eer iin: . Sheree ee res aati cael Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library L161—H 41 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign mana ae ae LY vit i oy V pe 6 GH, R EDINBU » NEAR BURN CURRIE Ws en) iv) , m) parece use eumnanensyaneee ul AGS wr j fil ) ef % f - ro | i\ 5 Seah Ss Ay | ; meN Gi cep epedka i ARLES Oh Se 0 ES Fe Oe a Ee ee Nhorenes sews Shut’> a keane" bys rd (rae TOME Naeetie eek EO Ie 1) AUTHOR OF ‘‘ART RAMBLES IN SHETLAND” TAKEN FROM WITH 156 PKETCHES NATURE AND DRAWN ON WOOD BY THE AUTHOR ENGRAVED BY DALZIEL BROTHERS eR GE LONDON AND NEW YORK Res ed bee bee, LP Cre EPA NE Type Sy eC et Sy 1878 Nyy al LOCH SEAFORTH, LEWIS. Brees i er PAWS Od ah HE Author has hope that he who reads this volume will have a share of the pleasure which fell to his own lot while he visited the scenes he has endeavoured to describe and illustrate. He desires that his pictorial pages may aid those whose time is spent in earnest labour, amid the disturbing influences of city life, to live over again the health-giving days spent in our mountain land, and is wish- ful that his Rambles may prove an agreeable book com- panion to all who make its acquaintance. He has not entered the fields of archeology, history, or science. As author and artist he has enrolled himself a graduate in Dame Nature’s school. The pictures were taken from our Highland and Island land and sea-scape, and drawn on the wood from his original sketches by his own hand. He gladly acknowledges his indebtedness to Messrs. DauzreL Broruers for their faithful and appreciative rendering of his drawings. 2t Broughton Place, Edinburgh. August, 1877. B « DS ey BURNSIDE, NEAR EDINBURGH. t CORRIE, DUNDONALD. " : (AGEN TLR VN eS: : : hater : CHAPTER PAGE I.—THE FIRTH OF FORTH : : , A ; 1 IIl.—TROSACHSWARDS, vid STIRLING ; ; ; : Salar e _ IIl.L—LOCHS KATRINE AND LOMOND : , : 5 33 IV.—A TRIP TO ARRAN’S ISLE ‘ ; : : » $52 4 V.—AMONG THE ISLES . ; , 66 VI.—GLENCOE AND THE GREAT GLEN 4 ; : 5 exe) VII.—LOCHS MAREE AND TORRIDON , : : F gi VIIIL—DAYS SPENT IN THE ISLE OF SKYE ; ; : eon IX.—LEWIS I15 X.—THE NORTH-EAST COAST OF SCOTLAND . : : M2132 XIL.—ABERDEEN, AND HOME v@ BALMORAL AND THE BRAES OF MAR 145 XII.—-EDINBURGH AND ITS SURROUNDINGS , ; : a.1S5 APPENDIX F 165 2 ; , BRIDGE AT ABERFOYLE. ea ae SUTHERLAND MOUNTAINS. PDS a0 FO Ray ele haves oS Opposite page Opposite page THE PORT OF LEITH........ Slopes heat Scioutenamn nese 2 LOCH MAREE .,,,., coecanae bi ctcic eae Srerays eparesees IRC ys) STIRLING CASTLE, FROM RAPLOCH ...........55 18 RAVINE, LOCH MAREE-SIDE ..........0.00+00+ oSime euraine =o 98 BRAES OF DOUNE ... 24 LOCH COIRUISG ........1.0.... Armee eee Dias Soeteoeeenees Tet LOS BEN LEDI AND LENNIE WATER 28 INSLDH) CULRAING We: sss: -acse cesar eee Pace eres _ 1t2 BREAD-WIFE’S COTTAGE, BRIG O’ TURK 32 CUIRAING, FROM STAFFIN BAY ....ccscsscsseccsccsvsnares rae LEA THE TROSACHS ... ay ev WINTER SCENE, SKYE .......... aE ees errr member 2 116 LOCH KATRINE, FROM SILVER STRAND 38 CLIFF SCENE NEAR GRESS, LEWIS 120 AGIA VERIVIER @ Cos hesccesessriscssvovcousk 42 GARRYNAHINE, LEWIS .........065 122 LOCH ACHRAY.... 