pt hai rot der ects es mea leks Singacllnd hk eertriae ator esd ae ee MMO} i Be cs L. j eres Sas eae ere 5 ave aa oe ewae * NORTH ub mR CAN. CORDILLE a ae ie Yr h uN T H PAR ‘A LBL. REGINALD Al DWORTH. i. DA aL o a 0 kUmeuA cere REE ; a3 EF “GE 01 Rolerey ve SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF MINES: : OTTAWA. L012: THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY esette an ‘\ N¥> \, ors Ss vod; ‘M) L y é & py f eee Iv, fin on COLUMBIA per Pat ie . LAVA PLAIN cy Sy Kry SuHowing PostrioN oF SHEETS. OZ ‘UOJ JO SOM SOJIW pG'O SI GL JUOWNUO|Y AJepunog WNLVdes AXAV1 SVWNS ‘Zt LAAHS 20’ LEGEND o5 PLEISTO AND RE yy YY, if Yh) i; f ip YY Y g EOCENE Fr ie ee —_—_—_—_———_ RBONIFEROUS Triassic Ke AS 7 4 * SY r AY ea] Svonas diorite - 4 TAT } Sz TUL , a a : = — 3 gical b | Z 2 ees 2 7 “h as: ks TERNATIONAL fi BOUNDARY Ws etrsessrecetceneny | it ) é —— —————— a | { . at ee = ; / ert ( bE a a | | + _) an \ I a “aa Sens fh = Poe A | | A f—+——_—_ — im ies [ | oa ] = } lee / Note. Localities of chemically analyzed y i= ay, rocks, shown thus, +201 ‘. | — | iS H 4 VA ae re |e. | No RTHWoop — Vas eG. EAREROOK | i | { lopography from surveys made by the Boundary MIMALSSion. Lake reich sae! Section along Ine AB GEOLOGY OF THE EORTY-NINTH PARALEE ie By R.A.Daly. Scale : 62500 — 0.9864 Statute Miles to lInch Miles MAP 90A Contour interval, 100 feet Reprinted. by permission of Chie? Astronomer, to accompany Geological Survey Memow N?°38 ‘ae c | + ey PR ey MOG eR yt RE Raa, hk RR Bnet ey =i 7 ae he a . Te ee (0) TRIASSIC CRETACEOUS BONIFE! ee ECARBONIEEROUS TRIASSIC @) MIOCENE a (?) CARBONIFEROUS : Z Sheet N° I6. 12200’ ee. La 4 , Vs 65 60 45 40° 35° Alluvium LEGEND bit a © IY a yy) yp } J dark eas ae 5 ; D beds of grit 7 Inter: , TM ES conglomerate Ae zy Vga il =) i ac formation ; i / / = \ \\ NS B —\/ WY MVA chiefly flows Bi hee and hornblende 300 = Sx andesites, ash-beds ih So Z : hilliwack Series “ee Liite , quotzitic sandstone, and estore, SLE cer Deda tof grit! conigLorwercto Intrusive | | | Chilliwack b: Hith | granodiorite , with gredtic phases | Slesse stock Monit , yy ih | (iif , " = wee G tn a Li ta yale Vedder greenstone S Ny / Mi ) Ms Z Deas aC a a ae Symbols > 4 Y; f ww 4 AS ae 7| all EM (san: ~ ‘ \ KEG Lh A HIU| aN : 4 N SK A Ly aS NS s ce IL NA o Geological boundary } aa SS Z} Ws ys - fas A ‘ SS SSS : .3 + 49 gi = { SY y (AS }, ? e LL a ZV ING 5K } (zi = ==e DAR - : K 1 \ 00’ Fanlt Note; Structure of Gitus formation, Ss 7 on section,merely diagram- Localities of chemically analyzed rocks, shown thas, + 54 | | | | | | | | Mie N | | | 12200’ 55 50! = , lopographs from surs evs made hy th oundary Commission Probable fart ff it Section along ine ABC GE@GEOGAZORSTHEeFOR LYSNINTH PARALLEL, By R.A. Daly. Scale: ezt00— 0.9864 Statute Miles tollnch Miles a 1 % oO 1 3 Ai MAP 89A = SS —_ ———————— EE Repriuted. by pernusston of Chief Astronomer, ; to accompany Geological Survey Memow N° 38 Contour interval, 100 feet a I : aT SPDT ETON POT iih ae eatiae Ah ohep wrt ‘si 1s ageborcta >: ae MELD al PPOMAey ona | : i } Ye } ye ‘3 My gah ig + ' as of : .] 