SaTACLOGUE- OF BOOKS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARIES IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK GRADED AND ANNOTATED BUREAU OF LIBRARIES 1924— 1926 CONTENTS GEASS LA BRAR Lass PAGE Kindergarten ‘and firstegradéy-.7..- 25... fi DECONG! STAG. nea. gk soe eee oe ae 12 Phirdserade wae en so ie eee eee iW Rourthperades.. ee eR Reem as 2h Faith: Oradecss Slap acs wean es Sines ions ae ats 42 REFERENCE AND PAGE EAMmusements eames. ClCcs “str. at ste ee 159 NCE eATChbecture PClCe., . Seen oe eee 158 PA SEL ORO Ue. ye Cicer sate wae ats ieee ee cae ee 155 Biblewee sen co ate nie ss cage eter en oem te 145 Biggio pny. a ates Aegan eee ae 165 BOOKDEIGING ate 2. Canes nas. ae pee 158 Botany ge rioes Se eisces . « CRs cee 153 PIS1f CSS Paes cy ee eee 1a Pet ie 158 GHEMISLT ya vores Mele ie eee ee eee ete 155 CHC eStuid ater. < Ricte iss: «okie sone ret cdes ence 148 Givics and -payernmerit... cme 7 ee 146, 151 SSOOKING vs 7s. SEN. eames atte The Baker & Taylor Co.. Short simple sentences about the birds and animals that live in or around the old cherry tree. Colored pictures. Board as beacon 37305—27B PRICE SUPPREY. NO. LITLE 315 BLAISDELL, E. A., and M. F. Tommy Tinker’s book... “T am going to write a book,’’ said Tommy Tinker: ‘‘a book with little words that little children can read’’—and here it is in nice large print, with plenty of pictures. 330 *Book of nursery rhymes, arranged by Charles Welch.... Mother Goose’s melodies attractively illustrated and grouped. 349 BRADEN, J. M. Little book of well-known toys....... First reading book. Primer of Toys. 430 BROWNING, ROBERT. Pied Piper of Hamelin; illus- trated. by 2M. W. “larrante oe ue eee eee ees 525 CADY, M. R., and DEWEY, J. M. Picture stories from the Spreat artists; Wiss ajc oe eee ee ee ee ee Easy stories and verses in large print about some of the familiar pictures of Rosa Bonheur, Van Dyck, Landseer, Murillo and the other painters. G02 CHISHOLM, -LOUEN. = Nursery thymesvieee ocr 4 BOs uO PPK HD” Dobbysand (Betty at home... eer A very attractive primer-story. 1171 *GRIMM, J. L., and W. K. Fairy tales, edited by Sarah Be Waltsesvolad veneers wae tale ds ee coe eee Twelve carefully selected stories from the ‘‘Kinder und Hausmarchen.”’ #183. GROVER E® OFF Kittens tand ecats.\:. 4, eee _ This first reading book is full of pictures of real kittens dressed up and pho- tographed, with easy stories in large print. 1189 Overallenoys icq lee ee eee ee ee Easy and attractive first reading books. Large print, colored pictures. 1191 Sunbonnep babies’ -Doaks. ans 252 ones eee erence eee ee Stories and pictures of two little girls and their dog, Jack, and other pets and people. For beginners. 1193 GROVER, E. O., and HOGATE, E. C. ‘Sunbonnets and Overalls . cP et gt etna oes Cac ea ee a eect A story play book for beginners including an operetta. 1207-*HAAREN, J ela bymestand tabless se eee First reading book, selected mainly from Mother Goose and Aesop. 1246 HARRIS, A. V., and WALDO, L. M. Little folks in busy land 20. 4, Ree aac cr tel ete ie eer tetas eee How to make toys and things out of paper, spools, nuts, flowers, etc. Busy work. Colored pictures. 1247 Toy shop. OOK sens): ves. oateg Oe es Se So ate eae A picture book and easy reading book. Colored pictures. 1279 HAWKES, E. Wa sEskimo land ye snqe sy als eerere a. oe Large print. Easy sentences for beginners. Good pictures. 1336 HIX, MELVIN. Once-upon-a-time stories...:......... The little red hen.—The unhappy pine tree.—How the bean got its black mark.—Cut-Cut and Peep-Peep.—Chicken-Licken.—Three pigs, and _ several others in large print and easy words. 1350 HOLBROOK, FLORENCE. Hiawatha alphabet....... KINDERGARTEN AND FIRST GRADE Pictures by H. D. Polk in colors. A rhyming alphabet about Hiawatha. CONTRACTOR PRICE The Baker & Taylor Co.. D.*G. Heath igen Rand McNally & Co..... EPs Ditton oor ee Macmillans Goce B.2P. Dutton eGo eee Rand McNally & Co..... Ginn’ & Coz ee ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 7 Rand McNally & Co..... Rand McNally & Co..... Rand McNally & Co..... The Baker & Taylor Co.. Charles Scribner’s Sons. . The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. 70 61 68 90 .66 .90 68 63 ‘Ee 19 48 .66 KINDERGARTEN AND FIRST GRADE 9 SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR PRICE P/O RSPORD, 17M. Stories of our holidays.).u5.... 00. The Baker & Taylor Co.. .72 Very easy stories in short sentences for Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanks- giving, Christmas, New Year’s, etc., all through the year. 1461 JOHNSON, CLIFTON, ed. Mother Goose rhymes...... The Baker & Taylor Co.. .40 Historical introduction. TI)lustrated. 1597 LANG, ANDREW. Snowman and other stories........ The-Baker’&-Taytor Co... 775 1604 * LEAR, EDWARD. Book of_nonsense. .......5.000000% E-ePeauttonawito., oe. 5 .60 The first Lear book, only. Not complete. “Inimitable and refreshing and perfect in rhythm. I really don’t know any author to whom 1 am half as grateful for my idle self as Edward Lear.” —John Ruskin. fee wClA ROSE. (Pcterjand Polly inespring... - 2.0... American Book Co...... 5S 1694 CLeGe tC aL CLVEINSSIMINCT coc. car ete has Sie) ee aba aes American Book Co...... Ee 1695 ReeteIsanOes Ol Vig Willeto. oan es ale ate tole 5 sn 6 American Book Co...... Ge Attractive little stories in easy words and short sentences about two children who live in the country on a farm and have lois of fun. 1705 *McCULLOUGH, A. W. Little stories for little people.. American Book Co....... 46 A first reading book containing easy stories and verses by Stevenson, Sher- man, Dodge and others for memorizing. fooomeviotner Goose > tilus. sby Kate Greenaway. 32 220 Se. The Baker & Taylor Co.. .76 1887 *Mother Goose’s nursery rhymes. (Everyman’s library).... E. P. Dutton & Co....... A8 foe rehAy= GUAR As 'Child’at' play. 2) 220% 2.8 ..9 602 The Baker & Taylor Co.. .76 Easy words and carefully graded sentences for beginners, accompanied by dainty pictures in color. 1918 21 Pe Ee Ss Se oe ay ee eae The Baker & Taylor Co.. .76 Beginning with easy sentences, this attractive first reading book gradually grows to short stories about children and their pets and games. ieee (> Levi ye httle Ciinese spook, aos. fa ee ss os EPs Dutton & Come. .: 36 2129 Ry aiitlem italic DOs utgenceieiasasticgotoresege.y0< SeCalS tenn Bere Dutton ® Coxe 35... 36 Aigo POL PER, BEATRIX: “Lale-of Jeremy Fisher......... The Baker & Taylor Co.. .54 2140 We rleat Wat ceric DIL ae meets ee cscia ea cshcle 9 ale ofoileinve 9's o.scae The Baker & Taylor Co.. .54 2142 BEEP Ls SUUIRTEIMIN UTI warts tl, |. fesan dal © tebe wre Tiss ake D8 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 54 2144 pS PS HR OUR eee ee es LS an ee Oe ee Ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 54 Dainty little volumes with colored plates, which tell a story in short, simple sentences. One of the most popular picture book series. 2147 *POULSSON, EMILIE. Child stories and rhymes...... The Baker & Taylor Co.. © 1.16 For beginners to read. 2148 Runaway donkey and other rhymes for children....... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.16 Piposee ye KATHARINE. “Pales.of two bunnies.?....-. 2. Der. Dutton woCOn. oo 90 2269 ROBINSON, LOUISE. Behind the big glass window... The Baker & Taylor Co.. —.76 All about a visit to Toyland. Pictures. eee UI Che hist) sbookeot tables 25. 2. a5 eae aa 4s <* The Baker & Taylor Co.. .65 Chiefly from Aesop. 10 KINDERGARTEN AND FIRST GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR 2414 *SERLA EMMA iin gaplelandie 2. ocean oe eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. A first reading book of animal fables. 2416 Work-a-day-doings Mts. awe cut oe ods Sere ete re The Baker & Taylor Co.. Amusing little stories about Mr. Squirrel, Big Black Bear, Little Monkey. 2464 SKINNER, A.-M? Sstopyland-iniplay., secant Rand McNally & Co..... Stories in large print and easy words which may be acted or played by primary children. Easy reading book. Colored pictures. 2465 Talevot Tibby and *Tanbyc. cen ee tecee che tee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. Easy story for beginners. Large print. 2492 SMITH, GERTRUDE. Roggie and Reggie stories...... The Baker & Taylor Co.. An attractive book for children just learning to read. Large type. 25119 SM Yoo Rebs Reynard thestox sce eee eee American Book Co....... The classical story of the wily fox told in easiest words. : 2750 SLURERNS 13H. Lease Classicrtables <2 cme eee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. Mainly from Aesop and La Fontaine. For children just beginning to read. 2899 WIGGIN, K. D., and SMITH, N. A. Pinafore Palace... The Baker & Taylor Co.. A book of nursery rhymes, jingles, riddles, rhyming alphabets, ete. First line index. No pictures. A book for teachers or mothers to read from. 2900 POseystinig’s aa eset e oe vies Get cere he eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. A book of verses to be read to children. No pictures. 2006: “WILEY:;BELDLE Mewances 5... vreau. nee The Baker & Taylor Co.. A first book of Indian life. Large print and short lines. 1860) MOORE, Fike Nursery: song, book. ene eee sees EP? Dutton: &\Go, ae Words and music and pictures. Seventy-eight old songs. COLORED PICTURE BOOKS IN PAPER AND LINEN 2960 *ASwas ‘an archefnrs, seo aes eee ae te eee ee ee BSP Dutton cc Come am Pictured by E. S. Hardy. Rhyming alphabet. 2961 = Animals’ at Ghomecia, aoc). o-c:ss apd eieloys «i fobs om tact eee Ew P. Dutton.&: Comes Pictures of moose, beaver, ete. Size 10 x 12 inches, Paper. 364 *BROOKE, LESLIE. Johnny Crow sigarden i... eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 365 Johnny .Crow ss party..2...c . tier et ee eae The Baker & Taylor Co.. 366 story ot: the three Dears 03 .\. jee oer oe ts The Baker & Taylor Co.. 36/7. * “This little pig“ went*to market... epee teres ee rene The Baker & Taylor Co.. 368 DNTECS DEATS Harney oat) ssialatet see ans tot shpat tet cee nenehe eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 369 Threes little: pigse. -i5, 5 eciceater ee nr tee emacs ee cents The Baker & Taylor Co.. KINDERGARTEN AND FIRST GRADE 1] SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR PRICE Peer LOECOTT RANDOLPH. Farmer’s: boy.:......... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 46 Cumulative verses: “When I was a farmer, a farmer’s boy, I used to keep my master’s horses.’’ Size 8 x 9 inches. Paper. 2975 ey aiddierdiddie-and Baby; Bunting o.4.. 6. .log aeons os The Baker & Taylor Co.. __.46 Size 8 x 9% inches. Paper. eR LOUSCELN ate ACI DULt s\n Man «yd iclde ees sa lca nas The Baker & Taylor Co.. .46 Size 8 x 9 inches. Paper. Be MD ICOTILOLSLCATLS Mri Riae cn tions ccc sacs 6 Ws ote sae ok The Baker & Taylor Co.. Size 8 x 9 inches. Paper. 2981 ‘Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross, etc..... Betas The Baker & Taylor Co.. 46 Size 8 x 9% inches. Paper. 2983 BinpeatsOny Ol csixpence.... 2.5. . os ane Car ete Ree aati Sets The Baker & Taylor Co.. .46 Size 8x 9% quches. Paper. : Pe emee Ler ereat tantandriuim himself... «no. Anshan e ae eee « The Baker & Taylor Co.. .46 Nonsense story. 8 x 9% inches. Paper. Bee LG a inads MOG fa, ecicc.s s< os aces ete aan STAs oly Ris este Stash. =< The Baker & Taylor Co.. .46 Oliver Goldsmith’s ‘‘Elegy on the death of a mad dog,’’ made into a picture book. Size 8 x 9 inches. Paper. pore Lhe vmilkmaidi; . oc. « ee ka ee ee eae ..-... The Baker & Taylor Co.. .46 “An old song exhibited and explained in many designs of R. Caldecott. ad Size 8 x 9% inches. Paper. 2998 Dione. Dellac,...:2 ee ere te ae. | bet Dutton. & Comes.) 30 Piciures by “2 ’s. Hardy. 3005 veDOOK OLE Caliigen tiers estate tres Pte enact toe os clte sg E. P. Dutton & Co...... 45 Fifteen railway pictures, twelve color plates, full oneal Size “io x 12% inches. Paper. 3009 INMEVeO Wi TOLeG mess wee eh.e sete & ie ee elo ede oa Pee acter Mutton nee COs +o 30 Color book of doll pictures. Size 9 x 11 inches. S10 Ge Wy Santa’ Claus’ book... 1006. « ee. soe d Stee hae Dna Duttoneian@ one. ts 45 Ten full page Santa Claus pictarres, with a few jingles. ais 10 x 12% inches. Paper. S0roe0 eid sobbing, «).. - MN oleh Sens chelate tnd oe ee a Heel ee UUttOnmors COmwta « AS Six colored Nister pictures of horses and six pages uf verses about them. Size 8 x 10 inches. Glazed boards. 3014 Oldetine Coles ...c%. Rin ais he ce ore Lp hinck ord eae ie Pe utton et BOOae ty .30 Illustrated by E. S. Hardy. Dicom Clute pets @ pICture< DOOK e8i. ss ac ote eee Pes eb Duttonswaeo. ae: 45 A dozen beautiful animal pictures by Nister, of horses, dogs, cows, cats, rabbits, sheep, deer, goats, etc., with a few verses. Size 10 x 12% inches. Paper. 3024 AECL ODT ECLO ee tees Caer ee'sle. a) stg eidio'« 6 bolometer clam oy Mek, Wie md Be edie) esa One gaye 45 Rhyming alpiabet of objects. Colored pictures. Size 8 x 10% _ inches, Untearable. 3029 Sire eCeU CIC S1CC Mrs Mamata, ec wie oc es wis ale eres eo 5's Hie Papuan w Cou. 5... 5 A dozen or more colored pictures illustrating the familiar rhymes. Excellent. Size 10 x 12 inches. Paper. 12 SECOND GRADE SECOND GRADE CHILDREN FROM SEVEN TO EIGHT YEARS * Books starred ate suggested as a standard library for grade . MANNERS SUPPEY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR 16 *ADELBORG, OTTILIA. Clean Peter, trans. by Ada A 07 | EN eee op a ieee area mR MEAT a nlc) Arar sth atl The Baker & Taylor Co.. How Peter transformed the carcless, untidy children of Grubbylea into models of neatness and deportment. 450 BURGESS, GELETT. Goops and how to be them..... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 453 More.Goops and -how-not:to be them 52s es ere The Baker & Taylor Co.. Advice to children about manners and conduct in general, in amusing verse with funny pictures. a 1348: -—HOFEMAN*S HEINRIGH. ~striwwelpeters --o-s sees EB.) Ps Dutton) & Gor san NATURE STORIES 111 ARTHUR, E. B. and S.C. Sonny Boy’s day at the zoo.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. A little boy’s visit to Bronx Park. [Illustrated by excellent photographs. 238 *BASS, M. F. Nature stories for youngest readers; animal 239 1384 1916 2344 2833 594 TER .. Geek rasta Re a eee rae rk ate ene eae DOG, Heath : are, enero ae The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2146 aleratetieeliOpsy- DUDIteS oroe cm eee lore re dal S414 eels The Baker & Taylor Co.. Re CIIEMO Te WE sUACSINICC Th calecs-c.ciscture cea he ee sie bx a alee’ e The Baker & Taylor Co.. Zioseer UNAM, Gel. Littl gingerbread) mands. ..2.5. ss. The Baker & Taylor Co.. A familiar nursery story retold in a very charming manner and made into a handsome little book for little people by colored illustrations. Peace RIChAR Do Lbs) Fivermice in a-moise trap hs. fo.% Ve. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The story of the lives and adventures of five mice, related by ‘‘the man in the moon.’’ Ben OBINSON, LOUISE). At the open door... cue)... u. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Easy reading book. Stories and verses. Po SCUDDER .H.E. Book at folk-stories, .-..:..¢. a.0..-+. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The old household tales rewritten. 2391 Verse and prose for beginners in reading.............. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Short, easy verses, proverbs and sayings. 15 PRICE 1.14 i) 91) 1.58 16 SECOND GRADE SUPPLY : NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR PRICE 2447 *SHILLIG, Ee ES) hourswondéers Bite: seen ees eee en cee Ee Pi. Dutton 6Co. ae AS 3006. Myr little red Indian’ book, .s.90s5....- see eee E.R) Dutton: & Commas 60 SECOND GRADE 17 SUPPLY . NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR PRICE PA ee UESeI ye LNYMesDOOK. 44. arate fates ele tes ees oe be Be Pantone On ia. 3. .66 Psu y unser yitaie NOOKMene sd dun es Ade de eae dd ee ore andes ce es EVP epistonueerGows ) ..) 60 PRM UES CEU IV INC A II rata ede oh ct alot ot fae Mine y ost hel hed dias 8 w PrP Dutton Got. -.<. .60 3015 Old Mother Goose nursery rhymes; illus. by E. S. Hardy.. E. P. Dutton & Co...... .90 3016 Old Mother Goose nursery tales; illus. by R. E. Jackson... E. P. Dutton & Co...... .90 ear meena MALO PPC CleT eM Ve a ofa cack ci coh 3, Naw viv sy oe a Ale d's ae 8 Pe Pebeattonr ceo... 2: AS Pres COTORNC TES CS ERIE 2 i oe ar a ea er a ea Ee Po buttons&, Co...2a.- A5 uni AT IINV AT AVOIiLeSh wi. Gc cpee ay «chaks vin fo nin ne, s-ayoibuethus Pada Lutiony on Conga: AS eee CMe TOQWCOW DGOK I. ore ai. dou sein dieisis nlc + oct eie SPs ala «esa de ERE Dutton. Ws Come... A5 ot Seeeted piper of Hamelin: dius. by Hope Dunlap... ce: «: The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.14 Thai BIR Ss. Ta a O Ye iether aed aaa GR DUS ar iE Ore aera ee a Peas. Datton 6 Col... AS Colored pictures by Gordon Robinson, with story. ere COL VO DEE CR SUI Eee orcas, cice'cytione ccege nee qe eee aa Ee Milton Bradley Co....... 9 B02) Lhereswas alittle man ‘and he had a little gun....:...:.% Pe eeryutton ergs 0.2 ee. 30 THIRD GRADE CHILDREN FROM EIGHT TO NINE YEARS OF AGE * Books starred are suggested as a standard library for grade MANNERS Pb Roo oeGE LEAL. .Goopi.directOrye. vise ouete tasle ‘Lhes Baker: & UavingCo.. ,./60 Cae OCT VER Oe 2 oe en ey oe ne ere The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.52 “A study of the behavior of some fifty-two interesting individuals” serving te point out certain breaches of good manners and conduct in children. Verses and pictures. NATURE, STORIES ves Pipe DROWN: —. Vi.) stories of: wood. and. fields). 4242.04, es The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.00 Nature stories for beginners. 255s BURGESS, [. W. Adventures of Bobby Coon........3 ~The Baker & Taylor Co.. 46 Mr. Burgess’s stories about “Johnny Chuck,” Billy Possum, Jack Squirrel, Peter Rabbit and all the rest of Mother West Wind’s children and friends have an astonishing popularity. 456 Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel............. The Baker & Taylor Co.. 46 457. Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse................ The Baker & Taylor Co.. 46 18 SUPPLY NO. 458 BURGESS, T. W. Adventures of Grandfather Frog.... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 459 460 461 462 THIRD GRADE TITLE CONTRACTOR Adventures of Jerry Muskrat ws ae sisree clepetes oe The Baker & Taylor Co.. Adventures tot} immyWest. Wind’sewhy stories... 5. ue cyte eres The Baker & Taylor Co.. DEMING, E. W. Animal folk of wood and plain........ The Baker & Taylor Co.. Hour togt dae gre aio Dera a ats ots, svelte erate ce ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. GASK, LIEEFAN. Babes of the wild ase eee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. HAWKES, CLARENCE. Nature’s children..........- Educational Pub. Co..... Bias, fhe reall“ Babeste!! the. poods’s lu, Encip.-tas ta ead baa ae HOLBROOK, FLORENCE. Round the year in myth and Som cag" tna’ mative aiyile aepoed. by, oa chacgiag Maia ana nae arranged in order of the month. *MORLEN:, Maew?) Beeipeople| .-ye..6-. ss eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. Insect ‘follesak. oe fie se we en tet cde oe: ieee ee Ginn& Co... eee cee a eee la meee at iia nays Sameavees tec or ee a a the farm. Among the meadow people... emeeet eer eerie EeeRe Dattonvede Co. ora ‘Lales of a. poultry {atin se. cee. ate reir ened BosP Dutton Goo ne PYLE, KATHARINE. Stories of humble friends....... American Book Co....... The friends include a caterpillar, a little brown hen, several fine dogs. PRICE 1:5) THIRD GRADE SUPPLY, NO, ‘TITLE CONTRACTOR Belo Lee MA yer In the animal worlds)... re. .0e te 3 . The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2/2/ TRIMMER; SARAH. History of the robins........ Pew aha PL eatiiver, COmee ty cs A famous bird book of simple stories about the English robin redbreast and other feathered friends. “Every happy child who ever owned it has delighted in and treasured it.”— E. E. Hale. PLAYS, GAMES, AMUSEMENTS 343. BOYD, I.E. When mother lets us cut out pictures...... The Baker & Taylor Co.. If there is a boy or girl who doesn’t know what fun may be had with a pair of scissors and some nice white paper, here is the book that will tell all about 1s 1194 GRUBB, M. B. When mother lets us make gifts........ The Baker & Taylor Co.. Simple directions for making many kinds of gifts, especially in stencil cross-stitch. 1229 HALL, JENNIE. Weavers and other workers..... oo. ee hand eMeNaliveds: Cour... 2228 RICH, G. E. When mother lets us make paper box furni- PUG ete RPM Pe et Bore to fate elated eta derta ake a Sata eh he fe The Baker & Taylor Co.. Pictures, patterns, rhymes and full directions for making doll’s furniture. 2229 Mrmemdsoiiersicts lishmMake OVS +. cee. ess ccc ep eee eos The Baker & Taylor Co.. How to make a number of interesting toys from pasteboard boxes and other material easy to get. Full directions with pictures and rhymes. 2463 SKINNER, A. M. Dramatic stories for reading and act- ite tes Lauter ee Aaa ee ee Se erie AS Tere Snort and simple fairy stories which may be acted. TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION 49 *ALLEN, A. E. Children of the palm lands....... te Stories and songs about the life and products of hot countries, Jamiaira Japan, Brazil, Arabia, East Indies, Ceylon, ete. 416 BROWN, E. V. When the world gvas young...... Stories of primitive man and the way he lived, his quest for food, how he came to use fire, ete., told in a simple way. 922 DUNTON, LUCY. School children the world over..... A picture book showing the school girls and school boys in thirty-five differ- ent countries. With a page of descriptive text for each picture. 1527 KIRBY, MARY, and ELIZABETH. Aunt Martha’s cor- ATS YG a) Ry Tals 5 ay eMC hc, 2 a RA I eR Stories about tea, coffee, sugar, salt, currants, rice and honey. 2050 PEARY, M.A., and J.D. Children of the Arctic........ Another delightful Arctic book by the ‘‘Snow Baby”’ herself, assisted by her mother, full of Eskimo children, polar bears, etc. Perris wl Poe Beloian “twitlss : os. «+c 2 os + dew sess e A more attractive child’s book than one written and illustrated by Lucy Fitch Perkins is seldom found. All of the twins are deservedly popular. American Book Co....... Educational Pub. Co...... The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Maucational Pub, Co... .. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. 19 PRICE .80 48 94 Ae) 45 80 1.13 1.89 20 TALRDE GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR PRICE 205/, “PERKINS, LA ReDutch twins.) sess oe eee The Baker & ‘TaylorsGo.2 eee 2058 Eskim6) tiwitisiaet).2 ear atime eel ee ee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. .88 2060° “*Lrish twins”) 3.2 ote See ee ee. eee ar ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 88 2062 Japanese twits. re, a ers cto eh. i eee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. .88 2111 “PITMAN; NooY Chimese’playmatess.. ae ae eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. .90 * Pictures by a Chinese artist. 2438 SHAW, E.R. Big people and little people of other lands. American Book Co...... 46 China, Japan, Arabia, Korea, India, Lapland, Greenland, Russia, Switzerland, Holland, Patagonia, African pigmies, Indians, Philippine Islands, Amazon valley. 2497 SMITHs MES Holland stories tee ee ee eee Rand McNally & Col: syyemeee 278/ WADE, ME. Dolls otemany landssn.- yt = eae The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.16 Doll stories from Japan, Holland, France, Korea, Persia, Egypt, ete. 2795 Our-little A fritan: COuUsi« sn sa oe te eee ae eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. .90 2796 Ouir little brown Cousin © 2< 2. sk ov ak pe eee eee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 90 2798 Our ditth- Hskimo™eousin....o -..0 sees ee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. .90 2800 Our/little Wndiant cousin: 4.0/0... Jae ne eee one The Baker & Taylor Co., .90 2801 Our? little italian” cousinG,, wate det ote he ee ere The Baker & Taylor Co.. _.90 2802 Our little) Jdpanesescousin= oe. eee a ora The Baker & Taylor Co.. .90 2806 Our tittle Porto "Rican *cousittyy 2 be ee eee ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. .99 INDIANS 818 *DEMING, E. W., and T. O. Children of the wild...... The Baker & Taylor Gortes2 820 Little brotherstot the: West: > ae. -i et eee ers The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.32 Two books of Indian folk stori@8 charmingly told for children, with most attractive illustrations and covers in colors. 1408 **HUSTED, M..Hie “Stores of Indian childrens ssa The Baker & Taylor Co.. .60 . 2512 SNEDDEN,G.S. Docas, the Indian boy of Santa Clara.. D. C. Heath & Co....... 64 A story for young readers about the manners and customs of the California Indians and the early history of the Pacific Coast. HIS LORYsepLO Gig b tey,, .G levee 149 BALDWIN, JAMES. Fifty famous people............. American Book Co....... 46 Bits of biography about Franklin, Lincoln, Edward Everett, Longfellow, Lafayette, Richard III, Washington, Webster, Marshall and others. 253 BAYLOR, AvSm YounesAmerica Seurstwook we eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. __.76 A patriotic reader for children. THIRD GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR 790 DAWES, S.E. Stories of our country. 2 vols. (Set.).. Educational Pub. Co..... The Norseraen, Pocahontas, the Pilgrims, Boston Tea Party, Liberty Bell, Lexington and Concord. 865 *DODGE, N. S. Stories of American history. (School CC OlIa rte ie rege he ne she gies os Se cP ee Nene wee, Pees The Baker & Taylor Co.. Principally of revolutionary heroes and events. 956 EGGLESTON, EDWARD. Stories of American life and ELE TIC T Come Coreen ee ee ene Ce ey eee American Book Co....... Indian life, frontier peril and escape, colonial pirates, heroic deeds of the revolution and other stories full of action. 1396 HUMPHREY, F. A. When I was a little girl, and other SUE meee ME a Bre ates «cn is oe nc ce ee sa os eels The Baker & Taylor Co.. An account of the four little daughters of Julia Ward Howe. Told in short sentences and printed in large type. eer Pall ee Wandering METOES cil. pound «sole tr ne eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Cyrus, Clovis the Frank, Attila the Hun, Leif Ericsson, and others, PAIR Ye LALO MY bio. So LORIES AND VERSE 22 ESOP. Fables, arranged in words of one syllable by Prose COUG Rit men ewe ere Oe ete le. Eles PP Detionsic. Co. on ae fp a oesmciizeoeDy 1 Osepi I aCOUS, st teat cm su) 0st ous © qe: Macmillatig@o, 06 7.) tee 94 *ANDERSEN, H.C. Fairy tales; edited by E. H. L. Turpin The Baker & Taylor Co.. A few of the best known, the favorites. Easily read by beginners. Sketch of Andersen’s life. 95 eitry tales; edited by |~H. Stickney, first series:.....- Ginn & Co A small collection of the easier stories adapted for third year children. 99 Fairy tales from Hans Andersen, told to the children by @ oF ed 6.6 AFeLe 6 © £0) 8 BRAN LACSEES OVE Tan clk wh vole se teee ee aor as Heh Dutton. d.@ors. 109 Arabian Nights. Stories from the Arabian Nights; told to ETI hie Stet, T 3p vis Wale ue Rl Sal e028 ae a ara RA ae tn hee RRA Be Dutton ecora ct 119 ASPINWALL, ALICIA. Can you believe me stories.... E. P, Dutton & Co Contains seventeen very funny stories about the Irrepressible Pie, The Furnace who made a mistake, and other scarcely believable things. Pome SUOTINSLOLICSaLOr SHOIL PCODIE,.«. ove ate ticc es dee és eae se Uitton. dco 148 BALDWIN, JAMES. Fairy stories and fables.......... American Book Co Familiar tales of Aesop in simple language, others from German and Norwe- gian sources. eee eee or ew eee 153 NG RCC EStOLICS Hace s chro oe ae os SEO Se eee American Book Go.. J:.7. Some of the old myths and hero tales of ancient Greece. Arranged for beginners , 154 Pesto LicsrOt te, Tastes. wena ss scans ns. wae Pantene American Book Co....... Stories from the Old Testament, of Moses, Joseph, Samson, David, etc. Soom hopimson, Crusoe for childuenis./f.02. 04... weed se at Acnetican Book Co:..:... Mr. Baldwin seems to have retained most of the charm of the original and made a book that is readable for very young children. 21 PRICE 1.00 00 90 84 Ze THIRD GRADE SUBPLY NO. TITLE 227 BARRIE;, JAMES.9 PetersPan (picture: book gree 2 The story of the play told by Daniel O’Connor with pictures by Alice Woodward. 331) BOOTH, MM. B. Sleepy-time: stories .ue .) eee er Stories of birds and flowers and butterflies, suitable to read to first and second year children, Third year children will read the book themselves. 346° BOYLE: MP?" Calendar-stories:. > ee eee eee : 357 BRENTANO, KLEMENS. Gockel, Hinkel and Gackeleia A fairy tale ies the German, translated by Mire? Nathan Haskell Dole. 401 BROWNVASE.” Flowersprincess:.. 16) eee eee ee oan Contains also: The little friend, The mermaid’s child, The ten blowers. Little friend is a Christmas story. 405 Pocketful of posies...... a ee nb he tor nee Wg A charming little book of verses for children to read. 428 *BROWNE, FRANCES. Granny’s wonderful chair...... A favorite book of fairy tales. They were written by a blind poet, and have been loved by several generations of children in England and America. 430 BROWNING, ROBERT. Pied Piper of Hamelin; illus. byeMooTatrant.< fee vcs nee clan cite eee eee : 4902) BURNED Fe He Good woltw.-.. a. Mi RARE. ON, pe: Relating how Barty and the Good Wolf became Intimate Friends and how they saw all ‘‘the things that build nests and the things that burrow and maka little warm caves to live in.’”’ Not a nature story, just a story. 552 *CARROLL, LEWIS. Alice’s adventures in wonderland ““A book which will live as long as children love wonder stories and grown- ups have young hearts.’’ “It would be wicked to prevent any child from be- coming acquainted with the dormouse and the fading grin of the Cheshire cat.”—F, R. Stockton. 554 “*Through the looking: elass <2. vj... ...2 Wig ashe ee A sequei to ‘‘Alice in wonderland,’’ containing the famous ‘‘Walrus and the carpenter” and ‘Jabberwocky’? poems. Tenniel’s pictures. 559 CARRY. ES Davy and thesgoolin ge. ca. wu grees Davy takes a “believing voyage’’ with a goblin and meets with many won- derful adventures. 601 CHISHOLM, LOUEY, ed. Golden staircases 72. Proton Excellent collection of poetry for young children. 626° COBB, -BEREELA, and ERNEST) CleniatiStaesest es ne A story about a little girl who was lost. Simple English and large print. 664 *COLLODI, C. Pinocchio; trans. by W. S. Cramp....... An Italian story for children about the adventures of a marionette. 691" COOLIDGE. SUSAN, |New: Year's bareaine... wee - A Christmas story in which each of the twelve months tale a story to ne childrer.. 692 Nine: littlezgoslings. .... ine ae Eee tas Nine short, simple little stories about children. Suieble for Sending ee first and second years. 7A COX, PALMER Brownies abroad src eeee oe Se oes 719 Brownies around the world....... Fa 5 Ae i RIO 722 Brownies, through the union. <.¢oo5 «2. Dk Stole The famous Brownie pictures and rhymes are sources of manning pleasure to children. No more popular people ever inhabited a pieture book than these grotesque litile imps. CONTRACTOR Macmillan Co, s..9ee Bede The Baker & Taylor Co.. Educational Pub. Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. D, Cy Heath «Cone E.-P; Ditton G07. ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. Macmillan Co. ... as ae Educational Pub. Co.... The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Ginn '& Cos 25. «rs Lee The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. THIRD GRADE SUPPLY, NO. TURE: 723 CRAIK, D. M. Adventures of a brownie.............. About a household of children who have a mischievous Brownie for a play- fellow. 726 PA eCRe AO® DitCH ieee ore an... AME oieia tye Fa ca “Tt is a genuine fairy work, interlaced with the unexpected, alive with mar- vels. No child will be sadder and many will be happier for learning withont knowing it, how to bear suffering if it shall come to him.’’—Elizabeth Stua‘t Phelps Ward. 845 DILLINGHAM, E. T., and EMERSON, A. P. “Tell it SOA PEStOPICS Mr et aie eco SAS as Caen ae A collection of old and new stories that have been tried and found to be in the ‘‘Tell it again” class. 866 *DOLE, C. F. Crib and Fly; a tale of two terriers..... ; Peet ino et eel airy talesfrom™ brazil vines. eves ves. These tales are not unlike those of Uncle Remus minus the dialect. 955 EGGLESTON, EDWARD. Queer stories for boys and Fogg ee decline PSE EAU Rp OOO CE OP NONE i Se ee “Fresh, breezy and healthy; with a good point to them and a good, sound American view of life and the road to success.’’—Independent. er airvatalcss10r aittiestolks, j2évols, = (Set) 1 oe. 3. nee Old favorites simply told. Colored pictures. Size 5 x 7 inches. 1000 *FIELD, Mrs. E. M. Two are company, or Madge and PO CK Pas Dave ecr es cis Sees atcle SRT oT voar ale mays aA Story of two little girls and their good times in ie country. Perio ehUGENE. Wullaby lands.s:225... eaves Moet tes PRINS (UCT TUnpetrang GLulit: conse Poe ela eee eee has “The love of children called forth his best work, and his poems thus in- spired, easily comparable to Stevenson’s in their mingled quaintness, humor and pathos, are scarcely second to any in the language.”’—A. G. Neweomber. 1033. FOSTER, M.H., and CUMMINGS, M.H. Asgard stories ; Eales OMI OFSGeY COlOD Yao Maes citadel ss ei cile kin see ee Py hoe fe eee Peratded: StTAWS. 4 Ss cates he obs Smee chs Simple stories and poems for young readers. Attractive and entertaining. 1121 *GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. History of little Goody Two Shoes; edited by Charles Welsh......... Pay MAAR ee A story for children, published by John Newberry in 1765 and attributed to Oliver Goldsmith. ‘‘It bears the stamp,’’ says Washington Irving, ‘‘of his sly and playful humor.” 1168 GRIMM, J.L., and W. K. Fairy Tales edited by E. H. L. “USGERBTWN LY, Ge Oe WTR S59 RNa EAR EE IP hy SY Te A score or more of prime favorites selected and graded tor bezinners. 11/5 Stories from Grimm; told to the children by Amy Steed- iA EN PP aes ee oats PA ow alte Sy. 6 Wireieks 1203 *GUIGOU, P. Animals in the ark; translated by Edgar Malissees yal... De ae or th vie suahat ota: sees An American edition of a French picture book which tells the Noah’s Ark’ story. The pictures are very funny, but the text rather difficult for young readers. Size 9144 x 7 inches. Pictures by A. Vimar. tm NG te 1 60. ALE Vs EG Poin coh. sie cw o vice cami ws, ore Collection of simple fairy prose and verse. 1252 HARRIS, J. C. Uncle Remus and the little boy...... Ore “Seven stories and six poems which form the last of the ‘Uncle Remus’ books. Adapted to smaller children than the earlier books.’”’—dA. ZL. A. bkl. CONTRACTOR The Baker & Taylor Co.. Do Ge rreatiiets Cee. a Ginniees Oe nee I. oo oe LAr rreath Coe. mao The Baker & Taylor Co.. Charles Scribner’s Sons.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Charles Scribner’s Sons.. Charles Scribner’s Sons.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. DC. Heath & Ge. i>. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Pee Duttonsnmeamie... The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. 23 PRICE Ei} te 58 1.33 24 THIRD GRADE SUPPLY: NO. TITLE 1292) \HAYS) W. Je Princess: dleways. tvs o4u-e ee be eae An unhappy little princess who profited by the lessons taught her by a good fairy and became happy. 1351 HOLBROOK, FLORENCE. Northland heroes........ 4 The stories of Swedish Fridthjof and Danish Beowulf. 1361 HOPKINS, Wiij.0 Doersenw aso sniageiech a=: EEE ee es : 1364 Sandman »y His “Sea Stories... 2 hoe ee A ire ees” 1365 sandman His Shipzotories: ses) ee eee ea ee : 1399" HUN: 6G. We About. Harriet. seacoast ee oe 1415 *INGELOW, JEAN, Three fairy tales, edited by C. F. Dole The ouphe of the wood; The fairy who judged her neighbors; The Prince’s dream. 1433. JACKSON, Hust Gatustories, i. ss. oe ie ee 1464 *JOHNSON, CONSTANCE. When mother lets us help.. Many practical suggestions about housekeeping for children who want to be useful and helpful, with several excellent rules in rhyme. 1470 *JOHNSON, MARGARET. Polly and the wishing ring. . The ring, which had magic to ward off unhappiness, was to be used only in a great emergency. The emergency came while Polly was at boarding school. 1574 *LANG, ANDREW. Dick Whittington, and other stories. . Based on tales in the Blue fairy book. 1579 History of Jack the giant killer, and other stories..... : Adapted from tales in the Blue fairy book. 1582 Little Red Riding Hood, and other stories............ Adapted from tales in the Blue fairy book. 1590 Princessyon the glass bill, and*other stories 74.22 7s-e Adapted from tales in the Blue fairy book. 1634. *LEAR, EDWARDs=s "Book. of nonsense, 5 .-. eee “Tnimicable and refreshing and perfect in rlyme. I really don’t know any author to waom I am half as grateful for my idle self as Edward Lear.’’—John Ruskin. 1652 LINDSAY, MAUD. Story garden for little children.... 1690 *LUCAS, E. V., ed. Book of verses for children......... A very attractive and well-arranged anthology for children. ‘Lewis Car- roll,’ Coleridge, Burns, Lear, Marjorie Fleming, Stevenson, Riley are repre- sented. 1/35 SCLIN TY Ri MAS CCavesboy en cus ee . ae ioe aera : Thorn and Pineknot were two boys who lived in the Age of Stone. A story of primitive life told in simple words. 1888 Mother Goose’s nursery tales; ed. by A. Pitt-Kethley..... Cinderella, Jack the Giant hiller, Aladdin and Alibaba, Red Riding Hood, ete. Fifteen stories in large print and easy words. Illustrated. 1919. MURRAY, CLARA storybook: treasuresar nats. a + tas Collection of prose and verse, fairy tales, fables, true stories from Louisa Alcott, Laura E, Richards, Lewis Carroll, Edward Lear and many other writers. Pictures. 1920 SLOLyiand a. wees a septa Sieg ye ae” dhe Bim atte cae ed ee Collection of short stories and poems by Laura E. Richards, Louise C. Moulton, Emily Dickinson, Helen Hunt Jackson, Mary E. Wilkins and other writers. CONTRACTOR The Baker & Taylor Co. The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor D, Gebeath &Carre The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor Macmillans@os eee The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor Es Ps Dutton: &Coses The Baker & Taylor Henry Holt & Co.... The Baker & Taylor Kee: Duttonit, Gowen The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor Co.. Gor Co Cos Con PRICE .60 .60 95 84 SUPPLY NO. 1948 1964 1972 1973 1975 2002 2041 2061 2064 2066 2067 2068 2069 2088 2091 2092 2160 2173 2178 2179 2185 A French fairy story. NOYES, M. B. Twilight stories THAI RD GRADE TITLE 824 *MUSSET, PAUL DE. Mr. Wind and Madame Rain.... It includes a little play for puppets and marionettes. *OLD OAK CHEST; or a book of great treasure. About a little girl and me who discovered an old chest full of many iter: esting things, but best of all a story book full of good stories for rainy days. ORTON, H. F. Bobby of Cloverfield Farm. Prince and Rover of Chesterfield farm Two little books about good times in the country. O’SHEA, M. V. Old world wonder stories Whittington and his cat; Tom Thumb. PAGE, T. N. Tommy Trot’s visit to Santa Claus PATRI, ANGELO. Pinnocchio The Italian of Cheruvini Jack in the Giant Killer; SG) Oi 6, |S sya e 6 © © CP tS me es et ee ex nt Ser Easy reading. Jack and the bean stalk: Africa; Sm) OG) eye 8 Oy © O18 Cand See. & trans. from Collodi’s marionette became such a popular person with Italian boys and girls that another author took him up and carried him into further adventures. This time we find him among the wild men of Africa. PeERRINS, Usk Puritan twins Spartan twins Swiss twins The ‘Twins’”’ ee Italian twins coe eee ee © (6.6 2 (6 te) eee) (6 @ © 8 0: ¢ 80 are famous for their excellent illustrations made by the author. Better books about foreign lands for younger children would be hard to find. PERRAULT, CHARLES. Fairy tales Tales of Mother Goose... *PHIELIPS, EC)” Black-eyed Susan Wee Ann There is a spontaneity eee eee ere w eee eee about all Miss Phillips’ the front rank of books for little girls. PHILLIPS, W.8. Sandman ; his Indian‘stories Ces ee eee ee ea ese eae ae O) 0) Cel 0 (6 Che) 6. (e) 0, ©) a, 0:10: 0 6 6 © stories that puts them in peer eel ond (ele be Rl Gab tléeroes,of myth... Ten hero tales from the mythology of different lands, Beowulf and Siegfried, a story from ancient Egypt, China, India, Japan. PYLE, HOWARD. Pepper and salt.. very tales, ballads and rhymes, Size 9 x 114% inenes. *PYLE, KATHARINE. As the goose flies the author. Achilles, Aeneas, Persia and with clever ands amusing illustrations ‘ 6.6 © «8 © S@ & 6 ie 6 6 On the back of a big white gander a little girl visits Mother Goose land and meets many friends. Christmas angel A Christmas fairy story of “Toyland,’’ where fail A little ee ine age are : es girl finds the path which leads to this wonderful country. Prose and verse for children.. Stories and poems for every month in ihe: year, ciudine a short play. CONTRACTOR The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor DG Heathié.Go. x7 The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor Co. oe Coe Co; Co: te ie; DutLOn c; Cones eC? Heath S360... The Baker & Taylor The Bake: & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor Cox Go American Book Co.... 25 PRICE os 63 oon 1.14 1.14 1.58 .80 1.50 ao 1.26 26 THIRD GRADE SUPPLY) NO. TITLE 2186 PYLE, (KATHARINE) six ilittlesducklings (2.0 seeeenes 2191 ‘Two little: mices:4 nem vonmits cients hee ee nee 2230" RICHARDS; Lei inimy nursery cee ee. ae ee Rhymes, chimes and jingles for children. 2236 Joyous storyot Totoraiig oan 1 tee ee eee A little boy who played with his friends, the animals, in the woods. 2309 ROSSETTI, CHRISTINA. Sing-Song...............-. Verses for very small children. 2030. St. Nicholas Christmas Book Jyinew sae ieee ee Christmas stories and poems from the Si. Nicholas Magazine. 2387 SCUDDER, H. E. Book of legends told over again..... St. George and the dragon, William Tell, King Cophetua and the beggar maid, the Flying Dutchman, etc., in simple language. 2410 SEGUR, EUGENIE, COMTESSE, DE. Sophie, ed. by Charlés “Welsh <.0.%.,.2 satan + «ee ss eae oe, een ees An amusing account of a little French girl’s mishaps resulting from her own thoughtlessness and unpleasant characteristics. 2424 *SEWELL, ANNA. Black Beauty. (King’s Treasuries.) The life story of a horse. All about his happy days, his ill treatment, his adventures and his companions. A book which all children love. 2445 SHERMAN, Harb, « Littleztolk lyrics, apes site ee ae Flower poems, bird poems, poems of the seasons, fairy poems, ‘‘all written down in simple rhyme.” 2468 SKINNER, E. L., and A. M. Happy tales for story time Short stories; print good; iliustrations attractive. 2462) SMITH EB» Circus*and all abouteit 2 ae eee A picture book in colors with a story for each picture describing the charms and wonders of the big show. 2523 SPYRI, JOHANNA. Little Curly-head the pet lamb.... 2524 Esttle’ Miss¥Gtasshoppet ..-. 2 curiae ee eee 2049 *STEVENSONF Rey Child's carded on. versea sateen. Stevenson writes as a child rather than about children. This is the secret of. the charm of his verses for young readers. Beautifully illustrated by Flor- ence Storer. 25/1S*STOCK TON SE? Rupe line-a-line taleco. secure. renee A collection of humorous and fanciful stories by a prince of story tellers. 2619 TAPPAN, E. M. Golden goose and other fairy tales.... Six good stories translated from the Swedish. 2002) LOHOMAS, EE. Oi. sin sunshinemandse - oasis eee A book of sunny verses for children of all ages. : 2806 WHITE LE, ‘Omelittlet cirl of longiagvoce eee eee eer All about a little girl who lived in Boston, Mass., more than sevenly years ago. How she lived and played and went to school in those days. 2869 When? Molliet was teins fic. cc wat chee meee hist Tells of twelve red letter days in a little girl’s life. 2896 WIGGIN, K. D., and SMITH, N. A. Fairy ring........ A choice collection gathered from every nation. No pictures. ‘lo read from. “Most readable fairy tales.””—-Outlook. CONTRACTOR The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Macmillan’ Coy 7.5 22a The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Da GC. 1Heathsé Core aes Ke P. Dattonteé Co aoe The Baker & Taylor Co.. American Book Co....... The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Charles Scribner’s Sons.. Charles Scribner’s Sons.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. PRICE |e 2, 133 Lo 133 84 Lae 44 48 40 THIRD GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR 2908 WILEY, BELLE, and EDICK, G. W. Lodrix, the little ARCO WCET Me circa ave w Pane a eee ets! Stee ae mye we The Baker & Taylor Co.. A story of prehistoric people, the lake dwellers of central Europe, with many pictures of their implements and weapons. Large print, easy words. 2910 WILKINS, M. E. Once upon a time, and other child LSE ES mony: Sout by hi har elie ge li Mee tn The Baker & Taylor Co.. A book of fairy poems. eet7eeve Li oe. 3. E -Hero folk of-ancient’ Britain... ......:. Cintee CO ee sie ot + <= Fee A new rendering of three hero stories of ancient Brivain.—Jack, the Giant . Killer; Jack and the beanstalk, and Tom Thumb. 2945 WYSS, J. D. Swiss family Robinson; arranged by Mary COGOM It eieene Tee Ot at ial aiaere cree Ges Seen em tee Teve e Dutton G: Come. FOURTH GRADE CHILDREN FROM NINE TO TEN YEARS * Books starred are suggested as a standard library for grade NATURE: STORIES 414 BON, a V. pene: of Ghilevood and Nature...... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 454 BURGESS, T. W. Adventures of Bob White........... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 464 Praventires Of in VMiiStahs DUzZards tas sistas «o's caine ote -ts The Baker & Taylor Co.. 470 BA Ck Vee CLL temt tals OR fears Mic alate ohacwiat its cha a eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 479 Psehiroouties Gcetesm fe. ccs ss ce Jet aglt: WNO A g ene ors The Baker & Taylor Co.. 486 CM ERS THT UREA 5 Ve escgantter dea MI Santor emer arg amen iar thc The Baker & Taylor Co.. 487 Mo Cm Grr aiti ye OX or mer ree Bie StedOamr dS) Ove: omn"ayh'e awe 5s The Baker & Taylor Co.. 488 PGi ALOU MeR Wisin eT StONG als cone cae et ee eles s wie cps « The Baker & Taylor Co.. Mr. Burgess needs no introduction to children or parents. He is the man who ‘lifted the curse from nature study” for thousands of young readers. 507 *BURROUGHS, JOHN. Squirrels and other fur bearers. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Studies of the chipmunk, woodchuck, rabbit, muskrat, skunk, fox, weasel, mink, raccoon, porcupine, opossum, wild mice, etc. Colored plates. 563 CARTER, M.H.,ed. Cat stories; retold from St. Nicholas The Baker & Taylor Co.. Stories and verses by Mark Twain, Oliver Herford, John Kendrick Bangs and others. Most of the stories may be read aloud in from 5 to 10 minutes. 566 *Stories of brave dogs; retold from St. Nicholas........ The Baker & Taylor Co.. Two dozen stories by Mrs. C. V. Jamison, Clara Morris, R. W. Gilder, Frank R. Stockton, Hezekiah Butterworth, and many other writers. 763 DANA, Mrs. W. S. Plants and their children.......... Ameérican Book Cor. 2... % A child’s reading book in elementary botany and plant life. OGM tl BON: As Moe Wings; and. Stings t,o 6 2. cie wie s soln er Rand McNally & Co.... A nature story containing the life histories of bees, wasps, beetles, ants, butterflies, spiders and other interesting insects. 27 PRICE tay? .68 28 FOURTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR PRICE 915 *DUNCAN, FRANCES. When mother lets us garden... The Baker & Taylor Co.. .95 A splendid little gardening book written for boys and girls who want to ‘dig and sow’”’ and don’t know just how to go about it. 1239 HARDY, M.E. Nature’s wonder lore....:. weceereress Rand McNally <0 .ee re A book ‘of nature fairy stories, filled with very beautiful pictures of the treasures found in the woods, in the brooks, and on the shore. 1335 HIX, MELVIN. Magic speech flower........ woeceeene Lhe baker Ol aylor ose Nature stories of the American Indian. 1465 JOHNSON, CONSTANCE. When mother lets us keep petsaeae. PEERS ha tee ee Sse tHe ae teeter, Guat eeenet es ee oa: Caen aie rete The Baker & Taylor Co.. .95 1491 JUDSON, K..B.. Old Crow and, his friends.............; The Baker & TayloriCos Animal stories based upon North American Indian myths. 16/6 *LONG Wi joe Secretsso lithe: woods. nc ene en ere so eie TO COV rae .58 Sketches of the wood-mouse, the otter, the king-fisher, the red squirrel, the partridge, the deer and other wood folk. 1677 Waysrot wood folk sens cpm sateen Beet cay oo MGtTIT Ce CO aie te eet ee 58 Fox-ways; Br’er Rabbit; a wild duck; the oriole; crow-ways; ihe moose; chickadee ; owl; bornets; Mooween; the bear; and other folk. 1678 Whildetness “ways... eg ee ian vie dicta g bre e\slm 2 6 Crbtitis Qe C Gi eee ee ae Studies of the panes exe white-throated apeiron the weasel, the great horned owl, the bullfrog, the eagle, the Canada lynx and the loon. 1812. MEADOW CROETDE, - W.-H.) ‘AuBrC ofrelectricity =e The Baker, & Taylor: Co.2 ea The first principle of electrical science, plainly and simply told for young people. Thoroughly reliable and endorsed by Thomas A, Edison. 1872) MORVEY, M? W? Little Mitchells = Motes: ots Sate ; The Baker-& Tayler Co te Story of a mountain squirrel. 1945, NOEL. MAURICE. *Buzae 2. a: PDE Re ILE er Ui ree ee? ie EV GNT Val. Once (eee .60 Story of the life and adventures of a honey bee. 2040 PATCH, Eom, \tHexapod stories ses 4e ee =». Lhe Baker & VaylorsGo..s gees Stories of insects. ZAlI0L PIERSON (22D) Aimong-the forest peoples. ee 2 Pe Dultgnee. Go. ares .96 2103 Among the’ nightspeoples. 4)... ee ae Pe ts alee oe ewe tare P COR ere eee .96 2104 Among the pondspeople sey, arms ste ee eer teres isn Bo PaDutton ie Gore eee .96 2106 nree, littlegmillers cae cies et es ee itn ean ees oe tie Pe Duttoneacteo eee .96 2365 —~SGHWARTZ.4). Ay (Littlesstar pazers: cae tek eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.14 Stories about children who looked up at the stars and learned about them in-ancient Egypt, Greece, in mediaeval Italy and modern times. 2366 Wilderness babies..... ‘sce tatee Naas is tysenyos aus ition (Les Bakers Saul aioe Co. ae Accounts of the young mammals of the wilderness, their lives and habits. The opossum, manatee, elk, rabbit, beaver, squirrel, bear, fox, wolf. 2ZAZ0. STON, EB. TD aeKrac, and) Johnny, Dear. we Sexiest . Charles Scribner’s Sons.. .54 The personal histories of Krag, the Kootenay ram; Randy, a cock sparrow ; Johnny Gear, a cub, and Chink, a pup. 2421 obo, Rag and Vise. us os ope bis teas feos oj.) Gharlesysscmbners | Saree 54 Four stories from ‘‘Wild Animals I have known.’’ Lobo, a gray wolf; Red- ruff, the partridge; Raggylug, a cotton-tail rabbit, and Vixen, the fox. 2588 Stories of strange sights; retold from St. Nicholas....... The Baker & Taylor Co.. .95 Waterspouts, mirage, ocean storms, volcanoes, earthquakes, cyclones, ete. FOURTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING, SEWING, ETE. 130 BACHE, E., and L. When mother lets us make candy... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 288 BENTON, C.F. Little housekeeping book for littls girls... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1036 FOSTER, O. H. Cooking, sewing, housekeeping for little SUR See ania Aes ote Fac ete ah hy chats n toe fas Shee Ses lo alive Bats The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1463 *JOHNSON, CONSTANCE. When mother lets us cook.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1530 KLICKMANN, FLORA. Little girls’ knitting and crochet BOOK are Senter Chee ao fis cata 6. oes OS LE IR at? The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2198 *RALSTON, VIRGINIA. When mother lets us sew..... The Baker & Taylor Co.. Showing little girls how to make doll’s clothes and incidentally teaching all the useful stitches and sewing operations. PEAY SS, GAMES AMUSEMENTS, MUSIC. 6 ADAMS, H. M. When mother lets us model........... The Baker & Taylor Co.. Simple directions for clay modeling. 7 ADAMS, J. D. When mother lets us carpenter......... The Baker & Taylor Co.. How to use a few tools and make simple articles. A beginner’s book. 264 BEARD, LINA, and A. B. Little folks handy book..... Charles Scribner’s Sons.. How to make simple toys and playthings out of paper, spools, old envelopes, clothespins, kindling wood and twigs. Full of suggestions. 265 MG thersNatire stOy SHOP salsa bieddegooet ese eee k's s Charles Scribner’s Sons.. Directions for making toys out of flowers, grasses, leaves, seeds, vegetables and fruit. ZGeeriorR Ora TEN Joly book-.of boxcraft.... 22 ..se6 ce The Baker & Taylor Co.. How to make toys, dolls’ furniture, automobiles and railway trains out of pasteboard boxes and empty spools. 