <>. a ~~ i) a = 00.09 C9 19 CO SHES OO 19 OOF OO) UO OHI 19 19 HID OADM OOM COMM MN OIMOMAIAD HON MOA HORS SOM =} 4 2 oA SiG HGS oF S ais redaiddr codons SB 6 od dix Hd 0d. 65 od Hit IS SAGA SA tHSSS R CR Oe eae Tie ee eee eee eee ee eee eee cee ee eee eee a cca case een enna anne resmspu eum anareantiieeppanian iat Mra eta ie ear eR GAT Sep ie OE | I s S $ o =| $s ONO ODN MORAN TOD COM CORO AROR MID AN ODD ODD DODD AIA ID OND SD DDS et O19 19 09 HOD OD SP OD MOHWDMONDHMOrMNMOO|D 4 m | Voor HS SHAGHSHNG OS aia a wig Wi wis id ciid vii ‘ SdisNsd SSH AKA SAaSHSU GSH BASH wi died 05.05 S15 SI & < ———— eee TE SE EES — eee = 000 41d HHMERADOMME OOPTHSHOOCKOR HOHE ANOROOH HHOW MDA DHOWMN OO DAMA Mom ID HAND MOIHOOHOO = me | MoS Sid hid od wid 15 15. 09:15 09 ANaSSH Sor asta OO Giada +i i sass Asridadsdaa dada AdbsdrSnsow | Both sexes. SN og ee ak ne a ae el ae teat OG ik aoe we ee wag gl ce ak og ©) ee SIPS ee Se eee PRN ee ao re ae cia oe nll ee ee | 1920 ee ek ee ee ee | 6 OC We « ee ee , Bee eae en ee ee ee Kg 2 an ae a Age sgh Pees Bes SLC Rs o See a - at Se piiiigi id! pee ES oor RR ge RF BR ge Ee Pigeae ti: a oe eee LE ge let gt Oat igss ee tis 5 git ioge is Paras REGS? rer Gerereeer ery Pater c RMPCey EC SEE Smee gi tage 5 ite ‘S GgOMar ‘Bes - 9 iease gs eed 5 igs B50 ae! Baeee th a ae ay.s ge 5 B70 SSE rads 85 oo gE OO eEEeS o SU gS Sb ednas ZEA og 2 itz § 8 ov ON Bae Oe PS SE a OS Smt Pe SS fo aed + ee . y Bs pea HsesesGa5y Soage-=5 225924: oper a: Ba BEA Se: gea5 0) nasa BEE er S45 se aass E 1 ee Ee = S8e Jacenaaae aeesa 88 Se5ae ER 858 335 Baeee Be ada Cael 449 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 141.—NUMBER AND PER CENT ILLITERATE IN POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920. {Per cent not shown where base is less than 100.]} ALL CLASSES: FOREIGN-BORN 1920 NATIVE WHITE. winre. NEGRO. Cry, | _- Per Per Per Per Number cork Number eon Number. Sanne Number dout ALABAMA: Mobile. os. 3.1 8.0 Acids Sake 4,502 9.0 166 0.6 67 3.4 4,267 | 21.2 Montgomery...... 4, 554 12.7 81 0.4 33 4,4 4, 440 26.8 ARIZONA: Phoenix. 4.02.45). AA see 810 3.4 131 0.7 637 16.6 25 2.7 ARKANSAS: | Port Spriths eo yep A s. Sake 793 3.4 268 1.4 56 6.6 468 15.5 Little: Rock. .4.8..% 4 ¢.£% 2,421 4.4 792 2.2 49 2.7 1,580 10.5 CALIFORNIA: Alameia oc le tis eA lies 319 1.3 23 0.1 251 . 4.3 14 8.4 Berkeley 4. 1ig.0. ee Ue: 497 1.0 || 26 0.1 397 4,2 8 1.9 Presn@ec. a3 Fe 0h a eee 1,749 4.7 || 65 0.2 1,429 17.2. 19 4.5 Long Beach 266 0.5 44 0.1 176 2.7 6 4.7 Posadenaan - lalate ds dake 232 0.6 |! 37 0.1 137 2.1 45 4,9 Dacramento, a ee a eee 1, 296 2.3 || 57 0.1 985 9.2 24 4.0 San Diego). 622 le. 1,008 1.6 || 127 0.3 792 6.1 48 5.6 Sanwose. sue Ne ee ee 1, 653 5.0 126 0.5 1, 430 18.5 16 10.0 Stockton s..J. 2c 4 Se 911 2:7 93 0. 4 671 9.8 22 7.6 COLORADO: ; a Colorado Springs. .......- 248 1.0 60 0.3 130 5.0 56 6.5 Puebloseds) 8 eae oe: 1, 886 5.4 358 1.4 1,396 19.7 118 9.9 CONNECTICUT: Meriden 20) 834 5.24 7a 1,083 4.5 |! 23 0.1 1,059 18.5 {oer g ee H New Britains 23. hee 4,226 9.5 |) 37 0.2 4,146 19.8 43 16,6 New London. -...¢...5.2. 1,098 5.3 20 0.1 1,057 18.3 19 4.4 Norwalk kl ee 980 4.4 42 0.3 917 15.6 19 3.6 Stamford 6 a Pk 2,024 18 28 0.2 1,958 18.6 33 4.7 Waterbury. 0:3). d..2 5222 5,426 7.5 63 0.2 5,326 18.1 34 4,2 FLORIDA: Jacksonville... ........2: 4,125 5.5 221 0.6 140 3.7 3,758 | 10.8 Miami prs vant ay lt §21 3.4 17 0.1 55 2.2 748 10.2 Pensecoiie: tackle. A dee 1, 858 7.4 266 1.8 81 5.7 1,511 17.3 Pampas ai .f.cc 2. 4s 2,188 5.3 184 0.9 1,055 10.1 943 9.6 GEORGIA: Auguste. 60a Yee ie 4,948 11.3 || 556 2.4 67 7.3 4,305 22. Columbus. 5.29. ft es 2, 506 9.9 |i 860 4.9 13 4.0 1,633 21,4 Macon. 3. 92) 25 24. 22) 4,942 11.2 379 1.6 41 6.0 4,520 23.1 savannah. 2.0 8 A hae 7,402 10.7 257 0.8 184 5.7 6, 953 20.7 ILLINOIS: Auroth.c 3g, Le eae 548} 1.8 58|. 0.3 | ass loony 351": Ba Bloomington... ates. 43k. 365 dom f) 82 0.4 205 7.3 69 10.4 Cicerotowb... dso te. 42a 1,625 4,8 30 0.2 1,592 1O.4: bls oisnls sqbiehs Soe Danwille. ii: clap ee dee. 769 2.8 333 1.4 188 9.9 244 12.5 Decatur. ecu. $k. pit cok. 422 1,2 190 0.6 139 5.4 90 9.1 East St. Louis............ 2,052 3.8 431 4:1 840 12.5 775 | Bigtn Pee Te Te, 156| 0.7 |] 49| 0.3 103} 21 4} 3, PHvanston ss 6 52 aes Te 613 2.0 32 0; 489 7.3 86 4.0 JOOS. 6.6.3 LM Ls 1,120 3.6 68 0.3 1,006 12.0 46 7.6 Moline. sos. i Male Pee ee 406 1.6. 45 0.3 349 4.8 12 Fi Oak Park village.......... 161 0.5 pay 0.1 126 2.2 8) TGs Peoria 1,194 1.8 231 0. 4 791 10.2 161 8, Quincy 516 Tog 191 0.7 156 6.5 165 15. Rock Island veo)... 2085 6.5 503 1,7 60 0.3 410 7.7 32 5, Rockford 4.4.4 2c edge LIVE 3.8 117 0.3 1, 635 9.5 14 3.4 Springfield. .y speedos hes 12804") 2.6 239 0.6 791 12.8 239 10.2 INDIANA: } Anderson::;.%}305.22 5.23 528 2.2 347 4.5 101 10.9 80 10.7 East Chicago. ....0...2... 3,359 12.9 30 0.3 3, 268 22.6 57 4.7 BEvansville.;./. 0.5 .005.0% 1, 852 2.6 888 1.4 160 5. 2 804 14.6 Fort Wayne.............. 1, 629 2.3 1, 066 1:7 450 6.8 110 8.8 Gary si eae. aimed a. 3, 126 7.5 59 0.3 2,694 16.6 371 PH Hammond.) is cn Jk. bees 1,771 6.4 59 0.3 1,700 21.2 4 BOROMO. si, oc ic es dob oe 453 1.9 276 1:2 138 12.0 39 5.4 IMUNCIO F. p27 2 os Ma eet te 797 2.6 511 1.8 73 9.0 213 123 | WIGBMONG. 0.0 6 |. du duds 330 1.5 148 0.7 95 8.5 85 6.8 South Bend .< .4.: 1,978 3.6 214 0.5 1,721} 13.0 39 3.6 % Terra Haute... 03.03.0264. 1,038 1.9 481 1.0 305. 8.4 251 |... agar OWA: ; % Cedar Rapids...........3. 573| 1.5 gi/ 03] 49] 76 42.) 7 Council Bluffs............ 444 1.5 81 0.3 314 8.0 49) Davenportes 16 4c'.5- 6. 02 - 510 1.1 97 0. 2 364 4.8 48 : Dubuque NLA 4 eo ee 4 Seay oe 419 1.3 88 0.3 331 TG} Sotts beak ae | Sigux Oityit a oes. isi. _ 1,089 1.9 99 0.2 955 8.6 25 2.5 W.AbCTIOO & 35 ui. G's de sjele aes - 358 1.2 74 0.3 234 8.1. 48 & a ail 4 "AND OVER, ILLITERACY. 25,000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. [Per cent not shown where base is less than 100.] 443 “PABLE 141.—NUMBER AND PER CENT ILLITERATE IN POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM cITY. >» Lewiston... ... me ries os ; Portland. . .~ eer. 2b 2 YLAND Cumberland...... Sew SOS. Hagerstown -).¢.23.... 005 - MASSACHUSETTS: ea Brockton...) F.3s. $1 GAR Se OG fk; Battle Creeks. ii. 2-4-R84 ees oot geo Re S.A . Ga . - Baméramék village 1202: peoiphiand Park. 2. ....28; BAGHRON. 2.40823... -2!1 me UANSINg......3.i2.-...u2. _. Muskegon...-.. ® Pontiac....... 3 (4 lo wh go se Ss , New JERSEY: US Te i es » oli ey East Orange... 2. .......214 P Blivabeth..... 6: sit eecoe es Li Be Siboken Pauebebetb «4-8 cma Seeeitvaneton tOown........... \ Pie weary town: © 3 ..... 7. . | Montelai New Brunswick.......... be Atlantic City? 2. i)... 2.98 4 a o ~I ~ — i] ao ALL CLASSES: 1920 fe Se bt be wr Near © ow See © aonocn ow . Brie Fon Ore get be ee se OL. a Oe are Por © Nee eer oy wo ro « iS : NSIDC PAODWIAS GIs Ff Dw Oo KF KHOWMDMWAIOCONOOOK ANWANWAISCAOCUORONENONNWN*1 fet Sorry Sy . RON HE ROS ao Se SP a Oe cB Re ee ie ht Be ae 2 ee ee Ne ee SS eee ee fa a EE FE RE SP SRE AEE ES RE RSE OT I TE AOE POE NES IESE AS TPE BEE NES SE NATIVE WHITE. ghia tel Per Per Number. sant Number bent 141 0.4 489 ia ¢ 125 0.2 342 i fs Oa 277 0.7 67 253 698 2.9 60 7.6 188 0.9 157 P34, 62 0.3 196 15.4 69 0.4 170 4.6 263 17. 1, 059 10.6 120 0.3 1, 423 11.0 293. 1.3 169 14.7 401 2.0 49 11.4 71 0.2 1,380 8.2 15 0.1>) 61 0.7 40 0.3 3, 023 17.8 71 0.5 1,709 |. 14.2 18 0.1 572 Late, 83 0.4 1, 444 re 95 0.3 1, 269 9.6 109 0. 4 2, 372 11.9 113 0.3 6,952 | 181 82 0:2 1, 850 6.7 14 0.1 728 §. 2 25 0.1 286 3.4 15 0.1 702 7.0 62 0.2 1,153 14.2 21 0.1 aD GAl 8.3 16. O.1 1, 246 14,2 72 0.3 1, 708 15. 4 80 0. 2 1,218 Dil 127 0.6 2, 492 25.3 510 2.9 624 7.8 65 0. 2 255 HO | 326 11 1, 039 0 lyf 196 0.3 j, 161 7.9 60 0.8 6, 100 Dia 35 0.1 516 4.2 130 0.4 639 i 253 0.8 804 11.3 102 0.3 478 8.1 73 0.3 452 6.7 69 0.3 397 7.9 84 0.6 263 4.3 199 0.5 1, 069 9.3 112 0.2 1, 787 6.0 297 1.3 26 3.6 873 1.6 873 13.8 396 1 31 3.2. 39 0.2 680 6.0 122 0.3 938 13. 4 195 0.5 3, 869 14.3 104 0.7 1, 843 21.4 79 0.3 550 ZR 76 0.3 6, 471 25..7 v4 023 1, 096 11.5 28 0.1 160 2.4 140 0.3 4,377 Lov. g2 0.3 2, 503 10. 8 36 0. 2 259 4.7 21 0.2 459 5.9 24 0.2 705 13.9 56 0.4 1, 090 12.4 NEGRO. + Per Number anit 278 ae 127 4.4 412 15.5 2,449 22.6 101 14,0 3, 373 22.6 1 0.6 Week. oS: 18 7.0 88 fie: 224 17.6 10 2.2 3 0.9 16 5.2 ioe Bh? 14 ot (6 ae a ii Sait 4 3.4 31 Ls Bf 35 aay 10 2.4 8 2.0 9 1.9 2 0.6 _amotieuie it co 3 2.9 8 3.0 424 44.4 Onei os 16 Bed Tee | 0.9 103 6.8 71 4,4 li 3.5 29 4.0 26 4.4 19. 3.3 anh 28 |"! 5.2 42 10.3 v4 2.5 1 8 1.8 47 7.0 520 14.3 187 13.3 10 5.2 37 4.7 ETOYS SS 335 3.4 33 6.2 ae ae 86) 4.3 157 9.7 6 3.6 44 Myiws pS ae 50 1 BY! 54 5.8 444 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 141.—NUMBER AND PER CENT ILLITERATE IN POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES, FOR CITIES HAVING mph J 25,000 TO 100, 000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. {Per cent not shown where base is less than 100.] at ha 7 | FOREIGN-BORN a ee NATIVE WHITE. anes NEGRO. CITY. SeamECAE TEST TOGES SUNDER CNR) ORL ORAS MMOD RESIGN! ESIC 7%. Per Per Per Per Number. can Number. | . cant. Number oeark: Number. cents New JERSEY—Con. TANGO... oud. Gand soup eee 1, 103 4,2 18 0.1 982 14,2 93 3.1. Passaioy 8.2 Sg. 5, 513 11.6 56 0.3 5, 418 20.8 28 5. Perth Amboy. ......4-0.- 1, 589 5.3 34 0. 2 1, 543 10.5 9 2.5 Plainfield ..j.G22.54 2. 1, 007 4.5 42 0.3 834. 15.3 130 6.3. West Hoboken town...... 1, 033 3.2 14 0.1 1; 011. | .-- 423-1... QQ West New York town.... 891. 3.8 31 0. 2 9.844.206) PP ae NEW YORK: 4 Amsterdam... s.07... [52h 2, 011 7.6 80 0.5 1,929}. 19.8 1 0.9 ATIDUTTICAS shee eee 1,401 4.7 56 0.3 1, 327 Ei 17 4.3 Binghamton.. ............ 1, 703 3.1 || 152 0.3 1,511 14.7 34 6.1 Klmira.:<2.. 000s ae 822 2.2 58 0.2 726 15.6 34 7.0 Jamestown - {55.224 Auk i 1, 58% 4,9 46 0.2 1,523.|. 13.5 12 7.3 Kingston od ae 477 2.1 120 0.6 32 11.6 37 7.9 Mount Vernon............ 1, 564 4.5 29 0.1 1, 488 14.9 40 3.0 New Rochelle. .......2..- 1, 171 4.0 | 29 0.2 1,016 |. 12.2 122 5.4 Newbargh.o.boceeotoe ¢ 1,109| 4.4 98 0.5 935 19.1 67 | 12.2 Niagara PFallsJacto..4 aah 2, 935 7.5 |! 52 0.2 2, 869 16.5 li 2.5 Poughkeepsie. :.3. .. . ce 1, 059 3.7 100 0.4 7 16.6 41 5.8 Rome! Sb Sd 1, 881 9.0 558 3.6 1,301 |. 25.3 227) 15% Schenectady... 00.00.02. 3, 549 5.0 | 169 0.3 3, 350 16. 5 18 5.5 roy rt ke cs ae 1,611 2.6 5 0.3 1,413. |. 12.4) 25 4.9 Utica 35 Rae 4, 832 6.4 |: 175 0.3 4,627 20.1 15 4.9 Watertown... fiw. .-. 1.38 756 2.9 78 0.9 568 9.9 A ee NORTH CAROLINA: 1 | Asneville beh 1, 285 5.7 || 393 2.4 15 2.7 876 | 15.27 Charbotte:. baw $/172'; 87 II 509 2.1 31 6.2 2,632 22.2 Wilmington Unf... 2.8 2,374 | 9.0 | 246 1.6 14 2.3 2,111 19.6 * Winston-Salem........... 4,308; 11.0 1,036 4.8 15 5.1 3, 256 18.8 RIO: : .: Canton.) hy s8OE |i 2,824) 4.0 | 193 | 0.4) 2,554]. .17.7 | 6.5 Fast Cleveland........... 120 0.5 16; 0.1 102 2.7 2 1.6 Hamilton. 2) Lor 718 | 2.2 ali | Vt 285.|.. 10.8 121 10.5 Lakewood. ...2.20..54.20%% 536 1.6 21 | 0.1 512 7.1 ya Clean dhs at: eboney ae RTI aege) ate 470 1.4 145 0.5 281 14.9 37 3.6 Tora.) oe ee ee 1,029 357 18 0.1 993 8.4 18 3. Mansfield.......0..----2+- 263 11 39 0.2 208 6.6 16 7.6 MAIPONUA so Vata tenes 253 1.1 156 0.7 83 8.8 13 6.2 Newark... 22) Raw: . dee 301 1.4 112 0.6 133 9.0 54 12.0 Portsmouth.) Valier Le 741 2.8 562 | 2.3 52 7.5 127 12.9 Springfield... .......-..02 1,009! 2.0 259; 0.6 240 8.8 509 8.7 Steubenville. . i202. 3.00 1,404 | 6.3 60 0. 4 1,291 23.5 53 5d Warten. 0. (2 k225 00 1,530 7.0 30 0.2 1, 433 31.2 66 10.8 Zanerville. s:$ Ser Gee 400 1.6 199 0.9 113 8.9 88 7.0 OKLAHOMA: | Muskogee. ....14.....028 634 2.6 | 88 0.5 50 9.4 487 8.3 Pee esate Citys ess deSue 1,144 1.5 271 0.4 434 12.9 409 5.8 Ee Sa PR rae 654; Ll 138 0.3 64 3..2 441 6.1 PENNSYLVANIA: | y Allentown. ..../.22.5.008 1,256 2.2 153 0.3 1,099} 12.9 4 2.8 Altoona... hii 1,043 2.2 195; 0.5 801 15.3 44 6.2 Bethlehem... . £2.22...522 1,331 3.5 131 0.5 1,175 10.9 25 8.55 Chestet 02} 2c. cede es 3, 120 6.8 | 169 0.6 2,385 | 21.4 547 8.9 Easton A ree ao Pea an «A 1,118 4,1 160 0.7 951 24.1 5. pa | Brlew. 2 253} BLE s2 488 3,906 | 5.3 "|| 195 0.3 3,683.| . 21.5 18.|-° am Harrisburg... 4...2.. J. 1,538 | 2.4 276 0.5 879 21.5 381 8.5 Havleton irs cscdeis 1,809 | 7.4 138 | 0.7 1, 668 27.9 ash oe | Johnstown. . {00.0564 Ge 1,971 3.9 188 0:5 1,668 |. 13,9 |. 112 7 ; Laneaster wo sdiesdsesgoses 609 1.4 303 0.7 234 8.7 72 9.3 McKeesport. } ait. . J:2& 2, 168 6.1 60 0.3 2,057 17.5 51 6. § New Castle. riz. .gec4i50% 2,170 6.3 |i 106 0.4 2, 000 23. 4 61 873 Norristown borough. ..... 1,507 5.6 250 1,2 1,159 27.3.4. 96 ia Wilkes-Barre. 2. .0...2.084 3,492 6.1) 189 0.4 3,284}. 22.7 19 3.8 Wiliiamsport............. 580 1.9 145 0.5 378 16.8 ‘57 7.4 ONES. ERT ee dE 712 1.8 474 | 1.3 137 11.6 99 8.4 RHODE IsLAND: Cranston.

      9. ./dus.- 533 1.6 58 0.2 868; 22.2 104 Bre TAH: y SET earn Lea Sas aed 403 1.6 51 0.3 194 4,3 1 0, 4 VIRGINIA: me Lynetibure- : 6.53 - --.20c2 1,776 7.3 369 a1 9 2.6 1,398.| 20.7 ) Newport News.:......... 1,842 6.2 62 0.4 42 oi 1,734 | 14.6 me Petersvurg.: 25.6; --- 212-4 3,002 12.0 443 3.3 59.}. 11.6 2; 498 22.5 ment Ortismouth.. .4 G5 - -}- eF.- 4,326 9.8 177 0.8 8 5.3 4,066 21.3 BESORIMOKC 3 CB). pst 1,886 4,7 565 1,8 49 ey | 1,272 16.9 ASHINGTON: @ Bellingham...:.......... 230 vat 28 0.2 199 3.8 See Bee CC VGRetGE 2 SG kL. -1..Ans. f 273 1.2 40 0, 2 212 3.8 3 2.6 | a acornn See oS pe ee By ee 1,405 ATs 127 0. 2 1,183 5.8 34 4.3 EST VIRGINIA: , tees ar eae Se ae se ped 0 ate ‘i 9 161 i ] ae 7.3 CHATKSDUTE. .-% Gk - 225... 63 “9 8 +3 B13 25 § 7.6 ' 4 untington..+.:.-.-....- 1,662 4.2 1,336 3.6 27 3.7 296} 11.9 *, Wheeling...........-2+--+ 1,441 2.5 206 0.5 836. | - 14.6 94 6.7 ISCONSIN: ma Groen Bay-:-4 2...-<74.-< 845 3.4 402 1.9 44) Tee 1s + sre iwnciba tite = tes % PREIORNIGD ete ts. ao roe. gee ik: 33 he ee ie Sp hss ened Mea Crosse... -¥ Sh... ete.e 43 ts 40 u A ORO RGD: eI pac La Bi] 9 Gols Galt | Mee) tebe eS mOSRE St Web - pha 514 J i 5 pg fl amu bet Yat bases Sg oe Regne Neat Wk. 4 abe. - 1,115 2.4 3 0.) 1, 066 6.8 21 7.8 me sHepoyean. .-) 2..5.2¢%.. 835 3.4 5 4 C6 1. pire sect sttenier ee < Sinaia S38 oe hte? 686 2.2 75 0.4 605 5.7 1 1.0 he . Poe ay . we ae Lag a! ay } ie He b5t ; Sieg - ie. = aA Nabe 4 an a ai ah els eae ie 7-” Peres eee = ee Uy me 446 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 142.—NUMBER. AND PER CENT ILLITERATE IN THE URBAN AND RURAL ~ : ‘ BY DIVISIONS © < Bt ILLITERATES IN URBAN POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER: 1920 Native white. DIVISION AND All classes. Native Foreign or Bh a= 3 gas Negro STATE. parentage. mixed parentage. Num- Per Num- Per | Num- | Per Num- Per Num- Per ber. cent. per. cent.| ber. | cent. ber. cent. ber. eent. United States. ./1, 955,112 | 4.4 || 155,493 | 0.8 | 55,620 | 0.5 |1,327,520 | 13. 0} 402,170; 13.4 GEOG. DIVISIONS: New England... 245,299 | 5.2 4,880}. 0.3 | 9,054 | 0.6 | 226,504) 14.0 4, 057 6.9 Middle Atlantic.. 691, 296. |, 2502 19,420 | 0.4 | 15,361 | 0.4 | 634,749 | 15.1 19, 643 4,40 £. North Central.. 351, 628 | 323 30,787 | 0.7 | 12,848 | 0.4] 280,567 | 11.3 26, 308 6.8 W. North Central. 79, 415 | 2.0 12,917 | 0.6] 4,846} 0.5 45, 303 7.5 15, 907 8.6 South Atlantic.:.- 227 055 | 6.4 37,271 | 1.8] 1,949] 0.6 24,690 | 11.2} 162,827 | 17.2 E. South Central.. 126, 854 | I7AT 22,409; 2.3] 1,003 | 0.8 4, 026 &.4 98, 864 | 20.6 W. South Central.| 146,820] 6.1 19,307 | 1.3] 6,819 | 2.8 47,788 | 23.1 72,397 | 16.1 Mountain......22: 25,395 | 2.6 4,957 | 0.9] 1,473 | 0.6 17, 096 9.7 701 4,8 Pacitamey hi he's 61,920 |} 2.1 3,545 | 0.3 | 2,267); 0.3 46, 797 7.0 1, 466 4,1 NEw ENGLAND: f Maing ssc ah So SiJal | ‘3e5 596 | 0.5 939 | 1.6 7,095 | 12.3 33 55 New Hampshire.. 12,061 | 5.3 472 | 0.5 661} 1.0 10,865 | 15.5 27 7.6 Vermontesc:4.025 3,515 | 3.9 426 | 0.9 662 | 2.7 2,415.-|-- 18; 6 9 4,9 Massachusetts....) 141,584 | 4.8 2,489] 0.3 | 4,556] 0.5] 131,672) 12.8 2,328) 6.4 Rhode Island...-. 30,603 | 6.5 510] 0.4} 1,494] 0.9 27,743 | 16.4 a Connecticut..--..- 48,805 | 6.6 387 | 0.2 742, |. Od 46,714 | 17.1 852 | 6 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: ; NewYork... 222% 383,309 | 5.5 7,028 | 0.44 8,030} 0.4 | 362,795} 14.2 4,172 2.6 New Jersey .--...-- 102,897 | 5.3 2,465; 0.4] 1,991 | 0.3 93,899 | 15.1 4,125 of Pennsylvania... ... 205,020 | 4.6 9,927} 0.5} 5,340} 0.5 | 178,055] 17.5 11, 346 of E. NoRTH CENTRAL: . Cyne oes bee 94,871 | 3.2 10,025} 0.6 | 2,885) 0.4 71,527 -| 12.7 10, 263 Tan Gag it 6 eee a 31,856 | 2.6 9, 46 1.1 | 435 | (007 15,220} 13.0 5, 669 9.3 Tilinqise. gets 138, 868 | 3.9 7,509} 0.6} 3,779} 0.3 | 118,686) 11.5 8, 299 5.9 Michigan. ......,..- 60,440 | 3.4 3,081 | 0.5 | 2,714} 0.5 52,497 | 10.3 1,923 4.0 Wisconsin..--....-. 25,593 | 2.6 710} 0.2} 2,085} 0.5 22, 637 9.0 154 4.1 W. NortTH CENTRAL: Minnesota.....--. 15, 888 | 1.9 1,136 | 0.4} 1,580} 0.4 12, 872 5.4 217 3.0 Lovearose. . 2 YoSe 10,097 | 1.4 2,421} 0.6 / 882 | 0.5 5, 833 6.5 7.0 Missourt..:2223-5 24 34, 563 | 2.6 6,702 | 0.8] 1,632; 0.5 14,803 | 10.0 11, 294 9.6 North Dakota.... 1,021} 1.5 81} 0.3 98 | 0.4 795 5.0 12 4,9 South Dakota... 923 | Ld. 79 | 0.2 64] 0.2 731 6.1 i = He Nebraska. ......: 6,716 | 2.0 497 | 0.3 238 | 0.3 5, 419 9.3 ' 489 4.6 Riamsas.. oo). ckaa 10, 257 | 2.0 2,001 | 0.6 402 | 0.6 4,850 | 12.7 2,978 8.5 SoutH ATLANTIC: Delaware......-... 5,579 | 5.7 366 | 0.7 105 | 0.6 3,183 | 19.2 1,919 | 17.1 Maryland-........ 30,993 | 4.4 3,400 |} 0.9 920 | 0.7 12,170 | 14.0 14,424 | 13.7 Dist. of Columbia. 10,509 | 2.8 564 | 0.3 76 | 0.2 1, 728 6.1 8,053 8.6 Mirginity. ..3.-2<- 38,621 | 71 7,099 | 2.1 140 | 0.6 1, 226 6.5 30,117 | 17.4 West Virginia... . 9,258 | 3.2 3,973 | 1.8 204 | 0.7 3,008 | 15.4 2,051 | -1Gas North Carolina. . 35,671 | 9.3 10,009 | 4.0 34 | 0.7 268 6.4 25,345 | 20.4 South Carolina. - 24,157 | 10.3 3,546 | 2.8 27 | 0.4 249 6.0 20,321 | Dime} ESOL EIAs Seta sp 56,585 | 9.5 7,459 | 2.2 91} 0.5 674 6.5 48,322 | 21. Ploridavts.2. sacle 15,682 | 5.4 855) OZ O02) ta low 2,184 7.6 12,275 | 1253 E South CENTRAL: | Kentucky.......- 26,748 | 5.1 7, 537 2.2 604] 0.8 1,398 6.5 17,200 | 18.9) Tennessee...--..-- 35,074 | 7.0 9,021 | 28 15220 7 873 ae 25,011 | 17.2. DA TEAC & Sie ac a 42,318 | 10.4 4,272 |- 2.0 126 | 20.7 1,290 | 11.7 36,621 | 22.7 Mississippl.-.....- 22,214 | 11.3 1,579 | 1.6 J21. hs S 465 | 11.2 20,082 | 24.4 — W.SoutH CENTRAL: 4 Aprkansaseii.... 52. 11,604 | 4.9 2,652 | 1.7 87 | 0.6 290 2 8,571 | 13.9 Louisiana........-. 46,569 ; 9.1 5,479 | 2.2} 1,020; 1.4 B. 175 bo 16. 2 34,770 | 22.1 Oklahoma........ 8,314 | 1.9 2,847 | 0.8 1737/2006 1,690 | 12.2 3, 419 4 . DERASUI AS oi. ee 80,333 | 6.5 8,329 | 11] 5,539) 4.4 40,633 | 26.2 25,637 | 13. MOUNTAIN: a Montanas:.../..-.% 2,266 | 1.6 414 | 0.2 81; 0.2 1,811 5.6 44 4.0— Pdah ois. veevaws 1,333 | 1.4 173 | 0.3 56] 0.3 903 8.2 18 304 | Weryomun gee: os... 958 | 2.1 69 |} 0.3 32) ate 677 8.2 36 Fs 4 COlOTAUOR eis os e's 8,748 | 2.3 1,595 | 0.7 420 | 0.5 6,171 | 10.5 457 Ds New Mexico...... 3,616 | 7.1 2,389 | 6.4 237 a aoe 899 | 16.6 44 6.0 PATI Z OA et sce 6,072 | 6.5 365 | 0.8 473.|. 2.7 4,975.| 18.7 75 3.3 TING isco ae woe 2,168 | 1.3 240 |} 0.3 171} 0.3 1, 531 4.8 23 2.6 EEG Laoag a 9} 1.8 12) 0.2 Sri 7 1 129 5.0 4 G PACIFIC: _ Washington. ...-.-. 9,177 (3186 654 | 0.2 387 | 0.2 6, 575 4.5 162 3.2 Oregon .ee. i. . ... 5,001 | 125 666 | 0.4 217} 0.3 3, 182 5.3 76 t California......... 47,742 | 2.4 2,225 | 0.2] 1,663) 0.3 . 8.0 1, 228 . 1 Per cent not shown, base being less than 100. ILLITERACY. 447 POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, FOR PRINCIPAL POPULATION CLASSES AND STATES: 1920. ’ ILLITERATES IN RURAL POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER: 1920 Native white. DIVISION AND All classes. Native Foreign or | © orga ber 2 Negro. STATE. parentage mixed ee parentage. Num- | Per || Num- | Per | Num-| Per | Num- | Per | Num- | Per ber. cent. ber. |cefit.| ber: | cent: ber. cent. ber. cent. United States..|2,976,793 | 7.7 || 954,282 | 3.8 71, 077 1.4 436, 220 13.3 |1, 439,991 | 28.5 Se eee ee SSS | OSS. OOo EES Oe OES SSS Ee Oe GEOG. DIVISIONS: _ : | | New England....| 44,401] 3.6 8,305 | 1.1] 4,705] 1.9] 30,703] 13.7 550 | 9.0 _ Middle Atlantic..| 174,156] 4.0 || 33,504] 1.2| 8,687! 1.1] 125,261] -18.9 §,9441 9.0 _ E. North Central.) 143,842] 2.2 || 58,006] 1.3] 15,542| 1.0] 62,265] 88 5, 744 | 10.8 _ W-.NorthCentral.| 113,806] 1.9 || 47,037| 1.4] 9,832] 0.6| 41,457| 5.5 8,980 | 16.9 South Atlantic...| 985,887 | 14.1 || 315,636 | 7.0] 1,929] 1.9] 15,067] 16.4] 650,015] 28.6 E. South Central..| 719,105 | 14.3 || 276,616 | 7.8] 1,623| 3.2 2,431 | 10.5] 437,719 | 30.3 W.South Central .| 626,817 | 11.8 || 180,101 | 5.0 | 28,202} 9.7| 80,937] 36.3] 329,836] 29.0 Mountain......... 107,264} 6.8 |} 30,206 | 3.3] 4,224] 1.3] 38,326] 14.8 756}. 5.8 ie PACIIGY.. «2. =e 61,515 | 3.7 4,971 | 0.6] 2,333 | 0.6] 39,773] 11.6 447 | 8.5 ‘NEw ENGLAND: : nD on oe 11,509 | 3.1 4,510| 1.6] 2,351] 4.4 4,509 | 9.6 31] 6.9 New Hampshire..| 3,727 | 2.8 551 | 0.6 289} 1.3 2,881 | 14.8 6| 4.4 SVermont. -... 2... 4,973 | 2.6 1,478 | 1.1] 1,047| 2.9 2,422) 9.7 19| 7.0 _ Massachusetts....| 5,023 | 3.0 437 | 0.5 298 | 0.8 4,048 | 12.6 237 | 16.5 ~ Rhode Island..... 709. | 5.7 184 | 2.2 67] 2.9 426.| 23.8 31] 11.8 | Connecticut......; 18,460] 5.3 1,145 | 0.8 653 | 0.7] 16,417] 16.6 2261 6.3 MippL= ATLANTIC: : "New York........ 41,713 | 2.9 9,122] 1.0] 4,226] 1.4] 26,808] 13.5 860 | 7.9 _New Jersey....... 24,764.| 4.6 4,332] 1.5 908] 0.8] 17,696] 16.3 1,785 | 9.1 _ Pennsylvania..... 107,679.| 4.6 || 20,050] 1.3] 3,553] 1.0] 980,757] 22.6 3,299} 9.2 . NORTH CENTRAL: | 0) CONN as 36,185 | 2.2 || 18,510] 1.4] 2,306] 1.1] 12,860] 12.0 2,452 | 10.1 Mesigiatit.,.. 2... +. 20,178} 1.8 || 15,519] 1.6} 1,513] 1.4 2,335 | 7.3 807 | 11.0 BEUAHIOIS 4... 5 shea. 35,119 | 2.2 || 16,928) 1:5] 2,691] Q8] 13,310] 84 2,177.| 13.1 _ Michigan.........| 27,606 | 2.5 4,499| 0.8] 3,878} 1.1] 18,038] 89 280} 6.8 _ Wisconsin........ 24,804 | 2.3 2,50) |); 057 |)! Dy de [deta | 15,7224) 1907 28 | 4.0 W. NortH CENTRAL: - Minnesota....2... 18,649 | 1.8 852] 0.3] 2,487] 05] 13,370] 5.5 7) Se hdd We th, 10,583 | 0.9 3,500} 0.5] 1,472] 0.4 Blt. (. Bee 377 | 12.5 Bemissunri.....)...

      .:... 2,052 |. 2.6 210 |} 0.5 56! 0.4 1, 488 9.7 29 6.9 Colorado.......-. 13, 862 5.6 5,260 | 3.2 407 | 0.9 7,526 | 15.0 153 12,2 New Mexico...... 31,733 | 21.4 18, 249 | 16.9 1,029 | 10.5 5,473 | 31.8 170 4.0 “ 013) 1): 25,359 | 21.8 882. | 1.9 809 | 5.7 11,685 | 34.2 243, §;-2 ' ut tl car 3, 3.4 225| 0.5 184 | 0.5 1,921] 8&5 32 | 10.3 UAE fot os « fu 3,283 | 7.9 87 | 0.5 261. 008 1, 060 9.2 10 4.6 PAaciric: _ Washington...... 8,978 | 2.5 861) 0.5 295 | 0.4 4,998 5. 4 82] 10.8 UE ee 4,085 | 1.8 745 | 0.5 215; ° 0.5 1, 947 5.2 13 6.6 California......... 44,302 | 6.4 2,712 | 0.8 | 1,392 1.0 30, 517 16.3 327 10.4 2 No rural population, as Washington city is coextensive with the District of Columbia °75108°—23-——29 450 © ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-POPULATION. CLASSES. BY SEX, IN POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, 1890-1920, AND IN’ POPULATION 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, 1920 AND 1910, FOR THE UNITED STATES. [Figures are given under each class for all census years for which data are available.] § NN ———————————— —— 0 ————————— J BOTH SEXES, MALE. FEMALE. ‘ CENSUS YEAR AND CLASS Unable to Unable to Unable to | OF POPULATION, speak English. speak English. speak English, Total : Total Total $ number. number. number. Num- | Per Num- | Per Num- | Per | ber. | cent. ber. |cent. ber. | cent. POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. ° ra 1920 Foreign-born white. . ....|13,497, 8861, 488, 948] 11.0'| 7,419,691} 680,033] 9.2} 6,078,195) 808,915] 13.3 Negro sf, nantede, Lad 8,053,225] 14,644) 0.2\| 4,009,462, 7,207} _0,2| 4,043,763) '7,437| 0.2 AniGian see oid ek eS 176,925}. 36,752] 20.8 91, 17,469) 19.1 85,379} 19,283] 22.6 Whines se hh dean. ee 56,230} 10, 020 78 51,041) 8,903] 17.4 5,189] 1,117) 21.5 JapaneSe.....--s.+sce---. 84,238] 19,068) 22.6|| - 58,806} 8,709] 14.8! 25,432|' 10,359} 40.7 AR others... 2s.u kee o: 262 8, 948 982} 11.0)} - 8,378 916; 10.9 570 11.6 1919 Foreign-born white. . ... .,12, 944, 529/2, 953,011} 22. 8}| 7,321, 196)1,683 ,949|, 23.0] 5,623, 333|1, 269, 062) 22.6 BELG. ene es 7,317, 922| 22/110| _0.3|| 3,637,386] ° 10,870; 0.3] 3,680,536] 11,240| 0.3 Thdian juke os. cdwoet bs 188, 758| 59,055; 31.3|| | 96,582| 26,705} 27.7] | 92,176). 32,350) 35.1 Chineses.cs..-..-6.b6-6¢ 68,924 28,370] 41.2|| 65,479] 26,6321 40.7| 3,445] . 1,738, 50.4 Japanese... -c:ssas th - ke 67,661, 26,564! 39.3); 60,809} 22,848! 37.6) 6,852; 3,716) 54.2 AT other®\dssch cose 3,135} 2,097] 66.9 3,073, 2,077| 67.6 62}... 20). (8). 1900 Native white— Foreign ; or mixed par.-.....-: 10,926,401; 65,008] . 0.6|| 5,460,085] 28,164). .0.5] 5,466,316] 36, 844 0.7 Foreign-born white. . ... .|10,014, 256|1, 217,280} 12.2\| 5,414,991) 563, 982| 10.4) 4,599, 265| 653,298) 14.2 diah ius. di. dcech oe 171, 552| 72,583} 42.3)| ' 86,504! 32,309] 37.3] 85,048] 40,274). 47.4 Chinesegs.. eo. 87,682| 33,498) 38.2) 84,141) 31,191] 37.4] | 3,541) . 2,307] 65.2 PAPANSSOS... 52.4 6 es. cB 24,091} 14,843) 61.6 23,214, | 14,448). 62.2 877 395) 45.0 1890 Native white— Native parentage..... 25,375,766] 168,149} 0.7||12,901,102) 75,874) .0.6)12, P 0.7 Foreign or mixed par.} 7,768,421} 69,876} 0.9)| 3,895,395} 30,659), 0.8 3,873,026) 39, 217 1.0 Foreign-born white. . ....| 8,786, 887/1,371,044| 15.6|| 4,781,748} 666,496) 13.9) 4,005,139] 704,548) 17.6 COLOr Gs 25 Se vs < Heb 38 -s ~1-d 5,482,485} 109,427} 2.0)| 2,774,414} 85,860]. 3.1) 2,708,071] 23,567; 0.9 POPULATION 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. . 1920 Foreign-born white. . ... .|12;498,720|1,399,'759| 11.2|| 6,928,452! 637,830) -9.2) 5,570,268 2 AS RAR GS SA 5,522,475} 10,223} 0.21 2,792, 006 4,989} 0.2) 2,730, 469 Gridian tS ers 7 aL. 116, 486} 29,023) 24.9 61, 229} 13,662) 22.3 55, 257 Chinese foes Fae ft 50, 625 9,629! 19.0 46, 979 8, 565| 18.2 3, 646 Japanesessc 7... tes. wd 75,721|- 17,624) 23.3 53,411 7,942} 14.9 22,316 All OH ere lao aces 7, 746 938, 12.1 7, 345 875} 11.9 401 Foreign born— ey ORTON eee se 64, 412 2,509, 3.9 38, 234 1,459) 3.8 26,178 inidtense. 1428 ss 4, 442 2,769) 62.3 2,559) - 1,495) 58.4 1, 883 Chinese... 528054). 23 40, 494 8,873} 21.9 38, 285 7,981) +20.8 2, 209 Japanese: <2.. ~.,-4., 75,069} 17,600) 23.4 52, 999 7,940) 15.0 22,070 1910 Foreign-born white. . ... .|11,653,-925|2, 565,612} 22.0]; 6,646, 817|1, 462,134} 22.0] 5,007, 108|1, 103, 478 yd gt MG Le ey eee ae 4,886,615} 13,870) 0.3)| 2,458, 873 6, 76 0.3) 2,427,742 ania Oe once dae eck tS 123,136; 47,411) 38.5 , 967; 24,118) 33.5 60, 169}, SMOG cv. fae Seay ee 62,902} 26,338) 41.9 60,421; 24,816] 41.1 2,481 gananese ki. 13 62,710) 24,882) 39.7 56,638) 21,484) 37.9 6, 072 MTR OIMNOE B22. Laetee ets 2, 792 1,877| 67.2 2,738) ~ 1,858) 67.9 BA 1 Comprises Filipinos, Hindus, Koreans, Hawaiians, Malays, Siamese, Samoans, and Maoris. } 2 Comprises Filipinos, Hindus, Koreans, and Maoris. oa ake cot ere igh q 3 Per cent not shown, base being less than 100, ; ae ies ; = ‘~ MABLE 145.—NUMBER AND PER CENT UNABLE TO SPEAK ENGLISH, BY SEX AND AGE PERIODS, IN THE FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910. : FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND®*OVER, INABILITY TO SPEAK ENGLISH. 451 % i Both sexes. Male. Female. ih CENSUS YEAR AND AGE PERIOD. Unable to Unable to Unable to speak English. speak English, speak English. ¢ Total Total Total number. number. number. Num- | Per Num- | Per Num- | Per . 5 ber. |cent. ||. ber. | cent. ber. | cent. = 1920 ; Total, 10 years and Me “OVOP. 2. e 8 13, 497, 886/1, 488,948) 11. 0| 7,419,691) 680,033] 9.2} 6,078,195} 808,915} 13.3 Oto 14 years... 2.2.22... 331,362). 28,149, 8.5| 167,152} 14,163] 8.5} 164,210] 13,986] 8.5 Bto 19 years.. 212.200... 527, 942). 43,711) 8. 3| 259,270} 20,651) 8.0) 268,672) 23,060] 8.6 Oto 24 years.-..-........ 926, 844), 119,092) 12.8] 456,988} 48,971! 10.7} 469,856] 70,121) 14.9 5 to 29 years.oec2. cb ie. 1, 454, 363] 203,676] 14.0 792,088; 85,814} 10.8} 662,275} 117,862] 17.8 To 34 years. 22 25.22. woe} 2,051,475)" 2107598) 12: 8 946,818} 97,449} 10.3] 704,657) 113,144) 16.1 6 to 39 years.......-...-. 1, 737, 805; 207,035} 11.9/| 1,008,677] 101,796) 10.1) 729,128! 105,239] 14.4 Oto 44 years..-.......... 1,428,099) 154,877} 10.8|| 803,195| 75,745] 9.4] 624,904] 79,132) 12.7 to 49 years... 2... 222. -| 4,299,675] - 132,442) 10.2 744,423} 67,487} 9.1! ~ 555,252) - 64,955! 11.7 Oto 54 years... .. 2.022: 1, 167, 377] 1075053) 9.2) 651,546] 50,588} 7.8! 515,831) 56,515 11.0 ito 59 years... 2.2.2. 908,722): 78,121) 8.6 503,789} 33,907; 6.7} 404,933} 44,214) 10.9 mo 04 years? 5... 715,731) 69,639) 9.7 392,629) 29,257) 7.5! 323,102] 40,382) 12.5 5 years and over........| 1,328,227) 129,445) 9.7]; . 679,384, 50,847| 7.5 648, 843) . 78,598) 12.1 ge unknown...........- 20, 264 57115) © 28.2 13, 732 3,408] . 24.8 6, 532 1,707) 26.1 12,944, 529/2,953, 011) 22. 8|| 7,321, 196/1,683,949! 23.0) 5,623, 333/1, 269,062! 22.6 _——— SS eas ees) wee a 28 _———— oe 56, 405, 15.7 181, 303 28,307; 15.6 177,027) 28,098! 15.9 227,649] 33.8 351,754) 130,930) 37.2! 322,007) 96,719) 30.0 497,511] 34.8 823,920} 310,276} 37.7 606,461) 187,235) 30.9 511,695) 30.8 990, 576} 324,067} 32.7) 672,120) 187,628). 27.9 391,254; 26.0 888,668) 244,551) 27.5] 617, ie 146,703} 23.8 301, 273) 21.4 812,007} 180,579} 22.2 596, 086] 120,694! 20.2 237,525} 18.2 751,519} 136,638} 18.2! — 551,956) 100,887} 18.3 179,383} 15.6 656,455] 92,570] 14.11 489,905) 86,813) 17.7 145, 482) 15.7 526, 256] 68,781; 13.1) 398,799] 76,701| 19,2 100,696) 14.5 380,110} 42,303) 11.1) 313,410} 58,393! 18.6 91,792} 14.6]| 331,914} 37,069) 11.2) 295,669] 54,723] 18.5 201,709) 17.0 607,008} 78,903) 13.0} 576,341) 122,806) 21.3 10,637] 40.6 19,706 8,975} 45.5 6, 505 1,662} 25.5 452 ABSTRACT OF THK GENSUS—POPULATION. TaBLe 146.—-NUMBER AND PERCENT UNABLE TO SPEAK ENGLISH IN THE POREIGN- BORN. WHITE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. kG : —— _ —~ SU hee See st = saeaeraies a en FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. -_ INCREASE R DE- 1920 1910 ea IN NUMBER DIVISION AND STATE. ————E Unable to speak Unable Wy er Pye =p Total English. Total English. ENGLISH: number. Per number. Per 1910-1920 Number. einisk Number. peor) “ United States...... 13,497,886 | 1,488,948 11.0 | 12,944,529 | 2,953,011 22.8 | —1, 464, 063 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England......... 1,843,028 | 180,851 9.8 || 1,757,244 | 326,890] 18.6 —146, 039 Middle Atlantic. ......| 4,853, 256 525, 849 10.8 4,661,990 | 1,217,698 26.1 —691, 849 East North Centrai....| 3,183,790 | 328,981 | 10.3 |} 2,985,823 | 693,961 | 23.2 || » —364, 980 West North Central. ..| 1,358,323 85, 259. 6.3 1,579, 694 274, 620 17.4 —189, 361 South Atlantic. ....... 311, 385 82, 042 10.3 280, 387 71, 389 25.5 —39, 347 East South Central.... 71, 214 2, 363 Bid 84, 893 9,983 | 11.8 —7, 620 West South Central.... 430, 053 181, 799 42.3 330, 431 148, 028 44,8 +33, 771 Mountain. enews 22 de 436, 304 71,096 16. 3 423, 068 96, 637 22.8 3 —25, 541 PSCIUE. .. ..byicees ss akSpa) by GLU, p00 80, 708 8.0 840, 999 113, 805 13.5 —33, 097 NEw ENGLAND: oY: Maing bi net ae 104, 585 10, 333 9.9 105, 336 19, 589 18.6 —9, 256 New Hampshire....... 89,472 11,339 12.7 92,976 26, 783 28. 8 —15, 444 Vermont... bier nn. 2 os 42,701 3,065 Gy. 47, 654 8, 342 cy lg —5, 277 Massachusetts........- 1, 063, 572 96, 42 9.1 || 1,020,504 | 171,014] 16.8 —74, 588 Rhode Island........-: 171, 032 21,620 | 12.6 171, 904 36,961 | 21.5 —15,341 Connécticutes:. ase.) Le 371, 666 38, 068 10. 2 318, 780 64, 201 20,4 —26, 133 MIDDLE. ATLANTIC: 7 Newe York. vice Sa. B 2, 752, 055 290, 200 10.5 2,634, 578 597,012 Boe t —306,.812 New Jersey.......-..-. 729, 799 73,409 | 10.1 636,848 | 153,861 | 24.2 —80, 452 Pennsylvania........4. 1,371, 402 162, 240 11.8 1,390, 564 466, 825 33.6 —304, 585 Hast NORTH CENTRAL: (C00 ENR SSPE 669, 924 81,161 beat 579, 274 163, 722 28. 3 indianians.»lacc -cas eb 149,239 13,269 8.9 155,596 40,731 26, 2 TUROR ts de 1,194,979 | 121,965 | 10.2 || 1,168,559 | 266,557 | 22.8 Michigan’. lex, soar «8 713, 228 68, 105 9.5 579,803 | 102,286 |. 17.6 Wisconsin. brn en. c ce 456, 420 44,481 9,7 502, 591 120, 665 24.0 | Wrst NortH CENTRAL: Minnésotacesc den, .ouhs 482, 236 28,311 5.9 533, 915 89, 850 16.8 LOWES 22a hice oe 223, 752 9, 559 4,3 269, 246 37,169 | 13.8 Missouriy-: tic. cen «de 184,394 41,126 6.0 223, 578 37, 747 16.9 North Dakota. ........ 129, $51 10, 189 1.8 150, 451 33, 491 2S South Dakota.-........ 81, 781 4,861 5.9 98, 334 18, 486 18. 8 | Nebrasina. . bus acs es 148, 209 9,186 6,2 172, 497 29,519 1774 Kansas... - tes eS ctarsse aha. of 108, 006 12,027 11;,1 131,673.) 28,358 | 21.5 SouTH ATLANTIC: Delaware. . isu. ane <2 2 19, 541 2,733 14, 0 16, 940 4, 824 28.5 Maryland « ote aimee a4 101, 155 7, 765 feed 100, 951 17, 544 Lie District of Columbia. -- 28, 292 779 2.8 23, 755 1,349 Seb allt Viretnis thas tee cae 30, 325 1,135 aT 25, 639 3,983 | 15.5. West Virginia......... 60, 679 11,121 |) 18.3 54, 646 27,461 | 50.3 North Carolina........ --6, 981 190 Dat 5, 734 779 13.6 South Carolina. ....... 6, 327 116 1.8 5,911 447 7.6 Creorpia tos (ote Doe, 16, 028 285 1.8 14, 656 953 6.5 Gridet re. ot soe cee 42,057 7,918 18. 8 32,155 14, 049 43.7 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL: , Fer Te Ys ck het 30, 603 688 2:2 39, 571 3, 816 9.6 “LONUESSOO Yt). t Sates ab 15, 297 506 3.3 17, 985 1,648 “9, 2 Alabanra ateeeue i. 17,393 724 4.2 18, 291 3, 028 16.6 Misasissinnl-....7 5. odias: 7,918 445 5.6 9, 046 1,491 16.5 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL: Arisa Sos tle 13, 834 697 ay 16, 454 2,741 16.7 OWIStallaecs rene cet ee 44,244 3, 683 8.3 50, 333 11, 547 22,9 Oklahomavew: otc eee 39, 020 5,362 | » 13.7 39, 064 7,975 20. 4 TPES ae ee A one 9 332, 955 172, 057 51.7 224, 580 125, 765 56. 0 MOUNTAIN: Montanas..e0k eek 3 91, 729 3,098 3.4 89, 456 13,718 15.3 Leet Sey. et A 38, 379 1, 956 bil 39,619 5, 805 14.7 ci, "R’A01 000 Gt ea mee Sepa ee 24, 762 2, 003 8.1 26, 381 5,970 22.6 COMMAND. fairs eoue otk 114, 285 10, 650 9.3 123, 026 22,610] 18.4 New Mexico........... 26,7 13, 225 49, 4 21, 235 55.5 Bo 6) elie ae A a iy 70, 053 36, 352 51.9 43, 724 57.3 eal ee 55, 724 2,303 4.1 61, 840 131 INOW Se wet ora ioe acretertie 14, 586 1,509 10.3 17, 787 20. 0 PACIFIC: ; Washingten -.......... 244, 881 7,796 3.2 234, 928 10.9 OPORON ck is Sean oes 100, 672 3,342 3.3 100, 759 13.4 CaliiGmigss Pac vows. ae 664, 983 69, 570 10.5 505, 312 14,8 AND STATES: 1920. INABILITY TO SPEAK ENGLISH. 458 TABLE 147.—NUMBER AND PER CENT UNABLE TO SPEAK ENGLISH IN THE FOREIGN- ' BORN WHITE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, BY DIVISIONS FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 10 YEARS OF AGE - AND OVER. DIVISION AND STATE. Yaabip to anor ai lish. “4 Total i . number. Par Number. cent. FOREIGN-BORN WHITE FE- MALES 10 YEARS OF AGE INCREASE (+) AND OVER. OR DECREASE (—) IN NUMBER UNABLE TO, SPEAK ENGLISH: Unable to ae 1910-1920 Total Eag number. P Number.| 7“ & Males. | Females. cent. United States..| 7,419,691 | 680,033} 9.2 6,078,195 | 808,915 | 13.3 ||—1,003,916 | —460, 147 GEOG. DIVISIONS: _ New England..... 931, 845 70, 213 a0 ' Middle Atlantic...| 2,587,798 | 231,273] 8.9 _ E, North Central. .| 1,789,466 | 152,312] 8.5 _ W. North Central.| 772,147 | 35,467] 4.6 _ South Atlantic....; 182,846 "ee 4) 9.7 E. South Central. . 41,729 1,110 2.7 - W. South Central.| 245,597 93,160 | 37.9 » Mountain......... 262, 733 37,261 | 14,2 Be PaCiie.. 3.00555... 605,530 | 41,460] 6.8 NEW ENGLAND: be) Maine. :.......5... 54,398 3,486 | 6.4 _ New Hampshire. . 45,952 4, 350 9.5 Se Vermont.... ..\.. 22, 806 1,348 | 5.9 ' Massachusetts.....| 526,272 87,556 mg - Rhode Island..... 84, 933 7,993 | 9.4 \ Connecticut....... 197,484 | 15,480] ‘7.8 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: | New York........ 1,425,461 | 123,304] 8.7 ~ New Jersey. ...... 387,251 | 31,661] 8.2 ___Pennsylvania..... 775, 086 76, 308 9.8 _E. NortH CENTRAL: A ae 886,901 | 41,785.} 10.8 Se indiana... 3... 87,396 6,517 | 7.5 UT 651,256 | 53,389 |. 8.2 chigan.......... 407,057 | 32,432] 80 ___ Wisconsin. ........ 256, 856 18, 189 ag | W. NortH CENTRAL: __ Minnesota.........} 276,630 | 16,900} 3.9 a Ss 126, 109 4,239 | 3.4 ye 102, 587 5, 065 4.9 North Dakota.....| 74,633 3,532 | - 4.7 South Dakota...” 47,989 | 1768 | 3.7 Peereprasks... 0): 83,542 3,873 | 4.6 og oe 61, 357 6,090 | 9.9 SouTH ATLANTIC : Delaware......... 11, 230 1,429 | 12.7 _ Maryland......... 54, 102 3,396 | 6.3 _ Dist. of Columbia.}| 15, 022 390 Tae 2 Pi eae 8, 812 588}. 3.1 West Virginia... .. 41, 295 7,655 | 18.5 Rr North Carolina... 4, 287 87} 2.0 _ South Carolina... 4,063 67 |. 1.6 SS 9, 923 141]. 1.4 ie 24,112 4,085 | 16.9 E. So CENTRAL; |) — Kentucky......... 17, 401 347 2.0 4 _ Tennessee er 8,928 230 2.6 — AO re 10, 484 319 3.0 Mississippi... .... 4,916 214) 4.4 | W. South CENTRAL: | aie 303 3.6 1,656} 6.3 3,348 | 13.7 87,853 | 47.2 1,384 | 2.4 1,191} 48 1,301] 78 4,982}. 7.5 7,024 | 44.8 19,009 | 47.0 1,342 |,. 4.4 1,028 | 9.7 3,772 2.5 1,769 |. 2.9 35,919 | 9.1 405, 006 39, 248 911,183 | 110,638 | 12.1 || —94,716 | —51,323 2,265,458 | 294,576 | 13.0 || —464,026 | —297) 823 1,394,324 | 176,669| 12.7 || —244,963 | —120;017 586,176] 49,792 | 8.5 || —112,189 | .—77,172 128,539 | 14,265 | 11.1 || —30,101| —9; 246 29, 482 1,253} 4, 3 —4,818 |. —2; 802 8 9.5 9.7 184,456 | 88,639 | 48. +14,068 | +19, 703 173,571 | 33,835 | 1 —30,539 |. .+4, 998 ~36,632 | +3,535 50,187 | 6,847 | 13.6 —5,454 | —3, 802 43,520 | 6,989] 16.1 || —9,062| —6,382 19, 895 1,717 | 8.6 ~3,473 | —1, 804 537,300 | 58,870] 11.0 || —48,297| —26, 361 86,099 | 13,627| 15.8 —9,348 |. —5,993 174,182 | 22,588] 13.0 || —19,152| —6,981 1,326,594 | 166,896 | 12.6 || —182,110 | —124, 702 342-548 |. 41,748 | 12.2 || —54,705 | —25, 747 596,316 | 85,932 | 14.4 || —227,211| —77,374 | 283,023 | 39,376] 13.9 || —61,408 | —21,153 61,843}, 6,752 | 10.9 || —21,717|. —5,745 543,723 | 68,576 | 12.6 || —95,303 | —49; 289 306,171 | 35,673 | 11.7 || —25,525 |. —8 656 199,564 | 26,292} 13.2 || —41,010 | —35,174 205,600} 17,411| 8.5 || —35,095 | —26,444 97,643 | 5,320| 5.4 || 16,482] —11, 128 81,807] 6,061 |. 7.4 || —17,305.| —9,316 55,318 | 6,657 | 12.0 || —12,430| —10,872 34,492} 3,093] 9.0 —7,143.| ...—6, 482 64,667 | 5,313], 8.2]| 12,129], —8,204 46,649 | 5,937] 12.7 || 11,605 | —4,726 8,311 1,304] 15.7 —1, 751 —340 47,053 |. 4,369.| 9.3 —5,810 | 8,969 13,270 450 | 3.4 — 381 — 189 11) 513 547 | 4.8 —2, 238 —610 19,384 | 3,466] 17.9 || 14,436} —1,904 2) 694 103 | 3.8 —422 —167 2, 264 49| 2.2 —220 —111 6, 105 144]. 2.4 —444 +224 17,945 | 3,833} 21.4 —4,399 |. —1,732 13, 202 341] 2.6 —1,930 | —1,198 6, 369 26} 4.3 — 712 —430 6, 909 405 | 5.9 —1,528 —776 3, 002 Bi} 7.7 —648 —398 5, 306 394}. 7.4 —1, 230 —814 17,767 | 2,027}. 11.4 —4) 393 |. 3,471 14,608} 2,014] 13.8 1,750 —863 146,775 | 84,204] 57.4 || +21,441 |. +24,851 34,4421 1,714{ 5.0 —9, 684 —936 13,814 765 | 5.5 — 3,557 ~292 8, 062 702,| 8.7 —3, 620 —347 47,416 || 5,668 | 12.0 —9,658 |» —2,302 11, 101 6,201 | 55.9 “662 | +2) 111 29'577 | 17,343 | 58.6 +3,307 | +7,973 25, 208 961] 3.8 —4'646 | —1,180 3,951 481 | 12.2 —2}019 —29 94, 371 4,024|. 4.3 |] —14,683 | —3,089 39,097 |. 1,573 |. 4.0 —8' 749 |. —1, 440 271,538 | 33,651 | 12.4 || —13,200| +8,064 454 ABSTRACT OF THE GENSUS-—-POPULATION. TABLE 148.—NUMBER AND PER CENT UNABLE TO SPEAK ENGLISH IN THE FOREIGN- BORN WHITE POPULATION 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY pers BY nehSiets AND STATES: 1920. FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION 21. YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, . Both sexes. Male. Female. ——_ ama wT DIVISION AND STATE. Unable to Unable to Unable to speak English. speak English. speak English. Total * | ee bs a ota oy eae one number. . 1) number. - |-mumber. Number.| Per Number,| Per cent. cent. United States..... 12,498,720 |1,399,759 | 11.2 ||6, 928, 452 | 637,830 | 9,2 |5, 570, 268 S| Sees OOOO O OSS. 6b Oo Ow | SS ee GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England........ 1,705,291 | 173,515,.|.10.2 || 866,042 | 67,350 | 7.8 | 839,249. Middle Atlantic. ...-. 4, 477, 752'| 513,768 | 11.5 |/2, 406, 975 | 226,306 | 9.4 2,070, 777 |. East North Central... 2) 978, 575 | 323,675 | 10.9 |/1,687,728 | 149,946 | 8.9 |1, 200 } 847 West North Central. .- L 291, 794 | 82,212 |: 6.4 |) 738,673 | 33,964} 4.6] 553,121 South Atlantic....... "987° 215:| 30,504 | 10.6 jj 170,407'| 16,881 | 9.9 116, 808 East South Central. 67, 242 2,216 | 3.3 39, 697 1,043 | 2.6 277 545 West South Central. 357, 220 | 140,308 | 39.3 || 208,431 | 72,655 | 34.9 148) 789 Mountain?)2. 394008 | 59,736.| 15.2 || 241,321 | 31,717} 13.1] 152)687 Nag 1 be TRG sey pea | i. 939, 623 73,825 | 7.9 || 569,178 | 37,968 | 6.7 370, 445 NEw ENGLAND: . MAING) ticle cl sec Se g 94, 329 9,190 | 9.7 49, 355 3,013 | 6.1 44,974 New Hampshire. ...- 82,049 | 10,723 | 13.1 42, 432 4,097 | 9.7 39,617 VerMoOntcs gov... oe 38, 232 2 \7OL gs 2 20, 462 1,181 | 5.8 17,770 Massachusetts-....... 988,913 | 93,150 | 9.4 || 491,107 | 36,448 | 7.4 | 497,806 Rhode Island.--..... 156, 866 | 20,648 | 13.2 78, 118 7,601 |. 9.7 78, 748 |. Connectichte.-.... i. 344,902 | 37,043 | 10,7 184,568 | 15,010 | 8.1 160, 334 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: NewYork: 52... - 2 '2, 528,497 | 282,902 | 11.2 |/1,318, 883 |} 120,426 | 9.1 1,209, 614 New Jersey. ..-....-- 675, 222 4 71,587 | 10.6 360, 902 30, 962 | 8.6 "314, 320 Pennsylvania. -....--. 11, 274,033 | 159,279 |-12.5 || 727,190 74, 918 | 10.3 546, 843 East NORTH CENTRAL: | CO SVG CEE Sy Wan | CP 622,523 |. 79,813] 12.8 || 363,504}, 41,136 | 11.3.) 259,019 DTA AT ee, ese to | 140, 373 3,064 | 9.3 82, 908 6, 405 | 7.7 57, 465 | RBEUDOIG. eto... cg 1,117,928 | 119,788 | 10.7 ||; 613,797 | 52,462 | 8.5) 504,131 Michigan............- 663,160 | 66,873 | 10.1 || 381,808 | 31,915 | 8.4] 281,352 Wisconsin: 2-7... 4... 434,591 | 44,137 | 10.2 ||, 245,711 | 18,028 | 7.3 | 188,880 West NoRTH CENTRAL: Minnesota 28,024 | 6.1 266,856 | 1,749 | 4.0} 195,726 POWs ee , 9,210 |: 4.3 || 121,392] 4,066 | 3.3] 93,087 Missouri 173,551 | 10,668 | 6.1 97,345 | 4,857 | 5.0.| 76,206 North Dakota........ 121,047 | 10,021 |: 8.3 70, 043 3,467 |. 4.9 51,004 South Dakota.......- 78, 027 4,771] 6.1 45, 340 1,722 | 3:8 32, 687 Nebraskans... bs 140, 899 8,941 | 6.3 79, 821 3,749 | 4.7 61,078 ensagh) wees... sb 101,209 |. 10,577 | 10.5 57, 876 5,354 | 9.3 43,333 SouTH ATLANTIC: Delaware......... --| _ 18,245 2,665 | 14.6 10,614 1,398 |.13.2 7,631 Maryland: ic! 2... 7 93, 624 7,623.)° 8.1 50,363 3,328 | 6.6} 43,261 District of Columbia .| 26, 376 -740 | 2.8 14, 042 311+) - 2:2 12,334 WAT SUID eos oo 2 27, 851 1,081 3.9 17,431 556 |. 3.2 10, 420 West Virginia........ 55,465 | 10,5069] 18.9 38,471 | 7,195 | 18.7 | 16,994 North Carolina....... 6, 488 170 |° 2.6 4,035 80 | 2:0 2, 453 South Carolina....... 5,941 113} 1.9 3, 850 Bde 5187 2,091 |. Georgia. Pe... 3 oe 14, 855 269} 1.8 9,319 136 | 1.5 5,536 PLOTIAR Ao ew's sn + Abid 38, 370 7,337 | 19.1 22, 282 3,812 | 17.1 16, 088 BAST SouTH CENTRAL: Kentueky eoce oh - 55,973 | 29,357 | 52,4 33,582 | 15,704 | 46.8 22, 391 Loin. 1s re Ne a 52,254 | ** 2,170°} + 4.2 28, 791 1,277) 4.4 23, 463 Wevads.20ist-.....b. 13, 895 1, 373 «9; 9 10, 203 | 940 | 9.2. 3, 692 PACIFIC: : ee Washington.......... 230, 435 7,602} 3.3 || 148,258 | 3,669 | 2.6 87,177 OTegOR a et 2... 94, 807 3, 209'| 3.4 58, 580 1,689 | 2.9 36, 227 California’: ..5.....2. 614, 381 | 63,014 | 10.3 8.9 | 247,041 367,340 | 32,610. INABILITY TO SPEAK ENGLISH. 455 TABLE 149.—NUMBER UNABLE TO SPEAK ENGLISH IN THE FOREIGN-BORN WHITE _ POPULATION 19 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER AND 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, WITH PERCENTAGES FOR BOTH SEXES COMBINED, FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920. ‘ SI a ee oe FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. Unable to speak English. Unable to speak English. Total Total number,| 0th sexes. Fe. ||number. Both sexes. Male e || Mal Fe- Num- | Per male.- Num-| Per ©. | male. ber. |cent. ber. | cent. ee 37,213] 4,354 11.7 2,607). 1,747 33, 912} ~ 4,229) 12.5 2,536) 1,693 oh, Se 9.6 T77 892 16,348 1,617 9.9 755 862 1.9 36 54 4,272 85 2.0 34 DE + pa Pees 8.1]| 2,834] 3,934]| 76,647] 6,654} 8. 7|| 2,787] 3, 367 nt Sates §.3 133 187 5, 470 307 5.6 129 178 Seay area 6.0] 5,662} 8,407/| 221,036] 13,758] 6.2|| 5,553! 8,205 2 pe 13.1)| 2,746] 3,234] 42,308] 5,853}. 13. 8l| 2,682) 3,171 14.3|| 8,250} 8,907) 111,716] 16,879} 15.1]| 8,162} 8 717 ba Rt we arf §24 958 29, 490 1, 435 4,9 511 Oe Se 14.2) 1,310} 1,522] 18,380) 2,754). 15. 0]| 1,284) 1,470 es) eee ee 11. 2|| 38, 612 50, 480 743, 803} 87,699; 11.8), 38, 020 49,679 Ce oe 4.2 773 995 40, 349 1,739] 4.3 756 983 oc. NGL. 15.0] 16,319] 19,071|| 217,793} 35,001} 16. 1|/ 16,189) 18, 812 ey Cee 6.8 579 508 14, 726 1, 058 12 563 495 Dallas, Tex.....5..5..... 19.8 991} 669 7,495| 1,329]. 17.7 811} 518 aetcn, ROTO estado tend 10.5 722} -641|/- 12, 0601. 1,338] 11.1 710} 628 De ver, Colo... Stas. 4.9]} | 740| 1,068/| 35,282] 1,699] 4. 8]| 692) 1,007 Des Moines, fowa.-1..... 5.6|| ' 3061 313i] 410) 441 584, 5.6] 286, 298 ‘Detroit, Mich....2....... 11. 7}] 17, 101] 15,906]| 257,510, 32,318) 12. 6|| 16, 827] 15, 491 Fall River, Mass......... 20. 2i| 2,978} 5,463] 33,145} 8,114] 21. 3]) 5,211] 2,903 1p WOKe okay - 35.61] 1,562} 881 5, 868; 1,989] 33.9] 1,306} ~ 683 d Rapids, Mich..... 7.4|| 845] 1,239]) 26,181/ 25062] 7.9|| | 836) 1,226 ford, Conn, j..2..... 7.9] 1,370} 1,822)) . 87,021) 3,122|) 8, 4]|. 1,350] : 1,772 15.9 880 947 10,128 1,466) 14, 5], 715 751 9 ta 3.7 313 304 16, 600 610 3.8 308 302 8.3]! 2,876} 3,373]| 70,677} 6,114/ 8. 7|| 2,820) 3,294 ae tT. 6 12, 3} 709 678 10, 334 L224 TES 645 579 8.3i| 1,040} 1,176|| 24,728! 2,008) 8.1 945] 1,063 9.81). 4, 7221 «5, 897 98,710 9, 492 9.6)| 4,238) 5, 254 Os ce ules 2 1.6 59 121 11,182 166 £5 56 110 1S ee 16.4|| 2,426} 3,715] 35,023} 5,806] 16.6|| 2,332] 3,474 eh ee Bae a4. 62 112 5, 294 168 8 es 59 109 iS 586s 15.7|| 7,162] 9,912)! 101,684} 16,969} 16.7|| 7,118] 9,851 0B. : 2.2 6| 1,316] 82,735] 1,915; 2.3/| 617} 1,298 okt Pied 1:2 11 18 2,197 26} 1.2 9 17 RET 21.0|| 4,020, 5,963|| 42,486] 9,277} 21. s||'-3,776| 5, 501 eo. 11.61]. 1,938] 3, 296|| 41,634) 5,119) 12.31} 1,887] 3,232 ad oSerad 5.9 626 884 23, 814 1,401 5.9 584 817 ed 10.6}| 86, 536/121, 589|/1, 797, 882} 202,651} 11. 3]| 84, 342/118, 309 thd. 6:7|| 6,678! 10, 955)| 243,093] 17,203) 7.1|| 6,517| 10, 686 klyn borough..... 10.9}] 29, 463] 41, 872|| 593,266] 69,507} 11.7|| 28,654} 40, 853 phattan borough... 12. 0|| 46,121] 63,167|| 827,420] 106,258] 12. 8!| 44, 978] 61,2 eens borough ....... 6.2|| 2,863} 3,952|| 105,012] 6,687) 6.4/|° 2,809] 3,878 hmond borough. ... 9.9]| 1,411] 1,643]/ 29,091] 2,996] 10.3! 1,384] 1,612 etait. 4 9,7|| 5,111] 6,111]! 105,959} 10,880} 10.3 5, 930 Roig sims skates Buck! 112 87 5, 946 186) 3.1 83 eid tose. 5 | 567, 816]| 41,953]. 1,334] 3.2 795 6.1} 938} 1,194]/' 32,585; 2,049] 6.3 1, 155 ee 9. 5|}. 1,729} 2,501}| 40,746) 4,090] 10.0 2, 407 8. 1)| 13,324] 18, 418]| 361,648}. 31,138) 8.6 18, 046 8.7|| 4,938] 5,386|| 111,907] 10,180] 9.1 5, 301 by ae eee 2.6]| 539} ‘681i! 43;133) . 1,188] 2.8 664 asked 10.9]] 2,713) 4,703} 63;441]. 7,259] 11.4 4, 596 14.9] 601) 806] ~—-8, 693]. 1,361) 15.7 730 oy ee 2.1 31 66| 4,252 95, 2.2 65 9.1|| 2,447] 3,915] 63,668} 6,165] 9.7 3, 799 puis, Mo..2......... 5.5 3,267} 95,716] © 5,549] 5.8 3, 198 Soneminn <=." 3.3 1,104)| 48,314) 1,674} 3.51 o Lake City, Utah... Sor 289) 17, 814 663) 3 Sy 268 San Antonio, Tex....... 48,5 8,192)| 27,109} 13,580) 50.1 6, 579 k, ancisco, Calif..... 5.1 3,871|| 130,867} 6,790} 5.2 3,710 oer gs Se 8.7 1,417 26, 687 2, 428 9.1 1, 394 Pe aee 2.8) 968| 67,540} 1,918] 2.8 929 S| a 1.9 193 15, 483 315 2.0 192 aS ee 7.1 1,365)| 28,7241 2,121). 7.4 8.9 1, 522'| 29,7931 2,781! 9.3 5s RS; 14.1} 2, 2,598)}| 35,311! 5,215] 14,8 12.5 2, 025 27, 091 3,601} 13:3 Paes 208 450 26, 376 T401 © 238 ae ae 15.:3h 1, 204 15, 073 2,404! 15.9 ios oe bO. 6.3 y 2, 088 49, 389} » 3,249) 6.6 Set 10. 1 1,470|| 23,962] 2,529] 10.6 era, 15.2 1,965|| 30,943] 4,987] 16.1 456 > TABLE 150.—NUMBER UNABLE TO SPEAK ENGLISH IN THE FOREIGN-BORN — ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——POPULATION. t POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, WITH PERCENTAGES FOR + BOTH SEXES COMBINED, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 TO 100,000. INHABITANTS: 1} 1920. CITY. ALABAMA: Montgomery... . ARIZONA: Phoenix 4% wsi< f ARKANSAS: Fort Smith..... Little Rock..... CALIFORNIA: Long Beach... -- Pasadena....... Sacramento..... San Diego...... San Jose.......- Stockton.....%. COLORADO: Colorado Spgs. - PuBbIGse Le eee Meriden.......- New Britain... . New London... Stamford ......- Waterbury....- FLORIDA: J acksonville Pd AUT. soos Bloomington. . - Cicero town. ... East St. Louis. - Ml gin seeousye il. Evanston... watt. P eC0riages ic 25. Rockford....... Springfield...... INDIANA: Anderson....... East Chicago. .. Evansville. ..... Fort Wayne.... Gar es Muncie......... South Bend.... Terre Haute.... 3, 636 FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULA- TION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. Unable to speak English. Total num- Both sexes. er. Fe- Male. Num-} Per male ber. |cent. 1,973 27; 1.4 10 17 744 20). 32u7 7 13 3, 838) 1,355) 35.3 673} 682 848 29). 3.4 li 18 1,788 Za) leo 12 Li 5,781} 115) 2.0 ol 64 9, 43: 194) 2.1 96 98 8,319 918} 11. 0} 353 565 6, 581 306} 4.6 153 153 6,622} 197] 3.0]} 72} | 125 10,705] 705! 6.6]| 314) 391 12,918] 1,110} 8.6 441 669 7,728 771] 10.0 299 472 6,874} 521) 7.6] 240; 281 2,586} 61} 2.4] 28] 33 7,073| 1,137| 16.1|]| 566] 571 7, 846 656} 8.4 291 365 20, 982) 3,721] 17.7|| 1,444] 2,277 5, 770 427| 7.4 117 310 5, 891 550}. 9.3 207 343 10,554) 802} 7.6]! 257] 545 29, 432) 2,606] 8. 9|| 1,131] 1,475 3, 825 87| 2.3 50 37 2, 492 8| 0.3 1 7 1, 428 15] Ra a 6 10, 413] 5, 293} 50. 8|| 2,650] 2,643 920 vik dA 9 12 323 Taupo. since 1 686 ede 4 3 3, 215 35} > 1.1 9 26 6,427} 245] 3.8 84) 161 2,818] 137] 4.9 56] 81 15, 360] 3,226] 21.0 1, 267| 1, 959 1,904), 46} 2.4/1 © 1 27 2,555! 80] 3.1]| (361 44 6, 711 678] 10.1 365 313 5, 021 160} 3.2 71 89 6, 704 219) 3.3 79 140 8, 408) 1,222) 14.5 624) 598 7,305). 263] 3.6 JOS? (135 5, 604 TOR LD 30 40 7,734| 357) 4.6 236) 121 2, 407 79) 3.3 38 41 5, 296}. 170). 3.2 73 97 17, 160} 1,514) 8.8 709} 805 6,188} 223) 3.6 98} 125 929 82} 8.8 44 38 14, 440} 2,906] 20.1]} 1,487] 1,419 3, 106 29) 0.9 9 20 6,578) 282) 4.3 147} 1385 16,198) 1,377, 8.5 729] 648 8, 032] 1,085} 13.5 556 529 1,149 52h cA nb 38 14 813 386) 4.4 24 12 1, 122-7 | 26h ah 10) 15 13, 222) 2, 237) 16.9 992} 1, 245 177i 4.9 110 67 FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULA- TION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. | Unable to speak English. CITY. Total num- | Both sexes. ber. Fe- Num-| Per male, ber. |cent. IOWA: } Cedar Rapids...| 5,784) 594| 10.3 329° Council Bluffs. -.|, 3,944; 206) 5.2 75 Davenport......| 7,574) 243] 3.2 97! Dubuque....... 4,193) 170) 4.1 93 Sioux City...... 11,119} 638) 5.7 279 Waterloo. ....-- 2, 88 140) 4.9 69 KANSAS: Topekawys-% + oss 3,846} 518] 13.5 Wichita 2.230 oom 2,891; 539) 18.6 KRNTUCKY: . Covington...... 2, 878 25) 0.9 Lexington...... 791 8} 1.0 Newport. ...... 2, 082 37| 1.8 LOUISIANA: Shreveport..... 1,275, °48) 3.8 MAINE: Pangors +. tou we 3,688, 88} 2.4 Lewiston......- 9,974] 2,614] 26.2 Portland: . 2..\5 12,995} 262) 2. 0)}. MARYLAND: Cumberland....| 1,153} - 139} 12.1 Hagerstown. ..- 428 9) 2.1 MASSACHUSETTS: Brockton....... 16,917} 688) 4.1 Brookline town.| 9,307 8| 0.1 Chelsea........% 16,980) 2,423] 14.3 Chicopee........ 12,025) 2,557) 21.3 Everett........-| 10,952) 509) 4.6 Fitchburg...... 12,900} 1,459) 11.3 Haverhill....... 6. 0) Holyoke........ 10.4 Lawrence....... 17.5 Lynn int. eek 4.8 Malderi.3g2 ti. .2 23 Medford........ 1.9 Newton... 2202.2 2.7 Pittsfield....... 9. 8} Quincy: 66.2. -4% 6.8 FOULS. cas eee 6.5 Saleman se? 25. 12. 8 Somerville...... 2.4 almton.s...23 17.6 Waltham....... 3. Olly MICHIGAN: Battle Creek... 4.3 Bay City....... 4.6 Pinte 22. ae 6.5 Hamtramck vil 30. 5 Highland Park. 2.9 JaCKSOn) 3... 5a4 6. 0 Kalamazoo..... 8 7] Lansing........ 8.0 Muskegon...... | 47 Pontiaee™. .. id 8.7 Port Huron..... 2.0 Saginaw........ 4.6 MINNESOTA Duluth...... * 4.6 MISSOURI: Joplin. ...5..% 0.8 St. Joseph. ..... 888) 14.0 Springfield... .. -49|. 5,1 MONTANA: Buttes e2G cae 25a) Lee NEBRASKA: Lincolnebivt... 617) 8.8 BOTH SEXES COMBINED 1920—Continued P INABILITY TO SPEAK ENGLISH. 457 _ TABLE 150.—NUMBER UNABLE TO SPEAK ENGLISH IN THE FOREIGN-BORN WHITE , FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 TO. 100,000 INHABITANTS: 4 POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, WITH PERCENTAGES FOR ‘ FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULA- TION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. nine Unable tospeak English. Total re num- Both sexes. er. Fe- ale. "3 Num-| Per male o-- ber. |cent. New HaAmpsuine: *- Manchester... 27,060] 4,509) 16.7|| 1,431] 3,078 _Nashua......... 8, 598] 1,890] 22.0|| 792! 1,098 > NEW JERSEY: ~~. Atlantic City -.- 4,8\| 164) 166 my pavontie..\.< 2-7 12. 5)| 1,432) 1,720 ee oliiton.s.-.....- 18.4|| 589] 1,155 ~~ East Orange... 3.2 92} 122 Elizabeth....... 10.5)| 1,391 1,523 Hoboken. ...... 5.5 488] 799 | Irvington town. 9.4|| 52 77 e - Kearny town... 2 62} 104 _ - Montclair town. 13.5 345} 339 _ New Brunswick 8.7 Ba ae O82 my Orange: ... 2.2 .. 7.3 148} 356 me ReSsAIC<. 4. 21. 0}| 2,136} 3, 343 . Perth Amboy. .|. 11.5]) 710). 980 Plainfield....... g.3I| 165] 289 ‘West Hoboken town... ..5-- 9.9]] 5431 843 West New York ey ROWIds hs +51) 7.2 203 428 New York _ Amsterdam...-.. 17.0}} 590] 1,063 Se AUpUrh:;.:.-.-- 13.4/| 402! 600 : esto, a ae ‘ous 4 i lmira ES, te woe - Jamestown. .... 7.3]| 286) 541 fg ston.....-- 3.3|| 26) 66 Mount Vernon. 9.8|| 344] 636 _ New Rochelle. . 3.4|| 105] 178 Oy Newbur Dea. EO], 183 2 Niagara Falls... 5. 8 1,502} 1, 24 bi Se rmctikoonsist 11.3|| 7278} 7339 See 19.3||, 522) 471 an Ser aedy,-» ine Ai: ht PUM. os. i 5. ; ee 17. 8] 1,590} 2,500 _ ..Watertown....- 3.6||. 113 95 _ NortH Carona: + Asheville. ...... 2.7 6 9 ')> Charlotte......- 0.6 1 2 _ Wilmington. -.. aye 5 2 * ’ Winston-Salem. 1.4 3 1 OHIO; ._. we a A BpOliec.... 4.2 17. 4|| 1,899] 607 ' East Cleveland. 0.5 4 14 Peeetaraiiton....... 5.9 82 75 ee ey 8 BPARST od 9.3 606} 494 oe Be 6.3 95) 103 AEE Bik ae - Be SS 0. 6 Peodechaa 2. s 7, sel 71 8p! Cid..... : ~ Steubenville... 19.6|| 663] 414 Tren 23.3 771 297 : 12.7 105 56 6.0 18 14 15.2}. 301] 210 2.4 2p 22 FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULA- TION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. CITY. iN, Both sexes. ber. Num-} Per ber. |cent. PENNSYLVANIA: Allentown...... 8,505} 1,263] 14.9 UU iretey ee 5,228] 636] 12,2 Bethlehem. .... 10,795] 2,686] 24.9 Chester......... 11, 133] 1,784] 16.0 Pastomer wee... 3,944) 487] 12.3 EYi6 ues 17,103} 2,716} 15.9 Harrisburg: .... 4,093} 430} 10.5 Hazleton..-.... 5,971 474| 7.9 rar | | ial 8 MeKeesport. 11) 769} 1, 848] 15.7 ew Castle..... 8,551) 1,437] 16.8 Norristown boro| 4250] 840] 19.8 Wilkes-Barre. ..| 14,460} 2,037) 14.1 2 et 2,244) 337] 15.0 6 ey 3 Ap a 1, 182 58} 4.9 RHODE aASLAND: Cranston...-... 7,437| 667) 9.0 Newport....... 5, 708 59] 1.0 Pawtucket..... 20, 723] 1,892) 9.1 Woonsocket. ...| 15,619} 3,287} 21.0 SoutH CAROLINA: Charleston...... 2, 125 22} 1.0 Columbia....... 538 16]. 3.0 SoutH DAKoTA: Sioux Falls....-. 2,928; 171) 5.8 TENNESSEE: Chattanooga....| 1,230 17| 1.4 Cae PR Do 803 14 [ox shg EXAS: Austins ne 2,470} ~ 334) 13.5 Beaumont...... 1,875} 310] 16.5 Bi Paso. sc. 4. 29, 736|18, 292| 61.5 Galveston. ...-. ages nen ae WY ACOs eae te 1,716 68) 15. Wichita Falls..| 1,661] 458] 27.6 UTAH: CPSGer ee ne 4,517} 1380} 2.9 VIRGINIA: Lynchburg..... 344 3} 0,9 Newport News.| 2,018 20, 1.2 Petersburg..... 508 10} 2.0 eee: lanl al 1,520 37) 2.4 Roandke......-- 861 9° 1.0 WASHINGTON: Bellingham.....| 5,17 RUDGE 231 Everett.......--| 5,618 s 0.9 (TACOMA. -s:-+ 5-5 20, 234 91} 3.9 WEST VIRGINIA: ; Charleston...... 1,336 47) 3.5 Clarksburg... --- eas we I Huntingion.... : Wheeling......- 5,736} 552) 9.6 WISCONSIN: Green Bay...-.-| 3,554] 182) 5.1 Kenosha........| 12,523] 869] 6,9 La Crosse....... ee 172} 3.9 Madison......-- 4,814) 444) 9,2 Oshkosh.......- 5,764) 273|° 4.7 Racine. os: 15, 982! 1,057) 6.6 Sheboygan. .... 8,105) 1,652) 20. 4 Superiore ssa.. a 10,650} 441) 4.1 Unable to speak English. Fe- Male male 490} 773 269} 367 1,482} 1,204 1,096] 688 216 yeh 1, 440) 1, 276 184 246 137}... 337 682 734 53 74 1,072} 776 652 785 389 451 902} 1,135 176 161 29 29 198 469 22 37 871| 1,021 1,111] 2,176 14 8 12 4 80 91 6 11 3 8 138] 196 189 121 7, 137|11, 155 723| 418 138 130 376 82 70 60 2 1 10 15 4 6 12 25 4 5 42 68 18 33 42-4 367 18 29 148 132 6 9 306 246 D5 127 387} 482 59] 113 224 220 98 175 Doe w O05. Tis 879 219) . 222 458 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-—POPULATION. TABLE 151.—NUMBER AND PERCENT UNABLE TO SPEAK ENGLISH IN THE URBAN AND RURAL FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920. ; FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 10 || FOREIGN-BORN WHITE FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER UNABLE YEARS OF AGE AND OVER UNABLE TO SPEAK ENGLISH. TO SPEAK ENGLISH. DIVISION AND STATE. In urban In rural In-urban Tn rural communities. communities. communities. communities. - be Per Per Per Per Number. bent: Number cant Number ene Number cont United States..--..--- 482,570 8.8 | 197,463 10.2 607, 224 12.9 | 201,691 14.9 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: | New England: 2522022222 63, 574 7.8 6, 639 5.6 101, 209 12.6 9,429 9.0 Middle Atlantic......-..- 198, 032 9.0 33, 241 8.8 257, 484 13.0 37, 092 Lod East North Central....... 129, 521 9.3 22,791 5.6 145, 741 Leis 30, 928 10.3 West North Central...-.- 15,117 4.5 20,350 4,6 18, 254 6.8 31, 538 9.9 South Atlantic... «2.2%... 9, 997 8, 2 7, 780 12.9 10, 834 LLL 3,431 11.0 East South Central........ 53 2.0 573 3.'8 739 3.5 514 6.2 West South Central.......| 35,779 Blas 57,381 43.7 39, 096 42.2 | 49,543 54.0 Metin taint site ce ce tcl a 9, 262 9,4 27,999 17.1 10, 585 13.6 23, 250 24.3 Pagitictin so taguce cee wy ate 20, 751 5.4 20, 709 9.3 23, 282 8.2 | 15,966 13.4 NEW ENGLAND: Wealnieinc = Sige sae eere 2,168 7.6 1,318 5.1 5,154 17.6 1,693 8.1 New Hampshire.......... 3,271 9.4 1,079 9.8 6, 089 17.4 900 10.6 WiOETNO oe bee os hmetios 738 8.0 610 4.5 888 10. 4 829 Tae Massachusetts. .......-.-- 36, 889 72 667 4.1 57, 627 11 1, 243 1.9 Rhodellslands. ese eee ten 7,931 9..4 62 6.8 13,518 15.9 109 12.5 CONNECTICUL de oats sage eee 12,577 8.6 2, 903 5.6 17, 933 14.2 4,655 9.8 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: Now Viorkisd. 03 ee eee 117,337 | 8.9 5, 967 5.6 159, 401 12.9} 7,495 8.2 Mew Jersey ..vi.---sunsexe 26, 785 8.2 4, 875 8.3 36, 229 12.4} 5,519}. 1.0 Pennsylvania...: -.- scat « §3, 909 9.6 22, 399 10.5 61, 854 13.6 24, 078 16.9 EAst North CENTRAL: wae ; MAINT 2 terse ce eae ea ee 36, 255 Tig? 5, 530 8.7 34, 329 14.3 5, 047. Tit PUAN or tee ee 5, 674 8,2 843 4.7 5, 753 12.0 999, ee Ain ofsteke eS eo eS 48, 950 8.8 4,439 4,8 62,958]. 13.2 5,618 |. 8.4. MICHISAR eck scoot os 26, 658 9.1 5,774 Sid 26, 707 AQIS 8,966} 10.1 WVISCONMSITT sae eee ee , . 11,984 8.5 6, 205 eS 15,994 14.4 10,298 |. 11.7 West NorTH CENTRAL: ; 4 Minnesota. 220i. 00 See 4,019 3.0 6, 881 4.8 6, 078 5.8 11, 333 11.2 TOWa s Hae Se Cte nek 2, 032 4.1 2, 207 2.9 1 4 962 4.9 3,308. [.;- 5.8 NUISSOUT- co) 5 soe 45123 Dal 942 4.4 4,994 7.5 1, 067 6.9 North Dakota 2202222. - 228 188 Dae 3, 344 5.1 300 4.1 6,357.|, 13.3 South Dakotas {oases 293 4,5 1,475 3.6 313 BAT 2,780 | - 9.6 Nepraskao Weeo: Aas 1,656 Sak 2, 217 4.4 2,141 8.3 |. 8,172 |... 82 IGSHSAS(S. nn eee ene ee 2, 806 13.3 3, 284 8.2 2, 466 14.6 3401-1 Sy Akay | SouTH ATLANTIC: . eS Dela wares 2 hoe es 1,302 13.6 127 7.6 1,253 |. 917.8 51 4.0 Marylanles) sc. cantiene lee 3,045 6.7 351 4.2 4, 041 9.8 328. |. 5.5 District of Columbia. -.-.... 329 252 OV bats Los 450 3.4 (ice eee a MAPPING: 0 nay «cereale 325 2.8 263 Rey | 301 4.2 246 |. 4 West Mirfinia ©: 282.22 1,193 10.1 6, 462 21.9 943 | 12.2 2,523, |. by North Carolina........-.. 39 1.6 48 yal § 43 2.6 60}... 5.9. South Carolina.........-. 49 2.0 18 1.2 28 1.7 21]. 3.5 GOOTrPIS® State wees oe 81 Led, 60 22 120 2.4 24) 23° TELOPE BR et tid ot 2 ees 3, 634 22.4 451 Biz 3,655 28. 8’ 178 wo East SoutH CENTRAL: Kentucky ws) vitecus. aes 114 1.0 233 3.8 194 1.9 147 |. POENNCSSEE: sib, py kN sieu< eee 154 2.4 76 3.0 182 3. Te \4 94 ANS DAMS Sosy x2 oe lee ere 183 2.8 136 3.4 257 5.77 148 Mississitipl.s) ais <: ce an~ tae 86 3.4 128 5.4 106] . 6.6 125 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL: ; : AT KANSRSiai saa ed caste ae 2 46 1.4 257 4.9 SL Lwttoe tals 307 LOuISiaM as ioc 8 - Sin 650 4 809 4,2 847 11.4 1,113 8.5 914 Oktahtms..! fo oot ts 1-912; 13,9 2,136 | 13.6 636 | 12.4 1,378. if Wey Ye en nk i ss aR 33, 712 40.5 54, 141 52.6 37, 260 51.7 | 46,944 MOUNTAIN: ' MODTATG.« Maine...-).. ests ia 3 - 768, 014 162, 304 186, 106 4.7 4,7 4,1 4:2 | New Hampshire....... .. 443, 083 92, 184 108, 334 4.8 4.8 4.1 4.2 ee 852,428 |“ "77,158 85, 804 4.6). 4.6 4.1 4.2 Massachusetts... -.-. ee 3, 852, 356 597, 052 874, 798 6.5 6.6 4.4 4.6 ’ Rhode Island....... Ye 604,397 | 98, 861 137, 160 6.1 6.8 4.4 4.6 . Connecticut..)....).2..... 1,380,631 | ~~ 228, 405 311, 610 6..0 6.1 4,4 4,5 DLE ATLANTIC: New York. ......... BB 10,385,227 | 1,325,114 | “2,441,125 7.8 7.7 4.3 4.5 a ei eS eee 3, 155, 900 515, 211 721, 841 6.1 6.2 4.4 4.5 | Pennsylvania..............| 8,720,017 | — 1,726,224 | © 1,929,114 5.1 5.1 4.5 4.7 East NoRTH CENTRAL: @ Ohio. .<. 5. :: EE ae 5,759, 394 | “1,216,542 | “1,414,068 4.7 4.7 4.1 4,2 Indiana Pe Seat! Mealy bi ine a 2, 930, 390 696, 466 737, 707 4,2 4.3 4.0 4,1 VOT OR Ie aie ei 6,485,280 | 1,190,414 | 1,534,077 5.4 5.6 4,2 4,5 MetMichizan.|. 2. oc... 3,668, 412 755, 931 862, 745 4.9 4.5 4.3 4,3 = Wisconsin: 2... 22.2.2... 2, 632, 067 526, 188 595, 316 5.0 5.0 4.4 4,7 West Nort CENTRAL: me Minnesota... ...:...8... 2, 387, 125 469, 652 526,026 || 5.1] ~< 5.5 4.5 5.0 eae 2, 404, 021 559, 188 586, 070 4.3 4,5 4,1 4.3 Ei Bee 3, 404, 055 717, 256 |} 829, 043 4,7 4,9 4.1 4.4 ) North Dakota............ 646, 872 129, 905 134, 881 5.0 4.9 4.8 4,8 ® South Dakota............. 636, 547 136, 512 142, 793 4,7 4.6 4.5 4,5 i Nebraska... 2.0.......26-0- 1, 296,372 288, 390 303, 436 4,5 4.6 4.3 4.5 BPR ANSAS 5). e285... 1, 769, 257 416, 065 435, 600 4.3 4.4 4.1 4:3 SoutH ATLANTIC: BeDemware.. J..J1.....5-2%-- 223, 003 47, 868 52, 070 4,7 4,7 4.3 4.5 Be Maryland. ../5.....2.5... 1, 449, 661 288, 261 324, 742 5.0 5.1 4.5 4.7 _ District of Columbia. ..... 437, 571 72,175 96, 194 6.1 5.7 4.5 4.6 MeV irginia 220... 6 4 0c... 2,309, 187 450, 229 483, 363 5.1 5.1 4.8 4.9 Be West Virginias. .... 2200.2. 1, 463, 701 293, 002 310, 098 5.0 5.1 4.7 4.9 ®, North Carolina. .-.....2... 2, 559, 123 495, 269 * 518,377 5.2 5.1 5.0 5.0 _ South Carolina........... 1, 683, 724 330, 500 349, 126 5.1 5.0 4.8 4.8 Memrenreia. 2 eo ee 2, 895, 832 586, 509 628, 525 4.9 4.9 4,6 4,7 ‘ Mitoride eS 968, 470 217,871 234, 133 4.4 4.5 4,1 4,4 ‘East SourH CENTRAL: ; CO ees 2, 416, 630 510, 981 546, 306 4.7 4,9 4,4 4.6 re Tennessee... ....'.2.5.2..- 2, 337, 885 488, 392 519, 108 4.8 4.9 4.5 4,7 \ Alabama...... BF see ASE 2, 348, 174 480, 392 508, 769 4.9 4.8 4.6 4.7 Besissippi: 23 ee... 1, 790, 618 387, 402 403, 198 4.6 4,8 4. 4 4,7 : West SOUTH CENTRAL: ! ey ow CO 1, 752, 204 875,316 890, 960 4.7 4.8 4.5 4.7 Pemodisiana | 2 ll. c... 1,798,509 | : 870,377 | 889, 913 4.9 5.0 4.6 4.8 2, 028, 283 418, 557 444, 524 4.8 4,8 4.6 4,7 4, 663, 228 946,629 | 1,017, 413 4.9 5.0 4.6 4.9 548, §89 130, 670 139, 912 4,2 4.5 3.9 4.3 431, 866 95, 299 100, 500 4.5 4,5 4.3 4.4 194, 402 44,710 48, 476 4.3 4,7 4.0 4.5 939, 629 211, 103 230, 843 4.5 4,3 4.1 4.1 360, 350 78, 024 83, 706 4.6 4,3 4,3 4.1 334, 162 73, 673 80, 208 4.5 4.5 4.2 4.3 449, 396 89,587 | 98, 346 5.0 5.1 4.6 4.8 77, 407 20, 709 21, 862 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.5 1, 356, 621 804, 735 342, 228 4.5 4.8 4.0 4,4 783, 389 185, 081 202, 890 4.2 4.6 3.9 4,4 3, 426, 861 778, 861 900, 232 4.4 4.6 3.8 4.2 ma) ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. § TABLE 153.—DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, 1920, WITH NUMBER OF PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, 1920 AND 1910, FOR CITIES HAVING, IN 1920, 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE. 1920 PERSONS TO A || PERSONS TO A DWELLING. FAMILY. CITY. a ae Population. | Dwellings. | Families, 1920 | 1910 1920 | 1910 ; \ RTO, OTD ole Senn nc x tact soe 208, 435 32,030 44,195 6:5-| -°" 5-0 4.7 4.4 ce Ae 4 ae an a Capeescgemgmpty i Rept 113, 344 18, 402 28, 097 6.2 6.5 4.0 4.2 Atlantas Gay uk oie dees 200, 616 38, 098 49, 523 5.3 5.1 4.1 4.3 Baltimore, Md..........------ 733, 826 136, 324 166, 857 5.4 5.5 4.4 4.7 Birmingham, Ala........----- 178, 806 35,100 | 43,040 5.1 4.9 4.2 4.3 TOStORS MASS PIs adisa cles ts 748, 060 79,597 | 164, 785 9.4 9.1 4.5 4.8 Bridgeport, Conn........--... 143, 555 22,328 31, 994 6.4 6.8 4.5 4.7 PAITSIONIN. Yoo ees ee ens 506, 775 73, 880 116, 201 6.9 6.8 4.4 4.6 Cambridge, Mass. ......../..5. 109, 694 15,113 25, 293 13 7.2 4.3 4.6 Camden) Nv Ju. 116, 309 24, 921 26, 645 4.7 4.7 4.4 4.4 Chicasor Fs bec. es Perak. 2,701, 705 335, 777 623, 912 8.0 8.9 4.3 4.6 Cincinnati, Ohio. ............. 401, 247 62, 885 106, 239 6.4 7.3 3.8 4.2 Cleveland, Ohio.............-- 796, 841 116, 545 182, 692 6.8 6.2 4.4 4.5 Columbus, Ohio.........-..--- 237, 031 51, 663 58, 913 4.6 4.6 4.0 4.3 Palins Tees LS Se ae 158, 976 30, 860 36, 754 5:2 5.0. 4.3 4.5 Dayton; Ohio 3) As. S.Ble.. 152, 559 33, 918 38, 138 4.5 4.4 4.0 4.1 Denver. Colo.1. 5.4.2. 256, 491 50, 636 61, 916 5.1 4,8 4.1 4.2 Des Moines, Iowa.....-.:.+.-- 126, 468 27, 127 31, 644 Sy de 4.6 4.0 4.2 Detroit, Mich!) 24... 22Gudeee 993, 678 153, 206 218, 973 6.5 5.6 4.5 4.6 Fall River, Mass.............- 120, 485 13, 807 26, 399 8.7 | 10.9 4.6 4.9 Forth Worth, Tex.........-.. 106, 482 19, 679 25, 052 5.4 5.0 4.3 4.5 Grand Rapids, Mich....:..... 137, 634 29, 157 33, 703 4.7 4.8 4.1 4.2 Hartford, Conn.........-).2+-- 138, 036 16, 495 30, 813 8.4 8.6 4.5} 465 Houston, Texts... oleae: 138, 276 28, 452 33, 932 4.9 5.0 4.1 4.6 Indianapolis, Ind.........:... 314, 194 71, 648 81, 256 4.4 4.4 || 3.9 4.0) Jersey City, N.J.2....--c.s--- 998, 102 31, 145 67, 288 9.6 9.6 4,4 4.7 Kansas City, Kans.......-.--. 101, 177 22, 641 s 4.5 4.5 4.0 4.2 Kansas:City, Mots..." 0 ba. 324, 410 61, 321 82, 056 5.3 5.2 4.0. 4.2 Los Angeles, Calif-......2..... 576, 673 125, 004 159, 476 4.6 4.6 3.6 4.1 Touigiue Kyt....) od. -e. 234, 891 47, 449 60, 490 5.0 5.4 3.9 4.3 Lowell, Mass. i002... 4.202 112, 759 17, 488 25, 034 6.4 7.1 4.5 4.3 Memphis? Tenn S: 4. ...d220 5.8 162; 351 35, 295 42,369 4.6 4.9 3.8 4.2 Milwaukee, Wis.........-.... 457, 147 66, 915 106, 101 6.8 6.2 4.3 4.6 Minneapolis, Minn............ 380, 582 65, 568 91, 843 5.8 6.4 4.1 4.3 Nashville, Tenn..............- 118, 342 24, 992 30, 220 4.7 5.0 3.9) | aed New Bedford, Mass........... 121, 217 14, 961 26, 858 8.1 8.4 4.5 af New Haven, Conn............ 162, 537 22, 536 36, 257 7.2 7.6 4.5 4, New Orleans, La.........-«« ty 387, 219 76, 969 85, 188 5.0 5.0 4.5) 4.6 New York, NujY.e.-.-ccscce-- 5, 620, 048 365,963 | 1, 278,341 15.4 | 15.6 4.4) 0 EG Bronx borough............ 732, 016 33, 985 166,260 || 21.5] 15.0 4.4 4.6 Brooklyn borough. ........ 2,018, 356 173, 847 453, 587 11.6 List 4.4 4.5 Manhattan borough....... 2,284. 103 75, 534 525,154 || 30.2 | 30.9 4.3:)/ ae Queens borough. .......... 469, 042 64, 323 109, 559 7.3 7.1 4.3 4, Richmond borough. ...... 116, 531 18, 274 23, 781 6.4 6.1 4.9 4. Nowath, NoJub adipose co 414, 524 41, 535 93,274 || 10.0 9.0 4.4| 45 Wortolk; Va.. 2 a. sccek. aa 115,777 19, 934 26, 732 5.8 5.6 4.3}. 44 Oakland, Calif) 7.7. 282222 oe 216, 261 47, 297 55, 7936 4.6 4.7 3.9 + Omaha, Nebr.........-.2-8 ir 191, 401 37) 997 44) 5.0| 15.3) 43] 148 Raterson,N. iJ!) as 3, - =. So Romee ss 135, 875 18, 769 32, 186 Yoo | eso 4.2 4.5 Bhiladelphia, Hay ao. d2gokee 6 1, 823, 779 352, 944 402, 946 5.2 5.2 4.5 4. Eittsbureh, Pat g4.222a-g4e< 588, 343 93, 890 130, 274 6.3 6.1 4.5 AS Portland, .Oreg......-04:-2 04s. 258, 288 54, 664 67, 045 4.7 5.5 3.91 49 Rrovidence, Rij Ie... fo ¢.45.. 237, 595 35, 634 54, 726 6.7 7.8 4.3 4.8 Reading, Pa. it nol. depcae ns 107, 784 22,759 25, 202 4.7 4.6 4.5) oom Richmong, \V ai ooo oc oesgl ie. 171, 667 30, 753 39, 191 5.6 5.7 4.4; 41 Rochester, No Y 4-2.) - 26.5... 295, 750 56, 502 68, 247 5:2 5.6 4.3 [ed St Tutte: Motte: cts Pore. 772, 897 118, 102 190, 640 6.5 6.5 4.1| 44 St. Paul, Minny a0. dec gee: 234, 698 42, 462 54, 409 5.5 6.6 4.3) 56.2 Salt Lake City, Utah.......... 118, 110 23, 685 28, 216 5.0 5.2 4.2} 4. San Antonio, Tex............- 161, 379 30, 264 36, 405 5.3 4.9 4.4] 4.6 San Francisco, Calif........... 506, 676 90,182 | “ 123,349 5.6 6.4 4.1 4. Stranton;Pa- a Sh. 1. 9ses8 137, 783 23, 952 29, 768 5.8 5.9 4.6 Seattle, Wash...........00..- 315, 312 60, 516 80, 048 5.2 5.4 3.9 |. Spokane, Wash.........05.... 104, 437 22,389 27,178 4.7 jet 3.84 Springtield, Mass........:..... 129, 614 18, 945 30, 361 6.8 6.7 4.3]. DYLACUSEHINGG Y=. gic deals 171, 717 28, 725 41, 558 6.0 5.9 4.1 Toledo, Ohio, J. ...-4.2 481.» 243, 164 49, 501 57,951 4.9 4.7 4.2 | ECOL OI AN od Uh ve cen dev ohh’. 119, 289 22,373 25, 319 5.3 5.4 4.7 Washington, D. Co......260.-- 437, 571 72,175 96, 194 6.1 5.7 4.5}. Wilmington, Del.............. 110, 168 20, 876 24, 488 5.3 5.1 || 64.5 Worcester, Mass..............- 179, 754 19, 337 39, 230 ei ens 6 4.6 Yorkers; NY). VHS: AQ. 100, 176 10, 302 22,126 9.7| 10.2 4.5 |- Youngstown, Ohbio............ 132, 358 24, 007 28, 699 5.5 5.5 4.6 1 Based on figures including South Omaha in 1910. 4 DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, 461 _ TABLE 154.—DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES AND NUMBER OF PERSONS TO A DWELLING * AND TOA FAMILY, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920. Bi if8 | ¢ |pa| oS a | &/ g ese ory. g\4 : Ba | 8a orry. 8/4) [3\22 a |g Bel As a) |e A AeA fo) — GB }A] & ale Bl el Be lee ALABAMA KENTUCKY: Mobile. ......... 60, 777|12, 350/15, 148] 4.9] 4.0 Covington....... 57,121)11, 100/14, 809} 5.1] 3.9 Montgomery.....| 43,464) 9, 437/11, 568|| 4.6] 3.8 Lexington saitaue 41,534] 9, 500/10, 720)} 4.4! 3.9 {RIZONA: ewport........| 29,317) 5,621) 7,792|| 5.2] 3.8 *Phoenix......... 29, 053} 5, 867| 7,354]! 5.0! 4.0 || Lourstana: ; : : ARKANSAS: { Shreveport......| 43,874] 9,175 10,618)} 4,8) 4,1 Fort Smith... ... 28,870) 5,916) 6,872|| 4.9] 4.2 || Maing: 3 mite Rock... 65, 142,13, 156/15, 059] 5.0] 4.3 Bangor . ene 5 25,978] 5,234] 6,145]] 5.0) 4.2 ALIFORNIA: ewiston........ 31,791) 3,676) 6,750] 8.6|. 4.7 Alameda. ....... 4.0} 3.7 |] Portland. ....... 69, 272|11, 036/16, 801|| 6.3). 4.1 Berkeley. ....... 4,3) 3.7 || MARYLAND: Fresno... -....... 4.7] 4.0 Cumberland.....| 29,837) 5,894] 6,433] 5.1) 4.6 Long Beach..... * 4.4) 3.2 Hagerstown..... 28, 064) 5, 6, 609), 4 4.2 Pasadena........ 3.9) 3.6 || MASSACHUSETTS: Sacramento. .... 4,8! 3.8]| Brockton........ 66, 254/10, 388/16, 084|| 6.4] 4.1 San Diego....... 4.0) 3.3 Brookline town. .| 37,748) 5,036] 8, 603|| 7 4.4 San Jose......... 4,2) 3.7 Chelsea.......... 43,184) 4,403] 8, 833]| 9.8] 4.9 ee | GS 4,8) 4.0 cones ~++--..| 36,214) 4,625) 7,004/| 7.8] 5.2 OLORADO verett. Gace lia. 40,120) 6,870] 9,187|| 5.8! 4.4 Colorado Springs 3.9] 3.6] Fitchburg......, 41, 029] 6,180] 9,273|] 6.61 4.4 Se pebio + lade | 4,8} 4,1 Havernill lagact.t 53, 884] 9, es 12,814}} 5.9] 4.2 \ONNECTICUT: olyoke......... 60, 203] 5, 706/12, 948}] 10.6] 4.6 ade éVend or pint Be ae neireacd shih n Cie 94, 270/12, 700/19, 715]| 7.4) 4.8 ew Britain..... : ; nis dtecrte. | 99, 148]14, 841/23, 308]| 6.7] 4.3 New London... 5.4) 4.3 ||. Malden........., 49, 103] 8, 495|11;238I| 5.8] 4.4 Norwalk........ 5.4, 4.1 | Medford......... 39, 038] 7;632] 9;351|| 5.1] 4.2 ‘Stamford........ 7.5). 4.5 Newton. ....-02. 46,054} 8,944/10,189]] 5.1] 4.5 Waterbury...... 7.9) 4.8 ee ge Jenne | pide. i, a 12:499 5.4) 4:4 RIDA: THUCY. Shores 6} 9, 46]; 5.0) 4.3 “Sylar dso] deimhe | Besa oa) 73 48 WIT ce eve 5 . ‘ woalem 2. Lect. : 5 ‘ 15 ‘Pensacola. ...... 4.9 4.2 |! ‘Somerville....... 93, 091|15, 112/297 653i| 6.2) 4.1 \@amtpa.......... 4.9] 4.3 aunton......52. 37,137} 5,989) 8,062) 6.2) 4.6 | fi pus, 1p voitham USs 2th | 30,915] 5,681] 6,566)! 5.4] 4.7 Columbus. . ree 5.0 4.3 Battle Creek or. 36,164} 8, 240 9,347|| 4.4]. 3.9 REET, Yicae-'cu 4 ; F ayiCity JL... 47, 554/10, 466/11, 002/| 4.5] 4.3 Savannah....... 4.9} 3.9 wih 4 das | 91; 599 16, 228 19,570|| 5.6] 4.7 NOIS amtramck vil. .| 48,615] 5,702! 9.117|| 8.5} 5.3 Aurora. ......... 4.6, 4.1 || Highland Park..| 46) 499] 8,051/10,401|| 5.81 4.5 Bloomington. .-. 4.2) 3.9 Jackson. JLo... 48, 374/10, 565/11, 851|| 4.6) 4.1 enor <- ie ai Kalamazoo. ..... 48, 487/10, 467/11, 754|| 4.6) 4.1 Danville......... ‘ : Lansing......... 57, 327|12, 089/13, 811|| 4.7] 4.2 Decatur......_.. 4,5]. 4.0 Saeed eng is! 36, 570| 7,397] 8 696|| 4.9] 4.2 East St. Louis.. 4.7} 4.2 Pontiac.......... 34,273] 6,295] 7,090]| 54) 4.8 a ee 4,8) 4.2 Port Huron... ... 25,944] 5,918] 6,407/| 4:4) 4.0 Evanston....... 5.8} 4.4 Saginaw......... 61, 903/14, 035]14,906|| 4.4} 4.2 _. eee 5.6} 4.4 || MINNESOTA: Moline. ......... 4.7}. 4.1 Duluth. ........| 98, 917/17,320121,294|| 5.7) 4.6 Oak Park vil.... 4.9| 4,1 || Missourr: OT eae 4,5) 3.9 Joplin. beefs: 29,902) 7,414) 8,012/| 4.0) 3.7 os ee 4,3) 3.8 St. Joseph....... 77, 939}17, 359|19,189]). 4.5) 4.1 ock Island..... 4.4) 4.0 Springfield. ..... 39,631] 9, 578/10, 412} 4.1] 3.8 OEE 5.2) 4.1 ONTANA Springfield. BLA 4.6) 4,2 Ste ta cle 41,611] 8,287/10,098]} 5.0) 4.1 IANA: NEBRASKA - Anderson........ 4.4) 4,0 inbols.o... oc. 54, 948/12, 241/13,812| 4.5] 4.0 | East Chicago... . 7.1) 5.1 || New HampsuHIRe: ansville...... 4.5] 4.1 Manchester. ..... 78, 384/10,657/17,415|| 7.4) 4.5 Fort Wayne..... 4.6] 4.2 Nashua.......... 28,379] 5,111) 6,305/| 5.6] 4.5 ES 6.7| 4.6 || New JEeRsEyY: Hammond. .... 5.2) 4.5 Atlantic City-....| 50,707) 9,807|12,468|| 5.2) 4.1 Kokomo......... has axe Bayonne........ 3.04 ae white 92 a eetee 2... ; .8 Clipe... 0. 26, 470) 4, 5,8 6] 4. Richmond....... 4.1] 3.8 || East Orange..... 50,710} 8, 277|12,416|| 6.1] 4.1 South Bend..... 4.9] 4.4 Elizabeth... .....| 95, 783/13, 408/20,641|| 7.1] 4.6 ‘Terre Haute... 4,3] 3.9 Hoboken. ....... 68, 166] 4,617/15,877|| 14.8] 4.3 YWA: Irvington town. .| 25, 480} 3,889] 6,098|| 6.6] 4.2 Cedar Rapids... . 4,3) 3.9 Kearny town... .| 26,724] 3,811] 5,706} 7.0} 4.7 Council Bluffs... 4.4) 4.1 Montclair town. .| 28,810] 4,989] 6,294/| 5.8] 4.6 Davenport... .... 4,7) 3.9 New Brunswick .} 32,779] 5,128 7,404) 6.4] 4a og oe 4.8) 4.2 Orange =. - 25 sua. 33, 268] 4,842) 7,289) 6.9] 4.6 Sioux City...... 6. 15-454 WP ASSBIOR on eto 63, 841] 6,380)13,393]] 10.0] 4.8 Waterloo........ 4,3] 4.0 Berth Arphoy.. ai, 707 b, 475 8, 605 7.8 re ANSAS: ainfield....... 27, 700} 5, 282] 6,375|| 5 ; pee ees 50, 022/12, 021/13, 039]} 4.2] 3.8 West Hoboken. .| 40,074] 4/234/10,131] 9.5] 4.0 Co oe 72, 217|15, 846]18, 596|| 4.6’ 3.9 West New York.’ 29,926! 3,063] 7,410)} 9.8) 4.0 462 ABSTRACT OF THE GCENSUS—-POPULATION. — q TABLE 154.—DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES AND NUMBER OF PERSONS TO A DWELLING ’ ANDTOA FAMILY, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Con. F q Sant 1 ; i >) n bo ° n tf) . ¢ | 2 | 2 Jel a 2 [2| 2 |ealze CITY. s 5 - gai s q CITY. a A ge 5g Q g eh aes = = Ee ° B 8 od | ot S e og | oOo" py A Py pu Ay By a Fy Ay NEw YORK: P ENNSYLVANIA— \ Amsterdam. .... 33,524] 5,013) 7,726) 6.7) 4.3 Continued. Ube 36,192} 7,263]}°8, 719] 5.0] 4,2 New Castle...... 44,938) 9,181]/10,397|| 4.9) 4.3 Binghamton... ...] 66, 800/10, 421/16,000)| 6.4) 4.2 Norristown boro.| 32,319} 5,931} 6,624}| 5.4) 4.9 Blmirgy,, W'S 55° 1 45,393] 9, 209/11, 357]} 4.9) 4.0 Wilkes-Barre. ...| 73,833)13, 464|15,378]| 5.5) 4.8 Jamestown.....-. 38, 917} 7,926)10, 206)| 4.9] 3.8 Williamsport. ...} 36,198} 8,079] 8,927]| 4.5} 4.1 Kingston....2..- 26, 688] 5, 233) 6,701} 5.1) 4,0 YOLK... -.tewetnee 47, 512/10, 886/11, 692)| 4.4) 4.1 Mount Vernon...) 42,726} 5,856] 9,715] 7.3] 4.4 || RHopE IsLaND: New Rochelle. . .| 36, 213} 5,491)°7,725|| 6.6) 4.7 Cranston 22% i225 29,407| 5,311] 6,360] 5.5). 4.6. Newburgh. :.--.. 30, 366} 4, 944) 7,647|| 6.1) 4.0 Newport. .......| 30,255} 4,895] 6,440] 6.2) 4.7 Niagara Falls... .| 50,760] 8, 307/10, 857|| 6.1) 4.7 Pawtucket. ..... 64, 248/10, 609/14, 675|| 6.1) 4.4 Poughkeepsie... .| 35,000} 5, 583} 8, 732)| 6.3) 4.0 Woonsocket. ....| 43,496) 5,341] 9,080/} 8.1) 4.8 ONS setae. 26,341] 4,486] 5,416]} 5.9] 4.9 || SouTH CAROLINA: Schenectady... .| 88, 723]13, 782/20,657|} 6.4] 4.3 |} Charleston....... 67, 957/11, 714/17, 824|| 5.8] 3.8 TOW Woe 72, 013)11, 554/17, 895]} 6.2} 4.0 Columbia........ 37,524) 6,704] 8,151]) 5.6] 4.6 Utieg Are et 94, 156/13, 969/21, 657|| 6.7} 4.3 || SourH Daxorta: Watertown...... 31, 285] 6,610) 7,835]| 4.7) 4.0 Sioux Falls...... 25,202} 5,176, 6,208) 4.9) 4.1 NORTH CAROLINA: TENNESSEE: Asheville... 2... 28,504) 5,575] 6,477])) 5.1) 4.4 Chattanooga..... 57, 895/11, 458)14,621)| 5.1; 4.0. Charlotte. ....... 46, 338| 9,641/10, 720] 4.8] 4.3 Knoxville....... 77, 818|15, 494/17, 474]| 5.0! 4.5 Wilmington. ....| 33,372} 7,012) 7,847|| 4.8) 4.3 EXAS; ! Winston-Salem. .| 48,395] 8,542! 9,895]) 5.7) 4.9 Austit. . sexe 34, 876) 7,392] 7,925]| 4.7] 4.4 Oufo: Beaumont....... 40,422! 7,867] 9, 495|| 5.1) 4,3 Canton. i'553225 5 87, 091}17, 506/20, 496] 5.0) 4.2 Ell Paso. [2302 % 77, 560)11, 158/18, 159)| 7.0) 4.3 Kast Cleveland: .| 27,292} 5,611| 7,122]/- 4.9} 3.8 Galveston...2... 44,255] 9, 273/10, 588]| 4.8) 4.2 Hamilton... 52... 39, 675| 8,570] 9, 706]|. 4.6) 4.1 WACO... Hecate bs 38,500) 8,011) 9,374]| 4.8) 4.1 Lakewood....... 41,732} 8, 534/10, 537|| 4.9) 4.0 Wichita Falls... .| 40,079] 6,595] 7,878] 6.1] 5.1. dima oe bs 0F, 41, 326} 9, 638)10, 659]| 4.3) 3.9 TAH: Gorain...1b,8 4 37, 295] 6,562) 8,004]! 5.7} 4.7 Cedar... ied. 32, 804] 6, 483) 7, 803)/ 5.1) 4.2 Mansfield........ 27,824) 6,230} 7,215]! 4.5} 3.9 IRGINIA: ae Marion. . G63 vv. ; 27, 891| 6, 798] 7,231]| 4.1] 3.9 Lynchburg. ..... 30,070) 5,878) 6,558]} 5.1! 4.6 Newark......... 26,718| 6, 928| 7,322]| 3.9] 3.6 || Newport News. .| 35,596] 6,012! 7,835|| 5.9! 4.5 Portsmouth. .... 33,011} 6,961) 7,967|| 4.7) 4.1 Petersburg. ..... 31,012} 6,832| 7,540)) 4.5) 4.1 Springfieid. ..... 60, 840/14, 242115, 484]| 4.3) 3.9 Portsmouth. .... 54, 387/11, 210 12, 568)| 4.9) 4.3 ' Steubenville. .... 28, 508} 5, 736} 6,516} 5.0) 4.4 Roanoke. .......| 50,842| 9,090.11, 260] 5.6] 4:5 Warren...) . 52.13 27,050] 5,670] 6,561)) 4.8} 4.1 |) WASHINGTON: — ‘ Zanesville. ...... 29,569) 7,356) 7,958] 4.0) 3.7 Bellingham...... 25,585) 6,009} 6,640)} 4.3) 3.9 OKLAHOMA: Everett... .......| 27,644] 6,149] 7,169]! 4.5] 3.9 Muskogee. . .....| 30,277] 6,506) 7,414]). 4.7} 4.1 || Tacoma. ........ 96, 965]21, 512 24, 662)| 4.5 3.9 Oklahoma City. .| 91, 295/17, 285/21, 346]| 5.3} 4.3 || West VircINia: |e aa Malsaic. .. JOG 72, 075/13, 559|16, 910]! 5.3) 4.3 || Charleston.......| 39,608] 7,725} 9,069] 5.1) 4.4 PENNSYLVANIA: Clarksburg. ..... 27,869) 5,604) 6,453) 5.0) 4.3 — Allentown... 22... 73, 502/15, 31617, 298]| 4.8) 4.2 Huntington. ....| 50,177] 9,864/11,350)) 5.1] 4.4 Altoona... 2.22... 60, 331/12, 482|13, 740]] 4.8] 4.4 Wheeling. ....... 56, 20811, 22613, 919]] 5.0) 4.0 Bethlehem. ..... 50, 358/10, 190]11, 265]} 4.9] 4.5 || WISCONSIN: mo Chester... 2... .| 58, 030)10, 894/12, 259]]. 5.3} 4.7 Green Bay..-... 31,017) 6,020) 6,914] 5.2) 4.5— Hastonm. . 2s0b.6.. 33, 813} 7,652] 8, 257|| 4.4} 4.1 Kenosha. .......| 40,472} 6,350) 8,098|| 6.4} 5.0. Miriog -&. te. Be 93, 372)17, 387/21, 425|| 5.4) 4.4 La Crosse........ 30, 421) 6,866} 7,526)| 4.4) 4.0. Harrisburg... ... 75, 917|16, 935/19, 158]} 4.5} 4.0 || Madison......... 38, 378] 7,515] 9,413] 5.1! 4.1 Hazleton......). 32, 277} 6, 320] 6,584] 5.1) 4.9 Oshkosh......... 33, 162) 7,523) 8,027) 4.4) 4.1- Johnstown... ...| 67, 327/12, 444113, 858]| 5.4/4.9 || Racine.......... 58, 593]10, 439/12, 799|| 5.6] 4.6 Lancaster... 2. .| 53, 150/12, 002/12, 844]| 4.4) 4.1 Sheboygan. ..... 30, 955} 5, 823) 7,215)| 5.3) 4.3— McKeesport. ..-. 46,781} 7,781) 9,916]; 6.0) 4.7 Superior......... 39, 671) 7,347] 8,692!) 5.4 4.60 ine DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, 4638 TH NUMBER OF PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, 1920 AND 1910, BY WinaNGBER OF Gs AND FAMILIES FOR URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, 1920, SIONS AND STATES. 7 b dvi ‘i 1920 PERSONS TO A PERSONS TO A DIVISION, STATE, AND CLASS OF RV EHANG FAMTRME :. _ COMMUNITY. | ilncliligaiicaa 7 ch GAAS GG REMAN. Geld GRRE | aR Gann t orei |; © Population. | Dwellings. | Families. 1920 | 1910 1920 | 1910 —— — a : ee ary ES es 8 EE Ne et ee ac Eg) RO SE EIS; | (SSE EER S pie ESS ie } ‘. United States: i Rebs ols... b-cce-s 54, 304, 603 9,484,550 | 12,803,047 5.7 5.9 4.2 4.5 Se US seas eae 51,406,017 | 11,212,654 | 11,548,629 4.6 4,7 4.5 4.6 } GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS PR a Ey F pa apie iia Wg oy AP. ‘New ENGLAND: mee Onbatls® ...3)42.-..1.3-%.. 5, 865, 073 903,949 | - 1,325,076 6:5 6.7 4.4 4.6 ® Barpl. =: aS aaa 1,535, 836 352, 015 378, 736 4,4 4.4 4,1 4.1 -MImDLE ATLANTIC ; RS ee eg «=, 16,672,595 2, 332, 383 3,788, 850 Tul 7.3 4,4 4.6 eel on DS ee 5, 588, 549 1, 234, 166 1, 296, 230 4.5 4.6 4.3 4,4 SSS A eee 13,049, 272 2, 406, 316 3,119, 157 5.4 5.4 4,2 4.3 Ww oyna 2 Se eee 8, 426, 271 1,979, 225 2,024, 756 4.3 4,4 4,2 54.3 EST NORTH CENTRAL ( # ‘ dng A oe pt ae 4 “ta ih : id 775 | 1,164,089 4.9 5.1 4,1 4,4 * Ne | GSS apearene , 816, 877 757,193 1,793,760 4,4 4.6 4,4 4.5 ~SoutH ATLANTIC: i OS Se ae ee 4,338,792 | 846,647 | 1,006,440 51 5.1 4.3 4.5 pa Buel... “> SOS See 9, 651, 480 1,935, 037 1,985, 188 5.0 5.0 4.9 4.9 _ East SouTH CENTRAL: ae Urban:* -.. Hee. Loe. 1,994, 207 422,751 496, 765 4.7 4.8 4,0 4.2 5, BER os osha MES Ree: 6, 899, 100 1, 444, 416 1,480,616 4.8 4.9 4.7 4,8 EST SOUTH CENTRAL: : + Urban...... ee 8 2,970, 829 606, 625 608,195 || |--4.9-+°* 4.9} #3 as £ cami LO > OREN Se 7, 271, 395 1, 504, 254 1,547, 675 4,8 5.0 4.7 4.9 Meturpan)...1,82....5.225.. 1,214,980 254,491 295,327 || - 48) 48]) 41° 4.4 P gotarnl, eaze oh arse ee 2) 121, 121 489, 284 508, 526 4.3 4.3 4,2 4,2 PACIFIC: ; 7 Urban... - oo Saee Sa 3,471, 483 751, 613 912, 208 4.6 5.0 3.8 4,4 SS ee ee es 2, 095, 388 517, 064 533, 142 4.1 4.3 3.9 4,2 pic Of gest) OS Eee bog 3 GR a ee ee te NEW ENGLAND MAINE: ms aUrban......- Pe Saee FS 299, 569 53,647 70,672 5.6 5.5 4,2 4,4 ES ee Se 468, 445 108, 657 115, 434 4.3 4.3 4,1 4.1 New HAMPSHIRE win. Ree: TIS eae ee i oy 51, 4 65,051 5.4 5.6 4,3 4,5 oy SRE SiS tees : 40,728 43, 283 4.0 4.1 3.8 3.8 _ VERMONT: | . Rl a 109, 976 20,722 25,994 5.3 5.5 4,2 4,4 TS ee RSS Se 242, 452 56, 436 59, 810 4.3 4.3 4.1 4,1 Mass : ACHUSETTS OU SR eee eee 3,650, 248 547, 896 822,425 6.7 6.9 4.4 4.6 do I SS "202; 108 49, 156 52,373 4.1 4.3 3.9 4.0 ODE IsLAND: iets eee FE Sie Soe 589, 180 95,027 133, 118 6.2 7.0 4,4 4.6 % saad “Sooo. Sees Se 15,217 3, 834 4,042 4.0 4.2 3.8 3.9 _ CONNECTICUT BPRUTDON <2 --. 22 285-.5-.0.2.4 936, 339 135, 201 207, 816 6.9 7.2 4.5 4.6 4, SR a See 444, 292 93, 204 103, 794 4.8 4.8 4.3 4.3 at ‘ ; Ve MIDDLE ATLANTIC New York: ~~ RT OMIELD ...-(200 .b..--) dni. - 8, 589, 844 889, 174 1,983, 762 9.7 9.9 4.3 4.6 SS ee eee Sa 1 795, 383 435, 940 457, 363 4,1 4.2 3.9 4.0 New Jersey: g _» Urban... An PS eee 2, 474, 936 366,650 562, 334 6.8 7.0 4,4 4.6 , 9 OS el eee ae 680, 964 148, 561 159, 507 4.6 4,7 4.3 4,4 PENNSYLVANTA: MEP DAT, ....-4--.:---------- 5, 607, 815 1,076, 559 1, 242, 754 5.2 5.2 4.5 4.7 ey Rural.:..... se 3,112,202 | + 649,665 679, 360 4, 8 4.9 4.6 4,7 |} East NORTH CENTRAL. > Out0: i ; BePUTDSI 4... [).U.b.....0.4.. 3, 677, 136 714, 734 898, 839 5.1 5.0 4.1 4,2. A ural. Be oo TS Baa 2, 082, 258 501, 808 515, 229 4.1 4,2 4.0 4,2 ll ¢ ..| 14825855 338, 981 373; 802 a id eRe ey 4.0 {0°41 1, 447,535 | | 357, 485 363, 905 4.0 4,2 4.0 4.2 4, 403, 153 706,812 | 1,040,988 6.2| . 6.6 4.2 4.5 2. 082, 127 483, 602. 493, 139 4,3 4.5 4,2 4.4 464 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-—POPULATION. TABLE 155.—DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES FOR URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, 1920 WITH NUMBER OF PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, 1920 AND 1910, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES—Continued. ° 1920 PERSONS TO A || PERSONS TO A DWELLING. FAMILY. DIVISION, STATE, AND CLASS OF COMMUNITY. Population.| Dwellings. | Families. || 1920 | 1910 || 1920 | 1910 East NORTH CENTRAL—Con,. MICHIGAN: US THAT ee loth engin, aoa: 2, 241, 560 416, 154 515, 020 5.4 4.9 4, 4 4,4 Une: een. Spt eed hee 1, 426, 852 339, 777 347, 725 4,2: 4.3 4.1 4.2 WISCONSIN: Tan tee se See ese 1, 244, 568 229, 635 290, 558 5.4 5.3 4,3. 4,5) i ree. sea ee ee 1,387,499 296, 553 304, 758 4.7 ASD dln cc tte Gh 4,8 West NortH CENTRAL. MINNESOTA: OY Bea ee ee a Sy 1,051, 593 191, 734 241, 261 6.5 6.1 | 4.4 5.0 Ritalvas oo See Sas 1,335, 532 277,918 284, 765 4,8 De 4.7 5.0 Towa: Urbane. 2i8: eee 875, 495 202, 124 222, 669 4.3 4.4 3.9 4,2 Ree Re i ae 1, 528, 526 357, 064 363, 401 4.3 4,5 4,2 4,4 Missouri: Urban: de ssoe es bee cee 1, 586, 903 295, 055 398, 030 5.4 5.4 4.0 4.3 Ruraies os. See a iat to 1,817, 152 422,201 431,013 4,3 4.5 4,2 4.5 NortH DAKOTA: OTA et. ee es ae 88, 239 16, 575 19, 413 5.3: 5.6 4.5 bal Rural sess eet ee eee 558, 633 113, 330 115, 468 4.9 4.8 4.8 4G SoutH DAKOTA: ; e Urbane oe ees eee 101, 872 21, 200 24, 348 4,8 5.0 4.2 4,5 dS) G0 a4 Wipe Ceieea Ua em oo RAILS 534, 675 115, 312 118, 445 4.6 4,5 4,5 4.4 NEBRASKA! ’ OPDaT SC ete 5 ee ee 405, 306 86, 761 97, 810 4.7 4,8 4.1 4,5) UPR Sh ee ee Se ete 891, 066 201, 629 205, 626 4,4 4.5 4,3 4.5 HCANSAS: : OT DAI Messe. eee a ae 617, 964 146, 326 160, 558 4,2 4.3 3.8 | 4.0. Ft lee eo tees On ae ree 1, 151, 293 269, 739 275, 042 ' 4,3 4.4 4. laut tae SoutH ATLANTIC. DELAWARE be ASTD ERTT oe ee See pean el 120, 767 23, 655 27,314 5.1 5.0 4,4 4.6 Ruralis es ode ae Se ee 102, 236 24, 213 24,756 4.2 4.5 4,1 4,4 MARYLAND . Urban: oe Bes eee 869, 422 165, 383 198, 198 5.30 hep | 4,4 4.6. PRATER cee ee ee ee 580, 239 122, 878 126, 544 4.7 4.9 4.6 4,8 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: . TOAD ne ee ee 437, 571 72,196 96, 194 6.1 cag 4.5 4.6 RUPA ES so. tn Siey so) eae eeMable any ws shes Same pe seenefeneldblee als oll clewdnwcts sn case anne obytsT. Sood VIRGINIA: Urban .4) gor, a ey 673, 984 127, 674 152, 826 5.3 5.3 4,4 4.6. Rural bis. te Per eae 1, 635, 203 322, 555 330, 537 Sik Sad. 4,9 5.0 WEST VIRGINIA: 5 OT ban. We eee, ee 369, 007 74, 472 85, 483 5.0 $1 4,3 4.6. Urals e226 ey ae ae 1, 094, 694 218, 530 224, 615 5.0 5.1 4,9. 5 NorRtH CAROLINA: TDN Ah sees ee ee 490, 370 98, 136 107,915 5.0 4.9 4.5 4.6 raralé Boos cee ti oe ee 2, 068, 753 397, 133 405, 462 bi 5.2 5.1 b25 SoutH CAROLINA: , “4 Urbanven se: Bo oa 293, 987 57, 309 69, 825 5.1 5.2 4,2 4.3 RUE cece ee 1, 389, 737 273,191 279, 301 5.1 5.0 5.0 4,9 GEORGIA 4 LOS ise NUR leetigs : Momueemalr ated ate 727, 859 150, 141 179, 410 4.8 4,8 4.1 My Biirale se... eae: eae 2,167,973 436, 368 449,115 5.0 4.9 4.8 4,90 FLORIDA OTD aioe oo tate eee Oe 355, 825 77, 702 89, 275 4.6 4.6 4.0 4.3. uray Boer ik Be gee 612, 645 140, 169 144, 858 4.4 4.5 4.2 44 East SoutH CENTRAL. { KENTUCKY: , “ pe z, CIR DATIS pert ete See 633, 543 134, 682 161, 733 4.7 5.0 3.9 4,2 Lethe | peek ke | iyemteay Spt So Te 1, 783, 087 376, 293 384, 573 4.7 14,8 4.6. 4,8 TENNESSEE: ¢ IEDO te Greed oot eo Ee, 611, 226 129, 488 151, 637 4,7 4.9 4.0 4.3. Ruraliiac.: Poh. sk Eh: 1, 726, 659 358, 904 367, 471 4.8 4.9 4.7}. 49° ALABAMA Z MITER C55 ais Oe hice eae 509, 317 104, 695 123, 392 4,9 ye eee | 42° Ruralis. Se hk Ee 1, 838,.857 375, 697 385, 377 4,9 4,9. 4.8) 4,8 MISSISSIPPI: ; MIVRMRIL CG Recah cst nbs hoes ce 240, 121 53, 880 60, 003 4.5 4.6 4.0) 42). ural? bi). 2 Beck OP Se: 1, 550, 497 | 333,522 848,195 4.6 4.8 4,5 4.70 f Bite } 1 No rural population, as Washington city is coextensive with the District of Columbia.

      —————_S 1920 PERSONS TO A |) PERSONS TO A ‘DIVISION, STATE,. AND CLASS OF ¢ ecaneint eemaes COMMUNITY. | | ’ Population. | Dwellings. | Families. 1920 | 1910 1920 | 1910 s tpn eake gael IES Fees ke Me eT ae oars ieee corer Te bg re ae ca West SoutH CENTRAL. | ARKANSAS MOMCe tor. ows...) 290, 497 63, 603 71, 001 4.6 4.6 4.1 4,4 ST ce 1, 461,707 311, 713 319, 959 4.7 4,8 4.6 4,8 LOUISIANA: Bema fons SP eee Wey 628, 163 128, 684 141, 294 4.9 4.9 4.4 4.6 memaeral. 3 Tod ene bo 1,170, 346 241, 693 248, 619 4.8 5.0 4.7 4.9 OKLAHOMA: Beebe es ao 539,480 111,317 128,357 4.8 4.9 4,2 4.5 emeairal 7 Pf , 1, 488, 803 307, 240 316, 167 4.8 4.8 4.7 4,8 TEXAS: reer rs. GATS PL 1, 512, 689 303, 021 354, 423 5.0 4.9 4,3 4.6 pT Se eee i 3, 150, 539 643, 608 662, 930 4.9 5.0 4,8 5.0 MOUNTAIN. MONTANA: Urban.....: Pie ee ie ha 172,011 36, 135 42, 525 4,8 5.1 4.0 4,6 et Eva Ea a 376, 878 94, 535 97, 387 4.0 4,3 3.9 4,2 IDAHO: : ; MiToan . 4.4. 95-2. 2... 0.3. oe. 119, 037 25, 386 28, 416 4.7 5.0 4,2 4.7 Betriral 2 5. ios flea ee. as. 312, 829 69, 913 72, 084 4.5 4.4 4.3 4,4 YOMING: oy Sie Re i 57, 348 11, 588 13, 652 4.9 5.4 4.2 5.0 ah cagA ia 137, 054 33, 122 34, 824 4.1 4,5 3.9 4.4 COLORADO: : 1s Ce eagle a a 453, 259 95, 904 112, 380 4.7 4.6 4.0 4.2 OG aS ra ee 486, 370 115, 199 118, 463 4,2 4.1 4.1 4,1 NEw MEXICO RO AGUS See es 64, 960 13,911 15, 858 4,7 4,5 4,1 4.2 EE NS AS Sa ll 295, 390 64, 113 67, 848 4.6 4,3 4, 4 4.1 ARIZONA: LOOTED a Tele OY oe oe 117, 527 24, 964 28, 814 4,7 4.6 4.1 4.3 ‘ he ERE ata: 216, 635 48, 709 51, 394 4.4 4,4 4,2 4,3 Utan: EO ne ee ore re cs 215, 584 43, 262 49,931 5.0 Dak 4.3 4,7 1 het Lys tie letra ty a a 233, 812 46, 325 48, 415 5.0 5.1 4.8 Dal NEVADA: Masao sete ih 15, 254 3, 341 3, 751 4,6 4.7 4.1 4,3 aie 45 a 62, 153 17, 368 18,111 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.3 PACIFIC. WASHINGTON: A 748, 735 156, 661 190, 272 4,8 5.2 3.9 4,6 ae 607, 886 148, 074 151,956 4,1 4.4 4.0 4.3 OREGON: SS ee 391,019 86, 224 101, 728 4.5 5.2 3.8 4.7 TS et eee 392,370 98,857 | ~ 101,162 4.0 4,2 3.9 4,2 CALIFORNIA: TS ee es eo ie. 2,331, 729 508, 728 620, 208 4.6 4.9 3.8 4.2 a Se is 1, 095, 132 270, 133 280, 024 4.1 4,3 3.9 4.2 75108°—23——30 ~ war he 466 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-POPULATION. TABLE 156.—DISTRIBUTION OF HOMES ACCORDING TO PERS eee AND” ENCUMBRANCE, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1890-1920 [In compiling this table the unknown items as to proprietorship and encumbrance have been distributed in the same proportions as the known items.] HOMES. i CENSUS YEAR. Owned. ‘\ Total. Rented. Total Free Encumbered oo Ai TR BETG ie We tae og 24, 351, 676 13, 236, 709 11, 114, 967 6, 862, 520 4,252, 447 ck eee AERIS, SERRE GRAS SS 20, 255, 555 10, 982’ 380 9, 273, 175 6, 236, 074 3, 037, 101 TBO. 8 oe oe ho Ce 16, 187, 715 8, 719, 060 7, 468, 655 5,127,935 2,340, 720 TE TSS Aegean ee 127 690, 152 6, 623,735 6, 066, 417 4,369, 527 1, 696, 890 _ PER CENT OF TOTAL HOMES . PER CENT OF OWNED HOMES. CENSUS YEAR. Ovnee Rented. Encum- Encum- Total Free beret: Free. Herd: T92B ect Re UE Abe. ee eee 54.4 45. 6 28, 2 W7e5 1 | 38.3 O10. See HR 2 ee, 54, 2 45.8 30.8 15.0 67.2 32.8 i OOD Ss bi a SD ee 53. 9 46.1 31.7 14,5 68. 7 aloe ps 2 CO ea Dace At St 52,2 47.8 34. 4 13.4 720 75 ee i 1A iA ey : \ a% t a § ; page . *% i 4 = ue J i Pi ee 3 38 . = i OWNERSHIP OF HOMES. 467 i TaBLe 157.—PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF HOMES ACCORDING TO PROPRIETORSHIP : AND ENCUMBRANCE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. ° [In computing the percentages in this table the numbers representing the unknown items as to proprietor- ship and encumbrance have been distributed in the same proportions as the known items.] é Oat ooonwe 1920 1910 : Per cent Per cent i Per cent of all homes. of owned Per cent of all homes of owned DIVISION AND STATE: homes. homes. Own- Own- wn- En- Own- En- Rent Poa ed pi Free. |cum Rent Rea ad Ene Free, | cum- * 1 free. Hered bered : * | free. haded bered United States. ..-.| 54.4 45.6 | 28.2 | 17.5 || 61.7 | 38.3 || 54.2 | 45.8 | 30.8 | 15.0 || 67.2 | 32.8 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England. ....:-- 60. 2-} 39.8 | 20.4 | 19.5 |) 51.1] 48.9 |} 60.3 | 39.7 | 23.2] 16.5 || 58.5 41. * Middle Atlantic... :-- 62. 8°} 37,2'| 19.0 | 18.2 |} 51.2 | 48.8 || 64.5 |:°35.5 | 20.2 |] 15.3 || 56.8 43. - East North Central...| 47.7 | 52.3 | 30.6 | 21.7 |} 58.5 | 41.5 || 47.2 |-52.8 33.8 | 19.0 |} 64.0] 36. ~ West North Central. _| 43.6 56.4 | 33.9 | 22.5 |} 60.1} 39.9 || 41.8 | 58.2 | 37.3 | 20.8 || 64.2 35. ~ South Atlantic. ...-.- 58.0 | 42.0 | 32.0} 10.0 |} 76.2-] 23.8 || 59.1 | 40.9 | 32.8 8.2 |} 89.0 20. ~ East South Central-..| 57.3 | 42.7 | 33.0 OSTA F1r 271-222-877. T 4273-8. 4 8.9 || 78.9 21. West South Central. .| 57.8 | 42.2 | 29.5 | 12.6 || 70.0 | 30.0 |) 57.1 | 42.9 | 32.3 | 10.6 |} 75.3 24. BeeNPOUINCAM so... 3.2.30" 44.8 | 55.2 | 35.51 19.7 || 64.47} 85.6 || 41/5 | 58.5 | 47.1-} 11.4 ]] 80.5 19. oy Se Ee BS he 52.1 | 47.9 | 28.4 } 19.4 |) 59.4 | 40.6 || 47.0 | 53.0 | 35.1 | 18.0 |} 66.1 33. NEw ENGLAND: x * ee NPAINC So 2. 3. od 40.4 | 59.6 | 45.0] 14:5 || 75.6 } 24.4 || 37.7 |.62.3 | 47.6-| 14.7 || 76.4 | 23.6 * New Hampshire. .-.-. 50.2 | 49.8 | 35.1] 14.7 || 70.4 | 29.6 || 49.0} 51.0 | 38.1 | 12.9 |) 74.7 25. 3 ALS go a 42.5 | 57.5 | 35.1 | 22.4 || 61.0 } 39.0 || 41.6] 58.4 | 34.9 | 23.51) 59.8 |. 40.2 ~ Massachusetts... ..:..} 65. 2134-8 | 14.8 | 20.1 || 42.4 | 57:6 |} 66.9 | 83.1 | 16.9 } 16.2 }) 51.1 48.9 Rhode Island......:.. 68.9 | 32.1 | 15.0'| 16.1 || 48.2 | 52.8 || 71.7 | 28.3 | 15.6 | 12.7 || 55.0 45.0 Dee woe necticut. vi.t2sc 62. 4°} 37.6 | 14.6 | 23. 88271 OL. 3 |] 6208 4°37.2 |'17.8- | 1954 4707 1° 62.3 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: Bee New i OF...) rts 1 69.3 | 30.7 | 14.5] 16.2 || 47.3 | 52.7 || 69.1 | 30.9 | 16.4.| 14.4 || 538.2 | 46.8 pee Mew. serpy... 4. - 235 61.7 | 38.3 | 14.5 | 23.7 || 38.0 |} 62.0 || 65.0 | 35.0 | 15.4 | 19.5 |} 44.1 55.9 Pennsylvania........| 54.8 | 45.2 26.5 |} 18.7 || 58.7} 41.3 || 58.5°) 41.5 | 26.5. | 15.0 |) 63.8) 36.2 ‘East NorTH CENTRAL: | Ree nid! {ld de NY 48,4 | 51.6 | 31.7} 19.9 || 61.4 | 38.6 || 48.8 | 51.2 | 34.6 | 16.6 |) 67.61 32.4 Lic LE Ty: ee 45.2 |-54.8 | 34.8 | 20.0 || 63.6 | 36.4 || 45.3 | 54.7 | 36.3 | 18.3 |) 66.4 33.6 ; inoig 2.) 4 2 56.2] 43.3 | 25.4 18.4 || 58.0} 42.0 || 56.0 | 44.0 28.0} 16. 1 4} 63. 36.5 digg Michigan 1 eS Bias yee 41.1 158.9 | 32.3 | 26.6 || 54.9 | 45.1 || 38.4 | 61.6 | 37.8 | 23.7 || 61.5 38.5 Wisconsin. -...- hentia 36. 4 1 63.6 | 34.17) 29.6 || 53.5 | 46.5 |] 35.6 | 64.4 | 37.9 | 26.5 || 58.8] 41.2 West NortH CENTRAL: > Minnesota... ..- - 2.2] 89.3 | 60.7 | 36.1 | 24.6 || 59.4 40.6 || 38.3 161.7 | 40.2 } 21.5°]} 65.2)" '34.8 ab ee Aa = ‘seca--| 41.9] 58.1 | 36.7 21.4 || 63.2 | 36.8 i] 41.6 | 58.4 | 38.0 | 20.4 || 65.0 35. 0 pte MissouTe. cp 50.5 +4925 | 28.9°} 20.7 || 58.3 }-41.7 || 49.1 | 50.9 | 30.3 | 20.6 || 59.6 40. 4 North Dakota........ 34.7 | 65.3 | 30.2 | 35.1 |} 46.2 | 53.8 || 24.9 | 75.1 | 45.4 | 29.7 || 60.4 | 39.6 ~ South Dakota........ 88.5 + 61.5 | 35.2 | 26.3 || 57:3°}°42.7 || 32.1 | 67.9 | 47.5-| 20.4 || 69.9 30.1 Nebraska... .. secces-.| 42.6] 57.4 | 34.9 | 22.4 || 60.9 | 39.1 || 41. 0} 59.0 | 40.4 | 18.6 |) 68.5 31.5 mricansasi} <1 VG Sak 43.1 | 56.9 | 37.0} 19.9 || 65.0 | 35.0 || 40.9 | 59.1 | 39.1°1 20.0 || 66.1 33.9 SouTH ATLANTIC: mee Delaware... : 2.20). 25 55.3 | 44.7 | 25.1 | 19.6 || 56.1] 43.9 |} 59.4 | 40.6 | 24.8 | 15.7 |} 61.2 | 38.8 a SMAIVIGTIO s+ i225 5.0 2 50.1 | 49.9 | 30.3 | 19.5 || 60.9 | 39.1 || 56.1 | 48.9 | 29.7 ; 14.2 |) 67.7 32.3 * istrict of Columbia. .| 69.7 | 30.3 | 13.5 | 16.8 || 44:6 | 55.4 || 74.8 | 25.2 | 14.6 | 10.6 || 58.0 42.0 Dy Wien. -°.-.. {00s 48.9°] 51.1 | 40.6 | 10.5 || 79:4'| 20.6 || 48.8 | 51.2 | 42.3] 8.9 || 82.7 17.3 West Virginia. 5.2.~:. 53.2 | 46.8 | 37.7 9.1 || 80.6 | 19.4 || 50.8 | 49.2 | 41.6 7.5 || 847 15.3 See North Carolina... ... §2.6 | 47.4 | 39.3] 8.1 || 82.9 | 17.1 || 53.0 | 47.0 38.6}. 873 |} 82.2 |° 17.8 South Carolina... .....} 67.3 |-32.2 | 25.3 6.9 || 78.6 | 21.4 || 69.4 | 30.6 | 24.0] 6.6 || 78.6 21.4 Peerercorginn. s... 2) oo 69.1 | 30.9 | 24.2 6-7 || 78.2 | 21.8 || 69.6 | 30.4 | 25.1 5.3 || 82.6 17.4 eer Miorida_:...,.5£--,.-,|. 57.5 4'42.5 | 32.7 + 9.7 77.1} 22.9 || 56.3 | 48.7 | 36.9] 6,7 || 84.6 15.4 oF SOUTH CENTRAL: BRenmcky. ..-)..,..-.. 48.4 | 51.6 | 40.1] 11.5 || 77.8 | 22.2 |} 48.6 | 51.4 | 41.4 | 10.0 || 80.6 19.4 ; Tennessee... .+..>'-.-. 52.3 | 47.7 | 37.6 | 10.1 || 78.8 | 21.2 || 53.3 | 46.7 | 38.8 | 7.9-]| 83.0 17.0 Eerie SG 65.0 | 35.0 | 26.3 8.7 || 75.0 | 25.0 |} 65.1 | 34.9 | 26.6 8.3-|| 76.2 23. 8 r Mississip i... 2... 22.| 66.0 134.0 | 25.9 | 8.1 || 76.3 | 23.7 || 66.0 | 84.0 | 24.5} 95 4) 721 27.9 SouTH CENTRAL: . Bearcansag.....)-. 0... | 64.9 | 45.1 | 32.4 | 12.7 || 71.9 | 28.1 || 53.6 | 46.4 | 36.9) 9.5 |) 79.5] 20.5 » Louisiana... ..........| 66.3 | 33.7 | 26.7 | 6.9 || 79.4 | 20.6 || 68.0 | 32.0 | 26.6 | 5.4 || 83.2} 16.8 © Oklahoma!..., 00... 54.5 | 45.5 | 27.0 118.5 || 59.4] 40.6 || 54.6 | 45.4 | 30.4 | 15.0 || 67.0] 33.0 LS a 57.2 | 42.8 | 30.6 | 12.2 || 71.4 °| 28.6 [| 54.9 | 45.1 | 33.7 | 11.4 ||. 74.8} 25.2 ‘AIN}; : » Montana............ ,.| 89.5] 60.5 | 33.4.| 27.1 || 55.2] 44.8 || 40.7 | 59.3 | 49.1 | 102°), 82.7 | 17.3 a ES 39.1 | 60-9 | 32.6 | 28.3 || 53.5 | 46.5 || 32.7 | 67.3 | 49.6 | 17.7 || 73.7 | 26.3 - a ie cee 48,1 | 51.9 | 32.4 | 19.6 || 62.3 |°37.7 || 45.9 | 54.1 | 44.1 |-10.0 || 81.5 18.5 SsQolorndo. .......2.... 48,4 1-51.6 | 32.1 | 19.5 }| 62.2 | 37.8 |} 48.7 | 51.3 | 37.3. | 14.0-]|-72:7 | °:27.3 a New Mexico.......... 40.6 | 59.4 | 49.0 | 10.4 || 82.5 | 17.5 || 29.7 | 70.3 | 66.3 4.0 || 94.4 5.6 ON a 57.2 | 42,8 | 32.5 | 10.3 || 75.9 | 24.1 || 51.14-48.9 | 41.8] 7.2 }) 85.4 > 14.6 MeeUtah dee t. 40.0 |'60.0 | 41.8 | 18.7 || 68.8 | 31.2 || 35.4. +646 | 51.4) 13.1 |} 79.6] 20.4 pacevada RULAS som Ata 52.4 |-47.6 | 39.8]. -7.8 || 83.6 | 16.4 || 46.7 | 638.3 | 48.9 |). 4.3 ]) 91.9 8.1 | RACIFIC: _ : mee wWesnineton.........- 45.3 | 54.7 | 32.6 | 22.2 || 59.5 | 40.5 || 42.9 | 57.1 | 39.1 | 17.9 || 68.6] 31.4 re ae Be eR ihe, = 45.2 | 54.8 | 34.2 | 20.6 || 62.4 | 37.6 || 40.3 | 59.7 | 42.2 | 17.5 || 70.6 29.4 California.............| 56.3 | 43.7 | 25.6 | 18.1 || 58.5 | 41.5 || 50.6 | 49.4 | 31.3 | 18.1 || 63.4] 36.6 S 468 ABSTRACT. OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 158.—NUMBER OF HOMES, DISTRIBUTED ACCORDING TO PROPRIETORSHIP DIVISION AND STATE, United States..... GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England......... Middle Atlantic...... East North Central. .. West North Central. - South Atlantic......-. East South Central... West South Central . . Mountain... 6. 24) /-2.02 PACHCs se Se Ee CRE NEw ENGLAND: Maiite iss ok 4 cE She New Hampshire...... W Grr One 2 css ner Massachusetts......-.. Rhode Island.......:- Connecticut: «2.2.2 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: New Jerseys: 20. 4.8.84 Pennsylvania......... East NORTH CENTRAL: INOS: Wore Be Pw BY Michfeanves 2. go 03.2 Wisconsin... 4%. / 2.42 West NORTH CENTRAL: Minnesota... 62.28 MiISSOUPT, 2.0. 4661-0248 North Dakota...3. 202. South Dakota... ..2... Nebrasknin 1002. ).6 WKansag.s. sh oi 52 ee Soutm ATLANTIC: Delaware 3.2.25 5.8.56 Maryland): 2). <2. : 208 District of Columbia. - VAT PEG seo ae ss eee West Virginia........ North Car olina 2 atte East SOUTH CENTRAL: Kentucky &: 4h. )4a..h2 ‘Tennesse@t 2. i,..4-4 6a Alabama fi. 82. 03 fe sat Mississippi: . cnt loc. WEST SOUTH CENTRAL: Arkansas tE ie be age Oklahoma.2 3. 2.4 2% PACIFIC: Washington.......... Orerars. U.e0S. 1 bs Califormiay is. k.. 5 43 «ds Total homes. 24, 351, 676 1, 703, 812 5, 085, 080 5, 143,913 2) 957, 849 2’ 991; 628 1) 977, 381 2) 242’ 810 ” 803) 853 i. 445, 350 186, 106 108, 334 85, 804 874, 798 137, 160 311, 610 2, 441, 125 721, 841 1, 922) 114 1, 414, 068 "737, 707 a. 534, 077 ” 362? 745 595, 316 526, 026 342, 228 202) 890 900, 232 Rented. 1, 010, 586 734, 278 73, 860 53, 159 35,706 564; 097 92? 800 190, 964 1, 670, 088 "438, 911 af 035, 534 673, 858 326, 192 846, 071 349) 054 212’ 464 202, 222 239, 880 409, 068 45, 050 58,099 125, 713 182) 784 28, 287 160, 219 65, 654 231, 563 160, 528 261, 303 227, 657 421, 047 128, 678 258, 643 264, 982 319, 756 257, 971 208, 491 248) 802 931, 813 563, 597 53, 362 38,013 22) 271 109; 501 32) 907 44’ 163 38, 598 10, 940 151, 513 89, 588 493, 177 12,943,598 | 10, 866,960 1920 Owned. Tenure E Gard kaon neum- n- own. Total. Free. Dered: wan: 6,522,119 | 4,059,593 | 285,248 | 541,118 668, 324 335, 753 322,064 | 10,507 | 24,902 A? 864, 123 934, 703 892, 787 36, 633 76, 424 2’ 644) 052 || 1,510,174 | 1,069,927 | 63,951 | 92,222 1, 626,771 || "952,049 | "631,238 | 43,484] 73, 262 1) 291) 214 896,122 | 281,864 | 43,228| 85,478 ”823'131 || 617,367 | 181,669 | 24,095 | 52,898 913, 378 613, 789 262,404 | 37,185 | 76,729 431,039 || 269,907 | 149,458 | 11,674 | 23,059 674,928 || 392,255 | 268,182 | 14,491 | 36,144 108, 829 80, 540 25,979 | 2,310] 3,417 52,778 36, 195 15,193 | 1,390] 2,397 48, 370 29, 029 18, 571 770 | 1,728 301,245 || 126,312] 171,741] 3,192] 9,456 41,921 19, 889 21,352 680 | 2,439 — 115, 181 43, 788 69,228 | 2,165 | 5,465 738, 738 342, 452 381, 776 14,510 32, 299 271, 914 101,598 | 165, 844 472 |. 11,016 853, 471 490,653 | 345,167 | 17,651 , 109 719, 097 432,804 | 271,872 | 14,421| 21,113 395, 402 || 243,851 | 139,796 | 11,755 | 16, 113 658, 260 370,221 | 268/446 | 19,593 | 29,746 499, 471 268,287 | 220,467] 10,717 | 14,220 371, 822 195,011 | 169,346 | 7,465 | 11,030 312, 367 181,253 123, 786 7,328 | 11, 437 332, 567 205, 115 119, 289 8, 163 13, 623 401, 667 229/129 | 163/824 | 8,714 | 18,308 84) 904 37, 268 43°3751 4,261] 4,927 84,712 46, 438 34,621] 3,653 | 4,982 169, 098 99, 715 63,973 | 5,410]. $,625 241, 456 153, 131 82” 370. 5,955 | 11,360 22, 829 12,358 9,672 799 954 159, 262 94, 695 60,857 | 3,710 | 5,261 28, 503 12,354 15, 375 774, 2,037 242, 062 187, 547 48,614 | 5,901 | 9,738. 141, 362 109, 732 26,477 | 5,153 208 235, 842 186, 460 38,498 | 10,884 | 16,232 108, 179 80, 911 21°977 | 5,291 | 13,290 188, 185 141, 899 39,546 | 6,740 | 19,298 94, 990 70, 166 20,848 | 3,976 | 10, 465 275, 993 209, 239 59, 846 6,908 | 11,670 241, 875 186, 199 50,056 | 5,620} 12,251 172, 363 124, 456 41,445 | 6,462 | 16,650 132, 900 97, 473 30, 322 5,105 | 12,327. 171, 253 119, 279 46,727 | 5,247 | 11,216 126, 410 94, 420 24,515 | 7,475 | 14,701 193, 840 109, 001 74,586 | 10,253 | 18,871 4217875 || 291,089 | 116,576 | 14,210 | 31,941 81, 840 43,776 35,559 | 2,505 | 4,710 59, 208 30, 974 26,957 | 1,277 | 3,279 , 060 14, 167 8,579 | 1,314.1 2,145 116, 781 71, 155 43,244 | 2,382 | 4,561 48, 152 38,593 8,208 | 1,351} 2,647 33, 075 24’ 605 7,797 673 | 2,970 57, 985 38, 842 17,582 | 1,561.1 — 1,763 9, 938 7, 795 1, 532 611 984 183, 322 106, 729 72,655 3, 938 7, 393 108, 772 66, 491 40,054 | 2,227] 4,530 382, 834 219, 035 155, 473 8, 326 —_ _—_— tT? no OWNERSHIP OF HOMES, 469 AND ENCUMBRANCE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. 1910 DIVISION AND STATE, Owned. Total Tenure homes. Rented. un- Total. Free Encum- Un- | known. bered.. | known a United States..... 20,255,555 || 10,697,895 | 9,083,711 || 5,984,284 | 2,931,695 | 167,732 | 473, 949 - GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: | New England... .:... 1, 464, 942 870, 210 574, 590 332,124 | 236,025 | 6,441 | 20,142 BY ' Middle Atlantic...... 4, 235, 675 2,672, 232 I, 475, 393 825, 620 627, 696 22,077 88, 050 '. . East North Central...| 4,214,820 1, 950, 268 2; 187, 573 || 1, 380, 040 777,892 | 29,641 76, 979 " West North Central. .| 2,592, 069 1, 053, 539 1L, 474 343 ”928) 712 523, 329 22,302 | 64,187 . South Atlantic. ...... 2,539, 270 1,451, 523 1 017; 823 793, 024 197,122 | 27,677.| 69,924 A, East South Central:..| 1,796, 832 1,008, 776 "746, 057 574, 722 154, 070 17,265 | 41,999 be, West South Central -. 1, 827,105 1, 010; 563 762, 702 554, 998 184,095 | 23,609 | 53,840 Bre MOUNGAIN: 3s erg. ce... 614, 656 "949° 311 346, 796 272) 080 65, 806 8,910.| 25,549 te Pebwio!:): A xeqs di... 970, 186 438, 473 498, 434 || 322,964 | 165,660 | 9,810 | 33,279 “New aa Dee Maine. ....-.2.4.0..-- 177, 960 65, 523 109, 298 82, 262 25, 481 1,555 3,139 * New Mea reoaites eres = 103, 156 49,549 52, 052 38, 344 13,017 691 1,555 mee Verinont 2 oo. eons. 58. 85, 178 35, 112 49) 489 29, 332 19, 807 350 577 : Massachusetts. ....... 734, 013 484, 932 240, 445 121, 681 116, 492 2,272 8, 636 Rhode Island..:...... 117, 976 83, 134 32) 849 Ti 790 14, 503 556 1,993 Connecticut. s........ 246, 659 151) 960 90; 457 42,715 46,725 1,017 4,242 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: a Broek Ok: ¢. rsz- 5... 2, 046, 845 1, 387, 900 622, 125 327, 186 287, 294 7,645 | 36,820 BY New Jersey.:s:5...--. "55S, 202 355, 076 191) 177 82,790 104,966 3, 421 11,949 NS by Pennsylvania... reaes..|) 1 be 630, 628 929, 256 662; 091 415, 644 235, 436 11,011 39, 281 _ East Nortu CENTRAL: : DOA 230. oh zoe: Fc. 1, 138, 165 545, 519 574, 085 383, 346 183, 683 7,056 | 18, 56] riditina.*.'... rae 'sg... ” 654, 891 290, 727 352,295 || 230,099 | 116,515 | 5,681 | 11,869 Minos: uae. eas. 1, 264, 717 693, 083 545,999 || 340,677] 195,713 | 9,609 | 25,635 Miehiean : 2: ors e1.. _ 657,418 247, 152 398, 616 241) 966 152, 441 4, 209 11,650 Wisconsin............ 499, 629 173, 787 316,578 || 183,952 | 129,540} 3,086} 9, 264 _WEsT NortH CENTRAL By, | Minnesota... 2.2.0... 416, 452 154, 340 251,092 || 160,913 86,913 | 3,266.] 11,020 ge OE ae 512) 515 208, 344 292, 951 186,763 | 101,962} 4,226] 11,220 ies Missouri. 22: sos. cu... 749, 812 358, 514 374, 461 219, 577 149, 878 5, 006 16, 837 ' North Dakota..:..... 120, 910 28, 123 87, 641 51, 364 34,437 |. 1,840 |. 5,146 ty, 6South Dakota. ..... 131, 050 40, 302 86, 539 58, 789 25, 633 2,117 4,219 Be, Nebraska.-.. 2.0... ... 265, 549 106, 099 153, 155 103, 165 47,780 | 2,210 | 6,295 Kansas. 5... sc. < ,..-| 895,771 157, 817 228, 504 148, 141 76,726 | 3,637 |. 9,450 souru ATLANTIC: mon Delaware. ..: ij. 0.. 44,951 25, 951 17,794 10, 501 6, 646 647 1, 206 Sey Maryland...! 0/1). ..:.. 274, 894 149, 201 117, 297 77, 814 37,202} 2,281.} 8,326 ory District of Columbia. . 71. 339 5h, 607 17,375 9,918 7,178 279 2,357 Bey Virginia...) 23 cy... 419) 452 198, 860 211, 322 171, 476 35,636 | 4,210} 9,270 _. West Virginia........ 248, 480 123, 068 120, 583 100, 076 17,784 | 2,723 | © 4,829 . ~ North Carolina....... 440, 334 227, 239 203) 552 162, 914 35, 074 5, 564 9, 543 te South Carolinaz: J... 315, 204 210, 904 93, tor 70, 912 19, 419 3, 426 10, 543 ne le ae ee 553, 264 373, 887 164, 116 130, 896 27,588 | 5,632} 15,261 Me Pilorida: .;... a6, a... 171, 422 90, 806 72, 027 58, 517 10,595 | 27915 | 8589 East Souts CrnTrat: oS me Kentucky ..!voc 2... 494, 788 235, 433 251, 059 198, 329 47,659 | 5,071‘| 8,296 ape eTennessee.. . 023 22h. 462,553 240, 515 213,125 172,779 35, 238 5, 108 8,913 Alabama... 20. 23 eae 454, 767 285, 722 154, 716 114,719 36, 125 3, 872 14,329 Mississippi...........- 384, 724 247, 106 127, 157 88, 895 35, 048 3,214 | 10,461 weer SouTH CENTRAL: )) Arkansas...: 22... 4c. -| | (883,368 173, 251 151, 002 116, 947 30,085 | 3,970} 9,115 OMIsIONS: ..2'See 344, 144 225, 433 106, 953 85, 230 17,322 4,401 11, 758 we pOklahoma..:. 2.8.2... 351, 167 186, 109 154, 571 99, 390 49,764 5,417 10,487 MwPOKGS.. 0.) 0.01 -. 798, 426 425,770 350,176 || 253, 431 86,924 | 9,821} 22, 480 UNTAIN: Montana. :..¢.a.2‘..-- 86, 602 32, 511 48, 757 38, 680 8,118} 1,959] 5,334 GE al 73, 669 22,035 47, 045 33, 577 12,155} 1,313 | 4,589 fe WYOMING... 2x0 Kk... 32, 092 14, 159 16, 961 13, 556 3, 081 324 972 Be Colorado... {431 ..1.- 194, 467 90, 929 96, 728 68, 528 25,653 | 2,547] 6,810 _ New Mexico.......... 78, 883 22,704 54, 537 50, 632 2,996 909 | 1,642 BORATIVOMA, 0.0 ct-- 47, 927 23, 408 22,712 18, 846 3,217 649 | 1,807 Beige... oust .a.-- 77, 339 26, 144 48,131 37, 732 9, 639 760.|. 3,064 w Nevada.......c......- 23,677 10, 421 11, 925 10, 529 947 449} 1,331 PACIFIC? _. Washington.......... 254, 692 104, 471 140, 367 94, 215 43,163 | 2,989] 9,854 me Orecon +...4.gau.s.-. 151, 858 58, 279 87, 688 60, 500 25,270} 1,918 |. 5,891 ve California... ..2-:-.;.. 563, 636 275, 723 270, 379 168, 249 97, 227 4,903 17, 534 { ow —n uy! b Vig 4 470 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. . 1 TapLE 159.—_NUMBER OF HOMES, DISTRIBUTED ACCORDING TO PROPRIETORSHIP <= 1920 AND 1920 Owned. CITY. Tenure a Rented. ssot Encum- | Un- - un- Total. Free. bered. | Jenown, |=20was Alzon, Qhios...:... 65.3 | 34.7 | 12.8 | 22.0 || 36.8 | 63.2 || 63.8 | 36.2 | 15.2 | 21.0 || 42, Los Angeles, Calif........- 65.3 | 34.7 | 18.3'| 16.4 || 52.8 | 47.2 |] 55.3 | 44.7 | 22.7 | 22.0 || 50. Louisville, Ky...........- 70.2 | 29.8 | 19.6 | 10.2 || 65.8 | 34.2 || 73.4 | 26.6 | 20,2 | 6.4. |) 75. Lowell, Mass... .....:..- 73.9 | 26.1 | 12.2 | 13.9 || 46.7 | 53.3 || 77.6 | 22.4 | 12.5.) 9.9 |} 55. Memphis,,Tenn:...,9).2.. 71.1 | 28.9 | 17.6 | 11.3 || 60.9 | 39.1 || 74,8 | 25.2 | 16.3) 8.9 || 64 Milwaukee, Wis.........- 64.5 | 35.5 | 14.4 | 21.1 || 40.5 | 59.5 || 63.6 | 36.4 | 16.4 | 20.0 |} 45, Minneapolis, Minn........ 59.1 | 40.9 | 18.6 | 22.3 |] 45.5 | 54.5 || 59.6 | 40.4 | 22.8 | 17.6 || 56. Nashville, Tenn. .2c...... 68.1 | 31.9 | 23.0} 8.9 || 72.1 | 27.9 || 69.4 | 30.6 | 22.8) 7.8)|| 74. New Bedford, Mass....... 71.4 | 28.6 | 11.0 | 17.6 || 38.6 | 61.4 || 74.7 | 25.3 | 12.6 | 12.7 {| 590. New Haven, Conn........ 73.0 | 27.0] 74] 19.6 || 27.2 | 72.8 || 74.5 | 25.5} 9.8 | 15.7 |} 38, New Orleans, La.......-- 76.9 | 23.1 | 16.1 | 6.9 |] 69.9 | 30.1 |} 76.9 | 23.1 | 18.6 | 4.5 }] 80. New: -Y ork N. Yi -aeeces. : 87-3 | 12.7 | 2.7 | 10.0 || 21:3} 78.7 || 88.3:| 11.7) 3.5] 8 2 1) 30, Bronx borougb........| 91.8] 82| 1.8] 6.5 || 21.5] 78.5 || 86.9 | 13.1] 2.9 | 10,2 |) 22. Brooklyn borough....| 80.7 -| 19.3.| 8.7 | 15.7 || 19,0; 81.0 || 81.7 | 18. 3{: 5.0 | 1d. fa 27, Manhattan borough. .| 97.9 | 21] 0.8} 1.3 || 38.6] 61.4 |) 97.1] 2.9] 12] 1.74) 40, Queens borough. ..... 63.3 | 36.7 | 6.6 | 30.1 || 17,9 | 82.1 || 65.4 | 34.6 | 10.6 | 24.0 |) 30. Richmond borough...| 57.3 | 42.7 | 15.5 | 27.2 || 36.3: | 63.7 || 62.3 | 37.7 | 18.6 | 19.1 |} 49, Newatk,dNv J .-...age.cus. 79,8 | 20.2| 5.5 | 14.7 || 27.1 | 72.9 || 80.0 | 20.0} 6.6 | 13.4 |} 33. Noriolk, MG. .-...2os nceum- n- 10Wh. Sp Total. Free. Herat known: z 3 i REY ALABAMA: iMobile:/.......cc8... 15, 148 10, 797 4,088 3,013 972 103 263 _ Montgomery.........- 11,568 8) 846 2} 488 1, 759 712 17 234 BiPhoenix: ........050.:- 7, 354 4,556 2,621 1, 384 1, 220 17 177 ARKANSAS: Bittle Hock...” owe Sees | | wees || oteeo | as| aa | ale o Little Rock........... : f ¥ ‘ , ALIFORNIA? ; ” " Alameda. ............ 7, 886 3, 852 3,969 2,201; 1,746 22 65 >) Berkeley. ......0....- 15, 159 8) 324 6, 663 3) 564 3) 044 55 172 @eFresno.i.......Uc:.-. 11, 234 5,776 5, 239 2; 602 2,576 61 219 Long Beach.......... 17, 169 11,016 5, 898 3) 420 2) 452 26 255 | Pasadena...........-. 12) 657 6, 415 5,979 3) 867 2) 076 36 263 Sacramento........... 17, 263 11; 012 5,819 3) 958 2) 515 46 432 | oe SOT gets | | Mee | | ome | | ates |! ew | Ue Lae 237 ‘ Mian Jose: .....6:020.i. 10, 669 5 Me i | MeBtocktan........s26.5. 9, 981 5, 922 3 862 2) 213 1) 607 42 197 Crier redo 8 8, 332 4,299 3, 871 2,518 1, 319 34 162 _ Colorado Springs. .... , enlace 1. 10, 484 5, 505 4) 764 2’ 980 1, 750 34 215 eel $88) 338) ) OR) RS 5, 937 3,972 1,918 790 1) 100 28 47 6,791 3,799 2836 || 1, 109 1, 704 23 156 7, 839 5, 2092 || ~ .’ 452 1,583 57 193 woe aierbury 19, 124 13, 044 5,731 1, 128 4) 469 134 349 RIDA? 23, 265 17, 142 5, 443 3, 283 2,041 119 680 7,497 4) 429 2 803 1, 425 1, 318 60 272 7, 448 4914 2) 211 1, 361 812 38 323 12) 137 8, 636 2’ 990 2) 056 841 93 511 13, 966 10, 694 2, 866 2, 265 471 130 406 7, 245 5,875 1, 288 1, 013 265 10 82 13, 730 10, 165 3) 373 2) 249 1,079 45 192 21, 267 17, 953 : 2, 199 960 50 105 474 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-—POPULATION. TABLE 161.—NUMBER OF HOMES, DISTRIBUTED ACCORDING TO PROPRIETORSHIP AND ENCUMBRANCE, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Con. OWNED. us Total cITY. err Rented. - ; neum- y Total. Free. Hered: \ ILLINOIS: Anrora..). ..aituud lle 8, 973 3, 873 4,933 2, 803 2,095 167 Bloomington. ........ 7,451 3, 665 3, 680 2,653 937 106 Cicero town........... 9, 770 4,623 5, 061 1, 405 3, 624 86 Dartville... <.. 2 chr... 8, 907 4, 550 4,231 1, 927 2,273 126 DOeatUr. 6. senda. 10, 874 5, 386 5, 403 3, 098 2,131 85 Hast St. Louis........ 15, 768 11, 150 4,531 2,119 2, 400 87 mga ot yk. Pe 6, 490 2, 837 3, 557 2,481 1, 002 96 HVENstOn) a0.4) 8922 8,472 4, 946 3,334 1, 578 _ 1,678 192 CBRL eee 3 8, 654 4,674 3, 888 2,314 1, 92. Moline-e tre sil tes 7, 564 3, 678 3, 783 1,785 1, 972 -103- Oak Park village..... 9, 737 3, 598 6, 027 1,974 3, 978 112. Pedr betwee bee 19, 397 10, 357 8, 648 4, 486 4,052 392 MU th rg ee fe “acme 9, 378 5, 249 3,915 2.122. 1, 138 ‘214° Rock Island -......... 8, 824 4,313 4, 336 2,347 “1,926 175. PROUR LORIE bo Sones tage Cots 16, 027 8, 072 7, 583 3, 579 3,829 | 372 Springfield... 2.22.24: 14, 255 7, 525 6, 504 4,031 2,398 — 226 INDIANA: ae Anderson... Jet 2. fen 7, 523 3, 570 3, 832 1, 733 1,811 121 East Chicago..:...2.. 7, 080 4,284 2,699 984 | = 1,690 2h; Evansville...; 20, 648 12,138} . 8,098 5,388} 2,639 412 Fort Wayne.......... 20, 406 9,670 10, 452 5, 028 5,277 284 Ey a eh uinuee pose! 12, 022 7,572 4, 187 1, 382 2, 684 963 Eaten eo teks 7, 983 3, 848 4,020 1, 520 2,424 115, ORONO ne teen 7,505 4,019 3, 434 1, 867 1, 535 52 Mun des. Li sonnei 9, 529 5, 051 4,373 1,930 2,390 105° RNG! ob aaY StH 10 RANMtOMIN. ae en 7, 055 4,029 2, 934 1, 853 1,047 92 South Bend.......... 16, 113 7, 729 8, 099 3, 961 4,046 285 : Terre Haute........+. 16, 745 9, 433 7,063 3, 131 3, 816 249 OWA: Cedar pe GS eee 11,612 5, 204 6, 236 3, 142 3, 043 172 Council Bluffs......-. 8, 789 3, 423 5, 193 2,656 | -°- °2, 386 4 173 Davenport. .......... 14, 388 7, 532 6, 616 3, 704 2,765 - 240 Dubuque............- 9, 314 4, 990 4,079 2, 869 1, 121 245 Sioux City..........e5 16, 234 8, 952 7, 030 3,514] 3, 407 252 Waterloo...) .-.625. 9,071 |} | 4,583 4,312 2,115 2,149 176 KANSAS: : | Tonekat (fit, |... Hee 13, 039 6, 038 6, 636 4,058 2, 460 365 Whites: SPR. <2 18, 596 9, 664 8, 620 4, 849 3, 639 312 KENTUCKY: a Covington............ “* 14, 809 9, 200 5,513 2,911) 2,554 6 Lexington............ 10, 720 7,014 3,456 - 2, 488 853 250 Newport.... 0 $.Atie. ' 7, 792 4,823] | ©) 2,909 1,561 1,338 60 LOUISIANA: : oe | Shreveport.....0..... 10, 618 7,048 3,339 2, 235 1,027 231 AINE: . ie Bangore. 2.) pRAE Le 6,145 3,144 2,887 2,081 782 ie | Lewiston. ..... 20.04: 6, 750 4,790 1,896 1, 285 589 1 64 Portlend 2.22425 35 16, 801 11, 812 4, 822 3,002 1,789 167 MARYLAND: [a Cumberland..... 4.8. 6, 433 3, 860 2,474 1,482 _ 966 99 Hagerstown... 22.2... 6, 609 4,448 2,083 1,095 886 BB MASSACHUSETTS: . ra Brockton. 227.7 Gyus 16, 084 10,451 5,498 1,595 3 ” 185 Brookline town....... 8, 603 6, 266 2,227 1,217 PM | Chelseaiii: 24a. 8, 833 6,781 1,975 432 1,531 1% Chicopee......2...... 7, 004 4,391 2,457 718 1,689 Everetti......).4Nil- 9, 187 6, 088 3,089 779 2,305 Fitchburg. ...)2...... 9,273 5, 827 3,171 1,117 1,940 Haverhill. ..... 0.02... 12,814 8,084 4,598 “1,900 2,633 Eolyeme. = JAY: 12, 948 10, 262 2,537 » 692 Be Lawrence...........-- 19,715 15, 446 3,941 1,405 2,495 SS Leryn Pe 23,308 16,531 6,517 2,343 4,068 Maldenve.. 0.) gi eee. 11, 238 7, 162 4,061 1,417 2,639 Medford. ....-.c2h4- 9,351 5, 400 3,948 1,001 2,941 ewtone |)... 20h. 10, 189 4,864 5,309 2,299 2,997 Pittstiold <.. 4 Soo. 9,499 6, 172 3,133 4,211 1,888 Qiiney fc.) Bete. 11, 146 5, 786 5,209 1,411 3, 761 BUOV ETO. ne rete 6,375 4,138 2,140 581 1,526 Salem S37. 2... 9,353 6, 327 2,890 1, 183 1,678 Somerville............ 22, 653 16, 450 6,154 2,044 4,097 SE OUMCOR. ose pe yas < 8,062 4,591 3,418 1,745 1,655 Walthain... 2.728220. 6, 566 4,439 2,121 5 1, 255 MICHIGAN: Battle Creek ........ 9,347 4,090 5,111 2° 183 2,708 Bay City ....:.22)... 11, 002 3,570 7,304 5, 159 2,115 By ee ie eee ee 19, 570 8, 565 10, 786 3,464 7,176 Hamtramck village... 9) 117 ‘5,002! | 4,043 | |) 74761 «83524 “ove, » OWNERSHIP OF HOMES. > + 475 PABLE 16i1.—NUMBEROF HOMES, DISTRIBUTED ACCORDING TO PROPRIETORSHIP AND ; ENCUMBRANCE, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 TO. 100,000 INHABITANTS; 1920—Con. ; OWNED. r. f Total : Tenure eae CITY» eee Rented. un- ; Encum- Un- |known. | Tore. Eran bered. | known. Rnaat-Con. » . Highland Park... <.. 10, 401 5,137 5,131 1,211 3, 887 33 133 +, Jackson. ...... tras. 11,851 4,510} |. 7,195 3, 212 3,912 71 146 ©). Kalamazoo. .......... 11, 754 5,268 6,339 3,040 3, 230 69 147 _ (EET: (ae Cael ale 13, 811 5, 324 8, 176 2, 566 5, 362 248 311 Dy +)Muskegon ...-. ssc... 8, 696 3,766 4,750 3, 212 1,370 168 180 ,. Pontiac.......\. ~< 225 Jamestown... ...gi:..- 10, 206 5, 163 4,920 2; 221 2, 566 133 123 #: Kingston........ Ug... 6; 701 3, 804 2,728 1,662 953 |. 118 79 _ Mount Vernon........ 9,715 6,423 3,217 881 2,314 22 75 _ New Rochelle......:. 7,725 4,710 2,929 830 2,058 41 86 _ Newburgh...... Canc. 7,647 5,173 2,369 1,082 1, 266 21 105 - Niagara Falls......... 10, 857 6,531 - 4,087 1,441 2,566 80 239 We: pougbkesepsic 48k at. 8,732 95, 989 2,489 1,162 1,809 18 254 We BeOME, 88... 804-1: 55416 2,748 2,622 1,490 1, 123 9 |. 46 Schenectady... .. eed. 20,657 #12, 832 7,584 2,580 4, 860 144 241 or 3) See eee 17, 895 12,666 4,734 2, 868 1, 737 129 495 . 3 MtiCa i... |. BOG L. 21, 657 13,904 7,637 3,480 4,103 54 116 Svaterieern vena Bd. i. 7,835 4,539 3,212 1, 784 1,401 27 84 | 6,477 3,785 2,411 1, 788 522 101 | 281 10, 720 7,057 3, 320 2, 087 1,008 225.|. » 343 * ) Wilmington... 2.2... 7,847 4, 889 2,600 1,395 765 440 358 Eg Piinstom-Salem. tha. 2 9, 895 6,709| | 2,948 1,701 1, 207 40. 238 cet. ns. >t Ok S 20,496 9, 284 10, 883 4,702 5, 888 293 329 4 East ‘Cleveland een 73122 3, 793 3, 268 1,008 2,249 11 61 eae ee eT 9, 706 4, 871 4, 547 2,223 2,174 150 288 EBS S| ae 10, 537 4,442 5, 984 2,264 3, 594 126 lil i. 6 Se oe 8) Se 10,659 5,475 5,017 1, 887 2,972 158 167 rae, ise 8, 004 3,687 4,050 2,225 1, 801 24 267 ee pana 7,215 3, 080 4,046 2,443 1,558 45 89 MPREIOINS 0 oct aco. 3 7,231 3, 238 3,924 1,920 1, 986 18 69 MeoNewark...........-... 7,322 3,569 3,681 2,102 1,510 69 72 : Portsmouth .._....... 7,967 4,238 3,578 1, 748 1,664 166 151 Springfield. .......... 15, 484 8,392 6,798 3,292 3,363 143 294 Steubenville.......... 6,516 3, 864 2,414 1,424 935 55 238 eae 6, 561 2,917 3,566 1,575 1,936 55 78 ee oe 7,958 4,362 3,556 2,331 1, 200 25 40 476 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—POPULATION. TABLE 161.—_NUMBER OF HOMES, DISTRIBUTED ACCORDING TO PROPRIETORSHIP AND ENCUMBRANCE, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Con. CITY. OKLAHOMA: PENNSYLVANIA: Allentown.......-...- AICOOTAE COR See Harrisburg. 2.0. ...'.o: Hazleton’. 2. Soa.. Lancaster...) 204: McKeesport.........- New Castle........... Norristown borough... Wilkes-Barre........- Williamsport......... YiOrkeene: 522. emote. RHODE ISLAND: CTS et) TA ay Newport. .....¢.2es.3. Pawtuekets sy oe Woonsocket .........- SoutH CAROLINA: SoutH DAKOTA: Sioux Malls. os et es. TENNESSEE: Chattanooga. ........- Knoxville. fer. t t PWG Ce oc ack ions sate Wichita Falls......... Lynchburg - 022 ses. Newport News....... Petersburg. .......... Portsmouth........-. Bellingham........... TTaCOMSel: oo 2.4. eee. West VIRGINIA: Charleston... [220 562. Clarksbure =. 0. 308.2. Huntington. 4... ..'. ‘Wheeling. 55808. . WISCONSIN: Green Bay............ Kenosha... o's yoo. LA AATOSSC. ss sls aces. URACIIC Ls s Sen we bee sat Sheboygan. .......... SUperOr Ns. .'..).'Fe5 03% 10, 656 5, 665 3, 596 6,317 8, 505 3, 097 3,657 3,688 5,351 3,047 5,617 3, 198 4,710 OWNED. , Encum- Un- Total. Free. hered now. 3,023 1,710 1,190 123 8, 184 3, 296 4, 804 84 5,959 Bas ta 2,628 216 7,168 3,452 3,583 133 | 6, 341 3,352 2,964 25 4,182 1,886 2,052 244 4, 338 1,535 2, 680 123 3,181 1,75 1,418 28 9, 566 4,741 4,725 100 7, 029 3,410 3, 270 349 2, 222 1, 202 805 215° 5, 038 ty ore 1, 725 36 5, 062 2, 698 2, 336 28 3,921 1, 898 1, 896 127 5, 244 2, 608 2,573 63 3, 403 1,493 1, 880 30 4, 871 3,079 1,586 206 3,277 2,188 1,024 65 4,769 3,053 1,671 45 2,944 1,058 1, 841 45 2,315 811 1, 426 78 4,123 1,507 2, 588 28 1,981 683 1227/2 26 3,602 2,334 1,012 256 1, 862 1,353 470 39 2,822 1,617 1,110 95 3, 120 2,003. 1,095 22 7, 067 4, 604 2,375 88 3,456 2,466 913 77 3,114 1, 822 1, 234 58 3,770 2,218 1,494 58 2,988 2,415 534 39 Saul 2,214 975 122 3,181 1,812 1,303 66 3, 851 2,425 1,398 28 2,410 1, 815 562 33! 2, 182 1,115 974 93 1, 968 1, 469 322 177 3, 870 2, 247 1, 598 25 5, 082 2,963 2,062 57 3,559 2, 298 1,216 45 3,502 1, 974 1,498 30 18, 525 7,491 5, 882 152 3,080 1, 966 1,005 109 2,696 1, 586 1,048 62. 4,750 2,510 2,105 135 5,113 3, 576 - 137 3,712 2,075 1, 598 39 4,303 L572 2,667 64 3,729 2, 554 1,017 158 3, 939 1, 787 2,000 152 4,839 2,993 1,782 64 6, 984 2,442 4,514 28 3,940 2, 209 1,702 29 3, 822 2,343 1,351 128 I Rte T> . is o * ™ . 7 a . f iuy 4% by sist ne Ay! vi i" ‘ fs " ' DE pe Sea rH AST ITY, Y pat Peper ide, of cx mtd Mai PAOD Seebinee oaers cca e, tor tha tir ; tS Re pest ei. (st. se Ua ee i ae ges hap’ ; ies $. iv *“* . poem: i Sad aTUO. 30 =O ware: oH eer dnt iit 7) Phe Riotietiae d pte TH ike POSSI 3 oe iO Re DAR Ea. r A ie, 4 f Lei “ y fot oes iY? gape ti ogy » alk xfs ( toa yar HAS 7 Cae ! oxeeeean Be vee | ao sese Paros dupes Tok ag rt Sb = 88, © > “4 <0! Vi oe ew £5 ; PMS. - a = 16 Big a eo Aw ap, “4 ty “ak ; ws ey ES ri LENT oe Pe , ie posgan 4 as § g aut ho ei Gr polgasey te foewenred ; pee ty pee 7 . : Was hae te, es? us es tera y woe a Bins thee 4. J myeias oe vk de rit 1S eee s Bie rie Ure : rt , AD Sri Ib Gonks fons ak sero bate oy ees Me - 4 Se aa 3 th sts “a them Ow eee " £ mm, a3 joy ib jar7 tops DOB se baw yn ae : Se hayes sh re iy PREIS Ft vei sais sitio L0:be. 7 Is 06 i aal. } Fee te! teOt seat.) ; : : ais modeks pee etidte tagie'! : pipes tive 2-5 ee) pied te e “OL walintodo: ortt io x i lot 1 aime dic Lie Heli 3 : Me HtoielsiI0n Sits teal sie et dnats it bess! sict f A pete Patteres Oi O83 faagl a Moke. Ok 35; WAVIsicn it heawmras taye Ahizese jc ro oa) > mn? OLUDNO4 AOL TS SS taf Bry eOUess PP RE K he Te TG ee ee. -. St oC Seas Fite o ang el aae EGY retineiicl abe * 5 ie ' me ae sam OGRE GRIT IO “LG Sie E fe borin ehh yet 2! Bike ope ge Petqaos annats) Xe : —e* fata aetna te BOR ft ee ee? Bend OLS LAB Ae Ramon ted ese bl Civ aks ae Dee bape} adgects iene fo sats feqianis4 ies shaslarsh lo Hie aden” ala SER 5 Be DOSIIAF OF) THT abo tH, Bs eT 5 BR Nihodaty sh emmys ass ty etHAM OE OS GL Hytsris ju a v4 : tO? Kees : tS . : A ‘ ‘ ae aes Sistape DUS tah ce ae he be iH Pe agile ta Piibkes gtinand rete tal oh } att baRARtS gph ty oie, iy aids 1 apeppaoig foe toda MOF Domes win we + 9 We 2 is awh bbe tei age thst ae eta Preys riche F) ue - fo ie Be PEMA IG Ais Usiisee HO Siopaitce fy J “bust A ae ee ¢ hdnchctnidiniate: Giaietalete aa Pee oe ‘ etidert cee ee sao Pe! Laem ac abig tiation ti hone, bextiog ied PSS. Se Ae ee . Pe eee y rier are, One. ‘RY yee Merde i +4 Wi > te 1 deco Va OG) ‘papey. ch oF (Ff Nas. ties lev deagbtds 3 0 RAIOSOIG a eiA wa es: ae hres wa! Sell 36a SS tectedl cater Senkei ROMS, PE UIE Art ENE y Simentoni Seasidiiay =. Dears Fee pa a Se wey OF valent hig. ae D cies Te eek tos ve Rete oti POLES. S90 Bed Vs éheeutio “a DOE Pe Og8 sta) yaney CP ey i. 398 cee Be at ido. pt ee hoe rane wiaptiasis: ™% ict vr Oe tone Erk ‘ett LPL HS) CONTENTS. NUMRER AND SEX OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. Table. Page. SO; 000 OT i” OLS ee AG ee Ee Se S OL he SRE OS . Number and proportion of persons occupied, by age periods, for the United States: 1920 and 1910. 534 . Number and per cent distribution, by age pericds, of males and of females engaged in each general . Number and proportion of persons gainfully occupied, by Sex, for the United States: 1880-1920... 481 . Number and per cent distribution, by sex, of the persons in each general division of occupations, for the United Statés: 1920 and 1910. . os s.5 ce oe pene cle 6 on we cereale oe a eee eee ees 481 . Total persons 10 years of age and over engaged in gainful occupations, distributed by sex and gen- eral divisions of occupations, for the United States: 1920 and 1910....-..--.-.-.--.--- i. ee . Total persons 10 years of age and over engaged in each specified occupation, classified by sex, for the United States: 1920 and1910.. .. 2. eee ce Fe ee She eae cen ne sete pee nsecennrersan> 483, divisions and states: 1920 and 1910... ....-.------+--- 22 -ee ee ence tte terete ens te snc seen ns Number and proportion of males 10 years of age and over engaged in gainful occupations, by divi- sions and states: 1920 and 1910... 2.2... se cl ee eee rece eee ence nes eennenns Le eee: 5 ae aes 498 . Number and proportion of females 10 years of age and over engaged in gainful occupations, by we divisions and states: 1920 and 1910-2. oe nl nk ee tee en cee nee en wesc n ce ccenatnetern== . Number of persons 10 years of age and over in each general division of occupations, by divisions and states: 1920) £2... Oe dn. ce edn tie de os once Sbene Hits sunt gageh a= se satmn ee eae ne . Number of males 10 years of age and over in each general division of occupations, by divisionsand states? 19906 one fe cok cass Lh saw ac ae mab pines «coe ceisis ole clas bade apacelaie aie orate all earings 501 . Number of females 10 years of age and over in each general division of occupations, by divisions and states: 1020. 2... aap c ocd canoe danmagedane san nnnsnn nae. ee hahaa ae. sn . Number and proportion of males and females 10 years of age and over engaged in gainful occupa- tions, for cities having 100,000 inhabitants or more: 1920... ...------------ or +--+ 2+ +5227 2 eeerr es . Number of persons 10 years of age and over in each general division of occupations, for cities having oan 100,000 inhabitants or more: 1920... ...----------- 22 ee eee teeter reeset tartare tt ae eases nents se . Number and proportion of persons 10 years of age and over engaged in gainful occupations, by sex, for cities having from 25,000 to 100,000 inhabitants: 1920.........--------- & sip ately & nate RM IRE COLOR OR RACE OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. . Per cent distribution, by class of population, of the population 10 years of age and over and of per- sons engaged in gainful occupations, for both sexes and for each sex separately, for the United . Per cent distribution, by class of population, of persons 10 years of age and over engaged in gainful ‘i 3 occupations, by divisions and states: 1920. .........---...--e++-enester es en ns neeetseceseresen ses 5 . Number and proportion offemales in eaet puincipal class of the population 10 years of age and over F A AGE OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. ‘ t division of occupations, for the United States: 1920..........--.-----0+c-seer reer arate seein sens . Number and proportion of males and of females in each principal class of the population engaged | in gainful occupations, by agé periods, for the United States: 1920... 4... . 52 Wed abaee Gees s eee . Number and proportion of children 10 to 18 years of age engaged in gainful occupations, bysex,age, _ and population classes, for the United States: 1920 and 1910....-...... 40 cduee ees core ee aan . Number of males in each age period engaged in gainful occupations, b divisions and states: 1920. . b 3 - Number of females in each age period engaged in gainful occupations, by divisionsand states: 1920. 54 . Number and proportion of children of each sex 10 to 15 years of age engaged in gainful occupations, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910.....-. writes dke cc caw oo bt toe on eee ee tee ee . Number of males in each age period engaged in gainful occupations, for cities having 100,000 in- habitants or more: 1920.22. se00. ook e eee see eee ne cee ee soon sane ne esis aCe en ee anne ~ . Number offemales in each age period engaged in gainful occupations, for cities having 100,000 in- sib habitants or More: 1920.......----scees cee eee e ce eens recs eee een cns tenes Meee n eee Ene nen Sanne . Number and proportion of children of each sex 10 to 15 years of age engaged in gainful occupa- a 34. 35, tions; for cities having, in 1920, 100,000inhabitants or more: 1920 and.1910.. 4... - Jobe ven = wo 4 Males and females 10 years of age and over engaged in gainful occupations, classified by age periods, for cities having from 25,000 to 100,000 inhabitants: 1920......--.----------+--- ssese a tereeccesecs ; Number and proportion of children of each sex 10 to 15 years of age engaged in ul occupa- tions, for cities having from 25,000 to 100,000 inhabitants: 1920........ ws eausnceened Chase (478) ; . Number and proportion of persons 10 years of age and over engaged in gainful occupations, by j a 9 CONTENTS. 479 MARITAL CONDITION OF OCCUPIED WOMEN. [For statistics showing the marital condition of gainful workers in cities of 25,000 to 100,000 inhabitants, see Table 23, p. 524.] Table. Page. 36. Number and proportion of women 15 years of age and over, in each specified marital class, engaged in gainful occupations, for the United States: 1890-1920 .... 22... .o ee cece ee cece cccecceeeee we. 37. Number and per cent distribution, by marital condition, of the gainfully occupied women 15 years of age and over, for the United States: MEMS. = wig Ne ey Min ong a Sele eT none aes scone 60 38. Number and per cent distribution, by marital condition, of the women 15 years of age and over in each general division of occupations, for the United States: 1920 and i910.................. 561 39. Number and per cent distribution, by general divisions of occupations, of the gainfully occupied women 15 years of age and overin each specified marital class, for the United States: 1920and 1910. 561 40. Number and proportion of women 15 years of age and over in each specified marital eiass engaged. “i N in intl occupations, by class of population. and age periods, for the United States: 1920.... 562 , Num marital class, by class of population and age periods 42. Per cent distribution, by age periods, for each principal class of the population, of all women and 6. Number and proportion of married women 15 years of-age and over engaged in gainful occupa- _ tions; by divisions and states: 1890-1920......2.2..2..22005.00. 0.220220... SRN ete prin ils 568 Piette compen occupations, for cities having 100,000 inhabitants or more: 1920.................... 572 Yum { population, engaged in gainful occupations, for cities having 100,000 inhabitants or more: 1920.. 573 eae Of t ne : fa - r 4 Sil OCCUPATIONS. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATION OF TERMS. Scope of inquiry.—The questions concerning occupations called for a statement of the ‘‘trade, profession, or particular kind of work done” by each person engaged in gainful labor, and fora statement of the ‘industry, business, or ostab chine ta which at work.”? Although the enumerators were instructed to return an occupation for every person engaged in gainful labor, the occupation returns for children under 10 years of age have not been compiled, The term“ gainful workers,”’ therefore, includes all workers except women doing housework in their own homes and children working at home merely on general housework, on chores, or at odd times on other work. The statistics as here presented relate to continental United States only, comprising the 48 states and the District of Columbia. Classification.—The classification is occupational .rather than industrial. The occupations are grouped, however, under 9 large industry or service units. Since the occupation classification used at the Fourteenth Census differs somewhat from thai of the Thirteenth Census, a few occupations are here presented under different general divisions from those under which they were presented in 1910. Such transfers have changed slightly for 1910 the total number of persons in certain general divisions 0! occupations. Also, in 1920, occasionally an occupational designation was Classified under a different occupation group from that under which it was classified in 1910. Because of these changes a moderate increase or decrease from 1910 to 1920 in the number of workers in an occupation may be apparent only and due to a difference in classification. ‘The occupations appreciably affected by transfers of designation are confined mainly t6 manufacturing and transportation pursuits. Causes of decrease.—The change in the census date from April 15 in 1910 to Jan- uary 1 in 1920 doubtless had a pronounced efiect on the number of workers returned as pursuing those occupations which are seasonal or largely seasonal. A comparison with the 1910 statistics for the respective agricultural pursuits indicates strongly that, especially in the case of farm laborers, the marked decrease from 1910 to 1920 probably was due in large part to an underenumeration in 1920, because in most sections of the United States agricultural work, especially the work of field laborers, is at or near its lowest ebb in January. In some measure, the decrease in farm laborers is believed to be apparent only and due to an overenumeration in 1910, especially of children engaged in this occupation. The large increase from 1910 to 1920 in the number of laborers and semiskilled operatives in fruit and vegetable canning, etc., probably resulted to a considerable extent from changing the census date to a time nearer the latest harvest season for fruits and vegetables. The World War brought about drastic and rapid changes in many of our industries To meet war needs new industries sprang into existence and some existing industries because not needed to further the war efforts of the Nation, rapidly declined in imr portance. Along with these industrial changes went corresponding cera? in the occupational activities of the people, the number of workers declining rapidly in some occupations and increasing rapidly in others. Large numbers of workers were draw from the fields to the factories, and from factories producing nonessentials or luxurie to those producing munitions or essentials, The readjustment to a peace-time basi was only partially completed at the date of the census. Hence itis believed tha many of the changes from 1910 to 1920 in the number of workers in the respectiy: occupations may properly be ascribed in large part to the changes brought about by th World War. ; Foreign parentage.—Refers to persons having both parents foreign born. Mixed parentage.—Refers to persons having one parent native and the other foreig born. Native.—Refers to persons born in continental United States, in any of the outlyin possessions, or at sea under the United States flag. 7 Native parentage.—Refers to persons having both parents native. (480) ra T ¥ NUMBER AND SEX OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. 48] TABLE 1.—NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF PERSONS GAINFULLY OCCUPIED, BY SEX, 4 FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1880-1920. es PERSONS 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OC- CUPATIONS, Total Population SEX AND CENSUS YEAR. vopulation 10 years of Per cent é * | age and over, Per xn of popu- of total | lation 10 Number. popula- | years of tion. age and over. Bal - re ‘. e. Bot SEXEs. ee sat Pet eaie vit we O. aba sues 105, 710, 620 82, 739, 315 41, 614, 248 39.4 50.3 ash ob eA | a ee 91, 972, 266 71, 580, 270 38, 167, 336 41.5 53.3 2 eet hen ee Tia |i a a 75,994, 575 57, 949, 824 29, 073, 233 38.3 50.2 nes at DERE eae 62,622, 250 47, 413, 559 2 23, 318, 183 37.2 49. 2 RD cee) a OF Pe 50, 155, 783 | 36, 761, 607 || 17, 392, 099 34.7 47.3 } MALE, | a Re Rta esas oie hai we xe 53, 900, 431 | 42, 289, 969 33, 064, 737 61.3 78.2 LS oc cinta ttre aye 5 9's - 47, 332, 277 87, 027, 558 || 30, 091, 564 63.6 81.3 eel ees < wnat Ela AiG 38, 816, 448 29, 703, 440 23, 753, 836 61.2 80.0 1890 oo, Seve lege neal Syl ty alli 32, 067, 880 24, 352, 659 219,312, 651 60.2 79.3 Bree ihre rae aye go - rer xu -- 25, 518, 820 18,735, 980 14, 744, 942 57.8 78.7 ize FEMALE, RT AU Me Ph os ih 51,810, 189 40, 449, 346 8, 549, 511 16.5 21.1 Coes Lee 20S. dL REL. 44,639, 989 34, 552, 712 8, 075, 772 18.1 23.4 Beet OT UG ABE. le) Ne st. 37,178, 127 28, 246, 384 5, 319, 397 14.3 18.8 ESE 9 9! a pat ote 20, 554, 370 23, 060, 900 2 4,005, 532 131 17.4 RINE UES CLO ka 24,636,963 |’ 18, 025, 627 2, 647, 157 10.7 14.7 if 1 Figures for 1890 are exclusive of a ee in Indian Territory and on Indian reservations, area specially ‘@amerated at that census, but for which occupation statistics are not available. -* Corrected figures; for explanation, see Occupation Report for 1900, pp. LX VI-LX XIII, rt TABLE 2.—NUMBER AND PER CENT DISTRIBUTION, BY SEX, OF THE PERSONS IN EACH _ GENERAL DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONS, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910. vie MALE. os FEMALE. CENSUS YEAR AND GENERAL DIVISION OF Total OCCUPATIONS. cage» Per Per - Number. onuh: Number ene ;.. 1920 weraAll Gccupations................ se sal i 41,614,248 || 33,064,737 | 79.5} 8,549,511 | 20.5 Agr oy peety ard animal husbandry..... a = f Me | 9, hey = ~ t 1, sie oy me Uxtraction of minerals. ..........2......c0...--.- ‘ , 087, 3 ; fe : Manufacturing and mechanical industries........ 12, 818, 524 | 10, 888, 183 84.9 | 1,930, 341 15,1 Pransportation...........2.022..... 2. fienn oi ae ea ai 12,637,420 || 12,530,795 | 96.0] 1106, 625 4,0 SN ih i RE en a 3,614,670 || 3,146,582} 87.1 468,088} 12.9 ‘ublic service (not elsewhere classified).......... 459, 291 445, 733 97.0 13, 558 3.0 SERGEY ©) Fie a pcs Seta Os Earl ee 11,693, 361 1959, 470 56. 7 1733, 891 43.3 omestic and personal service.................... 13,772,559 || 11,241, 338 32.9 | 12,531, 221 67.1 STS: Ce 1, 737, 053 1,143,829 | 65.8 593,224 | 34.2 A 1 Figures corrected to conform to 1920 classification. im 75108°—22___91 482 ABSTRACT OF THE CHNSUS-—OCCUPATIONS. TABLE 3.—TOTAL PERSONS 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN GAINFUL oceu- PATIONS, DISTRIBUTED BY SEX AND GENERAL DIVISIONS OF OCCUPATI ONS, Fos MILE, UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910. | SS SS ee 1920 SEX AND GENERAL DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONS. Mie Number, . SSeS si aE EERE SERRE SIE Fk | ae ae BotH SEXES, Mail debupations.) 9s Se Sa ae A 41, 614, 248 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry. -..-- 10, 953, 158 Pextraction Gf Minewals. ee sche din ole sient mane =, = t 090, 223 Manufacturing and mechanical industries.....---- 12, 818, 524 Transportation .....-...-. +--+ eee eee eee cee eee 3, 063, 582 Peide -vulteot eave) Jeu U2 tape. atals ake bee Ss ag 4,242,979 Public service (not elsewhere classified)......----- 770, 480 Professional S6rvice, 02. 2 nls) 143, ‘889 Domestic and personal service. ......-.---++-.---- i 404, 892 Clerical occupations... ...--.-eeeeees seers eee eeeee 3, 128, 541 MALE All ‘ooeupationsies CAIs hc IPE a "33,084,737 Agriculture. forestry, and animal husbandry...... “9; 869; 030 Extraction of minerals... ..2-.....-- 9. .-+-e-ah eee t 687, 359 Manufacturing and meehanical industries........- 10, 888, 183 Transportation...-.... Tee Te, Se es ec ate 2, 850, 528 TPAC. - clause cc's ot SEU SENS attains evel SLD pide nets ar 3,575, 187 Public service (not elsewhere Siassified) se aE ee SS "748, 666 Professional services ick Laie eas os 8 la aera eile 4, 127, 391 Domestic and personal service. ...----+++-+++-++++ rk 217, 968 Glarical oceupations..«.- teeters cen ¢ ve ey ae! 4 id 8,075,772 | 100.¢ _ 1,807, 501 22.4 1,094 |. @ { Eo 8207 570 B.A t 106, 625 Le ae 468, O88. |-- 5e8 ‘NUMBER AND SEX OF OCCUPIED PRRSONS. oret 1920 me ~ OCCUPATION. wor Total. Male. | Female.|| Total. “All occupations. 2.2... ot oe -|41, 614, 248/133, 064, 77/8, 549, 511) 38, 167, 236 Aeribblnite, forestry, and animal ). -— » Ba “husbandry... bet HO en eee 10, 953, 158|| 9, 869, 030]1, 084, 128//12, 659, 082) ty farmers, farmers, and stock raisers...) 6,201,261)! 5,947,425} 253, 836|| 5,979,340) Dairy farm catgtis 2 seen), sly ER Mei 118, 813 114, 867 3, 946 an , $16) Eaerai inefar fs «cay ORR sma 6, 004, B80} 5, 5,757, oe 247, 253)|" 5, 864, ee entine arms... ios ie 79° 09 ect pb i he ‘. 1 Bic ako SE) LL LAS Gh 77, 859||; 74,9291 ~~ 2, 687|- ~~ 52; 521 , Pe i few? a Sear and stock farm laborers... 4, pee ben 3, ay 2s ee a+ oY ie Rema OOLORSA 5 Sice - = lds ss <== « alpe.e 6: 5 9° 59 _ Farm laborers (home farm)!. <2 22.2222 1,850,119 1, 273,477| 576, 642|| 3,310, 5 eee Peers Ciaran puch. OE Hr 2, er fee af 211/969|| 2; 5, om orers (turpentine farm)......... 16 9 309 Stock re herders, drovers, and feeders... . -- ‘ 56,766]. 55,868! 1, 398i| 59, 250) J airy farm, farm, garden, orchard, etc., ) “ei i Saleareaeaet po ees a es a ae cei: Se 2,47 4 ; | Berm forenten, general farms... -.......- a 79, 018 65,251 13,767} 41, 521 Farm foremen, turpentine farms......... 4 AE an xk Gubte ‘ ‘Farm for remen, stbpetirms. ee 4, 894 4, 800 gl’ 3,604 | Garden and greenhouse foremer.......,. 1,874 1,698 176 1,311 Orchard, nursery; ete:, foremen.......... 4,059 3, 896 163 2,774 “Fishermen and oystermen................. 52, 836|| 52, 457 379|| 68,275 Foresters, foresirangers, and timber cruisers 3, 653 3,651 2 4,332 | Garé eners, florists, fruit growers, and nur- 2 ye Sh Seiad A Ried 169, 399]| 160,126] 9, 283|) 189, 255 8, 34. 7,407 938 9, 028 a: ey Shoanahictss=atocoalt > , BS, 400i © (52, 2081"~*"8- 194i] -°; 43, 53 od ee Sa 98, 591 93,523) «5, 068 79, 894 Lert papain biel 4, 402 4,377 25 3, 792 2, 659 2,601 58 3, O10 Garden, beet ouse, orchard, and nursery URSA Gi a a 137, 010||* 127,589). 9)421]) . 133,927 Cranberry, bog laborers... ..2............ 241 236 5 1,384 arden laborers. TE nies obey 2 nd nn» eee 81, 532 75, 234 6, 298 81,314 BORIS Wa HS, = 2\niahcee hope 16, 239 15,075 1,164 17, 757 oe hotel ps Rese 38,998] 37,044) 1,954]) 33,472 Lumb ermen, inte and woodchoppers. 205,315 pg ot ri ae ae _ Foremen and.overseers...........-.---.. 6,090 OO. ot eee 4 etter’ snd ba and surveyors...... ar 2,344 2) 344 eta Ah 2: 110 eamsters and haule RS eS a 17, 106 17,106)... «vifac0 2 15, 038 ner fers... te een, and wood- ' alas See Sh «'n's Mabie Cie <0 Tuer 179,775 179, 496 279 139, 322 GOES OBES SBR) 2a Sau 8,410 8,397 13 7,931 taal De 2,095 2,090 5 1,725 “ge Lay Sp sole 6,315 6,307 8 6, 206 ME ied inll ts. Se. 3. 40,599]|. 36,930] 3,660|! 44,238 (pO), Naira se MORE RI a 2,893 2, 759 134 2,145 Me lees) -2,..-tre-!:.-.-0-- 9, 646 9, 642 all" 55617 Dit sari Sas eae oe 5,379 5, 870\_- oe rend 15, 198 i tors and ditch tenders a. aaa § beta 2, 600) 2) 597 3 2, 883 Poultry Te at a bab 14,116]} 11,792)". 2/3241) 12,151 wh ey yard labdrers Peak cuee. neg ess oe 4, 599 3, 587 1,012 3, 233 ther and not specified pursuits.......-.. 1,3 1,183 183 3,011 1 Decrease, 1910 to 1920, probably duemainly to change of census date from, Apr. 15in 1910 to Jan, 1 in 1920. oe CaS 488 te 4 TO OPAL PERSONS 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN EACH SPECIFIED OCCUPATION, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910. [The Venn for 1910 for certain of the division totals and also for certain individual occupations have been snctbanees to conform to the classification for 1920.] 1910 Male. | Female. '30, 091, 58418, 075, 772 10, 851, 5811, 807, 501 5,717,384] 261,956 59,240] 2. 5,606, 789] 257° 703 508 3 50,847| 1, 674 4, 551, 247/1, 518, 074 32/937” 9°77 2,133, 949]1, 176, 585 272997 444] 7337) 522 97, 241 316 58,376 874 43, 19)" 7776 1,001 85 34° 017} 7,504 898 J 3,593 i 1 223 88 2° 687 87 67,799 476 ig 6 hahaa te 131,421 7,834 7977) “1,051 41,255] 2/276 75,481| | 4°413 3.777 15 2/931 79 126, 453] 7,474 1,316 68 76,372, 4,942 16,796 961 31,969] 1,503 161, 191 77 4, (i): pee 2° 109 i 15; 038hucevaveak 130, 246 76 7,927 4 FT mee ae 6,202 4 40,408] 3,830 2”020 125 94: cs opment 15; 198hemasb-watts 2)874 9 8.921] 3, 230 2 856 377 2) 922 89 ™ 484 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—OCCUPATIONS. “4 TABLE 4.—TOTAL PERSONS 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN EACH SPECIFIED ~ OCCUPATION, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Con. [The figures for 1910 for certain of the division totals and also for certain individual occupations have been corrected to conform to the classification for 1920.] 1920 1910 OCCUPATION. ep aT MEERUT) Cel ERE SE ey ny Total. Male. Total 3 \ Extraction of minerals... ........-.4.: 1, 090, 223)! 1, 087,359 Foremen, overseers, and inspectors........ 36, 931 36, 923 Foremen and. overseers... 2.20. ..02--60: 27,945 27, 939 ANSDOCUOES © 232 yaw sac. ppipaik gees steceeeeeees 8, 986 8, 984 Operators, officials, and managers.........- 34, 325 34, 143 MATA SOI Ss <:ninte ona calc abiais oi lava bee olen © o(e'et 14, 469 14, 446 FOIA ra: oon so ep ehewy RE | aged pike ° eh 2, ba2 2,481 ODOTAtGIS. +64. :0.chs mae tind oe Ue bee bg he's een 17, 334 17, 216 £ Coal. mine Operatives... 60.0.0 sce ee ewsee es 733, 936|| 732,441 Copper mine operatives...) .-....6....-.65 36, 054 35,918 Gold and silver mine operatives../........ 32, 700 32, 666 Iron mine Operatives. ~- << e-seee seen = ayia 38, 704 38, 605 Operatives in other and not specified mines. 41,389 41, 282 Lead and zinc mine operatives. .........- 20, 798 20, 749 Other specified mine operatives.......... 11,320 11,271 Not specified mine operatives........ lee 9,271 9, 262 Quarry Opelally OS. i vis5 vp cl Sense p res sb ga 45,162 45, 084 Oil, gas, and salt well operatives........... 91,022 90, 297 Oil and gas well operatives. .-........... 85, 550 85, 303 Salt welland works operatives.......... 5,472 4,994 Manufacturing and mechanical SITUS es ree Ss 12, 818, 524/10, 888, 183)1, 930, 341|)110,628, 731 Apprentices to building and hand trades. .. 73, 953 73, 897 lacksmiths’ apprentices. .... eh IE, # 2,661 2, 659 Boiler makers’ apprentices..............- 2,005 2,005 Cabinetmakers’ apprentices............. 1,020 1,020 Carpenters’ apprentices.....0...:.......- 4,805 4,797 Coopers? apprentices,.ipess Sete ---ccees 365 365 Electricians’ apprentices......-.....-.... 9, 562 9, 557 Machinists’ apprentices 4................ 39, 463 39, 448 Masons’ apprentices... .....-L..,.-.------- 1,434 , 434 Painters’, glaziers’, and varnishers’ ap- prentites ccc ee Sen ha 1,61 1, 598 18 Paper hangers’ apprentices. ....:.......- 172 165 7 Plasterers’ apprentices. -s.beceres.+. 0. 398 3! le] gee bes 2° = oeeeeeee Plumbers’ apprentices. .........2.....4-. 7, 386 1, G00| cuenta Roofers’ and slaters’ apprentices......... 230 V5 |) pane : Tinsmiths’ and coppersmiths’ appren- UiCes aes. Bee Sat oss Se Pie alt 2,816 2,815 1 Apprentices to dressmakers and milliners. . 4,326 17 4,309 Dressmakers’ apprentices. ..............- 2,715 4 2,711 Millinefs’"apiprentices: 2. . i. te seeOaseus « - 1,611 13 1,598 Approntices, qther.))......' = +S upewesunes bac 65, 898 60, 532 5, 366 Architects’, designers’, and draftsmen’s : apprembicés: (ult a8 7555 Pee ty os 3,777 3,479 298 Jewelers’, watchmakers’, goldsmiths’, and silversmiths’ apprentices.......... 2, 633 2, 247 386 S eis 5 Printers’ and bookbinders’ apprentices, . . 11, 603 10, 366 1,237|| 212,395 ‘941 Other apprenticesi sso... eee oboe 47, 885 44,440 3, 445 2 A Bakers. Co ONE ane Set 97,940|| 93,847} 4, 593l| 89, 531 4,779 Blacksmiths, forgemen, and hammermen..| 221,42i|| 221,416 5}| 240, 174 J 31 Bigeksmrtars. (ese so NO eee 195, 255]| 195, 251 4|| 232,988 3l Forgemen, hammermen, and welders. ... 26, 166 26, 165 1 7,186 a 36,251 z ‘Furnacemen and Smueltermen ee eee y. 18, 201 18, 197 4 19, 735 Pericnters... CR Ree B Oye 1g 16, 470 16, 468 2 10, 120 le ers and pourers......-- hee are 1,020 JAS) 679 Ble ART = 30-820.28 Moon 83 Scho sf eS RA Oe RS 5, 717 Giass hlowers eee UMD “eo pig De gees 9, 144 9, 055 89 || 15,564 welers, watchmakers, goldsmiths, and ; feiversmriths 2. o.e28.12.20208 S012. .03 39,592 || 37,914]. 1,678 || 32;574 Golds iths and silversmiths............. 4,828 4,771 57 Be PL Jewelers and lapidaries (factory)......... 8, 757 7,701 |. 1,056 10, 631 ‘i factory)..... ey seiseaeet: 5. Mees: 55503 26,007 || 25,442] 565 || 16,186 borers C0. 6-4): tp ; uilding, general, and not specified ¥ rere Aik. shchbaet iS: 25-05% .012:) 623,208 ||, 608;075 | 15, 128 |||) 869, 478 _ Chemical and allied industries..2........ 74,289 || 70,994 | 3,295 || 41,741 a lertilizer factories: =. .02.. 4 12/943 12, 808 135 9, 847 . int and varnish factories. ...2....... 4, 84 4,677 164 2,959 fireworks factories. ......-....2---+- 8, 467 7, 821 646 4,277 MID TACLOTICS.--... J. .-csncese--c-20- 4,715 4, 346 369 3) 433 » Other chemical factories..............- 43, 323 41,342 1,981 21,995 r ppeemieeco fattorips...0.00e.....)2 35, 157 21,295 | 13,862 16, 392 mee 1910 figures include cement finishers; these numbered 7,621 in 1920. es for 1910 estimated. 1910 most of the ‘‘Cranemen, derrickmen, hoistmen, etc.,” were classified with the semiskilled oper- ves of the respective industries. ; tot otherwise specified. 486 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-OCOCUPATIONS, . TABLE 4.—TOTAL PERSONS 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN EACH. SPECIMIED ; OCCUPATION, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Con. > ' [The figures for 1910 for certain of the division totals and also for certain individual occupations haye heen corrected to conform to the classification for 1920.] 1920 OCCUPATION. Total. Male. | Female. Manufacturing and mechanical industries—Continued. Clay, glass, and stone industriés ORRIN, 124, 544 ||. 120,215 | 4,329 Brick, tile, and terra cotta factories .. 48) 636 48, 099 537 Glass facbomies. .ispa2 ibs ogo. nan bd 28, 237 26, 461 2,476 Lime, cement, and artificial stone fac- foriesevs ‘ctr e Gia ar ee ey 30, O51 29, 884: - 167 Marble and stone yards......2....---.- » 5, 084 5, 061 23 TOSCOTESS. oe an: oe ieee te SME i 836 10,710 “1,126 Clothing industries: yd yh. dndeh taba 12,776 6,414 | _ 6,362. Corset factopiesys, cree Teen 02... pid 771 194 577 GeVEMBCTOTION Eo sinie cba wmnewaiceebis 1,757 899 858 Hat factories (help oun i setae as on ke "939 825 164 Shirt, collar, and cuff factories......... 2,708 1,317 |. 1,391 Suit, ‘coat, cloak, and overall factories. . 3 984 ||. «2,219 1,765 Other clothing facboniess:. PWLRl Lo... - 2, 567 960 1,607 Hood imeustries.He Sos eee ed 159, 585 143, 397 | 16; 138), PakerOss eA". 5 He eB on a kd 8,315 6,869 1,446 Butter, cheese, and condensed milk factOrlese a: 1. Uden els Skee oe ou 8 15, 190 14,174 1, 016 Cand y factories. 4°30. AG eee cm ects 6, 584 4,398 2, 186 Fish curing and packing..............- 6, 300 5, 261 1,039 Flour and grain mills......0.......-.4. 18,121 17, 983 138 Fruit and vegetabie canning, etc..-.... 13, 058 9, 743 3,315 Slaughter and packing houses......-...{ . 59, 548 5S, 436 4,112 Sugar factories and refineries...........| 15, 738 15, 414 |. 319 Otherfood factoriesss'.g2. 2. WoO. 2... 2h8 16, 686 i4, 119 2,567 Harness and saddle industries........... 1, 885 1, 727 158 Helpers in building and hand trades..... 63, 519 63, 412 107 Iron and steel industries.......2.2...--.- 729,613 |) 717,022 | (12, 591 Agricultural implement factories..-.... iL, 409 11, 292 117 Atomobile factories. ..2 82bhe. et 83, 341 80, 874 2, 467 | Blast furnaces and steel rolling mills 2.. 258, 830 || 256, 548. 2,282 Car and railroad shops......:2........- 53, 643 53, 280 . .363 Ship and boat building-............-.. 69, 196 68, 917 2c Wagon and carriage factories-.........- 9, 817 9,594 |. 223. | Other iron and steel factories 3......... 179, 607 ||! 173,734 5, 873 Not specified metal industries. ........ 63, 770 62,783 987 Other metal industries. ...............-.. 67, 887 62,771; 5,116 Brassimillsss . 5. er Tia oe We te 18, 435 17,614 BTL Clock and watch factories.............- 3, 108 1,929}. ..1,.179 Copper factories! S252. . Stew seek | 10, 963 10, 908 - 20D Gold and silver factories. ....c20.1..... | “ga72 |] oer |. . 21 Joweoley TacbOrieg? so: . . . sien cae sone hs bi ie oa 1, 255 | 166 Lead and zine factories... ....0/..-..--- 8, 927 8, 859 68 Tinware, enamelware, etc.,factories...; 17,605 15, 436 2,169 Other metal factories... ...4..e.ccseees .~ 9,106 4 709 397 Lumber and furniture industries.......- 320,613 || 309,874 |. 10,739 Furniture factories... 2. .0-dscteeess | 35,272 32, 600 2,672 Pianoand organ factories. ...s........- 5,321 4,596 725} Saw and planing mills 4....2.20.......- 245, 683 || 241, 334 4,349 Other woodworking factories:......... 34) 337 31,344 2,993 Paper and pulp mills:..s......001......- \ 52,268 || 49,786 |. 2,477 Printing and publishing .......2........- 11, 436 8, 886 2,550 Blank book, envelope, tag, paper bag, ete. , factories ES Oe eee a 3, 455 2, 646 |. 809 Printing, publishing, and engraving... 7,981 6, 240 1,741 IO SUCUIIOH. sac c'n sy one Gdn te rete embeed 19,210 14,194 5, 016 Tanneries........ ARE A 5 flan Beebe ot Sy 27, 480 26, 703 777 1 Not ghestalae specified. 3 Includes iron foundries. enjeet otls to Rowe 2 Includes tinplate mills. 4 Includes box factories (wood)..0 9 = * NUMBER AND SEX OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. 487 CUBA’ TAL PERSGNS 10 YEARS OF AGH AND OVER ENGAGED IN EACH SPECIFIED bi occ UPAT ON, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Con. [te figures for 1910 for certain of the division totals and also for certain individual occupations have) been corrected to conform to the classification for 1920.} ores 1920 1910 OCCUPATION. t. ‘Total. Male. Female. || ‘Total. Male. | Female, _—-- e Manufacturing and mechanical industries—Continued. Labor (D. 0. s. ')—Continued.. / Textile i dustries— ~ Car + east IY eae eget te 3,953 3,378 575 3, 769 3, 437 332 yb! OUlOne ws |. does 20. 4-. 62 wy Seats es Spe 76, 315 59,646) 16, 669 37, 804 32, 037 5, 767 Kenting mil eng ee | Fe SET 11, 943 6, 603 5,340 7,8 2 3,540 Lace ane embroidery itis) Reievscs dpe 944 677 267 705 468 7 alana fads pega RARE | IS 10, 080 7, 350 2, 730 3, 798 2, 686 1,112 aortile dyeing, finishing, and printing I Diath liy hat aga i a 10, 605 9, 885 720 9, 958 9, 362 596 eS Wooldt and worsted milis..... Visec an +. 22, 227)|, 18, 238)” 3, 989 12, 290) 10,245]. 2,045 > Other textile mills... 17, 243|| 14,564, 2,679)/ «11, 018 8,603} . 2,410 “ Benth ual Tale ngs. v....--02 me 1 a La Sh 1, — oe 167 ; kg As. eae | ee 9 259 tye: Rope.and cordage factories........0 . 4, 268 3, 805 463 3, 797 3, 131 666 ~~ Sail, awning and tent factories......| ; 283) 46 26 234 30 ©, Not specified textile mills.-...-...7.. ~ 10,980) 9, 0481 1, 982. 4,757 3,469} 1,288 Other Patastrieg ec. ol PP VCE |. | . 426, 398] 37, 493|| 246, 677|| 229,517) 17, 160 te room and brush. factories 1 | Sree Rig 7 2, 407 ” 393 1, 565 1, 340 225 is utton factories-y. 2... 2. gas tsp tt c3Z 1,093 314 1,105 790 315 ‘Charcoal and coke works.....))....... me ’ , Total. Male. Total. Male. | Female. Manufacturing and mechanical industries—Continued. _Semiskilled apera iiss (n. 0. S.1)—Contd. _ Other metal industries—Continued. ® Jewelry factories......... 142.22... 220%: + 15,083 8, 946 10, 834 6, 334 4, 500 Lead and zine factories. .......... duane 2, 464 2, 186 1,915 1, 652 263 Tinware, enamelware, etc., factories... 19, 356 12, 167 10, 611 6, 674 3, 937 Other metalfactories.................. 9, 437 6, 660 1 4, 638 1, 505 Lumber and furniture industries......... 163, 719)} 150, 079 168,271}} 154,324 13, 947 ie » furniture factories..45 -3 - 1.42 nie. ies). ey 85, 717 48, 906 44, 640 40, 936 3, 704 Piano and organ factories.............. 19, 852 16, 949 18, 953 17, 400 1, 553 Saw and planing mills 2................ 57, 320 54, 016 66, 060 63, 684 2, 376 Other wood working factories. ......... 35, 830 30, 208 38, 618 32, 304 6, 314 _” Paper and pulp millls................02:.] 54,669] 41,321 36, 3831] 25,803) 10, 580 ‘ _ Printing and publishing. ................ 80, 403 39, 281 68, 790 32, 851} 35,939 ! Blank book, envelope, tag, paper bag, ) etc., factories.................-. or Pee 13, 694 5, 117 10, 032 3,422) 6,610 | Printing, publishing, and engraving. .. 66, 709 34, 164 58, 758 29,429} 29, 329 mepnoefactories....i23 a... -\cac.-.--- see-| (206, 225)) 132, 813 181,010|| 121,744) 59,266 UE TIORIOS s45. 55 «(bi bin hes seSie acs --oacd~ 32, 226 28, 598}. 33, 652 31, 746 1, 906 _ Textile industries: eS eT a 23, 387 13, 903 37, 347 17,655} 19, 692 oo we BE SRE: « pe aes 302, 454|| 153, 269 280, 149)) 139,483] 140, 666 Knitting mills.......... PES: = os. UR 107, 604 26, 922 87, 866 22, 528) 65, 338 | Laceand embroidery mills. ........5.. 19, 083 6, 086 16, 027 4' 336} 11, 691 Be baal) 2. shea agri. nog. . <2. shonae 1115p 92H pi) 42; 953 79, 379|| 29,019} 50, 360 Textile dyeing, finishing, and printing me Wills.: ..,.<; 1 OE Care seh 17, 736 12, 154 16, 371 11, 168 5, 203 _ Woolen and worsted mills..:........... 126, 418 64, 703 105, 186 53,130} © 52,056 Other,textile mills..:.... 220.2... 22. 79, 994 34, 944 67, 228 26, 287; 40,941 Hemp and jute mills................. 4,168 1, 951 4,621 2, 007 2,614 domenmilis.3. +... MAb echiakimad sini 2, 574 860 1,984 703 1, 281 aype and cordage factories........... 8, 454 4, 714 6, 517 3, 022 3, 495 Sail, awning,and tent factories. ..... 3, 543 2,538 3, 365 2,324 1,041 Not specified textile mills............ 61, 255/24, 881 50, 741 18,231} 82,510 ‘Other industries.......... 8 ATR es 622, 662}| 410, 256 346,430}! 222,111] 124, 319 __ Broom and brush factories............. 12, 606}|" 10, 219 11, 163 9, 037 2, 126 _ Building and hand trades.......... 2... 7, 003|| + 6,983 11, 733 10, 212 1, 521 See eUviaNR IACLOTIOS Ss -49....!.. 2... eo. 12,977|| > 7, 768 11, 461 6, 682 4,779 _ Chareoal and coke works............... 1, 722 1, 692 1, 634 1,618} ~~ 16 Electric light and power plants... ..... 15, 949 15, 610 8, 880 8, 704 176 _ Electricalsupply factories. ............ 64, 841 37, 452 24,677 13,636] 11,041 BeereteeeS. >, Looe 3a... oe... iui 9, 462 9, 294 5, 732 5, 689 43 Leather belt,leathercase, etc., factories 17, 189 12, 809 11, 553 8, 473 3, 080 Liquor and beverage industries........ 15, 655 14, 960 31, 503 29, 664 1, 839 Paper boxfactories: 2. ...:20.7....0 A 20, 452 7, O77 17, 917 4, 862) 13,055 _ Petroleum refineries: .2.222..2... 2202. 8, 891 8, 229 1,739 1, 669 0 Rubberfactories:..2.....:225..--. 0.4. 86, 204) 67,370) 31, 593 21,170} © 10, 423 Sena MeLoriem.. lk 14, 102 7, 751 5, 915 1, 945 3, 970 Mee TUMMIACLOTIOn 20... .0.. oe. te 5, 456 4, 644 4,944 4, 381 563 _ Turpentine distilleries... .......... 002. 1, 138 1, 130. 1, 449 1, 441 8 _ Other miscellaneous industries......._. 121, 968 75, 772 71, 050 41,244, 29,806 _ Othernot specified industries... 2.2.0. 207, 047|| 121, 496 93, 487 51, 684| © 41, 803 | Shoemakers and cobblers (not in factory)...]» 78,859 78, 599 69, 570 68,788 782 Skilled occupations (n. 0. s.1)..2.......20.. 19, 395 19, 326 16, 808 16, 560} > * 248 ' Annealers and temperers (metal)........ 2,913 2,910 1,901 1, 894 Piano and organ tuners.....02........... 7,047 7,007 6, 633 6, 528 105 fF ENS See eeees 3, 025} 3,008 5, 368 5, 308 60 Other skilled occupations................ 6, 410 6,401 2,906 2,830 76 ess i | 03S Saas peers 22,099 22, 096 35, 731 35, 726 5 tuctural iron workers (building)......... 18, 836 18,836) 2222 11, 427 TF) aces te lors and tailoresses..................... 192, 232!1 160, 4041 204, 608}} 163,795) 40, 813 ty 1 Not otherwise specified, 4 Includes box factories (wood). “ Bg - 490 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—OCCUPATIONS, os TABLE 4.—TOTAL PERSONS 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN EACH SPECIFIED OCCUPATION, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Con. _ [The figures for 1910 for certain of the division totals and also for certain individual oceupations have been corrected to conform to the classification for 1920.) 1920 OCCUPATION. Total. Male. Manufacturing and mechanical industries—Continued. Tinsmiths and coppersmiths.............-- 74, 968 74, 957 Coppersmiths. . ji... ..---- db sceesecesiness 5, 233 §, 232 Tinsmiths and sheet metal workers....-- 69, 735 69,725 Upholsterers. .... 25000 -....- ay yo 29, 605 27,338 Transportation: |... .......i262-.--0--- 3, 063, 582/| 2, 850, 528 Water transportation (selected occupa- tions): Boatmen, canal men, and lock keepers. - . 6,319 6, 286 Captains, masters, mates, and pilots. .... 26, 320 26,318 Longshoremen and stevedores......-..-. 85, 928 85, 605 Sailors and deck hands.................- 54, 832 54,800 Road and street transportation (selected occupations): Carriage and hack drivers........--.----- 9,057 8, 966 Ghaufbeurss.... isl. ie ooh... eo 285,045} 284, 096 Draymen, teamsters, and expressmen?..{ 411, 1382 410,484 Foremen oflivery and transfer companies. 3, 868 3, 866 Garage keepers and managers.........-.. 42,151 41,944 Hostlers and stable hands...-....-...--- 18,976 18,973 Laborers (garage, road, and street).....-. 158, 482]} 158,204 Garabe.s.. .. yk See ee 31, 450 31, 339 Road and street building and repairing.| 115,836 115, 673 Street Cleanings . ici. cae sw - <2 epee 11,196)| 11,192 Livery stable keepers and managers... .. 11, 240 11,168 Proprietors and managers of transfer pommpanies.... 205. 09..-SOeob 2b... 2eee 23, 497 23, 231 Railroad aha rire (selected. occupa- tions): Baggagemen and freight agents.......... 16,819 16, 789 Baggasenion 225700. eee oo... tise 11,878 11, 875}. Freight agents:......2.--$-..-.-.--5--- 4,941)|- 4,914 Boiler washers and engine hostlers....... 25,305 25, 271 DTS KORO oo ee ee RO os stave wiaroe 114,107||. 114,107 Conductors (steam railroad) .....-....--. 74, 539 74, 539 Conductors (street railroad) -22.....-.-.2. 63, 760 63, 507 Foremen and overseers... 202 0..0-.- 5... 79, 294 79, 216 Steammtailroad ces .2...sjeaeelae ><> - dhe 73,046 72, 980 Street railroad. .:-.2......082- ens coe 6, 248 6, 236 JADOTONS: o.oo abba = pe eeaedes=padt 495, 713}| 488, 659 Steansrallroadgcs 52... SSeS 470,199]} 463,613 ¢Street:railroad 1265.2... .utesetse eo fbisi 25,514 25, 046 Locomotive engineers?. ..-Llis..-.--.--- 109, 899}} 109, 899).... Locomotive firemen?) ......g.0.-.-02dhe'- 91,345 91,345 Motormen ic... -U Sod .00. i ces eeatens = ueub 66, 519 66, 499 Steart Tauroady: 200. Si gecacn ne nlebs «+ 3, 560 3, 560 Streatraitroad ose.0e.. -. SSeS 62, 959 62,939 Officials and superintendents... .......--. 35, 881 35, 830 Steamiratiroadiigcrk. 20... ee 32,426 32, 385 Strestradiroad Hurst 2 eb. ee 3, 455 3,445 2 Probably at each census some stationary engineers are included with locomotive engineers, and ew other firemen with locomotive firemen. } bi oGet banal 4 ie, x } | a -NUMBER AND.SEX OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. , AQ) ABLE 4.—TOTAL PERSONS 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN EACH SPECIFIED ‘ OCCUPATION, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Con. e figures for 1910 for certain of the division totals and also for certain individual occupations have been corrected to conform to the classification for 1920.] 1920 1919 —_—- OCCUPATION. Total. Male. | remale. Total. Male. | Female. " : Transportation—Continued. pad’ a transportation: (selected occ.)—~ | » ‘Contin Switchmen, flagmen, and yardmen...... 111, 565|| 111,000 565|| 85, 147|| ~~ 85; 095 52 y Switchmen and flagmen (steam rail- . ar avee. 2. oscart >... bees... 2 101,917]; 101,359 558 73, 419 73, 367 52 . switehmen and flagmen (street rail- | Remruronay 0c... eee .cuc. 0S... Lua 2, 500 2,496 4 2,153 2 Abs e210 ® Yardmen (steam ra. aoa Reps ton ae 7,148 7, 145 3 9,575 DOT oo oat 4 » Bicketand Statiom agents... A... 26,585|| 24,324, 2,261]; 24,138]/ 22,930} 1, 208 me post, telegraph, ard telephone , *tsel ted oectpations): “Agents (express companies). .........--- 5, 293 5,198 100}). = 5, 875 5, 804 71 bi Express espe Ov? and railway mail Mee rolants...-~1UoV.... Joe... eeak 25,005|| 24,996 9]} 22, 021|} 22, 018 3 © Bxpress mossengers..........-...--0--- 9, 138 9, 129 9} - 6,781 6,778 3 eB way. mail clerks ok. 2 eet yee 15, 867 15; 867/EM oP 15, 240 15, 240) he Dies o ee ee ee . 91,451 1,320 80, 678 79,667} 1,011 a eee al inl cel hi Melograph operators.......-.....-----.-+.| 79,434 f 16,860]|, 69,953]. 61,734) 8,219 MslepHang operatots........- Taipei ° 4a 190, 160 178, 379||.. 97,893 9,631} 88, 262 her transportation pursuits: ‘Foremen and overseers (0. 0.8.1)........ 25, 995). 37 14, 738 14, 333 405 _ _ Road and street building and repairing. 1 7, 064 by OO ae B retin and telephone..........--.- 25 3, 843 3, 439 404 ) Water transportacion....../0.....-.05./5 3,488) * 3) 488)........- 3,016 SOLON; UR oa, aac ahaa Brak Uae > > =< ~ 0 PO il 815 814 1 ummm yor pr sc Ss i 5D, 233 385|| 33, 287|] 82,962 275 tee. psi ecue se ay SE ay! pense ee Sass 42,721 46 ae fae four Yhe ae 136 reet DAG HED Ce dn. a pleblen tle oon belt 6 , 2 As Tele aph and telephone.............-. 330 2, 619 2) 485 134 m.10 r transportation..........2...222- 3 689||- 687 2 Shosanncn, 0. SAY onda ee.n ee ewe nee geal 33, 432 203 26, 555 3 by ress Companies. ...--+.+-------+-++ a 3, 3 Pes cope |, 2S Sapa sa) 3 et raph and telephone SPOS a vin» SYNE 77 5,312 i “Wate 1 LIAnSportation.... L630... 2... p20. 3 14, 267 _ Othe cA nantes = Sigs cc) Oy A rs 94 1,361 omits, and managers Buertmees?)...psdc.c.... 08-20... in 18 573|| 14,839 : “Tela ph cia telephone. .£05.2.... 240. 11, 603 1 544)| 10, 089 ‘ eee raat. a Radda hg his o>» paee 29 4,750 4 tions (somiskilled) . oo ae 48,124 1,490]|' 38,742 j eerie building end. repairing. 104 5, 076 bE AOR: Sap 8 25) SRA, 9 9 28, 621 705 24, oa : ee TT “9, 250 5 oe Telog anh and: iélephone.. Sab ases << eka i 1, 213 ay OO ne ‘transportation ..../2.2....... uy. 1,945 ransportation.....222.....-..0. 897 SECS eee .~.| 4,242, 978||: 3, 575, 187 667, 792|| 3,614, 670 ale Begicors, and poney iuaeders = = 161,613|), 156, 309 5,304) 105,804 sy Drakers a bamkeofficials ./f0...... 252. 82,375 s 4,226 56, 059 ercial brokers and commissionmen. 27, 552 194 24, 009 kers and Joan company officials. j 130 2,111 I MOTs... 12 ee ee t 22 1, 232 Somes £0 eg: 2s Sst 29, 609 i 376 13, 729 ors 0 a adinaal and promoters. 2.2. 16, 604; 16, 248; 356 8, 664 : ot of otherwise specified. se, 1910 to 1920, probably due mainly to increase in garage and pipe-line foremen, 492 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-—-OCCUPATIONS, TABLE 4.—TOTAL PERSONS 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN EACH SPECIFIED OCCUPATION, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Con. [The figures for 1910 for certain of the division totals and also for certain individual occupations have been correeted to conform to the classification for 1920.] F 1920 OCCUPATION. Total. Male. | Female. Trade—Continued. Clerks In stored # oN ck sca ae denlenwe same 413,918 Commercial travelers. - ..-. to Salas ge 179,320 Decorators, drapers, and window dressers. . 8,853 243, 5211 170;397 176,514} 2,806 7,698] 1,155 170, 039 196 20, 858 30 149,181}. 166 Deltverymon?. joi. s2... Rt s . RE 170, 285 Bakeries and laundries 2...:........-..-- 20, 888 Stores anes... ee tes SS a. SE 149, 347 Floorwalkers, foremen, and overseers...... 26, 437 22,367 4,070 Floorwalkers and foremen in stores. ...- 20, 6 16,565 4,039 Foremen (warehouses, stockyards, etc.).. 5, 833 5, 802 31 Inspectors, gaugers, and samplers.......... 13,714 12,688 1,031 Insurance agents and officials...........-.- 134,978|| 129,589} 5,389 JNSHTAN Ce BPENtS Teens 7 toabeacc. nee => 119,918 114, 834 5, 083 Officials of insurance compamies.....-.... 15, 06 14,754 306 Laborers in coal and lumber yards, ware- OUseSy CFCs adie SGT Te ow eben bens 125,609|) 124,713 896 Coal yandsus.. .- 258.08... - PORE, J. ~~ eet 25, 192 25,157 35 Hlevators. ohiis.cbeea shou Veer ees. AA 11,312 11,244 68 Lumberyards :-.. cod yess see a os 43,351 43, 297 54 Stock yards. 2... R55) Cie WBS. Oh oo He 22, 888 22, 859 29 Vrarchouses.. 3 - bene Pesce as. Sa. Le 22, 866 22, 156 710 Laborers, porters, and helpersin stores....| 125,007||} 116,602 8,40 DNOWSDOVER. bi. - PRES (oho one ake nee ee = Bee 27,961 27, 635 326 Proprietors, officials, and managers (n.0.8.)%. 34,776 33, 715 1,061 Employment office keepers............01 3, 026 2,357. 669 Proprietors, etc., elevators. j4....s.... 2. 8, 858 8, 836 22 Proprietors, etc., warehouses............. 6,353 6,310 43 Other proprietors, officials, and managers. 16, 539 16, 212 327 Real estate agents and officialss............ 149,135|| 139,927} 9,208 Retail daalers:. 2.7. S20 Lee... 1, 828, 275}} 1, 249,295) . 78,980 67, 103 Agricultural implements and wagons.... 7, 789 7, 760 29 Hi Art stores. and artists’ materials.......... 2, 646 1, 989 657 174 Automobiles and accessories. ¢........+-. 28, 768 28, 626 142) ' 82 Piey closings... | steaa eer sr mee: .. SS 2,221 2, 200 21 F HOGS ASE. 4S 2s WEBS ies oe os gc eee 3,035 2, 600 435 ae Boots and shoes .)- 0.52552 -goee. eee ee see 22, 544 21, 781 763 876 Butchers and meat dealers .Jp........6205 122,105]} 120,940 1,165 Buyers and shippers of grain............. 7,305 7,288 17 Buyers and shippers oflivestock........ 30, 464 30, 433) 31 Buyers and shippersof other farm preduce. 10, 540 10, 507 33 Candy and confectionery ...i...----..--- 40, 091 82, 368 7,723 Cigars atiditobaceis? bk... Wag sc fo 19,141 18,031)... 1,110 Car pore and Tugs ce so... Beek crete ecu. 1,132 1,116 16 Clothing and men’s furnishings.:........ 46, 653 43, 440 3, 213 Coakand wood s:2353.2.)...-phbdice.) ais. 26, 556 26,057} 191499 Cofféejand tea. . yicpcd..- geOis.. 5, 044 4,766 278 Crockery, glassware, and queensware.... 1,618}) © 1,505 1138 Curios, antiques, and novelties.......:... 3, 353 2,593 760. Delicatessen stores.¢.).....280s......d.i- 4,333 3, 565 768 Department storesie. 2... UR see ee 11, 752 10, 800 952 Drugs.and medicines, including druggists anid (pharmacists... chi Ba eke k en * 80,157 76, 995 3, 162 Dry goods, fancy goods, and notions....- 63, 909 56,158). ...7,751 Five. and ten cent and variety stores..... 5, 968 4,899 1, 069 Hloristsi( dealers) 502. 40g... 280e 8. Ee 5, 746 4,784 . 962)| Hlour afd ieed ...0..32.. BRP be a 9,309 9; 212 97 Pisit Gh Ee os. A BS. MEE ws o> xe 23, 385 22, 185 1, 200 Furniyee. 7. < cb ib uae tact el . as eee 26, 013 25, 337 676 Wars: ete Seg. he, ee ae 4, 789 4, 434 355 ‘ Gas fixtures and electrical supplies..... =. 4,420 4,335 85 i Genermislores..(Sivd.7. 2c. u See. 2. wee 80, 026 76,317 3, 709 859: 1 Many of the “Clerks in stores” probably are ‘‘Salesmen and saleswomen.” 1 2 Decreas4, 1910 to 1920, spaapatty due mainly to substitution of motor for horse-drawn delivery wag 8’ Not otherwise specified. : wth a 4 Includes, also, managers and superintendents of retail stores, 5 Growers of flowers are shown under ‘‘AgricuJture,” p. 483. NUMBER AND SEX OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. 498 ‘ABLE 4.—TOTAL PERSONS 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN EACH SPECIFIED OCCUPATION, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Con. [The figures for 1910 for certain of the division totals and al8o for certain individual occupations have been : corrected to conform to the classification for 1920.] 1920 | 1910 : OCCUPATION. re ee Se ge fant plies TICE ; Total. Male. |Female.|| Total. || Male. | Female. | ? ~ Yrade—Continued. tail dealers!—Continued. Muerbooriaeh. gto ee St LL 239, 236]. 216,059} 23,177|| 195,432|| 176,993! 18, 439 Berincs: stoves wey BIVUICEY tay ben. 2 41, 144 40, 453 691 39, 663 38, 980 683 Harness and saddlery...........--------- 2, 706 2,685 21 7, 541 7,484 57 , Hucksters and pate aS ee 50,402||. 48,493). «1, 909]] 80, 415 76,630} 8,785 CR en 5 ee eee eae 8, 203 8, 166 37 7, 361 7,220 141 | ee) ee oe Lil ol ei SS a1 433|| 20, 652 781 29,962]| 29, 403 559 Sa TRG. ah goes es 8. SE 22) 749 22, 596 153 15, 219 15, 079 140 wee Leather and hides’. .:......5-2.2-...-+- 4, 350 4, 307 43 2,475), 2,436 39 Lumber RT RR are 27) 682|| © 27,589 98||..- 27,250|] 26,997 253 } il gle oy Lopate aRb 1 peel glia ah aaa eos 13; 104 12, 509 595 14, 694 13, 851 843 Music and musical instruments thee -- tae is ” 909 7, 360 549 5, 222 4,963 259 MeOWSGGHIOTS. 1... 0010.0 00 222 Tt 8, 474 7, 808 666 7,075 6, 5384 541 Ly (Oil paint, and wall paper pit OW.< » oles 6, 577 6, 298 279 6, 818 6, 596 222 Opticians’ Mee. tue te ee 12’ 632||, 11; 743 889 6, 284 5, 954 330 aes and provisions.>...0.-2---.....- 34, 473 32, 873 1, 600 29, 639 28, 358 1,281 bi Rass. Peapte ebb oe... Lt odek ee 2,024)).° 1,985 39 1,975 1, 805 170 Memimationery ©... ::cee: i... L000 202. ak 5, 951 5, 260 691 5, 823 5,136 687 4 Other specified retail dealers............. 52, 681 49° 955} 2,726|| © 38,612 36,866] 1; 746 _ Not specified retail dealers....-.....-.... 65, 728||. 59, 483]... 6,245) - 45,621]| 41,493} 4, 128 esmen and saleswomen.......-.....---- 1,177, 494}| .. 816,352}. 361,142)). 921,130 pipe 257,720 _ Auctioneers. - At cook a oe ea 5, 048 5, 045 3 3,990 3,985 5 mvemonstrators.../-.. Vj... 000.5222 4, 823)| ~ 1 639 3,184 4,380 1, 250 3,130 MDAOSAONUGE. bs sath. 2--bosdaseoce ete 41. 841 40, 207 1 634 39, 522 31; 424 4,098 - Salesmen and ‘Saleswomen (stores)... 32% 1, 125, 782 769, 461 356, 321 877, 238 626, 751 250, 487 \Weedertaters wats = = see oaalet, -- 2.195.980. 3% 24, 469 23,342}. 1,127 20, 734 19,921 813 | mma dealers, importers ,andexporters. 73, 574 72; 780 794 51, 048 50, 123 925 nner pursuits (semiskilled)........-.....- 67,611 52,106) 15,505 41,640 34, 068 7,572 Fruit graders and pavkers. .......-....-. 8, 074 4,988 3, 086 4,715 2, 677 2, 038 UME ely be) ocala: 291 ae 2 i 22) 884 22° 804 80 15,405 15, 378 27 Packers, wholesale and retail trade. ..... 19° 701 13) 603 6,098 13, 401 10, 392 3,009 Other ot sack oe ee, er 5 16, 952 10,711] - 6,241 8,119 5,621; 2,498 | § Public service (not elsewhere classi- eS ES Oe BROS. Fa Sete tos 770,460|| 748,666} 21,794|| 459,291)/ 445,733/ 18, 558 a (fire department) .....222222.-.2.. 50, 771 BO, TTL) creer 35, 606 DO UO abd aie rds, watchmen, and doorkeepers....... 115, 553 115, 154 399 78,271 78, 168 103 waborers (public service): .....-22......-+- 106, 915|}.° 105,385]. 1,530] 67, 234|| «66, 505 729 Garbage men and Scavengers. ---.+-.---- 5,481 5, 475 6 4,227 A 227i atin = =a 9 Boiler stoners (2222S Ss 20... 101, 434}/. 997910} «1, 524 63,007|| 62,278 729 4 hals, sheriffs, detectives, ete.........-- 32, 214 30,968} 1, 246 23, 599 23, 219 380 SS Fe aa ON a 12 11, 562 393 6,349 6, 162 187 Marshals and constables. .........-....-. 6, 897 6, 880 17 9,073 9,071 2 |) Probation and truant officers. ........-.-. 9 679 1,899 780 1,043 855 188 b MCs atlas) tanta eh... 2 es 10} 683 10; 627 56 7,134 7,131 3 | Officials and inspectors (city and county)... 55, 597 50, 748 4,849 52, 254 49, 668 2, 586 | Officials and inspectors (city).-.-.--.--.- 33, 505 31,918 1, 587 33, 210 32,19 1,011 _ Officials and Smaak (Cecounbsty.2: 222.50 22,092 18, 830 3, 262 19, 044 17, 469 1, 575 \ e : States) Bes MG EN os eth. 4 80, 334|| 67,944] 12;390l| 52, 926|| 43,389) «9, 537 eo ae Piopasaets (state) Cees, 9,126 8, 596 530 7, 202 6, 662 540 (Mumostmasters..... Jib ...... 0/002... 31,935| | 20,727| 11,208||, - 27,849] 19,127) 8,722 . ‘other T United States officials....+2:.-..-. 39, 273 38, 621 652 17,875 17, 600 275 ft EGDTES Ree. Oe OD 82, 120 81, 884 236 61, 980 le Rie Soldiers, sailors, and marines 2.02.00. .2... 295, DUB} Z2Be DOS bons 4 am gmp 77, 158 yy Pa: Cg Wiipher pursuits........;..220 ee ie 91, 453||° 20,309! 1, 144/] 10, 268|} ~—«10, 045 223 @eeste-SAVOTS-.2..-5..-......--..- IPa Se eco ae 2, 287 2, 285 2 2,158 7 gl Wak | Rs Aer baiae Lighthouse keepers. ...-..--...-..--...-. 1, 463 1, 442 21 1, 593 1, 552 41 , ot BeDCCUDH MOS fener Tse 5. oso l hl Sk 17, ’ 703| 16, 582 1,121 6, 517 6,335) - 182 ! Includes, also, managers and superintendents of retail stores. 2 Includes only those resident in continental United States at the date of the enumeration. es : i 494 ABSTRACT. OF -THE CENSUS—-OCCUPARTIONS. 4 ; TABLE 4.—TOTAL PERSONS 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN EACH SPECIFIED OCCUPATION, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Con. [The figures for 1910 for certain of the division totals and also for certain individual ocsnnesdons have been corrected to conform to the classification for 1920.] 1920 1910 OCCUPATION. rien el ns -i E EPNR =| AB Ia? Total. Male. | Female.|} Total. Professional service..........-.-.- ---| 2,143, 889) 1,127, 391)1, 016, 498|| 1,693,361 Actors and showmen.........).....-....-- 48,172 33,818) 14,354 PPA OVGLS Litas te oa ewes aug“ er ir ing ‘28, 361 15,124, 13,237 PHOWMOR: Je... etek 4---tEM. .. - -s 19, 811 18,694 1,117 APChItOCtas.: uy ...-B1bs 8... -UBGe et -.<-kae 18,185 18,048 137 Artists, sculptors, and teachers of art... ... 35, 402 20,785) 14, bd, Authors, editors, and reporters. ........... 40, 865 32,129 8 » 736) Authotast'o. diate cc. dea. socio 6, 668 3, 662 3, 006 Editors and reporters...............--22% 34, 197 28, 467 5, 730 Chemists, assayers, and metallurgists ~~ -RRe 32, 941 SY, 227|_... 1,798 Clergymen a De cet Ua Gee 5. a 127,270}; 125,483 1,787 College presidents and professors 2. ......2. 33, 407 23,332) ..10,075 APENLISTS 1020 7. os nub ee etn eine HORA == »- ths 56, 152 54, 323 1,829 Designers, draftsmen, and inventors. .....- 70, 651 62, 987 7, 664 SOSICTIONS 3. . 5 Stigue &o ot see <'- = . REE 15,410 9, 758 5, 652 PRaftsien 8... eta BE. 5 WUE T en n-ne 52, 865 50, 880 1,985 Thwent Ges. 7s- 2. Ur eG Rb... a tmbels Sas. - Boe 2,376 2,349 27) Lawyers, juc dges, and: justiees. (vas. 27s. . a4 122, 519 120, 781 1,738 Musicians and teachers of music........... 130, 265 57,587}. 72, 678) Mateopathas. y. : 2. Mie 322 [Usage get ae 5, 030 = 367 1,663 Bhotographets:.... does Mel stibee gsc bee 34,959|| 27)1401 7? 1191 Physicians and surgeons..:.... 14, 977 137, 758 7,219) Meacnerss hoo Oto. eet he. ees ge da 761, 766}| 122,525) 639,241 Teachers (athletics, dancing, etc.)........ 9, 711}| , 5, 677 , 034 TOBGNETS (SCHOOL) JE. oe eee co. eS 752, 055 116, 848) 635, 207 Pechnicalengineers:. 2... 2. ues ee. as 136, 121 136, 080) 41 Civil engineers and surveyors............ 64, 660 64, 642 18 Electrical engineers... .....-.- 40s). s.--- 2153 27,077 27, 065 12 Mechanical engineers ®.......225.5..-.2.. 37, 689}| 37, 678 11 Mining eneiMoeers th... wun aetew cls «a --04e% 6, 695 6, G05). 5 aces Tra thed Tasos. ide. coats 2 =. oe 149, 128 5,464) 143, 664 Veterinaty surgeons . yoo... pe. 2 2d 13, 494 13; 493 1 Other professional pursuits..........-.2.:. 35,018 15,745} . 19,273 POTONDH Ge. 4°. Sil se canes 3S... Sk 1 312 1 304 8 Cicaies 16 Saale. Sib Ae . Se eaiagees gah 15, 297 fi 795} 13,502 Other opoupations )c.34,. 2) apy pb - s 22 is, 409)! 12) 646 5, 763 Semiprofessional pursuits.......s2.-.-..... 116, 555 70,626] 45,929 Abstracters, notaries, and justices of POACC tye arn nt SAU USS od oc TRS 42 - SOE seed ee 928 230 698 Healers (except osteopaths and physi- ez cians and surgeons), 2s 2... Ju ek 14,774 6, 872 7,902 Keepers of charitable and penal institu- ONS se Gi. ier en’. - ae tg 12, 884 7,953 4,931 Keepers of pleasure resorts, race tracks, CLE, JERE ob oes ahh -L. 54 tee. « «iis 3, 360 3,163 197 Officials of lodges, societies, ete.......... 11, 736 9 574 2,162 Religious, charity ,and welfare workers. . 41,078 14, 151}, 26, 927 Theatrical owners,managers,and officials. 18;395|| «17,138 1,257 Turfmen and sportsmen vas MCR ce aoe ae 1,826 1, 825 1 Other ocenpationsts. ow... seed is 1, 503 1,182 371 1 Aeronauts were included with ‘‘Showmen” in 1910. 2 Probably includes some teachers in schools below collegiate vir 5744 eg 3 Osteopaths were included with “ Physicians and surgeons”? ; in, 1910, eh 4 Figures for 1910 estimated. ae 5 Includes, also, all technica] engineers not elsewhere classified. — OCCUPATION. Total. a Professional service—Continued. eepedania: and helpers (professional serv- oe BOLO ) nn Sia boda a wn ewes ween ai bist ie eee see J ae ppentists’ assistants and apprentices. .... 6, 708 nah Wai rarians’ assistants and attendants... 2,279 Physicians’ and surgeons’ attendants. - 7,051 _ Stage hands and circus helpers...-......- 5, 803 _ ‘Wheater ushers... .0).....-.-.04--+----5- 5,221 Other awendant and helpers... ..-..-.- 4,650 rf ‘Domestic and personal Service). ..-.\+2 3,404, 892 =&B arbers, hairdressers, and manicurists. .... 216, 211 "Billiard room, dance hall, skating rink, etc., eepers. . 0... 2s eee eee ee ee eee eee ef 24, 897 oh “Billiard and ‘pool room keepers.......... 22, 140 -_-Danee hali, skating rink, etc., keepers. - 2,757 q 2B Datting and] Redsin’ house keepers....... 133, 392 Be “snag eee. 2 TALE, utile whine» -'O 15,175 Chi women and cleaners. .......-....-.--- 36, 803 WBlevator tenders......-2-<..22- 2222-2 40,713 Hotel keepers and managers......-.----.2+ 55, 583 aa ee eats PUPLSLOWSTCS... .» percep 221) 612 SeraboOrs alld SOXvONS...).. .-.---..-.-.---0-- 178, 628 aborers (domestic and professional serv- ee ee 32, 893 suniderers and laundresses (not in laun- Ne ee ee ah ce npn ona’ 396, 756 | Le sundry operatives?.................--.-- 120, 715 , oP aenen and overseers.......-.--.-..--- 3,611 ES ER a aa ee 13, 107 i a a 103, 997 undry owners, officials, and managers ?. 13, 692 ere and officials..........-....--.- 4,665 lpm and proprictars Ne ee i 9, 027 Mi idwives and nurses (not trained)........ 156, hg NEE Saas oo ee ee 4,1ii 0 Vt ae ns 151, 996 (except in stores) he Se RE oe 88, 168 Porters, domesticand professionalservice. 43, 208 Porters, steam railroad.........-.-....-- 22,513 - Other porters (except in stores).......... 22,447 Res staurant, café, and lunch room keepers. .| 3 87,987 EE eee hacen ss ciekeseicneme.si- te 1, 270, 946 “Bell vale chore boys, etc..........---.--. 17, 231 4 Cet 10, 690 STS 29,302 pmmenand footmen.....-....-..2...% 2,427 Nac an od 398, 475 adies’ maids, valets,etc........--....-. 5,791 EE BE 11, 890 SAS ae es 795, 140 a SES aa oes 228, 985 Ot iar deammaits ame eis: Be Nt ce pahcoinas eae Bie a 84, 967 MIROMIBOTSs Us... wn nen n nnn dee- 26, 085 _ Bathhouse keepers and attendants.....-.. 2,858 Se ee le 5, 540 ___ Cleaners and renovators (clothing, etc.).. 21, 667 | ~ Hunters, trappers, and guides..........- 032 7 oon keepers Eee Bee | 17, 835 _ Umbrella menders and scissors grinders. . 917 0 MMEIMMOTIDELIONS .... 2. 129, 857| 268, 618 1,268] 4,523 11} 11/879 97,839] 697,301 112,064} 116,921 78,475, 6,492 25,976 109 2,032 826 5,496 44 - 173094] 4,573 7, 288 44 17,312 523 899 18 2,378 355 ‘s Total. () 2, 048 3,299 4) 140 6, 836 2) 278 ay 3,772, 559 195, 275 16, 761 13, 859 2, 902 165, 452 14, 020 113) 081 53,480 533, 697 112, 264 3, 071 8, 786 100, 407 18, 043 2, 602 15, 441 133, 043 1, 572, 225 18, 329 13, 168 39, 789 25, 667 450, 440 24,222 “1,000, 610 188, 293 199, 119 101, 234 4) 595 4” 849 14” 860 3, 887 68,215 1,053 ” 433 1910 Male. Female. 172,977 15, 943 13, 700 2, 243 50, 265 13, 693 35,909 1, 674 5, 432 28, 803 84, O55 54, 560 17, 297 12,198 50,316 262, 676 25, 667 117,004 2, 436 86, 547 102, 495 192, 931 100, 984 3, 125 4,811 12) 215 3,840 66,724 1; 016 216 [J * Some of the owners of hand laundries probably are included with laundry operatives. 1,241, 338] 2,531,221 22, 298 818 159 659 142, 400 20 26, $39 25 14, 235 173, 333 21) 452 3,215 520, 004 76, 355 1,397 3,354 71; 604 986 240 746 117,117 6, 205 110, 912 73 52 1 20 10, 516 1,309, 549 "662 496 ABSTRACT OF THE CE iNSUS—-OCCUPATIONS. TABLE 4.—TOTAL PERSONS 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN RACH SPECIFIED — OCCUPATION, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Con. (The figures for 1910 for certain of the division totals and also for certain individual occupations pave been corrected to conform to the classification for 1920.] OCCUPATION. POON GS i. Gh) with vnin he dering teem > cant Canpvassers- 2... oe A A cs Se Collectors e:. 2s IR eo RGA CS ed Bookkeepers, cashiers, and accountants... . Accountants and auditors. ...........-. Bookkeepers and cashiers...-....-.------ Clerks (except clerks in stores)........--...- Bhipping clorks.i | ACG We A Ue pL Se Weighers soedter tbr sett dieses se Messenger, bundle, and office boys and Urls LVR OO Ne PS ne cwtahalt Bundle and cash boys and girls........-- Messenger, errand, and office boys and ead Ro Sa Reape | SMe sen | SRS epee ye 1920 Total. Male. |Female.|| Total. 3,126, 541|| 1, 700, 425|1, 426, 116|| 2, 737, 058! 1, 143, 829 175,772|| 159,941) 15,831!} 105, 127 130, 338|| . 121,428}. 8, 910)} 50, 785 14; 705|| 10,514}. 4,191/} 18, 595 30,729]. 27,999] © 2) 730l) 35, 747 734, 688|| 375,564) 359, 124l| 486, 700 118, 451|| 105,073}... 13,378]| . 39, 239 616, 237|| 270) 491] 345,746|| 447; 461 1,487, 905|| 1,015,742} 472,163]| 720,498 123, 684]} .°118,944| 4,740] © | 80,353] 16, 229]] 14,730] 1,499] 11, 564 1,347, 992|] 882’ 068} 465; 924||" 628) 581 113, 022!|. 98,768} 14,254]! 108, 035 6,973 ” 506)... 4,467 j 106,049]| 96,262) 9,787|| 97, 169 615, 154] 50,410]. 564, 744|| 316, 693 1 Except telegraph messengers. ~ 23] DIVISION AND STATE. Et eee ae oe POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER: 1926 Engaged in gainful occupations. Total : number. Per Number. Heit NUMBER AND SEX OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. 497 “Taste 5.—NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF PERSONS 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER: 1910 Engaged in gainful occupations, Total number. Per Number. cent 82,739,315 | 41,614, 248 50.3 71,580,270 |-38,167,336.|) 53.3 United Stateseii 028 08 2) 2 ak. _ GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: ieNew Mngiand. | 002 .2k8.8..).8 8. 5, 945, 989 man aMiddle Atlantic: 2%) 2s...) .b uo. 17, 666, 354 on) wast North Central. 5... ... 0.2 - 17, 130, 786 ~~ West North Central. .............. 9, 889, 740 outa Menbie! GL 282.0... 4.01. 10,513, 447 East South Central. .........0....- 6,677, 229 : West South Central.-... 22... 0.0.4.. 7, 739, 536 mmenrOUmbeimes....2. 0M cel bt ik. 2, 564, 463 Summer O@ine. SOD T. 1 ARK SUG 6. at. (4,611,771 _ New ENGLAND: EME ITR so oo ooo) bse ae ----'2 oe - we - 621, 233 » New Hampshire....:,............- 361, 930 Rn CRITE bon ge no) utd Spb = 2 2 og oto oe 284, 472 BPEAIHESAGHIUSOLES . fc a ope = sid oe cae - 3, 106, 769 -. Rhode Island.......: cease ora 483, 788 I IMIDESED, «2d one Snap -- --'d =~ bo - 1, 087, 797 “MIDDLE ATLANTIC: MAI OW ON OTIS e. 60. | 5 ois pie ete oe - 0's oe o> 8, 402, 786 SE INOW SHOISOY, 8 4 teem Soins +p ews oe eine - 2, 494, 246 Wee Pemtisylvania...-<.22.,.\.-..-.-0-- 6, 769, 322 ' ‘WAst NorTu CENTRAL: y| , m 10; «- Oe ee ee ee ee ee 4, 624, 456 MINAS os stolen Ip - = a0 lee - 2,356, 214 MIME. “boon |s. wd =e vei Su - > 4 =e 9 - 5, 184, 943 RIGTON EY cc. 1. onc ty c-d as cee 2, 895, 606 AVE TT, 1) pe 2, 069, 567 _ West NortH CENTRAL MMI TIGSOUS 1 ain ens - =~ -b-ae- 1, 877,132 so od ck Sp pa - =i -2 9 - 1,913,155 BIPRISAOUET rc is-- .- pnp sees ee-len-os- 2,737, 771 Meet Ortn DAR DUS .1.......-5..-2---as- 470, 210 PesOUG DAKOUS . 2.) .5 2. .c--- ne -oe- 482,195 Be OMEBsk Gas... naw seen --- Lo a-ce- 1,012, 552 IMIS ne oo up naa -- oo daw-ss- 1,396, 725 SovuTH ATLANTIC: RCI WATO. |) ok oy ---- ee ens - 178, 930 Ns aS 1, 158, 953 _ District of Columbia-.............. 377, 295 Geet iets a iaR pie 1, 748, 868 Meee CSG ViITCINID . J tccisc.---- ns ae 1,083, 395 MePESNOLLE OALOUNS /.0 2.3 i.e... 2-5 25. 1, 844, 673 __ South Carolina. ....:.-.....-.----- 1,219, 316 EG a ee eee 2, 150, 230 cc Than Serge - = -e 2 2 - 751, 787 AST SOUTH CENTRAL: S'S a 1, 837, 434 Me eeehe <1. <.Se,.--------ae- 1, 770, 762 ee eee 1,730, 421 ES a 7005, WEsT SOUTH CENTRAL: MAT MONSAS. «2 soso pn----u-¥-ee- 1, 302, 905 MuIRUINIATIO dscns lesu----ueo lees 1,366, 066 MUM np lp eh--- cones 1,513, 951 RMN ccs. 1 ane lnep-s-- pono ne- 3,556, 614 MOUNTAIN MAMA Dh. en aap oo +e 421 , 443 tr of cay inss <> -- don -ar: 326, 051 MY VOMUDE. . ...1..mssve-----2-s- +5. 150, 993 MMEOROENQO....... 4... 0°-.+------n-ae- 747, 485 MTOW MOSACD.. sen es---- es ove 267, 595 ES ere 255, 461 ES 5 AG aie 331, 530 | TE ae een ee aes 63, 905 ACIFIC: mewvaehineton ....-......2..----s-ne- 1,101, 929 O 638, 987 a i: p MPOIIGEING Sonos y een eg nee 2,870, 855 iS ch 234, 892 240, 216 1,310, 653 3, 426, 359 2, 301, 516 1,117; 032 2, 627,738 1) 474,014 995, 549 907, 013 858, 698 1, 317, 160 207; 082 216, 571 457, 081 6247 391 34, 564 681, 233 681) 428 1,719, 023 214, 183 153, 459 81, 536 366, 457 122) 031 130, 579 149, 201 37, 548 578, 667 322" 283 1, 512° 760 or Or ee Or ESRSLES “TROO OOD NOOMIWO A | Oot sas PP ees BREE rip twig tate h> te teen te oe. Qo PPP ORR COT aR oo rans PAS SHS5 BSS Or ye Or pe RC 00 Ors Or crore Now 5,330, 914 15, 446, 515 14, 568, 949 9,097, 311 9, 012, 826 6,178,578 6, 394, 043 2) 054, 249 3, 496, 885 — | | | | — 603, $93 354, 118 - 289; 128 2,742’ 684 440, 065 901, 026 7,410, 819 2) 027, 946 6, 007, 750 3, 848, 747 163, 080 1, 023; 950 279, 088 1, 536, 297 903, 822 1, 578, 595 1; 078) 161 1; 885, 111 564, 722 1, 722, 644 1; 621,179 1) 541, 575 1) 293) 180 1, 134, 087 1) 213) 576 1) 197, 476 2) 848, 904 303, 551 249’ 018 117, 585 640, 846 240; 990 157, 659 274,778 69) 822 933, 556 555, 631 2, 007, 698 —_—_— | 305, 457 191; 703 144” 089 1,531, 068 251, 901 490, 462 4003, 844 1, 074, 360 3) 130, 681 1, 919, 055 1; 036, 710 892) 412 835, 452 826, 313 1, 288, 336 217, 418 219, 077 441114 6217 333 85, 863 541) 164 157, 965 795, 568 448’ 490) 947, 839 728, 627 1, 160, 126 322) 087 672, 403 679, 183 598, 629 1, 556, 866 178, 747 131, 088 73, 606 338, 724 121) 497 87, 825 131) 540 44° 910 521, 501 305, 164 1,107, 668 RA RRO Ro RR ob SrOror Grou or oD cael Isa Sia gra hak a 2 ame te ee ok peat oa cr aad oe ad ve ae mk hd a WOWMPOMMOD BMOOCW CNWMW CUAAGOABHRBON CNFRNNOW HOR OD HOO BRNMDHOMEO we Ot Or Or SO) Or Or Crororcn OO Ordon Or OF > S> He Or NASH FSS6 or D oe w oven SUP Noo 498 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—OCCUPATIONS, TABLE 6.—NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF MALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND: OVER i ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. MALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND MALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER: 1920 OVER: 1910 ; Engaged in gain- Engaged in gain- DE op DT ATE. ful occupations. | fal occupations. Total Total number. -* number. 3 ; er er Number. | cent. Number. cent. United States.....2.2 00.00.22. 42,289,969 | 33,064, 737 78.2 || 37,027,558 | 30,091, 564 81.3 _—— ee ee eS rs re . GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: 9 " APNewiEngland....i 22 002.2. -be. 2,940,130 | 2,363,377 80. 4, || 2,649,897 | 2;189,529°) “80.7 Middle Atta ntic. fus 30k 019 26 . 8, 890,489] 7,122,699 80.1 || 7,863,584 | 6,380,198 |} 181.1 East North Central. ..2...........- 8,837,101 | 6,951,808 78.7 || 7,529,768 | 5,975,363 |. 79.4 West North Central. i222 02....0..4- 5,112,443 | 3,815,681 74.6. || 4,807,164 | 3,758,603 | 78.2 SouthcA tlantic...20% 250.0. -2 2.08. 5, 282,930 | 4,096, 041 77.5 || 4,528,942 | 3,797,257 83.8 East South Central. ..1...2....2..2. 3,348, 984.| 2,608, 411 77.9.|| 3,116, ., 2,659, 090 85.3 West South Central...0..2........- 3,999,088 | 3,049,275 76. 2. || 8,334,078 |. 2, 760,782) | 82.8 Mountain: 3.4 Wee bad 5.18 88. 1,398,659 | 1,077,774 77.1. {| 1,185,047 |. ..967, ‘81.7 Pacifits£0. 2. 2) 228 G88 ue Se 2,480,145] 1,979,671 79.8 || 2,012,792 |. 1,652,818: 182.1 NEW ENGLAND: ah ATEN YIN: tea) deh ie iets el EOI) * ia 314, 575 245, 013 77.9 307, 375 bdo | 13.8 New Hampshire. ..........---s..-- 181, 286 143, 525 79. 2 178, 151 148, 363 80. 5 VTE) banc. «-s apne tha tone AE -anee 144, 525 111, 585 77.2 148, 686 115,781 |, 77.9 MaS$sgChuseyyts. -. an, Sane fos cheng omy - 1,514,904 | 1,225,163 80.9 || 1,340,517 | 1,086,767} 81.1 4 Ea sate th ESE oie Reps herd oem bio 237,116 | | 194,438 82. 0 219, 221 180,962 | 82.5 Connecticut....... sith oR hg 547, 724 443,653 | 81.0 455,947 |. 370,481 | 81.3 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: ee New .2 On. « d.nen een bees sedi 4 4,186,818} 3,367,909 80.4 || 3;727,218 | 3,020,158 | ~ 81.0 BLOW EPSOM Sc tie Spam Scale spun 1,256,332 | 1,014,663 80.8 || 1,029,649 834, 795 81.1 PerdnsSyrvauid..f.0.-Siecec ease oss. 3,447,339 | 2,740,127 79.5 || 3,106,717 |. 2,625,245 | 81.3 East NORTH CENTRAL: mis ‘ t Chloe Nes Lune speeding ies» 2,382,040 | 1,891, 546 79:4 || 1,970,027 | 1,572,343 79. 5 INCRE a aoe. d cer taeemas - ecehent 931, 647 77.7 || 1, 108, 767 880,979 | 79.5 DimOto treks. .. 1: ues! Aaa oe “espe 2, 086, 800 78.8 || 2,333,230 | 1,865,422 | 80.0 Michigan , 536 1, 228,631 80.0 |} 1,163, 835 926,815 | 79.6 ‘Wigcutisifies.. ate. ss Sone Reais - 558 1,072, 205 813, 184 75. 8 953,909 729, 804 76.5 WEst NORTH CENTRAL: ; mg Minnesota, ..<-dcann taaeboeiies pr = 986, 877 742,947.) 75.3 882,046 | ~ 689,847 | 78.2 LOW Ge wore ans det eee eC e as, 980, 360 717, 377 73: 2° ||" * "912; 728 694, 799 76.1 MSEOIIT horns. c denee Tein PCB: «> + 1,385,747 | 1,072,545 77.4 || 1,334,851 | 1,076,772} 80.7 ALN ONCE DGEDUA. .. cone Senso eeaey- » p - 251, 989 178, 754 70. 9 240,658} © 188,372) 78.3 Pouth Dama. -) cams pega ais Bee ows = 258, 683 186, 885 72. 2 245, 991 190,363 | 77.4 Noliiakicc... icon tem gomne coe. “528/990 | 385,292 | 72.9 491/706 | 377,811 | 76.8 220) a. ee Thcmep oped 2 | Cae 720, 497 §31, 881 73.8 699, 184 "540, 639 77.3 SoutH ATLANTIC: mg 4 by LOL Wahl Van an «2b din eg taieed ake sem * 91, 802 73, 122 79.7 83, 787 68,317 81.5 MaSVIGUon. ~ ov ds msin Sees ee can - 582, 933 466, 257 80. 0 “B07; 421 | 410,884) $81.0. District of Columbia..............- 173, 574 143, 401 82. 6 131, 983° 105,044 | 79.6 a hie 28 ee eet ME ell 886, 493 677, 366 76. 4 770, 504 | 626, 868 81.4 West. Virginia.....2.:.-.. en ll 570, 617 433, 677 76. 0 483, 221°] * 394,390] 81.6 NorthVaralina .; p73 Sonateosdeeens - 917, 883 693, 155 75:5 781; 434°; 674,849 | 86.4 SOUL Varoling.144 53 Soe Spee pe. 604, 224 468, 601 77.6 831, 692 | °° 460,794.) 86.7 Gedrgig Wo... dcnem te hag ts sah - 1,069, 254 840, 412 78. 6 939; 791 807,185. | ~ 85.9 Wlowidsa Oe... das ae = en ee 386, 150 300, 050 77.7 299; 109, | ,..; 248,926 | 83.2 East SouTH CENTRAL: pags ietege oS ae Kem iTCey.o. ..-1lcne Span te~ ste eae 933,175 | | 719,629 | 77.1 874, 306°} - 7195369 } 82.3 ‘TOriTessOGn.. -..\dineates nts > tHe RAs 885, 952 ~ 677, 988 76. 5 817,174 682,248 | 83.5. AlaDSiiav ca. - ops lene ts oe Ee eee 861, 344 684, 348 79. 5 773,415 | ~~ 683,194) | 88.3 MAISBISAIDDI1.< 2. doc odes Seo oe 668, 513 526, 446 78.7 651, 391] 574,279 | 88.2 WeEstT SOUTH CENTRAL: eae ae CUA. T MATIN so. Sn ian Spies «oe ameial 667, 972 518, 754 77.7 ||" ~° 588; 133 510,410 | 86.8 LOU Serie... 4. seen Sones y= AE 684, 958 528, 507 77.2 612, 534 501,574). 81.9" GON ei ae Bog Aye tp tte ©, Hg 797, 753 586,834 | ~73.6 648,116 | ~ “520,376 | 80.3 oud@ensten An i tus eee 7 se eek 1,848,405 | 1,415,180 | 76.6 ||’ 1,485,295°| ° 1,228, 422°|- Sag MOUNTAIN: cot dect W Motta ec. stone tes ay Ee 235, 586 185,905 | 78.9 190, 263°} 159,896 |" 84.05 RGD Ce fe dvaaal eyes xc eeemiae 179,948 135, 950 75.5 || °° 146, 783 “118,050 | 80.4 WW VOTE hoo decease tne ee awe ya 88,316 72,134 81.7 -*17; 260°} °° ~~ 67,893 1% ee ORGULOcter:s-« 4. naa Stan OR mee 395, 632 303, 870 76. 8 350, 684 285,083 | 81.3— 148, 826 107,090 | ~74.5 131, 828°} 106,418 | 80.7 143,651 112,193 78.1 94, 812 77, 236 81.5 172, 295 127,418 | 74.0 147, 009 113, 113)" 76.0 39, 405 33,214 | 84.3 46, 408 40,535 | "87, PACIFIC: - WOON SRTEIVECOM dice touts sacthee me: 605, 288 485,767 | 80.3 552, 586 455,375 | 82.4 By ce heh Seaese EY platen GO | Bi Mr A 343, 059 267,791 78.1 324,717 | 264,691 |. a | MUON sce aide ox octane = Sovateresae 1,531,798'| 1,226,113 80.0°}} “1,135, 489°} ~~~ 932, 752 }°~ et ' "DIVISION AND STATE. Total number. a © New Englands... .c.c.0)2....1..} 3,005,859 ‘a y Middle Adaatie 200. oe 8,775, 865 © Maine. eI. ao osha Beasainshire. Ai ae Ds te SS AOL. £ ae _ ag ettsei uc. -0te.i-...usd-of 1)501,865 ~ Mas Memiehade island........|..;.....)..... * 246, 672, a EE ge a HIDDLE ATLANTIC: | ' 1/237, 914 le Migs Gla tedene wei = alee hn, ble a yids» & 1, 358, 977 997, 362 890, 255 + SEES Ehud ey ae.e cle 6 5 hie eh ATE f= 3h Se ee ee ee + ee oe ee ; 676, 228 os 87, 128 576, 020 203, 721 - 862; 375 ech. ibl2, 778 926,790 615, 092 1,080; 976 ee ee ee OMeGh: i. - tooo ike a So A eb ’ 365, 637 S caper GentRAt: Kentucky. ...22..-.---- L diss ot 904, 259 “Pennessee.... : : Pome. Cujo ao AsO. 884. 810 PM eee i. do 800, ae MMINSiseiD DH 15 py he. ST... nee - 0 0, Bag Trae ie aaa 634, 933 or Detige. Joule. U pus val. seu. .G 681, 108 Beemianioms..j...)............1.- :..| 716, 198 y; Raia.» incart | 1,708, 209 a3 ‘ATN: F 185, 857 146; 103 cL. oers. fy) a, ceae 8 62,677 Gog. « tape be eve, es akg. 351, 353 ric spo... -'ex ip SU: Fear 123, 769 olka. ieee 111, 810 SOS, be OR get tl 159, 235 ee Tey ~seee eee ww mee ’ a4 6 i esbiseiin Koes 2 eee ein? “496, 641 295, 928 Oreg gon. Brita. eae eee Bee ; si 339) 057 ‘United Sthtes..- 1s... ee Be 40,449 346 Teepe tt. ites. 1.44 pau. 306, 658: ! a FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND ae OVER: 1920 Engagéd in gain- Number. 8, 549, 511 871, 015 2,117, 517 1) 564, 041 772, 315 “A, 243° 958 "102; 433 666, 973 177, 220 434) 039 1,135, 295 "295, 999 686, 232 “409, 970 185, 385 540, 938 245, 383 182, 365 164, 066 141) 321 244’ 615 28) 328 29) 686 71,789 92) 510 18,102 137, 221 92) 626 156, 210 57, 439 202, 697 205, 656 288, 745 5 aa 131, 493 152} 108 223, 868 194, 964 115, 810 152° 726 94) 594 303, 843 28, 278 17, 509 9, 402 62, 587 44 944 13, 386 21; 783 4, 334 92, 900 54 492 286, 647 21.1 Feet fet feet et Ret et et pet ful occupations. Per cent. R208 OO EDD dO SiS aa al IE NOO RPNONWE — oO t 4 ad SS ST STOOD SUN ot BA NUR E DOOD Nek Ce ae NUMBER AND SEX OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. OVER: 1910 Total number. » 2,681, 017 7, 582, 931 7,039, 181 4,290, 147 4) 483, 884 3, 062, 292 3, 059, 985 869, 202 1, 484, 093 296, 518 175, 967 140, 442 1, 402; 167 ” 990, 844 > 445,079 3, 683, 601 998, 297 2, 901, 033 1, 878, 720 1; 051, 638 2° 160, 504 1, 072, 417 875, 902 746, 589 847, 558 1, 259,749 "184, 072 197, 475 432, 326 622’ 378 79, 293 516, 529 147, 105 765, 793 420, 601 797, 161 546, 469 945, 320 265, 613 848,338 804, 005 768, 160 641, 789 545, 954 601, 042 549, 360 1, 363, 609 113, 288 23,414 380, 970 230, 914 872, 309 34, 552, 712 ———— 499 f 7.—NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND: OVER NGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND Engaged in gain- ful occupations. Number. 419, 981 983, 686 239, 565 605, 436 346, 712 155, 731 431,356 136, 183 162, 608 145, 605 131, 514 911, 564 29, 046 28, 714 63, 303 80, 694 17, 546 130, 280 52,921 168,700 54, 100 272, 990 267, 833 352, 941, 73, 161 147, 611 173, 298 314, 330 308, 366 161,993 177, 609 78, 253 95. ‘ 328, 444 18, 851 id, $88 io O13 53, 641 15, 079 10, 5a9 18, 427 4, 375 66, 126 40, 473 174, 916 sf | | es Per cent. 23.4 Se bow Go bo ht PO SPS POs i PE BPs et BO Gece loon) Ow. RmoMen COON OMNI Ow DO — th Ss hm bo ONT — br 2 > Moco w oH 14,4 500 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—OCCUPATIONS, 3 TABLE 8.—NUMBER OF PERSONS 10 YEARS OF AG® AND OVER IN EACH GENERAL DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920. Agricul- asin Public ture, Piet service Do- sivtaton<-4e hs ReEOL.1| Lonentry, co oe ee Trans- not | Profes-| mestic | Clerical peampine age persons and | Gfmin-|mechan-| Porta- | Trade.| else- | sional jand per-| occupa- : oceupied.|| animal | “Go1s. | ical in- where | service.| sonal | tions. hus- ae Gd classi- service. : bandry ; fied). re Bee 41, 614, 248) /10,953,158]1,090,223|12,818,524/3,063,582/4,242,979| 770, 460/2,143,889|3,404,892/3, 126 541 GEOG. DIVS.: New England.| 3, 234,392|| 255,580; 4, 853]1, 632, 267] 215,191] 329,470] 66,320] 175, 286] 260,441} 294, 984 Mid. Atlantic.| 9,240, 216]| 660, 240] 343, 916)3, 812, 388] 799, 229|1,074,964] 188, 695| 523,989} 835, 019|1,001,776 BE. N. Central.| 8, 515, 849]|1, 633, 790} 216, 238|3, 171, 064| 628, 947] 943, 646| 128, 335] 445, 099] 614, 823) 733, 907 W.N. Central] 4, 587, 996|!1, 689, 253] 74,141) 962,321} 358, 829] 528, 362| 61,375] 276, 287} 342,405} 295, 023 S. Atlantic. . .| 5,339, 999)|2, 177, 438) 134, 221]1, 202, 668.324, 221} 395, 864] 122, 451). 211, 044! 493,084] 279, 008 E. S. Central. 3,310, 844!/1, 805, 142] 104,999] 523,407] 170, 665] 213,568] 36,058] 107,134] 250,497} 99, 374 W. S. Central.| 3, 716, 243/|1, 808, 084] 83,069] 588, 383} 247,665] 319,709] 73, 123] 154,074] 284,856] 157, 285 Mountain... .} 1, 254,994|| 427,158] 93,064] 227,431] 111,517] 123,730] 30,918] 76,369] 96,450] 68, 357 Pacific.....-. 2,413, 710|| 496,473} 35, 722| 698, 595] 207,318] 313,666} 63, 185] 174,607} 227,317] 196, 827 NEW ENGLAND: RINCi.6 cerns 309, 858|| 77,304 748} 120,248] 22,640} 27,539) 5,456]. 16,624) 24,057| 15,242 N. Hampshire] 192,827]) 30,426 406} 99,323] 12,351] 14,661] 2,940] 9,356] 14,064] 9, 300 Vermont..... 138,484|/ 44,260} 1,899} 44,672} 9,278/ 10,967} 1,851] 7,621) 11,630} 6,306 Massachusetts} 1,728, 318)| 57,555} 1, 198] 887, 898} 121,899] 193,719]. 37,776]. 98, 763]149, 060} 180, 450 Rhode Island.| 275,000] 8,354} - 160] 161,920} 15,904} 26,554) . 8,452} 12,081] 19,207] 22, 368 day y greta 589, 905 37, 681 442) 318,206] 33,119} 56,030; 9,845) 30,841; 42,423) 61,318 ID. ATLANTIC: | New York....| 4,593, 204|| 314,774] 7, 549|1, 757, 108) 403, 574| 591,334] 100, 374| 288, 764| 472,961] 566, 766 New Jersey..-] 1,310,653]| 61,153] 3,935] 628, 575| 111, 115] 144,593] 34,624} 70, 119) 104, 913| 151,626 5 Pennsylvania. 3,426, 359]| 284,313] 332, 43211, 426, 705] 284, 540] 339,037] 53,697] 165, 106} 257, 145| 283, 384 i. N. CENTRAL: Gibio} is. ak. 2,301, 516]| 360,655} 59,573] 959, 382] 173,581] 246,235] 32, 254] 117,470] 161, 737| 190,629 Indiana 1, 117,032|| 294,006] 33,3221 377,446] 83,968] 114,535] 14,34u| 56, 833)" 73,299] 69,283 Tilinois......- 2, 627, 738|| 380,705} 90,644] 876,000} 220, 361] 347,804] 51,227] 146,641] 215,211) 299, 145 Michigan..... 1,474, 014|| 290,374] 28,798] 618, 425] 90,394] 144,044] 19,953] 72,119} 96,141) 113, 766 eee are: 995, 549)| 308,050) 3,901] 339,811] 60,643} 91,028, 10,561) 52,036} 68,435) 61,084 . N. CENTRAL: Minnesota....| 907,013)| 307,876] 14,994] 204,002] 70,492] 104,431] 11,774|° 55,482! -70,120| 67,842 OWS come... 858, 698|| 327,124) 14,196] 176,522] 67,315] 101,886] 9,533! 55,991) 59,505) 46,626 Missouri. ..... 1,317, 160|| 396,863) 21,516] 330,883] 101, 889) 158,893] 18,456] 69, 191] 114,085] 105,384 N. Dakota 207, 082)! 119,886} 1,298] 19,187} 12,462| 18,952} 1,694} 13,018} 13,166] 7,419 S. Dakota 216,571]! 117,277] 1,437] 26,282} 12,830) 21,983) . 2,013]. 13,782} 13,253] 7,714 Nebraska... ... 457, 081||- 187, 115 388] 83,901] 36,608} 54,863] - 5,663]. 30, 135] 31, 239 2 Pp egies et 624, 391|| 233,112) 20,312) 121,544) 57,233) 67,354) 12,242) 38,688) 41,037) 32, Delaware..... 91, 224|| 17, 694 70} 34,649} 7,945} 8,080] 1,530} 4,235} 8,696] 8,32 Maryland.....| 603,478)| 95,881} 6,637] 207,415} 55,939} 66,107} 21,691] 29,704)" 67, 234} 52,870 Dist.Columbia| 236,027 947 79| 44,505] 16,745} 22,782] 16,070} 19,289} 42,579] 73,031 Virginia......] 833,576] 301,707} 16,205] 196,142} 63,617] 65,101] 31,851] 34, 342} 84,603] 40,008 W. Virginia. .| 491,116|} 125,592] 103,151]. 117,031} 37,557] 35,109). 4,341) 22,521) 27,053] 18,761 N. Carolina...| 895,852] 477,686} 1,990] 211,022} 36,337| 52,895] 8,965] 29,677| 56,649] 20, 631 S. Carolina 674, 257|| 420, 635 624] 109,544] 21,932} 33,730] 10,607] 17,856] |47, 12, 109 Georgia....... 1,129, 157|| 613,357] 2,466}. 181,633] 54,751} 76,532] 19,582} 35,937] 106,896} 38,003 — ¢ Blois flue. 385,312}; 123,939) 2,999] 100,727| 29,398] 35,528] 7,814] 17,483] 52,154| 15,270 . 8S. CENTRAL ry Kentucky....| . 851,122|| 393,749] 51,4711 147,034] 49,8C6| 64,848] 16,620] 31,929 34, Tennessee....| 830, 096]| 400,134} 17,630] 150,703} 51,450] 67,429} 7,683} 30,626 30, Alabama.. ... 908, 216|| 504,645} 35,6391. 150,711] 42,085] 50,089] 6,775] 25,398 22, a eesipstpeh - 721,410|| 506,614 259| 74,959] 27,324} 31,202) 4,980] 19, 181 11, . 8. CENTRAL: Arkansas... . 634, 564!| 408,651] 5,556) 76,334)’ 28,725, 38,463] 8,073} 20,418 13, Louisiana... .| 681, 233|} 290,936} 7,669] 139,144] 50,924) 54,028! 10,365] 23, 436 | 32,061 Oklahoma....| 681,428} 314,657} 38,349) 104,785] 43,547| 64,711) 8,9 34, 275 ; He ie LB rae 1,719, 023|| 793,840} 31,495) 268,120] 124, 469| 162,507} 45, 717| 75, 945} 135,065) 81, 86 OUNTAIN: y : Montana. . ... 214, 183 85,020). 16,718). 32,629] 18,923} 19,198} 2,900] 12,634 igs | Idaho. ....... 153, 459 72,860} 5,182) 24,565] 11,208) 13,832) 1,649] 8, 882 eae: - Wyoming....| 81, 536]} 26,045) 8,790) 15,364) 9,857] 6,151) 1,558) 4, 151 tO 8S Colorado.....| 866, 457|| 100,153) 23,382| 73,924} 32,210) 45,730} 6, 984]. 24,963 26, New Mexico. . 122, 031 55,033; 7,310} 16,118) 10,982) 8,133) - 6,411) 6,164 \, ae Arizona... ... 130,579]| 36,199] 15,437]. 24,055} 11,580] 11,314} 8,353] 7, 205 6, 252 Utahi es! - 149,201} 43,259} 10,117). 33,594] 12,429] 16,543] 2,468] 9,997 10, 623 p Nevada ee 37, 548 8,580] 6,178] 7,182] 4,319} 2,829 595| 2,373 1, 736 ACTFIC: Ap. Washington..| 578,667|| 131,526] 8, 821}. 179,539] 53,396] 67,345} 12,944] 36,332 41, 54 Orepone: .< 4.. 322, 283 92,000) 2,203] 88,425] 29,074; 36,922) 4,662) 21,863) 25,252 88, California.....| 1,512,760|| 272,947) 24,698) 430,631) 124,848) 209,399} 45,579) 116,412) 154, 841 ~ ; : ee a NUMBER AND SEX OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. 501 9.—NUMBER OF MALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER IN EACH GENERAL - DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920. a Agri- Public a culture, | yy Tih aoe service Do- _ DIVISION AND Total rer y, tractiont ant 8) Trans- (not. | Profes-| mestic | Clerical STATE. males a of min-|mechan-| Porta- | Trade.| else- | sional jand per-| occupa- 4 occupied.|| animal erals. | ical in- | 00. where | service.| sonal | tions. fg hus- an dana tes classi- service. ; ™ || bandry. : fied). i OMT) Boe 222.5 “Gros. DIVS: New England | 2,363,377 Mid. Atlantic. rd 122’ 699 _ E.N, Central. _ W.N. Central ~ SouthAtiantic 247, 478 639, 254 6, 951, 808 1, 587, 033 3, 815, 681 1, 642; 663 4, 096, 041 1 797, 738 B.S. Central .| 2)603) 411/|1’ 494’ 091 __W.S. Central.} 3) 0497 275)/1) 567) 024 aaa 1,077, 774|| ” 413,355 _ Pacific........| 1,979, 671)| 480, 394 New, ENGLAND: Deol... 245,013]! 75,203 OX nent 143, 525 rt — Vermont. ....| 111,585 05 _ Massachusetts | 1,225, 163)), 55,759 - RhodeIsland.| 194, 438 8, 084 ¢ peeinieeticntt 443,653|| 35,990 ID. ATLANTIC: ~ New York....} 3,367, 909)]. 305, 505 en Jersey...| 1,014, 663}) 59, 200 Ti ennsylvania 2,740,127|| 274, 549 ENTRAL: ty, rent pme Out! 1, 891, 546|| 349,997 te 931, 647|| 286, 552 peed s ° 2,086, 800|| 371, 237 -| 1,228, 631]}, 281; 562 813, 184/} 297,685] 742, 947|| 298, 258 PPG. Sie). 717, 377|| 319,831 SH 1,072, 545|| 3837 195 178, 754|| 116,457 186, 885/! 114, 259 BE. 385, 292/| 183,030 bene... 531, 881|| 227,633 73,122)| 17,161 bans 466, 257 92,745 143, 401)) 928 bee's 677, 366} 283, 102 433, 677||. 119, 703 693, 155||, 397,214 468, 601||' 293) 644 840, 412)] 484) 330 “ae 300, 050)| 108) 911 374, 428 363, 798 381, 890 373,975 342, 341 238,325 292, 496 693, 862 82,772 71, 543 25, 221 96, 925 53,204 32, 917 42, 372 8,401 485,787) 127,720 [ee 267,791|| 89,692 .| 1,226, 113]/ 262,982 TS | | | | 4; 843!1, 253, 096 343, 032'3. 126, 524 215, 637/2, 799, 796 73,995) ” 133, 84311, 012) 013 2 849, 681 ” 454, 116 543, 527 210, 636 638, 794 741,491 105, 500 65,022) 87, 538 185, 584 294, § 124, 802 237, 951 57, 581 124, 742 1197 639 34, 55z 70, 896 29, 374 61, 216 824 110, 521 55, 462 81, 596 39, 420 95, 337 PoP ahew. \ ewe ea! |e Con, al eee ae Se 8] 2 ale B52 pe —_—— | | | _. s_N 331) 675 59, 359 33, 276 90, 528 28, 582 3, 892 38, 190 257, 856 5|1; 406, 004 "516,750 1, 203,770 857, 307 331, 848 753, 458 562, 838 294, 345} 180, 607 158,173 280, 280 17, 849 24) 287 76, 782 111,703 30,'853 LiL, 220 38, 789 167,771 108, 031 164, 367 88, 515 152; 663 89,804 121, 498 128, 118 389} 013 370, 154 104, 616 266, 721 160, 339 505, 254 124, 213 270, 840 202, 635 95, 511 290) 437 119, 308 73, 820 87, 761 86, 956 135,441 16, 72 18, 997 47, 117 57, 324 39, 671 116, 476 17,957 10,552 9,516 29, 900 10, 664 11) 276 11, 484 4151 49, $34 26, 826 115, 159 56, 206 141,021 16, 427 11, 875 5, 345 39, 070 7,142 9,798 13,528 2) 459 55, 727 30,477 173,431 5, 188 98, 691 34,257 52, 636 31, 522 13, 851 50, 041 19, 303 10, 085 11, 220 8,774 17, 727 1) 408 1,683 7,212 90, 716 66, 016 30, 586 10, 153 17,344 16, 132 13, 169 8, 817 11, 357 12) 297 17, 902 40, 040 19, 235 11,201 64, 901 5| 209, 493 42) 334 88, 293 303, 178 87, 458 160, 927 103, 532 36, 366 159, 099 60, 762 31, 340 35, 360 60, 839 25,732 13; 810 17, 434 4,515 31, 321 29) 878 23) 785 11, 920 12/770 7,615 23’ 931 9, 483 20, 348 18, 616 14) 256 7,451 8,535 21; 631 16, 884 51, 983 5,979 3,412 2) 101 14) 364 2) 158 3,996 6, 355 1) 107 22,178 11) 136 78, 432 73, 192 502 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—OCCUPATIONS, TaBLE 10.-_NUMBER OF FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER IN EACH GENERAL DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONS, BY: DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920. Agri- | ny, Public ; otal |culture,| frac | facture BE veg PR Ramer DIVISION AND’ | females ni bee ti ton ing ort morta rade: ot aaa and per-| ©2l 0c- STATE, occii- : of |mechan-| 4; : cupa- pied. ee min’ ticalins (2200- where | service.) sonal | tions. pandry erals. | dustries. _ |} | | | | United States -|8, 549, 511 1,084,128) 2, 864 1, 930, 341] 213, 054) 667,792! 21,7 A ha Ma NADU ABB. HERE ST GEOGRAPHIC DIVS.: New England..:-|, 871,015}| 8,102 10} 379,171 meee Atlantic. . 2;117,517|| 20,986) 884) 685,864 BE. N.Central.....1, 1,564, 041 46,757| 601) 371, 268 W.N. Ceatral.... 772, 315}} 46,590}. 146) 112,640 South Atlantic. . - 1, 243, 988 379,700| 378} 190,655 E.S. Central. ...- 702, 433}) 311,051}, 207} + 69,291) W.S. Central.....|) 666, 973]| 247,060} 329) 44,856)" Mountaini.......- 177, 220|| 13,803) 213). 16,795 Racifiess.cf4. ioe 434, 039|| 16,079 96) 59, 801 NEw ENGLAND: Maine... 2... 26 ee 64, 845|| 2,101 3} | 22,953 New Hampshire. . 49, 302 1,036 2) 24,950 Vermont.....1.-. 26,899|} 1208 1} 6,415 Massachusetts....| 503,155|| | 1,796 3) 219, 253 Rhode Island... - 80, 562 260! . JS. 45, 250 Connecticut... 1 48, 202 1,691 1]. 60,350 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: New York.:..2..- 1,125,295}} 9,269) 114) 351,104 New Jersey... .< i - 295, 9901) 1,953 13 111 825 Rennsylvamia ky 636, 232|| 9,764] °757]< 222, 935 E.N. CENTRAL: OQhiowsr..28.sFt8 409, 970)| 10,658} © 214) 102,075 TMGIANS: 26). 224 185, 385||. 7,454 46, 45,593 Hindis. G4... i20%. | 540,938] 9,468} 116) © 122,542 Michigan 58. ...i5- 245, 383 8,812) 216). 55,587 Wisconsin)... si58'; 182, 365)} 10,365 9}. 45, 466 W.N. CENTRAL: Minnesotae......- 164,066}! . 9,618 19} 23,395 IOWA Yue. PR. THed 141, 321)| » 7,293 20). 18,349 Missouré. 64.403. - 244, 615]| 13, 668 48} 50,603 North. Dakota.s..} 28,328)| © 3,428 2 1,338 South Dakota:..-| 29,6386 3,018 4 1, 995 Nebraskac).: 22%. es 789), 4,085 1 7,119 Kansagicii-. 0: §2,510|| 5,479 52 9,841 South ATLANTIC: Delaware... 22... 18,102 533 1 3, 796 Maryland:i:...28- 137,221|| 3,136 7) 36,195). Dist. of Columbia.| 92,626 TG! sRee. 5,716 Virgimia. $2. 1163 156, 210}| 18,695 24) 28,371 West Virginias...[/ 57,439)| °5, 889}. «285 9, 000 North Carolina...| 202,697]| 80,472 4) 46,655)" South Carolina...| 2035,656}) 126,991 21,029 Georgia..0.....2.. 288, 745|| 129, 027 28, 970 Hlorida raat aly ke 85,262)! 15,028] 37} 10,928 . S. CENTRAL: Kientuciys shi 131,493}} 19,321 87; 25,536 Tennessee. . 2h5 2 152, 108|} 36,336 40} 22,585 Alabama......1.- 223, 868|} 122,755 7T5\= 15, 103 aie eee ws bebe 194,964|| 182,639} = 5 6, 067 ENTRAL: Arkansas.....0.%. | 115,810]! 66,310 Bho 4p925 Louisiana.... 22. 152,726]| 52,621| 88} 14,437 Oklahoma... 2.2). 94,594); 22,161) 159 5,482 ponent. Loe. | aby | 303, 843] 99,978) © 77] { 20,712 U AIN: Montana....../0.- 28,278|| 2,248 27 1, 667 Tdahporss. -. ibs 17,509|| 1,317 3). 1,312 Wyoming... 2... 9, 402 824 23 442 Colorado......0.4- 62,537||. 3,228] +25 6, 247 New Mexico. J... 14,941|| 1,829] © 8} 1,976 VATIZONA. 3}... ORS 18, 386]| 93,282 98 2, 215 Utahigis.t. .. aie 1,78 887 21 2,677 ae Nevadaii.s. ue. 4,334 188 8 259 PACIFIC: Washington. ....)/ $2,900|} 98,806} 9/12) 10)973 Oregons. OF... ies 54)'492 2,3 308) 0206 721 California......1.. 236, 647 9, 965 78) |) 41,618). & . NUMBER AND SEX OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. 503 -Tapre 11._NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF MALES AND FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE _/ AND OVER ENGAGED IN. GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 IN- HABITANTS OR MORE: 1920... OVER: 1920 Total number, | Number. “92, 082 37, 822 ee er er a ee SSBB ST el co 66, 702 eG ' ) : 245, 122 UR OS ps Se 59,070 |- 0: 245, 905 BS ST Te | : 48) 369 py, UU se a le, HU Ao » 165,362 m a’ - prt tte tte meee te eee ? 34, 025 dotNET. ea ee 0 | 46, 944 39, 336 21) TM oA CA 1, 102, 656 919, 899 Sincinnati, Ohio...) lf) ee. 162,909} 134, 925 273, 715 ee ee ee UT SS ARE Se Ra On pak PR OAD 66, 624 D ayton, “Lag bk aa ek i gi ite 63, 600 ese eenadedcucpepses sss PO oc Pe Re) Oe SC See fete ee ne Ales Seas be a cys lao ge EE es SO es OURS a ta ee ales = pais HS NONMTNOONHWWA ANNNTWUUDMWODAGONO WONDER PNHENHONORMN DORK RONNUANANUINN ARNUBNHORMDAMOWH ae 504. ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-OCCUPATIONS, TaBLE 12.-NUMBER OF PERSONS 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER IN EACH GENERAL DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONS, FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920. FUOF GORE —é@ ™Y--C----lPT*oTVI[€_oluostoéosuwonMn0Te———wO3}’”?”?>0€0—>q—MOERRO0RN0@aOS@ 5,818 | 30.8 538. 0 10, 517, 81.0] 11, 675 Seal thAWg 55.4 15, 906 82:7 | 12,491 2,588 | 920.7 49.5 10, 500 80.2 10, 397 1, 9i3 18.4 52,7 || 27,335 80.9] 31,093 | 8.179 | 27.9 52.6 || 18,095 82:8] 13,326} 38,055|. 22.9 56:4 22,710 85;2)| 21, 288 5,458 |. 25.6 53; 2 13, 612 80. 4 15, 106 4,331 28.,7 50.7 || 17,865 78: 6 16, 833 3, 532 21.0 52,1 14, 878 80, 4 15, 842 4,045 | 25.5 dst 19, 076 81.6 18,687 4,108 | 22.¢ 508 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—OCCUPATIONS, TABLE 13._NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF PERSONS 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, BY SEX, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. BT . e | PERSONS 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER: 1920. Both sexes. “Male. Female. CITY. Engaged in - Engaged in “Engaged in gainful gainful gainful Total occupations. Total | occupations. Total | occupations. nuin- num- ~ : num- ber ber Num- Per Per Per ber. cent. cent. cent. Baeing, Wiss... 02.20 . 2. 47,245 |. 27, 561°} 458. 3 85. 21, 446 a Revere Mass... fist ts... 22,095 } 11,020 | 49.9 “78. 11,114 ‘20. Richmond, Ind........-.-. 22,387 | 11,890} .53.1 ~82.5-| 11,155 mar | Roanoke; Va...) 225 2. 2. 39,966 | 20,423 | 51.1 80. 8 | 20, 423 22.7 Rock Island; IN. 24.241... 29,478 | 16,060} 54.5 83.7.) 14,389: 23.7 Rockfordjllb. ..2 3 2. 54,459 | 30,391 | 55.8 83.1} 26, 539 ie I Romie; NOW: Sete 20,874 |).10,897 | 52.2 76.6 | 9,795 Oh. 6 Sacramento, Calif......... 55,708 | 30,954 | 55.6 83.2 | 26,343: |- 24.3 Saginaw, Mich........0.... 49,748 | 25,681 |} 51.6 81.0 | 24; 966. % 5 St. Joseph, Mo..---.-1.--- 65,160 | 35,642} 54.7 81.7 | 32,622 3 Salem, Mass... ..222 0.1... 34,020} 19,061 | 56.0 80.9 | 17, 547- 32.7 San: Diego, Calif. 22.21... 64,291 | 81,037 |. 48.3 74.2 | -32,.747 | 23. 3 San Jose, Calif...i2...1.2. 33,303 | 16,000] 48.0 75.1 | 17,141 22.5 Savannah, Ga.j.s.tt 8 69,139'| 41,866 | 60.6 86.1 | 35, 463 36.3 Schenectady, N. Y.......- 71,434 |) 87,491 |.52.5 80.6 | 35; 264 23.6 Sheboygan, Wis..2.2..1... 24,479 | 13,008 |’ 53.1 81.7 | 11,989 | 23.4 Shreveport, La...:0....... 36,844} 21,802 | 59.2 84.4 | 18,525 PH Sioux City, Iowa.......... 58,469 | 83,334 | 57.0 83.2 | 27,378 He, § Sioux Falls, S. Dak....... 20,630 | 10,675 | 51.7 76.1 |--10, 108 26.4 Somerville, Mass........-- 75,995 | 40,083 | 52.7 ‘81.1 | 40,092 ‘27.2 South Bend, Ind.......... 55,601 | 29,979 | 53.9 81.8 |. 27,121 24.6 Springfield, Il. ....2222..4 48,955 | 26,060 | 53.2 81.2 | 25,361 27.2 Springfield, Mo........... 32,695 | 15,917] 48.7 78.1 | 17,169 22.1 Springfield, Ohio.......... 50,080 | 26,417] 52.7 82.3.| 25, 001- 7.4 Stamford, Conn..-........ 27,058 | 14,400 | 53.2 $1.0 | 13,615 20.8 Steubenville, Ohio. ..1.... 22,299 | 11,741 | 52.7 82.6 | 10,477 18.9 Stockton, Gatif!... 0.02.24 34,172 | 17,236 | 50.4 75.3 | 15,589 20.8 Superior, Wis....2....2... 31,276 | 16,517 | 52.8 80.9 | 14,589 | 20.7 Tacoma, Wash........--.. 80,721 | 43,471 | 53.9 81.1 | © 37,295 22.1 Toatitpa, Rtas. ler dees 41,014 |. 24,419} 59.5 80.6 | 20,337 38.2 Taunton, Mass............| 29,711 | 15,843 | 53.3 78.4 | 35, { Terre Haute, Ind..........| 55,134 | 28,696 | 52.0 81.8 | 27; 703° 22.6 Topeka, Kans. .....2222..1 41,438 | 21,082] 50.9 79.0 | 21,787. Bis Tay, Nae: peo eal 61,207 | 34,307 | 56.1 80.7 | 83,608 35.8 Tulsa, Olde). ie 59, 499-|. 34,223'|° 57.5 84.2 | 28,196 ug Uiite; NOS. LA 75,683 | 41,472 | 54.8 79.7 | 39,033 31.4 Waco, Tex. 4... 27/5854 31,367 | 15,432 | 49.2 77.0 | 16,232 B83 Waltham, Mass........... 25,561 | 14,636 | 57.3 80.1 | 13,644 37.3 Warren, Ohio... 2. 0.15..; 21,748} 11,831 |} 54.4 84.4} 10,126. 19.9 Waterbury, Conn... .2.... 71,921 | 40,955 | 56.9 83.2 | 34,558 28.6 Waterloo, Towa......2.2-- 99,556 | 15,278 | 51.7 80.4 | 14,791 6 4 Watertown, N. Y....-.... 25,976 | 13,790 | 53.1 8.5 | 13,525 Bey a’ West Hoboken town, N. J.| 32,525 | 17,286 | 53.1 ~ 81.1 | 16,346 | ; " West New Yorktown,N.J.| 23,307 | 12,561} 53.9 83.4 | 11,666 24.4 Wheeling, W. Va.......-. 45, 867'| 23,219} 50.6 80.4 | 23,526 22.4 Wichita, Kans...........- 59,737 | 29,870 | 50.0 77.8 | 30,351 Wichita Falls, Tex.......- 33,587 | 20,234} 60.2 83.7 | 12,869 | Wilkes-Barre, Pa........-.- 57,506 | 29,062 | 50.5 78:8 | - 29,230 Williamsport, Pa..........| 30,237 | 16,181 | 53.5 * 82.6 | 15,737 Wilmington, N. C........-| 26,525} 15,311-] 57.7 “84.7 | 18, 705° Winston-Salem, N. C......| 39,003 | 26,220 | 67.2 85.7 | 19,453 Woonsocket, R. 1......-..- 34,379 | 20,743 | 60.3 82.8 | 17,753 Vibes, aes... fel): 39,072 | 21,522 | 55.1 82.7 | 20,225 Zanesville, Ohio.........-- 24,364 | 12,339 | 50.6 81.5 | 12,638 JNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910. - COLOR OR RACE OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. 509 A on SY grate AND PROPORTION OF PERSONS 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, BY SEX AND POPULATION CLASSES, FOR THE - POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. aim 1920 1910 tals) - : ht. at ' , SEX AND CLASS OF POPULATION. Engaged in gain- Engaged in gait = . ful occupations. ful occupations. ™D Total Total ‘ number a number or er aE “4 Nuinber Sierehe Number Gen’: Ke ak ee er << _ Bor SEXEs. ; ax Sue. camases.. 2-0) 2 Of). Lk 82,739,315 | 41,614,248 , 50.3 || 71,580,270 | 38,167,336 | 53.2 ame F See Se bee lal A as ie | Uae ae yi cD lative white—Native parentage......./.. 44,077, 564 | 20,521,997 | 46. 6 || 37,081,278 | 17,954, 464] 48.4 Native white—l'oreign or mixed parentage| 16,784, 299 | 8,347, 466 | 49.7 13, 908, 063 , 908, 090} 50. 4 foreign-born white... .. 1S > Aemrepgas Be 13, 497, 886 | 7,746, 460 | 57. 4 || 12,944,529 | 7,811,502} 60.3 | SOR RREAGS S ieene Be 53, 225. | 4,824,151 | 59.9 || % 317, 922.) 5,192, 535| 71.0 n, Chinese, Japanese, and all other. . 326, 341 174,174 |. 53.4 328, 478 200,745] 61.1 RRS Tal NARS SaaS naa 176, 925 63, 326 | 35.8 188, 758 73,916 | 39.2 = i e. wreces ewer er erescwnwneeet en ees ees = 56, 230 45, 614 81. 1 68, 924 1 123 811 90. 6 adele I a ay aaa 84, 238 57, 903 | 68. 7 67, 661 =e Z Meetber 8, 948 7,331 | 81.9 3° 135 3,018} 96.3 7 es (mere SSS | as MALE, *, t Me CIMESO8 5 585.5. 2 2.2 42,289,969 | 33,064,737 | 78.2 || 37,027,558 | 30,091,564} 81.3 ve white—Native parentage......2.2. 22, 361, 495.| 16, 788, 668 | 75.1 || 18, 933, 751 | 14,855,825] 78.5 e white—Foreign or mixed parentage] 8, 289, 550.| 6, 237,012 | 75. 2|| 6,909, 282 | 5,285,811] 76.5 Sue wate. 2.1. i f).-...-. 8.0. 7,419, 691 | 6,627,997 | 89.3 || 7,321,196 | 6, 588, 711 | 90.0 ie 5 Saale ee , 009, 462 | 3,252, 862 | 81.1 || 3,637,386 | 3,178, 554] 87.4 Chinese, Japanese, and all other.. 209, 771 158, 198 | 75. 4 225, 943 182, 663 | 80.8 Sneed... fo... ste)... J... 91, Se, ss cs 58. ; , = 59, 206 | 61.3 SADE (ave neh Gta l 4 areiis Se «As sae = 51, 041 882 | 87. 5, 479 6 eee fs 8 52,614 | 89.5 60, 809 \ * 120,460 | 95.4 ts eb ee ae 8, 378 7,224 | 86.2 3, 073 2,997 | 97.5 FEMALE. WeeWeatbae diese. 1.0. £8 40,449,346 | 8,549,511 | 21.1 || 34,552,712 | 8,075,772 | 23.4 ve white—Native parentage.......... 21,716,069 | 3,733,329 | 17.2 || 18,147,527 | 3,098,639 | 17.1 ve white—Foreign or mixed parentage.| 8, 494,749 | 2,110, 454 | 24.8 6,998,781 | 1,722,279] 24.6 Os biti de fh wn nem p's nin Gadd: 6,078,195 | 1,118, 463 | 18.4 || 5,623,333 | 1,222,791 | 21.7 MtGrnft), 5240 -c-<42).......-. 4,043,763 | 1,571,289 | 38.9|| 3,680,536 | 2,013,981 | 54.7 Chinese, Japanese, and all other... 116, 570 15, 976 | 13.7 102, 535 18, 082 | 17.6 BEE UBL c iiedh is ape by.oeuhe-. 85, 379 9,848 | 11.5 92, 176 14,710 | 16.9 ES EE SE ae See oe 5, 189 732 14 1 3, 445 1 3 351 32 5 ES ey ree appa iarentag 25, 432 5,289 | 20. 8 6, 852 ae ; pother........ it naleid. Cate-Locan 570 - 107 | 18.8 62 21} 33.9 — vi 1 Separate occupation figures for Chinese and Japanese not available for 1910. | mats ih ¥, wie Site ta ‘sgt ae - ! i anaes aa abe 13 eos 4 510 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—OCCUPATIONS, TABLE 15.—PER CENT DISTRIBUTION, BY CLASS) OF POPULAT 10 , OF TION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER "AND OF PERSONS ENGAGED PATIONS, FOR BOTH SEXES AND FOR EACH SEX SEPARATELY, F STATES: 1920 AND i910. Sera PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF— ¢ Eonviation 16 years of SEF ah engaged I , oO TION. SEX AND CLASS OF P = 10N : age and 1 OME pcr gainful se, ' iotet 1920 1910 1920 1910" | BotH SEXES. TUG CTT) i Re RS” | STAR ING RRR ARES I ae 100. 6 Native white—Native parentage. ..... ape | Mee 9 i) apt | 53.3 Native white—Foreien or mixed paren cane? S0,2b. PALE BET SE 1 2082 Foreigni-borit- whic... 00 even pel ei ere e tee Efe Sai 1603 Negros 222) 80.54-4 A PE SE A ROBT SSOS. 6 te ie. SUE RE 1 GOL Indian , Chinese, Japane a8) and all ottienti sti be. | RS 2 OF lo Qud wIindian -Yta sc .| Men See OL AL d ta-L Gob Bes 3. t ABP 1.0, 2 Chineseie: 2. 32 COT PEL SAS RIE LESH BSA Se, ARS OFLA S =, 6S 0.1. ae Cad ie Japanesecy.....3.4 Gb URS ee ae a 3 ca SO ea ae De aes 0.0 AM ethers os 5 20S Sate ee Pee: (2). 26. MALE | at wa All classes=. o<.s<<2 oot eee Oo ota veut Se AL 0000 Native white—Native parentage. .........2.....--4.-.-.- 52.9 Native white+Foreign or mixed parentage-./../...2... “8 19.6 Foreign-born: White. ..cnoneateedae: = wep ele ese ete se rm 1Te5 Negro 8. iv. £1} W08 MR geb +t -BT 1 olba eAe OL GRE, OB Sit. mvs ah . ie Andian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other...-..- 38. § UGG, # SQASt gle 0: 5 aE THe 8% 1. 5 SUL eR EEC Re hee ba 0.2 ROY Dike and Chinese...) ona eee eh Se Ge oes Sa 1! ch . OG Lspe. nt OAL : Papaneses bale pk OLS Go ee Ck le ee ea hs bak Nh OF Al othereet:....2 Subigae: Fea) - ee See LEN eS (3)-<0.. FEMALE, . cares d, All classes......-. 1a ona a rg ey ae 100.0 “oh 0 Native white—Native parentage. .-.....-.-....+..- eS 530743 Native white—Foreign or mixed parentage. .-.. b . daee OF (21.0) .-be-- Foreign-born whites:2. exer ers: oo eee gy #415380 . Neépros ah OG) A iG ES og SS Sag PAO ee PALES LOGO aps ~~ RE Indian, Chinese, Japanese, ‘ahd ail othowmmie ion. gy. QETUeCioL | ORB Gy Undingi2sy 2... LoS SOD LS PI AGREE Se OBR RS ONO | O52 see te ons Chinése 2iou8 . .j. Se fea es Ee .2£5., Re Seki ee. BOY ABP A 2) ee ele Japanese!....- i Ree Ie oad fH. -.. USS. } 0. PHIG IN ALAS (ATE OCRGES os. bO33 bee a Se SE uk ae BU YS (2) wis tf nw- -QBe ee te 1 Separate oceupation figures for Chinese and J apanese not available for 1910. 2 Less than one-tenth of i per cent. 2 incest sae sate gt aa et ae th ee et iF CLE NEROSE 151, Deis SSA? asmngel ws hscoheguegeiatell 2 ’ ‘ 4 - COLOR OR RACE OF OCCUPIED PERSONS, S11. ABLI '16.—DISTRIBUTION, BY GENHRAL DIVISIONS OF OCCUPATIONS, OF GAINFUL W fe RKERS 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER IN EACH Pig hy a CLASS OF THE POP- ATI N, ed THE UNITED STATES: 1020. ; nee NATIVE WHITE— ; ay = . “ALI Cr NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN OR ay A ‘ = wo od a ‘ Mi BES ae aaa NATIVE PARENTAGE.| MIXED PARENT- = mre : ——— AGE. _ SEX AND GENERAL DIVISION oF OCCUPATIONS. 7 lip 9 wd aa Per , i : cen cen cent aif | 22 Uh eeeip, | -Todcas Number. distri- || Number. distri- | Number distri. Bud, croitud I subband bution. bution bution. Bora Gaxkh. oe Allbocoupations:...:2:.122.4-.-0. 41, 614/248] 100.0 || 20,521,997 | 100.0) 8.347.466 . 100.0 of sf ? 224» ’ , ‘iculture, forestry, and animal buss | Mi Mies... bE... 4068.5 > AP - 44] 10, 953, 158 26. 3 6, 391, 480 31.1 | 1,374,777 16.5 action. of miderals. of- O$2 082. ...18 i, 090, 223 2.6 487, 314 204 150, 620 1.8 a a3 ingand mechanicalindustiies| os 818, 524: 30. 8 5,384, 332 26. 2.|. 2; 890, 495 34. 6 ete tae... 1 tates... nl pe 2,864; (1) 1,158] (2) 558} (1) eet Tichahigelhaustr; ies 1,930,341 | 22-6 772,297 |. 20.7 634, 316.|° 30.1 (MS er geliee Ge: ie Wie oc ct ce ry 218; 05 2. 5 127, 078 8.4 71, 430 3.4 ah ne ee St aoe Eee tg 667,792 7.8 352, 388 9.4 218, 976:| --10-1 vies thik aisiwiters disdSitied) 24, 794 0.3 14, 910 G. 4 4, 862 0.2 ante iseryiee!*! - >> 42°80". tS ib 016, 498 11.9 655, 344 17.6 250, 920 11.9 sti and personal service.:... — 2, 186, 924. 25.6 650, 655 417-4 340, 341 16:1 Oveupations. .25262.6c.552.-.225 1, 426, 116 16.7 782,223 | 21.0 543,975 | 25.8 | 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. .612 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS++OCCUPATIONS, | TABLE 16.—DISTRIBUTION; BY GENERAL DIVISIONS OF OCCUPATIONS, OF GAINFUL WORKERS 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER IN EACH PRINCIPAL CLASS OF THE ROP- ULATION, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920—Continued. “ht INDIAN, CHINESE £ cissareabt hs Naga NEGRO. JAPANESE, AND, ; ALL OTHER. SEX AND GENERAL DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONS. Se ae ee Se chad rs cen cen cen Numbers} gi ctri- Number. | gjstrj- | Number-| ai ceri. bution. bution. bution. BoTH SEXES. All occupations 2+... 2285285055. 23.8 7,746,460 | 100.0) 4,824,151) 100.0] 174,174 100.0 Agriculture, forestry, and aninial husbandry. . 931, 561 12.0 | 2,178,888 45,2 76, 452 43.9 Extraction of minerals... ...22..0.6...--2-+52 377, 138 4,9 73, 229 15 1, 922 1a Manufacturing and mechanicalindustries....| 3,634,249 46.9 886,810 |. 18.4 22,638 13.0 Transportatin.s2. Qo. . LOe Ra dete 4 547, 613 ie 312, 421. 6.5 7, 969 4.6 TAGE L Pel. wd Raton np eee eo db den 860, 530 11 140, 467 2.9 13, 709 7.9 Public service (not elsewhere classified) . ..-.. 127, 280 1.6 50, 552 1.0 2, 162 1.2 Professidtial Service, 042 2 SL as 231, 719 3.0 80, 183 1.7 2, 897 17 Domestic and persona! service...........---: 769, 193 9.9 | 1,064, 590 22.1 44,179 25.4 Clerical occupations...............- pe aa a 267,177 3.4 37, 011 0.8 2, 246 138 MALE. All oconpauons, ..- bcuee .-p db ee 6, 627,997 100.0 | 3,252,862 100.0] 158,198 | 100.0 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry. - 891, 900 13.5 } 1,566,627 48, 2 Extraction Of mingials. beac. nce at ape 376, 342 5.7 72, 892 2.2 Manufacturing and mechanicalindustries...-| 3,219,697 48. 6 781, 827 24. 0 Transporteuien... 15 Jai. bsea te aetie we det = 536, 675 8.1 308, 896 9.5 Trade. S55. ocak . iO Rat eee Ske: woke a 770, 881 11.6 129, 309 4.0 Public service (not elsewhere classified)...... 126, 240 1.9 49, 586 ED Professional Service...) sc. Pee Slee ee db oe 161, 162 2.4 41,056 1.3 Domestic and personal service..........-.-.- 369, 232 5.6 273, 959 8.4 Clerical occupations..............--- eae 175, 868 2.7 28,710 0.9 FEMALE. . All occupations... toa. o. oo. wee hoes 1,118,463 | 100.0] 1,571,289 | 100.0 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry. . 39, 661 3.5 612, 261 39. 0 Pxtraction-of minerals: cscs ecaac-~- see naeen 796 0.1 337 (4) Manufacturing and mechanical industries... 414, 552 37.1 104, 983 6.7 Transportavien. -...5 betes emewer ate sh oe- clan te 10, 938 1.0 3, 525 0. 2 pW ¢ Ce ee ee i EI ie! = RRR 89, 649 8.0 11, 158 0.7. Public service (not elsewhere classified) -...... 1,040 0.1 - 966 0.1 PrFofessiOuaLservice; oS. i sebemes iss. '--- sine _ 10,557 6.3 39, 127 2.5 Domestic and personal service....------....- 399,951 | 35.8 790,631 50.3 Uldrical occupations). 22. usdecentewe + otecis nes 91, 309 8.2 8, 301 0.5 COLOR OR. RACE OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. 513 3 ‘Taste 17.—NUMBER AND PER CENT DISTRIBUTION, BY CLASS OF POPULATION, OF _ THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER AND OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, BY GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: 1920. POPULATION 10 YEARS OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGE AND OVER: GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS: 1920 20 DIVISION AND CLASS OF POPULATION. | Per cent Per cent Number. distri- Number. distri- bution. bution. ai | ee ne 82, 739, 315 100. 0 41,614, 248 100.0 Native white—Native parentage.................-. 44,077, 564 53.3 20, 521, 997 49.3 ative white—Foreign or mixed parentage. ...... 16, 784, 299 20. 2 8, 347, 466 20. 1 SPeMEN-DOTM WILL. 2...) sees gale geese 13, 497, 886 16.3 7, 746, 460 18.6 RS 6 PN wae snes ai aie wipe oe oo has ge gage 8,053, 225 9.7 4,824, 151 11.6 NS Sn Gs ERE Se Si ose fate ws Se ew Uo 176, 925 0:2 63, 326 0.2 TN EE EE | SE Dy Gee toca Sei 56, 230 0.1 45, 614 0.1 ORE | Sa an Ee ee 84, 238 0.1 57, 903 0.1 AE AS | eee ee 9 eee 8,948 (1) 7,331 (1) 5,945, 989 100. 0 3,234, 392 100. 0 2,226, 985 37.5 1, 128, 260 34.9 1,805, 558 30.4 966, 703 29.9 1, 843, 028 31.0 1,092, 626 33.8 65,271 1.1 42, 872 1.3 1, 368 (*) 747 (1) 3,357 0.1 2, 885 0.1 320 (1) 232 (1) 102 (1) 67 (1) 4 Rep mragle Atlante. oon ase... . ok onan sane oe 17,666, 354 100.0 9,240, 216 100.0 aye white—Native parentage. ..........-4..--- 7,471, 675 42.3 3,677, 057 39. 8 ive white—Foreign or mixed parentage. .--. “a 4,816, 496 27.3 2,403, 301 26.0 Oreign-born White. ..... 2.20 0.2.....-.ecue eee 4,853, 256 27.5 2, 807, 920 30.4 (cs 2 SR a1 A Seo 508, 031 a a9 339, 213 3.7 oe UR 1 se a etal 4,589 (‘) 2, 289 (1) poe CURSES SS Sieipleriee Bk a 8, 321 (1) 7,296 0.1 eg OESS SS Cie ties Noh ch 2,950 (1) 2,222 (1) PONCT. 2...) ..- Sercuets. aks a os a SR 1,056 (1) 918 () Gppeeast North Central)! ...4,.-.-.. es. sa = 17, 130, 786 100. 0 8, 515, £49 100.0 he white—Native parentage. ........22...2.-. 8,931, 324 52.1 4,152, 202 48.8 Nh white—Foreign or mixed parentago. ..-... 4,557,935 | 26.6 2,279, 261 26.8 I so Ss. 2. Vk gee pia 3, 183, 790 18.6 1, 795, 800 21.1 BE a-RZE (Se - 6-2-2 oat os a -- >= bh gee 39... - 440, 129 2.6 278, 826 3.3 8 RESET I poe la 11, 582 0.1 5,051 0.1 SET ee n= >>) an... chang... 4,764] (1) 3,892] (1) Mahan EL ~~. =. +0 on -p-2>--- spawn vey -- 826 (1) 3 570 (*) Fs Se vet le ISIE ds phe : 436 (‘) 247 (1) West North Central..................2...- 9, 889, 740 100. 0 | 4, 587,996 100.0 Native white—Native parentage.................. 5,491,277 55. 5 | 2, 409, 784 52.5 Native white—Foreign or mixed parentage........ 2,772, 958 28. 0 1,310, 182 28. 6 Mer Dori White. = 5260.25.22... 202. s eel 1,358, 323 13.7 712, 271 15.5 Ee oo oe ie set Sa 237,277 2.4 146, 432 3.2 oe EOS ean eas aaa 27,175 0.3 7,160 0.2 A aa od ee im sect 50d BE 1,560 (1) 1,323 (1) Sp se ae en a abe a 996 (1) 748 () EES eae one ae 174] (1) 96} () Smermmmtig forse soe foy he esse 10,513,447 100. 0 5,339, 999 100.0 | Native white—Native parentage.................. 6, 547, 732 62.3 3,036, 727 56. 9 Native white—Foreign or mixed parentage... .... 421, 149 4.0 211, 964 4.0 USE SS eens ee 311, 385 3.0 _ 189, 450 3.5 ESSE SSA naan ia 3, 221, 694 30.6 1,895, 830 35.5 ME at noo SD hore mon seen 9,139 0.1 4,081 0.1 a SEES aS Ree ee ee, Sn 1, 687 (@) 1, 430 (*) NO rE 317 os} 237 (>) ki a GR eg a a 344 : 280 (*) 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 514 ABSTRACT OF THE 'GENSUS——OCCUPATIONS. yi TABLE 17.—NUMBER AND PER CENT DISTRIBUTION, BY CLASS OF POPULATION, Or THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER AND OF PERSONS ENGAGED | IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, BY GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: 1920—Continued. i PERSONS ENGAGED IN POPULATION 10 YEARS OF { AGE AND OVER: 1920 GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS: DIVISION AND CLASS OF POPULATION. Per cent Per cent. | Number. distri- Number. distri- bution. bution. — East Sowth Central)... 5....).---5---2-- 6, 677, 229 100.0 3,310, 844 100.9 Native white—Native parentage..........--.--2.- 4, 502, 712 67.4 60, 4 Native white—Foreign or mixed parentage. .....- 176, 884 2.6 ZF. Foreign-born whites: «2.2 inc dae ce the macames 71, 2h 15% pa INGE O n ary Vicgaaes Crate Salas sie las aitene SE mates cate S 1,924, 714 28.8 35.2 TATA ck Ben ee one auto hS au uk Oe wegen ean ae os 1,176 (f) 1) ae | ae a ch at ag RE | Sle ie dee Spire vant Pay 478 (1) 8 fim ra FEPOLOSO. es ciate >=» bbw n adhe oe hia ae oop tts Mena eS hupveb- ous sade 160 (1) Mountain--2 1°. .0 2: | pt IR phe sata 2 2,564, 463 100. 0 1, 254,994 ~ 100.0 Native white—Native parentage... .... 222-22. 1, 456, 002 | 56. 8 670,056} : Native white—Foreign or mixed parentage... 1... B75, 344 22.4 275, 3/L41; eee Foréign-bora- Whites? «neu tsne... op coe ae 436,304 |->--- 17.04} 257, 468 90.5 WHOETO Mac) Soe: inicio Gio ae elena PR brace ae eM i ink tegen Sie 8, 589 0.3 AN GLHGE Cet comuhinkone RemMeENT.| . bere tea "334 (1) Pachfiges oer 8 oe aeee tk ee 4,611,771 100.0 Native white—Native parentage.........-.---.... 2,303,106 | 49.9 Native white—Foreign or mixed parentage. ...... 1, 126,314 24.4 Rorsign-Dortwhtiass oases eects s thse nantes ‘ 010; 536 21:9 ee ee ed ee rs a 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. -+sumtnee eee ee ee -ses eee COLOR OR RAGE OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. 515 TABLE 18.—PER CENT DISTRIBUTION, BY CLASS OF POPULATION, OF PERSONS to " END STAT HS: 1990.” OVER ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, BY DIVISIONS AN 19 PER CENT OF ALL PERSONS OCCUPIED. : DIVISION AND STATE. Native eye hore. anced wee foreign born Negro. Japanese, arentape. | °F mixed white. and all P 8°: | parentage. other. r United States. LE RAS eS | Pap 49.3 20.1 18. 6 11.6 0.4 ‘GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: 0 GTI el Se er 34.9 29.9 33. 8 1.3 0.1 » «Middle Atlantic. .s2y.¢ys....2..: Se ew paah 39. 8 26. 0 30. 4 3.7 0.1 Buoy ast Nort Centralio. po5.9. 2. 4.9.00. 2 2.5 48. 8 26. 8 21.1 3.3 0.1 me, West North Centrale. s2.-¢... 0. f2p...-., 52.5 28. 6 15.5 3.2 0.2 Bema WAMUC. J. sc). Aunt... So5-.-45 56. 9 4.0 3.5 35.5 0.1 Se ucast Houth Centralor. yy... . eke... 60. 8 2.7 1,2 35. 2 (4) =. West South Centralyz.i2..-.. 2024.60. ..21 61.9 6.8 6.5 24.4 0.4 TS LT SERRA IPSS SSS eC 53. 4 21.9 20.5 1.6 2.5 ON ES RRR NEO Caan i Sa 47.0 23. 2 25.2 1.1 3.5 New pein a Se: Oe Sie | BER area | 62. 5 17.5 19,7 0.2 0.2 at New ieercinire tae tae <=. -- Ho -48s sat 47.9 23.4 28. 5 0.2 0.1 en Vermont 4g... 2.) 2 Te Gh < i= Ho Sas ee 61.7 21.4 16.7 0.2 (4) Bemmnssenntinetts. ).r4-00.'.....1/.3.392.025 29. 1 32. 6 36.7 1,4 0.1 Ao SURES I es cs a 26. 1 34.9 36.9 1.9 0.1 RIGOR. 2 eed. Ty. Ly Eo ois Oo 3 30. 9 30. 2 36. 8 2.0 0.1 Mwpee ATLANTIC: a el I Sea | Se 32.3 29.3 35. 4 2.7 0.2 MmaNOW MOTSOVs. |. G0). de) dS EE Ss 35. 6 27..7. 31.9 4.7 0.1 ge A ERS se a 51.2 21.0 23.2 4.5 0,1 East Nort CENTRAL: gt a a | SRE 58. 9 19.9 16.9 4.3 8 ESS ae Ss ee Dp a 75. 1 13.6 7.5 3.8 1) i cee wah... hoo. (iy. .-- 5 se SS! 40.5 29. 8 25.8 . 3.8 0.1 NS SS Se a 40. 4 29.5 27.6 2.3 0.2 0 SO RRS a ec 29.9 45. 4 24.1 0.3 0.3 West NorktH CENTRAL a Sy ine RE Sa | SRR 25. 9 44.3 29.0 0.6 0.3 56. 6 29. 7 12.5 bt (1) 67.2 17.6 7.8 72 Q) 25.2 40.7 33.3 0.1 0.7 40.8 |. 38. 2 19.5 0.2 1.3 51.2 | , 30. 8 16.0 1.6 0.3 68. 7 18. 2 8.7 4.3 Ou 59.0 11.9 12.7, 16. 4 Q) @x 56. 0 14,1 9.4 20. 4 0.1 a» 52.6 12.7 as. 27.3 0.2 ei Saas 2 aah SON are ae ayers 61.9 2.5 2.3 33.3 0.1 mmey Osc Vilpinian oer ie. 5... J... 79. 4 4.6 8. 2 7.8 (4) et _ North Carolina... .. Pees. LORS. 65. 2 0.5 0.5 33. 4 0.4 _ South Carolina... -:... aE Ee. Sine 42.1 0.8 0.6 56. 4 (4) MUONS bs.) . os ue... LA. 50. 2 1 0.9 47.8 (4) ROME eo Sob Bre £4 os.ccat oe oe 4 46.7 5.3 6.8 41.2 0.1 be Souta CENTRAL: os ppg ER 78.0 6.4 2.0 13.6 (1) Ge ocak: Gee nn es oe 71.9 1.9 Lap 25.1 (1) RS Se eee eee 52. 2 1.4 11 45.3 (4) SEES SC Oe eee rr eae 38. 4 1.0 0,2 59.7 0.1 pe Sout Restctet crane: an = i ae Ser 63. 2 2.6 1,4 32.8 () Peete 2 slat ot 2... J. a... 44,7 6,2 3.9 45,1 0.1 Muermmieeips . 2.22.5 yur eae: .-. dL BTL! 80.0 6.0 3.4 8.8 oy ES oe eee a ae oe 61.1 8.9 10.6 19.3 0.1 'AIN: he eet a Ra ae 44.0 27.3 26.5 0.5: 17 ENS ee ees PS, eae 59.1 23.7 15.4 0.4 1.4 i OT re eens es ae 57.0 19.8 20.3 1 Bs | 1.8 Bo SS ee ae 59.8 20. 1 17.9 1.7 0.5 WerveW. MOXICO. ..... Sus es -... - 70.6 8.3 - Spletee 3.7 5.2 MMTIMOIER os 2 552) eas hes. 43.3 13. 4 30.5 4.6 8.2 Wee btssc2i claves Om... 2d ae 41.1. 36. 4 20.0 0.6 1.9 1 hea AS Sera eee) ep 41.1 22.9 28. 2 0.7 7.1 "ACIFIC: bo LY i a 47.0 23.6 26. 2 0.7 2.4 Ue ee Pf. ay eres F 57.9 21.2 18. 7 0.4 1.8 Peretetaen.. 2. bac ak ....- 1) Rs 44.6 23. 4 26. 2 1.4 4.3 1 Less than ome-tenth of 1 per cent. 516 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-—-OCCUPATIONS, TABLE 19._NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF MALES IN EACH PRINCIPAL CLASS OF , “BY DIVISIONS NATIVE WHITE—NATIVE NATIVE WHITE—FOREIGN OR PARENTAGE. MIXED PARENTAGE. a \ Engaged in gainful a Engaged in gainful DEVISION AND STATE. occupations. BRASS GiBhpations, Total Total number. number. Number. aT Number ee United States.......... 22,361, 495 16, 788, 668 75.1 8, 285, 550 6, 237, 012 75.2 SSS eS SS) cree GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: ; New England.....)....... 1,097,722 846, 384 yy | 872,977 - 631, 391 72.3 ‘ Middle Atlantic. .....2...- 3, 698, 009 2, 837, 935 76.7 2,334,928) 1,695, 788 72.6 East North Central. .....-.. - 4, 542,747 3,394, 523 74.7 2,256,877 | 1,752,481 77.7 West North Central. .....- 2,802, 396 1,999, 029 71.3 1,398, 065 | - 1,058, 283 75.7 South Atlantic. ...0......-. 3, 300, 670 2, 506, 843 75.9 207, 704 160, 195 Tid East South Central........ 2,277, 389 1,733, 971 76.1 , 800 69, 82.5 West South Central. ...... 2,666, 690 1,983, 571 74.4 272,145 -- 209, 801 77.1 Mountaite ..... .2 24.8288... 778, 816 572, 282 73.5 298, 736 - 227,990 76.3 PSCIfC A. «ase ybe asl erasers 1, 197, 056 914, 130 76. 4 563, 318 431, 160 76.5 NEw ENGLAND: as 3 MAING 0.05 -. pace omens ee 202, 059 155, 549 77.0 57,050 39, 503 69. 2 New Hampshire........... 92, 298 71, 624 77.6 42,655 - 29, 855 70.0 Vermont? O07. 227 See. 2. 91, 546 68, 492 74.8 29,881 | 22,754 76.1 Massachusetts. ....0..5.--- 470, 024 362, 009 77.0 496,984 361, 091 72s Rhode Island.........0.--- 66, 862 52,364 78.3 80,830 60,560 | 74,9 Connecticut... fav2 tina 174, 933 136, 346 77.9 165, 577 117, 628 71.0 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: New Work:. 0.2. ees. 1, 420, 955 1,089, 675 76.7 1, 248, 316 909, 796 72.9 New Jersey.....<.. S29... 468, 209 361, 806 77.3 352,045 256, 334 72,8 Pennsyivania....-). ..Wsees< 1, 808, 845 1, 386, 454 76. 6 734, 567 | 529,658 | . 72.1 EAst NORTH CENTRAL: LEE RD a apgge ns ap eter “CSE y 1, 453, 254 1,111, 862 76.5 454,617 355, 650 78.2 Indian. i... ... 1. See 924, 318 701, 576 75.9 150, 922 122; 381 81.1 Tinos. SS... . |, eee 1,166,289 | ©. 859,683 73.7 745, 420 -- 572,885 | 76.9 Michigarige. >! 2-3): 2s 645, 382 488, 328 75.7 450, 586 343,168 | 76.2 Wisconsin... 2240... eee 353, 504 233, 074 65.9 455, 332 358, 397 78.7 West Nort CENTRAL: ee || notes Be ‘ Minnesota: . 655. ba Be 277,714 | © 185,722 66. 9 424,575 313,325 | 73.8 ROWa toute Le 573,087 | ~ . 400,726 69.9 272, 080 210, 577 77.4 Missour .0:. 2.5 ep ABR SE 988, 780 735, 567 74.4 4} 215,252 |- ° 180,069} 83.7 North Dakota. .... 2.2% Er 66, 826 ~ 43, 462 65.0 107, 748 69, 86 64.8 South Dakota.....i.4 2 ar 109, 294 | | ° 74, 584 68. 2 95,496 aale | Nebraska... 2... se 279, 823 194, 708 69. 6 156, 706 74, Kansas soi) 05.32.b semen 506, 872 364, 260 71.9 126, 208 16.1 SoutTH ATLANTIC: vo ae | Delawarei:-.2 22 Lia ee 56, 554 44, 325 78. 4 11,074 - toe Maryland. 2... Deve. 348, 488 272, 067 78. 1 80, 971 78.8 District of Columbia... -.- 92,275 75, 509 81.8 22, 667 81.9 Virginians. 2226 BR 586, 495 442,214 |... 75.4 21,785 | - of 78.6 West Virginia... 2bou.. 464, 947 344, 096 74.0 25, 779 72.8 North Carolina... .2:..-- 689, 875 ' 479, 863 75. 0 4,385 76.4 South Carolina. .....2....- 294, 945 225, 052 76. 3 5, 494 ~ 82,7 Georgia. pb... <.. hte dhe vee 610, 262 » 469, 354 76.9 12,635 80. 4 Pioridieiy¢ice-cant concn ee 206, 829 154, 363 74. 6 22,914 69.5 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL: |; oe Kentucky. ......,-La.<--: 770, 836 583, 762 75.7 47,751 8&7) Tennessees.... «220k Pek a= <2 687, 222 517, 557 75. 3 5, 866 ne Alabamaga. ...:..4 Rak. -.- 510, 436 397,956 |... 78.0 13, 545 : a Mississippi). 3: ..f.ve ee 308, 895 234, 696 76. 0 7,638 78 West SouTH CENTRAL: . > £9 Arkansasés. .....<6 28222 459, 178 348, 777 76. 0 17,720 80.6. Louisiana... 22. be B st 352, 112 260, 434 74.0 42,540 78.60 Oklahoma;.......: At... 648, 851 474, 157 73.1. |} 45, 356 pat Fae 2” em Sane RE 1, 206, 549 900, 203 74. 6 166, 529 76.0. MOUNTAIN: : ; Om & Montanas. .......: Ak... 107, 617. 81,145 75.4 |} 64, 114 76.2 idahor £05.23 ...24 Rilbess ' 111, 728 79,321 71.0 40, 459 78.9 Wyoming. .......,;4% TE, 51,790 40,670 78.5 17, 302 ~ 194 Coloraay.e so...) BE... 243,116 |. § “181,508 74.7 78, 425 13,4 New Mexico......)456... 104, 620 “. 76,071 12.4 11, 285 |- 15.0 ATIZOBALH... 5-00 DIE. 2 63, 601 48, 933 76. 9 20, 360 pe te Utah 4.7.0.... 6.1228 -., 79,714 > 51, 272 64.3 57,969 3 PU VI Rhine aus KES 2 op-ed 16, 630 13, 362 80. 3 8, 822 pl PACIFIC: . er Washington......,;221... 292, 575 224, 895 76.9 143, 047 Oregon $.}...2--.-L228... 203,787 | | .0153,619 ||... 75.4 69, 756 CeIOGDIA. S62 nt bap ween «25 700, 694 | . 535, 616 76. 4 350, 515 COLOR OR RACE OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. 517 7 eo a ~ 3 THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, AND STATES: 1920. FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. NEGRO. AND Engaged in gainful Engaged in gainful DIVISION | ig ae occupations. occupations. Total Total number. - number er Per Number. cone. Number. Kank, -~* United States..../.20). 7,419, 691 6,627, 997 89.3 || 4,009,462 | 3,252, 862 81.1 ei aes =a Eee ————————— cea nao cepenemnnommntcnpweroneen| couemesmangies anteoneoreoeeetocnenee | Sooo pe, GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: _ New England. awit deere obo. 931, 845 853, 144 91.6 33,.379 28,780 86.2 ' Middle Atlantic........... 2, 587, 798 2,354, 559 91.0 256, 057 222, 328 86.8 ' East North Central........ 1,789, 466 1,589, 630 _ 88.8 236, 246 206, 118 87.2 West North Central. . 22... 772, 147 645, 046 83.5 123,472 104, 548 84.7 South Atlantic. ...2...0.0. 182, 846 165, 656 90.6 || 1,584,869} 1,258, 209 79.4 ' East South Central........ 41,729 36, 790 88. 2 943, 946 766, 741 81.2 ' West South Central... 2... 245, 597 » 212,745 86.6 791, 529 629, 967 79.6 meMounitains)........000.03S. 262, 733 233, 954 80.0 18, 178 16, 846 92.7 Meperocitiol= ALL... |. OP. 505. 605, 530 | 536,473 88.6 21,786 19, 325 88.7 NEw ENGLAND: eM aing 222! : . So fc US. 35. 54, 398 49, 063 90.2 600 520 86.7 » New Hampshire.......:... 45, 952 41,714 90. 8 275 234 85.1 BeeVermont.d ........001 b.. 22, 806 20, 080 88.0 267 239 89.5 ' “Massachusetts... .......222. 526, 272 483, 397 91.9 18, 989 16, 345 86.1 | Rhodelsland......022..... 84, 933 77, 659 91.4 4,214 3, 606 85.6 ©) Connectictit. .... 2.201.311. 197, 484 181, 231 91.8 9,034 7, 836 83.7 . MIDDLE ATLANTIC: meeNew Yorks: .... 1.586. 02c. 1,425, 461 1, 287, 071 90.3 82, 115 72,671 88.5 PeewNew Jersey... 2.4.2 50.250. 387, 251 355, 166 91.7 47,376 40,014 84.5 | SeeePennsylvania. 775, 086 712, 322 91.9 126, 566 109, 643 86.6 East NortH CENTRAL: mong ahs. SUL... 1 08b ae. 386), 901 348, 421 90.1 86, 147 74, 622 86.6 Meeandiana: 10......5. 553 8Ci. 87, 396 76, 707 87.8 35, 674 30, 620 85.8 Seeminotses JUS. 2... 4.088.007. 651, 256 580, 837 89. 2 81, 431 70, 905 87.1 Meemichigan0. ..... 1.254.902. 407, 057 367, 026 90. 2 30, 413 27, 661 91.0 mee Wisconsin) 22.02.6200 .10). 256, 856 216, 639 84.3 2,581 2, 310 89.5 - West Nortu CENTRAL: Beeminnesotar.......080.21). 276, 630 237, 632 85.9 4,339 4, 038 93.1 ROWS VIS, 20... BN OTS. 126, 109 98,445 | 78.1 8, 578 7, 346 85.6 Mee Missouri... 2... 4.080.902. 102, 587 89, 547 87.3 78, 532 66, 832 85.1 ee North Dakota. ../.020.001. 74, 633 63, 759 85. 4 243 243 100.0 ©) South Dakota.....000.%2.. 47, 289 38, 876 82.2 407 358 88.0 Sonebtaska........4.2 $8,005. 83, 542 | 66, 674 79:8 6, 441 5,576 86.6 meemansasie cl... 2.001 US). 61, 357 50, 113 81.7 24,932 20,155 80.8 SOUTH ATLANTIC: Sueelawares: 2. 2.207 11.. 11, 230. 10, 307 91.8 12, 895 10, 342 80. 2 Maryland....... $2208 G6... 54, 102 | 48,410 ] © | 89.5 98, 988 81,654 82.5 _ District of Columbia.:..... 15, 022. 12. 929 86. 1 42,979 35, 865 83.4 Seay arginine. 22.2... 65.2 a6 .21i. 18, 812 17, 302 92.0 258, 723 200, 136 77.4 ) West Virginia. ........2¢.. 41, 295 |. 38, 567 93.4 38, 499 32, 279 83. 8 ® "North Carolina. ...i.0.4... 4, 287 |: 3, 998 93.3 265, 258 203, 035 76.5 © South Carolina. . 2.20.2... 4, 063 3,717 91.5 299, 487 235, 116 78.5 Gemleorgia’.c.. 2.2... C10.61.. 9, 923 9, 036 91.1 436, 182 351, 626 80.6 Meer toridstes 80805. 88... 245112 21, 390 88.7 131, 858 108, 156 82.0 East SouTH CENTRAL: Smcontudity.| .....1. 702.4 as 17, 401 15,115 86.9 97, 102 79, 094 81.5. Merennessée. ...... 5.051 .01.. 8, 928 7, 688 86. 1 173, 840 140, 414 80. 8 Remrabames.........880.01.. 10, 484 9, 505 90.7 326, 672 266, 651 81.6 "> Mississippi. ........2 Pcs 4,916 4, 482 91.2 346, 332 280, 582 81.0 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL: Waenricnigas .. 2.2... ..8f0.01.. 8, 528 7,711 90. 4 182, 403 147, 846 81.1 musouisiania?......5.050.0).. 26,477 23, 801 89.9 262, 983 210, 162 79.9 PeeomianGma......./.05.08.. 24, 412 21, 766° 89.2 58, 823 44, 582 75.8 Beremnseui a... J.825.081. 136, 180 159, 467 85.7 287,320 227, 377 79.1 | Mounrar: Marans. Ol .....4.165.08.. 57, 287 52, 160 9 1 848 800 94.3 Ne es TOOL ES.. 24, 565 22, 199 90. 4 526 461 87.6 aye: wavdnedeDOeetlss 16, 700 | 15, 562 93. 2 806 705 87.5 Colorado 66, 869 58, 766 87.9 5, 116 ‘4, 379 85.6 15, 685 13, 618 86: 8 4,399 4, 260 96. 8 40, 476 34, 827 86. 0 5,550 5, 345 96.3 30, 516 26, 783 87.8 750 716 95.5 10, 635 10, 039 94, 4 183 180 98.4 150, 510 136, 812 | 1° 90.9 3,525 3, 223 91.4 61, 575 54, 160 88.0 1, 080 1,037 | .. 96.0 393, 445 345, 501 | ~,/ 87.8 17,181 15,065 87.7 518 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—OCCUPATIONS, TABLE 20.—NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF FEMALES IN EACH PRINCIPAL CLASS OF ; BY DIVISIONS NATIVE WHITE—NATIVE NATIVE WHITE—FOREIGN OR PARENTAGE. MIXED PARENTAGE. Engaged in gainful Engaged in gainful DIVISION AND STATF. Senpathons. oc Se Total io’T Total number, number. Number. as Number. ome United States......-..- 21,716, 069 3,733, 329 17.2 8,494, 749 2,110,454 | 24.8 SS eee | ES | | ee GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England.....000..2.. 1, 129, 263 281, 876 25.0 932, 581 335, 312 36. 0 Middle Atlantic. .........- 3, 773, 666 839, 122 22. 2 2,481, 568 707, 513 28.5 East North Central......-- 4,388, 577 757, 679 17.3 2,301, 058 526, 780 22.9 West North Central....... 2,688, 881 410, 755 15.3 1,374, 893 251, 899 18.3 South: Atlantic. . ..02¢.i6c. 3, 247, 062 529, 884 16.3 213, 445 §1, 769: }) 0) 24.3 East South Central........ 2, 225, 323 278, 812 12.5 92,084 19,283 20.9 West South Central....202. 2,480, 061 317, 471 12.8 259, 516 42,472 | » 16.4 Mountain. .....4-¢51.21.. 677, 186 97, 774 14.4 276, 608 47, 381 17.1 PacifeSs Lf 2.4... WSha4s-- 1, 106, 050 _ 219, 956 19.9 562,996 128, 045 22.7 NEw ENGLAND: us av Maineicn ,...--.sdeO08l—:<- 198, 447 37,980 19,1 57,206 14, 742 25.8 New Hampshire........... 92,378 20,674 22, 4 44,513 15,300 34.4 N ermmn@et.... s+ <.2e RORee os 89, 666 16, 892 18.8 30,193 6, 891 22.8 Massachusetts .....Usv.2... 500, 447 141, 049 28. 2 535, 079 202,331 |. 37.8 Rhode Island......2...3.-- 68, 111 19,405 | + 28.5 . 88, 35, 460 40, 1 Connectictit......j/. £608... 180, 214 45, 876 25.5 177, 168 60, 588 34, 2 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: M New York...... 2p OSE. 82.. 1,455,977 366, 593 25. 2 1,341,387 409, 574 30. 5 New Jersey: .......d3%.52.. 474, 229 104, 330 22.0 371,671. 107, 353 28.9 Pennsylvania... .-.380.00c- 1,843, 460 368, 199 20. 0 768, 510 190, 586 24.8 East NORTH CENTRAL: 4 DIG. SAAS... <0 ele Farce, = 1, 411, 006 242, 885 17.2 476, 496 102,534 | « 21.5 Indisnwe.0%,...-.4-57boess 908, 276 137, 596 151 154,627 29, 142 18,8 Tlinoisin: Me ..... -\- Lop. 28. 1,138, 691 205, 266 18.0 778, 925 210, 372 27.0 Michigan. .....-4-5i8.08.- 589, 635 107, 082 18.2 439, 372 90, 934 20.7 W isGOMBI ... - . - - de TRE nee = - 340, 969 64, 850 19.0 451,638 93,798 20.8 West NorTH CENTRAL: ~ LEAH W Minnesota... ... 4-882... 260, 044 48, 840 18.8 418,082 88, 602 21.2 OWS 2bh..2 . 2-0 nol Bbdatlen a 557, 184 85, 364 15.3 270, 454 | 44, 368 16.4 Missouri. At ..... 1. f88.80-- 968, 147 149,986 |. 15.5 , 630 51, 456: 22.6 North! Dakota. -.-...02).--.- 59, 866 8, 709 14.5 100,684 14,375 14.3 South: Dakota. -...|. 0b... 95, 789 13, 711 14.3 87,023 (12,376) 14.2 Nebrasika........-|dhi.d.2- 262, 557 39,378 15. 0 150, 828 23,817. ‘15.8 Kansas) 12 os... 4 See pe. 485, 294 64, 767 13.3 120, 192 16, 905 14,1 SoutH ATALNTIC: é eA” Delaware!:’.......|-208.S7. ¢ 55, 409 9, 504 17.2 11,704 2,773 23.7 Maryland ss ..... i. 860.20. 347, 496 66, 097 19.0 85, 598 21,113 24.7 District of Columbia-.....-. 112, 079 48,595 43. 4 27, 501 11,535} /.) 4L.9- Wirgimia. Jus... . |. 6ST ese 570, 066 | 73, 780 12.9 18, 574 , 043 19.1 West Virginia.-....022-¢2.- 437, 724 45, 921 10.5 25,372 8,933 |. 915.5. North Carolina. . 2.228.200. 635, 557 104, 260 16. 4 4,391 1 8145) 90 18,5 South Carolina. ...2.2.022. 288, 355 58, 848 20. 4 4,915 1,008} 20,5. Georpidii ik ....1-221 088; 602, 860 97, 400 16.2 12/019 27525 | 21.0 Floridaii 2... 1. 268.7615 197,516 |»... 25,479 12.9 23,371 4,525} 0 "19,4 East SouTH CENTRAL: < Tp ae . Kentueky2\ ..... 5.502.780... 741,620 80,486 10.9 53, 857 12,621; |e 128.4 Tennesseesi! ...... Ube .b5E. 681, 404 79, 668 M7 16,425 3,150): ca a ‘Alabama ie... .. 4.058.000. 500,777 76, 024 15. 2 13, 934 2,.257:) 01 16, 3 Mississippies. .... 4.288.066. 301, 522 42,634 14.1 7,868 1, 15.3 West SouTH CENTRAL: = ae | ‘Arkangas. J.) .... 4.00821. 433, 132 52, 150 12.0 15,444 2,432: ti (ilie Ty LOuistaHalss. .... dnvoeasces 341, 571 / 44,147 12.9 47,975 85505 [oT Oklahoma. .....4.823.%%- 586, 488 70, 843 12.1 39,712 5,525 |. 13.9 Temh9 1 Maples « a <0 1-OG0n eas 1,118, 870 150,331 13.4 156,385 26,010} 16.5 MOUNTAIN lve & Montane.........5-60.--.+ 89, 020 13, 109 14.7 57,781 10,329 |» 17.9 WishoiPe . .......4.0eer-se5 95, 873 11,311 11. 8 34, 607 4,525 |i 3 t Wryoming.......1.202..... 38, 981 5,805 14.9 14, 565 2381) 16.3 Colorado. ......4.021.¢0..4 220, 315 . 87, 648 17.1 78, 307. 16,183}. 20.7 New: México.......020.2..- 94,739 | » . (10,101 10.7 10,249 1,672 |. he | 3 Arizorigteds ......4-06c<0--s 50, 637 7, 637 15.1 18,277.| ..... 2,788}. “15.0 Rita PAG. asic sess 00-~ a8 76, 037 10, 096 13.3 56, 021 8,292 | 14. IN OVEN es isis sree je Gens seer 11, 584 2,067 | © ..17.8 6,801 ... i, 265 ae PACIFIC: _ | | | Washington...../.ca-c... 257, 221 47,248 |) 18.4 134, 891 ., 2B/72Tiiae 3 Oregomivie. ...... 4. Velns..- 185, 651 32, 876 17.7 67,325 14,768 | 2k Daliforiial....../J35.3.. 663, 178 139, 832 12a 360,780 84,556 | ee > = shin - s ? A STATES: 1920. ap POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN G | United States...-.......... -EOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: mow England. ...2.-55..-.-.-5 @eetiddle Atlantic. ..02.0.....0.. @eemast North Central.:.;.....1.; ‘ee owest. North Central..........; Beesouch. A tlantic.|. ozscccc.-..2., - East South Central........... yaaa ay Be 3 oO +) New Hampshire... ...: Mevermonted beth 0S. Oo. 2S Mister wc. eee ike MPN ODTASK A. 2... ig sae ---5 0. tant awier ager: ~~ - i> « SOUTH ATLANTIC: MPEIAWALC. 00. oy ane oaee--- oy _ Maryland. _ District of Columbia........... Meeargiiia..... 2. yp a a Say est (Virginia... 22. 50.....2,4 "North Carolina. . /22./........: A. Awe) | Meporidae. ti... kL. | " _ Kentucky bis oo ce p's no eS ee De wash cheat Pricsmiwer thf _ Mississi i a SoutH CENTRAL: DERHSASUS 2 cob Soc bee eee th wy Stan... 1 te. YL... dL -Oklaho ERAN utes aiwints Soa pine o 0-0 44-0 COLOR OR RACE OF OCCUPIED. PERSONS. 519 AINFUL OCCUPATIONS, FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. NEGRO. Engaged in gainful Engaged fn gainful occupations. occupations. Total Total hs number : number . er er Number monet Number: aent, 6,078,195 | 1,118,463 18. 4 4,043,763 | 1,571,289 38.9 911, 183 239, 482 26.3 31, 892 14, 092 44,2 2, 265, 458 453, 361 20.0 » 251, 974 116, 885 46.4 1,394, 324 206, 170 14.8 203, 883 72, 708 RE ey / 586, 176 67, 225 £165 113, 805 41, 884 36.8 128, 539 23, 794 18.5 1, 636, 825 637, 621 39.0 29,482 4,470 15.2 980, 768 399, 706 40.8 184, 456 28, 753 15: 6 795, 491 276, 9C0 34. 8 173, 571 23,514 13.5 9, 563 3,632 38.0 405, 006 71,694 112% 19, 562 7, 861 40.2 50, 187 11, 857 23.6 491 178). » 36.3 43, 520 13, 246 30.4 215 73 34.0 19,895 3,044 15.3 187 69 36.9 537,300 151,510 28..2 18,614 8,159 43.8 86, 099 28, 934 27.8 3,978 1, 745 43.9 174, 182 35, 891 20.6 8,407 3, 868 46.0 1, 326, 594 309,297 7 we 89, 188 49,294 55.3 342, 548 62,527 18.3 49, 325 21, 738 44,1 596, 316 81,537 13.7 113,461 45, 853 40.4 283, 023 39, 948 14.1 71, 765 24,571 34, 2 61, 843 6, 953 11.2 32, 687 11,676 35.7 543, 723 96, 058 Lhvek 75, 774 29, 161 38.5 306,17 40,400 13. 2 21, 780 6, 687 30.7, 199, 564 22, 811 11.4 1,877 613 320 id 205, 600 25, 174 4202 3, 437 1, 257 36.6 97, 643 9,278 9.5 7, 324 2,299 31.4 81, 807 13, 428 16.4 74, 329 29,713 40.0 55,318 5,132 9.3 162 45 27.8 34, 492 3,363 9.8 271 94 34.7 64, 667 6, 664 10.3 5,048 1,876 37.2 46, 649 4,186 9.0 23, 234 6, 600 28.4 — 8, 311 1, 239 14.9 11, 703 4,586 39.2 47, 053 8, 471 18.0 95, 837 41,525 43.3 13, 270 3, 889 29.3 50, 803. 28, 588 56.3 11,513 1,647 14.3 261, 934 77, 204. 29.5 19, 384 1,582. 8.2 30, 287 6,001 19.8 2, 694 548 20.3 280, 284 96, 309 34.4 2, 264 378 16.2 319, 441 145,399 45.5 6, 105 1,202 19.7 459, 945 187,603 40.8 17, 945 4, 838 27.0 126,591 50, 406 39.8 13, 202 1,952 14.8 95,.555 36, 419 38.1 6, 369 1,060 16. 6 180, 586 68, 217 37.8 6, 909 913 13, 2 347, 332 144, 650 41,6 3,002 545 18. 2 357, 295 150, 420 42.1 5, 306 949 17.9 181, 000 60, 273 33.3 17, 767 2,758 15.5. ||... . 273,379 97, 267 35.6 14, 608 1, 649 11.3 55, 713 15,414 27.7 146, 775 23,397) 15.9 285, 399 103, 946 36.4 34, 442 4,491 13.0 602 206 34, 2 13, 814 1,505 10.9 288 80 27.8 8, 062 964 12.0 445 207 46.5 47, 416 6, 742 14.2 4,793 1,928 40.2 11,101 1,196 10.8 963 303. oLep 29,577 4,935 16. 7 1,819 677 Slee 25, 208 3,119 12. 4 523 155, 29,6 3, 951 562 14,2 180 76 58.5 94, 371 | 14, 861 Lie 2, 589 924 36.4 39, 097 6, 205. 15.9 813 mathet fb 39.0 271,538 18.6 16, 210 6,620 40. 8 520 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—OCCUPATIONS, TABLE 21.—NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF MALES IN EACH PRINCIPAL CLASS OF THE FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 _NATIVE WHITE—NATIVE NATIVE WHITE—FOREIGN OR PARENTAGE. MIXED PARENTAGE. f CITY. Engaged in gainful Engaged in gainful Total occupations. Total | occupations. number.~ So umber: Number. | Per ct. Number. | Perct. ee 13 Le RSS: SITE ARR | Fi 61, 665 55,253 | 89.6 13, 727 11,112] 80.9 PTS OS ie, A a NER ERE | FEE 3 22, 039 17,310} 78.5 14, 486 12,099 | 83.5 Aganthe Qe. ek Ne 49, 234 40,813} 82.9 2,944 2258 | 76.7 Baltimore Mais 2) Sse At 144, 834 118, 114 81.6 60, 550 47, 592 78.6 Birmingham, Ala.................---- 36, 750 29,406 | 80.0 3,634] 2581] 71.0 Boston, Mass. co. he cs. 69, 905 54,241] 77.6 105, 469 76,809 | 72.8 Bridgepom Geneve ee sos 14, 715 12,015 | 81.7 17, 203 12, 218 71.0 Buffalo, Nowe... ES 61, 095 47,356 | 77.5 ||° > 76, 234 58610 | 76.9 CainbridgS, Mass: 2.42005"). . S 10, 452 7,932 75.9 14, 638 10, 582 72.3 Gamden, Nedis: 2 Re fl ges 22° 194 18,339 | 82.6 10,226 | 7,760} 75.9 Chicago, Hb 2.2 08855 ee 235, 238 186,661} 79.3 387, 158 294,493 | 76.1 CinsinnddvOhie.....1 ses. aes 77, 781 61, 586 79.'2 50, 273 | 43,260 86.1 Cleveland; Ohio ooo. 35 ser 3... ee 82, 061 65, 924 80. 3 98, 982 71, 790 72.5 Columbus; Ohiow.. 1.200700 64, 288 50,582} 78.7 16, 313 13,351 | 81.8 Dallas; Tex. so... deco sessed 45, 918° 37,662 | 82.0 “5,421 4,488 | 82.8 Dayton sOhio. we beer et ee 40, 662 33,540 | 82.5 11, 471 9,678 | 84.4 Denver, Colo... ....4. 2b... 2. LS 63, 205 48, 097 76.1 26,720 20, 715 17.5 Des Moines, Iowa... J2'¢... 02... hibek 32, 886 25, 897 78.7 9,97 7, 912 79.3 Pavrort Maen < 25'S eee ree a Bes 132, 321 112, 771 85. 2 119, 414 94, 987 79.5 Fali River, Mass... .9.21 0... .U.8c6 5, 981 4 71.8 18, 270 13, 402 73.4 Fort Worth, Tex..........-.... 0.0... 33, 129 27,152 | 82.0 3,178 2,621) 82.5 Grand Rapids, Mich..............--.. 20, 506 16,184] 78.9 18, 462 14,029 |. 76.0 Hartiord, Conte. 300 ced. on 15, 961 13,026} 81.6 16, 748 12,160 | . 72.6 Houston, Texec.. Peer get ee 29, 226 23, 989 82. 1 7, 683 6, 362 82.8 Indianapolis, Ind.......-2:..----+-+-< 88, 725 73,716 | 83.1 || . 17,740]. 15,129}. 85.3 dorsey City; Nad ...1-1ab oihc.... usa 31, 809 24864] 78.2 43, 120 32,995 | 76.5 Kansas City, Kans... _-.2.2.0.---)e 24 22) 431 18,208 | 81.2 6, 626 5,235 | 79.0 Kansas City: Mo... i.20Y 19.2...) 5-1 86, 408 71,914} 83.2 22, 904 18,780} 82.0 Los Angeles, Calif... ..o.f2......0.02. 120, 848 94, 961 78. 6 52,326 40, 194 76.8 Bouisvillosk yc... . 2. \08.a0.. Bad 52, 42,669 | 80.7 18, 086 15,674 | 86.7 Pitre, Marssss...... 4. ode cew ws = a cee 8, 457 6, 501 76. 9 16, 484 12,237 | 74.2 MeMmphig “TOON... 5.02 sere eek ons |i ee 33, 371 27, 557 82. 6 5, 007 3,835 | 76.6 Milwauked, Wis. ..J.c0ohes gels 0:-e 0 43,155 32,562 | 75.5 79, 411 65,495 | 82.5 Minneapolis, Minn......... eee i hess 49,119 37, 965 77.3 56, 466 44,018 | 78.0 Dagnvillee enn os. dc heetomer ens tons 28, 548 22, 813 79. 9 2, 569 2, 064 80.3 New Bedford, Mass.........--.--s+.0 7,491 5,973 | 79.7 14, 026 10,261 | 73.2 New: Haven, Conn...4 Sigesesue-. 1. 5% 16, 886 13, 405 79. 4 20, 757 14,716 | 70.9 New Orleans, La... dcodcpeen vhs. - th oe 73, 237 58, 747 80. 2 27, 697 054 | 83,2 New Yorulny ... kh ceesks 431, 721 337,737 | 78.2 739, 645 522°012 | 70.6 Dronx porough | |. [ig weeaek .~- 4+ + 46, 513 34, 733 74.7 104, 967 72,454} 69.0 Brooklyn borough............-.---- 168, 274 132,139 | 78.5 277, 280 194,361 | 70.1 Manhattan borough.............-- 150, 296 120,745 | 80.3 266, 3 184,867 | 69.4 Queens borough ... 000.2... 2. 51, 330 38, 661 75.3 75, 107 59, 030 | 8.6 Richmond borough..:....--...--. ’ 15, 308 11,459} 74.9 15, 906 11,300 | 71.0 Newark, No... .... 2 Sa Bes 43, 270 34,185 | 79.0 ||... 53,441 38,781 | 72.6 — Norfolk, (Vac. 20... | BOER Lo ee 24, 305 20,427 | 84.0 3,095 2,288 |» 73.9 @akland, Galifus..- 3. rhb ges. Su 36, 322 28,845] 79.4 26, 566 841 | 0 78.4 Omaha, Nebrvii.... fiOWd.....) ee 35, 314 28585 | 80.9 22) 167 17,195'| 77.6 Paterson, Niji... JU PRL... 11, 430 8,942 | 78.2 19, 275 14,372 | 74.6 Philadelphia, Pa... 5. ....5.b.--4p ae 267, 537 213, 304 79.7 203, 786 153,963 | 75.6 Pittsburgh, Pat..... 72 s2:-1...1, Be 80, 273 62,532] 77.9 73, 507 701) 74.4 Portland, Oreg.......2ss.cvs..-ss0due 54, 254 43/789 | 80.7 27 025 21, 202 |» 78.5 Providerice; Rik... x ae... Se 23, 829 18,701 | 78.5 32, 168 23,901 | 74.3 Reatling; Pa. Ail... Pee PL Be 32,042 26,585 | 83.0 5, 224 3,987 | 76.3 Richmond, Va...2.2.2..... 120s eee 38, 880 30,985} 79.7 3, 762 2,980 | 79.2 Rochester; NW... LMA. aR. 42,309 33, 469 79.1 37, 723 29, 802 | 79.0 St..Louid, Mos’. ... LWA SS 1. ae 138, 574 111,379 | 80.4 96, 834 83, 036 | 85.8 St.\Paul, Minnis... / TRC ale. dee 27, 361 20,669} 75.5 39, 099 31,436 | 80.4 Salt Lake City, Utah. .....22.....2.44. 19,695 13,922} 70.7 16, 023 12,719 | 79.4 Sen, Antonio, Tex... bey tis stsc- dead | 29,791 23,119} 77.6 11, 825 9,235 | 78.1 San Francisco, Calif.) 2...........iL.4% 73, 557. 61,147} 83.1 73, 279 59,684 | 81.4 Sotantotiaee. . vince dSaaeob codec uae 16, 627 12,344] 74.2 20, 246 15,066 | 74.4 Settle, Wwielcovs.+ bares rl... deat 58, 266 46,949 | 80.6 35, 110 27,651 | 78.8 Spokane; Wash... ..:4c,°..-2.. dba 22' 296 17,352 | 77.8 11, 243 598 | 76.5 Springfield, Mass. .........4..2...-..22- 18, 998 15,319 | 80.6 15, 659 12,007 | 76.7 BYTECUSOP Ba © secs Ad Get’. oceucse tee’ 31, 868 25,639 | 80.5 20, 838 16,543 | 79.4 ONN0y OMI inwse4 ek clk ae 50, 443 41,636 | 82.5 28° 744 23/186 | 80.7 TYONCON, ied xc oes ie ee. dee 17, 360 13,815 | 79.6 12,443 | * 8,769}, 70.5. Washinetan.D. O..toova--..-- dba. 92, 275 75,509 | 81.8 22, 667 18,553 | Wilttinetan, Del...) a3 °-..--.-dt ans 22) 905 19,304] 84.3 8 571 |° >< Gee Worcester, Mass.........--0..-+.-2s--- 18, 783 14,676 | 78.1 24,500 | «17,597 | WOMReHNIT, S.A ee. 10, 693 7,832| 73.2 13, 898 9/813 | ~ Youngstown, Ohio. .iss6coseeee cs oes 17, 947 14, 467 80. 6 13, 627 9, 769 }- COLOR OR. RACE OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. 521 POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE, AND OVER ENGAGED. IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920. FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. NEGRO. * . ade Engaged in gainful Engaged in gainfu} Total occupations. Total occupations. number. |—————_,—____|| number. |—_——_—_—_- Number. | Per ct. Number. |Per ct. MeN TIG. ©... 01.5. sc, -----U-n =~ > bie c-25.- 3, 459 3, 119 90. 2 28, 227 23, 941 84, 8 SO a ee ea 116, 473 107,602} 92.4 7, 201 6,360} 88.3 ‘Bridgeport, Conn.................-+5-- 24, 967 23,082 | 92.5 1, 064 960 | 90.2 SEMIS Y oo aiuln oga gan ~~ 5-6 4K 63, 806 57, 231 89.7 2, 245 2,037} 90.7 DMMADTRGTO, MASS...) 6.0 .4- ¢ig- --- 4-5 4xe 14, 980 13,817 | 92.2 1, 998 1,637} 81.9 MTN on dean ia. ---teo- ae 10, 927 10,110} 92.5 3, 546 3,078 | 86.8 oe Bs ah gece can «ound xe aay» 427, 820 391,494] 91.5 49, 811 45,123} 90.6 Ds eit ines Se RR Selloste Se 21, 669 18,436 | 85.1 13, 136 11,605 |. 88.3 PMOIATT, ONIOs 2... op'a------ 1. ~- 50 - 131, 385 120,698} 91.9 16, 529 15,010 | 90.8 memes, Oi0.. ). vos. a. --- =~ 40 se eure 9, 021 7, 875 87.3 10, 210 8, 839 86. 6 ie SSR eile RIES | Riles rey 4, 926 4,443} 90.2 10, 313 9,094] 88.2 MRR, oi once. da eee 7, 312 6,577 | 89.9 4,127 3,712]. 89.9 BRIM OR MONO. ae si 0 as a-ha nae 20, 688 18,475 | 89.3 2, 764 2,371 |. 85.8 PA OULGS, SLOW. -\. 6.6.0 sve = - - do de das 6, 148 5, 415 88.1 2, 343 2, 028 86. 6 SSS FS SE Be aie os : 165, 550 153,205 | 92.5 21, 349 19,808 |. 92.8 Samiver, Massa.) oo. <.----- Js seen. 20, 036 18,242} 91.0 117 110] 94.0 itt Worth, Tex:.i.....-........-. 2... 472 4,104] 91.8 6, 960 6,035 | 86.7 Grand Rapids, her aE O45 14, 842 13,303 | 89.6 474 422] 89.0 a ee ae 21, 243 19,480] 91.7 1, 782 1,563 | 87.7 REG. sik ae a sp cece 6, 529 5, 835 89. 4 14, 129 12, 538 88.7 In me eb ed a 9, 270 8,165] 88.1 14, 859 13, 033 | 87. Jersey Se ee 39, 859 36,755 | 92.2 3, 440 3,042 | 88.4 Bees Clvy, Kans) 0. eo... si se nee 6, 656 6, 138 92. 2 6, 008 5, 129 85.4 Kansas City, Mo...... 15, 119 13,609} 90.0 13, 989 12,449 | 89.0 Bemanoeles. Calif. oo... 2. cn eae 58, 491 50,036 | 85.5 6, 356 5,543 | 87.2 ad aR Re ioe 5, 859 4,948 | 84.5 16, 689 14,749 | 88.4 TE SS Sib eg ee 18, 233 16,889 | 92.6 84 sl} (a SST SUDEP a a 3, 235 2,888 | 89.3 25, 064 22,105 | 88.2 piiwaukes, ‘Wis. 2... 20. 0... -- 0 -. 50s. 60, 139 54, 322 90.3 1, 096 988 90,1 Minneapolis, Minn..-..............-.-- 47, 913 43,604] 91.0 1, 920 1,773 |. 92.3 BOVE Os PON 8 ye 1, 276 1,082 | 84.8 13, 518 11,365] 84.1 Divew Bediord, Mass. ..-..... 2.2.2. 26s. 23, 337 21,561] 92.4 2,179 1,942} 89.1 New Haven, Conn... .. 22... 2... eee. 23, 243 21,177 | 91.1 1, 875 1,640] 87.5 MOWAORIS Duds oe wane 15, 307 13,660 | 89.2 38, 706 32,695 | 84.5 RS SV ee 1,008,582] 917,249] 90.9 62, 614 56,516 | 90.3 ie Bronx borough... .....-.-.---a.- 134, 214 121,802 | 90.8 1, 794 1,404 | 78.3 _ Brooklyn borough................. 337, 893 307,567 | 91.0 12, 895 11, 423.| . 88.6 _ Manhattan borough.-.............. 462, 684 421,796 | 91.2 45, 485 41,551] 91.4 Paequeens horough...........-.<. .- 56, 624 51, 581 91.1 1, 831 1, 589 86. 8 , Richmond borough.-.............. 17, 167 14, 503 84.5 609 549 90.1 61, 197 56,544 | 92.4 7, 096 6,314 | 89.0 4, 398 4,156| 94.5 18, 660 16,720| 89.6 25, 195 22,405 | 88.9 2, 724 oY 89. 4 19, 712 17,648 | 89.5 4, 932 4,285 | 86.9 22, 910 21,095] 92.1 619. 5 84. 5 203, 406 184,101} 90.5 57, 796 50, 809 |. 87.9 64, 807 59,414] 91.7 17, 176 15,071 |. 87.7 26, 967 24,101} 89.4 748 721 | 96.4 33, 711 31,069 | 92.2 2, 379 2,071. | 87.1 5, 404 4,986] 92.3 406 371 |. 91.4 2, 502 2,247| 89.8 20, 203 16,946 | 83.9 36, 373 32,545} 89.5 642 590; 91.9 55, 885 50,026 | 89.5 31, 140 27,880] 89.5 27, 768 25,020} 90.1 1, 638 1,491 | 91.0 9, 604 8,477} 88.3 358 30: 86. 0 18,141} ~ 15,308] 84.4 5, 808 911} 846 82, 046 74,675 | 91.0 1, 239 1,197 | . 96.6 15, 002 13,785 | 91.9 256 2 98.8: | 42, 832 39,693 | 92.7 1, 535 1,420] . 92.5 9, 292 8,294} 89.3 327 87.5 15, 681 14,512} 92.5 1, 149 989 | 86.1 17, 247 15,789 | 91.5 539 | 88.8 21, 488 19,423 | 90.4 2, 850 2,531 | 8&8 16, 297 14,681 | 90.1 1, 885 1,525| 80.9 15, 022 12,929} 86.1 42, 979 35,865.| 83.4 3 MMRIGE dt a6. no~.-.0d-2-20- 9, 240 8,547] 92.5 4, 888 4,345] 88.9 Worcester, Mass........... UR Adload 27, 574 25,075 | 90.9 514 483] 94.0 Yonkers, N. Y...... Sage MRS Bel 12, 851 11,891 | 92.5 729 610 | 83.7 Youngstown, Ohio... -.2.............. 20, 460 19,088 | 93.3 3, 441 3,198 | 92.9 1 Per cent not shown, base being less than 100. 522 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—OCCUPATIONS. TABLE 22.—_NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF FEMALES IN EACH PRINCIPAL GLASS OF TIONS, FOR CITIES HAVING 100,006 ; NATIVE WHITE—NATIVE NATIVE WHITE—FOREIGN OR PARENTAGE. MIXED PARENTAGE. CITY. Engaged in gainful ‘| Engaged in gainfu? Total — occupations. occupations. NUM DOl.. i Teo ee Number. | Per ct. Number. |Per ct. RTOS AAO 3 «copa pe ane <<< He aes 41, 600 10, 603 25. 5 2, 889 22.9 TEEN OY Se ae eS | OP 24, 039 7,345 | 30.6 5, 330.) 311 RATION GRD o.oo tae so ok gee a came 52, 621 14, 372 27.3 784 | 23.0 Baltimore, Md.........s.2.--...-s-s¢--| | 152,473 40,287 | 26.4 17,949 | 26.9 Birmingham, Ala... 220 cs... fee: 36, 589 7, 005 19.1 717 18.9 Boston, Mass: ...... 255-07. ---- 409-00. - 72, 388 25,381 | - 35.1 42,780 | 3&1 Bridgeport, Conn. ..-.-.....---+-+-32-- 14,181 4,329 | 30.5 6.377 | 34.5 SFUMIGIO SEY | co. bons se ue sos de anes 61,954 17,040 27.5 23, 416 27.9 Osmbridee, wrass. 3.02". 0. 2... ee 12, 416 3, 962 31.9 6,446 | 40.8 COATIMG UN tahoe eaten oe J. anaes 21,729 5, 324 24.5 2, 740 26.0 RCAC etter sooo See tenn Scns ah sere D 233, 490 74, 603 32.0 141, 532 33.9 Cincinnay: Onio. ..) Pee eee ooo dp Se 82,159 23, 601 28.7 16, 843 28.0 Oleveldnd'ORIO.: . See Eee 78, 984 22, 605 28.6 28,112 |. 27.3 oii busy Qnio. ..p Bas os oe ee 65, 990 16, 561 25.1 4,489 | 24.9 EPUTIAS | PER Ceca. sn

