OOK 0 the Honorable Board of Commissioners of Cook County: 'GENTLEMEN:—Your Committee selected on ne 2, 1913, for thé purpose of submitting Wiames of Judges and Polling Places for the arious Precincts outside of the jurisdiction of 1e Election Commissioners, desire to make the lowing report: Respectfully submitted, JOHN J. Garp, Chairman, H. B. MITCHELL, ; FRANK RAGEN. HH f BARRINGTON, | District 1. | Polling place, Village Hall. * _ Judges— G. M. Wagner, Barrington, Il. L. M. Donlea, Barrington, [1]. C. P. Howley, Barrington, Ill. BERWYN. | Precinct 1—1st Ward, City of Berwyn. } Polling place, Current Review office, 3305 Irv- ag Ave., Berwyn, III. Judges— John F. Wermuth, 3325 Home avenue, Ber- wyn, Ill. H. L. Atkinson, 3335 Harold avenue, Ber- wyn, Ill. | Harvey J. Faithorn, Berwyn, III. Precinct 1—2nd Ward, City of Berwyn. Polling place, M. M. Hitchcock, Windsor venue, Berwyn, I[Il. | Judges— Robt. F. Stevens, 3224 Sheldon avenue, Berwyn, IIl. Fred C. Eckstein, 3446 Carroll avenue, Berwyn, Ill. A. A. Adams, Levergne, Ill. Precinct 1—3rd Ward, City of Berwyn. } Polling place, Lorenz Goelitz, No. 117 Stanley ivenue, Berwyn, III. Judges— Me Wright, 3114 Maple avenue, Berwyn, Frank B. Sodt, 3114 Carroll avenue, Ber- wyn, Ill. J. Means Smith, Berwyn, III. Precinct 1—4th Ward, City of Berwyn. Polling place, North Berwyn Auditorium. Judges— Martin Connors, 1244 Wesley avenue, Ber- wyn, Ill. Oak Park, IIl. wyn, Ill. SUBMITTED JULY 21, 1913. 2 | APPROVED JULY 30, 1913. vem e Mathew Stanicek, 1341 East avenue, South > James Houha, 1312 Elmwood avenue, Bark, . EPORT OF COMMITTEE ON NAMING OF JUDGES AND - POLLING PLACES IN;PRECINCTS OF COOK COUNTY COUNTRY TOWNS OUTSIDE.OF THE JURISDIC- TION OF ELECTION COMMISSIONERS. Precinct 2—4th Ward, City of Berwyn. Polling place, 6428 W. 26th street, Berwyn, Ill. Judges— Albert F. Pikas, 6529 W. 27th street, Ber- wyn, Ill. George Petertil, La Vergne, [Il. F. Korons, Berwyn, Ill. Precinct 1—5th Ward, City of Berwyn. Polling place, Otto F. Ziku, 6902 W. 12th street, So. Oak Park, III. Judges— Carl Baumer, 1226 Home avenue, Oak Park, Ill. James Ray, 1226 How avenue, Oak Park, Ill. Chas. M. Svec, 1305 So. Clinton avenue, Oak Park,» i: BLOOM. Place for holding town meeting, 3d Election District, City Hall,-Chicago Heights, III. District 1—Except the east 80 rods of Section 1. All of Sections 2, 3, 4, HE. % 8. All of 9, 10, 11, except the East 80 rods of Sections 12 and 13. All of Sections 14 and 15, Range 14. Polling place, Village Hall, Glenwood, I]l. Judges— Wm. Krause, Glenwood, IIl. Joseph Bergin, Chicago Heights, [1]. Thos. P. Callahan, Glenwood, Ill. ~ District 2—That part of Sections 16 and 20 beginning on north boundary line of Section 16 and C. & E. I. R. R., south on C. & E. I. R. R. to Tenth street, west on center line of Tenth street to center line of Vincennes avenue, south on center line of Vincennes avenue to Sixteenth street; west on center line of Sixteenth street to center line of Oak street, south on center line of Oak street to M. C. R. R., west to town line, also Sections 17, 18, 19, Range 14. Polling place, 17 Illinois street, Road, Chicago Heights. Judges— Herman Dionne, 1607 Aberdeen street, cago Heights. D. D. Pierson, 1420 Edgewood avenue, Chi- cago Heights. Montague Turner, 120 W. 16th street, Chi- cago Heights. District 3—Beginning at intersection of M. C. R. R. and C. & E. I. R. R. north on west side of C. & E. I. R. R. to Tenth street, west on Tenth street to Vincennes avenue (extended), south on center line of Vincennes avenue to Sixteenth street, west on center line of Six- teenth street to M. C. R. R., east to C. & E. itt Chicago Chi- é Polling place, City Hall Corridor, Chicago Heights, Ill. Judges— ye W. G. Stowell, 1613 Oak street, Chicago Heights. Wm. Sieberg, Park avenue, Chicago Heights. J. V. Murphy, 1120: Emerald avenue, Chi- cago Heights. District 4—All of Sections 29 and 30, Range 14. Polling place, Engine House No. 1, Chicago Heights, II. Judges— A. J. J. Miller, 21st and Euclid avenue, Chi- cago Heights. R. P. Wallace, Heights. Wm. Bonath, Main street and West End avenue, Chicago Heights. District 5—That part of Sections 16 and 21 lying east of Chicago Terminal Trans. R. R. and Eastern Ill. R. R., also Sections 22, 23 and except the east 80 rods of Section 24, Range 14. Polling place, Engine House No. 2, Chicago Heights, III. 77 Main street, Chicago Judges— Robt. Johnson 1238 5th avenue, Chicago Heights. Thos. Alexander, 1524 State St., Chicago Heights. J. K. Herrell, 1231 Wentworth avenue, Chi- cago Heights. District 6—All of Sections 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36, Range 14. Polling place, Village Hall, Steger, III. Judges— J. E. King, Steger, Ill. Anton Wolf, Steger, II1. Jas. Lake, Steger, II]. District 7—All of Sections 5, 6, 7 and W. % 8, Range 14. Polling place, Gottschalk’s Hall, Homewood. Judges— Emil Stelter, Homewood, IIl. EK. G. Clark, Martin street, Homewood, III. Wm. Butlag, Homewood, III. District 8—All of fractional Township 35, Range 15, and east 80 rods of Section 1, 12, 13 and 24, Township 35, Range 14. Polling place, School House, Lansing. Judges— Barnard Teutemacher, Dyer, Ind. Chas. Becker, Chicago Heights, III. Otto F. Kalvelage, Chicago Heights, III. District 9—All of Section 28. Polling place, 176 22nd _= street, Heights. Judges— John May, Heights. Louis Ursittie, Heights. Peter Marnell, 244 E. Heights, District 10—Commencing at intersection of CrTot Ro R:-aned MM, CoRR. northvon/C. tT. T. R. R. to intersection of C. & E. I. R. R., south on line of C. & E. I. R. R. to M. C. R. R., east to OM bad Bot Sr ow District ase, Chicago 224 22nd_ street, Chicago 178 22nd street, Chicago 22nd street, Chicago Lo Polling place, 1502 Center avenue, Chicage : Heights, ill. Judges— Thos. Hall, Chicago Heights. Chas. Reinwold, 1484 Lowe avenue, Chicago Heights, Ill. Rolla Malkire, 1415 Wallace street, Chicago — Heights, Ill. BREMEN. Place for holding town meeting, 2d Election District, Village Hall, Tinley Park. District 1—Comprising Sections 3, 10, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35 and 36. Polling place, Tehsels corner, Wm. Stehl, Tin-— ley Park, Ill. Judges— John Koehler, Tinley Park, I11. H. F. Vallmar, Mattison, I11. Wm. Kollmann, Tinley Park, Ill. District 2—All of Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33, in Township 36, Range 13. Polling place, Tinley Park Village Hall. Judges— Wm. Moak, Tinley Park, 111. . Samuel L. Fulton, Tinley Park, Il. Aug. Siekman, Tinley Parkila es District 3—Comprising Sections 1 2, 4 and 13. Polling place, Village Hall, 144th and Camp- bell avenues, Posen, III. Judges— Frank Mech, Blue Island, Ill., R. F. D. 2. Otto Putz, Blue Island, Ill, R. F. D. 2. S. Kaja, Blue Island, Ill. TOWN OF CALUMET. Places for holding town meeting, 2d Election District, V. B. Schreiber’s Store, Blue Island, T1l. District 1—That part of Sections 30 and 31, bounded as follows: Commencing at the south line of the city liimts of Blue Island, thence running north on west side of Wabash street to Vermont street, thence following the west side of the C. R. I. & P. Ry., dummy line to 123d street, thence west to Western avenue, thence south to place of beginning. Polling place, Engine House, Blue Island, II]. High street, Judges— Aug Kern, 417 Grove street, Blue Island, Ill. V. B. Schreiber, 263 Chicago street, Blue Island, I[1l. Ed Cline, Blue Island, I[lll. District 2—That part of Section 31 lying east cf Wabash street and east of the C. R. Il. & P. Ry. dummy line to 127th street, and all of Sec- tion 32 outside of the Village of Riverdale ex- cept that part of Sections 31 and 32, lying east of Lincoln street and north of 128th street or Orange street. . Polling place, Fire Engine House, HE. High street, Blue Island, III. Judges— Wm. Ferguson, 356 Grove street, Blue Is- land, Il. Thos. Becker, Jr., Vermont street, Blue Is- land, Ill. James Hickey, 612 York , street, Blue Is- land, Ill. ‘ ‘ » , ) LL“ \ Us fear (x \ . Ney _ District 3—South half of Section 17 and part of the south half of Section 18 lying east