4 : RS = hy i , u Les \ ae 5 j ‘v4 es a4 ‘ ayts H Pa) ‘ Deo f 'y a. ; as an a) ¥ >? V4 i a A f § J j Py | is ‘ P y ; x epee Ra eRe, , a ; * a . in lie lw 4 ¢ ’ 7) OY to. | 1 ef}. : Nae PAYS Patt; Reeth ea cae } : ae baa bine cu 7 | Ly } Th baTh ‘ i 4 ‘ WAR is Jaa . : 7 ve * ek ae ; z P + AD + aa P| tn linn ape lane nthe kee bay Uy at eae y 7 > A ‘ . ‘ yma mma rt eeday tm 9 = even i Iskzo, 4 P * Rrcnarsomie een eae me Ftc ey ae 5 } ‘ ' , PLEISTOCENE & RECENT OLIGOCENE() CARBONIFEROUS YF ( CARBONIFEROUS MIOCENE () $F 0) JURASSIC(*) —_, LEGEND eee oe - Glacial striae Note. Structure of Hozomeen series, shown o n section, merely diagrammatic | ‘Ny if | : DS J > K > >») Sy EN F S \ Na) IGEN \ | Sheet NY 15 10’ ae 12100" L130’ 25/ 20' f | | Tl 49° On JAY Tee SSN ay ave aif 05 HOZOMEEN RANGE | ? r 2 ti J Ly i S. & : Zam a (ZAC Tie NS a ; \e Nt Ny \\ y} y Le —— SS t = I2130 ra 20° 15’ 5! —— —_EEE SSS 2 = ee ee — — a = Topography fram SUTVEVS made by 1274 th Boundary Commission. v TI. ; A 3) — tft} “ae Rs 8 7 ot aca ] tty = Sas oS ti Vt — by pS) ge Lf} Se i i ST = oi By = SEK K KKK KI fo Sy RX XOX KT ees ‘KX KX KK KK DX KR XX KKK x KKK KX XK & Xx KX KKK WK KOK CXXXXXKKK NYS a. ee Section along line A B GEOLOGY OF THE FORTY-NINTH PARALLEL, ByR.A.Daly. Scale: 62500— 0.9864 Statute Miles tol Inch Miles L % Oo 1 SSS ——— Contour interval, 100 feet MAP 88A Reprinted. by permisston of Chief Astronomer: to accompany Geological Survey Memoir N°38 s « : Le 1 i: oF i aa} 3 ii Di if i | & 1 é = Jer ai ranoN ia tenth AW SSe iC Nue RT, BME “ti : i We ate “Le didium sete i i sit Aen abe 4 rik Sint ce ne i, Shjtelia Sajna i ai % i Pint Vay eet iting: a a ' Ey | 4 tasks roe? Ameer ae air, lo js bite 4 ) abbrose sartetvassoneyd Oh OAS tM Neda tes sy mstre. eee x) : Ni a eens h A en pcan age? MS RS ¥ <= SU ACEH iB 2 Y88e-CHICO) CHE LYCEONe s ae SN of { he » hlad > oi i © wo veel a . | me ig E Oe e- at ss semes (SHASTA-CHICO) A CRETACEOUS Pasayten —~ LO! WER TACEOUS af (a) CARBONIFEROUS CRE ee MIOCENE (?) co c Es JURASSIC() LEGEND Member L bi tk argi Member K , and sandstone with mete eda ofateata and conglomerate. Members Btol arkose and sandstone chiefly, witht conglomerate and shale ae Pasayten volcanic formation, andesitic breccia zomeen series greenstone cherty quartzite & limestone pods Intrusive Syenite porphyry chonolith ZZ... Castle Mi graw Lighummg Creek stocks diorite Remmel batholith western phase; sheared yranodiorite Symbols : i | Geological boundary aR Bee Fault Pes Glacial striae Note. Structure of Horomeen series, shown i section,merely diagranunatic. Localities of seater analyzed rocks, shown thas, + \F4l es e SOQ \ \ Wks NX. SER Sc SA AQn . a \ \ Ne O SS AI fp SS N 7 . 4, f 6 WANS ie \ — 2 ‘ \\\ \ \ \ AS RN AY - SSP SPAT [SN S Y { (HT | ~ NWRPANN ! SIX o LQOO73dy SSS NSS S 2 OF — SS ) ~~ LAA HY, y as a WS \\ SINS NY . SS Ss Wh S —“—S 5s ip (( f iq ( sae 78 is LLL IP EE Le Contour interval, 100 feet 22d, OS BSI oo 9 on y LSE ID SLO DEA | Section along line AB GEOLOGY OF THE FORTY-NINTH PARALLEL, Scale:62500 — 09864 Statute Miles toll Miles Reprinted by permission of Chief Astronomer, to accompany Geological Survey Memow N° 36 - y ‘ iy i? ' ‘ 7 pee : at ; 1 , i fi ‘ ; f ‘, ‘ i ; 1 > » i ’ , ‘ Fi » { f i ; ° ve } l } iL Hewwe we awl A. eben A tals MR OAD AO ELE AA RA PERE PE RRAD Ea Mig Rler 0 vist th raewrntiwy 14 eee ne ame mete poarlrepbingnantier tore, ohne He i wes sty rat ‘ hate eA % , (a ye a Be a i eR rte late ete ee OaE Dp Ni MP, fer Pact A i eS Mh mys ethno ' sty % wi scrtmiaaarlesiigahe i C - eat NAN Me se hae FH tony A my ee el NY et po re rrpmwt cand tates or creases aioe a rasa Be ero ere ve ere tnt gh ates ng ie ial ol ber Lidkainn Likeein Late een eee hee belt t i ‘ , i 4 5 t mt ‘ hae iioapaeal Dera a sek: Bite ls "y Aen ye 1M ahea ai ase be 7E es —<— MSIF od 2 e f a be eiales heh ooh Spe fn aie ama wae) rcetbnrtarmenty rt i ae LEGEND & Fe oS e 3 | Vesicular dikes of basalt (BauermunRidge) a | and andesite (cutting Basic Complex) > Park