295 BIRD, G. E., and STARLING, MAUD. Historical plays Tite Vel OVE oa Pace Ae Cae ween me aS eC Soe cara ae Macmtllarin:G oases ss The plays are about Columbus, Balboa, Marquette, George Rogers Clark, Raleigh, Magellan, Hudson, John Smith, La Salle, Lewis and Clark, Franklin, James Wolfe, Penn, Dolly Madison, and Lincoln. 1010 CARROLL, LEWIS. Alice in wonderland; dramatised By ad Vices) eLiati llc va. \tetal DOL )ispe ovate of wiatety) Wa! ejd-- Stories.of Indian chieftains. .......7. Tecumseh, Osceola, Pontiac, Logan, King Philip, Pocahcntas, Red Jacket. ene UD) Ni meee 1 VV ewan (StOTeS. 62255 «ated ahs seinen s'a,s A beautiful little book of Indian myths, most attractively illustrated. 1940 NIXON-ROULET, M. F. Indian folk tales............ Fairy stories of the first Americans, collected from the Sioux, Pawnee, Ojib- way, Blackfoot, Mohawk, Seneca, and other tribes east and west. Pe ee re Loe relying PIOVEr fee has cerely ss sie se hee ss Indian stories about the animals and people of the cold country’ of Labrador. Pate alia Viwrte iLlen little Indians cc sos, vce slept o's E268 WilsON, GL, Myths of the red children?.;-. 2. 22. 4 An excellent little book of Indian stories from a dozen different tribes. Well illustrated with pictures of Indian implements, weapons, shelters, etc. HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY PALI Cote Oe EL CTORSLOIEG errs cele «6 <1. s ts.c etree «eae ws Biographical sketches ‘‘from Marcus Aurelius to Thomas Edison.”’ Large print, simple English. CONTRACTOR Educational Pub) €o.;..;~ The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Rand McNally & Co.... The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Ksinin 8: (0 O.f: eee ee American Book Co....... The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Pettis Cr 0 teens ee ee en Milton Bradley Co....... o! .60 .90 P16 94 32 FOURTH GRADE NO. TITLE SUPPLY 147 *BALDWIN, JAMES. American book of golden deeds.. True stories of humble heroes who have done fine things for some one else, even at the cost of their lives: Betty Zane, Thomas Hovenden, Lydia Darrah, Horace Mann, Father Jogues, Dr. Kane, Peter Cooper, Dorothy Dix, Lincoin, Clara Barton, and many others. 152 Four ereat Americansa-a..ceee fe nee ee a eee “te Short sketches of Washington, Franklin, Tincsin: Webster. 160 Thirty wore famous stories retold =. ene -he ee eer About Columbus, Balboa, Ponce de Leon, Sir Isaaa Nenton, Guttenberz, James Watt, Alexander the Great, and others. 240 *BASS FLORENCE. -Stories:om proncen ities tase Tadian life; Marquette the missionary; Boone, and the settlement of ene tucky ; Early Ohio; Abraham Lincoln, his early life. 2/3 BEEBE, M.B. Four American naval heroes............ Short sketches of Oliver Hazard Perry, Paul Jones, David Glasgow Farragut and George Dewey. 309 BLAISDELL, A. F., and BALL, F. K. American history StOLVRDOOK. tema Se UG Oiwe, L. M. Jimmy's cruise inthe Pmafore.:%. .... The Baker & Taylor Co.. Short stories for children. Sree Old-fashioned) «1 hankseiving Jifgres aw eect ace ws owe The Baker & Taylor Co.. Eleven short stories for children. Pome i, Wer, »Cruise-of the Canoe club... 7... 5). . wieeuie: baker Ge bavior Co, More adventures of the ‘‘Moral pirates’? who form a canoe club. 44 ROR) C aL Oo mere cette ces ates Caters Tae We horas 't 6s The Baker & Taylor Co.. ret New York boys who take an eventful trip up the Hudson in a row- 96 *ANDERSEN, H. C. Fairy tales; edited by J. H. Stick- TUM COOL ME SCLICGNE Ne (tiie s ac aa eee ee a tee oe ep Pe nO GO...8 Sa eaten: ward Bre 100 Matietates; translated Dy Mrsowb. Lucassies og ced are os Pe Dutton SOG ean... + ier Atainaneniphts-redited by E.\Or Chapman © ......6 datos nee Educational Pub. Co.... A few of the more familiar tales arranged for young readers. Liveeracabian nisnts: edited by M: Clarke... 6 .c.. s+ ate Mr AITIeTICATEOOOK (2015... < Including Aladdin, Sinbad, Ali Baba and other familiar tales. 120 *ASPINWALL, ALICIA. Listen to me stories... ....... ie Ee Dtrttomece 0s...02 2 «. A Scotch story, one from Cornwall. one about the burning mountain, a leap year boy, a disconiented rooster, the box-eaiing antarilla. Do 34 FOURTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. 134 143 271 281 354 TITLE CONTRACTOR BAILEY, C. S. Boys and girls of colonial days......... Educational Pub. Co..... BAILEY, R. R. Sure Pop and the Safety Scouts...... The Baker & Taylor Co.. A “‘safety first’’ story pointing out the right way to do things and hew acci- dents may be avoided by common sense. BEARD, PATTEN?S (Marjories literary dolls mie cn eee - The Baker & Taylor Co.. An interesting account of an original family of dolls cwned by a little girl. Illustrated by photographs. Large print. BENDER, M.S. Great opera’ stores.) see ey Gras The stories of ‘“‘Hansel and Gretel,” ‘“‘Children of Kings,’’ ‘“‘The Master Singers,”’ “Lohengrin,’’ “The Flying Dutchman” and ‘‘Tannhauser.”’ BRADY, L.ED Green“forestriairy Dookie ere Eleven original fairy tales. 402 *BROWN, A. F. In the days of giants; a book of Norse 403 407 408 417 418 421 tales. orate See A ae sey Ate che es ae ee 8 «.aee Lhe’ Baker & & Taylor Co.. Taylor (cos Tonesomests, dolls se... ee en ace eens Seednas sees os a DG Baker Gm ayorrore Story of a doll that ‘‘was too splendid for a real play doll,’’ because she be- longed to a queen. DONS Of SIXPENCE.5 Fon sso. tate. te ee ee ee cee Little poems for children. Includes a Christmas masque. star jewels and ‘other wonders... nt 0s ee ee naer Fairy stories and fairy rhymes, five of each. BROWNED. Book of httle boyssur 7 <<. 6 ane ee emote. A dozen or more stories about everyday boys at home and school. Fattle Miss..Phoebeaay irae ate ee oaks eae a Ge erie The experiences of a little New England maid told by herself. Among other things, she describes a visit to Miss Alcott at Concord. & & & & Taylor Co.. Taylor Co.. Taylor Co.. Taylor Co:. BRO Wares Le Alice and Womtaiae.: ae eeaca poo stew WC Heath G7 Co-. aaa “A story of two happy, hearty children who love cutdoor sports and the companionship of birds, flowers and trees.’’-—Charles Welsh. 427 *BROWNE, FRANCES. Granny’s wonderful chair. 489 490 491 493 496 497 498 XBURNETT Ab He lattlesCord: Bauntlerov. eee ee (Everymanys libraty.) Goth meer re EA mre et aha . E.R. Dutton teGe “This is a fairy gold, boy, and twill prove so.’’ These beautiful stories were written by a blind poet. An interesting sketch of her life is included. BURGESS» Da W.. (lommy sschanvetot whcatt .. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Tommy's wishes come true..t.). ac. vce ih tetera eee ‘Taylor: Cos Whitefoot, the wood ‘mouse 2.8 «ccm vase oe eres ena ern lavigeeem™ “Thornton Burgess can put it all over the others because he sees what I see and I understand his language.’? Edouard quoted by Miss Moore. “Another charming child to add to our gallery of juvenile heroes and hero- ines; one who teaches a great lesson with such truth and sweetness that we part with him with real regret when the episode is over.’’—Louisa M. Alcott. Charles Scribner’s Sons.. Oueensollvermocllasn one »aisis sitinie te «000 cele ieit et ships eh MA ORE ETMOrl iia Valen a In two dainty little volumes the troubles of the queen of the fairies with her “lovely little temper’ are set forth. Size 5 x 6 inches. Racketty-Packetty houses, 0. ear Obes aubamlbvanciici st tue ..» Lhe Baker & Taylor Co.. *OaTae Crewe. ek « ale bia ate d stale 3 sia Sales EG Sas eit Se CHO TIESE SERINE en sac “In creating her little: gentlewoman, ‘Sara Crewe,’ so fresh, so simple, so natural, so genuine, so indomitable, Mrs. Burnett has added another child to English fiction.”—R. H. Sioddard, PRICE ners .60 1.14 ee SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR Peep UR lol. hae pring. cleaning (ea.eterenes Ge 240054 The Baker & Taylor Co.. Colored pictures. Size 5 x 6% inches. 512 BURT, M. E., ed. Poems that every child should know.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Arranged in six parts, beginning with the shortest and easiest. 553 CARROLL, LEWIS. Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. The Baker & Taylor Co.. 555 PEAT Uc CU CMOUR Ue Class eeu Gretta: as a ai sare com a0 23 NWIEYS car i hae pom ene Gln ver SP iemee y e Cr etm ACMiralise Caravan... tunes scp esse The Baker & Taylor Co.. The adventures of a little girl in dreamland. 569 CARY, M. French fairy tales; illustrated by E. Boyd SNA TELT — hese Cel ea oe oe Pia aaa rE SP The Baker & Taylor Co.. A new edition of an old book of French folklore stories. 600 CHISHOLM, EDWIN, ed. Old Testament stories...... are Dutton c& (cor. ane The stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Moses told in Bible lan- guage for the children. Size 5 x 6 inches. Prenat oT CART Oar rinocchion So. 0865 wc cere ce cess MEE SRLSCILUOTN. Oe ASO cau e502 The classic adventures of a marionnette. 6/1, COLUM, PADRAIC. Girl who sat by the ashes....../. Braco On antec v css The Cinderella story retold with new incidents. Illustrated by Dugald Stewart Walker. 673 COMSTOCK, H. T. Boy of a thousand years ago....... The Baker & Taylor Co.. A historical story dealing with the boyhood of King Aifred the Great. 685 COOLIDGE, SUSAN. Cross Patch and other stories.... The Baker & Taylor Co.. Stories introducing characters from Mother Goose. 690 Mischief’s Thanksgiving, and other stories............ The Baker & Taylor Co.. Short stories. Also sketches of Frederika Bremer, Jenny Lind and other Swedish women. PRR OUNOGOZEN Matec pnlasad c+ « tetera ae ees ee stone wate The Baker & Taylor Co.. Short stories, some of them fairy tales; one about Thanksgiving, one about Christmas. emer io aM C.. little treckled person’... 24... Gs i ee oe The Baker & Taylor Co.. Verses for children. 777 DAVIS M. H. and CHOW-LEUNG. Chinese fables and TN Voeswapgtcc sn Ue Ale tna err cake cee ReeR Ae cee PARIS ESE NE American BookiGo.. .....~. 799 DEFOE, DANIEL. Robinson Crusoe; told to the children SMOKE AT Cheech. We alee tints wate Y ouierdl ay. os 5. Ee Pa Dutton: & (Come. jee bee MRE WALLER. - Childs day... 5.088 «ots. Penrysriolt-&s Conese eee on Stories from the ‘‘Idylls of the king’’ reproduced for children. 1169 GRIMM, J. L., and W.K. Fairy tales. (Children’s classics) E. P. Dutton & Co 1202 GUIGOU, P. Animal trainer; translated by Edgar Mills. The Baker & Taylor Co.. | .95 Story describing a French circus. Clever pictures by A. Vimar. 1205 *HAAREN J He pBallads- and stales i teca. cy Seren The Baker & Taylor Co.. 44 Adaptations of Robin Hood, Chevy Chase, the Legend of King Arthur. 12207 "HALL, JENNIE Men of old Greece othera stories suai, oere es ree 1600 Tales of ‘romance. 3.0% aes ee ea Six stories from the Book of Romance about Robin Hood, Wayland the Smith, William Short Nose and Grettir the Outlaw. Colored pictures. 1601 Tales*of the*round> tablewe. cn sew tee es ee Twelve short stories from the Book of Romance. Several colored plates. 1604 Lrustye) ohn*and: other storess cect 2 ein eee ee 1605 Twelve huntsmen and other stories<.ce. «ee eee ee 1607 LANG, JEANIE. ‘Stories from the Perie Oueen>.. oo... Una and the Lion, St. George and the Dragon, and half a dozen other fairy tales fromn Spenser, retold for children. Beautifully illustrated in colors, excel- lent print. Size 4 x 6 inches. 1616 “LANSING, M&F? Lite m'thé preenwood:4 2. «eee Stories of Robin Hood and his ‘‘merry men’’ in Sherwood forest. Taken from the old ballads. 1632 LEAMY, EDMUND. Fairy minstrel of Glenmalure..... Three imaginative tales from Ireland by a master story teller. 1633 Goldén*speafsis..20% sees poe ee ne Eg ee ee “True Gaelic fancy and poetry have full sway in the pretty tales.’”’ Seven fairy tales from Irish folk-lore for children. 1635 LEE, JAMES, and CAREY, J. T. Italian family Rob- ISON «Wate anacade Macceaee co0.4 0 ols 5 Stn aee ead eee An Italian version -. the Swiss Family Robinson story. 1653. LINDSAY, MAUD Ss Story teller aii cee ee An attractive little book of stories to tell or read. Colored pictures. 1654 LINDSAY, MAUD, and POULSSON, EMILIE. Joyous travelers £..0% sy. «sgl k eva o's oe ete me een ee eee Collection of stories and verses. 1668 *LOFTING, HUGH. Story ot Des Dohttle. acer ““A queer ald doctor who loves animals more than ‘the best people’ goes to Africa to check an epidemic among the monkeys. Much droll “humor, Ga a, especially in the illustration.’””—A. 1721 *MACDONALD, GEORGE. At the back of the north A116 SECON LE AUIIR TSA canine. Be A fairy story about what a dreamy little boy saw at the back of the north wind. 1722 Light princess and other fairy tales .eeee a. sree : Fairy tales of the first order. 1734. MacGREGOR, MARY. Stories of King Arthur’s knights CONTRACTOR The Baker :& Taylor Coe The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. BP. Duttonig. Coe The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. D. C. Heath & Co ehet ia se te La ce The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. J.B SLippincotts Cos ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. BPs DuttoniéGa- sea ee Six stories about Launcelot, Galahad and other knights. Size 4 x 6 inches. . 1766 *MAETERLINCK, MAURICE. Blue bird for children.. A beautiful book made from M. Maeterlinck’s famous play describing the search for the “blue bird’? that stands for happiness. The Baker & Taylor Co.. PRICE on 83 83 1.04 83 83 79 83 1.09 83 98 el 80 1.20 61 97 SUPPLY NO. TITLE Pane iN DOU ISH: elieroes: of chivalry. 0.) 2% «s/s Stories of King Arthur and his knights and of Rowland and Oliver. Pee eIe UR Oe het tN POS TPOUDICS 1. t- y aude ce cela nee s Nimpo was a lively little girl who got into trouble in ‘“‘doing as she pleased”’ while her parenis were away from home. 1870 MORLEY, M. W. Donkey John of the Toy Valley..... The “Toy Valley’? lies in the Tyrol of Austria, surrounded by the peaks of the Dolomite mountains. The people are all woodcarvers and make many of the wooden toys which Santa Claus brings even as far as America, Pier MOUILLON? I.-C. » Bed-time ‘storieS.:. 2.2.3 c00303..-- Sixteen short stories suitable for reading to children of Jower grades, 1979 OSWELL, K. F. Old time tales. (Everychild’s library) An inexpensive little collection of folk and fairy stories with a few old Eug- lish ballads. 1982 OTIS, JAMES. Left behind; or, Ten days a newsboy... A boy about to sail for Europe with his parents misses the steamer and is left alone in New York. Peo LipeOtibb SG. DrOtheie. 4 fan 34 bsisu > eee e bea Pee cede ss Sequel to Toby Tyler, in which a pet monkey, presented by Toby’s circus friend, plays a leading part. 1987 Siletiuel Clos Or wlites SCOWAWAYS oc. as oe has hp pee ad as ‘ A little street musician and his sturdy friend, Jerry, stow away on a brig from New Orleans to New York in search of a lost relative. 1988 PITY Llp erica. voces ied dia berm See Se Webel igs The adventures of a homeless bcy and his dog. pom Oy. Lyler;.or ben. weeks with a circus... 04. «++ 2+ <6 The story of a little boy who ran away with a circus and met with many adventures, finally returning sadder and wiser to his uncle. 1992 Our holidays; their meaning and spirit; retold from St. ENGR AS mare eae Ae iy Pee cs ee dre’: ivcs oe 82 s Including the birthdays of three American poets, Whittier, Lowell and Longfellow. ZOUG = eEAINE. A. B: Hollow tree nights and days......:-.:0«:- Very funny adventures of the coon and the ’possum and the old black crow. In the vein of Uncle Remus. 2007 [SRO Leg Brot fore) agen cy a Ae) a ee era 2008 Pio war Vicaet a tee lost tis tail .c/y0.1c08 ores vives’ oo GkGm el aso chat 2009 Pra ICA il Pew Gee Oe tree. tren tR alot, cei iv 6 a> 2010 Wash oscil a ereat DALOON tL1P 5 >, sare inl ocete voals <>» 2 ers 2011 Nemabbitc Dig dinner... 0... . 2 Aeris Pra er tegacn Stee aie 2012 When Jack Rabbit was a little boy........... the eae ee Peer omirnG. s Little friend Lydia. o. vs. vedscce ered A spontaneous and wholesome story about a little girl in an orphan asylum who was adopted by Quaker parents. 2150 POULSSON, EMILIE. Top of the world stories....... Folk stories from Finland, Sweden, and Denmark. 2169 PYLE, HOWARD. Garden behind the moon........... FPOURT AT GRADE “The adventures of little Davy, who goes along the moon path to the moon. Beautifully illustrated and well written.’”-—Outlook. CONTRACTOR The Baker & Taylor Co.. Peg eaeirt tis csh Oh e.. o The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. WeaCMh Ian GC Ouscc cc. Aiea The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker The Baker The Baker The Baker The Baker The Baker The Baker Ro TaxloriGos: R Taylor Co.. Taylor Co.. Taylor Co.. ‘baylor Co, . Taylor Co.. Go Ro & RB The Baker & Taylor Co.. Charles Scribner’s Sons.. Taylor Co.. 39 PRICE = .08 1.16 1.59 40 POURTH GRADE SUPE NO. TITLE 2176 *PYDEP HOWARDS eiwiientandecem eae, hilar arith oe : A company of famovs people, Aladdin. Jack the Giant WKiller, Cinderetla, 2177 2181 2182 2184 2222 2241 2310 *RUSKIN, JOHN. King of the Golden river; oul 2341 Zork 2390 2402 2411 2425 2437 2445 2472 2O29 and others, gather at the Mother Goose Inn in Twilight Land, and many new and wonderful tales are related. Wonder clock .. A wonder story for every tures by the author. PYLE, KATHARINE. Fairy tales from many lands. . Lazy Matilda and other tales hour oeee in the day, eee ee eee eee eee with still more wonderful pic- e 0.8 ©) @ Ss oe © 08 € Wie eee 6 6 6 vere few Funny verses about Matilda’s laziness and various other faults of other children. Naney Kutledge*y a... ee eee eR ere Story of a group of children at a Quaker school. RHYS,.E, and.G.~ English fairy tales Seer: eee ee An attr aptive collection with colored pictures including the old favorites ie Jack the Giant Killer, Tom Thumb, Three bears, Dick Whittington, etc. RICGBARDS) Lab Ouicksilver: Suen. ee About an impetuous little girl who had never known restraint or aie Of ene black Weal ca. ot SN “A Styrian legend setting forth in classic English prose | the Mase old ee that happiness lost by avarice is to be won by virtue only.”—G. E. Hardy. a ee 6 6 6 6 6 8 0 0 6 Ce 6 se 6 6 6 oe ee King of the Golden river and Dame Wiggins of Lee... SAUNDERS MARSHALL SS Beanni nie) 0e. eee ce : The autobiography of a dog. ‘This book ranks with “Black Beauty’ in popularity. Pictures by Chas. Copeland. SCHORER,: ELEANOR. Wishing ring... A Christmas fairy story. SCUDDER, H: ES (Seventittle peoples ee ahr cers Collection of stories. SAW BEM be leittleelatvas teen hea abe Ore tee The stirring story of a little midshipman who died gloriously at his post in a sea-tight between the U. 8. ship Consiellation and the French frigate La Vengeance, in 1800, SEGUR, EUGENIE, Comtesse de. edited by Charles Welsh...... A very popular story with French children, Story of a donkey; 6) @) © OLS We, © 9) 6, 6/08) & leo. w retold in simple Englsih. *SEWELL, ANNA. Black beauty; edited by Lucy Kemp Woeleht ie yee The life story of a horse. adventures and his companions. ee eee ey All about his happy ee his ill treatment, his Illustrated edition. SHAW, C. D. Stories of the ancient Greeks. ... Lorre “A few of the fables and facts that are part of the treasure of the world.” SHERMAN, FDP Little folks byries 77 ya npee tee eek Flower poems, bird poems, poems of the season, fairy poems, ‘‘all written down in simple rhyme.” SKINNER, E. Ligand AM) Merny alesse ee... oe Legends or folk-stories with a dash of fun or a well concealed moral. SPYRI, JOHANNA. Moni, the goat boy, and other Stories + transiated*by Ey Fo .Kantz (eer ere eee eee Three stories about Swiss mountain life by the author of ‘‘Heidi.’’ eee CONTRACTOR The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & i. P. Dutton liu P> Dutton The Baker & E, P.. Dutton The Baker & Gitin > & VGG. tae The Baker & The Baker & The Baker & The Baker & Ca: The Baker & Taylor D. C. Heath & Co.. E. P. Dutton & Co Ginn) & /Gos..) 4 eee The Baker & Taylor Co American Book Co...... Ginn Se Coleen. ee eee Taylor Co.. Gos PRICE P32 1.50 1.20 1.20 .56 1.14 1.80 FOURTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE Bees r yin (Oran, Rose Child so sas cree Po Ts 2528 SPORT ECR ILL Ce WOOGIE CAT VCE ON «ons 3 4 shoe Stee ater sys, oF Gedo ely =) Boom LEVENSON, Roly -Child’s garden of verses. «5-05... Attractive edition. Colored pictures. 2564 *STOCKTON, F. R. Floating Prince and other fairy UE RS car ete sy RS Rae On ee ees Wy Le ON UL LLAN, @ Gulliver's travels:..2. <26..24... 2622 TAPPAN, E.M. House with the silver door............ . Three original fairy stories for primary children. 2628 Pema anita LOSE cor Meera ee We hyciiien. lato wee ature ee ane Robin Hood, King John and the Abbott, The false knight, ete. 2657 THACKERAY, W. M. Rose and the ring; abridged by Pree SECC OUI AITO get con ro. rhs sesh tela vo ae sales 2670 THORNE-THOMSEN, GUDRUN. Birch and the star.. Swedish and Norwegian stories. emo fever he Com ROD HOO. 5.2. 6c cus cece eo ces oe eters Twenty tales from the ballads about Little John, Maid Marian, Friar Tuck and the other people of the greenwood. Coloved pictures. 2785 *VIMAR, A. Curly haired hen. Trans. by Nora K. Hills. A very funny story from the French about a hen which had a most extra- ordinary adventure. ZooumVE oe OHORPL. I Fo ‘jack the fire dogo... 2852 BmemOMem tee BAlnD a) Suntan hae, ve of as Fivabir ace aa <2 Sparrow is a bird who stays out at night and neglects his tamily oct He eA ne onlychildtset mre 2 ate ciurete ass esos tive What a rather discontented little girl learned from a jolly companionship with a family of five. 2863 (oe ivery oh ota NS Uhr oe I ere ok ee 2864 Guarani enerarOuler seme wa tear nk, dette ls Sas Sordmroes « Concerning the happy playdays of a sculptor’s four lively children. 2865 MEM ANC MUOUT Tali) Cie. ohare ket tt diss clas sieve Purchase dem « A fairy tale of the modern order. 2898 WIGGIN, K. D., and SMITH, N.A., editors. Magic case- Peirce. “GCGOUC ital’ Vy DOOKa. sts corte ees os is oie eins 2911 WILKINS, M.E. Pot of gold and other stories......... Prem roids PON el eeeeseiindy fairy taleses .< jap ms ote odie ZO) Wap nese ptanvetales,” tye ete 2: wl Desa oe oe Colored pictures. Easy. Most attractive little books. 2923 WILMOT-BUXTON, E. M. Stories of Norse heroes... 2928 Excellent rendering of twenty stories from the Eddas and Sagas of Iceland and Norway. WINNINGTON, LAURA. Outlook fairy book for little PICO Gmg es eer) cores ars ice ot vin oS pte wpe + QIN meer Meta Principally from the old sources, with a few less familiar tales from the Ger- man and French. Includes a number of fairy poems. CONTRACTOR The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Rand McNally & Co..... Charles Scribner’s Sons. . iekeeDuttons ss Com.. ate The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Pie eal itton on COs eee Row, Peterson & Co..... Bree outs 6.0.2.. The Baker & Taylor Co.: The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. ihe Baker & Taylor.Go.: The Baker & Taylor Co.. he Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The-Baker,. & 1 tvlot, Co. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Rand McNally & Co.... Rand McNally & Co..... The Baker & Taylor Co.. Blacrmiillanee On ie ea ba 41 .o4 42 POURTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TEE CONTRACTOR PRICE 2940" WRIGHT, le L. SWithithe little tolks 77 ee ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.14 Twelve short stories about children and animals. 2943 WYSS, J. D. Swiss family Robinson; ed. by J. H. Stick- ° DEY ya ie sages gta ee oe oe Se ee ee Girin’ &.Cor suse ee 08 Abridged edition, based on Mrs. H. B. Paull’s translation. FIFTH GRADE CHILDREN FROM TEN TO ELEVEN YEARS OF AGE * Books starred are suggested as a standard library for grade Til Vevey, 716. COX) 7 He Chevalier-of-oldy trance. ete ee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.14 A new version of Roland and Oliver and the paladins of Charlemagne. 998- FARRINGTON: ESV. = Lales of-Kine Arthungees ee The Baker: & Taylor Co.) tae Drawn mainly from Malory. 1240 *HARE, CHRISTOPHER (Storyeote Bayard. eee iP. Duttonits Come ee 58 “The very joyful and very delightful history of the life, the heroic deeds, the triumphs and the valor’ of the flower of French chivalry. Taken from the chronicle of the “Loyal Servitor.’’ Beautiful pictures in color by Herbert Cole. 1357 HOLLAND, R. S. King Arthur and the knights of the Roundwlable-. 23. Pea. ao ee ee eee ee The: Baker & Taylor Co.) #ide All the Morte D’Arthur stories and a few more from French sources. Many pictures. Some in colors. 1570 *LANG, SANDREW... Book of romance see ae sees The Baker & Taylor:Co..7 145 Stories of Arthur and his knights, Roland, Robin Hood, Wayland the Smith, the ancient Irish story of Diarmid and others, most beautifully illustrated in colors. 1748. MacLEOD, MARY. King Arthur and his noble knights The Baker & Taylor Co.. 80 1782 MARSHALL) HH. E. Stories; olGuyeot sWarwitken ee Ee P2Dutton:&-Co. eee 98 “A few of the valiant knight’s adventures and tourneys and battles retold from the old Saxon for young people, and told remarkably well.’’ 2197 RADFORD, M. L. King Arthur and his knights....... Rand McNally & Co..... 68 Tales from Sir Thomas Malory’s Morte D’Arthur and Tennyson’s Idylls of the King. 2473 SKINNER, ELEANOR. Tales and plays of Robin Hood American Book Co....... 63 Attractive library edition, well illustrated. Part II has five Robin Hood plays. 2629 TAPPAN, E.oMo'Robin Hood, hissbook.2 teen The Baker -& Taylor Com View Iliustrated in colors by Charlotte Harding. Excellent edition. 2834 WARREN, M.R. King Arthur and his knights......... Rand McNally & Co..... .68 Small and inexpensive edition. Attractively illustrated. 2835 Robin Hood: and hisimerry men. ie tie eee Rand McNally. & Co... ees A good prose rendering of the ballads. Illustrated. Suitable for dramatization. NATUR GRAND SS ClRNGE 476 BURGESS, T. W. Burgess bird book for children....... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2.28 475 Burgess animal ibook for:children...03 een eee te ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2.28 FIFTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE 561 CARTER, M. H., ed. About animals; retold from St. 562 564 565 870 914 1035 1065 1101 1176 1276 1277 1314 1425 1487 1568 1656 1657 1675 1732 4775 NICNOIAS CE Oe OO ear eee eee Me ee ee et Bits of natural history, poems and stories, by such writers as C. F. Holder, Dan Beard, W. O. Stoddard, Frank Bostock, W. T. Hornaday, C. G. D. Roberts and Ernes¢ Ingersoll. Prearperorics, sLerOlC aitoil item NICHOIAS fan, wesc css 50s Lion and tiger stories; retold from St. Nicholas........ Panther stories; retold from St. Nicholas........... ee PO A Ca Cr mee LOT Ye OLMthle LOTESL att . ade e's Sulsie! ale 9 “The life of the trees; how to distinguish common trees; lumbering by- products; trees famous in American history.’-—Cleveland. *DUNCAN, FRANCES. Mary’s garden and how it grew. A charming little book on gardening in story form. Pes ERO tiye Gardening for, littlewirls;), 1%. 6! oa% os BREN U7 bo Wo Uncle Zeb and. his friends.42 3.5. 233. “Not an oozy tale among them, but real subsiance and a real story in every one.’”’—Dallas Lore Sharp. GHOSH, S. K. Wonders of the jungle. 2 vols. (Set) GRINNELL, ELIZABETH and Joseph. Our feathered Bre CULS MNEs esos 5 acs, «oh Baleten eos witaValee s fallrainen An attractive little book of bird lore, well illustrated. HAWKES, CLARENCE. King of the thundering herd. “A story of the American bison in the days of the Indian, the trapper and the prairie schooner.’’ Byes SCC TEE FISK ere ttints: Nola velelnia sicimiels orei siete as aie «fa o's n% see's Pieasant little story of a squirrel. - HEREIN Bo. jack.O Healthand Peg O Joy sa... ..'. A little primer of hygiene decked out in attractive style. Dy ome N ae or tetoesrol many lands. asc «02.0 «5 ly o''- A dozen good dog tales. JORDAN, D. S., ed. True tales of birds and beasts...... Twelve svories by well-known authors. TANGSANDREW. Animalestory DOOK. ~~ 33.6. 5. «<2 A collection which has long been a favorite. Pole Ly CO Irie aa Waat Gtay “Squirrel (eat ge cle os « oa. 5je's Sratp cUMcOAteINeTS RINK teas 2 o\<'o' ana’ ole cue crue aaa liieu'. Pg Ney) the bear. 4c. ee se siete Notes and ovservations on the lives and habits of the coon, woodcock, lynx, toad, black bear, kingfisher, wild cat and other wood folk, beautifully illustrated. Me ERE wiloN=! sttlestriends'in feathers....... 202 -ece Excellent bird book for children. Colored pictures. MARKS, JEANETTE, and MOODY, JULIA. Holiday SAARI MELE SLAY CLS cs tere ete redetss o as ae a co tls ee “Done in a way that cannot fail to be entertaining to most children and at the same time the scientific accuracy of the knowledge conveyed may be relied upon.”’—Review of Reviews, CONTRACTOR The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. American Book Co...... The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co. The Baker & Taylor Co.. cre rresth COs 4 ce 3 PP Ceri eath we 0. ieee . The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Charles Scribner’s Sons. . The Baker & Taylor Co.. Da Gatieath Gower... The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Giiehi he CoM Ooms to on ee Ae The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. 43 44 FIFTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR 1812 MEADOWCROFT, Weve AIBC ofelectricity ae ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. The first principles of electrical science plainly and simply told for young people. Thoroughly reliable and endorsed by Thomas A. Edison. 18312* MILLER,.O. eT Sirstapook-olepitds:... =. eee ere The Baker & Taylor Co.. Intended to interest children in the ways and habits of birds and to stimulate them to further study. Colored plates. 2039 “PATCH WHaMs SBirdestories.: 2 :-si.s cue cea cen eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2042 “PATRI ANGELO? “Winte: Patch i: secon one eee ee American, Book Go: cee Bertelli’s Italian story of ‘“‘Ciondolino’’ retold. ‘‘Gigino’’ was originally a school boy who had no fondness for lessons; he becomes changed into an ant ro ea to work. Very interesting little book. Its description of insect 2163 PROCTOR MARY. Stores. ot istarland taser ete The Baker & Taylor Co.. A very interesting star book for young readers. Facts, legends, poems, stories and pictures of the sun, moon and stars. 2367 SCHWAREZ304. Wonderful dittleslivess: see The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2419 *SETON; EoD (Biography ofa erizzlyoines oe ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2422 Monarch,/the, big (bear. o22 soe ee eee Charles Scribner’s Sons.. 2832.7 WARNER, G2C, oStarestories tor little tolksaee ree The Baker & Taylor Co.. With charts for eighteen constellations. Size 5 x 6 inches. 2842 WEED, G.M® Bird life stoneées+*2 volsis (Set). es cee Rand McNally & Co..... Colored plates. 2950 YOUNG, MARTHA. Two little southern sisters and their parden plays ois s5 sa ca oes et emi a ner omty © eeere tana The Baker & Taylor Co.. About plants, flowers and trees, and how to make playthings from them. COOKING, SEWING, HOUSEKEEPING 287. BENTON;G@. Fy (Fin: of cooking aes oe eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. A story that makes your mouth water. It is full of things to eat and how to make them. 1036 FOSTER, O. H. Cooking, Sewing, Housekeeping, for ; little. girls. Rae een tctole iy tate eee ce ie ore ee The Baker & Taylor Co.: Simple receipts and suggestions. 1073. FRYER, J< Ex "Mary Frances cook. book Ass emt Jobn CG. Winston ‘Coro. 1074 Mary. Frances@iirst aid: DOOK. /.\ 12... citetelera tees John C. Winston Co.... 1075 Marty Francesigarden book. 22... 3.4 2's sche cas 2 The daily life of a little French girl who lived in Normandy--—some of the excursions she took to interesting places. TA55 QTIELLeRSCOLCL COUSIN eet ne ENS oe Gara hes waite Oi Describing excursions to Edinburgh, Abbotsford and the Highlands, with much about Scotch manners and customs. Poacee MENDES Pe Ourilittle Polish cousin. so. tsa... . 0%: 1326, METHEEY, A: A. How the world travels. ..::......... Methods of transportation in various countries. 1847 MIRICK, G. A. Home life around the world........... Peet Wier ae eran owe az ands Pablo mest: nck cc dw ouve wee Os Story of Filipino children told by a former American teacher. 1894 MOWRY, W. A. and A. M. American inventions and TEE EL OL SM tee crete Saree att dic weer ee See os, sce a, + 0 1938 NIXON-ROULET, M. F. Alfonzo, our little Brazilian (oleh Chay hoe MU hice A to BAS rr, ae, er Child life in several different countries is presented by this writer in interest- ing story form. 1939 Banda Bela, our little Hungarian cousin..............; 1943 Bernando, ourittle spatlish’ COUSIN. 0.0. ose es ence es eee 1941 Reantac wou littleys laskarlaCOUSIN:. Js s:. c= seeemteore «ete : 1942 Meyer itLiCems UIStEAILATIECOLSITI ee cs 2 diene o o-0's evel ctetpreta vtttels 1944 Loe outs little Grecian 7 COUsit cnc oc 5 0's < sina coqgueemens « een CONTRACTOR The Baker a lavior Coz. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Lhe Baker-&Laylor-Go:. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The~Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker*& Taylor:Co:. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Pheouaker & bavior Cos, The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. .96 48 FIFTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. 2083 2334 2335 2516 vos 3 Ps 2590 2854 2929 20 135 139 308 306 312 373 375 388 TITLE PERRY: W. 5. “WithsAzenmamioypot:. ae eee A travel and ancient history story of the country of the Nile. SAMUEL, Eve Storyot gold and silvers27- a Bae Pate In which three children visit California and Nevada, and learn how two metals are mined and later minted into money. SUOTY TOE TOM. Wate cates Os eR sie eee et ete mens epee Story of a boy who starts to work in an iron mill and what he learns about the most useful of metals. Southern stories; retold from St. Nicholas........ 2 one Frank Stockton, Joel Chandler Harris, Anna E. King and other well-known writers contribute sketches and stories of life in the Southern states. S EARR, FREDERICK.’ Strange; peoples a0 eee ee A series of sketches about the Eskimo, Indians, Mexicans, South Americans, Basques, Finns, Lapps, Turks, Chinese, Coreans, Japanese, Tibetans. Stories of the great lakes; retold from St. Nicholas...... Including an account of the great Chicago fire, the life-saving service, doz teams and sledges in Northern Michigan, Niagara, etc. Western frontier stories; retold from St. Nicholas...... Scenes from pioneer life, hunting adventures after big game by Joaquin Miller, Maurice Thompson, Frederick Funston and others. WINLOW, C..V> Ouriittle Bulgarian cousing. oe CONTRACTOR The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor DAG Heath osGCose The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor BIOGRAPHY, HISTORY AND: CIVICS Adventures with pirates and sea rovers; by Howard Pyle anc tothers eiaw2 ses aa eens ere ee ee sere one cone knees About tbe buccaneers of the West Indies, the capture of Cartagena, 1696; Captain Ned Low; the true story of Bluebeard or Captain Teach; Captain Mis- sion, a moral pirate; also the exploits of Drake and Hawkins and the destruction of the Spanish Armada. BAILEY,.C. S.. Broad=stripes*and bright-stars- .- se Stories from American history—a record of American ideals and deeds. What’ to-do for. Uncle-Sam 05 soe en ee eee Suggestions for civic duties that children may assume. BLAISDELIA? FE... Story*ot Americans history. es The leading events of each period and the personal achievements of a few representative ‘‘makers of our country.’’ A list of books for reference and reading is appended. Stories sitcom: Lnelishy history. 2. = dees ees nny, About the Druids, Boadicea, King Alfred and other heroes and worthies from the earliest days to those of Queen Victoria. BLAISDELL, A. F., and BALL, F. K. Pioneers of Amer- JCA 5s Bek 6 a Bietelovels or ahs eye ote haf Cee eee Anecdotes of Boone, Clark, Putnam and other frontiersmen. *BROOKS, E. S. Century book for young Americans.... A party of boys and girls visit Washington and learn of the workings of each department of the Government. Century book ofAmerican, colonies; seen) ee Interesting description of a pilgrimage to the sites and landmarks of the early American colonies, from Si. Augustine to Quebec. Jrué.story. of Benjamin’ hrankiin pee eee ee This series presents the essential facts in story form and pleasing style and is printed in large, clear type, with many illustrations. The Baker & Taylor Milton Bradley & Co..... I’ducational Pub. Co... Ginn eee Ginn orG oe eee The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor PRICE Co.. 95 Co,. — 295 ‘Co. eee Co. Tas 94 YA Jae he 4 ree RIFTH GRADE 49 SUPPLY NO. TELE CONTRACTOR PRICE Seimei el eel ite Story Of lafayetteiy: 05.7... cee oo The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.54 22 riererol vec Lea TICE Cs LALES cots Sune nact, o ose re east The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.54 A concise and simply told story of the Republic’s origin, development and growth, from the days of Columbus to those of Lincoln. ea See EOLVROT WO See ITANL rc c owe aelys Sc 4 eis averthe’s The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.54 emmy AY COUIN tee eee Leal ait AV MICLACAM sais ac aign ic ciees <> ale» The Baker & Taylor Co.. .88 American government, resources and ideals, and America’s part in the great war. Simple and attractive. 514 BURTON,A.H. Lafayette, the friend of American liberty American Book Co....... 46 571 CATHER, K. D. Boyhood stories of famous men...... The Baker & Taylor. Co,.. 1.33 Biographie sketches of artisis and musicians. 590 CHANDLER, A.C. Magic pictures of the long ago..... Henry Holt & Co........ 84 Stories aboul some of the objects of art in the Metropolitan Museum. immer, et |-weototies of the old world: 2.03... «1 ao ET ONE a So anak ean ert chee A .67 The Argonauts, Thebes, Troy, Ulysses and Aeneas. een allel ami cw OtOly Ole Gesat i. 2 t..7x Indian sketches= eo meee. o Pere Marquette’s Mission, his life among the Indians of the Northwest; ac- counts of the Pottawatomie chiefs, Pokagon and Menominee, and their people, by one thoroughly in sympathy with the red man. y Philip V. Mighels and < wie 6.0 66 9 6 if 6 /6)0 lp 6.6 80 @ 86.0 Ke. 0.8.8) 0 oo eee eee eee wees eee eee ee ees Indian stories: retold trom St. Nicholas..." True stories of the first Americans, of how they live and play. Indian fairy tales, games and sports. ‘‘A boy’s visit to Chief Joseph.”’ ‘‘An old-time Thanksgiving.” JENKS, E. A. Childhood of Ji-Shib, the Ojibwa........ LINDERMAN EE. Bs Indiang Why storiést... - nas Indian nature myths as told by the old men of the Blackfeet, Chippewa and Creek tribes. [Illustrations in colors. MOON, GRACE and KARL. Indian legends in rhyme.. A beautiful picture book with colored plates and pHotographs of animals and Indian life. Size 8x10 inches. MORAN, G. N. Kwahu, the Hopi Indian boy.......... eee eee CONTRACTOR The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Charles Scribner’s Sons.. Charles .: The Baker & Taylor Coz. E; BP: Duttons& Coma The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Charles Scribner’s Sons.. The; baker sis baylortvos, American Book® Co..)... Scribner’s Sons.. PRICE "1.26 .60 oz vie, Fs) 63 SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR ale ARR, ee RE DERICK. pAmerican Indians. s...24..6... DAGr Heathew Cores... A very comprehensive and well-written book on the chief tribles of North America. It deals with every aspect of Indian life from Alaska to Yucatan. 2666 THOMPSON, WILLIAM. Wigwam wonder tales...... Charles Scribner’s Sons.. Animal stories from the folklore of the Indians of the Northwest. 2836 WASHBURNE, M. F. Indian legends........ Pee ne s Rand McNally & Co..... Navaho and Pacific coast Indian tales with colored plates. Zoous WHITNEY, E: L., and F. M. PERRY. Four American TAGS we ree. ee Sepenciche apa ahaa rar ee Ai eC eS PEE American Book Cov...... King Philip, Pontiac, Tecumseh, Osceola. 2956 ZITKALA-SA. Old Indian legends. . Soescies Hep Paap tas COTE, Cons Oneeatyet ns o.. Mets “Under an open sky, nestling close to the earth, che’ oa Dakota story-tellers have told me these legends.”’ Written and illustrated by Indian women. SLANDARDSAND CLASSIG: SLORI ES sPORTRY, ILC. Mere) Vere Doe Prigate:s namesake Ns cee pct ac od The Baker & Taylor Co.. A splendid story of a little girl’s love for the navy. It breathes patriotism on every page. me met L bem ee Vibe MLV DOYS or.e ha nw eles eles 'o siatee se o..s Chet Baker, & TaylorCo.,; A collection of short stories, including one Christmas story. 39 Spiumung-Wwneel Stories cc. dens « eres eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. Twelve good stories, historical, fanciful and otherwise ; one about the battle of Lexington, another of France during the ‘reign of terror,’”? also a cooking class and a bicycle story. Mme inider tne dlacss...'.s.. PNT tra ek WaT ewes The Baker & Taylor Co.. A great favorite. The story of Ben, Ge circus bey and his dog, who found a home in the old house among the lilacs. Al ALDEN, W.L. Adventures of Jimmy Brown.......... The Baker & Taylor Co.. The confession of a veritable enfant terrible. Very funny. SMO SeE OL THOR GDOSt. ce s.. cos uh rs eee ce ee ce 3 Wem eeliie saker G« Lavionm CO., The “Moral Pirates’? take a cruise around Long Island Sound in a sail boat and meet with many exciting adventures. 45 RVeW SIV ODITSOMRCTUSOG. fo5 tole oe ni ete elt ta atslotetare sinters eee the Baker & Taylor Co., A very amusing account of a boy who was cast away on a desert island with a crazy man who thought he was a grandson of the original Crusoe. 93 ANDERSEN, H. C. Tales; ed. by Reed Moorehouse Rane Smt LCRSMEtCS) ME, ot c.c akon Meee oa ee Perel. Dutton & Goma. . Nineteen of the old favorites in attractive form. Size 4x6 inches, 2679 Arabian nights. Tales from the Arabian nights; ed. by MU UCN eM OER Ee tenes tas Sh nay «vw fg teeN oe te Bot Autharsassclcie Hea. Dutton, Galore... » Containing the seven voyages of Sinbad, Ali Baba, Aladdin and the three princes, and the Princess Nouronnikar. Colored pictures. Paeme Delay yy Gind, ©. OTC Of COULAgC . a. saicclsis s seks = ak a EMilton. Bradley.Co........ Nine short stories setting forth the idea of courage. 150 BALDWIN, JAMES. Fifty famous rides and riders.... American Book Co....... 158 Story of Siegfried.......1... Sas Algae oe PS scx gene Charles Scribner’s Sons.. FIFTH GRADE The hero of the Nibelungenlied. A modern version of the old legend. 53 PRICE a7 195 78 .56 Ae 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 54 FIFTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR PRICE 159 BALDWIN, JAMES. Story of the golden age......... Charles Scribner’s Sons.. 1.25 Various legends about the causes of the Trojan war woven into a continuous tale of which the boy, Odysseus, is hero. 161 Wonder book of horses tao. nao Sate gh ated ve Meaielns salam The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.35 Stories of famous horses in literature, history and mythology 276 BEESON, R. K. Child’s calendar beautiful...... sees. Charles Scribner ss sonse F5 A collection of ‘‘memory gems” arranged for the eight years of the elementary school course. 286 BENSON, E. F. David Blaize and the blue door........ The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.10 A fanciful story, similar to ‘‘Alice in Wonderland.” 292, BESTON, HB.) Firelight’ fairy Dookie. woe SERN Steer The Baker & Taylor Co.. — .80 hk edition in strong binding of this popular and charming collection of 33/- BOULT) KOH. Asgard*and the Norse*heroes: 7 ee EO Pe Duttons& Gores AS Part I. The Norse gods. Part II. Sigurd the Volsung, Volund the Smith, Ragnar Lodbrog. No pictures. 305 BRANCH SM Bas Guid theicaverm king. : . The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.38 How Guld led his people from the caverns to the sunlight. An Shasvelly well written stcry. 397* (BROOKS; NOAH Boys ot lairpott, se eee rae Charles Scribner’s Sons... 263 A story of New England boy life and a famous baseball nine. 404° BROWN,sA. CE. oLucky stones .-2 2... eo 9 ee ee eee The Baker & Taylor Co. 91335 A story about a little girl who lived in a tenement in the city and believed : in fairies. 407 Sones Ol SIXPeNCens. ee es ee Oe Piste w-cosws Lhe Baker & Taylor Cogmmeees Little poems for children. -Includes a Christmas masque. 433. BRYANT;.A. C. ‘Treasury’oimher6 tales. 5.7. ee 3 The Baker & Taylor Co.. .56 Mythological stories and legends compiled from Hawthorne, Wilmot- Buxton: Bulfinch and other writers. 471 BURGESS, T. W. Boy scouts in a trapper’s camp....... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.37 A series of outdoor stories setting forth the principles and purposes of the Boy Scout movement. Good woodcraft and scouting lore by a favorite writer and an experienced scout master. Begin with ‘“‘Boy scouts of Woodcraft camp.” 472 Boy scoutssof Wooderatt’ camp. cee, yam asses “oe... Lhe Baker & Taylor Commie. 473 Boy scouts;on: Lost tratlt sss 3. ee os ote Seah en eee .. The Baker: & Taylor Coin “ia 474 Boy-scoutsion io wit tiver. oye pose eee Jvaviesaegess Lhe Baker Ge layer (oom 512 BURT, M.E., ed. Poems that every child should know.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. .72 521 *BUTTERWORTH, HEZEKIAH. Boys of Greenway Court yaa Sr Pe OL Rs SE CK: whats Lites ... Lhe-Bakers& TayloriGeceelese A story of Washington’s boyhood in Virginia. 535 CANAVAN, M. J. Ben Comee, a tale of eee rangers, 1758-590 ee So; st ose ee eee sae. eee Macmillan Go... eee . 90 Ticonderoga is described. 53/, CANFIELD PRA C.> Kidnapped campers ame see. . Lhe Baker’ &Tlaylem Cosine What life in the open air will do for a sickly, puny lad more or less spoiled by indulgent parents. 540 . CANFIELD, Hees... Boys. ofthe: Rinconscancare, 2... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.34 Two New York boys visit their cousin in Texas and learn a great deal about natural history and life in the Southwest. 551 -CARROLL, LEWIS. Alice’s ddventures m Wonderland Ginn @ Con... 5... .5 54 SUPPEY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR 605 CHISHOLM, LOUEY. Stories for the ten-year old.... The Baker & Taylor Co.. Ballads, fairy tales, historical stories, bits of biography. Colored pictures. Doe GlURCH A. J. , Odyssey for boys ’and’ girls... .... 2... Marcasite GO ABN ma. tee: The story of Ulysses’ wanderings and Penelope’s faithfulness retold and beau- tifully pictured in colors. eee Mev eR StOTY Ol TOY oan nved edt ev oe eee 88.6 8 os American Book'Co..3..::. Prefaced with a short account of Homer and the gods and goddesses, who play important parts. 667 COLUM, PADRAIC. Boy apprenticed to an enchanter. Macmillan Co........... “Steeped in the atmosphere of ancient days. Ideal for reading aloud.’’— A als A’ 670 Children who followed the piper..... eine: be en ate Macy llarw COm a4. «tts A story in which modern children meet the characters in European myth and legend. Per eee Gri CAN eVeDTICNt, fats. ss tec ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. A little girl’s schooldays and playdays in Maine. 697. What Katy did at school......... Bh tne hes Ee fy A ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 698 ater aty (icsextirer evo) ac som 6 SeNauigatete acu boeshaker sl avlor CoOL. In which, Katy grown up, travels in Europe. 727 CRAIK, D. M. Little lame prince. Illustrated by Hope PY GIOD Mee oe gee o Mee 5 ne Cacait ae eee gee pate ie The Baker & Taylor Co.. “Tt is a genuine fairy work interlaced with the unexpected, alive with mar- vels. No child will be sadder and many will be happier for learning without knowing it how to bear sufferings if it shall come to him.’’-—Hliazbeth Stuart Phelps Ward. Pye OvlhON.. Hoel Gentle heritage; 2) ju.5 aie. one cs. Poe utront Ge (0)\..3.0), oe A delightful story of five children who ‘‘imagined things’? and of how they looked for and found the “bogy’’ and came to love him. 735 *CROTHERS, S.M. Miss Muffet’s Christmas party...... The Baker & Taylor Co.. At this remarkable function all the fairy and story book people of any promi- nence assemble to do honor to little Miss Muffet. Pee LS ALL olittie maid ot Bunker Hill; 7. >... os The Baker & Taylor Co.. 742 Peitplemimiatcl sy EVOL ON eye ¥ OF Ie ciate cere he 2G eis ata abi ouads The Baker & Taylor Co.. 743 Little’maid of. Virginias.: 2.07, 20. era a tar ere The Baker & Taylor Co.. 745 Peikee Sitar bollakuns. 324... bagi BH ce aes rte ch area The Baker & Taylor Co.. foe pankee girliat Hort Sumpter... . Ae... he te ae . The Baker & Taylor Co.. 747 Beatimece Ott vat ONUGH yan oie > = « teria Tre Hees Ree RCE ae The Baker & Taylor Co.. Pleasant stories about little girls who lived in important times. The his- torical background is slight. 757 DALE, J. T. Heroes and greathearts and their animal . PEPET LS Me Ree et tae Oe ee ete eet ak Bit Ber toe Dae clieath Gatos, .|. A collection of short poems, stories. and especially incidents in the lives of prominent or famous people, showing their consideration for bird and beast. 794. DEFOE, DANIEL. Adventures of Robinson Crusoe on Hismisiand. wea: ed RUE cre che Se utter ee a fe Ee ttOgne CO... a. « An edition which gives all the essential part and leaves out all the portions which children usually skip. Colored pictures. . 795 POumisnnt @rushesnce syn emit AlC.*. i. or. . le umeeren en. eG. Lietiamer COs. a. 5.6 ioe eA RAMEE LOUISE:..Bimbi; stories forsenidren. Ginne& God, . 3.0.60... FIFTH GRADE uw UI PRICE 95 1.05 56 FIFTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE 1621 DE LA RAMEE, LOUISE. Hirschvogel; the story of a Numbers Stove cee ee er Pe AE eee cx eta cy 835 856 859 861 933 952 977 1005 1007 1045 1046 1066 1082 1097 1115 1137 1140 1144 DIAZ MAS Me? Polly Slologne mr. gees hace ree anne Polly is a much-beloved rag doll whose adventures are highly diverting. Wralliam «Henry letterss sie © <1, clovsccttietsin ores eects eens Amusing and entertaining letters from a small boy to his grandmother, il- lustrated with drawings by himself. DICKENS, CHARLES. Magic fishbone; illustrated by Fy De Bedford? ster S as Shee ee a Lee ae eee The pictures, which are in colors, are unusually attractive. DIXBS Mew Meérry-lips ace oe ivi etre cme ere ee The tale of Roundhead and Cavalier, in the days of Cromwell and Charles I. * DODGE, Me MM: Donald and orothy, 1 eee A favorite story of a boy and girl, about whom a mystery lingers. Hans; Brinker: or the silver skatesae..e ee ee oe eee Somewhat abridged. In very durable binding. DYER?SW. Ay Pierrot, dog‘ of; Beleitm*..) epee eee Fine dog story. Describes invasion of 1914. *EGGLESTON, EDWARD. Hoosier school-boy. .2... .7. A very popular story describing a back country district school in Indiana. An American clussie for children. ESCAMEZ,)]. M. Hairy talessirom Spainsa nee ee Nineteen short stories with colored pictures. FILLMORE, Ps H.*-Gzecho-slovak fairy talésy-22y ee “Parker Fillmore has retold these Bohemian folk-tales with a fine apprecia- tion of fancy, fun and fairies.”’—Annie Carroll Moore in “Roads to Childhood.’ Mighty Mikka@.. <<... 2 ge Oh te DEL ARIS veer eer More Czecho-Slovak fairy tales. FRANCE, ANATOLE. Girls and boys; illustrated by Bouterdegvonveles. ae eee Seats 22 se ore eee Our children; illustrated by Boutet de Monvel......... Pictures of French children and their daily life. Colored illustrations. FRIEDLANDER, GERALD, Jewish fairy’ book 26... GAINES, RUTH. Treasure flower; a child of Japan.... GAUTIER, JUDITH. Memoirs of a white elephant..... This unusual beast learned to read and write from watching the scholars in the native school so when he came to have remarkable adventures of his own he was able to write them down. GILLMORE MESH. Maida’s little*shop ae. ee ete “A story for young readers that tells how a little girl, reared in luxury, growing anemic and listless under the cloying influence of toys and attention, found healthy joy in life in a little shop that her father Lought and equipped for her.”—Book Review Digest. *GRAVES, A\.P? Unish' fairyabooks iran eee eee A collection of the folk lore of Ireland of particularly high literary quality and a very attractive piece of book making as well. Colored pictures. GREENE; EF. NeeAmericahirst.. en eee eee ee eee Three short stories of brave deeds done by American children in the great war. GREENE; HOMER,Blind brothers: eee een ee A story of the Pennsylvania coal mines. CONTRACTOR Educational Pub. Co..... The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. ‘The Baker*& Taylor Com Macmillan” Gow > aoe iy The Baker & Taylor Co.. Ginn: & Coes ao ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. Charles Scribner’s Sons.. EP. Dutionseen Come 4 The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co., Lhe Baker & -lavion-Ca- TaylormGor ko The Baker The Baker & Taylor Co.. 13, BP. Dittonte Con ae The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co:. The Baker & Taylor Co.. - Charles Scribner’s Sons. . The Baker & Taylor Co.. — oe) Ke) 54 76 SUPPLY NO. JTITLE CONTRACTOR oak Ro ON et. «Wom scottisnsfairy: DOOKn a 7s. wieee. ss The Baker & Taylor Co.. Well selected, well written and charmingly illustrated. ie eer Le Lom VV Mae belgian: fairy tales... - wy. ash.» «<2. % ss [hesBaket é& ‘laylorCo.. fe ee gt ee CLeLKIN Papel .. cise v.82 auleisle sii se eis ooh . The Baker & Taylor Co.. “They contain the truest and most spontaneous fun that has ever been writ- ten for children.’