of the -east line of the C. R. I. & P. Ry. dummy line. - Polling place, Cecil Boulton’s Store, 11121 Commercial avenue, Morgan Park. Judges— Frank Ketcham, 11025 Church street, Mor- gan Park, II. gan Park, Ill. George D. Robinson, Morgan Park, III. District 4—Village of Riverdale. Polling place, Village Hall, Riverdale, Ill. Judges— ' A. Baumgartner, 13733 Wabash avenue, Riverdale, Ill. Otto Reich, Riverdale, Ill. Peter Kipley, Riverdale, III. District 5—South half of Section 19 and all of Section 30 except that part lying between 123d and 127th street west of the C. R. I. & P. Ry. dummy line, and the south half of Section 29 and that part of Sections 31 and 32 bounded by Lincoln street on the west, 128th or Orange street on the south and Halsted street on the west. Polling place, 612 Burr’ Oak avenue, Blue Island, Il. _ Judges— Antone Weiland, Blue Island, II. Moses Kamennann, Blue Island, III. Thos. Becker, Blue Island, Ill. District 6—That part of the north half of | Section 19 lying east of the east line of the C. R. I. & P. Ry. dummy line, and that part of the north half of Section 20 lying west of Peoria street. Polling place, A. M. Anderson, 2045 Morgan avenue, Morgan Park, III. Judges— Geo. A. Ketcham, 11212 Vincennes Road, Morgan Park, III. W. T. Berry, Morgan Park, IIl. Rubin H. Terrill, 11460 Church street, Mor- gan Park, IIl. District 7—That part of the south half of Section 18 lying west of the east line of the C. R. I. & P. Ry. dummy line. Polling place, C. R. I. & P. Depot, Commercial avenue, Morgan Park. Judges— Clarence Holman, Morgan Park, Ill. Thomas C. Murphy, 2267 W. 107th street, > Morgan Park, III. Joseph B. Novotny, 10751 Congress avenue, Morgan Park, II. District 8—That part of the north half of | Section 19 lying west of the east line of the C. R. I. & P. Ry. dummy line. Polling place, 2017 Morgan avenue, Morgan Park, Ill. Judges— O. M. Morton, 317 E. 115th street, Morgan mark, Fi>. .< G. W. Anderson, Morgan Park, Il. R. B. Stephenson, 2332 Berkley avenue, Morgan Park, Ill. ELK GROVE. Place for holding town meetings, 1st Election District, Town Hall, Postoffice, Arlington Heights, Ill. | | 3 District 1—West 1% of Section 4. All of 5, 6, 7 and 8. South % of 9. West % of 15. All of 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, except the N. E. 4 of the N. E. 4 of 22, 8S. W. 4% of S. W. % of 23, W. % and S. E. \%, except the BE. % of the E. % of the S. E. % of 26. All of 27, 28, 29, 30, 81, 32, 33, 34 and 35, except that part North of Hig- | gins Road 36, except the N. E. 4 of the N. E. 4. Herman C. Schau, 10831 Walnut street, Mor- | Polling place, Town Hall, Arlington Heights, iy Judges— Elmer Sigwald, Arlington Heights. J. F. Everding, Arlington Heights, R. F. D. H. W. Busse, Mount Prospect, Ill. District 2—All of the town not included in District 1. Polling place, William Nille’s house, Mt. | Prospect, Ill. Judges— John P. Moehling, Mt. Prospect, Ill. Henry Holste, DesPlaines, Ill.; R. F. D. Herman Schwake, Arlington Heights, Ill. TOWN OF EVANSTON. District 1—Bounded as follows: On the north by Crane street, on thé east by Florence avenue, on the south by the Chicago city limits | and on the west by McDaniel avenue. Polling place, at Mike Reding’s greenhouse, on Washington street, between Dewey and | Florence avenues. Judges— Anton Schwind, 1602 Main street, Evans- ton, Ill. : Michael Wiltgen, 502 Florence avenue, Ev- anston, Ill. Harry S. Gilbert, 2116 Lunt avenue, Chi- cago, Ill. HANOVER. District 1—To comprise all of Sections 1, 2, 3, LOe) 14d ci Teh 1B eSB OS ee De Sher 27: 28, the east half of 32, all of 33, 34, 35 and 36. Polling place, Town Hall, Bartlett, Ill. Judges— H. L. Ollendorph, Bartlett, III. A. C. Schick, Bartlett, I11. M. D. O’Brien, Bartlett, Ill. District 2—To include all territory not in- cluded in District 1. Polling place, Soper’s house, street, Elgin, R. F. D. Judges— A. Markhoff, Elgin, Ill., R. F. D. 4. A. N. Soper, 610 Wright street, Elgin, Ill. Ed. Langhoist, Bartlett, Il. 610 Wright LEMONT. Place for holding town meeting, Ist Election District, Otzenberger’s Hall, Lemont. District 1—That part of the Town of Lemont lying east of the following street: Stephen street from town line south to Illinois, Illinois to Lemont, Lemont to Division, Division to State, and south on State to County line. Polling place, Otzenberger’s Hall, Lemont, [1]. Judges— Nicholas Welter, Lemont, III. James Heneberry, Lemont, I1l. Max Buckewitz, Lemont, Ill. District 2—That part of the Town of Lemont lying east of the following streets: Steghen street from town line south to Illinois, Illinois to Lemont, Lemont to Division. Division to State, thence south on State to County line and west of section lines Nos. 21, 28 and 33. Polling place, City Hall. Judges— Axel Anderson, Lemont, III. Chas. Freehauf, Lemont, II. Wm. Cofferty, Lemont, Ill. District 3—Bounded on the north and south by town line, on the west by section line run- ning north and south between Sections 20 and 21, and 29 and 28, 32 and 33, and on the east by section line running between Sections 15 and 14, 22 and 23, 27 and 26, 34 and 35. Polling place, Bodenschatz building, Lemont, Ill. Judges— Timothy Reidy, Lemont, Ill. Edward Walker, Jr., Lemont, III. Oliver Lindgren, Lemont, Ill. District 4—Bounded on the north and south by town line, on the east by town line, on the west by section line running north and south between Sections 15 and 14, 22 and 23, 27 and 26, 34 and 35. Polling place, Tim Carroll’s house, Lemont, ll. Judges— Geo. Husch, Lemont, III. Peter Simmer, Lemont, Ill. Gustave A. Strand, Lemont, IIl. TOWN OF LEYDEN. Place for holding town meeting, 1st Election District, A. H. Kolze’s house, Norwood Pk., IIL, ReGHY DANO: District 1—The northeast quarter of Section 21 and all of the town east of the half section lines of Sections 4, 9 and 16, and north half of Sections 22, 23 and 24. Polling place, H. A. Kolze’s house, R. F. D. No. 1, Norwood Park. Judges— W. F. C. Mueller, Kolze, I11. Frederic Joss, Bensenville, Ill., R. F. D. S. A. Meglade, Norwood Park, III. District 2—All of the south half of Section 22 lying east of the Desplaines river, all of the south half of Sections 23 and 24, all of Sections 25 and 26, that part of Section 27 lying east of the Wisconsin Central R. R. and east of the Village of Franklin Park, that part of Sections 34 and 385 lying east of the Wisconsin Central R. R. and all of Section 36. Polling place, Wm. J. Burger’s store, River Grove, Ill. Judges— John Trumbell, River Grove, Ill. Oscar J. Streetz, River Grove, Ill. Julius Wischnia, River Grove, Ill. District 3—All west of the half section lines of Sections 4, 9, 16, 21, 28 and 33. Te aaeeat place, Fritz Pfundt’s house, Manheim, Judges— Wm. B. McAuliff, Franklin Park, Ill. LS Bozenberg, Manheim, II]. Fritz Pfundt, Manheim, Ill. District 4—The southeast quarter of Section 21, that part of the south one-half of Section 22 west of the Desplaines river, that part of ~ Section 27 lying west of the Desplaines river and west of Elm street and west of the Wiscon- sin Central R. R., the east half of Sections 28 and 33 and that part of Sections 34 and 35 west of the Wisconsin Central R. R. Polling place, Village Hall, Franklin Park, Ill. ¢ Judges— M. H. McCarthy, Franklin Park, III. Leonard Girbes, Franklin Park, Ill. W. F. Hart, Franklin Park, Ill. LYONS. Place for holding town meeting, Town Hall, La Grange, III. District 1—Commencing at intersection of Ashland and Brewster avenues, then east on Brewster avenue to Fifth avenue, thence south on Fifth avenue to south line of Section 9, then west to Ashland avenue, then north on Ashland avenue to place of beginning. Polling place, J. Hartrop’s store, 10 Burling- ton avenue, La Grange, III. Judges— Andrew A. Bulot, La Grange, Ill. H. P. Burkholtz, 301 So. Ashland avenue, La Grange, IIl. E. A. Sammons, La Grange, III. District 2—All of Sections 1 and 2 and that part of Sections 11, 12 and 14 in Range 12, lying west of Desplaines river. Polling place, Village Hall, Lyons. Judges— Geo. Nehr, Jr., Lyons, Ill. W. L. Smith, Lyons, Il. Jacob