P STATE GEOLOGICAL = ry BQO Fe SRS ote ne yh | BULLETIN No. 44 . Issuedbythe .. . TEWIS & AUBURY © cauonasrare | | STATE MINERALOGIST. INNS eee an Krancisco, : under the direction of ; LEWIS E. AUBURY ’ Printed at the State Printing Office, Sacramento in : i _ W.W. SHANNON, Superintendent ~. . . State Mineralogist FERRY BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO, ONE HALF THE UPPER FLOOR OF WHICH IS OCCUPIED BY THE STATE MINING BUREAU. (This building is constructed of Colusa Sandstone and the reconstructed tower is of reinforced concrete.) ¢ CALIFORNIA MINES AND MINERALS , Compiled by CHAS. G. YALE, Statistician State Mining Bureau, HE mining interests of the State of California are so diversified, and the industry is extended over so wide an area, that it is difficult to describe the conditions which exist without using many pages of printed matter. For this reason it has been considered proper, in this pamphlet, to give merely a record of results, which will show in plain figures what is being accomplished by the miners of the State. This record shows that some forty mineral substances are being exploited, the annual valuation of which is now $48,069,227, and increasing as capital is invested and more mines are opened. The older mines, too, having been well developed and equipped, are increasing their annual output, and thus also proving their permanency and value with depth. For-the past 19 years the total mineral output of California amounts to $505,699,408. The climatic conditions are favorable to mining operations throughout the State, and means of transportation have been so improved as to greatly lessen costs of supplies, etc. There are abundant opportunities for the safe and profitable investment of capital in the various branches of the industry, as numerous claims which have been located have never been properly developed or equipped, their owners lacking the necessary means. The State Mining Bureau, maintained by State aid, provides numerous publications in the form of Bulletins or Reports, giving in detail the conditions existing in gold, copper, quicksilver, and all the various branches of mining. It also publishes maps of the counties which show the location of all mines, roads, streams, etc. The Bureau is in charge of a State Mineralogist, who has a corps of trained Field Assistants, and an office force as well. There is a fine technical library, and a very large museum showing specimens of all mineral products, suitably arranged for reference. There is also a well-equipped laboratory for the determination of minerals. The Bureau publishes, among other things, an annual Statistical Bulletin showing by counties the output and value of all substances mined or quarried in California. From the latest bulletin of this character, covering the calendar year 1905, the figures and tables given in this pamphlet are taken, in the belief that they will give, perhaps, the best idea of what the mines of the State are producing and what the miners are accomplishing. TOTAL MINERAL PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA FOR 1905. The following table shows the yield and value of mineral substances -of California for 1905, as per returns received at the State Mining Bureau, San Francisco, in answer to inquiries sent to producers: QUANTITY. Asbest0s = 2 tenes 112 tons Asphalt(o apes 40,304 “ Bituminous Rock- - ---- 24,753 * Boras saree anes 46,3834 “ Cenieniregin sheen meee 1,265,553 bbls. CDT ORG aeetae cee eee 40 tons Claye.( Brick )= see se 286,618 M Clays (Pottery)... =--- 133,805 tons Coal icc tieeey on eae 46,500 “ Copperere tee eee = 16,997,489 lbs. Buller’s 5 atti sates 1,544 tons Gems ekcee en es eee eee GlagsSand sere aes SES SEN ees Golders ao ee 2 fale a Granites ese ee 228,788 cu. ft GY Psu ape ee 12,850 tons Infusorial Earth --~--- 8,000 “ Lead 275) ts eee 533,680 lbs. Linnie "ee eres es cos 616,995 bbls. Limestone j-2. eae 192,749 tons Lithia, Mical == eee Jag ee VALUE. QUANTITY. VALUE. $2,625 Macadaci tae ae 1,440,455 tons $942,503 285,290 Magnesite (Crude) __-_- ooo 16,221 60,436 Marble sean a5) 73,303 cu. ft. 129,450 1.019,158 Mineral Paint 22.— -2ue 754 tons 4,025 12791916 Mineral Water... 2... 2,194,150 gals. 538,700 600 Natural:Gas = eee 148,345 M cu. ft. 102,479 2,273,786 Pavine blocks, 73 ee 3,408 M 134,347 130,146 Retro leu tae eee, ee 34,275,701 bbls. 9,007,820 144,500 Pilg 1 ania eee ee 200 oz. 3,320 2,650,605 PVT Tepe eet ae 15,503 tons 63,958 38,000 Quickeilvergse-- 25. 227 24,655 flasks 886,081 148,500 Riu bibles see sens Sas 1,183,802 tons 774,267 8,121 Salisaeeen sate ee Ao (ellen 141,925 19,197,043 aC StO Ree ye tee oe 302,813 cu. ft. 483,268 353,837 Sil yer Pers os ies SOs ae hae eee 678,494 54,500 Slates Samar Mer ere die 4,000 squares 40,000 15,000 SOaDetONee sae a= 300 tons 3,000 25,083 Soda eee se en ees 15,000 “ 22,500 555,322 Tunes tenwiiese eel. Ola 18,800 323,325 SSS 276 ‘Totalyyal ties: foc. eee ee re $43,069,227 (4 ) The principal increases to be noted for 1905 over the previous year are $87,443 in the gold; $690,011 in petroleum; $252,109 in cement; $327,240 in clays for brick and pottery; $320,348 in borax; $236,118 in limestone; $41,754 in mineral waters; $19,813 in lead; and $12,500 in gems. The largest increase is seen to be in the value of the petroleum. The total value of the metallic substances (including precious metals) for 1905 was $23,523,984, which includes gold, silver, pyrites, quicksilver, copper, lead, manganese, platinum, chrome and tungsten. The silver is given in commer- cial value. Tungsten appears in the column for the first time, and there is a notable increase in the amount of platinum saved. The value of non-metallic substances was $2,145,930, including borax, salt, mineral waters, soda, asbestos, coal, fuller’s earth, gypsum, infusorial earth, lithia mica, magnesite, mineral paint, and gems. The total value of hydrocarbons and gases was $9,456,025. The hydrocarbons include asphalt, bituminous rock, natural gas, and petroleum. In 1904 the product of petroleum in the State was 29,736,003 barrels, worth $8,317,809. In 1905 it was 34,275,701 barrels, valued at $9,007,820. The increase in output for the year is thus shown to be 4,539,698 barrels, and in value $690,011. In structural materials the total value for the year was $7,943,288, an increase over 1904 of $668,442. These materials include lime and limestone, macadam, glass sand, marble, granite, sandstone, paving blocks, rubble, slate, soapstone, brick and pottery clays, and cement. In the latter substance the increase in the output for the year amounted to 