4 Bulletin No, 66 M. M. LEIGHTON March 6, 1923, S 34.65: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Bur v6 DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS James FP, Woodward, Secretary BUREAU OF TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY George H. Ashley, State Geologist 2 mE r OIL & GAS DEVELOPMENT IN PENNSYLVANIA IN 1922. M, HE. Johnson. I, Wildcat operations in eastern counties, Drilling operations were carried on in several of the eastern counties of the State in 1922 without success. In Chester County the well put down near lyndell, Exst Brandywine aut Ker “ERE rien 3 A Ri RL ON ed SRA a —\ Siig? eet 4 4 \ ry hs ‘5 H w hehe r : is - ; UR a4 Se a % ft ah “+ 4 wv I Apt ‘ i“ 4 (} = ; Bo 3h r'5 myn - * The 4o4 i ty he . \ Or ike Me a y Siw 7 Ye ew dent x aA -_ * wy A yay ete Sf oy, eal a 3 a : tenite % a ote fe ; ' : MY, ' ry roy h a EM " { ‘ DOPE Noe fi j . oy ah oh. + won #, ed Bou kd bie Pate aap Ce, er Ds cm tO th NO 4g: ae sy pian ai ne ‘ efits: ‘ eh Oi OVER EE oy 7 ¥ * , + 4 } - : ’ > ; me if & ~ ) ; , ” = | ples . 4 y , i FA e. i : ’ *, , . j : ' fe io) wy t LA * \ , M4 i “ ee Li “ar e : EUS ; 38 ey GTN ya t . j mi ' h te Te | ‘ ' ’ PN ee > ‘ iy 4 a i Dali Mel la 7 " 4 be: &! y ; 2 sya j ia. 4 : 4 Yt Aa te a) ‘ ; i ae le Lh a . 4; ‘ La ‘ i tf 7 uy } 5 ube dl Rt eee ie Y hy ae q a * Da oe ake he ar ag *? te * eta i ) 45 Peay : >a gir Cot wl?] aad st ili Y ne Poibne irs 4, ba Ag a aA A Aaot yay i Mite be : ood, HERES besidbon 5): Bh rake lass : i vig ie, Aa skal é ‘ f AM wis Pi % eT : GAy aes ; i) Dee Py Aaa ry : Arity #5.) f ! . Q 4 oe i ri Re Lap l ty Ages ; ' in ee bea } v 7 i E } ? ; a t a ; y i a ot ‘ ag ; ei a ty | ere © ( NTs ; ER f ee i ; qe ae eo fe ~ "> i x ‘ t FY be i \ f ‘ Me } ; any Bee 134s : ; Ny ir Ot rene A cub ‘ hi 4 e ; ; : C%4) re ay. val ‘pvke if y i i i ‘ 4h iv he } Ny ate op Se a “us - rae | ‘4 ‘ { ry 4 nF ‘ ; i &, A re ‘ AS f f meee ee at, AY od ho +4 ? r 3 i has . te | Wik we cy a . EA ty ey BER et ian Wt ak: Hv Kg | i eae es gy ? ; fA R i ) : i ONS CON fr a rae ia 4 Port arly TVA) Pane imitans Mie ued a Hct hy et ae hia y nf : y Adit tiie ; : snd ‘ Mp a Hat 2 Mi Vea hey) ' / . Pepa SARS : : z ra OEN In Inciana County efforts to extend the producing territory towar« the east met with little success, ‘Most of the wells drilled were dusters or small gassers. Perhaps the most interesting test well in ail Pennsylvania is’thé being drilled near ifeCance, Ligonier township, Westmoreland County, b: the Peoples Natural Gas Company on the Seger Bros. property. When last reported (Jan. 28, 1923) this well was drilling at a depth of 6866 feet or about 45 feet below the depth at which gas was encountevec: in their first deep test in this territory. It was expected tnat pay sand would be encountered at less depth in the present test than in their first test because of its location on the apex of the Chestnut nidge anticline; but it. is possible that an unconformity msy exist which would nullify the slight increase in elevation of tne outcropping rocks, «a third deep well is being sunk near their first well on the Booth and Flynn property and this well is now {Jan. 28th) down more than 6300 feet. In Somerset County the Cumberland Oil Company, Inc., is preparing to drill a deep test we 11 on the Noah Lint Heirs farm in Creenville township. Wildeat operations in Erie and Warren counties were almost uniitormly unsuccessful, North of Corry two wells were Sunk on the watrous farm, the last one to a deoth of 1500 reet; and both were Gusters. a well within the city limits on the Thomas Grecn property Was equally unsuccessful, At Youngsville, Broken Straw township, warren County, the Star Oil Company Grilled their well to a depth of 9035 feet tefore giving up the hole as a duster, The Medina sand was found at a depth of 4537 but proved barren of oil and gas, An inter- Ssving thing about this hole is that it contains only 420 feet of Casing, the hole being open below that depth, Cil is obtained from several small _pumpia® yells drilled by the Neason Hill O11 and Gas Company on th: Eugene SaVore fain about three Miles south of Meadville, Crawford Covntv, The wells are shallow (about 55C feet deep) and hence cheaply drilled, ‘hore is enough gas with the oil to provide power and heat for drilling other wells. IIf, Operations in previously developed territory, Drilling in proven territory developed little of interest e:ccent av two »vlaces,. The largest well of the year was. brovsit in by the @. Phillips Gas and 0il Comoany on the Thomas E,. Ifallissee farm in Plum township, Allegheny County, This well was resorted