Bittig, Lyons, Il. District 3—That part of Sections 11 and 12 lying east of the Desplaines river, that part of Section 13 north of the Terminal R. R., and part of 14 east of the Desplaines river and north of the Terminal R. R. Polling place, Village Hall, Summit, Ill. Judges— . James Wren, Summit, [Il. John J. Marshall, Summit, IIl. D. F. Hayes, Summit, Ill. District 4—All of Sections 25, 26, 27 and ex- cept the northeast quarter of 28 lying west of the Desplaines river, all of 29, 30, 31, 32, 38, 24, 35 and 36, Township 38, Range 12, and that part of Sections 5 and 6 lying west of the Desplaines river in Township 37, Range 12. Polling place, Abbitt’s Hall, Willow Springs, 1. Judges— H. B. Koller, Willow Springs, Ill. H. Karch, Willow Springs, Ill Otto Conrad, Willow Springs, Ill. District 5—The west half of Sections 5, 8, 17 and 20 and all of Sections 6, 7, 18 and 19. Polling place, Village Hall, Western Springs, Tk Judges— G. W. Hoag, Western Springs, Ill. H. Parrish, Western Springs, IIl. H. J. Keil, Western Springs, III. District 6—Commencing at the north town line and Kensington avenue, thence south along the center line of Kensington avenue extended to its intersection of the south line of Section 9, thence west to the southeast corner of Sec- tion 8, thence south along east line of Sections 17 and 20 to south line of Section 20, thence ww) west along the south line of Section 20 to cen- ter line of said Section 20, thence north along the center line of Sections 20, 17, 8 and 5 to the town line, thence east to point of beginning. Polling place, F. F. Schwenck’ 85: 727 Hill- grove avenue, La Grange, IIl. Judges— F. A. Stevens, La Grange, Ill. Geo. Pratt, 222 So. Spring avenue, La Grange, Ill. F. F. Schwenck, La Grange, Ill. District 7—That part of Section 4 lying east of the Hammond R. R. and all of Sections 3 and 10. Polling place, Opera House panels Congress Park, Ill. Judges— M. J. Galivan, Grange, Ill. Thomas Alway, Congress Park, IIl. P. W. Nelson, Congress Park, Ill. District 8—That part of Section 4 lying west of the Hammond R. R. and the east half of Section 9. : Polling place, 9 S. Fifth avenue, La Grange, Til. . Judges— ‘Jos. H. Henninger, La Grange, III. John A. Bryden, La Grange, II]. C. M. Pfeiffer, La Grange, Ill. | District 9—That part of Section 13 south of the Terminal R. R., that part of Section 14 east of the Desplaines river and south of the Ter- minal R. R., and all of Sections 23 and 24. Polling place, J. W. McBrien’s Barber Shop, 63d street, Argo, III. Judges— Geo. Binzen, Argo, Ill. F. M. Heller, Argo, Ill. J. W. McBrien, Argo, Ill. (63rd street). District 10—All] of Sections 15, 16, 21 and 22 and the northwest quarter of Section 28 lying west of the Desplaines river, 100 Hoyse avenue, La Polling place, Village Hall, Hodgkins, La Grange, IIl. Judges— J. S. Thatcher, La Grange, Ill., R. F. D. No. 2. F, J. Mahoney, La Grange, Ill., R. F. D. 'No. 2. Lew Reinhardt, LaGrange, Ill., R. F. D. No. 2. LYONS. District 11—Starting at intersection of Brewster avenue and Kensington avenue, run- ning easterly to Ashland avenue, thence south on Ashland avenue to south line of Section 9, thence west to Kensington avenue, thence North on Kensington avenue to place of be- ginning. Polling place, W E. Kick, Garage, Burlington avenue, La Grange. Ill. Judges— Joseph D. Murphy. M. S. Wright. T. J. Christopher. MAINE. Place for holding town meetings, Ist Election. District, Village Hall, Desplaines. -District—1—Commencing at the center line of Chicago and Northwestern Railroad right of way at the intersection of Elk Grove and Maine Townships following the center line of Chicago and Northwestern Railroad right of way south- easterly to the center line of Pearson street in the Village of Des Plaines, thence southwest- erly on center line of Pearson street to center line of Thacker street thence west on center line of Thacker street to center line of May street thence south on center line of May street to center line of Oakwood avenue thence east on center line of Oakwood avenue to cen- ter line of Cora street thence south on center line of Cora street to South Boundary line of Village of Des Plaines and continuing directly south on same line to south line of Section 20 and thence west along south line of sections 20 and 19 to west line of section 19 thence north along west line of Section 19 to point of beginning Polling place, Village Hall, Desplaines. Judges— — John P. Koehler, Desplaines, Il. Adam H. Imig, Desplaines, Ill. Frederick Walton, Desplaines, II. District 2—All of Section 34 and that part lying south of C. & N. W. Ry. of the south half of Section 22, and of Sections 26, 27, 35 and west half of west half of Section 36. Polling place, Camenish’s store, Park Ridge, Ill. Judges— Wm. Camenish, Park Ridge, Ill. Samuel D. Cummings, Park Ridge, III. Fred Johnson, Park Ridge, I11. District 83—All of Sections 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 -and 33. Polling place, Village Hall, River View, III. Judges— John Goede, Riverview, Ill. A. F. Carlson, Riverview, Il. Adolph Carlson, Desplaines, IIl. District 4—All of Sections 1, 14 and 23 and the east half of Sections 10 and 15 and the northeast quarter of Section 22. ’ Polling place, School House No. 63, Des- plaines,' Ill. Judges— John Jachs, Desplaines, Ill:, R. F. D. No. 2. George Steil, Desplaines, Ill., R. F. D. No. 2. Henry Stolten, Desplaines, Ill, R. F. D. No. 2: District 5—Commencing at the center line of Chicago and Northwestern Railroad at inter- section of Elk Grove and Maine Townships thence southeasterly on center line of Chicago and Northwestern Railroad right of way to center line of Pearson street in the Village of Des Plaines thence northeasterly on center line of Pearson street to Section line be- tween Sections 17 and 16 thence north on said section line to section line between sections 8 and 9 at the intersection of Wheel- ing and Maine Townships thence west along north line of sections 8 and 7 to west line of section 7 thence south to point of begin- ning. District 5—Polling place, E. D. Scott’s R. E. Office, Desplaines, I11. Judges— Fred H. Reiber, Desplaines, T1l. Wm. R. Hayes, Desplaines, I11. Robt. Duthie; Desplaines, Ill. District 6—Sections 12, 13 and 24. Polling place, house of Wm. Geweke, Des- plaines, Il. Judges— Henry Kloepfer, F. D. No. 2. Henry Schunaman, Norwood Park. F. Wilke, Desplaines, Ill., R. F. D. No. Nor- wood Park. District 7—The west half of the west half of Section 25, and all that part north of C. & N. W. Ry. of the south half of Section 22, Sections 26, 27 35 and the west half of the west half of Section 36, lying north of the C. & N. W. Ry. Polling place, C. N. W. R. R. Baggage Room, Park Ridge, Il. Judges— Chas. Thorp, Park Ridge, IIl. Paul H. Bolton, Park Ridge, Ill. Arthur Kemp, Park Ridge, III. District—8—Commencing at the North point of the intersection Sections 8 and 9 thence south on the section line between séctions 8 and 9 continuing thence south on the section lines Between sections 16 and 17 to center line of Pearson street in the Village of Des Plaines, thence southwesterly on center line of Pearson street to center line of Thacker street thence west on center line of Thacker street to center line of May street thence south on center line of May street to center line of Oakwood avenue thence east on center line of Oakwood avenue to center line of Cora street thence south on center line of Cora street to South Boundary line of Village of Des Plaines and continuing directly south on same line to south line of Section 20 thence east on the south section line of sections 20 and 21 to east line of said sec- tion 21, thence north on east line of said sec- tion 21, one-half mile thence east along south line of northwest quarter of Section 22 one-half mile thence north along east line of northwest one-quarter of section 22, directly north to the north line of section 10 thence west along north line of sections 10 and 9 to point of beginning. Polling place, Betts and Lauer, Real Estate Office. Judges— Charles