296,015 barrels, the number made in 1905 being 1,265,553 barrels. The relative value of the principal mineral products of the State is as follows: 1st, Gold; 2d, Petroleum; 3d, Copper; 4th, Clays and their products; 5th, Cement; 6th, Borax; 7th, Macadam; 8th, Quicksilver ; and 9th, Rubble. While gold is still the: leading mining product, its yield no longer puts the greatest gold-producing county in the first place. The petroleum of Kern County, together with its other mineral products, gives it the leading place as a mineral-producing county. Yet the highest value of any single product in any county was that of gold in Nevada County, $3,179,715. Gold is more widely distributed than any other substance thus far mined in California; 35 counties out of the 57 in the State showing a gold yield in 1905, and it is known to exist in several others. The order in rank of the counties of the State,in the production of gold alone, is at: present as follows: COUNTY RANK IN GOLD PRODUCT IN 1905. TRON Oviatliet ie oes aa" $3,179,715 18. San Bernardino... $473,893 25. Riverside = eee ~ $35,690 Pep UCbeMre oo 2. aol e 2,607,500 14 Mariposais 252 ee 386,380 26.. Los Angeles 2s 2i22 15,035 3 Amador =. ._ 24 __- 2.445 815 15. EliDotade.-.52e 384,735 27. Del Nortel a2 ees 10,590 ae Calaverass 0222: 1,736,816 ce eN iba tee eee 324,135 28. Monterey -=--==-=—= 4,000 Om UOlUMNE 2 fos Zor See OO ree eee 308,884 29. Tulare -_-....--.- 2,300 Ge Werntara rie 2. tue T1609 ta tea Plumaeseene see 283,810 30. Ventura _--_ eects 1,200 Hes Sisk yOuseds 500 803,035 19 Try: fed eee 135,959 31. Santa Barbara -__- 725 Gre Gril by cect tee 690,844 20.2 San: Diego. 228 esses 109,712 32. Alpine - ape pen ce 575 Ceshae ee 2 oe 684,952 21. Madera___..____.- 50,867 33. San Luis Obispo- -- 300 {US Sacramentoee 2.2. 668,382 22a nisl Usa ae 50,000 ee Meng ne petaers aa at Hr Pinceee aes 977080) Sse Hurboldte aan 45,824 Undistauned sae reco iPAM Syke ase eee 517,303 JAS Wresno ws ee 40,037 Totalseserg. ore $19,197,043 TOTAL GOLD PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA—1848-1905. The following table shows the total gold yield of California, by years, from the time mining commenced in 1848 to 1905, inelusive: | oS ol $245,301 (Soy aee $23,501,736 1S7 oa ae $18,839,141 1e0daen $12,422.811 — | HSH OY ne te: 10,151,360 Meee 24,071,423 isroiiane 19,626,654 1304 ome 13,923,281 | A eee 41,273,106 Wigs eke 17,930,858 (Me oye 20,030,761 1805 eo 15,334,317 1851_____- _ 75,938,232 [shea | 17,123,867 [Shite ee 19,223,155 (S06 ore 17,181,562 iepomes 212 81,294,700 ieeyoor aks 18,265,452 1880 sees 17,146,416 1807 15,871,401 Katee Ceeeae 67,613,487 1868___..._ 17,555,867 1883 pean _ 24,316,873 (gos cees 15,906,478 Akdiee eae? 69,433,931 1860 eee 18,229,044 Beier oe 13,600,000 (899 ee wee 15,336,031 ‘esis aaa 55,485,395 (S70 17,458,133 1885 eee a 12,661,044 nee) ea 15,863,355 1BbOMaL ee: 57,509,411 gah te 17,477,885 18S6xan thee 14,716,506 1901..._.. 16,989,044 Veh eee 43,628,172 ee; BS 15,482,194 Ese oe: 13,588,614 1000 tae 16,910,320 (eb Se 46,591,140 (eyeetee. _ 15,019,210 ee ie 12,750,000 (003s 16,471,264 1359 eae 45,846,599 74g! 17,264,836 1880 pee T1291 aes ose). 19,109,600 (S60ge0 44,095,163 (2715 ae 16,876,009 1890 Nene 12,309,793 1905...... 19,197,048 TASIGUR: cae aoe 41,884,995 eye wee 15,610,723 {30a 12,728,869 (S60 eee 38,854,668 {S77 ee 16,501,268 (Sooerenens 12,571,900 Total. $1,434,053,311 BANNER COUNTIES IN DIFFERENT MINERAL PRODUCTS—1905. As far as the “banner” counties in the different mineral products are concerned, the following is the record for 1905, with the value of the material in which the county leads. It should be explained, however, that certain substances are put under the heading of ‘‘unapportioned,” which includes product of single mines, etc., in counties, so as to conceal their identity. For this reason it is necessary to put under this heading, borax, soda, coal, Portland cement, Cay fuller’s earth. magnesite, some gold and silver, and a few other substances formerly credited to certain counties. This causes an apparent, but not real, falling off in output of Lassen, Los Angeles, Napa, San Bernardino, Siskiyou, and a few other counties where these “unapportioned” substances occur. If credited to the exact county, where there is only a single operator, private business would be made public. Under these circumstances, the figures of value of output in some counties do not actually represent their relative rank, as some of the products may be placed under “ unapportioned.” Moreover, some counties lead in output of some substances placed in the “unapportioned” column, and these substances do not therefore appear after the name of the county, thus reducing the county total. Alameda County leads in macadam ($441,587) and pyrites ($63,958); Butte in platinum ($1,770); Colusa in sandstone ($276,908); El Dorado in asbestos ($2,625) and slate ($40,000); Inyo in lead ($16,247); Kern in lime ($255,500), petroleum ($3,174,966), and tungsten (#18,800); Lake in mineral waters ($219,500); Los Angeles in asphalt ($119,430), brick clays ($853,810), and gypsum ($43,500); Madera in granite ($123,106); Monterey in glass sand ($8,121); Nevada in gold ($3,179,715); Riverside in rubble ($215,229); San Benito in quicksilver ($279,651); San Diego in lithia mica ($276) and gems ($66,000); San Joaquin in natural gas ($53,915); San Mateo in salt ($67,500); Santa Barbara in infusorial earth ($15,000); Santa Cruz in bituminous rock ($42,500); Shasta in copper ($1,688,614) and silver ($167,548); Solano in limestone ($100,000); Sonoma in paving blocks ($66,785); Stanislaus in mineral paint ($2,125); Tuolumne in marble ($66,000). The unapportioned list includes borax, cement, coal, fuller’s earth, magnesite, soapstone and soda; so none of these substances are considered in making up the leadiztg products of the individual counties. It will be noted that two counties lead in three substances: Kern and Los Angeles; four in two, Alameda, El Dorado, San Diego, and Shasta; sixteen in one, Butte, Colusa, Inyo, Lake, Monterey, Nevada, Riverside, San Benito, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Solano, Sonoma, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne. To show the wide distribution of mineral substances in California, an analysis of the statistical table for 1905 published by the State Mining Bureau (Bulletin No. 42) proves that all of the 57 counties of the State, except three, made some mineral product in that year. Gold was mined in 35 counties and is known to exist in several others; silver and brick-clays in 27; rubble in 19; mineral waters in 16; macadam in 13; copper and lime in 12; quicksilver and pottery clays in 11; granite in 10; platinum, sandstone and limestone in 9; petroleum in 7; gems and marble in 5; borax, salt, asphalt, cement, and paving blocks in 4; coal and natural gas in 3; chrome, lead, fuller’s earth, gypsum, magnesite, mineral paint, and bituminous rock in 2. The following substances were each produced in one county: Pyrites, tungsten, asbestos, infusorial earth, lithia mica, glass sand, slate, and soapstone. (9) MINERAL MUSEUM, CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. LIBRARY AND FREE READING-ROOM, CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. QUANTITY AND VALUE OF MINERAL PRODUCTS OF CALIFORNIA—1905. ASBESTOS. - QUANTITY. VALUE. El Dorado County _.