      ...) 808...) eae. 34) 495 10,852 | | 31.5 1) 845 micnimonrds Vg... 22. oye oe.) ee 44,416 12,095 27.2 1, 026. Rochester NY... gS eo. A ee 44-928 14, 994 33. 4 14,898 Bt. ‘Louis’ Mo, .... 1.488 eee 142, 568 45,782 | 32.1 31, 757. St PauliMinn.... jel $600 oe ae" "26, 652 8,055 | 30.2 15,391. Salt Lake City, Utah 22i1......) 22%. 19) 705 4,286 | 21.8 3, 932 DAT ATICOUIOw LOX. Cog oo... oe | 80, 453 6, 955 22. 8 2, 761 San Francisco, Calif. 22°)... 2.00252. 63,677 21,121 33. 2 24, 283 Berantons Pa’... 2.7 Seed. ee 18,145 4,855 | 26.8 6, 995 © Seattle, Wash............ eres i> 55, 290 14,988 | 27.1 10, Bpokane, Wash.:.. 2.2504)... PL. oee. 23, 160 o 5; 934 25. 6 3, Springfield, Mass. ./..32.0..... 0.882. 20, 270 6, 291 Size 6, Syracuse: N.Y... sels) eRe 32) 452 97145} 28.2 6, ALOIWdO, O10. - eo ee 47, 322 12,091 25. 6 8, ATORLOM ILS... a deh ee oo. ee eee 18, 003 4,778 26. 5 4, Weehineton DiC sto eee ‘112, 079 48, 594 43, 4 ai Wramingtons Del... Jy se aer eee 22, 769 5, 787 25.4 + hee RVULCES VER, MASS... 4.e72 Ss «= 25 eee eee 20,011 5, 920 29. 6 9, BE , ie Gms 1S a LB og 11, 665 3, 082 26, 4 4, Ute) IMO. Soe | eee 16, 948 3, 668 21.6 3, INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920. FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. COLOR OR RACE OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. NEGRO. 523 _ THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPA- ———— CITY. Engaged in gainful Engaged in gainful occupations. Total occupations. number Number. | Per ct. Number. |Per ct. Meewerty Obioe:. esd... .- 1... duai- es. 1,910] 14.8 1,743 61 5 Albany, tay 2-0 ee ies ages: 1,632| 19.0 518 193 37 3 Mmmeite, Gee od... ih 348} 17.3 28,917 16,743 | 57.9 meaaitimpre,; Md.))..2. 2.2.2... .).-4 vs 7,491} 19.0 46, 924 26,893 | 57.3 Birmingham, Ala’... 22... /.......2., 31 12.3 29, 733 12,044] 40.5 : Boston, Er: a elm ime nt we = is ewan e ee ace 82, 895 27.4 6,961 8, 224 46.3 ; ay oe 2 2 Be eee Se ee 4,450 21.4 847 370 43.7 Beas N. Yh -by-}-Be 3+ .5--}------ 8,876 | 15.9 1,733 629| 36.3 ambri ee 2 Eytan fee a 4,650 27.9 2,316 920 39.7 pacer, J: Be SERS Pe |e Sameer 1,368 15.2 3,399 L325 39. 0 a ed Be Sih (Ogi OTe aS er 74, 586 20. 2 47, 150 20, 755 44.0 eee reeady Ohiibod <1 RL Je. 4 1 4,005 | 19.2 12, 853 5,926} 46.1 Wleveland, Ohio. +... 0.2.0... 20... 17,690} 16.9 13, 465 5,118} 38.0 Co parse, cL) ll | a a es 1,154] 16.8 8,749 3,270 |; 37.4 - oe Petgi av tbood: 5-24 ek. 639| 18.4 10, 549 6,002 | 56.9 i 5 LOS ORI | Sea Sonal Faas Seer 920 16.3 3,530 1,491 42.2 Denver, Cols. on seesteresseeeecteneees 3,267} 19.8 2; 678 1,200} 44.8 Der og ea bea SASRE ee. ee 922 18.6 2, 284 866 |. 37.9 LST aed boeken een aera 19,295] 16.5 14, 820 4,969} 33.5 Fort ll, Toe: Setirt fe ee es 8, 222 37.9 128 83 64.8 Hott Worth, Pex. ---.-.-.-.0-..1- 5 371} 15.5 6, 803 3,145 |} | 46.2 : Bans »Mich.......2.---...-... 2,256 | 17.1 444 150} 33.8 Seite , ae deessat posal g-55 108bR - 4,393 | 23.2 1,700 838) 49.3 ey ~ <5, Sg? a aed a 750 15.2 15, 155 7,738 51.1 : anapolis, Ind----1.-...2.---1..-++. 1,152] 15.3 14,692 5,931 | > 40.4 Jersey uy? Ee ASS CORR ee Br 5,185 14.7 3,229 1, 133 35. 1 _Kansas aay? ep eemhaman ates <2 te PRSS 621 13.5 6, 1,838 30.3 . Di ian fbi dial Pilea a 2,001} 17.1 13,651 6,405 | 46.9 Los Angeles, Calif........-2-2.-)...0-. 11,606 | 23.1 7,168 3,261 | | 45.5 Rane Ae ag OA ieee Ns ie 937| 16.4 18,498| . 117246] 60.8 te CN RS eS Ss Ce eee 7,276 37.7 60 27 Boaphis, Sa eR SD 468| 19.0 28, 230 13, 835 “. 0 PmuWaUkOO, Wis... .. 6. ee 7, 956 16.3 853 289 |. 33.9 Minnea eee aot ey eee Cee a 7, 836 20.0 1,579 638 40. 4 New Bedford, Massriii c's shed. lak 10, 73 ie ? ean % ee 34.5 ad Hoc: ep Sh RRS Rt, RO 4,395 20.1 1, 893 903 47.7 Ne sa ot ¥ wtrtigec seh & eb oe 1, 812 ddads 45,608 22,305 48.9 al or A : ie Bay ie Chet 240, 663 As a 69, 873 40, 484 57:9 og SIH CAE SSS ae ee 24,840} 19.1 2, 064 938} 45.4 ‘ aha Se g Noite Waa Woes 59,379 18.9 14, 293 7,438 52.0 cars tan borough.....-..-...-.. 145,455 | | 32.5 50, 474 30,592 | 60.6 Sad cue = Sees ee 8, 929 16.5 2, 436 1, 224 50.2 ie e 5 OFOURR Sb A. od. 2,060 15.0 6 292 48, 2 SC SS SGP | an oA Sa Fa 8,913 16.4 6,971 2, 804 Woriolk, Va... ----p---- ee 2 oa 359| 17.0 18, 214 8, 665 7:6 dgek = Raut pee es ee Fee 3,398 17:5 2, 123 634 29.9 pemnahaj Ne a een aieel eae gen f 2,595| 17.0 4,049 1,580] 39.0 eon N. agebescerecstepeterdtes: 5,838 27.0 706, 378} 53.5 ay xe Bp RG a eS |e 7 ee 38, 510 20.2 57, 261 27,792 48.5 ' os maar “AS 8 SS Dene Hien Cae 8, 862 16.3 14, 996 5, 195 34.6 “Po = “YE UY ae i ae es GS eee: - 4,029 20.8 6. 252 39.8 menovidencee, HR, To gt. ee... 9,052 | 26:2 2, 285 1,084] 47.4 ‘Readin a g, Pa.. (os oiteie Sai Bali Rigel 804} 19.9 350 123} 85.1 z xm vmgt as a SBR Seen AS Ad 4 429 20.7 24, 551 13, 084 53.3 spochestor, Ny Y.-..--.r-2--s-ee es 7,696} 22.8 732 33 45.9 BiLouis, to... Saleh “eae, Abie Satpal 8,713 | 18.7 30, 095 13,526} 44.9 - ay, MIM = fs enn bh ne dbo w ee Soe 4,190 | 18.0 1,352 476 | 35.2 ie ris @ Ci a Te Sagas Bra ae OP 1,726 18.0 287 110 38.3 Rd 6) ae a 3,612 22.8 6, 448 3,475 fan Francisco, Calf. i Yoo.) SV ites 14,445 | 25.6 937 "491 304 ee Baton, ra Ee DR Oe ee 1,411] 10.6 219 73. 33.8 attle, rash | a Sele ah 6,538-| 22.4 1,087 466.| 42. myer 1 nO GST RAS Be ete A apet MO fe 1, 500 20.8 299 118 39.5 6 gfie a CS Se eee ere 3, 933 25.9 1,130 571 50.5 ‘ an Ohi a: CS ERaeNe Cee oy 2,467 16.8 517 200 38.7 . Bronte: Rn Ee Age Be ES See a 2,398 14.8 2,180 765 35.1 Washo 4% SSeS See Cees Si Sa 2,344 17.5 1,674 706 42.2 Was gton, D FOP Re Be 3,889 | 29.3 50, 803 28,588 |. 56.3 Bian Dees re] 2 1,053] 15.4 4, 466 2,509} 56.2 Bester Mass) ff 04222 5 028" 5,029| 19.9 530 237]. 44.7 A Oise 2,656.) 21.1 883 489 |. 55.4 Po ye ae ee 1,403] 10.9 2,328 547.5 28.5 ee a a i s c 1 Per cent not shown, base being less than 100. O24 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——OCCUPATIONS, TABLE 23.—MALES AND FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN GAIN- FUL OCCUPATIONS, CLASSIFIED BY COLOR OR RACE, NATIVITY, AND PARENT- AGE, AND BY MARITAL CONDITION, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920. SE eee EEE ee ee CITY AND SEX. Total. Se RD Ep 6 5a 9, 273 FGTIBI G6 ois on'~ din wag.= +: 2,425 Allentown, Pa.: DT Lak RD Se Ee 23, 466 BP GMIRIG <6... hl cle ects ae 7, 932 Altoona, Pa.: Maleate F.o- 46g Sa 19, 193 Female... 22. -% 1 tag Ss. 4,905 Amsterdam, N. Y.: SIMS. 852s. UE ei 10, 404 Females. 2.2...) 50840... 5, 314 Anderson, Ind.: Malou 2/32... PORES 10, 186 Females... .... Boa, bi-< 2,954 Asheville, N. C.: : Malecr 4. ..>. LOSS Ae 7, 934 Famale+ .. 22... dana. 3, 474 Atlantic City, N. J.: HIBSK SS asc BM oe 16, 514 Femalezi.. ..\.2 264.0825. 7, 386 Auburn, N. Y BBE abins.6 ssc tree eae 12,119 WOMAN ee Sb a eae 4,327 Augusta, Ga.: - RISIGs dhe snr > Db 4e 2,167 Peoria, Ill.: rd Male Wad ood BN 26, 828 || 15,221} 6,964] 3,768| 863| 9] 3 |..... 16, 124 | 10, 704 SOTAIE IN. Soria eee 8,584 || 5,091 | 2,542 612 os ob Pe ay, Gnee 1 || 1,531 7,053 Perth Amboy, N.J.: . Me Slet See AS dose e 12, 876 1,801 | 3,181 |} 7,698 179 |. 14 1 2 8,425 | | 4,451 Femaleiig. id) deeie. 3, 130 521 | 1, 574 982 SP bee rcahntee 529 2,601 Petersburg, Va.: ti bpcont eae ale) MG bad: 9,453 || 4,880} 170 OV7 4, 122% 2 4 |e dedben wel} 5,948 | 3/505 MOMORIOON dese cs 5,002 || 1,576 60 @4 | 3, 32248. peeves eee} 1,661 | Picken) Phoenix, Ariz.: poh ae Male cies dE. 10,126 |} 6,059} 1,617} 1,894 427 | 72] 12] 45 || 5,959 |» 4,167 Memalein.) 2.0802: 2,618 || 1,601 465 283°], 22D4.b3 1. ..3.37 749 | 1, 869 Pittsfield, Mass.: Lit) ane Male; HOG ol. Wada, 13,198 || 5,290] 3,909} 3,824} 139/35] 4}... . 8, 372 Female. Wve etree. 5,318 || 2,317 | . 2,094 840 OF oes. Jes eselswee 852) | - COLOR OR, RACH OF OCCUPIED PHRSONS. 531 Fi op 28.—MALES:AND FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN GAIN- : OCCUPATIONS, CLASSIFIED BY COLOR OR RACE NATIVITY, AND PARENT- AGE AND. BY MARITAL CONDITION, FOR CITIES HANINS FROM 25,000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. COLOR. OR RACE, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAGE. ene = a | CITY AND SEX. Total. S Single, | ) Foreign. 3 Mar- | owed, born : . ried. di- white ¢ a vorced, A ez q and un- FI Bs known. a SS q ee bet peels, N. .: ee GL Ee 8, 518 2, 466 7| 1] 5,800] 2718 mh _Femaié." 2 See Dremel 3,247 Dad), Weed, LF. ic cac. 695 |* 2, 552 ontiac iC. SS eae | as aa 13, 156 2,653}, 295] .8].....|..... 7,226 | 5, 430 P 5 Oo Oe ere 2,588 ge et tn par RS elle Sak 708 |. 1,880 0 uron (6) Oita a ep 8, 421 3/097 VolDio bent! .. 1 || 5,730 | 2,691 3 Segoe ti ah RS aE Pata 1,913 Beeb NW aes .. ot. scsc]-- co. 244 1, 669 ortian e. — Seaeseie T Sine 22, 113 5, 696 2| 5/1 14,309] 7,804 n _Female. Sanpete see: 8,179 1, 550 LGR splydbe sepa. 1,426| 6,753 ortsmou 10: BMIAIC! ox. ol). ..-)-5.- | . 10, 847 333 wesse[---e-{| 6,944 | .3, 903 . porno wetesstfnziz: — 8,055 oa: See eee beeen 509 | 2, 546 SMBIOL oon. an 4-5 Bea 19, 841 808 4] 16 |] 11,353} 7,988 Poapucensis Y.: Se ey 2222 ¢ 5, 453 87 rE) aT Le Se 1 647 3, 806 RR NE EE 10, 940 2, 544 4| 1|| 7,004] 3 846 ry afemale...- 2h Gah Sl 4, 331 fT ot a ated fate’ 784] 3° 547 @Di0, COLO MMEAIA gon not... 10... 14, 048 3,600 53] 2]} 8.812] 5,236 onitemale ‘rads | ight Tinga we 532 402") (2154:,.. b. a8 ere ” 982 2, 650 cy, Ill.: NS as ae 11, 965 917 1] 2|| 7,248]. 4,717 ith Female “SNE hy Fe 4’ 045 oi Eh gt 2b alla a ee 546 | 3,499 uincy, Mass eS | as ee 15,573 6, 536 3} 11] 9,906] 5,667 rn Female ~ Cg patel wacpaet 4’ 108 Tee Wee Sl "460 |... 3,648 acine Be. BRIA! oe. o..4.-.--4..--- 22, 166 8,929] 155] 19]..... 10 || 12,423 | 9,743 Female os Seige lanl 5, 395 SESE. = bi bd labels 779 | 4.616 avere ass.? $ OS Se es 8, 611 4.074 by bagel pe |..-9.|..-8. 5,658 | 2,953 Richmond fa Sy spent ehealpe , 409 ” 589 | eS ie o,f 314 | 2,095 ibe Male! oo... - Ee 9, 271 BAG 4 16244 9 1.....[..-2. 5,909 | 3,362 Female, Rh needa Satie 2) 619 BAT dba ci [ce 553 |. 2066 oanoke a SE Fae ee 15, 783 458 | 2,892] .10 |..:..]..... 10,399 |. 5,384 Rock Isla a tit MIR 9 aaa 4) 640 41 Rep Pek 911 |. 3,729 i. an s SURI fon a dh ays -4c08- 12, 666 2,561 1] 1]| 7,795) 4,871 Ro ser: Cg pais ta 3) 394 ues Wide ‘g-..1.... |e 691 |. 2703 ockior SS ee 23, 212 8, 966 .-..| 1 |] 13,968 |. 9,344 . seme, 2S 7,179 Panel c0@ad‘s-..1... Lo 1,549 |. 5,630 ome fe : | OR eee ey.| ¢)8, 487 2,751 ..---] 2 |] 5,000 | 3,487 Ps emale..-- sgastetsnees 62, 410 Was Eh Bid's..c1..-. bee, "463 | 1,947 amento, Ua SeaMale. iv. cu. J) as See 24, 419 5,776 778,| 138 || 14,151 | 10,268 4 Female. spesteeeeeteees 6, 535 700 88| 7 || 1,632] 4,903 Sagin: aw C. (MNMOIDL cor 4 .Jk....J..... 20, 073 5, 261 4 335 fe, 8. 7 || 13,132 | 6,941 gy, Remale. ‘9 nadelele Sat 5, 608 - 79994 RE ape (i "796'| .. 4,812 . Joseph, Mo. TOE SSeS ee 26, 572 3, 128 lL. .3: 116, 215 [5.95857 Salen maleessne eee eees ee: 9,070 B54 do..1..... 2 || 2334] 6,736 m, Mass. : | MeMale! oon gelled... 13, 329 5,052 |i 1344 247 |. ost... 7,712 | 5,617 & Dit rate ots . 5, 732 Ll, OE i 2ed 2 5 ]...../..... 919 4, 813 an Diego Boi Males ins, o:1,......¢.-.| 23,398 5, 391 437 | 48 || 14,232 |. 9,166 et Female....... ee: Te 7,639.1) 4,141 1- 1999), 1) 258 h 171 19 ll 2,105;1. «<5; 584 532 _ ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—OCCUPATIONS, TABLE 23.—MALES AND FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND FUL OCCUPATIONS, CLASSIFIED BY COLOR OR RACE, OVER ENGAGED IN GAIN- NATIVITY, AND PARENT- AGE, AND BY MARITAL CONDITION, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. COLOR OR RACE, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAGE. Native 3 W. ite. ~ in: CITY AND SEX. Total. ns ne Foreign- cc owed ‘ |Foreign| born ah Pat wl di- cb abe Hi 4 white. | 2° 3 2 3s was ht eae parent-| mixe Q q and un- age. |parent- g 3 s known age. & | 4 ie) a) al } San José, Calif.: Mallon Seok. Jee sic weet oe 12,135 4,940 | 3,300] 3,494 58 | 212 | 129 2 7, 539 4, 596 eae nib SPN Soe py 3,865 |} 1,859 L 347 595 34 6a 2eg 7 870 2, 995 avanna ao Malo. Sr) Bese sess 28,986 || 11,070] 1,890] 1,619 |14,375 | 27 2 3 || 17,900} 11, 086 Memale nan sue Hoesen ace 12, 880 2, 858 576 292 | 9,153 Libs Bee 4, 865 8, 015 Schenectady, N. Y.: ale, Vee i8, it eee 29; 164 || 11,472] 7,219 | 10,243} 148] 75] 6|--1/|] 19,284] 9,880 Female... «205252 .Se88 8,327 || 3,878 2) 967 1 402 SO] Se edess loca 1, 6, 774 Sheboygan, Wis.: Spe aug | Hace: Cee 10,207 || 1,834] 4,263] 4,108 ]....... 7 em 8 fe 6, 429 3, 778 Pomates® ost cess 2, 801 "877 1208") 1 SZ38s. yi) s. . teawenteumen 282 2,519 Shreveport, La.: ' fale. 22°35. teceschesket 15,459 || 8,158 699 651 | 5,935 | 15) Lecce. 9,462 | 5,997 bi sy or ih Lime wdc gaa une 6,343 1, 966 150 105 | 4,121 Live tthiese 2, 267 4, 076 ioux City, Iowa: Ee ik elie | Bhd a i. 9h 25, 859 || 13,245 | 6,135 | 5,885 548.) 26 }...2% 20 |} 14,494 | 11,365 Pemale. ss). te cc22icn.ke 7,475 |} 4,066 | 2)405| 812] 192].....).....Jec22 1,511 , 964 Sioux Falls, S. Dak.: re Ea A A e's 8,007 || 4,071} 2,613 | 1,261 45| 11] 1} 5 |} 5,008] 3,004 15S |. Same eos ee REO 2,668 || 1,326 +: 071 950 DST Ss .. eae 3 2, 123 Somerville, Mass Male, 080 eS 29,126 || 9,520} 9,016 } 10, 465 94'|28 |-- 8: booses 18,943 | 10,183 Pemale.:.. 2. ecicc5.3228 10,912 || 3,729| 4,873 | 2,261 499 oN ssssahooecs 1,383 | 9,529 South Bend, Ind.: ro nein SE PRES Fe 23,305 || 10,715 | 5,329 6,694 550 | 12 1 4 || 14, 838 8, 467 Pomaien: .. .gcscoc3.cca8 6,674 || 3,345 2) 371 BOO {ETS i. ete traeoae I, 235. 5, 439 Springfield, a 1 MalOp Ve rs a Se a ee 19, 167 || 10,553 | 4,711 | 2,943 BOO | "AO sca hese 11, 817 7,350 Female? ... Us csci athe 6, 893 Z: 992 2} 070 "512 BLO 15s de see spose 5, 899 epungneld, Mo.: a See eds ah ea De 12,124 |} 9,960) 1,168 436 558 2 }:2225}2 See 3, 554 Pema Se Sree ba ; 8;793 || 3,059 322 53 3." ti Phaepe: ese 1 799 2, 994 Springfield, Ohio; gle. o20. ec cageaeas 20,636 || 13,915.| 2,785 | 1,304} 2,622 |) 10 |.....}2..2. 13, 239 7, 397 St pial IE | CRED eis 5, 781 3, 956 926 142 7b aki Rooms nee By eC 1, 219 4, 562, amford, Conn Male. D070. Jeccocdlesead 10,893 |} 2,810 | 2,722 | 5,087 310; 12 Bes odes 7,124 3, 769 Females...) os cccdsaza2 3,507 || 1,005 | 1,331] 957] 214 |....J..c.}o... 761 | 2,746 Steubenville, Ohio alo, Pee OF, Peoncchestes 9,766 || 4,513 | 1,613 | 3,190] 443] °4 ]..... 3 || 5,967 | — 3,799 Poemalo:” ... joccccusesss 1,975 || 1,146 467 209 1654.2 Aes 281 1,694 Stockton, Calif. : “= Male. >... Jd. bk 13,998 || 6,666} 3,388 | 3,225 | 110 | 282 | 301 8,063 | , 5,935 Female......jecsec4sa243 3,238 || 1,745 | 1,047 355 48} 6 |. 87-fecee 892 | 2,346 Superior, Wis Male. 222.5). 35... dsehes 13,498 || 2,771 | 4,679. 5,960 54] 13 1 7,671 5, 827 Femalete.s. ojo ccecdeakcs 3, 019 "754 1, 665 572 20432. Jetsee 2 - 874 2, 645 Tacoma, Wash.: . Male, #5. iL. dete 35, 229 || 14,515 | 8,622.| 10, 886 377 | 42 | 738} 49 |} 20,8388 | 14,391 a Female... ER RE® sag -8,242 || 3/784 | 2,998] 1,349] 114] 22] 62| 3] 1,984] 6,258 ampa, Fla.: « Malo. 65 44 J REL | 2Ty: 16,659 || 5,488 | 1,728 | 5,265 | 4,156] 20 |..... 2 || 10,090 | 6,569 Pomaiees.'.. 4. eea. 7,760 || 1,736] °972} 1,900] 3,150] 1 |... 3, 4,272 Taunton, Mass.: ree Male) S22 .5.). 3.0... dsdsse 11,301 |} 3,492 | 3,466] 4,187 152 ey 6, 789 4,512 Fomalers.. .. Jierwwdssads 4,542 || 1,311 1, 893 1 307 S14) 0... ois apteatot 757 | 8,785 Terre Haute, Ind. fot Ble} Pet dt. 22, 441'|| 15,874 | 3,387] 1,885 | 1,283 | 10] ---2h.....|} 14,552 |" | 7,890 Female. ob 5... desscc 6,255 || 4,3 tL, 074 220 568 |..... Ie e.s|}- 1,160 } © 5,095 Topeka, Kans ; ‘ eS | ’ - ' Aa d MAIO. AIAN. ssces 15,517 || 9,965 | 2,435] 1,721 | 1,375]. 2 |.:::: 19 |} 10,626 | 4,891 Pemale::... lp .ee.e2ceee 5,5 3,596 | 1,052] 228) 684 |.....|s..2: 5 |} 1,030] 4,535 Troy N.Y , , eo ? ae ae FP Male... .... See ae he 22,270 || 9,029} 8,204] 4,702] 215] 28] 2}... 13,072 | 9,198 Pemalget O25 ds. 12,037 I! 5,245) 5,261) 1.413) 118 ).....1....-l00 1,501 | 10,536 MARITAL CONDITION. COLOR OR RACE OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. ; 538 TABLE 23.—MALES AND FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OV Y ti cigs Ae re eR ON aS ere OR RACE, NATIVITY AND PARENT. er arate: ee Ces. R CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 20 100,000 — ee ee COLOR OR RACE, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAGE. Fane sae i 4 Native ts : white F| CITY AND SEX. Total. 5 jon _ |Foreign- N a owed Foreign| born = rg || Mar- | Gi’ oF white. | 80: S q ried be isicaa : B 3 vorced, paren bre ao 5 q and un- one. B J known. Re i Tulsa, Okla Male 26, 359 2,033 | 1,134 13 O08 0... TERR ; 019 11} 65 |l 16 Bemale. ------..22220 22° 7, 864 "469 | "180 11,796 |....-]-<2.- 14 "2 03 y 6a Male..... 29, 199 8,560 | 10,705 2 te ee aa ae 131 21 11/18 56 wae ema ESO 2. fF Sis 12) 273 4683 | 2; 76610580 |. ole tc chew. 2; 20g ” Sat Male... 11, 651 865| 86112 Dies et} PO bei i , 336 sesesfise.|b- 7, 987 ae ee 3, 781 265 WOES}, BIG RL. sabe .|. oa 1, 062 3 rg x , Meh s30..008_55. baton AL} 29, 549 3,037 | 3,421 aT) D7 has + ; Female... selte: PR ab - 5,087 1,976 | 1,376 | 18 sseechetes ong 304 ; : BMMGIG 000,005... | Gu, L ,02 9, 813 1)411 | 2/810 /? 335 |-.-6 |....- eee s.. ono BR al 2) 018 Mes} | tao sat... .lccecchccecte- take Vea 3 Sa aR Ea 31,078 8,228 | 15,493 | 383 4 | <3 NM Female... wareeeiteensces 9; 877 4,656 | 2,486] 164].....|.....[..... * 539 e 338 ; : OR a ae Se vex.| 11,867 2,624 1,440} 320 211 7,905] 3,962 Momisleut ccs, .1.).058 28 3) 411 O16: | | Meee e7T |... 5c cc: 1|| - 7787 ’ 624 Watertown, N. Y Lae eee ) alice ak [aves ghee Mlsati NAL...) .ee8201 10, 146 2,413 | 2595} 46 4] 51 6,76 LS eg ba od ich 3, 644 1, 064 ey dicssspciwipterns ‘ 339 3 305 sen town, N. J.: SmaMale, Gi. J...) 153 2! 13, 126 4,367 | 6,519 Bade 18-bin so rack Smale ree ecg] 100 1,980 | 1,322 D licscahceudssace 70 3°500 wn, N.J.: : ete as Ape: 9, 709 3,412] 4,268| 32] 5 |.....|..... 5 a gg wigan teetetsees 2) 852 Fan. ve} tet...: |. ibe s re 2? 383 -~Va . Sle Sat 17, 952 4,493} 2,342] 656 7 Wich mae aes Te 5, 267 102) Sot}. 2 mer ? 708 , Kans.: | ESSA Se 22, 862 2,392 | 1,328 | 1,207 3] alla 7 as 7, 008 798 | °206| 433 |.....|..... ol rss) Bars alls, Tex.: : : ae Rie © r= = aes = 2 Ve, 3 ne 1, at 1, 058 1 2 || 8,872] 8,472 eee 2 500 2 085) Stag). ere) pez) at fas 1,041 | 1/849 kes-Barre, Pa - : f . SE SR 22, 271 7,578 | 7,089| 218 1] 21] 13,621 re as ty RES gt 6,791 3,255 | Fer |) 6a4t | PALI ” 428 ry 303 ams a.: Male...... 11, 983 1,886 | 1,108] 302 7,711 RAE . eh ho 4,272 RE epeeagel 4’ 198 "709 | 7130] 167 "630 ’ 56 Wilmington, N.C int GO) Oy tee PO AM PEO LOT ol a acloceee 3, 568 , CR RE ee 10, 861 320] 369 | 4,299 : 6, 580 Gp Reman co) #450 7| 93) 092 |... icc) sea | Sees - ear. C.: | SR 16, 761 H9}: 21781-75309) 7 PSS. 1 || 9,40: Wor males wepesetseecees 9) 459 39 25} 5 R44 ee ce 3, 688 2 vt | Male...” 13,770 5,012 | 7,049] 35 7 RMEMIOE oc oecc.....--:-.2| 13,770i|| 1657.) 5012 | 72049] 35+) 174.....|.--.. 893 | 5,877 Domain... ....._- 6) 973 3,362 | 2 686 4 1) 492 : 2 la each ? , Dae RNS oe NG lead (a Id Fok ? 5, 521 | ee ee 15, 590 1, 243 555 | 495 1|.....1] 10,266 | 5,324 eae... SEAR 5, 932 401 86 1S 207 (ek Dek 1,413 | 4,519 | 9, 554 1,296| 653] 519 1|/ 6,360] 3,194 ee... ........ 2) 785 ” 392 72) 48h Tord 1|| ’461] 27324 534 ABSTRACT OF THE: CENSUS—OCCUPATIONS, TABLE 24.—NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF PERSONS OCCUPIED, BY AGE PERIODS, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND vite MALES 10 YEARS OF AGE FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. AND OVER. f Engaged in gainful Engaged in gainful CENSUS YEAR AND AGE PERIOD. occupations. occupations. Total Total. number ‘ number. . ere Pe er er Number. merit. Number seni 1920 : 10 years and over........ «| 42,289,969 | 33,064,737 78.2 || 40,449,346 | 8,549,511 21.1 {Oto Is yoRer ee 4, 336, 009 258, 259 6.0 || 4, 258, 863 119, 804 oa Idand 15 years: i. ay .4-2- -} Bes « 1, 958, 976 455, 989.4) © 23.3 1, 948, 734 226, 806 11.6 14 Veareocis. fp oc. Pe 1, 033, 297 174, 683 16. 9 1, 012, 963 , 82) OIL Arrest 8,2 LORVGATS2 anc dhe on quote seeicie sa 925, 679 281, 306 | 30. 4 . ” 935, 766 143, 895 | 15.4 féand 17 yeots. {2.0.20 0224 1, 902, 867} . 1,103,456]. 58.0 || 11, 925, 264 609, 192 }> 31.6 1B yenee ee 976, 834 501,134 | 51.3 996,124} 277,823 | 27.9 17 VORA dbs... dow 8 Ome » 926,033 602, 322,|" + 65.0 929,140. |. 331,369 })° 35.7 18and 19 years. 0.202.002... 1) 845, 246 | 1,443,968 | 78.3 || 1,805,734] 902,285: 423 20.40.24 years..-.)....- ae 4, 527,045 121, 392 91. Of] © 4, 749, 976. |. .1,.809,.075 38.1 25 +044 years.......... ip er 16, 028, 920] 15,579, 586 97. 2 |} 15, 249, 602 |. 3,.417, 373 22. 4. 45 to 64 years... 02.2 9,114,960} 8, 552, 175 93.8 || 7,915, 205 | 1,352;479)) © 7.1 6d years and.OVer: -...-L-- 2.3 fy. 22, 488; 071 1,492, 837 60. 1 2, 450, 144 196,900 8.0 Age unknown......... pee 92, 875 57, 075 61.5 55, 824]. ..15,647 |. 28.0 1910 vd - ba dean 10 years and over........... 37,027,558 | 80,091,564 81.3 || 34,552,712 | 8,075,772 |) 23.4 feo.13 years! << hoo) Ys 3, 665,779 | | 609,030}. . 16.6 || 3, 593, 239.|. 286, 946 8.0 14.and 15 years, ..2...4.--4 ee 1, 798, 449 744, 109%) » 41,4. 04, 770, 898 0, 140 19.8 16 Vente. cou: h. ee 935, 974 324, 500 34.7 912. 148 148,998 16.3 LOS OBIS ec Ds cocoa kee cane 862, 475 419, 609 48,7 858,750) 201, 142 23.4 16.to 20 years. >... .. ic... -d-See 4,564,179} | 3)615, 623 79, 2'l| © 4, 632, 821 | 1,847, 600 39.9 21 to 44 years!...0.0) 22000 TL 17, 849, 843 | 17, 262, 209 96.7 |} 16, 231, 449 | . 4, 302, 969 26.3 45 years and OVer........---.-.-.. 9, 149, 308 | 7, 860, 593 85.9 || 8, 224,305 | 1,288,117) > 15.77 1 Includes persons of unknown age. ‘ TT coat i! 2 - 4 iM t if éf : ie iW 1 7 %" jj . Pe) q : AGE OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. 535 TABLE 25.—NUMBER AND PER CENT DISTRIBUTION, BY AGE PERIODS, OF MALES _ AND OF FEMALES ENGAGED IN EACH GENERAL DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONS, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920. a Agricul- Public Au__|l forestty,|, == factur- T Snot’ | Prot stic | Clerical ‘ orestry. : pri rans- no rofes- | mestic erica anil ocecu- and [een ne wi porta- | Trade.| else- | sional jand per-| occupa- _ . PERIODS. : Fi ofmin-| mechan-} 4+; F : ni pations. |) animal |"orais. | icalin- | tion: where | service.| sonal | tions. IAG UOI6 hus- IP A eee classi- service. || bandry. ; fied). NUMBER. © ©) Male’ .(. ..14|33, 064} 737/!9, 869, 030|1,087,359|10,888,183/2,850,528/3,575,187/ 748, 666 1,127,391|1,217,968|1, 700,425 10to13 years...) 258,259|)° 221,409 598] 6,737| 1,682| 16,369, - 1361 325} 4, 880| 6, 123 l4years...... ..| 174,683]} 109,360; 1,465) 27,039] 3,907] 11,835 199 504} 4,299) 16, 075 U5 years... ..... 281, 306)| 128, 469 4,982) 70,559| 10,028) 21,030 750} - 1,150} 6,903] 87,435 16years....02.. 501,134i| 186, 368| 19,639} 162,781| 23,844} 36,044) 2,428) . 2,294} 11,218] 56,518 A7years....-1..| 602,322}|' 210,116] 23, 267 434} 37,145] 43,576| -8,405| 3,480) 13,170| 59,729 >} 18 and 19 years.| 1, 443,968|| 457,588} 54,024| | 475, 401| 120,285) 104,222] 50,993} 17,792] 32/940! 130/723 20 to 24 years. .:} 4,121, 392||1, 134, 649] 143, 920/1,395, 784| 404, 352] 372,471] 114,931] 106,632] 112/716] 335, 937 25 to 44 years. ..|15, 579, 586]|3, 966, 116] 577, 472/5, 461, 425)1,503,895|1,799,041| 306, 491) 605, 682|- 603, 619] 755, 845 45 to 64 years. ..| 8, 552, 175||2, 783, 518} 236, 137/2, 685, 508} 661, 331/1,020,498] 214, 156) 328, 893] 357, 849) 264, 285 ,492)837|| 662, 046] 22,356]. 378,673] 76,619] 144,500] 47,415}. 58,614} 66,685] 35,929 “Ageunknown..} ~ 57,075|| 9,391} 3,499] 20,8421 7,440] -5,60i| | 2,762] 2,025! 3/689] 1,826 * Female .<: | 8, 549)511//1; 084, 128} 2, 864/1, 930,341) 213, 054| 667,792! 21, 794)1,016,49812,186,92411,426,11 es | Sa 9 as fae | | a a f | 1 rr en (ney penne Taney jee arene nSaPE ESE, [eae | 10 to 13 years...) 119) 804{} 107, 549 49} 2,736] 217 844| |-.--17 296] 7,292 804 dd4years.t2:..1.| 82,911|) 41,617 34)" 23, 473 455). 3,009 9 298], 10,182} ' 3,934 - A5years...2....| 143,895|| 38,965 63|° 54,793] 2,623]. 10,281 19 892} 20,450] 15, 869 16 years....-...| 277,823|} 43,923). 133]. 107,822] 10,876} 24; 712 37} 2,820] - 89; 7801” 47,720 A7years........ 331,369|| 37,504). . 171|° 113)476} 16,520| 30,330 57|- - 8,629] 48,368] 76,314 18and i9years.| 802,235||. 71,497} 299] 214,340] 39,966] 67,744) 547| 69, 450| 118,729] 219663 20 to 24 years...| 1, 809,075|| 130,790}. 510) 382,765| 70,702| 138,915] 2,929] 298, 827] 302,226] 481) 411 25 to 44 years. ..| 3,417,373|| 337,087] 1,125]' 730,250] 63,266] 291,658] 12,096] 490,894] 972) 489| 518,508 45 to 64 years. ..| 1,352,479)| 219,802|.. 405) 271,047] 7,660}. 91,725| 5, 554| 130,500] 568, 448) 57.338 65nd over:.... 196, 900)| 54,356 66) 26,986] °547| 7,408| — 471) 10,976) 93,135} 2,955 Ageunknown..| 15,647|| 1,098 9} 2,653) 222) 1,166 53] 2,916] 5,825! 13700 PER CENT DISTRIBUTION. _ > oS i) _ oS So i—) _ > f=) fo) _ > > oO - oS So oO r—" S So © ry > Oo i—) Male....... 100. 0 100.0 | 100. 0 ' 5 eee ees | beatae ovat eet ll Aiea cer teemeeeeeemaees [oecenpeoanenesnreoeaeaesoen|| Sinemapecesnraonprans=as=oe | oamamensaceeaeesopen=oonees 10 to 13 years... 0.8 2.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5] () (1) 0.4 0.4 l4years........ 0.5 1.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3} (2) (1) 0.4 0.9 15 years. -...... 0.9 1.3 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.6 2.2 16 years........ 1.5 1.9 1.8 1.5 0.8 1.0 0.3 0.2 0.9 3.3 17 years. ......: 1 oe 2.1 2.1 1.9 1.3 1.2 it 0.3 1 3.5 18 and 19 years. 4.4 4.6 5.0 4.4 4.2 2.9 6.8 1.6 2.7 14 20.to 24 years... 12.5 14, 6-4.-43,2 12.8} 14.2 |- 10.4} 15.4 9.5 9.3 19.8 _ 25 to 44 years... 47,1 40.2} 53.1 50.2.) 52.8. ..50.3| , 40.9} 53.7] 49.6 44.5 to 64 years... 25.9 28.2 f"'21.7 74 optg5e) 5 fT i 2876") 20.9 1°" 29-4 15.5 65 and over..... 4.5 6.7 zy 3.5 o-7 4.0 6.3 5.2 5.5 | ‘Age unknown. . 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.1 : _ Female... . 100. 0 100.0 | 100.0] 100.0] 100.0] 100.0] 100:0| 106.0} 100.0} 100.0 10 to 13 years. .. 1.4 9.9 17 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1} -@) 0.3 0.1 M4years........ 1.0 3.8 PiS 1.9 P86 of''9 0.2. 0.5} (@) (1) 0.5 0.3 15 years. ......¢ 1.7 3.6 2.2 2.8 1.2 ALS 0.1 0.1 0.9 cet | 6 Years... ..... 3.2 4.1 4.6 5.6 5.1 3.7 0.2 0.3 1.8 3.3 17 years... 2... 3.9 3.5 6.0 5.9 73 AS5 0.3 0.8 2.2 5.4 18 and 19 years. 9.4 6.61 10.4 fe | 182853 ‘TO. 1 2.5 6.8 5.4 15.4 20 to 24 years... 21.2 12.8 P47. 80°" s9.8 ] 33.9°19°°20.8 | | 2804] °° 20.4 7"° 13.8 33.8 to44years...}. 40.0 31.1] 39.3 37.8) 29.7.) ..48.7.| |55.5] 48.3] 44.5 36.4 to64years.:.|° 15.8 20.3} 14.1 14.0 B64 13071 258 -P 12 & | 6-0 4.0 Pees over ee 2.3 9 i re A) 1.4 0.3 Tt 2.2 4 4,3 0.2 / ge unknown. . 0.2 0.1 0.3. 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 Bb 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 536 ABSTRACT. OF THE GCENSUS—-OCCUPATIONS, TABLE 26.—NUMBER AND. PROPORTION OF MALES AND OF FEMALES IN EACH - PRINCIPAL CLASS OF THE POPULATION ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, BY AGE PERIODS, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920. CTETTU TY NATIVE WHITE—FOREIGN OR NATIVE WHITE—NATIVE PARENTAGE. MIXED PARENTAGE. Engaged in gainful ‘Engaged in gainful SEX) AND! S GH FERIODS. occupations. occupations. Total Total number. 3 number. ‘ er er Number. cent. Number cont: Mailes::¢ ste 254.2393. Ae 22,361, 495 16,788, 668 75.1 8, 289,550} 6,237,012 75.2 LO to 13 years... Jap: 2.52 sis be o 8 2,637, 668 144, 605 5.5 1,061, 824 13,150} 1.2 BE YOST AG I. . Lp RE- <5 nbn 631,720 95,919 15.2 , 786 27,117.) 11.5 15 Peardcon ns: lod? fese BAT~s+ 561, 320 149,720 26.7 217, 665 67, 143 30.8 AG VORrSSse EE Sati. t)=n's Uefa oft 588, 313 272,619 46.3 |} | 229,349. 129, 044 56.3 RT VOAIS USE ia} - widtAbe fe « Gb 2 - 554, 815 335, 386 60. 5 216,114 150, 894 69.8 18 and 19 years 1,093, 029 823, 481 75.3 421, 956 341,770 81.0 DBD. to, 24 years: s os. ded - shea es 2,546, 818 2,289, 446 89.9 || .1,014,770 |... 925, 130 91.2 25 0-44 YOaTS se lorie cle «ER iss 7, 968, 863 7,726,512 97.0 || | 3,003,679} 2,910,176) 96.9 45 10:64 Years clin weit) aL RL 4,354, 663 - 4, 088, 668 93. 9 1, 628, 009 1,508, 1 92.6 65 years and over.........4--2. 1,365, 527 831,456 60. 9 253, 160, 123 63.1 Age unknown... ..0..-.-..45.%- 58,759 30, 856 52.5 5, 834 A, 312 73.9 Females «: 225-43.5-403 -t% 21,716, 069 -3, 733, 329 17.2 8,494,749 |» 2,110, 454 24.8 10 to 13 years. . Jog... Pee. s~ 2,575, 468 48, 437 1.9} 1,049,256 4,356]. 014 1A VOATSinet Wes Jigen s aie wen 610, 853 31, 929 5.2 234, 385 17,667 | 297.5 aD VOALSI A 52 «go ede Scere 559, 798 56, 566 10.1 220, 423 | 45,627 20.7 16 YOON Saat ad. cee. o Peenes 590, 463 117,827 20.0 232, 488 93,069 | 40.0 1D years cae, < enth @ oss 2 550, 013 146,294 26.6 218,133 110, 912 50. 8 18 and 19-years...2.i...sce8.-- 1,101, 295 378, 393 34.4 431,039 248, 415 57.6 00. $0.34 years... 2. 9. 40. 1006 iy 2, 629, 889 855, 946 32.5 || 1,067,020 521,017] 48.8 2iite 44 Wears a0 eo. a Be 7, 807, 162 1,439, 349 18.4 3,150, 386 774, 177 24.6 £5 1604 Vonten.. csi. 64h (pesos 3, 884, 369 558, 202 14.4 || 1,623,864 271,734} 16.7 65 years and over........525--.- 1,373, 349 93,033 6.8 262, 359 21, 686 8.3 Age unknown. ..2..2.--.04..-. 33,410 7,353 22.0 5,396 1,794) 3322 FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. NEGRO. Engaged in gainful | Engaged in gainful SEX AND Se Aer occupations. occupations. _ Total Total number Pp number. er Number Sant: Number. Malog.: ..i2. <+ 2s degen 7,419, 691 6, 627,997 89.3 4, 009, 462 3; 252, 862 ‘| 104018 years. ...0°.... 1.28. 127, 961 3,269| 2.6] 494,192| 96,470| . 19.5 ROY ORIS lS ss chor eae ee 39,191 5, 488 14.0 122,059 45,751 AS VOAT Si to Pi ae aa 40, 280 14,169 35.2 103, 063 49, 656 TO Vears et a eee 49, 626 32, 072 64.6 106, 028 66, 351 TT yuite. ao... a aie 51, 561 40,389]. . 78.3 100, 059 74,217 iand 19'years.b..34.. dood 117, 803 102, 814 87.3 204, 266 171,209 20 to 24 years...) soos digs ye " 456, 988 435, 548 95.3 487, 169 455, 308 95/50 44 Years ot oe doe ee 3,550, 778 3,484, 701 98.1 1,415, 444 1,376, 666 45:to 64 years...) 200 i. oct. 2,292, 387 2,143, 433 93.5 789,791 767, 459 65 years and Over .........5.6.- 679, 384 355, 075 52.3 173, 881 139, 476 Age unknown... ............02- 13,732 11, 039 80.4 13,510 10,299 2 Females... 280 6,078,195 | 1,118,463} 18.4 || 4,043,763 | 1,571,989.) 38.9 {to 13 yeats...; 1-6 | Se. 125,361 1,501]. 1.2 495, 026 64,982} 13.1 SAV ORISi Siok tye ceed 38, 849 3,746 9.6 125, 637 29,392 23.4 BT OO itd sstinndinn Dotan 41,619 10,519 25.3 111, 019- 30,980 |- - 27.9 Ce RCL See ea 51,145 | 25,263 49.4 118, 984 41,371 34.8 PE OURIS SI ae cs, ce 5.. tee "52, 539 31, 666 60.3 105,728 42,178 39.9 18 and 19 years................ 123, 369 72,237 58. 6 234, 068 102, 238 43.7 Mb EY OOS 6868 ois egos Lae 469, 856 177, 030 37.7 567, 678 252,417 44.5 25 to 44 years. .........-.-..065 2,720, 964 506, 267 18.6 1,525, 792 689, 933 45.2 WCU Vents: lok ace cules 1,799,118 250, 084 13.9 591,006 269, 955 45.7 65 years and over,............-. 648, 843 38, 453 5.9 158, 832 43,096 27.1 Age unknown................. 6, 532 1,697 26.0 9,993 4,747 47.5 Sits a AGE OF OCCUPIED PERSONS,’ 537 Asim 27._NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF CHILDREN 10 TO 15 YEARS OF AGE MING tap IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, BY SEX, AGE, AND POPULATION CLASSES, OR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910. - [Per cent not shown where base is less than 100.] * CHILDREN 10 TO 15 YEARS OF AGE. es * fo S 1920 1910 k : p ' SEX AND CLASS OF POPULATION. Engaged in gain- Engaged in gain- é Ue ful occupations. ful occupations. a Total Total -~ number. number. C Num- Per Num- Per ber. cent. ber. cent. 4 Both sexes........ ic ath hd 6 Frnt 12,502,582 | 1,060,858} 8.5 || 10,828,365 | 1,990,225 | 18.4 4 . ———$<—<—$ i een SNe sears SACRE SoS are Sw _ Native white—Native parentage. -.:...... 7,576, 827 527, 176 7.0 || 6,322,926 | 1,022, 561 16.2 _ Native white—Foreign ormixed parentage.| 3,020, 339 175, 060 5.8 2, 669, 259 295, 245 9.9 = Foreign-born white Spink SEM ao bt OR a os 413, 261 38, 692 9.4 433,515 62, 997 14.5 4 NEES IE Sy eg Se Se a ER BD 1, 450, 996 317,231 | 21.9 || 1,362,821 634,938 46.6 Indian, , Chinese, Japanese, and allother!.| 41, 159 2,699} 6.6 39, 844 4,484. 11.3 See NS eet Coane 35, 503 2,309 GROAN. coe DPA ek SOCE She vies HE } Chinese tae dvs SEs. ek A AE ED OE 2,411 158 Bs Gi ga sh A eka I a a wepenesee:.0)..... 0 8... Ode. c.. 3, 067 169 BLD. [lage onasde || arene dale B: Memo begkae Ob. ao Eo oe, ee. 178 13 TFB Mahe weds Ae cmb SEC SE ee “f SE Ss Se Oe a 8 Go 6, 294, 985 714,248 | 11.3 || 5,464,228 | 1,353,139 24.8 “ "Native white—Native parpittave eet ae 3, 830, 708 390, 244°] 10.2 || 3,205, 203 771, 904 24.1 Native white—Foreign or mixed parentage.| 1,516,275 107, 410 aL, 1, 339, 593 176, 042 13.1 Foreign-born white BEREReRATs 3.5 bie ads ares 207, 432 22,926} 1131 218, 372 36, 159 16.6 _ Negro wasesa 105 0... .-) S1¥ aS SE Cr WE 719,314 191; 877 | 26.7 679, 995 365, 709 53. 8 “s Indian Chinese, J apanese, and all other?. 21, 256 1,791 8.4 21,065 3,325 15.8 ke Indian POE on wn es cake gees. oe 17,918 1, 496 BPS. Hn nine cedtiean | SRehe aDPote os Beeetiese.20.°. 22 ei kee 1,524 144 OL 4 ll ut de Ao eine e shdgeia. | MUBDAMONGIS, .£...... £600 2 2s 8kGe io. 1,725 141 Bl 2 ||. cc men kena alace 4 esleeee yee os Pann O_.. 2) Sb... Sete ks 89 OT eee oN cdi oy beatae BEELER OE nurs 2 . 5 Fe ea Se (a a TY 6, 207, 597 346, 610 5.6 || 5,364, 137 637, 086 11.9 a WNative white—Native parentage. ......... 3, 746, 119 136, 932 3.7 || 3,117, 723 250, 657 8.0 _ Native ey eeas prelersot inized parentage.|} 1,504, 064 67, 650 4.5 }| 1,329, 666 89, 203 6.7 “Foreign-born eiete.. 1 Fi ti... 1 eSacKE, 205, 829 15,766] 7.7 215, 143 26, 838 12.5 Negro 2 ELE oP 5 SR BE 6 : ee Sr f0 2: 731, 682 125,354 | 17.1 682, 826 269, 229 og. 4 Indian Chinese, Japanese, and all other'. 19, 903 908'| 4.6 18, 779 1,159 |, 6.2 _ _e She DSR Sains an 17,585 863) 4,01)... ..-.-c2ealreae d-wasaehe end Chinese 9 es es ee eee es ee 887 14 16 hh secs col ee eae ented Shans s Semmmnariosge! 2)... ) So eb aes 1,342 PM 21d Nos c ace kan heen ceMObORAe. 2. « Seen OLDORL: Oy... ates ol oes. 89 15 RS | Bere es poset et Tee Pi, | "1 A 1 Separate figures for Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and ‘all other ’’ not available for 1910 & se ue Pavone t ‘ F ai or ; ai — 5388 ABSTRACT OF THE GENSUS—OCCUPATIONS. TABLE 28._NUMBER OF MALES IN EACH AGE PERIOD ENGAGED ee AGE PERIOD. DIVISION AND STATE. - bi i abs 14 years. | 15 years. | 16 years. | 17 years. UnitediStates....--...1.. 33, 064, 737 258, 259 174, 683 281,306 501,134 602, 322 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England :.........-.-... 2, 363, 377 2,316 10, 506 21, 646 34,974 |. .. 40,959 Middle Atlantic.............. 7,122, 699 6, 425 17, 976 52, 630 113, 285 131, 532 East North Central.........-- 6, 951, 808 12,673 17, 263 42,465 91, 498 116, 788 West North Central. ........: 3, 815, 681 10, 972 11, 824 23, 049 47,481 61,355 South Atlantic. 2 VIS. dens 4,096, 041 80, 897 46, 026 54, 507 81,388 91, 204 East South Central.......-...- 2,608, 411 77, 390 35, 462 38, 923 54, 519 60, 669 West South Central........-: 3, 049, 275 60, 077 29, 693 35, 860 51, 841 62, 246 pi Teresi i ts Ree panne SM 1,077,774 4,039 3,046 5, 430 10, 525 14, 321 tat Tet ieceiae teal Seperation aap ate | 10}; 1,979, 671 3,470 2, 887 6, 796 15,623 23, 248 NEw ENGLAND: Maine: Sid.) PO A A 8 245, 013 257 351 (1,245 |) 2,853 | 3, 784 New Hampshire... /.02 02.2... 143, 525 144 234 624 1,938 |.» © 2,408 Vermonts Pa Se ate 111, 585 169 206 560 1,448}. 1,877 Massachusetts: 0c ak fou & 1, 225, 163 1,144 6, 193 12,377 |... -18,174 20, 465 Rhode Island fe a 194, 438 on dee 1,634 2, 711 3, 694 4, 564 Connecticut . 2) 2A Raed A 443, 653 471 1, 888 4,129 |» 6,867 | +. 7,861 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: ~ a fh New -YO6kk. beds sa wsdevdnncts a 3, 367, 909 2,088 5,097.}.. 22,197 47,411 | 58, 484 New Jerseys... fk. Wesel a 1, 014, 663 829 3, 860 9, 507 16,567 | 18, 557 Pennsylvania... .......-.<10 8 2, 740, 127 3, 508 9,019 20, 926 49, 307> 54, 491 EAST NORTH CENTRAL: S21 Tr een ee PRR RAR, LN 1, 891, 546 3, 226 2; 755 9, 249 22, 353 29, 555 Indianaie S!.2.; SS 931, 647 2,632 3, 221 6,575 13,201 | %.16, 339 Dike ra) params ekesrrry gerne one 2, 086, 800 3,026 6, 193 14,651 29, 901 36, 049 Michigans3...) WR vA Gla R 1, 228, 631 2,291 |. 2,086 5,514 14, 968° 19, 830 Wisconsin... ..-. Fe ee er Lt 813, 184 1,498 | - 3,008 6,476 | 11,075 | 15,015 WEst NORTH CENTRAL: Y lowes Minnesota... 00 eho Baek - 742,947 1,455 1,570 3,503 4)... 0,201 12, 253 OWS

      517, 271 Misdissifipi « . - 25-0 194, 964 14, 395 5, 898 5,350 6,415 6, 086. WEsT SoUTH CENTRAL: ; Arkansas. ‘25. 0.) een ates scl 115, 810 9,190 3,477 3,381 4,058 3, 869 Howistane, isc... aie sees vcd 152; 726 4,418 2, 647 3, 281 4,601 5, 103 Oklahoma sis...) ak art ad 94, 594 3, 240 1,206} 1,456 2, 294 2,947 MOXAS i. ce os caic eters one 303, 843 14, 188 5, 503 6, 650 8, 959 10, 294 MOUNTAIN ‘ : Montana... 22... 0b cemie sett one nld 28, 278 33 59 145 388 675 Idahoraia Sen... tem ee eee 17,509 35 39 113 275 487 Wyoming, 35...) «wae seh es ce . 9, 402 24 22 ag 152 219 Colorad0..2 5... ..) ors 40-0 oe 62, 587 172 235 536 1, 150 1,646 NewiMexido. . ou.) see en oe ee 14,941 196 89 181 309 391 ATIZON Ae eS oc ole bee ee eee 18, 386 _ 480 199 222 356 CONS ea hc 2 Cee ae ee 21,783 22 53 160 462 847 INPVODSews oan ......4.5%- 184 946 21,217 14.5 155, 495 52, 983 34. 1 =e South Carolina../:=........ ee 129, 867 26, 109 20.1 112, 093 50, 870 45.4 bee Georgia..%:.,-..- 0 ee Bs 2127 227 30, 173 14,2 183, 323 59, 941 32.7 Seeitlorida: .5.'2,.... ti s6------5s5 61,928 2,9 4.7 47,041 7,828 16.6 _EAst SoutH CENTRAL: ; mt Toentucky: ....-).+-----4-255 157, 123 4, 204 2.7 148, 441 10, 854 7.3 Meerelennessee 2... .. S20------ 4-235 159, 393 9, 167 5.8 141, 992 19, 921 14.0 MeerAIADAMA:.....-) Sos. --- ode nee 173, 966 30, 553 17.6 146, 795 60, 586 41.3 j Me Mississippi.......2>....--.-24: 136,012 25,643 18.9 127, 525 55, 274 43.3 West Souta CENTRAL: a EE SR OD ae re 128, 740 16, 048 12.5 105, 917 32, 341 30.5 Poouvistaria Cit SO... SS. 129} 683 10,346 8.0 114,171 20, 902 18.3 Oklahoma.....- Pee cec ge See 142; 466 5, 902 4.1 107, 760 10, 728 10.0 ot ee Oa 317, 847 26, 341 8.3 266, 745 59, 937 22.5 MOUNTAIN: * Montana........ 2 eee 8 Ys! 29, 595 237 0.8 17, 330 316 1.8 NES es ee ie 26, 818 187 0.7 18, 249 274 1.5 SSS 2S eee ee 9, 878 95 1.0 6, 243 111 1.8 a» Colorado::.....-.! WY Re Bie 52) 109 943 1.8 40, 988 1, 181 2.9 New Mexico.....2.....-----++: 23° 950 466 1.9 20, 020 864 4.3 PROM END cinsk Beene mceded ee 18, 960 901 4.8 10, 369 376 3.6 OS SEE og Ft ee Si > ae eg 30, 111 235 0.8 » 406 420 1.8 ES ee 3,271 33 1.0 2, 805 51 1.8 men Washington.....)32:.....4-.%% 68, 931 814 1.2 54, 930 1,042 1.9 MOTOGON Swe 04 --- ees ot es 40, 366 374 0.9 32, 800 535 1.6 TE 151, 019 1, 828 1.2 103, 754 2,662 2.6 544 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-—-OCCUPATIONS. TABLE 81,—NUMBER OF MALES IN EACH AGE PERIOD ENGAGED IN GAIN- AGE PERIOD, CITY. 10 years 10 to 13 and over.-|| years. | 14 years. 17 years. es Akron, Ohio........1-..2ssnsist. |. 2. 92, 082 79 53 1, 251 AdWaS VINX nya dod te soe whats eee 37,822 30 42 538 Atlanta Galo. colo Le ee wl eee 66, 702 426 528 1, 202 Baltimore, Ma... 22-9 sees ain ete seen 245, 122 222 1, 142 4, 650 Birmingham, Alas os) ioe enn ened 59, 070 196 192 1,031 Boston ,JMASS sa5-\0 PEE EM aos seiahe g & 245, 905 250 799 3, 742 Bridgeport, Conn... ces natsncees/ickmee 48, 369 44 160 763 Baatialo,) Nic Yecmusop eee tc. ++ aeeb eh bas 165, 362 79 215 2, 795 Gambridge,;Wtass .... Paes. sts... cbt 34, 025 28 153 616 Camden DNs Jima. oo dies eae bs Sab db te 39, 336 23 124 825 Chicago; Hk. ng. .:- } 889-8 -e- - - S- 919, 899 421 2,827 14, 845 Cincinnati; O10. 2...) Gee sing... - - ee 4- - 134, 925 145, 119 2, 232 Cleveland, Ohio. ..... 5 a¥s Abe ---- op Bs - 273, 715 282 190 4, 248 Columbus; Oie.- ..) 63 -taas+ 5881 San Francisco, Calif t -aeg'e5 2.2 1 ae - 204, 734 156 192 he, 778 Scranton,:Pa.-.....) ay BOTS HAT 41,453 19 160 ter peattle, Wes .. ... 25 ii «i --- se ooh Sade 120, 600 265 220 , 1,169 Spokane, Wash...... .., .23-.-.-- L ab des 34, 737 83 59 415 Springfield, Mass...) sas ag... sls & ee 42,954 34 149 ~ 50 BYTACUSO WINGY. oP oshe AE sone te tae 58, 546 69 85 bs J Poledo, BIO... ... bane 2G. <2 .0k Be Spe 86, 846 130 116 1,436 MTONtOO New»... .- iid 0-25 ch Mde 38, 854 24 252 ro Tia VWeasmnecon, OO. O..bi.c.c. cscs ccbuass 143, 401 196 340 1,879 Wilmingtam Del... i ase 14-.--.-L ti - 38, 552 41 131 676 Worcester, MASS...) aaa 2h .00.--e dh 57, 885 54 291 ~ > 856 Yonkers,.N-¥....-)-pay.8Gt------4--h- 30; 187 9 29 oc) Bas ‘LOUNZSIOWE, ODIO. 2.0.0. os knee shads ss 46,611 62 38 task AGE OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. 545 7 f _ FUL OCCUPATIONS, FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920. » ¥ AGE PERIOD. CITY. , 18 and 19 25 to 44 45 to64 | 65 years |Age un- at years. years. years. and over. | known. on, Ohio. ........ he PS aoe 4, 969 50, 469 12, 725 1, 103 160 Ss RR Se Seta 1, 279 18, 976 10, 719 1, 678 33 eemertta, ide: 2... deep ese ce acne... 3, 125 33, 994 13, 738 1, 854 40 altimore, Md......22:25.....02....- 10, 858 118, 730 60, 963 8, 921 57 Menem, Ale. jo por8lirccbuu cee. 2, 692 31, 031 12, 681 1, 295 192 gE RED ee Gree 9, 278 121, 890 66,778 8, 761 410 SOpory Onn. 6505.2. p nae... 1, 733 26, 530 10, 844 1,179 86 EAS bt gS eines Gane 6, 354 85, 571 41,637 4, 995 127 Cambridge, Mass....20.....--.-....-.. 1, 340 16, 485 9, 206 1, 377 7 Camden, N.J...2 2220 Se oe aS 1) 699 19, 667 9,589.| 1, 324 Chica a ee 33, 503 496, 062 220,024 | 23,505} 1,518 LE re Se eae 5, 049 65, 44 38, 139 5, 430 94 Os een Ore 9,941 155, 614 57, 704 6, 113 180 Ly Ohare eens 3, 111 40, 843 21, 368 3, 085 164 : 2, 376 30, 148 11, 274 1, 479 127 ton Paes Pee 2, 091 26, 924 13, 718 2,013 33 Meare Ole. 2. can stair. 2, 827 44, 617 25, 969 3, 774 119 mes Moines, Lowa. ..........).c.-2.-- 1, 367 21, 153 10, 658 1, 689 63 MGS EOD) oot cs loess. 14, 936 224, 803 66, 547 6, 712 470 Fall River, Mass 1, 748 16, O11 9, 340 1,198 8 1, 637 21, 524 8, 110 1, 025 165 1, 828 21, 249 11, 965 2, 052 63 1,679 24, 365 11, 401 1, 420 28 2, 055 25, 494 10, 628 1, 323 75 4, 374 54, 317 28, 518 4,315 247 4, 332 49, 545 23, 384 2,477 29 1, 383 17, 290 8, 850 1, 274 48 3, 766 61, 034 30, 452 4, 228 310 5, 877 103, 394 55, 053 7, 930 760 ‘ 37, 246 21, 293 3,014 102 1, 516 16, 961 9,719 1,392 24 2, 318 29, 318 13, 238 1,626 274 6, 249 79, 423 35, 770 4, 847 130 3, 955 68, 160 32, 547 4, 684 121 1, 733 16, 902 10, 054 1,513 43 1, 817 19, 580 9, 251 1, 188 8 1, 880 25, 481 13, 025 1, 921 91 6, 664 62, 565 28, 820 3,441 297 76, 676 967, 670 430,516 | 45,422 | 2, 489 Sereeronx borough. |... 6... sas. 9, 653 126, 202 50, 210 4, 738 114 _ Brooklyn borough..:............. 29, 519 331, 008 150, 819 16,612 495 _ Manhattan borough............__. 29, 058 414, 413 183,222} 19,175}. 1,680 »» Queens borough. ---.2.2 22... 6, 665 77, 266 37, 010 3, 687 1 _ Richmond borough. : 22.22.0222. 1, 781 18, 781 9, 255 1, 210 44 aS See 5, 732 70, 622 32, 281 3, 567 64 EIR Reap SS I Bee gia 2, 122 22, 743 9, 158 875 18 RIS 4-5 AR la 2, 296 41, 268 21, 898 2, 939 161 ee fee tee 2; 640 35, 196 16, 737 2, 232 236 sD INS fih->-— ann a aan 1, 929 21, 785 11, 385 1 14 SSG BE 4 ar 24, 966 299, 787 154,308 | 21, 235 571 DE) SS ae ee le 7, 668 99, 838 47, 683 5, 287 245 OO aR ae Boe 2,539 48. 551 26,362 | 3, 169 120 | SSCS aes Eanes 2,974 36, 250 20, 846 2,875 49 SS ae ee 1, 456 16} 556 9, 931 1, 630 14 a. SINE A aan 2, 397 26, 543 12, 168 1, 666 193 SS dy GR IS an a 3, 542 49, 442 24, 959 3, 507 102 ly 0 I 10, 583 135, 502 71, 516 9, 470 266 St. Paul, Minn. =... io EES ie 3, 042 , 547 19, 750 2, 844 86 ' Salt Lake City, Utah. 1.02777 777777" 1, 414 18, 234 9,117 1, 366 86 MMLOMID, TEX. 1. .n......) us... 2, 855 25, 664 11, 150 1, 502 132 San Francisco, Calif....-..........-77" 7, 790 108, 025 53, 841 6,201 | . 1,962 SS La ee 2, 060 20, 018 10, 565 1, 215 22 EG aa Bi 3,097 66, 743 32,158 | 3.672 699 1 a Bi 996 17, 031 10, 922 1, 427 42 Meetole. Masa. 1,511 22, 630 10, 635 1,386 22 Bureeuse, NY... ~ BEETS SR 1, 894 29, 740 15, 935 2, 223 43 MeeOnis. «| tS ---"10e---- 3) 477 44,718 20,988 | 2) 914 67 eee let. 1,479 20, 050 9, 222 1, 198 14 Seeeeenetet D.C. oe ee 5, 761 71, 191 35, 590 5, 478 697 Bemmineton, Dell. oe. wk... 1, 492 19, 204 9, 348 1,318 110 Worcester, Mass. .... Genie SI RS 2, 139 29, 545 14, 702 2, 054 47 ronkers, N. ¥...... So PREC Bh: TES 1,271 15, 347 7, 871 7. 19 ‘Qungstown, Ohio....) >. 1... .- ~ 1,697 27, 300 9, 473 853 49 _ -75108°—22——_35 4 546 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—OCCUPATIONS. % . TaBLy/ 82:—-NUMBER OF FEMALES IN EACH AGE PERIOD ENGAGED IN GAIN- or AGE PERIOD. aa 10 10 to 13 years 0.to and over. || years. | 14 years-| 15 years. Akron, Otol ...1-ES% Sf... ... S0206, 3. 16, 021 12 12 38 Albany, Nev... 4-210 l....). ORs... 14, 500 5 20 122+} Atlanta, 429 1... 4.26502... . Poe eee: 32, 250 122 178 397 Baltimor6, Mad... 1.608 .00....., Void. 92, 632 127 773 1,785 Birmingham} Ala,.izg.ci....., 1c n.. 20, 082 70 “91 184 Boston, Mass....J.233.00....-- st. - 104, 302 » 49 470 15222: Bridgeport; Gonn.. sic Of.....) sie. . 15, 527 13 - 169 359°} Biiflalo) Mae ye... |.s604i8....., Wwe... 49,981 21 164 921 Cambridgé; Mass -|. 00S 0. .....1 WU... 15, 984 7 89 235 Gamderi,ie J... /.080.0......, weiah.. 10,758 ||, 2 89 318 Chicago, HIF. AS .. J. bS0 083... A oe. 311,535 229 2,217 6, 004 Cincinnath Ohio. |. coi .80....., VALE... 50, 383 18 21 113 Cleveland, Ohio. - .-. nds oon b SNe 73, 531 50 56- 282 Columbus Ohio. 2.20.15... - 4 eee... 25, 479 8 13 62 Wallas, Dem, ....j.$3h... ji. 9. 24Gb)... .\208.4...4)5 1,418 3,378 8, 265 3,131 456 35 New Bedford, Mass... 2. -.0.c..ide.c.. 8: 1, 821 4,481 9, 046 2,602 210 235 Renew. daven, Conn. ) 4. s.. 152,15 -206.58...4 1,972 4, 345 7, 228 2,792 342 52 Mew ietleans,-La.. |). jslaee.. i862. We. 4 2 4, 169 8, 873 22, 258 8,515 1,181 177 Merk W.5%s. cs lens... 73,247 | 166, 267 280,206 | 87,292} 7,999 644 mastiron x borough .. 3). )100.)- 0s... 4 10, 087 22, 877 27, 940 6, 505 568 4l © » Broeklyn: borough. ise. 00-0. 4 27,182 55, 278 75,901 | 24,552) 2,571 184 _. Manhattan borough. ..2.....5...06.... 29, 099 74, 195 155,827 | 50,052} 4,225 374 Queens borough iin. 3. 403 hb Pic. Bee. 2 5, 738 11,706 16, 985 4,872 478 34 Richmond borough.............:.2..: 1,141 2, 211 3,553 1,311 157 11 ME IND Pas s.)5- a. on sh 1 She UL 8 5, 004 9, 881 15,471 5, 186 481 43 a OS REESE Por oe a eee 1,218 3,118 7,018 2,126 206 9 Bae slice sc ue. aes 1,586 3,913 9,556} 3,599 393 44 edi ae iy apa a 2; 040 5, 033 9,522 | 2,649 188 67 OS Oa A Se 1,998 4,137 7,415 2,322 210 16 Bimateinhia, Pa... ich. eS 8 21, 005 45, 45 87,554 | 34,714| 3,833 |". 301 Semtenureh, Pa. i ok OS 6, 224 13, 013 23, 823 7,957 682 . Martinhd, Oree ce 1c8 os 2,271 5, 819 13, 847 4,701 356 26 rewieerice | Te Pe ese ee 2, 795 6, 760 13, 864 5, 584 578 28 Meee, Pak oe Pe ott 1,262 2,591 5,357 2,133 288 6 misnmond, Va. 0.8: oak eo 2, 435 5,675 11, 439 3,983 542 156 eeeeter INOW. he eh ee 3,400 8, 160 15, 933 5,914 604 85 OO SOBs BR BG) Wi oe 9,417 20, 229 42,222} 14,963 | 1,630 123 Breen Ming 2 16 Si fk eo ol: 8, 005 7, 389 12, 001 3, 224 6 26 ‘Salt Lake City; Utah... ..-2..-200....--- 1, 200 2,427 4,091 1, 177 26 Ban Aritoniog, Tex: .....4. 2682.2 1, 480 3,392 7, 708 2,403 229 76 _ San Francisco, Calif: 2.222... 05225 doe | 4, 283 11, 874 30, 869 10, 008 864 183 Beeatem nae A OL Re ff 1, 848 3, 4,640 1,183 106 6 Seattle, Waihi a. is a dags, . ea Wis -L 2,498 6, 806 16,722} 5,115 398 159 mepokane, Wash.,)..-. 2. - 10ss-.- 04s Ab... 1, 004 2, 421 5, 216 1,780 155 19 Springfield, Mass...... 1.003... suk n..-. 1, 355 3, 704 7, 895 2,739 271 15 Bese, Nicks c. .0 os - SRoR a+ - WS GE «1: 1,640 3,971 7,814 3, 364 382 5 RedooOhitns, o .. cE. dep. .--ah! <4 2; 664 5, 159 9,798 | 3389 357 21 > ato, Ri ddie os -- iG 5 - O08 - - Hag B-. 4. -§ 1,300 2, 4,222) ~ 1,543 184 7 Be MMILON DA). G. .. 5 3h. eFe- ~~ KSA Dee -, 5,609 20, 002 45, 852 15,470 1, 874 397 SW MmMINstOn Del, .. Jap. 20k)e--. 0b bbe os 1,145 2, 430 4,726 1,882 73 34 Demorcester, Mass>. .. Jo. 35 0g)... aka 2. =< 1,957 4,875 8, 688 3, 050 371 33 UE NEE eee ee 1, 223 2, 626 4,548 1,548 108 7 _ Youngstown, Ohio........ eee. WARS wean 1,054 2, 085 3,682 971 83 7 : an . oryae : “< ae. 'e “9 TR Tene ive [000.6 mn i* _ TES bei Al's wee ee . " ~ nee a - 548 oe ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-OCCUPATIONS TABLE 33.—NUMBER. AND. PR ABLE 85 NGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, FOR CITIES Bi S " OF AGITANTS OR MORE: 1920 AND 4910. TLAVING, EN. 1990. 100,000 ° , ? ‘MALES 10 TO 15 MALES 10 TO rE ; 15 || FEM YEARS OF AGE: YEAR ‘ ALES 10 To 15 || FEMA 1920 1910 pee ieee on AGE: weeps.” crry Engaged . Abed : : ee Engaged E Total in pasmetd Total in gainful in patie Engaged num- é occu- Total in gainful son pations. || 2um- | pations, |j- num- occu- Total Sociie i Se PERO CR | SIS. sora er Num- Per ; Num: 7 Pai ber. rt Tglatestyig a OR EE Hs cll ce 4 ber. |cent. x ti \Num-| Per pETON » DENG: --| oe 7,170. 398) 5.6} 2,977| 8st! i2el| 7,2371 62) 0.9 | PEE cee SP inntottin ch ee 4,901; 224] 4.6]] 4,477] . 366! 8. 62} 0.9 2161 7.4 Baltimore, Md..-.-..- 976001 1,667| 17.2 22780] 4, 8911 24°3l| io’ 3.0 71 Birminghea, Ala os - 85, 788) 3):734| 10. 4l| 28, 2541 4, a6 6.7 4,6 qirming ns so eta lt 60) Sabie e7n0) & 8 67621] 1207] 19.1 7.3 all aga Bridgeport, Conn. .... 36, 206| 2,866] '7.9I| 32/684] 3’ 206 Seal! 36" 3,41 -8 Buffalo, N.-Y..-..--.- ow’ $391 1,399] Ba 4; 880 oazl 1s ol 4.8 28 Cambridge, Mass. .--), 5, 486) 507 bb ites ey ea cal ect Chicago, Tll......1.... 1927 254, 488] 8.2 2700] 654] 13° 1] 6.0 a renal ogee ire Re nag Gea piel Bae tA RR ee * @l| 130, 6.7 ig Cleveland, Ohio. .-... 17, 669] -1,054| 6. 0|| 17, 664] 2) 330 ae 6.5 bs Columbus, Ohio...... 10 eal 1, 897] 4.8]) 27, 886) 3, 449 12.4 oe 8 Dallas, TeX.......-.-+ 7 119 ae as 7,961| 46] 10.6||. 10, 93 me: 9.0 Dayton, Ohio..... % 6 r 4,263) — 644] 15,1 re 4.7 Denver, Colo.....-...|| 10, 84] 533] 8.0)| 5,123) 598] 11 : 6.0 Des Moines, Iowa... , 726]. 939} 8& 8i| 9798! 880 7 0.91} . Detroit, Meh. TAS ap tea eenl a 2’ 036| 400] 12. 3.9 be: Fall River, Mass... ..- 153) 1,900] 4:7|l 21° 954) 2,987] 134 1.9 — Fort Worth, Tex....- 7, 110) 1,376) 19. 4 7,070 1, 336 ion 2.4 re Nor ee rer rales. crea oes] & ae o eop pats > 17.7 9.8 Grand Rapids, Michi:|) 6, @04/871| 5 5 5513] 3a3l Gc “2.6 TB Houston, Tex. ....... 6,415] 467} _7.3]| 4,730] 464 oc 2.0 re Indianapolis, Ind... Sp CIEE 3’ 834] B34 13.6 5.6 re Jersey City, N.J...... 13, 600! 1, 595| 11. 7I| ‘10; 379] 1,635 Falla’ 4.1 a4 Kansas City, Kams...| 5,175) 7309] 7.6 15,064| 17984] 84 5 fia ansas Cit j ok ; 4 : 7. - Teds a nicies Oni & 13,055} 933| 7,111 10 mate 420) 10.2) 5, 3.4 °5 isvVi ons , 1 : : ! Louisville, Ky........ on pees 1,041] 4.8]| 12° 609] 1° 004 a 3.0 re: Lowell, Mass.... ‘ 889) 8 ti] 1, 262 L543 13.7 1.5 3.6 Memphis, Tenn....... 5, 624) 573) 10, 2)" «8, 133) 736) 14 ; =e 8.1 Milwaukee, Wis ving Loh , 173} 780] 10, 9]} 5,544] 1,080] 1 4 7.6 , Seinnesn oie See eas werd os aig a1’ 1661 24481 11.6 359] 4.6 eat as. VL e , ° i + New Bedford, Mass. vie 1 ot Lr 8 763 rhe 16. »221)- 206 is 23 Yew Haven, Conn....| 8 yh 6i| 4,867] 938) 19. 4.7 7 New Orleans ---|. 8,422}. 7878] 10, 4l]. 7, 19.3 1 6.5 New Your vio 20) 384| 2, 862] 14: al) 18°796| 2, 670) 14.3 73 1 hte borough ..... eo is ey ae 6, 3|) 248, 927|21 408 "6 289 513 iW’ ote 6.5 1.4 rooklyn borough. -| 1 5. 2b 25,091) 1 ; ’ , 042} 4.9 Manhit --| 111, 681] 7, 423] 6, ? , 805} 7. 2|| 39,555) 1 ‘ 6.8 Guecibterccell 106, 297} 6, 526 6.1 ty es matty &6 111, 630 5, Fal 50 ee Richmond borough.| 6,737 we 7.5|| 17,218) 1,436] 8.3 06, 423] 5, 227} «4.9 8:0 Newark, N.J.. : 5,2) 5,270| 243] 4.6 3 5.7 6.3. Norfolk. Va.......... 22, 115 1, 939 8.8 18, 319] 2 002 3.2 27 Oakland, Calif. ..1.11: 5,171 ’642| 12.41 3.115) 5131 ae,e) 7.4 ete Nebr... 17544 PP aats Gael als eieil “husk ep 243] 4.5 ae aterson, N.J........ ? 9 r . : Philadelphia Ping Bi 7-397} 866] 11:7) 62901] _ god| 19:8 28 37 Pittsburgh, Pa . 4. b6 30,464 Geael stg 78) 003|11, 7] 15.1 M7 8 ortland reg. ...... , , 4. 8]| 27, 295 3) 93 2 , ae 18.6 Providenaeee tT 10, 767/""’g93| sail 747cl ’aeel Gb oy 118 - Providence, R.I..-:..)' 11, 824) 4, 491| 12.6]. 10, 456} 6.1 1 | 7.3 Richmond, Va...2.1., 5,605] "753| 13:4 @asr| geal Led 10 si ia Rochester, N. Y...2.. t 397| 11,2 67500] 1,237] ocol| 8” 12.6 i St. Louis, Mo......... 13,306} 814} 6.1/f 10°270; ” 7| 19.0) 8,870 7. olf 16.5 St. Path, Meni, TEH.S se eapeteea ate 33667] 4,933] 17) 30’ 6x7 5. || WS Sait Lake City, Utah. 10, 613 434] 4.6]| 10,515)” aS et 36, 647] 2,964] 8.1 7.8 San Anithtd text te gehen Tae colt Bee 6.6 6) 724 ort 33 San peonlo, Tex. ---| 8,679} 967) 11.0l} 5,386) 654 13 28° Scranton, Pa.’ ~-| 18,429] 914} 5. Ol] » 15; 167] 1 12.1), 9,051 4.3 taal Seattle, Wash......”. $’149bs ‘eel Glalhe @’ 360 aaaol Crate we 19 63 Spokane, Wash....... 11, 996 951 7.9 g aa 1,212 16. 4 8, 490 3 oe . Springfield, Mass..... 5 B18 eon 4, 330 si} Gels” ia 1.8) *) yracuse, N. ¥....... eg 9, 2 . 5) $ ‘Zale rene OR tes Pe Brot * EBD) 82k 4, 153) (480) 11.1.9, 049 ii: Pee og bets] OF3h° (694) 6./3ihe 8, 4 635) 10. Oy). 7, 832). 333]. - 4.3 Wilmington, Dap ed eae ey Lagos 405] 913] 6.3]| 18.081] 999 40.7 Worcester, Mass...-.:| 8700) G37] 10:6] 7119) 820 12.5|) 5,288| 333] ea] yonkers, NoYes eee] ~ 8, 729; 1891-3. 3/4, 9} 829] 11.6]| 8,827] 574 gstown, Ohio...| 6.286 desl kal a73y SY AB] 8.687) 180 32 .e ara CITY AND SEX. Total. ii99 35 a , : Un- wo: fier ha ra is known Alameda, Calif.: ; we OF Males), J .300.¢. 9,273 92] 114 878 14,779 8 me -PemaAlGy:.. 503... 5 2,425 49 80 - 624 1°1,050: | - --456-| -- BO4EL2 Allentown, Pa.:_ ; ae | wy Si Male. Sy)... 525.2. }|°28, 466 424| 391 2; 710 \11, 811 i 4 ee Memalds F555. | 7,932 369'| 397 | 4, 778 {3,190 L 6 Altoona, Pa Sy re — me Fale ASG PIES. | 19, 193 281 | 321 2,463 19,512 ap Female. .....2...; 4,.905 191 | 204 1,188 } ¥,.943) ae Amsterdam, N. Y Male. 2%.) 20" 2! 10, 404 187 | 189 Y, 187 |5,234 8 BP Woriais! | 3.2} 5, 314 200 | 209 1,051 |} 2).436 1 Anderson, Ind.: RS oo " S Malgl 855...) 03) 2 | 10, 186 144") : 199 1,411 } 4, 604 8 et’ Female: ...0 32. ! 2, 954 133 | 186 |, 602 | ‘1,153’ eh Asheville, N.C . | i?) SS Malet ti). OSS. 7, 984 115} 104 | 4) 058 14.115 12 | ‘#e Female: .... 3.) 1.24] 3; 474 , 62 75 757 | 'Y, 683° 14 Atlantic City, N.J.: . rasit tee 4 oe me Mato) 660... SR] D6; 514 142} 208 | 1,655 | '8, 671 31 mec Femalei...) (6... 7, 386 129-| 156 1, 157 7°3,'716 20 Auburn, N : e Bale coy. .) Shh SS 12, 119 157 | (149 1, 428 }'6,160 11 PePFemale:.... J... 5 4,327 ‘131-| 171 794 1%; 831 5 Augusta, Ga ae . : PD Muleie0)..| e.a48 17, 378 255°| 281 2, 537 18, 665 | 38 | Female..... 02)... 8, 886 162} 279 1, 614 |'4,.176 28 Aurora, Il.: ; . ones OE Malelieiy. | am J | 12) 116 173'| 188 1, 339 | ‘5, 986 8 *Femdlety. (0... | 35707 132 | 154 857} 4) 480 7 Austin, Tex . ssi S Maileeel. iA 4. 9, 018 92'} '128) 1, 074 | 4,313 |}; 14 Females...) i... 4; 059 47'| gi! » 777) £,963 18 Bangor, Me.: Be Malehity. Ru 8. 7, 521 87 74 “738 | 3,421 6 meee Pemalei!... 64... 3, 045 33 | 49 674 | 1, 343 3 Battle Creek, Mich.: me POMC Fo GELS. 12; 625 138'| 177 1) 485 11 me Pemaleis..) 2G... 4, 291 81} 118 962 9. Bay City, Mich . Moe PEE. | FRR 14, 705 265'| 328 1, 829 11 m Pemaless)!) ios... . 4; 22 228:| 251 994 1 Bayonne, N. J.: : Oe Male! cop. | | Oe. 23, 898 417'| 477 3, 036 6 e* Females...) 222: ... 5, 341 362 | 390 1, 511 2 Seaumont, Tex.: a ‘ Be Malestty..! 92. 14, 029 165°} 241 2,178 15 T Pemalers..) ks i. » 200 82) 106 940 14 Bellingham, Wash. “ine Mee Malo).f08. |) 8) S. 8) 704 71) 115 ' 937 ~ 10 pee Pemalgs. 2.) 0c... 1, 974 28) 55 494 iit Berkeley, Calif . ho . r BeeMalel fas.) 218s: 16, 248 115 | 181 1,581 23 ‘t Female...... tee. 5, 844 73} 125 1, 127 ar Bethlehem, Pa.: “= ¢ Mal ee Tae 16, 326 266'| 267 | 1, 964 10. ; 214/| 232 * 902 4 248°) 313! 2,604 4 230'| 326 1, 824 i 112) 138 1; 028 12 72'| 117 649 14, 309} 377 2,464 14 256 | 299 1, 955 4 72 67 850 | 4, “aay 34| 48 1, 381 | 4,084 16 11i94 155 1, 460 162 70'| 105 813 [1,588 |°--526-}-- 63) 365 | 452 4,646 118,18 8 187| 314 ¥, 519 |°2,697 |---941°}-- e3- POT “FUL OCCUPATIONS INHABITANTS: 1920 AGE OF OCCUPIED PERSONS.) “" Their 34,—MALES AND FEMALES 10 YEARS 'O , CLASSIFIED BY AGE, F F AGE AND OVER ENGAGED OR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 i 549 GAIN- 100,000 AGE (YZARS OR PERIODS). 550 ABSTRACT OF THE GENSUS—OCCUPATIONS, TABLE 34,—MALES AND FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER’ BNGAGED_IN GAIN- FUL OGCUPATIONS, CLASSIFIED BY AGE, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 TO. 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. AGE (YEARS OR PERIODS). CITY AND SEX. Total. 10 3 | 46 65, ae to fy) o | an 13 44 64. | over. | nown. Cedar Rapids, icivat Malek iwi. tena. 4 14, 954 |; 60 7,509 | 3,905 15 Female, .....55..-- 4,812 ||....- 2,,099 7 13 Ghatleston” S:6.; fi Male age. --tax-2-4 21, 671:|| 94 11,029 | 4,565 129 Female... ....4..-+ 10, 547 || 39 4,937 | 1,778 72 Charleston, W. Va. } Ble dite. .}. ThGede t 13, 032 ||» 30 6, 963 | 2,914 36 Females. 2h ors... ¢ 3, 858 ¥ 1, 689 484 20 Charlotte, N.C ale. aad Aieage..£. 4 14, 430 4}, 106 7, 279 | 2, 807 89 Female: .. ces... «| 96, 803 46 2,933 | _ 822 55 Chattanooga, Tenn Ble. such oss 160-5 ..}):20, 459 }| 52 10, 499 | 4,419 27 Female. .-.... gece eo) By 13T fp 22 3, 963 | 1, 106 15 Chelsea, Mass. : Male wisc. aac. a.! 13, 698 |}-.10 6,775 | 3, 249 29 Female: .... 2... ‘Lt oy O15 2 1,341 | | 512 6 Chester, Pa.: , Male. Aca... rs el 22, 242 || 14 11, 887 | 4, 639 29 Female... ..2.5.4-- 4, 705 4 1,809 | 690 12 Chicopee, Mass, : Male: sisi fb oie. 352 11, 200 9 5, 761 |. 2,422 4 Female oi. -b ie = 4| Ley B08 7 1,578 | 431 1 Cicerotown, I11L.: ale} gus... deen ed 14, 423 8 8, 137 | 2,659 11 Female... .. 2.2... 4,2 12 1, 322 194 11 Clarksburg, W. Va. BlAt aia 3 REE. Sis 8, 922 9 4,671 | 1, 886 39 Female: ....2.2---: 1,997 4 839 244 9 Clifton, N. J Male,.,cs..-. ry ae 8, 302 7 4,393 | 1, 829 1 Female; ;... ies. - 4 2, 876 7 4, O11}. 210). 32a et Colorado en ge Calo; ales 7.ie. se. J 8, 369 || 20 3,654 | 2, 878 27 Female. .... ss..-.. 3,445 4 1,569 | _. 872 1 Columbia, S. cen Bs tay Male) 3822 pay 4: 11, 095 ||. .39 5; 937 | 2,123 20 Femsley...2i.s5 -. 4 5,081 || 11 2, 356 649. 10 Columbus, Ga Bs Maleivescs.toae 4 - 9, 756 || 56 4,582 | 1,948 1 Females... ssa. --- 5, 652 |}. 24 2, 417 2 Council Bluffs, lowa Ba Male) ..3¢2} apes . 18, 842 |) 52 9,415 | 5,047 41 Female... .. 2.02 -+- 5, 821 4 2,444 932 10 Decatur, Til. Z Males ei. +) ugh 14,515 |} 29 6; 821 | 3,807 12 Female......22..-- 4, 08 5 1, 567 630 3 Dubuque, Iowa: now Bled gs Sandae -3 - 12, 390 ||..44 5,654 | 3,576 10 Femaléxs-..-p42-5 - 4,508 6 1,761 658 Duluth, Minn Male... si. . 4054/3 -<- 34,968 || 44 18,671 | 8,765 |, Females... J.4:--;- 10,084 5 3, 802 893 East Chicago, Ind nevi i edigte « da 66 Kshs 13, 689 8 8,412 | 2,451 Males .. J592° 1, 255 4 (419 |. East Cleveland: Ohio: ale... six... J ace-¥- 8, 766 |} 23 5,009 | 2,127 -Female.,..{.+5+--- 2, 806 2 1, 323 3 _AGE, OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. , | 55k UL OCCUPATIONS, CLASSIFIED BY AGE, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 TO 100,000 TasLE 34.-MALES AND. FEMALES.10 YEARS OF AGE. AND, OVER ENGAGED IN GAIN- ROL o6cup at 1920--Continued. AGE (YEARS OR PERIODS), ey AND BEX 4 18 || 20 25 45 | 65) |r Un- ies fo. 4 to and to to to | and |known. ee | a 13 19 |) 24 44 64 | over. Seis pees See BES TES PR 2 RE 8 I ee Re Se 7 East Orange, N.J.: ns peor fr ata § 1 5) 4.3101 594 4 Cg sie _-at §, 756." 3) 1,046 | ---87/|'\ B . 24 5,694 | 584 | 12 > ig} 720: | ---77-P 4 18 2,979 | 525 13 8 627}. - 82 6 73 | 5,135 |" 52& 13 14 866-| -- 62 6 10. 2,373 | “48i » 24 ik 661+} > - #E-PlOM “49 19 7,182 |’ 820° 4} 42, 949} - 98 1 19, 4, 395.| 738! 12 += . Female...) °° Sit e 23 923-| 138 7 Bipe Males... 1)... .||/29, 752 || 19 7,329 | 985 12 mee Pemiaie.. | Sif 1644 8) 987-| - 105 3 _ Evanston, Til: as wih mat Maloe..:: i... 12 3,202! 364 12 met Femate. 2) 289 || 42) 925.| -- 84 19 _ Evansville, Ind or Dp aL Kia: - healt || 27,932 || 80 7,358 |1, 155 12 a Female... 000.2". S879. 8 1, 403. | - -207 4 _ Everett, Mass.: iaitedt atl Bes | is Meat Male... .-)- pea | 12,523 ||, 9 3,473 | 494 2 ae Wai? | B, 878 |} “1 7 626-}-- 62-88 ee) a A 49 2,858| 374 21 © DOES W 3 354.|-- 37 5 ° Btpee) 18 3,329 | 535° % joie £ f SAN 769 |. 111 9 138, 6,982} 888 149 A Re 6 704.|}-. 68 14 et, 287 2,200'| 27) 23 1 600.6 7 5 |! 427.1. 398 12 gl 7, 297 :|1;048 VT 8 RST 35 | 1, 327-| - -138-f 12 oo BRS 32. 4,070 | 541 18 o..| GIS 3)|: 522.}.. 45 9 64 3, 952:}19'534)| 00g 12} | -- 782.| - 101 -p 12 20 3,475 | .in74 punowedy 5 «220. «47 Bl 7 15\| 2,338 |) 8264) 44 4 .-341-}...29-p! 5 18 2, 147)1:1(365 po vw oxigB 1 389.|...60-} 34 31 3, 668 |.<570 Led en 580 20 -PIRee. ... 6 2, 600: |! 257 ‘ot aii °207.|.. 20 2 ) 1, 686.| ... 94 8 4 ,. 74 : BAT... 32 6,990.]1,057 piel 55 8 1,388.’ 1490 16 552 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—OCCUPATIONS. ABLE 84.—MALES AND FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN GAIN- FUL OCCUPATIONS, CLASSIFIED BY AGE, FOR CITIES HAVING ‘FROM 25,000 TO. 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. ; AGE (YEARS OR PERIODS). CITY AND SEX. ten. Soham cece 18, 065 20 eSiyeiae 2) Eo ER 8, 854 15 Hazleton, Pa.: alse. .. 4 {ais - <5 9, 243 Wemale. 2: fo. sak 3, O11 minal Highland Park, Mich.: Maleieg.: if eae nek 18, 987 12 Hemiale. si... se 3, 434 1 Hoboken, N.J Mal@cccs . pete cock 24, 264 18 Female: ot... 22 - sb 7,102 1 Holyoke, Mass haley. od, hes ok 18, 464 8 Female. i. .o.<% 10, 168 The Huntington, W. Va:: Male. vo... Lukas 3g .| 15, 733 35 Female 4020s 4,068 19 Irvington town, N.J fales ges. = basco. oo 8,329 2 Female. sooth 2,054 |} 2| 24} 58] 148) 136) 310} 486) 674) I99) Ad js, Jackson, Mich.: Male: sg. si tag. sch 17,815 9 HWomales. Ji. 25.c ce ab 4, 622 2 Jacksonville, Fla. Male isi. «66Gb. ae 31, 492 314 POMAale! oy sce oe 13,310 181 Jamestown, N. Y A Be Ra ep eee 12, 969 8 Memale. see. 2. ck 4,759 ye Johnstown, Pa.: Male. c... 2) agi. --1 21,614 3 BOMelG.. das see ch 4,340 3 Joliet, Hl.: Malé.<5, 052 3:88 - 5% 12) 537 9 POMC Oh. soa. ook 3, 428 4 Joplin, Mo.: Male. i505) 030-24 9, 146 3 Bemale: si... 2.2 2b 2, 706 2 Kalamazoo, Mich.: Maleion .. i eyo. 15, 639 33 Female. .25-.....-4 5, 726 16 Kearny town, N.J.: BIG set eet. oe 8, 605 3 Female...) 25... S eee a 188 |. .404 | 1,423 Female... 2... ..; 121 | 240 358 ‘Lynchburg, Va.: | RS Sn ee 187 | 452 ; 1,298 SP Pemrale..) 189 |. 546 | 1,156 ‘Lynn, Mass ST Fee ee 510 |1,139 | 3,872 Be Female..." :* Jj.” 420 |1,096 | 2,795 ‘McKeesport, Pa.: Se eae 290 | 651 | 1,972 Female. ..... Sapte de 178 |. 381 777 . Macon, Ga ET CO 327 | 878 | 2,616 m “Femtdia.. 60) ||) 233 | 624 | 1,703 “Madison, Wis.: - | NE Bee ge 145 | 347 | 1,346 ey eS 110 | 404 | 1,248 “Malden, Mass.: : CS Sa 3 Hest 221 |. 581 | 1,759 , 1 Eg 228 | 593 | 1,463 ~ Manchester, N. H.: , _ OG Pa Ts 502 |1,046 | 2,965 > Female. .........../ 528 {1,181 | 3,008 “Mansfield, Ohio: TE PE er ere 154 |. 400 | 1,262 Sr | SS haf oh 119 |. 305 528 Marion, Ohio t CSESS Perea se 145 | 368 | 1,119 Be PemMmgIG: = i cuss co. 5 82]. 237 496 _ Medford, Mass.: (2 ES Bale Ie 177 | 430 | 1,330 __ Female.......-.... 150 | , 410 |.1, 093 ‘Meriden, Conn.: ee ON ele Ge 189 | 394 | 1,151 F Petralea-- i: cesses. i 196 | 333 803 Miami, Fla.: | eS CR a 132] 367 | 1,341 Female. - /-2:42¢:) «J, ! 111 | , 266 769 “Mobile Ala.: LOS Agee 387 | 948 | 2,736 Fetiale. .Jo55-¢-1 ; 206 | 635 | 1,540 oline Miter 3S 177 | 427 | 1,326 Female... 2.4.6: 136 | 298 642 ‘Montclair town, N.J.: SSR Rec cael Be 72 | 200 801 67 | 221 716 218 | 544 | 1,800 158 | 535 | 1) 484 180 | 445 | 1,435 180 | 476 |.1)142 245 | 572 | 1,585 171 | 360 | 679 252 | 667 | 1,907 224 | 451 |.’ 832 554 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—OCCUPATIONS, TAaBiE 34,:-MALES AND FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN GAIN- FUL OCCUPATIONS, CLASSIFIED BY AGE, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 TO, 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. hg SET i pet AGE (YEARS OR PERIODS). Total. CITY AND SEX. 10 to 15 16 17 to to 13 24 44 Muskogee. Okla.: ESM AIO: « ob gees tas 9,352 ||: 24 52 87 | 139 1,171 | 4,798 Female. .. 3002. .2 2, 829 2 14] °57 71 638 | 1,372" Nashua, N. H By. Mater...) mids 1.8 9,314 9 40 | 150 | 163 1,179 | 4,525 Fetnalle..} S.. 2.5 3,947 || -5 29 | 121 | “170 893 | 1,691 New Britain, Conn.: gee Mal@i:. | then |S 19,310 ||. 18 185 | (302 | 338 | 2,289 110, 583 Female. ..2.2.....2 5,945 || 6 213 | 288 | 318 1,478 | 2,311 New Brunswick, N, J.: . . a he SOR. 2) rae 10,170 4 62 126 | 159 1,248) 5,510 | Fematens} f°%2% 5.3 3,707 4 82 | °130 | “149 853 | 1,571 New Castle, Pa,: WACO aldo. | SNe LS 14, 414 || 30 74 | 228] 230 1,757 | 7,660 Femaze. 3) 204%... 2,849 1 47 | 129 | 123 678°) 1,115 New London, Conn.: Malesit. $088 sf 8,384 ||" 7). 42 | 102} 128 1,101, | 8,987 Fomate: of... -). 5 2,356 2 19 96 78 555 897 New Rochelle, N. Y.: j } Males. 1 See t 11, 226 7 58 | 102 | (139 1,409 |. 5, 484 | Femaiess } 28% . <2 4,360 3 45 | 129 | “145 931°) 1,969") °° Newark, Ohio: p t MaleiQh.#] cos 0 1 t 9,088 |} 22 61 | 128} 167 1,029 | 4,225° Femate. 25022.2..2 2,364 3 13 | 52] “89 476 | © 950 Newburgh, N. Y.: OC a ela a Oe 10, 143 7 58 | 162 | 177 1, 228 | 4,674 e:/Memittes:{ 22... 5 3, 562 1 54 | 119 | 168 727 | 1,366 | * Newport, Ky:: Malevte. oj 2228 1. 9, 698 15 106 | 2179 |}; 183 1, 231 | 4, 587 Homie. ah S432 .}.! 3,567 || 4 71 | 113 | 184 702 | 1,401) Newport, R. 1.: ; sighs | PMaleti?, ) UE of) 11,872 |} 15 48 | ~123 | 864 1,544 | 4,615 Female. .) 22! ...).5 2,872 4 ‘18 61 70 576 | 1,188 Newport News, Va,: ss Bi as bh ales? .j Met 13 ‘15,190 || 31 g2 | 176 | 213 3, 139 | 7,608 Femaeie. .j 205.12 3; 257 ‘10 33 83 | 109 862 | 1, 459 Newton, Mass.: i ar Maio be® 5.2 S32 2 12,814 || °° 9 68}, 102) 161 1,328 | 5, 894 Female. ./.::..2... 6,571 3 54 90 | 124 1, 351 |' 3; 154 Niagara Falls, N. Y.: ‘ae Es aleloh 1.286 5) 8 17,931 6 57 | 172| 256 2,189 |10,117 Female.....:.....: 3, 888 3 52 | 162 | 220 943 | 1, 497 ae snee$ borough, But ; d Malo ¥#o.2.8%2.. 08 9, 657 9 69 | 147} 161 1,219 | 4, 535 Female.........-+.|,..3,823 1; |, 70 | 160) 150 653 | .1, 498 Norwalk, Conn:: ary hy f Malor?. -d.297.. Az Bi R57 1) « 24 122 }) “136: || “¥59 980 | 4, 017 Female. 3.0.5. whe 3, 439 6 83 | 131 |, 152 657 | 1,323 Oak Park village, I.: fe es ru Wea et Male... 22.0. : Re. 11,951 || 6 48 | 93 | 126 1,076 | 6,013 |°3, Female... ij... 2.5.5 4, 426 3 26 86 | 118 1, 082_| 2,086 Ogden, Utah: | zs seGK °) pipe Malet... 2.309.043 + 9"529 1 40 58 85 | ‘154 1,203} 4,848 Female. . 4... 2). 2,260 1 22 57 | 101 576 | 885 Oklahoma City, Okla.: nh ‘i | ee Ce 08° Male 2$S. ies ‘ste, Jf '32/204 WP 87 127 | 315 | 482 “4, 624416, 916 Female...}....-.-)% 11,057 ||. 10 |. 53 | 201 | 339 2, 671,| 5,417 Orange, NeJ.: ry Ge ak Phe S oY Malis. i. 825...1. 9, 972 4 |°72| 210 |, 202 1, 232'}'4; 862 |- HWemale... joc oo, 8c 4,049 4 77 | 151 |, 164 868 | 1,663 Oshkosh, Wis.: } Ud : b ig tt «ty lbw Male sie. 2. S20...) 10,0051] 19 F ¥15 |} 134 |} 177 1,144 | 4,240 | 3,08 Female. ..j......... 3,643 5 88 | 124] 182 878 | 1,370 | 448 Pasadena, Calif.: ; gleshie. pb. 4. 11,720 |}? 31 42| 78] 119 1,038 | 5,477 ko Te ae ER 5, 868 3 6 39 74 704. | 2, 852 Passaic, N. J : L | at ye a ae | Male 22. 24. 23...4. 19, 330 6 | 214 | 367 |, 819 2, 430 110,676 | - MPOMMIAIC . AL ocins ose 7,982 9 227 |, 344 | 408 2,103 |.3, 228 9 Pawtuckét, R. I: . Eo 1. Sty @wiMale tse. We. d. 21,163 15 840 || 478 | 471 | 2, 661° | 9,904 Female...)......4: _ 9,857 3 352 | 446 |' 459 _2,138.| 3,907 Pensacola, Fla.:. | IOL , |-& ge ee ; f AS ale we... 30P.. 21. 10, 821 68 92 |' 154 | 208 | 538 | 1, 627 |°5,290- Female...........- 3,364 || 10 34 79 | 102 620 | 1,572 AGE OF OCCUPIED PERSONS. 555 e Tan ABLE 84.—MALES AND FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN GAIN- FUL OCCUPATIONS, CLASSIFIED BY AGE, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920-—Continued. a AGE (YEARS OR PERIODS). CITY AND SEX. Total. 10 18 20 25 45 65 : Bec to | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | and | to to to | and |, oo - | 13 19 [24 | 44 | 64 Jover.|“70Wn- Peoria, Il.: me Malet va .).800.0.1 26, 828 ||. 32 | 60 | 154} 336] 391 | 995 | 3, 046/13, 243 |.7, 481-|1, 061 29 = Female..).i72....: 8, 584 9 }33 | 106 | 246} 323 |~750 | 1,861 | 3,757 4-1, 357 "113 29 Perth Amboy, N.J.: mm Maloice |. et.t..: 712)876 |} 18 | 49 | (141 | 243 | 223 |°.508 | 1,533 '} 7,153 |.2,726.| 274 8 mee Perate. . | 606.1.) J 3,130']/ 11° 90 }.179 | 245} 229° 427} 754], 961 |-..211} - 20 3 Petersburg, Va.: Ooi Malezi).J.012.0.1! 9,453 |. 27 | 34]960] 171] 192 | 486 | 1,432 | 4,588 | 2,051.|. 316 96 ee Female. .).00....- 5,002'|) 16} 36] 65} 159} 186 | 442 | 1,055 | 2,092 |. ..736.} 144 71 Phoenix, Ariz. : * bale 828.) 260.0.) : 10;126 |} .16 | 25 |° 44] 106 | 142 | 361 | 1,173 | 5,393 |.2,510.| 356 fi... Female. ...0....... 2,618 |} 1 | 4] 92} 884] 49) 188 |) 620} 1,387 | 398}. 23 7 Pittsfield, Mass.: Be Malou .4.0¢3.1.,- 13/198 |} 11 | 38 | 120} 200] 233 | 448 | 1,531 | 6,614 | 3,492.| 490 21 & Wemale... v0.1.1. 5,318 31°34] 110] 165 | 209} 527} 1,140 | 2,258 | -790| 76 6 Plainfield, Nv: » Male......002.0...)°°8)518 |}. 12 17] °36 | 104] 139] 293 |) 935 | 4,420 | 2,211.) 328) 23 men Pemale... 005... 2 |) 3,247 3/16] 39] 93] 93] 272] 636) 1,402@ 608} 74 11 Pontiac, Mich, : Se MaleS$ou.. 080.0... 13, 156 6/97) 89] 112] 189] 642 | 2,184 | 6,796. | 2,776 | . 378 27 hm Female. ...o32.... - 2,588 9405 ]°22| 976} / 99} 299} 703} . 967.)..-378-}. 34 3 Port Huron, Mich.: ; me Malefvs . |.0¢0.5.1 - 8, 421 8} 11]. 32] ©99} 159] '385 | 1,009 | 3,834 |.2,447.} . 432 5 hm Female. ..$00...1- 1,913 1} 6| 20] °938| 422} 244} 402) 643]. 310] . 41 31 Portland, Me.: ) ac Bere Malpocs LSP I:.. 422,113 |) .80} 30] 90] 181 | 285] 712 | 2,437 |10,540 | 6,589.}1, 190 29 Mme Female... 105.22: “$058,179 2} 10] 86 | 121 | 202] 574 |: 1,677 |3,565 | 1,746} 233 13 Portsmouth, Ohio: 7 emeees .t) 2es 8. . 10,847 |) 13 } 21] 64 | 182 | 223 | 552 | 1,594 }'5,332 | 2,501 | 359 6 © Female..272222227. 3,055 |) 1} 2)d6 | 9838] 111 | e424 fp 718} 1,181 |..-467 | 50 3 Portsmouth, Va.: LT a ae 19,341 |) .99 |°'s9 | 170 | 279 | 381 |1,081 | 3,297 | 9,397.|-4,149 | 443 6 Mm 'Pemale. 2.05)... . 5,453 || 16} 83 | 62] 147 |, 169 | 539 | 1, 163. 2,455 "115 |. 8 1 Poughkeepsie, N. Y.: Te a ae }10;940||).10 | 16 | 50] 154 | 174] 431 | 1,268 | 5,200 | 3,132 | . 495 10 ® Female...) 1025... [43331 2/°°7|°54| 134 ]) 149] 396 |} 770-)-4,735.|. 9384 140 6 Pueblo, Colo.: _ i ey Male! 2. ...)/.1.,.['14,048 28 f° 47 | © 89] 187} 212 | “S11 | 1,576 | 6,985. | 3,812 | . 548 53 & NETH Ped, ) 2 8,532 3} 13] 35! 96] 120] :295} 676) 1,492]. 707]. 738 22 uincy, Il.: 8 & Maleghi i oob.0.) | 11,965 || 31 | 53 | 125 | 198 | 219 | 501 } 1,382 | 5,303 | 3,520 | 621 12 | Female. ...)..5....)° 4,045 3] 21] 45] 169} 132|°387} 773 | 1,622.|...798 | 89 6 pracy Mass. : tat ie Malo p04). 53.5.4; 15,573 6} 87 | 125 | 165 | 245 | 611 | 1,769 | 8,115 3994 514 2 m 'Pemald. . 5.20)... - 4,108 2/24] 52] 115] 186 | 0439 |. 1, 1, 668 521 56 ee Racine, Wis.: Be Male): 1.05 5.8.4. 22,166 || 36 | 60] 171 | 271) 374 | 996 | 3,409 [11,538.| 4,675] 605] 31 mee temaleu SSS...) - 5,395 31°35] 105 | 207] 320] 704 | 1,421 |'1,994.}.. 5387] . 66 3 Revere, Mass.: i ae Map iS. | 290.5 |: } 8, 611 1 | 37] °82] 122| 162] 371 | 1,069 | 4,402 | 2,114 |. . 248 3 Female............ 2, 409 1}°32] 50] 109] 161] 274] 641}. 862.|-. 249]... 27 3 Richmond, Ind.: aS, “SR ee 9,271 |} 49 | 53 | 67 | 121 | 160} 373 | 1,064 | 4,265 | 2,625 |. 486 8 eP Female....2....... 2,619} 3} 201 53] 89} ©95] 227) 479 '}'1,009}.- 560]. 82 2 Roanoke, Va.: ea : ON Male... 288.!.4. 15,783||' 53 | 74 | 169 | 236 |) 275 | 749 | 2,319) 7,986 | 3,521 |. .355 46 4,640 || 12} 24] 64} 126| 198] 499 }'1,272] 1,816]. 542) . 66 31 12,666 ||) 44} 32] 81] 158] 190 |.°471 |'1,494 | 6,366 | 3,316 460 54 3,394 6/15 | 40] 971 140] 3856 ]) 746} 1,444}. 505] ..39)° °° 6 3,212 || 68 | 53 | 66| 296] 378 | 897 | 3,025 |12,006.} 5,551 |. 822 50 7,179 4/51/36] 249 |: 819 | “768 }-1,823 | 2,942 | .. 908 |...98 27 8,487 |} 24] 18] 60 | 109} 144] 342 | 1,038'| 4,154 | 2,239 |. 357 2 2,410 5/045 | 39} 107 | 121 | 232] 479 }°.919.| .. 424]. 69°J0o...... 24,419 || 59 | 39] 82 |, 228] 251 | “777 | 2,473 {12,606 .| 6,980 |. 910 14 6,535 2|. 6| 42] 115 | 185 | 595 | 1,381 | 3,013-} 1,077 ]..113-)> 6 20,073 |} 53 | 25 | 93 | 315 | 380] 882 | 2,476 } 9,586.| 5,249 |. 985 29 5, 608 6/4] °58.| 277 | 281 | 718 |1,317'}'2,055-. 779. |. 106 Jo" 10 ees. HOS... 26,572 || 57} 85'| 156 | 372 | 442 [1,178 | 3,351 |12,416.| 7,258 1,146 111 9,070 || 10 | 27] 80| 2711 326] (799 |'1,791'} 3,947. | 1,608} 166} 45 556 ABSTRACT’ OF) THE CENSUS—OCCUPATIONS, TABLE 34.—MALES AND FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN GAIN- FUL OCCUPATIONS, CLASSIFIED BY AGE, FOR CITIES HAVING BEDALE TO 0,000 INHABITANTS: 1920-—Continued. ed AGE (YEARS OR PERIODS). CITY AND SEX. Total. ||. 49 is bk 20 On 45 to 15 | 16 17 | and |. to to to 13 19 24 44 64 Se Sk) a |) |] Ss | | | | | — c“c| gr Salem, Mass.: ap es ae ee bab.t- i 2} 13,329 3 171 |, 222 | 253 ') 577 | 1, 582°) 6,240 | 3,625 MaAki..4.-Voe.t- L S095, 7382 ig 111 | 213 | 217) 503 | 1,203 | 25348 977. Sas pide, Calif.: ea alekss.3 -a83 2-4 23,398:|| 66 ‘77 | 174 | 250 |: 682 | 2,250 10,872 | 7,467 |1, Female... -$i8..-1 4 7, 639 3 26 87 | 121 | 440 1° 170 | 3,624 | 1,895. San Jose, Calif ; Malesis. . 2120.5.) 4 12,185 ;]} 13 143 86 | 156 | 324 }4,222 1 5,699 | 3,819 | Female... 1-380... .1 5 3,865 1 MS | 58 | 971) 6241 |) 6908)01,, 731 905 Savannah, Ga.: glekas cd 01g i824 5 28,986 |} 149 265 |, 375 | 495 |1,366 | 4,420 |15,128 | 5,934 male ..j-¥Ge..-b2 12,880) 45 143 |) 292 |, 323 {1,003 | 2,581 | 6,218 | 1,899 Schenectady, N. Y.: Maleneb 4 -S0b.8-' J 29,164 |) 12 128 | 336 | 391 | 972 | 8,338:)15,387 | 7,730] Female ..j-G23...1 4 8) 327)Hh 1 7 ‘73 | 329 | 373 | 926 | 2,004 | 3,424 | 1,068. Sheboygan, Wis.: falessy : t2288.8- 64 10; 207:4|' 22 136 | 182 | 229 |: 459 | 1,218 | 4,685 | 2,709. Female... 2300... @ 152,801; 2 88 | 168 | 223 | 404}. 712) 854]. 266 Shreveport, Ja.: Males . j.ec¥,2./4 155.459 |) 62 109 | 164 | 219 | < 677 |,2,212:| 8,337 | 3,040 | Female ...4-858--<}- 6,343"|| 26 P 41 99 | 166 | 469 | 1,398 }3,124| 859 Sioux City, fowa: Hi Male gis. 24. 08d.2.. HE25f859 43 95 | 256 | 352] 943 | 3,601 {13,815 | 5,886 Female...-0i5.-.1- 7,475.) 6 63 | 175 | 237 | .718 | 2,042 |.3,348 80 Sioux Falis, 8. Dak.: aleast G2 eet.38. 24 8,007 9 20 70 95 | 1296 | 1,046:|'4,245 | 1,904 Female. . 2.225 .2.. <1) ¢2;668 2 20 51 79 | 9234 710:} 1,202 "301 Somerville, Mass.: ale age. |. F688. be 295126 || 24 227 | 372 | 419 |1,003 | 3,418: 113,987 8, 298 Bemalo ; - Son... 4- 10,912 7 183 | 280 |. 400 {1,010 | 2,561 | 4,563 | 1,743 South Bend, Ind.: es e Malesia: J ert. b2 23,305 || 30 225 | 407 | 492 |1,032 13,004 |11,626 | 5,593 |. Female. .-i.gi5-..}- 6,674 206 | 347 | 453 | 865 L 532 | 2,344 726 Spanetee. O.: * 5) Maleaet=.! 283.8. tJ 19,167 ||, 24 164 | 337 | 360] 785 })2,067 | 9,136 | 5,356. Bemeales . i. #83... 3). 6, 893 7 97 |. 262 | 318} 751 | 1,412']-2,887 | 1,011. Springfield, Mo.: alp as. |. $48. to 12,124.}) 21 64] 140 | 185} 522 | 1,466) 5,718 | 3,378 Female... .j. 205... $2 3,793 5 28 89 |; 121 | »359 880} 1,587 615 ey ape Ohio: LEO. Grud te 20,636 || 64 99 |; 205 || 340 | 886 |: 2,588 }:9,'785 | 5,635 Tone ie Bi aetelee 5,781 2 8 | 405 | 213 | 1667 |-1,2383°}2)380 | 1,026 Stamford, Conn f BlOst8 cis SPOS. Te 10,893 10 86 | 192] 186 | ©3898 })1,185.)°5/698 | 2,725 | 350 Female... gi .. 45 8,507 |p) i 1 74 | 189 | 166 | 369 765 1,430. 468 | _ Steubenville, Ohio: alezois... 280.2. J. 9,766 ||) 23 53} 189 | 124 | 357 | 1,175 5,490 | 2,110} 2 Femaile....- oo ae 1,975 4 25 55 | 102 | <217 f: 437 774 322 | 33.) Stockton, Calif.: ) . Malex1.¢ . .. 224.2. 98 p098210 89 38 |. 129 | 162 | (474 |) 1,445 1'7,165 | 3,929 Female -. <5 2S ..4- 1B, 238 3 20 51 | 107 | 275 | 650 1,490 581 Superior, Wis.: of: Maleges..) iS 4. 18/498 40 19 |: 85 80 | 203 | 533 jo1,615)| 6,877 | 3,695 Female... div... 48,0190) 2 fF 10 | ©3831 141 | 9396 935 | 1,161 307 | Tacoma, Wash.: w% ale sek ~.. ISAS 32) 35,229 ||. 88 203 |. 891 | 444 |1,129 | 3, 682 17,531 | 9,826 Female...) Sods... J. 8,242 9 71 |) 175 |, 259 | } 739 L 799 3,626 1 315 Tampa jhe Malewss..b ALA J. v6, 659e 41). 41 130 | 301 | 333 | ©779 | 2,120} 8,720 | 3,764 | Fone 2 snp ddkon o dopehly 7 OG 6, 101 | 252] 287] 622 }.1,465 } 3,956 965 Taunton, Mass.: : alee... at rg 11,301 14 |r 155 |, 191 | 217 | °469\ | 1,314-) 5,149 | 3,139. Female...) a. . 4. A542 Mo 13) 138 | 163} 184 | ©421 }).1,009 >) 1,724 735 Terre Haute, Ind.: plese. -§ DES Ss. 22,441 53 146 | 825], 385 | #957 |:2,597°|10,700 | 6,211 |. Female...) ich... 6, 255: 3 69 | 204 | 264 | -626 | 1,286) 2,583 | 1,073 Topeka, Kans Male-oi¢..1 132 2h. E5 SET > 23 79 |} 193} 252 | 608 }.1, 793) 7,158 | 4,416 Femaiei.... Pa i 4+ [199,965 5 85 | 149] 156 | 473 | 1,294) 2,431 898 Troy, N. Y.: Malé.cao.., SZ). 22,270 12 96 | 298] 322 | 9832) | 2,558; 10,256 | 6,743 Female:..) a0: .... 12,037 4 105 323 | 395 | 878 [92,237 |.5,231 | 2,552 Tulsa, Okla.: ; Male.asj.i} 268 4... 26,359 |]. 30 |. 83 | 207] 307 |1,005 |-3,976 [15,066 | 5,070 Female-..... REL hp 864! 9 47 | 116 | 209 | (718 | 2,013 | 3,959 "708 7 . . AGE OF OCCUPIED PERSONS, ©" 557 TABLE 34,_MALES AND FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN GATN- FUL OCCUPATIONS, CLASSIFIED BY AGE, FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000. TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. es 6G . —= ‘AGE (YEARS OR PERIODS),” CITY AND SEX. Total. 10 18 20 25 45 65 eis to'| 14 | 15 16 17 | and to to ‘to and :' 13 19 |) 24}. 44 | 164 | over.| mown Utica, N. Y.: . 1 ipebedn 29,199 || 39] 56 | 214 | 432) 477 [1,102 | 3,318 [14,908 | 7,580 {1,070 3 Female. 22. ooo... 12,273 || 8 | 28] 188} 410] 493 {1/088 | 2'521 | 5308 | 2) 030 | ’197 2 aco, 1ex.: ate ele 11,651 || 30] 40] 69 | 146 |--198 | 435 | 1,485 |.5,934 | 2.850 | 400 64 Female............ 3,781 || 6| 11] 41] 70| 104}: 259] *820 | 11850] 7533 | 57 30 Waltham, Mass.: -» Male... eR Wo 9,549 || 15 |, 29°] 100} 9144] 170 | 391] 1,147 |/4,379 | 2,708 $1468 frome 8 Female............ 5,087 || 1} 16}. 39 | 112} 156+} -410:] 13048] 2)201 | 7912 | 102 fesicoi. Warren, Ohio: ; E ee Malacca 1 =.| 9,813 || 11} 64.18} > 69] 114} 3481 1,370 | 5,422 |: 2,167 | - 282 6 ee Pemale.. ..3.c =: 2,018 || 1] 2] 11}: 40]. 85] 256] 75484788}: 72541. 28 5 Waterbury, Conn.: Bie Malai: ..2.% . 5. 31,078 || 34 | 114 | 274.) 487] 564 [1,292 | 3,996 {16,810 |:6,755 |) 719 Jian 38 _, Female.....:....-- 9,877 || 13} 53 |.195. | 408.] Sit |1; 036 | 2:509 | 4,057 |. 1,007.1 83 5 Waterloo, Lowa ; Cu Bee Males i. 00.0 .hus 11, 867 || 70 | 44} 68] 146] 165} 446 | 1,461 | 6,180 } 2,888 | 385 14 +, Female............ 3.41 Pot 71923477] club] B24 | 7828117509]; 2472 | 42 il Watertown, WNiY.: Bie Males. 3. -e.chev; 10,146 |] 21] 17/5241 97" 458 | 327.) 14,1774 4,700 | 35080 | 528 3 Bi, Mamale. |. _ 03-2... 3,644 |].....[) 1] 28} 941 1384] 310] 7736 |-1)504 | 7731 | 104 2 West sioboKen town, | iq Male... 2.2.2. «.| 13,126 || 13 |, 45.) 152. |. 220] 257] 5824 1,653,| 6,609 | 3, 255 | 330 10 Bei Fembie |, ).._.\.. 4,160.|} 1] 50|109| 238] 259) 521] 1,019 | 1,483] 9438] 42'|........ West nN ew York town, ‘ OC ie 9,709 || 2} 56.1133] 183} 218] 388 | 1,254 15,395 | 1,992 | 153 5 _. Female.....2.5.4.. 2, 852 5)| 42.) 145] 190] 201! 3914 (710] 9388 |° 216} (13 (jod Wheeling, W. Va.: ) Mao dlate.i3! oe. 17,952 || 17] 33 | 110 | 279] 294] 728 | 2,037 | 8,903 | 4,817 | 678 56 Hy Female, -2- 17.55... 5,267 || 7-129}. 78] 237 | 247] 558 | 1,128 | 2)007:|. 7831} 139 11 Wichita, Kans.:. : ) z » Male.....5..2.2....| 22,962 || 31] 28 | 91 | 222 | 317] zai | 2,822 [11,734 1\5,900 ] 897)... 39 —. Female... 1.31... 7,008 |} 4] 97 | 34|150| 214] 559 | 15640 | 3/287 | 1,005 | 88 20 Wichita Fails, Tex.: 5 ee 4 | | 7 aT 17,344 || 30 | 44] 66 | 142| 236 | 706'| 2,604 | 9,064 | 2,662 | 222] 1,568 Female............ 2,890 |] 9) 14] 22) 49} 851 2634 7710 }-17312,|° 7191} 28+). 7212 Wilkes-Barre, Pa.: , Bir Malouae... 0. ce: 22,271 || 26 | 110 | 209 | 446 | 497 {1,032 | 2,713 |10,642 | 5,789.| 793 1s _Female............ 6,791 || 8 | 54} 166 |. 362 | 3731 858 | 1,742 | 2)492 |. 728 |. 70 8) Willi ort, Pa.: 7 _ Male... Pe 11,983 || 5 | 27] 81] i96] 211 | 513 | 1/545] 5,205 | 3,484 | 703 13 Wi emale.2..0.3..4.} 4,198 |] 3.) 28-4 36-}..125 | 173,| 8724 7838 4) 734 |o 796} 94 5) 84 | 103)| 107 | 167 | 220} 532 | 1,801 | 5,256 |:2, 194 |. 359 38, 22} 30| 63} 102| 120} 323} ‘sag | 1990 |. 745 |. 135, 21 39 | 116 | 183 | 369 | 475 |1,379'| 3,868 | 7,323 | 2,643 | 333 33 22 |.-83 | 161-286 | 403.1}210 | 2)617 }:3,786:|, (887. | 884 a 16 12 |.174 | 250,| 881 | 356] 758 | 1,883 | 6,195 | 3,334 | 424] 0.3 5 | 203 | 282| 371} 400} 729 | 1,583 | 2/630 |. 706.| . 60 4, 44 | 110 | 154 275 322. | 724 | 1,990 | 6,803 | 4,336 | 827 5 9 | 79:4. 135 |. 282 | 298°} 558 |} 1,188 | 2, 344 959 _ | 127 13 i) 3 47 | 17 |. 71 | 137 } 155] 363 | 1,030 | 4,364 | 2,886} 474 1 4 3 |..13 78 | 107} 270 491 | k, 160 572 84 558 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-—-OCCUPATIONS, TABLE 35.—NUMBER AND. PROPORTION OF CHILDREN OF EACH SEX 10 TO 15 YEARS - OF AGE ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920. , FOR CITIES HAVING FROM 25,000 TO MALES 10 TO FEMALES 10 15 YEARS OF || TO 15 YEARS AGE: 1920 OF AGE: 1920 pn Sipe gage gage Ute in gain- in gain- Total |ful occu-|| Potal| ful occu- num-|Pations.||hum-| pations. ber. |- ber. EISE Biba eHE5| . SFE Alameda, Calif. ..-- 1,377| 96) 7.0 1.2 Allentown, Pa...:. 3, 752). 452/12. 0 8.4 Altoona, Pa........ 3, 131} 240) 7.7 2./5 Amsterdam, N.Y. .| 1, 635} 129}'7. 9 7.5 Anderson, Ind. -... 1, 501) 133) 8.9 2.2 Asheville, N. C..... 1, 545) 125) 8.1 2.7 Atlantic City, N.J).| 2,364) 111) 4.7 3.5 Auburn, N. Y......} 1,671} 108) 6.2 3.7 Augusta, Ga....... 2, 541} 296/11.6 6.5 Aurora, Il)....5... 1, 685} 146) 8.7 5.5 Austin, Tex........ 1, 963} 102) 5.2 2.2 Bangor, Me........ 1,168}. 27| 2.3 1.8 Battle Creek, Mich.| 1, 470} 128) 8.7 2.4 Bay City, Mich....| 2,941} 163] 5.5 3.6 Bayonne, N. J.....|'4, 481} 280) 6.2 5. Beaumont, Tex... .| 2,195) 201) 9.2 3.7 Bellingham, Wash.| 1,303} 91) 7.0 0.7 Berkeley, Calif... .. 2, 542} 120] 4.7 0.8 Bethlehem, Pa. -...| 2,450} 149} 6.1 5.5 Binghamton, N. Y.| 2,713} 151) 5.6 3.9 Bloomington, Ill. ..| 1,299} ..90) 6.9 2.8 Brockton, Mass... .| 3,204} 337/10. 5 We Brookline, Mass... .}°1, 323} . 56) 4.2 1.6 Butte, Mont.......} 1,934) 185) 7.0 2.0 Canton, Ohio.......| 3,666} 253) 6.9 2.2 Cedar Rapids, Iowa.| 2,034) 188) 9.2 2.2 Charleston, S. C....} 3,499] 393)11. 2 6.4 Charleston, W. Va..} 2, 121) 6.1 oe Charlotte, N. C.....| 2) 410! 370/15. 4 8.8 Chattanooga, Tenn .| 2,839] 263) 9.3 4.3 Chelsea, Mass...) 2,501} 234] 9.4 4.5 Chester, Pa........| 2,301] 155] 6.7 5.8 Chicopee, Mass. .... 2, 094; 332/15. 9 293}13. 7 Cicero town, Tl... ..} 2,739) 303)11.1 300/11. 1 Clarksburg, W. Va.| 1,501; 59) 3.9 1.5 Clifton, N?J........ 1,608} 240/14. 9 191}12.1 Colorado Spgs. ,Colo.| 1,419} 102) 7.2 1.3 Columbia, 8. C....: 1, 864] 178] 9.5 4.4 Columbus, Ga... ...| 1,660) 236/14. 2 8.3 Council Bluffs, lowa] 1,793} 105) 5.9 2.2 Covington) Ky:...!| 2,782} 253] 9.1 4.4 Cranston, R.I..... 1,537] 151) 9.8 8.9 Cumberland, Md...} 1, 587) 161/10. 1 4.0 Danville; Hi...) 4% 1,745) 170} 9.7 3.3 Davenport, lowa...| 2,609} 206] 7.9 2.3 Decatur, Tl. ....... 2,186} 218/10. 6 4.2 Dubuque, Iowa....| 1,776) 186/10. 5 5.5 Duluth, Minn...... 4,760} 187) 3.9 1.6 E. Chicago, Ind....| 1,789} 76} 4.2 4.1 E. Cleveland, Ohio.| 1,097] 68) 6.2 Ua 4 E. Orange, N.J....| 2,150) 70} 3.3 2.5 E. St. Louis, Il... .| 3, 458} 280] 8.1 4.7 ascon. PA. o. <. ss 1,551] 131] 8.4 G. 2, Wi) Paso, Lex... .-- 4,321] 338] 7.8 2.9 Dilgil piles <2 sce.c-- 1,132] 84] 7.4 5.2 CITY. Elizabeth, N. J..... Elmira, Ni Y...-21 Eric, Ps... -.-nc0ue Evanston, Tl....... 1 Evansville, Ind. ... Everett, Mass...... 2; ‘Fverett, Wash..... Fitchburg, Mass....|_ Flint, Mich. -.\.....) | Fort Smith, Ark... Fort Wayne, Ind. ..]' Fresno, Calif-..:... Galveston, Tex..... Gary, Indo’, 3.2.74 Green Bay, Wis.... Hagerstown, Md... Hamilton, Ohio. ... Hammond, Ind... Hamtramck, Mich. Harrisburg, Pa....- ; Huntington, W.Va. Irvington, N.J..... Jackson, Mich.--... Jacksonville, Fla... Jamestown, N. YS -Johnstown, Pa-.... vg 3; Joliet; HHS) 4.28 ; 81 2, gplin; Mo? 2...) 82) -4.9)|-1, Kalamazoo, Mich... 87| -4.0}| 2, Kearny, N. Ji....22) 140} '9.3)) 1, Kenosha, Wis. -....| 142) -7. Kingston, N. Y.... —78| 6. Knoxville, ‘Tenn... 343! 8. Kokomo, ind...... 140/10. La Crosse, Wis..... 78| 5. Lakewood, Ohio... 39} 2. Lancaster, Pa... 24 310)12. Lansing, Mich...... 437) 15. Lawrence, Mass. ... 859) 17. Lewiston, Me.....: 41) 2. Lexington, Ky-.... 119} 6. Lima, Ohio. ..ceiv2 131) 6. Lincoln, Nebr...... 154) 5. Little Rock, Ark... 220} 7. Long Beach, Calif. . 108) 4. Lorain, Ohio: ...%7- 75| 3 Lynchburg, Va..:.. 233)14 Tryin; MEass 5 ceveaus 4 McKeesport, Pa.... Macon, Ga......... 2 FEMALES 10 TO 15 YEARS OF AGE: 1920 MALES 10 TO 15 YEARS OF _AGE: 1920 Per cent. . | (ote bo Wise St ee 5 SOIR OW NON SN Om PR oro igs — f=) wwe a or MA COOK H CTNHNS. WHHOM, WOODS CHROHD ARWON ASCMNHNO OBHRW KMKOMNNN OoONNy 2; 117] 28 2)181| 73 64 * , 389 8. 67 7. /27 6. 74 3. 10 4, 8 _ Clr POOR HUW NNRNO DEHN Chol eS eee Ae he ie! heed . ee Go on go Go Ne Se ee Oo ao jes ; HC>. SrbViS> Go ee AGE (OF OCCUPIED PERSONS, ! 559. fanre 85.—NUMBER, AND PROPORTION OF CHILDREN OF EACH SEX 10 TO 15 YEARS OF AGE ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, FOR. CITIES HAVING raha 25 ,000 TO 100,000 INHABITANTS: 1920—Continued. : >’ FEMALES 10 TO 15 YEARS “OF AGE: 1920 MALES 10 TO 15 YEARS OF AGE: 19207 MALES 10 TO FEMALES 10 15 YEARS OF |] TO 15 YEARS AGE: 1920 OF AGE: 1920 ‘En- En- Manchester, N. H.. Richmond, indi... Mansfield, Ohio.... Roanoke, Va se 4 En- gaged gaged gaged CITY. i in gain- ret. in gain- in gain- Total | ful occu- Tota] ful occu-|| Tota) |ful occu- -|lnum-| pations. num-| pations.|| nym-| pations. ber. Der ber. Palas Bt }aas Madison, Wis... 1, 794 -30 Racine, Wis.:...--. 2; 682} 143 ; en, Muss:...2- 2,702) 89 Revere, Magen 147 27 ee SO et > OPO Marion, Ohio. 2.2.1 Rock Island, TH: 1,641 Medford, Mass...) Rockford, Il....... 2,959| 45 Meriden, Comn..... Rome, N. Yevmiedels 1,343} 59 Metamni, FIA......... Sacramento, Calif”. 2,861) 50 Mobile, Ala........ Saginaw, Mich. . sy. é 3, 289} 65 NON - or MIO mT 09. 3, 705| 117 2,293] 157 : Moline, I... -...-, - Montclair, N, J...-. St. Joseph, Mo..... Salem ; Massscocivs: WIS = WORN ESS RTS AGW WD WCODOCW CWOMRD PRWOTT CNOHD, AIOowW SONNE Oo Pe Te ONOOO ; y 4 = for) iw) eX) to oz Me tgomery Ala’ . . San Diego, Calif. ..- 2,918} 36 Fagen San Jose, Calif...:. 2/015) 19 Muncie, Ind........ Savannah, Gast. 4,385] 272 Muskegon, Mich. ‘ Schenectady, N. Y- 4, 604) 83 ; Muskogee, Okla. poe © Sheboygan, Wis.... ea 143 Nashua, N, H...... Shreve nor Lacy. J. 2,323) 90 x New Britai: SONG Sioux ylowa.. * 3, 145)... 80 Sioux Fal 3,8. Dak. Somerville, Mass-.- South Bend, Mad ep | Springfield; ey, Springfieid, Mo. . Springfield Ohio.. New London, Conn.} 1, 241 New Rochelle,N.Y . & 951 Newark, Ohio...... me 312 Newburgh, N. bso : Sr. OO'WTr. uP OOruoe Ore Gre 7s 00,00-9 + G0 ot Sus 00 OWS NENW NER Oo. wawres DOORN KOOONNW OMWHd NO bo Sr Nag 9 = SP RRO 80.00. be ee ey Le SP oF CS? ee Oe MI OWAD NNR. rE So OR Hr CO OD COwaow CNOOKHK OWED NOE OM AFNOe PROND., OOMOD WHOM ON Or HHO NNWWN NRE WN HASH Woh DRG ON wr DHENMOT HOOD OWRAWN WWwEOoW DO PNT WARNE PRR OO CR WOOO WODMO DODCO NNKW Newport, Ky...... 0. Stamford, Conn. 1,950) 105 Newport, Rola x0 6. Steubenville, Ohio. 1,425] 34 Newport News, Va. 0. Stockton, Calif....- : Newton, Mass...... 4. Superior, Wis...... 2,300} 17 gara Falls, N.Y. 3: Tacoma, Wash..... 4,569) 94 Norristown, Pa.... 8. Tampa, Fla........ 3, 063} 138 ae Conn..... 5. Taunton, Mass..... 13.6} 1, 898] 219'11. Oak Park, Tll...... 3. Terre Haute, Ind. . 7. 6]| 3,441) 100) 2. ‘Ogden, Utah.:..:-: 6. Topeka Kans.-.... 5. 8]} 2,393} 61-2. re) Elahoma City , Troy, N. Y-..+-.-- 4. 3|| 3,330] 134] 4. Sao Set 6 Tulsa, Okldeccs coon 5.0|} 8,250; 70) 2. orange, N. pase ae 5 : ' Utica, N. Y....... 6.8]| 4,623] 224) 4. Oshkosh, Wise: 222 1 Waco, Texerciel: 6. 0|} .2, 313 2. “Passaic N. ng we 5 Waltham, Mass..2:| 1,< 8.6)] 1,360) 56) 4. 9 0. Warren, Ohio...... 1,175} 35) 3.0]| 1,086) 14 : “4 Waterbury; Conn. .| 4,822) 422) 8.8)| 4,763) 261 Waterloo, Towa: ...| 1,694} 182/10. 7||'1, 789] 37 4. Watertown, N. Y..| 1,416) 90 1,494] 29 _ W-: Hoboken, N.J..| 2, 268) 210 WwW. ‘New York, N.J. L 648) 191 Wheeling, W, Va... 2; 863] 160 Wichita, Kans....- 3,445) 150 Wichita’ Falls, Tex.| 1,619} 140 Wilkes-Barre, Pa. .| 4,471) 345 Williamsport, Pa. .| 1,684) 113 Wilmington, Nie. 1,694) 294/17. Winston-Salem N.C} 2,360) 338)14. Woonsocket; R: I. 2 348} 436/18. York, Pa re Mee 2. 343] 308/13. We, OO? 00 SD Ss pre tod or tee Gs OwaRO PRODDOD WRHOMM wHRODE SD Se Se - 09 GO = ID>37 00 OE woe KH, Ore Ph 560 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—OOCUPATIONS. TABLE 36.—\NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF WOMEN 15 YEARS OF AGE* AND OVER, IN EACH SPECIFIED MARITAL CLASS, ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1890-1920. WOMEN 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. Engaged in gainful CENSUS, YEAR AND MARITAL CONDITION. occupations. Total number. ‘a er a hate cent. 1920 Aeeregate rfl i Phe vcs aise eae oun ee oa oe _ 35,177,515 8,346, '796 23.7 ? ee Married t ces oc lorte eit Jey in LS as Secreted JE BS ae 21,318, 933. 1,920, 281 9.0 Single, widowed, divorced, and unknown... -.-....-.--.<+-+----++ 13, 858, 582 6, 426, 515.) 46.4 1910 é Aggregate.........5..5 a aE SOPRA BIGALE S ys Ee 30,047,325 | 7, 639, 828 25.4 Married . 203 32 2022 UNOS sg oP as ee FEE POI DOS, 10 Vea. 17, 684, 687 ‘1, 890, 661 10.7 Single, widowed, divorced, and unknown....-...-....--.---+----+-- 12 362; 638° 4 5, 739, “ye J 46.5 1900 } i thy “tks Aggregate............+-.-- Lean of cea + eens ete: Tage eee 24,249,191 | 4,997, 415 Married . Js30.0-15.¢-iradear Sock 02 ai td sagan are 1b eed aI 13,810, 057. 769, 477 | Single, widowed, divorced, and unknowN..........-..-2.++-+++-2+4 10, 439, 134 4, 227, 938 1890 i ore id Pa dec Aggregate... ....s00.s0- EVs Rigi bbw Seta oe ad Hig tae en veh 19,602,178 | 3,712, 144 Meairiad 13880 S10 AUCMe nO al, aad Seca fl OR ebooks 11, 124, 785. 515, 260° Single, widowed, divorced, and unknown.......-..-.....---------- 8, 477, 393 3,196, S84" TABLE 37.-—NUMBER AND. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION, BY MARITAL CONDITION, OF THE gitar: foe WOMEN 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, ok THE ‘UNITED _-= par SSS ES EE ae) ee eee OOOoOoOooo=leaeaeeeeeeeeeeeeaeaaaaaaeeeeee_—________lleee ee SS WOMEN 15 YEARS OF AGE © - AND OVER ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS. CENSUS YEAR AND MARITAL CONDITION. + dt | Percent — Number. distri- » ++ fPIC DOUOEES 4 1920 | | | pete tbe fe Aggregate........ ba UPB. De delles coe esd eet, GK DA ee 8,346,796] © 100.0 Mafriod . J6/£55. 20D. (OS Hes ne eb OT coe Rs DR Be 1,920,281 |) 623.00 Single, widowed, divorced, and unknown.............---2-.+--2-+-+-- HA a sg 6, 426, 515 TRO , : v : f ar 1910 , 1 ; ca ASERORS UGS Steck Ja psu dab noes weak = radaadnitle pees cdenenpaams~ dens cues "7, 639, 828 100.0 pie ype | ee zz Mabried: sc5.80 Uo lasek tum an bt ie ie ct ecten «wag sccroud bey. cee page ie ioe otis oak 1,800,661} © 24.7 Single, widowed, divorced, and Pee i ORE a igo Ad ho o- ‘ 5,749, 167 15.3 1900 | Com ewre et Aggregate... 2 fo... leec.dee eS a in Ce |

      ox ephpidd cant ere peta ee hia “ERE ie doe OTe ‘515,260 } 13.9 Single, widowed, divorced, and UNKNOWN. -.-...c2.cssceee-ceeseeceeecee certs - 3,198, 884], + 86.1 , FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910.) MARITAL, CONDITION OF) OCCUPIED! WOMEN. 561 Tap 88-— NUMBER AND “PER CENT) DISTRIBUTION, BY! MARITAL ‘CONDITION, OF ARE WOMEN 15 YEARS OF AGH AND OVER IN EACH GDNERAL DIVISION OF OCCUPA- s ingest SINGLE, WIDOWED, ‘ cr alipen ||..5) -MARRIED. DIVORCED, AND | Sie Armere eres om UNENOWN. CENSUS YEAR AND GENERAL DIVISION OF Total ae ; OCCUPATIONS. number. ee Per .Per me Number. | cent of | Number,, ,| cent of 4 total. total. we 1920 ‘ MMPAN occupations. ..<2 2 |... sk... 8,346,796 || 1,920,281 23.0| 6,426,515 77.0 ' Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry... 934, 962 371, 537 39.7 563, 425 60.3 Extraction of minetals..............:....... eh 4te aS oeieT dP) Gk Fore 46. 0 1, 503 54.0 Manufacturing and mechanical industries: .-..-| 1, 904, 132 466, 663 24, 5 1, 437, 469 (payee) msportation......00.2...... ee ee 212, 382 26, 480 12:5 | --> 185,902 87.5 Me. BUSA OTS BC. fe AL, JOYS Gat T ie 663, 939 156, 490 23.6 507, 449 76.4 Public service (not elsewhere Classified). ....... 21, 768 542 34.6 14, 226 65.4 Professions i servic.) {2k 0 39, 1,015, 904 123,578 12.2 892, 326 87. 8 Domestic and personal service.......-.2..02.0. 2,169,450 || | 637,675 29. 4 1,531, 775 70, 6 Clerical occupations. ....../......0002021..6. 001] 1, 424, 478 129, 038 9.1 1,292,440 90.9 aR aT ME BES: | Ree "OBR Gh0 SLRS eit . | Alloceupations:.-...2....0.0.4...- 8: wic1-> 7, 689, 828 || 1/890, 661] 24.7] - 5,749,167 | m5. 3 OR eo ; ; : SY OO | epee ae forestry, and animal husbandry..|' 1, 473, 261 692, 745 47.0 780, 516 53.0 Extraction of minerals). ..).).. 00) .025...0.. 1,060 371 35. 0 689 65. 0 Manufacturing and mechanical industries... _.. 1,775, 917 330, 914 18.6 1, 445, 003 81, 4 Transportation..........-. WL 2, Jee. 50F. ade. 106, 034 8, 602 8.1 97, 432 91.9 EET TI Seas Seneee ee eee » 464,173 83, 089 17.9 381, 084 82. 1 _ Public service (not elsewhere classified) ........ 13, 555 4,377 32.3 9,178 mOTTe Pr er riee. O88 1). ETE eS. ONE: 733, 342 "16, 287 10.4 657, 055 89.6 Domestic and’personal service. ................ 2, 483; 277 661, 199 26.6 | - 1,822, 078 33. 4 Oleri See . 5.6 556, 132.) 99424 Mcripations too 2275 42. 8.5! nn ttirs _ 589,209 || 33, 077 avian tae Taste 29. NUMBER AND PER CENT DISTRIBUTION, BY.GENERAL DIVISIONS IN EACH SPECIFIED MARITAL CLASS, FOR THE UNITED, STATES: 1920;,AND. 1910. OF ATIONS, OF THE GAINFULLY OCCUPIED WOMEN 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 1 ess than one-tenth of 1 per cent. ms ik te ; ar SINGLE, WIDOWED, Bate 400 lone 193 TOTAL NUMBER. MARRIED. -- | DIVORCED, AND a ee iue; OIE --- UNKNOWN. ©ENSUS YEAR AND GENERAL DIVISION OF Per ‘|| Per Per Bas. reese ae a ON CF pF fs cent). cent _. | cent NSS Saree, eh Be L1G. Number. |» dis-> ||} Number.| dis- | Number. | dis- PPA Got ry isso ape | aie ~ | tribue je tribu- tribu- MATT oO Tae ts . rh tions, |}: tion. tion. P36 Birt : \y 1920 “ ‘ t : } 3 me 2) Gecupations:.....).....3.6556.00-) 8,346,796 | 100.0 || 1,920,281 | 100.0] 6,426,515 100.0 &.u eM 4 3 : .U 5 —————SS—__—e——ee—e——e —S—ESS!™_ OO eee | Ag ture, forestry, and animal husbandry. 934, 962 11,2 371, 5387 19.3 563, 425 8.8 Extraction of mings. ee LB j208..... z lat 2°78 (l 1,278 OA 1,503 | @)_- Manufacturing and mechanical industries... .} 1,904,132. | 22.8 466, 663-| 24.3]. 1,437,469 |}? 022. 4 Transportation. ..... Se MOL gOIS Sos oh 212, 382 2.5 26,480 14 185, 902 2.9 Trade... .... PES eee gf. 46 BR. os. <8 0663, 989 8.0 156, 490 8.1 507, 449 7.9 Public service (not elsewhere Classified)... . 21,768}: 0.3 7,542 0.4 14, 226 0.2 ional service........ Pua ndcodee weet 1,015, 904 12.2 123, 578 6.4 892, 326 to: > Domestic and personal service.............. 2,169,450 | 26.0 637,675 | 3322+] VY) 580,775 | 823.8 occupations: -...... CAL... B8T2. 6054 1,421,478 } © 1720 129, 038 6.7 |. .1,292,440 |}? 20,1 maa (BOC it iG} ‘ _— ' “ee gyeele— {5% , Si) Allvoccupations. 20.05/75 .21..26f of... 24 7, 639, 828 | 100.0 |} 1,890,661 | 100.0 |. 5,749,167 | 100.0 | Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry.| 1,473,261 | 19.3 || 692,745 | 36.6]... 780; 516°} 13.6 . Bkinnetionr of asinenaie eae * YS Ter ae | 13060 fe ay Ht 371 |. @) 689: |) Manufacturing and mechanical industries...} 1,775,917 23.2 330, 914 17.5 | 1,445, 003 25.1 ne 106, 034 1.4 8, 602 0.5 97, 432 1 iy 4 fee @ 5... twostds syn Pole sing! 464,173 |" 6.1 83, 0890}' © 4:4 381, 084 6.6 Public service (not elsewhere classified). 13, 555 0.2 4,377 0.2 9,178 0.2 Professional Rn Se So eo 733, 342 9.6 76, 287 4.0 657,055 | 11.4 ‘Omestic and personal service.............. 2, 483, 277 32. 5 661, 199 35.0 | 1,822,078 31.7 Metical occupations................. birch 589, 209 rhe 33, 077 1.7 556, 132 9.7 ee | eee Nee See 75108° —22——36 - m 5 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—OCCUPATIONS, TABLE 40.-_NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF WOMEN 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER IN RACH SPECIFIED MARITAL CLASS ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, BY CLASS OF POPULATION AND AGE PERIODS, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920. SINGLE, WIDOWED, ALL CLASSES. MARRIED. DIVORCED, AND UNKNOWN. CLASS OF POPULATION Engaged in Engaged in Engaged in AND AGE PERIOD. gain : occu- gainful occu- gainful occu- Total pations. Total pations Total pations. number. |————-- || number. Per Per Per Number. het Number ant: Number cont All classes...°...-.-.-4-4- 35,177, 515|8, 346,796, 23. '7|/21, 318, 933/1,920, 281) 9. 0/13, 858, 582)6, 426,515), 46. 4 15 to 19 years........-.. 4, 756, 7641, 555, 322| 32.7|| 596,542) 74,305) 12.5) 4,160, 222|1,481,017) 35.6 20 to 24 years........-.- 4.749, 976|1, 809, 075} 38.1]| 2,483,697} 283,870] 11.4] 2,266, 279}1, 525,205) 67.3 25 to 44 years.......-... 15, 249, 602/3, 417,373] 22. 4||11, 918, 789|1, 143,706] 9.6] 3,330, 813)2, 273, 667). 68.3) 95 to 34 years......--- 8,488,668} (2) foo... 6, 492, 355 5 9.7 “ es 35 to 44-years........+- 6,760,934} - @) | Joseee 5,426,434] 516,126] 9.5 By; ol feeciie 43 45 years and over?. . .. .|10,421,173]1, 565,026]. 15.0] 6,319,905] 418,400} 6. 6} 4, 101, 268/1, 146, 626}, 28.0. Native white—Native ; parentage........... 18, 529, 748.3, 652,963} 19.7)/11, 195,865; 707,503| 6. 8832, 945,460] 40.2 15-to 19 years.........¥- 2, 801, 569| . 699, 080) °<25.0|| » 372,924) 29,980} 8. 100). 27.6 20 to 24 years.......-.-. 2, 629, 889, 855, 946] 32. 5/l- 1,404,020} 106,191} 7 869] 749,755} 61.2 25 to 44 years........-0- 7, 807, 162'1,439, 349] 18. 4|| 6, 169, 355|.407,769] 6. 807|1,031, 580} 63.0: 25 to $4 years.....--..- 4) 438,860; (1) | asses. 3’ 421, 662| 225,760 6. 98) 7 a osshell 35 to 44 yeals......... 3,368, a021 cc) iloueees 2,747,693} 182,009]. 6.6}. 620,609). @) 0 focsued 45 years and over 2..... 5,291, 128) . 658, 588], 12.4)| 3,249,566) 163,563) 5 ,62| 495, 025 2. Native white—Foreign Fy Ligh or mixed parentage.| 7,211,108 2,088,431) 29.0)| 3,890,870) 245,311) 6. 843,120) 55.5) 15 to 19 years..........- 1, 102,083| 498,023} 45.2|| | 68,151] 7, 677| 11. 90,346] 47.4. 20 to 24 years......--..- 1, 067,020] 521,017} 48.8|| 422,358] 37,284) 8. 483,733} 75.0 25 to 44. years..........- 3,150,386] 774,177} 24.6|| 2,251,596} 146,385) 6. 627,792] 69.8 25 to 34 years........- 12904, 1911 (8) pe 1,245,794| 3255] 6. he 35 to 44 years......... 1.346, 265), > () raleseezs 1,005, 802}. 63,130} 6. 4 (eves | oy ya 45 years and over ?..... 1,891,619} 295,214} 15, 6|| 1,148,765), 53,965] 4, 241,249) 32.5 Foreign-born white... ..| 5,913, 985/1, 113,216 18. 8|| 4,123,503) 296,126) 7. 817,090] 45.6 15 to 19 years........... - 268, 672|~ 139,685} 52.0|| 38,477} 4,382) 11. 135, 303| 58.8 20.t0,.24.7 CaTS. vae.j.-- 52 469, 856} 177,030) 37.7 289,349} 27,876) 9. 149,154} 82.6 25 to 44 years.......-.-- 2,720,964| 506,267} 18.6|| 2,299,018] 189,138] 8. 317,129] 75.2 25 to 34 years........- 1,366,982, @) |...... 1, 150,570] 95,802} 8. ch ame 35 to 44 years......... ae TTS Re) ieee Re 1,148,448} 93,336] 8. ch ae ee 45 years and over 2.....| 2,454,493} 290,234) 11.8|] 1,496,659)... 74,730), , 5. 215, 504}, 22.5 Nogro.j..:....-.,--)-388 3, 423, 10/1, 476, 915} 43. 1|| 2,039,181) 662,684) 32. 814,231] 58.8 15 to 19 yearss..0.... 20. 569, 799| 216, 767) 38. Ol} 114,169} 31,911] 28. 184, 856] 40.6 20 to 24 years.......20%4 567,678) 252,417) 44.5 356,740) 111,095) 31. 141,322) 67.0 25 t0.44 years.........08 1,525,792] 689,933} 45.2)] 1,158,765] 394,916) 34. 295,017| 80.4 25 to.34 years........- BDL G73)) 4) be we des 650, 348} 219,432) 33. QG) 35 to 44 years......... 674,119 4 SR MRSS Sar 508,417} 175,484) 34. @) |... 45 years ad over2.....| 759,831] 317,798, 41.8|| 409,507) 124,762] 30. 193,036) 55.1 a Ese BF: hs as Nenana eeere 70, 431 9,168) 13.0 43,923 3,929) 8. 5,239) 19.8 15 to 19 years.z... 2.0005 12,707} 1,372) 10.8 2,279 258| | 11. 1,114 10d 20 to 24 years........k08 9,596} 1,449) 15.1 6,005 548] 9. 901| 25. 25 to 44 years:,..... 2... 26,531|: 3,764) 14.2 22,209]. 2,169}. 9. 1,595) 369 25 to 34 years.....-..- 14,400, (8) ol... 1.8 11,923| 1,210] 10. Qh 35 to 44 years.......% 12,0441 QO 2]..0dst 10, 286 959, 9. ().. a 45 years and over ?..... 21,597 , 583} 12.0 13, 430 954}. 7. 1,629; 19,9 Aico: Chinese, Japanese, and Cts 20s all other. ooe.7..5 Sa 29,143! 6,103) 20.9 25,591} 4,728] 18. 1,375} 38.7 15 tol) years....2.22 3020 1, 934! 395) 20.4 542 OF ATs 298} 21.4 20'to 24:years. .......... 5, 937 1,216} 20.5 5, 225 876) 16. 340| 47.8 25 to 44 yearss. 23... 2.22 18, 767 3, 883} 20.7 17, 846 3,329} .18. aes 8007564). 60.2 25 to 34 years...-.+--- 1, BOD) 2 AD ama cele 12058} 2,121} 17.6 @ we | 35 to 44 years. ........ G17. Go Al... 5,'788| 1, 208} " 20. Q)o eee 45 years and over?.. ... 2, 505 609} 24.3 1,978]... 426]. 21.5 e! a3 1 Figures not available. 2 Includes age unknown. :. Se “ Hy ‘epee Pele MARITAL CONDITION OF OCCUPIED WOMEN. 568 Taste 41.—NUMBER AND ‘PROPORTION OF THE GAINFULLY OCCUPIED WOMEN 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER IN EACH SPECIFIED MARITAL CLASS, BY CLASS OF ‘POPULATION AND: AGE PERIODS, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920. SINGLE, WIDOWED, MARRIED. DIVORCED, AND UNKNOWN. : Total LASS OF POPULATION AND AGE PERIOD. aiaibee Per cent Per cent Number. | ortotal. | Number- | of total. All classes | b_beiriel4. - fe terme Ge be 8, 346, 796 1, 920, 281 23.0 6, 426, 515 77.0 1 to Eee eee eee ee 1,555, 322 74, 305 4.8 1, 481, 017 95. 2 BNO Set VORES. sicko ahve <0) ino 0's 4b o- > 1, 525, 205 84.3 mueae veere.....4\....-----.-4).20 2, 273, 667 66.5 ar 20 to Mi pmars..- 1 6 DOE... 2 4 Bw Ly a Ge Poe ots Sirah EN 4A VOBTS 255 | age perce mrerone| bocsane 4 LD igtatgss anh to fed Se gtee dap by O46 yearsi@nd Over ?..6 3 sb... “8 1, 146, 626 43.3 Walive, white—Native parentage owalbad ab 2,945, 460 80. 6 Pano 19 Ventre Pk... Hg 669, 100 95.7 mado 24 years... ... 1) 2.8L. .---. ss 749, 755 87.6 (EAE See ca | Se 1, 031, 580 Tis? ey BO V OATS. ho so te oa es ea es (4) ak cat ae sop: 385 to 44 years.... 1h MOE. RH Ea (ich Pe Panes ‘45 years and over ?: +!) ¢.2-.-..-2)- Ges 495, 025 15. 2 atire white—Foreign or mixed par- POmem@e...1 4 te... 2. ih... (23. .-- Qe8 1, 843, 120 88.3 15 to 19 years:....... COS EERE EE ee 490, 346 98.5 © wm C024 VORP: .. 1...) Ap... 6. 483, 733 92. 8 COE GENE ee | ee ae eee 627, 792 81.1 PO Ue VOALSE odie ls wae sc ope ees Gh) pb bithes < ewda aot 6 oop 35 to 44years...... A oor. oat HS p 1 9 ange as, “Pease aie 145 years and over 2... 5. .G2.....2-4-8 25 241, 249 81.7 gz Slsien-pors Wnite.. ig ee. ic 8 817, 090 73.4 ; Homo 19 Years:.......i8...../13.----) 2a 135, 303 96.9 pmo 24 Vearar. 2... 2... ¢2y- 2.26.4 149, 154 84.3 25 to 44 years: ......i. DY RAE AA | oe 317, 129 62.6 ao UOS4 VOATS... Jb ce. 2c. ee eden. Dr ae le winter eteiar 0! 35.60 44 years... A yt... Aw YORE ama | act wees » 45 years and Over. 11.4 G)....-- 048 7 215, 504 74.3 Negro “BR, POT Pe | Ee | es 1, 476, 915 662, 684 44.9 814, 231 55.1 15 to 19 tepte tod ass Bree | wae 216, 767 31, 911 14.7 184, 856 85. 3 Obie 24 yeass. \..2.. 4. 02.. 485. -- 614-5 252, 417 111, 095 44. 0 141, 322 56. 0 aes €0.44 yearm ...... i) widowed, } widowed, number. || Married. bakiley = Married. at f unknown. > }unknown. Adlclesses. =: ..$ 4227: 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0) TS to 1) Veaters: 62292. 13.5 2.8 30.0 ORD ASCO ce YORIS sts oe aktc ace 13.5 11.7 16. 4 14.8 25 to 44 years... 22 bo, aa. 43.4 55.9 24.0 59.6 25 +034 years. ...-..-% 24.1 30.5]. 14, 4 83207 35t044 years......2.. “19.2 95:5 9.6 26.9 45 yearsand OVer?.....-.. 29.6 29. 6 29. 6 21.8 Native white—Native par- ent ares Prete see , 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 “100. 0 15to19 years 15.1 , 3.3 33.1 74,2 20 to 24 years 14, 2 12.5 16.7 _ 15.0 25 to 44 years 42.1 55. 1 22.3 105776 25 to a4 years...) 2.7%" 24.0 30. 6 13.9 31.9 35 to 44 years......... 18.2 24.5 8.5 2527 | 45 years and over ?....2... 28.6 29.0 27.8 23. 1 Native white—Foreign or Leo pd mixed parentage.......... 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 “100.0 | 15 tO 1D Years: -. hee 15.3 1.8 31.1 PES SUL 2070 24: Yeats). .-s. “ae sem 14.8 10. 9 19, 4 15. 2 25 to 44 years... 2.2 SE 43.7 57.9 27:1 ea. 7 25 to s4years...... 225 25.0 32. 0 16.8 33.9 35 to 44 years. ........ 18.7 25. 9 10.3 2557 | 45 yearsand Over ?......2: 26.2 29. 5 22.4 ~~ 22:0 | - Foreign-born white......... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 £5.00 19 years >. ec eoeaee 4.5 0. 9 12.9 wilh ed 20 tO 24-Veartsine 2c. Pn app 7.9 eAL 10.1 9.4 20 tO 44 VORTS S20 ase 46: 0 55. 8 23.6 - 63: 9 | - 25 to 34-years......-.. 23.1 27:9 12.1 - 82.4 35 to 44 years......222 ‘22.9 27.9 11.5 BED | | 45 yeats and over 2........ 41.5 36.3 53.5 25. 2° INBREO. fos ise aides ee 100. 0 100. 0 100: 0 ~ 100.0 15 to 19 years 3.3.20 16.6 5.6 32.9 SEO BBB 20 to 24 years... 200.) pion 16.6 17.5 15.2 16.8 2p GO 44 Yeats... ee 44.6 56. 8 26.5 59: 6- 25 to 34 years......-.. 24.9 31.9 14.5 83.1 35 to 44 years. ...0222 19.7 24,9 12.0 --- 26.5 45 years and over 2....22.. 22.2 » 20.1 25.3 18,8 |} TOBA ne ecbcn See ' 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 “100-0 15 to 19 years.......4..22% 18.0 5.2 39.3 IY G2612 2) tO 28 YOaTS on yes 13.6 13.7 13.5 13.9. 25 to 44 years. ........2222 37.7 50. 6 16.3 ODOT 25 to 34 years...:..-.- 20. 6 27.1 9.7 ~ 30.8 35 to 44 years... 2.2.22 17.1 23. 4 6. 6- 24.4 45 years and over 2....2... 30.7 30.6 30. 8 PAY Chinese, Japanese, and all rou GUNGE SEES Ovens kdecnes 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 Lh ta 18 years cles 6.6 2.1 39. 2 ae A DOUG 24 Fears ss ec ct 20. 4 20. 4 20. 0 18.5 25 to 44 years: ..2T lL ace. 64.4 69. 7 25.9 ~ 70. 4 25 to 34 years......... 43.2 47.1 15.0 44.9 35 to 44 years......... 21.2 22. 6 10. 9 25. 5 45 years.and over 2........ 8.6 oe) 14.8 9.0 1 Figures not available. 2 Includes age unknown. : So MARITAL seta OCCUPIED WOMEN. 565 OPULATION CLASSES ‘OF ALL WOMEN RE YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, IN UNITED STATES: 1920... 00000 ea ae a ee wa a RP ERE NE ‘a sTewoury UTS | WOMEN 1 15° YEARS OF AGE AND over: 1920. Lah GHOGOVIC | ATAORHOPDA Pi “wOoVAanu “ Engaged in gainful occupations. ni TIT ~pope Joliiies me | te w| umber. i ed | at ee 1. < arcm 2° J06.0" esi ea 4 ~j001, “108 yxte. Thee. on, q AL ety ‘ORE UGG INES TOE, GR rae (Tae wis : j H GE ROE (MO PEL Bn el 6 o Sa) SET pl 88 es al —_ _ aS oe ay ee oa = <2 Me; 2 Se See e808 G97) CGB STs, HA SA ME Jeey tie yah exp (eee be Marae: 9) ae Icog eae j (Sas if sid gi Le Tie Ae f MBE CI 8.40 5 (TOE Sé B Say; p JOBS IGE Ie der, VES. ie gia is jee ae aos 3008 BOE cgl8Gb ON beasiss ¥ fee be Ned ds; i) ma tah x) 4 ISG. JA } Be. r rOG, Be Ve ie Mf SOA, 0 oP Lise Woe oe FED ; Spe OSS G6l° VE 4 - fy bal i AIS Se ER, 0 ite Be Hod. P SIS ssi) ads ; iid AES Es) Be ) 4 NOR 208; JO BS" | l fine GS ANE gle Qk bs aaa cr State 2,SET' AY At : di Se ne : | - 2 ene OAS 3 218 0 F a vas 8 GY: eLTS | ‘ ih 3 . EINOOELL > br) 7 are B Bucs T I6r ilk ag een B CES ae ke % Re yuk, , ae 1 oe modabi ; ; a Fa pay Fe aS a han 9 Dae a 4 a . ‘ +s be one, 1006 SA 28 Bo ithe 10 7 TERY 28 ik € erlch 4 oe Abe Whe, BOR Lhe) ect 88 MGT wecle SWORNS ee less msiy Bi, ede Sit AS - eee 2 SL u . ALE Oe Oud , . fe f Ha OG «, { {2 ~ ) s . ‘ by ny ? ag beets 1 DE reed ne “~) ‘Oe : pela’ at pj eat a. en0. 05! ‘ teag ‘tae Las 5 a sie , ‘ ROG ts iReG nop y jye8 PS ts on o, « »tleeak SA > 566 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—OCCUPATIONS, TABLE 44._NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF WOMEN 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, IN EACH SPECIFIED MARITAL CLASS, ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920. | iM, GPE on SINGLE, WIDOWED, AGGREGATE. MARRIED. DIVORCED , AND 5 UNKNOWN. DIVISION AND STATE. Engaged in Engagedin | 0% |)? Engaged in gainf ul occu- gainf ul occu- gainful occu- Total pations. Total. pations. Total. pations. number. |—ssasa5r > ember: j—— Num-.| Per Num- } Per Per ber. cent. ber. | cent. | 35, 177, 5158, 346, 796| 28. 7/121, 318, 933|1, 920, 281 | | J United States .... GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: 1,485,377) . 175, 568 New England........ 2,681,138) 862,348} 32.2)/ 1, 11.8 _ 57.4 Middle Atlantic. ....- 7, 757, 457)|2, 102,113} 27. 1}| 4, 518, 248)’ 348,128) 7.7 _ 64.1 East North Central. .| 7,321, 833]1, 555, 367} 21. 2/| 4,545,175) 282,285) | 6.2 45.8 West North Central. .} 4,159,479] °767,677| 18. 5}| 2,555, 896) 137, 368) | °5. 4) 39.3 South Atlantic....... 4, 420, 837|1,178, 574| 26. 7|| 2, 654, 236 : 14.9 44.4 East South Central...| 2,794, 845}, 649,046) 23. 2|| 1,725,179] 225,222) 13.1 389.6 West South Central. .} 3,131,029] 623,104; 19.9/| 1,988,774) 201,013) 10.1) . 37.0 Mountain............ 1,000,986} 175,555) 17.6 654, 476) 43, 15: 6.6 38.3 Pacifici 329020 >. 2. ae 1,910,811} 433,012) 22.7}) 1,191,572} 112,881) | 9.5 44.5 NEW ENGLAND: WG. ee eta. Sees 271,764; 64,636} 23.8 162,623} 16,288} 10.0} 109,141 44.3 New Hampshire..... 161,208} 49,138) 30.5 92, 353 14, 4 4 52.0 Wermont i020. be aaa 123,982} 26,803) 21.6 74, 505 8.1 42.0 Massachusetts......-- 1,425, 443} 498,258) 35.0)| 758, 897 A 12.7 , 046 60.3 Rhode Island...2...- 19, 78,989) 36.0 118, 772 : 13.1] 100,637 63.1 Connecticut..: i aecss 479,332} 144,524) 30.2 278, 227 : 10.0} 201,105 58.0 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: NewYork... .2cctene 3, 767, 540/1, 131, 504) 30. 0/| 2,134,604) 194,305} 9.1) 1,632,936; 937,199) 57.4 New Jersey .:..-....: 1,092,623] 292,158) 26.7 653, 587 a 7.7| 439,036! 241,707). 55.1 Pennsylvania........ 2,897,294] 678,451} 23.4]/ 1,730,057; 103,372} 6.0) 1,167,237| 575,079) 49.3 East NORTH CENTRAL: Olitiony fe ety ip Semen 1,990,701} 409,073; 20. 5)| 1,241,451 6.2} 749,250) 332,418 44.4 Endiatigssscee =. ac see 1,021,915} 183,882) 18.0 650,*187 5.4) 371,728} 149,034 40.1 ENNOIS So ae ee Soe 2,242,120) 536,990) 24.0)| 1,353, 118 & 1) 889,002} 440,542) 49.6 Michigan. Wa oy | 1,198,037) 244,515) 20.4 782, 648 6.7) 415,389) 192,418) 46.3 Wiseimsines: ©. uctese 69,060) 180,907; 20.8 517,771 4,3} 351,289) 158,670) 45.2 West NortTH CENTRAL: Minnesole = tic. se 774, 433) 163,366) 21.1 450, 785 4,5 323,648) 143,196, 44.2 ity ee. Ae 819,947) 140,761) 17.2|| 505,294 4.8} 314,653) 116,561 37.0 Missouri 2. sie 1,186,407] 242,557| 20.4|| 724, 886 7.0} 461,521) 192,143) 41.6 North Dakota........ 181,450} 27,971) 15.4|| 113,843 3.4, 67,607) 24,061! 35.6 South Dakota.t 221: 190,812} 29,483} 15.5 121, 408 4.3 69,404, 24,252) 34.9 Nebraska. ¢.225. 22.52 419,146) 71,423) 17.0 263, 890 5.3), 155,256}, 57,456) 37.07 Wansas nied 282 o2aee 587,284, 92,116) 15.7 375, 790 5.2} 211,494) 72,640} 34.3 SouTH ATLANTIC: 7 Delaware..:.......2.4 77,105} 17,947} 23.3 47, 469 9.3 29,636). 13,534) 45.7 Maryland ...:22. 22 506, 569] 135,669) 26.8 294, 043 11.0} 212,526) 103,407| 48.7 District of Columbia .| 188,466) 92,425) 49.0 88, 602 25. 8 , 864) 69,554) 69,6— MITSINIG. oe ae 730, 985} 153,057] 20.9 432, 557 9.6 298, 428] 111,502) 37.4 West Virginia.......- 431,564| 56,726) 13.1]| 280,811 3.7| 150,753] 46,2 7 North Carolina....... 769,185] 187,546) 24.4 460, 742 13.2) 308,443) 126,595) 41.0 South Carolina......- 504,048] 185, 754| 36.9 298, 648 26.6) 205,400) 106,228; 51.7 (EOL GIA yc Ses ee ree 900,117} 266,093) 29.6 551, 522 19.5) 348,595) 158,818) 45.6 TORI ALE eee ee eae 312,798} 83,357) 26.6 199, 842 F 17.7; 112,956). 48,045) 42.5 East SoutH CENTRAL: « Kentuery 20. * ssa: 770,695} 128,969} 16.7 481, 060 6.5} 289,635; 97,689} 33.7) Tennessee. ot ok 749,045} 145,655) 19.4 461, 883 9.6} 287,162) 101,393} 35.3 ‘ANADEING cose ce tees 720,780} 199,751) 27.7 440, 207 16.5] 280,573; 127,018) 45.3 Mississippl. on. (Sen a3 ‘.| 654,325} 174,671) 31.5 342, 029 : 22.5) 212,296) 97,724; 46.0 West SOUTH CENTRAL: Wes bi IAT RRTISES. "2 * 28s eee 525,477} 103,143} 19.6 344,325) 36,919} 10.7| 181,152) 66,224) 36.6 Louisiane 2224 ee 571,339] 145,661) 25.5 338, 897; 50,112) 14.8) 232,442) 95,549) 41.1 Oklahoma...........- 594,679] 90,148) 15.2 402,863} 26,953} 6.7) 191,816) 63,195) 32.9 TOXASOeOS ee 1,439,534) 284,152) 19.7 902,689} 87,029) 9.6) 536,845) 197,123) 36.7 MOUNTAIN: ie MONAT a weee, a ae 160,625) 28,186) 17.5 108, 119 6, 508} - 6.0 52,506} 21,678) 41.3 ease eet ect. cece 123, 287 17, 435} 14.1 84, 554 4,408 5.2) 38, 733] +13,027| 33.6 IW YORE oh Soe ete ac 54, 169 9,356] 17.3 38, 172 2,666} 7.0 15,997} 6,690) 41.8 Comrade a. eine. 307,458} 62,180) 20.2 195,193} 14,462) 7.4) 112,265) 47,718) 42.5 New Mexico......... 103,503) 14,656] 14.2 66, 577 3, 440[- a0 36,926] 10,941) 29.6 APIOONG eles wh sin 95,671) 17,707] 18.5 63,685, 6,174, 9.7| 31,986) 11,533) 36.1 SECS et ade ae es 133,642] 21,708] 16.2 83,713} 3,779) 4.5} 49,920} 17,929) 35.9 3 WOPOR soi ss ws cue 21, 731 4,327| 19.9 14, 463 1,440] 10.0 7,268; 2,887) 39.7 ‘ACIFIC: a Washington.......... 438,357, 92,612} 21.1|| 287,871} 24,172) 8.4| 150,486] 68,440) 45.5 RIT OR OT Sa ens Oecd 261,847; 54,370) 20.8 170,069) 15,155} 8.9} © 91;778| 39,215) 42.7 California sceacnes odes 1,210,607} 286,030} 23.6 733,632) 73,554) 10.0} 476,975) 212, 476 44.5 | MARITAL CONDITION OF OCCUPIED WOMEN. 567 Taste 45.—_NUMBER AND PER CENT DISTRIBUTION, BY MARITAL CONDITION, OF THE GAINFULLY OCCUPIED WOMEN 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. “’ , ) 1920 1910 ... ; : { Single, wid- Single, wid- ) Married. - owed, divorced, Married. jowed, divorced, DIVISION AND STATE. and unknown. and unknown. 4 Total }|—#—@—@—_— —_- |__|] Total | ||—_—_—_—__|—______“_- number. Per Per |} number. Per Per i : Num- | cent |..Num- | cent Num- | cent |» Num- =| cent ; ber. of ber. ’ of ber. of ber. of total. total. f total. total. United States. .|$, 346, 796||1,920,281| 23. 0/6, 426,515 77. 0||7, 639, 828||1,890,661| 24. 7/5, 749,167| 75.3 fe J | J _ SSS OO—a=eE=*eEOOS$ oo | Oe. OOOO GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: » New England....... f 175,568} 20.4} 686,780] 79.6|| 766, 159|| 137,452} 17.9] 628,707]. 82.1 | Middle Atlantic... .. 2,102, 113|| 348,128} 16.6|1,753,985| 83. 4)|1, 802, 514|| 280, 550] 15. 611,521, 964] 84. 4 » East North Central. .|1, 555, 367|| 282,285) 18.1/1,273,082| 81. 9/1, 265,997] 192,518} 15. 2/1, 073, 479}. .84. 8 ' West North Central.| 767,677|| 137,368) 17.9] 630,309] 82.1/| 679, 714|| 112,711] 16.6] 567,003] 83. 4 ~ South Atlantic...... 1,178, 574)| 394,664; 33.5) 783,910) 66. 5||1, 235, 970|| 470,833} 38.1) 765,137] 61.9 East South Central. .| 649, 046|| 225,222} 34.7] 423,824] 65.3|| 823, 661!| 348,419] 42.3| 475,242) 57.7 _ West South Central..) 623, 104|| 201,013) 32.3] 422,091] 67. 7||, 647,914/| 251,264] 38.8] 396,650]. 61.2 | Mountain............ 175, 555|| 43,152; 24.6} 132,403] 75. 4|| 137,965)| 35,954} 26.1) 102,011] 73.9 as URE SS 433, 012)| 112,881, 26.1) 320,131) 73.9]| 279, 934|| 60,960} 21.8] 218,974] 78.2 i | | Pieane.. J. it. 64,636)| 16,288 25.2! 48,348] 748i! 62,631|| 14,281] 22.8} 48,350] 77.2 ’ New Hampshire..... 49,138|| 13,308 27.1} 35,830} 72.9!| '~47,797|| 12,044] 25.2) 35,753] 74.8 merinont..2....-...4. 26,803]/ 6,011| 22.4] 20,792) 77.6 4 6,724, 23.9} 21,399] 76.1 * Massachusetts....... 498, 258|| 96,496] 19.4] 401, 762{ 80, 6|| 439,607|| 74,815} 17. 0/ 364,792] 83.0 » Rhode Island........ 78,989|| 15,530} 19.7] 63,459} 80.3/| 69, 520/; 11,393] 16.4) 58,127] 83.6 + Connecticut.......... 144, 524|| 27,935] 19.3]-' 116,589] 80. 7/| 118,481} 18,195] 15.4], 100,286] 84,6 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: » New York........... 1, 131, 504|| 194,305} 17.2! 937,199} 82. 8|| 976,098|| 156,515] 16.0} 819,583] 84.0 * New Jersey.......... 292, 158|| 50,451! 17.3] 241,707| 82. 7|| 235, 602|| - 37,653] 16.0) 197,949] 84.0 ) Pennsylvania........ 678, 451|| 103,372] 15.2} 575,079) 84.8]| 590,814)! 86,382} 14.6) 504,432) 85.4 E. NorTH CENTRAL: ONE EA a 409,073|| 76,655} 18.7] 332,418} 81.3||' 342,573]| 53,958} 15.8] 288,615) . 84.2 MTndiana..............| 183, 882|| 34,848} 19.0} 149,034} 81.0]| 153,137} 26,433]° 17.3] 126,704] . 82.7 ONS a ee 536, 990)| 96,448} 180] 440,542} 82.0|| 426,058]! 60,305} 14.2} 365,753] 85.8 SMichigan®?) ./~..:. | 244,515|| 52,097} 21.3]' 192,418] 78, 7|| 184, 452]| 31,414] 17.0) 153,038) 83.0 PWisconsin'!..(°......| 180,907|| 22,237| 12.3} 158,670] 87.,7|| 159,777|| 20,408} 12.8] 139,369) 87.2 W. Nortu CENTRAL: *Minnesota........... 163, 366|| 20,170) 12.3] 143,196] 87.7|| 143, 796|| 16,938} 11.8} 126,858] 88.2 Ce ee eee 140,761|| 24,200] 17.2} 116,561) 82,8/} 129, 883/| 20,049} 15.4} 109,834} 84.6 Beeissouri.ii\'.U)....., 242; 557|| 50,414) 20.8] 192,143] 79.2||° 207,496] 40,205) 19.4} 167,291| 80.6 North Dakota....... 27,971}| 3,910) 14.0] 24,061) 86.0/|.. 28,145]} 4,546] 16.2} 23,599) 83.8 ‘South Dakota....... 1/29, 483)| 5,231) 17.7) 24,252) 82.3|| 27,936]| 4,588] 16.4) 23,348) 83.6 PNeébraska. .2........! 71, 423|| 13,967] 19.6] _ 57,456] 80.4|} 62,632| 10,341] 16.5] 52,291) 83.5 Biansas).)25......) 92,116)| 19,476} 21.1! 72,640] 78.9/| 79,826|| 16,044] 20.1) 63,782). 79.9 SouTH ATLANTIC: ; Welaware).:.//...... 17,947|| 4,413) 24.6] 18)534) 75.4]! 17,037|| 4,272} 25.1) 12,765). 74.9 ‘Maryland............ 135, 669}| 32,262] 23.8} 103,407] 76.2|| 125,801] 30,662) 24,4] 95,139) 75.6 District of Columbia.; 92, 425) 22,871} 24.7) 69,554} 75.3)| 52,762|| 14,006} 26.5] 38, 756|. 73.5 eVitginia YP s.3:!.... | 153,.057|| 41,555} 27.2)‘ 111,502} 72.8]} 158,321]} 45,814] 28.9] “112, 507) . 71.1 ‘West Virginia........ 56,726]! 10,499) 18.5) ° 46,227) 81.5] 52,038] 11,551] 22.2] 40,487] 77.8 North Carolina....... 187,546), 60,951) 32.5; 126,595) 67.5]| .231,002)| 86,507] 37.4] 144,495] 62.6 ‘South Carolina. ..... 185, 754|| 79,526] 42:8) 106,228) 57.2||' 226, 843)| 110,293] 48.6) 116,550) 51.4 Mebia ed | 266, 093/} 107,275} 40.3! 158,818} 59.7/||' 305, 073|| 137,240} 45.0} 167,833] . 55.0 Miorida | 28 ol... ,357|| 35, 42. 4| 48,045] 57.6]| 67,093|| 30,488} 45.4] 36,605) 54.6 E. SouTH CENTRAL: le Meentuchy..........4 128, 969]} 31,280) 24.3] 97,689) 75.7|| 140, 242/| 37,873] 27.0) 102,369) . 73.0 | “Dennessee:.'.)...... - 145, 655|| 44,262} 30.4) 101,893) 69.6]} 158,147|| 54,596) 34.5] 103,551) 65.5 "Alabama............ 199,751|| 72,733] 36.4] 127,018] 63.6/| 264,954|| 120,342) 45.4] 144,612) 54.6 ‘Mississippi....-...... 174,671|| 76,947] 44.1) 97,724} 55.9])' 260,318|| 185,608] 52.1) 124,710) 47.9 _W. Sout CENTRAL: menansas........... 103, 143]/ 36,919] 35.8] 66,224) 64.2|| 135,869]| 59,179) 43.6] 76,690] 56.4 ‘Lousiaga............ 145,661]| 50,112] 34.4] 95,549) 65.6]! 162,005]! 63,708} 39.3] 98,297] 60.7 Oklahoma........... 90, 148}| 26,953] 29.9} 63,195} 70.1||' 69, 856) - 23,090) 33.11 46,766] 66.9 Sek eA ee 284,152|| 87,029} 30.6] 197,123} 69,4|| 280, 184/| 105,287] 37.6] 174,897] 62.4 MOUNTAIN: : ‘Montana.:........... 28,186]} 6,508} 23.1) 21,678] 76.9} 18,700|| 4,235) 22.6] 14,465] 77.4 SS Eee 17,435|| 4,408] 25.3] 13,027} 74,7|| 12,879]| 2,621] 28.1! 9,258] 71.9 Wyoming... 22.2... 9,356|| 2)666| 28.5] 6,690] 71.5 5,955|| 1,674) 28.1) 4,281) 71.9 Colo PadG, See... 62,180|| 14,462} 23.3! ° 47,718] 76.7/|° 53,004] 12,211) 23.0} 40,793] 77.0 New Mexico......... 14,656/| 3,715] 25.3} 10,941} 74.7/|| . 14,487|| 4,899] 33.8] 9,588] 66.2 fizona../-- 22)... 17,707|| 6,174] 34.9] 11,533] 65.11: 10,357|| 4,159)" 40.2) 6,198] 59.8 a Se 21,708] 3,779] 17.4} 17,929] 82,6]; 18,235]; 3,506] 19.2} 14,729} 80.8 Nevada ap oewe Lt owes. 4,327|| 1,440) 33.3] °° 2,887] 66.7)|' © 4,348)| 1,649] 37.9 °° ~2,699] 62.1 CIFIC Washington......... 92,612|| 24,172) 26.1! 68,440! 73.9]| 65,771] 14,356] 21.8} 51,415] 78.2 Giccon eS. 2, 54,370]| 15,155) 27.9} 39,215] 72.1// 40,225|| 9,184) 22.8] 31,041] 77.2 MeGacs syst, .. 286,030|| 73,554) 25.7| 212,476) 74.3|| 173,938|| 37.420) 21.5] 136,518] 78.5 568 ABSTRACT OF; THE CENSUS——-OCCUPATIONS, TABLE 46.—NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF MARRIED WOMEN 15 YEARS OF AGE AND $3 t a : 4 { ; 4 : ———— - ; DIVISION AND SLATE. United States...-. vet GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England=.-... 2... 1, 485, 377 Middle. Atlantic. . 2... Geez: 4,518,248 East North Central........ 4,545,175 West North Central. ...... 2, 555, 896 South Atlantic. - 222. e0.: 2; 654, 236 East South Central. ...5.. 1,725,179 West South Centr ales weeds shy) dy 988, 074 Moumntain:: i. :.. 215. bes tated 654, 476 PARTIC. os ing =:claat near 1. 191, 572 NEw ENGLAND gE She le ey Peta ba ve Sa isd 162, 623 New Hampshire. ..2....... 92’ 353 WGQURIOM Go. oc. ccecb ctetiennad , 74, 505 Massachusetts --- 2... 758, 897 Rhode Island... - - Las 4.n-- ‘3 118, 772 COnnecncut ice - Gove aed ‘ 278, 227 MIDDLE ATLANTIC IN OW GN DIL te ne < podiaare es » 2,134,604 Naw, Jerseys 5+. - payee see es ’ 653, 587 Pennsylvania... -.. mechs ERS ed 730, 057 East NortH CENTRAL?» ORIG sinus «4a. 44s eee 1, 241, 451 SI AT IG oon na - henry we =. 650, 187 "HUNG 00-1 Sipe pepe ies oe ec SE 1,353, 118 Miphigen® ooo 3% 12-120 8225 782,648 WHISGGDSED -o.: as. - tee con 517, 771 WEST NORTH CENTRAL: | Minnesota. io‘... i. sath sed SF 450, 785 LOW ike” «1a: on- - teen eee eh 505, 294 IGG . - 15.2 301,935 39,540). 13.2 Bet lu ebeade e.g 91,829 1° 10,316 fs. a.1.2 66,996. Jrilote 7,360 11.0 Sour, CENTRAL: ; + S16. S18 ; Bre ; ee ee ta 877,977 |i 17,484 or (2014.6 313,781. | 11,1660: 3.7 4. ae, Ga eee Bs 345, 842. 21, 167 6.1 291, 554 ) 13,367 ' 4,6 oon mag Ae ebeya x 8.5 304,038 |oea 249,089 [yo 116.1 245, 861 30, 440. 12.4 s ssi : ye LSB ESR..7 | 254,417 [5-5 49,116 | “o-49.3 .. 204, 142 38, 270 18.7 OUTH CENTRAL: i bol PYAE Sse . aeried 6 CBE PEE | 228,313 |roy 13,498 Jos 926.0 187,397 10,080 5.4 e Fe MN OEE Baas | 225, 406, 35, 384 15.7 179,414 180,299 ‘16.9 ) 141} 220!} sa (13) 658 fue seas 11, 241 153°) 14 ae i 510, 828 | > 25,637 Fo 5.0 360, 608 16,379 >|. 4.5. i ) 18, 765 _. 780 4, 2. 3.4 12, 985 415. 3.2 63.9 £977 266 3.08 C248 69, 090 2,765): 4.0° 563.8 98,903} » 7669 2.3) 13.2 .. 8,759 302 3.4 02 3.7 33; 788 |. 9055} 2:% 8.3 - 6, 280 erBB8ye 5.88 4.3 .. 56, 370 1, 9790)7 3. 53 i 3.9 52, 308 1, 53bipoal 2.9 i 260, 277 bi4. 7 194, 613. | o> °7, 56b {/ 3.9 (22, 196 | 570 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS+—OCCUPATIONS, TABLE 47.—NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF MARRIED WOMEN 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OCCUPATIONS, BY NATIVE WHITE—NATIVE NATIVE WHITE—FOREIGN OR PARENTAGE, MIXED PARENTAGE. DIVISION AND STATE. Engaged in gainful Engaged in gainful Total occupations. Total occupations. number. , “umber. Number. |Per cent. Number. |Per cent. 1 United States.......... 11, 195, 865 707, 503 6.3 3,890,870 | 245, 311 6.3 SS ——EEE | ——————SSSSS|_ be (en nn eae GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: at 2 New England...........-- 534, 679 53, 955 10.1 331, 003 40, 863 12.3 3 Middle Atlantic. .......... is 852, 408 128, 914 7.0 987,130 | 62, 990 6.4 4 East North Central........ 2, 292, 058 131, 837 5.8 1, 156, 234 60, 811 5.3 5 West North Central....... 1, 379, 396 75,291 5.5 702, 907 29, 359 4.2 6 South Atlantic: ../........ 1,669,800] 111,538 6.7 98, 424 6, 754 6.9 7 East South Central........ 1,174, 207 54, 980 4,7 46,344 |... 2,205 4.8 8 West South Central. ...... 1, 331, 436 68, 620 5.2 130, 912 7,991 6.1 9 Mountaitizess)oversoresees: 364, 567 23, 592 6.5 150, 620 8, 760 5.8 10 Pe ty Ca ae air rome: eset 597,314 58, 776 9.8 287, 296 25,578 8.9 NEW ENGLAND: 11 Maines... ...4 S08 Aa.) ba 105, 396 9,793 9.3 23, 188 2,665 | 11.5 12 New Hampshire.../....... 46, 867 5, 270 11,2 16, 667 2, 844 13.1 13 Vertiont . .. 1, dd hb we. s.. : 46, 303 3, 870 8.4 14, 758 1, 292 8.8 14 Massachusetts. .........-- 220, 932 24,173 10.9 182, 000 23, 522 12,9 15 Rhode Island.............. 30, 374 3, 136 10.3 30, 269 4, 208 13. 9°} 16 CGonttecticut ..: 252 ett. 84) 807 7, 713 9.1 64, 121 6, 332 9.9 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: rom 17 Newi Mork... ., 106 260..-.. 692, 314 62, 953 9.1 528, 974 40, 166 7.6 18 Wow Jerseysii. i. ... e055 05 233,470 13, 866 5.9 149, 351 9,012 6.0} 19 Pennsylvania..02.0....... 926, 624 52,095 5.6 308, 805 13, 812 4,5 EAst NORTH CENTRAL: . 20 GUO. 25..... pe ane... 756, 513 41,093 5.4 242, 606 11,589 4.8 21 Indiana... sue RS 503, 609 24, 839 4.9 86, 285 | - 3,494 4.0 22 TUWAGLSs 5.) RE GGL 573, 176 34, 380 6.0 364, 441 23, 372 6.4 | 23 Miehigan oe cee ele 319, 367 24, 690 Lod 226, 386 13,009 5st! 24 Wiseopsin...1.{ah.680 0... 139, 993 6, 835 4.9 236, 516 9,347 4.0} WEsT NORTH CENTRAL: 25 Minnesota... ).ak¢ 08s... 109, 161 6, 292 5.8 193, 538 8,339 4.3 26 Towat 25.....4.0t, Yee 284; 197 15, 533 5.5 151, 068 5, 687 3% 27 Missouri...... 6 511, 735 27,915 5.5 123, 177 6,521 5.3 28 North. Dakota.2\c vel... .. 27° 726 1,494 5.4 43, 326 1,476 3.4 29 South Dakota.....2i2..... 47, 389 2,745 5.8 45, 430 1,710 3.8 | 30 NODIWSKA: | 2. ogee canes ot 135, 106 8,003 5.9 79, 330 3, 208 4.0} 31 TANGA. 2 -4ub labeler.» - 264, 082 13, 309 5.0 67, 038 2,468 3.7 SOUTH ATLANTIC: 32 - aeicepen JUPAR TE Rie... 30, 292 1,709 5.6 5, 219 295 ‘GF 33 Maryland. ...4.020.205:.... 174, 908 8, 979 5.1 89, 635 2,042 5.2 34 District of Columbia....... 46, 059 8, 558 18.6 11,201 |... 1,651 14.7 35 Virginie...) £22 38e.0..: 290, 007 12, 236 4.2 8, 650 537 6.2 36 | West Virginia.2es.02i....- 236,389 |} 7, 281 3.1 11, 960 396 3.3 | 37 North Carolina--.........- 324, 426 24,327 7.5 2,040 | - 135 | 6.6 38 South Carolina... .-....... 145, 679 17,215 11.8 127 (5.6) 39 Georgie tblisiows canes 313,576 24, 432 7.8 5, 636 386 6.8 40 Florida.....- “| At Be 108, 464 6, 801 6.3 11, 828 1, 185 10.0 EAst SouTH CENTRAL: ” ve 41 Kentucky..-4-£96c88. 22. 397, 984 18, 636 3.4 27,570 1,174 430 42 Tenifiessee.. 5 Sbt AOy... 2. 359, 211 15, 157 4.2 8, 213 5.3. 43 Alabamataci.:, 20: laves. 262, 307 16, 483 6.3 6, 637 | 349 Be Bt 44 Mississippi... }.123 024... . © (154, 705 9,704 6.3 3, 924 249} § 63 West SOUTH CENTRAL: K 45 Arkansas... /.J.f5 fi... .- +} 2236, 299 11,674 4.9 8, 419 448 5.3 | 46 Louisiana. . 4 208 aS... . 168, 859 7,030 4.2 21,660 1,054 4,9 | 47 Oklahoma... ds. ..42dececs 330, 520 18, 359 5.6 93, 104 1, 306 5.7) 48 MORAB . case sc SOV Bl icc. <8 595, 758 31, 557 5.3 77,729 5, 188 6.7 MOUNTAIN { i 49 Mofitana.....2.100 2350-22 © 50,029 3,391 6.8 30, 508 1, 845 6.0 50 TASHOS . 322 TRO Oss. \ £62,351 2, 888 5.5 20, 948 984 4.7 |. 51 Wyoming. ..).202.28...... 93) 042 1, 692 7.3 8, 388 538 ‘$4 . 52 Gplérrado.....4.@0%.2....2.% 120, 254 9, 006 7.5 39, 208 2,797 71 53 NowiMexico./ 421 .20...... 50, 508 2, 149 4.3 5,127 314 ea 54 Arigna. ....).0e, oo eee 28; 758 2,153 7.5 9,465 |. 665 ee 55 PRIM oss. xs stealer aes 33, 200 1,671 5.0 32, 970 1, 259 3.8 | 56 en it ee Bt ee . 6, 425 642 10.0 4,006 i PACIFIC: | — 2 57 Washington. ....2.02...... . 144,170 | | 18,044 9.0 69, 321 5,782} BS | 58 ES LEE ee 104, 569 9, 796 9.4 36, 061 3,206] & 9] 59 Proronis......000..- ccna 348, 575 35, 936 10.3 181, 914 16, 590 9.1 1 Per cent not shown where base is less than 100 MARITAL; CONDITION OF OGCUPIED WOMEN. 571 R, IN EACH PRINCIPAL CLASS OF THE POPULATION; ENGAGED IN’ GAINFUL BRB AND. STATES: 1920. 7 NEGRO. od) ENDIAN, CHINESE, JAPANESE, FOREIGN-BORN WHITE. TOY x AND ALL OTHER. of ls f Engaged in gainful Engaged in gainful | | Engaged:in gain- “Total a es Total occupations. Total fal occupations. _ Bumber, — number. Shas Anat a. number: ~ | Number. |Percent. Number, |Per cent. Number. |Percent.| _ 4,128, 508 296,126 1.2 2,039,181 | 662, 684 32.5 69, 514 8, 657 12.5} 1 a 603, 268 | 75,446 12.5 | 15,954: 5, 205 32. 6 473 99 20.9}: 2 i 4 541,876 | 107,143 6.9 135,197 48,833 | 36.1 1, 637 248 Ibeb | o3 974,174 | 56,092 5.8 119, 604 33, 328 27.9 3,105 217 7.0] 4 404) 122 14, 434 3.6 62, 061 18,112 29. 2 7,410 172 2:3: 5 hes 86,322 6,986 8.1 797, 273 269, 074 33.7 2,417 312 12.91 6 » 17,907 1,243 6. 9: 486, 417 166, 730 34. 3 304 64 BWelihie? 109, 951 7, 664 7.0 . 406, 214 116,388 28.7 10, 261 350 3.418 _ 117,521 6, 649 5.7 5, 645 1,600 | 28.3 16, 123 2, 551 15.8} 9 268,362 20,469 7.6 10,816 3, 414 31. 6 27,784 4, 644 16.7 | 10 Bey 33; 639 3,742 | . 11.1 228 43 18.9 172 45 "26, 2. 11 28, 701 5 P72 18. 0. |} 108 17 15.7 10 5 () 12 > 348,595 | 45 BSS 3 9 159 By ese i ama ty | vary 2;831 | 30.9 2i1 35 16.6 | 14 66189 | 73624] 13.6 1,913 558 |° 29.2 27 4) ayooP as *) 124,791 12,151 9.7 4,458 1,731 38.8 50 81-:.@) 716 866,376 | 70,860 8.2} 45, 512 20,112 44.2 1, 428 214 15.0 14 244, 684 18, 708 7.6 26, 001 ; 34. 0 8 ine es |» 430,816 | 17,575 41 63, 684 19,871 31,2 128 19 14.8 | 19 sai ; } 199, 510 12,120 6.1 42,745 11, 835 27.7 77 18 (@) 120 ». 42,614 1,605 | | 3.8 18, 254 4, 907 26.9 25 9 AE 8 9 scat py b> 872, 439 25, 758 6.9 42,872 12, 906 30.1 190 32 16.8 | 22 } > 221, 204 10, 872 4.9 14, 622 3, 427 23.4 1, 069 99 9.3} 23 138, 407 5, 737 4.1 1,111 253 22. 8 1,744 65 3.7 |°24 _ 144,330 4,921 3.4 2,063 553 26. 8 1, 693 65 3.8} 25 65,639 1,978 3.0 4,279 1, 046 24.4 lil 6 5.4 | 26 ery, 50,142 3,154 6.3 39, 72 12, 811 32.2 60 134) ci Ges BF bra, 4,525 916 2.2 1 () 1,181 13 1.1 | 28 Pep. . 20,052 697} 2.8 146 43 29.5 3, 391 36 1,1-} 29 45,623 1, 758 3.9 3,125 979 31.3 706 19 2.7 | 30 ue. 31,811 ¥ 010 4's 4.3.2 12,591 2,669 |. 21.2 268 20 7.5 | 31 4. 8,959 308 5.2 5, 998 2,101 35.0 LL aad abc scien 32 80,757 1, 955 6.4 48, 723 19, 281 39.6 20 64 Adc at] 33 -«. 7,618 87 11.5 23, 686 11,779 49.7 38 64+ @) | 34 8,201 495 6.0 125, 550 28, 278 22.5 149 9 6..0.} 35 / 14, 801 “5 485 353 17, 652 2,335 13. 2 9 2}. @) .| 36 poet) 1,734 123 7.1 | 130, 537 36, 095 27.7 2,005 271 13.5 | 37 - “T,468 137 9.3 149, 187 62,039 41.6 59 oo ke Oe Paes £85932 M1837 8.6 228, 351 82,114 36.0 27 6{ ©) -} 39 3H 11, 852 2/269 | | 19.1 67, 589 25, 052 37.1 109 5 4.6 | 40 ip: “148 366 51 48,345) 16,098 | 33.3 13 6} @) tar 8,996” 306 7.7 90, 448 28, 365 31.4 15 1 3 43 mi 45765. 298 6.3 | 166, 443 55, 600 33. 4 55 3} @ 43 he 1,998 273 13.7 181,181 66 , 667 36.8 221 54 24.4} 44 Dat 9,808 bBo. (53,461 247 7.1 96; 121 24, 549 25.5 25 1 Gy | 45 -) 10,740 742 6.9 |). 137442 41, 274 30.0 196 12 6.1 | 46 + 10,626 508 | 4.8 29, 013 6, 495 22. 4 9, 600 285 3.0 47 be 85,124 6,167 7.2 143, 638 44,070 30.7 440 52 11.8 | 48 Ge. i: . : 24,805 1,145 4.6 347 68 19.6 2, 430 59 2.4 | 49 fo. 10,092 446 4.4 189 36 19. 0 974 54 5.5 | 50 | 6,010 305 5:1 279 103 36.9 453 28 6.2 | 51 PSS $82, 402 BRAD | 57, 2,577 765 29.7 752 52 6.9 | 52 | (7,055 261 3.7 | 64 172 26.5 3,239 819 25.3 | 53 | 18,030 1, 753 Vis 1,160 336 29. 0 6,272 1, 267 20.2 | 54 ‘| 116,293. 6 4.2.)} °° 368 81 22.0 882 8 9.3 | 55 | 2,834 211 7.4 7 39 | @) 1,121 190 16.9 | 56 hae ae ips | 67,306 4,096 6.1 1,545 441 28. 5 5, 529 809 14.6 | 57 ‘| 27/190 1, 788 6.6 "611 168 | 32.9 1, 738 197] 11.3 | 58 ‘| = 173,866} 14, 585 8.4 8,760 2, 805 32.0 |} 20,517 3, 638 17.7} 59 , =, = ~~ ~ ~ = " A ape + je i Bere iD Jt 572 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——-OCCUPATIONS, TABLE 48.—NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF WOMEN 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, IN EACH SPECIFIED MARITAL CLASS, ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920. : = AS SINGLE, WIDOWED, DI-_ AGGREGATE, MARRIED, | VORCED, AND UNKNOWN, | Engaged in Engaged in Engaged in cITy. gainful 9 |) gainful iss}! bomen’ gainful occupations. occupations, |, occupations. - FERRO, CINIOLS oo sche 4 Albany jN. Yawk. 8 . Atlante; Gas .wesess ess j Baltimore, Md........... 3. Birmingham, Ala........ | 16. Boston} Mass 2%... 262.425 59. Bridgeport, Conn. ....2.¢ b «12. Bufisia; NY Se so2Rg « 5. Cambridge, Mass........- ‘10. Camden, Noda 8. Chicago, Tl... 2st. ..0. 203 10. Cincinnati, Ohio.J.... 2.2 9. Cleveland, Ohio... 2.2.1 p. . Columbus, Ohio. ........ ~ 10: Dallas;'Toms teste... 545% 19. Dayton, Ohio ~ 2225. 4.2 9. Denver,-Colo..--...--1.5 il. Des Moines, lowa.......; 12. Detroit, Mich .........2.. 8. Fall River, Mass......4.. 24. Fort Worth, Tex........: 14. Grand Rapids, Mich..... 10. Hartford, Conn.......... \ al Houston; Tet.5 so. ae 18. Indianapolis,Ind........ 12. Jersey City, N.J........: a 5. Kansas City, Kans....... al. KansasCity, Mo......... 13. Los Angeles, Calif... .. 2. , | 13. Louisville, Kiy., ..2..2 44 16. Lowell, Mass,........./.: 20. Memphis, Tenn)........: ‘21. Milwaukee, Wis......... E 6. Minneapolis, Minn....... “8. Nashville, Tenn. -.......: “21. New Bedford, Muss. ..... 29. New Haven, Conn......: 8. New Orleans, La...... 2. 16. New York, N. Miu 9. Bronx borough: ...-: me Brooklyn borough. - - 6. Manhattan borough. . 14. Queens borough... ... la Richmond borough. . “4, Newarkj,N..J & oc. ek 06. Norfolk, Va.i4...2 525. ; 20. Oakland, Calif. ....... 4.0) 10. Omaha, Nebr. aS. Philadelphia, Pa. ......2 ; 10. Pittsbutgh, Pa... 3.2.) 2 hs 4 6. Portland, Oreg.......2.; 29. 12. Providence, R.I....-: cat id 36. inte Reading; Past... 2.14.8 83. 14. Richmond, Vai-..... 2.2 1.38. 19. Rochester, NoYes... 36 38, 12. St. Louis, Mo... 12221. 33, iL. St. Paul; Minn Fil Rea: A $2. ‘f Salt Lake City, Utah..... 24. 7. San Antonio, Tex........ 28. alae San Francisco, Calif. ..... B2; “7 Be BCTANtOy; drat ea ss dee “4 he seattle, Washoe. ie... 2.2 29. 11. Spokane, Wash.......... 28. ya iS es Springfield, Mass........: 35. 13. pyracise, NWY. 6... .5.: 29. 95 TOGO POHIOL on, 2... den 26. » 9. IPGNLOMON GT J eee... bs 28. pgs Washington, D.C.....2.. 49. nab. ‘Wilmington, Del........: 30. wks ‘Worcester, Mass.......... 32. 8. © OREM IN Lage ave 0 31. 8. Youngstown, Ohio....... 20. 5. ms OVER, IN EACH PRINCIPAL CLASS O Tne 49.—NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF MARRIED WOMEN 15 YEARS OF AGE AND - OCCUPATIONS, FOR CITIES HAVING 1 MON, VY... ...5..... 4 6.4 Atlanta, Ga..............| 27,149] 3,278] 12.1 Baltimore, Md........... 73, 045] 47970] 6.8 ipa Bree Bridgeport, Conn.........| 6,958) ’918| 13.2 Buffalo, N.Y............ 28, 323) 1,726) 6.1 meenbrid e =a ore i 606] 483] 10.5 @emuen, N.J...........- 1,623} 928] 8.0 RRS 106, 190]12, 905} 12. 2 Cincinnati, Ohio.......... 37, 532| 3,072} 8.2 Cleveland, Ohio.......... 39, 398] 4, 252] 10.8 Columbus, gions seas 33, 896] 3,048] 9.0 DE edo, 24, 354) 3,336] 13.7 oo “sg Cate ae see 22,044) 1,701) 7.7 merver, Colo. .22..:....:- 28, 920} 3, 566} 12.3 Des Moines, Towa.........| 18,017| 2’357| 13.1 Detroit, Mich............- 58, 703| 5,926] 10.1 Fall River, Mass.......... 2; 334] 13.9 fort Worth, Tex........ 16, 386| 1,641| 10.0 Gonna Rapids, Mich...... 10, 767| 1, 442] 13.4 Hartford, Conn........... 7,397] 948] 12.8 Sa pee LADO Se 2 5 10.6 Jersey . SE eee 13,173] 7815} 6.2 as City, Kans. ......| 12,376] 1,184) 9.6 s City, Mo..........| 47,398] 6,099] 12.9 Los Angeles, Calif........ 66, 613] 9, 263} 13.9 Louisville, Ky............ 26, 861| 2385] 8.9 eee a eee Milwaukeo, Wis... ae 17, 603 1,390| 7.9 eapolis, Minn... . 2,215) 9.6 Nashville, Tenn.......... 15, 284] 1483] 9.7 New Bedford, Mass....... 3,619| 495] 13.7 New Haven, Conn........ 8,026} 767] 9.6 New Orleans, La......... 32, 189} 1,996] 6.2 New York, N.Y......... 183, 567|18, 558) 10.1 Bronx borough....... 19, 948] 1,616} 8.1 Brooklyn borough....| 71,406] 5,924) 8.3 Manhattan borough. .| 63, 204] 9,148] 14.5 Queens borough...... 23, 270) 1,587| 6.8 _ Richmond borough...| 5,739) 283] 4.9 19,948] 1,467] 7.4 12,741) 1,053] 8.3 18, 255] 2,057/ 11.3 16, 896] 2? 146] 12.7 5,466] °717| 13.1 128) 725 11, 054 8.6 30, 132] 4) 404] 14.6 10,946] 1,300] 11.9 18, 053| 2,648] 14.7 20, 587| 1,511) 7.3 20, 846| 2° 989] 14.3 65,681| 6, 952| 10.6 11, 623] 1,129] 9.7 8,953} 781] 8.7 , 032| 1,333] 8.9 a 29) 925| 3,903] 13.0 12) 016} 1,518| 12.6 9, 674| 1,369] 14.2 16, 300] 1831] 11.2 25, 485] 2° 604| 10.2 8, 839} 7672| 7.6 46, 059] 8,558 18.6 ; : MARITAL CONDITION OF OCCUPIED WOMEN. NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE PARENTAGE. my Rpt Total eae. rag tions. er. |\Num-] Per nw ae co ws 3 g bo ~ 573 F THE POPULATION, ENGAGED IN GAINFUL 00,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1920. . 2 NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN OR MIXED PARENTAGE. Engaged in gainful occupa- tions. Total num- 844] 304 14, 201| 1,394 564 1, 928 2) 554 FOREIGN-BORN WHITE, NEGRO. Engaged Engaged in gainful in gainful Total occupa- Total occupa- og tions. num-| tions. cr. \Num-| Per Num-| Per __| ber. {cent. ber. |cent. - 9,788) 803; 8.2)| 1,199} 363} 30.3 5,007) 228] 4.6 252 54! 21.4 1,328} 84] 6.3/| 14,333] 7,633] 53.3 25, 690) 1,736] 6.8|] 24, 213/12, 566} 51.9 1,776 99! 5.6! 16,020) 5,035) 31.4 72,526; 5,743) 7.9 496; 1,131] 32.4 15, 332) 1, 792) 11.7 190} 37.0 37,678] 1,625) 4.3 3} 23.8 10,123} 940) 9.3 5] 26.6 6,737; 419] 6. 29.7 253, 443/20, 521) 8. 34.9 11,294} 882 39.9 75, 960! 5,993 31.6 4,220} “245 30.9 2,202; 171 54.0 3,825} 341 36.3 10,366} 751 34.0 3,205] 214 31.3 82,713] 4,588 25.5 13, 703] 3,583 (1) 1,560} “118 40.8 9,157} 689 24.1 12, 838] 1,097 43.8 3, 207 46.1 4,690} 287 31.2 25,120) 1,270 23.3 3,341; 236 22.8 7,467| 470 35.6 29, 806} 3, 188 37.6 2,935} 174 55.3 11,876} 2,840 6} ( 1,525| 113 39.4 32, 760} 2, 259 23.5 25,770| 1, 462 29.6 612 50 47.7 15, 157] 5,123 26.5 15, 018} 1,068 35.5 5,308} 397 41.8 617, 211/50, 134 46. 4 89, 827} 4,999 2) 32.7 213, 615}11, 233 37.2 265, 819)30, 716 50.1 38, 465) 2, 796 38.1 9,485) 390 25.5 38, 524] 1,794 30.5 1,556] 132 39.2 12,477) 1,013 19.3 10,319| 695 33.3 14,711} 2,288 43,3 125, 730) 7,502 39. 2 36, 907] 1,385 6| 25.1 12,600} 1,066 32.4 22,213] 2, 283 33.1 2,920} 296 27.3 1,285} 89 46.5 22,115} 2,382 37.4 28, 131] 2,072 36.1 15,043} 883 25.6 5,828] 341 29.4 8,010} 657 48.2 33, 441] 4,056 40,4 9,353) 149 18.9 19, 230} 1,625 34.0 4,695| 402 33.0 9,969] 1,142 44,2 10,153} 597 29.7 11,203) 695 28.0 9,746} 689 36.7 7,618} 877 49,7 , 50.4 34.7 43.1 14.1 1 Per cent not shown where base is less than 100, a. MAS SA EO aminepreer BGeMOV ASIA Ents | iti Wane {AIDA OVE VOUT AI TIO TOP BO Cee RO agOM Ho. CVA DIAL crremnck ay 1 HAO Orme aN ns ein Rs TA ' a ZIM, i i TAT RET ig ethene somessty ay a | ey ee Seen aneee sete: 5 cen ee —higeg Sica 4 i Doge OM | i heaeane | } { } ; OFA es ae tabincg a} ~ jf falas. xii op tne at te: ACUDED +H 000 * ‘ Low “BULIO" } pee 2) A Rice | Mla. Aas iS ae x0} janes | ees | aa. a4 B aes Agi Eh. (rod ih, a) Pe witedt. TC ay rf lagarie How, Fig’ Oc ORG Bo teak nA (ee al jk i haere wine Bo WSs aca: lg Dew ObGa Es ESS 18 8 One © ae ‘r tip Fo ROby BT bs; Eb » ute 1 AY joo BAR Woce tiaTy AOL NC ET mE a: a: oe Ps is. aa ee 7 > = oF eS \ = 3 4 a i ef Re Ne ‘al igre a CBT | ithe, 3888 (GLB PRN RD 4 ir ha i Bui wey ae uv 00 Re ie. F ba: Wee ae MONE, 9 B08 ee imay oe Gabe nag pts 2 ; 0:28 Sh a IND 8 PR LS BE Has BAS BGS it uN wh ES POG HOY 8 wie bes: 30 esas (fee..2 § Bt ey We ie) id DS SAG tee E GUS & ares 8 4 a iE pees. i nd “4 i ; loss. eT ORS ee eae ik SELL BOO ST Tk ta ee Gar; ws I fe 809 : lava & 8 USL ERY ; ie > in yi O - . EX 4 oR E iece hee aes [bes 5 at | aD. 4 oe ee , Psi 5) Reem UE Ba “3 : ES 86 ' es “y R300 Ae Hine Seay 18 J 6 iw, 2, h Pi cht el Gb BG Be —_—. Sts tee es TD 3 eer es teen a bisa 2, Of: Teh t cet. i ts 4 Oh WEE BIO k By be pet Oe nae z eit “te ‘ene Oe) REE | | ge. as - gers “ * 4 *- * - ve ry . be (St PY Oo “Sor cet Se Se eae a Sora. == - ey 7 aoa Faw am ¢ ‘ * — a 5 cae cata z. “TPE OS “? f m ty , ‘ ‘Fete hd ie Sc ce. : ‘ 7 Fie ies arias = at abe fe Cb Pra TS ort Aehtt Wersaee JGR nd [ork Pains. CMink bs eek Ach ete et aaeaee : LR. on aa hoe ay f ov Lr? eft Be 1 TUT. 5c deneynd sos hn Resirtiniactaintingh é 46 . ay r re wes Hee Bs, Us Uy Senha: 107 hig npn baht yytte dab RMAIT MO MOTPAMAITXA OMA wAOKIMTIAT. of bts MO OTT AM TOTNT fA sea . ! yi VR & mie a Hei Pe tb ) hg an Dy 4 Ls 4 va ¢ Was gap rad iS 1H Liiamibeda ae AY iia OWS AM ; ; iat aS ry : ‘ ‘a AIT ee bes eel. vache bona ot ayy ssqorut “aves bie 43 aberte, ero hat gecgey Di QPP 2, 31% ABRL test sented Betertet | Tooth nod Wrohoig pret pos cen) colds afin" ie Patter ence ewes esos oA lRBF teotale hurpecoivitib yd Bove yo fejed Ban mois eluqoy FLA i Ay sayieee op godess orm co ese! eat ese bare eatoialvib y if yee Hosore wis soitelude Ky rs ee her ae, er 293832 bite enoleivib ya Usd tey DOR HT eR Seared , NOt Reetics RATA i aS 2 MOL etelé bine croiwtivibh he aide Se ono ext bare bar ‘ash ie eo cna ft Sie ceakinggs A Soh Gist titers hire cromtvib yd pence Aizat bére Rete) te Torre, Golreloan te’ ePeisead hosel Prib ye ade Diet tvtomaiantt et) Reo bag i Dns the” hp Ai hav &. omen beadietvis yd semulalevrrse a) IOshas Ya woei gh wsctigde Raley ae bred pedaqery cw, lO guiey besa ‘arts asish to. het echisseth ies At Rr aaa Oh ng le angt ok eel Wet igh blind wanda audedeaied Ach ERNE ae i OPH tise OLCT oe ae ruts ae nant t aoe , pete ot Lit ae a ae.) . e eee BE Slr ah ee lapel LE Be BE es OE = aortas wes ta wWeN va Seedy hab Sepievine a vvenebeceel ss aENE PRS Oaks (2s DS OL TID x A, 38 7 fig re cami HOS ergot: , , b=, 6 ate os coghe a “tart sctintetl ise “oT an Wwalnse bedi. ot 27 eral © todo wt mt ; gat boul wnat IWegel opciog Sg etothuilin abe ties bors Fh ine See are /Rt ats Maar rs fotcets tial Sigal: Re Ae. a pera Bed fbinst | ).ealt rol ' SEE Bh pl hare ee yy toe sule Vict acote Fe pile Panty sti rimaotg Mrialloanay | 3 a eee oRie y y fates S820 108 aah hae Hoots .6} i EST Pee Fee O1BT Panes CONE “20g6se meer ao VAP ere 28 bee ROU Reape ed Saati dose? i sail PPaATECE 9 a: 28 Teves tein OT wh feu I9q bas,jis TM] OMOSTAR CUB ISVE berwvtaggi bass oma ce J gt pean Pamepea sak ahiaal te wiee sD Be spells vO Fag SEE a fea Dotnet abet eid qmoleditrah Iss req diy “otiesG beiin') add ni enctet to qo onthe ert) Br a aa Vi Hithy bie iid mb en Wh + O89 Tt Bim widen” et — -———- Z 5 one ea heen hs tan’ = syre VEE: SO TIRE z 5 Tuo 1.9815 A US ISC ORL NIE fia sbcccrmebahe are ee bak cert wg ashen An eh to oie urel. SS Ry AUIGRS, we a an ba eianbose, iy righ’ ef eu Teme aes ir ; Paleo Salk « OTN: ‘bontat Fay > facade PeIAse Hosin ( TF ocid ah vaI% ong ariel ia dhe yl ae §: OeE ‘meg His sofay vd si eme ealthoriog 1s (ou) area ents y” 48 81 ~ bo S Ee C0 SDA sy bie MIs 294 YI TOGo1g 10 Onley ogeRyYA OF . nee wpe YES eee het ay bet kee Ce ee ny eS eee ee ee ee ere pit bite O8e} a: aod vd foirdiisaib $it99 wy lw SINKS irs wine wa ‘hue ot lo socign A. 0% f ae ies shes Sy 2A tin sisi~ # pe hee VERT ite OSOE + ete. =) bat intel of AME ees eboiiraaiyerian:) hosolos Boney be baie; 0 ag 26 Cert ee ET eta ere DAS EEL seotoin brs. *s ibis bisa ios ud gonaiere.bie 29s oso3ag Hite Gael ante) io s3g97 A Tae ‘ ae “ Sa a. ase De tee a eel. Se iy ot Lae Ean kate DOK Ores fore 0&6? "I a4 osu be volo wt ycaaseloje wreag le bua eal eelere rca fie gue oe ma ie “« cree oe or ewe cases 4 he a9 ae = 48 4 & = Ae Lf Pe, vib, ed eaiass hae toloa Vl arial wa. anita a tt Pt ea a er oe Neca Nw we +, IRE 5 ‘A J Sok i Ba 8S . og eying fired Bast io oulny gue xm Ch ed CONTENTS. Page DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATION OF TERMS.....-..------ errr Poe ee ris sb Gore 581 GENERAL INFORMATION, FARMS AND FARM PROPERTY. ; Table. 1. Population, farms, and farm property in the United States: 1920 and 1910)-.<.geneuseus see eats = 583 2, Population, farms, and farm property in the United States:%1850 to 19202222. coe oes eee 584 3. Farm population and total population, by divisions and states: 1920. as vnins cvear en Sitesi came 2s 585 4, Farm population, by age and sex, by divisions and states: 19200. 2 <1 2s25-Sae sees eee 586 5. Farm population, by race, nativity, and parentage, by divisions and states: 1920.........---.---- 587 6. Population, number of farms, and farm acreage, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910.........-.. 588 7. Population, number of farms, and farm acreage, by divisions and states: 1850 to 1920...........-- 590 | 8. Value of allfarm property and of the several classes, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910........ 600 9. Value'of allfarm property and. of the several classes, by divisions: 1850 to-i920.....-....-.------- 602 10. Per cent distribution of farms, farm land, and value of farm property, by divisions and states: 1920: ands T9102 cre tine ss Sa Sate Na, Meee eye gk RAE” ns bokwewddess anign aah eee ss 604 1i. Average acreage per farm, per cent of farm land improved, and average value. of farm property per acre, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910...........-----+- Sod dnewre sree one cee iiemes 605 SIZE OF FARMS. - 12. Number of farms in the United States, with per cent distribution, by size: 1880 to 1920..-5......... 606 13. Farm acreage, with per cent distribution and percentage of farm land improved, by.size of farm, for the United States: 1920and 1910... ...--- 2-2. 2+ +e e ene pene enn er ene crete cee sseneeenensen 6 14. Value of farm property in the United States, by size of farm: 1920 and. 19105... J2.esa eee ek eeeeiene 607 15. Farms and farm acreage, and value of farm property, by classes, by size of farm, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910......... NA aS ee be dn de bn Sola dofeh Bh dod --+ceccecenesccensswssessa=ss 608 FARM TENURE. 16. Number and acreage of farms in the United States, by tenure: 1920 and 1910............--+-+----- 626 17. Percentage of farm land improved, average acreage per farm, and per cent distribution, by tenure, for the United States: 1920 and 1910. ..........--- 222 -- eee ene e eee ne ener eee mentee sme neeens 18. Number of farms in the United States, with per cent distribution, by tenure: 1880 to 1920........ 627 19. Number and acreage of farms in the South, with averages and percentages, by tenure: 1920...... 627 20. Value of farm property in the United States, by tenure: 1920 and-1910_... sts etint edt Tw 21. Value.of farm property in the South, by tenure: 1920-........-------20--2--2-a-c07e- 7s tee cee sas 22. Average value of farm property per farm and per acre, by tenure, for the United States: 1920 and 1910 35.002 Ss eee Pe eRe dike RM bisrsnine oe mitiles ole wene be om aiuiesacica a etdig Saleh a ehets ste eee ee eters 23. Number of farms, with per cent distribution, by tenure, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910... 630 4. Tenant farms classified according to form of tenancy, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910...... 632 25. rpg 4 farm land, with percentages and averages, by tenure, by divisions and states: 1920 AN 1910... .. once be isc wok chin vee dewc ccnp ees seencceesages vn: on 9 einai Sgn a mite es Scere 26. Naas of allfarm property and of the several classes, by tenure, by divisions and states: 1920 and on TOLO Sos 2 | ere ae Meds oon cacee kes chines iecnceeuay ote aeeaeen eS baa ere ot Risietntn 27. Average value of land and buildings per farm, by tenure, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910. 650 28. Average value of land and buildings per acre, by tenure, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910. 651 . Farms operated by white and colored tenants classified according toform of tenancy, by divisions _ _ Value of allfarm property and of the several classes, by color and tenure, by divisions and states: | COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS. _ Number and acreage of farms in the United States, by color and tenure: 1920 and 1910.......... 652 . Percentage of farm land improved, average acreage per farm, and per cent distribution, by color é and tenure, for the United States: 1920 and 1910... ......-.---+s+-+---0--0reretee nes see ann s cee . Number of farms in the United States, with per cent distribution, by color and tenure: 1900 to 1920. 653 Number and acreage of farms in the South, with averages and ee mes by color and tenure: 1920 654 ’ Number of farms in the South, with per cent distribution, ’ Value offarm property in the United States, by color and tenure: 1920 and 1910...:..........---- 355 - Value of farm property in the South, by color and tenure: 1920). oe ee ee ee ee 656 y color and tenure: 1900 to 1920.... & | Average value of farm property per farm and per acre, by color and tenure, for the United States: 1920 and 1910. cco. eck ce wen vic tne weec we ceccccc see nsweesnescwcccs ses erase eek arne sane: a5 ann ee 657 . Number of farms, by color and tenure, with per cent distribution by tenure, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910... 2... nec cee sneer een cect Conese eee sccters een seeseees ence nne Doom 655 and states: 1920 amd 1910... <-2ccceccccace cece cen ceeeecene-s- +s eneneunenset er se= =aaeaene naam 664 . Acreage of farm land, with percentages and averages, by color and tenure, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910. 22. cic cccocccccececcvesserteseccsetcecwcentcnsesscesscceees amee ces 50 Nnae eee 1990 and 1910... ... ccc ccc c cue eccccee ce acecesiocenaeeeceerse> 000 secuuewene ss -5 shoes se =r shame . Average value of land and buildings per farm, by color and tenure, by divisions and states: 1920. anh 1920... ks «on oo lew sicnadeanceucteccuesShener obes00s00-s<>>5is76-psgeedeguetee=s Sees 70% 42, Average value of land and buildings per acre, by color and tenure, by divisions and states: 1920 _ and 1910...... ceteccecececcecerseeaecsenerscscsecscerers obo d vim a'ne 5/fitn ake tocetarcanee 705 (576) ee , CONTENTS, 577 a RACE AND NATIVITY OF FARMERS. ee ite 43, “Number of farm operators in the United States, with per cent distribution, by color, nativity, and’, iy tenure:"1920 and 1910. .... 2). 22s... ws cee TD } 08 ae erence and vaiue of farms in the United States, by color, nativity, and tenure of farmer: 1920... 409 ‘Number of farm operators in the United States, by race and tenure: 1920 and 1910......-. 7. 710 _, 46. Acreage and value of farms in the United States, by race of farmer: 1920..........20.2.0 710 ~ 47. Number of farm operators, by color and nativity, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910...) °°)” 711 _ 48. Number of farm operators, by color, nativity, and tenure, by divisions and states: 1920.......__. 712 49. Acreage of farm land, by color and nativity of farmer, by divisions and states: 1920.............. 714 99. Number of colored farm. operators, by race, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910.....2..2.22..0. 715 _ 61. Number of colored farm operators, by race and tenure, by divisions and states: 1920............. 716 a : COUNTRY OF BIRTH OF WHITE FARMERS. es 33. Number and value of farmsiin the United States operated by white farmers, by country of birth ” aU SEUUsOOriat Mere LOIN LOLI. 2, 502 LO et ie) ce 0 ede) 718 54. res ae operated by. white farmers in the United States, by country of birth'and tenure of. eRe R Se PE ACi an vaee re as 'oncale See. oals vas coe ooo oa Saco basics min ccgints Staigin Salar as Liat aldys oe 719 55. White farm operators, by country of birth, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910.. OER Siege Mp Dee oe 720 : EH | ay it hie 3 - ’ , SEX OF FARMERS. ; 6 7 \ 56. Number, acreage, and value of farms in the United States, with percentages and averages, by sex Zo, RII Sg Std ae Soccer Cees sole Cecm ck viilnc can ecw tee ee 724 - Number.of farm operators, by sex and tenure, by divisions and states: 1920. .....-26)-.0-. ce, F725 88. Acreageiof farm land, by sex of farmer, by divisions and states: 1920...:..........-.-.02 20.2 Berk 2O6 69. Value and Per cent distribution of farms, and average acreage per farm, by sex of farmer, by divi- may, sions. and states: 1920..,.,...seccccerrer dinra aerate ei apepiier shed ee Bde 6d riche ea oterenuee oe 727 eee! canoe b . ! be ee , AGE OF FARMERS. ; 60. Farm operators in the United States, with per cent distribution, by age and tenure: 1920 and 1910. 728 abl. ee pat colored farm operatorsin the South, with per cent distribution, by ageand tenure: 1920 BRAM rsscastsozecsr iar: Vits eI! cose Beli) oc Gt aso He Akt ls eat: 729 2. Farm. operators classified according to age and tenure, by divisions and states: 1920.............. 731 3. Per cent distribution of farm owners and tenants, by age, by divisions and states: 1920.......)"” 736 H23 8) mAaPigtat tay BUTTS FARM MORTGAGES. | By _ $5. Farm mortgage debt in the United States, value of farms reporting amount of debt, ratio of debt wa 66. Farm mortgage debt.in the United States classified according to interest rate, with annual inter- é 738 w. Parm mortgage debt in the United States classified according to value of farm, with ratio of debt +. _ to value and average interest rate: 1920.......-....-. pate cateihlnadtwiaschitan watt dace peters Be ; 9 Ree ey alone asfreefrom mortgage and mortgaged, by divisions and states: 1920.and 1910. 740 apne farms classified according to character of ownership, by divisions and states: 1920.and ire : Sheth v5 ratio ees sh pee ee Mee Ps Pisee = ose eo eed Sie ew er te 6 OO Re ee eels wine = s 0 o Wo wets S - ele'b/s of els 6 o 741 Farm mortgage “ent value of farms reporting amount of debt, and ratio of debt to value, by OTR) AER O20 TG tok owe nen docpnuebbickoll. 2 *. Average value of mortgaged farms, average debt, and average equity per farm, by divisions and : RR IRIS 38 a ol, wes dnadupnaionacdceeeeoan Sitaeat cet cutee miacth cv ois an.a Hate we tee 743 72, Harm mortgage debt classified according to rate of interest, 1920, and average rate of interest, 1920 and 1890, by divisions and states ewes tee te ee ee ee ee ee eaten ees 4 - gaa Caen a FARM EXPENDITURES FOR LABOR, FERTILIZER, AND FEED. fe Farm expenditures for labor, fertilizer, and feed, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909.......... .- 746 OOo es ctav chen. -» >) s+ + COOPERATIVE BEARKETING. f eit . Cooperativemarketingand purchasing through farmers’ organizations, by divistonsamd states: 1919. .747 J Re Cotes ins dcr) ve ele soy Sd, CAR BAORITIES: 7 : Motor vehicles (automobiles, motor trucks, and tractors) on farms, by divisions and states: 1920.. 748 @. Telephones, water, and light on farms, by divisions and states: 1920................- west scew ences 749 |. 2 ae LIVE STOCK ON FARMS AND NOT ON FARMS. © 9 0° coats aia * ALL LIVE STOCK ON FARMS. 77. Value of live stock on farmsin the United States, by classes: 1920 and 1910. > ti Site oni mi --» 750 73. ber and value of live stock on farms in the United States, by classes, and number of farms »: MERE NAME DODO OTOL). Src Woe hc Cibwkilh bad o'R~ « ninidveisn’s amid cde > ne cecacccdnececccuccad 750 , 9 Number of each class of live stock on farms in the United States: 1850 to 1920....... eR eh oct b nous 751 ‘80. Number and value oflivestock on farmsin the United States (detailed classification): 1920...... 751 . 2. Value oflive stock on farms, by classes, with average per farm and per cent distribution; by - Gtvisions and states: 1920 and 1910...-................c--+----eeees Melisa nage Betels ais a Wie bis nthe 52 8 otis value of specified classes of domestic animals on farms, by divisions and states: 1920 and . > laa Soe eee ee PRR PAPSTOERSS SSP MARS Se Re OR See ee He SERS S MOOREA mee ena arr é Se. - . 75108°—22—— —37 fi . 3 578 CONTENTS. HORSES AND. MULES ON FARMS. Table. 85. Mules on farms—Farms reporting, number, and value, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910 86. Mules on farms—Number, by age, by divisions and states: 1920... ..... s2-+ 2000+ acces --222-2-- . 758 87. Asses and burroson farms—F arms reporting, number, and value, by divisions and states: 1920 and 4 1910 ec eoweC@ev ec aedsebdic cease rs geanteaewesenes es arses en regsceormarerearie wenmecnenee eer er ewr eee eee eee ee ee eeaee 5 CATTLE ON FARMS. , 88. Cattle on farms—Farms reporting, number, and value, by divisions and states: 1920 and'1910...... 760 89. Dairy cows on farms—Farms reporting, number, and value, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910. 761 90. Beefand dairy cattle on farms—Number, by age and sex, and value, by divisions and states: 1920. 762 SHEEP AND GOATS ON FARMS. 91. Sheep on farms—Farms reporting, number, and value, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910...... 764 92. Sheep on farms—Number, by age and sex, by divisions and states: 1920.......:....-+ 2. teid we 765 93. Goats on farms—F arms reporting, number, and value, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910. .:... 766 94..Goats on farms—Number, by classes, by divisions and states: 1920........-.-.. +> Saas Rae CLL. 767 SWINE ON FARMS. 95. Swine on farms—Farms reporting, number, and value, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910.... 768 — 96. Swine on farms—Number, by age and sex, by divisions and states: 1920................-...-...- - 769 POULTRY AND BEES ON FARMS. . 97. Poultry on farms—Farms reporting, number, and value, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910... 770 98. Chickens on farms—Farms reporting, number, and value, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910.... 771 99, Poultry on farms—Number of specified kinds of fowls, 1920 and 1910, and value, 1920, by divisions — ANG'STALOS La ca ven ve deccewsasewnce send tbantecee saesececesuuesrssacabae wet can Clee ONG, OL a 100. Bees on farms—Farms reporting, number of hives, and value, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910.......... seblete bbb Id. a LORIN, BR. SOs ested age aendael ttl nad een ae ae . DOMESTIC ANIMALS NOT ON FARMS. : oy) : 101. Domestic animals not on farms in the United States: 1920 and 1910............ wish wn git 50. Jus. 102. Domestic animals on farms and not on farms inthe United States: 1920 amd 1910.....,........ 775 103. Domestic animals not.on farms—Number of the different kinds of animals, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910............-.+-.. saeeohih= Skye «geben. «Ween 2 eal es 4p de RH as AR: oe 718 104. Domestic animals on farms and not on farms—Number of the different kinds of animals, by divi- sions and states: 1920 and 1910... .......-.-cce- ese ee nee st cceeeeeessnsesssesesse sebereserd sae 778 105. Number of horses.and mules in cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1920 and 1910......-...... iste ABO | PURE-BRED LIVE STOCK ON FARMS, avi sf i : 106. Pure-bred live stock on farmsin the United States, classified according to breed: 1920... PPR 782 107. Pure-bred live stock on farms, by divisions and states: 1920...-.-. 02 s-2-sset-2-s0-0 ye one | 108. Pure-bred horses on farms, classified according to breed, by divisions and states: 1920............ 784 109. Pure-bred beef cattle on farms, classified according to breed, Py divisions and states: 1920....... . 78 110. Pure-bred dairy cattle on farms, classified according to breed, by divisions and states: 1920..... so ae 111. Pure-bred sheep on farms, classified according to breed, by divisions and states: 1920......-....... 181 112. Pure-bred swine on farms, classified according to breed, by divisions and states: 1920.......... + 788 LIVE-STOCK PRODUCTS... «-.. 45.) + ¢ Bt | . QUANTITY AND VALUE. : Sa iary ot ah 113. Quantity and value of live-stock products of farms in the United States: 1919 and 1909.-......... a 114. Value of live-stock products of farms, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909.....---........-.... 7 DAIRY PRODUCTS. fer ar fon ei ert Pee a 115. Milk produced on farms, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909.............-..--e.------c0-----e me 116. Butter made on farms, by divisions and states: 1919 an@1900.. 2.2... 22. eee ce eee een een noes 117. Cheese made on farms, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909........-...-...--....-..-.+---0---- 4 : 118. Milk and cream: sold, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909.......224 sus we eAUET I fea ‘130, 0m 119. Receipts from sale of dairy products, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909.........-............ 796 | 120. Butter fat and butter sold, by divisions and states: 1919and 1909.................. $6265 00 deere 79% E A WOOL AND MOHAIR. 121. Production and value of wool, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1900... JRMAen adekane Taaie ate an Suck die 818 Corn—Acreage aud production, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909.............7 07777077007 819 —Farms reporting and valuc, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909........................ 820 heat——Acreage and production, by divisions and states; 1919 and 1909................... 00 821 . Wheat—Farms reporting and value by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909...................... 822 » Oats—Acreage an en by divisions and states: ROTO LOU oe tee naka he a pues + 823 Oais—Farms reporting and valué, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909. -....................... §24 Barley—Acreage and production, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909............20.02000 02777 825 Barley Farms reporting and value, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909..............0 02221, 826 Rye—Acreage and production, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909... FC get smal tea a aa 2 827 ) Rye—Farms reporting and value, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909..-..2................... §28 kwheat—Acreage and production, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909..................0., 829 oe Acreage and production, by divisions and states:.1919 and 1909... .....s+--.cecsceceee ec cey 832 .» Rice— alue, by divisions and states: 1919 and SUae een ++ ark oat ip arn. 833 } ed crops--F arms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by divisions and states: 1919.... 834 edible beans—Farms reporting and value, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909............ 836 iscellaneous beans—Acreage, production, and value, by states: 1919and 1909.................. 837 ‘ peas—Acreage and production, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909....................... 838 » Dry peas—Farnis reporting and value, by divisions and states: 1919and 1909..........0 777777 839 eanuts—A.creage and production, by Shatcs: Lo1dend A909 s A a 840 buts—Farms reporting and value, by states: 1919 and 1909......0...0.........---0- 0, 840 seed—Acreage and production, by states: 1919 and 1909... 2...00....-..0-00 ee, 841 Flaxseed—Farms reporting and value by states: 1919 and 1909. Fede sat whe TROL RE ee rass seed, and clover and alfalfa seed— Production and value of each kind of seed, by divisions Pen M ti CaM. 1) ouch SEAN AUO. POOR ACU FIN... 2 67. Production and value of all grass and clover seed, and value of flower and vegetable seeds, by Beeermnionaand states: 1919 and 1909-...4. fluo. Yak loess ee ub ele cia eee ce hedee lees dee 844 168, Minor seeds—Acreage, production, and value, by states: 1919 and 1909...................-... 00. 845 ; 5 : i ah ‘ty e's HAY AND FORAGE. dips nm Hay and forage—Acreage of the different crops, by divisions and states: 1919............cececeee. 846 Hay and forage—Production of the different crops, by divisions and states: 1919............... -- 848 Hay—Acreage, production, and value, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909.................... 850 VEGETABLES. otatoes—Acreage and production, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909........ vecae Sheet coe Bae Farms reporting and value, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909.................0-.. 853 weet potatoes and yams—Acreage and production, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909....... 854 weet potatoes and yams—Farms reporting and valué, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909.... 855 _ States: NS OUR ans aren ons Soho caida o sss ae tas 3 Sees cbenseusca aden edes 856 creage and value of vegetables raised for sale, and value of farm gardens, by divisions and MMMNOMIMIDEN OSS ok ACO eel Tose EN alk Sis ee) eee Seis Meta ces Cea Ree os 857 ey - oa abel TOBACCO. ‘obacco—A creage and production, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909. ....................... 858 robacco—Farms reporting and value, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909..................... 859 kb 4 7 COTTON. ), Cotton—Acreage and production by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909. ......2...2..2..2.02.... 860 61, Cotton—Farms reporting and value, by divisions and states: 1919 and.1909.........0.cccccc.0.05 861 a 580 CONTENTS. fa SUGAR CHOPS ES. pan en Table. aR by eit 182. Sugar cane—Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by states: 1919 and 1909.......... : 183. Sugar Senge agua and value of cane sold, and quantity of sirup made on farms, by states: | 1919 and 1909..........----- Oty Hula Rip Rails YR See Rs 52 A. SO SUL ee a ag 184. Sorghum grown for sirup—Acreage, production, and value, id 1909... . Arend 862 185. Sugar beets—Acreage, production, and value, by states: 1919 dnd 190002 Moen keno sen conan ta) 0ca 185. Maple sugar and sirup—Production and value, by states: 1919 and 1909..... ee penteeeeeeeer reese 863 var Rin OR CoE CO Ae rye ‘€: og bene : 187. Minor crops—Acreage, production, and value, by states: 1919 and 1909. 4 abe pate Ava ‘ ‘ 5 Pott o- iy eninh be eyue nee ak S04 FRUITS AND NUTS. 188. Small fruits—-Acreage, production, and value, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909............ 2 189. Small fruits—Production of the several kinds, by divisions and states: 1919....-..--.--«--».-+- S6t 190. Apples—Number of trees, b - divisions and states: 1920 and 1910..........-.-. tne aac sani tnt ae 191. Apples—Production and value, by divisions and states: 1919 and £909. c.2.S.f.e0sees tla. s ee 192. Peaches—Number of trees, by divisions and states: 1920 and: 19100... ....% egkeesGaee emake ne an 193. Peaches—Production and value, by divisions and states: 1919 and. 1909; ..... 25... ene 57! 194, Pears—Number of trees, by divisions and States: 1920 and 1910... - ..-c.scercenrencmiee See nen eee ce & 95. Pears—Production and value, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909... -----------euees ete irh id 8 196. Plums and pruncs—Number of trees, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910, ....-- ie ga 1-3 Oh 197. Plums and prunes~ Production and value, by divisions and states: 19 9 and 1909. .:.--.-..: aa 10%. Gherries—Number of trees, by divisions and states: 1920 and 1910,........ Ah neraannan yes innit ieee 199. Cherries—Production and value, by divisions and states: O19 and 100. atone weaaeneeretha sme 900. Apricots—Number of trees, 1920, production, 1919 and 1909, and value, 1919, by states... 201. Grapes—Number of vines, by divisions and states: 1920 and DID: k.> cneh nenn Aes ean 203. Citrus fruits—Number of trees, by states: 1920 and 1910 a 4. Citrus fruits— Production and value, by states: 1919 and 1909. -... 5 ieee Deed ated 205. Noncitrus subtropical fruits—N umber of trees, by states: 1920 and 1910. . § 206. Noneitrus subtropical fruits—Production and value, by states: 1919 and 1909.... pare 907. Almonds, pecans, and walnuts (Persian or English)—Number of trees, 1920 and 1910, and pro- duction and value, 1919 and 1909, by States. ...----+--seessse-erreercceeess Pe EA eR poet ins Silay ‘ _ . ae Tike SOP APd ei Sy tare 4. 4 EEE toe eR Coie ya 7 _ FOREST PRODUCTS. ‘ia Cd 208. ea products of farms, 1919 and 1909, and area in merchantable timber, 1920, by divisions. a ; a Me Biman aT rts itt “Fue od tenes ans ears hah cinta ly die og Go iden SAN NR, mee § : | , 4 4 GT ores) ao”) 7 eee 209. Nurseries and greenhouses, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909. -.....+----reerne ee orete eee re OF ; SPS Ae OO Los STi ¥ Sree epgend AL DA yuh GROSS VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS. Salas sph Rani y Tite ARAN At Po 210 Gross value of farm products, by divisions and states: 1919 and 1909 he be scree rtttttes Gi OND Bo TC: ; y ‘ ney Pasig toh Pottap ie 3 or ~923 el De eF 4) one nha ‘) foe) iy’ pe ‘wye ee A 2a Ra f HIG PCTS Ita * 2 Sac eae ay Baw payiawio, SF : ar < : or han vse ae ise Yairi td, F mt ; ai Soa J KF ae nS Sis » valhihesiae datat r { ae i pee hint 2° rat ieetet aga gage “iM UR bars Oi: sede 5 i «ie bee ae m4 et ES Se ns ok e oem twee Se a [2] aa cz if 29 Thi OOlee v = ‘ y : Tat < eet hogn't ania ye ; wt a AGRICULTURE. af _. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS OF TERMS. id Farm.—A. “farm” for census purposes is all the land which is directly farmed by ‘one person managing and conducting agricultural operations, either by his own labor ‘alone or with the assistance of members of his household or hired employees. The term “agricultural operations’’ is used as a general term, referring to the work of ‘growing crops, producing other agricultural products, and raising domestic animals, poultry, and bees. A “‘farm” as thus defined may consist of a single tract of land or a number of separate and distinct tracts, and these several tracts may be held under different tenures, as where one tract is owned by the farmer and another tract is hired by him. When a iandowner has one or more tenants, renters, croppers, or managers, the land operated by each is considered a “farm.’’ In applying the foregoing definition of a “farm”? for census purposes, enumerators Tere instructed to report as a “‘farm’’ any tract of 3 or more acres used for agricultural ‘purposes, and also any tract containing less than 3 acres which produced at least $250 worth of farm products in the year 1919, or required for its agricultural operations the continuous services of at least one person. , Farm population—definition.—The farm population, as the term is here used, includes all persons actually living on farms, without regard to occupation, and also those farm laborers (and their families) who, while not living on a farm, nevertheless live in strictly rural territory, outside the limits of any village or other incorporated place... arty _ Farmer.—A “farmer” or “farm operator,’”’ according to the census definition, is a Person who directs the operation of a farm. The number of farmers shown by the eomact agriculture is, therefore, the same as the number of farms. Owners of farms who do not themselves direct the farm operations are not reported as farmers. _ Tenure classification.—Farm operators are classified according to tenure as follows: ve owners include (1) farmers operating their own land only and (2) those operating both their own land and some jand hired from others. The latter are, sometimes referred to in the celisus reports as “part owners,” the term “full owners” being used for those owning all the land which they operate. _ Managers are farmers who are conducting farm operations for the owner for wages or a salary. _ farm tenants are farmers who, as tenants, renters, or croppers, operate hired land only. They were reported in 1920 in five classes: (1) Share tenants—those who pay a certain share of the products, as one- ali, one-third, or one-quarter, for the use of the farm but furnish their own equipment and animals; (2) croppers—share tenants who do not furnish their work animals; (3) share-cash tenants—those who pay a share of the products for part of the land rented by them and cash for part; (4) cash tenants—those who pay @ cash rental, as $7 per acre of crop land or $500 for the use of the whole farm; (5) standing renters— hose who pay a stated amount of farm products for the use of the farm, as 3 bales of cotton or 500 bushels ofcorn. In some cases the character of the tenancy was not ascertained by the enumerator; such tenants are designated “unspecified.” Farm land.—Farm land is divided into (1) improved land, (2) woodland, and (3) other unimproved land. ; se gaa land includes all land regularly tilled or mowed, land in pasture which has been cleared or hor tat lying fallow, land in gardens, orchards, vineyards, and nurseries, and land occupied by farm buildings. W oodiend includes ail land covered with natural or planted forest trees which produce, or later may produce, firewood or other forest products. All other unimproved land includes brush land, rough or stony land, swamp land, and any other land Which is not improved or in forest. Farm mortgages.—Three points should be kept in mind in using the census statistics for farm mortgages. First, the statistics are limited to farms operated by their owners, ind no figures whatever are given for farms operated by tenants or hired managers. Second, the mortgage debt represented by the figures is that debt secured by real- | state mortgage, not including indebtedness secured by chattel mortgage, crop mort- jage, or collateral or personal security. Third, while the figures representing the } qumber of mortgaged farms include farms whose owners hire and operate some land | n addition to that which they own, the statistics for the amount of the mortgage debt sover only those farms which consist wholly of land owned by the operator. ¥ (581) 582 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE. : \ we A Live stock on farms.—The term “live stock,’ as it is used in the census reports, includes not only the common domestic animals (horses, mules, asses and burros, cattle, sheep, goats, and swine) but also poultry and bees. ‘The figures { for the value of live stock which are given in a number of the tables in connection with the value of other classes of farm property represent the value of the whole group as above defined. Certain totals are also given for, domestic animals alone. The comparability of the figures for live stock as” “reported for 1920 and 1910 is seriously affected by the change in the date of enumeration from April 15 in 1910 to January 1in 1920. The 1910 census, by reason of its later date of enumeration, gained the large numbers of domestic animals born between J anuary 1 and April 15, which would not have been reported, of course, if the censtis had been taken as of January 1. On the other hand, a group of considerable importance was omitted from the 1910 enumeration on account of the later date; namely, those animals which were'sold or - slaughtered (or which died) during the first 34 months of the year animals which were on the farms on January 1, 1910, but not on April15.. In most cases the gain from the animals born would consider ably exceed the loss: from animals marketed or otherwise disposed of. Hence the 1910 totals are, in general, somewhat too large for fair comparison with 1920, while the 1910 figures, omitting those animals born subse- quent to January 1, 1910, are too small. This question is discussed in detail in the general reports of the census of agriculture!” » Dairy cows.—-Dairy cows, as reported for 1920, included all ‘COWS and 1b Hfers 2 years old and over kept mainly for milk production. ‘The figures obtained ander this classification are not closely comparable with the figures reported at the census of 1910, particularly because the age limits employed in 1910 included ‘all cows and heifers 154 months old and over on April 15, 1910 (1 year old and over on Jan, 1), An estimate of the number of dairy cows 2 years old and over on igen robe 1, 1910, has been made, however, and is given in the tables. | Gross value of farm products.—The “ gross value of farm products?! elie ‘is Asie in Table 210 is obtained by adding together the value of live-stock products; sok animals sold or slaughtered , farm. crops, forest products of farms, and nursery an greenhouse products. ‘This figure corresponds approximately: with the gross value “i products for a manufacturing Pindustry, and for many purposes forms a fairly satis- factory index of the progress of agriculture or of the relative importance of ‘the’agri- cultural industry indifferent areas.” It contains, however, two serious elements of duplication. First, when the value of all crops produced i is added to the value of all live-stock products, the value of the crops which are fed to live stock*is duplicated. Second, in the total value of live stock sold there is duplication, because animals are frequently sold by one farmer to another and again soft by the second farmer. The duplication is more serious in the states where live-stock products form’a large part of the total gross value than in those states where enpps are the, Pen aRe product. ee THe | eg GENERAL FARM INFORMATION. ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-~—AGRICULTURE. 5838 | “TABLE 1.—POPULATION, FARMS, AND FARM PROPERTY IN THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910. ITEM. 4 | Ss RS asta aa ET ia eee ae Gialive crexne 7 Urban.....| ee 5 ite Si EE ee _ Farm population........ A eet Be Oe » Percent of total population. Boa ta See hoes & E; Number ec | Set ee aa oN ae Approximate land area of the country .acres. . a Allland i Figo: Ti ee ee acres... a MINMTOVEOAUG oo Sodicjecde eae acres. . Mes Woodlands 245 sos. oes Sede eed acres: . He Other unimproved land.......... acres. . y Per cent of total land area represented by— ** See MET RIX POR YB 2 25 S55. 32. hak eee ae Improved land in farms. ............ Woodland in farms..............---- og Other unimproved land infarms. ... Per cent of all land in farms: Woodland TARO s at Soee 5. - 1 kee BR. ie os Oe iedinproved FC Se ae aS. fe ake ee eee ee Bee Other unimproved land......:...... : a e ofall “Ee #; Operty .....4.91d eae... open ERPH LOG). . COS. TES. fond “one 2 A SS AMI BLE Se ob a 77 Buildings..... sei... |. 250088 Se ay _ Implements: and machinery Lut een ae. ne Live OOO ATRL cnlot ee. Say. It. : Ppa cent of value of all farm property repre- eT ldngs.. ah es A and an IRB CRRLER caw wave the die ees t oat 3 eS Meme ATIC ALONE ss. ss... etd es ee ese eS: RRSP ieee occely sts cseye%e ; a t Implements and machinery.............. ____ Live stock....... OE ae SER “ae _ Average value per farm: Br wt «A eg TOperty......0-.ee- Sedeeees aes R : and buildings......... i Spo. Seis i= 5 Oe Or es fe See ee ss oe Rs SPU DOS 45.25 19% - < Soe ees 2d “ % Implements and machinery......--... ‘Roe 5 Eitvye stock, : 23.3 .005..... 5202 S0sescise AV e value per acre of all Jand in farms: é Allfarm Oa RS ee ERB ea Ga 4 and buildings. sc... tes el. “— > Reni Se eee REMC S | eee ee ey eS ee ee ___—-:«»r Implements and machinery.....-.... Hs # ) Live stocksy....-...----+ snes see eee ee 1A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. a 1920 (January 1) 105, 710, 620 51,406,017 54,304, 603 48.6 31, 614, 269 29.9 6, 448, 343 1,903, 215, 360 955, 883, 715 503, 073, 007 467, 730, 794 285, 079, 914 $77,924, 100)338 66, 316, 002, 602 54, 829, 563, 059 11, 486, 439,543 3, 594, 772, 928 8, 013, 324, 808 ~2 Population residing outside of incorporated places having 2 x - 8 Decrease in land area due to the building of the Pothhad 1910 (April 15) 91,972, 266 49, 806, 146 42,166, 120 54, 2 6, 361, 502 1, 903, 289, 600 878, 798, 325 478, 451, 750 190, 865, 553 209,481,022 $40, 991, 449, 090 34, 801,125, 697 28) 475, 674, 169 6,325, 451, 528. 1, 265, 149,783 4’ 925, 173,610 __ and several reservoirs in connection with irrigation projects in Montana. " 4 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent decrease. 6 These figures include the value of fences, tile drains, _ excluding only the value of buildings. ,500 inhabitants or over. der and Shoshone Reservoirs in AS INCREASE.! Per be, Apeups padi 13,738,354.) 14.9 1,599,871. J: > 3.2 12,138,483 | 28.8 86, 841 1.4 3 —74,240 | (4) 77,085, 390 8.8 24,621,257 5.1 23,134,759 | 12.1 75, 598,892 | 36.1 10.1 | 2.8 3.7 —4,0 | —13.3 11.3| 34.3 $36, 932,651,248 | 90.1 31, 514, 876,905 | 90.6 26, 353,888,890 | 92.5 5, 160, 988j015 | 81.6. 2, 329,623,145 | 184.1 3,088, 151,198 | » 62.7 $5,640 | 87.5 4,813} 88.0 4,027 | 90.0 187. )0 79.2 358 | 179.9 469 | 60.6 $34.88 | 74.8 29.78 | 75.2 24.96). 77.0 4,82} 66.9 2.32| 161.1 2.78 | 49.6 and other incidental improvements on the land, 584 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE, TABLE 2.—POPULATION, FARMS, AND FARM PROPERTY IN THE UNITED STATES: 1850 TO 1920. . [Figures for 1920 relate to Jan. 1; for 1910, to Atpr. 15; and for earlier years to June 1.} wee ee a *“TTEM, 1920 1910 1900 1890 ERDULAE ION sets dae aia st « Said vies sca abe SEO 105, 710, 620 91, 972, 266 75, 994, 575 62, 947, 714 Number Of farms... p66c.. Geb lok: 6, 448, 343 6, 361, 502 5, 737, 372 4, 564, 641 Approx. land area of country... acres..| 1,903, 215,360] 1, 903, 289,600 | 1,903, 461,760} 1,903,337, 600 FV ici al Bark Cor CR ee Nae acres... 955, 883, 715 878, 798, 325 838, 591, 774, 623, 218, 619 Improved land.............2- acres. . 503, 073, 007 478, 451, 750 414, 498, 487 357, 616, 735 '+ Unimproved land. .-......... acres. . 452, 810,708 400, 346, 575 424,093, 287 |° 265, 601, 864 Per cent of total land area represented ame at a vn landan farms... of A ASSES 2 50.2 46.2 ae 32.7 Improved land in farms......... 26.4 25.1 21.8 18.8 Unimproved land in farms...... 23.8 21.0° 22.3 * 14.0 Per cent. of all land in farms: i ; Improved lands i here 52.6 54.4 49,4 57.4 Unimproved land. ...2002.02)5 00.0.2: 47.4 45.6 60.6704 42.6 Average acreage per farm: ALT TE MAN ee Ou eran, 148.2) 138.1 146.2, 136.5 improved land. 21....50.% 2%, cS ’ 78.0 T5e2 12.2) RO pats: Unimproved land... 22.22.2622... p90, 2 62.9 73.9 | SBS Value of all farm property.....22....... $77, 924, 100, 338 |$40, 991, 449, 090 |$20, 439, 901,164 |$16, 032, 267, 689 Land andbuildings.. 30.) ...002... 66, 316, 002, 602 | 34, 801, 125, 697 | 16,614, 647, 491 113,279, 252, 649 Implements and machinery......:.. 3, 594, 772, 928.| 1,265, 149,783 749, 775, 970 | 494, 247, 467 Livé stock. i: eno Sas ome Board oe ae 8, 013, 324,308 | 4,925,178, 610 |’-3, 075, 477, 703 |- 2,308, 767, 573 Per cent of value of all farm property he tee: represented by— .--- yd Whe. Land and: buildings..4 8 Ol Ahi 85.1 84.9 io Je ces 82.6 Implements and machinery ......... 4.6 3.1 Baek oe aa Lh 3.1 AAV @StOCK | idee Aina nek os g a 10.3 12.0 _ 15.0 neteno hte Av. value of allfarm property per farm. . $12, 084 -» $6,444 $3, 5634 "= 523 Av. value of all farm. property per acre. . , 81.52 46.64 yas > 5 nde Oi & 25. 81 Av. value ofland and buildings per acre. 69.38 39. 60 one Aa OER ee) we | ITEM. § : 5 1880 1870... 1860.) roi 1850 Popalationccccntcopvowpwanvacee eee se ot 50, 155, 783. 38, 558, 371 31, 443,321 | . 23, 191, 876 Numaber of farms..... Mes 3.0% Ses P48 0% Vi 4,008, 907 2,659, 985 2; 044077 yo T4490 Approx. land area of country-...-acres..} 1, 903,337,600 | 1,.903,337,600 | 1,903, 337 ,600 | 1, 884, 375, 680 Allland inifarms....4.....0. Ga tbe acres... 536, 081, 835- 407,735,041 - 407, 212,538 | ~ 293, 560, 614 Improved lands. 2... .002 ses acres. . 284,771, 042 188,921,099 | - 163,110,720 | 113, 032, 614 Unimproved land. .-.. Uiv.03. acres... 251, 310, 793 218,813,942 | .-- 244,101, 818 180, 528, 000 Per cent of total land area represented Os Sip 4j Yan land in farms..... eee pas 3 28. 2 21.4 21.4) Co Sor tae ae Improved land in farms......... 15.0 9.9 }- » 8.6 ar fae .....Unimproved land in farms...... 13.2 11.5 12.8 , 9.6% Per cent of. all land in farms: - improvedland. -....cb dads Jon cele aes 53.1 46.3] 40.1 38.5 Unimproved land... Uc5).........- , 46.9 53.7 59. 9 d si EIR Average acreage per farm: ae All Mand 2) ts cs yes ue eden Laas 183.7 153.3 "199. 2° - 202.6 Improved land. ...2)).0/........ 71.0 71.0 79,8 i eTS Unimproved land. 20 2........... ot. 62.7 82.3 , 119.4] 124.6 Value of all farm property.............-. $12, 180, 501, 538 | $8, 944, 857,749 |. $7, 980, 493, 063'| $3, 967, 343, 580 Land and buildings.../............. 10, 197,096,776 | 7,444,054, 462 | 6, 645, 045, 3, 271, 575, 426 Implements and machinery......... 406, 520, 055 270, 913,678 | -- 246; 118, 144 151, 587, 638 _ Lave SUOGK Ss oy cess oc eee 1, 576, 884,707 | 1,22, 889,609 | 1,089, 329,915. 544, 180, 516 Per cent of value of all farm property represented. by— Land ‘and buildings... ...2.........- 83.7 83.2 83.3 : Implements and machinery......... 3.3 3.0 8.1 RAVE SOOKE bo 0 BOI 12.9 13.7 13.6 AV. value of all farm property per farm. 038 363 + 904 Av. value of all farm property per acre... 22.72 21. 94 19.60 | Av. value of land and buildings per acre 19. 02 18. 26 16.32 e ST) " F: DIVISION AND STATE. phan .» New England.........-- - . Middle Atlantic. -......- >, East North Central ....: _. West North Central..... ~~ --, South Atlantic......-... __ East South Central...... ____~ West South Central..... me Mow tam fees. 655.--..5 i SCT. Cais base op~- = 26-5 ee ee ee mee seeee sete www ttt eee ee ewww es enn ee ewer ese se meer ost et erates ee q “a as eee ’ North Dakota........... ee South Dakota.. .......-- Bea Nebraska... ~.- <-\--/2-: ee ee ee ee er B irginia rr West Virginia........... ~~ North Carolina.......... oe South Carolina. .......-. em TD . ee guee cnse ee ees i UNBOB iiss eon, 253 + - soe 7 ‘ ST Oe er ERMIMOS oo. ec 5 een ne = es ee ay Total population. 105, 710, 620 10, 385, 227 3, 155, 900 8, 720, 017 5, 759, 394 2,930, 390 6,485, 280 3,668, 412 2; 632, 067 2, 387, 125 2) 404, 021 3, 404, 055 646, 872 636, 547 1, 296, 372 1, 769, 257 223, 003 1, 449, 661 437, 571 2, 369, 187. | 1, 463, 701 2, 559, 123 1, 683, 724 | 2 895, 832 968, 470 2, 416, 630 2, 337, 885 2,348, 174 1,790, 618 1, 752, 204 1, 798, 509 2, 028, 283 4, 663, 228 1, 356, 621 783, 389 3, 426, 861 Total. ~ Number. 31, 614, 269 625, 877 1, 892, 789 4,913, 633 5, 171, 596 6, 416, 698 5, 182, 937 5, 228, 199 1, 168, 367 1 014, 173 197, 601 76, 021 125; 208 118, 554 15, 136 93, 302 800, 747 143, 708 948, 334 1, 139, 329 907, 295 1, 098, 262 848, 710 920, 037 897, 181 984, 799 1, 211, 346 394, 500 362, 221 584, 172 737,377 1, 304, 862 1, 271, 708 1, 335, 885 1, 270, 482 1, 147, 049 736, 050 1, 017, 327 2, 277, 773 283, 382 214; 021 516, 770 s NOOCWON OES kt GO Or Or HE DD BOGE tet POC tl CRD ee ater 6 as Sa he Par ck _ kt D2 BROW ROO Gob? og hd Ra ec ee Sag ° Ord > SEP Ieee wae ls gee I a REE Ne i Poe eos NEReee ww oO = RFWD ONWFOWOOe BDNONaS CORO. KFPNONINENWO NF OORDOMm CFDOM YOON OMKaown aNS FARMS AND FARM PROPERTY. FARM POPULATION. In cities and other incorpo- rated places of 2,500 and over. 255, 629 96; 455 731,628 26, 429 18, 413 | 18, 94] 8,131 17, 629 15, 374 28, 629 Number. 31, 358, 640 535,422 1, 861, 161 4, 887, 204 5, 153, 183. 6, 397, 757 5, 174, 806 5, 210, 570 1, 152, 993 985, 544 189, 026 64, 607 782, 954 136, 847 941; 360 1, 133, 912 902; 820 1, 090, 736 844,499 915, 237 893, 460 977, 694 1, 207, 899 393, 622 361, 886: | 582,738 735, 884 | 51, 151 2777, 656 ee es ~ 1,059, 913 476, 631 1,499, 946 | 1, 072, 479 1, 680, 611 279, 370 1, 302, 342} 1, 269, 179 1, 334, 513 1, 268, 772 1, 144, 482 784, 455 1, 015, 899 2, 265, 734 225, 389 196, 563 "67,076 265, 281 160, 542 _ 90,167 131) 872 16, 108 280, 022 212° 009 493, 513 ee a Se ee ea 585 In rural territory. Per cent of rural opu- ation. 61.0 34.9 Daw gr 90 SS wow mo AT NID Pa et dhl at CORTON co ~ Wwe on ~ S8h SKSSES DO ORNNOOO CNPP NK D WOUWOr SAISIES SSLSS 8S ROM ORPOWEOOCO ONOCW OMND. Monee * SSRSRESS ABSS Peau Raves . b al ES 586 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE, TaBLE 4.-FARM POPULATION, BY AGE AND SEX, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920, : Per cent of total. : Under, | 10 to 20 | 71 Years |—___—____— 10 years.) years. |. Gyer, Un- 119 to 214 DIVISION AND STATE. der and 10 20. over. United States. .|31, 614, 269||16, 496, 338 5,117,931) 109. 1/8, 138, 070/7, 824, 106/15,652,093 25.7} 24.7| 49.5 GEOG. DIVISIONS: i New England..... 625, 877 330, 206 295, 671 117, 627| 124, 102 384, 148}| 18. 8 19. 8] 61.4. Middle Aeantion. 1, 892, 789 993, 979 898, 810 : 380, 852 405, 1744, 106, 763|| 20.1) 21. 4| 58.5 — E. North Central... 4, 913, 633}| 2, 590, 945 2,322, 688)) 111.51, 103, 609)1, 107, 005 2, 703, 019|} 22. 5) 22. 5) 55.0 — W. North Central.| 5 171, 596)| 2,760, 145 9 411,451)| 114.5 i 288, 322 L 221, 719|2, 661, 555|| 24. 9} 23. 6) 51.5 South Atlantic... .| 6, 416, 698]| 3, 264, 380 31 152, 318 2, 864, 097|| 28. 6) 26. 8 44.6 B. South Central. . 5 182, 937|| 2,640, 245 2) 542. 692 2, 393, 187|| 27. 5| 26: 3} 46. 2 W. South Central. 5, 228, 199}| 2, 7138, 605 2" 514; 504 27. 9| 27.0 45.1 Mountain......... 1, 168, 367 636, 150 15 532 , 217) ” 586, 433)|| 26.9] 22.9) 50.2 PSCC Se eee. es 1, 014, 173 566, 683 447, 490 595, 579}| 21. 1) 20.1) 58.7 ncaa | cae A, | a NEW ENGLAND: Mainel » LNGMUa 2d... ona 2, 930, 390 2; 700, 876) 8. 5|| 1, 447, 535 1. 557, 041) —7.0 OO sc MALO keg ue) te 6, 485,280 5, 638, 591} 15.0}} 2,082, 127 2, 161, 662) —3.7 O8i ie MICHIPAT . oouik.. « 3, 668, 412 2. 810, V73 BOS L 426, 852 L 483. 129} —3.8 24| . Wisconsin... ..::)- 2, 632, 067 a 333, 860} 12, 8]| 1, 387, 499 it 329, 540}. 4.4 W.NoRTH CENTRAL: 25| Minnesota........ 2, 387, 125) 2, 075, 708| 15.0 1, 335, 582} 1,225,414, 9.0 Al. LTowasse.$¥.,.. pean 2404; 0 1 2, 224° 771) 8. 11} 1, 528, 526 ry 544, 717; —1.0 Ont.) Missouri je. . nae 3, 404, 055 3, 293, 335} 3.4}| 1, 817, 152 L 804) 518) —4.1 28| North Dakota... 646, 872 ” B77, 056} - 12.1 558, 633 "513, 820| 8.7 29| South Dakota.... 636, 547 583, 888! 9.0 534, 675 507, 215) 5.4 30}; Nebraska ....2..<% 1, 296, 372) 1, 192, 214) 5 827 891, 066 881, 362) 1.1 Sli: Kansasi.e.. ..200. r 769, 257| 1,690,949) 4.6)! i, 151, 293) 1, 197, 159) —3.8 SouTtH ATLANTIC: 820i: Delaware. ..¢i2- 223,003) 202,322) 10.2 102, 236] 105,237; —2.9 33) Maryland:....-.. 1, 449, 661) 1,295, 346) 11.9 580, 239 637, 154) —8.9 341 Dist.ofColumbia-. 437,571} 331,069} 32. 2)).b... 2 faa. eb fs aaa the Sac Virginia ws. .8h, 2,309, 187| 2,061,612) 12.0)) 1,635, 203} 1, 585, 083). 3.2 36} West bet ven, 1,463, 701] 1,221,119) 19.9|| 1,094,694) 992, 877|' 10.3 37| North Carolina . 2, 559, 123} 2,206,287; 16.0 2, 068, 753} 1, 887, 813) 9.6 38| South Carolina. . 1, 683, 724| 1,515,400} 11.1 L 389, 737| 1, 290, 568] ~ 7.7 39) “Georgia. ....62.2. 2, 895, 832 2; 609, 120 Ao 2, 167, 973} 2,070,471; 4.7 40)» Blorida: 20. Lee b. 968, 470 "752, 619} 28.7 ” 612; 645! 583,539} 14.8 E.SoutHCENTRAL 41 Kentucky ...2..- 2, 416, 630) 2,289,905] 5. 5)| 1, 783, 087 1, 734, 463) 2.8 42). Tennessee..-....- 2, 337, 885| 2,184,789) 7.0 L 726, 659| 1,743, 744) —1.0 43). Alabama...b../. 2, 348) 174) 2,138,093) 9.8 L, 838, 857| 1, 767, 662} »4.0 fs 44|. Mississippi -.-..- 1 790, 618} 1, 797, 114; —0.4 L 550, 497| 1, 589, 803) —2.5|]| 272,101 W.:SouTHCENTRAL: ‘ An jArkansas;: ..j2c8. ppd, 752, 204| 1,574,449} 11. 3]] 1,461, 707| 1,371,768) 6.6 232, 604] - 46). Louisiana ....2.. 1, 798, 509] 1,656,383} 8. 6|| 1,170,346} 1, 159,872) 0.9 135, 463} . 47k en Oklahoma... ... 2, 028, 283| 1,657,155) 22.4!) 1,488, 803) 1,337,000} 11.4 191, 988 WS)" + NegnS $a be ; 4 663, 228] 3,896,542) 19.7|| 3,150, 589) 2,958,438; 6.5 436, 033 MOUNTAIN: 49)... Montamaye... 200. 548, 889] 376,053] 46.0 376, 878}, 242,633) 55.3 SOL TAA 10.08... ee. 431, 866] 325,594) 32.6 312, 829 255, 696} 22.3 51) Wyoming Sy 194” 402} 145,965] 33.2 137, 054 102; 744| 33.4 5§2|° Colorado. .- - 939, 629] 799,024] 17.6 486, 370 394, 184] 23.4 53). New Mexico.... 360,350} 327,30t| 10.1 295, 390 280, 730) 5.2 Kalin Arizona... 0soe: 334,162} 204,354) 63.5 216, 635 141, 094) 53.5 Dar vimpeanie: oS 0a 449, 396 373, 351] 20.4 233, 812 200, 417| 16.7 56) Nevada.:......2. 77, 407 81, 875} —5.5 62, 153 68, 508} —9.3 & i: P MEFIC; 57| Washington ...-- ‘1, 356, 621} 1,141,990} 18.8 607, 886} — 536, 460; 13.3 HS COLevOM.; oe. ee. "7183, 389 672, 765} 16.4 392, 370 365, 705|)-° T3 50, 206 69; -Caltioriias<...-: 3, 46, 861 25377, 549} 44.1}) 1,095,132} 907, 810 20. 6|| 117,670 FARMS AND FARM PROPERTY. 589 Y DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. [A minus sign (—) denotes decrease.] ‘ H : OTHER UNIMPROVED IMPROVED LAND IN WOODLAND IN FARMS ALL LAND IN FARMS (ACRES). || “papys (ACRES).1 (ACRES). (ecaws)* FARMS s Ny Per | 1920 1910 ont 1920 1910 1920 1910 1920 1910 erease. | 955, 883,715] 878, 798, 325 503, 073, 007/478, 451, 750||167, 730, 794/190, 865, 553/|285, 079, 914/209, 481, 022) 1 ~ 16,990,642} 19,714,931) —13.8|| 6,114,601] 7,254, 904|) 7,020,311) 7,852,913!| 3,855,730} 4,607,114] 2 } 40,572,901) 43; 191,056| 6. 1|| 26, 562, 107] 29; 320, 894]| 8, 659,237] 9,255, 715|| 5,351,.557| 4) 614) 4471 3 ‘} 117, 735, 179] 117, 929, 148] —0. 2|| 87, 804; 835] 88, 947) 228|| 17 061, 460] 18, 109, 180]| 11, 778, 884] 10, 872 740] 4 | 256, 973, 229| 232 648° 121] 10. 5||171, 394, 439|164, 284, 862|| 18) 761, 832| 17, 969, 615|| 66,816, 958] 50, 393, 644] 5 | 97, 775, 243] 103,782, 255] —5.8|| 48, 509, 886| 48, 479, 733|| 41, 802) 263] 48, 904, 830|| 7, 463, 094]. 6,397, 692] 6 4 78, 897, 463] | 81,520, 629| —3.2/| 44,380,132] 43, 946, 846|| 28) 414, 524| 32, 287, 681 || 6, 102, 807| 5, 286, 102] 7 173, 449, 127] 169, 149,976]. 2. 5|| 64, 180, 606] 58, 264) 273]| 29) 749) 152] 44, 055, 394|| 79, 510, 369] 66, 830, 309] 8 117,337, 226| 59; 533, 97. 1|| 30, 105, 868] 15, 915, 002/| 6; 887,071] 4; 109, 081|| 80, 344, 287] 39, 509, 337] 9 56, 152,705| 51,328,789) 9. 4|| 23, 921, 533] 22) 038; 008|] 8) 374,944] 8, 321, 144]] 23 856, 228] 20; 969/637|10 5, 425, 968} » 6,296, 859] —13.8|| 1,977,329} 2,360,657|| 2,447,597| 2,775,621]| 1,001,042} 1, 160, 581|11 | 2603, 806| 3,249,458) —19.9|) ’ 702,902] 929, 185|| 1, 299,838| 1,502,389|| 601,066] 817, 884/12 | 4,935,811] | 4;663;577/ —9.2|| 1,691,595] 1,633, 965||' 1,428,309] 1,566,698] 1,115,907] 1,462) 914|13 ‘} 2,494,477| 2;.875,941| —13.3|| 908) 834]. 1,164) 501|! 1,080,386) 1,064, 553|| 555,257] 646, 887|14 x6-331, "443° 308| —25.2)| 132'855| "178,344|| °130,462| 185, 909 68, 283 79, 055/15 } 1,898,980]: 2185, 788; —13.1)| 701,086] 988, 252}/ 683,719] 757,743|| 514,175] 439;793116 \ ' "} 20, 632, 803) 22,030, 367| —6.3)| 13, 158, 781| 14, 844, 039]] 4, 160,567] 4,436, 145/| 3, 313,455! 2,750, 183/17 ‘| 2,282) 585] 2,573, 857 1, 555,607] 1, 803)336|| 74547768] 538, 131 272,210] 232° 390/18 Mali, 657, 513). 19,586, 832 || 11, 847, 719| 12° 673, 519|| 4,043, 902| 4,281,439|| 1,765,892] 1,631,874|19 } 28,515,888} 24,105,708} —2.4|| 18, 542, 353] 19, 227, 969|| 3, 198,929} 3, 285, 376|) 1,774,606} 1,592, 363/20 } 21, 063; 332| 21; 299; 993] —1. 1|| 16, 680, 212] 16, 931) 252)| 3° 141,042} 3,370,791|| 1; 242)078| ” 997; 780/21 paps, ms 32; 522, 937|.. — 1. 7|| 27, 294, 533] 28; 0487 323|| 3; 102,579] 3,147,879] 1,577,663] 1,326, 735122 | 19, 03 18,940,614} 0..5|| 12, 925; 521) 12, 8397 078||° 3,217) 060) 27 9277 554 2, 800, 440| 3, 180, 982/23 | 22, 8, 03 21; 060,066] 5. 2|| 12; 452; 216| 11; 907,606|| 5,401,910] 5,377, 580|| 4,294,097] 3,7747 880/04 3 , 221, 758| 27,675,823) 9. 2)| 21, 481, 710) 19, 643, 533)| 4, 482,656] 3,922,391)| 4, 257,392]. 4, 109, 899/25 j 4, 896| 33, 930, 688] ° —1. 3\| 28, 606, 951| 29, 491, 199|| 2; 295, 274] 2) 314) 115|| 2) 572671). 2) 125,374106 34,591,248] _0.5|| 24, 882, 966] 24) 581) 186|| 8, 553, 857| $,918,972|] 1, 387,856] 1,091, 090/27 28, 426,650) 27.4|| 24, 563, 178| 20, 455,092|| 679,836] 421,877|| 10,971, 737| 7, 549, 681\28 26, 016, 892} 33. 1|| 18, 199, 20] 15, 827/208], 536,183] 383, 144/| 15,901, 058| 9 806, 540|29 38, 622,021) 9. 3|| 23, 109, 624] 24) 382) 577|| 900,933] _ .803, 206|| 18, 214) 918] 13; 436, 238|30 43) 384, 799] 4.7 30, 600, 760] 29, 904, 067|| 1,313,093] 1, 205, 910|| 13, 511, 326] 12° 274) 322/31 1,038; 866} —9.1]| 653,052}. 713, 538]|'. 222,658} 252,032 68, 801 73, 296/32 5, 057, hes ite 8, 136, oe 3, 354, spe 1, 327, _ 1, 467, ote 294, oe 235, 040|33 —6.5 5 828 58 241134 19, 495, 636] —4.8]| 9, 4607 492| 9,870,058]! 7,907,352] 8, 414, een 1, 193, 268} 1,210, 898'35 10, 026, 442} —4.6 Hi, 520, 308] 5, 521, 757|| 3,469, 444] 3,968,834|| 7580, 038| 535, 849/36 22, 439, 129| —10. 8|| 8, 198, 409] 8, 813, 056|| 10, 299, 547| 12,451, 739|| 1,523,780] 1, 174,334/37 13,512, 028] —8.0 6! 184, 159] 6, 097, 999||, 5,302,575} 6,339, 142|| ” 939,941] 1,074) 887/38 26, 953, 413| —5.6|| 13, 055, 209] 12; 2987 017|] 10, 491) 848) 13,002, 741|| 1,894; 004] 1,652,655/39 5,253,538] 15.1]| 2,297,271] 1) 805, 408|| 2) 780;790| 3; 007;638|| ” 968,630} 440; 492/40 22,189, 127| —2.6|| 13,975, 746] 14, 354, 471|| 6,018,280) 6,951,626|| 1,618,746] 883, 030/41 856| 20; 041,657] —2.6]| 11, 185, 302] 10; 890, 484|| 7; 080, 169] 8° 007, 733)| 1,245,385] 1, 143, 440)42 20, 732, 312|' —5.6|| 9,893, 407] 9; 693, 581|| 8 301, 177| 9° 444,764] 1, 382,272) 1) 5937 967|43 18) 557,533] —1.9]| 9,325,677] 9,008,310! 7,014,898! 7,883, 558|| 1,856,404] 1) 665;665144 17,416,075} 0.2/| 9,210,556} 8, 076, 254|| 7,396,028} 8,511,510)| 850, 166] 828, 311/45 10, 439, 481] —4.0|| 5,626,226] 5,276, 016|| 3,614,040] 4316, 561|| 779, 556 7, 346, 908 46 28, 859,353} 10. 7|| 18, 125, 321| 17, 551;337|| 4,206,171] 3,568,910] 9,620, 442| 7, 739, 106/47 112) 435, 067|- 1. 4|| 31; 227, 503] 27; 360; 666]| 14° 532, 913] 27; 6587 413|| 68, 260, 205] 57, 415; 988/48 13, 545,603} 158.9]| 11,007,278] 3,640, 309/| 1,646,462) 595, 870|| 22, 416,916] 9, 309, 424149 5, 283,604| 58.5|| 4,511,680] 2,778, 740|| 820,876} 584, 556|| 3,043,317] 1, 920, 308/50 8, 543, 010] 38. 2|| 2,102,005} 1,256, 160]| 421,806} 252; 152/) 9 285, 540] 7; 034, 698/51 13, 532, 113] 80. 8|| 7,744; 757] 4,302) 101]| 1,415,420] 891;698/| 15,301, 837| 8) 3387 314152 11) 270,021) 116.6|| 1,717,224] 1; 467; 191|| 1) 817,460] 1, 491, 025|| 20, 874, 949] 87 311) 805153 | 132467613] 365.4 12; 803} ’350,173/| 523,648] 7 100,061|| 4,565,675} ” 7967379\54 3, 397,699} 48.6|| 1,715, 380| 1,368,211]! 212,762] 145; 510/| 3; 1227268] 1, 8837 978155 2,714, 757) —13,2 *504,741| 752) 117 28) 637 48, 209|| 1,733,785] 17 Q14) 431/56 ) U1, 712, 235]. 13.1 7, 129, 343} 6,373,311)| 1,813,061) 1,541, 551|| 4, 302,316] 3, 797, 373/57 11,685,110} 15.9|| 4,913,851]. 4) 274) 803||. 2 309, 596| 2, 237, 826|| 6,318,871] 5,172, 481/58 27,931,444] 5. 1|| 11, 878, 339| 11) 389, 894|] 4,252) 287] 4) 541) 767|| 13, 235, 041| 11; 9997783159 1 For per cent ofincrease or decrease, 1910-1920, see Table 7. 590 ABSTRACT .OF THE GENSUS—AGRICULTURE. TABLE 7.—POPULATION, NUMBER OF FARMS, AND FARM: ACREAGE, BY DIVISIONS - AND STATES: 1850 TO 1920. [A minus sign (—) denotes decrease.] NUMBER OF ALL LAND IN IMPROVED LAND IN POPULATION. FARMS. FARMS. FARMS, DIVISION OR STATE AND CENSUS YEAR. at a’ He ae cen cen cen cen Number. ofite Number. etin- Acres. . find Acres ofin- erease. crease. erease. crease, UNITED: STATES: RE Mey, Oe (LET RE Se EERE: CRE aerate 105,710,620 | 14.9 || 6,448,343 1.4 || $55,883,715 8.8 503, 073, 007 5.1 BOLO San ee ee $1, 972, 266 | 21.0 6. 361, 502 | 10.9 878, 798, 325 4.3 || 478) 451, 750 | 15.4 TONG 2 rg. BS hee ee 75, 994) 575°] °20.7.1) 5, 7137. 972:)) 25.7 838, 591, T7174) 34.6 414’ 498, 487 |. . 15.9 TS90 e Or esr hee ee 62, 947, 114°) 25.5 4 564, 641 | 13.9 623, 218, 619 | 16.3 |} 357, 616, 755 25.6 BS8O.6. cae aes ae ah 50, 155, 783 i} 30.13 4’ 008, 907 | 50.7 536, 081, 835: 31.5 284, 771, 042 | 50.7 TS 70w. Sioa ta tht on 38.558, 371 22.6 2. 659, $85 | 30.1 407, 735, 041 0.1 | 183, 921, 099 | #+15.8 ASG0 se . eee Nate os 31,443,321 | 35.6 2: 044, 077 | 41.1 407, 212, 538; 38.7 163, 110; 720) 44.3 BSbOe uss. BAIS C552: BY 23, 191, O76s) eae ‘eo: 1, 4497073 Ls Oh 7 293, 560, G14). ierte | 113, 032; 614 NORE vigil GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS. New ENGLAND. TODD accu Pe Beets oe be oe 7,400,909 | .12.9 156, 564 |—17.1 16, 990, 642 |—13.8 6, 114, 601; | —15.7 19. none tei cuss 6,552,681 | 17.2 ||. 188,802] =1.6 || 19,714,931) —4.1 ? 254, 904 | —10.8. FOO bee. RRS ih 2 5,592,017 | 19.0 191,888 | .1.0 || 20,548,999 | 4.0 8 134,403 | —24.3 POO ei ares ab kp 4,700,749 | 17.2 189, 961 | —8.3 19, 756, 584 | £8.0 10, 738, 980 | —18.3 TREO Pe tab eee 4,010,529 | 15.0 207,232 | 14.7 21° 483), 772 9.8 13, 148) 466 9.6— POO eee te. Cael See 3, 487, 924 th. 2 180,649 | —1.8 19, 569, 863 | —2.7 iL 997, 540 —1.8 : 27) 9 i a Ge ca | 3, 135, 283 | 14.9 183, 942 9.7 20, 110, 922 9.5 12, 215, 771 9.6" TRAD ge eS ene payee 2; TeOFAAB | 1Obb. 83 167,65 E222 38 18, 367, 458) ts EA ; 1k 150, S04 tei MIDDLE ATLANTIC. tase! van Oe PUZOQse tape (Gel: Peg 22, 261, 144 ) 115.2 425,147 | —9.2 40, 572,901 |-—6.1 26, 562, 107-}° —9.4. 2910.2 sia. SL Res 19, 315, 892 | 25.0 468,379 | —3.5 43,191,056 | —3.7 29° 320, 894 |. —4.8 LOO Sat ees See 15, 454, 678 | 21.6 ||... 485, 618 3.6 44, 860, 090 4.4 |) 30, 786, 211%) 2. PO g wikcees ee Telnet se 12; 706, 220 215.0 468, 608 | —4.2 42, 987,941 | —7.6 31, 599, 094 — 4,95 ABNO eA 3B. ear ae 10, 496, 878 19.1 488, 907 16.1 46, 501) 868 1 ae 33, 237, 166 14.1 Bed eae ai a fh rare 8, 810, 806 13,5 420, 946 10.5 43) 174, §21 5. 4° || 29,119,645 | 8. Ri POGQ a hie, east Cee if 458, 985 | 26.4 380,993 | 18.3 40, 970, 623. | 1k3. 4! 26, 766, 140 | 17.4 Bede aC eee ee rr 5, 898, ABO: | ator ee 322; 103)|)- 0.42 36, 795, By (te oe eee aah 574 Roe East NORTH CENTRAL bo NMR at tas ADRES A Si 21, 475,543 | 17.7 || 1,084,744 | —3.4 || 117,735,179 | —0.2 87, 804, 835 AOU tee Ort? Rye ee 8 18, 250,621 | 14.2 1, 123,489 |} —1.1 117, 929, 148 1.4 |). 88, 947, 228 POOO ct tees Sos eS 15, 985, 581 18.6 1, 135, 823 12.6 116, 340, 761 10. 0- 86, 670, 271 ye el be aaa 6 Md 13, 478, 305 20.3 i 009, 031 2.4 105, 786, 825 () 78, 774, 647 gL EE a on RUIN FS) lt a 11, 206, 668 22.8 985) 273 29.3 105, 784, 212 21.0 75, 589, 373 ER7Dig ee ee ee %, 124) Bl Js |. GBR, 7 761, 735.1. 29.8 87, 449, 392 | 20.3 ||. 54, 899, 646 PAGO AO ee yt Tu ee og 6,926,884 | 53.1 586, 717 |. 59.4 72, 696, 843 |. 44.8 |]- 41, 136, 414) .79, gE UR gat eae BIB ha 4,523, AGO) | fa. J 368, S77. che 50, 188, 875 soa pewe 22, 912, 1905 at a West NortH ! CENTRAL. i TOYS: Cee oe Se eae 12, 544, 249 7.8.|| 1,096,951 | —1.2 |} 256,973,229.) 10.5. 171,394, 439° ’ POL PRA ahh: Ge LT iL, 637, 921'| 12.5 || 1, 109, 948 4.6 932, 648, 121 | 15.7 || 164, 984, 862 TOOO SS er gra) S x: 10, 347, 423 | 15.8 || 1,060,744 | 16.0 201, 008, FAS! |>- Soe 135, 643, 828 TROON Cee a eS 8, 932, 112 45.1 914,791 28.4 150, 800, 169 49.0 || 105, , 517, 479 | 1880 ee Seats eat ee 6, 157, 443.| 59.7.|| 712,695} 96.1 101, 197, 945.| 95.6 61; 252, 946 | TRZO8 wie aee See 3, 856,594 | 77.7 363,343 | 95.9 51, 765, 877. | 47.1 | ERGO 72 SRP ote ee se 2, 169, 832 | 146.5 185, 448 | 167.1 35, 202, 747 | 181.7 il, 122, 285 4 18502. 2h Ft eh Aber $80,335). 20 5 sa 69, 420 |. -....6 12, 497, Glorio: 2 ews ae 768, 142, : SoutH ATLANTIC 49 PODG he terres oh re te 13, 990, 272 | 14.7 || 1,158, 976 4,2 97,775, 243 —5.8, 0 A heal nh ey Ooi eA 12, 194, 895 | 16.8 i, 1, 881.| 15.6 103, 782, 255 | —0.5 43) 479, 733. OO a Meee? de ce cee 10, 443, 480 17.9 ” 962, 225 28. 4 1047 2977 506 4.1 46, 100, ROO 22 20 pone ke Pere ae Re 8) 857, 922 | 16.6 749, 600} 16.3 100, 157, 573 | —1.2 41 677, 71 ERRO SS Or Wie Stee 7,597,197 | 29.8 644, 429 | 72.3 101, 419, 563} 12.4 36, 170, 331 D171 bah seach tea geen, Satine 5, 853, 610 9.1 374, 102}. 23.9 90, 213, 055 |—15. 3: 30, 202° 991 ESGO Ts Here Se 5, 364,703 | 14.7 301, 940 | 21.7 106, 520, 771 | 14.0) 34. 900, 942 3 TR ere ea cis awiei 4 4, 679, 090) Ax beea cists 248, LOGr is. oy ie 93, 401, 61004. .. ake 3 30, 009; 323 io. See 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. rahe) | ake igen sep % i¢ —a DIVISION OR STATE AND CENSUS YEAR. GEOGRAPHIC DIvisions—Con. _ East SoutH CENTRAL. eis 6 wee Se ewecessen es ee ee ee ey a a ee i ee ee ee Ce West SOUTH CENTRAL. ee ee ee ey wee eee ee soe seen wees Se ee Se er) Ce ay ee ee ee! Ce i es Se es ee ee a ee es ee ee es er Ce a i Se ee ee Ce es i ay FARMS AND FARM PROPERTY. AND STATES: 1850 TO 1920—Continued. POPULATION. Per. cent Number. bfint crease. 8, 893, 307 rs A &, 409, 901 | 11.4 7, 547,757, | 17.4 6, 429,154} 15.1 5,585, 151-+ 26.8 4, 404, 445 9.5 4, 020, 991 19.6 B BORDER] on nadh 10, 242, 224 8, 784, 534 4, 192} 304 768, 014 742, 371 694; 466 661, 086 648, 936 626, 915 628, 279 583, 169 443, 083 430, 572 411, 588° 376, 530 346, 991 318, 300 He CO OO I _ KSRSARS TESA EAC eS MNAcoOON eee e eee ON WD Gor NUMBER OF FARMS. Per, eent Number. Ot. crease. 1, 051, 600 0.9 1, 042,480 | 15.4 903,313} 37.7 655,766} 15.1 569, 739 532 371,968 | 37.2 271,150 | 21.4 223,436 |......- 996, 088 5.6 943, 186} 24.9 754, 853 | 75.1 431,006 | 36.0 316, 909 | 127.9 139, 030} 40.1 99, 223 | 128.7 Car titi Pee | 3 244,109 | 33.1 183, 446 81.0 101, 327 | 105.1 49, 398 | 97.3 25, 043 81.8 13, 774) 56.3 8, 812 | 88.5 4) oy (cal Pee 234,164 | 23.3 189, 891 |* 34.1 141,581} 46.7 96, 480 |. 64.4 58, 680 |° 70.4 34, 488 | 33.2 25; B52 1. =. db Mis) Ae A 48, 227 |—19.6 60,016 | 1.2 59, 299 | —4.4 62,013 | —3.6 64, 309 ToS 59,804 | 7.4 55,698 | 19.1 4652607. nh 20, 523 |—24.1 27,053 | —7.7 29,324) 0.6 29,151 | —9. 4 32,181 | 8.6 29, 642 | —2.8 30,501 | 4.4 29, 229 |.....5% ALL LAND IN FARMS. Acres. 78, 897, 463 81, 520, 629 81, 247, 643 78, 999, 359 76, 872, 951 66,323, 611 74,776, 655 58, 561, 870 173, 449, 127 169, 149, 976 176, 491, 202 77, 448, 935 56, 627, 272 33, 019, 636 44, 216, 310 19, 083, 596 117, 337, 226 59, 533, 420 46, 397, 284 14, 765, 862 3, 976, 377 L 753, 590 iL 560, 938 ” 337, 420 56, 152, 705 51, 328, 789 47, 399, 576 32) 516, 371 22) 217; 875 14, 465, 496 iL 156, 729 4) 326, 793 5, 425, 968 6, 296, 859 6, 299, 946 6, 179, 925 6, 552, 578 5, 838, 058 5, 727, 671. 4, 555, 393 2, 603, 806 3, 219, 458 3, 609, 864 3, 459, 018 | 3, 721; 173 : 3, 605, 994 3. 744, 625 3, 392, 414 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent decrease. [A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. Per cent not shown when more than 1,000.1 591 ‘Papin 7.—POPULATION, NUMBER OF FARMS, AND FARM ACREAGE, BY DIVISIONS IMPROVED LAND IN Per cent of in- crease. FARMS. Per ree Acres. crease. —3.2'|| 44,380, 132 0.3 43, 946, 846 28 40, 237, 337 2.8 35, 729, 170 15.9 30, 820, 882 —11.3 24’ 218, 478 Pr Ws 25, 891, 024 > RG ort 19, 023, 415 25 64, 189, 606 —4.2 58, 264° 273 127.9 39, 770, 530 36.8 30, 559, 654 7175 18, 985, 889 —25.3 6, 870, 297 131.7 7, 341 202 A Ww 331, 600 |—25. 443 308 | —2. 455, 602 | =2. 469, 281 | —8. 514,813 | 2. 502, 308 | —3. 521, 224 | —5. 553, 938 898, 980 |—13.1 185,788 | —5.5 312,083 | 2.6 253, 432] —8.2 453,541] 3.8 364, 416 | —5.6 504,264 | 5.0 383, 879 Sel el ee el ee ee 1 2 2 2 2. 2 2 2 20, 632, 803 | —6. 22) 030, 367 | —2. 20; 974, 958 19, 119) 084 Pe NNYWWNNR HE ee el a ae ae ae ee wo. “ Basaees ~ Ss oS fre ~ ~ 908, 834 | ty 164, 501 L, 292° 132 L 657, 024 2 128) 311 L 736, 221 7 155, 512 9) 133, 436 132, 855 178, 344 187, 354 274; 491 298; 486 239; 030 835, 128, 356, 487 1, 768, 178 * 13, 158, 781 Ee ro) = al SERSEESS ve we he he Oe NM NM S23 a a = for) ai v_vwerewRY Yh 095 | ae SiR tO DOC Bateste IMPROVED LAND IN © FARMS, 2 Less than one-tenth of 1 percent decrease. ee ‘FARMS AND FARM PROPERTY. — 593 BLE 7.—POPULATION, NUMBER OF FARMS, AND FARM ACREAGE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1850 TO’1920—Continued. [A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. ] NUMBER OF ALL LAND IN IMPROVED LAND IN FREOADON, FARMS. FARMS FARMS , IVISION OR STATE AND CENSUS YEAR. Per Per Per Per Mi) SS ae cen cent cent cent Bg Number.) ofin- Number. Orin: Acres. At in- Acres. atin. crease. crease. crease. crease. MIDDLE ATLANTIC— Continued. a PENNSYLVANIA. “8,720,017 | 13.8 202, 250 | —7.8 17, 657,513 | —5.0 11,847,719 | —6.5 7, 665, 111} .21.6 219, 295 |) —2.2 18. 586, 832 | 4.0 12 673, 519 | =4.1 6, 302, 215°} 19. 9 224, 248 6.0 19, 37 L O15 5.5 13, 209, 183 (4) 5, 258, 113+) 22.8 211, 557 | —0.9 18, 364, 370: |; —7. 2 13, 210, 597 | —1.6 4, 2897 891 | 21.6 213° 542 } 22.7 19, 791, 341 | 10.0 13, 493) 007 16.6 3, 521} 951; 21.2 174, 041} 11.3 17, 994, 200 5.8 11, 515, 965 10.1 2 906, 215 | 25.7 156, 357 | 22.6 17, 012) 140 | 14.0 10, 463, 296 21.3 2, $11, 786 |. ---- 4, 125 BIT eed ah 14, 993'347 [200 7.. 8,628,619 |...... : r 5, 759, 394 | 20.8 256,695 | —5. 5.6 || 23,515,888 | —2.4 ||. 18,542,353} —3.6 “4 167,121 | 14.7 || - 272,045 | —1.7 || 24) 105,708 | —1.6 |] 19,227,969 | +0.1 4 157,545 | 13.2 || - 276,719 | 10.1 || 24,501,985 | 4.9 |] 19,244°472|} 4.9 3,672,329 | 14.8 || 251,430} 1.7 || 23,352,408 | —4.8 18, 338, 824 1.4 3) 198,062 | 20.0 || 247,189 | 26.1 || 24,529,226 | 13.0 || 18,081,001] 25.0 2; 665,260 | 13.9 || 195,953] 8&9 || 217712490] 6.1 |) 14,469,133] 14.6 2) 339/511| 18.1 || ~ 179,889 | 25.1 |} 20,472,141] 13.7 |] 12,625,304] 28,2 1, 980, B290}..42; 11 143, 807 |-....., 17, 997; 493. |......: 9,851, 493 |. ssi: 2,930,390 | 8.5 || 205,126 | —4.8 || 21,063,332 | —1.1 |} 16,680,212 | —1.5 "itz wee 3... ch 2,700,876. | 7.3 || 215,485 | —2.9 || 21,209,823 | 1.5 |] 16,931,252 | 1.5 2,516,462 | 14.8 || 221,807} 12.0 |] 21,619,623} 6.2] 16,680,358 | 10.4 2,192) 404 | 10.8 || 1987167 | 2.1 || 20,362,516 | —0.3 || 15,107,482 | 8.4 1,978,301 | 17.7 |} 194013 | 20.3 || 20,420,983 | 12.7 || 13,933,738} 37.9 1,680,637 | 24.5 || 161,289 | 22.3 |] 18,119,643 | 10.6 |) 10,104,279 | 22.6 1, 350, 428 | 36.6 131, 826 | 40.4 || 16) 388,292} 28.1 |. .8,242°183 | 63.3 £988, #62. . {1 93, 896 |....... 12,793,422 |....... 5,046,543 |owcl ee. - 6,485, 280 | 15.0 |} 237,181 } —5.8 |} 31,974,775 | —1.7.|]. 27,204,533 | —2.7 5,638, 591| 16.9 || 251,872 | —4.6 |] 32,522,937 | —0.8 || 28,048, 323 1.3 4321550 | 26.0 || 264151] 9.8 |} 32)794,728 | 7.5 || 27,699, 219 7.9 3’ 326/352 | 24.3 || 240,681 | —5.9 || 30; 498,277 | —3.7 || 25,669,060 | —1.7 3,077, 871°|, 21.2 || . 255,741 | 26.1 | 31,673,645.| 22.4 || 26,115,154 | 35.1 2 539,891 | 48.4 || 2027803 |. 41.5 || 25,882,861 | 23.8°'| 19,320,952 | 47.6 177117951 | 101.1 |] 143,310'] 88.1 || 20,911,989 | 73.7 || 13,096,374) 159.9 851, 470 |.-+---- 76,208 ‘fc... 4 12; 037, 412 |....):.{) 5,089,545 Joo 3,668, 412 | 30.5 || 196,447 | —5.1 || 19,032,961 | 0.5 |] 12,925,521} 0.7 2’810,173 | 16.1 || 206,960} 1.8 || 18,940,614) 7.9 || 12)832,078 | 88 2 490,982 | 15.6 |] 203,261 | 17.9 |} 17,561)698 | 18.8 |] 11,799,250) 19.6 093,890} 27.9 || 172/344. | 11.9 |] 14)785,636 | 7.1] 9,865,350] 18,9 1,636,937 | 38.2 || 154,008} 55.9 || 13,807,240 } 37.8 | 8,296,862 | 62.8 1, 184,059 | 58. 1 987786 | 58.3 || 10,019,142 | 42.5.]| 5,096,939 | 46.6 749,113 | 88.4 62,492 | 83.1 || 7,030,834 | 60.4] 3,476,296 | 80.2 397,654 |....... .. 34,089}. .-..5. 4’ 383, 890.|....... 1,929,110 |.....-. 19% 2,632,067 | 12.8 || 189,295) 6.9 || 22,148,223 | 5.2] 12,452,216 | 4.6 oe 2 333°860.| 12.8 || 177,127 | | 4.3 || 21,060,066} 6.0] 11,907,606 | 5.9 4900 2” 069, 042 | 22.2 || 169,795 | 16.0 }} 19,862,727 | 18.3 || 11,246,972 | 14.8 1890 ‘| 76937330 | 28.7 |} 1487409 | 9.0 || 16,787,988 | 9.3 |} 9,793,931 | 6.9 a0. 31g? 497 | 24.7 |] 1347322| 30.5 |] 15,353,118 | 31.1 |} - 9, 162,528 | ‘65.3 Pye “a 1’ 054,670 | 35.9 || 102/904 | 48.6 |] 11,715,321 | 48.4 || 5,899,343 | 57.5 18 775, 881 | 154. 1 69270 | 243.3 || 7,893,587 | 165.2-|} 3,746, 167 |. 258.3 305, 391 |... 20;177sbas te 2,976, 658) lessees - 1,,045;499.1 2+... 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent decrease. 75108°—22——38 ' 594 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——AGRIGULTURE. TABLE 7,—POPULATION, NUMBER OF FARMS, AND FARM ACREAGE, BY DIVISIONS | AND STATES: 1850 TO 1920—Continued. [A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. Per cent not shown when more than 1,000.) NUMBER OF ALL LAND IN _ || IMPROVED LAND IN PURUTLAMON. FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. DIVISION OR STATE AND CENSUS YEAR. ro Bee. ver Per cen cen ; cen cent Number. Of ine Number. ofin Acres. of in- Acres. ef ie crease. crease. crease. crease. West Nort CENTRAL. MINNESOTA. ENTERS hoe hgGa Mina a 2,387,125 | 15.0 || 178,478 | 14.3 || 30,221,758 | 9.2 || 21,481,710] . 9.4 POE Pape Tene a eee 2,075,708 | 18.5 156, 137 1.0 27, 675, 823 5.4 19, 643, 533 6.5 POU? co Sava eOU ss cal. & 1, 751,394] 33. 7 154, 659 | 32.4 26,248,498 | 40.6 18, 442, 585 65.7 $s ee 1 310,283 | 67.8 || 116,851 | 26.5 |) 18,663,645] 39.2 || 11,127,953 | 53.6 1980). Sys BOS ek 780,773 | 77.6 92,386 | 98.7 || 13,408,019 | 106.7 || 7,246,693 | 212.1 USe0. . 2h; se ee. He 439, 706 | 155. 6 46,500 | 155.8 6, 483, 828 | 139.1 2,322, 102 | 317.4 R60. 7, MR eee ae, te} 172, 023."p. W255 se 18, £84. BAX 5.08 2, 741,06871 J. ode. 556, 250 |... 22s 185)... Sh tleat fF GUT el. roy Nee OSrSstGk a: | (6,086. |-. sos8t IOWA. é UD ye Ge Ate eee Ana SS 2, 404, 021 Si 213,489 | —1.7 33, 474, 896 | —1.3 28, 606, 951 —3.0 POUG Ss DAS, pee 2,224,771 | —0.3 217,044 | —5.1 33, 930, 688 | —1.9 |} 29, 491,199 =—1,4 $900. . 3) sees wtih 2, 231, 853 16, 7 228,622 | 13.2 34, 574,337 | 13.4 29, 897, 552 17.6 PIO: dre ee 1,912,297 | 17.7 || 201,903 | 8.9 || 30,491,541 | 23.2 || 25,428,309 | 28.0 TT: eae emer ee Le 1,624,615 | 36.1 ||, 185,351 | 59.4 || 24,752,700.| 59.3 || 19,866,541 | 111.4 1800: . Lou eaietpo Le 1,194,020 | 76.9 || 116,292 | 90.1 || 15,541,793 | 54.3 || 9,396,467 | 147.7 $860. 3 22h sane Brae > 674,913 251.1 61,163 | 313.1 10,069, 907 | 268.0 3, 792, 792 | 359.9 PRO o SoPey. See pS 193; 214 32 oe. ol 14,805 }...-.-. 2; 736, 064-1. 45: 824, 682 |..-.... . MISSOURI. . a of 25 BS yal ik Coen eae | ae 3, 404, 055 3.4 263,004 | —5.1 34, 774, 679 0.5 24, 832, 966 120% G40 | TE I ee SE 3, 293, 335 6.0 277,244 | —2.7 84, 591, 248 Ls 24,581,186 3 POO arbi eel the To sce ee 3,106,665 | 16.9 284,886 | 19.7 33,997,873 | 10.5 22, 900, 043 Lovie Sah Oa ENE A 2,679,185 | 23.6 || 238,043 | 10.4 || 30,780,290 | 10.4 || 19,792,313] 18.2 — ST SR ear Oa al 2° 168,380 | 26.0 || 215,575 | 45.3 || 27,879,276 | 28.4 || 16,745,031 | 83.4 Se aver Aree, wee 1,721,295 | 45.6 148,328 | 59.8 21, 707,220 8.6 ||. - 9,130,615 46.2 1900... Leos 1,182,012 | 73.3 92,792 | 70.4 || 19,984,810 | 105.3 || 6,246,871 | 112.6 ASEB.., ee uee Or os 682,044 |... 54,458-|.-...-. 9,732,670 |....... 2; 938,425 |... 00. NORTH DAKOTA : 3 . * 1 O20" 1." 0 Ree ha 646,872 | 12.1 77, 690 4.5 36,214,751 | 27.4 24, 563,178 20.1 1910s 2S Pee ak See 577,056 80. 8 74,360 | 64.0 28, 426, 650 82.9 20,455,092 | 112. LS POR SF 00 pian se 319,146 | 67.1 45,332 | 64.2 15, 542,640 | 102.9 "9, 644, 520 107.1 BOON ok oy 190,983 | 417.4 || 27,611 | 628.5 || 7,660,333 | 645.3 |] 4,658,015 |....... _ 1 RI ORR EE ne See, | Ba 36,909 | 160.3 3,790 | 120.3 |} 1,027,845 | 239.9 259,543 | 508.6 $970.2. R400. To ES 14,181 | 193.2 1,720 joo f 302, 376 |....--- 42, 645 |... nase 18607: U- SOE 2p ae ee SES y i i 123) fee 26,448 Jv... 2, 115 |... ean SOUTH DAKOTA a eA RS NE ae a aoe Le 636, 547 9.0 74,637 | —3.9 34,636,491] 33.1 18, 199, 250 15.0. 490) JRE. Maelo on se 583,888 | 45.4 77,644 | 47.6 || 26,016,892 | 36.4 || 15,827,208 | 40.2 1900: dure Sepceroguen. 401,570 | 15.2 52,622 | 4.9 || 19,070,616 | 67.3 || 11,285,983} 62.2. TROON Ee cs, bec 348, 600 | 254.7 50,158 | 267.6 11,396,460 | 311.0 6,959,293 | 681.2 Tr Se ee ke a Se 98, 268 feed 13,645 |.....2. 2,772,811) 8 age 890, 870 |..... a NEBRASKA. ‘ @ .: e 1900. .) MOE EP 1,296,372 | 8.7 || 124,417 | —4.1 || 42,225,475 | 9.3 || 23, 109, 624 =p T910. ee a ee 1,192,214) 11.8 129,678 6..7 38, 622,021 29. 1 24, 382, 577 a a 1900 oY See Feo ae 1, 066, 300 0.3 121, 525 7.0 29,911,779 | 38.5 18, 432,595 | | Pr 1900.) Mi ee Se 1’ 062,656 | 134.9 | 113,608 | 79.2 || 21,593,444 | 117.1 || 15,247,705 | 177.0 19a. ee en eG 452, 402 | 267.8 63,387 | 415.3 || 9,944,826 | 379.6 || 5,504,702 | 750.8 hs eo ee a 122,993 | 326.5 12)301 | 341.1 || _ 2}073, 781 | 228.5 647,031 | 444.7 1960-4.) Hise. des 28/841 |.2.. 04. 2,980 1c... 1. 631,214 |....... 118,789 |.... 4 KANSAS Cnty & $920 01 sais, 18h db « < 1,769,257 | 4.6 || 165,286 | —7.1 || 45,425,179 | 4.7 || 30,600,760 2. q RONO 2 weiernue eestor 1,690,949 | 15.0 || 177,841] 2.7 || 43,384,799 | 4.1 || 29,904,067 4 ROUO C9 67.00 _ Choe kre Be Rare H bo > F O100 “19, 576, 856 ALL LAND IN FARMS. 12, 426, 675 | 13, 512, 028 13, 985, 014 13, 184, 652 13, 457, 613 12, 105, 280 16, 195, 919 16, 217, 700 21, 612, 772 22, 189, 127 21; 979, 422 21, 412, 229 21) 495, 240 18) 660, 106 19, 163, 261 16, 949, 748 19, 581,214 20, 669, 165 18, 984, 022 20, 732, 312 20, 685, 427 19, 853, 000 | 18, 855, 334 14, 961, 178 19, 104, 545 12; 137, 681 |. IMPROVED LAND IN FARMS, a. cen Acres, of ize crease. 6, 184, 159 1.4 6, 097, 5.6 5,775, 741 9.9 5,255,237 | 27.2 4,132,050 | 37.3 3,010, 539 | —34.2 4,572,060 | 12.3 4,072,651 |....... 13, 055, 209 6.2 12,298,017 | 15.8 10, 615,644 | 10.8 9,582,866 | 16.8 8,204,720} 20.1 6, 831, 856 | —15.3 8,062,758 | 26.4 © 6,378, 479 |....... 2,297, 271-1 27.2 1,805,408 | 19.4 1,511,653 | 31.9 © --1,145,693 | 20.9 947,640 | 28.7 736,172 | 12.5 654,213 | 87.4 349,049 |....... 13,975,746 | —2.6 14) 354) 471 4.5 13,741,968 | 16.3 11,818,882} 10.1 10,731,683 | 32.4 , 108, 850 6.0 7,644,208 | 28.1 5,968,270 |....... 11, 185,302 217 10, 890, 484 6.3 10, 245, 950 9.4 9,362,555 | 10.2 8 £43 278 rit ; , , 795, ae “81.3 5, 175.473 |< coal FARMS AND FARM PROPERTY. : 597 Tasin T.—POPULATION, NUMBER OF FARMS, AND FARM ACREAGE, BY DIVISIONS oe AND STATES: 1850 TO 1920—Continued. [A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. Per cent not shown when more than 1,000.) 4 NUMBER OF ALL LAND IN IMPROVED LAND IN Pe aie ea FARMS, FARMS. FARMS. ‘DIVISION OR STATE _- AND CENSUS YEAR. © ae — aoa Per Br pot i] aye cen cen cen cent ao, | i f ‘Number. of ine || Number. | grin. Acres. | ofin- Acres. | of in. Danis) POS erease. crease. crease. crease. Pee Lien y 3:3 | ets —— 1, 797,114] 15.8 274,382 | 24.3 18, 557, 533 Lez 9,008,310 13.6 aia} Sebeh St Fibs Bs = = Seal. t, 654,,2704) 20.3 220,803 | 53.0 18, 240, 736 3.8 7, 594, 428 10.9 PT eee es 1, 289,600} 14.0 144,318 | 41.8 17,572, 547'| 10.8 6, 849, 390 31.3 8 a eee ee 1,131,597 | 36.7 101,772 | 49.6 15, 855, 462| 20.8 5, 216, 937 23.9 BEOOU. «3 2 Ty eee oe 827, 922 4.6 68,023 | 53.8 13, 121,113 |—17.2 4,209,146 | —16.9 Wy ‘PewEss MASS Deak OO 791,305 | 30.5 42,840 | 26.1 15, 839,684 | 51.0 5, 065, 755 47.1 BepeeO.teoGses.....4...) 606,526 |.....4. 33,960 |.....2. 10, 490,419 |....... 3,444,358 |...... g Wrst Sourn >) CENTRAL! by ARKANSAS. & MMe clewe'--.-.-- i021 1,752,204 7 11. 232,604 | 8.4|| 17456 750| 0.2 || 9 210 556| 14.0 RED Ses ccs cedt atl . 1, 004, s480i |! 20. 214,678 | 20.1 17, 416, 075 4.7 8, 076, 254 16.1 j ; 178,694 | 43.2 || 16,636,719 | 11.7 6,953,735 | 27.0 124,760 | 32.1 || 14,891,356 | 23.5 5,475,043 | 52.3 94,433 | 91.1 |} 12,061,547 | 58.8 || 3,595,603 | 93.3 49,424 | 26.7 7,597, 296 |—20.6 1, 859, 821 | —6.2 39,004 | 119.6 9,573, 706'| 268.5 1, 983, 313 | 153.8 17 FOB Ess. 2,598,214 |....2.. 781, 680: | 222.22. 135,463 | 12.4 | 10,019,822 | —4.0 |] 5,626,226 6.6 120, 546 3.9 10, 439,481 | —5.6 5, 276,016 13.1 115,969 | 67.4 || 11,059,127] 15.9 4,666,532 | 23.6 69,294 | 43.5 9,544,219 | 15.4 3,774, 668 | 37.8 48,292 | 69.6 8,273,506} 17.8 || 2,739,972 | 38.9 28,481 | 64.4 7,025, 817’ |—24. 4 2,045,640 | —24.4 17,328 | 29.1 || 9,298,576 | 86.4 2,707,108 |- 70.2 a 19,470.45 0..u, | °4, 989,043 |....... 1, 590, 025 |-.l.22 ba1—9 LAHOMA. ES ligt aia a 2,028,283 | 22.4 191,988 | 0.9 || 31,951,934 | 10.7 || 18,125,321 | 3.3 (SRS ae 1,657,155 | 109.7 190,192 | 76.1 28, 859,353 | 25.5 17,551,337 | 104.7 eae es 790,391 | 205.6 108,000 |.....-- 22,988,339 |....... eye ih ty gh eee ert... 258,657 |.2..... 8,826 }...-..- 1,606,423 |....... 563,728 | sdb. Bek TEXAS . : 71920... --2...2......,-.| 4,668,228} 19.7 || 436,033: 4.4 |] 114,020,621 | 1.4 || 31,227,503 | 144 Oe a ‘| 8,896,542 | 27.8 417,770 | 18.6 || 112,435,067 |—10.6 || 27,360,666 | 39.8 RS Se ..| 8,048,710 | 36.4 352,190 | 54.4 || 125,807,017 | 144.7 || 19,576,076 | —5.6 Se oe 2,235,527 | 40.4 228,125 |} 31.0 51, 406,937 | 41.6 20, 746, 215 64.0 eer a | 1,591,749 | 94.5 174, 184 | 185.0 || 36,292,219 | 97.3 || 12,650,314 | 326.7 Pe tae ALG t.. La 818,579} 35.5 61,125 }° 42.5 ||. 18,396,523 |—27. 4 2,964, 836. | 11.8 SS 11.604, 215 | 184.2 42,891 | 251.6 25,344,028 | 120.5 2, 650, 781. | - 311.6 Marat eat ...} ) 118 212,692' | .2...5. 125408, 02-2. ot). 11,496, 839'}--..... 643,976 |....... R Mounran. : : > MONTANA. i ..] > 548,889 | 46.0 57, 677 | 120.0 || 35,070,656 | 158.9 || 11,007,278 | 202.4 Ss eis ae 376,053 | 54.5 26,214 | 96.1 13, 545,603 |} 14.4 3,640,309; 109.6 _¢) OEE 243,329 | 70.3 13,370 | 138.6 11, 844, 454 | 503.0 1, 736, 701 89.7 ND A 142, 924 | 265.0 5,603. | 268. 9 1, 964, 197 | 384.2 915,517 | 248.6 Pee ee ee ok 39,159'| 90.1 1,519 | 78.5 405, 683} 190.7 262,611 |. 210.1 Se i a 20) 5954... 2. . 3). i ee 139, 537°|......- 84, 674 2.2220. Figures for 1900 include Indian Territory. 4 , | | ope The 1890 figures for population include Indian Territory; those for number of farms and farm acre- ge are for Okiahoma Territory alone, no data being available for Indian Territory. 598 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE., TABLE! 7.POPULATION, NUMBER OF FARMS, AND FARM ACREAGE, BY DIVISIONS | AND STATES: 1850 TO 1920—Continued. [A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. Per cent not shown when base is less t is more than 1,000.] DIVISION OR STATE AND CENSUS, YEAR. MouUNTAIN—Con. POPULATION. Maoreanes ad Per Per cent cent Number. of in Number. sth crease. crease. 431,866 | 32.6 42,106 | 36.7 325, 594 | 101.3 30,807 | 76.3 161,772 | 82.7 17,471 | 164.6 88, 548 | 171.5 6,603 | 250.3 32,610 | 117.4 1,885 | 355.3 14,999 |....... SC heel 194,402 | 33.2 15,748 | 43.3 145,965 | 57.7 10,987 | 80.3 92,531 47.9 6,095 | 95.0 62,555 | 200.9 3,125 | 583.8 20,789 ! 128.0 457 | 161.1 91184. 2). yes pooe 939,629} 17.6 59, 934] 29.8 799,024 | 48.0 46,170 |. 86.9 539, 700 |} 30.6 24,700 | 50.7 413,249 | 112.7 16, 889 | 263.7 194,327 | 387.5 4,506 | 159.3 39,864 | 16.3 eA ey 34, 277 360, 350 10.1 29, 844 |—16.3 327; 301 | 67.6 35, 676 | 189.8 195, 310 21.9 12,311 | 176.2 160,282 | 34.1 4,458 |—11.8 119,565) 30.1 5, 053 12.8 91,874 | —1.8 4,480 |—11.9 93, 516 51.9 5, 086 35.6 Tae Rb 3,750 Iieap «hie 334,162 | 63.5 9,975 8.1 204,354 | 66.2 9,227 | 58.8 122,931 | 39.3 5,809 | 307.4 88, 243 | 118.2 1,426 | .85.9 40,440 | 318.7 767 | 345.9 D008: fo na ole 1 ees eae 449,396 | 20.4 25, 662 18.4 373,351} 34.9 21,676 11.8 276, 749)| 31.3 19,387 | 84.3 210,779 | 46.4 10,517} 11.3 143,963 | 65.9 9,452 | 92.6 86, 786 | 115.5 4,908 | 35.0 40, 273 | 253.9 3, 635 | 292.5 LT BSO ae ou. 3 O26 $a.'<. . oh 77,407 | —5.5 3,163 | 17. 81,875 | 93.4 2,689.| 23.1 42,335 |—10.6 2,184} 71.0 47, 355 |—23.9 1,277 | —9.0 62,266 | 46.5 1,404 | 35.5 42,491 | 519.7 a WOO Te veces GSO es eee SPs cecil ALL LAND IN han 100 or when per cent IMPROVED LAND IN { FARMS. 4,511,680 2),778,.740 1,413,118 ~” 606, 362 2, 102', 005 | 1, 256, 160 792,332 476, 831, 83, 122 "338 oo bee ¥ a oe : ' : , se eee ee 0 ee FARMS. As cen Acres. of ite crease. 8,375,873 | 58.5 5, 283,604 | 64.9 , 204, 146.1 1,302, 256 | 297.3 327,798 | 324.9 77,9807) 5. 11, 809,351 | 38.2 8,543,010 | 5.2 8, 124,536 | 343.9 1, 830,432 :|.222... $24 493) ote a S41 tt Re 24,462,014 | 80.8 13,532,113 | 42.8 9,474,588 | 106.0 4,598,941 | 294.6 1,165,373 | 263.8 320,346 |..<.05.4 24, 409, 633 | 116.6 11, 270,021 | 119.7 5, 130, 878 | 551.2 787,882 | 24.8 631, 131 |—24.3 833, 549 |—41.1 1,414,909 | 386.9 200 BIA bs cree bee 5, 802,126 | 365.4 1, 246, 613 |—35.6 1,935,327 | 49.2 1, 297,033 | 856.7 135,573 | 521.7 pa ol Mod ae 5,050,410 | 48.6 3,397, 699 |—17.5 4,116,951 | 211.0 1, 323, 705 | 101.9 655, 524 | 341.8 148, 361 65.0 89,911 | 91.9 46, 849 |....2.. 2,357, 163 |—13.2 2, 714, 757 5.8 2,565, 647} 54.4 1, 661, 416 | 213.0 530, 862 | 154.6 208, 510 | 271.6 BAST ae 1, 717, 224 1, 467, 191 326, 873 ecoeces > mae —20.9 31.3 * t *y wo » # ints ) WARMS AND FARM PROPERTY: 599 TABLE 7.—POPULATION, NUMBER OF FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE, BY DIVISIONS oe AND STATES: 1850 TO 1920—Continued. [A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. Per cent not shown when more than 1,000.) yA NUMBER OF ALL LAND IN IMPROVED LAND IN aay} FOPULA TION: FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. 1S in : 2 a SPE BSA a + ee ee ee | ee “DIVISION OR STATE | _AND CENSUS YEAR. Per Per Per Per ee cent cent cent cent Cem 2 Number. ofin- || Number. | orin- Acres. tin. Acres. of in- ek f ; OG crease. crease. crease. crease. — -1920.. --)? 1,356,621 | 18:8 66,288 | 18.0 || 13,244,720 |; 13:1 7, 129, 343 11.9 its oie. 4 eeee---e!) 1,141,990 | 120.4 . §6,192 | 69.2 11; 712; 235 37.8 | 6, 373, 311 83.9 SRE, HET BES 2s ot 518,103 | 45.0 33, 202 |. 83.9 8,499; 297 |} 1038.4 3, 465, 960 90. 4 i ee eee bey chtetag 61857; 232 | 375:6 18,056 | 176.6 4,179,190 |) 196.5 1, 820,882 | 275.9 write Subs stb O20 Lie 75,116 | 213.6 6,529 | 108.8 1, 409, 421 |) 117.1 484, 346 152.2 2 Naame Ba ~ 23,955 | 106.6 3,127 | 185.1 649,139 || 77.3 192,016 | 134.5 1 eee a 43, 504 -Ladicwves 1,330: saute deo 366, 156. }]....... 81, 869 }...... B _—- OREGON. | Ee oe Ee A Pt 783,389 | 16.4 50,206 | 10.3 || .13, 542,318 15.9 4,913, 851 14.9 BEE re aes nine ocnccaccuss Sat iar t Oo | 1c0a. 7. 45,502°| 27.0 11, 685, 110 16.0 4, 274, 803 28.4 td ah eae a 413,536 | 30.2 35, 837 | 40.4 10,071, 328 || 45.8 8,328,308 | —5.3 890... .. 2: Ee 317, 704 | 81.8 25,530 | 57.4 6, 909, 888 || 63.9 3,516,000}. 59.9 _- SARA Raed ae pee . 174,768 | 92.2 ; 16, 217 | 113.7 4,214, 712 76.4 2, 198, 645 97.0 Je OEE AA es 1.32 90;°923 Toon (a Males (6 Fa 2, 389, 252 16.0 1, 116, 290 24.5 ERE bite ints taint nee 52,465 | 294.7 5, 806 | 398.8 2,060, 539 |} 376.1 896,414 | 574.7 OS ee eS Ace tee Pe bp ag ve BOSH. cues 132, 807, bs. 4305. ss CALIFORNIA, 1) a WR. So SS 3,426,861 | 44.1 117,670 | 33.4 29, 365, 667 5.4 11, 878, 339 4.3 ae 60.1 88,197 | 21.6 || 27,931,444 || —3.1]|| 11,389,894 | —4.8 22.4 3 37.1 28, 828,951 || - 34.5 11, 958, 837 —2.2 40.3 52,894 | 47.2 21, 427,293 29.1 12, 222, 839 14.6 54:3 35, 934 51.5 16, 593, 742 45.2 10, 669, 698 71.6 2 47.4 23,724 26.8 11,427, 105 30.9 6, 218, 133 151.9 tide Ho. kB ss. LTR 88 79::994 | 810.4 TSe7RG5) Xo Joek. 8, 730, 034 |} 124.2 2, 468, 034 |....... DRO rt 1 92,597 |... ‘a 872 ota 3,893,985 ||...se- 320454 10.43. Re 600 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE. Pa TABLE’8.—VALUE OF ALL FARM PROPERTY AND OF THE SPV EBA] [A minus sign, (—) denotes decrease.] ALL FARM PROPERTY. Per cent of in- crease DIVISION AND STATE. 1920 1910 1 United States... .|$77, 924, 100, 338|$40, 991, 449, 090 90.0 1 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: 2 New England......- 1, 173,019, 594 867, 240,457} 35. ef, 488, 125, 50 3 Middle Atlantic-...