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Mer ietaneee vaie ieeigavenenonesehguanenel onareatelt 7 ’ ewe «* 0s Rin ighalsl@hee Siokeia hated poets iene mereneeeae peste ot send nin : atch s lagi nite taael Siskermanhotet tometer ution Sood Ppt ER UbT Bs | # STROSS ane ehabeiaien ele eeenenate eave ow “<2 eh eee oe ee fe Lee ener rary + Oh6 |» OF mde h Ble dies leie dna, He Dophp rp Meeeie lazaserdis'a tated gaake sa tahes J - - ‘ +P A alee a le ela leg OW Cd Sguele Chewieig o'sce ale veree Oma ethane Pee eangne : FOE A Os CREE CPD ee eee W Oe gle oO! Ole Pa sn e+e ‘ 20 ce) 0000 Oe seem ofe 0 Les ehbho a ete THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY GOB NY89e CHEMICAL PATENTS INDEX A COMPREHENSIVE AND DETAILED INDEX OF THE SUBJECT MATTER OF SPECIFICATION AND CLAIMS OF UNITED STATES PATENTS AND PATENT REISSUES GRANTED DURING THE DECENNIAL PERIOD 1915-1924 INCLUSIVE, COVERING THE ENTIRE FIELD OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY COMPRISING THE RAMIFICATIONS OF PATENTED INORGANIC AND ORGANIC CHEMICAL PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS AS APPLIED TO BIOLOGY, MICROSCOPY, : BOTANY, MINERALOGY, PHARMACY, MEDICINE, PHOTOG- RAPHY AND DYESTUFFS IN BOTH THE WARLIKE AND PEACEFUL ARTS BY EDWARD CHAUNCEY WORDEN, First, Pu.C., B.S., M.A., F.C.S., F.L.S. AUTHOR, ‘‘NITROCELLULOSE INDUSTRY,” ‘‘ CELLULOSE ACETATE,” AND ‘‘TECHNOLOGY OF CELLULOSE ESTERS” IN FIVE VOLUMES VOLUME ONE INDEX OF NAMES A-Z INDEX OF SUBJECTS A-B BOOK DEPARTMENT The CHEMICAL CATALOG COMPANY, Jnc. 419 FOURTH AVENUE, AT 29TH STREET, NEW YORK, U. S. A. 1927 Fs net The CHEMICAL CATALOG CO! CopyricHT, 1927, BY All rights reserved Fy | ‘ ‘ hes Th \ 1 > isha Pt Ri . he Unite d To | Chuse ro-wnrkers Wuo BY ‘THEIR INSPIRATION, COUNSEL AND MATERIAL ¢ _ AssISTANCE Have MaApDE ITS PREPARATION PosSIBLE y Tuts Work, IN GRATEFUL APPRECIATION IS ea Affertionately Dedicated « PREFATORY STATEMENT. Every mental effort of inherent merit involving useful addition to the sum total of permanent human knowledge must have a definite aim and rest upon a fundamental basis. : The five volumes constituting this work and representing eleven years’ uninter- rupted labor of a small force is an attempt to cover in detail, by a line-upon-line index approximating seven hundred thousand entries, the chemical subject matter of all of the United States patents granted during the ten-year period January 1, 1915 to December 31, 1924 (U.S. Official Gazetté, volumes 210 to 329 inclusive) ; being the 398,377 patents between the issued numbers 1,123,212 and 1,521,589, of which 22,882 separate patents have been indexed herein together with the re-issues which have been published during this time. It is intended adequately to cover the whole field of chemical technology—organic, inorganic, biological, mineralogical, - pharmaceutical, photographic—thus comprehending from a patentability point of view the entire industrial chemical development in both the warlike and peaceful arts during this decennial period. In the index of patentees comprising the first portion of this volume, 14,526 names are recorded as sole or joint inventors. No attempt has been made to edit, amplify, curtail, expurgate, interlineate, trans- pose or correct any statement appearing in the patents indexed for obvious legal reasons, the subject matter being indexed as is and without comment. In patent adjudication it repeatedly has been held by the Courts that the construction and intent of a specification must be judged by the actual published statements solely, i. e., what the patentee said, and not what one of supposed superior knowledge might infer he intended to mean, and that the specification description must be stated with sufficient lucidity, exactitude and comprehensiveness so that “one skilled in the art to which the invention appertains ” by following the description alone, may be able to obtain the result specified and/or claimed. The involved phraseology, obvious circumlocution, and deficiency in chemical knowledge apparent in the description of some inventions render their indexing in an intelligent and understanding manner a matter somewhat of guesswork. In such instances the context has been indexed as printed, and then again indexed the way we deduced the invention should read. This accounts, in a measure, for the extreme detail with which this Index has been subdivided. The present litigation in respect to the aryl-substituted guanidines as rubber vulcanization accelerators is indicative of how exhaustive an index of this nature should be in order to become of maximum utility in anticipatory searches and searches involving alleged “lack of novelty” in a chemical process, or product, or both. The method of preparation of this Index has been as follows: The description of each patent as printed in the Official Gazette was critically examined, and if it appeared from the statements therein that the patent might contain subject matter of a chemical nature, the patent was purchased. From this original patent, the chemicals and chemical manipulations and mechanical devices were indexed with sufficient completeness and fullness to cover apparently all of the chemical subject matter from any angle which might be sought, each item or line being placed on a separate card. These cards were then reviewed against the original patent. Instead of typing the patent number at the close of each line, the cards resulting from the indexing of each patent were rubber stamped with the patent number by means of 6 PREFATORY STATEMENT a numbering machine, it having been found nearly impossible to write the same number of seven figures several times without transposition or other error in figures. These cards were then thrown strictly alphabetically, the duplicates under one heading combined on a single card, and the cards then re-typed introducing dashes, instead of phrases represented between adjacent commas. By the substitution of dashes instead of words and phrases, the bulk of this work has been reduced by about 1260 pages without contraction of statement. This formed the original manuscript which was then re-read against the individual cards. In preparing the original cards (3” x 8” in size), they were typed by being fed continuously into a typewriter at distances of about 4 inch apart against a carbon sheet and a letter-size sheet under- neath, so that following each patent indexed there appears one or more sheets with a carbon of each line written upon the individual cards—an excellent method of afterwards checking as to'the accuracy and completeness of indexing of the individual patent. The number of cards thus prepared from a single patent ranged from one or two in the relatively unimportant ones, to several thousand cards. For example, from U. 8. Patent 1,505,043, which is a dissertation upon the cellulose ether art, there were prepared 2756 individual cards, the carbon of the same comprising 108 typed letter-size sheets. The total cast to us of indexing this ten-cent patent exceeded one hundred sixty dollars. The patent and the carbon sheet (or sheets) of the cards pertaining thereto were then filed in a series of loose-leaf covers by numerically increasing numbers, the first number of the patent in the volume appearing on the back of the same. A library of 168 volumes was thus formed covering this period. It will be observed that a question mark has been placed in parenthesis in various places in the Index, indicating that while the patent has been indexed as published, we demur as to the completeness, clarity, accuracy or propriety of the statement so indexed. In the indexing of the patents of the decennial period 1905-1914 we are now engaged, as likewise upon the biennial period 1925-1926. It is hoped to keep the Index to date by the issuance of biennial volumes, and if the demand for a work of this character is commeasurable with the labor and expense involved, it is planned to continue working backward in series of volumes embracing the periods 1885-1904 and 1790-1884, thus eventually making the Index complete for the entire United States patent issuance. It appeals to us that such a series of volumes, if accurate and complete, would be a wonderful stimulus to chemical patent inventiveness and ingenuity in the United States; would minimize useless legislation based on faulty or inadequate information as to the extent of basicity of chemical patents already allowed ; indicate almost at a glance in an authoritative manner the precise state of the patent art for any given subject; and would substantially replace the laborious and not always satisfactory methods of search now available, at present based primarily upon systems of classification. We believe a patent index of this nature should be far superior in accuracy and completeness to the methods of patent search now available, provided the index is accurate, exhaustive and of maximum availability, for the reason that such a work indexes the subject matter from a line-upon-line scrutation of the specification and claims—the actual “guts” (a polite word in Shakespeare’s time) of the patent—and depends in no wise upon the heading or claims only, which are often intentionally (?) involved and misleading for a definite purpose in the mind of the patentee, the real essence of the invention being perhaps hidden in an unobtrusive paragraph, and phrased in an inconspicuous manner, presumably with a well-defined purpose in view. There are said to be “ tricks in all trades.” In this connection we classify the preparation and searching of chemical patents as a “ trade,” and for this and other reasons, the preparation of an adequate index of the entire gamut of chemical technology has involved much labor on our part in certain instances, in endeavoring to try to satisfy ourselves as to the breadth, scope, basicity and limitations of a given invention from perusal of the PREFATORY STATEMENT v specification context. In some instances we have obtained and read the File Wrapper from which the application eventuated into a patent, in order to clarify our own mind upon involved points. It would seem that some of the granted specifications must have been prepared by “ specialists,” if a specialist is one “who knows more and more about less and less.” Upon Leo Rutstein, our junior associate, who collaborated in the preparation of the Author’s former volumes, has devolved the responsibility of correlating the various systems of nomenclature and methods of procedure in indexing, in evolving a system applicable in maximum usefulness in an index of this character, which is composed of a non-homogeneous mixture of terms used in pure chemistry, chemical technology and chemical expressions of the trade and the works. The system of nomenclature used in Chemical Abstracts, Beilstein, “ Organische Chemie” and Richter and Stelzner, “ Lexicon der Kohlenstoff Verbindungen ” has been followed by combination.. In general, letters and phrases enclosed in parentheses are not to be considered in alphabetization. Letters and words in italics such as 0, m, p, d, l, leuco, racemic, etc., are not to be considered from an alphabetical standpoint. The numbering used in organic compounds is that followed by Chemical Abstracts, as far as it was possible to do so. The name used is of the largest parent compound it 1s possible to use for maximum clarity and to show the chemical structure. Thus 3-amino-hydroxy-benzene-sulfonic acid is hydroxy-metanilic acid. The name “ phenol-sulfonic acid ” is not used, save in a few exceptions. The only name used which indicates two functions is Naphthol-sulfonic acid, and in numbering these derivatives, the naphthol is always 1-naphthol or 2-naphthol, other groups being numbered to correspond. This is of paramount importance as several systems of numbering are used in the patents, and the same compound may appear under three or four separate headings. This heterogeneity has crept into the Patent Office archives mainly as the result of foreign patents being applied for in verbatim language to the foreign application, or having been translated into English in the country of their origin for filing here. All substituent groups are listed in strictly alphabetical order and not in the order in which they may occur in a homologous or isologous series, and include such poly- compounds as dimethyl and triethyl, which are listed as one group beginning with “d” and “t” respectively. For example, substituent groups herein are written in the following order: Amino-chlor-diamino-dibenzyl-ethyl-methyl-phenyl-ete. This is of importance as otherwise it would be impossible to tell which of the substituent groups came first in the name, and consequently the card or entry could be located only with difficulty. Amyl-butyl-ethyl-methyl-octane would be found as above, and not this combination beginning with (say) butyl, or ethyl, or methyl. The same is true when using the largest parent compound, as in the case of hydroxy-metanilic acid, cited above, the compound if written in one way would be found under “Amino-etc.,” whereas it should be found under “ Hydroxy-metanilic acid.” For this reason a large number (about 3800) “see” and “see also” cards have been used in order to clarify, simplify and knit together the Index into a compendium of maximum usefulness and speed of reference. The use of bis-, bi- and di- is that given in Chemical Abstracts. For instance, nearly all compounds which might approximately be called Di...... -methane, are listed herein as Methylene-bis...... A complete explanation of this matter is found in the Journal of the American Chemical Society 1917, vol. 39, page 1623. There are many articles and processes for which a large variety of words could be used as the index or leading word with equal propriety. We have endeavored to select as the “key” word or expression, that probably most familiar to a chemist or patent attorney, or the word or phrase most expressive of the thought in the least number of letters or words, in order to reduce the bulk of the Index to the minimum compatible with clearness. BUSY PREFATORY STATEMENT Most of the names are self-explanatory to those reasonably familiar with the particular subject involved. Names of minerals are based on Dana’s Mineralogy, those of pharmaceuticals and medicinal chemicals and therapeutic synthetics on the last edition of the U. S. Pharmacopeeia and the two Dispensatories. The name used in the heading of the entry is the preferred English name for the product. To research workers and authors, attention is directed to the wealth of data con- tained under the respective headings of the various topics. As a citation, under “ Benzaldehyde” are to be found on pages 727-729, a total of 258 citations of patented information under 229 separate headings. An inventor, through lack of chemical knowledge, or in an attempt to broaden the scope of his invention, or cover up the real essence of the specification, often indulges in generic rather than specific terms or expressions upon which two or more constructions may be placed, thus rendering the proper indexing of the patent difficult. If one is interested in (say) arsenous oxide (arsenic trioxide) the data may be found partially under “arsenic,” which is supposed to index only the elemental form, but undoubtedly has therein many references to the arsenic oxides, especially the trioxide. He should also consult “ arsenous oxide,” “ arsenic trioxide,” “arsenic oxide,” “arsenious acid,” “arsenic acid,’ and “arsenic pentoxide,” for the reason above stated. Then there are present in this Index a number of general headings such as “ arsenate,” “arsenite,” “article,” which would be superfluous if the patent were sufficiently specific from a chemical viewpoint, or if the inventor were not endeavoring to protect for himself a whole series of compounds, rather than a specific body in a general class. When examining the references under a specific heading, always at the end of the references refer to the heading for leads under “see ” and “see also” referencs in italics. In comprehending the entire U. 8. patent art covering the period of this Index for any given subject, if the Index is complete, it merely becomes necessary to order of the Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C., at ten cents each, the patents represented by the numbers appearing under any given subject. That is, this Index _ 1s supposed to be a complete search of the entire field of chemistry as shown by the granted patents and patent re-issues. The abbreviations used in this work are few and simple: “ mfr.” for manufacture, manufactured or manufacturing (whichever is most applicable) ; “ obtg.” for ob- tained by, obtaining; “contg.” for contained, containing; “ pro.” for production, producing. As an example of the use of dashes instead of words, attention is drawn to the seventeenth line from the top of page 250, which says: “—, —, —, mfr. of, process,” and which would read in full, “A process for the manufacture of alcohol by the . oxidation of air in the presence of a catalyst.” We have roughly computed the extent of the four succeeding volumes covering this decennial period Index of chemical patents by weighing the cards and headings comprising the same, and comparing them against the weight of the cards contained in this volume. The approximations are as follows: Vol. I. Preface and Index of Names, 138 pages; Subject Index, A-497; B-269. Total 904 pages. Vol. II. C-6%5; D-110; E-105. Total 890 pages. Vol. III. F-200; G-135; H-125; I-140; JK-35; L-145. Total 780 pages. Vol. IV. M-205; N-120; 0-90; P-355; QR-130. Total 910 pages. Vol. V. S-460; T-160; U-20; V-70; W-110; X-12; Y-10; Z-70. Total 912 pages. This gives an apparent approximation of 4396 pages for the five volumes. PREFATORY STATEMENT 9 It is a pleasure to acknowledge and to record the valuable assistance of the coadjutors who have co-operated in the arduous labor involved in some portions of a work of this character, who have contributed of their time, energy and specialized information so willingly, and without whose assistance the work could not have eventuated. If there is merit herein, the credit primarily to them belongs. Preston R. Smith, expert in the intricacies of organic chemistry; Dr. Carl Marx, Dr. O. W. Wilcox, and Messrs. De Witt Bell, Clarence H. Lehman, John W. Bruce and Clifford Evers are all entitled to special acknowledgment. Mr. George H. Stevens kindly looked over those portions of the index involving rubber and vulcanization acceler- ators, and allowed us to draw from his years of practical experience in the elucidation of this complicated subject. Mr. Frank Alva Worden threw the entire list of cards into the approximately 5780 separate indexing headings constituting the original card classification, a task involving nearly four years of uninterrupted labor and calling for a high degree of sustained perseverance. Tio Misses Jean N. Baker, Lydia Englander, Pauline 8. Newmark and Sophia R. Livingston, A. B. (in order of their seigniory), have devolved the responsibility of spelling and card classification, the retyping of the cards upon sheets with the replacement of words and phrases by the corresponding number of dashes, and the almost endless checking of the references against the original patent specification to ensure the minimum of inaccuracy. Grateful appreciation is acknowledged to the technical staff of the Chemical Cata- log Company, Inc., for valuable assistance during the progress of the planning and printing of the work, and to The Lord Baltimore Press, of Baltimore, Md., for the execution of what must be conceded to be an unusual and difficult piece of typog- raphy. This point becomes especially pertinent when it is remembered that the entire work, from issuance of first galley proof to the completion of. printing, occupied a period of less than nine weeks. The Author would esteem it a courtesy to have his attention directed to such errors as have inadvertently (or otherwise) crept in. Pending the issuance of succeeding volumes, correspondence respecting data not yet published will be welcomed from those interested in topics which happen to begin with letters other than “A” or “B” comprising this volume. EDWARD CHAUNCEY WORDEN, First. MILLBURN, NEW JERSEY, August 22, 1927. SUBJECT INDEX. MAIN HEADINGS IN VOLUME I Abietic acid, 139 Abrasive, 139 Acacia, 144 Acaroid, 147 Acetaldehyde, 149 Acetamide, 155 Acetate, 156 Acetic acid, 157 Acetic anhydride, 170 Acetin, 171 Acetone, 172 Acetophenone, 185 Acetylene, 190 Acid, 196 Acid-proofing, 203 Acridine, 204 Adhesive, 205 Adrenalin, 211 Agar-agar, 212 Air, 213 Aircraft, 223 Airplane, 223 . Airplane dope, 224 Albastine, 228 Albumen, 229 Albuminous material, 233 Alcohol, 234 Aldehyde, 259 Aldol, 261 Ale, 262 Algae, 263 Alizarine, 265 Alkali, 266 Alkali bicarbonate, 273 Alkali bisulfate, 275 Alkali borate, 275 Alkali carbonate, 276 Alkali cellulose, 281 Alkali chloride, 282 Alkali chromate, 283 Alkali dioxide, 288 Alkali earth, 288 Alkali earth carbonate, 290 Alkali earth chloride, 292 Alkali earth hydroxide, 295 Alkali earth oxide, 298 Alkali earth sulfate, 301 Alkali hydroxide, 304 Alkali hyposulfite, 312 Alkali metal, 313 Alkali molybdate, 314 Alkali nitrate, 314 Alkali oxide, 315 Alkali phosphate, 318 Alkali salts, 319 Alkali silicate, 322 Alkali sulfate, 323 Alkali thiosulfate, 327 Alkyl acetate, 329 Alkyl esters, 330 Alloy, 331 Allyl alcohol, 347 Almond oil, 350 Alum, 351 Alumina, 357 Aluminate, 360 Aluminum, 360 Aluminum acetate, 375 Aluminum alloy, 376 Aluminum carbide, 381 Aluminum carbonitride, 381 Aluminum chloride, 382 Aluminum compounds, 387 Aluminum electrode, 389 Aluminum fluoride, 390 Aluminum hydroxide, 391 Aluminum nitrate, 395 Aluminum nitride, 396 Aluminum ore, 398 Aluminum oxide, 399 Aluminum. phosphate, 407 Aluminum resinate, 410 Aluminum salt, 410 Aluminum silicates, 412 Aluminum sodium sulfate, 416 Aluminum sulfate, 417 Alundum, 424 Alunite, 425 Amalgam, 426 Amber, 426 Amino compounds, 440 Amino-phenole, 454 Aminoquinolines, 457 Ammonia, 460 * Ammoniac, 484 Ammonium acetate, 485 Ammonium bicarbonatre, 486 Ammonium bifluoride, 488 Ammonium borate, 489 Ammonium carbonate, 490 Ammonium chlorate, 494 Ammonium chloride, 494 Ammonium chromate, 499 Ammonium citrate, 500 Ammonium cyanate, 501 Ammonium cyanide, 501 Ammonium fluoride, 501 Ammonium hydroxide, 502 Ammonium iodide, 513 Ammonium metavanadate, 514 Ammonium nitrate, 515 Ammonium perchlorate, 519 Ammonium persulfate, 519 Ammonium phosphate, 520 Ammonium polysulfide, 522 Ammonium resinate, 523 Ammonium salts, 523 Ammonium sulfate, 526 Ammonium sulfide, 531 Ammonium sulfite, 531 Ammonium tartrate, 532 Ammonium tungstate, 533 Amy! acetate, 534 Amy] alcohol, 539 Amyl benzoate, 542 Amyl formate, 544 Amyloid, 545 Anesthetic, 547 Anhydrides, 548 Aniline, 549 Animals, 558 Animal food, 558 Anisidine, 560 Anode, 561 Anthracene, 562 Anthraquinone, 567 Antimony, 571 Antimony salts, 579 Antimony sulfate, 579 Antimony sulfide, 579 Antimony trichloride, 580 Antiseptic, 582 Argon, 588 Arsenate, 591 Arsenic, 592 Arsenic compound, 596 Arsenic oxide, 598 Arsenide ores, 601 Arsine, 603 Asbestine, 608 Asbestos, 608 Asphalt, 619 Atophan, 630 Aurotin, 632 Azonaphthalene, 634 Azo resins, 635 Azurite, 635 Bacteria, 637 Bactericide, 643 Bagasse, 645 Baking powder, 646 Balata, 647 Balloon fabric, 652 Balsams, 653 Barite, 655 Barium, 656 Barium carbonate, 659 Barium chloride, 661 Barium dioxide, 665 Barium hydroxide, 666 Barium nitrate, 669 Barium nitride, 670 Barium oxide, 670 Barium sulfate, 675 Bark, 680 Barley, 680 Bast fiber, 683 Battery, 684 Bauxite, 708 Beer, 717 Beeswax, 720 ‘Benzene, 730 Benzoic acid, 757 Benzyl alcohol, 764 Beryllium, 771 Beverage, 775 Bismuth, 791 Bitumen, 800 Borates, 823 Borax, 824 Borneal, 835 Brass, 845 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 INDEX OF NAMES (PATENTEES) Aalgaard, pe 1,498,642 Aannerud, Ss, and B. Halvorsen, 1,397,197 Aaron, A., and G. J ones, 1,280, 358 Aarseth, M., 1,200,157 Abbey, B., 1 '399 838 Abbott, A., 1 518 4238 Abbott, C., , ‘126, 157: 1,172,244; 1,333,363 Abbott, a 1,411 550 Abbott, Ti, 1,308, 8855 1,332,018; 1,345,905 Abbott, R., 1,265 158 Abbott, W., 268 186; 1,263,187; 1,395,885 Abderhalde en, E., 1 151 536; 1 191. 