----- 112 tons $2,625 ASPHALT. Kem .County peewee 10,586 tons $105,860 Los Angeles County - ---- Zor Lon 119,430 Santa Barbara County--- 3,000 “ 30,000 Ventura County -22.. 7.2: 3,000 “ 30,000 Totatsos sete s poe Bara). 304.6 $285,290 BITUMINOUS ROCK. Santa Cruz County .-~--- 17,583 tons $42,500 San Luis Obispo County - 2,533 “ 6,344 Unapportioned ts 2s =: 4,637 °“ 11,592 Votaliets wetaee- sy oe 24,753“ $60,436 BORAX. Unapportioned.___..--.- 46,334 tons $1,019,158 CHROME. Calaveras County -_----- 20 tons $300 Shasta County -_---.---- Zier 300 Totals Ac ete saee ee 4025? $600 CEMENT. Unapportioned 4 229. 222 1,265,553 bbls. $1,791,916 CLAYS—BRICK. QUANTITY. (Ineludes Common, Pressed, and Fire.) Alameda County -._-.--- 12,000 M Butte: County 222 265, 400 “. Contra Costa County -.-. 10,979 “ Wresno County 15 2 = 9,000 * Humboldt County -_-_-_-_--- 800 “ Kern Couuuye 2 eee 750 “ Kangs Coun tye geen are 3,400 “ Los Angeles County ----- 109,563 “ Marin: Countvass2oe5 ee 22,87 0 * Mendocino County ------ 635 “ Merced» County = 22_— 222 600 “ Orange County S)e. 22 1132; Riverside County,._--_--- 2,838 “ Sacramento County ----- 18,000 * San Diego County ------- d,910°° San Francisco County _-- 32,585 “ San Joaquin County----- 11,400 ‘“ .5San Luis Obispo County - 400 “ San Mateo County ------ 5,902 “ Santa Barbara County -. 4,025 “ Santa Clara County ----- 28,486 “ Shasta County.s2.2..%. 02 3,500 “ Sonoma, County 22222225. 500 “ Tehama County --------- 650 “ VALUE. $95,500 3,200 73,948 60,000 7,600 6,000 24.000 853,810 163,585 6,470 | 3,500 11,800 69,195 135,000 28,350 310,685 68,000 3,200 61,436 34,750 204,357 14,000 4,000 5,000 (et QUANTITY AND VALUE OF MINERAL PRODUCTS OF CALIFORNIA—1905. CLAYS—BRICK—Continued. Aaiare-COUnty eras Ven LUra COUNty ieee = CLAYS—POTTERY. Amador County -_------ Calaveras County -_--- ers COUD tyre eer Oe ih Los Angeles County ----- 30,583 “ OrangesCountyue=s. eas: 10,554“ Pacers Coun bys eae ee 20,000 “ Riverside County... _. -_- 49,720 “ Santa Clara County __--- 1002 Mentura: County. 22. 4-65 Oe Byrds COUN t vee eetoe ees 400 “ otaleee ca ue | 133,805 “ COAL. Unapportioned 2223. 2— = 46,500 tons COPPER. Amador County -_.---- 10,000 lbs. Calaveras County ----- 3,666,810 “ El Dorado County ---- 160,000 “ Fresno;County ~--.--- 1,440,000 “ QUANTITY. VALUE. $16,000 10,400 $2,273,786 $20,000 300 $130,146 $144,500 $1,560 572,022 24,960 224,640 COPPER—Continued. QUANTITY. ny ovCountyss == es 151,606 Ibs. Mariposa County ----- 12,541 “ iPlacer.Countyeoess 227 367,250 “ Plumas County -.-.--- 1,006 “ S. Bernardino County - 52,603 “ San Diego County ---- 4,808 “ Shasta County --.--.-- 10,830,865 “ Unapportioned --_----- 300,000 “ El Orta: le yeaa ar .16,997,489 “ FULLER’S EARTH. Unapportioned]..2-_ =~ 1,334 tons GEMS. Cais V.eras oo Un tyme tree eee rae RIV CYSele COUlty eee sae te eee San Bernardino County --_-.------- SaneLiesosCountyaecs es tees eee PU ares COUT ivan see en nt eer eee GLASS SAND. Monterey County --.- 9,257 tons VALUE. $23,649 1,956 $2,650,605 $38,000 $10,000 2,500 65,000 66,000 5,000 $148,500 $8,121 (13 ) QUANTITY AND VALUE OF MINERAL PRODUCTS OF CALIFORNIA—1905. GOLD. Alpine County - Amador County Butte County -- Calaveras Countysceesenoseeee: Son 5 Del: Norte Coun ty: gue eee El Dorado County Fresno County - Humboldt-Gountytiee eeeee es —-. = Inyo County - -- Kern County - - Los Angeles County Madera County Mariposa: Coutiva. site Masako wl Mendocino COUDi Var ere ta. son. So = Mono County -- Monterey: Coun tyne Sets = 2 Nevada County Placer County - Plumas County RivyersidecCouuty, eee eet eee DacramentOmou nt yee oes eee San Bernardino County Han Diego Countyisas sues. eeee oes sani Luis;Obispo: County 2222. 2-2 Santa DarparacCOun Gy se eee eee. ShastaiCounty, /uee See eee oe ree VALUE. GOLD—Continued. $575 Die rrorOUity &. .. oe ee ee 2,445,815 Siskiyou County 220 . aoe eee 2,607,500 Statuigiaue County --- as. Seen ee 1,736,816 DrimipyeCounty . oe... 5 ee ae 10,590 Duleter County soo. £2 eens 384,735 Loolemne Coun ty: <2 eee 40,037 Ventures County 25. aoe eee een 45,824 Male COUNTY... --2 22. ee eee PlacersCounty -:< .; 222 ee eee Phimas-Goun ty. 22... 20 oe eee eee Riverside, County... -. 5-23-8335 eee es Sacramento County = 200. eee eres pan sBernaraino County | sesso ore pan: Viegoi@ounty \.20 2a eee Shasta Countycoc: 2. 2.3 Sees ee SierratCounty) aoa! sae ae eee VALUE. $1,380 200 $483,268" Com. VALUE. (18 ) QUANTITY AND VALUE OF MINERAL PRODUCTS OF CALIFORNIA—1905. SILVER—Continued. Com. VALUE. SLATE. QUANTITY. VALUE. DISET VOUsCOUNt Yer satan Gee a eee ety ah PINS) El Dorado County _------ 4,000 squares $40,000 Baie atte: COUT yaa ee ee eee Sere 240 Trinity: Courity ser ates 0 ef Sv, EWES A DUA CORGOUN CVS pee Came ete ais Dee 13 Una pportioned ga =s se sae 300 tons _ $3,000 Waolnmne: County. eee. saree eee. ieee 21,348 SODA. OUD a COU a cen ae neta are Seite ies 369 Unapportioned=)..2.. 42. = 15,000 tons $22,500 EME POT BLOTLEC eat ark ete ete ee oe 111,500 ae : eet UNGSLEN: 4 REN TH Woe ie ee AS ALN 5 Met tpl NE een $678,494 Kern. Coun ty. aera = 52 tons $18,800 (19) DRAUGHTING AND MAP DEPARTMENT, CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. i, | REAU. G BU LABORATORY, CALIFORNIA STATE MININ ASSESSED VALUATION, AREA, AND POPULATION OF CALIFORNIA. * Alameda: Comuntyeessss- se sere: Alpine COUnt yeas a eee Amador Countyaes==ss--ess=-= Butte County eee eae Calaveras County ---.--------- Colusa County --_--- Pe Bee Contra Costa County ---.------ Del Norte County =.--- .--=-:. El Dorado County 22--==-— == NFESnOvCOUn bye eee anes GlenmiCountyees eee HumiboldtiCountyree..-2. 2-=— InyoiCounty, ==se-s cee a= = Kern: County sen---s" == === KonesiCounttypera sa aaa ake: Coumtyg-- sess = — LassenaCounty ane e- 25 eo Los Angeles County----- ------ Madera: County: 2 eae Marini @ountyoeseosn ce oe MariposaiCountyi==---9-=2-—-— Mendocino County------------ Merced Counitiyeses eee ModgociComunty7 eee ae Monoj\County 23-3 325. eee = Monterey County -.