- 3 949) 684, 183) 2, 959, 589, 022} 33.5 4 East North Central... 17, 245, 362, 593 10, 119, 128, 066) 70.4 5 West North Central . 7,991, 434, 545 13, 535, 309, 511} 106. 8 6 South Atlantic: « --.- 16. 132, 917, 760 2 951, 200, 773| 107.8 7 Bast South Central. - 4 419, 466, 237 2, 182, 771, 779| 102.5 8 West South Central -| 7; 622, 066, 027 Z. 838, 154, 337) 98.6 9 Mountain... 20.2 J 4 033, 137, 935 "% 757, 573, 368] 132.3 10 Paci. .cdl J SE tee 6, 307, "O11, 460 2, 780, 481, 777| 90.9 New ENGLAND 11 Maine, cates os 2 ae 270, 526, 733 199, 271,998} 35.8 12 New Hampshire..... 118, 656, 115 103, 704, 196} 14.4 13 Verinonb sa ot uence 222, 736, 620 145, 399, 728) 53.2 14 Massachusetts --.-..-- 300, 471, 743 226, ATy, 025) 32.7 15 Rhode Island... ..-- 33, 636, 766 32, 990, 739} 2.0 14, 509, 073 16 Connecticut - 42 228, 991, 617 159, 399) 771) 42.4 101, 187) 115 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: , 17 Newt orks oss cee ake 1, 908, 483,201} 1,451,481, 495} 31.5 793, 335, 558 18 New Jersey...------- Coty, 847, 948 254, 832) 665| 22.4 142,182, 498 19 Pennsylvania... .. 1. - 1, 729, 353 034 Y 258, 274, 862; 38.0 726,158, 051 East NoRTH CENTR AL? : 20 Ohio... . Seen 3 ee 3, 095, 666, 336 1, 902, 694,589} 62.7)| 2,015, 112, 999 21 Indiana. -dreies ee 3, 042, 311, 247 1, 809, 135, 238| 68.2|| 2,202, 566, 336 22 THinois:) .2: se 6, 666, 767, 235 3 905, 321,075} 70.7|| 5, 250,294, 752 23 Michigan... [wus J L 763, 334 778 1, 088, 858, 379} 61.9 959, 186, 538: 24 Wisconsin .. 2.25 a4 2, 677, 282, 997 i 413, 118, 735, 89.5|| 1,618, 913, 05 Wrst NORTH ena ® : 25 Minnesota... 2.72... - 3, 787,420,118] 1,476, 411, 737| 156.5)| 2,750,328, 432 26 fowat A. bee ae 8, 524, 870, 956 3) 745, 860, 544) 127.6)| 6, 679, 020, 577 27 Missouri... 5.5. ste 2 3, 591, 068, 085 2 052, 917, 488] 74.9 9) 594, 193, 271 28 North Dakota.....-. 13 759, 742, 995 974, 814, 205) 80.5 1, 279, 313, 627 29 South Dakota. -.--..-. 2 823, | 870, 212/ *1, 166, 096, 980} 142. 2 2, 931, 431, 723 902, 606, 30 Nebraskaitter ee £ 201, 655, 992 9 079, 818, 647! 102.0 3, 330, 222° 340} 1, 614, 539, 313] 106 31 ‘Karisas: - 245 beeeaure 3, 302 ’ 806, 187 2. 039, 389, 910} 62.0 2, 475, 635, 172 1 537, 976, 573 SovuTtH ATLANTIC: 32 Delaware: ci. 5.26 80, 137, 614 63,179,201] 26.8 42, 115, 802 34, 938, 161 33 Marylands... 22+. 22 463, 638, 120 2386, 167, 028} 62.0 259, 904, 047 34 District of Columbia. 5, 927, 987 8, 476, §33|/—30. 1 4,156, 148 35 Virginia trices 1, 196, 55D, 772 625, 065, 383] 91.4 756, 354, 277 36 West Vir Pina eee re "496, 439) 617 314, 738, 540} )) 57.7 307, 309, 704 Bye North Carolina...... 1, 250, 166, 995 537, 716,210 132.5 857, 815, 016 38 South Carolina... --... ” 953, 064, 742 392, 128, 314] 143.0 647, 157, 2 39 Georpia.; - sachs see il§ 356, 635, 196 580, 546, 381} 133.7 897, 444, 961 40 Florida... .2e2 2. ees 330, 301, 7i7 143, 183, 183) 136.7 228, 424, 740 East SoutH CENTRAL: 4] Kentucky: ..2.<-- as 1,511, 901, 077 773, 797, 880} 95. 4)| 1,050,752, 680 42 Tennessee... Sevens L 251, 964, 585 612, 520, 836] 104. 4 807, 782, 296 43 Alabama2.2t22..eee ” 690, 848, 720 370, 138, 429] 86.6 415, 763, 862 44 Mississippi. ....-.--- 964, 751, 855 426, 314, 634) 126.3 641, 842, 394 West SOUTH CENTRAL: 45 Arkansass222 4.569.205: 924, 395, 483 400, 089, 303] 131.0 607, 773, 440 46 } Lousiana s ht <.0 eo 589, 826), 679 301, 220, 988) 95.8 883, 618, 162 47 Oklahoma. ......27-. 1, 660, 493° 544 918, 198, 882} 80.8]| 1,171, 459, 364 48 Nextag so seus Le ocean 4, 447, 420, 321] 2, 218, 645, 164} 100.5 3, 245, 208, 649 MOUNTAIN: 49 Montara sso sie oes 985, 961, 308 347, 828, 770] 183.5 691, 912, 265 50 Tdahowss 222 b oc 716, 137, 910 305, 317, 185) 134.6 5il, 865, 869 51 Wyoming -.si.... 334, 410, 590. 167, 189, 081} 100.0 210, 947, 494 52 Colorado. soy tee oe ¥ 076, 794, 749 491, 471, 806} 119.1 763, 722, 716 §3 New Mexico-.<....-- "395, 185, 999 159, 447, 990} 103.9 196, 341, 050 54 ATIZOND = toss cee 233, 592) 989 75, 123, 970} 210.9 156, 562, 606 55 Uta ccect curds aoe 311, 274, 728 150, 795, 201} 106. 4 210, 997, 846 56 Nevada. .<2 ook 2c wee 99, 779, 666 60, 399, 3865] 65.2 59, 362, 239: PACIFIC: Nit Washington......... 1, 057, 429, 848) 637, 543;411) 65.9 797, 651, 020 58 Oregons... te hs ee 818, 559, 751 528, 243 782) 55.0 586, 242° 049 59 California.occélcea iat 3, 431, o21) 861; 1, 614, 694, 584) 112. 5]} 2, 783, 054, OF Teas 317, 195, 448 FARMS AND FARM PROPERTY; CLASSES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. ——$—_$$—$—— —_—_-______| ———_————, 411, 570, 97 412’ 498, 35 | 145,337,226 |> 90, 420,631]: 930| ———__— 1. 43° 880; 207 32}, 133, 406, 040 ee I SO | 92, ote? oe 99, 2) 72 rot 857], 81.6} 176,064, 888 114.1] 311; 098; 790 .2| 190,715,673 | 116.7} 2327 357; 792 2.6| 26, 637,660 2. 9, 499, 329 40.5} 21,234’ 130 35.3] 197359, 755 : 2) 408) 561 34.7} 13,948'097 32.4} 169, 866, 766 ©16.3] 25; 459; 205 46, 3] 163, 826,365 15.5] 146,575, 269 69.5] 127, 403,086 72,9] 222’ 619; 605 67.0} 1227380; 936 96.4) 167,088,909 126.4} 181,087,968 102.6] 309, 172,398 73.5| 138,261, 340 126.7| 114} 186, 865 135.6] 112) 408, 268 92.1) 153, 104,448 77.6| 154,716,977 24.3| 6,781,318 61.8| 28,970,020 37.0| 104,252 95.1] 50,151,466 80.5) 18,395,058 92.6] 54,621,363 159.4] 48, 062, 387 121.3] 63,343, 220 117.2} 13,551,773 68.5] 48,354,857 99.1] 53, 462, 556 79.4| 34,366,217 84.7} 39,881,256 30.21 43, 432, 237 81.8! 32,715,010 114.7] 80,630,547 116.6] 154, 320; 996 241.4} 55,004,212 P177.3] <°B8, 417, 253 164.2| 11,777,949 123.8] 49, 804; 509 95.6] 9,745,369 219.4] 8, 820,667 81.3] 13,514,787 59.1] § 3,630,927 125.0]. 54,721,377 102.8]. 41,567,125 +H 9 136, 069, 290 ESOS den acatt ( Cre HL ata SKS 50,798, 826] 81.9 70, 726, 055 51, 210,071 48, 310, 161 3, 206, 095 11, 859, 771 20, 851, 846 21, 292,171 16,290, 004 16, 905, 312 16, 864, 198 10, 539, 653 10, 476, 051 3, 663, 294 12; 791, 601 13, 205,645 36, 493, 158 [A minus sign (—) denotes decrease.| O> So jaan 163,163,485) 97,896,823 588, 394, 093 349, 159, 535 ny 521, 644, 117 976, 3297 922 ‘ 2, 359, 001, 112)1, 551, 708, 097 "647, 163, 431 ” 366, 534, 152 579, 707, 988 369, 034; 607 B 019, 779, 165 589, 837, 078 "729, 234, 483 388, 746, 520 39,780, 102 19, 160, 923 42,385,331 33, 524,157 4,840, 279 23, 472; 693 313, 554, 695 36, 064, 757 238° 774, 641 287,655,118 261, 264; 188 446, 154, 064 204; 258, 632 322, 312, 115 305, 163, 825 613, 926, 268 389, 839; 045 157, 034, 635 238, 568, 263 336, 443,784 318, 025, 292 8, 600, 665 48, 071, 250 2467 366 121, 969, 281 67, 261, 153 119° 152, 672 OL, 518, 155 155, 043, 349 35,300, 540 158, 387,284 173, 522, 135 112, 824; 748 134, 973, 824 127, 852, 580 83,072,876 215, 927,703 592, 926, 008 154,189, 567 93, 626, 418 52, 447, 001| 54, 008; 183 29, 893, 525 82,316,130 101; 779, 342 405, 236, 934 235, 926, 876 25,161, $39 11, 910,478 22,642, 766 20,741, 366 3,276, 472 14, 163, 902 183, 090, 844 9A, 588, 639 141, 480, 052! 197,332, 112 173, 860, 101 308, 804, 431 137, 803, 795 158, 529, 483 161,641, 146 393, 003, 196 285, 839, 108 108, 249, 866 127, 229, 200 222 229° 004 253, 523, 577 6, 817, 123 32, 570, 134 152, 840 74, 891, 438 43,336,073 62, 649, 984 45, 131, 380 80, 393, 993 20, 591, 187 117, 486, 662 110, 706, 078 65, 594, 834 75, 247,033 74, 058, 292 44,699, 485 152, 432,792 318, 646, 509 85, 663, 187 49, 715, 309 65, 605, 510}. - 70, 161, 344 43° 494, 679 26, 050; 870 28, 781, 691 19, 213, 930 48,865,110 59) 461,828 2217 141, 462 127, 599, 938 IESE Stearn es RS Carte 9 ity ances | htt re ———_- | wena een | Se 72.6 BES ee bw or AOOWW POW kh <1 00 a KARASEES IAD 2 = Go _ © O OO SI Oo Cr i G8 DD 602 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-—~AGRICULTURE. i TABLE 9.~VALUE OF ALL FARM PROPERTY AND OF THE SEVERAL CLASSES, BY DIVISIONS: 1850 TO 1920. [Figures for 1870 are computed gold values, being 80 per cent of the currency values reported. A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. ] LAND AND IMPLEMENTS AND : ALL FARM PROPERTY. BUILDINGS. MACHEGERY. aye STOCK. Seen 2 Tt DIVISION AND CENSUS YEAR. Per Per oot he . ; cent , cent cen cent | Value Ofte Value ofin Value ofin: Value ofin- crease crease UNITED rh STATES. ia W920 Soe ee? $77,924, 100,338) 90. 1)1$66, 316, 002, 602) 90. 6/$3, 594, 772, 928 ‘184. ilse: 013, 324, 808) 62.7 TOEGS eee ees 40, 991, AAS’ 030) 100.5 34) 801, 125, 697) 109.5 1 265, 149° 783) 68. 4 4 925, 173, 610} 60.1 Fe0G" ieee ee es 20, 439° 901, 164). 27.1 16, 614, 647, 49%) 25.1)" "749° 775, 9701. 51.7 33.2. TRIG: eM ae is, 082, 267, 689) 32.0 13° 279° 252° 649}. 30.2 494° 947° 467}. 21. 46.4. TS8Oe 2h Pee Be} se 12,180, 501, 538) 36.2 10, 197 096, 776] 37.0 406, 520, 055), és 28.2. T8703 os... eae eat 8, 944) 857, 745; 12.1 7 444 054° 462}. 12.0) 270, 913, 67 saad BSG coetiewecec ct. 7, 980, 493, 063) 101. 2 6, 645, 045; 007) 103.1 246° 118, 141 “100.2 yO RIS pe A MRR SS) ne 3, ”'967, 343, 580i. < ioU: 3, 27 1. 575, 426) 1 6. ai- p00 b, 201; 412° 394|—69. 0 hi aad par? a 503, 093, 122) 232.8 " 151, 172} TOD) mse aie sete tee eee eee ee eed 132.3 192.3 4, 083, 137, 939 i 757, 573, 368 601; 264; 180 349, 550, 941 122; 598, 535 19, 571, 627 53 307, O11, 460| 90. 2; 780, 481, 777| 149. 1, 113, 329,789} 9. 1, 021) 131; 537} 149. 409, 749, 627] 85. 221, 359, 086} 96. 112, 477, 643} 819. 12, 237, 364}...... 6, 291, 188, 072 3) 128. 506, 882 i 138, 891) 068 LAND AND BUILDINGS. $3, 663, 693, 363 7 738, 397, 839 "933; 780, 823 827, 514, 447). 677, 848) 031 543, 550, 620) 920) 440, 929 371, 934, 332 612; 508, 151 303, 707, 658 134, 716, 055 324, 540, 755 107, 629, 651 3, 163, 187, 783 1, 319, 396, 873 "339° 619, 672 198, 545, 200 58, ‘078, 3 g 961, 817 4 343, 081 1, 965, 721 4,669, 416, 734 2; 478, 146, 254 955, 860, 184 896, 397, 490 332, 804 O81 167, 571, 358 66, 145, 239 6, 723, 211 232, 357, 792 IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY. Per cent Val ue ofin- crease $176, 064, 886) 133.7} $579, 707, 988 57. 75, 339,333] 54.5 48,767,235} 55.7 31, 323, 896] 14.1 27, 464,111} 40.0 19, 612, 753 —39.1 “ 82/200, 055! 50.3 21, 417, 837 Lake LIVE STOCK. Per cent Value ofin- crease rrr ce | a | eee | 369, 034; 607| 73. 213, 320, 732| 8 195, gal, 795! - 38. 141) 305, 435) —0. 142, 401, 400!—31. 207, 383; 065) 105. 100, 733, POG. 5 do 311, 098, 790} 159. 9-1, 019, 779, 165) 72.9 119, 720, 377| 53.6 77, 925, 050} 188. 4 27, 019, 876) 41.3 19, 124, 513} 86.9 10, 9347 828)/—64.8 2a 083, 003) 89.7 15, 329, 938} 0... Ds. 190, 715, 673 49, 429° 975 18, 807, 620 285. 8 162.8 136. 0 131.7 3} 283. 8 100. 6 175.4 249. 9 94.8 52, 2 66, 408, 647 34) 090, 025 22’ 396, 680} 81.2 12; 362, 430) 79.4 6, 890, 958) 86. 2 3, 701, etl pe ak "589, 837, 078) 46.3 403, 138) 495! 105, 4 196; 263, 533} 62,5 120, 757, 317) 113.9 56, 461) 511|—36, 9 89, 469, 364) 217.1 23) 213, Titisaes ; 729, 934, 4831 87.6 388, 748,520] 59. 4 243° 836, 888) 70.5 143, 024” 311] 134.2 61, 079, 979] 528. 8 9,713,558) 56.8 6, 194 091] 203. 4 2 2 405, 236,934} 71.8 235, 926, 876] 91.2 123; 379, 580! 20.6 102; 337, 367| 58.5 64, 583, 116|' 37.7 46, 896,770] 10.0 42) 631, 183] 715.5 5207 Baal) t et ND 1910. AND VALUE OF FARM — 1920 A , FARM LAND, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: ? ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE, CENT DISTRIBUTION OF FARMS PROPERTY TABLE 10.—PER 604 a te ay _ . —) . oO}, mex oat <3 i 4 . ; = 4 ce e BASISR RSS SSRRN « SSS ESRBYSSB6R SA at & S SNe | SSdSdSdSS SSN Hoda HSHS HanHSdSS Saat | 2) — TD Oat oo ae BDO DOm®M KT) DOR HO AHoHOD ORHnD SYDO ASOmmhoOnRE ORO Hg «6 g | gl] SSSsSRkSS| BREIER SES BARES SSRSSRS HS HSIANG Sass Slee SRISHssy SNS S| Sl ardgdrdaws| Sodddd Gol did Graded SSoHisddds dod dade dddcididdss das o : Som | MWOOnmtDH HHS DO WHakhoa ee te ie | SARSLSESSR] BSSRLSNS SSB SARSS ABSHSSS RSSASSASS: SERS BBAG VBRASBABSA SSB 1m © et oe ss Galt ee ee oe + to Le er ee * © © y See ie ASS ae a6 ee on oe. te ° SOD 6S 9 os Sie SS OB sede shee S J orisscSSS SAH aod verdad SSSHSHANS mnididt reine SScoridSSS Fad “Ha 9OoR So — Lor SLO re an amNHOD ; n gas 6 eee e Ree eas | Re eS Seen AOOBRSRS BASH AGAR BSSaiaan Sak ’ a 2 NO i A re x 0015 <6 SSSdccc widow wWoscdd ddd SSWHSriririS Frid HSoNd FaictdddSd riricd i —) ~ tH ; : . } forer) Ormco Os NODRAHHS Te ts | io 4 : NSSBERERS REASSAAS 4 9 ee | Repertete t+ ¥ aes eee ETS al ee oc be ee tet tus. ; es Pera h > ageath pr at : =o Zag = | e| AOS o8 DS wl od od SSSSSS SA Hi SAed dda SSSASHSHS FHSS SSNS SSSonSSSS Hw ae —aa) DoIoOTaAD SHES 100 = : ; : : Ctra DONO ane a 3 BBSRSBSRS MAAGON MMS CSOKG ASSALRSR SSSSBSSRAG SESS ARSS SRSRRASS BSS 3 & & rixigiSridoi wir SSSSSS, ASN HddNod wnidiniciisd SSSridcdtninid dridH Fonds HSodcrHisccdso -F-jixi —) NAAIPDADAS DO IMMDOA HNO sArie D> coi WORN EHMHOND OOO OAH OWMHOOODED SCOn aa = || AXSSaASeak | GASH wos SaBSA SISSSSS BESSEHSAS KLSGES SRAG VEYRASAGA BRS a ap = eS A rs og 1 3 He SSSSSS GSH Hi daid KSadainisd SSSHSHSHS Heide SONS SSSHSSSS HH S SS ON Oe lDOAGHR ADIN LFOoDon nl ; 1 i 2 = wee Sado HSAASSRAK| SBAAGHSA BIN GSRSAs ZSSRSSA BSSSSSARA SSLA ARBRE SASBASIVSSGSR BSS | = 2 i AS 18 1d. SSSSSS ASN Sada YodadiswH SSSHSHAHS dridH HONG HdSSHSSSS rid ra) S o CINCO D HOO OOOO rd. HotHHsy OOD AHOMOD BOWOHHOH HS. 2 az | 2 | S| Sessansns| S288aN SAS SHES FEARESN BL-SARNGR SASS SHER RERSRSRA BBA ee A} S rc etoades wi SSSSdS- SSN Hs SAN Poisdasidd SSHNHHHANS SANK HHS SSOSSSOSSS HSN mz Ge ) Or N00 DAHOmMH AMO BADR O DHONR CO 5 a x e AAGSSHRSE Troon Oo. Oto sis ASSLSBS AON SS&SS RS ZASA ASSSSSSR ASS rai pbs 2 rid me sii dahid SSSSSS ASN GHiSAN Widwinicdsicd SGSOCHHHHNS ANH HHweS ASSHSOSSS HSN o mt ht 0019 b st NE 9019190 Oe HNOOS WOMHOM ee) 4 : =. ooo. o of S S ADEAOAAK RicdON 9A Rat 0 RSSS ASAARBSS SASA SAAR BSSSSAUSS BA 43 S S N wtiod 6 ri HO 1d SSSSSS ASN ANA SMcdAdidl SOCAN ANNAN Fdeicdgh FISOSHHSSS riricd mH AG S o 00 HOY 00 CID ID OO Letomo © _~SSonan con : Bw. tino 3°a- gS | S| RASSRNSkS | ENGRER SAS GASES SRSROVE AS_ASSRSS RISE BEAR SSARRSRA BIS < i 2 rivlal S Sod dais SSSSSS ASH Aad Sdddaviwi SSeHHAHAS ANNE did BSOHNASSS Fried S Lon] I= 0 6190 CO 00 CO HOD e100 CO Oo COD 19 INT Ormr At OS I~ De = mor = ay || BBS Gos SRGGSS SBF ASSAX BASGNSS ARARBSRSE SHAR HSS5 Geos SNS a os S Aree swinn S98SS9S GSd Hid ASdtHHAN SOUNrdANS ddd Grinds SSSSSSSS SSH os oS r—) MOAME HIN 1D 2D Yo) =H .cOCO0019 roHDOOM ~ B°s | & | gl S88Se59RS | RASSSR SSS AAESS ERSRSER SR ABRASLS ASSN SASK BEASIAGS SES Z = 3 ASSN Sided ed SSSSSS SSS Sadia Adtittdad SS adidas ddd GATS SSSSSSSSO FSH . ee i oe Pa A ea 2 ara ee a re i ae Si eae toler a ah vee ee is Re oe We See ey a ‘ | Sen GOAL 2) teeta) as 8 . ' ‘ o- © ‘ . ‘ ’ q 2 ie ~~ “Crm ‘ ‘ “> = ~ 5 a. te" © . i ‘ : siceaeee wo . ee ee er | RRA ay ae ee ie OT i a 3, Cs, Ce ee eee a ee Wee gts eee feral ee res es eo Sere paren ote D6 ae OS ee ee Apa ear ge tee sat einer tee ‘ieee 6 oe ia eae Pa Cgc ese tae eI ROA. = 9-Fol Qe EES Goneiateee GTN eo cbe “appeaahs Uateasued SI fo Bt BRR SE 28 hres eee gibiiin: He ao iy ae Be a aa ee aR eda Nr =< DO set ee es SA «pt bi sth aay SE Balai Sok Rts eS eee PESTLE AICI Fe Sal Sl JOS RLS NR PL Ie it Ree Teel are ty Sr: & OP i 1s Ge os os SoBe AR Thay os hes Bi eae Lahey ae pee Tee Moe tear Be © be tc Bice rag = oe eee ne Se ee @ Pxtsouso-tie id (Be iecsA :: et web ROE aici: 28 ede SE ee Be a ee ae es 8 % Basted a te ee Beer ER lO te eS in tO See PEG Plt pi tig::t gis ASSsae sss: : 419: Bobs MoS ‘ Cee ch tard ee tt ot OO 8 1 8 oe ert Paes aie pe a ho eRe a Oo ad q a o Ma ase HSS s . Ese teSre. (i eS ees 4m oO ae Ss me 3 Si 8 ‘ 5 fap ees "3 z 8 Beosz*Sass A IGESCEESSRS S28 283 HAAG S seeded dha ZESE SS i. 8 i gSaia Bie . — Este, O a> Dod me ne (8-4 050 oa) Pak Sa abel 38 aha. ‘i oe sq: q =O A & SovrSsessa «& gSoq Ors ods LEGG SS orcas ao wUePpsisaryeodager2agsSoks ‘3 ds5 4 ShORAAh OAR Se GAS aZaAM PAAR Ee AROm pods Bd4Om BASE OAADAREOO a a S| < > 5 < is i} | z oS RD = = oy 1 Less than one-hundredth of 1 per cent. Y taht Meee i o>) FARMS AND FARM PROPERTY.’ 605 Taste 11.—AVERAGE ACREAGE PER FARM, PER CENT OF FARM LAND IMPROVED, _ AND AVERAGE VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY PER ACRE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: , 1920 AND 1910. ee = oe ; : va MOTT TAA Tena Sas } A NE TR hae cae ade AVERAGE VALUE PER ACRE, FARM. PER CENT Se pPy OF FARM LAND IM- . a ie E Improved || PROVED. All farm Land and Tanda aide S ott) o 690) Oc d. property. ».|| buildings. ‘mks he A e. 4 ia Berd 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 || 1920 | 1910 |) 1920 | 1910 || 1920 | 1910. || 1920 | 1910 : ited S “148. 2) 138.1) 78.0} 75.2)| 52.6) 54.4/) $81.52) $46. 64)) $69. 38) $39. 60); $57.26) $32. 40 el as? it —— as noone ed : mn ee ena) : a as, ela _ 89.1) 38.4|| 36.0) 36. 8]| 69.04) 43.99)| 54.00) 36,45), 28.73/ 19.38 iddie Atia 62. 5} 62.6)| 65.5) 67.9]! 97,35) 68.52)! 73.99} 56.56); 40.96) 33.86 mB. N, Ce ~ 84.0) 79.2) 74.7) 75.41) 146, 48) 85. 81 126. 87| 75. 25!) 102.31) 61.32 Reis ‘ I -156: 2} 148-0} 66.7} 70.6} 108. 93]- 68,18)| ‘95.22! 49.92)| 83.04) 43. 21 , ee A ~ 41.9) 43.6)| 49.6) °46.7]| 62.72} 28.44|| 53.20} 23.96)) 40.92) 18215 E.8. Centra 42,2! 42.2\| 56.3} 58. 91|. 56.02] 26.78]| 46.44) 21.32)! 36.96) 16.28. ‘ Centr: 64.4) 61.81] 37.0} 34.4)|- 43.94) 22.69)| 36.27) 18.50)| 31:18)" 16,06. fain. . 123.3] 86.8|} 25.7] 26.71) 34.80) 29.52]! 26.96) 22. 16]|* 23. 88/° 19.73 PPPagifie: - 3.5005. 102.2] 116-1}} 42.6) 42.9]} 94.51]}° 54.17/] 83.16) 48.28]) 74: 21) - 43.76 New ENGLAND: BEEOD. 5 one renah oi 41.0) 39.3! 36.4}..37.5|| 49.86} 31.65)| 37.62) 25.35); 21.09) 13,73 . ew am pahire 34.2} 34. 3i| 27,0) 28.6l1 45.57| 31-91) 34.56! 26. 44)| 18.21) 13.70 _ Nerm 47 Seat: asad | 6] 58.2) 50. 39. 85.0)| 52.58) 31.18) 37.56) 24. 14)/ “19. 587 12.52 _ Massachuset 28.4 31.5|| 36.4} 40.5|| 120.45} 78.75)| 99.25} 67.51)| 51:17) ° 36.69 Rhode Island..|. 81.2) .83.8| 32.5} 33.7|] 40.1] 40.2) 101.44) 74. 42)| 79.58) 63.01|| 48.75). 33.86. __ Connecticut. -..| 83.8) 30.9} 86. 9]) 36.9) 45.2/| 119.53} 72.93)| 100.20) 63.28)| 53.28) 33.03 — My) ! ern oad - 106s 5 68.1) 68.8!) 63.8} 67.4|] 92.50) 65.89]) 69.07} 53.78) 38.45) 32.13 76.8 3 52.4) 53. 9/|, 68, 2} 70.1)} 136. 62! . 99.01/|. 109. 67}. 84.36)| 62.29) 48.23 SBieo- 58:6) 57. 67.1) .68.2|| 97.94) 67. 43}| 75.14; 56.01]] 41.12) 33.92 _. sitapapaeth) Bapetiy aaa 6) |'72.2) 70.7|| 78.9] 79.8!| 131.64) 78.93/| 113.18) 68.62|) 85.69; 53.34 T 98.8] 81.3) 78.6]| 79.2| 79.5)| 144.44) 84.94/| 125.98] 74.85)| 104.57} 62.36 129.1) 115.1) 411-4!}--85.4}.-86.2)| 208. 50) 120..08}| 187.59} 108.32] 164.20) 95.02 91.5) 65,8) 62.0)! 67.9] 67..8|| 92.65) 57.49!| 75.48) 47.68]| 50.40) 32.48 65.8] 67.2]) 56.2) 56.5!! 120.88! 67.10)| 98.78) 57.06); 73.09) 43.30 120. 4) 125 71.1) 71.0;} 125.32) 53.35)| 109.23) 45.62}| 91.00) 36.82 2 ot 156. 3) 134.0} 135 85. 5} - 86. 9)| 254. 66) 110. 40|} 227. 09} °-96.00}). 199. 52) 82. 58 +8} 94.4) 88 71.4+ 71. 4-103. 27| 59. 35} 88.08) 49.61}! 74.60} 41.80 466. 1) 0382-3) 316. 2) 275. 1/) 67.8} 72.0)| 48.59) 34.29)| 41.10) 28. 941) °35/33) 25769 1464. 1] 335. 11! 243. 8} 203. 8|| 52. 5)! 60.8)| 81.53) .44..82!| 71.40] 38.63], 64:42) 34.69 185.7} 188. 0|| 54.7) | 63.1)|. 99. 51) 63.85); 87.91! 46.95]|. 78.87)" 41-80: 244. Of) 185. 1) 168.2)! . 67.4) 68.9)| 72.71) 47.01|}. 62.30} 40.05)| - 54.50) ' 35.45 aware jG 2. 64. 4] 65,'8]| . 69. 1) -68.7)| 84.85) 60.82!) 68.56] 51. 17|| 44.59) 33.63 aryland . Ai. 65. 5) 68. Git . 65. 9} 66.3), 97.44) 56.59]| 81.25) 47280)| © 54262) 32.32 i mbia-. 20.9) 23.7|| 75.1] 84. 7//1,045.87|1,398.08|| 984. 01)1,357.64|| 733. 27/1,186.53 ‘ eS ee k 171. 5) 107.2) 90. 53.9| 52.6|| 85.50) 57.79)| 69.43) 46.38)) 61.11] 41.63 Sa i 777.6) 133. 5) 114.3]) 17.8) 14 7| 28.32) 19.57|| 19.88] 11.46]| 17.86) 10.41 ee whe * 293. 1| 129.2) 93.21] 31.7| 31.8)| 44.02} 36.32]! 35.40) 30.19)| 31.22) 26.81 ‘ 315.9] 57.5} 41.1)! 7.0} 13.0|| 13.32) 14.15 9.09} 9.92 8.04! 8.77 a See 5 135.1] 71.5] 38.0]| 12.3} 28.1!) 40.26) 60.26!) 29.70} 37.93)| 26.98] 33.97 SRE é 156.7} 66.8 63.11} 34.0] 40.3!) 61.63) 44.38]| 48.26] 34.601} 41.78) 29.28 Nevada........ 745. 2/1, 069. 6} 188.0) 279.7|| 25.2) 27.7|| 42.33) 22.25), 28.11) 14. 59}| 25.18} 12.99 PACIFIC: - | ) Washington....| -199.8} 208.4| 107.6} 113. 4 53.8] 54.4|| 79.84) 54.43/| 69.49) 48.84); 60.22) 44.18 Oregon 269.7| 256.8) 97.9) 98.9)| 36.3] 36.6]| 60.44) 45.21] 49.86) 38.99) 43.29) 35.23 Californi 249.6! 316.7! 100.9) 129.1|| 40.4] 40.8]| 116.84) 57.81]| 104.67) 51.93)| 94.77) 47.16 beet 606 ABSTRACT ‘OF THE CENSUS——AGRICULTURE. | 1 TaBLE 12.—NUMBER OF FARMS IN THE UNITED STATES, WITH PER eae DISTRIBUTION, BY SIZE: 1880 TO 1920. NUMBER OF FARMS. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION. SIZE GROUP. . 1920 1910 1900 1890 1880 1926 | 1916 | 1900 | 1890 | 1880 Total. .-uL-< 6, 448, 343 | 6,361,502 | 5,737,372 |4, 564,641 |4, 008,907 |/100. 0 100. 0 |169. 0 [100.0 |100. 0 Under 10 acres... - 288, 772 335, 043 267,229 | .150,194 | 139, 241 4,5 5. 3 3.3 | 3.6 Under 3 acres... 20,350 18, 033 41) $89. [IF 4,°352 | 'O.3) | OOS $10.7 fee... - 0.1 3 to 9 acres..-... 268, 422 317, 010 225, 844 mi stale aft clef 134,889 |} 4.21] 5.0] 3.9 J...... 3.4 10 tosk® acrese. - an 507, 763 504, 123 406,641 | 265,550 | 254,749 7.94 SE9 5.8 | 6.4— 20 to 49 acres...... 1,503,732 | 4,414, 376 1,257, 496 902, 777 |... 781, 574 |} 23.3 | 22.2.) 21.9 | 19.8 | 19.5 50 to 99 ‘acres. ..--- 1, 474, 745 | 1,438, 069 i 366, 038 |1, 121, 485 |1,032,81074] 22.9 | 22.6 | 23.84) 24.6 | 25.8 © 100 to 499 acres... .| 2,456, 107 | 2,494,461 | 2,290, 282 |2, 008, 694 {1,695,983 || 38.1 | 39.2 | 39.9} 44.0:] 42.3 100 to 174 acres - ° 449, 630 1, 516, 280. bel 422, 262 Jo gar. Pas sia dee pak aes 22.5 | 23.8 roth el. sist 1750259 acres. .| "530,800 | 534, 191 400,069 fo. sa. 2 0c. }oecnabaye 8.2] 8.44 9p ip 4 Pip Fl 260 to. 499 acres - . 475, 677 443, 984 377, Gal tacts bo -chee eee ReY 7.4) 7.04 PY delpscue 500 to 999 acres....|. 149,819 125, 295 102, 526 84, 395 75,972 || 2.3 | 2.0 1.8] 18] >1.9 1,000. acres. and ss OVED .5 6c os - eee 67, 405 50, 135 47, 160 31, 546 28,578 || 1.0} 0.8 0.7} 0.7 TABLE 13. —FARM ACREAGE, WITH PER CENT DISTRIBUTION AND PERCENTAGE OF FARM LAND IMPROVED, BY SIZE OF FARM, FOR THE UNITED STATES: Se AND 1910. PER CENT. DISTRIBUTION. PER CENT ALL LAND IN FARMS IMPROVED LAND IN OF FARM (ACRES). FARMS (ACRES). LAND SIZE GROUP. All land Improved || IMPROVED. © nas 1920 1310 1920 1910 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 || 1920 | 1910 — Total..... 955, 883, 715| 878, 798,325] 503,073,007] 478, 451,'750|| 100. 0} 100: 0) 100.0 100.0] 52.6} 54.4 Under 20 acres.|* 8,688,899} 8,.793, 820]; _7, 803,761) 7, 991, 543]; 0.9 1. 89.8} 90.9 20 to 49 acres... 43, 464, 330 45, 378, 449 38, 507, 730 36, 506, 032}; 5.1 7. 6}| 79.5} 80.6 50 to 99 acres...| 105, 630, 796 103, 120, 868 72, 621, 719 71, 155, 246] 11.1 14, 68.8} 69.0 100 to 174 acres. 194, 681, 260 205, 480, 585 128, 200, 972 128, 853, §38}} 20. 4 26. 65.9] 62.7 175 to 499 acres. 276, 806, 995} 265, 289, 069 170, 074, 735| 161, 775, 502)} 29. 33. 61.4) 61.0 500 to 999 acres. 100, 975, 916} 83, 653, 487 43, 134, 952 40, 817, 118}; 10.6 8. 47.7| 48.8 1,000 and over. 220, 635, 519} 167, 082, 047 37, 729, 138 31, 262, 771}| 23.1 6. 5||. 17.1) 18.7 a * i s, : at “SIZE OF FARMS. > 607 E14.—VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY IN THE UNITED STATES, BY SIZE OF FARM: 1920 AND 1910. >|. ALL FARM PROPERTY. | LAND AND BUILDINGS. _ LAND ALONE. SIZE GROUP ; _ (acres). 1920 1910 1929 1910 $77,924, 100, 3381340, 991, 449, 090' $66, 316, 002, 602/934, 801, 195, 697 $54, 829, 563, 059/828, 475, 674, 169 -| 2,452, 977,205) 1,520,384, 193)| 2,093, 165,093) 1,309,907,611|| 1, 322, 556, 907 802, 210, 953 as 5, 864, 412) 204 . 974, 490, 664 4 921, 514, 885 2, 485, 471 119 3, 678, 033) 741) 1, 815, 363, 083 awe il, 183) 267, 488 6, 003, 926, 775 9. 345, 378, 110 5 029; 510, 723 7, 137, 266, 114 3, 809, 362, 679 ‘ 20, 901 pgs 301 11; 089, 188, 836)} 17, 820, 667, 684 9) 405, 391, 855 14, 566, 824; 506) 7,613, 104) 371 - 7, 868 13° 650, 063, 506 22, 879, 246, 128 Pais 762, 614, 964 19, 750, 806, 952 10, 066, 760, 303 78538, TTL 473 2, 907, 900, 770 4) 725, 55S, 030 4 483, 160, 122 4, 192 956, 165 2, 210, 728, 394 5,598, 231,799] 2,845, 494, 246 4, 530, 472, 673 2,325, 069, 303||. 4, 181,018,674] 2, 158, 144,336 ©“) BUILDINGS. IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY. LIVE STOCK. 1910 1920 1910 1920 1910 8,439, 543) $6,325, 451, 528)| $3, 594,772, 928) $1, 265, 149, 783 $8, 013, 324, 808) $4,925,173, 610 Be SO Ls See aia a sea aaa peeve eee Time en iy Tee is NR, yl aia has Mai 507, 696, 658 115, 976, 829 47,198,043 248, 885, 283 163, 278, 539 4 670, 108) 036 290, 712} 393 107, 014, 301 652, 184) 926 382, 005, 244 011, 996} 1, 220, 148° 044 608) 088, 704 224° 064) 159}} 1, 229° 800, 674 750, 351) 893 253, 843, 178 1, 792, 287, 484)). 1, 031; 828, 610 365, 417, 498 2, 049, 293, 007) 1, 318, 379, 483 bee 439, ee t 695, 854, 611 1 141; 309, 585 381, 446, 010 bs 369, 092 155 i 506, 002; 532 273: 431, 728 "249 499° 917 80, 052, 723 ” 565, 723, 526 "344, 687, 925 aa | 2 a Bs m8 166,924, 967|| 164,363,890] 59, 957,049] 903,395,237}. 460,467, 994 608 CTD OP OO RO ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—=AGRICULTURE.. TABLE 15,—~FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE, AND VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY, BY NUMBER OF FARMS. DIVISION OR STATE AND SIZE GROUP, 1920 UNITED STATES. Total... Mave 2: 6, 448, 342 Under 20 acres. ... "796, 535 20 to 49 acres... .- 1, 503, 732 50 to. 99 acres... 2. L 474,745 100 to 174 acres... 1; 449, 630 175 to 499 acres... L 008, 477 500 to 999 acres. .. - "149, 819 1,000 acresand over 67, 405 GEOGRAPHIC — DIVISIONS. New ENGLAND. Total:2 JO09 28"; 156, 564 Under 20 acres... .- 25, 886 20 to '49 acres... ..: 21; 117 50 +099 acres: 27> 3 38, 036 100 to' 174 acres. ... 37, 993 175. to 499 aeres.... 25, 173 500 to 999 aeres . 1,916 1,000 acresand over 443 MIDDLE ATLANTIC. fe 425,147 Under 20 acres. ... 65,725 20 to 49 acres...... 70, 492 50 to 99 acres... ... 120, 323 100 to 174 acres.... 116, 009 175 to 499 acres... 50, 487 500 to 999 acres.... 1,736 1,000 acresand over j East Norra | CENTRAL. Total: sarc, 1,084,944 Under 20 acres. ... 90,7 20 to 49 acres.-.... 172, 052 50 to 99 acres... ... 335, 439 100 to 174 acres. ... 325, 390 175 to 499 acres - 155, 489 500 to 999 acres... .| 4,912 1,000 acres and over 759 West NortTH CENTRAL. VOU ae. as oe 1,096, 951 Under 26 acres. ... 46, 093 20 to 49 acres...... 81, 820 50 to 99 acres.-.... 170, 896 100 to 174 acres... 351, 003 175 to 499 acres.... 366, 438 500 to 999 acres... 60, 561 1,000 acres and over 20, 140 SouTH ATLANTIC. TOM ee cern we 1, 158,976 Under 20 acres. ... "187, 326 20 to 49 acres.....- 401, 259 50 to 99 acres.2.... 280, 114 100 to 174 acres... 175,311 175 to 499 acres... 99, 833 500 to 999 acres... 11, 269 1,000 acres and over 3, 864 1910 €, 261, 502 "939° 166 gE 414, 376 L 438, 069 i 516, 286 978° i75 125, 295 50, 135 188, 802 34, 304 33, 822 45, 932 44, 019 28, 008 2 139 578 468, 379 1, 123, 489 108, 283 197, 164 340, 940 315,607 155, 585 5 147 763 1,109, 948 52) 536 91, 971 181, 843- 368, 669 346, 875 55,179 12) 875 1,111, 881 "186, 956 354, 207 251, 901 181, 336 117, 899 14 555 5, 027 256, fk 229 "492 » 589 2, 911, 141 13, 083; 750 50, 3227 130 106, 104, 113 41, 245, 581 49, 883, 925° 97,775, 243 2 152, 615 12) 553, 867 18, 939, 611 22) 025, 845 25, 903, 020 7 214’ 715 8, 985, 570 282, 648, 121 37, 138, 135 25, 024, 390 103, 782, 255 1, 991, 481 uw 035, 210 17, 173, 796 9, 454, 383 10, 220, 106 ALL LAND IN FARMS (ACRES), - mois 1920 1910 | 1920 955, 883,715 | $78,798, 325 “503, 079, 007 8, 688, 899 793, 820 |} 7, 803, 761 48) 464, 330 | | 45,378, 449 || 38, 507, 730 105, 630,796 | . 103; 120, 868 || 72,621,719 194) 681, 260 | 205) 480, 585 | 1 276, 806,995 | 265, 289; 069 || 170,074,735 100,975,916] 83,653,487 || 48) 134, 952 220,635,519 | 167,082,047 |] 37,729, 138 37 16,990,842 | 19°714,981 || ¢ 114, @ot 944” 585 317, 557 170,621 889, 873 1, 1017352 449; 163 2,675,297 | 3, 210/561 || 1, 12279 4’ $37,480 | 5,575,475 || 1,843" 6,359,454 | 7,062,543 ||. 2) 106,513 1; 179, 292 1) 324° 559 294; * 304; 661 1 122) 884 127, 599 40,572,901 | 43, 191, 056 26, 562, 107 ” 625, 807 ”751, 343 ” 527, 338 2,359, 653 2, 596, 184 || 1, 807, 576 8,636, 151 9, 335,076 || 6,365,742 14,768, 937 | 15,710,409 || 10,165,376 12) 148275 | 12° 531,376 ” 089; 1,068,668 | 1, 154,723 Ad, "985, 410| 1,111 945 181; 878 117,735,179 | 117,929,148 || 87,894,835 ”64,702 | 1.002397 "750, 504 6, 118, 911 6,907,601 || 4,733,625 25,198,225 | 25, 448° 406 || 19,369, 470 43,040,457 | 41,708,394 || 32,715,984 38,071,074 | 38, 250, 593 953, 200 3,027,709 | 3, 205,712 || 1, 886,723 1,414 101 1, 406, 045 535, 239 171, 394, oe ”365,7 2, 189, 58 10, 112° 177 39, 768, 6380 80, 515, 564 25, 376, 134 13, 066, 610 10, 611, 747 10, 911, 152 2) 501, 953 y, 874, 459 1910 ‘| as, 451, 750 | 161,775,502 | 40, 817, 118 | | 81,262, 71 | 29, 320, goa | : "645, 2, 014, 736 | %, 028) 777 | in 230, 267 | * 7, 720, 162 | 8,947,298 | 893, 205 | 19, 692) 117 | 31, 821, 219 | 28, 505, 359. : 2) 027,345 | ” 570, 189, | | 164, 284, 862, { 79 , 733 1 oo 8 ~Ie rrwohSS< Re ™“ “ - ; J é ~ars en ee oe. a 328 $40, 991, 449, 090 1,520, Pay 193 4 . op art 87 be she iG 188, 836, |? opts 2 fe 240, 457 ‘173, 183, 193 11 9958, 5 ), 589, 022 262, 182, 753 . 334) 871,082 9 | 729,373; 201 ~ 942/702, 370 602, 201, 806 54,091, 937 3 | 40,119, 198, 068 269, 634, 199 7 | 3,475, 729,461 ~ 8348, 816, 072 -? 946) 983° 68, 464) 351 134,545 | 13,535,309, sit : 87 | 7151;054; 813 i : hs 0 9, 200, 32 732 |. 3,648,055, 704 632 |. 6, 285, 529, 579 1, 432; 0137 395 ” 848 654, 301, 892 ig : 1a 8, 961, Pes gi "174, » Br0? 68 { 564, 548, 460 = 640,491; 377 772, 173, 629 490, 32 1300150 198, 542) 197 260,591, 546 157, 048, 390 —75108°—22——39 si7n OF FARMS. VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY. Land and buildings. 1920 1910 Implements and machinery, 1920 609 ES, BY SIZE OF FARM, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. Live stock, 1920 $66, 316, 002,602 |$34, 801, 125,697 | $3,594, 772,928 | $8,013, 324, 808 2,093, 165, 093} 1, 309, 907; 611 tg 4, "92k, 514, 885 2) 485, 471° 419 } 9, 345, 378, 140 | &, "0297 510, 123 117, 820, 667, 684 | 9, 405, 391, 855 29° 879, 246, 128 | 11,762,614, 964 “103; 684, 445-1), 1157 060, 073 "84, 165, 873 4,725, 558, 030 4, 15805472, 672 917,468,584 718, 544, 808 102, 930, (ies 93, 749, 802 120, 904, 586 997 415, 227 179, 361, 405 143, 027, 415 219, 528, 111 167, 577, 293 | 232. 136, 573 168, 134, 552 39, 948, 124 Pip 992; 625 23, 359, 007 18, 647, 894 3, 002,137,754] - 2, 442, 949, 103 "246, 241) 639 235, 705, 545 338, 345, 820 287) 713, 829 759, 290, 542 597, 452, 188 952; 456, 523 "57, 538, 229 607, 765, 251 487, 133; 975 57, 504, 141 46, 416, 557 40, 533, 838 30, 988; 780 4 14,937, 641, 971 2, ; 483” 160, 122 2 325, 069, 303 &, 872, $91,594 , 245, 2407 935,704 801,012, 883 | 547,475,778 2,942, 580,223 | 1,778, 191,397 5,328,277, 223 s 0407 388; 836 5, 120,305, 700 | 2,985, 416, 667 "332,595,981 | 221; 406, 654 624, 816 62,176, 558 eek ts 24, 89, 495, 169 11,614, 665, 870 6, 527 132) 495, 516 417, 456, 245 | 250; 463, 450 |» Ly 724, 388, 662 897; 439, 966 |) 6, 928, 263, 659 | 3, 1217 921, 068 11, 718, 597, 795 5, 437, 429° 168 2; 314, 566, 806 1, 230, 317, 448 1 173, 295, 475 | |. 4, 599, 254 5, 201, 773, 472 2, 486 436, 474 "309, 946, 850 "148, 599, 191 974, 052, 677 365, 777, 254 1, 137, 834, 706 467, 510, 682 1; 098; 039, 216 | 3 534, 692 0343 + 165, 596, 871 657, 034, 694 "984° 954, 968 172, 377, 094 231, 348, 184 140, 445, 216 1 115, 976, 829 243, $35,283 | 2 290, 712,393 652, 184, 926 | 3 608, 088, 704 Bs Wr 229, 800, 674 | 4 1, 031,828,610 | 2, 049,293,007 | 5 L 141, 309; 585 7 369,092, 155 | 6 "40" 492, 917. "565, 723, 526 | 7 164, 363, 890 | 903, 398, 237° 8 92,387, 525 163,163, 485 | 9 5, 869, 324 8, 482) 457 |.10 9, 612, 265 15, 378, 995 | 11 18) 107, 210 31, 521,457 | 12 26, 519, 229 47, 172, 194 |13 27, 465, 150 bi, 260, 777 | 14 3, 403, 009 6, 700,091 | 15 1,411, 338 x 647, 514 |16 359, 152, 336 588,394, 093 | 17 18, 536, 155 21 210, 543 | 18 35, 192, 550 45, 527, 331 119 - 97,178,478 |... 142,110, 859 | 20 127, 564, 673 217, 815, 080 | 21 73,916, 650 147; 524, 868 | 22 4) 938) 517 9,957,575 | 23 1,825,313 4,947, 837 | 24 786,076,895 | 1,521,644, 117 | 25 17, 261, 304 26, 81 13, 679 | 26 50, 922) 988 96, 811,916 | 27 191, 185, 891 350, 667, 133 |28 993, 938, 517 553, 451) 587 | 29 217,515,216 452, 343, 102 | 30 11, 909, 338 32, 197,321 |31 3, 343, 551 9, 359, 379 | 32 1, 762, 08: 264 9, 359, 0 001, 112 |33 2) 084 18, 835, 266 | 34 23 33" 863 52° 698, 006 }35 93) 975, 887 188, 698, 554 | 36 339, 213, 792 634, 205, 281 |37 533, 594,275 | 1,041,019, 562 | 38 116, 628, 419 240, 482) 014 |39 45, 699,944 | . 183, 062, 429 | 40 283,980,857 | 647,168,431 | 41 17, 080, 609 39, 7, 536 | 42 52, 380, 494 134,1 187, 595 |43 66, 154, 160 151, 964, 977 | 44 64, 289, 237 138, 228 469 | 45 63, 087, 394 132, 806, 264 |46 12) 745, 101 29° 529° 090 | 47 8, 243) 862 20,999; 500 !48 CONT SO. Ore GO De 610 TABLE 15.—FARMS AND, FARM ACREAGE, AND VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY, BY DIVISION OR STATE AND SIZE GROUP. GEOGRAPHIC DivI- stons—Con. BKast SoutH CENTRAL, Total... eee: Under 20 acres. - -- 20 to 49 acres .....- 59 to 99 acres. .... 100 to 174 acres... 175 to 499 acres... . 500 to 999 acras~-.. 1,600 acres and over West SoutH CENTRAL. Under 20 acras.’22: 20 to.49 acres /.2 22 50 to 99 ‘acres ~...2 100 to 174 acres... | 175 to 499 acres.’ -: | 500 to 999 acres... .| 1,000 acres and ever MOUNTAIN. Peru... tee Under 20 acres... - 20 to 49 acres.....- 50 to 99 acres... 2. . 100 +0 174 acres. 2. : 175 to 489 acres... 500 to 999 acres... .! 1,600 acres and over; Paciric. 1,600 acres and over NEW ENGLAND. Maine, total..... Under 20 acres...- 20. to 49 acres ....-: 50 to 99 acres /...-: 100 to 174 acres... 175 to 499 acres... - 500 to 999 acres... 2} 1,000 acresand over New Hamp- shire, total.... Under 20 acres... . 20 to.49 acres:..... 50 to 99 acres...... 100 to 174 acras.._. 175 to 499 acres... . 500 to 999 acres’... . 1,000 acres and over NUMBER OF FARMS. 1520 1, 051, 600 203, 187 373, 138 235, 444 152, 992 77, 078 7,245 2) 516 996, 088 07, 878 296 , 729 235,213 212, 167 120, 429 19, 717 13,955 244,109 ' +79 1910 1, 042, 480 211, 614 350, 256 225, 976 157, 414 86, 297 8, 396 2 527 $43, 186 102, 044 251, 444 216, 860 222, 794 118 416 18, 239 13, 396 182, 446 23, 426 19, 383 19, 330 64,788 41, 676 8, 483 6, 365 189, 291 39,084 37, 754 24, 585 37, 908 31, 109 11, 316 8, 135 60, 616 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE. "ALL LAND IN FARMS (ACRES). 1920 1910 78,897,463 | 81,520, 629 _ 2,450,056 | 2,485, 330 | 11,490,514 | 10,670,111 16,327,012 | 15,708, 129 19,467,801 | 20,216, 555 19,735,293 | 22, 187, 511 “4, 649, 488 5, 421, 938 4,777,299 4, 831, 055 173,449,127 | 169,149, 976 || 1,224, 899 1,242, 446 || 9,517,329 8,037, 214 16,474,756 | 15,230,102 28,772,928 | 30,702,647 33,001,746 | 31,958, 649 || 13,209,211 | 12,188,775") 71,258,258 | 69,790,740 "217, 337, 226 |)” 59, 533, 420 191, 311 180, 499 |}. $63, 634 642, 802 |; ~~ 1,995, 062 1, 434, 802 6, 808, 693 9, 976, 088 25, 196,184 | — 12,933,225 20, 869, 699 5; 910, 654 |} - 61, 412/233 | 28, 455,350 56,152,705 | 51,328, 788 511, 835 347, 232 1,759, 408 1,181, 922 2,300, 932 1, 771, 873 4,637, 079 5, 545, 969 _ 10, 197, 836 | 9, 507, 053 8, 611, 553 7, 855, 208 98, 134,062 | 25, 119, 532 5,425,868 | 6,296,859 44,723 67, 517 226, 831 314, 397 1, 002, 134 1, 246, 571 1, 815, 473 2. 078, 196 1, 893, 306 2, 041, 995 282, 488 284, 828 161, 013 263, 355 2, 603, 806 3, 249, 458 27, 828 42, 565 111, 567. 146, 013 344, 807 434, 835 631, 682 787, 462 990, 126 1, 221, 669 267, 007 322, 557 230, 789 294, 357 IMPROVED LAND IN FARMS| _ 1920 | 290 44,380,132 | 30,105, 868 | - (ACRES). | 5 SS Les | ae ip —— ¥ ES an “J Pa — es = 5 Da Xie egisesee = NO Oe oo ws we Cie olen 62 98 82 eae wea 2 bt bat 8 8 00 BD wen ey Ye Ye & ve ee 3 FOR Ey cake en ee eh See BSSagesy On 170,349} _ Ali farm: property. » 1920 1910 Pes ato, 466, 237 $2, 182, 771, 779 ~ 7331, 009, 396 152, 983, 691 - + 890,301? 106 390, 932; 384 ‘a 0 “917, 411,024,] 4417 908) 422 |. 987,942) 592 477, 645, 909 Py} 9537 183” 487 518, 269, 413 216: 791, 594 118, 851, 954 i 17, 827, 038 82, 130, 006 ae: s 7,822, 066,027 | . 3,838, 154, 337 177, 2337 986 ’ 025; 420 “$14, 478) 166 328, 918, 382 i > 233° 773, 314 547, 785, 092 1, 784, 007; 995 955, 057, 901 |e 1°50, 207; 689 884, 761, 185 |} 6543; 539; 870 276, 894, 479 | feo 1,318, 825, 007 | 752, 711, 878 ii pe ae os, 083, 127, 939 1, 757, 573, 368 |’ 109, 380, 022 91, 026, 992 | 201,979; 045 103, 745, 173 ‘| ~—-.338, 295) 934 137, 817, 598 |. 864; 330, 039 361; 153, 266 } 1,084, 422, 479 434) 117) 572 657, 928, 535 191, 913, 186 Bis 126, 872, 585 437, 799, 581 i% “5a 307,011,460 | 2,780,481, 777 |” 485; 243° 906 223° 235, 857 789, 625, 973 316, 714, 472 => age 275, 164, 884 378, 725, 987 592, 978, 377 355, 763, 169 637, 899, 031 199, 271, 988 ee J 18, 349, 654 | 46, 032, 860 . 90, » 64; 458, 680 | < ” 27 49, 708, 232 q 8,812, 451 5, 012, 347 7 7 “2neo, 229, 455 2, 666, 569 jee cue ¥ } ‘se : |. 118, 656, 115 103, 704, 196 ‘[o. ~7, 759; 575 | 10, 890, 484 10, 749, 482 et. daa mF Ae , I 7 Fe tse’ 805 30, 235, 377 8).429° 495 7, 258, 398 009 5,101, lil SIZE OF FARMS, ~ VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY. Land and buildings. 1920 1910 $3, 663, 693, 363 | $1,733, 397, 839 278; 8 92,652 | "122" 796; 696 723,647,323 | 300,677,928 741,251, 21f | 3417585; 076 773,356,259 | 377,318, 696 807,567,327 | 424; 085, 873 187, 102°779 | 100,346; 667 151, 875, 812 71, 586, 903 6, 291, 188,072 | 3, 128,596, 882 ” 144, 2537 094 72, 535, 495 666, 927, 717 254, 640, 834 1, 029,654,155 | 439) 513, 149 1, 502) 914’ 643 785, 668, 672 1,475,985,451 | 735, 359, 191 ’ 450, 937,758 | “229, 842° 248 1,020,515,254 | 611, 037, 203 3,163, 187,783 69, 286, 413 166, 535, 182 230, 555, 602 450, 095, 418 857, 908, 592 514, 878, 994 823, 927, 582 4, 668, 416,734 "434° 441) $96 712, 632) 152 550, 461, 603 567, 736, 632 893, 382, 568 543, 768, 479 204, 108, S71 67, 458, 814 57, 020, 492 6, 585, 475 2, 724, 425 89, 995, 870 6, 406, 699 8, 577, 375 15, 150, 479 19,980, 665 27, 150, 090 6, 669, 157 6, 061, 405 966, 992) 704 —_——— 1,319, 396,873 54, 910, 190 87, 355, 935 115, 954, 389 2827 364, 876 339, 662, 884 140, 170, 868 298) 977, 731 2, 478, 146, 254 ” 208) 179, 472 291, 950, 884 250, 836, 461 337, 921, 842 528, 357, 960 314, 289) 961 546, 609, 674 153, 619, 626 eh 570, 427 15, 302} 117 36, 562, 364 50, 555, 750 39, 190, 736 4) 161, 055 2, 277, 177 85, 916, 061 , 104, 281 9, 187, 967 14) 413” 621 19, 065, 747 24” 369) 313 6, 197) 466 4) 577, 666 Implements and machinery, 19290 $176, 064, 886 11, 544, 644 34, 989, 677 40, 988) 511: 39, 528, 653 36, 153,704 7, 615,417 5, 244’ 280 311, 093, 790 7, 980, 229 34, 616, 784 53, 414,726 80, 019, 568 83, 233, 134 24° 172, 736 27 661, 613 190, 715, 673 4, 988) 872 11; 062) 682 17, 813, 587 30, 067, 748 59, 867, 792 33) 606, 375 33, 308, 617 232, 357, 792 22) 433’ 608 38,391; 090 29, 270, 254 30, 687, 193 46, 476, 270 27, 474; 005 28, ede 660 , 037 1 137 785 5, 930, 277 9, 601, ”430 7, 752, 326 681, 960 187, 845 9, 499, 322 484, 804 825, 064 1, 658, 248 2) 446, 666 3, 159, 720 572, 700 |. 352, 120 37, 625, 372 —_———— 127; 087, a 611 D UASSES,' BY SIZE OF FARM, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. Live stock, 1920 $579, 707, 938 40, 572 100 131) 664, 106 135, 171, 302 125; 057) 680 109, 462) 456. 22’ 073) 398 15, 706,946. 1,019, 779,165 25, 000, 663 112) 933, 665 150, 704, 433 201, 073, 784 190, 989, 104 68, 429° 376 270, 648, 140 729,234, 483 35, 104, 737 24) 381, 181 39, 856, 045 84) 166, 873 166, 646, 095 109, 443, 166 269; 636, 386 405, 236, 934 28, 368, 302 38, 602, 181 39, 105, 914 48, 122° 059 77, 039, 927 46, git) 495 39, 780, 102 1, 171, 474 2; 762, 330 9, 240, 940 13, 872; 700 11,370, 457 1,045, 016 "B17, 185 19, 160,923 868, 072 1, 488, 045 3, 357, 563 5} ,075, 126 6, 474, 995 1 187, 638 "709, 484 OO IO? C2 OD AD ke 612 CONT OTR Coty © © 1,000 acres and over}: ” 500 to 999 acres... TaBiEe 15.—FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE, AND VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY, 5 DIVISION OR STATE AND SIZE GROUP. (|: NEw ENGLAND— Continued. Vermont, total. Under 20 acres. -.- 20:40:49 acres feo: 50 to 99-acres. 228 - a8 AA 100 to 174 acres... -] 175 to 499 acresecs sf 2 500 to 999 acres: .. 2}. Massachusetts, Ota 2 SS ee Under 20 acres..-. 20 to 49 acres.....- 50 to 99 acres.....- 100 to 174 acres... - 175 to 499 acres... -} ° 500:to 999 acres: :.. 1,000 acresand over Rhode Island, | Sota Tees Gg Under 20 acresee% - 20 to 49 acres: .2:2. 50 to 99 ecres?..... 100 to 174 acres...- 175 to 499 acres....- 1,000acres and over Connecticut, LOL... terse Under 20 acres. 2. 20 to.49 acres -.0. 8. 50 to 99 acres... is. 100 to 174 acres... . 175 to 499 acres.... 500 to 999 acres.... 1,000 acresand over}: MIDDLE ATLANTIC. New York, total... 2.2 Sh 193, 195 Under 20 acres... 26, 540 20 to 49 acres..2.2. 27, 267 50.t0.99 acres....... : 50, 784 100 to 174 aeres.... 56, 92 175 to 499 acres, - -- 30, 461 500 to 999 acres /... 999 1,000 acresand over 215 New Jersey, total ...: 2. 6&2. 229, 702 Under 20 acres wisp": 7,222 20 to 49 acres. .2p.. 6, 763 50 to: 99 acres... 2: fs 7, 367 100 to 174 acres... 6, 251 175 to 499 acres. ... 1,950 500 to 999 acres-... 93 1,000 acres and over 56 Penusylvania, total 2.27: S828. M 202, 250 Under 20 acres. 222}: ‘31, 963 20 to 49 acres. .002. “36, 462 50 to 99 acres..0... 62, 172 100 to 174 acres. 52, 829 175 to 499 acres... 18, 026 500 to 999 acres... 644 1,000 acres and over 154 ABSTRACT OF: THE: (CENSUS—AGRICULTURE. -NUMBER. OF FARMS. 986, 917 10, 606 26, 815 6,035 6, 306 6 634 4 999 2, 613 188 40 ; 215,597 34,188 31,047 56,821 61,031 31, 163 1, 104 ” 243 168, 420 ~ at : oe, a EHO 8 . 7 ALL LAND IN FARMS IEPROVED LAND IN FARY 1s| (ACRES). (ACRES). . ij nit | { Taqpouy smal ité |) 1920 = | one a910 4 1, 691, 595. 237 44 “1,633, 2; 494, an 84, 533 242; 466 474, 580 618, 820 Yt 733, 572.1% 172,086: 331,600 9,087 * © 31,7400 70, 151 88, 382 89, 728 27, 012 ae a4 898, 980 Ace OD By pase 38) _ gskz os O16 17, 631, 513 SE nBES g58 Se nT ¢ TIVO The eG, "All farm property. ¢ , 7 - , + : AT VI OWA 1 eS re bot a ae ea idl ea ore iat eet cca Ate ; oy “16, 792, 32h “947, 587, 931. i x: Ags 299) 9062} .~ 45, 827) 15Be).% o 50; 631) AGE e,0 44, 674) “ASD + 49° 45107998 9; 549; 210: 7, 723, 758 : 39 |} 51 26, 382, 926° ALD. $33 . ‘5, 169, 439 5,309, 083 6140, 626 4,789, 185 5,056, 297 1,101,300 $66,930 . 5190, 270, $27 i 188, 319, eet © 27,683, 6525) — 24..940,'957 37, 008,531 2 25,932) 631. G (ai 46, 449) 259) 31,914,010 38,670; 182 99° 049, 903 f a 32° 450, 092 | 23, 625, 686 63) |/ 8) 6)178h607!|. 98> 4) 0497'753 BBY EL racKs 1, 833, 281 495° |) 1, 425, oer, 740. 1,184, 6 909 "107,997 044 "108; 638, 214 148,987, 988 129, 618, 019 317, 697, 839 264,212) 934 445,882, 444 340, 162; 667 353,816, 726 277, 308, 685 _ OF, 143, 232 17, 667; 078 3 ou ae os en Ey . » 754 51,875, 789 59,041,617 31, 466, 639 5,129, 585 6 bisetby DBO 4; 041 1,088, 755 96,068, 746 1247395,056 3 382 1 281,863,465 416, 016, 173 438) 433, "905 338, 333, 945 214) 769) 225 219,413,139 | - 178,358, est 16,090, 491 21,722) 527 14, 143; 740 8, 602, 324 12) 353, 673 7,905, 152 a RO ee VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY. ” Land and buildings. 1$112, 588,275 ”, 692) 142 "184, 168, 185 39, 272, 556 36, 665, 199 40,030, 114 44: 868,149 32, 098) 128 6, 375, 085 3, 955, mae 2, : PXS a 2%, 932, 860 103, sel ea 58, 62Bis|r<0 87) 800,774 59, 470° 078 | 26, 426, 462 is 770, 846 ” 557, 150 613 SSeS Implements wo Fs i. and._.._| |’ Live stock, machinery, | 1920 1920 ‘$21, a 13 bors, 385;331 | 1 275 4. 922? 311}. 2 } 850" 533 «| - ‘Ay 419, 815 |} 3° 9, 386, 710. 4 534, 217 |. 4 6, 367, 258 5 9, 777, 108 19, 991,259 | 6 "974, 304. 2, 177, 274) 7 294, 942) ” 4997 871} 8° “49, 858, 155 33, 524, 157 HT pts 2, 473, 335 3, 594,269 3,564,472 5,491,086 | 11 4,346,255 7,389,071 | 12 4, 248, 668 7, 816, 352 8, 636,022 7,063,812 | 14 S685, 547 + i, 370, 253 405, 456 "799, oA 16 2, 408, 561 4, 840, 279 1? C1 B02"427 "456,420 | 18 0M W14' 213 851,890 |19 555, 765. ae 290, 319 |-20 ‘ 608; 460 a3 raf 171, 486 | 21 : 363,304}? > !10k" 90624341 93 * 129, 792 210, 839 | 23 34, 600 62,891 | 24 43, 248, 097 23,472, 693 | 25 1,238, 446}. 1,469,911 | 26: 2, 211, 198 3, 365,829 |'27 - 8,279,955 5, 709,347 | 28 8, 246, 747 6,395,946 | 29 2,776, 670 5, 553, 820 | 30 ~ 858,706 © 709,071 | 31 } ave 136, 375 * 268, 769) | "109, 866, 766 313, oo se | “8, 137, 192 4 14,570, 261 . 18 ite 208 | 35 39° 829) 833 aM 5 | 36 59,728, 664 115, 6667120 37 43, 939, 127 98, 279, 449. PY Paty 303 “ge, 389 - “23, gs 205 614 CONOR Whore ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——AGRICULTURE. Be”, TABLE 15,—FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE, AND VALUE: OF FARM PROPERTY, BY DIVISION OR STATE AND SIZE GROUP. ' East Nortu CENTRAL. Ohio, total: ..... Under 20:acres.... 20 to 49 acres...... 50 to 99 acres...... 100 to 174 acres.... 175 to 499 acres... 500 to 999 acres... 1,000 acres and over Indiana, total. - Under 20 acres. ... 20 to 49:acres...... 50 to 99 acres...... 100 to 174 acres... - 175 to 499 acres. ... 500 to 999 acres... 1,000 acres and over Illinois, total.... Under 20 acres.... 20 to 49 acres...... 50 to.99 acres.....- 100:to 174 acres.... 175 to 499 acres._.. 500.to 999 acres.... 1,000 acres and over Michigan, total. Under 20 acres. ... 20 to 49 acres...... 50 to 99 acres...... 100 to 174 acres.... 175 to 499 acres... 500 to 999 acres.... 1,600 acres and over Wisconsin, total Under 20 acres: . 20 to 49 acres...... 50 to 99.acres:..5.2 100 to 174 acres... . 175 to 499 acres... . 500 to 999 acres... 1,000 acres and over West NorTH CENTRAL. Minnesota, Lot abeceiw tisk ch 20 to 49 acres...... 50 to 99 acres...... 100 to 174 acres... 175 to 499 acres.... | 500.to 999 acres. ... 1,000.acres and over Iowa; total..... Under 20 acres. ... 20 to 49 acres...... 59 to 99 acres...... 100 to 174 acres.... 175 to 499 acres.... 500 to 999 acres... . 1,000 acres and over en NUMBER OF FARMS. 1920 256, 695 205, 126 19, 916 34, 949 65, 066 57, 895 26, 265 90. 130 237, 181 16,710 26, 989 51, 920 81, 459 58, 186 1, 733 184 ety 447 2744 40; 765 71, 391 52 645 18, 075 “ 1a) ¢ S 7 or 1910 272,045 38, 913 20, 294 206, 960 14, 785 49, 890 73, 748 50, 622 17, 143 607 165 177,127 156,137 co =] aa Tk een a ee A ee ee i a ed a ee ee ALL LAND IN FARMS IMPROVED LAND IN FARMS (ACRES). Bile a Eee PE! Bs 1920 1910 1920 1910 23, ae 888 24, 105, 708 18, 542, 353 19,227, 969 4 ie 558. 326 | 1,719,606 || 1,278,657 | 1,441, 294 6,372,019 | 6, 4447930 |} 5,191, 712 ) 437 3'969,102 | 8,850,408 || '7}098,910 | 7} 053, 181 5,677, 796 0,366. || 4, 297/908 | 4,641, 288 ” 446, 953 ”488/963.||°311; 411 ly» 7355; 502 181,748 217, 458 93,920 | 121,078 21,063,332 | 21,299,823 || 16,680,212 | 16, 931, 252 139, 627 "224; 480 164, 487 | 7196; 615 1,227,117] 1,384,816 "|| » 1,006,186 |» 1, 155, 565 4/359 427| 4,977,801 || 3,992,245 | 4,097,432 7,591,255 | 7,485,481 ||. 6,072, 468 |. ~ 5,996, 101 | 6, 433, 804 | 6, 400,036:|| 4,945,009 | 4,923) 766 ” 553, 839 591, 015 378, 543 418, 564 208, 263 229, 194 121,274 | 143,209 31,974,775 | 32,522,997 || 27,294,533 28, 048, 323 156, 187 186, 520 "1397166 | 169, 516 925,154'| 1; 129, 398 783, 957 |) 973,339 3,995, 671'| 4,337, 599|| <3, 402, 208 | » 8,795, 685 | 11, 133, 433. | 10,964, 517 ||. 9,759, 866 | 9, 672, 197 | 14,501,272 | 14, 446; 916.|| - 12,251, 989 | 12,384, 215 1,057,205 | 1, 135, 951 768, 254 849, 90 275, 853 322, 036:|| 179,148 203,465 | 10, cane, 18 eee 2 seit, One 3 121 1,489,135 | 1,814,802 || 1,126,919] 1,351,445} 5,369,830 | 5, 537,099 || 3,974, 158 } 3,998,814 6,856,373 | ° 6,591,003 ||, 4,796,617 | 4,539, 148 4,335,771 | 4,125,482.|| 2,675,770 | 2,602, 019 404, 907 391; 180 165, 962 159, 477. 456, 281 343, 917 81, 410 59, 425 | 22,148,923 | 21,060,066 || 12, 452, 216 | 11,907, 606 | 88, 280 93; 289 | 72, 326 78, 135 | 919, 179 858, 979 537, 906 516, 151 | 4,671,278 | 4,150,977 || 2,809,157 | 2,511,749] 8 490,294 | 7,816,985 || 4,988123| 4, 560,592 | 7,122,431 | 7,257,798 || 3,772,664 | 3,954,071 | ” 564, 805 598, 603) ||' | 212, 553 |)” 243, 896° 291, 956 : “59,487 | 43,012 | 30,221,758 | 27,675,828 || 21,481, 710 | 19, 643,533 | 590; 468 35) 963 989° 773 Diet | 2 539,514 | 2,055, 944:||- 1, 559, 948 258, 9,502,408 | 8,031,778 || 6,489, 189 4 15,279,791 | 14,515,821 |] 11,393,210 | 10,910, 810 | 1,916,545 | 2,118, 081 433, 3 617, 4 408, 114 468, 358 274, 297 327, 7 weed Mie ogee 458, 651. 537,644 | 370202 | ae 2,782,734 | 2,980,189 |} 2, 420° 641 12; 052)654| 11} 243738»). 10,600, 330 | eee 16,712, 805 | 17; 206,099 14, 124, 470 1 875, 500 1, 151, 201 1) 513, 469. 864,587 | 1,203, 4 214,371 ” 331, 584 138, 884 fl *< SP ae ‘eS ewe jv dis BW AS All farm property. 1920 | $3,005, 688, 336 ie ; AD =e 1,082 9337 395 ~ 117, 933, 347 257, 255, 622 gsi) 586, 095 ae 107, 714, 421 042,311, 247 68, 324) 284 195, 360, 879 | 718, 116, 861 4 073, 709; 741 "897, 712, 086 67, 112, 281 21, 975, 115 «8, 666, 767, 235 i 2,321; 586, 190 ig 144, 857, 401 “190, 945, 915 aay 221 2, 167, 933 740, 638, 558 E 42, 128) 851 183, 672, 538 3,787, 420, 118 29° 456, 529 | 1,230; 611; 629 | 894; 666, 526 “183, 808, 962 | 531,903, 525 | 8,524, 870, 956 1910 $1, 902, 694, 589 90, 26 9§°77),2697 558 | © ~ 339, 613, 389 1, 569 172) 563, 402 527, 673, 508 656, 815, 339 411, 552, 516 32) 9597 856 10, 868, 399 re rt 135, 238 368, 084 130° 613, 030 497, 573, 278 | 622? 912 383° 520, 695, 792 44, 353, 853 13, 618, 818 3,905, 321, 075 65, 823, 456 129; 353, 311 459, 661, 046 1,303; 933,769 1, 787, 900, 988 (igo? 938, 305 30, 710, 200 1, 088, 858, 379 || 31,976, 581 129) 751, 200 331, 890, 216 365, 150, 937 208, 536, 983 15, 061, 629 6 490, 833 1, ee 118, 785 32) 204; 509 78, 927, 279 322) 194’ 108 526, 917, 033 420; 129, 793 25,969) 962 6,776, 101. 1, 476, 411, 737 16, 009; 503 34, 382) 024 127, 892; 388 421° 275, 955 759, 178, 062. 97, 954, 894 19° 718, 911 3, 745, 860, 544 +) 263, 422) 121 1, 847° 414, 631 141; 479, 947 28, 797, 757 SIZE OF FARMS. VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY. Land and buildings. | 1920 $2, 661, 435,949 104, 365, 453 221, 038; 609 752, 479, 545 9497 553, 636 572, 5027 799 46, 568, 014 14, 923, 893 2, 653, 643, 973 58, 725, 125 165, 813, 204 617, 899, 988 936, 277, 150 796, 084) 561 59, 369, 828 19, 474, 117 5, 997, 993, 566 940, 004 148, 577,095 620, 974; 020 2, 0847 294 974 2) 857, 902, 028 172) 057, 852 40, 317, 593 1, 436, 686, 210 38, 961, 427 150, 269, 336 431, 375, 137 502, 195, 333 282° 847, 645 19; 117, 412 il, 919, 920 2, 187, 881, 973 38, 253, 136 115, 314, 339 519, 851, 533 856, 026, 130 610, 968, 667 35, 482) 875 11, 985, 293 3,301, 168, 325 286, 331, 943 i 063; 975, 693 af 668, 275, 582 163, 622° 738 28) 307, 426 7,601, 772, 290 63, 673, 895 117, 881, 873 632; 355, 272 2, 792, 174° 568 3, 741; 311, 488 "9017 595, 887 32) 779, 307 1910 $1, 654, 152, 406 81, 009, 747 149) 415, 179 454” 592) 415 569, 462, 824 360, 7285, 828 29° 425,7 9° 960, 680 1, 594, 275, 596 43° 197, 215 111, 641, 607 371, 629, 800 549, 502? 724 465, 787, 540 40, 161, 060 1% 355, 650 3, 522, 792, 570 59, 074, 577 uu 860, 899 405, 785, 654 1 174, 168, 111 i, 627, 581, 457 "116; 284° 511 28) 037, 361 $01, 138, 299 28° 255, 364 106, 804, 968 271 485, 989 301, 276, 358 174; 584, 535 1, 201, 632, 723 801 67, 753, 125 272) 697, 539 445, 978, 819 357, 177, 307 22) 494° 803 6, 132, 329 1, 262, 441, 426 14, 224) 838 28, 966, 718 106, 823, 204 355, 727, 207 653, 616, 766 85, 672, 938 17, 409, 755 3, 257, 379, 400 39, 306, 861 63, 692) 308 295, 461, 882 if 096, 625, 573 1, 614, 102, 750 183 994? 559 25, 195, 467 Implements and mmagenery 920 $146, 575, 269 5, 491, 570 12. 643, Okt 45, 395, 269 53, 387, 596 27, 296, 384 1) 725, 975 ” 635, 158 127, 403, 086 3,295, 466 9, 359, 677 33, 732, 754 46,177, 211 32’ 268° 007 1,989) 379 "580, 592 229-619, 605 4) 002; 443 7,919, 128 28) 407, 528 81) 845, 245 94) 448° 496 5,070,294 926, 471 122,389,936 2, 566, 820 12,459, 577 38, 801, 733 44) 049, 669 22° 561, 769 uf 275, 353 675, 015 167, 088, 909 1, 905; 005 8) 541,289 44 848’ 607 68, 478,796 40; 940) 560 1, 848 337 526, 315 181, 087, 968 1, 305, 742 4, 306,020 19, 401, 020 61; 962; 011 84’ 539) 790 8,068) 532 1; 504, 853 309, 172, 358 3, 296, 192 6, 07 5, 892 31, 869, 033 122? 311, 246 138, 534, 425 6, 341, 359 "744, 251 615 Live stock, 1920 $287, 655, 118 8) 076, 324 23) 573, 696 83) 711, 281 104; 773, 189 61, 149, 781 5,054,171 17316, 676 261, 264, 188 6,303, 693 20, 187; 998 66, 484) 119 91, 255, 380 69, 359, 518 5, 753, 074 1, 920; 406 446, 154, 064 6, 248° 338 16, 938, 504 57, 856, 448 155,515, 971 192’ 506, 877 13,817, 769 3,272) 157 204, 258, 632 3,067, 579 19, 535, 426 63, 115, 076 73, 478, 578 40, 597, 595 a 775, 168 1: * 689, 210 322,312, 115 3,117, 745 16, 578, 292 79,500, 209 128) 428’ 469 88)729, 331 4) 797,139 1, 160, 930 305, 163, 825 2° 157, 178 8, 302) 204 33, 880, 426 104 673, 925 141, 851, 154 12° 117; 692 ry 181, 246 613, 926, 268 5, 172, 602 1? 682, 650 56, 174, 473 929? 225; 296 295, 479, 010 19° 730, 203 3, 462) 034 GOT OR OU Co DO 616 COND OP Whe ‘|,20 to 49 acres... 2. TABLE 15,>FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE, AND VALUE) OF FARM PROPERTY, BY DIVISION OR STATE AND SIZE GROUP. West NortH CENTRAL—Con, Missouri,.total-< Under 20. acres. - 20 to'49.acres... 1.2 50 +0'99.aeres.. 2... 100: Go. 174 acres... 175 to 499. acres... 500 to 999 acres i _. 1,000 acresand over. North Dakota,: total Under 20 aeres.... 20 t0'49 acres... 2. 50.t0'99.acres:..J.; 100 0.174 acres .....: 175.to. 499 acres... 500 to, 999 acres. J... 1,000 acres and over South Dakota,. total Under 20 acres... .| - 20 to 49 acres. ..... 50:to 99 acres... J. ‘“ 100 to 174 acres... 175 to 499 acres... . 500 to 999 acres... 1,000 acres and over| > Nebraska, tOtake ints gs Under 20 eres. .\... 20 to 49 acres...... 50 to 99 acres. ...- 19 100 to 174 acres... .}, 175 to 499 acres... . 500 to'999 acres. . 1,000 acres and over , Kansas, total... Under 20 acres. 50'to 99 aeres. 100 to 174 acres. 500 to 999 ¢ acres... . 1,000 acres and over SoutH ATLANTIC, Delaware, tOtelie 2. ks Under 20 acres. | 20.t0 49.acres...... |, 50 to 99 acres... 2... . 100 to: 174 acres... . 3: 1,000 acres and over}: ef: pe 175 to 499 acres... .} 500 to 999 acres... . Maryland, totaly gsc fe ad Under 20: acres. | 20 to 49 acres-.2.. . 1 - 100 t6.174 acres. 175 to 499 acres. 500 to 999 acres. 1,000 acres and over » akin Ds 744 fea 185, p86 : 1, "20, 287 - 49. 044 1920 “S49 417 x 361 x 701 vad, 163 ons 157 47, BLL 5,914 3330 8 277 64, 047 12) 127 4174 ABSTRACT OF THE, CBNSYS--AGRICULTURE, NUMBER. OF FARMS, a Mb cing | IMPROVED LAND IN FARMS | —- -whytyporr datal {4 ALL LAND IN FARMS. mene ay 1910 277, 244 / 84, 774, 679 19,7561 ° 163,519" - £7, 398 1, 470, 343 74,178 5,080, 089 80, 020. 4}: 10, 669,125 |... 51, 921 | 13, 250, 052 |. 3,427 334, 718 |. 54 106, 933 74,360.|| ° 36,214,751 | - 28,426, 650 229; 2,780 lage k, BOS 450. . beh | 1, 207 eee » (94,008. 23, 003 ger 3, 6th OB 00 34,393 || 14,982, 215 |. - 12,000, 916 |} 12,662 || 12,773,126 |, 3° 788; 550 II, 2,416 6, 558, 368 3, 839, 694 77,644 ||. 34,636, 491 |, 808 ~ 6, 243 | 1,121 2, 406: 28, 396, 33; 041 12, 222, 971 Eye 9, 698 8, 124, $59 2,174 |} 11, 618, 082 |p: 129,678 || 42/225, 475. |, 4,358 29, 549 Jor, 4,558 12,618 43, 916 821 | AT, 233 Be 633, 939 | 13, 128; har 3) | 3,867.{| ° 14,236, 906: |: 3, 177, 841.) 45, 425, 179 ee Fi ane eas 760. } 8, 042: 63, 141 | 66 Hie 56, 475 |). 10; 738° 282) 070 | : 26,151 1, 557, 398. |. 57; 789: ris 264. T1837 61, 286 19, 147, 028 18, 018, 076. 10, 475 gs 265, 173 T 121, S81 | 3,360 8, 846, 256 7, 291, 876 10, 836 1, 038, 866. 1,535) 15, 185 . 1,988 | 66,119 2, 977: _) 211, 100 7) 2, 849. 359, 476 |} 1,429>| 345, 465. 52 32, 210 6 9, 3il j ¢ A8s923-||< 5, 057, 140 , 50,2820, © } CSL BROZ9eua | 7 $F 19,9460), a MiSeE te 070 506 83 pe I ae SE ee Sa ee ee a ne ee ee ed el arertren sry: eves eA 10° Sizi OF FARMS, > ” > 617 SSES; BY SIZE OF FARM, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920'AND 1910—Continued, tf 1% ME BI avAt GavOsaM { “Te All hee property. 4-2 . Race Slike eben, veces ie Ua aes i. ns 479, 318 3, 138, 479 &, fe Land and buildings, 1920 - $3 oo 67, 700 8 ataad 444) 693 | Bat 316 “9957727, O18 Ne ,018, 422 “791; 732; 903 65, 628, 287°) 1, 88,521,495 | "* 744, 652 354, 959, 385 1,321, 616, 325 i 113, 395 | '274, 006, 131 3, ‘712, 107, 760 1, 747, 788, 207 "347, 430, 278 . 830,771, 540 2,830,.063, 918 26, 4917 853 “40, 811,758 | 155, 339,324 | | 9342974°579 1B 334, 740, 948 | "388, 586, 419 249, 889, 087 ! Peet PRA. oe 164,755, 631 246, 596, 850 | °'25, 778, 323 “38, as 131 "63, 813, 017 | “110, 318, 638 128, 926, 821 15, 108, 440 4, 294, 480 41, 716, 204 886 VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY. “1910 42 81 18, 101, = 101; 486, 534 | 1276, 273, 994 - 503, 288° 840 649° 467, 153 105, 685, 100 ‘* 87,184; 6647] ° on 656, 744. ~ 864, 599 ve 2. 739, 958 2 530, 341 83, 425, 352-}. 0354 271, ocd |. “O71, 500, 607 109; 815, 883 | 1, 95, 080, 807 “10, 407, 857- i a 337, 025, |. 504, 518, 418 | ‘239, 012, 732. 96, 874, 817 ¥, 813, 346, 935. 14,3 379, 350 119, 263, 720 1, 737, 556, 172 19, 533, O87. “33, 138, 115 : eh ee 647, 025 \) 4g 925, 574. 787 515, 666 219, 941, 757 "138, 854, 948 53) 155, 983 ae “a 913), 303 | 5, 559, 301 | * 10, 989, 516 “15, 699, 201 “15; 393, 322°] - 1,053, 950.4, «- ag 00 , 241, 737, 23 17, 813, 279 | 22) 791) 832, 36, 304, 852 63, 818, 929 | 87, 550, 094 10, 724, 022 2, 734, 115 Implements ° ~an Machinery, 1990 $138, 261,340 |? 2733, 950. | 8, 341, 090 23; 162; 784. 44; 985, 493 | 51, 296, 138, 6 030,421. 1,711, 464 "14 196, 865.) 82) 139, 164; 067 374; 653 8, 103; 788 % 53, 710, 772 38, 762; 444 ag" 939, 012 ~° 112, 408,268. | ““P 868, 680. | 3,061, 278 | 210, 077 496, 003 i, 732, 484 : 17,820, 191 |’ 60, 101; 205 | 22) 356, 818 9, 761, 490 153, 104, 448 931,944 1, 620, 189 7, 965, 580 46, 922, 326 71, 117, 928 14, 557, 78 9, 988, 703 oe 154, 718, 977°)” St, 722,047 F 2, 610, 602 9, 470, 333 87, 108, 737 | 74, 294, 017 20, 511) 070 9, 000, 171 | 6, 781, 318 289, 462 Live stock, 1920 9, 169, 931 157, 034, 635, 23° 345, 962° 288, 568, 263. _ 105, 663, 599 "48, 513, 274 “M7, 603, 588 ,, 836, 443, 784 58, 352, 029° 318, 025, 292 "45; 329, 288 16, 430, 748 1, 492, 182 317, 333 SONI Ore Ww dO 618 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——AGRICULTURE, 3 a TABLE 15.—FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE, AND VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY, BY ONOUrLWN Jock fed bad fad fe feed pet OorrwneHovo ALL LAND IN FARMS IMPROVED LAND IN FARMS DIVISION OR STATE ™ AND SIZE GROUP. 1920 _ 1910 1920 1910 1920 1910 SoutH ATLANTIC— Continued. Dist. Colum- es = | bia, total. . 204 217 5, 668 6, 063 4, 258 5, 133 Under 20 acres. ... 127 122 1,071 1,039 939 | 1, 001 | 20 to 49 acres...... 50 65 1,492 1,878 1,139 |. 1, 650 50 to 99 acres...... 18 17 1,099 1,114 856. 812 | 100 to 174 acres... 5 10 597 1,115 210 813 | 175 to 499 acres. ... 4 3 1, 409 917 1,114 857 500 to 999 ACTS... fy. ced de cabevn op ewserss||- ame eee as. --|+- sn selee ees rbots Uf » apis ate Kigti~ OF) -fisie. == col 1 OOO acres ANd OVEr |S... soca] ee eke cde welfecsmcenncenses|s smh aimion same iil = etna ees ees as oe | Virginia, total. 186, 242 184, 018 18,561,112 19, 495, 636. 9, 460,492 |. 9,870,958 | Under 20 acrés....| 36, 402 39, 746 383, 256 "397, 425 306, 179 324, 370 | 20 to 49 acres...... 45, 884 42) 390 1, 461,041 1, 332, 113 963, 634 | 894, 682 50 to 99 acres...... 42,714 38, 342 2, 949, 407 2, 648, 520 1, 685,182 1, 495, 798 100 to 174 acres.... 34, 011 32, 997 4) 323° 469 4,191, 039 2,225, 2,194, 055 | 175 to 499 acres... 23, 601 26, 101 6, 196, 299 6, 937, 154 3, 018, 981 3, 382, 003 500 to 999 acres... 2, 833 3, 450 1, 821) 085 2 216, 101 |} 798, 969 973, 035 1,000 acres and over 779 992 i 426, 555 L 773, 284 || = 512, 064 609, 115 West Virginia, Fi SBE GONE: 87, 289 96, 685 9,569, 790 10, on 442 || 5,520,308 |. «5,621, 757 Under 20 acres... - 10, 410 15, 399 "106, 922 149, 047. | 90, 28, 207 20 to. 49 acres. ..2.. 18, 155 20, 323 612,971 676, 989 425, 127 456, 945 50 te 99 acres...... 25, 587 26, 806 13 794, 165 1, 875, 754 1, 142, 979 1, 155, 188 100 to 174 acres... 19, 539 20, 156 2 480, 455 2, 557, 005 1, 506, 732 1, 509, 134 175 to 499 acres... 11, 990 12, 248 3, 091; 882 3; 179, 329 1, 734, 242 1, 695, 072 500 to 999 acres... . 1, 227 1,316 "786, 048 ” 849) 970 375, 517 366, 356 1,000 acres and over 381 437 697, 347 738, 348 245, 249 » 210, 855 North Car- olina, total.. 262, 763 253, 725 20, 021, 738 22, 439, 129 8, 198, 409 8,818, 056 Under 20 acres... 51, 336 43, 224 618, 757 485, 387 545,041] . 427,423 20 to 49 acres.....- 87, 239 75, 629 2, 747, 018 2, 326, 984 1, 852,952 |. 1, 705, 751 50 to 99 acres....,-] - + 68, 903 62, 157 4, 697, 176 4, 253, 522 2,172, 800 |. - 2, 086, 897 100 to 174 acres... 41, 082 43, 987 5, 119, 334 5, 532, 657 1, 853,395.| 2,098, 680 175 to 499 acres... 19, 094 25, 254 4, 823, 859 6, 504, 207 1,395,504 | 1, 906, 623 500 to 999 acres... 1,629 2, 669 1, 027, 735 1,724, 796 226,997 | .. 365,077 1,000 acres and over 480 805 7, 857 vs 611, 576 151, 720 |, 222, 655 South Car- . ‘ Ihe 4 de tiie olina, total.. 192, 693 176, 434 12, 426, 675 13, 512, 028 6,184,159 | 6,097,999 Under 20 acres.... 40, 825 37, 985 497, 619 412, 235 467, 654 1. 391, 563 20 t0,49 acres...... 84, 893 70, 582 2,533, 757 2, 072,476 | , 097, me OS 791, 196 50 to 99 acres...... 37, 530 33, 147 2, 464, 832 2, 205, 541 1, 444, 956 Sas 293, 355 100 to 174 acres... 18, 166 19, 427 2, 250, 658 , 433, 404 928, 937 75 to 499 acres. -.. 9, 352 12, 589 2. 448, 685 3, 349, 902 786, 668 * 046, 858 500 to $99 acres. -.. 1,343 1, 942 ” 859, 101 1, 277, 578 || 227, 304 306, 387 1,000 acres and over 584 812 dhs 372, 023 1, 760, 892 |} 230, 732 262, 741 Georgia, total. 310, 732 291, 027 25, 441, 061 26,953,413 || 13,055,209 | 12,298, 017 Under 20 acres... 26, 969 29, 629 335, 365 348, 103 312, 835 20 0.49 acres....-. 134, 471 117, 432 4,189,977 3, 709, 289 3, 613,514 |. 50 to 99 acres... ... 81,112 68, 510 5, 304, 281 4, 553, 582 3, 516, us - 100 to 174 acres... 41, 183 42, 275 5, 047, 941 5, 223, 132 é 175 to 499 acres... 22, 753 27,710 6, 012, 780 7,412,596 || 2,113, 672 500 to 999 acres... 3, 091 3, 950 1, 995, 069 2, 604, 839 597, 163 1,000 acres and over 1, 153 1,521 2 555, 648 3, 101, 872 498, 447 Florida, total. 54, 005 50, 016 6,046,691 5,258,538 2,287,271 Under 20 acres... . 10, 558 9, 084 103, 326 85, 797 85, 206 20 to 49 acres...... 19, 382 17, 169 640, 989 570, 960 460, 969 50.60.99 acres «.,... +. 10, 846 9, 999 779, 384 724, 565 451, 741 100. to 174 acres... 7,637 8,178 1, 039, 889 1, 123, 163 459, 851 | 175 to 499 acres... . 4,477 4, 545 1,191, 720 1, 214, 621 , 808 500 to 999 acres... 707 670 458, 265 435, 978 148, 382 1,000 acres and over 398 371 1, 842, 118 1,098, 454 202, ee PRAT ONL OO SIZE OF!) PARMSIO 619 UASSES, BY SIZE OF FARM, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Contintied. VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY. Land and buildings. Implements vig nm ee cine g mac. e 1910 1920 1910 1990 >” $8, 478, 533 $5, 577, 369 $8, 231, 343 $104, 252 $246, 366 | 1 3,795, 076 1,777, 389 3, 723, 300 38, 778 | 36, 333 | 2 2, 075, 651 1, 765, 500 2, 0347 300 21, 474 37,071 | 3 E010, 015 792, 530 987, 000 17, 450 26, 602 | 4 O84 612 249) 000 936, 743 5, 850 4230 | 5 611,179 999; 950 550, 000 20, 700 142 130 : 8 625, 065,383 || 1, 024, 435, 025 532, 058, 062 50, 151, 466 121, 969, 281 | 9 37, 096, 342 56, 561, 206 31, 523, 270 2, 988, 749 7, 146, 650 | 10 59, 873, 583 ||’ 106, 201,054 | 49; 994° 079 5, 611, 142 14, 741, 879 | 11 92, 292° 525.|| 172’ 186, 184 77, 362, 360 9, 177, 053 21, 8947 885 | 12 128, 431, 431 930, 578, 541 108, 368, 330 12, 137, 966 26, 696, 885 | 13 199, 825, 958 314, 882, 596 170, 377, 481 15, 343, 596 35, 354, 642 | 14 61, 116, 944 86,797, 439 53, 041, 674 3) 095, 574 9,733, 841 | 15 46, 498, 590 57, 228, 005 417 390, 868 1) 799, 386 6, 400, 499 | 16 - “496, 439,617 | 314, 738, 540 410, 783, 406 264, 390, 954 18, 395, 058 67, 261, 153: | 17 | ©© 20,016,982 |' © 14, 203; 985 16, 830, 461 12) 055, 803 ” 660, 523 2, 525,998 | 18 eee 27, 877,303 || — 36,149, 403 22, 929, 321 1, 659, 683 6, 590, 131 | 19 59,989, 120 78, 835, 137 49, 093, 413 3, 723, 874 14; 633, 093 78, 331, 847 103, 026, 909 64, 873, 363 5, 116, 171 17, 438, 916. | 21 94, 982) 622 128) 909, 805 80, 792, 565 5, 819, 851 19) 530, 456 | 22 29 514, 231 29, 127, 725 19) 609, 782 994,902}. 4,309; 748 | 23 i6, 749, 432 18, 403) 966 15, 036, 707 420, 054 2; 232 811 | 24 537,716,210 || 1, 076, 392, 960 456, 624, 607 54, 621, 363 119, 152, 672. | 25 29, 311, 954 75, 189,066 24749) 610 4) 065, 298 9/978, 981 | 26 87, 389,402 227) 661; 828 72, 871, 655 11,513, 245 29/519, 400 | 27 121/671; 335 272) 469, 348 101, 807, 106 147913378 33,099, 013 | 28 127; 111, 341 237; 905, 284 107, 303, 214 12) 489; 146 25, 613, 641 | 29 - 124’ 665, 376 200, 925, 811 107, 251, 793 9,314, 829 17, 058, 225 | 30 27,977,039: || 387318) 295 9A, 677, 277 1, 603, 519 ~ 2? 629; 023 | 31 19, 589, 763 23,923, 398 17, 963, 952 721,948 uo 1 254, 389 | 32 392, 128 314 813, 484, 200 332, 888, 081 48, 062, 387 91,518, 155 | 33 23° 859,056 56, 909, 873 19, 781; 861 3/292, 279 8, 614, 399 | 34 86,191,719 232; 212) 508 71, 354, 028 13, 1207046 29, 981,294 | 35 81, 409, 887 193,531, 786 68,415,043 12) 070, 489 22° 465, 374. | 36 71, 213,096 137, 461, 439 60; 528, 192 8,547, 053 14; 430, 538 |37 81,063, 916 120,697, 969 69,933,577 | 7,584,239 10, 645, 674. | 38 25,843,077 35, 978, 068 22, 659, 523 2’ 006/353 | + | 27818°773:-|3 22) 542, 563 © 36, 692, 557 20; 215, 857 1, 441, 928 2, 562, 103 || 40 580, 546, 381 1, 138, 298, 627 479, 204, 332 63,343,220 |. 155, 043,349 | 41 23° 2697 880 38, 4097 506 19, 929, 323 2) 482° 094 = B, 742; 615. | 42 119, 736, 720 267, 507, 035 96, 117,977 13, 962, 506 41,309,755 | 43 ) 12771747 011 295, 594,023 102, 927, 993 16, $45, 385 42) 942’ 869.| 44 »112),789; 791 || | 215,069; 955 92,772” 819 12) 656, 918 29; 264; 527.) 45 122,998) 217 202} 0737127 |» 102; 831, 020 11, 556,3 124493! 895. | 46 37, 957,082 60) 822) 694 32 471) 115 3’ 311, 0 6, 422, 337 | 47 36, 089, 780 "58, 822, 287 32; 154; 085 2) 528) 622 4,937, 351.| 48 280, sour 143, 183, 183 281, 449, 404 118, 145, 939 13,551, 773 35, 300, 540 | 49 MY 867 “17,575,068 35, 082, 339 15, 109, 442 1,528,893. |» 2? 897; 135: | 50 27,549; 034 - 56,551, 968 22) 124. 761 2) 846,743 7,116,712 | 51 24” 289) 622 46, 805, 854 19, 623,399 2’ 399° 252 6, 695, 574°| 52 25,400; 956 43/752, 853 20, 391, 462 2) 305,732 | °° 6, 624 304 | 53 26, 450, 291 49,916, 722 21, 854; 842 2} 600, 833 6,690, 111° | 54 9) 535, 167 17, 602/177 |. 8, 139, 751 768,066 2).000, 967 | 55 56 12,383,045 || | 81,737,491 10, 902) 332 1, 102,254 8,275, 737. COMO Cif Gh DIVISION OR STATE AND SIZE GROUP. © NUMBER OF FARMS. Se 31920 | 1910 East SoutTH CENTRAL. Kentucky, Aacchobal <.. kee ape 270, 626: ) B59 185 Under 20 acres - 58, 965 re 5D, 472 20 to 49 acresiv.. i. 63, 571 Bg, 837 50: to 99 acres.:.,.: 71, 200 65, 778 100 to 174 acres~ .: .| 50, $91 50, 134 175 to 499 acres: = 23, 843. >» 26,639 500. to 999 acres... . 1,690 2, 18h 1,000 acres and over! 366. 444 oTennesseegnt ak 0 PRO? Sc hss total... 02-22) ¢ 252, 27hu: e 24; 012 Under 20 acres. 44 52BY) 200 4%, 341 200.49 acrés.-2 .' 79, 924 Ae Te,. 212 50 to 99 acres22e. seh cr 64,940.) 960,205 100 0.174 acres. vi}: 2) 41,283 AR 545 175 to 499 acres. .28 20, £72 22, 450 500 to 999 acres: .v. 1,524ar o0g , 2, 878 1,000 acres and over 403 "481 Alabama, SSR OES BAS. ToLal... 3-82 3 256, 099°}. = (282, 801 Under 20 acres: .2. 33, 741° 44; 858 20 +049 acresi....- 112) 848! 195, S41 5040.99 acresit: oa} . 57, 4044, ‘0s ‘55, 448 100. t0:174 acres. .2 2}. 3 32° 00" 35, 563 175 to 499 acrés- = 16, 733 2 20, 093 500 to 999 acres. L 9910 2, 276 1,000 acres and over ” $82 | 822 ) Mississippi,’ Mp EN ter pRB OTB: 101 ‘278: 882 Under 20 acres: 65, 958 66, 943 20't049 acres. 2-24) .7!116, 795 112;666 50 to‘89 acresu-: .! 7 si 41, 900) 445645 100't0/174 acres 2.42 28, 2186 305172 175't0 499 acres-.20)|.' 16, 330 17, 115 “f 500 +0 999 acrés.. is} 2, 040 2, 061 1,000. acres and over 865 780 i} SOWEST SOUTH <*) £ 358 S53 CENTR AD. ‘ae Arkansas; total. £1282, god. 214,078 Under 20 acrest,t) 2 35,943) 36, 259 20 to 49 acres. 22.12 92,438 5 4 (983 50 to 99 acresis..t2 50, 616 45, 373 100 to 174 acress. i}: 36,275, 39° 353 175 t0 499 acres....: 15,732 17,149 | 500 ¢0999 acres. 22} . 1, 195%): 20% L, 163 1,000 acres and over 402) $1398 ‘Louisiana,total 135, 468 120, 546 Under 20 acres“. 2: 30, 328 i 85 99, 256 20 to 49 acres.:..- gf, G1, 346 465389 50 to 99 acres. 21,715 '¢ 20,248 100 to 174 acrés- 12,355 6. 18;681 175to 499 acres... . 7,412 8,406 500 to 999 acres. Ji}! 6: 1, 2472p sh? 1,548 1,000 acres and: over|: 795 sp 0041, 018 Oklahoma, total: 191, 988. «199, 192 |} Under 20 acres: .<- 6,024. tJ, 158 20 to 49 acres .....0. 32,598 31, 489 50 to 99 acres..2..2. 43,452 39, 002 100:to 174 acres... 66, 245 1) 78, 186 175 to 499 acres... 87,652 33, 812 500 to 999 acres... 4,566 2, 688 1,000 acresand over 1,491 857 AML ‘LAND IN FARMS — Ar 085; 960 0. 680 =e ive 1323 Els a i; ep iyrpe? ftA ae | Seater wee ee a ge hogy 1910 =a ore SH 1920; 1910 ere: 21; ousire 22,189,227. |) tien | eas | tyoos Are, eg BUT | 63 B82! oj eT) 28 "828, 188 4. 5920, 993 | i 65366, 452 1509906, 493 “4,057,923 | "652, 935 | i old 510 856 587,182 = ti bh ie “9, 576, B56 “406, 961. oss 002; 957 pd, 210, 290 4; 372, 952 Bol 293, 224 i 720, 674 he f 3 ‘ 8, 5396; 979° 10,936, 409 3/002, 101 3,936, 892 is iiaigleacss , VALUE OF FARM, PROPERTY. _ All farm property. Land and buildings. Tmplements . ene and Live stock, OS04 « i ' machinery, 1920 1910 1920 1910 1920”. a TES Be ib Lad 8 o : 0 Bye: AY x +3 : » $773,297, 860. | $2, 305; 158, 936 | $635; 459, 372 $48, 354, 857 ‘158, 37, 284) 1 845,077, 941 tit .5’ 75,325,782 | — 86, 723°010 | 7132 11,165, 847 |. 2 985, 529, 515 ©1148} 45%; 368 | 68,341} 744 6,199, 006 22,264,421 | 3 6 ©5150, 425, 812 271, 368,077 |»? 119,994,284 | | 11/571; 688 37, 865,547 | 4 1192, 450, 334; 325/404 |. 156/477, 645 13/039; 814 41,249,205 | 5 1229, 882, 678. |. 0368, 912; 909 |») 1932447; 992 11,956, 448 37;141;730 | 6 © 1827, 357 “70, 462; 079 40, 615, 629 1,810, 433 5, 983,206 | 7 23, 104, 133 36, 313, 322 “19, 859, 078 521,341 2,717,228 | 8 TA Oe gkko LS ft 0 Ss . ~ 5 612,520,836 |} 1, 024, 979, $04 480; 522,587 | | 0 53, 462, 556 173, 522, 135 | “08 39,884, 943 57, 981, 533 31; 506, 673 | | \ <3)219/679 |. 10,904, 971 110 197, 599, 771 170, 536, 660 74475; 941 » 19, 622, 651 33,752, 679 111 136, 382, 564 |{)5.) 242° 315, 858 104, 0199256 | | 14091; 730 45,132,125 112 01145, 696; 692 fe © 2497029156 }* 1137199; 169 13,161, 369 41,409, 402 } 13 “18, 585, 913,|/o,( 242,076! 907 }: 12072207288 11,195, 581 34,855,147 | 14 241) 1 + "43; 172, 285 |)! — 93618; 950 1,608, 929 5,398, 987} 150 2 129, 798 19, 867, 025 13, 4 482, 310 "562, 617 2, 71, L, 824 16 700 be ‘a0, OPE 129 543, 657, 755 288, 953, 591 ($4,366, 217 112, $24, 748 17.6: 22° 615,720 17,732, 596 1/703; 483 5,933; 095 }18 1) 00087, 334. 501 {P1138 767, 831.]i 65/474? 986 8,604, 557 34,119,695 | 19 81,225, 417.11.) 127,250,507 | 61.745, 865. | | =) 87.550, 934 27,873,401 | 20 0°72, 073, 360 102, 11, $70: 56,058, 111 | | «6,762, 136 120,251,928 }21 1569, 236, 239 i 85,450, 822 5,713, 585 15, 891, 687 | 22. 19, 293, 208 27, 542, 246 16,116, 822 1; 636,170 4° 432’ 692 | 23 407 | 018, 3 359, 804 Hee 33) O01, 805 t 15,974,389 1,395, 352: 94; 822,260 pre 426, 314 034. 789,806, 778 | 844, 162, 289 39, $81, 256 134, 973, gat | 25 “145, 405, 7. 119) 255,780} 36, 834).417 3/365, 350. |. -02)571;187 | 26 © "420, 468, 265/801, 469 |? 92/1685; 257 10,563, 463 41,527,311 | 27° be78, 874,629.11 100,316,679 |° 55, 825, 671 6,774, 164 |. -.124/300,229 28 8767, 425, 413 |I(0.0 $7,489, 899° }9 19583, 771 6,565, 334 22147, 045 | 29 .. 107,823,662 | 54, 966, 781 7, 288, 090 21; 573, 892 | 30 4 88-45, 9253 699 |S 197.995) 266 202)559, 885 6, 258, 513 | 31 62, 693, 660 22, 27, 126 52; 764, 97 6, 595; 644'] 32/0 Bi adh Sop de! see . 5490, 089,303 |?” 753, 110, 866 P 309, 166, 813 43, 432, 237 127, 852;580 |} 33°" 97626, 568, 133 4° 91,086; 055 1961; 106. fy 6; 864, 004 | 34° 93, 119, 636 208, 019, 999 70, 534, 909 10, 066, 450 35,379, 247 | 35 84 071, 568 || __ 156,022 219 63, 280, 020 9,761,822 | .09 BL; 5697410 136! , 150, 7 © 11142; 550; 313 |S 66823373 bog, '351, 673 |.....28, 089, 309 |37 “73, 246, 8 125, 409, 006 57,492, 644 "8, 537, 248 |. . 19, 664,590 138° 16, 834, 101 35, 182, 895 14, 164,369 2}.092' 933 3,441, 713 {39° "18, 098, 714 . 38, 227, 568 15, 785, 443 1, 661; 005 2, 844, 307 140 “901, 220, 988. Ref 474} 038, 793 | 937; B44, 450 $2,715, 010 83,072,876 | 41 Wid C1599" gap: 35, 426,473 | 17,800,570 | © iy 913; 397 7, 194, 403. | 42 80 82153" 743° 789. 112, 397, 403 41, 491; 842 6, 140, 282 24,103, 261 | 43 41 870, 365 71, 412, 237 82; 597, 748 4163) 101 14, 819, 700 | 44 138) 458) 61, 147, 481 30, 213/391 42225) 972 12, 228,179 | 45°) | 49, 439, 964 79, 769, 690 39,409, 613 5, 931, 190 12,306,085 | 46 29, 084, 945 39, 293’ 106 93, 317, 045 3,141, 692 4,715, 452)| 47. 66,291, 455.|!" 74, 662, 403 52, 624, 241 7, 199, 376 7, 705, 796 | 48 918, 198, 882 || 1,363, $85, 294 738/677, 224 | ° 80)630, 547 215,927,703 |49 8,967,361:||'' ” 9, 840,509 6,672, 521 » 7 925° 153 2,208, 667 | 50: 40, 768, 830 67, 006, 181 30, 170, 704 4,393, 603 {vo ! 144,331, 221 | 51 97, 721, 230 166, 956, 748 75, 944, 069 9, 252, 080 29, 949, 987 |52 383, 857, 769 473, 128, 266 314, 897, 360 27, 233, 983 68,714) 546 | 53 302, 168, 059 477, 399, 860 | - 248, 931, 705 30, 325, 157 65,801, 192 | 54 44, 430, 982 95, 576, 957 35, 255, 653 6, 032, 232 16, 102) 064 | 55 40, 284, 651 73,956,773 26, 805, 212 2) 568,339 18, 820,026 |56 622 WIS POW ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE. TABLE 15,—-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE, AND VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY, BY — DIVISION OR STATE AND SIZE GROUP. WEST SouTH CEN- TRAL—Contd. Texas, total..... Under 20 acres.... 20 to 49 acres...... 50 to 99 acres...... 100 to 174 aeres.... 175 to 499 acres.... 500 to 999 aeres.... 1,000 acres and over MOUNTAIN. Montana, total. Under 20 acres. ..- 20 to 49 acres... ..- 50 to 99 acres...... 100.to 174 acres... 175 to 499 acres... .- 500 v0 999 acres... . 1,000 acres and over Idaho, total. ... Under 20 acres...- 20't6 49 acres.....- 50 to 99 acres.....- 100 to 174 acres... . 175 to 499 acres... - 500 to 999 acres... . 1,000 acres and over Wyoming, total. Under 20 acres.... 20 to 49 acres...... 50:'to 99 acres. ....- 109 to 174 acres... 175 to 499 acres.... 500 to 999 acres...- 1,000 acres and over Colorado, ote ‘| Under 20 acres. 100 to 174 acres.... 175 to 499 acres.... 500 to'999 acres... ./}: 1,000 acres and over New Mexico, | Gotabhee sores J Under 20 acres... : 20 to 49-acres...... 50 to 99:acres...... 100 to 174 aeres.... 175 to 499 acres... 500 to 999 acres... - 1,000 acres and over Arizona, total. . Under) 20.acres.... 20 to 49 acres.....: 50 to 99 acres..... 100 to. 174 acres.... 175 to 499 acres... - 500 to 999 acres... 1,000acresand over | NUMBER OF FARMS. 1920 | 1910 436,033 | 417,770 25, 878 29, 371 110/387 98, 583 119,427 | 112,237 96,792 94) 574 59, 573 59, 049 12,709 12’ 833 » 11,267 11; 123 57,677 26, 214 930 755 1,279 956 2)141 1,260 8,735 10, 552 26, 988 8,339 11, 982 2) 353 5, 622 1, 999 42, 106 30, 807 2) 917 2, 005 6, 819 4,048 8, 502 5, 820 10, 565 117 891 10, 488 5, 866 2; 209 921 606 256 15, 748 10, 987 196 420 399 338 994 645 . 2,551 3,816 6,011 3,629 3,521 9 2,076 1, 155 59,934 46,170 4, 932 5,070 4? 449 3, 882 5,913 4) 384 12, 139 16, 355 21,611 12) 476 7,482 2) 426 3, 408 1,877: 29, 844 35, 676 6, 789 6, 885 3,095 2) 812 2; 008 1, 820 4,929 15, 363 7,015 7,388 3,196 836 2,812 572 9,975 9, 227 1, 436 3,346 2,367 1,477 1,703 820 2; 239 2,591 1,351 757 478 164 401 72 ALL LAND IN FARMS (ACRES). 1920 1910 114,020,621 | 112, 435, 067 ” 289) 934 329° 754 3) 640, 250 3; 230, 581 8, 167, 575 ¥; 713, 441 | 12; 498, 810 12) 2712, 384 16, 145, 480 15, 937, 878 8, 530, 787 8, 621, 554 64 747, 785 64, 329, 475 35, 070, 656 13, 545, 603 7,4 479 4,382 45, 081 33, 662 || 164, 200 96, 034 1, 334, 502 1, 648, 834 et 958, 493 2 668, 526 8 436, 043 L 654, 257 16, 124) 858 7, 439, 908 8,375, 873 5, 283, 604 26, 151 16, 286 246, 810 144° O87 || - 640, 094 443° 682 1, 544, 269 1,793, 755 3 174, 632 708, 591 1, 475, 446 610, 397 i 268, 471 566, 806 11, 809, 351 8, 543,010 1,193 1,116 14,648 12,610 76, 717 49° 985 382; 853 595, 182 1; 964, 549 L 166, 263 5) 413, 074 "703, 831 6, 956, 317 6, 014, 023 24, 462, 014 13, 532, 113 40, 820 40, 2 147, 114 126, 209 442, 875 328, 961 1, 818, 972 2, 526, 569 7, 064, 941 3, 9297 716 5 189, 387 699, 403. 9, 757, 905 2 880, 823 24, 409, 633 11, 270, 021 56, 479 55, 286 96, 741 87, 971 144, 016 132, 025 745, 904 2, 418, 328 2; 319, 283 2,322, 242 2; 235, 058 584, 875 18, 812, 152 5, 669, 794 5, 802, 126 1, 246, 613 12, 25: 15, 496 77, 036 46, 757 122, 853 59, 047 329, 017 399, 210 413, 992 225, 491 342, 213 112, 612 4, 504, 765 388, 000 IMPROVED LAND IN FARMS ~ (ACRES)... hi 1920 1910 $1,227,503 | 27,360, 666 268,304 | 307,435 3, 302, 082 2, 927, 042 6,282,252 | 5,744,866 ’ 056, 7, 089, 634 7,753,548 | 6,452, 197 2 517,834 | 2/060,976 3,046,677 | 2,778,516 11,007,278 | 3,640, 309 6,400} > 3/842 30, 208 21,399 103; 363 645 661, 448 614, 349 3,776,985 |. 923,664 3, 108, 747. 599, 093 3,320,137 | 1,422,317 4,511, 680 2, 778, 740 22° 795° 14, 963 200, 840 Jo" ©) 111,568 500, 157 280, 371 900,060 | 792,797 1,704,430 |. 977,778 761,468 |... 344,077 421,930 |. 257; 186 | 2,102,005 | 1,256, 160 988 951 11, 200 8,941 55,608 |» °°. 38,007 181,491 | 174, 978 598, 326 330, 228 466,127 |. 189,064 | 788,256 | 518,991 ) 7,744,757 | 4,302,101 | 37,671 37, 538 | 120, 393 342, 449 1, 022; 382 , 908, 587 |}. 9 4733, 574 foo 5% © 1,579,701 | 935 1, 717, 224 48) 020° 63,733 68, 587 209; 581 524, O86 vi 319, 610 |- 483, 637 ¥ 712, 808 11, 477 65, 923 |» 93, 429 152) 782 150, 413. 68,318 170, 461 SIZE OF FARMS. 623 ~ CLASSES, BY SIZE OF FARM, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. EE I ee ee $4, 447, 420, 321 58, 341° 608 337, 640, 519 739, 866, 010 957, 338, 273 924) 973, 671 a ” 480 F & 531, 162 Bi. 15, 784, 223 69, 252° 074 ) | 289° 7267 272 23776427 205 361, 855, 802 716,137, 910 "211, 064 60, 509, 629 125, 189, 893 . 156,785, 486 216, 914; 202 83,579, 406 51, 948, 230 334,410, 590 te 139 2; 742° TAT 10,398; 027 27, 735, 478 72, 981, 849 62/030) 272 4 156, 369, 078 ae i 35096, 794, 749. fs: 176,029; 478 334; 082, 042 241’ , 558, 410 : $ 325, 185, 999 q 16, 849, 642 12) 768, 986 a 4 10, 934, 580 4 28, 263, 266 > 52,619, 835 40, 034, 119 163, 715, 571 233, 592, 989 10, 677, 428 "34, 2077 621 47, 249, 052 57, 384, 129 — y- Sez 7s All farm property. $2,218, 645, 164 338, 080, 826 | L, 091, 179, 414 985,961,308 | Li 180,953,736 | 4 z 34, 157, 820 141) 286, 127 324, 121; 929 444° 590) 982 459, 906, 797 186,544) 451 628, 037, 058 847, 828, 770 134, 267, 190 305, 317, 185 10, 906, 254 22 596, 683 40, 125, 673 85, 480, 760 91; 163, 181 31, 689, 594 23, 355, 040 167, 189, 081 7, 474, 636 rit 080, 515 18 223, 812 33, 964, 567 20, 540, 472 $2, 814, 812 491, 471, 806 29, 052) 220 111, 747, 447 138, 567, 002 51, 291; 200 86, 579, 072"| 159, 447,990 11, 616, 687 8 314, 760 , 861, 327 39, 420, 116 35, 064, 728 11, 242, 495 45, 927, 877 75, 123, 970 10, 881, 947 VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY. Land and buildings. 1920 284, 504, 134 635, 262, 951 826, 088; 583 793, 316, 895 281 004, 800 833, 668, aan 776, 767,529 » 825 5, 0287 645 12’ 535, 913 55, 0337 292 229° 704, 576 191, 353, O86 280, 108, 192 581, 511, 964 11, 350,512 50, 608,301 106, 018, 994 130, 568, 796 176, 119, 945 67,519, 442 39, 325,974 234, 748, 105 20; 609, 851 53, 864, 259 45, 021; 844 104, 656, 623 866, 013, 660 22) 589, 999 31, 109, 820 65, 005, 488 141 440, O11 269, 798, 871 146, 769, 447 189, 300, 024 221, 814, 212 26, 747, 377 112, 406, 553 172, 325, 321 5, 590, 347 22, 194) 449 29, 187, 832 37, 077, 885 31, 182, 299 10, 976, 598 36, 115, 911 1910 $3, 700, ‘aor 319 | $1, 843, 208, 395 7,4 26, 976, 349 1127 443. 379 267, 691, 312 373, 734, 548 389, 435, 229 157, 105, 181 515, 822’ 397 251, 625, 930 1 917; 013 3) 462° 310 6,799, 281 43 134) 560 64, 052; 439 38, 615, 276 93,645, 051 245, 065, 825 6, 167, 205 19, 458, 414 34 251, 759 69, 712, 591 73, 842° 412 24° 255, 139 17, 378, 305 97,915, 277 389, 589 794, 290 2,310, 865 12) 457, 188 22° 562) 822 13; 119, 697 46, 280, 826 408, 518, 861 67, 588, 352 111, 830, 999 5, 584, 194 6 132) 982 6, 281) 688 27, 994, 954 26, 054, 455 z, 548) 783 32; 233, 943 47, 285, 310 12, 157, 575 10, 120, 344 3, 873, 652 6, 822, 861 Implements an machinery, 1920 $154, 320,996 280, 573 14; 016, 449 ; 30, 237, 723 39, 2077 940 38, 439° 539 12) 905, 879 16, 232° 893 55, 004, 212 "299 313 426, 906 985, 736 4, 470, 088 19, 790, 091 14, 974) 745 14, 127,333 38, 417, 253 i 828, 525 4 346, 958 os 235, 732 11,777,949 ee 301 166, 113 547, 921 i, 387), 286 3, 395, 238 2 351) 881 3, 892’ 209 49, 804,509 L 606, 380 2; 176, 797 4 400, 217 9, 365, 509 17, 157, 150 8, 504, 317 6, 594, 139 9,745, 369 807, 375 641, 760 580, 379 1, 362, 946 2, 427, 534 1, 367, 438 2, 557, 937 8, 820, 667 443, 624 1, 197, 120 1, 382, 357 2, 089, 842 1, 765, 525 569, 895 1, 372, 304 Live stock, 1920 $592, 926, 006 8, 733, 589 39, 119, 936 74, 365, 336 92 041, 750 93, 217, 237 44 170; 147 2417 278, O11 154, 189, 567 L 936, 342 i 075, 6i1 g 262° 574 9, 748, 694 40, 231, 605 31 314, 464 67, 620, 277 96, 208, 693 9, 015, 588 6,225, 052 12) 271; 263 17,631) 528 28) 965,732 11,713, 006 10,386, 524 87, 884, 516 ‘s 693) 210 ” 626, 867 1 626, 953 5, 738, 341 15, 722, 352 14) 656, 547 47 820) 246 160,976, 580 25; 679, 972 45, 664) 247 93, 626, 418 7, $59, 823 - 2908) 151 2) 415) 341 7, 221; 025 12) 551; 693 11} 919, 304 48) 751, 081 52, 447, 001 4, 643, 457 3, 101, 977 3, 727, 432 8, O81, 325 7, 315, 100 5, 681, 796 CO STO? OTH CODD 19, 895, 914 156 624. ABSTRACT OF THE CRNSUS-=AGRICULTURE. TABLE.15.—FARMS AND.FARM ACREAGE, AND VALUE OF(FARM PROPERTY) 1 a : ; ' ALL LAND IN FARMS.__j|1) PROVED LAND. In FARMS] NUMBER. OF FARMS. (ACRES). ae (ACRES). fe Ports Dre i Vag er) OPTS: DIVISION OR STATE AND SIZE GROUP. 1910}003 MouNntTAIN—Con. 1 Utah, total..... _ 3, 662 2 | Under 20 acres... .|: 4’ 610 3 | 20.to49acres.....- ‘ 6 549 4} 50 to. 99 acres....): 5 | 100 to 174 acres... 86. . i 563, 226°) 200 2, 595: jf | 5813, 193 |? 6 | 175 to 499 acres... . 3;8 22681 HPs 7 82 5, 164 |}> 481, 314 | 7 | 500 to 999 aeres . ba ce ake *. | 58k 6068 | ® pUe SPO, : 8+ 1; 000deres and over 1H 4 2} 174, 700 ret he tpi D 9 Nevada, total.}. 23 957, i63 10 | Under 20 acres... j sy 11 | 20 to 49 acres....}-. oa 12 | 50 to 99-eres. ..- +. ere f 13 |.100 to 174 acres... -} 4 14 |.175 to 499 acres. 10 OX ore 465) ‘ 15 | 500 to 999 acres... .1 we 196,872) || & 16_|-1,000acresand over},;, o>) | 1344 1, 813,065. 4 PACIFIC. ; 17 Washi ngton, 4 tobab. ao.) 2 fee 9 66,2 » 66,192 pe 13, 244)7200) '5 F 18 | Under 20 acres. ...| 4)» .16, 144, 283: 19 | 20 to 49.acres...... = 12 | 488, 310° 20 |.50 to 99:acres...... Tes 654,'446)) 21 |.100t0 174 acres... ; 1, 431, 398 |. Q pee Cg 22 |. 175 to 499 aeres....J- 9 9); 9,5 3, 014,393 | \ 3, 427 {fi Ser » 1, 692, 23 1.500 to 999 acres... . LA, (oS aSi i 2) 8985730) vi On 1, 709, 798 ‘: 24 |.1,000deres andover| 2,27 og at 4 687,317 |) ; eg 821,194 25 Oregon, total...) 50,; 602} 13, 542, 318° 26 |, Under. 20,acres-. for %: f 27 | 20 te 49 acres... 2. of 28 |.50 to 99 acres... . 2. 29 |.100 to 174 Beres.... meee 30 |.175 to 499 acres... 2} “y OO ef A 920° |) © 1,26 a 31 } 500 to 999 acres... .} a 4 “2,716 sh age: 1, 662" |} 953, 027, es ats on t 32 | 1,000 acres and overpos «2, ; 46.) 1) PES 15 548) tO 1324, 08 . 33 |... California, total.) 34 Under 20.aeres.. ef: 35 | 20t¢049.acres...... ro 36 | 50 to-99.acres..22.. re 37 | 100 fo 174. acres... J}. 38 | 475 to 499 acres... as 708)" 08 SOD 39 |--500-60 999 acres. 2. fs )¢ £13,535, 598")! 081 753,33 337 40 | 1,000acres and over}; 7” 638" 199: en17" 289, 954) pve 4588. 347 | ee (eat out AD BRE ‘Si: 4 fee nat ot 3 OE PEC. ‘O Ps : 1 a0 ‘sae ee 4 ‘tees erica) Sa 1 OLE DSAETS oa sq IVE GLY Ges eRe S0d bee G {| Ms Bone Lert | aap ove Ot oer ; { 4 4 ross 4 we CF vw — % a £20 3 tas DO OF Z ae, 8 Ph me dites GIRS (8 kD Oary a aT a Ser 8 Ae LEP |: Gee BOs 21 i C80 One pie ae 2 Nace si Lae vee oh Law ; roe ‘een o : G COC OF £13 “Number [Aland in | PRR Se ; a go ena offarms.|° (acres). | farms | 88 |S, 4 ees hire | : (acres). Sia a |e » ory eS q ec fH q ere OM Per | Ae 3, 206, 664) 350, 121, 833/157, 079, 624] 44.9 109.2 49,0 1,597, 225} 220, 601 656 89, 545, 302)’ 40. 6]! 138. 1 56. 1 _ Owning entire farm S07 Sees 1, 405, 762 181, 653, 185 76, 490, 551) 42.1)| 129.2) 54.4 _ Hiring additional land......22.... "191; 463 38, 948, 471 13; 054; 751} 33. 5}}- 203-4) 6872 anagers veadeont PIPPIN... 18,318] © 22,441,164) 3,494,283} 15. 6//1,225.1/190. 8 Patied. | See re cledsces 26s 1,591, 121}.107, 079,013} 64,040,039} 59.8]| 67.3! 40.2 shire tenants, including porcine es + 212’ 315 73, 428, 165 48, 565, 911} 66.1|| 60.6} 40.1 pine tenants proper.......02.. 651;2 50, 897, 112 31, 907, :797| 62-7|!' 78.2) 49.0 TODPCES Seiwc esecdsscbesecscess 561, 091 22° 531, 053 16, 658, 114) 73:9]| 40.2) 29. 7 Share-cash tenants................ __ 22/672} 2;116,471| 1,416) 438| 66. 9} 93.4] 62.5 ge tenants, including sianating pentersa £51 .200.52.. ne SCS 5 324, 184} 2 28, 606, 529) 12, 754, 123): 44:.6)}: 8.2) 39.3 f Yash tenants proper..-......-.-.- 219, 188 92, 219° 722 8, 765, 026}. 39. 4|| 101.4} 40.0 Pe: _ Standing TOMEI .£..) Ans. Aes. Mi ae 6, 386, 807 3; 989) 097} 62,5}| 60.8 rie () 40. pe mrectinn: YODEREE. -S--- saaedeeee iwo 2° 927, 848) i, 303, 567), 44. ‘ 91.6 Number- of farms. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION. | : E | All land. | Improved | land | ry So [—) o = Qo oOo i eo | | | He oo ee aa Re MICIWOOD GD Gow on aN ht Oro> Barre OPWOowm HOH Wn Cae EES o Rw Pp eh DOHOwWN ArkOOmD S. FOS * rh OO eer~@ OSSS5SS5 wy w Son of . * 628 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-AGRICULTURE. TABLE 20.—VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY IN THE UNITED: STATES, BY TENURE: ‘G 1920 AND 1910. ‘ ALL FARM PROPERTY. °° © LAND AND BUILDINGS. TENURE. fPer~ res oer || pen cent cen \ 1920 1910 atthe 1920. . 1810 wom crease: crease. SGN ict Saw cli ehace $77,924, 100, 338 $40,991, 449, 090 90.1 $66, 316, 002, 602 |$34, 801,125,697 | 90.6 Owtlersi2sic4 Se 47,611,545, ee 26, 669, 634, 373 |> 78/5 || 39, 964, 222/907 | 22, 366,934,278) 78.2 Owning entire farm. . | 36,837, "394,179 | 20,730, 867,111,| 77. 7-|| 30, 710, 720,764 | 17, 310,63 he eer Hiring additional land 10, 774. 151, 765 | 5,938, 767,262 | 81.4 Q 153, 502, 143 (s, 056, 295, 262. a Managers. ...1.oesse-+e- 3, 132,273,005 |. 1,700, 624,936 |, $4/2-|| .2,665,216,465.| 1,456,958,992]} 82.9 Tenants: ©....c2ceeeeee- 27, 390, = 389 | 12,621,189, 781 | 115.4 Fe 786, 3, 230 | 10, 977,232,427 | 116.7 SHYLA Sees 15,157, 085, 982 : a; rye othe Bi aa Se : 0, 70 2 7,981, 203, 217.| 140. 4 : 068 a A I} 6,9 969, 948, 650 | 142.3 Ons tna et ae ae 320, 236, 81 . os Unspecified....22 12221 ” 672, 197,986 |f 47639,986, 564-) 72.3) "577900; 611 } a 4,00, 288, 83,777 einai LAND ALONE. WOE 3 STO BUILDINGS! 1 0« . vi ie :. TENURE. oes ANTOA OWA SEAM Perna e cen cent 1920 1910 Fs cea hae 1910 rece crease : crease. ~~ Total. O87 eee $54,829, 563,059 [$28 475,674,169 | 92.5 | $11,486, 439,543 | $6,325,451, 528 | 81.6 Oprners cn 5 seco dc as 31, 984, 781, 634 | 17,806, 121,628'|' 79. 6.|| 7,879, 441,273 | 4,560,812,650| 72.8 Owning entire farm... 24, 058, 745, 303 13, 441,834, 689] 79.0. 6, 651, 975, 461] 3, 868, 804,327 71.9 Hiring additional land) 7% 926, 036, 331 |. 4,364,286, 939-|) 81.6 L 227, 465, 812 ” 692; 008; 323 | 77.4 Matheets [Red & 2 2, 207,651,020 | 1,218,859,265| si.1 || 457,565,445 | 238,099,727 | 92.2 — Tenarits.\..eeen.----- 20, 627,120,405 | 9,400, 608,276 / 118.4} 3,149,432, 895 | 1,526,590,261 | 106.3 3 Share-cash... 2.1. 20201}. 3)346; 6437 058 \ 6, 030; 006, 141 })14319)|| 300 390’ 098° 724 \ 939,942,509 | 132.3 Cashes ror yal atone ead eNO pocket i 56,506,622 | ti ‘ath mayan” 26504 GPU uSIL ISS ch 2 eo ea 1920 6 AERO: “renee isd 120... Fioqqd@ ncn seme. crease Psy hy. 20 vig nay | @teasee ‘ Potats. it sui. ..+1.| $3,594,772, 988 | $1, 265,149, 783 | 184, |} $8, 013, 324, 808 $4,925, 173, 610 er f Owners.2./.:.0ci--see: 2,447,792, 781 | 900,672,541 | 171.8 || 5,299, 530,256 |. -3, 402,027)554 | 55.8 Owning entire farm... 1 958, 178, 820 731, 851, 754.) 167.6 4° 168, 494, 595 2, 688, 376, 341} 9°55. 1 Hiring additionalland| 489,613,961 | 168/820, 787 | 190.0 || 1,131,035,661 | "713,651,213 | 58.5 _ Managers...22.2-22...0- 103,773,702} 42,908,500 | 141.8 |] 363,282,838 | 200, 757,444| 81.0 Bharet 22220) Meee zara jp See At | A oe Saovo5 ark apo ery ves pM ee Laan i Poe ae . Unspecified........... 25, 962, 632 } 120,679,441 | 161.7 68, 334, 743 \ 512,023,346 | 52.4 4 ; 1 Share tenants include croppers reported in the Southern states in 1920, and cash tenants likewiseinclude standing renters. HASTA PSRME PEMURELO TAIT AML 629 - TABLE 21.—VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY IN THE SOUTH, BY TENURE: 1920. —— ee cata kd PA lee ! Imple- TENURE. Sabie Land. |, Buildings. | ments and| Live stock. Se Seager : machinery. , . t A ine BB a 4 < ; eatid! See Ss wie. Ce i 8 EE er es ey “The South, total. Somes .- -- -|$18, 174, 450, 024)/$12, 324, 882, 751'$2, 831, 772, 156/8771, 144, 533'$2, 246, 650, 584 ; , ' ‘ ; git ss ! iat SS.) OSS | _ Owners Ph a py BEE en =--| 10,605, 235, 862I| 6,852,424, 081] 1, 847, 456,083] 508, 825,552] 1,396,530, 146 entire farm...........] 9,099, 251, 1391] 5,815,704; 511] 1°659,672,272| 444’ 204/872| 171797579” 484 Hiring PR Pees 3 hs 5505, 984, 723|).4, , 036,719, 570] ... 187,783, 811| 64,530,680] 216,950; 662 —_ see perc 99g BOE OTE BI, 160,283] ~ 95,236,202]. 25,531,088] 101, 966, 505 Betenints,! 102 0. Bs Be vies ah 4, 898, 298, 387/889, 079; 871} 236, 787, 803| 748, 153, 933 lies ‘Share > tenants, iii etop- tt be eS pete | eee 5, 054) 014, 420|| 3,709,004, 584) . 662, 693, 651| 170,813, 044]. 511,503, 141 mo lara tenants te at 3, 392, 565, 740||. 2,457,932, 861). 436, 172.517| 127,395,972| 37170647 390 Pie ie Se tl eet oe 1, 661, 448 680|| | 1,251,071, 723}. 226,521, 134| 437417;072| | 140° 4387751 Bi aces ...| . I81,370,964] “136,869, 249]. 19, 220, 682| | 6,754, 459] 18, 526,574 Cush tena is eluding staid ~ingr ee ae 1, 396, 245,905|| 956, 784, 441] 185, 902,327|- 54,187,650] 199, 371, 478 ‘Pidastt bal tpfoies vievece+-[ 1,027, 195, 230| “705, 656, 622| 131,601,478} 38,020,019| 1519177111 sao Aid (i soeeeee-| 369,050, 675|| 251,127,819! “54° 300, 849| 16, 167,640| _ 47,4547 367 Unspecified tenants. Rate bce »ld0, 1088, 795)||... 95, 640, 113|... 21,263,211] 5,032,731. 18; 752,740 Re ‘Tanue 22. AVERAGE, VALUE. OF FARM PROPERTY PER FARM AND PER) ACRE, BY TE ENURE, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910. °. a FARMS OPERATED BY— © TOTALLY: 2) Owners. Managers. Tenants. - | 4920 | 1910. || 1920.) 1910 | 1920 | 1910 } 1920 | 1910 parene value per farm: | Re ‘All farm property...... ~.|$12,684>| $6,444 |/$12,180 | $6, 754.1945, ic +, 269 /$11,072 | $5,360 ~ Land'and buildings............ 22. | 10,284 | 5,471) 10,156 |» 5,664 | 38,937 | 25,075 | 9,690 4, 662 _ Land ee 48 ed... ae ..} 8,503 | .4,476 || 8,149 | 4,509 | 32; 252 20977 8,407 | 4,014 » Buildings..... PROB ISAL. .. Sart 1,781 |) 2994 11-2, 007 iy 155 6, 685 4,098 } 1,283] © 648 Tmplersents and machinery fA @ OF O57 199 "624 | 97228 1,516 738 |* 425 137 live stock. -+-.-.--4.0++-22-+2+ +24) 1, 243 L774 H 1,350 862 | 5,307 | 3,455 958 | 562 q om » Average value per acre: “81,52 | 46.64:|| 74, 77'|.44.56 |. 57.87 | 31.65 | 102.58 55. 72 > Ali farm property......... 5 a4 Lape and buildings3ti'.. 2. 24.20 69.38 |) 39560 62, 60} 37.37 |}. 49.24] 27.12] 89.77 | : 48.46 Pi: + id Land alone... sane 8i0. -.-4/49 57. 86} 8240 |) 50, 234.29, 75 }- 40.78 | - 22.68 |? 77.88 | | 44. 72 Business: ESTE... 20F S02, 02 TOZOENY © 12. S07 7.62 8.45 4.43 | 11.89 6. 74 uildings SeAbipliterentes and thachinety 25 POS 2 TO 11 1344 3. 84 1. 50 1,92 0. 80 8.94 1 “1, 42 Piivettoeien tc etek 8,38} '5,60| 8.32] 5.68] 671} 3.74] 8871 5.84 DIVISION AND STATE. 4 United States... GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: 2 New, England.....-. 3 Middle Atiantic. 2... 4 East.North Central... 5 West North Central. 6 South Atlantic. 2... f East South Central.: 8 West South Central: 9 MoOuUntaii. on. s dopechas 10 Pacific ts seo NEW ENGLAND YL Maltioce nti. Be aetes 12 New Hampshire..... 13 Verntont . 0 ie. 8 14 Massachusetts . 22.2. 15 Rhode Island.) +222. 16 Connecticut: .......: MIDDLE ATLANTIC? V7 New OK. yp itonn: ies 18 New Jersey.......... 19 Pennsylvania. ..-.... Hast NORTH CENTRAL: 20 Ohid . eras 21 Indians... Mee sis ae wi 22 ALANIS. 3 ey cna ae 23 Michigan. 21. Sa. J ! 24 WISCONSIN SL oe eee WEST NORTH CENTRAL: 25 Minnesota..i..-...-. 26 Lows 252. Go) gases ; 27 MASSOUTL. 3;'..5 eee of 28 North Dakota.2-..2- 29 - South Dakotaz. sc... 30 Nebraska... 3.222. = i 3l ICANRASh. JL. Slee eT SouTH ATLANTIC: 22 Delaware... sdo.csaeu 33 Maryland.....$2.72.. 34 District of Columbia. 3 Virginia, «n . 22% . <2 yamine Ee tg Iris MOUNTAIN: 49 Montara

      die at 2 24,044] 807| - 826} 103,885 | 101,061 16,240]. 741 | 646} 148,269 |. 158,326 9,591 | 989} 825} 179,802 | 181,491 18,783 | 736 | 763 |. 119,221 | 107, 266 4,399 | 828] 950] 77,381 | | 66,607 20,520 | 935 | 651. | 97,836 | 104,137 28,348,| 2,514 | 2,332:| 232,309 | 219,575 1,840} 899) 505| 6,507|., 2,344 2,229|| -758| . 450| 6,701 |- 3,188 1,102 |°'377| | 311] 1,968 897 4,519 | 880] 787:| 13,763] 8,390 2-931 |°' 433| 321 | 37655 | 1,957 444} | 305 |. 163} 1,801 861 2,586 | 296] 194| 2.7871. 1,720 114} 168 | 181 296 333 5,776 | 1,168| 961 | 12,419| 7,726 7 10,132 | 4,949 | 8,417} 25,141 |’ 18,148 : 71, 596 | 9,799 | 8,298 | 542,088 510, 429 |} | 60.9 62.1 | 1.1] 0.9; 38.1] 37.0 89.5 | 89.2] 3.1) 2.8 7.4 8.0 76.9 | 75.8] 2.3} 1.9] 20.7] 22.3 10.7 |. 72.0 | 1024. 100 & 28.1 | 27,6 64.8] 68.4] 1.0) 0.8] 34.2] 30.9 52.4] 53.3] 0.8) 0.7] 46.8] 45.9 80:07) 1490 |) 0.3.1) 068. 29.4.) "6017 46.6} 46.7) 0.5} 0.5} 52.9] 52,8 S30 (Stee p> Lot eB Dy art ieee 76.9} 80.0] 3.0) 2.8}, 20.1] 17.2 94.201 BO4e LT 16 | TST 4,2 4,3 90.6 | 90.5 | 2.74. 2.5 6.7 6.9 86.4 | 85.8] 2.0] 1.9]. 11.6] 12.3 87.8 | 86.9] 5.1) 5.0 Ve! 8.1 79.5 | 77.2} 5.04 4.7 | 15.5] 18.0 86.8 | 86.6} 4.7] 3.5 8.5 9. 8.) 78.5 | 977.3 | 2.3) Ti9t7 19.2) 20584 73.7 | 72.1 | 3.3) 3.2.1) 23.0] 24.8 18.9 974.9 | 2.2 bee Bil. 21,061) 232g 69.3 | 70.6 | 1.2] 1.0] 2955) 28.4 66.9] 68.9] 11) L111), 32.0} 30.0 5069 | 57.6 | 1.4 ]° 0.9 |. 42.7 | 41.4 $1.1 108383} 1.2 | COs deg | © 15s8 84.3 | 85.3] 1.3] 0,8) 144] 13.9 74.4 | 78.2] 0.9) 0.8] 24.7] 21.0 O41 f 61.37) 1.2) 0.9] 41,7). 3768 70.4 | 69.4] 0.9} 0.7}. 288) 29.9 Wed | 0500 TLV) Oot 25. Ge 1443 64.1 | 74.7] 1.0] 0.6) 34.9] 24.8 56.0} 61.1} 1.11 0.8 | 42.9) 388.1 58.7) 62.5]) 0.9] 0.8) 40.4) 36.8 59.8) 870) 1.47 U2) 39.3 (741.9 68.5 | 6855] 2.6]. 2.0 | 28.9 | 29.5 49.0| 54.4] 9.3) 6.9) 41.7) 38.7 73.2 (720.6 | (11 |. O90) 25.69}. 2625 82.6 | 786} 1.2} 0.9] 16.2) 20.5 56.1 | 57.3] 0.3] 0.4) 43.5] 42.3 35.1 | 36.5] 0.4) 0.5) 64.5 | 63.0 32.9 | 33.9} 0.5} 0.5} 66.6.) 65.6 71.3) 70:8] 3.4) 2.5] 25.3 | 26.7 66.3 | 65.7}; 0.4] 0.4) 33.4 | 33.9 58.6 | 586) 0.3] 0.3) 41-1] 41.1 41.8 | 395) 0.3] 0.2] 57.9] 60.2 33.6 | 83.6] 0.4] 0.3) 66.1 | 66.1 48.4 | 49.7] 0.3) 0.4] 51.3] 50.0 42.3! 44.0] 0.6; 0.8] 571; 55.3 48.6 | 44.9) 0.5} 0.3) 51.0) 54.8 46.1 | 46.9] 0.6] 0.6) 53.3} 52.6 87.2; 89,1) 1.6) 297 ILS 8.9 82.3; 882] 1:8] 1.5) 15.9] 10.3 85.1 | 89.0) 2:4) 2.8 | 12.5 8.2 75.6) 80.2) 1.5) 17 923.0.) 18.2 66.3 | 93.67) °155 }°.0,9°)* T2027). 525 78.9] 889] 3.1) L8 > 18tt 9.3 88.0} 912) °1.2}) 029 1° 10.9 7.9 85.3 | 80.9] 5.3] 6.7 9.4} 12.4 79.5 | 845] 18) 1.7). 187) 13.7 79.4 | 83047 1.8] 1.97188 | 15.1 74.4 | 7&5] 4:2 | 3.9 | 21.4] 20.6 a) Pe ae Es i SE Ba Be oo BOSE Se Es RO Ne SR a tiboe e A ES A eo ee ee Owners. | Managers. Tenants, 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910] 1920 | 1910 -\|PER CENT OF ALL FARMS OPERATED ail 631 -_ COONMPaAP wr _ ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURR. 632 TABLE 24.—TENANT FARMS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO FORM TOTAL NUMBER OF WH » SHARE: TENANTS. | FARMS OPERATED BY TENANTS. 1920 DIVISION AND STATE. . Total, Share — 1920 . 1910 including ‘tenants > ‘|| Croppers. || proper. 1} United States....... =| 2, 454, 804 | 2,354;676 |} 1 678, 812 || 1,117, 721 | _|. GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: Lave 3 j Has 2 2 New England...../..... 11, 602 15,015 2,698 || py 608 “pa wes 3 Middle Atlantic....-.. ft 88, 190 104; 271 51; aed Bb £9 263 eS on 4 East North Central.::.: 304, 407 303, 597 || 192) 2 PT Be 5 | West North Central... :-. 375, 019 342, 618 ||... 186, 704 ||. 16" 104 be ees 6 South Atlantic... .).. 22, 542, 088 510,429 || 380/512 || 186; 986 7 East South Central... :.. 522, 286 528,728 377. 725 || | 175, 441 8. West South Central. :.- 526, 747 497,585 |} * 445, 078 || 288,797 9 Mountain, .... FU gS a 37,478 19,690'!}.. 237968 |] | «237968 |..c.ecle. 10 PSCINGES ray ee ee oe 46, 987 32,733 |) 19) 670° “19, 670° ect NEw, ENGLAND: = : ; thy 11 Weaime secs te esse 2,004 2,563 - ‘292 e202 12 New Harepahire pe ope 1,373 1,879 120 = 120 |.. 13 Vermont: 8 320 3,386 4,008: 1,621 1,621 |. 14 Massachusetts,. <2. .-.22- 2, 287 t 2,979 330 330 |. 15 , Rhode Island’. sage 633 (954 ‘22 SS DD tea 16 Connecticut... 22: om 1,919} © 2,632 313 313 |. MIDDLE. ATLANTIC: rae . 17 New. Yotki tS est... 37, 102 44, 872 20, 864 || 20,864 |. 2. . 18 New Jersey: | <3.--i25: 6, 826 8, 294 3600 3,600 |... hae 19 Pennsylvania.-......-.- 44, 262 51, 105 26, 710 26,710 |. eae East NORTH CENTRAL; ’ ae ae 20 L bok Ue gp Moen ay ey ae eget 75, 644 77,188: )|- . 50,665 50, 665 |. 21 Todiana 222. A 65, 587 64).687 ||”, 48,473 48473 |-) 22 A hijund (0) abet, Gee 5 GRE al 101, 196 104,379 45, 281 ‘Ab. 281) |). 23 Michigan... ... Bot tet 34,722 32,689 ||. 23/280 280 24 WVISWOUIST «See he tee Se 27, 258 24, 654 14 584 14, 584, | West NortTH CENTRAL: on 25 NH ReSOLA A Poets eae es 44,138 32, 811 18, 976 18, 976 26 LOWER. sb ae Ba tla ac at 89, 064 82,115 25, 606 506 | .. 27 REISSOULT Ne Pore Raine 75, (27 82,958 46, 245 46,245 |. 28 North Dakota. Sa 19,918 10, 664 16, 943 16, 943 29 South Dakota. : oe 26, 041 19, 231 12,269 || | 12, 269, 30 Nebraska: .. 3.22. 7.0 208 53, 430 49/441 || 25,536 || ‘25,536. 31 FSNSSR. Tin fa cee ere 66, 701 65, 398 41,129: 41, 129) |: SoutH.ATLANTIC: ex 32 DOlawale - Mbee tas teaser 3, 98 4,535 - 3,314 "3, 106 pera 33 Matviand tee tees 13, 841 14,416 11,011 ~ 9,552) | 34 District of Gaiingbin: Z 84 tli ey a 6H 35 Virginia..\.-...: bf a 47, 745 48,720 || 37,7611] 24,046 36 West Veen aes apis -ihe sat 14, 098 19, 835 6, 959 6,331 | 37 North Caroling... 5... 117, 459 107, 287 98,758 58, 819. 38 South Caroli 4 ReMi ade : 124, 231 111, 221 ~ 82, 212 38, 423! 39 ce AIN enh, gondii De Raph at “Sade 206, 954 190, 980 ||... 142, 532 45,035. 40 FOTIOG 81; 235 43, 157 43 Alahama, =} occa. fae an 148, 269 158, 326 44 676 39, 779. 44 MissIssippl.. {<-> os -peee- 179, 802 181) 491 “135, 159 “48, 300, WEST SOUTH CENTRAL? : nae 45 Arkansas... .. i a Pe 119, 221 . 107, 266 94,884 || . 47, 219} | .a47, 46 Rae sa ee 77, 381 |, '. 66, 607 61, 808 80, 499 |, “31 47 Oklahoma, . ..:.-- be ae ; 97, 836 104, 137. || «77,364 68, ee aide 48 Tes oh eee ee 232,309 | 219,575 21, 022 14 MOUNTAIN: 3 49 Monitang. 2} gs. be aps 6, 507. 2,344 4, 398 4 398, 50 Tatas a axe dig eee ace 6, 701 3,188 4, 023 4,023, 51 Wyoming. ..-.;- Ficbigs 44 1, 968 897 1,426 |] oT idb 125 ass 52 COW Adds 3 1x Fo bed 13, 763 8, B90 9, 575 9, 575: 3) New Mexico... 5¢--.4-.- 3; 655 1,957 2, 469 2, 469 54 ATHONA ¢. > 2} 0-5 es cfd q gihy SOL 861 887 887. 55 Utah... 2 Tietz ke es 2, 787 1,720 1,369 1, 369. 56 NGVEGR... as: - cba ane 296 833 122 122 PACIFIC: . Ye = 57) ‘Washington.. Pog. bh gg 12, 419 7, 726», 5, 851 5, 851 58 bOregor.o. ¢ -$.6.4.26 & a » 19, 427 6, 859 | 4,176 4,176 59 'Cahfornia.. 2 .-..2-2-. ~ 25, 141 | 18, 148 9, 643 9, 643 1 Reported in the Southern states only. | nett a ; git a sor je. : : 1 De i Fey ieee U4 BS 1} * TENANCY, BY DIVISIONS. AND. STATES: 1920 AND Tet wes oe em oe be rer a Aas TENURE, TTI ay 7 a ae pil chet. a To <7 4 | inh Hees ‘ve Matedl ie, | CASH TENANTS. 5 : UNSPECIFIED TENANTS. 1920 inching, Pee it Standing 1s Yo - qoigeeey standing mS renters. } iG a renters, ||! PFOPeT- 128,468 |! 585,005 489, 009 104, 996 712, 294 113,993 | 1 8,071 BO See 9, 787 2,401 4)" "9° 32,879 ’ Me Kd -» 40; 958 6,123 |. 3 ; 76,945 7h ial te Sie So ain 84, 082 15,252 | 4 107, 568 IGT 505 Hewhicetes D f=, 109)'383[f 21,656) 5; $ » 139, 907 64, 59 176, 617 || 24,314) 6), 3 59,799 22,029 | g BO;916, |i)! £220, 916% 02 28 3,065.) 9 Ae ay, es ee 3, 145°) 10 ; 1, 569 497 |.11 i 1,073 475°| 12 i. 1, 489 . 7134) 13, iF 1, 766° 607 | 14... a 609° “181° 75 * 1, 565 507_| 16 [ |. 14, 676 2,254 117 f ae a8 697 | 18 IG 15, 220. 3,172 | 19 (* 19, 298 2;686'| 20 * Hi, 10,615 3, 582 |.21 26, 300 5, 043.) 22 iz 9,312 1,812’ | 23, ly 11, 420, 2,129 |.24 15, 251 2;648'| 95 iv 44, 586 3;657 |'26 17, 292° 3; 200 | 27 1,175 2,076 |..28 5, 328 2, 106 | 29 12,307 2,900 | 30 \ 11, 629 5,069 |.31 ; 484 247° |'32. (9 2, 306 1,156 | 33 Pema 71 fuk axe Co eae 7,616 2, 636.| 35 5,627 “7768 | 36 . 15, 916 4,331 |.37 ee 40, 072 5,987 | 38... 61, 820 7, 164° | 39. et 5, 995 2,017} 40. 9, 929 2,559 |. 41 17, 883 2,494 | 42 3 57,694 5,186 | 43 ¢ ® 88, 972 |} 92 5,769: 44 rs _ 18,171 5,278.) 45). ir 13, 505 2, 049 |.46. 15,710 6, 068 | 47 12, 413 8,634) 48 x 1,757 551. |,49 fe é 2,089 611 | 50. Lag y 604 197 |'51. i. 8,876 1,033} 52: a iit ay QO4G 233 °|°53 © . 853 LOB} 54 . 1,176 ~ 296°} 55 : 168 89056 1B, 5, 830 | 923). 57)" ik, 4, 382, 650 | 58) 0 14, 230 4 572 | 59 Ove 3 ; 1 Re $9 } : t 634 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE. . TABLE 25.—ACREAGE OF FARM LAND, WITH PERCENTAGES AND AVERAGES, BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. DIVISION OR STATE AND TENURE. UNITED STATES. Managers. .... 2... 2. TANantiss-GFaon. -ctese GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS. NEw ENGLAND. Managers... ele Teénants...-... ia 9° MIDDLE ATLANTIC. MANAGCTS Toe ble Tenants 0... . J Wat East NortTHa CENTRAL. Managersam os. t Jat Tenantsocw ol. Voak West NortTu CENTRAL. Managers 3.0.10. - ane Tenants: cach cone ee SouTH. ATLANTIC. Managers ec. 222.2 aah Tenants. 2. coe EAST SOUTH CENTRAL. Managers.. Tenants toxic 4 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL. Managers. -..... 0522 Managerse. 3. 2.224 8 Tenants sc oss. 4-44 ‘ PACIFIC. 955,883, 715/878, 798, 325 636,775, 0151598, 554, 617 ALL LAND IN FARMS (ACRES). 1920 1910 54, 129, 157| 53,730, 865 264; 979, 543|226, 512, 843 16,990, 642 14; 704, 536 980, 426 1, 305,680 19, 714, 931 17, 089, 125 1, 087, 463 1, 538, 343 40,572, 901] 43, 191, 056 29, 018, 681| 30, 283, 268 1, 923,037| 1,714,084 9; 631, 183| 11, 193,704 117, 735, 179/117, 929, 148 76, 518, 051| 80, 234, 320 2” 867, 235] 2; 354, 205 38, 349, 893] 35, 340, 623 256, 978, 2291232, 648, 121 168, 570, 080/164, 789, 865 6,079, 202| 5,005, 299 82; 323, 947| 62, 852, 957 97,775, 243|103, 782, 255 61; 798, 370| 69, 129, 783 4, 402,027] 3,364,390 31,574, $46| 31, 288, 082 78,897, 463 54, 0217 795 1) 528, 565 23, 347, 103 81, 520, 629 57, 131, 972 17,603, 487 22,785, 190 173, 449, 127|169, 149, 976 104; 781; 491/104, 353, 474 16, 510, 572) 19, 698, 171 52, 157, 064| 45, 098, 331 59, 533, 420 42) 265, 930 11} 003; 725 6, 263, 765 117, 337, 226 90, 888, 734 12, 973, 586 13, 474, 906 56, 152, 705 36,473, 277 6, 864, 507 12; 814, 921 51,328, 789 33; 276, 880 7,900, 061 10, 151, 848 IMPROVED LAND IN FARMS (ACRES). 1920 503, 073, 007/478, 451, 750 314, 107,483|309,850, 421 13,210, 999] 12,314,015 175,754, 525|156, 287, 314 6, 114, 601 5, 279, 659 323, 146 511,796 26, 562, 107 18,776, 624 1; 027,679 6,757, 804 87, 894, 835 55, 129, 801 1, 828791 30, 936, 243 1910 7, 254,904 6, 259, 844 376, 404 618, 656 29, 320, 894 20, 288, 060 910, 418 8, 122, 416 88, 947, 228 58,470, 026 1, 493, 321 28, 983, 881 171, 394, 439/164, 284, 862 107, 103, 336|111, 279, 585 2° 856,089] 2,726, 669 61, 435, 014 48,509, 886 28, 028, 682 1, 470, 268 19, 010, 936 ~ 44, 380, 132 27 730, 393 685, 091 15, 964, 648 64, 189, 606 33, 786, 227 1,338, 924 29) 064, 455 30,105, 868 237 592° 819 1) 536,415 4,976, 634 23, 921, 533 14, 679, 942 2, 144° 596 7, 096, 995 50, 278, 608 48, 479, 733 28, 844 267 1, 229; 084 18, 406, 382 43,946, 846 27, 383, 922 578, 791 15, 984, 133 58, 264, 273 30, 885, 471 1, 426, 467 25, 952, 335 15, 915, 002 12, 152) 588 1, 471; 963 2) 290, 451 22,038, 008 14, 286, 658 2, 100, 898 5, 650, 452 |1920 /1910]| 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1940 AVERAGE ACREAGE PER CENT OF FARM PER FARM. LAND IM- PROVED. || 31) Jand. Improved land. 67.9)| 95.4} 92.2 67. 0|| 88.7) 85.3 53. 1|| 195. 2| 188.9 72. 6|| 109.2} 107. 4 75. 4|| 108.5| 105.0 72.9|| 99.8] 99.2 63. 4|| 211.6} 217. 0 82. 0|| 126.0) 116.4 70. 6|| 234. 3) 209. 6 67.5|| 237.0) 217.1 54. 5|| 564.1| 597.0 80. 0} 219.5) 183.4 46.7|| $4.41 93.3 41.7|| 101. 8] 116.5 36. 5|| 449.2} 405. 4 58.8]| 58.2] 61.3 53.9|| 75.0] 78.2 47. 9]| 102. 7| 111.9 36. 1|| 436.0] 487.4 70.2\| 44.7] 43.1 34. 4/] 174. 1| 179.3 29.6|| 225, 7| 236.7 7. 2/|3293. 614194. 7 57.5|| 99,0) 90.6 26. 7|| 480.7} 324.5 28, 8|| 448. 8| 262. 8 13. 4|I3152, 013778. 8 36. 6|| 359.5] 318.1 42.9)| 239.8) 270.3 42.9}| 202. 5} 219. 0 26. 6|| 976. 0)1512. 0 - FARM TENURE, 0° | 635° ‘TABLE 25.—ACREAGE OF TARM LAND, WITH PERCENTAGES AND AVERAGES, BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS ci STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. PER CENT AVERAGE ACREAGE ALL ee OU IMPROVED LAND IN || OF FARM . | PER FARM. . ae + ACRES). FARMS (ACRES). LAND IM- DIVISION OR STATE ) wea AND: TENURE. ~ | PROVED. || All land, .|,improved land. ~ 1920 - 1910 1920 1910 1920|1910)| 1220 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 5,425,968) 6,296,859)! 1,977,329} 2, 360,657)| 36.4) $7.5)! 112.5] 104.9! 41.0 39.2 5, 073, 856 5, 915, 822) 1, 853, 224 2 222) 452)| 36. 5) 37, 6)| 111.7} 104.8}. 40.8] 39,4 "145, 793 "156, 901 49, 431 53, 352)| 33. 9) 34. 0)| 185.5] 157.1] 62.9} 53,4 206, 319 224, 136 74, 674 84, 853}! 36. 2} 37. 9)} 103.0} 87.4]. 37.3) 33.4 2,603,806) 3,249, 458 702, 902 929, 185|| 27.0! 28. 6|} 126.9] 120.1) 34.2) 34.3 2) 296, 383 2, 863, 633 623, 673 829, 301)| 27. 2} 29. 0|| 128.4) 116.9] 33.5|° 33.9 154, 358 2097 625 33, 821 42,,790|| 21. 9} 20, 4|| 282.7] 307. 8]. 61.9} 62,8 153, 065 176, 200 45, 408 57, 094)| 29.7) 32. 4! 111.5) 93.8]. 33.1). 30,4 4,235,811) 4,663, 577)| 1,691, 595) 1,633, 965)| 39.) 35. 0]] 145.7) 142.6] 58.2) 50.0 3 520, 899 3, 816, 498 1, 387, 502) 1,321, 497)| 39.4) 34. 6// 140. 2) 136.0). 55.2) 47,1 150, 197 2087 938 55, 962 52, 584}! 37.3] 25. 2/| 264. 4! 328.5] 98.5} 82,7 564, 715 638, 14] 248, 131 259, 884)| 43. 9} 40.7] 166. 8} 159. 2!..73..3). 64.8 2,494,477) 2,875,941 908,834; 1,164,501); 36.4) 40.5]| 77.9) 77.9) 284) $1.5 2, 021, 920 2) 343. 103 744, 523 931, 621)| 36. 8|.39.8]| 72.0) 73.1] 26.5] 29,0 313, 095 330, 914 104; 650 150, 206}| 33.4] 45. 4)} 192. 4) 177.6 ~ 3! ° 80.6 159, 462 201, 924 59, 661 82) 674|| 37.4) 40.9|| 69.7) 67.8). 26.1) °°27.8 331, 600 443, 308 132, 855 178, 344|| 40.1) 40.2} 81.2) 83.8) 32.5) 33.7 248, 934 318, 262)|° 97, 719 127, 964|| 39.3) 40.2)! 76.7) ..77.9]..30.1] 31.3 29, 792 44 436 13, 943 15, 914|) 46.8) 35. 8|| 145.3} 177.0]. 68.0]. 63.4 52, 874 80; 610 21 193 34) 466|} 40.1! 42. 8]| 83.5) 84.5). 33.5) 936.1 1,898,980) 2,185,788 701, 086 988, 252|| 36.9) 45.2]| 83.8) 81.5) 30.9} 36. 1 542° 544 1, 831, 807 573, 018 827, 009}! 37.1) 45. 1] 78.4) 78.8] 29.1) 35.6 A187; TOT). 136, 649 65, 339 61, 558}| 34. 9) 45. 11|'174, 9) 144.0). 61.1) 64.9 169, 245 217, 332 62) 729 99, 685}! 37.1) 45.9)| 88.2) 82.6). 32.7] 37.9 “Mou ATLANTIC. || New we York, beh 20, 632, 803) 22, 030, 387|| 13,158,781] 14, 844, 039 63.8} 67, 4|! 106.8) 102.2) 68.1) 68.8 15, 084, 383 15, 824, 840 69, 600, 996 10, 606, 157/|.. 63. 6} 67. Oj} 99.4} 94.9). 63.3) 63.6 932} 355 838, 476}} 462; 387 431, 936|| 49.6) 51..5}} 213. 1! 207. 0). 105.7) 106.6 4, 616, 065} 5, 367, 051 3, 095, 398} 3, 805, 946)| 67.1} 70. 9|| 124.4) 119.6) 88.4) 848 New Fersey, § Be total. 2, 282, 585 2, 573, 857|| 1,555,607) 1,803, 336|| 68. 2/ 70.1] 76.8! 76.9) 52.4) 53.9 A x 424’ 791 1, 562, 906, 971, 819 L 105, 612)| 68. 2) 70. 7{| 65.1) 64.8) 44.4). 45.8 ; 208, 391 207 340 101, 871) "106; 528}|' 48. 9] 46.9}) 211.1) 214.5) 103.2) 100:5 649, 403 783, 611 481, 917 591, 196)| 74.2) 75.4|| 95.1} 94.5) 70.6} 71.3 17, 657, 513) 18,586, 832)| 11,847,719) 12,673, 519)| 67.1] 68.2!) 87.3) 84.8) 58.6) 57.8 12, 509, 507| 12, 895, 522 8, 203, 809 8 576, 291)| 65. 6] 66.5}]| 81.5) 78.5) 53.4) 52.2 782, 291 648, 268 463, 421 371, 954}| 59. 2) 57. 4/| 174.2) 163.7; 103.2) 93.9 4, 365, 715} 5, 043, 042)| 3, 180, 489 3, 725, 274) (72. 9| ‘73. 91}. 98.6]. 98.9}. 71..9f< 72.9 23, 515, 888) 24,105, '708)| 18, 542,353) 19, 227, 969|) 78.9) 79.8) 91.6) 88.6) 72.2). 70.7 15, 000; 053 16, 031} 682|| 11, 746, 480) 12, 724, 672|| 78.3} 79.4|| 84.3) 83.5) 66.0] 66,2 561, 724) "504, 636 390, 147 "349° 442)| 69. 5| 69. 2)| 183.3] 183.3] 127. 3)126..9 4, 954, iit 73 569, 390)| 6, 405,726 6, 153, 855}; 80. 5} 81.3}/ 105.2) 98.1) 84.7) 79.7 21, 063, 332) 21, 299, 823)| 16, 680, 212 16, 931, 252)/ 79.2] 79.5), 192.7) 98.8) 81.3). 78.6 12, no 464 13, 938, 925 10, 025, 972 10, 943, 297|| 77. 9)! 78. 5|| 93.8) 93.9] 738.1] 73.7 433, 469 346; ‘707 343° 151}| 73. 3] 71. 0)) 208.1) 210, 5}:148..9) 149.4 ae 877, 429]1 6, 307, 533! 5, 644, 8041) 81. 7] 82.1 117.7! 106.3) 96. 2\° 87.3 % 636 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-AGRICULTURE, PARLE 25--ACREAGE OF FARM LAND, WITH PERCENTAGES AND AVERAGES, BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. AVERAGE ACREAGE : ; PER CENT ; ALL LAND IN FARMS || IMPROVED;LAND IN, |} OF FARM | | FER FARM. 4 (ACRES). FARMS (ACRES). LAND IM- DIVISION OK STATE PROVED. Improved AND TENURE. “+ ‘end: s . 1920 1910 1920 gfe, 1910 olf 4 ' East NortTH , a CENTRAL—Con. Illinois, total. ....- | 31, 974, 775] 32,622, 937|| 27, 294; 533) 28, 048,323 115.1] 411,40 Owners {2.002 -b5 eos - 16, 265, 076| 17, 787, 063}} 13, 621, 331| 15, 033,192 402.7) 103.6 Managers .0g.- Us Se; - 712, 850) 558; 463 577,654} 428,467)) $1. 0} 169. 4b-179.6 © Penaits. Soap sss e es 14, 996, 849114, 177, 411]| 13, 095, 548) 12, 586, 664 129.4) 120.6. Michigan; totals. . .} 19; 032) 961) 18, 940, 614|)-12, 925, 521) 12, 822,078} 67 9| 67. ~ 65. 8|» 62.0 Owners. ¢.02- vine. 14, 541, 461| 15,107, 494)) «9, 846) 841] 10, 142,159 67. “61. 8 esa OO" Managers. {3.-/.4u2 - 587, 891} _ 452)504 272,352 217, L09}): 48, 17. 44-4400 7 Tengnts os. .K « ~.. |: 8, 903, 609}: 3,380,616); 2, 806,328). 2,472) 810 78s |} 112. 4) 103.4] 80.8). 7567 Wisconsin, total...| 22, 148) 223] 21,060, 066|} 12; 452,216) 41, 907,606 56. 8l6%2 Owners...i2.-si‘ 562, 829)}, 29. 2 Ténatitss.20.. aa... 14, 323, 225] 10,551,'655)| © 9, 498, 590] 8, 356, 437)) 66. 3 Kansas, total...... 45; 425, 178) 43,384, '799|| 20, 600,'760} 29, 904; 067)! 67.4 Owners)...--.,c-+.-4 27, 376, 771! 28, 840, 182]| 17, 942, 944] 19, 348, 793]| 65. 5 Managers ..... es ane 1, 220,911} 1, 263, 691 503, 271 434, 862]| 41.2 Tenantee seit ss. 12, 154, 545] 10, 120, 412}) 72. 2), 16) 827, 497| 13, 280, 926 SoutH ATLANTIC. Delaware, total...| 944) 511| 1,038,866 > oOo S192 Ss ome = gS wners!) 22. LARS 451, 476| <. 476, 827 077} 7 77,2) 50.3) Managers......--.--- 21, 485 21, 164 16,544} 17, 587]] 77.0] 83.1 172. 1) 114.9 Ténants.-16-. ce... 471, 550| ° .°540, 875|)" 2834) 230P2 2873, 874 h:70.9| 69: 1 119. 8} 2) o hore GO Pagid wee Pony Maryland, total...| . 4,757) 999] © 5,057, 140]} | 3, 136,728}. 93, 354)°767 | Ownsrs/ $F Anil. 2; 750, 870|| 2, 905,318|}° 1, 759; 988). 1, 883, 482|'640] 64, Managers.........--- 259,426] 207,291] 168,518] 129, 269]| 65.0 Tenants. ./s--6--56-: 1, 747,703! 1,944,531!) 1,208,222] 1,342,016! 69.1 FARM TENURE. 637 “anu 25--ACRRAGE OF FARM LAND, WITH PERCENTAGES AND ob ibaa B TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. ie ALL LAND IN FARMS aren ans 9 A a _ DIVISION OR STATE SAND TENURE. |” car | tnt: ree | OeRe @32r + ~* : : ; Sours ATLAN m10— Continued. Byron. cc ambia, S23 ogy f ; vetedesebees : Poe AGaeevicl <\ ee wrt e wena eeee -..| 20, 024, 736] 22, 13, 441, 509 582, 377 6, 200, 429 13, 512, 2 028 8, O51, 503 "547, Al2 4, 913, 118 26, 953, 413) 14, 851, 292! 779, 122| 11, 322, 999; 5, 253, 538 4, 236, 551 280; 741 686, 246 12, 426, 675 3.6, 747, 237 494’ 522 5, 284, 916 25, ‘441, 061 12; 800, 859 "995, 989 ll, 714, 213 “Ss ” eae total te Man = 1 on rae ee er MMS... es (y . orida, totals. He wee aewe 22, 189, 127 17, 462, 755 ” 315,260 4,411,112 20, 041, 667 5 GB. SU, at ager IY 6| 20, 732,312} 13; 280, 106 09s}. ” 366,767 7, 085, 439 18, 557, 533 11, 716, 474 ’ 586, $14 iG; 254, 548 13,975, 746 10, 694, 025 11, 185, 302 IMPROVED LAND IN 1920" S 1,311 1, 519 1, 428 9, 460, 492 7, 042, 904 415, 481 || 2,002; 107 5, 520, 308 4, 587, 648 "184 148 748, 512| 8,198, 409 4,966, 358 112, 279 3, 119, 772 4: 184, 159 2, 622, 929 116,442 3:444° 783 13,055,209 5, 108, 853 319, 099 7) 627, 757 2,297,271 L 636, 972 136, 238 524, 061 "162 575 3; 119, 146 i 506, 987 107, 729 3, 570, 586 9,893, 407) ri 722; 732 9, 325, 677 4, 543, 012 230, 481 4, 562, 184 4958! \ FARMS (ACRES). 1910 2, 077, 7A 5,521,757 4, 606, 103 133) 834 781, 820 8, $13, 056 5, 539, 783 159, 982 3, 113, 291 6, 097, 999 2, 800, 778 141, 806 3, 155, 415 12,298,017 4, 931, 295 ?248° 350 4, 118, B72) 1, 805, 408 1, 286, 836 76, 465 442, 107 14, 354, 471 11, 086, 744 174, 708 3, 093, 019 10, 890, 484 7 461, 499 3,313, 007 9, 693, 581| 4, 620, 939 120, 099 4, 953, 250 9, 008,310} 4, 624, 797 PER CENT OF FARM LAND IM- PROVED. AVERAGE ACREAGE PER FARM. Improved All land. jana. 1920 |1910)| 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 ~J~Isi-d Ss DANO OOOrm Ri i a OwWW PF AN We BPN SR NEWS Roe St PH ORF OoOonnr wwoor S> bo CO.G0 64. 7| 63.5 55.4 SR > Aho“ +2 54. 3 50. 9 34.6 65. 8 46.8 34,8 32.7 69.9 48.5 36. 0 28.7 73.9 > IMR OLR & NESE NOS. POPs. eo AOeW Forman cons 70.1) OO he Seow SAAS 3 -6| 103.7! 63.2 Pe eI OW Ha OU 113.2 614. 2 4752 66.9 124. 1} 589. 2 34.9 | 107. 7 27.9 20.6 O71 25.9 105. 9 406. 4 i Pet co Pare Onwom wnno- — a" ae — Po Fete eS? ea DOCS K~IE AD WIRDW Woee Rom Worn See 3 # 107.7) - 63.6 326. 3} 168.9 78.5} 53.1 88.4 30. 4 520.9 57.8 85.6) 51.6 102.5| 59.6 317.5} 167.8) 1 50. 2) 34.5 81.5 101.8 405.5 49.8 78.9 127.8 567.8 44,8 67.6 127.3 710.9 34.5 44.3 50. 71 133.5] 1 34. 4 $8.6 46. 6 248.7 31.9 34,3 49,8 233.0 25.3 638 TABLE 25.-—ACREAGE OF FARM LAND, WITH PERCENTAGES AND AVERAGES, BY ABSTRACT OF THE: CENSUS—-AGRICULTURE. TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. . ALL LAND IN FARMS (ACRES). DIVISION OR STATE AND TENURE. 1920 1910 West SoutH CENTRAL, Arkansas, total...|} 17,456,750) 17, 416,075 Qwnersys : 2. x5 = A se iL, 810, 397 12, 389 ” 542! Managers... ra. -.5.3 351, 565 "398. 186) TDendntss -.J3. res te be é 5, 204, 788} » 4, 698, 347 Louisiana, total. ..| 10, G19, $22) 10, 439, 483 Owners: Seager to's 6, 255, 255) «6, 766, 128 Manavers: fe. os feu 23 900, 121 986,357 Tendhts. » aa cose. ce 2, 264, 446) - 2,687,003 Oklahoma, total. .] $1, 951, 934] 28, 859, 253 Ownersiieds: West: - 18, 471, 693] 15, 996, 795 Managers. -ix: sng: sa .@ 026, 026 428, 079 Tenants, . sossves ke 5 fot DQ, 554, 215 12,483, 3879 Texas, totab:...2.. OWNRIS. fee see toe. 68, 244 146 Managersifesc. cl s.e. 14, 332, 860 Penan tse --\ae oer = 26 oh 31)443, 615] 2 MOUNTAIN. Montana, total....| 35,079, 656 OWRRET Se ps S is ee 28, 952, 950 Managers. 52. 42...2-% 2 859, 873 Pennants... jae verges 29 ok rs 257, 833 Idabo,.total....... 8,375, 873 CFWHPTO sik west saa 6, 798, 893 Managers. Usa say 385, 718 Torants sss. prose cs 1, 191, 262 Wyoming, total....| 11,805, 351) COWTEIS. cot cece. ae 9, 359, 517 Managers: at . _ . Sie QW oO PE LEER wWowea Bwore Se Peres aes -SpSPoy Nee Doo BROOD EE sae RO: CA a Ch Lee pe > It CO 0 $00.2 fat pet Spe. ONAN me SOS COOOW NOMS CNONH OF WO OOF CO BHO Oo oo p.SuUP ASS Qo po cpoottot FARM, TENURE 9) py. 05, 639 BI fi —ACREAGE OF FARM LAND, WITH PERCENTAGES AND AVERAGES, BY ee a aoa BY DAY ESIONS AN D eed heise AND 1910—Continued. AVERAGE ACREAGE e . ) PER CENT PER FARM. ALL LAND IN FARMS || IMPROVED LAND IN || OF FARM one 5 (ACRES). FARMS (ACRES). LAND IM- ti PROVED. 19201910 £08 iS be OR .| 13, 542, 318 fae 10, 017, 262| 97036, 370 . 837,924] 766, 007 1, 282) 014} 1,000,641 ee: f 2, 687, 132| 1, 882) 2, 738 i ‘a iL, 878, 339| 11, 389, 894| 819, 212) 6, 464, 472 | ? 587 518 1, 728, 625 3,471,609] 3; 196, 797 il, 685, 110 SkES BSE Oo ANHS ° Co ee) s © 23 Bese dae 6 201) 133 51.6 26.2 | 265. 9| 341.71 138.1 ~ ' ‘A Cor £ i} > ‘ OTe f Pag FY } m rm ; ial LPe 2. a | » GT este. } iy } ri ‘ ; se i “ Ta. = faa eee Rr | ee ' , iRoR 4 Bos a0 | 202 POG era.) |t09 thd Tee Bx 1960 Bat eri OL [see " Fare, a neo) oA: ae py 1) BAGO TT EAGR GOs OOH Bes Pe = Og . Lele tik : Os Tt se Tae f ; A a ey CALL ¥ - a rian " r ih et } Gi , N 5 a tt r af “ Af 4 3 , ; % ny das > 5 “tf ‘ ; be P : “2 4 c a doe ie & be 3 J i ie ae. “6 ‘ ee F i } a a é a - - ‘ } tA nae my € e r pe we | t ei d : £ % Ce . rs wat ; i} ) et ' ty i) ee a “es 2a : spy ie , ‘ 7 ~; “F * P te: i ; Rois (Cas Rye NEWS: | fs ek 3 j a *} LF 3 : an on - o Ao ~ ~ ~ 640 POW hoe CONT OR On ‘\qapre 2¢.-VALUE OF ALL FARM PROPERTY AND OF THE SEVERAL ABSTRACT OF "THE CENSUS-—AGRICULTURE. LAND AND BUILDINGS. t: | Mi ¥ k ; ) _ ALL FARM PROPERTY, Bs: DIVISION OR STATE. oni . AND TENURE. - Total. Land alone. 4920 4920°->- 1910 1920 ‘ : 4 ie UNITED STATES. . TOTAL. tock. wee $77, 924, 100, 338/$40, 991, 449, 030 $66, 316, 002, 602|$34, 801, 125, 697 $54, 859 563, 059} : COWOT Se vite ae S 47; 6ll, 545, 944 26, 669, 634, 373 39, 864, 222, 907 22 366, 934, 278) |. 31, 984° ae : Managers. 2°. 2. = 3, 132, 273, 005 of 700, 624, $36 2 ’ 665, 216, A465 1 456, 958, 992) 2” 207, 65 FOUAO UA: one be pener | 27; 180, 281, 389 12’ 621, 189, 781 3, 786, 563, 230 10,977, 232, eh 20,83 180 GEOGRAPHIC ¢ t, ; . DIVISIONS. Ae NEW. ENGLAND. SOA Lain es seis Aue 1,173, aig, 594 OWders. fon: te ee cee "949, 587, 985 Managers. i. O° Acie 133, 522, O14). TTAUSD UES Se pune ty aon dies 89, 909, 595 Total: 222. eas: 3, 949, 684, 183 (YWHICTSo ed cess Seka Se 2, 663, 591, 574 Managersss- 0-04-5040 ”302) 070, 412 ‘TENANUSs os aco a- seer 984, 022) 197 EAST NorRTH CENTRAL. Total... s2esces 17, 245, 362, 593 OWMETS- .). =. 2-.se 6 eee 10, 058; 142) 054 Managers... .. sae sae 477, 058, 724 TOROS? Sh. «codes ae 6, 710, 161, 815 WEstT NorTH CENTRAL. TOURL: 2... occ heee 27, 991, 434,545 CVWHOIS Ss 5 cera 16, 841, 094, 799 Manaeersic.. 23-25 8 4 517, 018, 682 Tenants: . 2... accel 10, 633, 321, 064 Total.. 6, 132, 917,760 Cuyners...\....<. assent 3, 668, 836, 823 Managers......<. wees 305, 470, 576 POUDANIS. ... 3. Jepeo ee 2, 158, 610, 361 Total; ... sles 4,419, 466, 237 OO WHOLS. occ acee hose 2 758, 397, 331 Managers.........-.- “3 110, 765, 776 Tenants. o. sac.0 ie by 550, 303, 180 Poteau ce eeeees 7, 622, 066, 027; O WARORS.i:4 Louise ee 4 178, 001, 708 Managers. coi teg ove 380, 657, 726 PONANUS. -. wes ealedey 3, 063, 406, 593 MOUNTAIN Totalougs. 53. oee 4, 083, 137, 939 Oynersi- 3 oa at oe 3, 062, 853, 906 Mangeers.<- ose. dst "323° 137, old. Nenantsec cues ae oe 697, 146) 722 PACIFIC PE OUAL sot es eee 5, 307, 611, 460 CO WMETSet: pec eaet ee y 431) 039 764 Managers...... Cape th! 582) 571, 784 ONGOING che cece ts ss cae i. 293; 399, 912 867, 240, 457 707, 087; 858] 91 617, 841 68, 534, 758 2,959, 589, 022 e 956, 906, 352 "199, 378, 007 803, 304, 663 10, 119, 128, 066 934° 979, 209 4, 318, 478, 084 2,951, 200, 773 i 905, 397, 469 "139, 453, 227 906, 350, 077 2,182, 771, 778 1 432, 645, 781 56, 250, 544 693, 875, 454! 8, 838, 154, 337 2, 195, 591, 300 248, 191, 089 1, 394, 371, 948 1, 757, 573, 368 s 318, 659, 728 "186, 576, 669 252, 326, 971i ee, | 2,780, 481, 777 1, 857, 474, 264 "321,721, 477 601} 286, 036 ay 06. 767, 032 917, 468, 584). "256, 451, 780 757, 910, 188 14,937, 641, 671 24, 469, 495, 169 14, 546, 115, 223 ” 445, 906, 192 9, 477, 473, 754 94, 822,369 dy 309, 779, 337 6, 291, 188, 072 3, 369, 149, 702 ” 302, 397, 712 2, 619, 640, 658 3, 163, 187, 788 351, 059, 166 233, 107, 982 579, 020, 635 4669, 416, 734 2, 998, 449, 762 199,940 541) 603, 330 n8, 544, 808|), “B79, 951 343] © ~ 56, 930, 239] see 2,442, 949, 103 7% 594, 225, 109 178) 283, 750] 670, 440, 244 1, 661, 676, 107) 1, 041, 704, 049} "149; 748) 070) 470, 223, 988] i 8, 873, 991, 594/| 12,046, 073 68 5, 458, 959, 257|| 6,576, 1977, 706) "198, 347,752|| 335,754 996 i] 3,216,684, 585|| 5, 133, 340, 982) 11, 614, 665, 870 7, 615, 830, 376 611, 857 3, 799° 173, 637 2,486, 436, 474 1, 593,294, 281 ” 125, 539, 290 767, 602, ) 903) 1,738, 397, 839|| 2 1 135, 752, 526 "597, 661 555, 047, 652, 3, 128, 596, 882 1, 767, $80, 518 83, 145 1, 155, 533, 2191) 1,319, 396, 873 972° 132) 526 133, 047, 729 214, 216, 618 2, 478, 146, 254 . 648, 858, 342 ” 987, 684, 582 FARM TENURE. 641 A CLASSES, BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 'and 1910. LAND AND BUILDINGS—continued. -- . IMPLEMENTS AND | LIVE STOCK. a "|; ren MACHINERY. 1920 . 1910 1920 1910 1920 1910 1910 | $8,013,324, 808|$4, 925, 173,610|' 1 17, 806, 121, 628) 7,879,441,273/ 4} 560; 812, 650!) 2) 447,792,781] '900,672,5411| 52997 530, 256, 3, 402,027) 554}. 2 ome 218, $59, 265 457, 565, 445 238, 099, 727 "1037 773, 702} 42, 908, "500 "363, 282° 838 ” 2007 757, 444, 3 a estos, 79/8 3, 149, 432, "825 . 1,526, 26, 539, 151)| 1, 043; 206, 445 321; 568, 742| 2, 350, 511, 714|. 1, 3227 388, 612; 4 i ; 429,343,334) 336, 410,284|| 92,387,525] 50,798,826! 163,163,485, 97,896,823] 5 348, 747, 622| 277,773,122] 79,706, 212{ 43,954) 140/| 136,895,828), 831827375] |6 51, 0717 219 34) 677, 597 6, 757, 841 3,572, 404 it, 641, 797 6, 382; 211; 7 29, 524, 493 23) 959, 665 5, 923° 472 3, 272, 282 14, 625, 860 8, 332, 237| 8 Li 340, 461, 647| 980,628,098} 359,152,336] 167,480,384| 588,394,093) 349, 159,535| 9 946. 071, 737 687, 408, 023 2627 569, 221 120; 120, 580 413,246,567 242° 560, 663} 10 106,703,710} _ 66, 798,890|| . 16,500,578] |. 7,387,337 29,118,054] 13,706,920] 11 287, 686,200| 226) 421; 185 | 80,082,537| 39,972) 467|| 146,029)472)' 927891; 952) 12 4 891, 567,987] 1,642,292, 480|| 786,076,805] 268,806, 550|| 1,521,644,117/ 976,329,922) 13 1,970. 979, 155 1 177, O77. 887 521 674, 491 189° 017, 199 ” 988, 510, 702 666, 0327 947| 14 85, 276, 714 37, 254,111 16, 310, 480 5 044) 543 39, 716, 534 19, 064) 578) 15. 835,312,118 427,760, 482|| 248/091/834| 74) 744/808 493) 416,881] 291) 239° 397| 16 | 3, 129,350,027) 1,562,104, 957|| 1,162,938,264| 368,935, 544|/ 2,359,001, 112) 1,551, 708,097) 17 - 101. 245, 806 L 127, 782, 542 "757 245, 213) 263, 272, 264!) 1, 537, 734, 363 1. 102, 699, 578| 18 58, 838. 819 23. 738, 682 14, 269, 699 4 675,495 56,842,791 30, 691; 857/19 969, 265,402] 4107583,733|| 39174237352] 100, 987,785 764, 423,958) 418, 316, 662) 20 . 1,201, 091,568] 603,086,799] 288,980,857/ 98,230,147!| 647,163,431] 366,534, 152/ 21 "794,232, 501| 4277 1847616|| 192727872301 69109,744| 404 919° 788] 2427993” 444) 29 56, 720, 054 26, 138, 193 10. 888, 762 3, 940, 904 22,405,410 9 973) 033) 23 350, 139,012] .. 149, 763,990]| .... 80,813,865, 25,179,499]| . 219, 838,233| 113,567,675) 24 747,552,131] 411,570,975! 176,064,886] '75,339,333|| 579,707,988) $69,034, 607] 25 508, 533, 668) 297,556, 546 122? 132, 015 53, 489) 572 377, 173, 659 243° 403, 683! 26 15,994, 791 -9, 488, 057 3, 920, 323 L 939; 456 12) 023,084 6, 713, 427| 27 223° 023,672| 104,526,372|| 50,012,548} 19,9107305|| 190, 511,245|' “118,917, 497, 28 883, BB, 457 311,098,790} 119,720,377); 1,019, 779,165; 589, 837,078) 29 544” 689, 914 194,415,307] 72,9177 449!|- 614; 436,699} - 354’ 793/340! 30 22) 521,357 10, 722,003} .7,692)277|| .. 67,538,011] 35,315, 667| 31 “315, 917, 186 105,961,480} 39,110,658) 337,804,455} 199,728,071] 32 361,475, 704 190,715, 673| 49,429,975|| . 729,234,483| 388, 746, 520, 33 005, 000 152,844,998] 40,451,977|| 558,949,742) 306,085,225) 34 20, 755, 413 ~-"8)381,048| | 3,105,741|| 81,648,281} — 50,423'199) 35 53,815,291 29, 489,627| 5,8723257|| 88,636, 460| 32, 238/096) 36 | 02, 468, 688 282, 357,792| 68,408,647] 405,236,934) 238,926, 876) 37 "878, 035, 870 164,927,094} 48, 339,623|| 267,662,908] - 160,276, 299| 38 : 39; 683; 268 16,022,968] 5,550,343] 42348876} - 28486, 552| 39 51,407, 730| 12,518, 681|) 95,225,150| 47, 164,025|.40 » &, 749, aad Igoe ,475, 674, 169/811 ,486,439,543 $6, 325, 451, 528!'$3, 594,772, 928/$1,265 149,783 re a cc | ec enna | | pe | Fe ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-AGRICULTURE, TABLE 26..-VALUE OF ALL FARM PROPERTY AND OF THE SEVERAL DIVISION OR STATE AND TENURE. NEw ENGLAND. Maine, totaly. io9.2. Managers..-.. aE Ee Penangs: -. PFC sie. N. Hampshire, total OWnersoeGiee cc. ee Mangcers seo ee. webs Tenants arise o. ot Vermont, total... Owiete. . .. HP. £35.83 Managers... 968. 202..5% Penants. ... shi. 338.94 Massachusetts, TORRE Se ee CWDOLS? 2 ya a Managers... cu. JOP. 2 ; Tenantse -. .52é Hee. silt Ommersavleec wie. >. MAnAaPerss it. ces ae "NORMANS. 2k she's oe Owaiers: . .- ose. Are. 2 Managers... 22....2- 2: PORATIES Ss Vue ae SF. MIDDLE ATLANTIC. New York, total.. Owners... - brew pam a Managers Se Se ee a) New Jersey, total.. Ownersic. . . pen. ar. Ss Managers Tenants es Pennsylvania, total OWES... bine eee Managers. ub) ipo Tenants: .. \pao. ope. os East NortTH CENTRAL. Owarerat 20 Se iad! Managers... 225. £0504 , Tenants ee ed COwhersicu ete cl. .ca de Managers. fb sokecsogy Temante. (ices enee Owners... .- Ker ci Zhe ee Mgnagers. . -iio3.- nes oc Tena Misvess st Pe ‘ if . ss -** =>» a 4, giz) 8,090, 411, 148) 503, 905, 887) |.” 36, 507, 607] - ee HE H en 027, 547) Buildings. 1920 1910 $89,697, 100| $73,138,231 82,573,462, . 67,906,328 4,108,133| 2,650,770 350157505, 2°581/ 133 42,570,539 41,397, 014 435,576, 769| | 085,953, 408 4,612,590 3,183,979 2)381, 180 | |2,250°627 76,178,906| 54,202, 948 61, 042,563| 43,520, 118 ~. 4,.800,575| 3,652)845 10,335, 768| 7,029, 985 '® 119,934, 224| 88, 636, 149 91,572, 246] | ..69, 581,340 22; 289° 393] 13, 851,084 6,079,585, 5,203, 725 11,878,853} 12,922, 879 8,459,763) 9,113,887 2,031, 875| ...1,964, 357 387,215]. 13.844? 635 | 89,083,712) 66,113, 163 "69, 522,819) 51, 698, 041 13,235,653! 9,374,562 6, 325,.240/ 5,040, 560 631, 726, 182) 476,998, 001 457,009,940] 345, 731, 832 52,024,796] 32, 939/950 122; 691,446, 98, 326, 219 108,141,488 92,991, 352 72, 728,049| 60, 910, 684 11, 670, 674). ..11, 212; 855 23,742, 765| 20,867,813 600,593, 977| 410,638, 745 416,333,748] | 280,765, 507 - 43,008,240] 22; 646, 085 141, 251,989} 107, 227, 153 646,322,950} 368, 257,594 426,994, 825| 256, 832, 368 ~~ 92) 029;367| “11,057,481 197,298, 758| . 100, 367,745 451,077,637! . 266,079, 051 293,005, 500| 188, 562,508 10,946, 463| , 5, 197, 942 147, 125,674] 72, 318/601 747,698,814} 432,381, 422 415,819,323| 262, 086, 423 22,647,181). 8,500, 426 309; 232/310| 161,-7947 573 477,499 672| 285,879, 95 3697 159,358] 230, 0327 020 14, 517,.597| |». 6,176,089 93,822,717] 49/671, $42 568,968,914] 289, 694, 462 466,000, 149| 23977647 568 15,136,106] 6,322,173 87; 832,659] 43,607,721 IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY. 1920 $26, 637, 660 25, 106, 305 724, 167 ; 807, 188 9,499, 322 8, 378, 510 634, 459 486, 353 21, 234,130 18, 034, 328 740, 797 2, 409, 005 19, 359, 755 15, 807, 272 2; 623, 637 ” 9287 846 2,408,561 1, 766, 481 "315, 878 326, 202)" 13, 248, 097 10, 563, 316 1, 718, 903 "965, 878 169, 866, 766 127, 966, 863 7, 407, 048 34; 492) 855 25, 459, 205 17, 202; 243 1, 945, 358 6, 311, 604 163, 826, 365 117, 400, 115 7, 148, 172 39, 278, 078 146,575, 269 93, 679; 423 3 556, 341 49; 339, 505 127, 403, 086 79, 775, 186 2 335, 351 45, 292° 549 222,619, 605 113, 435, 410 4 381, 612 104, 802} 583 122,389, 936 96, 083; 962 a 867, 728 237 438, 246 167, 088, 909 138, 700, 510 3, 169, 448 25, 218, 951 LIVE STOCK. 1910 1920 1910 $14,490,533]/ $39,780,102} $25,161,839] 1 13, 713, 140 37,207, 508 23, 660,144) 2 354, 284 1) 146, 044 707,987) 3 423) 109 1, 426, 550 793, 708| 4 5, 877, 657 19, 160, 923 11,910,478} 5 | 5,282 127 16, 608, 678 10, 568, 827], 6 ”329’ 630 1, 231,917 669, 084| 7 265, 900 1, 320, 328 672,567) 8 10, 168, 687 42,385, 331 22,642,766} 9 8, 602, 264 34, 505, 552 18, 473, 226] 10 "385, 225 1,578, 937 "853° 456] 11 1,181, 198 6, 300, 842 3,318, 084] 12 11, 563, 894 33,524, 157 20,741, 366] 13 9,344,827 26, 205, 532 16, 421, 107| 14 1, 541,741 4,914) 088 2) 717, 653) 15 677, 326 2? 404° 537 1, 602, 606| 16 1,781, 407 4, 840,279 3,276,472] 17 1, 244,094 3, 360, 922 2, 257,392] 18 291’ 870 616, 720 449,053] 19 245) 443 862, 637 570, 027| 20 6,916, 648 23, 472, 693 14, 163,902) 21 5, 767, 688 19, 007,636) 11, 801,679} 22 669, 654 2,154, 091 984,978} 23 479, 306 2,310, 966 1,377, 245| 24 83,644,822], 313,554,695) 183,090,844, 25 61,961, 975|| 2277 138,995| 130,756,899) 26 3.536, 433 14, 459, 315 7,078, 411| 27 18, 146, 414 _ 71; 956) 385 45, 255, 534| 28 13, 109, 507 36,064,757) 24,588, 639 29 8, 701, 311 22), 238, 592 15, 193, 282} 30 1, 054, 336 2; 883” 303 1, 808, 691} 31 37353, 860 10, 942) 862 7, 586, 666| 32 70,726,055|| 238,774,641) 141, 480, 052/ 33 49° 457/294|| 163, 868, 980 96, 610, 482| 34 2) 796, 568||, 11,775,436 4’ 819) 818) 35 18, 472, 193 63, 130/225] 40,049) 752] 36 51,210,071}, 287,655,118) “197, 332,112, 37 34, 698,593|| 180, 872°441| 133,554, 443) 38 1, 202} 403 7, 743, 844 3/887) 477| 39 15, 309, 075 99, 038, 833 59, 890, 192) 40 40,999,541|| 261,264,188) 173, 360, 101) 44 27) 818, 398 161, 515, 168 117,223) 430| 42 "762, 861 6, 669, 656 4 152, 021| 43 12, 418) 282 93/079, 364 52 484" 650| 44 73,724,074|| 446,154,064) 308, 804, 431) 45 41, 321,035|| 235,218,395! 176, 109; 868) 46 9 270, 842 12,444,775 5,937,712! 47 31, 132/197|| 198; 490, 894 126) 756, 851| 48 49,916,285]! 204, 258 632) -13'7,803,'795| 49 40,879, 537|| 155, 211'179| ..110, 505,766] 50 ’ 909} 86 5, 445, 0671". 2° 496, 419) 51 8, 126, 887 43/602; 386} ~~~ 248017610! 52 52,956,579]| 322,312,115! 158,529 483! 53 44’ 299° 636]! 255,693. 519] - 128/639. 440| 54 898, 576 7, 413, 192 2) 590; 949] 55 7, 758, 367 59,205,404, 27,299) 094| 56 644 ABSTRACT OF THE GENSUS—AGRICULTURE. PARLE 26.—VALUE OF ALL FARM PROPERTY AND OF THE SEVERAL onoon RwOhe DIVISION OR STATE AND TENURE. 1920 West NortH CENTRAL, Minnesota, total.-- OWRORS 2. 2. bin San © Managers... -) 05.5 --.% Monaratse.. -. ep eek a Ts 191, 667, 653 Iowa, total... -.2-.-* 8, 524, 870, 956 Owners. - 22. cen * 4, 544, 498, 718 Manmaperse fet 140, 772, 728 Tenantge.. .- bene sure 4 3, 839, 599, 510 Missouri, total... - 3, 591, 068, 085 Owners: 2. sian tyes 2, 476, 531,087 Managers... . 72 85, 927. 126 Tenants. .ctnce ote 1, 028, 609, 872 North Dakota, total - 22 a Sade 1, 759, 742, 995 Owners: .. 0-2 Saks 1, 243, 907, 545 Managers... 22. 2 41, 100, 933 Pena nts owe. ine aaah 2 474, 734,517 Owners.....---+2----- 1, 733, 696, 642 Managers. - - -\s2s, ser. - 46, 833,841 Tenants: 2... ese ag 1, 043, 339, 729 Managers sb... ores 3 78, 403, 678 Terthnte2. ce seams 1, 764, 431, 991 Kansas, total... -.-. “3, 302, 806, 187 Owners...----. apes 1, 946, 050, 998 Managers. -.-\.5.-.2--- 65, 817, 397 "TOHAUES 2 oe oe es 1, 290, 937, 792 SoutH ATLANTIC, Delaware, total...’ 80, 137, 614 UOWnete: oo Ameeeeese a 38, 521, 671 Managers. -.-2:+- ss. ae 3, 757, 021 ‘Lenants, .-slease-pac- 3 37, 858, 922 Maryland, otal. tar 463, 638, 120 OWnlers..20 Sahn see 267, 872 899 Managers 4. deine =m 10 39, 599, 739 Tenaits ceate-= rence 156, 165, 482 District of Colum- bia, total...... 5 AbY 5, 927, $87 Qwiers..-.-4::9len0¢¢ 1, 800, 669 Managers... ..2---.---s 2, 542, 914 Tenants. ....- Bid Sta 1, 584, 404 Virginia, total..../.] 1,196,555, 772 Ownets....\ ias5+esa-s 878, 456, 395 Managers. -...-4.es/¢ 71, 007, 739 Taras setiecsne sors 247, 091; 638 West Virginia, BObal. 2. Saw 4 ease 496, 439, 617 OWREMSes- - 5 iiss Ssen So 393, 058, 740, Managers. tc .S2 sok 25, 733, 496 Tenants... isea-ext -® 77, 647, 381 North Carolina, | total... inc téaate 1, 250, 166, 995 CO WHeise sc cute nc cen cet 754, 437, 708 Managers... 2:2 .css-2 26, 359, 678 469, 369, 609 ALL FARM PROPERTY. 1910 $3, 787,420,118) $1,476,411, 737 083, 350, 056 24, 167, 277 368, 894, 404 3, 745, 860, 544 2, 257, 685, 527 51, 930, 206 i ¢ 436, 244, 81) 2,052,917, 488 2,079, 818, 647 1, 261, 875, 866 63, 179; 201 32, 461; 054 2; 061, 694 28, 656, 453 286, 167, 028 160, 068, 263 26, 573, 399 99, 525, 366 8, 476, 533 2 335, 216 3, 381, 067 2° 760, 250 625, 065; 383 117, 693, 142 314, 738, 540 250, 599, 816 10, 285, 735 53, 852,989 537,716,210 LAND AND BUILDINGS. Total. ° 1920 $3, 301, 168, 325] $1, 262, 441, 426 2) 191,751,054 50, 234,658 1,059, 182, 613 7,601,772, 290 1; 122) 941, 956 64, 755, 631 30, 875, 367 386, 596, 850 220, 743, 136 34, 528, 129 131, 327, 575 1910 920), 359, 347 20, 909, 251 321, 172, 828 16, 898, 168 146, 949, 486 1, 005, 080, 807 * 694, 509, 873 13, 918, 757 296, 652, 17 1, 813, 346, 935]] 1, 084, 248, 917 30, 056, 713 699, 041, 305} 1, 737, 556, 172 1, 109, 337, 955 505 745, 154 Land alone. — | 1920 $2, 750, 328, 432 1,789, 039, 41 40, 230, 519 921, 058, 4 6, 679, 020, 577 3, 448, 299, 333 110,594, 3, 120, 127, 042 2, 594, 193, 271 790, 664, 316 1, 979, 313, 627 29,758, 105 362, 594, 620 2, 231, 431, 723 1, 340, 434, 697 35, 176, 117 855, $20, 908 3,330, 222, 340 1, 819, 193, 473 999° 794 i, 451, 029, 073 2,475, 635, 172 1, 006, 913) 833 42, 115, 802 18, 016, 328 ‘ 2 292° 725 2 808, 745 259, 904, 047 441, 685, 771 "21; 994, 10) 96, 224, 17% 7156, 354, or 539, 695, 75° 47, 289, 712 169, 388, 80: ¢ 307, 309, 0 234 589, 19, 322, 53, 306, 85 ef | 857, 815, 01 494, 942, 89. 18, 372, 54! 344, 499, 58: Land alone— | Continued. 49, f i | $1,015 019, 102, 027 LAND AND BUILDINGS—Continued. FARM. TENURE, Buildings. 1920 $550, 839, 893 845| 402’ 711, 640 i ae 875,616] 10,004’ 139 % 270, 671, 568, 138, 124) 114 | 2,801,973, 729! 922,751,713 E1637, 406, 979| 563; 141" 827 )? 3971997222] 15,2067 549 1, 125,367,528] 344” 3037337 | 1,445,982, 389) . 468,774, 429 '” 998’ 034” 801} 347’ 555; 043 35,187,133 13.014” 301 ~ 419’ 760, 455) 108) 205, 085 730,380,131] 269, 207, 868 582, 861, 877] 153, 894) 548 P45, 092) 453| 5, 350, 398 | 132425, 801] 49, 962; 922 age 751] 241, 461, 958 . 619, $45, 137 ee, it 723 12, 713, O4 £ 2 o 7 270,047, 672} 78, 252, 942 | 21,14, 338,315) $81, 885, 420 Fa Ms | 637) 224’ 014| ° 134, 388) 879 | 1,537,976,573| 354,428, 746 "968" 104, 804} 2397 654" 953 » 297778) 901] 5, 745, 670 540, 092) 868} 116, 028) 123 | 34,938, 161] _ 22, 639, 829 | 16,180,799] 12° 633” 169 3 4 1, 111, 205 938, 042 | 17, 646, 157| 9, 068, 618 162,451,614] 126, 692, 803 pe 83,429’ 6 79, 057, 365 | Bee Bes : 048; 056 j fo, SB Ps 2 , ? # 7,193, 950 1,421, 221 * 1,876, 100 ” 531, 350 2,929, 600 673, 631 | 2,388, 250 216, 240 394,658, 912] 268, 080, 748 292’ 338) 081] 206, 903; 249 ‘21; 106) 420| 15, 450° 346 80,714,411} | 45, 727, 153 * 207,075,759! 103,473, 702 159, 475,370| 86, 504, 959 7,612,055] 3,728, 886 39,988,334] 13, 239) 857 243, 164,945] 218, 577, 944 221,658,135) 144” 1717326 11,734,529} 5, 1527546 109,772,281] 69, 254, 072 1910 $243, 339, 399 188) 804; 502 4, 033, 635 50, 501, 262 455, 405, 671 305, 1977 370 5, 794, ‘703 144 423, 598 270, 221, $97 207, 986, 044 5, 174, 847 57, 061) 106 92,276, 613 75, 947, 213 L 805; 715 14) 523" 685 102, 474, 056 74, 664, 736] t 204’ 815 26° 60-4, 505 198, 807, 622 133, 959, 526 x 030; 805 61; 817, 291 199, 579, 598 141’ 233, 151 2 694) 162 BS, 652, 286 18, 217, 822 10, 904, 268 5, 075 6, 358 479 78, 285, 508 ~ 49° 381° 062 6, 494; 826 22, 409, 621 1, 087, 393 *403, 700 311 243 322° 450 187, 899, 150) 110, 003, 214 6) 248) 006 21,147; 930 57, 315, 195 48, 519, 098 1, 523, 610 7, 272, 487 113,459, 662 83, 675, 956 4 474, 715 27; 308, 991 IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY. 1920 1910 $181, 087, 968 130, 338, 874 2, 145, 4T4 48, 553, 620 309, 172, 398 179, 054, 709 3) 090) 470 127, 027, 219 138, 261, 340 101, 198, 408 9 162, 422 34” 900) 510 114, 186, 865 26) 639, 769 112, 408, 268 75, O11, 060 1) 297) 558 33, 099; 650 153, 104, 448 91, 565, 876 1, 677, 720 _ 59, 860, 852 154,716, 977 95, 955, 442 1; 819, 803 56, 941, 732 6, 781, 318 3, 740, 377 949° 768 2; 798, 173 28, 970, 020 18, 840, 230 ¥ 817, 972 8, 311, 818 104, 252 41, 687 36, 415 26,150 50, 151, 466 39, 088, 590 2, 357, 762 ; 8 705, 114 18, 395, 058 15, 445, 375 740, 999 2, 208) 784 54, 621, 363 38, 288, 083 946, 534 15, 386, 746 $52, 329, 165 40, 312, 954 769, 853 11, 246, 358 95, 477, 948 61, 391, 989 1,033, 232 33, 052, 727 50, 873, 994 av. 963" 319 720, 402 12) 190, 273 43,907, 595 37, 199, 449 "742" pao 5, 965, 683 33, 786, 973 8, 881, 441 44,249,708 28) 608, 676 "542 819 15, 098; 213 48,310,161 33, 223’ 816 "533" 255 14; 558, 090 3,208, 035 ry 261; 306 11,859,771 7 684, 897 661) 144 3, 513, 730 92,250 19, 685 61, 100 ii 565 18,115, 883 14, 395, 201 ” 803’ 741 2, 916, 941 7,011, 513 6, 0027 017 "162; 204 847, 292 18, 441, 619 13, 897, 746 492° 607 4,051, 266 LASSES, BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. ° LIVE STOCK, 1920 $305, 163, 825)" $161, 641, 146 215, 449, 558 5, 782, 847 83, 931, 420 613, 926, 268 354, 002; 849 11,781, 507 248° 141) 912 389, 839, 045 285, 913, 276 9, ORS, 868 94° 839, 901 157, 034, 635 116, 981, 251 3) 916, 178 36, 137, 206 228, 568, 263 160, 766, 162 6,635, 873 71, 166, 228 336, 443, 794 206, 257) 902 11, 032) 695 119) 153, 187 318, 625, 292 198 363 "365 Es 607, 823 i 054, 104 8, 600, 665 4 131) 797 "283° 486 4, 185, 382 48, 071, 250 28° 289, 533 3, 255, 628 16, 526, 089}. 246, 366 121, 962,281 92) 768, 801 5, 929, 9ii 23) 270, 569 67, 261, 153 56, 518, 407 L 940, 859 8, 801, 887 119, 152, 672 77, 035, 406 1} 888; 058 40, 229; 208 1910 122° 677, 755 2) 488 173 36; 475, 218 393, 003, 196 253, 699, 189 5, 903, 049 133° 400, 958 5, 839, 108 ae. 554, 167 4) 934’ 678 64) 350, 268 108, 249, 866 91, Al2, G56} 1 1, 655, 743 15, Ost) 167 127, 229, 200 95, 153. 391 2 576, 029 29° 499, 780 222, 222, 004 149, 018, 273 6. 963, 602 66, 240, 129 253, 523, 577 74. 083, 847 73, 269; 142 6, 817, 123 3) 435, 577 "191) 035 3, 190, 511 32, 570, 134 19° 512, 661 i, 443, 514 1) 553, 959 - 152,840 35, 731 79, 124 87, 985 74; 891, 438 59, 266, 898 2) 710, 680 12} 913; 860 43, 336, 073 36, 603, 331 ” 987, 866 5, 744, 876 62, 649, 984 43° 331} 756 re 146, 510 18, 171; 718 pt oe SLR ONS “RODE 646 RON oe CONT O.or ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURRE. TABLE 26.—VALUE OF ALL FARM PROPERTY AND OF THE SEVERAL DIVISION OR STATE AND TENURE, SourtH ATLANTIC—Con. South Carolina, Pee i Managers: . 2. 2868 bee Tenants Owners. Se Managers fo. 249 4h b- Tenants Florida, total. ..... Owners. Manager Tenants Owners. Owners. Tenants Owners. Tenants Mississippi, total. ..| ~ Manager ee rs &s- Pia's a bel old Se EAST SOUTH CENTRAL. Kentucky, total... Tennessee, total... 1S. °°". BREE eee Managers. ...bs2. abd Managers. ..- 42). 4%: - Tenants WEst SOUTH CENTRAL, Arkansas, total. er Owners. Managers... ise. 3): - Tenants Louisiana, total.... Managers... 02. .e2-- Tenants eee eee ewe eee ee Oklahoma, total.:.. Owners. Pe se ee es Managers. - 0. .)e oe. - Owners. Managers. ..-2... GAG € Penants; ....0ue. UTS. § ALL FARM PROPERTY. 1920 $953,064, 742 481, 877, 210 22° 653, 642 448, 533, 890 1, 356, 685, 196 615) 657, 538 54, 787, 814 686, 239, 844 330, 301, 717 237, 153, 993 59, 028, 533 34, 119, 191 1, 511, 901, 077 1, 098, 190, 026 31, 669, 080 382, 041, 971 1, 251, 964, 585 ” 845, 929, 877 20, 391, 040 385, 643, 668 690, 848, 720 394, 154, 888 17, 803, 332 278, 890, 500 964, 751, 855 420, 122) 540 40, 902, 324 503, 726, 991 924, 395, 483 516, 331, 819 29, 120, 363 378, 943, 301 589, 826, 679 331, 764, 023 53, 328, 365 204, 734, 291 1, 660, 423, 544 "925, 797, 877 33, 015, 885 701, 609, 782 4, 447,420; 321 x 404, 107, 989 ” 265, 193) 113 ie 778, 119, 219 1910 $392, 128, 314 219, 268, 275 12; 803, 179 160, 056, 860 580, 546, 381 21, 426, 602 20, 195, 588 268, 924; 19]. 143, 183, 183 110, 171, 256 ve 435, 357 15, 576, 570 773, 797, 880 571, 571, 451 20, 321, 409 181; 905, 020 612, 520, 836 426, 686, 809 12) 582) 286] 173) 251; 741 370, 138, 429 212) 952) 932 8, 229, 582 148) 955, 915% 426, 314, 634 221° 434, 589 15, 117, 267 189, 762, 778 400, 089, 303 240, 112) 532 12; 098, 030 147, 878, 741 301, 220, 988 171, 395, 396 38, 680, 084 91, 145, "508 918, 198, 882 518, 708, 930 12) 162, 250 387, 327, 702 2,218, 645, 164 1, 265, 374, 442 185, 250, 725 768, 019, 997 - LAND AND BUILDINGS. Total. 1920 $813, 484, 200 406, 630, 568 19, 742, 432 387, 111, 200 1, 138, 298, 627 506, 548, 019 47, 833° 256 583, 917, 352 281, 449, 404 198, 546, 585 55, 199, 070 277 703, 749 1,305, 158, 936 940) ggl, 765 27, 807, 376 336, 359, 795 1, 024, 979, 894 "636, 058, 886 17, 490, 795 321, 430, 213 543, 657,755 308, 519, 136 15, 091, 316 220, 047, 303 789, 896, 778 323, 521, 870 34, 432, 882 431, 942’ 026 753, 110, 666 407, 346, 897 25, 327, 476 320, 436, 293 474, 038,793 261) 827, 217 43, 911, 266 168, 300, 310 1, 363, 865, 294 "748, 035, 636 26, 634, 240} © 589, 195, 418 3, 700, 173, 319 Hy, 951, 939) 952 ” 206, 524, 730 fla: 541, 708, 637 1910 $332, 888, 081 185, 703, 312 11, 286, 139 135, 898) 630 479, 204, 332 939, 621, 776 17, 653, 921 221, 928) 635 118, 145, 989 89, 533, 767 16, 414, 031 12; 198, 191 635, 459, 372\|, 153, 784, 547|| 480, 522, 587 332) 367, 652 10, 992, 818 137) 162, 117 288, 253, 531 114, 415, 600 334, 162, 289 171, 674, 273 12, 802, 628!) 149; 685, 388 309, 166 813 181, 882 010)| 237, 544, 450)| 134, 121) 536 29, 902, 294 73, 520, 620 738, 677, 224 417, 862, 302\| 8) 748, 571 312) 066, 351 1, 843, 208, 395 1, 034, 014, 670 156, 091) 617 - 658, 102; 108 Land alone, 1, 050, 752, 68 0} onl os ~] ak tat 3 ae ey Oe = 1920 | a ae $647, 157, 209) 309, 991, 708) 15, 935, 497) 321, 230, 004] 897, Aad, 961 | 228, 424,740) 156, 442 015) 49, 639, 896| 22, 342, 829) 148, 405, 731) 22’ 709, 302) 279, 637, 587} 807, 782, 296 te 717, 34) ? ? 415, 763, 862| 229) 298) 335) 12; 748, 938) 173, 786, 589) 367, 904, 616) 607,773, 440 315, 494° 861 22, 435, 051) 269, 793, 3, Oa 37, 3 . FARM TENURE, 647) €LASSES, BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 and 1910—Continued. LAND AND BUILDINGS—eontinued. = = IMPLEMENTS ‘AND > 6 oe ee ee er aa | LIVE STOCK, Land alone— pufen MACHINERY, fo Hho ‘| Continued. or 1910" 1920 1910 1920 1910 1920 1910 a - $268, 774, 854 “$186, 326, 991 $64, 113, 227 $48, 062, 387) $14, 108, 953 $91,518,155 $45, 131, 380 . i tH 143) 847,030} 96, 638, 860| 41; 856, 282 29) 4717629] 9, 268) 550/] 45,775,013] . 24,296,413) 5 Ue" "949% 287] 3/8067'935 1,793, 852 ” 986) 785 "489, 002||-. 1.924”. 495] 1,028,038); 3 be. 115, 435, 587| 65, 881, 196] 20, 463) 093 17,603,973, 4,351, 301 43” 818, 717 19,806,929), 4 is 370, 353, 415 “940, 853, 666} 108,850,917 63,343,220; 20,948,056)| 155, 043,349 80,393,993) 5 176, 485, 458} 125; 687, 653 63, 136, 318 36, 626, 486) 12,446,311’ 72,483 ,033}|- 39, 358, 515) 6 13 832° 045 8, 878, 456 3, 821, 876 2; 246, 452 304 572 4,708,106 ri 737, 095]. 7 _ 180, 035, 912) 106, 287, 557 41, 892, 723 24; 470, 282]. 7, 697, 173 77, 852,210] _39,298' 383] g $3, 738, 065} 53, 024, 664 24, 407, 924 13, 551, 773 4,446 007 35,300,540 20,591,187) 9 © 70,319; 049 42° 104? 570 te 214,718 10,735,773} 3. 544/927]! 27,871,635]. - 17, 092; 562) 10: / 137609; 041] © 5,559, 174 2, 804, 990 1) 513) 175 372! 165 2,316,288 ”649, 171) 11 4 9, 809, 975 5, 360, 920 2) 388, 216 1, 302) 825 528, 1925 5,112,617 2,849, 454) 19 4g4, 464,617 254, 206, 256, 150,994,755 48° 354,857} 20,851,845 158,387, 284| 117, 486, 662 13! 346, 898, 655| 192)586,034| 117, 939; 648 37, 167,334} 16, 284° 290] 120/030;927] 90; 4487 858] 14 12) 763, 682 5, 098, 014 4) 072, 840 742, 294 ” 580, 625 3,119, 410 2) 904''262| 15 14 802, 280 56, 722, 208 28) 982) 267 10, 445, 229 3, 986, 931 35, 236, 947 24? 133; 3) 54 42116 371, 415, 783) ~ 217,187,598} 109,106, 804 53,462,556; 21,292,171 173,522,135) 110 208 6, O78) 17 249; 129° 676| 157,280,952] 83; 237; 976 39,065,380] 15, 704, 129 120, 805,611] 78,615,028] 18 9, 0087 950 3,913, 306 1, 983, 868 625, 451 "935° 6991 2) 274, 794 1) 303, 769] 19 . Wind3} 277, 157 56, 003, 340 23, 884, 960 13, 771, 725 5, 302; 343 50, 441) 730 30, 781, 281; 20 216, 944, 175| 127,893,893] 71,309,416 34, 366, 217 16;290,004|| 112,824,748) 65, 594; 834! 21 || _120,248°304| 79,290,801] 46,623; 994 22, ” 300, 787 10, 756,058||. 63,334,965! 35,324, 576| 22 5,569,349] °°. 2,342) 378 1,896, 344]| "6642577 341) 0444l 2 047,439). Jo) 7999" 845] 93 91 126, 522} | 46, 260, 714 23, 239, 078 li, 400, 853 5; 192, 9021) ° 47, 442) 344 29, 347, 413) '24- 254,002,289) 148, 054, 384 80, 160, 090 39, 881,256] 16,905,312 124,973,821 ) 15; 247, 033) 25 t., 121} 9197345 2, 375, 881]. 49,754, 928 23/ 598,514] 10, 745,095 73,002,156] 39,015,221] 26 10, 767,623) 4,641" 093 2) 035, 005 1, 888, 001 "TBD O8SIE 4, 584, 44P.! 9. 582"551] 27 121, 315, 321] > 64; 037; 410)... 28; 370; 067 14) 304, 741 5, 428, 129 57,390, 224)... . 34,649) 261) 28° = 246,021,450; = 145, $37, 226 63, 145, 363 43,432,237) 16,864,198 127, 852, 580)". 74, 058, 292) 29 f} 138, 809,633] . 91, 8527036| 43) 072) 377 28,235,260} 11,462) 887 80,699,662} 46, 767, 635] 30 ‘9/283’ 914). 2 49" 495 1} 156, 749 1, 369, 717 568, 470I, 9! 2) 423, 170 1) 088, 897} 31 97, 927, 903 60) 642)765| 18,916,237|| 13,777,260; 4,832, 841] 44-729, 748]... 26, 201; 760| 32 187,803,277/ 90,420,631] 49,741,173 32;715,010| 18/977, 053/| : 83,072,876| . 44,699,485] 33 102,960,658] 55,005,559] ~ 31; 160, 878 20,065, 262). 10; 393) 150 49,871,544] 26, 880,710} 34 2) 24) 2057148 6,512,755 5,697, 146 4703, 512) 5, 271, 288 £713,587 3,506, 502} 35: tab * 60, 637, 471i) - 28) 902, 317 12) 883, 149 7, 946, 236 3 312, 615 28) 487, 745]... 14,312, 273) 36 649, 066,668, 192,405, 930 89,610, 556 80,630,547] 27,088, 866); : 215,927, 703| 152, 432,792) 37 360, 921,413] 117,540,321} 56, 940, 889 50,790,993] . 16,235,088|| 126/971) 248} - 84, 611, 540] 38 > 7 596; 232 1, 152, 339 ” B04? 028 ” 947, 801 5, 487,617] "3, 165,878] 39 oa 280, 549, 023 71, 834, 686 31, 517, 328, 28, 945, 526; 10 , 605, 677 83, 468, 838 64, 656, 374) 40 mM, 633,207,135] 454,964,670] 210,001, 260|| 154,390,996| 58,790,280) 592,926,006} 318, 646,509) 41 895, 990, 999] 280, 291/998} 138, 023, 671 95,273,792} 34,826,317|| 356,394,245] 196, 533, 455) 42 151, 131,956] 10, 135, 254 4, 959, 661 3,754, 746] 1, 604, 718] 54,913,637} ~ 27) 554,390) 43 586, 084,180} 164,537,418; 67; 017, 928 55,292) 458| 20/359; 225|] 181,118/124| 94) 558,664] 44 648 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——AGRICULTURE. 1 TABLE 26.—VALUE OF ALL FARM PROPERTY AND OF THE SEVERAL ALL FARM PROPERTY. LAND AND BUILDINGS. DIVISION OR STATE ws a AND TENURE, Total. ; a on alone. . . 1920 1910 1920), 1910. 1920, | MOUNTAIN. 1 Montana, total... .- $985, 961,308} $347,828,770|| $776,767,529| $251, 625,930 3691, 912, 265 2 | Ownersais-. last. os3. 799, 284,616] 276, 043,948|| 627,015,111] > 196,511, 859|| ..556, 658, 369 3 | Managers............- 65, 411, 397 35, 639, 141 50, 462, 230 26, 293, 008 45, 801, 316 @ | Denaatsy 2. lec: bec. 121, 265, 295 36, 145, 681 99, 290, 188 28, 821, 063 89, 452, 580 5 Idaho, total........ 716, 137, 910 305, 317, 185 581, 511, 964 245, 065, 825 511, 865, 869) 6 WHEES AB... SESE. Fhe 546, 742, 786 248, 671, 571 437, 588, 136 196, 806, 545 330, 701, 447] - 7 | Managers: ... 2.50... 36; 990, 860: 17, 222° 431 29, 1217 176) 13, 627, 913 26, 216, 759) | 8 | Penants:.... Jog vo. 132, 404, 264 39,423. 183|] 114° 802/652] 34,631, 367|| ~ 104, 947, 663) 9 Wyoming, total.... 334, 410, 590 167, 189, 082 234, 748,125 97,915, 277 210, 947, 494) 10 | Owners..2... 020. see 252° 838,359} 123,022; 941|| 174,279, 727| 71, 276,554|| - 155,544, 573) 11.| Managers. ... 5.0.2... 42; 280, 712 31, 092, 474 30, 491, 658 17,184, 459 28, 266, 977] | 12:1 Tenants —.-.. Joon. ois. 39, 291, 519 13, 073, 666 29° 976, 740 9, 454, 264 21, 135, 944] 13 | Colorado, total.....) 1,076,794, 749] 491,471,806|| $66,013,660| 408,518, 861|| 763, 722, 716 . 14 [\Owmners.. 6 doe os ”738,655,401| 332,301,156|| 587, 657,108 70, 209,463/} 513, 418, 657 . 15 | Managers..........--- 57, 539, 844 36, 507, 244 42, 106, 600 29, 343, 653 37, 269, 141] 16,| Tenants... ...)02.002- 280, 599, 504}. 122, 663, 406|/ 236, 249,952] 108, 965, 745|| »» 213,034, 918) 17 New Mexico, total... 325, 185, 999 159, 447, 990 221, 814, 212 111, 830, 999 196, 341, 050 ‘ 18; | \Owmners..0. . ifs). See. 248, 993, 411 118, 905, 010 168, 369, 177 80, 982, 225)) 147, 198, 029 19 | Managers.........---- 35, 634, 185 27, 489, 143 93) 556, 840 20, 343, 772 21; 889; 439] | 20;| ‘Tenants3 4... 221. 02. 40, 558, 403 13, 053, 837 29, 888, 195 10, 505, 002 27, 253; 582)" { 21| Arizona, total..... 233, 592, 989 75,123,970|| 172, 325, 321 47,285, 310|| 156, 562, 606] Za Oy niers...% . . . ust 38. 144, 937, 086 54,554, 546)| 105, 646, 848 33, 196, 613|| - 493,035] 23 | Managers............. 45, 697, 834 8, 953, 582 30, 826, 729 5,800, 694|| 28, 218, 077 24+ ‘Ponantse® .... . gbs.4e3- 42, 958, 069 11, 615, 842 35, 851, 744 8, 288, 005 33, 851, 494 ; 25 Utah, total. .2.. 22. 311, 274, 728 150, 795, 201 243,751, 758 117, 545, 332 210,997, 840 t 262) | Ownersiye . os 55.9 Fa. 265, 098) 820 131, 563, 980 208, 623, 839 101, 417, 754 177, 372, 208 2/7 |: Managers. 22 sl... 13, 866, 226 , 361 9; 737, 800 6, 545, 737 8, 987, 614) 28;| |Penantses . 78s. L26. 32; 309, 682 Ww 287, 860 27, 390, 119 9, 581, 841 24, 638, 018) 29 Nevada, total...... 99, 779, 666 60, 399, 365 66, 255, 214 39, 609, 335 59, 362, 239) 30 WHETS ALS. . ~ . SECO RUE. 66, 303; 427 33, 606, 576 43, 879, 220 21, 731, 515 38, 767, 848 31, |} Manarersie. tee 25, 716, 203 21, 729, 293 16, § 8047 949 13, 908° 493 15, 703, 246) 32 }!'Tenants.....du>acasen 7, 759, 986 5, 063, 496 5, 571, 045 3, 969, 331 4, 891, 145] PACIFIC. é 33 Washington, total..| 1,057, 429, 848 637, 543, 411 920, 392, 341 571, 968, 457 | 797, 651, 020 i 342) Owners.32 - 2. eggs "716, 451, 665 481, 938, 334 618, 999, 617 430, 624, 440] .) 524, 227 132 35 | Managers............. 51, 703, 647 31, 602, 794 45, 722, 744 29° 414, 474 40, 231, 579 : 36: | 'Penantsys .., Joie. 290_ 289, 274, 536 124, 002, 283 255, 669, 980 111, 929° 543 233, 192 , 309) 37 | Oregon, total.......] 818,559,751] 528,243, 782|| 675,213,984) 455,576, 309|] . 586; 242, 049) Se, | ‘Owyiers.. bo... en See 587, 481, 551 393, 458, 262 478, 525, 734 335, 786, 072}| :- 409,134, 569) 39 | Managers....5...2...- 44, 136, 532 33, 164, 864 36, 444, 760 28) 725, 693). 32° 225, 853] 40-| Tenants.......02 2420. 186, 941,668] 101,620, 656]) 160,242'790| . -91,064,544|| - 144, 881, 627] 41 California, total....| 3,431,021,861] 1,614,694, 584)| 3,073, 811,109) 1,450, 601, 488 2, 783, , 054, 977| 42 | OYWHETB i -- S882 502. 9 127, 106, 548 ” 989’ 077, 668}| 1,900, 924, 411 ” 882) 447, 830 “y 687, , 052, 191 43 | Managers............- 486, 731,605} 256,953, 819|| 442) 0327436] 229,544 415]| 412, 059. 140] 44. | Meénsmtsi re . . 906. se0. 817, 183, 708 375, 663, ina 730, 854, 262 338, 609, 243 683, 943, i her 4 Land alone— Continued. 1910 _ $226, in, 302 176, 221° 974 24° 435, 030 26, 114) 298 219,953,316] 175, 245, 292 12; 584, 143 32; 123, 881 88, 908, 276 64, DAA’ 288 15, 985, 174 8, 678, 814 362, 822, 205 237, 268, 627 26,384, 022 99, 169, 556 98, 806, 497 69, 915, 686 19, 185, 727 9; 705, 084 42,349,737 29° 1127 511 5) 473, 757 7, 763, 469 99, 482, 164 84, 966, 384 6, 087, 097 8, 428, 683 35, 276, 599 18, 922° 370 12) 789, 120 3, 565, 109 517, 421, 998 385, £39) 422 27, 547, 411 104} 685, 165 411, 696, 102 299, 901, 667 27, OL 9, 2.56 84, 775, 179 _ 1,317,195, 448 783) 370, 548 216, 203, 272 317, 621, 628 > FARM: TENURE, LAND AND BUILDINGS—continued. Buildings. 1920 1910 $84, 855, 264 $24, 854, 628 70, 356, 742 20, 289, 885, 4 660, 914 1) 857; 978 9, 837, 608 4 706, 765 69, 646, 095 25, 112, 509 56, 886, 689 21, 561, 253 Q: 904, 417 y 043° 770 9, 854, 989 2, 507, 486 23, 800, 631 9, 007, 001 18, 735, 154 mi 0327 266 2 224) 681 x 199, 285 2, 840, 796 775, 450 102, 290, 944 45, 696, 656 74,238, 451| . 32) 940,836 4,837, 459 2 959, 631 23, 215, 084 9, 796, 189 25, 473, 162 13, 024, 502 21; 171. 148 11) 066, 539 ¥ 667, 401 1, 158, 045 2 634) 613 "799, 918 15, 762,715 4,935,573 i, 153, 813 4 0847 100 2’ 608, 652 ” 396, 937 9’ 600; 250 524, 536 $2,753, 918 18, 063, 168 29° aol, 631 16, 451° 370 "150, 186 "453. 640 2, 752, 101 i 153, 158 6, 892,975 4,332,740 5, 11, 372 2. 809, 145 i, 101, 768, : 119, 373 679, 900 "404" 222 122, Al, $21 54, 546, 459 94 772, 485 45, 435, 018 a, 491, 165 L 867, 063 22, 477, 671 7, 244’ 378 88, 971, 235 43, 880, 207 69, 391, 165 35, 884, 405 4 218, 907}. + 706, 437 15, 361, 163 6, 289 365 290,756,132} 133,406, 040 213, 872, 220 99) 077, 282 29, 973, 296 13; 341, 143 46, 910, 616). 20; 987, 615 IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY, 1920 1910 $55, 004,212} $10, 539, 653 46,652,539] 8, 939) 452 2) 086,510; 624, 947 6, 265, 163 975, 254) 38,417,253) 10,476, 051 31,630, 440] 9,019, 045 1; 219 026 380, 068 5, 567, 787| 1,076, 938 11,777,949; 3, 668, 294 9) 549; 532] 2). 9417 958 ” 802) 816 446, 532 1, 425, 601 279, 804 49,804,509} 12,791, 601 35,901,170] 9, 401; 352 1,711,392] 7413543 12 191,947] 2,648) 706 9,745,369 4,122, 312 8,031,292] 3,608,024 506,232] 2717 298 1, 207, 845 243, 060 8,820,667} 1,787, 796 6,246,070] 1,428" 645 1) 210, 506 150, 484 1, 364, 091 208, 661 13,514,787/ 4, 468, 178 12) 035, 333| 37.996, 950 350,125} 7176, 622 1, 129, 329 294; 606 3,630,927} 1,576, 096 2,798,622} 1,116, 551 494) 441 "314,317 337, 864 145) 228 54,721,377] 16,709, 844 39/648) 563| 13) 165, 701 2;011,034| 545, 006 13,061,780] — 2,999, 137 41,567,125) 13, 205, 645 31,2917 853] 10, 503, 437 1,503, 269| . ” 507,398 8,772,003} 2,194, 810 136,069,290} 36, 493, 158 93) 986,678} 24,670, 485 12’ 508, 665| .... 4, 497; 939 29, 573,947| 7,324, 734 CLASSES, BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. LIVE STOCK. 1920 1910 $154, 189,567) $85,663,187) 1 125,616,966] 70, 592°637| 2 12” 862” 657 8,721,186} 3 15,709,944] 6, 3497364] 4 96,208,693] 49,775,309] 5 77, 524,210] 42’ 845° 981| 6 6, 650, 658 3,214, 450| 7 12,033,825} 3, 714,878] 8 87,884,516) 65,605,510) 9 69,009,100} 48, 804’ 429] 10 10,986,238} 13, 461, 483] 11 7,889,178; 3,339,598] 12 160,976,580] 70,161, 344] 13 115,097,123]. 52,690,341] 14 13, 721,852| 6, 422) 048) 15 32, 157,605} 11,048,955] 16 93,626,418] 43, 494, 679| 17 72,592,942} 34314’ 761| 18 11,571,113} 6,874, 143] 19 9, 462,363] - 2,305, 775) 20 52,447,001} 26, 050, 870). 21 33,044,168} 19, 929, 290] 22 13, 660,599] 3,002 404| 23 5, 742,234) 3, 119° 176| 24 54,008,183] 28,781, 691 25 46, 439,648} 26, 149/276) 26 3,778, 301 1 221; 002] 27 3,790, 234 1,411; 413] 28 29,893,525] 19, 213, 930] 29 19,625,585] 10,758,510] 30 8, 416, 863 ’ 506, 483] 31 1, 851; 077 948, 937| 32 82,316,130| 48 865,110] 33 57, 803, 485| 38, 148) 193] 34 3, 969, 869 1) 643,314) 35 20; 542) 776 9, 073, 603| 36 101,779,342} 59, 461, 828] 37 77, 663,964! 47’ 168” 753] 38 6,188,503} 3,931,773) 39 17, 926,875, 8, 361,302 40 221,141,462! 127,599,938] 41 132) 195, 459] 74,959) 353) 42 32) 190,504] 227911 465] 43 56, 755, 499| 29, 7297 120] 44 ( ‘650 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE. TABLE 27.—AVERAGE VALUE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS PER FARM, BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. | “TOTAL. OWNERS. MANAGERS. ||. DIVISION AND STATE. : 1920 1910 1920 1910 1920 “1910 United States....| $10,284 | $5,471 |] $10,156 | $5,664 || $38,937 | ($25,075 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England........| 5,860 | 3,806 5,230 | 8,444 23,974 | 15,182 Middle Atlantic... . 7,061 |...5,216 ||... 6,077.] 4,490.|]. 26,028 |. .19,652 _. Hast North Central..| 13,771 7, 899 || - 11, 148 6, 747 31,070 | 18, 284 West North Central. -}. 22,307 10, 464 || 20,454 | 10,035 41,380 | 23, 809 South Atlantic:.-...: 4,488 2; 236 |} 5, 060 2,686 |} °. 27,7761, °-15,129 East South Central. . 3,484 "3 668 4 296 25 225 27,046 14, 467 4 West South Central. . 6,316 3, 317 ra 256 4,010 60,323}. 43,693 » Mountain... ... sae! 12/953 |, 7,192 11/609 | 6,044 56,635 | 45,689 Pacifie......,.....-.-| 19,941 |. 13,050 |}. 16,645 | 10,853. || 74,534 | 557059 | 24° 406 | NEw ENGLAND: jr eye jevnts atin. Maing... . days cage * 4, 232, |....2,660 4,127 2,617 11,150.J, »..5,381 3, 912, |... 2, 548 New Hampshire.....| 4,385 | 3,176 4,059 | 8,040'}| 17,127 9,938 || 3,733 | 2,500 Vermoiit.... luealasa: 5,473 | 3,442 5,043 | 3,156 || 16,922] 12/462 || 6,739] 47016 Massachusetts. 3....: 7, 737 5,260 6, 483 4,497 -||-° 31, 339 |. 19,724 6,341 | 4,425 — Rhode Island... 2: 6, 463 5,278 5, 529 4,438 22° 519 20,618 || 6,050 2883 A Ponnecticut tary hisele. 8,399. |....5, 158 7,283 | 4)598.||. 29,711]. 20,730 || .7,944]. 4.485 IDDLE ATLANTIC: . . "OR lwo on New York.........-: 7,376 | 5,495 || 6,371'| 4,786 || 28,696} 21,974 || 8)972| 6,642 NOW JEISCY tina iexe cho 8yAe8 6,484 an 278 5,516 29° 422 25,773 9,081 | 6,836 4 Penusyivanis. caer Sh" 6,560 | 4, 747 5,615 | 4,039 || 22°681 | 15,640 |] 8;202| 6,178 AST, NORTH CENTRAL: : aloe NONI. oc acti deter = 10,368) 6,080 ||... 8,834} 5,455 28, 519 |. 17,412 243.) 7,234 eReader ye. ome 12, 937 7,399 10, 989 6, 688 28, 128 16, 464 472 |. 8,708 Tiiniies. ... feos ees 25,289 |. 13,986 || 20,304 | 123170 || 47,587 | » 27,246 068 | 16,208 Micnipan .. ione fone: (Bis 4,354 6, 628 4,057 21 646 11,719 (2 5,479 Wisconsin. . | ages - 11,558. |....6,784 |}. 10,774 | 6,310.1}. 227906]. 16,958 -. 9,090 West Nortu CENTRAL: . ?, ae Minnesota..........! 18, 496 8, 085 16, 511 7,538 31,475 17,111 9,789 OS hs ER te vl 35,616 | 15,008 |} 32,911 | 14,606.||° 50,624} 23,361 5, 464. Missouri... .. patios 11,646 | 6,190 || 11,292 | 6,272 ||’ 33,235 | 20,171 5,663 North Dakota.......- 19,160 }..11,,063 18,287] 10,422.||. .41,063,|. 34,914 3,780 South Dakota... .... 33,132). 12,945 || 31,369] 11,978 49,808 | 32)445 _ ? Webraska:...).caecanws 29, 836. | . 13,983 29,581 | 13,681 49, 957 |» 30,453 Ratwns. 0. ioe Ns 17,122 | 9,770 || 17,012} 9,984 || 37,050 | 24,324 SouTH ATLANTIC: ns Delaware......+---+-|- ~ 6,386 |....4,905 5,100} 4,399]. .22,436|. 14,441 Maryland....2..:...: ; Sale 4,941 6,729 | 3,962.|| 27,358.| 24766 District of Columbia:]’ 27,340 | 37,932 || 17,128 | 19,3201]! 1237571 | 216,656 Witcipins ). ed aed 5,501 | , 2,891 5,475 | 3,014 || © 29,3911. 16,833 West Virginia....... 4,706 | 2,735 4,453 | 2,738 || 21,148 | 10,477 North Carolina. ..... 3,990] 1,800 4°992 | 2° 101 25,850 | 12,710 South Carolina... 4,222 | — 1,887 6,004 | 27.886 26,751 | 13,078 Goergia.... .. laa 3,663, |...1,647 4,960,| 2,430.|], 28,9024. 12,441 PAGS. i ode eee 5,212 | 2,362 5,159.| 2,529 1]. 30,180 | 12,874 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL? . Reowiagkcy .. lace Suan 4,823 |. 2,452 5,247 | 2,729 ||. 28,697 | 16,955 Tennessee...) 252.2: 4,055 | 1,953 4,633 | 2,306 |} \ 21,674 |" 13,308 Alabama . . . jns6- pop. - 2,123 1,096 2,881 1,606 20, 366, 10, 783 Mississippi-..-225-.2: 2,903 |. 1,218 ||. 3,543] 1,865.| » 34,816 | 15,518 WeEsT SouTH CENTRAL; - Arkangas. ee ores 3,238,}, 1,440 ||' 3,616] 1,705, ||°* 34,412 |’ “13,684 Louisiana... (22. 5222: 3,499 1,971 4,573 2,531 53,033°] © 31,476 Oklahoma... lass sae-foo 7, LOA | 03,884 8,025.) 4,893.|}, .28,486.]. 13, 439 Mo TPea etic 4 Boece nest nh Ghee ord: 112 9,701] 5,279! 82,150.) * 66,935 UNTAIN: Poe ste ae ae MOLMAIUL...- Jone dann; 13, 468 9,599 12,473 8,411 56, 132 52,065 TAME. us << dais papa aN Fs 5 | 7,955 12, 630 7,244 38,418 |) 30,284 Woromiumg. oe od 14, 907 8, 912.1) 13,003 7,289 80,880 55,255 Colorador-cr ee 14,449 | 8,848 || 12,975 | 7,304] 47,848] 37,285 New Mexico......... 7,432 | 3,135 6,537 | 2,425 || 54,404 | 63,376 ATIZONG. chin Lee eoe wo 17,276 5,125 13, 426 4,047 101, 071 35, 587 bale ears 9,499 | 5,423 9,151} 5,132 || . 32,898] 33,741 NGVEGa- poet can souee 20,947 | 14,730 16, 258 9, 992 100, 029 76, 843 PACIFIC : i y Washington......... 13,885 | 10,179 11,746 | 9,065 || 39,146 | 30,608 EOLA 5 nian nelad a ate 13,449 | 10,012 12,004 8, 884 39, 787 33, 915 Calitornia. aces so 26,122 | 16,447 21, 705 | 13,244 89,318 67, 177 FARM TENURE. 651 : ABLE 28.—AVERAGE VALUE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS PER ACRE, BY TENURE, ee DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. ieee } TOTAL. OWNERS. MANAGERS. TENANTS. _ DIVISION AND STATE. 1920 1910 1920 1910 1910 1920 1916 United States........ $69.38 | $39.60 || $62.60] $37.37 $27. 12 $89.77 |. $48. 46 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: . New England. 0 ee 54, 00 36. 45 49, 85 33. 94 75. 10 §3. 12 37.01 , Middle Atlantic. ........ 73. 99 56. 56 68. 50 52. 64 104. 01 78. 69 59. 89 oe East North Central... ... 126. 87 Chippy <5, dh at 68. 04 84. 25 155. 64 91.02 West North Central. .... 95. 22 49. 92 86. 29 46. 22 39. 88 a iy be 60. 45 South Atlantic.......... 53. 20 23. 96 49. 70 23.05 31.31 58, 84 24. 53 East South Central...... 46. 44 21 oe 41, 82 19. 88 29. 68 56. 10 24, 36 be West South Central hs ae 36. 27 18. 50 32.15 16. 94 10. 42 50. 23 25. 62 ‘VR eye yes iu bape ple ll Rll eau 26. 96 22. 16 25. 87 23. 00 12: 09 42. 97 34, 20 2 Pacific... -. eign testers saerass 83. 16 48. 28 82. 21 49. 55 36. 42 89. 49 53.35 Fr ENGLAND: ’ . -." {501 satan, Ree mallet eae a ac 37. 62 20150 36. 96 24.97 34. 26 38, 00 29. 14 » .- New Hampshire. .......-. 34, 56 26. 44 32..89 26. 00 32.28 33. 49 26. 66 me Vermiontt.) feck eek 37. 56 24,14 35. 98 23. 21 37. 94 40, 41 25.22 & Massachusetts..--.....--- 99. 25 67. 51 90. 06 61. 56 111. 04 90. 94 65. 28 me node teland:.- see Soe. 79. 58 63. 01 72. 07 56. 99 116: 46 72.43 57. 32 »,., Connecticut. ........-..- 100. 20 63. 28 92. 86 58. 33 143.97 90..08 54. 32 “MIDDLE ATLANTIC: fre New York. fone 69. 07 53. 78 64. 08 50. 41 106: 16 12-2 55. 53 t PmneW Meroe vel ie Se 109. 67 84. 36 111. 81 85.18 120: 17 95. 45 72. 35 > Pennsylvania.........2:. 75. 14 56. 01 68. 90 51, 44 95. 56 83.15 62. 61 “Bast NoktTu CENTRAL: COLO CRE fasta Ser ae a 113. 18 68. 62 104. 82 65. 36 94, 99 125, 94. (ant MUSTER ook te ee at's ok 125. 98 74. 85 L715 71.25 78, 22 (139.94 81.91 Pe Oise oo ear oh. 5). - 187.59 | 108. 32 165. 49 99. 29 116, 41 209. 64 | 119. 33 és Michigan... .:----.-.-. --|\, 75.48.) 47.58 72.65 |. 46.27 50. 79 84.54 | . 52.98 fee Vy scorer... (C88 ee 98. 78 57. 06 96. 39 54, 86 69. 29 109, 29 67.18 _WEsT Norte CENTRAL Minnesota... oe eee ee. 109, 23 45, 62 104. 30 44, 53 1 50,54 120. 85 48.71 2 ap Si es Las ies pap eae 227. 09 96. 00 222. 23 96. 10 91.67 233. 22 96. 01 & SSO Y ae. leet et. 88. 08 49,61 84. 64 47.88 64. 08 95. 39 53. 56 Pep svoriy Dakota... .-- 41,10 28. 94 38.77 27. 93 35. 41 48. 23 33. 68 0" South Dakota! 0202... 71.40 | . 38.63 62.06 | 35.96 21, Ot 97.53 | 48.90 B OSL: Beate ae il ea ape 87.91 46. 95 78. 00 40.19 27.45 110. 69 66. 25 AC er are 62. 30 40. 05 60. 33 38. 47 25.70 66. 73 44. 86 Soura ATLANTIC: } Delaware. -.2 28000 ee. 68. 56 51.17 67. 89 56. 99 83.93 || . 65.48 44.75 Q Sr Ns EAA eS 81.25 | 47.80 || 80.24} 45.71 118. 04 75.14 |? 43, 43 '. District of Columbia... -. 984. 01 11,357. 64 990. 64 938. 58 2: 22RD: 762. 93 1, 244, 58 is Mirsiitia Lio At 55.19 27. 29 54. 26 27.3 41, 43 54. 10 B49 § West Virginia * 0) ...... 42.93 | 26.37 || 41.10 | 25. 41 32.11 47:59 | 30.34 mo North Carolina. _........ 53.76 20. 35 47.55 19. 50 24. 40 66. 80 op al WC South Carolina.......... 65. 46 24. 64 60. 54 23. 06 20. 62 (3820 27.66 STS a Dh a pee Aa 44,74 17.78 39. 57 16. 13 22,66 49, 85 19. 60 chains (Gis tir ene ee 46.55 22. 49 48, 90 20. 89 58. 47 35. 34 17.78 East SouTtH CENTRAL: PaeetG Ory. 282 os lSo oe 60. 39 28. 64 * 56. 04 26. 62 53. 41 73.91 34. 86 Memiessee ss... co... _» 2. 53 23. 98 49. 79 22.65 32. 82 58. 32 27.25 All? (CSc i aire Dike ih 13. 90 25. 46 12,57 18. 99 31. 42 16.15 ie 43, 41 18.01 28. 54 14. 65 21. 83 68. 78 23. 93 West SovuTH CENTRAL: PAP RMRMS. boll koe. 43.14 TTS 34. 49 14. 68 31. 81 60. 52 24, 87 ONC a 47.31 22°75 41. 86 19. 82 30.32 58. 75 27.36 OCS: a ae 42.68 25. 60 40. 50 2Oe te 20.41 |f 46.93 25. 10 Es en a 82. 45 16. 39 28. 60 14, 94 8. 69 49, 03 25. 84 MOUNTAIN rOniatia: 22 2h ose 22:15 18. 58 21. 66 18. 47 18. 39 30. 48 19. 54 1 Tk SS SS Se ea 69. 43 46. 38 64. 36 44, 26 50. 43 96. 37 61. 07 Mey Otitis soo 2 Ses cness: 19. 88 11. 46 18. 62 18. 83 6. 00 30. 47 17. 92 (0 CN i ee 35..40 30.19 31. 56 26. 66 20.410 55. 66 48. 28 meme w Mexico: .sce2:.2 62. 9. 09 9. 92 9. 43 11. 41 6. 37 11.10 10. 74 ry oa Ue OE 29. 70 37. 93 27. 66 37. 94 21.91 60. 61 TE 53 Meieeereeesheshrssas 48. 26 84. 60 50. 86 35. 12 20. 76 73. 60 49. 33 OVE CS 28. 11 14. 59 30. 91 21.05 9.13 39. 47 25. 09 PACIFIC: Washington............. 69. 49 48, 84 66. 85 47. 24 55, 60 74, 24 54,13 / Ore: MB ee rskds sees ssc: 49, 86 88. 99 47.77 37.16 37. 50 59. 63 48. 37 34.75 || 109.34 54. 60 652 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE. TABLE 29.—NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF FARMS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY COLOR AND TENURE: 1920 AND 1910. [Corresponding figures for all farmers, by tenure, in Table 16.] ALL LAND IN FARMS IMPROVED LAND IN FARMS NUMBER OX) RAEME. *" (ACRES). , (ACRES). COLOR AND . . | nh ee TENURE: Per _ | Per Boel Per 1920 | 1910 | °CR|| i920 i910 || CeUt | 1920 1910...| cent ine.1 ine.t pata tt #9 1ine.t WHITE © FARMERS. ty . Total....| 5, 498, 454) 5,440,619} 1.1)| 910,939, 194] 832,166,020) 9. 5|| 473; 774, 566) 449,418 265) 5.4 Owners..--.--| 3,691, 868) 3,707, 501 —0. 41] 620, 070, 823| 579, 478, 154 7. 0|| 306, 029, 220} 301, 504, 138] 1.5 Owning en- tire farm..| 3,174,109} 3,159,088) .0. 5}| 447, 244, 925) 448, 961, 809} —0. 4|| 228, 667, 878 227, 265, 911 0.6 Hiring ad- ; as, dit land. . 517,759| 548, 413) —5.6]] 172, 825, 898| 130, 516,345). 82.4!) 77,361,342) 74, 238, 227| 4.2 Managers... .. 66,223] _ 56,560| 17.1|| 53,653,478], 53,304,976} 0.7} 13, 009, 436 12,166,563} 6.9 Tenants. ....- 1, 740, 363| 1,676,558] _ 3.8|| 237, 214, 893 199, 382,890] 19.0]] 154,735,910) 135, 747, 564] 14.0 Share 2..... v 163,942] 1,026,372] 13. 4|| 142, 337, 408] 109,695, 138} 29. 8|| 98,410,006] 79,093,004] 24.4 Share-cash..| 119,305] 7113,843| 4.9|| 24,025,817] 18,734,775] 28.2 19,668,931] 15, 425, 303| 27.5 Cash? 4 (2: 400,907| 447,851|—10.5|| 62,762,080] 55,948,318} 12.2 32) 318,657| 33,014,406] —2.1 Unspecified-| 56,119] 88, 492) —36. 6ll 8/089, 588] 15,004,659|—46. 1] 4,338,316] 8, 214, 851|—47, 2 COLORED es FARMERS. Total....| 949,889} 920,883/ 3.2/| 44,944,521! 46, 632,305] —3.6|| 29,298,441) 29, 033, 485} 0.9. Owners....<+.] 233,222! 241, 221| —3.3|| 16,704,192] 19,076, 463|-12..4|| 8,078, 263 8, 346, 283 34 Owning en- 1 tirefarm..| 192,403] 195,809] —1.7|| 14,005,208] 15,961, 506|/—12.3]| 6,509,586] 6, 542, 686| —0.5 Hiring ad- dit,Jand..) 40,821] .45,412|—10. 1] 2,698,984] 8,114, 957|—-13. 4) _ 1, 568,677] 1,803, 597|—13.0 Managers..... 2,226 1,544) 44.2 475,679 425,889] 11.7) 201,563] ~ 147,452}. 36.7. Tenants...... 714,441) 678,118] 5. 4]] 27,764,650| 27,120,953}. 2.3/| 21,018,615 20,539,750] 2.3 Share%...... 514,870| 373,501) 37. 8|| 18/385,143| 13,358, 580| 37.6|| 14,469,944] 10,644, 740| 35.9. Share-cash.. 8,427]. 14,623|—42. 4 308,611; . 655,093|—52.9|| 264,176], . 498, 614|—47.0 Cash? -). 55. 184° 008} 2647 443-30. 4] 8,799,575! 11, 898,533|~-26. 7|| 6,067, 837| 8, 551, 756/—29.0 Unspecified. 7, ai 25, 501|—72. 4 dal, 321 1 217, 747|—71, 1 ” 216, 658 "$44, 640|—74. 3 1 A minus sign (—) denotes decrease, . “a 2 Share tenants include croppers reported in the Southern states in 1930, and cash sca 24 likewise a standing renters. " * COLOR AND TENURE OF) FARMERS... .. 6538. '80.—PERCENTAGE OF FARM LAND IMPROVED, AVERAGE. ACREAGE PER. PERM AND PER CENT DISTRIBUTION, BY COLOR AND TENURE, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910. [Corresponding figures for all farmers, by tenure, in Table 17.] AVERAGE ACREAGE PER PER CENT DISTRIBUTION. FARM. PER CENT OF FARM ae | LAND ; “COLOR AND TENURE. © IMPROVED. Alllana Improved || AllJand in REP Ss b . land. farms. farms. 1920 | 1910 || 1920)| 1910 | 1926 | 1910 || 1920 | 1910} 1920 | 1910 _—_—_— | | | |} | SE WHITE FARMERS, SL peed: erga Aan 52.0°} 54.0 |] 165.7 | 153.0 | 86.2) 82.6 || 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 bert? se Oy | Ra I ae 49,4 | 52.0) °168:0 | 156.3 | °82.9°}, 81.8 68.1 | 69.6) 64.6 | 67.1 Owning entire farm. ...... 51.1] 50.6 |/-140.9 | 142.1 | 72.0 | 71.9 49.1} 54.07} 48.3 1 50.6 _ Hiring additionalland....| 44.8 | 56.9 333. 8) | 238.0 | 149.4 | 135.4 || 19.0] 15.7] 16.3] 16 Managers... ..-..... de necenees 24.2 | 22.8 || 810.2 | 942,5 | 196.4 | 215.1 5.9 6.4 2.7 re SSS eae ee 65.2} 68.1 |} 136.3 | 118.9] 88.9! 81.0 |} 26.0} 24.0} 32.7}. 30.2 TIONS So ase. le an 69.1 | 72.1 || 122.3 | 106.9} 84.5 | 77.1 |} -15.6-} 13.2 | 20.8} 17.6 Blare-Cash 3 Un... as 4. 81.9: 82.3 >|} 201.2 | 164.6:| 164.7 | 135.5 2.6 2.3 4,2 3.4 terial panel pga A al 51.5 | 59.0 |, 156.6] 124.9 | 80.6 | 73.7 6.9 6.7 6.8 tea Rmeecitied 20H. 655.64... 53.6] 54.7 |) 144.2 | 169.6.) 77.3} 92.8 0.9 1.8 0.9 1.8 COLORED FARMERS AOL 31.24) Baha [egp 9° 99.5 _Hiring additional land....| 58,1.) 57.9 ||..66.1 |. 68.6 |. 88.4.) 39.7 6.0 6.7 5.4 6.2 peatiours een le Seles es oR = lave o's 42.4.) 34.6 || 213.7 | 275.8 | 90.5 | 95.5 digg} 0.9 0.7 0.5 MMMEIEE ye tite as ie fen ines 75.7 | 75.7 || 38.9 | 40.0} 29.4} 30.3 ||. 61.8.)') 582)°717') 70.7 alesis (aap | ih pandas apa 78.7 | 79.71) 35.7 | 3528: - 28.1} 28.5 1) 40.9) 28.6) 49.4 |) 36.7 BDSPOCASD on. ene - aie ow 85. 76.1 |) 36.6), 44.8 | 31.3.) 34.1 0.7 1.4 0.9 ae ST ene ater aot... 69.6] 71.9)]) 47.4) ° 45.0 | 3350 | 32.3 |} 19:4-|--25.5-| 20.7512 20.5. P 47.8 | 30.7.| 33.1 0.8 2.6 0.7 2.9, ot: Share tenants include croppers fepetterd in the Southern states in n 1920, and cash Sa ot likewise include standing renters. TABLE 31.—NUMBER OF FARMS IN THE UNITED STATES, WITH-PER CENT DISTRI- Bias. le BUTION, BY COLOR AND. TENURE: 1900 TO 1920. oy ihe M _ [Corresponding figures for ali farmers, by tenure’ in Table 18.] < b 4 ‘ - 2. aap 7 R ‘ NUMBER OF FARMS. 3 . PER CENT DISTRIBUTION. “COLOR AND TENURE. SCAYEESTETTETSENN/ IETEREEEEETTErSEET Peaeememeeenmmnen Elodie ¥ 1920... |... 1910 1900 1920}. 1910. | 1900. WHITE FARMERS. Bememoral let). Set 9 | 5,498,454) 5,440, 619 4,969, 608 100.0} 100.0] 100.0 Owners. eS eadbuebi.). . ts sca. : 3, 691, 868 3, 707, 501 3, 446, 806 67.1 68. 1 69. 4 elias Sane | aE 66, 223 56, 560 57, 261 1,2, 1.0 LS NE SESS Rein Lg ne 1,740, 363 1, 676, 558 1, 465, 541 31.7 30. 8 29, 5 @ COLORED FARMERS. "T: Oc). Sa) AE Oe a a a $49 »889 920, 883 767,764 100. 0 100.0 | . 100.0 a! ee SS SSS SS. EE—=E—ESS™_E_E eee emer). 2 Bee opr 233,222 241,221 |, 206, 517 24.6 | °° 26,2 26.9 SERIE? eeneeen eee 2 226 1, 544 1, 824° 0. 2°) 0.2 0. 2 714; 441 678, 118 559, 423 15.2 73.6, 72.9 4 654 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE. ; TABLE 32.—NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF FARMS IN THE SOUTH, WITH AVERAGES AND -~ “PERCENTAGES, BY COLOR AND TENURE. 1920.00 A’ [Corresponding figures for all farmers, by tenure, in Table 19.] COLOR. AND TENURE. THE SOUTH. WHITE FARMERS. Owning entire farm:....-- Hiring additional land.... Manavers v.etee+- sacs oan Tenants...... SEIS oye RM Share tenants, including croppers: 444... 228.88. - 3 | Share tenants proper- ' Croppers Share-cash tenants.......- Yash tenants, including standing renters Cash tenants proper .. Standing renters...... Unspecified tenants....... COLORED FARMERS. Cry tire oct ss. ca cee al Owning entirefarm...... 3 Hiring additional land.... Managers.ce. .!. 3. 56-14 pope ; TPOMSHES - 5- shih. oe mat eemee an CLOPPOUSi W .ciireeish)- sleaye Share tenants proper. Croppers Share-cash tenants... 2.22: Cash tenants, including standing renters.......- Cash tenants proper. . Standing renters...... Unspecified tenants....... Number 917, 589| in farms (acres). of farms. 2,283,750] 308, 803, 337 1, 379, 636| 206, 525, 033 1) 2277 204] 169, 703, 027 152, 432| 36, 822, 006 16,548] 22,073,344 887, 566| 80, 204, 960 701, 891| 55,472, 862 474,513| 43,082, 592 227,378] 12/390, 270 14,465} 1, 844, 801 145,985) 20, 264, 957 118,913} 18, 209, 123 27; 072).. 2,055, 834 25,225] 2,622, 340 " 992,914) 41,318, 496 14, 076, 623 11, 950, 158 39,031} 2,126, 465 1,770} 367,820 703,555] 26,874, 053 510,424] 17,955, 303 176, 711 178, 558 333,713] 10,140,783 8,207/ 271,670 178,199] 8,341,572 100, 275]. 4,010, 599 77,924| 4,330,973 6,725] 305, 508 Altand Improved land in farms (acres). 129, 335, 864 82, 297, 960 70, 567, 733 11, 730, 227 3, 345, 166 43, 692, 738 34, 436, 595 26, 275, 314 8, 161,281 1,179, 861 6, 989, 701 5, 852, 029 1, 117, 672 7, 814, 520! 1, 106, 581 Per cent of farm land improved. 41.9 lor ke.) 31.9 15. 2/|1, 333. 9} 202. 1] 27,743, 760| 67.1 7, 247, 342 5, 922) 818 1,324) 524 149, 117 20,347, 301 14, 129, 316 5, 632, 483 8, 496, 833 236,577 5, 784, 422 2) 912, 997 2 871, 425 196, 986 ——$—$—__—. 51.5 49.6 62.3 40.5 75.7 78.7 72.1 83. 8 87.1 69.3 72. 6, 66.3 64.5 AVERAGE ACREAGE PER FARM. All land. - F 188.3] 57.5 241.6|" 7. 0|], 49,2 PER CENT. DISTRIBUTION, oy a lB es| 2 |e fay 2) 88 Pa wal g™ va I aa i er 100. 0| 100. 0} 100.0 60.4| 66.9! 63. 53.7} 55.0| 54. 6.7] 11,9] 9. Oe eee ae 38.9} 26.0] 33. 30.7} 18.0] 26. 20.8! 14.0! 20. 10.0! 40) 6. 0.6] 0.6|° 0. . 6.4, 6.6] 5. BAG SGI 4. 1.21, 07), 0 1.1) 0.8 0. 100. 0| 100. 0} 190.0 23: 6| ° 34.1) 26.1 19.3} 28.9] 21.3 4,2} 5.1) 4.8 0-2} ° 0.9] 0.5 76.2) 65.0! 73.3 _ 55.3) 43.5) 50, 19.1} 18.9! 20. 36.2| 24.5! 30. 4 0.9} 0.7), 0 19.3] 20.2) 20. 10. 9.7} 10. 8.4} 10.5) 10. 0. Oud 02 e ABLE 33.—NUMBER OF FARMS IN THE SOUTH, WITH PER CENT DISTRIBUTION, BY © COLOR AND TENURE: 1900 TO 1920. ee ooo ee PER CENT oxeratn eal | sasteeas ence 7 NUMBER OF FARMS. COLOR AND TENURE. 1920 » 1910 1900 1920 | 1910. THE SourH. WHITE FARMERS. Totals tdi. oe ee 2,283,750 | 2,207,406 | 1,879,721 Gwiers., 2001 | 8008 1 BOP 1,379,636 |. 1,326,044 | 1, 183,806.|.. 60.4] 60.1 Managers... 20 SSE 16,548 15, 084 17, 172 0.7 0.7 ertants| 2 os... do. teeen tes om 887) 566 866, 278 678,743.||... 38.9... 39.2 COLORED FARMERS.» i Gotalss:cccolsvcevestetszers: 922, 914 890, 141 740,670 || 100.0} 100.0 DRAM tei balteM PO ole, PGR ehh! WI Wai DE le 8 Ts acs eva cick 217, 589 218, 467 186,676 || 23.6 | 24.5 1, 200 1,593 ||» 0.2 0.1 Pag Pee See ae 703, 555 670, 474 552) 401 76.2| 175.3 COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS, Bs , 655 t TABLE 34.—-VALUE OF FARM - PROPERTY IN THE -UNITED STATES, BY COLOR AND TENURA: 1920-AND 1910. ' LAND AND BUILDINGS. {Corresponding figures for all farmers, bytenure, in Table 20.| f TOOTS, AV ALL FARM PROPERTY. “COLOR AND TENURE. Per Per TTL) ‘ cent cent . | 1920 1910 Pe: ad 1920 1910 ae crease crease WHITE FARMERS Pie Total 2th O00 34ST '.}974,955,403,721 |$39,712,914/845 | 88.7 ||$63,786)058,855 |$33,764,302,187 | 98.9 Wwners.227. FS 8 | ye 46, 810, 947,920. |26, 228,711,934 | 78.5 |/39, 215,462,823 |22, 020, 188, 324 |» 78.4 Owning entire farm... ||36, 176, 166,655 |20374) 8727 924 | _77.6'|/30, 17672817 465. [17703220457 185 | 77.2 __ ©. Hiring additional land .|10, 634, 781, 265. | 5, 853,839,010 | 81.7: || 9039, 181/358: | 479887143689. |. 81.2 ” Matiagers£0.0002 200... .02 (| 3,091,165, 814.] 1,681,995, 418} 83.8 '|| 2,629,284, 676 | 1, 440,643, O8t |-» 82.5 ‘ enanits. Thos ho ee ee os a ee, 987 |11, 801,607,493 |. 112.3 21,941,811,356 10,303, 560,282) 112.9 ry Oe ctor fercs.o she» $3 ' y Share cas tas ieee 3 9807 O58" sas \2, 588, 264668]! 184. 4 1137635? 419" gag 6, 596, 004, 373'|" 135.8 PeOBSD Ln oe, nc shvnde ee 6; 728, 610, 115 5, 826,072, 815. |\. bi sii Tes ON 72] 650? 7577430 |}4>268)342,825]. 73.4. |) Pr BoP» 8259 o2e 3, 707,565, 9091 72.8 COLORED FARMERS. ) Total... Eo) 902 | 2,968, 690,617 | 1,279,284,245° 132.1"/| 2,529,943, 747 | 1, 036,733, 810-| 144.0 Owners... IPL IS BS |. 24], 800,598,024 |: 440,922,439.| 81.6) || 1648, 780,084 |. 346,745,454 bm 87-1 Me sows suticatarns (2 661, 227,524.) 355,994,187 | 85.7 || . 534; 439) 299 |. 2787503;881 |, 91.8 Oe cartiring additional lana: 139, 370,500} °84,998952 | 64.1 || «1147320785 |\\. 68)151,573 |. 67.7 Managersi...00..........2!|/ °° 41,107,191 | 18,729,618 | 119.5 35,931,789.|.. 16,315, 9119]..120.2 “Wenants 2s eee 2 126, ma 402 |: 819,582,288 | 159.5 1,845,251, 874 | 673,672,145 | 78,9 Me emenare?. ow. oo. By 474, 2 4 t. Share eas 22202000001 £702, 536 \ 442,938,549 | 242,2'||\1, 27,826 \ 373, 944, 277'|" 257.5 MPashi ... 0.cS2 591, 626, 704 492 1747 681 Bont ade ot? ipaee|aae 19, 4107886 } 376,643,739) 62.2) Ye sin os \ 299,727, 868 | 69.6 so gn, et | LAND ALONE.” peo) BUILDINGS. cary goin COLOR AND TENURE. Fer i= ‘ cen cen as | 1920 1910 ere 1920 1910 ee ud ‘| crease. crease. . WHITE FARMERS. TS ea al $52,707,641,140 |$27,615,515,334 | 90.9 |/$11,078,417,715 | $6,148,876,853 |. 80.2 cc reve - 31, 471, 590, 402 17,528, 730,187 | 79.5 || 7,743,872, 421 | 4,491, 458,637 | 72.4 ~~ Owning entire farm... |23; 638,999, 408 |13,220,114/695 | 78.8 || 67537,282) 057 | 3’ 81179307440 | 71.5 Hiring additional land-| 7, 832, 590,994 | 4)308/615,492 | 81.8 || 1; 206,590,364 | '679,528/197.} 77.6 Managers...../............ 2,178, 344,776 | 1, 205,653,349 | 80.7 |] 450,939,900 | 234,989,732 | 91.9 Tenants cht et a ea 19, 057,705, 962 | 8, 881,131,798 | 114.6 : Es, 603, 304 | 1,422, 498, 484 | 102.7 Wibb DHATOL. sa. hoc, delete Swiss 110, 249,405 571, 766, 5 Mr Sharerash 2. 3) 314; 287,619 \5, 718, 371, 914.) 137.4 ae 125,337 882, 632, 459 }© 125, 4 os eae 5,020, 508, 499 5, 564, 31 Unspeeified. 2222222227. "473, BOw 638 |f31 167, 759, 884 13.41 88, 148” 150 } $89, 796, 025 | »65.6 _ COLORED FARMERS. pb cl ES ee 2,121,921,919 | 860,158,835 | 146.7 || 408,021,828 | 176,574,675.| 131.3 vhs a ah 513,191,232 | .277,391,441.| 35.0 |}, 135,568,852 | 69,354,013... 95.6 Owning entire farm sa 419, 745, 895 221, 719, 994 89.3 114, 693, 404 56,873,887 | 101.7 . Hiring additionalland.| 93,445,337 | 55,671,447. | 67.9 207875, 448 |" 19” 480; 126.] 67.3 Managers...............2.. 29,306,244 || 18,205,916 | 121.9 6,625, 545 3,109,995") 113.0 “ora 2 ? , a aie db es aewtl 1, 579,424,443 | 569,561,478 | .177.3']| . 265,827, 431 |“: 104,110,667 || 155.3 i ee 1, eer se \ 316,634,227 | 261.1 ed au $3 |} 87,310,050 | 237.4 bp Cast... y ss...) | (422,437,873 69, 736, 808 | ' i Unspecified 2222200120 13’ 540’ 238 \ 252,927,251 | 72.4, D698, 585 |f 49,800,617 |. 954.8 1 8hare tenants include croppers reported in the Southern States in 1920, and cash tenants likewise in- etude standing renters. 656 TABLE 34.—VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY IN THE UNITED STATES, BY COLOR AND. TENURE: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. [Corresponding figures for all farmers, by tenure, in Table 20.] ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE. IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY. LIVE STOCK. COLOR AND TENURE. se! re cen 1920 1910 oie 1920 1910 crease. | || TE, | TR CS WHITE FARMERS. Motalsae.c2ger 202 $3,491, 321, 159 |g1, 227,407,744 | 184. 4 |i$7,678)023, 707 |S4, 720,414, 914 Owners. ec. cus..2..12:} 241,134,220 | 884,819,727 | 172.5°|] 5,184,350, 877 | 3,323, 703, 383 | 56.0 Owningentiretarm....| 1,92772147682 | 718,866,006 | 168.1 || 4,072, 670; 508 | 2,623,961, 693 Hiring additionalland.| ’483,919, 538 | 165,953,631 | 191.6 | 1,111,680, 369. | ' 699, 741, 690. " Managers... J2..dbc.0e00020 102,231,072] 42,473,043) 140.7 || 359,650,066} 198,779, 294 hese aclu Wee eT a Ornoema S Pe Le pre Share-cash.............|. 131)463, 184 \ 191,476,447 | 258.5 || “’ 995’ 430’ 996 |p 790, 788, 848 | Cosh dea} PB Beton |} 108,688,627 | 168.4 | “ESP ar9? gor | 447 148380. COLORED FARMERS. ’ j ‘i : Total WN K fae 103,451,769 | 37,749,039} 274.1 ||) 835,301,101 | 204, 758, 696 Owners.....ccc-csses..s1i) 86,658,561 | 15,852,814) 131.2 || 185,179,379.| 78,324,171 | 47.1 Owningentirefarm....|' 30,9647138 |. 129857658 |. 138.4 || 95,824,087 | “© 64,414, 648, |» Hiring additionalland. 5, 694, 423 2, 867, 156 98. 6: 19,355, 292°] _. 13,909,523: |: Mahhgerss Pia aT 1, 542, 630 435,457) 254.3 3, 632,772 1,978,150") RaSh ec nsn sec HtTse | tue BOLBBODOS AL. elareare h. aheeilis ANS mumlee Re age aia ate Share-cash .. 1, 150, 201 Foes? ; “mH 4, 224, 509 |f. rein 1 gah) Ca aided] earn |} 12040014] 10.4 Geese aon | 84, 874, O57. 1 Share tenants include croppers reported in the Southern states in 1920, and cash tenants likewiseinclude standing renters. ; J TABLE 35.—VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY IN THE SOUTH, BY COLOR AND. TENURE: 1920. [Corresponding figures for all farmers, by tenure, in Table 21.] a ET I I SE TTT eT NT SE ST ST DT a Implements] : COLOR AND’ TENURE. se an Land Buildings. and Live stock. Proper: machinery. 4 THE SOUTH. ' at «LaF BOIS Yb YOST, WHITE FARMERS. : c ; - Totals 0644s. abd. $15, 547, 590,202 |'$10,477,.276, 809 $2, 451, 526, 481 | $680, 756,446 ($1,938, 030, 466 Owmners226 wer wee 4. BE: 9, 924, 590, 749 || 6,422, 495,001 | 1,725, 654, 101'| | 477,494,986 | 1,298, 946, 661 Owning entire farm. ...-- 8, 534,027,597 || 5,461,497, 477 | 1, 556, 654,299 | -417,802,-433 |°1, 098, 073, 388. Hiring additional land. ..} 1,390; 563, 152 960, 997,524 | "168,999,802 | 59, 692;553.|~ 200,873, 273 Managers... -......-. 2. 771,799, 018 557, 140, 666 90,791,921 || 24,628,189 |. -' "99, 308, 242 Tétlantse fe 29 Sos, 4; 851, 200, 435 || 3, 497,641,142 | 635, 150,459 | 178, 633,271:| 539,775, 563 Share tenants, including pide ys crepe eS croppers.......-....- 3; 667, 065, 462 || 2,673,058, 147 | 479, 132,402 | 133)734, 356 |} “381, 140, 557 Share tenants proper...| 2,817,302, 611°|| 2,043, 114,693 362, 356, 546 | | 108, 420, 770 303, 410, 602 CLODDET Scie creep cecloen- 849) 762, Sl 629, 943,454 | 116,775,856 || 25,313,586 | 77, 729, Share-cash tenants....... 146, 290, 829 110, 385, 880 15, 601, 565 |) |» 5,788,498 (14, 514, Cash tenants, including Big: . Fhemaney ete pest standing renters....-. 913, 101, 289 629, 344, 024 121, 554, 036 34, 589, 79k 127, 613, 438 Cash tenants proper... 775, 756, 631 535, 941, 040 99, 203, 226 28, 068,871, | --112, 573, 494 Standing renters....... 137, 314, 658 93, 402, 984 22, 350, 810 6,520,920} 15, 039, 044 Unspecified tenants...... 124, 742, 855 84, 853, 091 4,520, 626 16, 506, 682 18, 862, 456 Bigts COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS. 657 TABLE 35.—VALUE) OF FARM: PROPERTY IN. THE SOUTH, BY COLOR AND TENURE: 1920—Continued. [Corresponding figures for all farmers, by tenure, in Table 21.] eB I ; ) Implements ‘COLOR AND TENURE. — oot Land. _ Buildings. and Live stock. oa machinery. Class {tes j eh THE SouTH—Con. COLORED FARMERS. bi as Bek . _ Total...............-.- $2, 626, 859, 822 || $1, 847,605,942 | $380,245,675 | $90,388,087 | $308, 620,118 Owners..............-26--| 680,645,113 || | 429,929,080 | 121, 801, 982 | » 81,330, 566 97, 583, 485 Owning entire farm...... 565, 223, 542 354, 207,034 | 108,017,973 | 26, 492) 439 81, 506, 096 bee additionat land... 115, 421, 571 25, 722, 046 |}. 18,784, 009 4, 838, 127 16, 077, 389 Managers. PTT ree ; 25, 095, 060 17,019,617 | 4, 614, 281 902, 899 2, 658, 263 MONE.) Os tneap. cc} ous 1, 921, 119, 649 || 1, 400,657,245 | 253,929,412 | 58,154,622 | 208, 378,370 papare tenants , including eqroppersvvi,toi.. J} ‘..| 1/386, 948; 958 |} 1,085, 946, 437 183, 561, 249 37, 078, 688 130, 362, 584 “Share tenants proper... "575, 263, 129 414,818,168 |< 73,815,971 18, 975, 202 67, 653, 788 Croppergs . 2: -.-. <- bes 811, 685, 829 621,128,269} 109,745,278 | 18, 103,486 62,708,796 > Share-cash tenants. ...... 35, 080, 135: 26, 483, 369 | 8, 619, 117 965, 961 4,011, 688 Cash tenants, including . i standing renters...... 483, 144, 616 327, 440, 417 64, 348, 291 19,597, 868 71, 158, 040 "Cash tenaiits proper....} © 251) 408, 599 169, 715, 582 32, 398, 252 9,951, 148 39, 343, 617 Standing renters......|.. 231, 736, 017 157,724, 835 31, 950, 039 9, 646, 720 32, 414) 493 ppp eepectiiod cerents Pe bes 15, 945, 940 0; ise 022 fe Os 755 5125105 2 246, 058 TABLE 36.—-AVERAGE VALUE OF FARM. PROPERTY PER FARM AND PER ACRE, BY OLOR AND TENURE, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1920 AND 1910.) | [Corresponding figures for all farmers, by tenure, in Table 22.] 15 | FARMS OPERATED BY— ; TOTAL. || 86 COLOR! AND ITEM. , Owners. Managers. Tenants. 1920 1910 1920 | 1910 1920 1916 1920 | 1910 —— ee fe} | ef Tf WHITE FARMERS. Average value per farm: ‘ll farm property....-.. $13, 632 | $7,299 || $12,679 |°$7,075 | $46,678 | $29,736 | $14,395 | $7,039 ‘Land and buildings... ...02....: 117601 | 6,206 || 10;622 | '5,939 | 39,703} 25,471 |. 12°607 6, 146° | opl@nd alongss......1. Tea - 9,586 | 5,076 8,525 | 4,728 | 32,994] 21,316} 10,950.| 5, 297 Davdings -- sit...) 22s. 2015 | 1,130|) 2,098} 1211} 6.809) 4155] - 1,657 848 Peart and machinery - Bes 635 226 653:|°' 239) 1,544 751 ” 562 179 _ Live stock......2,2.---+-+ WR 1,396 868 1, 404 896 |. 5,431] 3,514] 15226 715 ‘Average value per acre: a All farm. roperty........ 82.28 | 47.72 || 75.49 | 45.26 57.61 $1.55] 105. 61 59. 19 ; tant and buildings............| 70.02) 40.57 63.24 | 38.00 | 49:00} 27.03 |-- 92.50] 51.68 OSE A a Bak a 57.86 | 33,19 50.75 |'30.25 | 40:60-|- 22.62). 80.34] 44 54 Panes 5)... Lat --| 412.06) 67439 12.49 | 7.75 8.40 4, 41 12. 16 7.13 Implements and machinery - cal, ube So): Lae 3:89 [9.153 1:91 0. 80 4,12 1.51 ce, Sia SO Sosa Sean 8. 43 5, 67 8. 36 5. 74 6.70 ate 9.00 6. 01 COLORED FARMERS. . Average value per farm: All farm property ....... 3,125 | 1,389 3,433 | 1,828 | 18,467 |} 12,131 2,977 1, 209 Land and buildings............ 2,663 | 1,126 2,782,| 1,437 | 16,142] 10,567] _ 2,583 993 i abe IONE His) oy - 22 ||68.0] 69.9/ 8.0] 10.6] 240] 19.5 | 32 ‘ | : 9 2| 20.8 | 33 250| 4,351) 4,037] 37,006| 44,755 || 785] 77.3] 23] 1.9] 19, Ms giih fap fer,” 4 96 417 || 78.0 | 86.0} 4.5] 1.5 | 17.5.}/12.5 | 34 1,118 967| 1,033} 6,596; 8,110 || 741] 72.3] 3.37} °3.1,|, 22.6 |. 24.6 | 35 £93) 20 O7)}) 1). 230 "194 [1068.3] 55.7] 3.7] 5.7] 43.04) 387 116| 4445| 3,930 117| 50,931 |] 75.9} 74.9] 22} 21.8) 21.9 | 23.3 | 37 aie ( 4 af 174 |] 057.9} 62.5 | 10.0] 5.7 | 322]. 31.9 | 38 25 45 | Step ie 145 660 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURRE. TABLE 37.—NUMBER OF FARMS, BY COLOR AND TENURE, WITH PER CENT DIS- Corresponding figures for all NUMBER OF FARMS OPERATED BY— TOTAL NUMBER OF FARMS. DIVISION OR STATE | Full owners (owning Rar GOL aie 1 ; All owners. entire farm). 1920 1910 1920 +1910 1920 (1910 East NorRTH CENTRAL. OuIO: . 33 j 1 W.hitet!. {829 b BaP AS 255,079 || 270,095 176,933 |» 190,791 i 214 161, 999 2 Coloredscvsncsceerhcnne: 1,616 1, 950 1, 053 1,313 902 983 INDIANA 3 Whites es aGe eee ie 204, 554 214, 680 136, 904 148, 029 112, 452 115,110 4 ; COLP6R Oe: ae eta se tae 572 805 306 472 ” 212 314 LLINOIS ; 5 White os: Rd bask 236, 288 250, 447 132, 040 144, 318 100, 521. 106, 730 6 Colored: 2302032) sae eae 893 1, 425 534 7189 ”382 570 MICHIGAN: ‘) 2 : vf White Aycb rte Ace. d 195, 714 206, 014 ||» 158, 843 171, 525 139, 388 150, 337 8 Ooloretbse aes ester ann gee 733 946 563 785 486 668 WISCONSIN ’ SID 0 9 W Hinder FUE RE es: » 188,632 176, 536 158, 982 150, 473 1483794 140, 044 10 COTE ee ee Bee Way "663 591 628 549 596 484 West NortH CENTRAL. MINNESOTA: : bat 1 Whiten 22: f202st S238 178,271 155, 844 132, 567 121,910 112, 721) 99,320 12 i COOLEO. 12 FeAaE et were 207 293 77 194 159 173 } OWA? Y ; ‘ 0 by Mees Wu 2 13 BW hiateltt 23: PGs eae ic 213,330 216, 843 121, 814 132, 867 98,948} 106,369 14 OGr.. b*tch ee nee feu 109 201 74 136 60] . 95 MISSOURI: Ox 15 Whites. cf Ol ea 8 260,178 273,578 183, 386 190, 176 152, 547 151,318 | 16 COROTRG ES Gl = Noe eRe 27 2. 826 3, 666 1,644 2,109 | | 1: 305 | = 1,489 NORTH DAKOTA: pus SE 17 White) 28.0. 2G i8 77,147 73,617 56, 448 62, 485 33,627 | ~ 43,950 | 18 COLOTEES NER CARRE cde, 543 "743 469 727 | 424 TT SoutH DAKOTA: - t. li Nea. 0 19 Whites: F552. CRE 73,025 74, 836 46, 350 55, 248 25,913 37,733 | 20 Colored: 22 SS 1,612 2, 808 1, 465 2, 736: 1,340. 2 6725 NEBRASKA 21 White i hice Se ede 124, 033 129, 216 69, 418 78, 881 50, 352 57,869 |, 22 Colored. : bed: ae Ee 384 462 ” 254 ”369 21 3 353 | KANSAS: - } a: BTL.) 23 SW ite vs) UO nd ot 164,048 176, 150 96, 297 110, 010 65, 081 77, 219 | 24 OGLOTOG” ” 2elRe ae aby phe 1, 238 iy 691 793 1,098 559 789 | v ; . ; SoutvH ATLANTIC. DELAWARE: 4 ; OS. § BOT boom 25 Whites: 1 236. 2 TOE f28 9,268 | ° 9,914 5, 655 5, 772 6,383 5,518 26 COO be ee er ” 872 922 355 406 305 347 MARYLAND b COS t cee 27 White. 1 SF 3a 41,699 42, 551 29, 256. 29, 569 27,751 | | (27,819 | © 28 COMOPOd oan. ok ec saee 6, 209 6,372 3, 549 3 950 3,091 3,301 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: CS ta Z 29 Wihttes. fice ct ee cd 184 205 Os 110 *. 83 Ppa 85 30 Coloretiet! *. ce oo ee ree 20 12 9 8 St 4 6 VIRGINIA: ' tag. | ten 31 Witte: [2220 1 Got & 138, 456 135, 904 105, 414 101, 436 95, 934 91, 144 32 COLOT RN Fer eee 47, 786 48,114 30, 949 32) 228 25,520 | 26,820 WEsT VIRGINIA 33 Wihite: 2? to ors Ps ee Ee 86,785 95,977 71, 698 75, 420 65,854 | 67, 831 34 Oploneds Ps ie Fe 504 708 403 558 366 | 487 NORTH CAROLINA: © ~ Git) {| : eS beegeo 35 Wihited.2) 825.85 .[2 193, 473 188, 069 129, 099 123, 877 115,482 106, 560 36 COO i. Oe eee 76, 290 | 65, 656 22, 277 21, 443 16, 365 14, 822 SouTH CAROLINA: BY + Shh, bits Br oP Wibitek. be eet 83, 683 79, 636 44,965 43,978 41,811 | (39,446 38 4 Edlorah Feary Segoe a ta ale eb 109, 010 — 96,798 oF 759 20, 372 18, 278 16, 077 tEORGIA? 16,04 \s48 39 ‘Wihite?. 6.22. J.% Fh | © ' 180,545 | 168, 468 86, 081 82, 930 80,891 | 75,909 40 OPC q 32 MY gage ae Rep hi 130, 187 122, 559 16, 042 15, 698 13, 684 12, 859 FLORIDA: ° ‘ < ‘ ne 41 VINO he de ie. «cccchouhem 41, 051 35, 295 32, 167 28, 101 30, 352 26, 312 42 iA i a Sia 12) 954 14,721 6,320 7, 208 5, 405 6, 195 oe Fa 9 COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS. 661 TRIBUTION BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. farmers, by tenure, in Table 23.] NUMBER OF FARMS OPERATED BY— PER CENT OF ALL FARMS OPERATED BY— _ Part owners . |}, (hiring additional land). 1920 | 1910 20,719 | 28, 792 151 330 24,452 | 32,919 Prt 94 158 81,519 | 37,588 P00" a2 219 19,455 | 21, 188 77 117 10,188 | 10, 429 a 32 65 19,846 | 22,590 18| | +21 22, 866 | 26, 498 3 41 14 80,839 | 38, 858 339 620 22,821] 18,535 De 45 10 _ bo Or 64 19,066 | 21, 012 | | 16 31,216 | 32, 791 | 309 _ ~ ef BB _. BS xX a 3,154] 4,532 4,481 | 4,295 5,190 | 7,021 2,358] 2, 839 20,487 | 17,615 | Managers. Tenants. : Managers. Tenants. 1920 1910 1920 1910 3,029 | 2,725 | 75,117 | 76,579 || 69.4} 70.6] 1.2} 1.0] 29.4) 28.4] 1 36 28 527 609 || 65.2} 67.3] 2.2] -1.4| 326] 31,2] 2 2,315 | 2,282] 65,335 | 64,369 || 66.9} 689] 1.4] 1.1] 31.9 30.0] 3 14 15 252 318 || 53.5] 586} 24] 1.9}-441)° 39,5) 4 3, 402 | 2,368} 100,846 | 103,761 || 55.9| 57.6} 14] 09] 427 41.4] 5 9 18 350 618 || 59.8] 55.4} 1.0] 1.3 ]--30.2) 43.4] 6 2,310 | 1,952} 34,561 | 32,537 || 81.2'| 833} u2] 0.9} 17.7. 15.8] 7 9 9 161 152 || 76.8! 83.0} 1.2] 1.0] 22.0 ° 161] 8 2,424| 1,447] 27,226| 24,616 || 84.3 95.2) 13')"os8! 141 13.9] 9 3 4 32 38 || 94.7] 929] 0.5| 07] 48] 6.4| 10 1,595 | 1,220] 44,109 | 32,714 || 74.4] 78.2] 0.9] 0-8] 2471 21.0] 1 1 qy2. 007: og 97 || 85.5| 66.2] 0.5 | 0.7] 14.0) 33.1] 12 2,486 |’ 1,924] - 89,030} 82,052 || 57.1] 61.3] 1.2] 0.9} 41.7) 37.8 | 18 1 2 34 63 || 67.9 | 67.7] 0.9) 1.0} 31.2) 31.3] 14 2,199} 1,960| 74,593 | 81,442 || 70.5} 695] 0.8] 07] 287) 29.8 | 15 48 ar}. 4,134} 1,516 |] 58.2) 57.5) 1.71 L2+-40-1') 41.4 | 16 853 482| 19,846] 10,650|| 73.2] 849] 1.1 | 07 | 95.7) 14.51/17 2 2 72 14 |} 86.4] 97.8] 0.4] 03] 133). 1.9,| 18 771 422 | 25,904 | 19,166 || 63.5| 73.81 1.1| 0.6) 35.5'| 25.6 | 19 10 7 137 * 65 || 91.9] 97.41 06] 02] 851 23 | 20 Lj3ft | 986 |. 53,304 | 49,349 || 56.0] 61.0) 1.1 | 0.81 °43.0| 38.2] 21 4 1 126 g2 || 66.1] 79.9] 1.0] 0.21 328] 19.9 | 22 1,477} 1,314] 66,274 | 64, 826,/| 58.7] 62.5) 0.9/0.7] 40.4] 36.8 | 23 18 21 427 572'|| 64.1] 64.9] 1.5) 12] 345) 33.8,] 24 131 107 | 8,482} 4,035 |] 61.0} 582] 14+ 1.11] 37.6) 40.7 | 25 13 16 504 500 |} 40.7] 44.0] 1.5] 1.7] 57.8| 542 | 26 1, 111 901 | 11,332] 12,081 || 70.2] 69.5}°27| 211 27.2) 28.4] 27 151 87} 2,509 | 2,335 || 57.2] 62.0] 24) 1.4] 4041} 36.6| 28 18 14 75 81 || 49.5] 537] 98) 68| 40.8] 30.5 | 29, 1 1 10 3 | 45.0] 66.7) 5.0] 83] 50.0] 25.0] 30 1,937 |; 1,445] 31,105 | 33,023 || 76.1] 746] 1.4) 1:1] 225) 243] 31 197 180] 16,640] 15,706 | 64.8] 67.0] 04) 0.4] 34.8! 32.6 | 32 1, 082 865| 14,005} 19,692] 826] 786] 1.2| 0.9} 161] 205/33 8 7 93 143 || 80.0] 788] 1.6] 1.0] 18.5.|,20.2| 34 832 | 1,044; 63,542 | 63,148 || 66.7] 65.9; 0.4] 0.6] 328] 33.6 | 35 96 741° 53,917 | 44,139 || 29-2] 32.7/ 011 0.1| 70.71 67.2,| 36 555 732 | 38,163 | 34,926 | 53.7] 55.2] 071 09] 45.6). 43.9 | 37 183] 131 | ° 86,068} 76,295 || 20.9] 21.0} 0.2| 0:1! 79.0] 78.8) 38 1,448 | 1,296 | 93,016} 84,242 || 47.7| 49.2] 0.8) 0.8] 51.5 | 50.0 | 39 207 123 | 113,938 | 106,738 || 12.3] 128} 0.2| 0.1 | 87.51] 87.1 | 40 1,728| 1,174) 7,156| . 6,020 || 784].70.6| 42| 33| 17.4] 171] 4 101 lol} 6,533 | 7,322 || 48.8] 49.6] 0.8| 0.71 50.4| 49.71 42 662 ABSTRACT OF THE GENSUS—-AGRICULTURE. TABLE 87.—NUMBER OF FARMS, BY COLOR AND TENURE, WITH PER CENT DIS- |. [Corresponding figures for all _ NUMBER. OF FARMS OPERATED BY— TOTAL NUMBER OF FARMS, DIVISION OR STATE __,,| Full owners (owning AND COLOR. © | Hen All ownerseneM |” eutite farm). 1920. 1910 » 1920 1910); 19205)| 1910) East SOUTH CENTRAL. . JCENTUCKY: ) 1 WABI GO «Leeks bce gs ed 257, 998 247,455 ||, 174, 008 164, 403 155,026 | 144,366 2 Colored. of iy 25. m ae 4 «| wn 12) 628 11,730 5,319 5, 929 4,180} §(4,466 TENNESSEE: , 3 Whites .4s.5--542 meee 214, 592 207, 704 138, 242 |. 133,425 lo 121,661| | 112,341 4 Colored. 3 j-g.¢ocba:ac4-3 38, 182 38, 308 9, 840 10, 700 7,871 7, 740 |, ALABAMA: 5 Whites: - $:9-4--4 4p - 4-2 160, 896 152, 458 89, 887.| © 86,847]. 81,885) 74, 580 6 Colored ...-. Book ak oe 95, 203 110, 443 17, 202: | 17, 082 13,663 | | 13,009 | MISSISSIPPI: 7 IWAHGce obi gemecb cb’ 4-8 . 110, 882 , 109, 645 68, 131 | 67,040 | 63,680} 61,370 8 Colored: .f.6. 2.24 a te. os rt 161, 219 164, 737 93° 179 25, 026 20, 088 | 21,105 | WEST SOUTH CENTRAL. ARKANSAS: 9 Wi Ge@iinauke tere ae Baraat oe ® 160, 322 151,08 97, 274 91, 987 85,171 76,006 | — 10 Coloredsc4-.< 1s cae 72; 282 63, 59. 15, 373 14, 662 12,866 | 11,860 | LOUISIANA: ll W DiC. ope fo 2 4 aiety s ate 6 73,404 |». ~ 65,667 46, 268 42, 264 42422, 383991 | 12 Wolared. . i: en. b ate. ke 62, 059 54,879 10, 986 10,725 19,473 | | «9,599 |) OKLAHOMA: i? 13 W ite...) ge oe oF Siege seid 173, 263 169,521 83, 729 74,254 |. 61,784) 54,965 | 14 ‘ OLOLG Gs -b dei. tome fAas.b4 18, 725 20,671 9, 488 11,150 8,002 9,919 | EXAS: . ) 15 WDC. -hsee A teas wuld 357, 249 “347, 852 177,671.) 174,631 1§2,034 150,837 | 16 Colored. 20a ocpumep cus 78, 784 69, 918 23, 539 21,232 19,393 36,678 | MOouNTAIN. 3 MONTANA: si 17 WiDitOne ieucues tageeeee 4 56, 614 25,018 49, 286 22,198 37,491 20; 359 18 ‘ CONCH < ge ans deme sed 1,063 1,196 985 1, 167 940 | 2; 166 | DAHO: 19 WHELs... Diteeseeeeeeut J 41, 598 30, 402 34, 284 26, 826 29,948. 24, 604 | 20 Colored | 2)a. a. Sammemes ts 508 405 363 "343 ' 351 *336 WYOMING: : 21 Wihhite.; ..Gieitiokewomecs a 15, 579 10,922 13, 280. | 9,718 10,563} = 8, 617 |. 22 Colored. voce ds i gpl ly 169 | * 65 123 118 ¢ COLORADO: } 23 Witte. cb sea bn ad 59, 381 45, 596 45, 043 36, 527 35, 339 32,016 |) 24 COMTEd. cote a ees sk se 553 574 248 466 214 458 | NEw Mexico (F 25 WH1te (och ako Ag anmentd 27, 969 33,528 jf, 24,113-|; 31,277; 19, 894 | 28,306 | 26 Colored ct ace Dy ethno a 875 2,148 1, 643) 2,121 1,639 2 111 | 4m ARIZONA: in 27 WV TAT neh «5 tenths wo Be 9,329 » 6,024 7,316 5, 054 6,423 » “4,610 hh 28 i 0 (0) wal gig eagle Apap mB 646 3, 203 553 3; 149 , AT 3,149 | | TAH: , ee 29 1159 eb ifs PURER an rinds top ary | 25, 248 21,400 ||. 22,340); 19,546 18,908 | | 16,967. ya 30 WOlDT ete. Pate eet eee 5 414 276 239 | 216 - 226 |» 200.3% NEVADA: } 31 Ai Ba va 2 pm Espey Sage rea es uh 2,944 | om 2,528 | 2,491 2,023), 2,288, 1,909 | 32 Colored... repeepie Re oh Sete “t 219 |. “ 161 iV. 4 208 “152, , gx @lb2 iq ‘ . - : ‘7 PACIFIC. ! | ) oe | eva} hi WASHINGTON: ° iS 33 STAG n Tr leeiacey gia ERMA _ 65,022 _, 55,067 52, 184 46, 504. 86 |, (41,046 | 34 edlorete. hee a eT jcoee 1} Seer 125 517 |. 701. Pe a h OREGON: ® , " Sin ve 35 WB 5) speapeg lap MPM 49,633 | 44,875 39,505.|.. 37,318 | 32,989] 32,515 | 36. OE Ls 2,8 weal peaked aebdlrecl ae 9 : 573 627 358 | 478 ; oll, 467 | CALIFORNIA: megs) ie) STA to. NV TUE ons do oie ns ob Ng aORS & , 111,184 | | 85,119 , 86,337 |. 65,694 | 74, 801 55,621 38 LM Lee Ts eng (hea aD li ll 6,486 | 3,078 if 243 938. 1,081 879 iLess than one-tenth of 1 per cent. : COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS. 663 We ‘ ” ‘TRIBUTION BY TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. farmers, by\tenure, in Table 23.] NUMBER OF FARMS, OPERATED BY— PER CENT OF ALL FARMS OPERATED BY— Part owners (hiring additional land). Managers. Tenants. Owners. Managers. Tenants. — 1920 1910 | 1920 1910 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 | 1920 | 1910 $$ |, | ee | | | ee ff 934 953 83, 056 82, 099 6% 664] 0.4] 04]! 32.2]. 3321 1 | 85/2 40} 7,974| 5761 |] 42.11) 50.5] 0310.31 57.61 4911.2 754 775 | 75,596) 73,504 || 644] 642] 04] 041. 35.2] 33.41 3 83 61} 28,289] 27,557] 25.8| 27.9] 011 01! 7411 791 4 614 594 |. 70,395 | . 65,017 || 55.9] 57.0] 0.4] 0.4] 43.8} 42.615 127 52) 77,874 | 93,309 || 181) 155} 0.11 @) | ssl .845| 6 . 797 719 |. 41,954 | 41,886 || 61.4]}..61.1| 0.7] 0.7} 37.81 382] -7 192 106 | 137,848 | 139,605 || 14.4] 15.2] 0.1] 0.1} 8551 a47| 8 | 2| 641 717 |. 62,407 | 58,381 || 60.7|-60.9| 0.41 0.5! 38.9.1 3861.9 95 46 |. 56,814 | 48,895 |) 21.3] 23.1} 0.1] 0.11) 786{ 7691 io 736 873 |. 26,400} 22,580 || 63.0} 64.4] 1.0] 1.3] 36.01.3431] 4 92 77 |. 50,981} 44,077 || 17.7}, 19.5] 0.1}-0.1| 821| 80.3 | 42 850 624 |, 88,684] 94,643 || 48.3].43.81 0.5] 0.4] 51.21). 55.8] 42 85 27|.. 9,152| 9,494 |) 50.7) 53.9] 0:5| 0.1} 489) 45.9 | 14 2,380 |. 2,251 | 177,198 | 170,970 || 49.7| 50.2] 0.7] 0.6| 49.6! 49.2) 45 | 134 81 | 65,111} 487605 || 29.9| 30.4] 0.2] 0.1| 70.0] 69.51 16 | i 889 502}. 6,439} ..2,318 || 87.1]. 88.7] 1.6| 2.0] 1.4]. 9.3] 17 10 3 68 26 || 92.7). 97.6] 0.9| 0.3) 6.4]. 2.2] 18 } i 758 450 6, 556 8, 126 |) 182.4 | 88.24) 1.8 | 151 15.815 10:34 19 . oN De 8 ses | 145 62) HES) 84.7.5. 28°5| 15.3 | 20 | 377 310}. 1,922 804 |} 85.2] 89.0] 24] 2.8] 123] 8.2] 21 . bee) een i 46 31. 728% 93i8tics.. 1.5| 27.2| 4.6 | 22 il, 874 736 |--.13,464| --8,283 || 75.9| 80.1] 1.5| 1.7] 22.71 48.2 | 23 - 6 1 299 107 || 44.8) 81.2} 1.1] 0.2) 64.1]. 18.6 | 24 Henn 431 817 |. 3,425 | 1,934 || 986.2} 93.3] 1.5] 0.9! 12319" 5.8] 25 Me 2 4, 230 | 23 || 87.6} 98.7} °0.1| 0.2] 123] 11! 26 a. 300 152. 1,713 gis || 7g.4|, 83.9] 3.2| 25] 184]. 13.6 |.27 | a 5 re 88 43 || 85.6] 983] 08] 0.3} 13.6], 1.3) 28 293 198}. 2,615] ...1,661 || 88.5] 91.3] 1.2] 0.9] 10.4] 7.8) 29 3 1 172). ” 80 || 57.7|- 78.3} 0.7] 0.4} 41.5 |. 21:4 | 30 “ 167 180 286 |, 325 || 84.6| 80.0] 5.7] 7.1} 9.7 / 12-9] 31 “t 1 10 8 || 95.0) 94.4]°0.5| 06146). 5.0| 32 3 3 | 33 qi. 7 | 34 | Hip .0,|.35 ; wit Ao 36 | tp -9 1.37 1 5 | 38 664 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE. 7 ‘ rs , rs ' a TABLE 88.—FARMS OPERATED BY WHITE AND COLORED TENANTS CLASSIFIED ~ _ [Corresponding figures for all we TOTAL NUMBER OF FARMS OPERATED BY TENANTS. DIVISION OR STATE AND COLOR. 1926. 1910 UNITED STATES. WRITE. ee he ee Soe ee 1,740,363 | 1,676,558 COIOrEG Te tee are airy 441 ” 678, 118 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS. NEW ENGLAND: WHOS ose She se 11, 567 ' 14,963 Colered oh Seg sie: 52 MIDDLE, ATLANTIC: S'S us Qt. upeay Seagal Peps ae 87, 719 103; 796 COlOrEG se ee FeO 471 475 East NorRTH CENTRAL iH rc Aa a lyr 8 303, 085 301, 862 Chlored: sb 2 Read 1, 322 1, 735 West NortH CENTRAL om teeny sens Bae Oe 373, 060 340, 199 COLOTEC shines s sites nes 1, 959 2, 419 SouTtH ATLANTIC Wha tee 2 one Se eee eee 261, 876 257, 248 Colored. es eee 280, 212 253, 181 East SOUTH CENTRAL: Wihites uae eens 37, 006 44) 755 Colored det one Oh oe eee 96 117 NEW JERSEY Wate. ae oe a 6, 596 8, 110 COMreU. ti or ud oe 230 184 PENNSYLVANIA 10 A 2 a espa Pcl eae 44,117 50,931 RCOLOPeUe tar oes cb ecb 145 174 1 Reported in the Southern states only. ‘SHARE TENANTS. | ~ Total, Share including tenants» | Croppers.! croppers. proper. 1, 163, 942 936,564 | 227/378 | 1,026,372 ”514, 870 181,157 | 333,713 | °373/551 2,691 | ~ 0 SUL 7 ao odewiawe s 50, 933 241 woe fede ede 210 181,354 || 181,354 |...J....... 169, 637 920.18 $00 wimeares 1,075 185,362 || 185,362 |..... Ese ih) | 9965;6091 18 1, 342 1,92 |... jer. 1,397 192, 205 115,907 | 76,208} 164,178 197, 307 71,079 | 126, 228 135, 203 | 210, 698 129,017 | st 4st'| “481694 | 167, 027 46,224 | 120, 803 126, 229 | 298,988 || 229,389} — 69, 599 265, 498 | 146, 090 59,408 | 86,682] 108,874 | 23,528: |}) : 26, BOarl adeueee 10, 256 | 44a fea ee 93) | is1s7* 19; ¥87 |.. 2eeeeh, | 39055 | 1488 = «4,483 |. "466 | Ce 0 ee seeeeseecesel||e eee eee eesae wile maw eee ee elise wae te eee e et .: ro 3 farmers, by tenure; in Table 24.) CASH TENANTS. 1920 Total, e 1910 ope ash aod Standing. |) tenants! | [engine rontéis. DEAD + |) ‘3 i 119,395 | 113, 843 400, 907 373, 835 27,072 447, 851 “5 8,427} 14,623 | 184}098 106) 174 7, 924 264, 443 : | 215 8,045 8, 045 te aA B 9,750 Ds) See 37 3 2, 224 32,671 82,071 |.-.-.--.-2. 40, 742 ; Fippr ee) S206 Wie ao. (2084s oe... 216 le m6, 6p ag wee PRE: 83, 641 | 5 “TGP 8 441 0, S13 ae agi gh ERR 162,170 A ee 713 | 5,336 60,515 37, 685 22, 830 74, 953 ; 4,781 79,392 26, 909 52) 483 101, 664 7,565 46, 162 42, 671 3, 491 65, 284 4’ 990 78,316 || -. 56,5564. . 21,760 126; 968 12,546 39,308 38, 557 751 51, 857 4) 447 20, 491 16, 810 3, 681 32) 334 606 10, 363 i, Eee 5, 504 9 553 TD aan 157 “T1192 20,045 D0 eo 13, 950 92 4,397 Pit 7 ee 1)913 4 44 1, 569 OE Ug sala araiels oy 1,731 Matt SE we << Un ese hioy h- 5. Sd alhse gue 23 - diel ba -- ++ i 5 29 1,073 1 jy meee 1, 223 ee een ee 1 4 - sreleeee BY Bete SESS | Sat ae eee Se mi 26 50 1,487 BO a eta BS 2,181 a - eeececes + ee a 2 2 ee a | } eos. 23 42 1, 759 By) a aE Ng | 2,107 * es eee L ~ 1 : 7 mie cee ee cc wes ere. s-'s.f 8 | 604 2 yy no gi taiee ke | 8 2 ag 5 ee , pit 30 42 1,553 1A yp EMO Bi 1, 780 | See Lhagy oe. 282 Badia or. 2012 “Pan 15 | 355 1,013 14, 034 14, 634 » Seplcyat i% 18, 461 Pee B08 byes wp. 2 2b ES SP ee ee Co Paes ee 4 : ‘ ce : | 39 7 2, 896 2, Eo Aa RO 8,745 | 1| A SEVIS 5 SORE 188 i 728 1,040) ‘15, 141 IS ate 18, 836 2 7 Ole. so-oh che 104 3B box rat : 1 COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS, 665, _ ACCORDING TO FORM OF TENANCY, BY DIVISIONS AND. STATES: 1920 AND 1910. UNSPECIFIED TENANTS, 1920 56, 119 736 2 2,993 17 11,594 | 48 12, 315 i16 7,915 2,777 10, 862 2, 426 6,448 1,522 1,756 52 1,500 =e 20. eee wcee Se 7.046 | 86 | 1910 OO COI Mor fo — 666 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE, TABLE 88.—FARMS OPERATED BY WHITE AND COLORED TENANTS CLASSIFIED a [Corresponding figures for all — Noe Gont anh S) | a) DIVISION OR STATE AND COLOR. East NORTH CENTRAL. Whittece? ceeucec f28 West NortH CENTRAL. MINNESOTA: Wibite.): ULentes hes WOOTEG. calc sage oe cee Wihite 2 2eee oa ok oe VVTINGRS Looe SoS oe ace “Y 1 Reported in the Southern states only. . SHARE TENANTS. TOTAL NUMBER OF FARMS OPERATED BY TENANTS. 1920 ) Total, | Share — ; 1920 1910 including || tenants |Croppers.! croppers. proper. 75,117 76, 579 50, 291 80,291 P80 ebb. ono 527 609 374 | EY ee 65, 335 64, 369 48, 287 48, 2670.) alba 252 318 186 rT 1 ee pee 100, 846 | - 102,'751 45, 037 45, 037) (U 000. <.0 350 618 244 5) QOAll coated 34, 561 32, 537 23, 164 | 93,164) h..--cceece 161 152 116 TT ee 27, 226 24,616 14, 575 | 14, 575)pal een 3 38 9 he a 44,109 32,714 18, 967 18, 67: HATLE og 9 Oi ceceehsd 89, 030 82, 052 25, 590 25,590 [ME og 34 6 16 £4) nin Gece a 74, 593 81, 442 45, 367 45, 367 fied... d 1, 134 1,516 87 ert ee oe 19, 846 10, 650 16, 909 16,900! 9. bese aned 72 14 34 Sail; ee 25, 904 19, 166 12, 209 12, 200 Foo emo 137 6B 53, 304 49,349 25,477 26 ATTN. wakes een’ 126 92 5 reas 66, 274 64, 826 40,843 40,843: |soccecceeos 427 572 286 re Pies Ty, 3, 482 4, 035 2, 882 2, 748 134 504 | 432 2 74 | 11, 332 12,081 8, 906 8,048 858 25 2,335 2, 105 1, 504 601. 75 8 5 Bilessssseeach 10 3 1 111, iditacahtes oer ae 31, 105 33, 023 23, 840 16, 140 7, 700 16, 640 15, 706 13,921 7,906 6,015 14, 005 19, 692 6,913 5, 297 1,616 9 143 46 34 12 63, 542 63,148 52, 565 35,990 16, 575 53,917 | 44,139. 46, 193 22’ 329 23, 364 38, 163 34, 926 25, 854 14, 900 10, 954 86, 068 76,295.|. 56,358 23,523 | 32, 93, 016 84,242 67, 160 30,938 | 36,222 113,938 | 106, 738 75, 372 14,097] 61,275 7, 156 6, 020 4,080 1, 841 2,239 ) 6,533 7, 322 2, 879 827 2,052 ee COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS. 667 _ ACCORDING TO FORM OF TENANCY, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910-Con. : farmers, by tenure, in Table 24.] CASH TENANTS, UNSPECIFIED TENANTS. 1920 Total, ts 1910 Secadlered? ash : standing |[-tenants | Taran’ pte PEOpet. ; 19,181 19) IB adh 20,914 1 117 Te ou 154 2 10, 564 | 10) BOATS sity 10, 575 3 51 ms a 5d: 61 4 26, 230 20; 2a BED A Yd 31, 947 5 70 eet, 8 O43 173 6 9,277 Pe ste OER 9, 592 7 gh eae MR 30 sik baa Me 37 8 11,398 oie. eA ne vam 10,613 9 22 Meets ack 16 10 15, 237 Eas: ip “oar 7, 846 il 14 Sy ee Thy 72 12 44, 572 Py 1 pa 43,367 13 14 1 ha a Fa QT 14 17, 133 Tite toe 24, 051 18 159 in... 410 16 1,151 Be: Raa 322 17 | 24 2 Na. | 2 18 5,278 ie Oh a A,B 2, 281 19 ; 50 1 Re ie 20 20 aie Waste ronment ot 10, 667 21 . 54 Se a 34 22 My 11,59 7b.*. 11,5287 °= 2. 8° 13 630 23 | 105 Ti) 5 aR 148 24 ar 445 444 1 564 25 . 39 38 1 55 26 | - 2, 002 1,991 11 2, 583 27 | 304 297 7 405 28 i 65 Sa a 79 29 | 6 Bi oiciieloeu: 3 30 ce 5, 369 5,338 31 7, 752 31 | 2) 947 2} 239 8 3,661 32 5, 592 5, 581 11 8, 498 33 35 rN aes, 62 34 ¥ 8,798 6, 212 2, 586 10, 598 35 | 7,118 3; 213 © 3, 905 10, 110 36 ih 11, 457 4,742 6, 715 13,610 37 28, 615 11) 097 17) 588 36, 658 38 at hb 24,156 10, 718 13, 438 28,772 39 37, 664 7, 460 30, 204 46, 451 40 : 2,631 2, 594 BTL es F547 41 3, 364 2, 594 770 | 4,259 42 668 TABLE 88.—FARMS OPERATED BY WHITE AND COLORED TENANTS CLASSIFIED _ [Corresponding figures for all oon] ao FO Ne DIVISION OR STATE AND COLOR, East SoutH CENTRAL. White sie a. 2. West SoutH CENTRAL. ARKANSAS: MOUNTAIN. MONTANA: NEw MeExIco: WHITES. pxeocc ec’. Sb bee ARIZONA: WHItG scien shor bod PAcIric. WASHINGTON: WW Oites! seec Sos. TOTAL NUMBER OF FARMS OPERATED BY TENANTS, 1920 Total, ‘Share 1920 1910 ~—s‘|| including tenants | Croppers.1 croppers. proper. dil 83, 056 82, 099 66, 959 7, 274 5, 761 || 6, 696 75, 596 73, 504 60, 864 28, 289 27, 557 20, 371 70, 395 65, 017 51, 209 77, S74 93, 309 36, 467 41,954 41, 886 31, 666 137,848 | 139, 605 103, 493 62, 407 58, 381 49, 970 56, 814 48, 885 44, 914 26, 400 22, 530 20, 226 50, 981 44,077 41, 582 88, 684 94, 643 69, 429 | 9, 152 9, 494 7, 935 177, 198 170, 970 159, 363 55, 111 48, 605 51, 659 6, 439 2,318 4,368 68 26 30 6, 556 3, 126 4,007 145 62 16 1, 922 894 1,114 46 3 We 1 13, 464 8, 283 9, 451 299 107 124 3, 425 1,934 2, 250 230 23 219 1,713 818 871 88 43 ||. 16 2, 615 1, 661 1, 346 172 59 286 325 117 10 8 5 11, 679 7,313 5, 816 40 413 9, 220 6, 718 4,054 207 141 122 20, 047 16, 070 8, 317 5, 094 2,078 || . 1,326 1 Reported in the Southern states only. SHARE TENANTS. ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-——-AGRICULTURE. Ane re 2 aime: COLOR AND ‘TENURE OF FARMERS. farmers, by tenure, in Table 24.) CASH TENANTS. 669 ACCORDING TO FORM OF TENANCY, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: i920 AND 1910—Con. SHARE-CASH TENANTS, | ———————________________ UNSPECIFIED TENANTS. 1920 » Total, Cash 1910 including fi Standing = ted sy ad standing tenants renters.! renters. proper 2,124 3,278 9,689 9, 382 307 12,228 97 146 4 473 733 2,385 10, 518 9, 961 557 16,398 103 499 7, 365 4’ $50 2,515 11,038 219 1, 139 17, 287 15,675 1,612 22, 125 211 1; 289 40; 407 30,819 9, 588 61) 235 203 763 8, 668 7,653 1,015 14, 533 3,105 3, 056 30, 304 20; 651 9; 653 54; 222 1,552 1,530 8,913 8, 523 390 13,301 2) 285 1, 500 9, 258 8, 896 362 17, 104 200 454 5, 548 5,358 190 5,763 993 908 7, 957 5,547 2,410 8,723 3, 800 3,714 14, 675 14,654 21 20,353 102 248 1 035 1) 026 9 1) 398 4,393 6, 848 10, 172 10, 022 150 | 12, 440 2 BIS 1,791 2) 244 1,341 900 5, 109 160 5 1,722 IWR te nor Ae || 7380 ea en Aan 35 BREN GET AL. Use 10 153 130 1,972 LOT 2s ere aD 764 1 1 117 M7 tes 2 at 43 43 27 504 Bode fun hae 265 So ee My 10 TORN A 2 ike 1 300 297 3, 212 BS tok AN 2,191 4 6 163 Wells cel: 20 39 50 884 Siht aes. ke 436 BUAtacurk 1 10 EAS ey 4 27 1g 783 PBSC Gea ae Lice 434 | PLS eR ee 70 Wohi ise Hiri ch 32 53 96 1, 082 ep anion | 448 3 1 144 Tadel oe, 1% 42 2 7 164 IGAChALS. -.. tie 186 oe pela dip int 4 dahntes Silat 5 268 197 5,144 Ser ener mean ine 2,799 i 58 686 BG Apa ore ota 290 276 24 4,307 SCOT bE is ee 2, 941 2 i 75 Posts voc aa lez ” 96 670 671 10, 594 10, 5040Hs ra. Lek 8, 210 72 33 3, 636 B, 686ch2_uae. 4a 1,527 eee eernaseee wee cen eee ewe CON OM PO NK 23 670 TaRLE 89.+ACREAGE OF FARM LAND, WITH PERCENTAGES AND ‘AVERAGES, BY ABSTRACT OF) THE CENSUS—-AGRICULTURE. t * ? Ls COLOR AND TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. i ee able) Al” sagiiad wa Ios (Corresponding figures for all farmers, by tenure, in Table 25.] PER CENT)|| AVERAGE ACREAGE PER, ALL LAND IN FARMS || IMPROVED LAND IN || OF FARM ||| °° “FARM. ~ \ (ACRES). FARMS (ACRES). LAND IM- & DIVISION OR STATE PROVED. 5 AND COLOR AND . Secne. | All land. | 1920 1910 1920 1910 1920) 1910 1920 | 1910 |1920| 1910 UNITED | STATES. ‘White farmers: BoE Total. 2. sais 910, 939, 194/832, 166, 020|/473, 774, 566/449, 418, 265|/' 52.0) 54.0]| 165.7) 153.0) 86.2) 82.6 Owners.....J..--- 620, 070, 823/579, 478, 154||306, 029, 220/301, 504, 138]| 49.4) 52.0]} 168.0) 156.3] 82.9] 81.3 Managers... :.|. 372. 53, 653, 478} 53, 304, 976)|. 13, 009, 436} 12, 166, 563}| 24.2) 22. 8)| 810.2) 942. 5/196. 4) 215. 3 Tenants so. f.qad 237, 214, 893}199, 382, 890/|154, 735, 910/135, 747, 564|| 65.2) 68.1]/ 136.3) 118.9) 88.9) 81.6 Colored farmers: ; : otal oF) 2b pa 44,944 521) 46, 632, 305|| 29, 298, 441) 29,033, 485/| 65.2) 62.3) 47.3) 50.6) 30.8) 31.5 Owners. vo eer: 16, 704, 192] 19, 076, 463]| 8, 078, 263} 8,346, 283)| 48.4) 43. 8]| 71.6) 79.1) 84.6) 34.6 Managers. ..-/...-- 475, B79 425, 889 201, 563 147, 452|) 42.4) 34. 6/| . 213.7) » 275. 8) 90.5) 95.5 Tergnis:.:2 Ter 27,764, 650} 27, 129, 953)| 21, 018, 615) 20,539, 750)|°75.7| 75.7|| (38.9) 40.0) 29.4) 30.3 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS. 1 New ENGLAND. } Qe od White farmers: at i Totaly 4... 16, 969, 976} 19,698, 623] 6,107,456] 7,248, 822)| 36.0) 36. 8]| 108.6] 104.5) 39.1) 38.5 : Owmens..- 2. ocps 14, 693, 218] 17,077, 699|| 5,275,353] 6, 255, 3111 35.9) 36.6|| 105.0} 101.6|'37.7| 37.2 — Managers... ..024- 976, 421} 1, 085,389]|' 321,871) 376, 001]! 33.0) 34.6]| 204.1) 202.5}67.3| 70.) TEOMOS Gee oP. <'- 3 1,300, 337! 1, 535, 535 510, 232 617, 510)! 39.2) 40, 2) 112.4) 102.6) 44,1) 41.3 — Colored farmers: ane p FENG Die otal i OK. 20, 666 16, 308 7,145 34.6) 37.3|| 76.3} 47.7) 26.4! 17.8 Ovwnersccs.. |... 11, 318 11, 426 4,306 38.0| 39.7|| 51.9] 42,2] 19.8] 16.7 Managers....-02.- 4, 005 2,074 1,275) 31.8] 19, 4|| 222.5} 109.2) 70.8) 21.2 Tenants... 2 of ea. 5, 343 2, 808 1, 564 29.3) 40.8|| 152.7) 54.0) 44.7) 22.0 MIDDLE ATLANTIC. “ i White farmers: 3 7 Total. } al: 40, 476, 772) 43, 078, 966)| 26,499, 833}. 65.5] 67.9] 95.6) 92.4) 62.6) 62.7 — Ownerss. * ee 28, 969, 267). 30, 212, 503}) 18, '745,.081 64. 7| 67.0) - 88.8} -- 85.4) 57. 5}- 57.3 Managers...-j..... 1,913,201; 1,707,010)} 1,020,914 53. 4| 53.0}| 196.0] 189.'7|104.6] 100.6 — Tenants... . i ech 9, 594, 304 11,159, 453)! 6,733,838 70, 2| 72.6)| | 109.4; 107.5]/°76.8) 780 — Colored farmers: i SVche a aes = oP 96, 129 112, 090 62, 274 64. 8] 62.7|| 62.6) 57.2) 40.5} 35.8 Owiters: 5. - 7 I523 49, 414 70, 765 31, 543 63. 8} 58.5}! } ‘50..7| 50.0/32.4; 29.3 Managers......00.. 9, 836 7,074 6, 765 68. 8) 68. 8}].;-109.-3} -- 98. 3} 75. 2} 67.6 POnants.. oi <= =e 36, 879 34, 251 23, 966 65, Y 70.1); 78,3} 72.1) 50.9) 50.5 East NoRTH CENTRAL. | | oe White farmers: um | 14 | digas hetl es eee 117, 457, 542/117, 589, 897|| 87,694, 022 74,7| 75.4}! 108.7) 105.2) 81.2) 79.4 — QOvmers..0 2. SE. 76, 345, 020) 80, 020, 865)| 55, 012,376 ar 72.9)| 100.0} 99.4] 72.0] 72.4 z Managers... .). 0... 2,857, 754| 2,342,717); . 1,821,109 ‘63. 7| 63. 41] | 2120} - 217: 4/185; 1) 137.8 © POrIATICS sci 5 a 38, 254, 768) 35, 226, 315)/ 30, 860, 537 80. 7} 82.0]}') 126.2) 116.'7/101.8) 95.7 | Colored farmers: ir ci an | Toratc ee o 277, 637 339, 251 200,813 72.3) 72.1)| | 62.0} 59.3) 44,9) 42.8 77 | Owners... 3. bis. ce 173, 031 213, 455 117, 425 67.9) 68. 0}} . 56.1) 54,.6).38.1| 37.2 — | Managers.....&... 9, 481 11, 488 7,682 81.0) 75.0)| 133.5) 155. 2/108. 2) 116.5 Tenants 2 52 4. Owners... 222: .. | 56, 279; 975| 63, 483, 405|| 25, 284, 578] 26, 148, 320 _ Managers....:....|. 4, 256,060] 3,219, 019|] 1,398,607] 1, 167, 797 ie 2S ae 19, 014, 267| 19, 404, 449|| 10,372, 813} 10, 173, 547 ored farmers: _ : : » © Total.........| 18,224,941} 17,675, 382\| 11, 453, 888] 10, 990, 069 © Owners... .0%8.... 5, 518,395) 5,646,378| 2 744,104] 2, 695, 947 | Managers:........| 145,967/ 145,371 71, 661 61, 287 Menants.-.....24. 12, 560, 579) 11, 883, 633|] 8,638,123) 8, 232, 835 EAst SOUTH _ CENTRAL. " White farmers: me cy. Dotalis: wis - Je 66, 783, 791| 67, 924, 912'| 35, 838,577] 34,390, 317 be Ownlersy. vu... ac 50, 088, 549) 52, 592,020} 25,739, 456| 25, 170, 277 Managers......... 1,442,654) 1,527,107 647, 717 552, 554 é perints ae eee 15, 252, 588) 13,805, 785)| 9,451,404] 8, 667, 486 Colored farmers: me, Rotals x... 12, 113, 672) 13,595, 717|) 8,541,555] 9, 556, 529 6 Owners... 2. 422... 3, 938, 246] - 4, 539,952|| 1,990,937] 2,213,645 Managers......... 85, 911 76, 360} 37, 374 26, 237 Tenants.........- 8,094,515) 8,979, 405|) 6,513,244) 7,316,647 WEstT SouTH » > CENTRAL. White farmers: ) Bin, Pobales cov. .s 162, 469, 244/157, 811, 958)| 56, 441,289] 51,075, 128 S Owners. :i:.....1. 100, 156, 509) 98, 848, 268)| 31,273,926] 28, 263, 944 ) Managers... 2...... 16,374, 630| 19,570,123'| 1,298,842} 1,405,742 ‘See ae 45,938, 105| 39,393, 567|| 23,868,521) 21, 405, 442 Solored farmers: Bite Worels on... 10,979, 883} 11,338,018} 7,748,317] 7,189,145 Owners.........). 4,624,982} 5,505, 206)| 2,512,301| 2,621,527 Managers........- 135,942| 128,048 40, 082 20, 725 Tenants .::.-:..- 6, 218,959} 5,704,764!) 5,195,934] 4,546, 893 + MounTaAIN. - White farmers: | B te Totaly. <3... 1: 116, 339, 757| 58, 748, 762)| 29,810,696] 15,773,427 Owners. ..¢2. 22... 90, 040, 400} 41,531,923!) 23,367,187] 12,037,033 » Managers..:...... 12, 939, 972| 10,987, 740|| 1,533,869] 1,467,173 f eDES ee rob he 13,359,385] 6,229,099)| 4,909,640} 2, 269, 221 Colored farmers: ih spor Total: o.-.. 4. . 997,469) 784,658 295,172| 141,575 Owoers........!. 848,334| 734,007 225,632} 115,555 Managers......... 33,614 15, 985 2,546 4,790 Tenants :|......... 115,521) 34, 666 66, 994 21, 230 » Pactric, Whitetarmars: | ) mone. ieotals. ac... .| 55,430, 472} 50,749,570|| 23,447,215} 21, 751,946 mywrers.\.......). 36, 187, 601| 32,895, 480/| 14,587,280) 14,170,425 Sa neES203---») 6, 836, 745]. 7,890,070|| 2,123,325] 2,094, 960 Riioraa te Ae Name: 12, 406, 126; 9,964,020)| 6,736,610) 5,486,561 Colored farmers: . Baur: a OtB1S. 53.2.2 722,233} 579, 219 474,318} 286,062 ~~ Owners. ...2277777} 9857676] 381/400 92,662] 116, 233 . Managers......... 27, 762 9,991 21, 271 5, 938 * Tenants. ........- 408, 795 187, 828 360, 385 4 ee a te — | | ye 163, 891 PER CENT|} AVERAGE ACREAGE PER OF FARM LAND IM- PROVED. Alll 1920/1910 46, 6| 43.5|| 102.6 44,9] 41.2)] 111.6 32.9] 36.3) 481.3 54.6] 52.4]| 72.6 62,.8| 62,2|| 47.5 49, 7| 47.7\| 53.8 49, 1| 49.91] 152.5 68, 8| 69.3|| 44.8 53.7| 50,6] 89.7 51. 4| 47.9|| 106.5 44,9] 36.2! 465.5 62.0 62, 8|| 56.3 70.5} -70.3|| 39.4 50.6] 48.81| 70.8 43.5) 34.4|| 211.1 80.5] 81.5]| 32.2 34.7} 32.4||. 212. 31.2) 28.6\| 247.3 7.9], -7.2)|3, 554.3 52.0| 54.31! 129.5 70.6| 63.4|| 47,4 54.3] 47.61 -77.9 29.5} 16.2\| 334.8 83.51 79.7|| 36.1 25.6| 26.8i| 487.5 26.0! 29.0) 454.4 11.9} 13. 4/|3, 164.6 36.8] 36.4/| 366.8 29.6! 18.0!| 183.1 26.6| 15.7|| 194.5 7.6} 30.011, 245.0 58.0} 61.2/| 109.2 42.3] 42.9] 245.4 40.3) 43.1 203.3 31.1|.26.6|| 995.6 54.3} 55.11! 303.0 65.7|.49.4|| 86,8 32. 4| 30.5|| 134.9 76.6| 59.4|| 167.2 88.2 87.3|| 67.7 a | me ee | | ee FARM. and. 1920 | 1910 | 1920) 1910 113.9] 47.8 129, 2) 50. 1 424, 81158,.2 75. 4| 39.6 49. 7| 29.8 55. 4) 26.7 201.9] 74.9 46.9} 30.8 94,7 116. 4 502, 2) 52.6 41.8 77.3 306. 7 33. 7 6 00-00 00 Conk bo boc CO bo w or SESS ESR 215.0! 73.9} 258. 0).77.2 4,383. 0,281.9 113.7| 67.3 54. 2) 33.4 95.3) 42.3 554. 3; 98.7 37,8} 30.2 274, 2/103. 8 219.6]. 81.9 1, 533. 8|309.-2 331. 01164. 5 119.9} 57.0 180. 2) 43.7 123. 3/128. 1 71.4) 59.7 Improved land. ney 49,6 53.2 154. 1 39.5 30. 9 26. 4 85. 1 82.5 eS — Oo oo Ww. Ct Nass S2as cn Te ons OD 02 QO PW RSID See ee rT COW R eon OM ese be O=100 bo Pe SOU ee Ke SD wAToO”o a a een ” 672 ABSTRACT OF ‘THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE. T 39.—ACREAGE OF FARM LAND, WITH PERCENTAGES AND AVERAGES, BY — ae COLOR AND TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued: x [Corresponding figures for all'farmers, by tenure, in Table 25.} PER CENT|| AVERAGE ACREAGE PER ALL LAND IN FARMS || IMPROVED LAND IN || OF FARM FARM. i (ACRES). FARMS (ACRES). LAND IM-) PROVED. iy WO DIVISION OR STATE AND COLOR AND='|i4 Improved TENURE. land. 1920 1910 1920 1910 1920/1910)|" 1920 | 1910 |1920/ 1910 NEW ENGLAND. MAINE. White farmers: Pobalay«csesth _ 5,425,015] 6,295¢369|| 1,976,884] 2,359, 993]| 36.4) 37. -9} 41.0) 39.3 © CWHerS: seis sa, 5,072,903] 5,914, 533}} 1,852,779} | 2, 221, 880)| 36.5) 37. 104. 8| 40. 39.4 Managers... 2... 145, 793 156, 864 49, 431 53, 351}} 33.9] 34. 62.9)° 53.5 Penenis see vgs 206, 319 223, 972 74, 674 _ 84, 762}| 36. 2) 37. 37.3)''33.1 Colored farmers: b OLE cestihue'l \ Torah sass 953 1, 490 445 664)| 46.7] 44. 34, 22:9 Owillers: oes 2238 953 1, 289 445 572} 46.7) 44. '84)'2} 22.9 Mangers? 26.5701 Sie Os oe | ek a ee LES) 3 Le a. TRE. © "TODAS i eoticee. sete Stee ae LOA oie cheat pa Oleg. (bb: Shek cn teb -- BASSES 30.3 NEW HAMPSHIRE. . ‘ : White farmers: ‘ RT ; ota Soa 2, 602,330} 3,248, 530 702, 387 928, 887|| 27.0) 28. 120.1) 34.2) 34.4 Owners:.......-.. 2) 295, 262] 2,863,072|| 623,263] 829, 074|| 27.2} 29. .0}33.5}) 33.9 — Managers. ........ 154,033) 209,623 33, 721 42, 788]| 21.9] 20. 61.91 62.9 — SLOMAN cos’ e ceo he ~ 153,035 175, 835 45,403 57,025}| 29. 7| 32. 93.7) 33.1) 30.4 Colored farmers: ai lianas : PrOtabe irs 25 ty 1,476 928 515 298}|' 34.9) 32. 36. 19.9 Owners. -... he - 1, 121 561 410 227|| 36.6) 40. 8) 34.2) 18.9 — Managers. ..2.-... 325 2 100 2}| 30. 8/100. 2.0/100.0} 2.0 PENA iA) es ae 30; 365 5 69]| 16. 7| 18. 5.0) 34.5 — VERMONT. : 1. @ ¢ White farmers: < a PAD VE Motal......t- 4,231,361} 4,661,660|| 1,690,173} 1.638,331|| 39.9] 35. 58:2) 50.0 — Owners. ........1. 3,517,824, 3,814,804|| 1,386,421] 1,320,934] 39.4) 34. 55.2) 47.1 Managers......... 149,783). 208, 840 55, 850 52.575|| 37.3) 25. 98.8} 82.8 TenantS.......-2.| . 563,754) 638,016|}' 247,902} 259,822]! 44.0} 40. 73.3, 64.9 Colored farmers: : . he opal soo s8 4,450 1,917 1,422 6341! 82.0} 33. 50.8] 31.7. Owners..2 2025.00 3,075 1, 694 1,081 563]| 35. 2} 33.: 51.5] 33.1 Managers..,....... 414 98 “112 9] 27.1) 9. 87.3) 9.0 Tenants ....-...2. 961) 2 125 229 62]| 23.8) 49.6 67.3) 31.0 MASSACHUSETTS. TO ‘White farmers: ; Total. c....4- 2,488,887] 2,871,377|| 906,399] 1, 162,960| 36.4) 40. 28. Owners.!......1. 2,018, 142| 2,339,252}. 743,053} 930,323]! 36.8! 39. 26. Managers......-.. 311, 884 330, 644 103, 844 150, 105]} 33.3] 45. 64.1) Tenants. = :.o2..8 ' 158,861} = 201,481)|' 59, 502 - 82,532}! 37.5) 41. 26. Colored farmers: +9 aT Totaly 7s 80 5,590 4,564 2) 435 1,541]! 43.6} 33.8) 20. Owners... 2-22. .2% 3/778)" SO BSB 1,470 1, 298]) 38. 9} 33.7] 13.7} Managers.......... 1,211 270 806 101} 66. 6} 37.4) 15. *Pengirtsii ite. ck 601) 443 159 142}| 26.5} 32. 22.7 RHODE ISLAND. White farmers: otarict: 2h. 330, 648 441, 634 132, 543 177, 752)| 40.1} 40. 32. Ownerse3ic.2. 2b. 248, 296 317, 157 97, 523 127, 577)| 39. 3) 40. 30. Managers.........- 29, 702 44, 13,913} 15,914]! 46.8) 35. 68. Tenaniss> 22s = 52,650 80, 041 21,107 34, 261)) 40. 1) 42. 33. ¢ Colored farmers: Be: | BAS. y Totals 2522 952 1,674! 312 592!| 32. 8} 35. 15.6) 14.4 | Owners...:...-... 638 1, 105 196 887|| 30. 7| 35. 14.0) 13.3 — Managers........- A ates a ple py oat sree 33, Bho. 30. OFS | enants . 55.2... 224 569 86 205!) 38. 4! 36.0) 17.2) 17. GOLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS. 673 + TABLE 39.—ACREAGE OF FARM LAND, WITH PERCENTAGES AND AVERAGES, BY — COLOR AND TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. [Corresponding figures for all farmers, by tenure, in Table 25.] = PER CENT|| AVERAGE ACREAGE PER ALL LAND IN FARMS |} IMPROVED LAND IN || OF FARM FARM. a (ACRES). FARMS (ACRES). LAND IM- IVISION OR STATE PROVED. TP SEES EEE een EE eee eee) AAS ||) eee Reena Improved TENURE. Albland. iad. a te, 1920 1910 1920 — 1910 1920/|1910 — Brey 50 . 1920 | 1910 |1920) 1910 NEw ENGLAND— Continued. CONNECTICUT. | White farmers: oe POLGLI 22)... 1, 891,735) 2,180,053 699, 070 985, 899]} 37. 0) 45. 2 83.8! 81,6) 31.0) 36.9 * Owners... .-:.....: 1,540,791} 1,828,881 572, 314 825, 523] 387.1] 45.1 78.6) - 79.0} 29.2) 35.7 " Managers........- 185,226] | 134, 982 65,112} 61, 268] 35.2] 45.4] 174.1] 144.1) 61,21 65,4 ) Tenants.......... 165,718| 216,190 61, 644 99, 108}] 37.2| 45.8] 87.2) 82.8] 32,4} 38.0 Colored farmers: mer Total... 7, 245 5,735 2,016 2,353|| 27.8] 41.0] 96.6] 50.8] 26.9] 20,8 Owners.........-. 1,753 , 704 1, 486] 40, 2} 50.8]/ 34.4) 37.0} 13.8} 18.8 » Managers Bret 3 1,965 1, 667 227 290|| 11.6] 17.4|| 327.5} 138.9} 37.8] 24.2 a Oats CF. 3,527 1,142 1,085 577|| 30. 8] 50.5] 195.9) - 51.9} 60.3} 26,2 MIDDLE ATLANTIC. a NEW YORK. White farmers: Gey Total? 2. | 20, 589, 928] 21,971,024]! 13, 131,646] 14, 808, 120]] 63, 8| 67. 4|| 106.9} 102: 4} 68.21 69.0 © Owners... .2. 00)... 15, 054, 158] 15,776,790|| 9,582,336] 10,578, 703|| 63.7| 67.1|| 99.5] 95.1} 63.3) 63.8 eplanagersi.......-|. 928, 660 837, 077 460, 201 430, 898]| 49.6; 51. 5]| 213.4) 207. 4/105. 8) 106.7 “Tenants.......... 4,607,110| 5,357,157||’ 3,039,109] 3,798,519] 67.1) 70.9]| 124.5] 119.7} 83.5] 34.9 Colored farmers Se Totals... 42,875] 59,343 27,135} 35, 9191] 63.3] 60.5] 78.0] 63,2] 49.3] 38.3 “Owners........... 30, 225 48, 050 18,660| 27,4541 61.7| 57.1] 70.5] 59.5} 43.5] 34.0 Managers.......-.- 3, 695 1,399 2,186 1,038]| 59.2) 74.2]) 147.8) 99.9] 87.41 74,1 Menants . 1, 820 2,145 1, 269 1,710} 69.7} 79 26. a1. Colored farmers: a ‘re Total wit. P. 288 95 273 95}| 94. 8}100. be Oy 3 Owners. -..2...2. 25 58 24 58}| 96. 0/100, 4% Managers......... 95 4 4|| 94. 7/100. 4, 0 Tenantsi.......4. 168 33 159 33]| 94. 6)100. il. VIRGINIA. White farmers: | Totals 201.18. 16, 297, 693} 17, 257, 416]| 8,356,031] 8, 758, 850]||' 51.3] 50.8 127, 0} 60. 4) Owners... 2012... 12, 387, 142} 13, 334, 122]| 6,388,686] 6, 802, 428)| 51.6} 51.0 131. 5} 60. Managers......... 792, 456 630, 340 398, 326 306, 482)| 50. 3] 48.6 436. 2/205. Tenants.......... 3, 118,095} 3, 292,954]! 1,569,019] 1, 649,940} 50.3] 50.1 99, 7| 50.: Colored farmers: sated tE Total... 2. 2, 263, 419]' 2, 238, 220|| 1,104,461] 1, 111) 208/| 48. 8} 49.6 46, 5} 23. JOwners! 5.251. .0. 1, 373, 761} 1, 381, 223 654, 218) 669, 858}| 47. 6} 48.5 . 42,9) 21.1) Managers......... 31, 294 29, 985 17, 155 14, 046} 54.8) 46.8 166. 6] 87. Tenants.......... 858, 364 827, 012 433, 088 427, 804] 50. 5! 51.7 52.71 26. 7 ¥ 7 G be ‘a | 3 COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS. 677) Taste 39.—ACREAGE OF FARM LAND, WITH PERCENTAGES AND AVERAGES,: BY COLOR AND TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES; 1920 AND 1910—Continued. [Corresponding figures for all farmers, by tenure, in Table 25.] PER CENT)]} AVERAGE ACREAGE PER ALL LAND IN FARMS |} IMPROVED LAND IN;|| OF FARM ||) 3. FARM. (ACRES). FARMS (ACRES). LAND IM- DIVISION OR STATE PROVED. AND COLOR AND ‘Improved ‘TENURE. Aland.” | Jand. 1920 1910 1920 01910 = {/4920)1910]} 0 . 1920 | 1910 |1920| 1910 South ATLANTIC—| ~* Continued. WEST VIRGINIA. White farmers: 15) v Hoetale os. S— 5: | 9,542,246) 9, 991, 901): 5,503, 202). 5,501, 500)| 57.7) 55.1|) 110.0) 104.1) 63:4] 57.3 SOwners........... 7,794,290} 8,158, 238||) 4,576,437) 4,591, 581|| 58.7) 56.3]|' 108.7] 108.2! 63.8}: 60.9 MManagers 22.2%... 354, 563 283, 847 182,909 133, 232)|/ 51. 6} 46: 9)| 327. 7). 328. 1/169, 0}.-£54: 0 Meehants. 15.16... 1,393,393) 1,549, 816|) 743, 856) 776, 687|| 53.4) 50/1|}° 99.5] 78.7] 53.49 89.4 _ Colored farmers: Se ie . bime Totes 3:10:. - 27, 544 34, 541|/h ° 17,106 20, 257||' 62.1) 58:6|) '54.7| 48.8) 38:9) 28.6 HOwners.£..5.25::: 19,052} © 25,957|Pe! 11, 201)')) 14, 522))- 58.8) 55.912) 47.3] _ 46.5] 27.819 2620 me Mansa cerss 0 251 2 1,520 . 655} 15239}: * 602)) 81.5} 91.9) 190.0} . 93.6)154.9) ° 86:0 **Tenants..32 202... 6,972 7, 929}} © 4,656)" 5, 133)| 66.8) 64.-7|/° 75.0) 55.4). 50.1)785.9 NORTH CAROLINA. White farmers: Paeh i. ‘ ; i / Total... .....|/ 16,584,294} 19, 253, 325|) 6, 841/309) 7,082, 844|F 98.9) 368|! 85.7). 102. 4| 32.8 37.7 “Owners-......-1..}'12, 282,645] 14,458, 827)’ 4,458, 019) ° 5, 027, 216) 36.3} 34.8 95.1} 116. 7) .342'5! 4026 “Managers... 00... F373, 582 563, 385 ° 105,916; 154; 738) + 38.4) 27)5)) 449.0) . 539.6 127.3! 148.2 MPenants. (2.2... -. 8,928,067) 4,231, 1131] 1,777,374): 1,900,890) 45.2] 44.9]! > 61.8] 67.0/-28.0) 30.1 Colored farmers a Of a, Obar. 2b =. 3, 437,442! 3 185, 804)| 1,857,100) 1, 730,712}! 54.0] 54/3 45.1). . 48. 5).24.3) 26.4 POwners.)...04... 1, 158, 864) 1,197,496]} > 508, 339] > 512,567|| 43.9] 42: 8)1 52.0) -. 55. 8|.22/8} 23.9 Managers......2.-. 12, 867 18, 992); 6, 363 5, 244) 49.5) 27.6] 134.0) . 256. 6].66.3)1°70.9 eTOnants's. 6.40. ... 2,265,711) 1,969, 316)|. 1, 342, 398) 1, 212,901] 59.2] 61.6] 42.0} 44. 6]. 24/91 27.5 _ SOUTH CAROLINA. White farmers: ~ | Total.........| 8,046,672) 9,571, 552)! 3,280,566! -8, 499, 775i! 40.8] 36.6 96. 2}. 120,2).380.2} 43.9 Owners.) {2 s00b.. 5, 570,841} 6,953, 459}; 2,032, 048] 2, 261, 431})- 36. 5} 32. 5}; 123.9) . 158.1) 4572)" 51.4 Managers......... 387, 427 504, 958 104, 990) — 126, 932)} 27.1) 25:1)| - 698. 1) - 689. 8/189. 2):173. 4 *Tenants../..-.... 2,088, 404) 2,113,135] 1,143,528) 1,111, 41211 54.8) 52:6|| 54.7) 60.5].30.0) 31.8 Colored farmers: "Tovar. jt ee. : 4,380, 003} 3, 940, 476)| 2,903,593) 2,598, 2241! 66.3) 65:9 40.2) .. 40. 7|.26.6) 26.8 “Owners:..:..2.... 1, 146, 396) 1,098, 044 590; 881 539, 347|| 51.5} 49: 1} 50.4} . -53.9).26.0) 26:5 Managers......... 37, 095 42, 454 11, 452 14, 874|| 30.9} 35.0|}° 202. 7| 324.1) .62.6/:113.5 @nants.......... 3,196, 512} 2,799, 978||. 2,301, 260] 2,044,003] 72.0] 73.0|| 37.4) 36.7] 26. 7) 26.8 GEORGIA. White farmers: eee | 01a Yi Blt Totat..: 01... 18) 369, 149} 19, 861, 362)| 8,177, 099]''7, 506, 4551 44.5] 37.8]| 10.7) 117.9] 4503] 44.6 mOwniers:S.....04.. 11, 469, 031) 13, 501, 789)| | 4,414, 710)4,; 286, 899))' 38.5} 31. 8/133. 2] 162.8).51.3)> 61:7 “Managers......... 896, 951 751, 571}|: 305, 801) °~ 237; 134\) 34.1) 31.6)) 619.4} 579.9)/21172}:183. 0 ‘Tenants. ......... 6, 003.167] 5, 608, 002}! +8, 456, 588] 2, 982, 422\| 57.6) 53.2) 64.5) 66.6) 37/2) 35.4 Colored farmers: , i che See eee 7,071,912) 7,092,051|} 4,878,110) 4,791, 562); 69.0) 67.6 54.3). 57.9) 37/5) 39.1 hOwners S00 2.5... 1, 331, 828] 1,349, 503 693, 643] 644, 396)| 52,1] 47.811 83.0]. 86.0).43, 2) 4110 “Managers... ...... 29, 038 27, 551 13, 298 11, 216}|'45. 8} 40. 7)! 140.3} 224.0). 6472] 91.2 ‘Tenants.......... 5, 711,046] 5,714,997} 4, 171, 169)’ “4, 135, 950|| 73.0) 72.4/} 50.1] . 53.5).36.6] 38.7 FLORIDA. White farmers: ee 5, 408, 823] 4,484, 833/| 1,859,647] 1,323,055|| 34.4] 29.5! 131.8] 127.1) 45.3} 437.5 Owners, 25 ....... 3, 703, 763| 3,828,108|| 1,432,892] 1,056,975'| 38.7| 27.6]| 115.1) 136.2] 44.5] $7.6 ‘Managers......... 1, 191, 690 270, 767 130, 786 *72, 213!) 11.0) 26.7|| 689.6) 2306) 75:71 ° 61.5 8 Penaritsy. 13.3)... 513,370| | 385,958|/ 295,969] 193, 867) 57.7) 50.2) 71.7]. 64.1) 41.4) 32.2 - Colored farmers: . rid : ee Total sii Lit 637, 868 768, 705 437, 624 482, 353)} 68. 6| 62. 7|)) 49.2). 52..2).33) 8)" 32.8 Owners). 22.25... 356, 682| | 458,443 204, 080|' 229. 861) 57.2] 50: 1)/S > 56.4]. ..62..8)-32.3]) 31.5 Managers......... 10, 682 9, 974 5, 452 4,252|| 51.0] 42.6]| 105.8) 98:81 54.0) “42.1 ‘Tenan » 228, 0921 248, 2401) $4.3) 827i) 41.41.. 41.0! 34.91 33.9 eS Ee 270, 504 300, 288 678 TABLE 89.—ACREAGE OF FARM LAND, WITH PERCENTAGES AND . COLOR AND TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910-—Continued. % [Corresponding figures for all farmers, by tenure, in) Table 25.) (ACRES). DIVISION OR STATE AND COLOR AND TENURE. © 1920 1910 East SOUTH CENTRAL. KENTUCKY. White farmers: , SeTteb of AOL. . 21, 185, 813} 21, 748, 350 Owners. 3... 0.1... 16, 551, 588}. 17, 207, 392 Managers!.. 202... , 130 |, 9421): TenanitsiAeet. .- 4, 369, 095) 4, 230, 016 Colored farmers: Total. 2.1. 426, 959 440; 777 Ovwnersiven AL... 240, 127 255, 363 Managers..: #2... ut 4,709) 4,318 Tenantsc.. u Aa... 182,123 181, 096 TENNESSEE. White farmers: Totatay kat. . 17; 987,053} 18, 435, 579 Ownersie. & ALL. 18, 243, 529) 14,081, 961)} Managers: J. 2.2... + 211, 608 317, 247)| Benanteeous Ls . -- 4,531,916} 4,036,371 Colored farmers: > Potab no8k . -- 1, 523,803} 1, 606,078 Owners... 2. i4.--- 7, 535, 280 590, 676 Managers...-...-- 9,271 7, 682 Tenants... .1.!.).--- 979, 252 997, 720 ALABAMA. d White farmers: TotabAcees .\. 15, 228, 611) 15, 640, 877 Owners:)..). 20... - 10, 784, 790} 11,813, 387 Managersi.. vu: .- 422, 952 349, 285 Tenanter: 2 JA... 4, 020, 869} 3,478,205 Colored farmers: Potad oak ..3 4,348,245} 5,091,435 Owners: ..4. 20...- 1,332,701} 1,466,719 Managers. .. 2s... - 32,146 17, 482 Penanters. 28: . <2 2, 983,398) 3,607, 234 MISSISSIPPI. White farmers: Dota aK. . 4 12,382,314] 12,100, 106 Ownersta. i. J 9, 508, 642) 9,489,280 Managers. ........ 542,964 549, 633 Penantss A. is : . - 2,330,708) 2,061, 193 Colored farmers: Doteb sos... 4 5, 814,665} 6,457,427 Owners:t......--- 1, 825,138} 2,227,194 Managers. ........ 39, 785 36, 878 Tenantsz. 4 52. . - 8, 949, 742) 4,193,355 West SoutH CENTRAL. ARKANSAS, White farmers: otal, df. 2 14, 831, 988] 14, 762,752 Owners. .....-.-4 10, 767, 826) 11, 185, 428 Managers... 52... ! 338, 354 322, 093 ; Tenantsi....2.... 3, 725,808} 3,255, 231 Colored farmers TDotal.i..J3.-.: 2, 624, 762) 2,653, 323 OWRERSC a axce ees 1,042,571) 1,204,114 Managers........- 13, 211 6, 093 Tenants.......... 1,568,980! 1,443,116 ALL LAND IN FARMS IMPROVED LAND IN FARMS (ACRES). 91920 13, 641,230 10, 522, 346 158,977]. 2, 959, 907 " 334, 616) 171,679 3, 598 159, 239 10, 066, 270) 7, 185, 542 103, 376 2, 777, 352 1, 119, 032 6, 929, 437 4, 338, 484). 167; 681 2, 423, 272 2, 963, 970 647, 885): 16, 625 2,299, 460 5, 201, 640 3, 693, 084 217, 683 1,290, 873 4, 124,037 849, 928 12,798 8,261, 311 t 7, 266, 816 4,799, 531 137, 913 2,329, 372} . 1, 943,740): 1910 14, 010, 777\|: 10, 900, 955 || 171, 131 2, 938, 691) - 109,140) 2, 507, 261 1, 162, 276 4, 520, 927 8) 213) 162 157, 196 1,150, 629 4, 487, 393]| © 1; 002, 345 10, 870 8, 474, 168 6, 303, 048 4) 273, 857 109, 631 1,919, 560 COW HOOD Sse ASHF COR O~ O&O SASS 2eES o° = he Coo WS stoop wo NIHSS. SSSR MID Wow 1920/1910 -ePoOwW NOnF EBReS SHEE NoOnwmod KNowr BSS FSR BOSS AWN nro RPreOS 49.0 44.6 40.8 62.5 74.1 51.9 43.2 89.1 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS=*~-AGRICULTURE. —— | ————_ } | —q~|——— ——“~— |... Ort Oka SPS Gus he £O 00k , NwWPROH CoOns ‘AVERAGES, BY” PER CENT}| AVERAGE ACREAGE PER OF FARM LAND IM- PROVED. FARM. h} a GG) wear _. | Improved — All land. pena ; 4 SS a : Ya _ $7.9| 52.9] 56.6 104.7] 60-5], 66.3 326. 3170.2} 179.6 51. 5| 35.6] 35.8 37.6] 26.5} 29.3 43.1) 32:3):.31.3 - 108.0'102.8| 89.4 31.4/ 21.9], 26.8 ts Te 88.8] 46.9] 46.8 105.5] 52.0) 63.3 _ 409, 4137.1) 140.8 54.9] 36. ee 41.9] 29.31 30.3 55,21: 32¢ 32.7 346.7] 82.1) 132.9 36.2 28, oe odacet oh > 102.6] 43.1 Phe 136.0| 48.3] 45.4 588.0/273-1) 193.7 53.5} 34.4}..319 46.1) 31. 85.9| 37. 336. 2|130. 38.7] 29. 110.4] 46.9] 4 141.5] 54,2) 47.9 764. 4|273.1) 2 49.2) 80.: 39.2] 25. 89.0] 36. 347.9] 66.7 30.0] 23. 97.7| 45. 121.6] 49. - 449.2/215. 55. 8| 874 41,7} 26.1 821] 35. 132. 5| 60. 29.51 24. £ 3 ‘Tarte 89,-ACREAGE OF FARM LAND COLOR AND TENURE, BY DIVISION COLOR AND TENURE OF) FARMERS, [Corresponding figures for all farmers, by tenure, in Table 25.] 679 WITH ‘PERCENTAGES AND AVERAGES, BY S AND: STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. ALL LAND IN FARMS APERG)s _ FARMS (ACRES). DIVISION OR STATE -AND, COLOR AND | bTRINURE, «4 s* 1 F 2 . 1920). 1910 +» 1920 1910 GiGi OSL) Giee -) [owe WEstT SouTH CENTRAL—Con. . LOUISIANA. White ! ers: ; ie oo —Ropalt; i243: -)3 \ 7, 837, 244] 8, 315, 160|| 3, 986, 133 3, 809, 409 + Owners..........:] 5, 507,512| 5,931,498]| 2'595,779|, 2; 466, 112 _» Managers......--.| "885, 656 ” 965, 381 ” 354, 550 406, 395i) me Tenpnts-|.:::.... 1,444; 076| 1,418, 351|| "1,035, 804 936, 902 _ Colored farmers: We cy Total., cs .2)3 o, 182,578} 2,124,321]! 1,640,093] 1, 466, 607/| “) Ownets.-,....:.-|"'*' 747,743] °° 834,695]| 73837226} —” 399, 650 ) Managers.....--... 14, 465 20, 976 7,475 8, 047 ? renants.{......J. 1, 420, 370| 1,268; 650!| 1,249,392] 1,0587 910 ¥ OKLAHOMA, ‘a ‘White farmers: , > Motal....+....| 30,238, 531| 26, 882, 642|| 17, 121,391] 16,378,518 ieken obts a ple 17, 442, 221| 14,397, 140] 97332, 156] 8 587) 571 , Managers.......-.| 901,363] . °422,384])’186, 922)’ 175, 443 Mm Tenants......-... 11, 894, 947| 11,763; 118} 7,602,313] 7, 615,504 Colored farmers: ean , otal: 3; --\, 1,713,403] 2,276,711|| 1,003,930] 1,172, 819 a. Owhers.j.. sic 4’. 1 029, 472) 1,599,655) "552, 845 734, 594 :% prmacers be EE ik 24, 663 6, 295 9, 371} 1, 484] Sif enants.......... “659, 268 670, 761 441, 714 436, 741 sy ‘TEXAS. ‘White farmers: : , Meas hOtals« ice. 1109, 561, 481/108, ae 404 28, 066, 949] 24, 584, 153}} BP CPWROTS? Soo 5)-/35 6 66, 438° 950} 67 34,272 14, 546, 460 12, 936, 404) » Managers.,....... 14, 249,.257| 17, 380.265 619, 457| . 714,273 Bee P GMDOLS 1 oo. wn jn 28 873, 274 22, 956, 867); 12, 901, 032} 10, 933, 476 Colored farmers: 5 Boy piPotal-y cs...) 4,459, 140| 4, 283, 63/1 3, 160,554), 2,776, 5131 } Owners, .........:| 1, 805, 196]. 1, 866,742|| 1/035,564| 946,018) 8 ‘Managers. bbb «2 83,603}. 9. 94,684 17, 533 &, 126 mehants.i.......'. 2, 570, 341|' 2,322, 237|| 2,107,457] 1, 822,369 MOUNTAIN. ‘Yi MONTANAS) bs ‘a White formers: eis bana Motel tals, .......| 34,419,041! 13,253, 237|| 10, 859, 296]. : 3, 609, 567 * Owners... pre fy 28, 346, 665| 10, 354, 149|| 8 978,081] 2,865,771 x Managers........2 2) 855, 278) 1,426,650 488, 648 357; 140 Brenants, |: i; ...: 3, 217, 098] . 1,472,438|| 1,392,567| 386, 656) Colored farmers Bee Vokali: 2... -; 651,615} 292, 366} 147, 982 30,742 Beywhers..|..... 606,285] 286, 753 136, 675 29, 052 Managers. .......- 4,595 3, 340 685 700 Tenants.........'. 40, 735 2,273 10, 622 990 t IDAHO. hite farmers: me morals tb 8, 327; 986) . 5,224, 913 4, 482,946) 2, 751, 145 Owners........... 6, 762, 649). 4,391, 818 3; 524, 814 2? 244, 062 © Managers... ....... 385, 718 270, 234) "181, G96 126, 814 ee enants.1. £5... .2 1,179, 619). 562, 861 777,036 380, 269)], Colored farmers: we eat Totals... -c. 47, 887 58, 691| 28,734 27,595 Seerywhers........... 36, 244 54, 495] 19, 213 24, 052 # a ers renee | Ber enents.......... 11, 643 4,196 9, 521 3, 543 pi yh “4 /IMPROVED LAND IN, BH oo09 PER CENT ||] AVERAGE ACREAGE PER OF -FARM LAND IM-. PROVED. rFONO SOHO tt bt > GO oocnoisNT sth eo COO et st Ot OonwH CO ® H=.a> o> ee S258 Syke. UE OS Mtr oO OaWeotw 2E835 BSSsH SOND ONO Oonw on Koko LESe bk OD CO OW J Orroroo mo pe Rob ue eee Pi a WW OD =~ or Se DIS OW eae Yeas COR. COs cr Pe eee ee ee re 84. 4 80.3 67.7) 65.71 57.1 680 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE. Taste 39,—ACREAGE OF FARM LAND, WITH PERCENTAGES AND AVERAGES, BY COLOR AND TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. [Corresponding figures for all farmers, by tenure, in Table 25.] ooo :?:.0000— OO PER CENT || AVERAGE ACREAGE PER ALL LAND IN FARMS || IMPROVED LAND IN || OF FARM FARM. (ACRES). FARMS (ACRES). LAND IM- DIVISION OR STATE PROVED. RTLTS WD re AND COLOR AND Albland: Improved m TENURE. : land. 6 1920 1910 1920 1910 1920 | 1910} 1920 | 1910 |1920 1910 MountTAInN—Con. WYOMING. White farmers: DOURIES 5 nay ice 11,786,483) 8, 532,201|| 2,093,662) 1,251, 126)) 17.8] 14.7|| 756.6) 781. 2/134. 4 114.6 Orwnerseee ee 9, 341) 381 5, 142, 112 1, 657, 632 935, 618|| 17,7| 18.2|| 703. 4| 529.1)124.8) 96.3 Managers......--- L 465, 993 2, 862; 912 "148,024 189, 820|| 10.1) 6.6/3, 888. 6:9, 235. 2/392. 6; 612.3 Tenants: i. cee - to 979) 109 527, 177 288,006 125, 688)| 29.4) 23.8)! 509.4) 589. 7/149. 8) 140.6— Colored farmers: aa Total as. 22, 868 10,809 8, 343 5,034)| 36.5) 46.6]| 135.3) 166.3 49.4 74 Omnersn. Maes nth 18,136 10, 469 5,516 4,754)| 30.4) 45.4/| 147.4! 171.6 44.38) 71.9 Manitigersl, <<. csp) sepeee 1 a Ba BOTs oe TOOMOIE co. 80.0}..-.. 80.0 Pensnte. 220%. ae 4,732 260 2,827 200)| 59.7) 76.9/| 102.9) 86.7) 61.5) 66.7 COLORADO. 3 White farmers: WOpale sa eae 24,374, 636| 13, 424, 263|| 7,700,761) 4,287,410)) 31.6) 31.9]| 410.5) 294.4/129.7 oie Owinerstit: ere: 18, 574, 947) 10, 048, 059) 5, 566, 744 2, 903, 840); 30.0) 28.9], 412.4) 275. 1/123. 6| 79. Managers.......-: rks 593, 463} 1,137,746! 296, 707 310, 302} 18.6) 27. 3||1, 823. 2/1, 447. 5)339. 5) 394.8 Womans > so. . lg 4° 206, 226| 2, 238,458)) 1, 837, 310} 1. ,073, 268|| 43.7) 47.9|| °312.4| 270. 21136. 5 129. 6 Colored farmers: Ohara. ee 87, 378 107, 850 43, 996 14, 691]| 50. 4 158.0 ese 9 79, 6 25: 6 Owners’. S528 46, 731 86, 738 15, 703 4,057|| 33.6 3 ee Managers...-...-. 2,390 2 700 1,095 100}| 45.8 WOE ie she ce 38, 257 18,412 27,198 10, 534}| 71.1 NEW MEXICO. White farmers: Wotalesr ie. ci 24,345, 274| 11,086,792) 1,696,964) 1,446,220) 7.0 Onwnerss. 055 2 a. 17, 794, 166 6, 921, 976 | 1, 796,527) 1,279,154)| 7.7 Managers....-.... 3. 862; 963 3) 190, 229 76,340 73, 887||- 2.0 Pengstee... oc. ite 9, 688, 145 974, 587 244, 097 93,179|| 9.1 Colored farmers 4 OLabE ss: 204 be 64, 359 183, 229 20, 260 20, 971)| 31.5 Owhbre: ck me 59, 840 173, 925 16,556 19, 585}! 27.7 Managers......-..- 26 5, 530 26). 4 260/|100. 0 Tenants. 2 se 4,493 3, 774 3, 678 1,126)| 81.9 ARIZONA, White farmers: : TDotahise 6 ook 5; 741,704) 1,145,737 693, 184 323, 767|| 12.1) 28.3]| 615.5] 190.2) 74.3) 53.7 Owilersthat se 1 3,765, 468 "777, 207 427, 255 230, 530}| 11.3) 29.7|| 514.7] 153.8] 58.4 ey . Managers....-.... 4 7 389, 819 263, 123 118, 845 34,761)| 8.6) 13. 2||4, 632. 7/1, 731. 1/896. 2) 228.7 — Tenants: i) 28. ” 586, 417 105, 407 147, 084 58,476)! 25.1] 55. 5!| 342.3] 128.9) 85.9] 71.5 Colored farmers ip wi A Forel xe 60, 422 100, 876 19, 619 26, 406]} 32. 5| 26.2)| 93.5]. 31.5) 30.4) 8.2 Owiere. ops SL. 54, 183 97, 707 14,755 23, 909}| 27.2} 24. 5/| 98.0} 31.0] 26.7] 7.6. Managers......... 1,130 1, 675 370 1,110}| 32.7} 66.3/| 226.0) 152/3] 74.0 1088 Tenants! 0.3... 5, 109 1, 494 _ 4,494 1, 387}| 88.0) 92.8)} 58.1)» 34,7) 511) 32.3 _ “a UTAH. | a White farmers : | otal Geese. see 4,999,240] 3,374,792|| 1,696,794] 1,356,660]! 33.9] 40.2|| 198.0] 157.7] 67.2] 63.4 Ownlersiets. 2... 4,046, 688) 2,871,213)| 1,447,206; 1,196, 234/| 35.8) 41.7)| 181.1) 146.9] 64.8) 61.2 Managers......-..). 590, 341 312, 876 78, 994 63, 962]| 13, 4) 20. 4//2, 014. 8)1, 621. 1/269. 6 331.4 Tenamts 3 hit 362, 211 190, 703 170, 594 96, 464|| 47.1) 50.6 "138.5| °114.8].65.2| 581. Colored farmers } ae | Fovahy 270 . J 51,170 22, 907 18, 586 11, 551|| 36.3} 50. 4); 123.6 83.0) 44.9] 41.9 Owners... ........- 15,820 16,877 9,890 5, 833}| 62.5! 34.6]| 66.2) 78 1].41.4) 27. Managers......... 25, 393 2, 500 350 2,500|| 1. 4/100. 0|'8, 464. 3/2, 500. 0/116. 7/2,500. PONAUS. 15 2’. 5 of 9, 957 3, 530 8,346 3,213)! 83.8 91.0!| ’ 57. v 59. 8] 48.5! 54,5 Cunt CEO En v4, ‘ COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS. 681 TABLE 39.—ACREAGE OF FARM LAND, WITH PERCENTAGES AND AVERAGES, BY _ COLOR AND TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. [Corresponding figures for all farmers, by tenure, in Table 25.] DIVISION OR STATE AND COLOR AND TENURE. MountAIN—Con. NEVADA. White farmers: Managers......... Tenants-:........ - Colored farmers: me oe te eee Managers......... Wenants 3 OO s~TI DO CO sIWcn or SSNS SSF Go = CO OO Hee on AVERAGE ACREAGE PER FARM. Improved All land. lantek: | -1920 | 1910 |1920)| 1910 199, 4| 295.7 188.7 1,724.9 169. 9 28.5 28.3 40.0 29.6 210. 9}109. 0 193.0} 86.4 556. 4/220. 6 280. 4/198. 7 115.1 101.2 167.5 197.4 29. 4 32.8 33. 2 23.4 325, 1/103. 2 197.7| 228.8) 78.4 1,137. 6|1, 966. 6/326. 6 315.0) 375. 7|156. 6 80. 3}) 85.4) 61.8) 59.0 101.9} 99.2} 39.9] 30.1 169. 1), 112, 9)133:2} 74.4 72.5) 78.4) 65.1) 71.6 189.7 682 TABLE 40.—VALUE OF ALL FARM PROPERTY AND OF THE SEVERAL CLASSES, DIVISION OR STATE AND COLOR. AND TENURE. UNITED STATES. White farmers: ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-AGRICULTURE. ALL, FARM PROPERTY. 2, 126, 991, 402 * [Corresponding figures for all farmers, = LAND AND BUILDINGS. Total. Land alone. \ 1920 1910 1920 1910 1920 4 S 2 $74, 955, 403, 721/$38, 712, 214, 845|/$63, 786, 058, 855/$33, 764, 392, 187||$52, '707, 641, 140 ‘ 46, 810, 947, 920 26, 228 711, 934 39, 215, 462, 823 92” ’ 020, 188, 824 31, 471, 590, 402 . 3; 091; 165, 814 1, 681, 895, 418 2) 629, 284, 676 1 440), 643, 081 2, 178, 344, Ti6) = 25, 053, 289° 987 Ww 801; 607, 493 21, 941, 311, 356 10; ’ 303, 560, 282 19, 057, 705, 962 b 2, 968, 696, 617|) 1, 279,234, 245|| 2,529,943, 747). 1,036, 733, 510 2; 121, $21,919 ¥ ” 800, 598, 024 440, $22,439 "648, 760, 084 "346, 745, 454 513, 191) 232) Ay 107, 191 18,729, 518 35, 931) 789 16,315, 911 29; 306, 244) 819,582, 288]| 1, 845, 251; 874 673, 672; 145)| 1, 579, 424” 443 7 ees ee tee heh === ee Pe 1, 171, 606, 271 948, 743, 034 133, 236, 621 89, 626, 616 1, 413, 323 ” 944’ 951 285, 393 282) 979 3, 939, 421, 666 2} 659, 326, 425 299, 949, 236 - 980, 146, 005 10, 262, 517] ’ 4265, 149 2 121; 176 3, 876, 192 17, 216, 409, 359 10, 043, 050, 901 475, 338, 563 6, 698, 019; 895 28, 953, 234] 15, 091, 153 2 7, 924, 148, 989 16, 795, 115, 503 "514, 843) 581 10, 614, 139, 905 67, 285, 556 45, 979, 296 2) 175, 101 19, 131, 159 4, 975, 830, 728 3, 377, 197, 368 "299° 741, 327 1 OCALA ieee 2 Owners. ..h.2-.0dh 3 Manpgers. ois. 2 dh 4 Tenants sb ios... ak Colored farmers: 5 Potal. cx. Aor . 3% 6 Ownersve’. 2. At . Ls 7 Managers. 2:5 .522..2. 2 8 Tenantset. 3. Ih . 34 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: NEW ENGLAND. White farmers: 9 Totals: 10 Ownersy ba oe il Managers... 12 Porants owes. Colored farmers 13 Total. xi 14 Owners?! . 8) Foi2 15 Mansegers... 8000 22 16 ‘Péetiantee . 32.988 MIDDLE ATLANTIC. White farmers: 17 Potal. 22058. 022 18 OWTLET Se ie 19 Managers.... a4 20 "etiantss: 45. eae Colored farmers 21 otal 5 ig 22 Ownerst® 2222555. 48 23 Managers. ..._. Pop aie 24 Penantss:: 70.085 way EAst NORTH CENTRAL. White farmers: 25 Notal.: 22h Jue 26 Owners... d5.0.2. 9: 27 Managers. 2.2202: oi}. 28 Tenants... 3.02202. He Colored farmers 29 Totat.* iP 8es.. Us 30 Ownerses . 3 2i vs Sue : 31 Managers... 2 222522 32 Tenants. 22025. . i [WEST NORTH CENTRAL. White farmers: 33 Total. .i¢. 34 Owners.5./0.55 2 9. 35 Mangrors: oye hye 36 USAIN TS oh SA oe ed Colored farmers 37 HE Obes as ae ee ae 38 CLYTArS2, a ae 39 Managers... oo. hc 40 Penantsio.. sce. SouTH ATLANTIC. White farmers: 4) Total... 42 TP WDOTS oe tere oes 43 Managers............ 44 "ORGIES. ok ou ches ee 1, 305, 892; 033 ft 720, 161}: 12 141) 920} * 4 r] 4 966,221, 490|| 916,313,274! 717,679, 060|| 487,501,110 _ 706, 438, 885|| 732,311,285] 579,415,085|| 383,896,933 4 91,434,284) 114, 885,476] 81, 494, 826|/-"» 63,931, 157] 68,348, 321|| 69,116,513] 56, 769, 149]| 39/673, 0201 1,018, 967 1,155,310 865,748 624, 140 ; 643,973 674, 660 536, 258 341; 390] 183, 557 236, 900 168, 400 1207000] 186, 437 243, 750 161, 090 162;.750 4 2, 951,'869,412|| 2;994,027, 569) 2, 436,301, 466]| 1, 656, 863, 8 i 1) 953; 245; 680)| 1,984, 594546) 1, 501, 201, 784|| 1/039, 983/670 _ ”198, 277, 519|| ” 254,648, 815] ” 177, 279, 093|) "148; 783, 955) 800, 336, 213|| 754,784,208] 667,820,589) 468; 096, 233 4 7,729; 610|| |” 8,110,185} ©’ 6,647,637]. 4,812, 240] 3,660, 672|| 3,181,240} -3; 023,325] 1790"! 1; 1007488], © 1;802;965] 1, 004, 657| 964, 115 2), 968, 450 3,125, 980) 2, 619, 655 2, 127,755 oe . apse 10, 096,755, 805|| 14°913, 047, 970] | 8, 854, 513, 191]| 19,026, 451, 412 6, 301, 649, 359]| 8,535, 502,609] 5, 448, 421, 817|| 6, 567,616, 302) _ ’ 9217 216) 313|| |” 419; 553,629] _’ 197, 256, 127||"" 3347600, 649] | 3,573, 890, 133|| 5,957,991, 732] 3, 208, 835, 247|| 5, 124, 234, 461] | 22, 372, 961|| 24, 593,701] 19, 478, 403|| 19,622, 27 12 360,044], 19) 454) 252|" "10, 687, 440]. 9; 361, 404 1, 2407 560 4/478, 081]. "> 1,091; 625}| “1,154 871, 657|| 10,661,368) 7,849, 388l|--- 9,106, 521 13, 479, 577, 869|| 24, 419,768, 920] 14, 568, 497; 127|| 21, 290, 066, 058 8, 939; 619, 373!| 14, 508, 000, 491} 7,581, 431, 104)| 12) 411, 500, 280) 233,149, 336|| 444” 064, 157| 198,076,577|| 385, 431, 288 4,306, 809, 160|] 9,460, 704, 272) 3, 788, 989, 446l] 8, 493, 134, 490) 55,731, 642|| 56,726,249! 46, 168,743|| 50, 079, 0 42, 232, 845|| 38,114, 732| 34,449, 272|| 33) 369, 137 1, 829, 873 1,842,035, 1,535, 280|| 1,636, 085) 11; 668,924| 16, 769,482} 10,184, 191]) 15, 073, 862) 2,507,381, 097|| 4,214,016, 606| 2, 118, 729, 406|| 3, 196, 691, 946 1; 774, 857, 545|| 2) 831, 808, 133| 1,487, 725, 662|| 2, 097, 506, 487 ” 133, 083, 247|| _” 261;025,722| 7 119, 811, 609|| 207, 364, 286 599, 440,305] 1,121,092; 751| 511,192, 135|| 891, 821, 178 A / > y + - an ie ? | G6OLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS. 683 BY COLOR AND TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. “by tenure, in Table 26.} LAND AND BUILDINGS—con tinued. M IMPLEMENTS AND LIVE STOCK. Land alone— hej MACHINERY. Continued. Buildings. 1910 1920 1910 1920 1910 nnn ee | Ee ee’ /s sheninmeeis = ny s 4 (927, 615, 515, 334/811 078,417,715 86, 148, 876, 853/83, 491, 321, 159|$1,227,407,744|$7, 678, 023, 707|$4, 720,414,914) 1 } 47,528; 730, 187} 7, 748, 872,421) 4, 491, 458,637| 2)411,134,220| 884, 819,727| 5,184, 350, 877| 3, 323,703,383] 2 1,205, 653,349}. 