551 Abegg, F., 1 atin a7 1 Abel, F., 1,285,1 Abernethy, H. » see H. M. Abernethy Abernethy, H M. » and H. D. Abernethy, 1,323,236 Ablahadian, K., 1,435,367; 1,513,360 Abogado, L., 1,382, 156; 1,382, ‘157; 1,382,158 ; 1,382,159 Abraham, C., 1,482,585; 1,493,012; 1,500,097 Abraham, H., 1,126,932; 1,226,738; 1,258,454; . 1,811,941; 1 287 920; t "3855 008 Abraham, H, H. Haines, 1,134,573 Abrams, A., 1.395 247 Abrams, H, 1, 194, 462 Abrams, J, seo F. McPherson Accioly, F, 1,453,374 Ach, L., and H. Dieterich, 1,265,865 _ Ach, L., A. Rothmann and H. Dieterich, ii 156, 044; 1,156,045; 1,180,627 Ach, Li A. Rothmann and G. Giemsa, 1,265,864 Ach, i A. Rothmann and H. Hatzig, 1, 163 496 Acheson, E., 1,193,333; 1,193,334; 1,193,335, 1,201,994; 1,223,350; 1,253,556; 1,345,305; 1.345.306; 1,379,155; 1,379,156; 1,398.219; 1,398,220; 1,419,951; 1,419,952: 1,456,111; 1,456,112 | Acheson, G., 1,431,079; 1,431,080; 1,431,081; 1,482,340 RG W., 1,418,607; 1,429,265; 1,429,266; 1,429 ,26 Acker, C ., 1,142,220; 1,160,811 Acker, E., see F. Kunert Ackeren, J. Van, 1,307,571; 1,320,369; 1,375,475; 1,375,476; 1,375,477; 1,375,478; 1,402,272; 1,486,401 Ackerman, E-, 1,197,326: Ackermann, F., see E. Steinbuch Ackermann, F., 1,173,0 Acton, W., and W. MacKean, 1,435,886 Adachi, K, see M. Nakayama Adam, M.,, we B Testrup Adam, te 2,201 Adam, M ghee W. Fernie, 1,140,296 Adam, M., J. Stevenson and A; 1,379,237 Mabbiitt, Adam, M., J. Stevenson, T. Mabbitt and J. Fieldhouse, 1,365,140 Adams, A., 1, 188 600: 1,265,582; 1,486,069 Adams, ws and 8. Peck, 1 326, 159 Adams, C.,. see A. Grob Adams, Ox 1,259,468; 1,485,942 Adams, E., see J. Norton Adams, E. see L. Wise Adams, E. and H. Haller, 1,374,871; 1,374,872 Adams, E. and L. Wise, 1,338, 349 Adams, F., 1,311,862; 1,480,140; 1,476,570 Adams, H., se e M. Shepard Adams, ii I, 204 350; 1,491,021 Adams, a 1,320, 726: 1 320 (2¢3. 1,827,263; 1,411,551; 1,428, 311; 1,428,312; 1,433,519; 1,445,281; 1,455, ‘376: 1,455,377 Adams, J., and O. Egge, 1,269,994 Adams, N., 1,477,797 Adams, R., see O. Kamm Adams, R., see E. Volwiler Adams, R.., 1,317,469 © Adams, R., and H. Beatty, 1,247,482; 1,247,483 Adams, R., Jenkins and E. Volwiler, 1,513,730 Adams, R., and J. Johnson, 1,501,894 Adams, R., and O. Kamm, 1 260, 289 Adams, R., and E. Volwiler, 1 360 994; 1,440,652 Adams, W,, 1,231,687 Adams, W.. and J. Cummings, 1,441,199 Adamson, D., 1,338,117 Adamson, G., 1,399,238 Adamson, dsece J. "Montpetit Adde, S., 1 410, 868 Addicks, i 1,138,921 Addicks, L., and C. Brower, 1,148,814 Adell, ao 1 318, 431; 1,318,432 Adelsperger, Dp: 1 ‘349, 034 Adler, F., 1,378 ‘931 Adler, H, 1,278, Ail Adler, J, it 147 066 Adler, bs see H. Berlin Adler, M., 1,441,551; 1,441,552 | Adler, R., y. 151 B53; 1, 169 756 Adom, M. , 1,202, 638; 1 227, 361; 1,282, 517 Adrian, Ain Wit 429 912; 1 430, 724; 1,430,725; 1 434. 485: 1 434, ‘486: 1 443,813 Adsit, C, see C. Bennett Adsit, Cc. see G. King Adsit, C , 1,386,484 Adsit, F ay 288, 460 Aeby, ae 1,454,612 Aeuer, E, t, 191 02 Aeveaenes, G,, see H. Fee Aghan, W., 1,210,880 Agnew, A., "and F. Renwick, 1,424,062 Agnew, Fr. 1,174,464 Agopian, Ey 1,468,251 12. UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 uillon, J., 1,435,783 ern, A., 1,438,351 Ahern, W., 1,160,682 Ahlburg, F, {3 151 506; 1,151,507 Ahlgren, J., "1,306, 679; 1,341,871; 1,497,531 Ahlum, C., 1,303,624 Ahrens, O., 1,007,908 Ahrle, H., see J. Rovira Aichele, A, 1,221,647; 1,296,731 Aiken, E, see J. Aylsworth Aiken, E., 1,190,072 Ailhaud, F., 1,486, 473 Aims, W.., 1 405, 704 Ainslie, T : ‘and R. rat 1,480,541 Ainsworth, A., 1,203,448 Ainsworth, W. 1,310,518 Airheart, R., 1,515,647 Aisen, M., 1,181,202; 1,206,189; 1,206,190; 1 224, 125; J, 360, 252; 1,360,253; 1,360,254 Aitchison So see W. Dyson Aitken, A., 1 ,234,091 Aizcorve, E., 1,358,132 Akashi, K., 1,325,971 Akeley, C., 1,384,420 Akerblom, N,, 1,333,694 Akers, H., and W. Kaufmann, 1,256,634 Akin, Ra 1 196,751 Aktschourin, J., 1,169,592 Albach, J., 1,408, 473 Albert, A, 1 388, 084; 1,425,929; 1 425 931; Re-15, B57; 1 A72, 778 Albert, T., 1,898.597 Alberti, J., 1,234, 711 Albertus, i. 1,416,924 Albrecht, B., 1 192,596 Albrecht, J., 1,205,957 Albrecht, T., see J. Wandersee Albrecht: T., R. Peretto and J. Wandersee, 1,425,930 ; Alcock, H., Alden, ’s., and H. Eddy, 1,394,462 Aldrich, Di 1,361,298 Aldrich, C., and J. Bryan, 1,299,414 Aldrich, T., 1,271,111; 1,397,913; 1,451,357 Aldrich, W., 1,124,382 Aldworth, G., 1,186,533 Alexander, A., 1,459,078 Alexander, rom 1,230, 975; 1,366,626; 1,404,725; 1 407 619: 1 All "055 Alexander, O., and G. Taber, 1,381,098 Alexander, F., 1,220,927 : 1,511 A88 1,443,552 ; Alexander, H., 1,148,815; 1 239, 152; 1,426,341; 1,437,331 ; 1 461 957; 1,487,132; 1 ‘87, 133; 1,487,134; 1 87, 135; 1 ‘487, 136 Alexander, J, 1,259, 708 ; 1 300, 096; ‘1,300,097 Alexander, P., 1,225, 389 Alexander, R., 1,350,537 Alexander, W.. 1,143,877; 1,143,878; 1,237,011; 1,263,634; 1,263,635; 1,337,380; 1,337,381; 1,337,382; 1,366,338; 1,366,339; 1,385,854; 1,401,853 Alexander, W., and J. clogs, 1,358,914 Alexanderson, ‘EB, 1,266,3 1,402,733 ; Alexandre, A., 1,301,633 Alford, H., 1,206,283 Alfthan, H., 1,507,559 Alioth, M., ‘and E. Bodmer, 1,403,888 Allan, W., 1 496,966 ; 1,513,728 Allan, W., H. Sturgis’ and J. Sturgis, 1,178,119 Allatt, Tv, 1,514,244 Allbright, W., 1,817,675; 1,404,708; 1,404,709 Allcutt, C., 1,343,191; 1,361,800; 1,361,801; Re-15, 653; 1,485, 358 Allcutt, C., see J. Mateer Alleman, O., see O. Schmidt Allen, A., see EH. French Allen, A., see H. Ryding Allen, A., 1,427,049 Allen, A., and E. Lilly, 1,193,496 Allen, Bo 1,233,633 ; 1,284,032 Allen, C., 1,231,468; 1,339,684; 1,350,204 Allen, on and E. Trimbey, 1,357, 760 ; Re-15, 311 Allen, E., 1,407,313 Allen, F., 1 A22 327 Allen, ae 1,309,17 1 Allen, G., and H. Allen, 1,305,331 Allen, G. Van, see G. Van Allen Allen, H., see G. Allen Allen, H., 1,301,532; 1,803,226; 1,355,116; 1,485,473 ; Allen, H., and K. Fox, 1,349,597; 1,374,976 Allen, J., 1,275,354; 1,285,888; 1,385,352; 1 A74, 313 Allen, J, and J. Christen, 1,226,739 Allen, M , 1,008,002 Allen, Ps see A. Lenders Allen, P., 1,422,328 Allen, R., 1,517,523 Allen, 8., 1,178,483 Allen, T., 1,172,659; 1,187,225; 1,197,327; 1,199,041; 1,199,042; 1,234,600; 1,268,532; 1,268,533 5 1,448,586; 1 481 671 Allen, W., 1,167,966; 1,206,075; 1,215,463; 1,219,526; 1,248,053; 1,260,740; 1,261,750; 1,271,002. 1,280,939; 1,286,575; 1,287,605; 1,290,476; 1,291,352; 1,321,182; 1,329,573; 1336,806: 1,341,100; 1,368,379; 1,377,174; 1,421,888; 1,474,133; 1,477,096; 1,482,906; 1 ‘491 652; 1,513,207 Allen, Wi F. Richmond, and W. Marker, 1,516, 132 Alles, G.., see R. Calvert Allien, V., 1,484,167 Alling, J., 1,207,261 Allingham, J., 1,380,514; 1,403,463; 1,512,262 Allinson, J., 1,500,040 Allinson, W., 1,395,694 Allis, L., 1,149,170 Allison, B., 1,293,293 Allison, C., 1,163,965; 1,349,648; 1,444,051 Allison, G., 1,492,949 Allman, J see A. Hou gh Allsop, an and W. Sibson, 1,245,139 Allyn, L., 1,489, ‘re Almy, C., 1,191,1 Alsberg, J, and P. > Ralph, 1,485,757 Alsdorf, F., 1,482,960 1,380,515; 1,386,486; INDEX OF NAMES 13 Alsina, V., and G. Fernandez, 1,352,421 Alsleben, P., 1,486,002 Alsop, J., 1,184,295; 1,250,072; 1,402,204 Alsten, A., 1,827,264 Altstadter, G., 1,434,764 Alteneder, F., 1,221,786 Altenfeld, P., 1,124,831 Althouse, C., 1,153,004; 1,202,766; 1,349,867 Alton, W., 1,379,157 Alton, W., and A: Battelle, 1,350,694 Altpeter, O., 1,206,076; 1,211,382 Altweeg, J., 1,315,619; 1,413,151; 1,414,333; 1,431,863; 1,447,501; 1,483,152 Altwegg, J., and J. Collordeau, 1,507,565 Altwegg, J., and D. Ebin, 1,375,949 Altwegg, J., and J. Landrivon, 1,334,642; 1,398,191; 1,418,900 Altwegg, J., and P. Pivot, 1,493,182 Alvo, F., see C. Butty Alvord, E., see H. Howard Alvord, E., 1,503,013 Ambler, J., 1,288,792 Ambler, J., and H. Gibbs, 1,292,950; 1,300,227 ; 1,300,228; 1,390,241 Ambler, J., H. Lubs, and H. Gibbs, 1,316,823 Ambruster, C., see E. Smith Ambruster, C., 1,854,086; 1,521,348 Ameln, R., and C., Montelius, 1,411,256 Amend, O., 1,512,263; 1,512,264 Ames, B., 1,133,780 Ames, S., 1,373,933 : Amies, J., 1,150,481; 1,470,674 Amiss, J., 1,212,166 Amos, R., 1,165,368 Ampt, C., 1,261,995; 1,261,996 Anchors, G., 1,329,353; 1,376,598 Ander, A.. and F. McGuire, 1,384,375 Anders, H., 1,210,394; 1,251,614; 1,331,609 Anders, H., and M. Schroedler, 1,195,325 Andersen, C., see E. Westhing Andersen, C., and E. Westling, 1,292,559 Andersen, E., 1,218,156 Andersen, F., see F. Wennergren Andersen, H., 1,218,350 Andersen, J., 1,285,889 Andersen, O., 1,416,925 Anderson, A., see B. Saklatwalla Anderson, A., 1,129,440; 1,342,198; 1,864,849 Anderson, C., 1,215,759; 1,277,817; 1,290,035 Anderson, D., 1,194,926; 1,198,095; 1,415,137 Anderson, E., see J. Baddiley Anderson, E., see M. Newell Anderson, E., 1,174,795; 1,249,708; 1,253,560; 1,263,727; 1,298,154; 1,409,901; 1,444,997; 1,465,833; 1,465,834 Anderson, E., and F. Moon, 1,354,642 Anderson, G., 1,280,363; 1,285,891; 1,475,774 Anderson, H., see E. Thornhill Anderson, H., 1,400,495 Anderson, J., see F. Atack Anderson, J., 1,227,232 Anderson, N., 1,235,753; 1,235,754; 1,235,755; 1,235,756 Anderson, O., 1,236,134 Anderson, R.., 1,381,689; 1,397,497 Anderson, S., 1,165,742 1,402,208 ; 1,334,641 ; Anderson, W., 1,396,003 Anderwert, E., see B. Wuth Anderwert, E., H. Fritzsche and H. Schobel, 1,210,751; 1,265,030; 1,265,031; 1,276,307; 1,282,354; 1,282,355; 1,282,356; 1,292,385 Anderwert, E., and H. Fritzsche, 1,338,414 Anderwert, E., and H. Schobel, 1,233,742 Andreau, R., 1,313,661; 1,824,140; 1,326,248; 1,347,071; 1,381,782; 1,420,399; 1,462,732; 1,468,371; 1,478,690 Andres, A., see O. Schmidt Andres, F., 1,281,262 Andresen, V., 1,310,901; 1,318,254; 1,470,794 Andress, F., 1,497,657 Andreu, P., and R. Paquet, 1,487,521 Andreucci, C., 1,272,181 Andrew, G., see T. Rigby Andrew, G., see N. Testrup Andrews, A., 1,296,035 Andrews, B., and W. Averill, 1,312,467; 1,319,828; 1,329,739 Andrews, C., 1,280,940; 1,806,512; 1,314,920; 1,314,921; 1,314,922; 1,314,923; 1,314,924; 1,314,925; 1,314,926; 1,314,927; 1,314,928; 1,314,929; 1,324,715; 1,324,716; 1,324,717; 1,336,182 Andrews, E., 1,862,213 Andrews, F., 1,506,963 Andrews, J., see L. Troland Andrews, L., 1,280,622; 1,281,117; 1,281,118; 1,283,617 Andrews, L., and L. Mathias, 1,501,895 Andrews, W., see G. Mayer Andrews, W., 1,136,501 Angier, E., 1,167,466; 1,352,774 Angel, A., 1,340,696 Angel, E., 1,435,142 Angelini, O., 1,493,415 Angle, H., and F. Root, 1,174,537 Anhaltzer, H., 1,129,056; 1,191,647; 1,358,048; 1,365,443 Anjow, K., 1,483,567 Ankh, A., 1,363,830 Annable, H., 1,289,072; 1,347,610 Annan, A., 1,333,057 Annand, R.., 1,286,490 Anneke, P., 1,264,747 Annert, A., 1,489,596 1,227,520; 1,242,903; Antisell, F., 1,204,926; 1,204,927; 1,239,443; 1,250,757; 1,282,521; 1,313,246; 1,348,470; 1,465,034 Antolin, E., see U. Corbella Antonoff, G., 1,303,843; 1,303,844 © Anzbock, O., and F. Hoogendoorn, 1,485,944 Aoyagi, E., 1,500,789 Apgar, J., 1,153,532 Apgar, M., see J. Hall Apgar, S., and G. Hanks, 1,466,636 Appelbaum, A., 1,302,273; 1,346,153; 1,346,154 Appelquist, G., and E. Tyden, 1,143,797; 1,367,223 Apple, V., 1,132,297; 1,174,798 Applegate, A., 1,138,069 — Applegreen, A., 1,314,301 Appleton, C., and F. McRae, 1,430,142 Araki, S., 1,185,757 i+ 14 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Arbuckle, A., 1,422,514; 1,454,916 Archer, C., 1,433,979 Archer, R, see Z. Jeffries Archer, R., and Z. Jettries, 1,472,738; 1,472,739; 1 ‘472 740 Archibald, R., 1,171,299; 1,216,046; 1,487,742; 1,437,951 Ard, L., 1,873,698; 1,373,699 Ardagh, E., see F. Thorold Arend, J., 1,863,382 Arendt, M., 1,146,989 Arendt, M., and E. Brown, 1,467,911 Arens, F., 1,481,716 (Arent) 7 A.%) 1318523; 1,388,825; 1,388,826; 1,388,827; 1,388,829; 1,418,609; 1,418,610; Arentz, F., see A. Backhaus Ariente, P., and L. Flick, 1,495,146 PATIS Seu 437 5743 Arledter, ‘H "1,153, 883 Armitage, aly F, Holmes and B. Berry, 1,439,053 Armor, J., 1,374,711; 1,467,825 Armstrong, A., see G. Turrell Armstrong, A., 1,408,242 Armstrong, C., 1,134,578; 1,269,150; 1,415,290 Armstrong, D., 1,240,293 Armstrong, E.., 1,439,054 Armstrong, F., 1,218,506 Armstrong, G., 1,257,780 Armstrong, H., 1,463,782 Armstrong, J., 1,154,557; 1,342,148 Armstrong, M., 1,301,893; 1,331,554; 1,867,292; 1,384,037 Armstrong, P., see E. Corning Armstrong, P., 1,241,899; 1,241,900; 1,322,511; 1,416,486; 1,468,937; 1,495,504; 1,496,980 1,318,524; 1,388,824; 1,388,828 ; 1,451,313 Armstrong, P., and R., DeVries, 1,460,048; 1,513,793 Arnold, C., 1,177,006; 1,195,431; 1,247,610; 1,257,665; 1,277,528; 1,350,271; 1,408,061 Arnold, E., 1,314,236; 1,314,237; 1,454,593; 1,492,661 Arnold, E., and P. St. Clair, 1,423,510 Arnold, E., and W. Wakeford, 1,463,280; 1,507,560 Arnold, H., 1,157,662 Arnold, H., and M. Levy-Dorn, 1,195,432 Arnold, J., 1,345,732 Arnold, K., 1,404,261 Arnold, N., 1,175,110 Arnoldi, C., 1,403,223 Arnot, R., 1 395, 238: 1,414,164; 1,500,915 Arntzen, A., and K. Trosdahl, 1,352 934 Aronowitz, 7. 1,206,495 Aronson, ae 1,287,819 Aronson, S., 1,152,137 Arosio, M., 1,355,586 ;. 1,356,847 Arsdel, W. Van, see W. Van Arsdel Arsem, W.., 1,157,919 Arsem, W., and J. Wright, 1,270,093 Artz, A., 1,136,390 Arthur, J., 1,416,928 Arthur, W., 1,208,448: 1,244,940 Asakawa, S., and K. Nosawa, 1,387,448 Asef, W., 1,135,981; 1,165,743 Ash., C., see R. Gould Ash., C., 1,234,255; 1,271,991; 1,453,781 Ashby, H., 1,164,324 Ashby, W., 1,400,341 Ashcroft, E., 1,231,471; 1,232,169; 1,159,154; 1,161,585; 1,163,498; 1,186,367; 1,197,329; 1,198,987; 1,204,234; 1,320,192; 1,320,193; 1,350,091; 1,859,652; 1,859,653; 1,359,654; 1,888,086; 1,491,653 Ashcroft, G., see D. Corrie Ashe, L., see H. Kohman Ashenhurst, H., 1,230,085; 1,817,852; 1,317,853; 1,351,149; 1,853,621; 1,353,622; 1,365,077; 1,402,183; Re-15,844 Ashus, J., 1,226,439 Askenasy, P., 1,158,769; 1,201,132; 1,201,133; 1,234,714 Askin, J., 1,393,483; 1,497,316; 1,497,317 Aslatt, R., 1,872,664 Aslund, F.., see T. Boberg Aslund, K., and T. Boberg, 1,214,875 Aspinall, D., 1,414,611 Aston, J., 1,255,499; 1,370,622; 1,380,178; 1,896,398; 1,413,513; 1,469,373; 1,469,374; Astrom, C., 1,365,078 Atack, F., see W. Haworth Atack, F., 1,434,980; 1,461,745; 1,494,879 Atack, F., and J. Anderson, 1,430,277 Atack, F., and G. Robertson, 1,401,125 Atack, F., and C. Soutar, 1,452,774 Atherton, A., 1,511,314 Atkins, E., see H. Field Atkinson, F., 1,231,114; 1,286,903; 1,286,904; 1,361,131; 1,391,161; 1,455,015; 1,455,016; 1,472,318 Atkinson, R., see H. Fisher Atkinson, W., 1,514,822 Atterbury, G: 1, 140, 559; 1,163,060; 1,163,198 Atuesta, M., 1 157 283 Atwater, Re 1,175,331 Atwater, W., 1,429,824 Atwood, H., 1,477,025 Aubert, A., and S. Nauckhoff, 1,186,065 Aubertin, J., 1,256,285 Auden, A., 1,834,940 Audianne, P., 1,450,661 Audianne, P. and G. Bachalard, 1,518,043 Auerbacher, L., 1,206,287 Auger, V., 1,180,964 August, J., 1,366,152 Aukerman, N., 1,425,935 Auld, E., and J. Campbell, 1,310,382; 1,310,383; 1,310,384 Aupperle, J., see W. Beck Aurand, E., 1,388,501; 1,388,502 Aurich, E. and F. Wolf, 1,367,521 Aurynger, J., 1,496,198 Re-14,457; 1,370,507; 1,412,823; 1,492,412 1,264,591; 1,264,592; 1,391,160; 1,457,484; Austin, A., 1,229,397; 1,284,975; 1,284,976; 1,382,613 | Austin, J. 1,511,194; 1,511,195; ‘1,511,196; 1,511,197 Austin, L., 1,827,974 Austin, P., 1,815,940 Auzenat, L., 1,877,110 Avera, A., 1,429,013 Averill, C., 1,238,734 Averill, W., see B. Andrews INDEX OF NAMES 15 Averill, W., 1,375,245 Avery, D., see H. Gepp Avery, D., 1,402,732 Avery, D., and R. Stevens, 1,403,065 Avery, D., R. Stevens and R. Williams, 1,426,703 Avery, D. and R. Williams, 1,347,200 . Avery, G., and F. Bamblett, 1,442,243 Avery, H., 1,515,821 Avis, b., 1,277,172 Avis, 8., 1,381,613 Axelrad, §., and I. Hochstadter, 1,290,870 Axtell, C., 1,226,165 Axtell, F., 1,204,638 Ayala, A., 1,333,237 | Aycock, E., 1,315,652 Ayers, C., 1,130,240 Ayers, L., 1,458,461 Ayerst, A., and C. Waite, 1,166,509 Aylesworth, J., and E. Aiken, 1,345,115; 1,347,668 ; Ayliffe, H., 1,500,482 Aylsworth, J., 1,087,422; 1,134,432; 1,135,962; 1,139,470; 1,144,338 ; 1,146,384; 1,146,385; 1,146,388; 1,146,389; 1,154,161; 1,167,468; 1,196,505; 1,197,171; 1,230,816; 1,250,760; 1,283,450 Aylsworth, J., and D. Smith, 1,134,483 Aymard, M., see U. Tainton - Ayres, E., 1,247,782; 1,297,625; 1,454,616; 1,454,617; 1,467,081 Ayres, W., 1,159,155 Azpiazu, A., 1,332,877 1,151,849; Re-14,530; 14,531; 1,137,373; 1,137,374; 1,146,299; 1,146,300; 1,146,386; 1,146,387; 1,146,390; 1,146,391; 1,183,423; 1,191,383; 1.213142; 1,213,143; 1.255,500: 1,260,852; 1,429,997 ; B Babasinian, V., see J. Sachs Babbitt, E., 1,470,795 Babcock, C., see G. Leighton Babcock, C., see F. Norton Babcock, E., 1,180,564 Babcock, J., 1,866,048 Babcock, S., and E. Hagmaier, 1,174,466 Babendreer, A., 1,371,541 Babigian, B., see S. Babigian Babigian, S., and B. Babigian, 1,507,328 Babis, H., 1,330,421; 1,392,040 Babson, R., 1,871,214; 1,485,158 - Bachalard, G., see P. Audianne Bache, L., 1,197,428; 1,204,115 Bache-Wiig, C., 1,169,597; 1,240,920; 1,327,221; 1,455,471 Bache-Wiig, C., and J. Bache-Wiig, 1,418,353 Bache-Wiig, J., see C. Bache-Wiug Bachler, F., 1,131,308; 1,170,868 Bachler, F., and W. Newkirk, 1,244,012 Bachman, F., 1,489,417; Re-15,973; 1,489,418 Bachman, J., and M. Bachman, 1,228,846 Bachman, M., see J. Bachman Bachmann, W.., see R. Zsigmondy Back, A. de, 1,126,621; 1,196,342; 1,196,343 Backer, C., 1,341,774; 1,451,755 Backhaus, A., see M. Whitaker Backhaus, A., 1,271,114; 1,271,115; 1,296,902; 1,306,244; 1,313,158; 1,324,765; 1,875,340, 1,376,665; 1,396,007; 1,396,008; 1,396,009; 1,396,010; 1,396,718; 1,897,121; 1,400,203; 1,400,204; 1,400,849; 1,400,850; 1,400,851 ; 1,400,852; 1,402,336; 1,402,337; 1,402,338; 1,403,224: 1,403,225; 1,419,910; 1,425,624; 1,425,625; 1,425,626; 1,437,483; 1,487,952; 1454462: 1,454,463; 1,474,135; 1,493,183; 1,508,435; 1,510,181; 1,510,373; 1,516,907 Backhaus, A., and F. Arentz, 1,376,665 ; 1,388,841 1,400,205; 1,426,449 Backhaus, A., and C. Haner, 1,396,006 Backman, H., 1,402,256 Bacon, C., see J. Wilson Bacon, C., 1,428,521; 1,455,060 Bacon, C., and J. Wilson, 1,167,469 Bacon, G., and W. Wilson, 1,397,915 Bacon, H., B. Brooks, and H. Clark, 1,220,391 Bacon, N., 1,804,931; 1,804,932; 1,330,578 ; 1,416,772; 1,485,475; 1,519,476 Bacon, R., see H. Davis Bacon, R., 1,140,865; 1,140,866; 1,151,234; 1,151,235; 1,151,236; 1,180,816; 1,197,589 ; 1,197,590; 1,235,953; 1,235,954; 1,243,681 ; 1305244: 1,310,151; 1,312,668; 1,329,493 Bacon, R., and H. Davis, 1,374,897; 1,374,898 ; 1,419,911 Bacon, R., and C. Kidwell, 1,490,081 ; 1,509,920 Bacon, R., and B. Nicolet, 1,152,591 Bacon, R., and C. Wenrich, 1,878,084 Bacon, R., B. Brooks, and C. Clark, 1,131,309; 1,334,731 Bacon, R. F., and B. T. Brooks, 1,489,683 Bacorn, F., 1,178,833 Badder, H., 1,396,546 Baddiley, J., see H. Levinstein Baddiley, J., J. Hill, and E. Anderson, 1,498,315 Baddiley, J., J. Payman and E. Bainbridge, 1,452,481 Baddiley, 1,441,655 Bader, M., and C. Sunder, 1,448,251 Bader, W., 1,396,913; 1,484,249 Bader, W., and D. Nightingale, 1,489,380 Badier, L., see L. Holliday _— Badier, L., and L. Holliday, 1,349,802 Badin, A., 1,143,482; 1,196,639 Badollet, M., J. Hamilton and C. Walton, 1,505,185 Badowski, A., 1,517,486 Baeder, C., 1,149,171 J., J. Payman and H. Wignall, 1,483,925 5 Baekeland. L., 1,133,083; 1,146,045; 1,156,452; 1,160,362; 1,160,363; 1,160,364; 1,160,365; 1187229; 1,187,230; 1,187,282; 1,200,692; 1213144; 1,213,726; 1,216,265; 1,216,266, 217,115; 1,233,298; 1,259,472; 1,259,473; 1306681; 1,312,093; 1,354,154; 1,372,114; 1,401,953; 1,439,056; 1,442,420 es 16 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Baekeland, L., and A. Peter, 1,190,845 Baekeland, L., and N. Thurlow, 1,187,231 Baer, M., 1,347,927; 1,347,928; 1,357,375 Baewskin, A., 1,896,495; 1,472,781 Baezner, C., 1,153,748 Baffetti, A., 1,412,992 Baggaley, R., 1,135,488 Bagley, C., 1,328,803 Bagley, D., see M. Feilmann Bagley, J., 1,417,791 Bagnall, A., and J. Taylor, 1,239,074; 1,239,075 Bailey, A., 1,158,770 Bailey, C., H. Denny and W. Norris, 1,325,605 Bailey, G., see W. Kennedy Bailey, G., see J. Weiss Bailey, G., 1,401,937; 1,515,325 Bailey, G., and F. Boettner, 1,355,103; 1,364,475 Bailey, G., and A. Craver, 1,383,059; 1,489,500 Bailey, G., and G. Foster, 1,331,688 