---.-. ----- Napa County22=2-.e2—>-se=="— Nevada County ._-----------. 4 OrangeCountyseasn=eme = 2 oa=e * Report of the State Controller, Assessed Valuation 1905. $123,194,155 488 314 5,246,159 17,264,551 6,396 ,945 12,265,412 23,757,451 3,273,445 5,085,384 40,478,827 10,699,157 25,432,466 2,886,182 26,866,207 8,789,271 3,534,645 5,566,914 305,302,995 7,598,854 14,842,205 2,121,845 12,652,028 15,795,518 4,494 264 1,042,450 20,009,544 14,518,884 7,505,103 17,023,537 Area, in Square Miles. 840 575 568 1,764 990 1,080 750 1,546 1,891 5,940 1,400 3,507 10,224 8,159 1,257 1,332 4,750 3,957 2,140 516 1,580 3,460 1,750 4,097 2,796 3,450 800 958 780 Population 1900. 130,197 509 11,116 17,117 11,200 7,364 18,046 2,408 8,986 37,862 5,150 27,104 4,377 16,480 9,871 6,017 4,511 170,298 6,364 15,702 4,720 20,465 9,215 5,076 2,167 19,380 16,451 17,789 19,696 Assessed Valuation 1905. Placer Countygreeas ss ances $9,766,233 Plumas! Coun byeeesnene ses see 4,294,678 Riverside|Countys=2..2--==-=s 17,675,017 Sacramento County ----------- 38,730,665 Sani Benito'@ounty2-=-----2—- 6,722,195 San Bernardino County- ------ 25,645,830 San Diego County==--%-------- 25,804,962 San Francisco County -------- 376,138,737 San Joaquin County -----_---- 39,814,967 San Luis Obispo County ------ 15,347,100 San Mateo County --.--------- 19,553,348 Santa Barbara County -------- 20,670,344 Santa Clara County ---.------- 59,484,220 panta CruziCounby=----2.-—--- 13,563,478 Shasta Countyasesssse0-- see 13,120,693 Sierra Coumbyee=--==—-— (aaeaeae 2,301,521 SIsktyOusCoun tyes == sone 13,180,981 Polano County anaes 19,516,209 SonomaCounynesse-.-2----- = 31,889,851 pianislaus County 22-2 --- 3 o2=5 14,612,053 Sutter Counbyecesss 2-52-52 - = 6,753,936 Rehamaountyssses = 92-2 se 12,378,135 SLE tye COUlb yeas se eno ees 2,256,667 WularexCountyieesns==-se2e> = 19,555,406 Tuolum mel oumtysee= === a= 7,432,200 Ventura Coumtyee-ss= == === 2= 11,080,070 Nolo oun by iene ee 17,096,044 Xai batCountygeemeeeee: eee 6,263,659 Totals......------------- $1,594,781,905 ( 22 ) Area, in Square Miles 1,484 2,361 7,008 1,007 1,476 20,055 8,400 42 1,370 3,500 470 2,450 1,355 425 4,050 910 6,078 911 1,540 1,486 611 3,200 3,276 4,935 2,282 1,850 1,017 625 156,931 Population 1900. 15,786 4,657 17,897 45,915 6,633 27,929 35,090 342,782 35,452 16,637 12,094 18,934 60,216 21,512 17,318 4,017 16,962 24,143 38,480 9,550 5,886 10,996 4,383 1,485,053 COUNTY MINERAL PRODUCTS AND VALUE—1905. ALAMEDA COUNTY. QUANTITY. VALUE. CALAVERAS COUNTY. QUANTITY. VALUE. Dic Kee mee age She ds os 12,000 M $95,500 Chit On 6 ye saree ee ares 20 tons $300 Lead ATiles se. 3) eet 709,723 tons 441,587. Clavit use sen eee ses 40 tons 300 EVE LCe en, ee 15,503 tons 63,958 Cop Deiseee = to) aa ieee 3,666,810 lbs. 572,022 Riu lews aan. onan Set 11,648 tons 7,442 CleMGr eee oe ea ees) See oat tone 10,000 set) Cieeee eemn 21S ee te 49,100 tons 54,200 Cold ets She eas tae eae eee 1,736,816 a Bimestone Bete e- 24. son 3,087 tons 15,430 $662,687 eae a ee ’On 4 ALPINE COUNTY. | rene Paintes-oe" os 379 tons calc ids eae rete ols it lees aoe $575 Gey abo hy ek tees eee et $2,415,627 AMADOR COUNTY CIA Vermet rete Seem on 2 21,775 tons $20,000 COLUSA COUNTY. OS SUES ge ee ce TE 10,000 Ibs. 1,560 Quicksilver. =-2_ 22... 326 flasks $12,321 CHONG eS BLEUE eee oe ee 2,445,815 Salt paeeae, Ae emia 18 tons 225 PUGS 22 75 Be gen eae 1,000 bbls. 1,500 Gandetone’ 20.) 248 118,954 cu. ft. 276,908 Mar Ole FA. hase ore 2 2,708 cu. ft. 3,950 a Salve nae fee Ss eo Lb Seether 17,930 $289,454 $2,490,755 BUTTE COUNTY. CONTRA COSTA COUNTY. BriC eee eee a eS 400 M $3,200 Brick ieee vee ceaye fonle 10,979 M $73,948 (CoN) ot: LF oo ne are ee ue 2,607,500 LTC Seem ees Sere = aero. 20,244 bbls. 13,925 Mineral Water_---.----- 15,000 gals. 1,500 imestone eee ne ee 34,800 tons 43,500 GT Sees er meet O2Oz, 1,770 Macadatn texans see. = 77,200 tons 61,620 SNC, Ye se eee ee eee 7,134 Rub bless Se sien) a 10,000 tons 4,500 $2,621,104 ~ $197,498 COUNTY MINERAL PRODUCTS AND VALUE—1905. DEL NORTE COUNTY. EL DORADO COUNTY. ABDESTOSL Ie Claes Seen (Old eee nee. Sa tat ee Petroleum Silver Brick Gold 112 tons 160,000 Ibs. 9,260 bbls. 1,050 tons 4,000 squares 9,000 M 1,440,000 lbs. $10,612 $2,625 24,960 384,735 6,946 5,775 40,000 2,525 $467,566 $60,000 224 640 40,037 2,400,300 9,187 $2,784,164 $53,628 INYO COUNTY. KERN COUNTY. Asphalt Brick Lime Limestone Petroleum Silver Vangsten ese) Js KINGS COUNTY. Brick QUANTITY. 151,606 Ibs. 345,680 lbs. 17,000 cu. ft. 10,586 tons 750 M 53 tons 1,350 tons 279,650 bbls. 5,500 tons 17,069,715 bbls. 3,400 M 250 flasks VALUE. $23,649 135,959 16,247 17,000 29,741 $222,596 $105,860 6,000 54 1,160,971 11,000 255,500 44.000 3,174,966 134,944 18,800 $4,912,095 $24,000 9,000 $33,000 (24) COUNTY MINERAL PRODUCTS AND VALUE—1905. LAKE COUNTY. QUANTITY. VALUE. MARIN COUNTY. QUANTITY. VALUE. Mineral Water -_------ 489,000 gals. $219,500 Brie keeree eee ee ee 22,877 M $163,585 CIUICKSILy Cr Meer ee, 5 poe 1,462 flasks 51,937 Matadanlte:. vera 93,000 tons 32,250 —. Bubb lestely 26 ses nee 20,000 tons 12,000 $271,437 LOS ANGELES COUNTY. $207,835 Pre Dit bee ee ee 23,718 tons $119,430 SS UA eS tesa aero ae 109,563 M 853,810 MARIPOSA COUNTY. . WEN CoS ee eee oe 30,533 tons 16,066 Copper eueee cutesy a. . ' 49.541 lbs. $1.956 Gold Cee) OU hs ee Te ee 15,035 Gold : 386 380) PSU mee elo ais 2 2 11,500 tons 43,500 Rist eee ee ee ee OB Mecadaim.. 5.6. 0525+ 25,000 tons 22,000 Cig Sone Re pemaa core ; ; 5.931 Mineral Water ....-=-- 175,000 gals. S250 Bali ene C= Rar Ae read ee ge a : eeerolpu imate = Jo SS 2,854,564 bbls. 1,056,188 $393,592 em eenee ne Sole & 47,025 tons 47,025 ? SHENG, 2 shen ies one ea 12,000 tons 20,000 Sandstone en a 8,784 Gus it, 9,950 MENDOCINO COUNTY. eee f= pee pee Brickne meses 635 M $6,470 COld a re ee a tea ee ere 40 CREAR ORE Mineral Water_...____.- 90,000 gals. 18,000 MADERA COUNTY. MEN SO Oi a a iio. ae $50,867 $24,510 Grraiive wees se ok 42,316 cu. it. 123,106 gee EE een ee ee ee 10,014 ee ee nay MERCED COUNTY. $183,987 Bricks tis seme oto 600 M $3,500 (25) COUNTY MINERAL PRODUCTS AND VALUE—1905. MONO COUNTY. QUANTITY. COT LSU At oS Uh ae Se ee ee 9,257 tons 10,000 bbls. 5,000 gals. Lime NAPA COUNTY. Mineral Water _-_--_--- 279,400 gals. @iieksilverws: a eee 4,858 flasks Ribble aoe ea ee 500 tons GrOld as ase ie 2, Se ee ee PANTO SS 2eeia: ote 2,155 cu. ft Platwumpe ee ss 2) eee 1 202: its Peer, SOMME one RL Oe OER VALUE. $308,884 11,240 $320,124 $4,000 8,121 10,000 1,000 $23,121 $89,500 171,910 500 $261,910 $3,179,715 2.570 $3,214,828 ORANGE COUNTY. Brick Wan ane ere. . Sct ROE Lime Platinum Rubble Peirver rie a! J” Oe PLUMAS COUNTY. Op Oele ce eee se Feat CO ge Se os aly ( 26 ) QUANTITY. 