Blewitt, Jr. Ransom Kennicott, Charles Stewart, NEW TRIER. Place for holding town meeting 2d Election District, Pranty Hall, Winnetka, III. First Election District—Starting at Intersec- tion of Sheridan Road W. Border Lake Michi- gan running southeasterly to center line of Park avenue along center line of park to Ver- non avenue thence south on Vernon avenue to center line of Hazel avenue, thence to center line of South avenue, thence west to New Trier Township line, thence north to center line of Sheridan Road, thence east to point of begin- ning. Polling place, Glencoe Union Church, north side Park avenue between Green Bay Road and Greenleaf avenue. Judges— Jacob J. Beck, Glencoe, II]. Ralph Pate, Glencoe, Ill. Jos. E. Dinnis, Glencoe, Ill. . Norwood Park, IIl., R. Second Election District—All that part of the Village of Winnetka lying north of the center line of Elm street. Polling place, Walkey’s Tin Shop, 548 Rail- road avenue, Winnetka. Judges— Biwi McGiven, 365 Pine street, ‘Winnetka, Ill. Geo. B. Walkey, 564- Provident avenue, Winnetka, Ill. _ Albert Buscher, Winnetka, II. Third Election District—Section 19 and all that part of the Village of Winnetka lying south of the center line of Elm street (except that part of said village lying in the northeast quar- ter of Section 28). Polling place, Albram’s Store, Winnetka, III. Judges— Arthur M. Kloepfer, Winnetka, Ill., Box — 382. T. G. Windes, Jr., 244 Forest avenue, Win- netka, Ill. Sherman Orwig, Winnetka, Ill. Fourth Hlection District—The north half of fractional Section 27, the northeast quarter of Section 28, and the north 15 acres of the east’ half of the southeast quarter of Section 28. Polling place, John Colbert’s store, Winnetka, Ill. Judges— Matt Robinson, Kenilworth, Il. A. S. McKenna, Kenilworth, Ill. Wm. Mahoney, Kenilworth, Il. Fifth Election District—That portion of the Village of Wilmette lying east of the C. & N. W. Ry., and north of a line running from said railway east along the center line of Central avenue to the center of Highth street, thence north along the center of Eighth street to the center of Washington avenue, thence east and easterly along the center line of Washer: avenue to Lake Michigan. Polling place, Quinlan & Tyson Real Estate office, Wilmette avenue, Wilmette, III. Judges— Wm. N. Waidner, 1046 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette, Il. Al K. Petrie, Wilmette, II]. John W. Iliff, 1126 Greenwood avenue, Wil- mette, Ill. Sixth Election District—That portion of the Village of Wilmette lying east of the C. & N. W. Ry., and south of a line running from said rail- - way east along the center line of Central ave- nue to the center of Kighth street, thence north along the center line of Eighth street to the center of Washington avenue, thence east and easterly along the center line of Washingrads avenue to Lake Michigan. Polling place, Village Hall, Wilmette, Tl. Judges— John A. Rippell, Wilmette, I11. ree 700 Linden avenue, NU W. E. Hess, 1109 Greenleaf, Wilmette, Til. Seventh Election District—All that portion of the Village of Wilmette lying west of Le C. & N. W. Ry. Polling place, Library Hall, N. E. Cor. West and Central avenues, Wilmette, TU we \ t . s — 4 Judges— C. W. Hilton, Wilmette, Il Henry K. Schroeder, Wilmette, III. Byron B. Smith, 1804 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, III. Highth Election District—The west half of Sections 28 and 33 and all of Sections 29, 30, 31 and 32. - Polling place, Village Hall, Grosse Point, Il. Judges— John A. Meier, Grosse Point, Ill. Otto Falk, Grosse Point, III. Paul Nanzig, Grosse Point, II]. Ninth Election District—Commencing at the Intersection of western boundary line of Lake Michigan and Park avenue west along center line of Park avenue to center line of Vernon avenue south on Vernon avenue to center line of Hazel avenue, southwesterly along center line of Hazel avenue to center line of South avenue west along center line of South avenue to New ‘Trier Township line, thence south along New Trier Township line of Edison avenue, thence east along center line of Edison avenue to the Glencoe Village line, thence north along Glencoe Village line to the western bound- ary line of Lake Michigan, thence along the western boundary line of Lake Michigan to Park avenue. | Polling place, Village Hall, Hast side Vernon avenue between Park and Hazel avenues, Glen- coe, Ill. Judges— Marshall T. Lane. Henry Taylor. Thos. Schram. NILES. Place for holding town meetings, Ist Election District, W. F. Ruesch’s house, Niles Center, Ill. District 1—Commencing on the south line of the Town of Niles on the east line of the Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, running thence east on said south town line to the southeast corner of said township, thence north to the northeast corner of Section 23, thence west to the east line of the Village of Morton Grove, thence south two hundred and forty rods, thence west to said railway, thence along the east line of said railway to place of be- ‘ginning. — > ~ Polling place, Herman Moeller’s shop, Niles Center, [1l. Judges— Herman Dahling, Niles Center, Ill., R. F, D. No. 2. Geo. H. Klehm, Niles Center, Ill. Henry Hianz, Niles Center, III. District 2—Commencing on the northwest corner of the south half of Section 19, thence running east two hundred and forty rods, thence south eighty rods, thence east to the west line of C., M. & St. P. Ry., thence including all the territory south of the above described line and west of said railway. Polling place, Village Hall, Niles. Judges— Theo. Kolb, Norwood Park, III. H. C. Young, Norwood Park, Ill. James-Kozla, Norwood Park, I]. District 3—Commencing forty rods east of the northwest corner of Section 9, thence south to a point eighty rods north of the south line of Section 21, thence west 440 rods, thence north 80 rods, thence west to the west town line of the township, thence north to the north- west corner of Niles, thence east to the place of beginning. Polling place, Village Hall, Morton Grove, III. Judges— Joseph Haupt, Morton Grove, II. D. Fielweber, Morton Grove, Ill. Henry Fink, Morton Grove, Il. District 4—All of Sections 9, 10, 11, 14, 15 and 16 not included in District No. 3. Polling place, Peter H. Hohs, Morton Grove, 1, Judges— M. M. Dahn, R. F. D. No. 2, Glenview, IH. Peter Kirscht, Morton Grove, III. John Kolmes, Glenview, Ill. NORTHFIELD, Place for holding town meetings, 2d Election District, Rugen’s store, Glenview, III. District 1—All of Sections 2, 3, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, west half of Section 12, north half of Sec- tions 22, 23 and 24. Polling place, Herman Lorenz Hall, Shermer- ville, Ill. Judges— Lee Lagese, Shermerville, II]. Gustave Olson, Shermerville, III. Peter Ballert, Shermerville, Ill. District 2—South half of Sections 22, 23 and 24, all of Sections 25, 26, 27, 34, 35 and 36. Polling place, Depot C., M. & St. P. R. R. Judges— Wm. Heingartner, Glenview, Ill. Wm. Landwehr, Shermerville, II]. Herman Rugen, Glenview, III. District 3—Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18. Polling place, John Ward’s house, Shermer- ville, Ill. Judges— ; John Ward Shermerville, Ill. Fred Betts, Glenview, III. Wm. Tatge, Glenview, IIl. District 4—All of Sections 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33. Polling place, Edw. Zentschel’s house, Glen- view, Ill. Judges— John Dearlove, Glenview, III. C. A. Butzow, Glenview, II]. Jacob J. Long, Glenview, III. NORWOOD PARK. Place for holding town meeting, 1st Election District, Smith School House, District No. 86. District 1—Southwest quarter of northeast quarter and west half of southeast quarter Sec- tion 1, Range 12, and east half of Sections 12 and 13, Range 12, all of Sections 7 and 18, and west half of Sections 8 and 17, Range 13. Polling place, Smith School House, Norwood Park, II1]., Dist. No. 1. Judges— John D McDonough, Norwood Park, IIl., Kee. DANG Robert Horton, Norwood Park, IIl.,. Dun- ning P. O. Herman Schuster, 14th and Montrose, Dun- ning, Ill. yy, District 2—East half of Sections 2, 11 