Bailey, G., and A. Sedgwick, 1,430,877 Bailey, G., C. Fischer and J. Schulze, 1,424,138 Bailey, J., and H. Kalusowski, 1,215,098; 1,231,554 Bailey, L., 1,418,514; 1,505,236 Bailey, R., 1,319,748 Bailey, S., 1,209,656 Bailey, T., 1,473,947 Bailey, W., 1,165,646; 1,242,511; 1,416,929 Baille-Barelle, A., 1,458,964 Baillio, G., 1,178,205; 1,260,621; 1,260,522 Baily, T., 1,420,512; 1,434,519 Baily, T., and F. Cope, 1,218,042; 1,372,330 Bainbridge, A., see J. Baddiley Baines, H., 1,303,627; 1,344,372 Bains, T., see C. Fulton. Baird, F., 1,279,074; Re-15,067 Baker, A., 1,179,791 Baker, B., 1,300,550 Baker, C., 1,199,751; 1,224,057; 1,378,311 Baker, E., 1,504,206; 1,504,207 Baker, F., see F. Nathan Baker, F., 1,230,364; 1,230,365; 1,230,366: 1,348,687; 1,348,688; 1,348,689 Baker, H., see F. Nathan Baker, J., see E. Phelps Baker, J., see C. Wallace Baker, J., 1,224,701; 1,867,530; 1,878,644; 1,404,922; 1,413,092; 1,413,153; 1,413,154; 1,468,693; 1,510,132 Baker, L., 1,413,565; 1,450,128 Baker, Le R.., 1,425,486; 1,425,487 Baker, T., see G. Heyl Baker, T., see H. Whittaker Baker, T., 1,189,653; 1,209,657; 1,218,616; 1,278,290 Baker, W., and H. Weaver, 1,373,044 Bakevich, A., 1,137,450 Bakke, B., 1,329,158 Bakken, H., 1,363,384 Bal, C., see P. Van Mouwerik Balderston, W., 1,380,034 Baldwin, A., 1,127,578 Baldwin, C., 1,235,872 Baldwin, E., 1,199,147; 1,504,312 Baldwin, W., 1,205,837; 1,205,838; 1,393,335; 1,415,294; 1,520,924 Balfour, A., see P. MacGregor Balfour, I., see S. Bray Balhorn, H., see R. Herz Balke, C., 1,289,079 Balke, P., and G. Leysieffer, 1,456,047; 1,468,222 Ball, F., 1,885,769 Ball, G., 1,210,259 Ball, J., see D. Comstock Ball, J., see L. Troland Ball, J., 1,364,676; 1,415,007 Ballantine, W., see H. Sulman Ballantine, W., 1,386,981; 1,430,878 Ballard, A., 1,327,691 Ballew, J., 1,491,782 Balliet, H., see P. Solan Bally, O., see R. Bohn Bally, O., 1,128,886; 1,202,260; 1,494,943 Bally, O., and R. Metzger, 1,204,639 Bally, O., and H. Wolff, 1,216,921 Balmer, R., 1,408,064 Balser, J., 1,489,658 Baltin, O., see R. Koehler Baltin, O., 1,166,170; 1,166,171; 1,261,342 Balz, G., 1,217,683 Balz, O., see A. Mittasch Balzari, J., 1,240,165 Bamblett, F., see G. Avery Banan, H., 1,513,210 Banbury, F., 1,513,733 Bancroft, C., 1,441,904 Bancroft, G., 1,310,939; 1,883,370 Bancroft, W., 1,390,480: Banigan, T., see H. Bassett Banigan, T., 1,382,195 — Banks, C., 1,519,434 Banks, R., 1,429,830 Bannon, J., and Thorold, F., 1,367,652 ; Banting, F., C. Best and J. Collip, 1,469,994 Barab, J., 1,280,634; 1,280,635; 1,307,032; 1,307,033; 1,307,084; 1,371,215 Barach, L., 1,518,130 Barba, W., 1,167,470; 1,167,471; 1,167,472 Barbe, A., 1,896,914 Barbe, L., 1,894,532 Barber, H., 1,176,265 Barber, J., 1,167,326; 1,167,327; 1,167,328 Barber, T., 1,194,983; 1,251,621; 1.495,765 Barberis, A., 1,145,877 Barbet, E., 1,292,676; 1,319,319; 1,326,432; 1,328,258; 1,851,363; 1,371,460; 1,371,461; 1,389,852; 1,416,318; 1,436,332; 1,452,778: 1,492,063; 1,512,268; 1,513,305 Barbet, P., 1,459,081 Barbieri, N., 1,282,170 Barbour, O., 1,491,456 Barbre, C., see H. Cannon Barbre, C., see E. Leshe Bard, J., 1,221,270 Bardeen, C., 1,180,279 Bardin, A., 1,223,135; 1,228,165. Bardt, H., 1,423,069; , 1,423,070; 1,423,071; 1,425,163 Barefoot, J., and A. Knee, 1,430,143 Barenscheer, W., see C. Titus Barett, H., see S. Newberry Barfoed, S., 1,232,179 Bargar, F., 1,422,406 _ Barglebaugh, C., 1,287,827 INDEX OF NAMES 17 Barhoff, F., 1,828,357; 1,328,358; 1,328, 359 Barkalow, E., 1 505, 993 Barker, B., 1 386 924 Barker, on 1 128,282 Barker, F., and G. Buckham, 1,340,871 Barker, Hy see B. Goldsmith Barker, isiy and B. Goldsmith, 1,362,095 Barker, oe 1 266,194 Barker, jee 1 447 006 ; Barker, R,, see 8. Garr Barker, R. 1,362,590 Barker, W., 1 521 ,169 Barmier, H., 1 383 012 Barnard, Ay 1 474 507 Barnebey, Os 1 355 642; 1,397,613; 1,502,896 Barnes, A., 1 304 844 Barnes, B., 1 340 747 Barnes, E,, 1 273 068; 1,311,945; 1,316,133; 1 468, 792; 1 512, 190 Barnes. J.;, 1,181 562; 1,208,453 Barnes, T., 1 318 O57; 1 400, 344 Barnett, M., and ‘e Burgess, 1,218,588 ; 1,219,797: 1,222,593; 1,252,384; 1,252,648 : 1,252,649; 1,280,636 Barnett, S., see R. Crar Barnett, S. 1,230,817; 1 971 118 Barnette, D., 1 433, 111 Barneveld, C. van, see EH. Leaver Barnhard, A 1 150, 130 Barnhart, G., see C. Burke Barnickel, W., 1,223,659; 1,223,660; 1,428,204; 1,467, 831 Barr, A. 1,235,278; 1,253 oo4 : Barr, em 1,206 771. Barr, he 1,206 291 Barrett, Ae see I. de Kaiser Barrett, C., 1,188,237 Barrett, G., 1,404, 001 Barrett, H., see s. Newberry Barrett, Jt; 1,230 648 Barricelli, M., 1,200 ,296 Barrie, W.. and ie Chadwick, 1,455,598 Barringer, van 1,423,985 Barringer, L. E. 1,439 991 Barrington, Jey 1,139, 326; 1,160,563 Barros, J. de, 1,313 274 Barrow, ae 1,194, 124 Barrow, E., 1,155, 194; 1,165,220 Barrows, F., 1,483 270. Barry, Bas i 197, 997 Barry, se 1,485 823 Barstow, E., see H. Dow Barstow, E., see T’. Griswold Barstow, E., 1,141,920; 1,141,921; 1,169,114; 1,184,698; 1,184,694; 1,209,246; 1,270,589 ; 1,305,641; 1,343,897; 1,344,018; 1,349,707 ; 1,463,190 Barstow, H., and J. Cavanaugh, 1,228,516 Barstow, E,, and P. Cottringer, 1,466, 983 Barstow, E., and. 'T’. Griswold, 1,125,920; 1,199 861: 1,238,084; 1,261,005 Barstow, E., and a Jones, 1,392 905 Dart, B., 1 295 ,100 Bart, A: 1,250 079 Barteaua, R., see G. Given 1,141,922 ; 1,209,245 ; 1,305,642 ; 1,359,782 ; Bartels, A., 1,209,539; Ue: 623: 1 a5 624 Bartelt, 1 267 737 Barth, Ki 1 172, 925; 1,264,479 Barthelmes, ticel 1 258 854 Barthemess, cou 1,204 ‘537 Bartholomew, EB. 1,175 919 Bartholomew, F, see I. Hechenbleikner Bartholomew, W., and C. Leary, 1,211,385 Bartleson, T., 1 381 783; 1,424,193 Bartlett, F., 1 ‘484 370; i 013, 148 Bartlett, HH, 1,459 082 Bartlett, ral 1 233 016; 1,233,017 Bartlett, V,, 1 498 259 Barton, 1a 1,310 977 Barton, L., see A. Rossi 1,211,526; 1,820,666; Barton, L., 1,155,462; 1,155,462; Re-14,280; 1,179,394; 1,189,229; 1,201,541; 1,205,144: 1,206,796; 1,206,797; 1,206,798; 1.218161: 1,223,356; 1,223,357; 1,223,358: 1.234.260: 1,235,638; 1,236,655; 1,240,405: 1.251.170: 1,288,473; 1,313,874; 1,322,518: 1.342.084: 1,348,843: 1,351,091; 1,409,648 Barton, 1 aM and H. Gardner, 1 236 907; 1,283,455; 1 286, 916; 1,326,319 ; 1 362 QI7: 1,365,882 Barton, 1 ‘and C. Kinzie, 1,451 004 Barton, Li and W. Thompson, 1,152,693 Bartsch, P., 1,374,806 Barva, B., and F, ‘Wichman, 1,265,419 Barwell, J ., 1,409,435 Bary, C., 1,136,462; 1,182,071 Bas, W., de, 1,187,717; 1,390,244 Bascom, W., 1,518,044 Bascou, E., 1,516,171 Basehore, H., and EB. Kraft, 1,207,703 Bashford, Re 1,467,299 Bashioum, He see P. Gruber Bashlin, W., 1,136,994; 1,198,990 Bashor, U., 1,131,593 Baskerville, c see O. Hagemann Baskervulle, rads see C. Wales Baskerville, C., 1,130,698; 1,208,265; 1,231,985; 1,246,379; 1 378, 439 Baskerville, oo and C. Joyce, 1,351,092 Basore, C., 1,323,239; 1,385,515; Re-15 241 Bass, mh 1,386, 226 Basseches, ay 1,284,172 Bassett, G., 1,345,057 Bassett, H., see C. Parsons Bassett, H., 1,159,464; 1,172,420; 1,194,464; 1,194,465; 1,217,388; 1,217,389; 1,217,390: 1,344,850; 1,357,138; 1,860,355; 1,360,356; 1,380,035; 1,390,327; 1,390, 38: 1,390,329 ; 1,402,040; 1,404,083; 1,405 388 : 1,410,642 ; 1,436,228; 1,466,329 Bassett, H., and T. Banigan, 1,497,321 Bassett, H., and S. Sadtler, 1,395, 940 Bassett, ey 1,168,046 ; 1 197 331; 1,198,816 ; 1,198,817 ; 1,244.280 : 197 9,499 ; 1,349,598; 1,360,711; 1,419,801; 1,435,686 Bassett, P., 1,828,311; Bassett, W., 1,499,285 Bassford, ls 1,172,926 Bastian, A., see C. Wilson Bastian, A., 1,223,348; 1,511,316 Bastian, C., "1,209, 247 ; Butchelder, ig) see R. Stewart x 1,380,344; 1,467,084 18 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Batchelor, H., 1,329,946; 1,352,241; 1,403,283; 1,442,998; 1,505,939 Batcher, A., 1,196,200 Bateman, E., 1,829,284 Bateman, J., 1,487,705 Bates, A., and J. Dancker, 1,521,225. Bates, C., 1,214,500 Bates, H., 1,129,268 Bates, J., see M. Whitaker Bates, L., 1,875,811; 1,382,456; 1,882,457; 1,390,228; 1,390,229; 1,890,230; 1,890,231; 1,390,232; 1,390,233; 1,394,060; 1,444,723; 1,447,008 Bates, R., 1,305,684 Bates, W., 1,260,625 Bats, J. De, see J. De Bats Battelle, A., see W. Alton Battelli, F., see L. Stern Battersby, J., see J. Spensley Battista, C. di, see J. Loch Battle, A., 1,191,386; 1,202,149 Bauder, R., 1,237,277 Baudin, M., 1,375,441 Bauer, E., 1,132,902 Bauer, H., see W. Kolle Bauer, H., see A. Lenders Bauer, L., 1,161,826; 1,175,113; 1,175,114 Bauer, W., 1,134,093; 1,289,609; 1,388,016; 1,414,852; 1,466,687 Bauer, W., and A. Herre, 1,147,778; 1,266,092; 1,434,983 Bauer, W., and H. Woodward, 1,498,316 Baufre, W. de, see W. De Baufre Baughman, W., see W. Skinner Baulig, H., 1,336,719° Baum, E., 1,340,315 Baum, E., and D. Jones, 1,872,332 Baum, E., and M. Mugdan, 1,489,915 Baum, G., 1,419,008; 1,477,099; 1,511,494 Baum, J., 1,230,095 Baumann, C.., see C. Stevens Baumann, F., 1,205,080; 1,267,620; Re-14,929 Baumann, G., see A. Carpenter Baumann, S., 1,236,658 Baumetz, G., 1,415,139 Baumgardner, F.., 1,234,264; 1,259,713; 1,276,861; 1,334,518 ; 1,513,794 Baumgardner, H., 1,217,134 Baumgardner, J., 1,492,192 Baumgartel, H., 1,257,783 Baumgarten, G., 1,276,477 Baumgartner, M., 1,239,555; 1,364,912; 1,399,920 Baumhauer, H., 1,401,510; 1,512,191 Bauret, R., 1,459,712; 1,464,634 Bavay, A. de, 1,233,652 Baxter, G., 1,433,928 Baxter, W., 1,513,306 Baxter, W., and A. Lundin, 1,486,113 Bayard, F., 1,474,136 Baybutt, R., 1,510,735 Bayer, E., 1,354,233 Bayer, L., 1,351,151 Bayeux, R., and J. Richard, 1,326,631 Baylis, E., 1,037,579; Re-13,981 Baylor, H., 1,823,952; 1,323,953 Beach, H., and N. Beach, 1,402,734 Beach, N., see H. Beach Beadle, C., 1,286,502 Beadle, G., 1,125,445; 1,154,282 Beakes, W., 1,158,112 Beal, R., see R. Smith Beall, B., 1,263,019; 1,389,340; 1,492,664 Beall, F., and D. Bradner, 1,488,730; 1,492,665 Bean, O., 1,837,537 Bear, J., and J. Thomas, 1,259,590 Beardsley, E., 1,185,280 . Beasley, W., see W. Perkins Beasley, W., see W. Stenning Beatty, D., 1,170,474; 1,382,947 Beatty, H., see R. Adams Beatty, W., 1,134,436; 1,158,961; 1,158,962; 1,158,965; 1,188,356; 1,225,750; 1,402,136; Beauchamp, F., 1,451,454 Beaulieu, A., 1,256,429 Beaumont, J. and G. Moore, 1,365,651 Beaver, C., and E. Claremont, 1,243,798 Beavers, E. and W. Webber, 1,382,051 - Bebie, J., 1,866,349 Beccari, G., 1,329,105; Re-15,417 Becher, O., 1,265,989. Bechhold, H., 1,232,187 Bechi, G. de, 1,157,153 Bechman, H.., 1,250,772 Beck, A., see G. Pistor Beck, A., K. Gersbach and O. Weber, 1,463,609 Beck, C., see C. Bosch Beck, C., 1,510,881 . Beck, G., 1,435,794 Beck, H., 1,179,395 Beck, R.., 1,227,569 Beck, W., 1,444,998 Beck, W. and J. Aupperle, 1,358,408; 1,434,081 Becke, M., and W. Suida, 1,196,422 Becker, A., 1,271,006 Becker, E., 1,211,888; 1,223,239; 1,228,169 Becker, F., 1,484,863 1,156,969 ; 1,158,963 ; 1,225,748; 1,418,271 1,158,960 ; 1,158,964 ; 1,225,749 ; Becker, J., 1,182,738; 1,256,864; 1,291,729; 1,291,730; 1,807,533; 1,307,534; 1,337,984: 1,366,111; . 1,375,483; 1,375,484; “L375485 Becker, M., 1,157,664; 1,157,665; 1,222,594 Becker, R., 1,210,400 Becker, W., and D. Montgomery, 1,171,306 Beckers, W., and I. Dreyfus, 1,162,210; 1,228,089 Becket, F., 1,127,162; 1,127,163; 9 ijigygee. 1,153,594; 1,244,688; 1,245,552; 1,247,206; 1,279,828; 1,292,886; 1,292,387; 1,310,465; 1,310,466; 1,322,158: 1,333,151; 1,386,297: 1,425,572; 1,429,272; 1,431,559; 1,452,781; 1,461,643; 1,492,283; 1,507,452; 1,508,211; 1,517,392 Becket, F., and A. Feild, 1,492.282 Becket, F., and J. Holladay, 1,403,477 Becket, F., and C. McQuigg, 1,454,464 Beckett, E., see W. Rintoul Beckett, F., see J. Mardick Beckett, J., 1,247,619 Beckham, D., 1,331,479 Beckman, H., and G. Dyck, 1,190,369; 1,191,388; 1,216,052 Beckman, J., see S. Dolbear Beckman, J., 1,160,822; 1,393,603 Beckmann, C., 1,476,682 INDEX OF NAMES 19 Beckmann, E., 1,442,321; 1,442,322; 1,472,320; 1,472,321: 1,472,329 Beckwith, H., 1,124,835; 1,209,661 Beckwith, W., 1,154,165 Beckworth, O., and O. Hobson, 1,420,679 Becraft, F., and A. Genter, 1,332,537 Bedford, C., 1,245,553; 1,321,501; 1,323,951; 1,371,662; 1,371,663; 1,371,664; 1,380,765; 1,418,772; 1,477,805; 1,510,074 Bedford, C., and W. Kelly, 1,377,152 Bedford, C., and R. Sibley, 1,406, 717: 1,406,718; 1,406, 719: - 1,418,771; 1,477 803: 1 ‘477, 804° Bedford, F, and E. Erdmann, 1,200,696 Bedortha, ipl 1,262,623 Bedworth, R., see N. Pilling Beebe, P., 1,483,856 Beebe, W., and E. Davis, 1,170,038 Beecher, C., and J. Symons, 1,324,223 Beecher, L., see W. Grosvenor Beecher, M., see A. Klein Beecher, M., see R. Purdy Beecher, M., 1,374,136; 1,439,285; 1,439,286 Beecher, M., and M. Booze, 1,444,162 Beer, H., 1,517,819 Beerhalter, J., see C. Ringler Beerhalter, J., 1,240,016 Beers, F., 1,140,351; 1,149,711 Begemann, H., 1,217,554 Begot, L., 1,264,360 Begtrup, F., see E. Knapp Begtrup, F., see M. Tower Behnaman, C., 1,234,266 _ Behr, E., 1,491,127 Behr, H., 1,127,853; 1,336,722 Behrman, A., see W. Hughes Behrman, A., 1,515,007 Behse, O., 1,493,798 Beidler, F., 1,446,029 Beidler, G., 1,230,096; 1,414,769 Beielstein, A., see G. Pistor Beindl, C., 1,144,457; 1,492,193; 1,492,194 Beindorff, C., 1,189,780 Beinhart, E., see W. Garner Beinhart, E., 1,327,692 Beistle, M., 1,192,372 Belais, D., 1,330,231 Belais, D., and A. Bondy, 1,391,449 Belangee, yen 1,199,864 Belart, H.., 1,129, 270 Belcher, D., see F'. Eustis Belcher, Dy and F. Eustis, 1,456,615 Belcher, O., 1,426,626 Beldam, G., 1, 190 087 Belden, R., 1,250,418 Belke, W., 1,426,141 Belknap, of 1,498, 340 Belknap, E., 1,208 270 Bell, A., 1,231 695 Bell, E., and R. Case, 1,169,378; 1,206,501 Bell, F., 1,438,627; 1 A42 514 Bell, H., see E. Scribner Bell, H. and E. Lape, 1,130,466 Bell, gretcoaote +) 1 238 ‘872 Bellamy, H., 1 271, 652 Bellamy, so ‘and B. Sweely, 1,346,874; 1,415,980 Belleville, W., 1,424,612 Bellinger, be 1,463 000 1,472,319 ; Bellingham, B., see J. Richards Bellis, A., 1,399,044; 1,491,510; 1,520,744 Bellwood, R., see C. Downs Bemisderfer, H., see E. Pfeil Benbow, B., 1,168,050 Bencker, F., see H. Kuehne Benda, L., 1,408,974; 1,427,431; Bender, A., 1,301,360 Bender, H., 1,355,299 Bender, O., 1,172,863 Bendit, L., 1,804,729 Bendixen, K., 1,230,266; 1,235,543; 1,256,974 Benedetti, C., A. Vanselow and W. Vanselow, 1,405,261 Benedict, C., 1,131,986 Benedict, C., and H. Kenny, 1,335,474 Benedict, G., 1,176,024; 1,497,836 Benedict, S., see J. Bock Benedictus, E., 1,128,094; 1,182,739 Beneker, J., 1,144,528; 1,144,524; 1,431,621 Benenati, F., 1,292,401; 1,331,690 Benford, D., 1,383,692 Benge, L., 1,518,684 Bengough, G., and O. Hudson, 1,319,508 Bengue, J., 1,414,169 Benjamin, B., 1,215,316 Benjamin C., see J. Treneer Benjamin, C., 1,312,430 1,427 432 Benjamin, D., 1,418,273; 1,418,274; 1,418,275 Benjamin, E., 1,828,981; 1,344,220; 1,409,275; 1,409,276; 1 409 O77 1 493 062 Benjamin, qe 1 140, 353; 1,158,431; 1,194,351; 1,207,840 ; 1 225 211: 1 225 212: 1,225,396; 1,226,052: 1,238,873: 1,319,320: 1,339,092 ; 1,855,935; 1,415,010; 1,448,512 Benkoe, R., 1 440, 813 Benn, A 1. 195, 176; 1,221,957 Benneche, ie 1 287, 836 Benner, ne see G. Egloff Benner, R. . see H. French Benner, R., see A. MacKenzie Benner, R. 1,276,714; 1,400,513; 1,467,749; 1,484,926 ; 1,484,928; 1,495,568 et OU bos 1,500,220; 1,500,221; 1,506,216 Benner, R., and H. French, 1,225,306; 1,255,288 ; 1,289,365; 1,289,366; 1,303,453; 1,316,760; 1,316,761; 1,375,202; 1,375,647; 1,393,739; 1,415,860; 1,425,572; 1,433,526; 1,438,085; 1,438,086; 1,481,178; 1,500,222; 1,506,217; 1,518,301 Benner, R., and G. Heise, 1,484,927 Benner, R., and H. Thompson, 1 490,448 Benner, R. C., 1,489,994 Benner, W., see i Young Benners, E., 1,239,762 Bennert, GC. 1 367, 007; 1,379,381 Bennett, Ax) '310, 520 Bennett, C., see C. Saunders Bennett, rot 1,298,159; 1,341,103 Bennett, Ce and C. Adsit, 1,512, 735 Bennett, C, J. Palmer, and F. Wedlock, 1,371,016 Bennett, E., see C’. Parsons Bennett, E., 1,292,684 Bennett, G., 1,390,422 Bennett, J., 1,289,092; 1,872,860 Bennett, M., 1,337,305; 1,441,479 Thai 4 i { 20 «UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bennett, R., 1,838,967 Bennett, W., 1,458,568; 1,506,284 Bennetts, B., 1,368,687 | Benoit, A., 1,513,690: | Bensa, F.., see L. Devaucelle Bensa, F., 1,458,969 Bensel, F., see I. Szarvassy Bensinger, C., 1,124,691 Benson, O., see L. Johnson Bent, L., 1,463,864 Bent, R., and W. Bent, 1,222,062 Bent, W., see R. Bent Bentley, C., 1,202,652; 1,207,841 Bentley, L., 1,184,306; 1,184,307; 1,184,308 Bentz, J., 1,221,130 Benzinger, A., 1,257,785 Berezeller, L., 1,509,076 Berel, M., and L. Funke, 1,214,265. Berend, L.,. 1,167,378; 1,191,390; 1,214,414; 1,259,347; 1,460,012 Berendes, R., see H. Weyland Berendes, R., 1,150,654 Berendes, R., and W. Gruettefien, 1,440,269 Berendes, R., and F. Lange, 1,454,372 Beresford, F., 1,154,363 Beretta, A., 1,186,269 Berg, C., 1,201,796; 1,220,593; 1,396,986 Berg, H., 1,289,093 Berg, O., 1,371,724; 1,498,149 Berg, W., 1,476,235 | Bergami, O., and C. Saemann, 1,219,226 Bergdolt, W., 1,201,544 Berge, P., see N. Gruenstein Bergen, P., 1,486,563 Berger, C., 1,502,807 Bergeron, G., see A. Metz Bergh, F., see E. Taylor Bergh, F., and H. Neuberger, 1,133,914 Bergius, F., 1,326,634; 1,342,790; 1,344,671; 1,391,664 Bergius, F., and J. Billwiller, 1,251,954 Berglind, A., 1,329,824 Berglund, E., 1,207,127; 1,236,395; 1,271,267; 1,331,740; 1,506,609; 1,507,152; 1,513,307 Berglund, S., 1,289,369 Bergman, V., see L. Koropp Bergman, Z., 1,807,805 Bergquist, C., 1,287,841 Bergstroem, H., 1,129,542; 1,159,352; 1,261,344 Bergve, E., 1,273,991; 1,846,365; 1,354,451; 1,467,024; 1,503,259 Bergve, E., and O. Jensen, 1,338,417 Bergve, E., and J. Sundby, 1,263,363 Berkey, G., 1,402,138 Berl, E., 1,484,004 Berl, E., and M. Isler, 1,188,718 Berlin, H., and L. Adler, 1,494,096 Berliner, R., 1,176,644 Berman, G., 1,175,585 Bernardi, F., 1,218,512 Bernardin, L., see C. Manuelli Bernardy Hernandez, G., see Hernandez, G. Bernauer, G., 1,426,538 Berndt, O., 1,329,747 Berndt, W., see P. Deegener Bernhard, H., and O. Jaeck, 1,409,653 Bernhart, C., see J. Kirby 1,205,081 ; Bernheim, E., 1,244,414 Bernitz, I., 1,196,508 Bernstein, G., 1,240,116 Bernstein, J., 1,445,476 Berntson, T., 1,516,701 Berridge, R.., 1,893,422 Berrigan, J., 1,850,292 Berry, B., see C. Armitage Berry, B., 1,228,175 Berry, C., 1,212,888; 1,373,854 Berry, H., 1,429,910; 1,453,655; Berry, W.., 1,286,921 Bersch, E., 1,202,262 Bertelson, A., 1,515,653 Berthelon, E., 1,426,346 Berthelot, C., 1,468,988 Berthon, P., see A. Radisson Berthon, R., see A. Radisson Bertsch, E., 1,500,433 Bertsch, J., 1,498,069 Bertschy, A., 1,408,686 Beskow, K., see A. Ramen Besnier, P., 1,820,974 Besozzi, C., 1,200,803 Best, C., see F. Banting Best, J., 1,304,148 Best, O., 1,154,601 Best, W., 1,375,550; 1,397,791; 1,397,792 Bethke, J., 1,375,814 Bethke, J., and R. Stearns, 1,414,170 Betts, A. 121338059 8259 504. 1,300,110 Beudet, M., see J. Koetschet Beudet, M. 1,851,990 Bevan, A., 1,281,126 Bevan, E., see C’. Cross Bevan, E., 1,223,244 Beveridge, J., 1,181,424; 1,315,811 Beveridge, W., 1,516,663 Beyea, A., see D. Beyea Beyea, D., and A. Beyea, 1,372,590 Beyenberg, W., 1,390,424 Beyer, A., see C. Immerheiser Beyer, F., and J. Lounge, 1,378,314 Beylik, F., 1,393,660 Beymer, G., 1,218,163 Bezanson, O., 1,459,084 Bezzenberger, F., 1,516,879 Bezzenberger, F., and M. Rich, 1,383,517 Biach, L., 1,415,513 Bianchin, G., 1,254,968 Bianchini, L., 1,313,160 Bibb, C., 1,892,886; Re-15,789 Bibb, D., 1,158,363; 1,158,364; 1,158,365; 1,158,366; 1,165,355 Bobbins, F., see F. Eldred Bibra, C.. von, see P. Prutzman Bichowsky, F. von, 1,415,280; 1,488,571; 1,492,871 Bichowsky, F. von, and J. Harthan, 1,391,148; 1,408,661; 1,417,702; 1,506,269 Bickel, B., 1,317,680 Bickett, C., 1,203,302; 1,203,303 Bickett, L., see E. Moldenhauer Bickford, E., 1,489,655 Bickley, A., 1,482,523 Bidaud, F., 1,418,904 1,456,667 1,286,922 ; 1,472,408 ; INDEX OF NAMES 21 Biddison, P., see C. Burke Biddison, P., and H. Boyd, 1,345,740 Biddle, A., 1,428,207; 1,437,487 - Biddulph, H., 1,491,896 Bieder, E., 1,246,529 Bielmann, O., 1,429,834 Bielouss, E., see A. Gardner Bielouss, E, 1,384,423; 1,492,094; 1,519,017 Bierbauer, G., and L. Finch, 1,295, 262 Bierbaum, C., 1,186,167; 1 207, 843; 1,340,316 Bierer, J., 1, 177, 678: 1 303, 759 Bierer, ine: 1 BYES 855 Biernatzki, ap. 1,382,595 Bigelow, C., see H. Wollenberg Biggar, H., 1,205,845 Bigge, H., 1,513,735 Bihn, G., and A. Jones, 1,373,220 - Bilancia, M., see J. Seazholtz Bilfinger, R., see H. Specketer Billing, C., 1,336,272 Billings, J., 1,412,077; 1,484,465 Billings, W., 1,233,962 Billiter, J., 1,216,404 Billwiller, J., see F. Bergius Billy, J., 1,292,688 Bilton, E., 1,270,105 Binder, L., 1,815,593 Bindschedler, E., 1,367,009; 1,368,601; 1,376,069; 1,490,728 Bindschedler, E,. and G.Juer; 1,441,204 ; 1 441,205 Bines, W., 1,400, 137 Binford, le see K. Kyle Binkley, K., 1,418,905 Binz, A., see W. Kolle Biondo, C., 1,432,833 Biquard, R., 1,143,682 Birchall, H., 1,165,148 Bird, C., 1,131,317; 1,153,418; 1,181,827; 1,184,509; 1,477,553 Bird, C., and G. Wyman, 1,131,595; 1,216,055 Bird, R., 1,130,368 Birdsey, C., 1,383,254; 1,383,255; 1,412,203; 1,514,827: 1,515,380; 1,518,243 Birdsey, F., 1,372,861 Birdseye, C., 1,511,824 Birdwood, F., 1,178,487 Birk, G., 1,490,309 Birkeland, K., 1,236,662 Birkeland, K., and O. Devik, 1,125,259 Birkholz, A., 1,355,530 Biroli, M., 1,226,178 Bishop, A., 1,212,442 Bishop, E., 1,204,238 Bishop, F., see E. Tullye Bishop, F., 1,171,832; 4 “194 940; 1,386,046 Bishop, i. 1. ‘150, 415; i 082,165; 1 ‘480 928 Bishop, J., ‘and J. Matteson, 1 520, 106 Bissell, D.. see D. Cutrona Bissell, Di 1,478,015; 1,499,761 Bissell, 1, and R. McCann, 1,509,413 Bissell, N., 1,391,934 Bissell, Ee 1,508 769 Bittmann, ae 1,221 ,962 Bivins, oy 1,384 AQ4 Bjercke, A. 1,257, 451 Bjornstad, M., see B. Johnson 1,441 208 ; 1,158,024; 1,395,032 ; Blabon, E., 1,132,647 Blacet, D., see F. Griffiths Black, A., 1,205,820; 1,206,804; 1,210,589 Black, C., 1,131,318 Black, C., and W. Teare, 1,140,437 Black, D., see H. Hecht Black, H., 1,294,855 Black, J., see W. Black Black, J., see J. Weir Black, J., 1,152,478; 1,275,648; 1,360,872; 1,426,813; 1,431,772; 1,447,118; 1,456,419; 1,480,368 Black, J., and M. Popkess, 1,320,672 Black, R., 1,436,280; 1,510,918; 1,516,140 Black, W., and J. Black, 1,225,105 Blacker, W., 1,827,901 