granite stocks s Fr a wW = Nf, 2 oe. Si sh ees Agglomerate LOWER CRETACEOUS a Remmel batholith ; zeae pee highly salic derivative sheared granodisrite oy Ee Remmel batholith Western phase; sheared granodiorite Ashnola gabbro —— Basic complex LATE PALAEOZQIC@) JURASSIC (?) Symbols Geological boundary ae Glacial striae Localities of chemically analyzed NE ee Sse OO y) S , fe (S y) 2 AMY " ne ‘ ae Ml ( Bo ge AL (( (G = NS sa =e ZZ Cer ase ees A = . q 7 —~ W A S H ( ue O N — — = = = = = = — = ————— << =f —= ———————[—————_ = = — = ——— & I = _| 25’ 20’ 1 10 ~ 6 12000 120 30’ a“ Lopography fr surveys made by Be Saris + Comodo. Section along line AB MAP 864A GEOLOGY OF THE FORTY-NINTH PARALLEL, By R.A.Daly. T= Reprinted by permission of Chief Astronomer; Scale; aztoo = 09864 Statute Miles to 1] Inch to accompany Geological Survey Memoir N° 38 Miles Contour tnrterval, 100 feet waa! te Un Ba Sp ait nha de Sikemadcsihidedioteioteee seated bb Aere-iirsiesibiy hess tans nellionseglens clon ar A i el 4 4 4 pido / Wiey t Pith * yy s t ? ¥, ; om, 7 ¥ ats ; dairy % “ 5 a xd on oa Sa ‘ Ph. st) APachan teeta el hal ee ee * ” + ao 4 hee fine ei ciends, Oe Ay. Fate hg ete. 35° 40' INTERIOR PLATEAUS BELT OF 45’ 50° 6b’ OSOYOOS \) W\\\\\ NY \\ \\\ \\ NARA \\\\) \\ AY \\\ Says. aE M ) (c ARSC Ay DLE RANGE 12000’ O K AN AG AN 4 \\ 4 EX\| YY / Ae CELL Caeioyaoe, a | if \ | \ \eN) WV 4 <] Y Wy <= 4-700 LEGEND — es y) Intrustve 4 B= i i. 7. E matignite and eleolite Syertite 4N399Y % (JOIOZOAVIV INIIOLSIFTd Yaddn AYVWILY AL —} — Osoyoos gneissic batholith Peridoute (orssvunr (Jo1oz0avIVE aLvi yinbols “ 8 J Geological boundary aS Glacial striae CHOPAKA Mt is Nu a g of 5 | | | | | | Wr iit ive) | | | | eee So |i oe | 1} -H | | | | | | | i i} | }] a! | | | | | | a ive} H | | | 4 | | Tl | | | \| \| i i Ss Ne i} | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | A | io a Te) it B | | | | | | | | | | | (YT try P16 > Ry) aC s : NaS aS) a) % AH 2.4 | a 33 aE -8 a § BS re SS 3 s ages S iss °' y AS S 38 38 N y scone | SPS D1 section, merely Hagraranatic, Locahities of chemicall Note. Structure of Anarchist series, shown anal yzed shown thics, +\|00 Ly rocks, QW MIAN UBIULIY TUNG | | | AB GEOLOGY OF THE FORTY-NINTH PARALLEL, Sea rae, Section along lne © By R.A.Daly. = 09864 Statute Miles to | Inch = 62500 Seale: Miles MAP 85A Repruuted by permission of Chief Astronomer, to accompany Geological Survey Memoir N?°38 Contour trterval, 100 feet BY v we : s avin. Lannie eat" ao - YaRAQwudses 4k ¥) Sees Sot cnrereeee eee OS ren - ALeG' Vv 'M — we (080 a f a 008 jl LY, 11930’ Topography from surveys made by the Boundary Commis ston. 2 49° 00 20° 15 10 5 T1900 >>. ae B ee _ LORS Section along Ime ABC GEOLOGY OF THE FORTY-NINTH PARALLEL, By R.A.Daly. Scale: 6z500— 09864 Statute Miles tolnch Miles 1 % ° 1 2 3 4 SSS SS SSS =e rs Contour tnterval, LOO feet yniti erve MAP 84A Repruvted by permission of Chae’ Astronomer, to accompany Geological Survey Memow N?36 bene Téye Al 7 . f AY, mh She f ARS Sa! —— YAAaKHY Ge ON a . ae te! o.) RS ag PS Rep Soe 8 Sn An Shs SANTI 2A LS a a en eee tee ee ‘— SAG ONE wAregy usd (131) PLEISTOCENE OLIGOCENE MIOCENE & RECENT (?) “ (?) CARBONIFEROUS (?) ?) A () CARBONIFEROUS JUR, RBONIFEROUS 0 TRIASSIC SSIC OLIGOCENE MI ey ee aon anata aE! Q (a) OCENE Pen iene = flows and pyroclastic deposits LEGEND | cee aie | Alloviuin and glacial daift f ae Midway volcanic Same tnachyte Sats ote ptr rhomb-porphyry ; flows and pyroclastic deposits Me | Midway volcanic group andesites and basalt;flows end pyroclastic abs