and | Chicago avenue to East avenue, south on Hast 14, and west half of Sections 1, 12 and 138, Range 12. Polling place, Pennoyer’s School House, Dis- trict 29, Norwood Park, Ill Judges— Carl H. Bitter, Norwood Park, III. Wm. Weingert, Norwood Park, Ill. Wm. Tooky, Norwood Park, II. OAK PARK. District 1—Bounded by North avenue from the center line of 64th avenue to center line of Austin avenue, south along center line of Austin avenue to center line of Chicago avenue, west along center line of Chicago avenue to center line of Cuyler avenue, north along cen- ter line of Cuyler avenue to center line of Division street, west along center line of Di- vision street to center line of 64th avenue, north along center line of 64th avenue to place of beginning. Polling place, Johnson Bros. Real Estate of- fice, 6005 Chicago avenue, Oak Park. Judges— Oscar F. Johnson, 6005 Chicago avenue, Oak Park. Lymon O. Stanton, 583 Fair Oaks avenue, Oak Park. Ralph Crook, 535 N. Taylor avenue, Oak Park. District 2—Starting at intersection of East avenue and North avenue, running east to cen- ter line of 64th avenue, south on 64th avenue to center line of South Boulevard, west on South Boulevard to center line of East avenue, north on East avenue to place of beginning. Polling place, John Gunther’s house, 6321 Ecke street, Oak Park. Judges— John W. McKee, 161 N. Elmwood avenue, Oak Park. Geo. W. Jones, 509 No. Grove avenue, Oak Park. Wm. F. Mullin, 434 Hast avenue, Oak Park. District 3—Bounded by center lines of North avenue, Chicago avenue, East avenue and Har- lem avenue. Polling place, S. Peterson’s, 129 Chicago ave- nue, Oak Park, II. Judges— F. M. Reynolds, Oak Park, Ill. Geo. E. Case, 713 Marion street, Oak Park, HRB Fred R. Bagley, North Grove, Oak Park. District 4—Starting at intersection of Har- lem avenue and Chicago avenue, east on Chi- cago avenue to Forrest avenue, south on For- rest avenue to Lake street, west on Lake street to Park place, south on Park place to North avenue, west on North avenue to Harlem ave- nue, north to place of beginning. Polling place, M. M. McMahon’s shop, 217 Marion street, Oak Park. Judges— Harry Helmick, 303 Erie street, Oak Park. James Higgins, 449 Forrest avenue, Oak _ Park. Cless. O. Burras, Oak Park. District 5—From intersection of Forrest ave- 109 Wisconsin avenue, nue and Chicago avenue, east on center line of avenue to North avenue, west on North avenue to Park place, north on Park place to Lake street, East on Lake street to Forrest avenue, north on Forrest avenue to place of beginning. Polling place, Village Hall, Oak Park, Ill. Judges— Geo. Walker, 350 Forrest avenue, Oak Park. N. W. Nice, 120 N. Oak Park avenue, Oak Park. S. M. Randolph, 111 No. Kenilworth avenue. District 6—Starting at intersection of Cuyler and Chicago avenues, east on Chicago avenue to Austin avenue, south on Austin avenue to South Boulevard, west on South Boulevard to Cuyler avenue, North on Cuyler avenue to place of beginning. Polling place, Ridgeland Engine House. Judges— Thos. W. Russell, 163 N. Austin avenue, Oak Park. Jos. Bushmville, Park. James A. Willing, 317 So. Kenilworth ave- nue, Oak Park. District 7—Bounded by the center lines of Cuyler avenue, Madison street, Austin avenue and Chicago & North-Western R. R. tracks. Polling place, C. W. Hejda’s house, 136 S. Taylor avenue, Oak Park. 1311 Lake street, Oak Judges— M. F. Dougherty, 447 S. Austin avenue, Oak Park. C. W. Hejda, 1386 S. Taylor avenue, Oak Park. Wm. M. Kelso, 205 So. East avenue, Oak Park. District 8—Bounded by the center lines of Wesley avenue, Madison street, Cuyler avenue and C. & N. W. Ry. tracks. Polling place, 852 South Boulevard. Judges— Ralph Cleary, Park. Lenard F. Rehm, 1141 Wisconsin avenue, Oak Park. J. M. Poole, 1016 Wisconsin avenue, Oak ~ Park. District 9—Bounded by center lines of C. & N. W. Ry. tracks, Clinton avenue, Madison street and Wesley avenue. Polling. place, Military Club, South Boule- vard and Kenilworth avenue, Oak Park. Judges— Geo. W. McFadden, 208 Clinton avenue, \ 2201 Scovill avenue, Oak Oak Park. W. T. Payne, 1158 Kenilworth avenue, Oak — Park. Chas. Ambrouse, 604 Clinton avenue, Oak Park, v District 10—Bounded by center lines C. & N. W. R. R. tracks, Clinton avenue, Madison street and Harlem avenue. Polling place, Max Lasner’s house, 110 Wis- consin avenue, Oak Park. Judges— Ed. T. Bernard, 424 South Boulevard, Oak Park. Wm. Corbitt, 330 Pease Court, Oak Park, 0... F. Bradey, 2253 Harvey avenue, rat Park. ; District 11—Bounded by center lines of Mad- ison street, Harlem avenue, 12th street and Clinton avenue. Polling place, Gunderson’s Real Estate of- fice, Harrison-Home avenue, Oak Park. Judges— J. J. Kelley, 1189 Home avenue, Oak Park. C. R. Shabino, 1142 Wenonah avenue, Oak Park. Roy L. Peck, 324 No. Cuyler avenue, Oak Park. District 12—Center lines of Clinton avenue and Madison street, east on Madison street to Oak Park avenue, south on Oak Park avenue to 12th street, west on 12th street to Clinton ave- nue, North on Clinton avenue to Madison street. Polling place, Chas. Moratz’ barber shop, 6806, Harrison street, Oak Park. Judges— F. A. Barr, 724 S. Seovill avenue, Oak Park. Alfred F. Tompkins, 814 Clinton avenue, Oak Park. M. McGrath, 1023 Taylor Avenue, Oak Park. District 13—Bounded by center lines of Oak Park avenue and Madison street, East avenue and 12th street. _ Polling place, H. A. Cotton’s Real Estate of- fice, Harrison street and Oak Park avenue, Oak Park. Judges-— J. Mahon, 640 Wesley avenue, Oak Park. C. P. Barrett, 700 Clarence avenue, Oak Park. James Hiekman, 800 So. Humphrey avenue, Oak Park. District 14—Bounded by center lines of Madison street, East avenue, 12th street and Elmwood avenue. Polling place, Gunderson’s Real Estate of- fice, Harrison and Elmwood avenues, Oak Park. Judges— T. F. O’Brien, Scoville avenue and Van Buren street, Oak Park. Geo. S. McNeil, 603 S. Scoville avenue, Oak Park. District 15—Bounded by center lines of Mad- ison street, Elmwood avenue, 12th street and Lombard avenue. Polling place, John Neff’s barber shop, Har- Tison and Ridgeland avenues, Oak Park. Judges— Thos. F. O’Brien, 830 Harvey avenue, Oak Park. Jos. P. Quigley, 729 Highland avenue, Oak ~ Park, District 16—Bounded by center lines of Mad- ison street, Lombard avenue, 12th street and Austin avenue. Polling place, Barber Shop at 904 Lombard avenue, Oak Park. Judges— Harry Baird, 738 S. Lombard avenue, Oak Park. Arthur J. McCabe, 532 Lyman avenue, Oak Park. ORLAND. Place for holding town meetings, 1st Election District, Village Hall, Orland, III. ' District 1—All of Sections 1 to 18 inclusive. - Polling place, Village Hall. Judges— Martin Smith, Orland, Ill. John Humphrey, Orland, III. Thos. Homerding, Orland, Ill. District 2—All of Sections 19 to 36 inclusive. Polling place, School House, District No. 139, Tinley Park, Ill]. Judges— Geo. Barenz, Tinley Park, III. Wm. C. Holstein, Tinley Park, II]. Chas. Kennil, Tinley Park, Il. PALATINE, Place for holding town meetings, 2d Election District, Village Hall, Palatine, Il. District 1—All of Sections 1 to 13 inclusive, and all of Section 14 lying north of Slade street in the village of Palatine, and east of the vil- lage line, all of Section 15 lying north of Slade street in the Village of Palatine and west of the village line, and all of Sections 16, 17 and 18. Polling place, Hunnerberg’s Hall, Palatine, Tll. Judges— F.. A. Keys, Palatine, Ill. A. R. Bradley, Palatine, I11 A. S. Olmes, Palatine, II. District 2—Sections 19, 20 and 21, and that part of Sections 14 and 15 lying south of Slade street, in the Village of Palatine; all of Sec- tions 22 to 36 inclusive. Polling place, Danielson’s store, Palatine, Il. Judges— Henry Davermann, Palatine, III. J. G. Horstman, Palatine, Il. Wm. H. Schlowman, Palatine, II. PALOS, District 1—That part of the town lying north of the Calumet feeder. Polling place,Webber’s Grove, Willow Springs, Ill. Judges— Daniel McMahon, Worth, Ill. H. Clausen, Worth, III. W. Lotts, Willow Springs, III. District 2—That. part of the town lying south of the Calumet feeder. Polling