450, 939, 900| -” 2347 989, 732 40% 931, 072| 42; 473,043} 359,650,066] 198,779,294] 3 8, 881, 131,798) 2, 883, 605,394) 1,422,498" 484] 977,955,867/ 300,114, 974] 2, 134, 022, 764] 1,197,932, 237) 4 860,158, 835| 408,021,828) 176,574,675] 103,451,769} 37,742,039] 335,301,101} 204, 758, 696| 5 277,391,441 135,568,852; 69,354,013) 36,658,561| 15,852,814; 115,179,379] 78,324,171) 6 13,205,916] 6,625,545] 3,109,995] 1,542,630 435,457; «3, 632,772} ‘1, 978,150] 7 569, 561, 478 265, 827,431] 104) 110, 667 65,250,578| 21,453, 768) 216, 488,950) 124,456,375] 8 | 381,669, 966 , 812, 92,318,985, 50,751,863) 162,974,012} © 97,790,567) 9 * 348, 414,352| 277,524,482| -79,655,997| 43,919,419| 136,775,752] 83, 104, 381| 10 50,954, 319| 34,588,097| 6,749,341] 3,568,179] 11,601,804 6, 371279] 11 29/443, 493) 23,896,515| 5,913,647/ 3,264,265/ 14,506,456 8,314, 907| 12 A 531, 170 401,290] 68, 540 46,963 189, 473 106, 256| 13 q 333,270 248, 640) 50, 215 34) 721 120, 076 77, 994| 14 a 78, 900 116, 900 89, 500 8,500 4° 225 39, 993 10,932] 15 { 97, 940 81, 000 63, 150 9, 825 8,017 29, 404 17, 330| 16 J “| 4,457,962, 424) 1,337, 163, 711] 978,339,042] 358,461,081] 167,150,284) 586,933,016) 348, 407, 662) 17 “| 9043 9987 832], 9447 610, 876| . 686,272,952) 262, 220,457| 119,928,613} 412,511,422) 242,115, 283] 18 |” 40? 852’ 178) 105,864, 860! 667426,915| 16,375,418] 7,351,062| 28,925,003] 13, 647,364) 19 + | 442; 181, 414] 286,687,975] 225,639, 175 79, 865, 206| 39,870,609) 145,496,591} 92,645,015) 20 4,358,581/ 3,297,936 2,289,056 691, 255 330,100! 1, 461, 077 751, 873) 21 ) 1,888,254} 1,460, 861 1, 135, 071 348) 764 191, 967 735, 145 445, 380] 22 ’ 632, 682 838, $50 371, 975 125, 160 36, 275 193,051 59,556) 23 1, 837, 645 998, 225 782, 010 217,331 101, 858 582, 881 246, 937) 24 "7, 215, 452, 063) 2, 886, 596, 558] 1, 639,061, 128| . 784,896,834] 268, 280, 588] 1, 518, 464,555] 973, 962, 026} 25 4,973, 324” 867| 1,967, 886, 307| 1, 175,096, 950| 520,972, 145| 188, 663, 765 "986,576, 147| - 664) 563,777] 26 | 60; 1457 326” 84’ 952’ 980| ” 37,110,801] 16, 229,805] 5,028,731] 39, 555, 129 18, 981;.455| 27 2,781,981, 870| 833,757,271| 426,853, 377| 247,694,884] 74,588,092) 492, 333,279| 290) 466, 794] 28 16,247,051} 4,971,429] 3, 231,352} 1,179, 971 525,962] 3,179,562! - 2,367, 896] 29 8,356,503} 3,092,848} 2, 180, 937 702; 346 353,434, «1, 934,555| _—«:1, 469, 170] 30 ” 948 315). 323, 734 143, 310 80,675 15, 812 161) 405} 133, 123] 31 1* 6,942, 233)... 1,554, 847 907, 105 396, 950 156,716} 1,083, 602 765, 603| 32 | 10,010, 918, 131] 3, 122, 702, 862| 1, 557,578, 996] 1, 160, 502, 401| 367, 587, 275] 2, 350, 877, 668) 1, 543, 493, 467) 33 ‘|. 6,457; 081, 390| 2,096, 500, 211] 1, 124 349, 714)” 756, 425, 094| 262; 198, 019| 1, 531,689, 918) 1,095,990, 250| 34 ‘|’ "i722 5007 165]. * 587632’ 860} |”, 23,576, 412| 14,220, 499] 4655, 030 56,558, 925; ° 30,417, 729| 35 | 3,3797336;576| ‘967/569; 782! 409/652; 870| | 390, 856, 808] 100, 734, 226 762,628, 825, 417,085, 488] 36 41,642,782| 6,647,165] 4,525,961| 2,435,863] 1,348,269, 8, 123, 444) 8, 214, 630) 37 31,016,444 4,745,595| 3,432,828] 1,820,119] 1, 074, 245 6,044,445] 6, 709, 328| 38 1,373, 010 205, 950 162, 270 49, 200 20, 465 283, 866 274, 128) 39 9,253,328} 1, 695,620 930, 863 566, 544 253,559/ 1,795,133] 1,231,174) 40 r 1,586, 788, 567| 1,017/324, 660] 531,940,839] 241,801,676] 85,015,410] 520,012,446} 303,636, 281) 41 1, 088, 1237 244] 77343017646] 309,602,418] 178,386,882] 64, 033,588| 366,912,353} 223,098, 295| 42 94,980,026} 53,6617436| 247831)583| 10,392,845| 3,777,396] 21, 322, 760 9) 494, 242) 43 403,685,297! 229,271,578| 107,506, 838| 53,021,949! - 17, 204, 426 131,777,333! 71,043, 7441 44 684 m One TABLE 40.—VALUE OF ALL FARM: PROPERTY AND OF THE SEVERAL CLASSES, DIVISION OR STATE AND COLOR AND TENURE. GEoG. Divistons—Con. SoutH ATLANTIC—Con. Colored farmers: Managers. .1.0. 272 "2 ATES a PI os ' EAST SOUTH CENTRAL. White farmers: Managers.) aa... 5- TeNAT ecco enon: Colored f farmers: Managers... 0.0. EPUSAIUS. . . La wie “saree the WEST SOUTH CENTRAL. White farmers: Managers. -cocece 25k PeUANES. «eee Colored farmers: Managers. 22... tau Se MOUNTAIN. White farmers: (Total: steam eee ee saeitcgie! A Ml al Mobi °c eg cee ict Qwaers 2 ee aa Managers.’ pace nn. Uy Tenants: : olin ua x PACcIric. White farmers: Total. wang San COWES Foe ce ee L@nADUS.. -. 2222 ads Owmsiers - 5 -ipa<> sive “se Managers... =25. cos: Tenants..........0 2, New ENGLAND: MAINE. White arise fal ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-AGRICULTURE, [Corresponding figures for all farmers, ‘ ALL FARM PROPERTY. 1920. -| $1, 157, 087, 032 2917 639) 455 "249 852,718, 328 3, 651, 406, 813 2) 597, 652, 955 105, 180, 741 948, 573, 117 768, 059, 424 160, 744. 376 5, 585, 035 601, 730, 013 6, 920, 352, 661 3, 949) 740, 426 373, 876, 950 2, 596, 735, 285 701, 713, 366 228, 261 282 6, 780, 776 466, 671, 308 4, 040, 266, 794 3, "035, 94 N% 294 "399° 255, O11 682; 067, 489 42, 871, 145 26, 909, 612) Soe, 300 15, 079, 233 5, 115, 960, 440 3, 404, 177, 014 573, 743, 784 Te 138, 039, 642 191, 051, 020 26, 862; 750 155; 360, 270 - : 270, 461, 895 249) 754, 050 10, 634, 334 10, , 073, 511 1910 $443, 819, 676 130, 539, 924 6. 369, 980 306, 909) 772 1, 825, 482,285 1,340, 401, 654 52) 977, 285 432° 103}, 346 357, 289, 494 92) 244" 127 3. 273. 259 261, 772, 108 3,522, 621, 931 y 071, 494, 081 ” 945, 774, 925 1, 205, 352) 925 315, 532, 406 124, 097, 219 2) 416, 164 189, 019, 023 1, 732, 578, 273 "a 296, 929° 471 "186, 025; 701 249, 623, 101 24,995, 095 Ot, 740, 257 50, 968 2, 703, 870 2, 729, 736, 683 P 844” 075, 886 ” 319, 956, 808 565, 703, 989 50,745, 094 pe 35, 582, 047 ; d t 199, 218, 941]]. 135, 040; 067 6, 436, 921 7, 741, 953 LAND AND BUILDINGS. | ; be Total. . Land alone. ; 1920. 1920 $987, 756, 866 $367, 107, 068 $803, 989, 958\" 939, 740,672| 105, 568, 619] 179, 899; 817 11, 150, 682 5, 727, 681 736, 865, 512 256, 410, 768}| 615, 998,077 3, 017, 686, 597| 1, 458, 730, 081] ~ 2,375,799, 593 2, 131,646,950} 1, 064, 815,312 1) 650, 818, $24] 90, 169, 108 25,391 75, 054, 392 795, 870, 539 348 889, 378 649, 926,377] 646, 006, 766} 279,667, 758|| 540,341,639) 127,444, 707| ' 99/739, 165 4,653, 261) 3,773, 186]. 513, 908, 798 436, 829, 288) a ; é 5, 697, 100, 087 | 4,904, 785, 270) 3.184) 604; 019 ~ 2°674) 169) 690 ” 296; 667, 757 "274; 721, 988 2,215, 828, 311 1, 955, 893, 592 594, 087, 985 184 COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS; 685 | BY COLOR: AND TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920'AND 1910—Continued. _ by tenure, in Table 26.] LAND AND BUILDINGS—continued. IMPLEMENTS AND LIVE STOCK. 1920 $127, 150, 985 38, 007, 435 1 082) 650 88, 060, 900 482, 451, 101 351, 164, 290 314, 883 119° 971° 998 97, 256, 887 26, 009, 369 708, 201 70, 539, 317 935, 566, 919 580, 870, 018 66, 670, 599 288, 026, 302 84, 212, 246 33, 566, 681 "867, 412 49, 778, 153 721, 163, 335 552, 226, 729 81, 495, 857 87, 440, 749 8, 071, 148 6, 723, 013 152, 424 1, 195,711 399, 580, 655 265, 624, 248 42; 205, 106 91, 751, 301 5, 656, 279 2; 038, 660 143, 770 3, 473, 849 39, 771, 789 37, 199, 195 L 146) 044 1910 $62, 897, 871 19, 895, 149 478) 791 42, 523, 931 302, 589, 822 225, 866, 055 6, 090, 716 70,633, 051 66, 444, 785 17) 537, 628 "622; 711). 48, 284, 446 536, 447, 610 331, 626, 347 35, 038, 619! 169, 782,644 53,389, 468 23, 166, 993). 7% 048 29, 945, 427 380, 936, 635 298, 550, 889 50, 347, A92 32, 038, 254 7,809, 885 7,534, 336 75, 707 199; 842 233, 150, $44 158, 788, 106 28, 440, 398 45, 922, 340 2,776, 032 1, 241° 685 25, 155, 562 23, 654, 168 "707, 987 Tad alone MACHINERY. Continued. Buildings ‘ 1910 1920 1910 1920° 1910: ' $183, 766, 908 $71, 145, 960 $42, 179, 181 $13, 214/737 59, 840) 855 27. 582; 198 13, 801) 348 5. 076, 156 3° 058) 618 1,306,610 "495, 917 163, 508 120, 867, 435 42 257, 152 27, 791, 916 Ns 975, 073 . 641, 887, 004 359, 104,639 15f, 269, 115 64, 162, 382 480, 828) 126 281) 441 954 114, 841) 715 49, 720, 287 15, 114; 716 8, 897, 552 3, 696, 750 if 861, 178 145, 944) 162 68, 765, 133 32, 730, 650 12, 580, 917 105, 665, 127 52, 466, 336 24,795, 771 11,176, 951 27, 705, 542 16, 114, 592 7, 290, 300 3, 769, 285 ” 880, 075| 590, 505 993” 573 73, 278 of, 079, 510 35, 761, 239 i, 281, 898 7, 329, 388 | 2,602,228, 938) 792,314,817} 373,610,436! 287,685,655! 110,334,947) i 1,419,216, 175 510, 434, 329 252 177,938 184, 266, 389. 68, 473, 621 190, 363, 232) 21, 945, 769 12; TAT, 915 10, 538, 594 rd 625, 159 i 259, 934, 719 108, 684, 583 92) 880, 672 34 236, 167 213, 869, 592 90, 813, 640 38, 887, 916 23, 413, 135, 9,385, 430 E 79, 466, 528} 34) 255, 585 17, 019, 877 10, 148, 918 4,443,821 ia 1, 854) 018) 75, 588 917, 980 "183; 409 67, 118 © 182,549,046» 55,982; 467) 21,650,059 13,080,808} 4,874" 491 358, 497, 734 144, 065, 421 188, 660,056 48,828, 852 284, 989, 129 115, 422, 634 151, 525, 199 39, 936, 062 ‘ 20; 579, 543 10,096, 434 8, 349, 147 3. 090, 980 52) 929, 062 18, 546, 353 28, 185, 710 5, 801, 810 2,977, 970 961, 356 2, 055, 617 601,123 1, 915, 871 812, 760 1,319, 799 515, 915 "175, 870 27, 225 31, 901 14; 761 886, 229 1217 371 703, 917 70, 447 493, 118, 205 229, 167, 258 225, 725, 356 65, 296, 143 375, , 817, 445 179, 569, 595 163, 840, 342 47. 046, 353 39, 933, 408 16, 714, 023 15, 678, 673 5, 51S, 328 78, 067; 352 32; 883, 640 46, 206, “341 1, 834, 462 9, 350, 483 2, 665, 448 6, 632, 436 1,112, 504 2, 218, 425). 827,110 1. 086, 752 "393, 270 449, 960 200, 620 295 35, 015 6,682,098} 1,637,718] 5, 201, 389 684,219 45 \ 89, 675, 500 73, 114, 956 26, 635, 535 14; 486, 603 , 82; 551, 862] 67, 886,003] 25,104,180] 13, 709, 630 ) 4 108, 133 2,650, 170 "194. 167 "354, 264. 3,015,505] 2,578,783 807; 188 422’ 709 . 426, 550 793, 407 OOD 686 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-—AGRICULTURE, 4 q TABLE 40.—VALUE OF ALL FARM PROPERTY AND OF THE SEVERAL CLASSES, [Corresponding figures for allfarmers, — POD DIVISION OR STATE AND COLOR AND TENURE, NEw ENGLAND—Con. MAINE—Ccon. Colored farmers: ALL FARM PROPERTY. 1920 Managers. 2.20 020-1... 22 ie el. NEW HAMPSHIRE. White farmers: TOtHl. LOT Uk. Managers.....5.-...- VERMONT. White farmers: Managers. .J2.2./2-.- Tenants... iS aPIS-8 MASSACHUSETTS, White farmers: Tenants......2.5- j 5 ; Managers... JoSfse0... Tenants... J1250Fi 2: RHODE ISLAND. White farmers: Total. 2 te eros Owners... Veo owes Managers....2.25.2.. Perants.... ee sess et CONNECTICUT. White farmers: Managers............ IPEHANTS. Seca oso ek 118, 596, 899 100, 478, 315 ra 190, 7138 6, 927, 871 59, 216 27, 550 26, 936 4 730 222, 574, 834 179, 155, 978 11; 919, 611 31; 499, 245 161, 786 120,779 12) 101 28, 906 300, 008, 689 223, 762, 381 58, 435, 338 17, 810, 970 33, 585, 186 23, 037, 876 226, 378, 768 172, 554, 434 35, 515, 595 18, 308, 739 213, 197 1910 108, 630, 603 90, 287, 937 7, 754, 322 5, 588, 344 73, 593 14, 575 12” 025 46, 993 145, 346, 562 115, 596, 874 9, 163, 066 20, 586, 622 226, 126, 582 169, 7124, 030 32, 907, 783 21, 577, 746 5, 915, 923 5, 414, 114 158, 991, 019 124, 212, 231 21, 196, 703 13, 582, 085 LAND AND BUILDINGS. s Total. 1920, 181) 827, 185), 26, 348, 426 17, 916, 756 4, 609, 373 3; 822, 297 189, 729, 337 143, 016, 440 31, 661, 605) 15, 051; 292 541, 490 218, 690 129, 000 193, 800 1910, Land alone. 1920 wm eee ee ee eee ee 112, 545, 925] 82, 868, 428) 88, 530, 8 65, 588, 889] 77, 924. 385 4° 806, 203] ~ 18; 090, 673]| |. 12) 468, 336) 42, 350) 74, 825 35, 150 06,4 : 14; 200) 193, 867; 012|| 0: 127,473 143, 998; 535] 90) 403 36,709, 690||" 28, 659 13,158, 787|| "8,410 301, 753 179, 1227 57 46 i, 27; 868, 2 14, 483, 228 18, 090, 94 9, 465 6,175, 2579, 96 4, 602) 315 12} 437, 25, 850) 16, 4 Ju82.0 Be e 4) 50 o4, 950) 137, 967,826|| 100, 887, 106, 678, 911|| 73, 605, 47 553, 448||"" 18; 493, Uy 735, 467|| ee 8,787, 955 351, 395|| 299, 74 162, 395 106, $40) 119, 500 6 69, 500 131, i COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS. 687 ' BY COLOR AND TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. _ by tenure, in Table 26.] LAND AND BUILDINGS—continued. ‘Land alone— - 88, 841, 962 69, 410, 969 13, 167, 653 6, 263, 340 241, 750 uu 850 68, 000 61, 900 Continued. Buildings. 1910 1920 1910 $21,600 $23, 275] 21, 600 | ct os al 2, 350 49, 552,089| 41, 365, 964 35,565,919| 35,9477 958 4,605,590] 3,178,979 2) 380, 580/ 2° 239)027 18, 450 31, 050 ~ 10; 850 5, 450 7,000 5,000 600 20, 600 . | "76, 137,006] 54, 180, 698 61,010,863} 43” 500, 868 4,796,875] 3,652,345 10,329,268} 7/0277 485 41, 900 _. 22,250 31,700] ~~ 197950 3) 700 ”'500 6, 500 2, 500 119,740, 404] 88, 491, 084 91, 423, 476| 69, 462” 575 22; 246,693} 13) 834” 284 6, 070, 235 5, 194 295 193, 820] 145, 065 148, 770 118, 765 "35,700 16, 9, 350 9, 500 65, 959, 263 51, 631, 041 9, 307, 962 5 020, 260 153, 900 67, 000 66, 600 20, 300 IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY, 1920 1910 $2, 125 $3, 930 2,125 3,510 ~ opine Sager od 20 Sigh hanes 400 9,496,647} 5,874,452 8,376,335] 5,281,147 633, 959 329, 605 486, 353 263, 700 2,675, < 3,205 2,175 980 ~* 500 25 PE 2 nn bela 2, 200 21,216,990] 10,165, 727 18,070,388} 8,599, 604 740, 397 385, 225 2,406,205} 1, 180, 898 17, 140 ~ 2,960 13,940 2’.660 On «ane tees 2, 800 300 19,337,590] 11,549, 835 15,790, 507| 9,332) 521 2,619,537] 1,541,091 ” 997? 546 676, 223 22, 165 16, 765 4’ 100 be 4 300 2, 405,186 1, 764, 256 "315, 378 325, 552 | rn | ee | en | A 6, 900, 159 5, 757, 388 666, 124 476, 647 16, 489 10, 300 3; 530 2) 659 LIVE STOCK. 1910 11, 902, 890 10, 567, 232 ” 667, 084 668, 574 22, 634, 910 18, 466, 403 853, 456 3, 315, 051 20,709, 735) 16, 392) 974 2 716, 568 1, 600, 193 31, 631 28° 133 1, 085 2 413 3, 264, 436 2 247, 672 ” 449) 053 567, 7il Cs 14, 123,034 "977, 131 1, 369, 971 40, 868 25, 747 7, 847 7,274 . - 688 Sn ee eee —————M—_—— TABLE 40.—VALUE OF ALL FARM PROPERTY AND OF THE. SEVERAL CLASSES, DIVISION OR STATE AND ALL FARM PROPERTY, [Corresponding figures for all farmers, LAND AND BUILDINGS. ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE. HaTae Leh Heer: Total. Lane alone, 1920 1910 1920 1910 1920 MIDDLE ATLANTIC. NEW YORK. White farmers: corre 1 Total ee esac $1, 904, 843, 484] $1, 448, 409, 435|| $1, 422, 362, 205 31, 182,175, 509)| _. $791, 805, 268 Z OWES 2 TE ERS L 319, 587, 966 988) 371, 760 965 090, 744 796, 032; 844 508, 749, 149 3 Managers. -... 2.24... "146, 829, 370 99, 452) 150 125, 107, 521 88° 857, 170 73, 333, 875 4 POrancar sf ack ee 438, 426, 148 360, 585, 525 332, 163, 940 297, 285, 495 209, 722, 244 Colored farmers 5 POLS ees ae 3, 639, 717 3,072, 060 2, 699, 535 2,570, 320 1, 530, 290 6 Ownersoree sr a e. 2,111,251 2, 059, 688 1, 502, 615 1, 679, 730 834, 270 7 Managers coe oe a3 611, 454 177, 914 466, 940 158, 050}, 215, 790 8 Tenants iss: ote soa 917,012 834, 458 729, 980 732, 540 480, 230 NEW JERSEY. q White farmers: P 9 Potal eo tea exes 309, 193, 917 252, 858, 966 243, 174, 396 215, 434, 782 140, 827, 209 10 Owners: = ewes oe 197, 808, 238 156, 440, 367) 158, 539, 100 132, 644, 399) | 86, 134, 502 il Managefrs...........- 33, 555, 909 29° 727, 935 28 781, 541 26, 903, 070 17, 222, 667 12 Penantes: i. sacs Bes 77, 829, 770 66, 690, ’ 664! 60, 853, 755 55, 887, 313 37, 470, 040 Colored farmers 13 Total <0 jhe bso. 1g 841, 805, 135) 1,212,597,916}| 1,568, 080, 923 L 044) 884, 584]; 1,142, 219, 1 0 27 Managers ney se 97, 860, 349 52, 659, 573 86, 673, 986 47, 630, 020 , 824, ; 28 Tenant os don 3 eat Ls 145, 326, 855 630, 529, 954 997, 554, 558 555, 643, 927)! 801, 013, 215)" Colored farmers 2 Tota 10, 673, 997 6, 907, 146 9, 126, 482 5, 993, 875 xf 056, 495] 30 OWOSSO eee spent , 000, 776 3, 504, 400 4,173,124 2, 964, 696 , 102) 31 Managers...........- 851, 182 366, 007 737, 360 305, 680} 557, 810) 32 Tenants.222 dove cea. 4, 822,039 . 8, 036, 739 4, 215, 998 2, 723, 499} , 458, 583 INDIANA. White farmers: 33 otal = lie. fs 2 $, 037, 485, 093} 1,805,312, 131|| 2,649, 387,943} 1, 590, 871, 449|| 2; 198, 942, 016 3 bi Ones. 0 Lee ess. L, 746, 939, 544! 1, 136, 135, 608|| 1, 505, 952, 568 , 333, 1, 213° 305, 418 35 Managers.../...2.... 221, 537 42) 493) 445 ” 245, 276 37, 595,791 , 335, 36 Toriantes 2 ais ee 1, 216 324, 012 626, 683, 078)| 1, 078, 190, 099 561, 941, 909 931, 300, 990) Colored farmers 37 Dot agente. fot: 4, 826, 154 3, 823, 107 4, 256, 030 3, 404, 147 3, 624, 320 38 |. Owners... 1.25-005- 2) 136, 288 2) 047, él 1, 832, 910 1, 807, 172 1, 474, 56 39 |. “Managers......02...- 221, 325 "227, 2 40 "POUAUUS ss. dence Raid 2, 396, 980 “1,B7.43 “> 158, 980 1,375, 650]} 1,922, 415 : _. COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS. 689. BY COLOR AND TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND, STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued by tenure, in Table 26.). Land alone— Continued.* IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY. $92) 148] 456,.341, 595 ’ 972, 220) 51, 773, 646 ~ 429) 441 696 a8 21, 091 - 1, 169, 245 140, 862, 564 i: 334, 390 644, 252, 963 - 425, 861, 803 “91, 849, 817 196, 541, 343 ~ 2,069, 987 1,133,022 ” 179, 550 450, 445, 927 a) |, 066) — 292) 647, 155 ie ‘ 32, 487, 669 \ 10,909, 663 | 489° 766,623} 146, 839, 109 631,710 $476, 100, 050 409, 916, 260 280, 497, 032 367, 129, 357 757, 415 367, 185 265, 626, 091 188, 292, 683 5, 158, 122 72, 175, 286 1920 146, 93, 3, 148, 088 461, 670 516, 576 $83, 493, 538 61, 850, 120 3, 527, 133 18, 116, 285 151, 284 13, 024, 911 8, 667, 416 1, 040, 076 3 317, 419 70, 631, 835 49, 411, 077 83, 853 18, 436, 905 ~~ 94, 220 46, 217 12, 715 35, 288 51, 061, 393 34, 605, 053 1, 198, 683 15, 257, 657 148, 678 40, 934, 436 27,779,376 760, 996 12, 394, 064 24, 218 LIVE STOCK. $312, 891, 128 226, 717, 884 14, 354, 061 71; 819, 183 663, 567 421, 111 105, 254 137, 202 35, 745, 770 938, 296, 118 163, 659, 663 11, 724, 007 62, 912, 448 260, 824, 519 161, 274, 095 6, 652, 210 92) 898, 214 $182, 740, 388 “130, 488, 796 7, 067, 847 45, 183) 745 24, 399, 273 15, 128, 552 10 784, 789 7, 485, 932 189, 366 64, 730 23, 902 100, 734 141,268, 001 96, 497, 935 4) 794, 728 39, 975, 338 212, 051 196, 567, 519 133, “108, 279 s. 830, 870 59, 628, 370 764, 593 446,164 56, 607 261, 822 173, 506, 246 117,022) 483 4) 136, 658 52, 347, 105 353, 855 200, 947 15,363 137,545 OrNIOmn kwon 690 TABLE 40.—VALUE OF ALL FARM PROPERTY AND OF THE SEVERAL CLASSES, 2 « [Corresponding figures for all farmers, — ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE. CONIC Cr em Oh ALL FARM PROPERTY. DIVISION OR STATE AND COLOR AND TENURE. 1920 EAst NORTH CENTRAL—Con. ILLINOIS. White farmers: OAS ood aee tee OWES 24 <2 et tee 3, 037, 357, 822 Managers... 178, 864, 629 ‘Penatihey. yh. ee 3, 443° 474, 614 Colored farmers Tots. t | ea ou elee 7, 070, 170 OMNES. 2s oe ee © 3, 058, 969 Managers...... 0222.4 280, 720 Penants ea Sae CE. 3, 730, 481 MICHIGAN. White farmers: TV Otal cee 1, 759, 620, 834 Owners... fe. 1, 305, 312, 622 Managers,..2,. 50). 58, 322, 245 (POnaHtSe ete 395, 985, 967 Colored farmers Total Bill 3,713, 944 Owners... eo ee 2g 461, 447 Managers. . hee: 188, 594 MOHANLS. .. 58e uu 1, 063, 903 WISCONSIN. White farmers: Total. =. 2, 674, 614, 028 Owners. 222 feet 2 110, 635, 778 Managers 66, 069, 803 fa eS ee ee 496, 908, 447 Colored farmers Totals. keer 2, 668, 969 Opwnerse< 2... Loe AS! 2, 433, 673 Managers. -...\... 02. 106, 779 ‘Tenants... “hie. 128, 517 WEST Norta CEN- TRAL. MINNESOTA. White farmers: Total s~ esoe et 3, 786, 230, 388 OWES oe Eee 2, 536, 609, 747 Managers. 22. fee. 58, 155, 402 Tenants siys te AY 191, 465, 239 Colored farmers Potal. sere 1, 189, 730 Swers? ee! ” 979, 739 Managers....2..202. 7, 577 ONAN... 2-0 seced 202, 414 IOWA. White farmers Total... 5 .0.. )."8, 528,812,759 OWES 2.2472 £ 543, 714, 016 Managers. ...5.0...-- 140, 718, 205 SDOTIATVER SC! Roti cee I 3, 838, 880, 538 Colored farmers: Totals Je se 1, 558, 197 OWNS ee Me age 702 Managers..... 222222. 54, 523 Penants.: oie. sb 718, 972 1910 $6, 659, 697, 065) $3, 898, 523, 405 tle 980, 515, 101 71, 645, 528 1, 846, 362, 776 6, 797, 670 2; 908) 112 571, 059 3, 318) 499 1, 085, 883, 399 848, 265, 597 26, 334, 596 211, 283, 206 2, 974, 980 2 179, 273 52, 862 742, 845 1, 411, 249, 427 L 124, 135, 137 28) 083; 171 259, 031, 119 1, 869, 358 “1721 118 079 136, 161 1, 475, 524, 942 L 082} 713, 358 24, 153, 161 368, 658, 423 886, 795 636, 698 14; 116 235, 981 3, 744, 583, 913 2) 257, 063, 692 51, 831, 112 1, 435, 689, 109 ‘1, 276, 631 621) 835 99, 094 555, 702 LAND AND BUILDINGS. Total. 1920 1910 $5, 991, 909, 691) $3, 516, 801, 778 2) 639, 220, 786 162; 074, 362 3, 140; 614, 543 6, 083, 875 2) 542; 200 244, 600 3, 297, 075 1, 433, 681, 404 L 054, 527, 393 50, 032; 563 329, 121, 448 3, 004, 806 1) 951, 535 165, 481 887, 790 2, 185, 19, 465 1, 717, 720, 939 27, 442 412, 511, 084 3, 300, 302, 223 2; 191, 052, 872 50, 230, 653] 1, 059, 018, 693 866, 102 698, 182 163, 920 7, 600, 441, 690 4’ 010, 757, 910 125, 849, 751 3, 463, 834, 029 1, 330, 600 "683, 250 51, 000 596, 350), 898, 674, 084 697, 276, 022 ’ 22 934, 178 _ 178, 463, 884|| 2,464, 215 “1, 783, 545 47, 000 633, 670 1, 200, 007, 349] "951, 411, 005 24° 597, 425 223; 998, 919|] 1, 261, 737, 765)/ Land alone. 1920 73, 700] 2, 49, 640, 002) “1, 788, 482, 0791 40, 298" 519} ” 110; 545, ti Z 119, 605, 792 4 & : at Pa BY COLOR AND TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS. by tenure, in Table 26.) ° | Land alone— , Continued. | $746, 911, 491 . 2; 000 LAND AND BUILDINGS—continued. $431, 708, 198 261, 671, 744 8’ 473, 426 161, 563, 028 285, 230, 601 229, 535, 540 6162, 939 49, 532, 122 649, 350 496, 480 13, 150 139, 720 289, 366, 881 939, 465, 127 6,319,373 43/582, 381 327, 581 299, 441 243, 187, 122 188, 695, 320 4’ 032, 835 152, 277 109, 182 800 _ 42,295 455, 217, 451 305, 066, 695 5, 780, 703 144) 370, 053 188, 220 IMPLEMEDTS AND MACHINERY. $222, 402, 367|- 113, 325, 122 4, 374, 392 104, 702, 853 166, 918, 522 138, 542, 273 181,021, 121 1910 $73, 590, 331 41,249, 404 1,263) 302 31,077, 625 133, 743 71,631 7, 540 54) 572 49, 801, 094 40,786, 047 908, 266 8,106,781 115, 191 93/ 490 1,595 20/106 52, 893, 334 44’ 243885 "997" 484 7,751,965 63, 245 55, 751 1,092 6, 402 §2, 282, 127 40, 279, 614 "769, 578 11, 232, 935 95, 437, 450 61, 368, 226 L 030, 532 33, 038, 692 40, 498 1910—Continued. LIVE STOCK. > 1920 1910 $445, 385,007] $308, 131,296] 1 934,811,914]. 175,749,240] 2 12, 415, 875 5,883,513] 3 198, 157,218]. 126, 498/543] 4 769, 057 673,135] 5 406, 481 360,628] 6 28, 900 54, 199) 7 333, 676 258,308] 8 903, 784,204 137,408,221) 9 154, 855,030} 110, 203, 528) 10 5, 439,354 2) 492, 152) 11 43,489, 820; 24712) 541) 12 474, 428 395, 574| 13 356, 149 302, 238] 14 5,713 4,267) 15 112, 566 89,069] 16 321, 936, 041 158, 348, 744| 17 255,372,566] 128, 480, 247| 18 7,377, 903 2) 588,262] 19 59,185, 572} - -27; 280/235] 20° 376, 074 180, 739| 21° 320, 953 159,193] 22 35, 28¢ 2,687| 23 19, 832 18,859] 24 304, 907.044} - 161,505, 050) 25 215,226, 157| 122, 581, 270) 26 5,780,270}. | 2 487,572) 27 83,900,617}. 36,436,208} 28 256, 781 136, 096) 29 223, 401 96, 485] 30 2,577 601} 31 30, 803 39,010} 32 613, 748, 648] 392, 855, 648] 33 353, 930, 139} . 253,615, 177| 34 11,778, 784 , 892, 855] 35 248, 039,725|. 133;347)616| 36 177,620 147,548] 37 72,710 84’ 012] 38 2,723 10; 194} 39 102, 187 “53,342! 40 a | a | Rf 692 TABLE 40.—VALUE OF ALL FARM PROPERTY AND OF THE SEVERAL CLASSES, ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-AGRICULTURE. CIO PWN DIVISION OR STATE AND COLOR AND TENURE. West NORTH CENTRAL—Con. MISSOURI. White farmers: Managers 2: gcuh sek - Tenants... 25 see NORTH DAKOTA. White farmers: Managers. ....2.2... SOUTH DAKOTA. White farmers: Rotal...iseg.aga OWMETSis s -- 1555 Gee. Managers... -:200 756 "Ren Ants. 2. Jews sees Managers... 2....... Tenants. ... jeee .o¢.s NEBRASKA. White farmers: SPotah comets oo oe OWners:): .. fawtiee es Tenantais.: ineaeree : Managers... 2.......- Mewants 7 fees hee KANSAS. White farmers: POtals: deccaes oe Owners Co eag et se Managers < Pa) cueee ‘Pennants Pest. Meee otal. Joe see Owners. lure ave - Managers... ov: se. PDR se Soe esc on ais SoutH ATLANTIC, DELAWARE. White farmers: Total tioreoc yale Managers.......-... ‘PONANIS...cs cock veew {Corresponding figures for all farmers, LAND AND BUILDINGS. . ALL FARM PROPERTY. : Total. Land alone. 1920 1910 1920 1910 1920 | : ri .| $38, 571, 957, 29% 82, 038, 795, 640|| $3, 046, 425, 093] $1, 704, 175, 048|] $2, 579, 804, 597| 2' 466, 597, 321] 1, 453, 650, 819|| 2, 080, 967, 866| 1, 200, 375, 407|| 1,734,640, 3061 84, 465,973; 45,095, 461 73, 402, 741 39, 528, 525 ; 529, 190) 1, 020, 894, 001). 540, 049, 360]/ 892,054,486 464, 271, 116 Tee O35, 100 19, 110, 790 14, 121, 848 16, 542, 607 12, 029, 338|] . 14,388,674) » 933, 766 6, 887, 512 8-451, 537 5, 645, 438} 224, i 1, 461, 153 921) 594 1, 276, 095 833, 455 1, 135, 345) 7, 715, 871 6, 312, 742 6, 814, 975 5, 550, 445 6,029, 275} ‘ s 1, 755,241,354) 970, 794,963]} 1,484,992,639] 819,548,724] 1,276,184, 609| 1) 240;050;699| 783,580,686|| 1/037,814,394| 655, 758, 685|] $84, 265, 819 41,061,337 19, 284, 824 35, 085, 503 16, 889, 168 29,736, 605 474,129,318| 167,929,453|| 412,092,742] 146, 900,871|| 362,182, 185 4,501,641] 4,019, 242 3,528,856]. 3,108,020 3, 129, 018 3, 856, 846 3,940, 809 3,041,056 3, 050, 405 2, 695, 083 39, 596 11, 1550) 23/000 9,000 21, 500 605, 199 66, 883 464, 800 48, 615 | ne —_ aS) > w or en aa ai eed Trl BPA hn 2, 802,380,979} 1,143,313, 772|| 2,455,467,682) . 986,809, 093|| 2,215, 845,271 1; 714,124,726] 792) 162 123|| 1,484,093,143| 676, 693, 233] 1,326,284, 927 46, 668, 342 16,582, 166 38, 802) 470 13,791, 687 35,093,277) — 1,041,587,911| 334,569, 483 932,572,069] . 296,324,173 854,467,067} 21, 489, 233 22, 783, 208 17,425,999 18,271, 714||.. .15,586, 45 | 19,571, 916 22 073, 202 15, 826, 277 17, 816, 640] 14, 149,770] — "165, 499 "246, 091 97,940] 127, 070}| 82,840) 1, 751, 818 463,915 1,501, 782 328, 004]| 1,353, 842| 4, 194,397,347] 2,076,690, 898]| 3,705,654, 150| 1,810, 628, 865 2) 354, 826, 114 1) 259, 674,939|| 2)057,471,600} 1,082,358, 527 78, 279,737| | 37,412,466 65,593,263} 29,928, 713 1,761,291, 496} 779,603,493|| 1,582,589,287| 698,341,625|| . eS Ser Ge 7, 258, 645 3,127,749 6,453,610 2,718,070) oh 831,645} 3,994; 209 2° 200; 927 3/524945 1,890,390}, 3,083, 1237941 "150; 668 “100, 000 128, 000]) ; | 3, 140, 495 776, 154|| ~ ~ 2,828, 665 639, 680 2,661,280} 3, 290,628, 867| 2,029,873, 741|| 2,819,485, 443] 1,729,306,817|| 2,466,334, 607 1) 939; 192; 880] 1,310,773, 756|| 1,645,842, 706| 1,104,312,489]] 1,414,002 65,494,585] 38, 790,146 55,099, 771] 49, 385 1, 285,941,402} 680,309,839] 1,118,542,966| 592,859,580] 1,002, 947, 12,177,320 9, 516, 169 10,578,475 9, 300,. . 6, 858, 118 5, 871, 862 5,880, 485 5, *322, 812 ” 290; 000 4,996, 390 3, 257,547 4,398,990 3 76,642,235, 60,828, 356 61, 870, 186 40,131, 412 37,661, 807 31, 774, 732 29; 968, 197 17,583 3,580,311 1, 895, 323 3, 087, 117 : 2, 205, 675 35,400,117' 27,158,301! 28, 814, 872 916, 20, 342, 4 COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS. 693 BY COLOR AND TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. by tenure, in Table 26.) Land alone— Continued. eC | $1, 435, 404, 619 993/235, 101] 34, 447, 828 407,721, 690 10, 577,770 4799, 700 >» '739' 30. 5, 038,765 | 727,512, 290 | 580,042) 676 4.) 95,085? 153 132, 384, 461 2, 867, 841 2; 819, 10 15, 818, 208 L 011, 305 16, 657, 19]! $466, 620, 496 346, 327, 560 12; 873, 551 107, 419; 385 2, 153, 933 L 227° 483 ’140, 750] | 785, 700 208, 808, 030 49, 910, 557 399, 838 345,973 1, 500 52, 365 239, 622, 411 4) 157, 808, 216 3,709, 193 78, 105, 002 1, 39, 547 381; 263, 455 241) 361; 392 , 569 - 134, 221) 494 621, 965 441, 680} 12,900 167, 385 353, 150, 836 231, 840, 548 5,714, 470). +115, 595, 818 1,277, 910 814, 405 31, 200 432, 305 21, 738, 74 12, 384, 939 881, 442 . 8, 472, 393 ) $268, 770, 429 207, 140, 306 5,080, 697 56, 549, 426 1, 451, 568 92, 036, 434 75, 716, 009 rt 804, 015 14, 516, 410 101, 274, 631 73, 500, 059 1, 201, 195 26, 573, 377 1, 199, 425 1, 164, 677 3, 620 31, 128 - 198, 478, 107 133, 698, 711 3,015, 805 61, 763, 591 198, 614, 822 140, 532, 614 2, 661, 162 55, 421, 046 964, 777 700, 537 33, 000 231; 240 17, 687, 563 10, 809; 308 619, 175 , ’ IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY. 1920 $137, 706, 398 100, 862, 127 2,135,177 34,709, 094 191° 416 113, 967, 135 , 885, 192 2), 075, 202 26, 006, 741 219, 730 185, 652 1, 050 33, 028 111, 581, 077 72,257, 726 1, 287, 113 38, 036, 238 827, 191 753, 334 10, 445 63, 412 152, 850, 017 91, 403, 339 1,676,770 59, 769, 908 254, 431 162, 537 950 90, 944 154, 254, 232 95, 660, 025 1, 812, 093 56, 782, 114 159, 618 6; 549, 214 3, 669, 939 226, 524 2, 652, 751 1910 $50,557,774 37,780,059 712,467 12, 065, 248 316, 220 183, 260 7,935 125, 025 43, 733, 892 37, 031, 550 741, 663 5, 960, 679 173, 703 187, 899 800 5, 004 33, 308, 293 24, 111, 686 331, 641 8, 865, 066 478, 680 460, 375 44; 172, 393 28, 548, 651 540, 319 15, 083,353 48, 095, 416 33, 078, 233 528, 930 14, 488, 253 214, 745 145, 583 4, 325 64, 837 LIVE STOCK. 1920 1910 $387, 825,804] $284,062,818] 4 284,767,328] 215,495,353] 2 8, 928, 055 4, 854, 469] 3 94, 130, 421 63,712,996] 4 2,013, 241 1,776,290} 5 1, 145, 948 1,058,814} 6 157,813 80, 204] 7 709,480 637, 272| 8 156,281,580 . 107,512/347] 9 116, 351, 113 90,790, 451] 10 8, 900, 632 1, 653, 993] 11 36, 029, 835 15, 067, 903] 12 753, 055 737, 519| 13 630, 138 722, 505| 14 15, 546 1,750] 15 107, 371 13,264} 16 235, 332,220] . 123,196,386] 17 151, 773, 857 91, 357, 204] 18 6, 578, 759 2, 458, 938) 19 70, 979, 604 29, 380, 244] 20 3, 236, 043] 4, 032, 814] 21 2, 992, 305 3,796, 187| 22 57,114 117, 091) 23 186, 624 119, 536] 24 335, 893,180}. 221, 889, 710) 25 205,951,175] 148,767,761) 26 11, 009, 704 6,943, 434] 27 118, 932; 301 66, 178, de fo 550,604 332, 294) 29 306, 727 250, 512| 30 22) 991 20, 168) 31 220, 886 > 61,614) 32 316, 889, 192| 252, 471, 508| 33 197, 690,149] 173, 383, 034) 84 8, 582, 721 6.126, 4681 35 110, 616, 322 72, 982, 006] 36 1, 136, 100} 1, 052, 069) 37 673,216 700, 813] 38 25, 102 44, 120} 39 437, 782 307, 136| 40 8, 222, 835 6, 548, 084} 41 4,023, 671 3; 337, 911| 42 ~” 266, 670 175, 954] 43 3, 932, 494 3,034,219) 44 694 ———————————— ees nn OOD TABLE 40--VALUE OF ALLiFARM PROPERTY AND OF THE SEVERAL CLASSES, ; DIVISION OR STATE AND COLOR AND TENURE. 1920 SoutTH ATLANTIC—Con. DELAWARE—COn. Colored farmers: ANTE}: eles SAU ay. $3,495,379 Owners ?..... $4. ACA 3 859,864 Managers .. 9i5. 52812 176, 710 Tenants... 70) 2M: 2,458, 805 MARYLAND. White farmers: Total. fla sak 438, 439, 834 Qrwners ... .. ed. FE. 258, 284, 003 Managers. .¢5-....)- 36, 958, 215 (Penanmis2se8 seo 8 143, 197,616 Colored farmers: POGaLate «nh obeee 25, 198, 286 Owners... ee. 1223 9,588, 896 Managers . SJ. Jo4,2 2,641, 524 Penants... cr ssas 12,967,866 DIST. OF COLUMBIA. White farmers: Total. . aeews.* 5, 682, 274 Owners... Js88. 1, 757, 369 Managers... $222. <05 - 2, 431, 709 PPONaTNtS ees coe ooh 1,493, 196 Colored farmers TOpslo ct eee 245, 713 Owine?s 22... DSSS ~ 43,300 Managers... JJ8.255.. j 111, 205 Penants... BE).c ses 91, 208 VIRGINIA. White farmers: Total. jKi58..| 1,.077§230, 705 Qwners.. . /a5d.b84. - 809, 252, 942 Managers... i). 22). 68, 337, 222 ‘TON ANLS. ou eae = 199, 640, 541 Colored farmers: Otal .. DSL Ee 119, 325, 067 Owners - 2.188! Joss 69, 203, 453 Managers.../02 000... 2) 670, 517 Tenants... jJOLILSS. 2 : 47; 451, 097 WEST VIRGINIA. White farmers: Total: : [fee Hee: 494, 390, 682 CyWwhOTS) cose eases 391, 880, 827 Managers..-....-.2.- 25, 495, 705 Temeritee Moo e2 te ae w7, 014, 150 Colored farmers BOtal.. 0b7.088.5 2, 048, 935 Owners... JiSF. eG. L 177, 913 Managers. .08520.: 237,791 SDOUATLSi ae Beco eed 633, 231 NORTH CAROLINA, White farmers: Totaiers scores 988, 278, 052 CDW NNOT Ss 2s ate eee ne 684) 982} 141 Managers..J........- 25, 194) 723 OHAIIUS. 0c. oo esac 278, 101) 188 Colored farmers: Rotal.. 1268. v8.2 261, 888,943 Qwners. -. 556.890 5 69, 456, 567 i Managers... 1603. 8c. - L 164, 955 Nenants..: J60L.S80.€ 191, 268, 421 sa : ALL FARM PROPERTY. ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-AGRICULTURE. f { [Corresponding figures for all farmers, LAND AND BUILDINGS. Total. Land alone. | _ : 1910 °' 1920: 1910 1920. | ' \% ie | $2,350, 845 $2, 885, 445 $1, 981, 716 # 686, 322 » 681, 547, 551 , 166,371 143, 650 145, 800 ¥ 1, 498, 152 2,060, 495 1, 288, 365 4 :) . M4 { 1m 273,915, 229)» 364,941,929) 9231467, 339 + 155,188, 547|| 212,779, 739) 0128, 885, 932 i 25, 274, 878 32, 189, 489 23, 296, 191 P| 93,451,804|| 119,972, 701 79, 285, 216 2 12, 251, 799 21, 654, 921 10, 269, 784 af 4° 879,716 7,963,397 3,924,773 1,298, 521 2,336, 650 1,172, 550 | 6,073,562 11,354, 874 5, 172,461 4 8,382, 862 5,344,069] 18,141, 2) 283, 304 1,672,519 $8,931, 3.372, 882 2, 242, 150 3, 232, 2,726, 676 1, 429, 400 2,677, 7 93, 671 233, 300 89, 51,912 40,300 48, 8, 185 105, 700 8, 33,574 87, 300 ras, 570,316,476) 923,443,114] 486, 833, 558 441,729, 244|| ~< 689,513, 531) 374,781, 761 29, 336, 923 60,387, 017 26,023, 611 99,200, 309)| 173, 542, 566 86, 028, 186 54)748,907|| 100,991, 911 45) 204, 504lfo" .°73)591, 162) 34) 774, 150 57, 085,473 28, 059, 534 88, 71, 105) 1, 481, 924 2) 333, 049 33 4 18, 492, 833 41, 573; 389 313, 432, 473 409, 055, 516] © 268,314, 560 249,700, 859|| | 320,138,396] 207,256, 207 10, 242) 372 22’ 828, 038 P 53, 489, 242 66, 089, 082 1,306, 067 1,727,890 898,957 956, 562 43, 363 223,700 (363, 747 547, 628 “456,291, 410 ‘316, 858, 683) 335, 115,183|| 580,454,351 15, 228, 392 22) 495, 491) 105,947, 835|| 243, 908, 841}, 815424; 800|| 229,534) 277] »*" 27, 448, 410 58, 659, 868 "619, 969 1,029, 595 53,356,421! 169,844) 814 u COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS. 695 if BY COLOR AND TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND. 1910—Continued. by tenure, in Table 26.] LAND AND BUILDING s—continued. nd alone— ontinued. 1910 | 1 q | ¥ , i i $1,451, 457) | Wet) 0 B62, 591 i ae 99 ee ee ee eee startle ss Posies : oe 204 594, 547 ( Be ; ad, 367, 279 71, 840, 941 > 24, 966, 120 / Buildings. 1920 1916 $901, 055 $530, 259 248; 230 184, 960 56, 600 45, 900 596, 225 299; 399 120,211, 537| 75,114,417 76,299,188] 47,986,969 11,721,813] 6,089, 106 32; 190,536] 21,058,342 6,481,266} 3,171, 092 2)758,177| 1,414,093 810, 225 405,720 2,912, 864, 1,351,279 1,321, 471/1,014;593 521, 350) | 387, 100 599, 131 310, 043 200, 990 317, 450 99, 750 22, 800 10,000 16, 600 74,500] 1, 200 15, 250 5,000 240; 679,999] 124, 728, 286 188,528,881} 100,804, 011 14, 782,932] 5, 948, 316 37,368,186] 17,975, 959 27, 400,749 12, 670, 864 18, 374,368} 9, 199, 203 667, 414 299, 690 8,358,967; 8, 171,971 | 103, 055,011] 57,067,390 86, 239,618] 48) 341, 599) 3, 687, 686, 1,513,615 13,127,707; 7, 212, 176 418, 691 247, 805 265, 341 177, 499 “At, 200 9, 995 112, 150 60, 311 181, 183, 572| . 99,555,624 131,970, 749| 77, 929, 455 4, 924 871) 2; 284,065 44, 287,952| 19, 341, 204 37,394,372] 13, 904, 038 12,200,577; «5,746, 501 227, 675 189,°750 7, 967, 787 IMPLEMENTS AND, MACHINERY. 1920 1910 $232,104 $100,090 70, 438 41, 105 16,244 5, 490 145, 422 53) 495 27,801,147} 11,492, 701 18,264,996] 7, 467,382 1718, 361 6197 938 7,817,790| 3,335,381 1, 168, 873 437, 070 ” B75, 234 217,515 99, 611 41, 206 494” 028 178, 349 100, 067 91, 395 41,097 18) 935 33, 915 61, 050 25, 055 11 410 4,185 955 5 750 2, 500 50 1,095 155 45, 381,173] 16) 263, 380 35,903,185] 13,067, 126 2” 249° 999 774, 883 7, 2977989 2, 421 371 4,770,293} 1, 852, 508 3, 185, 405| 1.328" 075 107, 763 28” 858 1,477,125 495, 570 48,328, 028| 6, 979, 820 15,402, 697| 5, 980, 122 735,474 161; 456 2, 189, 857 838) 249 67, 030 31, 693 42; 678 217 895 5, 425 748 18, 927 9, 050 46,265,515} 16, 180,149 35, 428768] 12, 908,504 900, 367 475, 712 9,936,380 2, 795, 983 8, 355,843} 2, 261, 470 2’ 859) 315 989) 242 46, 167 16, 895 : 1, 255, , 3383) LIVE STOCK. 1920 $377, 830 108, 126 16, 816 252; 888 45, 696, 758 27, 239, 268 3, 050, 365 15, 407, 125 2, 374, 492 1, 050, 265 205, 263 1, 118, 964 238, 138 43,753 155, 644 38, 741 8, 228 2, 410 3,005 2, 813 108, 406, 418 83, 836, 226 Dy 700, 206 18, 869, 986 13, 562, 863 8, 932, 575 229, 705 4, 400, 583 67, 007, 138 56, 339, 734 1, 932, 193 8, 735, 211 254, 015 178, 673} ” 8, 666 66, 676 95, 153, 854 69, 099, 022 1, 798, 865 24) 255, 967 23, 998, 818 7, 936, 384 9, 193 15, 973, 241 1910 $269, 039 * 97, 666 15, 081 156, 292) 31, 025, 189 18, 835, 233 1, 358, 749 10, 831, 207 1, 544, 945 722, 752 149, 524 32, 969 78, 989 37, 566 3,316 2, 762 135 419 67, 219, 538 53, 880, 357 2) 588, 429 10, 750, 752 7,671, 900 5, 386, 541 122, 251 2, 163, 108 43, 138, 093 36, 464, 530 980, 946 5, 692, 617 197, 980 138, 801 6, 920 52, 259 52; 752, 870 39, 682, 677 1, 100, 436 11) 969, 757 9, 897, 114 3, 649, 079 POD QO SID Or 696 TABLE 40:—VALUE OF ALL FARM PROPERTY AND OF THE SEVERAL CLASSES, [Corresponding figures for all farmers, — ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-+AGRICULTURE. HCO DD CO “IO Cn DIVISION OR STATE AND COLOR AND TENURE. ALL FARM PROPERTY. Soutu ATLANTIC—Con. SOUTH CAROLINA. White farmers: fPotal.- jase. wees. Owners. 2. ds07 ge. - Managers. -354-2...- Owners. Sacceh ee Managers...4... 0-5-2 Tenames... dose. os. 3 GEORGIA. White farmers: Managers. .Jeaesact . Tenants. -- i592). Hazel Colored farmers: PROCS Mic apie ae Owners) 2 cee ee Managers. J. 22, 5. Tenants... iassoeees. FLORIDA. White farmers: Managers: save) (Penants: 2 ire. eos: - Colored farmers: Managers, -2).ccse : . aes. Manavers.. 2a go TENNESSEE. White farmers: oe Peewee eee ALABAMA. White farmers: 1920 $611;327,079 408, 059, 177 20, 129, 913 183, 137, 989 341, 737, 663 73, 818, 033 2) 523,729 265,395, 901 975,982, 644 559, 801, 554 52, 714, 961 363, 466, 129 380, 702, 552 55, 855, 984 2) 072) 853 322) 778, 715 307, 857, 223 225, 517, 548 57, 898, 568 24'441) 107 22,444, 494 11) 636, 445 1) 1297 965 9, 678, 084 1, 471, 336, 618 1, 079, 335, 762 320, 896, 325 361, 154, 531 40, 514, 459 18, 854, 264 TR 755 20, 887, 440 1, 142, 534, 405 813, 730, 477 19, 422, 158 309, 381, 770 76, 261, 898 539, 956, 015 356, 502, 632 16, 542, 952 166, 910, 431 1910 $273, 774, 540 191, 927, 325 i, 730, 892 70, 116, 323 118, 353, 774 27; 340, 950 1 072; 287 89; 940, 537 422,667,196 265, 746, 680 19, 304, 672 137, 615, 844 157, 879, 185 25, 679, 922 ” 390, 916 131,308, 347 127,772, 555 101, 391) 671 16, 646, 913 9, 733, 971 15, 410, 628 8,779, 585 788, 444 - 5, 842; 599 755, 526, 390 562, 662, 524 19, 569, 231 173, 294, 635 18, 271, 490 8, 908, 927 "752, 178 8, 610, 385 558,434, 606 410, 275, 459 11, 677, 418 136, 481, 729 54, 086, 230 ‘16, 411, 350 868 904, 8¢ 36, 770, 012 272, 767, 681 505 -f 715, 519 74, 605, 657 LAND, AND BUILDINGS. Totalis® 1920 $523, 070, 165 346, 790, 985 17, 531, 604) 158, 747, 576 290, 414, 035 839) 583 210, 628 228; 363; 624 815, 544, 918 461; 061,783 46, 076, 256 308, 406, 879} 322, 753, 709 45, 486, 236} | 1, 757, 000 ©275; 510, 473 263, 883, 026 189, 518, 632 54, 188, 560 834 17,561, 378) | 9; 027, 953 ie 010, 510 2% 522) 915) 1, 269, 086, 758 924° 600, 468 aT. 122) 830 317, 363, 460 36, 072, 178 16,391, 297 684, 546 18, 996, 335] 934, 551, 649 257,081, 013 90, 428, 245 25, 277, 345) | 801, 700 64, 349, 200 426, 752, 943 279, 494, 456 14, 037, 411| 133, 221, 076 — 1910 _ $233, 888, 327 163, 591, 021 ; 114, 343, 850 128, 883, 732 20, 540, 910 758, 037 107, 584, 785 { 106, 230, 421 82) 746, 957||. 15,675, lal 7, 808, 323}| 11, 915, 568; 620, 427, 464 457, 684, 135 16, 459, 067 146, 284, 262 15, 031, 908 % 154, 168 877, 455] }500 oil 4, 0UU, 58, 197, 104 Land alone. Ty k,? ery aA 475, 6 COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS, | 697) BY COLOR AND TENURE,:BY DIVISIONS AND) STATES: 1920 AND: 1910—Continued. _ by tenure, in Table 26.] LAND AND BUILDINGS—continued. ‘Land alone— _ Continued. 1910 Cf 87) co 83; 286, 897 > 604, 978 3, 322, 126 819, 044]. -29, 868) 494 8h 046, 645) 50, 349, 474 17, 542,843} 13, 351; 963 484, 809 65,616,493} 36, 512, 702 Pg o * 964, 497,825] 184, 138, 508 160, 527; 381| -. 115,372, 892 } 43; 235; 053], 8; 401; 851 : 90, 735,391| 60, 363, 765 | 105,855,590] “56, 715, 158 }. 15,958,077), 10,314, 761 | 596, 992 476, 605 89,300,521] 45, 923) 792 aa | 84, 440,348]. 49,018, 271 | | 65, 223,300} 39, 7877 132 “| 12, 989, 876 5,839, 584 i 6, 287, 172 3, 891, 555 i 9,297,717}. 4, 006,393 ‘ “5,095, 749], 2° 317, 438 3 639, 165 219) 590 | 3, 562, 803 1, 469, 365 t vie 2} 472, 295,751). 247,931, 292] ub 841, 365, 71) 189, 162 934 2, 476, 022 43 940, 027 US, 383, 958 ‘53, $28, 331 12, 238, 866 6, 474, 964 5, 532; 884 3, 423’ 100 : 287, 660 157, 987 | - 6,418, 322 roy 2 898, 877 \ Sarg ' |). 336, 171, 390] . 201,579, 742 ~ “239, 598, 635| 151, 773, 455 8, 322, 015 3, 801, 276 88, 250, 740). 46, 005, O11 47 35,244,393] 15, 617, 856 9,531,041} 5, 507, 497 686, 935 112, 030 © 25, 026, 417 9, 998, 329 gh > taney ; ie Sas 2 Baa | ee 1, 619, 496 19, 188, 758] a , 798), "e Be 309, 584 ") 5,314) 785]. 2,133’ 760 45, 363, 913} a 745, 414 ) Buildings. 1920. $184, 728, 209) $115, 977, 517 1910 $49, 160, 118 37, 286, 834 1, 700,267 10,173, 017 14, 953, 109 4, 569, 448 23, 605, 459 23, 028, 142 4, 582) &33 "161, 045 18, 284, 264 21, 7%, 073 iz 523’ 657 py 705, 265 L 561, 151 2, 617, 851 1, 691, 061 99) 725 827, 065 148, 201, 713 ‘116, 318, 364 3, 983, 045 27, 900, 304 2,798, 042 1, 621, 284 89, 795 1, 081, 963 102; 158, 631 80, 589, 237 L 866, 298 19, 703, 096 6, 948, 173 2, 648, 739 117, 570 4 181, 864 56, 715, 368 42, 645, 998 1, 236, 179 12} 833 191 _ IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY. / 1920 | 1910 $34, 247; 634| $10,740, 390 25, 545, 485 By 168, 402 ©, 895, 090 460, 34 7, 807, 059 2, 111,640 13, $14, 753 3, 368, 463 3,926,144! 1, 100, 148 91, 695 28, 654 9,796,914} 2, 239 661 50, 461,755} 16, 388, 094 33, 880, 275} 11,426,928 2,170, 655 778, 371 14, 410,825} 4,182, 79 12, 881, 465 4, 559, 962 2,746,211) 1, 019, 383 75, 797 26, 201 10, 059, 457 3, 514, 378 12, 667, 143 3, 843, 476 10, 250, 440 3) 186, 884 i, 462, 460 ’ 356, 749 954, 243 299, 843 $84, 630 602, 531 485, 333 358, 043 50, 715 15, 406 348° 582 229, 082 AT, 378, 364) 20; 430,937 36, 637, 696 16, 020, 230 "117, 797 572, 888 10, 022; 871 3, 837, 819 976, 493 420, 909 529, 638 264, 060 24, 497 7, 737 422, 358 149, 112 : 49, 227, 039) 19, 470,933 37, 51S, 752| ~=165, 004, 222 506, 901 273, 330 li, 1, 386 4,193, 381 4, 235, 517 1, 821, 238 1, 546, 628 699, 907 28, 550 12, 369 2, 660, 339 1, 108, 962 28, 156, 938} 12,957,495 9, 819, 496 a Seb 397 325, 2 6, 986, 204 2, 812, 71 LIVE STOCK. 1920 1910 $54, 009, 280] $29,145, 828 35, 722,707| ’ 20, 167, 902 1 708, 219 965, 299 16, 583, 354 8, 012, 622 37, 508,875; 15, 985, 557 10, 052; 306 4) 128) 511 221, 206 62, 739 27, 235, 363]... 11, 794, 307 109, 975, 971.55, 958, 502 64, 859, 496| | 35, 238° 886 4) 468, 050 1, 630,417 40, 648, 425] © 19, 089, 199 45, 067,378] ~ 24, 435, 491 7, 623, 537 4119, 629 240, 056 106, 678 37, 203, 785| © 20209) 184 31, 302,054] 17, 698, 658 25, 748, 476)... 15, 457, 830 2 247, 548 615, 023 3; 306, 036 1, 625, 805 3, 998, 486 2, 892, 529 2 123, 159 1, 634, 732 68, 740 34) 148 1, 806, 587 1, 223" 649 154, 921, 496| 114, 667, 989 118, 097,598; 88, 958, 159 3,055, 698 2; 537, 276 33,768, 200) 23, 172) 554) 3, 465, 788 2, 818, 673 1, 933, 329 1, 490; 699 63, 712 ” 366, 986 1, 468, 747 960, 988 158, 755, 717} 100, 633, 652 115, 430, 184| "75, 083, 365 2, 136, 162 1, 215, 775 41, 189,371] 24° 334 512 14, 766, 418]. . 10, 072, 426 375, 427 3, 531, 663 ” 138, 632) 87, 994 _ 9, 252} 359 6, 452, 769 85,046,134! 45,475, 322 56, 461, 839] 31, 040, 213 1, 881, 144} 839, 268 26,703,151! 13, 595, 841 ~ CON Oore Powe 698 oe SS —0—0—0—9890$n OORT ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE. TARtE 40,—_VALUE OF ALL FARM PROPERTY AND OF THE SEVERAL CLASSES, 7 [Corresponding figures for all farmers, — LAND AND BUILDINGS. § ~ ALL FARM PROPERTY. DIVISION OR STATE AND Land alone. | Total. COLOR AND TENURE. 1920 1910 1920 1910. 1920 East SouTH CENTRAL—Con. ALABAMA—CON. Colored farmers: po ia: PDODEL cy siatenteaes $150, 892, 705 $97, 370, 748 $116, 904, 812 $73 918, 727\| «$92, 199, 677| Owners. gt Se. 37, 652, 256 29, 506, 427 29, 024, 680 17, 285, 502 22, 043, 463 Managers. ...2.2.-- 1 260, 380 514, 063 1 053, 905 414, 729\| 845, 287| Tenamdige ena 11, 980, 069 74, 350, 258 86, 826, 227 56, 218, 49 69, 310, 927) MISSISSIPPI. {: White farmers: Tétal: 4s eee ss 497, 529, 775 238, 753, 608 387, 295, 247| - 185, 637, 732 098, 108, 0351 Owners; oe. 348, 0384, 084 177, 017, 166 266, 770, 485 137, 356, 509 199, 183, 332\ Managers 38, 319, 306 14, 015, 117 32, 319, iia 1, 827, 047)| 28, 080, 119} TEenantsy: oo deus uses 111, 126, 385 47, 721, 325 88, 204, $90 36, 454, 176}) 70, 839, 584) Colored farmers 4 RE iy Aa wi ta 467, 222, 080 187, 561, 026 402, 691, 531 148, 524, 557|| 348, 734, 359] Okeriers 314 ee: 72, 038, 456 44, 417, 423 56, 751, 385 34, 317, 764 44, 997, 657| Managers... Joo. 050 - 9, 583, 018 iL 102, 150 2, 113, 110 975, 581}} 1, 711, 670 Devatitcie: accutane 392, 600, 606 142, 041) 453 43, 737, 036 113, 231, 212 297, 065, 032) West SoutH CENTRAL. c | ARKANSAS. eT White farmers: ae | Otalusak s224 712, 099, 762 312, 931, 573 570, 653, 057 240, 153, 704 453, 235, 261) Ownersisicdigr we: 459, 978, 971 212, 972, 643 361, 754, 359 161, 187, 795 278, 304, 146) Managers. .... on 27, 767, 282 11, 811, 473 24,139, 921 10, 201, 748 21, 403, 331) Manatees ine rene 224, 344, 509 88, 147, 457 184, 758, 777 68, 764, 161]! ~ 153, 527, 784) } Colored farmers: : 4 i bakit ” 219, 304, 721 87, 157, 730 182, 457, 609] __ 69, 018, 109)| 154, 538, 179) Owilersie. . pe eee. 56, 352, 848 27, 139, 889 45, 592, 538 20, 694, 215 37,190, 715 Managers. .....--.-- 1, 353,081 236, 557 1,187, 555 238, 915]) 1, 081, 720} Tenants. ee 154, 598, 792 59, 731, 284 135, 677, 516 48, 079, 979}! “116, 265, 744 LOUISIANA. White farmers: Total: 3ti mee Se ao) 457, 911, 706 244, 697, 247 366, 365, 525 192, 610, 792 295, 776, 756 OWMers . 2 eee 299, 440, 327 154, 901, 321 236, 354, 594 121, 341, 966 186, 494, 967| Managers 52, 336, 807 37, 990, 657 43, 057, 956 29, 298, 223 36, 647, a) Tenantsrvsabeseae ss 106, 134, 572 51, 805, 269 86, 952, 975 41, 970, 603 72, 633, 80! Colored farmers L si Fe ek 131, 914, 973 56, 523, 741 107, 673, 268 44, 933, 658}| 87, 841, 4 » By rn uleit ae tte BSepaeat 32, 323, 696 16, 494, 075 25, 472, 623 12, 779, 570)| + 20, 326, aol) Managers. . 2... | 991, 558 689, 427 853, 310 604, 071 MONANUSe scutes es on! 98, 599, 719 39, 340, 239 81, 347, 335) '° 31, 550; 017 66, 764, 191] OKLAHOMA. yu | Bi White farmers: ; i "Popaleraye. hee 1, 566, 708, 361 859, 349, 810|| 1, 286, 081, 414} © 691, 455, 431)| 1, 105, 078, 897] Owners 2. bee ” 870, 363, 408 478, 118, 900 702, 725, 632 385, 536, 954 592 ” O55, 865) Mana serge io. eos 31, 957, 102 11, 978, 671 25, 712, 475 8, 612, 109 22, 853, 464) Tenaniteed so au 664, 387, 851 369, 248, 239 557, 583, 307 297, 306, 368] 489, 269, 568 Colored farmers , Mio Dahan Sh eres 93, 715, 183 58, 858, 072 77, 783, 880 47, 221, 793}| 66, 380, 467) Ownerss 3. caaee 55, 434, 469 40, 590, 030 45, 310, 004 32, 325, 348|| — « 37, 539, 4 Managers. 2.22 22,-:. 1, 058, 783 183, 579 861, 765 136, 462 "749, Poeraveses see Er 37, 291, 931 18, 084, 463 va 612, 111. 14, 759, 983 28, 091, TEXAS. White farmers: ane Totald Hees 4, 183, 641, 832} 2, 105, 652, 301|| 3, 474,000,091) 1, 751, 619, 447 3, 050, 694, OWnense. = We oie 2, 319, 957, 720 1, 225), 501, 217 L 883, 769, 434| 1, 003, 327, 398} 1, 616, 414, 7 Manapers..'/......-. 261, 815, 759 183, 994, 124 ” 203) 697, 405 154, 999, 067 193, 817, 20 Panqrtene . « Pe ke leinedss Ae 601, 868, 353 696, 156, 960 1, 386, 533, 252 593, 292, 982 , Colored farmers: ‘ ea MRGLOLS.. dae Suet 263, 778, 489 112, 992, 863 226, 173, 228 91, 588, 948 194, 514, 2% g PENCE S bir ctor dt teta ds 84, 150, 269 39, 873, 225 68, 170, 518 30, 687, 272|| 55, 233, 24 Managers. ........-- 3, 377, 354 1, 256, 601 2; 827, 325 , 092, 2, 572, 27 IPOIIATIUS... oo eves 176, 250, 866 71, 863, 037 155, 175, 385, 59, 809, 126 198, em 31 N 4 myeryy . ; P : Hy COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS, So? CO co BY COLOR AND TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND! STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. py tenure, in Table 26.) “$24, 705, 135 20" 6, 981, 217 (8.7 208; 618 17,515,300 89, 187, 212 67, 582, 153 4, 239, 653 _17, 365, 406 = 58, 867,172 11, 793, 728 » 17-401, 440 46, 672, 004 133, 608, 805} 95, 468, 154|) 10, 015, 017} 28, 125, 634 117, 417, 796 83, 450, 213 2,736, 590 iP Sine 993 49, 859, 627 a us 319, 173 109, 769, 767 ase 478, 510; 2, 919, O11 218, 596). © 68,313, 739 * Tt 403, 413 11, 912 0 3; 520, 947 423, 305, 735 267, 354, 722 9, 880, 199 3 halo 070, 814} . 8i, 658, 935) + 12, 987, 276 255, 055 18, 466, 604 70, 588, 769) 6, 409, 969} 181, 002, 517| 7,770, 554| $14, 594, 048 3, 977, 996 160, 165 10, 455, 887 52, 028, 927 41, 888, 355 1, 812, 030 8, 328, 542 28, 131, 073 7,866,573 222, 975 20, 041, 525 52, 085, 109 39, 095, 589 1, 125, 749 © 14) 863, 771 --11, 060, 254 3,976, 788 31, 000 7, 052, 466 41, 010, 420 28, 383, 068 5, 609, 121 “0° 7, 018,231 8} 730, 753 | 2,777; 810 88, 025 0 Byi864, 918 83, 360, 513 52, 139, 142 30, 087,72 6, 250, 043 5 4,801, 747 18, 740 1,429, 556 197, 154, 394 +50, 608, 476 1 £098,734, 005 55 IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY.’ 1920) 1910 , $6, 209, 279| $3, 332, 509 1, 754, 450 936, 562 40, 180 15,757 4,414,649} 2,380, 190 26, 506,774| 11, 303, 017 20, 138, 930] 8, 876, 339 1, 757, 655 689, 673 4,610,189] 1,737, 005 13, 374, 482) 5, 602, 295) 3, 459, 5841 1,868, 756 130, 346 42, 415 9,784,552) 3, 691, 124 37,126,771} 14,075,041 25, 904,055} 10, 326, 004 1, 318, 398 553, O11 9, 904, 318] 3, 196, 026 6, 305,466] 2, 780, 157 2) 381,205} 1, 136, 883 51, 319 15, 450 3, 872, 942} 1; 636, 815 28, 003,936! 17, 292, 480 18, 685,419] 9, 751, 096 4,670,006] 5, 250, 609 4,648,511) 2; 290,775 4,711,074} 1,684, 573] 1, 879, 848 642, 054 33, 506 20, 679 3,297, 725| 1,021, 840 76, 712, 166| 25, 451, 097 48, 137,128] 15, 074, 889 850, 671 244. 629 27,724, 367| 10,131,579 8,918,381) 1,637, 769 2, 653, 865} 1, 160, 199 43, 357 3,172 474, 398 1, 221, 159 145, 842, 782 91, 539, 787 3, 699, 519 8, 478, 214 297 4, 688, 982 53, 516, 329 33, 321, 632 1, 576, 910 18, al, 783 iy 741, 438 LIVE STOCK. 1920 1910 $27,778,614! $20, 119,512} 2 6, 873, 126 4, 284, 363} 2 166, 295 83,577| 3 20, 739, 193 15,751, 572| 4 83, 727, 754 41, 812,859] 5 61, 174, 669 30, 784, 318]. 6 4, 241, 879 1, 498, 397| 7 18, 311, 206 9, 530, 144] 8 51, 246, 067 33, 434,174) 9 11, 827, 487 8, 230, 903} 10 339, 562 84,154] 11 39, 079, 018 25,119,117] 12 104, 310, 934 58,702, 828}. 13 72, 320, 557 41, 458, 844] 14 2, 208, 963 1, 056, 714} 15 29,681,414] 16, 187, 270] 16 23, 541, 646 15, 355,464) 17 8, 379, 105 5, 308, 791| 18 114, 207 22, 183] 19 15, 048, 334 10, 014, 490}, 20. 68, 542, 245 34,793, 975) 21 44, 400, 314 23, 808, 259] 22 4, 608, 845 14, 533, 086 19, 580, 631 5, 471, 230 104, 742 13, 954, 659 203, 914, 781 119, 500, 648 5, 333, 956 79, 080, 177 12, 012, 922 7, 470, 600 153, 661 4, 388, 661] 563, 798, 959 344, 648) 499 54, 418, 835, 164, 731, 625 29, 127, 047 12; 245, 746 494, 802) © 16, 336, 499 300, 516, 525 188, 852, 187 700 Ww Co bore i? oh Borman! ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-AGRICULTURE. TABLE 40.—VALUE OF ALL FARM PROPERTY AND OF THE SEVERAL CLASSES, DIVISION OR STATE AND COLOR AND TENURE. MOUNTAIN. MONTANA. White farmers: Total COWIE oc ck panes Managers... 2.'..2. TONGS ans tie eee Colored farmers: Total Owners? iat Managers: ..d55.4.2. POT GTES SO CCL: aire Sco i IDAHO. White farmers: apace te OWDGRS ba secre ne Managers. 2.2.2 425.2 TPO TSU. Cah ae Colored farmers: Managers. .d..1...-i}-+-.-4--- 2-02 TPOnantS... cae sions ast WYOMING. White farmers: "POUCA cate ts deees OmmMmers noc ue Manapers...2.25 3,035 POMATIIS 02 -ceaecceee Colored farmers: Total OWES? Aes cees west eeceoreeee ALL FARM PROPERTY. MOMACSTS EE post bles ct daus se. eet WenantS:. 2 aivicwsceee COLORADO. White farmers: Total OWES EPR ic cee Tevanits:. fas s58 § otal Owners’. \. : eagles NEW MEXICO. White farmers: Total Compre ee "TP OWMGS 5. 5oboee ee ; ; ! Votal.. ered Owners. 2b eee ee Managers bs s2.29 TOnATts. . eke ARIZONA. White farmers: Petal... i OSs 6 Owners 2s oo wecdisaweewrecocetloecse se emacssnce rio Gane see 1920 1910 $973, 337,451, $341, 516, 469 787,829,756] 269,979, 721 65,167/367| 85, 536, 731 1207340,328, 36,000,017 12, 623, 857 6,312, 301 11, 454; 860 6,064, 227 944’ 030 "102? 410 924° 967 _ 145) 664 710,441,620 302,553, 671 543,436,183, 246, 346, 662 36,990,860, 17,222,431 130,014,577 38,984,578 5,696, 290 2,763, 514 3,306, 603 2) 324, 909 2, 389, 687 438, 605 332,982,612) 166,889, 911 - 251,833,183] 122, 740,497 42' 280,712, 31,083,615 38,868,717, 13,065, 799 1,427,978 299,170 1,005, 176 282) 444 8, 859 422, 802 7, 867 1,068, 154,527} 487,204, 788 736, 704,709! 329,320,316 57, 288,605] 36,489,813 274' 161,213] 121,394, 659 8, 640, 222 4,267,018 1, 950, 692 2, 980, 840 251, 239 177431 6, 438, 291 1, 268, 747 " 320,212,374] 155,380,360 244,803,536] 115, 084, 108) 35,618,873, 27,376,669) ». 89/789,965] 12,919, 583 Ds 4,973,625 - 4,067,630 4) 189) 875 3/820, 902 15,312 112) 474 768, 438 134) 254 * 929,055,446] 69, 716, 204 ~ 142)1127010| 497 453, 207 _ 45,586, 810 8, 898, 273 41,356,626) 11, 364, 724 [Corresponding figures for all farmers, a LAND AND BUILDINGS. _ Total. 1920 1910 $767,439, 420] $247,484, 190|| 613,493;954| 192,553, 254 50,240/105| < 26, 236, 608 98,705,361; 28,694,328 "9,328, 109 4,141, 740 8) 5217157 3) 958, 605 999 195 56, 584, 827 126) 735 576,470,350] 242, 830,338 434,749,536] 194/970; 158 9971217176] 13,627,913) 112/599, 638] 34,241, 267)] 5,041, 614 2, 296, 487] 2’ 838) 600 1, 836, 387 2903, 014 390, 100 233,689,165] 97,707) 277 173,572,717, 71,082,554 30/491,658| 17,176, 459 29/6247 790| 9,448, 26 1,058, 960 208, 000 707,010 194,000 ah, eaters | 8” 000 351, 950 6,000 858, 500,595] 404,493; 616 586,046,043; 267,347,078 41916) 400] 29/330) 153 230,538, 152| 107,816, 385 7,513, 065 4,025, 245 1,611,065 2’ 862) 385 190; 200 13, 5,711, 800 1, 1497 360 219, 443,938| 109,587,338)| 166, 457,042] 78,938,055 20; 250, 622 29/442' 806] 10,398,661 9.370, 274 2,243, 661 19127 135 2) 044? 170) 12° 750 93, 150 445, 389 106) 341| Pa 168,903,633} 44,966,301 103, 841/200 31,1397 862 30,729; 829 5,764, 744 34,332,514) 8,061,695 Land alone. 1920 $683, 538, 978] 548, 887, 119] "45,694, 591) 88, 957, 268 8, 373, 287 7, 771, 250) 106, 725 495, 312 507, 180, 172 378, 080, 444 ee a) ‘COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS. 701 BY COLOR AND TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910—Continued. by taiiiite, in Pable 86. Land alone— Continued. “4910 $83, 900, 442 69, 606, 835 4) 545, 514 9, 748, 093 954; 822 749, 807 69, 290, 178 56, 669, 092 - 2} 904, 417 9, 716, 669 355, 917 217, 597 Wiese ees ee ee 23, 707, 993 18, 670, 616 2) 294 681 2; 812) 696 Fete ewe seen sese ~I lor) ial _e \ ee S82 REFS 164, 27,174, - 5,446, , 542, 88 LAND AND BUILDINGS—cdntintied. $24,627, 417 20, 082; 849 1, 846, 928 2 697, 640 227, 211 24, 942, 647 21, 415, 666 1 043, 770 2, 483, 211 169, 862 145, 587 45, 595, 691 32, 891) 846 “4 959, 531 9, 744, 314 100, 965 48) 990 100 51, 875 12, 819, 369 10, 873, 706 a 153, 645), 792, 018 205, 133 192, 833 IMPLEMENTS; AND MACHINERY. 1920 $54, 440, 646 46, 137, 279 2; 081, 654 6, 221, 713 563, 566 515; 260 856 4; 43, 450 38, 166, 519 49, 320, 664 35, 797, 105 "700, 907 1, 822) 652 483, 845 104, 065 10, 485 369, 295 9, 441, 798 . 8,643, 560 6, 123) 371 te 201; 106 ‘7, 319, 092 1910 $10, 389, 789 8, 306, 308 612, 947 970, 534 149, 864 193, 144 12; 600 4,720 10, 356, 318 8,921, 120 380, 068 1, 055, 130 119, 733 %7, 925 3,659, 359 7 933, 973 "446, 232 279, 154 8, 935 rf 985 ”300 650 12, 754, 837 9, 385, 017 741, 493 2, 628, 327 36, 764 16, 335 50 20, 379 4,004, 994 3, 499, 079 269, 442 236, 473 117, 318 1,681, 472 1, 331; 195 "149, 934 200, 343 LIVE STOCK. 1920 $151, 457, 388 123, 198, 523 12, 845, 608 15, 413, 254 2, 732, 182 2, 418, 443 17, 049 206, 690 95, 804, 751 77,222, 417 6, 650, 658 11,931,676 102, 149 87, 591, 246 68, 759, 462 10, 986, 238 7, 845, 546 293, 270 249, 638 meee tweet etn 160, 333, 268 114, 861, 561 13,671, 298 31, 800, 409 643, 312 235, 562 50, 554 357, 196 il, 570, 111}: 9, 193, 463 2, 299, 780 2; 029, 878 1, 00 268, 900 51, 508, 244 32° 147, 349 13, 655, 875 5, 705, 020 1910 $83, 642, 490) : 68,620, 159 8, 687, 176 6, 335, 155 2, 020, 697 1, 972, 478 34, 010 14, 209 49, 358, 015 42, 455, 384 3, 214, 450 3,688, 181 417, 294 390, ae 65, 523, 275 48,723, 970 13, 460, 924 3, 338, 381 69, 956, 335 52, 588, 221 6, 418, 167 10, 949, 947 205, 009 102) 120 3, 881 99, 008 41, 788, 028 32, 646, 974 6, 856, 605 2, 284, 449 1,706, 651 1, 667, 787 17, 538 21, 326 23, 068, 431 16, 982, 150 2, 983, 595 3, 102; 686 SOnrOoqu Poke 9 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 33 34 35 36 102 TABLE 40,—VALUE OF ALL FARM PROPERTY AND: OF THE SEVERAL CLASSES, - [Corresponding figures for all farmers, we OO ROR DIVISION OR STATE AND COLOR AND TENURE. MountTAIN—Continued. ARIZONA—continued. Colored farmers: Mamagers- 223). os5- 23 UTAH. Managers... 000002. Tenants....... yee Managers. . Tenants. . Java. ene. 28 NEVADA, White farmers: Total... COWHOTS .. deoseecg wae PM OMATLS.... eke awate j Total owes Jt. 2a OWES . . $8625.52 PACIFIC. WASHINGTON. W hice farmers: | Managers.: .:......: TeNnautS. aeaeeus sa. otal jee. ene. 43 Qwners.. Jeo dts. 83 Managers... 2t.- 5% TRUSTS). 2 eeens ca: OREGON. White farmers: OWH6Is =f). umteed s Managers.(.... 2 tebe * TPANANTS: «234 Geee eee Otal 1:4. eae ac Ovmners. is sr gen se Managers -'p 2. -ce; 2. VROUEILUS. 2 Lance aaa a. CALIFORNIA. White farmers: » Managers. . Sx. PELL. 1 at's araie's sone ABSTRACT OF THE! CENSUS—-AGRICULTURE, ALL FARM’ PROPERTY: $4, 537, 543 2, 825,076 111,024 1, 601, 443 307, 147,614 263, 638, 411 13, 611,379 29, 897, 824 4,127,114 4 460, 409 "954, 847 2, 411, 858 98, 935, 150 65, 586, 506 25,710, 405 7, 638, 239 5,848 121, 747 1, 042, 765, 610 711, 982,611 51,505, 430 279, 277, 569 14, 664, 238 4 469, 054 198, 217 9, 996, 967 812, 345, 801 584, 201, 729 43, 939, 850 184, 204, 222 6, 213, 950 3, 279, 822 ~ 196, 682 2, 737, 446 3, 260, 849, 029 2, 107, 992, 674 478, 298, 504 674, 557, 851 170; 172, 832 1910 1920 $5, 407, 766 $3, 421, 688 5, 101, 339 1 805, 558 55, 309 96, 251, 118 1,519, 230 149,315,534 ab, 375, 568 130,768, 381|| 205; 669,094) " 7,692, 661 9, 566, 800 10; 854; 492 25, 139,674 1,479, 667 3,376, 190] *795, 599 954, 745]. 250; 700 171,000 ‘433; 368 2, 250) 445 60, 001, 336 65, 620, 734 33, 236,579 °43, 362,690 21,725, 508 16,799, 949 5,039, 249||_ 5, 458, 095 398, 029 634, 480 369, 997 516,530}. 3,785 ANd 24) 247 112; 950 627, 864, 255|| 907, 801, 691 477, 570, 898|| 615, 279, 267 31, 477, 031 45, 559, 804 118) 816, 326|| 246, 962, 530 9,679, 156 12, 590, 650 4) 367, 436 3,720, 350 125,763 162, 850 5, 185, 957 8, 707, 450 522,338, 795|| 669, 826, 485 389, 312, 934|| 475,825, 872 33, 019, 124 36, 261, 485 100,006, 737|| 157, 739) 128 5,904,987]. 5,386,799 4145, 328, 2,600, 862 145, 740 183,275 “1, 613, 919 2, 503, 662 ‘1, 579, 533, 633)|- 2,913, 026, 253)” 977, 192; 054|| 1; 883, 607, 285 255, 460,653|| 434, 038, 626 346, 880, 926|| 595, 380, 342 "35,160, 951!| || 160, 784, 856)” 4) 885, 614|| "£7,817, 126 *)' -Y, 493, 166. '7, 993, 81 98" 789° 1711] © 135, 473, 92 LAND AND BUILDINGS. _ Total. > Land Blane. 1910 “10 $2,319, 009 Pie 214, 7) OD, 088, 79} . 226;310|| 207, 861, 024) 116, 398, 862 100, 928, 169]! 176, 513, 933] 6, 295, 737 8) 832, 1141 9, 174, 956 22) 514, "A ‘COLOR AND TENURE OF: FARMERS, BY COLOR AND TENURE, BY DIVISIONS:AND STATES: 1920 AND. 1910—Continued, by tenure, in Table 26.} Land alone— Continued. 1910 1, 286, 243, "779, 549, 191 214) 9447 429 291, 749, 611 aes LAND AND BUILDINGS—continued. Buildings. 1910 $133, 458 119} 192 8, 575 5, 691 17, 990, 888 16, 401, 395 456, 640 t, 132; 853 72, 280 49, 975 2; 000 20, 305 4, 294, 558 2,772, 713 1,119,273 402, 572 38, 182 36, 432 100 1, 650 54, 073, 994 45, 174, 448 % 852, 493 7, 047, 053 : 472, 465 260, 570 14,570 197, 325 43, 612, 977 35, 740, 785 108, 510 131, 480, 287 98, 654, 362 13, 170, 193 19, 655, 732 1, 925, 753 429" 920 170, 950 1, 331, 883 IMPLEMENTS AND i MACHINERY. LIVE STOCK. 1920 1910 1920 1910 $177, 098 $106, 318 $938, 757 $2, 982,439) 1 122, 699 97, 450 896, 819 2,947,140} 2 “9, 400 550} 4,724 18,809} 3 44’ 999 8,318 37, 214 16,490| 4 13, 363, 167| 4, 430, 517} ~—--53, 408, 879 28, 436, 155] 5 11,967,463} 3,966,714 46, 001, 854 25, 873,498] 6 344? 825 176, 622 3,699, 754 1, 220,302} 7 1,050, 879 287, 181 3, 707, 271 1, 3927 355] 8 151, 620 37, 661 599, 304 295,536] 9 67, 870 30, 236 437, 794 275, 778| 10 » SOOKE. 3 ties 78, 547 ”700| 11 78, 450 7, 425 82, 963 19, 058} 12 3,581, 492}('| 1, 551/566) 29, 732, 924 19, 113,906] 13 2) 751,317): 1,092,656|° 19, 472” 499 10, 660, 533| 14. +9) 494) 141 314, 242 8,416,315 ,506, 273] 15 336, 034 144, 668 1, 844; 110 947,100} 16 49, 435 24,530 160, 601 100, 024} 17 47, 305 23, 895 153, 086 97,977| 18 300} 75 548 210) 19 1, 830}: 560 6, 967 1, 837| 20 54, 020, 215}. 16,549,230] 80, 943, 704 48, 157,044) 21 39, 425,243). 13,058,275} 57, 278, 101 37, 656, 151| 22 2,005, 884 543, 966 3,939, 652 1, 639; 791| 23 12, 589,088} 2,946,989) 19,725,951 8, 861, 102| 24 701, 162 160, 614 1, 372, 426 708, 066) 25 223, 320 107, 426 525, 384 492, 042| 26 5, 150 1, 040 30, 217 3,523] 27 472} 692 52, 148 816, 825 212,501} 28 41, 289, 743}, 18,075,654} 101, 229,573 58, 854, 937) 29 31, 170,364; 10, 403, 833) 77, 205, 493 46, 627, 699, 30 1, 496, 719 505, 023 6, 181, 646 3,920,908) 31 8, 622, 660} .. 2,166,798} 17, 842, 434 8, 306, 330| 32 277, 382 129, 991 549, 769 606, 891} 33 121, 489 99, 604 458, 471 541,054) 34 6, 550 2,375 6, 857 10, 865] 35 149, 343 28, 012 84, 441 54,972) 36 130, 415,398} 35, 671, 259, 217, 407,378] 126, 138, 863] 37 ;244,735| 24, 484° 2451 131; 140, 654 74, 504, 256] 38 12,176,070| 4,466,339] 32, 083; 808 22’ 879’ 699| 39 24,994; 593| 6,720,675} 54, 182, 916 _ 28,754; 908] 40 5, 653, 892 821, 899 3, 734, 084 1, 461, 075| 41 741, 943 186, 240 1, 054, 805 455, 097| 42 332, 595 31, 600 106, 696 31, 766| 43 4, 579, 354 604; 059 2, 572, 583 974, 212] 44 704 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—AGRICULTURE. TABLE 41.—AVERAGE VALUE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS PER FARM, [Corresponding figures for all farmers, DN ————————————— DD FARMS OPERATED BY WHITE FARMERS. DIVISION AND STATE. Managers. | . Tenants. i910 | 1920. $10, 622 $39,703 | $25,471 | $12,607 en Cee Se ere oe OoEeE=De—=E=se=oEEeeeSS ae CU 1920 ——___—_— tie United States.......- $11, 601 cr ———SS GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England..,......-.- 5, 233 24, 015 15, 204 5, 975 Middle Atiantic......... 6, 085 26, 083 19, 698 8, 605 East North Central...... 11,176 31,124 18,309 | 19,658 |: West North Central..... 20, 541 41, 532 23, 842 | 25,360 South Atlantic. i: .ic..-.- 5,614 29,521} 15,810 | » 4,281 Kast South Central...... 4, 533 29, 096 14, 806 2,937 West South Central..... 7, 864 64, 395 45, 490 6, 247 Mountain scivds sek et 11,770 56, 838 45,878 | 15,537 PACH Gs ei cnttnlicinete et 16, 709 75, 122 55,599 | 24,424 Maine: 5.3. hey 000.8) 4,127 11,150 5, 385 3,912 New Hampshire. ..2.... 4,061 17,140 9,938 38,735 VerimGnaly walks. eect 5, 044 16, 997 12, 479 6, 741 Massachusetts.. 00.002... 6, 498 31, 423 19,747 | 6,351 |) Rhode Island .........-- 5, 545 22, 595°}. 20, 618 6, 086 Connecticut... Pie .22...- 7,291 29,757}. 20,868 | 7, 918 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: \ NOW YOR Koco duce cee 6,379 28,754 22,011 8,976 New Jersey .....-..----- 7,338 29, 764 26, 044 9, 226 Pennsylvania.........-. 22, 668 East NORTH CENTRAL: IO eT TL SeT oe 28, 615 17,479 | 13,280 Hidiangl.... 28h fyb 16,475 | 16,502 ERinoIs Ss... | We ee 27,238 | 31,143 Michigan... .. UL 2b.i- 11,749 9, 523 “§ WRRCONSIN oie dues pee 16, 999 VES Yat W rate CENTRAL: eke 28 009 ingesota... . 079,068.” , Lowa... ne 23,341 | 38,906 Missouri: ¢.. . 8,8 20,168 | 11,959 Nebtaska be 30,354 | 29,690 Kansadceiiicte he nee 24,456 | 16,878 SoutH ATLANTIC: eee “ti see teehee a a hs ra atyland.. . .. jf gots i= F District of Colimbia 230,917 | 119,059 irginia...... lovwes of 18 5,579 eer ee enews Georgia... ds, Ae. 13, 037 3,316 Ploridas. .. eee 13, 352 2, 820 EAst SoutH CENTRAL: Kentuckyicit oe. 17, 271 3, 821 Tennessee.” 3 eae SE 13, 146 3, 401 Atahamarecesd 20 aa) s 11,029 1, 892 Misstssifypi: . 2) oe" soe 16, 449 2,102 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL: WAT earnetauig | ee ako 14, 228 2,961 TIOCUGIATIO.... * ©OLOR AND TENURE OF FARMERS, © 705: BY COLOR'AND TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. py tenure, in Table 27.) — FARMS OPERATED BY COLORED FARMERS. DIVISION AND STATE. ~ Total. ; Owners. Managers. Tenants. - Or | Oser | art 1920 | 1910 1920 | 1910 1920 1910 1920 | 1910 83, “unitsi States. _172..| $2,663 | $1,126 || $2,782 | $1,437 | $16,142 | $10,567 | $2,583 | $993 Grograratc DIVISIONS: Pe ee er Bess i Te unCMR Ay Ric MP att Rae OR VINE CORRE CARED) oe New England........... 4,263 | °'2:531 3,095 | 1,979 | 18,161 8,863 | 6,964] 3,098 | Middle Atlantic......... 5,280 | 3,390 || 3,263 | 2,138 | 20,033 | 13,954 | 6,687) 5,515 - East North Central...... 5,493 | 3,407 ||’ 4,038-|. 2,696 | 20,818] 14,752] 8,065} 4,524 West North Central. 8,199 | 4,681 7,817 | 4,675 | 213929} 20,201 | 8,560 | 4,210 South Atlantic..22.:)... 2,573 | 1,033 ||° 2,835 | 1,035 | 11, 652 7,955 | 2,630 | 1,013 - Bast South Central... ... 2° 103 860 ||’ * 2295)| 1,208 | ‘11/433 | 10,330] 2,045 774 ay West South’ Central. OF 2,562 | ‘1,209 ||° 3,108 | 1,670 | | 14,113 8,970 |’ 2,347 | 1,021 \Mountain............... 6,011 | 2,06 4°395 | © 1784 | 257851 | 20,932 | 12,457 | 7,352 SO a eae 21,473 | 9? 701 ||'11,207'| 5440 | | 507241 | 20,784 | 24/282 | 12,787 _ | | | | Ef | New ENGLAND: i, SMeine! 0 46.) ot Ae 4,185 He: | 218 eee S00? Fass se ee 1,483 | New Hampshire. 220... 1,517] 1,000} 10,000} 10,000] 1,200 | 20,400 eer Vermont. ie. . bys)... 4,149 2, 068 2, 967 1,700 | © 5,175 2,750 _. Massachusetits........:.- 2,536 | 2,228 11,714 9,075 | 2,921 2, 054 Mieettiods Ilaria see id. 1,779 1, 598 ta Le ace etor tate 1,520 1,521 . pees 4,288 | 2,056 21,500 9,958 | 10,767 3, 159 DLE ATLANTIC: lew YOrk.) ...\.52.1%3.. : ; : ‘ | New York 3, 503 2,079 18,678 11, 289 7, 604 6, 261 V New Jersey’... 205023.. 2,666 | ‘1,801 | 12,875 | 15,413] 4,923 | 4,383 tPennsylva ba j-w. os Bast NORTH CENTRAL: (RAGHRIO. G2 JKT. | SHO8 3,963 | 2,258 | 20,482] 10,917} 8,000 | 4,472 Miiudianiads cl... bits... 5,900 | 3,829| 18,867] 14,755] 8,567 | - 4,326 dlinois SIR Leas. 4761 | 3,138| 27,178 | 28,296] 9,420] 4,863 Michigant 2.23000... 3,466 | 2,272 | 18,387| 5,222| 5,514) 4,169 Mew ironaihil 1c 3,112 | © 2,743 | § 22)167)- 2,075 | 3,173 |’ 2,918 West NortH CENTRAL: Se a es Ps Novth Dakota... o>. ae South Dakota...0..0.... 10,803 | 6,512 9,794 | 18,153 | 10,962 | 5,046 Y Nebraska 111. ..28.5 + ee 13,878 | 5,123 | 25,000} 128,000} 22,450) 7,605 Meakiansas)< J:)...|. £0.09... 7,427 | 4,577 | 16, 111 |. 16, 110 10,302 | 5,045 30UTH ATLANTIC: | ee slleh witness te etlee ee 1,919 | 1,349] 11, 050 9,113-| - 4,088 | 25577 Oi... GL AI. : ; 2,244 994 | 15,475 | 13,478} 4,526 | °2,215 4.478 | . 6,050 | 105,700 8,000 | 8,730 | 11,000 1, 845 871} 11/843 7,393 | 2,498 | 1,008 ; 2°374| 1,323 | 27,963 5,099 | 5,888 | 2,115 A848 | | 009 2633 | 1,064 | 10,725 7,527 | 3,150 pot . ‘ 3) 1,008 j r ES: FS ) a es ue Boa. 600 (3 OUTH CENTRAL: q mtiucky 7 ...). £0. es 1, 302 wee ee we we wee ew! wm eee ee eee Bw wwe we ee ee ee wwe et mem ween were eee ere ee OP Se a oe ee $ : 706 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-AGRICULTURE. — ? TABLE 42.—AVERAGE VALUE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS PER ACRE, [Corresponding figures for all farmers, DIVISION AND STATE. United States..-....... GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England............. East North Central........ West North Central.....-. Vermonts: <<. .d Gaels... ak New York ee ee a ee es Michigan .. =. ince p. .2-b Wisconsin Ce ee South Carolina Georgia EAST SOUTH CENTRAL: Kentucky Tennessee - Alabama a de ed a i ee es : Arizonaic ©)... 1.c80.8.. 01, Pian tee ¢i 2 Pnapcnage x FARMS OPERATED BY WHITE FARMERS. —S | | | | S| | | | Total. 1920 1910 $70.02 | $40.57 54.00 36; 43 73.97 56.55 126. 97 75.30 95. 56 50, 20 52.97 24.61 45.19 21.48 35. 07 18. 22 26.91 22.18 81.01 47,91 37.61 25235 34.57 26.43 37.58 24.14 99. 33 67.52 79.69 | ~ 63.10 100. 29 63.29 69.08 53,81 109.99 84. 43 75. 07 55. 97 113: 27 | 2.68.68 126. 00 74, 85 187.7 108. 43 aDdoe 47.60 98. 84 57.09 109. 28 45.63 227-11 96. 01 88. 09 49.60 41.22 29. 03 72. 68 40.16 87.90 46.98 62.33 40.05 69.55 §2.12 82.82 49. 26 993.32 |1,364. 27 56.66 28. 21 42. 87 26.35 51. 06 20.12 65.00 24. 44. 44. 40 17.64 48.79 23.69 59. 90 28.53 51.96 23.78 28. 02 13.70 31.28 15.34 38.47 16. 27 46.75 23.16 42.53 26.01 31.71 16.20 22.30 18:67 69. 22 46. 48 19. 83 11.45 35:22 30.13 9. 01 9. 88 29.42 39. 25 48. 08 34.49 27.98 | 14.153 69. 07 48: 50 49. 83 39.27 100. 99 51.24 Owners. Managers.. , 1920 1910 1920 1910 $63.24 | $38.00 | $49. $27. 03. 49, 84 33.93 | 117.66 75. 08 68. 51 52.67 | . 183.10 | 103.85 111. 80 68.09 | 146. 81 84, 20 86: 71 46. 56 73.33 39. 81 50. 32 23.43 61.33 37.22 42.56 20. 25 62. 50 29. 48 31, 80 16.91 18.12 10.38 25. 90 | 23°08 |. 17.96 12. 07 82. 20 49.77 75.45 36. 25 ~ 86.95 | <°24.97 | »60.11 34, 26 82. 89 26.00 | 60.64 32.24 35. 99 23.21 64.11 87.94 $0.10 61.56 | 163.22 | 111.02 72,16 57.04 | 155.19 |. 116.46 92. 82 58.33 | 170.93 | 144.86 64.11 50.46 | 134.72 | 106.15 111.98 85.24 | 139.44 |. 119.52 68. 88 51.44 | 129.49 95. 40 104, 93 65,43 | 155.56 94. 97 O10 17 71.25 | (138.67 78.10 165. 68 99.39 | °227/71 | 116.58 72. 69 ‘ 85. 23 50.77 . 96. 45 54.89 | 104.52 69. 32 104, 36 44.55 | )113.37 50..56 222: 25 |; 96,11 | "221624 91. 69 84. 68 47.90 | 112.34 63. 52 38. 89 28. 03 43. 28 35. 43 63: 52 37. 82 43.93 22..00 |. 77.98 40. 22 44.36 | 27.38. 60, 38 38.47 | 945.23 25.63. 68. 27 57.48 | » 152.90 86. 87 80. 86 46.31 | -185.62 |. 120.13 981.53 | 941.12 |1, 208.05 |2, 226. 48 55. 66 28.11 76. 20 41.29 |. 41.07 25.40 64238 32..06 47. 26 19.54 60. 22 24. 23°) 62.25 ; . 23.53 45.25 20. 41 40. 20 16. 23 51.37 22. 48 51:17 21.62 45. 47 57..89 55. 86 26.60 | 102.30 52.93 49, 89 22.74 78.87 32.11 25. 92 12.66.| 33.19 18.76 28:06 | . 14.47 59.52 21.52 33. 60 14.41 71.35 31. 67 42.91 20. 46 48.62 30.35 | 40. 29 26.78 28.59 | .. 20.39 28.35 14.90 14.30 8.68 |. 21. 82 18.60 17.60 |. . 18.39 64, 29 44.39 | °°75.50 50. 43 18.58 13.82 | » 20.80 6.00 31.55 26. 61 26:31 | .. 25.78 9. 35 11.40 6.09 |... 6.35 27.58 40. 07 22.11 21.91 50. 82 35.15 16.21 20.12 30.79 | © 20.95 21.09 |... 9.12 66. 95 47.26 84.38 55. 42 |. 47. 93 37.63 43.35 87.45 110.35 58. 42 34. 57 SN SSFSESRS BS ye sypeenbae poe: He 2 BSS LALSLBaS SEs t. SS BBE RSS & REISS 5 BRS BSSRSELSe FN ; 5 . 7 -) COLOR AND TENURE) OF (FARMERS) | "OF BY COLOR AND TENURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: / 1920 ARD. 1910. a ee FARMS OPERATED BY COLORED FARMERS. . ore} HER} 18 O82 | re | en p20) ris | __* DIVISION AND STATE. . Owners. Managers. : "uniter states.........| 29 | 922.23 ||. $38.84 meat 240 i bef GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: —— New England. sof. oir. "63. 09 fF 59: 61 46.93 59.15 81. 20 Middle Atlantic. oo. s-.ee.| 8 “fa 69.34) |); 64,384, A2,72 | 183.30] 142.02 East North Central... .... ' 57. 42 71. 98 49.37 | 155.90 95. 02 West North Ape sees ~37; ~—~-21..07 30525-17245 79.53 52. 05 _, South Atlantic... ... ~---|9 od4 20 } »20.80 |}, 43.44 | 18.70] 176,39} . 39.40, East South Central... ..... ~~ 53.33 | 20.57 | "32.40 | 15.63 | 54.76] 33.69 West South, Central. » Df 622. 29 | 39. 90°F = 17,53 42.15 1°16. 18 OUD EAS SL. » 83) 21,14 | 222.24 | 18.65 |) 20076 |. 28. 81 Jiesd 7 a cles (oe SL it . 80. 90 . 83. 09 30:20 | 300. 41 168. 50 “ENGLAND _Maine. ..... aie: Seer i f 28. 76 57.08 4.010 0.8 ol Se toes 24.32 New Hampshire.......... .¢ 67. 67 16. 24 21.39 30.77 |5,000. 00 " Pb ccc tn A eS ID 22 09-|} ' 28233"! 20. 75 21. 50 17.35 eee Massachusetts.......... in 87 | 66.12 71. 82 63..06 67.71 | 184. 44 menode Island..-.......... : 38. 59 39. 03 41.95 poy Pre has ait Sipe ey |nnectieute..... 8.9. <2. 84 v8 024. 75 55.50 65.65 71: 69 IDDLE ATLANTIC: — : soe em Now York !&......4 te ge Se ; E “43.31 49.71 | © 34:96 126. 37 112. 97 ” New Jersey.......: ie ; 76. 02 84.39 | © 70:14 | 130/18 | 185.70 Pennsylvania. ..... Roba es Se : 40. 71 61. 05 40. 69 109. 92 27.39 ST NORTH CENTRAL: UT) i 29. 80 38. 67 26. 47 166. 67 29. 36 ND ra ks oye 5 77. 88 132. 98 78.90 | 204.00 84. 84 K Dee eee ais oe cos el 52. 29 75. 46 42.90; 115.41 110. 66 _ North Dakotas .2 dir2.20:. 5 15. 94 18. 37 15.91 28. 75 18.75 memouth Dakota............. ; 12. 64 19. 67 12.52 15. 06 15. 18 SemGpraskas: fovgvorse.. 2... < 33. 74 95. 64 28.11 52.21 80. 00 aN AS ee i 40. 61 50. 05 37.19 110. 98 Bee-B hx [4 H ATLANTIC | RTS Ce ; 34.78 54. 45 40. 22 111. 01 60. 88 : Tegal a : 28. 65 66. 77 32. 16 105, 82 87.76 District of Columbia... _. B 941.05 |]1,612.00 | 834.48 1,112.63 |2, 000. 00 : > TA SG ee 41.55 20. 31 74. 55 44, 38 Mepetey reins. ..........-- 50. 21 28. 44 147.17 54. 50 ‘ North RUTOUIIA oe 50. 62 19. 05 80. 02 29. 33 p th. oronas Sey 52. 20 20. 14 59. 60 23.10 102 ee 34.15 15.22 60. 51 27.51 wel ee 25.31 14. 80 94. 60 74. 08 SouTH CENTRAL i ee 68. 26 28. 02 145. 37 87. 41 1 de = 9 47. 22 20. 62 86. 47 45. 50 a eee 21.78 11. 79 Badhe 6 f 2 Beene eee etree SxS 31.09 15. 41 ba. 11 26. 45 T SOUTH CENTRAL: _ SEA 43. 73 17.19 89. 89 39. 21 ) eee 34. 07 15.31 58. 99 28. 80 OE Ete eh oie ea 44.01 20. 21 34. 94 21.68 _. (2 ee 37. 76 16. 44 33. 82 11.54 Ne kis ta Ss 14. 05 13. 80 48, 34 16. 89 NE 78, 32 Bos CON aneerons aladectiners RRA. ci cidw c's 2 38. 98 BBROS s| sc btenass os le LOGS 00 ORES 34, 48 33. 00 79.58 5. 00 } - ee 31. 95 11. 75 490. 38 16. 84 EG ess OS'S oiaicie $3.02 21.05 85. 75 21. 46 - » 3 60. 35 29. 01 6.73 | 100.00 oe eee 46. 56 35. 23 62. 50 21. 88 mamingcon.............. 53. 44 45.46 | 135.93 | 232.63 DEM SSA ee peatincc< sc « 30, 21 17. 06 134. 07 53. 69 y ON a eee 136.67 | 45.60] 317.25 | 204.20 & | { ait, fp i iad } . . ~ 708 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS>AGRICULTURE. TABLE 43.—NUMBER OF FARM OPERATORS IN THE UNITED STATES, WITH PER CENT | DISTRIBUTION, BY COLOR, NATIVITY, AND TENURE: 1920 AND 1910. —. ti TOTAL. OWNERS. MANAGERS. TENANTS. COLOR AND NATIVITY. j pe I RL LE Se Te ee 1920 | 1910 1920 1910 1920 | 1910 | 1920 1910 | | i | | | 6, 248, 343| 6,361, 502|| 3,925,090] 3,948,722) 68,449] 58,104) 2,454,804) 2,354,676 440, 619|| 3, 691, 868] 3,707,.501| 66,223] 56, 560| 1,740, 363) 1, 676, 558 White farm operators. ...| 5, 498, 454) 5, Native ti. 2.25 2ee)-. 2. 4,917, 386| 4,771, 063|| 3, 227, 521) 3, 162,584) 59,035) 50,087) 1, 630, 830) 1, 558 392 Foreign born.....-. ...| 581,068} 669,556)| 464,347) . 544,917) 7,188 Colored farm operators. se is Sere CAD les ee ee ee DU Abe te BE SS : ne puss a ¥. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION BY COLOR AND NATIVITY. ~ . All farm operators..|, 100.0 100.0; 100.0) 100.0| 100.0 100.0 All farm operators. 100. 0 100.0 . White farm operators... -. 85.3 85. 5 94.1 93.9 96.7|" 97.3 70.9 71.2 WEBIWC Te sac tenie 6 See oe 76.3 75.0 82.2 80.1 86.2 86.2 66. 4 66. 2 Foreign born. ....-..-- 9.0 10.5 11.8 meee oo: 10.5 1T 4.5 5.0 Colored farm operators... 14.7 14.5 5.9 6.1 ad 2.7 29.1 28.8 PER CENT DISTRIBUTION BY TENURE. All farm operators. 100.0 100. 0 60.9 62. 1 1.1 0.9 38.1 37.0 — | -—————_——_ =e eee eS ESS _ White farm operators. .-. 100.0 100. 0 67.1 68. 1 1.2 1.0 SL 30.8 Native L096 63.2..22.08 Fe 100.0 100. 0 65. 6 66.3) Yo... 1.2 1.0 33.2 32.7 Foreign born... .....--- 100.0 100. 0} 79.9 81.4 1.2 1.0 18.9 mee) Colored farm operators ..| 100.0 100.0) 24.6) 2,203 0-8). lhe 752)" 73.6 1 Includes farmers with country of birth not reported, as follows: For 1920, 99,540; for 1910, 7,807. v5 oP ye ; i. 2 1 A pares 4 nai . noah 2 | se es x M3 ana 4 a A | RAGE AND NATIVITY OF FARMERS, 709 4 : TaBLe 44.—ACREAGE AND VALUE OF FARMS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY COLOR, NATIVITY, AND TENURE OF FARMER: 1920. All land in farms| Tmprovedland | V@lue of farms COLOR, NATIVITY, AND TENURE. ii : (land and = . (acres). in farms (acres). buildings). = OE TOA 1 8p SAR aR 955, 883, '715 503, 073, 007 $66 , 316, 002, 602 mi PROMWIOrS UL BP. . Jae 8¢ . SST ETL Z. 18 636, 775,015 314, 107, 483 » 389, 864, 222, 907 Manapersestrs Sette. 2603.08 es 54, 129, 157 13, 210, 999 2, 665, 216, 465 Be ONAD TSS. HL. HS SOS ac 264, 979, 543 175, 754, 525 23; 786, 563, 230 spehite farmoperators; totals. 2 SSr a a8 910, 939, 194 473,774, 566 63, 786, 058, 855% COMER «SEES LPN 5 ISO DIS wns 620, 070, 823 306, 029, 220 39, 215, 462, 823 | a Merrmeers oe. RES. gt 53, 653, 478 12, 009; 436 2 629) 284, 676 @: MOINS Ht ran 2 Ponte = os fis -- ro -e0 237, 214, 893 154, 735, 910 217.941) 311, 356 wi ‘ Native white farm operators........-..-...- 799, 767, 149 411, 266, 350 54, 800, 517, 317 so aT ag spe hal a a ES ae Sica ee 534, 507, 308 259, 480, 553 32) 954, 157, 743 a eT es Le i a cea 48) 956, 294 11, 674, 897 2; 283° 109, 796 iz TT Scnly walacpi eaigialt atid Memes 216, 303, 547 140, 110, 900 19, 563, 249, 778. | Foreign-born white farm operators.......... 111, 172, 045 62, 508, 216 8, 985, 541, 538 Ra Se wow I'm ia Silo a a ale « 85, 563, 515 46, 548, 667 6, 261, 305, 080 Manevers.;. hire! havorquil. new) nd-b 4) 697, 184 1, 334, 539 316, 174, 880 THOR RES a wet) RIEL OF... etd 20, 911, 346 14, 625, 010 2, 378, 061) 578 if “Colored ORO Us iat aR ade i RISRD eames 44,944, 521 29, 298, 441 2, 529, 948, 747 Re WO VEROTS 8 3 05 be EG + -.--) aye. ped de 16, 704, 192 8,078, 263 648, 760, 084 REET el tae ctch daw we cn men 6 bie viene sine = 475, 679 201, 563 35, 931, 789 MA UR MUIO TIES... S iolai obs SSK - 2 -~ --' dale 3g o> 27; 764, 650 21, 018, 615 18 845, 251, 874 at de! PER CENT DISTRIBUTION. a a >. All farm operators...........-2...2-..- 100.0 100.0 100.0 fey Nite farm operators. ........ lnc. eet eect se wees tie 4 95. 3 94.2. 96. 2 ee ee ae See ae 83. 7 81.8 82.6 INE rer 11.6 12.4 1335 Molored. farm operators... .... 22.25%.) - + is. ciee 4.7 5.8 3.8 AVERAGE PER FARM mit aarm operators... 22:25... .-.0e0.00. 148.2 78.0 $10, 284 Seve rari Operators..." 4... ..-+-- 2-2... 2 eens 165.7 86. 2 11, 601 LD SO Ga eae es 162. 6 83. 6 11, 144 EIEN Pn ee ears nds wit Re eee = 8 ape dite mn 191.3 107.6 15, 464 Colored farm operators-:..:.....-......-...---- 47.3 30. 8 2, 663 eet, Bikes 710 ABSTRAOT..OF THE, CENSUS—AGRICULTURE. el ae eae es TABLE 45.—NUMBER OF FARM OPERATORS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY RACE, A D TENURE: 1920 AND. 1910.) 9). . eq ROTA Lorre a} » (OWNERS. RACE. ~1920 1910 1920 1920 1910 All farm operators.| 6,448, 343 6, 361,502|| 3,925, 090| 3,948, 7221 Pa i La RaE A aT baker White farm operators. . ..| 5, 498, 454| 5, 440, 619 8, 691, 868] 3, 707, 501 » Colored farm operators..1} '949, 889] 920, 883}| '\) 233,222). . 241, 221 Negroes... ..-. Bas es SS 0 925, 708 893, 370} 218, 612 218) 972). PUCIANS Ss OE 16, 680 24, 251 Japanese... ..... 010 .¢ we 6, 892) |. '2,'502): 717) . "204 : 609 760 72 63 ‘ 4 wy > g Chinese .....-. ap han , TABLE 46.—ACREAGE AND VALUE OF FARMS IN THE UNITED STATES; BY RACE ESEMER: 1920. ; Jan land.in farms}. Improved land - (acres). in farms (acres).. 955, 883,715 |---- 503, 073, 007 44, 944, 521 29, 298, 441 27, 928) 900 ” 895, 898. Japanese 422, 768 Chinese 5 RACE AND NATIVITY OF FARMERS. 741 TaBLE 47.—NUMBER OF FARM OPERATORS, BY COLOR AND NATIVITY, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920 AND 1910. % i NATIVE WHITE FOREIGN-BORN T= BL REE PARM WHITE Farm | COLORED FARM Som OPERATORS. OPERATORS.! OPERATORS OPERATORS. im DIVISION AND STATE. P 5 be : 1920 19106 .1920 1910 1920 1910 1920 1910 ees ter cet TIMLLTNEST” Ika ALE, | RceELCEURG (Thera ce ELA teva Aaaeabied Uae - United States ...) 6,448,343 | 6,361, 502 |/4,917, 386 |4,'771, 063 | 581,068 | 669,556 | 949, 889 | 920, 883 © Grograrme prv1stons: "> New England...... 156,564 | 188,802 |} 128,028} 161,009 | 28,265 | 27,451 271 342 » “Middle Atlantic../.| 425,147 | 468,379 || 376,701 | 419,342 | 46,910 | 47,076 | 1,536 | --1, 961 *. Bast North Central| 1,084,744 | 1,123,489 || 935,492 | 9297619 | 144,775 | 1887153 | 42477 | 5)727 ) West North Central.| 1,096,951 | 1, 109, 948 |) 883,809 | $30,642 | 206, 223 | 269,442 | 6,919 | 9, 86 © © South Atlantic....-| 1) 158,976 | 1,111,881 || 767,771 | 748,878 | 7,373 | 7,141 | 383; 832 | 355, 862 »~ East South Central-| 1) 051,600 | 1,042, 480 || 740, 362 | 712,443 | 3,506 | 4,819 | 307,232 | 325, 218 rat _ West South Central. ” 998) 088 943; 186 || 724,301 692, 624 | 39,937 | 41, 501 | 231, 850 | 209, 061 g & ew Mountain... Po: 9A4’ 109 183, 446 197, 678 143, 991 | 40,984 |} 31, 427 “5, 447 8, 028 ni TACINCso.. ase 234, 164 189, 891 162, 744 132, 515 | 63,095 | 52, 546 8, 325 4, 830 "New ENGLAND: me Maine. 2..,625.05,. 48,297 | 60,016 || " 43,830] 55,014 | 4,384 | 4,978 13 29 * New Hampshire....|' | 20,523 97,053 || 17,890 | 24,347] 23619 | 2) 691 14 15 >) Vermont....0...... 29,075 32, 709 25,280 | 28,968 | 3,767 | - 3,721 28 20 te _ Massachusetts: ..... 32,001 36,917 || 22,950} 28,431 | 8,930] 8 362 421 124 ~~ Rhode Island....... 4,083 5, 292 3, 123 4,408 940 843 20 41 03 Connecticut... ..... 22, 655 26, 815 14,955 |. 19,841 | 7,625] 6,861 75 113 -MippLe ATLANTIC: PG New York.; 2)... 193,195 | 215,597 || 166,869 | 187,629 | 25,776 | 27,029 550 939 © New Jersey. :.....-- -29)-702 33, 487 22,555 |° 26,796 | 6,612 | 6,215 535 476 __, Pennsylvania......- 202, 250 | 219,295 || 187,277 | 204,917 | 14,522 | 13, 832 451 546 East NortH CENTRAL: a Se 256,695 | 272,045 || 241,075 | 252,645 | 14,004 | 17,450] 1,616 | 1,950 )* “Indiana.....--.2.-.-| 205,126 | 215,485 || 193,156 | 204,951 | 6,398] 9,729 572 805 me “This... 937,181 | 251,872 || 214,177 | 217,053 | 22,111 | - 33,394 893°| 1, 425 > Michigan. .| 2.0" s° 2) 196,447 | 206,960 || 147,450} 147,790 | 48,264 | 58, 224 733 946 ey & OW ISCORSIN 4) wisce 4. - 189, 295 177, 127 134,634 | 107,180 | 53,998 | 69,356 663 591 ” West Nora CENTRAL: ® *'Minnesota......:.-. 178,478 | 156;137 || 110,966 |. 74,710 | 67,305 | 81,134 207 293 BP “Towa... 00000! 213,439 | 217,044 || 181,109 | 167,856 | 32,221 | 48, 987 109 201 \'Missonri...2.-.':\.. 263,004 | 277,244 || 251,835 | 259,111 | 8,343 | 14,467] 2,826] 3,666 North Dakota...... 77, 690 74/360 || 40,899 | 35,750 |' 36,248 | 37, 867 543 743 © South Dakota-.:...| 74,637 77,644 || 52,'700 |. 49,360 | 20,325 | 25,476 | 1,612! 2,808 ©. Nebraska....-..::.. 124/417 | 129,678 || 99,441 | 93,508} 24,592 | 35; 707 384 462 Bea ASAT o22\0c0, =~ -- 165,286 | 177,841 |] 146,859 |, 150,346 | 17,189} 25,804] 1,238°} 1, 691 SouTH ATLANTIC: .s eee mare. CR) Booka, Mapa 10, 140 10, 836 8, 905 9, 504 | 363 410 872 922 Maryland........... 47, 908 48,923 || 40,130 |. 40,669 | 1,569 | 1,882] 6,209] 6,372 a a of Columbia... “ 204 217 153 168 31 37 20 12 + Virginia..-..-... ..-| 186,242) 184,018 || 136,'874 |’ 134,155 | -1,582 | -1,749| 47,786 | 48, 114 =. Went Virginia sv doee 87, 289 96, 685 86,033 | 95, 138 752 839 504 708 Zz, North Carolina.:... 269,763 | 253,725 || 193,081 | 187,657 392 412 | 76,290 | 65, 656 _ South Carolina... .. 192, 693 176, 434 83, 542 79, 424 141 212 | 109,010 | 96,798 ik Georgia.........:.-. 310,732 | 291,027 || 180,217 | 168,083 328 385 | 130,187 | 122, 559 Florida. .........-- 54, 005 50,016 || . 38,836 |... 34,080 | 2,215] 1,215 | 12,954 | 14,721 Bs SoUuTH CENTRAL: Kentucky ........-- 270,626 | 259,185 || 255,886 | 245,499 | 1,112] 1,956] 12,628] 11,730 i Be rennesee. } nef. - 252, 774 246, 012 213) 832 206, 821 760 883 38, 182 | 38, 308 Alabaina./.:.<-25.... 256, 099 262, 901 159, 865 151, 214 1,031 1, 244 95, 203 | 110, 443 h Mississippi....-....- 272, 101 |} 274,382 110, 279 108, 909 603 736 161, 219 164, 737 WEstT SouTH CENTRAL: ie eAreansas. .).-.05.-- 232, 604 214, 678 158,273 | 148, 627 2, 049 2,458 | - 72,282 | 63, 593 ia ouisiana.........-. 135, 463.| 120,546 || 71,081 | 63,236 | 2,323 2431 |- 62,059 | 54,879 E- klahoma.........- 191, 988 190, 192 167, 472 161, 773 5, 791 7, 748 |° 18,725 | 20, 671 é MARS. ool enas nes 436, 033 417, 770 327, 475 318, $88 29) 774 | 28,864 | 78,784] 69, 918 MOUNTAIN: . ~ Montana........-... 57, 677 26,214 || 41,051] 18,165 | 15,563 | ~6,853}° 1,063 | 1,196 om ieee SAE nh eae 42,106 30, 807 35, 284 24’ 694 6, 314 5, 708 508 405 om Wyoming......:... 15, 748 10,987 || 13,306 9019 | 2973 | 1,903 169 65 Bt OGIOTALOs ss4.n+ espe - 59, 934 46,170 49, 846 37, 198 9) 535 8, 398 553 574 Of ' New Mexico........ 29, 844 35,676 || 26,593 | 32,088} 1,376 | 1,440|-- 1,875] 2,148 Arizona 9,975 9,227 8, 262 5, 218 v 067 806 646 3, 203 25, 662 21, 676 21, 276 15, 948 3; 972 5; 452 414 276 3, 163 2, 689 2,060 1, 661 ” 884 867 219 léd 66, 288 56,192 || 45,265 | 37,770 | 19,757 | 17,207| 1,266] 1,125 50, 206 45, 502 40, 484 35, 819 9) 149 9, 056 573 627 117,670 | _ 88,197 || 76,995 | 58,926 | 34,189 | 26,193] 6,486 | 3,078 1 Includes farmers with country of birth not reported. 112 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-AGRICULTURE. ““PEVISION AND STATE. United States.... GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England....... Middle Atlantic. .... East North Central. . West North Central.. NEw ENGLAND: IVEQPTI Boat elk ba are New Hampshire. .... Vermont.< buna: Massachusetts... . Rhode Island-....... Connecticut 5.2 4 222 New Jersey...+..-:.- Pennsylvania....... : EAST NORTH CENTRAL: Michigan . . >, 52.06 - ‘Wisconsin: <3 gen cee WeEsT NORTH CENTRAL: Minnesota .Jb.2--2s:. §OWawce - - J. Sees ee South Dakota....... Nebraska... sc, Sou. Kansas *. 2. dee cee SOUTH ATLANTIC: Delaware. 5.222. see Maryland © .: bo¢ie ah District of Columbia. Virginia’... 42.222: West Virginia....... North Carolina. ..... EAST SOUTH CENTRAL: A ONTUCKY ope wanes ac Tennessee. - scack-5-- Alabams-c. Paes... Mississippi. J-..4:¢.- West SouTH CENTRAL: ATIVOHS -: Jines eos Washington......... Oregon. 3... < Jcse -e4 - California... 2 Baia ALL FARM OPERATORS. Total. 6, 448, 343 156, 564 425, 147 1, 084, 744 1, 096, 951 1, 158, 976 -| 1) 051, 600 996, 088 244) 109 234, 164 193, 195 29, 702 202) 250 256, 695 205, 126 178, 478 213, 439 191, 988 436, 033 57,677 42) 106 15,748 59, 934 29, 844 9, 975 25, 662 3, 163 66, 288 50, 206 117,670 Owners. 3,925, 090 140, 160 327, 104 766, 786 711, 156 607, 089 525, £08 464, 328 202) 515 180, 144 45, 437 18, 604 25, 121. 28, 087 3, 245 19, 666 151, 717 21, 889 153, 498 177, 986 137, 210 132, 574 159, 406 159, 610 132,744 121) 888 185, 030 179, 327 148, 082 107, 089 91, 310 112, 647 57, 254 93, 217 201, 210 50, 271 34, 647 13, 403 “45, 291 25, 756 7, 869 22) 579 2; 699 52, 701 39) 863 87, 580 Mana- Tenants. gers. 11, 602 88, 190 304, 407 375, 019 542’ 088 522’ 286 526, 747 37) 478 46) 987 TABLE 48.-NUMBER OF FARM OPERATORS, BY COLOR, NATIVE WHITE FARM OPERATORS.! — Total. 68, 449 |2, 454, 804 |/4 917,386 128, 028 376,701 935, 492 883, 809 767,74 | 740, 862 724,301 | 197, 678 162, 744 241,075 198, 156 214 177 147, 450 134, 634 110,966 256, 886 213, 832 159; 865 110; 279 158, 273 71, O81 167) 472 327, 475 60, 264° ~ g 802] 3,913 | aE ite! PATS Kiana 7! Owners. gers. Tenants. 3, 227, 521 | 59,035 |1, 630, 830 114,804} 3,754} 9,470 287,821 |. 8,478}. 80,402 641, 233. | 12,086} 282,173 545, 283,| 9,509 |. 329, 017 498, 214,| 8,508 | 261, 049 467, 447 | 3,045 | 270, 370 382,668, 4,407 |. 337, 226 163, 248.|_ 3,592] 30, 838 126, 803 | 5,656 |. 30, 285 41,338 » 1,803 16, 225 » 1,198 21,719 » 8,055 20, 157 1,602 2, 521 449 . 12,844 1, 368 130,404 32, 879 16, 046 5,730 141,371 41, 793 165, 688 72,545 131, 737 64,1 118,774 92, 27 115, 624 29, 901 109, 410 , 280 74, 871 34, 868 100,741 78, 090 176,040 73,671 27, 489 2, 783 31, 450 20, 596 51, 829 , 429 82, 863 62, 580 5, 334 siete 27,914 11,160 72 67 103, 988 30, 982 71, 181 13,781 128, 774 , 63, 487 44, 859 | _88, 132 85, 836 92,949 30, 256 |. 7,045 173, 070 SOR 137, 644 75, 44 88, 974 ) | 70, 291 67,759 | 41, 74h (O97 |. ash siiel Aaa 95,539 | |. 62,097 44) 797 638 79, 136 | 87, 508 163, 266 | 161,998 35,301 foe | 28, 748 oe Dee 11, 340 |, 1,626 37, 750 Rie, 3 | 6,482°| > wae ) 18, 688 op 2,300 | 1,737 | "T2108 34,970°| O41] 9, 354 | 31, 569 802] 8,1. } bs RACE AN D NATIVITY OF FARMERS ’ 713 NURE, BY DIVISIONS AND STAT V AND TENU ES: 1920 5 : : ; FOREIGN-B i, a DEvISION AND STATE pee pen a FARM é es ron ; COLORED FARM OP otal. || Owners. dh waco Serer aa S Ts | 7 4 euated States 581 ete Stl Fe abe re Tenant weccece a 0 CF ee ee Be SS ee ers n Ss ; peti an Nak MABE I i PI 889 LA in RES nga mars 28,265 || 25, 138 nef) Sale ata nl ae ast; North Central... 46,910 |] 38,308 1,030 | 2,097 a tae Raita Contead toy 3 Heinen | sabe 7,317 =f 21 5 South Atlantic 51277) 360 993 |] 2, Connecticut -..----..5, pet -—lag ta . 28 ty pleat y MIDDLE ATLANTIC: 7,625 10 51 678 121 21 3 1 _. New York g77i| 3a | 538 oh 107 7 4 ye _ New Jersey. ay As as.9° Fs 25, 776 20 533 75 14 1 7 a E Pennsylvania =f lia bale 2) 6 612 , 884 765 4 12’ 51 6 5 ot NortH CENTRAL: soraee Wy Oe ee | | ied ad! 550 = Ohio... RAL: , 522 || 11, 866 339 866 535 429 25 Indiana A AL | + 14. 004 2, 324 451 285 90 96 Tllinois- - rene at.) <4 6. 398 11, 245 187 3 261 45 230 ~ Michigan.....-......-. 99111 5, 167 64 rig 572 1,616 145 w ~ Wisconsin ert “altog Wa 48. 964 : * 266 278 “4 167 572 ile 053 36 EST Nortu CENTRAL: 53. 998 3, 219 385 ri aft 893 306 14 527 Minnesota RAL: ; 49/572 | 480 , 660 433 534 ; 252 i bak ab a 67.305 3, 946 663 563 9 350 wUhissouri |... sss. 222 39° 921 57,696 368 9.2 628 3 161 ‘North Dakota! 2221277 Baas SOR aan | | tne 10,940 207 32 ‘South Dakota......... 36, 248 bet pio 75 220 109 177 1 _ Nebraska... -...-....2. 20) 395 8, 959 226 22 2, 826 74 1 29 richer tse 24 592 14, 900 117 7, 063 . 543 1,644 42 34 Bbvre jo A ame: 17” 189 17,589 128 5, 308 1.612 469 3 1, 134 riba seyiand nee Stes EE 5 “Ee! 363 by 3,694 | 1,238 be hf District of Columbia: -- x et Virginia of Columbia... Lips: 1,342 e 36 972 18 427 Bet veeie i 1, 582 44 Bde Ayatae satiae Ib. 355 | 13 5 _.. North Carolina. --1.72. 059 1, 426 39 s 30 sof itt 2 04 _ South es sa 399 517 it 123 | 47,786 9 , 509 __-. Georgia ios 4:65 141 325 12 224 ’ B04 30, 949 197 1 | iiss tov: pe * epee Ia: Seale Cet 4 55, 78,200 |! 22 ne ae ire eeerRaney 5 109 4 © Tontucky CENTRAL: _ 2,215 1,911 ine 67.1 130. on 22,759 Fo 53,917 € Teanessie Regsiere - 7-2) 1,112 i. in| “aeons || eho) 40n fe yas 0 Ai »04 ’ a ee Peak ae fa lle es Ger Sour CiNrRaAL: pot Hh 913 14 ne 38, 182 Be 35 Pe » Arkansas... BALA 372 18 04] 95, 203 40 53 274 oes S.+s+--- 213 17, 202 28, 289 Micon Lovisiand..-.°-:.1-+. 2,049 ' 161,219 |} 2 127 | 77 ) > Oklahoma... 222.2. 2) 323 1,735 4 | 3179 | 192] 13 , 874 a Vea ee 5, 791 1,541 15 310 72, 282 . 7, 848 nas Ji rrr 29° 774 4, 593 17 767 62, 059 15, 373 95 56 oe Seat | 44405 | 164 11st |. 197725 || 10, 986 99 814 Etta. | moo. 1 ae 15,563 15,205} 78,784 gas} 85 | | 19152 greet oming.. 1... procs fate | | Stee 23530 | 184 | 55,111 ra E Siiedo faye Skee 2 = 5-154 9’ 973 5,536 98 1,411 1, 063 , ld ¢ New Mexico ues 24-8 oes || zao3 | Br ise 508 $557 ae i ms at; a Ree rae | ob aBe| | Yast: «Semone ie oR | tae aaa tts a Heep oe lo ie © ees oy danas 3” 979 834 30) 435 1. 875 248 6 46 Pa SS ie aasteree: he 984 3,652 Om 208, 646 1, 643 3 299 Paty Soman ai 754 43 295 414 553 5 230 Oregon. ns ena cs 19,757 || 17,2 ig ae oot od 172 we Cali PETHse rus c's d-na 9.149 || - , 214 218 2 325 1 1 tk aa pytte 34 189 % 936 106 ? 1. 266 0 , 26,073 | 1, 107 Bo 517 9 887 | 7,229 a 358 740 9] 5,004 714 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-AGRICULTURE. TABLE 49.—ACREAGE OF FARM LAND, BY COLOR AND NATIVITY OF PART BY : DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1920... Sees ooo ACREAGE OF ALL LAND IN FARMS OPERATED BY— [Acreage of land operated by all farmers in Table 58.] ACREAGE OF IMPROVED LAND IN FARMS OPERATED BY— DIVISION AND STATE. ‘ Foreign- . _ Foreign- ee ae Colored spl i ; born Colored farmers white farmers. farmers white farmers. | farmers. “| farmers. United States...... 799,767,149 | 111,172,045 | 44,944,521 || 411,266,350 62, 508, 216 29, 298, 441 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England........- 14, 577, 167 2, 392, 809 20, 666 _ 5,161, 809 945, 647 7,145 Middle Atlantic. -...-..- 36, 926, 113 3) 550, 659 96, 129 24° 276, 451] 2, 223° 382 62, 274 East North Central... . 103, 322° 178 14, 235, 364 277, 637 78, 846, 396 8. 847, 626 200, 813 West North Central. .. 2017588, 879 53, 872, 459 | 1, 511, 891 134, 286, 249 36, 598, 231 514, 959 South Atlantic.......- 78, 825, 092 "795, 210 18, 224° 941 36, 743, 177 ”312, 821 | 11,453,888 East South Central. ..- 66, 455, 226 328. 565 12, 113, 672 35, 661, 235 177, 342 | 8, 541, 555 West South Central. - - 155, 099, 848 vy 369, 396 10, 979, 883 53, 277, §23 |)" 3) 163, 766 | 7,748,317 Mountain. coos ge- ete -/ 99, 283, 989 17, 055, 768 "997, 469 On 614, 210 5 196, 486 295, 172 Pacifier wieutiti vey...) 43, 788, 657 | nt 641, 815 722) 233 «18,399, 300_ 399) 300 5; 047, 915 | 474) 318 NEW ENGLAND: Mate. roe eine sec 4,960, 209 464, 806 953 1, 768,011 208, 873 445 New Hampshire......-. 2; 336, 254 266,076 1,476 621, 913 80, 474 515 Vermonte.i4..¢e<+--'- 3) 674, 319 557, 042 .. 4,450 1, 449; 131 241,042 1,422 Massachusetts. .....-.-- 1, 968, 970 519, 917 5, 590 701, 343 205, 056 2,435 Rhode Island.:......... 276, 543 54, 105 952 108, 607 23, 936 312 Connecticut ..4 eggs. d., 360, 872 530, 863 7, 245 | 512, 804 136, 266 2,016 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: ; oe New York.....s¢.----- 18, 344,237 |. 2,245,691 42,875 || 11,702,092 | 1,429,554) 27,135 © New. Jersey....-.<2----- L 928, 591 6327. 674 26, 320 a, 321, 886 | 217, 261 16, 460 Pennsylvania......-... 16, 653, 285 977, 294: 26, 934 m4, 252, 473 576, 567. 18, 679 East NORTH CENTRAL: ton OHi0wG A... web cao! 22, 462, 603 952,873 100,412 |} 17,761,378 704,038 | 76, 437 MaAgian 8 —-; <= seeing - 20, 405, 497 621, 119 36, 716 16, 166, 647 482 860 30, 705 PL Cee By PR 29, 140, 069 2, 777, 004 57, 702 25, 055, 326 | «2, 192, 110 47,097 Michionn: cola pen s.3- 14) 709, 946 4 274, 302 48, 713 10; 251, 673 2; 642 141) 31,707 WisGorisinict buses ken its 16, 504; 063 5, 610, 086 34) 094 9. 610, 872 2; 826, 477 14, 867 West NortH CENTRAL: a NeimeS0f9. dc peeed 2 * 19, 362,288 | 10,839,191 20,279 14, 212, 197 | 7, 262, 169 | 7,344— nwa caste ia: eo a 28, 405, 463 5, 060, 586 8, 847 Vg 198, 486 4, 402) 248) 6,217, Missonbie®. «3 ace-c-' 33, 471) 859 1 112, 386 190, 434 23° 920, 895 "770, 072 | 141, 999 ~ North Dakota........-. 19, 393, 945 16, 634, 354 186, 452 13, 158, 149 | 1i, 358, 858} 46,171 South Dakota....2..-.: 25, 372, 917 8, 413, 432 850, 142 13, 012, 519 5,035, 962, 150, 769 Nebraska......-3-a.4-ne0: 35, 198, 035 6, 960, 758 66, 682 18) 674, 678 | 4,402, 580 32, 366 Aarignd ich cou So fe 40,384,372 | 4, 851,752 189/055 || 27,109,325 | 3,361,342 130,093 SoutH ATLANTIC Delaware: -idijae tes is Sew 124 28, 499 54, 888 596, 080 19,037. 37, 935 Mary ett... demi Sarvs 277, 868 128, 554 351, 577 2, 845, 259 » 783 217, 686 District of Columbia... 4 912 468 2 3, 626 359 273 Witpihia.. sds ee. S. fade 118 212,575 | 2,263,419 || 8, 265, 401 90,630 | 1,104,461 West Virginia. ........ 1 9,479, 825 62, 421 27,544 5, 468, 291 34,911 | 17,106 North Carolina. ....... 16,538, 442 45,852 | 3,437,442 6, 325, 745 15,564 | 1,857, 100 South Carolina........ 8,009, 681 36,991 | 4,380,003 || 3, 267, 931 12, 635 903,5 Ghprdigics. I soon: 18, 296, 541 72,608 | 7,071,912 || 8, 159, 601 17,498 |, 4,878,110 Ploriday s 1. ulyrees.:... 5, 271, 581 137, 242 637, 868 1,811, 243 48, 404 437,6 EAst SOUTH CENTRAL: ' Kentucky. ....<2a--- 21,088, 067 97,746 426,959 || 13,572, 256 68, 974 334, 516 Tennessee. ......-2.--- 17, 920, 245 66,808 | 1,523,803 || 10,029,097 |. - 37,173 | 1,119,032 Riahase. men tens: 15,143, 115 85,496 | 4)348/245 || 6,897, 150 32,287 | 2,963,970 — Mississippi. ot... 02-6 40 12; 303) 799 78,515 5, 814, 665 5, 162, 732 38, 908 4,124,037 WEst SouTH CENTRAL: ate tis ts Se 0 ATKBDSES. «4. cue -- ads 14, 606, 175 225,813 | 2, 624,762 7, 153, 794 113,022 | 1,943,740 — Ibowisteiiet as ss. 7 663, 958 173, 286 2 182; 578 3) 886, 006 100,127 | 1, 640,093. OHahboma- lea. e: 28, 870, 010 1 368, §21 4 713. 403 16, 284, 570 836, 821 | 1,003, TOxGS se esa Voce es gle 103, 959, 705 5, 601) 776 4) 459, 140 25, 953, R53 }38 23 113, 796 | 3,160, 554 MOUNTAIN eS an Montatin<... . 268 | 1,338 | 1,716'|6, 075 |2,215 |) 528 | 636 ey Bwenann: me, MONG: 2... 908: : to. .) SOL’ 3 29) 13 B28 FR EMS aca e cama u CECE, 2 4 New Hianapshire. Loe ze as i ‘Ede te ys gees | Gs Eales amie Be ee ; RAYS cS 0 aT o. 0 eel me Rk 20- ||. 8 BO Rept ins eens | = 2, oan | vw Store fe s see] Meee Massachusetts ..... Beat 121 124 103 103 18) 7) Nl ee IM LY Se Rhode Island. ......_. =3 20 BTR AMIE. os os 80 1 1 es ee SR Ee a Minnie ai oe ate cecal 75 113 65 105 10 |. $-|.... oicineubedt Dee T ; m New Mork). 2205 k.. aah... BBO 939 1245/9 295] 299.1. 685 5 5 1 4 Bent TROY. he alae obiete 535. |. pe I : 472 TBE es. - 2 3 L 1 ennsylvania.-....:..- 451 4 4 Mt 643 28.2. et OAlsS os iehee's PONTE Me 2 Basi Nowa CENTRAL: CLT a ee ee 1,616 |° 1,950 |! 1/616 | (91,948 |.ce... AT | oe Tito’ sobs’. ¢ Pisdiang: ooo i e200... 572 805 570\| a0 785 AUGC-20 |... ss -neonwelwh As. « GLE Sly ee Gane SS 808 Vs dy. 425. 892] oil, 422 1 2 |. ..04 0]. dapiged faasuesb 1 Bee Mictiigurr. til) 220. 733 946 549 640} 182] 306 In buratd 4 My] uns West Nowrs G Seen 663 591, 47 48 | 45615 541 1 1 a) Rae i ENTRAL: » Minnesota.-.-..- ON, Re a ER. 6 293 33 29 174 yd ee ee ee wnt th Be ticcoet 20} a biieh 109 201 109 Tr ee 14 |. ee gelacens spol An” « @ Missoori...20 9.0... saneh. , 25520 Ae. 3,006 2,824 | 3,656 1 D hs so erakienaatl 1 1 - North Dakota. a appkt: 1a @yie 543 743 26 22 517 TT. hs panei eka oie piss Wy pee. ' South Dakotas... 1, 612 2, 808 47 67 | 1,563 | 2,740 dehy sagas 1 1 | Dee =i. soph ees Seats 384 462 63 9 260, 347 61 19 |... -caed... ae: a Laie? ES PaaS 1, 238 1,691 1, 135 1, 532 103 1: 1s eee 2. lbwyagst Mees TLANTIC: : i : _ eiawere...b. 0.0L 872 922 SEA BE 922. 1 Poise LISS. Sel ss os on eRa@ REED ah Aree Le > Maryland. ...27...... su nft ih, 209 12. .6, 372 6,208 | °6,370 iu i eee ee iy 1 ~” District of Golainbia 2 1 bg 20 DOE vv Ys =o hein so 9's 1-.n.a nn] “tcl aiid | lt aaa 47,786 | 48,114 || 47,690] 48, 039 96 74 |......L ae - 1 ) West Virginia.......... 504 708 504 707 | -85...4 3 See ee ~ North Carolina.-:..... | 76,290 | 65,656 || 74,849 | 64, 456 | 1; 440 | 1,197 |....../.....4 1 3 ~ South Carolina... 27. 109, 010} 96,798 || 109,005 | 996, 772 25 ere 1 1 Beceoree ory 130, 187 | 122, 559 || 130,176 | 122554 11 By obs es los sececn eee 2 dy OE See wae eft. day Oe To.14, 721. 12,954.) 24,698 |-2....4 . ve ae AGats 7. dep 5 OUT ENTRAL? ; c e Kentucky.-.0$.222. S22.) 12,628 | 11,730 || 12, 624\| 11, 709 | o-) 3 Of |... -. lates Se me benticgsee: >) .-... .| 38,182.) 38,308 ||" 38,181 | 38, 300 1 1S eae apposed a Beepanaind. oi 7: t....] 95, 203 | 110, 443 95, 200 | 110,887 |..25... OE a RR ANNE SE et 3 ae ah Seer s alee eee 161, 219 164, 737 161, 001 164, 488 218 “248 - eee SILER D- [SPERDE 1 T SOUTH CENTRAL: a | Atkansas.::.)-22.52.....]/° 72,282 |. 63, 593 || 72,275 | 68, 578 7 aE Namen Daas OPP ee ; _ houisiana- S| See LR pie 62, 059 54 879 | 62, 036 | ° 54,819 | 20°22 |rno 58 i eee Hie 2 » Oklahoma... .. 2°. -.” 2) 18,725 |.,|20,671 || 13,403 | 13,209 | 5,315 | 7, 459 3 1 4 2 peel RE a on fe bees | 78, 784 69, 918 8, 597 | 69, 816 153 52 29 44 5 6 : TAIN: Ber OlGans. oe 5 2 1, 063 1, 196 31 29 987 | 1,146 29 4 16 17 Menno. l.o........ 508 405 23 13 336 334 | 129 36. 20, 22 Se Wyoming. ..).55....5.-. , 169),; (65 17 19 |. .134 44) 15 .) om 1 oe eh Se 543 | 574 148 81 83 405 | 321 87 1 pod at New Mexico..s0.....-..) 91,8754 2,148 ine 32 48 | 1, 833 } 2, 087 10 1 3 , ie Arizones >. 20.55... eee 646 3, 203 32 12 537 }.8, 159 69 5 8 27 (ge Utahw 25.22)... ‘pe age 414 276 61 111 °° 209 kr 2001 1831" Baul vnddoty 13 gente mea “egae.-t

      § ol ae ieee telinl a Suan te 1 Mississippi... «1...-- 23; 190 |"<492 | W571; O79 OOS BO" it 2 e168 le Onn a|baesh lace se =|]. ae ie) ae ean WEst SouTH CENTRAL: Arkansas ..........-- 15,3690 |°.954 56,810 ated 4 Oo ee ttcuate eames Bes | Louisiana........-... TO OVS OL O2 4 + 60,909 GS: LL eed A Lae elect aan, vars i | Oklahoma. .-:.'37.. §59058,.1/°977 | "8, 368 414,526) BY Tb To 1 Temas. .0 2.5 o Shc 23, 519 3 MOUNTAIN: Montana.¥2.../.2.... 2G otha o OFS” od diet ORT | ce tas) Dee tire Ps ee bene 16 Idaho. +f Sus s3e, 1G fn WE ed Se B29 [CA OS SO oe ee ee ee 20 Wyoming. .......:.. Vhs We tes S103 | Oe SLE og) Delt eee ee chet on eee 2 Caléradde:$-2-1.¢.... 115 pee | New Mexico......... 24d cece te ew abd, GLO.) ih, Boke 21S No eee foe omens eee Ts ’ : Arizona..........--- OPE Sy OMe 530 | BI ON ee yg PE Cte. 5 tae : 19- PYG da = SS? 200 [ap ae SS 20 ands ae ee il Nevada. fer) SS & SRY. ee OS HY204 a Sa ed pee ea eee 1 PAcIFICc: Washington......... 65 5 | 667 pT pee 26 Oregon.....-..--+---- 11 2| 161 5| 2] 27 OSIIIORNIA-s ccn6 was css 183 113 4, 533 53 | 18 | 395 | COUNTRY OF BIRTH OF WHITE FARMERS. 117 - aBLE 562.—NUMBER OF WHITE FARM OPERATORS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY z COUNTRY OF BIRTH, 1920 AND 1910, WITH FARM ACREAGE AND VALUE FOR 1920. NUMBER OF FARM OPERATORS. LAND IN FARMS, 1920. ||‘ cf ee spe Value of NATIVITY OF FARMER. aS DOLE farms of foreign- I land and 1920 | 1910 | born white. || Aillana | ‘proved buildings), (acres). (acres). 1920 | 1920 | 1910 All white farmers ....../5,498,454 [5,440,619 |......./....... 910,939,194 |473,'774, 566 |/$63,786,058,855 - Born in the United States ..... 4,817,846 (4,763,256 |.......|-..- 00. 780, 710, 497 |402, 727, 922 ||53, 591, 410, 431 _ Borni in foreign countries, total.| 581,068 | 669,556 | 100.0 | 100.0 |/111, 172, 045 | 62, 508, 216 || 8, 985, 541, 538 as TLETESTIC Bic Saad aa 26,614} 39,728| 4.6] 5.9 || 5,036,138 | 2/207,529°|| 384, 492, 414 AT pel eal eile 605 | 10,220) 1.3] 1.5 || 2)738/653 | °928°047 || 162,473, 851 NE Aa ge 2,472 | 4,110} 0.4 |...0.6 482) 178 261, 242 37, 675, 623 Be) APA wae se awege «+= 4-r 16,562 | 33,480} 2.9] 5.0 || 4,065,473 | 1,782,471 || 308, 442, 116 ED iene ea a 51,599 | 59,742} 8.9] 8.9 || 12,726,884 | 7,810,200 || 878,081,731 > ESTAS R-ceoit sneo} Saas 60,461 | 67,453 | 10.4 |} 10.1 10, 978, 905 | 6, 409, 960 973) 605, 102 Denmark.---<.-.<.....4-. 25,565 | 28,375} 4.4| 4.2 If 52148940 |. 3°123'667 || 517" 475, 883 Netherlands (Holiand) Bes Be 15,589. | 138,790 2.7 21 2; 403, 030 | 1,667,185 321, f 996, 268 4 Switzerland we See rest <4 = 13,051.} 14,333 2u2 yas | 2; 569, 288 | ~1, 325, 242 225, 299, 776 8 iE el pee bea ae 6,119 | 5,832, 1.1] 0.9 || 1,620,047} — 553,245 || 100, 803, 220 BR MET IDODY. sean 00. tow 140, 667 | 221/800 | 24.2 | 33.1 |] 25,386, 803 15, 694) 131 || 2, 520, 600, 623 PPR or ee ae fe: 17,352 7,228 3.0 ube | 2 006, 227 | 1,129, 483 153, 643, 629 OS Aaa a 30,172} 33,336 |. 5.2|. 5.0 || 4.455.775 | 2)477,405 || 329, 585, 942 BA UUESTY | nen Sigs oss POE S 8 Rat by lag b OG 977, 986 548, 012 60, 127, 807 Me, Russia. 0 eee. eee 32,388 | 25,788] -5.6]. 3.9 || 9,946,798 | 6,260,226 || 516,677,023 PERIOD sb ne Sm ges - - | = 147988 | (1) a, alae 1, 694, 743 689, 720 82, 981, 388 Mamaton etl: 693 (1) LAKE Te Seg ROA 30 184, 158 118, 699 7, 667, 840 PRLS Ue Salada aan 846.| (1) oh op ASRS 121, 223 54, 378 9,306, 242 MMERTY au ocb =~ aiteenses 2-3. 18,267 | 10,614) 3.1] 1.6 || 1,903,900 852, 894 || | 181, 425, 476 ee Sortugal |. css. =. 4.» 4,254 | (1) ag ope 613,130 | 300, 200 75,931, 189 _ . Other European countries. -| 20,107.) 17,689 3.5 2.6 || 3,771,490 | 2,042,110 340, 541, 459 Oe ER apace Sng alti Sh 12,142] (2) ys UP oleate oe 1, 576, 722 700, 116 71, 207,258 a g NTO elaine ai 48,668 | 61,878 | 8.4] 9.2 || 9,227,880 4,834,030 || 576, 841, 162 . Other countries............ 7,765 | 10,333 | 1.3] 1.5 ]| 1,535,584 738,025 ||. 143, 658, 516 Country of birth not reported..| 99,540} 7,807 |.......}..2.... 19, 056, 652 | 8, 538,428 || 1, 209, 106, 886 1 Included with “‘ Other European countries.’’ 2Included with ‘‘ Other countries.’ “718 ABSTRACT OF THE) CENSUS—-AGRIGULTURR. 4 ag i TABLE 58.-NUMBER AND VALUE OF. FARMS IN. THE UNITED STATES OPERATHD “BY WHITE FARMERS, BY COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND TENURE OF FARMER: 1920. [Totals for white farmers, by country of birth, in Table 52.}- NUMBER OF FARMS. VALUE OF FARMS (LAND AND BUILDINGS). NATIVITY OF FARMER. ¥ . 1 = Am WW ; 7 Owners. ane Tenants, || Owners. Managers. | Tenants. All white farmers....| 3,691,868 |66,223 |,1,'740,363 ||$39,215,462,823 | $2,629, 284,676 |$21,941, 311,358 Bornin the United States. .| 3, 162, 223 (57,440 | 1,598, 183 |32, 224, 972, 299-| 2, 195, 639,342 | 19, 170, 798, 790 Born in foreign countries, |. a mer ; shy qtORaRy Pere tes ah ce ee 464,347 | 7,188 | — 109, 533 || 6,261, 305,080 | 346, 174,880 |. 2,378, 061, 578 Etigiand; tsa tL EO Ox R40" 1? 858" 3,916 || 259, 698, 564 49,474,775 | 75,319,075 Scotland... -.4--4--=<) 6 /6,004 |, 414 1, 187 97,311,209 |. 40,553,962 |... .24, 608, 680 Vales < hae ear Sect oo ‘aoe OU 53 348 28, 747, 948 2,502,945 | 6,424,730 Treland.....,..--- 24.2.2) cece 8, 867 | 119,558 | 19,022 || 979 | 2,406,372 || "476 | 20, 139 ENS Si) Sa See ie 4,553 | 86,273 | 11,144 || 249] 3° 493,511 || 142| . 15,133 MRONODS Je03. 5,0. 0- - 11+ ix-- 1-6 vag - 139 | 1,667 271 36 391 6 500 hy 11,889] 1,584 74 7, 632 9 6, 255 ‘ 94,429 | 16,411 || 468] 1,571'720 41 4, 608 t 11,665 | 1,780 59 197,300 floc. niet ote cue 10, 554 3,123 134 504, 428 123 21, 942 23,432 | 4,469 || 328 | 2,960,718 || 556. | 376, 222 ; 836 58 9 A Ng Ni sate ta get Be Giidahomine. sea... }. 5.2. --4-3-9-- 1, 18 344 38 8 52 1 100 . per enon De iat Mele a 2b te ete. 1 4 > = 5,252 | 28,897 | 7, 115 266 1, 905, 037 65 | 11,968 © Bouth Dakotas. -... 5. <5 s0. oo. ece eee 370 5, 42 653 || 119 212, 264 4 2,750 ey eae | er 820.| 23,261} 1,524 |]. 368 392,999 || 135. | 62,364 A ete ig A Se RN ag 2,381 | 29,447 | 6,343 || 476] 1,600,505 || 1,256] 96,371 PAV OGRINEION wei eu. is. pe -g--- to 1,873 | 16,242] 3,851 || 205 477, 789 6 14, 925 PN MOULIN iy ia pa de -p- nghg = oa 00 39,009 | 9,517 374 | 2,911,748 7 46 : PUMPED WELLS. PUMPING PLANTS. : Pumps. 7 , STATE. : Engine . . Nut Sonne, Num- bapaa ty el 7 er. : er. orse- tebe, apacity es » PEE RUBS): power). sine (gallons © ii v * |per minute). CEN eas Rates Rane 32,094 | 16,396,549 || 29.458 | 748,971 | 33,804 | 36,275, 005 merermatan sinc... 999 | 1, 042, 590 744 22,014 | 1, 001 1, 048, 030 ane antalt | ipedadatae ineteapaaieans ek 1,089 | 1,470,147 || 1,041 58,332 | 1, 121 1, 654, 097 MR MIMOTMIBAL, HOP AC.) 2 2-4. .6-5 6-6 25, 401.| .10, 608, 476 || 21,561 | ..886,200 | 24,134 | 16,773,692 4 BMMOLAUOn icp sip EL) 4. vip 0 2 Xe 5 do on 5 527 210, 094 406 8, 635 435 299, 726 : SON Or Shri Part at ae 53 17, 749 143 28, 364 232 1, 397, 681 MC STSSS ecg ass. 6-1 Qo 4-3 saci ae: 710 266, 797 198 6, 946 288 297, 975 MeOUIsIaNAns est .-1.0 5-) paso +b « 812]. 1,607,637 || 1,250 85,628 | 1,941 4, 968, 686 NMG ois Sentech acne cndecceceke 22 11, 085 253 10, 341 299 453,231 Me OOIaSKach fifoo7. 0 a.) ogra... 34 24, 701 51 959 54 73, 686 4 (ESE Sas eae ee eo 129 6, 798 64 409 72 35, 266 Mtiew Mexico........).......)......00- 461 265,618 || 472 8, 488 491 304, 789 SE LIRMONR Som. | Lith. 0. 5 asais e . - walaw- se dedalcevedncee doen 4 2, 068 10 51, 250 3 BURBEMOING 5G o2- bial. «dr fn - = Ae oa - oo a 19 3, 643 22 184 26 7, 668 ST scat er | pilin aut a 208 47, 026 573 13, 769 614 600, 045 oe Pouth Dakota. 22.22.00 s02 05. ore w es 1 800 25 498 25 23, 320 ie ela a alee ioeidaale 901 538,565 || 1,360.) 80,511 | 1,641] _ 6, 825,998 No oe okt eee canoes ee eee cee 192 39, 059 250 11, 392 291 783, 588 MeWashirigton ..'.............-.....-.-.. 520 227, 744 975 22,929 | 1, 059 636, 552 0 ES eee 16 8, 020 57 1, 304 70 y7 75108°—22——57 898 ABSTRACT OF THE GENSUS—IRRIGATION. ” { TABLE 14.—ACREAGE, YIELD, AND VALUE OF PRINCIPAL CROPS GROWN ON IRRI- GATED LAND IN 1919. [Totals for the states included, used in making:comparisons, are shown in the section of this abstract CROP. Winter wheat. .......- Spring wheat. ........: Batters tl one See EVO. bo. Cute ees ee Kafir, milo, ete... . Rice (rough) }........% Other grains and seeds: Clover and alfalfa seed 2 Dry beans, navy, etc.. Dry peas, Canada... ... Hay and forage: Timothy alone...-... Timothy and clover TMMixCtiien tb eon ee Clover alone i) 22... 22! TC GeO) RC ee Other tame grasses. . .. Wild, salt, or prairie Small grains cut for hay. Annuallegumes cut for DB are | ain cake ce Silage crops.:.2----. 22 Corn cut for forage. -._. ~ - Kafir, sorghum, etc., for forage.) ..1..-. Root crops for forage... Vegetables: BROtshoesd css hee POSTS ee ie ates ee cece i si Cope Ste By np Subtropical fruits: Miscellaneous: Sugar beets grown for SULAL Giaee ces >: Soe Cit $O11s al oak ot ee 263, 312 325, 523 381, 127 877, 411 280, 287 19, 014 152, 768 892, 761 39,431 177, 752 51, 464 140, 607 392, 260 40, 879 3,151, 675 254,318 291, 697 19, 851 ~~ 56, 424 36, 689 51, 981 2, 631 | 20,874 20, 649 873,675,084 5 9,085, 326 57, 062, 692 5 1,849, 429 5 4 306,976 6 8,711, 152 5 2,299,716 377, 655 214, 576 1, 034, 507} 154, 194||. 2 667, 907] ‘ QUANTITY HARVESTED. Unit. | Amount. 7, 525,354 ee ee Bu... Bu... 9,361, 125)|, BY. |) 2 Tyo sen Bu:...} . 17,679, 328 Ue a0 7, 202, 430 Bur. 168, 977 Bil. ome 4,100, 338 Bu... 35, 032, 275 Bu.... 161, 587 Bu:...| | 2/862, 567 ae aes 637, 560 Tons. . i178, 112 Tons 569, 591 Tons... 63, 465 Tons.. 8,430, 766 Tons... 316, 803 Tons. . 951, 345 Tons... 372,739 Tons 28,334 Tons. . 388, 830 Tons. - 87,389 Tons.. 106, 035 Tons. 19, 543 Bu....| . 22,978,739 Lbs. . .|1, 131, 279, 429 Bu.. 22, 406, 306 Bu.. 13, 224, 500 Bil. 3,479, 806 Bu....|. °° 7,074,240 Bus... 578,354 Boxes.| 18,774,366 Boxes.|* 5,776,149 Tons.. 3,567, 522 Bales . 113, 862 relating to Agriculture.]} AVERAGE YIELD PER ACRE. SALT. For On states | non- | _,O7 garnet (|) Aver- in- | irri- iount. | age per clud- | gated pated acre: ed. | jand. j San 7 21.9} 21.8] 28.6 || $11,692,813] $44. 41 26.5 | 26.5} 28.8 534,495] 29,29 14.1 | 14.1. 18-7 |}--15)269; 840!" 40. 06 8.2|- 7.6} 20.1 ||. 37,558,853] 42. 80 17.9 | 17.3} - 25-7 || 10,775,076) 38.44 7.4 | 74} - 8.9 |}--- 995,987] 15.57 19.9| 19.6| 26.8 || 6/725,561| 44.02 39.2| 4:1] 39.2 |} 96,368,090] 107. 94 21.0} 14] 41 461,762). 87.79 11.8 | 10.3 | 16.1 || 12,986,298] 73.068 10.8 | 10.0} 124 || 2,042) 455) 39. 69 1.12} 1.09! 1.27]| 4,582,905)" 32.59 1,48|- 1.50]. 1.45]! 13,782,685) "35. 14 1.56|- 1.56} 1.55|} 15334" 32. 65 2.19| 1.84] 2. 68|| 186,39, 209} _ 59. 14 1.31| 1.32} 1.25]| 6,473, 25. 45 0.83 0.82) 0.92|| 17,954,630) 17.36 0.95) 0.92; 1.28|| 8) 448;901| 28.96 1.22/ 1.20] - 1.43||...494,052] 24.89 4.75| 4.54, 6.80|| 3,831,525] 67.91 1.52} 1.51 2.38|| 1,121,780] 30.57 _ 1.69| 1.68| 2.04|| 1,614,325] 31.06 10.77; 11.11) 7.48 340,329] 129.35 84.8 | 64.9 | 149.0 || 50,778,993] 329. 32 3,853, 037| 184.59 2/701, 968] 130. 85 443.2 | 411.3} 4415.4 ||- 36,304,252). 20....2 62.0 | 61:7 | 62.5 ||. 24,566,584)./..10.. 61.4 | 61.2 | 64,9 ||. 24,670, 264|....-- bb 61.6| 61.4] 61.9 || 45695,848)...... a 64.2| 61:0} -61.6 || 15,188,490|-....- f 60.7 | 80.6} 60.9 |} 2,139,891}... -0 2. 62.1 | 61.8| 62.2 244,492] 0202. 4 62.3 | 61.3] 62.5 || 16,750,932|...... Mi 9.24'- 8.38] 9.45|| 38/831, 102. 82 0.28| 0.28) 0.53|| 30,457,881| 141. 94 pope O! SS ee pe ee Nl gn Ne 1 Quantity harvested and value given for irrigated land were not tabulated separately. The totals given — includesmall amounts of rice grown without irrigation, . ‘ 2 Notincluding red clover seed. pps ; 3 Number of vines of bearing age. 4 Yield per vine. 5 Number of trees of bearing age. 6 Yield per tree. ig stati rithade 123 ES, OE GRY gd the « rises ult arti] ly 1 he Shin 4 rt fis thee nb M9, geoces ie Pee, OR, Pe PROT ce be ER OF Re eae dens Th Oe mntne wuts. ond Me Che Bae tet pe atiAes £33) Surtinis ane g xe E ot tn eae! ligions am, Je 4 {yn 4 ee apace rx en + , aes : : Mi TAREAS YO) vam & es te es ae ee, Wnts came pet y no xc ior gis Pe his : Biehl Dr ire. 1 Peery AAS sae i 4 Leweveve® : eae a Ti een | t ent a Agr iva nih, Paci eae iets eae Oe prone pracine agh® Baiiigh He sey Be dip Tin ihaet ip wnledze” Bites ei giaee > e rents LA re'ti ‘ec prnetys oe Obert hiss) desea sar taraelede, Pais Sick fee ous ary wii jie a fer: ire 4 ey MET SASEAR TS FE % een 5 ipa ZV eiyiie: bis! & a Pies ie Saale nets \ puede erate ok oe Star Me Bee bbe a = foo pet ae ees Oe ates eeu: eee pelts € tc AERA comisticta qiticrelagy deeingtay es ae wn ¥ SAA Seo = Cet 3 a Gb Uf, Ti py eg zoe ; Py, ay 5 OA Shae eens aye i th tj EME etal +s phope? ges a ee ahi 4 4 Rap Be BPC ; ire? ‘ts 4 Fad , ‘ Bt frien BIS AE th Os aig abe tate ont . abs ola ® Tm A SRE, se ey a ba arses vi set i me tame ft, -BEGh OMAR Ee i: tio Hig tsaqri Leltye Saitas Peyiaeee same ie fina, Rigewaieh Blige Arash? Ss de, eR BAeE Pe. Lay i ieges ie ai basa: ay aths 15 oe ATTY WILARE 7 ay . Qe ee ia bike sia. 3 0gd Ot Dre nae = oe : tyne Be Ghee eee ee LS ret ioe wank tet Wass) th TOROS BROS TEs ’ , 206 California....:....- 117, 670 NUMBER OF FARMS. Having drainage. Number. ee a ee eS |e eee © ee ese re PSS he SS ee 2 Be | 924, 815 5.5 |10, 459, 181 | 28,710, 458 9, 083 61, 549 4297 584 163, 714 114; 983 69, 597 44) 835 9) 754 21; 716 -_ a wo FH 09 bot SO SP SOUR SO or WO OOOO MD C1100 Pe TE SEES Ss SU SoU ri Oo a rProasphs EES ie CONF WOPPOONMWO OFSICO COM NOOWONWWWRO NOOOnIOeyT oAreowsy Hw wWonwoww a NASP 2 ORE SN COPS _ _" oe Pew rh PMP rt rier He ee Needing ¥ drainage. 956, 095 17, 571 69; 216 302? 008 169) 593 156, 780 106, 972 91) 595 14, 988 27 372 Haying drainage., Acreage. 53, 024, 975 129, 799 he 673, 638 30; 737, 056 lL, 758, 939 » 2; 865, 072 L 720, 517 2 365, 701 456, O15, 1,318, 238 26, 302 1,777 35, 649 39) 022 2; 403 14, 646 1, 180, 423 "174, 260 318, 955 7,365, 5382 8) 308, 844 sm 247, 637 3) 156, 632 658) 411 2,993, 034 | 7,334) 404 825, 878 | 497, 489 1, 004, 935 107,014 756, 263 51, 146 64) 648 35, 654 1277 037 47, 311 9, 651 74, 316 46, 252 "274,696 | 229, 582 813, 960 Pornpe Sao COW NOD Ht O0 Rag cOoPSSS Oo 9 00 See & to eee _ OP ger erste oe rHroe SfSeNn WN SOOWNAWOH. NWO AHWO PE RONEN NAUMNMSO CONWHW WHI WNIMwOEM Peep Prossoes of LAND IN FARMS. 329, 359 xt 801, 457 1) 661;744 163, 178 53, 161 356, 049 115, 425 36, 371 7,967 33, 267 58 77, 192 32) 253 ‘+t fH 190} 876 Needing drainage. clearing 310, 276 906, 128 5, 626, 929 3, 073, 154 6,814, 543 3,817, 928 6, 400, 267 - 589 “122, 123 L; 490, 574 L 377, 661 1, 703, aa 61, 002 151) 553 57 1,095, 388 978) 615 4 735, 942 LZ 216, 355 E i, 676, 424 ; ? 489, 110 1,512,416 6, 464 225, 998 +3, 745, 389 76, 951 » 162} 308 145, 229 193, 512 A ee. | ee a. oe ee ee ste. eee ee eS Oe” Ue ee ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS DRAINAGE. 908 TABLE 8.—LAND AND CAPITAL INVESTED IN ALL ENTERPRISES, BY CHARACTER OF ENTERPRISE: 1920. , ‘ _ OPERATING ENTERPRISES. NONOPERATING ENTERPRISES. Capital. | Capital. CHARACTER OF ENTERPRISE. pad in |} +34) Land dna} repent Herve enter- Ww. enter- “iow, || ee fi : prises * Invested». eatin |) prises — | Invested “reared | meaiatt ibis | ettOW | (acres)! |. to.Dec. dla) PPA, (aeres).1 | to Dec. | 4 ES 1 naan. cesmel lara) complete. . ere complete. i ; i / | j ? -Totahew.:;-+-+- aoaberss chess 65, 495, 038; $372,273, 567| $62,321, 412|| 3,924, 821/$1, 123, 458/$34, 937, 678 Drainage districts as veces wave} 22) 069;697} 172, 013; 972|- 399136) 568|| -3y260,104| 772,834} 26, 339, 970 ‘General state laws.........-- 20, 239, 956]. “147, 511, 259}- 24, 598, 523 % 667, 056 752, 830 25, 073, 970 Special : ‘St Pea ASE See i 829’ 641 24° 502, 713 14, 543. 045 593; 048 20, 004 1, 266, 000 am Aig ara Se Re p 87, Si 33 168,783, ee epee at 596, eich “302, 224 3B, 139, 808 See Wi sk ; ; Bye i t, 50 \ eS 8 Pea Bt , 400 ee seer cease] 54 Ohad. |) 845,401" (6;434 440llo1...... uhaelte suilems cid). Reclamation, Service... s.... * 287,899] 3,912)370| © 2)5380,243 7,000] .cs ck 2 150,000 ration. districts. ...-. ...) ae ae carer 4 | oe ree reermenne! | geen ete Same RAI Ty NEED DAE STs Me ed 134, 359, 233 || 134,269, 666 |] 119,525,193 | 14,744,473’ 89, 567 || 13,376,507 || 9,452, 661 | 3, 923, 846 121, 824, 200 |} 121,562,077 || 102, 365, 306 | 19,196,771 |] 262; 123 || 93/743 744 ||117 632/586 | 19° 111’ t58 19,096, 139 |] 18, 847,093-|] 6, 805, 285 | 12; 041, 808 || 249; 046 || 17/512’ 611 ||14,476,175.| 3/0367 436 11,808,449 || 11,523,833 || 9, 085, 234 | 2) 438,599 || 284,616 || 7,333,076 || 2°3067418 | 57026, 658 29, 112, 366 || 28,946,385 || 20,473,933 | 8) 472) 452 {| 165,981 || 217 9027 834 |/13) 411/999 |g” 4917 619 7, 866,066 || 7,839,941 || 3,248,713 | 47591) 228 |] 26,195 || 6,541,844 |] 4/6687876 | 1/872” 968 49, 330, 572 || 49, 284, 572 ||| 32, 353, 359 | 16,931,213 ||. 46,000 || 6,848,474 || 6,373-474 | °”4757000 30, 707, 863 || 30,680,145 || 30,636,857 43,288 || 27,718 397, 396 91,475 | 305, 921 al, 201, 517 |} 31, 147, 682'|| 30,154,206 | 993,386 |]. 53,835 |] 2.729, 055 || _ 796,176 | - 19327879 595, 069 || 43,595,069 || 31)4247 167. | 12, 170,902 |I.....2.... 9,199, 841 || 7,798,175 | 1° 401; 666 24, 686,7 24, 683,715 |} 24,100,929} 582° 786 3,014 || "537,645 || 365,265 | 71727 380 4,168,055 |} 4,163,055 || 3,208,944 |» 954,111 5, 000 512,570 || 401,570! — 111.000 42, 089, 304 42, 017, 447 || | 36, 764, 850 |. 5, 252, 597 ||. 71, 857 5, 095, 002 || 2, 166,391 | 2,928, 611 49, 649,775 || 49, 627, 304 || . 44, 630, 537.| 4; 996, 767 ||. 22) 471 || 6,858, 477 || 4,542,574 | 273157903 20, 889, 328 || 20, 723, 128 |] 13,204,035 | 7,429,093 || 166, 200 || 10,178,401 || 4,026,607 | 67 1517-794 2) 208, 049 |] 2 2087 049 , 863, 788°] 27344) 961 |] 20s... 123 3, 400 24’ 393 1) 461; 1, 461, 063 942,757 | 518,306 |I.......... 271, 666 || 271,666 J. » 4,588, 578 || 4,588,578 || 4,121;486 | 467,092 |I.......... 821,841 || 298, 103 |" "523738 938, 103 "936,508 || 747,853 | 188) 655 1, 595 440,634 || 273,845 | 166,789 3,623, 518 ||) 3,623,518 || 3,075,018 | 548,500 ||.......... 902,500 |] - 902,500 Ji2..2. 0000. 583, 0 582; 183 198,370 | 383,813 900 445,845 || 354,331 91,514 828, 681 794, 585 614,636 | 179,949 |]. 34,096 || 1,2317176 || - 303,654 | 927’ 509 14,060,857 || 13,846,807 || 2,917,261 | 10,929,546 || 214) 050 || 14) 933; 090 |'12, 915,690 | 2, 017, 400 1, 620,027 |} 1,521,725 || 1,278,701} 243,024 ||. 98,302 || 1,825,513 |] 299, 271 |--1, 526, 249 2,995,515 ||. 2,925,944 || 2)283°589| 642,355 || 69,571 || 1; 447230 || 522,047 | - 925” 133 7,192,907 || 7,076, 164 || 5,522,944 | 1,553,220 || 116, 743 || 4).060,333 || 1,485,100 | -2, 5757233 14, 217,155 || 14,147,174 || 9,385,025 |. 4,762,149 || 69,981 || 18,637,337 ||11, 741,425 | 6, 805, 912 9,117,991 || 9,021,991 |] 5,956,938 | 3,065,053 || 96,000 || 2,564) 497 || 968,797 | 1;595; 700 mon’ 976,415 76, 415 76, 165 ra ae 1; 000 1,000 452 :Bsere tee 5,700, 805 || 5,700,805-|/ 5,055,805 |. 645,000 ||.......... 700,000 || 700,000 |..........., ; 664, 990 393,969 | . 271,021 I].......... 181,476 || 181,476 {.:..22/050: 1,678, 294 || 1,668,569 || 1,237}578 |. 430, 991 9, 725 250,000 || 120,000 | 130; 060 1, 182, 362 || 1, 175, 962 32) 231 | 1,143,731 6, 9017873 || 491,405 | 410; 468 1,081,875 |} 1,081; 875 608,063 |. 878, 22 Il... -k-. 203,195 || 203,195 |......00.-.- 1,710, 796 ||» 1,710, 796 361, 989 |) 1,348, 807 ||.......... 1,345, 500 |} 1,195,500 |" 150, 000 414, 925 414) 495 101, 425.| ” 313; 000 500 || 1; 147,000 || 612000 | 535; 000 1,014,973 || 1,005, 473 495,007 | 510, 466 9,500 || 2)519; 800 || 1,865,300 | 6477500 117, 851 117, 851 EAE 5 a pea SRS Nea ye aa | GARI 1 Rap SOUS hate Lah 1,442,419 || 1,397,419 || 1,376, 809 20,610 || 45,000 114, 000 39, 000 75, 000 200, 000 200, 000 TI DOE Peg te Bas ve os lode ousce. ove oats wach's nelle eace eee 47,688, 153 || 47,687,153 || 30,776,550 | 16, 910, 603 1,000 || 6,734, 474 || 6,334,474 | 400, 000 — 906: ABSTRACT OF ‘THE CENSUS—DRAINAGE,’ TABLE 6.—LAND IN OPERATING ENTERPRISES, BY CONDITION: 1920. 2 2 . OPERATING ENTERPRISES. DIVISION AND STATE, Improved | [Timber oe pie’ Y | Suffering Total rer and cut- | roved ject to |, | alos (acres). (acres), | Overland land overflow. of crops (actes) (acres) (acres). (acres). States included..... 65, 495, 038 44, 288,235 | 11,283,532 | 9,923,271 || 7,224, 213 3, 011, 407 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: East North Central..... 31, 627, 176 25, 282, 065 4,457,151 | 1,887, 960 2,012, 248 West North Central. ... 19, 217, 367 11) 630, 279 | 2, 530, 012 5, O57, 076 2, 007, 511 South Atlantic........- 2) 385, 384 "388, 345.) 1862) 334 | -1}134) 705] 8497342 pro © East South Central..... 2, 323, 595 1, 349, 791 914, 404 _59, 400. 434, 602, West South Central....|| 7;924)197 || 378777166 | 2,506,431 | 1,540,600 || 1,670, 037 Mountain...... iin dasidie ale ~ 810,076 635, 868 7 | © 174,121 4) “194, A387 pow! Pacific....... forte cane 44 1, 207; 243 || 1, 124° 721 13, 113 69,409 |]. 56,036 |) DIO SS eee eae 8, 107, 204 6, 707, 328 916, 894 | » 442, 982 247; 273} “141, 481 : Indiana. ... su ‘ase’ 2) 596, 204 || 1, 474 B02 | 4,074) 860.) 01 47, 042 $5360 - QA2, 258 North Dakota.........- 1 240, 328 |). 15 026, 20 Be be eee Lip © 06238, 754 412, 3382 fixe 04, 819 South Dakota... .. os. * 999° 062 "178, R407 Co it dats 43, 522 6, 06 481. Nebraska .. <<. ¢0<- See. 4% " 607, 730 BBL, B17e}. cae 6, 34204 8° 49, 871 (14,01 ‘19,575 Kansas....-- tn gata del de oe 93) 856 87, 449, (00 4, 135°% O82, 272 MPR SS 6, 704 6, 088 SOUTH, ATLANTIC: hy 4 TO IOS LL eey me ORE Le North Carolina........- - 542,828 204, 928° » 21244, 576" 93, 324 2 “71, 494 MM) aD, F71 South Carolina........- 140, 031 59, 075 64, 955 ° 16, 001 » 187 206 f° 8,093, Georgia... --). uti aque 65, 452, 1) 29° 753 10, 155 25, 544 on, 951 fo eed, 832 Wionidan, 030 Sse sere i 637, 073 “94; 589 542, 648°} 999, 836 731, 691 }) . 40, 498 EAst SOUTH CENTRAL ‘ F Kentucky... tyaee sue - - o> Bd8, 480 245, 334 92, 495) 20, 651 69,413 | — 86,723 Tennesse. 2s spe. aus - 363, 671 163) 218 189, 945 10, 508 104, 063 |. 29, 879 Mississippt . .). a0) ais p> 1, 601, 444 || 941, 239 631, 964 28, 241 261,126 |! 9 12,207 | West SoutH CENTRAL: Bis i bl ATKANSHSIS. - 15, 940 7, FLO: dedole ein oe 7,970 5, 261 | "7, 163 | PACIFIC: . . h fava Tag?" | Washington.........+.; 94,924 81, 886 850°} .) 12,188 10, 873 {2° 18,996 Orogons 254 ity sah = =H) ope 2 34, 000 OOD Le JSR UL... es HOA sf eapee Califormia.. 44a sxe .| 4,108) 319 1/038, 835. 12, 263°} (2.57, 2211) 45, 163 | 8 42,209 ; ; : td ‘J : ved =! Se a. — £ a ae 4 4 ¢ ; ‘ ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—DRAINAGE. 907 TABLE 7.—LAND IN NONOPERATING ENTERPRISES, BY CONDITION: 1920. V—6060q68{NaN6QC3@KaKel—6wwewwwwswsSMMMmmMmmmmms : NONOPERATING ENTERPRISES. panssoit ib ete Improves | ancient | vote. || Saree | Sager ’ } | ‘ aay and over proved ject to loss of 4 (acres). land land overflow crops (acres). (acres). (acres). (acres). ‘States included: ....... 3,924,821 |] 1,376,495 | 1,294,018 | 1,254,308 || 2,299,562 |. 239,192 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: PL POEl Te SEY | RL Pos | BI, tid, BOM | et ee, PEAR Ran al rita acc . East North Central... 22. 446, 558 270, 083 77, 653 98, 822 144, 363 61, 024 West North Central....... 718,744 406, 744 89, 443 222, 557 441, 137 28, 656 () South Atlantic. ..2..2 2222. 1, 051, 503 36, 800 314, 640 700, 063 719; 579 38, 280 East South Central........ "473, 235 198, 494 223, 185 51, 556 239, 554 19,359 ; West South Central... m5) Ry ay aL; 138) 283 398, 471 587, 147 152, 665 709, 355 68, 150 ‘Mountain. 2.2.2 s20....-2,- 78, 733 56, 729 1, 950 20, 054 31, 258'|-' 23,723 MIPROMICPO OES oP SE. SLA 17, 765 DO P44 A LSE a 8, 591 14, BLGt 1 OEE siesta Norra CENTRAL iO O05... «tee 2 Ja 40,342 24, 375 4, 363 11, 604 19, 776 7,603 Indiana mere peat... din 288, 724 192, 190 51, 212 45, 322 64, 677 38, 456 ) abe BOCES HER AL LL 984 44, 993 3,714 24,277 29, 294 13, 507 ota ieae oe ee | ee West Norta CENTRAL: / ’ PHL AO Tae CSOUB se fc BSc te 130, 235 34, 494 7,158 88, 583 78, 922 981 Powe 008 Oe. clk 158, 534 84, 722 4,350 69, 462 68, 197 5, 058 Mae wet eteee eee ee ae? 061 real tae 77, 268 te ae 270, a 17,917 SES ETE 1 RR il | Le, IPee ea S We eo SOMATE MIUOR Nebraska. .......0..00004 25, 836 5, 853 267 19,716 21, 636 4,700 oi ete Be a Ed 12,078 11, 278 400 BOO Tl anki wektesen ttn het « sourn ATLANTIC: Demet emerOmeeR BELT. Li SS ibd toy OS. 0 2 Hote ce de eeecolec cd Sd 2 Mace lL entosh deni. South Carolina............ 4, 206 976 1,548 1, 682 4106013 i208 |. Gaoreia fey osc 38, 554 9,622 9,426 19,506 23, 232 6, 862 - eat Sy eon 1, 008, 743 26, 202 303, 666 678, 875 692, 241 31, 418 AST SOUTH CENTRAL: Kentucky.......2.22---.- 113, 394 67, 526 28, 539 17,829 55, 389 875 Tonesses. soe 82) 284 23,116 57, 150 2) 018 76, 004 17, 536 a. ag ah ei cl LK 277, 557 | 107, 852 137, 496 32) 209 108, 211 948 EST SOUTH ENTRAL AGA TSASCS 5 2 ORGS LR 672, 243 217,491 | 414, 707 40, 045 496, 573 20; 774 aR ister Sia ee Say 466, 040 180,980 | 172,440 112, 620 212, 782 47,376 SEMA tA ha Naha tk arp dv Cec icine-d Ha ae occa ecw ee doe Calett hineletoO ae oe el [bcowrez esents lt CRD: pie SAG EET HERRERO TS FS (Foy aie Syn Sane! CP ce te eR Ft ch gag | HERE na cans AGES as MOUNTAIN: BEES DE yore ae ame RRS SUN | 2 en CO GAS A Ne EM | MORRNERREER SE ia x oe >. Reahoeey 06... 2S... 1. 14, 090 7,514 1,950 4,626 3, 326 3, 101 Ww oe ASRS AR SARS Rice thin 11, 567 1; Dip eetemion hoes ae 4,054 6, 554 1,000 SONG AL SE Sk ticle we ethos «| GG ae te = colle dhonteeuleoee Po lnia a Swot Soa e « || Conmeesttancs’ SOUR Roe oa DOW. MOIGOS Sc. osteo. 7, 000 1, 750: | oasdon papers OF 250 ee mbt 1,155_ UU 9 Ci ee oe 25, 345 22, ZL0 He a awadedene 3, 069 1, 069 1, 069 Nene yp a Se 20, 731 17, 676: 22 ow aboobus 3, 055 20, 309 17,398 RASTA IAS rl slo cl cmate sooo ol hss cb ait salen horsrckrd ot cacls 5 sea O dws so «| Iemreecrsencecmmeela RU La PACIFIC: _ Rsbton. wettesectc sont) 45865 3 W408 1,691 1, S60 idee sy... URN AE Dy Sc SLL aie wu Sta oh Ss wk Mas It Saye Megara ea tot a ans (ace d odie Vino wien Ubon pages motel ELOY Se Citiforminiyy ob ob28% 222. 12, 900 6, OOO AES: £0.08 6, 900 12, 900nITLCOY . 908° ABSTRACT OF THE’ CENSUS—DRAINAGE: ° PABLE 8LEDRAINAGE WORKS! OF OPERATING. ENTERPRISES: 1920.0) COMPLETED. UNDER CONSTRUCTION. | PUMPING PLANTS.! DIVISION AND STATE. Open Tile | Lev- ||} Open || Tile | Lev- q ditches: | drains.| ees! || difches| drains |. ees} (miles). | (miles). | (miles).|| (miles). (miles). (miles). States included..| 107,468. 2| 42, 311. 7/3, 519.8 4,301.8) 2,862.1; 810.2 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS:| | ery HLA BO! East North Central | 23, 325.2} 866.41) 408.9} 369.6) 112. 8|| . 20, 190] 2,964, 014) 315, 879 West North Central 17, 109.3) 698.6 745. 6) 1,285, 0 85.8 6, 003)" b, 086, 800) 207, 124 South Atlantic. ... 101. 5). 111, 7!) 1,229.4) 161.0) 136. 5)) 1,275 1, 083, 600} 107, 440 Fast South Central 325. 3. 49, 2}|' 436.0) © 55.3 47.0 250) 78, 0 44, West South Central 20. 6} 625. 3}) 1/234. 0 2.0} 306. 7|| 10, 465) 5,965,150) 230, Mountaine< is... 1, 248. 2 37, BAY 836. 1) 1; 966, 5}... . 225 480) : 2. .72,) 84,312 Pacificn! ose 80.22: 181.6] 1,131.1]|. 211.8]' © 23.7} 121.4]| 28,526) 4,699, 042) 604, 446 i East NORTH CENTRAL: ; TEAOVE TRAY MiGs. FON aL sss 9, 205. 3 9.6 13. 4) )) £h3,3) 4.0 125 3,600). 011,755 Indiana. Ste ta... 8,227.6) 165.8 123. 4) | 185.7 9.2 625, 048} 5, G11 TTMxtois J-Bee GS 02: 3,507.1) 650. 2) 2165.7) = 127,1 97.1}| 18, 225] 2, 843, 066} 291, 816 . Miehigan..:.: Bois 2173.9) 33.1] 118.4 ae eae ..|| .. 1,085}. 62,000) 10, 100 Wisconsinx: .2:.... 211. 3, ra ( 88.0 40.1 2.5 150) 22.3 isa 9216597 West NORTH CENTRAL: ipvi Tery 1 Minnesota....7...- 5, 924. 6 0. 1))) 166.1) 462.7 OE Bi he ance meh oulay Sl Sie cd, wh Lowa... (teh ea .c. 10,3849} 45.2|/° ) 81.1) 768,62... ..|| 3,153] 580, 800] 134, 616 MISSOUrl Ae 22 US 2 -88.8|° 456. 910 $460.4) 65,9 74.9 2, 785. .552, 000) 70,308 . North Dakota..... 9.3 NE | s are heey ype Ps 8 | en bo ne a! j South Dakota.....| 179.3 2.41]. 8.1 PE | eee, cd | a sjédasl. Wiwod. é. ‘ Nebraskai.: tS... 359. 4 26. 8 18.7| . 94,2 y+ ee OT otc ddemday, 29 ; __ Kansas... = el 213.0] 165. 1/9 1! 7.2).. a2. 7.8 65]... 4,000)" 2,200 ] SoutTH ATLANTIC: ‘oTTVsseer. HTC Nerth Carolina....} 1,171..3)......... SIT Ce BAT. SL ETE sin ach 1, 000) 1,000,000)’ 100, 000 if South Carolina... 101.5 12.0 87.7| 161.0 30. 0 - 155}. «44, 600) ; 2,940 Georgiat £25 26... .1}) S0c2tG, 8}... Jeena... 8 79. 94S fhe... ot fh | RSP FT OS Ree 4 Pldridas the S050. we'd. OOO.8 66. 2|)\ 694, 0}. (106.5), > .. 120). 39, 000) 4, : EAST SOUTH CENTRAL: | : Kentucky .'...+-..- 86. GOs . aac Sia : a VO Mate (> ae PATE j - «8109 , iio ate (Hat ab “he , BBE RE ; hs rabtate iid vb , bi ie = - iis g hist 18 t sutltfar Aly Sake wat wr Bo alae asa f saan uy ay pay Ged oF awoke audit ezon'? boularisleh ton gew or iaile eobisiont “yest” § i eT bine delele ob wn ¥ 4 < + Page aA a © oh hie BATT. » ve * e 4 Tike ee, oe ° ‘ Flea Pras FES, AGS. © come Fee tyr , Si tied aly 0a , oe 4 Gp% ue st ae iy ce eae 2S - * ei aS “S cepernansi tees Bey inj ooaaac ben) nea oe ADH att hd waorenerats aie PP ot Bi 2 “AWEM ASA sre : Gr ae carletar ty: 34 pA STAC gern: arr ats TAREMED teh (22 ee {% an- WAT RV Ee : ae “et. eh oe er: oe oe NSS Waa ’ . ox hie , yetre Hs rey et eager. cle Salt eS ; ie E city Sees Lege dren tiny EE Hyon spot iacaune bag petess helin) latasstitpo' Re ante ee eee “ye At a aga Mel fing dot flO Gil orien Sy stage ce por werebicnot baths wR ie+b- ie Ly ee sere ot Rk rata ot tk be kad i: i. WAS ms : ve wt , {. q ack oe - ye - % : . 4 Bo RISE BT . ahs nee arr t RAPT SkIVIOK ies Pere NGhE tc: gael Gis A ae 4 Laie ices ideas ghirigescitse <4 bok i ousboxg % te sara i Ut Dedoast esiilenbalfeqioaitt 2 a U6 ea, fein’ cpg ana Sisters YT eae BY ee saludo thas: OLE vest tienoad ymieoat oes ot dotass Bue snolaivil oidgmiposs 10 steed Je sift g PIE she, ; Px man srt ¥ for 4 ‘ " 7 <4 iat me) RANTES ‘Ho enter a4 RW alonlgnns’ wick nineteen re Orb LA sh wodn| ols alk Pe iS 61! ee Adit goto stt at ERA x at Sinan an ene tit arr og veg, aad rod ta in, (OFF yd #4itie to a2it abate LBP Ce re: Pe ne WAR Me Pa? Mba SH Pa RF in once AIRE bree SuAel weit; alisacihs! garusto elassxpis at Denagre enortesh ; - ‘eottteusbal pratt yank 26 ost ui Mente ase lo coment os bste x08 2 Op ene cod Sesithe DAL 2 xd anhacnebbive eabunt ve wiponr wi Pde tn i oi OS AGE eit eel phe, sans Eice itty sakthe serg0: 9276 ,etinout tf paomine oye O11 jean cote. Day re Dehits: AS “ tals Me Pp ee Hoe Ss aR ; ibe cf. oe ve Ce Rae ELE Be avy REE iiss . -s— ee ale cht dw ee i ee nee ot aed Au tied peau 440 oe ede, es wile ta ened y Be bes Be pant te ai 4 10 hair os Te aes a tae “esa Gad RA oe Renn ve: SORT Bank ter PIL feats 12 DEH 5. ia Pais oe y rites. 8 BT AMICATS A TRH Rr sh tin es se op eae tay erecta neiiowy * 9 Yatton oysters F geht afte g Y Steaias wet TLL aha R a, et siitss et 5 a IEE deve’ | ‘ sig re F Wi ale sed 2 Tin 7 . a\? <= mo Hetkiniss earere hae ALS Coleg nS Ta £7 | “ «= vee tea « pices ew FE a Sh Wed, 4,6 ay Tee ey al " Bie Hite ¢ id el BOE barn ie tou Dorngy tO Lae wd baquoty ane aii tide ved: ey oe es fk waite ‘ Lansesaien to (GzroknaR Bias ditto epee, bine WORF A SBE WxeF scldtaa we aN py | m kee eee, 6 aeang eo hand eb ubrbeabot Vu. lite gene Te Dime. ; POT B21) CPR, eye P| ae J8 bas @o igh Hb ableergnss vd aridearwe te. ne Peer tary that Sy i i f ape. é . 4 Aare . Ba when ony Sea TORAH BE aR eh A ses 8. > Ritca FUP ge i e5: = SET me nt NAR A SANG tat Rey ‘Ciat idite bos: nh 2 ya peeanre Li ues ae ra gate "bias. HORE, hE SeSS seats mtbaal SL TA Oye 0k? pie ina as cB t8 ised mh So hate ine aeviates Moleiteresese nt IOWEOG: WOH. ot Ro dit a 5 vite ‘oad Ma ad Mitek 16. vita bs St a Petey oy a> ° Lee eo Z y a “polkas sei ‘Viet ToL abt varifiaiss Thad bap hs obscures} FR b rh eae tw tay reat ee } ins ‘ -5 a4 ' scene 3 Pradais ates SBO°CRAIM DH. thin eg hme nhs ae Bin 8, “RM oe: stduibab ia og gry 5th bear He oo “st 013 2 veins) oe raat a { ipthackata Sa1oMt , x es a ‘ ssepsanl ace z mbites eed 5 ES e pele > oe Bis, ers ant 2 ay sbi Ry PED K Seas anaes SEs eames cca Dn aa ia we aii iiig ay RODEO, MRL esl: beandbooe hae gexec naive “te oS "ee eae Fite g Quek 2 t0t “div Hh ween og Dass fait ent fasors oo yatta > “ ae ROWED Gnd cane URL: Dus MAU IAT CIEL ascdalmierr babe pied aay Ree “ft bakgnet> > = Pi bag, Seas 956 uBEE: Saemedatal 24. Horsepower in geographic divisions and states: 1869 to 1919.........-.----+++++-+++- sofasn eke tls Cot ts CONSUMPTION OF FUEL. 25. Consumption of fuel in 47 leading fuel-consuming industries: 1919, 1914, and 1909s. tos iiwn see. ae SUMMARY FOR GROUPS OF INDUSTRIES. | 26. Comparative summary for 14 general groups of industries: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904............-. SPECIAL STATISTICS. FOOD AND KINDRED PRODUCTS. 27. Butter, cheese, and condensed milk: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904. . ... 1.22... .22---2--eeeeeeee nese ee 28. Canning and preserving, fish and oysters: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904. .............-.+---+-+-+---+- 29. Canning and preserving, fruits and vegetables: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904.............-.------+--- 30. Flour-mill and gristmill products (merchant mills): 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904.-...........-.-.--- 31. Glucose and starch: 1919, 1914, and 1909... 22... 1.1 eee eee eee eee ee eee cece ence nc ee nena 32. Rice, cleaning and polishing: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904.........----.-------------2-eeee sees ee eeee 33. Beet and cane sugar: 1919, 1914, and 1900... 2.22 eee eee eee eee een eee eee ene e een e reece ee 34, Slaughtering and meat packing: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904.........-2- 22 ee eee e eee e eee e seen e eee enes (912) a] a vay ¥ . 2. . ia 4 = : if 38 J : CONTENTS, | 9138 TEXTILES AND THEIR PRODUCTS. Page. rE MUSTITIFECUIIFOR, G10, 1004, SNC 1000. 6 cca con pe Kan nmemecs ne 36 4dncedanecctacees bacwsndensns 1065 Basi as woods. 1919, 1014, 1009 and Tg0a ye Tee A Tn TV he ABD naw lee nnn n nc ncmeccemascecss 1087 37. Silk goods, ineludin throwsters: 1OEOl 2914, 2900 Pa. LODE EI ne a. cman wie ye wn manne we 1071 38.. Woolen and worsted goods: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904........ 2... eee eee eee eee 1074 ee Er FO te Os IN, LOOKS. on ino Pees ~ fa sp cin conn Minn 4 ayin's Bn n aon oe Sas Antibes an's 1077 rT eee OMA TOL, BET IOS gn nasi nw apna naar dona cbnndnsanien genes ~ahne ann ant ennnsees 1078 ar. Fines, WOOl-Leleiaue a LS poe FOOSE A Tae Sy. SE Tek. Ey tee Ga Taye eee ad 2a: enn e =e 1079 reer reer Tee: 19101018, LOUD BN TOU a as cae atinncmteceinndas oness a sere gck areas emnme 1080 neta OIOIN~ 1900. 1OLAS SIC TOO ie oo ie ain nan tine nob remem = ih to ease es wean «ccm ne nine 1080 aie nol shosay: 1919, 1914, efi 1000: 1. ess cnee Se reese ee AL LT AE OPO BOF 1081 45, Cordage and twine, and jute and linen goods: 1919, 1914, and 1909.............-.--.---.+-+6-2s+54 1082 | reed IRON AND STEEL AND THEIR PRODUCTS. 46. Tron! and steel) blast furnaces: 11919, 10145,aNd ; 1909 jon ig ne ese ed eee lee ed ealncee eee e nes dee 1084 OO ES ES a eh eee re ee errr ore ere 1086 48. Steel works and rolling mills:. 1919, 1914, and 1909..... 2.22... 22.020 e cele edie 1087 49. Tin plate and terneplate: 1919, 1914, amd 1900....0. 2.0.22... lillie ee ee tees eee eee eeee 1092 eo? Pmereninasiry: U9IDiande 1014 es Pieces shied ceca eye nigh epee eT RAT © ae da pee pert tae ene 1093 LUMBER AND TIMBER PRODUCTS. 51. Production of lumber, lath, and shingles: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904........2...2..2..22.2.22-5055 1095 52.. Production of tight staves and heading: 1919 and 1909... ...2... 2220222222 eee ee 1095 53. Production of slack staves, heading, and hoops: 1919 and 1909/..............-22--.2s2.25.-52-+-- 1096 54. Wood consumed in the manufacture of veneers: 1919, 1911, and 1909. ...............202 00.0022 2e 1096 | LEATHER AND ITS FINISHED PRODUCTS. é 55. Leather, tanned, curried, and finished: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904. .............--2.2452--e ee eee ee 1097 56. Boots, shoes, slippers, and other footwear, by classes: 1919, 1914, and 1904... ......0..-2..+--00ss- 1089 57. Leather gloves and mittens: 1919, 1914, 1909, BG Ch POO ie er aed Geese Sia eit aes adi nies Sin ate eR oe 1100 . . PAPER AND PRINTING. 58. Paper and wood pulp: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904..........- 224-220. 2 eee eee eee cent ee ene 1161 59, Printine and publishing::1919, 1914, and. 1909... 2... / ncn tees mee eens cee nccsenee reser cesses nae s 1105 60. Books and pamphlets—Number: 1919, 1914, and 1909. ........+.-2---2--- 2+ eee eee eee ee eee eee ees 1107 CHEMICALS. — 61. Chemicals—Detailed statistics of products, by groups: 1919, 1914, and 1909...................2.-- 1108 GJe Coke: 1919,.1914, and 1909) fe. ie ee Pegs ORY Mies 6 PGs TE AGL SE 1123 63. Druggists’ preparations, patent and proprietary medicines and compounds, perfumery and cos- — MICH REED ICI OL. a etl, Say cake cs Cou ates s sods Weeks ME ae tices ae genie ates ate 1124 — 64, Natural. dyestufis.and extracts: 1919,'1914, and 1909---.-.-../.-2-..- 2.222.202 eee eee eee eee 1125 BES SS TBR eg nn 0: eae tein opted os PU aie etree pete irene Siege Sy reek 1126 RON vGtinee ell, WGia. Gt IGUOL Lo S20. 1 ee trees Si ig tae Pa Cie. UA Oe 1127 67. Gas, illuminating and batting (1089: 1Ol4 tnd 10005 54 2550 Soe esheets... ia ee 1129 68.. Paint and varnish: 1919, 1914, and 1909... .. 12. . 22.2.2. ee eee ee eee ee ee eee eee eee 1133 69. Petroleum refining: 1919, 1914, and 1909...) 2... ieee eee eee ee eee eee cee 1134 70. Soap: 1919, 1914, and 1909... ....... +2222 22. eet reece eet ee eee teeter eee ee eee ere eens 11387 rier STONE, CLAY, AND GLASS PRODUCTS. 71. Brick, tile, pottery, and other clay products: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904.............-..2+-2-222+-+ 1139 72. Cement products: 1919 ,1914, 1909, and 1904... 22, 5 eee eee ene cee cnet eee tee e eee teeter ee eres 1140 73. Glass products: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904. ... 2... .-.- +... -- eee eee ee eee eet eee nett e eter e tees 1141 bios Sage ‘VEHICLES FOR LAND TRANSPORTATION. a) Mn tomonlies 1919. 1984, “and 1909/0. 7 2ito. Basal) Pon eA hs ete 0k Doyle le baobab nla 1142 75. Motorcycles, bicycles; and parts: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904.2 ...........-.2-.--- 222-220 - 2 eoe eee 1142 76. Carriages, wagons, and repairs: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904. . .........-..---.-- 2-22 eee renee tenet 1143 77. Cars, steam and electric railroad: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904. ........--..-.--- 22-2222 e ene eee eee et 1144 Mise sutiy to be RAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. “78; Steam-railroad repair shops: 1919, 1914, 1909, arid 1904... ..- 22.1... 22-22222e eee 1145 79. Electric-railroad repair shops: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904........-.....------+------- 22-222 sees eee 1145 eric 4 MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIES. RgoiePiamowand organs: 1919-1914 cande 1900 sass os/inak- nde tines ese noue ore cn nsaeemeesneeenerenthage 1146 81. Phonographs and graphophones: 1919, 1914, 1909, and, 1904... ...- +. -02- +++ reese eens een nent 1147 ~'82. Agriculturalimplements: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904.......- irene Plies ab Shae tye dao? ay eee as 1148 83. Electrical machinery, apparatus, and supplies: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904. .........--+-----+-+-++- 1150 84. Ice manufactured: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904... 2-2 esos eee eee ee een eee ee eee eee eee eee 1153 85. Rubber goods::1919!.. .2/.y2l hie. Lewe ses Kigidd nae Luau weet cee b abla se ANG prs Beem sale wap peniey 1154 86.’ Number and gross tonnage of vessels launched, and number of power boats: 1919, 1916, 1914, and 1909. 1155 87. Kind and value of shipbuilding work: 1919, 1916, 1914, and 1909... ......4-.2+e---eseeseeneeeenee 1156 GENERAL TABLES, ie wi bevolanse ‘ai! re COMPARATIVE SUMMARY. | ~ $8. Comparative summary for t he United States, by industries: 1919, and 1914. ...............--.-+- 1157 ’ 89, Comparative summary, by geographic divisions and states: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904.02.02. 202.2... 1168 DETAIL STATEMENT. 90. Detail statement for the United States, by industries: 1919............-- 2-2-2202 - eee ceed dere eee 1172 91. Detail statement, by geographic divisions and states: 1919..............0.. scene ee ee eet e cree eee ee 1256 75108°—23 58 MANUFACTURES. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATION OF TERMS. This chapter presents in condensed form statistics collected for the census of manu- factures of 1919, and comparative figures for prior censuses. It is designed to meet the requirements of those who desire statistics for the United States as a whole, for the principal industries, and for the states, counties, and principal cities. The general report and analytical tables are presented in Volume VII. -The detailed statistics for the different industries in the states, counties, and cities are given in Volume IX, and similar details for the principal industries are contained. in the special reports for such industries. The following paragraphs explain the scope of the census and the terms used in presenting the statistics: J Scope of census.—Census statisties of manufactures are compiled primarily, for the purpose of showing the absolute and relative magnitude of the different branches of industry covered and their growth or de- cline. Incidentally, the effort is made to present data throwing light upon character of ee size of establishments, both by value of products and average number of wage earners and germane su jects. When use of the data is made it is imperative to note that owing to the limitations of the statistics any attempt made to derive from the figures the average wages, cost of production, or profits is not only futile .but misleading. : The census did not cover establishments which were idle during the entire year or for which products were valued at less than $500, or the manufacturing done in educational, eleemosynary, and penal institu- tions. Period covered.—The returns relate to the calendar year 1919, or the business year which corresponded most nearly to that calendar year, and cover a year’s operations, except for establishments which began or discontinued business during the year. The establishment.—As a rule, the term “establishment” represents a single plant or factory, but in some Gases it represents two or more plants which were operated under 4 common ownership or for which one set of books of account was kept. If, however, the plants constituting an establishment as thus defined were not all located within the same city, county, or state, separate reports were secured in order that the figures for each plant might be included in the statistics for the city ,county, or state in which it was located. Classification by industries.—The establishments were assigned to the several classes of industries according to their products of chief value. ‘The products reported for a given industry may thus, on the one hand, include minor products different from those covered by theclass designation, and, on the other hand, may not represent the total product covered by this designation, because some of this class of product may be made in establishments in which it is not the product of chief value. , ; Selected industries.—The general tables at the end of this chapter give the principal facts separately for bbe tudustriee and the states. A selection has been made of certain leading industries for more detailed consideration. ; an Comparisous with previous censuses.—Owing to changes in industrial conditions it is not always possible to classify establishments by industries in such a way as to permit accurate comparison with preceding censuses. At the census of 1909 the figures for kindred industries were combined. This prac- tice has been followed in compiling the statistics for 1919 and 1914 when placed in comparison with those for 1909 and prior years. Influence of increased prices.—In comparing figures for cost of materials, value of products, and value -added by manufacture in 1919 with the corresponding figures for earlier censuses, account should be taken of the general increase in the prices of commodities during recent years. To the extent to which this fac- tor has been influential the figures fail to afford an exact measure of the increase in the-volume of business. Persons engaged in the industry.—The following general classes of persons engaged in the manufac- turingindustries were distinguished: (1) Proprietors and firm members, (2) salaried officers of corporations, (3) superintendents and managers, (4) clerks (including other subordinate salaried employees), and (5) wage earners. In the reports for the censuses of 1904 and 1899 these five classes were shown according to the three main groups: (1) Proprietors and firm members, (2) salaried officials, clerks, etc., and (3) wage earners. In comparative tables covering the census of 1904 it is of course necessary to group the figures according to the classification that was employed at the earlier censuses. ¢ ‘he number of persons engaged in each industry, segregated by sex, and, in the case of br earners, also by age (whether under 16 or 16 and over), was reported for a single representative day. The 15th of December was selected as representing for most. industries normal conditions of employment, but where this date was not a representative day an earlier date*was chosen. MEWS ied ia Tn the case of employees other than wage earners the number thus reported for the representative date has been treated as equivalent to the average for the year, since the number of employees of this class does not ordinarily vary much from month to month. - In thecase of wage earners the average has been obtained in the manner explained in the next paragraph. : : 5G cadeys wud t4 In addition to the more detailed report by sex and age of the number of wage earners on the represen- tative date, a report was obtained of the number employed on the 15th of each month, by sex, without distinction of age. From these figures the average number of wage earners for the year has been calculated by dividing the sum of the numbers reported for the several months by 12. The importance of the in- dustry as an employer of labor is believed to be more accurately measured by thisaverage than by the — number employed at any one time-or’on a given day. ) by Le barge ve The number of wage earners reported for the representative day, though given in certain tables for each separateindustry, is not totaled for allindustries combined for any state, because, in view of the variations of date, such a totalis believed not to be significant. It wouldinvolve more or less bo eet of persons working in different industries at different times, would not represent the total number employed in all industries at any one time, and would give an undue weight to seasonalindustries as compared with ind triesin continual operation. . This total, however, is Shown for the different cities, because the limited area and greater regularity of employment jargely overcame the objection incident to its publication for the separate states or the United States. © Dy oti f slats boa uo iba maar ot i f : . =. 2 DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATION OF ‘TERMS, 915 In order to determine as nearly as possible the age distribution of the average number of wage earners for a given state as a whole, the percent distribution by age of the wage earners in each industry for Decem- ber 15, or the nearest representative day, has been calculated from the actual numbers reported for that date. The percentages thus obtained have been applied to the average number of wage earners for the year in that industry to determine the average numbers 16 years and over, and under 16, employed. These calculated averages for the severalindustries have been added to give the average distribution for each state asa whole and for the entire country. Salaries and wages.—Under these heads are given the total payments during the year for salaries and “wages, respectively. The Census Bureau has not undertaken to calculate the average annual earnings of either salaried employees or wage earners. Such averages would possess little real value, because they would be based on the earnings of employees of both sexes, of all ages, and of widely varying degrees of skill. Furthermore, so far as wage earners are concerned, it would be impossible to calculate accurately even so simple an average as this, since the number of wage earners fluctuates from month to month in every industry, and in. some cases to a very great extent. The Census Bureau’s figures for wage earners, as already ex lained, are averages based on the number employed on the 15th of each month, and while representing the number according to the pay rolls to whom wages were paid on that date, no doubt rep- resent & vy number than would be required to perform the work in any industry ifall were continuousiy employed during the year. evailing hours of labor.—No attempt was made to ascertain the number of wage earners working a given number ofhours per week. The inquiry called merely for the prevailing practice followed in each ‘establishment. ‘Occasional variations in hours in an‘establishment from one part of the year to another ‘were eke pt and no’attention was paid to the fact that a few wage earners might have hours differ- ing from those of the majority. All the wage earners of each establishment are therefore counted in the class within which the establishment itself falls. In most establishments, however, practically all the oes earners work the same number of hours, so that the figures give a substantially correct representation ofthe hours of labor. —— u bu bE Capital.—The instructions on the schedule for securing datarelating to capital were as follows: “(The answer should show the total amount of capital, both owned and borrowed, on the last day of the business yearreported. Alltheitems of fixed and live capital may be taken at the amounts carried on the books. ifland or buildings are rented, that fact should bestated and no value given. Ifa part of the land or buildings'is owned, the remainder being rented, that fact should be so stated and only the value of the owned property given. Do notincludesecurities and loansrepresenting investments in other enterprises.” _ ‘These instructions were identical with those employed at the censuses of 1914 and 1909. ‘The data com- ne respect to capital, however, at both censuses, as well as at all preceding censuses of manufacturers, ave been so defective as to be of little value except as indicating very general conditions. In fact, it has been repeatedly recommended by the census authorities that this inquiry be omitted from the schedule. While there are some establishments whose accounting systems are such that an accurate return for capital could be made, thisis not true ofthe great majority, and the figures therefore do not show the actual amount ofcapitalinvested. — . [y's wR w Materials.—The statistics as to the cost of materials relate to the materials used during the year, which may be more or less than the materials purchased during the year. The term ‘‘materials” covers fuel, rent of ree and heat; mill supplies, and containers, as well as materials which form a constituent part of the ro: ad as , : P: Rent and taxes.—The taxes include certain Federal taxes and state, county, and local taxes. Under ‘Federal taxes” there are included the internal revenue tax on manufactures (tobacco, beverages, etc.), excise taxes when included in values reported for products, corporation capital stock tax, and corporation income tax, but not the income tax for individualand partnership establishments. . Value of products.—The amounts given under this heading represent the selling value or price at the ory ofall products manufactured during the year, which may differ from the value of the products sold. ~ Value added by manufacture.—The value of products is not always a satisfactory measure of either the absolute or therelative importance ofa given industry, because only a part of this value is actually created by the manufacturing processes carried on in the industry itself. Another part, and often by far thelarger ‘one, represents the value of the materials used. For many purposes, therefore, the best measure of the importance of an industry, from a manufacturing standpoint, is the value created by the manufacturing operations carried on within the nee. This value is calculated by deducting the cost of the materiais used from the value of the products. ‘The figure thus obtained is termed in the census reports “‘ value ‘added by manufacture.”’ ; Cost of manufacture and profits.—The census data do not show the entire cost of manufacture, and consequently can not be used for the calculation of profits. .No account has been taken of depreciation or interest, rent of offices and buildings other than factory or works, insurance, ordinary repairs, advertising, and other sundry expenses. : ; Primary horsepower.—This item represents the total primary power generated by the manufacturing establishments plus the amount of power, principally electric, rented from other concerns. It does not cover the power of electric motors taking their current from dynamos driven by primary power machines ~— operated by the same establishment, because the inclusion of such power would cbviously result in dupli- cation. The figures for primary horsepower represent the rated capacity of the engines, motors, ete., and not the amount of power in actual daily use. ; ‘ 2) Fuel.—Statistics of the quantity of fuel used are shown only for anthracite and bituminous coal, coke, fuel oils, gasoline and other volatile oils, and gas—natural and manufactured, and represent the quantity used during the year. As only the principal kinds of fuel are shown, comparison as to the total cost of all fuel is impracticable. A comparison, however, of the total quantities of the several kinds of fuel used in 1919 and 1914is given. : 916 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-“—MANUFACTURES, GENERAL STATISTICS. TABLE 1.—CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES AND NONCONTIGUOUS TERRITORY: 1919. MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. _ Continental . Porto Total. United States.| Alaska. | Hawaii. Riro. Number of establishments......... 291, 367 290, 105 ~~ 147 oi 496 | 619 Persons engaged... 2s20- osna eee 10, 850, 250 10, 812, 736 7,316 11, 744 18, 454 Proprietors and firm members. "270, 679 "969° 137 55 700 787 Salaried employees. 2.2... .2s0..4 hj 450, 670 1, 447, 227 686 1,075. 15682 Wage earners (average number) 9, 128,901 9, 096, 372 6, 575 9,969 15,985 Primary horsepower. ith tweed en < 29,654, 959 29° 504, 792 18,646 » 64, 295 67, 226 Capitalcs 2055, eGo re ase eee $44, 664, 535, 453 ||$44, 466, 593, 771 |$64, 949, 405 |$48, 840, 967 |$84, 151, 310 Salaries and wages. ...v..2.4 peaasts 13, 454, 438, 035 i3, 425, 771, 834 10, 895, 712| 8,666,024}. 9, 104,465 Salaries>: s..ncia -beiigeicd Bike 2, 898, 795, 876 2 892, 371, 494 2 056, 260 | 2,029,261 | 2,338, 861 WOSPS site erased ue adele 10, 555, 642, 159 10, 533, 400, 340 | 8,839,452 | 6,636,763 | 6,765, Paid for contract work... ..20i5..... ” 467, 044, 272 ” 464° 403, 700.| 2,447,962). 1° 34,826 _ 157, 784 Rent and faxesyiao-jsis /xakaks ons 2; 305, 847, 617 || 2; 291° 412 446 | 1,577, 501 | 10,662; 930 | 2,194, 740 Cost of materials. oJ2. cise... sori sue 37, 536, 834, 172 37, 376, 380, 283 19° 432) 485 |, 81,144,130} 59,827, 274 Value of products... 2... 2... bebe 62, 678, 177, 262 62, 418, 078, 773 41, 495, 243 /133,096, 412 | 85,506, 834 Value added by manufacture 1..... 25, 141, 343° 090 25, 041, 698, 490 22° 012 ne 51, 952, 282 | 25, 679, 560 1 Value of products less cost of materials. TABLE 2._COMPARATIVE SUMMARY: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND. 1904, MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. ee oe: OOP ROO BPH “orp ments... (eRe s 290, 105 275, 791 268, 491 216,180|| 5. Persons engaged. ..-...-. 10, 812, 736 8, 263, 063 yA 678, ffs) gnecmpa 213, 612)| 30. fy 5% Proprietors and firm members. {222552 269, 137 262, 599 273, 265} 225, 673 21, Salaried employees... 3 447, 227 964) 217 790, 267 ~~ 519, 556)| 50. 2. Wage earners (aver- age number)........ 9096, 372 7, 036, 247 6, 615, 046 iB 468, 383]; 29, “al, Primary horsepower... . 29/ 504, 792 22 437, 072 13) 675, 376 487, 707)|. 31, 38. Capital of spa $44, 466, 593, 771|$22, 790, 979, 937/$18, 428° 269, 706/$12, om 580, 874]; 9. 45. Salariesand wages...... 13, 425, 771, 834 5, 354, 249, 384 4, 365, 61 om 851 3 184° 884) 275) 150. eg Salaries ics 0. TS 2 392’ 371, 494 L 275, 916, 951 ” 9387 574, 967 574) 439, 322|| 126. 63. Wares... 0227222 & 10, 533, 400, 340 4 078, 332, 433] 3, 497, 037; 884] 2, 610, 444° 953)} 158. 31. Paid for contract work.. 464° 403, 700 "198; 876, 826 178, 645, 635 "145° 322’ 516}} 133.5 22, Rent and taxes......:.. 2, 291" 412° 446 582’ 039, 665 457, 883, 110; 2 131, 964, 825]| 293. 7). 27.1)... 2. Cost of materials........ 37, 376, 380, 283) 14, 368, 088, 831 12, 142) 790, 878} 8, 500, 2077 810}} 160. 1) 42,9 Value of products...... 62, 418° 078, 773 24. 246, 434, » 124) 20; 672; ’ 05k, 870 14, 793, 902, 563]} 157. 4 39.7 Value added by manu- pasts facture?!) 2786 222 25, 041, 698, ‘00 9, 878, 345, 893! 8, 529, 260,992} 6, 293, 694, 753)! 153. 5 . 8} 35. 5 ( Po na? 1A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. 3 Exclusive ofinternalrevenue. == * Value of products less cost of materials. | SUMMARY. 917 — ad 5 PROP RT | TABLE 3.—SUMMARY; 1849 TO 1919. 5 » e6Cy“@{CSaa@jCuqjqj™hamnNeaoaomnnm@a@a»»a@a88q#TU09U0auuaunuuUTU09Dm ee", a Number | Wage earn- 5 of estab- | ers (average Capital. Wages. lishments.| number). _ FACTORIES AND HAND AND NEIGHBORHOOD INDUSTRIES. 1849 (censtis Of 1850). . 02.2.6... -c0 see spectien ee 123, 025 957,059 $533, 245, 351 $236, 755, 464 1859 (cOnSuUS Of 1860), ............2. 2.22. - eee eee 140,433 | 1,311,246 | $1,009, 855, 715 $378, 878, 966 3 Per cont ofincrease, 1849 to 1859. -.... 22... 14.1 37.0 89. 4 60. 0 > 1869 Agensys of 1870) (gold value)......-.-....- 252,148 2,053,996 | $1,694, 567,015 $620, 467, 474 __._. Per cent ofincrease, 1859 to 1869........... 79.6 56.6 67.8 63.8 BG7O{COMSUS OF 1880), - 5. oes ener eee cens 253, 852 2,732,595 | $2,790, 272, 606 $947, 953, 795 ; er cent ofincrease, 1869 to 1879........... 0. 33. 0 64.7 52.8 m 1889(census 0f 1890) i... -s...............--600. 355,405 | 4,251,535 | $6,525,050,759 | $1,891,219, 696 ¥ Per cent ofincrease, 1879 to 1889 40. 5.6 133. 8 99. 5 CTS SES Bi) ya aaa a RI 512,191 | 5,306,143 | $9,'813, 834,390 | $2,320,938, 168 Per cent ofincrease, 1889 to 1899 44, 24.8 50. 4 22.7 FACTORIES, EXCLUDING HAND AND NEIGHBOR- HOOD INDUSTRIES. é SBOP (GOSS, Of TODD) (oes oos pcos eee selacecade J 207, 514 4,712,763 | $8,975,256, 496 | $2,008, 361,119 1904 (census 0f1905).162..55.0.000e0e ve ctue ek. 216,180 | 5,468,383 | $12,675, 580,874 | $2,610, 444, 953 Per cent ofincrease, 1899 to 1904......2.... 4.2 16.0 41,2 30.0 W0ddeenss of1010) wes eer ibic ful. 268,491 | 6,615,046 | $18,428, 269,706 | $3,427,037, 884 _ Percent ofincrease, 1904 to 1909..........- 24. 2 21.0 45.4 31.3 Per cent ofincrease, 1899 to 1909 ........-- 29. 4 40, 4 105.3 70.6 1914 (census 0f1915).:.¢......-2...-.---dse-00- 275,791 | 7,036, 247} $22,790,979, 937 | $4,078, 332, 433 Per cent ofincrease, 1909 to 1914........... ey: 6.4 23.7 19.0 Per cent ofincrease, 1904 to 1914 .......... 27.6 28. 7 79.8 56.2 1909. Ceensris.0f 1920) 340. 006.0.) 35.. G80 ue 290,105 | 9,096,372 | $44,466, 593,771.| $10,533,400, 340 Per cent of increase, 1914 to 1919 .......... 572 29 95.1 158.3 : Value added by Cost of materials. | Value of products manufacture. FACTORIES AND HAND AND NEIGHBORHOOD INDUSTRIES. B® . 1819 -(Ceiistis'of 1950) PR. $555, 123, 882 $1,019, 106, 616 $463, 982, 734 m tsoet@ersus Of 1860). <2. 22+ so. cs 6-6 cls se- eens $1, 031, 605, 092 $1, 885, 861, 676 $854, 256, 584 | Percent of increase, 1849 to 1859. -....... 85. 8 85.0 84. 1 1869 (census of 1870) (gold value)............. $1, 990, 741, 794 $3, 385, 860, 354 $1,395, 118, 560 Per cent ofincrease, 1859 to 1869. ........ 93.0 79.5 63.3 PEP APONEIS OF IBBD) )o. score cbse col ene cance $3, 396, 823, 549 $5, 369, 579, 191 $1, 972,755, 642 Per cent ofincrease, 1869 to 1879. .... ne 70.6. 58. 6 41.4. me 6.1899 (Genstisiof 1890) .j2 02.38 o5. Use. $5, 162, 013, 878 $9, 372, 378, 843 $4, 210, 364, 965 4 Per cent ofincrease, 1879 to 1889......... 52. 0 74.5 113.4 S 1909 (Gemstis of 1900). .00.0520..008. as. $7, 343, 627, 875 $13, 000, 149, 159 $5, 656, 521, 284 i Per cent ofincrease, 1889 to 1899......... 42.3 38. 7 34,3 __ FACTORIES, EXCLUDING HAND AND NEIGHBOR- “ ; HOOD INDUSTRIES. 1899 (census of 1900) .022.82....200...4 Lee. $6, 575, 851, 491 $11, 406, 926, 701 | $4, 831,075,210 1908 (cemisns of 1906 )s [SIs lek 5. A $8, 500, 207, 810 $14, 793, 902, 563 $6, 293, 694, 753 Per cent ofincrease, 1899 to 1904.-....... 29.3» 29.7 30.3 1909 \(GensuS of 1910).02 2.2 bleh... $12, 142, 790, 878 $20, 672,051, 870 $8, 529, 260, 992 Per cent ofincrease, 1904 to 1909......... 42.9 39.7 35.5 Per cent ofincrease, 1899 to 1909.-....... 84.7 81.2 . 76.5 1914 (GensUS of 1915). 2. si. ee cce cece cee e lee $14, 368, 088, 831 $24, 246, 434, 724 $9, 878, 345, 893 _. Percent ofincrease, 1909 to 1914. ........ 18.3 17.3 15.8 i » Percent ofincrease, 1904 to 1914. -....... 69. 0 63. 9 57,0 m= 1919 (Gesu 1920). e086 SS. A US. $37, 376, 380, 283 $62, 418, 078, 73 $25, 041, 698, 490 Per cent ofincrease, 1914 to 1919......... 160.1 « 157. 4 153, 5 918 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES, Sy TABLE 4.—PRINCIPAL INDUSTRIES, RANKED. BY VALUE OF PRODUCTS: 1919. VALUE ADDED WAGE COST OF VALUE OF F-| = BY MANU- a EARNERS. MATERIALS, PRODUCTS. Saceony Rw INDUSTRY: 3H Ba Amount Amount {| Amount | © a Average} .; ||(expressed (expressed} ,; (expressed] ,; E number. q {} in thou- q in thou- jako ip thon q cS é |) san 8). @ || sands). | $ | sands). é Alt industries ee 290, 105||9, 096,372) _. . .|/$37,376,380| ... .|/$62,418,079| ._. ./|§25,041,699)._ _ . Industries with products valued at aay $1,000,000 ,000 or over. Slaughtering and meat packing. ..... 1,304} 160,996) 14// 3,782,930) — 1)) 4,246,291) 9 1)| 463,361 12 Iron and steel, steel works and _roll- : a {| adh onan : AEA US 3c OBE + tae cee anced Be 500|| 375,088} 5] 1,680,576} 3/} 2,828,.902P 7921] 7, 148;3 2 Automobiles. ap eArscenipeetints gi 315|/ 210,559) 9) 1, 578,652), 4/| 2,387, 903)....3||,- 809,251 6 oun 1D - ‘od- ' le eden el Seca 2, 02 a al eae otton goods2's:) 00s @a8.20.828--4. 2 1,28 Fi All 1,277, y 125,272) Bi] © 847, 4 Flour-mill and gristmill products... 10, 708 45,481) 41/| 1,799,181). 2)). 2,052, 434)'- 6] 258, 253) 28 Petroleum, refining fh... ..0..<<0-pdh 320/| 58,889) 32)| 1,247,908)" 6}).1, 632,533) °7/! > 384,625) 19 Shipbuilding; steel. -.0a..c..-2i0--6- 162|| 344,014) 6| 643,753]. 14)].1, 456,490} $i} 812, 737) 5 Lumber and timber products........ 26,119)| 480,945) 3/| .. 470,960) 23)|.1,387,471)99|) 9 916,511) 3 Cars and general shop construction i on oe wT A TRO ED and repairs by steam-railroad ‘ Sd ok UG LOB 2 GHIAPANICR . 2. 2. TSBM hs oe Betas oe bak 1,744|| 484,437) di). 515,803} '19]}) 1,279, 235)° 10)} °° 763,432) 7 Glothing, women’s: .¢7....-....+--).b 7,711]| 165,649} 18} 680, 407} '10)] 1, 208, 543! pHi} > 528,136] 1 Glothing smen’s-). (35.2e5 008 Bb80 12 2}.5,258|| 175,270} 10/| 605,752) 16|| 1,.162,986}'92}} 557,234) 71 Boots and shoes, not including rub- PAST 2 sthalade ber boots: and shoesii222s Hs AS 1,449)| 211,049) ~ Sif 715,269) 8}) 1, 155, 041 439,772| 14 Bread and other bakery products....| 25,095|| 141,592) 15)) 713,239; 9/| 1,151,896, 438,657) 15 Woolen and worsted goods.22: 2.2... 852|| 166,787] -12)} 665,595} 11/1) 1,065,434 399, 839) 17 Industries with products valued at $500,000 000 but less than $1,000,000,000. ) ) Electrical machinery, apparatus, and nos BMTLOR sees oct eee Ged AECL agree 1,404||, 212,374) 7)! 425,098) 26]! 997,968). 1872, 870) 9 Rubber tires, tubes, and rubber bJp AEALIAADA goods, not elsewhere specified... ... 437|| 119,848) 22/| 525,686) 18/|.. 987,088 461,402) 13 Leather, tanned, curried,.and fin- rely t ASHE. Sew c. Gare k ape cts ods ed's 680|) 72,476) 30]! 646,522). 13/|. 928, 592 282,070} 26 Printing and publishing newspapers rate ALLA PeLlOdiCHS es bee Be wis doe Sac nk 17,362}, 120,381) 21]; 300,385) 33}|,, 924,153 623,768! 8 Tron and steel, blast furnaces........} °195|| 41,660} 47|/ 621,286) 15]! 794,467 173,181) 34. Paper.and wood pulp.......... apg’, 729) 113,759) 23|) 467,483) 24||, 788, 059 320,576) 21 Tobacco, cigars and cigarettes...... 9,926) 188,773} 16|| 353,297} 31]| _ 773,662 | 420,365) 16 Sugar, refining, not including beet st yah fo Lidba sF Cf Ca geen keke ae Ria a 20]/ 18,202) 83) 662,144] 12]| 730,987] 2 ~, 68, 843! 73 WRU BOONS) 2 5. I neg 2,050) 172,572) 11/| 427,096) °25/| © 713,140) 24)| 286,044) 24 © Automobile bodies and parts........ 2,515)| 132,556) 18|| 362,027} 29) 692,171) 25); 330,144! 20 Silk 2000S eps. i... oes yack cel ba 1,369)| 126,782) 19) 388,469) 27|| 688,470) (261) 300,001) 23 Smelting and refining, copper........ 34|| 17,345) 91)| 584,410) 17/| 651, 102) 2711) \o 66,692) 78 Confectionery and ice cream. ........ 6,624) 95,648) 24)) 368, 809) » 28)). : 637, 209 268, (27 Food preparations, not. elsewhere | ' Ah. «cin wate COLES, 10. Bientied.) Wow SPOCINOG. oF sey c1s ae SM cee te 1,997); 30,365) 60], 494, 597|..22)|- ; 631,598) 29); | 0187,001) 42 Printing and publishing, book and I soho tda ito stile te| ohthaes or ecccsercetie| 0] ea a] BO ah ane a tage eer ee ao tsden Sea ese 738 : i 29 163] 31)} Sl7l | 74 Oiland cake, cottonseed,............ “711. 26,766] 68|| 495,192! 21|| .. 581,245] 32l| © 86,053) 62 Furniture... 2.2 i DSS ase ace 3 vs-| 3, 1A! 133,331) 17|| 261,523; 37)|_ 571,356] 338i] , 833} 22 Cars, steam-railroad, not includin OT euketul fic in > operations of railroad companies.?. 99)| 52,298) 39]/ 356,085; 30!| . 538,223) 34]! 182,138) 32 Lumber, planing-mili products, not: including planing mills connected with Sawmiille.<< o.2.i 2. Souter ee 5,309), 86,956) 25]| 299,266) 34 Indusiries with products valued at 100,000,000, but less than $500,000 ,000. Brass, bronze, and copper products..| 1,092|/ 75,051] 29|| 304,824! 32|| 482,313] 36 177,489} 33 Engines, steam, gas, and water...... 370|| 77,617) 26/| 217,551] «41]| °464,775| 37|| 247,224) 29 RODICBIB Sts Sets au ce bee ccbadee ee 598} 55,586) 35)| 216,301) 42)! 438,659) 38|) 222,358] 30 Canning and preserving, fruits and WRmOlR UNS 2 So) ocean, Ae fee 3,082) 60,865} 31]} 265,629) 36)| 402,243] 39] 136,614) 43 Liquors, malt, including cereal bev- ERMCE, Sa ies Mien cs nw debe chew wath 729), 34,259) 52 94,793} 67|| 379,905} 40)/ 285,112) 25 Condensed milk........... RPA Ne Ie 401} 13,675] 111]| 282,595) 35/| 339,507 56,912) 85 Gas, illuminating and heating....... 1,022)/ 42,908) 44)) 157,551) 51|! 329,279] 42)| 171,728) 35 Dyeing and finishing textiles, exclu- sive of that done in textile mills... 628] 55,985) 33]! 174,743) 47|| 323,968) 43]| 149,225) 389 RIMS Es ya digs nui dnaates ek Kao ok wis a 348) 20,436) 75/) 288,519) 39/| 316,740] 44 78,221) 67 Coke, notincluding gas-house coke... 278); 29,319) 62|| 224,267; 40]| 316,516 92,249) 67 CR iS ae tee eT Py ie ee et ~ wh rye? INDIVIDUAL INDUSTRIES. 919 TABLE 4.—PRINCIPAL INDUSTRIES, RANKED BY VALUE OF PRODUCTS: 1919~Con. A AEN SE A FO a ER SS EES EE SOI EE ERNE LE EEE SST ERNE e _ WAGE 2 TARNERS. au or INDUSTRY. eon 8A 2 Average| |; A number. ¢ Z as) ae Tr ae th products ners at ut less than £560,000, ¢ "000 Continiied, ge tears implements............. 521|| 54,368). 37 Coffee and spice, roasting and grind- . IG) Ab Ass Yi oh bee d-pecizeeeot 794|| 10, 540) 135 Structural ironwork, not. made in steel works or rolling mills....!... 1,146|| 43,962) 42 POINTS Sr Sel). sza0-bcsec--! 600l|, 26,296] 70 Glassi 3. 5. pelbde onde Gid-daacks st 371||. 77,520) 27 BRIG HAR EUS oO cle okie ocle bid che Coie fis ob 601 17, 485} 88 Millinery and lace goods, not else- | . where specified J... co's e.g. =! 3,005]! 50,850}. 40 Tobacco, chewing and smoking, and 1 Ste et EERE ie GE Rik: aie rR 365 18,324) 82) tees not elsewhere specified... .. 301)} 34,386) 5P Automobile co) a 0) a Re 15, 507) 55, 061 36 Bags, other than paper, not includ- “ay ing bags made in textile mills...... ~ 216): “610, 756] 130 MBenING GOONS, So. ie. os ak Sake Se sh — 403 53, lil} 38) Patent medicines and compounds. ..| . 2, 467, 17, 444) 89 Brick and tile, terra-cotta, and fire-| 7. | OMVP-PrOGUCtS, 10h. ec sed 2,414) 76,915) 28 Boxes, paper and other, not. else- where specified. ............. Soe dues 1,201); 55, 862) 34 Shirts SA AEBS Saw b ah acral SK dese dead 896)}. 39,603). 48 Se a ea 2, 054 30, 871) 59 Smelting and refining, Leads vse Be <4 25 6, 438] 173 iiavoene ahd Starch...) 2... koa 56! 7, 795} 158 Boxes, wooden packing, except cigar . | ve SE oe I ae eae a ae 1,140}| 42,445) 46 BO oS ae OA i eas eee ie 123)). 25,524) 74 Iron and steel, forgings, not mhadé in pa works or roiling mills Siar des 241||,. 28,391) 64 WOMB Abeer tk aches einn sdeee 1,815)' 18, 639) 112 Ship uilding, oe tat including BORG BMIGING 5. lis. iweiee cer sive 913|} 43,432) 43 a Uy ee ae ee 66)| 19,741) 78 Boot and shoe cut stock, exclusive of | that produced in boot and, shoe ee SE ee a 252 9,715} 141 Copper, tin, and sheet-iron work... 4,796)» 27,640) 67 Steam fittings and steam and hot- ’ water heating apparatus........... : 261|| 36,686) 49 Phonogra eis and graphophones. .... 166||> 28,721) 63 Oil, not elsewhere specified.........- 280 5, 930) 183 Locomotives, not made by railroad | GOIUDAMCB os sie 729, 867 7 East South Central.-... 14, 655 329, 226 7 977, 824 1,642, 391 8 664, 567 8 Moutitein oe) ede 7,612 || 109, 216 9 610, 239 922, 676 9 312,437 | 9 STATES. isi i New foOrks 2223): 2 ieee 49, 330 || 1, 228, 130 1 |} 4,943,214 8, 867, 005 1 || 3,923, 791 1 Pennsylvania. ........: 27,973 || 1,135,837 | 2 || 4,210, 409 7,315,703 | 2|| 3/105,204| (2 Dm o1ses secu ee osh o3 88 18, 593 ” 653, 114 5 3, 488, 271 5,425, 245 3 1, 936, 974 4 OREO Ties Jes Were aes 16, 125 730, 733 3 || 2,911, 948 5, 100, 309 4 | - 2, 188, 361 3 Massachusetts. ......... 11, 906 713, 836 4 2, 260, 713 4, ou, 182 5 1,750, 469 | 5 New Jersey....-+---c+- 11, 057 508,686.| 6 || 2,270,473 3,672,065 | 6 |! 1, 401) 592 |" 7 Mibhigan 032) 12th dee 8, 305 471, 242 - ewe 919, 243 3, 466, 188 7 || 1,546,945 | 6 California........ pera 11,942 |} 243,692 | 11 || 1,218) 859 1,981,205 | 8 762,346 | 8 Indiana! ..< ... JNiadse 7,916 || 277,580! 9 || 1,174,950 1,898,753 | 9 }}-:- 723,803]. 9 Wisconsin). .\...232.. i622 10, 393 263,949 | 10 rd "127, 275 1,846,984) 10 {| 719,709 | 10 Missoirts aks oh sctheos 8, 592 195,037} 12 1, 056, 457 1, 594,208} 11 || 587,751 | 12 CONN SetICNTs 22 sere oes 4, 872 292, 672 8 685, 937 1 392° 432°} 12 706,495 | 11 Minnesota: Leet cess 6, 225 115,623 | 19 883, 090 1 218) 130} 13-1]. 335,040] 15. - TPO XAG Noe eo aguas ae fue 5, 724 107, 522 | | 20 701, 171 "999; 996 | 14 298,825 | 18 North Carolina......... 5, 999 157,659 | 13 526, 906 943’ 808} 15 416,902 | 13 Kansas: <3. Sie ba 3, 474 61, 049 i 750, 088 913,667 | 16 163,579 | 28 Maryland... 22 see. eae 4,937 149,342 | 14 549, 347 873,945 | 17 324, 598 | 17 Washingtort. -7ue-8. ses 4,918 132,928 | 16 443, 178 809,623 | 18 366,445 | 14 Rhode Island.......... 2, 466 139,665 | 15 415, 989 747, 323 | 19 331,334 | 16 LOWS... 6 oe SS A 5, 683 80,551 | 27 520, 241 745, 473 | 20 225,232 | 22 Georgia ?.2i.. 4. aA 4,803 123,441] 17 440, 490 693, 237 | 21 252,747 | 20 Louisianae 2232/05. ead END 98,265 | 22 431, 404 676,190 | 22 || ~° 244,786 | 21 * Virginia vies. 213.28: 5, 603 119,352 | 18 371, 541 643,512 1 23 271,971 | 19 Nébraskavs... 1. 2, 884 36,521 | 35 480, 774 596,042 | 24 115,268 | 33 Tennessee: - 2.2625. .052 4,589 95,167 | 23 344) 767 656, 253 | 25 211, 486 | 23 Alabama. ...001)..07) 3,654 |) 107,159] 21 300, 664 492,731 | 26'|| 192,067} 26 West Virginia. si... 8 2,785 83,036 | 26 270, 941 471, 971: | 27 201,030 | 25 Matriessh id. se ee cb 2,995 88,651} 24 254, 569 456, 822 | 28 202, 253 | 24 New Hampshire. ....... 1,499 83,074 | 25 239° 528 407; 205} 29 167,677 | 27 OFlahomas: «22.025. 20% 2, 445 29,503 | 38 312, 606 401,363 | 30 _ 88,757 | 37 Kentacky -\Sorr ie. 3, 957 69,340 | 30 235, 715 395, 660 | 31 |) 159, 945 | 30 — South Carolina......... 2, 004 79,450 | 28 2277 986 381/453} 321] 153) 467 | 31. Oregon ti .h6 2. Apes 2,707 58, 559 | +32 206, 206. 366, 783 |- 33 160,577 | 29 Colbrgdoe st. NL: 2,631 35, 254 | 36 174, 870 275,622 | 34 |P ~ '100,752 | 35° Florida gt 2, 582 74,415 | 29 92? 680 213,327 | 35 || “420/647 | 32 Abianaas 46. ccs 2s 3, 123 49,954] 34 102, 813 200, 313°|' 36 || 97,500 | 36 Mississippi 2, 455 57,560 | 33 96, 678 197, 747 | 37 101,069 | 34 Vermont...... 1,790 33,491 | 37 95, 173 168, 108 | 38 72,935 | 39 Montane io ci 1, 290 17,160} 41 122, 152 166,664 | 39 44,512 | 41. Delaware....... oer 668 29,035 | 39 85, 433 165,073 | 40 79,640 | 38 ian eee 1,160 18,868 | 40 110, 154 156, 933°} 41 46,779 | 40 — ATIZOMG ies 5 bots 2 Pek 480 8,528 | 44 92, 645 120,769 | 42 28,124) 45 Wyoming yi. 50. 576 6,634 | 45 2. 81, 445 | 48 39,195 | 42 EGO Gy thi o's teats < Kate 922 138,917 | 421) —. 48,949 | 80,511-} 44 36,562 | 44. District of Columbia. ... 595 10,482 | 43 ~ 30,940 68,826 | 45 |} 37,886 | 43 South Dakota. ......... 1, 414 6,382 | 46 42, 986 62,171 | 46 19,185 | 46 North Dakota.......... 894 4,472 | 48 44, 490 57,374 | 47 12,884 | 47 . N@VAaAdae. JoSa% be vas, oe 166 3,119} 49 16, 490 22,874} 48 || ° 6,384 | 49 — New Mexico..... ig? ye ra 387 5, 736 | 47 7, 727 17,856 |. 49 AB CITY. . New York NYY 0.0/2.1 7 Chicago. 75.. 0.3... ‘4 . Detroit, Mi ‘Cleveland, Ohio........... ly ise] & S. 5 ~ iS) wn a Kansas City, Kans........ “Omaha, Nebr:...:..;)-..-- San Francisco, Calif... ..-. Indianapolis id). 800 ot a. Jersey City, New Te on Shp ne a) mn > a3 eo Bo cr pes) lar Ld ee ee a ‘Providence ;: Bayonne, N e Youngstown, Ohio........ ti “Perth Amboy, N.J........ i. - Camden, N. - Winston-Salem, N.C...... “Portland, Oreg...... 2... 2. Kansas City pA is UA A ae ~ Columbus, Ohio...).21... 2 Lawrence, Mass... .2::.. 2. -New Orleans, La....-...-. “Dayton, Ohio... . 2... .2.2. ‘Fall River, Mass.....-:.... Dynny'Mase >... 2.4) F 20. Richmond; Va......22:-.-: A eae “St. Paul Minn Sth Ma ds BS mending; Past. .....5r2.. 2. mM onlorsyN FY =. - 5-54-51 “Lowell, Mass.........-...- “Pawtucket, R. I....22...-. Oakland, Calif..2- 22202227. ‘Waterbury, Conn.......... ~ Passaic, N. J Cambridge, Mass.......... Birmingham, Ala.......... New Haven, Conn......... DenvVer,@olow. .... 55.45: Canton, Ohio.........:.-.. “Trenton, N.J....- pdt; Wil uv mm Del’. U4 4.) 2! Racine, Hartford, Conn.......-.... Brockton, Mass......... b es : oer oe eis ee *Manchester, N. H....:-..-- ‘Lorain, Ohio>........:..-. “Atlanta, Gas... .. we tssones ' Grand Rapids, Mich....... tee ee ea: Lite Me Ane ae Lc, a | is Sie ee STATISTICS OF CITIES, TABLE 6.—LEADING CITIES: 1919. Popula- tion (1920). 5, 620, 048 2701, 705 772, 807 733, 826 506,775 748, 060 583, 343 414,524 457, 147 208, 435 401, 247 380, 582 101; 177 191, 601 506, 676 314, 194 298, 103 295,750 243, 164 576, 673 91, 599 315,312 237, 595 76,754 135,875 121, 217 179, 754 143, 555 234, 891 48, 395 258, 288 324} 410 237, 031 94,270 87,219 152,559 120, 485 99, 148 171,667 171;717 234, 698 71) 907 107, 784 100,176 112,759 64, 248 216, 261 91,715 63,841 109, 694 178, 806 162, 537 256, 491 87, 091 119, 289 WAGE. EARNERS. Average ~ number. | ae 638,775 1 403, 942 2 281, 105 3 167,016 4 157, 730 5 107,919 6 97,814 a 75, 899 12 88, 759 8 83,290 |. 11 86, 707 9 84, 222 10 65,054 | 14 69,680 | 13 38, 154 | 27 22,839 | 50 21,304 | 56 48,550 | 18 49,977 | (17 36,981 |} 30 63,792 | 45 42,090 | 22 47,118 | 19 24,603 | 45 40,843 | 25 53,372 | 16 14,994 | 79 19,414 | 60 9,197 | 123 40,906 | 24 37,217 | 28 41,630 | 23 38,673 |}. 26 42,862 | 21 29,902 | 36 12,366 | 96 26,813 | 40 225137 1 -63 26,751 } 41 30,319 | 34 26,641 | 42 gt, Loe PST 37,015 | 29 27,355 | 39 21,759 | 54 28,153 | 38 22,649 | 51 6,749 | 157 29,122 | - 37 11,932 | 101 30,111 | 35 24,446 | 47 23,347 | 49 30,322 P33 18,203 | 64 22,550 | 52 17,264 | 68 30,874 | 32 16,635 | 70 20,336 |. 58 24,547 | 46 21,420 | 55 15,812 | 75 26, 264 | 43 18,059 | 65 11, 963 | 100 25,512 | 44 11, 677 | 103 15,739 | 77 23,548 | 48 267, 629, 283 260, 602, 109 VALUE OF PRODUCTS. 871,700, 438 677, 878, 492 634, 409, 733 618, 921, 962 614, 726, 978 577, 608, 564 576, 161, 312 558, 962. 067 500, 040, 996 491, 382, 975 468, 686, 423 452), 236, 634 417,821,277 398, 666, 553 374, 182, 924 351,416,379 293, 520, 900 278, 184, 148 275, 779, 638 274, 431, 239 241, 458,370 230, 658, 263 218, 165, 277 216, 659, 174 210, 773, 312 208, 705, 73 208, 089, 797 204,565, 727 200, 484, 834 196, 380, 146 192, 815, 052 184, 021, 849 183,449, 096 182) 798, 561 174, 990, 607 163, 246, 082 160,905, 792 156, 724, 322 150, 091, 278 149, 638, 290 146, 393, 134 141,560, 831 140, 016, 561 137, 801, 538 185, 517, 533 134, 755, 470 130, 193, 040 129, 073, 484 127, 864, 901 127, 214, 048 125, 455, 547 125, 411,270 124,292, 924 122, 477, 987 121,039, 617. 120,027, 399 118, 002, 693 117,855, 025 117,717, 829 117, 493, 082 116, 908, 616 113,991, 946 109,135, 055 arn re ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee 10 921 VALUE ADDED BY | | | $5,260, 707,577 3, 657,424, 471 1, 996, 481, 074 1, 234, 519, 842 1,091, 577, 490 MANUFACTURE. ad Amount q a) $2,399,231,459 | 1 1,278, 182/243 | 2 840, 140, 755 3 578, 606,379 4 478, 128, 046 5 330, 874, 091 6 250,122,688 | 8 233, 789,004 | 13 269, 316, 071 7 247,861,681} 9 239, 646,896 | 11 234.393'099 | 12 244'590,473 | 10 203; 760,553 | 14 128,548,940 | 19 51,167,968 | 64 69, 133,007 |. 45 155, 903,034 | 17 131,912, 215 18 110, 761, 704 25 187, 133,325 | 16 120, 283, 281 23 118,364, 712°} 24 102,955, 874] 28 124, 780,864 | 22 127,302, 659 | 20 63, 753,208 | 50 78,359, 653 | 36 31,351,089 | 106 105,061,647 | 26 101, 697,761 | 30 88, 202,554 |. 32 102,524,771 |} 29 125,776,942 | 21 78, 466,310 | 3 103,221,877 | 27 84,993, 567 | 33 68,505,148 | 46 71,302,610 | 40 72, 490, 486 69, 490,062 | 44 96,530, 139 | 31 67,065,698 | 48 75,896,446 | 37 67,280, 390 |. 47 75, 407,894 | 38 64, 467,830 | 49 21,131,710 | 146 58, 867,003 | 59 33,566, 621 | 101 60, 809,080] 55 58,044,788 | 61 70,778,506) 41 62,881,149 | 52 52,159,801 | 63 58, 737,978 | 60 40,395, 154 | 79 70,158,742 | 42 46,071,326 | -70 59, 215,399..|..58 62,016,537} 53 60,552,173 | 57 61, 425,675 | 54 69, 683,438 | 43 43,141,744 | 75 39, 593, 146 a 45,705, 557 | 71 50,913,851 | 65 46,121,060 | 69 57,973,294 | 62 999 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-——-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 6.—LEADING CITIES: 1919—Continued. —- WAGE VALUE OF VALUE ADDED BY Num- EARNERS. PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURE, Popula- | ber of CITY. tion (1920).| °stab- oe F F ments AVOTRES 8 Amount. I Amount. | § Ria ae} 4 Schenectady, NSM Pea ye 88,723 131 21, 062 | 57 $106, 531, 182 $60, 679,785.) 56 McKeesport, Pa.....-.---!- 46,781 82 11; 969 | 102 105, 058, 713 ; 46, 215, 120.| 7 68 Pontiac, Mich is ae Gat 34, 273 | 78 7, 682 | 146 104, 990, 133 38, 2037 971. }.1°89 Lansing, Miche aos eB 8 OR 129, 614 401 18,429 | 62 98, 382, 955 50,529,775 |, 66 Haverhill, Mass.....-.-.--: 53, 884 405 || 15,783 | 76 96, 276, 853 "058, “84 Chester, Pac... 1. ih-5..du 58; 030 127 18,677 | 61 _ 95, 949, 003 76,788). 74 Dallas) Tex..c¢. 1c: 2h. & 158,976 | 457 7,913 |.144 || -)93,649, 654 | 38 +146, 461, | 112 Woonsocket, R. I.....----2 43,496 190 14,387 | 87 93,546,778 ~ 32,640, 273 | 103 Holyoke, Mass paps ak hae 60, 203 176 17,773 | 67 93; 426,775 42, 266, 793 riled Cedar Rapids, Iowa. ..-..- 45,566 208 6,284 | 171 92, 118, 386 20, 052,457 | 152 ‘New Castle, Pa.....0)---4: 44,988 87 8,014 | 139 91,370, 618 26,504, 347 |.118 Allentown; Pa... .2.¥%..044 73, 502 336 14,812 | 83 90, 834, 488 39; 714, 454 81 Johnstown, Pa... ./:.05..--7 67, 327 149 12,855 |. .93 90, 468, 742 37,043, 617 | 93 Chicopee, Mass. ..3.0¢s..e2 36,214 60 {I> 10,068 | 115 89,772, 534 if 43, 314, 163 |,,.73 East Chicago, Ind-..2.-.-. 35, 967 61 8,957 | 125 89, 568, 753 26, 234; 676 },120 Niagara Falls, NOX so = 50, 760 186 12,238 |. 99 89, 247, 170 ; 38, 186, 804 |.90 Hloustom Pex s Sibi eo. ss A 138,276 383 9,860 | 117 86, 874, 480 29, 082, 240 110 Jolieh; Ubavesi-- 8. th-24 38,442 | 166 || . 14,259 | 106] 82,669, 536 83,667,858 | 100 Kearny, N.J-...2--220+00- 26, 724 49 || 14,860 | 82 80,832, 074 38,132,137} 91 PICA NAY chic Lael cl ax 94,156 | 370 || 16,423 | 71 77,745, 720 35, 536, 871 |..97 Fast St. Louis, Ill. .....--. 66; 767 157 8,785 | 127 775292, 812 23, 389, 934 | 133 Fort Wayne Inds) seuiit & 86,549 | 247 || 16,344 | 72 76,713, 262 38, 804, 767 |. 87 Elizabeth, N.J.......-..-: 95,783 | 226 || 18,386 |}. 63 76,440, 515 36,808, 707'|. 94 South Read. End shigeiot se: - 70, 983 214 14,792 |. 84 75, 339, 165 36, 633,018 | 95 Richmond, Galifiif: eke , 16,843 40 4,305 | 207 75,315, 608 7 576, 486.4 14 THT D MID oh hs nee bis 98,917 226 10,472 | 114 75, 261, 387 32,231,933 | 105 Rockford, lll......-+------ 65, 651 312 14,992 | 80 74,918, 953 ; 38, 352, 044 | 88 Troy Ny Meo. os shee dbo 72,013 | 253 || 15,929 | 74 74, 837, 435 39,041,201 | 85 W hosling, W eVasiove. oS 56, 208 243 8,622 | 129 72,639, 728 26, 330, 679 | 119 Nashville, Tenn. ...2..... 118, 342 391 10,666} 110 || | 71,108, 252 25, 662, 259 | 124 Durfamt, Ns Csi see seabe- 21,719 7 5,977 | 179 70, 659, 339 35, 990,264 | 96 rie, Paice sols. =e eeere ae 93, 372 293 13,297 |. 89 70, 407, 540 38, 908; iz {86 Hoboken Ned. ss eee ete 68,166 280 15,933 | 73 70,311, 540 39, 983° 642.1 83 Evansville, Ind. eset ay 85, 264 299 12,526 | .95 70, 230, 419 26, 681, 627. |,.122 Oklahoma City, Okla.... 91,295 227 4,375 | 206 69,970, 788 oak 326, 614 212 Washington, D. C..22...2. 437,571 595 10, 482 } 113 68, 826, 570 -- 87,886,470 | --92 Quincy i ae 47,876 162 19, 653 | 59 68,535, 406 - 244,860; 630, az? Springfield, Ohio........-. 60,840 | 206 || 12,264 | 98 67,759, 001 Pa 702 |. 99 New Britain, ONT. the 59,316 116 17,212 }69 63, 621, 960 23% 41, 455, “78 Middletown, "Ohio Hae. t b 14, 467 | 86 54, 629, 522 25, 683, 87 2 }123 Altoona, Pais 0.202 seul ec 60, 331 64 |}. 12, 800 | 94 53, 946, 093 22, 780, 418 | 135 Peabody, Mass.......----.| . 19,552] . 91 8,013 | 140 52, 906, 722 21, 590, 914 | 143 “Amsterdam, N. Y...0.-.ae 33,524} 117 ||. 10, 713 |109. 52, 851, 242 22) 135, 378, | 187 Harrisbure,: Pa. o.oo ie 75, 917 216 10, 522 | 1412 52, 152, 818 4- 26, 114, 203 +421 Knoxville, Tenn... .2....- sf. 2°77; 818 | | 9194 Ht. 11, 384 104 51, 694, 298 ) 959, 584: 147 St. Joseph, Mo.....-2-.. veel: 7%, 939 219 || 5, 943 | 180 50, 697, 198 | 17, 345,706 | 170 Jackson, Mich.......-.... wh 48, 874) © 156 Ih; 9, 620 }.119 49, 517, 712 9, 529, 000. 1.156 askin, ANG es 25 bebo bY 28,379 92 8, 264 | 136 48, 985, 184 17, 029; 919 | 173 ¥resto, Cait 25.00.22 .0.08 45, 086 223 3, 903, |' 212 48, 943, 823 11, 825, 605 “210 Taunton, Mass.....0-.-.. 37,137 || 167 8,981 | 124 || 48,330, 688 20, 544, 073 | 148 Lancaster, Paw...) 22-568 53, 150 +285 ia @ 121 || 48,025, 759 2c Pl, 352 | 144 Norwood, Obin: 221 soul a 24, 966 70 §, 283 |} 135 47, 947, 183 ; 27, 720A, | 313 | 113 ‘Ansonia, Conn.........-.0 17, 643 50 ||. 6,102 |176 || 47, 786, 411 14, 254, 482 | 195 SUL T2O 10 STATISTICS OF CITIES. 923 2 TABLE 6.—LEADING CITIES: 1919—Continued. WAGE VALUE OF VALUE ADDED BY he fe bee Num- EARNERS. PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURE. toate { ne hd Pop ula- ber of eet bo tion "190), “ei , : F Average ir: a A J seats number Las Amount. 5 Amount. 5 . : tio fa fa Oe ae 21, 457 25 8,420 | 134 |] $47,207,519 | 151 || $27, 563, 346 | 115 Hamilton, Ohio........... 39,675} 130 8,553 | -133 47, 0247 031 | 152 24 386, 589 | 130 ? 4 9 , ? ? ) eet oe toh oth | Ag | PEL | ase I | AaB | “Albany, NoYuce,sce--.---| 113,344! 3821) 11,216 | 107 45, 454,955 | 155 23, 972, 184 | 132 Ottumwa, Iowa.........-- 23, 003 94 2, 601 | 223 45, 029, 524 | 157.|| _ . 8, 528, 413 | 224 Betotiiee El content ts S 30, 734 61 5,444 | 191 44, 871, 0211 158 || ‘92’ 183/917 | 136 wee Pa... Soeldtent 4 2] 028 778 HH 8, 744 | 218 spay 790 159 10,737,033 |-219 uperior oe pak NR So “Wt 44, 043, 214 | 160 16, 729, 268 | 176 *Casper, Wy0..--.-..--..- NS 44, 447 43 1, 886 | 224 43, 589, 560 | 161 ||’ *’ 19, 403; 816 | 157 Saginaw, Mich............. 61,903 | 208 9,472 | 120 43, 146, 125 | 164 21, 830,363 | 142 m “Charlotte,, N.C.......-\. 46,338 | 111 5, 161 | 193 43, 095, 898 | 165 12, 099, 513, , 208 Re rcomener ea ab: paella) Bence ie | ema ; ew runswick, FL tee 5 ; 24,947 | 167 of 444, 419 | 128 | (Pampa, Pla.2s-0055.....07))'"51, 608 [2 263 ||| 13,079 | 90 49, 461, 377 | 168.|| 25, 188, 234 | 126 _ “Wilkesbarre, Pa.....-- PaO. 73, gag |" 179 9, 408 | 122 41, 986, 203 | 169 21, 902, 859 | 140 _ ‘ferre Haute, Ind.......... 66,083 |) 257 6, 458 | 166 41, 967, 818 | 170 15, 064, 938 | 186 Bina eH look 8 esa | P| AS, cn ; ree 7 i 8,834 | 172 403,536 | 16 * ‘Pittsfield, Mass aE TR Boe 41, 763 90 |} 8,570 | 130 || 41° 613, 356 | 173 21, 895, 100 | 141 Auburn, N. Y. A WS 36,192] 154 7,272 | 152 40, 642, 435 | 174 |b” 6; 779, 361 | 175 _ ‘Binghamton, N.Y........ 66,800 | 228 7,477 | 150 40, 637, 625 | 175 18, 803, 663 | 163 _ ‘Garfield, N. Sa 18 381 48 2, 025 196 40, 233, 553 | 176 19, 724,104 | 154 : okane, Wash..........-- 04) 437 64 4,752 | 198 40, 149, 381 | 177 14, 497, 804, | 191 Be sitet Apna 25,71 | 7735, 096 |<, 116 7, 939 | 142 39, 121, 451 | 179 19} 015, 237 | 162 Anderson Tad... 29, 767 99 ||’ 7,928} 143 | 38,930,509 | 180 || _—_16, 840, 340 | 174 ‘Gloversville, N. Y....... “1 997075 |" 206 5 612 | 185 38, 913, 000 | 181 16, 542, 885 | 178 ‘Kokomo, Ieay - ER ee Ena 30, 067 ba g ee ee oe 00, ee 182 Pitts, 457 | 172 *Decatur, £ | wb ie elit Meda 43, 818 03 69 83 8 183 , 995, 903 | 196 Wichita, Kans...2 12.22... 72,217 |. 238 3,045 | 221 38, 580, 182 | 184 11, 234, 212 | 215 ? ? : ‘Fort Worth, Tex.:.....--. 106, 482 | 229 452 | 204 38, 160,092 | 185 12,503, 858 | 206 ‘Jamestown; N: Y........-. 38,917] 153 8,559 | 132 37, 985, 306 | 186 20, 068, 839 | 131 ‘Easthampton, Mass....... 11, 261 28 4,142 | 210 37, 942, 121 | 187 10, 898, 213 | 218 Huntington, W. Va-..--. 50,177] 115 6,556 | 164 37. 707, 241 | 188 15, 992, 888 | 181 Michigan City, Ind........ © 19) 457 47 3,452 | 217 37, 360, 551 | 180 10, 235, 934 | 221 Augusta, Ga...-:.-:.------ 52, 548 98 5,156 | 194 37, 160, 571 | 190 12, 830, 836 | 204 gusta, , Portsmouth; Ohiol. 22.1. He 88,011 60 5,914 | 181 36, 645, 736:| 191 16, 467, 980 |'179 West Allis, Wis..........- 13, 745 34 6,970 | 155 36,477,071 | 192.)| 20, 172, 977 | 150 North Adams, Mass 29) 289 65 6, 023 | 178 36, 203, 767 | 193 13, 917, 945 | 198 Seti Sears 3 Oy o fa Everett, Mass-............ 40,120] 104 4,523 | 202 35, 775, 728 | 194 16,716, 647 | 177 ee ae | oe) SU eae 18 |, Aa aterioo, Iowa--......:--- 6 2 81, 2 9 2, 08 ( San Antonio, Tex.......-- 161,379 | 318 6,614 | 160 35, 455, 578 | 197 13, 206, 975 | 203 2 Sea aaa 26, 341 71 4, 428 | 205 34) 868, 489 | 198 11, 496, 337 | 211 Roanoke, Va..........--.. 50, 842 99 7, 740 | 145 34, 864, 211 | 199 19, 314, 295 | 161 Attleboro, Mass........... 19,731 | 144 6,763 | 156 34, 471, 577 | 200 15, 901, 897 | 183 Dubuque, Iowa...........- 39,141| 131 6, 147 | 174 34, 277, 085 | 201 14, 325, 197 | 194 Meriden, Conn. ............ 29, £67 162 es ee rea aa ry a ri is Sacramento, Calif.......... 65, 908 304 104 4, 198, 98 Bimhirs, NoY...:1...0..-.: 45,393 | 142 8, 024 | 138 33, 494, 164 | 205 19, 356, 661 | 158 Wyandotte, Mich.......... 13, 851 26 6, 214 | 172 33, 382, 791 | 206 19, 942, 807 | 153 Salt. Lake City, Utah.....- 118,110| 415 6, 362 | 169 33, 356, 911 | 207 15, 937, 802 | 182 Manele, Ind. .o.-.i....... 36,524 | 121 6,559 | 163 33, 175, 525 | 208 14) 365, 274 | 193 Alliance, Ohio..........--. 21, 603 74 5,117 | 195 32, 871, 087 | 209 18) 081, 650 | 167 Davenport, lowa.......... 56,727 | 219 3,928 | 211 32, 587, 229 | 211 11) 025, 434 | 216 Chelsea, Mass............-- 43, 184 123 6, 580 | 162 32, 536, 518 | 212 15, 883, 334 | 184 Rr i ae 20, 506 66 4, 689 | 200 32, 121, 169 | 213 9, 132, 838 | 223 Mansfield, Ohio.. 22222222. 27,824 | 132 | 4711 | 199}, 81,87, 551 | 214 14, 518, 413 | 190 Sheboygan, Wis........... 30, 955 160 : 165 5 : Eiaboyuan SEAM Lo ob 13) 045 31 2,971 | 222 31, 319, 553 | 216 9, 822, 400 | 222 Jacksonville, Fla.......... 91,558 | 244 7, 168 | 153 81, 212, 494 | 217 13, 612, 659 | 200 Oe EE ae aa 24” 682 60 3, 236 | 219 31, 036, 983 | 218 11, 261, 989 | 214 Steubenville, Ohio......... 28) 508 57 3,855 | 213 30, 903, 344 | 219 14, 527, 594 | 189 Bristol, Conn..........-... 20, 620 68 7, 592 | 149 30, 689, 970 | 220 17, 702, 371 | 168 Stockton, oT a ae 40,296 | 208 3, 534 | 216 30, 675, 898 | 221 11) 264; 861 | 213 Mebtin WN. A. ..:..........- 16, 104 25 4, 236 | 208 30, 652, 522 | 222 13, 313, 638 | 202 Belem, Moasd-........:..... 42, 529 153 5, 672 | 184 30, 437, 957 | 223 13, 510, 464 | 201 linton, lowa...........-.. 24,151} 119 3, 452 | 217 30, 321, 143 | 224 10, 976, 010 | 217 Danville, Va........-.----- 21) 539 44 5, 827 | 182 30, 183) 494 | 295 13, 892,714 | 199 URN TUS 0 a oncy oc ua 36,397 | 133 6,608 | 161 30, 038, 961 | 226 17, 355, 417 | 169 924 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 7.-—STATISTICS OF CITIES BY POPULATION GROUPS: 1919, 1914, AND 1909. Cen- | Num- pre sus | ber of | Population.!) ~ jjcp_ year. | cities. ments. Apgretite..i-..0ik pees IO1D donee 105, 710, 620 | . 290, 105 19L4-|. 2a 98, 781, 324 |. 275, 791 DOOD 4. a6, ee 91, 972, 266 | 268, 491 Total for citieshaving a popu- | 1919 747 | 44,728, 547 |. 166, 079 lation of 10,000 or over. 1914 | | 656 38, 627, 333 |. 150, 844 1909 593 34, 021, 620 135, 735 Per cent of aggregate....| 1919 |....... 42. 3 (BT. 2 TOUS fo. eave 39. 1 54.7 1909 | Jk ven 37.0 50. 6 10;000'T.0,25,000 . i: aura. baayy 1919 460 6,953 433 22, 486 1914 401 6, 092, 386 20, 765 1909 365 5, 499, 015 18, 949 Per cent of aggregate......} 1919 |....... 6. 6 ae 1914 |. 23 awn 6.2 a5 }.1909 )....... 6.0 71 25,000 to 100,000.......-..." 1919 | 219] 10,340,788 | 31, 285 1914 194 8, 834, 570 28, 431 1909 178 8, 204; 960 26, 989 Per cent of aggregate......) 1919 |....2.. 9.8 10.8 AOL4 | be 8.9 10.3 L900 |. . ska 8.9 10.1 100,000. and over. ....-..22.- 1919 68 | 27,429,326} 112, 308 1914 61 23 760, 377 | 101, 648 1909 5 20, 317, 645 89, 797 Per cent of aggregate 1919 | ah ae 55.9 38. 7 1945). aban 24.0 36. 9 1909 |....4.. 22. 1 33. 4 Districts outside of citics | 1919 |....... 60, 987,073 | 124,026 having. a population of | 1914 |....... 60, 153,991 | 124, 947 10,000 or over. 1909 }......: 57, 950, 646 | 132, 756 Per cent of aggregate... 2. . SAD | 2. Soeghe 57.7 42.8 A9R4 |. . 5. uy 60. 9 45. 3 A9GD |). «3 i.c%erd 63. 0 49.4 Wage earners (average number). Value Value of | added by products... | manufac- ture, Expressed in ; ES gered J 096, 372 | $62, 418, 079 |$25, oft, 698 9, 7, 036, 247 6 "615, 016, 977, 319° 741, 745 1, 639, 698 1, 143, 968 1, 118, 412 3,789, 318 9, 815, 878 2,514, 730 41.7 40.0 7 38. 0 2, 690, 037 2,334, 656 2, 305, 615 26 33.2 34.9 217 246, 435 | 9/878) 346 20, 672, 052 | 8,529,261 45, 291, 763 | 18,543, 531 16, 814,653 | 7/058, 885 14, 281; 855 | 5; 9997 238 pir ay ecient 69.340 715 69.1 70.3 6, 031, 095 | 2,476, 530 2? 196, 432 ’ 36 1958245 | 8047 065 9.7 9.9 9.1. 9.3 9.5} 9.4 10,744,903 | 4, 475, 044 4’ 125,531 |. 1,582,171 3” 593, 829 | 1/4937 199 17.2 17.9 17.0 16.0 174 16.7 28, 515, 765 | 11, 501, 957 10, 492; 690 | 475567353 8729, 781 |. 3,771, 974 139 mere 42.2 44.2 17, 126, 316 | 6, 498, 167 7,431, 782| 2,819, 461 6, 390, 197 | 2, 530, 023 eae 7 f 30.9 29.7 1 Population of 1920, as of ee 1, 1920; 1915, estimated population as of July. 1, 1914 ae reports 1910, as of April 15, 1910. census of manufactures, 1914); PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRIES. — 925 TABLE 8.—PERSONS ENGAGED IN Sees Cero Tar, INDUSTRIES: 1919, 1914, AND PER CENT OF r TOTAL. ensus CLASS. year. Total. Male. Female. 2 e- i Male. | male Alt classes..: .zicoy. joocore. Ae: 1919 | 10,812,736 || — 8,583,720 | 2,229,016 79.41 20.6 1914 8, 263,083 || 6,613,376 | 1,649, 687 80. 0 20.0 1909 7,678,578 || 6,162,263 | 1,516,315 80. 3 19.7 __ Proprietors and officials...........-.. 1919 682, 857 656, 915 25,942 || 96.2 3.8 ; , 1914 501, 681 485, 502 16,179 96. 8 3. 2 ; bide es 1909 | 487, 173 472; 914 14 259 97.1 2.9 ; - Proprietors and firm members....| 1919 269, 137 258, 894 10, 243 96. 2 3.8 i On; 1914 262, 599 |. 252, 430 10, 169 96. 1 3.9 1909 273,265 || - 263,673 9, 592 96. 5 3.5 " Salaried officers of corporations...| 1919 132,467 ||, 127,074 5,393 95.9 4.1 | , 1914 92) 671 || 89,749 2) 922 96. 8 3.2 } 1909 80, 735 78,937 1, 798 97.8 2.2 Superintendents and managers...| 1919 281, 253 270, 947 10, 306 96. 3 3.7 aa 1914 146, 411 143, 323 3) 088 97.9 2.1 : 1909 133, 173 130, 304 2, 869 - 97.8 2.2 Clerks and other subordinate salaried | 1919 1, 033, 507 659,775 | 373,732 63.8 36..2 employees. 1914 725, 135 536, 967 188,168 74-1 25.9 mM 1909 576, 359 437, 056 139, 303 75.8 24, 2 : ‘Wage earners (average number)...... 1919 9, 096, 372 7, 267,030 | 1,829,342 79.9 20.1 | Wa af 1914 7,036,247 || 5,590,907 | 1,445, 340 79.5] 20.5 mo: ‘ 1909 6,615,046 || 5,252} 293 | 1,362, 753 79.4 | 20.6 ‘ -. 16 years of age and over.........- 1919 8,975, 453 7,202,529 | 1,772,924 “80. 2 19, 8 ; f 1914 6, 914, 474 5,525,108 | 1,389, 366 79.9 20. 1 Bs 4 1909 6, 453, 553 5, 163,164 | 1,290, 389 80. 0 20.9 re Under 16 years of age...........:- 1919 120, 919 64, 501 56, 418 53. 3 46,7 ae 1914 121,773 65,799 | ° 55, 974 54.0 | 46.0 4 bl 1909 161, 493 89,129 72, 364 05. 2 44,8 ; 926 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 9,—SEX AND: AGE DISTRIBUTION OF WAGE EARNERS IN THE 85.LEADING INDUSTRIES; 1919 AND 1914. | NUMBER DEC. 15, OR NEAREST _ PER CENT OF REPRESENTATIVE DAY. TOTAL. Cen- 16 years of Average 16 years of age INDUSTRY. sus 4 age and year. number. and over. piven. Total. oF Fe- Male. | Female. male Allindustries:.......... ..|, 1919 |9, 096,372); (1) th (1) 19.5 1914 |7, 036,247), (1) 1) Q) 19.7 Agricultural implements. ....... 1919 | 54,368 || 57,592 || 56,547 962 1.71 1914 | 48, 459 | 49, 608 |] 49, 019 505 1, Ammunition... .i: spe... aS 1919 | 22, 816 22,709 16,333 | _ 6, 237 27. oo S 1914 | 11, 493 14, 540 |} 10,034 4, 426 Automobile bodies and parts -. .| 1919 | 132,556 || 160, 081 || 151, 588 8, 065 ' 1914 | 47,785 || 47,740 || 46,603 1,035 Erp ogee railroad companies, 7] 0.1 0; 0.2 5 | 0.6 4] 0.6 0} 0.3 2) 0.2 ATITOMG Diese. 2 i ane eae os oe 1919 | 210, 559 || 243 198 || 234, 916 7,921 96.6 FA 6 a | 1914 | 79,307 || g1,298 || 79,971 1, 234 98.4) 15] 0.1 Automobile repairing.........-. 1919 | 55,061 ||. 58,085 |] 57,454] 393 98.9| 0.7 0.4 1914 | 12,562 || 12 618 || 12,563 30 99.6 | 0.2] 0.2 Bookbinding and. blank-book | 1919 | 20,361 22; 946 10,694 | 11,564 46. 6.| 50.4 }..3.0 making. 1914 | 21,693 || 21, 458 || 11,167 | 9,840 52.0 | 45.9] 2.1 Boots and shoes, not including | 1919 | 211,049 || 930,457 || 138,497 | 84, 641 60.1 | 36.7 | 3.2 rubber boots and shoes. 1914 | 191,555 |! 195,347 || 124,148 | 67,549 63:6 |.34.6) 1.9 Boots and shoes, rubber... 2.....| 1919 | 32, 875 34, 723 19,849 | 13,877 57.2 | 40.0] 2.9 1914 | 18,687 || 920, 437 || 12,133 8, 034 59.4 | 39.3] 1.3 Boxes, paper and other,not else- | 1919 | 55,862 || 61,467 || 24,731 | 33,328 40.2 | 54.2] 5.5 where specified. _..,; 1914 | 45,31i 45, 166 17,541 | 25, 417 38.8 | 56.3) 4.9 Boxes, wooden packing, except-|-1919 | 42,445 46, 327 || 41, 180 4, 582 88.9-+ 9.9-}-1.2 cigar boxes, _ | 1914 | 38,548 || 39,798 || 36, 258 2, 294 91.1} 5.8) 3.1 Brass, bronze, and copper prod- | 1919 | 75,051 81, 720 || ‘74, 669 6, 799 91.4) 8.3] 0.3 ucts. — | 1914 | 40,306 |) 39,911 37, 165 2, 486 93.1 | 6.2] 0.7 Bread and other bakery products| 1919 | 141, 592 151, 956 || 111,176 | 38, 901 ta Athos GA eZ 1914 | 124,052 |} 128, 119 || 101,622 | 25, 066 79.31 19.6] 1.1 Brick and tile, terra-cotta, and | 1919 | 76,915 88, 099 86, 289 1, 290 97.9 5] 0.6 fire-clay products. 1914 | 100,182 |} 114, 628 || 112, 336 1,314 98.0 1} 0.9 Canning and preserving, fruits | 1919 | 60, 865 163, 346 69, 847 | 89,306 42.8 172-6 and vegetables. 1914 | 50,325 || 165, 109 70,646 | 86,306 4 42.8 3) 49 Carpets and rugs, other than rag.| 1919 | 22,933 |; 27,002 || 16,573 9, 739 61.4 1} 2.6 1914 | 31,309 || 31,448 |} 18,143 | 12,654 57.7 2; 2.1 Carriages and wagons, including | 1919 | 18,173 || 18,955 || 18, 621 273 98. 2 4) 0.3 repairs. 1914 | 41,304 |} 40,458 |; 39,889 487 98.6 2} 0.2 Cars and general shop construc- | 1919 | 31, 272 32, 108 31, 660 438 98. 6 4 a tion and repairs by electric- | 1914 | 26,384 || 25,509 || 25, 403 99 99.6 4 2) 2 8 3] GPs 1 8] ¢ 6 4| ¢ 5 3] 0. 7 Ls Os 6 ris. 1 0; 0. 9 ym, 2 6 3] 1. on FS m9 So oS of of pe SS SE pp ‘Cars and general ren Soca go! oe 1919 | 484, 487 |) 510,384 || 506,365 3, 975 99. 3) tion and repairs by steam- | 1914 | 339,518 || 336,316 || 335, 805 432 99. 2) railroad companies. Cars, steam-railroad, not includ- | 1919 | 52,298 || 50,999 || 50,549 429 99. 2) ing operations ofrailroad com- | 1914 | 54,288 || 57,811 57, 587 208 99. 2) panies. Oenient 6223.5 ee ee ee 1919 | 25,524 || 26,895 || 26, 503 362 98. 1 1914 | 27,916 |} 28,969 || 28, 896 26 99. 2 Remiogls yas ss ee e-----| 1919 | 55,586 || 58,757 || 53, 798 4,782 91. 3 1914 | 82,311 || 32,496 || 30, 585 1,621 94. 9 Clothing, mott’s....0. 2. ...00.22.. 1919 | 175, 270 |) 208, 524 || 95,771 | 110, 794 45. 0 1914 | 173, 747 || 179, 232 |} 85,331 | 91,975 47. 1 1 Total not given for reasons explained on page 914. 2 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 927 TABLE 9,—SEX AND AGE DISTRIBUTION OF WAGE EARNERS IN THE 8 LEADING INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND. 1914—Continued. PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRIES. PER CENT OF TOTAL. NUMBER DEC. 15, OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY. oY Cen- 16 years of ; INDUSTRY sus |“verage 16, years of age Un- : year, |Bumber. and over, Unter apa cae Total. 16 16 = years years : & of age. Fe. | of J Male. | Female. Male male.| 28¢ | eee 7 Clothing, women’s. ..........-.- 1919 | 165, 649 || 183,516 |) 60, 522-| 121,687} 1,307 || 33.0 |.66.3 | 0.7 t e 1914 | 168, 907 || 175,302 | 63,241 | 111,034 | 1,027 || 36.1 | 63.3! 0.6 Coke, not including gas-house | 1919 | 29,319 || 30,357 |), 30, 404 8 445 || 98.5}. @) 1.4 4 coke. - | 1914 |, 21, 107 19, 08 | 19, 793 3 112 || 99.4] @) | 0.6 Confectionery and ice cream ?....| 1919 |» 95,648. || 104, 181 || 45, 452\|, 55,046 | 3,683 || 43.6 | 52.8) 3:5 ‘ 1914 | 64,034 ||. 70,222 |} 31,124] 36,582} 2,516 || 44.3 | 52.1 | 3.6 Copper, tin, and sheet-iron work.| 1919 | 27,640 |) 31,039 || 30, 134 711 194 || 97.1} 2.3 |/-0.6 : 1914 | 28,714 ||, 29, 020 ||. 28,334 514 172 || 97.6] 1.8} 0:6 ’ Corsets ig aeeoee.. Le, 1919 |» 18,415 |} 21, 105 |Ine 8, 254 4:17, 194 657 || 15.4] 81.5 bo dud ; 1914 | 20,496 || 19,418 || 2,528 | 16, 300 590 || 13.0 | 83.9 | 3.0 } Cotton goods....2...:.- Sk dad 1919 | 430, 966 ||-459; 845 || 254,380 |,183, 810 | 21,655 || 55.3 | 40.0}. 4.7 : Oe 1914 | 379, 366 ||. 388, 297 || 209, 186 | 146,061 | 33,050 || 53.9 | 37.6 | 8.5 ‘Cutlery and edge tools.......... 1919 |, 19,859 ||. 22,080 || 17,580 | 4,171 329 || 79.6 | 18.9! 1.5 Sneed ee th | 1914 | 16,561 || 16,697 || 14,515 | 1,942 240 || 86.9} 11.6| 1.4 4 Dyeing and finishing textiles, | 1919 |.55,985 || 62,462 || 47,182 | 14,098 |» 1,232 }],75.5 | 22.6 | 2.0 : : genctust ve of that done in tex- | 1914 |, 48,467 || 46,776 || 37,853 8,175 748, || 80.9:} 17.5 |. 1.6 2 tile mills. ; ; Electrical machinery; apparatus,| 1919 | 212,374 245,324 || 180,152 |» 62,920 | 2,252 || 73.4 | 25.6} 0.9 and supplies. 1914 | 118,078 |] 111,251 || 88,411 | 22,167 673 || 79.5 | 19.9} 0.6 : Engines, steam, gas, and water..| 1919+] 77,617 |j 85,053 |; 83,063 | - 1,872 118 || 97.7 | 22] 0.1 . ) : 1914 | 29,657 || 29,371 || 29,274 62 35 || 99.7| 0.2] O14 ; Bertilizerss J. 5.50.1. eae----) ssh 1919 | 26,296 || 30,071 |} 29,565 428 78 || 98.3} 1.4,|°.0.3 pane 4 1914 | 22,815 || 25,219 || 25,078 108 33 || 99.4 | 0.4] O14 Flour-mill and gristmill pro-| 1919 | 45,481 |, 49,932 || 48,688 | 1,170 7411 97.5 | 23) 0.1 ducts. 1914 | 39,718 || 41,736 || 41,128 533 80 || 98.5 | 1.3] 0.2 Food preparations, not élse- | 1919 |. 30,365 |, 33,820 |) 23,810 | 9,707 312 || 70.4 | 28.7] 0.9 where specified. 1914 | 20,306 |) 22,421 || 16,540 | 5,624 957 || 73.8 | 25.1] 11 Foundry and machine-shop pro- | 1919 | 482,767 ||-538,308 || 519,425 | 16,655 | 2,228 || 96.5] 3.1) 0.4 ducis: / 1914 | 362, 471 || 247,364 |) 341,088 | 5,069 | 1,207 || 98.2) L5| 0.3 Furnishing goods, men’s. ...... | 1919 | 18,944 |} 20,881 || 3,334] 16,886 | 661 |] 16.0 | 80.9 | 3.2 1914 | 22,459 || 23,220 || 3,898 | 18,760 562 || 16.8 | 808 | 2.4 Furnitures: ..o.cc-.-2------+ cs 1919 | 138,331 || 456,384 || 141,447 | 12,867 | 2,070 |, 90.4) 82) 13 1914 | 127,881 || 126,125 || 120,856 | 3,657 | 1,612 || 95.8] 29) 13 Gas, illuminating and heating..| 1919 | 42,908 || 44,280 || 44,058 200 92 || 99.5 | 0.5} () 1914 | 43,792 || 42,284 || 42,067 190 27 || 99.5} 0.4! Q) ass. a: ng teaches | bskee- -| 1919 | 77,520 || 93,320 ||. 81,214 | 10,410 | 1,696 |) 87.0 | 11.2) 18 i914 | 74,502 || 84,158 || 76,909 | 4,999] 2,250) 91.4] 5.9) 27 Hard wares: 1.6.12-+-s08-5--+ 200 1919 |.-42,505 ||. 47,585 || 38,360 | 8,283 942 || 80.6 | 17.4] 2.0 ue 1914 | 41,213 || 39,783 || 34,067 | 4,897 819 || 85.6 | 123] 21 Hats, furdelt..22.).s0¢.-.-| 4.98 1919 | 18,510 || 21,132 || 14,985 | 5, 758 339 ||,70.9 | 27.2 | 1.8 1914 | 21,318 || 21,552 || 15,550} 5,750 252 || 72.2 | 26.7] 1.2 Ice, manufactured.........-+- ...| 1919 | 30,247 || 31,101 |} 30,654 258 | 180 || 98.6'| 0.8] 0.6 | ) 1914 | 23,011 || 24,827 || 24,519 72 236 || 988 | 0.3] 0.9 Iron and steel, blast furnaces...| 1919 | 41,660 || 46,460 || 46,402 54 4199.9} 02} @) 1914 | 29,356 || 29,660 || 29,601 6 53 || 99.8] () | 02 Iron and steel, steel works and. | 1919 | 375,088 || 400,620 || 396,741 | 3,695 is4 || 99.0} 0.9] () ro 1914 | 248,716 |! 248,945 " 247, 275 944 726 '1 99.3 0.4! 0.3 ling mills. 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. : 2Includes ‘‘chewing gum”’ in 1914. 928 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 9,—SEX AND AGE DISTRIBUTION OF WAGE EARNERS IN THE 8 LEADING INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. INDUSTRY. Cen- | 4 verage sus ; year. number. Iron and steel, forgings, not | 1919 | 28,391 made in steel works or rolling | 1914 | 10,689 mills. Joweltyil tos aU ea. 1919 | 30, 871 1914 | 28,289 Knit: goods 2.3%. 2 Seek 1919 | 172,572 1914 | 150,520 Leather, tanned, curried, and | 1919 | 72,476 finished. 1914 | 55,936 Liquors, maloosss i202 LE, 1919 | 34,259 1914 | 62,070 Locomotives, not made by rail- | 1919 | 26,715 road companies. 1914 | 17,391 Lumber and timber products..| 1919 | 480,945 1914 | 479,786 Lumber, planing-mill products, | 1919 | 86,956 not including planing mills | 1914 | 96,214 connected with sawmills. Machine tools 2.2.25. 2.220... 552. 1919 | 53,111 Marble and stone work. ......... 1919 | 32,768 1914 | 54, 891 Millinery and lace goods, not | 1919 | 50,850 elsewhere specified. 1914 | 45, 274 Musicalinstruments, pianos..... 1919 | 22,957 1914] 23, 877 Oiland cake, cottonseed......... 1919 | 26,766 1914 | 23,810 Paper and wood pulp........... 1919 | 113, 759 1914 | 88, 457 Petroleum, refining.............. 1919 | 58,889 1914 | 25,366 Phonographs and graphophones.| 1919 | 28, 721 1914 | 9,381 Sg" Fai 7 a AD EEA ki F Ma 1919 | 27,934 1914 | 26, 705 Printing and publishing, book | 1919 | 123, 005 and job. 1914 | 113, 121 Printing and publishing, news- | 1919 120, 381 papers and periodicals. 1914 | 114,375 Rubber tires, tubes, and rubber | 1919 | 119,848 goods, not elsewhere specified. | 1914 50, 220 Shipbuilding, steel.............. 1919 | 344,014 1914 | 33,508 | Shipbuilding, wooden, includ- | 1919 43, 432 ing boat building. 1914 | 10,981 vg SUR Sr Se ers | eae eed 1919 | 39,603 1914 | 51,972 Silk goods, including throwsters.| 1919 126,782 1914 |. 108,170 NUMBER DEC. 15, OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY. 16 years of age and over. Under Total. 16 Male. | Female. 30,645 || 29,509] 1,010] 126 10,705 || 10; 429 151 125 34,656 || 23,372 | 10,270 | 1,014 28, 523 || 21,458 |’ 6,397 |’ 668 187,746 || 52,134 | 125,440 | 10,172 153, 438 || 42/693 | 1017586 | 9,159 79,205 || 72,257} 6,507 |) © 441 56,371 || 54,345} 13863] 163 31, 220 || 30, 867 331, 22 61,036 || 60,359 609 68 19,877 || 19,734] 102 41 16, 548 || 16,539 8 1 626,472 || 620,267} 5,280 | 925 586, 521 || 583,478 951 | 2,092 97,740 || 95,098 | 2,163 | — 479 95,388 || 94/147 719 | 522 58,776 || 56,618 |’ 2,035 | 123 36,580 || 36,424 90 66 56,097 || 55,817 99 | 181 55,786 || 13,733 | 41,146 | 907 42,242 |} 11/2561 30,084} 902 24,665 || 22,131 | 2,162} 372 23,512 || 22.557 }' 755 | | 200 37,142 || 36,185 778.| 179 37,155 || 37,030 88 37 122,139 |} 111,121 | 10, 852 166 89,005 || 79,508 9, 391 106 62,660 || 61,492 | 1,126 42 24,938 || 24,742 |' | 7157 39 | 35,184 || 27,512 | 7,608 69 10,095 || 9,068 | 1, 022 5 30,702 || 22,7471 7,579| 376 27,142 || 20,745 | 6,111 | © 286 134,379 || 97,732 | 33,433 | 3,214 113,816 || 86,021 |-'25,449 | 2°346 126, 222 || 100,561 | 21,130] 4,531 116, 840 || 95,728 | 17,908] 3) 204- 138, 081 ||.121,006 | 16,330] 745 49,279 || 42,509) 6,304 | - 376 309, 273 || 308, 078 972| 293 31, 838 || 31,599 63 | 176 45,903 || 45, 803. 88 12 10, 897 || 10, 854 | 27 16 46,698 || 7,711 | 37,797] 1,190 53,908 || 10,663 | 41,744 | 1) 501 137, 716:|| 52,404 |. 78,160 | 7,152 106, 508 | 40, 960. . 57,860! 7,688 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 2 Included in ‘‘foundry and machine-shop products”’ in 1914. NO NK BRK Ko ONO KD WHY Ww PER CENT OF TOTAL. 16 years of ageand | Un- over. er Fo} .° Male male.| 28¢ 9653" '|4 3. 0.4 97.4] 1. 1.2 67.4} 29.) 2.9° 15. BV 22. 2.3 27.8 | 66. 5.4 27.8 | 66. 6.0 91.2). 8 0.6 96.4] 3, 0.3 98.9} LL} OL 98.9) 1. 0.1 99.3 | 0. 0.2 99.9) (2 (4) 99.0) 0.8] O14 99.5] 0.2} 0.4 97.3 | 2.2) 0.5 98.7 | 0.8} 05 96.3 | 3.50. 99.6 | 0. 0. ‘99.5 } 0. oe 24.6 | 73.8 |,.1. 26.6 4 FEE 2 89.7} 88] 1 95.9} 3:2] 0 O04 72 mis ‘99. 710, 0. 94.0] &9] 0. 89.3 | 10.6 | 0, 98. 1 i. 0. 99.2) 0. 0. 78.2] 21.6| 0. 89.8 | 10.1 | @) 74.1 | 24.71 1.2 76. 4°| 22. rT 72.4.4 24. 2.4 75, 6-22, wo A 79.7 | 16. 3.6 81.9 | 15. 257 87.6 | 11. 0.5 86.4} 12. 0.8 99.6] 0. 0.1 99.2} 0. 0.6 99.8] 0.2] () ~ 99.6] 0.2) 0.1. 16.5 | 80. 2.5 19.8 | 77.4 | 2.8. 38.1 | 56. 5.2 38.5 | 54. 7.2 929) TABLE 9.—SEX AND AGE DISTRIBUTION OF WAGE EARNERS IN THE 85 LEADING INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRIES. —— NUMBER DEC. 15, OR NEAREST PER CENT OF REPRESENTATIVE DAY. TOTAL. : Cen. 16 years of : Average 16 years of age y’ U 7 INDUSTRY. sus age n- : year, | umber and over. Under abe sue dar - Total oe 16 : f yeats ||———- years ; of age. Fe- | of Male. | Female. Male tmale,| 28¢ Slaughtering and meat packing.| 1919 | 160,996 |] 163,582 |] 147,127 | 16,244 21 89.9} 9.9] Ol : . 1914 | - 98,832 || 105,193 || 98103 | -. 6,831 259 || 93.3] 6.5] 0.2 re 1919 | 20,436 |f 20,290 |] 14,125 |. 5,926 239 || 69.6 | 29.2] 1.2 ; 1914 | 14,172 14, 033 10, 429 3,398 206 || 74:3] 24.2 | 1.5 Stamped and enameled ware, | 1919 | 34,248 || 37,977 || 29, 460 7,799 718-}|-77:6-| 20.5 | 1.9 not elsewhere specified. 1914 { 28,731 27,731 21, 641 5,326 764. || 78.01 19.2] 2.8 Steam fittings and steam and | 1919 | 36,686 || 44,371 41, 885 2,410 76 || 94.4} 5.4] 0.2 hot-water heating apparatus. | 1914 26,388 || 25,676 || 25,028 454 194 || 97.5] 1.8] 0.8 Stoves and hot-air furnaces...... 1919 | 32,868 || 36,546 || 35, 801 411 334 || 98.0} 1.1] 0.9 ; 1914 | 29,535 || 29,806 || 29; 620 70 116 || 99.4] 0.2] 0.4 Structural ironwork, not made | 1919 | 43,962 || 47,142 || 46,860 258 24 |) 99.4] 0.5} 0,1 im steel works or rolling mills. | 1914 | 47,167 || 45,872 || 45,685 116 71 |} 99.6} 0.3 | 0.2 " Sugar, refining, not including | 1919 | 18,202 || 18,383 || 17,063] 1,313 7 || 92.8) 7.1} @) beet sugar. 1914 | «11, 253 11, 390 10, 860 502 28 95. 3 44 +0, 2 5 Textile machinery and parts 2...| 1919 | 31,823 35, 598 33, 097 2,029 472°|| 93.0} 5.7] 1.3 _ ‘Tinware, not elsewhere specified .| 1919} 34,386 || 35,221 |} 24,846 | 10,163 212 || 70.5 | 28.9} 0.6 ae 1914 | 22,584 || 21,183 || 16,290| 4,475 418 || 76.9] 21.1] 2.0 _ Tobacco, chewing and smoking, | 1919 | 18,324 || 19,109 || 9,615-|- 9,339 155 || 50.3 | 48.9] 0.8 and snuff. — 1914 | 25,980 || 25,665 || 13,612} 10,889 | 1,164 |] 53.0 | 42.4 | 4.5 t Tobacco, cigarsiand cigarettes. ..| 1919 | 138,773 |} 160,463 || 65,099 | 93,341 | 2,023 |} 40.6 | 58.2) 1.3 P. 877 28 Male ett ALL 2. OA OA 718 648. 648 663 677 29 Pommlar. ae et a ees Mia als oat 213 202 211 199 200 30 | Asbestos products, not including steam 3, 654 3, 441 3, 435 3, 464 3, 316 packing 31 Male vavost wee...) tfgee baa -80b-ee- - 2, 834 2, 754 2,712 2,665} .....2,572 32 Feel ie tc habh.cs--? dep och degen cass 820 687 * "723 ~~ 799" "744 33 | Automobile bodies and parts............-- 132, 556 108,857 | 110,025} 115,005} 119,577 34 Male tt se bide ob eh oS oe 125, 80% 103, 881 104, 549 109, 333 | - 113, 636 35 Pemalose gb We... oe ate 28 See wake J 6, 752 || 6, 476 6, 476 5, 672 5, 941 36 | Automobile repairing... 2-2. 4.---.2.-+-- 55, 061 48, 702 49, 343 50, 738. |. ...,.58,.137 37 Mia @ 4 ce Mogae cuba pte 1 eos bee 54, 686 48, 387 49; 010 50, 392 52, 748 38 POUUIC. cco cs ate | = ese fie ec tao 375 315 "333 346 389 30: Automobiles ).) 220.0.. WF 1. OL. 210,559 || 174,634 | 179,147]. 185,578 } 195,198 40 Male sob Oot WU. etilboie nis Suhel awe. 2 202, 374 166,540 171, 537 178, 026 187, 365 41 Werle: 205) de oes cee - 4- ob scken 8, 185 8, 094 7,610 7, 552 7, 833 42 | Awnings, tents; and sails.......-.-.,..-+--: 6, 028 4, 881 4, 890 5, 287 6, 390 43 A ooo OO PR RE 8, 345 2, 768 2,768 | 3,011 3, 690 44 Females o.>s<0 <5) 10 Seats i a 2, 683 % 113 2, 132 2,276 2; 700 45 | Babbitt metal and solder........-.-....--- 2,372 2, 363 2,279 2,241 | * 2,310 46 Make 1:2. ietekes ameemtre poate 4 2,171 2} 161 2, 084 2, 043 2) 113 47 Fettalecxce. reise - 1c 5c det vgs 201 202 195 198 197 48 | Bags, other than paper, not including bags 10, 756 10, 463 9, 848 9, 461 9, 541 made in textile mills. 49 Male’ et eet he cee 3, 974 3,798 3, 668 3,519 3, 545 50 Wariale. oe eh asc cook See : 6, 782 6, 665 6, 180 5,942 5, 996 51 | Bags, paper, exclusive of those made in 4,168 4,124 3, 833 3, 785 3, 591 paper mills. 52 Male... Sen lcoucis Bane sean ee 1,964 1,933 1, 757 1,779 1, 742 53 Perales. gael, |. dat -83. Ape oot 2, 204 2,191 2,076 2, 006 1, 849 54 | Baking powders and yeast........-...-..- 3, 331 3,544 3, 323 3, 325 3, 188 55 Bislag eS ae 2, 531 2; 608 2) 545 2) 557 2, 463 56 I OSIOe os once os og aje a5 tainetaiains apiece 800 "936 778 i 768 725 57 | Baskets, and rattan and willow ware...... 4, 533 8,979 4, 254 4, 434 4, 589 58 WIS Fos id= Lash. 5 cna neebae alee 3, 134 2 810 2, 999 3,127 3, 221 59 POMC, vais ec ccccdsivasscusiac win ab aah 1,399 pi: 169 1, 255 1, 307 1, 368 —_ ee PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRIES. 93] “MPLOYED EACH MONTH, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919. by bold-faced figures and that of minimum employment by italic figures.] NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY— continued. . Per cent mini- mum Sept 0 N oat May! | Sunes | Fuly,” | Avaust. | “Ber | er” | bere | ber.” |) mum, 8, 865, 621 | 9, 120, 448 8, 718, 876 9, 348, 600 | 9, 507, 208 | 9,478, 439 | 9, 556, 157 | 9, 663, 170 89.7 |) 1 6, 986, 546 | 7,099, 576 | 7,289, 610 | 7, 459, 389 | 7, 565, 417 | 7,513,311 | 7, 595, 850 | 7, 705, 502 90.21 2 1, 732, 330 | 1” 766, 045 | 1, $30, 838 | 1, 889, 211 | 1/941, 791 | 1, 965, 128 | 1, 960, 307 | 17 957, 668 87.1| 3 7, 148, 560 | 7 100; 278 | 7, 018, 77 | 7,020, 593 | 7; 086, 725 | 7, 006, 241 | 6, 736, 608 | 6 640, 194 91.7 |. 4 6, 457, 279 | 6, 517, 469 | 6, 486, 676 | 6, 656, 933 | 6, $98, 765 | 6, 997, 090 | 7, 006, 853 | 6, 990, 652 88.6 | 5 3, 397 3, 168 3, 109 2, 944 2, 840 2,799 | 2,971 | . 2,966 || .. 61.0] 6 3,162] 2,959 2, 898 2, 747 2, 639 2, 616 2, 71 2, 762 54.2] 7 235 | 909 o11 197 201 183 200 204 97.5.| 8 53,994 | 52,817] 52,900} 49,483 | 51,256] ° 51,059 52,610 | 56, 199 82.8] 9 53,043 | 51,925| 51,950] 48,680 | 50,326 | 49, 981 51,518 | 55, 152 83.0 | 10 951 892 950 803 930 1, 078 1; 092 1, 047 73.5 | UL 10, 696 11, 002 11, 984 12, 027 1,715] 12, 444 13, 543 14, 105 68.5 | 12 9, 539 9, 783 10, 662 10, 704 10, 477 11, 154 12, 180 12, 687 67.8 | 13 1, 157 1,219 1, 322 1, 323 1, 238 1, 290 1, 363 1) 418 74.3 | 14 19, 113 18, 369 | "18, 768 17, 285 17, 121 17, 713 18, 795 19, 628 36.6°| 15 13, 283 13, 325 13, 396 12,032 | 11, 894 12, 250 13; 032 13, 672 37.7 | 16 5, 830 5, 544 5, 372 5, 253 5, 227 5, 463 5, 763 5, 957 34.3 117 4, 054 3, 868 4, 041 4, 138 4, 146 4, 185 4 318 4, 300 89.1 | 18 1, 133 1, 102 1, 128 1, 170 1, 194 1, 293 1,251 1, 248 87.1 | 19 2, 921 2, 766 2, 913 2, 968 2, 952 2, 962 3, 067 3, 052 89.2 | 20 665 678 . 664 679 674 681 682 675 96.8 | at 614 629 615 630 626 633 633 623 96.2 | 22 51 49 49 49 48 48 49 52 92.3 | 23 9, 268 9,897 | 10,092] 10, 483 10, 528 9, 805 8, 609 7,526 48.0 | 24 9, 240 9,869 | 10, 062 10, 456 10, 502 9, 781 8, 587 7, 507 47.9 | 25 28 28 30 a7 26 94 99 19 53.3 | 26 882 919 939 958 977 972 1, 001 i, 016 83.7 | 27 680 | 710 719 732 755 760 771 793 81.7 | 28 202 209}. —-220 226 292 912 230 293 86.5 | 29 3,455 |< 3,339 3, 637 3, 823 3, 948 4,002} 3,952 4,036 82.2 | 30 2, 701 2, 546 2, 768 2, 931 3, 025 3, 095 3,091; 3, 148 80.9 | 31 715A 793 869 892 923 907 861 888 74,4 | 32 122, 523 | 195,788 | 133,941 | 140,420] 147,169 | 153,034] 156,908 | 157,335 69.2 | 33 116,193 | 1197075 | 126,951 | 133,291 | 139,838 | 145,265 | 148,928 | 149, 208 69.3 | 34 6, 330 6,713 6, 990 7, 129 7,331 7, 769 8, 070 8 127 67.4 | 35 55,210 | ° 56,822 | © 58,409 | 59, 004 58,719 | 57,813 56, 539 | 56,206 82.5 | 36 54,819} 56,418 | 58,018|} 58,612 | 58,332] 57,431 56,158 |... 55,907 82,6 | 37 391 404| 2° 391 392 387 382 381 339 78.0 | 38 194,976 | 206,009 | 217,805 | 224,854 | 231,115 | . 236,240 | 239,443 | 241, 709 72.2 | 39 136, 966 198, 678 | 210,133 | » 216,914 | 222305 | 226,778 | 229,827 | 233, 419 71.3 | 40 8, 010 ” 331 7, 672 7, 940 8, 810 9, 462 9, 616 8, 290 76.2 | 42 7, 051 7, 455 7, 161 6, 417 5, 854 | 5,725 5, 686 5, 539 65.5 | 42 3) 998 4’ 150 3) 895 3) 464 3, 180 3, 163 3, 088 2) 975 66.5 | 43 3, 053 3, 305 3, 266 2) 953 2) 674 2) 562 2; 598 2) 564 63.9 | 44 2, 266 2, 398 2, 576 2, 14d 2, 214 2, 215 2, 705 2, 753 77.9) 45 2) 076 2; 176 2) 327 1,977 2, 051 2 065 2) 473 2) 506 78.9 | 46 “" 190 222 249 ” 167 163 150 232 247 60.2 | 47 10,155! 10,495] 11,013! 11,531 11, 499 11, 803 11,670! 11, 598 80.2 | 48 3, 75 3,888 3, 943 4,141 4, 256 4, 409 4, 331 4, 415 79.7 | 49 6, 380 6, 607 7, 070 7, 390 7, 243 7, 394 7, 339 7, 178 80.4 | 50 8, 266 3,895 | ° 4,205 4, 404 4, 588 4,721 4, 754 4, 850 67.3 | 51 1, 561 1, 835 1, 969 2, 074 2, 172 2, 253 2, 225 2, 268 68.8 | 52 1706 2) 060 2} 236 2, 330 2, 416 2, 468 2) 529 2 582 66.0 | 53 3, 160 3, 368 3, 348 3, 283 3, 425 3, 489 3, 379 3, 140 88.6 | 54 | 2) 403 2, 501 2, 550 2,517 2, 560 2) 644 2, 560 2, 464 90.9 | 55 757 867 |. 798 766 865 845 819 676 72.2| 56 4, 623 4, 686 4, 683 4, 767 4, 673 4, 582 4, 527 4, 599 83.5 | 57 3) 254 3, 252 3,174 3) 244 3,210}... 3,112 3, 069 3, 136 86.4 | 58 1 369 1, 434 1,509 |" 1) 623 1, 463 1, 470 1, 458 1, 463 76.8 | 60 “ST 932 ABSTRAGT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 10.—WAGE EARNERS, MALES AND FEMALES, [The month of maximum employment for each industry is indicated a, EE Aver- NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE age MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY. num- INDUSTRY. 2 i) . oy ‘ during Fepa April. year y: SEE OLIGS Is OAD MRE oe Sci attn. athe ental fate 237 227 216 2 Malet! Pha 600 8. 20) £80 © POPs aP le 211 ‘202 193 3 Pomalows oP) 22. As Gel iS fae 2 26 025 Nni22 4 | Belting and hose, rubber. ..2. ..--24.-----% 5, 826 5, 593 5, 092, 5 Male! osarais-5-> Gat 0G 2b 4-405 - Teese 5, 122 4, 868 4, 464 6 y Pee | Pane Ree ROS eas Wika s tS ays 704 725 628 7 | Belting and hose, woven, other than rubber 2,479 2, 309 uh 8) 214 8 Wale. eer et Sy cme ee ee 1, 306 1, 188 1,159 9 Wemalowt shoe... SNe cca dee hoe. cee 1,173 1,121 ' 1,066 10 | Belting, leather: con theuemte- 2d-nn 6-2-2 2, 765 2, 684 2, 586 i Male: 2. /2:. Pie 3 Ua Bi ' F8 Ss 2, 590 2,518 2,418 12 Femalect v6 oc. bk Gases ot aes <= 175 166 168 13 | Billiard tables, bowling toys, and acces- 2,101 1, 763 2, 022 sories. 14 Male: 180 20 20 DOF S22. Pata en. 1, 889 1,606 | 1, 837 15 Wem lOAR oh. ac- cle PS athe wan bE ghine ve 212 157 185 16 | Blacking, stains, and dressings. ..........- 2, 455 2,301 2,451 17 Male ee kek. ote etn cw tet ERR owe 1,281 1,186 1,265 18 Femaleni a... . 7 bthod 2.0. | AUR 1,174 1, 115 1, 186 1 fe Bhaineg 2; GOR 8 oS Bbed. 5. Ro 360 337 332 20 BIG Sas soe PURE once LM tyes 145 142 134 21 Wemasles: #2. 3 SHOU. 2p SR ASS 215 195 - 198 22'| Bone, carbon, and lamp black......:.....- 675 687 669 23 CS a ae 2 ne Se ~ EO ae 672 682 666 | 24 OTE iW ost he co = +. Lee eae 3 5 3 25 | Bookbinding and blank-book making. .... 20, 361 19, 565 19,789 | 26 CEE Valles | RR CMa Sma Fh RA 10,195 9,670 9, 888 27 POUUION» — 3 a - p dyes > Seen is ei meee 10, 166 9, 895 9,901 28 | Boot and shoe cut stock..........2...--.-- 29,715 9, 328 9,190 29 Nalet S00 ee AS. ee cae 7 098 6, 782 6,667 30 Femgles. ooo. ae We... 5 ok eee airs & 2,617 2, 546 2, 523 31. | Boot and shoe findings:v........1 222. 0..... 8, 941 8, 156 8, 447 32 AEE el OR eae NES RARE 5, 763 5,174 5, 359 33 Fempleii..-.5- 0.8... 1 ei... 3,178 2, 982 i * 3,088 34 | Boots and shoes, not including rubber 211, 049 204, 440 199, 025 boots and shoves. 35 ale: S25, BEES. c.8S0 ebb...) RL. . 130, 610 126,228 | + 183,468 36 Femplosize 22. : d-U3s0.6o... pa ee 80, 439 78, 212 78, 687 37.| Boots and shoes, rubber..22.....-.5......-. 32,875 35,339 82,455 38 Male. -.22 Fic. dd SOL Oe: Ok AS SR = - 19,047 , 004 18, 795 39 Feria eit). o pee sic. - Limi ce he 13, 828 15,335 | 18,660 40 || Bawes, cigats. 28 |; 26h CAS... TR ARS 5,218 5,076 — 5,090: 41 Male. 33% cea 221. VSR ees. oak Jee 2,343 2,303 aay 2 286 42 Peri ieis ge 4 BLS Bon on eke th ons 2,875 2,773 2; 804 43 | Boxes, paper. and other, not elsewhere 955, 862 52, 850 ~53, 106 | : specified. : : 44 Male tan. 222 !4 2088. Ji See 23, 095 21, 792 021, 5387 45 Gree 31 UE aia etek ous eae gobo 32, 767 31, 058 81, 569 46 | Boxes, wooden’ packing, except cigar boxes 42,445 40,707 40,682 47 Malet tte. octet et ilies oa --| ©. 88, 105 36, 370 36, 324 48 Females pi ys oes a jel Pi oe Oetictes..5 5 4,340 4,337 4,358 49 | Brass, bronze, and copper products. .2.2-2|. 75,061 75, 650 68, 457 50 Male. gikp..-.. 16s B.C to .. 68, 273 67, 676 62,348 51 Femaie. i 3. 24 2e8 hos ch BE Sads wan 6,778 7,974 6, 109 . 52 | Bread and other bakery products:.......- 141, 592 134, 358 137, 164 53 BME a i. it AE Ws See codons Leas 104, 515 288 101, 601 54 Werbileag 0000 PRR eT Re eS oe 37, 077 35° 070 ‘ 35, 563 55 | Brick and tile, terra-cotta, and ‘relay 76,915 | 85, 866 70, 332 products. . ? 56 Male. pop.c... 22. TO ae. cs BROCE SO 75, 758 54,892 . 69,319 57 Femplers.; .:-- 1 un... eh ee <8 1, 157 974 1,013 | ~ $8 bBYOOMS!. 602.5... LOE che os. oe SBR 58 6,313 6, 187 6,009 59 Male.ocf.c-...:) a &.. 2.085 bees 5, 298 4. 8145 63°5, 025 60 Females.........¢ RD. ak <> = p'dutha Mahe xp si 1,015 2 ¥ 042 5 f 984, , PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRIES. 9338 - EMPLOYED EACH MONTH, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. ‘by bold-faced figures.and that of minimum employment by étalic figures.] NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH’ DAY OF THE MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY— CON Ook WHF continued, Per cent mini- mum ; is of Septem- Octo- Novem- | Decem- maxi- May. Zune. Taly AUgUSt er. ber. ber. ber. mum. é.~ 220 227 246 245. 242 243 262 - 260 82.1 195 207 218 217 216 216 227 229 84.3 25 20 28 28 26 27 35 31 57.1 5, 118 5, 155 5, 514 6, 129 6, 357 6, 448 6, 708 6, 957 65.8 4, 499 4,577 4, 850 5, 427 5, 631 5, 774 5, 952 6, 092 64. 9 619 578 664 702 726 674 756 .. 865 65. 2 2, 274 2, 394 2, 538 2, 675 2, 626 2, 689 2, 722 2, 690 81.3 : 1, 195 1, 281 1, 369 1, 420 1, 412 1, 344 1, 473 1, 479 78.4 1, 079 1, 113 1, 169 1, 255 1, 214 1, 345 1, 249 1, 211 78. 4 ; 2, 567 2, 566 2, 651 2, 782 2, 870 2, 914 2, 976 3, O71 83.'6 | 10 , 2, 399 2, 402 2, 484 2, 610 2, 685 2, 726 2, 796 2, 881 83.3 | 11 ; 168 164 167 172 * 185 188 180 190 86.3 | 12 1, 972 2, 043 1, 989 2, 077 2, 252 2, 318 2, 537 2, 595 65.5 | 18 . 1,818 1, 821 1, 814 1, 868 2, 020 2, 057 2, 258 2,302 65.2 | 14 154 222 175 209 232 261 279 293 52.6 | 15 2, 445 2, 470 2, 500 2, 568 2, 559 2, 586 2, 625 2, 560 83.6 | 16 1, 275 1, 264 1, 264 1, 290 1, 337 1, 381 1, 429 1, 418 78.3.).17 1, 170 1, 206 1, 236 1, 278 1, 222 vif 1, 196 1, 142 82.2 | 18 318 324 359 412 419 414 372 356 75.9 | 19 5 : 136 141 143 -153 145 157 155 147 85.4 |'20 ; 182 183 216 259 274. 257 217 209 66.4 | 21 : 665 674 669 676 680 698 675 688 94.3 | 22 % 663 | 672 666 672 676 695 673 ie i mt 23 ; {2 2 3 4 4 3 2 40.0 | 24 7 19, 756 20, 016 20, 488 20, 734 20, 773 20, 845 21, 379 21, 775 88.9 | 25 . 9, 806 10, 096 10, 345 10, 409 10, 521 10, 483 10, 763 11, 028 86.1 | 26 : 9, 950 9, 920 10, 143 10, 325 10, 252 10, 362 10, 616 10, 747 91.8 | 27 q 9, 370 9, 857 9, 943 9, 659 9, 760 10, 193 10, 354 10, 272 88.8 | 28 4 6, 896 7, 304 7, 304 7, 024 7, 243 7, 488 7, 506 7, 500 88.8 | 29 2, 474 2, 553 2, 639 2, 635 2, 517 2, 705 2, 848 2, 772 86.9 | 30 } 8, 486 8, 762 8, 906 9, 242 9, 493 9, 588 9, 957 10, 223 76.4 | 31 : 5, 385 5, 627 5, 721 5, 965 6, 153 6, 272 6, 527 6, 791 73.2 | 32 4 8,101 | 9: 8, 135 3, 185 3,277 3, 340 3, 316 3, 430 3, 432 82.8 | 33 .. 201, 710 | 206, 562 |° 211,811 | 215, 596 | 217, 031 |. 219,604 | -224,197 | 228, 412 87.1 | 34 ; 125, 348 | | 128, 569 | 131,605 | 133,174 | 134,061 | - 135,824) 138,549 | 141,386 87.3 | 35 " 76, 362 77, 993 80, 206.| . 82, 422 82, 970 83, 780 85, 648 87, 026 86.8 .| 36 ; 31, 298 30,642 31, 304 31, 561 31,578 32, 953 34, 145 34,657 86.7 | 37 ; 18,231 | 187.098 18, 308 18, 484 18, 421 19, 062 19,778 20, 265 89.3 | 38 ie .. 13, 067 12, 54h 12) 996 13,077 13, 157 13, 891 14, 367 14, 392 81.8 | 39 : 5,090 5, 143 | 5, 155 5, 122 5, 195 5, 415 5,591 5, 668 88.1 | 40 ; 27987] . 2/316 2° 306 2, 296 2,343 2, 399 2, 466 2) 528 90.2 | 41 4 2) 803 2, 827 2, 849 2,826 | o-; 2,852 3, 016 3, 125 37138 86.4 | 42 ‘ 52,776 53, 888 56, 193 56,845 | 55,982 59, 616 61, 455 61, 328 85.9 | 43 o 4 21,184 22, 052 22,972 23; 877 23, 608 25, 086 25, 473, 25, 541 82.9 | 44 ; 31, 592 31,836 | 33, 221 32, 968 32,374 34,530; 35,982 35, 787 85.8 | 45 41, 234 42,175 42, 330 43, 802 43,217 43, 418 44,204 44, 881 90.6 | 46 36, 885 | 37,795 38, 119 39, 714 38, 939 38, 989 39, 867 40,441 89.8 | 47 4,349 4,380 | -) 4,211. 4,178 4,278 4, 429 4,337 4, 440 fox 94.1 | 48 & 68, 345 67,301 | . 69,524 75, 628 78,048 80, 999 82, 382 82, 263 81.7 | 49 4 ~ 62; 409 61, 358 63; 386 69,279 71, 621 74, 263 15, 433 75, 163 81.3 | 50 ¥ 6,936 | 5,943 6, 138 6, 349 | 6, 427 6, 736 6,949 7, 100 66.7 | 51 137,136 | 140,783 | 143,229] 144,280 | © 144,941 147,242 | 149,383 | 150,061 89.5 | 52 . 101,603} 104,093] 105,447| . 106,493 | 107,309} 108,350} 109,895 |” 110, 702 89.7 | 53 35,583 | 36,690 37, 782 37, 787 37, 632 38; 892 39, 488 39, 359 88.8 | 54 79,561 84, 952 88, 715 90, 929 90,615 88, 913 81, 997 74, 641 61.4 | 55 78, 474 83, 804 87,496 | 89,691 89, 329 87, 592 80,664 | 73, 309 61.2 | 56 1, 087 1, 148 1, 219 | ©. 4, 238 1, 286 1,321 1,333 1, 332 71. 4 | 57 5,986] 5, 994 6, 054 6, 298 6, 512 6,713 6, 840 6, 936 85.1 | 58 5,008 |. 5,010 5, 074 5, 284 5, 483 5, 685 5,793 5, 871 oy. Da “1978 |< - 7984] "980 1,014 1,029| - 1,028 1,047 1,065 || 91. ~ 984 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 10.—WAGE EARNERS, MALES AND FEMALES, [The month of maximum employment for each industry is indicated | NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE age MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY. num- INDUSTRY. ber em- Badng ||. Janu: | Febru- | spon | Apel year 8 ary. ary. P 2) rashes) ohey sss... 1 08Rs cca... PRES em 7, 968 8, 086 7, 794 7,755 7,542 2 Male............2.52-222 2-2 eben esse eee pin 3) ans 3 ce ra eet 3 POMNIOS 20. 5dI8GEt soos d eee ee A) é . fs , 461 A} sBuatter st sees 2. Sea ies. on) Ba ee 17,641 14,796 14, 881 15,118 16, 804 2 , 5 Male gout 1.52 d:88R als. ERR 15, 125 12,894 13,031 13, 214 14, 456 6 Pemates: 66.6.4 8802 sorceress 228 2,516 1,902 1,850 1,904 2,348 7.| Butter, reworking. J. poy ogs2 2. . COAL 47 47 47 47 47 8 O10 BO da os cu bc RG bobs ec Pad ube Leg 42 42 42 42 42 9 Femalee. 3: 220 5s@se5bs eo ock BRE se 5 5 5 5 5 10}| pButtons: Hee es. hte. fo ost se ee ek 15,577 14, 839 15,051 14,878 14,594 il Male 14 6 <0 2 4sQGR Bo ery ORL 9, 402 9,029 9,092 8,975 8, 12 Fomales.. sc. 5 dsGatboe ss cb ABest 6,175 5,810 5, 959 5,903 5, 871 A133) Candlesiiay ie 2223 Fee Bee 541 500 494 471 479 14 GIB Soo s cc puns Hie wuce cewedee eke 259 ae at yd =H 15 Females.g: : oo ds20 sc src op SPR ar or oe 282 3 4 16 | Canning and preserving, fish.............. 11, 248 8,710 7,402 6,749 7,407 17 BLO ae ae’ CSUR A ye on od 6, 844 5, 350 4,657 4,478 4,971 18 Femal 4, 404 3, 360 2) 745 2, 271 2) 436 CM AIGs 6 dE ae 2 teh’ gb'n's ; F , ; 19 ae and preserving, fruits and vege- 60, 865 19,977 14,792 14,005 18, 962 tables. 20 MEAN 0.0. c0coy deat eee oc ul RAD 30, 573 13, 610 10, 747 10,126 12, 923 21 POMIQIOS oc soe esse. A Sag coacca 30, 292 6, 367 4,045 3, 880 6, 039 22 | Canning and preserving, oysters..........- 1, 189 1,599 1,505 1, 804 1, 826 23 yer a SS a Se ane a - 4 om : va ; 4 24 its ET Ae oe AG OS Joe be 45 9 ve , 16 25 | Card cutting and designing................ 1, 148 1,016 1,053 1,117 | © . 1,092 26 _ BID BA beac 5 52's SR AE 522 473 Si 3 489 27 OMalen Bw. lag ote... ee ae 626 542 614 603 28 | Cardboard, not madein paper mills... .... 1, 425 1,355 1,405 1,403 1,370 Tee A ee ee 21 eee eee ee bee 30 CIMA Os ie See o's LR te 4 609 31 | Carpets and rugs, other than rag.......... 22, 933 18,622 18, 681 19,374. 20, 792 32 “eee “Lh ot oh Reece + +1 Clea gah 14, 032 1 E ; eid y a = oo 12,690 33 Cl alOs ee. een sb 8, 901 : ' Py i 8, 102 34 Carpets, rag. aes. . Jeng tee. Nl ad cic.’ - 2, 016 1,608 "1,640 1,723 1, 933 = eat eette Sg Taba eee 1, na 1, e 1, he 1, ret 1,324 3 CMaAlor: eek cigs: Hl. 5 ee ae ko 62 51 609 37 | Carriage and wagon materials............. 6, 509 5,918 5, 991 5,856 6, 046 38 en aioe 6 B'ticle coe MMe st Rates 6, on 5, ue 5; ie Sho ee he 5, 843 39 GHIAIO® fee. 3h ole saree. scteale Se 1 Sst 3 8 203 40 | Carriages and sleds, children’s............. 6, 686 6,999 6, 213 6, 486 6, 522 41 moe pa ak xo. week eben Teh e lal ees: 5,617 é, te 5, on 5,510 5,511 42 Pemaadess ta < 6s ss'. pid: wed ss Vdsiores 2 os - 1,069 976 1,011 43 | Carriages and wagons, including repairs. . . 18, 173 17,891 17,989 17,975 17,667 44 Male:saligats vga. pe Pl aig ee. 17, 899 17, 655 17,735 17, 705 17, 886 45 WOME oe oss. ake ees Van wees Sees. 274 236 254 270 281 46 | Cars and general shop construction and 31, 272 31, 499 31, 702 31, 686 31, 332 repairs by electric-railroad companies. ; 47 | Male fea iga oi os eae 0. Pa 30, 773 30, 905 31, 119 31,112 30, 766 48 Female yaa .1 ‘17,486 |\+ . 18,151 18, 250 18,342 | 18,558 74.2 '|'58 14, 137 14, 723 14 959 15, 463 15, 487 15,540 | . 15,813 71.1159 2) 533 2) 583 2) 527 2) 688 2) 763 2) 802 2) 745 85.6 | 60 936 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 10.—WAGE EARNERS, MALES AND FEMALES, [The month of maximum employment for each industry is indicated * Aver- NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE age MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY. num- INDUSTRY. cs MAI eoesiee Oe ee | ploy Janu- | Febru- h. i . yer oF ary. ary. Mare April LEP ROONE Se Le, cn chceean as ccna deen teu eae ae 25, 524 20, 234 20, 563 21, 964 23, 864 2 jE dh eR Yd iB AEE! By 9-4 SPER HE 25, 195 19, 946 20,301 21, 729 23) 580 3 Femare seo dae aoe soa doaiestnea see 329 289 262 ” 035 "984 4 | Charccal, not including production in the 209 244 221 210 197 lumber and wood distillation industries. 5 Malar tts. os dese tones aca Ee ae. sake 206 241 218 207 194 6 Pemaple ooo oo Gaeiec siete ae ke ee 3 3 3 3 3 TP EOS ot coe eee wae cs ember aebene sae 3,997 2,843 2,893 3, 229 4,106 8 MAE o. cos cee sac n cree bea wel 3, 843 2, 718 2,765 3, 084 | 3,948 9 Femapie. Be oo BPR ios. ye She sd 154 ” 125 128 145 |. 158 10: Gihanitentes SF 0 las Besa ee Se eek eo cee oke 55, 586 60,754 57,339 53,281 | 51,100 11 Mal Gre ks 2 OEE caine baat Ue os ate 50, 834 55, 865 52, 502 48, 790 4, 393 12 Pomaie.< . 2... 308s 2. BBB «esp oe 4,752 4, 889 4, 837 , 4491 4,707 13h Onewiee etn.) a. eee: abe et eee noe ate 3, 190 3, 106 3, 178 3, 228 3, 351 14 Male 05.202 Sis STapsee kd 1,117 1,014 1, 047 1, 084 1, 136 15 Pempbie.< 2-23 958. te PS eee - 4- 2,073 2g 092 2,131 2 154 2, 215 16 | China decorating, not including that done 244 204 207 218 221 in potteries. 17 Malem gat |. Seabee aac. ft Sis eee oe 110 G4 91 101 99 18 Petia le. fee. S014 A Pei. oe 134 110 116 117 122 19 | Chocolate and cocoa products. .-.......--- 9, 083 8, 723 9, 103 9, 064 8, 713 20 Male 08)" 75 aE ON > oop EEE og U 6, 555 6, 101 6,397 |. - 6,442 6,27 21 Vemndae 2 205) See. 2 it eo ae 2, 528 2, 622 2, 706 * 622 2,437 22 | Cleansing and polishing preparations.....- 1, 955 1, 880 1, 806 1,811 1,805 23 fat Gr us. SURES E cll SRS ones ae 1, 286 1, 226 1,179 L 197 L 217 24 Femina 3 2.222. i86- fo: 2b aes ee 669 654 627 614 688 Oh | GrockSy eu dos ot tee on eek eee~s cubed: 8, 252 7, 829 7, 636 7, 876 8, 022 26 Malar. 2 LU She ee eee cae a: 5,618 4, 999 5, 159 5, 3tl 5 433 27 Female... cides eos te agate 2, 634 2, 830 2,467 2) 535 589 28 orth, sponging and refinishing Cs eee ee 1, 206 991 1, 628 1, 053 : 048 290. Mlott oo: Ave eenisk Bett os ck. 1, 183 967 1, 005 1, 030 1, 028 30 ouaae ee bbs AGL: RR Bes Bik seed - 2 24 23 23 20 $1} Clothing; worses. Foi R i. ae od. 766 781 745 683 677 32 SIGIR Loy dat at... Soman Coben 342 349 336 303 293 33 Fémale eo.) sles as. 2 ee es ye 2 424 432 409 380 384 34 | Clothing; ten’s. - 1 ree.t 2... eed... S. 175, 270 146, 278 152, 223 157,097 160, 651 35 Male. a cde Stine cee op ahebeece sc te 86, 743 63, 800 68, 322 72, 581 75, 240 36 Retnade 4205) Haadtiee: 22 epee - 212 94, 527 82; 478 83, 901 84, 516 85, 411 37 | Clothing, men’s, buttonholes...........-. 484 418 449 457 466 38 Male Sein r sl cea coe. 2S Phe 2. Ses 273 227 256 257 261 39 FemM@le.'o oo 2 yaaa Sieg ae ese oe 211 186 198 200 205 40°} Ofothing; women’s. 727.0 23. 3. Sood a 165, 649 146, 080 153, 523 160, 844 161, 289 41 Maleee.h: 2. USER oo SOE ES uf 53, 181 47,3 325 52, 373 54, 801 51, 521 42 FOmghe ic: 22s i pad oe llc eee pgs + -s- 112, 468 98, 756 101, 150 106, 043 109, 768 434 @oal-tar products -\2 (28 24 2 .. SUR. 3 15, 663 15, 967 15, 323 14, 695 | 14,311 44 Setee Sos) TPS es eee 15, 120 15, 319 14, 742 14, 173 13,794 45 FOm@Qle fac. 2 yoke ee Fo ds hee phe na bg 543 648 581 §22 "517 46 | Coffee and spice, roasting and grinding. -. 10, 540 10, 197 10, 113 9, 941 9, 937 47 Maléee fe SCHR AGS Pig... 5,911 5, 732 5, 668 5, 655. 5,653 48 F GRR <5 5. PSS ear ep at 4, 629 4, 465 4,445 4, 286 4, 284 49 io. burial cases, and undertakers’ 11, 890 12, 061 12, 378 12,507 |. 12, 288 goods. 50 MalOss 798.2. . SR ESS TSEC Seb. 8 dt 9, 654 9,706 9,955 10, 091 9,970 51 Fenidles. . 2.4 Reick. 22. RO 2, 236 2, 355 2, 423 2, 416 2,318 | 52 | Coke, not including gas-house coke.......- 29, 319 34, 557 32, 159 30, 479 28, 452 53 Seemann pe tiitiatalete Os. a ay 29, 311 34) 549 32, 151 30, 471 28, 444 54 Fenisies 2°) PRIS... ee Bole ae 8 8 8 8 55 | Collars and cuffs, men’s.......--...---.-t- 11, 103 10,2384 | 10,326 10, 620 11, 032 56 Malee2.3)... 1 AP AR od TRO EL. bot 2, 523 2, 337 2, 265 2, 403 2,434 57 Werunle: 6. 4 A cata et. OB 8, 580 7,89 8, 061 8, 217 8, 598 58 | Combs Bets hairpins, not made from metal 2, 229 2,193 2, 232 2,327 | 2, 249 or rubber. 59 PASIODS Be ah Sota. 2221. Gee ea pcb ba 1,412 1,379 1,394. 1,448 1, 428 60 Veale? = Vee OB eh, ob oh 817 814 838. "878 821 ll PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRIES. - 937 EMPLOYED EACH MONTH, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. by bold-faced figures and that of minimum employment by italic figures.] 0 EEE NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY— continued. Per cent mini- mum 4 , is of | Septem- Octo- Novem- | Decem- || maxi- Mays June: July. August. er, ber. ber. ber. mum, 25,083 | » 26,028 27,690 28; 445 29, 062 28, 811 28,133 | 26,411 69.6) 4 24) 791 25, 715 27, 349 28, 097 28,670 28, 387 27,726 | 26,050 69.6) 2 res 292 "313 "341 348 392 424 407 361 55.4] 3 156 140 158 210 238 258 246 230 543} 4 153 187 155 207 235 255 243 227 53.7] 5 2: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 100.0] 6 4,780 5, 026 4,942 4,699 4,378 4,109 3,693 3, 266 56.6 7 4,613 4, 853 4,770 4,530 4,211 3,948 3,544 3, 132 56.0] 8 167 173 172 169 167 161 149 134 72.0.1. G 61,050 51,651 58,509 | 55,014 57,089 58, 607 59, 086 58, 552 84.0 | 10 46,472 |.» 47, 140 48, 906 50, 310 52, 250 53, 677 54,047 53, 656 83.0 | 11 4,578 4,511 4, 603 4,704 4,839 4, 930 5, 039 4, 896 89.1 | 42 3, 224 2,995 3,094 3,229 3,374 3,314 3,125 3,052 88.8 | 13 1,118 1, 102 1, 120 1,142 1,219 1, 162 1, 134 1, 126 83.2 | 14 2.106 1, 893 1,974 2, 087 2,155 2,152 1,991 1,926 85.5.| 15 235 237 245 254 264 277 285 281 71.6 | 16 106 | 102 107 112 120 128 132 128 68.9 | 17 129 135 138 142 144 149 153 153 71.9 | 18 8,200} 8,403 8, 898 9,137 9,593 10, 034 9, 826 9, 302 81.7 | 19 5,976 6,194 6,431 6, 668 6, 962 7,213 7,120 6, 880 82.9 | 20 2) 224 % 209 2, 467 2, 469 2,631 2,821 2,706 2, 422 78.3 | 91 1,872 1,927 5 1,908 1,980 2,055 2, 102 2,119 2,195 82.2 | 29 1, 232 1,.268 1,301 1,345 1,343 1, 356 1,360 1, 408 83..7,| 23 640 | 659 607 e635 712 746 759 "187 74.7 | 24 8,101 85280 | 8,315 8,618 8, 484 8, 679 8,817 8, 867 82.7 | 25 5, 481 5, 551 5,657 |. 5,932 5, 802 5, 947 6, 037 6, 067 82.4 | 26 2° 620 2729) 2 658 2) 686 2, 682 2,732 2,780 2’ 800 83.2 | 27 1, 087 1,183 1, 353 1,378 1,336 1,316 1,332 1, 367 71.9 | 28 1.065] 1161 1, 330 1, 354 1,313 1,292| > 1/308 1,343 71.4 | 29 22 | 22 23 24 23 24 24 24 83.3 | 30 678 |: 720 | 757 784 792 813 863 899 75.3 | 31 208 317 328 342 356 370 390 412 71.1,} 32 870 | 403 429 442 436 443 473 487 76.013 163,103 | 168,807 | 177,355 | © 184,531 | 190,406 | 197,939 | 200,412] 204,438 71.6 | 34 75, 824 78, 505 82, 586 85,786 88, 289 91) 676 92, 342 93, 965 67.9.| 35 87, 279 90, 302 94, 769 98,745 | 102,117| 106,263| 108,070] 110,473 74.7 | 36 479 481 488 498 517 517 525 518 78.7 | 37 267 278 278 286 289 293 291 293 77.5.| 38 212 203 210 212 228 224 234 225 79.5 | 39 152,892 | © 155,493 | + 169,762 | ~©180,045 | © 184)769 | 179,919 | . 172,145 | 171,027 79.1 | 40 42, 274 43, 210 55,061 61,152 61, 893 58, 824 55, 372 54, 366 68.3 | 41 110,618 | 112,283] 114,701 | 113,893 | 122)876 1217 095 | 116,773] 116,661 80.4 | 42 © 14, 539 14,699 | 14,501 15, 827 16, 365 16, 760 17, 082 17, 887 80.0 | 43 14,040} 14,193 |, 14027 15, 312 15,815 16, 192 16,507 17, 326 79.6 | 44 "499 506 4vh 515 550 568 575 561 73.1 | 45 10,244 |) 10,533 | © 10,900 11, 050 10,930 |: 10,676 10,916 11, 043 89.9 | 46 5,749 | 5, 866 6,001 6,136 | . 6,150 6,010 6, 110 6, 202 91.1 | 47 4) 495 4,667 | ... 4,899 4,914 4,780 | 4, 666 4, 806 4, 841 87..2:| 48 12, 037 11, 768 11, 467 11, 494 11,599 11, 768 11, 703 11,610 91.7 | 49 9, 758 9,528] 9,328 9,388 9,459 9, 592 9, 576 9, 497 92.4 | 50 2) 279 2) 240 2,139 2, 106 2,140 2’ 176 2,127 2,113 86.9 | 51 26,579 26 434 27,917 30, 418 30, 378 26, 817 28, 186 29, 452 76.5 | 52 26,571 426 27, 909 30, 410 30,370 26, 809 28, 178 29,444 76.5 | 53 ye * 8 8 8 8 8 8 100.0 | 54 11, 237 10, 995 11, 433 11,139 11,545 11, 367 11,661 11,647 87.8 | 55 2, 449 2? 469 2, 581 2, 562 2, 663 2, 645 2, 739 2,729 82..7 | 56 8, 788 8, 526 8, 852 8,577 8, 882 8, 722 8, 922 8, 918 88.5 | 57 2,196 2,180 2, 308 2,172 2,191 2, 209 2,210 2, 281 93.3 | 58 1,385 1,412 1, 465 1,387 1,399 1,392 1,396 1, 459 94.1 | 59 Sil 768 843 785 *792 817 814 822 87.4 | 60 938 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 10.—WAGE EARNERS, MALES AND FEMALES, [The month of maximum employment for each industry is indicated Aver- NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE age MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY. num- INDUSTRY. = (ane Ripye Janu- Febru- : rch. ril. ome ary. ary. March Ap d } Condensed mie:. .. 002.25...) AMAA ss 13,675 11, 383 12,276 13, 028 13, 961 2 ale! M7 AC. . JOSS TS. oa) AAAS ou 11, 790 9,890 10, 595 11, 273 12,045 3 Wenig’ ..-. 2.4. P0b. so0s cb Messed 1, 885 1, 498 1, 681 1, 755 1,916 4 | Confectionery and ice cream............... 95, 648 86, 491 89, 978 91, 061 90, 859 5 Bless. SPUR ARE aD Se ee ae 44,732 38, 64 40, 015 40, 619 42,041 6 Wemrgl@ct.. 6 deOhOws Laos =f AM ceva 50, 916 47, 927 49, 963 4 48, 818 WT [OOUOIRED. G6 «os nocaee Paces -ameas tenes 13, 219 13, 023 13, 038 12, 927 12, 725 8 ples MG Fo. ce BOR Bs oso) RAN cue 12, 812 12, 657 12, 680 12, 576 12, 288 9 Fermplegs do: sadsPt. bis... Re sae. 407 366 358 36. 437 i pe eat ee and sheet-iron work........... 27,640 25, 479 24, 602 24, 787 25, 451 Wel, O Male: Aa Ab... O08...) MAM... 27, 032 24, 813 24, O44 24, 243 24, 952 12 Fomale CO Gh ac ce SOO LBE. 5a FRU Gos 608 666 mr) 544 499 _ 18' | Cordage and twine. . Tr sii 2f ness... 17, 622 17,896 | 17,639 | 17,872 | | 17,034 14 Malet rg . ca dbSbn bes ost Mes 6 42 10, 282 10, 319 10,231 | :° 10,278 9, 872 15 PF OmalGGt Lb ios PEEL. osu bee Me cine 7, 340 7,577 7,408 | 7, 084 7, 162 16 | Cordials and flavoring sirups.....-.......- 1,398 1, 297 1,284 1,341 1, 344 17 gles Wien Le RR Ss . SS 1, G08 886 933 9 1,015 18 POmBle Soe Sea een ssw he ee eae ele 390 411 351 357 329 UAL, 5 Shey i AR rR Renta 3, 545 3, 706 3,613] -. 3,533 3, 495 20 MAG een tins eee tele de wi auit ewan eae 2,173 2,290 2,215 2, 126 2,117 21 Penigless.g. . 2. core. 2. | BOG AL... 1,372 1, 416 1, 398 1,407 | 1,378 2 ACI) Sk OB las ON a oe 18, 415 17, 052 17, 188, 8 jolt, Dae 17, 481 23 Malan rein. bee ee. co: feeen en ae 2,737 || 2,639 2,583} 2,626 2,647 24 Pemgplegt f..262 0s So OR ee 15, 678 14, 513 14,605 | 14, 596 14, 834 De) Gabbe Ceotae ie 52% 3,239 3, 232 33 FomMlenereD, LGA oo. PBs ccc. 5, 953 5, 896 5, 668 5,704 | 6,640 | Se Critcibies esses Oe atin Ly ssp Pama ac tes « 848 954 884 | 850 | 841 25 Maley seers t oc ebe ne eas « «1c celine’ oe alee 829 937 866 832 822 36 | Femalesegoat...) Sis. 20 .. JRE Wei .. i9 17 18 18 19 37 | Cutlery and edge tools... ...........-...-- 19, 859 18, 960 19, 565 19,644 19,272 38 Malet Serer twice. dover sess: 15, 980 15, 219 15, 737 15,778 15, 489 39 Fomalege 55) 2: ie sane 3, 879 rf 741 3, 828 :, 866 3, 783 40 pip Reem poultrymen’s, and apiarists’ 6,437 6, 784 6, 523 6, 697 6,580 supplies. 41 Male FORO TEs cS a es TS 5, 725 5, 956 5, 743 5, 936 5, 821 42 HF emaleui).idso seb Sia ose He BS. ss "712 828 780 761 | 759 45"} Detrtal emo. #. . 2-5 bes se ees ec den cenentas 5, 224 4, 855 4,989 5, 114 6,171 44 Malelt.eee.ths.... Gabe... 100 Oke os 2789 2,678 2,635 | 2,686 2,735 45 Femalesg. oh. 0.1 PAL. 0 4 SORE... 2, 435 2, 277 2,354 | = 2,428 | 2, 486 46 | Drug grinding wns cL URS Atha cg de eo 1, 347 1,372 1,399 - 1,335 1, 220 47 Maloiicia it. .: pa anis. BONUOn. . » 05 055 1,116 1,071 1,035 | 6° 936 48 Fema@lege. 9-625 24 Ab 2b owes CGB ae - "292 256 328 800} 285 49 | Druggists’ preparations. .......0.5..2...-. 15, 568 16, 275 16, 359 16, 159 15, 484 | 50 Male |! any. iz... opp, BLL. Lee TS 7, 538 7,534 | <0) 7, 448 7, 487 B44 51 ORIG 6 ono aaa p oe om danse aca ae 8, 030 8, 741 8,911 8, 672 8, 140 | 52 | Dyeing and finishing textiles, exclusive of | ~ 55,985 53, 761 51, 688 51,262] 51,052 that done in textile mills. ’ 53 ale li erro ep BRE ROL Paes 42,705 40, 676 39, 006 88, 835 39, 061 54 Females. 08-000) 8b, AO. oc Claas 13, 280 13,085 12, 682 12, 427 11,991 55 | Dyestuffs and extracts—natural........... 4, 342 4,278 |: 4, 285 4,165 4,103 56 Males Shc. 25... 4408 28.214 SOB SEe 0 4,268 || © | 4,208 4,215] © 4,005 4, 034 57 MeOMMOge? £6. .5.¢ CEG... jetted ade 74 70 70 ~ 70 69 58 peghedaee machinery, apparatus, and sup- 212, 374 209, 593 205, 356 201, 393 198, 316 plies. 59 RE RRs Seta eS 155,937 |] 152,763 | 150,069] 147,042 | 146,084 60 SPomaloite J0564 PWG uh. «ey SOR Is. 3 56, 437 56, 830 55, 287 54,351} 52, 232 a, oe PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRIES. 939 EMPLOYED EACH MONTH, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. by bold-faced figures and that of minimum employment by italic figures.] NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY.— continued. : Per cent mini- er, ber. ber. ber. mum. | |] fnihniaceninccidiiecaaiilg ey a | ee 14,705 | 15,593 15,320 | © 14,489 13,780 | . 13,646 | . 13,035 12, 884 73.0] 1 12,647 | 13,430] 13,149] 012,447] = 115865] 11,733 | 11,232 | 11174 73.6] 2 2,058 2,163 2,171 2) 042 1,915 1,913 1, 803 1,710 68.8] 3 89,453 | 90,449] 91,900} 99,382] 104,608] 107,004) 105,212 | 101,379 80.8] 4 43,324 | 46,041 47,275 | 49,471-| 50,172] 48,350] 46,416 | 44, 496 76.9| 5 46,129] 44,408] 44,625| 49,911] 54,436 | 58,654] 58,796 | 56,883 75.5| 6 12,633} 13,195 13,556 | 13,683 13, $28 13,905} 13,211 12, 804 90.7 | 7 12, 181 12,757 | © 13,144 | 137266 | 13) 497 13,504} 12/792] 12) 402 90.2] 8 452 438 412 417 431 401 419 402 77.7| 9 26,192 | 27,399] 28,374 | 29,175} 29,434] 29,818] 30,483] 30,486 80.7 | 10 25,656 | | 26,841} 27,821] 23586] 28819] 29,108] 29,733] 29°768 80.8 | 11 536 558 553 589 615 710 750 718 66.5 | 12 17,079 17, 240 17,494 | 17,696 17,777 17, 889 18, 045 18, 303 93,1 | 13 9, 855 10,091 10, 145 10, 404 10, 359 10, 494 10, 574 10, 762 91.6 | 14 7,224 7,149 7, 349 7,292 7,418 7, 395 7,471 7,541 93.6 | 15 1, 446 1, 457 1, 604 1, 486 1,370 1,295 1, 325 1, 527 80.0 | 16 1, 008 1, 053 1, 028 1,021 1, 044 984 1, 013 1 127 78.6 | 17 *” 438 404 576 465| ° °326 311 312 400 54.0 | 18 3,494 3, 482 3,501 3,517 3,511 3, 493 3, 587 3, 608 94.0 | 19 2) 136 2) 153 2’ 166 2) 140 97 142 2 150 2” 195 2° 246 92.4 | 20 1, 358 1,329 1, 335 1,377 1 369 1,343 1, 392 1, 362 93.9 | 21 17,597 | 17,726 18,214] 18,758] 19,146] 19,816] 20,217] 20,563 82,9 | 22 2; 666 2? 689 2) 753 2 811 2 841 2) 872 2) 877 2,940 86.4 | 23 14, 931 15,037] 15,461 15, 947 16, 305 16, 944 17,340 | 17, 623 82.4 | 24 423,295] 429,213] 434,345 | 436,312| 437,375 | 438,711 | 442,252 | 449, 007 92,4 | 25 245,279 | 248,325 | 251,867] 253,787 | 254,059 | 254,741] 256,561 | 260,372 92.2 | 26 178,016 | 180,887] 182,478 | 182,525] 183,316| 183,970] 185,601 | 188,635 92.6 | 27 6, 074 6, 420 6, 533 6,781 6, 871 7,015 7, 006 7, 300 81.4 | 28 2; 900 3,084 3,109 3,227 3,304 3) 335 3,350 3) 536 79.1°| 29 3,174 3, 356 3, 424 3, 554 3,567 3, 630 3, 656 3,764 82.8 | 30 8, 884 9, 180 9, 634 9, 646 9,622 9, 774 9,931 10, 102 87.8 | 31 3,201 3) 288 3, 535 3, 567 3” 550 3, 630 3,680 3) 784 84.6 | 32 5, 683 5, 892 6, 099 6,079 6, 072 6, 144 6,241 6, 318 89.3 | 33 839 816 805 786 800 855 875 871 82.4 | 34 821 800 787 767 779 835 853 849 81.9 | 35 18 "16 18 19 21 20 22 22 72.7 | 36 19, 666 19, 453 19, 497 19, 097 19, 903 20, 842 21, 087 21, 322 88.9 | 37 15, 863 15, 749 15, 739 15, 598 15, 909 16, 741 16, 868 17,070 89.2 | 38 3; 803 3, 704 3,758 3) 499 3,994 4) 101 4,219 4) 252 82.3 | 39 6, 209 6,071 6,161 6, 108 6, 124 6, 304 6,625 7, 058 86.0 | 40 5, 524 5,460 5, 533 5, 436 5,451 5, 618 5,901 6, 312 86.1 al 85 02 628 672 673 5,140 5,211 5, 371 5, 339 5, 299 5, 280 5,433 5, 486 88.5 | 43 2; 720 2) 740 2; 846 2° 850 2” 867 2? 882 2? 940 2) 989 86.2 | 44 2) 420 2) 471 2? 525 2; 489 2 432 2) 398 2) 493 2,497 90.2 | 45 vgs) as) ee ota pat hae) bi) ka] ae 951 97 1, 005 1, 008 1, 03 : ; : 292 306 316 329 292 293 265 242 73.6 | 48 15,219 | © 14,941 15,138} © 14,961 15,221 15,547 | 15,709} 15,803 91.3 | 49 7,358 7, 339 7,584 7,595 7,719 7, 682 7,676 7,690 95.1 | 50 7,861 7,602 7, 554 7, 366 7,502 7, 865 8, 033 8,113 82.7 | 51 53, 144 55, 422 57, 833 58, 153 57, 086 58, 727 61, 102 62,590 81.9 | 52 40,779 42,617 44,376 44,472 43,351 44, 824 46, 606 47, 857 81.1 | 53 12,365 12, 805 13,457 13,681 13,735 13, 903 14,496 14,733 81.4 | 54 4,214| 4,336 4,511 4,472 4,454 4,360 4,488 4,438 91.0 | 55 4,146 4,261 4 497 4) 392 4376 4) 291 4,417 4) 354 91.1 | 56 68 75 84 80 78 69 71 84 81.0 | 57 196,418 | 198,071| 204,160| 212,354] 218,493| 227,409] 235,285 | 241, 640 81.3 | 58 145,070 | 145,752| 150,865 | 156,269] 160,140] 166,730] 172,209} 178,161 81.4 | 59 61,348 | 52,3191 63,295| 56,085! 58,353! 60,679] 62,986] 63,479 80.9 | 60 940 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 10.—WAGE EARNERS, MALES AND FEMALES, [The month of maximum employment for each industry is indicated ; Aver-| ‘|| NUMBER EMPLOYED ON“ 15TH DAY OF THE age MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY, |. num- . . INDUSTRY. ber em- ployed uring year. 1 | ‘Electroplating Si...) aWbch...4.0d.8r... 3,024 2 PATS: Sys ER © Ree > aR Bae A 8 ae DN 2,882 3 Female LN a eS a Be 28 fA 1 4 | Emery and other abrasive wheels........- 5, 601 5 Malet Ooh) étc.. cP ALe OC OCe Be. 3. 4,775 6 Pemalesk i... RON BA. d BERS... 826 7 Enameling Be OE EIS Pts. See 694 8 Lalo weBoe Clo. sot SPOS ce SBOE cc 539 9 Pema i. csp Re i Sak 155 10 | Engines, steam, gas, and water..........-. 77,617 li Malott S80 88... 0) Se Ai. wid. OU 3 ae 75, 773 12 P emMaiGa... ac PE Ge Oe 1) 844 13'| Engravers’ materials, (J.0 J.0... j.02.21... 174 14 Malo: i @ey 01... f 906 OL. a oO... 174 15 Poemaless 5.6.5 b ErR ew CRS. tL BER CS 16 | Engraving and diesinking.........1 ee akenveae 1,878 17 Male Shit. eRe eb eR A 1,710 18 Femaleve.....-. 32 SAE ECE es 168 19 | Engraving, steel and copper plate, includ- 7,014 ing plate printing. 20 Malet. tit.3.... tO Da. ok DRS 4,273 21 Bomalesen: mvs = - . ab RL gb s'x.n 190 31 | Fancy articles, not elsewhere specified. -... 13,961 32 Male} REA 6. ote P AR. 2 PAS 6, 707 33 Homalerten (to cdeeeee ls. ook aie 7, 254 4°| Feathers and'plumes!.Ui6...¢. 2) ei 2. ees 3, 504 35 Male setae Ses dot eee esl See es 461 3 Femalennd: syeac Stems: be. - 1 ete see. - > 3,043 SP Fel€:zoods (SVL 225 2 OR Wbsan HP. 5,236 38 Males: Rhee e ME ae ce bt es 4,052 39 emacs oct etme tian «ead Bath Hialns 1,184 AO | OL OORNO I S os a as ite soar ll cn nel 2,344 41 Miale i) Aish 22 AVG. Cds HAR ees 2,335 42 Wemalovtt v.. .. teach Rg 9 43.8 Worfilizers. SF... fs eb aG: 52 pe er 26, 296 at Males; SAA - 22. 