a 58k 42 - SONGS, DUETS AND CHORUSSES | | IN THE FAIRY ROMAN CE eu , OF “THE KISS:”" | oR, ae -BERTHA’S BRIDAL. tp, By Winnam COLLIER. FIRST PERFORMED . | AT THE ; THEATRE ROYAL, LYCEUM & ENGLISH OPERA HOUSE, ‘Ox MONDAY, June 13th, 1842. THE WHOLE OF THE MUSIC BY CLEMENT WHITE. LONDON: Printed by S. G, Faizbrother, 31, Bow Street, Covent Gaden. PRICE SIX PENCE. gay 7 tetas Se ae vail ay yt A fie Fe. AR y : IND ae be Satie Me . TAO IY Hy, 2 DRAMATIS) PERSON A. Alexis,... .....(a young Aunter, in love with Bertha).....+.+- Mr. BARKER, Rlerrmann,y, oi. essa: (the Black Hunter of the Forest)...... woe Mr. C. WHITE, Rudolf,.......+. (@ Demon, attendant on Hermann)..... f -»»Mr. A. WIGAN, Michaels. ..i''s <. Sale sss o (the Ferryman) occ ccccavcsescee Mr. COLLETT, Bertha,....- ie ae (an Orphan, protected by Linda)............Miss CRISP, OTC Av ate u eusts's elaeié-s 0's «(the Mother of Vlexis). BGs ae ei: Mrs. EMDEX, tr FAIRIES. Molinding,s.oaiG ¢ .'s's « (the Queen of the Waters) .ecevecssess Miss HUGHES, peti e’. cys ude s 6 0 - (the Fairy of the Dake) ...0sccnscesss Miss GOULD, Pree EY ABER ile die'd'a gine sso 0 eds css 0neaesieue nes es's Miss FAIRBROTHER, Notary, a Hunter, Village Lads and Lasses, Fairies, Sc. \ : SCENE.-ON THE RHINE. TIME OF ACTION —FROM BEFORE SUNRISE TO SUNSET. X 1 ky Teal set i) } a eine SONGS, DUETS, &c. ft ACT THE FIRST. SCENE I A LAKE AND MOUNTAINS, BY MOONLIGHT. Berina, the Fairy of the Lake, and other Fairtes discovered. AIR. BERINA. Lightly o'er the silvery lake, See, she spreads her fairy sail ; Now the glittering waters break, As she dances in the gale. [The Fairy Bark is seen, m the distance, on the Lake, which wt crosses. 6 Gaily o’er the wave she rides, mari “a In her bark with silken sail, O’er the water swift she glides— Now she dances in the gale. AIR. BERINA. AND DANCE BY FAIRIES. She is coming—she is coming, From the chrystal caves of light, She is coming—she is coming, On her coral bark all bright ; We are ringing—we are ringing, Ocean’s coral bells for thee, We are singing —we are singing, A. true welcome song for thee. [UNDINE appears recliniug on her Coral Bark. AIR. BERINA. AND DANCE OF FAIRIES. Come, let every Elf and Fay, Dance the twilight hour away ; Let our nimble feet rebound, Lightly o’er the daisied ground. Trip it merrily—round and round, Trip it merrily—round and round. 7 SONG. ALEXIS. Oh! wake, dearest, wake, while the gay lark is singing, And soft dews are stealing o’er mountain and lea; The wild woods around are with melody ringing, Oh! wake from thy slumbers, and come love with me, Through glade and through glen the light chamois is bounding, Where dew-drops of chrystal each flow’ret adorn ; And the valleys and hills seem to smile while resounding With echoes arous’d by the forester’s horn. Oh! wake, dearest, wake, what bright vision enthrals thee, , And breathes o’errthose eye lids its magical spell ? Oh! wake, dearest, wake, “tis thy lover who calls thee, To wander, once more by thy side, through the dell— Through groves where the low bending willows are weeping, And music is swelling from mountain and lea ; | Where light-footed faires their revels are keeping, Oh! wake from thy slumbers, and come love with me. SONG. BERTHA. Two little streams o’er plains of green, Stole gently on, sweet flowers between ; Now each to each defiance hurl— In tiny shots of bubbling pearl! They foam—they rage—they boil—and then Rest in their silent beds again. 8 And if two little streamlets break The law of love for passion’s sake, ‘Tis well, when you a rival see, To be inflamed by jealousy ! But not ’till then—to rage and foam, And wretchéd make your happy home. FINALE TO ACT THE FIRST. Bertua is led forward by Village Gurls, who place a white wreath upon her head. VILLAGE GIRLs. Thro’ her auburn tresses twining, Bind her brows with bridal wreath ; Love and rapture, see, are shining, In her sparkling eyes beneath. CHorus. Let’s be happy while we may, Sing and dance dull care away. [Zhe Village Lads lead Auexis forward, and present him to BeRtua. VitLace Laps. Come, Alexis, sea] your bliss ; Greet fair Bertha with a kiss! [ALExIs advances to salute Berntua—she starts from him. 9 Bertaa. Be wise—and beware—and of kissing take care, Remember your promise —Alexis, forbear. [Atexis ¢urns away from Berrua, and appears dejected. The Villagers approach and jeer ALEXIS, who attempts to strike them with his Spear. VILLAGERS. He’s a pretty fellow truly, Will not take one chaste salute ; He’s a pretty fellow truly, Will not take one chaste salute ; Zounds ! he’s getting quite unruly, Zounds! he’s getting quite unruly, See! O, see! the savage brute. Ha !