Kettle river formation. sandstone, congluinerate,shale,arkose S Px zs Phoenixvole formation LZ Attwood series argiltite , quartrite , limestone An | prone series quartzite, phyliitic shales, greemstones with ‘ers Pireston eoodes i ovystalline ,bliiish-grey to white Chlorite and hornblende schist Grand Forks schist anphibotite, hornblende schists,ete Intrusive Pulaskite nyrry kiana gilts RKhomb — porphyry rite chonoliths, aye and sills Granodiorite stocks , dikes,etc of augite andesite ete Sheet N10 _ (COLUMBIA. ER NAOT Ie NN 118307 Lopography from surveys made by the Boundary Commission Serpentine ihes,ete By Symbols od | ane! z £- aa = Geological boundary ——_ ke Pals —— SO ee as See ore ris Sea Leve/ : SE [EX ee Glacial striae Section re line A B C f mee sce, hem nn rns rl GEOLOGY OF THE FORTY-NINTH PARALLEL, Gagrarmatic. On account of the small scale, modiorite apophyses are se Scale: aztoo — 09864 Statute Miles tol Inch porphyries, as well as not plotted. Simalarly many dikes which aresyngenelic with. the volcanics are not shown : Locahities of chemically analyzed 1 % 6 : Miles Z : ‘ [as —— a —— se —— os 1 = —— Scant = = ————oe x SS — ———— — MAP 83A rocks, shown thas, +\0\0 Reprinted. by permission of Chief Astronomers, Contour tnterval, 100 feet to accompany Geological Survey Memotr N?°38 ViATMUOM* anAse TERTIARY CARBONIFEROUS TO CRETACEOUS(’) PALAEOZOIC() (°) CARBONIFEROUS “~__—_, (?) MIOCENE(?) EOCENE?) a CRE TACEOUS®) JURASSIC(’) LEGEND Conglomerate Phoenix volcanic formation. flows and pyroclastic deposits of augite andesites, ctr. Rossland volcanic formation. flows and pyroclastic deposits of latites, andesites and basalt. Par | jeu Sutherland schists phyllite, garnetiterous, pidotic and achnolitic schists, etc Liamestone white to bhash marble Grand Forks schists amphibotite, hornblende schists etc Intrusive Coryell batholith hornblende-biotite syerite (pudaskite ) Syemite porphyry peripheral/younger) phase of Corvell batholith Olivine syenite ee Smelter stock aplitic grarite [ } | Cascade batholith gneissic biotite qrumiute : satellitic” stock south of Castle mountam Symbols bers ( seological boundary —-> Glacial striae Folded structure of Sutherland. and. Grand Forks schists, in sectio: < pee ee Many apophysal dikes from large intusive masses not shown : Localities of chemically analyzed rocks, shown thacs, + 5\7 : | Jao la ah | L a — = - = = ————— == 11830° 25° r | Topography from surveys made by Commisston the Boundary \Gramnby Smelter piney een i ooh) Gre AiO sas anton fo 358< a} 7 <1 PSE RON As alnOunc-s 1 GEOLOGY }OF 1 SE #3} . ( pets: es) (] be \\ \(\ i | : eee, ——S : TR LU UU peal 20 ei 15 10’ y » oOo Ba eee ese eee ee 2 s fs Feces \ 5 a 8 \ fhe pve aa TT, ES & & oo ae byy ae fet } } aS } ] fi] S ) ee a /\\ 1, / be, coe eeee 8 : KOA Rv > 3 11830’ ‘ 25 20' ‘ eee | i . a ; 1b ROSSLAND 10 MOUNTAINS_ sizJCOLUMBIA 5 SYSTEM) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4.9°| | Pos’ |i : ~~ ip i - . ae | | | Ca oR, 1s sat ily, NSA RANGE Ce oven iA Ss¥as: Vice My) ROSSLAND Section along line AB THE FORTY-NINTH PARALLEL, By R.A.Daly. Seale: azboo — 09864 Statute Miles to | Inch a. = SS = Z heats ——— Contour interval, 500 feet 49° 169 | MOU Rak MAP 82A Reprinted. by permisstorn of Chief Astronomer, to accompany Geological Survey Memoir N° 38 LEGEND Conglomerate fossitiferous on Sophie mountain Beaver mountain sediments grey and brown shales and sandstones TERTIARY Beaver mountaim volcanics we and py z zt c ui and basalt (?) CARBONIFEROUS ETACEOUS TO CRETACEOUS Sx Rossland volcanic