place, Geo. Gray’s Store, Palos Park, Ill. Judges— Wm. Newman, Worth, Ill. John McCord, Palos Park, IIl. Wm. Gleason, Worth, II. PROVISO. Place of holding town meetings, ist Election District, Village Hall, Maywood, Ill. District 1—That part of Section 11 lying south of the St. Charles Road and south of the St. Charles Road if extended lying west of the river. Polling place, Village Hall, Maywood, III. Judges— A. E. Rowland, -Maywood, III. Joseph Stuckel, Maywood, III. Edward Appelton, Maywood, IIl. District 2—Commencing at the intersection of the right of way of the C. & N. W. Ry. and Harlem avenue, thence west along said right of way to the intersection of Lathrop avenue, . thence south along the center line of Lathrop avenue to a point intersecting the center line of Washington street, if extended, thence east to the intersection of Washington street and Desplaines avenue, thence east along the center line of Washington street to the center line of Circle avenue, thence east to the intersection of Washington street and Marengo avenue, thence east along the center line of Washington street to Harlem avenue, thence north along Harlem avenue to the place of beginning. Polling place, Village Hall, Forest Park, III. Judges— Albert C. Samuels, 103 Desplaltes avenue, Forest Park, Ill. Wm. F. Gloss, "7230 Franklin Sire Forest Park, Ill. Albert Wilcox, Park, }i1: District 8—Commencing at Madison street . and the Desplaines river, thence east along the center line of Madison street to Lathrop avenue, thence north along the center line of Lathrop avenue to a point intersecting the center line of Washington street, if extended, thence east to the intersection of Washington street and Des- plaines avenue, thence east along the center line of Washington street to a point intersect- ing Burkhart court, if extended, thence south along the center line of Burkhart court to Madison street, thence east on Madison street to Hannah avenue, thence south along the cen- ter line of Hannah avenue to the C. & G. W. R. R., thence west along said right of way to the Desplaines river, thence north along said river to the place of beginning. Polling place, H. H. Holm, street, Forest Park, Ill. Judges— Samuel D. McIntyre, 505 Bloit street, For- est Park, II]. Wm. Clamer, 435 Ferdinand avenue, For- est Park, Ill. Aug Bethke, 319 Desplaines avenue, For- est Park, II. District 4—South half of Section 7, south half of Section 8, south half of Section 16 and all of 17, 18, .19;-20, 21, 22, 29 and 30. Polling place, Village Hall, La Grange Park, Ill. Judges— John Wolf, Hillside, Ill. , Ford Pusheck, Hillsdale, III. Louis Boeger, Hillsdale, I11. District No. 5—Sections 27, 28, 31, 32 and 33. Polling place, Village Hall, La Grange Park, Il. Judges— John A. Dillon, La Grange Park, III. E. J. Farrell, La Grange Park, Ill. F. W. Allen, La Grange Park, III. District 6—All that part of the town lying east of Desplaines river and west of the center line of Ashland avenue, north of the center line of Madison street. Polling place, Town Hall, River Forest, Il. Judges— Raymon Shearborn, 169 Franklin avenue, River Forest, Il. L. E. Reardan, 296 No. Park avenue, River Forest, ALLS Sanford A. Chappell,, Thatcher and Lake streets. 28 Elgin avenue, Forest 7510 Madison District 7—That part of Sections 8 and 10 north of railroad and west of Seventeenth ave: nue. Polling place, Richter’s store, 144 Nineteenth avenue, Melrose Park, III. Judges— L. W. Richter, 144 Broadway avenue, Mel- rose Park, Ill. Peter E. Wolf, 118 No. 20th avenue, Mel- rose Park, Ill. W. C. Cameron, Melrose Park, Ill. District 8—All of Section 34. Polling place, Village Hall, Brookfield, Ul. Judges— Charles Koenig, Brookfield, Ill. S. E. Curtis, Brookfield, I11. Frank Marcinkowski, Brookfield, II. District 9—That part of Section 10 lying south of C. & N. W. Ry. and west of alley be- tween 14th and 15th avenues and east of the village line of Bellwood. Polling place, Masonic Building, Nineteenth and St. Charles Road, Maywood, II1. Judges— K. W. Stone, 228 S. 16th avenue, Maywood, Ill. M. J. Burke, Maywood, Ill. John Case, 156 19th avenue, Maywood, III. District 10—All of the village of Bellwood and all of Sections 4, 5, 6, north half of Section 7 and north half of Section 8. Polling place, Village Hall, Eastern avenue and St. Charles Road, Bellwood, Ill. Judges— F. J, Collins, Bellwood, Ill. Chas. Richter, Bellwood, III. Neal F. Dougherty, Bellwood, III. District 11—Bounded by the center lines of West North avenue, Desplaines river, St. Charles avenue and Fifth avenue. Polling place, Jim Nolan’s store, 7 N. 5th avenue, Maywood, IIl. Judges— Samuel Cline, 313 N. 5th avenue, Maywood, Ill. L. T. McGinnis, 401 N. 4th avenue, May- wood, Ill. sf A McCoy, 209 So. 4th avenue, Maywood, ‘ ere 12—That part of Sections 3 and 10 east of Seventeenth avenue and north of the C. & N. W. Ry. Polling place, Christ Ramsier’s Store, Lake street and 15th avenue, Melrose Park, Ill. Judges— Nick Ritzman, 128 14th avenue, Men Park, Ill. Leon DeFranco, Melrose, Park, II. Geo. Matters, 814 N. 14th avenue, Melrose Park, Ill. District 183—That part of Section 14 lying west of the river, all of Section 15 lying outside of the Village of Bellwood. Polling place, 1308 S. 5th avenue, Maywood, Ill. Judges— W. H. Scott, 1613 So. 8th avenue, Maywood, Tll. C..G. Bitner, Maywood, III. Chas. Simons, So. 5th avenue, Maywood, Il. District 14—That part of Section 138. lying south of the right of way of the C., G. W. Ry., te) = that part of Section 14 lying south of said right of way of C., G. W. Ry. and east of the Des- plaines river, and all of Sections 23 and 24. Polling place, 7415 W. 12th street, Forest Park, Il. Judges— T. McCullough, 1316 Circle avenue, Forest Park, Ill. Hy Zahn, 1126 Thomas street, Forest Park, Til. John Hellekees, 933 Hannah street, Forest Park, Ill. District 15—That part commencing at the northeast corner of Harlem and Central ave- nues, running west to center line of Lathrop avenue, south to center line of Madison street, west to center line of Ashland avenue, north to the center line of North avenue, east to the cen- ter line of Harlem avenue, south to the center line of Central avenue. Polling place, Selbach’s store, 202 Lathrop avenue, River Forest, Ill. Judges— B. J. Hawkins, 171 Lake street, River For- pe eat, 111. W. C. Wohenhoff, River Forest, Il. A. J. Barrett, 339 Lathrop avenue, River Forest, Il. District 16—Commencing at the intersection of Harlem avenue and Washington street, thence west along the center line of Washing- ton street to the center line of Marengo avenue, thence west to the intersection of Washington street and Circle avenue, thence west along the center line of Washington street to a point in- tersecting the center line of Burkhardt court, if extended, thence south along the center line of Burkhardt court to Madison street, thence east along the center line of Madison street to Han- nah avenue, thence south along the center line -of Hannah avenue to the C. G. W. R. R., thence east along the right of way of said railroad to Harlem avenue, thence north along center line of Harlem avenue to place of beginning. Polling place, Gottlieb Schwab, 7218 Mad- ison street, Forest Park, Il]. Judges— Joseph T. Carney, 7302 Madison street, For- est Park, II. John T. Fietsch, 7346 Madison street, For- peewee ark,. Ill. Clyde C. Logan, 443 Meringo avenue, For- _ est: Park, Ill. District 17—That part of Section 10 lying south of the C. & N. W. Ry. and east of alley between 14th and 15th avenues. Polling place, 1104 St. Charles road; A. Schwartz, owner. Judges— E. Z. Wittenberg, 835 S. 12th avenue, May- wood, Ill. John Burdick, Maywood, III. N. M. Green, 200 S. 14th avenue, Maywood, Tl. District 18—Bounded by the center lines of West North avenue, Ninth avenue, St. Charles avenue and Fifth avenue. Polling place, Water Works, Maywood, III. Judges— _. Fred Precht, 412 N. 7th avenue, Maywood, Ill. Jake Frey, 6 N. 5th avenue, Maywood, III. 1i RICH. District 1. Polling place, Village Hall, Matteson, III. Judges— John Scheidt, Matteson, Ill. John