Blackketter, C., 1,316,674 Blacklock, T., 1,210,588; 1,232,758; 1,232,759; 1,234,858 Blackmarr, F., 1,188,722 Blackmore, H., 1,184,164; 1,276,481; 1,355,381; 1,855,588; 1,855,794; 1,857,025; 1,369,878; 1,460,699 Blackwelder, B., 1,520,925 Blackwell, F., and H. Buck, 1,362,388 Blackwell, F., and N. Emmons, 1,315,460 Blackwell, H., see W. Turner Bladen, W.., 1,243,244 Blaetz, H., 1,382,713; 1,505,082 Blagden, J., 1,239,867 Blaich, A., 1,188,073; 1,241,909; 1,248,604 Blair, J., and J. Braham, 1,441,206 Blair, R., 1,489,340 Blair, W., 1,349,713; 1,349,714 Blake, A., see H. Kohman Blake, C., 1,284,859; 1,284,860; 1,284,861; 1,284,862; 1,284,863 Blake, G., and C. Sheldon, 1,506,044 Blake, J. M., 1,489,939 Blake, K., see H. Kalmus Blake, L., 1,185,869 Blakeman, W., 1,875,352; 1,875,353; 1,375,354; 1,375,355; 1,385,038; 1,885,034; 1,885,035; 1,385,036; 1,385,087; 1,428,389; 1,423,390; 1,423,391: 1,423,392: 1,430,881; 1,430,882 Blaker, E., 1,500,700; 1,516,629 Blakeslee, E., 1,198,610 Blanc, A. le, 1,165,983 Blane, C., 1,248,065 Blanc, E., see M. Bouvier Blanc, F., 1,208,461 Blane, G., 1,443,674 Blanc, G., and F. Jourdan, 1,418,356 Blanchard, G., 1,480,785 Blanchard, Jake and F. Duesler, 1,190 261 Blanchard, Ls see W. Cummings Blaney, J., 1,331,092 Blangey, L., see P. Julius Blangey, L., see Luettringhaus Blangey, L., see A. Roemer Blangey, L., see E. Schwarz Blangey, L., 1,166,808 Blank, A., ©. Heidenreich, J. Jansen, 1,125,050; 1,150,656 Blankenhorn, H., see O. Schmidt Blanton, A., 1.182, 888 Blar done, G., 1,293,008; 1,327,222 BOIS UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Blardone, G., C. Nichols, and F. Bruguriere, 1,156,742 Blasdell, E., 1,437,712; 1,518,555 Blass, F., 1,414,109 Blass, T., 1,401,034 Blatz, W., 1,334,216 Blau, F., 1,135,154; 1,157,288; 1,269,520 Blauvelt, W., and W. Harms, 1,192,159 Blaylock, S., see F. Lee Blaylock, S., see R. Stewart Blaylock, S., see C. Thom Blecher, C., 1,150,414; 1,250,421; 1,273,993 Bleckwenn, L., 1,149,712 Bleecker, W., 1,175,224; 1,399,245; 1,399,246; 1,427,187; 1,488,357; 1,445,660; 1,478,631 Bleecker, W., and W. Morrison, 1,311,378; 1,311,379; 1,311,380 Bleicken, B., 1,401,578 Blenio, G., 1,382,617; 1,382,618; 1,427,941; 1,436,231; 1,489,692 Blessing, E., 1,236,044 Blessing, J., 1,312,514 Blethen, C., 1,364,238 Blickle, A., 1,175,587 Blieberger, G., 1,133,832; 1,158,367; 1,254,970 Bhnn, H., 1,370,272 Bliss, H., see F. Mathews Bliss, H., 1,511,212 Bliss, H., and F. Mathews Bliss, W., 1,206,983; 1,245,428 Bloch, F., 1,828,556 Bloch, M., 1,355, 731; Re-15,474 Bloch, O., see F. Renwick Bloch- Pimentel, E., 1,234,720 Block, D., 1,361 811 Block, Ag "1,173,698 Block, L., 1,178,901; 1,271,269 Blodgett, C., see H. Hanson Bloede, V., 1,198,099; 1,198,100; 1,257,307; 1,268,672; 1,269,678; 1,273,571; 1,824,382; 1,357,310; 1,396,315 Blogg, J., 1,284,572 Blom, A., 1,851,888 Blom, R. 1 256, 513 Blomeley, i. and R. Blomeley, 1,404,185 Blomeley, R., see A. Blomeley Blondel, J., and A. Chopin, 1,170,506 Blood, Fi 1 313,089 Bloom, G., 1,291,696 Bloom, J., 1,162,212; 1,162,213; 1,333,700; 1 333, 701; 1,834,590; 1,338,852; 1,338,358 ; 1 ary: 553; 1,377,554 Bloomfield, H., 1,396,244 Blouch, Ls and J. Roop, 1,497,477 Blough, E., 1,894,534 Blough, E., and T. McIntosh, 1,214,991 Blount, I., 1,230,988 Blowski, A., see J. Blowska Blowski, J., 1,484,674 Blowski, J., and A. Blowski, 1,186,373 Bluecher, H., see E. Krause Blumberg, H., 1,252,318 Blumenberg, H., 1,214,003; 1,251,741; 1,251,742; 1,255,829; 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719; 1,266,198; 1,266,199; 1,266,200; 1,270,688; 1,286,513; 1,295,958; 1,296,457; 1,296,458; 1,296,459 ; 1,296,463 ; 1,296,467 ; 1,297,640; 1,379,077 Blumenfeld, J., see C. Weizmann Blumenfeld, J., 1,504,669; 1,504,670; 1,504,672; 1,504,673 Blumenthal, F., 1,212,007; 1,285,603 Blumfeldt, A., 1,435,801 Blumrich, K., see M. Rohmer Blumrick, G., 1,350,853 Blundell, C., 1,250,132 Blunk, H., 1,399,561 Blyth, M., and T. Miles, 1,305,870 Blythe, F., 1,512,577 Bo, S., 1,466,083 Boardman, H., 1,190,505 Boas, H., 1,152,272 Boas, J. Villas-, see J. Villas-Boas Boberg, T’., see K. Aslund Boberg, ay 1,318,258 Boberg, T O. Soderlund and F, Aslund, 1,240,020 Boberg, T., and N. Testrup, 1,177,375 Bocande, O., 1,148,823 Bochter, C., 1,501,553 Bock, A., 1,497,971; 1,497,972 Bock, J., and 8. Benedict, 1,456,964 Bockmuehl, M., and A. Schwarz, 1,482,343 Bockmuehl, M., and K. Windisch, 1,426,348 Boddington, H., 1,266,201 ; 1,266,202 Bodman, J., 1,872,477; 1,473,396 Bodman, J., and T. Godfrey, 1,385,660 Bodman, J. W., 1,439,685 Bodmar, F., 1,473,899 Bodmer, E., see M. Alioth | Boeck, P., 1,245,557; 1,272,197 Boeck, P., and W. Jordan, 1,279,975 Boecking, O., 1,262,302 Boecler, A., 1,426,949; 1,475,738 Boedecker, F., 1,133,916; 1,381,057; 1,479,695 Boedefeld, A., and M. Exline, 1,492,625 Boehm, W., 1,128,747; 1,358,928; 1,489,918 Boehringer, R.., 1,205,509; 1,289,097 Boelling, F., 1,123,985 Boeniger, M., 1,199,233; 1,199,234 Boerder, A., 1,415,085 Boericke, is 1 259, 595; 1,277, 034 ; 1,277,035 Boerner, A., 1 423 987 Boettner, F, see G. Bailey Boetz, H., 1,204,398 Boeuf, F. le, 1,802,935 Boggs C., 1,249,272; 1,296,469; 1,364,055 Boggs, S., 1,190,712; 1,363,387 Bohart, G., 1,464,802 ; 1,464,803 Bohlman, G., 1,175,406 Bohn, R., 1,156,048; 1,280,648 Bohn, R., O. Bally and H. Wolff, 1,281,494 Bohn, R., and P. Nawiasky, 1,264,604 Bohnhardt, C., 1,457,688 Bohon, E., 1,138,348 Bohre, A., fl 338, 418; 1,353,448 ; 1,854,719 Boice, H., see P. Dudley 1,296,460; 1,296,464; 1,296,468 ; 1,337,538 ; 1,296,461 ; 1,296,465 ; 1,297,638 ; 1,338,279 ; 1,296,462 ; 1,296,466 ; 1,297,639 ; 1,375,819 ; 1,504,671 ; 1,429,922 ; Boidin, A. see J. Effront INDEX OF NAMES | 33 Boidin, A., and J. Effront, 1,227,374; 1,227,525 ; 1,505,534 ; 1,509,467 Boileau, W., 1,418,695; Re-15,548; 1,423,512 - Boillot, M., and J. Daudignac, 1,332,422 Boisselier, F., 1,344,165: - Boistesselin, H. du, F. Tabb, and L. Hertenbein, 1,518,186 Boland, F., 1,217,397; 1,832,706 Bole, G., see J. Shaw Bole, W., 1,227,573 Boling, C., see J. Laing Bolling, J., 1,305,518 Bollman, H., 1,260,656; 1,371,342; 1,411,154; 1,417,477; 1,464,557 Bolt, R., 1,318,960 Bolthoff, H., 1,827,902 Bolton, B., 1,872,269 Bolton, E., 1,320,443 Bolton, E., and E. Lush, 1,419,109; 1,481,678 Bolton, R., 1,202,474 Bolus, W., 1,483,327 Bolz, C., 1,821,972; 1,321,973 Bonafede, C., 1,235,420 Bond, S., 1,224,264 Bond, W., see H. Scott Bond, W.., 1,358,279; 1,453,617 Bondy, A., see D. Belais Bone, G., 1,497,539 Bone, R., 1,343,387; 1,347,074 Bone, W., J. Wilson, and C. McCourt, 1,222,922; 1,223,248; 1,223,249; 1,223,308 Boner, J., 1,157,668 Bong, E., 1,517,820 Bonhote, G., see G. de Montmollin Bonine, C., 1,261,209 Bonnard, G., 1,475,422 Bonnard, L., 1,520,801 Bonneau, L., and V. Hasenfratz, 1,253,571 Bonner, W., 1,173,336; 1,173,337; 1,362,078 Bonnet, L., 1,466,575 Bonnevie, H., 1,173, 699 Bonnington, Mg 1 515,333 Bonoff, H.., 1,511 443 Bonsor, W.., ‘1 422,530 Bonsteel, C., 1,312,154; 1,323,520; 1,332,160 Bonstein, E., 1,207,845 Booge, J., 1,837,339; 1,426,349 Booker, J., 1,309,979 Boorne, W., 1,403,380; 1,415,774 1,357,836 ; Booth, H., and G. Marshall, 1,392,043; 1,892,044; 1,392,045; 1,392,046 Booth, L., 1,124,279; 1,443,454 Booth, W., 1,380,767 Boothman, D., 1,490,504 Booze, M., see M. Beecher Booze, M., 1,451,456 Borcherdt, F., 1,375,893 Borcherdt, W., 1,440,129; 1,445,989; 1,446,375; 1,446,376; 1,446,377; 1,446,378; 1,454,838 Borchers, E., 1,326,639 Borchers, W., and E. Thilges, 1,152,699 Boren, E., see H. Rodman Borgen, H., and G. Wadsworth, 1,418,357 Borghesani, G., and G. Stampa, 1,272 001 Bornemann, ie 1,515,140 1,371,546; 1,180,902 ; 1,412,770; Borofski, H., see G. Ising Borras, E., 1,226,852 Borrmann, C., 1,220,067 Borrowman, G., 1,348,977 Borsari-Fischer, H., 1,152,783 Borst, F., 1,215,243 Borst, W., 1,896,397 Bort, K., 1,476,483 Bortman, E., 1,130,369 Borzner, A., 1,165,062 Borzykowski, B., 1,143,569; 1,260,508; 1,357,946; 1,857,947; 1,875,823; 1,875,824; 1,401,943; 1,405,131 Bosch, A. ten, 1,866,307 Bosch, C., see K. Neresheimer Bosch, C., 1,133,086; 1,173,550; 1,188,530; 1,200,806; 1,211,898; 1,216,059; 1,243,382; 1,261,900; 1,280,650; 1,844,675; 1,369,383; 1,386,760; 1,426,952 Bosch, C., E. Dehnel and C. Kircher, 1,453,060 Bosch, C., and W. Meiser, 1,429,483 Bosch, C., and A. Mittasch, 1,158,167; 1,128,848; 1,175,693; 1,225,755; 1,244,580; 1,278,580 Bosch, C., A. Mittasch, and C. Beck, 1,207,706; 1,207,707; 1,207,708; 1,211,394; 1,330,772; 1,379,387 Bosch, C., A. Mittasch and C. Krauch, 1,271,013 Bosch, C., A. Mittasch, and C. Neresheimer, 1,27 4 503 Bosch, C., A. Mittasch, and C. Schneider, 1,215 334: 1,215,835; 1 216, 933 Bosch, ic! i Mittasch, H. Wolf, and G. Stern, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 Bosch, C., O. Schmidt and A. Mittasch, 1,391,666 Bosch, C., and W. Wild, 1,126,371; 1,133,087; 1,157,669; 1,200,805 Boser, F., see W. Boser Boser, W., and F. Boser, 1,514,249 Bosio, G., ‘and A. Peradotto, 1,266, 203 Boss, ie 1 185,622; 1,185,623 ; 1 ‘187, 702: 1,187,703 Bosse, F. 1,462, 480 Bosse, W., see Cl. Dietz Bosshard, rel 1,395,472; 1,400,016 Bosshard, he 1 383, ‘068 Bostaph, Hee 1,204,647 Bostick, J.. and C. Homer, 1,380,863 Bostock, H., 1,212,445 Bosworth, A., 1 246, 858; 1,341,040; 1,450,836 Bots, R., 1 492, 956; 1 492, 957: 1 492 958 Bottaro, He; 1 ‘159, 355 Bottom, W., 1 379 615 Bottomley, W., 1 355, 732 Boucart, E., 1,293 680 Bouchayer, Ab 1,516,326 Bouchet, M., 1,299,819 Boughton, J., 1,511,939 Bouillon, C., 1,406,525; 1,476,685 Boularan dit Deval, A., 1,245,152 Boulard, H., 1,164,063; 1,266,657 Boulle, F., see E. Sardou Boulton, J., 1,138,928 Boulton, P., 1,890,488 Bourcet, P., see J. Chevalier Bourcoud, A., 1,844,977 Bourdariat, J., 1,411,906 Bourdeau, J., and W. Fink, 1,381,858 1,410,882; 1,429,320; 24 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bourg, J., 1,358,281 Bourges, A., 1,237,238 Bourn, A., 1,203,966 Bourque, J., 1,222,841 Boutet, R., 1,318,533 Bouvier, M., 1,412,038; 1,517,888 Bouvier, M., and E. Blanc, 1,500,794 Bouwer, P., "see A. Klaassen Bouwman, 7) 1,447,528 Bovard, P., 1,280,954 Bovard, W., 1,368,540 Boving, P., 1,210,756; 1,218,622 Bowen, C., 1,289,063 Bowen, D. i} and J. Walker, 1,334,333 Bowen, Rey Ao 7 S71 311 397, 572 Bowen, W., and H. Dumars, 1,519,353 Bower, J., see P. Walker Bowers, W., 1,194,704 Bowes, C., see R. Bowes Bowes, ede and C. Bowes, 1,489,477 Bowie, C., ‘and M. Gavin, 1,453 037 Bowkus, che 1,221,278 Bowles, P., see F. McNear Bowlus, Gy 1,470,422 Bowman, G., 1,215 471 Bowman, Ey 1,324, 030; 1,399,046 Bowman, 2 1,384, 550 Bowman, ik see M. Kotsebue Bowman, t. 1,347,932 Bowman, ny 1,389 292 : 1,481,774 Bowne, io 1,490, 312 Boyce, Gi 1 183 829 Boyce, J., 291 384; 1 1339, 686; 1,483,155 Boyd, F., 1,485 245 Boyd, a0 see P. Bidaian Boyd, a see C. Burke Boyd, A see G. Oberfell Boyd, a 1,293,012 Boyd, W., 1 515 Vey Boyden, TH see H. Root Boyer, A., 1,144 291; 1,520,850 Boyer, ioe 1,367, 231 Boyer, ED and A. Buttfield, 1,515,381 Boyer, HH. 1,357,378; 1,857 379; ih 094,466 Boyle, A., 1,276, 866 Boyle, J., i 402 val Boyles, EF, 1,324,538 Boynoff, N., 1,397,397 Boynton, A, and A. Sands, 1,245,183 Boynton, ira see R. Perry Boynton, v~. see P. Webster Boynton, a, 1,414,722 Boynton, 'W., see W. Leonard Boyz, A., see R. Muro Brabant, E., 1,381,788 Brabant, W., 1,404,829 Brabrook, G., 1,244,463 rade, /P,, 1,855,532; 1,415,983 ; 1,521,002 Brackin, H., 1,200,162 Brackman, W., 1,804,256 Bracq, E., 1,335 271: 1,356,849 Bradburn, Deis 156, 388 Bradbury, 8. see W. Perkin Braden, A., 1,278, 297 Bradford, rene and J. Broadhead, 1,342,737 1,414,335; 1,363,636 ; 1,489,814; 1,396,919 ; Bradford, J., 1,453,267 Bradford, L., 1,182,890; 1,274,505 Bradford, R., 1,368,885 Bradley, A., see J. Carr Bradley, C., 1,134,583; 1,209,258; 1,236,046; 1,249,314: 1,271,843; 1,275,374; 1,367,781; 1,396,018 Bradley, C., and S. Cadwell, 1,444,865 Bradley, C., and J. Coffin, 1,428,526 Bradley, C., and J. MeGavack, 1,519,659 Bradley, F., and H. Frevert, 1,457,101 Bradley, H., see Bradley, L. Bradley, J., 1,285,555 Bradley, L., see W. Schmidt 1,198,519; 1,204,932; 1,258,775; 1,385,040 ; Bradley, L., 1,284,175; 1,284,176; 1,291,745; 1,329,825; 1,383,790; 1,370,728; 1,379,897; 1,400,795 Bradley, L., and H. Bradley, 1,124,281 Bradley, L., and W. Schmidt, 1,221,505 Bradley, P., 1,309,453; 1,309,454; 1,321,708; 1,372,478 Bradley, R., and C. Webber, 1,474,953 Bradley, T., 1,478,017 Bradley, W., 1,407,372; 1,426,144; 1,427,436 Bradner, D., see F. Beall Bradner, D., see J. Kirchen Bradner, D., 1,457,493; 1,516,588 Bradner, D., and M. Sherrill, 1,508,631 Bradshaw, G., 1,168,266; 1,398,998; 1,480,146 Bradshaw, G., and W. Bradshaw, 1,134,073 Bradshaw, M., 1,492,507 Bradshaw, R., and J. Lyell, 1,139,633 Bradshaw, W., see G. Bradshaw Bradshaw, W., 1,133,790; 1,157,493 Brady, F., see F. Richard Brady, J., see F. Seibert Braeuer, A., 1,174,663; 1,196,329 Braff, T., 1,462,163 Bragg, Cae 1 (374, 422; 1,395,755; 1,478,697 Braham, if see J. Blair Braham, J., see F. Clarkson Braham, i see H. Hetherington Brainard, P., 1,477,101 Bramblett, T., 1,476,484 Bramer, H. von, 1,421,869 Bramson, C., 1,493,099; Bramwell, J., 1,446,332 Branciforti, V., 1,365,639 Brand, W., ‘and E. Quarnstrom, 1,473,605 1,422,733; 1,422,734; 1,493,100 Brandenberger, A Pp Me | 825; 1,266,766 ; 1,894,270; 1,404,737; 1,406,148 ; 1,450,479; 1,452,785. Brandenberger, O., 1,515,723 Brandt, H., 1,208,471 Brandwood, John, T. Brandwood, and Joseph Brandwood, 1 432: Oley Lee 958: 1,495,243 Brandwood, Joseph, see "John Brandwood Brandwood, T., see John Brandwood Brann, A., 1,409,658 Bransky, O., see H. Glair Bransky, O., see R. Humphreys Bransky, O., 1,396,899 Brant, P., and H. Wilson, 1,378,213 Braody, H., see A. Lundin Brasseur, C., 1,154,607; 1,163,207; 1,374,813 INDEX OF NAMES 25 Bratton, W., 1,498,071 Braucher, P., 1,804,849 Braun, C., 1,387,441 Braun, F., 1,494, 147 Braun, F., "and J. Neuls, 1,497,428 Braun, W. , 1,215,246 ; 1,318,838 Braund, ot and L. Vargo, 1271. 125 Brauser, O., ‘and M. Oakes, 1,399, 724 Bray, L., and F. Bronson, 1,495, 970 Bray, S., and I. Balfour, 1 360 876 Bray, W., see A. Lamb Brayer, A. de, 1,277,048 Brayton, H., 1,518,247 Brearley, H., 1,197,256 Brecht, F. von, 1,235,947 Breddin, J., 1,210,759 Bredenberg, J., and E. Cron, 1,305,058 Bredig, G., 1,204,933; 1,235,426 Bredlik, V., 1,346,106 Bredlik, V., and L. Whiton, 1,372,479 Bredt, O., 1,154,230; 1,154,231 Breerwood, C., 1,380,700; 1,380,701 Bregeat, J., 1,315,700; 1,315,701; 1,513,152; 1,513,153 Breitenwischer, A., and G. Howland, 1,371,466 Breitholtz, S., 1,388,019: Brendt, O., 1,323,735 Brenizer, G., and C. Hutson, 1,436,856 Brenner, R., see S. Scholes Breslauer, J., and C. Goudet, 1,501,645 Bretherton, S., and F. Wilson, 1,204,843 Brewer, C., see H. Knight Brewer, J., see C. Vanderkleed Brewster, We and W. Raines, 1,447,461 Brewster, Larand: i, Weisehan, 1,327, 267 Brewster, P., 1,145,968; 1,191,941; 1,222,925; 1,223,664; ” 1,224 442; 1,228,877 ; 1,308,538; 1,359,024; 1,410,884 Brewster, T., 1,255,508; 1,380,186 Brey, J. de, 1,465,598; 1,465,599 Breydel, A., 1,180,372 Breyer, F., see J. Singmaster Breyer, F., 1,236,903 Breyer, F., and E. Bunce, 1,339,544; 1,339,545 Breyer, F., P. Croll, and C. Farber, 1,411,645 Breyer, F., and C. Farber, 1,446,637 Breyer, F., and W. Finkeldey, 1,451,758 Breyer, F., A. Hall, and G. Waltz, 1,322,089; 1,322,090 Breyer, F., J. Singmaster, and A. Hall, 1,822,088 ; 1,322,091 Breyfogle, W., 1,161,450 Brick, S., 1,341,782; 1,389,574; 1,389,575 Brickman, E., 1,427,488 Bridge, A., 1,415,516 Bridges, R., 1,394,808 Bridgman, P., see C. Emerson Brierly, W., and N. Moore, 1,245,862 Briggs, C., 1,233,177 Briggs, J., al 289, 103; 1,425,364 Briggs, J., and C. Palmer, 1,398, 357 Briggs, R., 1,311,491; Re-14, 833 Briggs, T., Lol, 372: 1,301,373; 2 Briggs, W.., 1,409,919 Brigham, H., 1,313, 876 1,455,707 ; 1,291,751; 1,380,185; 1,422,335 ; Bright, R., 1,411,203; 1,411,204 Bright, V., 1,175,407 Brindle, R., 1,178,902; 1,313,163; 1,505,696 Brindle, R., and A. Flint, 1,313,162; 1,866,712; 1,415,783 Brink, F., see L. Pratt Brink, W., 1,477,103 Brinkhaus, H., 1,304,539 Brinkman, C., 1,208,282 Briscoe, H., 1,443,616 Bristol, W., 1) 169, 611; 1,315,206 Bristow, co and M. McDonald, 1,278,843 Britton, G., 1,440,371 Britton, Re 1,477, 938 Brix, ai 1 203, 180; 1,203,555 Brixey, ‘A 1 204, 401; 1 255,288; 1,269,046 Broadbent, A,, 1,507, 330 Broadbent, Ax "and R. Woodbridge, 1,313,459 Broadbridge, W., and EK. Edser, 1 505 944 Broadbridge, W., E. Edser and W. Sellers, 1,439,061 Broadbridge, W., E. Edser and W. Stenning, 1,504,860; 1,504,861 Broadgate, Wn., 1,354,376 Broadhead, J., see G. Bradford Broadley, ce 1,418, 523 Broady, H., 1.203, 577: 1,217,559 Brobst, G., ” 1,360, 248 Brochet, AL 1,247 629; 1,247,927 Brock, F., see L. Redman Brockbank, Oi, 1,152,875: ° 157293) 11809585 1,402,714; 1 483 507; 1 488, alls 1 Ua. 150 Brockhausen, jeu 1,210,408 Brockley, E., and 8. Tucker, 1,337,548 Brockmeyer, C., 1,874,185 Brode, J., 1,258, 529 Broderson, i. and S. Parr, 1,337,306 Brodsky, A., 1 280,150 Brodtkorb, B., 1,332, 100 Brogley, ii 1 293, 684. Brokate, C., see G. Heise Brokate, C., 1,490,450 Brolin, J., 1 209, 546; 1,239,667 Bromberg, O., see R. Hottinger Bronn, J., 1, 156, 051; 1,211,895; 1,233,970 Bronnert, E., 1, 153, 596; 1 374, TIS si 1 87 O.GL 1; 1,376,672 ; 1,387,882 ; 1,392,047 ei base, Lede 1,393,198; 1,398,199; 1,414 070; 1,419,714; , 1,422,412; 1,426,953; 1 437, 491: 1,458,389 ; 1,463,793; 1,464,805; 1,471 513; 1,509,338 Bronson, F., see I. Bray Bronsted, J., 1,219,074 Bronstein, nd 1 398, 931 — Bronstein, a, ‘4 and C. Waller, 1,188,244; 1,188,245 - 1,188,246; 1,343,077 Brookby, H., 1,297,078; 1,370,581 > 1,428,827; 1,489,693; 1,511,500 Brookfield, ie 1,136, 504; 1,143,885; 1,497,889 Brooks, B., bee H. Racor Brooks, B., see R. Bacon Brooks, B. see B. Eldred Brooks, B! ‘see H. Essex - Brooks, B., see H. Hibbert Brooks, B., 1,165,065; 1,167,264; 1,324,143; 1,340,878 ; 1,394,664; 1,426,036 ; 1 ‘AAG, ‘872: 1,446,873; 1,446,874; 1,465,595; 1 ‘ATH. 563 ; 1,498,781; 1,498,782 BON UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Brooks, B., and H. Essex, 1,221,667 Brooks, B., H. Essex, and D. Smith, 1,191,916 Brooks, B., and I. Humphrey, 1,215 ‘903 Brooks, Be "and F. Padgett, 1 197 599 ; 1,220,820; 1,220, ‘821 Brooks, B., and D. Smith, 1,231,123; 1,235,283 Brooks, B. T., see R. F. Bacon Brooks, C., 1,450,408 Brooks, G., 1,137,835; 1,434,989; 1,512,873 Brooks, L., 1,520,527; 1,520,528 Brooks, V., 1,430,052 Broome, E., 1,460,641 Brostrom, E., 1,396,920 Brotz, A., see W. Kohler Brousson, R., 1,313,514 Brower, C., see L. Addicks Brower, L., and P. Werle, 1,416,684 Brown, A., 1,212,788; 1,234,862; 1,245,669; 1,248,447; 1,277,185; 1,444,946; 1,492,155 Brown, C., 1,402,831; 1,492,016; 1,512,451 Brown, E., see M. Arendt Brown, E., see C. McNeil Brown, E., 1,225,569; 1,422,736 Brown, F., 1,219,432; 1,259,483; 1,456,532 Brown, G., 1,422,026 Brown, H., see T. Brown Brown, H., 1,123,841; 1,124,238; 1,248,258; 1,264,004; 1,474,140 Brown, H., and J. Stover, 1,431,455; 1,459,499 ; 1,465,541 Brown, J., 1,158,171; 1,219,438 ; 1,309,014; 1,482,882 Brown, J., and J. Mullinnix, 1,492,349; 1,492,350 Brown, K., 1,250,959; 1,294,230; 1,308,330 Brown, K., and D. Kendall, 1,263,031 Brown, M., 1,827,189; 1,426,831; 1,444,300; 1,473,695 Broun, O., see H. Parker Brown, O., and C. Henke, 1,451,489; 1,456,969 Brown, O., and H. Parker, 1,488, 974. Brown, O., H. Moore, H. Parker ‘and H. Martin- son, 1,421,664 Brown, P., 1,160,491 Brown, R., see F. Sperr Brown, K., ° 1,192,163; 1,437,394 Brown, R., and W. Odell, 1,514,889 Brown, S8., 1,140,568; 1,499,907 Brown, T., 1,263,847; 1,392,477 Brown, Shes and H. Brown, 1,369, 911 Brown, W., see C. Davis Brown, W., see W. Jacobs Brown, a 1,224,271; 1,309,794; 1,868,479; 1,419,610; 1,423,751; 1,472,884; 1,472,385 Brown, W., and W. Pickston, 1,422,080 Browne, A., see W. Johnston Browne, A., 1,354,279 Browne, A,, ‘and R. Nichols, 1,246,866 Browne, C., 1,310,277 Browne, J. "1,507, 577 Browne, N., 1,364,542 Browne, V., 1,393,880 1,471,774; 1,231,697 ; 1,133,259 ; 1,183,427; 1,222,065; 1,324,956; 1,147,703; 1,184,818; - 1,260,312; 1,351,155; 1,151,160; 1,218,976 ; 1,301,374; 1,365,964 ; 1,235,285; 1,256,494; Brownell, L., 1,468,957 Brownell, W., 1,239,766; 1,240,816 Browning, C., 1,285,015 Browning, G., 1,489,816 Browning, W., 1,407,323; 1,407,324 Brownlee, R., see F. Keyes Brownlee, R., 1,308,161; 1,309,432; 1,329,285; 1,374,277 Brownlee, R., and R. Uhlinger, 1,154,171; 1,154,172; 1,168; 931: 1,276,487; 1,478,730; 1,520,115 Brownson, T., see J. Partington Broz, J., 1,231,997 Brubaker, O., 1,517,702 Bruce, G., 1,279,242; 1,280,957 Bruce, W., 1,443,458 Brucker, F., 1,220,178; 1,506,288 Bruderer, J., 1,192,983 Brueck, J., 1,888,546 Bruenn, P. de, 1,161,200 Bruguriere, F., see G. Blardone Bruhn, G., 1 430 621 Brummett, H., and W, Colbath, 1,204, S44 Brune, E. 1,516,952 Brune, H., 1,204,845 Brune, H., and H. Horst, 1,148,497; 1,416,546 Bruner, P., 1,127,957 Bruni, G., 1,886,153 Bruniquel, M., 1,154,609 Brunn, A., 1,181,832 Brunner, J.. see J. Schmidlin Brunner, R., 1,246,867 — Bruno, A., 1,367,177 Bruno, W., 1,341,540 Bruns, F., 1,827,903 Brunt, C. Van, see C. Van Brunt Brusa, G., 1,897,076 Brush, M., 1,442,323 Bruyn, H., 1,437,397 Bruzac, A., see G. Constant Bryan, D., see J. Bryan Bryan, H., see R. Davis Bryan, H., see W. Waggaman Bryan, H., A. Mehring, and W. Ross, 1,513,890 Bryan, J., see C. Aldrich Bryan, J., and D. Bryan, 1,244,952 Bryan, L., 1,420,364; 1,509,393 Bryan, L., and W. Swint, 1,327,859 Bryant, C., 1,253,932 Bryant, F., 1,258,530; 1,273,732 Bryant, J., see P. Morris Bryant, W., 1,403,145 Bryk, E., see A. Schmidt Bryson, H., 1,358,703 Bubb, H., 1,367,178 Buc, H., see C. Johns Bue, pv HG Legh ioe 1,436,378; 1,486,940; 1,498,229 Buch, N., 1,168,280; 1,168,281 Buch, P., and H. Groff, 1,510,759 Buchanan, F., 1,258,984; 1,381,274 Buchanan, G., see W. Landis Buchanan, G., 1,317,755; 1,352,655; Buchanan, J., 1,511,161 Bucher, A., see R. Tobler 1,320,376 ; 1,150,337 ; 1,265,043 ; 1,391,758; 1,442,520: 1,436,377 ; 1,455,072 ; 1,355,384 INDEX OF NAMES 27 Bucher, J., 1,138,190; 1,138,191; 1,174,667; 1,174,668; 1,174,944; 1,194,354; 1,221,506; 1,241,919; 1,241,920 Buchert, J., 1,169,122 Buchner, G., 1,162,024 Buchner, H., 1,249,019 Buchner, M., 1,129,165; 1,162,130; 