formation. flows and i its of latites, basalt Lowen Carbonaceous argillite, sandstone,etc. fossitiferous Pend D'Oreille limestone white marble, fossiliferous CARBONIFEROUS ¢ p (2) CARBONIFEROUS beperice Pend D'Oreille schist Carbonaceaus phy ite, with quartcite Intrusive TO ORDOVICIAN Coryell bathoith hornblende-biotite syenite (pulaskite) with phases of syefite porphyry —. =a __ TERTIARY Sheppard granite biotite granite; stocks and dikes Shaiiernzone of Tx baibobib Trail batholith granodiorite MESOZOIC Rossland monzonite sto. 7 Dunite and Serpentme | dikes and chonoliths Symbols — Geological boundary Note: Many mincttes and other micalamprophyres cut the Pend DOreille schists in the Pend VOreille river gorge, as well as the older rocks in the Rossland waning camp. Numerous porphyrite dikes syngenetic with the Rossland , yoleanics are not shown and apophysal dikes trom batholiths and. stocks are tikewise not plotted. Locahities of chemically analyzed rocks, shown thas, +409 : Sheet N? 8. 1 ROSSLAN D 55’ _ 4 SELKIRK VALLEY £0 (SELKIRKS) Il730' 7 MOUNTAIN oe) 49° |[T_1 , os’ 49 oy | | 49° (| 00 | Le ——— Bt A | 49 00’ ROSSLAND MOUNTAIN'S COLUMBIA SYSTEM} r ( /W A Ss H I N G T a x ea | | Heb ———————— ——— oo ——————————————— = = SS = — ———— — —-—— =i = ——— ae x = aes = al | 11800 56 50" ry me es a 5 30 1L DOGT" oh 2 fro L surveys made by ri ¥ R 7 aioe a a = = — ——— —— ee = i aia: sty eee ot ae ‘ $ 5 § 1267 ar 8 > $ [ ae = oe — 2 ~ g rs : 2 Tae : & g A _ en nae 2 eS ee a : § : S ie —SS——~” me . 2 : | 8 ag Rv RR : 3 \ s 7 | Rv S a= ae SS a aes = Ss 8 —— ———— AS Rv Sea Leve/ ae *, Aes SE ee 7 sess = seis eS Seetion along line AB GEOLOGY OF THE FORPY-NINTH PARALLEL, By R.A.Daly. Seale: e2500 = 09864 Stanite Miles to IIuch 1 Ve » 1 Z a + aS SSS eee Contour tnterval, 500 feet MAP 81A Repriuted. by permusstorn of Chief Astronomer, to accompany C reological Survey Memotr N° 38 TERTIARY ~ CARBONIFEROUS TO ROUS To BRIAN ORDOVICIAN CARBONIFEROUS CRETACEOUS?) () CARBONIFE MIDDLE CAM (?) chiefl & BELTIAN LOWER CAMBRIAN() () LOWER CAMBRIAN BELy! AN (Uk TERTIARY LEGEND BONNINGTON (SE Lok I RAK ESE ieee Bs Beaver Mountain sedimenrs Beaver Mountain volcanics Rv Rossland volcanic formation flows and pyroclastic deposits of augite andesite and basalt Pend D’Oreille limestone white to bluish massive marbles PD Pend D'Oreille schist carbonaceous phyllite with quartzitic and amphibolitic izterc LOLs L Lone Star formation dork grey, carbonaceous phyllite , with quart schist aid quartzite Beehive formation. banded quartzite, with thin interbeds of metarguiiite Dew formation, banded quartzite, with conglomerate interbeds WE Wolf formation massive grey grit_and arkose in very thick beds ;* subordinate sandstone Mk Monk formation alternating phyllites and metamorphosed (schistose, guile, sordstoives, aril conglpyterates : Grey colons Iv Irene volcanic formation thick flows of pyroxene ardesites, with some pyroclastics Intrusive Granite satellitic to Bayorme batholith Symbols 5 he Geolo gical boundary oe Lopography from. SUTVEVS made by the Boundary Commission Note: Somewhat r20nerous, though narrow dikes of minette, cutting the schists im the Pend DoOreille valley, are not shown Note. Locahties of chemically analyzed A rocks, shown thats, + 666 . Sea level ae ee aed are = eee 3 Sa 8 cay ret a a Pa Tm) = » ‘ \ pi au: Va a 2 y a Yi : fw) ear HN \ 1 = 2 Pi, H q0)/ PHN \ eT “ 3 \ | Yai DUNN \ 4 fn \JPoy/ ST Py N \ \v| ned A wis oh \ JIN | ~~) \ i sal ON SOSA a Me 0, maa << SS i ( Nina \ Seetion along line ABC GEOLOGY OF THE FORTY-NINTH