Wint, Matteson, Il. M. C. Wehren, Matteson, Ill. RIDGEVILLE, (City of Evanston) First Ward. Ist Precinct in the Ist Ward—Polling place, City Hall. Judges— Jacob A. Klein, Evanston, Ill. Riley P. Martin, Evanston, III. Saumel Atmore, 520 Davis street, Evanston, Ill. 2d Precinct of the 1st Ward—Polling place, ees Selberg, 602 Dempster street, Evanston, Til. Judges— S. C. Wood, 1129 Chicago avenue, Evanston, Ill. J. J. Adams, Evanston, III. James T. Ray, Evanston, III. Second Ward. 1st Precinct of the 2d Ward—Polling place, C. H. Bell, 1642 Maple avenue, Evanston, Ill. Judges— J. Schaefer, 1673 Maple avenue, Evans- ton, Ill. Chas. Wightman, Evanston, IIl. A. Golitz, Evanston, IIl. 2d Precinct of the 2d Ward—Polling place, R. Berger’s store, 1812 Sherman avenue, Evans- ton, Ill. 1618 Sherman avenue, Judges— L. J. O'Connell, 1409 Wilder street, Evans- ton, Ill. Henry M. Walker, Evanston, [1]. F. C. Fischer, 1403 Wilder street, Evanston, Til. First Precinct—Third Ward. 1st Precinct of the 8d Ward—Polling place, 607 Main street, A. G. Palmer’s store. Judges— W. T. Sheffield, 634 Judson avenue, Evans- ton, Ill. Major R. C. Knaggs, Evanston, Ill. Chas. J. O’Rourke, 408 Rinn street, Evans- ton, Ill. Fourth Ward. ist Precinct of the 4th Ward, that part lying east of Ridge avenue—Polling place, 838 Custer avenue, Jed L. Jewel, owner, Evanston, Ill. Judges— Adolph Streift, 814 Madison street, Evans- ton, Ill. Irving Fischer, 721 Washington St., Evans- ton Ill. J. A. Shellburg, Evanston, Il. 2d Precinct of the 4th Ward, that part lying west of Ridge avenue—Polling place, 1302 Washington street, Evanston, III. Judges— B. F. Dupre, 1302 Washington street, Evanston, Ill. E. B. Mooney, Evanston, [1]. Cc. B. Coom, 1214 Main street, Evanston, Hi; > Fifth Ward. 1st Precinct of the 5th Ward—Polling placa, 1952 West Railroad avenue. Judges— Ed Kappelma, Evanston, Ill. Walter C. Sullivan, 1952 Railroad avenue, Evanston, III. Naton Nach, 1939 Jackson avenue, Evans- ton, Ill. 2d Precinct of the 5th Ward—Polling place, Club House Maison Park, Evanston, Ill. Judges— Henry J. Fuesel, Evanston, Ill. Robert J. Hobbs, Evanston, Ill. J. Gatrell, Evanston, II]. Sixth Ward. 1st Precinct of the 6th Ward—Polling place, 1916 Central street, Peabody Coal Co., owners. Judges— W. V. Rake, Evanston, IIl. Chas. H. Rose, 2410 Park place, ton, Il. Chas. E. Wallace, Evanston, III. 2d Precinct of the 6th Ward—Polling place, 2610 Ridge avenue, N. Haskamp, owner. Judges— Richard E. Lindsay, Evanston, I[11. N. Haskamp, 2610 Ridge avenue, Evans- ton, I[11. J. A. Hillstine, Evanston, IIl. Seventh Ward. ist Precinct of the 7th Ward—Polling place, Blake Sisters, 717 Church street. Judges— T. M. Flood, 521 University place, Evans- ton, Ill. ' Bernard, J. Brady, Evanston, Ill. J. J. Waldren, Evanston, III. 2d Precinct of the 7th Ward—Polling place, 2001 Maple avenue, Evanston, I11. 1400 Ashland avenue, Evans- 1125 Noyse avenue, 817 University place, Judges— Edw. O’Brien, 831 Emerson street, Evans- ton, III. William Daily, Evanston, I]. E. B. Shumway, Evanston, II]. District 1 RIVERSIDE. Polling place, Town Hall. _ Judges— Fred McClorey, Riverside, I]. L. M. Lies, Riverside, Ill. Frank Frederick, Riverside, I11. Polling place, Herman Fenz’s Hall, Roselle, Til. Judges— Albert Sporleder, Palatine, Ill. Fred Springinsgurth, Roselle, Ill. W. O. Wilkening, Palatine, IIl. STICKNEY. District 1—Al1 of Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33, Town- ship 38, Range 13, and that part of Section 33, Township 39, Range 18, formerly in the Town of Cicero and annexed to the Town Lyons. Polling place, 6314 56th avenue, Clearing, II]. Judges— Chas. Kluck, Clearing, IIl. ee SS : . - H. E. Parke, Clearing, Il. Timothy Mahoney, Clearing, III. THORNTON. Place for holding town meeting, 13th District, City Hall, Harvey, III. District 1—Sections 31 and 382, Tewnekin 36, Range 14. Polling place, Village Hall, Homewood, Ill. Judges— F. J. Egan, Homewood, III. Chas. Stave, Thornton, II]. R. B. Harwood, Homewood, III. Florence J. Egan, Homewood, IIl. District,2—Sections 26, 27, 28, 33, 34 and 35. Polling place, Village Hall, Thornton, Ill, Judges— Fred Wardin, Thornton, Ill. Jos. Sweet, Thornton, I]l. Fred Polkow, Thornton, IIl. District 3—The west half of Sections 19, 30. and 81, Township 36, Range 15, and Sections 24, 25 and 36, Township 36, Range 14. Polling place, Nufer’s Hall, Oak Glen, IIl.; owner, Chas. Nufer. Judges— Chas. Nufer, Oak Glen, IIl. Edward Zech, Oak Glen, Ill. Aug Bock, Oak Glen, II]. District 4—Sections 20, 29 and 32 and the east half of Sections 19, 30 and 31, Township 36, Range 15. Polling place, Village Hall, Lansing, [1]. Judges— John Braschlor, Lansing, II]. Charles H. Lange, Lansing, III. Fred Vierk, Jr., Lansing, III. District 5—Sections 17 and 18, Township 36, Range 15. Polling place, 220 155th street, “West Ham- mond, I1l.; owner, steps Cziechanski. Judzes— O. W. Plauer, West Hahiiagel Til. Jacob Czasyewiez, 319 State line, mond, [Il. Paul Kamradt, 301 155th street, Hammond State line, Hammond, II]. District 6—The south half of Sections 10, 11 and 12, also all of Sections 13, 14 and 15, Town- ship 36, Range 14. Polling place, Village Hall, South Holland, Ill. Judges— John Kinkuma, South Holland, Tl. Tys.A, Gouwans, South Holland, I11. William Gouwans, South Holland, Ill. District 7—All the south half of Section 9, that part of the north half of Section 9 lying south of the Little Calumet river and east of the Illinois Central R. R., and all of Section 16. Polling place, Village Hall, Harvey, Ill. ~ Judges— R. E. Pierson, Phoenix, Il. Walter Boeys, 15630 Halsted street, Fartay Ill. : Michael W. Geiman, 15334 Park avenue, Harvey, IIl. District 8—Section 20, east of the Illinois Central R. R., all of Sections 21, 22 and 23, Township 36, Range 14. Polling place, Tony De Graff’s home, corner 159th street and Chicago — road, South Hol- — land, Il. ‘ Ham- > a Judges— ' H. Debour, South Holland, Ill. Peter Slager, South Holland, Ill. Tony De Graff, South Holland, II. District 9—A1Il of Section 20, west of the Illi- nois Central R. R., all of Sections 19, 29 and 30, Township 36, Range 14. Polling place, Hazelcrest Hall, and Jodane avenue, Hazelcrest, II]. Judges— Gust J. Kramer, Hazelcrest, I]. Matt Schneider, Hazelcrest, Il. Peter Fleming, Hazelcrest, I]. District 10—Commencing at the intersection of the center line of 155th street and Ashland avenue, thence south on the center line of Ash- land avenue to the center line of 159th street, thence east along the center line of 159th street to the center line of Halsted street, thence north along the center line of Halsted street to the center line of 155th street, thence west along the center line of 155th street to place of beginning. ey upne place, Ist Ward Hose House, Harvey, ap ae 170th street Judges— L. Shepard, Harvey, III. L. Halpin, 15815 Ashland avenue, Harvey, Til. J.T. Deverson, 15544 Park avenue, Harvey, wade District 11—Commencing at the center line of Vine avenue and 155th street, thence north along the center line of Vine avenue to the cen- ter line of 143d street, thence west along the center line of 143d street to the junction of the Indiana boundary line, thence southwest along said Indiana boundary line to township line, thence south on the township line to 159th street, thence east along the center line of 159th street to the center line of Ashland avenue, thence north along the center line of Ashland avenue to the center line of 155th street, thence east along the center line of 155th street to place of beginning. Polling place, Hose House No. 2. Judges— G. S. Woodward, Harvey, III. Valentine Zumunda, Harvey, III. Chas. Bott, Harvey, III. District 12—Commencing at the center line of 150th street and the center line of Turlington avenue, thence south along the center line of Turlington avenue to the center line of 155th street, thence along the center line of 155th street to the center line of Vine avenue, thence north along the center line of Vine avenue to the center line of 150th street, thence to place of beginning. Polling