118 M 10,554 tons 1,510,900 bbls. 500 cu. ft. 20,000 tons 367,250 lbs. 87,035 cu. ft. 15,533 bbls. 2 OZ. 21,910 tons VALUE. $11,800 14,581 711,633 250 $738,264 $10,000 $798,644 $157 283,810 530 $284,497 COUNTY MINERAL PRODUCTS AND VALUE—1905. RIVERSIDE COUNTY. QUANTITY. VALUE. SAN BENITO COUNTY. QUANTITY. VALUE. 19 (0) | eae pea Se ee a 2,838 M $69,195 Loa ee Reena 15,000 bbls. $15,000 1 dee ig ole eee ace Se ee 49,720 tons 67,970 Maeadartitsgsp ee fo ae 65,000 tons 32,500 CETUS atta weer. ete ok ues 2,500 Minerals Watenkewed 22) 500 gals. 500 CONG an as Coe, es ae ere 35,690 Quicksilver sesaes a: oe 7,764 flasks 279,651 Gren ol ltesuae as = 5 Ade Greer 57,655 cu. ft. 92,300 Ribbless i ceri tae 64,988 tons 32,494 Dene ie er ---- 20,000 bbls. 20,000 Wivoadanm et 22,199 tons 16,639 $360,145 scl Gig Ue Bag CR a ea 2,500 cu. ft. . 2,500 | Paving Blocks ..s:--. 2.2 600 M 36,000 | SAN DIEGO COUNTY. | Peele ee ye st 206,027 tons 215,229 Brick eee eaten ee 3,910 M $28,350 Clg lai: SA ed ee evans 346 COP PC hee tere inak eros 4,808 lbs. : 750 — see Geigy ea erg eee ta ar et Eee 66,000 $558,369 Cold Seba o aes eee ONE 109,712 Graniiens «Loar ae ete e 9,500 cu. ft. 10,250 elses es blew wets Lae 25 tons 276 SACRAMENTO COUNTY. Rubbleciiece a. eer 36,072 tons 16,507 Mie amen EL oe a 18,000 M $135,000 Olly errata tye wie S kupeere ele 2 ee eee 100 Pioltmer atk 0 tS) a aS 668,382 — Sry liver Ss el See are 2 acu. ie 1,614 $231,945 (WEG NG CN ie ee a 60,058 tons 20,326 NaturauGasion al" bdo. 43,564 M cu. ft. 43,564 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY. PP laterimtncee 9%. 5! 4.2 2 ~ 40 oz. 700 Gopperscn Je Mere eo 52,603 Ibs. $8,206 LQuitiatS e aee ee a 8,040 tons 12,060 CHOTH Sees kite een Wes heya hae ko 65,000 NUNS ee i oT pe ene 206 CHOP se Ge RN ok Heo os ak 473,893 _ ee Crsniteie, fee eee 7,600 cu. ft. 5,330 $881,852 Wrist oe ges See ee oes 17,024 bbls. 14,740 ( 27 ) COUNTY MINERAL PRODUCTS AND VALUE—1905. fo i : SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. QUANTITY. VALUE. ai BRIE Tee rae Sette ees ee nr Bituminous Rock __-_-- 2,533 tons $6,844 | Limestone; eee see) ae. 27,387 tons $51,395 DDiCK ag 5 Shp see 400 M « 8,200 | Macadaiy geet ste) sess 9,000 tons 9,000 TVG |S eae we wa enn nee 300 Mirbles fete wel ak 40,100 cu. ft. 40,000 Oyane en. ! uaouypusg (Ie SET OR ALLEY, S | SLITIT Th 2 FS pera x . wnjunoy Puno O 9 7 1220 YfOPA of lo as zee 7, \F = | Ss PL1OG a 7290p (220U4) 7) ¢ y i S Wj CQ 27 feruobsuoy ia) | fe a Thay ous7g 8 5e/ ip ~ ° (“2 a | “(me Soe ee ge ir a ft ryeson7y 1124 |, * puapzd ty een ony t ~ % Ae?) er, ooo "20gho2. Ne ! (s29) ¥22L2 292 G =) | DuoT 9. ) ! 223282) 4 j 50.22 279507 gp wogouur) eo See o eee eee eo ee oso SoS sss! “Ei s ALNNOD i ; oy { s000w ALMVAIOD MOAINMSSIS ~- \ HUMBOLDT AND TRINITY COUNTIES. payyorshdlay 2 ALNIOP ONIDOONTIW iS o— © ome 6 eee see ys, Tee ty 9 > / SIN/I7 FOVLS SAIS | ge PRS. ay \ 92709 497] 2YS ge ° Oa nn SS =a Bato) y 3 yuoty sey VOY 7/ vc) tebe ! 2JN2Gi29P 6 og yy SY . ‘OD ALINIYL “% W oy PuvjaINg ( ‘OD LOTOGWIH '/ 22& 42072M as JINFSTIIS j i Q 20708 11] ed ‘ Ae ons uae 1 \ #2 S / f ke ah YONG SPOT opoy 2p 7, ) » Runpgins Fi E49) D2704)2, ar I a 8 ae Ny EratHha, aN we [ ov o/ / JS - ners | UMeleig oO Ee 197 of ee . 8 #2 ri ache l 12824 QCULETIO ae ‘OOM 5 le j LS ae 3s we H 2nd fe) yy Senay uoviuDh, | wh ie Se AS el Lae . vnbvz\, * o at A : & pO suapu0 P22I0OT © LAS ae PHOT reg | 97214027 & SS A hers é poo por @L77INYINVIM wog bug i * A 07 x2 O ‘bp7 sro B® * c 6/ 24 i ED uzyay ; MOP Y SIL ie 4 o- ) ey Y SUOI7LO Ef y7740%4 G 2 reef eaten YsOUWDLYO a 7 7 02 ° FLYON 770 onbayo MENDOCINO, GLENN, LAKE, AND COLUSA COUNTIES. — ° om oo weer oo mm jo meee 6 eee oo cme 6 eee 0 ees sg ee °c 6 mee 6 ee ae /6 \\ Qhenrny . /04 3g / cad Rt s Q Cummings ! Qo mMonmoe ( v 3 /3 \ Vrockhord oCovelo Me —. CE 6) ee . Dy 40 Foonhiny mS 4s Vlaytonville » if REFERENCE Nu /.MENDOC/INO CO. 2.GLENN CO. GY 4%, COLUSA CO Het 24/1 OAD o—————ucxo STAGE LINES 0) Cleone6 Gracy Ofort Gragg {Naya gvherwood Bt oe OS 4 0 Sanhedrin Ca INCRE ORG Willits ioe ts eee 3. LAHE CO. . Hultvitle “=. my os %0uts Springs “ Bartlett Sir © TEHAMA COUNTY Newville O ae \ 22 7s . OGriental 0 Millsaps Orlana : ie) \\iee) Za Fruto? ™, Elk oreez ~O ~\ om * ——e meee o i 8 OW. Stony ford 20 X \\ Ny Doe FJLLIG ALNIIOD O32 175 is Li Top Uj perLake As 7 Sy eg Dae NY Meridan Miller Arabella « by» 6 6 ca O Sutihur Creek eee BO 6 Manchester < 6Miiz2 °* Arbuckle & O : e \ College City Dy = 6 . \ 4 Cie REE korkville 5 oat lakes q 10% A WVerser Ornbacwnt . JO Lage wees se _——- ———m ¢ ammo os if 2 Hermitage U es 72 tase Putas & feyff XR ‘\ J \ _—s— Q 3 : Rage —_-—" —_e LD Cloverdale Nn Glenbrook dh BrOWn Ss 8 YOLO Couwry 2 Ea bd > 3 Knosvitle . Oe hd SONOMA COUNTY Sse! eS \, \ Middletown \ Gopyrighled. . °VAPA PIO XN 4. Foounry’ ALNIOD YILLNS O Cranmore BUTTE AND PLUMAS COUNTIES. SHASTA ! counTy | \ ° PEFE RENCE ° X /.BUTTE CO | ® 2. PLUMAS CO \ webiehe /PA/L 80ND| < . (Me ES \ STAGE LINES | melee aap ole 7 ° @ cr < ~* X (De / Chester 9 \ © . ie a 16538 | ‘ Prattville sas 4 \ “o 4 N - e . ° . nN — ap Citas 9 5 16 = z me C NS Long Uhille ih butteValley Q Greenville \ os 5 °c me 5 y . *: 2 eS Gescent Mills 9 Se Tew W. ~ . p Gutte Meadors CIEL ¢ <* a ae, \ ° Li e emesee e 18 4 pie V Lashifs / oe 18 \ sh Ke : es \ Spanish Franch 6 & QuINCY 0 4ed Clover \ o Bett J Meadow Walley 3 19 a ° ae ee i 5 Loveloch eo & 4 “7 | orest Hance: /z = 5 ° Coutolend a oF EL os Nelson Ffotr?t 9 Gomberg Heckivc#h ¥ ¢ —m ¢ maw s ee feck ryt ned Magalia = Yee Is = IS: | Con Cow \ i Oe S ON Merrimac 5 Mohawk : 22: rvélde Vinton >» f Si Exdsoruille *' N ap zlle ve > J Fankee Aill To NX 7 iN 5 /. by Crdson vile PLUMAS COUNTY | ¥ la Porte ~ Lis rs \ mmm ee se ee arpa erie o mmm o os hee \ YOO Sle Hoch oF Rie eae pam - 46 © CArt ane focky Pont O 73 ° \ | & | ° Scale lal li Af 127-088 poyyemue 3 18 Leta Lape ; ¥ ve a © 72 | < lp fer mlls of ra AAG y zfs . Q 33 J , 2D chalioe * perce ~ N T Y 43 O GreFnsrlle x O U Comptonnitlle o les \ Cc 2 ali 6 pWMacherby Skgan 3 7 > gu T Sallards ae O een 7 PRES: oh Morir g EP res, oe 4 Goca = [oriston f ; a Z ri Faulina 22, Oregon House Beery W. Cotantiay TO 5 Hiern oto, Ee sie _——— GAG IETS QV = Sweetlandy: 6 FO Ma ysez ball 0 O French Coral Salbrah oo -¢ oo \ XS Pe = 1) ‘ albratlh, 2 fenning k EPS loz pe Ya « CVEVADA CITY & Pe ee = Ss > Y] 14 [8 BArtiony He Ap Ce | NPs Mest Butte ip a NS SBromnis tal 4 / Gress Kaley 4 1 1S) Gaend | UOmartsvelle 3 Sutter City . x \“ 4/0 Ono +S Merc: z S72" vg CITI OREMARYSVILLE y J ee K be) xX Oo 6 S oN sk Grand /slly a % s Wheatland OGranmore 4X \ iA ¥ 4 ; Marcuse . . GH vose, Sn ind 0 4odar? Cher Hanch \ ya | 7a —° ame y Greenwood .