PARALLEL, By R.A. Daly. Seale: 62500 — 0-:9864 Statute Miles to LInch . Miles ee ret — > ee =——_ EE ———— = a ——— MAP 804 500 feet Reprinted. by permission. of Chief Astronomer, . " ay" Py ee - 2 * To ¢ Contour interval, 3 to accompany Geological Survey Memoir J 098 - hes dali sal a Prince rely X res 7 - p ar pends Fawn tae gine ere v lentes > : re ae ae eee se ef =) ra alt z = 2s | siz z=: S | 2354 ao Ea | = vA < F Ww oO —- PRE-ge, TIAN PRIEST RIVER TERRANE (”) © TERTIARY ( JURASSIC. (?) CAMBRIAN (?) Sheet N? 6. . LEGEND l7d0’ ' if T1630 Albovium Kitchener formation greerish-grey quartzite wf Wolf formation massive grey grit and arkose invery thick beds; subordinate sandstone Mk St Mk Monk formation altanating phyllites ad metamorphosed (schistose) | gris, sandstones and conglomerates; grey colours. | f Irene voleanic formation trick flows of pyrocene andesites, with some pyroclastics and a massive witerbed of magnesian limestone Ic Irene conglomerate massive, greatly sheared; thin sandstone lenses wica schists, guartzites and dolomites dolomites, quartzite and. phyllite rs Phylbtes and sericite-quartz schist sheared, massive quartzite, with secricite and chloritic schist = sericite schist, spangled with large biotite a-ystals schistose quartzite and mica schist e | | glittering mica schists and sheared quartzite Intrusive & | Bayoune batholth | Basic granodiorite ery et tykert batholith | sheared,porphyritic biotite (raiscovite)grarate Abnormal hornblende granite probably a sill Abnormal once abbro sills in Kitchener formation aes ae) | | —— | [ae eee Al) | Greenstone | dikes and sheets tn the Priest River terrane : ; i ae, FLPE, LS Pe Fe S bols Lopography from surveys made b ee the Boundary Commission. | | | | | Uncontornrity South Fork of Summit Creek 8 = Geological boundary 3 = a A 8 38 ae | gi . mee A = \ Pen ER ane ee aie S E SOO PTT NN | ae Se => \ \ ) | aay tee Fault Vie e | : e J j rt ‘ : A E \ = | Elz 0, 26 : E Glacial striae os } a a Be) a= 7) eg eile ee o- 2 os = = = ——s = = = —_ and = be = Note. Structure of Pre-Beltian series, shown on section, merely diagrammatic. Localities of chemically analyzed rocks, shown this, +9 L V2 oO it Contour interval Section a long line GEOLOGY OFSTHeEeEORLYONINTH PARALLEL, By R.A. Daly. Seale: 62500 — 0:9864 Statute Miles to LInch Miles SSS = = = $1 AB 500 feet iN eS . ‘ WAL Ss % \ Pray Lay * walt 4 wu u “Si 4 : wilt r Port Hi TRENCH | 1265 Ny 5 < — > > & 8 $ _ ae SB MAP 794A Reprinted. by permission of Chief Astronomer, to accompany Geological Survey Memow N° 38 ony hip cen erence 0 tet TN a IE LRP ASAI AEST ~ ” - - . eerielipn atin tat fill ar oan Lt GE OE ECT A | “ Sear ET Sete + ee jeans ee cae * oe he | @eqyu‘e “131 { inp Me : . “ C Px ; Sas sak incense te lated ee iy oh fr NO IS ° : nt ent lh ae a tae le aml Ah ; 7 te : = a . i Uy ‘ = 7 7 *. . fn . ud ¢ . “ae rae all Le eae ae ee we is Qe i a hee SMT Wel Pk ik RR Menke Tht yh , fue eeat 3 ; ae as hy ina roe prrerpetse ita stemnnya liom ay ig (a one in : “25 15 10’ 11600’ LEGEND | cz - coe a : & | age is = | PURC | | | | = i i mR EN) CoH : rn M 0 7 E . nm Ss 4 E Y iS K | R A N G E aI | | Cp (d) | { fa = | | Wit x ) We 77S Si er s x oan \ MN; YO KK ay ‘ iS thia-t . 