4iQ PZ 2 eC S yor erat Virginia College SESS UNIVERSITY GF 11.1 Tg OTE TH AHR, Sy sis mas, acento gg PRESIDENT pial io) = — se =a pS SS ea a —_ ay bi, ay thi ft ir Wit fv y ni Px BIRD’S EYE VIEW OF VIRGINIA COLLEGE Virgin La (oe olle ge une, Virginia - 2 ft ‘ VIEW OF THE COLLEGE LOOKING WEST = ms >F EAST VIEW OF THE COLLEGE AUDITORIUM vee a 7 . : _ - ie 4 E: ve =%4 9 um FY E> ra « on = ao 7 7 NORTH FRONT VIEW OF THE COLLEGE | , ONE OF THE COLLEGE PORCHES SOUTHEAST CAMPUS STONE. ROANOKE. VA. ROANOKE RIVER—NEAR THE COLLEGE REAR WEST VIEW OF THE COLLEGE a 5 iS _ 3 iS} z a ‘F THE COLLEGE * ~~; aE 2 > a LF Ys 7 >. ae re eee er i. _ CORNERS OF RECEPTION HALLS x ° 4 oa < a z i=) n LABORATORY no p Ay = < Oo i) ids) a | J ° oO 2) es) & z ° <3) & i] a > < (=) ~ < =} ger ar aye ees : x meg ve Pe €*e ae cae eS 5 ‘ . Sits Ooh ” Sethe? . > ~ Fs = z < Le) z =) fa < 3) e > 3 ° 4 < o z p F) < iS) 5 > fe fs) I} = S| = z -_ EAST CAMPUS FROM THE AUDITORIUM VIEW OF THE BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS FROM THE COLLEGE ¥ oe — ~ , al , ee ‘ _ o oo 2 3 i) o a > mis ee Oe ee Pe ees ee WALK IN THE REAR OF THE COLLEGE FAMOUS CRYSTAL SPRING—NEAR THE COLLEGE ? oe 4 ye qt wat Ny aa HH! aay Vii it i i Aa Layee ih Ane ie ‘al i : rh eel ii 1 op hy) Ht} ian HE ‘Vint | ’ Mi Mikey thw) Wiig ui AAS Oh OUL BE] ii i Wy VAN 3 0112 105942723 OOo Oo Ore Ore Oo Oe Oe Oe Oe Oo Oe Oe Oe Oe Oe Oe Be Be Do Oi 9 Hor Bo G+ Ber Goo Gor Goo Gor@ Gor Gor Gor Geo Se +9 Geo Sor Gor G+ Goo Geo Ooo G++ G++ Ge Oo Goo Oso Boo Oe Ger Gee Gor Oe Gor Ge Oe Boo Oe Oe Geer S k 4 { ! VALPARAISO is practically a suburb of Chicago, with dozens of trains daily. It is on the Grand Trunk, the Pitts- burg, F't. Wayne & Chicago and the Nickel Plate Railroads, Inter- urban, with close connections with the Monon, B. & O., Wa- bash, Lake Shore, Michigan Central and other important trunk lines. It is a beautiful little city of 8,000 inhabitants, high and healthful, with shaded and paved streets, pure water supply, pretty scenic surroundings and unusual social advantages. On arriving in Valparaiso the student should come direct to our office, which is located on the southwest corner of the Public Square. We will locate you in comfortable quarters after you come to the office. There is someone in charge of our building both day and night, and we will be glad to attend to all your wants. When desired, we will send a representative to meet you at the train. On arriving at our school, the student will undergo an examination as to his natural ability and possible advancement. Due credit will be given any previous knowledge or experience. We invite inspection of equipment and actual results. Correspondence is given prompt attention at all times. Any information as to our school, our work, or the best railroad route to and from Valparaiso, is cheerfully and carefully furnished upon request. Address, Polk’s School of Piano Tuning C. C. POLK, Principal Valparaiso, Indiana O12 0000060010100 Oer Berar 10 r1O 61 Goss Os1 Ore O eres OrrOerOerOer@ne- O00 oOo Oo e+ O eee Ooo Oa Oe Greer Oe Oo Oeo Ooo Sor Oee Oar Ser Oer Gee Ser Ore Oer Ser See Ser Ger Sor Ger Ser Geo Ser Grr Ser Ser Ore er Orr Gee Gorse Deeper ver ver fre tae ver eee fee fer vet eer eet ee tet fer ry fet ter oe oOo 10s Oe Orr Ore Ser Ger Ger or Sor Orr Ser See Ser Serer Ser Ser Ger Orr See Serer SerGorG 0+ Gee Geo Ooe Goo Ger Goo Ser Oo Ooe GoGo Gor Gor Wee Wor Ger Wor Gor Ger Ooo Wor Wer Gor Woe Ger Ooo Ooo Oer Ger Ger Gee Ser Oe Goe Wer @oe Gee e+ Ooo Oe Oe Ger Ooo Ger Oo See Ser Oe @oe Geom WADE & WISE, Printers, Valparaiso, Indiana, a aa