44 CALLANISH, STONES, LEWIS... 124 Gres EME OOMRCINI I) Dee eeagie rsive sp aernactgese'n'leccuacasatealecsces onan 48 BEEHIVE COTTAGE, LEWIS ......... . 126 VIEW FROM THE TOP OF GOAT FELL ceameads eet BUDE OR IE WIS. modeensses casas ner etee 128 DUNGMARENAGE CASTLE .cipcicccscsserserlescesse eer ctecten | ie! LOCH MADDY, NORTH UIST. -ssc.,ewssecsee Sn aaeeupeeenate es «9 £30 SAMOA cas et oa dacs an swse2s > suas ccew esr Bos tegcdingemapeostecenety aed 72 LOCH OUSIE, NEAR DINGWALL ..........060+ Raga oaee es seas, EGA ARUNDEL AAA Yip UTRICE GG scsisenu snes oaaeiaesa>asexaeras setae 74 OLDEMAN (OR GWICK G5; sssteeresneredsssnthianeteeee eueicens 140 HATUONEAR WLOBERMORY,, MULL i.2....0cterccsoscosccsnecnes 78 ABERDEEN HARBOUR igcers cadeeeyereeeres sascodetadoc nernced L40 GLENCOE |....2.0005 Eee debiiscaenee ee sesacevnde tes Donnie sees te 82 BALMORAL ..... setae dette s Resch Dhaest ddd-eteoseon 150 SILVER BIRCHES, INVERGARRY ...........+5 Roseeneckensadene 84 BRAES (OF MARU Toacmtassonssscoucatseusas seen eh meat acirs ieeees SER GNETHEIOARRY\INVERGARRY c.ccsscecsssssateedscese on0sts 86 BRIDGE OF CALL Vigesssaseussnetes ste ceat uate eens Te EE: . 154 BOCHIOICH. CALEDONIAN CANAL). ..0..vece--c0sceeerisonces 88 CURRIE BURN, NEAR EDINBURGH............- pivedeacarscee) DOO, CULLODEN @,..20.22- Sab tesbcoc RS UEEDEE CROROPECETIOCEL TS ace e Ec go VIEW FROM WEST PRINCES ST. GARDENS, EDINBURGH 162 Ieee RiP ROE S S97 Die Sais ge MNS Page LOCH‘SEAFORTH, LEWIS ..........00-00+ ..... lead of Preface Bone Tes DUNDONALD. G: sajsscanexsdavecessose Head of Contents BRIDGE AT) ABERFOYLE. ....060 ssscsesconeoes- Foot of Contents ... Lead of List of Views SUTHERLAND MOUNTAINS .,,.. THE BASS KOCK ......... NEWHAVEN . 2 INCHKEITH ....... 8 SWEETIE STALL ......... “ Io EXCURSIONISTS RETURNING 12 WILD ROSE 13 PALE GER IN IS Asp ociv anes soeain'seis.cWenrs oneSesusestecvaaesarseusiere wird Page DUM VAD Sip atce tr agiay eons a cetera eaten ee Cee 17 18 ABBEY CRAIG 19 TEENIE .... 22 SWEEP’S WAINS .. 25 ELLEN LAMB ..... 26 DOUNE CASTLE ..........- ieiesees ed Sa rates 27 VENACHAR, FROM ABOVE CALLANDER ..i.cececseeeeseee 29 DUNCRAGGAN HUT........ Lak aet Soke cwuneiraces aschevbessecee™ Oe CALLANDER BRIDGWstostecconeniel eee ee Ae Ee Ee Lo@H KATRINE,LOOKING TOWARDS STRONACHLACHAR 33 \ . Letterpress Illustrations. Page Page THE HILL: ROAD, GUEN RINDAS 2. .,.j0r reise mntaieats 35 ON THE CONON, NEAR DINGWALL ........ Lok swts See ee gr ELLEN’S ISLE) Tic) caeetenetees arenes ee ae 37 FROM CONON BRIDGE ..........-- sdadtin ag teen: asters Saat 92 A PEEP AT LOCH KATRINE HEAD” fete ee eesees 38 BEN ALLIGAN, LOCH TORRIDON ........ sdine tastes erapsiges 94 CORRIE AT THE BACK OF BEN VENUE. w........0c0cee00 39 COTTAGE, LOCH TORRIDON....... Eads, daatescucte Sak enariats 95 EVENING SKETCH OF LOCH ACHRAY ......cececeseeees eat IN| GLEN ‘TORRIDON, ROSS-SHIREL . sscsc. .cesshpaceansaseoes 96 VIEW FROM THE INN WINDOW, ABERFOYLE ......... 