—F, R, Stockton. P52) HALSEY,; R: Il. “America’s daughter. ..>. SF Ry 8 ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. WAS Pca S cues eri Me DOTICCL tetiet wt ir eis cle dives a0 e ola. e The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1242 HARLAND, MARION. When grandmamma was four- Sort sale easy stent eine one ar REI eS ey eh onde ee ane we Lhesbaker & »Taylor: Coe. Continuing the story of the little girl who lived in the South and was the heroine of ‘“‘When Grandmamma was new.”’ Pose RI sje C. | Nights with ‘Uncle Remus... ...asiurm sists The Baker & Taylor Co.. “The idea of preserving and publishing these lerends in the form in which the old plantation negroes actually tell them is altogether one of the happiest literary conceptions of the day.’’—Spectator. 1253 *Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings........... issues baker dc. lavlor ae aa Rie Phat tant, nite cee ae Standard collections tried and proved by two generations. Illustrated by H. J. Ford and others. 1633 LEAMY, EDMUND. Golden spears and ‘other fairy tales “The first American edition of a group of fairy-stories published some years ago in Great Britain. The stories, all Irish in settings, are pervaded with that rare feeling for beauty which is the heritage of the Celt.”—Book Review Digest. 1644 -LILEIE, LC ~ Jo’s' opportunitysa se ee ee : Jo, a wild little girl, ‘‘with a good sort of grit in her,’”’ falls into the hands of a teacher, who helps her and makes the opportunity. 1645 Mildred’s: bargain, and’ other*storiess.. 5. hee Six interesting stories for girls. 1646 Nan ..ceeeee eer cee 5 CSA ee nee: Sn el ; Nan visits wealthy relatives. 1647 Rolf housepigescs 6. che no cco rite het) eet eee Sequel to ‘‘Nan.” ° 1669 *"LOFTING, HUGH Sy) oyages of DreDoliie. 3 ee Further adventures of the inimitable doctor and his friends—with much unnatural history and wholesome fun. 1689 LUCAS, E. V. Anne’s terrible good nature, and other StOTIES ©... Hoe draiase. «secede aia se.0” Sle sapwneie apes ann ae ace eee Eleven shor: stories about Englisi children. Literary quality and ethical value. 1701 MABIE, H. W. Norse stories; edited by Katherine Lee Bates... eee PR eR er RS aR os el RE: 1723. MacDONALD, GEORGE. «The princesseandsGurdic.... Sequel to “‘The princess and the goblin.’’ Holiday edition with pictures by Maeiee Kirk. 1724 The princessvand the goblin .......c. teense eee err 4k ee A fairy story of unusual charm, “where more is meant than meets the ear.” Pictures by M. L. Kirk. CON TRACTOR PRICE Noble'& Noble? = (57g LF) The Baker & Taylor Co.. .80 EY Py DuttomeeCore eee 58 E. Ps Dutton. & Cos eee 1.50 4 Ey Py Dutton e2Coceaee 58 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 141 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.41 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.45 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.45 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.20 The Baker & Taylor Co.. .68 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 68 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 68 The Baker & Taylor Co.. .68 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.90 Macniullan-Coa.. 2 ee 1.50 Rand McNally & Co..... 72 J.2B. Lippincott <: Co. 7, ieoe Ji: BY Lippincott Sr Govt.) feo FIFTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE 1725 MacDONALD, Z. K. E/jleen’s adventures in word land. 1726 1746 Eileen discovers that words have families, homes, governments, and even feelings. MAcOONELUSANNE.® Ttalian: fairy ‘book. ....9% .i05's. Interesting collection. Well illustrated. MCKIWNIGY @ Fl. bine Heron Cove. 2.0.7 wees ees Girls’ story of mystery and adventure. 1786 *MARTIN, F. E., and DAVIS, G. M. Firebrands....... 1907 1909 1914 1986 1991 1992 Short stories and sketches written to show children how fires originate, how carelessness causes great loss of life and property, and how all fires may be prevented. MARTINEAU, HARRIET. Crofton boys; edited by W. re picture of life at an English school in the stage-coach days. Feats on the Fjord. (Tales from many lands)....... “The midnight sun and the northern lights play their parts, while the beau- tiful simplicity of farm life in the Arctic circle is unfolded with authoritative interest. As for the hero, young Oddo, he is a prince among dauntless boys.’’ NU e oC Some LICKy dant shis Sang se sues asserertane wee iele There are eight episodes in this history of the gang and many of them are > ” worthy to rank with any of “Tom Sawyer’s. MATTHEWS, BRANDER, ed. Poems of American pa- CRCRISmr ee eee. oe cs Le aan t Paiae Sa cee an A collection of the old ballads and lyrics of battle and heroism arranged in ehronological order. MEIGS, CORNELIA. Kingdom of the winding road. A charming fairy story. Pir ele) OMNI alee Cart or many Colorsiice di. osha oss “The travels of the cart through Naples, Rome and Tuscany, and other parts of Italy, and its part in winning the war.’’—4A. L,. A. Pt. (demo rem GAT Tate CLEDIAD Cre «. caleacticr gn cus are'> 4 ote All about a Hindu boy who had an elephant for a chum. Interesting story of life in India. MUNROE, KIRK. Chrystal, Jack & Co., and Delta Bixby Two stories—one of an orphan girl and her brother a determine to support themselves by a news and flower stand in New York; the other is about a boy’s adventures in Florida among the Seminole Indians. “Nos go aL COTS B LANES 5 ea i Ale RAUNT ers ee Ar ac ar RC An interesting picture of life in the anthracite coal regions of Pennsylvania and a story of bravery and hardship in the mines. *Flamingo feather...... Sheet heel Rees 502 AD Bera heeds, + A story of the French settlement in Florida, 1665, and a French boy’s ad- ventures among the Indians. RES E Oe open its DeNean Pane Read get, Mae Seeman ne Le, Mere A tale of adventure in Florida. Chet VLE oa kaise the: Pearle soo e nes sey te How a party of boys raised a sunken steam yacht and took an eventful trip in Florida waters. iecoemiriends, retold irommot. Nicholas 1.0012 se. ae Our holidays; their meaning and spirit; retold from St. LARCH ECE & LS NGA iat Ae ie oe ee ee yes ahs aA re Te Stories and poems bearing on the legal holidays and other celebrations, in- cluding the birthdays of three American poets, Whittier, Lowell and Longfellow. CONTRACTOR The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Flenry Gone 3.) The Baker & Taylor Co.. he Baker & Taylor: Cox, . Charles Scribner’s Sons.. Eee: Dutton & Goes. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. PRICE 1543 1.89 Sl .80 54 98 60 FIFTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE 1993: QutdoorStories:;/retold fromvot: INicholas 4.2202 eee 1995. *OZAKIZY- (I). Japanese tairyspook. oe eee 1999 *PAGE,“D.-N~ -GaptureduSantasGlauses) :. ee eee ee A charming little Christmas story of Civil War times. A Confederate officer risks his life to bring presents to his children. 2004 *PAINE. “A, Be Arkansas beanies eeeeeee A funny story of a little boy who met a big, black bear who played the fiddle. In the vein of Joel Chandler Harris. 2026 “PAINE, R: Do Wreckine masters 22, ae ee Whether pulling stroke oar in a Yale boat, or engaged in saving a big ship wrecked on a Florida reef, Mr. Paine’s heroes are always ‘‘human’’ youngsters with pluck and perseverance. PERRY, NORA: Flock of girls, and their friends: ..%.- Three little daughters of the revolution......... Three short stories of three patriotic girls of ’76. PERRY, WoC. Bey s:lliad 4 22 ca. cee eee eee eee *‘A well-told story in simple and flowing language which retains the Homeric ring and flavor.”—The Nation. PHELPS EUS. se Gypsyebreyntoniiiaee a oe ee The Gypsy stories deseribe the daily life and amusing adventures of a lively little girl who was fond of outdoor life. 2076 2079 2081 2084 2085 2089 Gypsy: S: Cousin’ JOy.c Sar. sect uae eee. nee PERE LIPS SE. GC. (Christmasynighthare. tan 1 How a little blind girl in old Judea made her way to the Christ child and was healed. PITMAN, No He rChinese fairy Stories: ache ee eee Eleven tales, each of which points a moral but quaintly and artistically. One is filled with local color and customs, and another suggests perhaps a cure for laziness or one for lying. Very interesting book. PRICE SiaB e¢blue magic. cee ay te oe. ee How a poor little rich boy was entertained by the magic of an amateur Djinn. PRICEvL. boy).Ladstand lassies ofiothermdays: 2 aoe ee Eleven short historical stories. RASPE, R. E. Children’s Munchausen, edited by John Martin i. Seer wee 2 le ee eee New edition, well selected and attractively printed, with fantastic pictures in colors. 2203A Tales from Munchausen; edited by E. E. Hale... These amusing and extravagant stories were first published in England in 1785 hy a German officer who compiled them from the legends and travelers’ tales of his native land. 2226 RICH, "EO Ga wWhy-s0 StOres o. 4 ou sme ree eee eee Animal stories, chiefly irom the folklore of the North American Indians. RICHARDS, Vebve Captain. | anuary cont cone essed ei A very popular story of an old lighthouse keeper and a littie girl rescued from the sea. 2110 2154 2158 1901 ee he, eee 2231 2244 ee When I was your age... A record of the girlhood of the four daughters of Julia Ward Howe. 2253) RILEY, JW. Book’ of joyous. childrenyaraesces += s oes A collection of the Hoosier poet’s verse for children and about children. CONTRACTOR The Baker & Taylor Co. Per. Dutton &- Co Charles Scribner’s Sons. The Baker & Taylor Co. Charles Scribner’s Sons. The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor Co! Macmillan Co. The Baker & Taylor Co. The The Baker & Baker & Ir Co. Taylor Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor Co. The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor D. Ge Heath. 6266 The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor . Coe Gor Cos (n.3 Lye FIFTH GRADE 61 SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR PRICE Peoyee RO bral >. G. De Children-of thetwild uns: bs 62 2) Macnullatia@0a ta.dee 4.5 i) A little boy who is left with his Uncle Andy and big Bill Pingle the guide, on the shores of a wilderness lake, learns all about the children of the wild. tee VV Floor Mig Pee Ltt) FALVIGi ora «wre dete © velo eceto So ns0 055 > The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.14 A stirring story of the little midshipman who died gloriously at his post in the sea-fight between the U. S. Constellacion and the French frigate La Ven- geance in 1800. 2425 SEWELL, ANNA. Black Beauty, ed. by Lucie Kemp ns Kole § Rapes ee Sem oe eprieey wirnceg OAL eae eee ele OR Ge iis a) 1.80 2448A SCHOLL, A. M. Fiery PRALCSTOLM VV Cll eters e ce es Here Dutton 0...2ker L2G. Six original fairy tales. 2451 *SIDNEY, MARGARET. Five little Peppers, and how they rew 1... eevee e cece eee eee eee e eee eee eee tees The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.38 The “Pepper books’? as they are known to thousands of children, are happy, sunshiny stories of a family poor in worldly goods, but rich in lively boys and girls, and imbued with a ‘splendid home spirit. q 2452 Mi vestitticn REDDCEREAtESCHOO!. ; gc cs ones vote ee acres pene: baker ca layvior Goce) alos 2453 Hiveritiett eppers STOW Up. . oo. va as UA Le es eee ee Phe Baker &Taylor-Co.. 1.38 2454 Mca Olly ME CDDCTLCOIG. . 1. ccs cots. + ahhh tanta so- The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.38 Pioomok PN NER, A. Mersimerald story, book. /.2 2. 5.051.040. ihe Baker & Taylor Co.. 151 Collection of stories, legends, poems, about” nature. Pao7 ee oRINNER VA: M., and EH. “Garnet story books... 2.0: The Baker-é& Vaylor: Co.» 1.51 Old-fashioned stories retold. 2469 Pearl story book; stories and legends of Winter, Christ- Pe wat UN ewvrrGat Slate, meta Me sie. Wary wise v «+ Sle 3 The Baker & Taylor.Co,. 1.51 Paola vil bit os eeNumber, stories of long ago... 2.2. Sot saipeedtity ec G0... , 1 eee, 48 “Story-fo1m Fistory of numbers from the ancient finger counting to the add- ing machine, with descriptions of processes, number tricks and oddities.’’— APE As Cae oh Le Meee Wee lolly, good. Summer... sa sane. dhe Baker & TayiereCo., 1.33 2500 *Jolly good times; or, Child life on a farm....:......... The Baker & Taylor .Co.. 1.33 “Not only deserves its title, but the further praise of being pronounced a jolly good book. The Kendall children and their neighbors and playmates live in the Connecticut valiey not far from Deerfield.’’—Nation. 2501 Jolly good times at Hackmatack........... m2 hae ear The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.33 2502 Jolly good times at school..... DT eae eS gs; The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.33 ME UNE SOOCAEIIGSR LOLA Vc. '2 Se eis gate seve te ee shes im 2 8 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.33 “There is a fine, fresh flavor of country life in what she writes, the air of fields and woods, the light of brooks and the song of birds; and her characters, particularly her children, are thoroughly real and human.’—R. H. Stoddard. 2504 DVaresmoodstmmessal Llackmatack.. 0. 20 oo Sccee wt. see'e'eumee Re Baker jt )Taylor Co... 01.33 “Spring cleaning, soap making, fast day sugaring in the woods, making hay 7 and other rural sports and labors are told with the most delicious freshness and vividness.”—Noah Brooks. ree ot rey OO LAUNIN A ee lleidinn ts .4 sin oaks tas (Bares The’ Bakerse Taylor Co:. 1:14 2527 Be peered IEL@ CID ING: Waite eos oc s sa edie @ eats 6 The Baker-& Taylor Co.. © .57 “Same mountain atmosphere and vivid portrayal of Swiss peasant life as in Heidi.’—A. ZL. A. 62 FIFTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR 2560 STOCKTON, F. R. Bee-man of Orn, and other fanciful tales 2. 2a Bk Ao ee ee ee ee eee -.,-« Charles Scribner s* Sons. The other stories are: The Griffin and the Minor Canon; Old Pipes and the Dryad; The Queen’s museum; Christmas before last, or The fruits of the fragile palm; Prince Hassak’s march; The battle of the third cousins; The banished king; The Philopena. . 2565' > *Jolly fellowship 02 een en wae st oo ein tg lee pe es ese ey aie ee A jolly good story of a trip on a coasting steamer from New York to Savan- nah, St. Augustine, the Bahamas, etc. 2567 Round about rambles 20-¢ es. e. w ness e ee Oe at eS Ort iee earn iee A collection of short stories and sketches on every conceivable subject to interest a child. Stories of animals, hunting adventures, balloons, the largest church in the world, sea stories, geysers, etc. 25/6. STODDARD, W..O, “Little Smoke... es oe ed Ne bane Cel a viomeieas A story of the Sioux Indians. Excellent descriptions of Indian customs, manners and wzrfare in the Northwest. With pictures of famous chiefs, etc. 2578 Red mustang -< aes. 003 0s oars nei ele ns Hella o «oe, ele ede Mn CRE eee te eet aL An absorbing tale of ranch life in New Mexico, and adventures among hostile Apache Indians. 2580 *Talking leaves;an Indian story-.......+.:+... + -- nee: Meter mame ay in aee os A tale of the French and Indian war, including the bettle at Lake George, 1755. 2/A4 Young rangers 226.2... twits wetlals els cisieid se se ote s ol si HOw AIOE mGrm ey eCmCaD Story dealing with the conquest of Canada in 1759. . . . PRICE 1.03 fer 68 .64 1.34 132 1.38 138 1.38 SUPPLY NO. FIFTH: GRADE TITLE ee meL NE Lae oe Fie: eogte LAND VNACTOS oe crclese rp qteeleta sk 004s as LIOR 2738 2739 2846 2867 2883 2885 2893 2902 2903 2909 2942 2952 2959 Wes ei OC) me Pésey in herblue trockt., 25... Were classe Cre appy HomUudays nce ..6 WYNNE, ANNETTE. For day and days.......... ZWILGMEYER, DIKKEN. About a pleasant visit which Anne Lewis of ‘‘Honey Sweet’? made her cousins in Virginia. Pe ia EC ee Pres ns rere see ts et ee eee “Honey Sweet”? is a rag baby with a distinct personality who devotes the genius of it to comforting little Anne Lewis who, after going aboard a steam- ship sailing from New York to Liverpool, is deserted suddenly by her protector.’’ —Book Review Digest. Perey ol Aundavout anes. . oc... oe as He a ar pee pee Peggy is a friend of Anne Lewis of ‘‘Honey Sweet.” SHCA WEST URE | phan OS. Aste 7, ee Ge ae Ok ae eee ee a IE Jimps was a boy of the Virginia mountains; story of the adventures of summer campers; fine characterizations, VePioeonNOLY Ne otory ols betty: 23427. 200: ores About a little girl who inherited enough money to ‘“‘buy herself a home ana family.”’” Full of interest and fun. oseeeee A simple story about two little girls who lived in the country. Sketches of the origin of the chief holidays in the year, and the customs that have grown around them. Poems and prose selections, too, for programs. SiliatsbN Shot) birds Christmas-+Car0l.c ic acc cs ase ss The story of Carol Bird, a devoted, helpful little girl, who was born on Christ- mas day and who carried the spirit of that season with her all the year round. ELE Ey RCHLP ALS Vitamin ere, series mere erty A eI ERIS eo any anon» About a little boy who strayed into a kindergarten one day and was wonder: fully transformed by the spirit and associations of the place. WIGGIN, K. D., and SMITH, N. A. Tales of laughter A collection of funny stories from every land under the sun. No pictures. ihaikine Deasts; a Dook of-fable wisdom ..:i-........+ «+ Excellent collection from Aesop, La Fontaine, Bidpai; the Sanskrift, and Malayan, Moorish, African, Chinese, Russian and Spanish sources. PV PEIGEN GS, EVA Weavers: children). i... .' obec o be Excellent little story of New York State in the days when families went ‘“‘west’’ via the Erie Canal and stage coach. “An unusually attractive book of children’s verses, simple without being trivial.’”—A. ZL. A. YOUNGS, M. F. When we were little; children’s rhymes of Oyster Bay, with an introduction by the late Theodore Roosevelt |.. eeeeue et eceoeceue ees eoan Gees oensneesse teen enone What happened to Inger UE ae OEE SR ee i Gree aN kT “A story full of Norwegian atmosphere. Some parts capital for reading aloud. The kind of girls’ story we have been waiting for.”’—Anne Carroll Moore. CONTRACTOR Macmillan Co. Macmillan Co. Macmillan Co. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Rand McNally & Co.... The Baker & The Baker & The Baker & The Baker & American Book Co...... The Baker & Taylor Co. eeP; Dutton & Co,..%.: The Baker & Taylor Co. io .0) 0 é:1e) of) 6) Le wi 0) shies) 2 ele 6 Gxiel my eice 4) Je shee Taylor Co.. aylor Go: Taylor Co.. Taylor Co. 63 1.05 155.0 tn Ni “1.80 90 1.38 64 SIXTH GRADE SIXTH GRADE CHILDREN FROM ELEVEN TO TWELVE YEARS OF AGE * Books starred are suggested as a standard library for grade REFERENCE BOOKS FOR THE CLASSROOM Every well-equipped class-room should have, besides a good dictionary, a few refer- ence books for children. An almanac, a book of quotations and some of the titles listed below will make a useful shelf. SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR 583. CHAMPLIN, J. D. Young folks’ cyclopedia of common things 25 o oie 5 eesielt she 5 aol aot Pee ee aie eta em ig Tan em A most valuable book for teaching the use of reference books. Covers about everything of use to boys and girls in natural science and the useful arts. 584 Young folks’ cyclopzdia of literaturevand art........... Henry Hole. Cos Includes architecture, sculpture, painting and music, as well as short ac- counts of great books, stories and poems, famous characters, etc. 585 Young folks’ cyclopedia of persons and places........ Henry Holt & Co... Both real and fabulous personages and events. A book of famous names. 587, CHAMPLIN, J. D., and BOSTWICK saa. ers folks’ cyclopzdia of games and ‘sports ....0 2.0. ..220s tugs o en yen OIE wo eee 2460 SINGLETON, ESTHER., -The children’s city. .27.. 22. = Maclaren Visits to the Aquarium, Central Park, the Zoological Park, the Bot: anion Museum in The Bronx, the Museum of Natural History, the Metropolitan, River- side Park, and the Statue of Liberty. CHIVAERY, 157 BALDWIN, JAMES. Story of Roland *..:7:..07.. 72) Gharles*Scribners “Mr, Baldwin has culled from a wide range of epics, French, Italian and German, and has once more proved his aptitude as a story-teller for the young.” —WNa.ion. 1142 GREENE, F. N., and KIRK, D. W. With spurs of gold.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Stories of famous knights and heroes of chivalry—Roland, the Cid, Richard Ceur de Lion, Bayard, Sir Philip Sidney and others. 1612 *LANIER, SHDNEY ed. “Boy shine Artic eee ee Charles Scribner’s Sons. . “Into the fine fellowship, then, of lordly Sir Launcelot, of generous Sir Tris- tram, of stainless Sir Galahad, of gentle Sir Percival and a hundred more—ti commit you.’’—Sidney Lanier. 1613 Boy’s Mabinogion; or Knightly legends of Wales...... Charles Scribner’s Sons. 1617 LANSING, M.-F. Page, esquire and:knight, “McPEE,.1. N.}Stories'oi American, inventionsa ia The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.33 1828 *MILLER ONO UINGs: | tue beatis. 0116s: aint ere The Baker & Taylor Co.. .94 “Dug up out of his boyhood’’ for the edification and delight of every boy who loves adventure and outdoor life. 1836 MILLER, O. T. Our home pets; how to keep them happy The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.33 1653) MIXo jc SMighty annals, cose r ae ee eee American Book' Cons. ee. aes A little book concerning the monsters who inhabited the earth millions of years before man appeared. How the bones of the dinosaurs, flying reptiles, mammoths, etc., are found and taken from the rock. 2034 PARKMAN, M. R. Conquests of invention............ The Baker & Taylor Gow miez McCormick, Howe, Edison, Murdock, Fulton, Marconi, Goodyear, Westing- house, Whitney, Stephenson, Watt, the Wrights, Bell. 2210 REBDAVERBENA. Bird mesh poardinpaiouse.. ie . —. P. Dutton: c:Co 4... ee The Ba yenturae of a dozen or more insects who boarded with Mrs. Worm. The illustrations by Oliver Herford are very funny. 2227) RIGH, seis @ Jolly tinker peo pene eee aee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. .76 How to tinker around a house with a soldering outfit, how to make toys out of old tin cans. Suggestions for making up for theatricals, practical book surgery and shoe mending. 2423 SETON, Baad “Waid animale 0 ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. .56 2428 - SHARP, _D2L..) Beyond’ thespasture bars... ee Jo. ‘ThesBaker (elaylorsCo7 eas Nature talks or essays of a rare literary quality and of an equally rare accuracy. Mr. Sharp is a nature lover of the Burroughs school and _ his books are a joy forever. 2430 Fall oithe vertn nee eRe io aa. + hs lo le ape es The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.00 2433 Watchers in: the -woods®. 4:4 shite ayes ec The Baker & Taylor Co.. _.50 “Of all the nature books of recent years, I look upon Mr. Sharp’s as the best.”’—John Burroughs. 2617 TAPPAN, EF. M. *Digvers in the earths ss merce . The Baker &ofaylor Gon> ce 2618 Farmer ‘and his iiends: 27. Ps eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. _.80 2627. Makers of. many things...........:.s0s0.0eeen-s. age Lhe Baker) ayior Go samanen 2632 Story of our "constitutions: eee Maree Sea sss oes Le Dan erenel AV lOfACiO: eee ey Gives a good account of conditions at the time wher ine constitution was framed and adopted. The amendments also are explained, and the reasons for their adoption are considered. It is clear and simple. 2633 Travelers. and traveling: 27)... sob Geese erate The Baker & Taylor Co.. .80 SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR HANDICRAFT, AMUSEMENTS. 207 SBARNES, GERALD. Swimming and divings.........:. Charles Scribner’s Sons. 258 BEARD, D.C. Boy pioneers: sons of Daniel Boone...... Charles Scribner’s Sons. . 260 Ser nOn CR ATIC UROO Ky as CR AP. ais aie aa Ole we set's os Hels Charles Scribner’s Sons.. Outdoor games and sports of every description from marbles, tops and kites te football, hockey and golf. 261 Gero welac eran SUAMTES i+ 6 fase ne ols so Bhs be alae Charles Over fifty plans and pictures and full directions for making. 263 BEARD, LINA and A. B. Handicraft and recreation for COME.” aha gst eels Set ae AG a PR eee Charles Spinning, weaving, pottery, amusements for Easter, May day, Hallowe’en, ete. 266 Baa OREN OE UNC OILS erred asil. Or aiare hk s (abet wate here aa) afeitas Charles More’ suggestions for girls. Deep ON) eh. wocientinc American boy. ss .s.7e. se 2. + Lhe Baker & Chapters on skate sails, snow shoes, tentmaking, surveying, swimming, bridge-building, canvas canoes, etc. 348 BRADDY, NELLA. Young folks’ encyclopedia of eti- er ee ar UR ak shoe’... whom wes ee ete The Baker & The first part is devoted to etiquette for all occasions, the second gives suggestions for parties. Domes hol i Lrackathletics up - os. en an oo The Baker & eae LY Cb Battie of basepall. solic. te cee ee 5 Ehegbaker The general strategy of the game, rules, umpiring, and a chapter on pitching by Christy Mathewson. Pee ist Ne aS I 1andiCratt elon DOYSeteced cic tis om or ws = The Baker Includes metal work, printing, and photography. 789 DAVISON, G. L. Games and parties for children....... The Baker poomelerioe VinIN, @. (AS “Imdian scout talks: - 2. oes. 65 Bee LL nechaker. & A book of Indian lore for boy scouts or camp fire girls. Boe eee Le ge INP DOV CLar iSIMall a. < se nel a gieteis oso eis tees The Baker Practical and profitable ideas for boys’ leisure hours. About handling tools and making a workshop. ioomtilo li Obi LON. Boy, scout entertainments... 3.0555. The Baker & BUYS. 503 BURRILL, E. W. Master Skylark. (Dramatized ed.).. The Baker A. play from Bennett’s story of the same title, : 1685 LORD, KATHARINE. Plays for school and camp..... The Baker “Six plays, each involving pantomime, processional, music and dancing.”’— 1697 LUTKENHAUS, A.M. Plays for school children....... The Baker Bix 7 11 GRADE How to form a branch of the Society of the Sons of Daniel Boone. Also how to erect a fort, handle a gun, throw a tomahawk, talk Indian sign language—in short, how to be a boy pioneer. Twenty-two dramatizations of favorite stories, all of which have been tried with success. Introduction in dramatie work for children by Miss Knox. Scribner’s Sons.. Scribner’s Sons.. Scribner’s Sons.. 67 PRICE 95 1.87 1.87 BLL 1.87 153 1.14 1.75 68 SIXTH GRADE SUPPL NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR PRICE 1736. MACKAY, CD22 Branklin “a playin foumacts: «ame ee Henry Holt’ & Co. a 1.05 1738 Patriotic plays and pageants for young people.......... Henry Holt’ & Cox fogs 84 1818. MEIGS, CORNELIA steadiasti princess, aaa aaeneeere Macmillan’ Co.” 9. nee ee 193 For eleven boys and three girls. Drama League prize play, 1915. 1961 OLCOTT, VIRGINIA. Holiday plays for home, school and. “settlemerit: (awigees conan ce tee ee ee The Baker & Taylor Coy ¥ito2 Arbor Day, Hallowe’en, Thanksgiving and Christmas. 1962 Patriotic plays forsyoung #people= a, cara. eee eee The Baker & Taylor Cogeco. Includes a play on the flag, on food conservation, and on the Red Cross. 2046: PAYNE, FiUe Playstiormany cluld 274. see ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. .95 All the holidays, including Columbus Day. 2044 Plays and-pageants of “citizenship. eee = eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.52 2202 KILEY, A. Ge" Densmuinutesaby the.Glock =. es eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.14 2329 > >taNicholas. «book of plays and loperettas saree The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.14 2664 THOMASON, CAROLINE. Plays for children in French and.iinp lish... ti. See. c= <4, s eileen hs ate cen The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.16 2814 WALKER, A. J. Lafayette, Christopher Columbus, The long-knivessin sUlinoss. Serco sie ote ee HenryeHolt Cosa 1.05 Three short plays. g 2882 “WICKES;-F. G: Child’s:bookot holiday playsa-feeee Macmillan) Go..se2 en ee .60 2886 WIGGIN, K. D. Bird’s Christmas Carol. (Dramatized rat he Re A eee Aree ABR Ae ey Ce SR Bs 7 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 77 2939 WRIGHT, Hes. New plays, from olditaless. a ne ee Macmillan Go, Seen dhe be? Adapted from stories popular in the reading clubs of the New York Public Library. None of these plays are in any other collection. TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 50° ALLEN, BOAR. “New 'Surope: ne se cee eee Ginn °& (Cons. eee .80 An after-the-war geographical reader. 51 SouthwAmerica yu. 35 ee, Bee ee ee eee eee Ginn?&\ Go.j7e eee ee 80 110 ARNADOTTIR, HOLMFRIDUR. When I was a girl in Iceland Hiss i 88 Sts Sees 8 oe Ne, ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. .96 162 BALDWIN, JAMES and LIVENGOOD, W. W. Sailing the séas. 34.250 won ee ee ee ee eee AmericaniBook Come. eos An informational book, describing all types of boats and stressing the importance of commerce and of the merchant marine. 205 BARNARD, H.C. Europe in pwtures. (Pictures of many lands) eee oe eee due ARCA peu = Ue Macmillan CG oa. ose .96 A geographical picture book. Thirty-two beautifully colored plates of typical scenes. : 249. BATES, KL] in Sunny 5 pairs eee eee oes EP Dutton et G02 as 1.20 Pilarica an@ Rafael are two children of Spain, who introduce us to many pleasant and interesting things about their land and its history. SIXTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE 254 BEALBY, J. T., and FAIRFORD, F. Peeps at many fits Ganagaugne eNewrOouncland ...osc..8 dick Sc nce bes 301 *BISHOP, FARNHAM. Panama past and present....... 426 526 668 769 801 849 899 900 901 1014 1013 1015 £139 1164 i221 1301 1368 1401 1416 1484 BROWNE, E. A., and GOODALL, A. M. Peeps at many CONTRACTOR MaemillansG@o,....5. 225.. EU AUERS SMBS OT eee Ei Catina axa 9b (og: 8 ae Gee Renn Bene Og ge an Macmuillanciio, ieee ue n. »:< CAMMAERTS, EMILE and TITA. Boy of Bruges..... Pion ke eLOm er CO res, 0% COLWMearwUREAC.) “Asboy ing biriniy cue 2 St es dime MLOLCOn EOL: CO... sc. «aie Child life in Ireland to-day with folk-lore and history thrown in, in a most attractive manner. Reeves Cem boy in Serbia... oe oe “The home life of a child of the upper farmer class, telling of the super- stitious customs and the peaceful, honest life before the war. Some quaint legends are woven in.’”’—A.L.A. DE GROOT, CORNELIA. _When I was a girl in Holland evi ieee VV ee ick an) the, Pverclades acs. sia. + f= o< pee Se deeieU ere Ost inl the JUNIO. Mean +. osis ast ee Hunting trips and adventures among the wild beasts and wild people of equatorial Africa. Re ECO pen tio oleate cunitatens euetger en © p<, ox Meroyves O1cthe cOtiia COUNLTY. «a. «ida wiere's ov cos 50 wis 0 Descriptions of the people of West Africa, 1850. FINNEMORE, JOHN. Peeps at many lands: Switzerland FINNEMORE, JOHN, and’ BROWNE, E. A., Peeps at Veta see Libya IM Berl COCR: . Meee Aetsana ls, 2G wicrtians 6 52 FINNEMORE, JOHN, and WILMOT-BUXTON, E. M. Peepssatinany lands], aAingland and Wales... 22h... &. Pe ree ioe alters Glentyree a, aoe atee's a5 4 vt sey Many things about Scotland’s history and geography and the home life of her children in story form. GRIERSON, \ELIZABETH and TYNAN, KATHAR- INE. Peeps at many lands: Scotland and Ireland...... Hedi bana CHES LER*.C. Lo Panama and’ the ett A ME ee re reer ACY on, he dees meas Syiticg Bs, lavas je HENDERSON, DANIEL. Pirate princes and Yankee Cu eee EMT ee as oe a Bley Mee hte eee ate A stirring tale of adventure in the days of America’s first navy, of the pioneer captains and sailors who fought the Barbary corsairs under Decatur and General William Eaton. Drigitswi, PnNio b Book ot the ocean. 4... 2.0.4 Sea-lore of every kind; facts, fancies and legend. JONCKHEERE, ROBERT. When I was a boy in Bel- SAE NT Ct AER et coed or nach ney SRE Experiences of a refugee in 1914. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Wiacmiillanmces © Osa. Ay ses Macmillan’ &.Coreeaaes 4 bie: baker &slaylor Co., Rowe eUutton: icc... Poco ilicath Ws Coens <. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. 69 PRICE 49 1732 57D 1.20 1.20 1.02 oF 132 Ley L.32Z 132 1.20 70 SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR 1550 KROUT, M. H. Alice’s visit to the Hawaiian Islands.... American Book Co...... 1636. LEE, YAN PHOU- Whentl-was a boy in Chinas tae... The Baker & Taylor Co. 1638 LEITH, Mrs. DISNEY. Peeps*at many lands: Iceland:. Macmillan” Co. =e. er 1642 LIDDLE, WILLIAM and THOMSON, M. P. Peeps at many lands: Sweden*and Fit. gees est esce oiete are eee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2342, SAWYER: fF: A. jose, our: Portuguese: cousin ee ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 23460 SCHNAPPS, CoH) Archas the littlesArmenian: eee oe EPPS Dutton: Co. ee 2725 TRAGER, HANNAH. Festival stories of child life in Palestine ys o/c. cic. cee » aise eee ei ae ‘a FE. PsDutton: ce Co: ee 2/62 VAN MILLINGEN, J. R. Peeps at many lands: Turkey Macmillan Co. ......... The European country of the Turk, before the year 1912. 2020. WALTER ESL. World's children .2)...ceur ee ee eee Macmillan’ Cort 7a f BIOGRAPHY. BISTORNSAN DIG Lye: 17. Adventures of Uncle Sam’s sailors. By Commander Rchert E.. Pearyeands Others 20. senses ca ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. A collection of short stories about the U. S. Navy in war and peace. 156 BALDWIN, JAMESS Storysoteiberiyce ee ane ee American Book Co...emee History of the growth of democracy in England, France, and the United States. Is readable in style, and well illustrated. 208 -BARNES, JAMES; Commodore Banbndve@.. = eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Tripolitan pirates, 1803, the Consittulton and Java fight, 1812, and the life of a brave American sea fighter. 211 *Hero of Erie. 005. oe Gane ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. Boyhood and early manhood of Oliver Hazard Perry, with a stirring descrip- tion of the famous naval battle at Lake Erie, September 10, 1813. 214 Midshipman Hatractitic. +. 0.6 poe eee ene ee ce eee The Baker & Taylor Co. The story of Farragut’s life on the Essex during the War of 1812. 232 BARSTOW, C. L., ed. Colonists and the revolution...... The Baker & Taylor Co.. SIXTH GRADE A collection of sketches and short articles about men, women and events in America during the colonial and revolutionary period. {32 1.20 .68 he 1.16 1.16 1.14 85 SIXTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE Peet LOW Con tan 6d. Civil, Wari ce vera. oe os ie oes Selections from the ‘Century’? Civil War articles. ZOD PCG RemeTIA LICE) ee EN cs ocelot ao crate Navel stsis dass Sie eras ete Short articles on Washington as President, the Louisiana Purchase, War of LSi2ee ek OlLOM and sunes Clernromy. = Ol OAlifOlNIA. CLG? staraictetere otclejere si sie cielene siore:s afere Poumon mln, CLARY. sotory or the Réd Cross 1% eas. tae Does not include 1914-1918. 300 BISHOP, FARNHAM. Our first war in Mexico........ eet Po lr lew stories Of the Civil Wal... os ow see Includes poems, Lincoln’s Gettysburg address, a Memorial Day chapter, etc. Seuss bOw EP DWAKDS Dutch boy fifty years aiter:..2..... : ' Abridged edition of ‘The Americanization of Edwara Bok.” woe oo lists DR MONVELCALIOM.) Joan of Arci. sd. Jes 2c This beautiful book should be in every children’s library. Sooeee RADY, Col, Revolutionary ichts and*fizhtersp = .2.. Contains: Fort Sullivan, Trenton, Saratoga, General Greene in the Carolinas, ete. Also St. Clair’s defeat in 1791. Truxton and the Constellaiion, the war with Tripoli, and the war of 1812-1814. 374. BROOKS, E. S. Century book of famous Americans.... A party of young people visit the homes of Washington, Adams, Lincoln, Grant, Jefferson, Clay, Webster and other famous men. 376 FGentury bookioit ‘the American tevolution,....-...... Journeys to the battlefields of the Revolution. SNe TLOLOICMNAD PSH IN GS Mast: ia. octamer eee ee Mae = ae * Stirring tales from the world’s history in prose and verse. 379 Historic’ boys acne. - 5 file SERS Ge OR eee ee ere ae Boy life in different lands at different epochs of history. 380 Pe SLO Liem ih lame ten gree tea Peer et awe Meroe Pos vite 9 hak ol eee Nel ih) bas (ee aCsaTiC, iS tal ner ay cay). yes cont: » : The true story of ‘Tad’? Lincoln and his life in the White House during the Civil War. 591 CHANDLER, A.C. More magic pictures of the long ago.. Stories about the objects of art in the Metropolitan Museum. 606 *CHITTENDEN, L. E. Lincoln and the sleeping seritinel. The true story of William Scott, a Vermont soldier boy, who siept at his post, was condemned to death and pardoned by President Lincoln. Gian warstolics retold irom! ot, Nicuolas. <<. tes. ea. The Merrimac and the Monitor, Farragut, Gettysburg, Sheridan, the Alabama and the Kearsage, Cushing and the Albermarle, Sherman’s march. Boe NY eS HILk WON: sKour- Americans p0cts. anette 2 Bryant, Whittier, Longfellow, Holmes. 629 Four famous American writers...... Wee sah PP ere ahs Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, James Russeil Lowell and Bayard Taylor. Sage C@eer. @., cus tleroes ot everyday lite, .. a. «enone Stories of humble heroes, the diver, telegraph operator, civil engineer, day laborer, life-saver, fireman, engineer at sea, and the miner. Cet ete OG, CsA branamelincoiny: ..0. 4, memoere P Told in the graphic style of a well-known writer for American boys. Fully illustrated. 71 CONTRACTOR PRICE The Baker & Taylor Co.. 85 The Baker & -laylor Co... 85 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.26 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.13 The Baker & Taylor Co.. .50 Chas. Scribner Sons..... 60 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3.08 The-Baker & Taylor Co.. elilt iespaker a Laylor.Co, 1.51 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.51 The Baker & Taylor €o.. 1.33 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.33 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.33 The Baker & Taylor Co.. .95 Henry Holt & Gas uetay.. « 84 ihe Baker*«: Paylor Go.z | ./6 Thé Baker & Taylor Co.. .94 American Book Co...... 56 American Book Co...... 56 ritity Gc. CO meet Oe es 58 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.88 SIXTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. CEL 635 *COFFIN, Gy Cy Boys at e/ogaeeeueen. 22 ee oe Story of the battles and campaigns of the Revolution. 637 Drumbeateot® the nation ese sae es re eee War of the rebellion, from its outbreak to the close of 1862. 638 Freedom thiunmiphantyt vy. Soo eee. eee The fourth period of the war of the rebellion, from September, 1864, to its close. 639 Marching fowictoty. 620 ees, fees ee eee ee The second period of the war of the rebellion, the year, 1863, the battles of Vicksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Chickamauga. 640 Redeeming= the republicie.. Seem een eee Covering the third period of the war, 1864. Grant’s wilderness campaign. Sherman’s Atlanta campaign. Farragut at Mobile, etc. 710 CORNEY, EVIE, and DORLAND, G. W. Great deeds of QU CALE TEN oie crane tea lone aia SNe els er ehr aie cue: a emeuey ne eliae cee atte er eel National heroes of all countries, from Darius to Lincoln. Several explorers also are included. CRUMP, IRVING. Boys’ book of mounted police....... Mounted police in various states of the United States and in Canada. DOWNES, A.M. (\Fire-fenters and -theiespets eee ee “The tragedy and the heroism in the work of our firemen and the comedy and sometimes the tragedy, too, of the mascots to which they are so devoted, are set forth in stirring style.”’ DRAKE, S. Av Battle of Gettysburg. Maps-etcs. oe .- Burgoyne's invasion of 1/77... Mapes. be. cose ee Campaign fofsTrenton: Map Ay sc8 ae ee ee ee “Which. in the darkest hour turned the tide and saved the cause of the Revolution.” Makirig sot New, Bnelands 1550-16455) ee eee Making of the great West, #J512-133.50 ena wera kee Deals mainly with the section lying west of the Mississippi. Making of the Ohio valley states. 1660-1837.......... Making of Virginia and the middle colonies. 1578-1701. . DUPUY, WAA2 Uncle’ San, detectives eee Stories based on experiences in the U. 8. Department of Justice. FISKE, JOHN: War of independence. Maps etc. FRASER, C. Cs Boys boolt of battles=: 52.7 ae eee ee “Includes Ypres, Verdun, the second battle of the Marne, and the Argonne- Meuse. Spirited, interesting, well illustrated.”—A. L. A. Boys’ book of sea-fights ; famous naval engagements from Drake: ta | Beattyt cs Far cae eee ee GORDY; W..FO Abraham Lincoln 2.2.) eee Concise, interesting, well written.’-—A. L. A. GRINNELE, Gr By Beyond the oldatrontier:, aan a. The folk-lore of the Blackfeet and some account of their tribal customs. GUERBER, -H.UA. stery of the Greeksi ere ee CONTRACTOR The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Jaylor Co-. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Charles Scribner’s Sons.. Charles Scribner’s Sons. Charles Scribner’s Sons. . Charles Scribner’s Sons. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Charles Scribner’s Sons... Charles Scribner’s Sons. . American Book Co....... PRICE 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 80 ioe Lise 58 58 98 ie 1.11 1jil bbl 132 _2 1.33 hos 1:26 SUPPLY NO. TITLE Pon ee BE Ire Ae story-of the Romans). 706. ....5... bites tes Eee ROyS heroes. ce. 5. 3 ates ee, Short accounts of Hector, Horatius, Alexander, Hannibal, King Arthur, Richard the Lion-hearted, Bayard, Robinson Crusoe, Israel Putnam, General Lafayette, Napoleon. Pe eetin ise JENNIE. Our ahcestors'in Europe)... 5..%.6%. ; : A simple general history, ending with the colonial period in America. Chap- ters on the Middle Ages are particularly good. 1238 HARBOE, PAUL. A child’s story of Hans Christian An- CErRCIN oe ge res eis ag dagger. Peel pel CNR Nig a ee a Founded on ais ‘‘Autobiography,’’ and well written. 1257. HART, A. B. Camps and firesides of the revolution...... 1259 Plawegureprandtatners: itved. 7h sie ben os ss va Sees Home life and school life, historic incidents, etc., chiefly of the first half of the 19th century. 1260 Peaatice Of tieacivile Warts. meeas« 02% hatte Sheet ee The three books above are elementary source books in American history. 1273 HAVEN, C. E. Diary of a little girl of old New York.... 1288 *HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL. True stories from his- ST Came LOLA DN Var een we aoe nee Bese tee Benjamin West, Sir Isaac Newton, Samuel Johnsen, Oliver Cromwell, Ben- jamin Franklin and Queen Christina of Sweden are the subjects. Pomel loaner Om the trai of Grantand Lees 7.3. 625-025 The boyhooa and early training of Robert E. Lee is compared to that of Ulysses 8. Grant and their subsequent careers described. iol eee liar no trailor? Washington ; 6.0/0 Vin gue er se ep The best of recent biographies of Washington for young people. Poe met Le Vi Peeps at history; Indiay..... + eee | 1385 HOXIE, ©. D. -How the people rule. Maps, etc........ A book of civic information for young people. 1398 HUMPHREY, GRACE. Women in American history.. Pocohontas, Anne Hutchinson, Betsy Ross, Mary Lindley Murray, Molly Pitcher, Martha Washington, Jemima Johnson, Sacajawea, Dolly Madison, Lucretia Mort, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Julia Ward Howe, Mary A. Livermore, Barbara Frietchie, Clara Barton. 1438 JACKSON, W. C. Boys’ life of Booker T. Washington. . eta rk OK! SC aptain Milesistandishs.'\ 23's sess. ea 4 A history of the Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony. eee ri tN ba Lie PaMOus SCOUtS =.% ak. dere hres Indian fights, hair breadth escapes, chivalrous and heroic deeds enough for a dozen books. It begins with ‘‘Old Put’? and ends with ‘‘Buffalo Bill.” Boone, Kenton, Crockett, Lewis and Clark, Carson, Harney, Houston, and many others are included. 1624 PLAKGE,- lL. AS Little: peopleswho became great... Dutton & Cosa 58 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.14 The Baker & Taylor Co.. .48 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.16 The Baker & Taylor Com “1233 D.C. Heath Come A8 The Baker & Taylor Co.: 2.66 The Baker & Taylor Go.. 85 Charles Scribner’s Sons.. .95 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.33 American Book Co....... 63 The Baker & Taylor Co.. — .60 Charles Scribner’s Sons.. _.63 Charles Scribner’s Sons. . .60 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.45 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.90 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.90 E Pe Dutton Goer. 58 SIXTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. ABD; Ee ere et since tee MOT YO UN CISON «cae Ee oa ess Fare: “England has had many heroes, but never one who so entirely possessed the love of his fellow-countrymen as Nelson.’”’ A boy’s biography of the famous sea-fighter. Size 5 x 6 inches. 2448 SHIRLEY, RALPH. Short life of Abraham Lincoln. PAM eve tA oe Oureuations fags Jv. ws... A history of the national ensign and a collection of interesting incidents, in connection with it. Pe i avy CTOCREIE. ths nce es feds we we se A new biography of one of the most picturesque characters in American history, pioneer, congressman, hunter and Indian fighter. Berne DUA War ODO Velaincoln Ooo th lee atelete Lincoln’s life in the Indian backwoods described by one who knew him intimately, as well us the locality which forms the background of this story. 2586 Stories of Greece and Rome retold from St. Nicholas..... 2589 Stories of the ancient world retold from St. Nicholas... 2596 Strange stories of 1812 (Harper’s Young People Series) .. Battle of Lake Erie, the Massacre of Fort Dearborn, the ‘General Arm- strong’”’ fight, the victories of the Constitution, ete. 2598 Strange stories of the Revolution (Harper’s Young People yt on eee wy . eee oO. . The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor Co.. WacwiilancGo: aise ae en The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor The Baker & Taylor Cor PvVietCIisiiarie (20:0 penta Cort Cor, 73 PRICE 58 ‘95 1225 70 1.38 70 1.26 1.13 70 76 SIXTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR INDIANS. 748. CURTIS, GC. A.. Captured*by the Navajose ge PN The Baker & Taylor Co.. 796" DALE; EX Es slalesrofsthet epee tc. sae ere D.C. Heath Commas ‘These stories were gathered from Indians of many tribes now living on the reservations in Oklahoma. 880 *DRAKE, F..S., Indian history for, youngstolks=. yee The Baker & Taylor Co.. The most complete Indian history available. 936- EASDMAN,.C. A. Indian "childitete ir cnet cere ene The Baker & Taylor Co.. 937 Indian* heroes and “great ?chiettainss. ..3- ce -eenne eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. Sitting Bull, Rain in the Face, etc. 040 > EASTMAN, Es G. vindian slegends*retold ve eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 959 EGGLESTON, EDWARD, and E. E. SEELYE. Monte- PANT HNE Cs a PUR Se Rs aT NE MEARE Less yeni ily wae CRIS The Baker & Taylor Co.. An account of Montezuma’s kingdom and the conquest of Mexico. 960 Pocahontas iss acarctyseeatote nies tat oe gee te steer The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1178: GRINNELL, G.-B. ‘Blackfeet. Indian stores 22). oe eo Charles Scribner’s Sons.. 1378 HOWARD, O. O. Famous Indian chiefs I have known... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1556 * EASELESCHE CPRANC TSU Middleskivete a eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. ae the experience of an Indian boy of the Omaha tribe at an Indian 1931) NEWELL, CIGERO. (Indian stomes= pec eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. An interesting book about the Sioux Indians written by a man who lived among them for many years and was their friend. 2200, (ROBE Rebote li Gam Redeteathers ep ere eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. A book of Indian folk-lore stories describing the primitive life of the Newfoundland tribes when ‘‘men made prayers to the sun, the winds, the frost, and the stars.” 2317 SABIN, E. L. Boys’ book of Indian warriors.) a). The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2925 WILSON, GSE Indian hero. tales tee a ee American Book Co....... STANDARDS CLASSICS HISTORIGARSS Poh iiss. POETRY, ETC. 29. ALCOTT) LiiM. @jackcands Jill oe oi eee ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. The story of a boy and girl friendship, into which Concord scenes and folk are worked. ol Jo's DOYS: 2 rags cit oo tar cat ee en eee Pas The Baker & Taylor Co.. A sequel to ‘Little Men.” a2 Little mens: 022s Sch 25). A oe ee = ete Ree The Baker & Taylor Co.. Sequel to ‘“‘Little Women,’’ describing the school life of Jo’s boys at Plum- : eld. 33, '*Little women. ees. 3)) a hoe ee ee ae The Baker & Taylor Co.. Founded on the family history, and real adventures and experience of Miss Aicott and her sisters. PRICE 1.49 1.53 sd 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 SIXTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE 4/ ALDRICH, T. B: Story of a bad boy. TEAR Mannie hotr eat ga ee on Sag she Rs “No one else seems to have thought of telling the so great desire to show what a boy’s life is and teaching what it should be.’’—W. D. Howells. ores toi |. A: Border watch. . George Rogers Ciark’s expedition against the events in the early history of Kentucky enter largely 56 WUpecre fiitclor et eee ee ee ee (Riverside school story of a boy’s life with with so little purpose of Indian league and _ other into this story. ? A continuation of the adventures of ‘‘Henry Ware’’ and ‘Paul Cotter’ and a story of the great war trail in early Kentucky. 57 PO eCee eNO CE Soya sr ty ree eos, hate CC ee Early days on the Mississippi. Buckskin men from Kentucky. Spaniards from New Orleans, Indians and outlaws. Cr 5 9) 8) |S, ve Ne, 6) 0 8) 0.8. 6) Le) 8 6. eee eee eee ee eee ewe eee eee eee eee eee ee 69 PEO CUMNUINC LS eee ok canton crs oe 70 Masters of the peaks....:... iste es French and Indian war. 71 Fe eMIGT RO ie Lene IG ale ters 0s sc In the time of Daniel Boone. io tlenog ttnelalkes enrol. hace Sag : Scene Lakes George and Champlain during the French and Indian war. 78 mtetaror Greltysouie sss. - Se hase 79 VHT? 1 eV coal Basle stole OA eee a ae Another of the French and Indian War series. 87 BoC? mil allel ss eter oe aes bees iy ““A story of out-of-door life in Kentucky during oe ee ee ee eee ewes ere oee eee eee ee ee we eo the early days when the Indian was a factor to be reckoned with.’”’—Outlook. 89 AMES, J. B. Mystery of Ram Island. 90 PINES OGVUSCOULGOIOLSs «62 os 025s ss A good boy scout story. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The The The The The The The The The The 793 *AMICIS, EDMONDO DE. Cuore: a schoolboy’s journal The A charming story of school life in Italy, for pupils and teachers. ‘“‘It is a teacher of teachers not for Italy alone, but for all the world.’ 98 ANDERSEN, H.C. Fairy tales and wonder stories..... The A beautiful edition illustrated by Louis Rhead, with an introduction by W. D. Howells. Over forty of the best known tales are included. L0Se2Atapian-niohts.;,edited by; Andrew Lang... y..c6-e-ees Lhe These Old stories of the East were first presented to English readers by M. Gatland in 1704 and have delighted young and old of every generation since. This selection from ‘“The thousand and one nights’’ is rendered unusually attractive by handsome covers and _ illustrations. 172 BARBOUR, R. H. Change signals.... 175 For the freedom of the seas........ 178 JST SUAICEN iy lan ae San, ee 179 Peteai ne calnpies se ee io ee 181 aimee er OSCE cee ete als cect c. « 182 PATI Tas OA o ts oe neu.» 1 CO rc Che Ce ear ar wren Tey amc eee er ewe eee wee eee . © &) 0: 6) 0) ee) 4) 6 SP ee) 65 6) Se) ws) oe eg eye 6: (SO ke me helae |e. 6) CONTRACTOR Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker & Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Taylor Cir, Cox Co: Won. Gor: Co... Oo. CO.. CO, Com Co. cae Go:. CO. Boke Cox Co.. Car Ce Co.. 7/. PRICE ae 1.33 Eos E33 130 0 £33 [35 Poo 35 1.33 SA P35 1.14 RoZ 1.45 8 8. 1 1533 io L730 133 78 SIXTH GRADE SHON Eo Ue NO. TITLE 19i BARBOUR, Ron Sarlayethatewon<.- 1cc.4 6 ee eee 192 Purple pennant. AC... peste eee a aa eee 193 Rivals dor? the team, mae seen Ane ee eee 197 Lurneér) twits... vans « eee Wem a ee ee ee ee eee ee, Winning. his- eamé; cau coe eae i 212, BARNES, JAMES, “Herosote stony ol sae eee Life of General Anthony Wayne. 