to have an imitiel production of 1400 bbls, a day of hish-fravity oil from the nunerec Boot sané and startled operators into an active crilling ie -—_ © Cainpaign in this old ane ceclining pool, Unfortunatelv the well »roved to be but a flesh in the van, other wets érilled nearby being either Gusters or small pumpers. At the »resent time the "big well on the Mallissee farm is not yielding one- eye nee en of its original procuction. sda Raat Cua T ie ER prude dah) one" ae His das at) hel ke ie Io jg PRCA Cha tink HET. Bh one qniee awmtart 3 o (eORE Sea AR Oe rm r Ps A “Sin ONS: nag fan rm Ri fetes cao alan ents Hes O38. afl? Ps a wah. se Hf) “art ve { OO0\0 Son? we page EN SiO De roots Or ee VG fe: ‘ed eob 9 walt och NGA. grew aa amare hel cae . Soy SOE AR Be ARE ets te od Hay Py agit eh Peer Hikes YS! FG t Ot: ™ o o) " ¢ aa ¥ - : pa al f x wef + Pee ee a ear oe Mate ue y 42 t y t ; y is a SP hy AP ye ae au we .) ‘ e ’ ; eee a) ae a it Ese a atce TERS, ARERR BNE AY ao my : Ay Og’ hay a ypyait: ge ‘i HT OLB ASR Oe Yale aby AM it sa ; , ates + , 1 { , i j PU ee i, MN sh ian ¢ vey 40% # » ys L ose met TOG ou yy ea Th Bt 4 J f 4 1 aia . / eee i th & ‘ yy ee eLEN We , ml eae Wh +h ewe " tir if vy pry { 4 uh bt ae * i, all * até > t : | : F C he I { aint e . } Heit wee fd ‘ rn + | \ t au ee ‘ ‘ ¥ 1 yd Re | it by betes’ AER |. aimee eens .)¥ : ¥ «BS j : ie pi i ! i Ne Pert | j ft Ww’ iy ob § if m . s iq f rie a “er bw iw a 4 ? 7 ie CLs Ph we {2 ? oy: & : Ay vet en " . ae et ey ¥ \ ae } 4 t i Z i : 4, f, rye 1a Wie \s Min! et f yt 4 ; AN are il AD ‘ ‘ j pe uh 7 4 ay we Re ron . tv “J ae Ma. f 4 cabs = at f f as > Pe y ATG Oy S54 Ay ert ‘ ru 4 ‘ ‘ aa fo ay Vat whe rk * ‘ 1s ws - oe ales rai 7 " vaiwanot. m. iv, wey 5 a Ad hie 4 ‘i, a) he PAY. Wo The owt Se F ‘ a) ine 1 ee itt ry it { : 4 4 yr ee ‘ ! é a * hd t } : bi “ ‘ f Wowut ann Phy pa Pee i { cp en iaah Ae ee Voip ait LP By Darnvutt & Teh eae ht Lf fi. AGE Mn a " r “ ‘Els | % 1 Wade is oe ri t 9 d ‘ oak 9 % Py ite ¥ ‘ "5 na | Q : me? ' | . , add ve Rls y 7 $ i ee P : ee me" Py f : ey as. art Vi i ea at WAS rttoid AY ” , ae pa ge he * no Creare eT hel i R od a ‘i { Wea ‘oS y } oe? ° i = ad ¥ 4 iW : is rt P ‘7 \ ph atid i ? ia! o “ Seep wn a ae ih ui an? mah at , id Ds Gay ed WY Qua mA, ls ee (Ani PA a dist we a ee | Lore iw * & Ng ; vine ¥ cS Awa Rie att ag umd atnecro bo Dita es . pee a f ae SP ave Bhi ge vee) iC pet ray” ih conte Git bi We - a Fa 0 A CO ara y a ae h Hopa cave x PE) OM ROL BEE BRR ahs eae Sake Drak” 3 ie iy peety PP Te, At ‘ Rats ree Et ne Ae ad 5 Li Chih te Lav ned Beak ae meaner ines fC 2 yeh to Ni EAE es a ide, Levelopment was more successful near Tidioniec, ‘larren County, there Charles Carnahan brought in the first gusher April 20, 1922, The ‘idioute pool is in a region which was developed early in the history of oil production and until recently was thought to have been almost worked out. Carnahan's first well, however, found a prolific sand (called the Queen sané and probably to be correlated with the Clarendon sand) below the old yroducing sands (the Venango group) and it is this sand which has furnished all the production in the recent agevelopment, The top of the producing sand is about 750 fect below the top of the Third sand. "Pav" sand is about 10 feet thick. ‘The biggest well, Carnahan's No. 3 Schoelkopf£, was reported as having an initial oroduction of 1350 bbls. of 479 Beaume' amber-colored oil. It is quite possible that this figure is larger than the actual pro- duction, but there is no doubt that many wells in this pool were brought in which had initial productions of over 300 bbls. a day. The pool has been closely drilled and in conseqvence there is now a rapid falling-off in production from new wells. To date 115 wells have been drilled to the Quecn sand. For the first 29 days of January, 1923, the average »sroduction of the pool was 1040 bbis, a day. The field has now been defined in every directior Save one - the southwest. There is still the possibility of an extension in that direction, The ricld as ceveloped at present has a length of about five miles, with a width of nearly three-quarters of Simeace «<0 the east of the oil pool seyrral large gas welis have been brought in on the Wheelock farm. The largcst of these was reported to have an initial production of 10,000,00C cubic feet of wet gas. February 6, 1925 six wells in this‘castward extension were reported to have @ combined capacity of 20,000,000 cubic feet of gas a day. As yet no use has bcen made of this production, Ve, ¥ ee. nd alr 3.0112 Hy ROPE Ee ak RRR Sp = BE Sy DC a igt et de. |. hh ORL aan Dbeitee