43 AMONG THE DUNDONALD MOUNTAINS .......eeeeeeres 100 LOCH “ARD wvctsanessoncebs Causes cease FORCE rece ee tec 44 OPPOSITE SHE. CUIRAING® (fy.secscucesaxectsvetsige ee ecoe IOI ABOVE SLOCH CARD! Siccupussersvaatttetyasncturemiscse ete senate me 45 |. PORTREE BAY, ISLE OF SKYE ........ ach salen Waa tonees pkOs AT THE BACK OF BEN LOMOND .cccccecceeeeeeecesseeeeeee 46 COTTAGHS: STORMY HILL, SKYE: wearers 104 LOCH ARELETs ccnccvaccansnt havens ene te deat: rept cgs tava mete 47 STORR ROCK, ISLE OF SKYE ..... deveketingdahs versa seeeeeers 106 LOCH) LOMOND SG. seesceaenesctaeeieece Jie awcataettop Seen ieee cea 47 GLAMAIG WATER, ISLE OF SKYE..... dade iogecdoeeentach es + 107 THE COBBLER AND? HIS: WIPE) -c.ts.csecastoseste rae eae 48 SCOOR-NAN-GILLEAN, ISLE OF SKYE ...s..eeeeeee exiaeene 1 ZOO COBBLER IN (MIST Gs. .caccnceseeas wha dia eueticoatececponapeiaiets 49 OUT-STACK AND THE KILT ROCK, STAFFIN BAY, SKYE 113 COBBLER WIN MIS Ba s.ceseate teetee en = Sets De OOeeR Avateemnienes tated 49 STAFSIN: BAY, SK VE soc. csctesssesds varervcesscpacwacrssccneaots 114 SHE MORE GLEN, LOCH LOMOND-SIDE, 51 STORNOWAY CASTLE........ Saeeeesnccecetenisssetospeanedtsseee II5 CLIFFS, WEST COAST OF ARRAN ..........+: 52 CAVE NEARUGRESS) LEWIS snes scsncchassacaeration ase I19 THE BOAT-BOUSE, BRODICK, ARRAN 54 MAINLAND MOUNTAINS, FROM ISLE OF LEWIS 121 GLEN ROSA MOUNTAINS, FROM BRODICK BAY, ISLE DRUID CIRCLE, NEAR GARRYNAHINE ..,. 122 OF L ARRAN, ,.ciieciesastvsamoenastwgustan saan ctes teases irene 56 CLIFFS, BUTT OF LEWIS ......... is HOLY: ISLE 2 oz, 57 BUTT OF LEWIS LIGHTHOUSE DAYDAWN, BRODICK BAY.. 230s eee ee eae 61 THE SHFANTMSLHS! hu geeceseee COTTAGE AT LOCH RANZA, ARRAN .......ccceccescsseceees 63 ULLAPOOL, MOUNTAINS). \...c00cccccansows LOCH RANZA CASTLE, ISLE OF ARRAN ......cecceceusees 64 LOCH MADDY, NORTH UIST, HEBRIDES ............ eee ee SAILOR’S GRAVE, WEST OF ARRAN ..c...cceeseoe ceseeee Os WICK. BAY5.2.5, sasammadan mapetasse eemtsadtenesmaetousrs Ges nace l S2 MONA) eenipegtcevasaataceacesses saakiee vents depsetddast Aneta steed OO BEN WYVIS, FROM NEAR DINGWALL ...........cecseeee «. 134 ROTHESAY: BAY. - citgsecsa'ys nce sess -ac eevee terested eemetee seed 67 HOME OF THE TINKERS, WICK.......... RS ASR Sowiieies, TZ COTTAGE ABOVE CRINAN (CANAL = ...c..asssctessecoueet 20) 68 NOSS HEAD ..... Peisneaetee eee Saasosena ssemnclaeats a aetae eee arnt AL CRINAN« CANAL Uke ssstees-antesabe ateereee aeons vast tt upeeeneane 69 SINCLAIR BAY..... dcastdides sn acraers Oto ieee Sere, Prey eS BUADDA 2A peces eeeincoscesaetessseavete sins aateae tesa eee ten ae S71 ARCH ON THE THURSO. COAST ........0..006 Kersaneeence eee LAS LUNGAD star. cle aleacesseawanitin Shinnc einen edacinse eantialy Sincere Ae i CLIFFS TO THE WEST OF DUNNET HEAD..,.........006 143 DUTCHMAN'S CAP ...,...... eoeeacene asap cacaacteccsmueeeeeacaeee 71 THE CLETT STACK, NEAR THURSO..... sobs craigs wanes 144 STAR RA va. oxaecetsceivascrdescibs tteea tins stele cebiea te ase eee eae » 52 THE GREEN MARKET, ABERDEEN..........0000cecee00es es E45 OBAN SOUND® ic. Jocs