220, | BARKIE JAMES. » Peter andaW end yee “Those who know Peter Pan will welcome him caged in this volume, and will be pleased to find some new chapters of his experiences, and especially some account of what happened when Wendy grew up.’’—Outlook. 226 Peter Panz-editeds byakt Oc Perkins: sem ect aie see eee 257 “BEARD, DeG. “Black=wolf packs (raa ae eee A mystery and adventure story. 29/ BISHOP, AUSTIN Bop Thorpe skyaienter eee “Quite a thriller, well written and informing. The author has seen service in France, and transmits the excitement of battle very well.”—A. L. A. 298 Bobsalhorpe. sky nehterein. (talyan a. oe eee 299 Tom: of theiraiderS ee. coe.) eee ee A Civil War story. 339: *BOWEN: WILLIAM) SOldopaceo shops —.. tae ee A little boy, having taken a whiff of a magic pipe in the old tobacco shop, has amazing adventures with pirates. 381 ( “BROWN SE. AL At@the butterily notices... eee A pleasant story of home life with a mystery to add to the interest. 413 Spanish Fehesteo. cy Fans ke aie eee eee en Girl’s story of mystery and adventure. 449 BUNYAN, JOHN. Pilgrim’s progress (Routledge, ed.). “The Pilgrim’s Progress was doubtless not written in special sense for young readers, but successive generations of children have so fastened upon it and made it their own that we cannot exclude the book from their literature.”’ —Mrs. E. M. Field. 494 *BURNETE, Fo How Lost princes: 7.5. 1 a eee reer This is Mrs. Burnett at her best. There is the glamour of medieval romance about the story. Marco is likely to be one of the most popular of the many heroes she has put into the land of story books. 512 BURT, M.E., ed. Poems that every child should know... 516. BURTON? GaP Bobis billstrasen. cmec eee eee are Boy scout story. se Raven Patrol ot: Bob:ssHiitl’ sie ee eee ee 521 BUTTERWORTH, HEZEKIAH. Boys of (Greenway COUTE 4 6. saree gresehs-« lelonfys She. © © bg Wes bm RIMERE SEN re wk St koe are CONTRACTOR The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Charles Scribner’s Sons.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Charles Scribner’s Sons. . The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Macmillan Co. ..... itor The Baker & Taylor Co.. MacmitlangGo.. eae The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. EPS Dutton <2 Cos ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Plenry sole w1C0. cere Henry Holts&, Core. 2 ane The Baker & Taylor Co.. PRICE 1.33 1.33 133 1.33 1.33 1.38 1.90 1.05 SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR Deere Wein Manny Mists: si. 22 sk ee ale toss The Baker & Taylor Co.. Danny was a pugnacious person who had a temper. His career at prepara- tory school was not dull. He did not pick a fight, but when one was thrust upon him he followed Shakespeare’s well known advice. Good football story SooerC NN Lear Ce Reiugee raniily 9. Ur ec ae oie oes es The Baker & Taylor Co.. Story of the German occupation of northern France. 539 Mieepmrye Ee Lae tae epee es ene eye se a cle mr clas aie’ ='s The Baker & Taylor Co.. pep LED Wi We At Senecca castle. ...266 0650. os Pee Ditton ae On Pee ee eC ML Banner of the white horse. ....3....0.... Charles Scribner’s Sons. . A lively tale of the Saxon invasion of Great Britain. Pie eer OOD. Whekt Rocky Fork... 2.2.46 085 he 7.8 The Baker & Taylor Co.. * Describes the rural school of Central Ohio in the daysw before the Civil War. 579 CERVANTES, MIGUEL DE. Adventures of Don Quix- OC VBL EVV Ol Lattin sp fale) a sims t acs 8 Gece ees ine Pe Duttony ers Cor isess « nome wv A DRAG.» Children’s Homer accayla.. ad's. ee NMACIIUAO VCD. mod (ce. “Equally enthralling to boy or girl—the spirit of Homer.”—Wis. Lib. Bull C/G CON KUING HILDA S Poems by. a littleigirl.........45. The Baker & Taylor Co.. “T know of no other instance in which such really beautiful poetry has been written by a child.”’—Amy Lowell. 683 COOLIDGE, SUSAN. Barberry bush, and other stories. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Nine interesting short stories for girls. 688 TEES. Riles St ee EN shee CROC SCT ne The Baker & Taylor Co.. Sixteen short stories for girls. 689 Pere ARIES OAT Met or ee Ge. Perna shine 8 is ss The Baker & Taylor Co.. The story of a girl’s visit to Newport. 693 NGL Cel RSIS AGES Gee needa cnealne ie hale yen Oty ir ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. A volume of short stories for girls. PO MEG ONE E ar ois, ey Olliip-Tallroadersa ee ty. Gea cs sss am oes The Baker & Taylor Co.. No dull pages in this story. It is full of the exciting experiences of tele graph operators and station agents in the west. meee dhs) he fhe vspy abridged by) B.eA (Griffins ... Ginn & Co... .. . << .aecs. A novel of the Revolution. Scenes laid in Westchester County. 711 COTES, Mrs. EVERARD. Story of Sonny Sahib,..... The Baker & Taylor Co.. An English child rescued from the Cawnpore massacre is brought up at a native court in North India. An excellent story and picture of life in the East. 2331 Courageous girls, retold from St. Nicholas............:.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Stories of bravery in various settings. Fiction. Me COUCSEN Ss PW. \Diamond story book..3.. 7.2Gein = The Baker & Taylor Co.. 714 RU MeetOLY HOOK) aloe in fo re ce. oe in nme we nee es The Baker & Taylor Co.. Piommercappiite stdry DOK) vim. caaucuinn vis. Ss so on olteaiolaginns The Baker & Taylor Co.. eee EPPO OAS BAD eS, 185 eG fer heh «| a er Cae Oe car Maefnillans Cos aura a tir “Four children would not read Scott, so I told them these stories and others to lure them to the painted book.’ The stories are from ‘‘Waverly,” “Guy Mannering,” ‘Rob Roy’ and “The Antiquary.” a Me Vy GOL, an Kndz alge sates cc wee ete The Baker & Taylor Co.. SIXTH GRADE Story of an Arctic wolf dog. 79 PRICE 153 1.34 1.34 1.20 .94 1.16 40 .90 bis 1%) 68) Vai) 135 2 .64 1.33 80 SIXTH GRADE SUPPLY NO yee TITLE CONTRACTOR PRICE 776 DAVIS, M.-GueGils book oisverse. ee. ene ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.52 Miss Davis is supervisor of clubs and story telling in the New York Public Library. Her interesting collection of poems includes all those that the girls in the clubs have enjoyed. 1620 *DE LA RAMEE, LOUISA. (Ouida) Dog of Flanders ; Nurnberg stove, and: other stories... hae eee ee J.B, Lippincott *Coeaes .68 Holiday edition. Pictures by M. L. Kirk. 1622 Mottilou and other:stories.-.. on. ee ee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. —.56 1623 Nurnberg "stove 2.4). cannes seen) eee The Baker & Taylor Gol=56 796 *DEFOE, DANIEL. Robinson Crusoe (Children’s Classics) E. P. Dutton & Co...... 90 808°" DELAND, En Da -lortunes-ofsRhoebetn serene The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.33 813 SOCTEt (Stair AN We curs e's eee ew een ane 75 a ee ae The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.32 New England story with an interesting mystery. 814 Successiul venture. 05... sects, 2g eee ee ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.38 $46 -DIMOCK HA? We Dick among theslumber Jagksaan eet The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.32 A surveyor’s party in the wilds of Canada. 850: DIX; (B) M: . ‘Betty-pide-at-home te: 2.-c ee eee Henry Holt: &*Go:etieee .90 852 Friends*in thevend 7... wee ..\22ee ee Henry Holts Cor eee .90 A tale of the New Hampshire mountains. F 854 Kay” Danturth’s canny vac. eee yee ee ee ae ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.03 858 Turned-about: girls®. [e720 ee es Macmillan+Cor .. 2a i Paes A rico little girl and a poor little girl exchange families, and both learn something. 860 *DODGE, M. M. Hans Brinker; or The Silver skates.... Charles Scribner’s Sons.. .54 A picture of life in Holland. 903. DUBLEY, A T.; Hollowing: thesballs 2. ot oe The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.38 905 Makitig: the nines’. [e295 ee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.38 Two decidedly good stories of school life, ‘‘true to athletics in their better spirit and teaching—not preaching—a manly and reasonable ideal.’’ 910 DUGMORE, A. R. Adventures in Beaver Stream Camp..The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.30 Adventures of two boys shipwrecked on the coast of Newfoundland. The descriptions of animal life are reliable. 911 DUMAS, ALEXANDER. Three Musketeers; adapted by CoS! Baileys Gee ets ane ee eae Milton Bradley Co...... 220 This is considerably abridged. The pictures are striking. 916 *DUNCAN, NORMAN. Adventures of Billy Topsail.... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.33 Billy Topsail is a Newfoundlander who captures devil fish, goes whaling, is lost on a cliff, joins a sealer and does no end of venturesome things. 931 DYER, We A.w-Five Babbitts at Bonnyacress. -.... eee Henry, Holts: Cos ae 90 A happy story of family life in the country. 943 EATON; WP Boy Scouts ofsberkshireparc more ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.38 The ‘‘boy scout movement’? has never had a better friend and exponent than Mr. Eaton. 944 Boy Scouts in the Dismal Swamp..... POLIS AS Di oheqer dt The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.38 SIXTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR Prete lio ONG, Coy Bie Brothers... >. .ses- 0s ae ne Ene’ Baker Gealavior Co: A story of the Creek war of 1813. 965 aptaih. sam, ore. ne boy Scouts of 1814.0 wi4. 22. The Baker & Taylor Co.. 966 Ree ral oma PeNOd CG en asic au, 1. a erteee St aoe =1:32 Adventures in Yellowstone Park. 1183 Jack) the young (explorer... «7. e ee ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.32 “Boy’s life in northern Montana. Among the Blackfoot Indians.”—A. L. A. 1185 Jack, ‘the young trapper. comes ae eee ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.32 Camp life in Colorado. 1219" ALE OE Preiastor thes eter cite 3 ee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.33 A continuation of the ‘‘Peterkin Papers.”’ 12730 HALL, RU PHD -Boys-of Scroobyi ts eee eee The. Baker & ‘Taylor Coryeeme A story of the Pilgrims and the early days of the Plymouth colony. The scene is also laid in the Jamestown settlement. Introduces Sir Walter Raleigh and many historical personages. 1234 «HALSEY,- Rilo sLibertyseiriic on eee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.38 1248 , HARRIS, J. Gs Daddy=|ake> the runawayur..: eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.33 Plantation ‘life in Georgia’ during the Civil War. 1250 ©. *Ony thegplanta tion je ay... at eee The Baker: & Taylor .Co7g ines A Georgia boy’s adventures during the Civil War. 1262 HART, W.-o-e Injunrand Whitey pee. aia eee The: Baker & Taylor Cos ete ' Story of the “wild west” for boys. 1263; HARTLEY G. 1. Boy hunters in .Demerarat-) eer eens The Baker & ‘Taylor Co.geteog 1265, HASBROUGKGL. S. Chokechetryisiand? ep ee The Baker & Taylor Co..., 1.33 1268 GASES Sy as E. ee aE Ar Se PR! eS Se E.-P.2Dutton 634 Coz ase 1.20 1269 @-Heart-San; the story of. a: Japanese: girl’... oa) eee The Baker & Taylor Co.7 i235 1303 HENDRYX, J. B. Connie Morgan in the lumber camps. The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.33 1304 ConniemMorganswith the Mounted 5 eo. aes) ree The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.33 Adventures with the famous Northwest Mounted Police. 1316 HEYLIGGER, SEE Against. 0dd=. ue sree The Baker & Taylor Go, ise 1317 Bartley, Hveshiman. pricherje > o.oo ee The Baker & Taylor Cor, “1:33 1318 Captain. Pargand? Square. 222 ee ee Macmillan’Co. Saeeee ee Marty has an ingenious plan to raise mushrooms in a disused mine. Inci- dentally there is a nest of German spies. 1628 Under‘sorders 2 yg ee ts, an tee eee ee ee Macmillan Go. ©.) eee The doings of the Pettibone boys’ club and adventures in business. 1643° LELCIE Le. Hovsehokilon Glen sho ae ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1659 LISLE, C. C. Diamond rock..............+......00e. The Baker & Taylor Co.. interesting story of the Revolution, especially the Paoli massacre and Anthony Wayne.”—A. ZL. A. 1660 Sandy Flash, the highwayman of Castle Rock......... The Baker & Taylor Co.. Story of revolutionary times in Pennsylvania. 1661. "LITTEE SPRAIN CHS2*> Camps jolie... terete eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. Three boys camping in Colorado. 16737 *LONDON, JACK -@ruise of the’ Dazzler ieee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. A good sea story of adventure with fishing pirates in San Francisco Bay. 1691 NEWBERRY, PERRY. Castaway Island:.......5..... The Baker & Taylor Co.. This is a story of the Robinson Crusoe type that is said to be nearly as thrilling as the original. The scene is laid in the Gallapagos Islands. 1946 NORMAND, CHARLES. Emerald of the Incas........ The Baker & Taylor Co.. Adventure in Peru. A most attractive book. 1998 PAGE, T. N. Among the camps. SRN oc ome eure Charles Scribner’s Sons.. Four stories of southern life during the re of the Civil yas 2003 fiwor itlemCOniecefates.. ... a uct. se fem ss See! ... Charles Scribner’s Sons.. Story of two Virginian lads on the Soniaunn during the war. POPOMEE CL re Dare ulackbeara ' uCccalcer....0-...0.e--.-. Lhe Baker & Taylor.Co., Pirate adventures in colonial days. ZUqoute PARSON, Eel. Voyage of the Hoppergrass..*....... Macmillan” Coy eer: . A very diverting’ and pleasant tale of a cruise along the New England coast. Dorm a ea Ver oe MOV Se UVESCY 2... tee ptr niet ete kino «ore Macmillan” Cot Searen “Butcher and Lang’s translation serves as the basis for the capital retelling for boys of what was really the first great romance of adventure. The cover design and colors are notably beautiful.’”—The Outlool. some Eee SRP DOY SOL tou mel MOL S.0n, Wastes cere tee ote oi Charles Scribner’s Sons.. “ $chool athletics, football, hockey, baseball, tennis. 2095 UOPOHASIN Sa) ALA CTCL 9 omcenpuemnchucllsaigeec aE A a aR Doe me ieebaker & Vaviot:- Co. PU Mim ACCinms Orn ot. al HOt WS eral. Ga. odiox os be beatae ds The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2127 PORTOR,L.S. Genevieve; a story of French school days E. P. Dutton & Co...... ZijdeeERIGE, EH- By eFortune ofsthe Indies... .:. sc ee ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. SIXTH GRADE A story of mystery and! adventure for girls beginning in New England and going to China and India before the mystery is solved. 85 PRICE 90 .90 .90 ah) £33 1.03 136 E32 1.07 1.07 Lge) 1.90 11. tld 1:93 83 1.60 63 RoE ie) 1.20 1.33 86 SIXTH GRADE SUPBPLY: NO. TITLE 2156; PRICE, Bab, sHappyaventures see ee 2 ee eae ae A pleasant story of family life—keeping house while mother is ill. The children are a little too good, otherwise normal and lively. 2166- PUTNAM, ED He Wattysand Cowes ne eer ee “Experiences of three boys on an island off the Maine coast not far from a summer resort. Plenty of excitement, humor and good fun.’’—Bookshelf for Boys and Girls. 220 “RANKING Gaw? eGinderePond.. sor ae Par ees eo ron ' Jeanne, the heroine of this tale, lived out on the end of an old dock in Lake Superior. 2202 Dandelion cottages. cen, «net Le RAB AT Bes ate A story for girls. 2216 REPPLIER, AGNES; ed) Book: of famous verse... “Martial strains which fire the blood, fairy music ringing in the ears, half- told tales which set the youngest heart dreaming, brave deeds, unhappy fates, sombre ballads, keen, joyous lyrics, and small jewelled verses, where every word shines like a splendid gem.’’—Prejace. 2222 RHYS, ERNEST and GRACE. eee ae tales. (Ev- efyinan salibrary) pee sc es erie ae vee tee we sauebere ae 2209) ROBBER Ton G@. Ga: Tim, the story of a backwoods police COS asa ake 2 Siac ar ER. oS ee ae ee 2330 SANDBURG, CARL. Rootabaga storiesiieei ses n08 ees “Carl Sandburg has developed a new field in American fairy-tale conception. He has gone to the American prairies, to the Middle West towns and cities, to the great American corn belt, and conceived a series of tales that smack mightily of American soil.”—N. Y. Times. 2356 “SGHULIZ,-J..W. = Questo the Hish-dossskinry sewers Sequel to ‘“‘With the Indians in the Rockies.’’ 2359 Trail of the Spanish horse...... Bag eg Ee Sy ih: ae 2360 Visite tials orien se. sagt chute ak Maeeae Reta te PS. PORE 2361 Withsthe indians inthe (Rockiese:: secacee2 52.00 see Zour sCOV TEER? SAM UE leage Wild st oli te eee Stories about wild animals. 2393 DEAMA NAA Hew Boarded-up-houses-- 2 eae te Two girls unravel a mystery concerning a deserted house. Zao slipperspoint, Mystery. 2. oeure + <6 s ee ene : The exploration of a secret underground passage is the occasion of many thrills and one narrow escape. 2424 SEWELL, A. H. Black Beauty. (King’s Treasuries).. 2440 “SHAW FPL Wastle* Blairs .c8 . « sare hee eee eee “There is quite a lovely little book just come out about children—‘Castle Blair.’ The book is lovely and good and true, having the best description of a lovely child in it (Wirnie) that I ever read and nearly the best description of the next best thing—a noble dog.’’—John Ruskin. 2446 SHERMAN, H. A., and KENT, C. F. Children’s Bible. Selections from the Old and New Testaments, abridged and modernized. A beautiful book, illustrated in colored and halftone reproductions of famous pictures of Biblical subjects. 2462 SINGMASTER, ELSIE. When Sarah saved the day... The story of a little Pennsylvania Dutch girl. 2480 SMITH, C. L. Gus Harvey, the boy skipper of Cape Ann A story of the Gloucester fishermen. CONTRACTOR The Baker & Taylor Co.. Macmillan Co... pee Henry Holt }&.Comaaees Henry Holt? & Cones The Baker & Taylor Co.. EE. .P Dutton &- Gor ee MacmillansCo, ee aoe The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. .The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. H.oP) Dutton ad: Gorge D.C. Heathens oan aes Charles Scribner’s Sons. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co. PRICE ia Ze 1.14 t36 SIXTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE 2509 SMITH, N.A. Old old tales from the old old book...... Old Testament stories. 2522 SPYRI, JOHANNA. Heidi; translated by P. S. Allen illustrated by Maginel Wright Enright................. 2537 *STEIN, EVALEEN. Gabriel and the hour book....... Gabriel was a peasant boy who mixed colors for the monks of St. Martin’s Abbey in Normandy before the invention of printing. 2539 Pn DACOUIMLALesE tmnt wae ore ens Tah, ae ok cian «eae oeeate Four tales of the middle ages about minstrels, knights and pages. eq ELEN ee Jos Miro ee Lrish fairy’ tales cc .if 0c. -< emesis: Beautifully illustrated edition. ? Pee VG Noe ©). meV esSmates 4.uj0,. 01s cee s coe ceeieleaioate « Continues the career of ‘‘Pewee Clinton’? in a cruise abroad. 2543 BE COMAPI TIO Me DICUES are o's soon) aca iphates bares Care ata 4 Sense A story of life at the U. S. Naval academy. 2546 STEVENSON, B. E., comp. Home book of verse for UG iO GME tere tosses a aio eels atte As Aa co fieteteca ase of 2548 STEVENSON, B. E., and E. B., comps. Days and deeds; DOCU Vieteiece teieisiely ciolv-a mua of erate'e esc cr acs Wit §is eiglete hs vie © nie es Ep aee PMV ENSON: Ro Lo [Treasure Island. foi... es eke Edited, with introduction and notes. Durable binding. Pees ON tie Ree StOLy. OLS ILeAllecs - 45 cv pes cqiee ss A tale of battle and adventure in the days of chivalry, in France. ae ee OLLI Lea VVC) ait Dab | INITIZEL c pans oe ca as we Oe vee Hs A Long Island boy’s life on a south shore farm and at a New England academy. Japa 9 be CeerUme On IG CK meee a na are oc ekin eee cs oe ne cite alae New York during the first year of the Revolution. Nathan Hale, Washington Hamilton, Paul Revere and other historic characters. 2979 ESV EO LV OLKLOWI\, cies SUey eUe neat See ihale scx we aes A story of Arnold and Washington in the last year of the war of independ- ence. Zo00ees tt UAR be EYP. Piang, the Moro jungle boy s.8 «4.2.2. A story which brings in much reliable information about native life in the Phillippines. 2602 *STUART, R. M. Story of Babette, a little Creole girl.... A charming tale of life in New Orleans. Paleo re Dt OOP Is Cape, Cod.boy... ine. vaee cass ees A Portuguese boy cast ashore from a wreck wins a home with a Cape Cod family and becomes its mainstay. POL smear by Mies. “Little. corey houses oi es tenn colt toe The little house contained an interesting family of girls and a visionary father with an invention. 2648 *TEASDALE, SARA, ed. Rainbow gold; illustrated by Digaldotewatt) Walken oes ssc. sce s4 2 fa = aie ee ete A beautiful collection of poems for children, selected by a poet. Pp soe PH ACK ERA YeouwM.© Rose-and the ring? 70s.) yas A fairy tale with a touch of satire. The magic rose and the magic ring have equally the property of making the wearer seem beautiful and lovable. CONTRACTOR The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Maemillans Co. ir... 22s The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. ELeUUVELIOM Ge, COr cis Gs The Baker & Taylor Co.. OFGa ho ec Cre eae od ol a aa Charles Scribner’s Sons.. Charles Scribner’s Sons.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Faylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Nracmillanig@ore «oi. < + The Baker & Taylor Co.. 87 88 STAD HEGRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR PRICE 2683° (‘LOMEENSON, Es Tye {Boy oricersto fol Ze a eres The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.38 Follows the ‘‘Boy soldiers of 1812’? and covers the operations of 18138, the expedition against Toronto, defense of Fort Meigs, Perry’s victory. Z684 Boy ‘soldiers of 1812.2 2 eee, te ee ere The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.38 Sequel to ‘“‘The Search for Andrew Field,’’ continuing the adventures of the boys at the eastern end of Lake Ontario and on the St. Lawrence, 1812. 2685 Boys.with Old: Hickory seen ee ee sv.eeess of he Baker & Davlor Commmeer re Battle of New Orleans, 1814. Closing the “‘War of 1812” series. 2686 Champion -ofithe regiment.c.¢..).s.e en ee eens i. Lhe: Baker & Laylor Co. smiles 2689 Guarding athe? bordetsr tee arene sials eens f eee The Baker & Taylon Can” siese Military operations on Lake Ontario, 1814, and the Miners frontier. Fifth book in the “War of 1812” series. ; 2694 Mystery, of the*Kamapo Pass. e.v.-ehee ances = aaa ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.33 Story of a scout employed by Washington. 2701 Scouting witheDaniel® Boone..).8) veh ss enme jis seee es Lhe Baker & Taylor Commie The deeds of the most famous of scouts and pathfinders, in story form. 2702 Scouting with Mad Anthony..... Sn ee eee ». Lhe Baker & Taylor Co: gees 2703 Search for Andrew Field........ ES ting SA ae The, Baker’*& “Taylor Co. ae The days of 1812 on Lake Ontario aud the adventures of an ‘Agnepiean boy ‘pressed’? into the British naval service. 2704 Sergeant led = Cole.) Us. Viarines, see eee REST The Baker & Taylor co 1.38 The Marines at Chateau-Thierry. 2707 Tecumseh‘s-young. braves... .... 00+ > flag Hoke eaters eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.38 A story of the Creek War, 1813, transferring the “Boy Officers” to the South with General Jackson. Fourth book of the series. 2710 Trail of the Mohawk chief......... ba Spe as Rated at The Baker*& Taylor Cor, "lesa 2715 Young minute-men-o1181270 =. ae. Bean Rees -teeeeee- Lhe Baker & Taylor Co, sees The campaign on Lake Ontario and the ‘st. Lawrence in 1814. Commodore Macdonough’s victory on Lake Champlain. 2718 Young sharpshooter ................- Ee Nee re, Fe The Baker & Taylor*@o:meine fe eee of two brothers in the Union army during the! Seneaiice campaign 2720 TOMLINSON, P. G. In the land of the caribou: :.... ... Charles Scribner’s Sons.. 95 The cruise of four boys in a yawl from New York to Labrador. 2721 Princeton boy under tine kingyy. 3. e oe ~« [Che Baker & daylorGomeiess Story of the Revolution. 2/22 Urailtot Blackeltawk anaes Gaal oo stclacehe we Clonee 7. tbe BakertQcelaylor Gouna The experiences of two frontier boys in 1832. 2/25 Trail Winston Gos. nee 1.00 2/29 Doing bistbestte. sr +2o ese is eee eee an ens JCA Winston Gor. eeeeen 1.00 2730 Fast friends Su5'. <’s'. 00S ne ets cae ete eee eee eve hn a J.C) Winston Go.tea eee Jack Hazard’s adventures in New York. 2731 > * jack Hazardtand tus fortunéss-. Ss wade The Baker & Taylor Co.. 647 Gasy Sasoline and oilengines..../2./0..>...0%.2...:2. The’ Baker &-Taylor Co.. 652 REO CmATIIALCH E: SEN ANCUOOK Si cau. + « cpueie ce car 0 jee lewsie ele alsiate The Baker & Taylor Co.. 656 COLLINS, F. A. Boys’ book of model ‘aeroplanes....... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 661 erie ee Olle DO ie COA Son emeM Le <6 Sie ig a5 yeaiew Gant Sua OF The Baker & Taylor Co.. 662 pligawedielecse (alles Gar eaqea tii o.oo ons «Sica hanya ake The Baker & Taylor Co.. ae IGE ere eV ISIE LO a COMM INING. ©. 0. *.°7.°.'i 7 alalere eet: Oxford University Press. This is an English book, describing mining in the British Isles. Well illustrated. Bound in linen. 91 1.30 We 92 SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR 912 DUNCAN, FRANCES. Home vegetables and small fruits Charles Scribner’s Sons. . 3144 FABRE, Je He * Kieldtorest; and tarm 9...c ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1057) FRASERAC? GC i Workea-day, heroes. 1c. oe eee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. The miner; the structural engineer; the steeple-jack; the fireman; the diver; the air-mailman, etc. 1079 FULLERTON, E. L. Book of the home garden......... The Baker & Taylor Co.. Vegetables and fruits. A good, practical book. 1145: | GREENE, HOMER: Coal and:coaltmines:/ 9s ae The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1281 HAWKSWORTH, HALLAM. Adventures of a grain of USE: «ates: so tagte gate ee ale tia ace: sak Gee ee Charles Scribner’s Sons... Describes the processes of nature that make the grain of dust. Similar to the strange adventures of a pebble. 1282 irangeddventures.olsa pebble. . ac. cle a es een Charles Scribner’s Sons.. The pebble tells its own story, including in it all the elementary facts of geology in a really interesting way. A game of “hide and seek in the library” at the end of each chapter will be of interest to teachers in charge of library rooms. 1356, H@ELAND, RS. Historic inventions... 5 1.0 ae ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1467 JOHNSON, GAY LOR Die Star peoples. arte Macmillan Com ace nee ““A few easy charts of the stars, an introduction in simple form to the star people, a short explanation of their whereabouts.’’—Lii. R. 1489" J OUDSON,"Gs I? Junior cookbook s.4 3h aa. eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1873. (MOREE Y, Mi WeeSong-otulifen et ore eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. Contents: Flowers, Fishes, Frogs, Birds, The end and the beginning. The world’s cradle. 1929 NEWBOLT, HENRY. Submarine and anti-submarine.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2043 PATTERSON, LOUISE. How to have bird-neighbors.. D. C. Heath & Co....... 220 ROBER TSC. G sD eesecrete trails; ne enter ee ee Macoullan Cos, seca Animal stories. Well illustrated. 3344 ROTH, FILIBERT. chirst book ols foresiry.. 5-3 eee Ginn sé. Coy ee. eee Popular treatment, showing how the forests are raised, are kept up, cared for and protected; how lumber is cut, and the uses to which it is put. The whole subject of conservation is treated. 2328 ST. JOHN) /...).....°- The Baker & Taylor Co.. PUGs Ee RHART HORACE? Camping and wooderaft...... Macmillan? Coe far 2... “4 handbook for vacation campers amd for travelers in the wilderness.’’ Sub-title. PZ oe POaRAN LAND Bors book of, sportsa. ..3 ~ aa.2ve The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1117 Scouting for girls; official handbook of the girl scouts.... The Baker & Taylor Co.. POO VERKIEL, ASH: Boys: outdoor vacation-book.. 2... 2: . The Baker & Taylor Co.. Bae wl GAINGLONS PAUL... Book of athleties. 3.04.45. The Baker & Taylor Co.. PUA: mee ee Lan Wl ittles women play aedinoae sees Ce The ‘Baker & Taylor Co.. 217 BARNUM, M.D. School plays for all occasions....... The Baker & Taylor Co.. Eleven plays for holidays, including Armistice Day and Graduation. 838 DICKENS, CHARLES. Short plays from Dickens; ar- PRON Lt Ora CS Ee OEOWRC ba. tah anes crpienenelbel oles emis Charles Scribner’s Sons.. TO tt Del sAs me Lnree:to make ready . «. 0", 5 ceane The Baker & Taylor Co.. Deeds in which John Sevier, Daniel Boone, Henry Bouquet, George Rogers Clark, Sam Houston, David Crockett, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison and other American fighters had a part. BROOK sb oe otwry pine american sailor... 27.5. The Baker & Taylor Co.. 95 Pe 1.40 45 ih 1.14 1.54 96 SEVENTH GRADE SUPPLY: NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR 431 BRUCE, P. A. Brave deeds of Confederate soldiers..... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 440 BUCHAN, JOHN. Book of escapes and hurried journeys The Baker & Taylor Co.. 501 BURNHAM, SMITH. Making of our country......... The Baker & Taylor Co.. Excellent reference history, especially recommended for central library rooms. 524 CACCAVAJO, JOSEPH. Guide to the municipal govern- ment of ‘the city; of Neway ork) een ee Brooklyn Daily Eagle... An excellent book, in fact the only up-to-date account of the powers and duties of all the city departments 586 CHAMPLIN, J. D. Young folks’ history of the war for tHE UNION Ys cise eps eek oop hatte ots ee ar Henry Holt. & Co. eee “Tt is, in short, a well-written and entertaining history of the war of the rebellion, very fair and impartial in tone.’’—Nation. 660 COLEINS, F. A. [Naval heroes obi tetlay. oe ae . The Baker & Taylor Co.. 701 COOMBS; LOVELL» Ulysses" > Grants et ae eee Macmillan *Co.2, ee ~ 736° CROW EM. FF? SGatayette 7 care eee ee Macmillan°Co. 72. oe 737 “CRUMP, IRVING] Boy's: book of Tiremcna sare een: The Baker & Taylor Co.. 739 Boys’ ‘book of ‘policemen... \a a. =. eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 753 *CUSTER, E. B. Boots and saddles; or; Life in Dakota with sGeneral -Gustéts. -acc co he ee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. Mrs, Custer gives a lively and detailed account of the pleasures and hard- ships of army life in the west from 1873 to the general’s death in 1876. 7>8 DALE, LUCY. Landmarks -ofg british) history aan The Baker & Taylor Co.. 783 DAVIS, R. H. Real‘soldiers*or fortune... 2. =. eee Charles Scribner’s Sons. . Sketches of modern heroes who have fought under many flags. 802 DE KOVEN, Mrs. REGINALD. Primer of citizenship... E. P. Dutton & Co...... “Throughout the volume runs a thread of history written in a manner that should thrill the young student of American citizenship, whether he be a ‘ child in the grammar grades or an immigrant stumbling through his first reading in English.’ "—B, R. D. 842, DICKENS, MAMIE, CharlesuDickend.e poccuen tee The Baker & Taylor Co.. A short biography of Dickens written by his eldest daughter. 891 DRIGGS.L. L. “Hérocs*ot-aviationg.... eeu ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 972:. ELSON, L. C. “Great, composers; and * their work ieee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 996. FARIS, J. ‘TT... Makers of our history «. 3. eee Ginn 5 & Cog.27.4.- ee A useful book of biographies of all the prominent figures in our national . l#e from Benjamin Franklin to Alexander Graham Bell. 1020" FITZHUGH, P. Ks Boy's’ book.of scomte iy eer ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. George Rogers Clark, Davy Crockett, Kit Carson, Daniel Boone, General Custer and other picturesque heroes of the frontier. 1072 FROTHINGHAM, J. P. Sea fighters from Drake to Farragut. ss oboe natn eh cas os Pera Charles Scribner’s Sons.. 1159° GREY, ZANE, Last of the.plaismenar .-... ose The Baker & Taylor Co.. True story of Buffalo Jones, the preserver of the American bison. 1197) *GUERBER, HoA.s Story Dtsclds) Vancer met cilaee Amercant Pook tGo. sana PRICE a a2 1.68 SEVENTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TILES 1245 HARRIS, A. B. American authors for young folk...... Irving, Gooper, Prescott, Emerson, Hawthorne, Stowe, the Carys, Bayard Taylor, Thoreau, Parkman, Curtis, Mitchell, Helen Hunt Jackson and Lowell. Pet ee) eee ens VV Gand OUT MISOfy Os so houk. le. oH A ‘biography of the American people’ profusely illustrated, including &n analysis of the Constitution of the United States. DEE Lvl Vet ee. | CP OINWEN LOU. Pho suas Ohne ss 1287 HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL. Grandfather’s chair. . Stories from New England history, or the adventures of an arme!vair which passed through all the vicissitudes of the early colonists and the pre-revolution- ary period. Pee ees Cel oe ee ETON ee ew AL. Se ley he oo. bee : Starving descriptions oF the everyday heroism of the men who fight ie This is one of the most popular books in school libraries. 1334 HITTELL, T. H. Adventures of James Capen Adams mountaineer and grizzly bear hunter of California...... Pee ai DR Siinchanted « pastia 5 aus sau) sinwee ee A book to arouse interest in ancient history, literature, religion and art. It describes how ancient people lived, their occupations, amusements, etc. I1- lustrated by photographs of historic works of art. ee et) ee) Gye edict Orie. UOynOOdS 0c 1265 dee = aoe 1355 Wiese iti hOOUS alata ck A esa ene ale Sie Sea! Poo OR LON BODIE. 2Group of famous women.-...... : Fen tee ee WY ds UR Oy se towiin te carter ett weeds Lo An account of the author’s own boyhood in a country town in southern ~ Ohio. Preieweny Oral. K.P Girl's book of the Red Cross, ov. .+. 8.4 «. PA ROGUE V ITCH Pp. ay one Russian .cérpofala.d..0. +3. : “An interesting personal record of the war escapades of a Russian-Jewish, lad of twelve who served in the Russian army.’’—A. LD. A. F 1422 IRVING, WASHINGTON, and FISKE, JOHN. Wash- Pear Ie iSO ISTIT ose Sars 1a Sas ats eS Saks An abridgment of Irving’s ‘“‘Life of Washington,” with an introduction and continuation of the history of the United States by John Fiske. Poe eee ee tisonereot the 1-90. nd a eats Woche 8 Story of an American naval officer captured by a German submarine, who escaped from Villiargen Prison Camp 1918. 1453> JENKS, J. W., and SMITH, R. D. We and our govern- NE emma ety eer eM acest fore gh aula ve) o 5) Suef eMcetrs Nee. Glas ake os: sea, Sjosacelh vs An excellent new civics book describing all the functions of government and emphasizing the hand in it that every citizen should have. Ii is illustrated plentifully and most interestingly, with actual photographs. Aalto bi OE IE. “God's troubadour... Sate fas. 3s Story of St. Francis of Assissi. Peer Mi NsON, (oR. WW eeandrourework.... 31 casi. Fa sah Story of industry, completely illustrated. A picture book of how we earn our daily bread in factories, workshops, on farms, railroads and rivers. Chap- ters about how wealth is produced, prices and banking, marketing our products, wages, etc. Py tee ON, ROSS! CER PM aero of Manila iat: oyaey , Story of Admiral Dewey’s boyhood in Vermont. CONTRACTOR The Baker & Taylor Co.. Amer. Viewpoint Society. Rand McNally & Co... The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Charles Scribner’s Sons. . ary be Ustad Gr ooo Cais Be ile The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Ds Gallente Gears. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. F (rn: 2... eee ee. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Amer. Viewpoint Society. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Amer. Viewpoint Society The Baker & Taylor Co.. 97 PRICE ah 135 1555 1.16 98 SEVENTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TlTLE CONTRACTOR 1511 KIEFFER, H. M. Recollections of a drummer boy..... The Baker & Taylor Co.. In camp and field with the Army of the Potomac during the Civil war, True stories told by a real drummer boy. 1549 KRASINSKA, FRANCOISE. Journal of the Countess Krasinska® ../92 he ens Ca ore eee et ee . The Baker & Taylor’ Coz This little Polish Countess tells about life in her father’s castle with its gorgeous festivities, then her social life at Warsaw, and her romantic secret marriage with the Duke of Courland. 1567 LANG? ANDREW. “Allsorte Of sores (00k te The Baker & Taylor Co.. A fascinating melange of tales true or fanciful, some with a weird or ghostly turn. 1589 Brincesand | princesses. <> scan. ee eee ere The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1592 Red" book’ of heroes? 8. 7.22. .c ae oe ee en The Baker & Taylor Co.. Florence Nightingale, John Howard, Hannibal, Father Damien, Don Fernando of Portugal, th2 Marquis of Montrose, General Havelock, Sir Thomas More, Gor- don; Theodosius, Palissy are the heroes. 1618) LANSING) Mo F > “Patriots ands tyrants ase. as eee ee Ginn &: Go; 2a one eee “We are apt to take our liberties as a matter of course. It is good for us to recall how hardly they were won and how dearly prized by our ancesiors.”’ 1876 MORRIS, CHARLES. Heroes of the navy in America.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1879 MOSES BELT. ew: ‘Carroll. en eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. A life of the author of ‘Alice in Wonderland.” 1880 *Louisa May Alcott, dreamer and worker, a story of achievement sis". 242 Geses a ee ee eee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1933 NICOLAY, HELEN. Boys’ life of Abraham Lincoln... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1954 OGDEN, H. A., and HITCHCOCK, H. A. Boys’ book of FAMOUS ALePIMENTS alle eto as Se ch se ee ee ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. Records of Cromwell’s ‘‘Ironsides,’’ the Irish guards, the “Black Watch,’ the Imperial guard of France, Glover’s Marblehead regiment, Morgan’s rifle- men, Frederick the Great’s grenadiers, the Cossacks of the guard. 2029 PARKMAN, FRANCIS. Boy’s Parkman; arranged by LowisesE, «Hasbrouck. <.;0. 9200 ae ee ne The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2036 PARKMAN, M.R. Heroes of to-day...... Pe Ok The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2037 Hetoinesmot@ services. een. aaa eee sheets wives . The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2038 PARSONS; "GEORF RE VY. wloand: of iiairepia yee ee Charles Scribner’s Sons. . ‘Better than a hundred other books about the American idea of government because the subject is approached from the right angle.’-—Sch. Lib. Bull. 2157 PRICE) ECs Stories trom Prench hictoty. eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 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A stirring story of Roundhead and Cavalier. 1779 Pas erase NedCy meat )ACODS) . 5.6.2. 4s kis cae bane eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1791 MARTINEAU, HARRIET. Peasant and the prince; a SrOgem Otel ies lr encirakevOluutiON os maa... #5 + Siar, sete as CoUMa Ere (Oar er eam ote isl arl OH Ne) ite Davise . 4 as oc oie ey ae teee ss The Baker & Taylor Co.. “The book belongs to the same class as Stevenson’s ‘Treasure Island’ and could be compared not unfavorably with that favorite story of adventure.’’— Jeanette Gilder. A tale of the smugglers on the Devon coast in the early years of the nine- teenth century. 1795 Martinelli yuenthes ukers Messenver 2.6. se os: The Baker & Taylor Co.. The remarkable adventures of an English boy who took an active part in the. conspiracy to: put James, Duke of Monmouth on the throne in the year 1685. 1816 MEIGS, CORNELIA. Master Simon’s garden......... 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The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1905 1908 1912 1922 2017 LeACITALCE Mere ome he here a ote uaa « Sierra eT ao aches The Baker & Taylor Co.. A trip from Key West to the main land and through the Everglades. rene US Ces TRE AP wo Sectcsh sl «: nlalossidial clay lett thal does. «aes The Baker & Taylor Co.. A s.ory of the Newfoundland fishing banks. Hes AETA COM EEE eC t ts oars o's" < a's ele ataratahe oie dist ose The Baker & Taylor Co.. A story of rafting on the Mississippi. ‘ NEWER oe eRRYee Glacksboulder claim: av... .... The Baker & Taylor Co.. The adventures of two boys in search of a gold mine located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. Pore Draco anasthe Cross. .... >. woe Same eeeet Charles Scribner’s Sons. . The scene of the story is laid in China. 107 A) 1.20 1.27 108 SEVENTH GRADE SUPPLY, NO. TITLE AIS” PAINE) *R.5Ds *Pirst downy: Wentttcky, 7 ee eee Football story in which the famous Centre College Kentucky team is promi- nent. 2019 Head" coach Sen veritas seis cities: «.< cnteene ne teh reneee “Clean sport and straight football.’ 2023 steam yshovel man ier sem. see. . een ee ee Building of the Panama Canal. 2071. PERRY, LAWRENCE Bicecanie. pee ae eee 2072 Forsthe: game's sakes." a sussetists om, «tech ace tesiees ae sna eee 2073 Pllback Pigg coos cee octets ae ol eee ee Pesce re ee 2004 PIER} AL sSee Dormitory ays et cre Another of “Boys of St. Timothy’s” stories of boarding-school life. 2097 PUT OD a LT OOD cous, acs ae ce esters ote cena er nee ae eee 2118 *POE EH eA. Gold@ Bus. —(Canterbugmclassice peers 2120 «P@LUOCK, Fr Lav Wialdernessy honey, =) een eee 2125 *PORTER, JANE. Scottish chiefs; ilustrated by N. C. Wyethed wien 50. Beata sc cee aie See eee eee ee eee This new edition, which is edited and abridged by Kate Douglas Wiggin and Nora A. Smith, keeps all the thrilling parts of this old favorite. 2162 PRITCHARD, M. T., and TURKINGTON, G. A. Stories olithrift.tor youngsAMeriCans eee ee eee 2174 *PYLE, HOWARD. Story of Jack Ballister’s fortunes... The adventures of a boy kidnapped and sent to the Virginia plantations in 1719. 2199 ~RANKIN, GW Adoptine-of Rosa Martesaee) 2 25. A sequel to “Dandelion cottage.’ 2200 Castawaystot Petes: Patch sa inee, octet ce cere eee meee A sequel to “The adopting of Rosa Marie.’’ Including what happened to some interesting campers on the shores of Lake Michigan. 2203 Girls*oPGardenyillev os tiie ih ee ok eee ee About a girls’ club. 2206 RAY; AmG. \Teddy,sher- book... 55 oe 35 er eee A wholesome, sensible story of the friendship of a strong, healthy girl and an invalid boy. Its scenes are laid in a New England town and at Smith College. 2234 RICHARDS, Le EE. TispA HEYLIGER; -WILLIAM..~ Dan’s tomorrow... =o What one boy found out about modern conditions in a big business and the old struggle between capital and labor. A story full of common sense as well as inspiration. CONTRACTOR The Baker & Taylor Co.. Macmillan (Go) yee Matnntlans Co" e) ae American Book Co...... . Lhe Baker & Tayler Cor, The Baker & Taylor Co.. . The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Charles Scribner’s Sons... Macmillan Co. S666 6 ‘aig heme The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Macmillany Coe anewed. oe The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. PRICE 1a .00 ES: bey F 1.26 1.40 She 1.59 1.59 1.52 1.34 1.48 1.48 1.33 NINTH GRADE 139 CONTRACTOR PRICE The Bake: & Taylor Co.. 1.93 ° The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.52 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.52 ea PPB Fh a a 8 CON Gre ae eee 1.50 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.93 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.54 ThesBaker, & Taylor Co... 1.93 The Baker & Taylor Co.. .56 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.33 The Baker & Taylor Co.. .56 MP Dutton Gero, 2.8... 40 The* Bakers Taylor-Cot 67 NMattmillan (os as, oO. 99 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.14 Hybactiilan) Ove; etre. 83 Bee Dutton “oro... 2g 1.20 E. Pa Wun can ae 40 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.14 SUPPLY NO. TELE 1366 HOPKINS, W. J. She blows! and sparm at that!....... “Experiences of young Tim Taycox who at fifteen ships as cabin boy on the whaling vessel Clearchus, bound for the South Seas.”—A. L. A. 13/0) HOUGH, EMERSON. * Covered wagon... ,taia.%45 swe. Vivid description of the westward emigration. 1410 HUTCHINSON, A. S. M. Once aboard the lugger..... A diverting story of English life. Not a sea tale. A cat is one of the prominent characters. 1445 JAMESON, ANNA. Shakespeare’s heroines........... Selections from Mrs. Jameson’s well-known book beautifully illustrated by eolored plates by Walter Paget. Pen EL ol «ING Wi Ya CCAS LITIN ws. a ince wins oe, 8s ete s Garries the characters of the ‘‘The Long Roll” through the last years of the Civil War from Gettysburg to Appomatox. 1481 Nea oe ATE CL Mea Ses coats ees ho atete soe o ein aha “A young Virginian politician of Jefferson’s time whose tragic downfall is turned into a moral victory through his strong, self-effacing wife’s devotion.’’-— As Erg Ae 1482 SEO TON tens 2 Fc aE POE ESR Op AEF Rt AD ik Ss SRN aE ‘ A study of the character and campaigns of Stonewall Jackson and the first years of tne Civil War. 1483 SIGE VATU TEOSIMOLC yoo srciadsce cen e's, olecente exe etwas Sap A fine historic novel of the Jamestown Settlement and Virginian in the reign of James I. PACs ENE Ere bond A.A. | Vivela Frances, .<..0ke othe xs Beet die a 2.0 Sn ave bi atorateimes ctmcel eal t Pee Goi | OLN. iin, Flanders helds 9"... 0.7 sae ces +> A little book of poems to which the first and most famous gives the title. Be ee Poe ets ee MAKING 200d os oie ile WS at eee ces A story of northwest Canada. Whar tltatie Geary. oSeiore. S25 84 140 NINTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR PRICE 1788 MARTIN, H. R. Tillie, a Mennonite maid............. The Baker & Taylor Co.) ba3 Dialect story of the Pennsylvania Dutch. 1794. MASEFIELD, JOHN. ’ Lost endeavor. .i.:cl24....... Macmillan’ Coy)... ae aes Boys who like Treasure Island will welcome this story. The scene is laid in the Colony of Virginia, the Spanish Main, and the West Indies. 1804 MATHIEWS, F. K. Boy scouts’ book of campfire stories. The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.90 1617 MEIGS. CORNELIA Pool Ofestarcss ees ML Te PA Macmillan Coe 90 “Story of a girl who gives up a trip to Bermuda with a rich aunt in order to get ready for college. She spends an interesting summer and makes a charming friendship with a boy of her own age.’’-—dAnnie Carroll Moore in “Roads to childhood.” 1866 MORLEY, CHRISTOPHER. Haunted bookshop..... .. he Baker & Taylors@o7 seas A mystery story into which the author brings delightful comments on books and book selling. 1868 Parnassus on wheels..... iavG ale ¥deas bee's os eaeae eee she ebakerian bay lore asa The romance of a bookshop on wheels. 19477 NORRIS) KATHLEEN Mothers see cee ieee - Lhe Baker & Taylor Co.. js6 A realistic picture of the trials and joys of a large family in a country town, with a small income.—A. L. A. 1968 OLLIVANT, “ALEREDS Bob-son of battle--- et The, Baker & Taylor Com g207 “Scotch story in which interest centers around a breed of famots shepherd dogs of which Bob is the last and greatest.’’—Pittsburgh. ZOO0. “PAGE, Tens Redick. 5 meer ce eee 6.2 eee ree The Baker & Taylor Cony Jea2 “Story of the Civil War and of reconstruction, centering in the history ot the Red Rock plantation and its vicissitudes of ownership.’-—A. L. A. 2117, P@COCK, G. N.. Modern: poetry... -(King’s Treasuries) oo Es Po Duttong a) Coen 40 Most of the poems included here are English, a few are Irish and American. A more satisfying collection was never made. ZIZ4RPORTERS JANE: Scottish? chietsem. a seen eee The Baker & Taylor, Co aaa An historic novel of the days of Wallace, the champion of Bruce’s fortunes, 13th and 14th centuries, Scotland. 2195 OUICK, HERBERT. @Vandemarkicetolly so.7) a eres »~ Che,Baker & Taylor, Go.y lesa Another story of the overland trail, more substantial and less romantic than the ‘‘Covered Wagon.”’ 2203. RICHR ASCs Lovey Mary. 2 cre ienice tat tei reeeeeens The Baker & Tayior Co.. .95 Sequel to “Mrs. Wiggs.’’ 2255 RINEHART MR. Circular staircase... erenraee The Baker & Taylor Co.. .56 “Humorous detective story centering around a murder on the circular svair- case in a large country house.”—A, L 22/2 ROULT-WHEELER, FRANCIS, Aztec hunters?>.. 7... [he Bakers@Taylon Gots Life in Mexico a thousand years ago. 2314. SABATINI, RAFAEL Captain, Blcod oi aecr we The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.54 “Good tale of the sea, with buccaneers and pirate ships, about the time of James II of England.”—4d. LZ. A. 2315 Ga awk ee oles kab As alee fee whe aerate tte oe eee ere The Baker’ & Taylor Comets A novel of adventure concerning a young Cornish gentleman, Sir Oliver Tresil- lian, who became a follower of Mahmud and a Barbary Corsair. 2340, SCHERER]. Av Br Treesot lights. 06 seme coer ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.03 How Christmas came to England; a legend of Druid times in Britain. 2427 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. Shakespeare progress; compiled by J: M;, Dent (King’s Treasures) o. <= iene hee Durrony ce Gosare 40 A series of passages from Shakespeare’s plays, arranged in cnrono:ogical order and chosen to show the growth of his personality and the developinent of his art. NINTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. 2461 2643 2644 2740 2742 2758 2767 TITLE CONTRACTOR SINGMASTER, ELSIE. John Baring’s house.......... The Baker & Taylor Co.. “How a courageous girl solved a Gettysburg mystery, thereby clearing her grandfather’s memory. Well written and worth while.’—A, L. A. SINMLLH, CAS) shortistories old and new... ....2n2, -., Ginn’ & Co, A text book of the short story. Introductory note with each story, calling attention to structure and style. No biographical material. SMITH, E. S. Mystery tales for boys-and girls........ . The Baker & Taylor Co.. SNEDEKER, C.D. Perilous seat... .. MP Rats cinga's Spee sts The Baker & Taylor Co.. Interesting story about a Greek girl of olden times who was priestess of the Deiphic oracle. The author has succeeded in filling her book with the feeling of Greek life and at the same time making an exciting story of it. pe Ate eer in. tier itis hl ne baker (cr ol aylori Cos, Contrasts iife of ancient Sparta and Athens. The hero is the Se Spartan returning from the Thermopylae.—A. L. A. STOCKTON, F. R. Casting away of Mrs. Leck’s and Meme lechinewtn te rs amen on can. enn The Baker & Taylor Co.. A comedy of eae is aud improbable Gettoe advenvures of two most ex- cellent New England women. WEP VEOME LUG rt SCI Ae acetal on «ss Ses ape. Sete ery hg aoe Charles Scribner’s Sons. A dozen short stories in Stockton’s best vein. lea iclis DON BOOT Hes Alices Adams fir, ac settee ations The Baker & Taylor Co.. The more mature and sophisticated girls will enjoy this story of Alice’s pa- thetic and unsuccessful attempts at social climbing and husband catching. Gentle Julia les... igh oars onan ee sere am Ue) baker. a7) Pavior Go. Highly amusing story of Julia’s atfairs of the heart carried on wider pres sure of constant interference from the younger fry. Gentleman from Indiana........... ce Ae, Meine pee mer an .. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Concerning a young newspaper man who tries to purify politics. Iie se atlcall Car ae teen ear afer cte ioe is MBs ole ode «'e .... The Baker & Taylor Co.. “A little drama of intrigue laid in Bath durnig the Beau Nash regime in the middle of the 18th century.”—Baker. i Sfari¥ it Ve mole pen ea Dre tee er reinic's eeu ie: Raker 6a laylor-Co.. Peurod. a boy of eleven, Duke, his dog, and variois other young people zre a never failing source of entertainment to old and young. Ramsey Milholland.............00-60 seers ee eees wee) Lhe Baker & Taylor.Co.. “There is an entertaining eedb | new picture of a bashful, sturdy, faithful Lae honorable boy. But there is also a fine presentation of American patriotism and of American character.’-—Outlook. Seventeen ..... eh ene ees aici «oF The Baker & Taylor Co.. A tale of youth and summertime and Ane Paxter family, especially William— Subtitle. PETIEINGLL gee oeeeeee oe ee een ee nese on rey ne baker Taylor Cor A novel of unusual interest and vitality, picturing the turmoil of a middle west manufacturing town, with its worship of ‘“‘business.’—A. L, A. TWAIN, MARK. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn..... The Baker & Taylor Co.. A plain edition, well bound, without pictures. Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Illustrated by Worth Brehm The Baker & Taylor Co.. VAN DYKE, HENRY. The broken soldier and the maid ~ Cietranceys. vws.: Rae bo a le er oA AP AL 2 ae . The Baker & Taylor Co.. A tale of the great war. VERNE, JULES. Twenty thousand leagues under the See Sl ee Pa SE ee BP CE eee eee oe ...-+ Charles Scribner’s Sons... 141 PRICE 1.14 1.30 1.33 1s E50) 1.30 96 56 1.30 1.30 06 Z0 1.00 1.88 98 Oe} 142 NINTH GRADE SUPPLY NO. 2845 2853 2855 2873 2877 2878 2888 2916 2933 TITLE CONTRACTOR WEIR; FR: © Merry Andrew.¢e. pe oa eee » a3 6 She Bakers Daylon Gore ““\ breezy, wholesome, out-of-doors story.’’—Cleveland Pub. Lib. WESTCOTTYE. N# David: Haram): 221s pie. te. eo The Baker '& Baylorewos “David Harum is a shrewd country banker in Central New York, sharp at a bargain, kind hearted, with an unfailing sense of dry humor.’’—N, WEY MAN Sie House.