Supplement to BULLETIN PROLLe ee eHiN GTON UNIVERSITY ST. LOUIS Ai Lai ut i r fi PER “Githill i i | VERI-] Vis | Ho Ci eed corti Mn al U oO oo ‘Photographic Views of The School of Nursing PUBLICATIONS OF WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY SERIES II o> VOLUME XXVIII ow NUMBER VII After High School 1s WHAT NEXT? ~~~ The majority of girls graduating from our high schools would like to have more education. Every girl wants to do something worth while o» ow What About Nursing ? (@ As a nurse in training—even before graduation—a young woman can be of service to those who need her. During her course she is paying for both her instruction and her living by assisting on the wards of the hospitals. (@ Her course of instruction includes a valuable study of the sciences upon which is based an understanding of life, of health as well as disease, and of those prin- ciples which underlie the skill she will acquire in the care of the sick. @ A course in nursing will make a woman a more intelligent citizen, a better wife and mother, and give her a means of earning her own living wherever and whenever she may wish. o, «fe DO YOU WISH TO BE: A NURSE? Washin gton University can offer you an excellent course if you meet these requirements: 1. High School Education 2. Good Health 3. Eighteen Years of Age (For three-year course) A three-year course leading to a Diploma in Nursing. A five-year combined Liberal Arts and Nursing course leading to a B. S. degree in Nursing. Experiences and Practice in: Courses Include: Barnes Hospital Visiting Nursing St. Louis Children’s Hospital Social Service St. Louis Maternity Hospital Care of Children Washington University Dispensary Supervision Visiting Nurses Association Public Health Nursing Teaching in Schools of Nursing SCHOOL OF NURSING ’ ENTRANCE ONISUNN AO TOOHOS AHL A VIEW OF THE LOUNGE SWOOUY NOILdaAIAA TIVNWS DNIMOHS % IN THE LOUNGE < had ad Zz ° ° Zz % 8) e a < WOOU DNIAIT V LIVING ROOM a aad Zz i) Q 2) wn Ll = be IN THE LIBRARY RECREATION ROOM—ROOF SSVIO NOILVONGA TVIISAHd-YV A STUDENT’S ROOM A ROOM IN THE STUDENTS’ INFIRMARY A FLOOR KITCHENETTE DIETETIC LABORATORY SAUYUNGAIONd ONISUNN NI SSVTIO V ANIOIGAW AO TOOHOS AHL NI AULSIWAHSD NI SSV1IO V ANIOIGAW AO TOOHOS AHL NI AWOLYNW NI AUNLOAT V STVLIGSOH GALVITIAAYV [ezdsopy sauieg yerdsopy Aqrussqzepy BARNES HOSPITAL WARD, J < O e) aa =) Y Yn Zz ie = ° 3 hk] x e Zz CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL CORNER OF A WARD, ITVLIGSOH ALINUYUALVW ‘AUASUNN V What Does the Nurse Do When Not on Duty or In the Class ‘Room? « (@ The life of the student nurse is much like the life of any girl living in a col- lege dormitory. @ A new ten-story addition to the Nurses’ Residence has just been com- pleted which contains class rooms, a library, reception rooms and a lounge; adequate provision is thus made for recreation. (@ There is a Student Association, an Athletic Association and a Young Women’s Christian Association. (@ The Nurses’ Residence is situated at 416 South Kingshighway, just north of the Children’s Hospital and opposite ForestiPark:. ( The office of the Director of the School of Nursing is at 416 South Kings- highway. @ Write to the Director, or. call to see her for further infotttatidn”: fa SUN 4 A 193 NIVERSITY GF i LO 0112 113330754