1,165,222; 1,337,191; 1,837,192; 1,386,920; 1,395,902 Buchtala, H., 1,167, 622; 1,180,694; 1,271,846 Buchwald, C., EB Queisser, and H. Viertel, 1,302, 895 Buck, Ay 1,454,152 Buck, H., see F'. Blackwell Buck, H., 1,421,125 Buck, rae 1,330,369 Buckham, G., see F. Barker Buckingham, C., 1,425,074 Buckingham, J., 1,301,381 Buckingham, M., 1,238,881 Buckley, H., 1,396,403 Buckley, J., 1,195,649; 1,490,765 Buckley, L., 1,438,019 . Buckley, R., 1,125,457 Buckman, H., 1,396,924; 1,429,841 Buckman, H., and G. Pritchard, 1,375,077; 1,412,916; 1,440,657; 1,440,766 Bucknam, A., 1,203,477 Buckner, He "1,349, 601 Budd, E., and J. Ledwinka, La2iipe Bueb, J., an 181,431; 1,228,879 Bueckel, eM 1,143,499 Buehler, B., 1,271,426 Buel, H., 1,327,308 Buell, W., 1,174,669; 1,242,879; 1,308,393 ; 1,312,156; 1,472,239 Buettner, Gs 1 368 019; 1,446,546; Buff, M., see J. "Flachslaender Buff, M., see K. Graelert Buff, M., and A. Thauss, 1,175,230 Buffington, H., 1,240,934 Buffington, ive 1,500,545 Buffum, E., 1,197,601 Bugbee, L., 1,211,073; 1,502,763; 1,504,209 Buhl, G., 1,822,875 Buhler, a and C. Emerson, 1,191,948 Buhler, J. 1,473,529 Buhles, W., 1,264,487 Bule, E., 1,248,071 Bull, A., 1,378,762 Bull, H., 1,247,499; 1,399,845 Bullard, C., 1,410,535 Bullard, F., see O. Bullard Bullard, O., and F. Bullard, 1,445,200 Bulley, G., see J. Johnston Bulley, R., 1,847,838 Bullinger, C., 1,162,027 Bullis, H., 1,213,150 Bullock, A., 1,314,632; 1,378,834 Bullock, C., 1,124,286; 1,127,181 Bullock, E., 1,273,797; 1,279,248; 1,454,209 Bullock, §., 1,404,511; 1,449,379 1,410,056 ; 1,184,316 ; 1,308,394 ; 1,453,435 1,214,271; Bullock, S., and H. Lloyd, 1,811,550; 1,351,021; 1,458,322 1,411,839 ; 1,370,276 ; 1,205,942 ; 1,311,872; 1,317,481; 1,286,890; Buluckian, H., 1,836,420 Bummara, A., and 8. Ragonesi, 1,413,002 Bumpass, C., 1,382,468 Bunce, E., see F. Breyer Bunce, E., see J. Singmaster Bundy, H., 1,505,994 Bundy, L., }: 125 003 Bunet, P., 1,145 TAT: 1,196,657 Bunger, A., 1,220 947 Bunker, R.. 1,221,022 : 1,309,999 Bunnell, S., 1,149,627 Bunzel, H., see H. Hackl Buratti, R., 1,416,606 Burby, J., 1,327,590 Burch, E., 1,238,101; 1,246,869; 1,396,249 Burchenal, J., 1,185,851; 1,135,935; 1,226,945 Burckhardt, R., 1,174,820 Burden, W., 1,359,228 Burdette, J., 1,363,229 Burdick, A., and C. Nielsen, 1,273,145 Burdick, A., and E. Vliet, 1,436,304 Burdick, C., see A. Noyes Burdick, C., 1,339,494; 1,510,541; 1,517,046 Burdick, E., see W. Veazey Burdick, R., 1,495,776 Burgarszky, I., 1,160,992 Burger, F., and B. Stockfleth, 1,492,119 Burger, J., 1,214,887 Burger, P., 1,123,843; 1,494,059 Burgess, C., 1,144,106; 1,162,449; 1,200,165 => 1,211,363; 1,805,250; 1,305,252 Burgess, L., see M. Barnett Burgess, L., 1,821,281; 1,379,523; 1,405,183; 1,418,527; 1,418,528; Burgett, L., 1,511,189 Burghart, L., 1,426,457; 1,491,076 Burgher, H., 1,190,857 Burgschmiet, G., 1,189,339 Burgstresser, A., 1,387,348 Burian, E., 1,514,196 Burkardt, A., 1,179,495 Burke, A., 1,220,600; 1,240,175 Burke, C., 1,344,258; 1,389,934; 1,487,438 Burke, C., and G. Barnhart, 1,899,102 Burke, C., H. Boyd, P. Biddison and J. Zink, 1,319,843 Burke, C., and D. Fogg, 1,197,442 Burke, E., 1,125,058 Burke, W., 1,216,654 Burkey, H., see F. Rody Burkey, H. 1,515,547 Burkey, H., and H. Schleicher, 1,415; 308 Burkheiser, pe 1,160,375; 1,160 836 Burkle, E 1,124,851 : 1,124,852 Burkley, C., 1,806,520 Burlew, G., 1,238,883; 1,411,681 Burley, H., 1,500,546 Burlin, A., 1,420,303 Burlingame, F., 1,517,342 Burmeister, J., 1,432,440 Burnett, R.; 1,178,130; Re-14,349 Burnham, C., 1,206,749 ; 1,206,750 1,188,408 ; 1,305,251 ; 1,401,113; 1,512,271 1,426,149; Burnham, G., 1,286,932; 1,317,954; 1,321,282; 1,328,416; 1,328,417; 1,328,418; 1,328,614; 1,370,278; 1,417,189; 1,424,447; 1,476,873; 1,487,046 po.) UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Burningham, F., G. Richter, W. Van Arsdel and D. White, 1,396,021 Burns, A., 1,220,724 Burns, D., 1,272,375 Burns, H., 1,250,088 Burns, J., 1,223,144; 1,229,881; 1,487,224 Burns, W., 1,190,510; 1,304,851 Burr, E., 1,315,208 Burr, F., 1,860,093 Burr, G., J. McClain and L. Frost, 1,448,386 Burrage, A., and G. Meisel, 1,383,071; 1,383,072 Burrell, E., 1,218,052 Burrell, G., 1,176,199 Burrell, G., G. Oberfell and C. Voress, 1,402,340 Burrell, G., C. Voress and V. Canter, 1,382,889 ; 1,382,890 Burroughs, C., 1,396,926 Burroughs, J., 1,142,397 Burrows, C., 1,329,578 Burrows, F., and J. Burrows, 1,301,646 Burrows, H., 1,420,908 Burrows, J., see F. Burrows Burrows, L., 1,355,795; 1,424,710; 1,459,570 Bursk, J., 1,174,308 Burt, G., see H. Burt Burt, G., 1,485,069 Burt, G., and C. Mabee, 1,485,070 Burt, H., 1,225,764 Burt, H., and G. Burt, 1,208,909; 1,238,708 Burt, W., see B. Goldsmith Burt-Gerrans, see F. Thorold 1,424,711; Burton, G., 1,156,462; 1,199,241; 1,214,007: 1,293,027 Burton, W., see R. Humphreys Burton, W., 1,167,884 Burwell, A., 1,491,944 Bury, E., see F.. Jones Busby, H., 1,384,513 Busch, A., see C. Tommasi Busch, A., 1,129,953 Busch, A., and R. Lauch, 1,225,407 Busch, H., 1,209,259 Buscher, T., see R. Kadish Bushnell, C., see J. Shimmin Bussey, C., 1,191,869; 1,191,870; 1,482,275; 1,482,276 Bustamante, G., 1,402,210 Busvold, N., 1,222,928 Buswell, H., see J. Hammond Butcher, A., 1,285,927 Butler, J., 1,236,049 Butler, M., 1,824,300 Butler, P., and H. Stout, 1,416,262 Butler, W., 1,198,004 Butt, C., 1,418,618 Butte, E., 1,154,174 Buttenfield, C., 1,463,501; 1,463,502 Butterfield, E., 1,403,892 Butterfield, F., 1,124,694 Butterfield, J., 1,217,913; 1,217,914 Butterman, 8., 1,291,396 Butterman, S., and C. Cooperrider, 1,456,842 Buttermann, G., see H. Buttermann Buttermann, H., and G. Buttermann, 1,264,009 Butterworth, A., 1,235,183 Butterworth, F., 1,229,582 Buttfield, A., see E. Boyer Buttfield, W., 1,511,590 Butty, C., and F. Alvo, 1,351,617 Buxbaum, J., 1,293,326 Bye, M., and L. Carlson, 1,439,605 Byers, H., 1,470,552 Byers, J., 1,290,073; 1,827,197; 1,388,169 Byrne, P., 1,316,531 Byrne, T., 1,259,485 Byrnes, C., 1,162,450 Byrom, J., 1,472,353 Byron, H., 1,185,056 Byron, O., see A. Sachs C Cable, G., 1,415,866 Cabot, G., 1,162,131 Cabot, G., and J. Cabot, 1,225,574 Cabot, J., see G. Cabot Cabot, S., 1,305,645; 1,808,575; 1,413,964 Cadenhead, A., see W. Goodwin Cadgene, E., and J. Jeandros, 1,513,370 Cadiaux, D., 1,380,634 . Cadle, C., 1,193,989 Cadman, J., 1,207,273 Cadmus, O., 1,441,061 Cadwell, S., see C. Bradley Cadwell, S., 1,417,970; 1,440,692; 1,440,961: 1,440,962; 1,440,963; 1,445,621; 1,449,493: 1,463,794; 1,503,113; 1,510,652 Cady, C., 1,205,323 Cady, E., 1,184,070 Cady, W., 1,450,712 Caffrey, J., 1,168,599; 1,243,808 Cage, J., 1,518,688 Caggaino, J., see L. Latham Cahill, T., 1,489,979 Calabro, A., 1,516,562 Calbeck, J., 1,511,215 Calcott, W., 1,509,227 Calder, W., and W. Palmer, 1,490,588 Calderwood, W., A. Webb and C. Reihl, 1,514,432 Caldwell, A., 1,338,286 Caldwell, E., 1,141,314 Caldwell, §., 1,230,274 Calhoun, G., 1,338,811 Calkins, U., 1,404,870 Callan, J., 1,331,861 - Callender, E., 1,215,774 Callimachi, M., 1,449,380 Callodi, G., 1,386,157 Callow, J., 1,125,897; 1,829,335 Callow, J., and H. Corliss, 1,331,238 Callow, J., J. Thompson, and J. Terry, 1,334,733 ; 1,334,734 Callsen, J., see J. Huismann 1,258,869; 1,269,157; INDEX OF NAMES 29 Callsen, J., 1,424,236; 1,477,691; 1,518,689 Callsen, J., and W. Gruettefien, 1,201,692 Callsen, J., and R. Stuesser, 1,169,316 Callsen, T., see R. Willstaetter Calovi, P., 1,386,922 Calta, J., 1,863,563 Calvert, E., 1,249,822 Calvert, G., 1,142,668; 1,213,740 Calvert, R., 1,356,806; 1,437,041 Calvert, R., K. Dern, and G. Alles, 1,502,547 Calvert, R., and O. Thomas, 1,308,576; 1,308,577 Calvet, R., 1,189,238 Camell, R., L. Cochet, and J. Gritte, 1,354,090; 1,379,742 Cameron, A., 1,137,255 Cameron, D., see H. Holmes Cameron, D., 1,190,512 Cameron, F., 1,233,977; 1,259,486; 1,276,870 Cameron, F., and J. Cullen, 1,239,768 Cameron, F., J. Cullen and R. Hyde, 1,261,694; 1,261,695; 1,261,696; 1,352,399 Cameron, L., 1,215,109 *Camiller, J.. and A. Hay, 1,440,373 Cammen, L., see L. Goldmerstein Cammen, L., 1,489,865 Camp, E., 1,518,801 Camp, J. de, 1,211,684 Camp, S., 1,865,372 Camp, W., 1,399,847 Campa y Menendez, A., 1,305,993 Campbell, A., 1,513,371 Campbell, C., 1,184,071; 1,192,987; 1,221,024; 1,233,446; Re-14,567; 1,250,427; 1,292,577 Campbell, D., 1,273,146; 1,344,861 Campbell, E., 1,271,015 Campbell, E., and R. Carney, 1,182,880 Campbell, H., 1,435,377 Campbell, J., see E. Auld Campbell, J.. see H. Clarke Campbell, J., 1,174,967; 1,184,226; 1,278,435; 1,302,463; 1,884,990 Campbell, J.. and A. Hoffman, 1,267,971 Campbell, J., and J. Reynolds, 1,460,476 Campbell, M., 1,228,528 Campi, E. de, 1,360,272 Camus, E., R. Duchemin and G. Criqueboeuf, 1,297,792 Canda, F.,:1,179,696 Cannon, F., see M. Wilbur Cannon, H., C. Barbre and E. Leslie, 1,337,542 Cannon, J., and J. Fream, 1,316,422 Canon, F., 1,355,105; 1,503,937 Canter, V., see G. Burrell Canter, V., see C. Voress Cantieny, G., 1,495,573 Capece, G., 1,141,610 Capell, W., 1,427,515 Caples, R., see J. Elton Caples, R., and F. Frick, 1,263,852 Capp, J., see FE. Collins Capp, J., 1,279,252 Cappel, A., see H. Kretzer Cappelle, H. van, 1,370,386 Cappon, T., 1,475,932 Capps, F., see W. Tyler Capron, F., 1,266,212 1,256,298 ; Caps, J., 1,495,317 Capstaff, J., 1,196,080; 1,303,635; 1,315,464 Capstaff, J., and F. Martin, 1,441,163 Caramanico, L., 1,512,274 Carbone, D., 1,473,901 Carey, C., 1,477,107 Carey, J., 1,497,088 Carey, P., 1,156,753 Carlitz, J., 1,194,273 Carlson, A., 1,130,143; 1,246,802; 1,362,924 Carlson, L., see M. Bye Carlson, O., 1,327,985; 1,337,750; 1,338,357 Carlson, O., and E. Otterdahl, 1,277,043 Carlsson, O., and E. Thall, 1,375,208 Carlstrum, C., 1,511,503; 1,511,504 Carmichael, A., 1,124,696 Carmichael, J., 1,128,287; 1,207,858 Carmichael, R., 1,287,878; 1,287,879; 1,808,929 Carmichael T., see W. Ockleston Carmichael, T., see A. Turnbull Carmichael, W., 1,246.231 Carmona, F., 1,237,267 Carnahan, J., 1,141,770 Carnahan, J., and A. Maskrey, 1,141,769 Carney, F., and L. Lindemuth, 1,223,020 Carney, R., see E. Campbell Carnie, A., 1,158,371 Caroll, S., 1,444,331 Caron, M , see G. Clevenger Caron, M., 1,232,216; 1,298,454; 1,487,145 Carothers, J., see A. Merz Carothers, J., see W. Ross Carothers, J., 1,850,591; 1,410,550 Carothers, J., and A. Gerber, 1,487,205 Carothers, J., and W. Ross, 1,283,398 Carpenter, A., 1,396,992; 1,476,874 Carpenter, A., and G. Baumann, 1,393,748 1,346,175 ; Carpenter, C., 1,160,040; 1,160,041; 1,164,464; 1,190,982; 1,215,907; 1,824,227; 1,325,710; 1,380,353; 1,880,354; 1,898,065; 1,416,787; 1,468,259; 1,492,241; 1,498,865; 1,498,866 Carpenter, H., 1,166,183; 1,167,150; 1,322,757; 1,322,758 Carpenter, J., 1,146,690 Carpenter, L., 1,163,066 Carpenter, L., and HE. Eldredge, 1,389,095; 1,889,577 Carr, A., 1,141,104 Carr, J., and A. Bradley, 1,454,153 Carr, O., 1,201,936; 1,230,667 Carr, P., 1,223,933 Carrasco, T., 1,246,392 Carrey, J., 1,248,454 Carrier, C., 1,358,136 Carrier, W., 1,330,238; 1,393,086 Carringer, J., see E. Clark Carroll, S., 1,854,725; 1,354,726; 1,405,487 1,411,708; 1,425,173; 1,429,188; 1,431,905; 1,431,906; 1,484,426; 1,434,427; 1,487,792; 1441142: 1,441,143; 1,450,714; 1,450,715; 1,450,716; 1,464,169; 1,464,170; 1,467,091; 1,467,092 ;'” 1,467,093; 1,467,094; 1,467,095; 1,467,096; 1,467,097; 1,467,098; 1,467,099 ; 1,467,100; 1,467,101; 1,467,102; 1,467,103; 1,467,104; 1,467,105; 1,469,812; 1,469,813; 1,479,955; 1,500,366 1,476,392 ; BO x UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Carson, A., 1,263,527 Carson, G., 1,287,221; 1,296,478; 1,480,743 Carson, W., 1,184,320; 1,239,256; 1,244,421; 1,248,455; 1,277,855; 1,390,496 Carstens, H., A. Engelhardt and W. Mueller, 1,507,105 Carstens, H., and C. Hansen, 1,457,652 Carstens, J., 1,126,387 Carswell, A., 1,179,800 Carter, C., 1,884,047; 1,499,002 Carter, C., and A. Coxe, 1,423,753; 1,459,177; 1,459,971; 1,499,001 Carter, E., 1,147,783 Carter, F., 1,355,811; 1,857,272; 1,378,996 Carter, J., see J. Vail Carter, J., 1,188,040 Carter, L., 1,426,955 Carter, M., 1,348,479 Carter, P., 1,279,838; 1,293,029 Carter, R., 1,324,761; 1,329,457; 1,364,035; 1,468,341; 1,472,324 Carter, W., 1,202,808; 1,251,862; 1,251,863; 1,327,904; 1,365,891; 1,429,928 Cartwright, C., 1,231,128 Cartwright, D., 1,331,623 Carvalho, D., 1,353,720 Carver, F., and W. Harman, 1,216,282 Cary, B., 1,177,014; 1,177,015 Casale, L., 1,384,428; 1,408,987; 1,447,123; 1,478,549; 1,478,550; 1,502,336 Case, H., 1,445,887; 1,445,388 Case, R., see E. Bell Case, R., 1,166,432 Case, T., 1,298,457; 1,298,627; 1,301,227; 1,316,220; 1,842,842;° 1,376,604; 1,376,605; 1,376,606 Casey, D., 1,466,928 Casey, K., see R. Woodbridge Casey, K., 1,329,503 Caskey, F., 1,262,448 Casler, B., 1,187,259 Casmire, F., 1,230,668 Caspersson, K., see G. Gustafson Cassady, C., 1,468,842 Cassal, C., see N. Cassal Cassal, N., C. Cassal and B. Gerrans, 1,330,844 Cassimus, G., 1,161,187 Cassisa, S., 1,461,696 Castells, R., 1,219,536 Castleman, E., 1,488,315 Castner, H., 1,499,291 Castona, J., 1,149,027 Castor, H., 1,288,834 Castor, L., see F. Cossitt Castruccio, G., 1,448,520 Cataldi, B., 1,336,281; 1,424,620 Cates, L., 1,807,113; 1,849,265 Cathcart, E., 1,335,657 Catlett, C., 1,282,188; 1,808,931; 1,308,932; 1311,043 > 1,354,727; 1,422,337 Catlett, H., 1,280,162 Catlin, R., 1,219,438; 1,293,703 Cattley, L., 1,516,373 Caudemberg, A. de, 1,220,401 Caudemberg, C. de, 1,395,396 Caukin, L., 1,499,000 Cavanagh, J., see H. Barstow Cavanagh, J., 1,229,585; 1,346,397; 1,357,147 Cavanaugh, A., 1,357,844 Cavanaugh, L., 1,277,695. 1,510,654 Cavanaugh, W., 1,239,880; 1,415,313 Cave, A., 1,850,956. Caven, T., 1,139,637; 1,247,503; 1,305,522 Cavers, Ti. 1 259 467: i 343 656; 1 507, 581 Cawley, ‘AS 1 420, 304; 1,491 256. Cawood, R., 1,414,254 Cayocea, J., 1,161,612 Cecil, W., 1,178,132; 1,253,667 1,396, 557; 1,452,027; 1,452,145; Cederbere, T 1,476,283; 1 ATS, 889; 1 481,957 Cellino, A., 1,433 602 Certel, R. ‘and F. Dreyer, 1,502,482 Cew, if De, see J. De Cew Chadd, W., 1,134,819 Chadima, F., 1,224,901 Chadwick, 1 Chadwick, Ls and Pp. Hollinshead, 1,210,598 see W. Barrie Chadwick, Di and M. Resek, 1,817,351; 1,320, 734: 1 Chaillaux, P., 388, 325 1 417 033 Chalas, me 1 414 ary 1,478,940 Chalk, HL, sl 521 506 Challenger, V., Chamberlain, 1 499,151 ‘A, 1,221,790 Chamberlain, R., 1,141,526; 1,185,058; 1,194,818; 1,304,852; 1,828,420; 1,369,783; 1,236,672 ; 1,376,920 ; Chambers, E., T. Hammond and G. Jarmain 1,170.962 Chambers, P.., Chambers, P.., Chambers, S., Champion, A., Champlin, R.., 1,379,900; 1,490,204; 1,511,826 see W. Fisher see T. Tyrer 1,276,722 and T. McDougal, 1,262,305 1,372,639 Chanard, A., 1,325,618 Chance, E., see T. Chance Chance, E., "1 298, 889 Chance, E,, and T. Chance, 1,390 A9T Chance, (eh 1,221,139 Chance, T.., "see E. Chance 1,224,138; 1,471,645; 1,471,646; Chance, T., 1,471,647 Chance, T., and E. Chance, 1,298,890 Chandler, ‘AG 1,388,513 Chandler, Ct YES 488 Chandler, De Chandler, D., 1,386, 767 1,208, 747 ; 1,238,635 GC handler, He see R. Wilkins Chandler, H, 1,487,719 1,287,634; 1,292,254; 1,497,543; 1,497,544; 1,499,908 Chaney, N., Chapin, H., 1 Chapin, R.., 1 Chapin, W., 1 343,390 137,844 ,362,472; 1,387,351 Chaplin, D., 1,362,393 Chaplin, E., i 325 grt 1,325,712; 1,325,713 Chaplin, M., 1 272,00 Chapman, ‘i 1 233, 343 Chapman, ia 1,519,755 Chapman, G., 1,234,288 Chapman, J., "see W. Young Chapman, R,, Chapman, W. 1,260,327 ; iY 002,174; 1,520,328 1 (198, 107; 1 250, 140; 1 341 044 ? and J. Trayne, 1,191,946; 32. 1,352,180 ; 1,363,393 ; 1 1,352,182; 1 1,423,710; 1 1 1 1,403,391 ; 1,423,712; 1,425,579 ; 1,454,599 ; 1,483,412; 1,363,392; 1,423,709; 1,425,576; 1,439,291 ; 1,473,543; 1,483,413; 1,425,577: 1,439,292: 1,473,544: 1,483,414 Clapp, A., 1,184,518; 1,280,400 ; 1,312,682 ; 1,362,850 ; 1,380,865; 1,389,936; 1,398,770; 1,463,611; 1,468,959; 1,490,362; Clapp, A., and C. Clapp, 1,427,263 Clapp, C., see A. Clapp Clapp, H., 1,330,846; 1,437,584 Clare, J., 1,137,461; 1,206,414 Claremont, E., see C., Beaver Clark, A., see D. Spence Clark, A., 1,838,905; 1,462,029; 1,491,380 Clark, B., see W. Sellars Clark, C., see R. Bacon Clark, C., 1,337,342; 1,510,655 Clark, D., 1,495,547 439, '293 ; 1,483,411 ; 1,128,290; 1,218,982; 1,302,512; 1,332,541 ; 1,374,187 ; 1,131,039; 1,269,905; 1,302,513; 1,345,317; 1,367,862; 1,152,294; 1,280,399 ; 1,305,770; 1,345,476; 1,379,590; 1,411,409; 1,514,655 Clark, E., 1,132,163; 1,143,810; 1,221,418; 1,388,514; 1,410,797; 1,413,260; 1,413,899; 1 ‘A41 066; 1,521,278 Clark, E. N. Loomis and J. Carringer, 1,478,102 Clark, ie 1,446,736; 1,476,284; 1,508 083 Clark, H see H. Bacon ; Clark, H., J. Hill and A. McGregor, 1,380,529 Clark, As "see J. Hood Clark, J., 1,333,900; 1,363,230; 1,364,037 Clark, 1 418 621; 1 AT2, 115: ; °1,491,518; 1,503,229 Clark, M., 1,318,645 Clark, P., see J. Hood Clark, R., 1,208,484; 1,230,865 Clark, W., see J. Hood Clark, W., 1,165,753; 1,248,041; 1,243,654; 1,248,655; 1,828,713; 1,828,714; 1,370,090 Clark, Z., 1,253,786 Clarke, B., 1,397, 723 Clarke, C., 1,269,906 Clarke, a: 1,309 980; 1,809,981; 1,357,614; 1,370,878: 1,370,879; 1,395,905; 1,398,939; 1,405,490: 1,405,491; 1,434,429; 1,444,333 Clarke, H., and J. Campbell, 1,193,763 Clarke, H., and W. Hartman, 1,411,683 Clarke, J.. see W. McElroy Clarke, J.; 1,272,220; 1,335,482 Clarkson, F., and J. Braham, 1,440,056 Classen, A., 1,178,440; 1,256,875; 1,322,291; 1,428,217; 1,464,149; 1,491,381 Claude, G., 1,125,476; 1,131,910; 1,185,855; 1,189,664; 1,191,495; 1,212,456; 1,231,494; 1,332,460; 1,395,389; 1,426,461; 1,426,462; 1,484,932; 1,488,002; 1,491,672; Claude, G., and E. Jordan, 1,497,546 Claus, R.., 1, 156,466 1,131,994; 1,212,455; 1,371,299 ; 1,438,581; 1,501,436 Clausius, 3 B. Schoener and O. Siebert, 1,213, 075 Claussen, E., 1,250,968 ~ Clavel, R., 1,211,288; 1,234,732; 1,378,443; 1,448,482; 1,517,709 Ma . , ¥ % eo (EON 7 a ™~™ . UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Clawson, M., 1,315,468 Clawson, §., 1,169,530; 1,192,037; 1,240,824; 1,262,452; 1,262,453 Clay, N., 1,454,845; 1,511,898; 1,519,239 Clay, R., 1,154,485 Clay, W., 1,333,834; 1,380,773; 1,432,669 Clay, W., and A. Hallowell, 1,337,348; 1,434,681 Clayton, H., see J. Garner Clayton, H., 1,195,978 Clayton, J., 1 224 070; 1,224,071; 1,240,675; 1,366,162; 1,366,163; 1,385,806; 1,399,690; 1 406, 158; 1,425,368; 1,429,127 Clayton, R., J. Huebner and H. Williams, 1,801,652; 1,333,465 Clayton, Ti, 1,364,7 16 Clayton, W., 1,213,335; 1,217,153 Clayton, W., and G. Nodder, 1,898,003 Cleaves, H., 1,235,655; 1,239,885 Cleaves, H., and F. Horton, 1,268,823 Clegg, J., see W. Alexander Cleghorn, C., 1,356,267; 1,896,023; 1,460,053; 1,495,383 Clemenger, H., see B. Strong Clemens, H.., see M. Weaber Clemens, Ji "1,204, 131; 1,372,642 Clement, A., 1,333,706; 1,375,081 ;. 1,875,082 ; 1,375,088; 1,375,672; 1,375,673; . 1,389,097; 1,400,527; 1,481,725; 1,473,208 Clement, G., 1,845,835 Clement, ve 1,475, 259 Clement, Diss and C. Riviere, 1,168,164; 1,173,931 Clement, W., 1,498,351 Clemm, ‘AG i 160, 847 Clemm, H,, 1,515, 656 Clemm, H., and C. Hangleiter, 1,429,128 Clerc, C, see A. Nihoul Clere, Cc. 1,413,555 Clerget, P., 1,309, 182 Cleveland, oe 1 355, 074; 1,370,188 Clevenger, G., 1, 123, 685 ; 1,212, 130; 1,283,078; 1 379, 083 ; 1 492 286 Clevenger, fell and M. Caron, 1,349,322 Click, W., 1,506, 734 Cliffe, W., see W. Craven Clifford, W., 1,339,022 Clifford, W., and ‘i Green, 1,332,542 Clifton, E., ab 140,253 Clifton, Ey "1 466, 578 Climie, W., 1,327, 861 | - Cline, ae A. Crowell and C. McCorkle, 1,233,753 Cline, M., and C. Rhodes, 1,138,085 Clinton, M., 1,216,211 Clope, si 1,144,171 Clore, J., 1,207,137 Clough, J., 1,246,054 Clough, W., and C. Johns, 1,485,071 Clover, A., 1,286,944; 1,373,551 Cluff, C., 1,381,969 Clulee, S., 1,219,254; 1,224,361 Clymer, W., 1,198,619; 1,242,656; 1,480,533 Clyne, R.; 1,135,356 1,283,077 ; Coast, J., see J. Cosden Coast, J., 1,250,798; 1,250,799; 1,250,800; 1,250,801; 1,252,999; 1,253,000; 1,298,190; 1,258,191; 1,833,964; 1,845,182; 1,345,133; 1 345, 184; 1,848,264: 1,348,265; 1,348,266; 1 '348 367 : 1,348,268; 1,849,815; 1,349,816; bn : t aS a INDEX OF NAMES 31 Chapman, W., and D. Mason, 1,361,137 Chappell, F., 1,871,223 Chappell, H., 1,195,655; 1,226,750; 1,235,552; 1,244,032; 1,268,483; 1,270,266; 1,308,481; 1,317,686; 1,836,508; 1,401,136; 1,401,137 Chappell, M., see F. Mann Chappell, M., and M. Moore, 1,404,374; 1,404,375 Chappell, M., E. Wright and M. Moore, 1,488,805 Chappelle, C., 1,229,230 Charbonneaux, A., 1,174,546 Charbonneaux, E., 1,420,622; 1,480,872 Chardonnet, H., de, 1,209,133; 1,243,489; 1,245,690 Charles, H., 1,348,151; 1,394,472 Charls, G., 1,355,589; 1,355,590; 1,363,564; Re-15,208 Charlton, H., see T. Meadows Charlton, H., 1,234,626; 1,235,766; 1,242,421; 1,242,422: 1,249,028: 1,256,295: 1.256.296: 1,827,145; 1,829,369; 1,334,989. 