32959 pabctes ab DY Lebese 25, 888 45 Wemale ttc Aw... . JOUR Sols pe ee 408 AGA PILES! 5. DROS: 2d. OP te oe RA 5, 767 47 Male i P08 A... 0Ohab. op Ae. 4,973 48 Bemateeeeicoee' 1p Pe A Se 794 494 Hirearmss. UPC YSN Gist Me 11,287 50 Maled! SOn.. 2. RG ic pes Chis 10,171 51 Pemalertt 4... foe be ce 1, 116 52) Fire extinguishers, chemical. See 777 53 BO PAE ee a ee Be Se 575 54 Femayet es ie...) SY 0R Se Bee 202 Ber oP TOW OLE Ss Ghia. cee Dota anas | te made aie ; 1,222 56 Mae 1 BE LR OY COR we UY PANE oR on 690 57 Pemalercs ie. i... She Pk dee cee 532 Be] Sings andi Manners...) ccc. 5 desta eae 1,065 59 BIO PRR Oe Se OS oP 253 60 WRGMIOO Ge ohn Sieh ci oe aes Pee eee 812 614 Flavoring ORSLACKS . . .. ee. us, - - -- -aeR-3-- 2,188 62 Be cs tain Sie eatin mala dame < sitica 5 1, 053 63 POONMIO. cokgaaets 65> seSna Sank xe Skee wes 1,185 S| a PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRIES. EMPLOYED CACH MONTH, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. , by bold-faced figures and that of minimum employment by italic figures. ] 941 2,941 2, 807 134 5, 280 4, 489 791 677 528 149 70, 452 68, 833 1,619 168 168 1,817 1,642 175 6,998 4,299 2, 699 242 240 2 7, 852 3, 089 4763 8,605 136 13, 762 20,791 8, 469 | NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY oF July. 14,271 6,770 21,731 21,459 272 5, 355 4, 655 700 10, 194 9 239 955 728 542 186 1,178 673 505 1,027 267 760 2, 502 1, 120 1, 382 continued. Septem- Octo- Novem- August. er. ber. ber. 3, 165 3, 208 3, 270 3,408 3,021 3, 062 3,115 3, 258 144 146 155 150 5, 374 5, 567 5, 830 6,044 4,573 4,766 5, 002 5,114 801 801 $28 930 750 748 781 806 589 598 615 637 161 150 166 169 73, 265 74,811 76, 852 78, 240 71, 760 73,190 75, 092 76, 418 1,505 1,621 1, 760 1, 822 185 182 192 194 185 182 192 194 2,036 2,026 2,030 2,098 1, 847 1,847 1, 858 1,907 | 189 179 172 191 6,978 7,103 7, 288 7,572 4,332 4,372 4,299 4,447 2,646 2,731 2,989 3, 125 234 234 239 | 234 232 232 yAY | 232 2 2 2 2 8, 100 8, 274 8, 461 8, 565 3, 200 3, 239 3, 273 3,322 4,900 5, 035 5,188 5, 243 8, 937 8,994 8,946 8, 984 8, 820 8, 854 8,788 §, 804 117 140 | 158 180 14, 620 14, 859 15, 137 15, 464 6,961 7,075 7,124 | °° 7,256 7,659 7, 784 8,013 8, 208 3,645 3,680 3,415 Sy20e 466 454 461 439 3,179 3, 226 2,954 2,814 5, 424 5, 508 5, 529 5, 688 4, 207 4, 266 4,247 4,365 1,217 1, 242 1, 282 1,323 1,971 2, 103 2,415 2,572 1, 962 2,095 2, 406 2,563 9 8 9 9 22, 500 25, 205 22,028 21, 897 22, 230 24,813 21, 552 21,408 270 392 476 489 5, 663 5, 821 5,943 6, 043 4,899 5,025 5,116 5, 184 764 796 827 859 10,683] 10,926} 11,284} 11, 251 9, 696 9, 940 10, 273 10, 237 987 986 1,011 1,014 825 871 839 §24 600 629 623 616 225 242 216 208 1,203 1,174 1, 129 1, 182 691 687 643 645 §12 487 486 537 930 878 922 922 269 216 233 228 661 662 689 694 2,535 2,360 2,305 2,158 1, 124 1,117 1,181 1,095 1,411 1, 243 1,124 1, 063 THE MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY— Per cent eee (eee eae eee nNay o OTN ite Ne st ir Sug WD MIMO WW BAIT COOH COAT AH me Orr oO ~I eS eas Nos $ HOO MOO COnm OOBN OOF, Whe 942 Ceconlk Oor WOH ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. -— ————— TABLE 10.—WAGE EARNERS, MALES AND FEMALES, (The month of maximum employment for each industry is indicated Aver- age pum- INDUSTRY. ber em- loyed urin year js ap et nog frre ores nn rena Flax and hemp, dressed......--.---------- 420 1s) ots cont ele ipa Negara Wejermes see Se, 396 MOM Ale = ccc o te eta ac ecko ee eee 24 Flour-mill and gristmill products..-......- 45, 481 Male Protnaia lh Ree eat eee een cies 44, 490 MSNTIO. os cde net sses cash meRoees eae 991 Food preparations, not elsewhere specified 30, 365 As a FS BU SR Se ST: 21, 486 PSMAIOe. ccccs Loree Glee saceeeeeceee sae 8, 879 Foundry and machine-shop products...... 482, 767 Male ohio De it eee ee ool 466, 556 Wargo Ou ce dpe tet a eee ccmerse eve ren 16, 211 Foundry supplies - isco te... hoes d et cen 906 Mais cisiai) Shc ed 382 WM Grnele* Scr nen de ees Pees e ae ae eee et 24 Fuel, manufactured... .......-.---.-.2-+-+- 171 Malo ef uipooneke eds nbsp enmrer heat 165 BOM MOM cc acdeeeeeteasho ss eae eene 6 WUE LOGNS sea ccs ee oenesh takers teeoeeae 13.639 Male: ita os it: ei rote i, tes cen 8, 700 Warndine ticasw: 1.0 et sae ow «xh eee == He 4, 939 Furnishing goods, men’s........---------- 18, 944 PO acl a a Sly pee Se yas 3, 256 MGI OC ON te tothe cic ns chine es eeeeeen 15, 688 ATAPTHIETIT OUP on eae Chica ol =} oe eee 138, 331 1 lat ss gad! etd bey plete se beth oA oY 126, 471 PATH ee os ite | cece elt cet r anoe 11, 860 LV area = see pa . PERSONS ENGAGED. IN INDUSTRIES. | BMPLOYED EACH MONTH, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. by bold-faced figures and that of minimum employment by italie figures.] NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY— May. 16, 928 12, 363 4, 565 June. J uly. 19, 269 14, 124 5, 145 5, 808 2, 457 8, 351 1, 730 1, 252 478 215 188 27 602 594 8 8, 385 3, 295 5, 090 41, 078 40, 773 305 1,938 1,874 64 75108°—23— -60 continued. August. Ss 645 664 601 617 44 47 497 575 477 553 20 22 6, 853 6, 753 6, 640 6, 541 213 212 668 , 656 664 652 4 4 458 451 230 227 228 224 1, 101 1, 120 283 283 818 - 837 69 56 33 24 36 32 1, 674. 1, 738 i, 408 1, 468 266 270 44, 081 44, 088 36,338 | 36, 200 7, 743 7, 88 3, 718 3, 722 2, 996 3, 119 722 603 3, 473 3, 502 2, 158 2, 181 1,315 1,321 7, 691 8, 118 5, 009 5, 259 2, 682 2, 859 19, 896 19, 561 14, 571 14, 307 5, 325 5, 254 6, 075 6, 474 2, 523 2, 590 8, 552 3, 884 1, 923 1, 818 1, 394 1, 290 529 528 225 219 200 193 25 26 655 715 647 707 & 8 8, 365 8, 459 3, 299 3,382 5, 066 5, 077 40, 977 37, 999 40, 673 37, 716 304 283 1, 954 2,005 1, 891 1,942 63 63 Octo- ber. Novem- Decem- ber. ber. 664 690 626 646 38 44 518 467 490 437 28 30 6, 546 6, 558 6, 333 6, 350 213 208 607 556 603 562 4 4 468 473 945 249 223 224 1, 144 1, 124 299 298 845 826 53 61 22 26 81 35 1,776 1, 776 1, 482 1, 475 294 301 46,.480 47, 238 37, 969 38, 713 8, 511 8, 525 3, 835 5, 605 3, 226 3, 048 609 557 3, 595 3, 613 2, 213 2, 245 1,382 1,368 8, 601 8, 618 5, 525 5, 541 3, 076 3, O77 20, 634 20, 947 14, 829 15, 039 5, 805 5, 908 7, 463 8, 355 2, 876 3, 154 4, 587 5, 201 1, 497 1, 472 1, 008 979 489 493 201 224 184 198 17 26 730: 839 720 829 10 10 8, 872 8, 919 3,528 3, 562 5, 344 5, 357 25, 631 23, 224 25, 413 23,.001 218 223 2,152 2,188 2,083 2,115 69 73 945 Per cent mini- mum is of maxi- mum. 89. 1 89.3 70. 2 79. 0 79. 0 40. 0 OO IWOAEMTRP wr = 946 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 10.—WAGE EARNERS, MALES AND FEMALES, [The month of maximum employment for each industry is indicated Aver- NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE age MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY. num- INDUSTRY. oe ee ‘ poy Janu- | Febru- eae. ry. ary. March. April. LY Maa, “wreethire co. JOUdeeeA: Sol Ee, 702 660 638 695 668 g | 2 NOTE i a'n Aaa clei nie asin madeeinre aan ots 357 336 332 345 832 3 | gir .<) .gan eutee tare eosehed 9, 452 8,000 8,389 8, 839 9,017 43 ; Jewelry and instrument cases....2........ 2, 734 2, 389 2,446 | = 2,582 |’: 2, 602 44 MaN6 ria 3 bie anne ch Mianceces 1, 136 1,034 1, 040 1, 085 1, 109 45 Peiaggy ons gitar. ote epee se eed 1, 598 1, 355 1, 406 1,447 |) 1,493. 46 | Jule goodae . oo TE ek Pucca nd 7,138 6, 895 6, 747 6,708 | 6,702 47 MON nde ck... Stim. ono pie 3, 240 3,117 3, 062 3,027 |. 3,047 48 Female. .i05 25.2 SA ht yn, Py at Aen 3, 898 rf 778 3, 685 3, 681 8,655 49 | Knit gopdSr 2... 5083. 55. Bt 172, 572 168, 304 163, 582 160,438 | 162,956 50 LEU NRG 2. PRS & NTR, . 49) 891 47, 982 45, 926 45,137} 46, 709 51 Females. g - 020 los tiawe cack ey ey 122) 681 120, 322 117, 656 116, 301 ‘116, 247 OZ) LSbelsand tags. ..'T. o. cncacc ecb cue eeecees 5, 227 | 4, 808 4,769 4,772 4,819 53 Male tat f.... 5906.6... 1 ORR od 3, 020 2 760 2,760 | ~ 2 770. 2, 795 54 Female... .... 48% Hew oech MUR Pt eave d 2, 207 2 048 2, 009 2,002 2,024 55 | Lamps and reflectors: 3) .02.....07.0..... 8, 360 7,497 7, 492 7,471 | | 7,598 56 Male ais... 1 ureds ot GG coho 6, 292 5, 681 5,666 | 8,631] 5,718 57 BOT ON A oo. ade CE Sen sccenh Mibeseened 2, 068 y 816 1, 826 1, 840 ; 58 Tepid 83 nae OL St Oe gL A 1,155 1,081 1, 067 1, 133 <'1,125 ne PAM «6 «= da ae. ~ |) Met basen d 961 856 889 950 » 939 ry auto pNet amen de¥Weecensesh sus grsacees 194 176 178 183 186 a oa —— PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRIES, EMPLOYED EACH MONTH, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. by pold-faced figures and that of minimum employment by italic figures.] continued. Septem- Octo- Novem- | Decem- sa emart July. August. er, ber. ber. ber. 684 670 720 7153 728 7133 745 710 341 343 352 372 370 393 402 366 343 327 368 381 358 360 343 344 15,675 15,791 16,111 15,810 15, 925 15, 989 16, 266 15,931 11, 853 12, 083 12,347 12,158 12, 286 12,338 12,567 12) 508 3, 822 3, 708 3, 764 3, 652 3, 639 3,651 3,699 3,423 37,939 37,533 40, 412 42, 394 42, 897 33,628 39, 022 41,975 37, 886 37, 481 40,359 42,349 42,845 $3,576 38,971 41,925 51 354,721 | 360,584] 383,212] 387,965 | 377,275] 292,469 | 343,312 | 383,100 351,398 | 357,286 | 379,815 | 384,516 | 373,960 | 289,458 | 339,822 | 379, 469 3, 323 3,298 3,397 | 8, 449 3,315 3,011 3,490 3,631 16, 895 17,273 17,596 17,888 17,773 16,624 18, 204 18,414 14, 468 14,763 15,105 15,285 15, 255 14,216 15,587 15,728 2,427 2,510 2,491 2,603 2,518 2,408 2,617 2, 686 11, 268 11, 482 13, 006 13,781 14,625 15,478 15, 454 15,585 11,227 11, 434 12, 960 13,723 14,570 15,407 15,385 15,506 41 48 46 58 55 71 69 79 1,977 1,890 1,952 2,104 2,178 2,271 2,337 2,296 1,950 1, 864 1,927 2,076 2,147 2,236 2,302 2,261 27 26 26 28 31 35 35 27,193 26,650 27,182 27,706 27,677 28,642 29, 622 30, 115 26, 426 26,901 26,361 26, 845 26,726 27,659 28, 584 29, 101 767 749 821 861 951 983 1, 038 1,014 3,312 3,316 3,311 2,860 2, 887 3, 305 8, 555 3, 606 2,395 2, 434 2,412 2,026 2,041 2,377 2, 588 2, 636 917 882 899 834 846 928 967 970 1,777 1,852 1, 922 1,976 1,919 1,839 1,995 2, 068 1,751 1,829 1,898 1, 952 1, 891 1,810 1,968 2° 035 26 23 24 24 28 29 27 33 9,352 10, 139 10, 837 11,309 11, 805 9,775 10,491 11,629 9, 240 10,015 10, 734 11,191 11,721 9,689 10,398 11, 537 112 124 103 118 84 86 93 _ 92 779 779 857 879 891 872 882 894 585 595 656 666 679 661 674 688 194 184 201 213 212 211 208 206 269 265 301 312 329 344 367 356 255 250 285 294 311 323 346 337 1h 15 16 18 18 21 21 19 30, 856 31, 322 32, 281 32, 462 32, 243 31,380 32, 383 32,817 21, 569 21,975 22, 573 22,736 22, 325 21,179 21, 968 22° 240 9, 287 9,347 9,708 9,726 9,918 10,201 10, 415 10,577 2,598 2,676 2,764 2, 823 2,919 2,994 3,008 3,057 1,099 1, 138 1, 148 1, 137 1,181 1,205 1, 233 1, 223 1,499 1, 538 1,616 1, 686 1,738 1,789 1,775 1, 834 6,753 7,099 7,337 7,513 7,495 7,485 7,427 7,495 3,078 3, 239 3, 343 3, 404 3,375 3,395 3, 368 3, 425 3,675 i 3,994 4,109 4,120 4,090 4,059 4,070 166,713 | 168,617 | 173,887 | 177,339 | 177,244. | 181,315 | 184,046 | 186, 423 48,291 49,445 | 50,709 51, 885 51, 576 52, 759 53, 651 54, 622 118,422 |. 119,172 | 123,178 | 125,454. | 125,668 | 128,556 | 130,395 | 131, 801 5, 012 5, 111 5, 280 5, 462 5,489 5,571 5, 704 5,927 2) 921 2; 960 3, 031 37161 37179 3,218 3,293 3,392 2,091 2,151 2,249 2,301 2,310 2, 353 2,411 2,535 7,796 7,971 8, 455 9,014 9,093 9,189 9,261 9, 483 5, 862 6,021 6, 359 6, 850 6,824 6, 865 6,889 7,138 1,934 1, 950 2,096 2,164 2,269 2,324 2,372 2, 345 1,142 1,182 1,180 1,175 1,195 1,212 1, 206 1, 212 953 993 990 981 994 999 990 998 189 189 190 194 201 213 216 214 NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY— 947 Per cent mini- mum is of maxi- mum, on NOHO COON OOF WHE 13 948 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS--MANUFACTURES. TABLE 10.-WAGE EARNERS, MALES AND FEMALES, [The month of maximum employment for each industry is indicated Con] Mk Wh al INDUSTRY. Lard, not made in slaughtering and meat- packing establishments. Malode Pods 2 dak A ante ws fwd Fem alens fui ctad ab ccc celebs cae sd ee Male sf as feo ictb RRB eo ca ds Fae Beste Make tei :8. nc PRE 2 cs LOSER het Males... bab os. ee ot ' Mie re Sea hea St en ee eee Ge ee Lumber, planing-mill products,notinclud- ing planing mills connected with saw- toills, Maledet. Snel Eee Sei ee Male rte.t.. 262 BOR A eee eae. ot 480, 945 476, 543 4) 402 86, 956 84, 815 || 2) 141 53, 111 50,943 2) 168 1,352 1; 346 6 32, 768 32) 671 NUMBER BMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY. 427, 802 423, 406 4° 396 74, 409 72, 308 2) 101 55, 750 52, 938 2) 812 1,045 17040 5 PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRIES. 949 EMPLOYED EACH MONTH, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. __ by bold-faced figures and that of minimum employment by italic figures.] NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY— | continued. Percent June. July. August er. ber. ber. ber. mum. 13 13 13 13 13 18 13 100.0 | 1 11 11 11 11 ll ll ll 100.0 | 2 21} 2 2 2 2 2 2 100.0} 3 2) 975 ».3)055 3,108 3,146 2,981 3, 065 3,176 3, 258 70.6 | 4 2,878 2,959 3,016 3,044 2,906 2,985 3,093 3,172 70.5 | 9 97.}) 1.4 96 92 102 75 80 83 86 62.7| § “794 ee 8hS 883 931 911 905 931 910 79.4| 7 AY 0783 851] | 878 927 907 | 901 927 905 79.0| 8 i 11 7 5 a4 4 4 4 5 36.4 | 9 8, 458 8,575 9,012} 9,240 9,328 9,973 10,153 10,089 79.0 | 10 ey 276 5,344 5, 588 5,770 5, 801 6,227 6, 338 6,253 77.9 | il a. 182 3,231} 3,424 3,470 3,527 3,746 id 815 3,836 79.3 | 12 69, 655 | 72,725} 72,902 77, 202 77,586 77, 855 78, 341 79, 010 82.9 | 13 64, 104 66, 821 66, 995 70, 678 71,008 71, 291 703 72,380 82.9 | 14 | G8 “5,551 | ©) 5,904 | © 5,907 6, 524 6,578 6, 564 6,638'| 6,630 76.1 4 15 11,572 ) 11,306 | 11,445 12,034 12,143 11, 869 11, 809 11,511 85.4 | 16 11, 562 11,295 11, 435 12, 024 12,130 11,856 11,795 11, 489 85.4 | 17 10 1 10 10 1 13 14 22 40.9 | 18 1,864 1,798 1,908 1, 863 1,855 1, 911 1,980 2,079 | 86.5 | 19 eS 848 PP SOO 828 1) 875 877 874 892 956 960 86.2 | 20 1,016} ~~ 970 1,033 986 981 1,019 1, 024 1,119 86.6 | 21 1,121 1,058 #122 {t 7'"15293 1,458 1, 569 1,652 1,834 57.7 | 22 1,062 990 1,115 1, 286 1,451 1, 560 1, 644 1,819 BA. 4: | 23 59 68 |) ve 7 9 8 15 7.4 | 24 34,848 38,092 38,955 38, 756 36,025 34, 478 31,168 29, 18) 74.9 | 25 34, 458 37, 712 38,587 38, 342 35, 663 34,173 30, 867 28, 926 75.0 | 26 3 380 368 4 362 305 301 261 3.0 | 27 | 820 759 671 875 1,385 1,951 1,380 872 34.4 | 28 746 686 600 814 1,314 1,861 1,308 806 32.2] 2 74 73 71 61 71 90 72 66 67.8 | 30 15,141 15, 420 15, 844 16, 000 16,121 16,179 16, 364 16, 850 87.5! 31 12,122 12,373 12,720 12, 858 12, 863 12, 768 12, 897 13, 35 86.8 | 32 } ***3,019 3, 047 3, 124 3, 142 3, 258 3,411 3, 467 3, 492 86.0 | 33 125 17 112 y 104 02 102 51.6 | 36 4,686 4,676 4,831 4,761 4,806 4,949 5, 132 5, 017 79.1 | 87 4, 060 4,013 4,148 4,041 4,051 4,188 4,365 4,301 81.2 | 38 ? ? 3 2 . 626 663 83 720 755 761 767 716 67. 1,| 39 si, 452 447 470 490 504 499 486 ais 87.3 = 425 423 443 461 46 5 .8 27 | 24 27 29 3 25 25 20 66.7 | 42 450,884 | “454, 835 | 469,977 | 494,725 | 528,450 | . 543,075 | 543,208 | 548, 655 78.0 | 43 4467483 | 4503433 | 465,575 | 490,322 | 519,046 | _ 538,669 | 538,800 | 544,247 7.8 | 44 4,401 |) 4,402 4, 402 4,403 |. 4,404 4) 406 4, 408 4,408 99.7 | 45 83, 346 87,636 |) 91, 450 93,768) 94,483 | 96,074} 97,035 | 96,915 76.6 | 46 81,224 |! 85,507] , 89,167] 91,501] , 92,265) 93,762] 94,760] 94,706 76.3 | 47 peee7122°}'| SP 2" 120 23283 | 20177 2,218 2,312 2, 275 2, 209 82.1 | 48 49,615 | 50,166 | 51,074 | 52,498] 52,713} 55,190] 56,994 |. 58, 640 84.4 | 49 i731 | 48,122| 497092 | . 50,532| 50,761] 53,187] 54,979 | 86, 602 83.7 | 50 , io 124) | 2) 044 1,982} 1,966] 1,952 2,003 2,015 2; 038 69.4 | 51 ) el, 508 | 11,664 | os 1,628 1, 677 1, 387 1, 2a 1,215 1,098 82.3 ea 1,504] 1,660] 1,617 1,670 1,38 ; ; ; ; a ea 4] il 7 7 8 6 7 36.4 | 54 33,333 | 34,518 | 35,528 | 35,942 | 36,275 | 36,275 | 35,900}. 34, 909 69. 8 | 55 "83,229 | 34,419 | 35,426 | 35, £56 1) «Ab, 190 36, 7185 35, 78M 34, 817 69.7 68 104 99 "402 8 | etr2, 921 2, 804 3,001 3, 350 3, 721 4,184 4, 549 4,776 58.7 | 58 1,898| . 1,848 1,987] 2,135 2,316 2, 660 2) 952 3, 148 58.7, 58 pit, O2ag oe 96:1) | “L014 1, 215 1,405 1, 524 iy 597 1, 628 950 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 10.,-WAGE EARNERS, MALES AND FEMALES, [The month of maximum employment for each industry is indicated Aver- NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE age MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY. num- INDUSTRY. ce Eo ney Janu- Febru- wore ary. ary. March. April 1 | Mats and matting, from cocoa fiber, grass, 1,073 1,186 1,170] © 1,119 1,063 and coir. 2 MIDIO SLED. 5.0 snacks haa ba awe + cua 723 764 748 731 698 3 OIANE). on sa wingdtalee Comuse Codes onases 350 422 422 388 365 4 Parnes: and spring beds, not elsewhere 12, 637 10,767 11,144 11, 447 11,809 specified. 5 inet ao ae ee 10, 058 8,630 8, 898 9,135 9, 411 6 Weiviesiss oes arene tesa ames cease 2,579 2 137 2, 246 2,312 2,398 7 Millinery sand lace goods, not elsewhere 50, 850 49, 849 52, 521 52, 083 50, 787 specified. 8 . PN easly mame cop agpapmnaties ~ gerne f 12, 103 12,171 12, 649 12, 706 12,174 9 BME TEE ba ple ek lag i Facer fe PES, faa, nla 38, 747 37, 678 39, 872 39,377 38, 613 10:1 Millstones, 400 8. eee oe I 38 30 30 34 38 il PORT ibeiaieaglig Met.) foorsaabit., pag alien 38 30 380 34 38 12 WGA Ge toy -s de nan tres pdcegel po- > foe ama wena ieee eee ee an b&s/4- sen iaalltl dnancamebee 13 | Mineral and soda waters........../.......- 17,440 13,650 14, 067 14, 848 16, 233 14 INR IG SE Moe et ee ee ions ot abrmane on 16, 787 13, 153 13, 533 14, 264 15, 633 15 err C Meh teen eel calipers, a 653 "497 534 ”600 16 Minerals, and earths, ground or otherwise 14, 426 14, 488 13,599 13,718 13, 708 treated. 17 LE Malai Ri: LaLa aaa Ailey ee 14, 292 14,349 18, 467.|| 5.13, 588.1} =. 13; 572 18 HET Svan Ale sea RP MRED Pers a) 134 139 149°]| 85° 437 |) 136 19 | Mirrors, framed and unframed, not else- 2,599 2,271 2, 333 2, 385 2, 400 where specified. 20 IES) UPR se, RAL (Adit Pam tgs gl! 8 2,367 2,047 2,113 2,173 2, 190 2i OMIBIOME Sido cobs ae een ce pues 232 ” 294 220 "212 210 22 | Models and patterns, not including paper 6, 949 6,148 6, 237 6, 382 6, 446 patterns. 23 RTO MOIR, so de Seta ede ces tne cele 6, 762 6,965 6, 038 6, 184 6, 264 24 OMIA Tae 3 soe bd RR eh ng oe op eR Ts 187 "183 > 199 198 "182 25 | Motor cycles, bicycles, and parts. ......... 10, 886 11, 258 10, 166 10, 550 10, 903 26 ROG Rasen desaceucckbupesss scuee 9,673 9, 581 8, 853 9 381 9, 750 27 Remaloges Al 16128068 00h Lhe 1, 213 1,677 1,313 13169 1, 153 28 | Mucilage, paste, and other adhesives, not 803 773 787 761 776 elsewhere specified . 29 Mele!) Sor G4 oo aees OS... SR ee .. 626 595 613 605 607 30 FOUIAIO. 65s git ic duces on cwuebeseebs seu 17 178 174 156 169 31 | Musical instruments and materials, not 4,113 8, 858 3, 966 3, 999 4, 042 elsewhere specified . 32 Malo, STA g. ...3 ROBE... rb ds ice 3,332 3,093 3, 153 3, 199 “8,231 33 MOM AMO cos o dvs todas «sack Leads sss 78 760 813 800 "811 34 | Musical instruments, organs............... 1,941 1,770 1, 814 1, 854 1,909 35 CUE DS. ay Saas Se 1, 724 1) 587 1,616 1,651 1) 695 36 Wemaloniis s.sccs¢cbObeacees sb Rides seas 217 ” 183 198 203 ~ 214 37 | Musicalinstruments, pianos............... 22, 957 21, 585 22, 224 22, 882 23, 363 38 Malou’. JA QUA ..4 OOSN G20... LA 20, 978 19, 687 20; 319 20, 963 21 401 39 Fomalesax abt... J.008 806. bU ss 1,979 || | 1, 898 1 905 1,919 L 962 40 | Musical instruments, piano and organ 11, 009 9, 108 9,914 10,402 | 10, 903 materials. t Ge Al IEG Bey a ox nic Ke Bu cindtg cmon eaene Oebine 8, 147 6,796 7,344 | 7, 704 8, 182 42 POMAlG. -s'04.stdadesews cdcepadeden sas 2) 862 2 808 2,570 2,698 2; 721 43 | Needles, pins, and hooks and eyes. ....-...-. 9, 294 9,008 8, 994 8,949 8, 824 44 BITE sa cadet rons elk eons 4,499 4) 301 4, 230 4,241 4 244 45 Bemaleten fr 2... 2008s. 2b AO 2: 4, 795 4, 707 4, 764 4,708 1 080 461 Netsand Benes... 2. de cases s=scbuwet ane. 859 894 918 910 878 47 BION f6< Siw sda dec sa desue lunes eves 199 205 210 209 211 48 Femaloetsi J. cs hei Sal iscecs MMe: 660 689 708 701 |, 667 SL ORION 5 de aes ts ao dome ose cee st eee ae 124 149 151 147 141 50 Dale gs. Fist MES s cesviebcesseszes 123 149 151 147 141 51 Pemalevius 2, «+ <4 OG 68.5. ct MARS: Ld see cce, ) ot. Cae ails cel da ae teen sees bes “ 52 | Oil and cake, cottonseed. 2. ............-.- 26, 766 33, 890 32, 183 28, 073 23, 006 53 AC QSReres Dey epee erreres: 2th 7: 26; 030 32) 920 31,152 27, 094 22, 202 54 Femalovse. 2 ic: deitadee. babe rs "736 *970 1, 031 979 804 55.4 Oll-essenelahs'y...-.diega-5..---b ages ch cce 321 299 299 295 278 56 ee te He NS ecettie ea re dy 301 284 284 279 263 57 POMBO. ide iad: cand aeons phon knee fase 20 16 16 16 16 PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRIES. EMPLOYED EACH MONTH, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. by bold-faced figures and that of minimum employment by italic figures.] NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY— continued. Per cent , mini- oS (es aa a ey oe Po. - 2: mum Sept Oct N D was , eptem- cto- ovem- ecem- maxi- May AOR: AED er. ber. ber. ber. mum. 987 920 927 1, 002 1, 095 1, 222 1,292 69.1} 1 654 622 627 691 777 859 894 68.3} 2 333 298 300 311 318 363 398 66.8 | 3 12, 241 12, 516 13, 412 13, 530 13,957 13, 872 13, 834 TA} # 9,797 9,970 10, 646 10, 696 11, 084 10, 994 11, 002 77.9} 4 : 2, 546 2,766 2, 834 2, 873 2,878 2, 832 74.3 | 6 48, 488 47,668 53, 748 52, 963 49, 428 49, 583 52,477 88.7] 7 11, 544 11,616 13,018 12,640 10, 964 11, 095 12, 237 84.2 | 8 36, 944 36, O42 40,730 40, 323 38, 464 38, 488 40, 240 88.5 | 9 39 41 48 40 37 36 34 61.2 | 10 39 41 48 40 37 36 34 61.2 a 17,637 20, 567 21,385 19,991 17,914 15, 953 15, 458 63.3 | 18 16, 983 19, 686 20, 643 19, 244 17,244 15, 391 14, 900 63.3 | 14 654 881 742 747 670 562 558 56.4 | 15 13, 991 14,078 15, 285 15, 227 14, 665 14, 832 14, 626 89.0 | 16 13, 857 13, 942 15, 156 15, 103 14, 536 14,697 14, 486 88.8 | 17 134 136 129 124 129 135 140 87.3 | 18 2,470 2, 585 2,709 2,777 2, 861 2,921 2,922 77.7 | 19 2,250 2,359 2,477 2,533 2,615 2,664 2,663 76.8 | 20 220 2 232 244 246 257 259 81.1 | 24 6, 583 6, 756 7, 266 7,340 7,495 7,777 8,036 76.5 | 22 6,398 6,587 7,083 7,146 7, 312 7, 583 7, 841 76.1 | 23 185 169 183 194 183 194 195 84.9 | 24 10, 952 10,777 10, 630 10, 616 11, 008 11, 491 11, 653 87.2 | 25 9, 838 9,658 9, 506 9,447 9, 847 10, 244 10, 434 84. 8 | 26 1,114 1,119 1, 124 1, 169 1,161 1, 247 1,219 65.1 | 27 783 817 840 819 810 839 842 90.4 | 28 601 633 650 631 636 656 656 90.7 | 29 182 184 190 188 174 183 186 82.1 | 30 4,006 4,025 4,117 4,170 4, 302 4,363 4,377 88.0 | 3L 3, 230 3, 259 3,374 3,424 3,527 3, 567 3,583 86.3 | 32 776 766 143 746 715 796 794 91.4 | 33 1,941 1,951 1,961 1, 937 2,005 2, 039 2,111 83.8 | 34 1,716 1, 722 1, 747 1, 723 1,776 1, 808 1,877 84.5 | 35 225 229 214 214 229 231 234 78.2 | 36 23,461 23, 954 24, 508 24,719 20, 902 21, 201 22, 483 84.6 | 37 21,483 21, 990 22, 533 22,767 18,998 19, 029 20, 322 83.4 | 88 1,978 1, 964 1, 975 1, 952 1, 904 2,172 2,161 87.4 | 39 10, 984 11, 045 11,957 11, 705 11, 227 11, 316 11, 736 76.1 | 40 8, 205 8, 254 8, 854 8,702 8,177 8, 204 8, 601 76.7 | 41 2,779 2,791 3, 103 3,003 3,050 3, 112 3,135 73.6 | 42 8, 823 8, 925 9, 587 9,525 9, 692 9, 835 10, 052 87.8 | 43 4, 256 4,381 4,581 4,702 4,769 4, 875 4,979 85.0 | 44 4,567 4, 544 5, 006 4, 823 4,923 4,960 5,073 89.6 | 45 836 834 854 827 749 871 896 81.6 | 46 192 192 193 202 179 195 205 84.8 | 47 644 642 661 625 570 676 691 80.5 | 48 143 115 98 98 89 124 123 58.9 | 49 143 112 98 95 86 124 123 57.0 | 50 Snell ARE 3 aS$ 4a. 3 Bip denauedbanhevawnes Seen. coat OL 19,535 16, 705 17,159 26, 456 35, 382 36, 567 35,903 44,7 | 52 18,958 | 16,086 16, 793 7848] 34,596| 35,715] 35,149 44.4 | 53 577 619 366 608 786 852 754 35.5 | 54 274 292 396 370 340 320 329 69.2 | 55 254 272 373 346 316 297 307 68.1 | 53 20 - 20 23 24 24 23 22 62.5 | 57 952 ABSTRACT: OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 10,-WAGE EARNERS, MALES AND FEMALES, [The month of maximum employment for each industry is indicated Aver- NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE age MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY. num- eas INDUSTRY. o a ploye : ; during 1pay April. year. TY 1} Oil, linseedag. +... }S88-t-.. Oe oy 2,173 2,119 1,907 2 DORMS rca cnc Rane » euian! Qype aarp 2,130 2,052 1, 874 3 Porialage...... 40% ../--. 4 Shey cecens 43 6 33 4 | Oil, not elsewhere specified !............2.. 5, 930 5,579 .,. 5,404 5 Male). x0. 0-44. 2 20R BH. on oh SRR as 5,431 4,965 4, 882 6 {ene SY Shia Ra sig Sala Tyibh elga Candies 499 614 522 7 | Oilcloth and linoleum, floor. .....2.2.....- 5, 414 4, 260 4,518 8 fale, HON casa ble vaties edad dessoue 5, 123 4,048 4,321 9 Femaless. ox :..4-866.0h . =.) Sie ws 291 212 197 10 | Oilcloth; enameled .1......2..<-b seer eu---- 1,130 872 1,019 It Male: .2 oe... PO Bs oS Ge og 1,024 790 919 12 Foembles © (oiesip ore set var nce eee de 106 82 100 13 | Oleomargarine and other butter sub- 2,851 3,389 2,812 stitutes. 14 Makei Mans usmndess Se ae 2,218 2,586 2,232 15 Females: <1... 4.82 .2k....| Se SE... 633 803 580 164 | Optical goods tog See eho... eee 14,723 15,208 14,622 V7 CUTE, Ripe 9 pee ab he AERO STF 9, 969 9, 964 9,841 18 Pemalepa i... Se ky...) ABE, 4,754 5,244 4,781 19 | Ordnance and accessories..........+-+..--- ton dl, B28 19,435 13,200 | 20 Mabe PS. SEB DSO ee 11,022 18,504 12, 883 21 SS TEESRNS RG cia fe cROPaN pos Uh crcocneldc cnet sn che Sa 306 931 317 | SERN tS 7p eet ye, EEC 17,485 16,094 16,625 23 EE St RR BES eS ct 15, 843 14, 652 78 a5, 004 24 BG i. a glee». outer 1, 642 1,442 1,497} ... 1,546 1,621 25 |:Paper and wood pulp..........).......--- 113, 759 113,179 109, 184 108, 451 107,762 26 Malousties32cor.. / ad ake ene 103,377 || 102,766 99, 396 98, 510 98,095 | 27 PI oS oy eal or paige ooh 10,382 10, 413 9, 788 9, 941 9,667 | 28 | Paper goods, not elsewhere specified... ...- 14, 135 13, 862 13, 395 13, 376 13, 353 29 EES ae GANT iN Gaile delta Atay eens! 8, 666 8,398 8,124 | ©. 8,092 | oro 8)079 | 30 Femalesestiu et ds eS 5,469 5, 464 5,271 5, 284 5, 274 3i4 Paper pattemns?. ... iui b ... steht. lL. 403 381 406 421, 1 *** 3° 4203 32 MAIO ans feet Sh et 136 130 133 136 |} & 138 33 FOmgoes soe Slee ch ees a. HS 267 251 273 285 | 285 34| Patent medicines and compounds-........ 17, 444 17,917 18, 112 17,938 |} . 17,415 35 Male’) apes ater oc oh gage ee 8,529 8,507 8,710 8,701 8, 607 36 Pema Cee ee a a 8,915 9,410 9, 402 9,237 |. 8,808 3T'| Paving niptetine set. see ce oc 16,072 10, 400 10, 119 12,033 | 15,498 38 Malo!' 343.51). ) Seco... 4. Teas ...| 216,067 10,396 10,115 12,029| 15,494 39 PE GIMMALGIA. 4 AY cea «oh Dade cane 5 4 4 40 Pesan is, grading, roasting, cleaning, and 2,460 2,672 2,727 2,651] 2,601 shelling. ; 41 Male tc sarge 2" 0S Pa pee eee es 896 989 975 931 902 42 POOH re san c ie cea GE eu aad oi 1,564 1,683 1,752 13720 | 1,699 43.4 Peneils, leagdia, fe TCU ot Ree a - 5,970 5,629 5,695 5,754]. 5,832 | 44 Males sap... oer goo: hog Tee 2,700 2, 624 2,524 2,538 2,578 45 Jes, Ri sokah hale pelntwcee gays kl Pu, kee] 3,270 3,106 3;171 || Biodp216 3, 254 46 | Pens, fountain and stylographic........... 3, 207 3,008 2,973 |: 3,127 | | 403,237 47 Malet aio :... 4208.8... RA. . 1,985 1,927 1,892} 1,959 2,004 48 Femalege: 5.22: 7: gir 8-25) :} ORS. 1, 222 1,081 1,081 1,168 | °° °1,233 49-1 Pens; gold_g44 Az... /-088.0.....52200 ..- 416 || \ 408] || >.°869 390} . 399 50 Male A Geg ESE aes 372 359 328 eo 94641 Hien ado 51 Beémakereg 2°... 5. GGG acc | Rode ook 44 49 41 cao tt ell 43 52:1, Pansy steel wae 2. i. fof. RR "Ves 807 825 867; " 87Bh La, 68538 53 DOIG BO oS ae, oo eR 146 141 144 144}. 148 54 PEMA 108 . 22.7. GSS SL Eo" 661 684 723} - 732 Ae 55.| Perfumery and cosmeties:......../0....... 5,405 4,721 4,876 5,005] 5,096 56 EER Se ee ee eh eats © alate 1, 654 1,475 1,522 1,536 1,556 57 | EE a RINE leh ea 3,751 3, 246 3,354 3,469] — 3,540 584 Petroleum, refining. ...caz.2¢....1 228 AG. 58, 889 54,342 54, 883 54,822] 55,935 59 Male o Sst -et-.. BP ae os hee he 57, 702 52,750 53, 499 53,620 | 54,823 60 POMIBID gS... 5 oc Gee oc eae , 104,187 1,592 1,384 | ; »*"1,202 1,112 61 | Phonographs and graphophones..-......... 28,721 23,997 25, 642 26,754 27, 581 62 NAL CL WeUs Se oc Lock cod 2 KARO ET 23,390 || © 19,475 21,280 22,429 | 23,197 63 RRUAIO WE Ss -- 25h Bonn soe ss cle oe 5,331 4,422 4,362 | ~~ 4,825 4,384 1 Includes “‘oil, castor’’ and ‘‘oil, lard, not made in slaughtering and meat-packing establishments.” Pi | ae ere eee PERSONS ENGAGED IN: INDUSTRIES. EMPLOYED EACH MONTH, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. by bold-faced figures and that of minimum employment by italic figures.] ———————|—_ oe ii —_— ibe | || May. | June 2,101 |... 2,137 2,078 27114 23 23 5, 488 5,919 4, 991 5, 524 497 |, 395 5,117 5, 655 4) 857 5, 337 260 | 318 1, 120 1,158 1,015 1; 058 105}. 7100 2,801 |.» 2,343 2,213}. 1,801 588 542 4,758 4,716 - 11,730} 10,022 11, 461 9, 816 269 206 17, 071 17,351 15, 422 15, 651 1, 649 1, 700 “108,258 | 109,901 98,341 99, 681 9, 917 10, 220 18,305 13, 621 8,173 8, 296 5,139 | 5,325 has. Kei 409 407 143 | «+ 140 266 267 17,002 |‘. 16,629 8, 467 8, 289 8,535 8,340 17,694} 18,290 17, 600 Jy, 18, 281 4 2,589 2, 500 893 868 1, 696 1, 632 5, 957 5, 959 2) 640 2) 718 3,317 |i, 8, 241 3, 208 3, 250 1,988 | » , 23002 1, 220 1, 248 423 | 8+ 437 378 394 45 tog pie 43 839 | 833 153 uy py 144 686 689 5, 236 5,214 1,610 | -- 1,609 3,626 | 3,605 © 57,705 | * 59,018 56,603 | 57,913 1, 102 1, 105 28,269} 29, 601 23,898 | 25,291 4,371 4) 380 '/| NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF 14,139 9,709 "#430 8, 353 8, 209 144 17, 891 16, 181 1,710 114, 337 103, 829 10, 508 14, 180 8,627 5,553 413 137 - 276 16,607 8,316 8 291 19, 149 19, 143 6 2,284 824 1, 460 6, 140 2,778 3, 362 3,280 2; 026 1, 254 * 432 392 40 775 142 » 633 5,314 1,649 3, 665 61,079 59,916 1, 163 24,021 19, 598 4, 423 14, 624 10, 016 4° 608 18, 170 16, 432 1) 738 115, 920 105, 222 10, 698 14,657 8) 948 5,709 403 137 266 16, 756 8, 288 8, 468 19, 912 19, 907 5 2, 264 |. 816 1,448 6, 156 2) 775 3,381 14, 428 9,904 4° 524 7,990 7, 875 115 18, 339 16, 633 1, 706 117, 878 107, 067 10, 811 14,647 9, 105 5, 542 389 132 257 17, 086 8, 305 8,781 19, 369 19,364 5 2,089 785 1,304 18, 588 16, 887 1,701 118, 797 107, 953 10, 844 _ 14,866 9; 286 5, 580 398 136 262 17,600 8, 490 9, 110 18,886 18, 881 5 1,807 776 1,032 6, 081 2) 794 3) 287 3,160 1) 881 1, 279 376 332 44 762 14,911 10, 209 4,702 9, 159 9, 009 150 18, 593 16, 918 1, 675 120, 762 109, $26 10, $36 14,984 9, 293 18, 165 8.846 9,319 17, 284 17,279 5 2, 405 949 1, 456 6, 192 2) 884 3, 308 THE MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY— continued. 15, 125 10, 407 4718 9, 530 9, 211 319 18,766 17) 047 1,719 120,679 109) 838 10, 841 15,374 9) 571 5) 803 39F | 136 255 18, 101 8, 822 9,279 14, 230 14, 225 5 2, 932 1, 045 1 886 6, 196 958 Per cent a sa ee ONo SSS SAR SPE RNR SS BARE BOND OOO PRO OND NO GC BOO 19 6] OWO OOM NOr COO WOW COMO sD AN POO KAR KO Bho CaN Oar Whe Jet bet Nr 13 954 * ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUPACTURES. TABLE 10.—WAGE EARNERS, MALES AND FEMALES, |The month of maximum employment for each industry is indicated % _— $$ ——————————————————— Aver. || NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE age MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY. num- : INDUSTRY. key oa Boye Janu- Febru- during March April year ary ary. 1 stags Wiig apparguiise: -.. closcetecns = - 2,555 2,141 2,263 2,290 2,404 Dette’ Mata uss. Eas... eeeaee se act 2,072 1,705 1, 805 1,840 1,952 3 ence SRD: Fa Po 12 ose aR | 483 436 458 450 452 4'|-Photographic'materials «> ......0-.2.------ 14, 556 12,626 12,935 13, 405 14, 082 5 Maleg 0. Toho | reeset 10, 126 8,574 8, 858 9,180 9, 702 6 Deore Sa A, AR My. NE | 4,430 4,052 4,077 4,225 4,380 7} PHote-engraving ..1 28 eo... i. See te nn sash 6, 769 6,164 6,261 ~ 6,409 6, 588 8 Maletat 2 SU OF Pere Tt 6, 412 5, 844 5, 921 6,072 6, 248 9 pt RI IN Bo eee ies! 357 390 340 337 340 10 | Pickles, preserves, and sauces.....:.-.---: 16,621 14,121 13,345 13,134 13,313 i Malpets.2 1 eke eet 8” 239 7,074 6, 784 6,614 6,794 12 Pemgier . von. Loeeeca swine het acc ees} 8,382 7,047 6, 561 6,520 6,519 W143 | PEDOS, SONGCEO.. aRceenes copa ems eee eke et 2,539 2,415 2,413 2,447 2,502 14 Ee SR ere SrA er ay Bae! 2? wight gat 1,985 1, 893 1,880 1, 903 1,923 15 POmale: Sie... Looe lets de anes cars 554 622 533 544 579 Tht Tinted were ee... teh. eae 9, 492 7,491 8,009 8,493 8,778 17 Mala telat... ieee. Ot Se Ree case 7,605 5,943 6,398 6,799 7,001 18 PCPA eo so 5 teen’ 6+ = ot RRC RE 1, 887 1,548 1,611 1,694 1,777 29:1 Plombers’.suppliesi on: =- te ppo- 5-202 b 13,592 12,481 11,554 11,315 11, 286 20 Molen 8 | Mon eke et 12.675 11, 497 10,718 10,504 10,510 21 RAMS. p< ick ee ORD = + «+ beet + sig ck 917 984 836 1 Pit RORGLIOORS o.oo. Shara. ws beeen cee 2,905 2,605 2,718 2,778 2,760 23 Male BU br . 1BMO OS) DO aan 1,541 1,481 1,47 1,490 1, 465 24 Pema fh... 4 ee . |. an at 1,364 1,174 1,241 1,288 1,295 AE Mg ee ee a ee ead 27,934 26, 431 26, 106 26, 267 26, 638: 26 Male Sess t sot ad. eee AE 20, 837 19, 660 19,441 19,557 19, 837 27 Pemomies ors...) 0572 Aes oo Oe eS, oe 7,097 6,771 6,665 6,710 6,801 28 | Poultry, killing and dressing, not done in 2,140 1,807 1,194 1,076 1,383 slaughtering and meat- packing estab- lishments. : 29 Male 29o.8b. 0 dae sc. - peereb en eed 1,557 1,406 973 878 1,032 30 Fomal@s oc: .xc4scog sect - RO end 583 "401 221 198 351 31 | Printing and publishing, book and job... 123, 005 119,117 119, 993 120, 294 120, 266 32 Male fo FM nn. - peewee ane 91,544 88, 480 88, 916 89, 080 89,518 33 Female) yoo eA eee ooo ee tye neg 31, 461 30, 637 31, 077 81, 214 30, 748 34 | Printing and publishing, music. ........-.. 899 840 863 850 890 35 Male PbeMur . aes eRe lo nln Winner yet 714 661 675 658 692 36 Femals ios ie per eplas feof tie dic ieee 185 179 188 192 by, 198 37 renee: publishing, newspapers and 120,381 || 115,926 116, 902 118, 549 118, 724 periodicals. 38 Malo wus ge Se: . Teese ep ae 99, 572 95, 396 96,304 97,530 97,981 39 FOUIAIG..% cin =< fn ic ead dsc Atas sod 20, 809 20, 530 20, 598 21,019 20, 743 401 “Printing pasteérials .\. Gee. Lo te. od 723 620 667 661 640 41 ale D823... i PE Gea ea iced 678 571 614 617 601 42 Female: gq. fs. s-GePige io Ee oar a 45 49 53 44 39 43 | Pulp, from fiber other than wood...-...... 64 57 56 a Ga 66 44 Male (SB. oon PFE GE. oo vials Se eels 46 36 85 41} 42 45 Petngles.a2').2 2. pate Ree ga ees 18 22 21 21 24 46 | ‘Pulp goods. 2. .... 1.0.2... ps ee 3,041 2,710 2, 746 2, 766 2, 958 47 Male Ok... Rabon cctMende cog 2, 596 2, 337 2, 353 2, 348 2,467 48 Fettialect..cc:. dasggeaci cde gepesss.s/8 445 373 393 -418 | 491 49 | Pumps, not including power pumps....... 5, 384 5, 097 5, 217 5, 322 5, 335 50 hale 18.020. 5.24 Oe cncecdod Mena seleak 5, 135 4, 847 4) 975 5, 066 5, 080 §1 Pemalee:sec2 <<) sage sess ss cp batbess coed 249 250 ” 242 256 |. 2 52 | Pumps, steam and other power. .-.......4 10, 688 11, 463 11, 249 11,190 10, 962 53 Male JA... 5.GUGo2 2. LSE can 10, 383 11, 026 10, 859 10, 841 10, 636 54 Femalecs - oo digke se ccsok pea eeas ccd 305 437 ”390 349 326 551) Refrigerators /. . 2. AS... ad eg 5, 786 5, 547 5, 656 5, 784 5, 838 56 ale Pts... VE EPR 5, 553 5, 282 5, 407 5, 549 5,610 57 Premade. ca. Fo demos spa ess cpr dupe aed 233 265 249 2! 58 | Regalia, and society badges and emblems. 2, 223 2,081 2,128 2,118 2,163 59 ale AM da sc se ehh oto. sob PAE Seuss 871 7 862 833 60 Femaloscdes tH. Sinead lee ch gaws syne ens 1,352 1,244 1, 266 1, 282 1,330 ee ee ee ee BI ares Pe PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRIES. 935 EMPLOYED EACH MONTH, BY INDUSTRIUS; 1919—Continued. by bold-faced figures and that of minimum employment by ééalic figures.] NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY— | continued. Per cent mini- mum Sept Oct N D oad eptem- Cto- ovem- ecem- maxi- May. June. way: Tppest ber ber. ber. ber. mum 2, 469 2, 580 2, 628 2, 450 2, 658 2,844 2,920 3,013 T.1) 1 1, 990 27113 2) 162 1,976 2° 172 2) 299 2; 360 2) 490 68.5 |. 2 479 467 466 474 486 545 560 523 77.9 | 3 14,161 | 14,335} 15,152] 15,531 |) 15,401 | 15,661 | 15,655 | 15, 728 80.3 | 4 9, 846 9,984 | 10,511] 10,853] 10,851 { 11,084] 11,051] 11,018 77.4 5 4315 4 351 4’ 641 4’ 678 4° 550 4,577 4’ 604 4) 710 86.0] 6 6, 614 6,726 6, 871 6; 886 7,001 7,194 7,180 7,337 840 |) 7 6,270 6,379 6,503 6,515 6,628 6, 809 6,792 6,963 83.9 | 8 341 347 368 371 373 385 388 374 82.5) 9 13,801 | 15,518} ~ 16,926} 19,544] 23,082 | 21,888] 18,443] — 16,297 57.0.) 10 6,901 "550 8) 155 9; 661 11,385 | _ 10,797 9) 046 8) 107 58.1 | 11 6, 990 7, 968 8,771 11,647 | 11) 091 9) 397 8,190 56.0 | 12 2,557} 2,874 2, 609 2,674 2, 201 2; 643 2, 647 2,786 79.0 | 13 1,996 2; 003 2) 022 2 105 1,670 2) 104 2) 102 2) 219 75.3 (14 561 B71 | 587 569 531 539 545 567 88.9 | 15 9,164 9, 284 9,637| 10,279 | 10,413 | -- 10,658 | 10, 831 10,872 68.9 | 16 7,324 7,447 7, 750 8).293 8) 353 8, 544 8) 696 8) 712 68.2 | 17 1) 840 1 837 1, 887 1; 986 2 060 2) 109 2 135 2) 160 71.7 | 18 11,944] 12,509/° 13,911| 14,575] 14,791 | 15,577 | 16,230] 16, 841 67.0 | 1 11,111 fv) 11,757 | 13,021 |) -13)663 |) 13)845 |... 14,575 |. 15,144]. 15,755 66.7 | 20 833 842 | 890 912 946 1/002 1) 086 1, 086 71.5 | 21 2, 754 2,791. 2, 892 3,013 3,060 3,126 3,194 3, 169 81.6 | 2: 1, 458 1) 464 1) 542 1) 608 1 656 1 636 1,638 1,627 86.4 | 2 1; 296 1, 327 1) 350 1 405 1) 404 1) 490 1) 556 1) 542 75.4 | 24 26,909 | 27,2094] 28,023] 28,689] 28,830] 29,638] 30,041] 30,342 86.0 | 2 19,970 | © 20,326 | © 217009} 217455] 217553 |. 227.094 2 457 | 22/685 85.7 | 26 6,939 6,968 7; 014 7, 234 7,277 7, 544 7, 584 7, 657 87.0 | 27 1, 533 1, 756 1, 748 1, 915 2, 382 2, 816 3, 826 4244 25.4 | 28 1,100 1, 252 1, 265 1, 364 1, 680 2,020 2, 747 2,967 29.6 | 29 433 504 483 551 702 796 1,079 1, 277 15.5 | 30 120,515 | 121,811} 123,230} 125,111 |. 126,470} 121,000 | 124,512] 138,741 89.1 | 31 90,069} 91,107} 927198] 937752 | 947623] 89,436 | 91,866 | 99,483 88.9 | 32 30,446 | 30,704} 31,032} 31,359 | © 31,847]. . 31,564. |... 32,646 | 34, 258 88.9 | 33 909 920 897 892 902 919 950 956 87.9 | 34 718 738 725 721 732 740 "55 753 87.2 | 35 191 182 172 171 170 179 195 203 83.7 | 36 119,798 | 120,078 | 120,617 | 121,511 | 122,279 |. 121,215 | 123,006} 125, 967 92.0 | 37 98,960 | 99,629} 99,796 | 100,730 | 101,635 | 100,522} 102,006] 104,375 91.4 | 38 20,838 | 20,449 |. 20,821}. 20,781] 20,644] 20,693] 21,000] 21,592 94.7 | 39 670 723 740 795 777 805 852 726 72.8 | 40 626 666 689 743 740 771 815 683 70.1 | 41 a4 57 51 52 37 34 37 43 59.6 | 42 70 78 78 61 60 60 69 51 65.4 | 43 45 65 65 45 45 47 52 36 53.8 | 44 25 13 13 16 15 13 17 16 52.0 | 45 2, 827 2, 916 2, 935 3, 097 3, 163 3, 336 3, 412 3, 626 74.7 | 46 2, 427 2, 499 2, 500 2, 651 2,710 2, 874 2, 935 3, O51 76.6 | 47 400 417 435 446 453 462 477 575 64.9 | 48 437 4,729 5, 096 5, 301 5, 532 5, 672 5, 712 6, 158 76.8 | 49 5, 198 4, 612 4, 879 5, 019 5, 260 5, 401 5, 455 5, 928 76.1 | 50 239 217 217 282 272 271 257 230 77.0 | 51 10,602] 10,296| 10,260] 10,412] 10,364) 10,138] 10,579} 10,741 88.4 | 52 10,295 | 10,028} 10,000] 10,158 | 10,098 9,876 | 10,304]... 10,475 89.6 | 53 307 268 260 254 266 262 275 266 58.1 | 54 5, 762 5, 646 5, 611 5, 483 5, 701 5, 823 6, 120 6, 461 84.9 | 55 5, 547 5, 423 5, 382 5, 279 5, 490 5, 590 5, 875 6, 202 85.1 | 56 215 223 229 204 2u1 233 245 259 77.0 |'57 223 2, 260 2, 251 2, 259 2, 202 2, 285 2, 358 2, 348 88.3 | 58 16 "879 ” 893 ” 302 ” 868 ” 887 "902 "897 || 92.4 | 59 1, 357 1, 381 1, 358 1, 367 1, 334 1, 398 1, 456 1, 451 85.4 | 60 956 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 10.—WAGE EARNERS, MALES AND FEMALES, [The month of maximum employment for each industry is indicated Aver. || NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE age MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY. num- INDUSTRY. a“ AE ploye bs aufing ugha March. | ‘April 1 | Rice, cleaning and polishing.......-.--..--- 2,113 |! 2, 423 1,794 |» 1,470 : mses BE Soin cinch eee oreo de PER AWn me oot 2, io. 2, Bad “a, te ri 453 CMMI. «a5 oooh thw nc eee Bee ee asieeet me 17 4 | Roofing tiaterials .. @2.0/....5-292.01...-4 (Oh £8, 871 7,641 |: 84,647 | L247, 837 5 Malest0.ii....) (00.20 Ee at eo 8, 499 7) 250 | 07, BAL [7 497 6 Hemsis.. A... ....) Mk se so en dda Sab ames k 372 291 326 7340 7 | Rubber tires, tubes, and rubber goods, not 119, 848 108, 422 |. 110,130 } = 112, 712 elsewhere specified. “i 8 Mater). ....0.p4ee Ro cide pag OO ciple ce 104, 506 93, 152 95, 430 98,170 9 Females.ie) «<4 tuittene shin os ee RaR- Hesccey 15, 342 15,270 14, 700 |. 14,542 10 | Rules, ivory and wood..........0..J1-...- 168 153 153 | 152 11 halevel ono ab ee OO. oF 120 102 105 |). 108 12 Pemales.ec ss Cb easy dk sod od pesos vo nck 48 51 gy | 48 49 13 | Saddlery and harness: .2.-....00i.0..-.--4 10, 411 10, 431 10, 416 . 10,060 14 Male tia. - ton Rae oo ee ie oS oe 9, 532 9) 562 9; 569 (6 4 9, 248 15 Wemigle. as. <2 4h sieus opp - . de pameagaie = Soe ae 8,738 7, 938 8,170 8, 297 39 Femaitactt...) As... eh. ot 1,524 1, 389 1,465 1, 467 AQ SOLE WS? WOOd. 2 Suber amie cen ice ecules JB 4,889 §, 050 4, 888 4,658 41 Male Migu....-) SER vier a Be ee ‘| 3,498 37506 | 3,421 3,340 42 Pemaye...:. 7) MaRcceece ede eee. <4 1,391 fg 544 1, 467 1,318 43 | Sewing-machine cases.......0/.50........-. 4,171 3, 933 3,950 | 2,716 44 Maléhie.ie sy oh wd. LO eset 3,746 3, 550 3, 582 2,436 45 Female 425 383} 368 ” 280 46 | Sewing machines and attachments........ 15,059 14, 119 14, 462 14, 431 “e none a ae SES 2 ae eee Se SA a | re ote i 867 ey 12, 184 emailer f..... LS oe Pe oe 57 2 252 .2, 2, 247 49: |Siipbuilding, steels... o.oo cc e 344, 014 345, 595 376, 102 378, 623 50 Male Ruths cy, ue tects Se Ote. a ig 342, 903 344, 149 874 778 377, 374 51. Fomeiet 2... 1.d8h sen. - die asd 1,111! 1) 447 (13324 1, 249 52 DCs wooden, including boat 43,432 60, 957 56, 352 | ~=—-50, 595 uilding [. 53 Malesia. fd, ono hehe Dhs cask Dteesb rience 43, 322 60, 806 56, 212 50, 470 54 Memarleni. 25 3) ee. cock OA homes 110 "451 | 140 125 Wi licibirtscs: 205. 9... $08) Donvce SOG DB dosed 39, 603 37, 748 36, 986 36,960 56 BAlO BGs. D2 0c'5d b58 hie c'n- rp take aeces » 6,613 6, 104 6, 088 |} 6,1 57 TE CUTE os wierd ake o cleo hee detente es , 82,990 31, 644 30, 898 | 80,777 8 Wehow:.casesic2e. - oc5 AB ee oy oe we 1, 857 1,698 | 01,779 Jo = 1, 847 59 MGLO Sth... sabe de BOCs «once bk Ae pe be ea 1 812 1,660 Sd, 737 | ~ 1,808 60 Female;.-.......9% b Sinner SER ees 45 38 |; 42); « 39 a o ss ‘PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRIES. 957 EMPLOYED EACH MONTH, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. by bold-faced figures and that of minimum employment by éalic figures.] ne wage sea opera sconce 15TH: DAY OF THE MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY— ( continued. Per cent mini- Oe is o Septem- Octo- Novem- | Decem- maxi- jane: Jaly, August. ber! ber. ber. ber. mum. 1, 243 954 | 1,149 2, 226 2, 840 33 354 3, 410 28.0 | 1 Pa ay eM) PPE] FR ORE RL Eg » 8,863 9,228 || 9, 748 10,034 | . 10,082 9, 827 9, 717 74.8] 4 yous 8, y 25 9, +98 9, ~ 9, 679 9, 418 9,304 |} 74.9] 5 2 403 409 413 70.5 | 6 119}028 | 123,540 | 128,283 | 129,013 | 124,423 | 125,370) 126, 827 va ci | 104, 536 | 108,831 | 113,468 | 114,046] 118,624 | 107,513] 109,942 | 74.4) 8 14, 492 14, 709 14, 815 14, 967 15, 799 17, 857 16, 885.|). 80.0| 9 153 165 189 179 185 190 187 79.5 | 10 tye = 38 wes 136 141 142 70.4 | 11 4 49 49 46 88.2) 12 “9,938 10, 068 10, 396 10, 445 10, 789 10, 851 10, 955 90.7 | 13 9, - 9, a Pee 9, = 9, ss 9, $46 9, 887 10, yous Wit O11 | 14 8 ) 8 9 94 964 941 j) 82.541 15 } 2/842 | -'° 2,873 2; 976 8, 045 3,131 3, 256 3,374 79.5 | 16 2,792 | a 2, pia 2, Baa 3, 073 a 203 3, 319 79.5 7 0 58 55 71.0 | 1 6, 114 6, 443 6, 900 6, 771 7, 110 6, 826 6,789 84.3 | 19 5, 725 6,006 | °'. 6,446 6, 326 6, 626 6, 339 6, 315 84.9 | 20 389 437 | coo 9 454 445 ||). 484 487 474 71.9 | 21 750 780 782 828 876 880 894 76.3 | 22 668 695 690 743. 782 739 800 75.9 | 23 82 |. 85 | 92 85 94 91 94 74.5 | 24 550 | - 606 569 582 572 633 621 49.6 | 25 550 604 567 580 570 631 619 49.8 | 26 Uae 2 2 2 2 |. 2 Oe pee ee 3, 458 3, 536 3, 515 3, 513 3, 646 3, 684 3,785 86.1 | 28 - 3,031 3, 082 3, 089 3, 081 3,199 3, 250 313 86.9 | 29 497 4 432 447 434. 472 78.2) 3 5, 370 5, 386 5) 454 5, 566 5,592 5, 715 5, 854 91.5 | 31 5, 034 5, 053 5, 115 5, 217 5,234 5, 351 5,472 91.7 | 32 336 333 339 349 358 382 85,8] 33 5, 268 5, 498 5,720 5, 755 5, 852 5, 887 5, 946 82.2 | 3 4, 986 5, 205 5, 439 5, 473 5, 566 5, 583 5, 660 81.1 | 35 ~ 282 293 281 282 286 304 286 91.8 | 36 9, 925 10, 106 10, 549 10, 826 11, 101 11, 228 11, 303 82.5 | 37 8, 445 8, 618 °9, 055 9, 322 9,332 9, 575 9,726 81.6 | 38 1,480 | «1,488 | "1,494 1, 504 1, 769 1, 653 1, 577 78.5 | 39 4, 665 4,790 | » 4,879 4,862 4, 882 5,014 5, 242 88.1} 40 3, 361 8, 429 3, 476 3, 496 3, 556 3, 673 | 3, 846 85.7 | 41 1, 304 1,361 1, 403 1, 366 1, 326 1, 341 1, 396 84.4 | 42 “4 944] 4,380 4,350 | 4,397 4, 635 4, 704 4,790 56.7.| 43 3, 836 3,919 3, 885 3, 928 4, 146 4,210 4, 300 56.6 | 44 408 461 465 | “°°. 469 489 494 490 56.7 | 45 14, 818 14, 741 15,404 | — 15,681 16, 010 16, 191 16, 366 85.9 | 46 12, 569 12, 449 13, 095 13, 429 13,743 13, 908 14, 127 83.6 | 47 2, 249 2, 292 2,309 | °'2,252| 2,267 2, 283 2, 239 94.5 | 48 375,018 | 362,726 | 353,849 | . 335,164 |. 293,784 | 273,350 | 274,315 71.8 | 49 373,949 | 361,700 | 352,869 | 334,247 | 292,924) 272,525 | 278, 374 71.8 | 50 1, 069 1, 026 980 917 860 825 941 51.7 | 51 “43, 420 40, 813 36, 976 34, 091 29, 611 27, 822 27, 891 42.3 | 52 (435 313 40,716 | 36, 870 34, 005 29, 525 27; 786: 27, 811 42.2 | 58 © ,£107.|) £00.6 97 |} i8<,¢ 106 86 86 87 80 53.0 | 54 37, 773 37,558 | 38,895] 40, 736 42, 902 44, 736 45, 970 80.4 | 55 6, 471 6, 147 | <6, 388 6, 783 7, 304 7, 627 7,758 78.5 | 56 31, 302 31,411 | © 32, 507 33, 953 35, 598 37, 109 38, 212 80.5 | 57 1, 898 1,842 |, "1, 902 1, 919 1, 942 2, 009 2, 031 77.3 | 5S 1, 856 1,800 | 1,856 | | '', 871 1, 887 1, 958 1,978 "7.4 | 59 42 461 B00" 48 55 5 53! 69.1! 60 958 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. ——— TABLE 10.—WAGE EARNERS, MALES AND FEMALES, [The month of maximum employment for each industry is indicated NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY. 1 | Signs and advertising novelties............ 10,432 8,771 9,319 9, 672 2 Malek oBth. £.: 4 cob WIS Se. -)toBdende see 6,514 5, 506 5, 948. | 6, 156 3 MOBIC. oc on cede ves np ve ceeines ce var 3, 918 3, 266 3,371 3,516 4 | Silk goods, toejeding!s throwsters . /20.0...- 126, 782 118, 907 118, 201 120, 863 123,114 5 Male bowageieee. LAL: Besse RR. 49, 610 45,177 i, 644 46, 223 47, 356 |. 6 Pema !D.:.....- - UabicsceveghtOicess-s 77, 172 73, 730 3,667 | 74,640 75, 758 | 7 | Silversmithing and silverware.....2..2...- 6, 453 6, 167 Hs 025 6,321 6,524 |: 8 Male Bion. cass oe bad ane eevee. tae 5, 504 5, 423 6, 217 5, 448 5,552 9 Fomale.te. oodes. GhA nih .. t. 883. 8i2. - 949 Ths ” 808 873 972 10 | Slaughtering and meat packing............| 160,996 187, 609 171, 452 163,025 || 150,806 11 Male!’ fare: scvc2} QE sos aacskBedsse ss: 144, 141 165,028 | 151/902} 145,954 | 135,909 12 Female.......... SSO es See 16, 855 22° 581 19, 550 17,071 14,897 13 | Smelting and refining, copper ....-:......- 17, 345 23, 627 20, 451 ~ 18,652 |. 17,616 14 Male! Gag. es.. 24) Ree ek. 5-2 BAS Ne. 2: 17, 279 23° 536 20, 378 18,580 | 17,547 15 M emalest g. 64 cc ts Wad dy oon oD a 66 91 73-8 72 69 16 | Smelting and refining, lead.............-.. 6, 438 8,054 7, 551 6, 441 6, 402 17 Male eeu es 22. bamiee : see aeERR bee 6,429 8,045 7, 542 6, 432 6, 393 i8 Pema aes... Ue Se. oh Sse 9 9 9 SPO) Ie 9 19 | Smelting and refining, zinc........2....... 13, 796 16,159 | = 15, 464 14, 339 13, 815 20 Male bigorsi: - 2s 2168 a; - 2: 4 OER? RSs: 13, 782 16,145 15, 450 14,325 13, 801 21 Memaleue. i .-- 24 his dh -=- «+e Mee ae 14 14 14]. 14 © 14 22 | Smelting and refining, metals, not else- 2,041 2, 662 2,101 1, 820 1,783 where specified. 1 23 Males: gb. +4. ic'$R% «1. xs RB RSs van ok 1, 842 2,414 | 1, 872 1,549 1,591 24 DGMIAIGM «5 00. behd eos < ou eibacasae 199 248 229 271 192 25 | Smelting and refining, not from the ore... 2, 167 2, 284 2,196 | 072 2,119 2,073 26 Malo. titties... BSR. . .2-5b aes 2, 152 2, 268 2,181 2,104 |) «32,057 27 PEARON Soon caw obs gunn's okt Minaa ater 15 16 15 |. 15 16 280 (Soap: “Sl: Spe g: 255} wey ehedi es eR SS 2 20, 436 20, 590 18,789 18,055 |. © 17,963 2 Male loca. attuided «Le Mibu. isu 14, 490 14, 578 13, 266 12, 880 12,774 30 Femalenee: 6: cx 04 atau «an Bd. foo 5, 946 6,012 5, 523 6,176 ‘5,189 31 | Soda-water apparatus..2......2.2 05202002. 2,599 1,977 2,335.1} 2, 653 2,768 ofl) 2 sMalegeggaogs sretd ety me cheap BAR See: 2,521 1, 904 2, 266 2, 580 2,690 33 Pemaleptn. Bo... bahBd 93 nin ch SER. 8b <3 5 ) 78 73 69 » TAL MO © 78 34 | Sporting and athletic goods. ...2.522.2...- 6, 412 5,633 “5, 874 6, 023 6, 231 |. 35 Malet? guue toxic chotay o6 2 SERRA 4,127 3,632 3,774 3, 844 3,959 36 Fema leigh. Oo sot PBAG ol... ole BOE Bn on 2, 285 2,001 2,100 2,179 2, 272 37 | Springs, steel, car and carriage, not made 8,981 8,527 | 8,687 8,757 | ~ -8,591 in steel works: os 38 Malejeage gis. . SLAG... SFO .. 8,319 7, 859 7,964 8, 150 7,976 39 POMS. 7. ---+ 1 Saitehss--ch GOl_dn-s- 662 668 673 607 | 615 40 | Stamped and enameled ware, not elsewhere 34, 248 81,874 32, 365 32,148 | ‘ 31,920 specifie 4] Malo} 2502... .05 JeERS Ben's one CRA hos 26, 508 23,971 24, 663 24, 568 24, 531 42 Females. <5 .+-04% AAR ERG APE 7,740 7, 403 7, 702 | 7,580 7,389 43.| Stationery goods, not elsewhere specified . . 11,261 || ~ 10,664 10,626 10,759 10, 636 44 DMISI6 Ate. 95.520: aROb «on annh BBW 4%. continued. Septem- Octo- Novem- | Decem- May. June. July. August ber. ber. ber. ber. z 650. 3, 700 3,778) 3, 753 3, 833 3, 804 3, 819 3,911 3,561. 3,598. 3, 695 3, 667 3,752 3, 718 3, 731 3, 822 89 102 83. 86 «89 31, 894 32,761 |... 32,006 34, 132 35, 095 36, 107 36,763 36, 525 31, 509 |. 32/388 31,622 33, 731 34, 728 35, 732 36, 395 36, 164 885 373 ~~” 384 401 367 375 368 361 9,785. 9, 926 10, 748 10,851 10, 861 11, 795 12, 503 12,650 (9 055 | 9,144 | 9, 897 9,950 9,951 10, 868 11, 523 11, 670 "730. 782 851 901 910 927 980 980 ‘40,614: | ~ 40, 947 42,694 44,156 44,909 47, 011 47,680 47,047 40,341. 40,673 |... 42,457 43,916 44,672 46,768 47,439 46, 795 273 wT O74) 287 240 237 24: 241 252 6, 386 7,248]... .7,994 9,064 10,607 23, 281 27, 064 21,941 6,263 7,150}. °7,836 8, 889 10, 409 22,028 25, 515 20, 885 > 123 98 |. 158 175 198 1, 253 1,549 1, 056 _. 1,646 1,727 |, 1, 845 1,793 1,854 8, 104 19,395 19,570 1459. 1,548 1,717 1, 699 1,690 7,370 16, 934 17, 227 "187 |' 179 128 4 164 734 2,461 2,343 19,539 , 19,600 20,501 19, 058 19, 366 17,624 16, 204 15,092 18,055 |" 18, 080 18, 875 17,576 17,913 16, 337 15, 272 14, 220 1 484 1, 520 1, 626 1, 482 1, 453 1, 287 BS Bae 4, 446 4,415 4, 831 4, 893 4,932 5,425 |... 5,368}... 5,764 2, 384 4,400 4,314 4, 878 4,916 5,404 5,343 5, 137 62. , 446 17 16 16 21 25 27 (6,994 6, 124 6, 013 6, 222 6,327 6,317 6, 404 6, 434 3,018 3,110 3,069 3, 204 3,205 3,196 3, 213 3,227 = 2,976 . —B)014 2,944 3,018 3, 122 3, 121 3,191 3, 207 10,275 10,472 11,326 11, 431 11, 530 11, 885 12,010 11,898, Lh 8521 | OF! 3" 541 | ©) 3’ ggg 3, 885 3,905 3,923 3,914 3,946 6, 754 6,931 | 7, 443 7,546 7,625 7, 962 8,096 7,952 “29, 503 | 30,706 | .. 32, 456 32, 904 33, 981 34, 361 34, 577 35, 426 27, 552 | 28,759 | 30, 495 30, 933 32, 020 32,338 32,473 33,329 a ie 951 1,947 1,961 1,971 1, 961 2,023 2,104 2,097 146 161 147 173 155 162 172 jn, 157 ¥ 143 158 144 170 152 159 169 154 a 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 |. 3 » 2,097 1, 652 1,646 1,653 1, 666 1,909 1,940 2, 016 1, 435 L 123 1, 149 1, 152 1, 164 1, 279 1, 287 1, 349 ” 662 ” 529 497 501 502 630 653 — 667 . 2,606 2,867 3,442 3, 607 3, 008 2,471 2, 859 3, 286 * 2) 285 2 105 3, 001 3, 119 2,588 2,114 2,479 2, 843 "321 "962 ne 441 488 420 357 380 443 5088, 878 34, 513 37,312 38, 385 36, 825 35,234 34, 104 34, 037 _22)707 237 855 25, 573 26, 465 25, 575 24, 223 23,748 24,158 10, 171 | » 10,658 11,739 11, 920 11, 250 11, 011 10, 356 9, 879 iT; 536 17,519 18, 219 18, 810 19, 392 19,596 19, 446 18, 684 8,677 8,709 8, 996 9,370 9,646 9, 728 9, '730 9, 498 8, 859 8, 810 9, 223 9,440 9, 746 9, 868 9,716 9, 186 137,068 | . 133,786 124,519 117, 533 130, 455 143, 071 155, 729.} .. 158,112 54, 855 54, 846 50,180 | ...46, 47 52, 753 57, 497 61,547 62, 548 82, 213 78,940 | 74,339 71,056 | ..77,702 85, 574 94, 182 95, 564 | rp 33, 789 | or 83,595 34, 280 35, 361 36, 427 37, 415 38,575.|.-. 39,339 30, 926 30, 810 31,570 32, 601 33, 587 34, 513 35,523.| 36, 286 Ly 813 2; 785 2,710 2, 760 2, 840 2; 902 3,052 3, 053 ond, 564 | (14, 348 15, 574 15, 942 16, 283 16, 471 16,701 15, 574 ~ 8,246 | -+« 8, 669 9, 411 9, 610 9, 758 9, 805 9, 783 9, 150 5,318 |... 5, 679 6, 163 6, 332 6, 525 6, 666 6,918.|;,,. 6,424 “lL, 065 | 9 11,358 11, 678 11,942 | .912;178 12, 467 12,463 12, 421 9 385 | 9, 607 9, 864 | «10, 078 10, 256 10, 453 10, 455 10, 394 L 680} 1,751 1,814 1, 864 1,922 2, 014 2,008| 2,027 28, 723 | 2 28, 802 28,664 28,692 28, 319 28, 617 28, 296.|.-.. 27,932 la 28° 652 228, 729 28, 569 23, 602 28; 227 28, 515. 28, 184 27, 842! 71 73 95 90 92 102 112 90 75108°—23——61 PERSONS /ENGAGED) IN) INDUSTRIES, EMPLOYED. EACH MONTH, BY INDUSTRIES; 1919—Continued. ral bold-faced figures and that, of minimum employment by italic figures.] _ NUMBER Bede? ER ON I5TH DAY OF THE MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY— 961 Per cent CaN Oor,® Whe 962 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 10.-WAGE EARNERS, MALES AND FEMALES, [The month of maximum employment for éach industry is indicated : . CS ecae moron Near AS SSS SS SSS ASS SSS ssa nM MNS Tg TET NTSC TTS ae wes | \yer- || NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE age MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY. num- INDUSTRY. ben ita prey Janu- Febru- . rch, i ar ary. ary. Mare April 1 | Pypefounding... |. 828.9: Pee, 810 774| °. 796) ° 832} 868 2 Wale See ce: oe inc. oc kleee teenie a 653 634 646 665 |. 715 3 HOINAIOS cea ioe wes ss conte ann eee oe 157 140 150 167 153 4 | Typewriters and supplies... ....-.-.-...--- 15, 669 14,560 |. 14,787 b, 111) }-, = ‘15,320 5 Male eeri ssp; os toamieerete d 11, 897 10,714 10,966} 11,320]. 11,580 6 WODBSIOG: oo. otek Soa hee es Gabars Maae ‘ 772 3, 846 | x 821 | 3, 791 3, 740 7) Umbrellas snd canes oso. . 4 ey Sep = ses 3, 368 3,016 3,116} 3,183> 3,221 8 Male Metis suc ce eet cs odes bamiee ee te oem + 624 1,416 L, 496 1, 561 1, 540 9 Feuiaies.. Uaseshoasesnc'cas {Facey DORE L EN 1,744 1,600 1,620 1,622, 1,681 10 | Upholstering materials, not elsewhere 4,810 4, 268 4,311 | 4,399 4, 534 specified. ¥ il Pitals CS EE lg oer A eeingd id cgegine Shes eS 3, 984 3, 598 3,597 3,645 |. 3, 732 12 HONIG So su cacchoeedeebakeee= ees sane ” 326 670} Te 754 802 GS Welrniahhes te io> cco ae seul eceedan wa 3a 4,022 3,617 |... 3,637 3,684 3, 799 14 Males ea Oe Sr eek eae hs wes) 2 3, 641 8,276 3, 802 3, 344 ' 15 Wetiale: fo soos ae ets os aka gia taanges 381 342 336 340 357 16 | Vault lights and ventilators........-.-...- 316 274 269 273 275 20 Be or... eet as ob eme eR ASA 1,780 1, 263 1, 223 1, 230 1, 215 21 OMAR soos ant cle = <= stele ee oa cae 201 168 152 170 172 22 | Wall paper, not madein paper mills...... 4, 262 4,606 4, 597 4,410 4,214 OF LOO OIGe Se See osc. kek = os eo eee aweene 3,529 3, 712 3, 750 3, 666 3,540 24 Fomaié Diese dber cob <- nape. ame 733 894 847 744 674 25 | Wall plasterand composition flooring... ..- 5, 123 8,683 3,842 |. 4,157] .. 4,567 26 DAME os. <. ts Se mee bana le ae ee 5, 054 3,636 3, 784 . 4,095 4, 509 27 WOttMIO TS 7,863 7,904 Whieelbartowses. ¢: scce ee tes ek eee oan os = 291 256 | eee p46 242 ‘245 Male, Dene. g Loetines sp ba eee a 288 250 242 239 242 strips. _ PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRIES, 963 EMPLOYED EACH MONTH, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. by bold-faced figures and that of minimum employment by italic figures. ] NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY— continued. Per cent mini- LL aoe 2a ke oot en ae eee num is of ) | Septem- Octo- Novem- | Decem- maxi- May. June. July. August. ber. ber. ber. ber. mum 884 917 620 791 763 770 805 67.6 | 1 726 755 471 637 609 608 636 62.4] 2 158 162 149 154 154 162 169 82.8] 3 15, 464 15, 534 14, 544 14,990 16,790 17, 413 18,079 80.4] 4 11, 815 11,941 11,111 11, 475 12, 872 13, 359 13, 910 7.0} 5 3,649 3,593 3,438 3,51 3,918 4,054 4,169 82.3} 6 3,279 3, 268 3, 443 3,477 3, 624 3, 748 3,788 79.6 | 7 1,607 1,527 1,682 1,703 1,739 1, 833 1, 828 71:34:43 1,672. 1,741 1,761 1,774 1,885 1,915 1, 960 81.6 |. 9 4,789 4,879 5, 041 5,132 5, 168 5, 203 5, 330 80.1 | 10 3,911 3,979 4,143 4,235 4,305 4,402 4, 463 80.6 | 11 878 900 898 897 863 801 867 74.4 | 12 3,960} — 4,081 4, 259 4,340 4,339 4,324 4,390 82.4 | 13 3, 581 3,692 3, 860 3,912 3,917 3, 915 3, 983 82.2 | 14 379 389 399 428 422 409 407 78.3 | 15 300 329 350 350 369 362 361 72.9 | 16 300 329 350 350 369 362 361 72.9 a 1,485 1,601 1, 955 2,618 3,468 3, 465 2,226 39.2 | 19 1,324 1, 442 1,750 2,352 3, 168 3,165 2,014 38.3 | 20 161 159 205 266 300 300 212 49.0 | 21 3,965 3, 834 8, 567 4,129 4,371 4,572 4,795 || 74.4 | 22 3,412 3,270 2,996 3,401 3, 561 3, 714 3,871 77.4 | 23 553 564 571 728 810 858 924 59.8 | 24 5, 059 5,524 5, 721 5,907 6, 090 6, 103 5, 964 60.3 | 25 4, 986 5, 456 5, 644 5, 828 6, 009 6, 020 5, 890 60. 4 | 26 Bt) 68 77 79 81 83 74 56.6 | 27 5,798 6, 201 6, 423 6, 700 6, 962 6, 984 7, 085 66.8 | 28 5, 568 5, 957 6,178 6, 452 6,730 6, 748 6,876 65.5 | 29 230 245 248 232 236 209 84.3 | 30 2,673 2, 822 2,923 2,780 2,821 2, 833 2, 843 83.1 | 31 1,740 1, 842 1,909 1, 821 1, 814 1, 876 1, 932 82.1 | 32 - "933 980 1,014 959 1,007 957 911 79.3 | 33 5 651 665 639 578 599 603 583 76.2 | 34 i 175 180 179 179 184 192 194 85.6 | 35 d 476 485 460 399 415 411 389 70.3 | 36 ; 3,970 4,079 4,068 3, 840 3, 737 4,034 4, 283 84.6 | 37 4 2, 823 2,929 2,933 2,758 2,725 2,944 3, 148 79.6 | 38 1, 147 1, 150 1, 135 1, 082 1,012 1, 090 1, 135 88.0 | 39 ; 15, 582 15, 435 16, 103 16, 439 16, 515 16,713 16, 698 91.2 | 40 7, 871 7, 834 8,209 8,362 8, 397 8, 500 8,507 87.8 | 41 7,711 7, 601 7, 894 8,077 8, 118 8,213 8,191 92.5 | 42 277 293 308 325 348 338 336 69.5 | 43 277 292 308 323 34a B04 330 69.9 a fe GS 2 ae FY, SOUS CSN: 2 PAKS E 701 737 730 726 719 735 743 92.6 | 46 489 516 525 510 507 514 526 91.3 | 47 212 221 206 216 212 221 217 91.9 | 48 1,588 1,596 1,990 2,013 2,045 2,063 2,077 76.5 | 49 1,578 1,586 1,980 2,003 2,035 2,055 2,067 76.3 | 50 10 10 10 *“10 10 10 |} 72.7 | 51 2,267 2,182 2,052 2,164 2,316 2, 366 2,475 79.0 | 52 oe] Mae) PB3] MSS) MS] OR) ORB] at) 25 2 : 4,394 4, 488 4, 684 4, 732 4,959 5, 097 5, 137 73.8 | 55 3) 174 3,257 3, 434 3, 487 3,605 3,715 3) 739 72.5 | 56 1, 220 1, 231 1, 250 1, 245 1, 354 1, 382 1, 398 74.5 | 57 18, 656 19, 838 21, 016 21, 282 17, 836 18, 796 20, 039 81.5 | 58 17 845 18, 935 19,997 | 20, 281 16, 856 17, 759 18,951 80.6 | 59 ” 811 *903 1} 019 1; 001 979 1} 037 1; 088 63.6 | 60 964 ABSTRACT, OF, THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 10.:—WAGE EARNERS, MALES, AND FEMALES, ['The month, of maximum employment for each industry is pidietad INDUSTRY. Wirework, including wire rope and ible: 1 not elsewhere specified. 2 WEAR oo ob oo ce eee Sloe wae 3 TERE 1b2 9 {pe eae ahem ae GENE en 8S AP OREDod distillation ® Poison une oo. aoeee- ee. e- + 5 MalG ans Sects oe uaa Sorc mbaae ee ore a 6 Pema ee Ee ne ee ME eee ae 7 | Wood Md atee ne Daehn bot Rp ery. i Ee tangle SR OR OT Site eo Sone in renee a tree ac Anan Mice ata 9 Fomale NSS GP RENE MC a oe ele 10 | Wood, turned and carved .....-.-:------ 11 60 SN CoWare la, Mote Te emt 7, Se a Pear 12 a ek a oY: «3 chp ent A SRP Tgs sh eee FRE 13 | Wooden goods, not elsewhere specified 14 Fs acpi Se ad ty SANS uri a tema, Se A 15 Tycho dts 1 5 $b tytMeeimeNse Rin srciily cede peomye ©) Rb Pe 16.1 WoOdk Tune. oh tees oo game ne oat 17 cngieaphe Arg) Lh ee Revamp oe Sit bk Ie 18 Win Sle. eee fee ec wera 19° || Wool SGOMrLnS 22 hie to ei ere a neg 8 20 AVE SLURS Te koe Ae em ee Sh Te apie # 21 MGIB een no eee! So olen ae penton ne ie ete 22 | Wool shomey, pls pes CA Sibel cd: on TEE ga AN liye SAINT Ef 1's raed Spa ghe! Seegeh a aaa ae ee ba EY Ny: Bk 24 roa gd RN Sahat Re St 6 ag es) ha 25 |; Wo olen SOONG: ~~ ct eee op - =. ae ee 26 Es! | Sakai Saul eee Mabel DAE eee ih ae) 2 27 Female pea eh ebaaicplh aca oid abe A dae OSH OW OTSted) MOUS = ec ob erah okie ale a Ste eee aye Sa 29 a Fie Ser See te RNC nee Ue ats he ee oe oe 30 Females eee: ton ee Rs ee ree Ae 831) All otherandustrieds << 22's taken sree 2g 32 Wig leet see Cries ® Ming Tere stee Bir Lay 33 Female. Be ecet, LAN eS «ro abe meruwee C0] Aver- age num- ber em- ployed ‘during year. 15, 224 10, 649 9; 809 ” 840 6, 443 %, 5,372 v3 071 705 701 4 2,177 2033 144 2, 566 2) 199 444 62, 957 41) 993 20, 964 103, 830 51, 082 || 52) 748 99 87 12 14, 996 12, 428 2, 568 5, 838 5, 809 29 3, 465 3,435 30 10, 168 9 599 "769 |: 6, 273 5, 211 L 062 673 670 3 , 1, 896 L 782 "114 ee a ene ES Sas BH VR NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE MONTH OR NEAREST REFRESENTATIVE DAY. 'T PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRIES: ” 965 _ EMPLOYED EACH MONTH, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. __ by bold-faced figures and that of minimum employment by italic figurés.] NuMBER ‘EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY— P t continued. er cen mini- mum Sept Oct N D mt eptem- cto- ovem- ecem- || maxi- May.. June. July, August ber. ber ber. ber. mum . 14,903 | 15,108 | 15,468] 15,045] 15,435] 15,331 | 15,623.) rv 15, 941 930| 1 _ |i oasis] 123502) 12,792] 12,401] 12,757 | 12,611] . 12,016] | 13,167 93.5] 2 P|} coet5s5 2) 586 2) 676 2) 644 2’ 678 2) 720 2) 707 2) 774 90.5] 3 4,503 4, 246 4,541 4,538 4,658 4,934 5, 042 5, 339 ry Mat | 4 4,476 4,217 4 514 4,510 4,630 4,907 5, 014 5,311 ie. O. bp ‘\ a7 29 27 aioe 28 27 28 28 93.1 6 ; 4,139 4,086 4,213 4,164 4,160 4, 282 4,210 4,276 80.3.) 7 fs 122 4069 4) 193 4) 144 4 142 4) 256 4) 182 4248 |: 80.0] 8 V7 . 17 20 20 18 26 28 28 48.5) 9 ’ ' 10,455] 10,591) 10,556) - 10,806| 10,786 | 10,886] 11,114] 11,260 90.3. | 10 897645 | “9° 678 9,736 9, 983 9,957} 10,004} 10,217 | 10,349 90.8 | 11 ‘ 810 91 ” 820 ” gag 829 882 897 911 84.2 | 12 4 6, 433 6, 374 6, 266 6,319 6,299 6, 297 6, 530 6, 949 90.2 | 13 | 957335 | 346 5,351 5,370 5, 284 5, 280 5, 429 5,777 || 90.2. | 14 1,098 1,028 O16 ” 949 1,015 1,017 1,101 1,172 ROe dike Y j ' 621 618 693 727 754 811 816 831 73.8 | 16 ae: 618 608 688 722 | 749 806 812 827 73.5 | 17 7 ne 5 <5 5 5 5 4 4 60.0 | 18 ; 2,132 2,363 2, 512 2,553 2, 443 2, 412 2,307 2,363 64.9 | 19 | 0957 2 148 2) 288, 2) 296 ” 246 2) 281 2) 219 2) 278 69.2 | 20 175 215 ” 994 "957 197 131 88 26.8 | 21 2,664 2,650 2, 580 2, 592 2,637 2, 530 2, 520 2, 669 90.1 | 22 2206 |. 2)200 2) 130 2) 154 2) 207 2) 109 2) 089 2’ 230 87.7 | 23 458 > 450 ” 450 438 "430 421 ~~ 431 439 91.1 | 24 63, 086 , 66, 442 68, 638 | 69, 131 69, 571 69, 428 70, 129 70, 374 68.0. | 25 42, 240 : 44° 523 | 45, 922 46, 236 46, 584 46, 419 46, 732 47, 063 66.9 | 26 20, 846 21, 919 22, 716 22) 895 22° 987 23, 009 23, 397 23,311 70.0 | 27 101,375 | 111,621 | 116,593} 117,664} 119,097] 116,646 | 118,637] 122, 495 55.1 | 28 49) 501 55, 457 57, 968 58) 664 58, 616 57, 306 58, 319 60, 493 53.1 | 29 51, 874 56, 164 58, 625 59, 000 60,481 59, 340 60, 318 62, 002 57.1.) '30 “113 101 85 94 105 121 131 102 58.8 | 31° 99 » 89 78 82 93.4, 110 119 87 55055 32 12 12 11 12 15 46.7 | 33 14 12 966 whe ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 11.—WAGE EARNERS, BY MONTHS, GEOGRAPHIC [The month of maximum employment for each industry is indicated by DIVISION AND STATE. UNITED STATES: New England— 1919 New Hampshire ..2.2.¢.8 .::22.. Vermont Massachusetts as ‘thode [sland 22 Bee eee Connecticut MIDDLE ATLANTIC: NOW Gree cl ie ee os cerns NG@wW. Jersey’. ota see nee cee Pennsylvanial 22 ci oe tetecens East NORTH CENTRAL: Michigan Wisconsin WEST NorRTE Minnesota Missouri. . ea CENTRAL: North Dakota South Dakota wee we ewe we mm eee Average number employe during the year. 1,351, 389 1} 140, 233 L 101, 290 2, 872, 653 2? 355, 940 2, 207, 747 2,396,618 ry 680, 281 Es 513, 764 499, 635 381, 595 374, 337 817, 212 685, 252 663, 015 329, 226 264, 378 261,772 285,244 211,940 204, 520 109, 216 * “81,113 75, 435 435,179 235, 515 213, 166 ———— 88, 651 83, 074 33,491 713, 836 139, 665 292, 672 1, 228, 130 508, 686 1, 135, 837 730,733 277, 580 653,114 471) 242 263, 949 NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS EMPLOYED ON THE 15TH DAY OF EACH MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY. January. | February.| March 8,874,477 | 8,679,913 | 8,677,006 7,075,592 | 7,141'504 | 7,242) 662 6,210,063 | 6,297,627 | 6,423,517 1,317,401 | 1,279,847 | 1,280,475 1) 169,928 | 11737596 | 1,180,259 1) 064,256 | 1,071,906 | 1,085,698 2,845,811 | 2,795,876 | 2,771,726 2° 376,668 | 2,405,992 | 2) 438,053 2)078,441 | 2,109,534 | 2,145,651 2,311,438 | 2,289,008 | 2,275,568 1,696,039 | 1,722,595 | 1)747,289 1) 411,963 | 1,438,518 | 1,468,151 483,424 | 475,396 | 473,710 381,680 | 382,633 | 384,991 345,774 | 352,517 | 360,134 807,474 | 794,668 | 793,237 688,801 | 694,193 | 707,979 623,061 | 637,365 | 650,087 316,135 | 311,057] 313,855) 318,415 265,657 | 267,066 | 272,840] 272,209 250,192 | 252,994) 255,688} 252,511 271,116 | 267,863 | 264,707 | 262,942 213,921 | 210,806] 210,944 | 210,670 192802 | 189,387 | 195,401} 194,359 106,004} 101,895 99,618} 101,640 78,308 73, 606 75,620 79, 589 70, 754 66,672 68, 698 70, 359 415,674 | 364,303] 404,110| 429,608 2047500 | 211-017] 224,687 | 239, 409 172,820| 179,504) 194,009| 208,707 84, 884 79,492 78,696 80,610 79, 599 79, 162 31) 239 31, 135 31,419 695,713 | 677,294 | 680,825 131,724 | 126,903} 198,044 293,931 | 285,424 | 282,329 1,179,216 | 1,182,279 | 1,187,865 "504,904 | 7484.9 ” 482, 240 1,161,601 | 1,128,614 | 1,101,621 714,195 | 698,911 | 694, 564 266,959 | 264/261 | . 261,725 650,664] 643,541 | 636, 421,493 | 425,205 | 428, 121 258,127 | 257,090 | 255,117 114,763 | 113,885 | 113,326 75, 556 75, 141 75,692 1847513 | 1827796 | 182,239 3,996 4’ 014 3° 989 5, 864 5) 805 5,997 36, 545 35, 032 34; 430 62, 187 58, 723 58,037 PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRIES, DIVISIONS AND STATES; 1919, 1914, AND 1909. bold-faced figures and that of minimum employment by italic figures. | ‘NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS EMPLOYED ON THE 15TH DAY OF EACH MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY. ' Septem- Novem- | Decem- May. June. July. August Hai October ey Har: | 8,718,876 | »8,865,621 | 9, 120, 448 | 9,348,600 | 9,507,208 | 9,478,439 | 9,556, 157 9, 663, 170 1 7, 148, 560 | | 7,100,278 | 7,018,777 | 7,020,593 | 7,086,725 | 7,006,241 | 67736, 608. | 6,640,194 2 6,457,279 | 6,517,469 | 6,486,676 | 6,656, 933 6, 808, 765 | 6,997,090 7, 066, 853: 6, 990, 652 3 “1,306, 223 1,332,449 | 1,348,448 | 1,367,755 | 1,399,266 | 1,414,605 1,433,947 | 1,454, 828 4 1; 163,457 | 1,146,790 | 1,119,838 | 1,107,731 | 1,121,361 | 1,122) 946 | 17 109,694 | 1/096, 879 5 1,087,333 | »1,088,312 | 1,077,016 | 1,093, 558 | 1,126,756 1,141,593 | 1,147,951 L, 149, 871 6 2,766,820 | 2,800,061 | 2,877,600 | 2,933, 505 2, 950,608 | 2,930,465 | 2,984,517 | 3,046,393 7 2,392,603 | » 2,368,927 | 2,325,574 | 2,319,460 | 2,357,792 | 2,347,907 | 2’2707 109 | 2” 9447 536 8 2,156,236 | 2,169, 2,155, 844 | 2,195,710 | 2,287,845 | 2,338) 583 | 2) 350,886 | 2349, 165 9 2, 266,743 | 2,320,578 | 2, 405,965 | 2,477,623 | 2,524,065 | 2, 500,018 | 2,547,170 | 2,579, 231 10 1,709,904 | 1,699,784 1,677,985 | 1,678,439 | 1,685,138 L 660, 307 | 1,583,747 | 1,568, 887 il xd 477, 079 | 1,497,289 | 1481, 802 | 1,518,983 | 1,571,342 | 1)600,433 | 1/610,588 | 1; 622; 565 12 “478, 364 489, 706 498,695 | 514,287 | 522,494 | 527,039 529,897.| 531,265 13 383,545 386, 597 387,379 | 390,514] 387,276 | 382/463 | 366/188 | 3687097 14 7 373,610 373, 496 386, 710 398, 065 394; 772 392, 382 386, 209 15 772, 892 778, 369 796, 265 822, 535 868, 064 875, 048 850, 812 862, 987 16 694, 804 686, 455 675, 459 691, 353 711, 615 686, 137 644) 970 636, 936 17 641° 772 648, 032 > 682; 609 711, 296 699, 110 686, 416 685, 630 18 310, 020 807, 891 321, 186 334, 381 348, 081 357, 071 358, 103 360,017 19 266, 539 265,712 267, 030 268, 677 268. 386 | 261,419 251, 333 245, 648 20 247, 286 246,649 250, 438 263, 343 276, 189 282, 070 283, 605 281, 068 21 269, 663 267, 387 280,571 | 293,746 | 299,530 | 308,786 | 317,746. 318,871 22 207; 999 209, 147 215,558 | 214,843 | 213,191} 2147650 | 2137013 208, 529 23 190, 063 195, 392 200,416 | 203,733} 210,876 | 223°165 | 229"379 229, 260 24 104, 180 108, 204 112, 927 113, 833 111, 289 117,870 118, 532 114, 600 84. 25 82? 396 85, 382 88, 809 84, 242 82) 922 85, 504 79, 835 77,143 82. 26 72; 109 75,311 77, 607 77, 826 79, 521 83,149 82,673 80, 542 80. 27 444,471 452,476 478,812 | 490,935} 483,811] 447,537 | 415,433 | 394,978 |] 74.2 | 298 247,313 251, 484 261, 145 265, 334 259, 044 244, 899 217,719 199, 539 7d. 29 218, 858 222, 876 225, 805 234, 461 236, 875 234, 215 223, 523 206 , 342 73. 30 85, 289 87, 769 89, 503 94, 092 98, 407 97,474 95, 134 94,374 |} 80.0 | 31 79,972 82, 221 82; 600 83, 325 85, 663 87,070 88, 593 89/204 || 93.4 | 39 32,638 33, 184 33; 385 34, 272 34, 649 35, 621 36, 003 36, 590 85.1 | 33 689, 490 705, 382 715, 599 726, 537 736, 391 741,911 751, 909 765, 746 88.4 | 34 136, 656 138, 544 142,223 |. 143,452] 145,556 | 147,108 | 1507175] 1527036 || 83.5 | 35 282,178 285,349 285,117 | 286,077 | 298,600 | 305,421 | 312,133 | 316/858 |] 88.2 | 36 1,186,957 | 1,191,679 1, 228,077 | 1,260,592 | 1,272,811 | 1,260,413 1,281,760 | 1,311, 087 89.9 | 37 "496, 342 503, 068 "510, 709 516, 895 "519, 235 528, 238 530, 083 "537, 639 89.7 | 38 i 083; 621 1,105,314 4, 138, 814 | I, 156, 018 } 1, 158, 562 | 1,141,814 | 1,172,674 | 1, 197) 667 90.5 | 39 687, 683 710, 187 740, 188 768, 579 773, 510 740, 570 761,688 790, 681 87.0 | 40 267,312 272, 593 278,232 | 285,726 | 294,892} 288486 | 293,484 | 204’317 || 98.8 | 41 618,701 628, 740 638, 982 658, 478 681, 270 681,015 689 945 689, 491 89.7 | 42 442,925 461, 718 480, 152 497,915 507, 050 515, 805 522, 876 520, 623 80.6 | 43 250, 122 256, 340 268,411 | 266,925 | 267,343 | 274,142 | 279,177] 284,119 || 88.0 | 44 109, 489 112, 458 114, 430 116, 607 118, 627 120, 020 120, 930 122, 250 89.6 | 45 77,980 79, 963 81, 343 83, 928 85,417 84, 496 85, 825 85,086 || 87.6 | 46 187,384 190, 266 194,709 | 202,609 | 206,394 | 209,704 | 207,586 | 2097359 || 86.9 | 47 4,224 4,573 4, 841 4, 847 4,758 4, 850 4,731 4,666 82.2 | 48 6, 205 6, 418 6, 554 6, 657 6,776 6, 722 6, 718 6,902 |} 84.1 | 49 34, 748 36,477 36, 576 37, 683 37, 760 37, 836 38, 038 38,189 |} 90.2 | 50 58, 334 59, 551 60, 242 61, 956 62, 762 63, 411 66, 069 64,813 || 85.5 | 51 968 ABSTRACT OF THE GCENSUS~—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 11.—-WAGE EARNERS, BY MONTHS, GEOGRAPHIC [The month of maximum employment for each industry is indicated by OT) SSS 5 . ——— = NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS EMPLOYED, ON -THE 15TH DAY OF EACH Ponta OR NEAREST Average number REPRESENTATIVE DAY. DIVISION AND STATE. employed during the “ January March. April. pr ere nent A af | SAAS ease, | sso a Pee ea eet SouTH ATLANTIC: 1 Delawatti 6 J. $25, 806,0.1 2 A 29, 035 28, 236 -- 26,399 25,728 2 Maryland.> | 205.052 0... JS 208). 140, 342 140,053 a 131) 774 129,128 3 District of Columbia) ......2..--- 10, 482 10,459 mu 10, 319 | + .10,449 4, Virginign=o. sees ree 119; 352 111,943 112) 455 |--- 113,802 5 ‘Wiest Virgisiige sige. i ssh secs cn 83, 036 80,721 81, 170 80, 719 6 North Carolina......-..! LB Pie ee 1 57, 659 157,470 156, 407 155, 349 7 South: Carolinalic oo: 1.) cu sid. 79, 450 79,274 : 78, 828 ~. 76, 361 8 Georgia ei.t. 4.220 .00¢.0.. BML SSG 123, 441 125, 289 » 123) 458 | 121, 269 9 Ploridaes). .t..i-i6¢ c40.1.) SA as 74, 415 74, 029 73) 497 71, 888 East SOUTH CENTRAL: 0 » Kentacky 2. ..516,.820 S$ .. MULES. 69, 340 66, 495 | 66,869 |, 66, 756 11 Tennessee.5. 1.201 M28.) ste T7ak 95, 167 90, 230 | 89, 448} 90, 168 12 Alabamas: < j.G00 008.8.) fe cee. 107, 159 104, 837 » 103} 668 103, 838 13 Mississipplcd cae so Bbw co ae 57, 560 54,573 53, 870 52,653 West SOUTH CENTRAL: ~ MBegs 14 , Aflcansass... |.t47 ode 1.) ade 49, 954 44,527 : 44: 180 3,960 15 Louisiane: J.) 206 016.0. ado 98, 265 93, 443 89; 172 89,695 16 CHELAN OMA SBS hah desc «oh - 3s ae 29, 503 28, 279 28,518 27, 897 17 Tews: £22 ..5 ee C88... SOS. 107,522 104, 867 102, 837 101,390 MOUNTAIN hes 18 Mopndanws. .. 2.268 Ses . . |. SSS 2a. 17,160 17, 539 16, 603 16; 289 19 DRAR OMS oko, Loe, eases 13,917 11, 248 11,323 12, 849 20 Wiyommiti. ... {0 id es... R_gs8. 6,634 5, 876 5, 853 5,939 21 Colorado. & .. 44202 20 .. 1 SE) 288. 35, 254 35,173 83, 333 4,361 22 NeweMexico. 62: 60)... 015089. 5,736 4,992 ~§,337 5,181 23 LAMIAORE ede aciciat o> ce areas 8, 528 8, 872 7,911 7,931 24 |) Upaled fie 24.292 228... SIGE 18,868 18, 819 16, 280 16; 196 25 Novaddis... {bee fo...) sie te 3, 119 3,485 2, 978 2, PACIFIC: Nw 26 Wasnington. ics... -. sch... Sead 132, 928 128,313 “129, 770 | | 137, 395 27 Orebonsré. =. 1-880 SiGlcch Des aoe 58, 559 55, 393 57, 708 59, 180 28 Californias ..4.08G 20s... Bi SI 243, 692 231; 968 2B, 632 233, 033 - _ DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1919, 1914, AND 1909—Continued. PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRIES, 969 bold-faced figures and that of minimum employment by italic figures.] NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS EMPLOYED ON THE 15TH DAY OF EACH MONTH OR NEAREST Per REPRESENTATIVE DAY. 141,474 61,122 249, 880 ne ‘ re ee es ee 14) 555 141, 701 61; 965 275, 146 32, 821 144,217 10,578 1257 148 87, 105 146,135 62) 488 282) 312 Se ah October. 146, 872 60,261 276,678 Novem- Decem- || maxi- ee | en | | | SL | | cent mini- mum is of ber. ber. mum. 29,715 29, 953 76.0} 1 141, 261 139, 768 80.4 2 10,618 10,723 || 96.2} 3 125,549 124, 687 84.9) 4 84, 362 87,357 89.4 5 168,665 | 172,512 || 85.8] 6 84,268 86,825 85.417 129,266 | 133,022 || 87.6] 8 77,108 78,140 |} 91.2)|)°9 74, 520 75,688 || 87.1 10 103, 429 103,810 85.6)| 11 116,331 117, 622 83.7 | 12 63,823 62, 897 81.3) 1.13 55, 281 54,903 75.1 | 14 117,665°| 117,293 || 75.8 |.15 31, 582 32,259 || 86.5 | 16 113,218 114, 416 88.6 | 17 18, 228 16,786 89.1 | 18 16, 342 14, 480 68.4 | 19 7,560 7,434 | 76.8 | 20 36, 636 37,188 87.9 | 21 6, 019 6,005 || 79.8 | 22 8,72 8,583 || 88.4 | 23 21,740 20,911 |} 71.7 | 24 3,235 3,263 81.3>| 25 133,821 | 123,630 |} 61.2 | 26 58, 396 49,499 \| 79.2 | 27 223,216 221,849 || 78.0 | 28 a a rn ll 970 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. Tape 12.-AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER, WEEK, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914. INDUSTRY. Aeroplanes, seaplanes, and air- | 1919 ships, and parts. 1914 Agricultural mplements.........| 1919 1914 Aluminum manufactures.......- ag Ammunition: .2......2.2.5: eS: 1919 1914 Artificial flowers:... 0.212... --- 1919. : 1914) Artificial limbs::...-. ss... 22 ‘Wer 1919 Bisa «| 1914 Artificial stone products... 2.2... 1919 Artists’ materials. .........2: Lene 5} GID 1914 Asbestos products, not including | 1919 steam packing. 1914 Automobile bodies and parts....| 1919: 1914 Autompobiless: 46 ... J uas.if....) 1919 1914 Automobile repairing............ 1919 1914 Awnings, tents, and sails........ 1919 Babbitt metal and solder...-.... 1919 R 1914 Bags, other than paper, not in- | 1919 cluding bags made in textile | 1914 mills. Bags, paper, exclusive of those | 1919 made in paper mills. 1914 Baking powders and yeast....... shy Baskets, and rattan and willow | 1919 ware. 1914 Polis. je. 8 a ew aneoeee eee 1919 1914 Belting and hose, rubber........ 1919 1914 Belting and hose, woven, other | 1919 than rubber. 1914 Belting, leather... 6 es 66 he-5 aces 1919 1914 Billiard tables, bowling alleys,| 1919 and accessories. : 1914 Blacking, stains, and dressings...| 1919 1914 BING Sa. Geer 1919 1914 Bone, carbon, and lamp black ...| 1919 1914 Bookbinding and blank-book | 1919 making. 1914 Boot and shoe cut stock........ 1919 1914 4 Corresponding figures not available. Be- Be- 44. |tween tween and 44° | 481 48. under.| and / | and 48; 5A 421) 605] 1,194) 952 (7) a4) “(22 169] | 76| 2,372] 27,952 @) | @)] 4,461) 2,632 51| . 97} 1,044] 5,813 (4) | @ 3} d3t 1,027] 3,975] 5,785] -9, 023 @) | @ [> 7195) °287 2,655} 245]. 658|. 471 (4) | (@) |. 714), 2,239 41) 2.15], WB4)..° = 217 ps A (?) 80 81 ~ 605] » 38} 1,847|. 536 -@) | @)\ | 1,684]. . 485 ‘v2 O2t aerlbid ) BO6brixawO () (?) 60 72 43) . 61) 954} -*. 476 (3) (2) 130}. °. 28 4,808| 2,761] 41, 857| 43,340 (3) | (2)] 1,284] 8,030 3, 674| 2,957] 94,880] 82,747 (2) | (2) | 13,033] 19,963 3,116} 282] 13,014] 6,027 (3) |-(%) |. 1,607]. 1,050 787| 328]. 1,538] 1,297 (@) | (2) 943|- 722 176| ---30|-- - 280}. - 828 (2) | () 39] 117 420| 219] 2,413] 5,430 @) | @) 101} 1,478 911 64| 759] 2,289 (2) | (2) 229| 374 187| 380] 1,110} 739 @) (?) 295 717 18s} 233] 791] 1,512 (a) | (3) 475| 214 10/ 10 8 11 (Peak AS BA 0 57 Sheets 277| 4,267, 587 59] 88] 1,048] 436 (?) () 91 73 24) “65, 350! 1,580 (2) | (2) 245| 528 59} 12 60 85 (2) | (3) 281 279 187 497/ 552| 922 (2) | () 318| 489 18) 94 49| 110 (?) (?) 100 31 Dae RAT Lee tbr 52 38 (?) () 73 23 2,049/ 449] 15,083] 1,789 (2) | (%) | 9,195} 5,814 161] 1,152| 5,041| 1,719 @) | (4) 106} 1,246 IN ESTABLISHMENTS WHERE THE PREVAILING HOURS / “OF LABOR PER ‘WEEK WERE— > <9 ° ae ween 54. 154 60 eet and : 60. arch; 2-1 ja eee: .. . | »bL or 77| ¥ 16 a oa = 6,256] 15,180] 2,348} 15 4,559] 25,258) 11,539} 10 1,032}. 2,374] 876) 115 935] 2.374| 1,871|..-... 1,868] 935] 203)... 1)879|" 8,613] 519|...... AMaLeS edt Corea | |. 1,685 112} 39] ‘19 153 12). eee | ig SA a7] “eee | 18 2,099|.. 820] 2,433]....- 2'825| 1,054| 4,191] 16 64). 409] 11} —s19 183} 187} 93) 9 249| 1,349] . 482} 40 . 171| . 608} 22 8, 433] 28,935] 2,399; 23 ;009| 25,771] 5,678} 13 9,911| 15,807] 583}... 10, 782| 28,573| 6,936} 20 17,051} 2,938] 11,742} 891 5,830], 1,220] .2,477| 378 1,286}. 6911. <98| 3 2,252} 489] ‘667|...... 48|. 813}..-197]...... 110} 553) = 216|...... 1,077) 1, le be R. 3,520| 2)730| 1,529|...... 450)’: BIB 3 2,246] 460, 99] 97 346] 467| —‘10a/...... 163} 506| 456 133 685] 558} 523} 43 937| 1,487] 1,458} 3 194..,.20:, 7 Siete 33] - Sear oot 263. WS aS. ae 1,091) 2,822| 1,202|...... 667| 151 0L se 476) 236 76|....-. 440| 280| 26).....- 495) 1,558| 122/ 3 1,837} 48 goer 990, 120/ 4i/...... 74, 218 4 i <1 ery | Sane | aaa 55) SHEN feat 80 i Yeah ee 27} 258; 23) 277 Bhs iag Bil 171 633; 262| 98 5,053| 1,593} 38)...... 1,019] 7520 103]... 2) 383| 3,847 - fC arr PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR. 971 TABLE 12.-AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO PRE- Cen- INDUSTRY. sus year Bootand shoe findings........... oie matt 4 Boots and shoes, not including | 1919 rubber boots and shoes. 1914 Boots and shoes, ruibber......... ti MBGreer Clmarrny 5. 0 lees: 1919 CE REX . 1914 Boxes, paper and other, not else- | 1919 where specified. 1914 Boxes, wooden packing, except | 1919 cigar boxes. 1914 Brass, bronze, and copper prod- | 1919 ucts. 1914 Bread and other bakery products.| 1919 eae 1914 Brick and tile, terra-cotta, and | 1919 fire-clay products. 1914 Proomes .-..eu 3. Pte... AL. 1919 | 1914 Oe OE Ss Se Saas See 1919 & 1914 DO 6 GSS, | 220 SR OS a 1919 Us 1914 Butter, pewerking.j.......4.....- 1919 : ; 1914 Uti. 2. ek. 05S... ke 1919 ; 1914 oT DES” ES | ee, See 1919 1914 Canningand preserving, fish... .. 1919 1914 Canning and preserving, fruits | 1919 and vegetables. 1914 ‘Canning and preserving, oysters.| 1919 ; 1914 Card cutting and designing... .. aa ‘Cardboard, not made in paper | 1919 ' mills. 1914 Carpetsand rugs, other than rag. . oe Cappats, ag se00'F- 0788. <2 a 1919 R80, 1914 Carriage and wagon materials... . oh Carriages and sleds, children’s. ..| 1919 ; 1914 Carriages and wagons, including | 1919 repairs. 1914 Cars and general shop construc-'} 1919 tionand repairs by electric-rail- | 1914 road companies. Cars and pores | shop construc- | 1919 tion and repairs by steam-rail- | 1914 road companies. Cars, electric-railroad, not in- | 1919 cluding operations of railroad | 1914 companies. 1 Includes 48 and under for 1914. VAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. IN ESTABLISHMENTS WHERE THE PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK WERE— 2 Corresponding figures not available. 60. hh 3601... 166/77 7551 5, 778s 3,285]... 0. Pe BIO 270|.. BAD 2,139] 179 97304 144 13,511] 352 1,466, 31 6,669] 160 11,085} 2,536 37,365] 6,331 25,3921 788 51,046) 1,734 728| 4 1,466} 22 93)... ). 310; 3 5, 689] 3, 086 6, 106| 3,476 BSI. cats 232| 7g 1,004, 4 1508) 1 Boh ik 238). 2022, 2, 633/258 3,937| 326 24,152] 3,319 27,190} 2,324 193]... 872; 10 “tegy [ade 79 115h0S. 4 62h N9: 267|.... ». 4hici ae 380; 1 2,012|...... 3,510]. 55 699|...... Ty619| ial. 3,226, 9 9,448) 43 2) 523] 2,345 16, 767|50, 570 Total Be- Be- Be- 44 |tween tween tween and 44 48.1 48 54 under.} and and and 48. 54, 60. 8,941 773} 1,342) 3,209] 2,203 565 489 6,714|| (2) (2) 392} 646] 2,257] 3,252 211, 049|) 18, 511/25, 580) 88, 406] 47, 431| 20,898] 9, 466 191,555|} (2) | (2) | 4,966] 23,263] 79, 699| 77,854 32, 875 (24) Oe 26,881) 1,532 448 0B a aie net || geared lt aos 338} 14,859) 3,490]. 5,218 85} 52} 900} 1,419) 1,441] 1,289 5,835|| (2) | (2) 906] 626] 1,875) 2,158 55, 862|| 3,844] 2,018] 17,801] 21,658) 4,547) 5,452 45,311 2) (2) 5,451] 8,585) 17,771 11,186 42,445)|. 1,898 505} 4,692) 8,525}. 5,175} 12,112 38,548] (2) | (2) 858] 3,155] 5,251] 15,421 75, 051|| 2,699) 3,572) 11,779} 23,344 3, 071} 29,089 40, 306 2 (2) 1,851] 6,680] 7,545) 17,401 141,592|) 4,121/20, 778) 60,062} 12,425) 25,338] 5,247 124,052]| (2) | (2) | 14,556] 6,887] 48,579] 10,334 76,915|| 1,971} 500] 15,676| 6,971] 16,342] 9,275 100, 182 (2) (7) | 10,883} 4,489) 18,186} 13,844 6,313]| 1,072 276 973] 1,812 545 903 5, 642]| (2) (4) 820 936) 1,151) 1,247 7,968 488} 384] 2,463] 3,241] 349] 950 7,213]|. (2) | (@) 263} 1,188]. 3,340] . 2, 109 17,641 325 51} 3,013 697} 2,673} 2,107 14,149]] (2) | () | 1,334} 243) 1,859] 1,131 ry dt EONS Se | Sa TN SMe | SR ot eae eee 304 2) (3) 30 10 17 15,577|| 1,901] 152] 4,719} 3,880] 1,475) 2,442 14,511}} (2) (2) 388} 2,506] 5,130) 4,978 541 4 12 112 63 43 277 387 2 (?) hI 6 89 43 11, 248 59 188} 4,002] 1,685} 1,336 387 9,069}| . (%) (2) 1,826 82} 2,702 196 60, 865]| 4,146 473] 12,101] 2,966) 7,074] 6,634 50,825|) (2) | (2) | 4,555] 1,821) 8,758] 5,677 1,189 LPT oe 673 25 146 38 2,087|| (2) () 615 233 192 165 1,148 119 49 471 388 $21 veeosat 517|| (2) | (3) 253 83} 132 49}. 1, 425 OHS) 28. 308 286 91 93}. 1 i) | Ae oe ean foe by, 593 276 175 22,933 119) 60h 12,782) 2,295} 7,494 181 31,309]] (7) (2) 23} 2,099] 23,235) 5,685 2,016 100 72 §25 537 424 309 2,130/| (2) | @) 320} 245| 540) 644 6, 509 43 75 395} 1,351 610; 2,023 11,087|} () | (2) 471| 514] 1,272] 5,265 6,686}| 108} © 42} 360] 3,097} 299] 2,081 ,900]} (2) | (4) 88} 619} 1,640] 1,934 18,173 339 42| 1,725) 4,418] 1,961) 6,453 41,304 (7) (*) 2,738) 4,846) 8,508) 15,721 31, 272|| 1,278 829) 5,209) 8,662) 7,302} 3,124 26,384|| (2) | (2) | 1,665) 1,638] 6,160] 6,640 484, 437|| 2, 893/45, 481/306, 639) 10,671) 7,061)108, 403 339,518]} (4) (2) | 74,431) 50,616|100, 759| 46,375 2,920 493). 2808. 335 25 366] 1,701 3,840] (2) | (8) 892}.......1 403| 2,103 442 972 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TaBLE 12.—-AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO PRE- VAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. pisatin aac edi ins ancien anand nocominea AA a SSR Rh SR RRNNNL) ORS PEE SS en IN ESTABLISHMENTS WHERE THE PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK WERE— Cen- INDUSTRY. sus | Total. Be- Be- year. 44... |tween tween and. | 44 48,1 48 60. under.| and and 48. | 54. Cars, steam-railroad, notinelud- | 1919 | 52;298]| 1,875) 4,984) 9,864) 16,055 85 Se): RE ing operations of railroad com-'| 1914 |. 54,288]| | (2) (2) 341} 5,294! 19, 291 12,477|. 2. panies. eats hy pooh Teeth es Cash registers and calculating | 1919 | 16,544 636 13} 1,664] 7,393) 6,403] 435).......|.-..-- machines. 1914}. 8,956)| (?) (2) 435 457|_ 7,271 Cenrent..- . cc. feb tae 2. 1919 | 25,524 IS} Rags é CTW ln saa 6, 097|10, 505 1914 | 27,916|/| (2), | @).: 24 3 7, 790|18, 490 Charcoal, not including produc- | 1919 209 22 16 64 2 tion in the lumber and wood | 1914 228)| (2) (2) 31 20 distillation industries. Cheese,¢ -¢. 45.5. ST S- ee A | ISTO 8987 103 25 334 131 r 1914 | 2,908) () (2) 208 75 ct EPSMICRIS. .b-ccse- dee ae Reba 1919 | 55, 586 258} 2,288] 18,804} 8,123) 2,997 5, 562} 2, 1914 | 32,311]| > (2) (2) | 7 303} °1,586 5, 553}11,.010 Chewing gums: 4 . ctf... 2. 2 1919 | 3,190 157} 922):), 163) 1,741 , China decorating, not including | 1919 244 78 65 64 BT ho ccae sales eed aOR ener aa oe that done in potteries. 1914 295}| (2) (2) 122 34 Chocolate and cocoa products. ...| 1919} 9,083 8 11} 3,338 859 1914 | 4,160)| ~() (2) 21 514 Cleansing and polishing prepara- | 1919 | 1,955 366 93 336 642 tions. 1914 | 1,239). (7) |. (4) 286 168 Clocks isee . St 2 - SORES RARE 1919 | 8,252 10 28) 1,084) 2,046) 97) 4,987).......]------ 1914.| 6,754|| () (2) | 062) 1,733]. 2,989 Cloth, sponging and refinishing. .| 1919.| 1,206 355) 461 224 VDL RT} a que te eS ee 1914} © 901) () |. @ 170| -407 Glothing, horse. .....24-\1..- 43h 4.- 1919 766 4 36 66) +; -66] .. 192)" Sige nels. ’ 1914} 1,669 (2) (2) 136 262 Clothing, mens: u. -iPiied- - 208 i 1919 | 175,270}|| 132,586] 6,951) 18,878) 10,422| 4,272 _ | 1914 | 173,747)| 2) | 35,114] 87,907) 37,719 2,524 Clothing, men’s, buttonholes....| 1919 484 348 11 84| | SI QB Sh ty Gall aes gale cea = 1914 672 (2) (2) | 198 328 nos Clothing, women’s......22..22... 1919 | 165,649]| 120,369] 9,321] 18,587| 15,160) 1,655 1914 | 168,907} () (2) | 11, 741|123 066) 28,780 Coal-tar products 4...25.....0.- ...| 1919 } 15, 663 941} 182) 5,205) 1,589) 3,805 Coffee and spice, roasting and | 1919 | 10,540|/ 1,012) 1,032) 2,615) 3,303). 1,441 grinding. 1914 | 8,549)| (?) (2) 1,297) 2,125} 2,491 Coffins, burial cases, and under- | 1919 | 11,890 453 31) 1,723} 1,899} 2,316 takers’ goods. 1914 | 9,468]| (2) (2) 583 935| 3,077 2, 679). Coke, not. including gas-house | 1919 | 29,319]) 342} © 17) 9,250 112} 1,854). 2, 010/11,427 coke. 1914 | 21,107}| (2). |. ® 1,582 86| 6,637 4, 762). 6,231 Collars and cufis, men’s... ..2...- 1919} 11, 103 162| 5, 790 43} 4,106} 1,002)... esheets * 1914 | 10,100)]| (2) (2) 90 758| 8,180 Combs and hairpins, not made] 1919 | 2,229 64] 20).k | 152) 11,786 201d from metal or rubber. 1914 | 2,773)| (3) (2) 53 3 ' Condensed milk. :...0i..1...012.. 1919 | 13,675 72 497 91} 2,056 5, 1914 | 6,002/| © (?) (2)).4 | 958 20) 12, Confectionery and ice cream ®...| 1919 | 95,648]| 10,382) 5,658! 27,052) 15,484) 14,351 5, 1914 | 64,034|| (*) (2) 5, 839] 10,490) 20, 566 9, Cooperage: . iiss 25. at . bbe. b 1919 | 13, 219 686} 367] 2,619} 2,545) 1,627 2, 1914 | 17,128|| (@).'| (@). | -2,867| 1,999) 2,595 5, Copper, tin, and sheet-iron work:| 1919 | 27,640)) 9,994 634) 6,717) 4,158) 2, 492 vit 1914 | 28,714|| (2) (2) | 14,308) 2,500) 5,840 22; Cordage and twine............3.. 1919 | 17,622 3]...4:.} 3,970) 6,292) 23545 iW, 1914 } 15, 769]| () >} (@ 573 154} 8, 469 ty Cordials and flavoring sirups.....| 1919 | 1,398 105} 401 162 508}: n 1914 ' 929)). -() (2)) f° 144 152 1 Includes 48 and under for 1914. 2 Corresponding figures not available. 3 Included in*‘confeectionery and ice cream”’ in 1914. mop yAT 4 Included in ‘‘chemicals’’ in 1914. : 5 Includes ‘‘chewing gum” in 1914. : ; INDUSTRY. : | re: 4 ; : : . Me , Cork, cutting....-.-----.-+--+++- COPSOtH I. shee th eee. - 248 Cotton goods OS ROE (A COELOTIAGRS a2. ho - oc nite cece os les Cotton small wares. .......--.--- Be raibless stscinc neous... Dairymen’s, poultrymen’s, and | apiarists’ supplies. ee Druggists’ preparations.--....... Dyeing and finishing textiles, _ exclusive of that donein textile mills Electricalmachinery, apparatus, and supplies. ~~ ee es SS eee Electroplating.-~: ....:2.-.---:+: Emery and other abrasive wheels Pomemneine ties. ects... 8 ‘Engines, steam, gas, and water. - Engravers’ materials. .--.....---- Engraving and diesinking......- steel and copper plate printing. eee ewe teeter eee Engraving, plate, includin: Engraving, wo eer Fo ee ee ee eT ee we eh me Tmveloness::..i)s.2)--24-.-.-. 25. Harplosives.«!i< 22. 228 on do Faney articles, not elsewhere spe A Feathers and plumes. ..-.-....---- Dyestufis and extracts, natural.. Total. “PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR. 973 TABLE 12.—AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO PRE- VAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. IN ESTABLISHMENTS WHERE THE PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK WERE— Be-- 44 |\tween and under.) and 48, 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 430, 966 379, 366 6, 490 7, 440 9, 396 118,078 3, 024 2) 584 (?) seen ee 373] 166,825 1 Includes 48 and under for 1914. 2 Corresponding figures not available. 3 Included in other classifications in 1914, Be- Be- tween tween 48 54. 54 60. | Over and and 60. 54. 60. 1,449 399 22 Slope esc 320} 2,101 431 Oia bee By OOO -EsSOR AA the ss ares cece 7,409} 6,169] 5,909 WWieencce 15, 721) 59, 437/139, 777| 47,035] 467 1,572|149, 157| 68, 842|157, 034) 1, 686 2, 263). 1,103 Da eee ree oe 14039):4, 5005 1) 800) couse co ecco ~ 1,044} 2,915 894 Tee cece 538| 4,539) 1,374 (Glance 371 140 BOT ooo See See 8 7 264 Qa cease 6,667) 73; LIAbS Sods] 1) reais So. 2,470} 1,972} 6,613) 4,391)...... 1,616 587) - 1,227 537 11 536} 1,784) 1,504) 1,558 1,927} 1,041 38 2) lassie 681) 1,324 562 43 2 575 acs) 38 OG 183 326 96 109) 287 5,173) 1,348 208 v3 Sp teagan 4,394) 2,460 869 264 26 7,317) 10,482) 6,748 671 146 2,769| 16,186] 23,695] 5,226] 34 129 363 392) © 1, 535) 1, 297 173 46 452; 1,311 772 53,203) 10,885] 19,783} 3,028) 204 | 30, 529) 38, 838) 41,715} 2,899 19 758 132 384 Lb eae 582 665 856 172 Zz 4,783 148 139 Oye rears 37 939) 1,297 1OBI 2c she 100 86 109 Ole eres 239 162 533 Od dies 15,410) 6,662} 16,949) 1,786 3 1,075| 8,862| 14,789] 2,917; 32 81 26 BrASwe ay le cee 50 12 SO ee ols uae 251 44 60 Stet sees 385 558 261 3 3 590 112 FA am peng de ng 1,727 327 47 55 9 ABI eas he Seep 24 16 8) Sosa S ctethe 2,630) 149/151 Dal aes 1; 887) 43;,746| 1, Li6R dStore 192 216 107 G24/c202—. 1,399] 1,288) 1,272) 1,624 88 4,910 955 962 24 57 1,810} 2,513} 1,455 397 3 113 10 it {eS aang 2,444) 1, 252 2 A Ae palate 1,663} 1,067 967 20a Sone e 96] 1,239| 1,767 917 11 OD Vee, 75 224 845} 1, 108 974 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES, TABLE 12.—AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO PRE- : VAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. INDUSTRY. * Flavoring extracts..........-.... Flax and hemp, dressed......... Flour-mill and gristmill products. Food preparations, not elsewhere specified. Foundry and machine-shop pro- ducts. Foundry supplies................ Fuel, manufactured. ...........- Bur goods."; . Jedu 25 Ape. cc Sees Furnishing goods, men’s. ....... Furniture: .: dea etek re oe ote Furs, dressed. base... ips scee Wee Galvanizing. © sa s0% 5.465 aes vee Gas and electric fixtures......... Gas, illuminating and heating... Gas machines and gas and water Glass, cutting, and orhamenting. Gloves and mittens, cloth, not including gloves made in tex- tile mills. 3 Gloves and mittens, leather...... staining, Glucose and starch. ............. Glue, not elsewhere specified. . -. Gold and silver, leaf and foil..... 482, 767 362, 471 906 555 171 141 13, 639 9, 030 18, 944 22) 459 138, 331 127, 881 5, 075 1, 525 IN ESTABLISHMENTS WHERE THE PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK WERE— 1 Includes 48 and under for 1914. 2 Corresponding figures not available. 3 Included in “furnishing goods ,men’s”’ in 1914. Over 60. 60. 8, es 725 P< ae 1, O20 a. Gelato eomioid Carre 465 6 igs eke nate ; 16,182] 5, 200 227714) 8) 955 738 6,749) 2,519 24, 196| 1,738 46 5 28 1 3 ~ 652 40, 444| 238 19 2 5, 119} 5, 769 9, 248/13, 736 Be- Be- Be- 44 |Itween tween tween and 44 48.1 48 54 under.} and and and 54, 60. 574| 211] 1,608] 921] 3,624] 10,238 (2) | (2) 281] 500 2)656| 3,061 796, 26} 1,314] 2,501 52| 1,052 2) | @) 48| 2,385] 1,663 282] 3,080] 5,576| 434| 9321 961 Pemig? opt et Deering 4| 2,001) 4,032 ATT. tse 54} 159 9] ” 78 @) | @) 12) «1 41| 175 40) 4|~—s 839] 400) «= «195| += 26 @) | @) 50| 24, «= 4291 «= 350 135] ‘e2l* 8001by 138710) OI, bruce (2) | (2) 356, 541) 347/248 279} 145] 641; 700/-~=Ss«284} 15 2) | Q) 410) 259 440] 280 emer 208)53.1 3 Ml svelte @) | @Q) 4 Bs | ag ee 859} 48; 16,597; 723} 3,636] 2,236 (2) | @) | 3.414 355] 2)949] 1,331 1,374, 931] 8,306] 4,430] 3,727| 3,745 @) | @) | 23362) 1,689) 4,038] 2 949 42, 299 io 20 126, 120|115, 535| 71, 515| 90,514 (3 25, 699] 45, 433/110, 782/129, 822 is the 112) '184| 79}. “218 o” (2) 72 il 85}. 36 May ee 61 14 (2) | (3) 48 1 Vf alge 10, 589] 212} 1,753} 626] .350| . . BT (2) ) | 1,137] 5,430} 2,108] 291 6, 332] 2,036] 3,586] 5,373; 585} 983 @) | (2) | 2) 866) 6,312 8,766] 4,386 8,907] 789} 15, 001} 40; 195] 21, 824] 39, 483 (2) 10, 599) 12; 351| 28, 837| 35, 412 2, 975 3} 230/ 1,589} 219] 36 @) | @) 56| 131! -575| «681 ll} 10) 74}—~Ss6| = 852] B57 @) | @Q) 73 10; =—-555}_«‘1, O71 1,154} 295] 5,114} 1,644; 609] 974 2) | (@) | 2,248] 2)758) 3,133] 2,488 55| 59} 15,309} 7 555| 2,788 13, 254 2) | () | 23914) 133! 9/213] 8 548 133 2,446} 1,761] 417} 339 (2) | (3) 57; 830/985] 3,026 14, 098] 7,174] 26,098) 14,815} 5,818] 4,143 @) |. (3) | 123 205] 27,975] 11,394] 7; 458 856 418] 947) 2,456] 393] 1,337 @) | Q) 899] 2) 440] 1,469] 2) 609 304} 1,024] 582} 4878] 27062] 116 190| 1,111} 1,295) 3,357] 2,108] 1,461 0) (2) | 1,030) 2)2991 4° 063} 3,044 1, . te 4, 272 17} =-27|_~—s«479 €3) 4. (3) 1 ee 9 1 30; 4} 1,530; , 216, 836] 779) () | (2) 24 «= 241 156} +489 113| ‘19} 435] —s«265] 3S s3] Ss @) | (3) 1561 279 498 4) *. A al ol a a oe PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR. 975 TABLE 12.—AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO PRE- VAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. INDUSTRY. IN ESTABLISHMENTS WHERE THE PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK WERE— eer oe _—_— | eee ee | I I I OOOO Gold and. silver; reducing and | 1919 refining, not from the ore. 1914 Gepphites ground and refined.-..| 1919. 1914 Grease and tallow, not including | 1919 | lubricating greases. 1914 Grngstoneds «i ieaienb~--5.=.---| 1919 1914 FIMO okie aeons end. s- 1919 1914 Hairowoek. : -.cbGeces es... 282 1919 |, 1914 bab eho «ae a | s.r 1919 1914 Hand stamps.ieg.....hiz....- Jeo! 1919 1914 Hardware. .. .csia.0-- Jess <3 -- 452] 1919 1914 Hardware, saddlery....:........ 1919 1914 Hat and cap materials........... Be ghd 191 Hats and caps, other than felt, | 1919 straw, and wool, 1914 Hats; fartélt.Jzg...ckbut ..-- 224 1919 ; 1914 PIRGS SOFA Wiiet accuse ty Sisew. - alee: 1919 1914 Hats, wool-felticasu. 13-0... - Se 1919 1914 _ Hones and whetstones.. Beaaeas 1919 1914 Horseshoes, not aed in steel | 1919 works or rolling mills. 1914 House-furnishin ing goods, not else- | 1919 where specifi 1914 Ice, manufactured............... aby 191 Us PUMRGINE sidan cnc aboasceecoee 1919 , 1914 Tae WHID RS -c15ig 3 <= wh oe = 445 1919 14 Instruments, professional and | 1919 scientific. -| 1914 Iron and steel, blast furnaces. ... id 1 Tron and ae steel works and | 1919 rolling 1914 Tron and steel, bolts, nuts, wash- | 1919 ers, and rivets, not made in | 1914 rolling mills. Iron and steel, cast-iron pipe. - Pteoe 191 17, 967 10, 658, 12, 625 12) 557 3 3 @) | @ 10 138 74 950 @) | @) 251 1,691) 2,530] 4,642 @ | @ | 3 465 @) | @) | 124 1, 083 692 164 Da 80 5, 708 676 665 @) | @) 634 7, 037| 5,359; 3,670 @) | @) | 3,511 2,125 335| 1, 626 @) | 591 ISL ies. tar 166 @) | @) 18 @) | @). 4 Re chy Ua ag Od) sed 96 @) | @) 106 1,010} 517| 2,876 @ | @ 6 ae a 7| 4, 78 11} 1,321 @) | @) 61 375 182 @) | @) 30 3, 242| 502|- 6,712 @) | @) 563 1 ae eas 1, 453 (2) il 56, 099 8, 552) 54, 552 (2) |. (2) | 193972 986|...... 4,017 (?) (2) | 2,462 293). 2.2.2 1, 271 @y) V@y am 1 Includes 48 and under for 1914. 2Corresponding figures not available. 4, AT 14, 144 402 81 410| 447 13, 459} 3, 653 4,471| 7,512 1, 330| >’ 593 249} 306 658 9 399} 316 355] 123 4,258} 1,633 2,004} . 103 12)377| 3,615 23124} 695 1, 596| 1, 785) 202} 504 257| 554 40} 22 1 16 198} 69 16) 179 2,134 378 2,284 1,222 362} 1,720 58} 664 442} 142 405| 336 102} 36 273; 51 3,135| 1,802 1, 843| 2) 637 fis. 30 80] 1,551 12, 248] 13, 704 19, 084| 25, 565 3,178| . 801 168| 1,522 440)" 4,709 1, 303 a OT. pe as 65 OVALE 205 6 2 13,047} 3,483/...... 21,459, 4,279| 27 1,734 1Olz ay 1,634, 198)...... 403)... vishey.eti Sh7ic) 123i-3.-.- 2 i aes 728)... 69} 113. 333 4 uloulgy 1,560| 255|...... 394 pital 4 74lhion SFO Guu 390] BBleidows 219] 204lss..-- 132 16lsi. 391) occ Ohs Foe 378 Shicweu. 990)... 67 abi 823 93) 22 2,343} 871) 61 5,880] 4, 177/13, 105 2,181| 3,741|15, 819 Ti ae AR pe 497 92|-cc0. SA 57 on Phil 420| :118).....- 1,597) . 467|..0.2. 2,617| 8, 153)27, 936 13| 4, 474/23, 227 71, 876| 82, 232)75, 825 45, 996| 77, 820160, 279 8, 201). 647)» 137! 5,665, 84i\...... 3,208| 2,704|...... 3,026! 8,057!...... 976 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 12.—AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO PRE- | VAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. IN ESTABLISHMENTS WHERE THE PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK WERE— Cen- INDUSTRY. sus | Total. Be- Be- Be- year tween tween tween Over and 44 48.1 48 54 60 under. } and and and 5 48, 54. 60 Iron and steel, doors and shutters.| 1919 | 2,077 4321....5% 494 780 300 TUSHAR OHS. 2 ( I j Iron and steel, forgings, not made | 1919 | 28, 391). 1,541) 1,948) 6,505) 7,953} °2,294) 5,748) 2,311 91 in steel works or rolling mills. 1914 | 10,689 () (2) 1,339) 1,482] 2,268) 4,923 434| 243 Iron and steel, nails and spikes, | 1919 |. '3, 355 49}. oaicat 1, 294 982 207 381 ee cut and wrought, including | 1914 | 2,644) (3) (?) 481; 121 958 866 BLay TOF), wire nails, not made in stee . works or rolling mi Iron and steel, tempering and | 1919 | 1,835 135 16 447 448 294 389 105 1 welding. 3 ; Iron and steel, wrought pipe. --..| 1919 | 10,426} 2,563! 386 612) 1,855 46|. 3, 298) 1914| 8,845 @) | () 33] 71241 ~—608| 4,469 Ivory, shell, and bone work, not | 1919 842 26} 22 173 336 195 Wis sim cd sles nen including combs and hairpins. 1914 795) = (2) (2) 79 45 314 286)- Japanning......... sin steels < 5 ¢ 5 See 1919 295, 14 6 34 102 51 85]. 1914 228) (2) | (3) 19 67 14 83 JOWOUEY ozs ds. pach een eb 1919 | 30,871} 9,533} © 596] 12,635} 5,730/ 995] 1,363 1914 | 28,289] (2) | (2) | 33275) 5,041) 9,635]. 9,837 Jewelry and instrument cases....} 1919 | 2,734 _ 515| 170/ 926] ssi] . 146 83} 1914} 2,393) (4) (2) 111 674; 1,302 259 JULC BOOKS. 2. Ab acs sible ocvn ste 1919 | 7,138 529) 182) . 4,103 536} 1, 489)" © 298}: ; 1914 | 7,987) @) | @) 6 59| 6,153} 1,409 Knit goods. 2. eh. 2. A... EAs 1919 |172,572| 7,818] 4,701] 54,674] 46,149] 30,387] 23,909] 4,578] » 1914 |150,520/ (2) | (2) | 3/673| 7,860] 87,549] 34,260] 16/515 Labels and tags.......50......4 (22451919 5, 227 308}. 134 3. 364; 1,175 111)..-. 81} 54} 1914 es 600} (2) (?) *a74 1, 038 821 249 Lamps and reflectors............ 1919 | 8,360 377} 127) 1, 873) 4,523 453 972 1914] 7,134 (2) | (2) 413| 1,659] 1,658) 3,091 Lapidary work. ....42..../452] 1919] 1, 155 279} 250 505 103 6 $2 SSHA FR 1914 584, (2) | (3) 253) 241 46 rT Rh Seg Lard, not made in slaughtering | 1919 10: | as Oa 2 4 1 5 and meat-packing establish- | 1914 RY) ERS Ey Wl ithe | a PRES “eit yee 3 2 mantis * ' Lasts. ta... Gt 5. SBE 1919 | 2,910 3 59! 1,043 888 429 ABR OFA 1914 | 2,094; (2) (2) | 8 101; 1,066 804) . Lead, bar, pipe, and sheet........ 1919 52h. 5 CT ee 58 587 120 69 1914 585) (2) (2) 3 85 58 356) Leather goods, not elsewhere | 1919 | 8,945) 3,853} 661| 2,403] 1,468 218 222} specified. 1914] 7,071) @) | @) 511} 2,032} 2,287| 2,040 Leather, tanned, curried, and | 1919 | 72, 476] 2,505] 2,503| 28,393] 21,153] 7,617] 5,028 finished. 1914 | 55,936] (2) | (2) 909 3, 241] 10,355] 22,205 TAB oy) oceuned sccccs dete. ae 1919 | 11,405 27 4| 1,224] -’911) 1,456}. 1,149 1914 | 12,429) (2) (?) 220 237; 1,142) 1,750 Linen goods... 106.1. . S202. eee 19100, 1, S002 2.472.248 1,045 549 170 92 : 1914 | 3,567] (2) | (2) 90) det 1,616] 1,846 Liquors, distilled...............- 1919 | 1,380 Shes ace 631 34 191 183 i 1914 | 6,295) (2) (2) 775 243) 1,605 309 Liquéts malt. 2u..6t. SIS. ee 1919.| 34,259} 4,485} 248) 26,114 639} 1,400 576} 1914 | 62,070| (2) | (2) | 44/209] 2,258] 10,160| 2,154 Liquors, vinous... ST aa BEE wc SOLE 1919 | 1,011 3 | a a "342 43 350 26 1914} 2, 2921 (2) (2) . 104 68 252 424 1 Includes 48 and under for 1914. % Corresponding figures not available. 8 Included in “foundry and machine-shop products” in 1914. - PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR. 977 TABLE 12.—AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO PRE- VAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. IN ESTABLISHMENTS WHERE THE PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK WERE— 44 48, 4 | | | | | FE T_T! Pere eer 480, 945 479, 786 86, 956 96, 214 17, 440 15, 506 481 ) rs 13, 644 12) 622 321 101,476 12? 850 16,723 14, 173 15, 313 979 763 eereree 18, 176 10, 923 12) 625 11,349 11, 468 Be- tween 54 60. | Over and 60. 60. 16 ‘Li ees 20 yO Rea TRE 15, 589 82|...... amo See tae ee 611 18 3 1, 463) 1, 260 4 OTs octk thwect 177 75 6 36, 305/272, 774/11, 769 24, 638/355, 548164, 212 15,908] 12,710} 513 16,605) 28, 213 472 10, 259 9.1 Pee Die OO). sueae 27 287 140 116 2,984, 2,532} 184 4,764} 8,198]. 679 624 AB \ oP Pet « 718 7) as PSE Korea 65 hi tee hs 606 tt) Peers 2,557| 479]... 3,186]. 2,572 8 1, 159 84) 113 5,368} .1, O88 17 1,131]: 4,183}, 234 1,236] 7,343)... 222 1,513] 8,465) 7 699] 3,199} 346 186 yy | eee 862 2, 01 ae 319 103 1 1,057] , 180 2 ies tc Peak © 1 BA 4, 404 66 2 GClpeeee 2. 1 RSS 230 OSl. sareatd 391) i 449 117) nscr'2 506 320(<. ie 698 O35kciee 1,355} 4801...... 4,320} 1,965]. 270 717 193)\.S8tes 1,480} 914]. ..... 3,992 Ss | 3,206] 764)....02 D1 SSL wee 251 B86) ope2e's ja 3) pee ee Sl | So 4 LOB) 5 3.0002 2 Exclusive of ‘‘ pulpwood ’’; not shown as a separate classification in 1919. 4 Tncluded in ‘foundry and machine-shop products ”’ in 1914. 5 Included in “‘ all other industries ”’ in 1914. Cen- INDUSTRY. sus 7 year. Tyithoeraphing oh. ... age... beet. 1919 re 21 ' 1914 Locomotives, not made by rail- | 1919 road companies. 1914 Looking-glassand picture frames. Wi Lubricating greases. ............. 1919 1914 Lumber and timber products ?.. Te 191 Lumber, planing-mill products, | 1919 not including’ planing mills | 1914 connected with sawmills. Machine;tools 4. .....4ai.....222. 1919 Maleuiger 2 Odea. ee 1919 l ‘19144 Marble and stone WOME 5 cos beds aa or | 191 (US Cag at aan aaa ae 1919 1914 Matsand matting, from cocoa | 1919 fiber, grass, and coir. 1914 Mattresses and spring beds, not | 1919 elsewhere specified. 914 Millinery and lace goods, not | 1919 elsewhere specified. 1914 DUMISCOMOS! SOS. o. GE code. 1919 Mineral and soda waters.......-- 1919 — 1914 Minerals and earths, ground or | 1919 otherwise treated. 1914 Mirrors, framed and unframed, ; 1919 not elsewhere specified. 1914 Models and patterns, notinclud- | 1919 ing paper patterns. 1914 Motorcycles, bicycles, and parts.| 1919 , 1914 Mucilage, paste, and other adhe- | 1919 sives, not elsewhere specified .| 1914 Musical instruments and mate- | 1919 rials, not elsewhere specified. 1914 Musical instruments, organs. .... i919 1 Musical instruments, pianos..... 1919 “i 1914 Musical instruments, piano and | 1919 organ materials. 1914 Needles, pins, and hooks and | 1919 eyes. 1914 Wets and seines.............4.... 1919 1914 ce ps Ay UR SET ae aoe 1919 : 1914 ~1 Includes 48 and under for 1914. 3 Corresponding figures not available. 75108 °—23 62 978 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 12.—AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO PRE- VAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. IN ESTABLISHMENTS WHERE THE PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK WERE— Cen- INDUSTRY. sus | Total year \ Oil and cake, cottonseed.-......- 1919 | 26,766 % : 1914 } 21,810 Offvesgential. 3 el702. Coe. ce 1919 321 1914 249 OLS traseed : Clee. Sn thee neteee 1919 | 2,173 1914 | 1,488 Oil, not elsewhere specified 3....} 1919 | 5,930 1914 | 2,049 Oilcloth and linoleum, floor-.-.. - 1919 | 5,414 1914 | 4,428 Oilcloth, enameled............-.-- 1919 | 1,130 , 1914 | 1,223 ' Oleomargarine and other butter | 1919 |. 2,851 substitutes. 1914 917 Optical goodsi2se... 2 Pk area 1919 | 14,723 1914 | 7,919 Ordnance and accessories 4.....-. 1919 | 11,328 Panta vert. pee oe 1919 | 17,485 1914 | 13,349 Paper and wood pulp.......----- 1919 {113,759 1914 | 88,457 1919 | 14,135 Paper goods, not elsewhere speci- fied. 1914 | 18, 495 Paper pattérmses sy. 220 4 JP oe: 1919 403 1914 | 1,073 Patent medicines and com- | 1919 | 17,444 Rf pounds. 1914 | 13,328 Paving materials. .-..2......-.-- 1919 | 16,072 nh 1914 | 19,540 é Peanuts, grading, roasting, clean-| 1919 | 2, 460 4 ing, and shelling. 1914} 2,353 . Pencils; lead: 2: 093h. 8 oo eee = 1919 | 5,970 1914 | 4,330 4 Pens, fountain and stylographic..; 1919 | 3,207 | 1914 | 1,154 4 Pens, gold... .Vet..; 0%... be. 1919 | 416 ¢ 1914] 246 2 Pens, steel. [8 ee sate 1919 807 1914 573 Perfumery and cosmetics........ 1919 | 5,405 1914 | 2,897 Petroleum, refining.............- 1919 | 58, 889 1914 | 25,366 Phonographs and graphophones.| 1919 | 28,721 a a ie eee re ae ee ae 1914 | 9,381 Photo-engraving .-...- ae ip SY 1919 | 6,769 1914 | 6,211 Photographic apparatus. ........ 1919 | 2,555 1914 | 2,016 Photographic materials.......... 1919 | 14, 556 1914 | 6,658 Pickles, preserves, and sauces....| 1919 | 16, 621 : 1914 | 12, 590 Pipes, SOWACCY. tae y+ kp xs Ch eee ee 1919 | 2,539 19141 2,354 1 Includes 48 and under for 1914. 2 ae hie ater a figures not Pi opener 3 Includes “‘ oil, castor’’ and “ oil, lard, not made in slaughtering and meat-packing establishments.”’ 4 Included in ‘all other industries ’’ in 1914. 4 ¥ PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR. 979 TABLE 12.—AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO PRE- VAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. wee é aoe Cer- | INDUSTRY. _ su.}| Total Be- Be- Be- year. 44 |tween tween tween and 44 48.1 48 54. 54 60. | Over under.}. and and and 60. 48, 54. 60. Pintaicwares is soe Pt 1919 | 9,492 21) 15/' 861) 3,547/ 149] 4,690! 209]... ... 1914} 8,717|| (2) (2) 579} 1,934] 1,199) 4, 297 TORE. caso Plumbers’ supplies, not else- | 1919 | 13, 592)/ 1,048} 78] 3,113] 4,264; 2,831] 2°098] 160)...... where specified. 1914 | 18,479 (2) (2) 2,509) 2,093) 7,800) 3,539). 2,538|...... Pocketbooks.iv). sii c25.. ca. 1919} 2,905]; 1,555} 101 554 419 29 WMT Feb cases es . 1914 | 1) 466]] @) | (2) Bie O75) ORS B74 Bl PLM Vee ete hc .. o. oe. 1919 | 27,934/| 2,320) 752) 3,996] 10,840) 6,320} 2,385) 1,321|...... 1914 | 26,705] (@) | (@) | 6,207} 6,846! 8/860] 2142] 2/5821” 68 Poultry, killingand dressing, not | 1919 | - 2,140 48 34 168 47 360 61) 1,350 72 done in slaughtering and meat- | 1914 | 1,353)} (2) (2) 21 34 196 7 959} = 136 packing establishments. Printing and publishing, book | 1919 |123,005)/ 8,500} 2,927] 98, 259] 10, 453) 2, 048 467 241} 110 and job. ‘ 1914 /113, 121 (2) (7) | 80,023} 19,145) 12,093} 1, 293 549 18 Printing and publishing, music. .| 1919 899 Foi. oe 864 14 1 a 1914 873]| (2) (2) 95 676 60 39 eee Printing and publishing, news- | 1919 |120, 381] 12,573) 4,689 83, 406) 6,074) 7,643) 4,225) 1,497] 274 papers and periodicals. 1914 |114, 375 (2) (2) | 80,180} 7,977] 17,057} 5,139, 3,765} 307 Printing materials... -...:....-.- 1919 723 73 22 194 350 4 pee ae Beimaleasgs 1914 423]| (2) (2) 105 69 181 61 i aes see Pulp, “from fiber other than | 1919 OA iit, Ol sdae le. Meu cit ec lee oho ds ene eel 26 33 wood.3 PUN PONE Ge 5. ae a ota ae 1919 | 3,041 41 319 616} 1,410 383 252) st 1914 |} 1,654/} (2) (2) bd a ad 380 753 187; 213 Pumps, not including power | 1919 | 5,384 619} 301 396} 1, 133 309) 2,474 152) one pumps. 1914 | 2,134} () (2) 147 101 277| 1,270 GOUl. abe a Pumps, steam and other power...| 1919 | 10,688 431 22) 2,550} 4,060 941} 2,200 356] 128 1914 | 6,188]| (2) | (2) 183] 848} 2,952} 2.053} 152/...... Refrigerators . 3503. o 5.8 ee 1919 | 5,786 220 39} 1,268) 2,070} 602) 1,355 232|....52 1914 | 5,617} @) | @ 270} —517| "1, 166} 1,984] 1,680)... ... Regalia, and society badges and | 1919 | 2,223 248) 147 379} 1,211 16 p17 4 apie aN al ER emblems. 1914) 2,010)} (2) (?) 312 480) 1,068 139 1 We ies Rice, cleaning and polishing .-.... 1919 |; 2,113]} - 42)... POS ees 3 89 74 848} 959 ‘ 1914 | 1,253)/ (2) (2) 28 18 6 7 40} 1,154 Roofing materials.............-.. 1919 | 8,871|| 553; 17] 3,265) 766} += 116] 2,089] 897] 1, 168 1914 | 4,088] (?) (2) 561 142 921 945) 1,172) 347 Rubber tires, tubes, and rubber | 1919 /119, 848] 3, 385/25, 172] 49, 828 18,391} 1,185} 19,352) 2, 535)...... goods, not elsewhere specified. | 1914 | 50, 220 () (2) 3,216) 9,621} 8,019) 25,427; 3,548) 389 Rules, ivory and wood........... 1919 FOR. 2. ss ep bods sue 6 (pi Ba pires OM ote cc retwekh es 1914 AUST Sera Shona ahah iace 1 313 83 Le Spe Saddlery and harness............ 1919 | 10, 411 110; 140) 3,050} 1,693) 1,932) 2,138] 1,333 15 : 1914 | 12,969)| () (2) 46 598} 4,040) 4,518) 3,323 26 Safesiand vaulte.. “nc. 22. 1919 | 2,949 29| 365 474 388 92} 1,597 rea 1914} 2,972)| (2) (2) 213 295 522) 1,844 SNe Balt cee oor aw a 1919 | 6,495 12). 1,291 547; 1,021) 1,470) 1,416) 736 1914 | 5,089} (2) (2) 340)....... 772 792; 2,538] 647 Sand and emery paper and cloth.} 1919 ve EN ES ee Pee 185 422 49 ALB) newton toe cee 1914 ThA GREG ae Fy Sai BR 165 30 117 369} ...... Sand-lime brick... .............. 1919 004) |P.eee D2) oS. 25 37 48 85 66 208) uae 3 1914 557)} (2) (2) pS Be ae 111 10 326 29 Sausage, not made in slaughter- | 1919 | 3,471 386; 372] 1,561 431 284 129 272 36 ing and meat-packing estab- | 1914 | 2,244)) (2) (2) 190 169 546 267} 1,001 71 lishments. ‘ 1 Includes 48 and under for 1914. 2 Corresponding figures not available. 8 Included in ‘‘all other industries”’ in 1914 IN ESTABLISHMENTS WHERE THE PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK WERE— 980 ABSTRACT OF. THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TaBLE 12.—AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO PRE- VAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. : a INDUSTRY. Total. IN ESTABLISHMENTS WH&RE THE PREVAILING HOURS ~ OF LABOR PER WEEK WERE— 54. = i, ns | en (a) / ee \ oe Se fe el BOW See Pt kt wins Ge iw cate bale Bee Scales and balances. ............. Screws, machine......2.52......-- Screws wood 24 2s oS eS ee oe Sewing-machine cases.......... Sewing machines and attach- ments. Shipbuilding, steel... 00.52.55. Shipbuilding, wooden, including boat building. Shirts .Pavect ae scbwees a a ee Show. €ases.si6 2.2. ayy we eee Signs and advertising novelties. . Silk goods, including throwsters. Silversmithing and silverware. . - Slaughtering and meat packing. . Smelting and refining, copper.:.. Smelting and refining, lead...... Smelting and refining, zinc...... Smelting and refining, metals, not elsewhere specified. 3 Smelting and refining, not from the ore. Soda-water apparatus........... Sporting and athletic goods. ..... Springs, steel, car and carriage, not made in steel works or rolling mills. Stamped and enameled ware, not elsewhere specified. Stationery goods, not elsewhere specified. 1 Includes 48 and under for 1914. 2 Corresponding figures not available. 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 Bi fa 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 39; 603 51, 972 1, 857 2) 257 10, 432 9, 566 160, 996 98; 832 17, 345 17,731 6, 438 7, 385 13,796 9,617 2,041 Be- {| © 44. |tween i oon and | 44 | 481 | 48 under.| and and 48. 5A. 136] 52| 378! 2,969 (?) (?) 967, 221 31 1,753) 1,211 @) | @) 48| 549 36| 2,466} 1,342) 3,057 (2) | @) | 1,028] ~~ 80 “GTO Bie a 2 ee P@enee rune He Te 8 (@) 7p @) 61 2,136] 30] «540! 10,376 (@) | (@) | 499) 9,232 246, 866] 4,635] 89,901} ” 583 (2) | (2) | 11,928] 6,861] 12,943] 75] 26,221] 1,455 @) | @) | 2802) 7777 9,965) 4,824] 9° 148} 9,966 @) | @) | 4,051) 12, 562 Deal 1 437| 488 @) | 7@) 116] 277 1,572| °352| 4,366] 2,640 @) | @) | 2)568|' 3,097 31,619] 2,909] 26, 154] 47, 286 @) | (@) | 13169] 47916 tase 2 406| 3,646 Oy. 76| 970 4,791] 1, 859/128, 795] 5, 856 @) | @) | 4728] 3,263 es be ap: 3,500] 9 @) | @) 336| 2,225 it Pein 1,002] 397 (?) (?) fy peaie 160|...... 2,387] 395 OF. 1 -@) 447| 3,902 ie ape 9311 340| 912 24| 13] 263, 510 (?) (?) 42 8 2.456} 832] 9,667] 4,474 @) | @) | 1,027] 3,446 118} | 7| 442! 1,796 (?) (?) 390) 225 198 1,857| 1,427 i) ail Bes. Ge 226| 1,573 694} 154] 2,182] 2,256 @)- | @) 478)” 477 929} 332} 8, 981} 11, 167 (?) | (@) | 2,627] 38,864 675] °354| 5,249! 3) 634 @) | @) gsi! 1,618 14, 241 56, 632 313 2, 449 3 Included in other classifications prior to 1919 and covers “‘smelting and refining, antimony” and “smelting and refining, tin’? which could not be shown separately in 1919. j t - q } F f i |: Oe a cr a? Se ee oe TABLE 12 PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR. VAIL 981 ~AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO PRE- G HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. IN ESTABLISHMENTS WHERE THE PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WREK WERE— Statuary and art goods.......2.. Steam fitfings and steam and hot- water heating apparatus. Steel barrels, drums, and tanks 3. * Stencils ahd brands.|...... O Leah Stereotyping and electrotyping. s Stoves and hot-air furnaces ie ae Stoves, gas and Oil....2,.......-. Structural ironwork not made in » steel works or rolling mills, Ve em ae w eee e wen eee scene ‘ et __beet sugar. Sulphuric, nitric, and mixed acids Surgical appliances. ...2.....2... Sugar, refining, not: including Suspenders, garters, and elastic woven goods. Textile machinery and parts %.... Theatrical scenery ....0.......... Tin, and other foils, not else- where specified. Tin plate and terneplate....- gals Tinware, not elsewhere specified . Tobacco, chewing and smoking, and snuff, {1 Tobacco, cigars and cigarettes. ... Tools, not elsewhere specified... Toys and games...... Oh... 108. Trunks and valises...:....--:02. Turpentine and rosin............ Total. Be- 44 |tween and 44 under.| and 48. 48.1 aa RRS Veneer eee _—_—_—_—_——_—|——————| | ————- | | Sf ——————— | |_—__.. 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919" 1914 1919: 1914 1919 1914 34,817 Se es ee es 1,112 @) 7,336) 445 @ 1-@) 1 Includes 48 and under for 1914. 2 Corresponding figures not available. 8 Included in “‘ foundry and machine-shop products ’’ in 1914. 604 25, 733 44) 969 5, 766 2) 202 41, 976 19, 365 12, 257 3, 455 Fai 5 ween BA. 54 | 60. af 0a and r 60. 339 47 33 1 382 144 DORE nrg: 4,378] 1,450; 446-0 3,810| 7,203| 9,703|...... 241) 1,396] 1,933] | 167 756]. 1,558]. 394}, 223 414 614 a help el 18 Be wag icles ee 72 27 be} atl peed eA er yp MRA at FAM, 222 6 1 9 ain 8,569] 3,529] 1,632]...... 11, 182} 7,549} °4,801]...... 785 a Ramesy Wd ae. 1, 401} © 2,379] 1,111)..-... 10,730) 9,276]. 1,096]...... 13, 905] 19, 523] 3,610|...... 107) 1,742 1, 213) 8, 512 180 108} 2,558 5, 151 19} 553} 501] 3, 634 82 14] 395} 3,139 ee eae 6, 024). 5, 904 pbeiia 1,498] 3,055] 5, 495 Latics 1,454, 198] 693 229 3791 490} 1, 955 114 273 1) Pe 878] 2,249| 196]... 2. 455 31 Ns 2,440; 4,391) “180).-_ 6. 1,608] 4,692) 1,130]...... 1 Sclse bok Lae eeGlieee Bee 2, 657 5,814} 4,635" 465) 5 8975} 8,023} 2,811] 95 1, 653) -4, 384] 446): 0612 4’ 952| 16,478] 1,582) 16 30, 872|° 9,373] 2,455] 409 46, 856| 30,936] 8,392} 2,374 4,362]. -9,761)° 9551-2222. 2519| 7,936, 754)...... 1,497]. 3,102}° °° 177] 130 2,619} 3,304, 578|....-. 1,482| 1,741] 139 5 2)498| 3,566] 1,756] °36 4,430| 508) 9,098} 35 982 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 12.—AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO fare VAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued sss eee IN ESTABLISHMENTS WHERE THE PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK WERE— Cen- INDUSTRY. sus | Total. at Be- year ween tween and 44 48 60. = a under.| and 5 48. Type founding. .-...22....-252..| 1919 810 4) ab. | 146)! |. .612)..---4308 Seine 2s 1914 | 1,054} (2) (2) Qi | 736, ; 263). sO en ae Typewriters and supplies. ......: 1919 | 15; 669 294 : 4 eee 1914 | 11, 091)|- (2) (?) 588 i eee Umbrellas and.canes;.?....2:... 1919 | 3,368) . 404; 104) | 440 ile | 1914} 4,792)) (2) | () 538 en Upholstering materials, not else- | 1919 | 4,810 53} 527) 2, 003 6437.20 where specified. 1914 | 4,426| (2) (?) 130 1, 825 91 Varnishes 222 ite. 5... iat. on aoe 1919 | 4,022 289; 410) | 762 2 Se 1914 | 2,734!) (2) (2) 340 278} ~-10 Vault lights and ventilators ..... 1919 316 136 Oy: OG oO MB ee 914 601); (2) (2) 205 $e Vinegar and cider. . co. . 3.3 sae. 1919 | 1, 981 32 4) °° ' 349 1914] 1,229 2) (2). | 76 Wall paper, not made in paper | 1919 4, 262 SOL. - | 306 ~95 mills. 1914 | 4,738]| (2) (2) : 59 2,314 Wall plaster and composition | 1919| 5,123]| 220] | 2)-1,685 1, 608 flooring. 1914 | 5,389]| (2) (2) 127 2,895}: Washing machines and clothes | 1919 5, 956 723). OS 928 wringers. 1914 | 2,302)! (2) (2) 107) Af Pn NR ee 1919 | 2,686 210 5 536 1914 | 2,966)! (2) (2) 50 Watch and clock materials, ex- | 1919 582 77| 159 188} |. 181} . 29)! a: 18 eee cept watch cases. 1914 670} (2) (?) “A , ad) 44) Watehcases. - yng? . cae iid. 1919 | 3,900 126}. J sis) 2, 574 4 RS ee 1914} 3,514]; (2) (2) 481 ; Watches ou iaue yuu cae 1919 | 15,888|/ 3,779]. ..02. 6, 2721. 5,147]. ch COL wad iss BA 3 Ee Bis «1 on a a? RS Se Pa ee Se Wheelbarrows isa... iuidn dss Gs. 1919 QOR: 2. e FSS dee 8 1914 323|| (2) (2) 1 Whips... 12 sedctiete slat ecitecs ot Lolo 717 12 4) | 874! 263b. 2° Gh ge Se 1914} 1,163)} (2) (2) ‘Yo ee Windmills S725 55222 sy epee e1 10t8l © psoas |: Lege 59 1914] 1,955); (2) (2) 1 Window and door screens and | 1919 2,179 80 55 412 weather strips. 1914 | 3,194! (2) (2) 160) Window shades and fixtures... .. 1919 | 4,411 325; 110 533 1914 | 4,077|} (2) (2) 946 Wile: cag... daguck clay oe ee. 1919 | 19, 741 98 53 768 3,447) 2,354 1914 | 17,600)} (2) (2) 669 6,824; — Wirewors/inehading wire rope | 1919 | 15,224 §37| 1,221) 2,365). ‘e4' oa e, not elsewhere speci- | 1914 | 12,126} (2) (2) 410 2, ed. Wood distillation... sss. 2...022. 1919 | 4,946 10 10}... 717 2D, 1914] 2,782|| (2) (y TOSEL L572. I, Wood preserving. #......-2..20% LP LStOF 23, O78). eek 1.8 ey ee 738 iad 1914} 2,830)} (2) | (2)> AT 2, Wood, turned and carved........} 1919 | 10,649 347 51 509 rig @ 1914 | 11,615]} (2). | (2) 1). 294 4, 1 Tncludes 48 and under for 1914. 2 Corresponding figures not available. en ——* PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR. 983 TaBLy 12.—_AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO PRE- VAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. IN ESTABLISHMENTS WHERE THE PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK WERE— Cen- INDUSTRY. sus | Total. Be- Be- Be- year. 44 \tween tween tween O and | 44 | 48.1] 48 54. | 54 60. eg under.| and and and 4 48. 54. : 60. 1914 | 6,418), (@) | (2) 297|°. 387 2905] 1,994|...... Wool pulliig.¢ 21220522 1919 705 19/000: 235 59] 144} =~ :220 Bales 1914| 70s/| @) | (2) 125 12) 151]. eae e267ps 22) ‘Wool scouring-...........-.....- 1919 | 2,177 eR 484°. 121) 638). oe776}e 147)... oe Arete 1014 Pe Bool 8). ee CL. eae ote 190} 516] 353)/.....- Wool shoddy ..........2-.---.--- 1919 | 2,566], 153/......| 617} 275} 261, +590} += 401)—-269 ene) LB aod 1914 |. 23145) @) |) a ey | 516] 4981-731) 393 Woolen goods...........--2..--5- 1919 | 62,957|| | 568! 369] 36,781| 4,773] 10,993} 7,607] 1,866|...... en GUE, ia BAS 1914 | 49,165|| (2) | (2) | 1,062} — 634) 14,010] 26,378] 7,033] 48 ‘Worsted goods.......-....--.---- 1919 |103, 830 24| 9, 595| 77,598] 7,007] 6,944] 2°328)....... 334 Beh ee | eh el 1974 [109,527||00 iP ieh aied 1, 589) 74,295] 30, 550| 3, 093]...... All other industries? ............ 1919 99 “MOA ake Hi ie) (7s Ae Oa aa | 1914 523|| (2) | (2) P| ae Te Bi A Raa eae 5| 36 1 Includes 48 and under for 1914. i Rorresnonding Agures not available. ; ‘ 8 Comprises in 1919, ‘“‘straw goods, not elsewhere specified,”’ 1 establishment; ‘‘whalebone cutting,’’ 1; “ dt Bren EF 1 150 S|) 11S pire eet PPOSo1 651 | 87 988 wm Cob _ TOTAL. ; INDUSTRY. Wage Wii cick pe average ments. | jumber). Cars, steam-railroad, not including 99°) 52, 298 ao pt ofrailroad companies. Cash registers and calculating machines. 65 | 16,544 Gemanit,..i> cused a Op oe mas Creme oe 123 | 25, 524 Charcoal, not including production in 41 209 lumber and wood distillation in- dustries. Cheese sc sire eee tee eet 3, 530 3, 997 Chemicals stout eke et cor ey ett tt 598.| - 55, 586 Chewing gum-..........-:-- apse betes 62 3, 190 China decorating, not including that 43 2 done in potteries. Chocolate and cocoa products. ......-.- 48 9, 083 Cleansing and polishing preparations...| 499 1, 955 AS Lak: ee IRON, i oh 5 a a he 46 8, 252 Cloth, sponging and refinishing. -....... 67 1, 206 Olothing, horse..is 7i3 2252 ees) eee 28 766 Glothing,-ien’s:; =352.13 2225.5 2-va-pesee 5,258 | 175, 270 Clothing, men’s, buttonholes..........- 107 484 Olothing, SVOMeN << 5c cac -Midice teva « 7,711 | 165, 649 Ooaltarsproducts..22 2221220 S7oo 07 Cece 183 | 15, 663 Coffee and spice, roasting and grinding... 794 10, 540 Coffins, burial cases, and undertakers’ 351 | 11, 890 oods. Coke, not including gas-house coke...... 278 | 29, 319 Collars and cuffs, men’s........-/-...:- 39 | 11, 103 | Combs and hairpins, not made from 45 2, 229 metal or rubber. Condensed: mile): os 2.5). beset 401} 18,675 Confectionery and ice cream.......-.::- 6,624 | - 95,648 COO PET Agee ceca aad sae bot 3) ARG EN 1,099 | 13,219 Copper, tin, and sheet-iron work....... 4,796 | 27,640 Cordage-and twine: ......:--..0--22222- 120] -17, 622 Cordials and flavoring sirups....----.-- 149 1,398 Oork ; CirtipOR 3751 cans te «- -+ oe <5 deann 62 3, 545 GCorsots.c dete sed eee Sint bes os seen oe 188 18; 415 Cotton podde. sete tenth i enema 1,288 | 430, 966 Cotton tacate deers feces beet loa oes hs 44 6, 49 Cotton sinallwrres ose ne | 164 9, 396 ELUCIDIOS-E Por eee tes cae se tomate 22 848 Cutlery and edge tools. :--.....--.--.--- 304 19; 859 Dairymen’s, poultrymen’s, and apia- 244 6, 437 rists’ supplies. ; Dentel-roodsi.2t. Fetes ues oeteciteses fe 319 5, 224 Drug grinding. cs vie vaesach eee ed- teens 31 1,347 Druggists’ preparations.......-..--..--- 524 15, 568 Dyeing and finishing textiles, exclusive 628 55, 985 of that done in textile mills. Dyestufis and extracts—natural........ 144 4,342 Electrical machinery, apparatus, and | 1,404 | ‘212,374 supplies. : Hloctrupletaagas isso 25 cc eeben eters neces ~ 515 3, 024 Emery and other abrasive wheels: -..., 60 5, 601 Brame ood. . oto eae ataeskeaeeee 74 694 Engines, steam, gas, and water......-..- 370 77, 617 Engravers’ materials. .... 2.0... 0.--..-% 21 17 Engraving and diesinking.........-.--- 478 1, 878 Engraving, steel and copper plate, in- 421 7,014 cluding plate printing. . Engraving, W00d.sentdocn eb aegn-seme 5 by 50 5, 767 PPCALINS fa micas, ons Sere babe ennc donne v= 26 11, 287 Fire extinguishers, chemical..........-. 32 ray Fireworks......... pa b coer hen Tsai ¥ 57 1, 222 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 14.—SIZE OF ESTABLISHMENTS, BY AVERAGE ESTABLISHMENTS EMPLOYING— 1to5 © wage earners, inchisive. Estab-| Estab-, lish- ments. we eetccfiicece desl anes eee. seen eee lish- ments. ma) t- Wage earners 6 to 20° wage earners, inclusive.’ Wage lish... earners. ments. 9B ae ee te 7 aay a | ESTABLISHMENTS ACCORDING TO. SIZE. 989 NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS, FOR INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. ESTABLISHMENTS EMPLOYING—continued. 21 to 50 51 to 100 101 to 250 251 to 500 501 to 1,000 Over 1.000 wage earners, | wage earners, | wage earners, wage earners, | wage earners, eee inclusive. inclusive. inclusive. ificlusive. inclusive. Wee Sere Es- Es- Es- Tish. ‘| Wage" tebe || Wage’ | Est#b-| wage | tab-| Wage | tab-| Wage | tab-| Wage earners. earners. | lish- | earners. | lish- | earners. | lish- | earners. earners. ments. ments. menis. ments ee merits " 10 321 14} 1,026 22 3, 724 |) Al 4,405| 19] 12,947] 14 29,781 | 1 ) 8 265 6 435 7 1,004 6 2, 306 2 1,190 2 11,136 | 2 z 7 302 25] 2,091 56 9,694} 19 6, 951 4 3, 160 2 3,246 | 3 Ve 2 OTe reane rs Dowie eR oak Wie tea le cere olen tld ates Le cell whee bineae t 4 ¥ 10 341 2 ee PM ee Oe tm ee. at al coshct] «cee ca an ahamiegs eine mameceetes 5 x 121 | 3,851 50] 3,703 47 7,209 | 18 6,300! 17] 11,619} 41 20,475 | 6 ta 15 469 28 6 899 1 4 1 wet be dings Ginnie Eo 7 i ARE UA es MR LNG KE SE TLS ota Fg Ee rhe ge peaeiel A Seg) Blea in 8 ¥ 10 355 8 543 8 1, 143 6 2,086 4 2,958 1 1,932 | 9 4 5 153 3 195 4 EN deri | aN laa Sy vie ape dee Rah ih Ay siglo) se tA Sa 10 ] 4 134 4 311 5 773 1 483 4 2,729 2 3,722 | 11 S 19 584 2 MBE Gee, ib cadres. |] te Ged tb < tos eg Che 5 Satins bee Rremteenchs mantestale ett one 4 12 i, 179 1 72 1 115 1 Fg. MIN, a4 bose apa yo pation” BH push 13 ; 1,011 | 32,817] ~419| 29, oa 205} 31,833} 59 | 20,205] 28] 19,325 8 17, 111 | 14 My Ost ah Nectar a ste claovcrs clea lin as. ceitcin ey hinchee tadin Winienl oterns Sete EPS 15 | | 1,649 | 52,625] 483} 33,390] 176| 25,907] 16 5, 524 4 a3 hed rare re 16 Z| 922 23] 1,632 12 2, 051 4 1, 306 6 3, 862 2 5,003 | 17 | 69 | 2,121 29| 2,136 14 2,373 3 BOS ie ee rd ee eat 18 73 273 | 2,489 44| 3,041 18 2, 682 5 1,735 1 BA ei alan aap eeiy 3 19 fae 56] 1,906 35| 2,574 44 6,965] 19 7,076 5 3,017 5 6, 818 | 20 = 107 7 5 4 693 2 673 3 1, 887 2 7,101 | 21 By 12 436 12 869 6 OIG BR 8 PM adele as Seed soe eget eel Rae dared Pane Sas 22 s 97 | 3,458 82| 5,642 23 YTS AU a Yd Fiege Gr apie © Rae § Pacey ears Boise 23 f 410 | 13,207 |, 192 | 13,752] 135] 21,649] 37] 12,615) 17) 11,635 3 8, 821 | 24 66 | 2,108 47 | . 3,122 20 2, 967 4 1, 227 1 Cit hee eee oe 25 b 187 | (5,774 44 3,019 19 2, 636 2 WEA oe Ee ac Cou bles oe cs 26 a 281 1,003 20] 1,503 23 3,340 | 12 3, 960 4 2, 834 3 4,676 | 27 4 3 183 3 SE Me Bel 2 ROR Retail ey ctpehe! | petaemiaieens Ppguemte fpini yoko 28 is 12 413 6 379 3 357 4 1, 405 1 S08 1S eee 29 ; . 28 902 21| 1,540 32 5,009 | 11 3, 868 6 4,249 1 2, 330 | 30 118 | 4,177} 1 13,689 | 417| 68,584| 218] 77,463 | 152) 104,961) 91} 160,976 | 31 . 7 256 10 730 8 1, 203 5 2, 123 3 Ars GOT Con le = By 32 ‘ 38 | 1,249 27| 1,984 13 1, 956 5 1,785 2 Pe 7 babel bee yee 33 4 5| 7158| |°3| | <228] °<3 : I sa Ba RI RN Ng nate Os, nt 34 le 48 | 1,645 34| 2,420 30 4,221| 18 6, O11 4 2, 702 1 1, 863 | 35 id 29) | 957] . 1 808 8|\ 1,266) .2 638 | 1 795 | 1 1, 143 | 36 ; 28 964 4 265 6 953 2 812 1 ORS 1: Ser Coes 37 : 9 289 1 71 2 cee ALP, Sher BN gee se 1 iy. | Met eal eS Se 38 f 46 | 1,509 22| 1,569 8 1,308 8 2.951 |,> 2 1, 269 3 5, 115 | 39 y 141 | 4,662 69] 5,010 68 | 10,264] 29] 10,330} 19] 12,534 7 10,707 | 40 A’ 15 510 18| 1,268 13 1, 836 1 4 wl amide a ecpaprh S a parnpigse pe? rie neg 4t x 212} 7,220] 117.) 8,539| .147| 23,862| 80}. 27,812} 38] 25,947) 37) 118,695 | 42 ¢ 29| 821 1 a a Gy an Cd 9 UB Ree a baeegole caeatee 4 SRLS wed Be 43 ie 7 234 446 6 BA ToL Al). A eat basibat Eenesaaoks 2 3, 862 | 44 ‘ 4] | 2206 1 a2 1 MA (hee |. ch ect tlh ogtel ceettned| 6: talel howe sane 45 ae 55{ 1, pas 50| 3,617 641 10,212] ° 22 7, 832.| 23 | 16,990| 16 36, 074 ° 3 an tone Rrra, eee nt fd tol cae dilews esgic sun[u t noqh ae wetibee «ol 4 4 149 1 100 1 161 1 7 ROGER eT EME Mine 48 ' 38 | 1,151 14 919 9 1, 183 1 DOS Visiouativtnen och a8 1 1,357 | 49 3 1 B4 figs 2.) <4 ieee. 1 eae RE RR REE fata Dalat ag yeh co ay nton apm regi 50 27 858 20| 1,485 21 3, 459 3 860 2 TAU Ear nai enin cere a 51 25 910 15 | 1,047 17 2, 729 4 1,393 2 1, 582 1 1, 297 | 52 99 | 3,208 29 | 1,993 24 3, 793 6 BETO a ose ebsta stnaala canis stk 53 37 | \1, 228 14 918 2 a i Pay ae eine «eg 6, ellos and gg llores pot rin ae h 54 10 386 18 |>| 1,383 12 1, 907 4 TRA ely acter tenia tte beaine’s 4a 55 10| 341 6 375 4 458 3 Fie ap Twp we flialiaadtats fit patil Ba Rgehag cl 9 56 111 | 3,946 79| 5,705 1 9,420] 12 3, 860 2 TAN, sae] Asus cael 57 7| »246 4 325 3 TES RAR Ron eee Gh wine! 3, 038 1 1, 439 | 58 4 146 2 194 3 580 2 582 5 3, 595 3 6, 139 | 59 a 4 129 3 BB. live cocelde Aateowss 1 cl ae ae at CRepeneietey 94 cpap hy reamebetene? 60 sa 8 _ 269 i ® 275 3 491 |... o.w SIG. db side Lee e Sep Se aes Lula © o~ tts eet 16 990 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 14.—SIZE OF ESTABLISHMENTS, BY AVERAGE ESTABLISHMENTS EMPLOYING— Le as age aes 6 to 20 - earn- | “age earners, | wage earners, Aare. ere. Inclusive. inclusive. Estab-| .vV 98 || Hstab-| Estab-| yao lish- (average lish- | lish: Fant ments number). ments.| ments. ments 15] ‘Mlags and-bannersete. doe i Pen 19 1, 065 10 31 78 21 Figvoring extracts (02.200 dAGe Sooo nen ae 453 2,188 145 234 509 3 | Flax and hemp, dressed..:.......002.0. 20 420 1 4 11 4 | Flour-mill and gristmill products.-..... 10, 708 45,481 || 3,181 | 6,220 | 11,325 5 aio preparations, not elsewhere speci- | 1, 997 30, 365 319°} 1,025 |-| 2,222 ed. : SN evsit ps and ms pana products. .| 10, ae pire | 757 | 3,814 | 9,732 |. Foundry » supplies: +-. i. oss a 6 4 36 83 BY “Fuel, manifacttited, Voc ids p os Lice ea ee 11 Red Wi cecuna 3 9 Oi ‘Par @OO0dslaee ih ee, Rae 1, 815 13, 639 211-|; 1,029 | (2,606 10 | Furnishing goods, men’s-....:....202.. 487 18,944 39 122 346 11 fanaa site ae Pu ea 3,154 | | 138,331 218} 915 | 2,312 ¥2 1 “Wurs, dressed. fet 72ers ee 141 5, 075 5 37 101 18 5 daalventaing: $2 a ee 52 T, 665.1... 22] )' 92 14} Gas and electric fixtures................ 341 9,795 10 141 3868 415 | Gas, illuminating and heating. ..2....2. 1,022 42, 908 15 392 | 1,156 16 | Gas machines and gas and water meters 105 5, 589 6 35 83 BY Ee AHABS ae Le eed ee 371 RT UA Hie ede kn 8 27 18 | Glass, cutting, staining, and. ornament- 616 6, 480 66 285 693 ing. 19 | Gloves and mittens, cloth, not includ- 182 8, 986 4 36 | © 105 ing gloves made in textile mills. 20 | Gloves and mittens, leather............ 355 10,685 23 94 260 21 ;| Glucose and starch... ..... 1.422... easy on 56 7, 795 3 31 69 22 | Glue, not elsewhere specified ........... 62 4, 264 5 22 52 23 | Gold and silver ,leaf and foil. ....2.2... 87 950 4 47 121 24 | Gold and silver, reducing and refining, 87 644 19 45 110 not from the ore. rs 25 | Graphite, ground and refined. -........ 24 497 1 ‘9 31 26 | Grease and tallow, not including lubri- 482 6,647 50 289 642 cating greases. “ a | -GrindStomesgiiity aca. ca hoe ch ees 23 674 1 3 10 28 | Haircliths. coh ees eo bt ick eee 18 £5 1s ng ldop ye ae cbagameeeee 2 fae het EE SU AASS EA hy Cod ies i vee ating ey i Fi 35 ae 280 AUITHOCKSAN so bag ce ueseedte otitis te] eg) te Ow cord eee 10 SE] Hath Stans. teed ag gs ok oe 298 1,719 83 143 319 Oa'| Pardwarec:.:

      ssecee ed see ei wee, Sle A ee ere eget elidepamelenacceseceals c6 60s] ebs.ca'c ue eeleedea cele cia tou maelet 7 sl taag Be AL, os A i) ONO OR rk OC ae Gee 8 2 DOD. [acces le wcae asc seh LORE UG LT ECA Le ORR 9 14 2,182 2 530] wee Pate 8 PE Mf. 10 126 | 19,687] 37] 13,003 12; 662 11,002" | 14 19. [HOR MOT PO a tO th lo ee ea OR Ae 12 4 771 2 920) [ce CQO EES PES Co RO Tita AEE 13 2 "ES |S aS ES Pe Se ec Me Be i ea 14 59 | © 8,801 | "10 | "3,555 i, 700 i, 399 |15 1 SPORTS STS, DUG OE Obs k ROTTS LOSI Pe Sey 16 28| 4,298 | 6 | "2,095 2, 782 | deect|e eee | 17 2 |i 331 2 766 1,646 23,759 |18 12 FyBOO ToS Fs fats OLD BON BORAB ITO. DASE La TON | n Sicie.cin a's|$iaje so Sic wisiell vaioinc ule uigls aos Os CT a eek STO eRe oe ee Se AS RENN RNY 2 698 | “112; 573 | ~296'|” "400; 413 57, 936 20,566 | 21 108 | 16,068 | 21° 77432 i creat cE ae 22 52| 8,250| 25| 8,810 14,375 12, 864 | 23 1 4b Bo socidese ses dese deste ne Seep SEEG a 24 37. 5,519 | 5 | "45500 3 Wes ene a RPS ge 25 420 3 1,028 b Fie 1 aie Pmapapgg Peete i Sit 26 5 GiGi esol e lec SPU SOR ROS Pon ORT eS oy 27 16 2,207 1 SLE fe oes odes eee Ee es 28 4s} 6,998] 12] 3,866 1,708 | cvsanfoceoic 29 Rep stianla t= Se ocala oR os alpine se'ncar lene deleusiicae occleshs nule ceed cog cee BIR Ces vi) 30 1 RUG TS EPP wale aS. ENS 72s CORN oo UN aR og 31 ‘ 22 3, 306 9 3,079 5 oc. | SUS. Ce ee aid oe 32 rs rE. Lg VRS coo | URE FOP eB ote! NUMEMEN We cal Vas 33 = 4 542 1 350 Fie cesthosscosesesse se ea ae} 34 # 10} 4614] 3 990 1,944 5,349 | 35 Se eehe 4 , ON7S 14 ONS ft) Oters Ye A Leal. boobies ty en en eedice | 36 f 6! 1,066] <4 252 825 [ees sfx 37 na vi 3 GOOFS POL his aes he a 29 eee Tero 38 49.| 7,666] 17] 6,000 3, 663 1} 233 | 39 ye 16 2,621 13 4,774 DR 07 ae Poeddi OR 40 2 201 3014] 3] 1,245 2, 107 1,298 | 41 . 4 GTO 1 STE Pee ROLL, SS, ROU a fice 42 te eal nl ah op awe collek be sil cobb oc ch cp letees 6 olde bee cee scleee cue oe a 43 33} -°6476 | "8 730 he Pee Mae eae “4 + 98i 71 Sal, CELT. gas | ac clbv od Sas ieeha Dine art ae 9| iss} 2 G28. FF Soa SAC eC BT hier 4 47 6 895 3 1,162 1, 969 1,004 | 48 4 459 1 418" | AECL SOE TEES Ae PETE NG TSS | 49 10-}) aya |) 84 476. | 552 UNOS Comte Vi EG AON 50 8 1, 250 | 2; 820: [oe3 0c PE oR 6,146 | 51 8} 139} °7| 2680 2; 954 4011 | 52 32| 4942] 8] 2608 852 1,030 | 53 204 | 33/732] 70} 24°017 26, 340 13, 109 |54 32| 4913] 8] 2) 820 gt a Oe SR 55 1 TAD es ee Tee eae hk TOS OW IDO 56 21 3, 387 3 990 2 13706 Se CEA SEH IIS F 57 75108 °—23—_63 994 ABSTRACT OF THE: CENSUS--MANUFACTURES. TABLE 14;—SIZE OF ESTABLISHMENTS, BY AVERAGE ESTABLISHMENTS EMPLOYING— Pt fo pk et eet ft feet Ook WN OO COND OI CW Ne TOTAL coo oH Vo. || x ohitow 6 to 20 | autre | wage earners, | wage earners, | _ rouse des. inclusive. inclusive. Estap-| ,V28°. || Estab-| Estab- : lish- (average lish- | lish- 3 ments. saanters ments.| ments. 5 Paving materials, oa: hens... 4-cesc'ee 889 16, 072 14 306 4 Peanuts, grading, roasting, cleaning, 78 2, 460 5 Il apezo j and shelling. ’ t tus 3 PENCUS; DAG Leo. t's ect ecw aeeinae cans 12 |! ab, 070 I 3... os] So ee Shee € Pens, fountain and stylographic.. 2.2... 56 3, 207 4 12 2 Pens, Pe eA Ripe Ne SH Reet ae 15 416 li... Wap 1 ? Pens, St6Ol oo oak Bee eee Rees = _ 4 SOR Tee one ee PE ee Perfumery and cosmetics.............-- 569 5, 405 134 277 ib Petroletim, refining. eee gn 320 58, 889 2 46 A 051-1 Phonographs and graphophones........ 166 | 28,721 j £ Photo-engraving 2 oceccseigas-c teas. 422 6, 769 # Photographic apparatus... .......+...5+ 68 2, 555 bs Photographic materials. ......../.2:..4- 169 14, 556 Pickles, preserves, and sauces. -....,.-- 723 16,621 PIPOS, LOPACOOs de sencact dsc ooo seenR As - 56 2, 539 Plated WAYB... act... |. eked 68 9, 492 Soe supplies, not elsewhere spec- 214 13, 592 ified. 4 PicketDGoks -.u. seis Gestex (20. ~ ck BER S 139 2, 905 Wie tae a Lee 340 | 27,934 Poultry, killing and dressing, not done 196 2, 140 jp slaughtering and meat-packing es- . lablishments. 4 Printing and publishing, book and job-.) 13,089 | 123, 005 Printing and publishing, Musics «site. 160 899 Printing and publishing, newspapers | 17,362 | , 120,381 and periodicals. PYG MAAePiOlS.6., {co staccas sh comet 82 723 Pulp, from fiber other than wood..:-... 5 64 Pulp GO0dS..... die & .. 4s. --- REEL Ae 40 3, 041 Pumps, not including power pumps.. 127 5, 384 Pumps, steam and other power......... 112 10, 688 Refrigerators aS. RE OS OTe oem: PR 122 5, 786 Regalia, and society badges and em- 115 2,223 blems. Rice, cleaning and polishing............ 86 2, 113 TROON MAterals jess ood ois e ethene 178 8, 871 Rubber tires, tubes, and rubber pe0ds, 437 | 19, 848 not elsewhere specified. Rules, ivory and wood.............-..- 13 168 Saddlery and harness.........--0:..-.. 1, 823 10, 411 Dales BOGINAINTAd. (a cen seek Pea ees 38 2,949 S8ltcnc< - death scoters - same ete (oe 86 6, 495 | Sand and emery paper and cloth. ...... 12 771 Sand-lime prick! 944 4... .d.2;-=. 1-999 -- $2 504 Sausage, not made in slaughtering and 633 3,471 meat-packing establishments. SRWS..36 ders ack OUR 2.6 ue ide dee ane. 112 5,510 Scales and: balances:. 2.002002. .ab- ences | 79 5, 432 Sere wS;:Machings .%.-ssSemeds Se eee 143 10, 262 Berews,. W00d. -La, 2. ov... SA li 4, 889 Sewing-machine caseS........-.-+--++ b 5 4,171 Sewing machines and attachments. .... . 40} | 15,059 bl phailasy g; Stoel ies sags axe LGB “162 | 344,014 Shi + Iding, wooden, including boat 1913 43, 432 Suilding. eee: Bhirts.”.. Jol. sche FNS OE UE eee, EP 896 | :39, 603 SDOW. CASOR oi 6 ofan wos nn ean Eals 119 1,857 Signs and advertising novelties... 2.2... ‘779 10, 482 Silk goods, including throwsters....... 1,369 | 126, 782 Silver araithine and silverware..... ; 99 6, 453 Slaughtering and meat packing........| 1,304 | | 160,996 Smelting and refining, copper. .....::-- 34 17, 345 Smelting and refining, lead............- | 20 6, 438 Smelting and refining, zinc... .... 2... 39 413, 796 Smelting and refining, metals, not 13 92, 04 elsewhere specified. Smelting and refining, not from the ore. 81 2, 167 BORD 6 sal tid aie on} Mii Bisel Croan teeed.0 348 20, 436 Soda-water apparatus.................- 66 2,599 Sporting and athletic goods............ 188 6, 412 An _ ESTABLISHMENTS ACCORDING TO SIZE. NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS, FOR INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. ——————O—O—O—OOOOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoooOooO0o0Soummm ESTABLISHMENTS EMPLOYING—continued. 21 wage de ee se eed es 51-to 100 101 to 250 251 to 500 501 to 1,000 wage earners, | wage earners, | wage earners, | wage earners, | OVer 1,000 wage inclusive. inclusive. inclusive. inclusive. PrnSs: Es- Es- Es- pewaee Wage rane Wage | tab-| Wage | tab-| Wage | tab-| Wage ments.) ©7™eTS- | nents.| carners. lish- | earners. | lish- | earners. | lish- | earners. % ' ments} © ments ments 50 3, 416 14 1,815 2 B20 a teed, Gree Cite. Sahel ee ere, 1 10 779 3 482 1 5 NAOT: PRR RIES Ai g|iaeta oti cdaR eee coe 2 3 235 1 UM Paar = De (Oe ee 2 1, 668 3 8, 829 | 3 4 269 3 685 1 487 1 O81 Ue secu hws bea ee cl 4 ER AES ee 1 PEE POMES (as doves wed] uci 4 bos dpc Saat bereattomeetia eee ae Page dt gee SESE 1 |}! BOT V3. cue BoA. 1 DOO do costed epee tb 6 15 995 5 928 3 FOOT ors oo ha «oa tongh eaeaae Heke taenige ee & BV 4 44] 3,258] . 32| 5,347] .19| 6,517] 13 | 95003 | is | 131,842} 8 117] 1,180] . 24] . 3938] 5] 1.6371. 6 |) 4.358]. 4]... 162989 | 9 13 922 7 1, 038 1 902 Hiveas cles $s sabeedea. dusk bUiniied 2 si (LO 3 186 3 546 4 1,326). swtictetoptnatochsles esis nies toate el il 14 968 5 715 4 1B BR pes RPS PER ie SE 2 10, 238 | 12 39 | 2,643]: 31 |) 4,555) .8| 6 2577174 582 |. 1 1, 409 | 13 7. 484 | 4 595 1 362 1 440 -besceh Urabe as. 14 16 450 || 17| 2881] 3 92| 3| 2073|...2 2, 485 | 15 39| 2,796] 18| .2'992| 2 63....4). S71. 4 ” 606 | 16 9 570 7} ps eae RS S| GE SURE | eae a eM Ree 17 54] 3,921} 74] -12,590| 46 | 5,513 | 4] 2,688:| 4 1,012" | 18 7 470 |: 1 gr RO Re ae pha eae fe oiler epee ea RE 19 236 16,919 122 18, 748 32 11, 115 9 6, 009 2 2,728 | 20 2 130 PPE eta far! eer ag ahs hr at he oekol Sconaearuagaes Oihahcig pine teE RE 21 199 | 13,608| 128] 19,980| 39 | 12,796 |. i3'| 9130} "4 8, 210 | 22 PeApee alae sec 1 BA WTB Sao Pa IE 5 ON eco be Bee ltl oe pete he Saag diet iat a)t copia |b aaa A clo. Pewee ke Lente c detenal Ls deere besmenesl ol 24 3 991 | "79" | 71568) 73 Gd netaale dias Halvonte. omelet 25 fee fl 803.1) **40]) “Y5do |) 4 | i gated a6) |... Hevea ce 26 PptSat + eB |) hdBell) po@, 893 || Gb 427918] shod oot Br eee 3,398 |27 | URE g 630| 20] 37175] 2 POS. Giclasse lb cadiwoate aoe soak 28 1 61 4 or Ue Ba A SS 1 632. bass des borne ealt ok 29 6 407 1 B20 Ha. SOE deseo ase ne occ csutens Iban ohltiveuetett lt 30 17 1, 193 y 15 2, 224 8 2,675 2 1,215: | -aeibolegseeroit el 31 it OO 4,155 60 9, 767 30 11, 343 19 11, 907 20 78; 729 |32 1 SO ih Ann cel Hedda Seed ogee lh pagtee elo. do. dedaegehes wioblatsiogall.| 33 32 2,333 1l 1,705 3 V7 (2 I iets are Wimmprehan | PY ES eee 34 o 354 5 657 3 1,072 1 668.)..25.2c¢aepsa’ & 35 20: 14,479 {fe 36 138,493! 14- 1:6: |». 422-017 |... stodechwaay. (cunealufadl aeons tL 36 3 196 3 MIO MA GOR oa eee oo ee like Bike gece ieot 37 Bema hte ake b lh ps cali Me he. ll Mbe alo l dee odbede soc ots sib parting. teres. La AL 38 4 255 3 S50), 1 aslo 4. eebeton fuilieaccteeas dhrin vada SLOW ob 39 ad 485 4 558 1 302 1 515 2 2,792 | 40 *. 9 677 8 1,361 1 495 3 2; OOZdiss s dich «hala V2 41 14 93/°° 13], 2022] 6| 2,062| 2] 1,138] - i 2, 454 | 42 BH oom eas tt oon). | bos 1 564| 2 3,177 |43 2 Yb peg betes TEE i Ga IS a i Wada Ok peta eT aa 4’ 001 | 44 1 73 5 901 3 1,045 4 2, 820 2 9, 879 | 45 17 1, 222 14 2,355 17 6, 005 10 7,231 74 326, 712 | 46 56| .3,999|| 73| 12022] 23| 7504] 14] 9880| 3 4443 | 47 113 8, 069 66 10, 216 17 5, 686 y i $885 |... ccie| saeeeee. oS 48 5 410}. 2 B27 11 vig! J eto: |, theses Ben bastante ano tues Ihc 49 1S) Lx ea lt a4 | eel isos | ieee Sel isa)... cere 50 232 | 17,097) 218| 33/339] 69) 24.487 |... 19 | 137.458 | i4'|.” "29/016 | 51 4 238 9 1,385 3 821 2 1,181 1 1,813) | 52 92 6, 648 63 10, 065 39 13, 272 26 18, 379 38 103, 409 | 53 oe 240 9 1, 390 6 2,196 8 5, 873 5 7,551 | 54 2 153 St Geka | | eG |] SOB i a tee poche page it 55 2 132]; 15]) 2714) 42] 43953), 24) 3'308 | 7773 3, 237/156 TA ees | cd agate oe 2 361 2 634 1 905... wosteilived les Fe a3 57 5 391 Rie | RR BO RG (OFT Rt SIE MRT A MERE ROE “Fi 5 58 12 957||° 14| 2187| 8 | 2,584 | 7 | a 6 | 4 7, 728 | 59 5 400 4 Gad |e hs Poo. | dtc ola cna dei ee 1,106 | 60 14 938| 11!) 1,584 S50} 8) *S, CaS he ensnlensiteckices} 61 to.50 earners, usive. OONSD oro ny 996 ABSTRACT OOF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. MABLE 14.SIZE OF ESTABLISHMENTS, BY AVERAGE TOTAL. INDUSTRY. Springs, steel, car and carriage, “not 112 made in steel works or rolling mills. Stamped and enameled ware, not else- 323 where specified. Stationery goods, not elsewhere specified 223 |- Statuary and art goods: .: 195 Steam fittings and steam and hot- water 261 heating apparatus:--- Svea packings es os hk Ss doko se: 169 Steel barrels, drums, and tanks..-..... 33 Stencils and brands: :::::......% sree sl 84 Stereotyping and electrotyping....2.-.. 171 Stoves and: hot-air furnaces: ........2.- 412 Stoves, gas-andioly.... 2.) 4... 4.022. 176 Structural ironwork, not inhde i in steel | 1,146 works or rolling mills. ; Sugar, beet..... Seer Te Se Peay 85 Stidarrcane |. hoe ee ee 202 ee ar, refining, not including beet sugar. 20 ulphuric, nitric, and mixed acids-.... | *39 Sire appliances Se rd ee arg 268 Puspepess garters, and elastic woven / 196 goods Textile machinery and parts. ....5222.. 432 Theatrical scenery ..- 2.222... ...02eee08- 17 Tin and other foils, not elsewhere 15 specified. Tin plate and terneplate........2ss0s02 24 Tinware, not elsewhere specified... 2... 301 Tobacco, chewing and smoking, and 365 snuff. Tobacco, cigars: oid cigarettes... wee] 19, 926 Tools, not elsewhere specified. ....5.... 1,125 Toys and games As! 0. 2b Ae. ere ces 541 Trunks and valises: .. gos bao a poe ke 597 Turpentine and rosin. ..., ... bie digigedts 1,191 T-ypoe-founding .). 225.4... -. 25 po Uad. 23 Typewriters and supplies . dtGAl ck OEP ade 88, Umbrellas and: ¢anese rok. oo. jcc. ee 198 Upholstering mtaterials,. not elsewhere 163 - specifie Varnishes... i ecshioe. .. 1. edehiccee evade 229 Vault lights and ventilators. ....../.22. 41 Vinegar and cider...ocsss0. cece et roeees 720 Wall paper, not made in paper. mills... 48 Wall plaster and composition flooring - . 161 W ashing machines and clothes wringers 105 A ae ea Ws > Cee ee Golcee a 92 Watch .and clock. materials, except 27 watchcases. Watchcases.....- BE ha ino Siatbnshe.n chaeraiahons s 33 | Watches j 4 ..0..sescedrerets Btersingegses 18 |. Wheelbarrows. : foc... docs oral. 11 DS- 2 ioe wees pened eed AOE 26 Windmills? ..; iYoees. Sys BOLL Pete, 31 Window and door screens and weather 214 strips. Window shades and fixtures: ...- sien ds 287 Wike series cacek oat, topo oe} Wd. 66 Wirework, including wire rope and 558 cable, not elsewhere specified. ‘ W ood distillation:2.22..2.¢5.-. Soa 115 Wood preserving....5...25.%.... Le tort 73 -W ood, turned and Carved 1.2... S87. ve Wooden go aii ods, not elsewhere specified. : 5 Wool-pullingvent hives) eric 24 Woolsconring fe duel) 2.6.52 cee et 33 Wool schon ya. pcres gee eys ess a es --- 78 Woolen goods. ..-..- CEE Oe ta 560 | | Worsted goods. ee Peed EAI eee - 292 + All-other industries: * ..2).0.....285.. 5 34, 386 18,324 138,773 35,585 14) 201 11) 470 28, 067 810 ine Estab- Estab+ lish- | lish-: ments. ments. 4 31] "89 4.255 1) «52 20) 56} 148 29 | 108} 235 10 BT | 156 3 78 | 225 1 S 12 19} --46] | °110. 4 29] | 103 10} S°S 75) | 3322 11] 76]. | 200 47| ~ 416] 1,139 he 8 [been OS) gee ee COE ae: 56 | 133 | | ‘327 15 64 180 20] 108} 292 1 5 4 . ? 15 Peg i S| boo 1 5 13 18-})§ on Tid 4+ 2989 114 || 139] 268 3,839 | 4,123] 8 160 | 4381 1,144 43 | 178 | |? 419 47| ..276| | 566 37 | °° 179 | | 2522 u 13] 2°30 7 27 | | °°76 33 |... 88} | 215 2} 49] | £133 16} < 99] ©290 gh'3 bon} | eg 195 | 439] 546 diane as wee i 3 50} 130 10} . 24] |. 66 apa 271 1} [e240 s) Oa peas ae 14 32° bests Pit Le yg 1} Sh 16 ie 4 |) Sot } ae ov ah, 23 984] ood24 | | 2300 59| 157} 350 ma Mit | eee 68| 241] ~572 pe .8 13 39 a Bde] aged 92} 300] 730 “27 92 | *207 i sla ie Se EE ee | 3] 321 | | 2,49 15 47| | -114 BAT coy tee a Soe Bee 3 5 ESTABLISHMENTS EMPLOYING— “1to 5 6 to 20. ‘wage earners, inclusive. . ESTABLISHMENTS /ACCORDING TO SIZE: >. 997, NUMBER, OF WAGE EARNERS, POR. INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. 21 to50° 51 t0 100 | 251 to 500 (01 101 to 250 501 to 1,000 Over 1.000 wage artoagil wage earners, | wage earners, wage earners, | wage earners, wage vrs reed inclusive. ~ inclusive. © inclusive. inclusive. inclusive: & ¥ “ps Wage Wage». tab- | Wage Wage ‘| earners. earners; | lish- | earners. earners. ments j —-_————— | —______ Le a ee ee cece epee e ee = oon $ lid oe Oeil s ald bias ee cee cg atte ee ee EL ee oe eee Same eh = a ].e 50s elas suincic das lee we mbbOls caaesace 28 2c ekeecswiacseclscesdeip taeacceusse eee e c/o .o.e Biss b/s eo] afd 66a wi oblate eho se ew i ey = Fae os we one Pepe RIO WOO SIDS! _ Beck ae ; Oob iw) dill ete ttt te ee ee ed ft mt or en Sen ee, oh eee tS SASS am ale ase 6 Be eel Se aes} ls eo 0'e me Wn wt bie. 6.u.a ele a new 998 ABSTRACT OF ‘THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 15.—SIZE OF ESTABLISHMENTS, BY AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE - ESTABLISHMENTS EMPLOYING— TOTAL. No 1to5 6 to. 20 wage wage earners, | wage earners, earners. inclusive. _ inclusive. DIVISION AND STATE. ELS ; Estab- | .28°_ || Estab-| Estab- lish- | O27DErS || lish-! | © lish- b (average ,| earners. “4. | earners ments. | number ments. | ments, |... ( ments. ARE EE ee Ee UNITED STATES: 1 1910/2083 fabs. Seine 290,105 | 9,096,372 || 37,934 | 141, 742 | 311,576 | 56,208 | 631,290 2 ROM 0 Fowles Ohi. 3 275, 791 . 036, (247 32) 856 140, 971 317, 216 54, 379 | 606,609 3 1909. se Bshetek rhe way 268, 491 6, 615, 046 27, 712 136, 289 311, 704 57,198. 640, 793 — = = ——S _———— SS | eee GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: abe England— 59,173 4) 2b Bh. FOI a nN che tal bw 25,528 | 1,351,389 || 2,679 5 1914 Bisnis oe eters 25,193 | 1,140,233 || 2,527 60, 312 GOT his gba | SOS yl Bae ng 25,351 | 1,101,290 |} 2,132 63, 964 Miadle Atlantic— 7 GUO cin de riertediesncis 88, 360 | 2,872,653 || 12,195 218, 536 8 1914 A Sikh eZ ewhe akan 85,466 | 2, 355,940. || 10,623 | 204, 527 a oe Cs eee ie tree 81,315 | 2,207,747 || -8, 918 203,741 Bast Nor th Central— 10 919. ot Bh Ak RO ae 61,332 | 2,396,618 || 8, 451 122, 612 il 1914 nities Oatlty. otired > 59, 896 | 1,680,281 || 7,478 119, 895 he $900. o-lnezceres esha 60,013 | 1,513,764 ||) 7,274 | 124, 828 West North Central— 13 ADD 3: St Gants Btw 29,166 | 499,635'|| 4,647 46,740 14 AGL 4G ASU gas ake geet 27,199 381,595 || 3,926 43) 561 15 rT a a a Sa 27,171 | | 374,337 || 3,667 44; 009 South Atlantic— ' 4 16 TONG iy fab deals 29,976 | 817,212 || 2,904 69, 121 17 PON eRe or ot eae a 28,925 | . 685,252 || 2,024 76,533 18 1IM0Msssisrsscesscle as 28,088 |. 663,015 || 1,669 84, 609 — South Central— : 19 RS RR aaa 6 NEA 14,655 | 329,226 || 1,596 31, 816 20 i934 headers debt: beanies 14,410 | 264,378 || 1,104 32, 798 21 1O0Ge gible ¢ ook as 15,381 | 261,772 gil 41,451 West South Central— : 22 1080 67 oie ck eee es 13,909 | 285,244 || 1,615 30, 276 23 LOND Ps soe Lek. ws 12, 417 211,940 || 1, 464 26,718 |. 24 7 eS a 12,339 | 204,520 || 1,028 33, 296 Mountain— S 25 Th Ts a eee 7,612 | 109,216 || 1,222 11, 466 26 19t4 on emer tach e 6,079 81,113 || 1,077 9, 257 27 19ND) Pe Ea 5,254 |. 75,435 677 9,716 Pacific— 28 WDIOrArohsare set: Leave 19,567 | 435,179 || 2,625 41,550 29 Wide cdi O atl. Bee aes 16,206 | 235,515 |) 2, 633 33, 008 30 IQS ed A ne swheR ene yas 13,579 | 213,166 || 1,486 35, 179 NEW ENGLAND: . . 31 Maine. :2ididsssocccsie bees 2,995 88, 651 330 5, 684 32 New Hampshire s2octepees etre 1, 499 83,074: 132 3,572 33 Vermont. Pein, aangeaes e 1,790 33,491 186 4,097 | 34 Massachusetts... s2..---2+--+- 11, 906 713,836 || 1, 086 30, 753 35 Rhode Island -:: 255222442 - 2) 466 | 49, 665 280 5, 581 36 Connecticut. ..:.:..2:+--0+-++ 4872 | - 292,672 ||-- 665 9, 486 MIDDLE: ATLANTIC: ; - 37 New. York. ). 262. b 2 aed 49,330 | 1,228,130 || 6, 847 ' , i 648 134, 160 38 ‘a+ New Jersey i= s22c2t taper 11, 057 ” 508, 686 || 1, 239 25, 927 39 Pennsylvania: 22: >2:23h2sss04 2, 973 | 1, 135, 837 || 4,109 58,449 | East NORTH CENTRAL: , 40 Bhio bi. cd. c cw eeee 16,125 | _ 730, 733 2, 028 34, 943 41 Tndiang. 2088 udteses Bee 4 , 277, 580 858 15, 438 42 Ilinois...... 6537114 ||’ 2, 845 40, 614 43 Michigan © 471, 242 || 1, 085 16, 748 44 Wisconsin 2689 949 || 1, 635 14,869| | West NortH CENTRAL: ‘ 2 45 Minnesota:22% 6: 5252222 sp'e's4 ~" 6, 225 115, 623 771 11.129 S 46 Lowa tiirtods Pet src eeb aswel 5, 683 80, 551- 781 8,921 a 47 Missouriss.io52:25222 tye ste's"s 8,592 | 195, 037.|| 1,396 15,901} 48 North Dakota::::;:: <2 0.0." 894 4 472 211 860 jel 49 South Dakota. ..:.:.:./+----- 1,414 6, 382 263 |. 1-262 | = 60 |< ‘Nebrashn.. 1.200 22,..-} sas++s 2) 884 | 36,521 || 554” 3,507 | 61 Kansas....... UL DD ak Sched 37474 | -° 61,049 671 (5,160) { a Fy ESTABLISHMENTS ACCORDING TO ‘SIZE, ESTABLISHMENTS EMPLOYING—continued. 999 EARNERS, FOR GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1919, 1914, AND 1909. Over 1,000 wage earners. Es- tab- | Wage lish- | earners. ments 1,205,627 |1, 021 |2, 397, 596 648 |1, 255, 259 540 |1, 013, 274 219. | 464, 032 171 | 825, 150 159 | 299/698 318'| 765, 563 213°}: 425; 591 178 | 346,573 271. | 729, 774 | 151 | 328,077 115:} 229,174 51 | 94,735 28 |. 46,118 29°) 44) 482 74|. 156, 490 52 | 81,631 33: | ~'55, 767 28). 43, 426 14 |* 21) 483 9} 12) 441 20 | 30, 687 8| 10,616 9 | 13) 313 6 |.» 10,497 4.1 i> 6,713 3 5, 257 34 | 102,392 7 9, 880 5 6, 569 16 | 24,815 13 | 32, 563 “148 | 244, 045 |¢ 21| 41/061 51 | 121, 548 106 | 226, 236 70 | 171,325 142 | 368,002 80 | 205, 271 39 | 78,221 70 | 177, 867 55 | 209) 688 27| 58, 727 12} 25,366 9} 12,015 18 | 27,518 LOA Fe ee 7| 18,640 ope 21 to 50 51 to. 100 101 to 250 “251 to 500 501 to 1,000 | Wageearners, | wageearners,’| wageearners, | wage earners, | wage earners, inclusive. inclusive. |” inclusive. inclusive. inclusive. K iH ; Es- ig eg Wage’ Falaly, Wage . Apres Wage Feta Wage | tab-| Wage ments. | ©! TS: | ments.| CAPDELS. | ments, | S2PBETS: | ents.| Carers. May earners. ; s ‘ ments 25,379 | 829,301 {12,405 | 888,344 |10,068 {1,581,763 13, 599 1, 250, 875 |1, 749 22,932 | 742,529 |11,079 | 791,726 | 8, 470 |1,320,972 | 3, 108 |1,075, 108 |1,348 | 926, 828 23,544 | 764,408 |10,964 | 782,298 | 8, 116 |1,258,639.} 2,905 |1, 006,457 |1,223 | 837; 473 2,634 | 85,736 | 1,465 | 105,123 | 1,368 | 216,591} 547 | 191,987 | 297 | 203, 446 2,517 | 81,'711 | 1,886:| 99,881 | 1,186 | 188,994 || 502 | 174,774 | 263 | 182° 880 2,660 | 87,040 | 1,352 | 96,064 | 1,197 | 188,331}. 502} 175,508 |. 233 | 163) 581 9,145 | 299,359 | 4,240 | 201,759 | 3,011 | 470,660 | 1,090 | 382,011 | 503 | 345,968 8,472 | 275,117 | 3,971 | 282,283 | 2,821 | 437,703.) 997 | 346,299 | 423 | 292, 001 8,508 | 276,954 | 3,919 | 279,053 | 2,691 | 415,309 941 | 327,084 | 396 | 271, 396 5,475 | 179,913 | 3,045 | 218, 832 | 2,568 | 402,430 | 945 |: 829,408 | 508 | 351, 448 4,920 | 160,176 | 2,661 | 189,634 | 2,047 | 319,129| 775] 266,766] 333 | 229/914 4, 895 160, 205 | 2,516 | 179,996 | 1,974 | 307,856 673 | 232,739 | 314 | 211,593 1,663 | 53,835 | 751] 53,067] 541] 83,665 | 206] 69,484] 91] 63,816 4,440 | 46,581 | 610 | 43,422] 413] 63,376} 153] | 54,361.| 72] 50,729 4 1,425 | 45,785 | ©626| 44,490] 417] 63,676}: 157} 54,305 | 63 | 437390 ~ 2,450 | 79,839 | 1,160 | 84,085 | 1,078 | 170,291 | 342] 116,184] 155 | 105,978 2,414 | 77,546 | 1,099 | 79,794 | 933 | 144,868}! 315 |°°108,262 | 121) 980,472 2,680 | 86,051 | 1,174 | 83,708 | 839 | 130,198}: 296 | 101,257 | 126| 87,099 1,073 | 35,485 | 574] 41,500] 466] 73,074]: 129] 45,086 |. 63. 41, 630 1,105 | 35,954] ©489 |} 34,342 | 335] 52,186} 118]. 40,197] 43 | 27,574 1,201 | 38,351 509. | 36,228 339} 51,959 | 108 37,229 34 |. 22, 882 1454 | 37,293 | 441 | 31,421] 378] 60,118 | 138}! 47,397 |. 44] 31,438 848 | 26,730 348 | 25, 184 285 | 45, 947 106 35, 214 39 | 26,108 937 | 30,045 | 325) 23,501 | | 28L | 43,478 92] 30,993 | 22] 14,010 843} 11,158) 199] 95315] 135] 21,252] 51 {0° 17,378 |. 26 | 18,800 9245 | 7642 | 9 108)] 9 7,849 97 |! 15,434 36 PG £2,298]. .21.| 14,570 237 | 7,542] - 123 | 8, 690 82 | 13,006 | 37]. 12,982} 16] 11,183 1,442 | 46,683} 600] 43,242} 523] 83,587] 151] 51,940} 62] 43,094 971 | 31,072] 407] 29,337 | 353 | 53,335} 106] 36,937} 331 22,580 1,001 | 32,4385 420 | 30,568 296 | 44,826 99 34, 360 19 | 12,339 253 8, 178 127 9,310 118 | 18,702 28 9, 898 13 8, 776 151 | 5,006 87 | 6,265 90} 14,307 31 | 11,354 | 12] 8,576 156 | 4,848 65] 4,560 57 | 8,498 9 3, 253 9| 6,246 1,410 | 46,214] 791| 56,499} 689] 108,715 | 293] 102,019) 169] 114,094 230 | 7,561) 155] 11,144] 150] 24,184 74| 25,314] 32] 22,524 434 | 13,929 | * 240] 17,345 264 | 42,185 112 40, 149 62 | 438, 230 , 227 | 169, 598 | 2,107 | 148,875 | 1,309 | 204,318 | 432] 151,320] 206 | 143,650 , 200 9, 535 642 | 46,709 495 | 77,538 213 74, 270 93 | 62,366 718 | 90,226 | 1,491 | 106,175 | 1,207 | 188,804] 445! 156,421 | 204 | 139,952 1,615 | 53,388 935 | 66,641 799 | 125, 932 312 | 110,104 | 168} 118, 061 653 | 21,353} 378] 27,240] 331} 51,531 | 110] 38,386] 511] 36,666 1,808 | 59,187] 921 | 66,033] 718] 110,471 | 236] 81,846] 144] 98,326 747 , 050 456 | 33,945 414 | 66,285 167 57, 771 78} 53,182 652 | 20,935} 355] 24,973 | 306| 48,211] 120} 41,301] 67] 45,213 383 | 12,234] 167] 11,748] 127] 19,300 48| 15,895}. 18| 12,633 322 | 10,468 135 9, 470 96 | 15,048 25 8, 650 12 8, 878 623 | 20,390] 307] 21,856 | 224] 35,394] 100] 34,044] 44] 30,549 24 765 5 380 A SP AER Oe ene Seem ert [eh 21 644 6 356 5 875 2 652 1 669 109 | 3, 454 55] 3,915 30| 4,531 10 3, 321 5| 3,028 181 5, 880 76 5, 342 49 7, 096 21 6, 922 il 8, 059 1000 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-~MANUFACTURES. TABLE 15.—SIZE OF ESTABLISHMENTS, BY AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE i “ESTABLISHMENTS EMPLOYING— REAL. No! 1to5'. | 6to020 wage wageearners, | Wage earners, earners. inelusive. | inclusive. DIVISION AND STATE. lish-) {jee es” I Tisha ments. fileress, ments: SoutH ATLANTIC: iy Delaware. i S,sel i). Uhl. 2. 668 29,035 |} 67 2 Maryland . | 84 Jin 1.606. 1.8 4,937 140,342 : 636 3 District of Columbia. ......-- 595 10, 482 . 184 4 Virginigsco usa cae eee 5, 603 119, 352 621 5 West Virginia. wr... .)..-..-43- 2, 785 83, 036 392 6 North@arolins,..:2.24. 2-42). 5, 999 157, 659 353 7 South Carolina...2....22-.--° 2, 004 79, 450 105 8 Georgia f. - Je, SRE 5. Okeke 4,803 123, 441 354 9 Plorida.t ..) Ce. Lb 1 eS... 8 2,582 74, 415 242 East SoutH CENTRAL: tj & 10 Kentucky... 030 204. £6).5.8 3,957 69,340 |} 498 11 Tennessee... Jeu. LES jG... pk 4,589 95, 167 | 668 12 Alabama: 2teedetseu tse). £42 3, 654 107, 159 272 13 |\, Mississippi.-------.--+++--+-- 2,455 |. 57,560 158 West South CENTRAL: 14 APE TSAGs Uuies cables. sg. 3, 123 49, 954 . 268 15 | houwisiaha .; AOS th. |. 10.248 2,617 98,265 |) = 173 16 Oklahoma... $2.) Ji...|- 3-428 2,445 29, 503 427 17 Pemasis.. 0 diets bb) lien dG 5, 724 107, 522 747 MOUNTAIN: 1 Montana -.) Oo 1%... Ja 4k 1,290 17, 160 203 19 Rdahov 9,952} 146. 120;|, 19,3142] 44} | 15, 936 6,999} 105 74,| 11,884 24 8, 569 7,605 94 61 9, 240 19 6, 671 a11, 067 |, . 140 150°] 24,132 66 | 22,443 4,295. 46 37. | 6,209 1h 3, 323 14,326). 161 130, |° 20, 532°; 42 14, 960 . { . ; | aa | ~ 1, 859° 12 15 2,117 | i 3, 657 ¥ 966)| @r 12 16:| 2,370; 10 3, 605 186. 7 6| 1,170. 3 1, 260 4,450 }o) 44 ABi| 7,788 | it 3, 488 435 8 19 1,673 | 3 1, 048: 846 6 10 | 1,639 | 7 2, 427 2,201} 36 28 | 4,172 51). 1,468 2157 Fy. 44 3 373 iy 4 12,744]. 175 | 190*| 30,899 44 14, 822 ~15, 476 84 81 | 12,623 26: 8, 609 341 252 81 28, 509 501 to 1,000 wage earners, inclusive. Es- tab- | Wage lish- | earners: ments 5 3, 410 25 | 16,968 1 751 16 | 11,193 21 |. 13,999 27 | 19,289 31 | - 21,137 18 | 11,924 ll 7, 307 12 7, 362 17 | 11,534 20 | 13, 646 14 9, 088 £4 5, 294 19 | 13,591 1 818 V7 AN; 735 5 8,325 3 2, 208 7 5, 251 uF 970 2 1, 739 6 3,992 2p ot, 824 20 | 14,392 » 12} > 8,194 30 | 20,508 ‘1001 | EARNERS, FOR GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1919, 1914, AND 1909—Continued. Over 1,000 wage earners. Es- tab- | Wage lish- | earners. ments 5 12, 165 tS 40,110 1 1,348 nig? 31,275 “8 12,461 13 28, 909 6 7, 203 il 14, 963 4) 8, 156 6} > 10,614 3 5, 088 16 24, 012 3 3,712 2 3,441 5 7,281 4 4,725 9 15, 240 1 2,151 1 1, 426 2 2, 232 4 3, 450 1 1, 238 8 31, 145 4 8,577 22 62,670 WOON Ok Whe 1002 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. Taste 16,-NUMBER AND SIZE OF ESTABLISHMENTS, oTE.—In some industries in order to avoid disclosing the returns of individual establishments, the Ueees an (x) is placed in the column from which the figures have been, omitted, and the figures for the bined, each establishment is classified under its proper group.] = COONS WD po NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS WITH PRODUCT OF— - WAGE. EARNERS IN ESTABLISHMENTS || WITH PRODUCT “OF— INDUSTRY. tee area q oO Oe = : q - [as] 4 * ~ [ox] =3 | 8 3 g = |g S ce iS AS A) 7S n a fe 1D eG & rt S a - « Pi ae = All industries...../2....027, 65,485 | 87,440 |.'77, 911 |39, 647'|9, 208 |10,414 || 45,813 | 249,722 Aeroplanes, seaplanes, and _air- 2 9 5 SG (x), |. ¥8r* 29 ships, and parts. Li G3 hed he one Agriculturalimplements!......2... ‘98 103 13@) 1038 C Aluminum manufactures.......--. 3 14 LI 4) 2A PPE OT ee eee ATAPI ION poiee hee ae acd Bo) Rae 4 4 9 fb Bb Sean OO ate Artificiabflowersiz oo. Sil. Se ‘39 | 58 88 | Artificiallimbsic...1.. tS 58 oS 57 84 31} Artificia lstone products... ...-222.) "1,516 862 367 Artists’ materials..2....- hh. 3. C88. 16 16 14 Asbestos products, not including 3 : 6 112 steam packing. Automobile bodies and parts... 1... 392 847- 742 351 Automobiles... 308,22..; AL... 2. 7 12 31 Automobile repairing. .........002- - §,270'| 7,741 | 2,284] 200 Awnings, tents, and Sails... . 2.02 bp Een 322 257" i i Babbitt metaland solder.........- 7 22 33 :. Bags, other than paper, notinclud- 9 43 61 ing bags made in textile mills. Ba fe ‘ Bags, paper, exclusive of those | 5 154 12 madein paper mills. ; Baking powders and yeast..... 001. 7 i 18 13 Baskets, and rattan and willow 182 82 78 ware. ts +} BellsivP Ate. pL E at KEY 0 BOUT IK oe a 1 6 pele 4 ; Belting and hose; rubber... 22.0252]... Le dnlecece Sate ges dasel. | | BCS PP cee ee eee & Belting and hose, woven, other 2 4 PO BE re iS eee aes Ke than rubber. } F Belting, leoathersoial. .b.G8 2. A. a88. 8 36 54 ? Blacking, stains, and dressings... 39 63 67 F Bliing 4-88 2 20 SBR. 4 Mes 2 SOP. 14 19: 15 ie Bone, carbon, and lamp black..... 1 2 15 a Bookbinding and _ blank-book 248 431 312 ; making. 4 Boot and shoe cut stock....... 2... 13 35 81 2 Boot and shoe findifgs....... 2... 54 83 160 lil i Boots and shoes, not including 57 159 279 | 440 4 rubber boots and shoes. & Boots and shes, rubbers ch Ye ak te 3 |...cece) ED ee ee + Boxes; Cigar. 2.23 0 Sere ee 25 45 81 ¥ Boxes, paper and other, not else- 50 151 543 | 382 2 where specified. : Boxes, wooden packing, except 160 193 348 363 bi cigar boxes. . ; Brass, bronze,and copper products. 97 203. 396 264 3 Bread and other bakery products..| 3,107 | 11,848 | 8,734 | 1,091 Brick and tile, terra-cotta, and fire- 301 623 874 568 * clay products. ‘ Brooms. (o/s e Ve yet ces 437 262 270 ° DTUSROS isi hed sap owns ss 2c Poe 70 114 128 Buber. Neste e + inca ped eames 90 380 |, 2,019 | 1,024 ij Battones: Jcseseeee poewaea kee 122 162 181 Me Candles, aie eee seem he caste 3 5 4 ce Canning and preserving, fish....... 38 72 132 132 “is Canning and preserving, fruits and 739 816 858 520 ; vegetables. Canning and preserving, oysters... 10 18 26 Card cutting and designing. ....... 11 22 28 Cardboard, not madein paper mills }........|........ 3 Carpets and rugs, other than rag... 24, 2 3 7 VAP DOtOTAS 4). cinsin ashe oreek Wakieek 179 107 43 ESTABLISHMENTS ACCORDING TO SIZE. 1003 BY VALUE OF PRODUCTS; FOR INDUSTRIES; 1919. figures for certain groups have been consolidated with those for someone of the larger groups. In such group with which they have been consolidated are printed in éalics. In the totals for all industries com- 9 WAGE EARNERS IN ESTABLISHMENTS || VALUE OF PRODUCTS OF ESTABLISHMENTS WITH PRODUCT WITH PRODUCT or—continued. OF— 2 a 291, ; . ie “3s EP ss ge 88 oe 58 ge Se $3) ("es | se Ss o°s e3 Sa | 28 a % “8 | Ba e Expressed in thousands. ~ | | | | 793, 528 |1,719, 982 |1,114,615 5,172,712 |/9167,085 |$945, 603 {$3,571,283 |$8, 965, 872 |96,467,132 [842,301,104 | 1 la (x) 146 281 1,766 |: (x) 12,180 | 2 241 | 1,137 6,618 23, 782 20 512 252, 721 3 6, ' 1, 706 Raa? | 33 te} 7 tei $202} 77, 811| 5 Annee 76 605 | 443231 12,139] (x etteawod. 2}. 6 150 818 1, 223 L080 Pacuigrysalc.viee: |. 7 ab Nees | 3,209} 8,448] 15,115 6. SGN cwRcoleiue.-1.| 8 sss 09 52 170 545 biked Dowel? tay? tT 9 9 80 561 6,081} (x) 17, 247 | 10 1,102}: 9,112] 34,002] 74)514 fb 42, 218 | 581,223 | 11 25 175 1,675'|' © 21,084 |» 25,033 | 2,339,911 | 12 15,454 | 79,517| 83,527] 36,508 | » 9,646 (x) | 13 632 | 3,294) 10,678 16,735.| 14,361 (x) | 14 19 241 1, 624 8,040 5,454 |. 43,639 | 15 32 478 2,905.|. 10,720 8,479 | 191,445 | 16 15 137 510 4,278 | 9,368} 32,956 | 17 67 179 719 3,869 | 0.) 3,327 38, 069 | 18 Ws ae ME 361 862 3; 510 5, 056 2.032 |.wetain..}.| 19 Say eth ie Se. SR | F Yer 8 (x) 247 704 fhe: scinssolee v0.0 E.7 20 Rd T° ieee de ag 5 ik (x) 1,663 32, 548 | 21 (x) 50 632 4, 042 3,197 11, 255 | 22 24 435.|- 2,798 11,969 |. 9,809 15, 446 | 23 92 712 3, 209 8,420 | (x) 12, 861 | 24 eee t 27 201 662 SH Lo5tGX) Hack -seTiGO: | 5 (x) 26 806 aA eR (x) 26 683 | 4,861] 13,564 20,450 | 26,463 | (x 27 ; 401 5, 331 35 398 4, 24th 14,107. | 21,051 |. 121,371 | 28 2,256 | (x) 145 907 7,91 27,841.| 96,0411 (x) }.29 26, 208 | | 152, 828 150.| 1,822 | 15,218 |) 120/513 | 134,020} | 883,318 | 30 (x) BE. 884 Hoe un ht bew ced me | ee (x) 116, 759 | 31 : 390 | 2,158 | 18,519 | 86,543 | 38,540 |. 31,668 | 34 5,653 | 64,144 277 | 2,334 | 19,504 58,965 | 34,905 | 366,328 | 35 15,363 | 41,570 ||. 9,220 | 136,299.| 339,746 | 219,689 | 123,871 | 323,071 |:36 8,377 4,093 858 | 6,744 | 43,800] 116,642 | — 25,657 14, 722 | 37 eS PEE Cee 818 | 2,702} 11,779 14° 908 beri Visrcte ctaasen 1 88 744.) 2,951 183 | 1,248] 6,498 10,050 | 5,346 | 15,681 | 39 2,829 | 5,359 254 |, 4,962 |} 109,587] 194,112 |, 93,030 | - 181,218 | 40 3,514 | 1,908 327 |; 17674] 8,208.) 14,811 |... 11, 802 4,928 | 41 LEY ag X) 12 0 240 $029 duticauseapbialh 42 2,067 | 2, 203 107 837,| 6,514] 31,755 | 18,463 19, 608 | 43 7,795 | . 16,229 ||, 1,726 | 8,948| 41,111] 110,423 | 54,141] ... 185,894 | 44 Woe ee ee eee 26 224 1, 111 P6165 bees eh ted eeu es- | 4345 EME tady (x 27 259 1, 277 SAGA A dott Mo herak&) . | 46 i; Seca Ee Pe eae X) 932 | 8 206 47 1,999 | | 19,891 ||. (x) 455 5,521... 10,541} 106,693 | 48 x ei ; . ; ‘ (tar) eine. 2b 392 |- 1,079,| 1,715 RAT Ake tee vane =. 1.).49 ‘1004 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-—MANUFACTURES. Tas.#! 16. NUMBER AND SIZEOOF ESTABLISHMENTS, wat “[See1 note at head’ of this table, PP: ‘1002 and’ 1008." BT UK be ee heat Iot ory Ws ati feo OMS otro Ts * eet AGE NUMBER R OF ESTABLISHMENTS “V WITH ‘ieee eeneaNTe ATK | AT eNMBeLI ATE 1 ee PD GT : iLioo—s0 THyaces rr INDUSTRY. ae q “2 Rar ee a ee Oe s : ; L ET aS 33 3s 283 || BS | 3 $8 | S896 |5 8a | 4 ae | BB = C8 io cee | eS 1 | Carriage and wagon materials. SN 3 56 DRE 9 ee 29 2 | Carriages and sleds, childrens’... .. 17 29 | | 4 8 3 | Carriages and wagons, Ancluding | 6 £968" 9 S284 480 TA LY O82 2B5]ari d4eie ergoo repairs, a oc nL rn : ee ee crete pogteee= Sine 4 1) Cars and general shop: construction. 100 » 15% 117) (OY and repairs by qlectric-railioad | t 4 companies: | C6: Sh 48 ee | 6 Reve, 5 } Cars and general shop ppestructions | 618 { 3620H0.f 57; RSs and repairs) by | steam-railroatl 8 Oe ae & 4) | AES companies. * ; bak ) OR aes Ls - 6| Cars, Teed called not including: ieee a. 23 -, = SOURS. igs = operationsof railroad:compaiies. i » > SHO A | Pas © 7 | Cash ee calpujating mia~\ (12 .- «Say 9 t ' | })o chines, bf ) -) Man f } pl S Cemene tives aunt Veneds .-bedce 22 59 (&); | 19 chai oal not alta ed ites he SO . ¢.ROE Bese yes SL AS Te ‘inthe lumber and wood distilla- | Let is Cf SUB Bn, | Ok tion industries. eote x he) aa } Woe HO jrOmeese.. + i Seed OL... | Aw i 134° ‘Yi Lo x92 36 11 Chemicals. .........0.0.2 sieeivn SEALS i 226 84 BO 12 |. Chewing stim e. ...,.0832012...4 AR £ 26 108 5 OP 13 | China decorating, not inclding El des : lee e 13 ‘that done in potteries. 0 tr | Gp a 14 | Chocolate and cocoa products......|,.... 7 | ee 15 aan and aE prepara- 208 | 30 5 55 |e ons. : : | OS | pas, BG tA MOOKB TD, rs cach dak ews ame uveed oe 12 \7 4 17 | Cloth, sponging and refinishing .- ae De aes Be *) re 18 Clothing, HOPSO 0. Hc. nk) Bp oh Paha Tay BS A oo io. a 19 | Clothing, men’s... -. SPO... bah 454 1, 351 219 | 682 |: 20 Clothing, men’s, buttonholes 4 at mao 36 21 Clothing, women’s..200.11..... 2... 505 2) 368 1454h 656 22. | Coal-tar products. jee .6-'.... seen eo 60 26. 17 ~23.| Coffee. and spice, roasting and 225 1 TH 17 | grinding... \s rong, @ ne. 24 | Coffins, burial’ cases, and undoes 138 83) 10 }- takers’ goods. . , : ~ 25 | Coke, not including gas-house coke. 80 { 69:2 © o-G f 26 | Collars and'cuffs, men’s... ......!57. a5 jE A oc Fee , 27 | Combs and hairpins, Dot made 21 Sa eH? .OGx) | P&S. from metal or rubber. Pt 28 | Condensed milk............... 200. 1 136 ) 137.4]. -GxgeF PL 29 | Confectionery and ice eréam....2..{' 1,371: 764 1244). rt Me ‘30 | Cooperagesti. Sn... CURT. LS 5a 271" 126 , TOQUE 2S 148 1S 31 | Copper, tin, and sheet-iron Work... 1,274 |. 272 ‘9 || 684 32 | Cordage and twine. .0...2¢..... £00. 5] 152 @ “QF IS 4 33 | Cordials and flavoring sirups. mdse _ 33 12 34 | Cork, cutting. Poe eo eile 2G waco FUE 121 SUP OLS g 85 | Corsets... Ft a Sire 43 Y 22 <5 24 F 36 | Cotton eoeds : as 4, St¢,00T | O08) 343 5407} 0° fs | RAIUOTN IROL oes be cate Su ee ie 15 Zi Gy) i 38 Cotton small wares. +1 .....22..|"! 75 OTP ocx) | 39 | Crucibles 024... 4.4 O71. SERIO uh Ge il no oh Sab eres 40 | Cutlery and edge tools! - f PRA Ge i 77 LBA G37 ‘'41 | -Dairymen’s, poultrymen’s, and 44 pA G37 4 apiarists’ supplies. e ¥ y, “¢ OM raat 42) Dental goods. -'..... eet Pe ee isk 30 TO 29 43 | Drug grinding«. .... echiott aie Jit! pat 9 41} (x). 44°| Druggists’ preparations. ...........|, 124 97 19 || 38 45 | Dyeing and finishing textiles, ex- |’ | 206 |- 65 |f 71 | . eye of that done in textile :, mt SO J 46 ‘bye Betts and extracts—natural.-.| “38 , 189? yall 47 | Electrical machinery, apparatus; »- 331 182° 80 and supplies. } 45 |} Blectropipiduig oc is... eee luca see carcc 136 ee ey Bee 90 49 | Emery and other abrasive wheels. . 18 5 4 50 | Buagmeungy, ch.4scacewusweaids cosues neat a Ps +) 18 : 7 ; ‘ “a ' sacar IN ESTABLISHMENTS: eH RHPT oFr—continued. —* . ESTABLISHMENTS ACCORDING TO SiznH. BY VALUE OF ‘PRODUCTS, FOR INDUSTRIRS: 1919=Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1002 and 10032} _ oFr—continued. gee OF PRODUOTS OF ESTABLISHMENTS WITH PRODUCT 1005 ™ Chr Lu : J a O84 ia aghe pA ae ; On sq Se ies PS | S iH SS b°Sea] oe:| Ss 2s | S83 Pe |* Se sep AN am) j S oO se | go | S| | Be | ee a S| Be De fs fm ; é be } ee Pe) x a Expressed in thousands. 2, 299 (x)! $122 $646 | $3, 77 $11,929 |’ $70 2 oe 2,166 | 2,014 38 159 6, 862: fi $38 . $7 804 2,303 4, 676 || 2,549) 8,759 “22, 540 | 14,389 | 31,736 3,317 | 41%, 376 | 221} 2,233 22, 213 6, 482'| | 33,494 70,515 |! 336,630 || “113 | 1,646 159; 631-|- 177,508 |. 921, 012 1,746 48,678 ||. .10.... (x) 6; 363 6,999 | 524,198 1,081} 13,984 12]. | 146 3,188 8,678 75, 471 3,976 | 19,640 | (x) 2 Ge 21,842 | 145,122 404 ) 363 | 10,491 18, 275 P 142 +yo 4,821] 42,973 98 | 7616 56, 122 30°73 aap 569 i 252}... 2,214 19 99 5; 051 2, 263 43,277 ees Cee 44 169 veo SPREE SiC ETS ee 452 8.470 [ae 19 1, 986 6,900 | 130, 204 SCX) | 681 || 59438 | 22)501 6,720} (x) 13,057 L(x) } 7,209 22 91 2, 889 x 19 Srey A x... is 160 2, 055 beet ouibradt i pie. (x) ot12 30 55239} ACK) 22,375 |’ 68,760 || 1)272| 13,743 316,318 | "217,102 | | 528, 853 “35,901 }i&ai1'|| 1,208 | 17,908 qos | 236; 167"|'3h0 bas! /4 4 209 537,905 | - 235,157 | 270, 682° 1,453 | 11,917] 9 34 |) ° "130 15,259:| 14,077 | “103, 065 | | 1, 721 5, 765 122 | «1,737 54,468 |' 47,615 |’ 1877166 2, 746 2, 605 69 682 81,600} 14,055"! 13, 307 8,462} 22,551 19 387 19,049} . 25,207 | 268, 673 793 8,988 9 75 1,701} 3,371 | "an, 754 eh Ss Van (x) 67 5, 630 (Ss) Leet 2, 257 9,760 ||) (x) 1658 33,934} 52,001 | 250,796 14,615 | 38,463 || 3,508 | 25,276 168,110 |. 94/451] 262.981 3, 63 2,089 j| 2689 | -4, 108 29, 453°) 25,727] 157870 1, 751 1,698 ||| 3/497 | 21,793 54,395 | -- 15,265 17,513 1,98 12,568 |} +) 10 13, 668'|° °11,129'|” °107; 462 a 841 ||| \ 66 | OP 279 7,416: |) 2,742.1 33) 474 a(x) | 9,4594|| 8 20.1) ei 118 4, 164°} \(X) 11, 347 3,616 | 11,047 || 62 431 10, 896°}! 16189 | 45, 881 49,044 | 355,709 ||, & 26 215 105, 815 || 996) 879 | 1,787, 690 1, 609 3,885 || (x) 22 3,783 6,448 | 18’ 810 827 3,655 |} (x) 264 17, 884 | --3)916"} |) 162 250 Gi). fovengets. iat Ss 50 5,091 +4. (x) + Peorenitte sa | sora |] a7 | 2 902 0/673 |. 8312 | aR oa . pa sn, 7 > cS 438 2,140 |} “i442 | ‘1/314 6,870}. 4, 212 12, 252 © (x) 949 || (x) 34 1, 879 14, 530 + 1,850} 10,030 235 | ‘2,308 22,693 - 8 351 |) 67/831. 10,026 | 31,934 94 950 47, 996 ag 826 | a 293 £1,488)! 1,524 |}; > 11 |S 198 11,.264-| .. 15, 700. 4 o49 18; 264 | 169,348 |) < 253 | | <3, 294 | 77,235 | -77, 577 | “819, oF “de> 2g PES ee z 315 2, 560 | £607 RK BET OE 30 EN potxy fT 4998 15 |. igor} ei 4944 | g eee? 7 CER bistilvease 53 279 | 1, 496 ot aoe te Ae 1006 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 16,—NUMBER AND SIZE OF ESTABLISHMENTS, [See note at head of this table, pp. 1002 and 1003.] WAGE NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS WITH perRrtatiearts pho ap kt iy WITH PRODUCT Or— INDUSTRY. 3 = ° ou: 3 M4 e4 ; tas] o © oe 3 + So: es se | sf | 2 | £8:[25| 8s | 28 | 38 ae | So | Ss | se 138] ae | Ss a4 | ge | Se | Sh Sale | §4 | ge ae 1 | Engines, steam, gas, and water... 22 37 88 100 46 21 157 2 | Engravers’ materials.............-. 3 6 6 5 ¥ 9gi8.2 3 21 3 | Engraving and diesinking......... 263 165 45 3 1 86 464 4 | Engraving, steel and copper plate, 90 149 139 36 5 36 624 including plate printing. 5 | Engraving, wood.........2.......- 30 ay 6 1 th Pees 10 37 6 | Envélopest02 3 ee ae 1 11 30 40 15 (x) 65 7. | Explosives }is. soc. dogos eer. <.ke 1 10 27 44 14 dif (22 WA. 19 8) Fancy. bien not elsewhere 117 168 225| 125) 18 87 613 specified. 9 | Feathers and plumes.............- 20 57 94 43 2 4bg.t... » 10 198 10°) Felt odds. Sh ee ee OS le 3 21 11 (x) 3 ey Se ll. | Ferroalloys. 2) 2. Chere 1 1 1 14 6 (x (x) 12 | Fertilizers .6 600 ere aM 16 59 143 202 94 18 172 LOM Bip) pare a vege ae Sc 2 4 9 21 9 3 29 LE PBA by Creeks tek not 45 coo... J 6 7 2 8 ee 15 | Fire extinguishers, chemical....... 6 6 8 10 1 | oe be ae 17 16] ireworks: oo 18 A of eo 16 15 15 9 2 ikke 10 65 17 | Flags and banners. ....:..........- 18 19 31 9 1 15 74 18 | Flavoring extracts ................ 129 133 127 53 7 28 194 } 19 | Flax and hemp, dressed..........- 4 1 |} BrBgo. 2: (x) 12 20 | Flour-mill and gristmill products. - 1,499 |} 3,080 | 4,151 | 1,331 | 249 186 1, 659 21 | Food EA RareHone not elsewhere 415 513 551 | 330} 82 166 835 specified. : 22 Pocky and machine-shop pro-| 1,611] 2,684 | 3,297 | 2,808 | 522 1,066 | 9,149 ucts. 23 | Foundry supplies......2...0......- 14 14 26 16 5 12 37 24] Fuél; manufactired....)s229...5.5 Aaest. co. 2 3 y No Bay 4 eh (x) 261 Fur goods? tye eee eke ee Ly 211 487 700 | 361 | 35 95 907 26 | Furnishing goods, men’s:...:2..... 41 89 134 166 41 80 789 27.4 Furnitiire. yrerst dec. ey. holes 387 632 864 | 1,017 | 170 228 1, 958 23°] Furs, aresseGse ni): eo. vem: - 4: 11 27 56 36 9 7 106 29°] Galvanizing 22>... diccelar...b- 3 12 20 13 1 3 29 30 | Gas and electric fixtures........__. 22 88 139 74 13 16 210 é 31 | Gas, illuminating and heating... - 74 180 455 208 | 48 64 532 > 32 | Gas nach and gas and, water 11 21 32 23 12 6 47 meters. 33 lees Uae Eee et 1 12 33 186 70 (x) 114 é 34 | Glass, Woden 2 staining, and orna- 129 218 187 79 1 82 754 menting. 35 | Gloves and mittens, cloth, not in- 19 27 66 59 6 29 262 ghagine gloves made in textile . 36 | Gloves and mittens, leather.:...... 29 72 130 103 17 16 222 { 37 | Glucose and starch.....2...2...... 4 18 16 3 1 | Bt 24 38 | Glue, not elsewhere specified... _.. 6 8 14 16 7 Ai\es--] | SRT 39 | Gold and silver,leafand foil...._.- 11 40 27 7 pa: heey 8 132 40 | Gold and silver, reducing and re- 12 13 23 |: 028 3 4 23 fining, not from the ore. 41 | Graphite, ground and refined:..... 4 8 8 3 1 p0_0be4 AY 63 42 | Grease and tallow, not including | 86 156 142 65} 21 108 53 301 lubricating greases. ea J inte 43:1 Grindstones.. v3). 22.3000. 5<0.b4 2 4 11 61... baa (x) | 414.88 42) HairQlothi: =| ae uy. ee Lean theo eb AR aho + oshc0 00. +... 7 9 2 fbade He PA Bite 45] Hair'work. | css 2! B06 Go occu ke 64 74 43 16 pe Se © 52 261 46) Hand Stamps ..2255 G00 fs ee 109 108 67 13 1 eae 41} 270 47,| Hardware. a¢é 2 001. gxa.8.....1: 74 102 167 138 34 56 315 48 | Hardware, saddlery............... 10 8 5 7 4 § | 4 Saige 49) Hat and cap materials............. 19 41 37 | | 3 il 119 50 | Hats and caps, other than felt, 116 177 291 117 2 OR RS 42] ~- 462 - straw ,and wool. 51'| Hats; farclelt. F204 5 Gs tee 20 26 33 51] 2 13 65 52] Hats, straw. ag: 1... J.3n¢.52..--4. 5 22 42 64 10 3 | || 00925 53 | Hats, wool-felé-..::........00...... 5 15 a) 12 I} : gid 54 orseshoes, not made in steel 8 2 2 6 rE epee 6 (x) _ works or rolling mills. 55 75 112 158 99 13 63 304 Bee iirnishing goods, not else- where specified. a a oe se ¥ “ESTABLISHMENTS ACCORDING TO SIZE. 1007 BY VALUE OF PRODUCTS,FOR INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1002 and 1003.] WAGE EARNERS IN ESTABLISHMENTS || VALUE OF PRODUCTS OF ESTABLISHMENTS WITH PRODUCT . WITH PRODUCT or—continued. or—continued. =, q ro) ‘ 5 3 . q So. » os) fo) se g 2s es 3s 508 Soe =e: , s | gs | Ss | 3 fe, hee i 3g so) a | 88 | Se |e 3) 8 3) ae as S we Expressed in thousands. 5, 788 63, 598 $59 $460 | $4,468 | $25,441 | $33,155 | $401,192 | 1 107 =") St gas | Sis, siall® 1, s4-|-.- | 38 2 45580} 29, 37 24,951 | 89 42,508 | OFF op x) | 40 t, 736 | 13,796 | 41 4, 739), (x) | 42 ly 282.) (#) | 43 | 208,987 |, 485725] 93,781 ~) 4,056 | >=" HO ROG H Sg” B75 i485 19°79 068 | 53 HICT 6, 118 ; y fe , 19, 900 d Ros F094 | 1,514 Sapo Brg’ ehegy | 1010 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 16.—NUMBER AND SIZE OF ESTABLISHMENTS, [See note at head of this table, pp. 1002 and 1003.] oo NO FF WNW EF INDUSTRY. Models and patterns, not including sepet patterns. otoreycles, bicycles, and parts.... Mucilage, paste, and other adhe- sives, not elsewhere specified. Musicalinstruments and materials, not elsewhere specified. Musicalinstruments, organs....... Musicalinstruments, pianos. ...... Musicalinstruments, piano and or- gan materials. Needles, pins, and hooks and eyes... Netsand seines-)... Peery Ph Oiland cake, cottonseed........... Oil essentiaito. wo Giese Sitee. 2 Oik, Mnseed Sieh ne Se. Leth s 32} Ado. | AR MRek kb on tab oe Oil, not elsewhere specified ........ Oilcloth and linoleum; floor Ves vob lek banc dwaue sale Oileloth, ‘enameleds.do 20... ....baels Oooh Bloc se eeleananeds Oleomargarine and other butter substitutes. Optical coodsii.s.. Peete ces de Ordnance and accessories. ........./:.....--}eese.--- Paper and wood pulp............-. Paper goods, not elsewhere specified Paper patterns... 520404 e.e et ad Patent medicines and compounds. - Paving materials.:. . .s.:..5..--. 4. Peanuts, grading, roasting, clean- ing and shelling. Pencils, lendieaieads sdetis 5G oc. ck Boke: SE ee Ge bs Pens, fountain and stylographic. --. Pens, gold. (er Se ae ts. oes cle twhy ccawd ah |e afnpale be Perfumery and cosmetics........-.. Petroleum, refining................ Phonographs and graphophones. . . Photo-engraving. ... gs cn.5.----ce-s Photographie apparatus.........-. Photographie materials............ Pickles, preserves, and sauces... . -. Pipess tob&eco: sick «< icaaesae ec 0s) & Plated watews.'):. ...t.aaie abs cc vile pis Plumbers’ supplies, not elsewhere specified. POCKCCDDOIS. 2.2 - acc bitaceeenc cocks Pottery -o 2 shove Sr ees dows Poultry, killing and dressing, not done in slaughtering and meat- packing establishments. RENE and publishing, book and 0 job. Printing and publishing, music. . .. Printing and publishing, news- papers and periodicals. Printing materials................. Pulp goods: J pic- i geese OM lee Pumps, not including power pumps. Pumps, steam and other power.... Hetrigeratorss 06 Oe Iwo ae Regalia, and society badges and emblems. Rice, cleaning and polishing....... Roofing materials... Miienus 06 Joe Rubber tires, tubes, and rubber goods, not elsewhere specified. NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS WITH Less than $5,000. eee eeece PRODUCT OF— ° Oo g $ PS ge | 88 | £5 ga | ge | 8 422 260 34 5 6 14 29 46 18 54 49 19 17 23 18 13 25 78 19 26 33 14 23 32 3 6 4 8 53 835 27 9 6 2 30 58 103 4 4 1 4}. 8 173 182 83 1 5 88 168 185 20 87 234 51 91 86 4 5 6 630 551 258 274 332 112 12 14 21 1 5 7 21 16 10 4 154 158 73 6 21 65 18 49 51 105 194 81 19 19 12 46 44 35 174 193 140 10 20 10 13 15 21 30 62 87 35 43 34 39 | 71 110 2 98 82 4,542 3,127 | 1,013 41 38 29 6,340 | 2,429] $29 22 37 13 3 11 8 33 29 30 12 27 42 93). . 42|...36 41 36 12 aD Sf 8 9 27 49 35 58 87 | © 129 $500,000 to $1,000,000. $1,000,000 and over WAGE EARNERS IN ESTABLISHMENTS WITH PRODUCT OF— a2 H es s8 | 38 nos 2 a | 38 129 | 1,427 4 7 10 44 43 178 4 43 2 60 6 76 12 72 nae 8 (x) 87 19 16 a 20}; °° «59 cee eda 38 413 Parone 155. 7 89 13 158 4 7 330 | 1,047 330 | 1,898 7 26 re Se A a fottengge ale pees 62| 243° 2 20 7 44 23 303 ‘ 51 9 124 66 370 17 46 (x) 47 7 84 17 123 61 233 (x) 8 1,750 | 11,920 | 2 32 5,279 | 15,915 7 45 8 9 10 93 8 28 3 62 10 133 1 fh 16 73 12 210 ESTABLISHMENTS ACCORDING TO SIZE. BY VALUE OF PRODUCTS, FOR INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1002 and 1003.] aVewo3eeaas?zx0=$—0——9899DmRha0mM00aTSOSOSSS 1011 WAGE EARNERS IN ESTABLISHMENTS VALUE OF PRODUCTS OF ESTABLISHMENTS WITH PRODUCT WITH PRODUCT OF—continued. 2 | se | 38 | é, sii || 2 17,737 oF—continued. Expressed in thousands. $558 | $4,683 | $10, 487 17 40 260 68 299 2, 495 251 598 2, 465 24 188 1, 076 8 165 1,58 16 194 1,362 15 152 1, 221 (x) 45 278 (x) 108 3, 223 90 257 320 oT 40 | 339 | "2,304" Safle Hehe T tibet 206° 159 1, 932 8, 140 Be | a ee (x) 114 987 8, 735 10 242 5,375 46 601 4, 837 13 36 202 1,978 |. 6,499 25,475 44 3,017 15, 425 27 124 626 Or Noo. aes (x) 18 92 1, 403 Ph Be bey | pale 29 567 383 1,631 7,143 11 65 1, 383 25 204 2, 508 113 1, 224 10, 056 27 194 877 57 449 2, 084 359 1, 862 9, 488 40 960 (x) 143 174 29 356 3, 180 56 372 2,210 161 408 4, 021 (x) 36 5, 267 10,360 | 47,715 | 138,463 110 455 1, 750 20,024 | 61,499 | 105,596 36 260 1, 558 7 29 558 48 388 1,479 25 141 1,317 11 266 2,276 48 450 1,817 7 82 378 58 318 2,324 39 656 4, 650 $9, 572 4,186 4) 200 4, 487 15, 731 1 100 46; 284 60, 065 6, 484 179, 021 sgigs| &3 ee | S°8 | &- eS |e os] we (x) (x) ‘3 $7,216 |. $41,387 | 2 4, 168 (x) 3 4,705) (x) 4 Sk SB te ahaa cage 5 29, 550 53,581 | 6 12, 843 13, 7 5, 492 14,573 | 8 3,681 xX) 9 130,424 | 351,138 | 10 3,616 x) il 1,908} 118,730 | 12 24,764 | 104,604 | 13 1, 985 49,288 | 14 (x) 13, 468 | 15 6, 276 71,036 | 16 | 5,527] 22,299 | 17 4, 957 63, 439 | 18 30,591 | 170,003 | 19 106,970 | 615,397 | 20 27, 324 52, 182 ¢ 30, 735 90,391 | 23 7,119 ) 24 (x) 26,811 | 25 (x) 22, 289 | 26 (x) 11,052 | 27 CS acaba ces 28 8, 641 25, 839 | 29 39, 504 | 1,574,108 | 30 8, 053 135, 893 | 31 BOD lL. cum tectSe 3 32 (x) (x) 33 7, 946 96, 596 | 34 23, 072 81,046 | 35 (x) x) 36 34, 968 ) 37 11,172 24,870 | 38 4020: - ocienen sah 39 24, 530 15,326 | 40 4,672 9,887 | 41 89,454 | 108,104 | 42 5,798 (x) 43 94,186 | 463,827 | 44 (2 he te as 45 3, 499 17,453 | 46 4, 209 19,616 | 47 7,173 34,252 | 48 8,519 6,296 | 49 5,010 (x) 50 10, 405 76, 442 | 51 13,418 | 62,456 | 52 30,942 | 921,670 | 53 1012 - (ae) 2%; } wy 1554 89% 5,074 Po? 2, St | 6,375, 2, 907 8, 794-|- - 6, 455°) i721 eae | eae’ Cm CERES Gi ¥, 863°}! (x) fl! 3, 208 B79 eG Fale 339, 240, 94") Ug" 739 |!'87) Brgy) 21, 753, 8,031}, ...34,579 | 30,371 7 | 12, 138! 14, 981 45,553 | 39,876 |' eae, 2419 |. 6, 489} (x) A, t *3, 207 8,326}? 15,0701") 3960 fF 7-*: | 67,438 18,034 | 118,926 | . 125,274 “£160: 1,695}: ~- “5, 571°} 4,646 152, 739)||, 18,427 | ~--93, 920°} - 84,6074 P7,0GBine LRN ye? vend Osc b eh 0ag » 48 6 9 Racy eee. 5 (x) + | 38, 034) (x) 1,448 | - 2,186 | 1,900 174 B75 POON An to 989) 1,026} ~ "B)875 } 41, 040 17, 371, 3,066]! °° i718} 13571 (x) | 1, 056 4,079} 9. 861 “3,005, 2/394 8503 }°-) (xy 6,227 064 7,960 |--° 4,197) ' | Ob dpe fi toto | 19, 866 |}, 5,057 | 22,078| 27,740:1? “4,800 |f 3,568} 14, 825°} 13,763] HE BES 1,964 Tt | oR on | 27,534 3,313 20; 528 |" 20,598 ' ae ,3,470,|., . 8,448 | 7, 001 2,206 + B08) 2,868 T4638 ey te eo hag sl rae ak Bb pa SE Sa 4°360'| <4 8679) "308 12, 418 5,253 | 45,734 | 33,174 7,451 3” 025 8, 271 4) 191 21, 826 21,424 | 58,587| 46,231 9,519 (x) 2,951 | 15,954 (x) 1,992} 21,730| 33, 801 RAIN Ree PORDAS IN dy ca toe ee ota cat de tanta 2,947 840 3,103 | 8,714 3, 668 2,153 7,001 2) 543 5, 549 2,712} 10,114| 16,482 20, 411 7,676 | 22,361} 14,301 et ER 624 1G be cae 8 1,618 (x) 1, 808 (x) 3, 043 (x) Ae mene 25, 984 2,549| 19,579 | 21,035 14, 820 3, 421 10,666 | 10,107 49,994 49,495 | 106,310 | 85,260 13, 380 17,785 | 37,269 | 28, 832 88, 290||. ee 4018 i i] ‘ $1,000,000 and over —y © 00 NOURWwWE 4 Ne -t > 81/|'10 165, 548 130, 851 (x) 730, 987 19, 313 30, 702 31, 045 76, 644 16, 105 96, 895 | 190, 202 213, 971 495, 705 61, 191 aad 1014 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES,. :; TABLE 16.—NUMBER AND SIZE OF ESTABLISHMENTS, [See note at head of this table, pp. 1002 and 1003.) WAGE EARNERS IN NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS WITH. PRODUCT OF— Eitan: | Oor— INDUSTRY. = . a yn S 8218s 18 ° os peta ane esSico : , eS SE | 8 | 8 | 38 35 | es Ee 35 a3 | 28 os | ss = oS | he |e S*° | 88 | Sa | 38 )32/8° | 8% | a6 |g ,- 1 | Toys and games... ..!... <6... - 3) aban <4 6 '| Umbrellas and canes. .......--).+- 43 44 61 37}.i; 9 4 i; 20 }- .° 109 7 | Upholstering materials, not else- 15 39 69 | 2625 - 8. 23. 172 | where specified. j ‘Die | Si Wermishes. 2 ogyc. ..- apye se -s- = bay 9 26 62 88 23 , QA dk ye * Silo, M22 9 | Vault lights and ventilators.....-..|° 7 11 17 6. |. Bovgle > - ds pe eh Oil tee (aoe 10 | Vinegar and cider. . ..5<.+-----) <4. 391 156 114 51 dp Se Lhe “oy 3054 195 ll Wet pare’ not made in paper |-......- UP 12 20 6 | ee (x) , mills. ; se Peek 5 12 | Wall plaster and composition 8 31 60]... 50) 10 2 |; 5 87 : flooring, ) ute ie ij ig 13 | Washing machines and clothes 12 19 21);)°°* 29 15 9 | 12 57 j wringers. " FT at «ie PARESVV BE SUOie ic be ois Sranin Lele a k= Resse trees 3 10 26 40 6 Tote, ‘iT Sif eae © ae 3 15 | Watch and clock materials, except 6 8 8 Oh pee OP apa ffs hi 43 50. 4 watcheases. fe Fgh 2 ip Py 16 WV GION CASIS Lc... as ey AL Keo 2b are 2 6 9 7 3 6H (Xx) 12 ? 17 Ac UV AGOHOGA unica: di Sepa tid «>t deal tg » Sok eee dee Ee 5 2 5 Bilcte- ae 4 1 epee i 18 | Wheelbarrows...-...-.-.------ Waar 1 1 4 4 hol’: Stu RY oT (x) : 1D TRV RDM opis sos wd. SURE 5 <2 ae 4 7 10}. 3 bs 4 35! | oo 20}, Wining 42. ci dcavacy «some p ass 3 5 8 S| fag sy 2) et 21 | Window and door screens and 61 84 47 18 3. if 30. 235 i weather strips. at i Ae 22 | Window shades and fixtures....... 61 108 72 35 6 5 31 178 2 LW LEO. 2. Peete Onn aia Pa feshie as 1 4 7 12 9 kg | en 12 24 | Wirework,including wire rope and 129 146 148 90 | *24), 21. 86 |... 422 cable, not elsewhere specified. * nee 25 | Wood distillation.............---+- 4 10 41'|..%49 | | a3 Blt Ls. 53) 26 | Wood preserving .......----------- UF lnce'n hte ae 9 41 14 |} 8 TX) fi leas- deus 27 | Wood, turned and carved.......-. 195 226 210 84 6 1 ~ 121 917 28 | Wooden goods, not elsewhere 58 59 76 46) | 3 3 41 220 specified. aoe & 20:1 WOO) publi esas cp etoscecebens|ecnenstls 2 2 5 9° | OPES “(x 30 |} -W Ook SCOUTING se. . Siasae ope sieeb ons 1 1 10 13 4 ‘4 (X) ao CE) 311) WOGHSHONGY oc: 22 odencctes cmach os 11 10 21 23 8 5 15 | 32 32 | Woolen and worsted goods........ 36 34 78 235 | 196 273 30 192. 33 | All other industries1............-- 14 29 34 20 Ay 86 1 All other industries embrace: Billiard tables, bowling alleys, and: accessories 49 establishments; but- hones and whetstones, 11;. lard, not made in slaughtering and meat-packing esta ‘ specified, 1; whalebone cutting, 1; and wood carpet, 3. lishments, 6; ah vd = ESTABLISHMENTS ACCORDING TO SIZE. BY VALUE OF PRODUCTS, FOR INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1002 and 1003.) WAGE EARNERS IN ESTABLISHMENTS WITH PRODUCT OF—continued. 1015 | SE TBE EEEEEEEEEEEEEREEEesse VALUE OF PRODUCTS OF ESTABLISHMENTS WITH PRODUCT or—continued. 4S) a ° ° Pe “ 3 ~_ S 8s pe 3 8 £3 | 38 =s 2. $118.8. 35 s s Se il as Serie bees: bess | 8° S ae | = a Ss > o Ne} pS SZ S S S S rd > 28 oF oe sy Ro os a = oa > es 3 ° al be ae ead yn a3 RG | Ss Spee neal a Ae = eee. — we Expressed in thousands. 3, 203 5,759 | 3,049 1,463 || $269} $1,458} $9,025 |) $19,135 | $10,271 $5,499 | 1 1,796 | 3,816] 2,618 2, 866 297} 1,627 9, 255 22,204] 15,2 15,323 | 2 14,368 | 9,850 | (x) x) 280} 5,050} 24, 865 29,856 | — (X) ‘= 3 (x) T°) ea x 24 128} (x) 1, 088 40a x 4 190 1,038] 1,900] 12,492 34 117 916 4, 763 6, 955 39,953 | 5 415 |, 905 “852 1,067 114 455 3,171 8, 716 6, 283 6,570 | 6 896 947 580} 2,187 40 473 3, 461 5, 916 4, 826 25,174 | 7 ' 208} 1,000 648 2,138 20 279 3, 425 22,280 | 16, 409 41,219 | 8 138 rb gis agngrag | aan ipaieenagee gil 18 135 714 gs a eek ANN Cy ana 9 551 811 7 eR 691 | 1,627 5, 756 11, 623 Se es 10 128 996 815 pe el la (x) 780 6, 526 58 11,913 | 11 594 2,238 | 2,199} (x) 19 350 3, 234 12,366 | 10,906 (x) 12 226 1,142 |- 1,402 3,117 31 184 1, 206 7,076 | 10,569 21,705 | 13 200 917 341 1,204 8 114 1, 497 9, 066 4,600 14,415 | 14 280 7 SPOR fenced | Reeled ee tai 12 100 495 06) i ea bel Ep Ani hans i a ae 15 62 262 421 3, 143 (x) 62 432 1, 7Al 2, 201 15,183 | 16 295 | (x) ek feb w CES 1S RM eee Rag ia 286 (x) 4, 195 27,563 | 17 54 237 2 a ae Be (x) (x) 199 1, 481 xy ee es 18 127 561 (x (x) 11 100 469 2, 406 (x) (x) 19 123 497 498 | 8 55 366 2, 090 2, 461 4,953 | 20 477 812 6251 (x) 161 869 2, 077 4, 083 3,748 (x) 21 497 847 759 2, 099 173 1,180 3, 176 7,589 4, 499 12,574 | 22 68 616 947] 18,098 || (x) 60 425 3, 061 6,667 | 151,938 | 23 1,650 4,051 | 2,628 6, 387 324] 1,545 6, 802 21,213 | 16,618 44,047 | 24 788 1,871| 1,301 927 102 2,185 9, 472 8, 757 12,023 | 25 109 1, 823 998 1,0489P ) (xy FS ee. 615 11, 556 9, 232 11, 836 | 26 3,511 4,773 | 1,327 | » (x): 461} 2,414] 10,147 16, 800 5, 025 Xx) 27 1, 248 2,668 623] 1,643 147 ~ 666 3, 691 9, 125 2, 240 5,924 | 28 39 67 275 + 7 Sa a (x) 142 1,372 6, 974 8, 873 | 29 220 604 434 919 || (x) (x) 608 3, 107 2, 488 7,477 | 30 232 754 543 990 30 118 1, 054 6, 389 5, 915 9,748 | 31 1,432| 15,608 |’ 23,713 | 125,812 77 391 3,971 64,728 | 145,245 | 851,022 | 32 378 780 282 9, 077 35 318 1, 689 3, 939 3, 021 46,463 | 33 ee ee ter, reworking, 5; cars, e.ectric-railroad, not including operations of railroad companies, 7; hammocks, 6; pens, steel, 4; pulp, from fiber other than wood, 5; sewing-machine cases, 5; straw goods, not elsewhere 1016 ABSTRACT) OF THE! CENSUS=MANUPFAOTURES, TABLE 17.LGHOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND STATES “ESTABLISHMENTS [Note.—In some states in order to avoid disclosing the returns of individual establishments, the figures have been consolidated with those for a preceding group. In such cases an (X) is shown in the column bined are printed in italics. At the censuses of 1914, 1909, and 1904 establishments with products valued $100,000 to $500,000, and $500,000 to $1,000,000. Separate figures for the number of establishments and combined figures for these two groups for allitems for 1909 and 1904 and for aps Y number of wage for'1919, and also for'1914 ‘with the exception of wage'earners, for'1909 ‘and‘1904alt item s for $100,000 to i whis " DAANMAIO9-—FO TT of) : \ a Be 23, 652 699 ~ | © East North Central- oo 13 ii 1" CNA. ea 17,155 2, 740 14) 455 RD, nal RS od 18,705 ‘1, 105 | A, 031 15 ol Gn aaa 19,069 Yoda 784 16 LODE sow te os = aa8- 16,740 (, 448 West North Central- és 17} , 1GLF. salva ait Lg 9,628 » 0T58 18 | LOLS, eaten oe, ; 8,412 «4279 19 ©4000. dee Mowlina te 8,178 » "9244 20 | COA Noite ot ie 6, 667 "148 | .. South Atlantic— Par ae 21 ASLO, conten 2. Ste 9, 828 1810 22 1914, con con d-dudebegee’ |} Gelohs (7244 23 1000 coe). oad 9, 248 )171 | 24 LOO Gao atsie. aa 6, 811 106 East South Central— ; 25 LOUD. egos «n+ be _ 4, 608 319 26 191 4c: -3,-998 > 88} 27 1909). 4 cm nats 2 4-- 4,429 3090 |i 28 LODE: cet a Poul | 3,452 6 43 I West South Central- a 11D corestcwts 4,608 - 386- AQ civ Se 3, 706, 189. 31 1909 tSapee ter 3, 996 : 66% ‘ 32 fi Sasaat ia Seale 2,615 31 Mountain— 33 VOTO oes ae 22715 137 34 1914 Rs 1, 990 62 SB py I ee ee 1, 864 46 36 ABO Sails eg il By 1, 288 35 Pacific— 3 LOT eS ty eels sete 6, 699 531 38 1914 Le eee 5, 587 160 39 19003 (hue tats 4, 847 99 40 TOO, Gacuseen ss 4, 051 49 1 Includes 2 establishments whose value of product is $1,000,000 and over. *Includes 1 establishment whose value of product is over $1,000,000. ESTABLISHMENTS ACCORDING TO SIZE.; 5, 1017 / for the ies of establishments reporting products valued at $500,000 to, $1,000,000, or $1,000,000 and over from which the figures have been omitted and the figures for the group with which they have been com- miter to $1,000,000-constitute one group, but at. the census of 1919 this group was subdivided into value of products have been compiled however, from the returns for 1914. The table therefore gives eres CL ash In the totals for the United Stateseach establishment is classified under its proper head $500,000 and $500,000 to $1,000,000 are combined in one item, $100,000 to $1,000,000. ] ; ay IV —_— i a : WAGE EARNERS IN ESTABLISEH- |} ; % | MENTS b bi PRODUCT OF— || VALUE OF PRODUCTS OF ESTABLISHMENTS WITH PRODUCT OF | continued...» } : - = ny , ee Less |. $5,000. | $20,000 | $100,000 | $500,000 than f to =|) to | to NE kc Neg 1.000.000 ||-$5:000.. |* $20,000" | $100,000. | $500,000. | $1,000,000. $500,000 $1,000,000 and over. iia: 0 el SO a aa UM Re MEN, MAAS Pee ws oe eee ? 7 ne - : ibe : i F Expressed in thousands. POW MCLE GO, OLE a t. 1,719,982 1,114,615 |°5,172, 712 |! $945,603 |$3;671/ 283 | $3/965,872 \g6, 467, 132 | $42, 301,104 1 8,002,071 |” (x 2) 476, 006 905, 693 | 2,550,220 | 5,742,376 | 3,020,694 | 11,794,061 | 2 2,896,582 | (x) | 2’ 015; 629 904, 646 | 2,544,497 | 77946935 |? (x » 9,053,580} 3 2,616,064 | (x) |°1, 400, 458 | 1 751/048 | 2)199° 258406) 109013 |. (x 5,628,456 | 4 142,981 | 909, 781 79,070 | 321,945 | 895,483 | 756,525 |") 6,117,609] 5 (xy [815847 626 84,133 | 258,906}. .:656;5944 400,285 | 1) 448,874| 6 (x 438; 671 86,216 | 263,824.) .15060,177 | (x) 1,241,889 | 7 (x) 333, 250 77,995 | 238,320: 911,771 (x) 782,551 | 8 342; 648. | 1, 606, 282: 278,758 | 1,201,135'| 3,196,141 | 2,135,404 | 13,005,559 | 9 (x) 848) 596 204,327 | 878,194 | 2,011,964} 892,702] 3,913,264 | 10 (x) 698, 711 288, 432 | 865,620] 2°7097739| (x) 3226, 928'| 11 vita > | [80g 14) 798. 4h 244,273 | 709,195 2)118)140) — (x) 2, 102) 493 | 12 275,848 | 1,505,491 || 187,840 || © 806,804 | 2,108,753 | 1,559,780 |. 13,042,274 | 113 x) |! 661? 4931 195,282 |) © 501, 838 |» 1,345,349 | ”778,597.|. 3/582, 578 | 14 tig). |]02S4g9’139 197, 415 || © 577/351 +1) 382,896 | — (x?) 2) 504,095 | 15 “OCx),_ |°2987 266 || 171,086 |‘ 496,156‘) 15 445,686 | (x) 1,446,945 | 16 ~ 9,662} 253, 809 102,746 |, 315,883 | | 648,102] 405,782 | 3,692, 691 | 17 (2%) 122° 608 84,938 |; 223,912] — 381,344| 219,797 |... 12094, 606 | 18 | te . 1821077350! 82; 793 | § 220,926}. 1565;600| (x) 907,207 | 19 Cx) || 1873) 496 68,276 | 175,847 |)! 431,857) (x) 587, 158 | 20 °190)213 |" 386, 034: 104,684 | 312,517} 1 767,916 | - 607,927 | . 2,642,215 | 21 VEER) - | 10156; 884 92,502 | 218, 6771 495,680 | 273/489.) 574,809 | 22 avey “422? 840+]! 94530 || °213/3974'. 656,709} . (x) 390, 165 | 28 waded. [20 ga’ ageuh! 71,594 | 179,556) 1 469,142 | Cx) 237, 438 | 24° £143 EO eS Ct : ; ets “953; 669 |°°°127, 695" 48;119 | 150,334} 344/732 | 264, 560 823, 496 | '25 x) 41, 656 40,249 |! 100,815} 246,121 | 116,165 1827338 | 26 (x 30, 616 44,498 |i 111,473 | 19987868 | x) 134) 781 | 27 nS « JOM 257 807: 85550 | ©103,307¢b8 2 294,e711 x 82; 458 | 28 pad > pit Le 4 . ; ‘i 4 4 : ; 50} 562}?! 108, 494 49,308 | 152,718'|.' ' 353,080 | 300,126 | 1,413,315 | 29 18) fo 80; 3246 37,050 | 090,880] 2347084} 106,777 | 32k, 111 | 30 x 227 488 40,850 | 100,624] 284482] (x) 187,800 | 31 x 11508 26,492 || 79,161 | 2 208,952 | |. ¢x) 93; 148 | 32 113,674 |S. 45, 606" 98,571 | .72,596'| 3 198,690 | 184,502 |... 581,970 | 33 eC), | [Pee 28° oF 19401 38,201}% - 82,466] . 34,454 | a 256,618 | 34 x) [00 48? 789 | 18,676 || 40, 490.) 4 115, 857 @) 193,894 | 35 x 13,778 13,020 || 28,420] °262,794| (x 146,956 | 36 ©065303' |?*"224, 705! /7¥,512 | °937,3514% 522,996 | 348, 780.| . 1,965,770 | 37 8x). | HEC 51° 66: 87, 811 |) 148,861) 288,774] 138,498 | 419, 863 | 38 TEX)" 180) 33° 280 | BT, 236 | *450, 792: 872,606 | (x 258, 882 | 39 (x) oe 197 7216 42,762 | 119,296} 239,562] (x 141,147 | 40. —_——)}- —— i 8 Includes 10 establishments whose value of product is $500,000 to $1,000,000 and 6 of $1,000,000 and over. _ *Includes 4 establishments whose value of product is $1,000,000 and over. i / ' ro or ry ° yo | wee ¢ OEY » 2 t PR) 4 fi ehss32 i etl 1018 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 17.—GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND STATES—ESTABLISHMENTS [See note at head of this table, pp. 1016 and 1017.] Oo Ore bo co oosT NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS WITH PRODUCT WAGE EARNERS IN ESTAB- | LISHMENTS WITH PROD- | UCT OF— Less $5,000 | $20,000 than fe) t $5,000. | $20,000. | $100,000. 645 2, 920 8, 364 236 1,459 5, 044 313 | 1,926 6,271 990 9, 526 , 270 356 | 2,001 7, 162 659 3, 897 13,577 4,797 | 36,330 | 154,569 1,352 |. 10,997.) 35,449 4,020 | 24,280 | 84,902 2,102'| 12,089 44,277 1,520] 6,419} 20,425 1,968 | 12,639 49, 521 916 | 5,545| 20,716 1,142 | 6,092] 18,946 1, 009 4, 507 13, 228 930 4, 808 10, 219 1,783 |°0:7,311 | “18,713 202 §82 892 280 | 1,219 1, 552 536. | 2,108 4,036 640 2,612 5, 021 125 736 1, 902 941 | 5,486} 14,026 42 498 1, 743 1,976 |. 6,989 | » 12,737 569 | 2,449 6, 850 2,024] 8,478} 14,465 621 | 2,388 5, 756 1,492 | 6,813] 15,586 558 | 4,152 | » 16,118 1,149 3, 938 9,077 1,301 4,427 11, 346 1, 145 | > 4,736 | + 13,580 869. 3,411 9,175 922| 3,964] 10,007 522 | 2,651 9, 858 397'| 1,825 4,217 1,091 §, 415 13, 511 289 | 1,008 1,942 | 184 760 1,371 103 447 ~ 660 439 | 2,212 5, 452 112 474 695 80 463 1,003 231 872 | 2,410 19 1448 [90193885 530| 3,606} 12,810 373 | 2,229 6, 130 1,313 9, 880 28, 562 OF— S 5 S S re DIVISION AND STATE. Ss = 8 8 5 Well Maa ; ‘ PEG as cd of $38 | 8 8 cs) -3 | g | 2% | o&@ | o3| 8s Ge 3 S S te on ra . S Ss |s S a 3 e a e NEW ENGLAND: Maine: so 5e eS anes 880 921 698 311 84 101 New Hampshire... . 322 432 405 213 51 76 WeriOtiteencie eas 410 558 541 207 47 27 Massachusetts...... 1,645 | 3,211 | 3,511 | 2,149 575 815 Rhode Island...... 511 68 616 371 105 183 Connecticut......-- 1,155 | 1,395 | 1,206 635 202 279 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: ‘ New York......... 8,743 | 13,378 | 15,621 | 8,467 | 1,664 | 1,457 New Jersey... ..... 2,007 | 3,367 | 2,996} 1,622 470 595 Pennsylvania. ..... 6,197 | 8,257 | 7,289 | 4,118 917 | 1,200 TE. NorTH CENTRAL: Ohie feria ae 8,192 | 4,452 | 4,270] 2,674 673 864 Indiana 3.22.5: 482. 1,964 | 2,346 | 1,963] 1,086 255 302 ALLNOIS Sok Soe 3,725 | 5,360} 5,104! 2,916 689 799 Michigan........... 1,539 | 2,278} 2,361] 1,341 327 459 Wisconsin.......... 2,034 | 2,719 | 3,778] 1,274 272 316 W. NortH CENTRAL: Minnesota........-. 1,541 | 1,753 | 1,850 783 | 132] 166 (yi ik a Gee 1,491 | 1,985 | 1,381 642 87 97 MissOnTi. 3X. 2,433 | 2,791 | 1,904 942 238 284 North Dakota...... 357 282 175 63 5 12 South Dakota. ..... 485 588 265 61 9 6 Nebraska. 2.62. - 963 1, 029 572 231 - 34 55 aC els See ae 1,136 | 1,200 639 289 72 138 SouTH ATLANTIC: Delaware:s.22 42 - 123 228 183 78 26 30 Maryland......2... 1,122} 1,603 | 1,273 675 123 141 Dist. Columbia... ... 125 181 192 71 10 16 Virginia 28 Sees iy 1,826 | 1,874} 1,149 536 118 | : 100 West Virginia...... 755 869 649 340 78 94 North Carolina..... 1,606 | 2,178 | 1,295 584 192 144 South Carolina..... 570 571 434 229 95 105 Georgia cb is sccu 1,394 | 1,499} 1,055 538} 170| 147 Plotida:2. jello 584 825 824 268 48 33 E. SoutH CENTRAL: Ketttucky.... sth) i 1,196 | 1,323 912 369 85 72 Tennessee:. .....-24 1,455 | 1,411 969 506 132 114 Alabama. 2). BOSLeoR. 1,070} 1,125 916 349 99 95 Mississippi......... 759 749 593 257 59 38 W. SouTH CENTRAL: ATESn8as..t.Csnsakh 930 | 1,105 751 240 61 36 Dotiisiana -). sb 22.4 475 719 721 441 146 115 Oklahoma.........- 710 848 541 215 59 72 Mowas? os. Lek 1,440 | 1,936 | 1,391 628 166 163 MOUNTAIN: Montana. 5220. 445 474 247 86 17 21 Tdaho =... 4. Po ea. 300 314 195 74 21 18 Wyoming). ..20 20. 195 235 108 22 10 6. Colorado. 830 903 598 211 : 43 46 New Mexico:....... 116 169 67 28 5 2 ATION S ee ee 110 187 126 oh 8 12 UO talis yer ee eel ae 367 365 263 117 20 28 Nevada..--c2. 2 37 68 40 14 13 4 PACIFIC: Washington........ 1,100] 1,517] 1,330 673 | 163} 135 Oresoncss or 250 es 664 851 712 343 68 69 Califorms 3 sa. oe: 2,451 |} 4,331 | 3,232] 1,326 275 327 ¢ 7, 754 ~ 162, 129 60, 449 120, 070 ‘ F “ 2138 | 2,545 5, 424 (x) 7,532} 3,975 2097 | 2,358 WAGE EARNERS IN ESTABLISH- MENTS WITH PRODUCT OF— continued. 49, 826 55, 332 10, 312 488, 109 95,951 210, 251 576, 925 326, 141 703, 216: 463, 780 161, 409 389, 686 339, 042 151,574 58,278 35, 086 101, 776 547 776 20,071 37, 275 19, 813 76, 049 4, 334 55, 722 41, 489 _ 69, 843 45, 500 52, 444 20, 840 28, 313 33, 121 51, 026 15, 235 13, 266 35, 877 13, 073 46, 278 67,112 26, 901 130, 692 ESTABLISHMENTS ACCORDING TO SIZE, GROUPED BY VALUE OF PRODUCTS: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1016 and 1017.] 1019 VALUE OF PRODUCTS OF ESTABLISHMENTS WITH PRODUCT OF— Less than $5,000. $5,000 to $20,000. $9, 818 37, 194 89, 388 16, 172 9,077 46, 263 continued. ae er 000 fe) . $100,000. $500, ‘000. $500,000 to $1,000,000. Expressed in thousands. $31, 875 17, 584 24, 818 164,771 28, 541 54, 356 732,563 135, 069 333, 503 201, 111 91, 905 233, 014 5] 171,478 90, 270 64, 432 87, 948 7, 338 11) 567 26, 185 28, 143 8, 100 57, 807 9, 272 48, 627 28, 917 56, 696 19, 454 45, 941 37, 703 41, 839 43, 702 38, 806 25, 987 32, 062 34, 920 24, 159 61,577 61, 124 31,975 144, 252 $69, 480 51, 659 43, 889 498, 897 86,576 144, 982 1, 894, 735 368, 846 932, 560 607, 923 245, 150 678, 033 306, 924 270, 723 157, 105 136, 851 210, 689 13, 341 11, 900 52,104 66, 112 17,673 148, 744 15, 092 122, 011 81, 612 142, 031 52,592 124, 494 63, 667 82, 666 120, 788 82, 471 58, 807 53, 760 108, 104 47, 539 143, 677 18, 010 16, 289 74, 188 47, 420 5, 922 9, 031 24, 788 3, 097 148, 750 77, 259 296, 917 $59, 168 36,558 1, 163, 979 330, 320 641, 105 475, 436 174, 838 488, 267 232, 661 188, 578 93, 622 58, 984 166, 777 3, 069 7,003 24,576 51, 751 19, 385 86, 730 7, 205 * $3,698 54,131 136, 344 67, 156 119, 926 33, 352 59, 419 92, 035 69, 706 43, 400 41,629 105, 645 40, 091 112, 761 12, 151 14, 624 (x) 28,979 7, O41 5, 650 13, 980 1, 877 $1,000,000 and over. $284, 432 61, 414 2, 896, 755 549, 147 1, 029, 898 3, 957, 536 2; 788, 476 1, 180, 807 194, 679 281, 471 287, 303 ? 58, 863 418, 362 278, 908 657, 182 119, 815 36, 889 468, 249 200, 087 1, 297, 434 OOom OO be 1020 TABLE 18.—ESTABLISHMENTS) GROUPED, BY), VALUR) OF) PRODUCTS: 1919, 1914, 1909, ABSTRACT .OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. aldnheitt 1d Reed te ste 902) ; VALUE;OF — ~ VALUE ADDED is A 7 . _ PRODUCTS. jei 54 fro rig 4 \ a VALUE OF PRODUCT. : : \ cen : Average iva Number.) dis- be es: tribu- number. 4 . on bean baie Mic a Fa . All classes Seis eer, eae a a OTe Bee ae 290,105 | 100.0 || 9,096, 372 $62, 418,078,773 | 100.0 ||$25, 041, 698, 490 100.0) Oe 275, 791 | 100.0 || 7,036, 247 24; 246, 434, 724 a Ott .)-9, 878, 345, 893 | 100.0) — 19005 = deat 268,491 | 100.0 || 6,615, 046 20, 672, 051, a8 8 529) 260, 992 100.0 1904 oie’ 216, 180 | 100.0 ® 468, 383 4 293, 694, 753 100. 0 ; Less than $5, 000; ie, ; i es bee dee az Fy § PAO UE - LOS 22.6 45, 813 0.5 167,085, 044 '|'© .0:3 0.4) © O14 Woe .54. EARS 3542 129,623 | | 1.8 233, 381, 081 ‘|''' 1.0 ML. BP 9 1900 $5 BES 34.8] | 142,430] | 2:2)! 222463, 847 Nee.101 1.7 1904 Satis. 2b. b ' 32.9 106,853 | 129.) 176,128,212 }< 12 BG 1. Biv $5,000 to $20,000: ) Al ‘iy 919s /c eye 30.1 249,722 | | 2.7 945,602,857] 1.5 = 2.0 i914. Odes LS 31.9: 429, 037 6.1 905,693,168 |. 3.7 BEG. . TOO9 GES 5 See.) GES 32.4 470, 006 vel 904, 645, 664 Je: 4.4 a 6.07% 1004 S26 os OH 33.7 419, 466 TUM 75, 047, 7594S BV 26.7} $20,000 to $100,000: nine. 1OLO Kee Pa se 26.9 793,528 | | 8.7 3, 571, 283, 301 5.7 1, 747, 729, 538 7.0;7 WM css... 20.6 |) 999,510 | 1402 {lr 2,550,220 411, 10.5 || 1/288; 879, 480°, 912.5 WOOO 965.5. . 23 BE 2103 |! 1,090,449 | 1695 2, 544) 426, TIL YOO 1203 Th | 1, 258,317, POT .Cd 4. 8) 4 1004552..2...5.V8 22.2 || 1,027,047 , 18.8 |} 2,129 257, 883 114.4 |] 1, 090, 271, 17.3) $100,000 to $500,000: Ja Got 7 He ae 1 EE ea at 13.7 || 1,719,982 | 18/9 | 8, a 872, 131) 14.4 835 Ua Rupe cea 2 Nee 9.4 118,002,071 | 42.7 5 742, 376, 392} 23.7 . 1909 1. . 10.4 || 2, 896, "532 43.8 e 946, 935, 255 | 38.4 TOGA ER. fox. | SSH 10.3 9. 515, 064 46.0.1) 6, 109, 012; 538 | 41.3 || 2} se) 000 to $1,000,000: a OT Te | et ee 5 Ti 3.2 || 1,124,615 | 12:8 |}: 6, 467131, 823 1" 10.4 || | 2; rove AE os 4.6 @) - f-t05ue 8, 020, 608, 748 YOO12: 5.4) > Ghd $1,000, 000: and over: isd 63 2 WIM. ie 3.6 || 5,172,712 | 56:9.1|/42, 301, 103, 617 {67.8 || | , 612. WAS Shae. FG 1.4 || 2,476,008 | 35:2.]|/ 11,794,060, 929 |.48.6 || 4, 092, wo TOUGH aisle Wawa 1.1 || 2,015,629 | 30.5 9, 053, 580, 393 | 43.8 || 3,044, 043, 021 | 10045. 2. dealt: 0.9 || 1,400,453 | 25.6 || 5 Se 456,171 | 38.0 || 1, 881, 870, 216 Average per estab- } OBE bO & lishment: et FOND Bn. pe IU Aes ce ektensoden || 4 SOLA |. 10g “215, 157° TOMS SRS. oe hl eS. SIO... » 87, 916:}2. 1909 408. 2c RDO... SRP) COO QKOG |.) BER, Pa ° 76, 993 Jes 1904. ted By eee See ESS 68, 43B NG 1 Includes the group ss $500,000 to $1,000,000.” iy ee ; , TF ye | & yt i i wy. AN ETE . ea | S18 Bs am 9 coh xe f'ObG | E88 1 [ON | See We : 4 i fe (a ) TOR aT : Live, oe a i 1 GET tf" Ger wk | | tee goa i the, || Oth Sra! SSS" ff Obs Se ei gi { 09 6 Te | PAS Gd 0 OL FOR cee =| '} ; ert wb 8 vi | Cane ele A on 1 BSE ica (KX) i bd 1 heh eh f GL b ave cg | Se dios s x f Bat .& ; JOO Sire 6) 2 ;? C00 Des Ree 8 11S fo ere | 364 bbs A 1 OeL t88 RET TOAGHARACTER (OF “OWNERSHIPSO A921) 1021 ‘PaBLE 19.-CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP: 1919, 1914, 1909, ‘AND ‘1904, ' itive bateabilo arrreh oct nahn ae = Van Waa r Yess Feat egy yy VALUE ADDED BY’. ayire lt ats | 9 bette WAGE EARNERS. VALUE OF ae MANUFACTURE: ~ Aver- | Per tee Aver-| Per a 4 age ate _ age | cent : age peibe S- verage-|-per= = per S- | per is- ments. | tti-|| number. lestab-| _ A™ount. estab- | tri- | Amount.” | estab-| tric ? - i sh- u- lish- bu- ment. |-tion. ment.| tion. Pocrerety r=. 9, 096, 379) 31.0 $62, 418, 078, 773/$215, 157 100. 0)|$25,041,698,490/$86, 319) 100.0 7, 036, 247) 26.0 wre 246, 434, 724 87, 915} 100. 0)| 9, 878, 345, 393 35, 818} 100.0 6, 615,046} 25. 0/1 20, 672, 051, 870 76, 993} 100. 0 8, 529° 260, 992 31, 767| 100.0 5, 468, 383} 25.0 14, 793, 902; 1 563} 68, 433] 100.0 6, 6, 203, 694, 753 29; 113 100. 0 1 623,469} 4. Oh. 08, 536) 321, 836 25,605} 5.7)! 1,555, 136, 394 11, 260 6,2 ») 707,568} © §.0)}: iv, 925, 518, 298} 13,518) 7.9 *903; 524, 881 6, 343 9.1 804,883) 6. O/}: 2; 042, 061, 500}: 14,523] 9.9 968, 824, 072 6, 890) 11.4 755,923} 7.0 1, 702, 830, 624, 14,944) 11.5 824, 292’ 887 " 234; 13,1 0!) 54,744, 392, 855) 598, 188) 87.7 21, 817, 546, 565/238, 399} 87.1 0) 20, 183, 147, 103 258; 255). 83,2 8, 092; 950, 040)1 103; 554. 81.9 0, 16, 341. 116, 634 235, 121} - 79.0 6, 582, 207; 117 94, 707} 77.2 0 10, 904, 069, 307 213, 399} 73.7 4, 526, 055, 153 88; 578 (TL % 597, zl. -10,0)| 4, 137, 364, 082 68,413! 6.6 BS 669, 015, $31) 27,598] > 6,7 678, 788) 12.0 2, 137, 769, 823 38, 726] ° 8.8 ” gar 870, 972 15, 975 8.9 807, 770| 18.0 ry 288, 873, 736 39, 203} 11.1 978, 229° 803 16, 755}. 11.5 849, 762) 21.0 2 187, 002; 632 42 768) 14.8 943, 346, 713 18, 447) 15,0 a bere + 4a eee wee a hee Yh be 1022 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 20.—CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919. [NotTEe.—In some industries, in order to avoid disclosing the returns for individual establishments, the figures for certain groups (represented by 0 those for some of the larger groups. . have been omitted, and the figuresfor the groups with w nly one or two establishments) have been consolidated with In such case an (x) is placed in the cofumn from: which the figures hich they have been consolidated are printed | in italics. In the totals for all industries combined, each establishment is classified under its proper roup; consequently the sum of the figures presented in any given column does not equal the total at the head of the column, except in number of establishments:]. ———— Te + Po ; ¥s 2. - a - — INDUSTRY. All industries...22.......-. Aeroplanes, seaplanes, and air- ships, and parts......---------- Agriculturalimplements.....-....- Aluminum manufactures......:-- CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP. Number of estab- || Average number of |} Value of products of lishments owned wage earners in establishments owned by— establishments by—. owned by— help hee sae Indi- | Corpo- All viduals.| rations. | others. All || Indi- | Corpo-} All }}_ . vidu- |rations,| others. als. Expressed in thousands of dollars. | es | | —————K— | |r) 138, 112/91, 517/60, 476 ||623, 469/7,875,132|597, 771||3,536,322/54,744,393/4 137,364 Ammmunition'. Jis SONA Sebel |* AS Artificid bflowersee ccs 2G. ee PATUDCIBL IIMS Ses. esc nee sacees Artificialstone products........-.- ATLISES MIAtOIAIS. 27 bet ea ete w sie’ s Asbestos products, not including Stes Packie. <2. Aoewce. aus eee Automobile bodies and parts. - .-- AT EOMODNOS Sor ces ao cscie es selene Automobile repairing........---- Awnings, tents, and sails........- Babbitt metaland solder........- Bags, other than paper, not in- cluding bags made in textile Mills 5 45) eee eas ate < che vo. Bags, paper, exclusive of those madein paper mills...........- Baking powders and yeast......-- Baskets, and rattan and willow Belting and hose, rubber......-. eS FA ed ae, Belting and hose, woven, other thantubper. te. +. 2e.-c eee ees Hoelting, leathers so. o.\22 teem ete Billiard tables, bowling alleys, and accessories: :......---ss5-e0¢ Bone, carbon, and lamp black.... Bookbinding’ and blank-book MMBKIGS Sy ee 6 Se eee ee Boot and shoe cut stock........-..- Boot and shoe findings..........-.. Boots and shoes, not including rubber boots and shoes........- Boots and shoes, rubber..-..-....-- WOXGS, CIAL. Secewee ess eee a Boxes, paper and other, not else- where specified............--..- Boxes, wooden packing, except CIZAE DOKOS 2 ee San te wise eens Brass, bronze ,and copper products 362 Bread and other bakery products. .| 19,740 Brick and tile, terra-cotta, and fire-clay products............... IDLOUMIS eer teak ures cea toe 598 678 176 845 255 66 546 63 “AL, 595 183 2,657 103 38 458}! 6,098 209 4, 520|| 22,019 138|| 1,609 15 99 42 629 226 12 16 67 840 22 4 95 23 253 9 82 45 362 10 77 3 139 236|| 4,034 59|| 1,113 110|| 1,691 223}| 11, 580 eras (x) 40}| 1,789 191] 6,259 218}| 3,631 175|| 3,216 3, 607)| 51, 631 401|| 6,757 202|| 1,912 68 844 1, 823}| 1,677 135]| 2, 130 i | | SS |S — aoe OS OE ee ee ee ee ee ee ee oT ~ es CHARACTER. OF OWNERSHIP. 1023 TABLE 20.—-CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, p. 1022.] 8SSSee—e—e—e—eeoeooeoeweoeoeoeoeoe=$=$q$=S=S$S$S$S$qapaoau9S eI: CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP. Number of estab- || Average number of || Value of products of lishments owned wage earners in establishments owned by— establishments by— INDUSTRY. owned by— Indi- | Corpo- All viduals.} rations. | others. Indi- | Cor- | All || Indi- | Corpo-| All vid- |pora-| oth- || vidu- | rations.| others. uals. | tions.| ers. || als. Expressed in thousands of dollars. OE ee eee ore 5 11 3 17 494 30 170 3,005 176 Canning and preserving, fish...... 94; 246 70|| 1,223). 9,214 811}| 5,730) 68,969) 2,585 Canning and preserving, fruits and vegetables...-......-....... 1,222) 1,015} 845)) 7,764) 41,300) 11, 801!| 32,589) 298,476! 71,178 Canningand preserving, oysters. . . 22 29 14 266 707 216 535 2, 152 28 Card cutting and designing....... 37 22 16 272 758 118); 1,036 3,614 673 Cardboard, not made in paper PMNS one kann 32 Bo PO aay ha ee 2 £4) SL ee., (x) es 2 pepo (x) P, [p0lene rh tps : Carpets and rugs, other than rag. . 11 49 15 321} 20,806) 1, 806/} 2,722) 107,881) 12,651 EUBLDORSTEO ne ocieasnssstece: - 24 242 32 65 836 612 568|| 2, 137 1,749} 1,711 Carriage and wagon materials... ... 100) 111 47 512} 5, 628 369), 1,812) 23,222) 1, 731 Carriagesand sleds, children’s. .... 40 51 12 417; 6,211 58} 1,592} 22,676 239 Carriages and wagons, including Ue tee ee es 3 has oat 1,533} 249) 504]; 3,799] 12,136) 2,238|| 13,654) 68,712! 9,097 Carsand generalshop construction and repairs by electric-railroad SROUNPRIUOS = dona tao heaton s 2) 619 3i] CX) 31,178 99\\- (x) - 74, 864 847 Carsand generalshop construction and repairs by steam-railroad DORN le dara hess tinie c= 2's's Lee Rae © By OBR > et ieee 48h, 4877" (CK)* ll szesecs: 1,279, 235} (xX) Cars, electric-railroad, not includ- ing operations of railroad com- - NE pail spe pe ale abe a Ea ae | 1 Glee sth Cx) 2, 920) 52055 (x) 18, 448). oe 38 4 Cars, steam-railroad, not includ- _ ing operations of railroad com- I tie cemmcchs din bas ss = tpn s'<\- tha ante «= 98 | Sho eae BB,298) * CE ids tees 3s 638,223} (x) Cash registersand calculating ma- TTT pga el RD 11} | 48 6 49| 16, 457 38 177). 83, 164 198 te Reig ieee et eee 1). 118 4|| (x) 25, 322 202); (x) 174,149} 1,116 Charcoal, not including produc- | — tion in the lumber and wood distillation industries. .......... 21 16 4 86 TO eS 2s% 3 131 451 1 Sheen oi eh eis OLS 1,688] 505] 1,337] /1,238] 1,288] 1,471|| 65,389; © 20,676] 48,391 CIE Sans. dee San < Nena es kerk 48) 514 36 201) 55,071 314 1,959) 433,055) 3,6 DPOWIAE PAM. 2 dene cesses semi -t 8 47 & 91]. 3, 007 92 500} = 49, 943 747 China decorating, not including that donein potteries....-...... 32 5 6 159 70 255 55 polars a oon products....- 3 40 5]| Cx) 8, 770 131,159} 8,099 Cleansing and polishing prepara- Metis he ote bee 215} 2241 60|| ~=—-248} «1, 559 22,053} 2,610 LOCKS .-.» 2 2h A eng Sp ne Sage 72... 37 2 11} _ 8, 241 23,333] (x Cloth, sponging and refinishing... . 17 32 18 213 755 2, 342 48 Clothing, horse..... ae ea 8 13 7 89 584 5, 116 457 Clothing, men’s... 2222. ..2:0-22... 2,154] 1,080} 2,024|| 29,306] 98, 472 635, 193] 370, 142 Clothing, men’s, buttonholes..... 76 4 27 207 126 353 293 Clothing, women’s.......-..------ 2, 739] 1,641) 3,331|| 40,361) 62, 144 398, 061) 527, 003 Coal-tar products-.....-.1.-.....- 9} 168 6 70} 15, 496 133,977} 1, 108 offee and spice, roasting and ; Piatti Daren 1 aire 218|' 440] 136] 774) 8,327 239, 247] 52,708 Coffins, burial cases, and under- ©. takers’ goods. -...2.-.-4,--2---- 73| 235| 43|| 560} 10, 421 56,679| 4,699 Coke, notincluding gas-housecoke|}..- 20" 251 7 507| 28, 664 309,441) 1,038 peels Re wal se hae mvp -. 8 20 11]|' (x) 9, 389 41,987, 5,578 Combs and hairpins, not made from metal or wibber Be yegagse 2 aR 17 22 6 414) 1, 509 4, 267 944 Condensed milk. .......--.------. 11) 373 i 0 Pie oe vite noe He i i ice. cream. ..... 3, 486} 1, 555 , F : eee oer ade re ee * 522)” 384} ”193|| 1,665] 10, 307 67,792] 8,776 Copper, tin, and sheet-iron work..| 2,920) 914] 962/| 8,652) 14,614 93, 703} 25, 638 Cordage and twine........-....--- 19 95 6 500} 17, 003 129, 976 654 Cordials and flavoring sirups. ...-. 39 95 15 77| 1,257 43, 827| 1,093 NN, CULT, «5 Sanco bes cdn sacs. oh 17 39 6 89] 3,412 15, 431 256 Corsets......--- Lar a aa 64} 109! © 151] 7221 15, 185 63,1991 9,657 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——MANUFACTURES. 1024 TABLE 20.—CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP, BY INDUSTRIES: ‘1919—Contitined. [See note at head of this table E ‘tae. 1 CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP. Number of estab- “Average, teokber of || Value of products of lishments owned || wage earners in establishments owned OP Gat establishments by—_ , owned by— | atau me INDUSTRY. ie ta to Indi- | Corpo- |. All oe , 3 ied viduals.| rations. | others. Indi- Cor- | |All - Indi-, | a All vid- | pora-| oth- vidu- rations. others. ; uals. | tions.| ers. || ‘als. Expressed in thousands AS POpArS- Cotton goods. . ...« Wie flan Daletahe c's wal -. , 67| 1,164 57 a 582 424, 402 , 090, 733) UOotton $80 22 as citews fe ew eee 3 39 2 39|°- 6, 451|: -(x) ~ 29, 213} Cotton small wares..ss--.¢s0-+4-- /,32}, 104) =. 281) |. 623] -..<8,081|° © (34,456). Cruici bless 5 Sa .- ~ -leppe- +» «shea. 52 * Zh aacs 20]. owe - - || 1ohX) "Oh8l > phaaes ee 224) Cutlery and edge tools. -..s.+---.. ~ 86} --182| =; 36}| | 584) -.18, 651 48} 63, 339) Dairymen’s, poultrymen’s, and srbondy roe oy aplarists? supplies. « Ly cle Boe yall , 94° 119} © BI}. , 858). 5, 921)" “33, 997] Dental goodss .-\cicat aaa: oa nad theses il), ie re Pirearnis oN SS o2 7. ce ekabe pes 4 f Fire extinguishers, chemical . ae 10}.,, ; CUETO ORESE e-1- + 1.2 Yas} 2 -HEaBa + < May 3 22 Flags and banners. -......-.---.-} 44 ; Flavoring extracts.a.c....252--.- apie (212 = Flax and: hemp, dressed. ....+-..1 6 é Flour-mill and gristmill products. .}. 4, 711 3, 330 4 Food preparations, not elsewhere | Z 8 A4 } specified. 2. lina-ret- Seen Bb. s *» 9811 444\| 7 9, 611} 4 oT and “hiachine-shop prod- lt caanaltaatal ¥ UC: |x POS. - Wb <8 a: 2b4s 2829 3, 706 1,660} 254s im, ah, ee 6 “oan a Foundry siipplies:sc: Eee heRcT an Ce 9 4 O a he 56 sre “8 _ Fuel, manufactured. .......-.---.|--s---- Vi cae bee white 9 aye ieee Rur-goods: Sse. a2 Gt. -egse-t-- see 2876, 726 iid? é 43 96 oat : F Furnishing goods, men’s......+-+- 180 138 cB LBB 62,803] 4 Furnitures 2... . 222 9930. Hoge. sc > 6 5 e974}, 567]! '- 8,423) 4:20, 230 “34, 938} 403,454). Furs, dressed: . - .:::- pai bi WY Petes « 93 WoO, © B0}] /pac657/ae 3,8 187322). S20. a ¥ Galvanizing). ..).-c4)---shyaeh-- Keg 15 Giise “91\o I, “ote ABI] 18, B24 ATL Gas and electric fixtures.......... 95 55 699 \ 8,613} 36,261) 2,3 Gas, illuminating and heating....}., _; 13 58 ~~ 1,850} 325, 164] ~ 2, Gas machines and: gas and water:f'o -) | aes wt tepet ines cenanee TBberdz? 72. 100 case «.48UE Ot ia eth a > 45 222} © 25, 919] rep pe eiteceris ss eomreces a5 seere 7, 112) : eT) Lanne, 1,795 oe ded Poe bd 4 @ : ass, cutting, staining, an orna- 9 th ke mite " peg he: 4 $0 ts mortise. oc). . ieEy.¢...@tt-..-4 278) 9 113|| 2a) 457), 6,347} "48, 798), 3% 8,208 Gloves and Inittens; cloth, not in-. ey ont Wet Q r ‘ petiiie ait hehe Rib niece cluding ‘gloves made in? ‘textile we a ‘0 <4 Pn ates rss vis per Avnailis We ER. ORAS. Ne 8 28 4s ‘2p 4k >» 84ll on +529) 7, )°-°1; 5671 ” a Bo ee . Gloves and inittens, leather. diag wes 143 104) 1,485! 5,757! 3,443! 7, 349! _ Tronand steel, ‘polts, nuis, ale Tron and steel, cast-iron | ipa)... ee a IBIS.» - Eh === ee > 16 Iron and *steel, ‘tempering and Welgine. boca... lace... ou ia 296 Tron and cae wrought pipe-;.~z) \27\4 _ Ivory, shell, and. bone work, not ; are combs and hairpins.. ‘ 5 a at oS os meee ee i MG Mae ono Hone «bm, wattage 935 Jewelry iia ipsecomnent Cases:.... 65 PUA GOES. (x's. sF--- SG -» - -- 20h - 8} Knit goods. ...0....- Woes soit 3 het 564 _ Labels and tags..:......-3---..0-- 9° 80}, andr ectors.... Basie’ veel |p 46 is by fia nese pe een li a breed: bar, pip and sheet mee ckich 1 | Leather ie ee not elsewhere 6 ) )) CHARACTER. OF OWNERSHIP; 1025. TABLE 20,—CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP, BY INDUSTRIES: }1919—Continued: © [See note at head of this table, p. 1022.) | Iron and steel, steel works and rollin mills, re: ae es. One TOMINS MILs: F.6D ok. TAR ie or and | tiv ats, not eee! in lronand steel, doorsand s utters... lronand steel, forgings, not made insteel works orrolling mills. . Tron and steel, nails and s pikes, i ag wrou! t ‘including wire S, not made in. steel works _ .75108°—23——65 ————————————————— == 222ZZZZ = : : - ~ —-— CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP. Le meres haotiesie patel All oth- baswo + boa bye INDUSTRY. rect Indi- vid- f uals. Glucose and starch. .............. 17 Glue, not elsewhere specified... ... 9 old'and silver, leaf and foil...... 56 Gold and silver, reducing and re- fining, not from the ore fh: arate 45 Graphite, Goon and refined: <. . 6 Grease and tallow, not. including lubricating greases..:......202.. 212 Hage: PA ean an ac Hs clte cle wheoes : rcio mgd wag Oe bee's shad ee ee wees pe a gs bw Jee 142 Hand stamipies 2... 350... 2.52... - 167 Hardware .2.. 003 ..2.2, Aas. Da AS (ued Hardware, ‘saddlery. . et CRE eect 12 Hat and cap materials............ 55 Hats and caps, other than felt, Straw, and Wool. ...i.6.....2.2 317 Hata /iir-fedte 2%... 252... 3. “62 Hats; straw.....3....0. ps SE ar 40 Hats, woolfelt..:...52......... anal, | B08 Hones and whetstones............ 3 Horseshoes, not mada in steel works or rolling sa NL hepa, : lie 7 ouse-furnishin hes not else- i where specified ................- 211) apa ngeame ~-Pebe dl ES oe an é /printing. .b7.... bye dete > sap 8 A Sik writing tee 27 Instruments,” professions! and MU PMOMIIGLOIC oe pec diwceaccadbes.- 120 Tron and steel, blast furnaces... 4 Number of estab- Pe number of Tmashments owned Wage ,earners in establishments owned by— Indi- vidu- Is. 60 Corpo-} All rations.| others. 7, 674 4, 092 ‘281 Value of products of te ge jen owned y= Indi- viduals. All others. Corpo- rations. Expressed in thousands of dollars. 425} 185,150)” 681 194) 30; 734} "1,206 924|----§ . 4,962 381 1, 081). _. 2,467 527 260 1026. ABSTRACT OF |THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES, TABLE:20.—CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP, BY INDUSTRIES: i919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, p. 1022.] CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP. Average number of Number of estab- Value of products of lishments owned eat at lewd ae establishments owned by owned by— by— INDUSTRY. SOAs Indi- | Corpo- All viduals.| rations. | others. Corpo-| All rations.| others. Expressed in thousands of dollars. a | een | en | | a RY | | Leather, tanned, curried, and finished. oss cas. .- d0g6: 2 =. Ade = 5,499)| 22,514 Lime...) Wan B-- seb ce eR 2, 703) » TANCD BOCES. Sood oes seeds Aaieob aces oo et SEAS UIOE Liquors, distilled ....5..2.-.-.-.-. (x) , Liquors, Malp. 22% sees <<. 04. eee 19, 758 Liquors, ViNOUS...... 5.2.2. dete 3, 902 Lithographing......dss.7---s dha? - 2, 712 Locomotives, not made by 'rail- am én te road companies..............--- (x) Looking-glass and picture frames. 3,810) .- Lubricating greases. .).....-...50.-. 221 8,6 Lumber and timber products::... 187, 804|1, 050, 373) 149, 294 Lumber, planing-mill products, Se AAPA not including planing mills gis connected with sawmills........ 52, 737) Machine tools..:......:.:.---- ae 2, 082 Malis. 0 210.80... a -. eae 822 Marble and stone work......-.... Matebes:. Uxid... a0... ee Mats and matting, from cocoa fiber, grass, and coir..........-- Mattresses and spring beds, not elsewhere specified..........--.- Millinery and Jace goods, not else- where specified: ...i2.....-262 vs Mineral and soda waters........-- Minerals and earths, ground or otherwise treated ........--..--- Mirrors, framed and unframed, not elsewhere specified.......... Models and patterns, not includ- ing paper patterns.........0.... Motorcycles, bicycles, and parts. . Mucilage, paste, and other adhe- sives, not/elsewhere specified. . - Musical instruments and mate- rials, not elsewhere specified. :.. Musicalinstruments, organs...... Musicalinstruments, pianos. ..... Musical instruments, piano and Organ: materigis oo. Pc. odiece Needles, pins, and hooks and eyes. Nets and seimes:...../0...- eee see Oil and cake, cottonseed.......... Oiljessentials 7.0.5 RE A ae Oil, linseed .......... Goi ns ches oo fue Benbe Oil, not elsewhere specified. ...... Oilcloth and linoleum, floor....... Oilcloth, enameled...........- OF. Oleomargarine and other butter SHDSTITUTESS: 2 Pee eS Be Optical goode2.2i... SZ. cab. ee Ordnance and accessories Rete tt ee ee te tee eee wee ee ewe Paper and wood’pulp........... &. Pa ed goods, not elsewhere speci- Paper patterns ns. 2... . Le Patent medicines and compounds. Paving:imaterials. ............02.. Peanuts, grading, roasting, clean- ing, and shelling? 22.2 lL < ess Pench, OA. cose eds Gane ves onee ls nsewen Pens, fountain and stylographic. . PONS, BOG: canes ie Lubes ie hte Foes CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP. 1027 TABLE 20.—CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, p. 1022.] INDUSTRY. Perfumery and cosmetics......... Petroleum, refinin Phonographs and graphophones. . Photo-engraving weer etn tee et eee eee Eyes, tgbaccs.. Ue eae CR a Plumbers’ supplies, not elsewhere OS ssls 4 tea aagiaadilgn jie POQKBIDOOKS S222 2 es 2. tg RRR, SoS Re a a os Ce rs pumps..... Fans eG AL ct. LE Pumps, steam and other power... MemMireratorsh. 5 bGo0- ane e oot. Regalia, and society badges and Rice, cleaning and polishing...... Roofing meterisis... 7-5 i .. H2t2, Rubber tires, tubes, and rub- a goods, not elsewhere speci- 0 See? GRE GA Sa ’ ae Rules, ivory and wood............ Saddlery and harness...........-.: Safesand vaultsos. . 2.202... 24.2. GBs RANE Cie ate Se Sand and emery paper and cloth.. Sand-lime brick Sausage, not made in slaughtering and meat-packing establish- ww eee meee ee wt et eee Shipbuilding ,steel../2.........2.. Shipbuilding, wooden, including boat building.2.....02........2. REP Pa. AST a i i if ape and advertising novelties... Silk goods, including throwsters.. mn Silversmithing and silverware. ... _ Slaughtering and meat packing... Smelting and refining, copper.... _ Smelting and refining, lead _ Smelting and refining, zinc....... _ Smeltingand refining, metals, not elsewhere specified. ...... eS CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP. Average number of Number of estab- in Value of products of ; wage earners ; eae owned éxtabtighments i ge owned y owned by— ae Corpo- All Indi- | Cor-| All |} Indi- Pu ae viduals.| rations. | others. vid- | pora-} oth- || vidu- ti th uals. |tions.| ers. || als. }7?0MS+Obners. ; Expressed in thousands of dollars. 218} 281 70 863} 4,130 412|| 8,339} 47,497| 3,777 S|. 207). 15 196] 58,521) 172|| 9, 467|1,617,694| 5, 372 28} 132 6 277| 28,363 81 1,173) . 156, 737 638 98} 255 69 524, 5,691 554]} 2,126) 24,198) = 3,065 19 43 6 57} 2, 473 25 326 8, 941 117 42} 112 15 205) 14, 285 66 1,551) 113, 687 476 296; 321) 106|} 1,666) 14,335 620}) 11,538} 129,541) 4,706 28 17 11 402} 1,592 545. 1,312 7, 000} -. 3, 242 10 51 7 101; 9,178 213 351} 40, 337 947 35} 160 19 472) 12,577 543}/ 2,649) 54,813) 2, 593 49 36 54 561) 1,378 966 2, 426 5, 963}. 6, 161 88} 211 41)} 1,044] 26,175 715)| 2,342)’ 71, 012 ‘ 60 90 46 318} 1,539 283}; 5,447) 30,444) 5, 814 7,458] 3,367} 2, 264|| 20,663} 90,486} 11, 856]| 92,087) 445, 041|' 60, 535 21 138 76 6]; 1,187} 12, 101| 1, 304° 9, 262} 4, 856] 3, 244]! 20,189} 90,688} 9,554] 93,990) 768,916) 61, 247 15 56 1 3 66) 1 314 4, 460 145 3 35 2 5} = 8,086) (x) 31|' 23,677) (xX) 32 77 18 91} 4,540 753 688} 26,032) 4,936 16 86 10 261; 10, 096 331 1,201; 50,949} 1,596 30 73 19 372} 5,198 221 1,766] 22,868) 1, 415 60 41 14 252} 1,862 109}|.. - 1, 360 7,679 356 15 63 8 77| ~=1, 902 134|} °° 3,970) 78,957) 7, 111 38} 122 18 166} 8,642 63}; 1,111} 83,965 819 368 23 588} 119, 108 152]| 3,694] 981,863} 1,531 5 1 19 149} (x) 85 396} (xX) 253} 295) 1,878) 7,434] 1, 099)|..13,358| 61,653) ’8)'702 26 3 32} 2, 883 34 171} = 15, 055 68 67 10 50} 6,180 265 109) 36, 605 800 10 1 ) 771| (x) (x) 9, 304 & 30 RY (& 504) (Xx) (x) 1,663) (x) 99) 130/) 1,505; 1,314 652}| 23,275) 21, 969) 11, 366 53}. 21 115} 5,274] 121 575] 30, 208 678 53 10 187| 5,088 157 543} 19, 576 522 93 17 281; 9,720 261 994) 37, 844, 1,177 * SO. GOR ee tere 2 sd 4089). ose alts pee te, MOUs ce eas 5 SLs Se a4s (x) ye (x) LD ig FNS 27 2 89, 14,970) (x) 2571 43,438) (x) 148) 6) 97; 343, 635 282) 402'1,454,961| 1,127 300} 156) 2,474 36,798) 4,160)| 10,160) 142,809) 12,903 359} 281)|. 4,316; 25,109) 10,178)| 16,152! 123,807) 65, 368 48 29 246) 1,390 221|| ° 1, 037 6, 123} 1, 134 265) 91) 1,047| 9,020} 365]|. 4,641} 36,917] --1, 785 811} 308)| 6,498) 108,531) 11,753/|" 38,561} 581,413) 68, 496 57 17 167; 5,77 507 981) - 25, 871} 2,274 582} 241)| 3, 267; 155,379) 2,350) 110, 823/4, 049, 077) 86,390 met Marae BA cece. saauh BASED ack SOE een cee el Gk RUMar, on an mae 2, || Se (xX) i) ee oe (xX) TOO STOO wn ns avi wo qaetw BUI ce ocutas «sett Lone OUlcacbuiscitomadsecct * 108) Sar Toes TP cccen™ (KX) SeOhL'.. crt > = €k) 1028 ABSTRACT OF ‘THE CENSUS--MANUPACTURES. TABLE 20,—CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued .” [See note at head of this table, p. 1022:]” INDUSTRY. the Ore. .3.64.516. 52RD 2 SOD g-.~ «nah Boh -oinlngle «0 dpe - Soda-water apparatus. ..-........- Sporting and athletic goods. .....- Springs, steel, car and carriage, not made in steel works or rolling mills: ... 22 ha Si oso Hole ae < & Auer Stamped and enameled ware, not elsewhere specified.........,-.-. Stationery goods, not elsewhere SPREE Jean: a. ws «jk pina -\~/siaioee - Statuary and art goods. .......... Steam fittings and steam and hot- water heating apparatus.......-. Steam packing .j¢ .-- chk 2. RS Steel barrels, drums, and tanks... Stencilsand brands -3:..0.....62:. Stereotyping and electrotyping. . - Stoves and hot-air furnaces. ....-- Stoves, gas and Oil../22..2.---2.., Structuralironwork, not made in stee] works or rolling mills... ... Sugar, DGD. 5. aa -ceehewcmn sah cree Sugak, Ganensn. a... tens... UES y= Sugar, refining, not including beet SUSE: ...- ores Oo ~- IY phoe aban Sulphuric, nitric,and mixed acids. Surgicalappliances...::. eee gH ae Suspenders, garters, and elastic woven goods.c.. itt <2 cule. Textile machinery and parts...... Theatrical'scenery. 12. 22. Tin.and other foils, notelsewhere SPEGUIOU. are. 0-5 ie nae = ae one Tin plate and terneplate.......... Tinware, not elsewhere specified. . Tobacco, chewing and smoking, ONO ADIT 5 40,"5. 4. 4a hoce > ee Tobacco, cigars and cigarettes..... Tools, not elsewhere specified... Toys'and Pames. 4a, aoe Trunks and valises. ..3.-..-.-.22. Turpentine 4nd rosin...........:. Type 10undi ig fu... < bes... red Typewriters and supplies. ....:2.-! Umbrellas and canes.........-.-.- Upholstering materials, not else- where specified. ..jtgs. 2-6. -ks Varnishes: occ casa. aeebhe ss. < Ub io Vault lights and ventilators...... Vinegar and. cider ;. ..a23-t4.- a4. Wallpaper,notmadeinpapermills Wall plaster and composition FIGGEIN GE. . boas oe ehh ss ee Washing machines and clothes WEIRSOIS 6s oag oa wo wig Role = 3 = WASER. 'sicn » debra cin nid ob abe Fd eb a Watch and clock materials, ex- ‘Wheelbarrows. ......ccceedecceeee Whips....: geal: Gs et aR AS Win Stes teéeeedetecs teeves os CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP. aN aE Average number of wage earners in establishments Value of products of establishments owned Number of estab- lishments owned DyTa owned by— by Indi- | Corpo- All viduals.| rations. | others. Indi- | Cor- | All vid- | pora-| oth- uals. | tions.} ers. Rta Corpo-| All rations.| others. Expressed in thousands of doilars. bl] 15 92} 1,913 162 87; 222' 39]| 299] 19/780) 357 3/601 oe: laa ie g4| 2/383]. 132)). 735 831 79| 261 574| 5,476) . 362 1,607 25 76 iil. «= 72|_—« 8720] | 1801) 760 44} 251} 28] + 552] 33,138] | -BB8ily 2,257 - 61} 130} 32] 445] 9,774) 1,072) ‘Ay7700| 101} 44) | 50 i 885, 227 "862 3s| 207| 16i| 398]. 35,968] 320 j 2,394 44, 113; 12i| 2221 5,859) 66 38, 691} © 340! 3) 26, 4 25| 3,260) 787 4477; > 248 43) (28h 18 85} > 282] 50 230 37, 112; 22 += 425| | «-2;977] + 262 1,026 53; 3231 © 36i| +~—«4624| 31,326] 918 4,294 4u) 113} © 22 89} 107294} 182 1,397 382| 612; 152i| 2,676| 38,969} 2,317 15,246! 84)... 11,781|...-ccelb< CR) | 149, 156f2.- Ayes 65} 102} 35)| 1,426] 45575] (x) 4157 (x) f ene 17} Bile.----.| 16,287] 1,965/|......-.| 647,850] $3,137 pb Be: 30... .telloc-.s.:]. 4, 96L|.<) Dad aomlaad, Osi IOI ahybes 145} 92) 3il| 47) 5) 725] 194 565] 965° 87} 68} 41\| 318} 9,020) 1,019 48,613] © 7,429 > 154| 202) 76|| 1,696, 28,395] 1,232 J 42445! 44 42} 15} 134) (x) 887} (x) BT Or 5] 459081,34.... uaz) 2a wt at of 84) 3,088) (x) “(xs 70; 188i 43i| 622}: 32,783] 981 5, 4356 | 207| 105|- 53] 704} 17,180] 440i}. | (247) 2,984. 8,026 796) 1, 104'| 25,749] 96,849] 16, 175 337| 639,487] 48, 538 392| 537| 196|| 2,448| 31,037] 2,100) | 7,952 207; 223 111/| 1,725| 10,519] 1,957 6,499, 264) 194} . 139) 1,649 3,237] 1,584 10,023 547| 247) 397i 7,788| 11;552| 8,777 . 15,493 > i de 12 68) 742| (x) ! me 17) «629 87| 155493 109; 37; 52/505]. 1,689} 1,174 asi gal 3gil 388i 4,130] 202 35] 0177] 17 118k 39867) 87 12; 231 «6 Go) 223) 7 20| 75; 10) 731 5,782! | 101 24} -, 62} © 16] 244} 2,271) | 171}. yi. 10) Bl teo| = 342} 80 gi. 22) 3i 80] «3, 852] 18 11 16) all Gx) | 15,888] (x) ae i>) BL eal e5el! (x) ar 5 a: | |) a) ame 79| 1,860] (x) CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP. 1029 TABLE 20.—CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, p. 1022.] INDUSTRY. Number of estab- lishments owned by— Indi- | Cor- | All vid- | pora-| oth- uals. tions, ers. ts a | | | Window fiease ind fixtures. ..... 170) | 76 41 MV IGS OS) Le AME ol 4 -8) : 4 Wirework, including wire rope | _. andcablé,notelsew erespecified | 229| | 237 92 _ “Wood distillation.....2........... G0, Tigh; digg. tS 7 PWOOd:- preserving. eee ok as 1 (715 . W ood, turned and carved.. Wooden | Terie ay wt tee ee eee ee es a bas ae 7 ee. G aesck A 6 26 1 apy me HI 26 36 16 eA 94, 399 67 beat at 27| | 229 36 coll eae i 20 15 14 CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP. Average number of wage earners in Value of products of establishments establishments owned owned by— Ry Indi» | Corpo- All viduals.| rations. | others. Corpo-| All Gals rations.| others. ie Expressed in thousands of dollars. 47 ¥ 030 179 1; 7 17 3,389) 1,774 1030 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES, TABLE 21.—CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP, BY GEOGRAPHIC pS SooooOooooOoeeeTTFTFhQs«oS=$™$@00M SS 5885 DIVISION AND STATE, UNITED STATES: 1 Tae oes ts i 8 eae 2 P9142 3 1909. 2 2 eR 4 1OOST EASE ch 2s OS AL GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England— 5 OT hae ie Sukie ac 6 19Tbr oe PR re Sas 7 Sa he See AB MT 2) State eed OOo = sorceress Middle oe cee 9 A9GEO Se Be eee ls Fee 10 [9tdvee eas es il 1909 ZF eS 12 1O04:% o2 s 25s es Shee: East North Central— 13 QDs 3-2 Shee os 5 ER, 14 LOT 4 ae te Eee Pe a, 15 1909 wc as coed kPa 16 19042 os dies ok Se West North Central— 17 DOUG be ek Lives as ae. 2 18 $914 oe ac sedis 2 ys dpe) 19 8, 8 a 8 es ae 20 AG04 Seycsrtes etek south Atlantic— 21 POD AE Se is Ss eieeete 22 OU SS is wesc dare lle te Aste 23 OOO ee SIE Se 24 gL be er aed a ee ae East South Central— 25 AOL oat ee yee Ae, 26 * ABER a ek bee oee ek Sols 27 $OOO eee ils oak ast went 28 POOR RTs ee ee West South Central— 29 1913 a ee Ss 30 19143 Vo eee. cc 31 LOUD i, SRR ss esa ees 32 ODS 5 6. cae ee eo Mountain— 33 1919 sites jeux een eee 34 TOTS aos. Se Uae 35 1900S IB RCP Sees 36 1004 SU Me oh Pacific— 37 LOLO ae ee. cae os ewes 38 TOTAZ SY RRO ck see 39 TOG cb a etieeeeeeeek wece 40 FOOT Gh ce kee UR eeaee eee NEW ENGLAND 41 BEO ie ean co She He ae oe 42 New Hampshire. .......--... 43 Vermontiet.fioe eeee aces 44 Massachusetts 45 Rhode-island.... 886 17,096} 886 32 Nevada.j..s:ssay-eat-<.--t 67 67 32 ~ 108 2,929 |” 82 | PACIFIC: Blan 4) VAASHINGLOM, ocx wep. ducks 2,011 1,913 994 6, 918 120, 361 5, 649 34-4:~ ‘c/ ORCQON. 4 .c05cpeg Hh fenwinch § 1, 146 934 627 8, 415 50, |. 4, 284 35 California.g. Seas lap peeneee ¢ 6, 042 3, 132 2, 768 2, nee 199,538 | . 21, 661 he 2 : i ! 3 fi ; Sty.et 1. a Py po ai } GOs § i= — ? tx , f a jam d 1 UAE 0308 TGs | = : Vee A i | t at 1 $08 CLC Ove aaee Rien By | ona Box tie iPr We Se: 4. i Gs Ort thy 456 216 ; a6 Gd STL CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP. 1033 DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904—Continwed. CHARACTER OF OWNERSHIP—continued. Value added by manufacture in establishments Value of products of establishments owned by: owned by Individuals. Corporations. All others. Individuals. | Corporations. All others. $48, 556, 598 $1, 059, 259, 122 $100, 314, 015 $19, 260, 597 $292, 840, 170 $22,939,191 | 1 41) 052} 132 |» , 102, 520 59, 668, 045 17, 973, 926 190, 437, 574 16, 820, 390 | 2 69; 526, 094 | ° 1, 480, 883, 324 43° 798, 920 31, 362, 664 487, 843, 789 18, 544, 721 | 3 5, 191, 635 548, 509 6, 633, 478 2) 036, 853 9, 502, 872 1, 344; 398 | 4 g 397, 020 48, 198, 970 5, 574, 792 4 054, 313 |. 13, 026, 642 2 103, 957 | 5 21, 497, 462 555, 935, 574 18, 609, 462 8, 982) 438 100, 758, 225 5, 527, 713 | 6 a4 29, 292} 754 ' 849, 071, 270 |. 35, 303, 070 12) 339, 734 141, 898; 951 9, 340, 422 | 7 9, 607, 487 150, 957, 146 4, 508, 376 3, 136, 143 74, 823, 774 1,680,159 | 8 81, 391, 812 707, 408, 302 85, 144, 660 82, 621, 368 _ 258, 834, 823 33, 141, 204 | 9 88, 904 53, 176, 333 6, 861, 333 4; 335, 666 29, 414, 529 4, 136, 275 | 10 42, 956, 484 560, 599, 658 39, 955, 479 19, 108, 309 239, 253, 525 13, 608, 954 | 11 19, 982, 517 428, 213, 176 23, 775, 184 9, 013, 245 184, 062, 230 7, 954, 806 | 12 48, 846, 110 853, 423) 735 41, 538, 104 26, 183, 197 371, 801, 643 18, 916, 928 | 13 13, 478, 065 357, 107, 899 10, 867, 020 6; 997, 868 141, 702, 304 4) 766, 4 8 | 14 34, 535, 089. 622; 245, 546 36, 456, 461 18, 747, 064 217, 151, 329 16, 848, 646 | 15 . 22 290, 515 166, 210, 162 |~ 24, 826, 134 12, 978, 679 92} 191, 912 15, 475, 996 | 16 26, 994, 727 ~ 338, 646, 978 30, 018, 712 11, 305, 235 138, 048, 865 10, 590, 691 _| 17 36, 498, 083 |. 474, 208, 615 45, 546, 464 15, 301, 609 177, 762, 690 18, 422, 133 | 18 28) 455, 577 ' 437, 969, 430 26, 305, 888 16, 204, 105 161, 039, 809 14, 822’ 691 | 19 25, 563, 980 149, 371, an i 22) 811, 797 15, 292; 184 72, 532, 760 13, 244 172 | 20 25, 845, 399 | 149, 038, 772 ' 25, 428, 687 13, 568, 895 71, 507, 400 12, 423, 586 | 21 30, 568, 791 609, 292° 719 36, 328, 260 12; 241) 593 220, 793, 463 iL 750, 847°) 22 22) 749, 408 367, 461, 271 11, 152, 190 8, 950, 774 75, 646, 785 4, 159, 481 | 23 _ 57, 348, 290 : 882; 136, 923 |. 60, 510, 583 26, 057, 136 249, 797, 940 22; 969, 822 24 8, 372, 148 158, 484, 858 4, 807, 512 4, 297, 066 38; 298, 647 1 916, 881 5, 704, 70, 230, 068 4, 576, 647 2,701, 482 31, 830, 993 2,029, 769 | 26 2, 899, 804 77, 333, 678 1, 211, 912 1, 486, 849 37, 047, 616 660, 401 | 27 16, 054, 897 250, 927, 940 8, 639, 498 7, 854, 672 89; 001; 458 3, 895, 930 | 28 2,091, 542 15, 001, 235 763, 825 893, 625 8, 790, 961 444, 533 | 29 3, 554, 146 115, 651, 302 1, 563, 664 1, 563, 877 25,774, 143 785,655 | 30 5, 336, 146, 593, 052 5, 003, 765 2, 303, 399 42) 021, 437 2, 453, 886 | 31 741, 507 21, 615, 875 516, 929 381, 129 5 745, 151 257, 414 | 32 38, 257, 362 739, 639, 897 31,725, 725 19, 580, 678 329, 471, 376 17, 393, 399 | 33 19, 399, 351 322, 331, 966 25,051, 310 9, 490, 384 140, 118, 244 10, 967, 958 | 34 137, 677, 421 1, 646, 355, 622 197, 171, 658 61, 817, 079 638, 935, 302 61, 593, 802 | 35 1034 TABLE 22 ABSTRACT OF ‘THE CENSUS--MANUFACTURES. .—POWER USED IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES:" 1879 TO 1919. POWER. Number of establishments: . Number of establishments reporting power......-..- Primary horsepower, total. . Average horsepower per establishment.......-- Horsepower decree es oe Internal-combustion engines; . Horsepower. -.-- Ls alee a Water wheels and motors: Rented:....... Ee ee Electric: + 4,» HLOPSepOWer . ...- oases Other AOrSepower- ~ Lick. ghee ae PlectTigsageu. ch woes! Rented: ) } »MOLOrSe52t yo. 2a bs gies 0 HLOFSCPOWOE... <2) yz ' Generated by establish- ment reporting: Motorsies 64. - 2 - 5k eee. 5% 1 Inclirdes 29,293 horsepower reported as * other” owned power in 1909; 92, 154 horsepower in 1904; 49, 985 1919 237, 854 29, 504,792 122, 628 17, 037, 973 . 83, 407 1, 259, 400 “14, 008 1, 765, 263 9, 442, 156 16, 317, 277 996, 000 9, 347, 556 487, 021 6, 969, 721 1914 1909 1904 1899 1889 1879 275,791; 268,491}, 216,180| 207,514]. 355,405} 253, 852 205,590} 185,042| 134,481| 133,418] 100,726} 85, 923 22, 437, 072| 18, 675, 376| 13, 487, 707|10, 097, 893| 5, 938, 635] 3, 410, 837 109. 1 100.9} 100.3 75.7 59.0 39.7 18,409, 941} 16, 802, 706! 12, 854, 805| 9,778, 418] 5, 850, 064) 8, 410, 837 - 437,172] 153,525} 127, 267| | 130,710 91, 403| 56, 483 15} 591, 593/114, 228, 632}1 10, 917, 502|18, 180, 564]14, 586, 089] 2, 185; 458 37,603] | 34,3561 21,515}. 14,334, 2). «| @) 991,905| 751,186], , 289, 423 134, 742, 8,930; (a) "48,069 21,282) 20,9921 23,0991 39,005] 55, 404 1, 826, 443] 1,822, 888| 1, 647, 880] 1,454,112) 1, 255, 045) 1, 225, 379 4, 027,131] 1, 872,670. 632, 902] 319,475 anal -@) 451;002| 199,309| (2) 2 @)..[ @ 3, 897/248} 1,749,031}. 441,589]. 182,562) (2) |. @ "129, 883| ' 123,639] 191, 313 136;913) 88, 571) @ 8, 835, 970| 4, a7 140] 1,592,475] 492,936] 15,569] ) 451/002} 199,309}. @) |) fe ; @ 3,897,248] 1,749,031] 441,589] . 182,562) (@)) 01. @ 321,360| 189,545) - 73,119} 216,804 Roe gos ad 8 eS 038, 722) 3,068,109] 1, 150,886), 810,374) J @ horsepower in 1899; and 4,784 horsepower in 1839. 8 Figures not available. a0 OE ned ee ‘POWER USED IN MANUFACTURING. ' 1035 TABLE 23.—HORSEPOWER IN LEADING INDUSTRIES: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904: PRIMARY HORSEPOWER. Electric Cen- Oven Rented. horse- a net POW SF INDUSTRY. i ae tee Total. Steam | Water hak and engines | wheels) ¢om- | Hlectric.|Osher.|| “4 tuthtnes. ae bustion ; engines PAD SIR tTIOS bcd ees ceca 1919 |} 29,504,792|| 17,037,973]1,765,263/1 ,259,400/9, 347, 556}. 94,600||16,317 ,277 1914 }| 22 437, 072 15, 591, "59311, 826, 443 991, 905 3, 897,248 129, "883 8, 835, 970 1909 18, 675, yo16 144, 228° 632/1 322) 888 751, 186 1 749 031 123, 639 4, 817, 140 1904 || 13 487, 707 110, "917, 502i1, 647,880 289) 423 441, "589 191, 313}|1, 592, "475 Industrics with over 18,000 wage earners in 1919. Agricultural implements.........| 1919 || 128,249 ||. 69,942 |. 6,373 |. 4,092} 47,842 ) 1914 || 121,428] 79,688 | -5,601 | 5,113 | 30,764 1909 || 100,601 || 71,894 |..8390 |. 4433 | 15,684 1904 || 89,738 || 77,175 |. 6,300} 2360} 3/828 isicnaciallbe, including bodies | 1919 || 544,242 || 146,212 566 | 12, 927, | 379, 388 and Lepart. 1914 |} 173,684 ||. 60,233 411 | 10,075.| 102, 156 tater 1909. || 75,550 |] 397325 287.|. 7,000] 27,641 1904 10, 109 7,376 80}. 1, 459 1, 051 Boots me shoes, including cut | 1919 |} 140,317 62,654 | 2,483 991 | 68,176 stock pnd findings. 1914 || © 112° 929 64 236 | 2,066}. 3,729 | 37,389 . 1909 96, 302 60,772 | 2,815 | 3,532] 17,381 foe 1904 || 63,968 || 44,412 | 2270.) 2676] 5,959 Boots and shoes, rubber. ........| 1919 49,400 21, 220. hei2 462dou on. 25, 718 . . . Vane lob 24’ 621 19, 885 }>1, 275 20| 3,381 1909 25, 903 22, 293 |, 8832.0). a8 1,712 1904 || 26,084 || 247145 |. 17300,|2....... 39 Boxes, paper fad other, not else- | 1919 54,955 22,471 }; 1,964 |») 1,124 |. 29, 116 where specified. 1914 38, 179 18, 734 | 1,979} 1,709 | 14,918 1909 23’ 323 10, 730 |. 2,425.};1, 621 6, 927 1904 || 15,117 8,343 |, 13718 }.1,518| 27 138 Brass, bronze,and copper products], 1919 || 265,688 || 116,517 | 2,320} 3,540 | 142,996 te 1914 122) 700 78,639 | 3,291} 8,371 | 31,673 1909 106, 120 78,101 |) 3,374 | 4,890 | 18,399 1904 69, 494 59,063 |. 2,959 | 1, 834 3, 143 Bread and other bakery products.| 1919 || 165,950 34, 250 522 | 5,274 | 125,665 1914 107, 771 30, 095 }: 3691 7,400 | 68,933 1909 65, 298 25, 509 334 | 8,166 |; 31,160 1904 37, 241 22? 650 452 | 5,675 8, 363 Brick, tile, pottery, and other | 1919 || 439,194 ||. 304,094 146 | 18,617} 115, 698 cla by precact ts. 1914 470, 758 379, 626 490 | 21,669 | 68,638 1909 || 451,186 || 415, 486 367 | 14,968 | 20,263 1904 360, 280 ||, 345, 879 813 | 8,410 4, 413 Butter, cheese, and condensed | 1919 || 168,871 || 104,223 | 1,555 | 9,294 |. 53,479 milk. 1 ns 1914 130, 862 104, 729 | 1, 274.}9'7, 229 | 17,027 1909 || 101,349 || 90,933] 1,465] 3,373 | 5,366 1904 93, 845 88, 923}. 1,411 |. 11, 800-5 1,597 Canning and preserving..........| 1919 |}, 180,812) 114,140 140°}, 9,961 | 56, 220 aa at | Eo 1914 ||, 120,004 |} 90,778 |. 877}. 8,967 | 18,726 1909 || 81,179 || 70,392] 398| 4)519| 5,469 1904 || 60,831 |]. 56, 122 460:|° 1)962.|. 1,776 W) Carpetsand rugs, other than rag..| 1919,|| 38,170 || 28,777 | 2,207). 85 | 6,524 Te ange eee 8B) 914 || 43’ 963 29486 |. 4130}. 19] 9,159 ces | 1909 || 38,553 || 30,680! 3305] 500{ 2°709 ca hol 1904 || 33,945 || 297 643 |. 2)988 55 | si: 298 Carriagesand wagonsand mater- | 1919 64, 666 37, 786 | 1,441] 4,762) 19,999 ials.. . 1914 112, 549 66,093 | 3,182 | 10,557 32) 654 1909 || 126,032 82,928 | 4,667 | 13,120 | 24,969 1904 || 106,159 || 82,488 | 3,179 |. 9,739 | . 8,780 1 Figures include “other”? owned power as follows: 1909, 29,293 horsepower; 1904, 92,154 horsepower. 1036 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 23.—-HORSEPOWER IN LEADING INDUSTRIES: 1919, 1914; 1909, and 1984— Conta. INDUSTRY. Industries with over 18,000 wage earners in 1919—Continued. Cars and general shop construc- tion and repairs by electric- railroad companies. Cars and general shop construc- tion and repairs by steam-rail- road companies. Cars, steam-railroad, not includ- ing operations of railroad com- panies. Cement: <1) STs Ble ee CHEMIGAIS aoe Ci ae st te Clocks and watches, including cases and materials. Clothing, men’s, including shirts. Clothing, women’s. ......1...-.. Coke, not including gas-house coke. Confectionery and ice-cream 1_...| ° Cooperage and wooden goods, not elsewhere specified. Copper, tin, and sheet-iron prod- ucts.2 Cordage and twine and. jute and linen goods. 1 Figures not available for 1909 and 1904. 2 Includes for 1919, 1914, and 1909 some establishments manufacturing enameled stamped ware which Cen- sus year. Total. 53, 830 44,989 35, 794 3: 154 594, 515 433,994 293, 361 167,973 157, 865 126, 687 97,797 55, 994 488, 808 490, 402 371, 799 149, 604 376, 940 282, 385 208, 657 132, 394 18, 681 15, 647 14,957 10, 731 55, 521 53, 281 42,725 29, 829 32, 622 28, 396 22, 294 14, 916 224, 879 117, 127 62, 602 66, 669 179, 891 98, 393 56, 604 59, 001 65, 108 - 56, 988 106, 084 75, 263 62, 366 30, 229 | PRIMARY HORSEPOWER. Steam | Water engines | wheels and || turbines. motors. _ 375, 606 323, 634 255, 840 159, 746 92, 015 99, 934 89, 823 55, 260 278, 009 291, 321 “ 295° 138 | 137,770 241,749 ' 124,329: 103, 488 71, 299 12,090 11, 863 12) 593 9, 180 15, 454 19, 409 16, 009 14) 641 2, 283 2) 632 4112 4) 422 148, 478 77, 367 46, 251 65, 144 52, 763 45,107 42, 488 48, 404 55, 071 50, 382 34, 158 35, 400 34, 655 20, 824 were included under ‘‘enameling and japanning”’ in 1904, Owned. and Rented. Electric.|Other. 126, 419 134, 481 92,067 10, 130 4,529. 3,063 1,612 892 37, 368 28, 284 18, 816 9, 581 29) 534 24,029 15, 175 7, 494 74, 551 37, 640 13,754 1) 187 115,069 |’ 41, 836 11, 518 5, 765 2) 819 969 64, 961 30,644 17) 898 5,006 26, 806 es Oe ree ee T* —— POWER USED IN. MANUFACTURING: 1037 r _ TABLE 23.—HORSEPOWER IN LEADING INDUSTRIES: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904-—-Contd. PRIMARY HORSEPOWER. Cen- Owned. Rented. oat INDUSTRY. sus oe foe veers! otal. Steam | Water come and ar ney com- |Electric.|Other. nica we turbines. motors. via ey Industries with over 18,000 wage earners in 1919—Continued. Cotton goods, including cotton | 1919 ||1, 863, 542 ||1,025,761 |307,162 | 2,842 | 523,696 | 4,081 || $74,124 small wares. 1914 ||1) 585,953 ||1,011, 303 |314,219 | 4,016 | 252,864 | 3,551 |} 512,903 1909 ||1’ 296,517 || '877,201 |303,024 | 2,812 | 108,512 | 41968 || 235, 902 1904 || ’986;604 || 708,333 |252/923 | 1,786 | 14/095 | 9/467 || 67,139 - Cutlery and tools, not elsewhere | 1919 || 107,339 30,950 | 9,585 | 7,272] 58,478 | 1,054 74, 579 ~ specified. 1914 || 73,255 || 36,295 | 97838] 8,194! 17,586| 1,342 || 34,680 | 1909 || 68,294 || 38,815] 13,382 | 6,731 | 8,325] 1,041 || 17,785 1904 || 54,397 ||. 34,106 | 11,459] 4,052| 3,653 | 1,127 8, 427 Dyeing and finishing textiles, ex- | 1919 || 160,430 || 118,197 | 13,543 | 2,124 | 25,993) 573 |) 85,889 clusive of that done in textile | 1914 || 130,172 || 111,506 | 9,969 690 | 7,162] 845 || 51,021 ~ mills. 1909 || 107,746 |} 92,284 | 10,114} 1,207] 2,665] 1,476 || 24,011 1904 || 84,868 || 70,555 | 10,130 711 | 1,087 | 2,385 |} 11,724 Electrical machinery,apparatus, | 1919 || 438,839.|| 193,231.] 1,800] 7,446 | 235, 605 757 || 479,366 and supplies. 1914 227,731 142,085. | 1,065 | 8,694 | 74,476 | 1,411 262,119 1909 158, 768 99,897} 1,114] 6,753} 50,045 959 164, 540 1904 || 105,376 77,059 | 1,181 | 2,940] 21,313 | 2,883 61, 753 Fertilizers. ......00...2-022------ 1919 || 125,939 || 40,482] © 709} 4,862 | 79,886 |....... 