-of the “Blazed stra Geen. coe eee on en The Baker & Taylor Co.. A young mberman’s struggle with owerful and unscrupulous firm. “A you lumberman’ truggl th a ful and 1 fi Realistic descriptions of life in a Michigan logging camp. WHITE: S.*L -Andivius: Heduliot) 0.3% Pace e 4 ctv ME Pa Duttonr ie Gomer Mayentaves of a Roman Nobleman in the days of the Empire—Suwb-title. Full of action and vivid pictures of the times.—4A. ZL. A. WHITEHEAD, A. C.) Standard? bearers. 75 252s eee American Book Co...... A lively story of Rome in Caesar’s time. WIGGIN-KADs cHomespuntialese. a2 eee wc.+-. Lhe BakersteslayloreGom Contains ‘‘Rose of the River,’’ **The Peabody pew,” ‘‘Susanna and Sue.”’ WILLIAMS, J: L.. Adventures of a freshman-en ee Charles Scribner’s Sons.. What happened for weal and woe to one youth at Princeton.—A. L. A. WISTER“OWEN:) Virginianec: ay cce ee ae ee oe Macmillan:Go; g2a.aerue Capital study of the type of western cowboy, “intrepid, level-headed, rough- living but right-hearted.”’ PRICE be 192 1.45 96 1.20 63 1.54 63 1.50 Eaikilvey tel BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND TEACHERS’ LIBRARIES. CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO. THE DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION (By permission of the publishers, The Library Bureau, 530 Atlantic Avenue, Boston.) In the Decimal Classification the field of knowledge is divided into nine general classes num- bered from 100 to 900, but works of so general a character as to belong to none of these classes, such as periodicals, encyclopaedias, etc., are put in a tenth general class under 0. Each book has a class number assigned to it. See Dewey “Abridged decimal classification.” CLASSES — FIRST SUMMARY. 000 GENERAL WORKS. POR EMIEOSOPILY: 200 RELIGION. SO OC OLOGY. 400 PHILOLOGY. 500 NATURAL SCIENCE. 000° USEFUL ARTS: JOE IN EARLS: 800 LITERATURE. QOD SEs LOR Ye 143 144 BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND TEACHERS’ LIBRARIES 028. READING AND CHOICE OF BOOKS SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR 3146 FAY, L. E., and EATON, A. T. Use of books and Itbraries® .c. “Principles of elementary education...° D..C.: Heath & Co!.... Pee VW eee educational values ..5 Jinn ds eee Whacrm ain Goo tie. ar: | OLAS als | TSE Sa acho 6 aaa Neh Core ge BE ae etic a eet gee Macmillan, Co... so... DEWEY OLN, (Democracy and education... rss Macmillan Co. Joi ..2... Miteree water OTeatt CUUCATION want ie < vee Ye en ne dar The Baker & Taylor Co.. PROMO CPU K Sates el «Soon, ad alloted arafi ties tao 0 Pehucl as aC leathe Ger Coin, De OGLEGING YSOCIOU Ve ei rertaiaite 4.9" Winton ft ceustieini Ac ol Sere cance loeies The Baker & Taylor Co.. DEWEY, JOHN, and EVELYN. Schools of tomorrow.. E. P. Dutton & Co KING, IRVING. Education for social efficiency........ The Baker & Taylor Co.. KLAPPER, PAUL. Principles of educational practice... The Baker & Taylor Co.. US DUO NES ARS teeta rea seed sale ean eee a The Baker & Taylor Co.. McMURRY, F. M. Elementary school standards....... The Baker & Taylor Co.. “An outcome of the New York School inquiry, this represents Prof. Mc\Mur- ry’s plan for determining the efficiency of a school. The four _ criteria are— motive, relative value, attention to organization and initiative.’ MONROE, PAUL. Brief course in the history of educa- ae re ee, St rl dt Oster eld eee ee Ee es Macmillan Gor. 3s... a: fLextabooknn: the history of education. ..4.....2..3.... Macmillan Co. National Educational Association. Committee of fifteen. American Book Co Careful consderations with reference to courses of study for primary, gram- mar and normal schools, with tentative courses for each, PATRI, ANGELO. Schoolmaster of a great city....... Maemillan Covet l Aaa POUND: ART EWR Iron man in industry. ere F.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. SEARCH, P. W. Ideal school, or, Looking forward..... The Baker & Taylor Co.. Sie by ele attons ofs democracy.) esegee ees The Baker & Taylor Co.. Te vcalienmin do Cemocracys is. atta oe oe are ees The Baker & Taylor Co.. Wass Pie er JAK yasior high school‘ideas..7e.. Henry Holi Co. 3... xcellent bibliographies. YEOMANS, EDWARD. Shackled youth... .. w+ sis The Baker & Taylor Co.. “A layman’s ‘dea for a school and teachers’ Utopia with caustic criticism of present ‘methods.”—A. L. A. #, Ber. e) © 147 PRICE 148 BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND TEACHERS’ LIBRARIES SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR PRICE 370.2) PSYCHOLOGY ANDIGHIL DS Tiny $124 —_DEARBORN, (Gi Vio “How todlearneasilyoc. 6 eee ee te The Baker & Taylor Co:7 31:30 3210 SHOYT, Fe Cee QOuicksands ot youth. .. 025 eee eee Charles Scribner’s Sons.. 1.11 Incidents from the experience of a Children’s Court judge. 3305 PATRI; ANGELO... Childt trainm >. ease eee ge The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.60 | 3337. ROBINSON, J. H. Mind in the making...............- The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.90 3402. THORNDIKE, EE? lL. Elements; ote psychologyte.a-eree, The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2.00 3401 Educational psychology <4 ago. nc oe ce ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2.50 370.3 EDUCATIONAL TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS 3292 MONROE, W. S. Measuring the results of teaching.... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.90 3293 MONROE, W. S., and others. Educational tests and measurements’ voices Sakieienss pea eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2.00 3317 PINTNER, RUDOLPH; and PATERSON; D2Gs sscale Of; performance tests =. 7... on ee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2.00 3371 STARCH, DANIEL. Educational measurements........ Macmillan. Co. 24. eee sis: 3397 TERMAN, L. M. Intelligence of school children........ The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2.00 3398 Measurement of" intelligences 150 ees oe See The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2.00 371. SCHOOL MANAGEMENT, SUPERVISION, SCHOOL HYGIENE, ETC. 3040 BAGEEY, W.G:.. Classroom manacement..eanen a. ee Macmillan Comsat. seen 1.20 3044 School : discipline 2a tc, ast. ae ete ee Macmillan Conee es, ee 1.20 3139. DUTTON, Sia" Schoel’manacementi-wee et ere Charles Scribner’s Sons.. 1,05 3309 PERRY, A.C... Discipline asa school: probleme 22 eae The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2.00 3310 Managément jofva city) School 4a, ars eee eee Macmillan’ Go..35-8 foe P35 56.11 Outlines of school administration. ....:...85.- 4 The Baker & Taylor Co.. RAPEER, L. W. How to teach elementary school sub- ae ae ae ome e en eee eee nee eae Charles Scribner’s Sons. . SLeGihalO Net ly ab roject work im ‘education ols. «2)..- The Baker & Taylor Co.. -STRAYER, G. D. Brief course in the teaching process.. Macmillan Co. ......... STRAYER, G. D., and ENGLEHARDT, N. L. Class- NERY CES CIIC Hee UT AS ea Paw os ete Sigs ht eras dren is American Book Co..... STRAYER, G. D., and NORSWORTHY, NAOMI. How Pe eC cat Pees cer nN, Sos MIR Re se stew Bete Macmillan’ Com. Ja. eee PHoORN DIK ie be eerrinciples. of: teaching: 2 2. s. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Vea Ie RE OLECL. CULIACULUE £6 odin ccs to aes oy 01% Jo Doueippincott Cova... WHIPPLE, G. M. How to study effectively............ The Baker & Taylor Co.. 372.01 TEACHING PENMANSHIP FREEMAN, F.N. Teaching of handwriting............ The Baker & Taylor Co.. 149 PRICE 1.20 150 BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND TEACHERS’ LIBRARIES SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR PRICE 372.1 TEACHING READING, ENGLISH COMPOSITION, PHONETICS Sele 3067 3071 3089 3106 3242 3240 3386 D370 3394 3241 3385 3403 3405 3425 3037 SHES) 3298 CEPOL 3384 BOYCE, EM. “Enuncistion-ang articalation. se eee Ginn (&iCo#. ea eee BRIGGS, T. H., and COFFMAN, L. D. Reading in pub- ic: schools 4 eA hae ee ts Cs ene cee eee ees Row. Peterson & Co..... CHUBB, PERCIVAL. Study and teaching of English: . Macmillan’ Co; 7yuee eee “Tt is so sound in its philosophy and so practical in iis helpfulness that we wish it might come into the hands of every instructor in the country.”’— The Dial. COOK, W. A., and O'SHEA, M. V. Child and his spell- TIVO Ps he i hal ude eck re ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. KLAPPER PAUL. |) Teaching jot Hoglichs ear. arene The Baker, & TaylorrGou, Teaching emidréenitouread..4 «ay. oGeeaeie close eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. SUZZALLOG)W:- Hut Leaching ol spellinggamn. te eae The Baker & Taylor Co.. TAYLOR, J. S. Principles and methods of teaching read- Dred be cis Viet EE ete eas in coe eter eer Macmillan, Co.) a een Word study im/the,elementary ischoal) pa ee tee Educational Pub; Com sar See also Section 028, Reading and choice of books. 3/22 TEACHING MATHEMATICS KLAPPER, PAUL- Vleachinst of iicthmetice ee ees The Baker & Taylor Co.. SUZZALLO, HENRY. Teaching of primary arithmetic.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. THORNDIKE, E. L. New methods in arithmetic...... Rand McNally & Co..... Psyekology- of arithmetic ys coe oo eee ee eee Maemillan Cos 2. cae WALSH. J; He Practical methodscitisanthineticy er eee DiC, Heath & Coe a. 372.3 TEACHING GEOGRAPHY ATWOOD, W. W., and THOMAS, H. G. Teaching the MEW SEOSTAPIEY cz os oly ed chs ano 'e oone eae e e Ginnie) Conen. eee DODGE, Ri‘ E:, ond’ KIRCHWEY*+ C23, "A eachine sor geography inj elementary Schools.) +e. eee eee ee Rand McNally & Co.... NEW BIGIN, M.-L Modern’ geography 2. ee =e Henry Holi 200.5 cae “It is a suggestive volume interestingly written that should appeal to the general reader and offers many suggestions to the geographer.’’-—l?. E. Dodge. REDWAY, J. W. Teachers’ manual of geography...... DC eath wa Germans SUTHERLAND, We Jt. ‘Teacting of eography., ee The Baker & Taylor Com A5 1.90 1.20 Bete) 1.50 ey 64 rao .60 vgs 1.60 BOOKS FOR KEFERENCE AND TEACHERS” LIBRARIES 151 SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR PRICE 3407 TOOTHAKER, C. R. Commercial raw materials....... CxitifierGrk Onn, eee. Sot 1.54 3410 TROTTER, SPENCER. Lessons in the new geography.. D. C. Heath & Co...... 1.18 See also Sections 910-919, Geography and travel. Statesman’s Year Book, Section 310. 3/24 TEACHING NATURE STUDY—ELEMENTARY SCIENCE—SCHOOL GARDENS Slee yeni, OLN attire Stud y AGG... era on di asin.e boca te Maemullan .Coviies ses con 1.20 3288 MILLER, ie Children’ssgardens (tr... tenis e Nae si The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.16 3430 WEED, C. M., and EMERSON, PHILIP. School garden FN MeN ne ant AL CUPL ane ei eiais w seiniere Sele eee Charles Scribner’s Sons.. 1.12 3438 TL Sues DORA. peer ctis and Se) anatase eae NAN Rae otek Oe Play a AURIS gee ee 1.09 iontains bibliograpaies, planting tables, and experiments suitable for young gardeners. See also Sections 580, 635, 710, and in graded list under nature books and stories. Sie eI NG LS LORY AND CIVICS: CITIZENSHIP 3066 BOURNE, H. E. Teaching of history and civics in the element ai veatrel sSGRUiCar yeSCOOlS Mist 2. oreo) <°s pus) 052.8% The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2.07 3083 CABOT, E. L. Course in citizenship and patriotism..... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.90 921 DUNN,A. W., and HARRIS, H.M. Citizenship in school SET P eh agioe be BOL Be SO CIO an tice ee aera ane Dis Ge otiestn + Ge. . Ay ee Sete ls Te eV etl ret s PTODICING tr, sree oes xs slele nica Pate Wilson star Gill 3). 2: ee .60 See also Mr. Gill’s books on school republic, in Section 342. Paseo ee SON | eie . Lienew Distory © 60s. opie oS Wiaciiiilan es... eee as 1.60 3365 SIMPSON, M.E. Supervised study in American history. Macmillan Co. ......... 1.05 3427 WAYLAND, J. W. How to teach American history.... Macmillan Co. ......... 1.20 See also Sections 342, 900-909, and books in graded li- braries, under history, biography and civics. $/2% PHYSICAL LRAINING 3243 KOEHLER, H. J. Koehler’s West Point manual of disci- Pita ie PUY SICA ETA hapless < «see cis 0 c'e\e Weiner y «io « Bi Peat a buttone Co... 1.20 2813 WALDRON, W. H. Army Puysical trainee cos. see eas Plenrye tion, 6. CO eo: .93 Be SE EL Ve Wi Ge APU LetiCEPAIN ie oA cs wy cg ope 850 809! Charles Scribner’s Sons.. 1.11 152 BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND TEACHERS’ LIBRARIES SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR PRICE 3/2./1 VACATION SCHOOLS. PLAYGROUNDS 3114 CURTIS, H=S: - Recreation forteachers.4. eee ee Mactnuillan«Go.5 =. ee 1335 372.8 TEACHING DRAWING AND CONSTRUCTIVE WORK 8038 BABBITI.-A, Bs Workine drawingss oe eee Henry Holt & Coz... 75 3099 COLLINS, F. H. Drawing and constructive work for ele- mentary school. 3 portfolios of plates. Per set........ Charles Scribner’s Sons.. 1.20 See also Section 686, Bookbinding ; Sections 700-750, Fine Arts. 372.81 VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE 206, BARNARD, )0) sGetiine ailiying 2.22. ee eee Franklin Pub. & Supply (Ona tie bila eee oe ee 3070 BREWER, J. M., and KELLY, R. W. Selected critical bibliography of vocational ignidances <2. scm 24-65, The Baker & Taylor Co.. .50 30842 (CALKINS, E.-E. > Advertising ‘mateve .t- ese ee Charles Scribner’s Sons.. .79 3119 DAVENPORT, EUGENE. Education for efficiency.... D. C. Heath & Co. ..... og bs 3120 DAVIS, J. B. Vocational and moral guidance: --..7. 2... Gain (Geo eee ee ee 25 3148 FILENE, CATHERINE... Careers for women.......... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3.08 3150. FINNEWes] Mier... Physicianen ne te ne ees Charles Scribner’s Sons.. .79 B16l) “FOWGRER ENC. estartingwn licen sere. see ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.52 3100> HAMMOND: J. oe Engineers p-. a.. oe ee Charles Scribner’s Sons.. .79 3205 HOERLE, H. C., and SALTZBERG, F. B. The girl and the JOD § 9.5 sna. = «= aredevecwie Gee re epee aiacs yen flenry Holtve Co saan 90 3250 LA SALLE, M. A., and WILEY, K. E. Vocations for rit ls ic eee persi sie Nib e oe elt a eats c/a ee eee ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.60 2209 “PEARSON: BtB.. i eacher cet cin ain ee Charles Scribner’s Sons.. .79 3366 SLATTERY @Ce Li eMinistry Woe, tue eee re Charles Scribner’s Sons.. .79 WEAVER, E. W. Profitable vocations for boys........ In H.S. Text book list. 3440’ WILLIAMS, TALCOTT. Newspaper man............. Charles Scribner’s Sons.. 79 See also Marden, under Section 170. BOOKS POR REFERENCE, AND TEACHERS LIBRARIES SUPPLY NO. 3060 3284 3313 3364 3031 3130 3180 3169 3319 2669 3258 3268 3315 3316 TITLE CONTRACTOR 374. SELF-EDUCATION AND IMPROVEMENT, DEBATING, ETC. BERNHEIMER, C. $., and COHEN, J. M. Boy’s clubs. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Gives specific and wise directions as to constitutions, by-laws, minutes, financial and other reports, topics and programs. MATSON, HENRY. References for literary workers... The Baker & Taylor Co.. Introduction to topics and questions for debate. Br leo ev ee Debatetic Manuals: se tee oo stv ts tone bs The Baker & Taylor Co.. SHURTER, E. D., and TAYLOR, C. C. Both sides of LOOT pubuceCuestions Diiciy debated... aco 450. . n sso The Baker & Taylor Co.. 377. MORAL EDUCATION ADLER, FELIX. Moral instruction of children......... The Baker & Taylor Co.. DEWEY, JOHN. Moral principles of education........ The Baker & Taylor Co.. “The most important work we have upon the subject of moral education.’’— F. A, Manny. Same hem tome omer VL OPA etTStrtiCliOn sete teres sities «Fe « The Baker & Taylor Co.. See also Section 170, Ethics. s/o GOLEEGES AND UNIVERSITIES GAUSS, C. Through college on nothing a year......... Charles Scribner’s Sons. . 395. ETIQUETTE Pell eer ya encyclopedia: Of etiquette. 22.5 ov. wa» - The Baker & Taylor Co.. THORNBOROUGH, LAURA. Etiquette for everybody The Baker & Taylor Co.. 420. ENGLISH LANGUAGE LOUNSBURY, T.R. History of the English language... Henry Holt & Co. ...... 421. ORTHOGRAPHY MACKEY, M. S., and M. G. Pronunciation of ten thou- BAD e LODO? MAINES ana aera aia eile» sie ne Ys ele wre s oiaas bs % The Baker & Taylor Co.. PHYFE, W.H.P. Five thousand words often misspelled. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Eighteen thousand words often mispronounced......... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 153 PRICE 1.01 2.40 75 1.40 1.57 80 92 Aue 3.04 28 1.28 1.90 95 E52 154 SUPPLY NO. 3108 3340 3341 3370 BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND. TEACHERS (LIBRARIES TITLE CONTRACTOR VIZETELLY, F. H. Desk book of 25,000 words often mispronounced ©y 7.07 2% sien elec ae elton ae oat nee Funk & Wagnalls ....... See H. S. Text book list. 423. ENGLISH DICTIONARIES (On Elementary School Text-book List) Funk & Wagnalls’ comprehensive standard dictionary... Funk & Wagnalls....... New.standard: dictionary... e>picatds aaeaea eee Funk & Wagnalls ...... Webster’s.collesiate, dictionary..9. 11 - onan eee: American, Book Conse .e Webster’s new international dictionary................ American® Book: Cas am Webster's: shorter! school dictionarys.:jcae- estes sere eee American Book Co. ..:. Winston simplified dictionary . ©... whit co: scene pee John Winston Co. ..... 424. SYNONYMS CRABB); GEORGE. Enelish synonyms. a..2)) serene The Baker & Taylor Co.. FERNALD, J. C. English synonyms and antonyms...... Funk & Wagnalls...... See H. S. Text book list under “Reference’’. ROGET, P. M. International thesaurus of English words and phrases; (new enlarged edition)... 2... = sen eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. Thesaurus of English words and phrases. ..-...-...... The Baker & Taylor Co.. SOULE, RICHARD. Dictionary of English synonyms; tevised and enlarged by 4a» hiowisonse ee ee ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 433. GERMAN DICTIONARIES On H. S. Text book list. Heath’s “German, dictionary:¢ 2. ..5.. 4)... saan ae DC y Eeatne Ge Coes Whitney; SGertman- dictionary... cme ee eee ee Renry Holt. eGo. 443. FRENCH DICTIONARIES On H. S. Text book list. Heath's: French dictionary: iad2uas sea teenie cro rstaerre DiC. Heath, &Cone eae. Gasc. French dictionary (students ed.).............. Henry Holtetci Com 2". PRICE 1.90 2.26 1.14 2.09 BOOKS POR REPERENCE AND TEACHERS LIBRARIES LSy SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR PRICE Passy-Hampl. International pronouncing French-Eng- Slates Rene CVCHONATY ... edo e aes ae we es» Hinds, Hayden & Eldridge Preatiicee clita laa rOusSeruMistre sc, os -dene-soare | «ofl os. J shade ise jelleath= w@aGesn se. HOG LAN ol WICTIONARIES On H. S. Text book list. ee Ase lets ener Otl aL Vir ota 5 eens ena teh eine nce Ss 9s Dees poleton a Cot = 2a., 500. SCIENCE geod =MILTS, JOHN: Realities of modern science........... Mactiiliaa ooo cc0e 1.65 See General Science, Section in H. S. Text book list. 520. ASTRONOMY Seo me eb ol hee yi riendly sstafssoet src snll Gon PLINY, ¢ The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.51 SSD dels BEST GS: See H. S. Text book list. poe CPR LGD vs 2476 SLOANE, T. O’C. Electric toy-making for amateurs.... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.14 Pebies Disce\e Li eeeitleme4nts OL acrectricat ys osc + 4, ss tae > John Wiley & Sons..... On -H- 5. lext book list: 540. CHEMISTRY Seb et. ae Lextebook, lst 5980. BOTANY Oe VEN INSONe Goi sBirst studies of plant lifes... 60.4% Gian Gi, Gs ts, ed Se .67 156 BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND TEACHERS’ LIBRARIES SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR 595. ENTOMOLOGY 2266 ROBERTSON-MILLER, ELLEN. Butterfly and moth books (2. iiia Stat crete aoe eee ee Charles Scribner’s Sons. . 598. BIRDS 3211 HUDSON, W.UH.. Birds and tmans ee ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. See also Chapman, Miller, Burroughs, Weed, Blanchan in grade lists. 608. INVENTIONS AND INDUSTRIES 3152 FISKE, B. A. Invention, the master key to progressi:... E. P.-Duttonséa Goss 613. HYGIENE 3110, GROMIEAWs ja sikeeping physically ftv. era Macmillan Cov to yas 3118 DARLINGTON, THOMAS. Health and efficiency..... The Baker & Taylor Co.. See H. S. Text book list. 614.. PUBLIC HEALTH 3137 -DODY?A. H.2 -Prompt-aidite theinjured 2.2 seers The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3331 RICHARDS, E. H. Food materials and their adultera- TIONS ge vlovcse Soclbst buw.ota Geacecs Sezewietena ie hice 2 Sie eee ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3426 WARWICK, F. J., and TUNSTALL, H.C. First aid to theinjured and ‘sick 3.77. ae esp eee ies, Cnet The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3431. -WEEKSAy DA yoidance-ofifires.. .. ..> ee eee eee D.Ce Heath? &-Co meee _ 620. ENGINEERING 3125 “DECKER, W.E. Story -otitherengines... oo ee Charles Scribner’s Sons. . 634. FORESTRY 1996: ‘PACK; CHARLES School book of toresity-. 3. .2 es American Tree Ass’n ... 1997 Trees as.good ‘citizenss:.0.. 5 sess wae eee ie ee American Tree Ass’n ... PRICE Us? 1.88 173 1.60 .94 1.25 61 1.59 85 171 SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR 635. KITCHEN GARDENING 3048 BAILEY, L. H., and HUNN,C.E. Practical garden book Macmillan Co. ......... 3261 3030 3136 1426 — 3257 3409 3092 3145 3253 3332 3032 3186 3249 3117 3322 3449 BOOKS FOR- REFERENCE AND TEACHERS’ LIBRARIES 638. BEES Pole, Loe tow to keep bees for profit... 2... 62 te ss Macmillan Co. 640. HOME MAKING ABEL, M. H. -Successful family life on a moderate in- (TTS ns ties Anat Sie See WE rataer eater triacs hei Cacia: ak Soar ira re anne The Baker & Taylor Co.. DONHAM, S. A. Spending the family income......... The Baker & Taylor Co.. IZOR, E. P. Costume design and home planning........ The Baker & Taylor Co.. PORT al. ue Getting: your money ’s:worth... 7200s .o.0.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. TRAPHAGEN, ETHEL. Costume design and illustra- (ETRYEL go of RU le ob ce ot Eee ene RRO IE OEE John Wiley & Sons Oe ee Oe) To. CLARKE, H. C., and RULON, P. D. Cook-book of left- Overman eres eens econ One UR Ee, The Baker & Taylor Co.. FARMER, F. M. New book of cookery................ The Baker & Taylor Co.. PENG Oe Neg Mor les Ostonl COOK. DOOM. 32 ain ass aia)4pr- are By The Baker & Taylor Co.. RICHARDS, E. H., and ELLIOTT, S. M. Chemistry of Spicy WAS eer CUCL CLC ATUISI OM: teat are "atest ete) a's, soe) 96) xix cin Mahe! s The Baker & Taylor Co.. 643. FOOD preter en er eee ADIGA SCT WICC! cer cer ieleree ote cts brace te ee 3 The Baker & Taylor Co.. Blot to rte ood; witatcit 16-and dOeS. 40 akan ccc oct, ees Critinis dc. COnke ere ee ee TOA SPN Creer mel OOd and, ay acctee reek ek Ginn ce Con ee eee 645. FURNITURE, ETC. DANIELS, F. H. Furnishing of a modest home......... The Baker & Taylor Co.. QUINN, M. J. Planning and furnishing the home...... The Baker & Taylor Co.. WRIGHT, A. F. Interior decoration for modern needs.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Pe R we aak eo) ase 157 PRICE 1.16 1.70 eS: 150 1.14 2.63 1.03 1.90 71 .94 Lt 1,06 38 125 1.01 2.66 158 BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND TEACHERS’ LIBRARIES SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR 650. BUSINESS 3121 DAVIS, ROY, and LINGHAM, C. H. Business English ANC sCOrrespOondence wn, te. Meera ee ee Ginn & Cosa sree eee 3140 DWYER, Tc-E.” “Lhe business: letter eee eee ee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3198 HAYWARD, W.R. Money, what it is and how to use it. The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3002. OPY DY KE. JOB. (Enplish otecomiler ce: sana Charles Scribner’s Sons.. 9390) TAYLOR, FO W, 7 scientiic: manavement anew ae The Baker & Taylor Co.. See H. S. Text book list for History of Commerce, Com- mercial Geography, Advertising and Salesmanship. 686. BOOKBINDING 5095, COCKERELL) DOUGEASS: * Bookbinding andicareso: bogks= tic S26 an a Sees eave» Sees TE oe cee The Baker & Taylor Co.. See also Sanford, F. G. 700. ART 3079 BULLEY, M. H?. Ancient and medievalsart. Macmillan) Co: eee $328 RBEENACH, SA cApOUORS «ce eer ep eds: Sune pate ie Charles Scribner’s Sons.. A short history of Art throughout tae ages. Excelent reference book. See also Elementary and H. S. Text book lists. 710. LANDSCAPE GARDENING 3236 KING Mrs) FRANCIS ™ Little garden 5210 eeeee ae The Baker & Taylor Co.. Flower gardening for small homes. 1009: FINCK, H, Go eGardening* with brams. 7.22 20 ee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2647 TEALL, G. Little warden the year “round e325, seer eo Bir? Dutton coConene See also Section 372.4. School gardens. 7207 ARGH RE 3424. IWIANLLIS. Fi. Eie tA B*C of architecttre-egecrrees 7. The Baker & Taylor Co.. See also Barstou, Famous Buildings. PRICE 1.18 1.28 1.28 1.50 2.26 3.50 1.60 1.50 1.38 1.90 1.50 a5 ve, SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR ABO SNL SL ae Ae a IN een V ISI PICTIONALN G5. cs ieeicth irs «2 c:k us de ie sOle GC On eee ~ Scum HENDERSON, W.j.. What 1s good music?..:-........ Charles Scribner’s Sons. . 3202 eave CLUMEL IL G1C Cpr eR ONY Aa! coh Loos cre! «(fore «is «8s The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3246 KREHBIEL, H. E. How to listen to music; hints and suggestions to untaught lovers of the art.............. Charles Scribner’s Sons.. Beye Go PaO UHING JW Opera synopses. <2. 5 ..0ee als a es The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3389 TAPPER, T., and GOETSCHIUS, P. Essentials in music 3064 3090 3265 3266 3267 3342 2599 3388 3045 3091 3096 3098 1882 3055 3069 3097 BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND TEACHERS’ LIBRARIES PSEC Me Re COTE on et ae ace lal Secon weed re ARCS t Charles Scribner’s Sons. . 790. PLAYS, ENTERTAINMENTS AND SPORTS BOLLMAN, GLADYS and HENRY. Motion pictures Ve CSTs VOUT (a 81,8 Cig ae Soe rh RAS CR Rar Pg ee ae Erenryellolt Gc GO. tame. . CHUBB, PERCIVAL and others. Festivals and plays... The Baker & Taylor Co.. DIO) eC eeGostumes and scenery tor-amateurs...., Henry Holt & Co. ...... Po wmrouproaiecechildten(s plays. op wipes a teeta san em Henry bolt 2 C0. sen ee Per OtieroTiis SNe VOUL CLOWN «citi ons teed sk owe ne TLenine Olt aos eet. vee ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. Booklover’s holiday in the a veta 6 Me Aiken Ga bol Bpitene Pn", tiated aa aN WC aa PoP ER Charles Scribner’s Sons.. STRATTON, CLARENCE. Producing in little theatres. Henry Holt & Co. ...... er beINWVOOD malechniqué of pageantry... ...35- +5. Seat iesson Orr's... VOMEECIIONS(OF PLAYS Aer bent be WV OGeti Americana Days... - 4.6 s Cone. eee SI7OTIGAY) Ra Me. Writinesthrough readings.) eet ae The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3182 GRANGER, EDITH. Index to poetry and recitations... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1315) HEY DRICK, (Ba AngA mericanseall 2. oc. eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. Typical PETTUS stories to represent the various phases of our life. Each foliswed by a brief sketch of its author.A. L. A. 3230 “KELLEY S Ris Book oiotiallowe en eevee ee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1762) McSPADDEN, JiW.. -Bookiotholidaye: fee ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3281 MASSELING, H. Ideals of heroism and patriotism..... D.C. Heath’ & Con eer 1960 OLCOTT, Faj) Wonder garden... 2.00.0) ee ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. A collection of nature myths and stories very briefly told. There is a_pro- gram calendar of stories for each month. 3301 O’NEILL, A. T. L. Recitations for assembly and class- TOOUML, Th pee sees 0 eee ale are eet i eee Macmillan Cope RINGWALT, A. E. Brief on public questions.......... Longmans, Green & Co.. (H. S. Text book list.) 2245 RICHARDSON, W. L., and OWEN, J. M. Literature of theaworld saci sta. eta ek: ar ke eee ee ee eee Ginn i Gor. oe eee A general history of literautre. 3347 BSCHAUFFLER, REL ed. Arbor day er siete The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3348 Ghristmas 3) 7 Ste ds a ce te eee ee ee eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3349 Independence ‘Day 72). te eee ee ee een The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3350 Lincolnis. Birthday -<%...22e0 se ee ae oe eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. O35) Memorial Day 3525.5 0 cpe axis ree teres rere ogee enero The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3354. ~ Ourdlag in-verse and prose. 222. <5 se. ere The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3352. © Thankseiving Day .e sere eee cen 2. eee ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3353) 2 -Washington'sebirthday . 22.0.5 cei ei 1 eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3378 “STEVENSON, R? L. “Learning to write. sneer Charles Scribner’s Sons.. 3415. UTTERR, Be ‘Guide to good Enelish, 23ers The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3414 Everyday words and their USES. ese cece cece eee ences The Baker & Taylor Co.. 810. AMERICAN LITERATURE 3255. “CONG; W: Jz “American literatures.) oe Ginn: & Gort 2 eee PRICE 1.50 2.00 1.00 81 11.00 1.00 1.38 1.33 96 2.2 1.20 BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND TEACHERS’ LIBRARIES 161 SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR PRICE 3274. MANLY, J. M., and EDITH RICKERT. Contemporary Px UUCLIC RIE MAi Ghat tte erated ak. Watt.) Naty hub a eet Moe 3 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.25 seem NEAS SON 1. Le Our American humorist.) 40 i5.034 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.90 See H. S. Text book list under Reading and Literature. 811. AMERICAN POETRY DUC DRAIN Le Ver Gee Poetical WOrks .-.10../.) oe'e'2' slates! iolstove ahh The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.74 ee ESE) ee UGIGN Eel OCMSo adele oi ee ee ees Charles Scribner’s Sons.. 1.90 1204 GUITERMAN, ARTHUR. Ballad-makers’ pack........ The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.52 3187 NED V ALY RCO Een omen ta orem ers cere ts. Se ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.50 3207 HOLMES, O. W. Complete poetical works............. The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2.76 eden LIEBERMAN, Bele ote eaAVieCU 1 St beets os marae fans fees The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.14 3256 LONGFELLOW, H. W. Complete poetical works...... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2.70 Peo ene VW tel ly feet, = Complete poetical works 2... 222. tee 2 The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2.70 Pooh OU SON Gak.e “Service and sacrifice...s.%. Mace + ss Charles Scribner’s Sons.. 95 3374 STEDMAN, E.C. Poetical works. (Household edition). The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.74 3419 VAN DYKE, HENRY. Poems of Henry Van Dyke.... Charles Scribner’s Sons.. 1.90 Con leew Eile Ra |.-Ge. Complete poetical works:... .<...6i+. The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2.70 See also in grade libraries, Eugene Field, James Whitcomb Riley, and Frank Dempster Sherman, and others. 811.1 GENERAL COLLECTIONS OF AMERICAN POETRY vee NIIUNG rome AMECTICAN (ANLOOLOSY an teas + lene ess The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3.50 3411 UNTERMEYER, LOUIS. Modern American poetry... The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.00 814. AMERICAN ESSAYS See Text book lists for Washington Irving, Emerson, Burroughs, etc. S20 senso LITERATURE 3107 COUSIN, J. W. Dictionary of English literature....... Eue Duttond Co.) ¥.!: 48 3275 MANLY, J. M., and RICKERT, EDITH. Contemporary Deritte mite tatiive cin, ete Pee es os 6 sei casein elevate tole The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.25 162 BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND TEACHERS’ LIBRARIES SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR PRICE 3421 VIZETELLY, F. H. Essentials of English speech and literatures. 25.0 Sons se os tae eee et a Lan Ue Ceres ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.52 See H. S. Text book list under Reading and Literature. 821. ENGLISHSPOERTRY 3074 BROWNING, ROBERT. Selections; edited by Ada Ambleroan Kingisy T ceasuries) vn. ee E. P; Dutton(&sGo eee 40 3230 KIPLINGSRUDYARD™ “Verse-sinclucivereditiom-n. ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3.70 3396 “TENNYSON: ALFRED; - Poeticals works. 2225, eaeem ees The Baker & Taylor Co.. 2.70 3447, WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM. Selections; edited by D. Cooomervell (King’s dTreasuries))eenen eee een eee ESP, Dutton eGo, ose 40 821:1 GENERAL COLLECTIONS OF POETRY, IN THE ENGLISH (CANGUAGE 3081 BURRELL, ARTHUR.=-— Book of heroic verse. ..2...... E?PsDuttont & (Contes 48 3116 DANA, CeA:, ed. Household: book-at poctrys eeees The Baker & Taylor Co.. 4.80 1877. MORRIS, JOSEPH, and ADAMS, ST. CLAIR. It can BoC ere es Pemhee pen om ner aty The Baker & Taylor Co.. 1.14 2027 PALGRAVE, F.T. Golden treasury of songs and lyrics.. Macmillan Co. ......... a0 3321 QUILLER-COUCH, A. T. Oxford book of English WV CTSC og odie wicais stelar wna Gk 'ala gia cele Se herein = alee ert ane tee eee Oxford University Press. 3.00 3529 REHYS, ERNEST.” New goldenstreasury.. cuore aes Ee PDutton e-Co. eae 48 3333. RITTENHOUSE, JESSIE. Little book of modern verse. The Baker & Taylor Co.. 80 3334 second book:of modern werse... 5. . book of the national parks: ....-. 25-42 -- Charles Scribner’s Sons.. 918. SOUTH AMERICA 3078 BRYCE, JAMES. South America: observations and im- 378 3105 3179 3218 BOOKS POR REFERENCE AND TEACHERS® LIBRARIES PRCSSIOUS Mettler te etre 7 thts Wwe WN har ete Peed eh Wacnillann Cons. & ce, 920] COLLECEIV Ey BIOGRAPHY. i J > sg > me LLISOTIC F/NINICTICANS «cary Byres et ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. COO are Wer Ourapocts: of Oday » .22. cee eee ee Old Virginia andsher neighbors) Z-volsa oct ee PARKMAN, FRANCIS. Conspiracy of Pontiac. 2 vols. Oi a ee rine cer er ye a ea “One of the most brilliant and fascinating books that has ever been written by any historian since the days of Herodotus.”—John Fiske. La Salle and the discovery of the great west........... Montcalm and=Wolte= 2 volsh -(5eb,) as eanternetes era te THWAITES. sy + sachets we The Baker & Taylor Co.. With the American Expeditionary Forces, 1918. ReAeL ae alecVim )og me Ws DOAbE MUTILCTS 551. '< 0 seo wires eee ace Charles Scribner’s Sons. . Life on a U. S. destroyer, 1918. 169 PRICE 1.90 2 1a 2.65 170 BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND TEACHERS’ LIBRARIES SUPPLY NO. TITLE CONTRACTOR 908° .DUFFY, Es Pa Fathers Dufiv s story apr ae eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. Experiences of a chaplain in the Great War, with a famous New York regi- ment, the 165th Infantry, formerly the 69th N. Y. 1102 GIBBONS, FLOYD. “And they thought we wouldn’t fight? 2.3 Sagan com Meee ore mete eee ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. Accounts of the part played by the American Army in the last year of the Great War. 1498 KELLOGG, VERNON. Headquarters nights.......... The Baker & Taylor Co.. The story of a member of the American Relief Committee with the German Army in Belgium. 3234 KELLEY, F. F. What America did. America’s part in the reat Avar s.i<:5 04.4 siete wcrc take ores ancient ence eee K.P. Dutton &-Conveus 1501, (KELLY, deo aW hat outht “buddy se nnn se ene The Baker & Taylor Co.. A true picture of the life of American soldiers in France during 1918. 2028 PALMER, FREDERICK. Our greatest tattle, -.0 wen The Baker & Taylor Co.. “A comprehensive and intelligent account of the greatest battle in which Americans ever fought, the Meuse-Argonne.’’—Preface. 2246 RICKENBACKER, E. V. Fighting the flying circus.... The Baker & Taylor Co.. Story of the most successful American airman and his comrades on the Western Front, 1918. < 2/528 USHER; Ro Grarotory or, the: preat wate oe ee Macmillar Co/2g es eee “This history is terse, clear, and well proportioned. It will serve satisfac- torily as a ready reference book for schools.’’—Outlook, 2860 WHITAKER, HERMAN. Hunting the German shark.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. Life on a submarine chaser, 1918. 2936 WOOLCOTT, ALEXANDER. Command is forward... The Baker & Taylor Co.. Stories of the A. E. F. 974.7 NEW YORK HISTORY 1297 HEMSTREET, CHARLES. Nooks and corners -of old News YOLK. x. sisi p ce ete Ot rt ie Fiera ee Charles Scribner’s Sons.. 3200 When old New..York' was youne?iieet see eee Charles Scribner’s Sons.. Interesting papers on historic localities, streets and buildings. 1450. JANMEERS dntoldgNew Yorker seotne pee aes The Baker & Taylor Co.. $224 “JENKINS, STEPHENS Story of thes Bronce eee The Baker & Taylor Co.. 3439 WILLIAMS, SHERMAN. New York’s part in history.. The Baker & Taylor Co.. 978. THE WEST 3343 ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. Winning of the west. 3 VOIS!)” CSE) soi. as sug = aos bee Rcetcorads Bape 0 ee The Baker & Taylor Co.. Covering the period of exploration and settlement of the trans-Alleghany and Louisiana purchase region from 1769-1807. “A story full of stirring incidents which never grows dull from first page to last; written after much research, and with impartial saberness, an admir- ? able contribution to the history of America ”’-—Lendon Sms *tator. PRICE 1.89 1.52 We 1.20 152 1.90 1:32 1.50 1.33 1.51 1.26 95 2.66 3.78 2.80 9:12 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE A B C of architecture. Wallis, F. E..... 158 A B C of electricity. Meadowcroft, W. H, 28, 44 PEE MRP AMatCUCh)2 "ria Saas vate ss cle ets ek’. 10 PBBOTT, A. B.. Frigates namesake..2. ... 52 Peo roe Kitsearsont ).).cner es. gS ABEL, M. H. Successful family life on a Pee CLA LCE LICOIIC we txet es cel poets ee ore eee 157 About animals; retold from St. Nicholas. CEES ET GS DRS Ot ee ee penta cidtetehe Flunt)@.? Wit ls. Seeeyss). 24 Abraham Lincoln. Drinkwater, John...... 138 Preoilessandaectors ale, “Ay C.) 5 he... 36 Preros= toc caiipus.« Puller; Co oMi so... 124 BUAMS, Bo. ~ Americanspirit. . 2... 133, 169 ADAMS, H. M. When mother lets us TCT Ee ae oe Ps a ee Zo ADAMS, J. D. When mother lets us RPC CL Mrage gist ater d ssA240 eee! Sea aie de's shee tenes s PANS) Es iearper’s electricity “book Pye Wag Ee Os fac en Pret eR ee aren 12 Harper’s machinery book for boys.... 113 ADAMS, KATHARINE. Mehitable..... 120 MVRIRISUISIMEC La re & Ae, rae ORM bs oie, retire 1Z0 Witernaadeot rate Jubii re, oe con t. 100 ADELBORG, OTTILLIA. Clean Peter... 12 ADLER, FELIX. Moral instruction of Seite PES We Re yb anoe Ra RD eee or cece 153 Mutua warrapit. MahanjArD.. 5 ea. iba maricate cafavanes Caryl Cr. 26... af) Adopting of Rosa Marie. Rankin, C. W... 108 ANDREWS, M. R. S. Yellow butterflies. .137 Adrift on an ice pan. Grenfell, W. T..... 94 Adventures in Beaver Stream camp. Dug- BRMAYE Cos Ee oars Pek os eee a AN ols Sel a! Adventures of a brownie. Craik, D. M... 23 Adventures of a Freshman. Williams, J. ROE Bari eatd yok ig's he ees hos Ss 142 Adventures ofa grain of jdust. Hawks- Vieidtee ga ape Satie Saeed nee eee aera 92 Adventures of Arnold Adair. Driggs, L. Pe MET to Bg eae es teh eee 50s. BURN 123 Adventures of Billy Topsail. Duncan, N.. 80 Adventures of Bob White. Burgess, T. W. 27 Adventures of Bobby Coon. Burgess, T. ATS Alay Gigs oly! Ge ee Sn eR ee 17 PAGE Wihitefo iiss Ooo Cody, W. F.. 49 Adventures of Bobby Orde. Adventures of Buffalo Bill. Adventures of Captain John Smith. Rob- Eye Re Ded elepeeriaa Eh, <7) 9 oa Nene 98 Adventures of Chatterer the red squirrel. Bir cess ba Weenaere ste gates >, bere. 17 Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. Bur- egackn cig Lap Ay een on En inmenie comer Seana kg i Adventures of Grandfather Frog. Burgess, RMN) ferro tec A oN tere 1 Sede eee 18 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Twain, IVES pee er eA le v's vis thn +o, 3m tee 141 Adventures of James Capen Adams. Hit- eI Lae ee shee ee etn ous ton yy ar EN: 97 Adventures of Jerry Muskrat. Burgess, T. Vem: PERE ONCE ten ok, 2A. uo winds anes eee SS 18 Alden, W.L. 52 Adventures of Jimmy Brown. Adventures of Jimmy Skunk. Burgess, $0 an Oe OM nee tr ae a ae 18 Adventures of Johnny Chuck. Burgess, T. Ss reat Ae Rie ies ey aes Peccnoner ne 18 Adventures of Mr. Mocker. Burgess, T Wes oe Ter chan Cee tat ey, Ce 18 Adventures of Odysseus. Marvin, F. S$... 131 Adventures of Ol’ Mistah Buzzard. Bur- Adventures of old man Coyote. Burgess hoes Mey SE OPP IE CELE 18 Adventures of Peter Cottontail. Burgess, RAY Viste Sake eae Clea age at ks © des 18 Adventures of Prickly Porky. Burgess, T. Vijboriahae pede AA Ree A gee Otome tial od 18 Adventures of Prince Lazybones. Hays, Mi Tela Viens [each ieee hc so rtridecten rea on 37 Adventures of Raphael Pumpelly:....... 135 Adventures of Reddy Fox. Burgess, T. W. 18 Adventures of Sammy Jay. Burgess, T. W. 18 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle, GTTEN GC oud 9% dha Se eR Ra Se COUNT cera a 138 Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Twain AVEaiiete Me ss Ameer enee sr eorer oak remare an 2 Ns Pie Adventures of Unc’ Billy Possum. Bur- Pesos Lew VV eee oe es te 18 Adventures of Uncle Sam’s sailors.....:. 70 Adventures with Indians. al Michels +P i4Ve7 waz 172 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE Adventures with pirates and sea rovers. Pyle Eko dh ois ee ee ee eee ee 48 Advertising man. Calkins) i> Deiee eee es evs Aeroplanes? - Zetbe, |i. ee a ieee 113 Aesop. Fables. 2280ie sae meee 13,221 435 Affonzo, our little Brazilian cousin. Nixon- Roulet ae Fo.) Sees. ae eee are Afloat with the flag. Henderson, W. J.... 105 African adventure stories. Loring, J. A... 95 Apainst oddsw | Heyliger,) Wise vite ener 82 Ave of (chivalry, » Bulfinch,» leis. eee p22 Ageot fableso Bulfinch, Tia... 111, 130, 145 (Aurmman: ae Coluns ben A... erick cee teene 112 Aladdin and other stories. Lang, A...... of ALCOTI,) -Me SE icht cousin 727 cae 100 Garland tOry Olea. bad, DOV si iauids a. ee, 77 Alice “Adams.~ [arksdeton, Booths... me 141 Wlitce adel OnMue DLO it Wit Lot acne ee 34 Alice in wonderland; dramatized. Findlay, Wt Tic sha cei si enac cout ee in Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. Car- POL A Loy sh ode ane A eae 14, 22, 35,54 Alice’s visit to the Hawaiian islands, Krout 70 All-about railways. «Hartwell; |.-S.22 eee 66 “All sorts of stories books Lang, Asie) ac. 98 Allan Ouartermains -Haceard, Hanke 138 ALLEN, A. E. Childern of the palm lands 19 ALLEN, LsiGie Table servicers 9. 2. cere. 157 PAGE ALLEN, N: B. New Europe. 2-25 ae 68 South**America. 2,-5.5, .6 . eee 68 ALLEN, W. B. Pineboro quartette..... 101 ALTSHELER, J. A.~ Apache gold. seems Border® Watchs.c.55 5!. os tel Fl. Eyes of the -woods, .2..: «ose eee 101 Fonest runners... ... «24.5 = eee ve Free. rangers)... 2. Ais .s ee oF Great-Siouxs trail 4 oo. 22 ee 101 Guns of “Bull Run. s..5....0eeee eee 120 Guns of; Shiloh t59. oo. eee ee 120 Herald of. the -wests.2.-222 sess eee 120 Horsemen (of. the.plains z......¢)-caeee 120 Hunters of the hills... 6.27 ene 120 In circling camps. -..n.41- 25 120 In hostile:red. (<4 27.5 «beeen ee 120 Keepers ‘of the tras.) 250.) er eee alOl Last, of: the:chiet$. 1.2. s,s 101 Lords of theswild........ 3 os See 120 Lost. huntersi7) 9ikn «ee eee 77 Masters ‘ofthe peaks... 275...) 77 Riflemen of the,Ohio”....5. 28-09 ZI A120 Rock, of Chickamauga?....-... seen 120 Rulers of théesiakess)).2 50-5 Pies 604 Scouts of: Stonewall... ... 7 see 120 Scouts: of: the: valley.s.. ... ... eee 120 Shades of the wilderness............ 101 Soldiers of sManhattanw: x. a. = eae 121 Star:-of (Gettysburg "a 12.1- 77 Sun «of, Quebec. to... eee if eae un, ot: Saratogal 7G). 2a. . ee ee 121 Sword of -Antietany.{ ©. 4. eee 1Z1 ‘Texan scouts yeete.s uk eee 101 Texan: stats. sc.s< ppc tans te cea ee 101 Texan triumphien gy. .* an (poe e see eee 101 Tree of; the ... ee 2A Fifty famous people, 2). ee 20 Fifty famous rides and riders........ 5° Four great Americans, 1... 27 eee az Old Greek Stories=, v2. eee Ah Old Stories of the’ East 2°" 0. -- eee 21 Robinson Crusoe for childrend. 72am 21 story of liberty)..i:./ct as 70 Story of* Rolands.. 3...) eee 64 Story: of Siegfried. 3). ea.e-) oe ee Re ie story of the golden ager, = eee eaee 54, 131 Thirty more *famous stories retold.... 32 Wonder books of horses. "Sve sees 54 BALDWIN, JAMES, and LIVINGOOD, W..” Wss Sailing the seas. seen eee 68 BALDWIN, SIDNEY. Five plays and five pantomines «5... . 2.0 santos cee a eee 45 Baldy*oft Nome. Darling; EE. BO ayeeeee 103 Bale marked Circle X. Eggleston, G. C... 123 Ballad-maker’s pack. Guiterman, Arthur.. 16] Ballads and tales” Haaren, Js He eda sees 36 Ballads of American bravery. Scollard, Clinton, “@d 0%). pee Pe 109 Banda Bela, our little Hungarian cousin. Nixon-Roulet, M.-F (2.2. 47 BANGS, M. R. Jeanne;d7Arci.nee eee 95 Banner of the white horse. Case, C. M..79, 137 *BANNERMAN, HELEN. Story of little Black Mingowy 21. Soe 7. oe Story of little Black" Sambow 2 eae 7 Bar sinister.) Davis, (Ri Himes ee ee 137 Barberry Bush. Coolidge, Susan......... 79 BARBOUR, R. H. Around the end...... 101 Behind he: libe 4.2. eee Zl Benton's. -venture..0.. 0 eee ee eee 121 Gaptain: ot@the-créwer. seu. eee 12h Change signals ean... .6 ose eee ih Crimson:-sweater® :.sc24. .oe eee 101 Danforth. plays: the game =<. oe 101 For: the treedom: of theyseas a3. <5. ae Th For the honor of the school 2.0. ee, 101 Forwardepass\ ote eae cee 1Z1 Four ‘afloat’ o en, ee eee Th Four in: campy fen et ae ete 77 Fourth down)... .itiv «cae ee, ee 137 Full-back Fosters 5). eee 77 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX 175 PAGE BARBOUR, R. H.—Continued Brraroine: lise eoalsin ae. te. oh se es ris REAL IAACH “Rte ee tas hich eo eS Maree 101 PA PIS ye ta a eter oe ot nk es 101 Ieepine ishedni sea. ca. eos ys - 101 Tectia Pea tarinon cies esc on tien aes. 4% Me Fs eres tactla Pi uayer.css Po sada s antes « 192 Pereira Die waae wate. sche ee tte te ON 137 MEWDOMTSUNOSLAgG. ..% Nate teal. cs leoe'< TZ} Mrerommnmnar ogee ts. siete ats. obs ss Soe 101 Peta aD Aba wOl as weed ats Le dks 78 np LeMmpenndantgaad oe dawe ees. oe: bs) 78 ae Ua Lie TOR UIGY LOA aes ¢. 454° 6 cic a. 78 eCEre Pldy Beate. Seen «vdaten atic Cle ss Wal SO hthesschoolsae =) agate... ais 102 PeTeee vase tDCNSON Noa Ei gee Rae ale Seal Sn a ane a 102 Medshipimanre rarragit. 2.402)... 70 Yankee ships and Yankee sailors..... jVAl BARNUM, M. D., ed. Harper’s book of lit- PROG Vs Sen nec Ne) eget) Teles esonXlaian'n + 45 School plays for all occasions......... 93 BARK, A. E:. Belle of Bowling. Green... 121 POM On OTANC CID DON sends cditvihai as 121 BARRES, MAURICE. War and the spirit EMELINE Peetiemn as.) nord «hed ok) ahao oti ade 133 BARRKIE, J--MoeA kiss for Cinderella... 132 URI LUMC VINNIE OI. ..0.'. sakes Cee ee 137, PetOCe IMIS VVENUY 0 tec metoe oem eis 78 Peter, Pan; ed. by F..O. Perkins:..5.. 78 Peters Pan picture’ booki.:7. 2... ZZ PAGE Toc) Wer Cr ia, Givil? Ware oeragte’s tine. /1 Colonists and); the, revolutiog:.. . 0... 70 Banos sOUtdingss <5 (Sects «spect are 3 ene 114 VALE LIS < DRO PUL ES Cele tcc saveret ake & die hers 114 DVGVCUTEA LOR Aire tals sc Bete. ae te Oh otnrs 2 kite rAl Progress'oivarunited: people, 2. ...-'. 95 BARTHOLOMEW, J. G. Literary and historical atlas of Atrica and Australasia. 163 Literary and historical atlas of America 165 Literary and historical atlas of Asia.. 104 Literary and historical atlas of Europe. 164 BARTLETT, F..O, (Forest ‘castaways. ..-. 102 BARTLETT, JOHN. Familiar quota- TIONS * oN Neu etet hors et cao ee 130, 159 Bartley, Freshman pitcher. Heyliger, W... 8&2 BARTON, CLARA. Story of the Red Cross 70 IsiOgtapny se WDICK wees os Oe eae Hs heres ay 116 Baseball. Clarke and Dawson.......... 95,- 113 Baseball notes for coaches and _ players. Cie MELEE ie ais ees tte Scr tee we 93 Basket ball. Wardlaw and Morrison...... 150 Basket ball and indoor baseball for women. Prosteanas. Wardlaw. sianaqce dane Soe. os 133 BASS, FLORENCE. Stories of pioneer REL GRY 7H etre oo Ratatat oe 6. ottaee eit ee Je BASS, M. F. Nature stories for youngest TEACeGS eeaTiina le lilel mirc Get we. ie. eas TZ Nature stories for youngest readers; Pianta liners. ee wees Cia aero: 12 BASSETT, S. W. Paul and the printing PECSS menage eh arrears o's OF eG yar O be wPlaSs pis oie ae eee + + 5 ois oe 65 DUOr eee PMICALIEL pmretees vic oft eme «ss. eats 46 DeOryeOle mi bere aad suas foes << oer 46 SLOVO EM ULCCIAIIO waked adeno: < eee ees 65 SLORY OMESH Kae key cy seta. os eee 65 Sloreroinsdcartn wale cee. «5 sees 65 SLORY AOEMNOOL As Cnt. s omen. .'s Roma 46 BAT EosKeleein: sunny Spdines see ae. 68 BA Dooce ts hairy A New recitations for infants.......... fp Battle ol- baseballs -Claudy, GC: H..%.. 2: 67 Bavtile-otaGettysbureay Drake, So Aw... . 72 Battle ot New York. ‘Stoddard, W. O:..:. 110 BAYLISS, C. K.~ Lolami, the little cliff- We tae cr snc SEM antes not 31 BAYLOR] Fess. Young Amertea’s first DOGK aac Oy mememirct <0 | A terete 20 Beach patrol. Drysdale, William.......... 104 BEAEBY.2\7 a). -and, (PATIRFORD, “F: Peeps at many lands: Canada and New- foUndland Maat ae seacoast soy. 69 176 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX. PAGE Bear stories retold from St. Nicholas. Car- ter, MoH. eds Reon. ekg 43 BEARD, :D..C. Black a renee oes 36 Bée-man.of Orn Stockton) Pa Re Wee 62 Bee-people.isMorleyjeM. Ws tes aspeee 18 BEEBE, M. B. Four American naval her ges 5 oO 2 Acces, et ee se eee 32 BEEBE, WILLIAM. Edge of the jungle. 133 Junplenpea Ce. ix +; toc ay- chee sae ee WES, BEESON, R. K. Child’s calendar beauti- 10) Dane | eee Darn t Ae oe Oe meee 54 Behind the big glass window. Robinson, L. 9 Behind’ the line. Barbour, KR. Hi Seinen 121 Beinora. boyeevVotner. 7. Daa a ees es) BEITH, J. H. First hundred thousand... 115 Belgian fairyatales. sGritise vob. seen Dy Beloian twins herkcins: Ii ees ce 19 Bellesoft ‘Bowling Green Barr A. Hie 121 BELLOC, HILAIRE. French revolution. 167 Ber Comee: Canavangvin: |neccke ey ase 54 Ben chur Wallace wizew... cn uae 129 Ben thei battle horse. | Jeweti- 5.00) - > eee 57 Betty Leicester’s. Christmas: Jewett; SrO7 secs Between the lines. King, Charles#.) ies 125 Beyond rope and fence. Grew, David... 105 Beyond the old frontier. Grinnell, G. B. 72, 105 Beyond.the pasture bars. Sharp) Dy yee Bible dictionary. Smith, William........ 145 Big brother, Eggleston, Ga. ee eee orioe. <-} Big. game. — Perry, “Lawrence. eee 108 Big Jack, and other true stores of horses. Jackson,..G. Ev. 3a... See 37 Big people and little people of other lands. shaw; H.R. occ i: oe eke oa ZO BIGHAM, M. A. Stories of Mother Goose Village +: a:hge te sage el su ae eke 13 Billy Topsail, M. D. Duncan, Norman.... 123 Bimbi. De La Ramee, Louise. 2... eee 55 Biography of a:grizzly7) Seton.) eee 44 Birch and the star. Thorne-Thomsen, G... 41 BIRD, G. E., and STARTLING, M. His- torical plays for children. >.) ee 29 Bird life stories. Weed, C. M., 2 vols..... 44 Bird-nest boarding house. Reed, Verbena. 66 Bird stories “irom Burroughs..5. a. eee 97 Bird®stories. Patch i Mie oe 44 Bird woman of the Lewis and Clark expedi- tion.» Chandler? Katharine: see eee 13 Birds and bees.” Burrougtis, John 22. )..0e 91 Birds, and man, “Hudson Woh.) fee 156 Birdsiain a village. 1 ¥Hudson, Wiebe wee 112 Birds’ Christmas Carol. Wiggin, K. D..63, 89 Birds’ Christmas carol. Wiggin, K. D. (dram.-version)) .”. 24... ie ce eee 68 Birds every child should know. Blanchan, Neltie AAs 25.28 ee, eee 65 Birds through the year. Gilmore, A. F.... 66 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE BIRDSALL, K. A., and PUTNAM, G. H. POO alee fy ect ntersts o) eo hac diene *''s 102 BISHOP, AUSTIN. Bob Thorpe, sky Rodale MeN Meee oh Lait ow slerate ees 75 Bob Thorpe, sky fighter, in Italv...... 78 PLOnIRO Peter raidlers.s. So% eM Pees i es 78 BISHOP, FARNHAM. Our first war in emcee Weer e T. e cs o 71 Panamian pas And: Present. arp oo 5 ay.-0 + 69 Peas O10 MIE wSUDINATING: Chants "stein ate a oe 112 Blackbeard, buccaneer. Paine, R. D...... 85 Black beauty. Sewell, Anna...... 26, 40, 61, 86 Biack boulder claim. Newberry, Perry..... 107 Black Buccaneer. Meader, S. W........ 85 Black-eyed Susan. Phillips, E. C......... 25 Blackfeet Indian stories. Grinnell, G. B... 76 BLACKMORE, R. D. ee Doone oe 121 iat E anion vier es" 85 Black wolf pack. Beard, Ey ¢ > Mange Lette: 78 Blacky the crow. Burgess, ear fes 27 BLAISDELL, A: F. Stories from Eng- Wipe TEES sie ile San MaO i apm ‘Se Saar rmee 48 Siomice Oimine civil) Wat. 5 06+ s ces Al Beynore vulerican Listorye: sacs 48 Poet. and BALL, F. K. American history story book............ 32 Child’s book of American History..... 32 Heroic deeds of American sailors..... oo POMGErSE OMA Mer iCal tri. yes bes ons 48 BLAISDELL, E. A., and M. Fy Boy blue cae! (ibis Game ay tah nek Ae gS eee 7 BLAISDELL, M. F. Cherry tree children. 7 BBOU eA APO teens oes ho oat as ol 8 13 Treat Ves LI CCL Ss DOOK ee ete, 255 ee 5.6 busses 8 BLANCHAN, NELTJE. Birds every child NETTLES Ee GOA ie ei Se aes a 65 Blazed trail. Buide protiers Greene, oH >. ais. bs ceets ous 56 mitueenicerde. Dice, o Merges. vad fis 104 Pulceaeiit apm ite, Foe C) eh ei tae a sid vesbachy. 