1,341,110; 1,346,002; 1,381,106; 1,897,078; 1,513,088 Charlton, H., and R. Shreve, 1,452,185; 1,452,186 Charlton, T., 1,865,815. Charuest, Pe and H. Hormisdas, 1,454,700 Chase, AS and W. Van Arsdel, 1,432 668 Chase, Hi 1,185,588 Chase, H., and J. Gafflin, 1,161,844; 1,162,036 Chase, M., and F. Pierce, 1,405, 669. Chase, M., F. Pierce and J. Skogmark, 1,447,645 ; "1,472,790 ; Chase, W., 1,279,257; 1,314,571; Chasseigne, L., see D. Venot Chatelain, A., 1,209,118 Chatfield, C., 1,429,714 Chatfield, G., 1,868,022 Chavanne, G., see L. Simon Chebotaref, L., 1,381,280 Cheek, C., 1,205,856 Cheeseman, Te 1,188, 898; 1,343,034 Cheesman, ne ‘and R. Haff, 1,465,841; 1,465,842 Chenard, E., 1,307, 184; 1,407, 380 Cheney, i OF "1,385,305 Cheney, H., see J. Cheney Cheney, J., 1,168,785 Cheney, J., and H. Cheney, 1,403,072 Cheplin, H., see L. Rettger Cherry, C., 1,447 646 Cherry, E., 1 231 239 Cherry, Us 1,229, 886; 1,827,023 Chertoff, G., 1,379, 743 Chester, A 1,231,492 Chestnut, V., see F’. Power Chetwynd, G., 1,211,545 Chevalier, A., 1,466,698 Chevalier, J.. P. Bourcet and H. Regnault, 1,469,148 Chevenard, P., 1,489,116 Chew, M., 1,423,081; 1,423,082; 1,423,083 Chidlow, D., 1,255,292; 1,255, 293: 1,450, 483 Chikashige, M., and D. "Uno, 1,415 526 Chila, M., 1,166 ReteV i Chilson, D., 1,491,900 Chipley, G., 1,136,936 Chisholm, C., 1,149,974 1,329,072 Chisholm, S., see R. Wilson Chislet, H., 1,357,688 Chisolm, W., 1,147,926 Choate, W., 1,279,655 Cholet, L., 1,418,233 Chopin, A., see J. Blondel Chopin, M., 1,892,116 Chovan, G., see S. Trood Chrisman, C., 1,176,432 Christen, J., see J. Allen Christen, V., 1,201,440 Christensen, J., 1,256,981; 1,373,053; 1,486,635; 1,517,049 Christensen, K., 1,184,621 Christensen, N., 1,231,707; 1,239,157; 1,447,759; 1,278,854 ; 1,286,531 ; 1,341,734; 1,415,796; 1,434,086 ; 1,434,090 ; 1,441,064; 1,456,784 ; 1,467,355 ; Christensen, Christenson, Christenson, O., Christians, S Ge, 1,286,532 ; 1,357,952 ; 1,415,797 ; 1,434,087 ; 1,435,699 ; 1,441,065 ; 1,458,805 ; 1,485,909 ; ., 1,423,830 1,332,820; 1,511,397 and K. Gisiko, 1,397,264 G., 1,327,268; 1,327,269 1,316,351; 1,358,619 ; 1,434,084 ; 1,434,088 : 1,435,891 ; 1,453,749 ; 1,462,363 ; 1,521,277 1,316,352; 1,390,603; 1,434,085 ; 1,434,089 ; 1,441,063; 1,453,750; 1,467,354; Christiansen, C., 1,283,670 Christiansen, J., 1,302,011 Christie, B., 1,161,289 Christman, A., and C. Koepp, 1,342,497 Christman, M., 1,173,411 Christmas, W., 1,521,174 Christophe, J., 1,184,323 Chrzescinski, O., see G. Merling Chubb, L., 1,156,666; 1,196,744; 1,241,496; 1,250,141; 1,344,752; 1,396,811; 1,270,784; 1,344,753: 1,433,699 ; 1,291,408; 1,348,206; 1,486,864 ; 1,341,631; 1,348,207 ; 1,497,430 Church, A., 1,274,005 Church, F., 1,393,428 Church, I., 1,242,770 Church, M., 1,166,325 Church, S., 1,155,130; 1,162,453 Churchill, H., see J. Edwards Churchward, J., 1,181,570; 1,251,341; 1,261,742; 1,261,743; 1,333,586; 1,337,548; 1,889,476; 1,403,230; 1,423,914 Chute, H., 1,196,334; 1,250,282 Ciapetti, G., 1,243,811 Cicciolt, R., see S. Rizzon Ciciliani, A., de, 1,390,236 Cigol, F., 1,249,030 Cilley, O., 1,338,613 Ciselet, E., and C. Deguide, 1,214,008; 1,349,750 Cito, Cu 1,367, 768 Claassen, AS see G. Smith Claassen, P. see J. Needham Claessen, A., 1,357,845 Claflin, H., 1,401,760 Clague, T., 1,123,683 Clareaux, F., see C. Leroy Clairemont, V., 1,370,628 Clamecy, P, de, 1 237, 307 ; 1,415,925; 1,428,534 Clamer, G., 1, 198 618 Clancy, qi 1 329 652; 1,352,174; 1,852,175; 1,352,176; 1,352,177; 1,352,178; 1,352,179; INDEX OF NAMES 33 Beedle; © 1,000,016;) 1,355,311:" 1,355,312; 1,370,881; 1,372,937; 1,374,357; 1,379,333; 1,388,629; 1,400,800 Coates, F., 1,414,256 Coates, L., 1,425,747 Coates, R., 1,827,987; 1,491,846; 1,493,602; 1,493,603 Cobb, B., 1,267,976 Cobb, E., 1,300,816; 1,315,623; 1,322,762; ee2,075; 1,867,224; 1,357,225; 1,887,835; 1,388,517; 1,388,832; 1,413,005 Cobb, H., 1,230,867; 1,255,388 Cobellis, F., 1,195,560; 1,273,824; 1,301,909 Coberly, C., 1,455,428; 1,471,592 Coblentz, V., and H. Walker, 1,332,028 Coblentz, W., 1,135,663; 1,418,362 Coburn, R.., 1,487,212 Cocanari, S., 1,305,195; 1,436,478 Cochet, L., see R. Camell Cochran, A., 1,296,367 Cochran, R., see H. Marsh Cochrane, F., 1,306,213 Cochrane, W.., 1,396,358 ’ Cock, G., 1,211,919 Cock, R., 1,402,283 Cocking, A., 1,164,170 Cocking, A., and C. Lilly, 1,425,838 Cockrell, G., 1,173,932; 1,244,586 Cocksedge, H., see F. Freeth Cocksedge, H., 1,503,481 Codding, M., 1,402,740; 1,402,741; 1,402,742 Coddington, E., 1,429,407 Codwise, P., 1,449,892 Coe, H., 1,292, 580 Coe, A 1 364,717; 1,469,895; 1,494, 667 Coe, W., 1, 243, 042 Coes, H, see G. Rhodes Coester, G., 1,463,674 Coffee, R.., 1,276,492 Coffeen, J., 1,314,856 Coffelt, O., 1,357,690 Coffin, C., see H. Mork Coffin, E., 1,491,131 Coffin, J., see C. Bradley Coffin, J., 1,498,717 Coffman, H., 1,466,331 Coggeshall, G., and T. Rector, 1,418,363 Coghlan, T., 1,478,203 Co Hagan, W., 1,439,869 Cohan, F., 1,474,512 Cohen, E., 1,280,129 Cohen, H., see C. Lenz Cohen, J., 1,224,141 Cohen, M., see C. Ellis Cohen, M., 1,215,777; 1,365,047 . Cohn, A., 1,323,833; 1,323,834; 1,498,073 Cohn, O., 1,296,767 Coho, H. 1 138, 845; 1,217,710; 1,217,711 Cohoe, W., see H. Pease Cohoe, W., 1,158,400 Colahan, C., 1 233 A449 Colbath, W.., see H. Brummett: Colburn, A., 1,185,067 Colburn, E., see H. Colburn Colburn, H., and KE. Colburn, Re-14 497: 1,226,063; 1,415,314 Colby, W., 1,233, "5A 1,226,062 ; eens H., and A. Dworsky, 1,230,120 Coldby, A , see G. Mayer Cole, A.., 1,126,401 ; 1.388518: 1,399,336 Cole, Cu 1,361,139 Cole, D., see A. Thompson Cole, D.,") 1,205,326; 1,205,327: 1,375,211 Cole, G., 1,446,834 Cole, R., see C. Sherwood Cole, R., 1,378,939; 1,896,320; 1,494,099 Cole, T., 1,515,658 Cole, W., 1,448,792 Coleman, C., 1,214,009; 1,364,353 Coleman, E., 1,158,897 Coleman, eh 1,318, 313; 1,421,914; 1,516,912 Coleman, L., 1,223, 150; "1 233, 190 Coles, H.., 1,397 404 Colette, Cr 1,453 003. Colgin, S., 1,502,905 Coll, J., 1,152,605 Collard, C., 1,431,217 Collard, G., 1,129,645 Collardon, L., 1,128,851 Collee, P., see J. Werst Collett, E., 1,133,840; 1,184,926; 1,303,167 Collier, D., 1,372,118 Collier, W., see FE. Mullins Collings, E., see E. Johnson Collings, W., 1,428,272; 1,428,273 Collings, W., and J. Gann, 1,356, 907; 1,479,982 Collings, W., see P. Cottringer Collins, A., 1 224,142; 1,490,801 Collins, B., 1,413,457 Collins, C., 1,314,634; 1,372,483; 1,374,434 Collins, D., 1,411 842 Collins, E., and J. Capp, 1,169,529 Collins, i 1,282,009; 1 414, 257 : 1,414,259 Collins, M., see E. Kiam Collip, J., see F. Banting Collis, N., 1,356,340 Collischonn, F., and F. Ruppert, 1,201,260 Collord, G., 1,348,249; 1,343,250; 1,361,140 Collordeau, ah see J. Altwegg Collver, H., and C, Mabee, 1,453,752 Colony, Mf, "1 434 094 Colquhoun, R., 1,311,319 Colson, L., 1,428,879 Colt, L., 1,197,911; 1,197,912; 1,197,913 Colton, R., see T. Kotter Colvocoresses, G., see W. Schmidt Comber, H.., and J. Stalker, 1,327,271 Combs, be see P. Seel Combs, Js 1,415 428 Combs, R, 1,490,455 Comerma, J., 1,230,381 Comey, A., 1,801,105 Commenge, E., see EH. Sardou Comment, P., 1,374,485; 1,389,861; 1,417,887 Commin, F., 1,432,742; 1,511,949 Comstock, D., 1,123,687; 1,159,748; 1,283,087; 1,390,983; 1,493,246 Comstock, D., and J. Ball, 1,451,325 1,351,096 ; 1,445,870; 1,291,769; | 1,329,374; 1,154,289; 1,158,181; 1,414,258; 1,389,862: 1,232,504 ; 34. Comstock, H., 1,223,035; 1,230,121 Coogan, C., see R. Farrell Coogan, J., 1,487,541 Cook, om 1 362 677; 1,362,678 Cook, oN and J. Price, 1,190, 633 Cook, Be 1,250,802; 1,250 803; 1,271,136 Cook, FE. 1 '384, 304; 1,393, 346: 1 "394, "280 Cook, G., 1,176,345; 1,342,942 Cook, H., see C. Taylor Cook, H., 1,467,356 Cook, J., 1,146,928 Cook, Re see E. Hopkinson Cook, R., 1,440,767; 1,440,768; 1 510 739 Cook, R., and B. Grotta, 1,385,245; 1,406,977 Cook, Re and E. Harris, 1,357 764 Cook, W., 1,334,436 ; 1,427,149 Cooke, C., 1,473,337 Cooke, R., see P. Hershman Cooke, R., 1,272,917; 1,316,018 Cooke, T., see F. Lewts Cookerley, J., 1,208,717 Cookson, C., 1,246, 552 Cookson, W.. 1 (374, 879; 1,374,880; 1,407,930 Coolbaugh, M., 1,315, 761; 1 Al2 ABQ Coolbaugh, M., and E. Quinney, 1,125,007; 1,165,154; 1, 170, 418; 1,178,384 Coolbaugh, M., and J. Read, 1,504,813 Coolidge, W., "1,153,290; 1,162,339 ; 1,162,341; 1,162,342; 1,181,741; 1,226,470; 1,226,471; 1,230,869; Coombs, F., 1,147,376, 1,156,060; 1,327,862; 1,863,193; 1,492,964 Coon, L., see J. Hanna . Cooney, F., 1,479,533 Coons, W., “and B. Hewitt, 1,209,399 Cooper, A. 1,344,581; 1 423, 193; 1,494,735 Cooper, CG. 1,169,930; 1 169, 931 Cooper, H., see J. Garner Cooper, H., see R. McKee Cooper, H., 1,221,769; 1,224,362; 1,248,621: 1,254,987; 1,277,046; 1,323,837; 1,350,859; 1,461,178; 1,502,422; 1,507,987; 1,510,829; Cooper, K., 1,155,797 Cooper, L., 1,444,587 Cooper, O., 1,481,456 Cooper, S., 1,492,555 Cooper, W., 1,808,167; 1,844,865 Cooperrider, C., see S. Butterman Cope, F., see T. Baily Cope, F., 1,218,058 Cope, W., 1,341,705; 1,890,671; 1,899,104 Copelin, L., 1,381,802; 1,392,745 Copeman, L., 1,515,150; 1,518,254 Coplan, A., 1,433,180; 1,501,202 Copland, J., 1,471,326 1,323,836 1,517,618 | Copthorne, i. 1,439, 610 ant Cot thorne, H.. and A. Tannehill, 1,353,220 e, Hi. 1 268 818 Crabbe, Re 1,415 923 Crabtree, J 3 1,168,286; 1,240,027 ; 1,305,962; 1,389,742 Craig, A., 1,197,107; 1,248,714; 1,245,687 Craig, E., see R. Pearson Craig, T., see H. Spence Craig, tT 1,224, 145. 1,225,414; 1,397,858 1,494,830 ; 1,162,340 ; 1,181,742 ; 1,217,156 ; 1,229,037 ; 1,278,304; 1,491,224: 1,279,276; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL-PATENTS, 1915-1924 Craig, W., 1,408,170; Re-15,411 Crail, A., 1,416,269 Craine, C., see C. Morey Cram, B., 1,155,045 Cramer, A., see F. Landrum Cramer, C., 1,392,814; 1,427,444; 1,455,995 Cramer, S., 1,298,670 Cramer, T., see H. Knight Crandall, F., 1,232,460 Crandon, J., 1,340,649; 1,341,361 Crane, A., 1,276,879 Crane, F., 1,201,7013, \1,22350he 1,295,098; 1,894,147; 1,518,802 Crane, F., and W. Schieffelin, 1,499,348 Crane, J., see K. Underwood Crane, J., 1,151,844; 1,152,935; 1,808,398; 1,329,583 Crane, J., and E. Loomis, 1,468,377 Crane, T., 1,414,504 Craney, T., 1,140,502 Cranston, J.,and W. Le Bar, 1,398,784 Crapo, F., 1,501,887 Crary, R., and 8. Barnett, 1,193,477 Crass, M., 1,481,505 Crate, W.. 1,370, 192 Craven, ee 1,438, 221; 1,438,222 Craven, ie see W. Craven Craven, W., L. Craven, C. Young, F. Cliffe and W. Cliffe, 1,165,570 Craver, A., see G. Bailey Craver, A., 1,873,412; 1,489,741; 1,491,465 ~ Crawford, A., 1,825,665; 1,396,024 Crawford, C., 1,477,810 Crawford, J., and J. Hughes, 1,249,034 Crawford, N., 1,190,731; 1,245,196 Crawford, P., 1,242,424 Crawford, S., 1,507,338 Crawford, T., 1,161,925 Crawford, W., 1,395,990 Creasey, S., 1,520,333 Creger, H., 1,488,097 Cregor, N., see C. Hoffman Creighton, M., 1,483,160 Crémer, A., 1,466,994 Cremer, F., 1,410,735 _ Cremieu, V., 1,421,176 Creque, F., 1,251,182 Crerar, G., see E. Gayford Crerar, G., 1,232,772 Cresap, A., 1,221,973 Crespo, J., 1,401,524 Cressey, J., 1,383,290 Cretsinger, L., and J. Workman, 1,276,725 Crewson, G., 1,245,688 Criggal, ip 1,366, 166 Criqueboeuf, G., see E. Camus Criqueboeuf, G., see A. Helbronner Crist, D., 1,434,484 Cristensen, J., 1,472,048 Criswell, B., 1,148,614 Critchett, J., 1,460,790; 1,511,111 Crites, V., and K. Wright, 1,515,093 Crittenden, Z., 1,177,492 Croad, R., 1,443,697 Croad, R., and G. Knowles, 1,437,726 1,227,248 ; 1,206,306 ; 1,470,554; 1,325,666; 1,470,555; 1,325,667 ; INDEX OF NAMES 35 Croakman, E., see J. Youn. Crockard, F., 1,274,245 Crockatt, W., 1,320,036 Crocker, R., 1,181,115; Re-14,337; 1,388,699 Crockett, C., 1,437,170 Croft, F., 1,454,705 Croll, P., see F. Breyer Croll, W., 1,165,323 Crombie, B., 1,274,995 Cromer, H., 1,448,391 Cromlish, A., 1,261,907 Crommett, C., 1,304,027 Crommett, C., and O. Crommett, 1,354,380 Crommett, O., see C. Crommett Crompton, N., see E. Lovegrove Cron, E., see J. Bredenberg Cronin, D., 1,490,888 Crosby, P., R. Matthews, 1,375,779 Cross, A., 1,167,798; 1,327,906 Cross, C., and E. Bevan, 1,459,616 Cross, D., see W. Rintoul _ Cross, R., see H. Kohman Cross, R., 1,255,138; 1,301,394; 1,423,500; 1,437,229; 1,441,664; 1,515,733 Cross, W., 1,203,312; 1,326,851; 1,457,503 Crossen, G., see J. Reekie Crossley, M., 1,501,275 Crossley, P., 1,394,973 Crossman, L., 1,425,510 Crouch, M., 1,401,050 Crow, W., and J. Schaffer, 1,377,401 Crowder, H., 1,175,614 Crowdus, W., 1,155,046; 1,155,047; 1,173,651; 1,217,573 Crowe, J., 1,428,009 Crowe, M., 1,247,086 Crowe, R., 1,399,604 Crowe, T., 1,198,011; 1,281,249; 1,821,985 Crowell, A., see A. Cline Crowell, A., 1,321,892 Crowell, C., 1,300,250; 1,401,965 Crowell, W., 1,244,296; 1,245,879 Crowley, J., 1,394,283 Crowther, D., 1,413,006 Cruess, W., 1,257,584 Crump, A., 1,272,921 Crump, J., 1,224,363 Crupi, F., 1,468,960; 1,484,759 Cruser, F., see W. Fairburn Cruser, F., 1,127,410 Cruser, F., and C. Haferkamp, 1,492,122 Cruttenden, H., 1,341,736 Cruver, L., 1,488,035 Cruz, J., 1,364,615 Cryder, F., 1,328,722 Csanyi, H., 1,401,676 Cullen, H., 1,373,651 Cullen, J., see F. Cameron Cullen, J., 1,278,308; 1,363,091; 1,483,533; 1,446,160 Cullen, J., and M. Udy, 1,360,271 Culmer, H., 1,409,083. 1,430,538; 1,505,870 Culver, F., 1,330,058 Cumfer, H., 1,315,362; 1,520,014 and R. High, 1,370,412; 1,370,413; 1,492,121 ; 1,363,092 ; Cumfer, H., and O. McFarland, 1,513,969 Cumings, C., 1,449,657 Cumming, A., 1,516,337 Cummings, C., 1,263,532 Cummings, E., see J. Norris Cummings, J.. see W. Adams Cummings, W., and L. Blanchard, 1,195,912 Cunliffe, C., 1,827,314 Cunningham, A., 1,311,952 Cunningham, H., 1,457,149 Cunningham, J., 1,201,023; 1,406,938 Cunningham, O., 1,422,421 Cunningham, R.., and G. King, 1,507,340 Cureton, T., 1,488,869 Curie, M., and M. Varinois, 1,418,240 Curland, H., 1,244,297 Curme, G., see P. Haynes Curme, G., see H. Smith Gurme, Go LISh116 5 1315 5402") 1 Sisal: 1,315,542; 1,315,543;. 1,815,544; 1,315,545; T3t5,54635 - 13155472 LA22 1800 4 2o tgs: 1,422,184; 1,422,838; 1,518,182 Curme, G., and H. Heyn, 1,463,255 Curme, G., and H. Thompson, 1,472,294 Curme, G., and C. Young, 1,442,386; 1,456,916 Curme, H., 1,339,947; 1,502,941 Currie, J., 1,263,533 Currier, A., see G. Wyman Curtis, A., and A. White, 1,181,967 Curtis, C., 1,811,051; 1,460,643 Curtis, H., see W. Runge Curtis, M., 1,233,264 Curtiss, G., 1,223,321 Curtiss, R.., 1,237,176 Curtman, L., 1,173,779 Cushing, W., 1,255,139 Cushman, A., 1,325,928; 1,399,007; 1,861,833 Cuthbertson, E.. 1,242,327 Cutler, C., 1,283,685 Cutler, H., 1,493,967; 1,494,218 Cutrona, D., R. McCann and D. Bissell, 1,434,593 Cutten, E., 1,844,869; 1,397,799 Cutter, J., 1,358,831 Cuttitta, V., 1,869,626; 1,517,197 Cuyler, E., and M. Patterson, 1,336,822 Cyrenius, L., 1,510,259 D Dabney, R., 1,480,376 Dachert, A., and C. Heitz, 1,172,113 Daft, L., 1,124,302 Dagnall, W.., 1,334,848 Dagory, A., 1,859,338; 1,366,167 Dahl, N., 1,235,661 Dahl-Rode, S., 1,482,601 Dake, C., 1,212,610 fe Dalby, A., 1,208,507 86. UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Dalen, G., 1,140,124; 1,210,769; 1,304,160 Dales, B., see W. Evans Dales, B., 1,404,345 Dalladay, A., see F. Twyman Dallam, F., 1,447,615 Dalton, R., 1,260,286 Daly, J., 1,472,244 Dalzell, C., see H. Feldmeier Dalziel, C., 1,341,786; 1,344,681 Dam, H., 1,407,386 Damon, G., 1,222,079; 1,503,304 Damon, W., 1,240,544; 1,240,545; 1,302,320; 1,398,891 Dana, A., 1,509,101 Dana, J., see E. Goltra Danbridge, A., and J. Thomas, 1,518,051 Dance, E., 1,478,943 Dancker, J., see A. Bates Danckwardt, P., 1,124,304; 1,141,529; 1,343,662; 1,369,729; 1,373,653; 1,373,654; 1,378,219 Dane, F., 1,495,577 Dane, L., 1,442,052 Danehower, F., 1,450,140 Danforth, C., W. Samuels and W. Martersteck, 1,126,182 Daniel, A., 1,899,544 Danieli, S., see B. Kalling Daniels, F., see H. Field Daniels, F., 1,211,826 Daniels, F., and O. Wulf, 1,458,525 Daniels, J., 1,475,937 Daniels, L., 1,865,024; 1,464,598 Daniels, L., and W. Lawrence, 1,478,027 Danks, F., 1,386,165 Dann, E., 1,221,695; 1,422,677 Danneel, H., see N. Tommasi Danneel, H., and E. Kuhn, 1,274,247 Danneel, H., and E. Luescher, 1,432,387 D’Ans, J., 1,499,798 Dantsizen, C., 1,190,122; 1,276,499; 1,343,040; 1,381,085; 1,416,692 Danysz, J., 1,269,792 Darden, N., 1,215,254 Dare, A., 1,414,261 Dargie, J., see A. Derby Darier, G., 1,327,422; 1,336,893 Darier, G., and C. Goudet, 1,849,411 Darling, E., 1,315,011; 1,318,335; 1,477,321 Darling, P., 1,283,099 Darling, S., 1,382,629; 1,384,939 Darlington, F., 1,401,678 Darner, R., 1,228,885 Darrah, W., 1,381,171; 1,448,654; 1,448,655 Darrah, W., and 8. Trood, 1,224,339 Darrin, M., see F. Speer Darrin, M., 1,236,917; 1,315,658; 1,326,579; 1,882,345 Darrow, F., 1,519,396 Darrow, G., 1,164,705 Dasher, C., 1,486,641 Datta, R., 1,267,638; 1,310,948; 1,350,092 Datta, R., and P. Varma, 1,292,266 Daudignac, J., see M. Boillot Daugherty, A., 1,190,221; 1,353,638 Re-14,930 ; 1,354,806 ; 1,296,776 ; 1,340,600 ; 1,297,328; 1,370,195; 1,313,370; Daugherty, M., see G. Gilbert Daum, A., 1,133,541 Davenport, J., 1,192,894; 1,317,688 Davern, J., see G. Edick Davey, B., 1,253,011 Davey, W., 1,294,422; 1,294,627; 1,472,716; 1,480,896; 1,493,247; 1,512,200 David, D., see E. Hancock Davidsen, M., 1,521,233 Davidson, C., 1,354,093 Davidson, D., 1,285,636; 1,338,678 Davidson, F., 1,344,620 Davidson, J., 1,125,973; 1,250,147; 1,334,231; 1,479,653 Davidson, J., and R. Ford, 1,229,042 Davidson, L., see F. Laist Davidson, S., 1,145,351; 1,145,352; 1,146,851; 1,189,351; 1,238,644; 1,380,640; 1,381,455; 1,384,012; 1,446,737; 1,447,930 Davies, A., 1,198,827; 1,446,163 Davies, D., 1,329,162 Davies, D., and E. Strong, 1,424,883 Davies, G., and W. Richards, 1,148,011 Davies, G., and W. Windsor-Richards, 1,192,756 Davies, H., see W. Perkin Davies, J., 1,197,270 Davies, J., and W. Jones, 1,304,267 Davies, W., see H. Thomas Davies, W., 1,205,976; 1,443,618 Davis, A., 1,138,936; 1,138,937; 1,150,251; 1,150,252; -1,160,253; 1,150,580; 5) De iszeie: 1,203,499; 1,203,500; 1,213,464; Re-15,127; 1,213,465; 1,328,227 Davis, A., and K. Jacob, 1,386,555 Davis, C., 1,168,173; 1,168,174; gia 1,312,723; 1,328,079; 1,335,488; 1,349,326; 1,368,248; 1,869,787; 1,369,788; 1,374,362; 1,382,715; 1,416,796 Davis, C., and W. Brown, 1,374,362 Davis, C., and F. Kniffen, 1,202,490 Davis, C., and D. Simons, 1,323,026 Davis, D., 1,222,537; 1,359,491 Davis, D., and G. Wallace, 1,491,290 Davis, E., see W. Beebe Davis, E., see W. Swart Davis, E., 1,463,309 Davis, F., 1,374,492 Davis, F., and C. Schumacher, 1,124,114; 1,124,869 Davis, H., see R. Bacon Davis, H., see R. Poole Davis, H., 1,406,618; 1,420,625; 1,451,763; 1,455,284; 1,471,832; 1,471,833 Davis, H., and R. Bacon, 1,421,416 Davis, H., and M. Davis, 1,272,922 Davis, H., and W. Hamor, 1,398,960 Davis, H., and R. Kleinschmidt, 1,493,611 Davis, H., and 8. Semenow, 1,323,251; 1,437,401 Davis, J., 1,165,651; 1,314,485; 1,325,145 ? Davis, L., 1,429,276 Davis, M., see H. Davis Davis, M., 1,250,567 Davis, N., 1,209,132 Davis, P., 1,514,443 Davis, R.., 1,223,567; 1,321,013 Davis, R., and H. Bryan, 1,319,663 Davis, S., 1,414,115; 1,486,947 . INDEX OF NAMES 37 Davis, T., see W. Eggers Davis, T., 1,164,997; 1,417,368; 1,417,369; 1,419,027; 1,482,821; 1,482,322; 1,440,063; 1,478,892; 1,520,535 Davis, T. L., 1,489,505 Davis, W., 1,405,299 Davis, W., and L. Johnson, 1,236,548 Davison, A., 1,489,347 Davison, G., 1,210,431 Davoran, M., 1,318,053 Dawson, C., 1,231,002 Dawson, E., 1,141,944 Dawson, G., 1,492,679 Dawson, J., 1,403,235 Dawson, O., 1,277,047 Dawson, §., 1,512,277 Day, A., 1,420,184; 1,420,185 Day, D., see R. Day Day, D., 1,221,698; 1,823,681; 1,342,741; 1,386,768; 1,411,237; 1,447,297; 1,467,757; - 1,513,746 Day, H., 1,239,089 Day, I., 1,203,590 Day, R.., 1,357,276; 1,437,932; 1,487,933 Day, R., and D. Day, 1,280,179 Day, W., 1,195,955; 1,239,465 Dayton, W., 1,402,721 Dean, C., 1,350,072 Dean, J., see L. Gilbert Dean, J., 1,340,264 Dean, R., 1,454,214 Dean, W., 1,220,501; 1,850,594 Deane, W., 1,359,037 Dear, C., 1,304,946; 1,304,947; 1,304,948 Dearborn, R.., 1,247,939 Debacher, R., 1,187,510 De Bary, A., 1,301,823 1,244,840; 1,365,894; 1,422,038 ; 1,467,758 ; 1,280,178; 1,373,391 ; 1,447 296; 1,513,745: De Bats, J., 1,216,086; 1,335,094; 1,354,286 ; 1,359,156; 1,374,909; 1,374,910; 1,415,021; 1,494,775 De Baufre, W., 1,384,603; 1,890,676; 1,390,677 Debauge, H., 1,153,040; 1,248,463 De Blasio, J., 1,493,921 Debove, F., 1,234,098 De Brey, J.; see J. de Brey De Campi, E., see E. de Campi De Caudemberg, C., see C. de Caudemberg De Cew, J., 1,140,127; 1,140,799; 1,141,446; 1,155,708; 1,174,697; 1,203,856: 1,203,857; 1,223,480; 1,235,961; 1,283,104; 1,288,105; 1.287.905; 1,292,721: 1,300,357; 1,317,616; meer oi; 1,317,618; ° 1,317,619; 1,330,173; 1,330,174; 1,336,207; 1,347,734; 1,354,731; 1,370,884; 1,382,346; 1,394,610; 1,401,525; 1,428,148; 1,433,124; 1,464,310; 1,444,956; 1,483,630; 1.512.211; 1,512,212: 1,512;213 Deckebach, H., 1,520,121 Decker, A., 1,156,134; 1,210,375; 1,464,242; 1,492, 123 Decker, J., and A. Van Sluys, 1,385,042 eckerbac. , 1,874,191 Dedichen, Ti see R. Kirchhoff Dedichen, 1 1,319,852; 1,416,621 Dedichen, 2 fee and W. Lange, 1 180,985; 1,183,831 Dee, J., 1, ‘448 995 becker, W. ASA. I By AB rs vis? pit? Deegener, P., and W. Berndt, 1,163,645 Deeks, H., 1,430,059; 1,480,060; 1,480,061; 1,477,866 Deems, K., 1,186,088; 1,186,084 Deeter, E., 1,437,292 Deeter, G., 1,340,437 De Forest, L., see L. de Forest Defren, G., 1,214,518; 1,235,881; 1,285,882 Degman, C., 1,286,248 Deguide, C., see E. Ciselet Deguide, C., 1,247,510; 1,440,211; 1,463,037; 1,490,769; 1,501 840 Dehn, W., 1,333,905; 1,404,687; 1,428,011; 1,444,594; 1,460,708 ; 1,472,791; 1,509,935 Dehnel, E., see C. Bosch Dehnel, E., 1,183,108 Dehnst, J., see F. Serdenschnur Deister, E., 1,381,862 De Jahn, F.., see Jahn, F. de Dejey, J., 1,149,738 Delacourt, A., 1,269,795; 1,282,385 Delafond, E., 1,371,997; 1,476,152; 1,476,153 Delahaye, H., 1,470,711 De Lany, E., and S. Payne, 1,395,560 Delany, P., 1,190,249; 1,247,232 Delany, P., and L. Shumaker, 0 De Lape, D., 1,417,889 Delasson, E., see G. Michaud Delaunay, Ae . see G. Dimitri Delaygue, C., 1,345,144 Delbridge, T., 1,488,985 Delbrueck, K., see F. Hofmann Delbrueck, K., 1,169,322 Delbrueck, K., H. Koehler and K. Meisenburg, 1,179,408 Delbrueck, K., and K. Meisenburg, 1,169,321 Delensky, E., 1,862,089 Del Fungo-Giera, P., 1,298,467 Delius, G., see C. Tatro Delling, ‘AS 1,437,095 Del Monte y Aldama, L., 1,196,470 De Long, C., and W. Watson, 1,364 a2 De Long, J .. 