93, 111 1914 || 114,281 || 60,353 337 | 5,786 | 47,450| 355 || 65, 266 1909 || 64,711. || 49,777| 365] 1,825] 12,579] 165 || 19,238 1904 47,989 44, 857 353 246| 2,358] 175 5,275 Firearms and ammunition......- 1919 65, 295 33, 356 299 | 2,241 | 29,399 }....... 54, 402 : 1914 18, 828 10,176 462 |. 3,139 4,951 100 17, 259 1909 17, 840 11, 505 989 | 2,927 2,278 141 8,472 1904 21, 408 18,613 | 1,139 880 632 | 144 3,777 Flour-mill and gristmill products} 1919 || 876,405 || 329,589 |186,087 | 96,291 |.263,497 | 941 || 309,610 1914 || 822/384 || 403,186 |229,328 | 76,451 | 112,441 | 978 || 150, 248 1909 || 853,584 || 473,571 |264,131 | 62,681 | 49,901 | 3,300 || 67,066 1904 || 775,318 || 474,077 |258,352 | 26,326 | 15,584| °979 || 20,308 Food preparations, notelsewhere| 1919 || 150,230 |} 51, 893 796 | 5,337 | 91,643} 6561 || 112,798 specified.1 1914 || 80,022 |} 39,012 915 | 5,352 | 34,347| 396|| 47,761 1909 || 55,166 || 35,554 1,150] 4,331 | 13,460] 671 |} 20,924 1904 || 28,162 || 22,185 | 13158] 1,283] 3,1231 413 4, 239 Foundry and machine-shop | 1919 ||1, 886,983 || 570,479 | 20,511 |107, 442 |1,172,561 |15,990 ||1, 725, 145 products. 1914 |/1,129, 768 || 548,027 | 19,585 |108,673 | 444,328 | 9,155 || "896, 84 1909 || 869,305 || 548,960 | 18,702 | 96,966 | 192,977 ]11,700 || 623, 914 1904 || 606,165 || 467,660 | 18,633 | 49,006 | 55,359 115,507 || 199, 625 Furnishing goods, men’s ?.....-. 1919 || 19,979 9,579| 785 | 220} 99,279)» 116 || 14,482 1914 || 17,300 8,946 | 811 569 | 6,374 | 600 || 10,348 1909 |! 12,116 7,501 480| 740) 2,988| 407 4, 860 1904 5, 421 3,514 28| 597 977 | 305 1,586 Furniture and refrigerators. . ... - 1919 || 275,935 || 173,206 | 4,713 | 4,744] 91,082] 2,190 || 143, 691 1914 || 251,997 || 185,676 | 5,160| 7,317 | 48,597 | 5,247 || 88,964 1909 || 221,451 || 185,037 | 6,848 | 5,830 | 20,420] 3,316 || 43,252 1904 || 169,774 || 149,530 | 6,890] 4,133| 4,586 | 4,635 9, 565 Gas and electric fixtures and | 1919 22,618 6, 039 227 | 1,169 | 14,843 340 18, 390 lamps and reflectors. 1914 18, 668 7, 088 197 | 1,722 9, 206 455 11,491 1909 15, 862 6, 930 244 | 1,544] 5,896 | 1,248 8, 788 1904 8, 444 5, 126 77| 1,012) 1,364] 865 2,213 Gas, illuminating and heating...| 1919 || 238,467 || 197,321 196 | 7,574. | 33,363 13 || 55,403 1914 || 213370 || 179,878 425 | 13/729 | 19,271 67 || 37, 881 1909 || 128,350 |} 115,514| 2,814| 7,128] 2,723] 171 || 17,336 1904 |} 73,101 || 67,652 359 | 3,211| 1,454 | 425 3,978 1 Includes for 1919, 1914, and 1909 some establishments compounding table sirups which were included under ‘‘sugar and molasses’’ in 1904. 2 Includes for 1919, 1914, and 1909 some establishments manufacturing suspenders, garters, and elastic woven goods, which were classified under ‘‘rubber goods, not elsewhere specified,” or under ‘‘millinery and lace goods” in 1904. 10388 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 23.—HORSEPOWER IN LEADING INDUSTRIES: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904Contd. INDUSTRY. Industries with over 18,000 wage earners in 1919—Continued. Hats, fur-felty J.2cz-2a.ck une.) Ice, manufactured. .2%-..2.0.00.-- Iron and steel, blast furnaces... - Iron and steel, steel works and rolling mills. Iron and steel, forgings, not made in steel works or rolling mills. Leather goodst).\o. sfc... sek. Su. Leather, tanned, curried, and fin- ished, Liquors, malt.:.ccd.dv..4 debe hod Locomotives, not made by rail- road companies. Lumber and timber products}... . Marble and stone work........... Cen- 1919 1914 1909 1904 1919 1914 1909 1904 1919 1914 1909 1904 1919 1914 1909 1904 1919 1914 1909 1904 1919 1914 1909 1904 1919 1914 1909 1904 1919 1914 1909 1904 1919 1914 1909 1904 Total: 207, 430 163, 139 123, 132 91, 476 20,389 20, 851 19, 245 16, 630 572,970 461, 988 317,789 191, 660 1, 581, 432 1, 222) 273 1, 173, 422 773, 278 3, 820, 917 2,706, 553 2, 100, 978 1, 649, 299 101, 951 38,215 277, 803 16,069 16,389 15, 666 11, 204 7, 872 151,601 125, 842 103, 709 78, 769 20, 248 21; 478 28, 148 16, 257 218, 238 172,712 148, 140 117, 450 324, 431 405, 884 347, 726 266, 159 97,187 50, 373 35, 102 29, 806 2, 930, 186 2,742? 352 2; 840, 082 1, 886, 624 170, 132 207, 461 187, 686 102, 887 PRIMARY HORSEPOWER. , nal- Snemes aes com- | Electric.|Other. Steam | Water Inter- and an . : bustion turbines. | motors. engines. 99,140 | 2,457 | 52,877 105, 061 201 | 43,448 98,971 5 | 20,731 76,915 31 | 13,947 15,251 120 10 17, 936 135 48 16,678 20 147 15, 871 68 48 406,942 | 2,542 | 28,003 414,685 | 2,727 | 12,535 304,685 | 2,262 | 3,264 186,549 | 1,075 618 1, 249, 817 371 |283, 015 1,005,374 | 1,261 |194, 037 1, 033, 033 309 |125, 230 768, 702 680 | 3,757 2,856,556 | 9,041 |257,473 2,435,319 | 12,321 | 73,752 1,956,846 | 5,829 | 79,391 1,618,480 | 4,795 | 11,806 24, 808 848 | 1,602 16, 883 780 | 1,832 20,011 520 | 2,608 13,918 904 672 1,647 114 545 2,271 145 | 1,013 2,748 200 694 2,448 92 354 76,003 | 12,941 814 80, 884 | 14,643 | 1,108 74,760 | 12,038 | 1,235 57,460 | 13,532 668 6,430 64 658 9, 635 673 | 1,142 10,028 | 1,373] 1,381 9,286 | 1,409} 1,017 150,800 | 2,029] 6,438 140,299 | 1,868} 7,997 131,451 | 1,556 | 7,231 107,550 | 1,955 | 5,086 276,441 194 | 3,651 371, 291 685 3, 752 331,770 340 | 1,261 261, 280 678 647 34,065 |. dk. 3,355 35, 762 450 | 8,380 28, 831 200 | 4,520 26,557 | 1,230 545 2,520,229 | 69,890 | 45,751 2,444,196 | 94,103 | 45,694 2, 588,323 140,503 | 38, 628 1,722, 829 |119, 461 | 16,897 60,083 | 4,891 | 10,175 110,156 | 16,433 | 12,529 132,477 | 9,618 | 10,874 82,700 | 6,281 | 5,390 Owned. 1 Includes ‘“‘pulp wood”’ in 1914. Rented. 132, 438 28,991 5,414 1,068 48, 204 21,601 14, 850 139 695,097 182, 204 58, 797 6,798 73,738 17,048 4,570 313 12, 790 10, 433 5,179 2,799 59, 680 26, 284 13, 286 4,648 13, 020 9, 897 14; 946 3,641 58, 494 21,570 6,487 2,014 143, 935 73,424 35,919 14, 539 110, 755 111, 958 66, 519. 22 508 118, 873 ee i be . ; “Oil and cake, cottonseed.......-- POWER USED IN MANUFACTURING. 1039 TABLE 23.—HORSEPOWER IN LEADING: INDUSTRIES: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904—Contd. INDUSTRY. Industries with over18,000 wage earners in 1919—Continued. Millinery and lace goods, not else- where specified .1 Musical instruments, pianos and organs and materials. Paint and varnish.............-- Paper and wood SEDs. .2%5008%2% Paper goods, not elsewhere speci- ged. | ie Patent medicines and com- pounds and druggists’ prep- arations. Petroleum, refining............-- Phonographs and graphophones . Printing and publishing......... Rubber tires, tubes, and rubber goods, not elsewhere specified. Sewing machines, cases and attachments. Shipbuilding, including boat- building. 1 Includes for 1904 some establishments manufacturing suspenders, garters, PRIMARY HORSEPOWER. Owned. Rented. Cen- sus ear. i Total. || Steam | Water ee engines | wheels! ¢om- |Electric.|Other. brett rotors bustion t ‘Jengines. igi9 || 12,482 || 3,248] 170]. © 254} 8,738}. 72 1914 12,736 4,832 715 378 6, 563 248 1909 7,918 2369) 117| 561| 4,048] 323 1904 | 47737 || 2} 192 46| 270| 1,663} 566 1919 47, 804 30,912 436 1; 280 15,030 146 1914 || 447349 || 327792] 643] 13502] 9;046| 276 1909 || 41,623 || 33,325] 1,106] 1,271] 5,355 | 566 1904 80, 134 25,706 867 741 1, 932 888 1919 || 290,636 || 195,356 | 1,512 | 10,857] 82,256 | 655 1914 249,781 218, 872 1,035 6,748 23 126) Wiioaeenie 1909 || 1927342 || 183,629] °175| 13674| 6,394] 470 1904 150, 246 148, 914 559 115 1 Go Beets > Se 1919 85,199 37, 967 1,019 2,573 43,268 372 1914 70,611 43, 881 1,426 3, 226 19,035 | 3,043 1909 || 56,162 || 42,191 | 27006] 3,290] 7,814| 861 1904 41,288 34,952 997 1 4673 2,650 | 1,016 1919 ||1, 851,014 || 698,983 910,863 | 3,191 | 236,662 | 1,315 1914 ||1 621, 154 || 597,840 |876,741 | 9,674 | 127,699 | 9, 200 1909 ||17304,265 || 469,364 |788,146 | 6,675 | 38,610 | 1,470 1904 |/1, 093, 708 370, 852 1717, 989 1,916 2,748 203 1919 35, 538 17, 688 2, 260 255 15, 166 169 1914 || 35,307 || 23;267| 1,354] 649] 9,501] 536 1909 27, 067 19, 246 1,340 576 5, 245 660 1904 16, 226 13,541 285 225 1,593 582 1919 40, 571 18, 713 55 951 20, 556 296 1914 28,872 15,908 179 2,000 10, 422 363 1909 || 25,659 || 16,059] 264] 1,712] 6,882] 742 1904 || 17,008 |} 12)465| 173] 7983] 2,468] 919 1919 238, 906 144, 743 131 | 42,647 5LS8D.1 2 aes « 1914 || 1287468 || 94,052 | 1,487 | 18,298] 14,353] 278 1909 || 90,268 || 84,085 |...22... 5,870 28 | 285 1904 || 46,019 || 43,810 |........ 2 059 150 \usiees i9i9 || 40,168 || 21,973] 175| 366] 17,649 5 1914 11, 688 POS tefeat c's's @ 110 DTIS \ecet,- | 1909 6,371 5,800 |........ 14 517 | 40 1904 2, 522 1 el BS eo 9 181 425 1919 362, 123 46,727 864 | 17,132; 296, 401 999 1914 || 3297210 || 57,583 | 1,388 | 27; 435 | 240,697 | 2, 107 1909 || 2977763 || 59,334 | 2;320 | 32; 152 | 197,692 | 6, 265 1904 || 166,380 || 54,957 | 3,332 | 24,964 | 75,479 | 7,648 1919 || 354,188 || 194,459 | 2,584 | 3,367 | 153,214] 614 1914 |} 151,927 || 1213144 | 3,273) 1,605 | 25,664| 241 1909 79, 062 72,010 2, 455 398 3,499 700 1904 || 487381 || 44,726 | 1,984| 307] 1,096| 268 1919 || 32,035 || 27,665 | 382] 1,222] 2,748] 18 1914 24, 229 21, 066 291 219 2,434 219 1909 19, 426 18,131 291 62 897 45 1904 17,162 16,301 452 66 274 69 1919 || 553,711 || 121,200 71 | 7,019 | 424,981 | 440 1914 115, 333 79, 599 94 5, 336 30, 085 219 1909 || 88,063 || 75, 180 86 | 3,503} 9,264} 30 1904 || 78;127 || 73,657 87 | 17785 | 2,367 | 231 which are included with “furnishing goods, men’s” in 1919, 1914, and 1909. rented. 10, 107 7, 883 4) 560 2'110 28, 766 21,492 13, 226 5, 085 93, 400 30, 893 10, 855 3,079 64, 241 34, 917 17, 037 7,540 583, 586 325, 211 130, 120 31, 604 25,664 20, 415 12, 680 3, 990 29, 364 17, 924 11, 175 4, 894 108, 625 38,614 304, 367 93, 998 18, 848 8,596 23, 226 19, 378 14, 063 4, 694 476, 135 66, 275 35, 334 17,630 and elastic woven goods, 1040 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-~MANUFAGTURES. TABLE 23.—HORSEPOWER IN LEADING INDUSTRIES: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904—Contd. INDUSTRY. Industries with over 18,000 wage earners in 1919—Continued. Silk goods, including throwsters. Slaughtering aud meat packing. | Stoves and furnaces, including gas and oil stoves. Supar, refining tens. wi) .p04 2. Tobacco manufactures........... Woolen, worsted, and felt goods and wool hats. Other industries with over 26,000 horsepower in 1919. Aluminum manufactures2...... Belting and hose, rubber......... Chocolate and cocoa products... 1914 Coal-tar products3...........2... Coffee and spice, roasting and grinding. 1 Figures not available for 1904. 2 Figures not available for 1909 and 1904. | Total. 176, 825 116, 924 97, 947 71, 760 371, 925 260, 996 208, 707 119, 311 33, 710 35, 737 28, 360 20, 228 60, 774 49, 150 45, 524 32, 017 52, 541 49, 666 38, 414 43, 397 34, 937 28, 514 24, 604 2,303 2,478 4,129 1,175 119, 451 83, 940 71, 959 25, 856 487, 587 398, 367 362, 209 288) 969 30, 280 12, 338 26, 299 22) 995 17, 471 12) 343 33, 440 19,736 10, 593 5,217 68, 342 29, 750 26, 634 22) 334 15, 708 PRIMARY HORSEPOWER. Owned. Steam)| Water engines and 88, 221 78, 302 72, 059 56, 717 240, 075 213, 012 190, 666 114,640 32) 993 26, 013 52, 181 45, 407 37, 453 28, 213 25, 853 21, 936 21) 413 323, 670 288, 720 261, 364 260, 035 12,372 6,708 10, 860 17, 518 12; 340 10, 790 15, 273 14; 410 9,047 4, 400 40, 698 4,595 7, 468 8, 825 9, 327 wheels ‘and turbines. | motors. 8 Included in other classifications in 1914, 1909, and 1904. Electric horse- power owned and rented. 107,982 47, 401 23; 758 9, 521 a ae POWER USED IN MANUFACTURING. | 1041 - TABLE 23.—HORSEPOWER IN LEADING INDUSTRIES: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904—Contd. eeeaeaeaeaeaeae—e—eoaeeeaoaoaoaoaouauquq=q=_S=S=S=S=~=~0quqq INDUSTRY. Other industries with over 26,000 horsepower in 1919—Continued. Dyestuffs and extracts—natural. (YE Xplosivesi .f 1. 2o.9.....1802.2- Parrpalloys!.. MA 5Ss. ek i Glucose and starébe 2h. 2: Teiebs Tron and steel, bolts, nuts, wash- ers, and rivets, not made in rolling mills. Minerals. and earths, ground or otherwise treated. Oil, not elsewhere specified. ..... Ordnance and accessories.-...... Paving materials. ............... Photographic materials. ......... Rice, cleaning and polishing... . PRIMARY HORSEPOWER. Owned. Rented. eee sen ncinteiimaieene ll DOWOR eae int owned we|| Total. || Steam. | Water | Mter- and, eae eaves com- | Electric.| Other.|| ‘°° bustion turbines.| motors. engines. 1919 34, 320 31, 289 113 201 1914 || 23,290 || 22° 032 56 455 1909 || 22,213 |} 21 685 320 15 1904 || 17,671 || 17,424 196 4 1919 || 51,635 || 33,676 | 1,433 40 1914 || 45,778 || 36,304 | 17518 62 1909 28, 601 25,558 | 2,689 221 1919 || 127,074 || 61,367 | 5,712] 4,456 1914 || 44,069 || 25,811 | 73277] 1/476 1909 || 20,920 || 13,029| 6,283] 209 1904 |] 17,325 || 12,061 | 4/414] 179 1919 || 30,075 || 21,749 4| 674 1914 |} 10,984 a a ee 807 1909 6,157 4,791 240| 272 1904 5,707 5, 236 26| 280 1919 || 40,652 8,300} 200] 187 1914 800 yee Al 7 eS ie oa i 1909 7 | Ee oy Orson pa 10 1904 735 680 |... 22... 5 1919 || 191,543 || 105,581 607 | 4,104 1914 || 138,026 || 87,852 100.| 3,306 1909 5, 757 BiBE2 |i ..8i 00. 193 1904 5, 156 5002 (2c Her. 14 1919 |} 26,458 || 13,526 |........ 68 1914 || 14,960 |} 127305 |........ 191 1909 8,114 7, O84 i kied, 203 1904 3, 690 3, 063 26| . 177 1919 |} 27,382 || 18,881 |....0.2. 697 1914 || 15,571 |] 13,997 |........ 82 1909 || 195519 || 18° 252 15| 137 1904 |) 15,866 Yo 15,774 led. 1 Tncluded in other classifications in 1914, 1909, and 1904. 75108°—23——_66 1042 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 23.—HORSEPOWER IN LEADING INDUSTRIES: 1919, 1914, 1909,, AND 1904—Contd. INDUSTRY. Other industries with over 26,000 horsepower in 1919—Continued. Roofing materials...-........--.-- Balb...- Ay kcnsan Sop 2 eed Smelting and refining, copper... - Smelting and refining, lead. ..... Smelting and refining, zinc.:.-.- Steam packing 252. .... 1-209. .-- Sugar, beets. 2 VAULE .. ukee: 2. Sugar, cane2...... in 6 SGTe 8: - Sulphuric, nitric, and mixed acids. Wall plaster and composition flooring. Wirework, including wire rope ant cable, not elsewhere speci- ed. Wood, turned and carved.......- All other industries. ............. Cen- sus Total. year. 1919 39,327 1914 11, 702 1999 9, 431 1904 23, 022 1919 43,187 1914 29, 007 1909 27, 263 1904 19, 434 1919 321, 610 1914 || 194,980 1909 158, 126 1904 76, 524 1919 52,565 1914 29, 734 1909 26, 954 1904 25, 667 1919 73, 604 1914 || 36,705 1909 21, 457 1904 18, 404 1919 26, 763 1914 17,254 1909 11,129 1904 8, 846 1919 |) 127,394 1914 76, 705 1909 57, 202 1904 35, 490 1919 101, 861 1914 || 113,246 1909 122,189 1919 30, 637 1914 24,927 1909 6, 494 1904 5, 416 1919 32,356 1914 36, 626 1909 25, 892 1904 20, 054 1919 29, 074 1914 21, 547 1909 20,131 1904 18, 280 1919 39, 958 1914 43,334 1909 48, 447 1904 47, 595 1919 |/1, 151, 185 1914 857, 513 1909 748, 905 1904 697, 705 PRIMARY HORSEPOWER. Owned. Steam | Water ae. engines | wheels pyeng pts ire bustion ; ‘lengines. 15,847 | 2,145 253 6, 253 56 211 6393-181 530 21, 846 491 165 34, 309 5B 981 24,900 78 779 25,118 108 782 18, 556 33 439 186, 286 7,550 425 147,535 | 10,000 825 114,881 | 12,725 | 1,107 62,735 | 9,400 | 1,274 24, 905 350 84 OO. B87 (aoe 145 23,090 | ji Seer. 35 22, 440 1 100 56, 832 |....22..| 3,264 33, 564 300 | 1,751 19, 952 192 1,313 13,366 |U tier. 48 20, 687 |.1. iG of.) Page 13, 031 265 522 8,978 |. a etee. 387 3 45 181 117, 469 35 259 70, 507 195 928 54, 369 200 543 35, 016 429 40 98, 823 8 | 3,028 PERE BR 438 121, 439 |. /Gi¢:. 380 12, 672 25 | 1,755 ‘17, 096 |.--.00.. 1,525 MOSS ele ertie eu 371 4,840 |-c larg. 161 12, 457 184 | 1,352 18, 730 706 | 2,201 19,095 845 1, 260 16,161 | 1,580] 1,084 10, 570 495 | 1,266 9,075 393 | 1,546 10, 553 930 | 2,492 12, 786 714 | 2,154 27,040 | 2,744 | 2,515 33,441 | 4,151 | 1,787 37,231 | 5,311 | 1,829 38,379 | 5,250 | 1,047 507,403 | 27,269 | 36, 684 518,471 | 28,254 | 52,236 517,370 | 35,593 | 46, 542 574,613 | 31,762 | 24,288 1 Figures not available for 1904. Rented. Electric.| Other. Ss tee ee eee 572,613 247, 986 133, 768 44,576 Electric horse- power owned and rented. POWER USED IN MANUFACTURING. 1043 | TABLE 24.—HORSEPOWER IN GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1869 ‘TO 1919. ff PRIMARY HORSEPOWER. a 5} Owned. Rented. Electric . Cen- horse- DIVISION AND STATE. sus power ) year. In- owned Total. Steam | Water | ternal- and - engines | wheels | com- | Elec- | ono, || Tented. and and bus- tric oe : turbines.) | motors. | tion : . engines. ; UNITED STATES......- 1919 || 29, 504,792)| 17, 037, 973|1 , (65, 263/1,259 400 9, 347, 556) 94, 600 16,317, 277 P: 1914 |; 22, 437, 072|| 15,591,593 1 826, 443 991, 90513, 897, 248 129° 883 8, 835, 970 o. 1909 |} 18, 675, 376)! 14, 228, 632) ‘i 822° 888} 751, 186 L 749, 031 123, 639 4, 817, 140 ; 1904 || 13, 487, 707 10, 917, 502 L 647, 880} 289, 423 "441° 589 191 aid 1) 592) 475 % 1899 10, 097, 893 8) 1397 564|1, 454, 112) 134, 742 182) 562 136, 913 492, 936 1889 || 5,938, 635|| 4; 586, 089/1, 255, 045| 8, 930/.....2... 88, 571 15, 569 | 1879 3, 410, 837 2 185, 458)1, 225, SEDGE e wikdhincmiacde tL Stee eb htL cn swe ce i 1869 2,346, 142 “ 215, 711 L 130, Bg Od ee 6 ann oe Feel ciate soso oc en e GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England.........--| 1919 || 3,796, 846|| 1,867,484] 747,617) 34, 459/1, 130,308] 17, 028|| 1; 926, 573 1914 3, 124, 329]| 1,872, 828) 757,582) 49,229) 419, 197 25, 493, 1 107, 677 1909 2,715, 121) 1, 658, 757, 332 41, 801 218, 642} 38, 380 663, 143 5 1904 2,125, 815|| 1,342, 503) 659, 071 13, 068 58, 745| 47, 428 187, 194 : 1899 1,792,342!) 1,098, 885} 619, 209 9, 978 31) 613} 32, 657 65, 951 ; 1889 |} 13156, 877|| 634,316] 497,031) ~’ 545|......... 24, 985 3, 094 1879 743, 106 S20) 20K es 422, ODN ITU E sail jcc cdamios ac smells so gees 4 1869 BUA 790i) Ara 152) 704 O62, O26 lugut.t-.|--..<25-+|+-a--cnclocneacase. : Middle Atlantic........- 1919 ||. 8,537,660]| 5,250,772} 396, 168| 410, 312'2, 455, 360| 25, 048|| 5,068, 019 - 7 1914 6,699, 576|| 4,730,955) 454, 158 372, 617 1, 083,618} 58, 228 2,924, 489 . 1909 5, 531, 502 4, 163, 398 470, 488 274, 274 ” 568, 723} 54,619 1, 737, 236 = 1904 4, 255, 264 3; 369, 872 514 951 121 567 141) 583} 107, 286 638, 209 = 1899 3, 139, 128 2, 552, 354 410, 173. 45, 751 74, 256| 56, 594 201, 201 f < 1889 1, 939, 042 1, 567, 822 331, 964 3, 044)....222.. 36, 212 5, 096 1879 || 1,066, 409]| 709,719] 356,690|........|.......--leceec-e||-.--0000-- c 1869 "756, 420 380, iy cot OUOMOE E.'S Salat clawte teiehia assis ote at}an's does ‘ East North Central..... 1919 7, 735, 137|| 4,361,731) 252,829) 428, 493/2, 659, 498) 32, 586 4, 883, 500 . at 1914 5, 421, 435 3) 826, 501} 217, 164) 332, 269|1, 016,044! 29, 457 2,522, 465 et 1909 4,382, 070 3, 496, 184 208, 441} 283,450} 375,876) 18,119 1, 297, 447 at 1904 3, 120, 369 2° 716, 307 194, 871} 90, 481 95, 188} 23, 522 432, 162 ee 1899 2,401, 808|} 2, 1277 110 171, O77} 45,244) 30,693) 27,684 124, 520 m ty 1889 1,327, 784 1 153; 118 155, 245 Dy Dl Oise Suictk ato 16, 843 3, 839 ‘ 1879 $18, 033i) 8% 650) 386), 167, G47 \exe 5.) .|...-...- |. doce seell-ececdos = a 1869 530,810 380, Die Id BOB NERE eon. ac no nsnlevccisionl|ocececcnce : West North Central..... 1919 || 1,594,112] 801,743) 92, 753] 102,124] 596,189) 1,303|| 920, 196 ‘ 1914 1, 238, 988 814, 714 94,957) 66,970} 258, 506 3, 841 510, 553 1909 1 101, 990 839, 927 86,330) 57,434) 115, 002 3, 297 266, 534 ted 1904 "753, 700 628, 287 63,659} 25, 156 32, 976 3, 622 80, 029 i. 1899 || 605,098|] 515,208] 51,999} 17/905] 14,519] 5,467|| 31,476 4 1889 410, 231 345, 697 60, 005 Saal. ete ks . 3, 697 1, 256 4 1879 220, 647 149, 524 RDN EZOIULA nhc ails. wasn ote alia Rimeaa terol: = tea wer oe Y 1869 |} . 126,532 BO SPATOT, DEBNTA 2 1. san haolaceepenh ces ceecos South Atlantic..........| 1919 2,795,094} 1,594,200) 173,108) 136,579} 887,201 4,006)| 1,388,053 : 1914 2) 274, 785 d, 599, 018) 176,864) 72,429) 417,927 8,547 716, 639 1909 |) 1,832, 001|] .1; 436,744] 183,158} 36,441} 171,146] 4,512)| 3437393 1904 || 1,221,040] 1,034,544} 137,018} 16,677] 28,914} 3,887|| 100, 465 1899 851, 050 705, 517 124) 830 6, 834 5, 196 8,673 24,257 : 1889 468, 009 319, 801 145, 3897 Mota Wak. < 2, 033 708 4 1879 294, 186 148, 618 145, OQE Wee bsh cc loncanslesulows name min os eee ee 1869 209, 814 70, 085 139, TAZA ROU LE © collissd av pidptale iow oimeceiuta teeere See toto East South Central..... 1919 || 1,415,577]| 1,055,152] 25,007| 22,803) 311,138] 1,387] 460, 143 1914 i 157, 367 "975, 428 23,627) 16,180). 141, 419 713 247, 815 1909 1, 036, 560 955, 201 29,315} 12,270 38, 580 1, 194 108, 409 1904 "153; 928 716, 924 24,193 3, 714 8, 060 1, 037 28, 757 1899 513, 425], 480,552] © 25,107| 2,209] 3, 833] «1,724 9,619 1889 304, 291 268, 106 34, 850 POO Meh ote 1, 036 260 1879 152, 907 TIGL OBOE gM, RIMINI p 2 debe 1869 108, 772 Oh IGA VAD OMB ae Labs shes gedtncl edanaGeattnwsucecau's 1¥Figures include “other” owned power as follows: 1909, 29,293 horsepower; 1904, 92,154 horsepower; _ 1899, 49,985 horsepower; 1889, 4,784 horsepower. 1044 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 24.—HORSEPOWER IN GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1869 TO 1919—Con. DIVISION AND STATE. GEOG. DIVISIONS—Con. West South Central...-- Mountain ee New Hampshire........ Vermont ee es Massachusetts. ......... Rhode Island......... Cen- sus year. 1919 1914 1909 1904 1899 1889 1879 1869 1919 1914 1909 1904 1899 1889 1879 1869 1919 1914 1909 1904 1899 1889 1879 1869 1919 1914 1909 1904 1899 1889 1879 1869 .-| 1919 1914 1909 1904 1899 1889 1879 1869 Total. 1, 185, 989 965, 500 873, 350 555, 717 397, 471 136, 992 57, 613 45,756 686, 579 460, 278 400, 766 241, 825 123) 012 47, 391 17, 031 16, 838 1, 757, 798 1, 094, 814 802; 016 460, 049 274, 559 148, 018 50, 905 36, 470 547, 028 487, 211 459) 599 343, 627 259, 232 150, 317 100, 476 79, 573 349, 138 344, 093 293, 991 218) 344 200, 975 116, 788 87, 750 77, 078 185, 095 172, 637 159, 445 140, 616 126) 124 98, 520 63, 314 51, 322 1,729, 878 1, 396, 722 1, 175, 071 933, 007 796, 061 515, 570 309, 759 184, 356 321, 016 269, 854 226; 740 181, 017 153, 619 112’ 654 63, 575 42, 027 PRIMARY HORSEPOWER. Steam engines and turbines. 876, 632 829, 099 808, 153 539, 507 388, 179 131, 772 52) 991 42) 939 399, 946 326, 841 307, 010 208, 326 99) 153 40, 126 8,319 9, 546 830, 363 616, 209 563, 049 361, 232 222° 606 125, 331 35, 615 22) 375 189, 280 199, 170 175, 332 141) 082 118; 330 83) 528 41,335 23° 546 Owned. Water wheels and motors. 3, 446 4,549 3, 108 3, 236 2,760 4) 552 4,622 3, 517 15, 656 93) 511 21, 543 18,319 18, 161 6, 779 8, 712 7,292 58, 679 74, 031 63, 173 32, 562 30,796 19, 222 15, 290 14, 095 274, 528 258, 314 258, 392 115, 375 128) 592 128) O11 100, 274 105, 711 68, 842 69, 155 68, 291 68, 897 80, 400 79, 062 76, 237 77, 421 74, 041 52) 226 44, 897 189, 302 189, 825 186, 516 183, 427 181, 907 158, 932 138, 362 105, 854 In- ternal- com- bus- tion engines. Rented. Elec- tia. Other. 218,558 | 6,093 75, 547 | 13.030 31,807 | 991 8,273 | 398 3,992 | 584 ee 291 Electric horse- power owned and \ rented. 350, 953 163) 239 78, 893 20, 152 5,778 651 ie Ae ee ee 6 es see eee eee ltd ti ee ee ee pti in he ee oe ee | 151,718 102,612 45, 351 12) 301 3,471 42 11, 227 20, 242 eee wee ee POWER USED IN MANUFACTURING. — - 1045 _ TaBLe 24._HORSEPOWER IN GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1969 TO 1919—Con. PRIMARY HORSEPOWER. Owned. Rented. Electric Cens horse- ND STATE. sus power vig aaa vias, Tn- owned Total. Steam | Water |ternal- and engines | wheels | com- | Elec- Oth rented. > : and and bus- trie. vk “ie? t turbines. | motors.| tion = engines. re eae _ NEw ENGLAND-—Continued. % Connecticut.» Bsr. 4. e's 1919 664, 691 340,746 | 70,252 | 10,928 | 242,390 375 396, 963 a 1914 453, 812 303,799 | 66,802 | 17,770 64, 294 1, 147 176, 009 - be 1909 400, 275 475, 439 73,934 | 12,844 | 33,620 4, 488 97,671 8 1) 0 1904 || 304,204 ]} 219,723 | 66,808 | 37393] 8,233 | 6,047 34, 579 i. . jy eae 1899 206, 331 178,270 | 67,211 1,608 4,215 | 5,027 12, 925 4% 1889 || 163, 028 96,298 | 63,417 Te Ue ae 3,098 205 Ses vi ‘ 1879 118,232 SY SONNE SIRT ile ce ae | ae Zales ee 1869 80, 374 oc A en a a8 | AE tena MIppLe ATLANTIC: ; ‘ *“NewYork.......... +:+-| 1919 || 2,936,530 || 1,299,548 | 343, 023 113,415 1,170,977 | 9,567 || 1,683, 838 4 [3 1914 || 2,356,655 || 1,165,731 | 392; 932 |118,330 | 644,824 | 34’ 838 1,043, 132 a 1909 || 1,997, 662 i; 084, 460 | 395,618 “99; 899 389,945 | 27,740 689, 976 A 1904 || 1,516, 592 ” 855, 275 | 446,134 | 44,288 95, 284 | 75, 611 222, 111 ia Ws 1899. |).1, 099, 931 665, 760 335, 411 | 16, 221 47,768 | 34,771 77, 598 iy 1889 774, 373 514, 701 231° pod 1 OOO Re 25, 723 2,447 Fr 1879 454, 143 234; 795 219, SONS oe Mea sea enmie a ee ce aah eee } 1869 334, 363 126, 107 208, pA oT Page «EON, RRS TE SR | Roa RO 7 “New Jersey: Ae 4240.0 1919 || 1,146,744 || 781,434 | 12,528 | 40,830 | 305,762 | 6,190 724, 153 ie 1914 793, 063 642, 608 15,901 | 30,592 |- 94,605 9,357 352, 206 1909 |} 612,293 || 529,848 | 19,676 | 20,867 | 33,157 | 8,745 182, 475 1904 || 436,274 || 390,095 | 18,197} 9,070] 10,603] 8,309 69, 301 1899 || 322,503 || 288,956 | 20,161 | 3,284] 4126] 5,976 15, 857 y 1889 ||. 180,042 || 158,802 | 17,543 136 12.40... 3, 562 487 : 1879 99,858 92 ;702' 1 RF OOO4. .. J COR .. | | 1869.|} 58,139 SA QOT Alo, SB2clee b's valid kik wed ye Vn dell ok eau : Paahisyl vata 1.85.4 1919 |] 4,454,386 || 3,169,790 | 40,617 {256,067 | 978, 621 9,291 || 2,660, 028 5 . 1914 || 3,549, 858 || 2,922,616 | 45,325 |223, 695 | 344,189 | 14,033 |} 1) 5297151 nN 1909 || 2,921,547 || 2,549,090 | 55,194 |153, 508 | 145,621 | 18,134 || ” 864) 785 5 . te 1904 |} 2,302,398 || 2,124,502 | 50,620 | 68,209 | 35,701 | 23,366 || 346,797 410 G6 4 : 1899 || 1,716, 694 |) 1,597,638 | 54, 601 26, 246 | 22,362 | 15, 847 107, 746 ; : dawn nsnl 1889 - 984, 627 894,319 | 82,462 ‘Oi eae Sea 6,927 2,162 1879 512, 408 AVegtoe | MOC ot eee ee Me 1869 363, 918 221, 982 141, OR Palen ae tte. ass Ne Heo, S Slidetins Base _ East NortH CENTRAL: Me MOO... 1. 82.5... ).08.6 1919 ||. 2,897,497 || 1,782,512 | 10,115 |147,039 | 945,341 | 12,490 || 1,764,724 5) Al tj es 1914 || 1,993,080 |] 1,541,212 | 14) 443 1156, 481 | 273,814 | 7;130 || 823,000 wf 1909 || 1,583,155 || 1,363,720 16, 107. |103, 801 93) 592 | 5,935 417, 844 — oF : So 1904 }| 1,116, 932 L 034, 780 18,149 | 35,101 23,159 | 5,748 144, 467 Ss € 1899 || 783,665 || 734,973 | 17,848 | 14,230] 8/768 | 7/846 42,157 . 1889 || 417,078 || | 382,673 | 27,342 | 17183 |......... 5, 880 1, 705 me (ORT Li; 1970-1 .€ 268.148 IT | O90;807'| [Bales PCI od sinbe Bp xo | ee sop S: Ure ses Mt 990,677.\aderage.. Lo Ae yoo i Andiana.... Suey a Oe 1919 || 1,095,912 |] | 521,446 | 10,162 |189,271 | 373,689 | 1,344 || 652,754 k gi 1914 || "709,703 || 430,504 | 9,905 | 66,691 | 200,882 | 17721 450, 357 a. § ail 1909 || 633,377 || 449,127 | 7; 893 |109,105 | 65,548 |. 1,704 233, 193 x Lah ; 1904 380, 758 338, 853 9,685 | 21,171 9,082 | 1,967 33, 582 , Mey A Gs 1899 395, 919 297, 216 11,964} 12,295 2, 764 1, 680 . Bis OF ° ; +=} 1889 190, 575 172, 540 16,181 4H, iy Ae eae 1, 678 323 4 P61 4 1879 131) 770 109, 960 FA oN ot a Gi Se eas Sea | UA paar aa ees ey LAS 5) 1869 |] - 100, 369 ORG li! (28 FARM. RL fan ld ot ee ; SGllinois. J. RVI... dk seks 1919 || 1,660,918 997,338 | 11,586 | 55,782 | 590,241 | 5,971 || 1,174,567 ais. i. 1914. }). 1, 305, 930: 947, 949 12,310 | 61,500 | 272,662 | 11,509 681, 474 sy" nee ; 1909 1 013, 071 839,632 | 12,691 | 37,025 | 117,007 | 6,716 398, 621 1904 TAL) 555 660, 687 15,030 | 12,319 | 41,978 | 11,541 165, 265 1899 ||. 559,347 || 511,879 | 117614] 8)758'|: 12; 471 | 14’ 625 49, 235 1889 |} 285,727 || 262,274 | 15,992 (em aa 6, 753° 939 1379 || “144; 288 || | 126,843 | 17,445 1869 86, 044 73,091 | 12,953 es i ne i’ | es “Michigan. .............. 1919 || 1,202,128 || 592,911 | 40,346 | 19,695 | 540,757 | 8,419 || 818,271 > CORSE ieee -.-| 1914}. .- 730,383 || 486,771 | 31,711 | 19/593-] 188,702 | 3/606 || 311966 1909.||. 598,288 || | 465,536 | 42,019 | 13,988] 74,270 | 27475 || 1337064 ‘a gs 1904,|| 440,890 |} 376,198 | 39/342 | 10,534 | 127411 | 2° 405 39, 970 ne DADRA | 1899 || 368, 497 || 319,980 | 36,529] 5,603} 47264] 2/121 12) 088 ee ee WOR EW DEB Mt ag Os Oat Ir Oo Boe | ae gent Poe 1, 983 BIT 1879 || 164)747 || °130;352 | 347395 1869 || 105, 851 70,956 | 34 895 Ce es ee: ee a i a Ce es ee ee | 1046 ABSTRAOT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 24,.—HORSEPOWER IN GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1869 TO 1919—Con. PRIMARY HORSEPOWER. Owned. - Rented. ee orse- on: , power DIVISION AND STATE. sie) Ti oi ie aa pte year! Total. Steam, | Water, | ternal- and engines | wheels | com- | Elec- Other rented. and and bus- tric. : turbines. | motors.| tion engines. pm | | | rer || | East NORTH CENTRAL—Con. iis A Wisconsin 22... . see 1919 878, 682 467,524 | 180,620 | 16,706 | 209,470 | 4,362 473, 184 1914 682, 339 420,065 | 148,795 | 28,004 | 79,984 | 5,491 255, 668 1909 554, 179 378,169 | 129, 731 | 19,531 | 25,459 | 1,289 114, 725 1904 440, 234 305, 789 | 112,665 | 11,356 8,558 | 1,866 48, 898 1899 364, 380 263,062 | 93,122 | 4,358 2,426 | 1,412 3, 137 1889 178, 373 120,806 | 56,744 BIEBledeccdac 549 295 1879 106, 085 60,929. |" B55 800 10.) loeb foe oe eee 1869 64, 223 60, 809,.1.;, | BONG Sie. -h pede d-sapen]sekameee ona eon ask West NortTH CENTRAL: Minnesota........------ 1919 || 473,957 || 198,186 | 73,661 | 33,848 | 167,965] 297 ||. 255,119 1914 || 358,737 || 206,144 | 73,341] 7,454} 71}224] 574 ||. 121,018 1909 ||’. 297,670 || 199,802 | 59,5701 7174}: 30,297| 827 52; 212 1904 || 220,934} 168,115 | 38,245] 4/710]. 8,594| 1,270 14) 427 1899 || 180,124 || 1467826 | 24,932] 37624] 3,769| 973 6, 300 1839 || 1127537 83,630 | 27,300} 7126 |......... 1, 481 280 1879 53, 880 85.191.) '28, 0804... -oubi-d-occecbech chee ean aoa se 1869 20, 139 7,086 1, (13 0540b.. Lost ttens dor ehaaiaa mene es, Let Oe ath ape aeaiees, pengtad 1919 || 242,946 || 119,442 | 3,862 | 7,030] 112,486] 126 ]] 166,285 1914-|| 190,049 |} 125,340 | 5,538 | 8,868} 50,054] 249 || 401; 827 1909 ||. 155,384 || 122,029} 6,411] 8,025] 18) 463 456 40,736 1904 ||’ 118,065 |] 101,418] 6,531] 4.486] 5,107] 523 8, 663 1899 || 106, 664 91,570] 7,315]. 4,524] 2.6131 642 6, 222 1889 77,615 64,737 | 12)618 WWits-tucvies 190 194 1879 54) 291 83,858 1: (POsI6SA i... 01 dald.teccecsbaeen tees deneeeer. 1869 39, 547 25208 |. 14-949... ois. doeccccteebece EE gh Japyiatl, Missouri../000004....1. 1919 || 477,303 || 269,657] 3,386 | 22,049 | 181,556 | 655 || 287,572 ) >| 1914,|] 391,385.|] 288,490 | 3,203 | 18,321] 84,362] 2,009 ]| 181/981 1909 || 340,467 || 280,494] 3,738] 11,159} 44,056] 1,020]! 106,941 1904 || 247,861. || 223,879| 3,727) 4 13,965 | 1,330 37,671 1999 || 189,117 || 173,802] 3,113] 3)270| 5,624| 3,299 12,725 1889. || 144,567 || 137,758 | 4,755| 7457 |v...2..-. 1, 597 618 1879 80, 749 72,5811 | S3B243.. 1) oabh-d.acecs fae aan een 1869 55, 062 43,4184. | 6,644 ts ...a.g%bttes ec octoonuee watete RS North Dakota 1919 17,791 10, 060 260 | 1,981] 5,490]........ 6,773 1914 14) 062 9,627 299 | 13198} 2) 856 82 f 1909 13, 196 10, 170 530} 1,304] 1,164 28 1, 698 1904 9, 873 8,619 322 5 281 6 477 1899 7,351 5, 982 506 | 759 127 27 171 1839 3, 587 3, 008 540 Taht.d andy 27 2 South Dakota1!......... 1919 22,191 8,360 307 | 3,282 | 10,227 15 11,130 1914 16,324 8,972 574] 2,364) 4,414 [1.2.2 4,632 1909 17, 666 12? 257 939 | 2)784| 1, 3 2; 084 1904 11} 154 8,497 | 1,069.|, 1,397 181 10 9 1899 11, 775 9,204 | 1,099] 1,270 100 12 234 1889 5, 552 : LOBE T8thbe Stet + 3 Nebraska. 02s.) -n0%eu 1919 |} 125,814 66,449 | 4,940 | 8,203] 46,177 45 72,749 1914 9, 285 58,066 | 5,674] 6,724}. 18/794 27 || - 32,813 1909 64,466 44,882 | 7,436] 47408] 7,530] 210 15,942 1904 46, 372 34,625 | 7,221] 27035] 2 127 8,126 1899 41) 825 31,176 | 7,513 | 1,919 866} 351 2,398 1889 23, 430 17,070-| (G23 te fi SBeba dt Aes oe 179 49 1879 8,494 2. 5;405 (|. J asbs-d cues cale-b ody celia coals 1869 3,311 4,965]. | 1446.42.) aebg-4 neva aude cee ae ec ACANSOS «i. coayae.t eon 'e 1919 || 234,110]} 129,589 | 6,337 | 25,731 | 72,288] 165 |} 120,568 1914 |} 179,146 |] 123,075 | 6,328 | 22'041 | 26,802] 900 64, 482 1909 |} 213,141 |] 170,293] 7,706 | 22,580 | 117809] 758 46, 921 1904 99) 441 83,134] 6,544] 6,923| 27484] 356 10, 326 1399 68, 242 56,608 | 7,521 | 2,530] 13420] 163 426 1839 42) 943 35,026 | 7,617 Tide oe 388, 605 332, 154 60 | 13,928 | 41,091 |--41)372'|| /84,204 1914 355, 193 328, 718 ‘1,447| 3,020] 16,580 428 50, 006 1909 346, 652 333, 771 75 | 3,496 9,077 27, 139 1904 251, 963 247, 885 266 961 2,778 6, 752 1899 190, 182 187, 814 313 462 1,401 2,069 1889 29, 730 29, 444 66 iA) My te ec 454 1879 11,346 11,256 OO. ai ab. oe eel Eo bes wae 1869 25, 066 24, 924 14D i oo SA eds Selects ae aes i ccaen ee Oklahoma 1.2... .2..2.. 1919 139, 983 79, 707 275 | 24,183 | 35,435 54,605 1914 97, 308 70,803 | 256 | 15,976 | 10,068 23, 760 1909 71, 139 , 643 472 | 8,676 5, 281 7, 887 1904 29,608 || = 27,753 109 989 597 910 1899 11,572 11,151 156 bs scat a 12 1889 585 ; 510 75 eres meal ae teen wee eseeenee eadcnccess 1 Includes power for Indian Territory i in 1904 and prior: censuses. POWER USED IN MANUFACTURING. 1049 1 ~ Taste 24.—HORSEPOWER IN GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1869 TO 1919—Con. PRIMARY HORSEPOWER. | ref atites Owned. Rented. Electric gecrort! i Cen- PY aie Dh Daa Oe ah eek ots aie Se ednorse- 1) (DIVISION AND STATE. sus | power DeiTWo i} year. Tn- owned bore | Total. Steam Weter ternal- a ied hainet | it : engines | wheels | com- ec- rented. } ten and and bus- tric. Other. i turbines. | motors.| tion i . engines 2 OEE fal Se Ge ele Be ee W. SoutH CENTRAL—Con. | | ih i males Tekas.....).2nt 116, 157 110,970 | 1,557 968 | 2,390 272 3 217" 1889 |} , 68,364 65, 450 2, 633 AD saipod aura ode 124 "166 1879) 30, 534 SOO 1 My OURAN OLR Es os|s shcln wae ofS et cece eflocu Siecle 4 | rant Hy Ms | 1869 ES, Chie ith TE ete 21.830 hes bet eee : MOUNTAIN: : De ant avgMohtamas..J.yeo,a50-) 1919 |} 153, 491 42,099 | 7,996 |. 1,484 | 101,910 2 || 106, 207 Miu ‘cr | ec » |1914 91,671 52,918 | 10,135 BBO |) 27/7984. soc) 38, 109 . “eta‘e ioe fopupe re 1909: || 90, 402 49,654 13, 646 223 | 26,504 375 27,301 wap i gay | ) 1904 46, 736 32,441 | 10,315 74] 3,898 8 7,979 } rs | i 1899 43, 679 » 32,618 9,717 85 1,196 63 3, 184 i ) ae 1889 2, 805: 2, 105 666 1 Al sia Se 17 43 le; pane 1879) 1, 498 fi Red BOY Oe Pee aed POPs | beeen eae a ial ete 1869 1,617 822 Ce aa | Se soy gr lGANOn... 1. 550-60..1 <5 1919 73, 876 53, 304 1,751 578.| 18, 207 36 29, 889 ae Cirle . 1914 50, 326 38, 264.) 1,674 431] 9,928 29 16, 120 ope fn ll oe 1909 42, 804 35,529 | -2}407 242 | 4,606 20 8, 409" 2 H ee | 1904 16,987 || * 15,145)| 11,078) 127 537 100 1, 702 rar i) oee LC 1899 5, 649 4,010 1,605 28 CPOE ee 8 Be 6 Heyy 1889 1,999 975 EG ae ie Ae Oe 2 i 1879 1,682 546 Lam AIA iy See e ee se ofc ks euae Bt 1869 606 pM igs aN OEE iS Se Ra ani | oe ie oe Wyoming - . - a4... 5-24 1919 |), 17, 869 8, 255 |i 5391 | 1,718 7,500 5 9, 240 begs | rae ort | 1914 |} 10,004 6,925) 2005371. 15866} 1,176.]........ 1,691 ee 1909 7,628 6, 467 465 182 ia ae set 1 " 1904 3, 604 3, 088 382 88 AB to asda, 132 po ads 1899 3, 820 |} 3, 237: 1534 42 Wiese 87 e" bore: 4 1889 1,824] 1,608 BIGH SME: oe AEN 5 ; 1879 755 || 717 38) SAL 3 PE. j 1s TM he's DR DE oo wes 1869 344 || 310 rc} 2 ie il eee pega repre | Brora. fo oa ~ Colorado. .....2..--..---| 1919 206, 309 145, 417 1,184 | 2,186 | 57,323 199 86, 036 1914 162, 828 126, 608 6,669 | 2,075 | 27,349 127 57, 278 1909 154, 615 135,750 | 1,426] 1,464] 15,874 101 35, 944 1904 124, 907 118, 660 2, 004 317 3, 765 71 15, 730 1899 43, 434 39,883 | 1,493 519 | 1,187 352 1, 896 1889 32,676 30, 641 1,723 B65 ae 276 one 58 1879 5, 802 B53 1 SOA RAD ss SR TP lea 1869 2,225 1, 433 eh OEE ee ee) Dome i ee New Mexico............ 1919 17, 260 12,595 381 920 3, S04 OOS 5,178 1914 12, 468 10, 361 23 775 13008 | ceac ss 2,617 1909 15, 465 11, 781 74 365 SyetO eos dene 4, 586 1904 5,948 5,417 149 114 203 65 233 1899 3,658 3,433 153 64 Bile abedtons 8 1889 1, 825 1, 492 BARA ce tie hee thn CW | Rat ee i 1879 1,359 427 oo elarm ieee Fe Ryo AG CR OLE ET 1869 911 252 OR TS al Sos. BERR os Sree eco SO a eae | .---| 1919 103, 958 77, 138 2005 1,373). Zh, Sas ose 44,903 1914 54, 697 44,312 70 795 8,918 602 23, 118 1909 39, 140 34, 212 129} 1,285 3,314 200 15, 100 1904 21,412 19, 338 267 | 1,392 165 250 4,821 1899 8,537 7,728 400 371 BSj tet ba ce 534 1889 826 457 DOO Vest eee als eencacee cA) * PRES a ae 1879 530 370 LO So SI ee ee oe 2 | Pe en 1869 90 80 LICE OF catia 8 AN SRR 9 Bo Se | a. i Pa Re Sie 1919 93, 942 46, 996 3,558 968 | 41,275} 1,145 58,721 1914 59, 536 34, 020 3, 494 S704 21, S24 ose sce 34,018 1909 42,947 29,084 | 2,997 226 | 10,592 48 15, 402 1904 19, 397 13,145] 3,252 BO’) 2,048 9:23.23 4, 272 1899 12,674 7,616 3, 366 89 1,588 15 2,829 1889 5,064 2,530 | 2,492 Ne re 32 1879 4,689 1,154 A 8 Ce es Se ey REL Seas | be) ie 1869 2,500 331 RPG fe 3 ee bk in CaS ow AU 1050 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 24.—HORSEPOWER IN GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1869 TO 1919—Con. PRIMARY HORSEPOWER. Owned. Rented. mai Can. orse- DIVISION AND STATE. sus > afAs woo4) Power year. Tn- owned Total. Steam | Water | ternal- || and engines | wheels | com- | Elec- rented. and and bus- tric. s turbines. | motors.| tion engines. Mountain—Continued. 4 ) weryoR . Nevada: f Ss.8o 2 8 1919 19,874 |}, 14,142 195 | - 344 5,193 Moelle vA 040 1914 18, 748 13, 433 909 139 4, 263 17,574 1909 7,765 4,533 399 201 2,307 6,441 1904 2,934 1,092 ' 782 125 1899 1,561 628 893 39 ir 1 1889 372 318 6 93) ] cc axedac loeb ell euoen. Sek 1879 716 608 Ds Si bp LA Sa SRB (EET ol Garey tl | RE EE 1869 8, 545 6,007 2,538! [YVES Fl os de aes Sb cate Ts ois PAciric: ; bee \iaraee Washington. ffe.J0)...4 1919 || . 687,436 453,306 7,723] 6,123 |.215,921 278,155 1914 389, 567 291,923] 9,306 | 3,162] 84,953 112, 485 1909 297, 897 257, 249 8,065 | 1,494 | 30,951 43,615 1904 168, 342 150,798 | 4,642] 493] 11,650 15,290 1899 87,601 77, 821 6,853 | 189 2,562 3, 137 1889 42,579 37,709 4,851 hi agen 'c 2 63 1879 4,395 3,210 3 188} ] Ses oh ea ee ee ee ae 1869 2, 823 1,411 nA 907-44 bt) ee GO aera emg ew Pe aye FF IE Oregon: ... OR Ae 1919 304, 346 165,801 { 43,252 | 2,166 | 92,576 WP 118, 187 1914 214, 222 116,591 | 57,275 | 1,289 | 39,010 48,739 1909 175,019 112,244 | 47,438 428 | 14,811 i 1904 81, 348 55,512 | 20,660 371 4,727 5, 223 1899 60, 005 37,986 | 19,263 195 2, 243 2,690 1889 32, 508 22, 736 9, 280 2: ésceewee 37 1879 13,589 4,384 Op255 S08 Fe to D0 acaba aanehipomene est peuheaeet Ps 1869 8,277 | 2,471 5, 806 ee ee ee ne 8 ee ee eeesn California... tos 2 dcé 1919 766, 016 211, 256 7,704 | 25,020-} 521,188 572, 284 1914 491,025 207,695 7,450 | 15,614 | 258, 734 291,344 1909 329, 100 193, 556 7,670 | 10,115 | 116,537 143, 684 1904 210,359 |} . 154,922 | . 7,260] 6,292 | 39,363 49,575 1899 126, 953 106, 799° 4,680 | 3,244 9,624 15, 762 1889 72, 931 64, 886 5, OOLT SOBEL fo ceecle 1879 32,921 28,071 iat BAP aee ek OE i EELS: TSE 1869 25,370 18, 493 C3877 ee eh a ane aaa ae a , a= INDUSTRY. ee es { 3 All 1ndustries - BFE ane + i Be 4:3 : “Anta implements <2 pees ‘including pbatlics and’ parts. he Boots and shoes, including Bs cut stock and findings. tfyl 5 enemy and copper Legge pf pas eet and other bakery eroucyss ‘ ti ‘Brick, tile Soktery, and other clay products.: “+ Butter, cheese, and con- eles Canning anid preserving... ¢ than and general shop con- | . struction and repairs by » steam-railroad com- panies. 202 = rh ii ye steath-railr oad! not. ‘s including’ operations of pup itoed companion J Coke, not Secading | gas: house coke. a Copper, tin, and sheet-. ie* iron products. Cotton dosti: including . © cotton small wares. "Dyeing ad finishing tex- tiles, exclusive of that done in textile moills. " Blectrical machinery, ap- chee and supplies. -Flour-mil aha gristmill bys products. - i 1919 |$1,645,986,556 1914 1909 1919 1914 1909 P1919 1914 1909 1919 1914 1909 1919 1914 1909 1919 1914 1909 1919 1914 1909 1919 1914 1909 1919 1914 1909 1919 1914 1909 1919 1914 |} 1909 1919 1914 1909 1919 -1914 1909 1919 1914 1909 1919 1914 1909 1919 1914 1909 1919 1914 1909 1919 1914 1909 1919 1914 1909 1919, 1914, AND 1909. Cost of fuel and rent of power. 666, 406, 709 570, 067, 824 5,038, 512 2) 507, 394 2, 042 974 * 21,785, 066 4 656, 102 1, 661, 724 6,945, 277 2; 310, 903 L, 847, 885 12,686, 801 3, $31, 780 3,005,514 19, 474, 881 9, 501, 187 4 1375, 847 39, 931, 963 26, 601, 525 25, 348, 623 11, 125, 649 ¥ 909, 540 2; 771, 983 5, 882, 733 2; 166, 400 1,551, 363 31, 400, 634 12; 482) 370 8, 465, 983 6,180,615 | 2 749, 760 2. 097, 659 31, 070, 596 20, 271, 662 13, 153, 180 32,742,310 11, 203, 672 8, 047, 443 200, 769, 464 64, 832, 328 60, 905, 891 ‘5, 393, 671 2; 646, 518 2; 252, 642 38, 263, 431 17, 860, 740 13, 985, 896 10, 428, 294 4, 771, 997 4, 451, 077 13, 739, 110 4, 607, 861 3, 056, 066 15, 279, 876 Z 780, 149 6, 980, 675 CONSUMPTION OF FUEL IN INDUSTRIES. FUEL CONSUMED. 1051 TaBLE 25.—CONSUMPTION OF FUEL-IN 47 LEADING FUEL-CONSUMING INDUSTRIES: a . OewsSs—S=——— oo (OO _—Q—QVjQJQ-SSww,roeroeoeeee”&zkeRr ™ Coke (tons of 2,000 Ibs.). Oil, including asoline (barrels). —_—_ I | —_—_— Anthra- Bitumi- cite coal | nous coal (tons of (tons of 2,240 lbs.).| 2,000 1bs.). 14,334,402 | 203,463,622 — 14,041,123 166, 589, 372 14,339,220 | 161 793, 058 13,497 549, 557 8, 863 55D, 271 15, 114 550, 085 49,169 | 1,748,680 31, 393 662; 224 17, 346 319, 497 52, 455 441,447 80,618 302,766 45, 089 285, 545 200,719 655, 947 127, 828 378, 306 | 206, 396 589, 309 596, 989 554, 982 470, 341 882, 882 383, 390 250, 165 164,410 | 7,526,980 291, 366 9, 170, 010 334, 684 8, 799, 778 73, 812 | - 1,379,270 36, 069 831, 549 47,344 588, 169 33,431 588, 868 48° 705 415,732 37, 613 287,294 609,078 | 6,964, 403 506,696 | 5,486,405 438, 349 5, 255, 477 53, 644 819,988 | ‘34, 978 6987 097 38, 895 664, 638 272,266 | 6,031, 428 226,474 6, 731, 438 259,220 | 4,815,758 389,356 | 3,844,667 491,603 | 2,667,248 650,482 | 2,161,783 5,808 | 64, 245, 629 Deere weak c 50,457, 474 Pea eg ie 59, 030, 005 52, 872 485, 762 63, 454 458, 576 51, 448 334, 754 368,595 | 3, 663,302 313, 531 3, 634, 223 415, 604 3, 3277 802 442,855 | 1,071,156 490, 587 ” 896, 589 593, 093 869, 216 175, 800 | 1,091, 704 66, 841 * 769) 260 87, 096 632, 870 57, 034 | 1, 582, 494 56,953 | 1) 8097 968 67,459 | 1, 880, 702 42,595,019 32) 539, 7325 a7 925, 338 92,029,692 48,689,232 34,331,632 341,921,022 284" 9477 889 269, 640) 030 ie 0b Se ASI MMA oe OE ARR ON URE Sele ances 115, 368 104; 386 98 819 101,548 23, 560 14, 282 3) 127 3,119 2; 124 131, 113 75, 812 59, 152 309, 706 254,313 195,971 ~ 35, 555 66, 872 45, 347 6,407 7, 146 L 069 6,207 2) 992 2, 156 ‘560, 960 "719, 597 54, 827 73,638 70, 886 113,013 50, 840 20, 072 4,103 457, 259 372, 201 240, 060 244° 759 1, 445,406 384, 248 86, 873 27, 873 4 371 4, 324 914,591 310, 910 206, 852 349, 121 220, 141 151,371 1,353, 055 1, 921, 256 1, 410,740 344, 675 213, 359 94, 325 739, 922 344° 764 165, 042 8, 124, 953 2, 508, 703 982, 329 560, 469 294, 826 140, 725 1, 861, 342 2,502; 065 1,515,697 807,774 500, 668 110, 276 107, 893 * 435,393 934; 349 313, 412 2, 828, 203 2; 038; 860 385, 468 756, 801 201; 892 128, 314 812,573 464, 259 248, 798 5,476, 396 4) 619, 113 2. 732, 911 16, 654, 909 23; 821, 028 26, 368, 992 233. 553 213, 373 215, 318 287,538 224° 543 130, 434 2, 530, 494 i 829, 902 L 116, 127 1, 108) 259 1, 221, 695 552, 803 4,370,699 5, 525, 894 14; 721, 568 1, 836, 998 2) 744, 939 1,300,770 658, 690 507, 919 24 755 88, 792 | 400, 258 31, 869 10, 037 505, 660 125, 523 104, 467 |, 730, 189 441, 693 424, 386 1, 439, 591 ry 529, 565 L 337, 837 134, 581 42° 846 68, 106 516, 218 143, 953 64, 657 2, 786, 382 2) 767, 856 1, 761, 969 1, 157, 455 1, 627, 252 3, 037, 008 1052 ABSTRACT OF THE CHNSUS—MANUFACTURES. q TABLE 25.—CONSUMPTION OF FUELIN 47 LEADING FUEL-CONSUMING INDUSTRIES: 1919, 1914,, AND 1909—Continued. INDUSTRY. Food preparations, not elsewhere specified. Foundry and. machine- shop products. Furniture and. refrigera- tors. Gas, illuminating and heating. Gage...) sist wipth s ateie deg Ice, manufactured......... Iron and steel, blast fur- naces.! Tron and steel, steel works and rolling mills Iron and_ steel, forgings, not made in steel works or rolling mills. Knit goodsscs nay ea |. eaces Leather, tanned, curried, and finished. FAGGOES, Wialts cat. .b ok cee Lumber and timber prod- ucts. Oil and cake, cottonseed. . Paper and wood pulp..... Petroleum, refining. ...._. Printing and publishing. .- Rubber tires, tubes, and rubber goods, not else- FUEL CONSUMED, Cen- | Cost of fuel J 0 sus | and rent of ||, Anthra- | Bitumi- | Chke Gas year power. cite:coal | neus coal (tons of PB a (1,000 (tons of (tons of gasoline cubic 2,240 Ibs.).| 2,000 Ibs.). | 7000 1bs-).| (Rarrels). | feet). 1919 | $5, 563; 505 ||. 65,048} 456,951 | 10,422 | 113,137 |/\. 976, 218 1914 |. 2,236, 975 45,276}, 387,200 | 12987 | 72,064] 991/297 1909 | 1,333) 497 31,712} 272,392 9,002} 35,832] 368) 195 1919 | 82,411,421\]], 534,185-| 5,957, 355 | 2,060,855 |:3)225)507-|:26)112, 351 1914 | 28,880,719 | 519,813 | - 4,300, 909 | 1,473; 656 | 965,125 | 12° 558°076 1909 | 23,750, 838 ||, 624,958.}. 4,220,640 | 1,919,916 | 677,828 | 13” 637,341 Ted (oe eeGD Sea 88 Mac Sem nk ones cael oea Bry 1909 |. 2)571; 562 54, 497| 728 841 17, 009 7,540 | 181, 463 1919 | 114,911, 986 |] 1,388, 467 | 7,383, 687 | 1,497, 435.|19,195,800 | 641,288 1914 | 53,894,193 || 947,261 | 6,078,299 | 1/084) 217 |13, 482, 655: |. 3, 3727 563 1909 | 39,196,031 || 898, 984 | 4, 668, 096 |.’ 759,245 [11,816,282 |.’ 605, 408 1919 | . 24,357, 862 15,268 | 2,653; 654 | 131,998 |. [910,119 -|.38, 500,857 1914 | 10, 934’ 928 41,372 | 2,252,268] 16,770 | 867,836: |-43,336, 322 1909 | 7,523, 937 17,906 | 1,859,001 |... 17,393 | 468) 894 | 43/711;519 i914 | 117340; 460 || bis, stt | Seaeesors | agoraes | a Ser oon |e aap eee Lets 30, 493 | 17292” 008 |... 7,592 003 1909 | 7, 780,397.|| 2447396 | 2 430, 454 6,872 | 7 905,952 | 47348’ 929 1919 | 235, 623, 653 42,779 | 2,261,315 |32, 424/625 | -51,324-|i1 1,184,953 1914 | 88,586, 592 47,060 | 1,392,357 |26, 335,234] 80,474]. .’ 249° 218 1909 } 108, 536,921 |}, 273,543 | 1,166,135 |31,649,865 | 19,446 | 274’ 699 ig | Meaup se | yess | apeuone| ssh sae anna 1909 | 46,136,725 || 765, 145.| 19, 759,678 | 648,637 | 2’ 0637736 | 86, 440, 031 a |B aera aa | ta fm maa 4 8 85, 1,737 | "323;875 | "961,363 1909 | 1,087,088 || 27,231 |. 241,387} 297895] 1657875 | 612/046 ola | | 2os0'957 || uisori.| aed gee |. Bere on ware. eens 1909 | 1,970,277 || 1247 420.1441, 187 1,080] 23182 |» 83; 861 1919 | 9,823, 256 89,722 | 1,448, 166 3,740} 89,232 | 211,404 1914 |. .3, 757,026 89,140 | 1,124 444 2,489 |) 67,252 |» 527,657 1909 | 3,292” 831 98,724 | 1,028, 215 "806. |. 46,129} 5987 532 1919 | 6,027,446 |] 57,112} ° 872,910] 102,788] 26,8201 53, 835 1914 |.>: 3,534,377 76,141 | 677,071 | .»'60,159 |... 823447 |.» 6737853 1909 | 3,439,986 |} 106,929 | 674,304} 7,471 | 337147 | 1, 424” 724 1919 | 11,568,728 |} 346,914 | 1,602,067 | 14,527 | 329,849] 392, 964 1914 | 10,470,018 |] 571, 588.|, 2,749,600 }»11,198 | 725,672 | 3,314/070 1909 | 8,570,892 || 554,029} 2,424;798 | 11,530 | 5272089 | 3,649,380 1919 | 14,044, 564 55,554 | 2,271,596 | 29,629 | 925,555 | 414, 672 1914 | -7).461, 399 76,873 |. 1,417,485 4,996 |» 507,546 | 492) 694 1909 | 5,082, 287 79,330 | 1,134,218 5,854] 144,499 |. 521; 034 1919 | 8, 555,622 34,763 | 1,172,175] 10,262] 394,219 | 1,527,974 1914 | 4,010,450 ||. 5,507 | 13 232° 031 1,762 | 248,806] 1/519; 198 1909 | 31447795 8,583... 828,357 800 | 376,789.|~ "372; 880 1919 of. oe 955 _ 048 f bod 150} 63,384 | 2,120,114] — 286, 660 rf 8/853 | 60115455 | |, 2,260,562 |.1909 | 18}3207266 || 558/677.| 5,460,314 "500 | 584,536" 674857 903 1919 | 53, 505, 109 || 1,105,503 | 3,619,534 | 319, 563 |23, 716, 521 | 26,919, 052 1914 | 13,567, 284 || 1,367, 429 |. 2,045,485 | 157,621 | 7,455;918:1. 10,993; 746 1909 |. 8,376,383 || 1,347,519 | 1,264,841 |. 99,595:| 3,473, 758 |. 7, 519, 859 ree Meee OR gg ee ME 8 i 2,58 art 1909} 7,601,152 || 154)932 | 348698} 27805]. 41/965 | 12633" 886 1919 | 12,605,943 || ‘84,915 | 1,928,116] 3, 651 229,785 | 283, 760 1914 |. 2;-744;005 ||) 68,793 |-» ° 919; 066 348 8,778 | i» 871, 283 1909 | 1,394,287 || ‘6973721, 479° 906 |; 25 1, 346)»: 0.52, 173 where specified. 1 Includes “‘ferroalloys”’ in 1914 gnd 1909, °° ‘CONSUMPTION! OF “FUEL IN INDUSTRIES." ’ 1058 ot ApEn 251-CONSUMPTION OF FUEL IN 47 LEADING FUEL-CONSUMING INDUSTRIES: 1919, 1914, AND 1909—Continued. FUEL CONSUMED. ’ ‘Cen- | Cost of fuel sus | and rent of || Anthra- Bitumi- hie Gas year. power. cite coal | nous coal (tons of inclling (1,000 (tons of (tons of 2,000 Ibs.) line cubic 2,240 lbs.).| 2,000 lbs.). | Aa (barrell. feet). 1919 | $15,604, 092 50,234 |- 868,713 | 97,690 | 1,133,851} 701, 461 pbuilding, . fadluding 3 hy buildi ng. 1914) 1,418,368 13, 441 251, 820 10,548 | 122,929 404) 735 11909} 1) 191,654 12; 080 301, 501 10,725 89, 916 274, 071 : ® asia’ including 1919 | 6, 201, 447 306,165 ||. 269,717 1,002 46, 506 44,724 * pe ers. | 1914 |. 2,322,684 307, 607 202, 514 48 2,962 148, 252 5. >. |-1909 | 1,687,981 242 771 155, 256 3,601 3,072 49, 673 “slaughtering and ‘Meat | 1919 | 24,619,455 || 227,360 | 3, 822, 531 33,831 | 1,915,501 | 1,357,411 4 packing. 1914 | 8/584) 177 226,995 | 2? 802) 845 14,340 | 1,203,412 | 27083) 407 aw | 1909 6. 700,834 ||. 193,935 | 2’ 512) 864 976 | 1,102,550] 1,091,164 "Smelting and refining, 1919 | 19, 243,024 179,626 | 1,088,511 | 397,762 | 2,543, 121 712, 817 copper. 1914 |, 13,471,917 299, 480 812,196 | 744,256 | 2,303,755 10, 615 *h 1909 | 13,320,517 310,953 | 1,081,031 | 1,008,059 | 658, 923 3, 889 Pigs and refining, 1919 | 5,676,483 ||, 7,276 292,806 | 321,442 | 202,088 20, 940 as) sa r Mora 1, By 88g-sn0 ees eee 358, 484.| - 389,826 | 186,556 90, 656 im | 1909 | 3,508,126 31,958 427,479 | 351/968 99, 157 47, 393 Eating: pus rene 1919} 9,446,601 835,129 | 1,123,590] . 238,432 6,646 | 24,343,653 ae mine.) Oe 19141 4115, 854 655,766 |. 1) 066, 525 92,595 | 145,811 | 22,336, 089 rare pee 1909 | 2)218) 876 432, 161 634, 932 52,172 | 41,595 | 11,676,995 Sugar, Dodi as essay WA |B, 378,604 Yoon ee 1,047,643 | 125,262 | 564,268 57, 862 4 bag YR 1914 |. 2,726,525 37, 235 682, 693 37,854 | 803,698 4,789 1909 | 1,899, 468 8, 981 565, 672 28,300 | . 554,174 383 “sugar, refining. .... messsas 1919 | 9,769,121 406, 248 987, 690 £50. 1'15708; 513. 4 1914 | 3°985,160 || 451,310 875, 882 1,624 |i 749 bes |e cy . 1909 |. 2,866,371 ||. 511,640 542,148 362 | 578,633 453 d Wine ake ots Bach Ito | 4.936, 593 12,573 726, 940 18,547 | 176,282 419, 310 1914) 1,813,172 30, 067 523, 603 14,329 88, 979 415, 873 1909 | 1,640; 172 84’ 208 518, 121 22, 280 71, 663 217, 620 5 ; - Woolen, rors and felt | 1919 | 16,128,813 ||... 233,634 | 1,617,424 3,581 | 869, 068 62; 269 7 BYPOS, and wool hats. 1914 | 7,525,349 257, 433 | 1,608,872 1,524 43, 207 64,577 } Loge ee | 1909 | 6,489,196 ||. 277,755 1, 525, 988 6,985 26, 611 104, 746 | All other industries........ 1919 |.170, 733,218 || 2,624,597 | 17,077,588 | 1,413,569, | 5,725,961 | '71, 804,961 ; 1914 |” 74,238, 157 || 2,681,588 | 14° 114; 469 | ° 422) 253 | 2,926,903 |. 37, 042,112 : het on 1909 60, 432, 052 bs 513, ad 13, 453, 757 471,477 3, 937, 122 | 29,218, 403 . ody : s a ee en a Nt 1054 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 26.—COMPARATIVE SUMMARY FOR 14 GENERAL GROUPS OF INDUSTRIES: 1919, ~ 1914, 1909, AND 1904. Num- | Wage | Capital. Cen- | ber of | earners } a GROUP. sus | estab- | (average a, year.|. lish- num- 5 ments.| ber). = ie) ‘Wages. Cost of Value Value of | added by materials. products. Expressed in thousands. ‘mManu- facture. All industries...| 1919 | 290, 105/9, 096, 372|$44, 466, 594/$10,533,400|$37, 376, 380|$62, 418, 079/$25, 041, 699 1914 275, 791 7, 036, 247 22) 790, 980) 4, 078, "332 14, 368, 089} 24 1909 268, 491 6, 615, 046 18, 428° 270 3, 427, 038 12, 142, 791 1904 216, 180)5, 468, 383 12, 675, 581 1| Food and kindred | 1919 | 61,312] 684,672| 4,615, 150 products. 1914 | 59,317| 496,234] 2) 174) 386 1909 |. 55,364) 411°575| 1,696, 754 1904 | 45,857] 354/046] 1, 169,873 2| Textiles and their | 1919 | 28, 552/1,611,309] 6,096, 161 products. 1914 | 23, 463)1, 507,374] 2,836,279 1909 | 22,057|1,445,720| 2,507,427 1904 | 17,344/1, 163,497| 1, 758,306 3 | Iron and steel and | 1919 | 20, 120)1,585, 712] 8,711,843 their products. 1914 17, 719 1, 061, 058} 4, 281,998 1909 17, 292 y 026, 553} 3, 578; 602 1904 14, 431 ” 368, 634] 2,351,051 4 | Lumber and its re- | 1919 | 39,955] 839,008] 2,580, 046 manufactures. 1914 | 42,036) 833,529] 1, 723, 454 1909 | 48,539} 911,593] 1,570,549 1904 |. 32,501) 734,136} 1,009, 950 5 | Leather and. ‘its { 1919 6,397| 349,362| 1,522, 502 finished products. | 1914 6, 758) 307, 060 743, 347 1909 5, 728 309, 766 659, 231 1904 5, 318 264, 459 451, 796 6 | Paper and printing .| 1919 | 36,403} 509,875] 2,382, 400 1914 | 37,196) 452,900) 1,433,177 1909] 34,828) 415,990} 1,133,618 1904 | 30,803) 351,640 803, 663 7 | Liquors and bever- | 1919 6,354) 55,442 781, 572 ages. 1914 7, 562 88, 152} 1,015, 715 1909 7, 347 77, 827 874, 108 1904 6, 379 68, 338 659, 539 8 | Chemicals and al-| 1919 | 12,224) 427,008} 5,617,738 lied products. 1914:| 12,374} 299,569) 3,034, 209 1909} 12,060] 267,261! 2,167,425 1904 9, 826). 227,326) . 1, 588,328 9| Stone, clay, and | 1919] 12,529} 298,659) 1,262,212 glass products. 1914 | 14,747} 334,612 987, 331 1909 | 16,168) 342,827 857, 760 1904 | 10,773; 285,346 553, 785 10 | Metals and metal | 1919] 10,667 products, other | 1914] 10,023 than iron and | 1909 8, 783 339, 469} 1,796, 669 262,154, 1,013,632 steel. 1904 5, 880} 198, 531 571, 902 41 | Tobacco manufac- | 1919 | 10,291] 157,097 604, 840 tures. 1914 | 18,951 1904 | 16,827} 159, 406 323, 983 12 | Vehicles for land | 1919 | 21,152] 495,939] 2,423, 240 transportation. 1914 9,909} 263,076 803, 496 1909 6,562} 202,719 §21, 457 1904 6,058) 136,625 287, 847 13 | Railroad repair | 1919 2,368) 515,709 776, 844 shops. 1914 2,011} 365, 902 417, 706 1909 1,686] 304,592 277, 216 247, 922 159, 792 14 | Miscellaneous in- | 1919 | 21,781/1,227,111] 5, 295, 377 dustries. 1914 | 18,725] '585;755| 2) 022) 410 1909 16, 255} 482,206} 1,471, 056 1904 12; 957 408, 477 ” 985, 766 2; 610, 445 1, 537, 110 357, 527 261, 089 201, 803 139; 849 3, 747, 675 1, 289, 346 "931; 044 a bed | } 246) 435| 9, 878, 346 20, 672,052} 8,529; 261 14, 793,903}. 6, 203, 695 12, 438, 891| 2,327,344 4° 316, 988" 198 3,937,618] 749,815 2,845,556) 539,435 9,216,103} 3,834,024 3,447,997| 1,432) 495 3,086, 1, 323, 677 2; 168, ” 908; 9,403,634] 4, 587,749 3, 223, 142} 17 460, 830 3) 164, 1; 364; 528 2) 199, 1, 008, 983 3,070,073} 1,710,074 1, 599, 837, 361 1,588,274] 870, 441 1, 219, 749] 702,248 2,610,231] 896, 424 1,104,594} 351,459 992,714] 322,839 724, 244) 170 3,012, 584] 1,705, 866 1, 456, 047|” 875, 330 1,179,285] 728047 859,814] 550, 802 603, 381,119 772, ( 525, 391 6743 488, 183 501,254} 361, 405 5,610, 1, 862, 624 2; 001,635} 712) 1,526,599] 595,555 1,075, 519 :; 1,085,529] 676, 958 614,162} 375,427 531,737| 347,945 391,148} 268,081 2,760,294) 850, 259 1,417,043] 393, 689 1,240,410] 348, 895,975} 262,842 1,012,933} 529, 366 90, 1 283, 031 416,695} 239, 509 331, 111 ; 4,058,911] 1, 560,686 1,034,497] 447) 827 561,763] 255,227 320,624 142, 983 1,354,446] 806,617 552,618} 291, 180 437, 563 f 323,212] 166,644 6, 180, 256] 3,312, 589 1, 716, 033 ; 1, 333,668] 672, 169 936,882} 490,990 FOOD AND KINDRED PRODUCTS. SPECIAL STATISTICS. 1055 TABLE 27.—BUTTER, CHEESE, AND CONDENSED MILK: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904. “+ ; 1919 1914 1909 1904 MATERIALS. OOS A Se eere 8 $926, 366, 296 $315, 025, 635 $235, 546, 064 $142, 920, 277 Milk: A ESS SRE 8 10, 244, 874,792 | 8, 431,426,426 | 9, 888, 727,303 | 12, 147,304,550 3 (oe a FSS 6S oe $333, 356, 687 $114, 297, 630 $118, 675, 613 $99, 729, 745 ream: a Se Ree ee 2, 551,748,117 | 2,384,034,699 | 1, 406, 143, 908 588, 186, 471 : a a a ik Saye $437) 267, 198 $160, 934; 127 $95, 025, 507 $28, 371, 040 Skimmed milk ESS SERS as Seas ae 1, 361, 188, 373 525, 041, 086 56, 974, 760 36, 071, 335 s EOUAED, SUnch caves cabldp ness... $8) 740. » 665 ’ $994, 201 $110, 469 $59, 398 ugar: A Se Ch 636, 568, 407 98, 836, 640 78, 457, 978 67,810, 031 lesa... A PER Mo $30, 198, 824 $4, 408, 053 $3, 674, 174 $3, 315, 892 All other materials, cost............. $116, 802, 922 $34, 391, 624 $18, 060, 301 $11, 444, 302 PRODUCTS. OUURIONIIIG, Oo oven sch ee os 1$1, 066,125,489 1 $364, 285,150 1 $274, 557,718 1 $168, 182,789 Butter: PUNE is ee ow cine Siva 920, 550, 066 769, 809, 781 624, 764, 653 531, 478, 141 iT Bes Os RA a $522, 274, 315 $218, 0217 690 $179, 510, 619 $113, 189, 453 Packed solid— EAC voces Sec nn 551, 121, 133 476, 895, 792 410, 692, 616 364, 432, 996 MME SN caso oS see cdenk $309, 229° 371 $132, 259, 918 $115, 098, 056 $74, 483, 306 Prints and rolls— ee 369, 428, 933 292, 913, 989 214, 072, 037 167, 045, 145 sy akg re ie $213) 044; 944 $85, 761, 772 $64, 412, 563 $938, 706, 147 eese: BOM cine. 2006 055 as « 473, 569, 199 370, 278, 599 311, 126, 317 317,144, 872 MUMS Eee og ccs tacn ane $136, 940; 464 $50, 377, 018 $43, 239, 924 528, 611, 760 Full cream— ONIN E h eniaieaune Dec dindricc. 411, 778, 381 332, 690, 891 287, 110, 383 PAU error oe dicernon ees amrie $123, 731, 763 $47, 432, 597 $40, 87, 073 239, 652, 634 Pens tenn — $22) 0247 853 (a RE ike gee 9, 157, 736 18, 318, 437 10, 803, 392 ne eames Re sctttahe piais siwiada ese ciie.e.0 $2) 216, 545 $1, 542, 280 $1, 188, 000 (SESS GRA ia aia ahi 16, 097, 055 13, 893, 692 7, 770, 812 3, 459, 582 OTS al es tly SRE ell $2, 185, 539 $748, 586 $429, 519 3148, 568 Other kinds-— Te. 2c ae ROD ae 36, 536, 027 5, 375, 579 5, 441, 730 74, 032, 656 yA A a gle OS $8, 806, 617 $653, 555 $805, 332 $6, 438, 339 Condensed and evaporated milk ey Sa 2, 150, 182, 245 873, 410, 504 494, 796, 544 308, 485, 182 VERDUN: 52s sewn cunsecaes $298) 267, 547 $08, 747, 252 $33, 563, 129 $20, 149, 282 Condensed, sweetened— Pounds Bees em sees vaecess 760, 582, 490 267, 869, 955 214, 518, 310 198, 355, 189 SMPIOOR LA od ae Ghats canweeus $126, 055, 505 $21, 585, 139 $17, 345, 278 $13, 478, 376 Condensed, unsweetened— ae con] ERR) Re it get hil a aly, 783, 280, 278, 234 110, 129, 993 Evaporated— y 14¥, aibdebicic. us ated ie ....| 1,215, 595, 389 273, 647, 635 $16, 217, 851 $6, 670, 986 , a eae $154, 428, 781 $17, 234, 099 11In addition, similar products were reported by establishments engaged primarily in other industries, as follows: 1919 1914 1909 1904 Butter: TCT G Fe Se a eee aS Se 17, 955, 316 16, 193, 708 2, 381, 212 1,971, 120 CT DT a Ye See eae $11, 055, 867 $5, 167, 634 $664, 171 $448, 729 eese: Ra eee 1, 761, 621 7, 234, 810 UTES BLAS aie kame Mss Se ekivs ees. ccna sen kh Sows $340, 133 $554, 907 90; 2457 ss SO Condensed milk: NEE Se ry! ty) 5 = hn ome mee oe 3, 326, 847 9, 702, 397 EDL SR00 foo. . eS SE SLE thee Si tp een $391, 490 $514, 348 S2G078 1... <2. REA pee op powdered milk: Sy yea ple dere 1, 878, 739 DOOR Ee 2 oS a bree caetin ths nice sit Bamnnks me Value pean van catd ovod amma enes'e 75, 793 Se ee eS eer ee Seen ba $25, 388 $71, 588 Other dairy products, value...... pis a (oly Samal ae PAL es oo ewig > 1056 ABSTRACT OF THE: CENSUS-—-MANUFAGCTURES. TABLE 27.—BUTTER, CHEESE, AND. CONDENSED MILK; 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904—Con. 1919 1914 1909 1904 Cream sold: Ree Pounds 3 ates ed ee alarms 120, 304, 163 123, 511, 348 81, 211, 374 28, 131, 914 ValuGes. eo ate tn ee $26, 173, 920 $13, 802, 063 39, 828, 972 $2, 364, 407 Skimmed milk sold: ~ tpt 0d te Shy eigenen See ALU e. wekaats ine eet se aoe ea es $2, 453, 657 $786, 050 $629, 135 $1, 368, 738 Buttermilk sold: PLA PART AIL Malu. csyvyose meres eee eee $4, 027, 144 $1, 278, 700 (@) (@) Casein dried from skimmed milk: i . Javan fVROO O68 Poundstone ce ecede 16, 615, 076 18, 570, 220 13, 018, 298 11, 581, 874 Wialuiee secs kes as ee nee $2, 188, 787 $977, 770 $795, 544 $554, 099." Whey sold io tg 4; ean edyeitse WV ete GU. nl, SEL NS ae GS 1. . $3, 423, 906 a8 $72,979 Qe Nn PERN Powdered milk ' Pounds. >. 22 Bat eh SOR ok 48, 385, 548 20,454, 051 ° . . A Basic Valne sees: 23.5 Sis Ae Bee ee $11, 918, 105 |» $1, 968, 259 PY ks oY; (2).4809 Sugar of milk: ‘alie Hogicats Pounds. 2... bt WG re es 10, 401, 416 4,051, 320 Qiao Mf) pecs | IV G8 25 Sd OPE lS a hee $2, 632, 776 , $400, 613 2). @).tee Other butter, cheese, or condensed | veep milk factory products, value. ..... 2° $35,412, 475 $11,048, 820 (9. ). bebe te Q). All other products, value.....-..--.. $20, 712 ’ 383 $6, 803, 936 | $6, 990, 395 . $1, 945, 050 1 Not reported separately. se a ' mith : t atte) ; » - ase hilea f a afio1049 ~ D § Otto fo ; Fes 1a"s ‘ ‘ és Fares | Peary cates Path) 4 2 cP 0 10 Pes moger vt TARE — Peony -weligaie maddie. ht awolltd ag roi a $e and 2 Dorsey ok he Loe ae sdtien heats DMO Lee SAS 8 é RP Be PF i Ey oie Heats ahora s bF Wr AWE | aie ut, has Gees 2. Genel l A baw bwtoc Borsa tiger RNS J ERel onlay oul a> © See ee, OVS Ae .-onisY ne pte Ae bi --...- Otley atonbonp piled tagstO an en te — nt a a tn ene eS eee, i)? FOOD AND KINDRED PRODUCTS,’ 1057 TABLE 28:—CANNING AND PRESERVING, FISH AND OYSTERS: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904. ; ras KIND 1919 1914 1909 1904 % ES SE SS Se See RE ( SRESERAE " Total OO aks Bekins eae Spee $82,408,286 | $35,267,120 | $28,530,323 | $23,571, 499 & Canned fish and oysters, value. ............| $53,186, 286 $22, 401, 004 $17, 592, 960 $13, 544, 686 : ~~ -Salmon— ; Cases of No. PPO OBS nag ae ak vine 2,186,004 1,513, 300 2,079, 823 1,002, 685 od NOM ANE IS SERS OP SERA $19, 113, 204 $8,712,695 | $8,723,565 | $4251; 387 ~. Sardines— — x _.. Cases of No. } size cans.............. 5,777, 959 5,012; 199 4,014, 509 2 \ i me ees ot ee tee te, A ik $20, 258, 565 $6, 238, 933 $4) 931, 831 $4, 380, 498 ee. Cases of No, RAiEO PANS... 2.) wen 717,636 944, 639 (2) 2) ar ig _ Value... ip IRE Boo reo HOR Bg $3,510,119 $2,676,951 $2, 443, 101 $3, 812,312 Be ane ases.of No. 1 BSIZ6 PADS. . on nose ch amp 322,076 459,877 171, 899 (2) © Value. -- 5-2 sene pect et eens epee eee: $1,864, 793 $1,725, 621 $690, 021 $478, 931 _ Cases of No. es SIZO ATS on on oad 874, 380 0 me ean a Re Bh aD | ko pied ei Val OOS aE nl LA a $5, 710, 188] -~ ~- $1; 688; 675: PU NTA WE OE Donan PSs oa 2 i} Cases of No. EMT a ie ee 157,843 185, 186 (2) (2) ; AN As 2 SARE na le le GRRE, Se $772, 870 $670, 363 $402, 466 $274, 155 AD other canned sea foods ) (RCS RS PE AE eee nee 309, 308 235, 813 (2) (2) = SR, ot lai i Se BS $1,956, 547 $737, 766 $401, 976 $347, 403 4 Salted or pickied fish: : Seger atemaae ames RNR Bae Lu, 655, 826 | 131,149,037 | 133,169,621 | 113, 576,290 . (8 EL. Re iad 48 aaa REL - $18,203,800 | - $8,1727477 | $73318, 101 $6, 409, 012 a bos Mot ASS eclieitielinpatiiinson Sta CUD. snd Seite : Cod— SOE oF ROCA a ae Rs 2,902, 037 68, 456, 917 54, 302, 338 48,757,819 : GRATE oo engin SF) ae Be $13" 643, 357 $5, 123, 562 $3, 248, 669 $3, 013,320 b Herring— . ; PORTS oc RRR TR SF vo ei Bad 14, 135, 579 21,133,974 21,718, 467 15,824, 192 4 A a SI SS A $845, 629 $641, 603- $461, 287 $409, 223 a Mackerel— i Tat ARAN Haid aoc Dil 5,098, 700 6; 224, 313 9,045, 469 8, 326, 566 ; eiuvalaast.%.)...<.)..ces es... 81,000, 593 $519, 727 $740, 513 $678) 326 ; Haddock— : ‘ (EN a A x RE 7,691, 146 4,947, 286 3,065, 156 4,737,975 ROE en i A ea BS $815, 180 $218) 359 $148,191 $213' 304 All other— i des Sanna os a Sg Hida ue pele S Sdblas peta are 21,827, 864 30, 386, 547 45,038, 191 35, 929, 738 Rt. Walaa oes... | OR CCRT TTT 1172] .<)'gag90° 041 | -$16607226-| $277197441 | $2094) 749 ¥ ‘Smoked 9 or dried fish: 7 oun: er, iG 1 CERRO Phat 32, 243, 591 28, 713, 806 40,739, 774 36, 617, 904 . Bisse | Cette ESM 71 CE $5,371,833 | $2,759,341 | ~ $21930/258 | $2528 240 ~ re) ey | Er ee. PA Herring— Sit Se eS .- St Ponnth es ese ONT hk 14, 639, 391 11, 504, 126 21,369, 856 19,737,537 | ONIN TRE OR Ee Rs OOO ee ot $1,350,745 $719,640 $931,.611 $631, 352 Salmon— pimpianids PIL). Ole! A lsrewes stn 5,574,273 4,248, 806 6, 836, 099 6, 833, 560 Re meiner Matap so cer 2252 LO POV $1, 681, 982 $638,975 $950, 540 $831, 184 0 ‘Finnan haddie— ey FROMNGKs aie ve PES REEL TAL ORCL & 5, 696, 883 4,095, 693 513,222 3,014,160 Be tone Bivens oy Woda et cop i edt $498, 404 $327'877 “so. 620 $174) 234 ‘a Sturgeon— L Ma hts ASCENEe CMa PEST PPE 570,031 511, 196 620,497 tccssctecer ee. . JE OR 2 Pe eS gs ae Se $435, 959 $150, 614 $182,780. er bos cow eee “All other iden or dried fish— a oe arto SEE es gaan eae 5, 763,013 8,353, 895 7,400, 160 7,032, 647 ene Oy Valiesta Ast..... 2. 91).008.¢.-.-1-be $1, 407, 743 $922) 235 $569, 701 $391/ 470 B, 8 oan Tees preanvets, Value bab Ont 58... 5 8 $5,646,367 | $1,934, 298 $680, 004 $1, 039, 561 \ 4 Includes for 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904 values of similar products reported by establishments engaged q primarily i in other industries, as follows: ; 1919 1914 1909 1904 ' Canned fi fish ond a ; DST CIN S52 hepa Se ee 336, 388 ADA RL Eats Stee oat SO ssh tbot ois Rakes Sof see S58 eee ae at eats $1,900,976 $1,409,140 | $19, 649 $12,900 Salted fish: Lo CONT GE ga 9 5 RS AR OC ee a 3, 684, 609 3,905,372 4,630, 332 1, 847,625 (| NG SONI ee ees ath eae $223) 615 $388, 488 $143, 540 $274, 403 Smoked fish TN ELE 2 oss a a ee 102,000 1,316,575 O24 (Od Vols cng week are OOO Ts aie a ae $23,272 $120, 030 SG Gib eo 2 Figures not available. 75108°—23—67 1058 TABLE 29.—CANNING AND) PRESERVIN ABSTRACT OF THE |CENSUS-+MANUPACTURES. G foe ee AND VEGETABLES:?! 1919, 1914,” 1909, AND 1 KIND. 1919 TOCA] WAN6 on. Soe aoe asin se hs ese ees _ Canned vegetables, value............ we eeeee--=-| $164, 573,590 Tomatoes— 4 , Cases, No.3 size cans.eu5 243 -29----b 4 iy 11, 836, 476 W Ui sop tins dele BO apriieerges 1. 20. $38, 067; 999 Beans— : i ast i F Cases, No. 2.size@ cans... seu aa--- sa) au 373, 977 V QUO spss opie ee se eo ree esa y Ge oe ob ciate $1,142, 236 All other canned vegeta bles— sihy ASOT. aa pet fe = = = 5 ae BEERS. . 3 2 » 29923, 500 Value er856, 368, 556 Hominyrand grits: 19 GAO O82 S48] | SOL Bie bE eg a.) es va ane od Orla Y: Lm POTN Ba Sees xo op adh oe RS Luin ci « | 288, 525,592 |, 870,364, 453 827,987, 702,| ~~756;861,398 tai Veda. 00b es DPEOL. SPALL DAL) | oom$9) 2472241). » $13,767,561 |. . .$12, 509, 493. tharr8, 455, 420 Branandimiddlings:: .a% ARS 200 88 | | 160, 668 BIG cl bie ss. oR) ei dole a «el a ‘ Se ae eaigt z a < 760, 326 || . 4, ee 534 —esosrig & 6 M@dyel ... |. 008.008 08... ROS SAA OF .| | BIB 5j518: |p. » $104, 202; 725. 4 . sage tone Beodandddalssisieee | Teeciee | (Meee ee | oa ne Dea Mteie i aa aR Soc elas | | 4,566, 855: |i 4,753, 280 te So Sr LU VORRE .. |: FOS SRR... Lak TOR TA.) | $26277335518. |! $137,067,959 |). 48g. @oaooT Oatmea]*: $50 o> $e 60S Gie SE | | $8 COL SIF «+ Rak Ras. Aids Seg eee .oulev POUNGE hss nnne waddle ee tan nae is = |; 28,120,649 |; 30,451,581 —exiqg A 20 Wale: - |. $C 886 bb. 2p BOO TEE bs =|) COB IGM GYB75 Hl os. STH 804-4 oe beso Breakfasizocds,rolted bats etOs O82 ©2 | | O20 S75 Ae Fs sc bikes! ehibaaeel ry Ret C Ae it, fh men panty Ogee STL ; 98,531,673 || 92,676,685 17" > Ste MeOnBde os sD: 4 “ 2 ORE Te) | eb4 8491541 Lees $2, 932, 238, 0984.54 ian ee a bSe. |b Lie 0@8 oe i sot «sit a dln see baeedn nen eae ee : Vel tA.| | 7G10}033;062 |; $2,091, 922 I Rebgat or regress thet twdin lA ape Shs cain Le ap cab el (4) . $152, 208 . 4) ; (*) nae Paden cnalane “25 $5, 833,165> co 1$5,; 562, 000} al $7, 408, 016 $4, 554, 895 1In addition, merchant-ground products were made by establishments engaged primarily in other in- dustries in 1919, asfollows: Wheat flour, valued at $11,164,280; rye flour, $236,244; buckwheat flour, $1,715; corn meal and corn flour, $3,759,693; hominy and grits, $1,655; bran and middlings, $1,977,274; feed and — offal, $29,374,409; and in 1914, as follows: 4 Wheat flour, valued at. $2,500,937; rye flour, $125,887; buckwheat flour, $4,236; barley meal, $114,176; corn meal and corn fiour, $1,065,830; hominy and grits, $1,268,612; oatmeal, $160; bran and middlings, $492,351; feed and offal, $2,810,431; corn oil, $115,891; and breakfast foods, $547,938. 2 In addition, breakfast foods, to the value of $36,978,613 were made by establishments engaged primarily in the manufacture offood preparations; and merchant-ground products, valued at $1,637,228, were made by establishments engaged Serer f in the manufacture of products other than those covered by the industry} designation. The items covered by the latter amount were wheat flour, valued at $614,952; corn meal, $87,507; rye flour, $12,330; feed, $907,165; and offal, $15,274. estate s _ >Inaddition, breakfast foods to the value of $23,904,952, were made by establishments engaged primarily in the manufacture of food preparations, i 4 Not shown separately. SUSU TROOD AND-KINDRED PRODUOTS2 :crPea A L061; “ 2! CWABLH SLL+QLUCOSE AND (STARCH:)1919, A914) AND 190908 ginny /, eo] ker ope1919 1914 1909 028 Toy Q0e Py KATERIALS. 26,080 1 | 20h e008! Y wou :bateyeslt dave Cpe erate . _hetpecpan at oar Remcmemnenanes | ales neat aes — as (Total T eee ieee. cn eee ERD, 328, ss $40, 207, 592 | $58, 771 £ 8 | totes gro USGT AEH DE { ad ae SSS a 4 Corn: 1 ; Rel EER: Sanaa ies Ua anetaie: Sie 3, 636, bhi: $8 2, 488, 792,40 Ssh 53, 040, 508, 915 Cost < i aay Po a fh! Be NRE Oe Re Pe 2 baat $100, 161, 185 ” $30; 2077 $26, 674, 779 2 Nf 282 | £08 880.2 Si : Sa eae ae 160,878,781 | °° “S18? 60s, 127 Cost. Rivals MS SRA, ok doo don ditch : $498, 015 $541,359) | RED BED JO | AOL Si8 278 (COE EES SOD Fe eg ctl EMA abiso% Pans hah saa Se --. 4. 200, Bad). “ee EE laid 1 St ON F8 4o2, 3 FE Rep eet ks Set Mapeapearee. bs -+s fe ceectcseee eee Joe ce eset secre cee e tee Co A yup Neerempmper en tas Mplayer 2. 299 Nelo eed bred Cag Ghee ......}.178.8e88----.--- Last ‘coos 1, 768,932 |°°""- "14198, 049° 19°45, 824 ye * ae ese ” $88, 433 $301, 560° $482, 263 ese BUS mi) | i? 7 ' pi a ee | Baka. rod ee | @y8,6058-------- aan GO SR2s 860, 680 “9° 812; 659° i: 309, 010 all Tepes bind ed PA Pee ee “$1, 035, 7715 | ve E $189; 296° "763, 173 i materi jo ng fueltandrent o power, ‘ Rtieits ds s.csc~s-+---- Feeney aight th '<$57, 361, 640 | --7~” $9, O11; 159°] 97, OF, ib7 PR 3. a BURT opvers, LOT OIVlc HAWS BAAD (AA THA .88 ws Total rate Sse ERA SS 2558 eo SS See ss 1 $186, 256, 260 oy 615, 401 $48, 799, 311 oo 4 Mi aeons a pen en 3 9 (a F = oS | SS Bs CUP) aay GIN 242 Bee cease 783, 513, 087 {31620} 764, 347 |_ 677, 535, 647 some arte Value. a 2--------2--pennenennnernnnne rane nnn] $44. 402 873 | its 783,781 |~ __ $17,514, 823 fer £27 Pounds: 85.0 Peete ees ee Ss leennene|.s.. 2 727, 962, 234]... 874,247,697... . .6898)’B25, 366 ee [oA Aer pore ne $40, 557, 660 $13, 784, 654 $15, 962, 916 GGT FEM i 2 24oiehx [el ete _. 16, 477, 186 SasoH TG ap 24, 873, 415 - ee $1, 099, 028 $718, $823, o19 ~ Other— = @8@ Poundsts$.200.5....... 7. te ee De =|. <, 89,073, 667 |... 22,996,178} ©) ecolB, 836, “366 ROE £5) ‘Value. - Poi Gb0.35e...) AVL ACK MALS. . 1s sceelegus $2, 746, 185 "$1,281, 121 |. (9:;' / $728, 888 By ; ‘ ’ Ot% Glucose Cinch a ps), wages... ..---------} -- $80, 608, 100 $18, 541,429 |: ate 514 HES / E05 C00 .6F BO fe dost cies Weed 25 F sd 20s te ¥ RE preety | 18%, 276, 442 174, 368; 818 “159,080, 478 ee Nano. 208, tis Lara, co Poy CES Be PON . $9, 314, 977 $3, 765, 515. |. 1088, 620, 816 LoBO VEE Cle |} ASO Pod Gre Buds ones Kee Wabi es as sane} e SEB tebe 516, 261 8, 861,,579 8, 164, 175 820, 333) 249} ey voc, 693163. }oyrviin$2j802}768 kk a ae ee ee oan aes. 08,120,62....) res canara... J2 20005 0000S en ai 977 1°57" 143,001, 065.[ 01 eed vnc dees etepe reese eee r ener reese esee reese] $1, $42, 427 él , 829, 305 *) ~ Pounds... .2ssptt Ost Wisin: be SEL e AGREE: th. ghuite sig cu Mio i228, 757; 233 enious (a) PDT (?) Value... -- ee er RORY STE ES OE Ame ice $1, 838, 500 (4) (2) Stock feed, value ee = Rae pepiaigancentiearaie Bid aA Ot ea Ore te $26, 068, 185 $6, 690, 412 $6, 013, 968 All other products, RII eth es si dace > = => 0 «ie oe $1) 847, 949 $2, 311, 796 $924, 422 ‘ inguaiig * starches to the value of $47,830 were reported bY establishments engaged primarily in other ries 2 NK reported separately. 1062 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 32.—RICE, CLEANING AND POLISHING: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904. 1919 1909 1904 Rough rice treated, pounds. ......--- 1, 609, 951, 995 1, 036, 587, 825 974,747,475 999, 727, 650 DoMiestic sic eet secs ec cues 1,608, 014, 880 1, 025, 628, 075 970, 873, 740 , 990,473, 625 WOPCIRIT: pc cae kas dala ices sve ages + 937, 115 10, 959, 750 3, 873, 735 9, 254, 025 PRODUCTS e . Total value..........-----c++- $90, 038, 412 $23,039,294 | $22, 371, 457 $16, 296, 916 SS s eee |S nO Oeleaeleleeeeee ae Clean rice: ; Paghdho o,f ccs ss cued cet bee 1,062, 813, 400 674, 872, 108 626, 089, 489 623, 900, 245 : ae 4 HW aiige oe ale ssc 2k Ae eee $33; 462, 235 $21,655, 105 $20, 685, 982 $15, 357, 133 olish: ES AIRE es UR DRACO BN 36, 197, 025 31, 053, 118 29, 821, 813 33, 290, 331 5 1 MR Sc Po OR HE $965, 655 $352, 271 $362, 05: $267, ran: ; Parise one ee cee eae 142, 984, 394 99, 403, 200 91, 208, 529 120, 694, 130 (Y Ales op Lindy Peseta 2b ae $2, 499, 788 $772, 275-| --. <+- $736, 215 > $501, 193 All other products, value......-.-...- $3, 110, 734 $259, 643 $587, 208 $170, 943 TABLE 33.—BEET AND CANE SUGAR: 1919, 1914, AND 1909. PRODUCT. 1919 1914 1909 TOE TOS a50. TR ee aren $206, 897,212 | $84,240,583 | $78,743,121 Beet products. 2 In addition,in 1919, cotton pesindts to the value of $44, 479,105, in 1914, to the value of $17,015,899, and in 1909, to the value of $10, 821, 250, were reported by establishments engaged primarily in other industries. = Of these amounts $10 763, 138, in 1919 , represents the value of cotton thread and cotton yarn reported by mills engaged chiefly in the production of knit goods, silk goods, wool manufactures, and cordage and twine; —s« $4,442, 142in 1914, and $2,067,506in 1909, represent. the value of cotton yarn reported by mills engaged chiefly in'the pr roduction of knit goods, wool manufactures, and cordage and twine; and in 1919 $18,408,540, in 1914 $6,011,962, and in 1909 $6,529,649, represent ney vale of cotton rope and twine reported by manufactures of "cordage and twine and jute and linen goods 1066 ABSTRAOT OF THE, CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 35.—COTTON MANUFACTURES: 1919, 1914, AND _1909—Continued. PRODUCTS—continued. Woven goods (over {2 inches in width) = Contd. Ticks and denims— Square Yards..c.....<. ieedekass Wee eens 220, 381, 180 Velie: JeVSs Mae O86 oor]. BER POR ISS yet $70, 080; 557 Cotton flannel— «1%! j » Rs Square yards. ........... Lon cde ecu tanpeneaa 268, 067, 853 |: Walle. j442 .cdh Lak £2...) Tah Joe Saeko ds $60, 152) 426 . Velvets, velveteens, cordurays, an niseee o: Bis Square WaTds .;, 205 -sneckbpensge eeu Roane 40, 183, 780 Wale ..J 660 2G 8O.. cb ot OL so..2d 2 Feed $36, 673, Hob 4h ‘TLoweling and terry, weaves— BQUATC: VATS «.ccncinw sicicesh teins ood > oe de 75, 165; 515} Value. ! 044 3% OX. 032.2. SES SR SE (3 $31, 230,370 . Tapestries— © Qi : Square yards. ......------++-++-+---++--e8- 4a 21, 705, 586 Walue 1.60! J@it he. 3.22.) Os eke Seek a ii $17, 295, 608 Pillow tubing— : ee } : Square Wards weston bc wipe ss =~ cee eae 12, 112, 573 Value. 1.206 ave .t...... LIM SS... 25d. $2,555, 543 Mosquito netting: oad tarlatan— ee Square yards Li tiday esto at beabet oe Sue eeeae 34, 425, 307 Walue...i2o.f2b. 3 ERIS A ka FE | = EY $3, 273, 376 Bags and bagging 2— ae WS & l Square yards. ER Seen ergy EVE Seta Ana 82, 433, 300 WO EV Bluey pT eS BOB Ere GAO. oe oe ois he $13, 139, 820 Other woven goods (over iZ inches in width)— a. SOULS, VATGS..0.0's:<:civinié-cpawnnben seas eee eee 924, 713, 709 Walue. j.26c 282: Sr Ee Pe bse £82 Bi Re oO $281,.338, 000 Lace and lace curtains— ig : Molups......) £58,206. 02 _ ar 1 seek SSS TEs Es $28, 258, 489 Tape and webbing— ATR SEV OTS < coco celatere cine ine a ae ee 1, 065, 551, 328 PREG 5 ocke vba bp cies ein a.com eb eas $e «bit ee eee ” $15, 296, 061 ‘Twine— > * § PAURUSsek | soso saeco a eee 11, 860, 195 Wahlosag . ... 511, 006.2082...) Bot SSS eee ee $5, 935, 245 Cordage and rope OUTMAS OS O28 Gk Le ck A Oe Se ae .. 6, 815, 848 Valiecuci wise ction oes kala $2 857, 275 Thread— Pounds....... Phe Clie 00) 2H Se SRL 26, 441, 943 Valuet oo. 5 57S e22 Wabe...-..bBIS- Aud DRE eS As $55, 009, 17 Yarns for sale— 5 RCMB GS ine las as 22 Se EO. 6 Si gens ae 618, 201, 812 Melaey ses 1.200, Roe 2... TA AE) SES $453, 764, 883 Cotton waste, for sale— POMMOGR a Sycets a a been aka dntn e-em ner ae 315, 314, 228 Walve:, ....5.i%, dies Ma tener e ee ees tee tees sees _ $36, 357, 674 |. . Old bagging and ties, from cotton poles. is. Repose $2,507,021 | — All Other: eye C5 200026... bile Oe UR AMES Chas $105, 969, 278 EQUIPMENT. Producing spindles, number... . - t 2S GEER CY SR Ae _.... 84,418, 869 saat all classes, ais t beereed Licked raews eee ade 697, 142 “1 Not reported ReaNiay 2 In addition, bags to the value of $5,629,537 in 1919 were S rharhelaneent in cotton ills purchased. fabric. The value of such bags has been. ineluded i in ‘fall obleer, orcs re 3 bsasipspieels in. 1909 hepalea? as 39, 663, vies pounds. 31, 645, 709. 676, 661 1909 o4 latold 229,330,389 |’ 264, 870,508 $24, 947, 983 $7, 350, 162 263, 862,227 | 305,655, 864 $24, 352, 020 |» $25, 695, 367 29, 128, 703 19; 706, 438 $8) 540, 143 | $6, 965, 634 75,798,907 | 52,778,170 ’ 805, 232 $6,037, 075 $10,137,710} = 10, 657,385 $5,411,592}... $4) 723, 907 15, 212, 622 |:-v0d ayn $9 SL $1, 483, 847. | Qs 97,981,783 | ~ 59,100,819 $2) 8207524.) 8 108, 560 129, 357, 002 --68,107,568 $9, 705, 616 |. 0 $4, 862, 451 687, 151, 971 455, 561, 997 $66, 363, 030 | $82, 079, 099 $12, 521,053 |. «$8,922, 082 1,026, 231, 549 (3) $5,030,052 | $5,581, 674 13,284,875 | wer "115,771 $2) 792) 125 82 417, 301 5,515, 6584.» {/s::'7,608, 907 $891,223 | “$l 1164, 526 26, 507, 023-| 9 “23,700, 957 $22; , 917, 099 $20; 516, 269 +. ach he} 5 497, 986, 999) 470,370, 995 $127) 363, 952° - $109; 314, 953 317, 360, oie] ; 310, 518, 348 $14, 421, 929 $10, 874, 386 “$1,010,344 | @)> $24, 367, 879 | « ais 4 frp 9/27, 949, 519 «17.638; 667 pooner) ogee i teeth 4] i fy yt és ite { aiShs Ste o8 rer oft vi i ae CP 18 OBEN TEXTILES AND THEIR PRODUCTS. TABLE 36.—KNIT GOODS: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904. See w er ewer ee eee seer eee ee enee ee Peete eee eee ee ee meee eee wee eee Domestic (in condition purchased )— ean a ee cGck ber teep sew cs ss Foreign (in condition purchased)— oe mie Be etal ct werce se < cis 4 aus Eg pivalent ‘of above in scoured condi- on— VET | SS ee, ee »»» Cos Sis cea’ wool fiber, purchased: ora MAWES 2dpGiws cater ose. se. EES be aes O24 6 Ra ON MOGE Plas pp Seas - ++. -- tugs sawn acr---s Tops, purchased: ee ee. ee, Raw silk, urchased: wee ree eet eee ee Hew wee Cost. Yarns, purchased: otton, not mercerized— Pounds Cos ee ee i i Oe es ee ry wm eee ee weet eee meee ewe ewe ees Chemicals and dyestuffs, cost. ............- _ All other materials, cost................---. Yarns made for own consumption— . ' Cotton, pounds. . Woolen ae are Rieeasatbin oi hae ors Oram > Worsted, pounds.seiteseqolusbivibaty ES Ts wer ee mem mm new eee eee 92, 446, 380 $30, 387; 995 603, 938 $275, 281 838, 753 $262) 772 24, 832, 027 $4, 857, 149 3, 706, 825 $4) 125) 884 811, 243 $934, 968 4, 116, 365 705, 839 $339, 577 5, 367, 065 $2; 066, 168 5, 025, 522 $3, 852, 720 146, 812 $240, 434 1, 265, 568 $9, 340, 769 186, 892, 109 $120, 791, 157 30, 519, 234 $49, 403, 099 5, 383, 926 $8, 866, 287 12, 635, 631 $32, 148, 641 6, 965, 256 $10, 278, 050 5, 711, 110 $49) 222’ 061 4, 153, 546 $24, 101, 514 288, 009 $182, 774 $8, 222, 817 $67, 195, 453 87, 063, 037 5, 861, 147 ” 532, 694 17, 239, 895 $146, 687, 458 86, 202, 432 $11, 083, 987 2,187,776 $360, 919 1, 920, 124 $235, 832 24, 303, 514 $2; 190, 762 5, 735, 395 $2, 436, 524 1, 212, 203 $530, 959 6, 072, 257 690, 714 $153, 099 3, 453, 682 $602, 392 5, 946, 337 $1, 827, 122 265, 216 $140, 153 1,590, 162 $6, 331, 413 189, 851, 716 $47, 405, 667 15, 672, 427 $9, 289, 859 7, 145, 453 $4 442° 765 14, 305, 333 $11, 694, 039 4, 333, 309 $2; 380, 702 1, 913, 478 $7, 510, 872 1, 257, 243 $2; 337, 949 70, 278 $60, 839 $2, 913, 027 $32, 758, 577 75,970, 761 7, 714, 761 1 Not reported separately. $110, 241, 053 71, 986, 529 $8, 277, 508 6, 596, O81 $2; 666, 636 472, 707 $252; 419 5, 582, 839 191, 344 $62; 363 7, 482, 553 $919, 970 8, 586, 261 $2) 813, 129 121, 565 $927 995 (1) @) 216, 987, 611 $48, 165, 749 (1) @) 6, 140, 265 $3, 834, 094 10, 370, 004 $10, 116, 325 4,014, 609 $2; 667, 051 982,753 $3, 606, 599 (1) (t) 241, 754 $180, 818 $2, 541,939 $23, 517, 457 69, 171, 277 8, 316, 349 20, 856, 989 a I | « nn ts | $76, 789, 348 48, 668, 643 $5, 526, 396 1,918, 117 $342, 921 (1) @) ¢! (i) 16, 170, 183 $5, 610, 440. 1, 130, 433 $543, 418 13, 909, 144 89, 502 $54, 877 7, 489, 358 ,719 6, 020, 459 $1, 711, 669 182, 149 $116, 773 (1) @) 161, 500, 466 $34, 372, 910 (ty (1) 4, 839, 343 $2; 798, 454 8, 789, 570 $7, 457, 690 2, 568, 890 $1, 118, 999 320, 671 $1, 200, 259 G 8) 62,617 ? $1, 677, 252 $13, 277, 347 39, 954, 890 a ; moe bi cee rr ty¥ °F 1068 Woe iG KIC map he TABLE '36.—KNIT GOO DS: 191 19 | 194, “\909, “AND 1004 “Continued. Boer cont - he - ba it eons iis] t914 1909 1904 war aie 7 ape ai ae ese eae) i re erent some “ poe me > eaten ioe FOR . BIALTSTA PRODUCTS. ) ) OLi# | REP FHS Satz e “otal ee #'9713"s9, 680, » $258, 912; 903'| 1 $200,143,527°|’ ‘$137,076, 454 SS SS GO eget ayitsy a ie ; Jpozer pairsys.sv.---| cap -ne-da 84,645,757 | _75, 164, 911 62, 825,069 | 44,186, 063 a Value. gaa sey. eae -+- $B rete | $308, 862,37 $98; 098, 590° | "$68,721,825 |'")'$4 113) 260 ose— | ; } . Pe test diy Doten waite aera psuntc cemblg425,340 || 44,186,412 | 234, 933, 976 | ~ 596/041, 878 ren ‘bane oi VRB. eee. =~ Tee TETTIUI]) go16) 651, 368 | °° $63, 144, 569°} * 241,503 2 $26, 674, 346 Rotten EN etc ee kin OM fy) Dozen ppiys--..- | aeer-nee : 15,2%, 243 sic glk ERE NI, SMBINC ay F Sia 610 | $21,241, 2! $21, 831, 365°) see ‘none Woolson “ho sie at apie ok " Dozen paits BEES Sapo t, poe EOE er - O65I, 782 616, 341 1, 061; 535- 1;3 Te ons ena. Welue-ane-a-----b res pea > 9 $31256, 910 | $1,327,439 {ici MABE 8 > $8 Qa ~*;Merino-; rR. Lee ‘enotees os ye. hee eT? * ; " Dozen} pairs. C ctinek wa cou vee t ene og 164,007 | °° 2,335, 86% 2;023,6 ad #060 Bar Cel Vadue-ior---- >a) PE PER ‘he SHOAL 696 | $3,384, 831 $3,299, 9 fadgh 214, 678 Seen ee Bill icon eos ve os edams eae Mitt APORAOPHITS. -nnbeeabeecsnedens |?" 54996, 995 1,305, 792 Liao sits git Vaie his: ne bee a RATE | i 89,758, 019 $4,701, 969 een Ce ot ey ree Silk-mixed— ; one 4 enna «) DOW Tose, pares, ek hoo esa tes as x 3699, 893 [i- 1725268, 310 }- ys fh 5 eapss serra y Value.--.-----4 5 ata Saath | 2) 604,774:) $4,298,502 | (5) siepe sigh C3 as aShisks and drawers:. bie Ga ig DASPRI THOT FORT SOE as Lote eas Sine Saye: ratcteestes+| 47/180, 404 | 21,758,775 |-» 25,8875 779 f° 19,723, 141 akg ttt gly lf Bede ent handed 998, 2867 403 | -$57)523;051 | $69, , 592, 817 | oe 1643, 860 Cotton— 6 Fem ge | DOZENS. «bey --a-acb lk I 14,655,963 | 19,735,898 |: 22,567,121’) 17, 107,958 | Value Riri: RS WPS ged ok Si Rijn: 5647633 | $437097,937 | $50, 007, 598°| $39,658, 762 exe eV O0l— | sn ae $m. EAS Ore ED oreh soe lea ek ah tie exatta----| gag “315, 642 “373, 045 aaa 3 485,328 u Valudiciets oS oka daca antr es ean a es 055,521 | - $8,448,575 | - > $1,820,521 $3,647, 934 fi erino—, A + aa OTe ee EDOLOH ECS © ec nade scant ty... tea et Nees 1,434, 504 -} > ~~ 2,536,473} 2, 113, 810 Walbro tie. ncee 2 ae AP *'g197 6217964 $9,228,686 | $17,055, 624- -1$13, 081, 754 4 techno Soe se e653 Bee Ton El = O88 +85 852 69,786 | -----8 56,02 pots 8 16,045 OY alps cce- ore iv de carne sca i “404 231 $1,214, 609 6 $708,074 | 2°8.$808, 410 aoe 82 ABTTB | == += + (a0) ~~ 2 0} ih Lane ASQk bee 10) “e-e2|:d200 710 ut = aay 054 $313; 439 a pi i ai sy ebeae ty F ‘+r 908; Ee teens 5)... ebro (6 bIG a ‘ “$219, : 8 ay Me seoD 8 3: yt Todt) DAS Pentima ti 2 ABSTRACT OF THE CEN rer qp Ste MaANUPACTURES. *°1Tn addition, knit goods i in 1919 fo the value’of $8,374,682, in 1914 to i value of $5 ,088,033y and i in 1909 “to the value of 2 Includes silk half-hose. m -3Inchudes worsted. 4 a gre © | C C* 29 “4 Tneludes 740,804 dozen pairs Sofartiféial silk nee valued at $3,737,621. 5 Not reported separately. .,,,6 Includes 846,170 dozen (a Enclided in silkhose. | Ove 8 Includes gilk-mixed. | Ly ALY A 9 Includes all Other shirts anit Berane to 10 Included in silk Shirts and drawers. 11 Included in silk-mixed shirts and drawers, a Prion of artificial s silk halt 4) } oat ig avoid dislesure of individual operations. Og . s f. » t : & belyoqe1 jo | $2, 975,749, were ee by astablistiments engaged. primarily. in other ‘industries. penny e(b bas elesiniosd > ~zlehetear todjo th -hose valine 2 at b a 906; ish ek noe awe tol abact sais ¥ msoD fr9f00 Wi bot Bro ¥T sah ns meee ebarsog ,osmisell 2 Bron, havog poy PEXTILES, AND. THEIR PRODUCTS, pep ay 1069 _ TABLE 36.—KNIT, GOODS: 1919, th 1909,, AND. 1904—Continued,. Bie eee gee ATE tO ee eae eae aaa ee - —— eye ——— Sa ee Senn ~— en ree ae en ele oe —~ : ern pe . ~~ rare — onpeabearres soor | (ieee: S| | 1919, | 194 1909 -PRoDvCTS—continued. Saar SA (fret imitans? gee ae Doren pein as jnpagss---+--- | gop 211, 082 ~~ 65272, 515 2,473,103 | -°“! 440,490 . ce = Ra eS |. ae ) $105,243, 880 | $35,596, 034 si 853; 536 | as 7 3, 947 , rose : +a e* ; | t * : Poke _« ~ ee . ~-* F, - i Dozens. . Pr “rey <2 —< 2 ©: ; * BOL" HAR cceee oe ® f yf a38 516 5 468 730 yi , 047, 637 1. »260 301. Oak x aN fen ee on nae ae $25,617,815 "| o 713, 597 [ait 1478, 064 ino z Dorens. £32.08 mee paaao 8Sh6, 701 | --<-14T, 221 e586, 108, PP! 68, 067 4 nielino bree eee. & te ,003, O11 $2, 490, 815°} terete: 289 ose 132 812.9 Dozens, &&. 8 Lome ak je y%33 750 | |-----486;128 f>- iiggar dale {05,242 PG ae ls peel o$2 1,415, 647 | | $5,706,102 |. $4,217,432 |. .. $1,199,949 f —— i D ete ws U0 ' j+een'e , ote Iteeh? LAD . Omass a Dozens. ...... boob paed | ence 49) 388 | | 31,714 110,977.) ; oA t est 313, 131 $886; 248 *f “1 $239, 218 1 $150, ~nixed— oe i! Value. fe | 8S) Seo 677 | |------29,895-[ - -Sboay bisod aah ge, : i frie went, b “49, 380,705 | ---$3937613- “(aj 9 21) ea o ere adt re tie: == *-198-807 -b = -OLboey Or RoGry Litt ey eee. Dba Ry [=~ "$50 -420>h+*-24-cahaeee a 108) sb, busty Bb 39S devastinss 1 274s 454 (HS ©) | °° "$6. 6445 906 '1~*"$2; 033, 889 (3) (2) 4,635 74,901 65, 326 122, 462 $62, 510 $313, 952 $192, 242 $619, 998 3, 571, 123 2,470, 183 2, 527, 889 2, 260, 508 TEES ee et $19,530,411 | $10,519,613 $7, 296, 887 $5, 556, 260 Pare pee ei 2] 6 BUR) oR] MR) a MS 10: ee eee ee ee sie y 5 $1, 774, 862 Sweaters, sweater coats, jerseys, cardigan aN aah pot F Dorens...-.+...-.-. seb egadvesess teaver: 2, 132, 581 2,249, 142 2,221, 410 811, 629 DY mart ai ticbrhh aa wick ain used is $61, 094, 341 $26, 195, 002 $22, 430, 817 $8, 345, 369 carfs and shaw ee ee 298, 237 63, 264 218, 923 435,306 MURR Vastecess sci dea.ccals. $4, 054; 859 $713, 545 $916, 294 $1, 293, 348 a other fane oe nab aleve sedsoevires $16, 321, 888 $3, 196, 979 $2, 392, 927 $2, 118, 842 Sonate Vardi. . seessccacessceesben., 6, 581, 183 6, 221, 601 9,726,770 11,768, 961 ii Bays 2saeee weet e tees sees tees ce ee ee eeeee $2, 521, 369 $670,095 $1, 209, 464 $1, 249° 401 ider down: Baaare yards: Sa Tee rere 941,017 1,076,995 1, 298, 322 4,843, 939 eX ie ata bees Ra eis ete nee $1, 174, 592 $516, 957 $442, 431 $1, 018, 981 Square Sg eer rey rere 30, 344, 402 10, 593, 986 3,111, 272 3, 354, 026 7 f ue seas MR cn ciedhsrssabeatueasas es $28, 690, 935 $4, 378, 5 $784, 255 $1, 145,127 Ticolette: i naeSlaegmaesiaa meee Bt. Bo hele Ail other ienittedeinths PQUIATO PATON cic pees ee ce cers ec kenes 26, 889, 695 1, 854, 851 410, 207 455, 274 PO. MANO aaa tala p su a's Seide sk dls awe ex $9, 788, 418 $1, 251, 653 $269, 323 $354, 316 UMS ais 5 a's oak dulce aw etnsars 17, 493, 355 17,052} 510 7,457,412 3,304, 615 iy. ee aT ah he oi = uu ih Gn Cosne esse $9, 834, 118 $3, 990, 349 $1, 568, 417 $654, 23 oolen— Oe Se See ey ee re eee 451, 804 4117, 634 5 488, 322 62, 653 Ww ~— Res ScbanRad c sbebe eden dgess $937, 497 4 $64, 499 5 $217, 114 $14, 268 orsted— SUMMING nySt san ewis bow ds vend soswasc's 22, 833 (8) (6) 232, 869 a WOE eg anne nena ene = eee ese ses $61, 262 (8) (6) $230, 836 erino— ; PUMMMAMEE Seen Soe rooce tee ee 324, 638 183, 147 (3) 196, 037 iad a OSE RES Se ener eee $242, 767 $76, 905 (3) $100, 745 otton waste: Ue as ie et ee 15, 452, 314 12, 999, 218 (8) (3) Ne ee ted on ps wobec desu sikh > $1, 490, 933 $628, 944 (3) (3) Old bagging and ties, value...............-. $54, 823 $24, 452 (3) (8) contract. work, value................-----.- $8, 771, 094 $3, 649, 274 $1, 082, 485 $208, 167 _ All other products, value.............--.--- $3, 501, 477 $6, 014, 250 $4, 954, 708 $4, 840, 633 1 Includes silk-mixed union suits. 2 Included in silk union suits. 3 Not reported separately. 4 Includes worsted yarn to avoid disclosure of individual operations. 6 Includes worsted and merino yarns. 6 Included in woolen yarn to avoid disclosure of individual operations. 1070 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 36.—KNIT GOODS: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904—Continued. ee 1919 1914 1909 1904 EQUIPMENT. Number. Number. Number. Number. Sets of cards... sie. cetinan- 5's + Ju yu crpewene 3, 347 O74 2,6 ieee UL, Woolen and shoddy.......-...--se+--s+- 909 863 844 te 977 COCROIL. se lbs ccetaan th absc 4, 458 2,585 2,360} 9, 664 DOCLOD Ye os = nde we eee een ae Me 620, 391 591, 987 483,117 300, 037 Doubling and twisting............----- 26,479 17, 765 6, 839 6, 818 Sewing machines, all classes. ...........--.- ~ 77,330 65,328 43, 885 30, 410 A Knitting machines .< ig <0: dean eopaeaes~ 172,363 142,240 |} — 115,019 | | , 88,374 POWOE 33542 canes exacts ces 169, 319 138, 167 110, 630 |, 81, 876 Spring-beard needle..........-.--.- 23, 789 16, 138 17,308 | ., 13,564 Latch needles) | .o.3ssccacenegqs = - 145, 530 122, 029 93,322] .., 68,312 Hand... .cbtetiiiascessancddeen eso 3,044 | 4,073} 4,389] . 6,498 Spring-beard needle. .........+..--- 428 238 Sia Abaent’ 335 Latch needles ic)... is sie dmpaie ese 2,616 8, 835 4,017} ...., 6,163 1 Includes four worsted cards. OA8 OFT, 121 een iiehon bOI ms iv? 1919° _ MATERIALS ont (ene wike “Aoeae. § = S’Motal cost: 28... S eee. $388, 469, 022 Silk: . Gis Raw— . et td aa IA ogo ERE RES acl se. 25, 890, 728 eee metenesesssassneneeese- $206, 222, 609 “i bs ee ve sea and used in manu- acture—unthrown— | Pounds. ....------+-+++-22--++- 10, 272, 040 ope ABD, ot OSES) Pr rere $78, 853, 441 pousnt and: Sphirowil in mill for consumption, not for sale— cig [01 BURG Cas Fee eet o-9 eas 4,809, 188 0 SES OE ARS SE EP ag $387 337, 980 +... Bought and. even out toe" commis- sion throwing— ponds espe yehaanety=sdec+~-| | 16; 808 00 os ee See PS $97,084) 188 ‘Thrown, ke as Heit aad a in ji hae mannfaetre haa Ghieoa, ore Powds: tt fue -. J bo LS ced: . oe, 3 125, 490 Set aul denies cctwa sees s $62, 487, 939 Organzine— : ES C0 CRIES: eee aren eres ., » 2,240,671 ' 1 BRE? AD eta ORE It pd a $24, 204, 190 . Tram— hee ee eS Ree re eee 1,793, 048 aol te agen ie ct RIES § Shay $y 3 082, 057 eb me twist— . oy Shige setae caipeigag 2,091, 771 O50 Miers ent Ales norien noy nde $21, 201, 692 _ Frisons, pierced cocoons, noils, and beD- OR v-other waste bought as tiga and used. ' 7 inmanufacture— a OUMAScGiecis cles tlenas faceves..- "11, 461) 588 Ost sss terbes highest dooxees «|, 1g ates ae apo silk, bought as such and used in |, manufacture (i Poutidgied Wa...) Oe SP 248. V _, 4,767, 679 2 Lh ss Se ree | $25, 874, 715 Singles— POURS Sais cies 2 = = =~ tia ak oo Fete + = ., 1,868,510 CASERS dena seg ceed dts arn ay. ss $10, 732, 794 ‘Two or more ply— DY, pA, : EeUMD Seat <2 --*--+ ote tt en ee eee 2,899, 169 Bie as 3 COSbse- pap ap -->-- a4 0- 284- O48 - | $15,141, 921 Attificial silk 9 POUNGS#00 25.5 -- 1. Ogee ee ke <2: 3,039, 257 ¢ COShen cant. -- +20 WY pauges- a5 $5, 885, 564 by Singles— ' UMM PEE ores ik a yee a 2, 667,934 COSb nn an ible oon = = nln cn non fhnee~=| | CRIB TEE! -'T’wo or more ply— tint os v4 Foumals meena aeeseestae dp ale'e cecee : 371, 323 Tape Ores PCa yy Saeeee © $00, 867 ra thas silk: * ae | mercerized)— ., 6 core andsoe ty bee ys ae 15, 131, 047 hee oats Fae Sh Pee = eee ee ae $14, 151, 863 Cotton, mercerized— Oe SOK Siri ot alpen Oa -: tee ae .» 2,826, 965 RP rea Gast. 1}. oye’ one hae. - $137, 097 353,780 ‘A » 130, 930 $456, 597 $108, 841 $9, 212, 593 $6, 155, 5, 860 : 1072 ABSTRACT OF “LHE:.,CHNSUS—-MANUBPAQTURES. TABLE 37.—SILK GOODS, INCLUDING: THRO WSTERS; 1919, 1914, 1909, AND, 1904—Con. PRODUCTS. Total value....-....-.- $55 -Ohe-aaTP- B road silks: ¥ WRSUO. fete css cakes oe eee ae ae GEE Ra ae ap dies Wp tye A age VBS cere ewe tk ck ee aan oe Piece-dyed— WW QEGS 2 cxyes one eee eines SHE cece Rg NET: ame Raney Coie ots Maat: 3 ) Printed— Yarn-dyed— VAS pee cide os aL een se AY ies Semasiedgale ithe ibe inal ote Warp-printed— YALU Re sys apas «s vgn ened neg es Velaette co. de cec fechas Mixed goods— Verde. s 220 ya oe - ; AS je Dee Lo a hc re Bete a n the gray— Verse. oN ios Oe eee Vanier. 28 i... ceeter tee. Piece-dyed— OTS: 52-2 ~oeeeee aaa eRe Qe bE ) Yarn-dyed— ) V Ors so es 2 as Meee Value Se AS CUP gRCOneR. RRS ke AAR a valu--1 60 SCE Bd Pe OF. Silk ¢ and other materials, value......... | Laces, nets, veils, veiling, etc., value. . See Embroideries, Valen oie eee toed oe «<5 Fringes and gimps, value..............-.--. Braids and binding, VAliOscos ae sh oe ee Tailors’ trimmings, value... .. 22.52... ae Military trimmings, value. .... "2 Machine twist: Pounds. ...... Py at OO Se UP ao. 4 Value ween fUAIE ERLE 7h OI Biunds . ..) 470 9. J. 2b CFR. > Mathe.....j Su adie... ae aI PPG a « i i ee a a eae Value i a ed Value Ce ed 1919, | $688, 469, 523 310, 132, 060 $391, 735, 902 245, 860, 918 $3.22" 502, 765 . 86, 919, “172 $101, 976, 095 64,771, 760 $89, 458, 930 8,275, 585 $4, 921, 575 ‘95,414, 154 $118, 199, 476 480,247 $046, 689 64,271,142 $69, 233, 137 41,869,419 $35,722,740 8, 933,396 $12,710, 941 1,248, 244 $1, 138, 154 12,034, 102 $19, 429, 163 185, 981 $232; 139 16, 150, 689 $20; 950, 239 5, 860, 427 $21; 601,280 516,281 $2, 156, 617 $66, 186, 609 $52; 047, 330 $14, 139, 279 $5,825, 359 $127, 522 $3, 026, 560 $13, 218, 284 $634,058 $682,909 773, 843 $10,644, 095 515, 222 $7, 089; 813 38, 107 $500, 571 886, 014 $9, 122, 457 3,611,901 $31, 494, 535 1,070, 845 $12} Ou, 137 1914 1 $254, O11, 257 216, 033, 696 $137, 719, 564 | 142, 713, 359 $96, 689, 801 (?) GF) 59,304, O41 $38, 819,874 || 4,528, 453 _ $2,637, 231 78, 880, 865 $55,232, 696 73/320, 337 ‘| ° $41, 029, 763 (?/ (?) 39,559,303 $21,843,055 310,731 $203, 848 33, 450, 303 $18, 982, 860 16,318, 135 $8, 570, 022 9,114,992 $10, 135, 842 477,699 $840,126 $38, 201, 293 (?) $1, 328, 933 $33,500 $1,025, 188 $3,073,648 p10? 741 $431, 422 659, 540 $4,036, 807 902, 499 $5,644, 806 1,492,999 $6, 325, 291 2,577, 402 $9, 698, 637 (2) (?) 1909 1 $196, 911, 667. 185, 707, 316 1,009, 95, 183, 248 | $63) 118,049 | 70, 830,675 : $33, 409, 855 7) 3. 4} 40, ? $15,728, 195 30,786, 242}. ___ $17,681,660 | 10,093, 583 $4,767,990 2,759,411 | $2; 104, 768 226,717 | $382; 820 $32, 744, 873 | | 1,088,780 |" - $6, 341, 719 - 737,246 | $4, 179, 355 -- 1,077,931 |) $5; 330, 528 - ~ ult 1,662,388 |] $7, 219, 982. () () ip a) $133,288, 072 124, 871,215 $107, 881, M6, < $66; 917; 762 1} gh 70,71 2 2 (?) : dlgnea®) 1D) 21, 334, 584 + 99, 276, 445 “16, 536, 133 _ $46, 668, 543 97, 000, 498 - $10, 972, 774 (7) ®) ‘115,608, 353 $4, 309, 654 “11,897,145 $6,573, 120 7, 262,315 _ $3) 161, 206 2,547,367 $1, 340, 815 1,766, 210 $1)559;982 $21, 890, 604 (2) _@) $745, 489 $112, 362 "$1,016,954 493,977 "$170, 231 + 982,998 %, ae ris ‘gui, 711 $4,625,016 tO “9, 025,645 $9, 190, 650 (?) 1In addition, in 1919, similar classes of silk goods to the value of $658,030, in 1914, to the value of $1,776,660, and in 1909, to ‘the value of $1,218,101, were reported by establishments engaged primarily i in otherindustries. 4 Not reported separately. may © of 84s” _ + i 7; eb. Mi a panty TEXTILES, AND THEIR PRODUCTS. ppg) L073: TABLE 37,—SILK GOODS, INCLUDING, THROWSTERS: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904—Con. i999] ae | S909] Sst er opuers—centinsd. | | BEATS Suni silk, for sale: aed LT Se . 800 BGs G28 Gao 8 280% | abseswssapnue edo asoT <= : Se aay | 0, 000, Oot 1, 607, 416 779, 462 570,829) ao mac hpacadiab TRS 2 RRS. $23, 807,338 $4, 577, 058 ($2,104; 066 Joi //$1,.660)647 ran er ROWNAS ayer gam Here. -4-e re [Fee 288 Es sheweeonoe | igh pT 26 OS. doo ho aD ogni) Sane eel ead epigatin “Sil, 5,408) beat nae d fife satet@) Geb RY OFFER! Yor Ory 1-008 AEA ABS } OS OF Si adate a2 UP Dw kote t Aw CORNER Ost ‘et Log ee eee ai 2, 192, 609 ee: ET PP e}.-. pod @) PIN SIGibany aeats-- Np dene $12, 073, 875 (1) oe mee Artifial ke ap £0.29) : oR tee ee inds “829,083 | --- Gy" ae pod > Y) : “$5, 493, 249 ) Pi bax ruiG isiev @) a All flies Value... jh SS | | Sgha"o5'971 | ($13; 751, 772.|:,. - $7,958,120, |." $8, 164, 568, Receivedfor contract work...) c..-t2¢-24--| $38, 335,025 $8, 400, 607 | gp 364, 350 a2. $3,746; 056 WORK DONE BY THROWSTERS (MATERIALS | ’ ‘atte bersisre vara REA che (Re. FURNISHED BY OTHERS)« j 9: » BOB ws Phi OE Ris bak iatiee t pounds 2S 2 a oe a 986:728 | ~* "7,088,229 6,114; 200°} °***“3; fae 384) Thrown into tram, pounds......22.2.2-.2-- op 7803, 872 6, 781, 010 6,638,793 | 8,466,467 re PER chen tats --+ ene re 22 4,795,114 | ay Gir oe ag _ EQUIPMENT. indles: | ane aH Rites e,! Bue, be L¢ 200 Sh ’ . ee ¢ F i i ane ged ore ONY Seoo- ses be 923, 4 442 710, 102 624) aig foe 6, 636° Stings .s+-pe-rp-- "2,532,867 | ~ 2,057,889 | ~*~ 1,681,453 [7 Spiming ‘elf ays alk do eee saa ei 204,955 | | © “#01; 382° 7° so 305 Hf” 1 394) 020 Leora o2 ag (LOLS ee ug BOR ERE | "85,058 | 75,808 | 088 “a eraeguard loasS Pe er see fe er Oe | 177264 TT" “38; aon. meee OS? Unherd loots) soo, leet | PES 85 568 44-549 | --- 35,214 It 60, 449 We vet (eae Fabgaard 58a gpg wer 2, 205 cage? SBo 1, 196.5 ie Deny Ribbon i puiged ae looms). 13,721 1 | 11, 554 10,570 9,609 Jacq uard machines... are «i He iwemserassa>* i ~ 8,846 , 6,826 | aig epee A oon gh Soe Sa 1 Not reported separately. ) oon . ‘@ Included in “all other prodacts.”’ u : r 501 sea ‘pi SvO 20a ' ey O! ee “ty ' . thy ‘ Ove Tt | devin 3% SLi i338 j ee 5 3 3 ets } "“ ” ‘ ; ik ae 1% ; ah hing « G hire SOE Dig r ue « ) & Pi dg Lid} A ; a sh } > "ak 4s ory, [de . TOES iE £2 £avt gt . a: Sve 4 3 ist : ‘ os =e eek Rs W {®) : } ; BAO 188.803 at Me OW Taek: abi Usd , EPR aS ee ee : ; fold an t : ra {*) S on as Mor a 7 « 7 Bee Vdd OO GUS, ste SSS ; : BE OE Bé, | F602 20 : ‘ ; ft} Pere (RY ORR ORE Vibe tLe. aaa Ret ab SVE SS) Ab} 20) 1h) ' ee ost o - ini ’ fee, O18 dog 42 htr, \ ; ¥ & te BD 1s 408 © $+, @ ri. : hatoanee § ate ‘ ry : : baat Age ne C80 S210 2 nyiey ott a {TL 5G) 250 21810 St iO 7905 Dare yw } ’ : Bee eitiecshal tetio ni vine bovegirs sinetuieifdetzs rd sbant o19w (C8b:S81 $810 eulay 6 eT i b e19¥% wool BiAGL SOO [2 bus ivi 6.38 Ely < ae » Jat NB eB | Aue 3 PU 1074 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 88.—WOOLEN AND WORSTED GOODS: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904. KIND. 1919 MATERIALS. Total COBbstio.'6 sao eccads cmb opnien nes $665, 594, 683 Wool: state In condition purchased— Pognds. coo cecnaue diame ap eedes 443, 461, 904 CORE eccrine eset clesk sees cet $306, 170, 702 Domestic— POMGEEE aie ibis Senne gi ee 245, 830, 276 COSEAIEE Aslex cc cedetcwwadyseyes $170, 882, 888 Foreign— POUNDS Fane s vows deseeneageunse 197, 631, 628 CORES) loc xuvnah tee seg eeeice $135, 287, 814 Equivalent in scoured condition, pounds, fo F op enka ss sah papeeace pees 263, 836, 462 Mohair, and camel, alpaca, and vicuna hair: eel ey PEN oo gy Sis pg MMR uh Apnea ip AP 13, 791, 281 a decsice Sete wbes ta.ckcecteaesrapsssaet $9, 596, 336 All pther animal hair: POUNnGS Ce RRS PS ore pciuces eee ae 14, 489, 813 COSt. ao ssss decease heme bebste gabe cate coas $3, 050, 987 Cotton: POUmd Ss IEA eh ere oeeeee _ 17,375, 403 Cost), 520 F, Peers Pee sie ae ces seeeee tas ~ $5, 952, 015 rimaar on rings, etc.: a ec Ea NR ak ee ANG CAN PY 46, 453, 109 cua bon dhe Bele bea so ccheebaeeebener $11, 772, 699 sorented wool fiber: : Sy Pounds Fee ene apie a so ob gape anes were G 33, 163, 696 Cost... 0. dpe ces. REPEAT $13, 518, 853 Waste, and noils of wool, mohair, camel’s hair, etc.: Bounds: . fee ces ess ch eee reese 43, 738, 241 OS ip cadet cahsee testi abe eee et aeee $28, 018, 729 Tops purchased FMANS: BAe ces shu tb gage eee thces 26, 266, 239 COSG) cers as ood 2S 2S Saas aes me 449, 230 Yarns purchased oolen— Pounds tee ge oe52 isch we ees te 8,361, 784 COST te eee eae as. tes eee sabe cee $12, 887, 478 ‘Worsted— Pounds. oor. a2 eeer eae eens» s . , 42,962, 105 COM. uct pe san Codes che cere ek ee ve a $110, 456, 932 Merino— Porshe ¢ Soaerase eres Seas see tons: 1, 604, 553 COSt> ss Shtacaepecnraee paste scat’ $2) 185, 286 Cotton— oe ig = Saito Silt Rate Sena Aare tire erent 28, 683, 645 at Ma's Sinn ae oe ere ewe le tala gale $21, 077, 436 Silk and spun silk— ; POUIIOS O25 35 eRe Se teenie ce sos 415, 790 CEE inne aban tate c eee ema Semen. $3, 283, 386 All other— Poulter ae ee eee onan 1, 956, 609 COStics Co iaad ee ee oe ee $811, 128 Chemicals and dyestuffs, cost......-.....-. $22, 870, 502 All other materials, cost...................- $68, 492, 984 PRODUCTS. Total WRIUS oc cues sc -asdandesene ee 1$1, 065, 434, 072 Woven goods: 2 ete ees PMNS os ae. kbs aad eee eRe c eae 332, 208, 704 Square yards Se lsbes.. de ewan 535, 937, 572 SNIGt... cise ck totes eect decent $739, 279, 795 All-wool woven goods— POUN GSE RE ee Bead ah ae 211, 074, 296 ey VOIGS. ni pau oe dteeeote 326, 714, 779 Value 4s. Ses os Si earns $572, 043; 595 Woolen suitings, overcoatings, and dress goods— OUnIS 2. eel. .cshewheawe takes 117, 149,070 Square yards. eo ee 139, 410, 352 BIUIOIS A SRke dees 2 ceeoeeeee $243, 072, 041 1914 $246, 496, 666 434,728, 075 $108, 087, 619 266, 634, 390 $64,571, 871 168, 093, 685 $43, 515, 748 257, 448, 746 14, 359, 457 $4, 455, 354 14, 761, 502 $1, 062, 810 28; 387, 022 $3, 241, 352 59, 425, 149 $4, 754, 308 26; 276, 924 $3, 551, 217 42, 411-874 $8, 906, 485 |’ 29, 106, 307 $16, 679, 819 2, 168, 371 $1,174, 815° 53, 626, 797 $44, 660, 712 530, 863 $168, 519 32, 105, 412 $9, 076, 933 515, 950 $2, 010, 885 1,978, 193 $103, 334 $8, 536, 232 $30, 026, 272 1 $379, 484, 379 (3) 565, 462, 159 $268, 679, 480 (3) 323, 037, 563 $203, 390, 017 (8) 90, 950, 381 $55, 660, 503 $273, 438, 570, 194 1904 1 In addition, in 1919, woolen and worsted goods to the valué of $12,624,758, in 1914, to the value of$2,635,889, and in 1909, to the value of $3,183,485, were made by establishments engaged rimarily i in other industries. Of these amounts, s products to the value of ne 0788, 504,372 in 1919, $1,500,567 in 1914, and $1,902,187 in 1909 were made by carpet and rug and f Se 2 Does not include woven upholstery goods. 8 Not reported. yee Sai wall ; 474, 755, 366 “418, 703, 811 - $136, 666, 917 | ft) 433,451 310, 602, 279 319, 800; 490 $85,018, 238 | 188, 673, 136 164, 153, 087 98,903, 321° $51, 648, 679 $26. 760, 315 290, 706, 970 | .. 241, 280, 065 7,805,422] ° 6,507,631. | $2, 399, 123}. $1,957, 581 "77,356,100 |“ ~ 22, 987,332 _,,, $932, al _, $1, 369,776 -- 20,024;061 |” 32,613, 408 - $2, 515, 409 $4, 072, 907 “40,402,460 | 79, 367, 290, $2, 856, 966 | _, $5,068, 634 ~ 91, 454, 187'|' 31,919, 456 "$3; 058, 214 | #4, 472, 666 26, 473, 311 tee 28 2, 833 Velo ; nae 227 "0, 828, 245 | alt 9, 160, 929 si, 614, Ph fo 5, 073, abe 931, 222, 5 5, 760 088, : 22. 92) wy 59,148,771 | 31, 047, 516 $56, 033, 701 | $24,904, 511 e ‘ i t rs i 1, 971, 709 2, 458, 085 $318, 456 $581, 107 39, 169, 388 32, 598, 072 $10, 492, 185 $8, 032, 773 282, 536 412, 307 $1, 142, 663 $1, 679, 883 1, 046, 735 411,779 $40, 739 $21, 118 $8, 820, 928 $7, 456, 550 $25, 464,278 | $18, 086, 162 1 $419,743, 521 | $307,941, 710 3 (3) 570,743,797 | 505, 821, 956 $296, 447,594 | $234,737, 036 (3) (3) 322,944,365 | 260, 567, 488 $219, 853, 767 | $158,390, 336 3 3 84,641,705 | 113,773,492 $56,907,413 | $66,316, 381 : 1075 TABLE 88.—WOOLEN AND WORSTED GOODS: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904—Continued. TEXTILES AND THEIR PRODUCTS. “is included in ‘‘all other all-wool woven goods.”’ KIND. 1919 1914 1909 1904 pRoDUCTS—continued. Woven goods—Continued. All-wool woven goods—Continued. Worsted suitings, overcoatings, and dress goo 1g RA ae RAND a os Be 85, 981, 863 (1) (2) (1) Squarosyards. co 2. $ds..3..2% 176,506,452 | 222,420,785} 226,110,822 | 127,079,304 BIS os wae bn oS ies nck ses $313, 679, 634 | $141,778,035 | $156, 755, 217 $85, 079, 547 Flannels for underwear— PMUBUBS Gob. a isi cas Ath ewe 825, 886 (4) (4) (1) Square yards... 2. THis. 1, 733, 250 2, 176, 264 3, 856, 353 8, 710, 131 MBINGC os Gin hus soso ses Stee skss $1, 860, 585 $880, 494 $1, 257, 271 $2, 045, 858 Blankets— PRONE ND 06620 de + veen acts os 4,975, 438 (1) - Q) (4) Square yards......52./2.S.<..-- 5, 916, 197 6,489, 689 5, 137, 903 7,316, 179 ig eS ae RS Secs ee 2 $6, 897, 923 $4, 186,754 $3, 228, 797 $2, 751, 029 Horse blankets— SS EU erie eet hy dere 216, 024 Q) Q) @) Syusre yards... seo geeee 8 387, 926 102, 205 247 740, 237 Wality G4. 26 Sheth tus Boe $648, 990 $82, 398 $185, $418, 219 Carriage cloths— Fe grey) 2 ous owlches cchet eo os 587, 041 (@) 1 = (1 Saudre-vards. ...0.- 2siy2-.---- 687, 241 2514, 226 1, 782, 855 1, 741, 765 oY Se: IRIE ae eo en - $1,371,356 2 $443,223 $947, 862 $964, 557 Carriage robes— PPOUNUS sewers sce ce kk wtitce as (2) (4) a (2 Q MBGUATOSVATUS: | cis = sig- sev ecee =e 132, 399 85,179 42,187 Valaercccei 3. occ RBS. (2 $158, 900 $17, 642 $93, 727 Shawls— PUUNUS oe Saco ee chee cba 590, 667 (2) (2) e Square yards............2..+--- 868, 971 8124, 486 704, 153 895, 777 Malue.e 20... cheese os $854, 041 - 8$66, 365 $404, 583 $557, 370 All other— PPOLIA ote a cae ewale eeteeea= 748, 307 (4) (@) re Square yards........-.....----- 1, 204, 390 127, 128 378, 000 268, 416 NV ANOS Lee eas eqs eee $3, 659, 025 $133, 345 $149, 552 $163, 648 Cotton-warp woven goods ‘¢— ; PORTS 2. S. -a hee ay een chan 79, 429, 188 (4) *(Q) ‘ Square yards......2...:-..224-- 161, 445,850 | 196,179,866 | 210,346,081 | 182, 057, 061 TSE aie: eae tien $118, 137,626 | $48,816,015 | $62,265,854 | $50, 058, 293 Woolen-filling suitings, overcoat- ings, and dress goods— OUNCE nb overseas oc poeege sae. 23, 771, 643 @) () @) Square yards.........-.---+-++- 39, 146, 902 53, 509, 462 60, 236, 428 54, 939, 651 an Cok ike cui ves caps Pins $34, 735,320 | $13,598,007 | $15,621,015 | $16, 586, 520 Worsted-filling suitings, overcoat- ings, and dress goods— EAT Si PS 2 rots teat io pe oie sie <= © 21, 300, 561 1 1) ¥) Sqiiare*yards......-s-c-0e+--+-- 57, 896, 787 56,763,091 | ~ 94,643, 217 65, 988, 989 1 eg ale BE Aa had aaa $45, 342,581 | $15,563,099 | $30,003,046 | $19, 680, 956 Domett flannels and shirtings— Pounds. eo aces p AR ae 11, 780, 531 1 1 1 Square yards. ........0..---0-+- 22,223,880 | 516,092, 266 4,571, 765 4, 285, 838 Wate eee Sn se ce 3s - 22 - $11,600,377 | °$2,814,054 $911, 967 $769, 476 Linings, Italian cloths,and lastings— RA PI A A aa eee 595, 222 1 1 1 Square yards....... SN ee 742, 562 36, 196, 243 28,928,148 |" 17, 619, 325 TEE iia oR ie ae we Macs $532, 411 $9, 804, 661 $9, 008, 799 $4, 505, 927 Satinets and linseys— GUNGSss os - po. sos sagasge- == 5, 863, 838 (1) 1) ~ OY) Square yards.......--------+-++ 4, 637,678 58,415,079 5, 102, 460 22° 339, 112 Walon, .2 2. .c-822.~-3 Be Seas $3,517,427 | 5$1, 535, 291 $912, 182 $4, 074, 800 Blankets— . 3 PONS see Vas : tp. tutte GD Sin alencmt es oo ee PYOGQCING : | ce iin as Ho cdegp ever ees ss. Doubling and twisting. .-...2/......... Lootng, all Ghasses_ 3 tis sisue o1ccee 1s 2 eeee Wool- -combing MACHINES BS pes ese: 1919. 1904 2) 7 ¥é 41, 705, 220 ay are 47,776,943 46, 244,730 | _ 37,453, 851.) : 63, 197, 407 $49, 008, 574 | $16,473, | $14,827,978, | - $26; 2887 407 «tl “-- *s : art ie Ca ie t “4 : 8/10°497,282 |. @)y.? 1) hist 503 --24°615/373 | 31,400,082 | 27,518,756 |. 52, 166, 903 ~-$26, 045,387 | $11,710,610 | _ $11,920, 956 | v $23, 331; 080 “2610, 419 1 ewe e Ct Fig - 6,497,990 | 4,995,575] 7,068,572», 7,978,761 $5,205,330 | $1089; 661 $1, 308, 369°] 31, 528, 928 74459, 554 i Po as mime phen Ch 9,922,925 |. 3,937,463 |” |e 8,114,110 $3,616,905 | _-$2,067/934 |” ; 8, 198, 706 Ns Saree ate 1 |, ; I PAS Sih 2,931,162 f° sbi. 618, 800 Bhat Bebe - 2 “$395, 858 2381 | “/ $222, 543 699, 016 1 deat cae 553, 869 354, 049 : 23, 833 $861; 820 ~ $137, 968 | } $7, 150 11,438, 949 (Q) Bo eco Seaeetinces Bee 6, 186,786 |. ~ 3,326,399” a peel ae $8, 369, 132 |.) $1071, 417 | PS Sal la ery SQLS $8,481,633 |' $2,042, 029 | ae $1,625, 233 2, 741, 232 1 ‘ ; aks : - 4,499’ 876 1,598,444 | “1,176, 542 1 Be, 739 $3,944,134 | $1,809,474 | ~ $1; 5287 648 4 "3908" 937 $4, 537, 499 $232, 555 $457, 682) “$716, 296 118,309,923 | 132,559,701} 134,051, #1 |: 113, 291, 228 $237, 534,451 | $85,872, ro5 | $94) 541,753 | * $56, 207, 342 28, 387,039 | ° 26,125,575 | ; 28,520,493 |. is , 878, 320 $32,828,522 | $8,783,020 | - 375 412 |’ $9; 993’ 804 14, 336,549 | 86, 412,097 | pad cm 55, 475, 235 ‘$185,124, 203 | $69,801) 271 | $80, 395, 543.) $40; 142, 077 ~ 9,150,149 6, 473, 819°] 10, 249,625 |" 8, 324, 064 $6, 808,543 | $1) 689,530 |“ $2,143,416 | | $2) 538, 018 4,217, 801 4,048,514 |, 3,761,737 | |. , 3,314,549 $9,328,764 | $3,173,034 | $3,522) 812 |. $2; 460, 558 * ~ Sa , i ’ 2,218, 385 9,499,666 | 3, 195,553, }'> 2,799, 060 “$3, 444/329 | -$2/425,360 | > $974,570 | | ($1, 162, 795 ~. 9, 899, 257 8,985,170 | ° 11,321, 279) 4 4, 772, 582 “$14, 503,006 | $4,926,929 | $8,027, 231.1. $2,855, 171 24,054,141 |! 23,961,100 | 27,479,293 ||. 15, 379, 600 $17, 809) 446 , 819,690 | $8,938,589)". $4, 865, 976 28, 029, 816 444 | 17,946,076 $6, 990, 279 1 | * $2) 448, 183 $22, 448, 629 > $3,924, 232 $18, 386, 833 537 4, 836 ., 6,178 4,976, 129 |. 10.03 747, 934 4) 205, 012 5 3, 2287 493 "771, 117 | "734,446 |, 519, 511 75,729 72, 63, 867 2 oa 1, 988 - I ‘POT vol, 440 Y ogy Ey tate yf ini Boxe ‘Not reported. “Ay Oi Sight 7 Hat Eb abutuit sk oh Ineludes sold ed iG ibs HIT on moe 10sIe8 Dee coloovetehubenal + ie) : : & i et fal 9-05 VHB IAB i@i OL th uit + WOR ASYOW GisvhOne. Wweto iig™ ai Rites’ %! a) “ST DTS ND Pe BOO ots TAI 1077 Tinie 39.—FELT Goons: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904. eT bet re aoe | ne J 1919 1914 1909 1904 MATERIALS. ae Tes, gor Bag | 860 TRE BLS =| OFS Bal Oa wnat é Gon trav emmeliek vex ys -02800, intoT => Total- cost. Se raee stages Hy SrET TT] 982, 780, 775 $8, 308, 270 $6, 967, 206 $5, 754, 026 Wools be i. YOO. .cur .o gah , ae. berms sty Ati ¢ondition purchased — | TI $38.088 Tithe ae? Par rene i 3809 pln tre we leet eee eeeee deseseeeeeeee poy nersern : 42/409, Bib 11,868,288 F | Oho 208 2... 4.2 3.2 $3,927,393 - Bas ‘Equivalent: iabaveinscoirddenadition, yi Maistre DAR Bie iL: t RK °$5)888, on we fart ee me Ste Seer eee 9, 450,913 10, 476,716 |-0 9,80%%972 fs 8131; 0s2 iM £88 | b GOR Oke Se} |... See ‘¢ be. fone .albiepss’ (oPedinds..........-- ad Sa SoG at 19, 663, 511 11,540,635! °° 8,uaon | 6, 974, 634 Ae Bi eral Seah ee $1, 394, 810 $739, 955 $239, 244 $373,797 ee 4442-406} 3,217,272 1° tO ¥ 182? 980 624 RB were wool fiber: > Rowse es a= geese ewe recone . $437, 363 $297, 632 $155, 815 ; 4 $217, 200 aa BGS bo hcg ay 1 ESD Ot real. (°47.104;670 3,502,795 |-°* 2,536,243 | °°" 't 532, 127 soe gee eae cee ae ARS eae. 81,332, 935 }-°- $409, 518, )/ ($261, 878,40 ©, $157,034 Wasi aid snot, Sat OLE Pies VaTaS Stee Bus Bh a. bamereasrtgctt es SO Se ceme ath ..| 6,640,136 |» 4,064, 699 4,874,712} 7d, 98, 969 BET Bostic... he ee CIETTCOTTS| — 4g4’355"-908-] ~~ - $1,019,687 |- $1; 220,110} ~~ *$452, 509 isand dyéstuffs, cost....00- 2.222... $604,616 | - $269,921 |. -"'$219, 901 | “$189, 750 tian ssc $5,295,983 |~- $1,541,443 } "942° 875 $975, 151 “4 _ PRODUCTS. ay ghee: ary Ch woe KFOr Ot Cie. eT he rh ara. Tt Total value....... i all ren nial ay $8 299,540 | 1 $13,692, 765"| $11,852,626 | $8,948, 594 Felt cloths: | — . syed. Qe Bb... jnn-.250E...|-.|. 208; 397, 878 (2) ( a quate yards. <2 SE EaaEGa aeee ke 2. 751, 497 2 3, 764, 468 s 080, 610 eWalterweliresicc. +o .riviits ee ("} g3°'785; 169 $797, 048 $1, 381, 854 $1, 830, 627 haere and lining felts, felt sick: iable 1 and plano covers: ore & Sok a0 sr, ele wee eee PSe- Fe wee cee | ibe on 4; 158, 956 : 3 3 (4) be PS T Shia SS cpa iia 9, 199,673 8, 369, 330 5,953,410 5, 145, 340 4) ee aaaatet Renee ie $3, 143, 678 $1) 321, 337 $1, 329, 686 $1, 188,.9 Polishing felts and buffing wheels: 132, Bison at 5 Wal -e Si in ig BS fare o = oe S Rein Pieisin = = = = = © = Ri ned, 598 ri “Square yards.-- Lase © 2) 185, 465 (3) ©) -(@) Pia of tae Lott et = 2 oe a ole pal fie og 307, 123 t. 7. a ce} eal Ofelts: | pyrene Pear Barts fae son --- 4. 777,558 | : anal: ois BOE tes By het ; : : : mney Square yards. -5 25-20-24. (ESS Ah“ spep 881, 388 (3) (8) (3), WO hace Fn pl rovalihted pA eee (Ys g1, 9457 988 ct na ‘ ae th _ e.ts: : \ ; ; stray (t roe gunds.. yn skp ya aie | oho ‘arae 812, 508 2, 291, 662 1,650,991 | Bn ae srt: SANE Tego bg $639, 234 $973,353 |’ $575, 849 a) $ belts: tj : ry 2 mere ; ‘) ryt alarmed me a | eet ens: <2} akg ane JD, 000"|* 1° 3, SEL, 795 3, 243, 084 |... 1,770, 124 ok Tog) gaps ell heehee ap aieeeat as $478,285 | °° $4, 164, 186 8, at, 322 |” $1, 707, 216 te and Oe oes ina ys f > st eile aaah Sainte aba is See 2,471,177 2 2 2 are yar aad BPA Peas a » «-05}280;970 3, 028, 286 1,661,090]. »,,2,823, 137 ws Vata PVPS ee ae be tl rc SE *° "$o'603)724"| $1,512,783 | $514, 4561" "$781, 450 r fe. ing: j ete ; clted tfat-lono W See Band ce oor -2 <4 et oer bal ge 6, OSB TST (2) 2) mow {hp Sauare VOIR So ae deceit oe | Brae Author fei ae oT $15; 369/261 | $3,691,081 | $3, 549, 876 *g'599" 804 Ait other products, Rohe tape eer Bi $2, 707, 425 - $597,936 - $552, 038 8655, 501 GOT 008 . “EQUIPMENT. | Pike cs wigan : pt ek Wool n ee ——— oye olan's ech anh eit hi} Go 416 . th3 573) if 472 F 1 451 Spmndies = spgiagersizt “natre ik piiteeukrg “bel; 208.) 3» 84,492. (30,393.1> cuicv HOSEA (LES cc legemanallesitian eee sania aiats 32, 947 “36; 462 29, 463 17, 457 Doubling and rie. dar Naas eae 311 1 030 890 360 bis, BILCIASSES...i-. 6... 202-02 ne-= 222 -- 510 "472 408 265 ST SILI SRLS cae 1 In addition, in 1919, felt goods to the value of $2,385, 762 and in 1914, to the value of $181,640 were made by establishments engaged primarily in the manufacture of other products, 5 Not reported. 8 Not reported separately. 1078 ABSTRACT OF THE. CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 40,—HATS, FUR-FELT: 1919, 1914, AND 1909. MATERIALS. Tataliopstastisactan's ofavscancsase, eed ely ae Stee? —_ Te ag a LLP CRETE oa zl * a, * 4 ; a . 1919 t.{p4? é * + MATERIALS. Total cost eas shit es OMS ate $67,118,039 Wool: Tn condition Pripohased— , Pounds... .......-eeceenncreeeeseennese sis. 258° pi NT ee ee See bot cele wp ate gues od dena Sp 9 “Equivalent of ave in Riarea condition, “2°. peer Sak Gr Reale Ria Ce Raa CO 21, 905, 916 air: + $oPothds). 3245, OAR a i iS A 6, 272, 522 (except sbiiaihe ee Mead beoe 0 eS Mele $1, 847, 332 Moni eaandaywegs: dveclsk it A ae <3 864, 828 ‘Cost.-.-3.; Ne te oS Ae toed A So A: emo htad / b 6 \Wasteand pap odes unds Sanaa eerie oe oy _580, 664 “Yarn teed Pa Bet Ree $050 re oolen— ~~" I OR SE se reine pean 17,389, 590 MINE aki cts on PORDR OCS Char oc docans, $11, 337, 800 Worsted— MAPEOUPMINEE renee kisi sacek Scalia doece ss 4,164, 565 eet are STL URE GES ee $4, 479, 898 on— windsss..- A. RS ARES. SEE 17,309, 949 nhl EE ee een eee $8, 972, 737 ee NE en— er eee oe OR oo Tate ramie, ‘and other vegetable fiber— eae 616 (2 he te» athe eee eens eens en esse ee eee eee ae hg EERE GY as SOS cee ub he cthc Saew ecb eas eee ey Other yarns— | A POUNGHe es b>. sb ee oo o55~ 5. 4008. - 921,655 x Cost, 0... eee Pot 28k... ese eee $1,788, 833 Chemicals and dyestuffs, cost ...............-: ¥ $2, 917, 202 apestherinaberials, Cost... 0... .6 eee ces cssseee $10, 497, 807 “PRODUCTS. _ Total value SPR s cen Soper pad wa wow nen oe 1 $123, 253, 828 Carpets and ru “ate Po ore: YE RR eee RS FEI 118, 071, 798 Square oes eT ee ESS TI 52,173, 092 © halue Lat Bee ces .. |. 188 OF s5k.. 2... $110, 115, 978 . Axminster and moquette— Se Pe Sa ay eee Se ne 36, 667, 823 a Pa Yards... 2... + -son---0---25-e- ay ed a Ob} alu ows o bicis oa baie Sh Med ae a ed tt oWilton— see ub 8 a8! be ah OS. Os OEE Sa a ae ce 16, 464, 515 TSquaréyards: 08 -...). Jb LET. OF. 22.2... 4,964, 321 G28 2V alue 288 220 84 .-...£ 2: ak a $23, 461, 960 Becgeasle-t: ) Ce 6 Sigh ea aR {ts PA Ges Pye 2,399, 118 Squareyards 2 GS he “AES | COE ”903; 127 Og TValue 2 A OES... NA OCT SIS. 2d... $2, 233, 053 SO pestry) velvet— AP ouTidsos ATE & ..- --). 23 S. SLRLS AB Se ees 22,443, 519 COquaragyards. 22... ..j03.568.05%..1... 9, 865, 798 BVO ae et ate mat nctn asec 54 <5 fossdese $20, 625, 610 $42, 280, 223 =———————_——___ 52,552,449 $10, 493, 743 39, 218, 831 3, 469, 283 $402, 225 3, 802,789 $343, 916 3,419, 715 $476, 610 21, 626, 360 $5, 821, 848 9, 267, 278 > 7 24, 619, 137 $4, 637, 673 7, 602, 200 $1, 414, 924 59, 148, 266 $6, 040, 186 341,114 $658, 254 $1, 378, 509 $6, 019, 429 $69, 128, 185 (?) 66,340, 274 $64, 683, 322 (7) 15, 742, 835 $18, 578, 693 (?) 5, 616, 263 $11, 929, 605 (?) 2,698, 840 $3, 995, 626 (2) 13, 227, 819 $12, 867,635 $39, 563, 004 . 64, 135, 020 $11, 752, 396 51, 474, 353 5, 400, 944 $474,057 5, 147, 130 $533, 302 2,732, 034 $513, 392 25,718, 747 $5, 036, 118 11, 292, 749 $5,588, 915 26, 166, 241 $4, 772, 594 <8, 792, 876 $1, 606, 009 55, 592, 343 $3, 926, 694 781,028 $408; 121 $1,729, 492 $3, 221, 914 1 $71, 188, 152 (2) 81, 218, 881 $66, 966, 338 2 () 15, 691, 358 $17, 372, 706 (?) 5,343, 616 $10,119, 330 (2) 4,436, 457 $5,550, 189 BY ( 10, 660, 170 $9, 027, 193 $37,947,954 51,320, 521 $10, 431, 146 31, 551, 895 6, 805, 802 $593, 588 1,997,369 $251, 112 2,172, 481 $341, 309 32, 431, 400 $6, 648, 001 11,355,993 $5, 405, 072 27, 421, 831 $4,757, 850 - 8; 228, 200 $1,355, 892 49,119, 558 $3, 404, 516 1,112,138 ? $1, 467, 476 $2; 952; 707 1 $61, 586, 433 2) , 82, 670, 843 $56, 861, 775 2 8,181, 606 $8, 476, 140 (?) 2, 395, 058 $4,710, 444 2 3, 024, 162 $3, 898, 675 7) 8,033, 288 $7,754, 681 1Tn.addition,in 1919 carpets and rugs to the value of $40,089, in 1909 to the value of $479,161, and in 1904 to the value of $70, 000 were madein establishments engaged primarily in the manufacture of prod- ucts other than those covered by theindustry designation. 2 Nat reported. i ¢ wu T oar ; nary 1080 ABSTRACT. OF THE "CoNSUS—-MANUFACTURES, er ox tt AEDS ) ADUH AMA BTRIAAD--.eb arzaT TABLE 42 C0 ARPETS AND RUGS, OTHER THAN RAG: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904—Continued. 1919 1914 1909 =| 1904 i ) CATR aAT AN pRopDUcTs—continued, 822 ern str yne BY ip Ed a ine teoolintoT Carpets and pease = 4 = acne Tapestry brussels— F528 109 i SABOUIL Gfie> nets sine: | ae ibe ter 2 Abeer o> A, O86 ae wil eens eet cc ‘Square yards: ws .. Carre ks ene eee 996,099 | 13 614,354 ] "17,078, 47 “16, 108, 908 ValIPS.. 5. eRe cenee es cane Ohta Bae ae 313, 120, 096;;,.., $9,852, 647 Ti nadie “$11; 464; 716 Ingrain carpets— ree AtS 8. | abe ape ins Se oe ADIIEIOG Pounds... .---41 20: prgesgas pte at “1,357,798 (2) “() vera tke J Squareyards.»....+ 4.x Pee AL oousole a 15.308, 714 5, 795, 807 17, 799,762 |. 33,507,951 - “Wale, .-cseece...-|ouee caren +-s-aseescef. 81,055, 242°] $2, 241 204 |--“$6, 749, 672°|- $13,287, 302 Tngrainartsquares— |” : ES: Bee cori *c1Qd}00 Founds., wpe we deta cee wel " BTS AYE afEnw = = l= AOS HE bs 976, 122 (1) Cie d £43, mM ebr : "tt od SQUATAYALGS.-....) pas ee ----deneseaby te 820,911 T ” 3,177, 565 |” ~ "65131 862° ~ 4,185, 546 Valuers eset seoe: be Sevtcess dsaeee $714, 648 | $1,165,087 ee (982,785, 457 Syugrne rae x ve art | naa.Obe" einidaihardy jipabeenies abr; Powe: sung ----| Cnr arve -*- J Omesehle 2 08, 390 on ia iis 2 Smee? mn Square y args: 22: -fst leh. Pees ess aeze ra a re 50 yi dete Wadub,ic--19cb:.,Fasaeincrnaed ears $1,914, 201 $870, 801 pea gt 7 500 Cig atest aNd-FUgS+7,4. sa, te °| por ok: A. abdi0F Pounds. i... ve.--ee a ea TE Be Sieh) dd, 899; 432 Os "ras cops PD ‘“Squaré'yards!....s).0. 030. es sansa Ree, "8,914, 987 5,644,643 | ~~ 2,676,947]... 406,042 ue NaluRese-eee-te---} ore? ccuverss-ceamaeap; $11,487,390 | $3,181,844 | $F, 078, 638, gost sete 360 All other products, value... 022. o.oo 2} $13,137; 850 | °° $4,444, 863 1° $4, 221; 814 |” $4,724, 658 eee Beofecetyca sense | yerspeas ol Tac bed ene Woolen cards. ... 2Ac2R Ad, oli Le Mees, 592 465 456 | clout 389 Spindles: Gag ) ORS a 48 nee -e dee RDF Spinning malevs. 0...) Re AE IR SCE AS 126,788 102,238 |... ... 94,798. {\e0? 211,331 Spinning OMe.,.4 <. 6.) sss san eee See i: 72, 57240 110} 090 fou > 116, 674 [fs 2) 45" Doubling and twisting: vii... |. SiS CET 33, 866}... 34, ABA |... 324 40,6240 44,016 ‘Ca a cee 1 OM HY ORE OF Bieta ea tee sma eote Peis wide sacath Gah ae ue oR ald d be wan ane ae ae ee me COOL ty T2325 Hand...... O48 AL, WM 3 838.1 260 Oe Rat i "por y q 13, 853 { ' : . a sata oe Lo oe 1 Not reported. Pete ont rab brs 2 Nesters PO 218 Ita al ton ey Tabre 43.—OILCLOTH AND LINOLEUM: 1919, 1914,. AND. 1909, 1919 1914 ... la ,? Aa U0 g -Potal aioe MOSS YSIS EBS KGS: 34. BIL CII LS + oe wees $68,110,081 | .. $25, 598, 361. tle “$23, 339, 022 ‘Aan Oilcloth (made on cotton back): me 8 Py BER 2 ooo (CCST Enameled— f . sy y ad took baal bisy of Square yards WA |! 20a 2VS Bie. .| £05 Fe BR ih he ES 8,460, 738 |. . 18, 357,097. | fj Jo, wall shai aud Hair8) | tit dei Pa ha $3, 421, 188 wads oe? ™ Table, wail, shelf, and pals . 636 or, sl diet wane a Square yards. Eta 2 AS 818.6... L ISS SOR O05 3 2 - 39, 132, 641 |. 59, 358,872 | OLY, 2W aluelee UL OU . yf. £08, O50: Lis. | DAG 13 BS aera se $12’ 529,910 ... . $6, 025, 348. ‘Linoleum (1 (made on jute back): za Linoleum, inchiding cork carpet— | OST OSES : ir ab ve Square yards. ..... ORG 200,82. 2.45 SI ed caw 22, 098, 136 33 ' 306, 669 80) 26, 215, 979 OS EWalueet MET e 225 Aka CRO te: «| Sao FPS SE Oe. $17, 120, 654 $10, mere 1° $1, 850, 437 Inlaid linoleum— OV, Square yards esi Nes at og If GEE SS 2,14. .. 9,834,332 . 8, 479, 202 | in Ta. 460, 275 SV alueiwe DOB OF 2.32 Qi4 IRS SL. 2b BOY SPOR Fak $10, 336, 391 |... . $4, more’ 8, 994, 491 Floor covering: (made on felt. ney OUD OG Hh ais sa a wohl Aa Square, NE aan PIN. / ROE OE REI SON Rl 30, 369 522. 3 eh. thitit ¢ et alue oP et cet ere Ps setesytcroest rte “hans isk Cob ite Cer ane $13, 909 09, 276, ay Aes pe a er ai i ‘ee hal Avtinicial leather! wis Tree etn it a pt vdi-How ro dbaedelé a alto 224 Pyroxylin coated textiles— pga ag get pcre nial, waniereri socks el neat SOUATE Watts conn oie ee ee en ee ee 3; 382; 085 0 py See 4 oe VOMIC ay Peave..css cote c Ceemee aces oer eerie ae terre $3, 922) 558 Qa 1 All other— SQUATE WATS 2 er ute ee ais tne Creer om eee oe eo 10, 300, 416 & ANG (Manly we parcaeeee pegRN MMRINE O e mi IRs Toee. ADAMI a oa $4) 821, 190 r¢! Q All other products, value: ac. cs lddleca. Saga i ded ods Woe oe $2, 048, 914 $2, 308, 485 $4, 589, 742 1 Not reported separately. Bas 7 TPR D PPTL pO) res CAND! THEIR PRODUCTS! 20.5) SDABLE 44,4 WOOL/SHODDY!1919, 1914; AND 1909) 1/15 F £Ge OE2 8 fi rf a ea “MATERIALS m., Sie & otal SO See ae icnden A a OH) WF) Ff 0 ? £ ( Rags, clippings, etc. * en , yic = Woe pounds. sss: noils and wool Waste: gia oa "p et? essai of Ua in Sepvad iGoneltion, pounds. Afi od iS and pyearaits) ‘cost. i a nde es vee wcccee dee ed esse Hoe [Res Pe 2 ine I eae “ene | % 2 Fe, ; So PRODUCTS.) & 0) S2 “fe & ‘Total wane) Sie St... 68. cs leeteesree. Recovered re Aber: ' < Pounds BE 2 mt i Value. avi ie a2 . dk ty) x be eh de vt Mable sis 200 Futsal e's aS wsecee \o ete dee eee An other prodiets cvaligs. ... 1 ASC bb. ee eres ee. Amount received | ‘trom contract Spode. “for others. on -ma- 9 | 08 | EQUIPMENT. Cards, number ofsetsie. reread iamec me: RS ee a et oe Pickers, number-#.. 200. /....-- eS We Sn oe dp ahetesintirs Garnett Deana number..... Re Setke saw sien See be a ings aoe Det SS} cH 2s I hay “et ey r S os ae Bie D hh ere Thee MB ae Rane - ya fF ‘ ‘ “ { :.> 15,131, 78 $393; 846 $591, es inojanr sotio Hid 338,345,841 | 307, 035, 404 $18, 273,553 | $10; 838,175 128, 312, 082 |.» (121, 992, 427 $8, 737, 870 ” 134” 265 iodt loaow borateos A 114,389,155 | _ 138,364,122 - , 535,552 | $2; 033, 176 _ 24,717,598 | 26, 954,785 $3,205,975 | $3, 174; 609 22, 752,858.) 19,724, 070 $1, 861, 817,|..- $1, 496, 125 48,174,653:| g $932) 339 (1 32, 336, 685.| i9/-27,624, 490 $3, 453, 348 |. $2, 9227 933 7, 968, 054 7,077, 959 $l) 458,159 | >!) $1} 2017509 Cte Le j BAY Gd, RR0Y | 626, 966 2, 676, 367 $765, 444 $445, 378 $7,947,178 | $4, 016, 699 2 $83,235,068 | 2 $59,121,989 239, 031, 893 $19, 850, 635 125,789, 435 $10, 719, 269 8) c (8) (8) (8) (3) © (8) (8) 64, 165, 218 $4, 245, 723 , jute goods, and linen goods tothe value of $11,628,911 in 1919, $5,011,790 in 1914, and $4,472,546 in 1909, were reported by establishments engaged primarily in other industries. Of these amounts $8,792,520 in 1919 and cordage and rope made by cott 8 Not reported separately. , $3,683,348 in 1914, and $3,581,917 in 1909, represent the value of the twine on mills engaged chiefly in the manufacture of yarn (see Table 35). 1083 TABLE 45.—CORDAGE AND TWINE AND JUTE AND LINEN GOODS: 1919, 1914, AND “TEXTILES AND THEIR PRODUCTS. 1 Not reported separately. 1909—Continued. 1919 1914 1909 PRODUCTS—continued. Rope, cable, and cordage—C ontinued. Cotton— ; eee ah 11, 947, 094 13, 244, 198 16, 760, 763 A RAR Sg aa ag $6, 119, 785 $2, 539, 906 $3,011, 613 ute— Rgands. ek Cole VOLT T0SF 29, 678, 866 27,749, 512 AN pa e: =m ses spacimritsriaeertage-sa-cr tho coos $6, 252, 295 26, 814, 920 $1, 566, 160 Poorids SIS EI... coerce 11, 036, 731 ld 4, 566, 965 “a5 ite ok a oes oo nah doe == $3, 074, 694 - $307, 870 inder twine: se pnd Sot date tetecate.... i evocen 229, 508, 186 302, 286, 862 189, 172, 151 OU Sts i Ee SE nen es Seer $46, 256, 024 $24, 094, 565 $14, 079, 671 All or chielly manila hemp (abaca)— 5 aah i dis. ots i sa Set INS Bee ie ci, Sede bce tue mae Doe acnhise cnn ee OS so lige « SSRN ieee Bileaaag $2, 285, 608 $1,637, 511 $2; 173, 078 All or chiefly sisal— eon “ SID | Hdd. 1 bee OE Cee 197; 050; 557 161, 591, 308 So OU PE ae Sa) ns eee $38, 803, 930 285, 337, 947 $11,714, 557 Nae 93,171,045 |{ $22,457, 054 3, 200, 596 Ah enapglliiliaas \ Wins Bs F<; RE ee ; en akan seeps $5, 166, 486 $192; 036 Twine Bi ky than binder: Se et pi eerae ae, ene 92,359,030 | — 105,249,677 75, 816, 653 (Le Ei. SIAL em SSE $30, 329, 651 $13, 996, 522 $8, 934, 352 Cotton— St ionreds Sea 628 Sees coster..- hese < 2 - 23, 438, 440 17,927,286 | 20,412, 631 POW lO dol Codie oi. Pha sang siguacws.-.----++---- $12, 288, 755 $3, 472, 056 $3, 518, 036 Jute— | SS ERTS hs CS a eae 52, 898, 422 55, 282, 159 - 35, 516, 217 OV PllOrd. vied ditd-in'4o's 5 sh gus ane spencer see --- $10, 904, 168 $5, 268, 357 $2, 557, 744 Lo Sele a ai a ca cc 7, 988, 085 9,318, 71 8 013, 349 UAE he LN hc. cao.pece-3 hoe - rere $3, 864, 311 $1, 583, 354 $1, 091, 291 Flax— MOE MAE Be so) pit naa ne - o-k- ees: 84,415 3, 953, 622 2, 967, 053 OB VE RII ie 0 a ena $113, 836 $1; 051; 684 $830, 969 h cluding mixed— hunts een Fe ee ge aT eee eee 8, 449, 668 18, 767, 839 8, 907, 403 eee oMalib + sealcan sai...) ane ica ak--+--b--<2--- $3, 158, 581 $2) 621, 071 $936, 312 s f le: es ‘Pounds. Dl mek he. sees towne tas 60, 483, 739 75, 875,322 68,731, 258 idae Walt. forte ude: 8250-1 gad 20E}-=++---------- $13, 288, 394 $8,320,186 | $5,434, 037 ae GH MRT oc ° 0.21 eka te -s---- 0 cbeano2es 56, 407, 631 69, 827, 005 62, 512, 247 ae Watmaricppdsobe!! L0l's0s ek O'S --<----2i--- ee - $11, 587, 402 $7, 357, 888 $4) 361, 550 (coe h Et ARORSTOaan Radiat 4,076, 108 6, 048,317 6,219, 011 OD Ca GG Sete es ele on $1, 700, 992 $962; 298 $1; 072) 487 d (he og he het RS Sa 4,279,261 | 5,707,688 | 9, S80, 58 ESE OS NBC Sd $6, 690, 44 ’ 409, $3; 407; Woven goods: | Seg Ye 14, 341, 720 10,799,628 | 10, 460, 993 Doe ia RSLS RRR $3, 798, 974 $1,765, 798 $1, 574, 653 Jute— ) ‘ ie at ek LE 2, 288, 270 4, 862, 302 2, 206, 114 SO SA i Ce Sa ae - $1, 600, 677 $1, 172, 257 $549, 221 gging for baling cotton— ieee Bqudte yoras saced ee ER ce deceeeese 75, 204, 744 ~ on Value... =... aedetpciangeg sree sb esceece $11, 339, 670 |} 451 g97, 658 |. 69,311, 288 nat bags wor eg : 9, 554,823 $6, 440, 594 $3, 507, 482 QUANG VATS SLs 2 te cae enpeneee te ccoe eee : eM ou) See ete beceece cs $666, 887 12inches in width)— ht a ou tet OGe BR yahae : dae: 25,417, 400 (4), ¢ ) WtAsis cnoidce dah, ~ - 09S baxeBinle be - $2, 562, 235 $2, 505, 152 $1, 784, 930 I a Te ee ee 1084. ABSTRACT) OF OTHE! (ORNSUS+MANU FACTURES. TABLE 46.—IRON AND STEEL, ‘BLAST FURNACES: 1919; 1914, /AND 190948 Suse) 1919 1914s] Ss «1909 Number OLOSbS DUSMINEN Wand Boinws to cat Soadaenabwe aceda | 1 200 f - 160 PRY cies Te 208 MATERIALS, GS Sg Total coat.......-.---- ee het eed 1 $626,675, 640 | $264, 580, 0,0 | ae iron ore: = We Pe ee 4 Tons Q@, 240 POURS). > Pease. ce ance hea ceb ea aes 55, 865, 997 43,326, 817 | “48,253, 677 By Cos st os SMe Spe SUR ame s 2 O42 .BV0,08--..- 55 ere $307, 714, 137. $150; 855, THD hs, 887, 264, 601 omestic— ' ees ogame ARERR Fig. Tons st OSe.218 Oe J Sepibiaetl pub ieee yy ween bn. 55,325,415 |” 41,556,642 fae es 605, 930 vc Cost TL As Bas ae ay eee Ce ae $303, 356,013 | $141, 276, 713. bad 77, 589, 789 oreign—- | + .Ga A F AP OTIS COs we an Cota Wa eae cid eeae eran ee eee aoe 540, 582 “I, 770,175 i. a 747 pp Ge OSt ewe aneneeenttenee at: Bat eos Gc. << -ba. cesse|... $4,358,124 | $9, 579, 027 [eo meg rude iron ore—’ TOMS. vnocnnns nos nns die kde ier wk 64,067,009 1 snare i or mey ~oif. Sts fy... S28 bee. @.-.-25-bo-Ja'nel | $208, Ge, dua we Peeper th, oe qeen! “yeas Balned: donned or treated ore; 4 ey a’ ie + gn os Tang Vo ee 2 laa cap laiedesspns Cicer sh, fae ‘1, 145, 321 a toain aiken, 4 SERN Regia te “1. 4aa 086, Yer. bed $7, 264, 016 erie ee Manganiferous ore— ‘ ' iee’sl |p Ch Gsegietny 4 pra es Tons|t 0S OBS.) | poche pains oy PRE A SOLTTt [fe ee ee mcattn' {LA Cost [1 20,62 SER. Wahab g-8 “NAS Ieehete $2, 220, 499 ec eae aaah Pyrite cinder— fe ‘9 , iti rye cf auld CNM, Daabeaitn hiadn apes SABE oathcrps eps sr Pyro 288, 826° " Tcabao aan i Cost... 554-4 a eee eee PT eek Fale | $1, 552, 224 oe ote ee ie | Saw] cr ap: os ’ * ‘ oe 7 ee ee ELA Tons (2, 240 pounds) aladaige le (hi fay oe Bo Mitre dreeatahae 1, 057, 908 eee Daal OOS eal dee Hag. oa—---> | Opp cmaee Pra CRONE, $16, 564, 169 | 2,168, 002 fas re 9, Mill cinder, scale, slag, ete.: +43 $6. basso, 982, 530 Tons (2, CAPTIONS), ob ockee ccecae! ne. eee ee > ~ "253785943" | 651, 055 | silo $5, 544, 859 is Rost 3 bsacepe- aa. ----) dp adam Os aawesch scons $6, 709, 188 , bani aan uxes: ; bog ass ‘ons (2,000. pounds)... :.c} ei feecse eesareeeeeedt 15; 599, 604 1, 499, 685 | 88 13°70, 845 MOOS a, oto ae a daitha « c2.u.c bo mae onrad ohne cal eieecies Pe $25, 722, 688 $11, 184, 378 ee 812, , 493 Fuel, for smelting, cost.........-.. SIM. bercee! $229, 201, 344 | $85, 436,530-} -“ “$105 , 994, 112 OKC— ‘Pons (2,000 pounds).. / 2c h.see-ceeeseedeceeees 34; 605; 700 26, 883,082 |" 31, 436, 536 usin ween een eee eee pe eee eee renee eect et eeee $223, 250; 607°} - $83, 499, 448 fe sit 12, 13 134, 423 USNS ee pe: |. So ene Siew Sue eee sbeae ee 31, 931; 134 29,083,978)" (0°38, 032, 618 a cach oy dace trae Wek RYO occas dedeeraay $5, 684; 243 $1,688,075 |-O8) 2, 787, nthracite— : yf Re eye bark (2,240 Downs) 22 P< ko tt tt RIS Saale 25, 153: - 38,874 pono . 265, “401 meee ph BEA het ap geeee erect ches ee Oa $194, 280 $158) 377.) auisY $904, 102 ituminous coal— gons (2,000 pounds)... } ..2....2. We ani deosstees po B68 ba 9 bars : silts a OSC: For ery, inc Nn eee Pee eee ee ee anigy 68, 561 All other material, including fuel for generating power TO and rent of Power... 302... b eoe te tet Sg sccacaeusesere $40, 764,114 |... $10,452,357." 0'$9, 594, 824 , } : = aes Ne! Sci oaae - TK, ¥ PRODUCTS. 2 oe iy seonghd GhPotal value.goi.gg....-p dug Ws Lacwlecin ues 1 $801, 062,345 | $317,653,983 | $391, 429, 283 Pig iron: . ee Tons (2,240 pounds)... ses .se. 5s hack Ua 30, 543, 167 aie _,.'B8}651, 798 Va TUR oon PILAR, | ae ge eae eA NS $785, 1900, 412 $312 ee 2 ¥ gy Pewee yar Ba Dit Value, tons. hee casedakase leteth sve wes iat $15, 12 Coit) aaiata For consumption in works of company pro- ars e i 1s.) ducing tarts. yp... .. | 2h aga Rhea es Cece 21, 687, 376 15, 495, 004, ~y 15,858,208 Consumed by steel works and rolling mills nee pi mental! during year... ph tut 0G 0 «nos 4aeele sok 21,170,136 |’ 15, 219, 696 {''*""45, 259, 736 Balance for f oundiies, OlG2e

      «$40,962, 150 Er Se See eae DPR : 0. : a) 16, sO Bituminous coal and coke anixed— ; ae ae tx % a (t) Tons ~. 2a Pee Se 1-36 SP IS UE 35, 745 1 118, 632 86, 420 le en oe st Bye =o ea $1, 385, 663 $2, 704, 134 81,002,814 ; BAIT, WO CORI gan ye ok bn aw ted blnte som $38. 77 $22. 79 $17 <7 @A Charcoa ie ey ; Woes 2 I Pega St + Sree Be Beye yay beet shcspeh 315, 737 21975,290 fovvs > 872, 235 (ry ace Mis ton. | tht als toe ee rarer $11, 498, 410. $4,444, 690 , oom 183, 657 FEU IUC; HOU cg acc eo vs bens tien cee $36. 42. $16.15: i>: Sade 9.30 42 pene by grade (tons, 2,240 pounds)— ob Basic. .-\4s. Siemens aieetce pe FS aS Cae Seth ts 14, 597, 535 9, 465; 8539} rcivro 1, 741, 759 Bp egw Thee et hae rene - obese 9, 374, 950 BOTT PTI] oF se 10, 147, 052 Low ph sphorus eho 0.4 per cent)......-.... 289, 726 ” 305)738 peat 248, 720 PT a bl ating li pap ge = Ar > “GRR TES aa 4,792, 961 4,325, 100. |.) 00 5, 539, 410 (Malleable...... Wieeeeeegeageceeceeeeetees a 1,090,344 ~ 730, 910 *) 984,211 yore Thor + ange aE EL Shoko aaa PEA 281,94 ib a) me 06,1 586, 685 >; White an miscel laneous ...... oxen tes § 8 32, 20! poeahd, 810 ibaa “Castings dite ee plast furnaces.......-..---- 53,704 14, 384 16, 181 te CIO Teen ks ee ne Se Te ees ee aes 8 329, 580 326 970 Lac oAlassified: by ‘method of deliver y on casting. yinogtedd 1 bos me 3B on OS btE vi ee, Monet LO8tect WOTKS, CIC. eee 18, 138, 453 11, 936, 791 13; 192, 696 ONO eg nad eee ery or eae u}) O° 107,746; 656 6, 007, 417 | &, 096; 797 Sand cast..........------ efit tS} Lio}.t LB, 970, 309 4 681, 867 WZ. 655, 568 Chill cast......-------------0- 2-2 eee eee eee eee eee "634, 045 629,272 85, 566 1M SO BIS 0 ae oe ee ate) See RE ESOP WIC OCT 53, 704 14, 384 16,181 All other products, value... ...... URLs ALO AL A 1 915)101,938 | $4, 892, 366 $3, 598, 840 Peo SS Sa. “BQUIPMENT.~ rar ie es nderee ondbyahg- oom | oe oe it ‘Acti establishments.) Stacks active. during the ee ae Sena | : Rot A? Cees 385 286° _ 870 Eb8 Rae i iithatess MULE Se ache : =>359 252’ + 312 uae.) Wenreentand COKO.6 20, ee. sidi- + snc css 2 4 Be ba £86 Ant eite-and cokesese:2:ssere2s225% ersiane SKI 5 “4. sbiete : 00% 206 Gharcoal SPSS SOLES Sets Ss Mi ie cp ed 22 BONNES ies 19 267 sad 198 > = Sang: tapacity, tons LEO, DMS, Mag! 132, 114 90, 172 98, 973. E06 3 rofurnacess 2s): o2ek ste es eeiideese.ssctst2: - 430,291 87, 846° "94,499 BET 560 Bitumbnous.coal andicoke.: /.:12:1is.si:issc2: feces 40 125" i 395 PAC ILS AME COKC 8. eee iso eee ce eee 438 272 . 2,745 fale OS ie the entire eat Serer se cere = os se P 245 1,329 Mr 1, 334 CO Naat Wiper...) VIO Be >: 2. Sedeyasece¢eueredessyssceosess2 : 27 70 BAS (24 Hy fs TR ecg NSERC HIDE ub ie eS ees ? 5 62 |. an ie) ig dae : . 49 48. % A 45 196 483 20, 004 4,027 6,343 19, 547 05 3 750 oe tiae - 90 457° 277 Banked, relined, or. rebuilding at end: of year: #3). bas pasE Fe psa Number 202 GO! jecccececcsecesecsenssseesscs: : 62 8p 8 igh moses Coke furtiaces....... eveePesdsedertedeess. re sees ve eseles 69 ey 7 by) ane ee aly capac fa Soma cteta dv say kicana $230 20 761 hes Fey tele 2; 650 tip 83 : ‘egate a Pisces GQWSsitetrereceessscesscce.tp ’ oS Crtagine detemnertihat Ate ane 20; 506 Cd ee Other fea Piossripsecestaceeteiseggactesssscce S) El ES) SAREE A EEE 41919, charcoal; 1914, anthracite, 1; anthracite and coke, 3; charcoal, 4; 1909, anthracite, 1; anthracite and 1086 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 46.—IRON AND STEEL, BLAST FURNACES: 1919, 1914, AND '1909—Continued. 1919 1914 1909 EQUIPMENT—continued. New stacks completed since 1914 (included above), coke furnaces:: Do PAMSEs Number... i:}ssscctden EEE T) MN ieee pl ES: 131 130 | —2ak 111 Aggregate daily capacity, tons.....0).2.....0 00.62. 14,545 “= F902) 90! 3, 807 In course of construction at end of year: , Le PAI DOP ssc SB os ee Dc cicle oO meed ae 25 bE STR 10 Aggregate daily capacity, tons...................... 1,720 oe BBO TL 4,100 Abandoned or dismantled since 1914: mera Der 6 SOLS ETT i, Ps ny eS - 38 3812] ° 3 Aggregate daily capacity, tons... ......2..2222.6220. 1,560 1,865 | 710 Pigveasting machines. OST eects 149 112 104 TIGL BUG PEMEPSON nas Sst due cman gens scwsp oe eae FQ Peo D BSP ay Ue Bains Awe eee Coie SR EAP re coe cubes = 56 49} ~ (4) Othep....- 0, FLO. fea seeale.. oe lyertee 14 5 (4) Grenuisted SIBE PACS. oe asc ss pases Ce ce h he tetas 94 85 fl 85 Biast furnaces served? .. 22.3. 3012615... ee 108 vee 101 () Production of granulated slag, tons. ............22-. 5,031,743 (4) (4) Gas engines using blast-furnace gas: Number........ edie ie ie td dae ee okis vere eens cigs 195 144 85 Blowing engines... ...-...22.02 55.01. 2.2.0ee000. 115 73 42 Electric power engines... .20..03.60.... 0.0 eeeen 80 711 43 Less than 2,000 horsepower. ....:........2.- mts 18 ras 2,000 to 2,999 horsepower...)00 022.2)... l eee eee 120°1h* Fee y ye 3,000 to 3,999 horsepower... 0.000.222 - 2 eee eee 20 A) a int) 4,000 and over horsepower. .... Bins Fe os sy hotest 37 ae: FLGESOPOWEL «oo Desh o an one ada e bes enn en po 5 soos cece cdeneeducue 25, 401 14, 643,011 Band Cathe ge:gs. 6,855, 474 Sy eS Te ee PE REET CouEch> ot ccna ee ee avi “IRON AND STEEL AND THEIR PRODUCTS. 1087 ) TABLE 48.—STEEL WORKS AND ROLLING MILLS: 1919, 1914, AND 1909. 191% 1914 1909 Number of establishments. 3 oes el tcc cece ween 500 427 446 Steel works and rolling mills............).....-eeseecees 145 113 89 Steel works only (no hot rolling)........................ 112 96 99 Rolling mills only (no steelfurnaces)-...........0..220.. 243 218 258 Number Btn Es ED EEE EEC RPE e enee 257 209 |. 188 ‘Number oing MOUTOUIM ES. .- GOT SION wee oe. pce see 388 331 347 a (oS : MATERIALS. “rotal | pont’ a a AA, Oop Rae PRET, RARE ea $1, 680,575,758 | $590,825,692 | $657,500, 856 droits and steel: . For furnaces and hot rolis—. Pig iron, including ferro-alloys— VE IEE PAE RES Sekar Raa NaS 24, 362, 942 17, 429,657 | . 19,076, 889 Reads saeetides, apitens ~~ eds ccononanes acl $655,002, 125 | $248,630,958 | $297,471, 122 Pigi iron— . Produced by consumer— fia - 27 REELS Tie bh eo OG IGM ORE RM, 21,170,136 15, 111, 458 15, 108, 244 —T Fa) Se a $496, 313, 109 | $201,965,395 | $224,474,026 v3 -Purchased— SRE BE PSOE Sig AERTS LAREN OR RT pare Ram 2,749, 822 2,016, 634 3, 604, 060 ee ed a ek $85, 204 226 $30, 166, 377 $58, 189, 714 Spiegeleisen and ferromanganese— Produced by consumer— TDOMS saat erbte > woh dn ain so mmo 123, 353 108, 238 144, 492 2 ® Be> d 1 pees $13,772, 841 $3,849, 738 $3, 776, 798 Purchased— katie : eke 0 I SO ee so Lt wo 223, 742 193,327 220,093 LOGY wt QS Bote RMR Ae Ane las eek me nror = $1, 292, 822 Purchased— Pooks (4) (1) gryfeced ee re EE peer 88, 674 . Retina See Pai ates sods once nedae oso $30, 712,537 ‘Sorep oe or steel, ineluding old rails not intended ; _ for rerolling— = re Be: ; eT otal consumption, LORS. .\ss<0.-5--e-cee-nc cece 16, 369, 216 10, 656, 187 9, 929, 710 Produced by consumer in other works— 9 SET RCSA ace ee eee enD 1, 480, 260, 899, 113 773, 843 as Assigned cost. ...- SEEN STR gaan ae $28, 154, 391 $11, 384, 960 $10,629, 317 c Purchased— $e, MGNGiseadhsce dewk <,- Bo Per er ae Ogee eh te 5, 545, 822 4,171, 767 4,029, 774 aioe ere ene eal e eet scene wea seis wees $116, 978, 660 $47, 996, 567 $62, 093, 514 Made and consumed.in same works, tons... 9, 343, 128 5, 585, 307 5 126, 093 re 2) Railsforrerolling— - i Tels sen tasers denge-cHa- - m5 Ey TE he phedipashte eee 165, 459 (2) (2) ' Sieh bocca Th BASAL aNUERER:-----2-0----- +5 $4, 154, 381 (2) (2) “Steel, piideands semi-finished (ingots blooms, billets, : ° ‘slabs, and sheet and tin-plate bars)— Pr pore by consumer, in other works— Rehan a) MOP EMOMRD Sn ox. a dopae pete Rae nashe--scccecesese= 4,401,127 2, 882,069 3,080, 672 bok ‘ans ecienied GOSt..4 apr 42- ek SA ee nis nas uae $173, 067, 624 $57, 587,159 $62, 594, 558 ane ~* Purchased— (AS TNC, Set PT cet eee, algae 4,545, 100 3, 576, 330 3,427,577 ee & 4 ESE ED Ole Ak NR, $194, 994 191 $74, 590, 904 $82, 981,077 Iron ore— . ee i eo RD aitaacngl alan sada ileal tlel aelllaiae ge 1, 051, 791 999,472 835, 338 POO OM 46 os cia. do. ae ble ede oe decsee ss 1, 044, 907 969, 617 823, 306 ' EE Poe a petting 6, 884 29, 855 12, 032 , Li cyhieiv ns Bmpaiath eth ence “gael aaa eae “TTTT} $3, 480, 622 $4, 252, 201 $4, 292, 963 s» » . -Crude—,; | ; , PMNS cok sf) Boe Bee-Se- -- b> >> ees ~ cers - 1, 014, 989 lo, Se See eS epee $7, 185, 658 iferous— m3 yy xe! OASsiauts biek NS SE, SEE EE Pr Lak fe 709 S00) ‘S2: GOSIci. ob --- ae See eee eee ee $234, 619 ~ i". Chrome— P (8) (?) , oe ait tire ak rs Pee ee Se Fin dak vo noe 19, 093 SORE ey ee, aaa Py is ye $1, 060, 345 Bollea fora vt riher manujacture— Iron muck and scrap bar— Total consumption, tons.........--------------- 968, 512 ») etnovtdetide» Produced by consumer in other works— siaiicdates Of vd 658.) Powsic.culay-oct. oo. Ans. RIAL sclelqas 106, 800 Assigned cost. ....2...-... ls vee. $6, 589, 465 : i Purchased— Qi al eo £, 98 by ‘|pa io @) (*) POS eee a. SSE ase or ae we ham OR ae 128, 203 PES uid Sones de sd te Sechndhy ene nelly $7, 586, 489 ; ‘ Made and consumed in same works, tons... 733, 509 (*) (®) 1 Included with speigeleisen and ferromanganese. 2 Included with acl crude and semifinished, etc. 8 Figures not available. 1088 ABSTRACT OF THE; CENSUS++MANUFACTURES. TABLE 48.-STEEL: WORKS | AND ROLLING MILLS» 1919/1914, AND. 1909++Continued. eA} wit are! 1919 _ 1914 -, 1909 MATERIALS—continued. | __ ae . ei nsandetidates to ‘red om rs . iftar worifioy Iyers 24%0% f eps Iron and steel—Continued. ; ariliog dod ot) Vio es tow foot! Rolled forms for further manufacture—Continued. : ‘2une are) fopte om) gla elfihe acillon Iron and steel skelp— ~ >: di assaf soe JSQGR ErTON bole sodarre 4 Total:consumption, tons........2..222.2-+++.:--].. 2,495, 845 | | dii876, 318 devin 15,578,290 Produced by consumer in other works— SROTIS w.s.5 stint ae os Res eet Gotea ee 322, 082}: 35, 221 ., Assigned Cost. ...- 0. ..d0----22-seee eee $19, 297, 7 81,51, 430 Purchased— vs tad ita oi oso anh eae Se TUNG Tresor ieee Sn TE ee Ree 437, 764° _.. 141, 496 EDs P-SIO A Sr aeaet ays fe Ra $27, 314, 278 19 "9A, 553, _ Made and consumed in same works, tons... 1, 665, 999° on i 56 | 1, 401, 573 Tron and steel wire rods— +e LOS Br aft : a ” Potal consumption; tons). 22... . natt 1, 375,949 | --1, 49, ing 1, 465, 221 Produced by consumer in other works— oe POUS oo Re NU eR ae cw dan Voce bbe ka kcae 5, 794 ‘76, 717 | 128, 291 BNE or < ee ERD NS ON: $620, 507 |< $1, 864, 312 $3, 547, 577 Purchaséd— eA , af DL pg Eel ar Sein ae Pee TS eit 24a Tere Ore) 18, 134 PE PRRs SRR SRR ese araparaay Sse oe $1, 327, 725 $705, 118 - Made and consumed in same works, tons.: | 1,354,627} °° 1, 318, 796 Copper—ingots, billets, blooms, bars, and rods— iyteahdebe se se, 4s Total consumption, tons...:....)..-...--den.020 pen F742, my re a ; ae oy consumer in other works— b Sap eratacatgs | pit DES st oowb caer st OP AIG BBE ot, ~**°F2,040 -} -: ) » Assigned | costs: Se ee ANG CEL ESRD. Patan | °° >> * $402,305 Purghased— . dade ‘ 19, 545 hep rt 05 0 os ES apterceytnecesteessest weet ys dT, 318 | Gh AB gt tS ST WUE ON NER A iiiis: $12, 980, 464 OPT 756, 018 Made and consumed in same teorks, tons. rt 29, 008 | or hfen scrap— mel Ae es ert lal iy Peewee Ss See ae Sele eee OSE 2005 aac oF Re oe OS Stage set cessrse $524, 252 Zine, _(speiter)— abe OUR ues. 5 ae ae OEE oh shee) ears: * TTT * OOSO (1) GSU 6 ace. ops Spores Paeeb~csdank matesseesssse sf, SL2, 283, 608 “e et aaron) Fuel.and rent of power, cost. a.sse0tseessedeceeececeneeee $156, 964, 862 ‘$56, a st »1°$46, 136, 725 All other materials, cost......2-..: pin eS i Ape se ae $253, 852, 602 | ot OHS "$75, 588, O11 PRODUCTS, © Total value. ! I.—ROt..gED, FORGED, ‘AND OTHER ‘CLASSIFIED STEEL AND |" °° Me emeedaanst 3 IRON PRODUCTS?’ Sees 1 eee Tons 32. pay A SREY lpg i ha aan POO FAIOW 36) out, O47 Bees tsp _, 26,723,274 Vie Bo ea Ae i aie hoe A 23/114, 711 6, 904,966 | -° 18) 2657 891 . mt, consumption.,.-:..+..+-.-- ioe hs ys Ae 8, Pi =a 56, Wea Ae AA ise FOL reed oe eee ee ee eee Yap Ig ib dee a 17,01 9 ; $800, 4 A.— Finished rolled products and forgings— | en es % | pay pm me a nee ae = ONS foe ik Bes ato Serer eens ise 568. 512,847 |" ° 18, 482, 182'| © 19, 276, 237 FOR siglo roe oe Ri gt ek ra hs snmp, thea * £ 343, TAT | 12, 647, fo he 14; 024; 550 For, consumption). .2 2 ot leec.-t tS eae 8, 169, 100°} 5, 834, 5, 251, 687 Raine etree tars Sa Oe apne hameaana raat 850,457, 051 | “$623, 485, 963 | $667,393, 177 ails— Number of establishments. ...... 2.2... een frre Annan’ 16-|- +> 478d s "713 TTS te Sr a Oe Lr si panies ete \--- 82,088,838} ---8 4 94, 041 Ms. 2 58, 599 VAL es 2 dn 2 ERIE CEE Sele ee eee $92, 849, 481 $54, 009, 915 "© $81 128) 295 Open-hearth— a ake, Rees ele, et : Torts? see SEY NBS WRN a oo nd heed rae pone. -- 1,893,141 1,522, 684 1, 215, 072 W Be Grek oo tee pea Cana Sets “$82, 644, 646 “3h 336, 38 $36, 400, 780 Bessemer— " sere 4 . a ¥ Pe ee Oe ee ee ee Lee y MN pis’ oc Ps tay ergrtsrb abe ee rssettees 195, 697 319, “e 2. 1,643,527 VEC re ts A CUAL eater me et Ree are ep 810; 204, 835 $8, 673, 537 $44, 722, 515 Rerolled or renewed rails—~'*~ * Aba eae scpcresitrcakaaa i aa Number of establishments... .......}.. 2. 2./..2.00-- 6 a ie as 9° a Tous 320 i ES ler oh ort sR ABT tess at 106, 352 @ Value). 2s pep oan be ene. oe eteateteeaeet ‘|-- -94,7387 883+} -- $i, 48,28 $2,683,017 Rail joints, fastenings, ete.— iad Number of establishments,.-.9.--.-:+2.020501 eves. oh re thdpted. 100 25 TONS 4... 205s suis ss dhe 5 ee cites mesetats - 462, 691 349,38 sage? oll WOME wcecc ace. co. Ee emia Gh eee eee ‘927, 595, 21 | “st, 526956 ; “Sta, 488 1 Included with all other materials: Oy - o'r 2 In addition, steel castings and rolled steel valued’ at $7; 143, 128 none areiubtdels y Zestablishmentsin 1919, to the value of $2,831,964 by 13 establishments in 1914, and to the value sa — 27, 639 by 29 establish- ; ments in 1909,, not classified as steel works and rolling mills. 3 Includes 71, 598 tons of ane’, steel rails in 1919 and 27,286 tons in 1914. —beretow com | E! : ea ah ~ 2) : | altow sites i becoenoo bare ebel ne wettag tiemorisl Dig coetelesieqe ditiw bebniont t -e ,borleisGioroa bets eburie ,loste dtiw bebuloal & id sileve Jom aounefd ¢ } ey ee eT ~ ee al eer a ee IRON AND STEEL AND THEIR PRODUCTS. TABLE 48. 1089 —STEEL WORKS AND ROLLING MILLS: 1919, 1914, AND 1909—Continued. e PRODUCTS—continued. I.— ROLLED, FORGED, AND OTHER CLASSIFIED STEEL AND IRON PRODUCTS—Continued. A.— Finished rolled products and forgings—Continued. Structural shapes— Num ber-of establishments. « $104, 597, 932 $42, 308, 755 $37, 105, 869 For consumption in other works of producer— PMNS apes ai. ..2-} evap ih ~~ = daa skare. 308, 837 152, 966 27,353 Mele. Wa JOD SIS... . } SOV IES CER... lease es $13, 257, 806 $3, 064, 030 $639, 400 . ‘Muck and scrap bar— BIN te LOUIS) DU dal ear» -- 2 7, Koes Ce deb-. 2 ee cassagyes 172, 990 108, 483 174, 496 eeeneee | WGMIO MMSE... =. 2.2.) SUL IER 2.22.5 eden sassy $10, 755, 935 $2, 967, 815 $4,986, 211 For sale— Dongs se.039.0..... rds BADE. 6 55. 2hcn kanes 62, 039 89,379 154, 431 PV ARG AU aPC Oe. -- . .- ab SP ie Soe hh one len nainnins $4, 146, 609 $2, 379, 056 $4, 289, 969 For consumption in other works of producer— TONSE BObs bac... - cet ett IRR EE cc ks abn ee 110, 951 19, 104 20, 065 ET 2) Sai as ae Pa Se $6, 609, 326 $588, 759 $696, 242 Made and consumed in same works (tons)— Blooms, billets, and slabs, steel...........--....---.: 19,344, 166 13, 102, 896 11, 375,622 Hammered charcoal blooms, billets, and slabs. . 33, 692 90; (04 (a oR reeaee so - Rolied blooms and billets for forging purposes. ..... 124, 321 68, 856 76, 614 Sheets and tin-plate bars..2.. 2... s222 see eseeeeeeee 1, 289, 351 We, 350 441, 637 Gee Veemnck atti were War... .. |. bes ILS... eee nen enee 733, 509 958, 640 1,191, 828 €.—Unrolled steel (for sale or transfer to other works of same company): ane Tens! 2.3. BAM SORE Rab - os} le ane Bhs mae «oss SESS S 1, 433, 170 632, 572 647, 601 Soe 1 ON Sno uel tee IO RAT ee T cea i behets $167, 959,202 | $46,117,166 | $42) 456, 174 - _ Ingots— . Ree Uae... oh MR Lee be her ccckise 713, 027 63, 371 142,745 _ A) ge a ra ee ye oan eae can OEE eae $33, 315, 197 $1, 383, 468 $3, 593, 726 For sale— NE ee OS ilety dc. bck cen cura nein ayes + 4'e's = > elo 219,013 29, 421 30, 444 op RUST Se eile Sp Ie ate ae aerate te 2 $15, 848, 348 $737, 882 $1, 513, 445 .... For consumption in other works of producer— : IP ONG A Gn ne Saas ©. 34- wes an 4.4 a5 0s Bane = 494,014 33, 950 112, 301 "Assigned value. -......--.2--.f22 2222-2 seco ee eee $17, 466, 849 $646, 086 $2, 080, 281 Direct steel Gratinees ONS. 2'.3 5 SR Eee Fahne Pe ee eee 720, 143 569, 201 504, 856 Value. 2}.2..5.:- ey oe ei My ey eel Se $134, 644,005 | $44,783,698 |’ $38, 862, 448 II.—SCRAP IRON OR STEEL: For sale— oh Pa E eT eae ee east. . 1,340, 790 983, 216 840, 118 ES A SO ae, ee $24, 487, 435 $11, 660, 297 $12, 632, 772 - For Gdnsumpibid in other works of producer— Byte 2 od SR GR ieee Seemed: Cae eee aes 773, 855 462, 948 398, 436 Assigned ATO ee A. MES ER Se ect aay $12, 926, 837 $4, 674, 546 $5, 530, 852 * Made and consumed in same works (tons) .-..-....-.--- 9,343, 128 §, 595, 122 5, 126,093 IIJ.—ALL OTHER STEEL OR IRON PRODUCTS, NOT ROLLED, INCLUDING VALUE ADDED TO IRON AND STEEL ROLLING- ©-MILL PRODUCTS BY FURTHER MANUFACTURE......-...----- $345, 902, 346 $85, 238, 964 $86, 534, 369 TV.—ALL PRODUCTS OTHER THAN STEEL OR IRON.......-.- $22, 265, 923 $15, 103,136 $16, 356, 978 ; V.—Custom WORK AND REPAIRING .<- i.s-s--..---)2-2-- ++? $6, 307, 289 $1,709, 584 $1, 324, 852 9 . : Ses * ; ~*~‘ Figures not available. IRON AND, STEEL AND THEIR PRODUCTS, 1091 1092 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 49.—TIN PLATE AND TERNEPLATE: 1919, 1914, AND 1909. 1919 1914 1909 MATERIALS. : Total GOSb- 385} = 2, 465, 383 943, 693 835, 928 1,610,692) «1, 629, 455 Veltioes nice... 20... 260 W 927|$116, 215, 503||$106, 625, 257| $48, 809; 661/$158, 152,670) $67, 405, 842 Plain wire— OHS. oo. ss 5 ers 80! 592, 434 459, 909 244, 959 206, 575 347, 475 253, 334 Vallitec-ten s+ -).-.-.-- $58, 756, 450) $22,316, 778|| $28, 494, 089| $12,921, 557| $30, 262,361) $9,395, 221 Galvanized wire— i athe eee | 343, 005 172, 958 170, 047 ik > 5 4 QF Pot bennsiy corms Th ewescce $32, 383, 503 374, 478 $15, 812, 146 156, 016 $16, 571, 357 218, 462 Tons. ‘girl | ee 49, 925 $15, 949, 531 20. 598 $7, 123) 026 29, 327 $8, 826, 505 CoS is a $5, 257, 688|) $2, 719, 707 $2, 537, 981 Wire nails and spikes— Kegs (100 Ibs.).......-.- 12, 429, 195] 12, 886, 634'| © 3,677,122! © 3,209,925] 8,752,073] 9,676,709 WO ceteyvoosssd-.-23.. $49, 291, 686) $23, 368, 633|| $15,062,373} $6,048,598) $34, 229, 313] $17,320,035 - Wire Neaba and tacks— Pounds st... 22.008 5, 461, 597 3, 998, 138 1, 463, 459) Valle... ..-.-------+-- $415, 821)) 66 670, 000, $248, 664/| 4° 976 Q00 $167, 157 48, 294, 000 Wire staples— $1,324, 948 $386, 271 3938” 677 Pounds2h-o..'-- lyr, -e5: 68, 221, 338|| ?°<* "F°l1) 16 084, 845 , 52, 136, 493 ? MMe sch. ons 4 $2) 745, 070 $617, 027 $2, 128, 043 Barbed wire— 2 fp GA ORS Seen 341,127 343, 693: 82, 056 69, 232 259, 071 274, 461 A oS ee ee $30, 895, 619| $13,764,367)! $7,305,381| $2, 823, 668| $28, 590, 238] $10, 940, 699 Wire rope, cable and strand— TONS a... ~~ tana sw. - 103, 010 52,735 55, 632 43, 217 47,378 9, 518 Valtiexs iat... eYa-ce- $29, 825, 513) $7, 973, 537|| $12, 187, 216) $6,881,138) $17, 638, 297; $1, 092) 399 Woven-wire fence and poultry netting— OMI OR Boon c+ In FR te 312, 146 4i1 , 460) 97, 064 128, 379 215, 082 283, 081 WRUME Gare serescdscs-,s-| $0) 526, 961} $19, 795, 812) $10, 320, 876| $6, 763, 469) $20, 206, 085) $13, 032, 343 Other eerne wire prod- ucts— yore opesas: peer ee 26, 614 22, 721 13, 417 8, 614 13, 197 14, 107 Senet Bode ae $4, 274, 177| $2, 822? 689)| $2, 184, 987 $915, 490) $2, 039; 190; $1, 907, 199 Cold-tolied flat wire— OU. <5 52-486 ho-5- 45, 908 30, 208 15, 700 Valid, ss su. -- +-..622 Go} $9, 751, 609 $6, 401, 609 $3, 350, 000 hry Sal 3 a yn ons 7 epi t eadaea be 122, 720 ; 54, 211 68, 509 Walveia act. --. 2-3 .2.5.455 $46, 152 ? $7, 655 $38, 497 Other fabricated iron and q $8, 899, 208 $4, 946, 444 $3, 952, i steel wire products— LON Sanm. dh. s seeds... 4 £2 81, 482 32, 877 48, 605 VO at cS aR $10, 607, 678 $5, 263, 527 $5, 344, 151 Copper—_ are wire— GSE a i 146, 991 84, 921 60, 827 54, 210 86, 1 30, 711 oe $56, 647, 507) $26, 206, 024|| $26, 873, 030) $16, 177,678} $29, 774, 177 $10, 028} 346 Insulated wire and cable\— Cee he es 72, 607 48, 386 32, 687 32, 410 39, 920 15, 976 MIO NS Moers adh se cele a $44, 465, 418: $15, 709, 244)! $21, 825, 439: $10, 855, 232! $22, 639, 979) $4, 854, 012 1 Not including production of insulated wire and cable by establishments included in ‘electrical ma- Soy , apparatus, and supplies.”’ Total production, all establishments, 1919, 224,000 net tons, value 28, 682, 339. 1094 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUPACTURES. TABLE 50.—-THE WIRE INDUSTRY: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. (Ton, 2,000 pounds.) WIRE MILLS WIRE DEPARTMENTS OF TOTAL. (WIRE RODS ROLLING MILLS AND PURCHASED), OTHER CONCERNS. KIND. 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 PRODUCTS—continued. 4 Wire and manufactures of wire—Continued. Copper—Continued. Woven-wire products— 49 Tons Week .. 2 ss0PoEs. 206 140 66 Values) (i... Se. $223, 596 $143, 596 $80, 000 Other fabricated copper- 2,130 499 1,631 wire products— $1, 013, 282 $291, 380 $721, 902 TOMBRG ANE. iisbk ond ire P90} | TARR A Lae oe oa ! Valle. os scsisscehtiek:: oud, Urtii: Wt o dibeet anor $593, 077] Brass wire— . es . Pounds Fc tence tet 47, 249, 835] 39,614,500)) 3,588,721) 4,361,148) 43,661,114) 35, 253, 352 Vahiesd.. 22 22eS. i Baie $11, 542,020} $6,366, 342)! $1,040, 427 $850, 017) $10, 501, 593} $5, 516, 325 Other metals— Bronze (with phosphor- bronze and monel)— Poumds 2 Wap.) ee 1,342, 706 163, 242 1, 179, 464 Matuet? Jk Woe Sarg $624, 520 $93, 820 $530, 700 Nickel, nickel silver, ete.— abt COLO. . JOS Rr6e bey 952 649, 000 1, 103, 952} ) Fale se is0. a. Ul 2 0 00e $1, 457, 588\(" § 999 393)|| #714,163\1 5 344 739]| $743; 4251) 7 5e4 66g Other (includes copper- on’ | B= (ot clad wigal)— DI $1, 489, 493 $1, 166, 519 _ $322,974 Pounds. SK MWh 158614 10, 671, 138 501, 938 | 10, 169, 200 WELL eee aeons $3, 876, 060 $197, 866 $3, 678, 194 Other fabricated wire prod- | ucts— ! SOMA a So... aan bes 048, 858) 1 fii pon Sond) [petite eae or 948, 858 V allie Qe dees 6. a. 5 S2e2. S081, 405)) tit "We eee $711, 405 Finished products, other than ; Wide’ .: PUL sue A. ee $3, 058,042) $2,581,000] $2,171,718) $2,088, 590 $886, 324 $492, 410 Sulphate of iron— | TOUS. feos ha nan 36, 747 23, 506 13,241)) © ‘V alvieth Se: Ban ploetee $669,871) > $2,692, 302 $416, 342) $1, 439, 465 $253, 529? $1, 252, 837 All other products. . . J. 2... ... $3, 717, 944 $1, 813, 480 $1, 904, 464 Amount received for custom work and repairing......... $236,098] . $327,356 $236, 098 $162, 470}... eee $164, 886 EQUIPMENT. Wire-drawing blocks: Number, 0/5 Oftcs deere 62, 689 51,181 26, 920 33, 242 - 35, 769 17, 939 Rod 2-6 FAG wae dood ecy 10, 530 7, 503 3, 165 3, 005 7,3 4, 498 Redrawingws. 2... 012.62. 10, 202 9, 067 6, 651 6, 565 3, 55 2, 502 Fine wite 200 202. 461 i 41, 957 34, 611 17, 104 23, 672 - 24, 853 10, 939 Annual capacity, tons...... 4,169,467} 3,852,000)/ 1,508,043) 1,249,000] 2,661,424) 2, 603, 000 Wire-nail machines: Nambérinn wth... QTeeas 5, 383 5, 212 1,652 1,318 3, 731 3, 894 Annual capacity, kegs (100 ; SOUT vf a «Ge beeen 22,049,170) 23,904,000}; 7,451,450; 5,965,000) 14, 597,720) 17, 939, 000 Barbed-wire machines: ue Num bersps.Sd...2,. 12. 1, 569 1 478 (1) 1,091) -* () Annual capacity, tons...... 855, 997 l 252, 448, (1) ~~ 603, 549 (1) Woven-wire fence machines: 2 fey Numberfea. gis. S07. ae 457 583 100 161 B57} 422 Annual capacity, tons...... 677,195 732, 000 154, 552 190, 000 522,643} 542, 000 Poultry-netting machines: / bie me 4) Bemher AO. ohne pneps* 164 (1) 84 (1): +; (0 nual capacity, tons. ..... 41, 893 J 28, 847 : ~~ 13,046 l Stands bolid-rolline machines: ; h , ; SY ‘ ) ed: eee eee 687 (‘) 380 @ 307) 4 Annual capacity, tons...... 184, 215 (1) 59, 915 Q ~ 124,300) 1 Figures not available. - ‘UUMBER AND TIMBER 'PRODUCTS, | © 1095 TABLE 51.—PRODUCTION OF LUMBER, LATH, AND SHINGLES: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND: 1904. seanaeuorr) ePRODUCT.” 1919. 1914 1909 1904 Lumber (M feet B. . een See pee es 34, 552, 076 37, 346, 023 44, 509, 761 7 34, 127, 165 Osis 0: CLS eee ee 27, 407, 130 29, 406, 839 33, 896, 959 1 27, 345, 338 pet ove Yellow pine... J... Val. .1B8.08 13, 062, 938 14,471, 004 16, 277, 185 11, 521, 781 pees EE a rece ane 5, 9027 169 4 763, 693 4, 856, 378 29 ; _ Western yellow pine... ......... 1, 755, 015 |) ao 1 327, 365 1, 499, 985 1, 290, 526 Hemloow... 1) 2 Ae <2. J20b 2 1, 754, 998 2; 165, 728 3, 051, 309 3, 268, 787 White pitie.-2) fa a....1.8T2. e 1, 723, 642 2, 632, 587 3, 900, 034 5, 332, 704 Syieeh.... LARS A... 4.218.2. 979, 968 1, 247, 414 1, 748, 547 1, 295, 953 Cypress... 1) favt ts... 1: 656, 212 1, 013, 013 955, 635 749, 592 TSR O8 6 ieee «ieee bal 410, 442 535, 199 521, 630 519, 267 Tarchi).... 1, 1... . 2.6201. 388, 121 358, 561 421, 214 31, 784 Cadards).. -2 it se. 85. 2.54 SR t- 332, 234 499, 903 346, 008 222, 994 ee Ce SERS | Sy ee pees 223, 422 112,627 89, 318 Q ugar pine.. J) Fig. 2.....4.0 Ob S. 133, 658 136, 159 97, 191 i} a ae re eee a2 12: 68, 030 ~ 125, 212 108, 702 (2) pis #6 -Lodgépole pinesiv it. .... 26053. » 16, 281 18,374 23,738 | >. fan CY 0! pargnaanepepeaRepee RE pegs 7,144,946 | --7, 939, 184 10, 612, 802 6, 781, 827 Cub cence pea Sa Pt a 2, 708, 280 3, 278, 908 4,414, 457 2, 902, 855 Be eA cree acrana wrpeay rors PTD eet, ” 909, 763. 1, 106, 604 ” 587, 558 Ot Dag enim A <> 851, 431 675, 380 706, 945 523, 990 ce i ale 545, 696 540, 591 663, 891 243, 537 ee <1 Sy 55 ee Me 375, 079 430, 667 452, 370 . 224, 009 rpbedb a ociuh 40. vazrsih a3 ------ 358, 985 | 376, 464 511, 244 (3) Yellow poplar » epee rt Wie Ge aa ABE 328, 538 519, 221 858, 500 853, 544 Rigg ett. 194, 417 214,294 347, 456 258, 330 oie BASSWOOG..5----:----. ES Sager: a 183, 562 264, 656 399, 151 228, 041 Ag Ee 4 eee Bepemaeeie Portege: he 170, 013 116, 113 333, 929 106, 824 i a 154, 931 189, 499 291, 209 169, 178 ., .., Cottonwood.........--..-------- 144, 155 195,198 265, 600 321, 574 cork he sa lol 143, 730 124, 480 96, 676 3) ena Lh Ln eee ag epee aca ae 39, 218 25,573 46, 108 31, 455 _». Sycamore... .-.-------++-++++++- 28,114 | * 22,773 56, 511 18, 002 oe) All other. -...-.. eee eee ee 61, 308 |-- 55, 604 62, 151 312, 930 Hei nema i ‘1 72A, 078 (?) 3, 703, 195 2,647, 847 les (HHOMSAIOS)..0-4 cine ----- 9 2 9, 192, 704 (2) 14, 907, 371 14, 546, 551 sey a 1 Inchidés 183,541 M feet of softwoods, not reported by kinds of wood. 2 Not reported. © EP ft 8 Inquded in “All other” hardwoods. 1 ~. TABLE 52. -_pRODUCTION OF TIGHT STAVES AND HEADING: 1919 AND 1909. cf: Ot eee Ee i PRODUCT. | 1919 1909 ‘Staves (thousands) .....02 000. -2e-- eee eeeee ence ee eee eee ee ness eens eestor 353, 825 379, 231 _-Sawed......, embeh (Le het a thy aie: Ee aOR, Re ea [848,812 | | 34l, 259 es fecha es ops tghin cewte nities de'= 4 anes ane az ge => pin IIE WOU s ele ees wus ees eoen's 2 ed a gall HOM lela paar L 193 15, 104 UPI beta So ak oh ou aslnne shee hep aoe as = +e sin ginges Ho ene 551 16, 547 Hoading (thousand sets)..........--.--+--------0er-escecr tenner 24, 274 20, 691 ee a edna aes ale wns cen aes cose eses nun eeases= 24, 265 19, 736 RUNNY Ws bic. Ges =< +=. 2-0 ecanes Se ee hae a ee 9 | 955 ee a 1096 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 53.—PRODUCTION OF SLACK STAVES, HEADING, AND HOOPS: 1919 AND 1909. e@GVWu<0<0N<3u50300—_ _— OE—Oee=O*=~=~$q~oo eee SSeS HEADING (THOUSAND STAVES (THOUSANDS). HOOPS (THOUSANDS). SETS). KIND OF WOOD. 1919 1909 1919 1909 1919 | 1909. Potal:..... MES Ob. . e 1,121,324 | 2,029,548 87,381 | 140,234 || 140,772 | 375.793 Rod gurh.... 2.1 OR QR os ee 358, 405 416, 570 13, 003 16; 700i U5y Gaede. ....... Pind eos heccuc Lukes... hes 327, 875 306, 621 42’ 401 38, 926 Molndh ......_. Minpee.c (se ee ee 61, 100 945, 172 t 872 6, 535 || 133,983 | 330,477 ES RE OR Sie ae OF 53) 058 71,705 2’ 318 5, 245 4 Moyle... .,.Leeoeee 116 50, 446 133, 255 7,319 13, 663 Gharigit........ 6 pias a Veet See 38, 920 66, 675 1, 986 1, 963 WY) See Weeth=...... cuore... ab 36, 460 268, 237 4° 942 19) 269 GypRD........ Chestnitt. 2... S99.85 . co aps 36, 303 oO [ios eee. 876 oo a BirchS). < opie onan, 10s 35, 691 78, 897 3, 490 4,328 (iy seph -5 050! Spruce’) obo uewk os aw Lee 29’ 683 72; 219 2’ 508 1) 861 (rat AGIs All othr. :... Lie... wweucad ee 93) 383 276, 907 7, 542 30, 868 2,789'| 36,316 ae ee oes Tee ee eo Oe Cee Cee ee | Oe 1 Included with “ All other.’’ TABLE 54.—WOOD CONSUMED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF VENEERS: 1919, 1911, AND 1909, —e—e—e—“—“—~“—~—oOoOOOOoOooooooooaw—s<$ id aula vyito ff Sold in the rough, value..............- $3, 712, 687 $4, 494° 985 $6, 335, 599 ‘a0, 949 All other, valie.005 08... Sse, ae $63, 097; 567 $27, 230, 735 $141) 545, 806 “$109 3082, 554, All other products, value................--- $28,619, 895 $13, 134, 413 $8, 632,689. mer! 665, 223 Amount received for tanning, currying, or : 234: finishing for others........... $51, 762,235 | $12,270,856 |“ $12,764,778") | $8, 189/960 1 Not reported separately. ia 5 ; rp i HEI ap dn td 1099 TABLE 56.—BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPERS, AND OTHER, FOOTWEAR, BY CLASSES:! 1919, _LEATHER AND ITS. FINISHED PRODUCTS. from this table. 3 Not reported separately. 1914, AND 1904. 888NNeeaeasas$@mmSSSSS ees 08 PRODUCT. +E 1919 1914 1904 BBE OMOTAE valdOs 059.592...) QUE ALY AM. | L201 | 2$1, 155,041,436 | 2 $501,760, 458 | 23820, 107, 458 Boots, shoes, and slippers: Bi Chamber mr paired. ....) 0G .580.0... 1 20a 331, 224, 628 292, 666, 468 242,110, 035 ati SS iVelne. 1.3285 en SE en a RR 9 $1, 128,286, 743 $489, 053, 124 $315, 987,387 Boots and shoes— G1 t's Number of pairs........ GG... S28 286, 592, 960 252, 516, 603 216, 039, 401 Ovi M PV AMI he O. 2 | EE RE O12. DA Ji $1, 070, 322? 232 $455, 398, 112 $298, 658, 865 en’s— : Number Orpairs..} Ob? 689.1... ... 95, 017,356 98, 031, 144 83, 434, 322 PV GuI@se fb y.soo. 1002 RE TEE. LL aS $429, 740, 457 $219, 994, 422 $142, 038, 632 _ Boys’ and youths’— Number Ofipairs..; 0.966... 2. LR 26, 503, 432 22, 895, 719 wr 21,717, 236 B Vani@taln se... 5 TIS EE. AOS! $72, 883, 299 $32, 852, 560, . $24, 301, 298 Women’s— A age Orpairs..).00T .OR...... JAB 104, 812, 505 80, 916, 239 69, 470, 876 premte taa ss cn scWe CEM. 0. tM $447, 239, 044 $148, 433, 738 $93, 262; 016 Mises” had children’s— 18) 39 Number Sepairs.. 1.806 0b... 2. LR 48, 538, 203 48,322,395 41, 416, 967 mi OS ed eis Gy Sees oe es) a ee ae? $102, 091, 213 $51, 870, 908 $34, 056, 919 er— : Oe 25 Nupiber Gfpairs..} 280.066.2222. 79,391 2,351, 106 (3) G81, OSE Ls ee, Se $166, 392 $2, 246, 484 (3) Athletic and sporting shoes— ie Nuniper orpairs..1-f00.09......... 585,710 (3) (3) OE SOE a ae BOOS EL $2, 083, 402 (3) (3) Oana rae textile fabrics— Numoer Or pairs..,-..... {21 ....... Sab 11, 056, 363 (3) (3) (SELON LURES as (epee Goat Bey $16, 068, 425 (3) (3) MN econ NuyberOl'pairs..: 166.116 i022. 21,815,046 24, 673, 102 17,518, 291 a OSES Spey rts 0 eapeaeaetees anh ae $33, 409, 101 $26, 082; 238 $13, 996, 832 _.__ Men’s, boys’, and youths’— OOF FL Number of pairs....000...f0. 2020000600. 3, 230, 086 3, 666, 972 4,403, 097 fe ae BE I FOE yO} hse Jules $5, 308, 089 $3, 450, 362 $3, 464, 561 '' "Women’s, misses’, and children’s— ho Number of paiirs...0.2 0.050008. 020 eey. 5, 264, 235 14,066,717 13, 115,194 oat Le aay ere ees eee emne Fie $12, 860, 767 $18, 573, 921 $10, 532, 271 Felt or hirer fiber— . SWEEPOE OE PANTS os oe cee nw cedsnne Ast Bg 13, 320, 725 6, 939, 413 (3) MenMNOn DS? corse sercrarrre sess "ie oray | $15, 240, 245 $4, 057, 955 (3) Infants’ shoes and slippers— Number of pairs 2432) Ee ee, Fes ek ee 16, 668, 912 15, 476, 763 (3) Bt ES nee ee eene nga is aim $18, 249, 791 $7,572,774 (3) Sanda!s— DPMELIPEROE OP DANTS? o.oo eens vm ccccnacasssec cee 5, 125, 962 (3) (3) no Ey Se eats peed pe a eal $5, 128, 462 (3) (3) Moccasins— Peierivert PAlTs-+. ne ee esc cee scene e.5.8.- 1,021,748 (3) (3) i EE ISS see ily aide a $1, 177, 157 (3) (3) All other kinds— NEED 5-5 wins sc ced wiv'n u oie oS Ge'che Ue 2 Side Gilde aud’ nla San dWee dhs eles 8, 552, 343 UO. St, TT ee ee Peas acubuae: > oe poeta eae aes. § !6yl aie sate Mh oes ee $3, 331, 690 All other products, including amount received for work done for others........---0c-¢--ececccccecseee $26, 754, 693 $12, 707, 334 $4, 120, 071 ' At the census of 1909 the value was not reported by classes and therefore statistics for 1909 are omitted ? Exclusive of the product of establishments primarily engagedin the manufacture of other products— _ 1919, 9 establishments, value $894,201; 1914, $855,582; and 1904, $89,000. 1100 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 57.-LEATHER GLOVES AND MITTENS: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904. PRODUCT. Notalivalup#i& Gat G28 £... .j. 82d.5d0R2 Gloves, mittens, and gauntlets: Dozen palrsia 202 See. ..... AIS. Valitse... 1 BEF to Bebe. 0 £25. aah Men’s and boys’— Dozen Pairsie 22S... 2) a Sand Value cht 20 ehe ....t See Ses Unlined— Dozen pairsis 20. ..... dW Th. Walue ks .c0 1e8. 2. -) Jee Td Lined— Dozen pairse2 oC... ...t Sa sah. Value.036 Cee 228. . 5. ' OOS SRR A Part leather and part fabric— Lae Persil OF... 2. Me OS ee Unlined— Dozen pairsce .o....---b IO ao. . Vialug £2 Ek fe... ob Se Lined— Dozen pairs 60)... ..-..) OE a - Valueu.-£.2-¢8).. 2. OGR Fans Part leather.and part fabric— Dozen pairs.<%} ...-.... Su ak Valugsicc:. -o% es a i 1 Exclusive, for 1919, of 22 establishments engaged primarily i dozen pairs of leather gloves, mittens, and gauntlets, valued at $3, 19191 $46, 940, 511 3, 615, 703 $44, 831,777 3, 040, 747 $34) 498, 656 1,706, 795 $23, 053, 857 767, 801 $9, 037, 038 566, 151 $2, 407, 761 574, 956 $10, 333, 121 417, 595 $8, 596, 567 126, 294 $1, 568, 735 - 31,067 $167, 819 $2, 108, 734 19141 $21, 614, 109 3, 082, 376 $20; 296, 558 2, 656, 875 $16, 333, 388 1,623, 446 $11, 486, 491 832, 695 $4,383, 271 200, 734 $463, 626 425, 501 $3, 963, 170 _. 325, 530 $3, 196, 761 99,971 | $766, 409 (7) (?) $1,317, 551 175,014; for 1914 1909 1 $23, 630, 598 3,368, 655 |. $22) 525, 861 2, 888, 991 $18, 135, 438 1, 755, 229 $12, 209, 929. 1, 133, 762 $5, 925-509 (7) (7) 479, 664 $4, 390, 423, | 326, 690 $3, 375, 560 152,974). ~ $1,014, 863 |. (7) (?) 1904 ! $17,740, 385 8,370, 146 $17,122) 772 — 2,915, 415 $14, 515,770 1, 598, 332 - $8, 182; 689 1,317,083 $6, 333; 081 (2) (?) 454,731 $2,607, 002 213, 370 - $1,576, 159 i $1, 104,737: ee Se Se ee eee 241, 361 ~ $1,030) 843 (2) (?) $617, 613 n other industries which made 534,709 of 16 similar establish- ments which made 205,327 dozen pairs, valued at $642,462; for 1909, of 16 similar establishments which made 36,944 dozen pairs, valued at $264,961; and for 1904, of gloves, mittens, and gauntlets, 2 Not reported separately. to the value of $166,164. 1919 MATERIALS. EES ey ne oe Bee $467, 482, 637 Pulp weed, Ma og oN SIRI FRbed sold AS SA ie 5, 477, 832 beg ee ee Se eee cee $87, 386, 083 Spruce, domestic— Ge taketeeceee pected... d Tole 2, 313, 419 PERRIER Sick Peeves gunk essa yey $39, 783, 167 Spruce, imported— gu dee Sone es SS Se gen 873, 795 ee ee ae $18, 219, 970 Poplar, domestic— ‘Cords ORE, Sc BES Ba suid ve Seer 180, 160 SSS EEL, Cae ERE pan ements $3, 214, 901 Poplar, imported— , | RRO SSAEE Agee piepesen! leno 158, 220 Ee Ss ee ere eer $2, 851, 583 Hemlock— Cords at ecitlenpe tt aE Mae seaedll Peltee es 795, 154 Sit eeenryess berrrereaiie ie seserers $8, 760, 805 All othen wood and waste— ends eens wo * + eonks its oe > = nae 1, 157, 084 2 EO pee REN CoB ick trait an onan $14, 555, 657 aiond a palp ~ i eae US ene ia fo oy teas aan << domae oe 1, 595, 980 dali is Saeed Re ela RI A Se ae Ser eee bara $118, 967, 841 Gate domestic— 7 on RE ke ek 398, 133 oS Re SR RI Se A $16, 249, 210 Ground, imported— eit fan ee eee cc 100, 440 PRE BSS | Bee $3, 537, 460 Soda Aber domestic— aeaet BUG RE S86. k PSS TGR. 25S. Lh ciwne = 153, 639 0 Se ee eee ey «ee $13, 074, 318 Soda fibsr, imported— ; ' OHS Hae anG == - ss ake eyes os ee =e 25 EE k's ch ae pare 44> te pa ae $1, 807 vee cal domestic— tome ae Se parry ses 8s de page 564, 776 REL coke kms «<5 -1 ene Samae == <2) cone oe $54, 389, 663 sulpits fiver, imported— Se EONS an weg 2 fe spryy yee oo beep wee 159, 307 oS ee ae ay a $14, 606, 807 Sulphate fiber, domestic— Oh oe a ee J ee 72, 440 oe eee: eet ae $6, 350, 229 Sulphate fiber, imported— GO ick Ss Seed See ase se: ooeeee 108, 584 ODT BSS Pee enh ae Seeeeen crea | Careers $9, 333, 251 Screenings, mechanical— wets) Oey a a ae, © ee 9, 488 “Sie eee SER enon eee $321, 006 ponpetines, chemical— / - one SiN; See ae, Rn 29, 148 BPE OS SOBst HG GUA ORE 2. SIO POU EES.), een a $1, 104, 090 Rags, taciutiing cotton and flax waste and sweepings: PRs eee ee ee tees et nt 4} cen 277, 849 OS ED Re ERS amneer® Fpa $24, 217, 978 Paper probed High grade shavings, including old and waste paper— ae Se SB eee Ce ec 1, 854, 386 Pee ean cee eee Ob te oi cote ewe pees ose $i? 567, Ok Manila stock: ope— ’ et pe ONS 36), seab rue J hee ews Bulgigoce | cmlek =a 68, 235 ih Sul 4 RA Res Ras Fone age 2 eer, Frames et $5, 114, 426 Jute b n waste t s,etce:— T sips a ee ae Sh wen te » SRE BSE 48, 759 ‘ Cost. ety OR eign Jape beanies Sagas 8 $2, 091, 827 - Straw: “Tons noo eed ARE Bota ee ee 353, 399 MRE, Cok wilt sibs neneeaasnevccceen= $3, 594, 947 © viltarctixc b 1 Not reported separately. 4 Soporte as “other chemical fiber.” PAPER AND PRINTING. 1914 $213, 181, 286 4, 470, 763 $39, 408, 453 1, 892, 739 $17, 893, 673 768, 056 $9, 008, 609 328; 513 $2, 714, 210 61, 644 $582, 924 602, 754 $4, 176, 542 817, 057 $5, 032, 495 1, 521, 980 | $54, 207, 932 379, 263 $7, 540, 922 153, 463 $3, 148, 755 155, 635 $6, 764, 892 5, 289 $297, 838 436, 196 $19, 762, 127 * 961, 172 $12, 128, 105 16, 414 $679, 326 88, 497 $3, 486, 540 4, 806 $41, $41 91, 245 $357, 586 361, 667 $12, 151, 288 1, 509, 981 $19, 161, 400 64, 256 $2, 492, 094 56, 914 - $1, 553, 473 307, 839 $1, 675, 598 TABLE 58.—PAPER AND WOOD PULP: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904. (Ton, 2,000 pounds.) sss eee——————ooooooomm————————————EE————————————EE 1909 $165, 442, 341 4, 001, 607 $34, 477, 540 1, 653, 249 {*} 768, 332 () 302, 876 @) 25, 622 (*) 559, 657 ) 691, 871 (1) 1, 241, 914 $43, 861, 357 333, 313 $6, 764, 475 119, 536 $2, 723, 033 145, 163 $6, 464, 870 9, 463 $397, 994 453, 636 $19, 041, 329 172, 393 $8, 143, 397 28,410 2 $326, 259 357, 470 $10, 721, 559 983, 882 $13, 691, 120 117, 080 $3, 560, 033 303, 137 $1, 460, 282 1101 1904 $111, 251, 478 3, 050, 717 $20, 800, 871 1, 732, 531 $11, 937, 852 538, 305 $4, 570, 017 218, 058 $1, 506, 971 35, 313 $251, 600 (1) @) 531, 510 $2, 534, 431 877 ,702 $27, 633, 164 317, 286 $5, 754, 259 120, 978 $5, 047, 105 433, 160 $16, 567, 122 26, 278 2 $264, 678 a 6 (*) (t) 294, 552 $8, 864, 607 588, 543 $7, 430, 335 107, 029 © $2, 502, 332 304, 585 $1, 502, 886 1102 ABSTRACT OF THE GCENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 58.—PAPER AND WOOD PULP: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND. 1904—Continued. (Ton, 2;000 pounds.) 1 Not reported separately. 1919 1914 1909 1904 MATERIALS—continued. Other stock for making paper: £5; 361° Rs DEE a eo MeN © ok cM Be a as guns nto Manes 9 106, 850 97, 276 29, 422 (1) is eee -4 Sle Bite PAGSRs = .- PARE Sei ba ~ oot cael $4, 494, 388 $1, 778, 669 $479, 959 | ~ $1, 963, 066 na clay: ee a ae eee | Gu) | iam outa OSt:.. si em ery a: +. tl pee ope cp 2 ed ra« -@) Bleaching powder: Wis, batt OU cmeneo cc toes 3k sec hans haat be ceaenas 139, 914 (*) 55a Fela well’ t} 0S est wn = oles Sis MBM ea. BOY) aR le ee g $5, 647, 952 Cae ob Rati her, f ur al yn Ole at Serautdnoate cele aaa ded ialere® <5 mes Bo oe 187, 794 136, 458 ti ee tml, 400 GOST... . 54s ares Ofitcc'-.- « aio a $3, 787, 860 er— erin oO ee a pe ee eee Seer 28, 167 RR atti odd, lvcirncdebes - os $2, 263, 288 Cardboard, bristol board, card middles, tickets, ete.— NS te rE he a nig oa ah is dah JS 84, 987 w Gi ONT rot oS Bi leet tet ema aE OBEY $11, 104, 105 . 1p— | Se cic t ciple kien sow 6 ofl CRE 695, 963 Valngor pea ws beni 3S $37, 749, 210 os cons, 518, 022 Re as. S2 WE aE... - J. SES~1 % BO(OGy Vala ess al. 3. ace cas... .-). cae $37, 464, 380 Tissue paper: High grade— CP OTES Pes Seteteie pte Gye t ake cie's oo + bis Gabe, SE 31,.025 I NE eral. SET >0 f oo iii an $17, 737, 341 All aan paper rue PeNNURRE Re). oy oh Gan'ae ose comecse ; I Se $29, 690, 905 Wood pulp made for sale or for consumption in mills other than thosein which produced: Ty SOE st oy Sy eR a ee a 1, 100, 303 Soths 2 Be eS eee $80, 095, 047 round— Steamed— OF” teins aiiinen tales amie 61, 411 OPS TS gh Reni i Sa ne ees tae rea $2, 224, 664 Not steamed— SEMA SE ete ics Tivn.ca aie wie was eric tani 284, 518 Ae cane 1 one SP Sa oR Bl cara tl aR $9, 504, 137 a fiber— Morea a eee Ree sek bo. ca P< 169, 332 meses eosaRae abet. g538 $14, 939, 293 1 Not reported separately. 1914 353, 987 $17, 975, 636 109, 753 $6, 949, 244 225, 795 $13, 269, 953 29, 230 $1, 935, 693 116, 419 $4, 227, 493 175, 424 $4, 270, 519 127, 966 $3, 502, 134 61, 453 $2, 663, 744 26, 689 $1, 177, 189, | 83, 010 $5, 376, 434 (7) (?) 700, 844 $23, 652, 095 11h, 401 $11, 535,720 14, 157 $1, 457, 897 243, 908 $9, 475, 733 93, 346 $7, 464, 182 912, 490 $31,677,717 313, 951 $5, 686, 919 163, 522 $7, 213, 086 1909 367, 932 $19, 777,707 12, 661 $936, 940 167, 194 $9, 265, 029 (1) (1) 71,036 $2, 639, 496 171, 789 $3, 750, 851 74, 606 $2, 215, 469. 92, 012 $3, 819, 071 51, 449}. 1 $3, 352, 151 (?) (7) 422196 $13, 720, 697 77,745 $8, 553,654 9,577 $1, 186, 180 225, 824 $9, 251, 368 96, 577 $6, 869, 169 910, $46 $30, 177, 366 310, 747 $5, 649, 466 155, 844 $6, 572, 152 2 Tncluded in ‘‘ All other boards.’’ 1904 228, 371 $10, 099, 772 (1) (3) 177, 870 $8,774, 804 (1) is 60, 863 $2,347, 250 167, 278 $4, 367, 560 38, 560 $1, 174, 216 (*) () 39, 060 $2, 764, 444 (2) > 253, 950 - $9, 070, 531 43, 925 $5, 056, 438 8, 702 $1, 046, 790 145, 024 $4, 945, 628 106, 296 $6, 729, $20 780, 706 $23, 144, 574 273, 400 $4, 323 495 130, 366 $5, 159, 615 1104 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES., TABLE 58.—PAPER AND WOOD PULP: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904—Continued. (Ton, 2,000 pounds.) 1919 1914 1909 1904 PRODUCTS—continued. Wood pulp made for sale or for consumption in mills other than those in which produced— Continued. Sulphite fiber— Bleached— Lats POE re SRP Ty oe Se 288, ae 214, a Ce oe ce we Wd Semeeriy Bors | $31, 715, 21 $10, 803, 787 Unbleached— Oe is tee $17, 955,748 | $13,061" 464 Fhe Ea: Api rats shiver oe 227, 395 192, 687 gone me, Veteets. 02s eevee... oot ee $17, 791, 975 $7, 284, 492 Sulphate fiber— Bleached— ein Bp Sp Sapam 9. Po aera, 5st ; cial alue fei... oseG Gove... ob Re $392, 765 Zee Unbleached— ag Se Wong 2 Pe Ae Be 39, 552 59, od) V@iiee oo... PEGs. c. p peue ks $2, 743, 389 Screenings— Mechanical— : a ORG x ads eR Skin a cen hate 2,313 2, 553 () () Waldo ee. 7 C1o iS 8. PR $33, 448 $27, 910 Q) (Q) - Chemical— mS Vi yy AE arene 8 pS Clit Bo 22,333 15,098 (4) (@) Walhevade . 25.864 80608 ...b We $750, 161 $301, 566 () (@) All other products, value............---2-22!..: 2 $34,915,241 | $8,880,990. | $4,738,549 | $1, 924, 195 WOOD PULP. J Quantity produced (including that used in mills ' in Dl maneaepteal totaltons........... 3, 517, 952 2,893, 150 2,495,523 |: 1, 921, 768 round— gO: Steamed, tons... 2.210 oo A PE 281, 635 I Not steamed, TONS, AGS Ve see... A Le 237, 194 \ 1, 293, 661 1,179,266 | 968, 976 rg: a ‘ ‘ eached, tons... p22... Lyo0.. as 384, 085 7 Unbleached? tons:..:..{5). 2.3... 20RGS 27; 608 \ 347, 928 298,626}, 196,770 pone eet, esched scons. 6 0) os etet J 509, 738 385, 349 Unbleached, COME 22850 SD OE) as 910, 091 765, 978 \ 1, 017, 631 756, 022 ie 5 “bb gi ¢ : Cacned | tOuS ey es ee eed, 28, 003 } ft Unbleached, TONSA. css. nos foes 92; 375 \ __ 52,641 @) () Screenings— Mechanical, toms. fos.) sees E pee ees 12, 220 11,769 Qo QQ) Chemical, tons. ..{...0......02.fL 35, 003 35, 824 GQ). (1) 1 Not reported separately. oe Sgt 2 Includes 27,460 tons of paper bags valued at $6,469,010, made in paper mills. ; ebog..? 09 ‘PAPER AND PRINTING. 1105 TABLE 59.—PRINTING AND PUBLISHING: 1919, 1914, AND 1909. vel 1919 1914 1909 (GE UN ETL il 0 es a ee Sarre » 80,611 31,612 29, 757 Tek ERE: ES Sa ee See eee 13, red : 12, iS 10, = eee ere R a a cleie diark's ao alpaep ses csc.naid bes oe 0 0) ‘Newspapers and periodicals................-.-..--+-+--- 17, 362 19,317 18, 871 a | ) PRODUCTS. ica | Motal valué MaU!. ....) J Aa. MD rks 44 aang $1, 536, 408, 283 | $810,508,075 | $662,591, 959 . So Publications: ; § ae ep aere MIL DELIOCIGMSS.......- 62 jerecsassceseness 806,305; 760. |, 419, 209, 701 337, 596, 288 Be ubseriptions and Sales! JU... 2 eceeseeeeereees 278, 006; 382 163, 577, 090 135, 063, 043 NE ww ales pc ebine Ovary buss 528, 299° 378 255, 632, 611 202, 533, 245 SESE b .) SESE SRE eae aie 566,321,409 | 283,588,966 |» 232; 993) 094 Subscriptions and ates SES BOR ey er, 192° 819, 519 99, 541, 860 84, 438, 702 os oe ap in ab) ee Ee EES: 373, 501, 890 184, 047, 106 148, 554, 392 Periodicals other than newspapers................-- 239, 984, 351: 135, 620, 735 104, 603, 194 Subscriptions and'sales...... 2... cseccesseceseees 85, 186, 863 64, 035, 230 50, 624, 341 ESS Ts See ore eee 154, 797, 488, 71, 585, 505 53, 978, 853 Ready prints (patent insides and outsides).........---.- 2, 010, 506 1,965, 214 2; 293; 077 Books and pamphlets: Published, or printed and published............... 132, 699, 383 68, 587,778 62; 930, 394 ‘Printed for publication by others...........06-0.06. 32, 861, 475 19,049,651 10, 209, 509 ' Sheet music and books of music: -. Published, or printed and published................ 12, 509, 981 6,803,491 |) 5, 510, 698 eninted, for publication by others................... 3, 766, 908 822, 585 1, 000, 966 Other products for sale and in execution of orders: . Oe eee rere 465, 419, 994 +]. » 249, 730, 932 204, 154, 096 Machine composition for others............+.2+.+++s0++- 12, 487, 551, 4... 5, 682; 098 (2) Bookbinding and blank books... .........-.....25--.42 23, 911, 103. . 15, 0977 109 18, 810, 392 Electrotyping, engraving, ay rene BUG ea nce 5 snk 11,337, 829 9, 698, 641 8, 201,398 An other products (te ene aE sae See res 33) 0977 793 13, 860, 875 11,885, 141 psi ae and periodicals: eee ee SSE ee See). ideas ecduateuaacae 20,489 22, 754 22,141 REbrooncl circulation per issue.......-..6... Pe 222,481, 983 205, 594, 907 164, 463, 040 By period of issue. j Daily: 3 MR ee ig Lee eed nem ede das muemenoeenasee 2,441 2, 580 2, 600 i cee PAPCMIBLION DEF ISSUES. oo. cc bo acc cone cde dee® 33, 028; 630 28, 777, 454 24, 211,977 unday: . bY ONumbers.$3e.%........, 2 Rone eae Janie e eee k 3 604 -~O71 520 ‘ oi ee ene eircilation per issue! s.fID. 2. ccc cee ee eea cess 19,368,913 16, 479,943 13,347, 282 iweekly: ONAL ER SON. 2 kb Met oun dae essaessscenes 93 84 73 Aggregate circulation per issue.....................4552- 492,286 549, 495 335, 389 Semiweekly: DARI Ee eee AR oo conn ae-jeeesapaacsunsncs A52 |. 583 635 W meet éidcitiation Der PST oe Nas ace etcceesenss 2,020,165 | 2,483,629 2,312,919 eek Number|.0H...2,.---:1 1 LES Pree ee 6245825055552 .-- 13,375 15, 172 15, 097 Mont m5 ttt circulation per issue. ................eee20200: 51,902,121 50,336, 963 40, 822, 965 on saber te OS Sy RS ee Anne eee -- 2,647 2, 822 2,491 Aggregate circulation per ee Poe nec eg ttt eaniezastacer 91, 681, 807 79, 190, 838 63, 280, 535 uarter i Namber! ee ee os Jus vaseenstessass 489 500 361 ~ Aggregate circulation per issue Pht. ac odteasanescesteess 18,920,544 18, 853, 901 16, 058, 099 All other classes: Sp SO Re) oe Se BY Se: eee eee Sree ee eh 388 442 364 _ Aggregate circulation per issue..............252222-0055: 5, 067, 517 8,922, 684 4,093, 874 By character. S, politics ee family reading— News, pol —. er hae ee ae 15, 746 17, 574 17,698 s Aggregate circulation ))../..........22-2.--.00e ee eee eee 75, 830, 555 69, 533, 556 61,074,990 _ eligious— Se 1, 162 1,413 1, 251 2 * A Ey Me tieitanl: patel vanes Sete ae “See Be 31, 348) 380 34, 515, 249 29, 523, 777 cultural, horticultur airy, stock raising, etc: 7 eet BP er rede 2 ER 334 346 316 ; PRPRPOCALS CHTCUIALION «2... i es ene cence ece reese 18, 224, 543 18, 091, 350 11, 327, 253 3 Commerce, finance, insurance, railroads, etc.— ee. akg ivcivoedsrstciyancbs 294 323 264 Ageregate Circulation .... 2.20.06. ceen sen cen cess ceseceeee 2, 561, 208 2, 196, 988 1,411, 738 1 Tn addition, printing and Bal aexcuar to the value of $5,617,801 in 1919, $2,813,574 in 1914, and $2,942,282 é in. 1909, was reported by establishments assigned to other industries. 4 Included in “Job printing.” 75108° —23 70 1106 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—+MANUFACTURES, TABLE 59.—PRINTING AND PUBLISHING: 1919, 1914, AND 1909-Continued. 1919 1914 1909 PRODUCTS—Ccontinued. By character—Continued. Trade journals generally— RMN ED CLs in cots Bae kaa cetee ak we anas aemeenee 767 873 685 Mesregate Cipcmistwoie. . . 080 20 AGE Ee 2c. 258.58 4,653, 164 9, 284, 145 3,572, 441 eS, literature, including monthly and quarterly maga- zines— heey ; Naikaber SOOO OT. 2 5 IE LG IS oe Saciin dnc a Bay iden 252 (28464: pig ' 340 Abopepate Girne ation. 3288 BOG ATS. kena ckcenn 38, 162, 065 38, 495, 435 31, 322, 035 Medicine and surgery— thas } Namiber soagegees. Ges. . 22 (i EGE Wa OF as ee 185 178. 197 . Aiperegate Girciladtyon. ... Alii BLA SE .. de nec een 2, 493, 827 910,085 |. 931, 584 aw: Lirav be Marmber h:s68 OSA L545. 2.5 Le eee BOS SR oa con exscnsndas 59 ito 2lOSfiors 56 Apefecate ChecwIstion . 65 8 FAL Fe os cnc sank ote 71, 729 | 76,571, 151, 346 Science and mechanics:* 4ov by Nin ber jaeie, 280. fo. 4 Be OE Some fo hon 214 justeqt laa he vyhesH 139 A gerecatecizculation. Fite 53 ..ida~ledvevch ss adaceke 2, 367, 720 1,683, 381 1, 421, 955 Fraternal organizations: ( INIMDEr UL Saye HS. Lo. Petes! ON GER. oe oe ait 314 312.) - 1419 Avstecate elpculation..... iis .UW ES... donc nnceanecances 9,147,322 7, 092, 592 6, 982, 235 Education and history : Nuoniberce ete oo 3 ee se Pao See gee ah ee 184 231 1 ighele 202 Averegate eirculttion .... ist AOA SL... ok. 4,029,417}. + 2,533,833 |... 1,879,383 Society, art, music, fashions, ete.: ; Nester. yes eee oe 227 212 164 Agegregate'circulation...1....5.0...6 03.8. Pas 24, 441,320 14,703,958 | 13, 445, 661 College and school periodicals: ; 104 Nitimber. |: #00. @eacd: cb Bae Yeh SE Oe eee 415 303 git 271 Ageregate cinciilation ...4 A726 LLG J 2. Sd... ck canncanenee 638, 840 353, 755 330, 705 Labor: DIMERS S04. O52. Sb... SSS RE TR wd th anasceawens 182 — 163 @. Ripeeeeate circulation .5. 56 os ies akc aewenseees 3, 634, 539 1,633, 700 (2 Reform and social science: Nom Dera ete os Re Bee. hae awaken 85 179 Ay. moesregate Circulation .. .. fi) pwk Cot .. dol. ccancensaee 2, 135,468 2,900,574}. 9 @ Miscellaneous: LUM DORSS esas ek sc Lock oslo ec Mas cute sia coe 69 164 139 AeprocateemCwa WON. |. =. eek dows ome eae 2, 741, 886 IR sg 735 1,087,937 By language i English: 3 Met 4 Numi ee GUS, J eoee ssa nck Ben. 3k vesine dedaneasaveeueee 19, 280 21, 272 i 20, "744 Weetegate pitcdlation’. . ob ib Ge Bh ew. le cteeascecsceles 211, 501, 667 |. 193, 600, 407 |. 155, 432, 243 pi (ineluding foreign and English): PAID OR es, SOR ack RA nile owrom dba eked sac eeaee 1, 209 1,482. fat 1, 397 Aggregate einculation Auf GOK 0... leg seenecsssetues 10, 980, 316 11 , 994; 500 9, 080, Bie French— ; RUMOR. ccs a. cad ene to omce seta perauet oeh seein Al 46 saci 39 Aggregate circplation fey. faze 2. .- 20 ese esnsscccnes 266, 046 477, 436 , 446, 739 erman— Lisa W NOMDSPE SE. <4. 2. Ge RE eee te ee a 301 540 Jun, 692 A goregate eirculation 244. SiMe di...) s--ccseeteeseets 2,231,312 | . 4,095,672 |. 4,484, 146 Italian— Shin ts, INVIDADOES 0 os 5 3 RE Sac ees te ec comes aereers 109 121 | wndinn i 104 A-poregate circulation fim (940 ae. oc)... een eeeweese 725, 710 - »755, 367}... 500,475 Seandinavian— cater INGLE OORE is ona ooo SER Re oe ols Be Ueto ee oe 162 167 | cade 161 Ageregate wircnlation 42). (wet 4d. -- bs eess eer sesseeee 1, 126, 793 » 1,261,585 J... 1,8, 601 Letto-Slavic— {> weido Ni DBRS whch ee I oe ee ee, een Gee 277 235 | -tachepere V4 169 Aggregate circulation <4, Suh 4... ds ce cerenecasecee 2, 255, 451 1,655, 363 |. 917, 649 All other— Numbered. scene tas ate ie he ee ee oe ne 319 = one 232 Agerpgate tirciilating av. ccs ccs pee eaceea -aauaet 4,375, 004 3, 655, 363 1,613, 187 1 Includes a number of labor publications. 4 Not reported separately. ~y yi" ‘ ' toil Iogt (fi + ” BOOT £ it bopuinnt & PTITO PAPER AND PRINTING. 1107 0) oe © Paste 60,4. B00KS AND PAMPHLETS—NUMBER: 1919,.1914, AND 1909, i ; NUMBER OF COPIES PRINTED. ae | . »» CHARACTER. ., Bey 1919 1914 1909 4 no nn eS 252, 068, 816 175, 166, 698 161,361, 844 TID 890082 = SS = |= ae ee ee i late Aste PIAL Dip Morr ssccsat ssc ecwerecutt 2.2.22... 75,075,335 ” 51, 069, 521 41, 636, 847 Piction..... 7.8 2 SEER Se eS en 24,317,643 39, 598, 501 46,942, 399 RG OR Vea ee wre Serres ie se ree reeset acne ne ec eee 6, 280, 483 2, 458, 912 2,923, 187 J oS eS See es een ene 24,434,912 16,399, 881 10, 184, 030 co oe Soa 2 Cee eee 2, 254, 861 1, 701, 602 1,496, 194 Medicine and hygiene....... DORE S808... at RE SR 13, 539, 464 2,337,312 1,519, 480 Bhiloggpeysey. 22 -lep pr 52+ =-})--------.------5--- 2. +--+ "538, 775 189, 996 265,077 EOetry and Guana. si. 2... =t UO, 00.3... 1 ek 2, 682) 568 1,926, 892 1,980, 824 Religion and theology (including Bibles) athe: Be same rele 36, 496, 230 24° (411, 5 502 23, 608, 230 Scientific and similar associations...............--.----- ui 1,149, 946 L 279,427 1, 258, 562 CS yy (82 a ee Se 15, 832,195 11, "032,385 7,799,590 pees otheee cee ee 10 tages Se Hepes, Sapipeeher eRe 49, 466, 404. 22? 760, 767 2, 747, 424 > HUE 5 ft ; ' ie} ‘ ; ) if . iy is 1108 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 61.—CHEMICALS—DETAILED ae OF PRODUCTS, BY GROUPS: 1919, 1914, ND 1909. (Ton, 2,000 pounds.) Group I.—AcIDs. TGLAESGA TOE re a Se re. ss sod eee Tntergunic delds,wallle... JF) Pec bh Soc cc bawsxeswwenye Arsenic and arsenious acids: Nar ber of éstablishimentsj33 922 Pos oS A a os 2 ewveneewcewte ‘otal production ;-pounds. 2. P2s ii. Fs . bs peetecews seen For sale— Made and consumed, pounds. -...........-..---.--- Borie (boracic) acid: Number of establishments. 2: 0bs00P 2a. 0. asec e een Carbonic acid (carbon dioxide CO?): Nit beMOresPa DSN MeNnts- 6c. cls boc cued ome ede eee Hydrochloric (muriatic) acid: Number of establishments ;cecrscs ccc dvccatéccesdees esee~ Total production; tons ss pssisesees s Mais) cease das adessa Ss For sale— PONS S32 i.d26chscesseeesacese Peds ooeeeawe de Sees Valueers foros cena cad eed. cecesdees ies Pera Made and’consiimed, tons. 2s... so. cack eeu econ ere Hy drofluoric acid: ‘ Number of establishments. ..................0-222--0--- Tocal Production, POUNAS..2 22 Ss Soe t geass bee For sale— Made and eonsumed, pounds..................-82-- Mixed acid (sulphuric-nitric): Nim ber or establishiments. 22 ....ske< eae nce we eeenane Total production, tons For sale— NP OMS) Fee en ain ew aie oa cc CESS eeu Value... 28252 et te tctccneectee ates bere eee Made-and consumed, tons... 55. Sis .. sks ete eaemens Nitric acid: Number of establishments Total production, tons For sale— PONS se ee err aheet ese oe de Seahorse. NV GlUG rss Lee ee er ae en eee aes Made and consumed, tons..-......2........0--2000- Phosphoric acid: Nil ber Oeste DUSAMENts. Sisko eos os ce oe seateemicaiee te Total production; poundssasoe ses lor he 2s Ss See ae For sale— a i Made and consumed, pounds... ..........0..222----- Sulphuric acid: Number of establishimenta? rrsser sass lessee ee Total production reduced to 50° Baumé, tons..........- For sale— i Made and:consumed, tons.\.. 2... 2225.22 22. see demure Production according to strength: For sale— 1Not reported separately. 1919 $86, 194, 195 $59, 875, 958 6 2, 622, 389 1, 076,000 $108, 233 1, 546, 389 6 13, 454, 100 $1, 754, 632 42 59, 771, 411 $6, 574, 250 40 221,749 150, 090 $4,312, 253 71, 659 6 5, 732, 198 4, 320, 017 $440, 184 1, 412) 181 42 114, 886 9 22, 109, 302 13, 379, 501 $1, 711, 148 8, 729, 801 216 5, 552, 581 3, 331, 362 $35, 932, 605 2) 221, 219 839, 780 $9, 543, 118 1914 $32, 837, 254 $25, 082, 873 *@ . 5 8, 584,311 $588, 981 38 50, 445, 779 $2) 320, 685 31 168, 584 85, 438 $1, 348, 805 83, 146 | d 9 7, 209, 248 5, 873, 657 $325, 540 1, 835, 591 37 112, 124 42,725 $2, 204) 480 69, 399 52 78, 589 14, 685 $1, 591; 625 63, 904 7 (?) 12, 420, 191 $680, 23 ® 194 4, 071, 566 2, 338, 284 $15, 395, 133 1; 733, 282 451, 121 $2, 709, 350 2 Figures not available. 1909 $26, 068, 617 Q) pep 6) ie 22100 87 5, 554, 914 $295,776 35 47, 953, 291 $2) 345,743 38 122, 367 101, 607 $1, 758, 335 20, 760 10 8, 027, 290 6, $42, 914 $294’ 379 1, 184; 376 14 (*) 28, 591 $1, 860, 787 (*) (?) $007, 505 (?) 183 2, 764, 455 1,479, 200 $10, 103, 425 ’ ? 528, 263 $3,176, 430 ET) aE * mem ‘ “= TEENA), AP Se SOS ates H! val a oe hale Shore TABrE 61.—CHEMICALS—DETAILED STATISTICS OF PRODUCTS CHEMICALS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS. AND 1909—Continued. (Ton, 2,000 pounds.) Group I.—Acips—Continued. Production according to strength—Continued. For sale—Continued. 60° B Spinhpric acid, reclaimed: _ Number of establishments ~~ Total production, tons aumé— For sale— Total production, pounds i or Value. .... , Made and consumed, tons. For sale— Acetic, glacial— Number, of establishments. :2.-.......000.02.000... Total production, pounds Value. Made and consumed, pounds lt i ee es CPR e eee wm Hee we se cbs ec eer ecco esecrcecesas a a i ee it ek i ed i Acetic anbydride— Number of establishments a i Total production, pounds. .<....-....22.022..0.302 Citric acid: Number of establishments Total production, pounds For sale— Value. Made and consumed, SALT Fs ie Se ene es ae For sale— Value. . Oleic acid: ee aie i Number of establislingents - ...). 0m ----.....----c- eee Total production, pounds For sale— Stearic acid: ' Number 0 Pounds... a en ed i a i a Values... 2...) muggy db . aici ALL wd Doe. Made and consumed, pounds...............2....... For sale— e Tannic acid; | e» Number of establishments :...2s.2.2....dec..2 22 cscuseee festablishments.........-2-.2s0i-é+-cccseceee _ Total production, pounds i ee a’ ee ee ee ee ee a a ee 1 Includes a large production under a long-term, low-priced contract. 3 Includes sulphur-trioxide, ‘‘ battery acid” and “electrolyte sulphuric,” 74,533 tons. 8 Figures not available. 4 Not reported separately. 1919 1 949, 371 1 $9, 498, 800 707, 303 $13, 521; 316 2 133,655 $3, 369, 371 1,910, 332 65 473, 555 95, 119 $803, 144 378, 436 $26, 318, 237 $4, 264, 044 13 42, 248, 803 33, 057, 776 $1, 359, 521 9,191, 027 ie 20, 131, 487 19, 244, 960 $2; 325, 927 886, 527 7 1,794, 985 1, 213, 861 $578, 596 581,124 6 3, 260, 482 3, 163, 676 $3, 047,371 96, 806 ? 4 $781, 828 15 44, 895, 453 44,350, 574 $6, 548, 564 544, 879 9 17, 048, 421 16, 969, 878 $3, 796, 439 78, 543 4 845, 065 $746, 825 1914 545, 562 $3, 754, 866 732, 186 $8, 042) 422 62, 354 $888, 495 1, 250, 112 249, 927 96, 280 15, 404 14 @) 136, 360 $518, 890 (°) $7, 754, 381 13 75, 303, 375 70, 617, 637 $1, 272, 294 4, 685, 738 3 2,729, 943 2, 657, 840 $1,516,336 72, 103 (3 ws) 7 23,187,579 21, 932, 736 $1) 301,353 1, 254) 843 10 14, 960, 109 14,351, 404 $1, 242) 492 608, 705 5 853, 830 $287, 142 1109 , BY GROUPS: 1919, 1914, 1909 177, 414 $1, 038, 358 453, 370 $5, 454, 002 28, 594 $434) 635 1,115, 018 11’ 970 99) 249 3,743 13 58, 000, 602 56,923,773 $1, 336, 874 1,076, 829 (3) 2, 102, 256 $777, 235 (3) (3) (3) (*) 16,377, 063 $845, 106 (*) 1 (*) 3) $1, 143, 213 (*) a 1110 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 61.—CHEMICALS—DETAILED STATISTICS. OF PRODUCTS, BY GROUPS: 1919, 1914, AND 1909—Continued. (Ton, 2,000 pounds.) 1919 1914 1909 Group I.—Acms—Continued. Tartaric acid: ; Number of establishments ..............2-2...2--.2-000- 4 pate Pounds, Vc Cocuswancs sok aa ea nr aRNeee eee ee 5, 312, 965 (1) (1) Veque ere Pee ras A ANGE oui deoeerorserrcere $4, 262, 376 ie acids: picige ‘ a ROTCO NIC Mae UD MRI Fat ay nea soe cab eee wesieee ates wits 108, 495 Debanic® | PACED cc BRR di brerercercercr: $2, 870,790 | - $2,134,764 |f 98, 220, 206 Group IIl.—AMMONIUM AND CYANOGEN COMPOUNDS. een © Total VAMOS SoG. oc fot hh PIe Gs se aerrety goo $23, 067, 553 $8,064,913 |. () Ammonia, anhydrous: 4 - Number of establishments. 2202026. .6 2006 beeseweereeeee. 38 14] nt 15 Fotal production, pounds, 2207s L yds. 6 26 ca poree eee eee 27, 957,000 “(% (1) For sale— coe ORS, TAG, SOO Se oc oc ok cena chee Gee 27, 530, 000 16, 659, 789 11,969, 846 VeRO 220 PTR can ee vce EIS LIES TRIS $7, 224, 473 $3,140,848 | $2, 544, 238 Made and consumed, pounds. ....... 2.2. 2.2..2.2 222 427,000 | “@) t (1) Ammonia, aqua: Number of establishments................ 000000000 27 (1) (1) Total production, pounds. 2.5 228. 6 cece eee eee 45, 467, 000 Q) (@) or sale— POUBOS ook es a Beet han veingih< cho kwhmnaaen wea 30, 918, 000 35, 544, 246 | 20,983, 476 AG SOS ae ier rt Pe eee ee $2, 241,321 $1,412,236 | =”: $839, 820 Made ‘and consumed, pounds... .. scpedo vedo 14, 549,000 Q) 48 CUS Ammonium chloride (sal ammoniac): aghag at Number of establishments. ,. cesehs.ancacesccecs 8 3 ih... POUINASIA ee eee 2 LER Be ance roca pr cncted ARG re 13, 212; 619 11, 511, 934 (@) Wali crest Seri. 1c a SD ae ohare $1, 565, 340 $641,040 |}. Ammonium sulphate: ® Number of establishments... 2.2. .6.5.. 2000.00 eee tees 16 Cy Q@) Total production, pounds).22e 5905 495... dae 33, 401, 000 Cy () For sale— ii ; PR HAS, cide sw cn eens su ateueseete 32, 873, 000 8, 846,616 |). (1) WV Ore oe chile Oe orien ne nw REPAIR ERR EE $1, 595, 447 $211, 314 Made and consumed, pounds.............22.2220. ue 528, 000 (4) ee Q) Ammonium bromide and iodide: wt i ~ Number of establishments. .......5......0----eee ee eee 4 Value..ic0. eae ta comnabanete BA WP e cdc REtLESE ESOT ES $160, 523 Ammonium fluoride: ; 1 ay. Number ofestatilishments. |. 24.5.5... 5c besisteeuecoe en 3 (*) 7 pe POULGSH DY gre pore ee ee wen ce acewc etek et eee tesees 340, 156 Vee ER SE eae OSA vine LARA AERR ERE $94, 276 Cyanogen compounds: - Ferro and ferri cyanides of sodium, potassium (Prussian blue) and calcium— _ : Number of establishiménts soi ioc. ce fateeesessceets 14 () (@) PeOUlMises.. bo tu c. bees sepcukmen sete. wen suesselee 4, 684, 611 / Ot ei eee a ate $1,467,665 ||” . er: Hydrocyanie (Prussic) acid, cyanides of copper gold, mercury, nickel, potassium, silver, sodium, an $2, 398, 674 $1, 941, 893 zine; cyanogen, chloride, dicyandiamine, thiocyanates . ofammonium, barium, and sodium, value............ $5, 647, 777 Otbh€r ammonium compounds: fnorganic—Ammonium alums, ammonium chrome alums; carbonate, hypophosphate , nitrate, persulfate, fa phosphate, sulfide, vanadate, and miscellaneous. -:--. $2, 759, 616 Organic.—Acetate, benzoate, dimethylamine, hexa- _. $260,801 |... @). methylenetetramine, oxalate, and valerate ......:.... $311,115 be & Pacts: 1 Figures not available. Includes for 1919, chlorosulphonic, chromic, hydrobromic, hydrofluosilicic, hypophosphorous, molyb- dic, silicic, sulphurous, tungstic, vanadic, etc., and for 1914, sulphurous, hypophosphorous, arsenic, and hydrofluosilicic. 8 Includes for 1919, butyric, caproic, carbolic, cresylic, formic, gallic, glycerophosphoric, hydrocyanic, monochloracetic, oxalic, phthalic anhydride, propionic, pyrogallic, thymic, valerianic, ete 4 Product of the chemical and manufactur ate so ed gasindustries. The production of anhydrous ammonia by the plata op coke ovens, asreported by the Geological Survey (mainly ammoniacal liquor and sul- p $5,692,950; 1914, 25,370,509 pounds, value, $2,300,137. d on pound basis of N H’) was as follows: 1919, 34 establishments, 51,646,764 pounds, value, » Product of the chemical, fertilizer, and manufactured gas industries.’ The production of ammonium sulphate by the by-product coke ovens, as reported by the Geological Survey, was as follows: 1919, 36 estab- lishments, 544,231,985 pounds; sales, 557,619,631 pounds, value, $21,075 or reduced to equivalent in sulphate, 170,763,906 pounds, value, $4,696,590. ,718; 1914, ammonium sulphate ee Sof a a ae ras CHEMICALS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS. D_ 1909—Continued. (Ton, 2,000 pounds.) si 1919 Group III.—Sopas, Soprum, AND COMPOUNDS. slats Met Ea Tan ob is «dos 5+ ebm oo on tans wa ws $99, 689, 828 Inorganic. Sodium: Borate Ass Number of establishments.,..................-.----- 8 es a oheceusacccvenc 29, 635 _ xe Value... .. MEPS on 2/2. 4. thee HOG. sas ack -- acces nt ess $4, 622, 286 -Bichromate— Number of establishments.....................-.--- ie Total prosuchian, 7 Fatah te RES Beh heater iy Seat 3 24,081 For sale— EME ae ce cs. ss we vee cece conced 22, 992 mn idee Eh GSS Meld dri dbase $5, 337, 389 Made and consumed, ‘tons RLS ty ep. ieoala bat tahoe ee Sen e a eea Raney $934, 643 Phosphate— DMiber Mesa blisniientsa os ee. 10 Total production, tons. -s.4.406-.-4--0).0-5-eenee ees 23, 867 Monobasic (4 establishments)... 4, 321 Dibasic (9 establishments).................. 9, 663 Tribasic (5 StebiShinents} ohn dois bape 9, 883 mou... 4s For sale— >i bead Mons stand .(aslorns beusleds ahrwesb.o: [22-35% Walil@siiueeur. alecesss tages susinctii.< $2, 438, 917 Made and consumed, tons. Sinope on PERRY SEE 1, 516 1 The totals for items reported for 1914, $32,626,335, and for 1909, $25,048,01 total for 1919. The total for 1909 includes $3 312, 117 of unclassified sodium pro 2 Figures not available. 3 Includes neutral chromate. ¢ Includes caustic liquor and soda lve. 1914 1 $32, 626, 335 7 26, 501 $2, 071, 774 4 (7) 11, 824 Holgate (?) 935, 305 $10, 937, 945 (?) 50 106, 591 $1, 510, 449 5) (*) 90, 169 $1, 439, 014 (7) Aya @) 291, 539, $9, 104 920 (?) 15,397 $853, 528 (?) 1111) TABLE BEBE PRICAT ER DETARDED SRA Tapes OF PRODUCTS, BY GROUPS: 1919, 1914, 1909 1 $25,048, 019 2 20, 154 $1, 756, 922 (?) 11 (?) 646, 057 $10, 362, 656 se \ 50 86, 644 $1, 156, 882 Yj (?) 82, 800 $1, 515, 045 (?) 17 (7) 131, 612 $5, 264, 887 (?) (7) (7) 12, 290 $540, 282 (?) are not comparable with ducts. 1112 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 61,—CHEMICALS—DETAILED STATISTICS OF PRODUCTS, BY GROUPS: 1919, 1914, AND 1909—Continued. (Ton, 2,000 pounds.) 1919 1914 1909 Group III.—Sopas, SopIUM, AND CompouNps—Con. Inorganic—Continued. Sodium—Continued. Silicate— Number of establishments... .........5..2.2.eeeeees 21 (@) 3 Total praduction,, tons) Gin. apse slewe nw Gotleecesotess 336, 093 190, 648 1 For sale— ; PONS. oo Steno ckbecteeee ie cat ge seek Tet eteee 286,791 169, 049 34,170 Velie. c: 2. WES SORA. 2 Fee Ue... $6, 052,318 $1, 648, 854 $366, 621 Made and.consumed, tons.......f2s222sittt2s: 49,302 21,599 Q) Sulphates— a Niter cake— Number ‘ol establishments... ......)...25222%502% 38 31 24 Total production, tons. 2.0 P. 2. sss ete ee tells 97, 836 | 46,143} (4) For sale— win ; ROMA) cb deh aoeiee «sane s Pepa ee oee exee 81,170 | _ 24,129 | ~~ ‘27, 546 VIO so. Sb Se osigig ge goedann f OURS Ieee $281, 476 $31, 580 | $53, 693 Made and consumed, tons...........0.e.22 16, 666 22, 014 / Salt cake— vt Number of establishments..............-.....-. 34 29 “eter Total production; tons...) .wi2-.. swe erica 179, 003 110, 263 ; YO For sale— ‘ TURE. 4. c 312, 872 () x For sale— : 2 sity Tons hae Si eee as oS cadatidasaeeet 312, 759 92, 500 7; (37 Valueie . etsiac. scx cnciesadces eepepeees $15, 665, 526 $1, 728, 566 $1,312,751 Made and consumed, tons..............-.-2.--- 113 7) () Other alums 2— OR Number of establishments=< sda cs ocean 4308) 12 | aaeenetere caro ints nteatt - Total production; teng@art...setg.. 004.55 5a0098s5ueers 15,337 sat loy For sale— AOS OC ONE EMEE Last, )o Nae. SPY Sate aM mre npea BF, 322 57,593 )...., 55,283 Weltle bic. Meee sss cous cates 52 eee $1, 020, 602 $1,519,435 | $1, 554, 285 Made and consumed, tons.........-....---.--- * wpydch (eo te () Aluminous abrasives: Number ofesteblishmentswg. ai, e8 - dence. ede esses 3 TONS ab Mere och seb eel, aa oe Rees ce ge eee 11,306 if Wa reer rs oie he ave 3 oh PE wn as tio Bod Es che ewe eee $2, 032, 588 , Aluminum chloride: Number ofestablishmentsicux sisis ine. - teen ees ec eeees-- 7 Total prememon, 10nS. 11... copuing <5 1 «Mies Senses eRee 4,411 For sale— \ PODS ERs oS RL tee hee Mt. ode co beaoeeagenone > 4, 265 ¥ Viale Sok See bade BONE «soso de sens ee eeae ene "$362, 445 Madéand consumed tGnS.. 5.2... de-censeeesceb eee y 146 Aluminum hydroxide and oxide, refined: 4 (1), (@) Nuntber of establishmentiguy: ay... ....den.0-ne-es shes 5 Total production, tons.i) sora. r2.4.....- 4-2 smsines enabe=s 6,375 For sale— et "RONSPRR GE: ns MED oe cieid cla de eh See okaa es Poundsest: sbi eeiser as sewitabes cicese ee sete 34, 392, 000 12,217,000 |{. VWealiticds wetAibtn ata: oss selieccas fees -st-- = $1, 425,917 $472, 836.1}. 4 Made and consumed, pounds...-...-..--.------ 56,749, 000 () ern rss. Hypochlorites (calcium and sodium)— ‘Atti: beaten stenotue Number-ofestablishiments...: ...-..+--.+---+-+ <.- ob heen 1k ee tee os eee en one sea ee < $569, 483 rereey, Hydrogen peroxide— : . oe en eintialr aa , Number of establishments: -..-..-. 2. j4243- ¢eae me 11 A cee ee POU 5 foc a ds «gt ee nee CE GROUP VI.—BLEACHING Compounps—Continued. Sulphur bleaches: Bisulphite of calcium, soda, potassium, etc., mmper of 6Stablishmients.= =.=... Sulphur dioxide— N ae EGRE AUIS ENOTNIS. 6d (8 pt ge Ell cde Ama SE CELLS OLNAF GUND RUP MeRCheS 5). te Soy --- cos oc sess iee Other bleaching compounds, not specified. ... \ Group VII.—COAL-TAR CHEMICALS, EERE EE GEIS EES | Ep ee ied he ah al Crudes: Flavors and perfumes: . Number of establishments. ..............0006-d0e-e.0-85 Synthetic phenolic resins: Numberofestablishments:. |. 2002.02... agape Grovur VIII.—PLastTics. MCLG Wan ates Ole. cece weet becachwuealeroses In form for further manufacture (rods, sheets, blocks, etc.): Pyroxylin (including products sold under trade names)— Number oLestablishments.. 2... ch. 2. 3k Made and consumed, pounds.................-- Collodion and liquid solutions of pyroxylin— Number of establishments...................-.--2-- Total production, pounds........................-.5 For sale— Made and consumed, pounds................... Rubber substitutes— Number of establishments. .................-..---5+ UEP CRIOEL; MOUNDS... oo oan abaccsesceccccere Finished articles of pyroxylin and rubber substitutes (made in : the producing establishment) and nitrocellulose, | get SRE 5 ge a OSS Cie Se eee FCS Other plastics, viscose, ete., including artificial silk, value. - 1 Figures not available. ‘ 2 Reported as ‘‘Coal-tar distillery products.’’ -® Not including establishments primarily . 1919 14 39, 225, 000 $961, 284 3 856, 000 $99, 896 $1, 073, 464 $612, 085 $133, 499, 742 56 $21, 148, 814 100 117, 470, 901 $28, 250, 517 106 66, 179, 250 $69, 318, 785 11 384, 181 $1, 189, 995 25 5, 724, 245 $8, 679, 277 13 861, 143 $2, 643, 698 6 3, 696, 757 $2; 268, 656 5 $77,477, 041 4 20, 752, 950 16, 743, 064 $20, 855, 988 4, 009, 886 10 19, 343, 463 17, 171, 313 $3, 810, 187 2, 172, 150 11 7, 755, 476 7,291,776 $1, 309, 644 463, 700 $9, 870, 395 $41, 630, 827 1914 14 26, 346, 000 $243, 559 (7) (1) $366, 143 a) 3 Coal-tar dyes and intermediates made largely from stock of foreign origin. 4 Reported as “Chemicals or medicinal preparations from coal-tar,’’ engaged in the manu exposed); viz., 18 establishments in 1919, with products valued at $72,152,797. $13, 492, 453 40 2 $8, 065, 156 1 312, 169, 635 $4, 652, 947 4 $774, 350 $13, 895, 784 (1) $5, 526, 740 $4, 590, 670 1909 15 31, 718, 000 $226, 154 (1) () $332, 187 $7, 969, 672 42 2 $4,057, 591 (1) 3 12, 658, 770 $3, 683, 553 4 $228, 528 $7, 472, 732 () facture of motion-picture films (not 1116 ABSTRACT, OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES,. __CHEMICALS—DETAILED STATISTICS OF PRODUCTS, BY GROUPS: 1919, 1914 SABLE Gt ‘AND. 1909—Continued. : Lu pian (Ton, 2,000 pounds.) an Group IX.—COMPRESSED ANL LIQUEFIED GASES. (Cubic feet at atmospheric pressure.) Acetylene: 2 Wiitn ber Ob espa DlSINMeCN tS) xs toques. - os abkacnecocnesesee Total production, cubic feet............-.------+-------- For sale— CUIDIC TEBE, oc < cic deat ARG <0 sock we sa se amtuwrere eye Walieit 2. cclegigeg seama wou as ob bao enue eneue ere Made and consumed, cubic feet.......-.......-.---- Ammonia, anhydrous (see Group I). ........-.---.-------- Carbonidioxide:(see Group 2) ss5q-eene-- 2 -- 2) 22 5205+ cee es Chlorine (see Group VIL) oo ees reece cee chenseesencsceves Hydrogen: Number ofestablishmentsin es. geo. cosas sbccceeccneesccsse Total production, CUBIC TeRt. oe be wee nc nee cnnce= For sale— Obie feats L DON. 6S awd chs pewewwercrenieeeet Value ise. o...... Bee Peet ISR. cLwoncnictncwowne Made and consumed, cubic feet......-...---..------ Nitrogen: Number of-establishmenttsiQye ibs dd. bowen weeee Cubic feet. ic... . TERS. - J Lec en npecie wenn WaAhiees's et ASW ae Sea oc cores o obineh eneremamemnn = Nitrous oxide (laughing gas): Number of establishments. 2... 2.20... 2222222 e eee ee eee Gallons .) WRB... tee ew gy Me Seen epeboetee ee Oxygen: Number of establishmentsi oi Sb... 2. hae cesewcens Cubic feetinn se. oe. ces Eh Poa eds. oan eek treater BilectProlytic..... =... 2). Oe BR) oO. oni. fnew tenet Othe ses 0d ea 08. 6 cenknninn omens WRG SOCIO ER Ue Se hole as tha we de se sw hopnendaae vidaniee Other gases.—(1) Sulphur trioxide; (2) blau gas, oil,and carbohydrogen; (3) argon; (4) sulphur dioxide; and (5) carbon monoxide, name in order of their value... GrouP X.—CHEMICALS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED. Torval VAG... -aecau AP aero OF ob a eros ence sans OTB AION SES AG Is a nik aso bien ab eweh ae eae ee Aleohols: & Amy taleohol— Nunvber ofestablishmentssssssro eek, os oye co dead cles Total production, gallons... .. 0... 255 noslasnnees gSeeer For sale— Made and consumed, gallons...-...........-..-- Glycerin (glycerol)— — Crude— Wimber of establishments... 2b... .ce0ece vende Valtiose siete rascescece basa Aekhecgsces Total production) poundasetcs Fas cessAcegesa ce For sale— Made and consumed, pounds....-......-.-- Other—Butyl, diacetone, limone and propy] alcohols, dextro citronellol, geraniol, guaiacol, iso-eugenol linalool, nerol, resorcinol, rhodinol, terpineol and some ethyl] alcohol ($126,299) and methyl alcohol ($5,763) produced by chemical establishments. ....... 1 Figures not available. TOTAL ValUG. 0. oe on can oak coe eae on ee eee $43, 263, 918 49 313, 558, 000 311, 390, 000 $7, 140, 757 2; 168, 000 $7, 224) 473 $6, 574, 250 $1, 425, 917 40 138, 177, 000 137, 082, 000 $851, 397 1, 095, 000 8 2, 162, 000 $45, 416 8 3 25, 740, 000 $515, 164 94 39 55 1,173, 414, 000 131, 477, 000 1, 043, 937, 000 $16, 577, 389 $2,909, 155 $156, 672, 155 "~"$72, 141, 542 5 241, 254 141, 535 99,719 91 21, 402, 735 $2? 961, 583 38, 350, 994 31 69, 464, 298 |, 67, 342, 822 $20, 724, 033 2° 121, 476 $10, 415, 325 40 (*) 121, 696, 000 $2, 317, 605 | $3, 140, $48 $2, 320, 685 ? ie 3 17, 838, 000 $213, 099 “51 (1) $1, 829, 446 $104,135 $52, 898, 172 $16,377,955. (8), 16, 568, 920 $2, 278, 976 | () _ Q) 60, 944, 799 | 59, 810,405 $10,779, 204 || 1, 134,394 (2, @) () $2, 544, 238 $2, 345, 743 (1) G y $177, 469 $59, 756 $48, 851, 270 $14, 039, 748 1) 79,677, 490 $11, 752, 580 (*) xO) 2 Not including acetylene distributed through mains by public service companies; in 1919, 37 establish- ta ments, 5,077,000 cubic feet, value $69,647; in 1914, 125 es 8 Equivalentsin cubic feet: 1919, 3,432,000; 1914, 2,378,400. 4 Quantity reported in pounds. 6 Notincluding (except as noted under “‘ other alcohols’) ethyl or grain alcohol, the product of distilleries; lishments nor methyl or wood alcohol, for which see ‘* Wood distillation.’’ 6 Figures not available; included with “Unclassified.”’ , 14,868,000 cubic feet, value $194,019. cin a | GHEMICALS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS. 1117 _ Tasie 61.—CHEMICALS—DETAILED STATISTICS OF PRODUCTS, BY GROUPS: 1919, 1914 AND 1909—Continued. : (Ton, 2,000 pounds.) Group X.—CHEMICALS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED—Con. ¢ Aldehydes: ; Formaidehyde— ¢ Number of establishments. ...........6...cccccceaes 6 3 3 : Total production, pounds........ 2... ......c.cecccee 25,006,815 |.....- wscdse cep Oe ce o or sale— ‘ UR eb L hah denn veniaccedecads suoendccs 19, 663, 753 8, 426, 247 3, 794, 486 i} ete ERE ER gan chu dno dhnsacsddeequee $3, 938, 322 $655, 174 $363, 717 + Made and consumed, pounds..............2.2. 5, 343, 062 (‘) (1) " Vanillin— . Number of establishments. ...............0..c0c0005 4 (i (1) sf et ee desnadaduactace 134, 687 120,619 Q) IE een dt Ae Ww. dsseassszeneses $1, 365, 941 $525, 219 (2) Other, including acetic, anistic, citral, and decyl alde- hydes, chloral hydrate, formaldehyde, hydrosulphite. helic-tropin and miscellaneous........................ $1, 794, 268 Carbon and hydrocarbon compounds— Carbon bisulphide— Number ofestablishments.........2522c.c20025 8 Total production, pounds-..........22222.26222: 15, 469, 567 For sale— (2) (2) Profids...UPAO ORG LCS ies isecseseeze: 11,607, 193 Sip gl pe gs eS LIER ESET CET TET TTT $640, 346 Made and consumed, pounds... .....-...... 3, 863, 374 ng Other acetylene, blau gas, oil gas, calcium carbide, Ms Silicon carbide, thymene, etc..........22252.2..055 $28, 362, 198 Esters: i . Fs - Amyl acetate— * Number of establishments...................-2..---. 8 (*) (2) + Total production, pounds.............22scieseeee55: Bo ae a eA A & For sale— * Paper ES. occa de ccSp teasers: 693, 383 1, 300, 052 1, 470, 568 S (Ao eS) | SPS errr ees ge eee oer $350, 573 $465, 664 $442, 771 * Made and consumed, pounds.....::....:.22225: 213,381 ; Ethyl acetate— ‘ 7 Number of establishments................2..--2-2-- 7 = Total production, pounds. ...............2.2222222: 5, 780, 549 ‘. For sale— 2s ‘ ¥ Pounds. SAO <2: Postecedareeteersstzs: 2,657,947 : PONT es. Sree seh scclinclecdsssetueseegces $340, O11 (2) (2) } Made and consumed, pounds. ...:......22.25:. 3, 122,602 a Other—Amyl and ethyl butyrate, amyl - valerate, butyl acetate, ethyl formate, etc...................-... $1, 007, 794 Ethers: ¥ Ethy! ether (sulphuric ether)— } _ Number of establishments... .....2-..22222: Sb at 10 i Total production, pounds............5....¢.--cee0-- 4, 875, 255 For sale— : i PUNO oo Se. - pes eee ceceesons 4,111, 755 2, 120, 082 1, 168, 631 B | PLIGe ee ree hoe oe eee Oe As ee Se $1, 103, 676 $278, 816 $190, 164 IN Made and consumed, pounds. -..............-.- 763, 500 : ake nitrate (nitrous ether)— : tii wer OF GsLaDlisMMeNts noses gree eTstte ssl tt 5 See eee eee re rs degrretreesess 43, 153 Oyo THh ewe 2) 3 Blip 6 yl SES SEOs Sree ee ce $30, 856 #. Other—Meéthyl ether, etc)... n-ne stsesessstete: $22, 570 7 Halogen compounds: (2) (2) 2 Carbon tetrachloride— ; ninwer or establishments 8" ose sescttstsrsttse 5 | ‘otal production, Poundss- 2. 62552525252056: 11, 908, 704 ‘ For sale— # errrsee ne net means sree eeesn ek ts sl elk 9, 811, 779 RS ey el tiGtes Smee OO) Men ia << 8 bade ye assy ssa sts $803, 648 ‘ Made and consumed, pounds. -...2:::.::s25.i2: 2, 096, 925 2 Chioroform— iy Number of establishments..-.........2222:522222205 6 (’) (*) € Bere oo ee ee eee iysisestaitsisap 7°77 ROTE PAL 1, 333, 954 1, 869, 685 3 Valieti-rciccccsccc cht took Ree geweteSsIetettt $516, 625° $295, 317 $477, 538 ___ Etbyl chloride— gears e Iu tinber-of establishments. ..-..2..2.522tt2s2sass38. abtkc aria, 4 RPO MINES Pog fe TRON EA ssrsiscssssss ‘248, 103 Bee ree V aliG tere One WL ts erstctrcstise $166, 235 Other—Chlor acetyl and ehtylene chloride, ethyl bro- (?) (?) mide, ethyl iodide, iodoform, monobrom benzene monobrom camphor, tetrachlorethane and thymol ee et nc cak cess oan aeeeecnpeousn $254, 248 1Tigures not available. 2 Figures not available; included with ‘‘ Unclassified.’”’ 1118 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 61,—CHEMICALS—DETAILED STATISTICS OF PRODUCTS, BY GROUPS: 1919, 1914, AND. 1909—Continued. (Ton, 2,000 pounds.) 1919 1914 1909 GRovuP X.—CHEMICALS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED—Con. Ketones: Acetone— 4 Number of establishments. ........---...-ceeeeeeees 4 & 8 Poun Bid. S SP a ae Se SR ca ae 6, 045, 914 10, 425, 817 7, 761, 696 Vel Bate eee as imi, Nae Sn ee eee eee $767, 042 , 099, $812, 978 Acetone oil— Number of establishments. ....-...-.....-.-----+--+ 3 Gallonge So eric suc Pe eee ee en ee 99, 692 WValuGaece <2 125 2h a eee ee Ret ere emer oan Re $127, 831 Methyl ethyl ketone (methyl acetone)— Number of establishments, .........2..-.-.-----+--- a Pounds: fe geass pps ge ore se ee eee 1, 158, 032 || — ee eA DR SUES EL SE Le LCL et Ee TBE $167, 734 (@) QQ). Other—Violet ketone and miscellaneous. ..-....2...- i $97, 351 Other specified organic chemicals; amines, various coal- tar products, alcogas, refined camphor, oleo resin, ossein, thymol, and sulphonalic::t) piso ccc t ee ee eet oe bers $1, 409, 158 Other unclassified organic chemicals...............-.------- $4, 138, 359 TROTQORIC..--o ans oo 2c hb dee RU el cin e dennacecex vanes $84, 530,613 | $36,520,217 | $34, 811, 522 Antimony: Chloride— Number of establishments. s3s. 5.0...5.0-csceccecces i POTN Bie ee er PL RA eke nee ne ees ee 103, 466 Valnedieroitcetc cs, (SP eh aie eee pe eee eee $15, 554 Sulphide— Number of establishments. so. ..-.-.gececcscccscees 5 URE 1070 bs SY at RI a ag Sy RIS AN ae iy ae fd 2, 983, 378 Wale staat ayer t cso S oh aie See 4 oe cA ice oe ieee $808, 433 .. a0 Other—Oxide, oxychloride, potassium, antimonyl tar- UTALC sce ie seks LST. eh ee EN TA eae re ceeee $366, 040 Arsenic: Arsenate of caleium— Number of establishments. .52.......2.......-0-020- 5 POURGS ss" bo Le ee | oe eee ee ee ie. 191, 368 V Gls Bic set ee has Ce ae DOA ee ee ee oe $248, 439 Arsenate of lead Number of establishments. \s.2. 4.-.-242202. 2.062622: 12 u ‘Total production, pounds. 22. oe ee 11, 524, 278 8, 847, 656 or sale— ; : P GUNS: Pee ee ee Socirn: cate ten seo ee 11, 465, 788 8, 641, 856 Values ccsscoe eet sete eee ese $2, 090, 341 $011, 688 Made and consumed, pounds..................- 48, 487 205, 800 Other—Arsenous and arseni¢e acid, arsenical salts of (@) copper, magnesium, sodium, and zinc, etc., some metal; and sulphide. -'5.¢ aes aus geen ee dase ecacect tees $1, 150, 567 $134, 294 Barium: Carbonate— ; Number of establishments. ...............22..-.2008 4 Poumds::6 F253 ees 2 eee weet 12, 906, 705 Waltigsess- Paste ts <2. $b Maer eibe wake ss dennendonesecay $359, 465 Chloride— Number ofestablishments............2..022 2.220008 9 Total prouwmtroie:. teen. ceccee as o-s te caaee eee 8, 743, 098 or sale— ' PoundsiOF ose i asec bin gant an vas seks 5, 811, 579 Wahie. 2y). SATAN Gas ah. Yaree. SST $229, 544 (1) Made and consumed, pounds.................-. 2,931, 519 Nitrate— Number of establishments. ..............20022c cence 4 Total productions. (oct ae nak ce et hadocwece cueceses 2,025, 185 or sale— POUTIRSEOOOE cc b terwara date wraldeld teeitor'e seek Ss 903, 377 VQdu@ie Pei cc b cry cit downey donee eeecae eee $85, 319 Made and consumed, pounds............. Sey ate 1,121, 808 Sulphate (blanc fixe)— , Number of establishments... .............-2222000-- 10 Lin bitnesest » ukia nls POUNGB 28525, Kee eye gate F Reogaccees oaacs 13, 635, 789 18, 278, 000 8, 152,000 Walaeitias 2. sieGScnk AL dele BU EEE NS $256, 100 $257, 415 986 1 Figures not available; included with ‘“Unclassified.’’ ~_e Group X.—CuEMicats, NoT ELSEWHERE SPEcIFIED—Con. Baritum—Continued. Sulphi hide— Weer Of establishinents. :..:.2:::2ssacdasasadsaas otal production, pouridg........... or sale— POUNG@S.: 3.24... ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee 2 ey pe Ani SNe eae PPR Ree ee Oe pee Made and consumed, pounds heey BEE ETE Other—Barium chlorate, dioxide, fluoride, phosphate, thiocyanate, dtc. ......... ee ee ee ee ee ee ee es eeeaaad Bismuth: ier . phetred oetsblishinants.7% Bas sGedeatsessbanesse] ee ee ee wa a9 a=,” Ge a a Made and corstitied, Pounds: eigetesapreyscdie Other—nitrate, oxide, subgal ate; etc.; and metal.::..:. ae ene aig Wumbet Gtestablishiments......2....-csudscse ee ourids : Sy ae? sa Ni a OO Opa amalgam tee tebdei dabte Other—ammonium, calcium, potassium, and sodiiiffi bromides and bromates/ organic bromides, etc. (see the respective groups). Other—. jscellaneous Ve raha pepe bee priate pik tb San Calcium: Acetate— Number of establishments...............-...-00- ie APUMSMICNTIAC IMT CONS. - 2 scat scala. sc cclessacces For sale— <9 ’ aa alin . Made and consumed, tons. .................c00. Chloride— x umber of establishments jak. ......)....0.s22e eee e Other--Calckatn oulphite bromide, carbonate, hypo- chlorite, sulphide and sulphate, etc., $5,172,241, car- bide, citrate, ferrocyanide, partake lacto-phosphate, sulphocarbo ate, etc., $10,436,9 ‘Cerium compounds—Carbonate, chloride, dioxide, fluoride, MRRP ORAIDLO, OLE ooo po ori GIs AA == -deseeserecensece Chromium sulphate and chromium compounds, not else- (ewhere specified (see Group V)s. iu.si. eee eee ee ee eee Cobalt, salts and eyerepends. 5 MEADS 8 855s wep es eee’ Copper: Carbonate— Number of establishments eS Se ee Swings PEGS MHL GEL ARE DE GhoSee ns ateidetae cesta ecteee Sul bets ‘ithe vitriol)— umber ofestablishments. ..)...........-...----++- 0. J Chloride— “Number ofestablishments/...... 0.22.50. 50...5 00028 ROS V OU SOUS ctor cies ier estapeerees ebb atc ON a ee ee PIGEIN Ar Other Zork salts and compounds............---+2---+e2+ e, resublimed and minor iodides: Pramiver OL OLB OUSNINONtS. .. 5... ..- 22.52. e eee w cece A oe AM san ERA Ped vece tea oaks sive. paca 0 ae a A i i 2 7 21, 908, 754 5, 084, 931 $106,317 16, 823; 823 _ $646, 758 itech 283, 286 279,786 sul, 487 3,500 $424' 015 5 211,555 $92, 047 $1, 425, 684 86 84, 478 76, 955 $2, 682, 232 7, 523 15 74, 699 $1, 043, 301 ¥4 44,270, 166 $4, 727, 364 $15, 609, 157 $132, 283 $610, 933 $217, 689 5 327, 949 $92, 230 14 35, 287, 881 $3, 164, 611 $575, 537 4 7, 229 $76, 152 $66, 917 7 10, 731 $438, 002 CHEMICALS AND: ALLIED PRODUCTS. (1) $103, 204 (*) 78 83, 542 81,761 $2, 138, 909 1,781 7 44,753 $342, 271 | 24,192,974 $1 298, 566 @) 14 37, 152, 351 $1, 598, 944 $14, 383 1 Figures not available; included with ‘‘Unclassified.”’ 1119 we 61.—CHEMICALS—DETAILED STATISTICS OF PRODUCTS, BY GROUPS: 1919, 1914, AND i (Ton, 2,000 pounds) (') 70, 739 $2, 118, 443 (") $1, 531, 574 (1) Se ee ee i 1120 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFAOTURES. TABLE 61.—CHEMICALS—DETAILED STATISTICS OF PRODUCTS, BY GROUPS: 1919, 1914, AND. 1909—Continued. (Ton, 2,000 pounds.) Group X.—CHEMICALS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED—Con. ron: : Chloride, crystals (ferric)— Number of establishments... ........sssscsecscsssase 7 POUTGS2 <6. 24 oe occa a gh RE VOR le eadescccasdaase 917, 849 VO ils os ee sheen besa asa cega dee tduaees noenaeesee $71, 572 14 Chloride, liquor (ferric)— @): Number of establishments. ...........-..-+---- eeens 9 POUUASis ss 3 dv sos oe APONTE ak desanaigcndspesies 977, 133 Wala occ cscqoostcchcsss choses ++ seu MRS $64, 859 (1) Oxide— Number of establishments. .........-...2200--20000- 6 6 TONS) cdossdscesusydapbastwerveses Goicaveutavessys 36,417 _ () Valiteiscisk oss SF Aawag aso. sch ae ee abeeneebasee $574, 970 $105, 682 Sulphate (copperas)— Pay Number of establishments. .........-...-200--2eeee 32 129) Tonstt SLSR OER ee ee, SSSI. RSL 3 59, 383 46, 239 412,819 Valeo 22kh Sg RGR Set ARS SE SPs} $993, 939 $352, 772 $78, 467 Other iron compounds— 8 eq! Inorganic—Ferroalloys, other than _ blast-furnace products, iron-by-hydrogen, chloride (ferrous) ni- trate, sulphide, vanadate, etc.......-....--..-..-- $9, 274, 214 Organic.—Acetate, iron ferrocyanide, oxalate, $3, 592, 793 valerate: 3.3... sap SR RE. oa ceeded euasapes sada $661, 975 iy Lead: Acetate— Number of establishments. ...........005 2.00. 20. 9 Total production, poOuUNdsS.c. 6. ..ssesdsccasssevsccebe 5, 131, 133 For sale— e: Pounds) J hOk. seta sceccvedhecasaqctusedys 4, 183, 621 7,290, 936 Nalne.: iit Aach ied) eee date ae $552; 435 $474) 430 Made and consumed, pounds. .......s..seseeees 947, 512 ee ley Arsenate (see arsenic)— ' cyl Other lead salts: .....casch cas sae sivsdasMpasesabeendadte $335, 906 tai Lithium salts—Bromide, carbonate, chloride, etc........... $502, 542 Magnesium: ms (@) Carbonate (precipitated)— Number of establishments. .......---...e-26s-s0000- 4 POUNGS! 528524 cesest SA S2e5 dss ceedclssabes caves ras 544, 022 Wahieiee: .t?...00.. R ee . ewccssassasaeds $70, 512 Chloride— - ; Number of establishments. ............-...-+----0-- 7 (1) PONE sco oad aha ticlns phone sdgaseeraneotente 26, 282, 436 1G odes Value: fit ab tt os ep POL 0s 5. cseeesseecasceans $445, 087 Oxide— , Number of establishments.........-..50.s..020008. 6 Pound s.208 ule RE. SOS. ACTIN ee 9, 031, 650 Valuel ifr. PE ee Cd, ROP $1, 176, 858 Sulphate (Epsom salts): mig Number of establishments............2ts.00... Jue 20. |" EQ FITO9 10 Total production, poUndS.ckeI% .- 25. ssc sccsscccecs 59, 067, 335 |....+-..- U2 sRAERA SET Le or sale— Ye SAFi83 Pounds... fb Seles ses cc dvewseesecsecess 58, 696, 632 29, 265,115 | > 121, 621, 297 NY abulddsc1s2t Kee pass stu obertaducdeety $1,497,077 |» $296,999 | $189, 791 Made and consumed, pounds. ..........-...---. 370, 703 (2) 0 / Other magnesium salts, metal, and alloys.......-..----- $376, 843 (@) tt re! Manganese: Borate— Dheeer Hak SEPP RP EELS PTET TT rere Terr tae 1a on : f OM GUTS Oe ROO MN oes s dediverseeneest Bist Wales fob seeb 36. - ob Ee MIO ess casdacinsass $27, 996 RM asp LE: @) Other manganese salts and compounds 5. .:...:.2:5:+..+ $71, 399 - 1 Figures not available; included with “Unclassified.” 2 Figures not available. ott). Ky sulphate produced by chemical plants 12,898 tons; by rolling mills, 9,738 tons; and by wire mills, 47 tons. QER>, peorurO 4 Includes 5,845 tons of iron sulphate made and consumed. V 5 Not including ferroalloys, -/ CHEMICALS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS. 1121 TABLE. 61. CHEMICALS DETAILED STATISTICS OF PRODUCTS, BY GROUPS: 1919, 1914, ND 1909—Continued. (Ton, 2,000 pounds.) 1 Figures not available. _ # Figures not available; included with ‘‘ Unclassified.” 8 Notincluding ferroalloys. 75108°—23——71 wou! 1919 1914 1909 _ GRouP X.—CHEMICALS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED—Con., Mercury: Chloride, mercuric (corrosive sublimate)— Number of establishments. ...... 2-26. .4c.eccenceee 4 1) Total production, pounds.s ste... onesie ccc e eee eee 447, 080 {3 For sale— DE OPO LEH iain’ 29 dias stanly b pwla'c canna 437,015 |) PRIME esd: FAB E bo Sun vegas cde eheoudece $648, 774 Made and consumed, pounds. .............-.--- 10, 065 Chloride, mercurous ( calomel) % Number of establis sit Seok @ used ieeenre Ae teens 3 605, 701 RE es ek es ate 256, 388 $518, 023 ee ii oh MOM ORE of oc howe hdeds ance $414) 388 Other mercury compounds—Cyanide, oxide, and mis- fie pcellaneous preparations |) wis 40 hh... eek eee ee $711, 856 (2) Nickel scompounds—Carbonate, cyanide,formate, hydrate, nitrate, sulphate, black salts, and miscellaneous.........- $641, 645 $157, 149 Phosphorus, metal, chloride, sesquisulphide, and miscel- | SiC? SO) ya D sibadeoneanee $910, 591, Radium salts: mumberiofesta blishments! .. 2... ssc i njee cence elsces 7 SEI Deeds io s5) Diy Mie So. clin sa atuadawanse 27,627 (2) TAMIR U Se .. ie cae eA RINS SROR «oo. ocivn sasaadad anes $2, 985, 777 Silver: Nitrate— Number of establishments. .............3.e:see8- 0 7 ish oe GURTROORA OWED ois a hao oe se ned aacne 3, 055, 903 ‘or sale— DUE giae {)<. osdss 2-05: 204 bablogus-< 3, 017,889 hs 846; a 2, 030, 399 ES ERE RATE irre e oie $2) 184) 051 $ $727, 428 ) | Made and. consumed,‘ounces -.................. 38, 014 Other silver salts and compounds—Chloride, collargol, eyanide, nucleinate, oxide, proteinate, and miscel- " I iia oo =a wid woo os inn ors aiwis Shp geile ew essaen $257, 722 Strontium salts—Bromide, carbonate, chloride, iodide, ar (2) (?) lactate, sg salicylate, sulphate, etc..../.... sa aie este oe $319, 373 Sulphur: »» Refined— _ Number of deta blichments REET? Re Sie ay an 9 1) (4) “ge EEOC eth Casi adiwt ne acl isu-eantccae elo ee 52, 099 31, 166 25, 269 POON MRI IO L. CRORUO NRCS cuties eeu LB) OF. desk aula : $2, 712, 944 $1, 141) 100 $891) 501 Chloride (red and yellow)— Number of establishments. .............. $5 as0desel 8 Ciba ArOGUcrlert, POUNGS.- wo. soc ecccecsseeees 4,648, 066 For sale— RE ice We ee git eb aisle a Satie ape a's 2,353, 807 MAE Nes NES as pkindice de tot Wate ceble wn Ke $124, 088 Made and consumed, pounds............-.....- 2, 294, 259 Seiimer SUN OOUIDOUNGS. .. 02-0. sean nese e eee ce ences $15, 926 (*) (2) i Thorium compounds—nitrate, oxide....................---- $664, 843 Chloride, stannous (crystals)— Number of establishments..............2---eeeeeee- 4 0 OE A I ale ane ene a EE phn 587, 963 EM oy ac oe ai el dec cncscdsueceeedbe $251, 848 Chloride, stannic (tetra and bi-)— Number of establishments.............22.-20-2----- 4 CUED Ss 1 G8 Sa Sa i ace A a 8, 411, 453 (Ty SE ISS aa aS inc es a $2, 735, 392 8, 291, 239 10, 293, 377 Oxide— $2, 028, 511 $1, 535, 350 Number of establishments. ..................-.--..- 4 Rae Os ee 1, 352, 345 I ENTER ee ee a ee $899, 525 ‘Titanium compounds—sodium sulphate, potassium oxalate, es oe kia ceo pica ne tbe mae ese bees an $98, 188 Uranium compounds—acetate, sodium acetate, chloride, () () nitrate, nitrite, sodium, uranate, re ea . $6, 233 % ‘Vanadium and compounds 3 SES i BE SA $698, 678 1122 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS——MANUFACTURES. TABLE a asa aliocrcleiaaaame STATISTICS OF PRODUCTS, BY GROUPS: 1919, 1914, -1909—Continued. (Ton; 2,000 pounds.) eee ca EEE NEES Sadan Grour X.—CHEMICALS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED—Con. Zinc: Carbonat o— Number of establishments. ...........2-.-<-. rescore Chloride— ee ee ee Oxide 1— Number of establishments. ...........2ssseses-2000 Total production, pounds. ....02......5.65-545++4665 For sale—. Pounds. .. ea ho ee escopecgeces NT ALUIC: dati beac ino pie ee oc so oe AEE ees ee Sulphate— Number of establishments. ./.........- ab bp ope ple Total production, pounds.......-....- Bat ote i hateatereds Valtieucc...- Uh.kA VR ab cles cabaaaes Made and consumed, pounds. ...........--.---- Other zinc compounds—Arsenite, borate, cyanide, nitrate, resinate, stearate, sulphocarbolate, valerate, Other rare earth compounds, not elsewhere specified— Berryllium nitrate, neodymium chloride, zerconium ORINOCO, ClCLy Shon 2 sn-o- ne en dg hoe Soe ssn keer ee cea ng Other rare metals, not elsewhere specified—Molybdenum, silicon, tungsten. ...--...---+--eee- sc cce eee sees eee e nee ene Unclassified. Crude, commercial, and fine chemicals not separately re- POrted.. gabe =~ ae Gada bes ap adinvie-asere-namece sn cnennencs 4 91, 683 $16, 645 19 74, 089, 063 $4) 349, 096 | 5 6, 185, 602 4, 299, 602 $374, 188 ie 886, 000 12 12, 941, 730 7, 325, 544 $267, 001 5, 616, 186 $442, 780 $42, 171 $1, 806, 978 $4,699, 195 | 40,786, 886 $1, 130, 959 $19, 184, 408 r 054, 213 mss 302 $26, 748, 736 PRE Tae Ue UO a Tn apt aP vntens bone eimneamom nets UbMinhseieas <0 Sem a nny tS 1 Notincluding zine oxide reported in the paint industry, 139,661 tons, value $24, 082, 299. sy ae aan from all sources, 142,753 net tons. 2 Figures not available; included with “Unelassified.”” jad C7igs BIAS Made and consumed, pounds..........----------e-ee ee eee eee ee 21, 795 Strychnine— (2). Pounds... -c0ecdes sohewaWaas Tate deag gh oes rnerndte tse eee 26 ,029 Wala! oi. cco 20a ee ween etn bonita ease beanies Maree ese $986, 702 Other alkaloids and alkaloids not itemized— Pounds ee Sek et Ns ered ia wid ioe tecye at otal above ata ec ner 121, 127 Valietes csi: 2 ae Seo crates oon eel anes la $1, 408, 363 Synthetic preparations, including coal-tar medicinals..........-.-.--.-- $8, 899, 533 $1, 384, 996. Biological products (serums, vaccines, toxins, etc.).....----------+-+--- $15, 876, 358 $6, 223, 475 Other druggists’ preparations (not patent or proprietary): . Tinctures, fluid extracts, medicinalsirups, and other liquid prepara- tions, not otherwise accounted for ....---..------+-2--+++-++r000- $38, 679, 454 $13, 900, 402 Pills, tablets, powders, etc., not otherwise accounted for........-.-- $37, 803, 903 $10,903,056 — Pharmaceutical metals and their salts........--.---++--+-+--++--++- $420, 952 $732, 307 Patent and proprietary medicines: : For sale in unbroken unit packages to the general public. ........-- $132, 978, 871 $83. 455, 264 : Ethical pharmaceutical specialties.......-.:.---+-------++-+--+++++- $29, 494, 936 ara Patent and proprietary compounds. ......---.-------+-------+++--e2- +e $46, 351, 234 $16,514,352 Perfumery, cosmetics, and toilet preparations!......-.---------+------- $69, 449, 056 $19,160,407 — Flavoring essences and extracts. ......0.--.eeee eee eee reece ence eee reese $5, 222, 192 $8,241,318 All other products. {00 cess.S gn pseacees ods one eerie sess Eva Leeaaaene $17,628, 633 i e _ 1 Not including perfumery and cosmetics manufactured by the soap industry to the value of $12,635,206 — in 1919 and $6,804,508in 1914, 4 3 Figures not available, CHEMICALS AND ALLIED (PRODUCTS. 1125 TABLE 64.—NATURAL DYESTUFFS AND‘ EXITRACTS: 1919, 1914, AND 1909. [Not including tanning extracts made and consumed in establishment producing.] i Wi 1919 1914 — 1909 Nu er of ecta ret ments te Nhe RESIS SONIA Tee ahha, 2 PATBHEL 133 124 . e classified ind ustry—Dyestutis and extracts—natural . 144, 112 107 fi Other industries 2 page japan LE ESELE GS Pe ee 82 21 17 ex 4) PRODUCTS. Aare a ee ae ~ Total Waltte sag. 0... cig sate ----olececiccoccc.cc[ $86; 905, 553° | “1 $21,382,689 "| -¥ $16, 788, 676 _ The classified indastryDypet and extracts—natural $53, 744, 283 $20, 620, 336 $15, 954,574 _ Subsidiary 5 products from other'industries. .............-[2 $3, 161, 27 _ $762,353 $834, 102 Daeg co SAINTE] Natural dyestuffs: ......-..4 bis alts POLIS Uhh Ayes eee $4, 699, 111 $1, 862, 162°)" $Y, ag 694 . Dyewood extracts— ‘ isa ’ sini iad Logwood— . Number of establishments........-.......-- 10 9 6 ; PNM ag. ols ih, 6 bis AD Crp a Sij-tigets--+------ B2°751, Tor 28, 989, 962 ° 22,317, 248 r ar ID he Slats Silat ee Beis ie nara) x oa'a ae ee $3, 292, 512 St, 311, 966 $991, 974 ustic— ’ | Number of establishments oR > sechinpntoperane rupert 2 5} ito og ake Y 8 ORE, aE eee Serer ee 2 3, 844, 390 4, 509, 943 "| (2) BC Oke Qt } ev elie a ee oP RI SIE So a @ o oinins onieinin ss wie $355, 029 Reged ra (2) uae maneity n— : 5 . Fe, _Number of establishments... //22.2-...-.-. . 6" 4 Q on aepahge Poway ARBRE agape epee iat 6, 745; 979 3,844,882 PO a 2 te RS YE ees ee $303, 472 $112, 945 |, ~() , Other eaten Neg aaometias ood, cutch; ae ete.—. an : } sounds yy A OPS niet bbe yeieetts 2; 078; 287 3, 434,150 | * (2) Se Wet Ori Mier. | nee wu ---.--4- 22-2. --- eno |. $812; 924 $90,934} (2) All Rss dyewoods ground or chipped ‘and age agi StulisaiOted yew 000S cay tat... wee see eee $435, 174 $123, 513 $143, 720 me g materials (Cg Berta bir SARA. pce te 3.2908 99 ca $32, 616, 231 ‘$7, 898,672’ | 7. 323, 971 xtracts: War Oak and chestnut— : Be Number of establishments. .......-2-.52-.-2-.-- ~** 34 sree Oe +) an Fre. VOUS 4. oe... -. site fet arm -- 4 -- BA SS ea ‘507, 905, 777 328, 197, 524 266, 529, 514 vont Oh a oS ys, 5 ee agp ee, gta tee Fayre Sonedectet te bapa $18, 663; 125, o, 130, 042 $f, 3217 687 OER. » Hemlock— ; : ‘ . Number of eStablishments:......:2222:22225502: sabe Sg Ferre 3 SE eR REMEP ET ho cE eee ot nice dea comes ais © = 97 19, 705,590: {io 18, 978, 013 12, 388, 078 ENG, CeL USE. V anid Sit. SOP... BARRE SQGT Tee es $879, 366 $340, 402 $280, 487 Ss 2 pum Number of establishments. Bc. cane ey Roaa tens a 5 3 A) | uo Pounds fet... SOR SG aN PER apis alleles poh 4, 507, 433. 4, 512, 361 28, 148, 790 BOS wee SOE Valitse. 60 .2 "WRG FORE OB Te are ae | $253, 088 $129, 631 wg07, 456 e ~ Other tanning axttagcs: “cinpbractio} spruce, gam- tera . bier, chrome tanning, myrobalans, wetichac ta and a gallnuts in order as to value=< USE Sie Poun ec OSE SOS. DAS 2 ghee Nalin hs pata aie ea 170, 846, 336 109, 597, 041 Maieccss.<..-. 8 eae ar ed ee Gia aL $8, 059, 912 $2, 944, 906 $2, 614, 391 | Other tanning materials.> 2 2 ae eee $4, 760, 740.4: $353, 691 |} Mordants: ren Oi ; .Tannic acid— * ony : ig! ee a as DEGRS = Secs Se ei eee 665, 772 760, 100 : ENE © - ee Be RE eg aa pee $528,463, $234,630 $598, 516 Other mordants...... 2.2. 45.... 2220-22 s cece cece ee eer ene $690, 178 $157, 791 pasistants: ! yo ae Turkeyredoll— 0 RMR i SR os cia dai Seis oe =e . Subthoath bah vig Soarg | 2, 477, 874 11, 6si, 884 1, 814, “ pValue. caret i. et EWES mss SEC wk wale sie 6 oath $319, 050 $820, 491 $108, 292 Other assistants... ....... ere tg hfs Ie atads SAR sald ad © 526, 246 $716, 510 (2) “> Dextrins— Pounds.. vee Lop else oly sehelee A hye cet alee, bape eee a eran ara 49) 398, 560 18, 913; 64151) optics Wales Saisie oci--s- 52 SR RS Re SRR ie rey | $3, 791,372 * $705,084 16. 148, 431 pyle: otber than rosin— © ie, a $610, 999 WU0 sPoundsAl Wot 24... 1 Doe (BL Gb: SS ee ‘8, 680,048 3, 832, 182 ag: eee PL Oe oc on wie Bee aclacew ness ie $634, 595 $205, 282, 00s. Si ound sie) 020.0... . |. $00..065- OTC tas RO 37, 055, 943 20, a 148 }),, Bhi Waltial Cot vias... 22-1 POT. DO Se... i epee e enon ct $2, 888, 600 | | 3) 218 . $1, 835, 046 Other RB gota eaten cnbncscntnn ce ncied ORL MN - $4, 264, 074.) $1, raat All other i BERG CES 4 ieee SERA eee PB Tiss $3) oi, 3088 86, 680, 5721. $35 76, 158 in 1909 a Figures not ehvedlabie, e 1 Paduides abtificial dyestutfis, and mineral colors or dyes to, the bois of a 252,693 in 1914 and $3,6 683,553 1126 ABSTRACT | OF) \ THE! CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. .| TABLE 65.—EX PLOSIVES: 1919, 1914, AN D 1909. | (Ton, 2,000 pounds.) bho 1919 1914 |} 1909... Nimmber:-of establishments.) ocelot eae eee 118 111 86 Number of plants represented <= =<. 2ss2222rclosseeee reese 122 116 124 MATERIALS. a tr gpre dd Moi Total cost 2.g000 scrRR Las ca. a hdoiadan onion $45,911,049 | $25,626,539 | Sulphur or brimstone: ; rcs eae i CUTE i Sei ane ee Rens aca teste Sees ok civics daabegees 25, 797 15, 832 17, 389 A 2) a Rm ON an SET ol din ed ahi $659, 219 $372, 768 | $367, 866 Pyrites: . " at a Tone Soe R BOSE. tee: MOR Lar ee sk hee ees ee ee 6, 812 . 5, 885 36, 544 we sage SN SORTER Sia ace tees ee eee ae S eee $46, 147 $139" 496 "$183, 509 itrate of soda a ONS Foceestoy eee MG de peers deed sees sreeess 174, 742 190,960 |: 188, 889 Cost ds eehekinth oe CORR a deer ale ube ed enigeees ee $13, 154) 333 $8, 979, 877" ~*$7, 892, 336 Glycerin the aang Se iwok CWEe yale yee od cee PC oI ER Rite or ia “11, 535 14, 501 (4) ai Cos Beaks eat eat ee En tL $5, 755, 319 $5, 439, 405 (1) uric aci ‘Consumption, tons gee cate eed G LM ue as Sue 2 105, 256 83,605 | 65, 056 urchased— m 7 TOR ia. ts bem eameied soe coh coc arenas 62, 069 -~ ~ $2,398 22, 501 RPONE Une ant etaie dt bh Cove tan pth acl ce oe arreeee $976, 295 $723, 795 $406, 204 Produced in works where consumed, tons........... 43° 187 31, 207 é 42, 555 Recovered and used, tons: + EST AE RE SiS he pny te 41 Uo levees capesedeehiss ewer sae sone Nitric acid: . mi al Consumption, tons ain thd: aban e koe doe a paid Speke 47, 112 51, 460 35, 280 urchased— TOTS pedi ek ors «st tai Ce ine ae ss ct 1, 537 4,347 3, 796 COBGcw> vate. -- 2s 2 P= ERB eee oc oe chro cecstetice ieee $200, 267 $476, 404 $541, 314 ean yo sama in works where consumed, tons..-....--.-- 45, 575 47, 113 31, 484 ixed aci ’ Yopsgmiptonetpns PED BPH yt RPO LIEN he ty hu Ne pies nol os 77, 982 88, 653 Ly Ay Re urchased— i Semen ease» ye wer | yet 92888 RRs worn int oo vk teks sue cee 2 ate $1, 567, 69 $ 1 Produced in works where.consumed, tons....:.:-.: & “61 *345 OG OCET eis a yin Ae: Add Ober amaterlals, cost. ..1 oe Soar see cc dese cece corer: tae $23, 551, 778 $8, 447, 422°| $11, 907, 693 Nitrate of ammonia produced in works where consumed, | - een fie POUMAS E.G aae te wees nce oo stews a eae cas nanan Coneekts ot 43, 254, 887 29, 891, 837 | 10, 904, 319 PRODUCTS ; ait el Botal yao eee ks ch PRA OM So seit 3 $92,474,813. $41,432,970) - ee. 139,661 Explosives, total: alict Poundsi thea) s cca, AN ees Sze 4S coos enc ke ares 554, 163, 405 481, 752,040.|° 487,481, 152 > WV alee Sey Sebo roe ee PE AR si doc soss ele: $82, 233, 391 $39; 645, 382 4 $37, 983, 868 ynamite— rails Number of establishments. ...........0su0 .0¢.0su0ilh a 27 mya} 26 POURGS VA OSes as bo gaters oe coe thes pe ee re 212,529, 733 |.« (228, 667, 630 |) f 220, 145, 791 Flanhineitleeepie ities (38 ep SONY, 2 Lore Sine actene e's Ems = Be 704 | $20, 553, 653. | i $20, 998, 820 Number of establishmetits/)0.25...............0000- 15 } 2! 20 4 oO 13 POONISE: .cscccdse sR Oe ee ea 30, 622, 923 “18, 113, 601 9,607; 448 ni eos Be ay isdn 4 aie 0s AN BO aTe Smee ee CE Pa TS hy eo $5, 499, 177 $1, 604, 072 $363, 20 itroglycerin— Number of sstablishmenits® Pe AOS Shy east reese 70 |. 58 | 49 Hor sale @ssach: dA MOe ool eee oe » Al 82) to: 23 FOR COMsrM PHO tec cts et es eee ean e oie 67 27 age 20 Raat cae pounds Pp Pe Seidnie id vege a pe dee: Ra anak) earl sts, oF 56, 361, 210 65, 302, 883 |, 74, 212, 980 oid as such— Leggo Woutse weet eee e cece cece cece sete eeeeeeereeees sor" Bi 3, $050) at |» 8,928,313 ORO ST GR a oe te ee ales $8 Consumed in shooting wells, pounds............ 44 621, 915 (4) 3 Consumed in works where roduced, pounds... 48) 024} 611 61, 517, 409 70, 289, 667 Blasting powder d ‘y . Number ofestablishments. .3.2..............------- havi "8 she'd 38 DOPE Ay BOMNCn ys wk. ee Tatts ae Senet eke e- 7,406,991 |. .8;296,'947,| » ~ 9,339, 087 ve Value aor biel OO. i ROU we ald keh hea y we ee oe c . $12, 168,473 $8, 459, 113 | 99, 608, 265 unpowder, black— A } Number of establishments Sh ee rey Citinn Fay eh) Ede He 7 8 pcunns AeA ARRAS E~ < <0 Keep Un > odeaadhage Wen secs 1], ey no) 7,685,098 fis # s 700 lug, 1S ee oot on PEMMEEAY. < inna eae Wek ature $2,.096,.579 | 977, 455 |}. Other explosives, in order hamed, as to value, 1919: guests : xi i Smokeless powder, guncotton, nitrogelatin, nitro- starch, fuse powder, trinitrotoluol, ammonium. ni- vf trate, and fulminating mereury— Waltie 101 Oi W028 te atley. sit Gf uch a tol $24,086,505 |» $7200, 428 Ft O13, 73 BUG Te nes rete e se ne BY OM Gd BONA lslylid 1 $24, 936, 7, 100, 478) Amount received for contract work, shooting wells. cpr Tees oe $3, 434) 835 im Atbother products, Values... iadca5' 52 etc Fae eeeeen $6, 806, 587 $1, 781,588 ; $2, 155, 793 _ 1 Figures not available. 2 Strength 66°; varying strength in prior years. 3 In addition, explosives (guncotton and fulminating mercury) to the value of $129,514 were produced by establishments not primarily ber ke in the manufacture of explosives. 4 Included above with “nitroglycerin—sold as such.’’ va ee “CHEMICALS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS. 1127 TABLE 66.—FERTILIZERS: 1919, 1914, AND 1909. (Ton, 2,000 pounds.) [SS ———————e——— net | | 1919 1914 1909 Number of oo eat ima PR aie sien os eee URS ws che 809 1, 238 843 og Os Es Se nee Sekai ae 600 784 550 er eth yng oie: as subsidiary products :..s2.7>. 1 209 454, 293 MATERIALS. LEAP * Total oa NESTLE CAE Ra a Seer ert ore $193, 034,389 | $119,222, 003 $73,165,544 eG MNERIIBOE DROUAGEY 328 ol ben. -- a=). -s-ceaencs ace $185,040, 522 | $107,954, 644 $69, 521, 920 Other industries producing fertilizers as ay products. $7, 993, 867 $11, 267, 359 $3, 643, 624 Cottonseed meal: ON a BR Ry eee a ae i 230, 526 325, 234 Se ae Mo eR ESR ee Spree $12, 5380, 636 $8, 419,383 al 842 B57 Tankage and ammoniates, not elsewhere specified: 17.200" 61 De ed Pe eo Fe 689,753 887,934 ||. 817,200,611 erm See Be IU Ce Be $29, 949,569 | $20, 131, 144 Fish: ,. NS Lv lA ian et ne Sab eee 0 273,252 250, 110 242,045 eee eee Ste Ry Bay} $5, 878, 634 $3,111,991 $3, 066, 613 “Ammonium beh aia Se) hh el ag SONS Se Sa Seen ire i ae 135, 882 149, 924 65, 592 ee ys 1 GG ae S's a Sains epigaea gs $12, 659, 005 $9, 015, 163 $3, 732, 112 Cyanamid or lime nitrogen: More...) et SO. ds SS82ee.g. 8. Beck tic Shy Be 16,926 25,911 (3) ostee.. b Fr) SAN BS De URN SES) > Sg Se AE ie ie $1,329, 149 $1,176; 119 (2) Nitrate of soda: i For acid manufacture— 3 aor BY SE 70 1 i SaaS n g : eh fe é 15, 134. |} ay! A aR EE Be ae a a $1, 692, 614 704, 581 | For mixed fertilizers— $3 tie’ fm 2ST CT CARERS Et Se en, an a 130, 683 _.. 147, 050 hae 32 Moth eee sae...) ich. ect. $10, 091, 790 $6, 807, 228 Phos hate Tock: ; PES cre ese es LANG NIG aE oe oni bpoernetowarenpeemioe 2, 247,325 2,080, 961 1549, 497 Co AOS 9 Se ien ORRS TRO I iar I arn at $17,926,097 | $11,229’ 992 $8, 828, 834 ‘Bone discard ‘ 4 STS eS OSES See 0 on ce ee 12,769 3,395 (3) ES SR a GS ty OR -< eeee a eace $252, 726: $35, 007: (2) Raw bones: bP) OMS... .-+.- MOL wistss's A eS Tee Seon Ens ak Sa 81,304 64,590 (2) PON RPE) 5 Re SRR Be So NE a RR Em Oe . $3, 093, 364 $1, 603, Bde. (8) ‘Steamed Doubs: SET BS) SESE eS aS 0 en Oe , 59, 227 55,.067 (2) 2 Le Shy © ER. ROR i S< ol .2 Ee Ra Oe $1, 815, 554 $1,178,959 (%) Ground bones, raw ; Ng OS SSE oS UR: aR RS Ue eS Sa -+.16,471 25,139 (2) OS Sas hy 3 es a Pe ee a nid Ro eer eh itiggg Py $707, 034 $593,226 cae Pyrites: po EE Be, See ra ee .. . 898, 602. 613,842 |. 456, 574 Cost ....2.. oP Lae. Be 8 a Sa ae ee $3, 919, 050-} - -. $3,590,235 - $2, 831, 994 Sulphur: . Yt Bie Bo LE Se io 8 8 es. SR eee pee renee 221, 558 7 o'a aoyOEL -»-- 4) 236 RE AOU IE CRIT Ls gn ae . $5, 669, 331 $42,716 $68, 924 emnIbhuric acid: Purchas PE OM Mal. ncn s hye ARI UBM CES oe a a he lS RL Co 636, 632 728, 889 620, 708 ree eel Lm fa ae A sa $6, 683, 061 $4, 387, 317 $3, 460, 132 ‘Made and consumed, tons.. 2222020 ee 1 1, 568, 577 ¥ 276, 715 841, OE ae ; a Rong 22 oh 4) BARA lee Phere he ene 1, 200, 182 1, 096, 178 532, 886 Se ails@oselics Ol A515 jock Teed" OHO ES VE IK hs $18,485, 969 $9; 301, 501 $5, 175, 957 Made and okamomed (acid phosphate); tons. G&S 3 », DOE 3, 316, 486 gy 723, 317 » 1,838, 865 Basic slag or Thomas phosphate powder: eas SST Mike US oc A ee a a 11, 394 16, 190 (2) LOR res OE Ee ee ee a ee $118, 768 $144, 213 (2) Guano: Bo Bee Sole Mele sea ee 33, 053 120, 128 (2) RR eee ee ee hw toes FN erm Ayes te ee uel $893, 933 $445, 416 (2) Kainit: Tons ep 0 SS Rue Se ae ee een 31, 145 448, 885 347, 104 re ee ec ce ckcccestccebes $920, 614 $3, 939, 263 $3, 008, 183 Potash salts: SG En lena ag? ob decd 9p aap ak i 2 tee ee 274, 992 529,973 270, 459 TES stp ead Mae all te eel dats RR ams a A ll Ug $18, 653, 390 $12, 774, 113 $7, 714, 367 fertilizer value. 2 Figures not available. 1 Includes 94 cottonseed-oil mills, 32 grease and tallow rendering establishments, 51 slaughtering and meat-packing plants, and 32 establishments distributed among 13 other industries that produce wastes of 1128 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS+-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 66.—-FERTILIZERS: 1919, 1914, AND 1909—Continued. (Ton, 2,000 pounds.) Se ee nnn LEE MATERIALS—continued. Hardwood ashes: Ft on Oe ee teria hee cee cee ace ca nin arath ieee lala iain ee inae ate PETISOL AE TUAGEEIAIS. coced ch sical amine laneAnmee Stic oti ciacs ome a pu 2 PRODUCTS. PP OFA VEC ae eee Bis ne nue sielaae Fertilizer industry isk .... 2. SSO Ye. oo. - deca snannetcanen Fertilizers, ab amaemss products of other industries Fertilizers: si eg Roe a ae A AE AN Rd 5 ee) RAIS ener OL Superphosphates— Prodyction) Ons. ..\.). Verses... teen te For sale— TROIS 2 \s%c ae s 5 da Wee ate. oo ven y ete ceca Viale, CR... URE ee eee ee a ein Made and consumed, tons...-.......--- Concentrated phosphates— Sulphuric acid (basis of 50° Baumé)— PEOMUCHOBPLONSE, ooo... | Ok6 Tee Ss For sale— Made and consumed, tons... ...... PEE Fish scrap: 9,085 $96, 569° $39, 667, 532 $306, 523, 899 $281, 143, 587. $25,380, 312 | 8,237,011 $284, 544, 523 4,756,440 | $200, 106, 419 2,395, 672 $46, 221, 930 3, 316, 486 $3, 828, 417 965, 290 $34, 387, 757 1, 877,394 308, 817 _$3, 639, 010 L 568, 577 $3, 170, 691 $169, 420 42,118, 092 "$1; 831, 194 44, 597, 838 __ $2,171, 055 $2, 015,033 5 $6, 755, 860 $169, 017,550 | 5, 712, 158 | 119, 609. 47,542 | 116, 444 | "$2; 227, 113 Prbcasibcti rat eet a tld i* trl 1 af itty . 4, 437 (@) aes Ail () $111,871, 481 "$103,960, 213 . $153, 196, 152 $15, 821, 398 |... $7,911, 268 pee "59618, 234 $153, 260,212 | $100, 089,971 5,612,421 |... 3,523, 759 $121) 676,386 | «$74, 108, 307 4,416, 022 | 3, 062, 834 1,692,705 |. "1,223, 969 $14; 778, 654 |. $13, 744,831 2,723, 317 1, 838, 865 67,585. > 270, 128 $1, 367, 005 $2, 713, 513 1,050,495 | + 600,378 $15, 438, 167 89, 522, 320 1,405, 768 | » 995, 384 129, 053 153, 449 $768, 873 |...» $928, 582 1,276, 715. 841, 935 62,930| 78,484 $1, 915, 530 82, 006, 724 dt 245,082 |... 291, 653 $231, 8. $133, 607 2, 445, 026 : 218, 393 $778, 337 |” A 938 41,054,769} od ‘ $1,413,166 | | @)) $1,131,243 | ae " $1,209,334] 2), 5 $8; 308, 986) $7, 891, 659 1 Figures not aati. ~ = OT 2 Includes fertilizers reported as ammoniated fertilizers, but containing both nsuperphospites and. potash viz, in 1919, 1,271,215 tons; 1914, 1,519,156 tons; and 1909, §22,389 tons. 2’ Not including 116, 987 tons of pyrite cinder in 1919, 155, 634 tons in 1914, and 72,402 tang in n 1908, of no value. arceott and een el oil, 193,723 gallons biemay at $257 ‘460. neludes chemicals (soda products, aci eenoktod £0 ggbutecky ban ioaky suisdeg-2naii mye | rmxiprysi Sfigsliavs tow esi * MATERIALS. Total cost i ee eee eee ee _ Coal used for gas makin Anthraci , * ‘Gites tone: Sete mes ee msces em eseeeresrererereseeaseneeese i i a Cost Coke (purchased) used for gas making: Ovr Oene Wk wed. tcl a ee ee Q¢ ea was ° ae=| m wees were ee meter ewe mee meee sew scee Oil used for enriching gas: Gallons. weer er etm tetas ee eset ewe wee weet ete tet ee et ewe eee eee HP ewe eee seta testes eres ese tebe s emer ee erates eceseesaseas ed td te ee ee ee a Tew ewe mee er ese Bet eter eter emer ae eter eter etwas ereeesees Oxide or purifying material, costsc-,e2.23...