89 Blue bird for children. Maeterlinck RAR TCO ree ott A cM mtd «Ath alas ops ahs 38 Blue Bonnet’s ranch party. Jacobs, C. E.. 106 Blue fairy book. Lang, Andrew......... 58 Blue Heron Cove. McKinney, F. L...... 59 LARGER any Tea Ges O00 SF oe OM ohne ee A eee ee 60 Blue pearl. Scoville, Samuel.....-...... 127 Blue Robin, the girl pioneer. Halsey, R. I. 57 Boarded-up-house. Seamon, A. H....... 86 Bob, son of Battle. Bob Thorpe, sky fighter. Ollivant, Alfred. ..126, 140 Bishop, Austin.. 78 b 177 PAGE Bob Thorpe, sky fighter, in Italy. Bishop, ALISTER or ota ou Te hes eee hemes, AG sev BOBBITT, FRANKLIN. Curriculum.... 149 Bobby and Betty at home. Dopp, K. E... 8 Bobby of Cloverfield Farm. Orton, H. F.. 25 opsolidotralse Burton cern ts ctt Ss .. 78 BOK, E. W. Americanization of Edward PRO mere Seth: Uta Ree ea err, Mh. 166 Dutch iboy -fhity tyearsaiterts:/.¢.60-; ‘Al Maratromtuiviainege cee x heels otto ae 133 Bold Robin Hood. Rhead, Louis......... ot BOLLMAN, GLADYS and HENRY. Mo- tion pictures for community needs...... 159 BOLTON, S. K. Famous American au- HEROES pine. Cert ER eR SEP eg An 115 Lives of poor boys who became fa- ARLSNEICY of 228, i ee ieie moras Aa Nee PL Seed ils) BOND, A. R. Inventions of the great war. 112 On the battlefront of engineering..... 112 Pie esnovel-and epic dio rene, 01 CICMibne ALiteriCan WDOY aie luna. <5 67 With the men who do things......... 91 Booklover’s holiday in the open. Roose- A Lyn teed oat A a a at Be nO Gs ee a 159 Book of American wars. Nicolay, Helen.74, 135 Book of; athletics., -Withineton) .P on iy..<).. 23 Book of bravery. Second series. Lanier, a HR lps nt nea A he aN LE 117 Book of bravery. Third series. Lanier EL Seen Mra emia bee 135 Book of buried treasure. Paine, R. D..... 115 Bog ot Cais ete eee 16 Book felectrcity.” Collins, Aro.) : ke. of Book of escapes and hurried journeys. Buchariae loli. wer see ek crs fier. 96 Book of fables. Scudder/ HH! FE... 27. 9 Book of famous verse. Repplier, Agnes, ed. 86 Book of fish and fishing. Rhead, Louis... 133 Book of folk stories. Scudder, ve Kage. P15 Book of great Americans. Scholes, P. A.. 114 Book of heroic verse. Burrell.......... 162 Book of holidays. McSpadden, J. W..... 160 Book of Hallowetentak élleyjiRe iy sean k 160 Book of joyous children. Riley, J. W. 60 Book of knight and Barbara. Jordan, be OA Book of laughter. Birdsall and Putnam.. 102 Book of legends told over again. Scudder, Pee mn, ok ee? ee el Fi, 26 Book of little boys. Brown, H. D...... 34 Book of nonsense. Lear, Edward........ 9, 24 Book of nursery rhymes, arranged by C. Welsh SRS SS OU 6/8 O16 Ow Be ete © «Ga! id oe oe eG 178 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE Book of romance. Lang, Andrew..... 42, 131 Book of the great musicians. Scholes, P. Bo eesehet obs Cre Pee ee ener eee 114 Book of the home garden. Fullerton, KE. L. 92 Book of the long trail. Newbolt, H...... Eb) Book of the national parks. Yard, R. S... 133 Book of the ocean. Ingersoll, Ernest..... 69 Book of verses for children. Lucas, E. V.. 24 Book of wirelessa.:Gollinsy,ReALeO i: Lie Book of wonder voyages. Jacobs, J...... 57 Bookbinding. Cockerell, Douglas........ 158 BOONE, DANIEL. Biography. White, Scot eke ee Mean aed ae eee 100 Boone of the w rilderness. Henderson, Daniel 117 BOOTH, -M, Sleepy-time stories...... z2 Boots and Sidatee Guster. Bk sok ee 96 BORDEAUX, H. Guynemer, knight of the “i Sn 2. 2a 0 A We SRM ie Pe Mae LIS Border fights and fighters. ee Creal oe 95 Border wae Altsheler, | PS Nae en 77 McDonald ue Dalrymple 47 Boris in Russia. Borrosmed sisters ¢ White ie) eae ase. aaes 41 BOSTOCK, F. C. Training of wild animals 91 Bostem cook book: Vicineoin fin). cucs 157 Both sides of 100 public questions briefly debated: “Shurter‘and l ayloren. oe ae a. Loe BOUSEORDAGM A. inthe trenches. o70, ah 121 Bightineg with the-W, cosrarmy te. ae £37 BOWEL VK) F. Asgard and, thes Norse GEPOES etls.c a ba eg Re ee oe 54 BOURNE, H. E. Teaching history and CIVICS! ae 5. cece epee Ree crac, aie: Men BOUTET DE MONUEL, L. M. Joan of VEC! . Spice: ae oeee ee he tar ca ce Ce Zi Bow of orangé ribbon: . Barr, AE to, 2.2d2! Bow-wow and mew-mew. Craik, G. M. 14 BOWEN, WILLIAM. Old tobacco shone 78 Boy and the baron. Knapp, Adeline..... 83 Boy apprenticed to an enchanter. Colum, Pairaie 45.2 oe ei ee ee eae cies eee Boy blue and his friends. Blaisdell....... 7 Boy craftsman, “HaliaeceN lee ne Ces, 67 Boy emigrants. > reeks! Noalierraoe4 seus 102 Bey hunters.) Reida Mayne: ayes ee, 127 Boy hunters in Demerara. Hartley, G.I.. 82 Boys: Haring § Goltimiyies 7... 2 oan ee 69 Boy im serbia. “Dawsesa tana ns oie 69 Boy jife: sHowells. Web sy 2 oer 83 Boy life of Napoleon: Foa,; Eugenies’..-. 49 Boy life on the prairie. Garland, Hamlin. 133 Boy kincolns Stoddardsawi-) sae 75 Boyemechianics sy Oi lay. cru alc ae SR) PAGE Boysmechanic: SVol.s 2559... 6 eee 93 Boy of a thousand years ago. Comstock, : cls Pegs gs ale kibawt ate een o Boy ‘of Bruges. Cammaerts,; E.: and Tae 56? Boy of the first empire... Brooks,.E2 (Sines Boy officers of 1812. Tomlinson, E. T.... 88 Boy pioneers, sons of Daniel Boone. Beard, Nas Cree POP TO 67 Boy scout and other stories for boys. Davis, Bi Elciecs ony nls oon 0h, gals Sse ee 122 Boy scout entertainments. Lisle, Clifton.. 67 Boy scouts at Crater Lake. Eaton, W. P.. 104 Boy scouts’ book of campfire _ stories. Mathiews,. BP: .K, .:4ic.00 sy ae 126, 140 Boy scouts’ book of stories. Mathiews, F. TE « Ph Recaps alibi oR tee aly ees 126 Boy scouts in a trapper camp. Burgess Oe See i een PR 54 Boy scouts in Glacier Park. Eaton, W. P. 104 Boy scouts in the wilderness. Scoville, Samuel Fy 2. sera’ neared 109 Boy scouts’ life of Lincoln. Tarbell, I. M.. 99 Boy scouts of Berkshire. Eaton, W. P.... 80 Boy scouts in the Dismal Swamp. Eaton, WreeP ie tare ES ie ee 80 Boy scouts of Woodcraft camp. Burgess, TPs Wi iteaiietee ecto aie ees ee 54 Boy scouts of lost trail. Burgess, T. W.... 54 Boy scouts of Swift river. Burgess, T. W. 54 Boy scouts’ year book. Mathiews, F. K... 113 Boy settlers. Brooks, Noah/\ + eee 102 Boy soldiers of 1812. Tomlinson, E. T.... 88 Boy who went to the East. Brill, E. C....- 52 Boy with the U. S. Census. Rolt-Wheeler, Fl Wo ARBs Sate ae ce 119 Boy with the U. S. Explorers. Rolt- Wheeler, FW: ies. eo eee 98 Boy with the U. S. Fisheries. Rolt-Wheeler, Py he pty eee ee er 98 Boy with the U. S. Foresters. _Rolt- Wheeler, FAW. Sooo ee eee 119 Boy with the U. S. Indians. Rolt-Wheeler, Fs Wi i V8 See 100 Boy with the U. S. Life Savers. Rolt- Wheelers Fe Wie ee eee 99 Boy with the U. S. Mail. Rolt-Wheeler, BOW. ox Glas ol DOSE ee en 99 Boy with the U. S. Miners. Rolt-Wheeler, Bo Wi: 2045 se Re, 5 99 Boy with the U. S. Naturalists. Rolt- Wheeler; I. Wit cee oe ee 132 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX 179 PAGE Boy with the U. S. Survey. Rolt-Wheeler, Mee kD Oe a a 119 Boy with the U. S. Trappers. Rolt-Wheeler, 1 SUN PRRs gh nt ce ee Pe ce, Sn an a 132 Boy with the U. S. Weather man. _ Rolt- a ee ie Lg De en oe aR eg 99 BOYCE, E. M. Enunciation and articula- OTM a ees an eA te oko oe 8 150 BOYD, I. E. When mother lets us cut out PES CR ee TEAS hh ase Ae eM Sa ath slat 19 Powter VWVio,, Jolnnie: Kelly’... teers... 137 Boyhood of Abraham Lincoln. Gore, J. R. 134 Boyhood stories of famous men. Cather, POPn ete ea ecRO cet vg. Mi srasdie Alpers ie yh Ca" 49 BOY LES MPO Calendar: Stortés...... «. £44. 22 Boys’ airplane book. Collins, A. F. ...... 65 eye cand eris fairy, storiésiss 5. eo Cs is 8. 13 Boys and girls of colonial days. Bailey, Cg ee eS ene 34 Boys’ and girls’ republic. Gill, W.E...... 146 Boys and girls of colonial days. Bailey, ee ORE estrone gaye Vivek s 34 Bovey oak of battles. Fraser, C. Cry. .:. 72 Boys’ book of canoeing and sailing. Miller, Bet mA ANP, hove Ree Sale he ayn cheicae' saw. oe 113 Boys’ book of famous regiments. Ogden POMEL TIP CINCOCK Bee ei. in nish brn eknle ain a auellarn 98 Boys’ book of firemen. Crump, Irving .... 96 Boys’ book of frontier fighters. Sabin, E. L. 99 Boys’ book of Indian warriors. Sabin, E. L. 76 Boy's book of model aeroplanes. Collins, Boys’ book of mounted police. LG yi eee eter Ose ae acts we ote Le Boys’ book of policemen. Crump, Irving.. 96 Boys’ book of railroads. Crump, Irving... 65 Boys’ book of scouts. Fitzhugh, P. K..... 96 Boys’ book of sea fights. Fraser, C. C.. fo Boys’ book of sports. Rice, Grantland. . 93 Boys’ book of submarines. Collins, Ashen 91 eo Ue ae ANE Agha ares ga aed Se, Orel 100 Boys’ club. Bernheimer and Cohen....... 153 Boy’s Froissart, edited by Sidney Lanier. 90 Moyes heroes tialem Hy hw, 2) ies earn 73 Boys’ Wiad.. Petry, I CEr Ata here eidhes 59 Boy’s King Arthur. Lanier, Sidney ...... 64 Boy’s life of Abraham Lincoln. Nicolay, eee Ok at eA irl cent ah « enema aa Boys’ life of Booker T. Washington. Jack- SOTIE VV a1 Ore Shien or RE tise ed ett oS) Meadowcroft, W. H. 117 Boy’s life of Edison. Nicolay, Helen.. 117 Boys’ life of Lafayette. PAGE Boys’ life of Mark Twain. Paine. A. B... 118 Boys’ life of Theodore Roosevelt. Hage- dorm Het mat pom, Vat eon 116 Boy’s iife of U. S. Grant, Nicolay, Helen. 113 Boy’s Mabinogion. Lanier, Sidney ...... 63 Beye Odyssey:; Perry, Wats geets sn ess 85 Boys of Fairport. Brooks, Noah ........ 54 Boys of Greenway court. Butterworth, H. 54, 78 Boys of other countries. Taylor, Bayard.. 31 Oye Ulihl mothy sa tet AN 5 44 bees cs 85 Boys oteperoopys ball, Ruths. 5. soe 82 Ove uO tee? Cee Oil hee Coon, ore et, eens 72 Boys of the Rincon ranch, Canfield, H. S. 54 Boys’ outdoor vacation book. Verrill, A. Irs Ce Re te eh oe Sete ETS hs 93 Boys’ own book of great inventions. Dar- TOW StL aL ree er ee eh ty ee eee 65 Boy cee arctan Liasbrotickvn le: Key zens 98 Boy’s Percy; edited by Sidney Lanier. ..91, 131 Boy's townagaowells, WD. S65 eis we oes 97 Boys who became famous men. Skinner, - PLOSCE Migs Rea eee oe E EE Oe. hk GEN URES ee 51 Boys with Old Hickory. Tomlinson, E. T. 88 BRADEN, J. M. Little book of well- ERO WtO VG tee Shy ee ate Senne eae Ie, 8 BRADDY, NELLA. Young folks’ ency- clopediasol® etiqtettes scans chee Meee 67 BRADY, C. T. Border fights and fighters 95 In: the, wasp snest- es nee sats 102 Indian fights and fighters ............ LES Revolutionary fights and fighters ..... 7\ BRADY, U. &, .Green forest fairy book... 34 braided ‘straws Poulke,. Rao.” eee. 23 BRANCH, M. L. B.. Guld the cavern king 54 Brant and Red Jacket. Eggleston and Seelye 100 Brave deeds of American sailors. Duncan, Os Eee CO ae ACE PEC Le 49 Brave deeds of Confederate soldiers. Bruce, Peat hee ee Pe Pee As ss ., Sue Sue ater te Receeee Oe Brave deeds of revolutionary soldiers. Dun- Caton ty ae ee eeetecn ss oly oe ee eta 49 Brave deeds of Union soldiers. Scoville, SE Nsahtll> Sh ahs Meets ne epemnR AL nee ede are 119 BREARLEY, H.C. Animal secrets told.. 65 BRENTANO, K. Gockel, Hinkel and (Gackelsia: meter cae eae st. doves teat BREWER, E. C. Reader’s handbook.... 159 BREWER, J. M., and KELLYE, R. W. Se- lected critical bibliography of vocational PUI AN COMMS ph ame © ST a ere eae. 12 180 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE Brief course in the history of education. Monroes’ Paul ea, cen eee tee eee 147 Brief course in the teaching process. Strayer GS De ee eee er oe 149 BRIGGS, Ie-H. and COR PM AING Ss Rédding ain public SschoolSt saree 150 BRIGHAM, A. P. From trail to railway.. 165 Geographic influence in American his- COE Mec ie eres ack cn 167 BRILL, E. C. Boy who went to the east.. 52 When lighthouses are dark .......... 102 BROADHURST; ]., aud RHODES; Cal: Verse More patrigtsel: ee seo. care 102 Broad stripes and bright stars. Bailey, C. re SLAEE Bo SURO aE ete DE ane orate rats ‘ Braien soldier and the maid of France. Van UBL CMe mE eeceuere ere igi gear Rots naa 141 BROOKE, LESLIE. Johnny Crow’s gar- CLOTS ©. isscodeuacege dele ete eee te ees ane e oke 10 Johnny? Crows, patty ot aque oer 10 Story. oistie three sears sean ie orere 10 This little pig went to market ....... 10 Pacvees hearse caterers eo ote as ae ee 10 ahiec little. pes 75a os eee aan Ee 10 Brooklyn Daily Eagle Almanac ........... 145 BROOKS, DOROTHY. Stories of the red PHUATEN a Kot: scene ite cs: eee eee e 13 BROOKS, E. C. Francisco, our little Ar- gentine COUSIN ....-....--2eese eee sees 46 BROOKS, E. S. Boy of the first empire.. 102 Century book for young Americans 48, 71 Century book of famous Americans .. 71 Century book of the American colonies 48 Century book of the:American revolu- toil we ee tee + ea ee ee ee Heroic happenings ...........+.---: 71 Historie “Ameéricans’ V27).45.'.0-. 5% 02 - 165 Historie oys eae es sete eee 7A TiStoriGupir lS QUa, Wh ene tte icf teer es 71 In blue and ‘white .-......22...0..- 78 Master of the strong hearts ........-. Val Story of our war with Spain ........ 115 Story of the American Indian ...... 100 Story of the American sailor ........ 95 True story of Abraham Lincoln ..... 32 True story of Benjamin Franklin .... 48 True story of Christopher Columbus . 32 True story of George Washington.... AV True story of Lafayette .........-.. 49 True story of the United States ..... 4y True story of U. S. Grant ......... 49 PAGE BROOKS, NOAH. Boy emigrants...... 102 Boy «settlers! 420)... ee 102 Boys of Fairport 215.5 5 ee eee 54 Lem, a New England village boy .... 122 Story of Marco=Polo {Se 94 Brother Eskimo. Sullivan; Alanis. ae 62 BROWN, A. F. Flower Princess ....... a2 In’ the days of eiants 2.00... oe eee 34 Lonesomest “doll: 22) 3s oa. se eee 34 Lucky ase Gere 78 BROWN, E. V. Stories of childhood and Mature». siege ss Oe ee er 27 Stories of wood and field 7... ..4..hae 17 When the world was young ......... Ns) BROWN,’ H. D. * Book of little boysmig aes Little: Miss Phoebe: Gaye a2 oa 34 Two: college: girls) $v. 1.25 ee eee 122 BROWN, K. H. Hallowell partnership... 122 BROWN, K..L.2 Alice andy] om eee 34 Brown Wolf and other Jack London stories 139 BROWNE, E..A. . Peeps at industries: rubb@r. is 5. Mees era o> Salant eee 94° Peeps at industries: sugar .:.-.. ose ad Peeps at “industries 5 (t¢a i. eG eae 94 BROWNE) E.vA., and GOODALE, Aaa Peeps at many lands: Spain and Portu- Gall Apne aes weal a ede ol nace hae ne 69 BROWNE, FRANCES. Granny’s wonder- ful.chair 2% jyerds’cter eee tee 22, 34 BROWNELL, A. G. Thankful Spicers... 102 Brownies, (Ewing, Mts. Jo. tee 36 Brownies abroad; |,Cox;* Palmer — isis 22 Brownies around the world. Cox, Palmer. 22 Brownies at home. Cox, Palmer......... i4 Brownies, their book. Cox, Palmer....... 14 Brownies through the Union. Cox, Palmer 22 BROWNING, ROBERT. Pied Piper of Hamelit hip: 3..i ee ae eee Se Selections. ss‘ 5 be gro cee hs eee 162 Bruce. Terhune ASP). eee 128 BRUCE, P. A. Brave deeds of Confeder- ate’! soldiers: ert ee oer aoe 96 BRUNHES, JEAN. Human geography . 163 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX 18] Decor, GC, P.. Colonel’s, opera cloak........ 122 BRYANT, A. C. Treasury of hero tales.. 54 BRYANT, L. M. Famous pictures of real RIGO AGI, Senet hero Ia ee oS eee 114 trl 2 Atly AAINCLICATY et, a): Sheil: seeerclast 3 49 mice Too Wea Ce PPoetical’works ia. c.. 161 ere Cee Coe Le me (SATE). a Reo oeatic tye ee tso ys 114 MASEL Ke POLICS an th Sette snr ee eins 7 BRYCE, JAMES. American common- DSI vps yells ian Ue alee 0 i ar 146 rere CLEP TOT ACA eerie o cacv a ensecng ae es a, e 165 Buccaneers and pirates of our coasts. Stock- DCI als Re nvr Meroe x cunt he Packettyehousees...o..n12:.-,.° 34 rat Ae COW Geeta enn: aaa 0fs 34 SecreieGardcne. sus ahten acs ie a eet 122 Sprig welcaninge |ct, mer, apa e «8 evar ad BURNHAM, SMITH. Making of our epeuauemy! Seay Wey CWP racecar eanaene OGe «115 BURRELL, ARTHUR. Book’ of/-heroic VCLSOLM Cen PRN aeaots at eee) hd... eens 161 BURRILL, E. W. Master Skylark (dra- Mmatizeds CGs)aae oe Barnes ee ew: AU ea 67 BURROUGHS, JOHN. Bird stories from BUrrouph San: «ctcts. «ee aetoe cates fete 91 BRACE IGG DECS! ait sf ce tituew ss Tha as 50's Ol Rivebaynoour w.%! (192 in amish ae teenie oes Bg Scuiucelsand otner fur bearersives as: 2/7 BURT. MoE.” “Poems that every child late yall Cally 4 0). pau eae Ree Sb Wa Ateten Hy, BURTON, A. H. Four American patriots 32 PATA Veter ete a Seiya ee 49 Story of the Indians of New England 52 Wore De tem et bOD Sin tratls 2. 4. - 78 Kaven pane olsbommrtiilh. S252 .5.. 78 BS es eet Pat ieetGser eae of os 102 182 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX bi PAGE Business English and correspondence. Davis and Langham. in at Boa. eee eee 158 Business.-letter, . Dwyer, vl Ee oe hae 158 BUTCHER, E. L. Things seen in Egypt.. 165 BUTLER, E. C. Our little Mexican cousin 46 BUTLER, “E BR. Swatty ta, acne ces 102 Butterfly and moth books. Robertson- Maller y i ivecas seat oe ee eee eet 156 BUTTERWORTH, HEZEKIAH. Boys of (sreenwayeeoult .. hs sees ete cae 54, 78 Inthe boynood -of Lincoln) sees. 103 Buze CONGEMPM AUTIGe, © oe. oc eee Seen ee 28 BYRNE, DONN. Messer Marco Polo... 137 Gabbaves and kines stienry, Ol7. eee ee 138 CABOT, E. L. Course in citizenship and PHCFIOUISI, - Fe ee eterna ee ee 15] CACCAVAJO, J. Guide to the municipal government of the City of New York, 96, 134, 146 Gade days: King: Wharlesmerra:s hota 106 CADY,’ Mr: ond DEWEY, JoUM> * Pics ture stories from the great artists...... 3 CAESAR. Story of Caesar. Clarke, Mi- GEGreIMes er Gr Wen opens ceemeeteie ty cketere aye 134 CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH. Come las- Sicammainet LACEY An ae me Cee ites eee 16 Pape liSepoy ot. cease eee os re te 11 Fox jumps over the Parson’s gate.... 16 Great Panjandrim himself pty siec. 1 Hey Diddle and baby bunting ........ 11 Housetthatt jack ‘built. cay eee we ut JohnvGripin . owe eae ots Soe eae 149 Chats in the zoo. Weimer and Jones...... yi PTaAUer Wem eC a CC LIMall \) wie toe. Meee ees 58 Chemistry of cooking and cleaning. Rich- eeriemed title liOttean tor, ferris oti geen ae 157 (CHIN HAY ee. JO eeicouisa Mi Alcott se, «ct iris Cherry tree children. aisdelim Nieikr sant. 7 Chess and checkers. Lasker, Edward.... 113 Chevalicreoroldserance: Coxe leh. v1... 42 CHEYNEY>+E:°G: “Scott Burtom and the TU Uet Leen Na 2. kW ate coe cine at axa thy clerk 103 scott Murton oni thesranee. Pull Ty 103 Child and his spelling. Cook and O’Shea.. 150 Ghildiatinlave. Muteay Clara nope ise’: 9 184 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE me life in Japan. Ayrton, Mrs. M.C.... 30 Child life in other lands. Perdue, H. A... 30 Ch ild stories and rhymes. Poulsson, Emile 9 Child training. Patri, Angelo............ 148 Childhood of Ji- Skib the Ojibwa. Jenks, Feet ae iin ocd «teeta oe Sek eee ee Children of ancient Britain. Lamprey, L.. 84 Children, of -history. ‘Hancock, M.S. 5/2. 50 Children-et the Archo | Peatyermer wee: 19 Children of the cliff. Children of the New Forest. Children of the palm lands. Wiley and Edick... 13 Marryat. .84, 107 Allen, A.E... 19 Children of the wild. Deming, E. W...... 20 Children of the wild. Roberts, C.G.D.... 61 Children who followed the piper. Colum, Padraic AA NR UAPRO Le DM RS Ayre X, 55 Children’s Bible. Sherman, H. S., and Kent GEE Sonate oi Pe AA pe eee lea 86, 110, 128 Children’s city. Singleton, Esther........ 64 Ghildren’s eardemy Millerail KAw ae 15! Coloma araic ane: JO A4S1 Maeterlinck, M. 112 Children’s Homer. Children’s life of the bee. Children’s Munchausen. Raspe, R. E...... 60 Chiidtens. Plutach:. ‘(Gouldaeis [eee s eee 50 Children’s reading. @bentin Helen sees 144 Children’s stories of American progress. Mibiguie blay Cou Sar cee eetencwase ater 92 Child’s book of American biography. Stimp- SOit Ms Sc RO Ree oe ee ee ee 51 Child’s book of American history. Blais- deliv AP and: Ball eh? Ke ee ae 32 Child’s book of holiday plays. Wickes, F. CSN: OLGA oe Be er ee ee 68 Child’s calendar beautiful. Beeson, R. K.. 54 Child's: days De lav. Maré; Walter. .-22-.. om Child’s garden of verses. A. 7 A 20. Teena he RF oe ee eee . 26, 41 Child’s journey with Dickens. Wiggin, K. D. : SPE nd See TOR eee 75 Child’s story of Hans Christian Andersen. Harboe, Pala (oo eae. Aa tA 73 Chimessibickens, uC hariesam a. ee eee 123 Chinese fables and folk stories.. Davis and Show Uletitig pian ee oh ee ae 35 Chinese fairy stories. Pitman, N. H..... 60 Chanecse Hiatt it cnet kek SU eg COLLINS, F. H. Drawing and construc- tive work for elementary school......... 12 SOU E CVA te Ul Bias dell pee 2755 COLOM, Mme. J. B. Days of chivalry... 90 Colouel’ssopera Cloak orish,;:C: Pim so. 122 COlomial chilgrepeee tarts Wh. bs. ee ater ahs 50 Colomal eras er isher slaw bs. on adek ee dee 168 Colonial stories retold from St. Nicholas.. 32 GOMmice me watteaenine Cpatoloes cates 168 Colonists and the revolution. Barstow, C. Hilal ake eae cutter eae, Spe Seay ae IE 70 Colonization of America. Gilman, Arthur. 33 COLUM, PADRAIC. Boy apprenticed to SUmCCIOMANTCL che ay. pied hee trae y 55 | 105g) (anit ch ya babaen eum ean graeme eg TET 69 Children who followed the piper...... 55 Stildrense Homeror crs cs gata test LOR VON Cirlywie sat by thesastesue its sas ibr. 3 « 35 Columbus, Christopher. Biography. Stap- Peg IV eater ern hee ae a yo, 99 Come lasses and lads.” Caldecott, Re... ..... 16 Coming of the peoples. Rolt-Wheeler, F. dia VERO CR ad eee fy! ae) re 99 Command is forward. Woolcott, A....136, 170 Commercial raw materials. Toothaker, C. TOR ee eth, Ce, Oe ee 151 Committee of Fifteen. Report on courses OL aS CVC CLGst ames dues hot hss . ee 147 Commodore Bainbridge. Barnes, James... 70 Companionable books. Van Dy ke, Henry.. 144 Complete atlas of the world. Rand-Mc- PES Sa Cra ae ee ee ee ee Se 163 Complete radio book. Yates, R. F., and PAGCHt ee wr Peery ft) s oo hone cakes EIS Compton’s pictured encyclopedia. 8 vols.. 144 Comrades of the trails. Roberts;'G. E. T.. 127 COMSTOCK, E. B. Tuck-me-in stories.. 14 COMSTOCK, H. T. Boy of a thousand years ago. (Alfred the Great.).:...... 35 CONKLIN, George. Ways of the circus.. 131 CONKLING, HILDA. Poems by a little Bata sare fs asia Cag Sea 79 186 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE Connie Morgan in the lumber camps. Hen- days; 9 |: B ae st etaea cts oe ee eee ne 82 Connie Morgan with the mounted. Hendryx, Tes else gcissc toon toes a Siete as Olen 82 GSONNOLLY, J;-B.. Hiker Joy 2. eee i222 ie boat buntersix tie eee 116, 169 Parkman pate 206 Parkman, Fran- Conquests of invention. Conspiracy of Pontiac. CIS UR cblinys Give w tsuki BN rn ee 118, 168 Contemporary American literature. Manly STi, Pracer et. id cH. eke Socks Cee RO 161 Contemporary British literature. Manly BtLGy NICKOLLS eile chaise wet oer eee 161 COOK, BY Woreiar -poctsior foday.. me 165 COOK, W. A., and O'SHEA, M. V. Child andhis Spelliggs sta, ab. goes ae ee 150 COOKE, A’ OF Stories of France in days gt OL Ss setae s ees Robe era's ak Weare. gt 49 Storiés*of Rome in days of old..:.... 49 Visi. tora -coaliuine:. oh ve tee emia ee 91 Cook-book of left-overs. Clarke and Rulon 157 Cooking, sewing, housekeeping for little Girton “Denton; see eee eae 29, 44 COOLIDGES SUSAN] Barberry, bush:2.. 79 OVER NANT Smee eee ee ere kena. 103 ieross: Patches ae ee eee ees es 35 veDrigtit = “pewter ear mele eee ae eee ae. iseche aitieh Viailewe acne wr. cree enee 103 fhUst “erxteem: same fren mere eee eee 79 (httle: comntty@ cirles ee es eee 79 Wuischiel’s 7 hankesivigic 7 oe ne ah) Newey car's barpaitic;s om on ee ee ee 22 Ninediitle coslrivs, Ao nue eer) aerier 20s Noteginté *eishteen=, cae. es oe sees 72 Roradedozents- eet... reer une 0 Whatatatyedidratechool 4.235 eee 55 Whatitaty -cid’next: a. i. 7! a.) eee oh COOMBS#8s LL. “Youngerailroaders7. 27. 79 COOMBSFEOVELL: \ Ulysses S> Grant. 295 COOPER dents: DeCrs ay Gl ebutiy ce 0s mete 122 Last@or-ine Mohieans en. =< eee 103 Pathhinider chee. fees perce eee 122 Pl OTe Stee Cape eae one fs Cara ee 103 PIOHCETS Aah ate ee, . be eee ae 122 EVAL IG ae See els aT Ce, AC 2 SPY Bis ek anata 79, 103 COOPER) PETER sbiortanhy ees 118, 166 CORNEY, Eo ond DORLANDS 4G. -W- (rreatdeeds of treat menn...oreen eae 72 Corsican: Bonaparte, Napoleon..:....... 166 Costume design and home planning. Izor, Pee re Le ee ee ak 157, PAGE Costume design and illustration. Traphagen, Bthelireeittar,. cen lied ieee ee ee 157 Costumes and scenery for amateurs. Mackay; G; .D...0 0. Ac ee 159 COTES, Mrs. EVERARD. Story of Sonny Sahib igi 4.548 aes Sey eee eee re COTTON, E. H. Ideals of Theodore Roose- VOLS itis scien SEs PR rare re 134 Counsel assigned. Andrews, M. R. S...... 101 Country of the dwarfs. DuChaillu, P. B. 46 County pennant. Heliger, William........ 82 Coutageous +girls. “St. Nicholas?) sae v9 , nies WES ie nave ohn) PRUE ee eRe ea 151 Courtship of Miles ‘Standich, Longfellow, 2 UN ag LT ee 106 COUSIN, J. W. Dictionary of English lit- erature< 5:4 S028) eae ee ee y bG1 Cousin | Phyllis: Gaskell, EG... 223. 124 COUSSENS, P. W. Diamond story book.. 79 Ruby~ story: book). )72..5 24-2) eee 79 Sapphire story book..2. 4. ee 79 Covered wagon. Hough, Emerson........ 139 (GK eae fare ice of Old France..... 42 COX, PALMER. Another brownie book. 14 Brownies -abroad..>. 7... |... 0 eee 22 Brownies around the world.......... PES Brownies “at homes... 05 2. 14 Brownies, .theiry book.))'. #25 ae 14 Brownies through the Union......... 22 CRABB, G. - English Synonyms.2. eee 154 Craftsmanship in teaching. Bagley, W. C.. 149 CRAIK, D. M. Adventures of a brownie... 23 John ‘Halifax, gentleman (2... 1Z2 Little: lame* printe. Js) 2) 4. ee eee Paes ss) Bow-Wow and Mew-Mew.......... ov l4 So-Fat and Mew-Mew.........: Sie ia Cram’s modern reference atlas of the world. 1922. ce os Re Ee 163 CRAWFORD, F. M. Little city of hope.. 122 CREASY, SIR EDWARD. Fifteen decisive battles: co nsasiasdud tees 163 Creative chemistry. Slosson, E. E..... \ oe Grib- and’ fly. «Dole; Cr Fat ee 23 Cricket.on the hearth,’ “Dickens, "=. ee 123 Crimson sweater. Barbour, R. H......... 101 Crisis: ‘Churchill, Winston, ee 137 Critical period of American history. Fiske, Johny” vss. nee eA ee 3 Oe 169 GROCKETT; DA Wile Biography 75 CROCKETT »SicRiaiRedvcap talesenr ee 79 CROFTON BOYS. Martineau, Harriet... 59 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX: PAGE CROMIE, W. J. Keeping physically fit.. 156 CROMPTON, F. E. Gentle heritage..... 22 CROMWELL, OLIVER. Biography. Nea pig yg GR Esk OO ee yates eng eae 97 PLATS AM rie, chet tenc tie en eats a ke 74 Crooked trails. Remington, Frederic..... Lis Gross: Faich:) * Coolidge, ‘Susan. /ie.. 0. <.. S5 Crosses Churchill Wirtston 2. 22. 137 CROTHERS, S. M. Miss Muffet’s Christ- Sra eR OV tea ss cp | Wore the. vbr 5D roa ve. ha batayette a. gM oe. IPS. 95 Cruise of the Cachelot. Bullen, F. T.... Cruise of the Canoe Club.: Alden, W. L.. 33 ruise.or the Dazzler, London; Jack)... 84 Cruise of the “Ghost.” Alden, W.L:.... 5 Cruise of the Hippocampus. Loomis, A. P. 95 Cuore: a schoolboy’s journal. Amicis, E. MIR MR Ma RM e Rea Ter Ness Sidhe RE ot ae, CRUMP, IRVING. Boys’ book of firemen 96 Boys’ book of mounted police........ lips oye 00k Gf policemen si... .4 ee 96 ave uommenri fall Todds. 4. en wn +8 5 meme MACE eT Vita. Ae. cock sk oe 4] MurEieiiii VOObbIT, sh rankliny 2 ches. wanes 3° CURTIS, A. T. Little maid of Bunker Hill 55 Little maid of old New York......... 55 Ber Peamatimor ew ireinial. 8026... eh. ev BS ERORVRO BeOLtOt a2), thc: te ta HEIL. . SM 46 Neasimeeworriiae ill Rana Jac s.- odes. De pankestoiritat. Port oumter. i722). 6). 55 Mrnkeeveinieat onto, o ..4-sahstn 4% 55 CURTIS, C. A. Captured by the Navajos. 76 CURTIS, H.'S. Recreation for teachers: . 152 eimai On iazane e. e 79 CUSHING, L. S. Rules of proceeding and debate in deliberative assemblies....... 146 mols like BB. ‘Boots and saddles. ...’. «. 96 Pouowanes the cuidOnol se ise s ees 116 CONG Ss Heartiot Lynn. eee). 137, Culex eekopanish dictionary... + a...%5~- 155 ern Gamer Weare Ti Doi Wes We Wee. Pg Sc 123 Czechoslovak fairy tales. Fillmore, P..... 56 Dap Kinzer: -otoddard:plays 2 -s.a5s 29 Stories. from Roman history ...°..:... 49 187 PAGE Dalton laboratory plan. Dewey, Evelyn.. 149 DANA, C. A. Household book of poetry, . 1SGE1G6Z DANA, R. H. Two years before the mast. 114 DANA, Mrs. W. S: Plants and their chil- dren Dandelion cottage. Rankin, C. W. ..... 86 Danforth plays the game. Barbour, R. H.. 101 DANIELS, F. H. Furnishings of a modest HOM M Giee Uys bated Soe eae ae Peak Ieee Dann ye Pr istses Catnip. VWVALeE etree «wk ate 79 Dan’s tomorrow. Heyliger, William ..... 138 DARLING or DAP Baldy, of Nome oie. fs: 103 DARLINGTON, THOMAS. Health and CM GLenCy ace ee tarts Rares 156 DARROW, F. L. Boys’ own book of great ~ INVEMPOUSE rae sy lee ty ns 24 Uae eae ate 65 DARLON, Fo Ti Wonder book of old TUMANCEM Leas ea ee eee as. Se 90, 131 DAS KAM sie, Dae misters Vocation ve ote 122 Daughter of the middle border. Garland, PTAs lita iy ree eee cen one cent BS 166 Daughters of the revolution. Coffin, C. C. 122 DAULTON, A. M. Wings and stings .... 27 DAVENPORT, E. Education for eff- CLOT CV) erpeet. eer eae tees went 2° 152 Davinebattour, .oleversor, thteloa. eee «ss 128 David Blaize and the blue door. Benson, |S PSR ote ag Rg oc se he Rg Pe 5-4 David Copperfield. Dickens, Charles. ..... 123 djaved tElayiry.@ Westcott: serie ae - bs eas 142 DEVAL Sa On bOy sin, Serbia. wey . oo gets 69 DAVIES, M. C. Little freckled person.. 35 BOS Vie Sie Vice me ly eo mca Ree ot ae 103 DAVIS, A. C. Nature stories for young- CSR LCAC Clone eat aus ee os. Came 7 DAVIS, F. C. Making your camera pay.. 113 DAVIS, J. B. Vocational and moral guid- RULCOMm te Bry PMR ete hss itt tte ea 152 DAVIS.) Wi) Peur New. York boys. on. ‘of DAVIS SMG. Girls \book.of; verse: 22. 2: 80 DAVIS, M. H., and CHOW LEUNG. Chi- ese tanlesands folky Stories... iat sou Geek. 25 DAN tah ales sinister 70 seinen a eee 137, Boy scout and other stories for boys.. 122 EDC SEEL OT Mme noe. te tee ir eittce oorede cee “cle ne Mis 122 Gallagher and other stories-..>....... IKY) PPETTICE SSC ALM Borate vc oneeereet ha gal pa 138 Reatesoidiers Of fOettimers ... ftv 96 SLOTICE WLOT -DOVS meeterrrne ous cio. vast. 0 103 188 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE DAVIS, R., and LINGHAM, C. H. Busi- ness English and correspondence ...... 158 DAVIS, S. E. Work of the teacher..... 149 DAVES sWes:sPnendtotsCacsarer ese wee 138 DAVISON, G. L. Games and parties for ehlarens,: 27. 5rs 3 a arare es abet eee ce eee 67 Davy and the goblin.” Carryl, (Gees ae 22 Davy Grockett. sSpractiee WA eee eae 75 DAWES, Mrs. S. E. Stories of our coun- CR oe ke UR Gee ee eee Zitoe DAY, HOLMAN. ~— Leadbetter’s luck.... 123 Day in a colonial home. Prescott, D. R.... 74 Day in ancient Rome. Shumway, E. S.... 119 Days and deeds. Poetry. Stevenson, B. E. 87 Days and deeds a hundred years ago. Stone ang wtickett Stew an: ueewees he ee ee ap Days of»chivalry, .Colomb; Mmé..7.2-7.7. 90 Days ‘of the colonists» Lamprey;-L. 33... 50 Days of thesdiscoverers,. Lamprey, 1.222400 Dear enemy. BWWebster, Jeane. a). 5. te ee Zo DEARBORN, V._N. G. How to learn easily 148 Debater’s manual. Phelps, vii ween 153 Debating ‘for boys“'PostergWs Ee... cues 160 DECKER, NGG Story of the engines... 490 Decu-sea hunters. geVerrill Amt one cerns 123 Deep sea hunters in the frozen seas. Ver- PSP. ere eee ates et eee et ite ee 129 Deetsray cl. looped, ole vase mi ae eas iz2 DEFOE, D. Robinson Crusoe. 14, 35, 55, 80, 103 See also Balwin, James. PME ROOT,, GC. When I was a girl in Hol- lana ies. acs een tent: cera a ie rae ene 69 DEKOVEN, Mrs. REGINALD. Primer Oe Citizenship tae: octane eee ee 96 DERLAMMA RT WALTER? Child stdaysemeo) Peacock pie Ta tane at ts se ons coe ere 35 DE LA RAMEE, LOUISE. Bimbi; sto- ries fordepidrenetere ied, |b ee oe 55 Hirschvogel; the story of a Nurnberg SLOVE Scene Seah eee oot eo ae 56 DGg “ot Flandersame aces «cc een 80 Moufflou and other stories .......... 80 INurniers Sto verres 12 sew a mice eee 30 DE LA ROCHE, MAZO. Explorers of the (dawn) + «i ape rete te we eae Ga) DEMING, -N. EL, and "BEMIS; K. W1, Pieces for every day the schools cele- rate wie Po. eee ees oe ca ee 160 DECAND, ....e.ceee 20 Four-footed wilderness people ....... 18 Little brothers ‘of the west]... ee 20 Little. Indian folk 4.9ee ee 13 Little-réed people <5. ..0(ae ee ee 13 Democracy and education. Dewey, John.. 147 DEMORGAN, M. Wind fairies ........ 35 Dena. ‘Gardner, E> We. 23a eee 104 Denise and Ned Toodles. Jackson, G. E.... 57 Derrick, Sterling: Munroe, Kirk 2p eee 59 Deserter> Davis;)\k SH ae Weds DEWEY, EVELYN. Dalton laboratory plan «5. c¥. 02> «s.2 -Mee 4 ee 149 DEWEY, GEORGE. .Biopraphy = ease 97 DEWEY, JOHN. Democracy and educa- tion” 15 4e0. tise oe 147 How we think?! oe. «.4 20.0. 2 147 Interest and effort in education ...... 147 Moral principles of education ...... 153 School and. society . 244. Ja. 0 oe 147 DEWEY, JOHN, and EVELYN. Schools of tomorrow ..).-2 syene os. 147 Diamond+Rock> ‘Lisles Cy Ca 0 eee 84 Diamond story book. Coussens, P. W..... 79 Diantha’s quest. Knipe, E. B., and A.A... 83 Diary of a little girl of old New York. Havens, ‘Cy Ki. 9.0 2 ice oe) DIAZ, A, M.ePolly Cologne... ee 56 William Henry Letters ............. 56 Dick among the lumber jacks. Dimock, A. Wi oo ae ot a ee 80 Dick among the miners. Dimock, A. W... 104 Dick among the Seminoles. Dimock, A. W. 104 Dick in the Everglades. Dimock, A. W... 69 Dick Whittington. Lang, Andrew ....... 24 DICKENS, GHARLES/ “Chimes: ase 123 Christiias) Caro] is ccs eae eee 103, 123 Christrnasstoriesiers ia. a) ee 104 Cricket on the-hearth. s.i¢45). ose 123 Davids Copperfieldgitec 0 7.2 aaa 123 Dombey; and sontvlin... 1. eee 138 Magic. . . mrs, 138 Wy DPE R COMPAL yn. tava Aris ate Gea: «+ aleemens 138 Dozen from Lakerim. Hughes, Rupert ... 106 Drapom and ther crosssami aincy Rh. L) a. 109 ial CM SuseCret: | pOCamlaney tel .s het ee 109 DRAGOUMIS, J. D. Under Greek skies 94 DRAKE, F. S. Indian history for young Perl iee snmrenp tee: c Ze etter ccs isa ayere 8 hig , 100 PUN IE oe DaAlerolMaeltysDure gs. 1 72 Bureoyne se sinvasion: Of, 1///ai ss . s n 3 ps Campareny Gin Urentoll. + \ eee oriee dae a 72 Making of New England ........... 72 Makino" of the Great: West .2......4. ve Making of the Ohio Valley States.... 72 Making of Virginia and the middle COIOU same 210 remem 9 th bee Sad te al 7 One Piyimomtoe RGckree sacri aocie Besse 32 190 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE Dramatic stories for reading and. acting. Skinner, ALCON Mee eee ee ee i9 Drawing and constructive work for elemen- taryischools’—.Collinss\BY Ait sien aa to2 Dreadful river cave. Schultz, LEW ee 109 DRIGGS; Le I Adventures of Arnold daar ic dum peepee lee ae ate eee te Was, Eetoes: of aviation weet caea eee 96 DRINKWATER, J. Abraham Lincoln .. 138 Drumbeat ob the nation. | CoffiayC Gar 6 72 DRYSDALE, WILLIAM. Beach Patrol. 104 PCAStMenaAl ee Mera oh hy, ce aco Aiea pees ee 104 DU -CHAILLUgets Bes Country (oistbe CWATESESRG. chee eres hPa PAR SRS. ee pee 46 Tn@Atrican terestand jungles. wen 94 Lcamdval ihe ou msn es nme eee 114 Lostiinhthessangies., a GH ae ee ee 69 MyoApiier Rinedomee. ee ose ee 46, 69 Stories of the gorilla country...... 30, 69 Wild life under the equator ......... 46 DUCLAUX, MARIE? VictoraHugo Fra 00 DUDLEY; A. T. Following the ball .... 80 Pe hel inie a chacn oo ett Aaa es ae 10+ Waking the tite nc 7 aeeeeier & oo ete 80 With mask and mitt ............... 10-4 DUDLEY, Eo Le sBenjdmmitanklin. saa: 116 DUFFY, F. P. Father Duffy‘s story.. 134, 170 DUGMORE, A. R. Adventures in. Beaver Siteatnl, Sani en emer Lue. Guetta ante 80 DUMAS, ALEXANDER. Three mus- tees Baicby) Gri saoe Levee, oe Cone ace SO DUNCAN, FRANCES. Home vegetables Sui Maia At iits Cpe Sance, et eee ge Su LOm@us< att. On al demitty) cy). oe seme es 112 Mary’s garden and how it grew...... 43 When mother lets us garden ......... 28 DUNCAN, NORMAN. Adventures of Pll TO peally. cies ioe ee eae dee SO Billy -PopeatL, olVie see hh eo ts Ptr LZs DUNCAN, R. B. Brave deeds of Ameri- Cafl sSatlor sys ter thie Peron ke. cin oem ene 49 Brave deeds of revolutionary soldiers. 49 DUNHAM, EDITH. Jogging around the WLI pe orc at teas he eth G er ort S 30 DUNN, A. W., and HARRIS, H. M. Citi- genshipiin schoeland/out! fe: ssa ae Lot DUNLON. LUGY sschool.childcenmine WWOTIG GOVET—< seni eeenan ere aaa aes 19 DUPUY, W. A. Uncle Sam, detective ... 72 Uncle Sam’s modern’ miracles... oo. 116 Uncle Sam; wonder workertpys- oe. 116 PAGE DURELL, | C..P. Skipper of tthe Cyntina Dy cee ona, spot elope eee au wea 104 Dutch and Quaker colonies. Fiske, John .. i168 Dutch boy fifty years after. Bok, Edward. 71 Dutch courage and other stories. London, Jack’ -. eds es os 0. Pace 106 Dutch twins. \Perkins) LL). E2882 .o.eeee 20 DUTTON, M..B. In field and pastureyeis Little stories of France (2°) eee 49 DUTTON, S. T. School management.... 148 DWYER, I. E. The business letter ...... 158 DYER, W. A. Ben, the battle horse amee 123 Dogs of Boytown | ..¢u... Seen 65 Five Babbits at Bonnyacres: aie.2 ae 80 Pierrot, dog of Belgium. i222 eee 56 Gulliver the -oreatie 0.2. aaa ee ize eons. of. Liberty... ¢..236 urea) ieee eee 104 EARLE, RALPH: | Life at the U..S.3Wavet academy © j...2, .%y,.« sia tuashe a ier 116 Karly English hero tales. Marks, Jeanette. 109 Early sea ” people. Dopp, KiB) 2 ve eee 31 EASTMAN, C. A. Indian child life ..... 76 Indian heroes and great chieftains .... 76 Indian’ scout talks 4.42. ...74. oe ee 67 BASTMAN, GAGs Gad, th G: Wiles EVETINGS oes Gue ct oe ie ee ee 31 EASTMAN, E. G. Indian legends retold. 76 EATON, W. P. Boy scouts at Crater Lake 104 Boy scouts in Glacier: Park 0 10+ Boy scouts*of Berkshire 2...) 80 Boy scouts in the Dismal Swamp..... 80 On the edge of the wilderness ........ 132 Skyline camps. uioe. ee 114 Edge of the jungle. Beebe, W..v. a... 133 EDINBURGH. Mason, Rosaline :..770% 95 EDISON, THOMAS A. _ Biography. See Meadowcroft, W.-H) csc Jet eee 117 Same. “Rolt-Wheeler, fh 224 119 Ednah and her brothers. White, E. O.... 41 Education for efficiency. Davenport, E. .. 152 Education for social efficiency. King, I... 147 Education in a democracy. Sharp, D. L... 147 Education on the Dalton plan. Parkhurst, s/s oath yatta! Manag oe 149 Educational administration. Strayer and ThorndikeWii4 0 Ae. ce ee 148 Educational hygiene. Rapeer, L. W. .... 148 Educational measurements. Starch, Daniel 148 Educational psychology. Thorndike, E. L. 148 Educational tests and measurements. Mon- roe, Wi3.;¢ and “othersae fee eee 148 Educational values. Bagley, W. C. ...... 147 } AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE Moucative process. Bagley, W.-C......... 147 Pittooe 2. airy tales irom Brazil... ..: 23 Tales of enchantment from Spain .... 35 EGAN, M. F. Everybody’s Saint Francis 134 EGGLESTON, EDWARD. First book in Pome ICAI s MISTOTM Paw it. ic .S00 tee wares «are 32 WES ODSrs 2: hdr eee Letts ALN. WEE tee 2 123 History of the United States and its MeUD Geant. Cie Jey. Sik elas. eds 116 OCs eT SCHOOIGDOV wai scl ye hd horchipe + 56 EsOmsicr Sclool-master. >. Wi Gen. oss. 123 Queer stories for boys and girls...... 23 Stories of American life and adventure 21 Stories of great Americans for little “See leis s COM me ane ene Samet tor aa 13 PGGEESTON, “EDWARD, and EE. E. eetiy i>. Brant and Red. Jacket? )./.9% 100 PM OROZUUIA a ee ei od .aucete Pde 70 Reet LAS Oe ope his a svat la tees Sein: ot as 76 Seen SORUEG hah sida lait ycielard shes «ais, Seed 100 EGGLESTON, G. C. Bale marked Circle eM MEME Lois chacdeyt Saorie tutte: « Sialaage a's 125 yee COG T ah eae se scr grteanaudia Berta era 8 81 (Ce geet 160 i Rs ee 81 Peanpometied At DOAtS a... wy okt ale whe 81 Prat ANU Sees cise d-80s cyebieis Alek sl Strange stories from history......... 49 MN MRS NRSC dL 5S Fey isan wie etc, eke 9 94 mip recoteins mA cotts Li) Mic cihe nat ae 100 Eighteen thousand words often mispro- Momiced meric; Wiel Bato. cae Sent «« 153 Eileen’s adventures in wordland. Macdon- As Ven ot ORR TY En Oe @ Sen Oe 59 ELDRED, Wo fownsend twins... ..:. 104 Electric toy making for amateurs. Sloane, PT a PRP Seb a Ss 1s Shady Sie Ca se snl Aki 155 Elementary school standards. McMurry "Ug Ge eae Se ae ed ees tr re ir 147 Elements of business law. Huffcut, E. W. 146 Elements of electricity. Timbie, W. H.... 155 Elements of psychology. Thorndike, E. L. 148 Elephant stories retold from St. Nicholas. 35 Elf maiden and other stories. Lang, An- CER Wome t tc) it get Rien ete i 3. klar dB ax 6 e,00s 38 ELLWOOD, C. A. Sociology and modern BOM PODLGLIS | fc calncess toe erste wraee hs «eee 145 ELSON, H. W. Modern times and the liv- IMPALA A: Rts <4 oat « o 116, 134, 163 ELSON, L. C. Great composers and their IC oe Me a ee Co See Ne te ,96 Rie CudictiOnaryiee |<. ay cet ete 5 159 _ Emerald of the Incas. Norman, Charles... 85 lai 191 PAGE Emeraldystory books Skinner, A: M.... ..%:. 61 Enchanted mountain. White, E. O...... 41 Enchanted past. Hodgdon, D. R......:.. 97 End of! a rainbow. Johnson, Rossiter..... 106 Pend potrati.crar /VWViSe: | acs wan wa Ne eh ee 120 Pacincer eb anunond,. line ee ee od 152 Pngiand. So Minnemores) |oline 4a serene, 69 English fairy tales. Jacobs, Joseph...... 37 Eongushlairyetales nas Oys oonuey ae. x cree 40, 86 English of commerce. Opdycke, J. B...... 158 English synonyms. Crabb, George....... 154 English synonyms and antonyms. Fernald, ich seat cha a anya hh os ser 3 ha 154 Enunciation and articulation. Boyce, E. M. 150 Episodes from the winning of the west. Roosevelt ast ss ac ete |. ie ae 119 BRPCER MPs wire .ot Clara Darton. cee 116 ERSKINE, L. Y. Renfrew of the royal POUT LCL tie rie are, Rose Pos Ay oc oe eee 123 Erskine, Dale, Pioneer.» Fox, [Ohn.:2.4... 138 ESCAMEZ, J. M. Fairy tales from Spain 56 Eskimo: vanid rlavekes, Ur. VW os «oes apae . 2 8 Eskimo stories. Smith, Vite Hate ve ee, OY 13 Eskimo twins. Perkins, Te Ee eee. 20 Essay on John Hampden. Macaulay, T. B. 163 Essay on Robert Clive. Macaulay, T. B... 163 Pessays-orebiliar clams Gharies <2 ./c dec... : 163 Essentials in music history. GametSchiisuerg. Su eee ce meen east. a: 159 Essentials of English speech and literature. WHZeTGITY solic Ll] deri eomermnny vaeremme coos es 162 Ethical readings from the Bible. Keeler, i Ay ANOVAs ng hoe ames ce Se 145 ECHOICE, | FUOLEe pases Rite ene ete ies 8 ca 130 FOG UE AN tee meaees tte eet ee se at Suet’ 153 PROTO DOLOUe Hime ere nse tree aie. tak oats6 Haropean prctures. Barnard. bie. igen 68 BY ANS? Lave Americaetirste. 4). ee 49 EVARTS, H. G. Passing of the old west 133 Evergreen stories. Hutchinson, W. M... 131 Everybody's St. Francis, Egan, M. F..... 134 Everday héroes. St. Nicholas............ 49 Everyday words and their uses. Utter, R. |e pea che Pe Se ee | eR A 160 EWING Mi 7 Seah rie “Browmnles. a sim os | 36 Jackanapes Be tae aks EN tae Mad oh 2 81 Janie Ort Chemwinutnill otis ow as ees 104 Mrs. Over-the-way’s remembrances... 104 DUXe tO Sis teetin nie tak ad bd os 104 SLOT VI OE ansnrt: item. vot. wee Rare. as 81 Wemand theaworiiva sen Asties a ceases 104 192 AUTHOR-TITLEINDEX. PAGE Explorers of the dawn. De La Roche, M. 123 Fyebright.- Coolidge susan ve se eee 55 Byes. of the woods. wiltsheler; JreAcw. 101 PABRE, J. HH? ‘Field torestiand farm, 1-692 insect jadventtfrerss 72.7. ee 112 Our-“humble; helpers fio ae oe ee 112 Wonder book of chemistry........... 132 Bapless i fA esopsc-. ean eee ree HI Pah 2) Pacryialesof/ Weir, po cholh eal ea asies 61 Maporsrton wie nreside Talc tier ae 03 Bair eplay.oe Willtamss bt ces ps ele eee 111 FAIRSTAR, Mrs. Memoirs of a London OL Li, See cp ROME hiaiakt eat ae ec Re 36 Fairy cold. sp Kiyse tests ies. a meee 15 Pearyoliie.s -aaten,..| elie cae eee 23 Fairy minstrel of Glenmalure. Leamy, Ed- TUN Lo, weet gta ote Vout n tes queue eae ree 38 Fairy plays for children. Goodlander, M.. 16 Painy rings) Wiggin .and. Smiths 2 een. 26 Fairy stories and fables. Baldwin, James. 21 Patrystale Bates) Laois 2.) 7. Fairy tale plays. Merington, M......... 94 Fay talest. Anderset, Hs Ca71- 33..53477, 101 Maiiyetales:= (sri, pel) ales, atid, meV AC, AREER i bee PORNO A) See 8, 14, 23, 36 Pairvarales mm Pérraulie (yew eo eee oe Pas Fairy tales. See also Lang, Andrew...... Rarygcales "tor littlemtolkey <8 wa eee 23 Parytales. trom Brazil. Melis Wa, 20 Fairy tales from many lands. Pyle, K.... 40 Fairy tales from Spain. Escamez, J. M... 56 Fall’opthe year. oNarpel: wees aan 66 Familiar quotations. Bartlett, John....130, 159 Famous adventures and prison escapes of fhe} CAVE AAT SANE 8* whet Ae a eeknee epee 116 Famous American authors. Bolton, S. K.. 115 Famous buildings. Barstow, Charles...... 114 Famous dogs in fiction. McSpadden, J. W. 84 Famous Indian chiefs I have known. How- ard, OF Oe Hera Un te ees. ko ee 76 Famous lealers of industry. Wildman, Ed- Will) <0 Gidea, | Seater ree ee cata race 120, 136 amos pictures, s Barstow, (sles. ae ee 114 Famous pictures of real animals. Bryant Met Me sec ais heads EI GR cee a: « Be teem 114 Hamous scouts JohnstonG, EN lye oe fe) Far away and long ago. Hudson, W.H... 134 Baris |: il, Makers sof ourshistocy near 96 WY itpin& > their “way ee woe a eee 116 FARMER, F. M. A new book of cookery 157 PAGE Farmer and his friends. Tappan, E.M... 66 Farmer's boy. Caldecott. Riaa..:ee eee 11 FARRAGUT, DG: Biography 2 eee 115 FARRINGTON, E.V. Tales of Kaneva fhiar <..5 1. fv a bade «Sede eee 42 Father Duity’s, story.. Dutty, eh. eee 134, 170 Fast. friends. rowbridge, Jo.) see 88 Fast’ mail. Deysdale, William. a2. eee 104 Favorite rhymes of Mother Goose. Kirk, i Oil & ei ee 16 FAY, L.. E., and EATONS Ain Siero books and 144 Feats om the fjords: “Martineau. a5 aera 59, 126 FERNALD, J. C. English synonyms and ANLONYMS~ ss ass euch sa <2 ee 154 Fernando, our little Spanish cousin. Nixon- Roulet, Nis at aa ke eee Ley. Festival stories of child life in Palestine. Trager. Hannah’ 22... ae 70 Festivals and plays. Chubb, Percival.... 159 FIELD, EUGENE. Eugene Field book.. 36 Lullaby. land =..2.2 00s. 0-e ee Zo POCMS: .4.5 use ol oe oa 161 With trumpet and drim.cp #0 eee 23 FIELD, Mrs. E, M.- Two are companysemaees FIELD, W. T. Quest of the four-leafed clover. Wu. lee 81 Field, forest-and farm.) Fabre; [=H seen 92 Fifteen decisive 9) 3) = eee 56 FINLEY, JOHN. French in the heart of North America... :.)i4... 2a ee 168 Pilgrim: in -Palestine# 1,5. ace 165 FINNEMORE, JOHN. India. (Peeps at many» latids) “29a eee 94 Switzerland. (Peeps at many lands.).. 69 FINNEMORE and BROWNE. ne and Greece oO SUS 10) ONC) £8) 9) OS (eMelee 16) tele 8) en ah eine) os alate Mahe 69 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX 193 PAGE FINNEMORE and WILMOT-BUXTON. BPA ATS PATS WV ALEC tie cha cis sicher ve: «ea 0h i Pl Y =") Modes. Physictans..os.02.. 152 Firebrands. Martin and Davis.......... 59 Fire-fighters and their pets. Downes, A. PTC 2k ican Aa las ae es 72 Firelight fairy book. Beston, H. B....... 54 First aid to the injured and sick. Warwick mm eStall<- eigen a ln. gts Tins cs. 4 First book of forestry. Roth, Filibert..... 02 First down Kentucky. Paine, R. D...... 108 First hundred thousand. Beith, J. H...... LU First steps in the enjoyment of pictures. TUTE Sig aly pelle nee Oa oo 114 First studies of plant life. Atkinson, G. AP hehe a aiedd eeu s+ seit oie 155 FIRTH, E. M. Stories of-Old Greece..... 36 aot Colonial eral 20°)... s%-. 168 FISKE, B. A. Invention, the master-key Pe Cect esa Ko dae ne his bie Se eee 5 156 FISKE, JOHN. American revolution. 169 Critical period of American history. . 169 Wiscovery: of Americas. fia .y.2 ees. 168 Dutch and Quaker colonies in America. 168 Mississippi Valley in the civil war.... 169 New France and New England...... 168 Old Virginia and her neighbors....... 168 Wake Nd aticte pendence .. 26s) 52k auhwreiie ss i. FITZHUGH, P. K. Boys’ book of scouts 96 Five Babbits at Bonnyacres. Dyer, W.A.. 80 Five little Peppers and how they grew. Sid- Ties mend ee Cerda CPt ats gta Lets. 0 61 Five little Peppers at school. Sidney...... 61 Five little Peppers grown up. Sidney..... 61 Schwarz jewven. : 30 Richardse Lei 15 Five little strangers. Five mice in a mouse trap. Five plays and five pantomimes. Baldwin, Che VU Snag Perel cakes tak Ga pA Pees 45 Five thousand words often misspelled. Phyle 153 Klammeo feather.< Munroe, ‘Kirkiis.. ..- 59 Bioatine prince. “stocktony Fi Rorin..2.. 41 Flock of girls and their friends. Perry, Be ee ot ERE Hf EE Ba Revious layeueee 109 Great) quest;. Hawes, ©. BS. 7a. 2... eee 124 Great Sioux trail, Altsheler, |g Ay ee 101 GREEN, E. M.- Laird of Glentyre 22a 69 GREEN, J. R. Short history of the English people. :.1) swe Fagan oes 167 Green “{C.”” “Meyer; Jv Acs. oe eee 126 Green door. Freeman, M. E. W.......... 36 Green forest fairy book. Brady, L. E..... 34 Green timber trails. Chapman, W. G....%% 103 GREENE, F. N.- America ‘first. |... eee 56 King “Arthur -and (his. court eee 36 GREENE, F. N., and KIRK, D. W. With Spurs-of- gold. ./... t,o a een eee 63). 131 GREENE, F. V. Revolutionary war and military policy of the United States.... 169 GREENE, HOMER. Blind brother ..... 56 Coal and Coal minés =)... eee 92 Lincoln “conseript eve 5 ee eee 105 GREEK. EDETH: | Hooda... aon 157 GREGOR, E. R. Camping in the winter Woods. ips Te. iterate Ot en 105 Camping on western trails ........... 105 Red: “Atrow? agin. eee eee 105 Running: 0% ez 67 eee eee oe ee 105 Spotted = deer, 2" 28. .5 eee ee &l AUTHORATIILE INDEX 197 PAGE GREGOR, E. R.—Continued. Peters SIOUx Ee SCOULSe cache peut 2's way 81 ee aD LL La eet het Nees By ake aes sco «oS 4 ro st < ILO OULCEAmtea kis Etnies ial eles = G 81 GRENFELL, W. T. Adrift on an ice pan 94 meaeneol Mines eaUtadOta 4. oe tras or 114 GREW, DAVID. Beyond rope and fence. 105 Grey riders. Van de Water=er Liaenrnis, 0% 7 136 GREY ZANE. Last of the plainsmen. . 96 Riders of the purple sage ........... 138 PrcuatieLOVERLCIMn eniwtonie ait ct. we Me 2 81 Pen POM) SU TOL Ren mehr cae eles 105 Greyfrairs Bobby. Atkinson, Eleanor..... 121 GREIRSON, E. W. Scottish fairy book.. 57 GRIERSON, E. and TYNAN K. Peeps at many iands: Scotland and Ireland... 69 GRIFFIS, W. E. Belgian fairy tales..... of GRIMM, J. L., and W. K. Fairy tales, 8, 14, 23, 36 GRINNELL, ELIZABETH and JOSEPH. rr ebea tered attends ids... 2% y.2 tas: 43 GRINNELL, G. B. Beyond the old fron- etmeaeeer es Leaokts pa se.s fe des Foie 105 iacktees Indian Stories” 5... ...s. 5. 76 Pacwmamone the-Indians 2). 25%. ; 105 BaCWEIn ete ROCKIGS a.) so ce wens 3 os 82 Jack the young canoeman .......... 105 Jack«the -youne cowboy .i...:4...+. 105 jet anemyoune explorer...) 47-2. 82 face ine young ranchman’ «2.5... .. 28": 124 DaGtetey VOURERITaApDeline 20%. «<5 ay tes 82 CPE NELE. GCG. Ba end SWAN,, eds. WHarper’s camping and scouting.... 93 (rieaspiemy, Wallace, Dillon .%..... 22.5% 89 isrizzivapess. 1 Wright, WH. wc... 92 Group of famous women. Horton, Edith.. 97 RU eeu. Oy = Kittens*and catsy. 2%... 8 VELA SOG Y Sine EN. woe Pets cine cline: 2.0 8 Overall boys in Switzerland ......... 14 Sanbonnet babiesshook™ .. Qoixsies is 8 Sunbonnet babies in Holland ........ 14 (GROVE PaO. none “HOGATE, E. .C: Sunboonetss and overalls (thas s. i.e <. 8 GRUBB, M. B. When mother lets us make BoE aed Caters ise ve oi an Se ed Ads hs OE 19 (Guarding bis goal. Barbour, R. H......... 77 Guarding the border. Tomlinson, E. T.... 8&8 GUERBER, H. A. Legends of the middle Ee ee erage 0) ets Ghee ee eas a eae 124 Myths of northern lands......... 124, 145 LM ROR ONE TANCOM <8 5c. ats de tore ae 96 proty olathe: préat republic. aia « - 59 PAGE GUERBER, H. A.—Continued. SLOT ye Ota neu reeks 1s ishaa Sean. 3. cee TZ SUOL PAO Lab Oak QIANG wei tot, so. enon 73 Story of the thirteen colonies ....... 50 uerelenthvek, Stoddard WaO se. .o. 87 siide-to. vood. Enelisho” Wrier esa it e.2. 160 Guide to the municipal government of the City of New York. Caccavajo, J. 96, 134, 146 CULGOUSPS -Animalstraiier ia. 5 -citracs 36 winsmials initherarikcw aes Pes ae . ns. toed Ana ene. oe oe esa AR 114 Sly, | CaN Lise sb Uried. CitIGS<.. was es 115 NMeIISGs) Glan CT ECCONt.S. Siete A aah. 36 Our aneeerors ain Hurope sai ttan.. 32% 73 DLT SQ ieee By od ieee eM eval (a x ox. 36 Weavers and other workers ......... 19 HAGEY RU boy Roysempeocrooby s.\. 4... 82 Hall with doors. Hasbrouck, L.S. .....<; 124 198 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE HALLOCK? EB. al nithose- days am. sve 36 Hallowell Partnership. Brown, K. H.v.., 122 HALSEY, R. I. America’s daughter ..... 57 Blue Robin, the girl pioneer ......... 57 PADOTEVC PIN 2a Rosen = etre eee 82 HAMMOND, J. H. ‘Engineer see 15? HAMMOND, HAROLD. West Point ... 116 Hammond’s business atlas of economic ge- ography HANCOCK, M. S. Children of history... 50 Handicraft and recreation for girls. Beard, Rina are. Dane... ses eee eae 67 Plandictattetor boys. Collins# A, cyte 67 Handicraft for handy boys. Hall, A. N... 93 Hans: Brinker), Dodge. MIM; 2) elec ien 56, 80 Hans the Eskimo. Scandlin, Christiana... 30 Flappy acres. ... 0s) eee 167 HART, A. B. Camps and firesides of the revolution +..:.. caseih aay. bs 73 Colonial’ children... 23, ee eee 50 Formation. of the: union) 2.1. ae eee 167 How our grandfathers lived ........ 73 National ideals historically traced..... 