-* Lincoln 0-5 2 Georgetown = ° AUBUAN VGool HE 70 Newcastle py fino Grande a j Penryn ° Pleasant CroveO i ZO «| /8z 5 Sli, fora | Froseville Fy . , - & evertor O paciie | o Ta “=e —." — ; Pac ifec 4/ we > ee 5 Smiths Flat 6 Fark 20, SACRAMENTO Zereeene ae aS eric! Koundtop. . SE MOLamonty SPlsasand Yalloy COUNTY folsom $O WI Single ie BLN IS ip REFERENCE 8 yrerset Cf O Griztly flak Wa 1 SUTTER CO. 9 54 we 2. YUBA CO. 3 SIERRA CO. \ 4 Nashville 4 9 Ome hanch ° “NEVADA CO. ; 5 Catrobe, [eelery far Alay Yn tran 0 Za 5. PLACER CO. Copyrighted. 8 “Ryne awa O Laem me --_- 6. £L DORADO CO. ee ee a a eee mee PA/L ROAD O——_—_0 STAGE LINES J AMADOR COUNTY SONOMA, MARIN, NAPA, YOLO, AND SOLANO COUNTIES. iN i \ COLUSA COUNTY Ae ay MEN, C/N couwv7Ty oo oe = ce (a4 oO O06 = e @ gars 2 Sy ie PARE. v Ask. O ! H Blacks" Erafton eth PA/L ROAD “4 A b Middle torn J 20° : IES se 3 = y STAGE LINES Correns p2—Q Cepservelle aa WF, As bh Zrooks 4 % 5 z 7 d 4 ¥ NY 164 43 \ 3 45h arto toto ® OD Aishermans Gay Shaggs Sirs Letton SrsX Alexander Valley ~ Namo oy uy, ° OjceO Madson Wf 2s Pound Por pie . OCes eee | we Cwarts A \s Healdsburgh® / Yy p ae 7 b ofre Valley aN a 4 9 Sea Meer Monticello ; Lh he “a Qlaredero Ailton Q Angren 2) ~ 9 0 ridsor Yee 2 52 ° ae 7% Alégurta 8 ¥) ea ‘ \ ~. Bensvelle ee St Helena by Cele’ Winters §&F "~.F 72 ®Voe W2 4 Q Autherf ord " OP LA/AFI/ELLD a = Q Zenverton Cam Taylor San Geronuno O a S BAY OF SAN FRANCISCO & SACRAMENTO, SAN JOAQUIN, AMADOR, AND CALAVERAS COUNTIES. SUTTER ! 7: COUNTY feanees. COUNTY oo aes °— , " “antelope 3 Repreva ce wet Orangerale, Ua He LG p \ * Pe Kairoahs® -*4 9 * Allarksvitle » Nalomea 3 oe 3 wK 2 > SACRAMENTO 9: so ya re 9 EL DORADO COUNTY y Me, OO” Mayhews OQ Aukurn 9 g = ¥/ One -- © N\ O /8 ‘6 Pa Michigan Bar a tlelady . eens O O om? ie} Cosumne 9 VPlymouth by aed ag volcano ommom: SY Orytonn p WA d Clarksburgh % 3 rine ta Amador City \ 2 et feet ay “oO PMest Font 92 : hy oklencoe 6 O%2il foad /lat 6 Ip, or aig ae lokelummne Htll 4 Beg Trees 70 Pgetis rm franck P GrinMine *Y, ete? O Shee Ranch J Pf OSSIAN ANRGEAS S e QO Lsmeralda Gooey Murphys, GF k Couglas Flaé 4, * e uct fee f \ Lenny Linas wrth Grossing . 2) \ 6 ) Feds: MetF or? G ia 8 S Ne) 29 in 8 Gq N ay a - 9 Reset STOCK TON AQ ° 5 V¢ : a F farmington. 2 ~\ A ay 7 /4 RO Collegeville x oa x ° S 1 w I es O fSugene y 7 ” \ Olndine 5 fF v ft Lathrop fh ° NN 4 vy ! i‘ 3 , . San - y, OQ lethany 7. ‘ \ Ne Sta he, Lie —Aigeidale : us | Tracy Xk Ptpon XQ Gurwood ss eyecare ; ats 103 STANISLAUWS COUNTY One ss > Sy | bernalis"Y >> : N $ 4 x | 7 i] PREFERENCE /. SACRAMENTO Co. 2. SAN JOAQUIN CO. 3. AMADOR Co. ¥. CALAVERAS Co. ee PA/L LOAD o————0 STAGE LINES Copyrighted. SAN FRANCISCO, SAN MATEO, CONTRA COSTA, ALAMEDA, SANTA CLARA, AND SANTA CRUZ COUNTIES. “SINIT FOWLS o——————_o VOL 71 VY Selb ALNNOD O02 2NHY2 VLNYS 9 \ APFASILNOW KS s Penga oat ee 6 oa OD WYW72 VINVS:S \ Koo? poh pe 2777 par reseuss oe, VOIN TY 7 Mos yoy 5 Nn ; Ea Ae eae OP tLSO) VYLNOI “EC : ¢ mo mmo ‘OD OFLYW NYS 2% 8 | avi227 0p) + Nope DRO 02 ODS1INVYI NYS 7 sf x o/ FINFAYTSFY 9 7 éOMN MS 1127 ze & ‘ H/, Se N \ up py f0<729 O Nos } yee, 0 BONS . Nom > N < . z ) 5 ss > ry V SOgD9S07\ | PS \ rboqn:0¢ x § S es YLusoD N14 UOSWMLOLY “ { Ff: * <8 sear arem 5 vpugmyoz7d > ) UQITIUY 2, SOL NY Shek te Ov = 3 a O 42 5 ca zy me puny 30) ea e pals: REE essohisag dd rs | 9 a 6 — 3 SPATYEW? osu ” of. s feo ° Eo ee 9 re me me SF | arop wopuorssyy Ge . wogeu 7% cgay ri | tp Pie hehe ‘4 i , PrvrGoursg ines Seba eh 2 . s * 030297 | 27009 uopuoroezy] q alt PLOW BAT] WO : 8 fom 9 i i O7 » | a 8 Sa te Loreto C _ € 0 Ke LTE OG "lo oppure uy a -_-* ; ‘S %. eprops / BAT. hee 5 B ODSIINVYS S 6 mommy uopgq Ns 0627709 1S WS ; z¢ Ny Bvou2gorm Sesh psebaHnuelhg anuung ey inate Soyo -- S erprsoyy 9 QO uolhg 7 ze ) diz ry tp ers 200d ve 272 rabsde 7 . xs Norcal fe ¥ 8 £ yooh” My Poh fo7 wil feyerseg wh > 2117p i I IME Eyeay roe 3 is w0ghnp7 ¢ 207 Bs Ne Pouiony ap of uIPZNOT . -—_ ae b . Nee om eo in en oa 2 r 7. / Ae pa af ae 7 [ee ZENS . Ne 7 REFERENCE fate pe I STANISLAUS CO ae af ( MERCED CO eas oe mes 7U0LUMNE CO. ° ge : \ = MARIPOSA CO \ a / \ S| epee 24/1 ROAD A 4 a . _—— i) \ ie f pStar “N STAGE LINES & - 43 . bs N i Lf O Sugar fine ‘“ ° | ¢ Aobirnsans On 17,4 Colm bea ‘9 Ns 4 O-PS LOLEE : ° ° Ni Jicl le bare YORI NR Sue (sbyr ill 3 / e Ly Y Soo eS . “3 fpmestonn Varters ‘\ 2 aye i : 7 SBtent ae co" fi: eit tn: err ia land s < Ay iar tite» a Fike ae veguota f \, ze aN 9 U 1.0 . KPerdale 7 4 ‘7 ° oa ie ’ ° a ° —_— ° A ~ 9 Se Yosemite Ne | J U 7 YxSalida se 0 Bre fs ~ ° aS ° a— a 6 Cia cee 5 A R hernatis 6% ton by Goulterrelle, Ohinsley {~ Dan ‘ MODESTO™O ., eZ : / # ) . :: 74 Grayson 3 gia o B. A Pf i » Seas Valley ne - he £ F SE : : gi oF M* Gullior Yee OQ Q pees > SN Turlock % = “23 Horrede Nese i~*—. G hee IRS D Si < | a Set 10 MARIPOSA S¥—Lovrchella Pill OTE od > Groms Larids ca oA“ O33 6 “fami § = 7 asd : ‘ oe, Ss if peengston . 6 i \/7 : 4. ip Certrude ~ Alwater "*Q ita Ofen Hur 5 Newman Hes. ° > P : wf Y »e 7 MERCED E és 4 nS es \ 3 2. 10 = aNG ‘ 7 0 U ~ Sturgeon O 5 Nee sderg a 7, C On, : Athlone & 76 2 3 \ 5f.. +4, A iS y 7 ies ,0 Spey eign F ol 5 ¢ \, eo =—me oo * \ l Sand ee . e r 4 +t PA v ee Me eanee 1 7 “> - ° 0 Copy rt led = oe oie ie ALPINE, MONO, AND INYO COUNTIES. “‘ £L DORAIO - COUNTY « e XN -—/ 20 ie MONO CouNTY ne ano HELV LL SN he en eae ° —— © ome s om , county ° \ Mound Valley Sta XN are Zoope O ° ° ‘ Ns < XN CALAVERAS ff 1 Pres aay ° gets counryr ° >» IN: xe . ~ Pole Aa a N32 mee x ay 2 A mee Nic, Oo BANS je) = = AES 2 Suan Ne < . XN s\ \ e ‘ ‘“ Celrius INQEPE | i. z pease LQ ndependence Station *— ;- aum ¢ O \ Thebe *\ Lone ~ A REFERENCE. = ‘, 4. ALPINE CO. aN INYO COUNTY > 2. MONO CO Ss ; >» 3./NYO CO sae A ee 2A) ROAD Qe . Be SN STAGE LIM, -) 0 Yodock ES en = > oi NN: < AS /rdian : . ( Melis 0 Argus 58 N, Te Se el ee HEARN COUNTY ! SAnv GERNAFROINO COUNTY \, J N Copyrigh led é MONTEREY AND SAN BENITO COUNTIES. a SANTA C4APA COUNTY \ \ “4 10 . SANTA CRUZ Q Nodak ete) Pets \ counTyr \ Z 6 } sf JSargernts Mat sonville Esdras wen: ‘4 By Soe ‘ae, ON CAttlenden \ BPS S 4 Pajaro Ns 6 fs Se 3 : OS Ny HOLL/sTER ~ N V7 N SanJuan ha SS q : 6 \ — x fy MOSS Prunedale * ; ie AL Oo x NE Castrovilip \ elves Pinos 18 at, eal © Ketividad. e Cleveland . we N O Sonia Rila & Qfaicines AN yi ° Se % : xX . 