ss W39 Lm L [4 2/ | A naval Commencement Cuneert The College ot Wooster Gonserbatory of Susie Neill dell Notve Director Memorial Chapel Monday, June 13, 1921 @ao0 o’rlock ' : Jlragramnte ORGAN March on a Theme of Handel, Op. 15, Gutlmant CORA NAOMI EDWARDS VOICE O, Had I Jubal’s Lyre, - = Handel VIDA RUTH EDWARDS PIANO Hark, Hark, the Lark, - ANNA ESTHER STEINER Schubert- Liszt VOICE To Music, L = ad % é Schubert Brahma, - - - - - - Bemberg CORA NAOMI EDWARDS PIANO Invitation to Dance, 2 = - 4 Weber VIDA RUTH EDWARDS VOICE Waltz Sone, (Romeo and Juliette ) = i Gounod ANNA ESTHER STEINER PIANO Maiden’s Wish Waltz, ~ Chopin- Liszt CORA NAOMI EDWARDS Diplomas will be given on Commencement Day Mn A 0112 10