167 Romance of the: Civil Ware...) ee 73 Social and economic forces in Ameri- can’ history ctv. sai og eee 168 We and our history..... 97, 117, 134, 168 HART, W. S. Injun and. Whitey....... 82 HARTLEY, C..G. Things seen in Spain.. 164 HARTLEY, G. I. Boy hunters in Deme- TALS. js. ode aes Se eee ee 82 HARTWELL, J. S. All about railwaysi s6e HASBROUCK, Ey Sy ¢Chokechetry: island 82 Hall with doors 2... <.decneoa 124 HASKELL, HH. Ey” Katrika 927.5 82 O-Heart-San: the story of a Japanese girl © SaaS. oak ee ee 82 Hasan in Egypt. McDonald and Dalrymple 47 HATHAWAY, E.-V. Cromwellyy ayes 97 Napoleon, the little Corsican’. 7 o729a5 50 Haunted bookshop. Morley, Christopher.. 140 Haunts of: life. “Thompsons jA) pee 132 HAVENS, C. E. Diary of;a little oieinan old New York: 49... 22ut ae 73 HAWES,°Ge_ Br sGreat quest | 22s cee 124 Mutineersags «Pisa cass sae 105 HAWKES, CLARENCE. Nature’s chil- dren ghee tote URE eee 18 King of the thundering herd ......... 43 Master °F risky (ou kere tai» eee ee 43 HAWKES, E. W. /Eskimo. landiascse ee 8 HIAWKINS, G. J. Ned Brewster’s year in the bie. woods 2am) eases se eee 105 MBOUP O RST Cr INDEX PAGE HAWKSWORTH, HALLAM. | Strange adventures of a pebble Strange adventures of a grain of dust. 92 Wy oOrksnop., OTatheominga. seaictt 2. 20: 112 HAWORTH, P. L. George Washington, UVa titers c Cane Sete 2 hae it eee Seo ae 117 ReeGusirictioOnand Union, falar. s «sx 169 United States in our own times....... 168 HAWTHORNE, HILDEGRADE. New Wo 5 INNA Seed ne ee co Sa a 94 HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL. Grand- PPE GMC LIA ie ear ends oe eGo sine 97 Wonder book. (King’s treasuries)... 37 Wonder book—Tanglewood tales .... 37 True stories from history and_biog- EAS oY om, Hay Re ene eee a 73 HAYES, Mrs. W. J. Adventures of Prince HER TOKO) My oer ss ne cn a a Petancess SLOLOWAVG ic: Bie naka.’ vgs Pe esplets 2 HAYWARD, W. R. Money: what it is Mme KOOUSE It att) Ace cet. dire oat y 158 reknew Lincoin, “Tarbell).I: M:..:2 128 Prescecoich. Paine LD). Siiecons.. 108 Headquarters nights. Kellogg, V. 134, 170 Health and efficiency. Darlington, Gi e eee he Peete eA ys ak 156 Heart of a boy. Amicis, Edmondo De.... 101 eatmous vane Cutting, MoS... ss .«s- 137 Beats HP renche diChONary,. w.:cs oyun oat uss 154 Pietti se aerinan dictionary. i ,..0ic ce cn 154 Pleat es Petit (Larousse. illustre. <0... sae 155 HEERMANS, J. W. Stories from the He- Lit CMM ATR ee 70d Aes Seah ie LIL 37 STENT TONATNA cet sist ct 208 oe Pe 61, 87 Held fast for England. Henty, G. A..... 105 Helga and the white peacock. Meigs, Cor- BAO rhe 23 hy Avick ie Mesidh own vine AS HEMON, LOUIS. Maria Chapdelaine.. 138 HEMSTREET, CHARLES. Nooks and comers o1moldyNew York™... i. .24 1174170 Biomol Matiattatie.. wos «terse o> 33 When old New York was young...... 170 HENDERSON, DANIEL. Boone of the ATES SSS Se at SRA or ee Re Sear L1/ Jungle roads and other trails of Roose- NE Gee ee Wr etre ic. wi} compare 9.4 Pirate princes and Yankee jacks ..... OD HENDERSON, H. D. Supply and de- PATTIE PM MRESIETS. € Tete or chs ds nis Gs eee ana 146 199 PAGE HENDERSON, W. J. Afloat with the flag 105 SLOT Y = Ogletree aa anc acc Oe a 159 WY ha vdSe POCCMMUSTC Mice ne anti e 159 HENDRYX, J. B. Connie Morgan in the lumber s camps yc: <,c:reernae eRe ea ara cee 82 Connie Morgan with the Mounted.... 82 EDLC oe Far Livraneroicavn ay... 4a « 105 PENKYSO. Cabbagesiand: kincs\s.2,. 8 lig MOULTON, one eee ae, ater 138 RausOMm sole ReduGUIet ees ee . Cas ree 124 HENTY, G. A. Held-tast for England.7. 105 WnGzotetes A Oumeean ss, wartruin «to meeree 105 Under vorakear tial’ "2% sre 7. < Mens ny With CHVemiteeliUia «55 teen 105 HEPBORN, A. B. Artificial waterways of THOMWOS Ce rt ee an boo yes Oe toate eit ee 164 Herald of the west. Altsheler, J. A...... 120 HERBEN, Bo. Jack O'Health and: Peg JOM tie terete ee a oa kale lag area ene 43 MERFORDY @MLViR. -Heriord Aesop... 3/7 Hero folk of ancient Britain. Wiltse, S. B. 27 Her.or ne. s barnes a ames ofa lon. 70 Hero of Manila. Johnson, Rossiter...... 97 Hero of Stony Point. Barnes, James .. 78 RIELOP otOlies) Belsaileven yas ite: pemaiese %, x59 3l Hero stories of Hrance: » Vappan; My... t/a Hero tales from American history. Roose- Veligand sUGdeGe er a ee, .hecwne ay. nies 74 petoes suninesioy, Gharlecuey.. isn cc Soy Lok Heroes and greathearts and their animal Trend same alee) se Leer nem ieee, sulk ec 35 Heroes: of aviationas Driges. sb 1; 3s): 96 Heroes of chivalry. Maitland, Louise .... 39 Heroes of everyday life. (pene Er, a 71 Heroes of liberty. Humphrey, Grace.... 50 Elerdesof myth: ePrice and Gilbert ....824- 29 Heroes of progress. Tappan, E. M....... 99 Heroes of the army in America. Morris, Cat lece espera tr cine rake oo .4 icles comenmen 74 Heroes of the navy in America. Morris, Cie ame er Neen fs csc cnptons wpe ree Lee 98 Heroes of today. Parkman, M. R...... 98, 135 Heroic deeds of American sailors. Blais- Celiandeiallemetta pet. wy o fa ee tenia te 5 a leToicehappenines. 1tooks, “Horse. ust ols 71 Heroines of history and legend. Smith, E. rg Be ath le 8 ces OR nea Ay Sg 51 Heroines of service. Parkman, M. Tey $087,135 Hey diddle diddle and Baby Bunting. Cal de- CORE ts tei aRee, atta: pitas Sie sets as Sik 11 HEY DRICK} B: As Americans’ all... 100 200 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE HEYLIGER, W. Against odds....c..->- 82 Bartley, Freshman pitcher........... 82 Captain Fair and Square.........:-- 82 Country pennant 2) ote. < ne atecer oe 82 Dan's tomorrow. cups cane ee 138 Doenv Strong, Americansesi cee 82 Don Strong of the Wolf Patrol...... 82 Donr strong, patrol leader sna aes 82 Fighting for Fairview..-...+..-.:->-. 82 Hig eASeNtONl «..%.G.% 52 anle aie pee 124 High Benton, worker paws shee pa ans WAS) Hiawatha. Longfellow, HAW pate 106 Hiawatha alphabet. Holbrook, Florence.. 8 HIBBEN, J. G. Higher patriotism...... 144 Hidden people. Miller, L. E............ 107 Hidden treasure of Ramsola. Rihbany, A. INES ais ot Oo ac rte oaeeders Rt et isha as ikea apm ceeeinge 109 THHGGINSON 1. Wow Lales* ot the en- chanted island of the Atlantic......... 105 High Benton. Heyliger, W...........-. 124 High Benton, worker. Heyliger, W...... 125 Higher patriotism. Hibben, J. G......... 144, Hiker joy. Connolly,-).cD Vite. =r. tet. 2 ZZ Hildegarde’s holiday. Richards, L. E.... 108 Elie Gc 1.” Biphang ay tires ecm ae o7, HILL, ELIZABETH. My wonderful visit 957 HILL, F. T. On the trail of Grant and Lee 73 On the trail of Washington........... 73 HILDE, RR: John Joseph Pershing... <: 72.5 45 Hill-Top troop. Pier, A. 5....-...+.206. 108 Hind in Richmond Park. Hudson, W. H.. 163 Hindu fairy tales. Williston, T)P.....2-% 41 Hirschvogel. Dela Ramee, Louise cg 56 Wis: doeweetertnrie; Acris. ttcses os eee aes 1Z8 His Soul goes marching on. Andrews, M. R. 101 Historic ‘Americans. Brooks, E. g Ry eto 165 Historic boyhoods. Holland, R. S....... 97 Historic boysaebrooks, Kyssmgee.. re: lactate 7\ Historic girlhoods. Holland, R. 5........ 07 Historic: virlsse Brooks, in Sree ce «eae 71 Historic inventions. Hollands, R. S..... 92 Historical plays for children. Bird and Sir hitig’ ee teed se te cas ce atc 29 Historical plays of colonial days. Tucker ANU Ayan) © cf. Semmes Mada eset heise meereoee 45 Histories and poems. Shakespeare, William 162 History of* American politics. Johnston, Alexanders a, oto eee a pteret: oro se veneeaetae 168 History of everyday things in England. Orientvell £45. ee ve sncu stom tee errr ere 118 History of the robins. Trimmer, Sarah... 19 PAGE History of the United States and its peo- ple. -Eggleston, ‘E+... 25. soe 116 HiTTELL, T. H. Adventures of James Capen Adams. . «weve he Hitting the line. Barbour, ‘R. H.2.8 Jee 101 HIX, MELVIN. Magic speech flower.... 28 Once upon a time: stories. ©... eee 8 HODGDON, D..R. Enchanted pastsstaee 97 HOERLE, H. C., and SALTZBERG. Girl ands the. jODs... .. ws;044. eee 152 HOFFMAN, A. S. Story of A midsummer night’s dream.:... 02-0 ee 82 Story of at. 330. ae 105 Story of Hamlets... ca on ich cee 125 story, of Henry UV on... eee 105 Story of Julius -Caesar..... 00, eae 125 Story ot Kine Lear. 2). (acne 105 Story” of Macbeth”. 2.72472.) =a eee Story of King” Richard Ils. 22) eee 105 Story of the Merchant of Venice.... 106 Story Of the Tempest.).072. 7a pee 125 HOFFMAN, DR. HEINRICH. Struwwel- Peter) AS, Ay ants ohn ete eee 12 HOLBROOK FLORENCE Hiawatha alphabet:<..4 i003 35 clones cn eo oe Northland” heroes. 0% 0. aa 24 Round the year in myth and song..... 18 HOLDEN; E-S..Our cotutry saiac eee 50 Holiday plays. Merington, Marguerite... 94 Holiday plays: Olcott, Virginia, :. - eee 68 Holidays with the birds. HOLLAND GLIiv te Marks and Moody 43 Things seen in Japan: wv kv bai eae oe ee 165 HOLLAND, Res. Historie boyhaodss. eae Historic. girlhoods77 7.40, - ae 97 Historic imventions 5 3. eee 92 King sArthur 2 ic sce ee ne 42 Lafayette; we come. 5.72... eee 82 Holland*stories:; Smith“MAE V2. eee 20 Hollow tree nights and days. Paine, A. B. 39 HOLMES, O. W. Complete poetical works 161 HOLT, EMILY. Encyclopedia of etiquette 130 Home book of verse for young folks. stevenson, Bu. E.. cst) See eee 87 Nee life around the world. Midrick, G. sce Ria enn Ae ate ee 3 47 Home radio.- Vert! A.4H a. see 113 Home vegetables and small fruits. Duncan, erties V's RED 0 oer ee Re ee ee 92 HOMER, Iliad, trans. by A. Lang........ 163 see Perry, wyynen Odyssey—see Church, ae J. Clarke, M Colum, P., Perry, W. C ze! AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX 201 PAGE Homespun tales. Wiggin, K. D.......... 142 Homing with the birds. Porter, G. S.... 132 Honey-syweet. Lurpin, fH. bL.. .... Pee Oo Hoosier schoolboy. Eggleston........... 56 Hoosier schoolmaster. Eggleston......... 123 Peon Woe tne docrs. a0 545... 24 Lito Meine’ Biota gen-g) A ig sa oe apa | a O41. Sencinan- nis farm: StOries... 0.5. ss 14 Sandman is sea stories. 2S5....5... 24 Bamdman iis ship stories. Of... 7... 24 Sandman: more’ farm Stories. 52 :5.:.. 24 She blows! and Spatmiaat tial iss 65... 132 Horsemen of the plains. Altsheler, J. A... 120 Pronsecmuime.) Ford, Sewelll. i... 0.5.55. 81 HORSFORD, I. M. Stories of our holidays 9 moRtON, EDITH. Erezen north... .... 69 fap. Of 1aMOus. WOMEN sao. ont. + eis OF HOUGH, EMERSON. Covered wagon.. 139 Young Alaskans in the far north...... 106 Young Alaskans in the rockies........ 82 Moun sw laskatis onthe trail... ..- 2%. 83 House of the heart and other plays for chil- STE USER CTS Gael Beer args er pen 45 House of the wolf. Weyman, S. J........ 142 House that Jack built. Caldecott, R...... gl House with the silver door. Tappan, E. M. 41 Household book of poetry. Dana, C. A., Bil, | Sie Pe ee 130, 162 Household of Glen Holly. Lillie, L. C.. 84 HOVEY, CARL. Stonewall Jackson..... Lh How Americans are governed. Marriott, OSS URES TG Pern hepa lel eager ta Mane ete ane Re 146 iow Mz. Doe got even... Paine, A. B...... 39 How Mr. Rabbit lost his tail. Paine, A. B.. 39 How our grandfathers lived. Hart, A.B.. 73 How the people rule. Hoxie, C. D....... Aa How the present came from the past. Wells, ee How the world is clothed. Carpenter, F.G. 46 How the world is fed. Carpenter, F.G... 46 How the world is housed. Carpenter, F. G. 46 How the world travels. Methley, A. A... 47 Ear OMiey me OUTS AUT SL, ciete. ceo eu le «ss 12 How to have birds neighbors. Patterson, rei e ort Ty Milas Catena Rees no OF How to keep bees for profit. Lyon, D. E.. 157 How to learn easily. Dearborn, G. V..... 148 How to listen to music. Krehbiel, H. E... 159 How to live on twenty-four hours a day. PRIReTt MT OLS ug cate city dy eae 163 PAGE How to measure in education. McCall, W. PPCR ee eG LY A ARENG 56 Ee Rae 149 How to study and teaching how to study. DLOWLITE EY REO ONL Tes Panetta wn ae 149 How to study effectively. Whipple, G.M.. 149 How to teach. Strayer and Norsworthy... 149 How to teach American history. Wayland, W PR bel Lh sul te ee ER. Catton 151 How to teach elementary school subjects. Rapeerst Link Ww fers cer ats ss 149 How two boys made their own electrical ap- Paras ee ole [OMNI Novos e. ey eee 113 Howrwe thinks Dewey.) ohit; 1 ra... seen: 147 HOWARD BW. Notheroes:.5-. o 106 Oremeumiiere ts me Se ee Nec te ak ae 125 HOWARD, O. O. Famous Indian chiefs TEN aAVes ENO Witeeeree:. cans ce oa oe ae te 76 HOWE, T. H. M. Peeps athistory. India. 73 HOWELLS. Werle Dove lite wars conten cor 83 BGy ss Cowiiwerss. septisinre tao ee ie 97 Chirstmas. ever day aces <4. eee = wd oF SLGLY DODWEs. 1 aes Sa ee ed epee one 83 HOW LISLON, MH: Cat tales and-other TALES ea oe On cs, Beery eek Oa Netele. sierstre i HOXITE, C) Ds How. the people rules. . a HOY Th Cm Ouicksandster youthon....- 148 Huckleberry Finn. ~ Twain,,Mark..:...... 129 HUDSON VG. Hoe pirdstand man ..5. 5. « 156 PirOS ai wa Villa be yon ens . ace a = bd Bar away sand slong avoir. ..72¢ 2 2 134 Mand an. Richmond eats cea so. eae 163 itile bovaillostane tat. es os 6 ne 83 DS Hepuerds igecmum nee cee mele, . «2 see ‘163 iraveler suv alittle *thines iis. .< - eee 163 HUFFCUT, E. W. Elements of business AGRE ER a ae Mee re Ae es ee 146 Digae Gwyetie ik, om tat os ee 104 Prugnavyyaree ap Mitchells SAW s. onc causa 126 HUGHES, RUPERT. Dozen from Lake- Fehr. Hetty na ENN Aid Go sateen eens Ea 106 Pealeriin mc ietice Clb. .c. tar) tee ke 3 106 HUGHES, THOMAS. Tom Brown’s SCHOO CANS te Surin as oie ens LO63.125 BUGOMVIGIOR: ~Bioeraphy. tos cis 166 Mt abe GaSe lndianvsketches>. see. eh 52 Human geography. Brunhes, Jean....... 163 Humanomachitietar i. ennepimes ts uid J. s tet 163 Human nature in the Bible. Phelps, W. L. 145 202 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE HUMPHREY, F. A. When I was a little ” 0g rarer eres hi Ae eer irae St HUMPHREY, GRACE. Heroes of liberty 50 Women of American history......... rE HUNT CW: -Aboutpltarhiet a aacee. 24 Little house ig: the woods... .....40.. 37 What Ves we read to the children... 144 HUNTER, G. M. When I was a boy in Scotlanidegy.’. oc. sede Pete ogee tenes cakes 69 Hunters of the great north. Stefansson... 115 Hunters of the hills. Altsheler, J. A. 120 HUNTING, G. Sandsy, himself......... 83 SATICS ye Sea Pal cee reey hs, 8 ee ere ee 83 Touckdoewn-and san ter siycaee een ees 83 Hunting hidden treasures in the Andes. RoltsWheelersg ty ce v4.4 Se eget 109 Hunting the German shark. Whitaker, Fa re ee are Fen Oe, «5, Se 136,-170 HUNTINGTON and CUSHING. Prin- eiples Of human, coetapuy MITT Ree Dr awe Ad Ute POVCGUMICHL ote aye ones 07, V7, 2134 JENKS, TUDOR. Captain Miles Standish 73 Jersey boy in the Revolution. Tomlinson, EVO, Wi Losier. ee ee. nee 144 TEV Ein, SO Bettye letcester. eae a. 02. 3etty Leicester's Christmas: .....4..5. 83 Play days }:dereey: |. Seat e eetetret a. ate 37 JEWETT, SOPHIE... God’s troubadour... 97 Jewish fairy book. Friedlander... 1.2... 56 Jewish fairy tales and stories. Friedlander 36 June Davis.) Masehelds joint. dee ose 107 Jim, the story of a backwoods police dog. IRODEC tS ia etd. 3.5 soy Caen les aD 86 Jimmy Quigg, office boy. Latham, H.S.... 84 Jimmy’s Cruise in the Pinafore. Alcott, L. LNs Baah es Se ree e Ee Ceri HE OPER 12h L oe JOAN OF ARC. Biography, Bang’s..... D3 Satie Monvel... (ae ena. 71 os MEATS shee. ae eter ka. ee eee 50 " BeIGIt yee ws. ee eet ne LO iS z eWay se 1S) nL eeetas viata ee 99 Jogging around the world. Dunham, Edith. 30 John Baring’s house. Singmaster, Elsie... 141 Jorn sGalpin 2s Galdeco tie ie: wae, 2c o. eeee 16 John Halifax,-gentleman. Craik, D:.M.7. 122 Johnnie Kelly.” ‘Boyer, Wis 2.027 ee res £37 Johnny Crow’s garden. Brooke, Leslie.... 10 Johnny Crow’s party. Brooke, Leslie..... 10 JOHNSON, CLIFTON. Mother Goose TY NIESH sce) eee a eae « ae ae aes 2 Poems, my children: love: >-!"./ ae cn 58 JOHNSON, CONSTANCE. When mother lets. iS COGKs aogier al se oer 29 When’ mother -lets: 11s helps ers oe. 24 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX JOHNSON, CONSTANCE—Continued. When mother lets us keep pets: 7222 JOHNSON, GAYLORD. Sky movies... Star* people. 2/08 vee JOHNSON, H.S. Williams of West Point JOHNSON, J. F. We and our work..... 07,117} JOHNSON, MARGARET. Polly and the Wishing TING. Me wis sleet JOHNSON, O: M.. Skippy Bedellers a. JOHNSON ROSSITER. End of a rain- DOW! ba FRADE As as ee eee JOHNSTON, A. History of American politics: «so.5n5 Sei cl oe ee JOHNSTON, C. H. L.” Famous scontea. JOHNSTON, MARY. ‘Cease: tring = eee Z Lewis Rand 3.204, @ 26 oe Long roll 2 O08 0, © 6 © Sie 8 0) 0) @ 6 56: 26 ce, 2 i eit eee JOHNSTON, R. M. Corsican (Napoleon Bonaparté) jin.) cari eee French revolution’ ......0.-s0aaneeeeee JOHNSTON, L. E., and FINNEMORE, J. Peeps at many lands: China and Japan Jolly book of boxcraft. Beard, Patten..... y fellowship... Stockton, F. Ree , good summer. Smith, } good times. Smith, Jolly good times at Hackmatack. Smith Me Pe Weis maces ws oe ieee ee Jolly good times at school. Smith, M. P IW ons a sharciee 3s tan bet ong te ete epee Jolly good times today. Smith, M. P. W.. Jolly tinker. Rich, FioMa 5 asset eee ae JONCKHEERE, ROBERT. When I was a. boy: in (Belgium... 7.0. .aeen eee JONES, JOHN PAUL. Biography. Sea- well, M. E Same. JORDAN, D. S. Book of Knight and Bar- bara 2. vicepnir ea gt. . eee story of Matkay...0.). certs alee True tales of birds and beasts........ Jo’s-hoys.. “Aléott "LMS Se eee eee Jo's opportunity. “Little eC ei ee Jose, our little Portuguese cousin. | ee Josephine. Journal of the Countess Krasinska. sinska, ©. © 6) )0 “eee 6. B).6) 1610 6 (0) v.56) Vinetele. of elle in twine Cr er Kra- Francoises. 2 ae eee ee 125 134 139 139 132 139 166 167 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE Journey to the center of the earth. Verne, NE. «hee axe Wei) ame siete PAI? SS 9 0 1S 129 JOYCE, P. W. Illustrated history of Ire- ee dR scien se to ale «i, «oe 167 Joyous art of gardening. Duncan, Frances. 112 Joyous story of Toto. Richards, L..E...... 20 Joyous travelers. Lindsay and Poulsson.. 38 UUDDSMoIC “Wigwam stories. 4; a... ah foo, Cals) funioricook book. ....... UZ Peso Neri P.* Young American. 2.47. 50 JUDSON, K. B. Old crow and his friends. 28 Jungle book. Kipling, Rudyard........... 58 Tungierpeace. Beebe; William jo. 2%. oe 1b Jungle roads and other trails of Roosevelt. PEE SGIEME LIATNE! lys,Gh > So stro ele oa as 6 94 amocecook book. = Judson,,C. Lint. s/s 92 Junior high school idea. Van Denburg, J. K. 147 Pome s schools.» Koos. Viis acs. 147 Paton plaw pod, «Cohen, Holi. wc. kn 114 eter catty Wepstcr, Jean hiss vcs Sooe 4 a sie | Justismxteen: Coolidge, Susan... .......3. ) stores. _Kipling, Rudyard ......... DY, KALEEL, M. J. When I was a boy in SE CASTERS Tg a oe ae a a 46 Kalitan, our little Alaskan cousin. Nixon- CECA. Ni, 08 Ei ine nae 47 Kari, the elephant. Mukerji, D. C........ 59 Kathleen in Ireland. McDonald, B., and ‘Tbe gncen ae ale RON eee eee eee 70 Kathleen’s probation. Gray, Joslyn....... 124 Porcine Leland flit) ©. tit aia wee <6 om aseve. a 103 Pedbiitinawee taster cl. acute ea atti os ok oe 82 Pome aoiuits camp. Dix, BoM.” ots .s 80 eae ate OUTWOOU ss fo .C) t,o: wks as os apes. ee 79 Poteet. and. WILD, L, H. Ethi- Calereacingsn trom, the Bibles. Pl) 2 eee 128 Lads and lassies of.other days. Price, L. L. 60 Lady Jarie Jamison,"C: Vin. 1... eee 57 Lady or the tiger. “Stockton, 'F, R.2eaoee 141 LAFAYETTE, MARQUIS DE: Bios: raphy: as Seas eer ee 49,96, 41EA Lafayette, Christopher Columbus. The long knives in Illinois (plays).......... 68 Lafayette, we come. Holland, R. Sige 82 LA FLESCHE, FRANCIS: Middle fiver 976 Laird of Glentyre. ‘Green, E7 Mz.) eee 69 Lakerim athletic club. Hughes, Rupert... 106 LAMB, CHARLES, Essays of Elid 0 unem LAMB, CHARLES, ‘aid “MARY ae Shakespeare’s tales. Selected tales, with extracts ‘from the plays 27..<. ..5 eee 139. Tales from Shakespeare illus. by L. Rhead.“i22. 02s eee tae 83 LA MOTTE-FOUQUE, F. de. Undine.. 106 LAMPREY, L. Children of ancient Britain 84 Days of the colonists’ \\/su.1e: ene 50 Days of the discoverers 22)... eae 50 In the days of theiuld= ee 126 Masters of the guild (2.5. . eee 106 Lance of Kanana: FrenchsH.W.).ee 81 Lances of Lynwood: -Yonge,C. My x. a.a 111 Land of fair play. Parsons, G. ....98; Disease Land of pluck. Dodge, M. M232 eee 30 Land of the long night. Du Chaillu, P. B.. 114 Land-we live in, Prices Ov W...) eaeee 70, 95 Landmarks of British history. Dale, Lucy7 536 LANE, F. K. Letters of Franklin K. Lane 166 LANG, ANDREW. Aladdin and other StOTIES: Scociees aya ale Oe oe ae ee 37 Allesorts of "stories book. 4... eae 98 Animal story book ..... 20. book) 3 25% (2etc, eee 58 Book ef romance®, ia soe oe 42, 131 Cinderella oie &: inde eee 14 Dick Whittington S372. 6. oe ee 24 Elf maiden and other'stories oa) sa ee 38 Golden mermaid and other stories..... 38 History of Jack the giant-killer....... 24 Invisible prince and other stories..... 38 Jack andthe bean stalle a. eevee 14 Little Red" Riding” Hood =. 2er.e.n se: 24 Little Wildrose and other stories...... 38 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX 2()7 PAGE LANG, ANDREW—Continued Magic ring and other stories ......... 38 PAA e TaD Paneth ay ss so RST UR 135 cine oat lin ohen et Sec ak lets ee ak es 14 Re Cen andar LInCeSSES Geshe ea ue. sc 98 Pmincess on, the eidgs ills: >see ss os 24 Peeks PHETOES: tide Bo or te ss 98 PO EtMmS IR VERDOOKS 28; Ghoraecnre ss tice Pek ie 58 snoweman and /other stories... <.. +: 9) Snowdrop and other stories ......... 14 PRI AO 19h OATISOL VAT Cl yet cre icyers s hralts « ° 50 PP rigs ara MF OMIANICE Prats. Siete’ ys Weel os 38 esuan whe- round: tables. os <. sss + 38 rssty iohn andother stories! ni... 38 Twelve huntsmen and other stories.... 38 BANG, JEANIE. Stories from the Faerie Re mr ge eu es 71a we yoo yes Ses ts 38 Broaorreneral Gordonriga. «5. a « 50 LANG, JOHN. Story of Captain Cook .. 50 LANIER, H. W. Book of bravery. Second CERES, BR Nc Se dea Deep ae ae L17, Book of bravery. Third series ...... 135 LANIER, SIDNEY. Boy’s Froissart .... 90 OMe CUA CENT wen scloiaye es «las efa oe 64 Boy seiabinovion) “22s. 445 fen ste 64 edocs SSS ast Ae eee ene ae eee Dtelsl Lanier poolk-.¢d aby M..E..Burt..:.... 126 CANSING, M. F. Food and life........ 157, Drie ire emer cero U kiss vere 2s eds 2 38 Page, esquire and knight ......... 64, 131 te Ole iGueit antswet ies oe Ontos: 98 LARGE, L. A. Little people who became CEN ce. cae hog gy SE OE OE RC 7) Aron ise Me w., ond WILEY, K.B. Rrocarioret Ors Cir Siti ele ee PRS 152 La Salle and the discovery of the great west 118 Pav ale Caricten etre) ee eieee*, . % 168 LASKER, EDWARD. Chess and checkers 113 Last cruise of the Saginaw. Read, G. H... 135 astidays olaPompeiu: Lytton; Lord ..... 139 ast tour months, “Manrices FB. 2.3... : 167 Meictearerie weiss Aitsheser, p)i-Acvvaiscy: © 101 Last of the flat boats. Eggleston, G.C.... 31 Last of the Mohicans. Cooper, J..F...... 103 Masteoiwine leterinswutiale, La Ps... 2.3. $2 Last of the plainsmen. Grey, Zane ...... 96 LATHAM, H. S. Jimmy Quigg, office boy 84 IVE OTA MMU CHIS acta ATIC BEM vere We cha ice cta te) Sar? 84 Borie WORUCLOM see e abt et. es cin teak, 84 LAUGHLIN, H. H. Analysis of the AsNericaiy melting Pot (52 22h. nike wes 145 PAGE LAVARRE, W. J. Up the Mazaruni for CATOTUUB ES pee oe eh wc aes ee 115 LAWLER, T. B. Story of Columbus and Wapellarie sponte. | aaiampr eee eenhs 4 54 LAWRENCE, M. S. Old time Hawaiians 46 Lays of ancient Rome. Macaulay, T. B... 139 Lazy Matilda and other tales. Pyle, Kath- ATUGme yee ys'. cpa Cin rake ae tee OE Nt 40 Ieattere;t0, liberty Wade, (Miaalty ~arsearoa: 190 Peadbetters luck. Day tiolimaris <7 .ngren 123 LEAMY, EDMUND. Fairy minstrel of Crletimial ti Cemeeen eae ts os ot cies. aes 38 Golden spears and other fairy tales . 38, 58 LEAR, EDWARD. Book of nonsense. ..9, 24 Learning to write. Stevenson, R. L...... .. 160 DEE AMES anadcGAREY, Ji, ba italian family Robinson LEESROBER ee biography vanes. 119, 166 Lee, Robert E., and the Southern Confed- eracy, 1807-1870. White, H. A. ....... 166 LEE, YAN PHOU. When I was a boy in Ching cee. fees cc eee eee cree 70 Left behind, or Ten days a newsboy. Otis, LP ATOGS ee tt RS 0) a ee em cle 39 Lett: half Harmon. Batbour, Ko Hiss... 134 Teeit tackia@m] Naver. moarpouri\s gids, 2 2. 1A LE GALLIENNE, R. Pieces of eight.... 139 Legends of Charlemagne. Bulfinch, Thomas 122 Legends of King Arthur. Knowles, James 125 Legends of the middle ages. Guerber, H. A Oi A eg ee: |” 7, oe eo 124 ERVGH Wee DISNICY-sslceland 3 ice. 7 eames: Stocks NOah i: aor enenn. «ee tae Laz, Lessons in the new geography. Trotter, SCIICCT MEET an eeRemae ca terest © a, > 3,2 sees 134 LINGO Nag: (am Pretty stOnye rs sxc 106 LINCOLN, M. J. Boston cook book..... 157 LINDERMAN, F. B. Indian why stories. 52 LINDSAY MAUD. Story garden for little Children Wtees ee o's ces i. arts, «recto 24 StOty pellet, + crisis witiseeee ls <2 pkeate see 38 LINDSAY, MAUD, and POULSSON, PML bal OvOlUsy travel ete: ise 0.) ve see 38 EINGLEY,-C, KRewsince the Givilowar, .seel69 Iesonsand tiger -storiess Carter M. Tie. yun4o LEPPINCOLPT, jx We Gray squirrely,.cs, 43 Secipeds Ciat rte msn ae tn et ee ee 43 LIPPINCOTT’S pronouncing gazeteer of theseworld 4c eieees een ont en ae 164 LISLE, CLIFTON. Boy scout entertain- ENTS ee Os eee eee wl ay 67 Dramond S Rockit eee. se eae 84 Sandy Flash, the highwayman of Castle Rgek Fie Soutien tok! Regn et ee: eee 84 PAGE Listen to me stories. Aspinwall, A....... 33 Literary and historical atlas of Africa and Australasia. Bartholomew, J. G........ 163 Literary and historical atlas of America... 165 Literary and historical atlas of Asia...... 164 Literary and historical atlas of Europe.... 164 Literary Digest atlas of the new Europe.... 164 Literature of the world. Richardson and Owen... ue etl. alee eee 160 Little book of bird songs. Little book of modern verse. Murphy, Louise 12 Rittenhouse. 162 Little book of well known toys. Braden, J. \ SEE Me EA 8 Little boy lost® Hudson; \We li ere 83 Little brother to the bear. Long, W. J..... 43 Little brothers of the west. Deming, E. W. .wsiedecs ed bow hanes. mt tere 20 Little candy book for a little girl. Water- man, Are Le Sie. a bo oe 44 Little captiverlad:- Dix By Meee 104 Little city of hope. -Crawford, F. Miseeaee £22 Little country girl. Coolidge, Susan....... 79 Little curly-head: -spytt, J.1~- tc. eee 26 Little duke.” Yonge; ©, Me, eee 111 Little folk fairy talestan =. o- 2 oe eee 14 Little folk:lyrics..- Sherman,-F.3D32. ee 26, 40 Little folks handy book. Beard, L. and A. Bue sae cts Bile cadens SOT an econ eae ee pas Little folks in busy-land. ~ Harris and Waldo Little folks of many lands. Little folks of other lands. Chance, Es viaaai2 Chaplin and Humphrey: aa an4 i Acge cede s oe ae 12 Little folks’ plays of American heroes. See Wade, Mori 2st: potas 3 eee 45, 46 LITTLE, FRANCES. “Camp Jolly 84 Little freckled person. Davies; MziGieeuieee > Little friend: Lydiay yPhilipsy EJ ae 39 Little friends in feathers. McFee, I. N. .. 43 Little .gardén.= (King) (Mrs)*Prancisig eae 158 Little garden the year ’round.. Teall, G. .. 158 Little gateway to science. Patch, E. M.. 28 Little gingerbread man. Putnam, G. H.... 15 Little girl of long ago. White, E.-O....... 26 Little girl’s knitting and crochet book. Klickmann# @5 0.00. eee on 29 Little girl’s sewing book. Klickmann..... 44 litle grey house. TagearteeMs ee eee 87 Little house in the woods. Hunt, C. W.. 3/ Little housekeeping book for little girls. Benton; Coy 0), pa sa en a 29 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX Little Little Little Little Indian folk, Deming Narvis ae seawelly My Wk es). s. 40, lame prince. Craik, is Pied! RA ee fa, Lord Fauntleroy. Burnett, F. H.... Little maid of Bunker Hill. Curtis, A. T. Little maid of old New York. Curtis, A. SE Sy SM Sc, 0 od no dageee + ss Teetie maid of Virginia. Curtis, A. T!...: eresmien. Alcott, LisM. oe. ee Little minister. Barrie, J. M. Little Miss Grasshopper. Spyri, J. Little Miss Phoebe Gay. Brown, H. D.... Little Mitchell. Morley, M. W. ......... Little Mother Goose; illus. by Jessie Wilcox Smith Mrilemane ser hr te ress eee ae eas te Little playbook. Lord, Katharine ........ Little people who became great. Large, L. Pr ee hse ata wiretaps ate ore Little plays. Dalkeith, Lena Little plays for little people. Ray Little plays from American history. Walker, a yea SIRS, Coa: cay att oe pale) es els) @e8! 6 athahioiics a) -6/ le! 0) le, Sale emer Sie) 6)\e (0 6! 8) @ © 70 O° a 0 4,0. ¢ Noyes and pen tahs (sire cole 6 \elall_s: a) a) 6, ceipeile ne ued 8 6) 6 sy 6m 8) 86) 88 Eira a" wILGte \k] wae) 'o.\w [ee +0 's) Oh,/a) 161/07 @) [eo We'se, 16) 6! 6) (ei 6 Little red foot. Chambers, R. W. Little red people. Deming Little Red Riding Hood. Lang Little shepherd of kingdom come. John, Jr. oe, Ce ears, 18 aes .s)- 4-10) e 5058. 6. ORs) s: sc.e eg Gurel.ei.e' 6Aen wks a at weet. hele! 6) eum Len 8, 16.e 16-5 imne- 6) shee, peg erate Little Smoke. Stoddard, W. O. Little star gazers. Schwartz, J. A........ Little stories for little people. McCullough, AWW. Little stories of France. iin ake sive neiiet ehvalte. ale. s/ge B16 0 ete, Si je (6. 0) 6) 6' 16) 6 \6r.2 Button Mb. Little Wildrose and other stories. Lang... nile women. Alcott. Lb.) M. ......5.;<-- Little women play. Alcott, L. M......... LIVERMORE, G. G. Take it from dad.106, SESSA ioc). ee iS Para Rela aaa ne ara Lives of girls who became famous. Bolton, Ne al Lives of poor boys who became famous. Bolton, S. K. LIVINGSTONE, C. L.. Glimpses of pio- neer life Lobo, Rag and Vixen, Lochinvar luck. Terhune, A. p. Re Mery Les Lodrix, the little lake dweller. Wiley and ica ae Paes ooh oieie Bee pple = Rie Ate LOFTING, HUGH. Story of Doctor Do- little Voyages of Dr. Dolittle............. Giel dilel ies) veretln, © leuie) e..e (6 6.6710. 9s) 00 618.6) 6 F881 e> 60.0 o) ah ale. ele; e1.6; bee) eye eS) Se) 28-8) 6.46 el el tele fat 6) 4 ce nal) ee 88, SO ie) |) ee (ees 016) 61.88 php itec: LORCt CMe ay Ct CR ate Ti te Tie CEA SCS Mk hh Sight LACE ADIN LE arta te as Wearies eres Nia, verte ROC IM OMNES VV «pede chaise gee ema cis Ge Se the little cliff dweller. Bayliss, C. LONDON, JACK. Brown wolf and other BLOTIOS Sr othe tO oc A ieee nee ee ne Callen. tne: wild = scents ae ne o Cruse. of thes Dazzleraeee man. fat ae Dutch courage and other stories...... Lone Bull's: mistake. Shultz, J. W/...3.. Eonesomest dolls Browns A. Fo ....7.9,25. LONG, W. J. American liteature Little brother to the bear Secrets of the woods Ways of wood folk Wilderness ways Long roll. Johnston, Mary Lonugetrail) Garland} Hamlin 4.4.9 eee ones plays by American authors. Cohen, @ \b Jeredeu.e © se) 6) = onal ee) es CO. OOS ore Creer aa © 04@ ‘elue 038) ‘enatiel #, (sions! es." eu.e Pi 10: 16) o. 66 oie balls ne ciel) Suveniolte ©: .6).6)-'e: 10) 16 0! lenel leueiame LONGFELLOW, Cals WOT crates < Sie a peer oie Courtship of Miles Standish, illus. by TN eV VOTH maemo eee wre sa Sone rors Liawatices s:5 once Meat oo Vales2of-a Wayside. in sig)05' eee. ess oy LOOMIS, A. F. Cruise of the Hippocam- PUSS ae as. doy Ae oar) eee eee LORD, I. E. Getting your money’s worth. LORD, KATHARINE, Little playbook. . Siilavewion SChoOlsand Gamipal: . + otha Lords ofthe wild. “Altshelénsegy. Ac aac; Lerna Doone. Blackmore, R. D. LORING, J.“A. African adventure stories LOSSING, Bole Two-spies Gost *dimeiblé; PBarbour, Wh HG so 2. ostiendéavor. Maseheld, john: aero Leostelninters se itshelers, | geretn cs seer jzostun the jungle, “Dus@haillu: Py Bags Lostarslands) ‘Barbour: and siioliv 2 een Lost litle dady.. Knipe, E. B. and As 7A. - past. pinniee seo UMC tae EL: RE) UN GRY a La, IA lish language Lovey Mary. LOWELL, J. R. Complete poetical works. Loyalmtraitotug Barnes: James sa 4.0 Poe LUCAS, E. V. Anne’s terrible good nature Book:of sverses’ for children>. 3. % 202. Slowcoachgen. 7A cael aa wes, ASS Vy aricleretreitn sb ie Ce... sp steel oe tees. dak: BN © 6 oa) 0, éfele eo eK History of the Eng- 6! 16) (eine. (6, OY ees 16.8 8 6 © fel © @.0 6 © eS ie a" 6 210 PAGE LUCIA, R. Peter and Polly in autumn... 15 Petereands oly el. Spring. cesta 9 Peter and* Polly inisummer ...e2). a 9 Peter-and vt Olly. ine Winter. vitae eee 2 Lucite menaraness NUL. an ee ee 46 Louckypsixpence, 1. Knipe, EAB a. soe 83 Luckystone: brown, A; Eh eae ase 54 iillaby dane. rield sioene aie sere een. 23 LUTKENHAUS, A. M. Plays for school children LYNDE, FRANCIS. Donovan chance... 106 LYON, D. E. How to keep bees for profit 157 Lyne neroicay Liemicy aw. HK eae wrens 105 Lyric forms trom Mranee.. CobenaiiglLs.« 159 LYGREO NL ORD S sblaroli. ede ene 126 east days Of wh Omrnelidue.:. sewn ee 139 MAB TECH eVWee Norse stories: i> Gee es 58 MACAULAY, T. B. Essay on John Hamp- ORL 2S oe. Pee eer rae Ix oh ehausie ae clea nea Pie 163 HS SAVe Ol sODET EA GANG cts Sev ewitten ele 163 ieavs Of ancient AOMec nee ete et too McCALEB, W. 'F. Happy; the life of a DECI AMD, coe mshi a a see eel Catt Be ccc 84 McCALL, W. A. How to measure in ed- AI GECIORIM 5. tcy a emer Ee San ee ee oe 149 McCRAE, J. dn Flanders fields... .. 2.3. 130 McCULLOUGH, A. W. Little stories for Lite pe Daan” : «cals ch eee fee £ McDONALD, E® B.-“Chandraiin Indiai2.2 46 Colette Pranc@ies cto. tol ene 46 McDONALD, E. B., and DALRYMPLE, Jeet Ate iettynin, Canadas ee, eee » 46 Boris Je ussia.. eee eee. ee 47 Donaldamn Scotland 2c st... eee 47 (Gjerde en Sweden a ics eee ae 47 Hassaneia ry pl ce. cake eee 47 Kathleen tin 4lreland = i ae, ee 70 Manttreimite NlexiCOss ea wo) ee eee 47 Rataelmin, italy yl aeee. 1a ee 70 Unde Sannin \Apan ose ae meee 47 McDONALD, E. R. Our little Canadian ROSIN Soe et Aes eta oe ee eae 47 MacDONALD, GEORGE. At the back of Tee NOT Fwind seen eee, et tee ene 38 iehte princess. «40 +... eens 38 Princess antsGurdice,.. sup. - one 58 Princess andi thesgoblin.. 07... ..6... 58 MacDONALD, Z. K. Eileen’s adventures ifewordiand,; tee Reet a5. eeonteee ae 59 MacDONALD, ANNE. MACH. W.-H: people” Italian fairy book 59 Lincoln, “man of the AUTHAHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE MACE, W. H.—Continued. Washington, a Virginia cavalier...... 13 MacELROY, M. H. Work and play in co- lonial dayS> 25.40. ae ona ee ee 51 McFARLANE, A. E. Great Bear Island.. 107 Redney: McGaw ':> Aaaece: 0) een 84 McFEE, INEZ N. American heroes from history. 3540.20) 20 eee 73 Little friends in-feathers/cye.. eee 43 Stories of American inventions....... 66 MacGREGOR, MARY. Stories of King Arthur’s knights... ..a..> cane ee 38 McINTYRE; M) Ax Cave; boy 23. 24 MacKAY, C. D. Costumes and scenery for amateurs 4 os... ae lw ae 1 oe eee Se Frenklin; 2 play in four; acts... 68 House of the heart and other plays... 45 How to produce children’s plays...... 159 Patriotic drama in your town........ Le Patriotic plays and pageants for young people: i.4 22a cet cle ee 68 Plays: of the pioneers. =... 7, 455 eee ok) Silver thread and other plays........ 45 MCKEAN, G.B.- Making s00d.2) aaa 139 Scouting thrills“). 0:53, 29. ee 117 McKEE, J. es and ROEMER, L. S. Pe. riod of discovery t inte aes Ae ee 51 MacKEY, M. S., and M. G. _ Pronuncia- tion of ten thousand proper names...... 153 McKINNEY, F. L. Blue Heron Cove.... 59 Nora-square-accounts =)... 9s eee &4 MacLEOD, MARY. King Arthur and his noble knights...) ip seaas* : Joc 42 Shakespeare’ story, book: 00.) eee 107 MacMANUS, SEUMAS. Donegal fairy StOTIES. jo Sans sie eee ee 84 In® chimney, corners}. .9e.50 ne en 84 ~McMANUS, B. GERARD. Our little Bel- Gian. COUSIN... < suas tee 2 ert oe ee Our little; Eeyptian cousins 2a. eee 47 Our little Dutch ‘cousin’; (3. eee 47 Our little French cousins... ...3 eee 47 Our little Scotch cousin’ <2. ae 47 McMURRY, C. A.. Teaching by projects. 149 McMURRY, F. M. Elementary school standards i... 7 ctasshsqais cues ae ee 147 How to study and teaching how to StUdY?3/- >. suiepules ae Tee 149 McSPADDEN, J. W. Book of holidays.. 160 Famous; dogssin fiction: ..... eke 84 Opera; synopses. a... eee 159 shakesperian synopses .......<...... 162 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX 211 PAGE Peron. Caldecat ods vic emis wh ean 11 MAETERLINCK, MAURICE. Blue bird SPRPMOUOT ETE Seer ot Sy > aie ores * ola ine sree 38 imidren s ie 70k the, Dee... 0's. eu ea 12 Maggie McLanehan. Zollinger........... 89 Magic casements. Wiggin and Smith..... 41 Magic fishbone. Dickens, Charles........ 56 Magic pictures of the long ago. Chandler, Re TN oe ete fore OA cine oss ok wk vp 49 Magic ring and other stories. Lang...... 38 Magic speech flower. Hix, Melvin........ 28 MAHAN, A. T. Admiral Farragut....... 17 Bietimmteirances” Lanes fc 9. cree tiets asses e Ss. Maid of old Manhattan. Knipe, B....... 83 Pratap Corieanse siith so. og. n- s ce ee 119 OL SOS gS Soho eee ee a 106 Maida’s little shop. Gillmore, I. H....... 56 MAITLAND, LOUISE. Heroes of chiv- PIN Loree Soe AV eas oh a es eat W S abe) MAJOR, CHARLES. Bears of Blue River 984 Wace, bomanndy. Bill oy.) csc. sss ss 10? Makers of many things. Tappan, E. M... 66 Makers of our history. Faris, J. T........ 96 Piekine cood.. —NicKean,) GB. wn... wen. 136 Making of New England. Drake, S.A... 72 Making of our country. Burnham, Smith D6ssb 15.7 134 Making of the American nation. Gilman, NCTE GEO ag ns ea are ered! 49 Making of the great west. Drake, S.A... 72 Making of the nation. Walker, F. A..... 169 Making of the Ohio valley states. Drake, SMM NE ae Dh hy amat, ee kin he ye Making of Virginia and the middle colonies. iret emer Sey pitas Peasy, Ve avdc es Sf. eas, 72 Mang the nine. Dudley, Aw T. . 200% <2: 80 Making up with Mr. Dog. Paine, A. B... 39 Making your camera pay. Davis, F. C.... 113 MALOT, HECTOR. Nobody’s boy...... 84 Man tron-wiaine “Bokadiot Wiss oc 2s 133 anetor Weeavess Bacheller, [awn .2..% 137 MALLORY, SIR THOMAS.. Stories of KingsaArthumane tis knightss..i2.2:..; 91 Man without a country. Hale, E. E...105, 124 Management of a city school. Perry, A. C. 148 MANLY, J. M., and RICKERT, EDITH. Contemporary American literature...... 161 Contemporary British literature...... 161 Manuel in Mexico. McDonald and Dal- ERC tee ACh PUN es so of2 sonics nie es os 47 Diareinoeto. victory. Colin, Ca CG. viaw, . 42 MARCO, POLO. See Brooks, Noah. MARDEN, O. S. Ambition and success.. 144 DUCCesart UnGalicitals ayer tes rte 37 145 MOU eCam Dtits Will; VOU Cees = 2 eed. oe 145 Warcarersviontiort, (Richards Woo... a, 108 Marian Frear’s summer. Ashmun........ iW) | Maria Chapdelaine. Hemon, Louis....... 138 Marjorie Daw and other stories. Aldrich, LEM Re Se ae acces 5 Ee. «ies 1208 156 Marjorie s. literary -dolls.25 beard, i, Py neat MARKS, JEANNETTE. Early English HEro «fal Geen 2 eu y * cae eaeheet ns Meine 107 MARKS, JEANNETTE, and MOODY, JGLTAS Holiday, with the birds 9.25... 43 MVATINIION ee CORT ee. Sk ae Perea ee 127 MARRIOT) (CRITFENDEN: How eimericans are soOverned. os. Ae 146 Uneiessamics, business, 21... eee 17, MARRYAT, CAPT. FREDERICK. Chil- dren of the New Forest............. 84, 107 Mastepmaneneady gece. yn tae: 84, 107 MARSHALL, H.. E.- Stories of Guy of WWrWithkee sche oat ieee, eee, fee 42 Storieswob Wiliams ellis. ee a os bh Story-oF OliversCromwell x. 728 as 74 Marta in Holland. McDonald and Dal- gigasyes (naar vane eee, OOS, ae Rens Mee 47 MARTIN, F.-E., and DAVIS, G. M. Fire- DTAn GS ts ect esc ee Lae ae 59 MARTIN, G. M. A Warwickshire lad.... 84 MARTIN, H.R. Tillie. a Mennonite maid 140 MAK LING Me E> AFriendiy stars: . 23 ee 155 Martin Hyde) Masefield, Johny.........2 107 MARTINEAU, HARRIET. Crofton boys 59 PCItSSOMMLICREIOLG tk eee oo kak Sh PAS Peasantinandstie priceta........ eee 107, Marty lendsya hand we Latham, 11.*S Seer, ot Marvel book of American ships. jacksori ATIC Ma VATS: 1 aha ot euis ss eigatiree tr aceceagk oe ee ee 00 MARVIN, F. S., and others. Adventures Dig Or yisceviScs ements tis st, coe ae 131 Mary Frances cook book. Fryer, J. E.... 44 Mary Frances first aid book. Fryer, J. E.. 44 Mary Frances garden book. Fryer, J. E.. 44 Mary Frances housekeeper. Fryer, J. E... 44 Mary Frances sewing book. Fryer, J. E... 44 Mary’s garden and how it grew. Duncan, SORATIUGEE kt Ai ae oe fties Magee g: AL 58,1 18 43 MASHFIELD JOHN: wii Davis. . o7e.. 107 Dost. erideayortcesemmmen sf oP a) tes ee 140 ar tiger id etree eters ance) Cokes 107 al2 AUTHOR-TITLFE INDEX PAGE MASON, A. B. Tom Strong, boy-captain. 8&4 Lome otrone = iiGi res. ate serene 85 ‘Lomvotrong, [lincoly sescouter irae 85 Tom rstt Olle tris ain sree caters 85 MASON, -G. S. Licky and his gang...... a9 MASSELING, HENRIETTE. Ideals of heroism tand \patriguisni se) eee eee 160 MASSON, ROSALINE. Edinburgh..... 95 MASSON, T. L. Our American humorists 161 Master = Frisky § Hawkes @eest > in ee 43 Master of the strong hearts. Brooks..... 121 Master simon'sygarden. Meigs, "Gr eae 107 Master okylark: " Bennett, lobi. 2.7 bal Master Skylark (dramatized edition)..... 67 Masterman Ready. Marryat, F........ 84, 107 Masters:of the euild) -Lamprey,, Loo oe 106 Masters of the peaks. Altsheler, J. A..... 77 MATHEWS, BASIL. Argonauts of faith. 74 MATHIEWS, F. K., ed. Boy scouts book Gi Campiire elotiesiaaa.wie eat ee aot 126, 140 Boy scouts year DOO, sotisur ae anit: ies Boy scouts’. book of stories “.ui7.-.. . + 126 MATSON, HENRY. References for liter- ARVMVOTREDS WAM ie ey Met iets ai ean » 123 MATTHEWS, BRANDER, ed. Poems of PtnemiCan FDAtTIOUISIN . Jeena cece 59, 85 MAURICE FB, Last’tour months.22... 167 MAXWELL, C. R. Selection of textbooks 149 Mayflower maid. Knipe, E. B. & A. A... 125 MEADER, S. W. Black Buccaneer...... 85 MEADOMNWCROFT, “W. He Al Be G ‘or BlCCILIGI ine woth ot ee al irc eee 28, 44 Royemitesolidison on 2.65. oes 117 Measurement of intelligence. Terman, L. M. 148 Measuring the results of teaching. Monroe, WS eee ca ca eee Bo 148 Mehitable. Adams, Katharine......:.... 12 Helga and the white peacock......... 45 MEIGS, C. Kingdom of the winding road 59 Masters simon sm cardett:, 1s. mcrae 107 POMS OL Cstarseee: tiae ra. oe .a eee 140 Stead ast spriticess its sic eis a eee ne 68 Windy: cil evans Seri geeseie eee See 107 MEIKLE JOHN N.3L. Cart 2ofemany COLOTS hee Le ee ok Cae eee 59 Melissa-across-the-fence. Seaman, A. H.. 109 MEEVILLE) SHERMAW of T ypeer wees Ls Memorial Dayyeschaufiler, Ren vee serare 160 Memoirs of a London doll. Fairstar, Mrs.. 36 Memoirs of a white elephant. Gautier, J... 56 Mén_olirons ) Pyle, wiewatrtwets aac 127 Men of old Greece. “Hall; Jennies ing, .2. 36 PAGE Men who make our novels. Gordon, Georges i...) Veo os ee 165 MENDEL, F. E. Our little Polish cousin. 47 Mental efficiency. Bennett, Arnold....... 163 MERCIER, CARDINAL. Biography.... 134 MERINGTON., M. Fairy tale plays..... 94 Holiday plays.i. ee 66 MILLER, W. H. Boys’ book of canoeing and.,sailing” 0.570) 4.38 ce ee 113 Camp.'crattie.e «tee eee ay see ae 113 Castaways of Banda Sea ..2.2.7eee 126 Ring-necked = srizziy.3 4)... 107 Sea fighters’. 120%. coon ee ee 107 MILLS, E. A. In the beaver world7ee 113 Wild life’ onthe rockies. 257.) ae 115 MILLS, JOHN. Letters of a radio engi- neer to his.son (72) 113 Realitiés ‘of modern science... sae ie Mind in the making. Robinson, J. H.... 148 Ministryo Slattery, Gill 2 oe eee 152 MINTZ F.9S.> “Story hourkplayse ee 16 MIRICK, G. A. Home life around the wotld. eee PT PON tn erat cs’ 47 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE Mirthful lyre. Guiterman, Arthur ...... 161 MIRZA, Y. B. When I was a boy in Per- SI. no SRS eee 2 a 95 Mischief’s thanksgiving. Coolidge, Susan. 35 Mice-ocuinvar.. Jaggart, Mi Avicn kas. 110 Miss Lochinvar’s return. Taggart, M. A.. 110 Miss Muffet’s Christmas party. Crothers, eM eh ca cin 5% nnia'n 2 se Malay Sane <4 = Ae Mississippi valley in the civil war. Fiske, PU NREM Foe Chaar fecate ach age lM 4 3 169 Mr. Possum’s great balloon trip. Paine, A. Ek. nurocgieet cyl aR SRA eo eee 39 Mr. Rabbit’s big dinner. Paine, A. B. 39 Mr. Stubb’s brother. Otis, James Bee er cine oy Mr. Wind and Madame Rain. Musset, LOLA LOTUES "6 ase dle Ale ear racer aa vie Mrs, Overtheway’s remembrances. Ewing, PR ek cod tk Ae wise oe hx se nip © 104 Mise terer irabbit. Burgess; Tl. W....... Lt Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. Rice.. 127 Peeelieigl cA b) YPaz and*Pablom... 47 MiaCHetiles. We Hugh Wynne:...:..°. 126 MITTON, G. E., and WILLIAMS, M, NEC NR ATE ACIS, Oe se ae pol «ooh, os so ks 70 Roleees ols 9 Mighty animals... .3....0.- (ee) MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, A. F., and THOMPSON, M. P. Norway and Den- ALES Eh ne aha I 70 Modern American plays. Baker, G. P.... 159 Modern American poetry. Untermeyer, RGIS MIR ee CE ie Rds ale eo eat a e's 80 SO os 161 Modern British poetry Untermeyer LATS, ooo es eee a a sar ae 162 Modern city and its government. Capes ee eNO oho a. yok el Poel dl eopiet eratlone 2 146 Modern geography. Newbigin, M: I. .... 150 Modern poetry. Pocock ..............-. 140 Modern times and the living past. Elson, PMR sr a kh as be 116, 134, 163 MOFFETT, CLEVELAND. Careers of PAU OR AEC MOATING. (Parcute sheers © wie's ¢ + as 95 MOKRIEVITCH, V. deB. When I was a aR POS SIME tte thee eo ne 5 et 70 Mranarch. tne pig bear. *seton, ET. 22%... 44 Money making for boys. Collins, F. A. rie Money: what it is and how to use it. Hay- Patt Ge Ci Se ee ca ee fae eae oh eae 158 Moni, the goat boy. Spyri, Johanna ..... 40 Monitor and the Merrimac. Worden, J. L.. 75 MONROE, PAUL. Brief course in the VIE, COUCATION ov anos she es Mamie: 147 Text book in the history of education.. 147 ars PAGE MONROE, W. S. Measuring the results (52 ne NL afd a ee Rp ans ik PhS HP 148 MONROE, W. S., and others. Educa- tional tests and measurements ......... 148 Monsieur Beaucaire. Tarkington, Booth.. 141 Monster hunters. Rolt-Wheeler, F. W. .. 113 Montcalm and Wolfe. Parkman, Francis . 118, 168 Montezuma. Eggleston and Seelye MOON, G., and K. Indian legends in fa ahip ta og Beeghy ete en, Sean: SP eee ae i IE a MOORE, A. C. Roads to childhood . 144 MOORE, H. K. Nursery song book..... 10 MOORES, C. W. Life of Abraham Lin- Calnetors boys andseinis. averse eon eee 74 Mopsa, the fairy. Ingelow, Jean......... 37 Moralcinstriiction., .Gould, By |. see 153 Moral instruction of children. Adler, Felix 153 Motalepirates:; Seiden, Wolissore a. .jaeoen J Moral principles of education. Dewey POPU sted, Daphne teen AS ee eb or a Peel 153 MORAN, G. N. Kwahu, the Hopi Indian bOY Grea vet. (erate aaenwe wh. i 52 More fairy tale plays. Merington, M.... 94 More good times at Hackmatack. Smith, bi a Niel ee ER ee care acc Sees 61 More goops and how not to be them. Bur- pessie (reletisg.: Sue ks eee eee 12 More magic pictures of long ago. Ghandler, JAcgeu cw. cuca wires oro an 71 More mystery tales for boys and girls. SHITE ESO 5 ce en Maes Sis eae 110 More Russian picture tales. Carrick Waller Varta Sacto. PIN ae 1 More than conquerors. Gilbert, Ariadne.. 116 MORGAN, JAMES. Abraham Lincoln, the bay andstie mana ere... ween t35 Theodore Roosevelt, the boy and the CTLALE erento cee ce ics eaeee en aay | ee BL MORLEY, CHRISTOPHER: | Haunted DOOKSH OD apna te ects 1a. Mela eee 140 Parnassuseon, wheels. > 2.) eae ack 140 MORLEY, M:; W.. Bee-people ...%. 2... 18 Donkey John of the Toy Valley...... ae, PCE Ce Ol kee wale Seek nwc, +. eeedeean earls 18 Lvitle “Mitchells; ..- Mes eeeh OCs ae 28 DO ce Orme rere as hs yn te eee ag 92 MOROSO, J. A. Cap. Fallon, fire fighter. MORRIS, CHARLES. Heroes of the army in An ericn «ae aeenee es SE a 74, 98 MORRIS, JOSEPH, and ADAMS, ar CHATR« It. cansbetdnnes-0. he ctle. 126 214 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE MOSES, BELLE. Charles Dickens and his) wir] pheroines. se wa: sucess ee ee 17, Lewiss Carrolly ies dak ie tec ae 98 Dousa “May, Alcott seats one 98 Paui@Reyére s.. oop ny . oer een 74 MOSES, M. J. Treasury of plays for Chilaren aesti. ce eee 114, 133, 159 Motner ss Norris, -Kathleen ereaeunase eee 140 Mother Carey’s chickens. Wiggin, K. D... 130 Mother Goose; illus. by Kate Greenaway... 9 Mother Goose nursery rhymes (Chil- resis SGLASSICS)~ aes fo, fo eres, Se 15 Mother Goose’s nursery rhymes (Every- Mall S SLADTALY: |p eaatecs SUN ps bic Mceesee 9 Mother ;Goose-s ninery tales.) aa. 15 Mother Goose’s nursery tales; arr. by A Pith-Kethievenerace egies +. tees 24 Mother Goose Rhymes. Johnson, Clifton. 9 Mother nature’s toy shop. Beard, Lina and VaR. 1B Rae Pee ee 20S IE GM APNE Nel 3) 29 Mother West Wind’s animal friends. Bur- pesciiis Winn (Wr usenteenoea. 4 anne ee 18 Mother West Wind’s children. Burgess, T. NTA 6’ hd Ss ee ORS Res eet ee 18 Mother West Wind’s “How” stories. Bur- Pessmele N\Woaae 3o5 414 ities Meese one 18 Mother West Wind’s neighbors. Burgess, TN here BAe eee ores tan Vs a 18 Mother West Wind’s ‘Where’ _ stories. Burvescmels (W i.2 aoe ee es eee eS 18 Mother West Wind’s “Why” stories. Bur- PESSMLVNE . Laac wets ditass aoe sa AR 13 Motion pictures for community needs. Boll- man Mees Tatgel 94 cutee les ree 159 MOTUBY 9. L. “Siege of Leyden (eeeee 74 Motors, ee FRO ti eee © ok eal are 113 MOTT, S. M., and DUTTON, M. B. Fish- ing ae hunting oye sah 4 ete 34 Seen 7 Moufflou. LaRamee, TeOtIsSrdcss,. 2.7 cee 80 MOULTON; L. C. Bed-time stories ..... 39 MOWRY, W. A., and A. M. American heroes: And CHenorsitig. 2. ee tees cae 51 American inventions and inventors ... 47 Mii) OTN sae stickeens.2 165 Natural history for young people. Wood.. 113 Natural history of Selborne. White, Gil- OTRO? Ste Safire Cate Sch wis, itis sien oe 8's 32 Natural history studies. Thomson, J. A... 113 Nature stories for youngest readers. Bass, Lh Dap Si ae ee gee eerre acer) Le Nature stories for youngest readers. Davis, oe TEV Le eh SI © ee rs Praturesstudy ideg.. Bailey; Us Hi 2. 151 Nature’s children. Hawkes, Clarence .... 18 Wature’s worderlore. ) Hardy, M.E. :..... 28 Naval heroes of today. Collins, F. A..... 96 Ned Beals, freshman... Silvers; E. R...... 128 Ned BPrewster’s year in the big ‘woods. ES US se a moe caer Cae ea ee 105 Neighbors unknown. Roberts, C. G. D.... 109 Neihardt, J. G. Splendid wayfaring...... 135 Nelly’s silver mine. Jackson, H. H....... 83 NELSON, HORATIO. Biography. Sellar 75 Nelson’s encyclopedia renewal pages ...... 144 New book of cookery. Farmer, F. M..... 157 New chronicles of Rebecca. Wiggin, K. D. 130 ew cieersnip. 6Gil Welir 2.00.5 so. oe 146 News Burope seAlleniw Ni “Bios: Jere v 68 New France and New England. Fiske, John 168 New golden treasury. Rhys, Ernest...... WNewahtstory, Robinson; J. Hy 22.2.4 04: 151 New methods in arithmetic. Thorndike, eg EOS fe Ee RSIS gen ene ae 150 Mame Naton me barstowG.. la; @dts..0e 2. 71 New plays from old tales. Wright, H.S... 68 New Robinson Crusoe, Alden, W. I. ..... 5S New senior at Andover. Ward, H. D.... 129 iNevestatdard dictionary ’s..s2..6.60..%5 154 New world fairy book. Kennedy, H. A... 58 New Year’s bargain. Coolidge, Susan.... 22 New York. Hawthorne, Hildegarde..... 94 New York’s part in history. Williams, ERR ie ee ees tN ieee Soak as 170 NEWBEGIN, M. I. Modern geography . 150 215 PAGE NEWBERRY, PERRY. _ Black boulder Gat Pee tis os wal ee se ae 107 Gastawaye island: 42 . ci2 ee oe ee 85 NEWBOLT, HENRY. Tales of the great Watenee se sek ee oy tae ee rue rane LI Booktotcihe long trail, aes eas eee 95 Submarine and anti-submarine ....... 92 NE Were Cl CERO os Indianteiores, 20, 76 Newspaper man, Williams, Talcott....... 152 NICOLAY, HELEN. Book of American WaLSBeruu chy mete lame § Seek 35 le 74, 135 Boys lite of Abraham) Luicoln: wees. 98 Boy’s liieroOn dra yetter =. i. 3) sees 16 Boys, liteom ivsses: >, Grantee 118 NIGHTINGALE, FLORENCE. Pee 93 Nights with Uncle Remus. Harriss. Jees0,. 07 Nimpo s'tronbless. «Miller: ©) Tay ..heeee * 39 Nine little goslings. Coolidge, SUSaieeeer. Ze, NIVER, H. B. Old world steps to Ameri- CAN MV IStOr\ ens « Mere ros. None ts 74 NIXON-ROULET, M. F. Alfonzo, our Little Btaztiamecousin e-awaiase weaeE: 5. Siler 47 Banda Bela, our little Hungarian cousin 47 Fernando, our little Spanish cousin... 47 Indian stollestales eens, . teams k,n. Si Kalitan, our little Alaskan cousin .. 47 Omemittle Australianecousitimaue, 9.408 47 Zoe, our little Grecian cousin ........ 47 Mo cheroes2 Howard, -b.. Wee. a ee ee 106 Nobodys bay.. - Malot; Hectormn >... ste .se 84+ NORE VGAUIRIGE, =Buzetsteer: ..255 et 28 Nooks and corners of old New York. Hem- streets Chariecs, air... eee o>. o 117, 170 Nora-square-accounts. McKinney, F. L... 84 Normand, Charles. Emerald of the Incas. 85 NOKRIS; RA LALEE IN Mother =. eee 140 Norse SloriesayiM abie sik Wie, «oo. eee 58 Northland heroes. Holbrook, Florence.... 24 Not quite eighteen. Coolidge, USAT pees ve NOY ESo: Bel wrlight storiesia sae Zz NOVES SMS Leland RAY, BH? Little plays for little DEO Dt e. «nce eee ee eee 16 Number stories of long ago. Smith, D. E.. 61 Nurnberg stove. La Ramee, Louise de... 80 Nurscey rive mands .: ut. hfe ements 17, Nursery rhymes. Chisholm, Louey....... 8 Nursery song book. Moore, H. K......... 10 NUTT, H. W. Supervision of instruction 1-49 Oak leigh. CTA 7a ek Mm cee et ore end 123 O’BRIEN, PAT. Outwitting the Hun... 118 Ocean and its mysteries. Verrill, A. H.... 92 216 ATT ORATRIT EE EATING ES PAGE Odyssey for boys and girls. See also Perry, W. C. OGDEN, H. A. Our flag and our songs... OGDIEN; H; A., and HITCHCOCK, H. A: Boy’s book of famous regiments O-Heart-San. Haskell, H. E. OSG ih estes |: Arabian Wi@histy ee tes Children’s reading Wiondereeardenon a). 