7 SALINAS \. oe z Lmmete NG ; 0 . x 12 : 5 ® Fact fec Revove aS ae 4/ \ QUulberry oe NG a 62 . Jet Morte 20% Avatar ¢ 9 2 Llanada Agenda é ? PinehKoIAO Panoché x g Cook 6 : Nas 6 ; y 20 Carmel %& Gonzales 7 0 San Gent lo 16 (C0 \ 8 x ‘ o O44 go ld y (22 f . Soledad s ofex \ Sur Sariesburgh 1 gi, Je be: | Z 7? \ &:ller Mater O . Wagan . a Hernandez | 4erarso Spr & ge: Ne A bas few 4 —. ee 22 / Lonoak NS I 1S% . . . x REFERENCE 3 Peach Tree N \ ) re 1. MONTEREY CO. £ ¢ XQ \ On 2. SAN BENM/TO CO oa Priest halley © N Wes NE Q. San luca: % > O——_—_9 NN Sy ACE IVES, (03 NartharNo Slack Canyon. 70 SS . SazArdo Y Qo Jalon DO x /3 O4alleton 2 0 Lockwood Gorda ig" aN gf oe Hames ooF A775 $ LE: ) x A Pleylo_D 70 STAAL ay, Tir. ZG: , Wi Copyrighted. POM OGerm \% tg isi gaat CoCo: San LUIS OBISPO COUNTY MADERA AND FRESNO COUNTIES. Ce Pa \ Se . ° aN So ~ z Fo. oo ie Nees fp nN : : Grub Cutch A Vresno f labs ~ 15 Ves 4 l 4 | Ne O Coarse Gold Gulch \ Y O North fork )-e REFERENCE Pal EF < ee = ‘ /. MADERA CO 4 = ; => a _—= S mie SVG oShaven |2.4PESWO CO 5 . 1 4: fiOctenden | Whee PA/L ROAD ~ see 6 - x fi O Sine Hidge STAGE LINES y S nN 45 dv : ‘ 3 Hobie bJ0ll House . is Das Palos : 5 ee > : 7, Sentinel = s , b Letcher \ : 0 Academy g wee O Jremrmer * \ We firebaugh Oy. PAaller™moro - 5 ye Hings fiver Spuaw Valley Lunlaf. Millrrood + 2 GY A Oo meme ¢ mem «eo » a Wenger 92 4 MN O . = \ a “3# Noble ! = _ . _—- cg Ns Hayes TULARE COUNTY = . ° Ns Q Ki ced ley, a AN Caruthers > 7z, m ; ta. te I Wheatville Te CERO, eee a bE . O Pitvedale Me \ 7 | I I ‘ I g Merngsburgh a) O Lillis Me Yurdrrick : _. -. r Wapee Lemioceres . ‘aterlorrn 7s AWS Sess 4 sy ) a Huron (ite a By) : a § od lly baie J Sea 7 / j 0 = 2 Yarthan Sf é 72) c Gg 2 SONS . ae J ee : Tarbg et 27 \ ! \ fers SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. Copyrgh led. an Streon MONTEREY COUNTY | » AINGS i] COUNTY ome ew ew ee ee ge, ee es ee, ;—~—m © ame We 1 Lynch | ace ag San Meguel 6 £strella Rata a (a= \ 5 le P é 48 e 0 Ccb40785 9s 8 e “a \ 6 O ¢ Shandon A: Le. Ad Maid ea < nea & L250 Fobles . I Fz Q ae Linne PREFERENCE ernprletorn Ss % : Sone 4 SAN LUIS OBLS?PO CO Seer 24/2 POAD Dove mM QCayeco Q STAGE LINES % . 52 5 Wes \ 2 K Sar la Margarita ¢ % 3 Morre 4 = D 18 z Sake 5 17h Z 4a Pan a QUimmler C aS 2 j SAN LUIS OBISPO Woo Sy SHE . ana Musich Avenal Ss S 2 Vil ¥O aes OS % ey mS EArroyo Grande res » al \ \ iS H eS 6 Wuasna a 1 Ee Serros “°y a; aMipone le SANTA BARBARA COUNTY Cuadaloube SS SS . e Goodwin~Q ! | 1S [Azz way a) ee eS aa KINGS, TULARE, AND KERN COUNTIES. ALNNMPOD CSITFINY SO7 . uDwL0-7 \ 444702 vuninza ° ome soe fF om + oem ¢ ¢ om « ome 0 me oes | b/g ie ef “ = ° ) pUCwUDSaY 22927 ~ l . &/ ~N ATO . < a 77/ Be) Sere On azuoy fom 220 . 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Ste ST Ob lets O Dp OO a ¥ Mentone | Ontarco If Lucter ; (Bloomington ¥2 EP pg re/tonvitle Wu6 Declervella\S vate Gedlands,. S - ‘—— ©.. = 5 CON Tar ae Qo me eee —_— a ce NAS QO dvanbar Se fs Te) YS > Moore. es O < \ BEG: Vanderdbilé N Mohave City \\ 30 i, Needles $) Slake 6/ REF ERENCE / SAN BERNARDINO CO. Shee LA/L POA D _—— STAGE LINES SANTA BARBARA AND VENTURA COUNTIES. SAN LU/S OB/SPO COUNTY SAN LUIS OB/5PO COUNTY ‘ ; : Opn aie | i : | AHERN COUNTY fa Bo? Rees -_-™s OGarey ; ‘3 a i 5 S . ° id ~ 9 Sts Gucoc REFERENCE | Treks Ws /. SANTA BARBARA CO. . aT i inet age 2. VENTURA CO. | 0s Alamos 1 seep £4/L ROAD | o_o ¥ STAGE LINES i Los Olivos . ee I O Gatlard ° J avante rez p { 0 Gzena - A ° er 40 . 30 Na é : . ra : Ray we ah « o ; ] : v ae Liye “Ve toe’ AN ey eae Ge RS (- ONorah pe ORS a a Se S e co xf «o a for of f 2 sO % - : Clésii +J cy ur a ot 143 ap ate ilies, Camulos F L 2 re c Oy! Verde 40 0 © SF Sanda 8 Gardsdale fe Ny AN Paula (2 5. oO a if 2 , 40 aE b Senrase \ G << Me SS NY phvaecccoy : aS : J : “ O- Szrme Ne “us Somts ‘remontville DVen. rien. (Leo) are Siringvitle . TE Meg bury fark on GWueneme ~ ; ho ay Fh ors 5 G LO ~ £6 mea no A Cop ry righted. LOS ANGELES AND ORANGE COUNTIES. AC DORE Mee fsfed pagybp1baO) woz, Le YIRG Yr bi 2vag vuoko eee 7A L Gs 42298 oven Oo : oO marae SF IN G & > ee SF 210s + =o, oy, ae OL Pay uDEI Ss MS / u7g5717 (eo) YN O97 20299 Gu07 gg” ia .'~ € a 2 La: Gia 0594 ye ae eS) * UOlLaVe SW RQ % | OC esotn urnees ~~ BUIpO, oA _ 4 = os iN SET na jets 59-400 / 2.124 - azar es oF ay Re \ ; 24270 F med A AL > a Ce of E SKS 9 LY < Dewey uopsagpny Oe by x08 fe ne Saez cay? ge] ste § (uo 3 : 2A wl Peay seli zoos 2e/ 2: x “epem £07, i! : 077 09 Pity cS 7 22172 1UMd Bree \\ opuen, : 0 M227 moy mune ome OWT a Bi a fevers = AGA fzarcontegy b 4 2 " Diloy rieappoR Lea) td a Vd O00 Or fOr a Weotene ae SITIINY SOT 2 Acar 2 a gO Ys tep poeysary S " Sie ok CE 3 O og uDis ge ‘ — Ps f G- 4 5927007 5 \ ‘ \ a 2 NSN E P E Zi s cr R) 4 FY P Lec 3 SOSDYOZOZ " s , x y, » Yo ye & SP FF as sof NM 4 Seer kk 8 8 GA OS oe Fe -_ || ANY Seed) w of ge My a > . Sa 4 nN ae a ry Q | ‘ POP tA von x vow b ; . voy ved ici 3 8 | oe ALNIODP » . ‘ : : ] 6 \ YYNRLINIA s | 227yxey NS x 224 aun, | uosYwoy/ h s7 FBP \ . e/ * | O Gub7 +9 24/ 4 '@) uozoy 5 | Ls, 6 \ | oun77 or o22¢4AW \ ! O #9 a 2ef POOH is | YY 79727 5d ye \ (OP, coe) 9 ezopuzay 1594 x : r ° | SINI7 FIVLS 9 aYD7 ypagr2z277 non \ 5 4 ° o—————_o +9 \ | OVOY 710 deeb L7P 1°0 4 A 0 é ‘ “apso2uv7 & Ms | OP FINYYO eS 6 - o * 09 S7779NY SO7/ me Cd basa ovumzuny | FINIGISIY z a yroussy OC O I eh ee ees eo cme oe eee meee = eo ee ees ee ——<—+— : RIVERSIDE AND SAN DIEGO COUNTIES. Py brs filo 7 YINYOS/TVI WYIMO7 _—-—: _—- eo Syn r2Uu0aUuD 0 - qj gee eS 0494704 PMT Ot z i ° 4 OVALS Ono o Bysz477nY re t. pucseD eel re = 20W01T IY BER. 7a 27? 