1,442,325; 1,442,326: 1,442,327 ; 1,442,328 Delpech, J., 1,316,360 Delph, A., 1,454,708 Delubac, A., 1,425,948 De Luce, R., 1,845,077 Demel, F., 1,512,825; 1,513,696 Dement, R., 1,471,884 Demme, R.., 1,249,041; 1,479,851 . Demmler, P., 1,287,653; 1,440,448 Demport, C., 1,176,134; 1,176,135 De Mun, J., 1,519,298 Denegre, C., 1,204,851 Denis, L., 1,865,230 Denis, M., 1,408,350 Denivelle, P., 1,212,331; 1,233,265 Denne, G., 1,179,081 Denning, A., 1,803,262; Re-15,235 Dennis, C., '',205,519; 1,365,464; 1,468,440 Dennis, G., 1,168,485 1,350,789 ; Dennis, J., 1,512,162 Dennis, L., 1,211,923; 1,212,612; 1,227,252; 1,227,894; 1,228,414; 1,229,593; 1,320, £54: 1,332,203 Bor UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Dennison, C., 1,332,974 Dennison, L., 1,158,417 Dennison, W., 1,228,538 Denny, F., 1,475,938 Denny, H., see C. Bailey Denny, H., 1,388,174 Denny, J., see M. Fairlie Denton, C., 1,162,226 De Olaneta, see H. de Olaneta Deppeler, J., 1,168,061 Derby, A., and J. Dargie, 1,166,819; 1,186,555 Derby, I., and W. Higburg, 1,445,668 Derick, C., W. Ralph and L. Flett, 1,394,150 Dern, K., see R. Calvert De Rootj, A., see A. de Roow De Ros, D., see D. de Ros Dery, J., 1,175,933 Desamari, K., 1,125,073; 1,125,074; 1,126,413 De Saulles, C., see Saulles, C. de Desautels, C., 1,494,157 Descamps, E., 1,156,894 Descamps, L., 1,254,992 Deschauer, A., 1,429,932 Desgeorge, R., see F. Lebriel Desmarais, J., 1,220,205 Desmarest, H., 1,441,665 De Sperati, M., see M. de’ Sperati Dessau, M., 1,491,086 Dettinger, J., and F. Welker, 1,130,892 Detweiler, A., see C. Conover Detwiller, H., 1,274,145 Deussing, P., 1,507,545 Deutsch, H., see W. Herrmann Deutschmann, R., and W. Kotzenberg, 1,500,985 Deval, A., 1,245,152 Devaucelle, L., and F. Bensa, 1,237,485 Devericks, F., 1,260,970 Devers, P., 1,176,661 Devik, O., see K. Birkeland Devine, W., 1,510,463 Devlin, C., 1,804,163 Devore, A., 1,417,596 De Vries, H., 1,339,259 Dew, J., 1,191,876; 1,199,249; 1,236,685 Dewar, J., and A. _ Liebmann, 1,268,692; 1,275,405 Dewey, B., 1,297,807; 1,506,415 Dewey, D., see M. Luckiesh Dewey, F., 1,188,740 Dewey, H., see J. Jones Dewey, H., see A. Sulzer Dey, G., 1,491,383 Dhavernas, J., 1,266,775; 1,273,465 Dhe, P., 1,488,428; 1,497,362 D’Homergue, J., see J. de Long D’Huyvetters, A., see A. Vandenweghe Diamond, R., see C. Thom Di Carlo, D., 1,330,060 Dick, A., 1,223,773 Dick, A. B., and E. W. Hill, 1,439,356 Dick, B., 1,248,829 Dick, J., see F. Skirrow Dick, R., C. Wolters and R. Sutter, 1,350,363 Dick, S., 1,258,996; 1,258,997; 1,374,555 Dicke, H., 1,129,558; 1,129,559 Dickenson, R.., 1,271,139 Dickerson, J., see E. Knapp 1,222,608 ; Dickerson, W., 1,394,151; 1,396,028; 1,397,039; 1,497,672; 1,517,891 Dickerson, W. H., 1,290,118 Dickert, J., 1,507,049 Dickert, M., 1,180,704 Dickey, C., 1,428,946; 1,484,650 Dickey, D., 1,361,971 Dickie, E., 1,177,396 Dickie, W., see C. Palmer Dickie, W., 1,485,254 Dickinson, H., and R. Dickinson, 1,126,415 Dickinson, R., see H. Dickinson Dickinson, S., 1,511,829 Dickson, A., 1,132,171 Dickson, F., 1,207,512 Dickson, J., see W. Geer Dickson, J., see H. Trumbull Diebold, F., 1,295,283 Diefenthaeler, P., 1,502,983 Diehl, A., 1,455,834 Diehl, C., 1,185,637 Diehl, L., 1,481,877; 1,516,423 Diers, H., 1,493,667; 1,493,668 Diesser, G., 1,156,983 Dieterich, H., see L. Ach Dieterich, L., -1,493,615 Dieterle, E., and S. Semenow, 1,323,256 Dieterle, W., 1,432,542 Dietrich, E., 1,444,113 Dietrich, J., 1,201,027; 1,249,044 Dietsche, O., 1,835,157; 1,371,741 Dietz, C., 1,362,087; 1,515,464 Dietz, C., and G. Jeppson Dietz, C., M. Latten and W. Bosse, 1,485,488 Dietze, P., 1,405,902 Diffee, S., 1,260,346 Di Filippo, S., 1,396,264 Diggelen, J. van, 1,189,756 Diggs, S., 1,418,781; 1,521,282; 1,521,283 Dilks, J., 1,493,924 Dill, W., 1,230,135 Diller, C., 1,354,808 Dillon, J., 1,491,466 Dillon, S., see F. Oakes Dimitri, G., and J. Delaunay, 1,374,493 Dimm, B., 1,307,853 Diner, J., 1,397,504 Dingle, W., 1,304,745; 1,304,746; Re-15,248; 1,304,747; 1,445,303 Dings, R., and L. Schuster, 1,326,917 Dinkey, A., 1,162,755 Dinwiddie, W., 1,353,152 Dior, R.., 1,426,261 Dirzuweit, J., 1,480,675 Dissosway, T., 1,446,550; 1,446,551 Dister, J., 1,809,615; 1,356,344 Ditman, N., 1,456,540 Ditmar, P. von, 1,448,643 Diver, D., 1,329,113 Divine, C., 1,304,749 Divine, R., 1,301,662; 1,301,663; 1,303,779; 1,319,027; | 1,330,624; 1,438,101; 1,493,111: 1,495,891 Dizon, J., see J. Jobe Dixon, W., 1,341,012 Djoerup, F., 1,502,645 Doane, C., 1,334,693 INDEX OF NAMES 39 Dobbins, J., 1,226,195; 1,355,131 Dobbs, C., and A. Painter, 1,409,364 Dobyns, D., and J. Elderkin, 1,194,000 Dodd, R., and H. Humphries, 1,148,893 Dodds, E., see J. Flannery Dodds, G., 1,174,237 Dodds, R., 1,376,082 Dodds, W., 1,518,255 Dodge, B., 1,357,852 Dodge, D., 1,477,635 Dodge, F., 1,821,993; 1,409,893 Dodge, F., and F. Rhodes, 1,274,998; 1,274,999 ; 1,275,000 Dodge, H., 1,498,359 Doe, W.., 1,492,435 Doell, T., and L. Maes, 1,885,525 Doenitz, M., 1,152,154 Doerflinger, W., 1,315,216; 1,345,354 Doering, C., and H. Doering, 1,484,048; 1,434,049 Doering, H., see C. Doering Doering, H., 1,426,555 Doering, J., see N. Shepard - Doering, W., see J. Oswald Doerner, H., 1,235,664; 1,299,559; 1,299,560; 1,329,380 Doetsch, M., 1,187,282 Doevle, C., 1,198,116 Doherty, H., 1,145,357; 1,145,358; 1,150,837; 1,150,839; 1,150,841; 1,172,682; 1,173,999 ; 1,175,246; 1,175,247; 1,187,048; 1,187,049; 1,187,050; 1,187,051; 1,187,052; 1,192,998; 1,197,804; 1,206,821; 1207/7235. ~1,207,724; - 1207'881; 1,212,193; 1,225,226; 1,235,774; 1,251,486; 1,252,887; 1,360,734; 1,409,682 ; 1,426,159 Dohmen, A., 1,211,687 Dohr, P., 1,512,909 Dohrn, M., 1,197,462; Re-14,216 Dokkenwadel, F., 1,425,457 Dolan, J., see A. Jennings Dolan, T., 1,413,524 Dolbear, C., 1,348,933; 1,373,179; 1,382,825; 1,394,978; 1,440,973; 1,466,352; 1,496,152; 1,496,257; 1,505,078; 1,510,046 Dolbear, S., 1,343,313; 1,458,467; 1,480,884; 1,510,983 | Dolbear, S., and J. Beckman, 1,279,090 Dolensky, E., 1,131,488; 1,384,453 Dolenz, A., 1,487,842 Dolfen, J., 1,493,874 D’Olier, W., 1,518,256 Dolley, C., 1,146,787 Domke, J., 1,234,306 Donaldson, A., 1,482,842 Donaldson, R., and R. McCollum, 1,506,115 Donath, E., 1,493,847 Donavon, J., 1,345,666 Donegan, D., 1,352,882 Donisthorpe, F., 1,193,879; 1,517,200 Donk, M., 1,219,413 Donle, H., 1,477,868; 1,477,869 Donnenwirth, J., 1,226,481 Donner, J., 1,214,765; 1,214,766; 1,379,855 Donohue, J., 1,394,505; 1,415,023; 1,434,482; 1,473,217; 1,473,218; 1,473,219; 1,489,315; 1,518,396 Donohue, J., and E. Farrow, 1,460,097 Donovan, D., see A. Zirwas Donovan, F., 1,123,709 Doody, W.., 1,445,132 Doonar, L., 1,308,403 Doran, G., 1,212,614; 1,259,376; 1,259,377 Dorel, F., 1,386,995 Doremus, C., 1,215,351; 1,237,488; 1,391,172; 1,501,587 Doremus, C., and W. Grosvenor, 1,496,410 Dorfman, A., 1,411,326 Dorian, A. Keller-, see A. Keller-Dorian Dorman, E., see A. Glidden Dorman, J., 1,179,616 Dorman, M., 1,228,190 Dormand, H., 1,506,227 Dorr, J., 1,211,828 Dorset, M., and R. Henley, 1,264,285 ; 1,270, 270% 1,270,271 Dorsey, F., see V. Lenher Dorsey, F., 1,517,543 Dorsey, P., 1,422,938 Dorso, G., 1,396,267 Dosenbach, B., 1,257,329; 1,268,940 ; 1,350,364 ; 1,354,031; 1,377,189; 1,477,476 Dosenbach, B., and W. Scott, 1,401,055 Dostal, G., 1,457,217 Dostal, J., 1,495,728 Doty, L., 1,457,877 Doubleday, J., 1,306,687 Douden, W.., 1,494,534 Dougherty, E., 1,148,156 ; 1,474,766 Doughty, H. W., 1,439,695; 1,439,696 Douglas, A., 1,513,037 Douglas, R., 1,235,666; 1,304,166 Douglass, K., 1,517,892 Douglass, L., 1,450,412; 1,504,465 Douglass, P., 1,163,813 Douthett, O., see C. Forrest Dover, H., 1,488,323 Doevle, C., 1,194,606 ; 1,204,349 Dow, F., 1,393,435; 1,414,344; 1,501,101 Dow, H,, 1,274,394; 1,284,618; 1,306,472; 1,317,359; 1,323,173; 1,339,552; 1,354,472; 1376610; 1,379,619; 1,386,244; 1,389,546; 1406624; 1,411,421; 1,411,422; 1,417,232, 1420978: 1,428,278; 1,435,219; 1,437,636 Dow, H., and E. Barstow, 1,336,425; 1,441,408 Dow, H., and W. Hale, 1,514,377 Dow, H., and W. Quayle, 13115329 Dow, H., and C. Strosacker, 1,350,858 Dow, J., 1,232,247; 1,473,784 Dower, G., 1,390,197 Down, N., 1,348,159 % Downard, J., 1,405,302 Downes, J., 1,495,138 Downey, C., 1,221,157 Downie, J., 1,303,545 Downs, C., see J. Weiss Downs, C., 1,279,295; 1,279,296; 1,301,785 ; 1,303,639; 1,821,994; 1,374,720; 1 3/4,/21; 1,374,722; 1,464,844 Downs, C.,'R. Bellwood and T. Turnill, 1,338,909 Downs, C., and R. Potter, 1,364,547 Downs, C., and C. Stupp, 1,464,845 ; 1,515,299 Downs, C., and L. Weisberg, 1,489,744 Downs, C. R., 1,290,124 40 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Downs, G., 1,127,209; 1,243,718 Downs, J., 1,501,756 Downs, W., 1,338,428 Doyen, L., 1,135,167 Doyle, F., "1,387, 693 Doyle, W., 1,383 911; 1,511,446 Drachenberg, A., 1,401,593 Drake, F., 990,121 Drake, J., see W. Drake Drake, W., 1,518,968 Drake, W., and J. Drake, 1,456,370 Drakenfeld, B., 1,303,268, 1 303 ,269 Drambourg, Re 1 ‘403, 394 Draney, J., 1 364 620: 1,364,621 ; Draney, J., ‘and L. Law, 1,364 622 Draper, C., 1,346,943 ; 1,459, 581 Draper, J., 1,210, 916 Drawe, R., 1,283,112 Dreaper, W., 1,418,185; 1,418,136; 1,437,341; 1 489, 199: 1 ‘515, 556 Dreesbach, ip. 1, 186 893 : 1,186,894 Drefahl, ii 1 153 203: 1 191 291 Drefahl, ie and C, Sakryd, 1,475,545; 1,495,893 Drefahl, Th and E. Taylor, 1,486 077. Dreffein, H., 1,243,822; 1,413,327 1,216,667; 1,243,717; 1,383,912; 1,401,527; 1,364,622 1,437,340; Dressel, O., see B. Heymann Dressel, O., see R. Kothe Drewsen, V.. 1,229,422; 1,283,113; 1,283,114; 1,298,476; 1,298,477; 1,298,478; 1,298,479; 1,298,480; 1,298,481; 1,303,176; 1,303,177; 1,385,866; 1,484 818: 1,500,378; 1,511,664 Dreyer, F., see 'R. Oertel Dreyfus, CG, 1,508,840 — Dreytus, C., and G. Leonard, 1,492,594 Dreyfus, Hf: 1,181,857; Re-14 338: 1,181,858 ; 1,181,859; 1,181,860; 1,217,722; 1,242,783 ; 1.278 885 ; 1,280,974; 1,280,975; 1,283,115; 1,286,172; 1,286,255; 1,286,256; 1,308,173 “ 1,310,743; 1,310,984; 1,815,480; 1,325,931; 1,338,979; 1,342,429; 1,353,384; 1,353,385; 1,361,974; 1,363,763; 1,368,789; 1,395,401; 1,430,304; 1,440,006; 1,451,330; 1,451,331; 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454961; 1,466,819 : 1,501,206; 1,501,207; 1,502,379; 1,506,052: 1,506,228; 1,508,928 Dreyfus, I., see W. Beckers Dreyfus, S., 1,217,577 Dreymann, ee 1 228 Bd 1,242,532; 1,503,751 Drinker, R., 1 367,02 Driscoil, here 1,507 ye Driver, F., 1,437,405: 1,465,547 Driver, W., 1,175,724; 1,217,578; | 1,274,250:. 1,274,395 Drohn, G., 1,200,713 Droulard, E., 1,278,886 Drucker, S., see W. Sieck Drucker, S., and W. Sieck, 1,375,368 Drummond, A., 1,501,841 Drummond, W.., 1,466,427 Drumtra, A., see J. Ellery Drury, H., 1,150,815 Drushel, W., 1,473,987; 1,476,805 Dryen, A., 1,823,847; 1,377,761 Dubbs, C., 1,231,509; 1,392,629; 1,411,961; 1,440,772; 1,484,445; 1,488,325; 1,522,425; 1,525,281; 1,534,927; 1,546,634 Dubbs, J., 1,123,502; 1,135,506 Dubbs, L., 1,319,053 Dubois, N., 1,442,330 Du Bois, R., and H. Jones, 1,475,804 Du Bose, T., see T. Fairley Dubrisay, R., 1,363,095 Duchemin, A., 1,363,096 Duchemin, R., see FE. Camus Ducher, E., 1,221,704 Duckham, ‘ws 1,289 045; 1,436,582; 1,501,760 Duckworth, cu 1 ‘488, 101 Duclaux, J., 1 127,871 Ducommon, P., 1,368,249 Duda, S., see J. Wondruschka Duden, P,, and G. Peters, 1,151,928; Re-14,063; 1,151 929: Re-14,064 Duddleson, W., 1,479, 704 Duddleson, W., and GC. Slusher, 1,478,208 Dudley, H., 1 827,200; 1 327, 657; 1,327,658; 1,327,659 ; 1,327,660 een | 327, 661; 1,327 662 ; 1 327,663 ;.° 1,327,7565" 11 ‘517, 545 Dudley, Pe; and Hi: Boice, 1,441,332 Duesler, F. see H, Blanchard Duffie, if 1,302 904 Duffin, 7 1,362 241 Dufford, J, see A, Hough Duffy, M., 1 007,275 Dufour, G., see L, Dufour Dufour, Go 1,282,055 Dufour, i and G. Dufour, 1,429,851 Dufourca, E., 1,133,110 Dufva, K.., 1,407, 194 Dugan, F. 1,232 ,249 Dugan, Th 1,303 "782, Duganne, C., 1,216 094 Duggan, T., 1,276, 629 ; 1,510,469 Duggan, W., see W. Gardiner Duisberg, W., see R. Willstaetter Duke, A., 1,261,724; 1,460,317 Dula, C., 1,355 658 Dulitz, A., 1,520 054; 1,520,940 Dumars, ny see W. ’ Bowen Dumars, Hi. 1,149,254 Dumas, A see F. Picard Dumler, G., see H. Kirk Dunbar, G., 1,299,922; 1,310,180 Dunbar, T. see A. Richter Duncan, Gr 1,411,657 Duncan, H., 1,241 834; 1,410,899 Duncan, W., 1 342 947; 1 407, 017; 1,407,018 Dundas, tied "1,957, 199 Dundas, Re, and R. Howes, 1,469,628 Dunford, J., 1,170,883 Dungan, anh 1,257 591 Dunham, A., 1,126, 734 ; 1,391 768; Re-15,618; 1,354,604; 1,141,951; 1,873,224; 1 391 769; 1 391 770: 412, 46: 62 Dunham, HD 1 240 792; 1 302 486: 1 302 A87 ; 1,307,090; 1 324 649; 1,334,356; 1 334, 307 } 1,334,358; 1 347 845; 1,431,937; 1 431 938 ; 1,432,057; 1 443 528: 1,449,976 ; 1,489,991 Dunham, iy 1 486 955 Dunham, ‘ail 1 ‘488 ,634 Dunkelsberg, Ts 1,207,725 Dunkle, H., 1,320,324 Dunkley, M., 1,236,690 Dunkley, S., 1 427, 270; 1,429,129 Dun Lany, W. 1 211 559; 1 214 658 ; 1,214,659 INDEX OF NAMES 41 Dunlap, F., and R. Kuever, 1,338,684 Dunlap, S., see W. Stevens Dunlap, W., 1,231,244 Dunn, B., 1,143,516 Dunn, H., 1,219,089 Dunn, I., 1,190,267; 1,190,268 * Dunn, J., see G. Heinrich Dunn, J., 1,506,574 Dunning, W., see W. Murphy Dunning, W.., 1,495,005 Dunningham, A. see T. Hutchins Dunnington, F., and M. Hill, 1,177,938 Dunstan, A., 1 435 824; 1,492 969 Dunstan, A. and F. Thole, 1,457,656 Dunton, G., 1,164,079 Dunwell, S., 1,410,739 Dunwody, R., 1,291,800; 1,317,781 Dunwody, R., and J. Wills, 1,187,890 Dunwoody, H., 1,431,880 Dupare, L., and C., Urfer, 1,366,773; 1,491,588 Duperu, A., 1,229,190 du Pont, see Pont, du Durant, H., 1,180,765 ‘Durant, W., 1,287,582 Durgin, C., see W. Ross Durgin, E., 1,465,423 Durham, C., 1,327,531 Durham, G., and C. McGuirk, 1,179,708 Durham, R., see J. MacDonald Durio, G., 1,173,182 Durkee, M., 1,192,765 Durkin, J., and D. Wilkie, 1,485,256 Durrans, T., 1,317,648; 1,326,040; 1,364,738 Duryee, E., 1,151,095: Dusek, J., 1,430,632 Dutcher, F., 1,158,993; 1,230,570; 1,233,562; 1,421,187; 1,421,188; 1,486,014; 1,512,749 Dutoit, P., 1,255,719; 1,423,922 Dutschke, H., 1,132,001 Pea wy, | 1,020,932; 1,382,113; 1,332,114; 1,332,115 - Dutton, C., see W. Rittman Dutton, C., 1,373,871 Duval d’Adrian, A., 1,419,032; 1,482,389; 1,489,026 Duval, C., 1,210,053 Dwight, A., 1,169,069; 1,169,139; 1,215,635; 1,215,636; 1,215,637; 1,238,279; 1,254,316; 1,433,348; 1,433,349; 1,483,350; 1,433,851; 1,433,352; 1,433,353; 1,433,354; 1,433,355; 1,481,357 Dwight, A., and R. Lloyd, 1,283,483; 1,315,952 Dwight, R., 1,426,720 Dworsky, A., see H. Colbyson _ Dworzak, A., 1,494,674 Dwyer, J., 1,203,991 D’Yarmett, E., 1,376,925 Dyblie, J., 1,151 675 Dyck, G., see H. Beckman Dyck, H. see G. Ullrich Dyckerhoff, E., 1,446,888 Dye, E., 1,181 862 Dye, G., 1,478, O89 e, J., ‘and W. Lucas, 1,249,728 eee: Ei, 1,207,381; 1,220,504 Dyer, E., and A. Heise, 1,242 784; Re-15,871 Dyer, R., 1,308,231 Dyer, W., 1,256,535 Dyer, W., and W. Dyer, 1,256,536; 1,256,537 Dykman, H., 1,428,152 Dysart, A., 1,292,276 Dyson, W., and L. Aitchison, 1,481,697 Dziewonski, K., 1,471,150; 1,496,084; 1,496,085 E Eades, C., 1,207,726 Eagle, H., 1,481,574 Karl, G., and A. Wood, 1,200,324 Earle, R., 1,358,366; 1,402,750 Early, J., 1,515,244 Earp-Thomas, G., 1,212,196; 1,252,332; 1,809,723 Earp-Thomas, H., 1,515,016 Eason, J., 1,172,685 Eastburn, O., 1,214 ,288 Kastick, a and J. de Whalley, 1,147,489 Eastlake, i 1,352,502 Eastman, role 1,194,608 Eastman, H., 1,282,395; 1,455,574 Easton, H., 1,519,577 Easton, M., 1,513,316 Eaton, C., see G. Stevens Eaton, F., 1,199,251 Eaton, W., 1,190,737; 1,215,354; 1,275,408 Eberenz, G., 1,505,323; 1,505,324 Eberhard, R., 1,145,186 Eberhardt, E. see W. Gaus Eberhardt., iS 1,310,413; 1,506,575 Eberhart, F. , 1,227,123 Eberle, G., 1,254,033 Eberle, W., 1,517,673 Eberlein, W., 1,501,321 Eberlin, L., see S. Sheppard Eberlin, L., and S. Sheppard, 1,421,924 Ebert, J., 1,518,732 Ebie, E., and G. Richter, 1,470,556 Ebin, D., see J. Altwegg Ebler, E., 1,142,153; 1,142,154 Ebrill, G., and T. Kiersey, 1,229,919 Eckart, C., 1,227,898; 1,228,006; 1,274,527 ; 1,396,269 Eckel, E., see A. Spencer Eckel, E., 1,255,995; 1,511,323 Eckel, E., and A. Spencer, 1,209,135 Eckel, H., 1,383,793 Eckelmann, L., see G. Ferguson Eckelmann, L., 1,421,428 Eckert, C., see K. Howell Eckert, C., 1,213,763 Eckert, hs "see G. Thompson Eckert, L, 1,815,597 Eckford, W., 1,128,961 Eckhard, F., see R. Just Eckhardt, E., 1,162,149; 1,162,285 Eckhardt, M., see M. Moest Eckmann, A., 1,279,524; 1,347,083 Re-14,686 ; 1,249,355; 42 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Eckstein, H., 1,451,145 Eddy, A., 1,487,587 Eddy, C., 1,487,449 Eddy, H., see 8. Alden Eddy, H., 1,442,608 Eddy, W., 1,440,774; 1,440,775; 1,440,776 Edelman, P., 1,341,790 Eden, F., 1,216,671 Edenborn, W., 1,351,629 Edens, H., 1,428,950 Eder, J., 1,511,874 Ederer, J., 1,178,223 Edgar, G., 1,275,007; 1,413,013; 1,511,875 Edgecomb, H., 1,194,155; 1,202,818 Edgerton, G., 1,204,551 Edgerton, L., 1,198,203 Edick, G., and J. Davern, 1,178,001 Edie, J., 1,518,398 Edison, T., 1,138,360; 1,146,413; 1,146;414; 1,152,613; 1,158,659; 1,158,660; 1,163,329; 1,167,484; 1,167,485; 1,190,133: 1,198,426; 1,207,382; 1,207,383; 1,234,450; 1,234,451; 1,248,468; 1,266,778: 1,275,232; 1,283,706; 1,299,693; 1,342,326: 1,364,359; 1,371,414: 1,377,192; 1,377,193; 1,379,089: 1,386,095: 1,402,751; 1.410391: 1,411,425: 1.417464: 1,425,184; 1,488480: 1.488481: 1.489.240: 1,492,023: 1,495,580 Edlich, P1471 ,551 Edlund, M., 1,322,098 Edmands, H., see K. Moore Edmondson, A., 1,519,907 Edmondson, R., 1,423,652 Edney, H., 1,432,845. Edser, E., see W. Broadbridge Edser, E., see H. Sulman Edser, E., see S. Tucker Edser, E., and H. Sulman, 1,326,855 Edser, E., H. Sulman, and F. Jones, 1,418,547 Edser, rae and §. Tucker, 1,333 393 Edson, i. 1,492,363 Edson, is "1,185 782, Edstroem, DD: R. Galt and C. Mackall, 1,188,051 Edwardes, xf 1,310,694 Edwards, As "1155 BBD Edwards, {Ma a 410, 175: 1,453,928 Edwards, J f Frary and H. Churchill, 1,410 461 Edwards, H., 1,422,044; 1,498,021 Edwards, K., 1,422,945; 1,424,006 Edwards, Ri 1 319 858: 1 320, 211; 1,320,212 Edwards, dhe 1374, 992 Edwards, Wie 1,467 030 Edwin, E., see 8. Westberg Edwin, ioe ., 1,198,882; 1 265, 389; 1,263,390 Effront, J., see A. Boidin Effront, J., and A. Boidin, 1,176,528 Egashira, H., 1,450,067 Ege, A., 1,130,075; 1,357,627 Egerton, H., 1,282,397; 1,282,398; 1,282,400; 1,353,800; 1,370,800; 1,393,515; 1,479,032; 1,486,132; Egge, O., see J. Adams Eggers, W., and T. Davis, 1,400,146 Egleson, J, 1,508,015 Egloff, G., 1,478, 559; 1,537,593 Egloff, G., and H. Banner, 1,517,830 1,282,399; 1,382,718; 1,504,547 Egly, G., 1,132,313; 1,221,089; 1,267,641 Egmond, J., see J. Werst Egner, O., 1,202,495 Ehr, J., W. Ehr and G. Matteson, 1,348,789 Ehr, W., see J. Ehr Ehrenberg, C’., see H. Wiederhold Ehrenreich, A, and A. Rogers, 1,441,219 — Ehrenthal, B., ‘von, 1,153,834; 1,509 273 Ehret, A., 1,148, 447 Ehret, C., 1,362, 403 Ehrhardt, EK. and H. Ehrhardt, 1,281,243 Ehrhardt, H. SCC. Ehrhardt Ehrhardt, P., 1,264,781 Ehrhart, Ri 1,401,100; 1,401,101; 1,511,876 Ehrlich, J., 1,502,849 Ehriich, j aa and P. Karrer, 1,127,603 Eibner, A., mT 137,467 Eichelbaum, ee 1,132,709 Hichenberger, F., 1,420 980 Eichengreen, Ts 'see O. Evans Eichengruen, A. 1,175,728; 1,185,074; 1,357,447; 1,420,028 Eichler, A., 1,133,432; 1,133,433 Eichler, T., see O. Schmidt Eichwald, E, and R. Vogel, 1,450,026 Eichwede, H, 1,123,263 ; 1,188,421 Eickhoff, Te and C. Tunks, 1,327, 378 Eifflaender, is see A. Luettringhaus Eigelberner, H., 1,210,918 Eilender, W.. 1,337 209: 1,337,210 Eilersen, no 1,126,429 Einstein, R., 1,186,560 Einwechter, N., 1,359,238 Hisenbeiss, E., 1,494,468 Hisenbeiss, W., 1,262,472 Hisendrath, S., 1,211,691 Eisenhauer, W. 1,344 338 Eisenschiml, Os 1,224, 153 Hising, E., 1,234 015 Ek, A., 1,347,020 Kkeley, J., and W. Stoddard, 1,822,485; 1,899,705 Eklund, G., see E. Johansson Eklund, T., 1,359,494 Eklund, (oy and GC. Loefveberg, 1,392,127 Ekstedt, Ise 1,518,188 Ekstrand, C., 1,388, 415 Ekstroem, A‘ 1,295,455; 1,295,456 Ekstroem, P., 1,139,507; 1,456,303 Elbert, J., 1 At. 884; 1 Eiki 885; 1,313,886 1,401,116; 1,255,144; Elder, B., 1 331 903: 1 331 904: 1,331,905 ; 1 331 906 Elder, De 1,203,720 Elder, H., see F. Mathews Elder, L., see L. Gilbert Elderkin, J., see D. Dobyns Eldred, B., 1,130,077; 1,133,484; 1,140,134; 1,140,135; 1,140,186; 1,189,194; 1,197,615; 1,209,824; 1,217,581; 1,396,412; 1,408,423; 1,456,590; 1,465,600 Eldred, B., and B. Brooks, 1,465,601 Eldred, Be and R. Graham, 1,515 ,942 Eldred, B., and GQ. Mersereau, 1,234,886 ; COR WEY ih ol 308,777 Eldred, Ped its Bibbins and R. Reed, 1,218,536; 1,235 ‘450 INDEX OF NAMES 43 Eldredge, A., 1,186,510 1,390,689; 1,890,690; 1,390,691; 1,396,999; Eldredge, E., see L. Carpenter 1,400,041; 1,406,175; 1,412,014; 1,412,233; Eldredge, E., 1,374,141; Re-15,648 1,414,557; 1,415,232; 1,417,893; 1,418,368; Eldridge, H., 1,197,616; 1.246,571 1,426,629; 1,429,573; 1,485,593; 1,446,004; Elledge, H., 1,482,367; 1,482,368 1,451,092; 1,452,478; 1,464,152; 1,464,153; Ellerman, J., see R. Van Calcar 1,475,477; 1,476,380; 1,477,870; 1,480,251; Ellery, J., and A. Drumtra, 1,435,957 1,482,357; 1,482,358; 1,482,740; 1,499,101; Elling, J., 1,347,501 1,500,803; 1,502,945; 1,514,508; 1,514,509; Elliot, A., 1,821,424 Rael 516, 720; 1,517,968; Re-14,607 (1,037,881) Elliot, H., 1,136,591 bq Ellis, C., and M. Cohen, 1,365, 048 ; 1,365, 050 ; Elliot, J., 1,805,081; 1,411,330 «1,865,051; 1,865,052; 1 ‘486 646; it ‘A86 647 Elliot, W., 1,188,422; 1,188,423; 1,188,424; Ellis, C., and L. Rabinovitz, 1,226,760 1,188,425 “SE ; and H. Riederer, 1,348,099 Elliott, A., 1,327,536; 1,471,514 llis, C., and V. Stewart, 1,415,323; 1,447,203; Elliott, C., 1,406,628 1 447,937 ; 1,447,938 Elliott, E., 1,192,048 Ss ~ lis C., and H. Weber. 1,204,143; 1,381,863; Elliott, F., 1,238,072; 1,411,687 1,482, 919; 1,519,088 Elliott, J., 1,285,081; 1,352,796; 1,406,174; 2 Ellis, C., and A. Wells, 1,179,413; 1,220,078; 1 450, 7a9-) 1,467,311 ~e1 269, 914; 1,269,915; 1,275,666; 1,309,320; Elliott, R., 1,126, 430; 1,476,242 ye. 3 1,330 738; 1,355,899; 1,865,053; 1,874,003; Elliott, S..-1,197,925; 1,461,867; 1, ¥34,83 “3 1,440,976; 1,450,493 Elliott, W., 1,242, 667; 1,321, 999. 1,430,633 “~P Ellis, EB. 1,375 285 Ellis, ae 1208,526 : 1220 208 & S Ellis, F. 1,158, 033; 1,231,141; 1,237,493 Ellis, C., see C. McCourt , Ellis, Chi. 1% 126, 186: 1 126, 187; 1,228,422; Bite, C., 1,180,499; 1,130,717; 1,132 710; < ao 1 228,763; 1 AAO, 221: 1 510. 