0s sp eo casae ere OLCOTT, VIRGINIA. Holiday plays for homesschoo. aud setilement: + os 1f..0.025 3. ake 8 Mlameiet invari LAVOLItES: e) okt, foe chess os 17 Overall boys in Switzerland. Grover, E.O. 14 Our feathered friends. Grinnell ........ 43 OVERTON, G. M. Women who make our Our first war in Mexico. Bishop Farnum 71 NOVGSu MaMa eae ee ee 166 Our flag and our songs. Ogden, H. A..... 91 OVERTON, JACQUELINE. Life of Our flag in verse and prose. Schauffler, Robert Louis Stevenson for boys and Ns nen 160 Sinigere ces we ae B'S «Ase mene eee 74 Our greatest battle. Palmer, F. .... 135, 170 = Oxford book of English verse........... 162 Our holidays, their meanings and spirit. .39, 39 ZAKI MrT \dnancse Laeehook aan 6) ommeuoame pets. Miller; Oo Tit. 2... oa: 66 is ; Our bumble helpers. Fabre,.J. H.......... 112 PACK, C. L. School book of forestry .132, 156 Our little African cousin. Wade, M. H... 20 Tréescasegood scitizens. .. a0... % 13527 106 Our little Australian cousin. Nixon-Roulet, PAGES TaN amones the camps... sar 85 MSMR RP ees ae 4 Captured Santa Claus ..../....:..., 60 Our little brown cousin. Wade, M. H.... 20 Red Rock Pa taracis ie Ine 9 te arenes 140 Our little Bulgarian cousin. Winslow, C. V. 48 Santa Claus pee NCL a ay Fe ee eee 126 Our little Canadian cousin. Macdonald, I. Tommy Trot’s visit to Santa Claus ... 25 Tee eee Oe ee 47 Twor lite Contederates) ti amore 85 Our little Celtic cousin. Stein, E. ....... 51 Page, esquire and knight. Lansing, M. F..64, 131 Our little Cuban cousin. Wade, M. H... 31 PAINE, A. B. Arkansaw bear aR Sa. 60 Our little Dutch cousin. McManus, B.... 47 Boys’ life of Mark SL WAIN soy aarti orale 118 Our little Egyptian cousin. McManus, B. 47 Hollow trees nights and days ........ 39 Our little Eskimo cousin. Wade, M. H... 20 How Mr. Dog got even ............- 39 Our little French cousin. McManus, B... 47 How Mr. Rabbit ldst=bis tailaen: ee, 39 Our little Hawaiian cousin. Wade, M. H. 31 Making up with Mr. Dog Peete ees 39 Our little Indian cousin. Wade, M. H.... 20 Mr. Possum’s great balloon trip...... 39 Our little Italian cousin. Wade, M.H.... 20 ae pean Be a beeen eens ie ; fae 220 ort life o ark” Dwain age. an: Our litle Japanese cousin, Wade, MH. 20 Ae Te eabhit vase litle bajo. 3D Our little Mexican cousin. Butler, E. C... 46 PAINE, R. D. Blackbeard, buccaneer.... 85 Our little Norwegian cousin. Wade, M.H. 31 Campus days Pe eee eee eee eee 2 Our little Panama cousin. Pike, H. L. M. 30 College years . 0.6... sees esse eee ees 126 Our little Philippine cousin. Wade, M. H. 31 Dragon and the cross ............... 107 Our little Polish cousin. Mandel, F. E.... 47 Book of buried treasure ...... see sees 115 Our little Porto Rican cousin. Wade, M. H. 20 First down Kentucky .........++.+4. 108 Our little Scotch cousin. McManus, B.... 47 Head coach eee ee eee eeee 108 Our little Swiss cousin. Wade, M.H.... 31 Roads Ofadventure+:.e% wa cu. . ee Too arecncow WDOOM any su, acai ewe « 17 Sandy Sawyer, sophomore ........... 127 Our nation’s flag. Smith, Nicholas ...... 75 Bee ah eG AO dae oe Mat TePretat DICWILS SDOGIE® 2: He wes mares ise FAs Dt i ec eC meee Soe / ~ LAWViSTeG SKCIN sce .Gs es ce ae eee i277 Mutspocts.ot today .Cook, H.W. *e..00.5% 165 : : ; ae IWreCking, Inaster™ o. ese 2. omomae mune 60 Our short story writers. Williams, B.C... 166 : . Outdoor handy book. Beard, D. C........ 67 Si coe ieee Golden treasury of 2 Outdoor stories; retold from St. Nicholas.. 60 songs and lyrics ........++ss sees seen. 162 Outlines of school administration. Perry, RS a ir Ue one ee ar Sa 148 Outlook fairy book for little people. Win- PEI LGM laae SEAET aS. 5, y's Sue weakens Cds "ale tsa 41 Ournittne. the-tiun,7O'Brien,\Rat: . 4/3. 118 Over there with the Australians. Knyvett, Ree eran oa Ghai. ws, Wy pias sales 117 PALMER, F. Our greatest battle ...135, 17 Panama and the canal. Hall and Chester.69, 94 Panama past and present. Bishop, Farnham 69 Panther stories, Garter, VM. Hees) Ge 43 Paris. See Milton and Williams ........ 70 PARKHURST, HELEN. Education on Pee Waltons platl ie eure eres acta watt «eos: 149 218 PAGE PARKMAN, FRANCIS. Boy’s Parkman: comp. bys Lik. tHasbrouck %5 2. acces 98 (Conspiracy of Pontiac. ..: 5 eee 118, 168 Tatoallenst ate ee te eee 118, 168 Montcalm sand 4Wolfers nae 118,168 Oregon (trail ss: case sacra eee 118 PARKMAN, M. R. Conquests of inven- tiR ys ek oes 3 nara a ola Gre ered eee ered 66 Pye ntensytOr PeACe ns wom eens eae 74 Lie@tpesmos loday Wyk furs eee ei aah Sf a a Fb) Pleroiest OL Service cen oe eee 98, 135 Parnassusson wheels) Morléy,sCi ss 140 PARSONS, G. Land of fair play. .98, 118, 135 Pariders: sstoddariaayy .. OF Vo Saar 110 Passing of the old west. Evarts, H. G.... 133 PAS LE URL OU ls Di0pTapany sans. fee 166 PASSY, HAMPL. French dictionary ... 155 PATCH, C. N. Little gateway to science.. 28 PATEION oh Vee bi GeStOlicse ars che ie 44 Pathiindér.: “Cooper, 8] Fs ao > aelerds <> ae Pa 122 PATRI, ANGELO. Child training ...... 148 Pigoerhio: iNet iicaae eee sits 3 one 25 Schoolmaster of a great city «.......- 147 AU FTIR Feral 0 ar rg er 44 Patriotic drama in your town, Mackay, C. LM ese os, «ete eee mae el alee ee 159 Patriotic plays for young people. Olcott, Virginia Se, 2s Se ee ey Cer eer Patriotic plays and pageants for young people: Mackay, C. D. ........-..-... 68 Patriotism and the flag; retold from St. Neeholsk seam....2/ coe arcane dale os ne eine 51 Patrietsandstyrants:) Lansing; M. Fv. 98 Patromesoisdemocracy., sonarp, L).sl je ae 7 PAT TESON, LOUISE. How to have bird meigh bepemeet hel ot eo dh ates op eae 92 Paul and the printing press. Bassett, S. W. 91 Paul Revere. Moses, Belle ............. 74 Paved-Stréets) Meigs® Gea 2 3 ee 140 Poor little rich girl. Gates, Eleanor esas 104 PORTER, G. S. Homing with the birds.. 132 PORTER, HORACE. Campaigning with Grants egies oe cen = <0 ae oe 118 PORTER, JANE. Scottish chiefs...) i0sesise PORTOR, Le Sit Genevieve. 1. pra ies! Posy ring. Wiggin and, smith... baler O28 POST, EMILY.—.Etiquette.@....7 =e 153 POST, M. A. . My. httle Chinese book: sae My little) Italian -bookiy .S..5 3 ceeee 2 Pot of gold and other stories. Wilkins, M. | EE I 41 POTTER, BEATRIX. Ginger and Pickles 15 Pie and the patty-pan $2.82 eee 15 Tailor of Gloucester 230.4 ree eee 15 Tale of Benjamin) Bunny.27 3. 2. 15 Tale of Jemima’ Puddle Ducky... 7.5 15 Tale-ot jeremy) Hisheric 7. eee y Tale of Johnny Town-mouse........ aN, ‘Tdlep-ot: Mivy lod nha cae 15 Fale of “Mrs: Tiggy Winkles2 eee 15 Lale-of Mrs.Tittlemouse; 0. soon 15 Taleot* Peter Rabbits 225 eer ee 2 Tale-of PiglingsBlandesiana: -ae eee 15 Tale of. Squirrel Nutkireese 2. ee 9 Tale of «Timmy, Tiptoess: 40.4 Jo mee 15 Tale. of,lom JKatten |) .)tac eee ) Tales of the Flopsy Bunnies....... ar ee ss Tale: of two sbad ice... oe 15 POULSSON, EMILIE: siGhildsestoric- and Thyitiesic. 2°. spas eee ae 40 LAWEO SOUIE GIVES 8 as «fe ene tee ee 98 WhenelAwas your ac¢asacnaeeray. a at 60 RICHARDSON, W. L., and OWEN, J. M;. “Literature of the, world. 22:25... 16¢ RICKENBACKER, E. V. Fighting the Piyin OMRCHICUIS wc hres a eee eens 119, 170 Ride. a cock horse. Caldecott, R. ..:..... 11 RIDEOUT HAM. TmeCowrie..Dassa 2. 108 Rider of the black horse. Tomlinson, E. T. 129 Riders of the purple sage. Grey, Zane... 138 Riflemen of the Ohio. = Altsheler» J. Av. 77; 120 RIHBANY, A. M. Hidden treasure of Raertola eect tears Woes ae eee 109 RILEY, A. C. Ten minutes by the clock.. 68 RILEY, J. W. Book of joyous children.. 60 Ring-necked grizzly. Miller, W. H....... 107 RINEHART, M.-R.- Circular ‘staircase... 140 BING WALT ATs Ee. Briets -on spublic (UeCstiOnSaee cate. -c cure ee ie «ees 160 Ru rcimce’ VV Olt oemoCiutt Zen amy y ctu eeueme tere 109 RD VENHOWSE. ESL came Latte DOOKT Gi Inodert vetseawwi. | eee ee 162 Second book of modern verse........ 162 Rivals’ for the team. Barbour. Rao. 2... 45 Roads of adventure. Paine, R. D. ...... 135 childhood. Moore, A. C. ...... 144 ROD MROV. pCOLL, oi Waltemaeme.,. comme ee 127 ROBERT, J. T. Primer of parliamentary LAW errs ee Tele rc. ee SS 146 BOBE RTS) C G. Dat jimetherstory, of.a backwoods. police, dogs sires « oaie xt 86 TheshbackiwoodSmene si. ee i. 6 fe ee 109 Childrengotethe wild Seven sae ss see 61 Inijhe:morning Ofetiine...4 at oxi.) ae E27 Nerhbors unknown 2... oc... 2a 109 SIRCLCREEET ALG ce society, tataesfiisiepete hota ree 92 ROBERTS, E. P. Adventures of Captain Febrero. eo, tei ao wave heer ee 98 ROBERTS, =. G. -Comrades “of >the Grails meee eet. ects: Riise esc . Mee eee oF dephigiateds ded (on se ah enya Ate Sat lc reo 31 Redeleathersitas tia! vi lanes hae 76 ROBERTSON-MILLER, ELLEN. But- térilysand (Hoth booker.) aati se een 156 Robigsboodme bilney. t. (€er. 2s ore tee 41, 65 Robin Hood and his merry men. Warren, Miah Re Aes ten ear cn eet ee 224 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE Robin Hood, his book. Tappan, E. M. .. 42 See Rhead, L. 91 and Pyle, H, 64, 131. ROBINSON, C. R. My brother, Theo- done Roosevelt ay o. niana ms Since sere 135 Service, and. Sac ce.e te. wre cee 161 ROBINSON, J. H. Mind in the making.. 148 NewaruistOry s+ eer cacaeeied ae eee 15% ROBINSON, LOUISE. At the open door 15 Behind the big glass window......... 5 Robinson Crusoe. Defoe,.D..14, 21, 35, 55, 80, 103 ROCHE, C. E. Things seen in Holland... 164 Rock of Chickamauga. Altsheler, J. A. ... 120 Rock of thelion. .Seawell, M. Evo. 2... 9. 128 Rocky Fork. +CatherwoodaM.H:., 2....-.- 79 ROGET, P. M. Thessaurus of English wonds*oard sphrasese 0 2d... os ees 154 Roggie and Reggie stories. Smith, Ger- PLAICG week ower ein. ete hte sy eR Bee eee 10 HGland, “ces oalawit, |AMEeS? emake tery ee 64 Robt iouses ale ls eee oo aed occ erneae 58 ROLPE, W. |2.. Shakespeare the» boy, 22. 136 ROLT-WHEELER, F. W. Aztec hunters. 140 Ope with UWiet>. Census gyi. caus seo: 1h? Boy with they. 5. explorers... .kyh« are 98 Hoy avith, theme. o. nsheries ce. ce. ee 98 bevy ith the), 5. toresters, . 4. ues he bovawith the Us Sli savers estos 8) oye with tne | WU. Siexnall ye eee ee oD Boy withthe Uo Sminers24, 00ers 99 Boyswithothe Uz Snaturalistss, ace Lo2 boy owita thie, Ui.ssirveyae oe 113 Boy withathes U.S trappers..-« pees. 132 Boy with the U. S. weather men..... OD Commprot the pecplesie. . - x4 oe 99 Hunting hidden treasure in the Andes. 109 In the days before Columbus......... 127 Moneten hunters: ie 5s ee ee a Bs) PiGtemoeiT pirate seas, sae. ren ee 99 PGlat SUnters, eta. eee. ee eae 99 Quest of the. western world.......... jar homas A gE disotam. 4. ats on eee 119 Wonder otawarat Sea. \3\las., ome fee 99 Wonder Of @wanmn ine ait) ).. cosas 09 Wonder of war in the Holy Land.... 136 Wonder of*war on lands. eg. o20sne 119 Roman life in the days of Cicero. Church, ee ee id Ae Bee Vig eet Cae kane 167 Romance Of aireral tem omiten. | Li6 Vanhanen 132 Romance of business. Forbes, W. C...... 13Z Romance of Dollard. Catherwood, M. H.. 103 Romance of the civil war. Hart, A. B... 73 PAGE ROOSEVELT, KERMIT. Happy hunting STOUNKSS fo a. 5 s+ oles es = 133 Quentin Roosevelt, a sketch with letters 119 ROOSEVELT, T. eee 102 Round the year in myth and song. Hol- brook, \ Fovis nol ace eee one 18 Round the year with the stars. Serviss, Ce tg aces SMe wie is eA ee ae 113 Roving and fighting. O'Reilly, KE. Saaeeeee 118 Rubber (Peeps at industries). Browne, E. AL. . vis pigcats gilere aide Bovonsd aeng aetna 94 Ruby story book. Coussens, P. W........ 79 Rudder Grange. Stockton, :-F. Ry jeeeeeee 110 Rulers of the lakes. Altsheler, ) Ae 17 Rules of proceeding and debate. Cushing, Lie Dis aectin a8. ee oe ee a 146 Runaway. French, Allen <3... ee 81 Runaway donkey and other rhymes. Pouls- son, Emilie U1) steasoh. ams ee 9 Running eagle; “Schultz)|.W +. 19s 109 Running fox. -Gfegor, Hi GR i. ys. laeeeeee 105 Running the gauntlet. Frothingham, J. P.. 81 RUSKIN, JOHN. King of the Golden PAVED He od. 6 tow Jo) mone 40 Sesame and lillies: .. ..0: 19. oa eee 163 SABATINI, RAFAEL. Captain Blood.. 140 sea hawk. fe. .:. sie gute oe eee 140 SABIN, E. L. Boys’ book of frontier fight- Ss ew ARS Seer tee oY Boys’ book of Indian warriors....... 76 General Crook and the fighting Apaches 127 Great “Pikers -PeakSrush.. ee eee 109 Opening the iron) trailer ee ee 109 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX 225 PAGE Sailing alone: around the world. Slocum, Wma an 1 4s feo eee aes CE ES: 95 Sailing the seas. Baldwin at Livengood. 68 ST. JOHN, T. M. How two boys made their own electrical apparatus.......... 113 Real electric toy making for boys..... 113 Things a boy should know about elec- SU eb. aie aa i ae 92 St. Nicholas Book of plays and operettas.......... 68 Peer MUON Cord PE oe Seas eee) 26 Pam. of our cat tales? Schafiner, C. Lv.2 ~ 12 SAMUEL, E. I. Story of gold and silver. 48 RMU EOLOIEOE "2 hfe cer ele eh ces bce es 48 SANDBURG, CARL. Rootabaga stories.. 86 Sandman: his farm stories. Hopkins, W. eee ee Ee ee Fs! BS 14 Sandman: his Indian stories. Phillips, W. ee Oe eet On ey Se, Zo Sandman: his sea stories. Hopkins, W. J. 24 Sanaman: his ship “stories? 2) 20... o 24 pamasys uumisciieetiuntings Get ae. oes! 83 panuey sr pal!" Hunting, Gre e.e ae. oY. 55 Sandy Flash, the highwayman of Castle jr Ne IRV ES ieee eh Aa ook ee Sandy Sawyer, Sophomore. Paine, R. D.. 127 SANFORD, F.G. Art crafts for beginners 113 Santa Claus on a lark. Gladden, Washing- SE ak ga i clad Me) ee 36 pantie claus: ipariners—Page,. JL. Nivi 0.644% 126 Papphire ‘sionet Seaman CASH ees 20) 109 Sapphire story book. Coussens, P. W..... 79 Bata werewe) burnett yr vhetsl. luis ase 34 SAUNDERS, MARSHALL. Beautiful Joe 40 SAWYER, E. A. Jose, our. little Portu- SUGReN COUSIN & tae he ete che IRR Ss Se 70 Scale of performance tests. Pinter and Pat- cele ee pace see i ae a RY 148 SCANDLIN, CHRISTIANA. Hans; the NESTON Bs Pes Ae os hatbale MS's a pereaps Boke y 30 Ser Pini. GC: LL.) oam’s_of. our: cat ANGE ees eat Aas a as tats Bisa, oyna nes 12 SCHAUFFLER, R. H., ed. Arbor day... 160 1s CSTE Ae g SONOS? Roa Riese Oke aN em 160 PAR EOETIOCN CE IA ns ade ae aoe cae 160 Uial oo] be ace gl ay i ders b: ati Gear Mie oie cae aaa 160 Were OITare SAV atte. Songs es vats oye cece 160 @ursnac’ im yerse and prose... s,s +2 160 UME AL og aia T gad BE a aipeiodi dM ie aarti 160 Wvasninetons: birthdays... .'. a+ «st. ws 160 pierre, Liceror light 2... 5 140 SCHNAPPS, C..H. Archag, the little Ar- CSL a a St Sa A tae Sai eae AR a le a 70 PAGE SCHOLES, P. A. Book of the great musi- Claim as Oe se oes Se tie = 5 RAG Goold ate 114 Second book of the great musicians... 114 ~‘Yhird book of the great musicians.... 114 SCHOLL, AieM) Faery tales of: Weir 22.4, 261 School arid society. Dewey, John........ 147 School book of forestry. Pack, C. L...132, 156 School children the world over. Dunton, Lisl ge Rar PUR Rta Damen ae ieee school discipline. | Bagley; W.-C... %. en; 148 School garden book. Weed and Emerson.. 151 School-managements Dutton; >. lel). 0.: 148 School plays for all occasions. Barnum, NERY DEA A. ee ee ees 93 schools of tomorrow. Dewey, John and . Byelyiiat, ie TE ais. RC Oe 147 Schooling of the immigrant. Thompson, F. Re eT har doce te Ney We ols a. oS Ce 145 schoolmaster of a great city. Patri, A..... 147 SVUHORE Resa sehino rine, i. yey. 40 SCHULTZ, J. W. Dreadful river cave... 109 InsthesApache forest... <.'7%.. 720% ws. 5) 109 Vone-Bullcpmistaet as. x8. aren. oes 127 Onwthe watpathie. [wa :.. ae 109 Quest of the Fish-dog skin. ......... 86 RASiTISU OLE, ale Settee sn: hieeme. oe eee, 109 Ramin ena ple. dar, saa ees wd 109 rated: the Spanisthhorségae &.1 ohn 86 W aster istorii ta ate? 2c ae. . aoe 86 With the Indians in the Rockies...... 86 SCHURZ CARL. Abraham'Lincoln? |. 119 SCHWARTZ, J. A. Five little strangers.. 30 hattlogetar Pazers. sai atin . va. eee oe 28 Wildernesee babies 1 ote. oO are 28 Wonderttbelittl lives: .2.... . “oo +4 Scientific American boy. Bond, A. R..... 67 Scientific management. Taylor, F. W..... 158 SCOLLARD SCLIN TONS * Ballads er AIHericane Draverye. 2s ees... Gaeee 109 Scott Burton and the timber thieves. Chey- HCY vere wate) ee Meee er hy Seen 103 SCOLCD tWitlsee ererkina ioe Pee ee Meee a 30 Scott Burton on the range. Cheyney, E. G 103 SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Guy Mannering 127 FVanhocyecs poi comer ere ae rea 127 Ivanhoe, dramatized by M. J. Findley 94 KocunlWorthiaedi ions, camera, 1h 109 VE APrItOnee nore 6S, Ray.) Sl Ieee 127 Pate” Ket mk eed eee te Pe & 109 Ciiren tity #eirewa renee ies Ae en one 127 Robes Rove cce ss oteee tr fea. prone ZA Tatesriario, 1 epee eee ber sta OS 2G Way WV VEGI Re oN aemeerete cath: 8 Gees en 127 226 AUOTAOR-TELEAMN DIG : PAGE Scottishychrefgo.-orter lane: 5.4%. ec 108, 140 Scottish fairy book. Grierson, iW se aah a Scouting in the wilderness. Tomlinson, Ice ae. eke ATIC ORE Wee as Seed © OL, Scouting for girls: official hand book of the Girl Scouts. Wee op AOMe eet O38 ilo Scouting on the border. Tomlinson, E. T. 110 Scouting on the old frontier. Tomlinson, E. aR? Carte NE Oe SRN A AP 62 Scoutme thrills. McKean Bae ai us M7 Scouting with Daniel Boone. Tomlinson, Eo ceat oe: se 2S ee ee ‘ag AS, 88 Scouting with Mad Anthony. Tomlinson Th Weel tOk. WEEE ok rey oh ts Wn, ctce i ge ene rene 88 Scouts-of) Shonewall,7 sAltsheler, Jo Aw a8 120 scouts, of the valley. sAltsheler. J. JA vase. 120 SCOVILLE, SAMUEL. Brave deeds of HD GAON SOM CH ei ok, lath chads aoe bee ate 119 Blue pearl, 2:08 ey toucie ie sarees ae 127 Boy scoutsimethe, wilderness... 52.2.3 109 [nea emerald tap eeee xii he ae 128 Wise -follke ot i: ck enanria va deen an cet 86 SCUDDER: Hei. Book. of miables san. 9 Book ot . folly “stories, aiscoeme. eae 15 Book of legends told over again....... 26 (George® Washinston=.. 2) cet mpc O° mevenwuttle “peoples. 4. -eaee tee 40 Verse and prose for beginners in read- NS Oe. So cae’ 5 . BA EE eee 15 Sea yhehters.) ¢Miller sW? vllained. generar 107 Sea fighters from Drake to Farragut. Protninehares |; Pia we ee eae 96 Sea Hawks Sabatini,“ na. sone 140 Sea stories, retold from St. Nicholas...... 30 SEAMAN. A. H. Boarded- -up-house..... 86 Dyavorrsseecrets ty aut tian ti ciat hy eetete 109 Girltiexmrdcorte fe a aetna See 109 Jacqueline of the carrier pigeons..... 109 Melissavacross the fence ay. 9s sian 109 Sapphiremsionet stands ioe aes 278 ee 109 Sloper omit mystery. ener eee 86 Three sides of Paradise Green...... 109 When a cobbler ruled the king....... 109 SHAR GH aay Wie idealaschoolet, stra. re 147 Search for Andrew Field. Tomlinson, E. T. 88 sit AWE late Mob Latthes |arvis. ae cau 40, 61 Paglt) ones Aare ser. he, Mae vine 99 ROCK OF, the HOreieidm......0 ae oer ee ee 128 Witgituascayalcrene iy. © ack, Seer 109 Second book of modern verse. Rittenhouse, ES a ee UN ee TA eee? 162 Second book of the great musicians. SOO Le Se dn UNG Res. Eee On hea 114 PAGE Second jungle book. Kipling, Rudyard... 58 »ecret, garden... Burnett, Ko. 9 eee 1422 secret: ofthe, clan. .Brown, Alicea: ae 78 secret stairs 4 Deland,.By Die eee 80 secret play... Barbours RH eee 121 Secret. trails.. CRoberts,, C sGis Dee 92 secrets, ofythe earth... braser,.\C. Cea 65 secrets of the woods. Long, W. |)... .yaeee 28 Secrets out of doors. Gibson, W. H..... 112 SEEGER, ALAN. .Letters and diary saan 119 SEELYE, E. E.. Story of Columbustesa 74 Story of » Washington, 4.3.5 «ae 74 oiGUR, EUGENIE, Countess de. Sophie 26 ~tory..0f adonkey 27 eae 40 Selected critical bibliography of vocational guidance. Brewer and Kelly.......... ey Selection of textbooks; ed. by Suzzallo, H. 149 SHELA Reels Be Story of Lord Roberts.. 74 Story of .Nelson. 24..: 1.4 &. aes Se SEMPLE, E. C. American history and its geographic Conditions: ams ..2 ana ee 168 Sentinels along our coast. Collins, F. A.. 91 Sergeant Ted Cole, U. S. Marines. Tom- linson,y.' EK...§ L: .anbeseivcdeie inet ieee 88 SERL, EMMA. In fablelandy: 4.202 10 In «the; animal “worlds. 2/7. 2. see LS Work-a-day=loings’ «3... -) eee 10 Service and sacrifice. Robinson, C. R.... 161 SERVISS, G. P. Round the year with the SEALS , . 1. ais ae erage oh a ae big sesame and. lillies. RuskinjJohn mesa ee 163 SETON, E. T. Biography of a grizzly... 44 Krag and. Johnny. Bearses", jee 28 Lobo} Ragsand: Vixen ye.a ees eee 28 Monarch, the? big -béar, fy... eee 44 Wildianimals at, home....:% . fee 66 Seven little people. Scudder, H. E...... 40 Seventeenss Larkingtons)... eee 141 SEWELL, ANNA. Black beauty..26, 40, 61, 86 Shackled youth. Yeomans, Edward...... 147 Shades of the wilderness. ‘Altsheler, 72 Sor SHAFER, D. C. Harper’s beginning elec- tricity SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. Comedies 162 Histories and poenis ..7.2ee tee 162 A Shakespeare progress comp. by J. | M... Dent a8 caches 2 ee ee 140 Tales from Shakespeare. Lamb..... 139 Tragedies a. :.)..ul meee eens eee 162 Stories of the plays. (See Hoffman) 82, 105, 106, 125 Biography: fas..6e eae eae cee ee oe 136 HUlHOR-ALELE. INDEX PAGE Shakespeare and the heart of a child. ICES oy Gry enti vn th. Girma When a thes Shakespeare story book. MacLeod, Mary. 107 Snakespeare, the boy, “Rolfe, W.J-...2.. 136 Shakespearian synopses. McSpadden, J. ay Rte Rue RC bi eM WAM eee hake es Ay SR 162 Shakespeare’s heroines. Jameson, A..... 139 SHARP, D. L. Beyond the pasture bars.. 66 Paucation) neq democracy...) 2. b-. 147 Bot E ALCL V.GAIiat HR, 5. Wey bemyeienty 66 atronis ty PRUCMOCTACY 2. 6 + < s-naqyeys 147 pri teen tee, VOAR Site oe Be Ie oo 5 os o? Ts hehe Ee aa Se rea ont ee esr O2 Watchers in the woods........... 66, 128 Rhee” ae ees 25 Ae Oe, ee ae ae ee IZ Pies allianatory oLva pioneér.....s.....; 136 SHAW, C. D. Stories of the ancient Greeks 40 SHAW, E. R. Big people and little people POL NCEMMANGS 61 Ar ele. om aN < o otttn wie fob ae 20 Discoverers and explorers........... 33 ern y tee ls Castle Blaite: Jona. ayes fees 86 She blows! and sparm at that! Hopkins, > TS Sas 2: © le nea a oa a 139 Shelters, Shacks and Shanties. Beard, D. se RR la ee TANS in OE WES te eo 8 Shepherd’s life. Hudson, W. H......... 163 SHERMAN, F. D. Little folk lyrics... .26, 40 SHERMAN, H. A., and KENT., C. F. MIEeN so 10 les. 5. a bile. sae 86, 110, 128 pret Gr, beet | he fourswonders!)ite. 16 SHIRLEY, RALPH. Short life of Abra- Pexerem COLE 15, v.5°k8), dy SA ee ares 75 Short history of the English people. Green, Ji US ee Sete eater aa Ae eae er 167 Short life of Abraham Lincoln. Shirley, Pea la hmeemettra el ec one aa ned (it ta ceca 75 Short plays from Dickens, arr. by H. E. ieheatv ae koees & BS" BENET ee, ae Sor oa ane 03 Short stories for short people. Aspinwall, - BN: ut SS A a ee ae ae Short stories of old and new. Smith, C. A. SHUMWAY, E. S. Day in ancient Rome. Brit Re DT andl AYLOR) Gx DD: Both sides of 100 public questions...... SIDGWICK, E. Four plays for children. 45 SIDNEY, MARGARET. Five little Pep- Pessmand. BOwutheyt OTew tei e 8 Fits% si Lis 61 Five little Peppers Y 128 SMITH. L. Y. “Romapcetotaircrait. 420) 1 Peat SMEDE a Ma Eo. Eskumomstoriest-25 arenas 13 Tolland < Stories > yee ane oo tee eee 20 SMITH, M. P. W. Jolly good summer... 61 AollyePoodstimMes Ue, aie ae eee ee 61 Jolly good times at Hackmatack..... 1 Jolly=geod: times it—schiool = 124. neues ol jolly2eood: times to-daye-e. @ "a= 61 More good times at Hackmatack...... 61 SMPPE SMasrS:. Coe Maid" of Orleans tector" 119 SMITH, N. A. Old, old tales from the old, old PRogheead 3700 P02 MR ots a Ar han eee 87 Plays, pantomimes, and tableaux...... 45 SMITH, NICHOLAS. Grant, the man of TNVSTCTY: SS pee tea dene froth ae 119 Our nations: ager see kis eee 7a Stories of -oreatenational Ssougs. sect 114 SMITH, WILLIAM. Bible dictionary... 145 SVL ELE) siGaeloee Ne Viatd alien £Ox a ae 10 SNEDDEN, G. S. Docas, the Indian boy. 20 SNEDEKER;-GeDs> Perilous seat-aet 8 141 SPartaris eee eat hs hae a eee 141 moow baby... -Péarre PID a. occ sist eal 13 Snow drop and other stories. Lang, An- OT OW aia we Kacy oe ar ned EA Oe 14 Snowland folk. Peary, R. E., and M.-A..: - 30 Snowman and other stories. Lang, Andrew 9 PAGE Social and economic forces in American history. Hart; ABS 267. ee0 eee 168 Sociology and modern social problems. Ell- wood,. C. 'Siws6 alle Lee ee 145 So-fat and Mew-mew. Craik, G. M...... 14 Soldier of Manhattan. Altsheler, J. A.... 121 soldier’ Rigdale. “Dix, BieM i722) 8 pee 123 Solomon Crow’s Christmas pockets. Stuart, Ri Mi. 3.53 5 Pe 110 Some successful Americans. Williams sherman -2/ 5.1 «+ Soo 100 Something to do, boys. . Foster, E. Av. .2.% 93 Son of the middle border. Garland, Hamlin 166 song of life.” Morley," M.W 27.) on o2 Songs and stories... Haaren, J. Hi, ed vases 14 Songs of sixpence. Brown, A. F........ 34, 54 Sonny boy’s day at the zoo. Arthur, E. B., and S.C red eas ct or eee oe ee 12 sons ofdtberty/ Dyer, W. Aloo, eee 104 sophie. - Segur, Countesse ‘des. . yun ee ‘26 SOULE, RICHARD. Dictionary of Eng- lish Synonyms |... .7 + woe) ae eee 154 Source book of English history. Kendall, er SKS sicedeta vegeta tae tt oe Leone er South: Americajr Allen, Ni. BY. . 1a 68 south America. Bryce; James. & (een eee 165 Southern stories retold from St. Nicholas.. 48 Spanish’ dictionary,, Cuyas. .. asi eee 155 Spanish: chest.., Brown, EavA.. .2 352 eee 78 Sparrow, the tramp. Wesselhoeft, L. F... 41 Spartan, “Snedeker, -C.2D.s.. . ae 141 Spartan: twins; «Perkins, 14 Fu. 2) eee 25 SPEARS, J. R. Story of the New England whalers! ee ee 119 Spending the family income. Donham, S. A. 157 Spinning wheel stories. Alcott, L. M..... 53 Spirit of the school. Barbour, R. H....... 102 Splendid wayfaring. Neihardt, J. G...... 135 Spotted deer:: .Gregor, Hy Rize... $1 SPRAGUE?) W.-C. Davy Crockett sen ae fis Spring ‘Cleaning. "Burnett, F.cH> ee 35 Spring .ofithe year. Sharp, Di Lic =eeeeee 92 Spy... Coopersjiediig. J Giient. Gonos, eee 79, 103 Spy of Yorktown. Stoddard, W. O....... 87 SPYRI JOHANNA, Heidisw uae se 61, 87 Little curly-head, the pet lamb ....... 26 Little Miss Grasshopper’........ ‘ee PO Moni; ‘the goat boy) sy ates hee ee 40 Rose. child-.2c¢t -eeiy roa ee cee 41 Tiss, -a- little “Alpine? wait” disse4.4., 0 61 Toni, the little wood-carver ......... 41 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX 229 PAGE Squirrels and other fur bearers. Burroughs, John Standard bearer. Standish, Miles. Biography PAO er tee My Kalulu. STAPLEY, MILDRED. Christopher Co- PS Pie Maced; Me = BS SB: Cae e ef 6 6) tens “616.78 POAT PORE ING yey Aix Sea 4m we bala Star people. Johnson, Gaylord .......... Star jewels and other wonders. Brown, A. CO on Sg Ne eee Star of Gettysburg. Altshelens? 2 o8: ./.20% Star stories for little folks. Warner, Ge: STARCH, DANIEL. Educational measure- ments STARR, FREDERICK. American Indians Liane PeOples te Mol sad ets ol mak STARR, L. B. Mustapha, the Egyptian EM AR re ENG: Ware et eR ig ares oe STARRETT, H. E. Charm of fine man- ners Stars and stripes and other American flags. Harrison, P. D. Starting in life. Fowler, N. C. Prapemnen is Veal DOOK*. 23 fase cas ees Status of the teacher. meaatase princess, -Méigs, Chl. 00... Breamisnover tian. Paine, Rt Ds ao. oo .8 STEDMAN, E. C. American anthology. . Poetical works Victorian anthology STEFANSSON, V. Hunters of the Be north STEIN, E. Gabriel and the hour book. . Our little Celtic cousin of long ago. Troubadour tales aie re. e260 Mpbile Ve te. 10 Se fervege Oe 0 e 6. 6F.0, 6184s ef se Miele 14. aha) a (eal e- else) ®. 6 6.9) (6p) 0 (501s. © Ge 6 6 ele Bo! 'e, a foue o(8) 0) ¢) S/6, 01.9 “a 'e) @) 6. (= “ste! «\ 6 et @ 6) bee 6! Gee) oe Sie] si © © © © @ Ke oe 6: 10 10) 6, wey Oe isn 6 Be whena) Os: 6 (C186 le "ete: etiam Tear e pale nh) pel scm ipaia &, eal «. &,.0\ 6 8 6) ee Bis Ge es © ae wef 8, 6 4 wim 68 2) oe ele STEPHENS, JAMES. Irish fairy tales. . Stephen’s last chance. Ashmun, M. STERLING, M. B. Story of Sir Galahad STi Neravy. Ga) WMessmatess tie. sss Cie WCAC as} ewe momatneplebe lard. Nene. seas PROLY ClaGUGTIAVY? 0% oes este ys te. STEVENSON, B. E., comp. Home book GrerCroen Oi, Vout tokens Poems of American history ...... 128, SLEVENSON, B. E., and E.- B., comps. De Ree ee wats 6S Siegal sie oh STEVENSON, R. L. Child’s garden of verses David Balfour Kidnapped Learning to write oa to on Rus eh Wy se) Ghee wus ace ee, erie. ef 0 Sie) aoe ae Sie so 6 (6) 0) Se 68 S06 & © etele Ve i 0) eey Tomsines tel" 9) @) oe 6) #0 ‘a! 6] Sed v0, oe ol w U6). 16) B) wo we 6 oS, wie 0 8) 8 6) 0 S7 S LOCK TON, FOR PAGE STEVENSON, R. L.—Continued. (breasure:dstand wou oat: 87, 110, 128 BierapayaOverton,, | twae.ase: aoe 74 ptickeetr Mun. Joh, deste tea ws oediee 107 Still more Russian picture tales. Carrick, he OF Varn A asae OT aie eens ae 13 STOCKBRIDGE, F. P. Yankee ingenuity in the war Bee-man of Orn, 2 e. 52 Buccaneers and pirates of our coasts.. 9 Casting away of Mrs. Leks and Mrs. RIES crea Coa ore et oot eee 141 PIOAGIUS Spt IGE wate <> gic ei ghee oo cas eee 41 NOL ake lowe Demet: atte ih 3. «eee "62 WAG hah ad ey a4 oh 3 124 ke A A Ro ad) i 141 i. OusM-AbOUt Talnbles 22. .<, Shee 62 RMCUGRR Grea Oe ne dent. 2s 0st yh ee 110 SLOEVaca Vitel tare ap ie, . < eeee 87 ENTIO eel et LOG than ces te sce ere 26 STOCKTON, J. L. Project work in educa- (ae he Ss ee Neem eme ce 41 Stories of old France, Pitman, L. W..... 74 Stories of old Greece. Firth, E. M....... 36 Stories of otir country. “Dawes, 5. E...3215)32 Stories of our holidays. Horsford, 1. M... 9 Stories of Peter and Ellen. Smith, Ger- LTE eee Te aE ENS toca ees 16 Stories of pioneer life. Bass, Florence... 32 Stories of Rome in days of old. Cooke, A. Coste ia, Ceara ene nS mee AVR 49 Stories of royal children; retold from St. DV ICUOTAR A wo Se seeenceatat :, .- Mean ane a) Stories of star-land. Proctor, Mary ..... 44 Stories of strange sights; retold from St. Nicholas #4... :eemumeet Aeneas 2. Uitte 28 Stories of the ancient Greeks. Shaw, C. D. 40 Stories of the ancient world; retold from SU TINICHOlAS! Lok BL Lee geertaecl ewe ee aes 75 PAGE Stories of the civil war. Blaisdell, A. F... 71 Stories of the gorilla country. Du Chaillu, Pi Bice sacl eee, 30, 69 Stories of the great lakes; retold from St. Nicholas ..4nvateu), sic 48 Stories of the middle ages; retold from St. Nicholas. :\2 tose wep ee ee 51 Stories of the old world. Church, A. J.... 49 Stories of the red children. Brooks, Doro- thy >. os eos Goals oe wales ie oe ee 13 Stories.of the republic: #7... . LOWE, HY Be Wacle*fom‘steabin ay 3 128 Strange adventures of a pebble. Hawks- WEIN eerste Soh eee coe Ore a strangéet peoples “Starr, redericky....-..-,. 48 Strange stories from history. Eggleston, G. Cet Bes CEE ..c es OL ae 49 DIrange StOTIEssOL LO LAF aa saa eats sis ae <3 mirangesstores:ointhesrevolutions ..).ut.e.. 73 Strange MEAT HM VALLE) be. Tene. < ¢ Sea ee 89 STRATTON, CLARENCE. Producing in Mitty Cette se te et eee, «re ree 159 STRAYER, G.°D. Brief course in the REACHING MUCOCCGS are Sicc ree 2 Abs aes 149 Sl RAY BE eG De dnd YNGLEHARDT Nagle Caner oom TeAChEL ee 2: ae «ss cee 149 STRAYER, G. D., and NORSWORTHY, INDXO MLL sald O Wie Wom LeAGiio mt te s.)s Sooner 149 mal eer iG. :, and.) HORNDIKE gis LC... Educational administrations ios on 148 Striped coat, the skunk. Lippincott, J. W. 43 Srroke Oar ee amen) ). so. oh dea 8 Te7. Struwwelpeter. Hoffman, Dr. Heinrich... 12 STUART, E. P. Piang, the Moro jungle DOV 4s eter eee tha iol inn ot ole oat CACM 87 STUART, R. M. Solomon Crow’s Christ- TAG] POLKGISh rae Ay Weare s) Sa aee ke eat eto 110 HEY Os AD ELLEL + ran Blk had he 2. ce 87 Student’s history of England. Gardiner, sere eee oe gee i a). Sa er eee 167 Study and teaching of English. Chubb, BErCiya laa n gerne he eee te aay ev othe 150 232 AUTHORTITLE ADI PAGE Submarine and anti-submarine. Newbolt, PLENTY Ss Gis Cher oe ee eee oa eee Success fundamentals. Marden, O. S..... 145 Sucessful family life on a moderate income. Abel Met Ho cetwet see ee eee 157 Successful venture. Deland, E. D........ 80 siiedOreutts | Vaile, (Grail cen ee. apes tee. 111 Sugar (Peeps at Industries). Browne, E Mad ds eee 5 00 os ae eee. eld pee 94 Sugar and. spices | Luleston, Ma Wie Hees 16 SULLIVAN, ALAN. Brother Eskimo... 62 Summer. Sharp, Oe. te ee eee OL Sumorer in. a-canon. Wagpin, Keo) aetota. Ed Sun-of Quebec. Altsheler, J. A.....5..5. 77 Stneol, Saratoga, A ishelersy 1A, on ech NAT Sunbonnet babies’ book. Grover, E.O.... 8 Sunbonnet babies in Holland. Grover, E.O. 14 Sunbonnets and overalls. Grover and Ho- ATEN - 5 cs Sate hs bee le oes aa A uo Supervised study in American history. simpsons JM Tis eh eee ene fees ae LS Supervision of instruction. Nutt, H. W... 149 Supply and demand. Henderson, H. D... 146 Bt pop and the safety scouts. Bailey, R. Bie =< Snes eae BO eae ome 34 SUTCLIFFE, A? CG: =Robert.dtulton.(7.14en 119 SUTHER 2LAND, W. J. Teaching of geog- EAD DVO bn + oe»... Le ae hol ae eae 150 SUZZALLO, W. H. Teaching of primary ATiChmeti Cee, .... tic. (Higginson, To W.. oss sy, 105 Tales of the Flopsy Bunnies. Potter, Bea- tYIXS ARE fans on LS aa eae ok ee 15 Tales of the Great War. Tales of the Labrador. Tales of the round table. Newbolt, Henry. 117 Grenfell, W. T.. 114 Lang, Andrew. 38 Tales, of, the. Tepeé,.. Daley EF... 4) eae 76 Tales of two bunnies. Pyle, KS ee 9 Talisman. Scott, Sir Walter.......... 109, 127 Talking beasts. Wiggin and Smith....... 63 Talking leaves, ~stoddard, W— © je. acne 62 Tanglewood tales. Hawthorne, N....... eres TAPPEN, E. M. American hero stories.. 52 Digvers, inp the, earth; 2. +o. eee 66 Farmer.and ‘his’ friends? ,. --.aetee 66 Golden Goose and other fairy tales.. 26 Hero..storiés: of Prance ss. eer eae Via Heroes of progress -<.-)-.. eer eee 99 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX aoe PAGE TAPPEN, E. M—Continued. House rwith the silver-door.. 220.055. 41 Inthe day .of Alfred the Great... .... 110 In the days of Queen Elizabeth..... 110 In the days of William the conqueror 110 Letters from colonial children........ a5 Makers ioctmany thitigs .coesely oy Ov. 66 Cid DNAS MAE DEOSE LO C8 arte h 2 oy the es 41 Roti weiood \ Mig DOOK VRE. 0) ie 42 Biota Our CONnSuEUOMar... Si 4 oe 66 Story of the Greek people.:......... a2 Story of the Roman people......... +s F19 ieraweiers rand travelinei ooo. i585 0 o>) 66 eee) and sORTSCHIUS) Pu Es- Seminal was music history... 2... 4. .2)..04 159 TARBELL, I. M. Boy scouts’ life of Lin- RLM PN A re GF oSditsctie eWeek oh E Ride tas 99 Hemanews Lincoln s-.000 8) er. PSs 128 Tee umcolns .chairel ss Bk MPRA 128 ek reiNGLON, Bo “Alite Adams... .- 141 eee Lees nee eae keels Sat Si 141 Gentleman trom. Indiana .../i.'4.. 3 141 ew CAG aie tr ls At. eee. os oo 141 JEG Pigoth! Lo ani ay ieee an aie ae near aa 141 eseysere i UiOlant 28 oo ates kee es 141 CVE MUCCINe Sen ge cs Bee ch tl cs 141 PU RCHLL OA Weta 8 a canta (sp paseo bole ie 141 TARN, W. W. Treasure of the Isle of Mist 110 TAYLOR, BAYARD. Boys of other coun- RIM san ores Loss os Sori 31 TAYLOR, F. W. Vee management.. 158 rear aOR) >of Class; management... .+.». 148 Principles and methods of teaching TORE erat Neate ht, (a gne Satis 5 urd 150 Word study in the elementary school. 150 Tea (Peeps at industry). Browne, E. A.. 94 peaener.u Pearson Halts’. silly. discs atstie 152 Teackers- health. Terman: LioMaeicciies ax 148 Teacher’s manual of geography. Redway, Dm Pe ee 2 Ee ney th alin pea oes. Yan 40h 150 Teaching by projects. McMurry, C. A... 149 Teaching children to read. Klapper, Paul. 150 Teaching of arithmetic. Klapper. Paul... 150 Teaching of English: Klapper; Paul ...... 150 Teaching of geography. Sutherland, W. J. 150 Teaching of geography in elementary schools. Dodge, R. E., and Kirchwey, Spey Naps et WencS S| tec ra NE eeAS nie andere tex Oo 150 Teaching of handwriting. Freeman, F. N. 149 Teaching of history and civics. Bourne, ema MEGA nics 30 the. ili. BONG bs Ste uhias 151 PAGE Teaching of primary arithmetic. Suzzallo, Teaching ofr spelling, .Suzzallo) W. H.2 4.150 Teaching the new geography. Atwood and LL OT aS geen) | Re Sebo. hai ee olste Merae Ges 150 Teaching the common branches. Charters, VV Vids ees Boevae ot ctx Deters» Ue 149 TEALL, G. Little garden the year round 158 Team play. Livermore, Grier Bas oh! 126 TEASDALE, SARA, comp. Rainbow SOLD URAL ip moe Sere IE iat as a's acoddiery’: oe 87 Technique of pageantry. Taft, Linwood... 159 TOSS GENS ie Biography iva) oinhs,. Gere 100 Tecumseh’s young braves. Tomlinson, E. T. 88 Leday wer book Kays Aj Gmail. wi. 108 “Tell it again” stories. Dillingham and Fentiersonsy tee ate irs cos 6 as ot Lear Zo Ten little Indians. orks Mit EDS. seca eee. oh Ten minutes by the clock. RileywAve Gees. «Oo TENNYSON, ALFRED. Poetical works 162 SPSS FL GIN Ea eee US BUCO. eit cadens 2h Pe 128 Bulky as cOliges steed). Le eee w/o eee 128 Harther, adventugesiofs lad yom. a te 128 EPS CO Slee oe hte th) oc heme 128 Lidd;, BPdOS Uy oe him Hatin 2M ok te 128 Lochinyasgelavcler, ve bint, cates cee 129 TERMAN, L, M. Intelligence of school Chudreny aise ete rae Rt «eee 148 Measurement of intelligence......... 148 TPeacherers ticalthose eee ...eeetds 148 Dexa cots, A lishelec pgm ie... oe rae 101 Texanistame A ltsheler fran. 65 oe 101 exam. trittapnie a Altsheler, soem. ....2s6ne 101 Weras biter bounety, .JacebeaG. Esse 106 THACKERAY, W. M: Rose and the PAIS} ees ee eee (a Amol lc. 2 41, 62, 87 Thankful Spicerss9 Brownell, AX G 1 4gine 102 Thanksgiving day. Schauffler, R. H.... 160 That year at Lincoln High. Gollomb, J... 124 ‘What. swhy stories. trong, junior. Mason,“A.B. 72) ae 85 tom Strong, Lincoin’s scout. Mason, A. Be rons ns fiauggareagys agrthl ae ae eae a 85 Tom Strong, third” “Mason, A.B) eee 85 LUMLINSON, E. T. Boy officers of 1812 88 Hoy soldiers Of "ISI 2-2 a. eee fore) Boys with old Hickory..0. +2 ok aa 838 Chdinpion or “the! regiments... eee 838 Guaraing the -border.., aac... te eee 85 in “the: hands’ ol the *red-coats.on sueue 129 Jersey boy*in* the revolutions. % ee 110 Lieutenant under Washington........ 1Z9 Mysterious riflemanW). 2 eee eee 110 Mystery of thetRKamapo Pass. s... a 88 Places young Americans want to know 95 Prisoners iOf° Wares... st 2. ee eee ee RSL ae Pursuit of the Apache chief........; 110 Ked sChiei Mairns, Sar a eee 129 Rider-of) the black” horsé?.42..0 9. 129 scouting in the wildernes§:.......2% 62 scouting’ onthe border: = 7.85 snows 110 scouting’ on*the oldstrontiers 22. taeeee 62 Scouting with Daniel Boone......... 88 Scouting with Mad Anthony........ 88 search for AndrewsFicldiajew eee we 88 Setgeant Teéd: Cole, -Us S:.. Marines 3 aoc AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE mtory of General Pershings2. . 2.40.4 99 Tecumseh’s young braves............ 88 uorees younpreontinentals 2 aus). sts 2. 110 Trailvot thesMohawk chief... 0c 2.20.4 88 PANG TVOURS spatriots SGN. Vaan. G. 110 Wnderacolenialecolorsatincs).,2hintaea' 110 Washington’s young aids............ 110 Young minute-man of 1812......... 88 Young people’s history of the Ameri- Gate erosion, unt. ont. See eens 119, 166 TRIMMER, SARAH. History of the 10180 1 he RUIN, Perera OR a 5 REE AL i) ‘Trip with: @ trailers Canteld i= Ga. 18 a. 79 TROTTER. SPENCER? ‘essons* in ‘the NeW eSCOPrAp I Vener eta tt meer Cae it Troubadour tales. Stein, Evaleen ........ 87 TROWBRIDGE, J. T. Chance for him- Bel hse n coe ete oe «een, eee) te ere 88 Deineshis*pestat vere tes ate. ee 838 Fast eirtends 2.4. - same 3. se eee 88 Jack Hazzard and his fortunes ...... 88 Youngs Surveyor™ V0, ee. «2 Sole rae 88 AVrue bear »storiess) “Miller; ‘Joaquin * 223. 66 True stories from history and biography. Hawthore Nathaniel 94 9a wo. 52850 73 True story a: Abraham Lincoln. Brooks, Bite emis. ate an eee Oe ae oe True story of Benjamin Franklin. Brooks, ELPA, Sat areas Ro Le rh eas ee 48 True story of Christopher Columbus Brooks! eee el os a ee eee 32 True story of George Washington. Brooks, Lea ANE Pere PEMA. . oR eee aye rue. story of Lafayette. Brooks; Esse. 49 True story of the United States. Brooks, Bich aeeneene re echoes ay 2a oe as 49 True story of U. S. Grant. Brooks, E. S. 49 True tales of birds and beasts. Jordan, D. See DTN Ae eee ae ees 2 ees 43 Trusty John and other stories. Lang, An- Tey EN FES eS ERE ¢ Sine 38 236 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE Tuck-me-in stories. Comstock, E. B...... 1¢ TUCKER, es Is prandakk ¥Y ANeeh ee His- torical ‘plays ofrcolonialidaysra ace ae AS Turmiilas TlarkinetonyeBt ager eee 141 Tutned-about: gitls. Dixs BA Maier ane 80 ‘Turner twins. (Barbour, URniHe Sits ee 78 Turning of the tide. Wise, J.C. ......... 136 TURPIN, 12a Ba Happy ACHES Fe 63 Fioneyea ett: Spi? Se see ee 63 Peggy of Roundabout Lane ......... 63 Whistling mitmaps, <\:) mi. -2k sae 63 Classic et ne ne 10 TWAIN, MARK. Adevyntures of Huckle- ber: Finny yan eae ek our 129, 141 Adventures of Tom Sawyer ..111, 129, 141 Hide ongthesMassissip pl. ioe... 0 wletar caeoe 133 Rrinee anid pauper mn eee meine: be See 89 TiGuChisig -iteiae.,. years ala ey ae 133 Ore Canto e\tot.s eevee’ | ene Ure 99 Grarels’: at somesa, . Westen, Pose ee 2 136 Piography= ‘Raines As Bie Ge eee 166 Twelve huntsmen and other stories. Lang, ATGRCNES Rea. PRED tte Oe Sua 38 Twenty fhousand leagues under the sea. eT ween Ce tic Ue Lg ena 129, 141 Ewaionepand.- Pyles Howard.iacc.. ocse 40 awiliont stomes.amboulke: Fhe cok oe 14 Dwilightustories.. Noyes My 3B, jetesteeee ig Maw Isted: Sk eit Gr anes Kh De go, ei sicuetviees Wa Two are company. Field, Mrs. E. M..... 2 eyo arrowseeotod dards Oakes. eee: 62 we collese guns. .Brown «Fla 2). kee je Two litle confederates. Page, T. N. ..... 85 ‘Pwo: little qnice: . Pyle, iatharine .. weak. 26 Two litle southern sisters. Young, M..... 44 Two. noble tives. Richards S12. ee.) - snceae 98 Two. spiesameleossing #2 0100. 3... eee LVe Two years before the mast. Dana, R. H.. 114 Two young patriots. Tomlinson, E. T.... 110 Lypeei eivlelwilless Vername sere 2), ae 115 U-Boat hunters. Connolly, J. B. ..... 116, 169 Ume San in Japan. McDonald and Dal- a YING Tinie HRS vanes eee 47 Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. Harris, J. (ie Mee Mane UKE ieR ee cals bz Uncle Remus and bis firiends..Harris, J.C 86 Uncle Remus and the little boy. Harris, fe Legh in Psat atten cep pee ee ake Ol lees 23 Unclessaray, detectivermDu Pity, |W eA sete Uncle Sam: modern miracles. DuPuy, W. ee Ve Ee kt ees ee 116 Uncle Sam: wonder worker. DuPuy, W. A. 116 Vandemark’s folly. PAGE Uncle Sam’s business. Marriott, C....... AZ Uncle Tom Andy Bill. Major, Charles... 107 Uncle Tom’s. Cabins Stowe; Here eee 128 Uncle Zeb and his friends. Frentz, E. W.. 43 Under boy scout colors. Ames, J..B...... re Under colonial colors. Tomlinson, E. T... 110 Under Drake’s flag. Henty,; G. A....25% S/ Under: Greek. skies; Dragoumss,"jieDaeee 94 Under*orders:;:) )Lathami2H. s.r eee 8&4 Under -the lilacs Alcott; Lin Migsa] afer 53 Under the Yankee ensign. Barbour, R. H. 102 Understood Betsy. Canfield, Dorothy ... 103 Undine; La "Motte-Fouque: ..3.. 2272 106 Ungava Bob. ’ Siac slates pele cs ait Co ne eee 147 VAN DYKE, H. Broken soldier and the tuaid: of sPrance 7. 2. ] le Wales, ores 86 WARD, H. D. New senior at Andover... 129 WARDLAW, C..D., and MORRISON, W. Rive Dasketsballin. ace ade Abraham Lin- colni is Gk SOR. Sa & ee WHEELER, J. C. “There she blows WHEELWRIGHT, Jets War childrens: When a cobbler ruled the king. Seaman, ASE When grandmamma was fourteen. Harland, Marion When grandmamma was new. Marion o 6. Se @ Sie 6, 0 18 Se 6.6 6) 6 0 6) 6 @ 8 C18) 6.6) a) ele. tee Wie atte oto hDNs att et ate Aas te Hace @ Gee ce 6 @ @ oe ie) © 6 0 0 6 © 6 6 @ © Be! 6 6 0 sine When I was a boy in Belgium. Jonck- heereyiRe Py. oy art es ee eee eee When I was a boy in China. Lee, Yan PHOU. Fs iin se eo ore ee ae When I was a boy in Palestine. Kaleel, M. When I was a boy in Persia. Mirza, Y. When I was a boy in Russia, Mokrie- vitch, V. deB. oe 0 © 8 @ © 6 © le, @ e716 fe: @ "6 6 fe) pers © 0 6 © 0 0 6 6 0 Ore 6 0 254. 6.8 © 0 6 6 6 6 ole es © fe 3s = 6 @ fF \¢ es 6 6 6 0B 6 8) Bp © odae ela e © « ebs fo 66 Cliente 4 75 149 41 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX 239 PAGE When I was a girl in Iceland. Arnadottir, PG erate es hier are ce ee When I was a girl in Italy. Ambrosi, Mar- re sans cin si PUR at ewe eke sce When I was a girl in Mexico. Godoy, M.. When I was a little girl, Humphrey, F. EM A wo ic eaters Va ewe we gO ers When I was your age. Richards, L. E. When Jack Rabbit was a little boy. Paine, A. B. When lighthouses are dark. Brill, E.C. .. When Molly was six. White, E. O. VW heacmother lets us-act. Perry, S. G, C.. When mother lets us carpenter. Adams, J. BN og Uy ahs ccdbte FE6 EES 8 9's When mother lets us cook. Johnson, Con- stance When mother lets us Boyd, I. E. wien mother lets us draw. Thayer, B-Ghw 18 6 eee Ne 6) se Ue S «8 Ss) (er 6 ya eee, Aye 6 216: 8) 8 oe eee cut out pictures. Davi. When mother lets us garden. Duncan, Frances When mother let us help. Johnson, Con- Bete AEN otatetataia alleupty © tia 9 sis wdcowm EG noe (a When mother lets us keep pets. Johnson, Constance When mother lets us make candy. Bache, Pome eee er Neen Seach Leese eke When mother lets us make gifts. Grubb, PMD ree a ree... Pathe Soe. Po ok a When mother lets us make paper box fur- ui © 5 a8) oe eee 6 ee 8 6 8 Ue Se Ore 6 we ae og) ee Ww wteeielt pais) Adventures’ «of “Bobby CEM eths, ate Sia bwagie bt. itv, Oe . eee 89 Bhaze cd Str eae as .0! Seeks matd ee eee 142 Daniel Boone, wilderness scout...... 100 HOres tas to. cosas eon) eee eee 129 COL OR ave ont eee ita eof cc ee 129 WHILE So Le Andis. Hedulig. a ames. 142 White Company. Doyle, Conan ....ageeers 138 Wake: cir clelin mete Nco E1- Ghia eae. Gk eo Wihiterotter Gregor sii ar, 7.1) Seay, 81 Whitespdtch.™ Patris Angelo see Sin 9, 44 White Seneca: | Cannheld, (Ws Weegee «aren 122 Whitefoot the wood mouse. Burgess snc VWs a, tree Oe ae ee en aR, Sgn os SO 34 WHILPEHEAD, IA. Ge Standard *hearet., +142 WHITLOCK, BRAND? Abraham Lin- COLI teen enh: peer. eaemen. g eee 136 SV ELLEN PY Gertnan dictionary. 2... 154 WHITNEY ond PERRY. | Four Ameri- Catmindignsee. vas ee See 3 te eee 53 Wii l til Revs).. Gs Complete ‘poetreal WOTkS exiAmerts SoS 21) See, eee 161 VU Oss ny hor eee hore Cte tees ss ees 166 WV a ae waiOu ite Aer Cae: pare aus? we 166 Wihyssosstories sich OH. te a0 12. oes 60 WICKES, F. G. Child’s book of holiday play sig. eeme bre ti, ter, eet A ae 68 FIADPRMDOUdayS | tee lo nae 63 DLOTICSe SOL. o arae ccc n pelle ae 16 Widow O’ Peete: boys. Zollinger, G.. 89 WIGGIN, K. D. Birds’ Christmas Carol...63, 89 Birds’ Christmas Carol. (Dram. ed.).. 68 Child’s journey with Dickens........ 75 TIGMEesDUe tales owas. kee 142 Mothers Carey's. chickens... 2 us .ass sas 130 INGWSCHrOnIC es: Of g RepeCCa: t.mum cy ae 130 Polly: (liver se problenis 2.) css oe 11] Repecca Of sunnybrook farm: s.c.- 111 SOLVE OL as.) Ame mks ce eee 63, 39 SUMIMer linia VCAnONs eaters)... 4 we oes 111 bimothy+s quest). meee sete. st eee 130 Z40 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX PAGE WIGGIN, K. D> anda SMITH ONees Vary “TU, Ved. te wa ce oe ee 26 Golden’ numbers’. ¢. 2. ee oe eee 88 Magic casemente 9.0.20 > ape. ieee 41 Pinatore: palaces... ore ee ee ee 10 Poseyaring -<..2°e) gerne ane eee 10, 16 Talestot laughteri cc ese. : «eee 63 Talksis beasts: dain sc fic eae ene 63 Wigwam evenings. Eastman, C. A., and Seren, os Tigh aa eee CRA eae 3] Wiewam stories. Judd; MiG. is. ete 31 Wigwam wonder tales. Thompson, W.... 53 Wild animals at home. Seton, E. T. ..... 66 Wald. folk. «Scoville, Samuel: : 2s. 2%. 4 86 Wild life of the Rockies. Mills, E. A. .. 115 Wild life under the equator. DuChaillu, Bods 5 Fiat oak So et ei e-s.c/Pe FS a eee ee 46 Wilderness babies. Schwartz, J. A. ...5. 28 Wilderness honey: Pollock; F. L. .....%- 108 Wilderness road. Altsheler, J.. A. ....... 121 Witderness ways. « Long,. ee 111 Winning of the west. Roosevelt, Theo- doré=2 £52; 3) keke. ane eee Peart Winning their way. “Faris, J. Ti) eee 116 WINNINGTON, L. Outlook fairy book for little people... 2.7 2. ae ee 41 Winston’s simplified dictionary........... 154 Wireless man. Collins; F-"A. 27 cee Ol, hiZ WISE, J. C. Turning of the tide eer 136 WISE, JS)" End> ot -an-¢rayne eee A 120 Wishing ring.” Schorer, Fo.) t,o. oe 40 Wisp, a girl of Dublin. Adams, Kathar- INE” Arvieis «casi sace Gyaie ee thee = eee, See 100 WISTER, OWEN. Ulysses: S. Granteueeeen Virginian yikes + ie ae a ee 142 With Azer in Egypt. Perry,,W. soe 48 With: Clive in. India.” Henty, G. "AGie ee 105 With Crockett and Bowie. Munroe, Kirk. 85 With mask and mitt. Dudley, A. T. .... 104 With spurs of gold. Greene and Kirk.. .64, 131 With the Indians in the Rockies. Schultz, Wras.t sais ala bs oa oe eee oe 86 With the little folks. Wright, lle ee 42 With the men who do things. Bond, A. R. 91 With trumpet and drum. “Field, Eugene. . 23 WITHINGTON, P. Book of athienees ee neh ie! WOLFE, JAMES, Biography. See Parkman 3) ie: 5 hae eee ee 118, 168 Women in American history. Humphrey, Grace. 220 hoe ae eon pe Women who make our novels. Overton, G. Mee 6 OPS ee a re ee 166 Wonder book. -Hawthorne, N. ......... oF Wonder book —Tanglewood tales. Haw- thorné; No} OS ae eee ee 37 Woider book of chemistry. Fabre, J. H. 132 Wonder book of horses. Baldwin, James.. 54 AUTHOR-TITLE.INDEX 241 PAGE Wonder book of old romance. Darton, F. | bo, lee hy SeeR ane Ne oe aap Ag pes ROM AY Pa 90, 131 Wonder clock. Pyle, Toward ju. 0020s. 40 Menuer parden. = Olcott, BJ. esa... ss. 160 Wonder a war at sea. Rolt-Wheeler, F. W. 99 Wonder of war in the air. Rolt-Wheeler, F. INN PAE Fe gR AS ee lacks cecclscna vs See hase 99 Wonder of war in the Holy Land. Rolt- LGN Ieee, MAU We ate RONG a tunes aa late Ot 136 Wonder of war on land. Rolt-Wheeler, F. Nir eS Pee trae ee aes ss Nels we Sg LLY Wonder workers. Wade, M. H. ....52, 75, 136 Wonderful little lives. Schwartz, J. A. .. 44 Wronders-ot Chemistry., Collins, A. Fi... 112 Wonders of the jungle. Ghosh, S. K.... 43 WOOD *LEQNARD.. America’s. duty. ....145. Military Suseaue® are citizenship... .: 145 WOOD, THEODORE. Natural history Pmny CONST PCOMe sé tno cas bloc cet pees rho Woodwork for little folk. Pierce, F. H... 29 WOOLCOTT, A. Command is forward 136, 170 Word study in the elementary school. ect eme| Sa N aa Pig Recot iy BS qa wg t 2 150 WORDEN, J. L., and others. Monitor and Prem ee EIU AG sion erie. Ss: « ela em the avelece vis WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM. _ Selec- tiomee trom WV OTdSWOTth 00 0.4..0 04 sss 162 Work-a-day doings. Serl, Emma........ 10 Work-a-day heroes. Fraser, C. C......... 92 Wiiteeors tie, teacher) Davis; 5... ... 2 149 Working drawings. Babbitt, A. B. ...... 152 Working my way around the world. Franck, EE oo ran. a fi lat ons de aes Bed 114 Workshop of the mind. Hawksworth ey REAM ESS, IS c ahelv'n 53s e, 01's, 2, ite © pra sp LZ RRC LUNIA AG 25 fis tats Sintec nid waste ait Siar Foace 3 145 CR TOn LGB bisa he ia ela, ge ane eng ee ee 144 Wiotid secuildren: 2 Walter, FE. Ly .......¢ ; 70 Wreckmeemaster. Paine, RY DD: ov .c.. ss. 60 WRIGHT, A. F. Interior decoration for PEE TMENeetG” We at! ee ven ce eas 0 [57 WRIGHT, H. C. Children’s stories of MUOESCATEDTOCTESS oo.) cc wy\dto enn oa es ae 52 WRIGHT, H. S. New plays from old EES: GIR eats ge a aR 68 WRIGHT, I. L. With the little folks..... 42 Well ten gies Gtizzive beat. 36.52. 92 WRIGHT-DAVIS, MARY. Book of Lin- ease pop cela Me Rae AE gh ere 166 Writing through reading. Gay, R. M. .. 160 WYNNE, A. For days and days........ 63 PAGE WYSS, J. D. Swiss family Robinson 2142, 89 Mankeesoirl at bull’ Rutepeurtisy i. Laie 5 Yankee girl at Fort Sumter. Curtis, A. T. 55 Wankee- cirbat Shiloh? Curtis7 Aer ~.. & oh) Yankee ingenuity in the war. Stockbridge, Fog Ws So oer de Vic CS ee 132 Yankee ships and Yankee sailors. Barnes, <1) ee ee ears OE |, 121 YARD, R. S. Book of the national parks 133, 165 (Pop, Gi the continent we ane eee ae 95 YATES, R. F.; and PACENT, L. G. ‘Com- DletQe Tracom bOOKm 29.4.5: ee Seen ney. 113 Yellow butterflies. Andrews, M. R. S. .. 137 YEOMANS, EDWARD. Shackled YOULL AR e niutetas Cisco alee: ee eee 5 147 YONGE, CC. _M.. .Lances’ of Lynwood... 111 Little DDuke—Richard the Fearless.... 111 You can, but will you? Marden, O. S. .. 145 YOUNG, MARTHA. When we were eRe ee ae, A 33 wo little Southern sisters. « was). 44 Young Alaskans in the far north. Hough, Emersons che cieee eee eae ties Sas ee 106 Young Alaskans in the Rockies. Hough.. 82 Young Alaskans on the trail. Hough.... 8&3 Young Aimerican. | udsom. Hoe... uee on 50 Young America’s first book. Baylor, A. S. 20 Young citizen’s own book. Fraser, C. C. .. 116 Young folks’ cyclopedia of common things. (hain politins |) on ose eee 64, 90, 111, 130 Young folks’ cyclopedia of games and sports. Champlin and Bostwick, J..... 64, 90 Young folks’ cyclopedia of literature and attay Chamoun. [aan et 64, 90, 111, 130 Young folks’ cyclopedia of natural history. Ghamplivand ucacet - seen o aoe ee ee “ + Stillman Appellate Printing Co., New York. 200 William St., ad . anos Zs —