place, Third Ward Hose House. Judges— Geo. E. Sidel, Harvey, Il. H. I. Heckler, 208 154th street, Harvey, Il. J. A. Lawson, 15411 Lexington street, Har- vey, Ill. District 13—Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Turlington avenue and the center line of 153rd street, thence east along the center line of 153rd street to the center line of Columbia avenue, thence south along the center line of said Columbia avenue to the in- tersection of 155th street, thence west along the center line of 155th street to the center line 13 of Turlington avenue, thence north along the center line of Turlington avenue to place of beginning. Polling place, City Hall, Harvey, III. Judges— Henry Ansorg, Harvey, Ill. John Lawerance, Harvey, IIl. R. J. Gearon, 173 154th street, Harvey, II]. District 14—Commencing at 150th street and Turlington avenue, thence east on 150th street to the center line of Halsted street, thence south on the center line of Halsted street to the center line of 155th street to the center line of Columbia avenue, thence north on the center line of Columbia avenue to the center line of 153d street, thence west on the center line of 153d street to the center line of Tur- lington avenue, thence north on the center line of Turlington avenue to place of beginning. Polling place, corner of 154th street a Park avenue; John Burns’ store. Judges— James Rogers, Harvey, II]. Geo. Monckton, 15407 Columbia avenue, Harvey, IIl. A. B. Dunning, Harvey, III. District 15—All of Section 8 lying north of 150th street, except that part lying west of Vine avenue; all of Section 5 lying south of the Lit- tle Calumet river, that part of the north half of Section 9 lying south of the Little Calumet river and west of the Illinois Central R. R. Polling place, Fifth Ward Hose House. Judges— John Hock, Harvey, Ill. W. D. Cadmuss, 409 Calumet Blvd., Harvey, in Sebastine De Graff, Harvey, II]. District 16—Sections 7 and 8, Township 36, Range 15. Polling place, City Hall, Hammond, Ind. Judges— Aug Kamardt, Hammond, Ind. Edward Dunlay, 18th State line, Hammond, Ind?.:' M. H. Finneran, 156 Wentworth avenue, West Hammond, III. District 17—Section 1, north half of Section 12, Range 14, Sections 5 and 6, Range 15. Polling place, Village Hall, Burnham, Ill. Judges— John Patten, Burnham, III. Chas. Wittenberg, Burnham, III. James Finneran, Burnham, III. District 18—All of Sections 2 and 3, the north half of Section 10 and the north half of Section 12. Polling place, ee Hall, Dolton, I11. Judges— Wm. Waddell, Delton, 1640 Edw. F. Dillner, Dolton, I]. Andrew Messerschmidt, Dolton, III. District 19—All that part of the north half of Section 9 lying north of the Little Calumet R. R. and all of Section 4 and the east half of Section 5, Township 36, Range 14. Polling place, High Lawn Hose House; owner, Village of Riverdale. Judges— Aug. Verhoven, Harvey, Ill. Frank Stienan, W. 138th street, Riverdale. Webbe Vanderveen, 138823 School street, Riverdale, Il. District 20—All of Section 6, the west half | fractional Section 5 south of the Indiana boun- dary line, fractional Section 5 north of Indiana boundary line, Township 36, Range 14, and that part of Section 7 north of the Indiana boundary line. Polling place, Joseph Patnau’s place, 139th street and Seeley avenue. Judges— Henry Rust, R. F. D., Blue Island, II. Chas. Woltz, Blue Island, III. Jos. Patnau, Blue Island, III. WHEELING. Place for holding town meetings, Third Elec- | tion district, Arlington Hall, Arlington Heights, Ill. District 1—All of Sections 25, 26, 27, 28 and the east half of Section 29, all of Sections 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and that part of Sections 29 and 30 lying south of the C. & N. W. Ry. Polling place, Village Hall, Arlington Heights, [ll]. Judges— F. W. Muller, Arlington Heights, Ill. Nick Kolle, Arlington Heights, II]. Julius D. Flintir, Arlington Heights, I11. District 2—All of Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, the east half of Section 5, all of Sections 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, east half of Section 15, and north half of Section 23, all of Section 24. Polling place, Village Hall, Wheeling, II]. Judges— Henry Tesch, Wheeling, III. G. J. Sicks, Wheeling, Ill. Jacob Sehwingel, Wheeling, Ill. District 3—The west half of Section 5, all of Sections 6, 7, 8 and west half of Section 15, all of: ‘Sections .16,.17; 18, 19:- 20°21. 22. ang south half of Section 23, and that part of Sections 29 and 30 lying north of the C. & N. W:.Ry. Polling place, Arlington Hall, Arlington, Heights, III. Judges— J. S. Williams, Arlington Heights, Il. Louis F. Magers, Arlington Heights, Ill. Wm. F. Meyer, Arlington Heights, II. WORTH, District 1—That part of Section 36 lying north of Fulton and James street, thence west along the center of Fulton and James street to Stony Creek, thence northwest along the center of Stony Creek to the center of Vermont street, thence east on the center of Vermont street to the right of way of the Grand Trunk R. R., thence north to the center of Maple avenue, thence east to the center of Maple avenue, thence north to center of High street, thence east to the center of Western avenue, thence south to the place of beginning. Polling place, Police’ Station, Blue Island, Il. Judges— G. Brockman, Blue Island, Ill. Herman Koehler, 233 Vermont street, Blue Island, I11. Chas. Bermeister, 209 Grove street, Blue Is- land, Il. District 2—Sections 25 and 26. Polling place, Engine Company No. 3, Blue Island, Ill. 14 Judges— Chas. land, I11. D. E. Sandberg, 663 Maple avenue, Blue Island, Ill. TIAL. Melvin; Blue Island, Tl. ~ District 3—All of Sections 1, 2, 11 and 12. Polling place, Village Hall, Evergreen Park, ll es Judges— J. W. Howell, Evergreen Park, Ill. John Leppin, Evergreen Park, II. M. S. Solterman, Evergreen Park, III. District 4—Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Polling place, Larson’s Hall, Oak Lawn, I11. Judges— Carl Beuck, Oak Lawn, Ill. Wm. Brandt, Oak Lawn, IIl. Aug. Behrend, Oak Lawn, T1l. District 5—Commencing in the middle of Fulton street on the east line of the Town of Worth, thence west on Fulton and James streets to Stony creek, thence northwest to the center of Vermont street, thence west to the — west line of Section 35, thence south to the south town line, thence east to the east line of - the Town of Worth, thence north to center of Fulton street. b Polling place, Engine House No. 2, Blue Island, Ill. Judges— Ernest Kott, 58 Broadway, Blue Island, Ml. G2 Er. Lockow, Blue Island, Ill. Ferdinand R. Kerschuer, 18 Ann street, Blue Island, IIl. District 6—All of Sections 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28; 29, 30; 81.932, (a0 and ae, Polling place, Bonneaw’ s Hall, Worth Station. Judges— Fred Beuck, Worth Station, III. F, J. Hildebrand, Worth Station, III. John Roullo, Jr., Worth Station, Ill. District 7—All of Sections 13, 14, 23 and 24. Polling place, Village Hall, Mount Green- wood, III. Judges— R. Aggen, Blue Island, III. Frank Foley, Mount Greenwood, IIl. Peter Harrity, Mount Greenwood, III. District 8—That part of Section 36 bounded as follows: Beginning at a point at the center of the Grand Trunk right of way and York street, thence east to the center of Maple ave- nue, thence north to the center of High street, thence east to the center of Western avenue, thence north to the center of Burr Oak avenue, . thence east to the line of Section 35, thence east to the center of the Grand Trunk right of way, thence north to the point of beginning. Polling place, John L. Beer, 213 Union street Blue Island, Ill. Judges— W. E. Crockett, Blue Island, Ill. R. Ellis, Blue Island, Tl. M. McCormick, 235 High street, Blue Is- land, Ill. District 9—All of Sections 15, 16, 17 and 18. Polling place, Hankes’ Hall, Chicago Ridge. Judges— A. Whorttle, “Worth, Ill. Valentine Hankes, Chicago Ridge, mie Henry Meyer, Chicago Ridge. Klaeske, 555 Elmer street, Bleed ‘Is- vy oe : a % \ - : : dae mil ware “ - —_ ar = ‘ 3.0112 061893381 ut a ae ee \ eine 2 oe a ’ ‘ 5 noe . ‘ ‘ . ° a \ 4 ; ’ /