srg SB , Ho 3 DF ce? BS a RCD) ae Birr (a) ms ie) ns oO E x d = OUPPLEMENT TO BULLETIN ey q a rd fe) ri us < Rk Vv VOL. XY, A: 2 = ae Ses See | ee Vee | a Ty i sae ‘1a 3:2 “Che Normal-by-the-Sea”’ By ELLA HIGGINSON Below, the sea—blue as a sapphire—set Within a sparkling, emerald mountain chain Where fir and hemlock needles sift like rain Thro’ the voluptuous air. The soft winds fret The waves, and beat them wantonly to foam. The golden distances across the sea Are shot with rose and purple. Languorously The silver seabirds in wide circles roam. The sun moves slowly down the flaming West And flings its rays across to set aglow The islands rocking on the cool waves’ crest And the great glistening domes of snow on snow. And thro’ the mist the Olympics flash and float, Like opals linked around a beating throat. II. Inspired of God were they that chose this place Wherein to build these walls of softest rose, Whose every slender pane at sunset glows Like burnished gold, and fires with mystic grace The wooded lovliness of Sehome Hill. Here is the home of color and of light; Perfume of balm-trees; singing birds’ delight; Splendor of mist and rainbow—and the still, Slow flight of butterflies. Sweet, liquid-clear, The lark flings to the dawn his lyric notes. And what inspired psalmist have we here? What song of pure, enthralling sweetness floats ’Tis the entrancing love-song of the hermit-thrush. Bellingham, Washington Frank M. Lamborn, Public Printer, Olympia Engravings by Tacoma Engraving Co., Tacoma a j i wah ar Bi ah dei The Buildings : and Campus Looking South The Building and Campus Looking North ete i> OM Oratorio Society and Orchestra Chemical — S 1) — DN ro ~ = A — = ~ = - = i] Laboratories Normal and Grade Shops Biology Laboratory and Class in Surgical Dressing In the Realm ot Cookery and Art Class in = s ot Ss | N DR o i = E = i ° ~ = uo) = _ 4IVM PROIg 94} UMOG Suryoo7T Manual Training Shop and Central Heating Plant =| S P| on ) p= Laps) ® ee) In the Business Center of =) = = eS x Za o a os = i) Highway near Bellingham Looking West from Chuckanut Looking K ast from hI 4 Chuckanut < oa ae £ & 1 on 2 » ~ od c a a Chyvekanvs mt From Raw D — S — al © ~ S —_ A. To Finished Product =~ — hy s o - S & i = amis The S Bellingham Sunset on Bellingham Bay ST[@ql WovsHoon we = re 3: : 2 So is 5x An a o> zs $ “nm => gr ba MA 2 106189787