-.... Posisen cs 4 OP ¢ Gas purcha ws (43 establishments): . < ol anit WA ON. 1a. -b-- 2. secs es e die ee ee i =. eb lett lt ee ee ee ee ed eee bebeneycs> dd O° UL -GB-. +h. =s Se ae Laitiea coal bid water (6 oflaiiinmanls)— Aa e adie. os 5euw dees sascheslcseb cece ce Carburoted water (id estat iahnente ah Beek Peron M.-cubic Oe ON Hi sisceninld +e DY Megs du che 9% aid fee sieple da Pine erty: ee ei ; Water, bh emai Mpa 8B a ne ra BeerLouber- materials, COBt 6.5.48 50 page esos cch ee cececcecece : Amount paid for lamps and appliances purchased for sale... PRODUCTS. BSR MES | a a ee rr For sale— u. Gubic feet ..........---; SEATS SPE eae Plant consumption and loss, M cubic feet..-..-.--+. Coal gas— uw . Mixed coal and water-gas— M cubic fee ee ee ee Figures not available. F See tabular note atvend of table, p. 1131. cubic feet.........- . 4 he MOT 222 Fokes See roaowe ; i oe 966 tonsof eannel coal, valued at $8,818. . CHEMICALS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS. Taste 67.—GAS, ILLUMINATING AND HEATING: 1919, 1914, AND 1909, a ee \‘inelndes 1,726, 82 M cu. ft. of straight ANGE, valued at $1,289,031. 1919 1914 | 1909 $157, 550,882 | $76,779,288| $52,497, 844 1, 307, 383 $11, 326, 268 6, 116, 672 4, 940, 598 16: 193: 507 [{ - $20,872,517 | $16, 304) 832 $32; 412’ 349 1, 335, 322 964, 851 591, 919 $11; 781,932 | $4,500,289 | $2, 667,706 163, 652, 910 $6, 183, 438 715, 418,623 | 578,309,411 718; 020, 458 $24,720,998 | $17; 105, 981 $44, 546, 711 14,155 | @ 388,146 253, 837 $3, 107 $54, 653 $27, 543 111, 923 998, 353 1,093, 874 $35, 504 $169, 020 $212 226 1,049, 222| 31,749, 491 6, 080, 465 ” $45; 977 $887, 937 $195, 836 $26, 281 ( Qa $1,075, 748. 2 @ 67, 105, 518 $22 6127 816 23, 995, 064 $3, 784, 539 15,041, 980 $9, 343, 107 28,351,074 | $670, 208 31,748 |f $8, 883, 016 416, . $31)524 14, 932, 670 $7, 476, 804 13, 104, 056 $1, an 752 7 722° 000 . $854, 754 $3, 784, 911 $2, 369, 131 $576, 599 (2 2 $7, 800,498 | $5,512,723 | $2, 590,052 $10,546,900 | $7,393,224 | $5,537, 936 8 $329, 278, 908 | $220, 237,790 | $166, 814, 371 308, 440,473 | 203, 639,260 | "150, 835, 793 - $282} 288) 778 | $175,065,920 | $138, 615,309 35, 679, 338 1, 121,108 ‘1, 730, 563 8,029,749 | 10,509;046 |" 19, 985, 253 $10, 496,613 | $10, 726,514 |’ $13, 065, 841 90,796,299 | 90,017,725 | 481,144, 568 $83,663, 451 | $74) 5167534 |’ $70, 802) 780 179, 871, 832 | 86,281,339} | 40,775, 283 $161, 199,670 | $72,012;021 | $36, 953, 543 1130 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS=~MANUFACTURES. TABLE 67-—GAS, ILLUMINATING AND HRATING: 1919, 1914, AND 1909—Continued. pRoDUcTS—continued. Gas—Continued. — Oil-gas— CUDIG TC an o.ceo ce edes eon ciew sale abies veteneeeeeeeee Acetylene-gas— Distributed through mains— M cubic feet Do8. took a ee kaisa as um hmates Caake WHE, wats ob ceoandbede tierce dames ese hake soak wae Delivered in containers (compressed )— M Gubicieeteu cents. we pop onsvubixe + 2 teh enhte VG EIR tence eco cin Bolen See ai Gree STATES, # Gasoline (cold process) gas— . MM: Gitbiedeetc 22.20 5 Ses ee ee ee mera sien cae Valierde ut ons sce ee cee iT IRS iS Elo eat ees Other (enriched natural) 2— ‘M cubic fept ses. dine - denne ene A idl aus bakin eoNere tage Coke: ProGnctlous WeiOUSses cee dae pie tnic tees b se cmams= ate oe For sale— Tar: dub Used in gas generators......... Peddie dake ahs leew aniee ee For’retort or bench fuel: i sesso g ssl oc. eayplyeaci te NSE OLDE WIS cet oc cn eae tetera es an obephioaee cee ass Coal-gas tar— Wroducpion, PAllOns.... oursles sie... aw wewce uy cee For sale— Made and consumed, gallons..:.....-.........-- Water-gas and oil-gas tar— Production, galions. : ijl Soisees see .2. ok Pee rset ee For sale— Ammonia: Ammonia liquors— *s CPEMIGTEI PIs oat sastle Sito kb sin aoee bao Saisbio® Seems toe aed Poun 8. ag eet jp he Cig oF Mies RP REG CY incl rae tet ele. ROR TTUCLS hse! Spee Sign EU Sa ee a ctatate aot nS Sis Hydrocarbons: ees. ct «ne wa te Presaas det hien tanec one ees ee ee ene VEIT. i fate ee ns Japan dare ae hgcs> presen onaee cen Light oil ahd derivatives: Crude light oil— Production) gallouss. 61. cesscepen esse sponcvesveanted Forsale— Madeand consumed, gallons. .................. econ ary light oil— Benzol— | Fa Madeand consumed, gallons........... eee ae Refined (pure)— Gallons. sas. ge. 33 Bh te er oe ene Poriole Crude. along... ...ccsseecanerets see FR ISTE ott ; For sale— 15, 421, 836 $18, 747, 496 5, 077 $69, 647 14, 295, 252 $8, 070, 732 4,278, 533 2; 458, 166- $17, 822, 894 1, 820, 367 65,824, 282 61, 969, 577 32, 647, 813 854, 705 - 105, 318, 339 58; 557, 947 $2, 012) 723 46, 760, 392 23, 393, 320 - $1; 674, 449 1, $46, 024-|[ | $150, 596 - 5, 073, 945 $205, 101 --A91, 559 $46, 910 6,491, 113 285, 071 $34, 369 6, 206, 042 662, 897. $45, 841 3, 738, 844 76, 816 $14, 974 3; 662, 028 3,147, 751 ||. $561, 732 214,270 16, 512,274 | $15, 044, 509 | M4, 868 $194, 019 121, 696 $2, 317, 605 181, 412 $254, 718 153, 311, 196 | 125, 938, 607: | $3, 252, 765 |. ~ 27, 372; 589 __§ 50, 737, 762 |. 31, 238, 442 $134 @) uly 1 Tneluded in chemicals in 1919: 311 ,390 M. cu. ft., valued at $7,140,757. 2 Enriched natural pe not reported prior to 1919. 3 Figures not availab] 4 In addition, 13,813,058 gallons were produced for which no value was reported. 5 Gallons 6 Included i in ‘All other products.’’ oi, ous | $35, 902. 8, 688, 860 $12, inet 458 25, 186 $361, 348 216, 643 $320, 339 109, 930, 058 4 78, 339, 880 $1, 875, 549 31, 590, 178 5 37, 277, 864 &) 4 © $125,7 702 ep ee ee 7. ee eee ee Gales a SO LOE SO I i SE CHEMICALS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS. 1131 TABLE 67.—GAS, ILLUMINATING AND HEATING: 1919, 1914, and 1909—Continued. a 1919 1914 CE ES EE Ta eae, eee TETRA eae PRODUCTS—continued. Light oil and derivatives—Continued. Toluo]—Continued. Refined (pure)— pe neta age aa) er ee a 165, 612 OSES ES RRS SRE Ret Se $94, 247 Solvent naphtha— RSE ek ope Qipitl hie Se ee Mee panel 187,034 MERE Bs 6 68 <= 9 ore ir mane edo na cnee chosen $43, 689 Other refined oils— Fees ie eS Re Bias Mi ek oer ARE bra a a heir 567, 252 Os BPs BUBB = vn ree oinnintenn an dakarnnesns cece $88, 959 Drip and holder oil— RR ies sinc. stew caee vedi sndvasvipasnc 2, 659, 080 iT fet VElUed. oas- tate ncee gee ~-den22c-ossaceee $45, 585 (1) pA EU a ee Se es a re 13, 966, 731 For sale— , Nias wicineuah nein kivennasdebasecnancet cs 13, 834, 551 Nala. Sh HE AAR se miesinns anid hs ornrerstehrerwiernte $92, 988 , Made and consumed, pounds..............02 2000.2. 132,180 Retort carbon: RPO, OUNOG. 2c...) aie telah dit eee ees 12, 145, 336 . For sale— SPN te tein sho s cctdtentete ene Eo oT be ee (2) (2) 5, 041 70, 574 ARNO RINEET MENG A eet senile nadie dic sais ce accnccceccse 913 6,017 2, 287 9, 356 I A RS Se Oe 23, 200 1,635 35, 100 2,076 Receipts from lamps and appliances. ......-....... 2... ceeeeeecfeneecenees 1 G20 ES Sean das ay 15, 332 Re Se ee See neenn AMOS hal, Seino iNeNe RaW Rieeil 1 Included in ‘‘All other products.’’ 2 Included in chemicals in 1919. 1132 ABSTRACT OF ‘THE | CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 68.—PAINT AND VARNISH: 1919, 1914, AND 1909.) 1919 1914 1909 a | Number of establishments. .... 2.2.22 22-2 ene te cece cone eens 863 Paintindustry...... 222-2. cee cece en ne pee ce neceecees 588 Varnish industry ......-----+;--eeseeeecpeeeet eet eer et: ay 203 Subsidiary paint and varnish products, other in- GuUStLIGS Misi ciwcecsy once byebaem mcckey sedan swomnws vase 72 MATERIALS aaestcele SY Total cant...) .--0 7-7 ee neh neers deeanaaee= sant $223, 091,742 | $88, 980,635 _ $79,136,194 Paint industry... 2-2... ----ce pecs cece n cece cee se cen cenceneres $165, 604, 116 $71, 588,364 | $62, 458, 250 Varnish industry.....-------+-ece- races rnte terete teats $51, 508, 256 $16, 877, 393 $16, 557, 305 Otherindustries, producing paint and varnish as subsidiary wn ie: Seed hako ns cane sinus ace et ee' ne nvae Sees apes nes $5,979,370 $514,878 | Wisi Pig lea . A eine eae (2,000 pound’s)..... TB eh Wises pI 0 etelepepdidenes fate 6 192,558 150, 762°) — 150, 163 Cost. eee 2 COR EC CTE Ce ee dentin ws Unies aie $22, 159, 573 $11, 488, 113 “$12, 380, 524 Grain alcohol: Ppt 1b CHS ONB s's be Jin ake Mates sis Eh eee nase wate de riots Stepestwe 2,985,735 1,061, 324 | 356,225 COS ots he co ane Canes BESET, ou spea hei tilig cht gok $1,724, 112 sl ay ‘i "$228 724 Wood alcohol °24;481 623 19" 03 Coste ee TL ONS ooo Meters 948, TZ 00S a a ee China wood oil ie. ead - Unione. t vescenane Ste one nes ORES OER RCE Cn 6,196, 134 ed meine. re oops Xi [a3 ce), Da Re UP RE. Sh ie tl Beda he 5 $10, 254, 039 (1) {82.10 '{2) Cottonseed oil: apt ' sheet bd & AllONS. . fs eecaccees+-bhganteactaccties dstssesessceese 16, 506 cpg ; £ OGSGi. Poke a. 2 lnc kp eres teraeee anaee ase mee ee $24, 028 OT GAD DES DEAT) Corn oil ie ly Gallons. 21 r eo ORS ERA on Eegeaw ee suees: 55, O74 on 7 “Q i OOSes oo tke ns ss np even art} eee aedione Fee es eee ee ee oe $76, 739 (T)o29 omaha 10 et Soya-bean oil: = oc weg a OF Seog ad cli ES A \ | SEOORPEE oer rerbe tts ila i hay fg + = SORE 3 ES idee gs ec REE OP $3,630,634) [gine bee ode (a Other ae (fish gH, tar oil, kerosene, creosote, perilla, hemp- | \pnes ig) ATEOG seed oil, ete. af J of JOS DOTS Gaon Pail co cess By ig tie PP mies Sh ARR yp 8, 749, 494 (4) nae WG) COSC canta ae so hae ey Staab haneGee res. «48h deecopasee es $3,373, 988 -(@) Wot Q) Benzol: tees < wie er dl tac Galloncem ert. * tomer $1 GOR RRMA PAE: ©) dees eeecesrerse 1,665,605 | (2) MAS 8 EL) COSC er ee nat Eb Sees wna ae eee ee ase ates eee 8400, 162 (1) DTG GR), FAG Turpentine: , ie ar § + opie RIES Gallons....- pms eee ease => tesa eae be obanine oe aa aaa - 6,081, 902 | --(). 9 & a COSTE Tn oes CES tees aba MO SO SM, dsssrorssssssas $6,961, 982 | --Q ay Rosin: : sp) b Soca omepice pe Pars: |} eye peg ieo see cee tae ees «essere een sees: 85, 917, 127 af sha RIDSU ce dc visiioseatios na eeee NA GAY. Jesecissrsseses $5, 411, 192 &: Copal, damar, or kauri: eb Pounds... --+2eereees02-19 RETA TES: REST IN re es 7235, 108 1 * OSE. 23% ESSN AC) 2D oP ASD SEL ATER Oa) SS OME 250,1 . ek ato Shellac: & 902, 000, nisbifhdo 29 PUUMUS oe ecaheereet os nitee Ree Rpts eer me 7,785, 319 “ Cost RICE Sf ae Baka CRE BCG ee oF ols cs wisi ora $4; 653,619 Other gums: obDUnGR tisk Ou. veull- -hodigagusOy -- 662255224 2e222- 17, 116, 381 Ost bao Me gen SON eee hee eS ol $1’ 8737210 |J. opt eee Puel aiid réwt of Power cae. corps «dane net dew wlochic enihinn « $4°122'151 | $1,592,230. = $1,306, 297 All other materials, cost.:2.........2- ee AGI SEPESSESRRIEE PT STL, LOR $58, 194; 499 | $64,529, 287 1 Figures not available. ISOM yea , tow hbetowndieD . / OZR IC ATID) Mica ts W Moa a FORRES ARS SRE RISE OT a Se 2 oe ne i? : ial is ; an filei arot us i) OHEMICALS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS, 1133, TABLE 68.—PAINT AND, VARNISH: 1919, 1914, AND_1909—Continued. 1919 1914 1909 Total value x PRODUCTS. meme eee ee ete meses e wee ee seseaeaeeaneeeseees Paint indu OTy)-008-399.0889--| ase aoa ane de Ba koa cc eee Varnish industry - Paint and varnish Cs (Pigments)... 2.01.1... 20h ee a ee soeda soy ee subsidiary products of einen industries. - - PPONOs El OLS EAS Foo PPT ce cee cece des vawesacecses Water Varni Fillers: | Gallons 9 eine Bleached shellac: * Pounds Waleen22022 aints and kalsomine. ..............---2---+++-e-0+-- @S and japan... 02... c. eset e teen weet ee eee “Aa Pe eee ee ee ee eel eee we wee meee eee ewe ewe senses sen esesaseseeee Terr rere eee ee ee eee ee eee es ee ee ee eee eee Pe en ee lyartio 6 See cece cece sereccccccs ee ee wees we eee eee nse ese sess ss sssesesesusesaneneos 1 Figures not available. “$381, 916, 186° $256, 714, 370 $83, 632 $41, 569, 383 $72, 457, 266. $168, 525, 448 $5, 351, 918 $36, g14, 800 2,605,285 $1, 835,573 15, 508, 344 $1480, 529 1,473, 164 871, 285 |)” 66,681, 514 $3, 164, 254° 1,693, 414 $2, 888, 623 611, 126 $1, 044, 814 3, 504, 333 $3, 115, 999 8,799, 191 $5, 955, 7132 | 408,572 | $511, 485 $28, 698, 460 $149 173, 400" ; $112, 408, 742. $33; 214, 949 83, 549, 709 $17, 450,482 | $70, 582, 461, $2; 202; 281 $36, 142, 256 965, 636 $670, 033 49, 587, 548 $1, 318, 720 69, 828, 017 $1, 250, 421 2,230, 988 $1, 201, 839 572, 561 $306, 569 1 $1; 806, 802 1,047,140 $2577 725 $14, 984, 419 ( $999, 392° 8,654,514 $127, 472/819 $94, 572, 005 » $30; 317, 417 $2, 583, Bon | $18, 134, 869 $57, 380, 539 $i, 981, 161) $31, 758, 735 1,166, 533° $828, 393 65; 148, 395 $1, 199, 595 67, 767, 348 $1, 169, 683 2,098,696 $1, 106, 181 1,379}025 $806; 846 _@) @) 3, 905, 593 $772, 240 ma ner a et $12, 334, 577 1134 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFAOCTURES. TABLE 69.—PETROLEUM REFINING: 1919, 1914, AND 1909. (Ton, 2,000 pounds.) ee 1919 1914 1909 Number of-establishments......-.+--..0-++20-22-0eeeeeeee0- 320 ‘176 147 MATERIALS. oa “285 TT OLGE COBGLD are Sya- vb cath ee eae edo aeacn es cee sh Mae 247, 908, 355 | $325,264, 509 | $199, 273,402 SS Crude petroleum used: ) thes Barrels (42 gallons)=-< so. repistste reese srew. . see lee wees 365, 271, 803 191, 262, 724 120, 775, 439 COSt UAE . cob Sora Dirueee en. baa LOR RTS. Leseaneenn $867, 646,475 $249, 727, ct $152, 307, 040. Average unit cost;\barrel. ) 257. 5J2. HR 1... ee eewwaees $2. 38 $1.3 ; $1.26 Distillates purchased and refined: he hee ween eee e eee eee e eee ee thee a cee tees eset teen eeees 43,074,982 9, 455, 300 “ ; Oo Ee Be er ei remo emer res Tey YT $151,824,598 | $24, 395, 541 Casinghead gasoline, purchased: ey Barrels...) 02] 4 25. 1.0055 EO eee eee er ens 6,952, 215 Q) Q) COSb...-- 222 eee e lee eee eee Sentence ee ete ee eee ee ere ee $59, 857, 628 my, Casings ead gas (wet natural gas): : 2a foot... th eS deen a eee ee 16, 671, 322 1 “4 Fc 8 al ke COO Ui am Cee $1, 256, 834 a ne? ss ee ROU MRR iOMIE A gia ReaaNO te oy) 5, 241 OSG is ood Soke re ce eRe es Se RO etre on ne Seem $136, 828 EMRE 50% | 10 808 00 MC da) Lo sane 26,275.|} $206,058 |] ..:% 7S Sa Satoh eagle IN: Geiyaad a5 gs nN aI O ES $224, 700 SPR ian h Lo so an Dt Sa ee 503, 920 290,455 {fon Cost Ue Depa lnk ie Msc Gs, spp ah Re CS A Poe ene $10, 327, 060 _ $8, 519, 552 tie sod Revere Se) ine ah | OO a 45,270,896 | 22,216,000 |} OOSE «cc ooh nc face aac ck eee et ee CAL eee Tee Sees kas $1, 736, 670 $361,421 Jo Otharhemicdlansades..-...| eeu, .., leesesecrescers $663, 660 1) Bern Yee oles ape eee igihepere ne te eee $2, 375, 729 a a | GV ontainers, and materials therefor saat beslare WMreioden ho ci ten, 6 cok Re | betaeewanessand $34, 801, 732 $12, 944, 471 $8, 937, 421 ofS AAR ewe ae teal a Roehl Seni on eS eee Cee $26, 193,.075 $7, 292, 207 $8, 037, 467 Wiel Sid) TONY OLBOWAT > - ~. . Kh emds odbto ded «Ltt ee. abe $53, 505, 109 $13, 567, 284 $8, 376,383 All other materiale... 6... kb esc feme scene he eebubbtabeest $37, 358, 257 $13, 250, 124 7, Sil, 893 PRODUCTS. ) . iF Woe so ThA Total vAlgGut conc. Cee ah He ee $1, 632, 532,766) $396,361, 406 qin.anness Naphthas and lighter products: | rasoline— ETRE or 6 ee ee ne OU UP as YI 3, 648, 590, 635 pee 195, 422, 100 Wititine 2... 0, peter eee oo ee eee $679, 867, 064 | $106, 140, 170 Naphtha— GATOS Soo ee Neen oe UE ic a re LL 392, 282, 320 Value. ww ole Sere me Bid a Rw RN StE Ge haat eee ie a She oral CORDES Ine $65, 077, 854 540, 327, 500 ceca $39, 771, 959 CBT OTS oe nets eee NS Oe, NOT Ya nay an Ye 67, 491, 006 264, 626, 100 vy aie ae ee I Sor Gh SE EEG) EES ae kee oa $10, 015, 853 $15, 779, 137 Other— allonse 22 jkr coe tee oe De MS eR a SE ea ead 97, 262, 837 WEAUIG. ce Sue c Catia o Sees MER one Se Scien ames $11, 045, 284 Illuminating oils RN ps0 ain eR IA RT Me Cee cil OS Dep RO a ges ee 2, 305, 489, 735 | 1, 935, 274, 800 | 1, 674, 739, 900 NSIC race a cine as Sh eels ote Se ION ears ce ase canara $235, 663, 055 ” $96, 806, 452 ” $94, 547, 010 Fuel oils CATIONS oe ace eee ee oO ee a ait ae ane 7, 767, 900, 556 | 3, 734, 092, 050 | 1,701, 728, 850 WV RUAG .” toe aces Pak cis vob acauitied ca zace meee $318, 124 339 $84, 017, 916 $36, 462, 883 Distillates— CESHONST ee eee ete ee cree eet eons 0g Pau rede 646, 652, 618 457, 491, 650 Values. fee hee ee a eee $36, 548, 107 $15, 999, 342 Gas oils— Gallénscs eC eo sees ere ee Se Rae as 1, 393, 623, 486 | 755, 558, 400 0) Valtionc iid tal ook sea Suis Sealy amas $76, 383, 453 | $22, 805, 340 Residual fuel oil— Gallons.5. x s2r re ee aah ee bas aod 5, 727, 624, 452 | 2, 521, 042, 000 Vahe 365... oe a Tne Tore ae ain: gig Pui $205, 192,779 | $45, 213, 234 Partly refined oils, sold for rerunning: Galland: ele EN 428, 346, 637 ADOVEe fueliobl. ic tte it ae nee eh trea ite 79, 895, 749 PATO O82 oc 5 OEE Fa en iaipek tek thirties eee eee ene 109, 503, 858 (1) (1) CLOW N1IGLOL. Le Soe ty Sree ean Gia ne ater 238, 747, 030 IV BRLULG Sete ei Van ee Pe ea oo ee es ei eee er $29, 268, 849 1 Figures not available. ' CHEMICALS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS. 1185 TABLE 69.—PETROLEUM REFINING: 1919, 1914, AND 1909—Continued. he 1919 1914 1909 | SS RTP aaa ea tee Saanich na PRODUCTS—Ccontinued. Lubricating oils: . Gallons eet cy 2S aaa pe a iar i eae 821, 580,400 | 517, 838,800 |, 537, 294, 250 TSAO LE S-.% al ore Wialaleilalie a $196, 242,439 | $55, 812,120 | $38, 884) 236 Eee * pare Man mieposit jens than 100° Universal; or ash under 400° closed cup— ; MINS oP. etd ot oe P FaSe REE ule can sie 3 124, 372, 754 93, 422, 100 161, 961, 500 3 9 Skoutillie’: Sagan atanee enna ietr esate $28, 238, 302 $8, 084, 650 $9, 473, 975 Red or neutral; viscosity 100° Universal or higher; or | neal ish F. or over; closed cup (not including eylin- er Oi . ) Gallorispsg.3.........: Ot ERR FE TAO Re 212, 357,564 | 116, 352, 500 30, 744, 200 i 4 Vignes. Cee RE lr hry 4 + a ae Re $44, 583,095 | ~ $12, 426, 023 $2, 255, 924 er oils— . : Son 7S Bee 235, 345, 952 | 102, 949, 100 79, 378, 950 } WA OHIO. Fe). 465. 25d) 0.) yas wee MERE AN Aa da ca ee Sic a3 $59, 036, 506 $13, 703, 772 $9, 482, 568 All pin aucenag oils, including compounded (ex- cept ¢ er) oils— "Calioline co Set She... OUR GLY dei kv dca ccs ce es "249, 504,130 | ~ 205,115,100 | 265, 209, 600 ok "eG ll et aie ital STEN dalek Sancai a $64, 384,536 | $21, 597,675 | $17, 671, 769 Liquid asphaltic road oils. - PONONSea OCG WAG BES. | -* G0 tee 8. lice 98, 036, 511 Ms de aS le peetcldehey city $4, 491, 388 || 134 944350] 89,350, 400 ee soak ec 29, 163, 394 $4, 017, 858 $2, 215, 623 a NOUR emae meets... 2... ese ek GA 0) $1, 522, 797 reases: Ng eg 28, 147, 534 14, 006, 400 6, 915, 100 aa Dy teow: Ren Mame Sh Se is ce ES nie Gig Sp eMidia erates $11, 896, 655 $3, 536, 491 $1, 567, 647 etrolatum— ; Gallons......... NER ie ar eo gana, SRG 10, 230, 287 6, 078, 050 : pees eats} Ysonito dd «|... Se ee $3, 750, 028 |‘! $1, 243, 388 ot _ Lubricating greases— suihouwy ..| eiticalians pale Rey st hd | hk. ci KUED «obs oon - 12, 599, 628 4, 980, 150 Ge rete. ee OE 2s ees ene ee 0 De $6, 043, 741 $1, 624, 949 Y 6 grease— anaes BYA veo § aheek os b SS) LOG ALO. 44 #608 are bre--b.------ 5,317,619 |. 2,948, 200 \ @) eS etl hha Stebel inate ti cs Ce ak alee AB GREE SS $2, 102, 886°] ” "$668, 154 araffin wax: ® Sete, Wie EE O29. iy) a4) waar tea ciiak «ole - yb ee 67, 976, 676 57, 538, 800 47, 341, 500 + By Ne: sent entrees det eteee eset ites ba = deco. $28, 348, 437 $8, 897, 106 $9, 388, 812 : agp ie eee Perea anpiana ae 45, 600, 039 (1) (1) abit teteetees retees : ; R Bogie Walue. | i, es. Pussies Mares ib suyy pan igsaed.. os. cc. $992, 907 (4) ( ; pespball, other than liquidasphalt: .__ er ren oA lab i erik nid niet hls = 6 sil’ 6a 6d. 6 ae sao ece's'eies sccvlcvaslensneveoc Eo i oN oo as ASE ieee Pee $12, 500,157 | $4,367,213 | $2, 724, 752 ead REE SOR he oo. Su cdp ia ca akucislasmcecemes 798, 180 213, 777 ®) 4 pain: $ sheave Beppe ascasaneane sss osc neesos>r $3, 928, 345 $818, 889 $507, 695 eclaimed or separated acid sold: TODS,» << Pe NSE OSE I Seth S06 cn 45 ea hada cvwan 136, 320 89, 792 me ~ MM ho. ode LU. wate en adecs $687, 302 $491, 380 $402, 295 Mb ahdles}ivalize iuiiee Wbeseasyusure ch deseual sas eee). $2,939, 519 | $1, 402, 945 , _ Other special products, value.......... RMON. LEE eee $6, 813, 647 $8, 507, ae $10, 524, 747 mean otherproducts, value solo. vi. eo 222i... 2... .-.- $13, 106, 875 $5, 265, q i EQUIPMENT. tte 6, 935 3, 639 5 2,395 : oe 9 1 a a ea eae eae 174, 295, 000 (+) (*) team— : SEATS OF Ae ee RS Sree tt ak lok eee ee 1, 061 612 467 ESTES LTE SS ear ce ei Tea 27, 550, 000 17, 892, 000 18, 102, 000 Se UMTS Dy OS RRS Se Seen ae ae ree 2 4, 394 3, 027 1, 928 e Pamntotenions) ~~~ >--..-- oo 130, 115, 000 84, 882, 000 69, 594, 000 ressure— . Babs asigaah teste co pebannences 8 a. MADRCUS AEROS oswdiscs ses corseese pe ross wet wet 16, 630, ate 1, 083 770 529 Number.....-... Ta ye Seg haste pets detail atebaaad! Ne 52, 427. 181 () () ES ESE eS ee , 427, 1 Figures not available. 1136 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 69.—PETROLEUM REFINING: 1919, 1914, AND 1909—Continued, EQUIPMENT — continued. Chilling houses for paraffin: NOt eS a, sal ahs eee tan ariee gin one on aE 105 THEY AE IIE I Capacity (gallons), -.0. 2. se, cen mnege--pe eee Od con ~r4s 712, 000-}-- =. « --G)-=+++ 4th) Filter houses: rose nthe ie ees hee WORT be ta hones eta’ wae seenoneaens pe grt oy: a 357 + ety ees YO g Capacity (gallons)......... oi great =u wont Wana ninatle re at: 38 452° HS UNCOe Top Bese Hydraulic or other presses: 2 Slant ' ot nw meth a « AROS WITHI DOL otoo ten fomtee scescaiee ane © pal BM tio Se Gey 645 sas eacnng oe ABD LGAIM 4 357 Capacity (allonsy<. 2002 Prec ier eres 4 6, 258, 924 || VS ioongly.TRTsTert tO Gy? Storage tanks for: AEE FO US DORR Bay See, pie, meee Crude petroleum— LENO FT 8, one erode Byairengn Sew irs dem che haere pe 22 - 2, 188-}----- 1,014" oil 678 Capacity teallonseys Jb ree ces sees ome leone ete 1, 511, 889, 000-}.. 580,202; 000 “242, 591, 000 Refined petroleum products— wht ; NIST HT OL UeteE oe Noh ee es ees. Se eee aaa Ss 11, 380 6,967 [Oo 6, 476 Capacity (ganonsy...}22- 8.) fo oc asec ee age 2; = 820, 000: 4, 042, 836, BOD. 1, O41, 627, 000 Fuel oul— ae ol : Dirk hs a hie cabal a cele ls al aoa ea 1, 822 ait 807" ieee a. Cihacit Y-COMnOne «55 non Gee teen a dee seseaeN Eee 1, 069, si, 000: - 343, Hea; ‘000° Bale’ TaN ae ag er— Puls adttilet co scl iiatcossaeiee nes iets smear e W 5, 546 ats fy fo. : Capacity (gdlloms)...4) ou Sen. Se ens eel idase eee 655, 346, 000 akin. 608, 000 Re ad oe 1919 ~ 1914 . SEPT TOR EL FRELD * hese ip de Refinery. |... U.S. oi} Refinery produc- consump-} produec-\' |» consump- F tion, tion. . tion. |» tion. ; Pa i ee q in * , ae — - ‘ Total barrels (42 SAlPRSs Sas tees seeks ese ~.| $77, 719; 000- 185, 027,479 California... 2 ris dee ed. ¢. d- eeaictaeas $15, 625, 078 Poudids. 21.000) iV Tae. oh A Fe 5, 483,173. |. (1) fot) Wales... 5.605 UL ae. AR a ee $818, 676 _ $150, 492-)| wil. Glue: Lebastlos i" Powtids.. 1.10) QWQ0.. Le A 35, 448 RUBS oc bia clad van nthe cial sch ae kia rie eae Ont ee $2, 929 Tankage: SE -") ; : Tons jie ses iecloe sabe Geptie ites | i ory poling 14, 356 wht Qerlfisloaek ge WOR ois! ce tiw lee ls ok See ST ae ae $492, 083 |] PP ULAIORS imaged Perfumes and toilet preparations...................2.+..--- $12,635,206 | « $6,804,508 |} ot © All other products..... SOO Sey th en een Ane, | EE a 3 $71,005,176 | $12, 870, 191 1 Figures not available. . ? Total production of refined glycerine, all industries, in 1919+69,464,298 pounds (includes 2,121,476 pounds made and consumed): Crude glycerine made for sale, 21,402;735 pounds. See report on. ‘‘ Chemicals.’”? 10) 3 Includes food products—lard substitutes, edible oils, ete., cottonseed products, and hardened oil—to the value of $55,705,711; patent medicines and compounds, $2,014,378; cleansing and polishing preparations; $354,521, and other miscellaneous products, $12,930,566. &abipouy i Detiodss + esr woitlto axbriory a iA sie | OY F8 Vii. .2brpoc ,site. belantesotby r 7? i : “8 105) esoifia muyiboe : mM ; fa heats {adi ws , custod siteuad “OLG . 1139 1909 1904 $169, 532, 756: | '$135, 652,306 168, $95, 365 | 135, 352, 854 637,391 299, 452 fam = ae en ae nee] $136, 387, 846 | $109, 003, 306 $97,137, 844 | $78, 728, 083 9,787,671 | 8,683, 897 $57,216,789 | $51, 239, 871 838, 167 678, 362 $16, 620, 695 | $11, 752, 625. 1, 023, 654 715, 559 $11; 269, 586 | $7, 256, 088 (?) (1) (1) (*) 816, 164 rig ae = 626, 142 89,712) 219 ; mi te 073 $7, 335, 511 (1) (1) $1, 150, 580 $698, 003 $093, 902 $445) 985 ( () $9,798, 978.| $5, 522, 198 . GF $10, 322, 324] $8, 416,009 $6,251,625 | $3,792,763 $4,466,708 | $4,317,312 $5) 291, 963.| $2,725,717 @) (1) $423, 583 (1) $2, 694, 821 | $5, 501, 224 : ~ “STONE, CLAY, AND GLASS PRODUCTS. } TABLE 71.—BRICK, TILE, POTTERY, AND OTHER CLAY ‘PRODUCTS: 1919, 1914, 1909 } “AND 1904. : | _ “PRODUCT. 1919 1914. | “Total value... ........ OF BSE CSS.) ....| $285, 005,158 | $179,964, 016 _ Brick and tile, terra-cotta, and fire-clay products OJ BAN GUSHY AY beh aks cen: 5 pS Re a Ramat I oasis 208, 422,'920 | 135,921, 445 mete EE TCI Sa a RS “74, 919, 186 |. 36, 942, 606 ; Gimme brick Industry.-4. 002272032... 6. ko o. 1, 663, 052 994, 199 { Subsidiary products from other industries. ...... (4) 6,105,766 _ Brick and tile, terra-cotta, and fire-clay products, BO SOA Neel is ARG SE AS SR $210, 108, 677 | $130, 641, 360 SO ESE Gl ESE RI Sy) BRE $142, 793, 359} $84, 239, 587 : Common— i ‘ , TS SS CS eee See 4, 751, 881 7, 145, 809 in ee et ee $63, 584,748 | $43, 763, 554 * a Rei ile ly Spl gel ily 963, 439 816,784 . Te Use toed) 8 ces TOTO SHY) 2 $38,015, 792 | $16, 427, 547 , ‘Vitrified— contra: ' ER aso esimenior aaarne vee 489, 242 931, 324 ) Value..........222-0c0002beceeeeeees| STL, 685, 144 $12, 500, 866 ; For parce | TRROUSEARGS « o404- <6 bint - n> - »y, 892, 526 |} } CO hs er a BS owes ning $9, 371, 763 = Other purposes— (4) } 3 os Thousands.......... He, Bes 96, 716 4 cuCl WRRIG.!.......% 5) RE en $2, 243, 381 S ____ Silica brick— ; (OS aes Sarre 211, 420 \ (1) BSS! 654 wh dane ad. 4.082, 0 68, 1019. ., BLE 3 $10,914,898 |f he Beal creeue {Tiousendaye .d its cV yore. .) 10 ne ot) 2791, 068 | | 810, 395 a te Sa aes ae $16, 033,059 |. $9, 289, 623 ’ “> Fancy or,ornamental.2..2.....-. Lp nemnrl «c dduletts OFe, $124, 459 >--—_-----Sand lime— —— -—! 8 a IONISR RG et dst Jes eels. dep cee... 146, 947 172, 629 Bree Ciao (Valor Atos} :22t 260 8825: Lae a - $1,705,163 | $1,058, 512 ‘ pisOGhenamssleg Lk £A8. 23 820.200 Sed...) eer6 $846,676 | $1, 075, 026 ; Draintile— ieee 16a OPoms (ise A .. 100) 08 ee... bogus 1,241,168| (4) eo pMalhesi. wnmens -4nnc wet tek...) borne $10,945, 943 | $8, 522, 039 i Sewer pipe— pies cl Yh TONS FEO POS Fs.) OCR Ube 5... ORS 1,155, 131 (1) mae Ov 2 Valuers siiy. ....4 St kL “gee BES $16, 754, 832 | $14, 014, 767 ‘ Architectural terra-cotta............-..--.-- $3,988,182 | $6,087, 652 _\.. Fireproofing, 'terra-cotta lumber, and hol- ; t - . low building tile or blocks . .-............. $17, 964, 573 $8, 385, 337 ‘Tile (not drain)—~ i Wr Waltiesis..viuic. «be hutauis weotgedsteubus $8,137, 452°] $5, 705,583 by! : Roofing— el. ‘. Square feetss..... Levins nd. ite, 9, 414, 800 af | fale 38 fawe-les teeta eiaiwad.[ ee $b,283, 901 4 Floor— it PMIATO LAOG sos ce ol alas yoo selec San 7,790, 967 “d Blbet ees erie) Sls Gos $1, 535, 287 . . Ceramic— a pinto foe fre... oss. oe 3525s 7, 471, 767 () SO a ee $1, 824, 372 ; , Faience— WUEOMMOOG ahs gat tsk csss s0-se> 1, 550, 121 2 DUM itcnca ates bscsssnc anac ese $881, 241 ; Wall— Pouareieetts 15 Gs sies ost oSee sy 7, 495, 618 MimimeOrer ei vomotlidive Kuelesy $2, 612, 651 a Ow AIMS A Ste Plas SSeCt a. ewe Gs $683, 844 $520, 585 : Other brick and tile products...........-.-. $8, 840, 492 $3, 165, 810 _ 1 Figures not available. 2 The total value of products as reported by the Geological Survey for brick and tile, terra-cotta and fire- clay products, and for pottery are not comparable with the value of products for the industry as reported -d by the census, for the latter includes all products of the establishments, irrespective of their character, and _ the former includes production by establishments primarily engaged in other lines of manufacture. 1140 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 71.—BRICK, TILE, POTTERY, AND OTHER CLAY, PRODUCTS: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904—Continued. Ale etait RP PRODUCT. Joy «1919 1914 Pottery, value!....2..00.) = 919,898. OVER- | 23 ou) $75;742,125 | $35,398,161 | & White ware, including C. C. ware, white sk vielo-nt granite, semiporcelain. ware, and semi- vitreous porcelain) wares. ...2.22----2--- ++! 29, 847, 261 14, 968, 079° Sanitary ware.....-.. 1) .GGs,20U-.-5+-) adh 14, 872, 364 7, 874, 269°} Stoneware and yellow and Rockingham ware 4, 603, 018 3,349, 301, Porcelain. electrical supplies... -..+.<+2+++~| 12,614, 794 4,130, 270 China, bone china, delft, and belleek ware... 7, 708, 832, * 2,384, 686 | Red earthemwarée.2o. | .CSS Lea Sse <1. 1, 298, 311 1,059, 904 Chamical stone warGowadieyrir cree erc cre eenne 805, 321 €2 Red and brown white-lined cooking ware: - - +723, 981 (?) Other pottery products... .....2.....-+------ 33, 268, 243 1, 631, 652° 1 The total value of products as reported by the Geological Survey for brick and tile, terra-cotta and fire-clay products and for pottery are not comparable with the value of products for the industry as reported by the census, for the latter includes ali products of the establishments, irrespective of their character, and the former includes production by establishments primarily engaged in other lines of manufacture. 2 Figures not available. PRs 3 Not including saggers, made and used, to the amount of $2,115,637. TABLE 72.—CEMENT PRODUCTS: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND’ 1904. Se SSS 1919 1914 1909 1904 Total value of products.......-..2.:- $175,264,910 | $101,850,480 | $63,274,715 | 1$29,873, 122 a ee te ET per at meena | ———_—_— “The cement industty......-.252.0/o....0+00¢00. $175, 264, 910 |. $101,756, 444-| $63)205,455\| $29,873, 122 Subsidiary cement products from, other in- 2 skier. gag. {PER dustries. Meese ito... BOPP a1 2 BY ae ae NES -. $94,036 [iced i$69, 260° (7) Cement: . @bitaenodl } Bartell Ge! 12.1, Sid, Gate | Ba 81,306,524 | 89,049, 766.| 66,689,715 | 31,675,257 Valiente oem... J. Seed... Oe $138, 713,823 | $82,204, 096.| $53,610,563 } $26,031, 920 Portland ceement— ioe Barrels......- dececececcetecececesciues|’.'80, 777,935 | 88,230, 170.| .. 64,991,431 |») 26, 505, 881 Walkers coat 4 cee Te $138, 130,269 | $81,789, 368 |. $52,858,354 | $23,355,119 Natural and puzzolan cement— oF 419 rat? Barrels...4.)-c0- de pat TR Bh 528, 589 3819, 596.|. 31,698,284} 35, 169,376 Walno => ose ie | WPAN Fe | Seas $583, 554 $414,728.) $752,209] » $2,676, 801 All other products, value........2...2---2---+- $36,551,087 | $19,646,384 | $9,664,152} $3, 841, 202 1 Figures for subsidiary cement products from other industries not included. __. Vane yy 2 Figures not available. 3Ineludes for 1914, 751,285 barrels of natural and 68,311 barrels of puzzolan; for 1909, 1,537,638 barrels ofnatural and 160,646 of puzzolan; and for 1904, 4,866,331 barrels of natural and 303,045 barrels of puzzolan. } STONE, CLAY, AND GLASS PRODUCTS. 1141 TABLE. 73.—GLASS PRODUCTS: 1919, 1914, 1909) AND '1904. oe 1919 1914 1909 1904 Products, total value!........... ra ae $261, 884, 080 | $123,085,019 | $92,095,203 | $79,607,998 Building plass; value. .y-................-..4.-.. $83,713,115 | $36,824,069 | $26,308,438 | $21,697, 861 eo Window glass— es) 5 EIA Ob le yt 368, 912, 209 | 400, 998, 893 | 346,080,550 | 242, 615,750 : riibesrer Teresa ines ca ges sear 2 $41; 100, 724 |» $17,495,956 | $11,742,959 | $11,610,851 > skylight— 7 ; | ert Square ene age pe ai | 33, 822, 802 43, 040, 079 ved 815, 946 a1 634 NOS Seketiedaia teks Siaiidines | Selled , 300, ¢ $2, 417,253 1,358,574 $972, 014 i F late, IPSs shorn cast, square feet... ....-.... 72, 849, 340 75, 770, 261 60, 105, 694 34, 804, 986 S. — RISES as eee 56; 823,749 | 60,383,516 | 47,370,254]. 27,293, 138 | Rg apae 1 spl a Naga aa $33, 348, 279 |.$14, 773, 787 | $12, 204,875.|. $7,978,253 igh, e for sale as such— SOMRMEMeGI cot one ‘oo. suey an - ace 788, 742 131, 492 205, 690 17,784 Wire el mite PHS Sates ree ere mcs’ < pwc apd pine © $171, 118 $25, 859 $37,431 $3, 529 o Wire glass— Polished— é' age OR SS LET) eG) toocth % ~ "Rough, made for sdle as such Long ; 1) ORL. Quare feet ie. y vee as -s04'4-34-- 4, 26. poe 14,462, 409 13, 980, 996 (*) (2) \) Rag 10 | OV EIMA £4. donaueete.- «eh égsaes-sead.|)” $2,271,099 | $1,056, 612 (2) (2) > ep All other building glass, value..:.......... »-} $1, 886, 044 $520,280 | $964,599 | » $1,138,214 Pressed and blown glass, value..............---- $70, 748, 861 | $30,279,290 | $27,398,445 | $21, 956, 158 earlableware, 100 pieces... 2. <5. sesh ee eleule- 2,457, 938 1, 554, 056 1, 286, 056 1,283; 974 _ Jellies, tumblers, and goblets, dozens........ 25,182,133 |» 18,030,243 |. 11,687; 036 7; 346,214 lu toe Sore eine eating’ 917, 250 580,196 |... 1322)482 487, 017 cane A aaa ana ha Voss;7a1 | 1363562 | 952620 | 1705; 247 OULETINPLONGS; COZENS 2 2o.\ seis be sesesene- oe f » 962. | , 620 > 165, 247 Shades, g obes, and other gas goods, dozens. 12, 3138, 307 2, 016, 800°} 1,541, 449 878, 244 Blown tumblers, stem ware, and bar goods, ; : Omens. +e. ese ee \9, 668, 638 | 11, 377, 310 9, 182, 060 6, 282, 606 4 4 teal pen si ‘past Sane eS eons Gere °2, be fh 4, be ee 3, ye 666 eaten < SME ORS site ooh Sb ole cee cab Gok oe now et , 99 206, 336 3, 130 Decorated glassware, dozens....-..-.--.-.... 1,052,851] 1, 198 07 2 @ sae : Ns i nw wit mem = 725, 675 sd (?) 3 Electric bulbs, dozens... 20222222221 2.2772. 18, 363, 603 (2) (2) (2) Pubine pownds:<=- 2°... 18, 147, 470 (2) (2) (2) i GOs, ‘ ef 7 Bottles and jars; valiios: 2.022020 05 02.0, 2005 $94,670,389 | $51,958,728 | $36,018,333 | $33,631, 063 ’ _ Prescriptions, vials, and druggists’ wares, chy cit ey PE Ss SAF URN Ae bor RA 6, 684, 548 4,893, 416 3, 624, 022 3, 202, 586 _ __ Beer, soda, and mineral, gross........5...224 4,178,368 | 4,573, 610 2, 345, 204 2, 351, 852 * or Sap flasks *#ross lB 52 es 993, 030 2, 689, 022 1, 887, 344 2,157, 801 t MAIR PAPO ROORS SL oUS o aos... a iee ad) OSES 877, 268 1, 188, 891 440, 302 253, 651 ; ds SE nee eee ones 1, 860, 262 1, 198, 952 1, 124, 485 1, 061, 829 7 Battery jars and other electrical goods, gross. 13, 805 79, 211 9, 981 19, 974 _ ~\ Patent and proprietary, gross........25.....| 3,364, 679 1, 384, 689 1, 637, 798 1, 657, 372 ; pine id and preservers, gross....-..:...- atte 4, 297, 076 3, 271,174 1, 237, 175 1, 237, 065. ; ‘ emijohns and carboys, dozens. veer eteeetee 271,119 160, 796 122,570 64, 450 » Allothér products, value. 2/222. 2 20221 2) $12,751, 715, |, $4,022, 982 | $2, 369, 987 |. $2,322, 916.” 4 J is vu < - A 4 : - _ 1In addition, considerable quantities of electrical shades, globes, and bulbs, which can not be shown _ withoutdisclosing the operations ofindividual establishments, were made in 1919 and 1914 by establishments _ engaged primarily in the manufacture of electrical goods. In 1909, 42,639 gross of bottles and jars, valued _ at $90,490, and in 1904 glassware, valued at $9,663, were made as subsidiary products by establishments _ engaged primarily in other lines of manufacture. 2% Notreported separately. 1142 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. 4 TABLE 74.—AUTOMOBIUES: 1919, 1914, AND 1909. 1919 PRODUCT. e aiid um- iss % Number. Value. ber. Value ber. Value Total wale cela er cena eine 1$2 387 ,903,287/|........ 1$503 ,230,137)|........|1$193, 823,108 Atitomiobiles. 868 Sey 1h | oan oe 1, 678, 926] 1, 546,961, 696|| 568, 781) 458,760, 916]| 126,593) 164, 269, 324 Gasoline and steam. ..........-- 1,675, 892) 1, 540,737, 812|| 564,112) 448,712 320]| 122,767| 157,009,894 LS Pa fee haley eae 1S 2 ye AU _ 8,034 6, 223, 884}/ 4,669) 10,048, 596)| 3,826) 7, 259, 430 Passenger vehicles (pleasure, family, , sip tiie Ser eV. — public conveyances). ......... 1, 555, 226) 1,321, 137, 868) 543, 881| 414,541, 820)| 123,296, 158,935, 641 pen— ; i hana Roadsters: aio st. Leese 5, 360 58, 032, 374 PE da Mw. Sh Runabouts............0..0L 120,098] 80,523, 340 \ 81,597). 45,890, 476)). 40, 786) (80,421, 729 Pourtig. us ca cee 1,224,347| 977,410, 998'| 451, 032| 345,972,679!| 76,114] /113, 403, 188 Closed (limousines, cabs, ete.) -.| 156,328; 200,015, 254|| 11,098). 22,349,767|| 5,205) 12,729, 304 ~All other (omnibuses, sight- SAT thane seeing wagons, etc.)......2.... 3, 093 5, 155, 902 154 328, 898 1,191] 2,381, 420 Government, municipal, etc. (am- SO Set: oe haa bulances, fire department vehicles, a te and patrol wagons)... 2...) 02.07. 2,786 13, 619, 331 728) 3, 941; 249) 42 _,, 67208, 660 Business vehicles (merchandise).....{ 120,914] - 212, 204,,497/| - 24,172]. - 40, 277, 847/| © 3,255 i 5, 230,023 Delivery wagons. ........2...05. 18, 122]. 16,570,473} -- 4,391|- --4;749; 889}|---1, 862} ° 1,918, 856 Prothkes eb ised bess ----| 101,837] 193,350, 933/| 19,519] 34,741,097|| 1,366] 3,165,512 AM ober. : 206 82.0... Uses 955 2; 283,091 262) 786, 861)} 27) 145, 655 All other-procnets. - 4. «0.0 natsieanaenhe aN | be aend. a S40, 940, SOL ee wwe 44,469, 221)|........| 29,553, 784 1In addition, 4,990 automobiles, valued at $7,919,800 in 1919; 4,258 automobiles, valued at $6,296,558 in 1914; and 694 automobiles, valued. at $830,080, in 1909; were reported by establishments engaged pri- marily in other industries. | os . RIOD EGTA et qxz TABLE 75.—MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES, AND PARTS: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904, PRODUCT. é 1919 1914 7° 1909". 1904 a OCA Vie tee en ee, owe ere ~ $53, 105, 895 $22,234,262 | $10,698,567.| $5,153,240 Motorcycles: , Se NUS DEER a's ao fee 0 51,018 WP VOI. 004 DS... 1.806 .40n 153. 8L $6, 919, 695 ight and package commodity, num- : LONE SS re ey ee 18, 132 Heavy and bulk commodity, num- "eh Saige | 19, 044 Pushearts, number... /.ici.ic......... 11, 593 Hearses; number......... OO ead 301 Street sprinklers, number............ 38 3 ther business wagons, number...... 1,910 Farm (including carts and trucks) — PMTs sees scl, 8. ke | 303, 231 AS ET a ee ee $27, 567, 838 Government, municipal, ete.— Sve OES Cea s 2, 588 4S ae oe 3696, 274 Ambulances, number. ........0...... 1,568 Mail and mail carriers’ wagons and carts,number...... MORES sas ceseb! 1, 007 Patrol wagons (fire and police), hose wagons, and prison vans ,number.. 13 Public conveyances: _.. Number..... eae Bi Sad. hae y See ( 194 (828 2 en ates cia een $76, 957 Sleighs and sleds eee | SAL OEE. IP... 35, 993 tg EE AGUA aT Ser $1, 237, 122 Automobiles:3 — ba suumber . 1 aye coe. ce...) £4 Au J... J 1,659 Wa Peas... » Ds Cane Seen $1, 795, 159 All other products, including parts and _ amountreceived for repair work, value. .... $33, 493,734 ‘1fn,addition those covered by the industry designation. 1919 , in 1919, 29,057 carriages, valued at $3,005,725; 69 In 1914, this cla valued at $863,489; 38,3808 wagons, valued at $2,026,210; 63 p sleighs and sleds, valued at $24,309; and parts and repair wor 665 wa conveyances, valued at $28,495; 469 sleighs and sleds, valued at $31,076 at $311,360 were made by establishments engaged primaril 1914 1, 126, 026 $69, 899, 107 538, 071 $33, 329, 879 3 533, 601 $34, 506, 942) 139, 621 $13, 022, 360 384, 663 $19, 708, 423 9,317 $1,775, 659 346 . 5, 549 3, 422 1,221 $279, 656 52, 010 $1, 207, 705 1, 123 $574; 995 $36, 798, 330 1909 $91,463,225 | $106,697,437 | $125,366, 912 1, 519, 782 $91, 263, 264 828, 411 $47, 756, 118 4) (?) 587, 685 $39, 932,910 154,631 $16, 440, 816 107, 190 32, 780 7,330 807 1,053 5, 471 429,952 . $22, 615,875 3, 102 $876, 219 598 1,912 592 2; 243 $939, 267 100, 899 $2, 065, 850 544 $569, 119 $34, 103, 648 — 1148 REPAIRS: 1919, 1914,-1909,, AND 1904. 1904 $125, 332, 976 _ 1,711,529 $97, 190; 693 937, 409 $55, 750, 276 (2) (?) 643, 755 $37, 195, 230 133, 422 (%) 2,711 $1,314, 952 127, 455 $2, 694, 560 199 $235, 675 $28, 142, 283 gons, valued. at-$7,229,0263'83 public ; and parts and repair work valued in the manufacture of products other than ss of establishments made 12,330 carriages, ublic conveyances, val ued at $45,508; 1,311 k valued at $1,533,099. In'1909, this class of establishments made 14,908 carriages, valued at $1,078,935; 42,112 wagons, valued at $2,093,288; 104 public conveyances, valued at $5,615; 8,209 sleighs and sleds and in 1904 such establishments made carriages and wagons, valued at $612,173. 2 Not reported peparately. -* Manufactured in estab ‘ , valued at $165,917; and parts valued at $1,154,256, ishments devoted primarily to the manufacture of carriages and wagons, . 1144 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—+MANUFACTOURES, TABLE 77.—OARS, STEAM AND ELECTRIC RAILROAD: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND. 1904.0” [Not including operations of railroad companies.] PRODUCT. Total value top ccs acd eerie = Steam-railroad cars: Value ores cuesecas ops ow oaaepeee ees Lim bers Soe. 2.5 PE URS ae. 2. Passenger— ING Berss FS ee Be PSS Sat hy Wc WOMBTS VINE tes tenant see atte Baggage and express, chair, dining and buffet, parlor, sleeping, mail, and all other— MUMDEeP Steet ee Rite Cree NOM td «ce Male ut Vets Gegige. Beep iee Gees 1919 $556, 664, 807 153,288 $373, 945, 213 234 $4, 854, 768 78 $1, 285,630 156 $3, 569, 138 153, 054 $369, 090, 445 59, 689 $160, 903, 210 | 4,029 $7, 592, 168 5A, 840 $118, 853, 843 16,670 $45, 757, 395 629 _ $1,237, 557 410 $960, 018 11, 592 $26,540, 682 5,195 $7, 245, 572 1,898 $13,502,653 1,726 $11,495, 791 172 $2, 006, 862 $169, 216, 941 1914 $205, 270, 622 120, 101 $140, 229,617 3, 445 ? $44,011, 882 | 1,653 $19, 607, 416 1,792 $24, 404, 466 116, 656 $96, 217, 735 50,481 $40, 952,538 4,781) $3, 120, 084 | 25,077 $22, 808, 750 9,754 $10,708, 407 5, 800 $8, 077, 062 3,929 $2,587,065 1,250 $1, 255,167 15,584 $6, 708, 662 2,542 $8, 789,546 2,335 | _ $8,075,710" 207 $713, 836 $56, 251, 459 $49,279, 891 1909 1904 OTS ral $131, 539,493 | $122, 019, 506 74,945 | 102,782 $75,633,245 | $87,349,911 - 1,601. 2,030 $13,829,607 | $18,140,293 957 OUMIY 498 $7,209,425 | $2,955,517 644]. 1,602 $6,620,182 | $15,184,776 . 5,412 $2,033,801} $2,803, 154 -19,607-;9192 % 9,518 $18, 128,186 |. $5,518,084 11,473} 27, 998 "$9,419,655 | $21,367,218 2)618.| 3,353 $2, 747,957 |" $3,042, 835 2, Bg9 Pe TOS 94,1985 $1, 586,008 |. $2,453, 123 4,337 | 219,052 $3,905,585 | $5,425; 572 Hor gpg i, 3h $6,626,357 | $9; 207.166 2,345} 4,008 $6,249,415 | $8,809; 261 Shogo pove 008 bc ag $376, 942 ~ $487, 905 $25,373, 429 1 In addition 5,814 steam-railroad cars, valued at $14,809,729; 154 electric-railroad cars, valued at $779, 947, and parts and repairs, valued at $3,290,165, were reported in 1919; 14,859 steam-railroad cars, valued at $14,566,898; 321 electric-railroad cars, valued at $1,373,604, and parts and repairs, valued at $980,074 were reported in 1914; and 23,526 steam-railroad cars, valued at $19,251,042; 247 electric-railroad ears, valued at $636,752, and parts and repairs, valued at $210, 487 were reported in 1909, by establishments engaged primarily in other industries. 2 Inchides gasoline motor cars for use as passenger cars by steam railroads for 1914 and 1909. 3 Reported as coal and coke cars in 1909 and 1904. 4 Includes fruit cars for 1919. 6 Includes 2,391 logging, mining, industrial, and dump cars, valued at $2,916, 806 in 1919, and 9, 737 cars of the same classes, valued at $1, 825,693 in 1914, and 167 cars in 1914 and 136 cars in 1909 whose type was not specifically designated. ‘RAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. 1909 1145 TABLE 78.— STEAM-RAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS: 1919, 1914, 1909, and 1904. Oe | 1919 1914 1904 ° © Petal value. at OME S.J. biv.lll. 0.12. ./$1,279, 235,393 | $514,041, 225 | $405, 600,727)» $309,775, 089 Mot st power and machinery department, CSU Sy Ka ielalie.......| $622,480,393 | $236, 723,724 |. $184,971, 8705]. $149, 643, 953 2 Mpodbhotiyes built" , AU ea alias) a age 106 187 215 148 SS aa ae. a ie aS $5, 825, 096 $3, 594, 003: $3,289,140}: $1, 853, 939 ~ Repairs tolocomotives, He ot etc... $463, 952) 871 $169, O57, 932. $127, 928, 773 $101, 326, 805 - Work for other. Sear yore PPO. $16, 889, 147}... $7, 053, 430 $4, 735, 004 $5, 681, 307 _ All other products ll Satie A $135, 813, 279 $57, 018, 359 $49, 018, 953 $40, 781, 902 Cat department, values. ....2.05..2.0.000... $573, 709, 875 $242, 976, 774 $199, 768, 939 4, $149, 748, 820 Cars built, value RE Bee Rae eee ale sat $5, 133, 115 $11, 999, 983 $13, 326, 171 $12,990, O11 Passenger— m? . Number... 22... A a tenia pit 9. 20 eget BOS) he 218 414 eae Sens ME esai - Seeger te a, 5 eae $191, 691 $1, 233, 302 $1, 291, 354 $2, 337, 977 Pues aga: (eee 2,394 10,314 13, 972 14,742 ng ce Jo NS Nakai Piaspae het - o-+s « $4, 590,482.| . $10, 513/676 | $11, 767, 664 | $10,006, 642 . er NN ea ibis c dn u's ao oe es 271 308 359 2,000 MN Sh OES SLR an on nein Wee $350, 942 $253, 005 $267,153 $645, 392 Repairs io ears of all kinds! vale ....... 479, 229, 076 $183, 753, 538 $147, 194, 065 | $105, 319, 032 Work for other corporations, we 4 ages $31, 101, 248 $14) 819, 984 $8, 784, 239 86, 946, 990 All other products or work, value....... $58, 246, 436 $32; 403, 269 $30, 464, 464 $24) 492° 787 Bridge and building department (shopw ork), NU ASIOr tials’ cts iene Ss ~aie\s bins «.- 00+ - $8, 535, 303 $3, 127, 644 €2, 799, 898 $5, 096, 141 . Repairs and renewals................---- $7, 288, 373 $2; 449, 821 $1, 906, 737 $4,351, 487 Work for other corporations. :..........- $22) 804 $37, 061 ; $46, 496 $40, 581 . _ All other products or work.............- $1, 224, 126 $640, 762 $346, 665 $704, 073 ~ All other products and work not classified, . . Malnedihiand is. LU. plveadbes a steret he $74, 509,822 | $31,213,083 | $18,060,020 $5;'286, 175 % l id _ TaBLE 79.—ELECTRIC-RAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS: 1919,.1914, 1909, and 1904. BIG AK 1919 1914 °° 1909 1904. he. «7 : = , m 146 5) *Potal valtiesi i.) 7... . eo ey eS See ee $75,210,701 | $38,576,565 | $31,962,561 | $13,437,121 e Motive power and machinery department, value.| _ $7, 926, 303 $5, 380, 573 $4, 510, 332. $510, 946 | ©) “Repairs to mitors, etc... Se... $7,081,735 |. $4,933; 436.| . $4,004, 3360|.../.....-... io: Work for other corporations aS a a Bids Ae $75, 182 $56, 944 $88, 070 $2, 626 pb +-+-- Ali other products or-work.............----- 1 $769, BRB de a 98 $390, 193 8 $417, 926 $508, 320 ‘Car department, Bens cs WA POL Re $64, 237, 805 |. $31,086,043)! $25, 885,463 | $12,581,365 Cars builf; value... -..f) Wa Sdm 22.4... $762, 293 $811) 104 $626, 752 $605, 144 tg -Passenger— 8 ‘ nro f 902131) ame A ae AS A ee 88 235 129, » 288 % Value......,---4)4 “TR St Bae ae $635,770 $737, 926 $498,.709 $580, 669 marie tl T Freight— Pyemiber..... AL BSP Po PR. oo ea seen 46 11 ) 63 io 143 i. oS So Ee es ae $95, 638 $21, 196 $59, 102 $11, 366 : Other— : oe NWaniberl.22o" Abe Ei oot mos DUG Y 17 58 51 9 OE CIS 9 el eats esas * $30, 885 $51) 982 | ‘$68, 941 $18,109 Repairs to cars of aJi kinds, value .........-.. $60, 060, 255 | $27, 628, 802 |) $22; 869, 777) $11, 254 505 Work for other corporations, Web nas sas biel $1, 174, 282 $441, 323 $624) 805 $36, 714 All other products or work, MAINO SS OF. $2) 240, 975 $2, 204, 814 $1, 714, 129 $685, 002 Bridge and building department (shopwork), SP a OS Sec Po ss eico a as Sasa s eae $268, 655 $434, 427 $330, 948 $327, 855 Hepaire aud retiewals. -...........-.....-.-% $261, 679 $199, 751 $273, 581 $253, 133 All other products or work ..........-....--- $6, 976 $234, 676 $57, 367 $74, 722 _ Allother products and work not classified, value.| $2, 777, 938 $1, 675, 522 $1, 285, 818 $16, 955 1 Includes the value of 2 electric locomotives. 2 Includes the value of 1 locomotive. : 4Includes the value of 3 electric locomotives. 1146 ABSTRACT OF "THE CENSUS+—MANUFACTURES, TABLE 80.—PIANOS AND ORGANS: 1919, 1914, AND 19092 430) PRODUCT. © 1919 1914 1909 “Total value 10.0 025.22. 8 A REA I ECE ESS era.) $113, 061,318 | _ $69, Os! 383: » 1 $70; 056, 223 Pianos: +30 1913; 3 Ha eas NumbetiSy /70.229F. 1 ARC ASC AR RT OE ORR SoRRe "336,557 | 328, 974 "864,545 Wit LUIGE foci Sn a om bias by oan ae al oe teal le RR $94, 521, 939 $60,318 863.) REE A, 846 Upright— tH shel 144 pit eer attachment— O. a tiber Vado le. .$ Ath. Vit BUA. 2 1T8 S00. S298: 135,999}, 686 321,309 Value ) cEy 08. Oe Ba hn eds SR ey. BAe. $28, 957, 498]. 81, rt 382 $45, 180, 176 With a er attachment— 7 we if sat imabot age Attell etnias On ben aber ee tee Cae 174, 729 88,078 34,495 value CPOs CUI. LALLA GK. ..d%3.0 Os .Ei08} . $52, 515, 928 $20, 265, 514 |... $9,275,001 Grand— ig la dont) dS 3 grand— fees layer attachment— riwber Goon ab Sle ES ER. sd TOR VIOIR: 2-6 17,900 | | 9,679 | 8,720 Va 3 EA rian Re i Tae (CREE EES 0k 5 $8, 619, 054 $4,201; 302 } «$4,009, 769 With lity er attachment— bias iA Nutaberi?.. .. MUL Ai AIR 2.) Ses Bed beet 2,034 etre } 21 VENIOn cewles benny t ccna ode Caen aes aa eek $1, 711, 314 $413,665 |... $28,900 Parlor— Ew rot ere Without player attachment— nd Numbers ig. eke Bos. Otis. abe ee SRke E 2,172. 7 Ye ~ Wale: 28. ee Bie, IE 2. LES Lh Eee -s > 109, 501 y 494 With riers attachment— vey os Numer. bet eae c cs coded ao meaner Sanek 125 VIS ee ee oie) city nee ce eRe (dey Gl 95378 +f f a8 2 Ese ne +t ha eee DMD Le... fee. OF OE a. be ee eee ok ceencti Valens. -o Cyap ge). Pat $54, 055 @) AK Automatic— ¢ Nun Ber Sl. OS ae oe Pe eee 2,145 Mee es ame de nu kine aris ao Malone oie eee re + $896, 346 , " Electric— 14 ' Niners. ei TOES. 2 eee oe oeee 1,366 SRE rn A eee nee ee aae eae $538, 865 +, Player attachments and actions made separately Numberyig 000). 2.0L. as. TORS ALARA 21,822 6,493 | > 10, 898 Want gtr ue. od bana bene aes «See ee eee $1, 840, 438 "$854; 774 $1, 474, 630 Organs: : NGRIET oe vee nde nc cece bn b a came cme 28,301 42, 806 65,335 NVigeliiitesa: heres. 2 cen co Ree awk All offier prciaebhs ...a:-: bincacrapeen 0 faecal 68,500,033 | 31,277,021 \ 48, 690,082 |! 30,.703;648 Amount received for repair work.......----..-. 12, 946, 508 1, 437,265 | °° 3,114,692], 1, 968, 296 ee Ee ha ee eS ae erty th f iki Principal kinds of implements. * apdite : Implements of cultivation: a a Was bap cbyiohe y tocity’) Cultivators— , Number. Number. Number.....|... Number. Beet ea ope aginst: 11088 Joop Rica 3,172); 3,459 and, garden, or garden plows...-.... 419, 08: 38, 081 Ron | sant he One and twohorse, -:......+0ss2ph esmes 300, 122 254” 158 grt ll Rann eka aust 1a a50 347,390: We ou He rows: oP ce 2 ne OAp oe eoecbn Dic wee Pw TOWH iss. fics consecksae berets aa’ gar fot a ehs 435;429°)\") 99'313/088 Cotton'sormipers. Lx negyanvies Scalia 10, 807 17,537 20,180]... 22,519 Fertilizing TOSCHiNGS sng -hame soa 2s ben ae 82) 554 |" "ARO SBA CT oo Tae at mathe arrows— 5 initaey loneiciay Tae RP estoseO Dis IEA ck ea ee 175,712 |°°* °°200,077 | 193, 000 104, 323 Springsbooth..).ca--ace-----) pees 79, 532 187,370 112,832 86,408 WICLUOTN ., aks nantes ce eke pene 368,219 | 394, 988° 262, 442 Pan G. TOM CTS oo ei .est ier dwrerearereewnrirsrts 22,4 (?) LANG: DackeEs. ease chet haeehans'-— eee e (3). 3 TaISUGLS crn pm Aaa! sy Be Aerie Bryer eek ss ye hurts 23,012 Plows— oO ouiel EMiei sf So eA es ~ 39,146 Cy 1 SOUR nea Waraiee sare Sage oan Seip pet ir & A em oe ES Se , > 121, 899 Pein bo ee best chips 99 Sulky(ginglo). ....cccassecseeecuuue 138, 890 TR CEGRs «de scake weet eke ake (°) UES i abet cieambe tar te Rod apte Meas, eo een Be 956, 898 (PATIENT ZOLS.. < Cbhe co diteh ce: ¢ oe RARE (Ayo. t OMHOF A Got al Rhee seins eek Ce () ’ Planters and seeders: Seeders— ; BR dcasti cd t.csnak ta evks open ckuiewann 18, 360 34,175 461,970 33,546 WULON'Or ONAgALG..o ser 1c see ee coesk es 16,391 16, 122 (?) 3 x Seeder attachments. .............-...2% 34, 339 ~ 10,000 (2) (3 Corn planters— ANGER ea eee ee Beetle 28, 065 101, 850 96, 465 86, 553 TTHPAGL ROS SUT cee a tkeaws teat 93, 976 114, 657 122,780 90,929 Cotton plariters:. “208... seb ec itescees cases 87, 468 101, 256 79,271 127, 052 hela PInAtere iV TORPES. Ses cas etsnexee 5, 964 37,191 23, 092 , 756 rills— CORB. oie slob in an Panes eh emnte seat ate one 29, 809 55,710 20, 137 28, 228 GAEL, CISA ondicanwerar en aneneknes 63, 255 89, 370 5 89,903 76, 923 AT CER GR cs ee ree an ire Panes 5, 870 10, 688 32, 507 606 — 1 In addition to the amounts shown, agricultura limplements to the value of $14,938,340 in 1919, $4,033,797 in 1914, $2,989,276 in 1909, and $1,349,679 in 1904 were made by establishments engaged primarily in the manufacture of products other than those covered by the industry designated. 2 Not reported. a 8 Not reported separately. t 4 Includes 23,963 combination seeders. 5 Includes 21,292 disk drills of aul kinds. _ } y 2 _« MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIES: 1149 _. Tasty 82.—AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS: 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904—Continued. | bOeE ' | 1919 1914 1909 1904 a, coe ; ~ — x q§ l\—————_|'|\ c——“— 7 ie oGl . ; a Principal Go implements—Continued. x an ers and seeders—Continued. Numb v" ; Seed sowers, hand, field...-..............-- 36,763 ha ke sts TS s0 _ So Seed drilis, hand, garden... 0. . 21... oa 8,971 43’ 113 q1y’ ie | Other planters and seeders. ...........- tye 16,198 4? 194 £3 1 : sinagt nag 78: implements: 1 ; inders— rey Beal wo tenes eceeee ; oes see ence neeeeee 7” ae 73 nie 129, 274 ~ 108, 810 Be teeters tes 58239 38 728 29 635 aul : Grain elevators for use on farm... 5,995 3 2) 7 ‘ : Harvesters— ie are 2 5 ( ) ( ) (*) saddle IE »: FESR RS «eer ¢ 9 528 3,401 1,409 665 uo Sa 0) Se 7 2 2 2 ' pes and ihreshers combined. . . . 2” 392 Me 270 %, 543 (33 ay OF cin S baie teen ene cece eee ee eee se etee- 22, 887 2,758 1,707 3, 161 i Hoy Garneie 0) Te hic. tiubyetiods gee: 117865 Q. 217 Q, 064 om 121 Fistforks| horse ......1(.....-..-..-.1-2-.. 6,323 31,976 43) 675 62’ 801 . Hoe oe i oar e015 SN, ee ere 20, 570 _ 25, 865 34,705 27,174 OR RE | Reeatlh be NS Be 61, 265 139, 565 ‘ Hahey coe te tee tee teen eee eect cess ee ees 18, 398 23,304 266, 260 236, 297 : = BIGO SOUVOr ys, SIU 5 PE. 6S nee node ene 14, 270 20; 213 BP GROR OTS fas hie rreig gayi woe on nn ene 7,699 6, 437 17, 212 8,670 ' 8 UE ae | aes 10, 282 9,796 34, 396 35, 745 TIBY POGeeOs. Se oa eth cents Spe eee despa 7,154] ° 2 (2) ; yh MS So EE SES 5 ace ates ae Ente 151 133 274, 521 359, 264 273,385 aay. PAS Maa yg 18 UEC it ee a 130, 052 37, 706 (*) ; - Potato diggers, horse... -.-~.-.-----++-+-+++- 12, 484 25,758 25, 632 11, 703 © rey Reapers. (ros. enn --be one guys scene este 8, 368 56, 982 58, 204 60, 996 ; Stake cutters. 2 cas. cb oN ap donee. 19, 033 2 (3 (2 scot iiags paints, A Meat “1,096, 087 13,746 (1 (3 ; Clg ver Wiallonse os: Shee A sh ey es - sd vnes 597 324 43 4 Word taiskers. Asses cr. OW lta. 1, 194 341 318 1 397 Corn huskers and shredders. ............... 2,884 4,338 1,294 ay? ¢ pe oe ee aiettonaek «--adahy i> ---4> vgs « $7, 514, 833 |} Liquid, including testing— ; 1 re srl ananassae ota 2, 050, 946 306, 351 344, 650 1, 734, 801 SN EINER SRDS St RR Bayard $3, 508, 624 $802, 525 $729,513 $515,530 Bein . Value of parts and supplies........-.... $3, 597, 975 $799, 802 $621, 666 $569, 588 _ Carbons—furnace, lighting, and’ welding; _ . brushes, battery and miscellaneous. .......... "$13, 291, 615 $3, 602, 741 $1, 934, 864 $2, 710,935 EELS Laon LO CSREES AN a Sansa $606, 771 $742,142 | $1,706,959 | $1,574, 422 _ Searchlights, projectors, and focusing lamps... $4,342,246 | $2, 081, 545 $935, 874 $114, 795 : ae aaa fate, VElU.. 2.222.000. tle. $57, 646, 900 |. $17,350,385. $15,714, 809 $6, 953, 205 oe \¢ un Ss en— - * : - Number. RMainE rh asaccok ten oo) ones rg 383, 193 Ye ee A a i as . BUID ances scutes RG! \Bnod 46, 628,343 | $11, 886,35 241, Carbon filament— . : oa ete a 5 oe ON is Slips Aas | Bee a 13,330,273 | 14,092,055 55, 038, 378 ret 4 pT SO Neg Seri IF ae adh, Sar be, $1, 830, 644 |. . $1,397,572.| $6, 157, 066 _~ Decorative and miniature lamps, X-ray zi . au pee vacuum J eile PER. AT ace 6 e oy ait $1, 702, 729 $600, 619 $249, 751 _... Gemand vacuum and vaporlamps......... , 512, 4 “ Other ty pee. soos me: ok ny 9 ig hay oe, $783, 267 $2, 363, 730 $2, 715, 991 $395, 155 _ Rectifying ap aratus, including rotating com- _ Mmutators, electric valves, mercury rectifiers, - _ and vibrating commutators..............---. $1, 964, 876 $147, 965 th aiar 3 gd apparatus. ..... of tea sen nes To SE Ritianl, $12, 816, 341 $2, 248,375 $1, 957, 432 $1, 111, 194 telligence (key, sounder, ete.), all kinds,. | . $2; 6497 365 $201, 956 $197; 669 $187, 744 Police; fire, district, and miscellaneous. . ... $2, 092, 340 $1, 253, 954 $1, 126, 658 $592, 070 _ Radio and wireléss. 12202 sou. Ue, Se dense. $7, 834, 698 $672, 575 $448, 262 $114, 050 Switchboards, parts, and supplies. ......... $239, 938 $119, 890 $184, 843 $217, 330 Melephone apparatus... ...<:22s-t.. veces us ii) Higse; WAlUG. . .5.+ 224). ate = saa Packing; valueva/Stiiss2 tenes veere ont Clothing, valué:2.1-7 0 eee e eee $ Druggists’ and stationetst SERVES 1h Valii@ ooo oS aoe oe ete en All other products, value.-.....-. = 1, 454, 807 + $43) 917, 152 6, 873, 650 89) 004, 543 40,750, 500 $10, 696, 547 47, 162,085 $13, 712, 376 $22, 436, 242 $26, 998, 292 $7, 316, 819 $8, 824, 430 $15, 801, 892 $34, 383, 231 $80, 719, 898 125,758, 882 * $20, 173, 040 $9,711, 224 a off 1In addition, products to the value of $9,134,403 were reported by establishments assigned | is other classifications. al oe See Midge = ey apt ea ee TABLE 86.—_NUMBER AND GROSS TONNAGE OF VESSELS I OF POWER BOATS: 1919, 1916, 1914, AN MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIES, 1155 JAUNCHED, AND NUMBER D 1909. 2 Includes 14 concrete vessels, 18,034 gross tons. bitte fry : PRIVATE west . ALL sj Satie es ESTABLISH |GOVERNMENT ESTABLISHMENTS. || THE SHIPBUILD- cana rst spe Poe pe p ING INDUSTRY. DUSTRS CLASS. Dis- Num-| Gross! || Num- Gross. |Num-| GTOSs Num-| place- rit, ber. | tonnage. ber. | tonnage. | ber. pei ber. | ment § tonnage. Vessels of 5 gross tons and over: ae EAS) eS Se SR a 2,202 | 4,662, 433 || 2,033 4,489, 809 64] 51,970 | 105 | 120,654 BS EY SS ea Bt 1,463} 772, 167. || 1,377} 734,108 |-.202-}eeee.-.. 85 | 38,059 oF OS eS ae 2 1)'255 455, 567 || 1,113 425, 060 94} 13, 654 48 16, 853 i eee al oS ee ee 1,637 | 481,813 || 1,584 | 467,219} 221) 19'535| 31 2,059 _ Classified by material: | Btel—. meee POeatO, J You wet eS 21,181 |23, 882, 894 ||? 1,095 |23, 734,201 | 59 | 47,194 | 27 | 101,499 ; YE OSA oe ee 244 518, 858 230 485, B60 Ts SoV.5) & aa e 14 32,998 we A Os ee a 215 268, 870 126 242,959 69 | 9,792 20 16,119 dosh gs Le OE ay CE eee 169 | 260,765 || 158} 254,986 8 | 5,429 3 350 ‘Wooden— fe ROTU MRS ORT SM 1,021 779, 539 938 755, 608 5| 4,776 78 19, 155 i SSE ES See See ge AS 1, 219 253,309 || 1,147 245 DAR Fe’ 1 ence eat 72 5, 061 BOSS Pes cc sceck Qe le, 1, 040 186, 697 987 182,101 25 | - 3,862 28 734 8 1 Spe SEN 8 Cm Be ate 1, 468 221, 048 || 1, 426 212, 233 14| 7,106 28 1,709 Classified by power: > Steam— LS Sen Pea 1, 230 | 4,109,652 || 1,208 | 4,010,724 |......|.. 22.00. 27 | 98,998 2 Le LY SS ge 205 472, 597 186:| | *442,354 4.2.2 ..hesoses< 20 30, 243 3k RY ABE YS ee A 148 243, 011 139 234,636 1.4, 2.82} esesl ee 9 8,375 PIO 2h. Ces ioe. = se. os LS 194 235, 315 181 234, 633 3 429 10 253 Motor— oo BP ae 254 60, 399 241 FY aay EWN pats = ale le laa 13 3, 225 DUI PUL i Supers 5.30 434 30,316 403 FON BOO Neen ars at sh 31 450 IMS. SS SIRE 2 382 10, 867 370 10, 821 4 6 8 40 MOURNS, eee 447 9,%13 445 9,389 2 2a | oe ineiatatens Seba, Sail, with auxiliary power— oS oi, ST leh 2 28 19, 242 27 17, 754 Pd. eae, |e ks ce eee Meas Phas ah wn a's STOREY 62 30, 625 62 SOS To tar aed ew cak.ty a olan oe shee UO a ee een 2, a 66 6,575 58 2,799 OD oats 170 12> Reece eee EB IS a a a 68 2, 652 68 P00 Te sca ihe net ans x= oo > ete Sail, without auxiliary power— PES | Oe a oe a8 58 64, 579 57 63, 091 1 1 23 paSR) | 25. Cat ae eee PRMOIOVEtL Cth meiy. 2.2)... 62 15, 456 62 pcs 1a oy SO ed mS ee ed ey RODS A eae aes.. okeg cose hake 40 2,224 40 Dy) 7D Ie Sear a (nc Peel Ne Lg OURS Coset Ses. oS: ee 51 14, 807 51 FESO LE Leste hone tame lee cchtlra meee Unrigged— IEE LS ASO =e ie ao a 632 408, 561 505 341, 066 62 | 48,994 65 18, 501 POOGL Wis Ieee LE 699 223, 173 664 215, 807 Vi Va 5 =| eee ne es 35 , 366 Rte ee Times. AS 619 192, 890 506 174, 580 82 | 9,872 31 8, 438 ROOD Grae Biss see 877 219, 626 839 205, 738 17 | 12,082 21 1,806 Power boats of less than 5 tons: cg NESE ke ale Og Ug D71Gte: Ss et... Boe t,o 3c WO |. steers NF ih tek ARE. lh EAL ORS ARES DSR | SHOR. See, RS eee Sime rs leh RES 104 tis. are EEL E leg eld eb 5 ae ee ae S518 ye 222. ae CUO «| 2's Sactct oe (5 ee BAe sack ee 0 Se eee ere G4 fe ae. 8 ee eee B19 [de eH RA ere ee eg he Sh eS ee ee ee eo at a Bg _ 1 Includes a comparatively small amount of “displacement tonnage.’’ 1156 TagLte 87.-KIND ;AND VALUE OF SHIPBUILDING: WORK: ABSTRACT. OF THE CENSUS--MANUPACTURES. Private 1919, 1916, 1914, AND, 1909. : : Private Pe he All establish- ote establish- | Government fae oe +) ments. |. shipbuildin mentsinother| shipyards. i industry. & | industries. San SE eRe ———— Total: MOR Gd er: Ue umn ane aaa ace $1, 865, 728, 609 || $1, 622, 361, 261 $3,764,105 | $239, 603, 243 IMIG JL, . Sete 3) RED ae 224, 526, 683 185, 852, 192 "() 38, 674, 491 1934.4. 4. tod) anno, 3 119, 423,028: 88, 682, 071 1, 523, 692 29° 217, 265 LONG Aarts Wet teak dane so 3 grnrwiatn st 100, 009, 054 73, 360, 315 776, 706 25, 872; 033 Work on new vessels and boats, all kinds: sae Ba 2919 io robi hs cb oe chs ieee) Lone weeds 1, 446, 789, 596 || 1,391, 688, 655 8,317,305. 51, 783, 636 1916.2. i ote adobe...) oe Bee. 114, 434, 137 | 105, 270, 9354 ££ 9. 163, 202 1OT&. . Lo. o.. cede cteh as Dee 52) 401, 805 46, 334, 134 ei ae “4.788, 041 1900 div.) zeae dead eas | ees <0 de 45, 036, 492 42) 310, 925 694, 244 ny 131, 323 Vessels of 5 gross tons and over— iv $32 008 TAT: Bees SRA HR pee Se, PUL MAE SES 1,439, 443, 338. || 21,386, 839, 158 ms 670, 433 | 9! 933, 747 EDK ieee Beg pees SUSI Sy ee "110, 343) 073 "101, 531, 210 LG ies rae 863 rTP Ma Saublaplaty abyss 95.59) EAD ar 48,105, 561 42° 545, 445 7, 805 "311 WOOO ok salsa. dale. dee weet 40, 145; 084 ‘37, 718, 018 449, 089 | | “el, O77 977 Boats of less than 5 eross tons— : if DR ia Uh OS. 1 Aah so nk Cpe OREN. 2s 7,346,258 4, 849, 497 646, 872 of wl, 849, 889 O16. tigate ae 5.6 es cha anes. Oaks 4,091, 064 - 3,739, 725 (a Tenet 851,389 POT4y. Sodus... bowie eaves eee: 4,296, 244 3, 788, 689 | 31,825. |, 1 5, 730 LOR bck se hibk dd oe +c Sab OE TR 3 8 Se 4, 891, 408 4, 592, 907 | 145, 155 | ati psd ” 346 Repair work: et ‘ 1919 J.a6.. Veeng.. dae .. bh dda Beate 3 272, 358,656 183,721,737 | 200, 400 |. 88, 436, 519 191 Gite aig ates beso GIO, OIG e wh 7h; 225, 368 63, 508, SIA} (4). if 716, 854 VOL A fy ha leak. cle hoa s ake ae Genie 36, 966, 676 32’ 835,212 185,777 3,945, 687 100G 3: Sabana |. ae 38, 304, 658 26,678 643 80, 461 wy, 545, 554 All other work done + bee cena Bad eB Raat ahh Bee ctr bes ete so oe 4010.3 ee iiached eon pa apemenanes MP: TY Stony ve 146, 580,357 3 46, 950, 869 246, 400 £99, 383, 088 ROG 30: Meche Fe e's og ANC Ro lees 38, 867,178 5 17, 072; 743 es : 821, 794) 435 19142 6c col ghebe<.. 1-8-4 -b Ee hae ee 30, 054, 547 7 9, 512, 725 58, 285 » 20, 483) 537 RODD 2 or hee eee eae mor Ok ek ee ae 16, 667, 904 4, 370, 747 102, 001 2 195, 156 : * os = - > * * a - 1 Not reported in 1916. " ay ey 2 Includes work on conerete vessels to the yalue of $7,018,955." gaps 3 Includes work on engines to the value of $20,447, 019. on vielinea dab 4 Includes work on engines to the value of $299, 270. 5 Includes work on engines to the value of $3, 335, 055. 6 Includes work on engines to the value of $169, 141. Pith ket 7 Includes work on engines to the value of $4, 498, ey ; ye ee ee ae a a ee ee 5 GENERAL TABLES, 1157 GENERAL TABLES. ~ TABLE 88.—COMPARATIVE SUMMARY FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: * . 1919 AND 1914. . Note.—The figures for some industries do not represent the total production, because important estab- * |“ lishments that manufacture the same Class of products may be included in other industries. (See Explanation of terms.) 7 ' Primary horsepower includes power generated in manufacturing establishments plus electric and other power rented from outside sources; it does not include electric power generated by pri- _mary units of the establishments reporting. Cost of | Val vane Wave ; Sost 0 Jalue | adde . Cen eae: esa as Pri- | Capital.| Wages.| mate- | ofprod-| by a4 st Pan OS ‘oes art (aver- | mary rials. ucts. | manu- Pal f. . i 4! |year.| lish- | 28° horse- acture num- | power: ments ber). aman ete fare Expressed in thousands of dollars. Aeroplanes, seaplanes, and | 1919 31| | 3,543) 12,512) 17,754). 4, 907 7, 129)o- 14) 378}. 7, 246 _ airships, and parts. 1914 16 168 195 401 135 134 790}: 656 Agriculturalimplements...... 1919 521| 54,368) 128,249) 366,962) 66,704). 144,572) 304, 961! 160,389 ie a 1914 601} 48,459) 121,428) 338, 532) 34,593; 73, 509) 164,087] 90, 578 Aluminum manufactures ..... 1919 83) 11,402) 30,280) | 48, 490) ' 13, 327). 49,272)... 75, 278) 26, 006 ¥ 1914 37| 4,614] 12,338] » 11,088} 2,611) 14,421] 19,597] 5,176 Ammnumibion.< | )o20 112. oe 1919 42| 22,816} 39,128) 94,559} 23, 588].. 38,102] . 88,038] 49, 936 SRE OG 3 1914 32] 11,493} 11,354] © 37,454) 6, 751 16,277) 30,840} 14,563 ‘Artificial flowers. ............| 1919} 224] © 4,138 468| © 6,675}. 3,741)... 7,005} 16,143] “9, 138 a 1914] 217} 4,808 237] 3,349}. 1,991] 3,207} 7,614} 4, 407 “Artificial limbs. ...... 5 aS A 1919 177 671 857 2, 231 795 774 38, 271} 2,497 Trae bLi1914 |) 153 488 589} 1, 008 369 316] 1,498] 1,182 Artificial stone products. .... | 1919 | 2,785) \8, 378) 22,221) © 29,647) © 9,311). - 13,913} - 33; 664] 919, 751 ti y 1914 | 3,548) 10,255) 20,326; 19,414) § 6,308 8,904, 21,934) 13,030 Artists’ materials....2.....2.. 1919 58 926} 3,206 4, 664 896 2,687 5, 568] 2, 821 Lt 1914 a4 604; 1,977 2, 947 315 2, 065 3, 238} . 1,173 Asbestos products, not includ- | 1919 46| 3,654) 9,657) 16,405; 3,732) 12,948) 23, 978} 11, 030 ing steam. packing. 1914 32 962} 2 877| © 3,520 4841 1, 360) 2,814) 1,454 Automobile bodiesand parts: .| 1919 | 2,515] 182, 5&5} 256,919] 470, 498] 178, 956] 362,027| 692, 171| 330, 144 r. ess 1914} 971] 47,785} 68,701) 94, 854] 34,993} 63,610] 129,601) 65, 9901 Automobile repairing........- 1919 |15, 507) 55,061) 82,691] 141, 124)' 71,613} 87,649] 224, 652| 137, 003 i} P i 1914) 3, 273} 12, 562) 16,380} 17, 098! 10,614 9,154) 29,920) 20, 766 Automobiles... .2.0.2......2.} 1919 }) ©815] 210, 559) 287, 323)1, 310, 451) 312, 166)1, 578, 65212, 387, 903] 809,251 Be Apc 10 cee ¢ 1914 |’ 300; 79,307| 104,983) 312, $76} “66, 934] 292, 598} 503, 230] 210, 632 ‘Awnings, tents, and sails.....|'1919} 895} 6,028) 4,589] © 26,728) 5, 859} 26, 961| 45, 690} 18, 729 eS 1914}! . 888} 5,073] 2,610} 9, 958] 2,954) 10,155) 18, 138]. 7, 983 Babbitt metal and solder.... | 1919} 118) 2,372) 6,022} 24,383) 2, 882]. - 48, 844! 59, 017) 10,17": BuO, . 1914 |} 109] 1,035] 2) 881] 8,919] 70i| - 15,652] 19,180] 3,528 Bags, other than paper, not | 1919 216} 10,756) 9,082! 79,042) 7, 757/176, O18) 214, 059) - 38, O41 ' including bags made in tex-| 1914 | 138] 9358} 10,392! 30,8731 3)789| 67,021] 79,0491 12) 028 ~ tile milis. Bags, paper, exclusive of those| 1919 75| 4,168] 4,429] 24, 585] 8,663] 33,350! 47, 264] 13, 914 “.madein paper mills. | 1914 59} 3,505] 3,682} °11, 078] 1, 659] 12, 201/17, G03! 5 402 Baking powder and yeast... | 1919 88} 3/331] 20,071] | 43,486] 3,555] 26,635] 46, 230 19" 595 1914 124] 2 270| © 7, 862) §-35,272) 1, 241)~ 10,895)" "22, 339) 115 444 Baskets, and rattan. and wil-| 1919 |. 375] 47533} 6,319, 7,195] 3,369) 4,904) 11, 821) 6.917 low ware. i914 | 419) £2574| 7,293) 47591] 1,993) 2 999 Gar! B57 plaY eee eis ate ie... i8 1919}! to] 237] °° 783] 1005)” 205 450 9511 "501 MR TSO ase | Re. 1914} 4a} = 445] © 787) Lodo 244 438 970] 532 Belting and hosé, rubber.....| 1919 | 15] 5,826, 26,299) 45,920, 6,074). 18,310) 34,211} 15,901 BEL 1914 18) \ 5,115) 22,995) - 22, 437) 2,902 2, 967-23, S61)" 10, 594 Belting and hose, woven, other| 1919 41| °-2} 479] | 5,338} © 17,349) 2,202)" 11,642) 19,176) ° 7,534 ‘than rubber. — igi4 31 952) 2,756 4, 848 460 2, 869 4,441] 1,572 Belting, leather... .2.2...---- 1919 172| 2,765! ~ 7,039) 27,534) © 3,260) © 28,157) 40, 481) 12,324 99622 | quid £0! ; 1914:|° 1511 2 951| 7,411! © 20, 139) 2,070) 15,480! 23,0361 7, 556 Billiard tables, bowling alleys, | 1919 49)? <2 101) i: 5, 322 7,041! 2,425 6,101) 15, 733, ~~ 9,632 and accessories. 1914 54| | 1 453] © 3,213] «5, 438 985] 2, 488; 4, 804] 2, 406 Biacking, stains, and dressings) 1919 | 220, 2,455 2,490) 13,081) 2,109} 14,042) 25, 284) 11, 242 CBF es ea} 1914 | 197; 1,766] 2,636] 4, 986 877| 5, 129|-- + 9, 8821 4,753 Plaine.) S08. a Oe fe1919 57 360 423| 1, 228 2g5| 1,543 12 731). 1R8 Bony ini 1914} 66] 254} © 220; | "7121 1085 » 189 1, t34 5 88 Bone, carbon, and lamp black.| 1919 35 675| 4, 857| 9, 790 808|' 2,848 3, 186 338 Peentid wok ee yh gia. 97 339] 1,816} 4,995] . 231 6s6f 1 4g4y 7 -778 ) ' : si Bookbinding and blank-book | 1919 | 1,113] 20,361} 11,123) 43,041] 18,659) ~ 23,235) 66,021] 42,7386 a meaing. a wer 1914 | 1,124] 21,693] 11,266] © 29,180} 11,575) 13, 334 38, 104] 24) 770 Boot and shoe cut'stock, ex- | 1919 | 252} 9,715) 9,003] 61,747) 9,125] 123, 887/161, 203) 27,316 & + ger ade of that produced in'|.1914| 236] © 7,819) 6,829) 30,455} 4,052) 51,450) 59,965) 8,515 * boot and shoe factories. if i. ' f Boot and shoe findings, ex- | 1919 | 427] 8,941] 10,682} 28,988) 8,187) 40,428) 62, 825]. 22, 397 Re ee cee bi auced te 1914] 369] 6,714] | 5,868) » 12,563) ~ 3,226; '' 20,304) 28, 303] 7, 999 _ boot and shoe factories. . . Boots and shoes, not: includ- 1919 | 1, 449) 211, 049) 120, 632} 580,625} 210,735)" 715, 269)1, 155, 041) 439, 772 _ “ing rubber boots and shoes. |:1914 | 1,355} 191, 555) 100,232) 254, 591) 105,695) 310,557) 501, 760) 191, 403 f .| 1919 25} 32,875] 49,400] 131,513] 30,883! 50,247) 116,917] 66,570 Boots and shoes, rubber. ..-. , A , 3 17} 66, 57 7 ; 1914 23! 18,687!. 24,621! 46,0511 9,986! 23,956! 53,822) 29, 866 1158 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-—-MANUFACTURES, TABLE 88,—COMPARATIVE SUMMARY FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. a otters. [See note at head of this table, p. 1157.] : Cars and general shop con- struction and repairs by electric-railroad companies. Cars and general shop con- struction and repairs by steam-railroad companies, Cars, electric-railroad, not in- cluding operations of rail- 1919 | 624] 31, 272} 53, 830/82, 558] 39,073 1914 | 649] 26,384} 44,989] 63, 614} 18, 645}. 1919 | 1,744] 484, 437| 594,515] 694, 286] 687, 617 1914 | 1,362] 339, 518] 433,994] 354, 092} 234, 505 1919 7| 2,920} 9,390| 17,306} 4,132) 1914] 14} 3,840] 10,014) . 14,752) 2) 467 515, 803|1, 279, 235] 763,432 243, 829 O4L 12,059] 18,442] 4 6, 350 road companies. Cars, steam-railroad, not in- | 1919 99] 52,298) 157, 865} 335, 207); 78, 285) 356, 085 cluding operations of rail- | 1914 103} 54, 288} 126,687) 157, 811) ; 41,3894! 132, 200 | road companies. Cash registers and calculating | 1919 65] 16,544) 14,650} 82,798) 22,537; 10, 890 machines. 1914 52} . 8,956} 10,619) 41,075) . 6,116 3, 992 2 BOONE aan gp =a: haw te was See 1919 123; 25, 524) 488, 808; 271,269} 33,195; 79, 510 ; 1914 133} 27, 916} 490,402) 243, 485),,,18,192| 51,987] 1¢ 4 Charcoal, not incliding pro- | 1919 4} 209 132 519 156 260 589 F duction in the lumber and | 1914 47 228 134 494 Shalt qn2s8 " wood-distillation industries, mee f RTIOOSG biases scan hernias » sete 1919 | 8,530} 3,997! 24,500) 26,023) . 4,809) 129,425], 143. ; 1914 | 3,082} 2,908) 19,219) 11,139] 2,066) 46, 759 ‘ CHOOUCAIS 5.5 ain s tans Saieb - oe qd 1919 598} 55, 585} 376, 940) 484, 488) 72, 848), 216, 301). 438, 65: = 1914 | 895} 82,311) 282,385) 224,346] 22,066]; 89,451) )1 % CMOWItle BU Lice. cc den 1919 62) | 3,190} 6,178} 23,703) 2,680) .25, 2021, . ‘ 1914 74) 2,048) . 3,030] 10,625 82 ZA oh 1919 43 m4) 43 470 244 A le 1914 BL 2955 931 | 463 159 330 1919 48| 9,083] 33,440) 60,675} .9,270| 101, 754 1914] 36] 4,160] 19,736] 23, 685] 2,036) 24, 483 China decorating, not includ- ing that donein potteries. Chocolate and cocoa products. Wage ; Cost of | Value | added Cant sobs) haa Pri- | Capital.| Wages.| mate- | ofprod-| b ees soe) (aver- mary rials. ucts. sane . INDUSTRY. var | Tish, | age | | horse- ;|facture, | year | nents! DUM- | power. | ber). ‘ : 7 ten 4 Expressed in thousands of dollars. Bates, cigatn an idsandsgn-pewt 1919 189} 5,218! 5,059 6,612) 3,512 6,337; 13,110] 6,772 1914 | 238] 5,835} 5,850] 5,270) 2,299 4,269) ~—- 8 337] 4, 068 Boxes, paper and other, not | 1919 | 1,201) 55,862) 54,955) 131,391) 43,326) 101,135} 206, 419) 105, 284 elsewhere specified. 1914 | 1, 043 pea 38, ae (ee a a vi Bis ae ae te 4 Hes Boxes, wooden. packing, ex- | 1919 | 1,140) 42,445) 144, 04% aly 4 cept cigar Regs 1914 | 12174] 38,548} 126, 805 63, G94 15, 206 52, 840 & 507 33, 727 Brass, bronze, and copper | 1919 |.1,092) 75,051] 265, 688} | 325,300) 9 30: 4 2, 313). 177, 489 . prodkeets 1914 | 992] 40, 306! 122, 700 16, 008 125,988 115, 487 162,199] 46, 712 Bread and other bakery prod- | 1919 |25, 095) 141, 582! 165,950} 569, 2 58, 237| 713, 239,1, 151, 895) 438, 657 ucts. 1914 25, 963] 124, 052) 107, 771 271, 262] 76, 867| 274, 257| ” 491, 893]. 217, 636 Brick and tile, terra-cotta, and | 1919 | 2,414) 76,915) 405,746) 355, 848) 78, 256}, 67,488] 208, 423} 140, 935 fire-clay products. 1914 | 3, 239} 100, 182} 442, 813] 279, 860]}\.54,907| 42,723) 185,921) 93,198 Brooms) we sid.. seul se 1919 | 1,034] 6,313} 6,062] 16,708]. 5,709). 17,365! 80,205) 12,840 11914 | ges} 5,642} 4,504; 8,706] 2,624) 7,884] 14,085] 6, 201 BrusVesseee ee. See Ee. bene 1919 379] | 7,968] 7,384) -27, 208 7, 113). = 19, 598 39, 006} 19, 408 1914 | 359) 7,213] 6,388] 14,333] 3,461/ 9327/17, 894} 8, 567 Pater wel as -. Cad. 8s... eae 1919 | 3,738] 17,641) 95,190) 162, 302}). 18, 853] 514,346} 583, 163}: 68, 817 1914 | 4,356] 14,149} 91,628) 59, 623 10, ‘2 212, 541 243, 379 80, 832 Butter, reworking. ........... 1919 5 47 343 ‘iba cy byihi é 1914 17 304] 1,349] +: 1,397 200| 5,059} 5, 869 810 Bntionseit ew. ibs... mae 1919 | 557] 15,577] 16, 201) ° 29, 978) 13, 773] _.16, 745] =41,840} 25,005 ‘ 1914] 517] 14,511} 14,398] 19, 075 6, ms 8, 702 20, 712 12, O10 SNOHOSS ioe ose. Sass LEE 1919 19 541 597 4,0 438! . @i2 ( 963}. 85h 17 1914 15] .. 387]. 439| 179/286 193|° 1, Sor 1 73H 40.612 Canning and preserving, fish..| 1919 410} 11, 248) 24, 865) - 63, 049) 9.9, 036). . 52, 411) =: 77, 284] » 24, 873 ’ © d frvidte' v4 91Bne ciel GAN easy wei oes oah 48! soa in aeeaed 402 343) 136, 614 anning and preserving, fruits | 1919 | 3,082! 60, 865) 132 Z 21 43, 593) 265, 6. cand vegetables. 2 1914 | 3/153] 50, 325 88, 303 98, 738 17, 306 103, 2 149, 179} 4s B83 fanning and preserving, cys- | 1919 65} 1, 189)» 4) 7 1,5 i 93 ters. | 1914 65| 2,087} 1,895) > 2077+: 424) 1995] «oss 1013 Card cutting and designing.-:| 1919 75) 1, 148 743 2, 298 959}... 25298 18, 025 ; i914 58 517 449 796 265 421 1, 055 634 Cardboard, not madein paper | 1919 16} ° 1,425] <3, 276) © > 6, 493) 1, 337 4,954). . 9,188) ..4,184 mills. 1914 18} 1,159] © 2,735} » 5,129 580| 2,962} 4,350] 1,388 Carpets and rugs, other than | 1919 75| 22,933) 38,170} 119, 195} '(24, 216] 167, 118) 12389254) 956,136 ore, 1914 7 a, 309 43, 963 85, 154 A, He 2, 280 fe 128 = 848 AIPets|: Tagiae oy stato ae « SR 1919 339 O16} 2, 674 Jo iets {bys 1118).559 ! 1914 |. 463] . 2,130| 2,722] «1,654» 995] 7221 2 786) 2064 © Carriage and wagon materials.| 1919 258) 6, 509} 23,700} © 17,971) 5,667) 14, 735}, 26,765} 12; 030 . 1914 | 456} 11,087) 38,215] 26, 845). 6, 059], 13,546} — 24, 850)11,304 Carriages and sleds, children’s.| 1919 103} 6,686) 6,071) 15, 215 g a 11, 700 por re 807 1914 92} 5, 900) «75, 652 9, 380 Hu 5, 682)” 752) 6, Carriages and wagons, includ- | 1919 | 2,286] 18,173, 40, 966] 78,53] 19, 303] 48,362] 91,463), 43,101 ing repairs. 1914 | 4,601] 41,304) 74, 334) 150, 708} 26, 498) » 52,173], 106,697| 54,524 SEE GENERAL TABLES, 1159 TABLE 88.—COMPARATIVE SUMMARY FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. [See note at head of this table, p. 1157.] — eeq“*®?aze_“q7yqn—0REt—Oos——SS 1 Included in ‘‘chemicals”’ in 1914, Value Wage Cost of | Value | added ‘ae Num- earners| Pri- |Capital.}| Wages.| mate- |ofprod-| by Cen- jber of} (over. | mary rials. | ucts. | manu- i) ISPNBTEL. sus jestab- ave | horse- facture, "ments ber). Expressed in thousands of dollars. Cleansing and polishing prep- 1919 499] 1,955} 4,520; 12,979) 1,898] 12,923) 26,703) 13,780 arations. 1914 398} 1,239} 2,556 5, 898 619 3, 895 9, 152) * 5, 257 bu eS UE Se ee 1919 46) 8,252) 6,952; 18,350} 7, 862 7,178} 23,380) 16, 202 1914 | 48) 6,754; 6,011) 13,564) 3,658 4,008} 11,032} 7,0 ca, sponging and refinish- | 1919 67; 1, 206 952 1,466} 1, 565 178 3,691} 3,513 gi 1914 51 901 764 625 658 133 1,531 1,398 Clothing, Norse... 2.0. .....4:. 1919 28 766; 1,577 3, 705 551 3, 456 6,021] 2,565 1914 37| 1,669) 1,903 4, 482 668 3, 569 , 100; 1, 581 Clothing, men’s............... 1919 | 5,258) 175,270) 40,577) 554, 147) 197, 822 605, 752|1, 162. ’ 986 557, 234 1914 | 4, 830) 173, 747| 35,664) 224,050) 86,828] 230, 032 ” 458, 211) 228, 179 Clothing, men’s, buttonholes. .| 1919 107 484 189 237 515 123 L 090 967 1914 139 672 205 224 326 90 ” 638 548 Clothing, women’ S.----.2--0:. 1919 | 7,711) 165,649} 32,622; 390, 527] 195, 296] 680, 407/1, 208, 543} 528, 136 1914 | 5,564] 168,907] 28,396] 153,549] 92,574] 252; 345| ’ 473; 888] 221) 543 _ Coal-tar products!... 2.2.2... 1919 | 183] 15,663] 68,342} 174,992| 23,402] 63,997| 135, 482! (71) 485 Coffee and spice, roasting and | 1919 794) 10,540) 29,750) 127,748] 9, 201 243, 899 304, 792) 60, 893 grin ing. 1914 | 696] 8,549] 26,634] 56,596] 4,508] 116,520] 150,749! 34,299 Coffins, burial cases, and} 1919 | 351] 11,890] 22,345] 48,298] 11,451! 31,595] 64,377| 32,782 undertakers’ goods. 1914 287; 9,468) 19,006; 29,731) 5,382} 13,257] — 26,325) 13,068 Coke, not including gas-house | 1919 | 278] 29,319] 224,879] 365,250] 42,209} -224,267| 316,516] 92,249 coke. 1914 | 231] 21,107] 117,127| 161,561) 14,289] 69,138] 99,275] 30, 137 Collars and cuffs, men’s... ..-. 1919 39] 11,103} 5,286] 30,147] 7,431] 19,434] 47,565] 28 131 1914 35} 10,100) 3,896) 15,025) 4,494 6, 566) ~~ 18,531} 11, 965 Combs and hairpins, except | 1919 45| 2,229} 1,600; 3,913] 1,809} 3,169] 6,566] 3,397 sae made from metal or | 1914 66} 2,773) 2,711 2,959} 1,393) - - - 2,853 5,478) 2,625 rubber. Condensed milk... 1919 401} 13,675} 49,181) 126,953) 14,278) 282,595) 339,507) 56,912 1914 190 6, 002 20, 015} 35,048) 3,662) ~§ 55,720 69, 161; 13, 441 Confectionery andicecream...| 1919 | 6,624 95, 648 179, 991) 317,044) 76,160) 368, 809 637, 209) 268, 400 ¥ 1914) 4, 754 61, 986 98, 393) 120,545) 27,489) 126,465 209, 668} 83, 203 Gooperagey. Jo... e252! 1919 | 1,099 13, 219 30, 698} 48,854) 14,082) 58,521 88, 236] 29,715 1914 | 1,259} 17,128] 38,290} 36,690] 9,161] 32,944) 50,017] 17,073 Copper, tin, and sheet-iron | 1919 4,796 27, 640) 24,144) 89,945) 33,867; 80,899) 160,314) 79,415 work. 1914 |'4'527| 28714] 21,357] 57,396] 20,518] 50,174} 94,891] 44.717 Cordage and twine............ 1919 120! 17,622) 66,643) 100,249) 14,700) 89,705 133, 366) 43,661 1914} 105] 15,769) 55,377) §72,472) 6,996) — 43,605 59, 761} 16,156 Cordials and flavoring sirups. .} 1919 149} 1,398] 3,177; | 11,674; 1,297] 30,999 46, 807} 15, 808 1914) 142 929} 2,070 5, 585 461 7, 596 15, 316) 7,720 Cork, cutting. .............1../ 1919 62} 3,545) 8,683) 14,570) 3,387 9, 135 16, 282} 7,147 Uo 1914 52| 3,454) 5, 814 7, 602} 1, 582 4,751 7, 875) 3,124 oe Be eee 1919 188} 18,415! 7,156 43° 516} 13,082] 38, 816 75, 542! 36,726 . 1914 | ' 167] 20,496 057 23° 893} 7,977) 19, 587 40, 551} 20,964 Cotton goods... SASS cite ede e tec es 1919 | 1,288 430, 966/1, 840, 201)1, 853, 100 355, 475)1, 277, 786) 2, 125, 272) 847, 486 1914 } 1,179 379, 366)1 "566, "157 ” 867, 044 146, 130 "431, 603 ’ 676, 569) 244, 966 Be AomLcenl G6) ie 3h) used: . oe 1919 44 6, 490 , 078 32; 260 6, 087 13, 076 29, 397| 16,321 1914 41} 7,440] 97.096] 20,957| 3,468) 5,677} | 13,207} 7,530 » Cotton’small wares}. .::2..20:: 1919 164} 9,396} 14,263} 29,559; 7,162) 24040; 40,897 16, 857 ; 1914 108; 6,598} 10,100) 11,764) 2,825 6, 243] = 11,525). 5, 282 4 Graciblesutas: :.: 3302: 222: i 1919 22 848} 2,714 8, 069 923 2, 233 5,294) 3,061 : 1914 10 302 875] 1,871 171| - 1,270} 1,886 616 Cutiery and edge tools......... 1919 304; 19,859] 38,958} 68,971} 20,048} 19,477| 66,630) 47,153 1914 252} 16,561} 34,781} 35,666) 9,076 8,1 25,541} 17,355 Dairymen’s, poultrymen’s, | 1919 244, 6,437] 11,756} 36,095) 7,078; 18,527) 37,397; 18,870 and apiarists’ supplies. 1914 236] _ 5,551) 11,639} 21,281) 3,363 9, 248) — 18,950) 9,702 z Dehial goods... yoo... gs) 1919 319] 5,224) © 2,716) 17,905, 4,464) 16,420) 29,402) 12,982 4 1914 172} 3,080} 1,874; 10,949; 1,616; 10,715) 16,160) 5,445 Drug grinding 8 LE 1 1919 31, 1,347} 6,725) 14,991) 1,526; 11,556) 16,938) 5,382 1914 29] 1,059] 4,972] 8,434 58: 5,215] - 8,080] 2, 865 Druggists’ preparations....... 1919 524) 15,568} 12,698) 102,129) 12,162) 55,138) 114,593) 59,455 1914 416} 9,277| 8,417) 46,638) 4,755) 22,935; 48,010) 25,075 Dyeing and finishing textiles, | 1919 628) 55, 985 160, 430 229) 948 57, 190 174, 743] 323,968) 149, 225 “4 exclusive of that done in | 1914 507| 48, 467 130, 172 139, 194 24° 872 56, 705 109} 292 52, 587 textile mills. Ly Fs ee Romie and extracts—natu- | 1919 144]. 4,342) 34,320) 38,689) 4,735] 34,593] 53,744) 19,151 4 1914 | 112] 2,839] 23,290] 21,284] 1,613} 13,238) 20,620] 7,382 ¥ Blecttical machinery, appa- | 1919 | 1,404) 212, 374 438, 839] 857, 855) 238, 189) 425, 098) 997, 968) 572, 870 ‘2 ratus, and supplies. 1914 | 1,030) 118,078 227, 731) 355,725 73, 806] 154,728). 335, 170) 180, 442 = WMisctroplating:.: 2.2000)... .% 1919 515} 3, 024 rf 078 4, 193 3, 794 2,639} 10,390) 7,751 d 1914} 479] 2;584) 5,845] 2,842} 1,713) 1,336, 4,773] 3,437 Emery and other abrasive | 1919 60} 5,601} 12,963) 34, 803 5, 879 12 228} 30,949} 18,721 wheels. 1914 491 2,387] 4,100 8, 224 1L 491 me 006 7, 1301 4,124 1160 ABSTRACT OF THE ‘CENSUS——MANUFACTURES,. TABLE 88.—COMPARATIVE SUMMARY FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. [See note at head of this table, p. 1157]. , Value “Wage Cost of | Value | added Tet [Num earners}, Pri- feapital. WETS. — of a. by Dee ‘ ar rials. | ucts. | manu- INDUSTRY. i estab- Hen Honsee era facture. “lments| BUM- | POWeFs, : ber). : Expressed in thousands of dollars. Enameling. Padk «> she'Gibie fe = OE 1919 |... 74 694; 1, 183 2, 083 1914} 77| 4,314] 4,635] 2) 128)... Engines, steam, gas,and water ae 370 rif 617 190, 021) 454, 125 ‘ Engravers’ materials. ........ 1919 21; 174 759 826 Engraving and diesinking. ...}, 1919 478| 1,878] 1,760 4, 696 Engraving, Steel and copper. + ae + 4211 7014} 5,420), 19, 040) . plate, including plate print-, | 1914 399} 6,859 5, 670} 19,079 ing. Engraving, W000 pose. ven. tae 1919 55 235 67 339 1914.) - °-72 » 802: 68}, 246 Ehivelopes: ; isc; -.iscas eae => 160 1919 | 106} 8,129} 7,187] .24, 755). 1914 90} 6,970} 5,206) | 15, 830 EEXPlOSIVOS soja; - ik aren Bad’ « hela 1919° 118 9, 249 51, 635} 133, 248}; 1914 111 6, 506 45, 778| § 71,351 Fancy articles, not-elsew here | 1919 661} 13,961) 8,982) 32, 825 SDOGINEM is (Ace . We. ene. . low 1914 493) 7,399}. 4,586; 11, 879 Weathers and plumes. ..... 22. 1919 216) 3,504 594 6, 515 1914 239] ,4;483) |, 869 5, 396 EGIL 200dS:x San... wie. oss anes 1919 49 “5, 236| 16,411) 35,024); 1914 53 4, 035 14, 056) | -20, 284). Ferroalldysiis 2. deste. oe 1919 30 2. 344 37, 087| 42,365 fig sigh Siti. (pera (Cee ..| 1919 600 26, 296 125, 939} 311, 633 j | 1914 784 22) 815 114, 281} 217, 065}; HueSiy. . fiistan ss ape ee... On 1919 50 5, 767 iL 905) . 15, 693 , 1914 48 4, 349 8, 821} ..11,327 Eivearms sa Sve 4. ¢ sent. ue 1919 26 11, 287 26, 167; 51, 918]. aeete 1914 29 7,064 a; 474, 15,611}. Fire extinguishers, chemical-.| 1919 32) noelhl. 855). 3, 780 | 1914 27 256 391 675 Fireworks). a. .cars. oe. - tien} 1919 57} 4,222) | 1,005) - 3, 547), “| 914 4t} 1,324 707; 2, 162). Flags and banners;......... +2. 1919 79} 1,065 778, 8, 436 : | 1914 87| 1,495 637 1, 843]. Flavoring extracts..;.:.....0. 1919 |, 453] 2,188) 3,376) 13, 561), 1914} 424) 1,461! 1,470) 6,617 Flax and hemp, dressed. .....| 1919. 20 420| 1,920) «2,784 1914: 16 116 832 {235 Flour-mill and —_ gristmillh} 1919 |10,708} 45,481) 876,405] 801, 625 products. 1914 |10, 788 39, 7i8 822, 384), 380, 257}. Food preparations, not else- | 1919 |.1, 997 30, 365 150, 230). 245, 283 where specified. | 1914 | 1, 559 20, 306 80, 022} 91,039), Foundry and marine shen 1919 |10, 934 482; 767/1 054, 840\2, 104, 981) € } products. ° »| 4914 116, 640 362, 471 770, "454 1, 246, 043 : Foundry supplies. ...........| 1919 |» 76 ” 906 6, 328 vA 502 1914 57 555) 4,694 2, 814 Fuel, manufactured .. De Oe VES | 1919. Jy. 171) «5,180 2; 908 x 1914 14 141] 3,444 1,771 Fur goods. ....... ipa. Say 1919 | 1,815) 13,639) 5,327; 80,701), “ela 1914 |.1,322} 9,030} © 3,233] .29, 677 Furnishing goods, men’s... ... 1919 487| 18,944) 5,665) 53,014): » 14914] 551} 22,450] 5,880! 27, 888). . Burtitures) tay sidesecoe: .- wae | 1919 |.3,154| 138,331) 262,703] 423, 992 (5 ef 1914 ].3,192) 127,881} 240,665) 267, 885 Furs, dressed. -...22¢-5.-.-t2a} 1919ifi. 141} \oy075) 5, 621 8, 867) 1914 96} 1,525) 2,275) 2, 490) Galvanizing and other coating 1919 52; 1,665) »1,631 4,316)» | processes. o| 1914 48) 1,580); 2,385) 4, 416}, 3 Gas and electric fixtures-..1.:4 1919 |. 344] (9,795) 9,910) 36, 873 : Liens Bo piceter , | 1914} 460} 10,913} 10,028) | 27, 629 Gas, illuminating and heating. 1919 1,022] 42,908 238, 467)1, 465, 656 1914 |.1, 284] 43,792 213, 370117 252, 422 a “220, 238] 143,459 Gas’ machines, and gas,and.| 1919 105) 5,589 8 601). 24, 981}, ry 26, 267| 15, 620 water metérs. | 1914 |< 493) 4,972, 5; 7Li 17, 8291) 3 310 15, 184) 9,066 Glasgrt boots. peas s+ ike 1919 |; 371] 77,520) 207,430) 215, 680]. 87,527| 90, 780| 261,884) 171, 104 1914'}.... 348] 74,502] 163,139] 183) 926] : 48) 656) 46,017] 123,085] 77,068 Glass, cutting, staiainig and: 1919 |. 616} + |;6,480 5, 110 18, 089). .6, 155 14,085 ornamenting. 1914 |, 635! (8,067) 5,538! 11,310). 4,670 9,308 1 Included in other classifications in 1914. 3 | : | ; : , GENERAL TABLES. 1161 TABLE 88.—COMPARATIVE SUMMARY FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: Gloves and mittens, cloth!... Gloves and mittens, leather... Glucose and starch oe ep Glue, nog elsewhere specified. . Gold and silver, leaf and foil... Gold and silver, redlicine and refining, not from the ore. | Graphite, grotind and refined . Grease and tallow, Bot includ- lubricating greases. Tete Or tis eos sue Hardware: Ges C2 UBOIEIS. AL Hardware, saddlery ap ee Ve Hat and cap materials 2.2.18 Hats and caps, other than felt, straw, and wool, Hats, far-feltecs../002.020..002 Hats, straw...... at Ts. . es Hats, wool-felt... SORT SS. 53 Hines and whietstines 2 aes 8 Horseshoes, not made in steel. - works or rolling mills. House-furnishing goods, not elsewhere specified. Tee; manufactured . TESS... LD Ink, printing......2: Epes 2< 08 Ink, writing-....-..2. eae Instruments, professional aud | scientific. Iron and steel, blast furnaces. a iron and rte steel works and - rolling Iron and nine bolts, nuts, washers, and rivets, not _made in relling mills. Iron and steel , Sast-iron pipe. Tron and steel, doors and shut- ers. Iron and steel forgings, not » made in steel works or roll- in g-mills. Tron and steel, nails and spikes, cut and wrought, including: wire nails, not madein steel works or roll- ing mills, 1919 AND 1914—Continued. [See note at head of this table, p. 1157.] pris | Capital. | Wages. Cost of Value Value’ | added mate- |ofprod-| by rials. ucts. | manu- facture, 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919}; 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 1914 1919 i9i4 1919 1914 1919 1914 ‘Expressed in thousands of dollars. 4, gs5| 16,092] 28,220] 12,128 15TH 26; 286} 46/941] 20; 655 4558} 12,171). 21,614) *-9, 443 ‘11; 962)" 130; 329} 186, 256] °55; 927 3°550| 40,208! _ 52,615| 12) 407 4-777} 192280} | 39) 134) ° 12, 854 ty’ g5ghi® 9) B68) 813) 7381" 4365 84 2°655| 4,462|° 1, 807 49 978} 1,944 321 794 473 87 260 173 42°.878|. 137,'005| 94, 127 188, 149} 4500; 3061 7 918 665 327 Be 20,974|' 44, 277| 89,744] 45,467 5,961; 12,913 23, 403} 10,490 14, 705) .- 25,387|- 50,235} - 24, 848 7,076} 16,930} 26,659, 9,729 2730; - 4,578 ° 10,877] 6,999 1,538} 1,996] 5,184] 3,188 39, 773) - 82,024] 173, 752} “91,728 7,487| 14,611| 28,961] 14,350 9} 3981 8,875] 17,583). 8,708, ©1508) 37594] 7} 198] 3, 605 38, 215 8,974 8, “ars 1 Included in ‘“‘furnishing goods, men’s,” in 1914, 1162 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 88._COMPARATIVE SUMMARY FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. [See note at head of this table, p. 1157.] INDUSTRY. Iron and steel, tempering and welding.) 3 Tron and steel, wrought pipe. . Ivory, shell, and bone work, not including combs and hairpins. Jepennings, co... jot. s.. 5. bae JOWOlTY.. 35 (ae... eae. Bi. lap Jewelry and instrument cases. Jute goodsin wc >. 2ne'ore ss let Knit goods..... hagees ey fee Labels and tags....5:.5....... Lamps and reflectors. ........ Lapidary work. ..2:.......221 Lard, not made in slaughter- ing and meat-packing es- tablishments. 4 Linén goods. a. oo trr.'s vas Liquors, distilled. ............ Liquors, malty 2. oi230 3... dad Ligtors, vinous. - jax. ob 252k Lithographing.....2..0....0.. Locomotives, not made by railroad companies. Looking-glass and _ picture frames. Lubricating greases. ...2...... Lumber and timber products? Lumber, planing-mill prod- ucts, not including plgn- ing mills connected with sawmills. Machine tools1......... Sapa i, Mats and matting, from cocoa fiber, grass, and coir. Mattresses and spring beds, not elsewhere specified. Value m-|_ Wage Pri- | Capital. | Wages webs: Prec: eye earners ri- X . Cen- ber He (aver- mary rials. ucts. febvoze sus festa age | horse- acture. year. | lish--| J m- ower ments ber). DOWER Expressed in thousands of dollars. 1919 520} 1,835} 8,804 7,627) 2,743)... 3,576 1919 50} 10,426) 23,925) 72,709). 14,920) 51, 156} 914 36) 8,845) 17,542) 39,408) 5,750) 26,296 1919 44 842 954 1,366 735) 1, 294), 1914 54 795 708 1, 160 391 958 1919 36 295 311 462 261 222 1914 35 228 110 261 149 in 95 1919 | 2,054) 30,871) 16,389] 121,070), 35,864) 110,45i|.. 1914 | 1,914) 28,289) 15,666) 72,404) 18,302) 39,116 1919 142} 2,734] 1,091 3,697). 2,148 3, 506 1914 | 125} 2,393] 1,059) 2,187). 1,094}: 1, 450 1919 26; 7,138) 32,135) 41,336). 6,436) 17,709 1914 34| 7,987] 28,628] 17,279}. 3,060|__ 12,580 1919 | 2,050) 172,572] 151,601) 516, 458) 125,200] 427,096 1914 | 1,622) 150,520] 125,842) 215,826} 59,758] 146, 687 1919 119} 5,227; 4,061 14,11 4,550) 11, 275 1914 108; 2,600) 2,233 5,697) 1,459 2,.908 1919 171; 8,360} 12,708] 26,100), 9,292} 18,429 1914 151} 7,134, 8,640) 15,671) 4,173 8,012 1919 | 124) 1,155 680] 19,210}: 2,838) 19,363 1914 89 584 546 3,613 641 3,941 1919 6 13 40 41 12 175 1914 6 19 197 124 12 102), 1919 64| 2,910! 5,842 8, 178) 8, 416 3, 933 1914 66} 2,094) 5,317} 4,481] 1,511] ‘1,343 1919 32 852) 5,537 9,420} 1,067) 13,634 1914 27 585| 2,609 5, 036 407 6, 048 1919 | 503) 8,945] 3,902} 33,341] 9, 415] 130,086 1914 | 378} 7,071} 3,272! 10,951} 3,604) 10, 682 1919 | 680} 72,476) 218,238} 671, 342] $8,205} 646, 522 1914 |. 741) 55,936] 172,712} 332,180} 31,914] 284 245 1919 476) 11,405) 51,735) 45, 845} 10, 869} 14, 297 1914 | 627) 12,429) 39,134) 34,124) 6,040] 7,558 1919 10; 1,890) 6,069 7,528] 1, 636 4,190 1914 | 21) 3,567; 9,932 8,810) 1,386] 4, 289 1919 34| 1,380, 16,494) 45,618] 1,717) 19, 656 1914 434) 6,295] 51,971) 91, 285}, 3,994) 40, 997 1919 729) 34,259) 324,431) 583,430) 45, 170). ' 94, 793 1914 | 1,250) 62,070) 405,884] 792,914) 53,244] 129,724 1919 | 342; 1,011) 5,189} 14,855} 1,014) 8,116 1914] 318) 2,292; 9,356, 31,516]. 1,194 9, 489 1919 331; 15,618} 18,624! 60,817} 18,201! 27,718) 1914 | 336) 15,171} 15,178] 35,685] 11,861] 14,017 1919 17} 26,715) 97,187} 138,276]: 38,7991 . 72,376 914 19) 17,391} 50,373) 86,413) 117,085) 23,546 1919 429, 4,708; 4,689) 10,080} 4,775 7, 227 1914 | 438; 4,787/ 4,210; 8,049| 2) 850] 4, 468 1919 53 472| 2,178| © 5,243 570| ° 4, 808 1914 77 476] 2,685} 8, 440 282} 2,767 5 1919 /26, 119) 480, 945/2,358,937/1, 357,992) 489, 419] 470, 960)1, 387,471 1914 |27, 249) 480, 207/2,192,542} 917, 221| 240, 172] 282) 286 1919 | 5,309) 86,956) 419,671) 361, 848) 91, 977| 299, 266 1914 | 5,841) 96,214) 414,817} 266,805] 61,949] 184, 227 1919 403; 58,111) 100,433) 231,040} 66,179] 59,034 1919 55| 1,352) 27,483) 34,829) 1, 845]: 31, 613 1914 97| 1,989] 33,394) 46,767) 1,828} 39,199 1919 | 4,240} 32,768) 170,132 112,569) 38,355} 49,524 1914 | 4,901] 54,891] 207,461 118,423) 37,961] 37, 802 1919 21} 3,726) 12,947} 29,477) 3,060 6,853 1914 20} 3,800} 7,465) 11,736) 1, 758 §, 202) 1919 12) 1,073) 1,670 7,191 811 2, 103 1914 12 869; 1,643 5, 055 455 1,170 1919 | 1,041} 12,637] 23,469) 46, 213] 12,805 49, 209 1914 ' 1,000! 11,747] 20,767) 24,922! 6, 723 22, 399 1 Included in “foundry and machine shops’’ prior to 1919. 2 Includes ‘‘pulpwood”’ in 1914; not shown as a separate classification in 1919. ; GENERAL TABLES, 1163 TABLE 88.—COMPARATIVE SUMMARY FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. {See note at head of this table, p. 1157.] eae | ; Value bot . N Wage i Cost of | Value | added Co | Gens ep earners| Pri- |Capital.| Wages.| mate- |ofprod-| by |. INDUSTRY. | Sus’ lestab-| (@Ver | mary rials. | ucts. | manu- ¥ year. | lish- | _28¢ horse- facture. num- | power. ments) yer). e zinilol Expressed in thousands of dollars. Millinery and lace goods, not. | 1919 | 3,005) 50,850) 12,482) 95,539] 49,849) 132,929] 255,725) 122,796 “elsewhere specified. 1914, 2) 079} 45,274) 12,736) 53,101) 21,545) 57,676 14 160) 56, 484 Millstiones¥ ro... JT 06.228 1919 42 38 132 59 44 26 67 41 Mineral and soda waters. .../. 1919 |.5,194| 17,440) 41,764) 102,839) 167393] 68,600) 135,341} 66,741 1914 | 5,463} 15,506| 25,164] 53,233] 8/864] 26,779] 58,401) 31, 622 Minerals ‘and earths, ground | 1919 | 419] 14, 426| 127,074} 60, 209] 16310] 16,270] 46, 067| 29, 797 or otherwise treated. 1914 244) 4,707| 44,069) 27,439) 2,485 4,561} 10,307) 5,746 Mirrors, framed and unframed,| 1919 186} 2,599} 4,328 9,322) 2,819) 12,499} 20,831) 8,332 “jot elsewhere specified . 1914 182| 3,184) 4,673 6,517} 1, 968 6,014} 10,189} 4,175 Modeis and patterns, not in- | 1919 928} 6,949} 13,869} 11,754; 10,318 6,396} 25,300) 18,904 cluding paper patterns. 1914 762; 4,274) 6,149 5, 534) 3, 108 2, 045 8,605| — 6,560 Motorcycles, » bicycles, and | 1919 51| 10,886) 14,806] 35,362) 12,763] 25,986] 53,106] 27,120 _ . Soparts. 1914 78| 6,680) 8,753} 18,135] 4,739}. 10,928] 22,234] 11,306 : Mucilage, paste, and other ad- | 1919 127 803| 3, 242 7, 133 850 7,093} 11,230) 4,137 arriba y not elsewhere spec- | 1914 127 700; 2,456 3, 550 399 3,338 5,695} 2,357 Musical instruments and ma- | 1919 240| 4,113} 3,286 7,876} 3,985 4,445} 12,506) 8, 061 terials, not specified. 1914 241] 1,831) 1,865 3, 858} «1, 161 1, 023 3,625) 2, 602 Musical instruments, organs. -; 1919 68, 1,941) 3,251 6,771| 1,979 2,217 5,973) 3, 756 vcd 1914 85| 3,063) 3, 666 8,042) 1,993 2, 660 6,297; 3,637 Musical instruments, pianos. .| 1919 191} 22,957) 28,732| 116, 107 at 474]. 54,365) 107,088) 52, 723 1 i 15,705} 29,091} 62,775) 33,684 Musical instruments, piano | 1919 113} 11,009} 15,821) 32,324 10, 467| 16,693] 36,790) 29,097 SS | ” Vo) pt i bo or or S ~J b> on cs) oO — _ > | Pe Er ‘ , _and organ materials. 1914 | 138] 10,616} 14,702} 21,201] 5,655] 9,502) 19,876} 10,374 Needles, pins, and hooks and | 1919 92} 9,294] . 8,467| 26,325) 8,810} 10,227) 29,305) 19,078 . eyes. 1914 49} 5,339] 4,818) 9,424) 2,507; 3,242) 7,891); 4,649 i Nets‘and'sein@s...../.200..... 1919 19 859 959} 4,156 561] 3,648} 5,114) 1, 466 OES iE 1914 15) 1,058] 1,940} 2, 678 379| 2,257; 3,088 831 Metesrag eee, eb Sed Sos. 8 1919 6 124 533 978 118 576 983 407 : BOS 4G 1914 6 £16 333 495 49 235 359 124 : Oil and cake, cottonseed... ..- 1919 | 711| 26,766} 290,636) 203,457} 20,615) 495,192) 581,245) 86, 053 1914 | 882} 21,810} 249,781) 118,073) 8, 490 180,976] 212,127) 31, 151 Oil, essential . pb ES hee KS 1919 | *° 78 321] 1,833) 6,380 391; 3,903; 5,698| 1,795 . 1914 | 105 249] 2,309} (1,617 133} 1,565] 2,314 749 Oil, linseed....... ees... Tei 1919 |. 26] 2,173] 17,621] 73,954! 3,052| 100,578] 120,638) 20,060 1914 25} 1,488] 15,511) 39,873] 1,127} 39,555) 44, 883) 5, 328 Oil, not elsewherespecified ?- 1} 1919 230} 5,930) 30,075} 91,475) 6,141} 119,271) 156,480) 37,209 1914 | 181] © 2,049] 10,984] 27,630) 1,363) 26,420) 38,040) 11,620 Oileloth and Bales, epee Kap F919 21| 5,414) 23,509} 49,804; 6,518} 30,369) 52,673) 22, 304 1914 18| 4,428] 18,782) 20,292| 2,604| 11,252) 17,602) | 6,350 Oilcloth, enameled. Gee bie 8 os - 1,130! 4,501 n sie 1, So os aa 15, prt Ny, a 19 3| 1,223) 3,490 , TAS 0g 15 7,996 1, Oleomargarine and other but- | 1919 | 42) = 2, 851 9, 435} 24,972) 3,184]. 66,043). .79, 816) 138,773 -tersubstitutes. 1914 17 917| | 3,611 2, 994 584) 10,257| 15,080! 4,823 Optical goods... 2.222.222... mh 506} 14,723) 15,710 ni be i oe L a co ae oy es BA), aie 191 314| ©7,919| 7,792] 17,011) ‘4,64 , 8, 582. Ordnance and accessories !. ,. .| 1919 26| 11,328] 40,652) 85, 399]' 15,557} | 26,593) 69,496} 42, 903 Muintes 00 863..0000. 7222) 1919 | 601] 17,485] 73,702 177, 318 19, 550 ‘< 604) os ps 91, 110 ae BE 1914 | 585; 13,349] 62,955; 99,673] 8,315} 71, 588) , 82k Paper and wood pulp.........} 1919 729 113, 759}1 851 014} 905, 795] 135, 691 487, 483 788, 059} 320, 576 4 » oP 1914 718 88, 45711 621) 154) 534,625] 53, 246 213, 181 382, 147 18, 966 Paper goods, not elsewhere | 1919 308 14) 135 "35, 538 64,443) 12, 667 65, 295| 107,285 41,990 specified. 1914 | 310| 13,495| 27,366| 37,809) 6,850) 28,120) 48, 871] 20, 751 Paper patterns. ...........-. i919 19 403 68| 1,084] 374 317| 1,528] 1,24 1914 25| 1,073 362| 2,612]! '"! 577 626} 3,026] 2,400 Patent medicines and com- | 1919 | 2,467} 17%444| 25,677] 143,499] 18,749] -. $8,819) 212, 162] 123, 343 pounds. = 1914 | 2’ 903] 13/328] 18/542) 71,437| 6,675] 35,940 102, 463) 66, 523 Paving materials............. 1919 | 889] 16,072] 191,543] 67, 421] 17,169] -- 16,020|. 45,741) 29, 724 1914 | 609| 19,540] 138/026) 57,432] 11,184) 14,163] 35,678] 21, 515 Peantits, grading, roasting, | 1919 78| 2,460| 7,361] 10,304) 1,329} 28,474) 33,354] 4, 880 cleaning, and shelling. 1914 61] 2353) 4,235] 3,615 569| 12,571) 14,996} 2,425 Pencils, lead.i....004.50...2.. 1919 12| 5,970] 8,099} 29,641] 5,299] ° 9,074) © 24/134) 15, 060 1914 | .-14} 47330] 3/738} 10,670} 1,944] 4,564) 8,328) 3, 764 Pens, fountain and stylo} 1919 | 56] 3,207] 1,517] 9,725) 2, 981 5, 811|--- 15, 997] 10; 186 “graphic. 1914 | 55] 1,154] 1157) © 8,270|' 718) 1,614), 6,865] 5, 251 ons: Bold xs MARA 20293 1919 15 416 160 398] 517 962/180) 839 . 1914 12| 246 138 408 174 302 642; | 340 Pens, isin spiel aaa 1919 4 807 305 1,311 679 399, 1,680] ‘1, 281 . 1914 5 573 244 871 243 117 513; 896 Perfumery and cosmetics... 1919 | 569! 5,405] 2,196] 32,667| 3,983] 26,147) 59,613] 33, 466 914} 496 2.8071 12913 9,847] 1, 280! - 7, 4651 16, 8091 9, 434 °; Giicludee in ‘‘ail other industries” in 1914. 2 2 Includes ‘‘oil, castor,” and ‘‘oil, lard, not made in slaughtering and meat-packing establishments. 1164 ABSTRACT OF THE CHNSUS—-MANUFACTURES, TABLE 88.—COMPARATIVE SUMMARY FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. [See note at head of this table, p. 1157.]) Wage : ’ Cost of | Value | added Gen. (harm learners} Pri- | Capital. | Wages. mate- |of prod-| by INDUSTRY sus lestab-| veri) mary » IBIS. toe ABK, feo ; : age >| horse- acture. year. | lish- = ments ty Power Expressed in thousands of dollars. Petroleum, refinings).2.3...2.| 1919 320) 58, 889] 238, 906)1, 170, 278|° 89, 750|1, 24759081, 632,, 1914 176) 25,366) 128, 468) 825, 646]' 19,397] 325, 265]' 396, 361 Phonographs and grapho- | 1919 166} 28,721} 40,168) 105, 241): 133,963]. 59,740 phones. 1914 18) 9,381) 11,688} °83,771/0'°6, 341). ©7048} ah Photographic apparatus. ..... 1919 68) 25555) 9° 25321 7,.264)) 2,643 3 ; 1914] 87) 92,086) 01,522) 2/4, 897/01, 2898p nord, ! Photographic materials... ....4 1919 169} 14,556} 26,458} 87, 205) 18,966] 49 1914 59} 6,658} 14,960) «31,991 , 256} 1 10,004: Photo-engraving, not done in»| 1919 422) 6,769) °3;800) 12,443! 10,424) 55,038 printing establishments. 1914}:) 376} 6,211) (3,927 7, 703} 6, 167}' »2 Pickles, preserves, and sauces.| 1919 |, 723} 16,621} 22,500] «88, 704]: 113,346] 93,087 1914 672} 12,590) 18,840! 43,196) 5,789}, 35,6; Pipes, tobacco. . . £820.04... Be 1919 56} 2,539) © 2,001 7, 635)) 02, 555 3 1914 47| 2,354) <1,716 3, 232)" 1,188 2,308) 9 4, Plated ware.é-.- J825.&- -..,@9 1919 68} 9,492) 14,252) 34,790) 10, 913b. 17,767). : 1914 72) -8,717| 10,499) | 22,215) — 5,000 8, Plumbers’ supplies, not else-.} 1919 214) 18,592) 29,762; 60, 981/° 25, 963). 27,797} 0. where specified. 1914 260; 18,479) 28,253) 48,029) (11,703) 18,670 Povketbooks 2... i590 Sv 198 1919 139} 25905 431 5, 4281!) 03, O62} :e> 7; 5ST} 1914 64, 1,466 243 1,610 702 1, 784 Rotiery 223,06! - kab Be... Ay 1919 340) 27,934) 29,090] 66, 758! 29, 820)-- 20, 7 Poultry, killing and dressing, | 1919 196, 2,140) 4,016 not done in slaughtering } 1914 116} 1,353} 2,230 and meat-packing establish- ments. Printing and publishing, | 1919 /13, 089} 123,005] 131,961] 405, 555 141, 476) 211,067} . book and job. 1914 |12, 115) 113,121] 114,233) 247, 282). 78,414! 96, 453 Printing and — publishing, | 1919 |~ 160 899 634} 8, 006 927| 2,124]. 14) 592 music. | 1914 fo. 180 873 504) 9 4,261 573| 4,047 Printing and» publishing, | 1919 |17, 362) 120, 381 194, 361 newspapersand periodicals. | 1914 |19, 317} 114, 375] 182, 269 Printing materials..4.2...6... 191 723) 1,357 7, 245 799 1, 620 423, 671 tT 340 Pulp, from fiber other than 64 833 778 56 wood.! Bulpeoodss.a51< iss os. i bh Pumps, not including power pumps. 2,134) 3,488 6,194). 1,301) 2,765 Pumps, steam and other 10,688} 22,:155| 54, 840) ° 13, 764 power. 6,188} 138,723) 30, 656)» 4, 164 6, 693 Refrigerators ask . pia ag. jee 5, 786| 13,232) 23, 601) 915, 809)! 11, 5,617| 11,332; 14, 511))8,572' 7,348 Regalia, and society badges 2,223) 1,333 6, 258) © 1, 800 4, 287 and emblems. ...yu.2.... les 2, 010 665 4,122 980 2, 205 Rice, cleaning and polishing -. Roofing materials......0..222: 8,871} 89,327 4,088} 14, 702 , O48 7,6 782, 633) 1156, 807| 525, 686 199, 183) ¢ 81, 279) 126, 112 Rubber tires, tubes, and rub- ber goods, not elsewhere specified, Rules, ivory and wood....._.. 168] 299 415 142 134 408 441 8383 224 187 Saddlery and harness. ......2. 10,411) 8,242) 49, 368) > 10, 849) 2,448 ; 12,969] 10,397] 45, 207]. 7,996] 33,086 Safesiand vaults. ..s.2. i... Jos 2,949}; 5,842) 13, 023) 08, 233 6, 609 2,972}: 8,406 9, 360} + 1, 860 2, 646 BRMbe is. aace.'ok..s ch ee. 6 106 6,495} 43,187| 47, 725] © 1°7, 353} «16, 028]. Sand and emery paper and cloth. 3,471] 12,713] 18,777; 4,679| 43, 940 2,244} (7,930; 5,201] 11,607} 17, 292 5,510) 15,098) 26,665! 6,28i| 11, 792 4,560) 11,793) 15,860} 03,019] 40714}. 5, 432) 7, 451| 22,025) 6534/6, 994 4) 487| 1 Tneluced in ‘all other industries in 1914. Sausage, not made in slaugh- tering and meat-packing establishments. GENERAL TABLES. 1165 TABLE 88. —COMPARATIVE SUMMARY FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: ‘1919 AND 1914—Continued. [See note at head of this table, p. 1157.] Value ||, Wage | . ; Cost of | Value | added . ; Cen- |ber of |C2™mers| Pri Capital. | Wages. oi of — by 2 aver- mar 1als. ucts. manu- num- | power. ber). Expressed in thousands of dollars. Screws, machine......... ene] 1919 10, 262} 23,540) 53,570] 12,105|- 14,984" 40,015] 25,031 Haverretons 1919 Ze60| Vi 404) 1433] 28081 Brbea! TgeAO| | 01003 OOS - es us eee , 16 , 0% , 86 5, 5 908 1914 4’ 446| 8044] . 10,539! 15950], 2,350]. 6, 217| 3, 867 Sewing-machine Caves. sec. ae ie 10,656, 17,332), 5, 161 8, 018) 14, 243)... 6, 225 TRE ST 99/6031) 6,425}. 2/230, 2, 8411.5, 846] 3,005 Sewing machines and attach- | 1919 15,059] 217379). 71, 364| 19,333] ~ 16,384] 43,695) 27,311 iP hg, steak: 0. 3322: 4 li, 268, 640| 538,373} 643, '753/1, 456, 490] 812, 737 | 4914 33,508] 83,'706|. 132,712) 25,166} 29, 70 66, 217), 36, 947 ‘Bhipbuildtig, Posten, in- | 1919 43, 432| 78,144] 120,808} 59,074| 66,770) 165, 872], 99, 102 a a a a eae era ob S| sa a, ony a) f0 a Sey Fe. UY aa. << dee “ : 2,01 5, 327.78, 239 ) 45, 734, 12,579). 24,472) . 55,792) 31,320 1914 7,790] 7,954] | 16,646} 5, 088). 10,153)... 21;449}: (1,296 43,962 165, 347| | 219, 470) 159,920} 168, 801} 294,962} 126, 161 47, 167 109, 374 » 1144, 092) ) 33, 429} «9 87, 622 159, 378| 971, 756 “Suse, beet bo: uae. or... 1000. 1919) - 11,781] 127,394) . 224, 585]. 15, 908). 87,1029]. 149, 156) 62,127 1914 7,997! 76,705! 142, 1811. 6,606! 41,3991 62,605! 21, 206 i Pholidea: in other classifications prior to 1919 and covers “smelting and refining, antimony,” and lsrneltinig and refining, tin,” which could not be shown i eplintin in 1919. 2 Tncizided in “toundiy and machine shopats prior to: 1919. Structural ironwork, not | 1919 /Iade in steel works or roll- | 1914 ing mills. 1166 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 88.—COMPARATIVE SUMMARY FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919 AND 1914—Continued. : O48 AJGA [See note at head of this table, p. 1157.] Value Wage Cost of | Value | added M-learners| Pri- |Capital.| Wages.| mate- |ofprod-| by i Cen- rh (aver- | mary . rials. | ucts. | manu- INDUSTRY. Bde a. ave | horse- ony, jfacture. num- | power. Expressed in thousands of dollars. SEE nan 6 ee eae Be Se 1919 202} 6, 101} 101, 861 5, 117 _ 57,741) 13, 598 1914 | | 18i] 3/632) 113) 246] 32) 997 BVE6B5)" "5, 677 Sugar, refining, not including | 1919 20| 18, 202 52, 541 193) 54% Te 0, 987 68, 843 beet sugar. 1914 18] 11, 253} 49, 666 140, 500} © - - 289,399 25, 314 Sulphuric, nitric, and mixed | 1919 3 4,961} 30,637! — 51, 160 31, 470 15, 613 acids. 1914 32) ~3, 064] 24,927) 35, 234 15, 215) gy 48i Surgical appliances........... 1919 268} 6,390) 12,387} 33, 063 43, 534}. ‘21, 320 1914} 238] 4) 989] ° 6,361] 127 883 “-14).920) 7) 929 Suspenders, garters, and elas- | 1919 196) 10,857} 9,028) = 39, 677} 60,775) 24) 405 tic woven goods. 1914 | 216} 9,646) 7,524] 16, 344 ; © QA, 43319) 242 Textile machinery and parts 1.| 1919 432) 31, 823} 41,997} 129, 798} 36 122 089 76, 452 Theatrical scenery...) 2... 52. 1919 17 149 104 573} | a 2967) 11 Bg2 igl4 7 88 65 266} igarti ©49262 Tin and other foils, not else- | 1919 15; 1,908) 6,991; 11, 998 1, 921). 4,913 where specified. 1914 14. 1,03 2,458 3, 349 5, 068) i. 395 Tin plate and terneplate...... 1919 24) 8,122] 18, 697| 34, 315 97,405) 23) 982 Tinware, not elsewhere speci- | 1919 301} 34,386} 30, 499} 198, 387 233, 964, 68, 733 fied. 1914 294) 22,584] 19,139) 118, 218 81, 931 3) G90 Tobacco, chewing and smok- | 1919 365) 18, 3824) 18, 893) 188, 4441» 230, 271} 109; 001 ing, and snuff. 1914 436] 25, 980} 21, 273) 131, 358 175, 281 98, 677 Tobacco, cigars and cigarettes.| 1919 | 9,926) 138,773] 24,5 416, 395 773, 662 420, 865 1914 \13, 515] 152, 892) 18,664) “971, 982 Tools, not elsewhere specified .} 1919 | 1,125) 35, 585] 68, 381} 134, 732 1914 661) 16, 866} 338, 474) -47, 618 MERGES eT, 1919 | 541} 14, 201) 14,449] 277738 1914 | 200} 7,887} 6,789} 10; 484 peers aL? 1919 597) 11,470] 7,703} 34, 258 314, 884] 184) 354 ” 20: oe 45; 657} 25; 816 13 757 7, 978 te 63, 1932} § '80) 710 Toys and games’ Trunks and valises 1914 561) 9,911} © 7, 566}° 18, 571 26, 472) 12, 847 Turpentine and rosin.......2. 1919} 1,191] 28,067): 2,303] * 33, 596 1 53, O51): 189) 121 1914’| 1,394| 34,817] 2,478] ~ 20,745 0! 15,454 Type founding. {)22.22.. 02; 1919 23 810 850 4, 429 , OC 1; 147 1914 31} 1,054| 1,657) 5, 516 820) 4, 419 Typewriters and supplies... .. -1919 88} 15,669) 13,066) 47,794 331° 36,594 1914 |. 107} 11,091} 10,887} ~ 30,988 24, 500}'48, 999 Umbrellas and canes. ........ 1919 198) 3,368} 3,383) 15, 397 , 609) - 9, 676 1914 | 265] 4,792] 2)579|' 9) 469 3] 6, 221 Upholstering materials, not | 1919 163} 4,810} 19,826} ~ 32, 557 39,890} 14; 441 elsewhere specified. 1914 179| — 4,426} 18,753)» 15, 8791! 5, 696 Warhishes 22.00 Oa 1919 | « 229] 4,022] 11,497] © 62) 461 132) 124 ; 1914 | 215] © 2,734) 7; 29, 861 33,215] 16, 338 Vault lights and ventilators. .| 1919 41 316 279 5) 1, B45 ‘ 1914 45 601 491 1, 054) 4° 881; 092 Vinegar and cider............. 1919 | 720] 1,981} 17,943} 20,515 9, 164 1914] 618] 1,229] 13) 162] 8? 055 9B, 871 Wall paper, not made in | 1919 48} 4,262) 8,158) 19, 922 9/895 paper mills. 1914 | 48| 4,738] 7,010] 17; 620 0 851 Wall plaster and composition | 1919 161| 5, 123} 32,356] 25, 307 15, 054 flooring. 1914 165} 5, 389} 36,626] © 29, 512 8, 551 Washing machinesand clothes | 1919 105} 5, 956) 8, 836} 25, 986 17, 382 wringers. 1914 111} 2,302) 4,903 7, 298) © 3,452 Waste S80 54... LISG 0. leet, 1919}. 92}. -2)686| 11, 391|' 19; 472 “0'T) 556 1914 73] 2,966} 8,513] 10, 668 600) 25362 Watch and clock materials, | 1919 27 582 252 1, 021 792 except watchcases. 1914 25 670 626 1, 296 672 Watcheases 0.052 Ra 1919 33} 3,900] 4,275} 21, 791 11/413 1914 31) 3,514) | 2,386]. 11, 220 SB) 829 Watchesitt .. 9880..... 1808: 1919 18} 15,888] 7,202} 49, 001 044; 25 651 1914 15} 12,390) 6,624} 36, 389 > -1¥ 606 Wheelbarrows..........-.02.. 1919 11 291 765, 1,151 "709 1914 21 323) 1,198 7 - $13 OW tips Sis. Va... JOR 1919 26 717 2, 461 6| 1, 889 1914 40} 1,163] 1,076! 3,050 162}, 821 Wanidimille (igs is.. aly. 1919} © 31) 1,932] 4,761!" 10, 005 33] 4.973 1914 31); 1,955}. 3, 997 6, 426 2,942 Window and door screens and | 1919 214) 2,179) 7,530 9, 749] 10, 933)» 6, 036 weather strips. 1914 220} 3,194) 8,188 9, 355 4 Window shades and fixtures. . 1919 | 287| 4,411) 8,948] 18, 699 29,191]. 10, 941 ; 1914 286} 4,077; | 6,607 ve 526 5, 555 Wire....... AO a hens oo atee 1919 66 19, 741 1197 451 1027 017 59,337 | 1914} 54] 17,600! 83/940] 64; 014 25, 417 1 Included in “‘foundry and machine shop products’? prior to 1919): Be ebssingl § Pegs Bi ~~ ¥ GENERAL TABLES, 1167 TABLE 88.—COMPARATIVE SUMMARY FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: ; 1919 AND 1914—Continued. [See note at head of this table, p. 1157.] one Value Wage Cost of | Value | added Cen- lber of |ca™mers| Pri- | Capital. | Wages. tpt of prod- by INDUSTRY. t (aver- | mary rials. | ucts. | manu- ear: arth age | horse- facture num- | power. ments ber). Expressed in thousands of dollars. Wirework, not elsewhere spec- | 1919 | 558| 15,224| 29,074| 65,290] 15,506] 50,754] 90,549] 39, 795 ified 1914 | 552| 12,126] 21,547| 38,509] 6,719] 24.114] 417789] 17,675 PP eT ages i en eae ee eee ee ee Wood distillation............. 1919 | 115] 4,946] 15,938] 42,335| 5,310) 20,060/ 32545] 197 485 ald. 1914 | 95} 2,782! 10,045] 17,563! 1,565} 6,496] 9, 883] 3,387 Wood preserving. ......2.2... 1919 | 73] 3,978] 16,269] © 28,138] 47342} 23/249] 337939] 97.997 - % 5a 1914} 68} 2,830! 11,801] 20,155} 17785! 16,060 21,055; 4,995 Wood, turned and carved..... 1919 | 722! 10,649] 39,958} 237542| 97307} 16,609] 347847] 187238 sre 1914 | 828]. 11,615] 43,334] 17,836] 5,645] 9,166] 19,047| 9,881 - Wooden goods, not elsewhere) 1919 | 245; 6,443] 25,906} 21,111] 5,662| 10,173} 21/793] 11,620 | specified. 1914} 274]. 6,418] 20,711] 10,440| 27767} 4952] 10,162} 5, 210 ~ "Wool pulling..........00...22. 1919 | 24) ° 705} 2,162} 8853} = 910). 127810] 177361; 47551 1914] 34 708} «-:2,248] © 3°534/ 4521 «= «6 632] +8273] «1,641 Wool scouring............. ...| 1919] 33}. 2,177] 9,790}. 10,050) 2,896} 7,228] + 13680] . 6) 452 1914 | 24) 1,059] 7,579] 3,493] = 617}_~—-3° 176] 47565} 1389 Wool shoddy........2..22222. 1919.| 78} 2,566] 16,694] 16,991] 2,653] 16,076] 23/254] 7/178 , ; 4 , , ? “Woolen and worsted goods....| 1919 | 852] 166,787] 468) 480] 831,695] 1687109] 665) 595|1, 065, 434] 399) 839 1914 | 799] 158,692] 381,220] 389,653] 75,953} 246, 497| '379,484| 132’ 987 ANl other industries!.......... 1919 5 99 154 af 90 200 361 161 é | 1914 14 523} 1,158] 3,628) 400 762} 1,661 899 1 Comprises: In 1919, “‘straw goods, not elsewhere specified,” 1 establishment; ‘‘whalebone cutting,’’ 1; “wood carpet,’ 3. in1914, ‘‘millstones,” 2 establishments; ‘‘ordnance and accessories,” 2; ‘pulp, from fiber other than wood,”’ 3; ‘whalebone cutting.” 1; ‘‘ wood carpet,”’ 6. . PEL OIG DP Ie LAS NE ease Sak) 5 1168 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUPACTURES. _~COMPARATIVE “SUMMARY, BY GEOGRAPHIC ‘DIVISIONS ‘AND STATES: sssprtie 1919, i9t4, 1909, AND 1904. DIVISION AND STATE. UNITED. STATES... GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: : New England..-... Middle Atlantic. ... . East North Central West North Central South Atlantic..... East South Central West South Central Mountadicecc: .... Pacific. . es New ENGLAND: Maine... Cen- sus year. 19t9 1914 1909 1904 1919 1914 1909" 1904 1919 1914 1909 1904 1919 1914 1909 1904 1919. | 19i4 1909 1904 1919 19i4 1909 1904_ 1919 1914 1909 1904 1919 1914 1909 1904 1919 1914 1909 1904 1919 1914 1909 1904 1919 1914 1909 1904 1919 1914 1909 1904 1919 1914 1909 1904 1919 1914 1909 1904 Num- ber of estab- * lish- ments. 290,405 275, "791 268, AGL 216, 188. Eaten Wage earners (average nue Pe 9,096, 372 7, 036, 247 6, 615, 046 5, 468, 383 25,528: 11, 351, 380 25, 193. 1, 140, 233 25. ‘SOL L 101, 290, 22) 219.5 88, 360 85, 166 817315 67,699 61, 332 59, 896. | 60,013. |1 51, 754 29, 166 27, 199 27 171 21) 492 29, 976 28) 925 28, 088 19, 564 14,655 14,410 15, 381 10,311 13, 909 42)417 bo a8 Or ewe Oe es (0.4) orn ok is ee RA OW — Dre Ao cH 10, 723 2, 466 2? 190 1,951 1,617 "940° 752 2, 872, 653 2) 355, 940 os 207, 747 L } 886, 565 2, 396, 618 1 680, 281 513, 764 1, 294° 528 499, 635 381, 595 374, 337 312, 361 ‘817, os; 522, 611 329, 226 264, 378 261, 772 2217 229 285, 244 211, 940 204, 520 143,470 109, 216 81,113 75,435 52,790 435,179 235, 515 213, 166 164, 077 88,651 82) 149 79, 955 74, 958 83, 074 78,993 78,658 65, 366 33, 491 32; 704 33,788 33, 106 713, 836 606,698 584, 559 488, 399 139, 665 113, 425 113, 538 97,318 topes ~ Cost | Value Capital. | Wages. | of mate- | of prod- rials. ucts. I ei Expressed in thousands. 29, 504, 792/344, 466 BH 533,400/$37, 376, 380/$62,418,079 4, 078, 3382 14 368, 089)24, 246, "435 3; 497, 038}- 12° 142° 791 20; 672, 052 2, 610, 445 8, 500, 208 14, 2708 903 22? 437,072 13, 487, 707 5, 531. 02 4 255, 264 7,735, 137 5,421, 435 4” 382, 070 3, 120, 369 1,594, 112 1, 238, 988 |, 1, 1; 101, 990 753, 700 2,795, 094 | 2° O74, 785 1 832, 001” L 221, 040 1,415,577 1, 157,367 1, 036, 560 753, 928 1,185, 989 965, 500 873, 350 555,717 686,579 460, 278 400, 766 241, 825 1,757,798 1,094, 814 802, 016 460, 049 547,028 487, 211 459, 599 343,627 349, 138 344, 093 293, 991 218, 344 185, 695 172, 637 159, 445 140, 616 1, 729, 878 1, 396, 722 1175, 071 "938; 007 321, 016 269, 854 226, 740 181; 017 227 790, 980 18,675, 376| 18, 428-270 12,675, 581 5, 656, 409 1436, 435 | 3,951, 908 2; 948, 040 + 503, 854 dl. 870, 995 15,005, 390 7, 836, O71 6, 505, 675 4, 742, 357 12, 153, 594 5, 913, 681 4, 547, 225 2) 395, A46 2 1679, 027 24, 181 L tat 572 ” 857, 904 3, 332,334 930, 420 1, 296, 448 713, 357 586, 276 405, 361 1, 463, 837 687, 819 547, 739 328, 906 833, 985 469, 971 348, 977 220, 569 2,044, 970 1 153,321 ” 848 477 423, 623 419, 158 233, 844 2027 260 143,708 329, 167 156, 749 139, 990 109, 495 134,314 79, 847 73, 470 62,659 2,947, 109 1,548, 961 1, 279, 687 965, 949 594,337 215, 901 628, 409 1 657, 674 “B57, 631 v 476, 297 | 439, 050 4, 116, 7273 | 3,464,931 |11, 424,096. 1 370, 131’ 4 680; 993 1, 182) 568 4) 159, 493, “926, 145 Pz 961, 995 | Be 538 & Sea ~toos Se ese A o> Hs 2,992,931 |10,621 687 |17, 737,480 1,072, 538 | 3,795,039 | 6, 542,26 * 927; 152 | 3,034,472 15,211, 702 615,643 | 2,045,537 | 3,605,368 546,172 ) 3,778,125 | 5, 187)035 235,471 | 1,397) 841 | 2;032) 192 204,792 | 1} 241/855 | 1,803) 899 157, 843 |’ 8622.011-} 1, 984° 446 778,027 | 2,596, 264 4,455, 152 293, 063, | 1,003,068 1,682) 999 244,378 | "790,005 | 1,381,186 175,461 | 550,102] ’ 974’ 028 298,711 | 977,825 | 1,642,391 117,987 | 387,011 00, 668 102,191} 336,163 | 630,488 83,942 | 252,156 | 464,336 293,022 | 1,547,994 | 2,277,861 116,128 | °526,907 | ” 8027 538 97,646 | 382,131 | 625,443 67,128 | 246,832 | 415; 232 141,902 | 610,239 | 922,676 66,358 | 272,215 | 437,568 56,870 | 228,692 | 363, 996 39,046 | 152,813 | 254’ 663 581, 269 1, 858, 242 | 3,157,610 178,247 | 647,341 | 1,067,889 153,810 | 493,678 |” 843; 512 106,187] 312,489 551, 565 94,225 | 254,568 | 456,822 43,254 | 117,655 | 200,450 37, 632 97,101 | 176,029 32, 692 80,042 | 144,020 79,326 | 239,528 | 407,205 40,642 | 114,993) 182,844 36, 200 98,157 | 164,581 27,693 73,216 | 123,611 34, 084 95,173 | 168,108 18,617 42,706 76, 991 17,272 34, 823 68,310 15, 221 32,430 63, 084 766,623 | 2,260,713 | 4,011,181 341,310 | 931,384 | 1,641,373 301,174 | 830,765 | 1,490, 529 232,389 | 626,411 | 1,124,092 137,495 | 415,989} 747,323 59,366 | 162,425 | 279,546 55,234 | 158,192 | 280344 43,113] 1112/8721 2027110 ~ GENERAL TABLES. 1169 “TABLE 89. COMPARATIVE. ‘SUMMARY, ‘BY GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND STATES: “1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904—Continued. see A) a! ik rm] r ; __DIVISION.AND STATE. NEw ENGLAND—Con. sDu can move citi Bee base i 4 ‘ a! 4 : { : Hi! i “More Oe? hc: ¥ aihlew) Sorte samadotl : - ag ie Pe ae ; J UES NC 280 Q ii WL i 1 $86.48 . eh gpfow Forays. -> uit sy ey i ye ‘ . me Oe) Cit. | epg , re G OES BE (} sl ba iPenitcoirpni.| oe S10! ; “Bast Nort Curran: Str OF 10.f he hee. 7 1 , Ter Sbk One tH Ss ports er ee 1 VF G0 | iP .! } 6 SAMOS 0 52} Ss ie 04s St n.¢G : I i350 SS - ol - Michigan. - ae. 'ot bang € € uo ay nF a “Wisconsin ts... 2.52. be , OAc ; wo ae SUS uy A gl 4 M).Fer | 388s ) _West NORTH CENTRAL: “ - Minnesota. BY oc SS % eT es I BE 003.2 Towa... 2OT¥ ees ae AS a Ss Gua BS SSS OTT il i os | Qi e ty "Missovif. BEE - | Set 1 np Oo" 2 { Ut hae tei : : jie ol Ast .S ‘North, ec eae 1 SO Wy - whe Gi Lie EF OTi OOF | 8a ‘eB i oo) ‘South ‘niles , ec 08 aes OS ; me ict 46 | £08 ood 1 nevi Remar | ce Be ape ‘ba ' ue 23, 495 16,125 15,658 15, 138 13,785 7,916 - 87022 7,969 7,044 18,593 18, 388 ( 18, 026 147 921 8,305 18) 724 9) 159 “7, 446 “10,393 °"9) 104 “19,724 ‘18,558 16,295 8, 592 8) 386 8,375 6, 464 * (2) 884 Sng? 492 19” 500 “E819 (average number). 210, 792 181, 605 1, 228, 130 1057, 857 1 ” 003, 981 "856, 947 508, 686 373, 605: 326, 223 266; 336. 1, 1855837 924,478 877,543 763, 282 730,733 510,435 446, 934. 364,298. 277,580: 197, 503 186, 984 154,174 | 653,114 508, 943 465, 764 379,436 ” 471; 249° 271,090 231, 499 175, 229. 2635949: 194, 310: 182’ “583° 151, 391- 115,623" 92? 834 84: 767 69, 636 80, 551- 63; 113- 61, ‘635- ; 49, ‘481° 198; 037 152) 182 152, 993 188, 167 +36) 521 - | 25; 144 24°36: | 20,260: Capital. Expressed in thousands. 664,691 |$1, 232,324 453, 812 | 620,194 400,275 | 517,546 304,204 | 373,283 2,936,530 | 6,012, 083 2, 356,655 | 3,334,278 1, 997, €62 | 27779, 497 1,516,592 | 2,031, 460 1,146,744] 2,815, 57 "793, 063 || 1,352,382 612,293, |” 977,172 436,274 | | 715,060 4, 454)386 | 6,177,730 3, 549, 858 | 3,149,411 2.921.547 | 2,749,006 2,302,398 | 1,995, 837 2,897,497 | 3,748, 744 1,993, 080.| 1,677,552 1,583,155 '| 1,300,733 1,116,982 | ~ 856,989 1,095,912 | 1,335,714 709,703 | | 668,863 633,377 | | 508,717 380,758 | 312,071 1,660,918 '| 3,366,453 1305, 930'| 1, 943, 836 1/013, 074. 1)548)171 "744, 555 | | 975,845 1,202} 128 | 2,340, 954 "730,383 | | 869,143 508,288 | 583,947 440,890 | 337,804 878, 682'| 1,361,729 682, 339!| 754, 287 554,179'| 605,657 440,234 | 412,647 473/957 | 679,386 358787 | 354,434 207'670 | . 275,416 220,934 | 184,903 242,946 | 403, 206 190,049 | 233,128 155,384 | | 171,219 118/065 | 111,428 477/303 | . 938,761 391,385 | 522,548 340,467 |. 444,343 247,861 | 379,369 17,791 24,550 14,062 14,213 13, 196 11, 585 9, 873 5,704 22; 191 30,933 | 16,324 | | 15,060 | 7, 666 13,018 40154 7, 585 125,814 | | 245,257 9/285 | 121, 008 64,466 | 99,901 | 46,372 | | 80,235 Wages. $324, 682 125,220 110, 119 87, 942 1, 458, 207 31, 042 557, 231 430, 015 600, 658 211, 136 169, 710 128, 169 1,406, 066 527, 953 455, 627 367, 961 944, 652 317, 924 245, 450 182,429 317, 043 119) 259 95, 510 72, 058 801, 087 340, 910 273,319 208, 405 639, 708 182) 252 118, 968 81,279 290, 441 112, 193 93, 905 71, 472 127, 107. 58, 507 OMT, ATI 35, 843 ‘90, 117 39, 860 82, 542 22; 997 196, 515 89, 197 80, 843 66, 644 5, 401 2 416 1, 787 1, 032 7, 905. ce 628 2 297 1 422 46, 067 16, 893 13, 948 eH, 022 Cost of mate- rials. Value of prod- ucts. $685, ooh $1, 392, 432 2885 257, 50 191, 302 4,943, 214 2 108, 607 L 856, 904 t, 348, 603 2,270,473 883, 465 720, 034 470, 449 4, 210, 409 1,688, 921 1, 582, 560 1) 142’ 943 2,911, 948 1, 020, 782 824, 202 527, 637 1,174, 951 423, 857 334, 375 220, 507 3; 488, 270 1 340, 184 160, 927 B10" 057 1,919, 243 592, 801 368, 612 230, 081 1,127,275 417,415 346, 356 227, 255 883, 090 336, 849 281, 622 210, 554 520, 241 205, 451 170, 707 102, 844 1, 056; 457 388, 715 354,411 252, 258 44, 489 14, 484 13, 674 7,096 42,986 17, 080 1 476 8, 697 480,774 174, 114 151, 081 124, 052 545,472 490, 272 369; 082 8, 867, 005 3. 814, 661 3, 369, 490 2 488, 346 3, 672, 065 1 406, 633 1; 145, 529 774, 369 7,815, 703 2, 832, 350 2, 626, 742 1, 955, 551 1) 437, 936 960, 812 1, 898, 753 730, 795 579, 075 393, 954 5, 425, 245 2, 247, 323 1, 9197 277 1, 410, 342 3; 465, 188 1, 086, 163 685, 109 429, 120 1) 846, 984 696, 172 590, 305 411; 140 1, 218, 130 493, 354 409, 420 307; 858 745,473 310, 750 259, 238 160, 572 11, 594, 208 637, 952 574, 111 439, 549 57, 374 21,147 19, 137 10, 218 62, 171 24’ 139 17, 870 13, 086 596, 042 291) 616 199, 019 « 154,918 1170 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES., TABLE 89,—COMPARATIVE, SUMMARY, BY' .GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1919; 1914, 1909, AND 1904—Continued. Num Capital. | W rant t prod - j : ages. ma oO - Cen-| ber of Mead Primary apts “¥% ‘rials ucts, DIVISION AND STATE. | sus eng (average | _orse- persd Sk ; year.| lish- | \imber),.| Powers = ments .. Expressed in thousands. W. NogtTH CENTRAL— Continued ; KGTisase foo ee poe 1919 3,474 61, 049 234,110 | $357,534 | $73, 060 $750,088 | $913, 667 1914 3, 136 41, 259 179, 146 163,790 25, 970 261,148 323, 234 1909 3,435 44,215 213,141 156,090 | © 25, 904 258, 884 325, 104 1904 2,475 35, 570 99,441 88, 680 18, 883 156, 510 198, 245 F hes SoutH ATLANTIC: Delaware.......... 1919 668. | 29,035 85,150} 148,208 | © 37,265 |. 85,433 |" 165,073 1914 808} 22)155 | 647403 69,324] 11,382] 31,649] 56,035 1909 726 | 21,238 | 52,779 | 60,906 | 10,206 | 30,938 | 52,840 1904 631 | 18,475 |. 49,490 50,926 | 8,158] 24,884] 41, 160 Maryland.......... 1919 | 4,937 | 140,342] 406,768 | 619,607 | 147,867 |. . 549,347)" 873, 945 1914 | 4,797 | 111,585} 263,753 | 293,211 | © 53,792 | 238,972 | 377,749 1909 | 4,837 | 107,921] 218,244] 251,997 | 45,436] 199,049 | 315, 669 1904 | 3,852] 94,174! 165,449] 201,878 | 86,144] 150,024 | 243°376 District of Columbia} 1919 595 10, 482 33,079 63,008 13,189 |. © 30,940 | 68, 826 1914 514} 8,877] 24,775] 40,810| 6,069] 12,939] 28,978 1909 518 | 7,707) 16,563 |. 30,553 | \° 4,989 | 10,247 | 25, 280 1904 482,| 6,299] 127592!’ 20,200 | © 3,659 7,732 | 18,359 Virginia.........20. 1919 | 5,603 | 119,352] 419/946] 463,645 | 120,007 |. 371,541 | 643,512 1914 | 5,508] 102,820) 337,567] 261,501 | 44,874 | 155,319 | 264,039 1909 | 5,685.| 105,676 | 283,998] 216,392] 38,154] 125,583 | 219,794 1904 | 3,187 | 80,285 |! 176,998] 147,989 | 27,943 83,649 | 148, 857 West Virginia. ....- 1919 | 2,785 | 83,036] 328,653 | 339,190 | 101,840 |. 270,941 |: .471, 971 1914| 2,749] 71,078} 278/504] 175,995} 43/784] 110,033 | 193,512 1909 | 2,586] 63,393 | 217;496| 150,922} 33,000 92,878 | 161,949 1904 |» 2'109| 43,758] 138,578 86,821 | 21,153 54, 419 99, 041 North Carolina. ...- 1919 5,999 | 157,659 549, 878 669,144 | 126,680 526, 906 |. 943, 808 1914 | 5,507 | 136,844} 508,085 | 2537842 | 46,039 | 169/942] 2897412 1909} 4,931 | 121,473 | 378,556} 2177185 | 34,355 | 121,861 | 216,656 1904} 3,272] 85,339) 216,622] 141/001 | 21,375] 79,268| 142,521 South Carolina..... 1919 | 2,004 | 79,450] 395,556.}~ 374,538 | 62,566 | 227,986 | 881, 453 ; 1914| 13885] 71,824] 340,224} 203/211 | 24173 | 917009 | 138,891 1909 | 1,854] 73,046] 276,378] 173,221 | 20,361 66,351 | 113,236 1904 | 1,399] 59,441| 197,479 | 113/422] 13/869| 49/969| 79,376 Georgia............ 1919 | 4,803 | 123,441 | 436,608 448,700] 101,180| 440,490 | 693, 237 1914 | 4,639 | 104,461 | 357,403 | 2587326} 38,128} 160,089 | 253/271 1909 | 4,792 | 104,588} 2987241 | 202778] 347805 | 116,970} 202/863 1904 | 3,219} 92,749) 220,419 | 135,211 | 27,393 83,625 | 151,040 Plorida..222....20: 1919 | 2,582 | 74,415 | 189,456} 206,294 | . 67,433] 92,680] 213,327 4 eB: 1914 2,518 55, 608 100, 071 88,319 24, 822 33, 816 81) 112 1909 2,159 57, 473 89,816 65, 291 22, 982 26, 128 72, 890 1904 1,413 42? 091. 43,413 32,972 15, 767 16, 532 50, 298 EAst SOUTH CENTRAL: Kentucky..:....... 1919 | 8,957] 69,340] 247,573 | 276,535 | 67,034 | 235,716 | 395,660 1914 | 4,184] 64,586] 238,314] 193,423 | . 31,830] 114,829] 230, 249 1909 | 4,776} 65,400] 230,224] 172°779| 273888] 111,779| 2237754 1904 | 3,734] 59,794] 174,625] 147,282 | 24,439] 86,545] 159,754 Tennessee. ...i..-. 1919 | 4,589] 95,167] 338,814} 410,203]. 81,355 | 344,767 |... 556, 253 1914] 4,775 | 74,373 | 286,857 | 211/423] 33,083 | 123,430 | 212.071 1909 | 4,609] 73,840] 242,977] 1677924 | 28°251| 1047016 | 180, 217 1904} 3,175| 60,572) 175,780| 102/440 | 22 806 79,352 | 137,961 Alabama........... 1919 | 3,654 | 107,159| 628,376] 455,593 | ..99,066 | 300,664 |... 492,731 1914] 3,242| 78,717| 445,762 | 227,505| 33,8971 107,412| 178,798 1909 | 3,398] 72)148] 357,837| 173,180 | 277284 83,442 | 145,962 1904 | 1,882} 62,173} 2937185] 105,383] 21,878] 60,458| 109,170 Mississippi......... 1919 | 2,455] 57,560 | 200,814] 154,117] 51,256] | 96,6781. 197,747 1914| 2,209] 46,702|° 186,434} 81,006] 19,177] 41,340] 79,550 1909 | 2,598] 50,384] 206,222] 72'393| 18,768] 36,926] 80,555 1904} 1,520] 38,690] 110,338] 50,256| 14,819] 25,801] 57,451 WeEsT SOUTH CENTRAL: Arkansas...)....2+: 1919 | 3,123] 49,954] 214,194] 138,818 | | 47,186 | 102, 813.| , 200,313 1914} 2,604] 41,979] 177,208| 77;162| 20,752 : : 1909 | 2,925] 44; 982 173, 088] 70,174| 19,113] 34,935] 74,916 fs 1904 | 1,907! 33,0891 109,509! 46,306! 147544! 21/799! 53, 865 i GENERAL TABLES. LO. 4 TABLE 89. 9. — COMPARATIVE SUMMARY, BY GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND STATES as 1919, 1914, 1909, AND 1904—Continued. ., - z ans ae 7 Cost Value : , ! EG gah Wage Primary apital. ages. Se sof beg __ DIVISION AND STATE. | sus estab- (average horse- ‘ pneeamennemaa year.| lish- Ham ber). power. | ene Expressed in thousands. Bi pellet tet ceed : a { _ W. Soutsa: CENTRAL— - Continued. ? > Louisiana. .-.....-.| 1919} 2,617] » 98,265 | 388,605 | $462,209} $94,406 | $431,404 | $676, 189 B 1914} 2)211| 77,665 | 355,193 | 261,635 | 39,544 | 157,886 | 255,313 4 1909| 27516] 76,165| 346,652| 221,816] 33,386 | 134,865] 223,949 a : 1904 |. 2)091 | 55,859| 251,963 | 150,811] 25,316] 117,035] 186,380 -_ Oklahoma.........} 1919 | 2,445] 29,503] 139,983] 277,034] 35,026 | 312,606 | 401, 363 a 1914| 2)518| 17,443 97, 308 65,478 | 11,011 70,970 | 102,006 | | 1909 | 2,310] 13,143 71,139 38, 873 7,240 34,153 | 53) 682 Bey: bs 44 . 1904 | 11,123 5, 456 29, 608 16, 124 2,799 16,394] 24, 459 D O85 0op”eadl! (85,601 8b 1919 | 5,724 | 107,522} 443,207]. 585,776 | 116,404} 701,171 | 999, 996 oa 1914| 5,084] 74,853 | 335,791 | 283544] 44,821] 253,144 | 361,279 eT: 1909} 47588 | 70,230} 282/471 | 216,876} 37,907) 178, 178.1" 272) 806 . a 1904| 3,158] 49,066] 164,637| 115,665 | 24, 469 91/604 | 150, 528 _ Mountain: ae e _ Montana...........| 1919 | 1,290] 17,160] 153,491] 137,476] 24,743 | 122,152| 166,665 POMS Tse ye 1914 939 | 13,704 91, 671 79,246 | 13,001 46,744 1 94) 446 ee 1909 677} 11,655 90, 402 44,588} 10,901 49,180} 73,272 Bp bre PGs 1904 382 8, 957 46, 736 52, 590 8, 652 40/930] 66, 415 i. Idaho. |.....2,:-.-- 1919 922] 13,917 73, 876 96,062 | 18,548 43,949 | 80, 511 “tt if 1914 698 8,919 50, 326 44, 961 7,491 14, 892 | > 28) 454 Be i100 1909 725 8, 220 42) 804 32,477 5, 498 9920 | © 22) 400 J ewe 20) 1904 364 3,061 16, 987 9, 689 2, 059 4) 069 8, 769 mm Wyoming....,.... 1919 576 6, 634 17, 869 82,288 | 11,189 42,951 | 81,445 is 1914 337 2’, 989 10, 004 29, 27 2) 312 5,560 | 11, 224 bes? 7 1909 268 2’ 867 7, 628 6,195 2,081 2; 608 6, 249 Bey OTS Ate 1904 169 1) 834 3, 604 2,696 1, 261 1, 301 3, 523 By PC Wdlérado 840. _.. 1919 | 2,631} 35,254 |+ 206,309] 243,827) 42,975 |. 174,870 | 275, 622 “ 1914] 27126] 27,278| 162,828] 181,776 | 20,200 89; 756 || 136, 839 Be i.sec 1909 |. 27034 |) 28,067] 154,615 | 162,668} 19,912 80,491 | 130,044 ie, it 1904} 1,606] 21,813} 124,907} 107,664 |’ 15, 100 63,114 | 100; 144 |» New Mexico........ 1919 387| 5,736| 17,200] 15,226] 6, 659 7,727 | 17,857 4 BOS BR BE LA “| 1914 368 3,776 12) 468 8, 984 2, 695 4’ 430 9’ 320 ay a ‘ 1909 313 4 143 15, 465 7,743. }.....2,591 3, 261 7, 898 4 fait 1904 199 3,478 5, 948 4, 638 2,153 2, 236 5, 706 a D \Asivenal i). 4.'...|2019. 480 8,528} 103,958} 101,486 | 12,015 92,645 | 120,769 ey ect 625 | 1914 322 6,898 |. 54,697 40, 300 6, 229 39,283 | 64, 080 Re) Us: | 1909 311 6,441 39,140 32) 873 5, 505 33,600 | 50; 257 te 1904} 1691 4,793] 21,412 14, 396 3/969 |) 14,595} . 28, 083 A axe oan |. Lge, .| 1919 | 1,160} 18,868 93,942. 140,785 | 21,455.) 110,164,| 156, 933 4 /1914| 1,109] 13,894 59,536 71,843 | 10,852 62,233 | 87,112 46320808 | | 1909 749 |: 11,785 42) 947 52, 627 8, 400 41) 266, 61,989 ; 1904 606 8, 052 19,397 26, 004 5, 158 24,940 | 38,927 y UEZ SL 4 Nevada........ .----| 1919 166 3,119 19, 874 16, 835 4,318 16,491) |' 22,874 i 1914 180 3, 655 18, 748 13,591 3, 578 9°317| 16,083 set 1909 177}! > 2,257 7, 765 9, 806 1, 982 8,866 | /» (11, 887 i G85 301 1904 115 802 2) 834 2, 892 694 1, 628 3,096 Pactrrc: . | ~ Washington Mes 2 1919| 4,918| 132,928] 687,436] 574,235 | 194,968 | 443,178 | 809, 628 B an 1914 | 37829 | 67,205 | 339,567 | 277,715) 51,703 | 136, 609 |. 245, 326 B oti.3 1909 | 3,674| 69,120} 297,897 |. 222,261 | 49,766. | 117,888) 220, 746 Box. 1904 | 2,751| 45,199 | 168,342 96,953 | . 30,087 66, 166. | 128, 822 OOF & sth . mM £65 Oregon | ws. s0...- 1919} 2,707} 58,559] 304,346] 237,255 | 81,094} 206,206 | 366, 782 VES vey 1914. 27320} 28,829] 214,222} 139,500] _ 20, 931 63,258 | 109, 762 . . 1909 | 2)246| 28,750] 175,019 89,082} 19,902 50,552 | 93,005 GSi S08 1904} 1,602] | 18,523 81, 348 44,023 |. 11,443 30, 597.) 55, 525 ve California... Br 1919 | 11,942] 243,692 | 766,016 | 1,233,480 | 305,207 | 1,218,858 | 1,981,205 Dee bie i914 | 10/057 | 1397481 | 491,025 | 736,106 |. 105,613 |. “447,474 | ° 712,801 1909} 7,659] 115,296 | | 329,100] 537,134] 84,142] 325,238] 529,761 6b Oae . 1904} 6,339] 100,355| 210,359 | 282,647} 64,657 |, 215, 726 367,218 PAS } ¢ i 4 Si 001 1 Includes Indian Territory. BoD ek 1T72 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 90.-DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [Data for this table are presented in three sections, as follows: “Financial statistics, ’pp-1172 to 1199 3 Per- CD NIHSMOe SO WH INDUSTRY, Allindustries.i::... oc. 1 See Aeroplanes, seaplanes, and airships, and parts. Agricultural implements.............. Artists’ materials...... 2.22.2. its aes a Crayons 33.3%. (10.8. J. te ee oe Adbothercs sd. c0°2. 5 ct abe ee EE Asbestos preducts, not including steam packing. Building materials: ... 22. c0.22222 Yextile-mill products.....: oe i |" TALS ODE? act Te eee ke ie eee Automobile bodies and parts........... Automobile repairing, ..... 2.0..5..---422 Auntie ten Be Pen § We a BE At RE Babbitt metal and solder... si/..2...-- i Babbitt metahiz.:.2..0 8 2 28 oa a BE Wihite metal iag.s.: Ll aa ers ag ieype thetak. ossPi5 2 ee eee Solder. ...-.-222 522... 5-2 an? ae Bags, other than paper, not including > bags made in textile mills, Bags, paper, exclusive at those made in paper mills. Baking powders and yeast....-.....-.: Baking powders......) Sao 5.2422 Yeast Belting and hose, rubber............2.. Beltimes. 2.200.125. Bake 2 a u Belting and hose, woven, other than rubber. Woven beltings 296.11 TRE GRE tet All other, including woven aoe f Belting, leather). 569.0...) Lea A804 Billiard tables, bowling alleys, and accessories. Blacking, stains, and dressings.../2) 22: ORE Sian. t Gru MM bs wld ae ct. oats Bone, carbon, and lampblack.......... Bone black and lampblack........ UstRon Blak. mary fee 5 WA A 31° 521 Capital. Dollars. 17, 753, 875 366, 962, 052 48, 490, 364 2, 072, 960 29° 052, 635 17, 364, 769 94, 558, 643 6,675, 418 (2, 231, 416 29, 646, 743 4, 663, 790 1,687, 280 2,976, 510 16,404, 739 4, 456,057 9) 450, 303 2 498) 379 470, 497, 552 141, 123, 954 1, 310, 451, 400: 26, 727, 621 24, 383, 342'|| 15, 498, 154 ©3977, 918 } 218 348 4, 688, 922) 79, 042, 143 24, 584, 881 “43, 486, 136 29, 080, 892 14) 405.244 7,195, 394 1,004, 743 45,919, 568 19, 900, 767 26, 018, 801 17,348, 974 8,843, 717 8, 505,257 27, 533, 899 ef 040; 990 » 13,080,901 L 227, 619 9, 790, 167 L 612, 781 8, 177, 386 “FINANCIAL STATISTICS. a - ews b x ¥ Expenses. Salaries and wages. ' ) 7 rt Wage Officers. earners. Do hare Dollars. 280, 105 44,466, 593, 771)/1,453,261, "708 1,439,109. 788/10 533,400,340 825,357 | 1,175,333] 4,906, 740 9,329,013 } 12,596,730 | 66,704,434 1,514,373 | 1, 792;301 | 13, 327, 306 "115,781 26, 11 8217 659 650,995 | 8, 5547 543 747,507 | 794, 712 3, 951, 104 4,277,331 | 3,320,820] 23, 587,692 "317,405 | 534,394] 377407911 296,432 | 241,649] -” 794’ 595 1,637,449 | 653}5401 9, 310) 899 337,524 | 241,412| 895, 764 127, 840 90; 462 347, 488 209,684} 150,950 548) 276 986,232 | 613,501. |°, 3,731,974 165, 199 143,087] 1, 590,294 645, 689 379,192 | 1695; 991 175, 344 91 222 "445, 689 19, 917,833 | 15,051,007 | 178,955, 503 6,237,421 | 5,365,398 | 71/613) 471 34; 591; 682 | 32; 624) 122 | 312° 165,870 1,903, 641 t 098, 506 5, 858, 523 1,091, 140 | 1,079, 550 “2, 982, 128 ” 530, 367 ” 663, 131 E 703, 690 243, 831 196, 643 "394° 900 40, 033 | 19, 114. 25, 713 276, 909 | 2, 308, 815 | 1,171, 415 200; 662 | 1, 784, 247 1, 003, 945 (757, 825. 7,756, 582 - 3, 662, 830 1, 795, 739 I, 563, 534 ” 932) 205 1,011, 677 ” 647, 956 | - 303, 721 493, 082 = 48, 268 832, 137 346,787 | 485, , 350 | 738, 316 |. 3, 369, 086 205,110 6, 073, 539 ~2)374, 302 3, 699, 237 2, 202, 188 2,045,474 765, 270, 1, 280, 204 803, 309 395; 358 |. {abe 800°» 1,532, 805 342, 958 | 6 1, 440; 466 | ‘oes 3, 260, 439 163,455 | ° 107,953 | _ 2) 495, 353 1,207,158 | 1,412,125] 2,109, 103 88, 683 74, 80 285 265, 813 128) 778 137, 035 ‘Zi - 4 - 7 _ Rent and taxes. For Tax axes contract | Rent | Federal, A of state,, Total 9°19) factory.°; county, and local | Dollars. Dollars, Dollars. Dollar + kick 403,700 212043089 2,079,369 ,357/37,276, 380, 283 : P5085 645 — 64, 805 622,895-|, 7,126, 965 if 113, 421 | 1884482 11,986, 419-| 144, 571, 943 | 69810,887)| 96,712.13, 242,304 |. 49, 271, 861 ; ipower 62,825 | 229,932 | 4° 938°378 BR ea, ¥ | 81,488 | 2,400,805 | 33, 174, 047 - 3,087 | 12399| 611,657 | 11) 1597 436 a \* 146,58 545 | 6,989,609-| 38, 101, 602 | 755,978 | 318, 802 71,405 | 7,004,646 “| 33493 | 133,050 49) 220 774, 447 | £655;816-| (2235376.}, 309,026 |. 13, 913,317. Bb ~ 430, 486 - 40, 664 180,626} 2,687,226 >| ace 278327.) ' 41;388.1- ., 50, 909 733, 779 | 136,649 | | 29,276 129,727 | 1,953) 447 BRP SEO PRG OA0 1S Lf OFS — 3,228 90,596 | 1,015,913 | 12,947, 702° eae Te RG, REL Oe ff |) 3y228'| 28,010 | 130,650]. 2, 646, 580 Mt aah (on2 i - 809 | 848,844] 8 672.499 ‘ seaseaset-| 19,687 | | 36,419] 1,628, 693 § 1,560, 201 |2, 903, 800-|.19, 186, 223 | 362, 027, 302 | 1, 409, 553 |7, 846,451 | 1,808) 906 87, 648, 853 | 198, 142 |1, 262, 023 126, 893, 916 1,508 651,574 ‘| >» (42,931) 640,702) |. 989, 698: | 6, 961, 140 Beet Fae Ot] | SS ES a ee RK } 2,940] 108,556}, (460,895 | 48, 844, 269 7.» ©8536] 31,808] 241,990} 2773377 026 Jeve--+-----| 49,745 | - 78,249 | 10, 908, 867 Beets etl ka hb 2g BOB | gee | Fy Q2Be |r 445, 455 |} "3,084 | 23/19. |. 1337.433.| 10, 154’ 921 Be 3h Osh Lae age lic: | 3 } 63, 190 332,919 | 7,005,541 | 176,017, 560 | 2,086,| 141,635.) 1,460,724] 33, 350, 481 1. .-°713;| 901, 886,) 2,349, 457.1. 26, 635,429 sp) -613 | . 48,373 844,083 | 14/879) 901 ~ 853,513 | 1,505,374'|; 11,756, 528 99,678 | 402,277.) 4,904, 241 1, 266 18, 357 "450, 149 4,620 | 1,159,836 | 18,310,401 4,620 | — 382,669.| 7,316, 014 stentenses 17, 167} 10, 994, 387 - 387, 085 55,372 | 11,642, O11 } 150] | 15,128'|' 208,354 | 6, 834, 438 Ria che 2 - | Bi 957 257,018 |* 4,807, 573° 306, 764 647, 706 | 28,156,711 ~ 1,033 | 44, 413 | 568, 402 |» 6, 100, 852 9,884] 192,101}, 416, 916 14, 041, 840 > pee75 | | 2%, 360 | 66, 312 954 4500} 3,515] 173,671 | 2, 848, 059 - gS 2} 220 34, 102 ” 895, 333 4,500] 1,295 139} 569 | 1, 952) 726 rm AG . |. GENERAL TABLES, UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919. sons engaged in manufacturing industries,”’ pp. 1200 to 1225; and “‘ Powerand fuel used,’’ pp. 1226 to 1255.] 1173 _., FINANCIAL STATISTIcs—continued: Expenses—Continued. For materials. Value s Value of added by products. | - manu- facture. Principal # uel and materials. of power. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars 35,730,383 ie7i1, 645,986 996) 62,418,078,773|25 ,041, 698, 490 Loli! Se Ss Bs me is ea we ae, fete eoeems Sone: = MERIC RS SORE; PO aT at anew a eres we 6, 858, 271 268, 694 || 14,372,643 | . 7, 245,678 139, 533,431 |. 5,038,512 || 304,961,265 | 160,389, 322 47,975,756 | 1,296, 105.|| 75,277,948 | 26, 006, 087 4, 820) S11 117, 567 6, 562, 220 L, 623, £42 32) 470, 465 703, 582 50, ATT, 473 17, 303, 425 10, 634, 480 474, 956 18. 238° 255 ra 078, 819 36, 548, 160 1, 553, 442 ||, 88,038, 223 49,936, 621 6, 952, 595 52,05 || 16,143,165 | . 97138) 519 748, 245 26, 202 3. 271, 406 y 496, 959 13, 410, 496 502, 821 33, 664, 332 19, 751, 015 2, 601, 989 85,237 || 5,507,656] 2, 820, 430 ” 695, 859 37,920 L 741, 950 L 008, 17h ij 906, 130 47,317 3. , 766, 706 L 812) 259 12, 570, 147 377, 555 23, 977, d0¢ 11, 029, 855 23 493,348 153, 232 || 5,635,203 | 2, 988, 623 8, 499, 001 173, 428 || 15,456,243 | 6,783) 814 1, 577, 798 50, 895 ag 886, iil 1 257), 418 353, 299,208 |. 8,728,094 || 692,170, 692 330, 143, 390 84,013, 410 2 635, 443 |i 224° 652, 159 137, 003, 306 1,565,694,602 | 12° 956) 972 |/2,387,903,287 | 8097 251’ 713 26, 762; 652 198, 488 45, 690, 390 18, 729, 250 48, 336, 654 507,615 59, 016, 983 10,172, 714 ; 7, 044° 207 292° 819 33 382) 900 6, 046, 874 10, 816, 397 90, 470 12; 841, 449 1 934, 575 ” 439; 075 6,380 624, 453 178, 998 10, 036, 975 117, 946 12, 168, 188 fe 013, 267 175, 693, 964 323, 596 || 214) 059,474]. 38, 041, 914 33, 177;.748 172,763 || . 47,263,990 | 13,913,509 25,\302, 159 1, 283, 270 46, 230, 312 19,594, 883 14, 782, 145 7756 25, 950, 822 11. , 070, 921 10, 570, 0) Se 188 514 20, 279, 490 8, 523, 962 4, 805, 482 98,759 || 11,821,167} 6,916, 926 433, 358 16, 791 950, 956 500, 807 17, 368, 748 941, 653 34, 210, 540 15, 906, 139 6,919,303 396,711 || 13,148,623 | 5,832, 609 10, 449, 445 544, 942 || 21,061,917 | 10,067, 530 11, 462, 696 179, 315 || 19)176,277] 7, 584, 266 6, 726, 982 107,456 || 11,124,065} 4, 289, 627 4) 735, 714 71, 859 8, 052, 212 3, 244) 639 27, 899, 058 257, 653 40, 480, 654 12, 323, 943 5, 963, 469 137,383 || 15,733,047 | 9,632,195 13,909,136 | 132,704 || 25,284 072 | 11,242, 232 1 523, 745 — 19, 209 s 731, 2t7 L 188, 320 1, 461, 364 | ~1,386,605'|| 6,186,204 | 3,338, 145 ” 349’ 540 52,793 || 2,251,971 | 1,356,638 618, 824 | 1,333,902 || 3,934,233 | 1, 981, 507 1174 eo SSS i . — — — — eae ee whe ABSTRACT QF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 90.-DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] a, INDUSTRY. Bookbinding and blank-book making. .| 1,113 Boot, and shoe cut.stock ... ee ee 252 Boot and sheefindings?: .)). 72 so. Boots and shoes, not including rubber | 1, 449 boots and shoes. Regular factory products.....5....: 1,337 Coniractimorieersse 2. ote e et 17 Or pel Tig ih eis Wee a Be ee Te cee 19 Orimpine. ose eres ecto eee eed 3° BitthOONOIGS so cma cee anes ee ease 3 Overgaiters, moccasins, and leg- 70 gings. Boots and shoes; rubber....25.42...---; 25 Boxes Cloatiiin oy tna). Ue eee sade 189 Boxes, paper and other, not elsewhere | 1,201 specified. Shipping containers, corrugated 162 and fiber. Set-up paper boxes... 2-25.25. .ee- 865 Carvons i eisee™ ae... Ree 127 Paper cans‘and titbes....¢2.85....2 20 Adbobher, 22 Savor ee. t Voeere. os oe 27 Boxes, wooden packing, except cigar | 1,140 boxes. Brass, bronze, and copper products..... 1,092 Brass and bronze.....2--s-s2-ee-eee 1,007 Copper. |. Soke eee pee, oe 47 BaP Other Ts 2 aut a ister cw ek 38 Bread and other bakery products...... 25, 095 Biscuit and crackers../.0 0. 2iic..2-4 176 Bakery products, other than bis- |24,919 cuitand crackers. Brick and tile, terra-cotta, and fire-clay | 2,414 products Building GLICK. | in scMeaeceaneesiccib 1, 454 Epa rick is sve Je. LY Se tou en) of 194 Stove linings was eras eh sir s ogee k 19 Sewer pipe and draintile........... 478 Terra- cotta PIOGUC{S on en-nan---- 214 Silicate, magnesite, and bauxite 39 bricks pa REDE All other... NRRL 5 Mey Sk eae, J i6 Broomish 3 sh Woe Aaah. aes gees Sk 1,034 Mrom’ Droomt Corn ts... .s4 8s... 225 1,0 ALL OF DOR tn cag, oc scence ane 34 BTUSDOS abe ie a ait eae ie ae 8 ciate ok 379 SP OMOU. 1 -Goe tee eaees over Sime canes 44 Paint and>varnish... Jf. 2 2es $ cc.sh 44 AT OUR F ic tc opus od bis gelawalears «nek 291 PAMRGE OS ce idalice CSStASs «WOU R See unen 3, 738 BULLGL, TEWOEKIAL no: onc ew cals aay re 5 PUAN SE hain Laat ean See. bia eA dee ecw at 557 CANaes wy jks Pose At. = see eee cc ek 19 ' Canning and preserving, fish........... 410 Capital. Dollars. 43, 041, 207 61, 747, 458 28, 988, 416 580, 625, 075 575, 994, 289 125, 981 131, 513, 436 6, 611, 944 131,390, 783 43, 235, 991 52, 184,477 25, 712) 904 » 6, 368, 291 z, 839, 120 108, 932, 998 325, 299, 738 270, 637, 860 43) 659,485 11 002, 393 509, 265, 779 112, 248, 722 397, 017, 057 355, 848, 355 156, 462, 633 60, 048) 068 ” 965, 420 44, 993, 643 56, 430, 447 28, 898, O31 8, 050, 113 16, 707, 682 16, 382,347 25, 335 27, 208, 200 5, 6027 115 7, 699, 668 13; 906, 417 162, 302, 108 602) 29, 977, 973 4) 033, 426 63, 049) 038 ert ¥ FINANCIAL STATISTICS. Officers. Dollars. 3, 390, 421 2. 117, 633 L 733, 472 26, 951, 705 26, 392, 953 2,481, 481 609, 822 9, 596, 145 2, 437, 230 5, 069, 536 1, 510, 153 287) 381 2917 845 6, 631, 685 13, 560, 148 12) 008, 636 1, 170, 698 "380, 814 15, 214, 012 2) 936, 597 12, 277, 415 10, 989, 977 5, 206, 529 1, 995, 872 "502? 275 552, 083 2, 140, 863 941) 514 Expenses. Clerks, ete. Dollars. ~ 4,063, 491 re 210, 593 ” 885, 126 31,173, 261 30, 811, 331 Se 33, 605, 954 9, 1697 085 24) 436, 869 4, 850, 930 _ 1,449, 188 - ” 968) 489 37, 851 1, 072; 484 453, 005 199, 941 951, 470 944 761, 682 Salaries and wages. Wage earners. 210, 734, 610 208, 787, 565 268, 094 | 273’ 082 | “8, 560 6,998 | age 30, 882, 722 3, 512, 236 43, 325, 554 10, 128, 512 24, 081, 287 6,305, 476 1 453, 466 L 356, 813 ~ 36,811, 8 94, 139, 118 79, 567, 785 12 084, 924 | ? 79, 409° 158, 237, 059. 26; 065, 795 132 171, 264 | 78, 256, 085 | 36,728, 569 | 13° 222' 078 |- ” 654 10, 508; 264 | 11) 648, 762 | 4) 562, 036 | 7,113, 201 | GENERAL TABLES, | UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. 711, 822 ae 134 11,239, 880 - 01,0 425, 078 310, 133 , [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173 2 ; FINANCIAL STATISTICS—continued. i ee Expenses—Continued. Rent and taxes. county, and local. Dollars. 984, 763 1,384, 147 1,069,501 22, 136,773 168, 716 3, 021, 931 197, 067 5, 506, 507 2,118, 426 1,911, 032 1; 105, 204. 264, 430 107, 415 4,177,522 ‘| 13,795,301 11,797, 465 1,633, 904 ” 363, 932 14,597, 357 6, 104 230 8) 493, 127 4,808, 971 1,988, 159 1, 131, 399 19, 765 630, 668 529, 027 419,079 90, 874 394, 132 391, 298 2; 834 1,245, 749 485,614 327; 173 432, 962 2, 786, 657 3, 929 1,410; 799 Doliars. 23, 235, 171 133, 887,276 40, 428, 347 715, 269, 315 710,607, 817 88 3,681 4,530, 544 50,346, 830 6,336, 540 101, 135, 292 38,741, 081 39, 606, 724 16,544,331 3,410, 823 2) $32, 303 102, 946, 235 304, 823, 580 234, 945, 137 60, 192, 325 9,686, 118 713, 239,411 103; 134? 410 610, 105, 601 67,488, 113 27,831,794 13, 361, 252 8, 209, 113 7, 207, 804 903, 721 17, 365, 109 17, 148, 308 216, 801, 19, 598, 133 3, 487, 494 5, 942, 619 10, 168, 020 514, 345, 739 52,410, 951 For materials. Principal materials. Dollars. -- 22,750, 119 133, 270, 830 40, 017,475 709, 351, 356 704, 733,187 49,025,640 6, 205,752 98, 932, 387 37, 961,040 38, 635, 637 18, 27’ 863 3, 346, 570 2 761, 277 101, 905, 193 292, 136,779 224° 374, 033 58, 447,508 9,315,238 693, 764, 530 101, 336, 863 592, 427,667 33, 084, 160 10, 226, 360 8, 207, 925 "295, 933 4, 398, 086 4,010,094 5,369, 870 575, 892 17, 169, 441 16, 958, 814 "212° §27 19, 281, 639 3, 417, 408 5 847, 849 10, 016, 382 509, 928, 330 1, 995,699 16, 062, 931 2} 140, 502 51, 539,475 Fuel and rent of power. Dollars. 485, 052 616,446 410, 872 5, 917, 959 5, 874,680 527 5, 004 188 759 29, 801 1,321, 240 "130, 788 2, 202, 905 780, 041 971, 087 316, 498 64, 253 71; 026 1,041, 042 12,686, 801 10,571, 104 1, 744, 817 370, 880 19, 474, 881 1,797, 547 17, 677, 334 34, 403, 953 17,605, 434 5, 153,327 70, 157 5, 210, 253 4. 199,019 1, 837, 934 327, 829 195,668 191, 494 4174 316, 494 70, 086 94,770 151,638 4,417, 409 10, 070 682, 426 38, 026 871, 476 ‘J Value of products. Dollars. 65, 020, 677 161. 203, 310 62, 825, 408 1,155,041,436 1,146,137,272 399. "O15 457, 807 10, 658 14, 896 8, 028, 588 116, 917, 434 13, 110; 213 206, 419, 343 67, 585, 184 93, 382, 066 33; 330, 163 6, 615, 949 5,505, 981. 177, 818, 454 482,312,790 389; 550, 094 78, 338, 948 14, 423. 748 1,151,896,318 504, 020, 565 947, 875, 753 208, 422, 920 95, 160, 990 36, 183, 815 1, 094, 710 ov 732, 324 29, O81, ,405 15, 853, 207 3,316,419 30, 205, 267 29, 709, 839 "495, 428 39, 005, 607 - 936, 0OL i 171, 342 19, 898, 264. 583, 163, 011 2 229, 035 77, 284, 412 1175 Value added by manu- facture. Dollars. 42,785, 508 O77. 316, 034 22 397, 061 439,772, 121 435, 529,455 348, 230 374, 707 10, 470 1” 215 3, 498, 044 66,570, 554 6,773,673 105, 284, 051 28, 844, 103 53,775,342 16,785, 802 3, 205, 126 2,673,678 74,872,219 177, 489, 210 154, 604; 957 18, 146, 623 4, "737, 630 438, 656, 907 100, 886, 155 337, 770, 752 140, 934, 807 67,329, 196 22° $22, 563 "728, 620 18 , 123, 985 20, 872, 292 8, 645, 453 2,412, 698 12, 840, 158 12} 561,531 "278, 627 19, 407,474 4, 448, 507 5, 228, 723 9, 730, 244 68, 817, 272 ” 998° 266 25, 095, 102 1,172, 278 4 873, 461 ~~ Whe COON Dr — 1176 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES, ‘Tami 90.—DETAILED STATEMENT, FOR THE, [See note at head of this table, pp, 1172 and 1173.] INDUSTRY. eat tes. Canned vegetables Canned fruits Dried fruits Dried vegetables eeoeemeteeesee rete See ee ee ee ee ee Canning and preserving, oysters........ Card cutting and designing......--.---- Cardboard, not made in paper mills... Carpets and rugs, other than rag...--.- Carpets, rag Carriage and wagon materials. ......... Carriages and sleds, childran?ss: 32.52 oc's — COO CrwWhd — Nee Carriages and wagons, including repairs. 2, 286 | Carriages and wagons i 130 Repair work only L 156 Cars and generai shop construction and repairs by electric-railroad companies. Cars and general shop construction and | 1, 744 repairs ‘by steam-railroad companies. Cars, electric-railroad, not including operations of railroad companies. Cars, steam-railroad, not including operations of railroad companies, Cash registers and calculating machines. Adding machines Cash registers and parts. -.5...2.-.; All other Cement Charcoal, not includin the lumber and woot dustries. Cheese 1, not including production in’ -distillation in- ee China decorating, not including that done in potteries. Decalcomania work on china....... ATT ODOT asian cet NL eaten os Chocolate and cocoa products Cleansing and polishing idorstractasta: a! Cleansing preparations. .-.s5.2...- t Motel DOMSI a tescg sce, bh ena were cb All other polishing preparations. diy ClOCK er os oer hemes cele chew eeee » sintciere'B Cloth, sponging and refinishing. Repair ate Bets | Clothing, NOPsess Sal Pe ee eee oon Clothing mem secs teehee eee cosas Regular factory products Men! : and youths’ Contract work. -:.7...-.22. 9 CE | 2, 353 Men’ 5 and youths’ OWS es bc ace a anieintieincre secstaeentele ATE ORGS << store ene kawencns Dollars. 223, 692, 234 134, 442,080 68, 006, 910 19, 300, 168 1, 943, 076 || 2,971,876 |i” 2) 297, 970 6, 493, 032 119, 196, 461 ph 853, 400 17, 971 206 15, 215, 425 78, 952, 868 71, 701, 095 7, 251, 773 82, 557, 905 694, 286, 410 ae 806, 485, ~ 335, 207, 363 82, 798, 093 45, 806, 563 27, 832; 693 9, 159, 037 271, 269, 259 518, 762 26, 022,734 |) 484) 488° 412 23, 703, 218 470, 153 110,642 | 359, 511 60, 674, 737 12,979, 414 6, 354, 297 1, 479, 090 5, 146, 027 18, 349, 943 3 465, 956 3, 704, 74 4 554, 147,279 | ‘542° 293, 058 403, 200, 021 49, 608, 707 | - 89, 484, 330 1k, 854,221 @ 415, 557 | v 341, 740 al 096, 924 FINANCIAL STATISTICS. _ Expenses. Salaries and wages. ory Bae base .. ee ee Dollars...| Dollars, | Dollars. | 9,312,121) 4, 032,979 | 43, 592, 537 5,730, 288 | 1,741,654 | 19,768,284 | 2’ 929'351'| '1) 708/627] 18,563,011 | 580,707 |. 528,497.| . 4,793,769. | 71,775 | 60,208'}.°| ” 467,473 | 109, 700 39,383 | 468,930 | 261, 022 181,880 | | 958,877} 534, 639 084 | 1,337,177) 2,768, 222 | 1,981,562 | 24,216,121 | 159, 330 24°540 | 4,550,501 | 934, 688 70,856 | 5,666,771 | 915, 672 828,413 | 6, 229,038 | 2,773, 967 1, 78%, 371 | 19,393,395 | 2,580, 123 692,857 | 16,468,039 | "193, 844 ” 64, 514 | . 2,925,356 | | ie 046, 789, 25, 72, 872, 377, 639. 7,369, 340 39, 073, 154 | 687, 617,312 | 4, 132, 090 | 78, 284,647. 204. ESS 22, 537, 265 | 1,932,578 41, 225,228 a5, 2191 | ire 052° i 2, 074, 249 1, 908, 421 846,967 |. 971,512 661,159 |}! 828) 400, 295 4,031,334 | 5,464, | 42, 146| 4,762 |. 389, on Pe 12, 546, 127 ” 856, 230 | 38,805 | ~ 20,000 24 18,805 | 40, 118 1,928, 732 | 2,109, 724 1, 436,604 | 2,261,710 | "763,242 | 1,181, 252 - | 211, 945 156, 204 461,417 | 924, 25 | 905,765 | 1,092, | 504,689 | | 107, 674 169,948 | 148) 48% 26,399,992 | 34,943, 008 25, 524, 147 | 34,607,616 18, 869, 566 | 26,581, 083 1,789,079 | 2) 878) 664. 4, 865, 502 5, 147, 869 875, 845, 335, 392 735,136'|! 292,326 96, 460 25,118 44) 249 17,948 GENERAL TABLES, 1177 a Oe ¥ o¢ rf é , _UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. P [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] | a FINANCIAL STATISTICS—continued. Expenses—Continued. ) : q : Rent and taxes. For materials. VWahie Value of | added by j Ag axes products. tare 4 Rent Federal, Principal | Fuel and , 4 of state, Total inatoviais rent ; factory county, * | of power. 4 and local. | Dollars. | Dollars.| Doliars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. © 328, 580"/1,445, 242 | 10,426, 884 | 265, 628, 525 || 261,910,079 | 3,718,446 || 402,242, 972 | 136,614,447] 1 © 198, 508 | 445,287 | 4, 443,930 | 101,836,478 || 100, 103,219 | 1,733,259 |] 162,097,699 | 60,261,221 | 2 ; 166, 803 | '5,277,026.| 89,299,975 || 88,115,331 | 4; 184, 644 |}: 150, 474,213 | 61, 174,938 | 3 . 827,098 | '658,971 | 72,952,712 || 72,264,013 | 688,699 || 87,252,343 | 14,209,631 | 4 | 16,154 | 46, 907'| 1,539,360 |) 1)427,516 | 411) 844'})- 2,418,717 |. 7879,357 | 5 ; 12,993'| 30,361 | 1,582,838] 1,526,173 56,665 || 2,976,011 | 1,393,173 || 6 ; 99,705 | 321,777 | , 2,298,389 || 2)269'678 28,711 || 5,323,349} 37024/960| 7 24, 752)| 2847736 |." 4,953,915 |} 4/802/203 |... 151,622 ||. 9.138415} 4} 184500 | 8 q 142 850] 3,841;821 | 67,118; 039 |) 65;390/376 |. 1,727,663 ||. 123/253, 828 | 56, 135,739 | =9 ¥ 105, 019 34.502 | 270377874 || 1/947,915 |”. 897959 |] 5,597,057 | 3,559,183 | 10 4 74.002} 5617082 | 147 734,673 || 14,437;114| 297,559 || 26,765,316 | 12,030,643 | 11 Bret 75,369 | 522,878 | 11,700,158 || 11) 492) 554 |. 207,604 ||, 24,506,596 | 12) 806, 438 | 12 BA 464 530) 453 | 2,282,711 | 48,362,456 || 47,210,301 | 1,152,155 || 91,463,225 |. 43, 100,769 | 13 Bi 00: 210, 477. | 2,194’ 956.|> 44° 912) 172 || 437947, 489 |. ’964, 683 || 82) 013/326 | 37) 101,154 | 14 | 228, 976 87/755 | 3,450,284 || 3,262,812|| 187,472 || 9,449,899 | 5,999,615 | 15 : > 118,335 | 61,576 |. 703,887 | 32,025, 484 ||. 30,820,218 | 1,205,266.|] 75,210, 701.| 43,185, 217 | 16 | 1,389,192 | 192,185 | 2,900,993 | 515, 803, 210 || 484} 402, 576 | 31, 400, 634 ||1,279,235,393 | 763, 432, 183 | 17 |._......-..| 10,879 | 436,110 | 12,058,942 || 11J681,416 | 377,526 || 18,441,976 | 6,383,034 | 18 Bike Tee 0M 80, 181, 196. | 356, 084, 545 y 903,930 | 6,180,615 || 538,222; 831 | 182, 138, 286,| 19 needs , , ; : . 4 2 100,368 | "4,852,747 | 10,889,998 || 10,527,407 | 362,591 || 83,539,025 | 72,649, 027 | 20 os 41,947 |) 2) 8077628} 5, 662) 705 5 531, 869 |... 1307836 |} .47,632)471.| 41/969; 766 | 21 By) 8 21,901 | 113977577 | 4,003,380] 3,807, 954']/. 195, 426 || 30, 932, 883. | | 26,929, 503 | 22 ag 37,220 | 647,542 | 1,223,913 || 1, 187,584 36,329 || 4,973,671 | 3,749,758 | 23 1 |2,396, 468 | 3,793, 899 | 79,509,800 || 48, 439, 204 | 31, 070,596 |] 175,264,910 | 95,755,110 | 24 1,443 | 11,0883 960,322 || 7 197)349 |...” 62/973 ’589, 418 | 329; 096 | 25 129,213} 278,661 | 129, 425,265 || 127,988, 010 4437, 255 || 143, 456,704 | 14,080, 439 | 26 596; 741 | 31,931,389. | 216, 301; 279 || 183; 553) 969 | 32,742) 310 || 438, 658, 869 | 222) 357,590 | 27 | 102, 809 | “3; 867; 089 ] 25, 202,312 || 24 907,529,| ” 204,783 || 51, 240,156 | 26, 037; 844 | 28 20, 481 10, 980 310, 785 290, 493 20, 292 866, 762 555,977 | 29 iets 2,26 3.624 | 68,366 59, 311 4, 055 149, 495 86,129 | 30 18) 191 7, 356 247) 419 21; 182 16, 237 717, 267 469, $48 | 3 271, 685 5, 765, 825 | 101, 754, 466 || 100,347,208 | 1, 407,258 || 139, 258,296 | 37,503, 830 | 32 960,565 |: 548, 856 | 12,923,518 || 12,794,567 | 128,951 |; 26,703,109 | 13,779,591 | 33 145,331 | 315,559 | 6,807)201 || 6, 733, 987 73, 214 || 13/297, 574 | 6, 490,373 | 34 42) 094 36163 | 1,863,900 || 1, 844, 027 197873 || 37185,624 | 1,321, 724 | 35 73,440 |) 1977134 | 4,952) 417. || 4 216, 553 35, 864 ||. 10,219/911 | 5,967, 494 | 36 “40,333 | 905,545 |’ 7,177,813 || 6,962,991 |... 214,822 |] 23,380, 190 | 16, 202,377 | 37 Bs». 235,776 | | 227917| .'178)161 || 119, 829 58,332 || 3,690,858 | 3,512,697 | 38 : 19,887 | 268,505 | 3,455,686.|) 3, 413, 273 42; 413 || ..6,020,612.| 2,564,926 | 39 , 640, 249 | 14, 505,128 | 605,752,176 || 603, 031, 493 | 2,720, 683. ||1,162,985,633 | 557, 233, 457 | 40 437, 771 | 14 435,417 | 599,017; 010 || 596, 939; 394 |. 2) 077, 616 ||1,082,472,043 | 483, 455, 033 | 41 5, 476, 019 | 10, 895,539 | 428, 463, 939 || 427,138, 978 | 1,324, 961 || 802, 065,605 | 373,601, 666 | 42 974) 930 | |: 58” 8577575.||) 58)712, 485 |...” 146, 090. |]. 105,174; 820 |» 46, 317, 245 | 43 1, 086, 822 | 3, 141,338 | 111,695, 496.|| 111,088,931 |. 606, 565 175, 231,618 | 63, 586, 122 | 44 |i, 202,478 | 69,711 | 6,735,166 |) 6,092,000 | 643, 067 || 80,513,590 | 73,778, 424 | 45 O17 040 158,626 | 5,682,056 || 5,145,649 | 536,407 |) 67,595, 689 61,913,633 | 46 _184, 820 “4,445 | —658,869.| | 578, 539 80,330 ||. 10,509, 026.|» 9, 850, 157 | 47 89, 713 | | 6,640 304,241. || 367,911 | 26,330 2; 408, 875 | 2,014’ 634 | 48 1178 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 90.—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this tabie, pp. 1172 and 1173.] t — FINANCIAL STATISTICS. Expenses. Num- ber of INDUSTRY. eae Salaries and wages. ish- Ganj $ src manta Capital. Clerks Wage Officers. ete... earners. : Doilars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1 | Clothing, men’s, buttonholes........... 107 237, 066 56, 180 8,398 514, 600 2 | Clothing, womien’so... 05.0.0 cece. : ..| 7,711 || 390, 526, 517 || 26, 821, 938. 82, 214, 037 195, 295, 834 3 Regular factory products.......... 5,516 377, 474 663 25, 371, 448 31, 751, 938 162; 973, 102 4 Suits, skirts, and cloaks........ 1,820 137, 634, 097 8, 385, 135. 12’ 707, 167. 67} 250, 369 5 Shirt waists and dresses, except | 1,873 1247 494 156 9, 790, 71L 10, 821, 475 58, 440, 997 house dresses. 6 Undergarments and petticoats.| | 637 50, 667,710 || 3,151,401 | 3, 860, 3ll | 15,674,749 7 Wrappers and house dresses....} 238 13, 065, 087 954, 004 i 224’ 739 5 058, 963 8 All of berets Sie AH ood 948 46, 613, 613 || 3,090,197 3) 138, 246 16, 548, 024 9 Contract: workag( 203) LSSo al eed 2,195 13, 051, 854 || 1, 450, 490 462, 099 32, 322, 732 10 Suits, skirts, and cloaks..2..... 974 5 347, 676 "474, 244 224, 285 13, 809, 126 il Shirt waistsand dresses, except 888 5, 997; 280 s 222, 227 14, 025, 785 house dresses. 12 Undergarments and petticoats. 76 461, 890 54, 559. 7,392 ‘831, 898 13 Wrappers and house dresses.... 47 178, 434 16, 033 j] sa) demu e 487, 927 14 Hotker cobutey. WL eorsbes: tok 210 2, 066, 574 100, 202 8,195 3, 2077 996 15' |; Coal-tar. products 2.)2..02. Sob boo. 183 174, 991) 835 ||» 6, 540, 404 |. 5, 292, 665 237 402° 140 16 | Coffee and spice, roasting and grinding.| 794 127, 747,535 || 4,829,460 | 11, 674, 557 | 9, 201, 242 17 Goflee,. J FF 2 0s 1. OOOO ENE 769 ||. 120) 738, 665 |} 4,528, 833 11, 131, 461 3 170, 078 18 Spee. seria she 1229s setae ad 25 7; 008; 870 300, 627 ; 1081; 164 | 19 | Coffins, burial cases, and undertakers’ 351 48, 298,053 || 2,675,939 | 3,155,269 ‘i, 450, 957 goods. Gd 20 | Coke, not including gas-house coke..... 278 || 365, 249, 622 3, 669, 708 | .3,936,077 | 42,299, 292 21 Beehive pvens..- eo oro oe eck 222 137, 906, 875 1 2987 081 1, 473, 650 16, 238) 770 | 22 | By-product ovens.:22 8.2 ece. 2222004 56 227° 342) 747 2, 371, 627 9 462, 427 26, 060, 522 23. | Collars and cuffs, men’s. :..00...41..... 39 30, 146, 935 941, 472 1,071, 167 | Fy 430, 729 24 | Combs and hairpins, not made from 45 3, 913, 266 341, 408 146, 919 1,809, 453 | metal or rubber. Ayr 25 |; Condensed milk, cv ee 401 || 126,952, 520 3,223,142 | 2,422,424 | 14,277, 956° 26 | Confectionery and ice cream....c0...... 6,624 || 317,048,923 || 19,612,246 | 20,183,783 | 76, 159, 866. 27 Wontectionery «sot os Ree ies eh 3, 149 219° 634) 526 i4, 396, 411 | 16, 848, 059 54, 461) 057 | 28 POO CreAID «6, Seas Sr BUM 3,475 97, 409; 397 5, 215, 835 3, 335, 724 21) 698) 809 23 | Opopera ges. 2.632 420.468) GUS Oke BELL 1,099 48, 853, 805 || 2, 247, 584 675,593 | 14, 082, 224 30 Hogsheads and barrels... ....2.....1/ 995 43) 780, 584 L 910, 880 549, 560 12) 344° 092. 31 All othe. tos: .cpat. Vapusbacir. sae 104 5, 073; 221 ’ 336, 704 126, 033 1 738, 132 32 | Copper, tin, and sheet-iron work....... 4,796 89, 944, 834 7, 307,177 3, 702, 321 33, 866, 823, 4 83 | Cor dage and ti@imett 6G Bo 120 100, 248° 987 2 673, 633 1) 341; 868 14) 700, 061 | 34 Cordiais and flavoring sirups........... 149 1 673, 732 ” 962° 836 L 254, 981 Sb: || Cork, cuttings cewgus tit hehe sc ats 62 14, 570, 221 624, 016 "404, 023 36; Corsetsus cca boy carnage eres eet 188 43, 516, 486 || 3,083,669 | 4, 066, 498 37 COtséts.. 54 BQ RsO8 os ewer 142 38, 733, 498 4 702; 687 3 414) 277 te 38 Corset waists and brassieres........ 46 4, 782, 988 ” 380, 982 652, 221 .: 39. |: Cotton goods .11') Cos GE. .2 Ge 282. ak 1, 288 }}1, 853, 099, 816 || 27,015, 767 | 10, 348, 7 2355, 474, a7 | x 40:5 QOUOM 1BO6. Ft os duis wae wicbhdncinclelh an kmeke 44 32) 260, 216 ’977, 540 rif 046; 901 6, 086, 557. 7 41 | Cotton small wares.$ 22...) III 164 || 29,559,474 |] 1,679, 74 |” 695, 268 7162; 218 | 42 | Cruqibles:. 2 Sid 80 2. Elk oe... kb 22 8, 069, 334 409, 805 114, 590 43 Graphite crucibles 6 ry 997, 527 115, 634 45, 105 44 Clay crucibles 10 4 0st? 174 231; 965 50, 860. 45 Glass-house pots! ......3.2..000... L 6 "99 » 633 62) 206 18, » 825 * Cutlery and edge tools... cui... | >. 304 68, 971, 247 | 2, 686, 125 2, - 836 | Pablecutlerry, 228 227 .: 286 208... ‘0 QA 4, 889, 542 270, 794 60, 883 43 Razors, plain and safety............ 33 29° 028, 675 677, 462 a01” 326 49 Axes and hatchets......5. 20.1... 25 10, 306, 906 236, 608 152, 221 50 Scissors, shears, and clippers. ...... 52 8, 933; 737 504, 58 4247 616 51 Pocketknives..2..3..-.020s 02.00... 40 9, 155, 131 468, 832 222” 303 52 Augers, bits, chisels, and planes... 27 2 821, 826 190, 627 98, 233 53 AD) Ota La uate Sue gale os dnt | ee 3, 830, 436 337, 221 95, 254 | GENERAL TABLES, “UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] 1179 FINANCIAL STATISTICS—continued. Expenses—Continued. _ Rent and taxes. a Taxes : tract , a, oe Rent Federal work. of state, ‘ E| factory. | county, 4 and local. | A Dollars. | Dollars. | Dollars. | 3,750 | 33, 909 1, 534 152, 426, 167 |13)626,596| 4,638, 255 _ (0, $16, 302 11,911,489} 47 582) 020 / 119/773) 737 14,534,773 | 1/759; 636 af 2, 207, 392 |4, 268,366 | 1, 420,772 ‘| 46 |1,271,779 | 676,144 | 449” 05 190, 746 4 1,394,515 | 534/722 + 1,715, 107 56, 235 MH "721" 699 8,553 4 819, 809 10,77 J 33, 797 33, 647 | 20, 031 492 > |... 63,337 |) 119,771 2,776 ~ | 896, 830 | 782,370 | 4,659, 741 ) | 343,450 |1,371,034 | 2,944,725 | 848, 450 [1,319,744 | 2) 689; 997 : wtetecetees 51,290 | 154,728 : 9,850 | 286,448 | 3, 244, 638 7 ' 81,127 | 467,217 | 8,935) 047 |. 6,918 | 318,706 | 2/338 336 | 74,209 | 148,511. | 6, 496, 211 ‘ 977,963 | 62,681 | 1, 123,784 |. 24,212) 22, 049 78, 710 | 240,609 | 159,842 | 4, 861, 213 | 4, 191, 586 6, 233, 367 | 27,517,170 | 1,071, 449 /4, 566, 590 | 23) 837, 274 of ‘120, 137 1,666,777 | 3,679, 896 i 25,827 | 284,630 | 1,814,476 |?) 24672 | 2333145 | 17547)567 WR = "655 | 51,485 | 7 266, 909 474, 230 |1, 858,459 | 2,081,726 *° 276,617 | ’137;376 | 6,098, 002 ‘| >< 4000 | 234/371 | 97 4647 195 2 23; 836 | 133,942 | |” 439; 685 © 164,587 | 541,364] 1,920,833 ~ 1573785 | 453,783 | 1) 584) 059 a 336,774 18, 650, 637 1, 269, 592 1) 369) 101 225,073 71, 978 134, 316 18,779 5, 002, 122 "107; 482 2,797, 283 787, 23 686, 351 306, 249 Total. . Dollars. 123, 266 680, 406, 844 669, 071; 033 281° 268) 342 201° 665, 839 81, 050,620 24° 090, 153 60, 996, 079 11,335, $11 5 443. 515 4 886, 080 463,110 65, 154 477, 952 63 , 998; 734 243, 899, 108 234" 405,774 9, 493, 334 31, 595, 287 224, 266, 674 78, 155, 895 146, 110, 779 19, 434, 095 id 168, 818 282, 595, 292 368, 809, 170 252’ 433° 691 116, 375, 479 58, 520, 655 52, 041° 140 6, 479, 515 80, 898, 528 89, 705, 282 30, 993) 628 9, 134, 950 38, 815, 803 34, 551} 453 4 264, 350 1,277,785,597 13, 075, 994 24’ 039, 951 2, 233, 072 1, 045,718 ” 88) 187 299) 167 19, 477, 437 I, 380, 830 For materials. Principal materials, Dollars. 112, 008 677, 889, 534 666, 980, 130 | 280, 521) 173 | 221’ 003; 348 80, 762, 423 23° 997, 954 60; 695, 232 10, 909, 404 5, 286, 203 4, 699, 799 440, 788 54 482 428, 082 59, 855, 701 242, 742, 802 933, 316, 525 9, 426, 277 ‘ 31, 061, 231 23, 497, 210 7, 405, 378 16, 091; 832 19, 206, 564 3, 082, 743 277, 324, 307 360, 517, 580 248 264, 352 112) 253, 228 58, 013, 251 51, 594, 720 6, 418, 531 79, 924, 560 88, 324, 147 30, 897, 129 8, 734, 295 38, 556, 179 34) 316, 469 4) 239) 710 1,240,463 ,758 "12, 676, 005 23, 498, 348 2, 093, 910 1 004, 711 847, 016 242° 183 18, 218, 583 1, 401, 650 7, 240, 553 3) 952° 982 2} 007, 925 2) 321 899 736, 964 1, 257, 310 Fuel and rent of power. Dollars. 11, 258 2, 517,310 2) 090, 903 "TAT, 169 662) 491 288, 197 92) 199 300, 847 426, 407 157, 262 186, 281 22, 392 10, 672 49 870 4,141, 033 1, 156, 306 L , 089, 249 67, 057 534, 056 200, 769, 464 70, 750, HAT 130, 018, $47 227, 531 86, 075 5, 270, 985 8, 291, 590 4) 169, 339 4) 122) 251 507, 404 446, 420 60, 984 973, 968 1, 381, 135 "101; 499 400, 655 259, 624 234, 984 24, 640 37, 321, 839 "3997 989 541, 603 139, 162 41, 007 41 171 56, 984 1, 258, 854 ” 138, 158 190, 228 331, 731 208) 561 177, 817 887 839 123, 520 Value of products. Dollars. 1, 090, 049 208,543,128 HY 146,312,346 492, 081, 024 379, 895, 926 125, 662, 282 39; 538, 694 109, 134; 420 62, 230; 782 oF 428, 596 27, 456, 658 1,714, 437 "$73? 218 4, 757, 873 135, 489° 161 304, 791, 677 291, 663, 930 13, 127, 747 64, 377, 133 316, 515, 838 12, 023, 466 204, 492, 372 47, 564, 949 6, 566, 365 339, 506, 774 637, 209, 168 447, 726, 103 189, 483, 06 88, 236, 061 77, 986, 469 10, 249, 592 160, 313, 945 133, 366, 476 46, 806, 718 16, 282, 239 75, 541, 959 66, 238, 860 9, 303, 099 2,125,272,193 "99, 396, 853 40, 896, 835 5, 203, 688 2) 146, 236 2) 127, 969 1, 019, 483 4) 805, 950 Value added by manu- facture. Dollars. 966, 783 528, 136, 284 477, 241 315 210, 812) 682 158, 230, 037 44 611,662 15, 448) 541 48) 138, 341 50, 894, 971 21, 985, O81 22) 570, 578 1, 251, 327 808, 064 4,279, 921 71, 485, 427 60, 892, 5 87, 258, se 3,634, 413 32, 781, 846 249, 164 33, 867, 571 58, 381, 593 28, 180, 854 3, 397, 547 56, 911, 482 268, 399, 998 195, 292) 412 73, 107, 586 29,715, 406 25, 945, 329 3,770, 077 79, 415,417 43, 661, 194 15, $08, 090 7, 147, 289 36, 726, 156 31, 687, 407 5, 038, 749 847, 486, 596 16, 320, 859 16, 856, 884 3, 080, 616 1, 100, 518 1239, 782 720, 316 47, 152, 133 3; 993 038 i gl 123, 556 6 O10, 32h 7, 749, 222 7. 192° 212 2 328’ 604 3, 425, 120 2 x 5 99 1 Oh tap pa dbeed ? ? , 5] ia] 9. ? ) ? ’ AO p] , at, toy cao apes >, 5 } ? ? I K pe? > Bs aah ’ ? , Fe i ) eee ? ? 5) ? eae ) ? , ) a ? ] us ’ 5) ? ? e ~ , ? ? gi , , , , 2no ? ? 4 » B ‘ ) - 1Oen 2 ? a , , ? ’ MEA EG AT EN a Sl Ee SES _ ROO COND ORWDH 1180 Oost Homo ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES., TABLE 96.—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] Num- ber of INDUSTEY. estab- lish- ments. Dairymen’s poultrymen’s, and apia- 244 rists’ supplies. Incubators and brooders........... 48 All other poultrymen’s supplies.... 60 CYéSM SCVaAPALOLS....- He. t Soc cece 19 All other dairymen’s supplies. ..... 90 Apiarists’ SM Bone da neh a Sta taeiie'n wid 27 Peatal SO0dS:— . fet a Poew ere eee cea ee 319 POOL. Otel dk MON cin eae Ua oy 52 TLE CLOT at Slate Satgni ines iat tee bee ce 267 Drug grinding aR eneae< awere meanice Cae 31 Druggists’ preparations. Lwuesedsancek t 524 Dyeing and finishing textiles, exclusive 628 of that done in textile mills, Dyestufis and extracts—natural. ......: 144 Electrical machinery, apparatus, and | 1,404 supplies. THL@CLEODIALINRS. i500 10 on ere ee hee 515 Emery and other abrasive wheels-. ...- 60 NAMING [sro se nso. Wot peers aceee 74 Engines, steam, gas, and water.........|... 370 Engravers’ materials... 24.22 v le. ke 21 Engraving and diesinking......2....... 478 Engraving, steel and copper plate, in- 421 cluding plate printing. Engraving, wood......- BN Reel all 55 PNvVelopes.t. co c- cower espe dseros csc sba 106 EPICS GESS~ 4e a opasied oiceale tehmos = 24° 118 Fancy articles, not elsewhere specified. .| © 661 BORO WOE Kai... shige oe ce Ce 37 Celluloid novelties... oe foes... 66 Metal: mo veltiesun cducths nuns eteca. ob 4 110 Paper Novellies.\ occ seca tc. by 63 DY OO TLOVEICLES Ay od. tae mee tt oka 30 HAF OUNGr.. eS ot deccaiesere, etre 355 Feathers and plumes.........-......-1. 216 POL OGUS ae law ine oct eae LE 49 POEOANOVSizc pe aoc sc ace Won cee cee 30 Rertilizens. hocks saan biel emateves 1,883 | 49, 701 17,423 | 401,881 "9% 045 | 102) 215 -.2,960 | 41,212 46,544 | 145,194 99,637 | 476,539 207,313 Rent and taxes. Taxes, Federal, state, county, and local. Dollars. 928, 369 1, 123, 287 ” 882’ 315 240, 972) 892, 481 5, 297, 386 13, 871, 733 2, 436, 516 43, 803, 385 36, 091 I, 349, 504 21, 322,012 66 17, 599, 395 11, 261, 558 4, 832, 116 581, 096 341, 080 674, 407 42,527 905, 860 2, 291, 558 1,592, 914 Dollars. 18, 526, 743. 1,928, 645 ¥ 141) 045 6, 531, 911 6 964, 488 1, 960, 654 16, 420, 420: 3, 870, 258: 12; 550, aVie 11, 556, 480 55, 138, 475 174,742; 815 34, 592, 698 425, 098, 211 2, 639, 248 12° 228, 187 949, 556 217, 550, 771 L 484, 269 ty 927, 323 6, 980, 747 219, 268 21, 964, 743. 45,911, 049 | 32, 591, 073 975, 459 7, 439, 552 5, 429, 606 1; 704, 260 ” 149; 273 16, 892, 923 185, 040, 522 4’ 227, 880 i‘ 613, 784 ry 693, 416 2, 108, 156 3, 286, 165 19, 418, 176 1 708, 670 1 799, 180, 987 494, 597,157 117, 838,248 110, 855, 429 25, 109, 951 25, 282, 566 4,439,436 | 37, 079, 830 52, 423, 641 121, 568, 056 411, 359, 101 181, 599, 677 1 ,783, 901, 111 For materials. Principal materials. Dollars. 18, 135, 777 1, 890, 341 1 121} 779 6, 293, 861 6, 890, 034 i 934, 762 16, 253, O77 3; 770, 640 12) 482° 437 11, 223, 377 54, 451, 977 164) 314, §21- 32, 916, 972 2, 373, 033 14; 2977 045 808, 633 211, 556, 910 "456, 279 1) 813; 422 6, 777; 505 214, 645 21, 731, 660 43, 194, 669 32, 1 379 4,018 16, 784, 214 6, 658, 588 22, 155, 136 22,039, 508 489, 038, 652 116, 162, 776 110, 058, 540 24, 398, 318 25, 019, 565 4, 389, 388 36,772, 416 51, 517,618 120, 715, 031 FINANCIAL STATISTICS—continued. Fuel and rent of power. Dollars. 390, 966 38, 304 19, 266 233, 050 74, 454 25, 892 167, 352 99, 618 67, 734 333, 103 686, 498 10, 428, 294 1, 675, 726 13, 739, 110 266, 215 931, 142 140, 923 5, 993, 861 27, 990 113, 901 203, 242 4, 623 933, 083 2,716, 380 426, 694 108, 709 36, 008 625, 639 6, 059, 088 3, 440, 845 ” 548, 875 856, 593 40; 651 46,705 26, 702 127, 478 55,796 15, 279, 876 5, 568, 505 1, 675, 472 796, 889 711, 633 263, 001 50, 048 307, 414 906, 023 853; 025- Value of products. Dollars. 37, 397, 448 3,931, 773 1,935, 428 16, 436, 920 ay 916, 177 6 177, 150 29, 401, 396 10, 737, 566 18) 664, 330 16, 937, 698 114; 593, 486 323, 967, 683 58, 744, 283 997, 968, 119 10,389, 617 30, 949, 270 2) 644, 763 464,774, 735 2) 248, 122 7, 350, 602 24,209, 154 1, 153, 618 397 664; 077 92) 474, 813 64, 054, 481 Lv 935, 489 13: 006, 140 12, 325, 350 4, 201, 038 458, 338 32, 128, 126 15, 377, 953 39, 229, 540 38) 583, 984 281, 143, 587 177616, 563 30, 181, 370 5, 563, 180 4” 629, 984 5, 346, 089 30, 116, 932 2,369, 114 2,052,434,385 631, 598, 150 159, 223, 465 121, 249, 267 37, 057, 198 33, 875, 061 5, 850, 706 50, 430, 585 81,116, 299 142,795, 569 Value added by manu- facture. Dollars. 18, 870, 705 2, 008, 128 "794, 383 9, 905, 009 4) 951, 689 1, 216, 496 12, 981, 467 6, 867, 308 6, 114 159 5, 981, 218 59, 455, O11 149, 2247 868 19, 151, 585 572, 869, 908 7, 750, 369 18,721, 083 1, 695, 207 247; 223, 964 "763, 853 5, 423, 279 17, 228, 407 934, 350 17, 699, 334 46, 563, 764 31, 463, 408 960, 030 5,566, 588 6, 895,744 2; 496, 778 "309, 065 15, 235, 203 8, 683, 357 16, 448, 765 10, 485, 408 96, 103, 085 13,388, 683 22° 567, 586 2; 869, 764 2? 521, 828 2, 059, 924 10,698, 756 660, 444 253, 253, 398 137, 000, 993 41, 385, 217 10, 393, 838 11, 947, 247 8, 592, 495 1,411, 270 13, 350, 755 28) 692; 658 21,227, 513 a Oor APWH 1182 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 99.—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] FINANCIAL STATISTICS. Expenses. er O oo aie Ot est ab- Salaries and wages. sh- : ments Capital. vt . Clerks Wage Officers, , ete. earners. Dollars. || Dollars. | Dollars. | Dollars. 1 | Foundry and machine-shop products. . [10,934 ||2, 104, 980, 938 103,479,616 | 78,295,712 | 622, 571, 129 2 Boiler shape. Ser ae ADU ” 525 124, 697,972 5, 733, 614 4 616, 378 31, 858, 339 3 ede Lg eT gg tell ve MR ideal Me 1,340 310, 180; 970 18, 357, 153 7, 469, 009 141} 079, 782 4 Machin 6 SHG pe ee Os ee ea 8,110 }|1, 312, 768, 602 63, 249, 977 | 53, 266, 219 343, 378, 501 5 Machine shop and foundry. com- 959 "387, 333, 394 16, 138, 872 | 12, 944, 46 106, 254, 507: | — bined. f 6 | Foundry supplies. ......1. cous eveee--2 76 7,501,631 549, 272 338, 250 1,032,029 i} Enel, manutactored. oo 1. fn wwe nce d. 11 2, 908, 130 58, 344 75,766 | «221,545 8 | Fur goods oop Yqake abc's Wee Eb a SL 1,815 80, 700, 925 || 3,369,693 | 4,623,453 | 24,149,212 9 | Furnishing goods, men’s... /...-........ 487 53,014,066 |} 3,058,118 | 5,057,190 | 13,562,866. 10 RTE ek thei ag alk Te 322 |} 25,876,756 || 1,829,494] 3,793,729 6, 457, 829, 11 Pe un er hee ee cite’ 2 Aa ea hg ub 165 a7" 137 ;310 1, 228, 624 L 263, 461 7; 105,037 a bo'| Baritone. -{ ay ic an, te ome eee te 3,154 || 423,992,405 || 24, 581, 393 1 919, 545 | 141,116,316. 13 Wood, other than rattan and willow.| 2, 273 310, 690, 365 || 17,947, 648 2; 965, 382. 103, 286, 001 | 14 Rattan and willow... --.....25...2 119 9, 818, 705 613, 150 "319, 496 4, 091, 585 | 15 Motel Pes i. We ey ee 157 |] 56,792,600 || 3,024,235 | 2,959,069 | 15,9197 654 16 Store and office fixtures............ 605 46, 690,735 || 2,996,360 | 2, 675, 598 17,826,076 17°) Fats; dnessed sai can ax 3) wee eras os 2 141 8, 867,403 || 1,153,270 |: 351, 271 7,098, 286° 49°) GolVaniziiet ie gins... ioe ok 52 4,316, 455 432, 507 169, 334 | 2, 247, 953 19 | Gas and electric fixtures..............2. 341 36, 872,737 || 2,388,748 | 2,100,538 | 9 ,802,2 380} 20 Ries SERVE Oo, nant a heen 57 9, 783, 469 409, 468 278, 543 1, 906,146 | 21 Hlectricifixtires: oo Hast yl oe 187 13,544,453 |} 1,467,573 | 1,268,481 4 710, 642} 22 Combination gas and electric fix- ¥1 11, 511, 498 387, 639 479,773 | 2, 560, 085 tures. ; idl 1 § 4 23 eS iden si. RRR Gabe phghs DIRE RS 26 2, 033, 317 124, 068 73,741 625, 507 | 24 | Gas, illuminating and heating.......... 1,022 ||1, 465,656,265 || 8, 299, 422 | 16,873,031 | 52, 758, 628 25 | Gas machines and gas and water meters.| — 105 24,980,993 |} 1,290, 602 1, 465, 751 5, 995,877 | 26 Gas and water meters.............. 34 15, 303, 711 "787, 128 568, 736 » 003, 846 27 (as hachines. oo. 253 pee te ocak 49 (2 189, 884 324, 879 712, 332 | Teor oeed 28 BM Other jk aac ae lt ge ere Soe 22 ie 487, 398 178, 595 184, 683 | (480, 634 49) Glass, yco023 saree eos ees as cae) NE 371 || 215,680,436 || 8,547,791 | 4,816,778 87,526,625. i 30'| Glass, cutting, staining, and ornament- | . 616 18, 088, 650 || 1,243, 888 894, 221 | 6, 154, 831. ing. bSh i te 31 Decalcomania work on glass........ 22 672, 824 33, 993 29, 744 © 234,610) 32 ut Ober 6 Spek Saou ae ae oe oe 594 Te, 415, 826 |} 1, 209, 895 864, 477 5 920, 221 | 33 | Gloves and mittens, cloth, not includ- 182 17, 687, 953. 815, 611 421, 465 4,855, 246 ¥ ing gloves made in textile mills. afin = ns 34 | Gloves and mittens, leather. ...-....... 355 29, 870,277 || 1,740, 432 | 1,357, 614 8, 150, 734 “’ 35 | Glucose and starch... ):2......! "518, 281 10 Vehicle hardware... .. 20. .0...-.4- 53 16, 794, 713 ||. 998, 771 | 644,097 | — 7, 577, 363 il ATP OUner 22.2 ee CU ete Cee 269 48, 420, 792 2, 707, 952.} 2,299, 818.) 1, 344) 342 12 | Hardware, saddlery <2... .2o5 00>. ...1- 37 10,991,945 492,789 389,249 | 4,043, 799 13 | Hat and cap materials................1. 133 19; 861, 835 630, 168 269, 959 3 132, 571 14 | Hats and caps, other than felt, straw, | © 709 18, 515, 472 || 1,407,346] 1, 358, 343 9 438, 864 and wool. 15 | Hosts fur-telés 2:02 7b OMAR EE 176-|| 58,127,770 | 2,288,891 0, 342, 781 | 19,642,531 | BG (| LeGe SebO Wi ote cin te wc tocae Inmues » nthe 148 18, 560, 183 1, 447,649 | 1,108,095 6, 604, 933 j iT | ehh RQOIOLE « $ne Son ae theres teen = os 40 3) 831, 376 "922, 386 135, 865 “1 387, 777 18 | Hones and whetstones. ...2 2.022.222... 11 847, 340 5A, 834. 30, 213 203; 001 | 19 orca OCs poe made in steel works or 20 4, 589, 563 228, 315 157, 290 830, 249 roliing mills. : iM A00.,| 7 20 sida ss idee goods, not elsewhere 467 32,626,867 || 1,876,560 | 1,893,768 | 6,443,915 specifie : 21 Comforts and quilts...0...0.2...-- < 74 7, 992, 665 295, 563 278,071 | ws 295,149 | 22 Feather pillows and beds ......-.... 44 4, 085, 643 311; 826 326, 789 | 562, 670 | 23 Scie batting, not made in cotton 9 889, 815 52, 092 a 1998 & 156; 346 | mills. . GH 24 Mops and. dusters. . 2 0s spe ---- ls - 75 1, 423, 270 158, 509 | 137, 538 380, 916 25 AVON eae aagdl er en oc 265.|| 18,235,474 || 1)058)570 | 1)123,372 | © 4,048, 834 | 26 | Ice, manufactured..............- B bity e 2,867 || 270,725,786 || 8,109,243"|' 2/842) 888") "34,001, 837 | 27 \elnleparamtin gc! wus oN ee hae = oot 18, 702, 523 ? 498,382 | 1,318,780 a 574,920 | bs | ab weiting tes eke Week. eS 61 4 803; 485 "371, 449 | 585,597 | "596, 168 | 29 | Instruments, professional and scientific.| 351 51,570, 479 3,037, 984 3 523, 862 47, 499, 888 30 Medical and SUlBiCals uh cena cues 127 10, 686, 874 L 029, ‘522 "923) 489 | ° 3, 798, 640 | 31 OD GICAL nous ack a> SE pe i ac a a 13 L 225, 708 98) 080. 84, 401 629, 178 | 32 Alt other: ere svecesbevectse << ones 211 39, 657, 897 || i2, 410, 182°| 2, 615, 972 | 18, 072; ore 33 | Iron and steel, blast furnaces........-.- 195 || 802,416,541 || 6,509,884 | 6,925,164 | 73,769, 305 fi 34 | Iron pac steel, steel works and.rolling | 500 |/2,656,518, 417 43, 564, 408 56, 316, 012 637, 637, 430 7 35 | Iron and steel, bolts, nuts, washers, | 144 75,715,918" || 3; 042, 990 2, 263, 429 | 20,973, 834 i and rivets, not made in rolling mills. j ; j 36 | Iron and steel, cast-iron pipe........... 59 42, 863,026 || 1,385,596 | 1, (045,616 | 14,705, 398 | 37 | Iron and steel, doors and shutters. .._.. 57 | 9, 849, 235 "785, 496 | 472, 538 2, 729, 774 | 38 | Iron and steel, forgings, not made in| 241 |! 135, 246, 144 || 6, 302, 301 | 4, 023, 059 © junta | steel works or rolling mills. aly, 5h - 39 | Iron and steel, nails and spikes, cutand | 65 13 a1 he 639,005-| 538, 230 |. 8,397, 562 | wrought, including wire nails, not "Sa de he . oats ial made in steel works or rolling mills. Api: * 40 Cut nails and spikes...../5......... 6 2,049, 511 67,580 | . 203,504 |. 41 Wire nails and spikes......2.--..... 28 3, 809, 235 303, 229 75,438 | 909, 42 Forged nails and spikes............ 6 1,539, 729 35, 996 108; 189 | =. 845 43 All other, including tacks.......... p25 5,817,310 232, 200 151, 099 1, 653, 44 | Iron and steel,tempering and welding..| 520 7,626, 948 774, 759 "328, 224 | 2,742,928 45 Treated iron and steel... ....-...4 35 3, 715, 844 345, 819 152, 1b 7s 46 Welding ts hat eit lent caukee 485 3,911; 104 428,940 | 176,113 | "1,974, 7; 47 | Iron and steel, wrought pipe...........| © 50 || 72,709,472 || 1,510, 064 1, 344, 862 | 14,919, 676 43 | Ivory, shell, and bone work, not includ- |. , 44 1,365, 784 118, 484 99, 206 |... 734, 9 ing combs and hairpins. bw nae ie 49 } Japanning? jse. see. f..-beseneen wh 86 461, 561 56,253 | 12,536. Tak tee See For —{ contract “work. Rent of factory. ee ee eS ee Sn ee GENERAL TABLES, ~ UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: '1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] FINANCIAL STATISTICS—continued. Rent and taxes. Taxes, Federal, . state, county, and. local. ; a ef sina De Dollars. _— ee 497, 437 r 68, 544 137, 183 10, 157 73, 290 203) 263 5, 058 137, 537 hy wet tet ee el 224, 895 431, 804 | 29;781 1) 208 551, 205 | 83,758 ee a No le adi pr re Se 2 ee “ ! sty 696, 5456395: 28; 122 .. 127, 1999 349, 484 © 934, 167 | 771,325. eG 743 Us, 1085 ee 2 502, 233 ‘157, 701 35,429 309, 103 384, 763. 805, 434 150, 775 20, 732 64, 059 286; 994 by 59, 872° Dollars. 6, 075, 597 "818, 484 2, 431, 080 * 282 732, 808 2; 051, 943 1, 794, 012 730, 153 131, 986 2,128, 371 "420, 1 78, 047 »11}362 = 36° 887 826} 353 215, 830 15,981 463, 693 4,946, 061 "624, 658 410,719 2, 553, 592 302/398 82; 905 2,168, 289 20; 561; 798 87, 796, 777 4,619, 910 1, 246, 473 "915° 200 10, 833, 095 696, 186 301; 163 739, 763 648, 665 91,098 3,647,989 46,152 2,785 Expenses—Continued. For materials. ies Fuel and Total. seat rent * | of power. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 243, 853 180, 465 63, 388 2; 259, 142. 2; 217, 552 41,590 3, 829, 197 3 812; 754 16, 443 169, 492 162, 220 1,242 2; 634, 426 2, 563, 058 71, 368 58, 533, 769'|| 55,368,774 | 3, 164,995 4 340, 152 4 128, 839]... 211,313 19,083,649 || 17;838;353.| 1, 250, 296 "750, 441 727, 298 23, 143 12, 350, 896 il, 590, 767 760, 129 22, 008,631 || 21,088, 517 920, 114 4, 281, 589 3, 961, 506 320, 083 16,643,919 || 16,490,084 153, 835 24, 176, 514 24,018, 77 157, 738 40,158,019 || 39,128,797 | 1,029, 222 16, 910, 408 16, 662, 000 248, 408 3, 699, 822 3, 594, 716 105, 106 "3207 451 295, 381 25,070 1,536,619 1,356, 018 180, 601 i 39,793, 962 || 39,439, 747!|)/'' 354,215 7,781, 658 7,695, 233 86, 425 5,047) 603 4,973, 823. 73, 780 "871, 962 850, 452 21,510 2,058; 039 2,042, 097 13, 942 24,036,700 || 23,878,142 158, 558 42) 877, 509 17,271,245 | 25,606, 264 14, 661, 115 14; 327, 796 333,319 x 320, 346 3, 207, 934 22,412 19, 494, 634 18, 918, 600 576, 034 3, 983, 789 3, 864, TAT |. 119, 042 590,505 }| 553,362.) .... 37,143 14, 920, 340 14, 500, 491 419, 849 621 286, 496 || 385,662,843 |235, 623, 653 1,686,575,758 ||1,523,610,395 |156, 964, 862 44,277,117 || 42,127, 433.| . 2,149,684 25,386,552 || 22,744,779 | 2,641,773 re 577, 934 4 466, 284 111, 650 82; 024/492 || 73,286,871 | 8,737,621 8, 874,747 8, 545, 006 329, 741 807,040 771, 603 35, 437 3, 626, 239 3, 58, 221 78,018 719° 873 "670, 301 49,572 3; 721, 595 3, 554, 881 | 166,714 3,575, 88h 8, 204, 994 370, 887 L 778, 282 1, 597, 264 181, 018 1 797, 599 F 607, 730 189, 869 51,155,653 || 49,307,757 | 1,847,896 i 293, 876 || 1,250, 506 43,370 221, 901 193, 264 28, 637. Value of products. Dollars. 1,369, 423 3,315, 113 6, 963, 033 ” 255, 755 7,738, 778 154, 524, 888 14,374, 476 53, 942,790 2) 013, 906 27; 501, $44 56, 691, 872 14, 136, 556 26, 521, 212 44) 539, 861 82, 745, 308 32; 187, 361 6, 739, 652 793, 778 3,367, 001 60, 211, 804 11, 962, 962 7, 384, 952 1, 285, 661 3, 277; 571 36, 300, 658 137, 004,798 26, 244, 470. | 6,433, 941 58, 136,691 12, 101, 245 1, 834, 497 44, 200, 949 794, 466,558 2,828,902,376 89, 743, 882 50, 235, 101 10, 877, 001 173, 752, 104 17, 583,344 ’ 567, 322 6, 428, 350 81, 869, 115 2, 816, 530 771,143 1185 Value added by manu- facture. 5, 104, 347 95, 991, 119 10, 034, 324, 34) 859, 141 1, 263, 465 15, 150, 948 34, 683, 241 9, 854, 967 9, 877, 293 20, 363, 347 42, 587, 289 15, 276, 953 3,039, 830 473, 327 1, $30, 382 20, 417, 842 4,181, 304 2) 337,349 413,699 1, 221, 532 12,263,958 94, 127,289 11, 583, 355 3,113, 595 38,642, 057 8,117,456 | 1, 243,992 29, 280, 609 173, 180, 062 1,148,326,618 45,466, 765 24, 848, 549 6, 299, 067 91,727,612 8, 708, 597 1,249,096 2,508, 921 838, 621 4,111,959 7, 419, 791 2) 789, 040 4,630, 751 30, 713, 462 1,522, 654 549, 242 ; ars a KFPOMCAaAND OPN 1186 Ore Go AD OWANIOD Num- ber of , INDUSTRY. estab- lish- ments. Jewery. .-) Lok he eo ete 2,054 Jewelry and instrument cases.\.....-.: 142 JUTE; ZOOS: VAs AAW A ee Bh AOE 26 TGS POOdS! LAE Week) ea en eee € 2,050 dca bels and taps ARVs oh Ape ee en hg 119 Lamps.and reflectors... .. 2. AM A Fg 171 Automobile lamps: .). 224 Lie... ¢ 35 Albotherdanrps ys. . AAS OARS ht 122 Reflectors ui LE BEL Re ote 14 La pidary work. ie 2 ih ek MER eg 124 Lard, not made in slaughtering and 6 meat-pac king establishments. BPStss ge. TOO es Sh a aes 8 = og 64 Lead, bar, pipe, and sheet.v.. uit... 22 32 Leather goods, not elsewhere specified..| 503 Leather, tanned, curried, and finished..| 680 aires SE SAG vob Se. ty Sot ON of aE 476 dismten Poodss Sri). Se. gt BN Pe os Se 10 Tiquors, distilled: --.. {HW Wey es sed 34 Alcohol, grain, ‘including pure: 28 neutral, or cologne Spirits. Rum, whisky, and other distilled 6 liquors. Liquors; mplee As. Si 400 tek Be rss ok 729 Liquors, vinous 206: 2. 3 aa 18 Sb ee 342 Lithographing Ppa oe |! Sots eee OF 331 Locomotives, not made by railroad 17 companies, Looking-glass and picture frames....... 429 Lubricating greases. 2). 55 148 Pore 1.8 53 Lumber and timber products.:./.- 24. .¢ 26,119 Lumber , planing-mill products, not i in- 5, 309 cluding g planing milis connected with sawmills, Machine topls 3.445 6h S26 Pe 38 403 Melts) .f2 5) AON Ss doe HY far SEs ee 2S 55 Marble and stone work..,........-..0.. 4,240 Monuments and tombstones. ../.... 8, 256 Other marble and stone work, ex- 861 cept slate. Roofing slate 2. £2.22. 52. goes) Me: 71 Other slate products. .............. 52 Matches: bingy ee ah Ape Pg 21 Mats and matting, from cocoa’ fiber, 12 grass, and coir. Mattresses and spring beds, not else- | 1,041 where specified. . Millinery and lace goods, not elsewhere 3, 005 specified. Hmbroideriess: 4.22) Aw eee ds 1,294 Trimmed hats and hat frames.....: 829 Dress and cloak trimmings, braids, 156 and fringes. Women’s neckwear........2....221 150 Albothors. Sa... 36 ets ja. ee a 576 MIUSUONGS 2 Faiz p aes is -decase lena eee ee 12 Mineral and soda waters.............2.. 5,194 Mineral] and carbonated waters... .. 5, 025 Fruit beverages.......4) SA KG dle 84 REORDER eas os cconcaath ihe wale tuk tas » 85 ABSTRACT OF THE -CENSUS>—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 96.—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp..1172 and 1173.] Capital. Dollars. 121,.070, 305 3,697, 104 41,335, 845 516, 457, 991 14,118, 792 26, 099, 941 10, 320, 628 14, 704, 325 1,074, 988 19, 209, 627 40, 537 8, 177, 560 9, 419, 730 33) 341, 468 671, 341) 553 45, 844, 532 7 527, 596 45, 618,110 43° 098; 323 2,519; 787 583, 429, 947 14, 855, 481 60, 817, 330- 138, 275, 823 10, 079, 709 5, 242’ 6 636 ig 357, 991, 571 "361, 848, 079 231, 039, 843 34, 829) 495 112, 568, 533 54, 949; 879 50, 463, 102 5, 021, 999 2, 133, 553 29, 477, 486 7, 190, 675 46, 212, 858 95, 538, 769 26, 572, 232 37, 183, 508 5, 243) 478 FINANCIAL STATISTICS. Expenses. Salaries and wages. ee Dollars. * 7,570, 795 470, 089 681, 074 20, 165, 869 1, 314, 686 1,586, 534 618, 732 879, 965 87,887 569, 084 870, 068 733, 168 136, 900 14, 053, 101 471, 564 4,716, 652 1,675, 164 946,113 376, 806 38, 021; 883 18, 317, 441 9,491; 952 "771, 496 5, 516, 733 2 386, 661 2: 749, 811}, 228, 688 151,573 572, 236 147, 465 3, 210, 459 8, 673, 114 808, 857 1) 449° 542 10, 800 4, 397, 231 4 446, 752 ” 306, 586 143, 893 Dollar Sy 6,617, 052 "199; 03 432, 941 12, 160, 713 1, 143, 590 1, 137, 227 56,992 , 004 1, 233, 759 82; 179 2, 347, 889 7, 803, 021 1, 012, 238 1 14, 171 1,800 | 3,372, 987 > 794, 218 ” 307, 063 181,706 | 1, 635, 642 - 1,716, 699 ” 566, 839 149, 860 45, 170, 432 1,013, 898 18) 2017 089 38, 798, 641 | 4, 715, 227 489, 419° 091 91, 976, 526 66, 178, 969 1 845, 210 38, 354, 822 17, 312, 451 17, 957, 186 2, 145, 233 “939; 952 is 059, 537 ” 810; 607 via 805, 351 15, Oe 293 | es : | contrac : Rent q work of ! aN factory Dollars. | Dollars. _ | 2,274, 288 |2, 051, 552 1.71397 356 |’ 1497 288 46,741 | 37,667 8,495,982 |2,272) 445 3037771 | 201,91 29,133 | 220, 463 | 700 | 23684 3 27,233 | 180,380 i 13200 | . 16,399 : 19,691 | 135,916 E 22.7% LS 3, |» 61,486 | 95,390 . 35,676 | 16,130 |. 469,120 | 618,185 | 23377011 | 738; 408 E | 70,430 | 88,937 wee ewe ee eee 12, 531 479 | . 18,238 Paro 479 15,978 orien a. i. 2, 260 |. 425,770 |1,299, 159 |, 2977030 |’. 55,085 4 1, 363, 424 |1, 019, 769 BP |-----+--.4- 554 |) 40,651 | 556,617 mn ara -Anb, 202 97, 080 (37, 546; 478 |1, 478; 218 1) 102; 507 |2; 148; 320 | 1,469,844 |} 476, 353 445 | 88,977; 1,409,271 |1,024, 482 854; 752 | ° 491,557 508,038 | 386,500 16,969 | 95,131. 29/512 | 51,204 es ae 716 3,303| 5, 940 113,608 | 886, 998 6,133, 327 |4, 087, 361 295, 645 |L. one! 834 183,456 | 204/932 483,628 | 306,347 1, 225, 184 675, 127 RN eee 6 i: 560,338 |1,310,566 - 549; 812 |1; 261; 150 y i. 10, 526 548 ~ UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: GENERAL TABLES, 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] FINANCIAL STATISTICS— continued. Expenses—Continued. Rent and taxes. Taxes, Federal, state, county, and local. Dollars. 0 MP Oleomargarine and other butter sub- 42 stitutes. ‘ Optical goods)... vis eh EoUie 00b eT “.) 506 Ordnance and accessories... 22.5 5222..-. 26 PMMGER . SPACE SUE Eee TY 601 Paperand wood pulp. ...../.--: ee S 729 Paperexchisively ..u 2206200055 8 497 Pulp exclusively... veces ds estas 61 Paperangd pip? 5.020) cei sce. 3 se BEL Paper goods, not elsewhere specified... 308 | Playing Gans ?i0". U 4e.610.° 16 8 All OCBOR so 53 5. tines casa waaine 300 Paper patterns: ! 2 io SR 19 Patent medicines and compounds. ..... 2,467 Patentand proprietary medicines..| 1,724 | Patentand ppd gon pet compounds, 743 not elsewhere specified. ‘i Ske ig mores bk Sj CTY SO 889 eanuts, grading, roastin Gonsian <.88 and sheliiaig: f i i Pencils, leet gk taekcat ees 12 Pens fountain and stylographic........ 56 Perms, 201d, welt Gar Sh. VES LE, p 15 Pr ne tanta aay eae mt Capital. Dollars. 60, 208, 617 9, 322, 060 11, 753, 992 35,362, 150 7,133, 137 2,915, 439 4) 217, 698 7,876, 182 6,770, 587 116 106) 536 |} 32,323, 669 31,769, 045 - co M354) 624 26,324, 627 203, “ABT, 371 6, 379, ‘910 73, 954,065. OL, 475, 009 38, 816, 696 12, 504, 143 4 697, 246 BS, 366, 924 49, 803, 688 10, 782, 957 24, 971, 947 37, 739, 904 85, 399, 163 177, 314, 815 905, 794, 583 363, 382) 919 42) 081, Ser 500, 330, 337 64, 442, 569 6, 149, 513 58, 293, 056 1, 084, 325 143, 498, 611 114) 152, 017 29, 346, 594 67, 421, 242 10, 393, 512 29,641, 044 FINANCIAL STATISTICS. Expenses. Salaries and wages. Clerks | Wage Officers. ete. ’ earners. * Dollars..| Dollars. PDllark. 2,229,424 | 910,389 | 16,309, 518 907,870 | | 474,144 | - "By 819,140 1, 430, 633 477,483 | 10,318, 104 1, 299,488 | 900, 870 12, 763, 235 608, 695 432, 112 | 850,382 213, 900 133, 815 364, 148 394,795 | © 298,297 |... 486; 234 642,109 390, 063 Diaii 656 339,262 | © 184° 40 | "1,978, 518 3,731, 656} 2; 686, 010 8 474, 200 1,539,948 | 1502, 476 10, 467, 137 1,456,785 | “488° 160 210, 231, 122 * 93,163") ©) 14,816 | &” 236) 015 1,626,083 | °880;167 |.. 8,809, 781 175, 832 33, 373 561, 282 34/798 | 12,176 | __ 118/032 6, 247,667 | 3,688,050] 20,615, 193 151,144] 77,646 | - "391, 836, 465'| © 572/938'| | 3052, 768,646 | 2,945,722 141, 145 2708 433 | | ‘51, 266 4 440, 123 322, 056 ‘158,957 | _ 1,066, 674 226, 517.| 165,652} 2271 1, 563,640'| '2,069,857 | 2,407,177 922, 871; $56,586 | . 6,518,089 | 929°477'| | 474) ~ -1200;87 788,001 | 1,195,565 | 3, 184) 11 3,023,871 | 2,573,788'| |14,388, 207 2,353,619 | 1,748, 74 | 15,556, 642 | 7) 987,233 | 100282) 471 | “19,550,371 | 18, 735, 837 | 11, 216, 907 | 135, 690, 642 | 9) 550,900 | 5,109; 600 | ~58,324) 653 | 660, 688. 6,524, 555 | & 524, 249'| 5, 701, 147 10, 841,434 | 3,825,719 | 2,915,888 | 12,666,924 | "421,128 | 216/697 | 1,559; 638 | 3,404,591 | 2,699,191 | 11,107,286 | 96,104} 63,620'| © 374,479 | 11, 554,701 | 13, 181 ou Bs phe 1s 2'6997694 | 227367957 2, 521, 089 iy 143, “389 Rae 493.386 | 206,590 | 1,328, 712 578, 807 | 1,105,620] 5, 299, ve ca 41,126,308 | © 2,80, 67, 057 “aks os O71 es oe | GENERAL TABLES,, | CARPEP STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. — [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] —— = == 1189 _Expenses—Continued. Dollars. ; 369,970 TS barbe ae 15,553 | | “105,259 1,086 5,208 3,178 12,025 r 32,027 oreo 5, 172 14, 812 ” 360 206, 216 ee ey 451, go4 739 } . a wt, 085 | Ve : } wen eee sere Rent and taxes. ” 366, 997. "707,278 79, 537 39, 002 108) 185 16, 529 "270 Taxes, Rent Federal, | Of state, factory. | county, and local. Dollars. | . Dollars. 459,027 || 1, 233, 492 | 232,424.) ' 347,404 491, 490 316,331 | 152,606 | 3,165,940 82,954] 192,872 42,048 79, 246 40, 906 113; 626 137, 045 278, 025 45,505 72,938 910, 874 | 2,709, 214 266, 852 950, 147 265,702 | 923, 887 1, 150, 26,310 96, 224 | 1, 685, 463 10,326 101) 197 (142 14,778 198,155 | 5,083) 850 , 885, 122,773 4,256 | 1,295) 602 256,514 | 2,197, 389 70,385 | 1,119, 708 29,355 |” 155,930. 12, 806. 67, 130 143, 968 854, 621 .321,| 2, 123,756 8,000] 229/236" 102,050 | 1,872) 279 656,796 | 2,309, 401 110, 402 | '3; 739; 959 693, 874 | 5,638, 099 40 |1, 078,929 | 33, 832, 330 | 256; 011 | 13; 9967 902 253,141} 1) 636,111 569, 77 18, 199, 317 539,902"| | 5, 845, 181 12) 435 | 3,179) 990 527, 467 |. 2° 665, 191 30, 289 12,741 1, 471, 482 | 14,103, 226 1, 104 485 12’ 198, 255 1 904, 971 For materials. sth Fuel and Total Ree 5 rent “| of power. Dollars. _, Dollars. Dollars. 16,270, 251 |} 12,605,172 | 3,665,079 12,498,733 || 12,320, $27 177,906 6,395, 834 || 6,106,967 | 288, 867 25,985,915 || 25,346,673 | - 639,242 7,092,728 || 6,971,281 121, 447 3,035,076 || 2,981, 588 53, 488 - 4,057,652 || 3,989; 693 67, 959 4,444,729 || 4,295, 490 149, 239 2,217,097 || . 2,111,833 105, 264 54, 364,656 || 53,322’ 488 | 1,042; 168 16,693, 140 || 16,285,048 408; 092 16,329, 129 |] 15,935,934 | - 393,195 364,011 349, 114 14, 897 10, 227, 199 9, 826, 308 400, 891 3,648, 206. 3, 1624, 737 237 469 0, 633 14, 892 495, 192, 294 || 486, 636,672 | -8, 555,622 3,903,417 || 3; 808, 067 95, 350 100, 577, 538 || 99,908,059 | °° 669; 479 119, 270, 586°|| 117, 900, 207 |- 1,370,379 64, 731, 546.|| 63,995,887 | "735,659 9, 432, 210 |}. 9,193,137 | 239,073 5,605, 156 || 5,507,652 97, 504 39, 501,674 || 39; 263/531 298, 143 30, 368, 703 || 29,020,819 | 1,347, 884 11,140, 723 || 10,871,326 | ” 269; 397 66, 042,792 || 65,626, 330 416, 462 17, 785,083 || 17,086,129 | . 698, 954 26, 592,658 || 25,513,109 | 1,079,549 165, 604, 116 || 162) 037, 931 | 3, 566, 185 467, 482, 637 || 412, 482, 682 | 54,999, 955 237, 402° 880’ || 214) 2027 526 |. 237 2007 354 22’ 686,708 || 19,540,609 | 3, 146, 099 207, 393; 049 || 178, 739, 547 | 28; 653, 502 65, 295, 484 || . 021, 089 1, 274, 1305 3, 030, 439 979, 36 51,078 62, 265,045 || 61, 0417728 | 1, 293/317 316, 890 314, 366 2, 524 87, 301, 862 || "60,602 232 | 76997630 67, 361, 86 3 ; 21, 457, 555,|| 21,070,077 | 387, 478 16,019, 811 || 12,679,015 | 3,340,796 28) 474. 052 || 28, 345, 926 128, 126 9,073, 563 || 8, 822,030 | - 251,533 5,811,419 |} 5,524,912 | 286, 507 962, 410 ” 954) 927 7, 483 398, 383 381) 825 16, 558 FINANCIAL STATISTICS—continued. Value of products. Dollars. 46, 067, 239 20, 830,775 25,300, 389 53, 105, 895 11, 230, 253 4,795, 912 6, 434, 341 12, 506, 334 5,973, 268 107, 088, 050 36,789, 627 35, 956, 944 832; 683 * 29, 304, 995 5, 114, 414 983; 423 581, 244° 798 5,698, 403 120, 638, 100 156, 479, 654 80, 639, 042 12, 995, 184 7, 515, 991 55, 329, 437 52, 673, 206 15, 436, 875 79, 815, 580 53, 717, 798 69, 495) 628 ; 256, 714, 379 788, 059, 377 374, 362) 494 35, 884, 802 377, 812’ 081 107, 284, 759 10, 663, 733 96, 621, 026 1, 528, 382 212, 162, 255 169, 486, 104 42 676, 151 45, 740, 606 33, 354, 377 24, 134, 159 15, 996, 808 1, 801} 460 1) 679, 541 Value added by manu- facture. Dollars. 29, 796, 988 8, 332, 042 18, 904, 555 27,119, 980 4,187,525 1, 760, 836 2; 376, 689 8,061, 605 3, 756,171 52, 723, 394 20,096, 487 19, 627, 815 468, 672 19, 077, 796 15, 827, 763 22, 304, 503 4’ 296; 152 13, 772; 788 35, 932, 715 42? 902} 970 91; 110, 263 320, 576, 740 136, 959, 614 13, 198, 094 170, 419, 032 41, 989, 275 7, 633, 294 34) 355, 981 1, 211, 492 123, 342, 838 102, 124, 242 21, 218, 596 1, 281) 158 oo Of NO oe» WY LD. — 1190 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE $0.—-DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] Num- ber of INDUSTRY. estab- lish- ments. Perftimery and cosmetics:-i..0.02..522. 569 Petroleum, refiningy...a¢-. i. aso. ees---- 320 Phonographs and graphophones........| 166 Photo-engravings. oj) 20... - Seie- vee ee 422 Photographic apparatus. ....2.2..00--.- 68 Ontvidras. jo: coer ee eee coe 12 Motion-picture machines-..-.05.-.. 18 All other apparatus and parts...... 38 Photographic materials.........2:.-.... 169 Motion-picture films, not exposed. . 15 Motion-picture projection films..... 50 Atotherssi hse. SoU aa ata, Fae 104 Pickles, preserves, and sauces,........<..| 723 PPT OSET ViESEI 80s -< SSC UMNR Ce coeeeeuee 195 Pickles and sauces... ..-cse-sae---- 528 PipeSy LODACCOs ia -ua- a0 - bse > aga oon 56 PID CEO WATOIRi ce aoe 5. sa cHencecubesine 68 Knives, forks, apons; and other 18 flatware. ~ FEGHOW WATE, ones ee skewns’ bin aiaki 30 Allother. .2....,.. (okiceeenchabaws & 20 Plumbers’ supplies, not, elsewhere 214 specified. POGKGLDOOKS f.\..5 aes tase. td -pee-aAtes ss 139 POUGIN as tics lasesers ol opus sess 340 SD IIWATO (hats sews ache tame ck cf 161 Earthen and stone ware..../......- 147 WATVOUNOT Si, ¢czsc soak uc sees wear 32 Poultry, killing and dressing, not done 196 in slaughtering and meat-packing establishments. Printing and publishing, book and job rE 089 Job printin fale hela sell<. pte tel 11, 951 Book publishing and printing. ..... 142 Book publishing without printing, 687 Linotype work and typesetting. . 309 Printing and publishing, music. ....... 160 Printing and publishing............ eae i Publishing without printing. .....- Printing and publishing, newspapers |17, 362 and periodicals. Printing and publishing... ........ 1,346 pein publishing, and job print- 12; 420 Publishing without printing... ..... 3, 596 Printing materrals 2 22 See Pe 82 Pulp, irom fiber other than wood...-.... 5 Faabp goods". tise nag ses <-}-agh agp se 62 } 40. | Wall bdard=i6; Cis anhe, | SSS 10 ge AMobhenvess apy. .0..4. geo. 290-20. 30 Pumps, not including power pumps..... 127 Pumps, steam and other power........ 112 Sl) NOM Meek abel titel ahd 5 Aan 62 OTNGrDOWET 3 5n.ccks corinne seo.sip 6,0 50 Capital. Dollars. 32, 666, 633 1, 170, 278, 189 *105; 2417 359 12) 442° 784 7, 264, 031 L 928° 765 2) 417, 233 2; 918, 033 87, 204, 707 5, 501, 533 88, 703, 665 35, 941, 096 52, 762, 569 7, 634, 662 34, 789, 823 23, 805, 824 6, 113, 191 4, 870, 808 60, 980, 632 5, 427, 990 66, 757, 970 53, 849, 247 8, 826, 875 4,081; 848 8, 875, 942 405, 554, 984 312, 005, 583 297 559, 985 54, 258, 490 9, 730, 926 5, 139, 292 614, 045, 344 285, 605, 477 266, 816, 289 61, 623, 578 7,245, 110 778,177 17, 190, 849 5, 443, 676 11, 747, 178 26, 660, 646 54, 839, 975. 43, 192, 760 11, 647, 215 FINANCIAL STATISTICS. Expenses. Salaries and wages. Officers. Dollars. 3, 038, 060 A, 315, 491 3, 374, 652 2) 898, 198 539, 476 987 790 197, 639 243, 047 3, 710, 389- L 367, 477 L 742, 4 420 ” 600, 492 3, 866, 049 1, 677, 713 2) 188) 336 435, 379 1, 325, 398 796, 625 311, 269 217, 504 2, 628, 803 565, 925 3, 929, 097 3, 198, 387 ” 453,680 277, 030 372, 129 35,072,491 29, 024) 581 | 50, 843, 115 19, 195, 809 17, 979, 041 13, 168, 265. 405, 963 14, 950 757, 717 258, 788 498, 929 | 1, 586, 267° 2, 623, 768 1, 846, 803 776, 965 Clerks, . etex‘iod “Dollars. | 3, 391, 951 2} 981, 059 BBB, 545, 2,111, 132 1 476, 126 490, 275 144, 731 1,992, 344 559,339 2,074, 335 1, 679, 609 "170, 879 223) 847 | 320,479 30,648, 149 17, 878, 359 10, 075, 257 952) 141 | 2,017 98 83,011 L, 534. 355 Wage earners. Dollars. 3, 983, 016 89, 749, 637 33, 963, 148 10, 423, 541 2, 642, 957 "770, 1,076, 699 "795, 717 18, 965, 941 i 119, 388 6, 708, 661 L 137, 892 7,779, 577 2, 555, 291 10, 913, 091 7, 507, 867 2,511, 574 ” 893, 650 15, 962, 517 3,061, 903 29, 820,278 | 25, 673, 406 2} 787, 140 | 1,359, 732 | 2,045, 043 | 141,476, 243 | 131, 316, 152 | — 8,942, 681 | 93, 507, 413 | 144,348,173 | 45,424,796 | 66,045,755 | 24, 461, 786 1, 055, 330 | 23,620,831 | 8,247,088 | 272,530 | 799, 40 | | 8,358 55, 944 | 1, 161,125 8,608 314 | 499) 493 791,211 ! 661,632 | 2,81 cee 2,474,629 | 5,9 : 2,411,561 | 13,763, a ‘ 1, 659, 883 | 11, 199, 533 | ’ 751, 678 9° 563, 993 | | GENERAL TABLES, 1191 | UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] ‘ —— vnainsaieaens ilcieeteeieatiemmettenes “ FINANCIAL STATISTICS—continued. Expenses— Continued. Rent and taxes. For materials. Value Value of added by For Taxes products. manu- F] faetur one’ *| Rent Federal, Principal | Fuel and SeEse tr of state, Total. te ei rent factory. | county, aay 1 ot power. and local. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 225,089 | 632,140 | 1,972,300} 26, 147,026 26, 024, 744 122, 282 59, 613; 391 33, 466, 365 | 1 2,352) 306 1257 909 78, 282° 638 |1 247, 908, 355°] I1, 194, 403, 246 | 53, 505, 109 1,633,532, 766 | 384, 624, 411 Z 1,751,018 | 304,179 8, 777, 943.) 59, 740, 205 "58, 993: "578 g 516, 627 || 158, 547, 870 98) 807, 665 | 3 “317, 416 | 637,544 | 203,379 | 5,038) 382 || 4, 756; 114 |” 282° 968-|| "297 389) 386 | 247351; 004 | 4 “150'| 115, 259 233,100] 3,584,380 || 3, 498, 934 85,446 || 9,384,050 | 5,799,670] 150 py 148 107, 600 L 189, 203 1,161, 843 27. 360 9 "999° 608 Vv 810, 405 | & gigs pean et 55, 213 67, 175 L 145; 181 re 113) 463 31, 718 3 3) 431 749 a 236, 568 | i 7 + seacoiatis be 35, 898 58, 325 ry 249, 996 L 223° 628 26, 368 Pi 952, 693 L 702, 697 | 8 10,960] 529,325 | 5,389,300} 49,801,747 || 48, 836, 358 965, 389 || 115,714,179 }* 65,912, 432 | 9 2,700} 93,145 | 4,627,029 | 25, 917/613 || 25, 221) 668 695, 945 || 71,245,991 | 45,328,378 | 10 As pace Adin 312,116 | 647, 412 | 19,579, 419 || 19, 439, 330 140, 089 || 36,705,207 | 17,125,788 | i1 8,260 | 124) 064 114,859} 4}304,715 ||. 4, 175; 360 129,355 || 7,762,981 | 3, 458, 266 | 12 ~ 47,304} 567,836 | 3,315,340 | 93,037,433 || 91,851,287 | 1, 186,146 || 145,784, 530-| 52,747,097 | 13 18, 483 982 786 L 657, 697 | 45,537,295 45, 001, 582 535, 713 65, 122, 667 19, 585, 372 | 14 28, 821 285, 050 iY 657, 643 | 47,500, 138 46, 849, 705 650, 433 80,661,863 | 33,161,725 | 15 57,214 | 68, 918 245,210 | 3,497,414 || 3,385, 289 112, 125 |} 11)553,777 |~° 8, 056,363. | 16 12,754 | 79,051 | 1,044,632 | 17,766,536 || 17,265,899 500,637 || 41,634,585 | 23, 868,049 | 17 936 7,703 | 888,455 | 13,764,572 || 18) 465, 868 298, 704 |] 30,962,906 | 17,198, 334 | 18 41,460 | 33,802 132,454] 2,812,978 2, 657, 839 155, 139 || 7,713,976 | 4,900,998 | 19 ke 358 | 37,546 23,723 | 1, 188, 986 1, 142, 192 46, 794 2,957,703} © 1,768,717 | 20 _, 101,699} 267, 884,}. 1,957,725 | 27,797,007 || 26, 346,429 | 1,450,578 || 60,055,265 | 32,258,258 | 21 167,873 | 177,636 104,262 | 7, 557,155 || 7, 524, 883 32,272 || 14,549,659 | 6,992, 504} 22 i ; 117, 384 | 162,182) 2,677,855 | 20,794,076 || 15,400,705 | .5,;393,371.|| 74,919,186 | 54,125,110 | 23 102,483 | 135,181 | 2,225,215 | 17,559,429 || 13,199,917 | 4,359,512 || 63,037,078 | 45,477,649 | 24 "7580 | 18,460 || 276,631 | 2,041,088 || 1, 286, 987 754, 101 7, 994,533 | 5,953, 445 | 25 | a < , dal 8, 491 176,009 | 1,198, 559 913, 801 279,758 || 3,887,575 | 2,694,016 | 26 ~ 3,620 | 88,528 274,669 | 36,015,817 || 35, 850, 321 165,496 | 41,705,079 | 5,689, 262 | 27 82, 243, 303 |11,689,552 | 8, 163,494 | 211,067,174 || 206,081,695 | 4,985, 479 || 597,663, 228.| 386, 596,054 | 28 7,046, 956 {10,268,605 | 6,565,665 | 190, 145)145 |) 185, 536,351 | 4, 608,794 || 497,074, 733 | 296,929, 588 | 29 306, 752 393, 398 10, 325, 818 10, 106, 555 219, 263 29, 759, 696 19, 433,878 | 30 881, 369 |. 1, 131,328 |. 9,615,249 || 9, 596, 995 18, 254 |} 71,974,342 | 62,359,093 | 31 232, 826 73, 103 980, 962 841, 479 139,168 |} 8, 854,457 | 7,873,495 | 32 296, 554 345,745 | 2,123,781 || 2,097, 144 * 26,637. || 14, 592,177 |'/ 12,468, 396 | 33 63, 692 70,563 | 1,086, 950 1, 063, 481 23, 469 ||. 3,814,950 | 2,728,000 | 34 232” 862 275,182 | 1,036, 831 1, 033, 663 3,168 ||} 10,777,227 | 9,740,396 | 35 7 0, 776, 049 10,038,270 | 20, 163, 412 | 200, 385, 187 |} 293, 181, 862 | 7,203,325 |) 924, 152, 878 | 623, 767, 691 | 36 ‘i _ | 2,895, 107 8, 456,968 | 13,510,424 | 168, 289, 962 || 165,284,807 | 3, 005, 155 |! 441, 418,613 | 273, 128,651 | 37 13 123, 207 |4 436, 329 4, 907, 519 |. 102; 446,618 || 98, 357, 295 | - 4, 089, 323 || 315, $29, 398: | 213,382,780 | 38 BPO ,AG _ (44,757, 735 |2, 094,973 | 1,745,469 | 29, 648,607 || 29,539,760 | 108, 847 || 166, 904, 867 | 137, 256, 260 | 39 3,184 | 127, 594 303,014 | 1,619, 718 1, 558, 852 60, 866 4,918,799 | 3,299,081 | 40 Thee 920 9, 522 395, 947 374, 301 21, 646 524, 444 128, 497.) 41 2 WON | 955869 952,955 |. 11, 381, 972 || 10, 742, 906 639, 066 |} 23,608,403.) 12,226, 431 | 42 oR amulet . 6,172 148,988 | 4,683,897 || 4,587, 390 96,507 || 7,691,330 | 3,007, 433 | 43 Betas: -t.' 5" fae 9, 190 803, 967 6, 698, 075 6, 155, 516 542, 559 15, 917, 07: 9, 218) 998 | 44 _ 15,133 | 101, 213 711, 388 | 12,161,892 || 11, 860, 966 300,926 || 31, 656, 438 19, 494, 546 | 45 red 122,216 | 2,125,916 | 23,907,889 |} 23,115,714 792,175. || 53,745, 502 | 29,837,613 | 46 5,619 | 70,902 | 1,680, 188 18, 148, 796 || 17, 494, 246 654, 550 || 41,068,458 | 22,919,662 | 47 agai | 51,314 445,728 | 5, 759, 093 5, 621, 468 137,625 || 12,677,044 |. 6,917,951 | 48 1192 Nore lornei a oo Num- ber of INDUSTRY. estab- lish- ments. Refrigerators. .......-- PAT Pn her canes 122 Regi alia, and society badges and em- 115 blems, Rice, cleaning and polishing...../...-.-. 86 Roofing materials. i.s¢.4...0-ssp.s¢.-5-- 178 Metal shingles and ceiling. -:......- 29 AMT OUIOr ois. coho 5. Peet. ieee 22: 149 Rubber tires, tubes, and rubber goods, 437 not elsewhere specified. Rules, ivory and wood. ....:...---.---- 13 | Saddlery and harness. ......2-5.2.3--+- 1, 823 Bales atte Vall bec.cc ls on oeect Soe eeeee 38 SeleGiek oles Loe ase ee aoe. 'g. 2 21 WU ESE.. PONG CCL aie CU eee oe oe os 17 LL Ca ne bal less aie ae lle ee) BPR ESS beat 86 Sand and emery paper and cloth. ...... 12 PANU ERC. soap Bae eee o 32 Sausage, not made in slaughtering and 633 meat-packing establishments. Sousage tare .£lt Y.-L Ost sates. 547 Sapsage.casmegssd 2.0.2 ge .abe sc. 86 aca vket. A Bea ely i ee ee 112 Scales.and palances . 22. es eee. ees 79 Screwspmachines 25.6.6 See... . 143 CTO WS WOOGS a c.a vs uiek te Milnes 2 wee warn 11 Sewing-machine cases....-.-.)...20..5.- 5 Sewing machines and attachments. ..-- 40 Sewing machines. .2.. 2. 22) .2.6.-.- 29 ATCACNMONtS....<. .ceeee nese ecuees 11 Shipbuilding; Steel... ass sos senees 162 INGW, ViessOlSask caus eae aa eee 105 Concrete vessels......./,......---.-- 5 Repair worksonty ia.) O.,.688-2. - 45 Smaliboatset 2G Web Aut eGe.8-. 7 Shipbuilding, wooden, including boat 913 building. NOW VOSSRISe ais fee cas abu. cen etree 315 Repair work only .........5-2: ‘eal LEQ Bimgif Dodie ie 2, BAL be 294 Masts, spars, oars, and rigging. --- 27 Shittsat. oan Bie Se ee I Bee ee 896 SHOW -GHSOSsete toot: Oe bere ates oe 119 Signs and advertising novelties. ....,..- 1 ceg7O HilGCETACSIEDS 6 cat wee cee ans 65 [OURETISIONS SS. Bota ERE RUE... 544. Advertising novelties..............- ; 170 Silk goods, including throws ters :..... 1,369 Finished products...............-.- 1,040 Throwsters and winders .:....... ~| 9329 Silversmithing and silverware.........- 99 Slaughtering and meat packiirg.... 22... 1,304 Slanghtorings J4.i Lo.) et ues... J 604 Meat peices mae) io AT Gad hee... 142 Slaughtering and meat packing. . 558 ea a Ee I SS OR eS ON RS © EE AF SE <8 Cie Soe Oe oe ‘ nt © ABSTRACT OF THE, CENSUS-;MANUFACTURES. TABLE 90.—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] Capital. Dollars. 23, 600, 628 |} 6, 257, 750 23, 792, 509 57, 069, 224 2) 632, 358 54, 436, 866 782,637, 722 414, 980 49, 368, 288 13, 023, 284 8, 255, 413 2 767, 871. 47,725, 231 9, 057,698 2) 999; 769 (13,777, 265 10, 255, 744 3, 52i, 521 26, 665, 369 22, 924’ 843, 53, 569, 817 14; 632, 800 17, 331, 959 71, 363, 920 70, 293, 040, L 070, 880 1, 268, 640, 254 1, 210, 558, 989 5, 111, 408 52,317, 371 ” 652, 486 120, 807, 566 93, 372, 049 22) 084, 471 4,792, 460 558, 586 102, 012, 047 5, 377, 884 29, 249, 133 3/968, 893 || 7, 581,795 17, 748, 445 532, 732; 163 447, 966, 397 84, ‘165, 766 34, 465, 322 | 1, 176, 483, 643 | 5,639, 110 30) 111, 789 | ig 098, 732, 744 FINANCIAL STATISTICS. , Expenses. Salaries and wages. Officers. Dollars.. 1,110, 787.) ” 450, 487 831, 034 1, 982, 340 "129, 420 i 852, 920 16, 249, 745 25, 254 2, 298, 662 | 611, 518 425, 086. 186, 432° 1,344, 648 331,613 110, 995 | 799, 054 te 514 155, , 540 1, 000,345 | * gg3’ 536 2, 018, 946 ” 446, 643 374, 702. 1, 436, 082. 1,310, 154 125, 928 97,159, 274 24,915, 849 172 1, 953, 895 "116; 696, “5, 474, 326 4,094, 473 . 059, 661, 268, 349 51, 843 94,646, 632 400, 371 2, 648, 959 315, 867 841,561 1,491,531 16,790,489 13, 962) 041 2) 823) 448 | 1,097, 374, 19, 081, 909 16, 125, 465 §Clerksy: e Te ea 211, 438° 6, 178,72 262) for , 3, 002,511) 40, 603, 456 1,038, 442 atiaic Dollars. 1,440, 535° " | <3 6 Ms Eee 677, 906 | 3, 432, 310 80, 814 3, 351, 496 58, 699, 12 18, 367-| 2, 091, 023 538, 381 419, 11s 70. "412, 669, ii 778 30, 102, 233 28, 518, 101 28 3 BE 0,473 8 785 898 ‘814,687 1,232, 140 1, 518, 865 f | ff 10, 3.4, oe ‘A §41, 7 9, 802, 302 149,290 | 10, 849, 066 (3,233,318 2,038, 762 1,194, 556 -T, 353, 420 840,766 | ~ B01, 854 4 679, 118 | i ane 613 | 538, 372, 576 500, 086, 706 ie 100, 882 ga e i 074, 073. 4, ‘872, 982 Be Berd “ERE : abe | 188 | 108, 226, 330 | 38, 571, 134 19, 654, 596 : a 359, 409 ; | 1, 286, 405. ‘11938 ‘GENERAL TABLES. 9) 7 . UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note ati head of this table, pp. 1172:and 1173.] yw? aN FINANCIAL STATISTICS—continued. Expenses—Continued. i a _. Rent and taxes. For materials. 5 Value ef , sae a added by ej products. manu- For | Taxes facture. | contract | Rent Federal, | Principal | Fueland || work of” state, Total. wiaterthisl rent } | | 2789289 | factory. | county, of power. ee} and local. , . Dollars..| Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. “9B, ( 571,696 | 11,948,972 || 11,704,141 | 244, 831 ||, 26,048,808.) 14,099,836 |, 1 | | 108,086 | 249,948] 4, 287,055 ’ 233) 760 53,295 || 9,395, 470.|. . 5,108, 415 |. 2 ‘ _ 122,905 1, 061,322 | 76,633,816 || 76,335, 172 298,644 || 90,038,412 | 13,404,596 | 3 a 84,797 | 1,619,327 | 52,587,777 || 49,956,679 | 2,631,098 || 85,895,359} 33,307,582 |. 4 : veka 27,427 | 1,532, 139-|| 1,512, 878 19,961 || 2,749,859 |... 1,217,720 | 5 : ) ar 7D 28 1,591,900 | 51,055,638 || 48) 443, 801 | 2,611,837 || 83,145,500 | 32,080,862 | 6 ) | 6, 486, 700 | 33,714,601 | 525,686, 309 || 513,080,366 | 12,605,943 || 987,088, 045.} 461,401,736 | 7 | | 05, 979 3, 406 133, 934 124, 846 9, 088 480,543 | 346,609 |. 8 | 726,286 | 2,476,148 | 52,442, 907-|| 52,064,231 | 378,676 || 83,713,010} 31,270, 103 |, 9 49,944 | 1,027,450 | 6,608,680 6, 441, 995 166,685 || 15,293,927 | 8,685, 247,| 10 38,5681 597,986 | 3,421,949.||. 3,310,038 | 111,911 || 9,518,663 | 6,096, 714 | 11 6,376 | 429,464 | 3,186,731 || 3, 131,957 54,774 || 5,775,264 |. 2, 588, 533 | 12 171,416 | 1,810,391 | 16,027,791 || 11,339,924 | 4,687,867 || 37,513,821 | 21, 486,030 | 18 409,491 | 463,848 | 5,060,561. || 4,936,624.| . 124, 937.||,, 9,303,734 | 4,243,173 | 14 . 34 979 29,999 575, 402 440,763 | 134,639 ||. 1,663,052 | 1,087,650 | 15 - ‘306,747 | 372,960 | 43, 940,356 |] 43,410,690 | 529,666 || 56,610,092 | 12,660,736 | 16 950,084 | | 318,003 | 37,128,034|| 36,674,638 | 453,396 || 47,500,686 | 10,372,652 |.17 56, 663 54,957 | 6,812,322 || 6, 736, 052 76,270 || 9,109,406 | 2,297,084 | 18 es] PORCH | ‘ove | Teiaves | imei Sotho | ieee | 0 1 ‘ ; e dad : Paste 38 y 143° 492 3,663,487 | 14,983, 968 18 340,700 | 643,168 || 40,015, 19 25,031, 592 | 21 bal. ........| 950,287] 5,551,563 || 5, 169,250 | 382,313 |) 15, 459, 5 9,908, 019 | 22 eat aed aoe 123,083 | 8,018,270. 7, 907, 582 110, 688 14, 243, 168 6, 225, 198 | 23 2,90 754,953 | 16,384,134] 15,842,963 |. .541,271 || 48,694,019.) 27,310,785 | 24 oe 338 745, 135 | 16,003, 896 || 15, 488, 019 = 877 5 356 26, 2s 460 25 Be 5 | oy 8 B74 9,818 | 380, 238 ” 354) 844 5 ‘858,731 | 44,641; 130 | 643, 752, 814 || 629, 809,678 | 13, 943, 141 |/1,456,489,516 | 812,736,702 | 27 Peas a 6,380 | 618,902; 759. || 605,827, 811 | 13,074, 948 ||1,364,204,032 745,391, 273 1°28 2) 643,271 | 38,56 5 Kone 1, 800 "944 | 3,158,032 || 3,115,836 42} 16 6, 806,280 | 3, 738, 248 | 29 | 754 - 2087040 | 6,059,909 | 21,290,717 ||, 20, 474, 219 816,498 S4, 424, 065 63, 133, 948 20 8 ag alee 5,620 13,997 | 401,306 391, 80 ; 647,701 | 3,054,424 | 66,760,862 || 65,108,911 | 1,660,951 || 165,871,745 |, 99, 101, 883 32 493, i61 || 55,69%,733 | 1,206, 428°|| 133,303,335 | 76,405,174 | 33 ad ig a5 22 ” 293, 565 6,926,237 367,328 || 26, 540, 156 19 cr sgt 34 6 g2'544 | 2,187,418 || 2, 105,328 ,197, 6 9 ) ne 16,327 | 390,718 385,613 5, 105 821) 572 430,854 | 36 , : 33 3 Bled 1,302; 744 | 2,526,017 | 127,087,745 || 126,431,922 | 655,823 || 205,327,138 | 78, 239,388 3 || 3 262,185 | 38 106,527 | 102,596 | 4,032,123 || 3,930,116 | 102,007 |}, 8,204,308,| | 4,262, ) 16,071,924 || 15,716,571 | © 355,353 | 43,343,003 |. 27,271,169 | 30 ae OB4 TT oes 2) 107,883 || 2,077,301 30,582 || 4,694,802 | 2,586,919 | 40 295.658 | 172,640 | 4,368, 400 4,220, 845 138, 555 | 12, 2,908 809 | 8,541, 409 al 169,319} 518,252 | 9,595,641,|| 9, 409, 42 : 142, 841 2, 982, 296 | 388, 469,022 || 382,267,575 |” 6,201,447 || 688, 469,523 | 300,000,501 | 43 5 erase Ww ean S47 333° 435,945 || 329,345,649 6 201 4 | 590,237,835 | 256,801,890 | 44 7421,053 | 2/779, 447 | 55,033,077 || 52,921,926 | 2,111, 151 || 98,231,688 | 43,198,611 | 45 187,722 | 488,559'| 13,060,929 | 12,724,302 | 336,627 || 29,126,133 | 16,065,204 | 46 7 533 {I3,758,839.744 | 24,089, 789 |\4,246.200,614 | 463,361,081 | 47 nay ay O76 meat a patter one 204 || 311,085,354 | 1,258, 850-4|: 243,061,209 | 30,717,005 | 48 399 | 9417204 | 1,412,523 | 74,493,632 || 73,554,633 | 938,999 || 92,840, 368 18, 346,736 | 49 1, 766,052 |1, 323,980 | 15,195, 690 |3,496,001,697 |/3,474,199,757 | 21,891, 940 3.910,389,037 | 414,297,340 | 50 1194 DP or iP hr ~j INDUSTRY. Smelting and refining, lead DSMelt ieee yO He A EG I Smelting and refining, metals, not else- wherespecified.§ Smelting and refining, not from the ore, Smelting and refining, zinc. ..:........: Pigs, bars, plates, and sheets......- EI | ah alee Mae Ribsbaaed: Seca in a Bere. fe cer ag SRR sly gels: A, Soda-water apparatus... 23 22. sS2 2.0.8: Sporting and athletic goods............ Stamped and enameled ware, not else- where specified. Stamped ware........- al ee, fie Enameled ware: .-..2.00.5202...... Bathtubs. ‘ene ye te eS ear Steam fittings and steam’ and hot- water heating apparatus. Radiators and cast-iron heating boilers. AM Others (Toe ir Sia: BNA See ee Stoves and hot-air furnaces Stoves and ranges... 2:...2.2¢262.)2 Frot-air furmiacess( eee eoo oe Finelessicookers !2.. £20 (PSC 835. <> vp wee ewer esses seescenuncececedec sugar. ? Includes 4 establishments engaged exclusively in refining. A, are, * includes 2 establishments engaged exclusively in refining. ; ABSTRACT OF THE /CENSUS+-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 90.—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR(THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172and 1173.] 176 4 1, 146 85 202 20 Capital. Dollars. 308, 680, 268 171, 825, 621 136, 854, 647 115,676, 768 57, 992, 579 57, 684, 189 20, 227, 544 22, 156,513 98,757, 355. || 87,770, 508 10, 986, 847 212, 416, 866 14, 711, 872 19, 951, 458 45, 472, 282 2,109, 344 7, 387, 952 26, 945, 406 9,029, 580 132, 222, 094 90, 098, 314 38, 364, 597 2, 209, 116 1, 550, 067 36, 700, 909 124, 429 36, 576, 480.| 3, 145, 853 133, 097, 464 43,525, 961 89,571, 503 36,934, 462 18, 218, 312 1,111,338 7, 860,376 122, 813, 373 94, 539, 978 27, 368, 616 904, 779 45,734, 309 219,470, 095 224, 584, 679 55,117, 127 193, 540, 825 FINANCIAL STATISTICS, - ‘ Salaries and wages. Officers. Dollars. 2,545,376 1, 404, 443 1, 140, 933 1, 026,786 620, 684 406, 102 640, 255 993, 667 1, 265, 631 1, 075, 593 _ 190,038 5, 785, 159 677,796 890,659 2, 254,501 246, 430 182, 689 1, 154, 787 670, 595 5,379,005 . 4,076, 459 1,097, 827 102, 981 101, 738 2,716, 468 22, 580 2, 693, 888 245, 129 5,416, 190 1,176, 507 4,239, 683 1, 827, 579 855, 562 6, 433, 427 4,814,531 1, 542, 451 76,445 1,864, 785 10, 870, 315 2, 565,036 1, 173, 706 2, 400, 118 Expenses. yn" Wage - Clerks, : etc. earners. Dollars. Dollars. 3,350,969 | 25,723, 371 1,838,417 | 12) 258 730 1,512,552 | 13,464,641 1,075,000 | 9,179,615 796,967 | 6,646,469 278,033 | 2,533, 146 311,797 | _ 2,963, 148 577,463 | 3,093, 140 1,195,838 | 17,783) 278 1,081,750 | 16; 135, 100 114,088 | _ 1,648) 178 8,386,692 | 21,228 063 702,589 | 3/232 398 714,438 | _ 5,752,963 1,290,179 | 11,157,874 80, 912 708, 818 158,084 | 743029 715,504 |i 6,575,230 335,679 |. 3,130; 797 4,814,136 | 34,851,311 3,679,646 | 23,675,506 991,753 | 9,670,172 104,561 | - '903, 607 38,176 | ~~ 602,026 3,865; 707 | 9, 577,867 1,548 | ----- 60,174 3,864,159 | 9, 517, 693 109,708 | “1,716,067 7,045,518 | 45,742; 525 1,148,125 | 14,280,631 5,897,393 | 31,461,894 1,435,298 | 7, 103, 275 608,415 | 4,435,444 71,008 * 428, 706 542,279 | 5,002, 545 6,863,568 | 41,321,133 5,056,032 | 33,905,951 1,666,202 | 7,116,836 141,334 “298, 346 2,435,467 | 12,578,830 12, 239, 967 59, 920, 132 1,862,920 | 15,908,118 "491, 742 Feats 3,042, 069 22, 710, 464 ~~ =e Ne CI eer eae. ne. rT GENERAL TABLES, UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES; 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] 1195 Dolan. ris 995 240, 385 ca ¥ 0 765 Seb Pe > Se 76, 825 oR ta) ae aed 25, 797 1, 048, 785 134 796, 772 27, 366 - 67, 522 x Expenses—Continued. Rent and taxes. Taxes, Rent Federal, of state, Total. factory county, and local. Dollars..| Dollars. Dollars. 12,022 | 3,399,101 | 584,410,173 ll, ” 022 2,089,665 | 156,055, 168, ’ 1, 000 1, 309, 436 | 428,355,005 || 913,923 | 1,022,881 | 179,373,646 2° 340 800,058 | 62,916,963 11! 583 222,823 | 116, 456, 683 3) 583 726,116 | 14,957,367 45,970 471,180 | 40,675,880 17,100 | 1,760,487 | 70,014,728 15,000 | 1,699,418 | 63,604,885 2, 100 61, 069 6, 409, 843 5, 800,132 | 238, 518,858 114, 383 "772/515 | 6,626,868 104,030 616,879 | 11,969,388 200,102 | 2,037,886 | 28,019,180 9, 320 224, 080 1,757,315 14, 664 439, 181 3,297,445 114,969 879, 736 | 18,532,785 61,149 494,889 | 4, 431/635 553,027 | 7,576,275 | 65,456,652 538,177 | 5,452,137 | 46, 104,388 8,612 2; 082; 096 17, 195; 806 5, 086 24, 882 L 316, 944 1,152 17, 160 ” $39) 514 522,081 | 2,489,072 | 28, 160, 239 2,414 116 54, 993 519, 667 | 2,488,956 | 28, 105, 246 114; 214 46, 557 1,378, 540 $15,542 | 7,482,354 | 72,016,393 50, 263 602,337 | 22,061,124 265,279 | 6,880,017 | 49,955, 269 120,494 | 1,526,577 | 22,724, 561 68, 981 ¥ 153, 085 15, 151, 210 57, 090 19, 517 "514, 241 365, 751 285, 875 4, 234, 479 344,272 | 4,047,932 | 54,803,316 223’ 416 Z, 159, 561 | 40,350, 250 105, 371 849) 793 13, 414, 707 15, 485 38, 578 1, 038, 359 134/423 | 2,557/202 | 24,471,970 750, 449 | 6,732,187 | 168,800, 715 7, 414 | 11,442,885 | 87,029, 144 17 498 1 130, 749 44° 143, 416 85, 036 6, 476, 546 662, 143, 981 For materials. Principal materials. Dollars. 565, 167, 149 144, 444, 887 420, 722, 262 |. 173, 697, 163 ey 427, 136 115, 270, 027 14, 370, 279 39, 949, 162 60, 568, 127 54, 667, 706 5, 900, 421 234, 698, 114 6, 487, 216 11) 730, 776 26, 255, 302 1,631,976 . 3) 120, 885 17, 351,078 4) 151, 363 62, 535, 750 44, 697, 181 15, 920, 875 1,170) 471 747, 293 27, 812, 723 52, 847 27,759, 876 1,328, 493 68, 019, 320 20, 405, 097 47,614, 223 21, 331, 996 14, 913, 978 ” 500, 025 3, 881, 041 52, 461, 756 33, 403, 825 13, 033, 186 L 024, 745 23, 892, 577 165, 023, 193 81, 650, 540 42, 161, 236 652; 374, 860 FINANCIAL STATISTICS—continued. Fuel and rent of power. Dollars. 19, 243, 024 11, 610, 281 7,632, 743 5, 676, 483 4, 429, 827 1, 186, 656 587,088 726,717 9,446, 601 8, 937, 179 509, 422 3, 820, 744 139, 652 238, 612 || ¥, 763, 878 125, 339 176, 560 1,181, 707 280, 272 2,920, 902 1, 407, 207 1, 274, 931 "146, 473 92, 291 347, 516 2,146 345, 370 50, 047 3,997,073 1, 656, 027 2, 341, 046 1, 392, 565 ” 937, 232 14, 216 353, 438 2, 341, 560 579, 393 3,777, 522 5, 378, 604 L 982; 180 9, 769, 121 Value of products. Dollars. 651, 101,591 186, 670, 898 464, 430, 693 196, 794, 519 74, 952, 572 121, 841,947 20,074, 504 50, 246, 088 104, 122, 938 95, 662,585 8, 460, 353 316,740,115 15, 185, 370 23° 839, 99). ‘1, 479,535 3,679,176 5,793,458 81,558,570 10, 448,33 143, 653, 877 101, 094, oe 37, ” 636, 584 2; 955, 953 i 967, 082 58, 363, 244 167, 554 58, 195, 690 5, O19, 521 160, 285, 488 45, 013,178 115,272, 310 40, 524,779 24) 942, 650 1, 597, 785 15, 919, O14 145, 717, 963 111,727, 270 31,798, 649 2, 192, 044 55, 792, 029 294, 962, 419 149,155, 892 57,741, 320 730, 986, 706 Value added by manu- facture. Dollars. 66, 691, 418 30, 615, 730 36, 075, 688 17,420, 873 12, "0385, 609 5, 385, 264. 5,117,137 9,570, 208 34, 108, 210 32, 057, 700 2,050, 510 8,5 doen 11) 870, 603 23, 460, 355 1,921,861 2,496, 013 ite 3) 025, 785 6,016,696 78, 197, 225 54, 989, 920 20, 440, 778 1, 639, 009 L 127, 518 30, 203, 005 112,561 30, 090, 444 3, 640, 981 88, 269, 095 22, 952, 054 65, 317, O41 17, 800, 218 9, 791, 440 L 083, 544. i, 684, 535 90,914, 647 7, 377, 020 18) 383, 942 “1153, 685 31, 320, 059 126, 161, 704 62, 126, 748 13, 597, 904 68, 842,725 oo N Ok WOME 8 pibtelics “smelting and refining, antimony” and ‘ Minolta and refining, tin’ to avoid disclosing in- dividual operations, a ae WHE —_ oo cori 1196 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES, Expenses. Num- = per pf salar wae estab- alaries and wages. INDUSTRY. lish- | ments.|| Capital. rir : Lavra ba" iss] . ; | Clerks Wage Officers. “h | eben Font _ @arners. : Dollars. ||. Dollars: | Dollars, || Dollars. _ Sulphuric, nitric, and mixed acids...... 39 |, 51,160,004 || 1, 247,633°} — 981,884 | 7,916,531 Surgical appliances. soot Moco a}. 268 33; 063, 371 1, 488, 430 Pea tee | /, 6,084, 143 TABLE 90._DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] FINANCIAL STATISTICS. Suspenders, garters, and elastic woven 196 | -39; 676, 879 2, 036, 313:| 1,554; 760 9, 270, 130 goods. Textile machinery and parts. ...,/....- 432 || 129,797,903 ||| 5,027,595:) 3,071,175 | 5 528, ay . Theatrical scenery..:.....-2../...+++++- 17 572, 878 | 106,405 | 315616 || "287, 60 : Tin Sm other foils, not elsewhere speci- 15 11, 998, 436 | 440, 926 | 158, 184 | “1,759,320 (in foils seit Solis ble oes 12 11, 993, 158 | 440, 926 158,184 |. 198 329 Aluminum andother:.). $20 52....3. 3 5, 278 |). -.-2022220- agree | Shee! 3,000 Tin plate and terneplate 1 OYE ee eT. +“: oe 34, 315,066 || | 613,072:| | 558; 914 | ei 756; 417 Tinware, not elsewhere specified. ...... 301 198, 386, 695 |) 3,668, 095 4, 541,793 34, 493, 399 : rotnceg, chewing and smoking, and |. 365 || 188, 444, 100 || 2,400, 527 4,517, 964 . | 12, 674, 736 . snu ; Plag’or Chewitigs<=. . {0 aes gac «ds 85 60, 564, 469 1,014,383 3 938, 286 ) “5, 740, 522 : L3 199 98,539,030 |} 1,040,213 2, 148, 337 5, 765, 259 D 84 11> 28,664, 549 328, 256 420, 529 | "ts 0 052 : . 47. 676, 052 17,675} 10, 812 88, 903 r Tobacco, cigars and cigarettes ......-.. 9,926 || 416,395,472 || 10, 292, 242 12,100, 195 1, 313, 348 | WEBNS) heen rete ads Meet ahs whe 9; 778 220, 708, 832 || 8,412,830 | 6,609,553 |. 90, 4187 318 CHEST OURS fo ioet Sows Soe ce sean 1 191, 173, 339 1, 676, 149 | 4,951,153 | 19,794,550 Cigars and cigarettes. .-..-...-+-..- 13 4, 513, 301 "208, 263 539, 489 oh 100, 480 Tools, not elsewhere specified. ........- 1 1,125 134, 731, 947 7,488,238 | 5, 47), 68 — - 43, 83: roa Shovels, spades, scoops, and hoes.. 42 13, 830, 778 405, 192 252,150 | es 615, Gerben vers tools, not elsewhere 34 8, 251, 864 310, 685 384,317 | 2, 507, 088 specifie “hn “es L Machinists’ tools.’...4. 02.02 .....4. 502 68, 204,166 || 3,891,020 | 2,581,233 | 23,076,340 AD) Of) Gite. ..2 ~ «hc niins tne aan - 547 44,445,139 || 2, 831, 341 1,952,858 | 15,635,899 TC OVOMAIC/ERMDES. 2) 2. 2 IL ee al ne 541 27,738,500 || 2,179,342 1 Bee hee 1) 2 » 847,277 | - Trunks and valises........... AL OS es I 597 34” 258, 034 oy 723, 188 048, 589 | ee 3, 767 Turpentine and rosin-!.. jb .520....1. 1,191 33° 595, 986 2; 006, 444 236,415 TPQ TOUNGIN Ess cones Me one peas eat 23, 4, 428, 644 48, 304) | 28, 847). Typewriters and supplies, .......-.--+- 88 47,794,300 || 2,015,632 | 2,054,107 Typewriters and parts. 2.0.22... 37 49” 524, 466 L 454, 037 1, 327, 322 || Oarbon papers. cas . deen. babies 24 B 218, 350 358, 640 ” 588, 750 || TCHMPOTA “TNCs eee TL cee at ae ie 21 % 930, 082 177,705 | — 134,340 AT ONIN a oe da Nh wt ee a es 6 "121, 402 25,250} 8,695 Umbrellasand canes.......--..,---.- ..|., 198 15, 397,275 793,707 | | 842,121 Upholstering materials, not elsewhere 163 |! 32,556,564] 1,046,784] | 571,692 ) specified. 1 See ES Imitation leather and leatheroid. . 17 21, 629, 899 516, 270 316, 065 BPCCOISTOT A che tea nme eee be 95 4 685, 166 265, 961 60, 080, Ub GB Ea 1 Beene Ope | Mpls egies belli UE 15 3, 164, 142. 98, ‘832 53,737 A hother corny wl ee et be 36 3; 0777 357 165, 721') || 141, 810 | Waritishes . | SPOSEL 18 CRT 229 1} 62,461,021 || 3,694,724 | 4,558,200 | Vault lights and ventilators...,........ 41 903, 670 164, 668 48,676 | Vinegar and cider. ........-- 20.20.00. | 720 || 20,514,590 |] -768;251 | 399, 766 WAC er 122) yaaa Ay OR SU CRM 199 14, 394, 965 _ 558,045 |. 323,965 Risen. eee eee) eee. f | 21] 6,119,625 || 210, 206 75, 801 Wall paper, not made in paper mills. . . 48 19,921,577 || 834,966 932, 369 Wall plaster and composttion flooring..| 161 25, 307, 049 |} 1, 204° 704 | I, 251, 029 YW ashing machinesand clothes wringers.| . 105 25, 986, 355 1 255, 479, i 496, 604 Warten se ccaeas tk Mah ite et kayak 92 ||. 19,472,471 937, 401 295, 309 COUR Hence as ce Jag Ween ewe ae 61 1p 035, 372 732, 802 215, 356 AL! GURSPE TAGs. Jaana trot a aheliny aes 31 8, 437, 099 204, 599 79, 953 ayes péa ELBE TEND LY OAL LORY SI LO POE LIE BB = ? UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES; 1919—Continued. ; EEE Expenses—Continued. For ; contrac work: Ren 28" | factory. Dollars. | Dollars. - 47,867 | 47,396 114,114 | 2297353 + 469,527 | 239; 369 "178,686 | 308, 482 10,128 | 15, 533 elise OS ee bide 126, 484 es re hand - 126, 483 cd pace hag 1 * f in f 5, 425 169,524 | 521,012 - 71,332 | 242, 089 “: 4/830 | 37,313 >, 67,296 | 187, 254 2 206 4, 605 OE Me - 12, 917 “929, 925 3, 343, 599 614,660 |2) 730, 939 ey) 308; 265 iV *603, 945. 100. AOS. - 8 715 "399, 710 798, gis | tare 8 293 | 25, 459 8,359 | 10,486 8 449, 861 141,365 | 313, 109 233,784 | 630, 958 40,031 | 723; 594 425, 407 +H | 34, 869 | 750} 18, 364 8,033 | 117,219 2, 126 , 190 ee ee | 37, 049 5,907 | 19, 980 we sibhleihee = 6, 213,852 | 234, 308 9,905 | 94,053 “thes ght 8 27, 892 5,501 | 15,070 47 | 20,520 4,357 | 30,571 39,899 | 196,779 6,435 | 28,928 19,470 | 74,798 7,224 | 47,834 12,246 | 26,959 33,493 | 120, 600 2,966 | 115,092 27,517 | 88,799 2,000} 94,221 2,000 | 73, 606 tee etre wee GENERAL TABLES. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] = } FINANCIAL STATISTICS—continued. Rent and taxes. Taxes, Federal, state, county, and local. 6, 193, 733 , 533 660, 473 660, 448 25 1, 857, 927 6, 735, 892 63, 399, 150 25, 086, 247 32, 877, 423 5, 329) 502 105, 978 185, 661, 698 43’ 506, 689 129, 249) 358 12) 905, 651 9, 520, 304 671, 674 596, 921 5, 649, 206 2’ 602; 503 640, roby 1. 415, 655. ” 819, 459 | 60, 862 3, 363, 422 3, 068, 141 224, 499 4, 873 385, 093 1, 026, 157 811, 755 133, 378 25, 571 55, 453 1, 871, 008 8,175 687, 169 629, 528 590, 058 447, 747 142,311 Total. Dollars. 15, 857, 361 22° 213, 621 36, 369, 218 45, 636, 628 504, 655 13, 007, 990 13, 006, 826 1, 164 2 73, 422, 649 165, 170, 736 130, 270, 388 52, 051, 801 66, 648, 173. 10, O11, 200° 1 559, 214 353, 297, 366 158, 815, 218 181, 309, 000 13, 173, 148 45, 796, 967 5, 874, 329 Be 530, 598 19, 471, 110 17, 920, 930 19, 841, 498 33, 229° 432 1B, 929, 888 ” 9437 245 ~ 16, 143, 662 11, 012, 571 3, 091, 707 1, 855, 490 183, 894 15, 632, 989 25, 448, 893 18, 132, 204 2, 521, 967 2 2917 480 2, 503, 242 51, 508, 256 810, 579 15, 558, 525 11, 217, 205 4,341, 320 13, 152, 503, 11, 821, 465 23, 388, 925 22, 144, 087 15, 457, 362 6, 686, 725 For materials. Principal materials. 44,094, 714 500, 584 - 12, 836, 305 12, 835, 382 eo OBS 73, 058, 460 163, 671, 935 129, 419, 465 51, 708, 188 66, 253, 105 9) 918, 966 L 544) 206 351, 827, 204 157, 938; 401 180, 758, 410 13, 130, 393 43, 112, 384 5, 508, 057 2, 365, 660 18, 388, 666 16, 850, 001 19, 368, 200 32, 959, 431 13, 654, 976 893, 780 15,766, 655 10, 684, 805 1, 835, 900 181} 947 15, 479, 960 24, 930, 596 17, 860, 292 2’ 392) 759 2) 214) 975 2) 462, 570 50, 952, 290 798, 558 15, 206, 351 10, 969, 929 4, 236, 422 12, 855, 155 10, 483, 141 23, 167, 861 21, 909, 849 15, 299, 515 6, 610, 334 Fuel and rent of power. 489° 919 1, 541, 914 4,071 171, 685 171, 444 241 364, 189 1, 498; 801 850, 923 348, 613 395, 068 92 234 15, 008 1, 470, 162 876, 817 550, 590 42, 755 2, 684, 583 366, 272 164, 938 1, 082, 444 L 070, 929 473, 298 263, 001 274, 912 49, 465 377, 007 327, 766 27,704 19, 590 1,947 153, 029 518, 297 271,912 129, 208 76, 505 40, 672 555, 966 12,021 352, 174 247, 276 104, 898 297, 348 1, 338, 324 221, 064 234, 238 157, 847 76, 391 Value of products. Dollars. 31, 470, 480 43° 533, 860. 60, 774, 652 122, 089, 264 1, 067, 033 17, 920, 834 17, 912, 486 8, 348 ? 97, 404, 720 233, 964, 000 239, 270, 718 96, 955, 494 119, 282,473 21, 127, 918 1, 904, 833 773, 662, 495 360, 396, 074 379, 125, 710 34, 140,711 144, 201, 668 14, 461, 091 904, 096 70, 846, 366 50, 990, 115 45, 656, 803 63; 9327 266 53, 051, 294 2, 089, 757 52, 737, 661 43, 312, 964 5, 894, 220 3,178, 158 352, 319 25, 308, 826 39, 889, 711 26, 281, 966 4, 913, 450 3, 712, 602 4, 981, 693 83, 632, 424 2) 155, 864 24, 722, 610 17, 480, 319 7, 242, 291 23, 047, 901 26 ' 874, 657 40, 771, 285 29, 700, 402 21, 054, 429 8, 645, 973 Value added by manu- facture. Dollars. 15, 613, 119 21, 320, 239 24° 405, 434 76, 452, 636 562, 378 4, 912, 844 4, 905, 660 7, 184 23, 982, 071 68, 793, 264 109, 000, 330 44, 908, 693 52, 634, 300 11, 116, 718 345, 619 420, 365, 129 201, 580, 856 197, 816, 710 20, 967, 563 98, 404; 701 8, 586, 762 5, 373, 498 51, 375, 256 33, 069, 185 25, 815, 305 30, 709, 834 39,121, 406 1, 146, 512 36, 593, 999 32, 300, 393 2) 802; 513 1, 322, 668 168, 425 9, 675, 837 e 14, 440, 818 8, 149, 762 2,391, 483 1, 421, 122 2,478, 451 32, 124, 168 1, 345, 285 9,164, 085 6, 263, 114 2,900, 971 9, 895, 398 15, 053, 192 17, 382, 360 7, 556, 315 5, 597, 067 1, 959, 248 - = ee PE A eee CS As SE i e————06— 00000. NNNSS SSE oon ON OS oft WNe _ 1198 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS MANUFACTURES, TABLE 90.—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] INDUSTRY. Watch and clock materials, except watcheases. Wateh materials. 00. 2) Sik Se 02S.) Clock Materials ents 2 sete fee BR wr oR _ OOO SIGS =< = r Be to oa) tas) — aS pay) Lar & Z 172) 11 | Window and door sereens and weather strips. - 12 Window and door screens. ......... 13 Weather stripSs2 200.7 200.082... Wirework, not elsewhere specified pase. 17 Wire rope and cable... 18 Woven-wire fencing... ..0...02...-. — for) 19 | PA A eer OE a | 20: || Wooddistillation Joe £6. 0 STS cus ot 21°) Wood preservitig. 0001.2 eee Tot 22 | Wood, turned and carved.............- 23 | Wooden ‘goods, not elsewhere specified - 24 | Wool pulling SUA QOLSGOUTIBS . 3 sass oe ee 26) |) Woolshoddy {02077 cb. RPS Te Lt ee 27 | Woolen and worsted goods oe te OY a 3 28 Woolen goodsi2u S. . GUE BE. Sok 29 Worsted: 2000S. ae copes. ue oe cae 30| All other industries 1.22... .002.382..2-4 Num- ber of estab- lish- ments. 5 Capital. Dollars. 1, 020, 628 804,614 216, 014 21,790, 556 49, 000, 742 25, 904, 237 23’ 096, 505 1, 151, 067 2 461, 021 10, 004, 863. 9, 749, 337 8, 680, 080 1) 069, 257 18, 698, 914 102, 016,777 65, 290, 309 15, 265, 073 ; 8) 441,778 41, 583, 458 42, 334, 503 28) 138, 079 23” 542) 346 21) 110,717 | 8, 853,437 10, 049, 960 16, 990, 722 831, 694, 748 273, 973, 670 557, 721, 078 131,358 FENANCIAL STATISTICS. Expenses. Salaries and wages. Officers. Dollars. 68, 565 48, 182 20; 383 706, 688 1, 059, 499 579, 288 480, 211 89, 527 115) 787 390, 616 . 554, 109 426, 119 127) 990 770, 751 2, 464, 056 3, 537, 180 641, 528 376,523. 2,519, 129 950,476 782, 677 1, 698, 857 779, 004 193; 335 523, 681 752, 935 23, 499, 941 10, 601; 093 12) 898) 848 3, 675 elsewhere specified,” 1; ‘‘ whalebone cutting,” 1; and ‘‘ wood carpet,”’ 3. Clerks, etc, Dollars. ~ 46, 436 Os 05] 37, 237 9, 199 610, 047 637, 531 437, 152 2007 379 51, 584 315, 731 403, 764 271,759 229, 410 42,349 1, 003, 116 2, 990, 350 2, 541, 377 571, 726 320; 540 1,649) 111 372, 091 510, 562 _ 493) 196 432° 677 89) 873 203) 493 264, 288 7, 481, 815 ” 540, 003 4, 941) 812 4, 863 Wage earners. Dollars. 412, 820 334, 801. 78, 019 hea ) 4,000,727 16, 598, 896 9, 798, 220 - 6, 800, 676 (582, 2,145,301 2, 046, 768 1,935, 129 “111, 639 3,669, 286 29, 289, 667 15, 505, 992 603, 704 13726, 991 11, 175, 297 2,896) 453 197.653; 169 168, 108, 681. 66, 595, 826 101, 512) 895 oS! $9,798} mies, 1Comprises the following industries with number of establishments as indicated: ‘‘Straw goods, not Oh ur Sead - _— Te pe ee ~ ‘bah GENERAL TABLES, UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. ~ [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172'and 1173.] Expenses—Continued. Rent and taxes. . contract work, | Hope cae factory Dollars. | Dollars. ~ 11,028 | 14,198 10,668} 12,858 360 | 1,340 27,575 | 28,048 (225,794 | 13, 884 9078| 4,530 216,716} 9, 354 Frey FS 12, 050 “43,287 | 19}395- 1,312 | 24,080 —* | 6,883 | 78,044 5,083 | 63, 526 ie 13800) 143518 ©©10,312| 191)852 774,423 | 64, 543 126,213 | 419, 414 eof 2 27,645 1,976-| 17,762 _1227737:| 374,007 327,473 | 22, 638 93,177} 25,097 130,340 | 197,926 24)211'| | 75,887 13, 636: 941 4,603 | 59, 839 14,695 | 54, 760 | 9,212, 822 |1,072, 474 15.1987 862 | ” 484) 512 8,013,960 | 587, 962 | 081 2; 710 7,970 county, and local. Dollars. 38, 220 35, 726 2,494 1, 368, 396 2, 149, 732 1, 823, 020 326, 712'| : 567, 394 524, 487 42, 907: | 853, 280 3, 531, 988 52, 937,307 16, 308, 713 36, 630, 594 220 Dollars. 549, 521 471, 241 78, 280 8, 205, 754 6, 392, 562 4,316, 230 2,076, 332 971, 096 1, 096, 642 4, 960, 426 4, 897, 389 4, 302, 954 594, 435 18, 249, 540 102, 813, 591 13, 209, 818 24, 484, 971 20, 059, 651 23, 241, 858 16, 609, 215 10, 173, 353 12, 809, 592 7, 228, 350 16, 076, 315 665, 594, 683 217, 965, 333 447, 629, 350 199, 589 For materials. Principal materials. Dollars. 531, 126 460, 367 70, 759 8, 058, 887 6, 109, 014 4, 148, 301 1, 960, 713 954, 393 1, 063, 512 4, 813, 861 4,798, 429 4, 208, 538 589, 891 17, 892, 052 93, 578, 068 49, 767,178 12, 816, 537 13, 109, 976 23, 840, 665 17, 772, 430 22, 458, 984 16, 309, 563 9, 980, 611 12,730, 810 6, 789, 007 15, 572, 310 650, 196, 615 212, 189, 028 438, 007, 587 194, 813 FINANCIAL STATISTICS—continued. Dollars. 18, 395 10, 874 7, 524 146, 867 283, 548 167, 929 115,619 16, 703 33, 130 146, 565 98, 960 94, 416 4, 544 357, 488 4,235, 523 986, 892 242,744 99, 842 644, 306 2, 287, 221 782, 874 299 9852 192, 742 78, 782 439, 343 504, 005 15, 398, 068 5, 776, 305 9, 621, 763 4, 776 Is Value of products. Dollars. 1, 341, 697 1, 119, 951 221,746 19, 618,73 32, 044,299 - 20, 088, 174 11, 956, 125 1,679,538 2,986, 285 9, 932, 585 10, 932, 857 9, 592, 122 1,340,735 29,190, 649 162, 161,, 236 90, 549, 245 20, 969, 380 17, 788, 705 51, 791, 160 32, 545, 314 33, 239, 313 34, 847, 139 21,793, 261 17, 361, 231 13,679, 584 23, 254, 398 1,065,434,072 364, 896, 590 700, 537, 482 361,431 1199 Value added by manu- facture. Dollars. 792,176 648, 710 143, 466 11, 413,019 25,651,737 15, 771, 944 9,879, 793 708, 442 1, 889, 643 4,972, 159 6,035) 468 5, 289, 168 746, 300 10, 941, 109 59, 337, 645 39, 795, 175 7, 910, 099 4, 578, 887 27, 306, 189 12, 485, 663 9, 997,455 18, 237, 924 11, 619, 908 4, 551, 639 6, 451, 234 7, 178, 083 399, 839, 389 146, 931, 257 252, 908, 132 161, 842 Cee Noo FP WH = _ 1200 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. % TABLE 90.—DETAILED STATEMENT; FOR, THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. : 8 i Num- Proprietors and officials... __| _ | ber of ||, pee ye INDUSTRY. estab- |) "ot ee lish- Super- ments i ~a- tors |. offi-: | tend- and | cials | ents | of cor-| and “pora- 1 All industries... ......229.22. a 290, 105) 10, 812, 736|| 656, $15|25, 942 (269, 2 Aeroplanes,seaplanes,and airships,and parts 31 ye 14 3 | Agricultural implements. ..... aD oe TOE 521 4 | Aluminum manufactures........ ares ak: 83 5 Ingots, plates, and sheetSov..0.. 2.2222. “4 6 OV GO) OES Sos gk a Me a a 39 7 Alipother, 0.250.251, BRA GAS. f10), 37 8 || Autmptnitionsccu Wes... RAL LETT 42 Oi Artineial POwers.c.. Uo.) eames age oe nee 224 10 | Artificial limbs.o.i) 2... CU ROE ce BRE 177 11 | Artifieialistone products.... 0.000. .22. 0.010 2, 785 PAPATLISS (materials: ° yt Va eoe eae ene 58 13 (Crayons. 2 Fee. SRB O. Ree BRL POSE 20 14 Re Te eer CEP oe te, a 38 15 | Asbestos products, not including steam | © 46 packing. 16 Building materials... 2. 20).2.2..2.222 0 12 17 Textate-mill products. - .220.0/0.2. . 1.28 16 18 ll OGHER. Fite O25 Hs oY Oe ere 18 19 | Automobile bodies and parts............... 2,515 20 | Automobile repairing... -. SOR GR. TOTO ERO? 21 || Antommohites)..00/ £05.18. .4. US JS... 588 315 22 |: Awnings, tents, and. sails.2%....202 00.4.2. 895 23.| Babbitt metaland solder...2.0...0....-.2.. 118 24 Babbitt metal Feo $0.2. SH@.ce8 2 588 54 25 ie Whitemetaly celyie')) 2k [5 SAS BO 21 Me | woo Tipe metals Jae SIA Sey By. eg. (OGY ST 27 © Solder. is. }x5.250. EL BER SER a YUU 386 28 Bags, other than paper, not including bags 216 ‘| made in textile mills. en 29 | Bags, paper, exclusive of those made in 7 u paper mills. © GO} ; 30°) Baking powders and yeast. 2.0... ..2..201- 88 31 Baking nowders. 2... 5 os oe eS 67 32 © OGBES Setar ies ban See ees ee 21 33 | Baskets, and rattan and willow ware. ...... 375 $4.| \Botls,- £6.55 7G ae a eee, ine 10 35 | Belting and hose, rubber.................-- 15 |i °- 7,449 - 337 ee 36 Boling}... otcaPes bok us sheen chee s. 8) >. 3,045 || 9 14 Bae 37 FROG woe ev Pea Th See eee TH 4.4040 |. 63) Si ee 38 | Belting and hose, woven, other than rubber. 41 39 Woven belting? yi. i3 tf Ne Sere sen 24 40 All other, including woven hose........ 17 #A;7 Belting, leather! s/o. 5. VcF its. wean 172 42 Billiard tables, bowling alleys, and acces- 49 sories. 43 | Blacking, stains, and dressings............. 220 43°} Bilge sat ostcs bated o wicle ke he eee ee 57 45 | Bone, carbon, and lamp black.............. 35 46 Bone black and lampblack............. Ol Ae LOR Ts ec 2 ee 47 Carbon bikek iss as. ccs Se, 29 528 74 5 27 1 Totals not shown for reasons given on page 914. Ady? on.) y GENERAL) TABLES, 1201° UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIBS: 1919—Continued. {See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES—continued. ei iSite me 108° 2376 © + orlt bah Sigheil : ua Wage earners employed Dec. 15, or nearest Clerks. Wage earners. representative day. ; “TIS, | Li ge mrt 1 ; “0 1 ben | pig Number employed — 16 years of age /Underl6years | bi 98 | tae | fetode 15th day of— and over. of age. “'Fe- | Average } bn ‘Miate. n ber. * ie “ Total. eee we | pore bo] aximum inimum Fe- Fe- sang’ JE | pocrrama de HE, apa ' month. month. Male. male. Male. male. 3, 659, 778 878, 782 732 ¢ 096, 372 De 9, 663, 170 Aps, 666, 549 Q)- Q) Ay odes ae Re | J | “ya ment _, 8,543 || Ja 5,493.| Oc 2,799 3,474 || 3,256 212 Bilis! 42 & 76 \|\ ip 54,368 || Fe” 59,743} Au 49) 483 57,592 || | 56,547 962 82 1°3 |) 88777 | O00 BOR a a oe DE AR Sea I 14, 187 12,618)’ 1,368 | 124 77 | 4 pit 12)! 8}. 684 || Oc 47} Ap 6 785 go ptm balsa catedbahs fob 5 13 438 4 406 7,821 || De 9,468|Ja 6,746 9, 374 8,009:|° 1,164] (124 |. 77| 6 +, 827 }---18L | 2,897 || De 3,934) Fe 2,127 4, 028 3, 824 Wh Se ana sieH--- 7 | Hs54 11,681 | 22,816 || Ja 46,771 | Se 17, 121 22,709 |} 16,333 | 6,237 | 91 48] gi P25 I re 4,138 || No . 4,318 | Ja. 3,848 4,348 1,243 |. «3,017| 4.17 Th) 9 e634] 103/671 || No 682.| Fe 660, 678 617 5D 6 ln ate 10 02373 |©) 217 }©! 8,378'|| Se''10,528'|'Ja 5, 049 10, 987 10, 947 25 (a) Ageing! 11 EXE 76 || SES BG f O09) | S088 Ae LO ~~ jp toe 1, 024 TTT 919° © 99! 6 | 12 22) 28 414 || De 453.| Ja 372 453 318 115 Wien 8 1A 8853] <<© 60 512 || De 563 | Ja 478 571 {Ph *459 104 5 3 | 14 “1214 | * TOM ee” he 1 00r Sct byte *- sine 4,038 3, 125 863 28)", 22 |\15 e S51 %f 31 1,183 || Oe 1,346} Je 865 1,223 1,136 85 oh ages) 16 26106} 08 77 P! 1,908 || De® 2,931°}"Ja 1,747 2,229 1, 569 627 21 12 |'17 ear 37 478 || De. 585) Ap 385 586. ||... 420 151 5 10 | 18 7,748 | 4,974 | 182,556 || De 157,335 | Ja, 108,857 160,081 || 151,588 | 8,065 | 363 65, | 19 8758 | 2,967 | 55,061 || Au 59,004 |'Ja_ 48, 702 58,085 || 57,454 steer kOe coon oa 16,606 | £9,290 |) 210, 559'|| De 241,709 | Ja 174,634 || 243,128 ||- 234,916 | 7,921 | 288 3 |/21 8538 *) 388 | 6,028 || Je 7,455 | Ja” 4, 881 6,124 3, 258 | 2,818 30 18 | 22 |, 456 221 “2: 3G ee ae Sy 5 ane | Fema 2,768 2, 510 241 12 45 | 23 |) ©9276 | 106 1,308 || De 1,560) Au’ 1,051 1,576 1, 468 107. SLs caer - 24 |p ot879 | 22 45 e317)! De. "3d4a | Ap" 28t 343 340 al Oil onan 4 25 Hp 088 S | COT 7 POT NS oe re Gt og ggas 1) 96 28 ya ali ie ai ene CE 26 }| 93) 63 720||De 922| Fe 656 821 676.) aanse 5illor Yh : , ; ’ fowl | ‘77 ©9588 | 10,756-|| Oc “11,803 |'Mh 9, 461 11,714 4,378 | °7, 065 7 ama | Baas 70233 F!0 4,168'|| De 4,350] My 3, 266 | 4,790 |}-» 2,210 |: 2; 468") “43 69 | 29 : Cy URS r |Eé : ; m4 P . ev | ak - : > ’ | OTB41 | VAL 4g9 ROL 3 Bans | GOOLE Peet oe) b 3,390 2, 538°). (835 15 | 2 | 30 £1739 | £18364 |. 1,623]! Ja-~ 1,839 | De 1, 420 1, 648 875 “156 15 2 | 31 1102 75 1,708:}| Oc 1,788 | My? 1,654 1,742 1, 663 Oe etn alee ses 32 ) £2136] ©2 93 |i! 4,538 |] Aw! 4,767|/Ja 3,979 5, 051 3,327 | -- 1,587} 99 P88 | 33 awe StL... 6, 87.) Mo 262 | Ap 215 264 232 oS eye | eee 34 aO78 | 16406, fe! 5, BoBe||. LEE BA oot We 6,954 |} --- 6,057 Bog)" 36°)" 39 | 35 6 488} 114.6% .2,368 || Ja’ 2,722 }Je 2,082 2 611 |} + - 2,366 236 here! 36 (590) 202] 3,458 || De. 4,346 | Mh 2, 296 4,343 3, 691 593 27 32, | 37 ; eae WSS, PGE eT hs aa i> SBE : +h } | 86360:] b+ 102) 2.4701). F1). 1h SF en nes 2,694 |} >» 1,444 |-- 15177 38 35 | 38 06150 | 119 1,769 || No’! 1,926'|'Ap 1, 588 1, 884 - 1, 004 822 27 | 31 | 39 | segt0 | Se) 73, 10-|| De 803‘; Ap 626 810 |} 440 355:h> 41 4 | 40 : } A , £5538 | S27 283 00.2, 765!) De'© 3,071 | Je 2, 566° 3, 066 2,803 |--* 184 TO ae | at "3 72)! 56 |) 2,101.).De 2,595 | Ja. 1, 699 2,597 |} -- 2,301 293 Te helps 42, ye US 4 & i Uy E, $2 Sa ' 10G ae taies aie : . 4 5 : re bi597 | 88 270,|¢1. 2,455 || No® 2,625) Ja 2,195 2, 613 | 1, 377 |---1;141-} -; 47 48'| 43 £7049 | SHS 23! [E78 860")| Se 419| My — 318 354 150 Hg? 1 HEDS 5'| 44 ease | Fe 11) eee ove. 2. 05 1 TS.) 8K 684! Hie PLBRe. } |? Sana fapriructss J 45° Eo10 6 253 || De 260 | Sy 249 260 258 I a | 46 Aaa (G.15\ [518.8 4221 Oc 444 | Ja 403. 424 424) | - PE BYE fds iene Fee! 47 ry Bet: loge tect. () SBame: ‘number Fegjarted for.one or more other months. ui 4] on 7 uf 1202 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES, TABLE 90,—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. Num- Proprietors and Officials. _ ber of o> 3s ra INDUSTRY. eek : isn- Sala- | Super- ments.|} Total. Total ried | re offi- | tend- oteor-| and OL COr- B in pora- | mana-| tions. | gers. Bookbinding and blank-book making: ..... 1,113 25,287 || 1,954 | 158 478 | 523 Boot and shoe cut, stock... mci: less ae pees 252 11,512 731 39 ope 453 pos 383 Boot and shoe-findings....\./..........-... 427 10,615 891 55 201 | 321 5 Seer and shoes, not including rubber boots | 1, 449 |} _ 237,107 7,961} 539. and shoes. Regular factory products.............-. 1,337 || 234,425 || 7,757] 510 Contract work scape cet? .. U, poece cca 17 298 26 2 iebobrime gt Sn ed a as aase 19 386 15 13 Crimping ple stim wis ta wrw ls he) a bn hha eo a he CR hee oo 3 6 oie de => focceel dds cee Bethoiinohes 2 tons ei ee 3 11 2 Ya ieee: ies Overgaiters, moccasins, and leggings... 7 1,981 , 158 12 Boots and shoes, rubber.................--- 25 37, 929 74 EARS ONT 95 he) ks oe le a. i ae 189 5, 761 20 Mi benk paper and other, not elsewhere speci- | 1, 201 63, 408 264, Shipping containers, corrugated and 162 13, 502 29 er. Set-up paper boxes...... 60... ces. aeee 865 38, 161 208 Cartonassaitiie: cc) Teta ae 127 7, 929 16 Paper cans and tubes... «.-. .U. eee. 4c.. 20 1,914 5 AD thems witness oor eh ee toe 27 1, 902 6 Boxes, wooden packing, except cigar boxes.| 1, 140 46, 897 80 Brass, bronze, and copper products......... 1,092 86, 106 96 Brass and bronze....................... 1, 007 73, 533 93 Copperesein.. t... hea tene ae tee, 47 10, 219 2 Alf others... 5.52. CREA Sabana alien 38 2,354 L Bread and other bakery products.......... 25,095 ||. 200,642 1, 969. Bisenitand crackers . 42.0. 0: .ciocan 176 41,284 968 | 101. Bakery products, other than biscuit [24,919 || 159, 358 30, 622 |1, 868 and crackers. ; Brick and tile, terra-cotta, and fire-clay | 2,414 86, 503 | » 128 products. SU ing. Heike ods ict ya assoc dh gute «ke 1, 454 40, 569 74, | Hine Peiek } p20bcewd aan Ses We a Ae 194 14, 952 8 BiGV OMI ORCS Oe eae eo eo, eo 19 425 2 Sewer pipe and draintile....... oc... 478 11, 793 28 Terracotta: products 2.0... jt cu oe 214 12, 588 14 Silicate, magnesite, and bauxite bricks 39 45931 bey 17548 J; a and shapes. Alb O(DG?. Jowys ops. beige gees. Sa aes 16 1, 245 2 TRROGRS cos x dene k cancer oe ee 1, 034 8, 536 28 From.-broang.Gorn . 2. xeuy vs ooo dk ao ey ws 1, 000 8, 369 27 AM OUROT cdscoc cxidipbagns tie ve th icy ee 34 167 13 PYUSHGGsg ys Loe s aaac dh chet OOS freee 379 9, 941 50 TOUGie ¢ « . 12ee 18 cn Vee, eles Lk ae +4 2,225 il Paint and varnish... ......2...02.c.-00. 44 2,546 5 AM OUNGF i, sees in b Gaede « oo ee dk de be 291 5,170 34 Biber) on... dois. ae a 88,099 || 86,289}. 1,290] +505] 15] 27 Bll vas 35, 984 || Au 46,700:} Ja: 19,702 || 43, 403.|| 43,060 107) 235.fic 1 | 28 13,678 || Ja 14,682] Au 13,239 || 137961 |] 13, 732 56| 172 1 | 29 198 361 || Devs 7395. }My ’337 400 896; uidetlvy|bue Arleceal 30 | és 10, 263 || Au 11,796} Ja 7,711 || 11,092 || 10,985 65 foi 42li..... 31 ie 11,073 || No 13,719) Fe 7,387 || 137461 || 12, 406 993} 49} > 13 | 32 } | £6 4,593 | Ja 5,214) Je 37876 47611 Ifo) 4,545 65 biidoe.. 33 F \ as 1,033 || Oc - 1,260] My — 397 1,171 1, 165 4 o Aed dal 34 all 0: 69% |) hie. OU eke)... ibe: 7,103 ||. 5,899 | 1,052] 12 32, | 35 | 6,197 || De 6,821 | Mh 5,782 6/948 || 5,781 | Vo19| 116 2 | 36 t Bary 6 || Fe 146} Se 98 155 118 33 da dintgalek 37 an F068 ores se) Gels out pat | 8791 5,804 |) 2,761]. 94] 42138 Sl! ke 1 No 1,970 | Mh i) 756 1,961 || 13.269 6 Fee 39 2 2150|| De - 27412} Ap 1/976 2414 |} 12430 938 |, 21 | 35'| 40 ; 3,964 || De 4,383 | My 3,707 4’416 | 37195 | 1,138; 66| 17] 41 . +4 17,641 || Je 20,370 Ja 14,796} 17,304) 14,816) 2,442] 40 6 | 42 + ee 14% || Dew” 53 53 47 OB Hewett st, .. 221 43 Ee + 15,577 || No. 16,876 | Ap 14, ao 17,398 || “10,615 | "6, 475.|-.. 410 | "198 | 44 ‘ 541|| De 633| Mh ‘471 634 254 36 45 : 11,248 || Aw; 17,329) Mh 6,749 || | 18,252 || 10,5414..07,578 10.68 fir 65 | 46 d 60,865, ||...-2s2-0 regebeeos iba 163,346 || 69,847 | 89,306.| 1,534 | 2,659.| 47 32,558 || Se. 98,662} Fe 7,834 94,262 || 42,878 |, 49,274 | 931 | 1,179 | 48 21,735 || Au-53,799 | Mh 4,115 52,514 ||, 17, 884.,|. 32, 728.| 564 | 1,338 | 49 6,053 || Oc 16,315| Mh 1,776 15, 647 8,727 |. 6789 39 | 7142 | 50 5191] Now ; 784! Mh 240, 923 358 BS atett? ss Shans 5h 1204 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS+-MANUFACTURES, TABLE 90,—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table; pp. 1172 and 1173.) | PERSONS ENGAGED IN M FACTURING , INDUSTR: » Proprietors and officials.: ) INDUSTRY. estab- ments. || Total. of cor-| and | pora- | mana- . | tions. | gers. | 1 | Canning and preserving, oysters .) 