—ha!—ha Va Ha !—ha!—ha !— See! O,.see the savage brute. ALEXIS. Hence !—begone!—I do defy thee! BertHa. Dear Alexis, cease this strife :— ALEXIS. Hence !—begone !—I do defy thee ! BrertHa, Dear Alexis, cease this strife. B 16 VILLAGERS. He’s a pretty bridegroom truly, He’s a pretty bridegroom truly, See! he dare not kiss his wife. Ha !—Ha !—Ha!— Ha '—Ha!— Ha !— See ! he dare not kiss his wife.. END OF THE FIRST ACT. il ACT THE SECOND. SCENE I. BALLAD. HERMANN. in the sweet Spring time, when the days were fine, And the lark fron’ his bed rose early, A smiling lass, through the waving grass, Trip’d light on the dew-drops pearly ; Fair maid, I said, will you go with me, My love to share, and my bride to be; Sorrow and want shall ne’er reach thee, And you'll n’er regret the day that we First met in the morning early. Oh! I’m too young, sir, to trust man’s tongue, When he woos in the morning early ; And sore afraid, this maiden said, That you may not mean me fairly. But as | to gain her heart was bent, Tho’ she strove to go—faith she never went; And I thought she fondly blushed consent, Which gave my heart most sweet content, On a fine Spring morning early. 12 SCENE II. INTERIOR OF LINDA'S COTTAGE. BALLAD. ALEXIS, Thro’ forest free come roam with me, And be my blooming bride, The chamois wild I'll chase for thee, Whilst thou art by my side; To thee I'll sing sweet mountain airs, And thou shalt be array’d In ilauibenie fair, in jewels rare, My dark-eyed mountain maid. The sun upon the Alpine lake Now sheds his golden ray, And every flower, on brier and brake, Is fresh’ning with the day ; To lattice nigh, come beauty shy, In loveliness array’d; In all thy pride, my blushing bride, Come forth, my dark-eyed maid! DUET. ALEXIS AND BERTHA.. BERTHA. This morning these roses were blowing, A lovely, fresh, pair of twin flowers, In beauty and fragrance both glowing, Enrich’d by the dew’s early showers. 13 ALEXIs. The brightest and rarest must perish, Be they ever so blooming or gay, As friends whom we love most to cherish, The earliest sink to decay. BERTHA. This life is but sunshine and showers, At best but an April day, ALEXIS. Then why should we grieve about flowers, When we should be happy and gay. DUET. ALEXIS AND BERTHA. ALEXIs. Oh! once I lov’d a gentle maid, No maid more fair could be :— BerTHa. No doubt you lov’d a pretty maid :— I wonder if ‘twas me! (Aside. ) ALEXIS. And oft my suit she would reprove, Whene’er I claim’d a kiss :— BERTHA. Because to break her word would prove, I think youll own, amiss! 14 ALEXIS. Then dear, incline thy lip to mine, And banish idle fear :— BerRTHA. ’ No, no, I never shall be thine, If once our lips come near. ALEXIS. A kiss can leave no trace behind, And oh! how sweet ’twill be! BrertTHa. But tho’ ’twill leave no trace behind, You'll not coax one from me! ALEXIS. True love would let no idle fear E’re damp a willing mind: — BERTHA. Yet those who love are often dear, But cruel to be kind! ALEXIS. Then dear, incline thy lips to mine, And banish idle fear :— BERTHA. No, no, I never shall be thine, If ence our lips come near! 15 FINALE. BERINA. To-night upon the daisied green, A moon-lit bridal shall be seen, Where hand-in-hand we'll dance along, Like happy elves, to mirthful song. ALEXIS. When Bertha’s bridal bells shall ring, And fairies dance in magic ring, It may not then be deem’d amiss, If I should#take a loving kiss. BERTHA. And if you do this lesson take, "Twill serve you well for prudence sake, When you salute some favour’d belle, Be wise, and never kiss and tell! THE END: Bot Beaty Pe ia eed x iL aia a 1