5 } s R x fo Zz “& ¥ ne ANY, Y AN ( os mp V3) S SS) S/N ! GSS ie ; eum Ke Yb 27 S My Z\\ NOMI, Al NE L\( A \- Mi C0 end trtatetantmetegiea a. Wie f Pal Gea AWS \ is We : Wy) . | IS 9 S NS NS ston formation 7 Yr. tL | SS ‘ : “pay ane mem oe as 49 NU \ Intrusive ~ > ai ah eS 5 | | | g 3), | | 1] | | iii ‘S SQ 2 WK \ - e i & \ \ : | BN . = . . aS) S iN %\\\ % CSRS \ a i RT} \ \ ay Y \. ae NY \ & )} eS Wes SW \, mG i \ alk \ | | 3 14 Vn \ ; 2 < WWYQyii Viyep ed), YN ie An i WSs \S a\ PALL WAXr X \ I | | | AN ¢ \ 3(\ 2 3 ee | | | | IAS | | | de | — = = ———— ———— ———— SS SSS = 11630 25/ ' , ; (| ———4} | : 10 5 600’ Topography from surveys made by ae 7 Sap mee ear cee ee a : = = = —— = - Se Seoer see = = SS = — - the Boundary Commission. ASA Section along ae AB GEOLOGY OF THE FORTY-NINTH PARALLEL, By R.A.Daly. Seale ezso0 — 0:9864 Statute Miles to 1 Inch Miles 1 Ve o Sana = SS es = t4 ‘ = ‘ TAA Viushod | 2M S1bP Moe oe eee li6o 40° ‘ LE END - Z : ; a — | ii : ee — - ——————————— — — —_—— = a — —_ = = - - oo —— — — i ———— = = —_ = — - — — at ee Pe NOT Y A H K Rul A@eIN: © ys =~ = ie | (IN A WY 49° eT D Sy) re 2 ee tA NBS hy oH WN! r x { H oH : : lass A n 5 3 ce — i : 4 n SAS/7 +] N . S Ze Wir HVA iS > SS | Yahk River ee c Ss <= 8 i BE) ra s Glacial striae hittes of chemic. anal, Se eras Ete Section on hne AB GEOLOGY OF THE FORTY-NINTA-PARSLLEEL. By R.A. Daly. Scale: 62500 — 0-9864 StatuteMiles to | Inch es —— a yi ‘ * : . x“ ‘ . oe erates setts Se oe en la walvanenienh tea H hethdlcett Aiea.) a dnp ake ip ea «pence shhnadteindamioe tie Hays >. atonrl ta emma har PA rT Laremeas®, (ie PT OT: : eh ' ott se ia , 4 * ; ‘Oe re Sa eta ie i iS etl rena ys hntay EF 9 ow eps x yuo Af Sapam nlp sew acd? hd meme eee 0 Sahn Mate My ogg Peete’ ee aa aoe, “Lahag wehbe, © ik Scenery again dnn | tetrapods tana etme mene 17 Soke a ph wa REPOS 6 a mr | omncmannh myn tnetniriad iy te tries hth ath te ay teh Ak 4 Prt Rn at Ahoy ) | AWE S Vig rons Ip, lagi Rha ny Se a ae 4 sie me Se tae ieee i ee Share tye beetudar a nt. we woke ee es ioe eg LN at , Ji eg hf rf y \ 7 52 ¥ t / \ ; q F he ce ie ; ‘oe Pk a a RTs oa ef Oh 4 a 7 ri Oe Te Te Ve PR ee eee ere ee er PLEISTOCENE &DEVONIAN MIOCENE & RECENT a AN MISSISSIPPIAN =<" chiefly MI DDLE CAMBRIAN(?)- An LOWER CAMBRIAN() CAMBRIAN@) BELTIAN LEGEND Glacial drift and alhavium Kisheneln formation. chietly bluish-grey clay ; interbeds of grey sandstone; Ffossiliterous Limestone massive, grey, fossiliferous Roosville formation light green and gre}, thin-bedded metargihte | iNips formation. Pprrplish to red, thir-bedded metmyiliite & quatziti Gateway formation chiefly than-bedded, siliceous metargillite, some dolomite at base massive , basic flow Si Siyeh formation massive, dark grey, siliceous, magnesian Limestone, with much grecrishgrey meborgillite | | WwW [SLU CUBS SOSES | Wigwam formation. thin-to-thick-bedded red sandstone and metargillite Hefty formation chietly thick-bedded \ = Altyn formation thin-bedded siliceaus dolo Intrusive Abnormal] gabbro Symbols — | Geological boundary ae Glacial Striae Note. Locahties of chemically analyred rocks, shown thacs, +\|Z50 ‘ sy Wigwam River Py Yy) Y SET a Pou es =o a a Sy BE NZ Sra SS? ze SY a AS ee 5 = Ay . ( t \\ S Zee Lif; Y : ~ Mt 5) leg) ay _ 49° Topography from surveys made by the Boundary Commission. = =a a Sea leve/ Section along line A B GEOLOGY OF THE FORTY-NINTH PARALLEL, ByR.A.Daly. Seale: 62500 —0:9864 Statute Miles tol Inch Miles 1 Ye. oO . =~ 1 2 a MAP 75A Reprinted. by permission of Chief Astronomer, / fe to accompany Geological Survey Memoir N° 36 Contour trterval OO feet f ¢ se ipa ae pA eT it tl a a ne me A tS PE ee hE pe a eA mE An ereci< iy i Pale ne dé een th ee , Se nll af Werd, uke ten + id ee a ne ‘ 3 y ae na ane ow ie a, : coms. F y ‘ 2 eine Oe ea Pipe ee rere yee ee 4 ; i — ne thes ety aa te a ean —s FS A ae ’ Se os ~ a e te ah cere en te & RECENT MIOCENE PLEISTOCENE chiefly MIDDLE CAMBRIAN@ —S oe ih) roe Eo BELTIAN LOWER CAMBRIAN(?) OSS CAMBRIAN( Sheet Nol LEGEND = ; — Se : SSS ew | - BRITISH COLUMBIA i = : = = ——$———— 5 SS — —__—— ————— SSS STARVATION PEAK 9300 Glacial drift and alhawyviam inchuling winged-out moraines of the Flathead valley \isabanet ave Kishenehn formation. chiefly bliash-grey clays; interbeds of Grey sandstone;tossitferous ———— chiefly tin-bedded jred_ argiltitejand interbedded flow of basic lava nes formation. chiefly, thin-bedded., b.ght gre. siticeous dolom t “a lorrute; amt wrterde w of basic lava He | Purcell lava massive, basic flow chiefly massive, dark grey, siliceous magnesia een also neuch greerash-grey metargiltite Gr Grimnell aS chietly thin-bedded ,red. metargilite; Titerbeddad low oP Baxia exiyg daloiw ekunny formation TTA. tain-hedded , ght eerush.— y etargillite; pean etc Decree see ee Kut ta, Jake Ds Altyn formation Guarn-to thickbedded _ light grey, gy, sondy, siliceous, magnesia lwnestune; bearaw Fossil, “Beltivia dana Waterton i massive, dark grey, felspathized “dolomite GREAT DIVIDE P RIDGE Intrusive \ Symbols are aa Geological boundary [PoreaeDi idelh en ishenehi Creek, | Note. Localhities of chemically analyzed yd / rocks, shown thus, +\1306 ~ Sea Lleve —s —S = —— ee (01 Creek Great Plains MAP 74A n Reprinted by permisston of Chief Astronomer, to accompany Geological Survey Memowr N° 38 “tical : eee ane ee AKBCDEF . GEOLOGY OF THE FORTY-NINTH PARALLEL, By R.A. Daly. Seale: 62500 — 0-9864 Statute Miles to | Inch Miles Contour interval, 100 feet ILLINOIS sam ATOM OF THE < UNIVERSITY OF PLateE 73. Columbia River terrace and the Pend D’Oreille mountains (Selkirk system). Looking southwest from near International Boundary. Typical view in the Midway Mountains. Looking northeastwardly across Kettle River near bridge six miles above Midway. Typical view in the Skagit range. Looking east from divide between Middle and Slesse creeks. Chilliwack River valley on the left. View shows accordance of summit levels. (In pocket.) UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS - ht : i (In pocket.) Typical view in the Clarke range. Looking eastward from head of Starvation Creek. The slope in middle of view is composed of the Siyeh formation capped by the Purcell Lava which is overlain by the Kintla formation. = Summit of the Nelson range (Selkirk system). Nelson range, looking west from summit ridge north of Dewdney trail. Ridges of near distance Looking north froma point a half-mile south of the Dewdney trail. Beehive Mountain distant, on the left. composed of vertical quartzites, etc., of the Summit serics. Prate 72. CLG “UOW JO 3SBO SOIIW GL"| SI EZ ” | ” O22 ” ” S9c ” ” Lio ” ” v9 ” ” 026 pees pinoys egg ” ” OLG “UD|A] JO ISOM SOjIWW HG"0 S! 69g ” ” 89¢ ” ” 696 2” ” 296 ”» ”» 19d ” ” 992 ” ” 09¢ ” ” G96 a” 2? 69a ”? ” ¥92 » 892 7) ” £96 ”? ” LGS ” ” G9 ” ” 996 ” ” L9% Gc ” ” =| y8GUS 09¢ peal pjnoys acta ” ” 8G0 “UO JO jSve Salil PL"g SI EGZ ” » 89¢ Pees pjnoys Egg ” ” 9G¢ “UOj JO 4SvO SOjl GG*? SI ZG% » ” | O90 Hasta | eGo ee : . 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Rp SRT Oe te = Sot 3 ae ‘ Seen peer peadepusn aaah 6) Sy SA RSL Ady J 35 . ‘5 ‘ es Sa ite arte as se a z i : Z pans taeeo" se? ieee ets : a ee, x + ‘ Sie: re pee asietisisies : “ ; CRRA Ress, : y oer 3 saree sRaes a Pneaialira te vtleg Aisle aie iaighy esate epee eegae ei ae sii a : ee ore ae Spriactsey ys ar ie eile ag iy tL é a ‘3 be By ase SaPEE FA TA 2 Ni seo oe 184, OA bee d Ami Irg ip wage Pyearevesty 2 ete te