2.2.4... 65 1,339, 2 | Card cutting and designing Bo. . - OMd OTe: 75 1,397 3 | Cardboard, not made i in paper’ mills... 02.2. 16 1,714 4 | Carpets and rugs, other than rag. .- Til 24 251 5 Carpe Tag leas cule ae cee eee ee Ba op akan 339 yy 716 6 | Carriage and. wagon materials... ....:22.202. 258 7 429 | 7 | Carriagesjand sleds, children’s.............. 103 a 513 8 | Carriages and wagons, ineluding repairs. ...| 2,286 23, 268, 9 Catriages and Wagons. ..-....--4.------ 1, 130 19, 249 10 Repair, worksonly. . 1.82%... s-. hae. i... 1, 156 4,019 11 | Cars and general shop construction and 624 33,/120:; repairs by electric-railroad companies. ; 12 | Cars and general shop construction and | 1,744 || 516,279 136, 1, 338 repairs by steam-railroad companies. ’ } ei 13 | Cars, electric-railroad, not including opera- 7 3, 286 16) 67 tions ofrailroad companies, Gh Pe. 14 | Cars, steam-railroad, not including opera- 99 58, 782 218 1,684 tions of railroad companies, Bis El | a 15 | Cash registers and calculating machines. . .. 65 18,958 ; 16 Adding machines. j.100......2 500... 20 9, 883 d 17 Cash registers and parts......0..5..-.-. 19 7,300 18 AM Gther. aides. 1 0ed 2st TE Ok: 26 1,775 19: | Coment@ebn 4 BPR A. 2 ORT. OER IR. 123 30, 247 20 | Charcoal, not jncluding production in the 41 |} 273 lumber and wood-distillation industries. 21; || Gheese.tisr..2 Shi... 1 CRRL... UE Ge02... 3, 5380 6, 993 Pea) as Seek (tT EE, Ne RES cae : NR 598 66, 947 4 23: |). Chewing iam Ws) ou) y eeS dbs ace ar | 62 4, 056 i = 24 | China decorating, not including that done 43) |los 9 B21 i in potteries. i 3 25 Decalcomania work on china..........- i 9 50 5 Py 26 Ali ethers) 08 6 2 p26S Moe. 8 0 52... 34 271 33.) | a + a 27 | Chocolate and. cocoa products. .../.00..01.. | 48 10, 287 283 i 28 | Cleansing and polishing Reparations: ii eA 499 4, 264 744 ; : 29 Cleansing preparations. .0......000..1.. | 281 2, 086 412 } Ae 30 Metaél polishes :.22).00b. Sh... 0 TE Tes ee 81 » 498 116 Zn 31 All other polishing preparations: !...... 137 1, 680. 216. a 32; || Cloeksi Rize HUET ATE 46 9,260 265) i 33 ; Cloth, sponging and refinishing Fe LR o 67 1,454 147 } 4 34 |) Clothing, horsesse. 4 U0Eo..- pb S-. 28 959 81 .}. =) Ale F 1 Be 35 Clothing, OTH Sele so dn inidds PA dL aniuso nia tn Pian 5,258 || 209,712 |}. 12,126} 580 oe 36 Regular factory products.....2......... 2,905 164, 092 8,422 | 484 ‘ 37 Men’s and youths’. See ae) es 1,768 |} . 115, 163 .)). .5,731.!.. 272 38 DOYS’) Set a Beth wath et 379 12,873 936 | 43 : 39 All otheFit.; itt... U0. Shek... 758 36, 056 1,755} 169 40 opltact Work. pda tae 2,353 45,620 || 3,704 96 41 Men’s and youths’. 1... .0.)0..21.. 2,005 37, 702)|| 3;130°} 82 42 YS ea 6,181 431 10 43 AH] others... 5. Gi9 20). abd. 95 1, 737 148). 6 i Lig dpe : it 44 | Clothing, men’s, buttonholes.......:.2.2... 107 635- 140 3 45) Clothing, women’s... 2.02. 0.0.0 00.222). 7, 711 |} 202, 243 || 16,072-/1, 893 46 Regular factory products.............. 5,516 |} 171,108 || 12,244 |1,639 47 Suits, skirts, and cloaks........!...| 1,820 53,159 || 4,402; 156° 48 Shirt’ waists and dresses, eroeyt 1,873 || 63,383'})) 4,154} 789°) house dresses. bo DD iret 49 Undergarments and petticoats’ pala ge 637 22,914 |} 1,341} 249 50 Wrappers and house dresses........ 238 7, 721 525 | 114 51 AMOtner cosas vs aveuasewane sae Sek 948 23, 931 ¥, 822 '° 331 40) GENERAL TABLES, UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp: 1172.and 1173.] 1205 la? Clerks. 175, 270. | 133, 872 92, 864 10, 226 30, 782 41,398 34, 224 5, 614 1, 560 484 41, 963 52, 176 19, 225 6, 353 19, 380 Wage earners. Number’employed 3 15th day of— Maximum Minimum ‘month, month. De’ 1,836 | Jy 214 De 1,261) Ja 1,015 No 1,498|Ja 1,355 De! 26,502) Ja 18,622 De 2,325} Ja 1,608 Oe 7,095'| Mh 5,856 De 7,179| Ja 5,999 “No: 16,239 | Je 15,2077 Je (2,500) Ja =. 2, 341 De 31,894 | Je 30,220 De 511,134 | Je 464,919 Jax: 3,965'| My 2,471 Ja 64,974] Oc 45,031 “De? 10,228} Ap 7,604" Au 7,266] Ja 4,558 Se 1,627} Ap 1,390 Se 29,062:| Ja 20,234. Oc 258 | Je 140 Je 5,026 |Ja 2,843 Ja 60,754} My 51,050 Se 3,374] Je 2,995 1) sec ereceeealos Pececossece De: 44.) Ja 36 Ja 168 De 980°| Jy 839 De 265 | Ja 221 De: 950 | Mh 707 De 8,867) Ja 74329 Au 1,378 | Ja 991 De 899 | Ap 677 "De: 108,221 | Ja 79,301. De 11,888} Ja 8,035 De 35,565 | Ap 27,538 ‘De 39,978 | Ja 26,032 De 6,676} Ja » 882 De 2,110} My 1,189 No 525|Ja 413 ‘Se 49,056 | My 32,448 Se 56,576 Ja 45,851 No 21,248} Mh 16,817 No 6,845) Fe 5,963 No: 21,335 Ja 17,540 || PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES—continued. | Wage earners employed Dec. 15, or nearest representative day. ‘Total. 32, 108 510,384 2,709 ~ 50, 999 18, 541 10, 201 6, 758 1, 582 26, 895 254 4,723 58, 757 3, 117 285 208, 524 157, 666 110, 102 11, 953 522 183, 516 149, 869 46,394 54, 028 21,071 6, 899 21, 477 16 years of age |Under16 years and over. Fe- Male. . aT 576 | 1,383 484 | 1,195 376 758 15 82 g4 355 92.) 188 89 149 2 20 1 19 ‘4 1 176 | 1,134 154, 1, 040 65 53 42 563 2s 178 + 58 », 1b 178 SID Ore CODD eS 1206 ABSTRACT ‘OF THE CENSUS-~MANUFACTURES, TABLE 90,—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE . [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING |) >.> “INDUSPRIES. ; Proprietors and officials. — Num- uy sittin 1 oe iy | Sala- |S INDUSTRY. esta TO- ala- | Super- lish- Total Total. prie- | ried in- ments. 4 : . tors | offi- | tend- ) and gals ents eae of cor-| an Male Fe-' ee - pora- mana- Clothing, women’s—Continued. 1 eo Contract worksv Hires eerie 2,195 31,135 || 3,828 | 254-|}-3,276 | 397) 409 2 Suits, skirts, and cloaks.......+.... 974 10,805 || 11,727} a4 | 1,516) 122 ,) 113 3 Shirt’ waists and dresses, except | 888 14,742 ||. 1,599] 153 || 1,297] 258] 197 house dresses. os a | *4 Undergarments and petticoats. .... 76 1,475 . 1071) | 18 93: 7 rag 25 5 Wrappers and house dresses. ...-..-. 47 669 68)} + 10 G4oh van. i-f} 14 6 ‘Allotheks susdgeeed... eh... 210 3,444°|} \ 327} 49 jf) 306) 10}, 60 Ti Coal-ter prodnots. .-.cdsaas dese eeapx seh: 183 |} 21,543 || 1,762| 22 |) 26] 235 | 1,523 8 | Coffee and spice, roasting and grinding..... 794 || 20,187 || 1,820} 63 |) 556}, 599}. 728 9 Chitée:.. Hokcalt.. | PiOyhs, se debe a be 769 18, 584°||..1,742'| 62 548} 564 |» 692 10 et ce aE SED Ue ee lip Fits, Senge EY 25 1, 603 78 1 8 35 36 11 | Coffins, burial cases,and undertakers’ goods.| 351 14,546 || 986 | 56 |] 225) 370 ‘i 447 12 | Coke, not including gas-house coke.......-. 278 32, 882 || 1,080 5 41} °165| 879 13 Beehive ovens... j./ 202822 .-80hae... 222 15, 140 4365] o@ if 4lep 106 ey 204 i4 By-product ovens!iyics....--beqenseece- 56 17, 742 644 |......[]-------| 59] 585 15 | Collars and cuffs, men’s........-2-..--+++- 39 || 12,562 289 | 82 a7 |" 58] 276 16 | Combs and. hairpins, not made from 45 . 2,475 121 7 38 38 52 metal or rubber. ; , x Nas i PAD yd: | 17 || Condensed mailles 5 920....5 108.01. 401 |) 16,533 ]).°1,022) 14 46}, 209 |. 778 18 | Confectionery and ice cream.........-...-- 6,624 || 122,028 || 11,661 | 805 |} 7,051) 2,250 } 3, 165 19 CPnISehOnOE yo. Ls. ano adnan ~euate 3, 149 93,982 || 6,178 | 577 || 3,146 1) 457 2) 152 | 20 Tecoream Sf... | B08, . LenS. 3,475 || 28,046 ||.5,483 | 228 || 3, 905 793 | 1,013 511! Gooperaged- waa. 1st dus bias Senior -ck 1,099 || 15,369 || 1,503} 55 || 941) 320] 387 22 Hogsheads and barrels. .... Dim: SV eee 995 13, 236 ||. 1,393 47 857.) 266 |} ) 317 23 Alpather 20) .2. 1 OG) 0G eek ee 104 7 083 200 Bie 84 pe 8 54 fab 70) 24 | Copper, tin, and sheet-iron work. .:........ 4,796 || 38,559 || 7,470 | | 157 || 5,036 | 1,325 | 1,246 25 | Cordage andtwihe...{20h cs. ctb Mee cens. 120 19, 232 680} 19 29 174 496 26 | Cordials and flavoring sirups..-............ 149 2,588 307 16 76 135 112, O7\ | >Cobkaiting, 26 Gyo. A ii 62 ‘4,061 194] 7 30.|....674 104 PSR aaa MmRR! Heiriyetso” slenbips “.../) 188 |] 21,751 584 | 202 || 98| 188] 505) 29 POSES, Sse tO RO 142 19, 143 484 | 182 69 p. 141 | \> 456 30 Corset waists and brassieres............ 46 2,608 100 | 20 29; 42 49° 31 | Cotton goods........0b.9...-.-2- 163 1,288 || 445,423 || 6,928} 103] 239°} 2, 453 | 4, 330 Go) | CORLGEPIOOR 25 oe owes ct Gets oon enna ah 44 7, 196 219; 16 8) .62)) 165 33: “Cotton small wares... sbi. 4 canis hoes. on 164 10, 254 446 | 21 994 179 189 PACTHIOTUCH IGS. abs SOUS. 2. 1 ORS. eee ge i Lae 1, 035 80 fiPh). DLE AT PCR 35 Graphite enycibles. 3is.... tient... 6 289 QB) DOS IH. opie bk 16 |) 36 UG Y 13,675 || Je. 15,593:| Ja 11,383 | 43, 193,||..11,420.} 1,736 |....22 5 | 47 OO OIE avi... eek | aa 104,181 || "45, 452 | 55,046 | 1,006 | 2,677 | 18 76,493 || Oc 88,216 | Jy 67,064 85,792 || 997388 | 52/954 | 799 | 2’ 656 | 19 19,155 || Jy 24,836} Ja 14,600 || —_18°389 || 16/069 | 2’092 | . 207] ” 21 | 20 16 WO ics... ees 2 Lead: 14,591 |] 14,143 357 | 86 5 | 21 11) 438 || Se i2/181°| My “10,911 12)811 |} 12° 423 329 | 54 5 | 22 1,781 || Jy 1910] De 1,695] 1780 1,720 28. bis o BBall heatbe 23 27,640 || De 30,486} Fe 24/602 || 31,089 || 30,134] 711. | 188 6 | 24 17,622 || De 18,303] Ap 17,034 / 18/899 || “10/907 | 7,504 | 261 | 297 | 95 13398 || Jy 1,604] Fo 1284 1,583 1) 162 | aay ee 26 3,545 || Ja 3/706 | Je 3/482 3,611 2290 | 1,309) 30.]... §2°| 27 18, M6 |) oie. Spek LS SH 24 105 3,254 | 17,194] 117,] 540 | 28 16,297 || De 18,103 | Ja "15,135 18,657 || 3/061 | 14977] 12 | 507 | 29 2118 | De 2) 460.| Mh 1/837 2) 448 193 | 2,217 5} 33 | 80 430,966 || De 449,007} Ap 414,718 || 459, 845 || 254,380 | 183,810 10,735 |10,920 | 31 6,490 || De 7,300] Ja 5/941 7, 441 33741 3,505| 244] °318 | 32 9,396 | De: 10,102] Ap 8,872 |] | 10,065 {3,503 |. 5/926. |. 158-|.. 388 | 33 eB ee Nom ES M4 871 849 Bo lidefaa| tees «3 34 239 || Ja 303, Je “193 258 Pilih Suri uiacalion- fragt. cours 35 237 || Ja 264| An —-209 235 221 Fg Dae, + IANA 36 372 || Fe 391] Au _—357 378 370 Biian.aaee Koel 37 19, 88 |)) pee. eel SL aes 22,080 ||. 17,580. |. 4,171. |. 251} 78 | 38 2115 || De 12/250 | Ap 1,925 2,277 1,926 254}. 78) 19 |°39 4,213 || De 4739} Au 3/572 4,819 || 27585) 2,206; 12; 161] 40 2743 || Oc 3,071] De 27577 3) Lil 2) 949 157 Bolle ocaus 41 3,450 || De 3,718] Au 3,140 3,745 || 3,297 444 | 65 9'| 42 4,564 || De 5,125 | Ja 4/032 5, 191 4) 235 860 |. 67:| 29 | 43 1,166 || No :1,226| Ap 1136 1) 199 1) 159 27 |. At 2| 44 1,608 || De 1,731 | Ap 1/522 1,738 1) 499 pose 3 | 45 a ha et SPOR Sy a 7, 282||, 6,481 766|. 28 7 | 46 782 || De 1,08 |Je 533 1, 096 978 107 9 2| 47 230 || Ja '300| Jy —-245 346 268 73 B: | ouras 48 3,345 || De 3,673 | Au 3, 112 3,694 || 3,365 om ge a 49 1545 || Jy 13644! No 17440 1, 602 1, 422 161 | i4 5 | 50 485 || De 53} Oc "441 544 448 Ode aaccidat criss’: 51 1208 ABSTRACT ‘OF 'THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. ~~ TABLE 90,—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173] 0 (ARE MT A wa -SMOeAas PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING . ’ INDUSTRIES. sous aan ae ¢ TNDUSTRY. estab- ments. || Total. 11 Drug ierintimee A eGek oo silanol opt sie ae 3l 1, 661 112 2 '| “Drdggists* preparations. 2). ..0..22...2.-.-- 524 || 22,569: ||. 1, 538 3 | Dyeing and finishing textiles, exclusive of | | 628 | 62,588 || 2,354 that done in textile mills. . . sa Rue 4 | Dyestuffs and extracts—natural..........-- 144 — 5, 205 || 498 5.| Biectrical machinery, apparatus, and sup- | 1,404 || 271,912 ||: 10, 853 |... plies. 61 "Pleckremating ..Accattrecetapancgeene 515 4,032 784 28 7 | Emery’and other abrasive wheels. <'02::.... 60 6, 921 31%" \' 13: Ril “Himmel sh od Pa Oak Ge cea 74 |I 15 ee 9 | Engines, steam, gas, and water....//.222... 370 96, 286 || 3,844 | (41 |} 104 Wngravers’ materials, 1-0) dansRepnage 55 387 83 ipa 14 | Envelopes..... AUP EE AS See eee) 106 9, 493 366 28 || ¥5 i Bxplostves.. | Reais. 3-! 2022. eames Tabs - 118 15,429 ||.-1, 521 | ‘28 16 | Fancy articles, not elsewhere specified... ... 661 17,140 |}. 1,212 | 164 || 17 fe se eo ee eee Sgt isp 37 491 55 i) 64 18 Celftiteidintvelties ss ies) 422i .iL.. 66. 3, 403 178 | 12 ‘19 Metal novelties’. ...ceccb-.-b.vessee-.. 110 3, 152°: 214} 8 |] 20 Paper. novelties. .i.000.2).....222.02... 63 1, 528 98'| 40 |]! 21 | WEeG0d DOVEILIOS: J. coe. oan sine toe =e 30 |) 253 33 12 ||. Ho |e... saneither......lagetetl.. 0, eat 355 |... 8,313 634.| 86 || 93 '| Feathers and plumes. j.3:.i--.-.-0da5--.. 216.) © 4,224 337'|" 156 | Bias, MOL, @OMCiS aaa. 2s a's tate oad SUD inte dain ies 49 || 5,934 200. 6 |. 251 Rerranliows, sovdeckces eee ie EY ake. 30 2, 750 167) 1) feo 26 | WWertiligerscs.. 328... P02. deve ashen. 600 $2, 522 ||. 2,086 27 | Filesi....: ti Joao ater RONNIE... wt POU Eee one 50. |, 6, 343 175 28.1 ‘Wiregrmm@ jas, Miut 1 oe a | Fa 26 12, 534 202: 29 | Fire extinguishers, chemical..........-..... ; 32} 1,128 117 OO 4 UP reWOFkKS....). 22 hes Gated a eee pete e tae one 57 1,396 102 31 || \Fiagsianid banners. !..4.0.0...00 100. Oe 79 1, 345 | 123.| 82 | ‘Flavoring extracts, ...ss:)2....- eS eee 453 |) © 4,183) 738 |. 33.| Flax and hemp, dressed............-- ey 20 |, 491 49 34 | Plour-mill and gristmill products.....2.... 10,708 75, 769 |'. 17, 480 35 | Food preparations, not elsewhere specified .| 1,997 44,138 ||. 4,198 36 Breadstuff preparations, such as cereals 105 10,919 352 and breakfast foods. ee “3 37 Lard compounds and other substitutes.| (27 3, 079 TDAH BES. 38 Macaroni, vermicelli, and noodles. ..... 557 6,226 || 1,004 39 Meat. products, not elsewhere specified . 86 8, 540 196 40 Peqriurt Hottel. $20 cua eta veadae se 56 749 101 41 |. Sweetening sirups, other than cane....- 256 3, 499 496 42 Ail other preparations for human con- 616 9,037 || 1,143 . sumption. lore ok ri 43 Prepared feed for animals and fowls....| 294 7, 089 785) ‘44 | Foundry and machine-shop products... ....|10/934 || 577,308. || 34, 695 45 Boiler shops... 23.9% ba). ase4e Vi ee 525.|| 27,540 ||. 1, 637 46 Houhdriesies, 22. AWE TS. et pis ahi 1,340 || 116,427 ||.' 5,579 47 Machine Shops. ..4...--:-s- rhe eus ase tem 8,110 || 334,487 || 22,702 ‘48 Machine shop and foundry comibined...| 959 98, 854. ||. 4, 777 49 | Foundry supplies. -.... Gate. ---24 000d... 76 1,331 186 50 | Fuel, manufactured...-+2......-4. ae i 228 20 BA i} Fur: GO0Gs. adores ste 42800 .6... eC e.. 3s 1,815. 19, 834.||. 3, 153 62 | Furnishing goods, men’s........... eee 487 22, 530°-|| 1, 133 53 INGER WORE oan i ndema cs o> p= peasnt ne 322 9, 069 691 | 54 All other PRR Tae atta ...) 43.4. se .ont eee eee 49 PULP OGHGE. deters cok ot U8 eee ee hee ag 22 Glass Seer cnlptee A, sly aie ow 371 Glass, cutting, staining, and ornamenting..| 616 Decalcomania work on glass... 1. samc 22 Albothers goes -k deta. bok tae cen 594 Gloves and mittens, cloth, not including 182 gloves made in textile mills. Gloves and mittens, leather........5......- 355 | Glveose.and'staroh ...-.. sae. sen. = Eo pecs sae 56 EM COSC Wa) 2745 - od Geek Beene de dite Rew 9 StGVON 2 = jcuus.t...k Bee fae. oars ee 47 “Glue, n ee elsewhere specified...........-.-- a All other products 2272220200000 10 Gold and silver, leafand foil.o..-...6..0.-- 87 Gold and silver, reducing and refining, not 87 from the ore. | Graphite, ground and 'refined.-.--..........- 24. Grease and tallow, not including lubricat- 482 ing greases . Soap stocker asnie sg. cigs Pe eee 233. Pallow sit 4 ipower on keting out kee Ra ee nace 196 AI¥ @thér jiceee iii. aoe J da eae x 53 Grindstonea nie ay thee Seas Seas eae 2a Hairclothhy ccod geet bor paghtie Oo aicg Baa 18 PAI WORK Te eee. Sate oe eee a eet 198 Hammoeks eos eae ssa Base a aaa 6 Hand Stamps 265 co are pee eoduabue ge < 298 Hard waness i} eins ol, cate eins owas ane 548 Leeks 524 ate Ge 9th Ce hah oie ciel, 76 Builders’ hardware..............-.-..-- 134 Piano and organ hardware............- 16 Vehicle hardware. .. i260... beg 560200 53 ATR GOGOL. 34 boat ot oh atte Mla to abe Aes 269 Hardware, saddlery.:..../..2.---.-¢es-sje-- 37 Hat and:-cap materials. .- 6 g's ns. oso feee See 133 50 | Hats and caps, other than felt, straw, and 709 . wool. PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING Total. 160, 289 120; 836 4 443 15, 998 19; 012 Proprietors and officials. Total. INDUSTRIES. Sala- Super- ried in- offi- | tend- cials | ents EF of cor-| and pora- | mana- male. tions. | gers. 2,981 | 4,260 2,166 | 3,041 re 68} 5.250 267 542 480 527 151} 116. 58 72 333 | .-432 55Y) 379 183 244 78 88 17:4 3, 21 901 | 2, 523 133 231 58} 152 | 46 56 ‘29 23 706 | 1,732 296 | 210 4 12 292 198 104} 156 212 | 403 61 | 336 24], 239 Shee 37) 97 67} 143] 55 98 | pier 12} 45 22 24 ‘48 35 : 16 oa § 34 188}, 312 85} 146 | 76 140 Les ae 2t 9 124 15 344°?" 31 13] 103 | 642 | 1,084 + a oe 139 | 275 SiH. 45 93 | 147 38il 495 44} 79 761 8&3 1 Same.number reported for one or more other months UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] f ; MOTO.) D@RNRRAL TABLES, | 1211 s ei PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES—continued. Wage earners employed Dec. 15, or nearest Clerks. representative day. Wage earners, Number employed 16 years of age |Underl6years 15th day of— and over. of age. Total. ‘Maximum | Minimum Fe- Fe- Male. tania: Male ci ly Fe- Average Male. male. Tee) ebony 88s, salon. 28. eee 8 156, 384 || 141, 447 | 12, 867 | 1,751 | | 319 5,082 | 2.946 | 105,957 || De 119,424] Ja 93,512 || 119,342 |} 107,504 | 10,143 | 13374 | 231 ‘f 122 116 | 3,892] De 4,984] Ja 3/241 5, 073 3,834 | 1,023 | 149 |”. 67 | 1335] © 950} © 12,827 || De 14,444 | Ap 11,47 14,429 || 13, 666 683 | 274 6 15,655 || De’ 17,397 | Ja 13, 910 17, 540°|| 16,353 | 1,018 | 154 15 77, 520.|| No 85,416 | Jy. 65, 055 93,320 |} 81,214 | 10,410} 1,415} 281 PRES UNS Fs Pe 7, 445 5,502} 1, 799 89 55 De 476 | Ja 314 481 179 Wade de, 8 De 6,907} Ja. 5,109 } 6, 964 5,323 |) 1,505 | * 89 47 Ja 11,069 | My | 7,605 10, 133 1,219 | 8,555 76 | 283 ~10,685'] De 11,623 | Mh 9,984 || 11, 459 4,753 | 6,226 | 201 | 279 328 137 cp SSR ie Bk ae 9, 737 8, 796 933 7 1 219 77\ °° 5,009 || Se | 6,076 |'Ap 3, 925 5, 611 4, 903 708.| oe UGE. Mat 109 60 2,786 || Oc 3,380| Jy 2,052 4,126 3, 893 225 7 1 4, hdd vo PS. .<.. BRED 3.- sau ede 4,490 ||... 3,.992 491 gray... 3,056 || No. 3,212| Jy 2,696 3, 266 2, 898 361 TH W.. .. 1,208. || Fe | 1,289} Jy 1, 116 1, 224 1, 094 1BOAios. (hee... 950 || De 1,035 | Je 890 1, 042 480 542} 13 7 644 || De 690 | Mh 615 700 655 4581 sagt: Shiva sunt IGA IP is NR NG Les Tee ig Pa FPR RT ORE Yok EOS Die er es ee Se es i ee a Se eee ee re ee 14,777 || De 16,424] Ja 13, 902 16,493 || 12, 887.]. 3,462}, 290] | 154 3,675 |] Noi 3, 885 | ‘Ap 3, 569 3, 857 3, 238 588 22 9 + 3,009 || De 3,613} Ap 2, 100 3, 602 2) 238:|. 1,316 16 32 7, 539 || De 8,618 | Jy 6,789 8, 721 5,608 |. 3,058 |. 24 31 1212 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS--MANUFACTURES. TABLE 90.—DETAILED, STATEMENT FOR THE ) [See note.at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.], Or Wwe iabels etd tags ce 2. ese. RICE | Lamps and refleetors. ..-.. ae aa asta INDUSTRY. Hats, fur-felt.:. jwas.oe- > sya pre Mey gee af. het Hats, Straw: 3. e6 fad. hk aoy oui. os te aa Hats, Wooktelt!. eas o-oo See SIP ee Hones and whetstones- 22 Ai. vo... it geo. ok Horseshoes, not madein steel works or roll- ing mills. House-furnishing goods, not elsewhere specified. Comforts and: quilts... na 2... db aie ace Feather pillows and beds. 2... 4. 2.2... Cotton batting, not made in cotton mills Mopsiand dusters... :* jo. 32; dh ee ee AR Ques. <1 a. 20". UA. a ia oe Ice, manwfactureds:. -.. .|. vende. 1> dese dee PIER? OYUIEIELE See oe pec Stier cae aces Tak, WYRE. |, Seek... a i ee Instruments, professional and scientific... .. Medical and surgical) j2407.5. 52. 4g3..: ODUCAE eee eo coe Nog eeeteeae ts All Others. i tp ae. .t 5 J 59. SE TRS So. Tren and steel, blast furnaces. 2......422.25.. Tron and steel, steel works and rolling mills. . | [ron and steel, bolts, nuts, washers, and rivets, not made in rolling mills. | Trom and steel, cast-iron pipe: -|....2.s20.4u. Iron and steel, doors and shutters.......... tron and steel, forgings, not;made in steel works or rolling mills. Tron and steel, nails and spikes, cut and wrought, including wire nails, not made in steel works or rolling mills. Cut)nails and spikes... 48. 3.... 4. bd.4.. Wine nails andispikes #7 & tage Forged nails and spikes.........J...2.. All other, including tacks. ............. Tron and steel, tempering and welding... .| Treated iron and steel............2... i Welding). 38.2....8 Ce | Re 2 Tron and steel, wrought pipe. 2...... 2ii.0.- Ivory, shell, and bone work, not including combs and hairpins. Japanwings 2 Page 2: Lig. ice L eres JOWOILY). cic naat Uh cay veoh OOS ARR RG AE 5 Jewelry and instrument cases.......-...... JULO SOO0S 05) Bo. eck PAM SBE Ue Katt foods. - OST ROC a eS SS Gaba. ACOMODUGIAIMNDS: Flo sacs i Ube oan All other lantps 4... USE 88. 2.1. abo Se. Refiestors.t 031.0. 0888.0. .4 1. PDO. S Lapidary work. ..i....... ch. fete: Lard, not made in slaughtering and meat- packing establishments. Lead, bar, pipe, and sheet-...5......40. 1.53. - Leather goods, not elsewhere specified.-.... 1 Same number reported for one or more other months. PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURIN INDUSTRIES. . _. Proprietors and officials... ) sag pr ari GENERAL» TABLES. *: | bT913 | UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. _ {See note at head of this table, pp. 1172.and 1173.] , PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES—continued. ore Wage earners employed Dec. 15, or nearest Wage earners. representative day. ; Number employed 16 years of age |Under16 years 15th day of— and over. of age. Total. if? T (3 he |e Fe- | Average »male. | number. og } -uppret |, 4 Maximum | Minimum month. month. 4i4| 18,510 ||. De 20,947} Ap 16,353 21, 132 1 203| 7,302|| Fe 8,494 |-Jy 5,808 “8, 686 2 “19° 1,448 |} Au 1,923 | Ja 916 1, 635 3 Be 212 ||,An 225}, Fe 4197 223 4 41 744 || Ja 915 |:Jy 602 || ..- 838, 5 EE ET belie gel BAR | ceva 8,998 53 | 1,602 || Se 1,852) Fe 1,308 |/ 1, 828 7 42 589 || Nol 7643] Ap. «536 645 8 18 218 || No 272 | Mh 166 266 9 49 523 || Oc 597 | Fe 456 600 10 298| 4,916 || De 5,602|Ja 4,072 5, 659 rs 1,045 | 30,247 || Jy 41,078 |.Ja 20,796 31,101 12 oF 1,988 || De. 2)188| Mh. 4,886 2) 189 13 154 702 || Au1 '753| Fe 638 753 14 MONE) BIROBI Ios a Rudin ede. denis. 16, 324 15 821 | 3,771 || My 3,842 |'Se “3,596 3,843 16 “28 639 || De 688} Ja 592 696 17 820] , 11,521 || Ja 11,948} Ap 14,41 || 11,785 18 883] 41,660 || Ja’ 51,467 | Oc 33,628 46, 460 19 8,763'| 375,088 || Ja’ 441,560 | Oc 292,469 || 400/620 20 616 | 17,967 || Ja 19,535 | Oc 16,624 || 18,384 21 176 | 12,625 || De 15,585] Mh 9,753 15, 651 22 119| 2.077||No 2337| Ap 1,792 2) 347 23 1,022 | 28,391 || Ja 30,564] Je 26,650 30, 645, | 24 he A 8 Tia ll ia pee: Sei 3, 650 25 1 3t! Bll {| Ja 5811 No 466 486 26 387 814 || Ja 906 | Je 734 880 97 “5 359 || N 384 Jy . 335 382 28 66 1,671 || De 1,887| Au 1,224 1,902 29 NEE eG a Sed Ca ree 2,075 30 i -% "528 || De 674| Mh | 427 665 31 85 (1,307 |/'No 1,414]Ja 1,188 1, 410 32 342} 10,426|/ Se 11,805] My 9,352 11, 895 33 38.) | 842||.De. 7804 | My! .’779 301 34 Pgh & 1 285 No’ 387 1 Ja |) 2 285 357 35 2,583 | 30,871 || De 32,817] Ja 27, 152 34, 656 36 75 '| (22734 | De 3,057 | Ja 2,380 3,114 37 11 | 7,138 | An 7,513 | Ap 6,702 7, 486 »38 3,685 | 172.572 || De 186, 423 160,438 || 187746 39 574! 5,227 || De 5,927| Fe | 4,769 5,932 40 BIG. | , 1S:300 Nn - ois edno-ber -- 0 he 9,512 At 105 |)’ 3,194 Se 3,640] Fe 2,733 3,302 42 254) 4851 || De 5,846| Mh 4,239 5, 865 43 47) 9 °315 (Jal ‘350; Au 277 345 44 41| 14155 |] Oc 1,212) Ja 1,031 1,224 || 45 2) i eld th.@ 12 |. @} 4 J3 13 46 2,910 || De 3,258|Ja 2,301] 3,306 47 f 7959 |Aut °931| Mh 739 909 48 497! 8,945" No 10,153 |Ja 8,019 10,076 49 '. 2 Sanze number reported throughout the year. 1214 ao of KWNe TABLE 90.—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-—MANUFACTURES. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] INDUSTRY. we Se ele eS cise ec codge eves diewee sa Lumber and timber Bt ape Lumber, planing-mi products, not includ- ing planing mills connected with sawmills. Machine tools Malt Roofing slate.....2.2.. Other slate products ed et Mattresses and spring beds, not elsewhere specified. Millinery and lace goods, not elsewhere specified. Embroideries = sl° ame.c es cee ble wee me ceeas e blll ee TP Usto.2'S off 46 0 6)6 Sin 0.6 © gw o a 6.0.6) oP 62 62 2 = 6 ce se abs a acs ec he eanit oe. 20 «6 ww eee ee ewes wseescens a bled ee Minerals and earths, ground or otherwise treated. Mirrors, framed and unframed, not else- where specified. Models and patterns, not including paper patterns. Motorcycles, bicycles, and parts..../....... Mucilage, paste, and other adhesives, not elsewhere specified. Mucilage‘and paste........0.02...4.0..0) Pe Their 1% ee aie ip Me ciemaled | aplililea ieee Musical instruments and materials, not elsewhere specified. Musicalinstruments, organs....../-........ ) Musicalinstruments, pianos.........2...! 35 68 191 | 1 Same number reported for one or more other months. PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING 79, 292 12; 855 2,070 1, 741 1, 588 153 42, 679 1, 661 19, 305 28, 742 5, 929 1, 038 538, 788 106, 481 61, 762 1, 713 42, 214 19, 637 18, 574 2, 814 1, 189 5, 126 1, 173 16, 244 61, 999 17, 517 27,350 2; 54 4, 305 10, 287 57 28, 351 26, 397 1, 344 610 16,110 3, 302 8, 860 12, 200 1, 374 501 873 4, 957 2, 285 25, 760 INDUSTRIES. Proprietors and officials. Total. Male. taale: 3, 187 922 42 144. 125 101}. , it 3, 123 471. 1, 235 325 663 | _. 30 118 | ° 44,154 | 560 10,933 | 292 2,425 | 40 130} 9 6,825 | 170 4,747 | 127 1,780 | 35 201 97 217 46 1,928 | 91 5,023 | 928 1,858 | 338 1,706 | 354 268| 33 273 | | 82 918 | 121 3) poe | if 7,725 | 291 7,417 | . 282 t70\) “oe 138 949 | 30 363 | 22 1,477 | 25 385 236 | . 20 84 152] 16 410 | 170 805 | 31 GENERAL TABLES. 1215 UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] AE AE AE SL poe _ PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES—continued. Clerks. Wage earners. Wage earners employed Dec. 15, or nearest representative day. tah, CR Ts .—_—__. | nn, * Number employed 16 years of age |Under 16 years 4 2 (4. 15th day of— and over. of age. = 1) “a Fe- | Average ————} 2 Male. ‘male. | number. = " Total. = red S18) bits aximum inimum Fe- Fe- ‘ | month. month. Male male Male. male 72,476 || De 79,010 | Fe 65,515 79, 205 72, 257 6, 507 330 111 | uf 11,405 || Se. 12,143 | Fe 10,370 12,.052 11, 996 26 BO tek 4. 2 1,890 || De 27079| Je 1,798 2} 053 875 | 1,002] 67|' 109 | 3 SHOU) bib = 2 AI beplte soe ols ee Swe 2,001 1, 986 13 1 1| 4 1,263 |} De 1,705 Je 946 1, 868 1, 863 3 1 1 5 117 || Fe 158 | Au 57 133 123 1 RE. ed mala? FH N 6 34,259 || Jy 38,955.|'De 29,187 31, 220 || 30,867 ay ee ed 7 1,011 || Oc 1,951 |Jy ‘671 || 1,552 1,473 75 i a 8 15,618 |} De 16,850 | Ja 14,743 16, 810 13, 223 3, 422 110 05 1° 9 26,715 || Ja 35,659 | De 19,837 19, 877 19,734 102 ZAM Gee a ae 10 4,708 || No 5,132} Ja 4,060 5, 042 4,236 724} 74 8 | 11 472 || Se 504 | Ap 440 © HT5 452 21 yf RY 12 480,945 || De 548,655,| Ja 427,802 || 626,472 || 620,267| 5,280] 364] 61 | 13 86,956 || No 97,035 | Fe 74/362 97,740 || 95,098 | 2,163| 459| 20] 14 53,111 || De 58,640 | My 49,515 58,776 || 56,618| 2,035| 121 2/15 1,352 || Au 1,677 |"Ja_ 1,045 1, 368 1, 358 7 -parweky S 16 Seg) Hoinng Joe Alege swt .- 0 nes 36, 580 36, 424 90 59 Z pal? 13,307 ||} Oc 14,165 | Ja 11,287 14, 093 14, 025 38 23 7118 15,855 || Se 18,558 | Ja 11,004 18,592 || 18, 542 af ee 19 2,558 || Jy 2,848) Ja 2,047 2,792 SORT Van (Yale 20 1,048 || De 1,120} Fe 955 1, 103 1,070 FA Gate: Pa 21 3,726 || De 4,776 | Je 2,804 4, 806 3,073 | 1,548] 92] 93 | 22 1,073 || De 1,292. Jy 893 1,291 890 384 3 14 | 23 12,637 || Oc 13,957 | Ja 10, 767 13,925 || 10,8st | °2,808| 192] 44 | 24 OD: pe MS A Re 55,786 || 13,733 | 41,146 | 197 |° 710 | 25 14, 283 || De’ 15,335 | Ja 13,183 15, 607 3,592 | 11,773 | 55} 187 | 26 22,662 || Fe 25,774 | Oc 19,625 25, 353 7, 274 17, 736 88 255 | 27 1,997 || De’ 2,305 | Ap 1,634 2) 325 767 | 1,528 6] 24/28 3,395 || Mh 3,558|Ja 3,141 3, 373 360 | 2,954 7|. 52 | 29 8,513 || No’ 8,940) Mh 7,950 9, 128 1,740 | 77155 | 41 | 192 | 30 38 || Ty 491 Jai: 30|| 52 82 13,329.) 0 ea hs 31 TRAM) thine 5. dlGarglis.-.Le--. 17,481 || 16,411 685 | 380 5 | 32 16,199 || Jy 20,257 | Ja 12, 784 16,184 || 15,295 505 | 379 5 | 33 868 || Oc 1,445) Ja 599 904 746 POS 2} edeis ae te otoiee ate 34 373 || Jy 480 | Ja 267 393 370 22 5 AD paper ee Ba 259 14,426 || Au 15,285] Fe 13,599 15,162 || 15, 005 140] 14 3 | 36 2,599 || De 2,922| Ja 2,271 2,921 2,624 263 33 1 | 37 6,949 || De 8,036 | Ja 6, 148 8, 043 7, 803 189 | 50 1 | 38 10,886 || De 11,653 | Fe 10, 166 11,616 10, 357 1,121 86 52 | 39 BOS: fiseestil. Sie BAIS y . dp nigp eke 837 636 184 13 4 | 40 301 || Au 328] Ja ~— 271 306 251 52 dy ae) 44 502 || De 522 | Mh 475 531 385 132 10 4 4,113 || De 4,377|Ja 3,853 4, 361 3,513 | * 774| 50] 24) 43 1,941 || De 2,111|Ja 1,770 2, 132 1, 850 235 | 41 6 | 44 22,957 || Se 24,719. | Oc 20,902 24,665 || 22,131 | 2,162| 287] 85] 45 ~ 1216 ABSTRACT OF ‘THE ‘GENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE $0,—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp.'1172 and 1173.] ; PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING Num- aps ber of INDUSTRY. estab- lish- ments. INDUSTRIES. _ ES AE OD | +i) preceaees and officials. Total. Includes ‘‘oil, castor’’ and ‘‘oil, lard,’’ to avoid disclosing individual ogeradtene Pro- | Sala- Super- ay Yee /prie-. a Tk _in- Life tors,-} « mn : l | 1 eee instruments, piano and organ ma- 113 11, 886 33. terials. . bee 2 Pianoamaterials «ad. 4-240 th avy ear - 04 97 11, 588 25. 3 Organ materials. p65 52.20 Hk tte aso he's AG |p >) 298.4 | 13. 4 | Needles, pins, and hooks and eyes.......-.. 92 10, 389 39. Si) NetS.aitd sbinese.. 22 TOE Se aie 19 943 pS G7) Oakeiiret sgt oc. ae rine Ue mee ae 6 154 i, Meee 8 7 | Oiland cake, cottonséedsc- per -- sere a---- | 729 || 124,935 17 22 Pdper exclusively...-} 222... 2... ae 497 56, 796 143° 23 Pulp GROIUSEVENY 22 2: te ateves SPA ak 61 6, 309 2 24 Paper and pulp...... RS Rel ES | 171 61, 830., |Z 25 | Paper goods, not elsewhere specified’ BFAE 308 17, 177° 124 26 |. Playing SUS iat eee) | 8 2, 041i. BA heeceg Be 27 At Ober. ts eee rae aeernesee se 300 15, 136 122° 28 | Paper patterns......... sine aes Eales ONES 19 502 ay 29 |. Patent medicines and compounds Sa te 3 2, 467 31, 970 YL 648 30} * Patent and Fas Ga al Sf medicines...... 1,724 , 830 fy’ 144 31 |. Patent and ‘propricstary compounds, 743° 7, 140 . 504 not elsewhere specified. en "B2 Paving materials. 2.20.5...) 53) WN oy 8 889 18, 642° 647 | 33 Prec i. grading, roasting, cleaning, and 78 2, 805° 57 | shelling. ? par Pers: Teanga ts st Pe ass eee dhe eran 12 6, 713 PAS 385 | Pens, fountain and stylographic,........... 56 3, 937 40 BG. Pers, gold. (one 2 ta 1 Leh OT | 15 456 13° 37 Pens, STOOL: ome ths & aces eC a rae s ok ree 894 | de 38 Perfumery and Gosmetics;:. eines ee 569 9, 446 373 | 39 ) Petroleum, refining...../-........- ress UNITED ie ae BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173. ] GENERAL ‘TABLES. | req, ©—-»-«“NWAr Clerks. Wage Fes Wage earners employed Dee. 15, or nearest : 1 representative day. ak Numb loyed P umber employe 16 years of age’ |Under 16 years f ‘5 15th day of— and over. of el ~ ; ; { & f F | Male. oan ayrreee Total. A rn " Maximum | Minimum Fe- Fe- Biba thie month. month. Male. | male. | Male-| male epg 200) 2481) 11,009 ent. 11,953 || 8,677 | 3,048] 137| 91] 1 2B: 294 235 |' 10,769 || Au 11,717) Ja 8, 862 11,693 8, 501 {2,970 | 134 88 | 2 ; , 6 13 No Jy 205 260 176 78 3 8 fis ie 9, 839 4,670-|-. 4,746 | 119/304] 4 857 ~ 199 612 4 42 | 5 132 1900) 205 22) giclee 6 37, 142.|| 36,185 7783). . 2d Pye! 7 469 441 25 Uh eee Oe 8 2,318 2, 263 BSc cave EVR 9 7,011 6, 332 678 Lit: 10 3, 268 2, 682 BSB.) Seis. s il 1, 367 1,359 Bees shows kis | 12 293 292 LOTR ues 13 2,083 1,999 83 qi yuity. : 14 6, 463 6,113 325 23 2 | 15 1,326 1,195 115 6 10 | 16 3, 521 2, 590 9235 ThE 8 | 17 15,222 10,149 | °4,570'| 827) 176 | 18 12,930 12,120 808 Boos pu | 19 18, 716 16, 931 1, 724 | 41 20 | 20 122,139. || . 121,121 |; 10,852} 88 78 | 21 55, 650 47,117 | 8,393 69 71 | 22 6, 385 6, 369 be feridaacis es! 23 60, 104 57,635°| 2,443 19 7 | 24 By Ty REPRE SETR Ce ER een 15, 358 9,492 | 5,594 70 |) 202 | 25 1, 906 766 1,088 9 43 | 26 13, 452 8,726 | 4,506 61°} 159 | 27 391 136 Cy ee 3 | 28 Ne | ae 18,796 9;002'} 9,418}! 137) ..239°| 29 14, 692 6,349 | 7,906] 124] 223 |:30 4,104 2,653 |...1, 422 13 16 | 31 18,920 || 18,899 Gt L158 |. tan: 32 3,007 1,055 | 1,933 2 17'| 33 6,198 25818 49/113, 128: Jo 60 | 192) | 34 3, 587 2,207.|. 1,320 43 17 | 35 458 416 40 Five aa 36 760 133 596 5 26 | 37 6,076 1,840 |... 4,102 46 88! | 38 62,660 61; 492 | o 1,126 AP hiliwy SE 39. 35, 184 27, 512: |-' 7, 603 58 11’ | 40 7,387 6, 895 378 | 107 7 | 41 SR pa hh MMO, vs ater Bes 3, 022 2,471 515 19 17 | 42 916 - 638 . 277. | z3ediie, 1 | 43 1, 080 1,067 Sg pe he ek 44 1, 026 766 225)| - 19 16/| 45 te. | aU bo e: 15, 935 11,170 | 4,693}. . 60 12°| 46 10,575 7,222 |. 3338 7 8] 47s ; 3,153 925 Ya nei 48 1,270 795. 430 41. 4 | 49 8 Os Ue eg dae: 19,284 |}....9,300 | .9,514.} 19.) 311 | 50 8,145 3,476 | 4,598| 21 50 | 51 11,139 5,824 | 4,916 | 138 | 261] 52 _ 556 7 14 | 53 75108°—23——-77 _. > 1218 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. Om Pw Ne — oown TABLE 90, DETAILED STATEMENT wie THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173. ifs PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. ry ‘Proprietors and officials. | Num- ber of INDUSTRY. a Isn- Pro- | Sala- | Super- ments.|} Total. Total. rie- | ri ie ors | offi- | tend- ji | 18 ‘| cials | ents |, Hee firm |ofcor-| and Male. male.|| ™em- | pora- |mana- ‘ bers. tions. | gers. Plated graracme ote ee ee 68 11, 459 393 | 11 24} 97] 283 Knives, forks, spoons, and other flat- 18 7,783 " 227 3 35 | 1194 ware. , Hallow wares seve Speen eames a 30 2, 681 106 6 12 37 63 Alliother... Sous... 2s ok 2. cls Wee. 20 995 60 2 11} Jaye 25 26 | Plumbers’ supplies, not elsewhere specified. 214 16,162 849.|. 18 79 |° 276 512 Pocketbooks. sii. 2...) Get BS.) Ser ve 139 3,497 282 9 168 |... 63 60 Pottery, ooo see ae gc Bae: 340 || 30,692 || 1,340}, 49°] «183 |.400] 806 CUUGRW ALO! oF) SUS es ee a rae cee hale 161 25, 840 975 25 27) 306 667 Earthen and stone ware. ......--.:..-- 147 3, 256 283 15 136}, 70 92 Alb otfier..\. 8.5 5.7 GO Bc, eee er 32 1, 596 82 9 20. 24 47 Poultry, killing and dressing, not done in 196 2,837 | 346 10 176 |) 51 129 slaughtering and meat-packing establish- ments. Printing and Pppoyehing, book and job. ..... 13,089 |} 171,199 |) 21,645 |1, 1111/12, 185 | 4,990 | 5,581 Job printings. |... Suet ose obee ee 11,951 148, 632 || 19,385 "917 i 423 | 4,214 | 4,665 Book publishing and printing.......... 142 7,913 4 425 27H pi ® “139 | 223 Book publishing without printing.:.... 687 11,102 |} 1,313 |, 144 368 531 558 Linotype work and typesetting...:.... 309 3, 552 522 23 304 | 106 135 Printing and publishing, music. ........-.- 160 2,622 290 15 107 Joe alO6 } ane92 Printing and publishing. :~......1..--+- 27 || - 992 58 13\ ive» 26 21 Publishing without printing. -.......-. 133 1,630 ;232 13 94 }.. 80 71 gtkent is and publishing, newspapers and /17, 362 || 228,630 || 28, 685 |2, 175 14, 570 5, 199 ul, 091 eriodicals. ; i ee SE. dpaae , “A Printing and publishing.........0.-... 1,346 || 90,244 || 5,087 | 332 689 |°1, 089 | 3,591 Printing, publishing, and job printing. - 12) 420 |] 111,317 |) 18, 644, {1,198 |/12,307 |2,628 | 4,907 Publishing without printing. .......... 355 596 27,069 || 5,004 | 645 || 1,574 | 1,482 | 2,593 PTE A Perils 5 Ou Skt ees Mae ate a 82 1,035 . 143 it 41 67 42 Pulp, from fiber other than wood...1...... teal 80 1g ee: 6 3 3 Pulp goods.. 2.206) 12.1 erate ay ee: 40 || 3,984 184}. 7 11 |. 60] , 120 WSit Doardsick 20 See Re wn. ace eera es 10 1,088 63). 12 1 16 8 AUROUReF soon 5 eae s 5 Cae gue eae 30 2, 896 121 5 10 44 72 Pumps, not including power pumps.:-....- 127 7, 620 555 8 78 |, 140 345 Pumps, steam and other power. .........-- 112 13,286 621 12 |]. 4 36 |! 9186 411 ROLE 302) ORO Ae MONE Soe Ae, a 62 10, 246 431 91'S “21 loo7106 (313 Othér powerh. 2c. 852 22S oe ot 50 3, 040 190; th BF 15}. 80 98 Beélrigerstors.. tb UR a 122 6, 994 425 9 72 ; 147 | 215 Regalia, and society badges and emblems..; 115 2,919 212 24-}1 9 90 Joo G1] 6°85 Rice, cleaning and polishing.-......2....... 86 3, 249 - 641 2 40}: 84) 519 Roofing materials. ...........----.+- Eyl dea 178 || 11,805 652] 11|/ 79| 182] 402 Metal shingles and ceiling. .....02..2..- 29 604 . 62 2 16 27 | 68/21 Albotherss (73s. <2..f She. bet een wee 149 11, 201 590, 9 63 155 | | 381 Rubber tires, tubes, and rubber goods, not | 437 |] 160,824 |} 4,043| 69 || 97 | 809 | 3,206 elsewhere sp ed. Rules, ivory andvwood .. fSJ. 240.2.) £28. 13 209 20 1. d088 9 je. 47 Saddlery and harness. 2 S35. i ie eee A 1, 823 14, 863 2, 621 75 || 1,946 fc 331 Safes andiwaultae: ©... 269. ..7 aoe... 38 3,582 I, 158] 4 16 |. 60 ON aE. Tl ls” “nll aad; sit ee 21 2,374 98 3 9| 37 Vaults... seis es cvccssseseccesesdeesee 3 17 1, 208 60 1] 7 [oe 23 Salt nc 1 SP GH. RA aoe 86 7,682 ll; 341-1 16 40 | 109 Sand and emery paper and cloth a iss ale 12 1,102 TA aes 3 27 Sand-lime brick........ BOGS. ei ae 32ike 2.600.jby .: 6a a 3 tt Oe Te ne satiyimoe wyeper tts Cwbit Ft GENERAL TABLES. 1219 _ UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIRS: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] A ts j PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES—continued. t Wage earners employed Dec. 15, or nearest representative day. FO eer eee Wage earners. Re | | Number employed 16 years of age |Under 16 years pak | 15th day of— ; and over. of age. -Fe- | Average -male. | number. kes ita Total. 5 ‘ ct } het t : axXimum inimum= e- e& month. month. Male. | sale. | Male. male wb 1 Aca Ee: be ble 10, 861 8,633 | 2,103 73 52 | 1 621 |. _ 6,366,|| De. 7,495 Na “4, 860 7, 480 5,729 | 1,670 38 43 | 4 113//"* 2,297 || No'' 2,542 |Ja' 1, 887 2,514 2,209 271 29 5| 3 46 |. 829 || No. 894] Ja 744 867 695 162 6 4}, 4 665 | . 13,592 || Dé 16,841 | Ap, 11, 286. 16, 708 15, 512 5 121 2,905] No | 3,194] Ja. 2605 3, 190 1, 602 6 621 |> 27,934 ||_..-2- ne TORR, et 30,702 |} 22, 747 7 4, BIZ, 23, 733 25,983 | Fe 21, 899 26,181 || 18 960 8 so 70 2, 803 2,960 | Se 2/576 2, 928 2, 640 9 38} 1, 898 1,579 | Ja 1,297 1, 593 1, 147 0 ,155;|,. 2,140 4,244 |.Mh 1,076 3, 912 2, 682 11 We, 220 123, 0 ee Oe 134, 379 || 97, 732 12 6,838 | 113; 901 124,331 | Ja 110,592 |} 124,794 || 91’ 264 13 897 5, 653. 5,828 | Ja, 5,341 5, 868 3, 524 14 4,62 713 810} De 599 722 356 15 165,|,. . 2,738 2,983 | Ja. 2,501 2, 995 2, 588 16 575 oS No ee Loge 3 952 744 17 65 815 861 | Ja 759 860 705 18 510 84 95 | Se 67 92 39 19 > tee ee Lat, Sg a Re a 126,219 }} 100,559 20 11,931} 49,653 51,863 |,Ja. 47,276 51,977 || 45, 091 21 9,932 |}. 68,389 71,699 | Ja 66,327 71, 863 || 53, 846 22 10,424 |. 2) 339 2,405| Je 2/284 2, 379 1, 622 23 dal 3 723° 852 | Ja 620 728 ||. 683 24 pies 4 64 78 | De 51 70 54 25 Sree ee SAME. | eee NT Wg a 3,676 3, 079 26 189 587 716 | Ja 465 722 662 27 146 2, 454 2,910 |.Ja, 2,245 2, 954 2,417 28 480 5, 384 6,158 |, Je .. 4,729 6, 065 5, 668 gp OS CE S eaeOee io 10,991 || 10, 683 502,)) > 8,471, 9,324 | Oc . 7,783 8, 453 8, 210 284] 2217 2,583 | Ap 2,042 2, 538 2, 473 © 268'1>--"8,-786 6,461 | Au 5, 483 6, 438 6, 142 226;}.°*~-2-203 2,358} Ja. 2,081 2) 368 887. 55 2,113 3,410 | Jy 954 3, 432 3, 390 SORE SWE I toes so) foeil, «7 BRs 10,137 || 9, 709 30 455 509 | Fe 409 458 436 729 8, 416 9,584! Fe 7,132 9, 679 9, 273 11, 152 | 119, 848 134, 423 | Ja 104,075 |] 138, 081 || 121, 006 10° 168 190| My 151 191 133 426 |. 10, 411 10,955| Je 9, 938 11,099 || 10,078 OL Se. 08 eee a bee |e 3,379 || ' 3,311 111 1, 939 2,241 | Fe 1,727 2) 249 2, 206 51 1, 010 1,133.) Ap 881 1, 137 1, 105 235 |. *. 6, 495 7,110} My 5,994 7, 023 6, 514 79 771 go4 | M 682 896 7381 12 633 | Jas. 8141) 691 689 a Mayme own ft bet row ABSTRACT OF THE, CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. Taste 90,_DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173,] Num- ber of INDUSTRY. estab- . lish- ments. Sausage, not made in slaughtering. and 633 meat-packing establishments. Pasa hE oe ewes Cais ig eae sine seiee 547 Sausage casings. ....-.- wap cecce nen eaees 86 Sy a NR Ai CIRCE P aE /encgpap tems ei anda ene inay Sein AB 112 Scales anid Dalances 4-22) ceyre aye - dp cet ele t 79 Screws; Machine... [yo be Se ne a ape ate i 143 SOrawisrwO00G. foc eos fel we cients <2 deve wee it Sewing-machine GCASQS oo) ese en 3 tb sears ee » O Sewing machinesand attachments. ......-- 40 Sewine MAaChimes. 2. b sce oes = Cla cones em =e 29 PE et Vk RO 8 tio MAO rye th 3 Ii Shipbuilding, steer tS ee eae male 162 New vessels 00... bb elolesea one ae 105 Concrete wessels. . .-i- .4~sincscdier done =i 5 ROpPair WOPKOD LY: 22 pepew care = 5 ote cpereee ates be 45 Sra Metis esi «ns bce tie .es si ohe aes Serle 7 Shipbuilding, wooden, including boat, 913 building. NB WIV OSSOR Stan ae hee woke Us a eit oe che 315 Repait Wort GRly se ann S aettny =n oe 277 Small boats: . >... Saeed ei eal S 294 Masts, spars, oars, a nd rieeitie ws. oo. | 27 SUIPUSHS weno ten nace aneee Daas eee 1 ci een ek 896 Show chees to... 0 daseeb ake et otwT tac oo ne ses 119 Signs and advertising novelties............- 779 Electric signs. .--.....2-----++-+-2-+-5-- 65 OEBer sions rs oo De A cote ne tae ote 544 Advertising TLOVOGLEIGS eo Set 170 Silk goods, including throwsters.......--.. 1,369 Bitisned products ee eee ee he 1,040 Throwsters and winders.:.....-...2..- 329 Silversmithing and silverware..........2... || 99 Slaughtering and meat packing.........:-.-. 1,304 la etterig es ook ae iets ene sbecee antl 604 MCAT DAC iter. - Sate se oe tere teal Coen Bre Ste 142 Slaughtering and meat packing ..-...-. 558 Smelting and refining, copper.........--.-- 34 SRW ot wWM DW age part gt Ry af a ke ya ed 4 a am ne athe 21 Smelting and refining?! ............5.-- 13 Smelting and refining, lead.......-.--.--.-- 25 Smekiiniy aya Ve eee Sec eee aren 18 Smelting and refining ?-.......2. Riek Eee gs 7 Smelting and refining, metals, not else- 13 where specified .3 Smelting and refining, not from the ore. ..- él Smelting and refining, zinc..:.........22... 39 Pigs, bars, plates, and sheets.......-.-- 33 "AT Other. 3 fo. 3250 4088) Si xed Sieade, 6 SORD 2 dace oc vee Maen ee nade s sade oclsteaaere nets 348 Soda-water apparatus......-..------------- 66 Sporting and athletic goods. .-.......-..--- 188 1 Includes 4 establishments engaged exclusively in refining. 2 Includes 2 establishments engaged exclusively in refinin PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. Proprietors and officials. Total. Total. Fe- ' mem- male.|| ers. | tions. 4, 994 314 3,903 7 1, 091 4 6, 704 9 6, 821 15 11,621 12 5, 439 “2 4’ 582 1 17,049 6 16, 420 2 629 bg 365, 875 13 342, 164 8 2) 491 1 20,966 3 |} 254 ny 47,361 . 24h 36, 672 9 554 7 12951 6 184 2 45, 274 278 2) 293 13 14, 832 54 ito" 17541 10 | 4) 465 13° 8,826 31 136,775 220 105, 660 162. 31, 115 58 7, 599 15 197, 392 74 8,789 15 || 7, 676 19 || 180,927 40 | 19, 654 . i 9,029 2 10; 625 ‘3 7,354 1 5,487 || "147 |oce.ee 1,867 1 2,360 pas 2,793 4 14, 903 1 13,914 1 989 aenenee 28,919 ~ 100° 3) 448 4 7,490 al ng. GENERAL TABLES, 1221 UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES—continued. errceei nem Si Ny SVR RATS BEI Wath by, Ce Orot aie | Wage earners employed Dec. 15, or nearest Clerks. representative day. Wage earners. -__ Number employed 16 years of age |Under16 years 15th day of— and over. of age. Average Male. number. Total. ee ee ee Eee ee a eS ee Maximum |} Minimum Mal Fe- month. mouth. aver male. 381 We (dels. 2- icky & . - dees 3, 793 3, 303 478 E 300 2,653 || De 2,905| Ap 2,496 2, 902 2, 667 225 2 81 818 || De 880] Ap 764 891 636 253 v 548 5,510 || De 5,854} My 5,355 5, 871 5, 398 364 i 652 5,482 || De 5,946 | Ja 4, 887 6, 105 5, 777 286 350 | 10, 262 || De 11,303| Fe 9,327 11, 508 9,787 | 1,637 159 4,889 || De 5,242] My 4,617 5, 240 3,781 | 1, 369 108 4,171 || De 4,790] Ap 2,715 4, 790 4, 293 490 923 MsONO LSS, coc up aclb bt. ceeh 16,368 || 13,790] 2,193 917 14,499 || De 15,761| Ja 13,525 15,763 || 13,414] 2°059 6 No 613|My 514 605 376 "184 11,610 UE A ae ae ee a 309, 273 |} 308,078 972 10, 798 321, 787 || My 358,646 | De 249,724 || 284/710 || 2837600 900 118 - 2,277 || Au 3,322] Fe 17635 1, 839 Fi MAO deh anossshewdgitubie +. -. 688 19,736 || Ja 23,421. | Oc 17,654 || ~ 22°572 |] 29° 495 64 6 214 || Ja 7541 | Se 68 152 144 8 1, 146 |. re 40 | Window shades and fixtures. ............--. 287 5, 494 501}. 19 169° SE Wires pcdutt Cis Seer s aee eS e CU UP. pane Stereos 66 22, 236 605 7 42 | Wirework, not elsewhere specified.......... 558 18,340 || 1,354] 43 43 Wirerope and eablesat) 2.2.) MU 15 2,973 133 1 44 Woven-wirefencing.2.2.2....5.0.4 200. 53 1,922 151. 2} 45 A Others) SOF Si Case A 490 13, 445-|| 1, 070 40 46° |. Wood distillation’. . oo. jes oo.d cpg oonen 115 5, 634 392} 7 AT. VN OOULLOSOL vines. oe Tas bean ROL ep eke et 73 4,615 240 7 48 | Wood, turned and carved .....-....s.....:- 722 12,623 || 1,471 30 49 | Wooden goods, not elsewhere specified. .... 245 7; 287 471 13 SO |; Wool pulling.) sia. pis ose tRee cee 24 839 “Site tt. eae Sie WOOL SCOurINe: suscuote fteaoe wor. w thea pagers 33 2,407 98 10 Bal Ve ODL ADU We oo hcuc ds otc iy eas soars 78 2, 956 220] . 53 | Woolen and worsted goods L G.s Aa keeate.. 852 || 176,392 || 4,667}. 168 54 Woolen goods 22. 4 Gate. a tase. 560 67, 020 || 2,385} 102 |} 55 Worsted goods... 5. 0t08... Wis... 292 109, 872 |} 2,282 66 | 56 | All otherindustries 2.2.) 12. 440.0 popes. ob, 109 di |e 1 Oe: 1 Same number reported for one or more other months. ee Si ae ia Riana Si ge tig ne ea ee a ee GENERAL TABLES, i UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. micasets [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173. PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES—continued. number. 166, 787 62) 957 103; 830 99 Wage earners. 15th day of— Maximum | Minimum month month. No 16,701 | Ja 10,141 Oc 12,467] Ja 10,101 Je 28,802|Ja 25,918 Jy 917 | Au 620 ‘De 17,240 | Au 13,769 No 477 | Je 421 De 327 | Jal 289 My! 50 | Ja 43 De 3,788|Ja 3,016 De 2,328] Fe | 1,739 De. 1,331 | Ja 1,196 Au 861 | Ja 590 Se 832 | Ja 714 De 4,390|Ja 3,617 Oc 369 | Fe 269 ‘No 2,100] Mh 1043" Oc 1,399 | My 314 De 4,795) Au 3,567 No 6,103|Ja 3,683 De 7,085) Ja 4,731 ‘Au 2,163 | Fe 1,713" No. ..787| Ap 655 1F _ 564] Mh 418 o1 107] Fe 87 De 4,283|Ja 3,625 "Nol 9,343 | Jy 8,337) No 7,370 | Ja 6,757 Oc 348 | Mh 242 De 743 | Ap 688 De. 2,077 |.Je 1,588 ‘De 2,335 | Mh 1,852. De 1 Mh 103 De 5,137 | Fe 3,789 Se 21,282 | Oc 17,335 ‘De 2,678| Au 2,177 Ap’ 1,619) Ja 1,319 De 11,850 | Ap 10,804 Ja 5,838 |Je 4,246 Oc 4,282 | Mh 3,439 De 11,260}Ja 10,168 De 6,949 | Jy 6,266 De 831 | Je 613 Au 2,553 h_ 1,658 De 2,669} Fe 2,405 ‘De 70,374| Fe 47,872 De 122,495 | Fe 67,489 Number employed 1225 Wage earners employed Dec. 15, or nearest representative day. 16 years of age and over. _ Total. . Fe- Male shale 495 327 330 201 47 25 843 561 879 418 4, 445 4,028 361 361 758 475 604 185 497 124 107 61 194,649 || 105,657 72,062 || 47,736 122,587 || 57,921 102 ; 87 81, 185 23, 274 57,911 | 2,825 4 3,930 15 Under 16 years ofage. . Fe- Male. tint 2 465 276 151 68 393 2 11 23 121 79 105 63 10 16 Biitocwade L Eee 82 84 50 32 bish Bi heel: be Ase eo0 7 12 1 2 i sca Pt de ete Lele arches 57 14 ys SHEL os 5. 7 oe 7 11 4 6 3 5 1 69 58 165 93 163 93 Dita. 5 ca Khe 21 13 ones - 9 4 8 4 Aoisedoct 44 17 54 23 277 &6 RURTES oS OO digest eeE 144. 7 85 ‘4 BEY BI 23a" 3,385 | 4,422 560 492 - 3Comprises the following industries with number of establishments as indicated: “‘Straw goods, not else- _ where specified,’”’ 1; “whalebone cutting,” 1; and “‘wood carpet,” 3. 1226 Coo NOOor © NW ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES, By Pere carn TABLE 90.—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] INDUSTRY. hence ero Total Tish. peimaty. ments| orse- ower. report- P ing. All industries:.....22...2- (237, 854/29, 504, 792 Aeroplanes, seaplanes, and air- 26 12,512 ships, and parts. Agricultural implements....-...... 497 | 128, 249 Aluminum manufactures.........- 82 30; 280 ingols, plates, and sheets... ... 7 2, 617 LaF cb Monel tn aot eee 39 20, 823- Nie othed Paging ste oes dee aes eae 36 6,840 PINT DRINON ake CT eee eee 39 39, 128 ATtiCial TOWersss (2 aN ee ee 82 468 SET LIN@IALLINt eee So PSs. kt 130 857 Artificial stone products..........- 1, 854 22, 221 Artists’ materials, oo. él ecsis- na. be 43 3, 206 OPAVONS se age tee Ue ee mbe 13 L 132 } WEE DELON fo coer Unt. ee 30 2, 074 Asbestos products, not including 44 9,657 steam packing. Building materials. ............ 12 2;.591 Textile-mill products.......... 15 5, 577 | alk RENO ores os ret ooe see 17 1, 489 Automobile bodies and parts...... 2,271 | 256,919 Automobile repairing. ............. 14, 825 82, 691 Automobiles sie Geog Ue bee 308 | 287,323 Awnings, tents, and sails.......... 778 4, 589 Babbitt metal and solder.......... 76 6, 022 Babbitt metal... 2.02222 ....0. 31 4, 065 White metabioe . 22.880 8l. 17 887 Typametalss.*.. 4. Tbh: ..k- 3 21 Roiderion. | S25. Fe sb pean oe 25 1, 049 Bags, other than paper, notinclud- 203 9, 082 ing bags made in textile mills. Bags, paper, exclusive of those 64 4, 429 madein paper mills. Baking powders and yeast......... 69 20, 071 Baking powders... -s¢<-y--.-U. 53 2,431 b 4.0 ER oe Rae Serene | a 16 17, 640 Baskets, and rattan and willow 161 6,319 ware aie Bells. s Sey spk FUN eed. 10 783 Belting and hose, rubber........-- 15 26, 299 MAN gue fds pops ece ae 8 11, 691 OSB sc. cheeh <0 dere eee oe of 14, 608 Belting and hose, woven, other 40 5, 338 than rubber. Woven deliing... coe) 8, 23 3, 066 All other, including woven 17 2, 272 hose. Belting, leather....-....2...... eeu ap! 289 7, 039 Billiard tables, bowling alleys, and 40 5,322 accessories. Blacking, stains, and dressings....| 135 2, 490 Bluing 3... cea, iMac ahh sy ons oir 34} 423 POWER AND FUEL USED. Primary power. Owned by establishments reporting. Internal- Steam engines | .ombustion and turbines. | motors. Horse- —_—————— | J | ——— ——— ] ——————— NL dhe ced Sica We Me imo ' 3 325 334) 69, 942 31 | .12, 372 "2°96 | 8; 490° |-) 494, top Mee, |g AS. 15 |. 3,882 80 | 19,160 1 50 be 25 181 | «4,048 ‘12 |” 1,354 9 554 3 800 31}. 4,105 14} 1,295 10| 1,565 71574, 245 302 | 41, 680 120 |... 1,763 194 | 104, 532 7 349 15| 2,937 14] 2,857 Rb wfeega feted 33 | 4,216 16 | 1,480 99} 14, 272 9}. 1) 250 90.| 13,022 96 | - 4,157 2qr.1 132 . 48 |. 10, 860 27 | 4,990.4 21} . 5,870 15] 1,688. 6 560 9). 1,128 29 | 4,417 3 305 27 | 1,599 Water wheels and water GENERAL TABLES. © Si 1227 UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. , [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] * _ : ne = = —— = SI SL I EERIE ORS aestibioes eae a ILA LE ~ : agin POWER AND FUEL USED—continued. ey | ana Be ee SS SASSER, SERIE Smee eS an Ne el Primary power—Con. Fuel used. | SS os ees MIEN! TE A ERR TEE Electric motors Rented. run by current Coal. ee oo : generated in the cae - establishments eieiarke. 1 rina reporting, fehciih Coke Oil Gas Electric. © |Other.|| | * || Anthra- | Bitumi- | (tons of including (1,000 ; cite. nous A gasoline cubic (tons of | (tons of Ibs.). (barrels). feet). _.| Horse’ |H Num: a hey Ree] 4 Horse-. | Horse-|| Num- | Horse- Ds.). Ibs.).! a Motors. power. |power.|| ber. | power. | 996; c00/9, 347, 556 | 94, 600) 487, 021! 6, 989, 721/|14, $34, 402203, 463, 622/42, 595, 019 92, 029, 692| 341,921, 022] 1 682") 12,187 |......-| | 106| . 600 ye at |) ae, Bie es ag ee ate Poo an oog be B49 . 3,399 52, 421 13, 497 549, 557 115, 368 372, 201 435,393 | 3 625} 10,609 2,457 | °122,142]°- 4,415 | 118,049 109,095 | 4 Bere she won ai bised oe Sera TM. . coeee. 3, 636 ~ 685 8, 047 16,270] 5 6,884 1,927 | .,97,481 2,174 16, 833 56,616 | -6 3, 725 530 21, 025 1, 556 93, 169 36,209 | 7 "15,973 || 23,112] .154,sex|~-~3,146 || 139, 853 79,4241 ..8 gl ABs eda gla Policia 4,112 2, 807 Tr ee is 6,460 | 9 EN Sake | SR oa Rees alee Pampas 201 384 7 406 2, 77151 10 98 3,354] . 34,921 | --* 643-8, 160 24,969 | 11 “567 2, 363 61,114 15} °° * 15109 5,957 | 12 377 89 a abot 2 Da een aaa 1 479 | 13 190 a2, 274 | 1, 730 15 1,108 5,478 | 14 1; 966 5,443 31,817 2, 325 6, 623 17, 633 | 15 440 3, 400 12,396 | 2,325 Songe te Cone 16 453 1,680 SO SOP SO 2 nee 3,233 17,611 | 17 1,073 363 Za or eee 6 22 | 18 17,746 || 32,036 | 628,095 | 19,681 | ‘430,122 713,721 | 19 518 || 34,451 | 127,453] 2,170 | 30,042 | 449/832 | 20 93,426 || 17,133 | 1,120,585 | 81,867 1, O15, 284 2,114, 482 | 21 63 2) 906 8,074 82 11,111 | 22 2,752 4,216 46, 288 4,019 | 64,239 44,084 | 23 23752 1,943| 297253] 27936| 53,970 20,312 | 24 hah ST Ree PE Lilt 4” 199 942} 8,202 2) 338 | 25 A Es A ES ABA eee 161 AC MERE LPL | patel si. Fb. telaeay 5 Miegl B: | SAG ALB 1,001 | | 12,117 i4i 2; 067 24; 434 | 27 3, 454 3,312 | 23, 108 344 617 4,421 | 28 624 1,034} 13,708 78 275 423 | 29 5,947 |} 2,990 |, 219, 015 598 | 36,046 2,608 | 30 660 B5IT | BYBEL i m4 kL 1 2,593 | 31 5, 287 463 |) 2197354 598 |” 36,045 15 | 32 60 |}, .909| | 10,767] ~~ 103 | 691 2,420 | 33 20 ||. 694] |. 762 40 454 204 | 34 8,308 ||) 32,550] 84,728 274} 38, 651 6,699 | 35 1, 055 8 300 | | “35, sar (eo SE 23, 052 1, 240 | 36 7,253 || 247250} . 49,207 974| 107599 5,459 | 37 376 3/201 | 12/931 70 1, 412 894 | 38 13 603 D) IAB rk 152 240 | 39 363 2, 598 3,786 f° 70 1, 260 654 | 40 32 15,214} 15,731 22 1, 642 5,380 | 41 25 var! | Mis’ oserbee ot. 600 | 42 550 5, 754 6, 738 69 311 11,091 | 43 12 259 90 Sho Pa 1,461 | 44 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS-——-MANUFACTURES. 1228 TABLE 90,—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] POWER AND FUEL USED. Primary power. Owned by establishments reporting. INDUSTRY. Num- ber of! otal Internal- | Water wheels aoe primary mie Ee combustion | and water ments | | BOrse- engines. motors. report-| Power iid Num-| Horse- |Num-| Horse- |Num-/ Horse- ber. | power. | ber. | power.| ber. | power. 1 | Bone, carbon, and lampblack ..... 25 1,857 9 455 42 5D bdad 5 hy eh an 2 ae 2 Bone black and lampblack....- 6 1, 145 5 375 i) BRL 1h 5 pee aye A 3 Carbon blacks ure. - ase) ae, 19 712 4 80 37 O42, fa... bemsn---- 4 ea and blank-bookmak-} 922 11, 123 10 . 655 12 19% bo we sein] ap ante 5 Boot ‘and shoe cut stock..........-. 233 2, 25 1, 765 5 43 . 1 6 | Boot and shoe findings... --......2. 323 10, 682 18 3, 622 4 40 8 7 | Boots and shoes, not including rub- | 1,391 | . 120,682 371 | 57,267 36 908 |\ 14 ber boots and shoes. ny 8 Regular factory products......| 1,286 | 119,594 367 | 57,188 34 853,| . 14 9 Contract work 16 192 [Jno ogee. J. te dec cep anes ween ean 10 PAL GHIDO A. 5s ah ana Seale eben 18 POO [osc ok lhe SSE ee eek eS ventas iB] Og T e7! ah PRO Te Ne PRR) 2 2 2 S saeO {iS cmes Sh MR Soi ee cae } 12 SUULOGIIGIONS . cs sce sc oe nc kaebee 3 f Ube as an clennduscu ss og ene bao haben tase g o3 13 Overgaiters, moccasins, and 66 724 4 79 2 55 leggings. = he ae 25 14 | Boots and shoes, rubber........... 49, 400 52 24h, 220 |. oe estes 11} 2, 462 15} Boxes; cigar. cestecdépdien$ ecds~dees 167 5,059 || . 36 2, 448 17 a) ee ee 16 | Boxes, paper and other,. not else- | 1,144 54, 955 184 | 22,471 65 | 1,124) . 21 | -1,964 where specified. ist . 17 Shipping containers, corru- 155 19,732 71 9, 428 6 211 14} 1,507 gated and fiber. if gis : 18 Set-up paper boxes...,........ 826 20, 088 70 5, 067 47 | 559. | 5 | -~-3895 19 SE ag eT oR ok Sa ie sb ac 123 4s 239 28 6,176 10 315. | wen Fae 20 Paper cans and tubes... -....... 19 2 125 9 1, 200 1 Fle neaeatsmeee nae 21 AOL MOR EES... ee Ue ude 21 1 771 6 1 Op 154--s-]-¢en-e- = Boxes, wooden packing, except | 1,051 | 144,048 774.| 100,020} 115.| 1,903] . 40 cigar boxes. mie 23 | Brass, bronze, and copper products.| 1,011 | 265,688 233 | 116,517 | 104) 3, 540. 21 24 Brass,and Dronze- sp grr rt 937 | 201, 494 171 87, 589 92) 3,186} 10 25 COP OME = sty tasecateent Shee 42 53,157 51 26, 603 7 85 6 26 FUE is: Spee pene Days ee 32 11, 037 ll 2; 325 5 269 5 27 | Bread and other bakery products. .|17,151 | 165,950 420 | 34,250 | 869 | 5,274 44 28 Biscuit and. crackers.......... 161 297 273 140 | 18,057 2 "7 16 29 Bakery products, other than |16, 990 136, 677 280 | 16,193 |} 867} 5,199 28 biscuit and crackers. \ toe 30 | Brick and tile, terra-cotta, and fire- | 2,216 | 405,746 || 2,769 | 281,815 | 409 | 17, 456 1 clay product Ss 31 Building brick... cso. sesh odes 1,295 | 222,688 || 1,583 | 152,184 | 239 | 10,976 a 32 Fare GCE a aewatkuede apres 188 49) 363 291 | 35,634 27 » PaO Tes case cwetemn 33 Stove lining... i eo... dee 17 L 021 14 610 6 ye ee pee ane 34 Sewer pipe and draintile....... 468 58 191 562 | 50,152 4:1 "L682 1s, 2.) bee coe 35 Terra-cotta products........... 194 50, 098 254 | 33,019 AZ | 2,911 |. 45.5-| apnea 36 Silicate, magnesite, and baux- 38 19, 338 47 7, 33. 5 16. To ie = ite bricks and shapes. 37 ESOL eles co, wh deters cae kathy 16 5, 047 18 2, 881 1 eS ees be ay VIL OOIR 54 Sin eabivad sau tan ele amine 766 6, 062 29 1,467 | 170 987 6 39 From broom corn..... 02.20... 744 5, 907 28 1,432 | 164 941 6 40 PUSGUUDI oon os be Se ha Bos oder 22 155 1 35 6 BO en oc eee ee 4h PO ee ae ts ees oa kn Deg 330 7, 384 34 2, 694 29 445 | . 10 42 OMG bata ws bese Lat anole sane 41 1,395 8 433 1 2b, F 43 | * ~ Paint and varnish........2..2. 39 1, 582 13 980 2 TO: fos. oc ei ee See 44 Dull Otten cok ites ca Le 250 4, 407 13} 1,281| 26 409 9 MOD Si os eet EN da 8 ba Sie PS ty a ey 3,661 | 95,190 || 2,412 | 47,505 | 459 | 5,522] 39 46.| Butter, reworking: 3. oes eceee 4 343 3 114 1 12: | wees ose eee 47. | Bottones sc. via iaca sand cokpetatne 413 16, 201 65 6, 275 71 | 1,047 6 GENERAL TABLES. 1229 vib STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] ee POWER AND FUEL USED—continued. Primary power—Contd. Fuel used. Electric motors 4 Rented. run by current Coal. generated in the " establishments reporting. Coke Oil, Gas , Electric. Other. Anthra- | Bitumi- | (tons of | including (1,000 cite nous 2,000 asoline cubic (tons of | (tons of Ibs.). (barrels). feet). Horse- | Horse-|} Num- | Horse- S.). S.). & Motors power. |power.|| ber. power. 4 Gee a a | i 25 8, 861-1 occuceece - 1,200 | 49,495,995 | 1 i 34 og li” a ae a ae 25 8, CbE scores 1, 200 8,626 | 2 2 a ER a rb dh Uae SBS ws ole uh woo Gl bn aide. o dina -fos Rasp Om bowlersasaan oslacaaeeneacs 49, 487,369 | 3 % 6, 536 10, 349 oe ee ae ee 3, 302 12,527 52 1,586 33,389 | 4 3 843 | 6,638| 555 71 521 3, 297 20, 663 405 548 575,974 | 5 uy 1, 257 5,848 | 712 75 1,053 3, 092 25, 858 120 332 10,397 | 6 ; 11,698 | 55,690 | 4,746 || 4,581 | 28,102 | 46,066 | 394, 926 2, 602 26, 993 170,430 | 7 | | 11,414 | 54,885 | 4,647 || 4,581 | 28,102 || 45,588 | 393,977 2,595 26, 982 169,051 | 8 2 129 109 EQ howiree Serle ce eee 213 | 9 73 BG Sh ek ba Pal ons eS ea eae do 30 | 10 oo ES ee BSE OPE, Remit Fey TO 15S eel Tole ep. Ra OS, Raid Gy Beep ue 81 | 11 et MEAs ache th b c’alergunre «Hale panercgh aloe nege'cats ate eon Or ot eee 300 | 12 303 824 7 11 755 | 13 19,853 | 136,967 1,391 | 104, 199 2,425) | 14 3, 086 : 5 117 4,397 | 15 24,681 | 218, 046 2,486 12, 812 401,999 | 16 10, 626 122, 988 57 2, 994 17,342 | 17 9, 818 50, 424 2,061 2, 046 373, 880 | 18 3,388 31, 357 261 1, 424 8,392 | 19 569 7,298 107 48 1,910 | 20 280 ce Beare ee ~ 6,300 475 | 21 4, 258 56, 899 114 4, 287 22,152 | 22 200, 719 655, 947 131, 113 914, 591 812,573 | 23 175, 411 492,396 | 114,006 799, 649 732,480 | 24 18, 611 148, 143 14, 653 108, 519 58,326 | 25 6, 697 15, 408 2, 454 6, 423 21,767 | 26 596, 989 554,982 | 309,706 349,121 | 5,476,396 | 27 86, 772 90, 768 14,468 88, 766 "977, 618 | 28 510, 217 464,214 | 295, 238 260,355 | 5, 198, 778 | 29 128, 252 | 6,894,745 | 34,510 | 1,309,932 | 10,009,521 | 30 111,026 | 2,979, 074 23, 762 738,602 | 7,684,785 | 31 5, 623 | 1,348, 521 6,754. | 107,279 804; 074 | 32 810 11, 531 60 167 500 | 33 859 | 1,182, 581 458 | 279,159 312,685 | 34 9,782 | 852,903 2,759 | 183,525 | 1,158,611 | 35 ‘tyne 432, 213 353 ¥ 48, 36 152 87, 922 LT a ae as 12 | 37 1, 064 13, 737 580 1, 306 14, 438 | 38 1, 022 13, 666 578 1, 288 14, 343 | 39 42 71 2 18 95 | 40 5,539 20, 536 16 535 10,693 | 41 802 3, 6: ree 58 512 | 42 3, 391 7,227 5 a 2,146 | 43 1, 346 9, 629 11 473 8,035 | 44 20,467 | 409, 020 2,378 | 159,841 133,603 | 45 13 860 jsscccecics 220 tC 46 7,094 47, 867 188 1, 420 29,576 | 47 1230 — ooo; SID OT oOo nore ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TABLE 90._DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173,] POWER AND FUEL USED. Primary power. _ INDUSTRY. Num- ber of estab- lish- ments report- ing. Owned by establishments reporting. Steam engines and turbines. Internal- | Water wheels combustion | and water engines. motors. ber. | power. a —_—_ OOOO | | 14 322 PAnNdlesng |) wares Fab pnd ow ous’ «dee Canning and preserving, fish apne Canning and preserving, fruitsand | 2,675 vegetables. Canned vegetables... ........... 1, 831 Canned frimits... .. cre... ..-. tas 415 Died MUMS Scales cd eng oe 414 Dried vegetables::... 2... 15 Canning and preserving, oysters... 47 Card cutting and designing-....._. 66 Cardboard, not made in paper mills 16 Carpets and rugs, other than rag... 68 Wer POts RAE ce ces on caljcm cee. Zon Carriage and wagon materials... ... 239 Carriages and sleds, children’s... .. 75 @arriages and, wagons, including | 1,888 “repairs. Carriages and wagons.......... 971 Repair work only.............. 917 Cars and general shop construction 500 and repairs by electric-railroad companies. Cars and general shop construction | 1, 470 and repairs by steam-railroad companies. Cars, electric-railroad, not includ- 6 ing operations of railroad com- panies. Cars, steam-railroad, not including 92 operations of railroad companies. Cash registers and calculating 61 machines. Adding machines.............- 20 Cash registers and parts........ 17 AM othekiss git ds seacdns Seb 24 Cement: aide Dene oa 117 Charcoal, not including production 7 in the lumber and. wood-distilla- tion industries. Cheese >: .. ores abe. Lees on. 2 Le 2, 508 Chemicals gitar. <1. sau ey, wie be 486 Chewing guMes.-..... ds Gien-se esse 57 China decorating, not including 13 that done in potteries. Decalcomania work on china. . 2 All otheras s20)5,042 Cues ort at 11 Chocolate and cocoa products. ... =. 46 Cleansing and polishing prepara- 243 tions. Cleansing preparations......... 159 Metal. peysh iyi kek. cbse 38 All other polishing preparations 46 Sacer onecamarie st imei Ly 59 oth, sponging and refinishing... . 59 Clothing, Hames c+ cc lirccis caset ah 25 594, 515 9, 390 157, 865 14, 650 7, 057 6, 849 744 488, 808 132 24, 500 376, 940 6,178 43 1, 956 es es 207 1 4 702 54 81 359 2) 26 69 2° 42 265 1 13 Ft «Sie ee ee 10 5 Pa eee 2 4 100 2 11 | 2,207 } 34+} OOD whe Rees 34 11 545 7 9 405 537 27 896 309 20 669 228 7 227 rs 158 841 a i a 100 17 1 1 2 250 Ra Re 2 250 EE he aS ae 63 8 | 3,550 3{) (34 Beers 747 il 112 122 31 | 3,692 oe i ad 8 14 300 18 Rte & SE) |, CU 3 OR Gite 3 6 | — 255 | ct: (ees J GENERAL TABLES, 1231 UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. {See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] POWER AND FUEL USED—continued. '| Primary power—Contd. Fuel used. a Plertis motors ae rr run by current 4 Rented. generated in the Coal. establishments ||— reporting. ogo Coke | Oil Gas Anthra- | Bitumi- | (tons of including (1,000 cite nous 2,000 gasoline cubic (tons of (tons of Ibs.) . (barrels). feet). 2,24 2,0 Num- | Horse , , per. | power lbs.) lbs.) Sehr: 32 174 TBE 4; 082 |. ..¢¢suim 1 1,776 | 1 174 1,472 5, 387 36, 528 4| 124,318 59,340 | 2 1, 242 6, 663 20, 238 298, 336 5, 901 569, 343 151,031 | 3 1,088 5, 938 5,199 | 230, 011 2, 293 54, 987 43,771 | 4 148 694 2,705 60, 167 1, 464 304, 627 103,961 | 5 6 31 12,334 5, 079 2, 136 182,171 2,899 | 6 RS ee ke th ss. 3,079 8 27, 558 400 | 7 “dee VS. 2 Olle eae eee 45 12,122 10 174 112| 8 Ae OS AHIR Sek el ee ae pe 655 115 35 61 2,245 | 9 209 1, 172 19, 533 SOIR: oe dee 607 856 | 10 2,357 | 18,012 || 36,328 | 240,638 300 125 4,822 | 11 12 62 996 5, 299 98 324 6,397 | 12 165 2, 884 2, 325 42, 160 3, 340 18, 101 19, 404 | 13 29 | 074 1,102 17, 920 83 2,377 22,777 | 14 737 9, 868 6, 353 138, 098 5, 286 25, 784 126, 343 | 15 727 9, 839 4,522 129, 677 4,979 24, 801 93,541 | 16 10 2 1, 831 8,421 307 983 82, 802 | 17 190 2, 650 15, 420 80, 933 1, 564 34,491 30, 339 | 18 18,549 | 292,511 || 609,078 | 6,964,403 | 260,960 | 3,124,953 | 2,530,494 | 19 124 1, 530 199 46, 628 2, 083 16, 365 4,444 | 20 6,695 | 107,658 53, 644 819, 988 73, 638 560,469 | 1,108,259 | 21 1, 297 14, 408 2, 408 59, 399 2, 409 4, 246 86,423 | 22 87 6, 622 1,878 15, 886 122 172 65, 530 | 23 1,180 7,685 308 40, 645 2, 287 3, 599 17, 883 | 24 30 101 222 2 AAS he 5-328 475 3,010 | 25 4,362 | 163,049 || 272,266 | 6,031, 428 50, 840 | 1,861,342 | 4,370,699 | 26 Re aLN - 8 O08 aia TUES. lls eke. Be ft eR ee HOL ou ws 6 oy S27 32 142 26, 169 149, 167 844 27, 480 10,431 | 28 6,960 | 109,554 || 389,356 | 3,844,667 | 457,259) 807,774 | 1,836,998 | 29 297 1, 552 1, 428 £8358 fives sstess 327 6, 30 eshte Rah - 2.60% obi. 23 cbs 158 729 2 807 14, 374 | 31 ee I. 2 BE I. EEE. - 44 HO ne 40 561 | 32 RL se RS is BE 114 341 2 767 13, 813 | 33 1, 059 8, 494 38, 562 100, 744 1, 966 34, 381 40,021 | 34 45 228 2,441 8, 025 2, 391 1,088 14,661 | 35 5 125 1, 849 2, 690 2, 230 907 6, 865 | 36 - dORO LR « « 4MBoR - 375 1, 650 19 26 1, 293 | 37 40 103 217 3, 685 142 155 6, 503 | 38 876 2,187 4,473 25, 416 181 292 18, 440 | 39 12 25 1, 344 1, 938 1h eee 9,161 | 40 114 875 149 6,613 15 217 643 | 41 1232 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. : TABLE 90,—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] POWER AND FUEL USED. Primary power. Owned by establishments reporting. INDUSTRY. Total : Internal- | Water wheels primary phe poh ioihes combustion | and water |’ horse- ; engines. motors. power. Num-| Horse- |Num-| Horse- |Num-| Horse- ber. | power. | ber. | power. ij} Clothingrmen’s.i-0 2b. o.oo sod. be 40, 577 118 8,462 | 126 258 2 Regular factory products....... 33, 873 110 8, 411 38 258 3 Men’s and youths’......... 20, 014 76 6, 250 11. - 230 4 DOYS 20s 5 ces Passcah te ook Sa | eee eee eres eR Fee 5 AN ptben 04 ese od 12, 002 34 2,161 24 28 6 Contractiwork2:.} O06.8..044 6, 704 8 51 88). 585 Je tur ee 7 Men’s and youths’......... 5,148 4 27 62 So RRA J 8 Boyes fart Me Bo 4) ° 924) 2 bea aber 4 9 All pther. . 014.2 .0c5es 5p 098 |) 47a ie ete ed 10;/“Clothing, men’s, buttoriioles:....:34'.<101 |: @ 4s9 02) ..) aa NLL) See ge 11 | Clothing, women’s... 2.2... 0220022 12 egular factory products...... 13 suits, skirts, and cloaks... FS apes. o. 14 Shirt waists and dresses, except house dresses. 15 Undergarments and petti- coats. 16 Wrappersand house dresses}, 226] 1,982] ~ 1] 195] af 94a, Joe 17 All other... ..........-b4.] 875 || 4002 1 4.| 1 g95 | tig fetes tee 18 Contractiwork...1..00.......Ji)2)167 | 8,788] os 8 | a3 | Mgt aes kee | 19 Suits, skirts, and cloaks..../ 964] 2,090 |/.......J.........| 8] 4.001 20 Shirt waists and: dresses, |) 878 | 2,521 |[-002./TIINIL] aq) gdb itetes except house dresses. 21 Undergarments and petti-| 75] 302] 1{ 415 ]....-.1.-.c--/.. 1... coats. 22 Wrappersand house dresses} 45] 151 ].......|........-) 3{ I40..1....... 23 All opher.......-.......<04) 205 |) 794 Ot "cag | gel gee ee ee 24 | Coal-tar products.................. 68, 342 373 | 40,698 14] PBB IC ee Pree gs 4,595 100 grinding 26 COURS Eos ca. ccdte cae ee 26, 855 42 3, 728 Ba) - BRE Tr tise oe 27 Rpiee:, We. 0. LOE 2, 895 11 867 28 | Coffins, burial cases, and under- 10,912 takers’ goods. 739 29 | Coke, not including gas-house coke. 224, 879 941 | 148,478 6 | 1, B60 joo eae 30 BeehiveGvehs, i. G2c.00.... 2 39, 761 204° 26, 569... J ofias 2s Oe Bk eS 81 By-product ovens............. 185, 118 737 | 121,909 64. -1, BOG |, oS ea 32 | Collars and cuffs, men’s........... 33 | Combs and hairpins, not made from metal or rubber. 34 | Condensed milk... sicescececs 5, 286 22 1,600 15 49,181 || 726 35 | Confectionery and ice cream....... 179, 891 745} 52,763 | 543 50 36 Conféetionbry ob. ios 77,197 372 | 31,955 55 19 37 leworentie 65225, ea 102,694 373 | 20,808 | 488 31 O54 COOPOTAREY 6.6. oooces coe ceed 39 Hogsheads and barrels......._. 40 All other. 2 2 9 = 2 sie ale 6&4 «60 6 «65 « 41 | Copper, tin, and sheet-iron work... 42 | Cordage and twine. o =) os ep? ae ann. whe Sg als ee e.g o & +o ie ee 1238 GENERAL TABLES. : UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. ; {See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] ; POWER AND FUEL USED—continued. 7 Primary power—Contd. Fuel used. : Biectric motors f run by current , Rented. generated in the Coal. K establishments : Electric. | Other ji ist Coke Oil, Gas rafts CR es cite nous (tons of | (tons of Ibs.) . (barrels). feet). 2,24 2 . Motors pti Se Siig ferme: Ibs.) Ibs.) € t 13,160] 30,410| 379 758 | 2,710 || 23,611 90, 613 1,575 6, 584 848,067 | 1 : 9,442 | 24.349] 322 742 2,670 || 17,033 87, 371 1, 443 5, 897 233,608 | 2 y 5,837 | 13,167| 249 568 1,843 |} 13,002 57, 751 648 2,977 170, 502 | 3 A 957 ES or yr AEE (ep | DRS Raia ae ates 819 pas Ss ial ged ode 36 34,249 | 4 Pi 2,648} 9,346| 73 174 827 3,212 | 27,425 795 2, 884 3 5 f 3, 718 6, 061 57 16 40 6, 578 3, 242 132 687 614,459 | 6 | 3101 4,722 | 48 16 40 5, 892 2) 387 131 522| 521,369 | 7 TE eee te ao ee BD ay Be | nactlcasetl.. eked | SE ae ROE AE Sh 15 fait. ae ‘ — ‘ 238 164} 13 1 2 94 eee 17 1,064 | 10 |23-710| 20,534] 201 51 403 || 12,700] — 26,934 8, 652 3, 186 375, 545 | 11 18,502} 23,914| 167 51 - 403 9, 986 25, 916 8, 646 3, 059 319, 961 | 12 7, 257 6, 933 41 2 3 1, 590 13, 827 24 19 77,329 | 13 6,419| 7,780) 35 20 146 2) 328 2 4gyeee :: ane 2, 809 138, 603 | 14 1, 805 3, 752 70 17 215 2,785 PIG Sige ppehayeh oo, 3 21,288 | 15 554 1, 826 (2 IO Re ig ag ea a Og 805 1, 916 18 3 3,477 | 16 2,467! 3,623] 19 12 39 2,478 3, 8, 604 225 79, 264 | 17 5 2081--- "50007. 84... oe Lee 2,714 1,018 6 127 55, 584 | 18 2, 657 ee TIES A | ieee -ohoe taal? i, ty as Bs Pa ark Pe 2, ee: ie 305, 204 2 4 COtOR 1BCO ie sev cn nish Gude e< sco dsp 4 / 3 | Cotton small wares. ............... 160 | 14,263 37| 5,907] 7| 126 & } CRIB HHCS uric es. axe wthate cadeeenee 22 2,714 14 SOS |. Bale cca aee nee 5 Graphite crucibles. ............ 6 608 7 420 4}. ocBiagtlcs Schuell ee 6 Vin CLUGIDIOS-...cuek oo ol tem 10 1,001 7 a2 |. ontcglean cout 7 Glass-house pots..........-...4 6 GP Aas ER ets ByS f os 8 | Cutlery and edge tools... 22.2222... 296 | 38,958 85} 14,106} 45] 1,905 9 Tableeutlery,,..s. jc. acc.-.- dom 24 5,175 10 1, 560 4 400. 10 Razors, plain and safety....... 31 4,069 7 775 5 138 il Axes and hatchets.........-. wee 24 12,414 20 6, 708 5 102 12 Scissors, shears, and clippers. -. 51 4,931 16 1,793 6 99 13 POCKOEKDIVOS. «25.4.5. .ne bac foe 40 5,494 10 1,628 10 520 14 Augers, bits, chisels, and 25 3, 256 10 800 9 565 planes. 15 AD OUHO Be ors iw mck. nae como 101 3,619 12 842 6 81. 16 | Dairymen’s, poultrymen’s, and}. 206| 11,756 50} 6,039] 40 487 apiarists’ Supplies. . 17 Incubators and brooders....... 4] 1,314 7 522 8 189 18 Allotherpoultrymen’s supplies 46 8 425 17 126 19 Cream separators.-......-...-. 17 5,479 18 3, S00 1. . eee ae BYith. Ge o's alfa E 20 All other dairymen’s supplies. 80 2,493 11 637 6 63 21 Apiarists’ supplies. so. oes 6 22 1,604 6 596 9 109 22 | Dental goods. ..22 ieee eo ee 282 2,716 9 823 8 286 | 23 Teeth cacededce : ameiio athe hab 47 1,325 8 793 1 6 24 AT) OGM: cakes coco Skee 235 1,391 1 30 7 280 25} Druas grindings... ....\1. andcduses te 31 6,725 52 5,445 3 50 26 | Druggists’ preparations............ 311 12,698 86 8, 231 27 173 27 | Dyeing and finishing textiles, ex- | 580 | 160,430 |) 2,042 | 118,197] 28| 2,124 ee of that done in textile mills. 28 | Dyestuffs and extracts—natural...} 117 34, 320 | 256 | 31,289 9 201 29 atlipieds oe apparatus, | 1,345 | 438,839 325 | 193,231 | 103} 7,446 and supplies. 30 | Electroplating.\....2..0 0.000. ..1 2. 484 7, 078 6 152} 35 601 31 | Emery and other abrasive wheels. . 58 12, 963 21 3,131 3 12 32 | Enameling. ........-... ae ee 55 1, 183 6 310) be - due 3] - a> See by> «<]- Bases 33 | Engines, steam, gas,and water....| ° 364 190,021 247 | 70,582 }~ 216 | 15,778 34 | Engravers’ materials. ............. 20 759 15 109. 35 | Engraving and diesinking..-...... 241 1,760 4 195 5 43 36 | Engraving, steel and copperplate, |, 268 5,420 13 799 5 40 including plate printing. Engraving, WOO... ccese-seccesee 19 Al | OS NR PERE ib eS BS | Jin velopes jae ik. ce gegess-- oho 102 7, 187 25 2,611 4 265 OO UA DVOBEV OR. os cccc Ue anus ce Ronetion 115 51, 635 324 | 33,676 5 40 p , , 40 Raney articles, not elsewherespeci- | 425 8, 982 24 1, 834 18 282 fied. 41 POR WOPK. 650-05 bewcace teehee 16 ys I! alana Piper Petia) OP ey 42 Celluloid novelties. ..:......... 53 2,953 10 G12). . conthl oc ueae ‘ 43 Metal novelties................ 85 2, 980 4 432 6 84 44 Paper novelties... ............ 30 500 1 80 1 4 45 Wood novelties. .............. 28 510 3 135 4 36 46 All other. ........ WEED a de sone ll 213 2,014 6 575 LT 158 47 | Feathers and plumes............. 96 594 a 260 4 13 48] Felt goods. .....2......% etn te team 47 16,411 60 9, 830 2 4 407 Ferroaoye: acc curscteccctscscndek 28 37, 087 96 | 32,420 3 88 GO t Moertslizers jie a occ os cu dSGin a onnle bolt ne 12s, Ld 4 pu a ae 4, as Te GEER 1. 360 bia onceed Sau Geers cect 8 Be | Pirearias 3.66.5 alton nc cance dct 25 | 26, 167 121 14,196 |..... s1.--¢h ag - , A GENERAL TABLES. UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] 1235 POWER AND FUEL USED—Ccontinued. Primary power—Contd. ‘ Electric motors _ Rented. run by current generated in the establishments es fs | reporting. . Eleetric. Other | Num-.|> Horse- ber. power 23,303 | 346, 300 616 2,616 369 1, 512 14 195 6 52 8 143 403 7, 827 ‘10 175 99 331 63 2,990 2 50 190 3, 841 36 413 3 27 909 5, 437 15 77 26 , 150 837 4,985 5 61 2 |, 164 99 471 86 385 13 86 109 326 1,495 4, 168 245 5, 649 38,472 | 243, 761 9 25 108 1,992 47 355 7,488 | 110,412 ea PS 536 ie ee 1,638 1,621 | 22,819 52 229 on S-. Pat | Bear gy 40| «192, 12 165 500 | 3,690 106 | 19, 456 777.| 13,225 41 608 Fuel used. Coal. Coke Oil, Gas Anthra- | Bitumi- | (tons of | including (1,000 cite nous 2,000 gasoline cubic (tons of | (tons of lbs.). (barrels). feet). 2,240 2,000 lbs.). Ibs.). 322, 668 | 3,610,372 32, 164 460, 467 59, 135 36, 021 28, GAO. ror ss Beret 7, 981 22 9, 906 24, 290 302 39, 471 75, 424 2,769 14, 709, |e. : oe 3,47 44, 493 1,439 Re IN A ay ae Pi er i rl i OR a Tale 3) 200 (ees cate lene cme ooo. 19, 336 15 8) OMA Lap eeetaiitig 3,479. 25, 157 18, 238 61, 182 2, 104 95, 745 599, 031 1, 620 6, 968 10 3, 926 8, 604 3, 403 6, 513 186 7 13, 273 4, 864 19, 531 828 18, 107 518, 580 1,512 11, 016 616 8, 852 23, 994 3, 606 7, 266 9 2, 505 22, 687 2,189 4, 876 106 60, 152 4, 982 1, 044 5, 012 349 1,439 6, 911 3, 495 36, 562 1, 232 5, 641 49, 237 59 4, 249 21 40 2, 086 42 it, Soa Wty Sate 161 5, 806 3,118 24, 652 1,139 5,178 30, 502 273 4, 283 72 227 9, 532 3 pA NS NR 35 1,311 1,366 3, 063 230 14, 440 29, 532 969 2,400 30 14,031 10, 083 397 663 200 409 19, 449 53, 151 11, 151 50 45 688 15, 486 78, 976 29 585 46,340 442,855 | 1,071, 15 13, 624 400, 258 516, 218 13, 585 330, 092 2; 325 3, 796 148, 848 175, 800 | 1,091, 704 61, 617 505,660 | 2,786,382 1, 963 3, 624 166 493 46, 493 24, 339 60, 189 468 2,785 5, 040 2,985 8, 428 44 6, 527 89, 060 6,399 658, 919 94, 940 329, 761 807, 064 654 Gsahiee Serer: 6 4,779 1,011 1,899 25 yA 67,819 3, 290 6, 324 39 136 10, 568 5 3S sich eaeernneete err aes py 2,323 16, 616 52 i) 5, 757 40, 489 440, 931 4,190 181, 426 65, 357 8, 238 14, 390 1, 224 3,414 28, 222 20: coe | Se aire ee <8 eiepes Re ne ee enen one 113 2,531 8, 895 5 10 3, 532 2, 909 2, ar otenore ee 2, 982 9, 502 363 CES a eee 2 2,617 AGE. Cee C Sash eee 31 600 2, 254 2,714 1,219 389 11, 858 238 353 33 244 9, 868 18, 447 Bd, Sesame ce ree me 17, 703 5, 668 2,005 83, 655 *| » 815; 322 1, 410 4,499 12,749 349, 612 1,306 71,375 54, 397 16, 356 41, 966 730 49, 621 81,475 2,174 14, 435 -}o5. 222 fe 12,761 29, 389 1236 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES, TABLE 90.—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] POWER AND FUEL USED. Primary power. ~ Owned by establishments reporting. INDUSTRY. Nin: ! ber of Total ; Internal- | Water wheels eer primary Gleam soekuer combustion | and water horse- , engines. motors. ments ower report-| P es Num-| Horse- |Num-| Horse- |Num-| Horse- ber. | power. | ber. | power.| ber. | power. 1 | Fire extinguishers, chemical ....... 22 B99: fc Pee: fees 3 Py teak eh Se gS 9) BirewoOrks! oO io gees es ae 24 1,005 12 535 3 30 2 40 3 | Blags.and pammers...5.27%. 2... .bo° 64 778 3 225 2 42 1 60 4 | Flavoring extracts... j..........4..). , 183 3, 376 11 455 16 103 1 1 . 5 | Flax and hemp, dressed: ....:.-... 18 1,920 14 1,455 1 tl ph oe gees ea Se 6 | Flour-mill and gristmill products. .|10,673 | 876,405 || 2,982 | 329,589 |3, 427 | 96,291 |4,690 |186, 087 7 | Food PEA Eas, not elsewhere} 1,675 | 150,230 476 | 51,893 | 281 | 5,337 14 796 specified. 8 Breadstuff preparations, such 93 47, 372 29} 14,917 5 104 3 77 ascerealsand breakfast foods. 9 Lard compounds and other 25 10, 005 89 7,423 1 he ice depres « substitutes. 10 gee re vermicelli, and 538 16, 709 32 3,500 | 169] 2,566 6 270 noodles. 11 Meat products, not elsewhere 60 3, 741 22 758 BE ee a aes specified. 12 Feanue butter. 03.05. ae 53 1,172 2 56 2 Me Woutivls fete mane 13 Sweetening sirups, other than 141 8, 656 117 6, 181 30 287 1 6 cane. 14 All other preparations for hu- 490 16,049 80 6, 697 26 609 + 443 Man consumption. 15 Prepared feed for animals and 275 46, 526 105 | 12,361 AD 1: > SMa ae eee fowls. 16 phe ak and machine-shop prod- {10, 597 |1,054, 840 || 2,570 | 313,066 |2,158 | 53,717 | 238 13, 445 ucts. 17 Boiler shops......... Pt See 480 73, 813 338 | 35,090 | 1385 | 5,818 4 410 18 OULU. Seo eae 1,322 | 226, 533 421 | 53,344 | 145] 5,494 32; 1,081 19 Machine Shops... ...52........- 7,841 | 558,364 |) 1,243 | 160,052 |1,659 | 33,127 | 159] 9,731 20 Machine shop and foundry 954 | 196,130 568 | 64,580 | 219] 9,278 43 | 2,223 combined. 21 | Foundry supplies. .....2.......... 62 6, 328 21 2,640 11 465 5 315 22 | Fuel, manufactured. .............. 11 5, 180 14 1, 845 | ..5.2-|onede alee eb dees BS i pA OOS | toc, a... - dee aces bak 1,616 5, 327 6 970 2 14 1 3 24 | Furnishing goods, men’s........... 408 5, 665 30 2,644 it 140 3 75 25 INOCK WHORE, 6’) Zohan, anaceces 257 1,272 2 400 | wi niataphe os dughakal Goeedttdl See 26 AILOCRGR. sks Etome hac ace as 151 4, 393 28 2, 244 11 140 3 75 Bl | WHAMEIICUTOS wie ues -- daaeeahes ocndh 2,756 | 262,703 || 1,237 | 165,197 | 210 | 4,279 86 | 4,713 28 va other than rattan and | 1,993 | 208,183 || 1,066 138,605 | 136] 2,713 75 | 4,018 willow. 29 Rattan and willow............ 64 3, 815 7 1,624 7 BI Eo. tcl ode ee 30 MALT nc cunt desman, 148 19, 581 43 9, 358 19 433 3 190 31 Store and office fixtures........ 551 31,124 121 |} 15,610 48} 1,014 8 505 Qc itobaites OTessede i ol asc. ce te 124 5,621 25 1, 892 5 Bow. t dlaaaene pais CAL VAMUFING Cn s od. coecncehls 40 1, 631 7 148 6 CY fd ee Re pice). Sara: 34 | Gas and electric fixtures........... 301 9,910 34 4,172 27 588 5 162 35 Gas RXtures. so. docs te eke e 49 1,769 9 911 7 110 uA 2 36 Electric fixtures. : 2. ..2522.004 168 4,520 13 1, 296 10 y. OF PR ne: 37 Combination gas and electric 62 2, 995. 12 1,965 9 180 4 160 fixtures. 38 PAL OGD ncece bes seen 22 | Raa oe Otay Robe 1 1 ee ete 39 | Gas, illuminating and heating..... 767 | 238,467 || 3,518 | 197,321 | 151 | 7,574] 18 196 40 | Gas raat ae and gas and water 97 8,601 7 575 3d | lids. se Angas sae meters ....... bts Wt 4sBBind bocce td 41 Gas and water meters. ....... 33 4,370 5 535 Yl iia | Yo Bari Freese 42 Gas machines... .)..005....-. 46 44 3, 496 2 40 15 639%)|-,-)st- 4 J petite Sate 43 All othetw. a... 3... GRR ors 20 ye | en a Pom ED 1 | sols pris» od) aoa +4 PGRae te oe ere 359 | 207,430 |] 435] 99,140 | 371 | 52,877| 228] 2,457} : GENERAL TABLES. 1237 UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] POWER AND FUEL USED—continued. : Primary power—Contd. Fuel used. 4 Electric motors : Rented. run by current Coal. . . generated in the i establishments ; : reporting. Coke Oil, Gas . Electric. Other. Anthra- | Bitumi- | (tons of | including (1,000 4 biG . ; 2 gasoline cubic ; cite nous ’ ! (tons of | (tonsof | !bs.). | (barrels).| feet). _| H H N H its). rr ) orse- | Horse-|| Num- orse- S.). s. Be | Motors. power. |power.|| ber. |) power. ; Oy eg 9) | eee ape |g RRR or 110 867 108 8 6,604 | 1 400). 2.26. 26 40 687 6, 253 230 876 625 | 2 pS oe 9 15 240 yi Spee 120 2,427) 3 2 81%). bd 40 80 1, 409 7, 809 30 122 21,008 | 4 tM ae eet 1 10 55 16, 781 DAY ter swe Rens 842 | 5 263,497 | 941 1,826 | 46,113 || 57,034 | 1,582, 494 5,134 | 730,189 | 1,157,455 | 6 91,643 | 561 || 2,110 | _ 21,155 || 65,048 | 456,951] 10,422 | 113,137 976,218 | 7 31,894} 380 |] 1,057 | 11,554 9,165 | 121,938 1,957 5, 445 33,142 | 8 2,432 [....2.. 210 2,618 || 20,283 | 119,317} -- 2,157 61, 107 8,170 | 9 10, 357 16 327 2,043 || 13, 563 25, 530 648 2, 406 110,183 | 10 2,879 Gout... Ballet. 1 a8. 1, 702 15, 333 107 1, 416 46,572 | 11 Eh ae 8) aap 2 SE Se 287 1, 257 150 378 308,612 | 12 2, 167 15 126 1, 668 3, 285 42,664 260 27, 460 40,617 | 13 84008)... 3.1 315 1,939 5, 485 67, 009 3,623 5, 807 371,498 | 14 32, 521 60 75 1,383 2,278 63, 903 1,520 9,118 57, 424 | 15 660, 037 |14,575 || 25,197 | 293, 758 |} 302,869 | 3,702, 807 1,377, 503 | 2,280,310 | 21,833,693 | 16 31,529) 966 || 2,204|° 32,247 || 17,754] 289,597 | 38,970 61, 343 189,980 | 17 166,229 | 385 || 2,441 |. 37,839 || 45,296 | 1,207,086 | 804,283 | 1,007,574 | 6,323,554 | 18 342, 548 [12,906 || 13,647 | 150,233 |] 164,537 | 1,585,414 | 242,772 | 845,049 | 13,073,050 | 19 119,731 | 318 |} 6,815 | 73,439 || 75,282 | 620,710 | 291,478 | 366,344 | 2,247,109 | 20 2, 907 1 31 - 588 1,735 17, 753 6, 153 761 85,755 | 21 2) ee 8 220 7, 647 4,445 OS Hidatess ORR OS. 22 4,340.1... ssl | eee te Ps 4, 600 3, 523 14 22 14,361 | 23 ~ 2,800 6 339 1, 242 3, 892 7, 651 10 4,704 8,451 | 24 STIR. .- ig 20 177 575 768 US hy eA 1,702 | 25 1, 928 6 319 1,065 3,317 6, 833 hava 4,704 6,749 | 26 86, 527 | 1,987\} 6,584] | 50,194 || | 36,346 | 832,562 |. 13, 000 24, 015 321, 982 | 27 61,319 | 1,528 || 4,593 | 32,529 || 26,434 | 635, 953 3, 340 5, 388 163, 763 | 28 2, Ufa. 2... 4.2 105 400 481 13, 444 35 25 3, 569 | 29 9, 571 29 || 1,051 | 11,307 5, 054 98, 870 9, 312 17, 691 105, 027 | 30 13, 565 430 835 5, 958 4, 377 84, 295 31 911 49,623 | 31 3,477| 200 50 332 4, 405 14, 603 142 60 3, 359 | 32 966 60 106: |’ 1,048 5, 033 3, 616 4, 298 1,179 111, 332 | 33 4,734'| 254 385 2, 682 7, 039 30, 617 1, 044 1, 948 116, 873 | 34 686 60 177 ' 505 652 12, 622 58 396 76, 584 | 35 2,796 | 180 34 237 2, 096 563 271 508 26, 001 | 36 681 9 174 1, 850 4,151 9, 946 715 608 12,610 | 37 yal tS ee ae es 140 Bi a a ee 436 1,678 | 38 33, 363 13 || 1,822 | 22,040 ||1, 388; 467 | 7, 383, 687 |1, 497,435 |19, 195, 800 641, 288 | 39 6, 297 15 155 1,174 5, 716 8, 586 1, 533 2, 659 69, S11 | 40 2, 752 15 105 862 5, 524 4, 941 1, 330 2, 251 59, 796 | 41 BMS b ocnk- 50 312 146 2, 993 141 408 6, 226 | 42 TAN eee Lk We. 1 SR LDE SD. SR 46 652 G2 fesse Soro re. 3, 789 | 43 52, 864 92'|| 6,323 | 90,261 || 15,268 | 2,653, 654-| . 131,908! 910,119 | 38,500, 857 | 44 1238 [See note at ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES, TABLE 90,—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE Head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] Pm we INDUSTRY. Glass, cutting: staining, and orna- menting. Decaicomania work.on glass. . ALVOROr | hoe. 22 ORE Oat | Gloves and mittens, cloth, not in- eluding gloves made in textile mil Gloves and mittens, leather....... Glucose and starch Ghiieosess yess Eee Rae, SDs Hparch ar pass i... tw ‘es lag i Gold and silver, leaf and foil Gold and silver, reducing and refin- ing, not from ‘the ore. Graphite, ground and refined Grease and tallow, not including lubricating greases. pepe ne OL Aa aay ag ots ae TAIT COU Re ee PSE Piano and organ hardware.....: Vehicle hardware ye eae Ad} otherja. ge...) gag ee. e Hardware, Bis Bb ee Hat and cap materials Hats and caps, other than felt, straw, and, wool. ; Hats, fur-felt Fats’ StlaWiete ccc ag RH hee Horseshoes, not made in steel works or polling mills. meen ee Mops and isteach eh. wot Ali other, Ice, manufactured Ink, printing Ink, writing -: i i ee ed POWER AND FUEL USED. Primary power. Owned by establishments reporting. er 0 3 - Total Internal- | Water wheels estab-) primary a combustion | and water ments| | 2orse- pogines: motors. report| Power : ing. a ag suf S orton Num- Horse- Num-| Horse- power. | ber. | power. ber. | power. 475 | 5,110 628} 32 a Pen 30) 14 73 Hh neck i) AE a bed Pitas 461 | - 4,937 628| 31 39 169 | 3,364 387 | Ya ae a 300 | 98; 288 918}, 17) sal | © 302 52| 52; 846 47,576:| 13 8 | © 530 7| 34,640 327206 |: Males. dace eae ot 45 | 18; 206 15,370:| 13) 8 | 530 48 | 16,979 16,184}. So MORTR AS, It ate 41| 147254 13,564 | 4 a Sar Ae, 7 |. 23725 2,620.1. tks Pago > ae 51 408 hs | (Bt. > eae ee 72| 8,279 1,07%:| 10.1)... ioaok ao cl sane oe 24] ) 0,445 2468 | 4h 6 | (9475 353 | 25, 584 18}243 | 38}. S80 155 | 10,517 7,307 | 9a |) ag ee 152! 10;860 8,469}. 10} 5 EB xt ARE 46 4,207 2,417 4cp ee Cs 23°) 3.631 2,476. | 24. galt 15] °1)153 620 |... alien eee 2 43 119 70-|, 1 |f. 3 ee ge ee as “16 B21) Baal). ob kshe 1 BOM) S._2 211} 1,474 517 | 2- ti 519 | 67,589 29,906 | 63 32 <71 | 043390 2,555: 8 A Sg 131 | 30,181 14,561 | 15. 6 16 667 325| 3 2 51] 9,963 2,050} 8 2 250 | 22,388 10, 415:}) 295 22 -36| 7,161 5,306] 12] 2 107 | 4,927 3,6071\| 6. fo 5 654 | 1,687 158 |) 2h 4.0.24) Reb. 159 | 20,389 15,251 | 2 41 137 | °8,392 U776:| 3: 2 33 | 2696 1874); .. 9 We eee 3 11] 4) 164 705} 4) 6 16{ 3,874 2,463) 5 he “402 | 12, 249 5,427| 13 5 711 3,967 2,230! 38 37.| 2693 14amli ipa ~ baa eee 9 905 175. [Wig eee i. 51], 403 RMN! GPE de Fede 234) 4,281 1,555|| 6 2 4 ae 572, 970 406,942 | 435 58 8 10, 353 5,335 | 16 3 23.| «9° 610 || 381 |> 4 Ue TR Primary power—Contd. - GENERAL TABLES, UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] 1239 POWER AND FUEL USED—continued. 1, 032 Fuel used. 82, 235 82, 688 1, 097 _ 45, 431 12 27, 589 8, 559 8, B15 ; 8 30 Electric motors Rented. run by current Coal. generated in the a , establishments enw Pats pitts yah reporting. P Electric. Other. Anthra- | Bitumi- cite’ nous (tons of | (tons of oh ’ Papi 2,240 2,0 Horse- | Horse-|| Num- | Horse- Ibs.). Ibs.) power. [power.|| ber. | power 4, 023 68 4 70 4,710 8, 428 eee as Ge ee ee 66 711 3,875°| 68 4 70 4, 644 fries Vg 2, 858). .v2... 40 192 1, 056 10, 557 i 1, 905eh. 3. ..3-9 18 69 2, 652 10, 597 142 3,585 | 810 || 2,856 | 44,150 ||} 113,141] 859, 133 60 2,434.1. 22.2.8 1,501 |) 22,879 || 112,804 | 561,619 (82 1,151} 810} 1,355] 21,271 337 | 297, 514 62 693 |... = 818 | 11,201 11,420 | | 324, 287 58 $2 h...1:. 628 9, 326 5,212 | 258, 741 4 i ee 190 1, 875 6, 208 65, 546 by US ane ae 1 5 LAGT 177 1,970 | 138 18 162 430 4, 280 4, 269;)....4.. | 6 122 5, 206 7, 688 6,962} 40 339 5,796 || 121,183 | 337,311. 2, 962... 2 116 1,501 || 13,303 | 180, 278 2, 268 20 186 3, 592 7,418 | 129,381 1,732| 20 37 703 412 57, 652 yi Ge ped 5 i | aalipamne 13, 610 Siam 18tel).. oe Ih. wa. 963 2, 335 AO cw dubl|.. At |e. . 253 832 lh SES Sean: 17 608 Tg (eee 105 278 1, 488 4, 147 33, 866} 495 846} 11,200 || 37,933 | 248, 791 1, 589 38 95 1, 694 , 566 7, 024 14, 628 65 364 5, 134 15,637 | 110,747 197 10 i 215 1, 956 7, 543 91 36 746 3, 646 58, 666 9,909 | 291 350 8,621 13, 869 70, 398 1,551} 15 113 |) 2,365 3, 563 37, 662 1, 050°|......2 132 926 8, 993 9, 385 1, B22) nde 16 15 988 942 4,996 | 12 || 1,084] 4,635 || 57,207] 75,038 1, 235 10 155 962 4,573 20, 814 455 2 53 400 788 10, 297 1065)... 20 261 7 2 378 4;1201y.....4.% 14 195 4, 147 19, 337 5,705 | 392 198 926 6, 156 21, 748 HIG... i .< 21 41 1, 676 5, 840 US: );...4.. 75 426 2, 480 6, 136 718. Rel. 23 ane. «-b SB... 60 2, 138 373 5 5 45 6 499 2,161 | 385 97 414 1, 864 7,135 132, 438 | 3,045 || 2,511 | 26,114 || 205,875 | 3,309, 636 4,184} °124 199 2,725 7, 059 25,177 1 60 265 1,071 ed ee et ee es 6, 170, 964 19} 412 870 = WH 1240 ABSTRACT. OF THE. CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TaBLE 90,-_DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] POWER AND FUEL USED. Primary power. Owned by establishments reporting. INDUSTRY. Num- ber of Total : Internal- | Water wheels ae: primary Picam enganes ‘combustion | and water nents horse- : engines. motors. ower. report- P pH Num-| Horse- |Num-| Horse- |Num-| Horse- ber. | power. | ber.'| power. | ber. 1 Instruments, professional and| 320| 13,020 25 | 3,204| 29 395 1 scientific. ‘ : ae Bnd Survical:. oc. ee oe 2, gs 7 1, 010 te ‘ DECAL Race sprit beminoetnod BE \.ges| | Sea g@k Odie lay bias anh ee 4 An oberg TROT TE 195 | 9,080 is | 2,194] 16 '5 | Tron and steel, blast furnaces..... 193 |1, 581, 432 || 2,300 |1,249,817} 137 tron and rete steel works and roll- 499 |3, 820,917 || 5,418 |2,856,556| 141 ing mills, f 7 | Ironand steel, bolts, nuts,washers, 141 49, 959 84} 15,051 22 and rivets, not madein rolling 8 | Tron and steel, cast-iron pipe-...... 58 28,741 90. |° 11,297 1 4; 1 9 | Ironand steel, doors and shutters. . 51 4, 013 8 1, 105 6 225. 3 |. 10 | Ironand Ty f orgings ; pt madein| 239] 101,951 216 | 24,808 35 | 1,602 7 steel works or.rolling mills. 4 ee 11 | Iron and steel, nails and spikes, cut 61 8, 974 21 3, 495 8 297 | 16 and wrought, including wire nails, not made in steel works or rolling mills. i 12 Cut nails and spikes. .......... 6 1, 502 a 1,000 3 144 3 13 Wire nails and spikes.......... 25 2,918 6 530 2 68 2 14 Forged nails and spikes........ 5 1,177 1 175 2 35 6 15 All other, including tacks...... 25 3,377 13 1,790 1 50 5 16 | Iron : a steel, tempering and 432 8, 804 14 877 45.) --- GOBMS. BRL aT welding. 17 Treated iron and steel......... 32 5, 529 5 595 Oe ADS ARS Sue Be ee 18 WV CLOSE ae fh cara nu ee 400 3, 275 9 282 22h. BEA ee eo ie 19 | Iron and steel, wrought pipe... 47 23, 925 61} 13,306 o/s “ERPS tae ke | ee 20 | Ivory, shell, and bone work, not in- 42 954 8 407 4 1 chiding combs and hairpins. \ ‘ 2 Sapennings Ja... 2) th oa casd 29 311 1 2D |... LE a SLA ee pee 6 64 poses ayia, bevy es 5,113] 3 y 6,680 28 704 2,125 || 21, 789 15, 436 57 |-- 1,312 84,133 | 4 . 48, 204 25 || 6,446} 194,350 || 42,779 | 2,261,315 132,424,625 | 51,324 | 1,184,953 | 5 ¥ 695,097 | 2,750 || 63, 427 |1,655, 499 || 598,944 |25, 911,098") 886,062 | 8, 490, 982 | 90,678,288 | 6 =| ‘ r 32,557 |oc..... 524| 13,830 || 16,066 | 152,630| 6,551 | 210,746 | 656,280 | 7 3 17, Pay Ot 1,158} 18,253 ||. 27,374 | 96,387] 256, 781 1,077 5,386 | 8 4 Ca dodal. co ade 29 667 1,491 7, 903 69 300 7,707 | 9 a 73,738 | 955 || 1,130| 16,955 || 26,972] 717,801 | 65,021 | 1,214,040'| 1, 043, 895 | 10 4, 483 3 32 837 6, 100 18, 003 240 5, 696 10,005 | 11 ae 3 65 i 978 Pts 3, 709 be 1,617 3,272 | 12 2,242 = eo ae 1, 061 4 689 5 * "315 1,999 | 13 1 yy Alas. OES | Ree Sa ASR, Sera 13 2,252] °- 1385 27-093" ? 3,000 | 14 eS ae a 29 752 4,753 7, 298 100 2 671 1, 734 | 15 7,315 9 13 122 g92} 11,036] 1,093 8,844 | 129,949 | 16 4,844 1....... 10 70 112 8, 710 450 5; 396 41,883 | 17 2,471 9 3 52 780 2’ 326 643 3, 448 88,066 | 18 - 10, 469+}. 000... 1,447 | 18,718 || 45,879 | 270,488. | 13,771 |» 27,696 189,173 | 19 394 75 1 25 865 1, 967 -} 3 |-- 5 5,095 | 20 gs SR 2 | ie Shay eee StS 436 620 83 55 19,587 | 21 12, 790 | 1,293 280 2, 960 5, 711 12, 306 254 7, 065 195, 539 | 22 77 16 19 59 397 1, 156 151 > 1,863 7,198 | 23 4,557 fo. ..5 309 | 13,076 9, 994 BO, 765 Pees PS 79 3,000 | 24 59,680 | 2163'|| 4,581} 31,457 || 102,024 | 584,787 1, 654 7,526 73,068 | 25 2,3 606 | 2,519 1, 438 8,15 913 17, 058 | 26 10, 109 86 79 865 1,619 22, 918 480 4,081 58, 270 | 27 r 7 36 440 it 103800 Lo somo see 1, 614 12, 222 | 28 2) 909 79 43 425 1, 156 11, 721 475 1, 166 41,768 | 29 A OLR Og ae, Sear any Se 419 388 1, 301 4,280 | 30 G74). cod idk a Ghat ai 54 Di MOR 24 2,121 | 31 . Cd I RD a SS Se 63 -| Pe pe, 136 | 32 2,028 | 303 183 2,059 1, 650 11, 864 15 193° 1,954 | 33 25382°]..--2.% 134 1, 984 10, 636 10, 449 220 ' - 868 12,466 | 34 * 2,901 62 46 180 2,308 5, 964 115 801 8,351 | 35 58,494 | 477 || 6,272 | 85,441 || 89,722 | 1,448,166} 3,740] 89, 232 211, 404 | 36 28,595 |....2.- 172 | 3,560 || 57,112 | | 872,910 | 102,788) 26,820 53,835 | 37 AOS |e Se i 33 1,095 3, 512 Td; ORO Hie eee PORT csecater ns 38 8,263 }......- 179 2,318 1,052 | 134,336 3,430 | 2885195 |22...2.0.2.. 39 3,019 |....... 166.|. 2,293 1,038 | | 131,231 3,480 | 275,198 |.....2.22... 40 Base hacett 13 25 14 BO tse tacos PO UUs tansGlaie cose 41 41,814 | 2,301 |] 9,861 | 68,911 |] 346,914 | 1,692,067 | 14,527 | 329, 849 392,964 | 42 Cay Oe eer 18 20 8, 202 1, 828 14 | ---27,407 | 398 | 43 11,533 |""°"74"]| 1,886] 7,424 || 12,399] 30,770] ~— 1,421 3,407 35,408 | 44 1242 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES, 1 2 3 4 5 TABLE 90,—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] POWER AND FUEL USED. Primary power. ., Owned by establishments reporting. INDUSTRY. Internal- | Water. wheels | combustion -|| Steam engines lish- | Primary || ond turbines. | | ee SN a \ Locomotives, not made by railroad companies, : Looking-glass and picture frames. : $ Lubricating PTOABES. ! Tae to Soe ; : Lumber and timber products... ... 25,185 |2, 358, 937 Lumber, planing-muill - products,:} 5,282 | 419, 671 not. including planing mills con-i}x; Yor nected with sawmills, Machine topkiiy. ps0. 2.1 5 AT » 897 | 100, 433 54 27, 483 Malt. 22. Este Se ay 3,338 | 170, 132 12,537 | 51,328 684 | 101, 220 234, 9 26, 975 18, 272 60, 083 7,171 43) 913 Marble and stone work. 22: 2... Monuments and tombstones... _ Other marble and stone work, except slate. Hoohne slate 054 | i 70 | 10,678 6, 219 Other slate rors aaa oe 47 6, 906 2, 780 Maarten 29 EL Aes) OE St 21 | | 12,947 9, 563 Matsand matting, He cocoa fiber, 12 1, 670 1, 255 grass, and coir. Mattresses and spring beds, ‘not elsewhere specified. 907 | 93, 469 3, 847 Millinery and lace gots, not else- | 2)244 | 12, 482 3, 248 where specified. Himbroideries.....4..405--04 ..| 800}; 3,328 145 Trimmed hats and hatframes..}° 706 © 4, 843 1} 679 Dress and. cloak trimmings, |}; 102} 6 839 355 braids, and fringes. Women’s meckwear..i0 4.) 2.5.2) Ail other SE ge ee eg #0, Milistones Rs os Pa ee ee a Be Mineral and as watersen ies 4:2 ‘Mineraland carbonated waters: _ Fruit beverages All other. Minerals and earths, ground or. otherwise treated. Mirrors, framed and unframed, not elsewhere specified. Models and patterns, not including paper patterns. Motorcycles, bicycles, and parts. .. Mucilage, pasts, and other adhe- sives, not elsewhere specified. Mucilage and vores eS ee de All othenso.0 ae ges Ea ; Musicalinstruments and materials, not elsewhere specified. Musica linstruments, Organs... . . Musica] instruments, pianos..../.9 Musical instruments, | Blane and organ materials. . rks Needles, pins, and hooks and eyes. N ih and seines..<+....<: Bites hes en a a oS dh ee GENERAL TABLES. UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES; 1919—Continued. : ‘ [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] ’ : , 5 Primary power—Contd. i : Hlectric motors run by curren Rented, -generated in the i. establishments 7 reporting. . Electric. Other.| ‘ Horse- | Horse-|) Num- | Horse- :: ‘| power. |power.j|,. ber. } power. 7 oe i 59,084 | 683] 2,836 | 59,789 3 3,206 |--- 30 10 27 : eS 40 981 ' 83,872 | 3,592 |} 8,388 | ~ 195, 606 4 162, 195, 2,601 || 3,522} 37,499 | 70,;037'| 139]! 3,657{ 28,780 2 A 589 | 12,618 i 94,028 |- 955 663 | 12,005 36,154] 700 127 1,517 49,551] 255 522 | 10,398 4,406}. ok 14 90 Ces SS ee a he te Ug pg ae 1, 484 6,531 B46 35 355- 18,158} 82 || 162} 1,156 ‘rt , 8,738 72 362 1,369 + 3,046° 2 27 59 3,076 45 196 794 386 |2..5 22. 25 125 5 A | ee) 1, 707 25 114 “391 | GO" uc. oe BE Oy g | ata 9 eee 25,148 | 597 517 2,031 23,475 | 597 225 678 1,488 |.6... 2 ~ | 188. 600 “IGF... 1 8 109 | 753 55; 529 10 196 5,928 2,044 95 68 382 8,054] 119 8 54 10,283} 386 54 1, 350 1,563 40 25 324 565 | 401] | <20 269 998 t.. A 5 55 2, 889 67 as 27 1,697 6 131 409 8,152 35 || 1,049 9,118 5,181 | 105 647 4, 209 ! 4,900'}.' 105}| = 647 4,209 a 5 ie ee 3,472 44 216 2,431 1) See 65 "312 0 aS He es: 82,2561 655 IP) 438 P11, ‘44 Coal. Anthra- | Bitumi- cite nous (tons of | (tons of 2,240 2, lbs.) lbs.) 33,863 | 339, 071 2, 490 12, 408 1 7, 302 15,386 | 1;620, 058 35,730 | 586, 979 17,513 | 196,071 38, 863 134, 992 30,457 | ‘281, 523- 8,622 || |'58, 025 11,865 | _ 188,394 5, 966 26, 410 4,004 8, 694 1,640 49, 559: "28 6, 087 5,275 | | 30,485 14, 400 31, 073 0F,687 || 4, 202 2,397 21, 241 1,217 263 140 80 “2.959 5, 287 “3 780° 16,759 | 109,525 16, 327 92,740 12 14,513 320 2,272 29,821 | 514, 900 2,536 13, 427 2,251 4, 959 5,365 | 38,280 1, 553 10, 423 989 4, 800 ' 564 5, 623 1,312 8, 816 54,047 7,796 17,571 |. 144,707 8,837 32, 053 her 31, 285 116 7 4,420 21, 393 419 3, 089 351. ;. $83 34, 763 | 1, 172,175 POWER AND FUEL UsSED—continued. Fuel used. Coke Oil, (tons of including 2,000 gasoline Ibs.). | (barrels). 28,202} 154,842 10- -- 86 27. 581 6, 221 /P"! 857627 23,294 52 28,871 65, 143” 12,456 | 12, 600 926 20, 773 436 8, 468 490 9, 666 2278s 2; 639 106 6,351 850 8,323 159 1, 226 27 +} 107 123 324 LOCUSTS 407 9 388 to Yas ph 60 990 71, 149 935 32, 057 seeeeasees 2,890 55 | | 36,202 5,165 120, 085 62-|. 962 2,116 330 3,008" 24,393 140 77 ee ery eta 56 267 52 485 1,074 942 4,728 1,144}! 4} 728 1,134 seadvoades 10 16 2, 345 sedetedars aie OE 1,018 39 10, 262 394, 219 1248 Gas (1,000 cubic feet). 78,202 21,339 678, 284 20, 347 363, 963 335, 130 inte 119, 624 103, 726 14, 935 4, 006, 579 23, 621 42,621 ap 527, 974 coun Oboe 1244 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS—MANUFACTURES. TABLE 90.-DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] ran COO NOORwW We INDUSTRY. Olly OSSBtltials... ccs ee ce ede cob as Oa, TiTiS6Od Wi 2-0 «nena Olesen -- 9b Oil, not elsewhere specified }....... Vegetables: 6: -.'. .). fii. #45503 8 Oilcloth and linoleum, floor........ Oilcloth, enameled.....3.5..-...2- Oleomargarine and other butter substitutes. Paper and wood pulp..:.....-..+.. Paper exclusivelys-.2.2...22i2¢ Pulp exclusively. 5.22... .2 eek Paper and pulp..-... Yaris Paper goods, not elsewhere speci- fied Playing Taga koa Oe Pky Sa ah PAIL OLHOroR co.... SES 2). ae Parlier patterns... 3s. +4. kapdevdacel Patent medicines and compounds. Patent and proprietary medi- cines. Patent and proprietary com- fe not elsewhere speci- ed. Paving materials. 2:7)... 200. is Peanuts, grading, roasting, clean- ing, and shelling. Poncils, :legd.ag ack... fh. a... ob att Pens, fountain and stylographic. . . MONR, LOI) OA n.d. Oe aoc ble Pats, SEB cee Se ete eta Comat Perfumery and cosmeties.......... Petroleum, refining. . 00 i Phonographs and graphephones. ., PHOtO-Ongraving. | ol... ees eee bce Motion-picture machines. ..... All other apparatus and parts. - Photographic materials. ........... Motion-picture films, not ex- posed. Motion-picture projection films. OAT OLN OR i ut 5. Sa dn La Pickles, preserves, and sauces... .. P PETORCI VO 2 oe ge 1 Includes ‘‘oil, castor’’ and ‘‘oil, lard,’’ to avoid disclosing individual operations, PY POWER AND FUEL USED. Primary power. Owned by establishments reporting. ance er of ; Total : Internal- | Water wheels estab- F Steam engines : lish- Re otea? and turbines. pe ah So ad ments| ower amcice B. report- ¥ ing. Num-| Horse- |Num-} Horse- |Num- ber. | power. | ber. | power.| ber. | YEO OO | | | 33 | 1,833 37| 1,512| 43] 19] 2 28 || 47,621 |||! ce33\| 924751 doa ae te 1 224,| 30,075 || 296] 21,749| 38] 674] 1 63 | 15,250 | 104] 92998] 12] 447] 1]. 36] 9,595 || 92] 9/086} 10 SUA Repel Be. Samy 25] 1/573 ||: 16 e00't Hot? fomtscce ppaeneaes 100 | 3,657 || 74) 1,966} 74, 664-c00c2|tiiece2: 20| 93,509 || 112] 14,301] 1 hE atti | hap Se 11| ~ 4/501 Bok -.. {ORD | cath dela: Simmm ies Pe makeat 41} 9,435 |] 42) 5, 151 492 | 15,710} 10] 4,756 25 | 40,652 || 31] 87300 551] 73,702 || 283 | 33/904 722 {1,851,014 || 3,157 | 698, 983 492 | ’561,698 || 1,791 | 377,010 60 | 143/371 || 7148 | 24°473 278 |108) 449 170 |1, 145,945 |! 1,218 | 297; 500 284 | 35,538 80 | 17,688 ME ihe kre) OF} 9045 |. ee ee eee 276 | 33,161 71 | 15,643 6 8. |ll.aij-:|...duge-t]- 04h tes ee saa 980 | 25,677 || 136 | 10,187 664 | 16,797 76 | 6,787 316 | . 8,880 60} 3,400 852 | 191,543 |) 1,458 | 105,581 iy - 77| 7,351 38 | 4,015 1} babies or Bees 12} ».8,099 16-| 4,615 t4-Raes foe Scien 52}, 1/517 3 635 | i 15 460 | pag-3|.. odeee. tid fd goeat bale bank 4 305 3 287'| Wt). “Ti0ri se enone 252 | 2.196 10 205 | BH. oc hoa 257 | 238,906 |] 2,460 | 144, 743 147 | 40,168 54:| 21,973 399 | 3; 800 1 25 61 2,321 2 375 (ahs ee 10 652 1 oT ey Game eames Ee 17 | s38,205 ge-il..-dae | ee aad Dine 34 ” 564 1 250! |.. AUS ct ce 124 | 26,458 53 | 13,526 bg set mies? 14} 20,261 21 | 107690 : 40 | 4,169 11} 1,565 70 | \:2)028 21} 1271 de Blas cool Caweel 591 | 22,500 |} 214.| 12,579 | 161 4,015 85 4,698 924 ie A . 430 | 14,785 || “196 | 7? 8st 1 50 | 48 | 2,001 || . 9 700 Re GENERAL TABLES. 1245 UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] POWER AND FUEL USED—continued. ‘ Primary power—Contd. Fuel used. ; ' } . Electric motors : Rented. .. . Tun by current Coal. . generated in the : establishments Z AR reporting. | Coke Oil, Gas Electric. Other. Anthra- |. Bitumi- | (tons of | including| (1,000 cite nous me). on cig (tons of (tons of S.). arrels). ee : ) | 2,240 2, ’ Horse- | Horse-|| Num- | Horse- lbs.) lbs.) _ | Motors. ower. power.|| ber. | power. | | . 4 aie 3 oN es 47 350 8,943 Se ee 4,185 7,296 | 1 ; eeeOT | a Bel PGol- «= -4. 123 | 2,679 || 31,893 | 73, 871 5 4.--383brn 757 | 2 ; 600] . 7,640 8 186]. 3,252 || 40,578] 143,153] 2,633 | 41,496 52,139] 3 a oid Bata) i ee 103] 2)347 || | 24978 | . 71,524} --2'972| -- 30,607 20,760 | 4 _ 76 442 49 637 687 30, 727 sntinn San 6 4 721 meapteshyire a 5 . 61 i) ede Ma a ee bod RE 1,83 19,533 | 6 ; 293 |. 1,623 2 28 is3 || 15,420| 36,572 361 4’ 332 11,846 | 7 cae et od eee go7 | --8,533 || 36,141 | 181,629 --2, 721 1 eet tonepthy 8 : 438} 3,301), 250 60|., 200 3,342 | 16,558 52 Beers | rots ae 9 Bt wee | | oO Ets. 199 | 2, 103 5,821 | 41,172 | 11, 086 6,240 1,771 | 10 eave gal eesuy 3 a eee 2,082 | 19,024 31 5,805 | 374,421 | 11 Bt) + tg3s4"|" 31,085 J.....5- 565'| 6,585 || 36,747 | 66,684} 3,837 | 59,336 | 2,978,491 | 12 3 | 232970} 36,685} 372 || 1,282) 19,168 || 69,766 | 413,309 | 17,047 |. 52,050 | . 207,610 | 13 | 6,001 | 236,662 | 1,315 || 11,755 | 346,924 || 869, 948 | 7, 863,150 | 63,384 | 2,120,114 | 286,660 | 14 ~ | 2409} 63,682] 7375 || 4,516 | 108,672 || 279,022 | 3,765,545 | 8,472 | "859,874 | 286, 660 | 15 | 182| 10,1121, 250 B77,| 21,881 || 16,752 / 502,075 |.....,...- 10-700 bs es 16 - | 3,410 | 157,868] °690 || 6,662 |° 216,371 || 574,174 | 8,595,530 | 54,912 | 1,249,481 J... 17 | 2,669} 15,166 | 169 |] 1,748.) 10,498 || 30,626 | 108, 075 228 | 2,417] 29,117 | 18 ae + Re Pessoa soa |] 1 Oe th. 725 POH 28 1,919 | 19 14,834 | 169 966 | 7,974 || 30,626 | 97,350 228 2, 389 27,198 | 20 ma eos, Rice sar seer eel CEMA GE ss Oa 446 | 21 14,425 | 268 851 | 4,621 |] 43,033 | 106, 045 775 | 11,844] 102,410 | 22 9,491 | 109|| 800) 4,172 || 38,096 | 60, 259 637 2) 898 72,051 | 23 4,934 | ° 159 51 449 4,937 | 45,786 138 8, 946 30,359 | 24 81,179.| 72 160| 5,551 || 21,939 | 404,013 273 | 90,341. 4,855 | 25 otic ef 44 555 913 | 12,530 18 796 15, 257 | 26 "if ROO A -200.| 2,681 || 15, 500 9, 142 Bll 1,736 5,014 | 27 671 | 25 61 545 620 RY a respely Bie 182 4,241 28 IES EIR itt MAR Gk eRe |S lS a 9 SSR: z 9 1 5 3 854 3 Ri ig 39. 12537 3 he) RP 7 19 73 5,35 5,139 |. 7| 31 51,385 |... {| 3,080 | 57,240 |/1,105, 503 | 3,619, 534 | 319, 563 123,716, 521 | 26,919, 052 | 22 17, 649 5 |i. 1,249.1 . 14,544 || 42 195 127, 650 16 4,124 oy a8 33 A) een i4 13 : : : 34 1,918;}o.----- 74 274 928 3, 158 16 84 950 | 35 OEY aR RE Te ae Boi SRR 43 1, 889 NO Peover 33 189 | 36 1,090 f......- 5 20 53 B79 108 ee 37 ei) en 69 254 346 897 6 4 749 | 38 12, 864 |....... 2,777 | 10,372 5,856 | 127,928 68 1,176 20,378 | 39 957i Tw .n-:l- 2383 | 8, 916 3586 | 108,942 [28 Se 817 5,093 | 40 ee ea ee Ge db oF ae 158 425 ‘ . 8,565| 116 || 1,510] 8,319 7,761 | 191,882 292 | 46, 087 77,055 | 43 2°845 | 80 324 1, 367 4126 | 71,021 174} © 227777 36,320 | 44 5,720.|.. 36 || 1,186 | 6,952 3,635 | 120, 861 118 | 23,310 40,735 | 45 a 116 372 1,650 2, 416 19 3 1,488 | 46 1246 ABSTRACT ‘OF THE CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES, [See note at head Of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.]. ~~ POWER AND FUEL USED. ] Primary power." Owned by establishments reporting. INDUSTRY. Num- lit 920) ber of di ‘| Total : Internal- Water wheels seb primary Bream engines combustion | and water A By cao horse- f engines. | motors. report Oe ree be aie 2 ay Ran eae ing. : rit ; ne ‘|| Num- | Horse- |Num- Horse- Num- Horse- ber. | power. | ber. Peer: ber. power. 1 | Plated ware, °- oi ...... 3". seri? “e4 | | 14262 || 1'38]. 8,018} @}°-2007' 10}! © S12 2 Knives, forks, spoons, and 18 10, 000 18 5, 488 1 oa > 8 355 other’ flatware. | vehisy On 3 HOOW WLC! on. --- bigs te - + - <0 27 3,085 15 1,805 3 100.7%, 2 ft doe 4 All other .ji--. 7... . beescccccent 19 L167 | x 725 Beh” GG dees» a> feb are + 5 Plamibers’ supplies, not elsewhere |..199| 29,762 || 99] 16,089 he 670. yn 8 hy eats specifie | : 6 | |Pocketbooks-,.... 2. ... |. paw ae... e'e 113 ASL. |} d\n saree lip ooo =m aw Joo sene|eccesdamines peelbina wars 5 2 7.| Pottery.......... > elaaeaeh gescedsberen | 296 | 29,090 || 242]. 18,500] 49] 1,113}. 2] ‘106 8 Chinawagre.- 3022 2-8 caw Gt 157 20, 972 163 | 12,242 15°t" °° 8d 2 106 9 Earthen and stone ware....... 112 6, 669 65 5,302 | 32 G52 ea Be 10 PS nes Ss sh moe og én Sake 27 vs 449, 14 |.°° > 965 2 IOs fy se+5| +> oo = f 11 | Poultry, killing and dressing, not 87 4,016 36 | 1, 951 4}. 7 74 pa ash a done in slaughtering and meat- | . yt hee ¢ ok packing establishments. were Vis aap . Tome): 12 Printltig and publishing, book and |11,875 |. 131,961 141. . 13,865 | 400 a 095}. 26 75 jo ah 13 i ob prints Wy Panaid sss <. Oe 11,351, | 123,786 121 |. 11,817.) ,394 |... 2, 942 24}: 0 d4 14 Book publishing and ‘Stinting 122 6, 675 19 1,973 5 1AQi Te oc bahs) wig sales 15| . Book’ publishing ‘without | .- 102 ” 286 1 ye pg aa daghign naw babies avo 5 printing. | ; : : 16 Linotype work and ifiesdtting 300 1 ily 9 | A Ug Be 1 4 2 1 17'| Printing and publishing, misic.. 26 Gade Sos 2 ee eae 0 Ea TE cates 18 Printing and publishing....... 20 iy 2: | | Sean F ea aS ie FL WO) Iikraent of AP cette 19 Publishing without printing...| . 6 61 ||-.-----|---24--0- 1 ee eee 20.| Printing and. publishing,, news- [12,735 | 194,361 |} 229 | 25,066 |3,927 |.13,277| 160] 784 papers and periodicals. ; a ig 21 Printing ang ublishing....... 1, 163 85, 008 86} 15,614] 117] 1,259 4 14 22 pan publishing, and job {11,395 | 106, 881 141 9,152 |3,801 | 11,959 | 156 770 printing., a : L 23 _ Publishing without printing...| 177 2, 472 yo 800 9} BOF eke oti ob aati 24 | Printing materials................- 74 1,357 i 213 4 of Stay ol rel ona 25°| Pulp, from fiber other than wood.. 5 833 2, BAe 3 ae slereseeeep 2 400 Cee) ROUGH ok seta s Shea sac oe 38 12, 273 53 6; 7b2 1222203 ucane 17 | 2,015 27 Wall Dore tor tress nes) toa 9 1,668 7 5 gt a seketete Cy a ta | 70 28 fete hi qd adhe Sin ate. -t tke Gaiald 4 WabUn MA. 5, 020i des «aan as ef 16] 1,945. 29 Pumps, not “ideInatng power | 119] 10,346 || 26] 2,025} 21} g09]' 5} + 209 | ‘pumps. ‘ | “of ee , 30 | Pum s, steam and other power... 106 22, 155 53'| 10,053] 17°} °° 670 ‘9.1 t M99 31 TORUS Se eat ead c es Nae eee ec Le 60 17, 699 “AT |" °8,535 12 601. 2]: 90 32 Other power... 2. 2cp25502520) ~~ 46 4,456 6 1, 518 a3"? **" GOs i ool oh ue eel 32,| Refrignrators.. 1... d.o0--2.2-st 111] 13,232 47| 8,009} .. 14 465 VG ne Nahe 34.| Regalia, and ‘society badges and 81 1, 333 2 260 4 SBGLS fc s/~ be yd emblems. . 35 | Rice, cleaning and polishing....... ey SB | | | 27,382 94] 18,881.) 21 7 i Na RI i 2 eas 36 | Roofing materials........2......... 133] 39,827 || 138} 15,847 S 253 | 12| 2,145 37 Metal shingles and ceiling......, , 22 ” 861 1 100 3 LUT Ne oe « athe Comat 38 All other. .........--. SS | ll 38, 466 137.) 15, 747 5}. 7% 12| 2,145 39 | Rubber tires, tubes, and rubber | 404 | 354,188 || 455 | 194,459 |- 30] 3,367 | 37| 2,534 goods, not elsewhere specified. tas 40 | Rules, ivory and wood....+........ Me Ag “299 1 150 Kb 41 | Saddlery and harness.............. 1, 026 8, 212 25 1,279 55 282 2 38 ee a ** : d i a i Rented dd Seer . Electric. 4 pom Horse- ; “"") power -504.| 5, 482 . 423 | 4,125 © |, 25128 |) y 1,023 Oiarere 334 y 1,110) 12,563 x — 870) 481 | 1,263} 9,312 4 1,036 | 7,723 |} cola 1) 115 : » 86 474 185} 1,958 66,783 | 114, 441 | 63,476 | 108, 468 ‘1.778 |... 4,.553 NR ag 8 ROE 1,382} 1,209 272 622 | 255 563 17 59 48,987 | 154, 947 14,379 | 68,113 34,083 | 84, 723 “525 | 2,111 »320 1, 055 oa Ot: 83 263| 3, 506 57 766 -206| 2, 740 978} 7,308 1, 067 | -11, 282 675 | 8,413: 392 | 2, 869 p81 | 4, 555 364} 1, 008 188} 5, 762 1,133 | 21, 002 "63 579 1,070 | ° 20, 423 | 7,083 | 153, 214 wy 88 1,890! 6,606 Electric motors run by current Fuel used. Coal. gonerated in the establishments tbigaiy reporting. Coke Oil, Gas Other. ’ Anthra- | Bitumi- | (tons of | including (1,000 cite nous 2,000 asoline cubic (tons of | (tons of lbs.). (barrels). feet). acy 2,240 2,00 Horse-|} Num- | « Horse- Ibs.). Ibs.) power.|| ber. power 40 624 5, 886 7, 973 45, 675 241 10, 288 47, 040 “pat: 502 4,587 ||. 5,581 30, 158 111 10, 026 21, 790 “kas 98 681 1, 422 11, 898 50 242 14, 025 40 24 118 1, 020 3,619 | 80 20 11, 225 67 736 7, 565 7,391 | | 146,178 | 32,999 54, 895 204, 429 CS ge PRB 569 ~“‘Bopabseumude uss 1 1, 355 |° 50 || 824] 4,835 || 34,958] 610,562) 1,017 | ---41, 853 | 6, 645, 388 50 797 4,526 || 33,644} 484,928 975 25,461 | 5,337, 658 boson 10 127 1,155 93, 362 42 14, 207 928, 728 ot 3 17 182 159 Be EO Sci coal 2, 185 379, 002 ig 69 253 || £07 82 19, 944 10 745 14,515 485 || 2,932]. 9,396 || 38/453 | 126, 443 1, 421 8,709 |. 766, 737 485 || 2, 595 8,292 || 31,329] 118, 825 1, 346 7,180 | 516, 859 ee Ah 3 1, 1038 6,073 6, 848 72 1, 518 6, 534 BS 5h. HOU 28. ORR 736 PE Ie pi AST OG aes 5 457 ete 3° 1 315 336 3 rl 239, 887 nc t i ” RE: eo 160 1 Ok e408 fo sok 50 796 Se Se BN ee 3 1, 054 alulegi.} 50 796 © Sis LS RRS ANE 157 AD. | onan Steclateca .. oP tHOP TODO 287 ||. 4,609 | 17,743 || 121,799 | 193, 231 4, 115 88, 066 | 1, 720, 403 8 || 2,088] 10,349 |] 48,750 66,613 | 2,186) 61,417 906, 620 277 || 2,512 7,887 || 72,330} 121,637 1, 929 26, 530 755, 401 2 9 7 719 BOY eae 119 58, 382 6 | 9 18 1, 722 1916 .|.. laze 2 11, 653 ELS) eis gal res Tee B04) PGB, T1Glewocuwus cl eeaus eee RON oe iy, oct 201 | 3,022 1,835 | 198,142 160 618 1,477 rete 34 326 HoMecs 4. t Bp Nabe | ats ts. 376 | 4ahe ss og...) 167 2, 696 1,835 | 184, 581 160 | 242 1, 477 gee 133 1, 211 1, 453 24,580 |... 6,936 768 91, 380 60 262 3,624 || 19, 551 70,101 | 17, 823 22, 254 40, 376 60 158 1, 427"/|, 19,092 54,091 | . 14,053 21, 819 18, 430 ie, 2) 104:|) 2, 197 “459 16,010 | 3,770 435 21, 946 203 418} 2,415 628 [87247 | ik 967 2, 210 9, 395 12 54 194 268 4,113 544 107 4, 694 2, 042 67 875 WOR.) 16, 855}|.... 200. eh -++ 5B, 066- RA Oe To. so'|| 536| 8,353 || 25,400| 365,026] 15,384] 159,785| 136,830 Bile. i: see a 101 1, 063 122 166 2, 209 75 536 8,353 || 25,209 363,963 | 15,262 | 159, 619 134, 621 614 || 6,533 | 151,153 || 84,915 | 1, 928, 116 3,651 | 229, 785 283, 760 “ia St, at ce cca Be oh om bdo 904 1.0.22... c.1. AieEataRe 1, 856 TAL eom-B5 245 20, 821 : 437 22, 877 1,613 UNITED STATES, BY! INDUSTRIES: - 1919—Continued. _______ [See pote at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.]- (POA */GENERAT/“TABLES, © POWER AND FUEL USED—continued. ee se = SE er ee ee nie ae | er A 1247 CoOorT Oo NH Pw Ne —_ — 1248 ABSTRACT OF THE, CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES. TaBLE $0,—-DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] POWER AND FUEL USED. Primary power. Owned by establishments reporting. INDUSTRY. Num- ber of} m | <7, otal : Internal- | Water wheels pg primary ptoata anes combustion | and water ents horse- : engines. motors. rep ort.| Power MB: Num-| Horse- |Num-| Horse- |Num-| Horse- ber. || power. | ber. | power.| ber. | power. 1 | Safes and vaults >. sc.) 2. 2 soc... 33 5, 342 il 1, 240 5 ps yee Pee | Ban SE 2 Bales. i) gael. 2. | bets esas dot 17 2,770 11 1; 2407}. ..5.8 Hes. = pane h cocoate Sus 55. 3 Meults 2. 30602. 4 0. 19 52,541, {| 296] 52, 18h ..c.-u} 2. to dale Sindigab pee ar. 7: 38 sulp uric, nitric, and mixed acids.. 37, 30,637 127.| 12,672). .15| 1,755 39 | Surgical appliances a Oe SPL AEE 182 12; 387 27 7, 710 8 151 40 | Suspenders, garters; and, elastic 179 9, 028 27 3,019 b0 3 joes 6d woven goods, e li ‘- 41 | Textile machinery and parts.....-. 417 | 41,997 139 | 20,2471 50 862 | 2, 59 42'| Theatricalscenery............0..24 ~ 12 TOE We do 2/6 ge BS! ed So EAGER Fi se Oe, 2 ap ae 43 | Tin and other foils, not elsewhere | 15] 6, 991 81's kySBS- Bil*T BO Tooke ee specified. Mf ter’ } fGenyuiery Oe ace i. MUTT FOIL: Mee cole: Meese oe cee 12 6, 989 8 1,885 7°" 377% 3 PR ore hain aia oinas cece 3 Bic cstulcc cack el eee ONE eee j wm OE ms COLES iA GENERAL TABLES. UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note'at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.) Primary power—Contd. Se ey eee ee : Electric motors run by current generated in the establishments reporting. » Rented. POWER AND: FUEL USED-continued. Fuel used. ee ee | | blll | tit ee i ee ee a Coal. Anthra-*|' Bitumi- cite nous (tons of | (tons of 2,240 : Ibs.). lbs.). 26, 839 55, 353 835,129 | 1, 123, 590 795, 904 | 1, 020, 013 39,225 | 103, 577 107,932 | 606, 385 167 12, 062 2, 427 18, 927 3,377 54, 978 1, 004 139 app 9, 013 1,491 23, 511 882 22,315 19,523 | 330,237 19,438 91, 375 85 | 224,714 Ld Beh be 3,555 10, 593 5,481 22,169 18 302 5,413 21, 867 1,223 1, 880 34,490 | 208, 393 2,606 | | 69,445 31,884 | 138,948 1,225} 231,581 444 20, 960 228 125 1, 404 3; 558 13, 369 161, 318 11,959 | 134,811 1,320 25, 705 90 802 1, 058 60, 685 20,990 | 331,698 wat BOR. SL 1, 047, 643 1, 233 29, 823 406,248 | 987, 690 52, 865 259, 615 823 45, 764 1, 538 36, 661 14,015 91, 551 20 172 8, 545 4, 287 8, 542 4, 284 3 3 24, 765 6,653 9, 477 5, 092 3, 543 _ 100 147, 474 96, 770 50, 704 13,789 3, 333 9 97 121, 676 99, 929 125, 262 112 430 6, 563 473 3 27, 645 12} 19, 231 18, 886 142, 725 55, 746 163,312 94,923 54,351 13, 636 402 | 43 126, 134 8746 117, 388 37, 380 5,318 564, 268 |. 1, 039, 666 1, 705, 513 179, 716 2,896: 460 oe es 3 461 70 1251 36, 532 | 24,343, 653 22,788, 806 1, 554, 847 12, 023 2,351 45, 870 1, 167,812 76, 709 236,'067 783, 456 71, 580 823, 894 203, 615 398, 175 299, 975 72,377 227, 598 77,040 26,340 2,214 77,747" | 104, 460 86, 827 16, 863 770 116, 614 626, 774 196,953 yOOe 16, 190 » 52,310 659° -_ 1252 OO. NOor © be & &E Ssets > > Sa5 INDUSTRY. Num- ber of estab- lish- ments report ing. Tin plate and terneplate.......-..-. 23 Tinware, not elsewhere specified...} 236 Tobacco, chewing and smoking, 247 and snuff. Plug or chewing. .:. WA.....2. 63 eitukelal el eh tous eae ued 5 230 |... 4. Roe Vasey —114| 16,844) 148: 55 | 3,290 25 | 2,655) 18 . 7 48 "620 21 |. 2, 867 8 |. ney B42 | 99} 1 6,872) | oe Ree gee. 39| 4,450} 90 | 2,683} “29 | | 1,514 : * ti < t'% ape 44} 5,520-| 45 691 | +27 | | 9692 4B | - -4) 455 | --10-+ i Lae i eee 253. | 1,843 | 269 . 16 | |. ,.80. 4 G48, | Bi ->-- SOP, - 40. |---9;888 |--» B+ Leased Ie mt 30 8, 672 1 Tiewufeigaca tes 4 140} 4] a Rete &} aX. 6 576 1 | Boi sadbherees « bells bale ge oh telat eg: bellies han: ey ee sah cis babe 15], 2,404) 9 | BB fenaneelennnn ne 105}. 9,400 | 12) 100). 25) 1,728) 17 BER | Me he | a h67 61} 6,585 3 BB) 1,541 a) 595 yet Se aleesnaas Soe paae Tt 22 |. 1,365 |- 10- 5 gPe eh 37) 69 |. -4; 748 | 1 ese “60 “976 |" "7, 863") 295 I {6 2,337 105| 4.4711 68 OPS 7 1 | Beg 171'| 3,392] 232} 2,230) 79 | 2937 NedTed opty ADF 2. re eae as ee 86] 12,457] 23 | ns 184 16 | 2,929} 15. Po! agg Pb | ORD 25 | 3,430]! 15 0.86] “Us 18 | 2/130 6 | 5]. 885 Pls 1 SORFE 9. 1] © 50 1 100| 2 2 eae rs * hla | eS i B ) >} 1's ‘ LE eT Re goth ee | A 11}? 2,040) 6] 4,008} 1] = 250 i S74 ban MeO the te meta hl ee 0s panes : fr ; eee aoe wheels] | comibtation and water 20) 52 @BNBRAU TABLES, 1258 UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] POWER AND FUEL USED-continued. Primary power—Contd. Fuel used. Ae, ~~ || Electric motors . Rented. 00 6°0)../)>- run by current Coal. generated in the establishments _Teporting. - Coke Oil Gas Anthra- | Bitumi- | (tons of | including| (1,000 cite nous 2,000 gasoline cubic (tons of] (tons. of Ibs.). (barrels). feet). . 2,240 : Num- |) Horse- lbs.). lbs.). ‘ber: 436 122 68, 728 7 3,578 | 114,963 | 1 2,388 23,961 115, 196 1,342. 13, 872 402, 702 2 715 6,391 | 156,953 723 1,739 3,207 | 3 404 872 72, 861 287 1,678 566 | 4 225 2, 946 63, 446 » 300 8 1,590 | 5 85 2,410 | | 19,147 136 53 821 | 6 1 163 UC 0 ed RM) nar a 230°) 27 1, 127° B8,325 | 124,335 1,042 2, 830 113,324} 8 178 33, 532 44,520 1, 000 430 101,696 | 9 948 2, 670 78, 749 42 2, 400 11,628 | 10 ae 2,123 Lj OGG hieca vel SA AO SE oy A Ii 580: 16, 242 147, 690 6, 324 149,157 486,551 | 12 23 3,397 | | 21, 204 1,011 24, 207 154,955 | 13 St 3,500} 15,550 208 2,759 7807 | 14 292 3, 642 63, 394 2,010 68, 004 140, 764 | 15 214 5, 703 47, 542 3, 095 54, 187 182,935 | 16 _ 1A 5,700 | 21,902.}. 1,297 688 60,678 | 17 -337-| 2,145 | ; » 25,447 109 168 15,671 | 18 oe Ae eee ore BAS lit hse154151. 2) .a6k.. 4,302 |. .- 2) sae), 19 “512 OBA | BAA 192.1 os eels 146 3)135 | 20 / 606° 17, 343 32, 203 1, 286 15, 426 68,632 | 21 526 14, 699 31, 250 784 15,366 62,195 | 22 EEE eile oe oe re 93 953 502 y 420 | 23 80 322. LoS ape MITE WAR 58 1,017 | 24 RRLAUIE BB. BE PEORIA g » TOO HII, BIT UPR MTE SAIN OUT A A ER 25 - 28 9,737 5,434 50 6, 640 8,521 | 26 28 5, 923 53, 532 130 3, 204 9,351 | 27 14 5,529 28, 355 130 Ty 903% eee << 28 6 297 10). 201" Tere xk ee 311 9,101 | 29 8 10 19871 eS 940 {eee 30 “SSO PA a 87 7 MR i RE, SO RR 250 | 31 240 17,359 33, 828 19, 272 3, 984 53,681 | 32 4 ga Nae 61 234 22 2,203 | 33 107 2,785 44, 964 541 5,353 5,388 | 34 60 1, 173 37, 296 432 3, 154 3,613 | 35 47 1,612 7,668 109 2,199 1,775 | 36 174 13, 672 VES ds oo 10 2,600 | 37 224 9,151 | 154,116 5,167 | 109,535 10, 855 | 38 76 1,110 19,496 | 9,775 1, 521 27,629 | 39 21 3, 278 13,542 162 2,748 15,906 | 40 oa Led SR aR Bis 2,905 ee Rae aes 2,739 590 | 41 21 373 7, 847 162 9 15,316 | 42 BPH Ce Nate x af alas may, oto le 618 774 HOG SS 880 1,793 | 43 ott ES he ee 600 BR Ais va 3 1,006 | 44 6. SHS ER Sa ees 18 GE: PS oe yas 877 787 | 45 340 1,127 22, 141 180 2, 553 63,711 | 46 811 5, 535 $4 Ba A 7,959 37,515 | 47 354 50 p10 Me Oe ean 6, 676 36,072 | 48 457 5, 485 te Sa 1; 283 1, 49 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES: 1919, TABLE 90.—DETAILED STATEMENT FOR THE [See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and-1173.] INDUSTRY. Window and Window a cont or > Whore Wire rope All other: Wood distillati Wood, turned Wool pulling Wool scouring Wool shoddy Wood preserving Wooden goods, Woolen and worsted goods. . Woolen goods Worsted goods All other industries !. . door screens and weather strips. nd door screens Weatherestrips... -. ASE5. 2.0405 Se Wirework, not elsewhere specified and cable et wee ew wee Woven-wire fencing........... i i0n. and carved. not elsewhere Se POWER AND FUEL USED. Primary power. Owned by establishments reporting. ber of a er O , ; Total JiWign Internal- | Water wheels} estab- | primary Steam engines | combustion | and water merits horse- ; engines. motors. report- REWEte Pd aan ner amet: Ae Mctiges me ecelbenem. | me. Num-}| Horse- |Num-| Horse- |Num-| Horse- | ber. | power. |’ ber, | power. | ber. | power. i 765 || 10 490.|.. 8. Linn Poop sitar och 22 853 2 175 | 2 45, cor aB | 30| 4,761 21| 2,860] 10] 203 1,160 187] 7,530 23 | 4,452| 30| 337 315 161 7, 348 23.) 4,452| 281. 320), 315 | 26 ¥S2\)/ 4. a o|.-- ap cee 2 nb 3 Reepees ier ane 197| 8,948], 22] 6015} 6] 114 ~ 300 | 66 | 119,451 || 129} 61,666], 8 | 1,966: 639 433 | 29,074 63 | 10,570) 77 | 1,266) » 495 15 | | 7,199 6| 27480 | ~ bbe gp oe Semen ss. 50 |... 3,633 3 725. | . Ut CSOD geeek a Se 368 | 18,242 54| 7,365| 65). 1,002 “495 | 93 | 15,938 || 209] 12,736] 35| 810 109 68 | 16,269 |} 214] 15,279) 8 gob on Hh a fe 653 | 39,958 || 387} 27,040] 91| 2,515 9, 744 228 | 25,906 || 128) 19,306) 49|) ‘629 “394 | 23 | 2,162 19{ 1,320] 1] 4150} 120 32| 9,790 931 “5,905 |.-.5-th saad » 875 77| 16,694 45| 6,544| . 2 76 2,949 835 | 468,480 || 957 | 311,966} 45] 1,793 76, 181 552 | 172,947 || 451 | 85,499| 39] 1,577 46, 705 233 | 295,533 || 506} 226,467] 6) 216 29; 476 2 154 1 150, 1 Comprises the elsewhere specified, ~ followin x7 as ow. I Ye i> a industries with number of establishments as indicated: “Straw goods, not, lebone qneting,’: 1; and ‘wood carpet,’’ 3 ; GENERAL TABLES, — ed 1255 UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. eoath) ai <) & abet ~ “" See note at head of this table, pp. 1172 and 1173.] a eaecen nanan POWER AND FUEL USED-continued. | Primary power—Contd. Fuel used. i Electric motors Rented. run by current Coal. +i) generated in the establishments reporting. Coke Oil, Gas Electric. Other. Anthra- | Bitumi- | (tons of | including (1,000 ' , cite nous 2,000 gasoline cubic ; > ; (tons of (tons of Ibs.). (barrels). feet) SE eesegeun gp H N H Ibs). iis). orse. orse- um- orse- 8.)3 S.). F j eotors. power. |power.|! ber. | power. 07 [i pe 73 135 181 1,729 2 ea este eee 1 HOS eA. . 1 1 69 1373 ICG, tou 11 900 | 2 463 75 145 1,626 208 18,921 6, 945 1,877 619 | 3 2,411 15 166 1, 640 180 45 660 Se eee 400 8,210 | 4 2,246 15 166 1,640 141 T, 448 bis cee caus 398 5,739 | 5 S58) ER Ps DEES sie ‘Ag G12) dak Sea. 2h 2 al ae pO 2SSETM Pf 2 381 5, 268 1,944 59, 798 500 850 VS ys ety 55, 030 150 1,181 31, 616 12,573 726,940 1 18,547 176,282 419,310 | 8 16, 705 38 1,217 6, 212 21, 158 72, 873 2; 390 25, 639 104,211 | 9 Sf EpT04 eR .. 197 1,941 ||. ° 17,474 6, 802 | 240 11,115 38,995 | 10 2, 654 5 31 638 198 8, 548 266 2,150 25,381 | 11 9,347 33 989 3, 633 3, 486 57, 523 1, 884° 12, 374 39, 835 | 12 1,533 750 144 2, 278 40, 677 508, 747 4s Stes 38222 67,259 | 1,798,302 | 13 782 165 131 2, 438 27 139, 410 88 73, 965 343, 230 | 14 7,423} 236 435 2,723 1, 631 14,999 4 182 1, 624 19,314 | 15 4,955 | 32 370 3, 369 1,019 16,082 | °°» 268 971 3,272 | 16 JR 2, Nae 11 160 664 |. 17,268 1,352 3, 372 4,217 | 17 » 2,970 80 44 574 576 55, 920 45 CP cs ol pats gue, 18 _ 6,998 | 127 66 2,201 6, 813 45, 660 535 225 4,513 | 19 |. 76,279 | 2,261 || 10,601 | 154,841 |]. 214,399 | 1,541,539 3,551 | 851,348 52,094 | 20 38,410 | 756 || 2,326 | 25,791 || 53,192 | © 646,140 3, 010 42, 973 47,012 | 21 37,869 | 1,505 |} 8,275 | 129,050 || 161, 207 895, ws 641 808, 375 5, vee 22 STE Ee OO a Eig | RN Ne Bk pn We O00 19377 cobs vy eeee 550 | 23 1256 ABSTRACT OF THE; CENSUS—-MANUFACTURES, TABLE 91.—DETAILED, STATEMENT, FOR THE UNITED STATES, [This table is made up in three _— — SO QT Ca H> Go bo DIVISION AND STATE. United States... 020). 1, inebe GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New Hngland....{...-..--.4 Bi . Middle: Atlanticwot.. ola vow ke East-Norti Central.... <2 West North Centrah -...--- 2. oxs. SoathA tlantic. 1... ib ETB: | East South Centraliiws -4 -- - -|- 2¢0- West South'Central...:..... ek . Mountain.......-.---- ee ii New ee hie 6. J -gps..-.--0 Bm Veermon by ogee ede as b-= -) sas PF RIN OWiARTOEY sco cop ae o csinte gis oR ole a Pennsylvania, -.. i... ..---..5 ee East. NORTH. CENTRAL: Ohi ‘ Michigans, 2... 4-9¢¢-4---- 1 -AHe PPV ISCON Mths fae lec atacs ccs < SS : WEsT NORTH CENTRAL: MITIIOSO LA eae 3 Coe een ee wake TQWA..} om ‘West South Central-| 11,727 Mountain... 2.2... 6, 227 eas lis. s rain 16,648 NEW. ENGLAND ERAT O Sat aire als 2, toute 2,481 New Hampshire....| 1,350 VETIMONG ores. ve eo re Bera ee Massachusetts. ..... 10, 080 Rhode Island.......| . 2,035 Connecticut. ...-... 4,054 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: OW oN OEMs ose 38, 082 New Jersey.....---+ 9, 209 Pennsylvania... -| 22,194 Bast NoRTH CENTRAL: AP Oca, ie st ole, apiagn nates 13, 624 Indiana. ---| 6,540 PERILS oe in cre 14, 223 Michigan.........24| 6,923 WA ISCODSIA. 1. asm es 8, 294 West NoRTH CENTRAL Minnesota...-.2.... 5, 150 LOWS. $ Seda seni ee 6 4,740 MUISSOUM ea sbaieaie te 4: 6,773 North Dakota...... 748 South Dakota...... 1, 222 Nebraska..........- 2,420 WOUSAS as lowes’ c4 2, 903 SouTH ATLANTIC Delaware. .......-.. 587 MOST VIAN se aa a. os, 3,907 District of Cohimbia 427 PAT SITUA ok ihe reitj- sae 5, 008 West Virginia. ..... 2, 405 North Carolina..... 5, 581 South Carolina... -. 1,810 TOOT PURE. Set wety ce. 4,101 PLOMIGS be le adie~ esd 1, 807 East SouTH CENTRAL: Kentucky. ...250.4. 3, 372 Tennessee........-.-. 4,088 PlADBING «ici ccreni oie. ccs 3, 264 Mississippi.........- 2,200 West SoutTH CENTRAL: ATKANSAS o.oo sai 2, 806 Louisiana........... 2, 225 Oklahoma. ......... 2,022 DOXAS. sek po arse gee] 4,009 MOUNTAIN: Montana... -- ce. 'r4s 1,076 BOING ok ore i antic cs i 809 Wy VOUMIN GT ocx ws. 468 Colorado... -¥ 4.06 2, 099 New Mexico. -...'... 324 AETEOMG co kiss cons 400 BIGAL . inka dec ie gee 910 NOVAS sce «+ saree oc 141 PACIFIC: Washington ........ 4,224 Oregoneccecsecsess 2,368 California........... 10, 056 547,028 349) 138 185, 095 1 be 729, 878, 321,016 664, 691 2, 936, 530 1, 146,744. 4) 454, 386 2, 897, 497 1, 095, 912 i: 660, 918 "ie 202, 128 "878, 682 473, 957 242) 946 477, 303 17, 791 22) 191 125, 814 234, 110 85,150 406, 768 33, 079 419, 946 328, 653 549, 878. 395, 556 436, 608 139) 456 247, 573 338, 814 628, 376 200, 814 || 214, 194 || 388, 605 139, 983 443° 207 153, 491 73, 876 17, 869 206, 309 17, 260 103, 958 93, 942 19, 874. 687, 436 304, 346. 766, 016 PRIMARY POWER. - Owned by establishments reporting. * » hae Pod Steam engines and turbines. 15, 534 ” 5 722 3, 609 5, 294 3,411 4, 441. power. 1,867, 434 5, 250, 72 4361, 731 173, 855 147, 240 51,381 964, 932 189, 280 "340, 746 1,299, 548 781,434 3, 169,790 1, 782, 512 "521; 446 997, 338 592, 911 467, 524 198,186 119, 442 111, 487 175, 210 227, 206 468,746 183; 990 183, 400 332, 154 79, 707 281; 371 453,308 165, 801 211, 256 Water wheels and water motors. Internal-com- bustion engines. Num- |. Horse- ber. | power. ~ 3? eat | 3967 168 7, 383 0312 | ee 252° 5, 012'| 102) 124] "569, |’: 927 8’ 754 | 136,579 '| 2,127 1,958 | 22,893] 7532 2’816 |" 81, 260 | 86 868 | 9,971 | 188° 1, 839 |,,, 33,309. 385 400}. 4,481 || a 104 | 274, 528 106 | 1,676 | “etl | “115, 375 174'| - 23.959 407 | 11,297 | 1,252 108 |....3,188 |. ,266 481 | 10,928 |... 671. 3,076'| 113,415 | “1,986 | 1) 303 |.,.40, 830 |. -304 3, 722'| 256,067 | 1,351 2,797 | 147,039 | «295 1,003 | 189) 271 |. > 158 1/195 | 55,782 | ~° 149 ABE 1,612 |, 16,706 |. * 897 | 762'| 33,848], 2051 |- 809} 7,030). 94 1,228 | 22,049]. . 98 |. 7989. 1,981 | = 6 |: 682 |. 8203 |. 81 798 | 25,7311... 76 | 91 |... 1,607 |. 108 567 | 65,493 |. 222) | ba Eae 2, 108 Teattie bik, 532 | 9,067| 630 779 |. 38,972 | 348 | 406 | 6,556 | * 548 | 257| 2,472] ° 126 607 |. 5,603 |, 125 |, 461 | 4,706 |. 15 |. ? 7Ae 733 |- 10,623 |= 128! 5471 5,718] 297. 376 |. 3,595}... 100! 302 fre 2, 957 | 2) 12, 422| 6,620} ©. 25 | 587 | 13,9 mB! 744 | 24198 1,. 22! 1,063 | 36,579} 34. | 224 | ~ 1,484 |= 9 23)). » 60 578 ie 34]. 233 | | 2,186 | 37,|. 1,184 68 | °1,773 | 2. me I re Le : t 3 ; 536 | 6,123 | °° 87/|° "7,723 | 250 |-~-2.166-|- 188-|--43,-252 1,053 | 25,020| 110] 7,704 GENERAL TABLES. BY GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND STATES: 1919—Continued. PRIMARY POWER—CoOn. Rented. Electric. Horse- Motors. power. 996, 000 |9, 347, 556 118, 896 |1, 130, 308 314, 503 |2, 455, 360 _—_——— | | | | | | | | — | | 279, 394 (2, 659, 498 2,761 | 596, 189 74,766 | 887,201 22,783 | 311,138 22) 337 | 218, 558 18,002 | 259,619 72,558 | 829,685 7,043 | 92,749 6,379 | 84,601 4,478 | 61,090 65,360 | 551, 521 12,231 | 97,95 23,405 | 242,390 170, 262 |1, 170,977 41,180 | ' 305,762 103,061 | 978,621 82,899 | 945,341 36,392 | 373,689 79,263 | 590,241 626 | 540,757 27,214 | 209,470 18,119 | 167, 965 14,605 | 112,486 23,502 | 181,556 1,230| 5,490 2,032 | 10,227 6,285 | 46,177 6,988 | 72,288 1,617 | 19,307 15,654 | 155,031 2,7 19, | 12,773 | 114,818 5,140 | 62,917 16,339 | 197,384 7,985 | 137,561 9,951 | 157,568 27605 | 22, 655 6,187 | 56, 808 8,469 | 98,274 , 6,666 | 142,412 1,461 | 13,644 2,484 | 21,493 4,394 | 41,091 : 3,976 | 35,435 : 11,483 | 120, 539 . 3,715 | 101,910 : 1,636 | 18,207 g98| 7,500 5,717 | 57,323 512| 3,364 1,354 847 3,738 | 41,275 432 | 5, 193 13,944 | 215,921 7,544 | 92,576 51,070 | 521, 188 Other. Horse- power. 94, 600 17,028 25, 048 32, 586 ELECTRIC MOTORS RUN BY CURRENT GENERATED IN THE ESTABLISH- MENTS REPORTING. Horse- power. Num- ber. 68, 337 | 796, 265 192,294 |2,612,659 150, 948 |2,224,002 22,903 | 324, 007 25,254 | 500, 852 7,952 | 149, 005 6, 666 | 132,395 4,408 | 91,595 8,259 | 138,941 3,306 | 72,047 2,918 | 67,117 759 | 12,298 39,696 | 424,274 7,653 | 65,956 14,005 | 154, 573 54,669 | 512, 861 36, 582 | 418,391 101, 043 |1,681,407 46,219 | 819,383 16,581 | 279,065 43, 506 | 584, 326 93,052 | 277,514 21, 590 | 263,714 4,715 | 87,154 3,895 | 53,799 9,579 | 106,016 127 | 1,283 73 903 1,970 | 26,572 544 | 48,280 1,663 | 25,221 5, 325 | 158, 780 181 | 1,983 3,722 | 73,637 5,106 | 92,307 5,448 | 63, 162 1,275 | 36,587 2,008 | 36,695 526 | 12,480 2,429 | 37,572 2,282 | 33,137 2.575 | 57,111 666 | 21, 185 640 | 14,098 1,967 | 43,113 981 | 19,170 3,078 | 56,014 205 | 4,297 369 | 11,682 137 | 1,740 1,824 | 28,713 98| 1,814 741 | 20,056 778 | 17,446 256 | 5,847 3,052 | 62,234 1,251 | 25,611 3,956 | 51,096 Coal. Anthra- | Bitumi- cite nous (tons of | (tons of 2,240 2,000 Ibs.). Ibs.). 487,021 |6,969,721 ||14,334,402 1, 565, 254 11,639,452 532, 197 3, 805, 763 3, 581, 497 4, 252, 192 108, 606 31, 099 238, 451 50, 516 103,525 41, 074 15, 400 14, 652 1, 736 203 463,622 | 42,595,019 10, 932, 267 76, 806, 237 69, 093, 939 11, 365, 499 13, 785, 729 13, 034, 746 2, 092, 839 5, 519, 721 832, 645 1, 257, 623 539, 405 236, 517 5, 634, 701 982, 891 2, 281, 130 11, 533, 633 6, 701, 052 58, 571, 552 25, 499, 869 13,577, 580 16, 502, 727 8, 241, 877 5, 271, 886 2, 483, 593 2, 154, 407 4,117, 582 192, 434 96, 832 917, 608 1, 403, 043 507, 354 2,020, 167 125, 170 3, 232, 388 4, 007, 630 1, 359, 142 818, 847 1, 452, 454 262, 577 2, 200, 661 2,738, 350 7, 649, 059 446, 676 285, 741 474, 133 478, 734 854, 231 539, 302 152, 014 115, 957 2,946, 699 572, 527 44, 976 1, 030, 819 117, 427 642, 865 72, 695 117, 085 1261 FUEL USED. Coke (tons of 000 Ibs.). 782, 919 16, 961, 032 16, 591, 794 898, 079 1, 526, 627 4, 289, 624 308, 467 962, 659 273, 818 21, 972 30, 964 13, 549 501, 293 51, 853 163, 288 3, 019, 517 693, 592 13, 247, 923 8, 640, 711 2; 693, 061 3, 903, 043 812, 041 542, 938 440, 452 134, 841 194, 758 1, 498 9, 103 56, 904 60, 523 15, 712 438, 764 15, 579 603, 617 341, 030 14, 980 17, 346 45, 215 36, 384 252, 519 475, 310 3, 556, 934 4, 861 10, 397 101, 698 37, 409 158, 963 64, 795 24, 429 2, 660 530, 304 831 143, 567 169, 969 26, 104 68, 205 10, 970 194, 643 Oil, in- cluding gasoline (barrels). Gas (1,000 cubic feet). 92,029,692 | 341,921,022 | 1 7, 857, 807 | 2,639,620 | 2 23, 172, 383 |124,317, 839 | 3 12, 529,927 | 54,257,941 | 4 6, 515, 603 | 16,396,769 | 5 2, 834,029 | 50,754,152 | 6 473,780 | 3,985,152 | 7 16, 508, 037 | 76,312,121 | 8 4,170,820 | 5,051,786 | 9 17,967,306 | 8,205,642 | 10 575,477 45,503 | 11 606, 054 20,910 | 12 28, 997 106,306 | 13 3,753, 560 | 1,222,444 | 14 1, 413, 515 616,995 | 15 1, 480, 204 627, 462 | 16 6,996,974 | 4,712,372 |17 6,623,381 | 1,969,277 |18 9, 552,028 |117, 636,190 | 19 2,025,606 | 45,014,790 | 20 2,790,821 | 2,308,659 | 21 4,990,756 | 3,557,698 | 22 1,891,458 | 2,105,985 | 23 831,286 | 1,270,809 | 24 327,706 | 1,438,853 | 25 600, 399 181, 957 | 26 1, 871,290 | 1,658, 684 | 27 4, 883 6,451 | 28 78, 619 11, 992 | 29 442, 968 75,956 | 30 3,189,738 | 13,022,876 | 31 196, 446 80, 062 | 32 1,119,628 | 1,270,991 | 33 400, 383 964, 794 | 34 302, 370 44,046 | 35 40,751 | 48,247,748 | 36 51, 209 9,050 | 37 45, 738 35, 583 | 38 255, 174 81, 153 | 39 422, 330 20,725 | 40 95,200 | 3,602,772 | 41 110, 976 161, 850 | 42 196, 261 216, 135 | 43 71, 343 4,395 | 44 47,315 | 6,723,496 | 45 2,908, 718 | 24,181,161 | 46 3, 172,260 | 40,523,914 | 47 10,379, 744 | 4,883,550 | 48 24, 256 97,410 | 49 24, 536 3,751 | 50 1,283,692 | 4,793,519 | 51 152, 558 114, 840 | 52 87, 567 1,056 | 53 2,093, 148 10,676 | 54 259, 465 24,675 | 55 245, 598 5, 859 | 56 1, 769, 087 215, 511 | 57 1, 370, 332 402, 457 | 58 14, 827, 887 | 7, 587,674 | 59 ee r <2 * Arey exe eet ee ee es tt eee eee SONAL . oot Bit “9 (fet a ea ae fe. POY : Bie . - ; 7 a a <— — 3 exo RTO" LGRTAMA Ae me Sick a res a ae | mn eg he ale te ide heen i eam eg re ae a es o), ” 285 BAe bow Me ily ey oS oes 7 ae, © MINES AND QUARRIES 1263 CONTENTS. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATION OF TERMS. 20002200260 Vil ic senenle ese eee mais ae water LOD) Table. oh 3 : ip Danette! f of principal statistics, all enterprises: 1919... .....5s.. /9Fuel'and:purchased power... ........-22....---- 123, 509, 588 Poyvaiiewr and Tentsy 271 .(8.... sk WA ded.... 176, 129, 858 UMPIRE So .t219. 00k 200 bi... LL. 141, 567,734 narmowvoric! See 504 0s. 2... eel ee de... ee 82, 239, 098 Expenditures for development (included in the * UNSER UC bes COGS TUR Fe Say Se Oe 5 Se 334, 015, 265 Wi arae me! DOORNCTS.).Gas 200,15... 0). ae... 3, 158, 463, 966 Producing enterprises. 74,197 981, 560 1, 088, 189 382) 766 705, 423 | 6, 723, 786 $6, 955, 466, 831 149, 328, 985 1, 295, 936, 226 519, 593, 676 35, 905, 352 122’ 105, 930 175, 293, 984 140; 999° 626 79, 380, 177 311, 276, 508 3, 158, 463, 966 NONPRODUCING ENTERPRISES. 1, 943, 466 8,473, 116 9) 259, 963 > ~“ —_ > for) eee ge a IS de eee ea le eRarke™) NOOK COO HONOR 1268 TaBLE 8.—COMPARATIVE SUMMARY, PROD DERG ENTERPRISES: 1919, 1909, 1902, AND “ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS. PER CENT OF INCREASE.! 1919 1909 1902 Number of enterprises........ 21, 280 21,268 46, 858 Number of mines and quar- Tiss Ls ie tun eel ee raat 13, 844 18, 164 17, 089 Number of petroleum and natural-gas wells.........-. 257, 673 166, 320 123, 200 Number of natural-gas gaso- tine plants. <0. Bi ews pA ss a9 ae a A MI Maan baw oud Te SAAR. wes ae Persons engaged...-.......-- ty 077, 675 1, DEE, 6821 «5 casa icons bainnn we haw Proprietors and = firm members, total.......-.- 21, 918 29, 922 (2) Number performing manual labor....-.- 5, 245 8, 861 (2) Salaried employees. .....-. 74, 197 44 127 38, 128 Wage earners (average Number. yea A 981, 560 967, 633 581, 728 Wage earners, Dec. 15, or pees representative day USisetee se Ate ocd ghee = 1, 088, 189 1, 065, 283 3 581,728 pbove ground.......-. 382) 766 ’ 366, 962 2217 505 Below ground....-.... 705, 423 698, 321 360, 223 Power used (aggregate horse- Power) see Fre UN set ek 6, 723, 786 4,608,253} 2, 867, 562 (4) ; CRIT ae bag TMT bic ees $6, 955, 466, 831/33, 380, 525, 841 (2) $1, 310, 535, 318 Principal expenses: RSL ATIC oe on breed oe aysinne 149, 328, 985 53, 393, 551! $39, 020, 552 5, 520, 600 CU acre so cramer Sin pete oy ag 295, 936, 226 586, 774, 079 369, 959, 960} 222,041, 887 Supplies and materials -. "519, 593, 676 173, 411, 438)5 123, 814, 967 86, 075, 925 Cost of ore, coal, and nat- ural gas purchased as material or for resale. . 35, 905, 352 29,318,316 |. -0s-sainewireaee ieee set Rhee Fuel and purchased OWT Si ae one 122,105,930] 45, 136, 550 (4) (4) Royalties:and rents...... 175, 293, 984 63, 973, 585} 34, 530, 713 (4) BA bo MPU pee Pepe 17h 140, 999, 626 17, 796, 763 (4 ) (4) , Contract work... 2.22222. 79, 380, 177 28° 887, 898] 20, 677, 938 (4) 1 . Value of products..........-.} 3, 158, 463, 966) 1, 238, 410, 322 796, 826, 417; 438,111, 548 d " e LN 1 A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. 2 Not reported. 3 Average number. 4 Comparable figures not available. 5 Includes cost of fuel. Percentages are omitted where figures are not comparable. TABLE 4.—COMPARISON OF VALUE OF PRODUCTS FOR THE LEADING MINING INDUSTRIES: 1919, 1909, AND 1902. a a PER CENT OF INCREASE.1 INDUSTRY. 1919 1909 1902 1909- 1902- - 1919 1909 Coal: Anthtdeitend. 1c Pts Mi $364, 084, 142 $149, 180, 471 $76, 173,586 |} 144.1) | 95.8 Bituminousis.0t 72. pacuuass oad hs 145, 977, 565 427, 962, 464 290, 858, 483 || 167.8 ATA Petroleum and natural gas.-......- "931, 793, 423 185, 416, 684 102; 265, 602 402. 5 | 71.6 Tron ore. fio noha EA 18, 217; 905 106, 947, 082 65, 465, 321.|} 1040] 63.4 Coppers iBegin» | skae ee eased Je 181, 258, 087 134, 616, 987 51, 178, 036 34.6} 163.0 Lead and 2inoss. 2.09 28) ee oe SS 75, 579, 347 31, 363, 094 14, 600, 177 141.0} ** 114.8 Gold and silver, lode mines.-....... 58, 832) 330 83, 885, 928 77, 154, 326 —29. 9 8.7 TARPS ss oe late ule, eS 52, 943, 924 29, 832, 492 30, 441, 801 77.5 —2.0 Granite. oi).023.33..):-SR ae, 18, 279, 345 18, 997, 976 18, 257, 944 —-3.8 4.1 Sandstone 21, 884 2.2 15, 436 1.6 22, 069 22 8, 049 0.8 1 129 0.1 4) 987 0.4 4 373 0.4 5, 453 0.6 3, 336 0.3 1, 380 0.1 2) 191 0.2 3,513 0.4 1, 732 0,2 10, 895 “Tes Amount. 510, 061, 707 "364, 084, 142 145, 977,565 ” 931, 793, 423 218, 217, 905 181, 258, 087 75,579, 347 58, 832, 330 52, 943, 924 18, 279, 345 17, 935, 882 10, 684, 969 26, 539, 369 VALUE OF PRODUCTS. Per cent: - distri- bu- tion. . ° SpSpoeoosoSoHrEeNasS COR NNWWWWWWOD*I0R “10% 1270 ' ABSTRACT. OF THE CENSUS, TABLE 7.—STATISTICS FOR PRODUCING BNET RS ER BY GEOGRAPHIC, DIVISIONS: oo OOOeaeaeEEOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSDSSDD0°0°>—>>»>»gwgrMwo<€wv—na—m—m' WAGE VALUE OF id Se EARNERS. PRODUCTS. Num- cane Num- DIVISION. So of aiid vee of ly ad Ae enter- wells verage | cen cen prises. | ar number.| of Amount of . total. total. United States - 2444.4 2%. /.25 21,280 | 13, 844 | 257, 673 981, 560 |-100.0 |/33, 158, 463, 966 100. 0 New Englands: 2 pass Css. SSS 302 B42 he ae 7, 213 0.7 18, 723, 573 , 0.6 Middle Atlantic... Qu dai. 1 6,604 | 3,870'| 91,511 || 334,175 | 34.0 || - 853; 801, 104 | 27.0 Bast North Central, {:.d...0..--+-2- 2776 | 2/324 | 54,413 || 190,011 | 19.4 |} 480, 482,744 | 15.2 West North Géntral. Jue aed. ... vs i722 | 11270} 12,691 || 62,253-| 6.3] 280,111,206 | 8.9 South A tlanties, ahaa es he 2, 284 1,976 | 27, 363 129, 707 13.2 352, 073, 775 | i byl Fast South Cehtral, 2.00 Gs... .- 5s 1405 | 1,475] 5,228 || 90,612 | 92] 181,645,004] 5.8 West South Central. 2.00.0. Wes ee | asor| 495°} 56,087 || 60,936 | 62°] 490, 726, 862 | 15.5 Mistititain. (2 fet). . 22 Si ea aee eee ot 1, 508 1, 598 1, 183 81,519 |- 8.3 321, 825, 305 |°' 10.2 PAeific: |b ee BSS as AN Sn te 858 502 9, 197 25, 134 2.6 178, 984, 243 ig a TABLE 8.—STATISTICS FOR PRODUCING ENTERPRISES, BY STATES: 1919. i ee 00_0_0—0>—_>>5050505gaaoa—aa_u_>x»=xs VALUE OF - PRODUCTS. STATE. ce United States i 265 92 yee. cane * Gyahi femniteys ee ot os eeu tees, Tate iene CORP ACIO AO oe ee a ce lati Connechoiy : fos e522 eee ee DGle way a coe os ee an 6 yankee District of Columbia. -.-.:-- Bias inact eae Florida Die At 5 We Be Ag ge eee ae Kansas ick ateepeciretecun: bow erences Kentuck Louisiana and Mississippi.....-.------ Maryland....-- IQR... LPR a ge ae Massachusetts. -..-..--.-4---2e5y ede —_— pes Se sek apis. tes Se arena alate Montana. 2ot..002. 255.4 3. MEDAL 708 Nebroskai.cnc eer See ae N6Vada.. 22s n. sb nt- 2. se de ee eee New Hampshire. -......:.-.+-.------+ New Jersey: cit di l0 21 Re. .oeOb New Mexico...--- eR oe Baw Yorkie. SIR Bik ood. beet te a Worth Carclnnes ie oe i a celts North Daketetusids. 2220s, eee Vermont......-- Vifvinia, 3.) vee... 6. - en 0-4. 254 147, 372 100. 0 $364, 084,142} 100.0 _ Pennsylvania............- cel i 2p 254 147, 372 100. 0 364, 084, 142 100.0 OAL, BESUMIMOUR. 2... kw 2h. on syne - 6, 636 545, 798 100.0 |} 1,145, 977,565:| 100.0 oo Sole ie ne eae 1, 938 154, 992 28. 4 362, 973, 952 31.7 ; WW CAG Varina ples as py tigger sed. 926 87, 095 16.0 193, 108, 343 16.9 BD ee pay wan a - = ols 9a --- ods age ee 447 73, 780 13.5 138, 767, 835 12.1 EST 6 URE lh A hee 788 40, 452 7.4 77, 988, 602 6.8 | ’ ee IS i ae Sa 635 39, 769 7.3 72, 432, 840 6.3 . Indiana...... ace TA ae ot ea ps 295 24, 479 4.5 45, 492, 726 4.0 Alabama..... Bre LAGE op wses 2's Sys ee 188 24, 648 ie. oO 45,359, 441 4.0 So oe ee oe ee 161 11, 252 2.1 28, 342, 195, 2.5 DRMA Ge te ck vex- ty tp-s-s heap. 108 11, 215 ay 23, 763, 440... 9, 2.1 cae AIRED i SRR cc a 46 7, 091 es 18, 723, 451 1.6 SUMMA hi band 5m) ya <<+-|- aoe. de 167 10, 584 1.9 16, 903, 358 1.5 PRAM Bipias eee os svi lbwre ee = + =p ols BERL os 129 8, 084 1.5 15, 748, 535 1.4 CPAMINIA or, Si ICS op os. 5. yi. 94 7, 040 1.3 14, 477,317 we 5 a eo re oe ae 107 9, 556 1.8 14, 024, 432 1.2 " WUE ee cee obs Sm - 1 os a7 - > sole gregh oe 27 3, 647 0.7 12, 632, 035 i 4 ae EE ia a pal 179 7, 285 1.3 12, 077, 845 44 4 NP AMMEMIDOINS oo cnsmonl sry yap 5 2} sy 2 35 4, 413 0.8 10, 737, 656. 0.9 ' PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS.-.......... 9, 814 93, 205 100.0 931, 793, 423 100.0 t PIB NOTA a Sin ernie de ee 432 21, 884 100.0 75, 579, 347 100.0 MIAMI eo. oe Sts tess he 111 5, 253 24.0 18, 979, 726 25.1 Missouri... .-. ed PS Bee ee. 2 eee 93° 4,793 21.9 15,879,177 21.0 (EE Bed ned ERR Se 20 1, 820 8.3 9,529, 723 12.6 GOLD AND SILVER, LODE MINES ?........... 740 15, 436 100. 0 58, 832, 330 100.0 LOTR OS cot cnn diss st Mileaetauies 7 '- » ete 198 3, 495 22. 6 16, 785, 716 28.5 Ud nila OE A a 148 2, 084 13.5 9, 687, 431 16.5 4 SESS . Basp- tie oe Se 99 2, 881 18.7 8,773, 757 14,9 PE ee eee 895 22, 069 100.0 52, 943, 924 100.0 eR sickly = a's: g.nsitcais «ote ooh 184 5, 573 25.3 12, 881, 213 24.3 oct lh aly RRS SI ae 8 90 2, 262 10.2 6, 742, 496 12.7 OS eho i eet eer: 67 1, 800 8.2 4,619, 801 8.7 TNNER s ghecidiy Slatts vc 3 ops = > 5-0 webb tee ts 55 1, 739 7.9 4, 597, 942 8.7 SE AeA One Cees 41 1, 244 5.6 3, 776, 626 7% SO eee eee 358 8, 049 100. 0 18, 279, 345 100.0 a a 27 1, 062 13.2 3, 563, 734 19.5 SS er 42 1, 034 12.8 2, 405, 165 13.2 Lop ON gs re ier 16 959 1139 1, 576, 250 8.6 NN ee en 14 753 9.4 1, 484, 979 8.1 New, Hampshire. <5 >. .).\s)-26 4-4-0285. 02. 23 589 7.3 1, 427, 979 7.8 eer Pe 42 747 9.3 1, 300, 996 TE MOMRUNEAD . Op te Wi dw'> <3 = 45 ehe.s OC, Soe 27 392 4.9 1, 135, 391 6.2 1Montana and Utah, ranking 3 and 4, respectively, not shown in order to avoid. disclosure of individual operations. 2 Montana, ranking 4, not shown in order to avoid disclosure of individual operations. 3 Utah, ranking 4, not shown in order to avoid disclosure of individual operations. é Michigan, ranking 6, not shown in order to avoid disclosure of individual operations, 1272 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS. TABLE 9.—PRINCIPAL INDUSTRIES, BY STATES, RANKED BY VALUE OF PRODUCTS, PRODUCING ENTERPRISES: 1919—Continued. WAGE EARNERS. VALUE OF PRODUCTS. Number | - INDUSTRY AND STATE. | of enter- |} + at oh an prises. -|| Average er cent Per cent number. | of total. Amount. of total Blips Tons OO LORE. |g AP OUT 0 a 255 4,287 | -~- 100: 0° $10, 684,969 | 100.0 Pennsylvania. /2:.....-..- Ae oak ena 100 1, 673° 39.0 3, 534, 563 33.1 Ohiol, vce venas buns gdsulee kee otk ee 21 875 20. 4 2,759, 352 25.8 TNingigos ata ono echo ne = 70 22, 069 3 57 8 APRA Lead and ganz), ..--2t-33---) aE 391 21, 884 1 LID file sic SL Gold and silver; lode mines. ...-.- 589 IRD: DES ofthe 8 gia ae ce Ae mein 2 3 PARNER ayak gap 3.5. og. 18-5 36 338 78,049 4 43 32 1,195 Ete one «. ate: ga. t nus 319 5,453 8 27 6 33 Phosphate rock... .-<2+-+-------+- 47 - 4,373 1 5 3 30 Sandstone......--- eC Re Se 246 dy 287 AL AiSt -'<'o a's doen cnauens 3 8 SUMED. nk aes =~ ~-- -\- 2 Oe. 5... 4 iy 100 “SRS ee eee ererere es 11 ) 885 FSG POS Oe aaa ares 161 3,336 1 20 i 3 PLC 6 aielllace gs Sa eaapaananes Tay ws * 47 PAGEL ae | CR a ee 1 1 qarble. Jame beers tin sete erence fi 1s ee i ee pe meeen|eoeesonesee old, placer,mines...25.-..--.-.5: rb 12.380 4) A2hls W clels Se wen aed cen ansccce anal sd ss enn. Sulphur ..........- G7 aaa eee | 54 ecte 109 ont el a secs elgls ss HABURLOL Ro. AIMEE, cab 2 -- --) Se2- > --- 5-98 509 10, 895 ~ 38 204 10. |) se 193 ; | NUMBER WHERE THE PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK WERE— INDUSTRY: cham Me Ut 63 to 71. 72 to 84. sages Enter-| Wage | Enter-| Wage | Enter-| Wage Enter- “Wage 1 8 prises..| earners..j prises. | earners. prises.|.earners. | prises.| earners. _ All industries..........---- 8,862 | 721,899 | 5,262 | 182,126 | 768 | 26,841} 768 | 13,083 Ra SS 151°} 20,311. 124 24, 637 5 HOS ths auiians |e op oid a oh ane pat SR Sig 79| 21,150] 97] 21,166 Hg Se ak Eo Sal RS Se PNestoneses..<-.-4.01...-.-)- Aa, 187 3,774). _ 663 17, 934 9 ORO Gals a=] om ees.n 3's Dead and zitics......8........----- 255 | .°15, 082 133) | 6° 6, 684 fcrccodasecczee! 2 3 Gold and silver, lodemines........|. 192] | 3,595} 390|* 11,586) - 4 a1} 1 1 Gmamite.. i/-../..).101.,.....28-. 209 | 4,829 91 | 1,948 2 B4-beo2t: eee Clay....- Wie dees... (20k 142: 2,35R4e 161) | 2623, 038 fs --- 2 4-808 POSMNALO TOCK i wetsa.------------ 6 309 36 S GRR sien sks keane 3 346 eT Se BaP eee eee 49 483 191] 3,688 3 LOB tea coche ase => ~- Slate... .- 2 ess 20d) Pet. ose Sue 14) 963 73 2,170 OY oe Swe ons cate cle Basali..jecstencsrreavsiscseteseeo- 49 Ba) PEO ORB sn os foaseeecncle «come | nemmemer Oe eee os ne 12 |) 830 32|! §1,317 a ROY id OREO pte DRAM OS b Fee wee ida eS otocje omy SERS 3 | 50 43 1, 667 1 DO Sete ae «|S eo ce she Gold, placer mines.......--------- 17 62 52 1, 243 8 72 1 3 5 lei aR Sa) OUR os Ps Pi ESET Su Fa Piet ieee ge be he betas (AT) other) Awl. 2.6.5 CEU. ee Se 152 2,794 304 7, 559 1 ‘23 t 122 1 Exclusive of 3,722 enterprises employing no wage earners in industries as follows: Abrasive materials, 5; asphalt, 2; barytes, 1; basalt, 2; clay, 26; chromite, 5; coal, anthracite, 2; coal, bituminous, 62; copper, 16; feldspar, 2; fluorspar, 4; granite, 20; gold and silver, lode mines, 151; gold, placer mines, 34; iron ore, 55 lead and zinc, 41; limestone, 25; magnesite, 1; marble, 1; mica, 6; millstones, 5; mineral pigments, 2; petro- leum and natural gas, 3,292; phosphate rock, 1; sandstone, 9; slate, 1; tale and soapstone, 1. 19:74 ‘ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS. TRIES: 1919. ’ TaBLe 12,-WAGE EARNERS, BY MONTHS, ALL MINING ENTERPRISES, BY INDUS. [The month of maximum employment for each industry is indicated by bold of minimum employment by italic figures.] -faced figures and that ene ee eS ee INDUSTRY. Allindustries......... Producing enterprises. .... FUELS: Coal, anthracite....2........ Coal, bituminous. ..........- Petroleum and natural gas. . Coppa evinced Lead and zinc....2.......... Gold and silver— Lode mines. . J. ..2.... Placér mines; 2... ..2.2 Manigarene S9eiitwonnntkan Quicksiftir:,..cteiecci eed Rare metals. .i...¢ G8 .2...5.. STONE : Limestone ......i...eeece eee PRreriee ae ee ieee 8s) MISCELLANEOUS: Abrasive materials........-. ASDeSbOseed 2 ee ea ead MICA. 2 oe th eka ts. et sco Mineral pigments.........-.. Phosphate rock...........-. PVIAG: vac 4 aglaw dhiaeuce, Sulphur......: | Sie asian 3 ee METALS: BPOHE UPN. dopa s sc tcc ue eee Gold, silver, copper, lead, or DEIR spate ator nad onda Average number employed during year, 147,372 545, 798 93, 205 NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY. 4 989, 301 oo OOO | EL a= SSS ll EES EE ES 981, 560 |{1, 025, 871 | 146, 241 589, 864 85; 225 S| | ee rt | sects | nseeesnuenenenereeee 985, 369 145, 985 561, 861 85,119 952, 305 142, 691 532,682 | 88, 120 44,929 40, 675 | 21, 506 14, 921 1,317 - 145, 010 | 541, 647 91) 156 - x MINES AND QUARRIES. ° 12°76 inne 12. WAGE EARNERS, BY MONTHS, ALL MINING ENTERPRISES, BY INDUS- TRIES: 1919—Continued. {The month of maximum employment for each industry is indicated by bold-faced ‘Agures and that of minimum employment by italic figures. TeALAS ie | | }UMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE MONTH OR Per NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY. cent wer ee a ee ee mini- INDUSTRY. ence f Septem- Novem-'| ‘Decem- ||. 2°: ber. October. ber. ber. miele All industries. ....---- 765,067 |1,038, 989 72.3 Producing enterprises. . --|1, 005, 219 1, 031, 628 |1, 043, 719 1,051,204 | 758,156 1, 032, 014 72.1 Coal, anthracite.....--------- po 148, 397 | 149, 220 |. 149,522 | 150, 847 150,594.) 151, 595 94.1 ~~ Coal, bituminous...--.------- 566,897 | 583,120 | 593,304 | 599, 550 308, 266..| . 587,149 51.4 “> Petroleum and natural gas...| 94,389 | 98, 570 | 99,570 | 99,332 |. 99,541 | 100, 293 84.9 METALS: Tron ore......- {0A ARE aes 46, 286 46, 754 46, 911 45,772 89.6 Copperys...-.) 35 -- +++ 39, 919 41,386 42, 595 44,395 65.3 Lead and zinc......-.-----++- 20,207 | 21,050 | 21,162 | 21,579 79.4 > Gold and silver— ; » 2 Lode mines.....-.----+-- 15,349 15, 586 89.7 : Placer mines..-.--------- 1, 404 1,425 85. 0 |. Manganese...-.----- Bo a as 745 656 47.0 * Quicksilver. .....--+-----+-+- 742 708 60.1 Rare metals. .....-.+-++++-+-- 558 646 57.5 STONE: | Limestone.......---.+++-+-+- 67.8 MATA ee. oo bane te ee 2 235 61.4 Sandstone.......-.--------++- 66.6 | oy as Rie de a 49.7 inte tubes esl eeete oes =~ 35,2 72.6 Marble... .-.-.- i cach 9 a tats 77.8 MISCELLANEOUS: ~ Abrasive materials.....------ 69.1 Asbest0s...---.----+22+++-27- 17.8 Asphalt. s.:..:.2.-++------+5> 26.3 Baryt@s. s......----5-2------- 69.4 MSGURILOs: Ssios bac 2 2 eee see: 62.2 Chromite: ..:.: 22020... +5. 33,; 48.7 CANBY ere a gn esas ajeme 2-22 7 HE? 77.8 Weldspar...:-:.2s2252----++-: 73.7 PWluorspar....:.---2----------- 69.5 Fuller’s earth....---------+-: 74.4 Graphite:.....---2:+-+-----+-- 74.9 » Gypsum -...---22+---------7 58.0 Magnesite. .....--5--------->+ 35.2 BsMlica: Cs atei cst Pes... 4. Se 80.5 Milistones. .-.----------:+--7" 61.9 Mineral pigments. ...-------- 71.4 Phosphate rock....---------- » 60.3 Pyrité:..-.-.--+2------+-+-5- 56.3 POMC ert tee ccchoct ete tee neces 48.7 Sonppies = +4'> == Lee Oe 52.7 Talc and soapstone...-------- 79.8 . . » \ Nonproducing enterprises... 56. 4 FUELS: onl: fess). -cebonne secs t-te: 25.3 Petroleum and natural gas- 41.0 METALS: . Tron ore..-+--2}---------4---- 55.2 Gold, silver, copper, lead, or i ie ZINIGs- 2 ses -h- ec dete , 58.4 MISCELLANEOUS, all other...----- 40.3 1276 | ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS, TABLE 13.—WAGE EARNERS, BY MON RAE eel MINING ENTERPRISES, BY STATES: [The month of maximum employment for each state:is indicated by, bold-faced figures and that of mini- ' mum, employment by italic figures.] Maj ‘NUMBER EMPLOYED ON 15TH DAY OF THE MONTH OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY, STATE. a a aaa aa eet eis beng are | Febru- 2m Vogey” th January. ary. j May. June. United States.:......02.. “987, 184 |/1, 030, 037 } 989, 301 956,932 | 963,827 |” 970,832 Producing enterprises... .. 981, 560 1, 025, 871 | 985, 369 958, 506 | 965, 230 Alabamaavisesastise ecu vns- sed is 34,504 | 34, 682 31,117 | 31,042 Arizona. 0 2. Bhs £08. ees | TK 19, 065.| . . 16, 273. (9.18, 199. | ..13, 280 pA Pkansasigh) Was se SM. | 5d 7 3, 8,240 |, 8, 288 Cabiforniazes 00s . J. r2.00...) 28 19, 552 |'.19, 319 . 19,298 |. 19, 079 POlORRID 5 won sll Siete eae tign 18, 151 17, 600 15, 723 15, 681 Comnectic¢th, Si... joss 3... 5 2y 447 427 _ 590. 591 Delaware... 42). .-- Sees oped ee 58 1 —-136-}. 153 District of Cohambia-.. 00... 22: 6 6 stig bE4 17 Florida ae spaiiiede oss. orcocdsiels 3, 848 3, 903 + 2, 202 1, 836 Georgia emPwe ese eaeeecec ee eee nee = @ se 2, 336 ; : 2, 408 it 2, 288, } 2, 328 yells TO. he Os acc te BU one ae 2,773 | 2,733 Lf 2, 517 Minois 6 isso 0-645. ed 4 89,224] 86, 988 Pi 335 79, 033 Inidiang. Ghd 222-4. 80%. + -6 Bb 29,961] 28, 209 27, 074 , 875 de meee | CSR eh So, RRR ES a 13, 221 12, 926 10, 868 10, 622 Kapsasibieeas oodacien once chek: 17,448 | 17, 262 17,214 | 16, 982 gw J KENtUCK Yu & - +. daha 2-4 b0 43, 980. » 40,949.) 41,154 |... 42, 203 Lomisianiovnt 4...) #066. -4 2% 4, 913 4, 706 4, 864 |... £407 Miting. |} S80 8... 1 O29. & «5.120 461 438 ‘1, 236. |. 1, 288 Maryland 8... ten te ska ds 5, 829 5, 305 5, 424 5, 460 Massachusetts... ...:-.2-.20.5- 1,037}, 1,017 1,889}. 1, 946 Michigahvvas sired tise cans- eles 2,961 | 3,650 982 |. 4,912 ||. 37.4 DP Odargian £4. ..2) 500... 2,510 | © 2,479 | 2, 271-1. 2,275 87.8 GAR pees ore a Opeee Tey P WinGis PALE. Sues - oi Sts te 18. 8 _ Indiana---.-: St PEE) Ld oe § Towa....+ ed dswec come sioceroe 95.7 : Kamsas..--++-+-++ Phe loca Wte. bi 50.7 Kentucky. a 5 0) Pe es ee 7 Louisiana. ..----+--++2+---2-777°- 66.0 ) Maire. 2f oc... ..0s (3) ee Oe eae Sp ) Maryland-.-<----+2222 "=" =->--- 82.0 Massachuselisees.d200000 00200002 0 ‘- 3 Michigan... Seteeces beds s25$.055.00: 93.0 | Minnesta.s-o0-2o voor: | as _ Mississippi-...------ Vd...H1.22 1S ..5% Ae” OS Se SRE 2 : Missal PS CITE i ae - £5; 672 15,729 8, 965 15, 020 51.8 | Motitana...-1----+08¢+--+-00+r04* 952530 |) {16,685 |...13,.922 |. 15,958 ||" 66.6. ‘4 Li ab ow bere 179 F 169 }\- ‘ 153 150 66.7 | Nevada. ..-ace-serrryt teeseses: 8,908 |) 4,8 | 4407 |. 4 360 UO New Hampshire. .....-----+++--- 3.8 , New Jersey = ser eeeee wee eetee eee eee 87.1 New Mexico. Picos ease eteesres™ ste 78.3 New York.!..---+2/s+++ pasate 83.9 North Carolina.......----+----- nes 82.3 North Dakota.-.-----------+----- 40.8 Ohio...------:-+ wa cnenscesersrss: r ; ; 33. 1 Bi Avs. ob SedStA . 2, Sdae Tk 36,617 | 36,674 | 29,610 |-- 36, 499 80.5 Oregon. eR o's Fe ey Cee ee 934 912 .. 826 796 59. 4 Pomsyivaaia ie OF fi 341,352 | 340,316 | 266,170-| -336,197 |] 77.7 1 Rhode Island.... Ey 5 ee eee 38 95 404 -379°| 56,2 South Carolina...-.-.------ eR 1, 006 968 1, 010 1,006 76.0 South Dakota.-.--+-screeerre-s- 1, 828 1, 663 1,574 1, 632. ||. 83.3 | ee er ore ors 45,227} 15,777] 10,406 | 15,172 ||. 66.0 Tesee 1. 0c0e.- baal. 4000 g 90,975 | 20,853 | 19, 474: |~» 20,97 69,9 , Utah enree Rie A Ram RE 10, 319 10, 315 10, 577 “10,712 67. 5: — Vermont..-..---0+-eeseeer ee seee? 2, 860 3, 005 3, 082 3, O91 85. 5 Virginias...s..0eseeseeeeeser noes 15,224 | 15,398 | -14;982-}-» 15,062 86. 4 Washington......0+++++--+- OA 8 8,650] 5/67 | ---1,844-} ~~ 4,142] 31.0 West sara rte ed eereTT 107,801 | 107,778 | 97,245 | 108, 720 85.4 Wisconsin......- ts See Datet 3, 604 3, 605 3; 479 3, 133 84,2 “Wyoming. .....-.-eeeeeeee ee rete 9,723 | 9,788 | ---9,016-} ~~ 10,272 81.7 y 56. 4 6,388 | 6,616 | 6,911 | ~~ 6,975 1] | \ Wonptoduicing enterprises..| 1278 ABSTRACT OF THE: CENSUS, TABLE 14.—CHARACTER OF ORGANIZATION, PRODUCING ENTERPRISES? 1919. «> VALUE OF PRODUCTS. Total. $3, 158,463, 966 2,954, 789, 792 71, 982; 739 103, 683, 684: 28,007) 751 364, 084, 142 355, 328, 907 962) 441 6,741, 024 1, 051,770 1, 145, 977, 565 1, 085, 004, 874 28, 343, 965 30, 100; 087 2, 528, 639 931, 793, 423° 828, 633; 805 28, 759, 096 51, 758, 029 22, 642, 493 218, 217, 905 216,718, 813 390, 551 1, 108) 541: 181, 258,087 | 180, 735, 466.|' 1,281, 812 PTS “PER CED 7 he ae | DISTRIBUTION. Value Per enter- of prise. prod- ucts. $148, 424 100.0 271, 605 93.6 16, 694 J]... ee 19, 753 3.3 33, 343 0.9 1, 433, 402 100.0 2,090, 170 97:6 26, 012 0.3 160, 501 he 210, 354 10143 172, 691 “100.0 ot capt is Carat 250, 868 corded . 24, 000 255 27, 489 i d6 72, 247 0.2 94, 945 - 100.0 224, 867 88.9 13,940 Zien 15, 703 5.6 297 406. om} Bort 752, 476 |. 100.0° 811,681 ||. 99.3 32, 546 0.2 100; 776 ||... 929, 529. INDUSTRY AND CHARACTER OF | ber of © akg ORGANIZATION. AL abl patel prises “ All industries ..... 21,280 981, 560 Corporation............ 10, 879 924, 421 individual....02..2...) 4°312'| ©: 24, 107 PPM sree ey culceuseteat 5, 249 28, 916 Otherie 2Hparene,.- 840 4,116 COAL, ANTHRACITE... 5.22. 254 147,372 Corporation Pebbnin ob AE AS. 170 143,615 Individuakiz.at... sek At. | 3 431 Miena Aaa BEBE kd 42 2, 879 Other. .i.:22.0:..-14 Ale 2. | 447 COAL, BITUMINOUS........ 6, 636 545, 798 Gorporationsinacdds) WhL.....- 4,325 | ° 515,692 dn@avidublis. 46.0) 8h ..... 2. 1,181 13, 844 IPM. ORO OL ede 4 eS 1,095 14, 847 2s a er ee ee 3 1,415 PETROLEUM AND" NATU- R RAL GAS sa... i: 627 Bt. 9,814 93,205 Corporations, £3.../..0.-2..-. 3,685 83,399 Individuslsss. 45...) .c19 4... 2,063 3,242 F ic ie West SMa ies Mba 3, 296 5, 002 Other diay oh Lata ae 770 1; 562 . JRON'ORE..... 5.8007... 290 45, 741 Corporations, .......54¢.4.... 267 45,152 nS ee oe By 12 221 Bir}, , db th fis. o SOS OE. val 368 Ep NARI! aC 0 AS 195 43,717 Corporation; 2 2...) e992)... 141 43,470 PHU vidual. ee kee! 24 150 Hird. asc oe 30 97 LEAD AND ZINC.......... 432 21, 884 Corporations ‘3. Lpes.'s..) 287 20, 508 Vitel ois 1) | Mahathir Saal Saat 40 372 Firm. ..... WOaa + cab ONL A... 100 870 CURE oc tcgeat... caso bk .. 5 134 GOLD AND SILVER, LODE . A MINESos “oc.. -Lavtn Gh. 740 15, 486 Corporation..<.......-. ee a 396 14, 448 Tadividualiegs see.) aos ARS - 138 401 Lib at GER (Nath ects ait, eie saatees 198 480 ONO. tigan thats 48 107 LIMESTONE. ...... EAD 895 22, 069 Corporationscoc..slns.iges. 462 18, 324 Individual..o2 2. Fon ode Ok ss 239 2,011 DIT w bio. rie Gin.6\s,0, 4 cals os. 140 i, 635 ENT os «4 Cee Sadan a4 4, 483, 971 "Includes 2 ‘‘other’’ forms of organization, Ord ~~ ede ib ty ee ee ee { 7 i f 3 7 ; : INDUSTRY AND CHARACTER OF MINES AND QUARRIUS. 1279 TABLE, 14.—CHARACTER OF. ORGANIZATION, PRODUCING ENTERPRISES: 1919—Contd. ’ , ad Pind . ORGANIZATION. enter- . Value ' prises, | ©2°P°t- Total Per enter- || Enter- ieee of : prise. prises. | “ors prod- 0 OGE WVU XK z ucts. a ie . ¢ . ¥ ; © oSanpsrowe.......0f..-.5 255 4987 || © $10,684,969 | $41,902 |] 100.0 | '100.0| 100.0 ealeidual : ot bi sted | ‘ 142 3,574 9, 405, 068 66, 233 55.7 | 83.4]. 88.0 Individual. ...-. ieee . 61. 279 500, 761 8, 209 23.9 a fs, 4.7 Mares TU... | 52 43.4 779, 140 14,983 || 9014 | 10,1] 7.3 "PHOSPHATE ROCK. ..---+- 48 4,373 10,300,198 | 214,587 || 100.0 | 100.0] 100.0 yet asian | Det 39 4,058 9,546,209 244,775 ||’ 81.3] 92.8| 92.7 vidual. --.---2+240++-- in 4 95’ 187, 858 46, 965 3.3} gap 18 hy peas ees 5 220 566,131 | ' 113,226 || 10.4] || 5.0). 55 , $; ‘Te : eee Ae edienin Tyiabien + = 4% 345 5, 453 10, 086, 298 29,236 || 100.0 | 100.0 |, 100, 0 Gouorstion.’: [oe eae 212 4,480 8,034, 433 37,808 || 61.4 | 822) 79.7. Tndividual:/0¥....-.1----- Includes 2 firms. 1280 “ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS. TABLE 15.—SIZE OF PRODUCING ENTERPRISES, BY VALUE OF PRODUCTS: 1910." | VALUE OF VALUE OF INDUSTRY AND ern PRODUCTS, INDUSTRY AND PRODUCTS. VALUE_OF PRODUCTS ber oT phat pees VALUE. OP ceeion t ay Pie PER PNTERPRISE. ; er PER ENTERPRISE. ’ 5 r Amount. | cont , ; “ing ATBOMDG EO | cont: All industries. .. . /21, 280/'$3, 158, 463, 966] 100.0 CoPrrEn.;. . asibe $181, 258, 087} 100.0 “Less than $5,000-.. -. 6, 586 15, 228, 604[ 0.5 || ess than $5,000.77... 103, 183)" “0. 1 $5,000 to $20,000...... 5, 539 58, 745, 473}, «13. 9 || $5,000 to $20,000... .--.- 369, 0.2 $20,000 to $100,000... -| 4” 990 237, 600,990] 7,5 || $20,000 to $100,000... 1,911, 892) 1.1 $100,000 to $500,00...-| 3.005||. 686,788, 422) .21. 7 |} $100,000 to $500,000. - 6, 799, 421} 3,8 $500,000 to $1,000,00...} x4 472, 131, 636} 14.9 || $500,000 to $1,000,000. . 6, 350, 924] >3.5 $1,000,000 to $5,000,000] 399 754, 160, 595, 23. 9 || $1,060,000 to $5,000,000.| 1 43, 121, 957| 23.8 $5,000,000 and over... 84]] 933; 808, 246] 99,6 $5,000,000 and over... ie 122, 601, 430] 67.6 5:6) ) RaPapiathe Meg --+-| 6, 890]] 1, 510, 061, 707] 100.0.|| - LEAD AND zINC..- 75, 579, 347] 100.0 Less than.$5,000... 22... 855 2,801,020} 0.2 Less than $5,000..... 4 261, 492|. 0.3. $5,000 to $20,000.......- 1,.656|/ 18,054,536} 1.2 || $5,000 to $20,000......- -, 8Ol] 817185) 42 $20,000 to $100,000... .- 2,049]) 102,223, 266] 6. 8 || $20,000 to $100,000... 85 4,494,519] 5.9. $100,000 to $500,000. ...- 1, 690|}" 396, 152, 362) 26. 2 || $100,000 to $500,000... |. 9 , 455}... 33.3 $500,000 to $1,000,000. . 409], 281, 472, 982] 18, 6 || $500,000 to $1,000,000... 11; 617, 808! 15.4 $1,000,000 to $5,000,000..| 294 372, 478, 693], 24.7 || $1,000,000 and over bbe 83, 19Tp 38} 43,9) $5,000,000 and over... | 27) ) 336,'878,.848} 22.3 pais fi? & feabixth . GOLD AND SILVER, ie oak Cet ANTHRACITE... 22... 254|/ 364, 084, 142] 100.0 LODE MINES...... 58, 832, 330] 100.0 Less than $5,000... .-. 37 89, 997} (1) Less than $5,000....... 695, 409} 1.2 $5,000 to $20,000... ..-. 38 440,045} 0.1 || $5,000 to $20,000....... , 964) 2.6. $20,000 to $100,000... . 43)| 1, 843, 631]. 0.5 || $20,000 to $100,000... ... 5, 149, 322) 8.8 $109,000:to $500,000...| 39], 10,076, 964} 2.8 || $100,000 to $500,000. - be 14, 986, 545). 25.5: $500,000 to-$1,000,000..| - 39 24,276,649] 6.7 || $500,000 to $1,000,000. .. 13, 255, 565). 22.5 $1,000,000 to $5,000,000) 4g 83, 086, 309} 22.8 || $1,000,000 and over 2... , 244, 525) 39.5 $5,000,000 and over...|° 47]. 244°270/547}_ 67.1 ry hh LIMESTONE........ 52, 943, 924) 100, 0 BITUMINOUS. ....--| 6,636//1, 145, 977, 565} 100. 0 ) anes Seeereme, —_—— || Less than $5,000....... 507, 076} 1.0 Less than $5,000...... 818 2, 711, 023} 0.2 || $5,000 to $20,000....... 2,915, 675] 5.5 $5,000 to $20,000... ... 1, 618 17,614, 491} 1.5 || $20,000 to $100,000..... 14, 429, 913) 27.3 $20,000 t0,$100,000 .., -| 2, 006|| | 100, 379, 635}. ..8. 8 || $100,000 to $500,000. ... 834,355} 39. 4 $100,000 to $500,000. -| 1,651] 386, 075, 398} 33.-7-|} $500,000 to $1,000,000... 6, 904, 529) 13,0 $500,000 to $1,000,000. .| ’377|| 257, 196, 333° 22. 4 || $1,000,000 to $5, 000,000. 7, 352; 376| 13.9 $1,060,000 to $5,000,000} 156 289, 392,'384) 25.3 |] | < $5,000,000 and over. 10; 92,608,301] 8.1 ||| GRANITE........... 18, 279, 345 0 PETROLEUM AND | Less than $5, 1 RS 241, 093 3 NATURAL GAS... .| 9,814||, 931, 793, 423] 100.0 |} $5,000 to $20,000. epi 1, 027, 383) 5.6 — | |__| $20,000 to $100,000.....| 4, 786,424) 26.2 Less than $5,000........ 4, 348 9, 531,235} 1.0 |} $100,000 to $500,000....} _ 9, 344, 547 $5,000 to $20, 000.) coe. 2, 797 28, 919, 564) 3.1 $500, 000 and over ’..., 2, 879, 898 15.8 $20,000 to $100,000.. .... 1, 696 75, 785,417), >8,.1 . pee $100,000 to $500,000..... 684|| 150, 748, 376] 16.2 -SANDSTONE........ 255 10, 684, 969} 100.0 $500,000 to $5,060,000....| 158 109, 951, 280] 11.8 ——— | —____—-__. . $1,000,000 to $5,000,000--| 96||, 2047 1877367| 21.9 || Less than $5,000....... 79ll 191, 820} $5,000,000 and over..... 37|| 352) 670, 184} 37.8 || $5,000 to $20,000....... 78 841, 052). | $20,000 to $100,000... ae ee IRON ORE.......... 290), 218, 217,905} 100/0:|' $100,000 and overt..5.| 26 6, 616, 935| 61.9 Less than $5,000........ 15 36, 040) (2) PHOSPHATE ROCK. . 48 10, 300, 198) 100.0 $5,000 to $20,000........ | 29 392,775) 0.2 ——— $20,000 to $100,000...... 69 3, 774, 321] 1.7 || Less than $20,000 5... 8 66, 217 $100,000 to $500,000... 98 26, 453, 784| 12.1 $20,000 to $100,000... .. 16 897, 741 $500,000 to $1,000,000. - 41 28) 239’ 920 12.9 $100,000 to $500,000....} 17 4,052, 511} 39.3 $1,000,000 to $5,000,000..| 35 63, 674, 560| 29. 2 || $500,000 and over... 7 , 283, 729] 51.3 $5,000,000 and over..... 3 95, 646, 505) 43, 8II 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 2 Includes the group ‘$5,000,000 and over.” 8 Includes the group «gy 000, 000 to $5,000,000.” , 4 Includes the groups “350, 600 to $1, 000, 600” and “$1,000,000 to $5,000,000.”” 5 Includes the group “Less ‘than $5, 000.” Ted ng ee ey MINES AND QUARRIES. 1281 TABLE 15.—SIZE OF PRODUCING ENTERPRISES, BY VALUE OF PRODUCTS:-1919—Contd. atte ten VALUE OF cates VALUE OF INDUSTRY AND PRODUCTS. INDUSTRY AND PRODUCTS. ‘ne OF PRODUCTS _ er 3 VALUE OF PRODUCTS =i R ENTERPRISE. : er PER ENTERPRISE. : Per Peg < cps ah _ | cent. i a none? CLAY. » oes __-345||.- $10,086, 293} 100. 0 GYPsUM....J/2..|.,. 47|| -* $6,805,940] 100.0 ATM mod Less than $5,000...... 3 5,042| 0.1 pe than’$5, 000.wees-e- 82 192, 739} 1.9 || $5,000 to $20,000 Dadi tere 5 69,164; 1.0 $5,000 to $20,000 ot oie ae 118 1, 248) 365) 12.4 || $20,000 to $100, 000... 18 941, 620). 13.8 $20,000 to-$100;000.. 2... 127 5, 949, 044; 59. 0 || $100,000 to $500, 000. - 18 4, 100, 134} 60.2 $100,000 to $500,000... 18 2. 696, 150) . 26.7 || $500,000 to $1, 000,000... 3 1 639, 980} 24.8 ABAD Eli yih aes 163, 9, 657, 977| 100.0 SRATE. cat ok. oi 101 5, 720,792 100. 0 Lass than $5,000........ 20 48, 034} 0.5 || Less than $5,000...... 13 36, 448] 0.6 $5,000 to $20,000........ 40 490, 470) 5.1 || $5,000 to-$20,000...... 21 276, 824) 94.8 $20,000 to.$100,000...-=-| 77 3, 850, 020) 39.9 || $20,000 to $100,000. . 55 2,764,500] 48.3 $100,000 and over?}....- 26) 5, 269, 453). 54.6 $100, 000 and over}... 12 2. 643, 020) 46.2 nf BOER: PLACER r MARBLE.......... 48 4, 397,912} 100.0 ee MIRES on tanenneie} | 112 9, 368, 561! 100. 0 BEE Sais MERI WE ———— || Less than $5,000...... 4}. 10,702} 0.2 ‘Less than $5,000. :...... 74 119, 809] 1.3 || $5,000 to $20,000...... 8 81,157| 1.8 $5,000 to $20,000........ 12 112, 178). 1.2 || $20,000 to $100,000....| 25 1, 255, 344| 28.5 $20,000 to $100,000...... 12 798, 605} . 8.5 || $100,000 and over 2... 11 Ms 050, 709| 69.4 $100,000 to $500,000... 11 2, 611, 707} 27.9 ,000 and over 2..... 3 5,726, 262|.. 61.1 Bs a eRe 1 Includes the group “$500,000 to $1,000,000.” ENTER- PRISES. INDUSTRY AND WAGE EARNERS Per _ PER ENTERPRISE. | Niym-| Cent oe fag ber. | cis: * |tribu ' tion _, Allindustries..../ 21,280} 100.0 ~No wage earners...|_ 3,722) 17.5 £0 Grate. sia. tg Qhel, Bled 6to 20¢5. 6... 24 re 3,948) 18.6 ZI LODUn as ak css os ,309) 10.9 5 16 Neen | See 1,372) 6,4 101 to 500.... 22. su..| 9 1, 743) 8, 2) 501 to 1,000......... 182) - 0.9 over 1 000 Sinn othe AAR. 92; 0.4 Sorratan ye, Nis ai = 6,890} 100.0 No wage earners. x 64, 0,9 ’ 140.5. ..«: weeeceeee eeeeee 1,574 22.8 Be ET Mahe ncddn cine clone 1, 588] 23.0 m 2h t0,50is .5.-- 015 o>] 1,258] 18,3 ES Sas ae ee ee 901; 13.1 Over 1,000 Dek a seb - 67; 1.0 ANTHRACITE. a 254| 100.0 y oO wage earners. . 2} 0.8 BU Dike nyse a0 ,. 62)’ 24.4 BO 20 mee atha'scs 89} 15.4 La OL es ahin nae s 20)’ . 7.9 SI to.100.... 53..... 1Zige 61 LOT CO 500...-i6 . .0ic 63] 24.8 501 to 1,000....... » 33], 18.0 — Over-t000-=2><-= 7 22> 857 : 75108°—23——81 2 Includes. the group $1, 000, 000 to $5; 000, 000.’” pattie dat 1919. WAGE EARNERS. 981, 560) 100.0 105, 110} 71.3 | INDUSTRY AND WAGE EARNERS PER ENTERPRISE, BITUMINOUS. .. No wage earners.. LOD 4O5 00. - BE eh. 501 to 1,000.2. A. Over 1, 000 ee es a PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS. Z wage earners. 5 oO! to 1, pis 2s stalls lols ENTER- PRISES. 6, 636 9,814 a Seep ay Oo. HNORO bet Oo BD bt fa es SNOW ORNE Wied On GDI ; TABLE 16.—SIZE OF PRODUCING. ENTERPRISES, BY AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE WAGE EARNERS. 1282 TABLE 16.—SIZE OF PRODUCING ENTERPRISES, BY AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE ENTER- WAGE PRISES. EARNERS. INDUSTRY AND WAGE EARNERS Perl Sa eps) (eek PER ENTERPRISE. | Wym-| C&Db|| “aoe | Cont per. 1,25 |] num. | dis: * |tribu ber tribu- tion > | tion. COPPER do 195}. 100.0}} 43,717} 100.0 No wage-earmers. .... 16) .8. 2H eee tteas. - L-tO:Sicscrsceseerseis 53] 27.2 129} 0.3 GLH 20255. 2B. a. es aes 35| 17.9 406} 0.9 21. £0 SOL Su PS. eae | 27|. 13 859) 2.0 81-TO LOOM tos. Se a sess 11}. 5.6 835} 1.9 10) fo S00}. S6s55. wd 30) 15. 4/) 8,676) 19.8 SOL T6 LOO0 Te cad 12} 6.2|)| 8,817). 20.2 OVEr1;000. 38552 11}. 5.6]| 23,995} 54.9 LIMESTONE...... 895) 100. 0)| 22,069} 100.0 No wage earners. . -.. 2p) * - Ze SUN LS Be Wd Oe Lt6'5. SOR DER oa. 3 288) . 32.2 713} 73.2 6.40 200i de een 301} 33.6]| 3,445) 15.6 210 50! ROS 179) 20.0]} 5,456} 24.7 Sito 100220 Sane ces & 59} 6.6}| 4,109) 18.6 10E TO OUD ie. 43; 4.8!| 8,346] 37.8 LEAD AND ZINC.. 432| 100.0}} 21,884) 100.0 | No wage earners. --.. ASAD OY A. OE apes 1 CO BEERS. jn worard 121| 28.0 266} 1.2 6 TO DOs occa eae a 104; 24.1 1,195) 5.5 DN to SOs ert uy 74, 17.1 2,443) 11.2 HL tO 1008 i he swe 45} 10.4) 3,054) 14.0 1010 DOOR eA os. ae 39) 9.0) 7,164) 32.7 501 tot, 00022... i. -.2. 4, 0.9)} 2,412) 11.0 Over 1,000 ot as 41 0.9]) 5,350) 24,4 GOLD AND SILVER, LODE MINES... 740} 100.6|| 15,436] 100.0 No wage earners... .. Soli! 20 4iet ese. ee Se 1 tote... ab es 273) ~ 36.9 643) 4.2 OTe Dare. icone 178} 24,1 1,872) 12.1 Fie nok | Arp pepe” PgehonE 71; 9.6/| 2,474) 16.0 SL to. LOOK ae ost 31] 4..2))0 12,244) 14.5 TOT GOO 2 na 30} 4.7!) 6,691] 43.3 Over 15000225 ..57a £5 1}. 4001 1,512) 9.8 GRANITE........- 358} 100.0)| 8, 049} 100. 0 No wage earners 20]; 25, Gis SOS emo. 2 1 AOD. Rees sag seb pene 119} _ 33,2 288] 3.6 GtGi20. Fen 32k ob aie 117} 32.7|| 1,173} 14.6 Bh te S03. 238). 10 ee 60} 16.38)! . 1,862) 23,1 Sito W055 choc 28; 7.8)| 2,035) 25.3 162 $0500. 3... 02.5.5. 14 3.9|| 2,691] 33.4 SBA aces Aci tt sz: 345); 100.0) 5,453} 100.0 No wage earners. ...- ri 0 tbo she lniply ged heres DEO Bes se hs See ee 108} 31.3 273}, 5.0 OOO et VE ee 131} 38.0]| 1,487] 27.3 2P WOU oe nae 57| 16.5|| 1,824) 33.4 ES i A i a ee 19}. 5. 5]| 15270} 23.3 101-$0 500.2 6 See 4) 1.2 599) 11.0 PHOSPHATE ROCK 48] 100.0 4,373] 100.0 No wage earners. .... 1} } 2. Lion oe te 1 EOD. itis a5 a cues Ge. 2} 4.2 9} 0.2 6. $020. 14.09. 2 peed. 10} 20.8 122) ° 2.8 2h To S0scas ye, ~ kT 40s. 11] 22.9 360} 8.2 5b to 100s22. 4. ba.85. 10} 20.8 679} 15.5 101 to 000.6. Pe. oe ice. 14) 29. 2|| :. 3,203} 73.2 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS. EARNERS: 1919—Continued. ENTER: “PRISES. || INDUSTRY AND ‘i WAGE EARNERS _ Per PER ENTERPRISE. Nuri ei ber. |tribu tion. ° * t SANDSTONE.....- 255} 100.0 No wage earners. ...- 9 : tto 6.0 sca ao 4 105} 41.2 6-40 20 8 occ cee 89) -34.9 QE-tO SO. Pear ven. 3s cele 29)-- 1154 SL G0 LOO Mee... 2 te 1 2 Raa © 5 101 toB00 soon eas 6 SLATE: tic cde 08 101} 100. No wage earners. .-.- 1 r 10 5370 as os eee de Ol+ 448: 6G 20P 8 wetnek o. - Suk Bal Siu D0. SQL 0 Ce nn a ede 39] 38.6 Sito 1Q0p222X ; 2 at 14) 13.9 LO%'TO DOOs Yh. ce ode 6 BASABT* so, wok 163! 100.0 No wage earners. ...- 2 I:EOD- 55. dome ee 36) 22,1 BAGS Bizet 67| 41.1 PANN SS) Re Ey | 47| 28.8 Bb GO 100s tae so 8 cl 6 i TOR toUGcree- coe oe ear: aa GypsuM........--| 47] 100. L0-Bwemirs-deti ei tee si 4, 8 DBD. 200 gue eo ieee 14| 29, PEGS D0 suas ok woe es 15; 3 SPT 100. gegen ts Stee e 8) 1 LOMO 500s eaee. toon 6} 12.8 MARBER (0.152 s4- 48} 100.0 No wage earners. .... 1) 2, THO. SOLAS 4). 8; 64020-cc2oe tess 20! 41.7 21.60 SOs cree te 16| 33. bl Go L00R Sts... ean See 2 AOLGO FO0Sche . Tet aE 5} - 40. GOLD, PLACER MENESwe: Jin vee 112) 100.0) No-wage earners. .... 34| - 30. 1 +0632 eat See eS “47| 42, OO LO vs trentaed vie ace 17| - 15. Dt fo oc mer aeae eee eure} Gee HUto LODscasiepenine eee All +B: 10L¢0 500L. % .. o's see - 2) -< ds SULPHUR. iO oe 4) 100: 64020. Ws se aN Rb. 1} -25.0 10b-70:5008 Ue Ga as 2 2) 50:0 501 to 1,000.........-. 1} 25.0 ee ae ee eae MINES AND QUARRIES. 1283 TABLE 17.—FUEL USED, BY PRODUCING ENTERPRISES: 1919. Coke ad etveel NESieat (tons, | Wood | Fueloils |82¢ Other) Natural gas INDUSTRY; Anthracite| Bituminous 2,000 (cords). | (barrels). As a Oe (tons, 2,240| (tons, 2,000 |\pounds). (barrels) s pounds). | pounds), ie eae All industries....... 8,697,365 | 16,275,751 || 53,795] 113, 850 9,537,443 | 143,593 |1 102,784, 812 i ATT ACIEO. ok on en « 8, 548, 201 6,006 te ae eC 671 1 Rs rs a Gr age Dt PUMIMRIS Conese eetectsc. ss... 11, 124, 904 || 14, 254 594 3, 235 18, 963 865, 907 Petroleum and natural gas.|........... GF; 216 He 2, 852 | 5, 898, 610 45, 654 | 99, 967, 358 Teatt ored.Aleeii er 1. .c.. i. 69,753 | 1,499,612 || 24,070 912 3, 807 3, 550 1 89, 354 DOE is ee eke a cnn veg 14,889 | 1,364,172 9,744 5, 236 |. 1, 322, 100 6, 932 , 456 Lead and zine............. 33, 526 508, 278 272 | 3,570 72, 517 6, 261 1, 390, 098 Gold and silver, lode POMMOSUE Re oé2e5 decides... 45 191, 526 369 | 17,755 130, 269 | 215, 821}. oo cas. Limestoné:.........2..-.. 5, 409 673, 989 937 | 4,765 33,221 | 11,397 5, 887 Granite...... lag s akan des = 1, 723 115, 250 55 4, 297 13, 164 S41) | ogte. cca eas DONUT Te els Pecks ee. 308 ya Hale I hed 1, 087, 736 TAD share tensa eed. 2 = Sandstone: ....1......-- 2, 418 128, 832 1, 530 160 8, 62 1, 423 145, 943 Phosphate rock. .......... 28 121, 273 146 | 39, 961 657, 284 10,871 |. em. bo 0's oe Clay ne. .38 Peat rile tse. 345 84, 065 He... 228. 1, 424 51, 646 1, 819 9, 009 pi Gs yt Sale ae 2, 099 84, 56650 so. wan 2, 129 15, 390 O20 |..4as0 Seas’ 2 Gold, placer mines........ 72 992 1 1, 691 114 401 |. kil weseoe os eek Ss GR se i Ae 76, 086 1, 534 43 62, 893 1,752. | 2 sng Paded oes ts) ener Sees 8, 762 34, 053 li... 0.62% 214 36 1). ccubws tytale Marble A tothe sue 210 A S23 +] ange donee ss Osis. eee Albotheriei7.i 82S. 9, 885 170, 375. 863 | 27,924 176, 129 13, 336 277, 800 189,354 M cubic feet reported for the iron-ore industry was manufactured gas. IES NG eS 1284 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS, panrn 18--COMPARATIVE SUMMARY FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES, PRODUGING ENTERPRISES: 1919 AND 1909. ~~ * PRINCIPAL EXPENSES. Wage Power Cost of earn- . Value of a us | | Supplies} fuel | Royal-| q, INDUSTRY AND CENSUS Ne pe (aggre- Pane and and | ties at ane products. Lhe nter-| age sate wages en’ ~| work =) wr 8 horse- Ses. | terials. | chased} rents. | "~” prises.!} num- ber). $555, 49919122, 1086/8175, 204 $79, 380)/$3, 158, 464 SM oes 21, 280) 981,560) 6,'723,'786)/$1, 445, 265 1908 oa ase 19, 915| 967,633) 4, 608,253 $640,168) 202,730} 45,137) 63, 974| 28, 888]| 1, 238, 410 —— ——— oo SS | FUELS: Coal— cuh elcle Anthracite— ae ae tit LOLA AMOS? sa 254| 147,372| 899,'783|| 223,285} 60,172} 13,306) 11, 767 1,558}| 364, 084 TPOUG Acces ae 192) 169,367} 676,753 96,901} 23,505; 3,193) 7,981 1,702); 149,180 Bituminous— git AGA. pee b 6, 636] 545, 798), 2, 155, 412 751, 270} 142,433) 37,177 22, 295| 2,,856|),1, 145, 978 1O09.-] Stoo. 3, 503) 511,723) 1, 227, 401 315,997}. 40,499) 7, 510 12, 082| 2,210)| 427,962 Petroleum and. nat- : be AR. ered ural gas— WOLOE Sateen 2's 9,814] 93, 205), 1, 821, 342 167,990} 223,872} 20,794) 106, 459},.68)664))., 931, 793 10D ers er ene 4,129 15, 291) 2, 095 1452) | 22,764)... web]. adcek 17, 936 aeooe Vets)... ME 4 366 3, 114 435 2248} | 7027081. 1.68... (2) 4, 432 Tale oes Soapstone— ; Li Mis SOOU de. .) Ae 28] 7) -> 958 7, 053 “1, 050)" «+. 345 156 39 53 2, 302 909 He ¥ a... SA 39} 1, 256 9, 433} ° 607|** 16196 66 31 4 1, 175 Tao ic “1. 1 Operators, net enterprises, in 1909. aU 2 Less than $500, 1286 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS. TABLE 19.-COMPARATIVE SUMMARY FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY STATES, PRO- DUCING ENTERPRISES: 1919 AND, 1909. | PRINCIPAL EXPENSES. Num- | Wage'| Power ; _ | Cost of Value stare AND ber of |-catners used Salaries | Supplies | fueland| Royal- | Con- of CENSUS YEAR. | enter- (average] (aggregate and and pur- |tiesand| tract || products. prises.} num- horse- wages. |materials.| chased | rents. | work. "!] ber). power). ; power. . Expressed in thousands. United States: site 110s Oc ee 21,280 | 981,560 | 6,723,786 ||$1,445,265 | $555,499 /$122, 106 $175, 294 ($79,380 |/$3, 158, 464 1909. ues 319,915 | 967,633 |.4,608,253 || 4640,168 | 202,730 | 45,137 | 63,974 |528, 888 || 1,238, 410 Alabama: lt xe 1919'S eat 264 | 32,579 145,775 40, 165 7,481 3, 080 838 59, 866 ROO reste: 177°} © 28, 271 91, 924° 15, 936 2,620 1,049 334 ~ 24,351 Arizona 101934. s oe 155 |. 15, 268 166, 091 29, 953 16, 161 5,378 439 88, 478 1909. siecee- - 135 | 12,838 A7, 272 14,521-| 6, 980-}<. 5,604 “KS 34, 218 Arkansas: ; LOLGY sere Te 126 | 3,630 21,365 5,175 1, 402 441 387 8, 405 1909 3.22 252% 96 4,935 14, 080 3, 265 368 139 194 4, 604 California: EP IR als g KD RES | IN ihn 725 | 19,344 313, 213 36, 890 32, 692 7,047 | 10,911 | 1,377 163,770 1O002 aia 1,329 | -20,517 162, 238 22,018 21, 552 2,776 2,814 63, 382 Colorado: . 19195 fe tees 477 | 16,790 116,351 28, 194 11, 955 2,707 1,584 51,217 1909: diye 2 e 672 | 21,483 98,777 20, 576 10,390 1, 956 1,017 45, 680 Connecticut ; 1919) ie des ~ 41 543 8, 520 791 304 120 ll 1,649 190938 cs 25 71 1,385 6, 298 812°). 127 72 17 1,376 Delaware: i) 1919S BS ee 7 116 660 156 34 19 5 244 1909. stwas - 9 493 1,480 {> 288 re 152 26 4 516 Flonida TOROS iss a:2.s0 36 3,372 44,969 3,774 1, 836 1, 688 141 | $8,976 19092) 45: ..- 36 | . 5,448 42,366 2,847 739} 1,228 198 | 8,847 Georgia: y) TOPOR eee oe 74 2,397 13, 026 2,373 609 356 156 4,082 4 hel Jet tale ins 92 3,383 10,698 |}. +» 1,468 254 147 59 2,875 aho: : p AS) ASR | Seuss 82 2,455 31, 239 4,740 2, 026 514 182 11, 840 F909 S Jee sc: 174 3, 246 26, 278 4,403 1,847 356 28 » 8,649 Tilinois: “4K bi TOL Lae, siauines 772 | 79,128 318, 231 104, 302 18, 808 5,785 6, 636 178; 673 ne ae i ae - 915 | 72,086 225, 330 49, 491 8,575 1,326 3,580 76,659 ana: 1919. Sintec 503 | 26,751 129, 663 34, 271 6, 421 2,013 940 52, 840 : 1909x.4b5. . s.. 1,010 | 23,936 95, 039 15, 884 1, 847 552 595 21, 934 owa: TRE) 8 RY Slay 198 | 11,274 32,171 13, 810 2,072 749 335 18, 474 AOD ails. 373 | 16,480 23, 453 11,411 1,308 222 349 13,878 Kansas id | TOTO. is cr 814 | 16,136 133, 984 25, 249 33,396 4,306 | 10,712 90, 338 1909. ess. 643 | 14,343 66, 943 10,325 2,038 268 1, 666 18,723 Kentucky: | i TOTO te atntats 938 | 438, 563 148, 893 56, 861 15, 659 2, 523 5, 814 » (98,487 1909. 42... - 437 | 18,297 53, 203 8, 793 1,322 218 12,100 Louisiana and 0 Mississippi: f DLO at ae 137 5, 228 86, 135 9, 003 8, 502 2, 813 4,312 - 40,016 POUR si. 33 926 8, 445 1, 200 867 7 4 6, 547 Maine: { 4919.5 eae. 50 979 |" 6,277 » 1,170 . 203 123 10 11,828 1909....2.-- 97 | 2,144 8,141 1,452 220 85 16 “P08 {2,056 Maryland: tt me nds ah 4019. ot l.. 126 5, 628 18, 660 6, 941 1,178 309 138 1 9, 699 1909 eS. 126 7,190 | <°) 18,118 3, 668 479 104 134 8.|] coe '5, 782 Massachusetts: “ . GOLA ab? BE SSMS Magma 74 1, 704 12, 498 2,394 494 263 59 4,176 1000s. LOE: .. 139 | 3,291 15, 031. 2,180 364. 153 55 3, Michigan: soit} yi RY cain eae 122 |. 31,292 | © 337,882 {po 54,718 |. 15,204] 8, 445 6, 669 |» 103, 870 Ph 190D,.-1). ta) 83.| . 39,169 | «273, 861 29, 834 |)! 9, 800 4,193 4,049 0067, 714° Minnesota : iis jt POI9. sas 135 | 17,265 144,199 }/) 82,431 |) 14,102 |) 4,682 17, 643 » 130,399 HOOG Ub - 2 153 | 16,586 151, 834 13, 476 : 6,737 |. 2,025 |} 10,732 «58, 665 Missouri: VOTO once 468 | ~ 14, 857 | ~~ 100, 160 18, 641 45785 2, 034 781 33,366 1900e:. Gaise,-2 | 1,021.) 23, 420° 109, 672 15, 669 6, 202 2,221 1, 954 31, 667 1 pun not enterprises, in 1909. 2 The total for the United States includes, besides the states specified, statistics for the District of Columbia for which no statistics were reported for 1909. 3 Exclusive of duplication, 307 operators having reported in two or more states. 4 Includes $1,568,000 which could not be distributed genes the several states. 8 Includes $62,000 which could not be distributed among the several states. 6 Includes statistics for Louisiana only; nothing reported for Mississippi. OE Pe Oy Ee ees ee Cees ~~ a Pay & a a ae tea os mana MINES AND QUARRIES. . 1287 TABLE APS COMPARATIVE SUMMARY FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY STATES, PRO- DUCING ENTERPRISES: 1919 AND 1909—Continued: PRINCIPAL EXPENSES. _ | Wage seg Ae Be i pa of wees. bog va earners use aries | Supplies | fuel an oyal- on- 0 scoala id ber of (average) (aggregate and and pur- |tiesand| tract || products. CENSUS YEAR. | enter "l isea's um- horse- wages. |materials.| chased | rents. | work. ‘ P Tees ber). power). power. Expressed in thousands. - Montana: oe ae 16,129 | 143,718 || $28,228 | $9,515 | $2,980 $646 | $116 $49, 924 N peo if a oe 18, 846 174, 389 22,774 16,397 3, 628 1, 823 395 54, 992 ebraska: . POLO... cpa Gay » 162 1, 847 193 61 21 LOs Ses Biase 293 : 1909 7 he 349 "815 187 35 22 2 6 322 evada: Cae Pee 4, 231 50, 786 8, 501 5,339 1, 751 144 245 18, 054 TOO eek wees» rs 642 x, 862 6, 801 4,986 1,312 276 197 23, 272 New Hamp- ; ire: “ih : POIs.) Je. » 682 4; 336 922 145 65 6 35 1, 568 -1909........} 1,418 |.-..3,771 980 101 54 4 9 1,309 New Jersey: GET ION. 1b a. 4,576 33, 901 6, 119 2,195 720 277 58 9,309 i A 32) ai iy 6,315 18, 048 3, 064 675 319 101 44 8,347 ew Mexico: : 1919. 2kws as’ 7, 100 59, 876 11, 645 3, 889 1,361 181 132 18, 873 Ne —s Boe Shed 5,107 16,042 3,975 | 805 203 79 133 5,588 ew York: aaivs et gid 6, 202 91,339 8, 928 7,417 | 1,402 649 739 25,131 N rth ks SP 9,305 101, 759 5, 425 1,953 585 466 513 18, 335 0 arolina , suas. § 1, 890 16,089 1,689 467 221 36 6 2,737 a a ote 2, 215 6, 062 ” 986 153 103 20 37 1,359 0 ako ta Pala OL ake Se) | hate @ 7909... a05.7 56 0: "497 Ohio: AEP POLI. ch. CSd.2 49, 298 337, 611 66, 152 19,210 | 4,131 6,340 | 3,929 134, 518 pt gi Be ‘b.2 50, 567 294, 763 29, 544 12, 736 893 3,667 | 2,971 63, 767 lahoma, e 2919...) Obs. si 33,914 | © 448,173 59,342 | 65,217 | 4,794 | 30,680 | 18,982-|| 281,928 ° 1 C5 ein 11, 658 95, 074 9,118 5, 028 384 2,784 | 2,137 25, 638 regon: , IOUS SeaTast 740 6,264 |} * 1,141 546 133 48 36 1, 885 is 1909. = +-- 860 8,070 ” 830 187 97 17 8 1,191 ennsy. ide sir : ; 1919. 5. Sfe.8 323,397 | 1,999,422 |} 480,183 | 124,328 | 27, 707 | 24,683 | 7,970 819, 451 Rh omg , es 51‘/'361, 013 | 1,618, 806 210, 531 } 48, 274 6,423 | 15,379 | 5,976 349, 060 Rhode Island: . Peet Oss Gok. 1919.1. 82 a 369 . 3,000 482 147 55 6 1 952 $909 ciress.¢ 665 © 2,350 468 131 27 0 lad a 898 South Carolina: : 1919... TSE... 933 » 4,656 820 303 150 7. (Saeco 1,351 1909... 222.2 1,814 7,012 |" 709 125 118 10 7 1, 253 South Dakota: SIOI9 eae. 1,785 11, 844 2,714 1,008 284 |. 7 12 5,314 P 1909,..t6... 3, 456 15, 648 3, 432 1,110 421 as () 6, 432 ‘ennessee: 1919-8 2S025 14, “oh ; or 685 14, 626 ee i; an 29 oh - Vike Biz4 908. Soi3e 63 16, 338 |. 4, 523 8,347 ‘ 5 is Texas: r i a rs 18, 164 129, 063 35, 988 45, 402 6,190 | 23,912 | 25, 774 160,378 U O09 4 f62..5 6,379 32, 003 4, 539 1, 833 256 918 152 10, 742 tah: BS dara wan oc 9, 847 86, 131 19,114 8, 043 2,019 151 491 41,511 e ene Sie ee 10, 089 47,226 || 10,184 4,027 |\' 1,074 72 265 22, 083 ermont: ~- : - ere ee meee) Oe Oe “4 ak = done) Ne 2 é : irginia: POLS aes: 2. 14, 547 57, 880 17,798 4,760 1,217 830 341 29, 363 bo1900. |. Sai .S 15, 257 34, 630 . §, 842 1,174 485 418 119 | 8, 796 Washington ) i} Tine come 15, 050 p65 88,198 |}... 8,128 | ° 1,729 947 177 87 ||. 13,329 1909. 3185.2 6, 904 20, 742 .. 6,236 843 246 | . 141 14. 10,538 West Virginia 1019 “68 100, 812 704, 279 || 134, 532 46,612 6,909 | 14,846} 3,890 295, 607 POO S va lain nas 73, 410 416, 282 39, 810. 12, 541 1, 213 7,796} 4,466 76, 288 Wisconsin: ss . cits tenes 3, 547 26, 766 5, 368 1, 969 857 536 135 10, 581 1909... .5.5 4,710 24, 864 3, 340 "878 436 » 445 41 7,459 Wyoming: Ove | es oSPon “9, 699'| ° | 62,757 15, 963- 6, 423 1,073 1, 766 716 41, 929 TOOD 2Vs% owes 7,742} . 30,338 6, 714 1,386 376 108 62 10, 572 Deemer bo dN 1 Operators, not enterprises, in 1909. 1 Less than $500. 1288 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS, TABLE 20.—DETAILED STATISTICS FOR MINES, QUARRIES, AND WELLS, PRODUCING AND NONPRODUCING ENTERPRISES, FOR THE UNITED ‘STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919. ) (LAND CONTROLLED. (ACRES). » | Num- ; Num. | ber of Mineral land. Num- | ber of tia ber of |} mines, Pp f INDUSTRY. enter- | ‘quar- oper- - Timber ; ; ating and prises. | ries, or | ponef- 7; -wells. hare ’ oe 1 Other ciating || Operated. | Owned. | Leased. | lands. plants. Allindustries........-. O1, 097 1, G31 1,503 || 22,947,937 | 8,729,545 |14, 294, 342 | 2,215,702 Producing enterprises. .... 21,280 |)......: 1,503 || 22,474,069 | 8,588,590 |13, 980,731 | 2,208,519 FUELS: , Coal, anthracite....2:.....L.0. 254 | 1534 140 261, 355 194, 390 77,955 159, 710 Coal, bituminous. $722.7 27-24 6,636} 8,282 134 8, 261; 372 |. 5, 793, 651. | 2, 528, 562 751, ais Petroleum and natural gas.... 9, B14 12575673 |e stale do 0's 12, 17 ri 388 ¥ 172, 068 10, 999, S20" ak SK METALS: RD TOE: OTOL ae ae a ee 290 406 74 |} &~ 241, 508 177, 296 65, 280 .. 696, 140 COD DOr Tweet cc eS tae 195 226 57 3927 811 378, 839 14, 045 |} 255,819 Lead-and Zinc. . i.e. .... bere 432 473 262 135, 262 99, 338\|. 36, 118. 47, 053 Gold and silver, lode mines... 740 799 191 142, 573 £413, 347 ’ 424 46, 166 Gold, placer CA RIS TOR 112 132 2 62, 857 51, 219 11, 738 16,860 Manganese.........5....... 0 35 37 8 Bl, 574 12; 463 39,111 |.» 16 ATICKSILVERS 2). do OF ck eee 26 26 24 o7, 387 16, 820 10,.567 5, 283 Prare Metals 2: oF syed «ke tes 22 22 ry 18, 779 17,200 | - 1,579 30 STONE: i we: Timestone:..... BE 895 925 44 122, 820 84, 717 38,306 52, 963 CHUB D ed. Sa L > Obs 381 152 30, 659 23, 799 6, 950 6, 998 Sandstone?..........-- O dg taka 255 276 '66 48, 729 34,726 ]}-.- 15,435 | 6, 641 Basalts goes ey. 6 Pee AR 163 174 6 15, 625 7,139 8,48 1, 889 oh emer | BRIE Rape SAR le sala Poy Se 101 104 61 5, 440 3, 673 1, 767 2, 805 Marble ]o%oe ck | 0 DE 48 62 25 28, 969 11, 818 17, 159 6, 273 MISCELLANEOUS ings Abrasive materials 3...........! 34 34 14 15, 885 10,334 5, 551 1,433 Ashestos: UO sic. 1 Bed hee 10 11 3 2,371 2; ACL). ive... Apphalgl. Oo. 0 bE OS 9 12 EGE sas 8, 889 8, 759 » ASQ. GE os Barytes.... cok cee 89 98 5 37, 135 31, 971 5,164} 10,622 Bauxite, ot pee 10 15 abd 3,997 | ©. 1,164 2, 833 23, 998 Chromite.c2F lg ere er. & s 15 16 1 3,389 | 1,084 2,35 61 ae Sie LE tds 345 350 45 105, 706 70, 498 35, 263 7,040 Peldspar. #......i22.4...-- 30 32 4) , 480 76 719. 235 Fluorspafccoses2i 22.3.2... 02. 54 72 25 9,623 | 5, 888 3,135. 5, 942 Hiiler’s Garths...d.00 1s ~i phos. 9 9 8 6, 720 4, 274 , 446 258 Graphite: pesners] Jb. 5 0s ee 21 24 16 8,114 | 2 7,931 183 / | 186 Gypsum sh sn ge 47 48 27 41,703 } ~ 36,581 5, 122 490 MAGMOSITC... - seo - sop neis-sshaa5 il 11 7 2,931 1,375 1,556 | +930 SOS Sc Pes x wn Se kee deh eee 65 69 Sh 5, 188 3, 225 1,963. 781 Malistomes..2°4 o3 ya. Se il LL BER eo ee 119 16 LOS} BUCS oe. Mineral pigments. ............ 23|-+ B 11 2,483 1,997 486 1, 836 Phosphate rock. . .2.2.-....1.: 48 69 20 160, 447 156, 418 4,029 81, 363 Pywtees: He... Bee. 5 SSR 17 18 12 9, 103 5, 532 3,571 8, 958 Ghieere iol ce eS Le 24 29 8 1, 989 1, 263 7 439 Sulphur). } 3) 2hssi AAA.) UE! ( 4 4 1 12,946 12, 9463R |... jo duu oh 7,565 Tale and soapstone. ......... 28 30 23 14,743 11,920 2, 823 Nonproducing enterprises. VTE eo BR 473, 868 160,955 | 313,611) © «7,183 FUELS: aR . 3 matty Coal, 5... f 26 26 (ok .'. = « 24, 707 ()) 14,317}. 10,890.) eve! 97 Petroleum and natural gas... 156 BiG tewewogt va 260, 131 3, 645 256, 486 |... Jeet e. METALS: SBE a BOE és « > SE Tron ores. fib... FAR. 6 18 19 tae . 2. 4,506 |. 42,339 2, 167 ee 604 : Gold, silver, copper, lead, or nite cides YW : ee eS ARIES 500%). 612 Bee % .... - 1176, 035 136, 452 40, 281 he 5,048 MISCELLANEOUS 4. .......... b ore 17: AW hs ae 8,489 | 9 4, 202 is - , Ok 1 Includes 79 anthracite culm washeries and 81 river Gredgesy: 2 eon Tim wt in industries as follows: Molybdenum, 2; titanium: 2; futtesten| 6; uranium bald . vanadium. “8 Includes enterprises in industries as follows: Diatomaceous earth, 9; emery, 2; a. arnet, ue pebbles and lining for grinding mills, 3; pumice, 6; rotten stone, 1 ;stone for whetstones, 2; tripoli 9. | 4 Includes enterprises in industries as cenit B eB 1; cobalt, 1; limestone, 1 ; Manganese, 2 marble, peg 1; molybdenum, 2; phosphate rock, 1 } pyri Qe, 1 : quicksilver, 2 ; Silica, 1 ; sulphur, 1; tin} 1; vana- ium, 1. eens, ial hi ees tell MINES AND QUARRIES. TABLE 20.—DETAILED STATISTICS FOR MINES QUARRIES, AND WELLS, 1289 PRODUCING -AND NONPRODUCING ENTERPRISES, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY "INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRY. ® Proprietors and officials. : Proprietors Se ag and rw and firm hordinat INDUSTRY. members. Super- su Hiei} e Aggre- Sala- in- Tech- sa i 1e gate. Per- ried tend- nical emp oyees. . form- |.» offi- ents em- Total. | ing | cers. | 224 | Ploy- Man. mana-| ees, “ ual aad Male. |_Fe- labor " | male. _ All industries. ..-| 1,084,796 22,155 | 5,272 | 10,729 | 22,223 | 6,481 | 25,854 | 10,170 Brdducnig enterprises. | 1, 077, 675 21,918 | 5,245 10, 456 | 21,704 | 6,331 | 25,649 | 10, 057 rire: P * Coal, anthracite... 00.2... 154, 882 159 34 233) | °2,82t 907 | 2,773 617 ~- Coal, bituminous... 222.7 583, 608 4,237 | 1,830 | 5,870 | 9,750. | 2,546 | 11,085,| 4,322 Bock daa gia ama 125,110 14,223 | 1,987 | 2,392] 4,704 868 | 6,046 1. 3,672 METALS: .. : EAL Ee siouicls vinta osc = «(2 = 48, 767 4] 9 130 616 499 1, 454 286 RAO OE rs o.2 3 dean a ae 46, 999 103 62 185 596 717 1, 493 188 S Lead and’zine: os... 24, 030 412 186 166 547 249 593 179 ~ Gold and silver, lode mines © 17,531 ‘712 485 236 505 240 319 33 Gold, placer mines........ 1,651 122 77 38 61 11 26 13 Manganese... ......:..---- 1,032 Be 6 16 29 9 27 7 OE TICK BIFV.OR swcic cases ceackh 846 27 il 11 34 9 13 4 = Rare metals......22......: 750 11 3 1] 32 11 40 12 STONE: . ' SELAMIOStOMO.... Le). Lee nles 24,705 633 175 | 375 672 47 701 208 Granite... ... 8, 951 328 145 137 197 34 133 73 Sandstone... 4, 397 179 53 106 143 6 115 61 Basalt .7....... 3,791 5 ee 20 85 138 10 103 42 rel tin 2 as | 3, 852 » 64 21 84 117 + 45 25 MAGOION 2 out esis. st. 1,891 i 3 fy 46 40 3 38 25 MISCELLANEOUS: | - Abrasive materials......-- 379 25 6 6 19 3 3 6 Asbestos.-..../. ee 165 5 1 1 7 1 4 1 WsvuaIts eds es... -!-< BORN tay S0rih oo Lal. dks uss 9 17 14 19 4 caf nn re 1,071 93 3 8 31 6 12 2 WAOURIUO’ 0 6 sige sc ces.- a Pea 6 22 5 27 6 Chromite... 22-35 .. 2... 60 =. 24 12 3 oy dip ore free ce geg pele UE ES aS SPE Se ae 6, 087 187 48 96 168 9 112 62 p< OMISDEN. <5 spessscl < 398 20 6 12 0 cn ees 5 2 Oe eiiteterar. . cere. ak 1,279 36 7 29 49 13 22 6 Fuller’s earth....:...-:... Blac, Vive SOc Sete S oc. cee nite 9 28 3 5 4 Grapiiee. or -4e.. 3. ..'e 493 6 2 5 30 8 22 3 69 6 oc. Li Sa aise SS SR 2,477 4 3 28 66 ‘5 135 48 Macnesipe. 2. 5s.4%........ 499 oe Be Pre e 8 13 4 9 4 Mica. fans oy AS... 555 67 27 10 21 1 5 3 .. Millstones. . . Js... 2 .cees).< 53 14) wee Roa. ess 1 be si aly © Mineral pigments.......-. ; 223 Pid | aris 7 30 Toone 4 4 : hoe POCK LS oo. 2k 3 4,761 ee tae ola 43 106 60 134 31 OSG 06 637s eae eke Se DOSE: dex Boel ees cl tae ot 10 27 6 42 11 $i Bete ieee + 17 7 4 5 he al apr 2 3 PIE oon aliwh >a sain oops 1278) \ ay COIL See] aa ald 8 28 23 62 23 » Tale and soapstone....... 1,069 8 2 33. ae Bye 094 20 17 ; Nonproducing enterprises - eee Ae 7, 120 237 27 273 519 150 205 118 FUELS L Coal Of: bo pht......4 529 5 2 13 x 15 4 4 Petroleum and natural gas- 820 96 8 47 90 29 56 43 METALS: Piromores..... W-Vix......! DOUGH war eet gc 21. oe ab 6 15 8 16 Wi Gold, silver, copper, lead, or zine: .....-.. Se 4,665 ~133 17 201 380 87 122 5d MISCELLANEOUS....).5....--- 457 3.4275 6 17 il " 3 1290 ABSTRACT: OF THE. CENSUS. TABLE 20.—DETAILED STATISTICS FOR MINES QUARRIES, AND WELLS, PRODUCING AND NONPRODUCING ENTERPRISES, FOR 1919—Continued. THE UNITED STATES, BY "INDUSTRIES: a INDUSTRY. All industries 2° ivgi3- eect Producing enterprises... .. FUELS: Coal anthracite. 72. sac 4. 3 Coal} bituminous......../.... Petroleum and natural gas... METALS: Gold and silver, lode mines. Gold, placer mines... ..-..... Manganese Be ee POR py WinCE. tones ee. eos Hare Meas. £ oe Roe STONE: x TAMOESTONO. Sess rae ot COTA eee ce een he ee MISCELLANEOUS: brash? materials.-22 20-2 RO WEEE o's ot ag tee sb gas sna CVSieUaS oc ie ake. ch gas ores DISPMESILC Ts ode, lose Ck dae wees MiNIStONeS oo ae Re nes Mineral pigments. -.........- Phosppate’ rock 33-5, <-> Rie Wile. stam cake wes « Soard Sh Allain Reade yh ie orci Nonproducing enterprises. FUELS: (OSE Bea ate ! Petroleum and natural gas. 3 METALS: 987, 184 981, 560 147,372 -| 545,798 93,205 PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRY—Ccontinued. Wage earners. Soa 15th day oI— Maximum month. Oc 1,057,820 Oc 1,051,204 De 151,595 Oc 599, 550 De 100, 293 Ja 47,493 Ja 58,025 Ja 25,124 Au_ 16,469 Jy 1,499 Fe e 323 Ja ” 990 Ja 921 Au 25,655 Au. 9,228 Au 4,961 Au 4,097 De 3,927 Oc 1,875 Se . 369 Oc 241 Jy 594 Se 1, 089 De 934 Fe 39 Se 6,020 Au! . 395 Ja 1,377 Se 923 | Se 475 No.? 2,715 De 670 De 497 My 1 42 Jy 217 De _ 5,771 Ja °). 1,651 Jy 224 Ap. 1,545 No 1,058 De 6,975 No 833 De 634 Ja 819 De 4,327 No "703 Minimum month. No 765, 067 No 758,156 | Ap 142,691 No 308° 266 Fe 85, 119 De 42,555 Je 37,885 Je. ‘19,949 Ja 14,778 Jal 1,274 No 622 Ap 595 My 530 Fe. 17,398 Ja _—-55, 669 Fe 3,305 Ja+4 2,037 Ja. 2,852 Ja. 1,459 Ap 255 Ja 43 Fe 156 Fe 756 Je 581 De 19: Fe 4,681 Ja 291 Mh 957 Ja 687 De 356° Ja, 1,574 Fe 236 Fe 400 Ja 26 Fe 155 Je 2,902 De 930. De 109 Je 814 Fe 844 Fe; 3,932 Ja 211 Ja 260: Oe 452 Fe 2,525 Je 283 Wage Sarners, Dec. 15, or nearest representative day. Foremen, Total. shift bosses, ete. ov ac! ov b=) ba | 84 | 6B | Es 5 =) ro) 25 ee) +s 19,050 | 28,690 789 878 20, 105 25 7 104 807 1, 137 9,471 | 16,697 || 369 573 5,830.|. 11,492 |} 313 485 1,459 75 106 4 698 | 1,048 34 45 455 379 17 16 599 357 38 - 22 24, 272 780 957 10 9, 166. beset awa By 4) 8 a a 4,860 |s2u cnc ee. rh A eet er 3, THe eee tate 144 cuech oc 3, 242 731 133 36 1, 85D 426 eres OO nlebe ie. . SOB noc phe ba Laut . 105 | 100 3 2 362 78 15 RA 1,19 Goes vol oka absienm as . 04 aw aa ee 34 i baatiable 44 "15 2 1 4,547 | 1,755. 174 | -\' 57 432-| ocicre d ny: 16. edie = 765 560 45 36 SOl~ fuses. ie 2 aid tis ds ie 517 “44 || 8h 3 1,381 1,175 re cae 40 484 191 254; 10 378 149 22 11 42 sb eseces om er ee 191 48 Horas 4 5,764 | 149 ||. 291 3 590 578 26 | 28 229 ee | 10 ween eeee 1,615 er 43 Miciweas 728 _ 332, 28 14 4,166 | 4,103 || . 212 259 474 347 19.| jot) 9 762 see e eee welin ewes wenweleeereeeoee 425 219 20h ro7i 16 1,905, 3,421 155 226 600 . 116 18 8 1 Same number reported for one or more other months. MINES AND QUARRIES. 1291 TaBLE 20.—DETAILED STATISTICS FOR MINES, QUARRIES, AND WELLS, PRODUCING SD ante ape ek a ENTERPRISES, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: : ontinued. PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRY—continued. Wage earners, Dec. 15, or nearest representative day. ee, ER mad: Set a cr ee et | A A ema | GG] Re . Miners, Timbermen lan Rnginemen, | guarrymen, | trackmen,” | Yuen |" BTS |e ‘INDUSTRY. ipa EN and drillmen and men , TS ep eng 1 electricians : P : F and others S|} oyle as BE ep including engaged in aie AS Ell a Ais ro athe their hauling, slasaified nee q 5 To " helpers. tramming, etc. —'5- bb | in 8 em en jo) a) 3 sagen) = a a Hes |/2eisg 4 ek uo) om ro he! ro od ro a2-l| 8 ba} SE) Ge | 52 | G2 | 22 | 52 | BE 4" eect a2) ge ae Ze 2S SS me 25 5 LG 5 x bo | & bo B | Sh | Mb m | Ab a _ All industries .../135, 665 30, 349/31, 388 397,636 |25,896 |139,052 |136,646 |126,793 |46,811 222 | 612 gS OS eS eae | SS OO Oe OOO eee eS — ena ee — — —n—ns hn ~~ Producing enterprises. ....|134,117 [30,145 [30,702 |395, 398 [25,583 138,491 |135,239 |125, 952 46,811 || 221 | 541 ge He TE PRES cee 1 PIE OR] IPRS ANGE BOT oF ia sho Coal, anthracite... .. 10,488 | 4,331 138 | 59,401 | 2,769 | 17,325 | 12,291 | 23,470 /20,497 |) 119 |.... 32,635 [22,444 14.733 | 99; 480 | 47,152 | 80,727 | 2,554 || 61 | 58 METALS: Tron ore.......:-.---| 6,526 | 1,053 | 1,354 | 15,326 | 1,677 . Coons a pee ~| 6,167 | 1,254 | 1,185 |. 9, 1,005 Lead and zine......- 2,576 | 362| 109 | 6,857 | 304 ~Gold and silver, lode | @S...0---242,5:| 1,713 |> 515 | 208 | 4,980} — 296 Gold, placer mines..| 463 |,...... 122 60 37 Manganese...-...--- 154 | 4 42 694 68 Quicksilver. .,. ...--.- 109 7 31 151 42 Rare metals. .....- 108 5 104 197 61 _ STONE: “7 ni Tamestone. -..-....%. 3,278 53 | 8, 204 | 1,930 hy ei ae Se c= — ab SCO Varah wee 544 ~ Sandstone...-..2--.-| | 405 |-...... T5900 |. de oe 304 Basalt...... eo eer’... SEO |) ae, 192 SE po ae eee ea adi 3 8il 488 200 Merwe... vert, -- 2 ae MOD |. Say cater 41 y MISCELLANEOUS: _ ) Abrasive materials. he RR 106 5 24 ’ Asbestos. ....------- bee © 27 75 5 4 Asphalt... --.....--- a a ES 75 26 8 q MATTOS oN ve et Sun ar ae me exes Oy BIS |.u 3b te. 53 ‘ Barmdte. se. See ee 111 ; ‘Chromite... ---. 7) Ree ae 27 9 1 3 es 2 MP Seti Sg EAS 349 25 815 | 1,066 426 ; SPETOSpar-- os .0%54--- 7 tts Be a A le 51 Fluorspar. -.-...---- 221 35 55 183 32 “Fuller’s earth... ...’. ($ Jar cess ie BOD \ rode wee 50 : Grapnite is. oo... 73 2 69 8 29 : Gypsum. .......---- 105 40 | 159 445 25 . Magnesite. .......... 65 Bit?) C57 56} 26 ‘ Mics 22 cee a 15 4 | 115 87 11 q cyt et. Relliadl CaS BRN BAU pa 3 Mb es 9 " _- Mineral pigments. - . ter. 138 34 21 7 : Phosphate rock.../.-| 1,154 |....--.- 968 116 | 443 & se be a ee A Boer * 2 41 201 | 20 \ Ce SS A te ae PRS oe osle ¢ 405 }201). See. 18 t Barnire ceses2k--- BIB a een ce enn Path Mire Le o> ede ae ¢ 2 __,.. Tale and soapstone... 72 4 16 201 31 b ~~ ‘Nonproducing , : a _. enterprises....-| 1,548 204 686 | 2,238 313 |‘ FuELs: “ 68:|. 10:k< 81] 271 Petroleum and nat- t ampal gas. feo. cs... BAO Te. cache ahaa wid - «|» abla Bhai foke <5 -]- bap METALS: e Ino are. J.26-888-6- 151 24:1} - 46 67 58 «Gold, silver, copper, lead, or/zine......- 784 162 203 | 1,848 156 MISCELLANEOUS. .--.-- 25 8 406 52 20 ; ‘ 1292 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS. TABLE 20.—DETAILED STATISTICS FOR MINES QUARRIES, AND WELI S, PROD CING AND NONPRODUCING ENTERPRISES, FOR ane UNITED STATES, B INDUS RIES: 1919-—Continued. “PRINCIPAL EXPENSES OF OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT. Salaries and wages. Z Salaried INDUSTRY. . Capital. officers, | Clerks Supplies Total. superin- and | | an Hae tendents, }othersub-| | Wage materials. mapagers, pees wns earners. wig an salarie mplovees employees. emp oye? ie Dollars. | Dollars. - Dollars. Dollard Dollars. Dollar All industries......|7, 168, 623, 496 |/2,543, 887, 062 |/105, 892, 362 /45,380, 089 [1 ,304, 409,342 | 528, 853, “639 Producing enterprises ........|6,955, 466, 831 |/2, 518, 543, 956 104, 235, 154 45, 093, 831 1,295, 936 226 519, 593, 676 FUELS: gor meer Coal, anthracite........ 433, 868, 039 || 324, 147, 994 |} 8, 848,535 |°4,146, 934: “210; 289, 473 59, 738, 376 Coal, Sheet naboral -|1, 904, 450, 123 990, 7338, 244 50, 334, 218 18, 334, 820 682, 601) 068 142° 432, 551 etroleum and natura és BOS. | tears aa de weep 2, 421, 485, 942 ||. 626,468, 862,|| 21, 375, 372 |12, 092, 996. 134, 521, 247 195, 058, 693 ETALS: " | ap eaareip Tron Ord, .::.204s3:2ks55 501,396, 044 || 177,578,869 || 4,198, 832 | 2, 737, 828 |. 75,713, 459 | 27, 187, s32 Copper 22 esi: 853, 639, 017 |} 138, 286, 993 || 5, 018"974 | 3; 020,767 | 66,390,194 | 34,275,369 Lead amps ye mids WE pe 197, 293° 814 65, 084, 781 2, 714, 694 | 1, 120, 246 | 30, 708, 319 15, 311, 548 old and silver, lode : MYUNES! a4 nvcanzeg: - 280,388, 711 53,070,119 || 2, 466,693 |. 539,068 | 23, 817, 657 | \ 13, 040, $97 Gold, placer mines. .... 24, 574, 441 6, 314, 764 380, 410 56,383'| 1,914,072 | 2, 244) 728 Manganese......930.2.. 7, 268,426 2, 159, 151 104, 481 29° 623 1, 085, 899 "447, §33 Quicksilver... 2.50.5... 4, 423, 601 1, 693, 445 194, 368 26, 810 827, 751 403, 269 é Rare metals......5:.... 4, 889, 912 1, 666, 420 114,724 | 47,021 | | 748,235 |! 573, 649 TONE: ) nu * ahadte tects Limestone, ..4.55...:: 82,124,367 || 45, 250,704 || 2,614,748 | 1,111, 845 | 23, 926, 332 | 10, 968, 220 Gbanitel : Bie oe ee seo ce 6, 923, 172 4,914) 081 67, 765 xe yaar: PiNgAD cla atcha 9, 083, 522 2, 661, 848 191,396 | ~~ 62,723 | 1, 452, 440° se 439 ISCELLANEOUS: ; Abrasive materials. ... . * 1, 442, 909 643, 676 46, 468 8, 675 322, 379 - 116, 145 AsbestoS..........--02- 772, 299 178, 904 55,088 | °° 8, 815 91,6 At 202 Asphalt: asc .cecgeni ct 3; 171, 405 892, 928 105, 941 30, 460 294, 65 ~ 376, 009 Barytes! 3%... 4.096 -055 2, 290, 455 1, 259, 058 82,375 | ~ 27,736 768, 847 |, 218,582 Peuxite wan eteeeeseeeeee 5 oe As 1, 785 bs a, pi 53, 933 sie ol . ae, e OMITee ss 0 Wether e 572, 908 94, 465 Il ) orb, 4%p eto Uae pi Ba Clay oers sah tars 17, 644, 524 8, 818, 563 646, 201 |"°"196,118'| 5,367,082 |” 1, 416, 999 Féldspar @ oo. .4.K. oc. =. 729, 404 489, 717 45, 966 : 263,760 |... 97, 834 Fluorspar.s......0---- . 8 046, 827 2, 878, 431 259,997 1 35,802 | . 1,195,777 634, 498 Fuller’s earth. ........- 1, 877, 233 1, 406, 250 82 8,209 541,163 | . “338, 011 Graphite iy: ..i.9)1.--- 3,755, 055 871, 214 104, 099.) 18, 235 341,542 | 209, 256 ryauttt. 7h 24s 55 cess 13) 541, 548 5, 379, 732 275,145 | 280,305 | 2,478,391.] 1,530,338 Magnesite REE a pee 2} 612, 605 1, a 006 78,918) “16, 267 652, 3 02 0800, 741 ICO ee LN. do bee Se ” 699, 373 495, 364. 6, 6 ae: Millstones..._-...2:...- 53, 105 80, 311 10, 000 1,800} 47,966 |. 11,944 Mineral pigments. ..... 815, 572 341, 051 31, 620 8, 679 174, 453 83, 078 Phosphate rock. ......- 72,733,956 || 9,364, 154 566,477 | 194,946 | 3,900,966 |. 2,161,501 Pyrite ssss--.esceesese- peal edie es oR 1, 384, ia 613,726 FEE pip aR 2 a at gk 661,7 58 HR, 5409 Aircel Dore Sulphur. it ..j06¢..-- 28, 046, 634 7, 1307 753 292) 117.| °° 120,898 | 1,682,174 | 1, 452, 136 Tale and soapstone..... 6, 225, 747 1, 690, 388 172,048 |. 42,527 835,413 | 845, 166 i f Sipe eal patent iar, Nonproducing 9 i patentee enterprises.........| 153,156,665 || 25,343, 106 || 1,657,208 286,258| 8,473,116 9; 259,963 FUELS : a) ne) : * aholgthy te nrg Metparerted terete a -5, 617, 170 1, 415, 640°) 74,761 5, 225 590, 824 | “651, 231 Petroleum and natural st re A EN Bh SI ‘24,960,353 || 6, 655, 716 305, 228'|' 105,128 | . --875, 923 +}. _ 8,031, 107 METALS a “THT OLS MEO OTS 4 Tron Ore. 22225486404 24% 10, 884, 660 3, 212,948 76,266] 31,647 | 985,092.) 654, 141 Gold, silver, copper, Pearce lead, or zinc........_. 105,260,998 || 13,256,365 || 1,122,291'| 133,419 | 5,636,646.) 4; 684, 728 MISCELLANEOUS....--..-. 6, 432, 984 802, 437 78, 662 _ 10, 839 "384, = “238,756 MINES AND QUARRIES. . 1293 D NONPRODUCING ENTERPRISES, FOR TH! UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: “END 20.—DETAILED STATISTICS FOR MINES UARRIES, AND WELLS, PRODUCING 9—Continued: PRINCIPAL EXPENSES OF OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT—continued. Cost of te ) ore, coal, Taxesat JT cENDUSTRY. Eee * Cost of Federal, lan Re sen Cost of virehased Royalties state, Contract copied fuel. F power and rents. |. county, work. material fost or for : resale. ; bas Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. All industries.........- 35, 905, 352 | 94, 848, 752 | 28, 660, 836 | 176,129, 858 | 141, 567, 734 | $2, 239, 098 ho ieteae adeeb cited teeta Coe leat Saeed ia et Aaron Sati acs pnd ck Aaa ars hs a | oe ae Producing enterprises... 35,905, 352 | 93,910,653 | 28,195,277 | 175, 293,984 | 140,999,626 | 79,380,177 Ets RE aa i AI TORR a Coal, "ebthracite GaSe aoe 433, 318 | 11,406,117 | 1,899, 835 11, 766, 598 | 14,060,963 | 1, 557, 845 Coal, itumiInousi 262.2. a <6 eae ae 25, 896, 660.’ 11, 280, 509 22) 205, 056 34. 707, 396 9 855, 966. uectroleum and natural gas. 28, 813, yi: 19, 828, 776 ” 965, 300 106, 458, 518, 38, 690, 630 68, 663, 659 ETALS: eTrom.ores.....: 9 ns a Gs ag 8, 700, 358 1,594,231 | 24,944,936} 30, 829; 610 | - 1, 671, 783 cp aa a ne BA PA oa dade 1, 528, 056 1, o Bie 3) 858, oon 7 i ey 12: = Ss Rs "753 Gao arid ines. 5.2552... - ” 406, O51 9}. 2,591, 9 3,326, 91 863, 471 Gold and silver, lodemines.| 4, 668, 291 1 623, 124 2 336, 136 1, O15, 719 2, 325, 491} 1, 237, 043 Gold, placer mines 20,459 | 1,123;874 85,899 | 356,132} ” 182, 807 i FE Pe 7 Sala TO 52, 228 46, 107 183) 087 60,656 |" 149, 237 Quicksilver... .20).......- By peg Met sf 127, 931 45, 194 31, 016 7, 973 Raremetals..........---- a 7, 000 41, 416 45, 492 45, 396 35, 609 7, 878 TONE: THMMOSTONMG 092033 Ele CL id ol eet es 2, 897,432 | 1,278, 958 667, 751 1, 119, 861 665, 557 Maranite....5.% Pea ocak OP sou edes tee 833, 636 "961, 185 1389, 202 4 av. 646 118, 637 ‘Bandstone..4. (60.0). ..1 4].-,4- 301.15. BOT, 353 250, 909 131, 970 195, 309 54, 161 Gitnialt.. Gos eels ool to ee AS, 562, 827 157, 161 250, 199 198, 613 41) 406 2 ONES BOG Ps 4 BON OTT ae. 228, 954 188, 505 157,788 73, 238 95, 633 eee ile BO FR A SU. 147, 644 76,741 34, 380 123, 503 20, 582 SCELLANEOUS: Abrasive matetials! .....00.)...4.c26... WGP 22 [seo aes Soe 25, 634 6, 022 62, 231 Renate weet. |. 2.008... “3, 380 2, 050 1,740 3. 957-4} cote aie, Asphalt...... | Re a ee 5 ee 24, 876 We eee)... 13, 387 41, 686 5, 917 Barytes ococs bial. -c 1 17, 500 50, 389 19, 335 45, 343 18, 824 10, 127 ok nee Steere Wiad Raa “ae ere Pees | 10 a ces TEA cara eal sv ons paberreloss Cv. -2- BIS eins : GOlay...L-..1- SeGt. Ao... J.See,OF YP | B07; 65 54, 934 465, 184 148, 035°} 126,355 ene Be Taese. 21, 284 12,158 | , 16,391 12,793 12,073 (#luorspar .....J2'. IF Babee Ee EE nod) ate 163,239! [peles set se. 101; 311 342, 391 145, 916 Fuller’s. earth. .s......--- ae U ANAS JS 294,260) 5, 608 5 899 119, 067 8, 556 Graphite......2... Ph AL ihe Tle 81,917 | 39, 697 2, 646 23, 123 50, 696 CGypeutiws sel 0.2... 53.|- 604-0. 516, 148 |. © 144,272 69; 403 81, 983 3.747 Magnesite...../...-----5.- 31, 465 258, 411 37, 694 47,193 14, 169» 50, 846 ete so. egy eg Be 8 20, 935 1, 733 18) 893 3. 479 7, 325 : Millstones.. 25 4: Peas, Se Laas Ws 3-15 3, 750 3,360 2; 175 ‘ LO Beppe 22 - Mineral se rotwr a Sa Th |ooolde VET 22. 27, 707 2, 659 8, 499 3, 036 1,320 Bhoogarooes SOS) eehes | ae) Chr | “ieee ea SPrrital. 2. ces Poe ce ot Set | poe bet 28 aa 1 8 mie eae a 16, 434 5, 526 4, 060 Po 794 1 847 OeiipRurin.....i2¢225---> 23 at Pap las 2,764, $94 «up ees OCC ELS ole Fen) O78; DBGA Se ote aie ‘Tale and spaniel. Pi Bk la ep gait ste. 109, 090 46, 474 38, 958 47, 955 52, 757 Nonproducin Lae ; Naver O&e ates ae * aly @ $80 98. 938, 099 465, 559 835, 874 568,108 | 2, 858, 921 FUELS: COB bea brrrenod. 8 1 te Ss 0 Bh pa Ol Fi 4,548 10; 751 19, 476 46, 289 12) 535 Petroleum ‘and natural eas. wad epigetlaee - 242° 616 if 727 591, 729 57, 758-|' 1, 438, 500 METALS: - Pes dest ol oases sep as,-|--*]-ene- Re - 170, 506 41,343 135, 982 320, 637 797, 334 -Gold, silver, copper, lead, bs On Ce: Oe ea ae ES errs 480, 666 404, 158 62, 848 138, 291 593, 318 MISCELLANEOUS... .2:-----25-|-----22+4>-- 39, 763 pe) «95, 839 5, 133 17, 234 1294 TABLE 20.—DETAILED STATISTICS FOR MINES QUARRIES, AND. WELLS, ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS, AND NONPRODUCING ENTERPRISES, 1919—Continued. FOR PRODUCING THE UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: ooaoaoaaoaoaoaoauauuuaeeeeeooeeaeoaoaoeee ae eee, INDUSTRY. All industries.. Producing enterprises -. FUELS: Coal, anthracite..... Coal; bituminous. - Petroleum and nat- Gopper; . 5 .A:n -0S,-8 Gold, Epo mines. Manganese. . Quicksilver BS. Fe ss Rare metals. ...-...- STONE: Limestone SEeA lores: Marbiews f:eus ages: MISCELLANEOUS: peeaak materials... Feldspar-. sises e522: Fluorspar Geopain. i ag ee hz 2 Magnesite Millstones Mineral pigments. . Phosphate rock..... Tale and soapstone. Nonproducing enterprises..... Tron ore. Gold, silver, copper, lead, OF Zine. 422-2. MISCELLANEOUS apy 2 Expendi- tures for develop- ment (included in principal expenses). Dollars. 334, 015, 265 311, 276, 508 6, 189, 990 30, 044) 379 230, 867, 499 14, 657, 841 13, 302, 349 4 268, 914 7, 862, 971 201, 259 238, 408 161, 598 161, 958 764, 673 156, 870 96, 555 131, 800 60, 531 30, 914 59, 087 22, 738, 757 2, 702, 453 12, 366, 117 730, 66 ? Value of products. Dollars. 3, 158, 463, 966 3, 158, 463, 966 364, 084,142 1, 145, 977, 565 931, 793, 423 218, 217, 905 181, 258, 037 75, 579, 347 58; 832, 330 9, 368, 561 2, 188, 312 L, 803, 484 1 725, 642 52, 943, 924 18, 279, 345 10, 684, 969 9, 657, 977 5, 720, 792 4, 397, 912 721, 728 249, 839 749, 520 1, 592, 245 2; 190, 279 "105, 841 10, 086, 298 17, 935, 882 2 302, 393 ed ee ee es POWER USED. A gere- gate. 6, eT 2d 475 | 6,723, 8,723, 786. 899, 783 2, 155, 412 1, 821, 342 370, 869 523, 591 229, 541 149, 680 35, 632 5, 800 2, 607 3, 544 213,717 5b, 674 33, 869 37, 307 20, 613 15, 628 Prime movers. Steam Steam Total “(not turbines). turbines. horse- Ree A a power. |'Num-| Horse- |Num-| Horse- ber. | power. | ber. | power. 5, 147, 613 |46, 744 |3, 259,076 | 555 | 474,315 ee | SAAS ei eee 5, 111,531 |/46, 433 [3, 238,288 |. 553 | 473, 985 782, 090 || 5,208 | 730,141 | 45 | 50, 665 1, 383, 934 || 9,177 |1, 166, 862 | 313 195, 779 1,770, 181 ||23, 412 | 589, 734o|susesileteeed. 273, 477 || 2,333 | 231,184| 25 | 98 501 386, 458 ||. ” 842 245, 398 | 79 | 123) 117,527 || 411 | 42821 | 21 | 35, 50,437 || 182} 20,183} 4]. 4,750 3, 406 2 Milvso2dh, 6A 2, 610 36| 1,911 1, 441 4 106 1,406 8 ra 126, 387 || 1,776 | 109,778.| 17 | -10,701 34,711 || 744] 30,231} 3}. 2.360 21,197 ||. 340] 19,081 |.. orslous use. 22,844 || 259] 21,099} 3 | 4, 205 8,778 || 198 | 3B yR6OM. 2 F aieaes 6, 021 85 |... by0Arka 1 otete pee 1, 748 17 |... WpSSadteee lees A - 355 i 757 (3k pide es 648 6 Bb to Marte a 2, 049 31 fey eee oe ida 2, 507 28 840: ba hci sett 136. ||sa5 03-13-24 6 pheSbaado et aE. 16,932 || 263 | 15,6538 | 1 100 1, 227 16 |. <1 :08)0hh decieaenaece 7, 138.|| 12 ||” 6.0867 2) 250) 85 | ly 720 dee tes Jagat 2, 241 115 1, 873 tcc ee|Seasecce 7,038 47 6, 132 i ed ed 827 2 » . 80. eee Od eR oa 763 7 a M.S POMS POS ETI 60 1 60 |. socledelaee 1, 460 18 B62} struts Te sista BE 46,976 || 100] 17,140 17, 751 3, 224 35 | -1,970|. 1 120 1,699 || 10 860 ths a abd en 15,291 || 544} 11,581 | 23°|"" 3,320 4,057 ||./'19 | 4) agdubaee bhy adhere 36,082 || 311 20,788| . 2]. 330 1, 819 ii Lape PD 5,047 || 103 | 3,695 |...... seasons be 6, 235 41 6,201]. 2... ib. «iveei« 21,454 || 1421 7,997 | 92 330 1, 527 12 piabirroec hea ee asain et ead YP 1 taco. shes reser? MINES AND QUARRIES. 1295 TABLE 20.—DETAILED STATISTICS FOR MINES QUARRIES, AND WELLS, PRODUCING AND NONPRODUCING ENTERPRISES, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY INDUSTRIES: 1919—Continued. POWER. USED—continued. 7 Prime movers— Equipment operated by Continued. purchased power. Electric motors PS TR I OS ES Rath EC, LN Ee a eas | Ge nt enerate oh ysidaabad Internal- Water wheels fhe enterprise combustion and Electric motors. |Other. reporting. engines. turbines. t EORREP OE SN Num- | Horse- | Num-| Horse-}| Num-| Horse- |Horse-|| Num- | Horse- ber. power. | ber. |power.| ber. power. |power.|| ber. | power. All industries. ..... 57, 417 |1, 372, 698 329 | 41,524 | 41,114 |1, 629, 580 | 9, 282 || 33,039 |1, 260, 466 Producing enterprises ....--.. 56, 988 |1, 361, 146 287 | 38,112 | 40,500 |1, 603,390 | 8, 865 || 32,980 |1, 258, 795 FUELS: Coal, anthracite. ........ 73 bye2S4 hike 2. te he cee 1,881 | 117,693 |..... --|| 38,801 | 185, 723 Coal, bituminous.....-.. 1, 246 21, 219 9 74 21, 186 | 771,131 347 an" 044 | 707, 341 Petroleum and natural Fee prep were 53, 699 |1, 237, 407 2 40 | 1,841 44,638 | 6,523 || 1,329 28, 164 METALS: 7 EY ie a ea 45 | 5, 397 22) 8,375.| 1,341 97, 382 10 || 1,112 67, 595 RMODOE = d-seatnsa+--¢ --> 129 | 16,327 10}. 1,510.| 3,647 | 135,968 | 1,165 || 3,252 | 161,024 ‘Lead and zinc.........- 433 35, 415 30°} 3,871 | 2,389 | 111, 874 140 625 22, 884 Gold and silver, lode OR ace ear Roe 370 11, 149 135°] 14,405 | 2, 523 98, 663 580 494 18, 892 Gold, placer mines...... 16 |. 719 25 | 2,647 624 py A a ag 22 601 MManganesé.... 0. -t 2c 24 BOO are). See aes 67 GS, LOU Sai 3 310 Quicksilver. 5.7. ..-)-.,~ 78 1 RO 33a eC e ay Rate . 39 MS LN og ee 9 66 Rare metals...........- 22 693 2 230 60 2, LSRH SS Fc 28 350 STONE: TAMeStONe Sor... ek wey 252 5, 043 9 865.| 2,046 BL, SOD eae sce 267 11, 421 PPIIIULO dn tons Sale + = =,> ke en 84 1, 343 + 777 450 20, 903 60 34 1, 520 MAHGSLOMO ss oe's.0 0's bene 71 7 AS GTS ele be SS ee 386 12672) usw ace 155 4, 696 WE el ee 30 DAO fabs close. 255 14, ABB Se ooo 11 1, 049 SS eas Bee 1 8 2 101 426 Ot, BBS aco oy 4 ie Sve ea ae 2 15 3 387 408 O07) ccs ae 19 480 MISCELLANEOUS: Abrasive materials. .... 16 240 1 60 AE, Bing | PPS, pole hate Re 3 120 PSURGBOS) ches sine e+ ~ b= ae 6 155 3 125 2 GMs co Tepe ow aerteeials oiente PASODRIE «jm cnn * = ha 20 5 RUG itee, -luatiitie, 6] 64bs dynes saa cain «los ocd lwod eee culhiee ean ee oy i 16 269 1 50 28 980 |......- 6 225 TRIE eats me ae pin 11 EP oy st 8 Re a Oe ER ENS SR Oe, tes 94 2, 564 Cnroinite. SAS... b- 11 SG We Ot ATE ae. aos dee a (sels cc ceca eeu... 2 [foes = nde St ce aleae “pa ae, ) 2 105 vy 1g OR ee 181 4, 271 40 66 1, 815 OMOEA at cho case 5 = bn 8 70 2 76 2 DOO Us confesses Selieen Sabee MAUS VELaate tee. te ~~ 87 Patio (eee ks Seay os GUE ak le elias Samus Sonos 47 729 Fuller’s earth..........- 9 O30 ise soo tl tae. os. 10 y+... ea 2 18 EEE De tint aes 7 1a oA ae Bae ee 106 Gd eee 10 552 py (Me Re 9 572 | 3 334 290 7, OOk Tl os. 108 1, 447 aia SARS pe 26 PAT Roe Shoe Fae 70 PO Taatee do sin [tes kmetaee tole tile ES he RS Bg 6 G2 laut SPSS icees Fe es oie 4) Coa | gee oes SPR GS esc “Millstones ol RE hrs 5 SASS NS se ls OC ae 2 NGOS so oe Sola elec eee Mineral pigments.....-. 6 228 5 370 8 DIOR Se oT cael te acter eae Phosphate rock........- 44 LASUSG, Wee deals a es 38 2, G60 s,s. 's'- 320 33, 107 a, © 5 a ie 7 6 | 1,050 98 ATA. : S 27 3, 696 Na it ar 10 354 4 5 11 Soe: flute ces Py tage Nate * A eS a | 13 NU EE BI Wiadigel BRL Rill Die Beng Sbehed, » /so ai 50 1, 284 Talc and soapstone. .... 11 165 9} 2,115 77 2, 996" Wess. 43 1, 078 Nonproducing enterprises .......- 429 11, 552 42} 3,412 614 26, 190 417 59 1, 671 FUELS oP age £ a ee aa & 4 ER Tae SS a 21 Ce 4 150 Petroleum and natural Te Ee 67 AS Sy ee 8 A961 23.1 1 2 METALS PROT: QPOs cle tic ws gaan + me 2 OS rehns 4 Reb es 44 3,940}... >= => 6 750 Gold, silver, copper, lead, or zine.......... 344 9, 715 42 | 3,412 540 20, 914 417 48 769 MISCELLANEOUS gsthtv goo 12 ee pier eee ae 1 125 |}. ---nce||--seoneelarecess a: 1296 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS, Manin 21.—-DETAILED, STATISTICS FOR MINES, QUARRIES, AND WELLS, PRODUC: tNG AND NONPRODUCING ENTERPRISES, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY STATES; 1919. evs vie ds 5, LAND. CONTROLLED (ACRES). ope Num- | Num- ; ra ber of |. ber of — STATE. . "| mines } wells Mineral land. enter= | “and | produc- ries. { Dec. 31. other Operated. | Owned, | Leased. | lands. _sibuwiouedt | t pelios| | ate ert Seer ea United States...........-- 21,997 | 14,417} 257,673 || 22,947,937 | 8,729,545 |14, 204, 342 | 2,215, 702 Producing enterprises. ---: 21,280 | 13,844 | 257,678 || 22,474,069 | 8, 568, 590 |13, 980,731 | 2,208, 519 Alatatial. dn. opAnmdee s iiies 264 Sadade om b << a 728,806 | . 636, 368 93, 278 102, 552 ATIZONa. b. Me Te oes fon pee eee 155 172 Teh ae 70,431 56, 962 13, 469 17, 328 Arkansas. svccvevetess steers 126 126 124 76,416 | » 18, 181 ~-§8,315 | -~- 14,912 California. nu. n0sUcnsecee bx ee 725 357 9,197 588,517 376, 108 212,429 |... 38,003 Colorado.....---..--+-+--++++-- 47 523 70 211,260 | 148,109 63,537 | 10,293 Connecticut. ....----n--2-+-22*¢ 41 F461 Bs Sear ., 2,995 2, 815 Hs hn “160 Delaware. totes: tee eS i Sa seg (Met 264 250 ope | t with@ District of Columbia. -..-...5.-- 3 OS focleby cues 13 |> 10 Sy pl ae es a. Bod Fag Fa WARD eet 2 | Ae me SO 36 (oD) A eee 118,050 114, 560 3,490 79, 335 CPEDER LA. oi) eon seater es oo ta ee 74 BD TSO 37,736 22,095 15,651. | 17,862 Thdahe ote ee eh sk: tee 82 Sa ee ee 27, 874 24, 877 3,097 |» 3,286 HPN... ee ee ee ER Wee 590 | 16,498 945, 362 617, 833 329,448 | ~ 84,502 Indiana. .....----+--.---+++22+°+ 503 398 2,456 266, 988 119, 263 151,036 | _ 10,214 Ly. AR ey: hs aa aE 198 Foss ee eae 68,724 | 33,536 36,433 |. 3,703 KaMmsas.....-2-+---+2:0++-er ere 814 238 12,690 549,300 aE os 621 | > “480,629 t 14,161 Beerircky os Wes PSs 938.| 864 |,, 5,214 |] 1,093,641 |. 506,713 | © 587,223 | 101,898 Louisiana and Mississippi.....-. 137 4 2,479 329, 869 17,196 | 312,673 | 8, 565 Mae. ieee cas Petes See tel eee ip Wig pentag | Beha | 3, 562 2,602 }°2*> 995.7 53.623 Wee VI ANG en IOS SSE ae Le 126 TOUR ae oe, 57, 470 36, 635 |" > 20/879 8,680 Massachtisents..< ° ety soc ee 74 p68 ih Bal pet ak 5, 223 4,701)" "°° ” 822 1,131 Michiosh eee oie. Laas 122 165 19 ||... 114,356 90,683 23, 799.|....430, 773 Minniésota.\ors... ice cr ee 135 i A 24, 836 5, 899 19,874 | . 259,768 MRSOTT Yeti cate be ses sree 468 A ha ee 194, 732 149,345 | 45, 492. 33, 124 Matatie iE eek SU ao Sri ae 259 269 28 107, 541 79, 300 29, 653 12,132 Nebraske oe... sho iia eee ae 9 Belo < bas mo 1, 081 821 260" [ene ied ate Nevada. oc. sleserrce PRS 714 Ral OG Pe 45,114| 35,901 | ~ 9,236 7,030 Wew Hampshire. t)<.. 2 ctens << 30 p32 el Ba Pic eae 10, 030 8,698 | . .1,332 .. 501 Wew Jetsey. . ~- 52 in eens eee = pk aaa 64 ir a Pe ie 27,006 19,885 7,121 |... 10,846 New Mexico: .:222.22022c1-0-+- $5 | 103) 4 673,051 | 642,019 | 31,092] 38,760 New Yortor: srr 7 jiccrsrcisea 52 700 | 147'|~ 14, 186°|| 365,463 |, 79,668 | 285,795 | . 119,168 Norbrmaronna..5 $e er fcc 2 oe 102 T0671 5 soe 10,015 |. 4,284 5, 731 1,068 Monee? se kota ror rae actor die cece 79 TONt.. eee. 17,734 9,305 8, 429 . 824 Oisas.2 Orie. Lee 2,283 | 1,064 | 35,440 || 1,914,023 | 413,597 | 1,519,201 |. 29, 889 Okvahoniase ron Ce 1,934 | (284! 44,735 || 1,844,305 |. 192,771 | 1,651, 746 5, 468 L810 RI igi NRE ER Bl Sah ta Pte 50 A BS ine ,963 |. 16,472 6,591 |. 1,580 Penneylvatia. ... 05 corc 4. 8ee 5,807 |13,621.| 77,325°|| 4,352,082 | 1,750,822 | 2,615,052 | 359,053 Rhode Island... ...oc02e7 3 es 14 is ee aod 570 |. 512 58 | oy,,.764 South @arohng 5a en 20 0 A op eel 31,684}, 31,630 104 py oO South Dakota... 2.22. lag Bae i 23 28 1 11, 538 11,056 | ——- 482. |... 31,750 Biss pepe | Ayla bait Bone eho 203 263.{°° <14 ||. 361,660 |, 205,882 | 156,856] 112,318 TOXAS!..cecccceceecccecteesseece| 624] “81,1 )°'8,749°1] 1,397,678 | 107, 967°| 1,289,841 | 88,552 bs 0 pm aR IN ee Hien 141 eet pe. 324,582 |. 319,143 7,023 | 13,796 Vion ace ata ere 93 UL 24 Beall peda 16,048 |-; 14,417 | 1,631 | 4,942,121 Wireinis..| ete. g there 7 i ai 2 1 le 494,909 | 365,982 |’ 129,966 |). 20,661 Washington: 2.0 ab eee seek ce 83 GSEena ct ce 73, 061 48, 404 24,897.) 15,850 West, Virginia... 1. sre +-c-nnsey 1,714.| 1,325 |» 27,363 || 4,578,747 | 4,090,320 | 3,514,884). 82,230 el i EID AS gael Path 92 107) (2S wah? 12,064 | 6,938 5, 126 6,986 WOU. .... 5. db ae ~~ shawnee 106 87 1,084 || 264,695 58, 584 206, 113 3,280 Nonproducing enterprises? 717 573. | 3276 473,868 | 160,955.|. 313,611 |. 7,183 1 Includes 79 anthracite culm washeries and 81 river dredges. > 2 Includes enterprises as follows: Alabama, 2; Arizona, 95; Arkansas, 2; California, 60; Colorado, 60; Con- necticut, 1; Florida, 1; Georgia, 1; Idaho, 50; Illinois, 1; Iowa, 1; Kansas, 13; Kentucky, 11; uisiana, 6; Maine, 1; Michigan, 6; Minnesota, 10; Missouri, 1; Montana, 36; Nevada, 118; New Mexico, 18; New York, 1;° North Carolina, 2; Ohio, 6; Oklahoma, 30; Oregon, 6; Perinsylvania, 13; South Dakota, 5; Tennessee, 1; Texas, 65; Utah, 48;-Virginia, 4; Washington, 15;-West Virginia, 8;- Wisconsin, 4;-and Ae 88-5 Fare es, eee which work was done during the year, not productive and number not included in United ates total. MINES AND QUARRIES. ~ 1297 TABLE 21.—DETAILED STATISTICS FOR MINES, QUARRIES, AND WELLS, PRODUC- ING sie HUDeu te sae ENTERPRISES, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY STATES: -1919—Continued. OOo SSS? PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRY. Proprietors and officials. Clerks and k Proprietors other and firm subordinate STATE. members. gone salaried MES Voce | Bow | SRE | eon | est | Sm : form-| offi- | °2tS ing | cers and Total. man * | mana- Fa ual gers. Male. | male abor United States. ...... 1,084,796 || 61,588 || 22,155 | 5,272 | 10,729 | 22, 223 Producing enterprises.| 1,077,675 || 60,409 || 21,918 | 5,245 | 10,456 | 21,704 Sls euiteee nes ols wane sim cic 34, 632 989 41 6 248 482 WTIGRA mee wes ce te Sat - < 16, 831 892 105 68 94 300 NR ONERS dere ac'acis> 2,608 149 33 4 45 63 The teh a D 2,759 215 83 32 27 69 Tiiieeutes: ssgcks ssn. } 84, 309 3,185 691 126 685 | 1,561 TIM TATI» octane ns dence > 28,738 || 1,338 339 164 371 535 Wee ee ices we cet at eek 12,034 536 200. 143 128 195 BSRREGE Ss eet cc oelitane te <2 18, 689 1, 656 807 123 286 412 Wepneneky «5 oa) cates, 5,397 199 16 37 92 93 55 West Virginia... ..2........ 110,327 || 5,939 || 1,667 | 124] 1,363 | 2,173 2, 871 705 ‘Wiseensin foes oo = SoS fbod) a 3, 889 215 48 1 38 105 93 34 Wiyouiing Vo... tore... 5 10, 273 290 19 7 ~ 87 145 212 72 Nonproducing enterprises.....-.---- 7,121 1,179 237 27 273 519 205 113 75108°—23-—_82.. 1298 ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS, TaBLE 21.—DETAILED STATISTICS FOR MINES, QUARRIES, AND WELLS, PRODUCING AND NONPRODUCING ENTERPRISES, FOR’ THE UNITED STATES, BY STATES: 19i19—Continued. ? ; ; ii ht : ‘ PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRY—continued. Wage earners, Dec. 15, or nearest Wage earners. representative day. STATE, pes ~~’ Foremen fae ree ee 4 Total. shift bosses, Aver- [ rg ete. age . dis or lado _|) ed jd | ed led ber. |/'{aximum | Minimum | BS | 8S || Ba | BB month. month, 25 oS 5 5 oS 38 188 | 38 | 86 Agnited Statesi......-..- 987, 184 |! Oc 1,057,820 | No 765, 067 || 386,932 | 709,526 || 10,526 | 15, 696 Producing enterprises....| 981,560 || Oc 1,051,204 No 758, 156 || 382, 766 | 705, 493 "40, 314 | 15, 437 Alsbamb gas. sddenae:--F goes 5 32,579 || Fe 34,682 9, 862 | “24; 922" ||" °° 387°) 543 MBizorial pass gos a: gang 3 2s 15, 268 ||, Ja 19, 065 261 330 ABKADSSS2 py 5.32 c bogey = -1 774 |; De 1,158 16 Galo eee: . etege cok ney 9 | 49,298 || Se 56,792 «860 GQRaROMB es oo on Hoge s 42 bag eee | $3,914 || Oe 36,674 291, CRORE sb Uae s eee ee een on alee | 740 || Se 934 13 pees cia | 1) 190.8 | 323, 397 || Se 341,352 , 4,803: Rhode Island. «lp... baggy e's 369 || Se 438 ach gas South Carolina...42...-..2:-++- 933 |) Au 1,031 cPizpaee Seuth Dakota. ..). so. -..) ag. -- 1,785 || Jy 1,890 VOROK a TOMROSSE GS oa Gunwuiciedecenuce 14,470 || Oc 15,777 19 pe apxeat PO RAS PAA sau de pigige'en b'tNGs o = 18,164 || Se 20,975 . 65 TBC Tidy «ede dd oesbepaors. 9,847 || Ja 11,962 Pras £5 ViSTIMOUNG biG a0 oho Sislen o s OO 2,936 || Je 3,156 arr a Virginiat RG2h ree -| 14,547 || Oc 15,398 oritag WT Washington....... Patan ab Sh <2: 5,050 || Ja 5, 956 ar West Virginia. ..0,0... 0) nant. 100, 812 || De 108,720 889 | en 2pd14 Wisconsin zg; ... Jc dgees sf ane) - 1° <8, 547 My, (86720 Bis te TO2t Wace Bit 4 Wyoming). tid Hh gents o 2-008 , 9; 699 || Ja 10, 939 1" 401 er dnisphoris % a ' 5 ee A , RaoticT of +A Nonproducing enterprises.| 5,624 || De 6,975 $12, 259 a a ee ae MINES AND QUARRIES. TABLE 21.—DETAILED STATISTICS FOR MINES, QUARRIE AND NONPRODUCING ENTERPRISES, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY STATES: 1919—Continued. s 1299 AND WELLS, PRODUCING Se ee ee oOoOOOOOe————e—eaeee060600“s—6S~6S—60(00_—0_0—0>M———s—Ss—SsSsSsSsSS—— PERSONS ENGAGED IN INDUSTRY—Continued. Wage earners, Dec. 15, or nearest representive day. a || & aa|Ssie elm ond ° Rood | eelge 2saelloe ee: mo ON || Po} 2 Bo lllo 29 SE iE 1s & 32/53 8 Be | 2S |e p Sauget 46,811 || 222 | 612 46,811 || 221 | 541 1: 56S hoe 6 er Lp epee 8 10 eee 820 ie eee 875 || 3 | 44 40 aww elewee Fg pitied igh 610 11 52 7 | a 15 GRR He de il TT 20 634 a} 4 eo aE 1 397 Whar 163 Sib wae Pepin «hn ag pat 5 40S the ae 48 De aes 359 es 2, 259 21 58 521 2h 1, 463 5b VMAS con 4 1,097 ||..... 21 359 1 dee 420 tia 735 Ad BOR. oo tae 498 ye hee.) a Ae 2 375 Woscdele 6 i a ae 2 Ti aes 9 21,744 || .162 |... 70 j ee 89. Noo. e 5 942 WV. was 2 583 Sg isee 199 || 10 |. 35 938 ll Seas 12 648 || c.2. 3 591 3] 31 351 BG 291 9.1 Ue 458 1 | 10 54 21°62 » Aen 1| 71 ; Enginemen, | Miners, quar- | Timbermen, Muckers, STATE. hoistmen, rymen,and /|trackmen, and loaders, ences electricians, | drillmen, in- | men engaged ‘and others mechanics, |.,cluding their |. in hauling, not ete. helpers. tramming, etc. classified. Od. 0) >) { ‘ eg (2s |.28) 82 | £2) BE | of | ez. os oe oe ee oe = 5 5 og £5 2S Sadie S => 25 Bo 20 “5 [Am] se | 9m | <& | Ae | ae | Ab - ‘Tnited States. .|135, 665 30,349 31,388 397, 636 (25, 896 139, 052 |136, 646 |126, 793 ~ producing : {" enterprises -...- 134, 117 30, 145 30, 702 |395, 398. |25, 583 138, 491 |135, 239 |125, 952 Alabama. .......-...-. 2,793 | 1,058 |. 887 | 13, 858 | 1,332] 4,712) 2,905 | 4,751 SAETIOONE & So «5 3.335 Sais » oe 251-| 542 880 | 3,532 219 | 2,559 | .2,093 | 2,838 AERGBSAN. «5 » - o5:- aes 5, 364 26 727 | 2,356 206 450 384 372 California. . . ... donee 11, 554 115 417 | 1,586 208 575 |. 3,933 |* 1, 128 Colarado.- i ac. legs 5 1, 507 519 428 | 8,375 397 | 2,458 | 2,249 |} 2,350 Connecticut.....-.. ges 1D ae 198 12 9 te Rpeieeeny aly MF ste: alas Delaware... ....... Oy GEN oe, ae tb > pa BS |S hens tetas «=|otls sae 507 = pomp District of Columbia . .|.......:|.----+- IO ts ta ee oo a as Neat heen «G2 Oa er eons | eens hack SE MiMIAA b<.. op) vent 2 985 4342224. SAR [aH ee WAL Tonal Oe 1 fa il Georgia... .. «24. baea Me 285 3 673 157 197 44 761 55 TGah@s,. o- . -s ed wie => FA © 9 Oe a Ah joe sete ay og gee 4, 030 Mamie: - 5-2.) Gusts |) 127 4-4---5- 341 27 PGT Fi foe's 18 19 Maryland . - - 1. 3.3 -. 293 131 501 | 3,213 163 665 768 335 Massachusetts.......-- tan ees 570 13 126 2 545 4 Michigan, ... ..% , baa ~hind 1,124 494 327 | 2,510 943 | 1,516} 1,014] 1,691 MerInOnh.. . Gb ae s+ 338 7 |-1, 420 175 55 358 119 WETPRIIG sc cpe-ca-4---- 1,065 | 1,078 820 | 5, 280 473 | 2,419} 1,990] 1,390 Washington.........-. 492 195 25 2, 344 148 998 638 299 West Virginia......... 13,395 | 4,971 | 2,013 | 37,962 | 3,713 | 16,853 | 14,002 | 13, 678 Wisconsin... .... ..=- .- 79 627 782 7 335 638 366 OW FURGITIE. -b~ ene. 2,375 297 159 | 3,269 212 | 1,065; 1,077| 1,876 Nonproducing enterprises. -..- 1,548 204 686 | 2,238 313 561 | 1,407 841 EO 1300 TABLE 21.—DETAILED STATISTICS FOR MINES, QUARRIES AND 1919—Continued. ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS. AND WELLS, PRODUCING NONPRODUCING ENTERPRISES, FOR THE UNITED STATES, By STATES: STATE, United States. begs Producing . enter- Kentuck Louisiana and Mississippi Minnesota.......... wee INC tei 9 co ae New Hampshire. .....-.. New Jersey. ....2222:22¢- New Mexico2....2..-2.-.- New © On). de North Carolina. ........-- abet Dakotas cose sole Pennsylvania. ..5....-5-- Rhode Island. .......2... ‘Washington. 5... .$55..24<. West Virginia... 3.5... Wisconsin. she... 4.230 24. Wyoming. fo... d29¢. 03 Nonproducing enterprises ........ Capital. Dollars. 7, 108, 623, 496 6, 955, 466, 831 84, 167,016 402, 419) 671 8, 688, 453 446, 782° 385 147, 154; 642 3, 557, 208 229; 023 6, 632 58, 067, 662 6, 184, 470 71,093, 746 231) 836, 571 63; 198” 281 16, 699, 094 255, 935, 807 201, 247,725 97, 620, 406 1, 692; 082 21,078, 980 4, 882) 574 283, 528, 279 310, 095, 559 AT. 926, 850 2S Be 788 82, 500, 057 L 658, 509 16, ° 905, 356 93° 994, 713 95, 446, 438 2, 250, 434 1; 865,347 256, 057, 996 740,757,178 4,780, 913 1,317, 519, 289 10, 066 3, 205, 232 28) 131, 922 51, 466,345 361, 684, 392 178, 521, 276 10,710, 058 57,035,775 22,914, 934 533, 138, 835 18, 631, 034 101, 774, 873 153, 156, 665 Total. Dollars. 2,543, 887, 062 |l2, 518, 543, 956 53, 430, 551 60, 429, 191 7, 718, 693 98, 944, O77 45, 973, 002 1, 298, 269 219, 429 10, 730 7,968, 486 3,582, 746 8,304, 819 142) 852, 787 45, 575, 744 17, 187, 080 79, 933, 866 86, 728, 587 28, 412) 211 1, 572; 661 8,790, 841 3,304,302 91,340, 001 96, 445, 817 23° 728, 052 42) 502, 917 "986, 512 16, 443, 538 1, 197, 304 9,740, 156 18° 044; 497 19, 990, 461 2, 439, 802 1, 591, 639 103,790, 793 189, 361,709 1,930, 790 693, 618, 939 700, 075 1, 299, 206 4 450, 596 21, 115, 569 141,310, 966 31) 883, 415 5,645, 298 26, 190, 879 11, 351,484 217, 866, 739 9° 101,901 27,936, 829 25, 343, 106 Salaries and wages. Salaried officers, superin- tendents, managers, and technical employees. Dollars. 105, 892, 362 104, 235, 154 2, 588, 339 2, 465, 825 441, 616 3, 646, 344 L, 962, 751 118, 816 15,974 ee ee ee ee 519, 196 281,935 399, 426 L? 490, 424 3, 216, 253 1, 064, 602 2, 135, 884 5, 467, 309 ” 937) 341 102; 200 630, 956 252° 058 2,775, 974 1, 707, 779 1, 400, 938 L 525, 799 4,180 866, 955 172, 569 120, 788 5, 599, 867 8, 170, 062 "195, 452 24, 489, 816 155, 254 1, 258, 804 4, 268, 560 L 279, 951 ” 365, 479 ip 149, 079 463, 733 10, 840, 047 ” 462; 207 947, 164 ) Clerks » PRINCIPAL EXPENSES OF OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT. Sup lies 996 and - an other sub- Wage materials, ordinate earners. salaried employees. Dollars. Dollars. Doltr’: 45,380, 089 1 ,304,409, 342 | 528,853, 639 45,093, 831° |1,295,936 226 ae 593,678 1,346,495 | 36,229; 723 |---7, 480, 910 v 293, 504°} 26,193, 31 14, 632, 835 "160,211 |. 4,573,291 | 1°235/726 t, 495, 206 31, 748, 170 | 31,816, 525 ”825°778'| 25; 405,043 , 672, 203 25, 660 646, 624 304, 096 4,505 135, 502 34, 214 "8° 150 1, 284 147,006 | 3,107,813 | ~ 1,836, 229 73,078 | 2,017; 460 591, 266 138, 645 4, 201, 624 2, 026, 256 a 633, 442} 94,178,504 | 18,716, 093 ” 362/026 | 30,192,924 | - 6,370,553 279,095 | 12,466,426 | - 2,072) 308 1,164,010] 21,948,799 | 33,097; 630 1,843,307°| 49,550,588 | — 15, 618, 091 ” 560, 469 7, 504, 657 a 761, 445 16,079} 1,051,796 7 203? 187 158, 703 6, 151, 744 1,178, 074 72, 2, 068, 844 494, 249 1,535,585 | 50, 406, 187 , 204, 063 1,340,642 | 29,383,021 | 14, 101,962 462,686 | 16,777,353 4,784,079 978,502 | 25,723,908 9, 452, 659 2,957 - 166, 60 232, 893 7,401, 113 5, 339, 511 13, 460 ” 325, 547 | "144’ 946 249, 829 5, 392; 861 | 2,194, 539 417,797 | 10,493,857. | 3,879,948 579, 555 7, 496, 781 , 724, 500 27, 043 1? 489, 062 467, 460 38, 858 L 029, 126° 283 , 633 2, 442,357 58, 109, 904 | 16, 116, , 949 4,362, 390 46, 809, 200 | 55, 4587 900 22,369 "992, 957 "545, 949 10, 474, 657 | 445, 218, 643 ‘is, 817, oo 14, 988 "399, 648 | ”146) 63 24, 968 680, 484 303, 371 61, 556 2, 497, 340° 1, 008, 196 379, 591 12; 987, 338 3, 302, 397 2,161,398 | 29,557,997 45, 040, 9, "636,962 | 17,196,652 |. 7,745, 49 83,254} 3,041,551 |. 1,272/796 541, 083 | 16, 108, 249 4, 760,370 198, 813 7, 465, 652 1,728, 585 4,114,202 | 119,577,949 | 40,740,077 "155, 908 4, 750, 235 1, 885, 710 439, 765 14 576, 415 6, 348, 488 286,258 | 8,473,116 | 9,259,963 1, 657, 208 a ee res MINES AND QUARRIES. 1301 Tante 21.-—DETAILED STATISTICS FOR MINES, QUARRIES, AND WELLS, PRODUCING AND NONPRODUCING ENTERPRISES, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY STATES: 1919—Continued. ’ PRINCIPAL EXPENSES OF OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT—continued. Cost ai ) ore, coa gas pur- Cost of arébased Royalties state, Contract ackaras fuel: deed aoe and rents, county, work. material or for local. resale. pail Po wee Dollars. | Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. —| Dollars. United States-......: 35,905, 352 | 94,848,752 | 28,660,836 | 176,129,858 | 141,567,734 | 82,239, 098 Producing enterprises...| 35,905,352 | 93,910,653 | 28,195,277 | 175,293,984 | 140,999, 626 | 79, 380, 177 0 EI AF a es Eat len 2, 431,350 648, 933 $38,101 | 1,699,630 167, 070 Aeiromietie 4 OLY Sass oe cok “1, 528,056 | 4,132,257 | 1,245, 268 438,926] 7,752,425 746,783 ES Bek ae a 165, 786 330, 146 111, 115 386, 925 “174,443 139, 434 Californias... 3.22008... 875,751 | 4,424,508 | 2,622,717 | 10,910,833 | 10,026,745 |- 1,377, 278 Wobratta ds disease ee cb one 4,282,353 |’ 1,253,016 | 1,453,464 | 1,583,712 | 1,136, 752 397, 930 pent (nn aaa ote ee a ih ie 44,586 10, 604 45,087 27, os NEM IE PE SE ie py Soicedhely ht ESRC rite Yara! | ee ode 5,434 if 3,018 District of Columbia... 22 20.).20 220 2222.. ENS Ge ee "128 "105 |! Be Se SO ERAS 8 SN 1, 613, 472 74, 294 140, 815 408, 529 121, 202 Ee eae See 17, 500 296, 647 59, 372 155, 833 54,360 35, 295 Idaho Oe I Pages oN es pa SIS GR athe bids iy 159, 294 354, 484 182, 364 649,069 193, 657 2S Ee By ee 91,659 | 4,810,013 974,466 | 6,636,176 | 6,890,455 431, 555 SPRMIATUAY S.. Sicus ciate. sat anes 50,546 | 1,737,090 275, 616 939, 696 , 090, 340, 187 ye CRRPOR TE 5 70 ead ME a tena 606, 285 142, 559 335, 530 186, 811 33, 464 CS OSS EC ae 298,353 | 4,067, 088 938,487 | 10,712,223 | 2,273,748 | 3,997,644 | Kentucky....... Seas 41,104 | 1,937,821 584,928 | 5,814,424] 2,605,300 |’ 3,265,715 Louisiana and Mississippi....| 740,522 | 2,812, 084 924 | 4,312,372 | 14,738,953 | 2,043, 444 TEEN IS CR ee Bs 77, 561 45, 231 9,986 34, 253 32, 368 SO RRS Re OSS Ee ae 247, 837 60, 929 137, 562 208, 137 16, 899 Massachusetts. 00.5 ......625-|.04.020.0.-- 186, 694 76, 651 59, 067 83,009 11, 186 NRE BS eS ic Aha 7,455, 207 989,490 | 6,668,923 | 6,275,133 29, 439 TS RITE TE SS CS Se ee 4’ 155,158 | 526,794 | 17,642,811 | 26,074,651 | - 1,512, 999 Missourl2> 6.26020. . 669 | 1,743, 747 290, 666 780,604 | 2,071, 467 415, 843 Mostana &.. 1.325 322... 62,210 | 1,267,627 | 1,712,301 646,125 | 1,018, 265 115, 521 Se ee? Sic ee ecoriy e Ve aa It, 9, 37 9,715 1, Saat. Posovedwer Nevada. ..... ho RRR AlN a Ae 1, 112, 427 638, 839 143, 708 462, 663 245, 429 New Hampshire. ..2...../...|......2+.--- 41, 567 23, 413 6, 268 24,719 34, 520 Wiuw fetsey.. Jo pon fon. ep we slander tae -| || Ba 584 98, 354 276, 555 371,765 57,948 New Mexico............--- a 9,5 1, 292° 260 68, 950 181, 504 835, 920 131, 506 New York. .........-.....2-.| 2,692,036 967, 027 435, 218 649, 472 804, 416 789, 360 Morth @araHog st oa... ke 0S. See 213,392 7,339 36, O71 21,121 5, 745 SS ES SEEN RS OR BS Pa 32, 853 4, 841 30, 868 19,922 } ' 30,750 5) AON Ea OR 3, 092, 567 | 2,949/460 | 1,181,608 | 6,339,816 | 4,028,789 | 3,929, 476 Gkiahoma Sead e eh So. tite’ 9,758,073 | 3, 826, 667 966, 207 30, 688, B00 10, 338, 248 18, 982, 377 “epee SE TS EA) 8 SN an 68, 68 64, 48, ; 5, 888 Pennsylvania... .....2.....: /'5, 510,433 | 21,818,407 | 5,888,996 | 24,682,827} 28,747,401 | 7,970, 425 Rhededslands, Vek Se ed 45, 526 9,549 5, 755 9, 279 1,000 South Caroling. 2c... 20.08 o/s. s oko 122, 170 28, 270 7, 512 17; BOG POLE 2 Fe Bouth Dakotas. or 2 UE | ee 238, 703 49,316 . 6, B05 - 425, Ft 11,941 Bimessoe. 28s 208. S| eS. 1,087, 175 222° 808 54,7 608, 917 173, 796 Wexas:.. 2...) O88 Se 360, 637 | 6,093, 106 96,453 | 23,912,179 | 4,045,981 | 25,773, 700 5) ae Se Se aS 2977, 961 934,480 | 1,184, 630 150,955 | 2,065, 154 491,178 ? ? Vermont a Sn Se ee ee 220,276 205, 122 58, 506 306, 564 91, 750 Se ABM IS 8 i ily te | ie 740, 098 476, 796 830, 435 1, 243, 918 340, 851 - Washington. ... 2002. 5,.---+2-)e-2-2 2-2-0 s- 788, 730 158, 600 177, 429 283, 318 86, 624 West Virginia. .- 2222252222225) "5, 871,497 | 3,921,485 | 2,987,311 | 14,845,553 | 11,078, 927 | 3, 889, 691 Waseondin sit) p lee. koe 83, 802 309, 187 548, 078 535, 235, 881 135, 293 poming ssl! sss... 74,281 762, 272 310,515 | 1,765,597 | 1,996,372 715, 960 Nonproducing enter- es OO OG Ag ARSE UNS Bae 938, 099 465,559 | 835,874 | » 568,108) 2,858, 921 a NE 1802 ABSTRACT -OF THE -GENSUS. TABLE 21.—DETAILED. STATISTICS. FOR, MINES, QUARRIES, AND WELLS, PRODUC- CEH ius ROMER ES CATE ENTERPRISES, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY STATES: i Sontinue POWER USED. Expendi- Prime movers. tures for develop- ah : ment Jalue o rem ca: (included | products. | 4 pore. reise : Steam in i princtial gate. Total. || (not furbines), | turbines. expenses). | : horse- power. » |} Num-}| Horse- |Num-| Horse- ber. | power. | ber. | power. ; Dollars. Dollars. . as at ; United States-| 334, 015, 265 |3, 158, 463, 966 |/6, 786,475 ||5, 147,613 ||46,744 |3,259,076 | 555 | 474,315 Producing pa entenesircer ...-| 311, 276, 508 |3, 158, 463, 966 | 6,723,786 [/5, 111, 531 Alabama. lsc nwa scn cx 897, 964 59, 866, 040 145, 775 92, 657 ATIZONG «. - i Gésie inte e- ty 233, 390 88, 478, 111 166, 091. || 138, 529 Arkansas. . 564. ceae ot 431, 908 8, 404, 537 1, 365 15, 552 California. /. ¢54.s5<-.- 27, 656, 157 | 163,770, 243 ||. 313, 213 || 206, 805 Colorado... t 23:¢<\peey oe 3, 864, 109 51, 217, 038 116, 351 46, 481 Connecticut... 2.222. 10, 747 1, 649, 003 8, 520 4, 83l \ O21 V4 615 feces eee. Delawares.s: 2355.04.05 1- < dcge fe-s > 943) 647 660 660 District of Columbia. .|......---..-- 15, 627 97 O7 lokam dle mcccehs sites -cakee Ree Florida. .i.). sac. 6 ae. - 301, 881 8, 976, 413 44, 969 42,689” GOONZIBA 2. age see = « 77, 759 4, 082, 152 13, 026 9, 502 VOGNO. i wre sak 532, 077 11, 840, 301 31, 239 2, 811 Tings... Oez> dey: - 4,331,319 | 178, 673,065 || 318,231 || 261, 934 Tndiana.. .. ss2. uye f 2, 111, 492 52, 840, 252 |! . 129,663, || 100,632 FOWALS s+ inte Heer akan 587, 368 | 18, 473, 558 32,171 19, 626 KeSN688 -...sb tbe ehiefe > = 23, 448, 955 90, 338, 204 133, 984 121, 477 Kentucky -fy..i<- os. 12, 847, 964 98, 486,910 || 148,893 || 102,176 Louisiana and Missis- SIPDL- wsiake geax Gypsy ys 11, 001, 642 40, 016, 535 86, 135 86, 101 Maine. \.. a2. eas <2 _10, 807 1, 823, 442 ||... 6,277 3, 562 Maryland. | 7). sus. 191, 878 rf 698, 577 18, 660 14, 018 Massachusetts. -....-- 23, 813 4 175, 699 12, 498 7, 736 Michigan. -). 5.4. :ace 4 2,657, 899 | 103,870,089 || 337,882-|| 274, 084 Minnesota... 5 «<< +s 9, 953, 680 130, 399, 254 || 144,199 |} 114, 354 Missouri... (2-4; ‘< ., 141, 088 33, 365, 694 || 100, 160 82, 967 Montana... ---. 4... 3, 145, 120 49, 923, 721 || 143,718 50, 593 Nebraska....\. gris ie -- <- 41, 582 292, 766 1, 847 1, 317 Nevada... . 2.0. s2---| 2,486, 280 18, 053, 984 50; 786 18, 342 New Hampshire... ... 55, 049 L 568, 195 4, 336 2, 673 New Jersey. /:----=¥--- 831,985 9, 308, 902 33, 901 26, 847 New Mexico........-- 3,221, 461 18, 872, 560 59, 876 55, 031 New York......-...-- 2, 232, 809 25, 131, 093 91, 339 62, 426 North Carolina. .-.... 34, 834 2, 736, 543 || ~~ 5,039 4, 641 North Dakota...-.... 93, 885 1, 927, 304 2, 037 1, 783 Ohidvees.. 2a2% sayy + 7, 931,195} 134,518,505 || 337,611.|| 272, 716 Oklahoma. . - 24. ..2- +. 5b, 218, 905.| 281, 927,732 || 448,173 || 415, 781 OFOGOR . .. 5 cuit Se =- 205, 972 1,884, 871 6, 264 1, 579 Pennsylvania. - .-).... | 24,930,973 | 819,451,109 |/1, 999, 422. |/1, 638, 599 | Rhode Island. ........ 14 200 952, 204 3, 000 1, 844 South Carolina....... ill, 693 A, 350, 747 4, 656 2, 572 South Dakota..-..... Al, 903 5 314, 516 11, 844 9, 834 Peunnegsee. - 5/4). x= 537, 864 23, 292) 114 || — 56,685, 39, 297 ORGS. a... 1G ahs te 71, 703, 732} 160,378,058 || 129, 063 || 125, 909 Ptaliva os 42. ah 3, 168, 643 41, 510, 802 86, 131 31, 083 Vermont .. 63535 465 - « 36, 499 8, 55D, 030 28, 119 8, 990 Virginia. - 5h cha 919, 206 29, 363, 449 57, 880 23, 641 Washington ....-....- 771, 066 13, 329, 129 38, 198 24, 332 West Virginia... -..... Li; 516, 298 | 295, 606,620 || 704, 279-|| 485, 899 Wisconsin. . 32. ss... 650, 622 10, 580, 833 26, 766 7, 704 Wyoming. . (3, wx. © 6, 060, 835 41, 928, 788 62, 757 48, 817 Nonproducing enterprises.....| 22,738,757 |...ss..ese.--- 62,689 || 36, 082 MINES AND QUARRIES. 13038 TABLE 21.—DETAILED STATISTICS FOR MINES, QUARRIES, AND WELLS, PRODUC- ING AND NONPRODUCING ENTERPRISES, FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY STATES: 1919—Continued. POWER USED—continued. F : Equipment operated by Prime movers—Continued. purchased power. Electiteunetars run by i el generated by nisahaae Internal- Water wheels the enterprise combustion and Electric motors. |Other reporting. engines. turbines. , Num- | Horse- | Num-| Horse-| Num- | Horse- |Horse-|} Num- | Horse- ber power. | ber. | power.| ber. power. |power.|| ber. | power. United States..... 57, 417 |1, 372, 698 329 | 41,524 | 41,114 /1, 629,580 | 9, 282 || 33, 039 /1, 260, 466 Producing enterprises. -......-- 56,988 |1, 361, 146 287 | 38,112 | 40,500 /1, 603,390 | 8,865 || 32,980 /1, 258, 795 py 8S, a 34 819 9 a py eo 6d oe =---- 39 By SAG hick. Ot pel P hes Bo 141 Hy ct he eens 124 3, 184 RTOs clea Cidw'k alunes >< - 38, 056 105, 615 107 | 11, 388 2, 882 106, 363 45 413 10, 382 ACRONPRUE lero dw ein - edie = =. 55 1, 159 21 | 4,260| 1,802 69, 680 190 342 12, 525 onnechictlhe. 22.--------- c 80 2 76 46 3; O80 Heewsece 8 44 are...------- See sews 4 A AT Ne A NR go cl Ts a I a gk 9] ee | [a Ed BPR ee District of Columbia. .-...- 5 Fly Hines Seok gu Mees iy os oh a Se AS ye | Ae | Page Tana Mini cr oS See 52 TOL BU stake ote a 34 By 2BOK ess 20 < 272 31, 710 Georgia....-....---------- 25 393 7| 1,100 62 3, 494 30 31 3, 797 ee cee Greats 6 casas 3 18 364 16 414 545 28, 248 180 19 1,120 UT ee civicls 35 his = = sie chais's 1, 855 Bo) See Tecate eee ae 1, 482 56, 267 30 3, 218 97, 160 i EO Se ee ene 349 FAO | seem Ae eacknae, 785 QO OSL Wis ess. 2 875 43, 102 ao A) Sa ee 94 SoS hho ullue eupet Cee 358 12, 540 5 88 4, 670 Ri NE ee 3, 160 84, 287 7 585 499 TD DOE bade antes | 308 8, 886 Kentucky....-- Senesceee- 815 12; GES as 2 he are op 1, 174 AG, 204 Wemnaey 1, 953 53, 817 Louisiana and Mississippi-| 1,878 54, SA ee ae, Sele eee 2 34 eed 53 794 chil, OV ee 14 102? (lags al sc 57 poet A A | EN ey I Hs 5k 5 Pe i) 24 516 g 450 139 GAD: |e et ae 94 38, 872 Massachusetts.........-..- 3 45 2 285 101 4,757 5 1 10 fo ae 15 417 16 | 8,100 976 | 63,798 |....... 1,663 | 107,750 MimlesObasce = s50--c--..-- 36 E217, Pease. 578 29,845 |....... 436 13, 563 He ie ere 170 By DAR cmc ctee ee See 613 17, 103 90 486 16, 850 UST ithe: eee ae 53 1, 033 20 | 3,223; 1,543 Bi ae a a 179 6, 696 Ge 2, akg re aes 2 a I oe a ae. ee 13 Peseled eh sheet ene ce Nevada..--.-. Jes ewen nice - 193 5, 539 5 168 801 32, 444°). ..2..- 290 10, 086 New Hampshire.......... 5 el ee i 49 D506 | c28.: wits cavenc deecsee eee New JOrsey 54-2. ~-\-----.- 35 425 Weets'- oleae =e 104 Bed, [create » 213 8, 742 New MORICO..! 25.05.25. 94 9, 653 1 20 130 An Son os soe 1, 257 2A, 854 ries GER ome 2-0 sees ns Vl obed 21, 726 4 925 595 7. A) =, gE ee 139 | 6, 321 Nort Oarguna.:....<.-.- 10 125 db. 175 14 SOsals. ee 19 501 Nore Dakota. .2......-.. | 38 Pia 1M | ie rege’ | CS ea 24 | aS 9 100 lite) Sea | 6,308 | 131,074 1 28 | 1,956 64, 775 120 1, 620 40, 687 (iiciaiito see < sks - 5... 9,603 | 314, 989 2 300 695 31,492 | 900 207 6, 161 ORC oo ead cae 0s ----- 2 141 10 v7 ae § £560) |2.0 eae 2 A Ponteyiyata......-..--.. : 14,433 | 226, 513 12 765 | 8,521 | 355,170 | 5,653 || 12,146 471,216 Rhodes island... .....-..... 1 i ten wees Ss 29 L256: | poo aes Meee ee co eee South Carolina........... | 10 ia ee 36| 2084 |}.2...2! 4 309 Sout akon. .- ..)...-..: 9 354 9 125 91 Pail eos 311 11, 945 AS a 69 1, 046 ic Ve 324 17, 378 10 342 12, 562 ki 8 Se i 1, 829 50, 240 1 2 129 Sybian ee. ae 163 4, 623 QS re 22 471 8} 1,797 | 2,300! 54,733 315 166 8, 645 pi elt i a a 32 w L5it 696 19, 109 20 26 | 664 Ug 37 337 5 | 1,402} 1,012 $4, 239 |....... 325 12, 208 Washington ...........-. 41 1,539 4 350 282 | 13,666] 200 315 | 10,619 WVest Witeiia.|. 55.062... 10, B23 1 ZO TIB YS. nisin ston cc siiee 6,185 | 248, 323 57 2, 865 95, 084 epi 16 458 6 275 500 19) 062" |ce2 14 1, 080 VRID C Luwaes ses sn =. 238 UUM Korn w cic cil enheeles's 355 1S O40 2S. ees | 108 4, 474 Nonproducing enterprises ........ 429 11, 552 42 | 3,412 614 26, 190 417 59 1,671 Qe SEH ‘a “naa p9o—< ae aaWot 4 or Sa aan - es neers - — + 3 ee > i at esr es as Nee hosece dasniq ings ; vara sh oravour ombtfes ppt ar se, 299TT i TAP OT A ese TG # . .) ‘ ae fet ENE Sl i: | See aaron |p s ih Sees URED | . i : ea Y ats otiiac ae galt ! wiaed | eco pptodtten, sate Wt \ pimnoget yak TO) “aemost ote a | | bow eS me se i [ew iar { 5, Be h (petite ei thay Set ae ann TER i ‘ay onary! nerret ry rod + eNO (ak pie eA fl } j be J : ; B yo FL. sisnine’ ‘nowiglt\' a0 Et : ane aie : wd 7 TP | a8, is SEWO malik if : ju e ae A et eae eae" eae hd thee ed oer es ne pteaed Bi eit ae i tah ihe mee { Pa P rf bok piskigtss he & oieting | we ay eer eae Sa ee (ey eal , - ; f : oF Ras 4 aE abe & |.082 Poe 8. ge fern. ag 108, eee ft gaa ee emer eta tei. SRS Saag RP ROR S SE ee eee ee oy idee imal” Vea are: Mba ae a ene See “4 fare pA Fi ie § , ft ete a. : j : ; eae cae eS ret th w Y tay eae 3 el na | sth a err) es, Wh STE Eh 2 PeMeCOOn gee Mable pies eM op eae Th Gor a paege. POAT Got bee oir Bt 4 ' ee Be ie oo) Ge BOs a Ee ‘ > De 4! ; Sh a ve eRe ' sf dik 8 ay oyee Phy 4% : ; : % te i, & 4 \! Ay . Sig es; enegae i a ee Fa Ba igh ery A Oe wee ve ist hag ih A it Be Ne by ae SS gots oe ieee: | hee ee A am strt eem a 8 Lee omit © + agi am i 1 Carats wrth o *- ao Pes eck, Te a ? mk meet Bhat. 1 Rue eS * <6 Sy ioe at ; Ota pr wi pee wed BN fo ee f LN Bane ©: eae t f > ae : me Lath Gh Obj, sho Mb ee 1 8t Age , pret Aen Bod ae bak ee EP 9 %, PN ates Se? Re eee Ph ‘ ; le aie atta ak Net tat Lt ae oy * f by he po si dle pewt oh Pe ee es Lye oh SRR, | 08k a, ne [iyi We § ; o e y “yy as aa ; f si eth Bet Pp Te Oiateae. ut t i bY tu i aR Ch aber | Cre aoe ’ GAR. , ft Bie Dae At 3 F hid Wet ye oh BR CTUee. eat f £5 r 7 - : 4 CE * , iM ou oo .- nad HM rsp te oy OF ee 2 = hb Set Ce er 32> i nl See 3 9 > FD es ala ee — mm ey Soe - noes Js smh ons ee eet vs —" — =\ fi “8 ‘ ve » es t y. a ie fl ry fy’ san > " ‘ a ees 2 . if vy ‘ v 7 oe ne -_ ae ¢ ae * r ¢ ne C4 >» “s ( ‘ ~ od ‘ pe fu 1 ™ < ¢ ' ; j . * j 7 * 7 oa " rue a ‘ Oh ROPER eR aI rent, tie viet AUR ea RA CURA UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA trvat ty ‘ tik hist . ‘ : ' { i ; \ bd Aust 4 t yet at Ke t si h : abd tet Pete : . br i Wg teint : ye ers ny ALA . f tf fi 4 ‘i 4 Lax 4 wo ae AT A Hata ‘ { . us ved ay dob yt . ‘ £2) ha si Be RAD TD tr Well is thy ty Lal bh %, vied \ pe kek Hoty Ry A hbk 4 nett “4, i 4 i ‘ v7 (OTM eet ptt ef vad { Tate vauic th as ere Vv i PRA Eh VE by i eb Ded ( RA Ae " . etch § Riviere aa: iene) Ait i ad Dr Oi ae aes ate : ‘ hae One tekata te \ reds “dL ‘ ® Fob wt ba i Ny : Gert st GN ey ‘ t Pani rane MO tite pratea Cee i Mt a fet tb RHC Ot ied RUN iis y Cie aa! Mee hehe tebe leaded ui : } FUstr fed nigses it tens cee Shseehcdet in, Eka icaatatnas Gh etitant hei heed ‘ bei ey bv an Stale att eC a, Stan ee CHA! TEU ona rink Gy i | 44 A t4 t Pei : GIL eae Aer nbs Aa i ik Ata rt HAAN el hat 4 ‘ OMicg bieretery Py PAu Tg ty th Gb tt { \ UALR Aah 1 ‘ ry ' 1 ‘ TLS Pa f iit : : We ivan te | 14 i erat aia! ark ‘Ju hs GN ’ See tab {| ' PRR RRARS A Pay fil feet etd fet Bags + iy yet why & eek eeey yt Bee bd iets 4 i: ye eGehst vat uy 45 -f) hone Whavuit aL heer t t Cb int a trite tt +r uu At ‘t Pah ab (im vp yah ats) ny { bah hal MAG { : & tthe { 4 ay t (pay wt tk A sat { ‘ Ararat ae Mee p lf r ff Ph Gel a i " URUK SAH RN A elas ae a Bat a ln ea ey SLO ea a4 PA A Bag fee gy py gare 1 CENCE Soe py Ma hie yy fb fon fee i f { Lit U ‘ fi beet Gree ti tape payee i Pebplitok (4 { { my ‘ ha if Fein eee CM bus tt drleg 1 ' sree seats f j f ' i t ‘ 1 " ee ryt ‘ { Hah ek ro te Su Oar ita ar ba bones Pigg é ‘ ot { 1 at { ¢ € 4 ft ‘ toh (% . { deta gy ' Da ee OTT cee rely, ‘ - vi ’ ane hia vd 1 rite fhotetahie af Ay 1 t ‘ te ‘ i LCR Re faite ahd Lt ye we ae t ( ( I f i F 1 ‘ver ! ( P ays Reh il ka 1 ura ‘ if Ve 7 val ya Wig \ ¥ 4 ( fists . dad deeteeds fouling he { , ; tat f So ' : et ONG Gabi het ee HS Pd Gite bi deduedi Te Qunped 4 rar ig Oiiedeh tee J ORK Roe PINAL eS) SDR i fe i eal rh Giese { { enh f PBA SE OO te Ref fond of Safi dec docg tpt) te b fe te Ee ape a ve ‘ ‘ BE tat 4 ah Pye ale og Leen Tee: f ia 4 ¢ 1 f he We fe AMAA Se CMe Gite Ml de OG td heme OP fell Pooh 4d dea ddl ebaRtacte keg ry Gs ; ‘ ' 4 toh ME tee (ef TENE NSO SE ol Ph CO Ra OL Ele CR atl Hey oe we ‘ ‘ ; ai Ue eS 5 ae Oe Ree EME OO HEE ae moe oes Levhace a | i ‘ iN . Urea 4 woe beeta tata ¢ bi heh? i4 + Git ie? | ‘ ' ' t ae ie Dt OG pty to phed ber ek Ge eo fifo a WP fe AD EO tog ? Heo if ‘4 ey ‘ ' OR Rr Re See fol Dt Malegaton wy Haier (HGH Ra Hit feck Chey ones 13 ' { 1 t vs et Hv ots Etat ‘ 1 ht 4 Hod { NEF { te i D rhb y LV fepet { ' "¢ (eon fel oy ‘ ‘ { ri ‘ He ORL On ee Fea ds er cb Pe Le Bite abot eupee ' + J rt 4 s4 (MCA ttn | ‘ ‘ ‘ ee ; 1 Epis Ce ti yet Par wi) 4 ‘ i i ibene beef : ; ‘ f ‘ faa eer ya { t ‘ { ‘ Pa Wie eee ek tb be Lae ies i tr eae ‘ 44 t { ‘ ‘ \ ‘ ' CAR Eifg bet ta i Heyes wt ‘ ;