49x a2 ML0Z77U7-O Santee aA a tr 2 cd i ohh: @ 9 BS OD F/O NE SBRRS Wi) visop puray 2 22 UO vysriaprweS * 7 a 4229 727447 O anes < ZEW ¥ . t 22720 Sorrapa7 Ke eranseg : bo aS7ry vihozsog_O of < et ly J *Uuoloag27 FSB Obes, 22220 27 08202589 O aurvgy “oy aagunny Peg 2frizay e * Ob ireyo7 op sig upUu27 Ky 9 v2w7b24Q Neetewcer: a 4a7POyY ‘oO PAL029 z9 umypeg = Y ~~ w/ Uuzogu oN povumohing” Rooy 9 4 Ge QUOULOY, C14 2 6B) $22 u22K7 Z 6 e) O opivusag Q vouungot eS b/” 2 Xx221UG SEED! xX EE CF votyy Hh Prsruy urge $ TOMO E & Q 29QPEHL QUE LUYAIBNCY Y LIAM ELS Hs 27207 192 4/ € ' Pucfuppy O 08024 HOD y gc [Ptviaui? g GAD PE9SILOD \ 59 IQ “20: BLUPLP DAY, fe) or x20 ure P Z b P)operiva29 SINI7 FIVLS B96 CEN ORS PSN ee ary 121LImY Q ca Fay sinz ung eee en egos DVOY 7/0Y behets OF ODIO NUS & OP FOISYFN/Y 1 JINIYISTY e 4 ALNNOD 4 Be Pagyry 3 JIN YYO A/ % oy HEED Fay A 7 myauhoyo shure secpny ae) OP 154327, ELS SY L076 u 221-4 FULL By UPIIE Linn coed eo FO/SYIN bo UDAYO9 7-27-77 7 AER RI 555 sion > tel pmo eae oa ae eee” le of 4205 ea | si a Pg iz ALNIOD ONICYYNYIG NYS LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. FERRY BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Publications of this Bureau will be sent on receipt of the price and requisite amount of postage. Only stamps, coin, or money orders will be accepted in payment. All publications not mentioned are exhausted. Under Section 8, amendment to the Mining Bureau Act, approved March 10, 1903, attention is respectfully called to that portion of the amend- ment which states: ‘“‘The Board (Board of Trustees) is hereby empowered to fix a price upon, and to dispose of to the public, at such price, any and all publications of the Bureau, including reports, bulletins, maps, registers, etc. The sum derived from such disposition must be accounted for and used as a revolving printing and publishing fund for other reports, bulletins, maps, registers, etc. The prices fixed must approximate the actual cost of printing and issuing the respective reports, bulletins, maps, registers, etc., without reference to the cost of obtaining and preparing the information embraced therein.” PRICE. POSTAGE. PRICE. POSTAGE. Reporte. 1892 SHirst) Bien al esas 6 en eee eee ce Oe $1.00 $0.15 Bulletin No, 44—‘‘ Mines and Minerals of California ’’—1905 ._ $0.04 Reportextlt——t896 eT hind Bien mals. -- 522-62. een ee a2 100 -20 Gold Production in California from 1848 to 1906 -..____.___- a 02 Bulletin No. 6—‘‘Gold Mill Practices in California” (3ded.) .50 04 Register of Mines, with map, Amador County ____.-.--_---. $0.25 .08 Bulletin No. 9—‘‘ Mine Drainage, Pumps, Ete.,’”’ Bound _*_ .60 .08 Register of Mines, with map, Butte County_._._.. __ .._.-- 25 08 Bulletin No. 15—‘‘ Map of Oil City Oil Fields, Fresno County, Register of Mines, with map, El Dorado County-_-.________ 25 08 Ca LOMA a wes eer et oe eS el Been aa ol Ts 05 02 Register of Mines, with map, Inyo County ......--.-__...-.-- 25 08 Bulletin No 16—‘‘ Genesis of Petroleum and Asphaltum in Register of Mines, with map, Kern County -...__..___-.-__- 25 08 Californie. (Sdced ton )s. ee sseee sere ee ee ante Bets 30 03 Register of Mines, with map, Lake County--___......_--_.... 25 08 Bulletin No. 23—‘‘ Copper Resources of California” ___..__. 50 12 Register of Mines, with map, Mariposa County_.___________ 25 08 Bulletin No. 24—‘‘ Saline Deposits of California ’’_..__.____- .50 10 Register of Mines, with map, Nevada County. .__._.-_______ 25 08 Bulletin No. 27—“ Quicksilver Resources of California”’.... .75 08 Register of Mines, with map, Placer County ____._..___.___- 25 08 Bulletin No. 30—“ Bibliography Relating to the Geology, Register of Mines, with map, San Bernardino County-__-__-- .25 08 Paleontology and Mineral Resources of California,” Register of Mines, with map, San Diego County -_._---_..__ 25 .08 meld ines Wis hotiMip secs eee atte ne aee aot 50 10 Register of Mines, with map, Santa Barbara County ._____. 25 08 Bulletin No. 31—‘‘ Chemical Analysis of California Petro- : Register of Mines, with map, Shasta County-_____..- ete a Ae) 08 GUE eh cerae See ee MOON oO SI ol te me Se roe 02 Register of Mines, with map, Sierra County ....-_.._______. 25 08 Bulletin No. 32—“Production and Use of California Petro- Register of Mines, with map, Siskiyou County___...__.___-- 25 .08 AG eee a ener eee eo SPR ween aoa .75 08 Register of Mines, with map, Tuolumne County._____.____- 25 08 Bulletin No. 36—‘‘Gold Dredging in California” (2d ed.)._ .50 .08 Register of Mines, with map, Trinity County .__-...---.___. .25 .08 Bulletin No. 87—‘‘Gems and Jewelers’ Materials of Cali- Register of Mines, with map, Yuba County.....-__......_... .25 08 POTN aus (2OLeC |.) ee ne teeebes Bnet ee ee ee a eS 50 08 Register of Oil Wells, with map, Los Angeles City._____.___ 35 02 Bulletin No. 38—‘‘Structural and Industrial Materials of MapioL Mother od Ghinesr aan sa. ee ts een, ee ee .05 02 GALiMOPTL A: pee eee ete ne ace Sper eae 75 20 Mapior Desert Reriom of Californides:-ss---+.2-cs2ee- 2. see .10 02 Bulletin No. 39— Mineral Production of California ’—1904 __ .02 Map Showing Copper Deposits in California -_..-..__._.._- .05 .02 | Bulletin No. 41—“ Mines and Minerals of California ”—1904 __ 04 Maproti Calaveras) Coun tye semen ene eee ge seamen .25 08 Bulletin No. 42—‘‘ Mineral Production of California ””—1905 _- .02 Maprotge bumeasy CO\Gt yaeee ease oe a eee ae) eer a eee .25 .03 Bulletin No. 43—‘ Mineral Production of California for Mineral and Relief Map of California .--_-..-_.___..__-____. .25 .05 NAMELCCHEV OAT So eee ee ee ee ee * 02 IN PREPARATION: Map of Forest Reserves in California. | Samples (limited to three at one time) of any mineral found in the State may be sent to the Bureau for identification, and the same will be classified free of charge. It must be understood, however, that no assays, or quantitative determinations, will be made. Samples should be in lump form if possible, and marked plainly on outside of package with name of sender, postoffice address, etc. A letter should accompany sample, and a stanup should be inclosed for reply. ft LAW RELATING TO MISREPRESENTATIONS OF MINES BY ANY OFFICER OF A CORPORATION TRANSACTING BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA. APPROVED MARCH 22, 1905. Section 1. Any superintendent, director, secretary, manager, agent, or other officer, of any corpora- tion formed or existing under the laws of this State, or transacting business in the same, and any~person pretending or holding himself out as such superintendent, director, secretary, manager, agent or other officer, who shall willfully subscribe, sign, endorse, verify, or otherwise assent to the publication, either generally or privately, to the stockholders or other. persons dealing with such corporation or its stock, any untrue or willfully and fraudulently exaggerated report, prospectus, account, statement of operations, values, business, profits, expenditures or prospects, or other paper or document intended to produce or give, or having a tendency to produce or give, to the shares of stock in such corporation a greater value or less apparent or market value than they really possess, or with the intention of defrauding any particular person or persons, or the public, or persons generally, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in State prison, or a county jail, not BECeUrE two years, or by fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, or by both. Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. “UNI VERSITY OF IL Li ll itil 21 10779789