662: 1,520,284 1,138,201; 1,189,353; 1,140, 449 : i 141,177; § Ellis, H., 1,236,072; 1,236,370; 1,289,417; 1,143,110; 1,143,111; 1.144.701: : 1,145,980; 1 A17 046 1,146,142; 1,146,854; 1,147,848; 1,147,849; Ellis, H., P. Hart and W. Nunnelly, 1,459,659 1,147,850; 1,147,851; 1,147,852; 1,151,002; Ellis, be 4 177,025; 1,193,529; 1,518,189 1,151,003; 1,151,515; 1,154,495; 1,156,068 ; Ellis, Ry 1,200,094: 1,415,325; 1,425,185; 1,156,674; 1,158,664; 1,159,480; 1,160,394; 1,425,186; 1,425,187; 1,460,646; 1,488,745 1,165,956; 1,167,280; 1,167,640; 1,167,641; Ellis, W., 1,214,526 1,169,783; 1,169,943; 1,172,772; 1,172,773; Ellithorp, J., 1;199,457 1,173,183; 1,173,417; 1,174,245; 1,178,142; Ellsworth, J., 1,429,380; 1,485,703 1,179,414; 1,179,415; 1,180,025; 1,182,995; Elmen, G., 1,297,127; 1,383,703; 1,403,305 1,184,086; 1,184,839; 1,185,075; 1,185,641; Elmes, D., 1,138,363 1,186,255; Re-14,773; 1,187,614; 1,189,549; Elmore, F., 1,346,642; 1,350,959; 1,441,072 1,189,550; 1,189,551; 1,189,803; 1,189,804; LElsaesser, E., 1,414,076 1,191,880; 1,201,226; 1,202,040; 1,203,594; Elsen, D., 1,438, 815 74,204,141: 1,204,142; 1,216,971; | 1,217,118; Elsenbast, ‘Ae and W. Jordan, 1,421,192 1224291; 1,224,454; 1,224,910; 1,226,620; Elsner, J., 1,220, 735 Re-14,429; 1,227,044; 1,228,359; 1,229,247; Elsner, W., 1,450,147 1,232,904; 1,233,564; 1,236,693; 1,237,884; Elton, whe see F. Last 1,239,776; 1,242,161; 1,246,805; Re-14,653; Elton, J., and R. Caples, 1,343,619; 1,477,478 1,246,806; 1,246,807; 1,246,808; 1,246,809; Elvidge, "M., 1,365,970; 1,414, 778 1,246,810; 1,246,827; 1,247,095; 1,248,638; Elwood, W., 1,186, 300 1,249,050; 1,249,278; 1,250,291; 1,251,201; Ely, W., 1,155,409 1,251,202; 1,251,203; 1,251,204; 1,255,590; Emanuel, P., 1,190,878; 1,190,879; 1,190,880; 1,261,911; 1,266,782; 1,269,913; 1,269,916; 1,191,070 1,272,405; 1,272,406; 1,272,407; 1,273,772; Embree, R., 1,203,511 1,274,351; 1,276,507; Re-14,570; 1,276,508; Emde, H., see C. Troester Re-14,569; 1,276,509; Re-14,568; 1,276,739; Emerson, (os see H. Buhler 1,277,708; 1,279,807; 1,285,959; 1,285,960; Emerson, C., and P. Bridgman, 1,377,569 | 1,289,707; 1,294,068; 1,295,825; 1,296,496; Emerson, Bs, 1,243,274 1,299,565; 1,300,144; 1,302,905; 1,306,221; Emerson, G., 1,146,855 ; 1,183,358 att ip: 1,311,216; 1,311,217; 1,811,218; Emerson, J., 1,126,965; 1,470,260; 1,497,261 1,311,219: 1.311.220; 1,311,221; 1,311,222; Emerson, J. W., 1,439,954 1,311,595; 1,314,952; 1,317,868; 1,318,060; Emerson, V., 1,145,360; 1,346,797; 1,346,798; 1,318,061; 1,318,336; 1,320,039; 1,322,000; 1,341,740; 1,356,057; 1,367,806; 1,414,400; 1,322,001; 1,327,029; 1,328,080; 1,329,322; 1,416,342; 1,479,794; 1,497,167; 1,514,040 1,329,323; 1,331,456; 1,335,161; 1,835,370; Emerson, V., and A. Pierman, 1,328,371 1,341,975; 1,342,668; 1,343,255; 1,845,589; Emery, A., 15193,883; 1,196,091; 1,249,360 1,358,626; 1,365,044; 1,365,046; 1,865,049; Emery, E., 1,276,888 1,369,013; 1,372,614; 1,372,615; 1,372,616; Emery, H., 1,518,190 1,378,336; 1,378,337; 1,378,338; 1,382,963; Embhardt, J., 1,316,881; 1,329,386; 1,393,355 1,383,268; 1,385,941; 1,390,683; 1,390,684; Emig, C., 1,323,034 t+ 1,390,685; 1,390,686; 1,390,687; 1,390,688; Emig, W., 1,263,395; 1,381,112 44 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Emigh, O., 1,220,966 Emley, W., 1,392,574 Emmert, F., 1,432,102 Emmons, N., see F. Blackwell Emrick, F., 1,426,163 Emtage, N., 1,384,692 Emura, U., see T. Hayashi Endicott, T., 1,426,053 Endler, J., 1,380,195 Enequist, E., 1,261,015; 1,403,752 Eney, S., 1,288,853 Engel, G., 1,216,554; 1,216,555; 1,453,313 Engel, H., 1,264,288; 1,415,433 Engelbrecht, E., 1,462,596; Re-15,829 Engelhardt, A., see H. Carstens Engelhardt, A., 1,479,852 Engelhardt, R., W. Lommel and A. Ossenbeck, 1,458,646 Engelmann, M., 1,125,081; 1,170,056; 1,485,021 Engelmann, M., and B. Merkel, 1,126,432; 1,167,642 Engels, M., 1,136,519 Engels, W., 1,483,217; 1,485,377; 1,485,378; 1,485,379; 1,485,380 Enger, P., 1,223,158 Engi, G., 1 199 458: 1,202,821; 1,245,694 Engi, G., and F. Grieshaber, 1 188 259 Engi, Gi A. Grob, and F. Straub, 1,213,608 ; 1,227 406 Engi, ae A. Grob, and J. Wuergler, 1,227,407 Engi, GC. and C,. Jagerspacher, 1,237,183; 1 “549 0380; 1,259,499 Engi, Gs F. Straub and A. Grob, 1,221,849 Engl, J., 1512 681 Engle, Ne 1,330, 435; 1,354,733 Engle, E., 1,495 582, Engle, G., 1,224,455; 1,356,197 ; 1,356,435; 1,356,436 Englund, eu and Shapiro, 1,498,722 Engstad, J., 1,231 4143 Engstrom, C. see S. Supplee Enos, E., 1,408,871 Enright, ing 1,397 All Ensign, Rg) 1,376,194 Entz, T., 1,503,098 Enz, J., 1,243,275 Koff, J., see B. Smith Eoff, J., 1,288,398; 1,480,520 Epler, J., von, see J. Russell Epler, J., von, 1,236,382 Epping, J., 1,435,057 Epple, H., see W. Studebaker Eppley, C., 1,417,047 Epps, F., 1,355,951 Epstein, AY 1,407 461; 1,426,559 Epstein, H., 1,498 079 Erber, J., see H. Wagner Erdahl, B., 1,415,324; 415 849; 1,415,850 Erdle, ne "1,363 854; "1,410,741 Erdmann, E, see F. Bedford Erdmann, E., 1,443,983 Erdoes, E. 1 162 044. Erdrich, F, see J. Sonderegger Erickson, A 1,421,191; 1,515,245 Erickson, F., ” 1,439, 155 Ericsson, H., 1,381 ‘175 Erlenbach, A. 1,144,325 1,356,434; Erlenbach, A., and K. Marx, 1,144,181 Erler, W., 1,329,232 Erlinger, M., 1,356,913 Erlwein, G., and C. Knips, 1,138,202 Ernest, R., 1,464,089 Ernest, T., 1,442,868 Erslev, K., 1,147,626; 1,216,674; 1,232,016; 1,297,668; 1,331,331 Erwin, C., 1,160,701 Erwin, J., and O. Erwin, 1,247,803; 1,340,601; 1,403,596 Erwin, O., see J. Erwin Erwin, O., 1,488,430 Erwin, R., see E. Goltra Erwin, R., see G. Henderson Erwin, R., 1,282,057; 1,295,459; 1,487,097; 1,370,637; 1,409,088 Eschbach, W., 1,438,431 Escher, ay 1 495, 510 Eschholz, O., 1,329,233 Eschmann, F., see I. Harris Espenhahn, Bi 1,315,183; 1,315,219; Re-15,090 Essbach, O., 1,180 386 Esselen, G., seé H. Mork Esselen, G., 1,378,099; 1,509,864 Esselen, G. and H. Mork, 1,275,884; 1,425,580; 1,425,581 Essex, H., see B. Brooks Essex, H., see H. Hibbert Essex, H., see D. Smith Essex, H., see G. Taber Essex, H., and B. Brooks, 1,197,019 Hssex, H., and I. Humphrey, 1,233,333 Essex, H., and A. Ward, 1,477, 047 ; L477, 113 Essex, Je see F. Stetson Estabrooke, W., and D. Jackson, 1,426,054 Estelle, AY 1,162,150; 1,275,161 Htaix, L., 1,251,359; 1,254,129 Ethridge, T., 1,379,542 Etienne, J., 1,221,851 Etter, R., 1,429,856 Euler, C., 1,273,050 Euler, G., 1,234,319 Euler-Chelpin, H., 1,129,321 Eustis, A., 1,341,114; 1,341,115 Eustis, F., see D. Belcher Eustis, F., see U. Wedge 1,216,675; 1,295,719: Eustis, F., 1,212,199; 1,212,334; 1,230,143; 1,237,765; 1,265,892; 1,265,893; 1,341,890: 1,377,822; 1,397,094; 1,403,237; 1,472,828: 1,483,722 Eustis, F., and D. Belcher, 1,466,793 Eustis, F. C. Hayward, H. ‘Schleicher and D. Belcher, 1,412,174; 1,482,548; 1,432,544; 1,451 333 Eustis, F., and C. Perin, 1,185,187 Euston, oe 1,349,334 Euwecke, Pp 1,518, 842 Evans, NG and be Mitchell, 1,175,732; 1,209,692 Evans, C., 1,492,973 ; 1,506, 804 : 1 507 550 Evans, E., 1 "148, 368 Evans, F, 1 225 118 Evans, H, 1, 185, 894; 1,226,957 Evans, J., see F. Levenhagen Evans, J., see FE. Lodge Evans, ui) 1,140 735. 1,366,643 1,292,282; 1,366,642; INDEX OF NAMES 45 Evans, N., 1,297,670 Evans, O., 1,125,676; 1,230,087 Evans, O., J. Perry and 1,493,458 Evans, O., and H. Terzian, 1,418,782 Evans, R., 1,464,012; 1,497,262; 1,502,425 Evans, T., see W. Hamilton Evans, T., 1,213,851 Evans, W., see H. Trumbull Evans, W., and B. Dales, 1,404,355 Eveland, S., 1,133,626 Everett, E., 1,408,183 Everhart, E., 1,397,414 Everhart, L., 1,182,760 Everken, H., 1,384,023 L. Eichengreen, Evershed, H., see J. Gitsham Everts, W., 1,416,403 Ewell, H., 1,374,370 Ewen, E., 1,271,146 Ewing, B., 1,167,987 Ewing, C., 1,496,531 Ewing, W., 1,229,052; 1,239,579 Exbrayat, A., 1,154,980 Exley, W., see H. Levtner Exline, M., see A. Boedefeld Hy, G., 1,361,759 Eyer, P., 1,211,564; 1,249,987; 1,256,456; 1,314,861 Eynon, H., 1,188,635 Eynon, T., 1,158,377; 1,206,684 Byrich, H., and J. Schreiber, 1,421,195 1,256,455 ; F Faber, H., see M. Kermer Faber, H., 1,368,618 Faber, H., and W. Harding, 1,419,664 Faber, O., von, 1,438,071 Fagan, J., 1,148,763 Fagan, J., H. Spear and R. Wolf, 1,327,666 Fahrenwald, F., 1,228,194 1,236,383; 1,236,384; 1,261,110; 1,263,656; 1,269,168; 1,296,938; 1,333,965; 1,339,505; 1,346,187; 1,346,188; 1,346,190; 1,346,191; 1,357,549; 1,857,550; 1,388,995; 1,378,941; 1,415,233; 1,464,312; 1,475,942; 1,510,590; 1,518,258 Fahrig, E., 1,862,563 Fairbrother, T., and A. Renshaw, 1,455,485 Fairburn, W., 1,150,857; 1,150,858; 1,168,869; 1,206,827; 1,206,828; 1,332,488; 1,360,282; 1,360,283; Re-15,039; 1,406,176 Fairburn, W., and F. Cruser, 1,290,146 Fairchild, W., 1,158,667 Fairfax, J., 1,269,695 Fairley, T., 1,353,035 Fairley, T., and T. Du Bose, 1,472,118 Fairley, T. J., 1,472,119 Fairlie, A., 1,205,723; 1,420,477; 1,505,880 . Fairlie, M., and J. Denny, 1,417,153 1,205,724; 1,365,671; Fairrie, J., 1,871,083; 1,517,775 Faitelowitz, A., 1,399,471 Falck, H., and T. Mejdell, 1,507,993 Falconer, G., 1,215,358 Falk, H., 1,424,088 Falk, K., see E. Frankel Falk, K., and K. Sugiura, 1,275,162 Fallek, N., 1,155,649 ; 1,207,521 Falls, J., 1,142,243 Falor, W., 1,461,386 Falvet, F., 1,471,252 Fancher, R., see W. Flynn Fangboner, F., see H. Finlay Fankhauser, A., see F. Knibiehler Fant, R., 1,513,233 Farago, A., 1,134,823 Faranda, S., 1,210,158 Farber, C., see F. Breyer Farber, C., see J. Singmaster Fargo, C., 1,487,505 Farish, W., 1,458,913 Farkas, K., 1,188,057; 1,253,362; 1,323,623 Farkas, L. L., 1,439,623 Farmer, C., 1,520,704 Farmer, F., 1,152,157 Farmer, L., 1,295,466 Farnsworth, H., 1,289,895 Farnsworth, S., 1,208,305; 1,226,069 Farr, I., 1,259,502 _ Farrell, F., see J. MacLaurin Farrell, F., 1,358,884; 1,510,472; 1,510,591 Farrell, J., 1,374,642 Farrell, R., and C. Coogan, 1,463,881 Farrington, E., 1,428,020 Farrow, E., see J. Donohue Farrow, E., 1,467,107; 1,494,469; 1,494,470; 1,494,471; 1,494,472; 1,494,478; 1,494,474; 1,494,475; 1,494,476; 1,497,137 Farrow, E., and N. Kocher, 1,497,138 Farup, P., 1,156,220; 1,219,277; 1,825,561; 1,341,807; 1,843,441; 1,360,737; 1,368,392; 1,414,401 Fasting, J., 1,313,281 Fatica, A., 1,236,831 Faul, C., and H. Lavers, 1,257,990; 1,375,087 Faulkner, H., 1,269,170 Fauser, G., 1,487,647; 1,495,681 Faust, E., 1,406,547 Faust, M., 1,440,727 Faust, R., 1,403,758 Faust, S., 1,840,582 Fausten, A., 1,512,751 Fauzon, A., 1,519,607 Favier, G., 1,150,021 Fawkes, J., 1,175,624 Fay, J., 1,416,183 Fay, T., 1,194,829; 1,346,946 Fay, W., 1,242,537; 1,256,541 Faye, W., 1,402,754 Fazi, R., de, 1,140,882 Fear, F., 1,279,679 Fear, F., Ae,Naldrett and W. Nicodemus, 1,275,543 } Fearn, R., 1,380,049; 1,388,418 Feary, N., 1,827,707 Feasey, G., see T. Tyrer ie Fechter, G., 1,304,291 46 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Federico, R., 1,176,746 Fee, A., see N. Le Vene Fee, ee and G. Aeveaenes, 1,304,670 Feeney, J., 1,379,857 Feenie, W., and W. Rhodes, 1,326,585 Feeser, V., 1,148, 223 Fegan, R.., 1,330, 937 Fegraeus, Te see J. Wangenstein enn, Ht 345, 437 Fehr, Rs 1,188,430 Fehringer, M., 1,157,768; 1,233,334 Feigen, J., 1,227,767 Feild, A., see F. Becket Feild, IMS 1,349,053 Feilmann, M. way Bagley and A. Smith, 1,216,677 Feld, W., 1,127,219 Feldenheimer, W., 1,254,588; 1,438,587; 1,438,588 Feldenheimer, W., and W. Plowman, 1,321,516; 1,447,973; 1,458, 693 Feldenheimer, W., W. Plowman and P. Schid- rowitz, 1,458, 693. Felder, W.. 1 ‘412, 024 Feldt, A, 1,439, 624 Feldt, A., and P. Fritzsche, 1,207,284 Feldman, B., see A. Grinberg Feldmar, A., 1,487,053 Feldmeier, H., and C. Dalzell, 1,138,097 Felheim, E., 1 411,618; 1,499, 164 Fell, C.. 1,358, 304 Fels, W., 1,419 665 Felt, W. 1 213, 795; 1,213,796; 1,237,767 Felthousen, ND L482, 992 Fenaroli, P., 1,164,710 ° Fenderl, E., 1,152,083 Fendler, G., see L. Frank Fendler, G., 1,144,829 Fenger-Groen, A., 1,338,566 Fenlon, Onue | 483 422 Fenn, W., 1,243, 724; 1,365,673 1,324,958 ; Fenton, J 51,260, 973: 1 094,481; 1,396,173; 1 396, 174; 1 409.338; : 1 424,998 ; 1,484,258 Ferbeck, H., 1,489,573 Ferguson, A., 1,371,084 Ferguson, B., 1,182,543; 1,182,544 Ferguson, C., 1,267,199 Ferguson, G., 1,151,255; 1,243,149; 1,261,736; 1,268,446; 1,270,892; 1,270,393; 1,270,394; 1,270,395; 1,270,396; 1,270,397; 1,271,506; 1,276,742; 1,292,748; 1,292,744; 1,303,871; 1,385,075; 1,516,813 Ferguson, G., and L. Eckelmann, 1,421,486 Ferguson, T., and E, Larson, 1,322,298; 1,348,359 Ferguson, W., 1,305,787; 1,305,788; 1,315,660 Fergusson, R., 1,485,825 Ferla, J., 1,165,164; 1,199,682; 1,199,683 Fernandez, G., see V. Alsina Ferney, D., 1,235,784 Ferngren, E., 1,324,546 Ferme, W., see M. Adam Ferra, P., 1,127,424 Ferrari, C., 1,407,400 Ferrari, F., 1,372,015; 1,444,309 Ferreira, M., 1,403,944 Ferrell, I., 1,449,388 Ferrer, F., 1,496,260 Ferriere, G., and 8. Pfyffer, 1,437,641 “ Ferrin, A., 1,517,230 Ferris, C., 1,263,398 Ferriter, J., 1,181,754 Ferry, sp 11 53,4 27 Fery, C., 1 201, 709; 1,856,977 ; 1,371,746 Fesler, Dp 1,477 252 Fessenden, re 1,191,072: 1,301,675 Fessler, M., 1,175,941 Fest, A., 1,186,564; 1,218,638; 1,414,562; 1,444,178 Fetter, E., 1,427,277; 1,427,278 Feybusch, M., 1,279 ‘311 Fichtmueller, J 23 1,160,979 ; 1,490,891 Fickes, E., 1,288,400; 1,316,569 Fidlar, J., 1,494,535 Fiebig, J., 1,212,752 Fiebiger, J., 1,383,092 Field, A., 1,383,710; 1,383,711 Field, B., see A. Grinberg Field, C., 1,158,997; 1,358,431; 1,403,471; 1 423, 928 Field, Hy and F. Daniels, 1,164,487; 1,166,342 Field, H., M. Howarth and E, Atkins, 1.133; 628 Field, S., see H. Sulman Field, S., 1,307,247; 1,331,884; 1,337,058; 1,382,494; 1,429,131 Field-Frank, C., 1,238,660 Fieldhouse, J., see M. Adam Fifield, G., 1,455,486 Figgins, A., 1,275,412 Filbert, C., 1,486,015 Files, A., 1,507,820 Filhol, J. 1,505, 382 Filippo, H., and P. Schoonenberg, 1,257,470 Filippo, S., ‘di, see 8S. Di Filippo Finch, G., see A. Glidden Finch, L., see C. Bierbauer Finch, L., 1,295,293; 1,311,158; 1,812,842 Finckh, K., 1,143 696: 1,410, 665 Findlay, D., see P. Moloney Fingland, J., 1,157,375 Finigan, S., 1,372,496 Fink, C., 1,162,907; 1,342,993; 1,384,056; 1,440,533; 1,466,126; Fink, E., 1 213, 346: ‘1 213 O47 Fink, Ge and E. Giauque, 1,453,789 Fink, W., see J. Bourdeau Fink, W., 1,151,257 Finkeldey, W., see F. Brey Finkeldey, W., and W. Peres 1,472,359 Finkelstein, H, see M. Finkelstein Finkelstein, H, 1,500,066 Finkelstein, M.,, 1,235, 454 Finkelstein, M.., S. Finkelstein, H. Finkelstein and N. Finkelstein, 1,210,446 Finkelstein, N., see M. Finkelstein Finkelstein, S., see M. Finkelstein Finkl, W.., 1,382 072 Finks, A., see C. Johns Finlay, ne and F. Fangboner, 1,290,952 Finley, S., ai 192,178 Finn, R.., 1 436,983 Finnegan, H., 1,494,678 Finney, G., 1,480,365 Firebaugh, F., 1,182,668 Fireman, P., 1,287,939; 1,392,927; 1,420,985; 1,361,036 ; 1,513,806 1,392,925 ; 1,424,635 ; 1,392,926 ; 1,490,372 INDEX OF NAMES Ay Fischer, A., 1,401,974; 1,513,382 Fischer, C’., see G. Bailey Fischer, f., 1,178,708; 1, 191, 580 Fischer, F., 1, 128 966 Fischer, G. 1 ,232,909 Fischer, M., see J. Schmidlin Fischer, M., 1,338,363 ; 1,338,364; 1,340,603 Fischl, ‘A, 1,241, 840 Fish, C., 1,229 924 Fish, P. 1,328,505 ; 1,828,506; 1,328,507; 1,328,655; 1,328,656; 1,828,657; 1,328,658; 1,328,659; 1,328,660; 1,828,661; 1,328,662; 1,413,716; 1,480,804; 1,494,536 Fish, J., see L. White Fishburne, G., see S. Newberry _ Fisher, A., 1,209,423; 1,247,522 Fisher, E., 1,394,296 Fisher, G., 1,402,288 Fisher, H., 1,433,266; 1,473,285 Fisher, H., and R. Atkinson, 1,418,369 Fisher, J., 1,420,986; 1,469,039 Fisher, L., see J. Madden Fisher, W., 1,405,678; 1,486,158; 1,465,389 Fisher, W., and P. Chambers, 1,478,367 Fisk, G., 1,312,474 Fiske, C., 1,246,576 Fitz, C., 1,441 075 Fitz Gerald, F., see J. Thompson Fitzgerald, ee ‘1,406, 837; 1 441 070; 1,504,225 Fitzgerald, M., 1,228,545 Fitzpatrick, J., 1,403,759 Fitzsimmons, T., 1,164,081 Fjellanger, M., 1,340,708 Flachslaender, J., see K. Graelert Flachslaender, J., K. Graelert, and M. Buff, 1,132,922 Flachslaender, J., and P. List, Flack, F., 1,197,810 Flack, J., 1,280,981 Fladmark, M., 1,288,863 Flaecher, F., and B. Reuter, 1,296,063; 1,296,064 Flagg, P., 1,513,542 Flaherty, E., 1,312,475; 1,321,611; 1,341,710; 1,850,274; 1,356,440 Flaherty, 1, t, 182, 669; 1 246, 899 Flakenwalde, Oj 1 177, ‘405 Flanders L. see W. Grant Flanders, L., 1,228,546; 1,228,547 Flannery, J., 1,210,625; 1,210,626; 1,210,627; 1,217,738; 1 217, 739; i 247, 252 Flannery, Je and B. Dodds, 1,275, 890; 1,275,891 Flecchia, L., rt ,254,788 Fleck, H., 1, 326 332; 1,349,417 Fleckner, W., 1,212,92 5 Fleischer, E., 4 ‘48, 340; 1,486,370 Fleischer, H., 1. 444, 786. Fleischer, W., see A. Lissauer Fleming, H., 1,349,505 1,215,359 1,323,624; Fleming, a) 1 174 404; 1,211,124; 1,213,854; 1 232,267 Fleming, R., 1,293,395; 1,324,766; 1,325,668; 1,361,238 ; 1 361 239 : i\ 394, 987 Flemming, Pol 162, 152 Fletcher, B.., i 133; 717 Fletcher, H., re 317. 5784; Re-15,298 a Fletcher, ile A 212 039 Fletcher, ra 1 255,816 Fletcher, J., and J. Harrison, 1,220,081 Fletcher, L., 1,394,849 Fletcher, R., 1,417,896 Fletcher, W., 1,156,595 Flett, L., see W. Ralph Flett, L., see C. Derick Flexner, I., see E. Taylor Flick, L., see P. Ariente Flicker, H., 1,314,955 Flinn, F., see.R. Towne Flint, A., see R. Brindle Flint, J., 1,233,459 Floare, P., 1,207,012 Flogerzi, Ap 1,152,620 Florez, L., de, 1 249, 602; 1,437,045 Floyd, R., 1,197, 116 Flynn, W., and R. Fancher, 1,513,978 Foehrenbach, W., see A. Fonio Foehrenbach, W., see P. Huessy Foerg, A., 1,488,332 Foerland, T., see H. Olsen Foerland, T., 1,808,735 Foerster, O., 1,265, 641 Foersterling, He see H. Philipp Foersterling, HH. 1,200,719; 1 583, 716 Foersterling, H., "and A. Halvorsen, 1,164,636 Foersterling, HL and H. Phillipp, 1,160,590 ; 1,214,770 Foersterling, H., H. Philipp and R. Sargent, 1,235,887; 1,832,489 Foersterling, H., R. Sargent and F. Kaufmann, 1,242,168 Fogg, D., see C. Burke Fogg, D., see A. Hunt Fogh, C., 1,362,408; 1,473,723 Fogler, B., 1 456, 102; 1,504, 036 » Fogler, ee, 1,227, 127, Fohr, C., see E. "Kleinschmidt Fohr, C., 1,123,719 Fol, iy see B. Vorenhorst Foley, tae) 1,350,714 Foley, E., 1,154,851 Foley, J., 1,512,414 Foley, W., 1,337,009 Folsam, H., 1,379,175 Folsom, Wet 429, ‘498 Foltzer, hs Ge 133, 548; 1,295,148 Fonda, (eh 19 ‘911, 125: 1,496, ‘ADT Fonio, A., "and W. Foehrenbach, 1,240,694 Fonseca, Eye 1,237,026 Fontanelli, ive 1,273, 054 Fonyo, A., 1,207, 014 Fooks, N., 1, 366, 778 Foos, M., cr 143, 181; 1,196,225 Foote, H.,, 1 366, 254: 1 446, 497 Foote, Te ti 427, 199 Foote, T., 1,368,426 Forbes, rok 1,508, 447 Forbes, De 1 5,430,635 Forbes, Het 401 901 Forbes, J., 1 232,269 Forbis, R., 1,318,063; 1,376, 612 Forcellon, H 1,396, 032 Ford, B., 3 156, 679; (1,163,991; 1,163,992; 1 163, 993 ; 1,173,257 ; 1,188,432; 1,205,611; 1 234, 699; 1,287,945; 1,345,081 ‘+ Ford, B f and E, Smith, 1 364, 493 48. UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ford, E., 1,442,934; 1,475,762 Ford, J., 1,480,607 Ford, O., 1,426,723 Ford, O., and J. Long, 1,175,944 Ford, R., see J. Davidson Ford, S., 1,207,389; 1,208,535; 1,268,105; 1,290,954; 1,339,327 Foree, A., 1,280,698 Foregger, R., von, 1,433,104 Foreman, I., 1,194,333 Forest, L., de, 1,442,682 Foret, L., 1,208,534 Forge, F., la, 1,288,428; 1,288,429 Forkner, J., 1,433,503 Forland, T., 1,305,350 Formby, Ch 1 376, 523; 1,379,680; 1,409,939 Fornander, AG 1,230 395 Fornander, E., 1,430 971 Forrest, C. 5 see J. Wilson Forrest, C., 1,163,593; 1,207,524; 1,429,728; 1,438,590; 1,464,928 Forrest, C.. H. Hayden and O. Douthett, 1,459,328 Forrest, C., and J. Meigs, 1,305,790 Forrester, R., 1,441 337 Forsberg, see | 485, 177 Forscher, H., 1,130,723 Forse, E., 1,473,286 Forse, L., 1,339,751 Forse, W., F. Jones and G. Walters, 1,468,608; 1 468, 609 Forssman, V., 1,465,937 Forster, A 1,430,163 Forsyth, T., 1,242,676 — Fort, M., see J. Lumsden 1,209,955 ; 1,211,837 ; Fortescue, C., 1,137,853; 1,382,899; 1,427,370; 1,428,839 Forward, C., 1,181,301; 1,189,083; 1,247,808; 1,255,149; 1,442,935; 1,473,402 Forwood, G., 1,440,286 Foss, A., 1 175 252: 1,200,334 ; 1,292,293 Foss, A. Mi and B. Halvorsen, 1 340 480 Foss, A., and T. Mejdell, 1,464 984 Foss, B., 1,338,292 Foss, W., a 183 967 Fossheim, K. 1,188 922 Foster, A. 1,277 895 ; 1 320, 043; 1,394,486 Foster, E., ‘1 492,165 Foster, F., 1 '230, 396; 1,249,734 Foster, em see G. Bailey Foster, J., 1,248,302; 1 384 946; 1,474,772 Foster, 08 see O. Foster Foster, O., 1,141,243 Foster, oy and ide Foster, 1,407,995 Foster, R., 1,211,126 Foster, W., 1 249, 368; 1,385,124 Foth, W., 1 B15 854 Fothergill, HL, 1 416,632 Foucart, J., 1 195, 158 Fourneaux, E. 1 O77 056; Re-14,824; 1,329,117; 1,350 600; 1 ‘482 076 Foutz, O., 1 360 915 Fowler, G., 1,493,623 Fowler, G., 1,400,598 Fowler, G., and G. Mumford, 1,294,080 1,277,896; 1,296,585; Fowler, N., 1,182,263; 1,182,264; 1,182,671; 1,333,967; 1,349,753; 1,374,160 Fox, C., 1,442,764 Fox, K., see H. Allen ‘Fox, P., 1,217,482 Fox, W., 1,166,121; 1,166,122; 1,166,123; 1,187,421; 1,207,527; 1,256,675 Foxwell, C., 1,183,445; 1,255,593 Fraenkel, S., 1,129,387 Fraenkel, S., and E. Herrmann, 1,314,321 Frahm, F., 1,499,863 Fraley, G., 1,334,849 France, A., 1,491,296 France, W., 1,451,540 Franch, H., see R. Benner Franche, C., 1,259,505 Franchot, R., 1,864,838 Franchot, R., and K. McElroy,, 1,441,573; 1,466,644 Franck, W., 1,277,057 Francklyn, M., 1,481,420 Franck-Philipson, A., 1,282,062; 1,296,553; 1,392,564; 1,492,367 Francis, A,, and R. Hill, 1,194,162 Francis, Cy and D. Morgan, 1,313, 629 Frank, Ay see L. Healy Frank I 1,190,140 Frank, Ls and G. Fendler, 1,165,498 Frank, M., 1,197,926 ; 1,235, 788 Franke, H., 1,241 950 Frankel, a and K. Falk, 1,418,638 Frankel, F,, 1,140,975 Frankforter, G., see H. Hovland Frankforter, G., 1,350,254; 1,380,951 Franklin, I., 1,315,488 Franklin, M., 1,837,062 Franklin, O., 1,511,557 Franklin, W., 1,124,600; 1,124,601 Franks, H., 1,232,271; Re-14,489 Frankwich, M., 1,362,092 Franz, P., 1,155,054 Franzen, J., 1,368,984 Franzie, M., 1,172,270 Frary, F., see J. Edwards Frary, F., 1,153,054; 1,354,818; 1,412,280; Re-15,407 Frary, F., and 8. Temple, 1,158,671; 1,158,672: 1,158,673; 1,158,674; 1,158,675; 1,169,392; 1,258,886 Frasch, H., 1,125,998; 1,135,785; 1,152,499; 1,212,620; 1,308,060; 1,323,263 Fraser, W,, 1,258, 103 ; 1,259 223 Frazer, Gh 1,262 2,034 Frazer, J., “W. Holland and E. Miller, 1,196,734 Frazer, A We Oo Lamb and D. Merrill, 1,418,246 Frazer, he and C. Sealione, 1,345 323 Frazier, W., 1,384,444; 1,384 445 Fream, J., see fh Cannon Fred, E,, and W. Peterson, 1,485,844 Frederick, L., 1,284,295; 1284296: 1284297 1,284,298; 1,284,644; 1,414,462; 1.430.541: 1,456,884: 1,473,842: 1.475764 Fredrick, HH: i 438 ‘435: 1 438 436; 1,490,736 Fredrikson, As 1 194 613 Fredriksson, hie 1 398, 224 Free, E., 1 344 630; 1 409, 126 Freede, Ge see H. ' Nichols INDEX OF NAMES 49 Freedlander, A., 1,344,631 Freedman, L., see C. Funk Freedman, P., and E. Greetham, 1,433,541 Freeland, C., 1,516,285 Freeman, A., 1,216,303; 1,238,123 Freeman, C., 1,801,551 Freeman, H., 1,143,952; 1,277,898; 1,277,900; 1,282,405; 1,319,148 Freeman, L., 1,194,494 Freeman, S8., and R. O’Toole, 1,440,007 Freeman, W., see C. Kohler Freeman, W., 1,169,325; 1,175,422; ero.4e4: $1,175,425; 1,175,426; 1,175,428; 1,183,446; 1,231,247; 1,245,328 Freer, J., 1,128,436 Freese, A., 1,885,911 Freestone, Ie 1; 144 186 Freeth, F., and H. Cocksedge, 1,301,047 . 1,343,443 Freitas, A., 1,489,118 . French, A., 1,140,808; — 1,505,251 French, C., 1,418,372 French, E., 1,150,589; 1,394,488; 1,423,605 French, E., J. Withrow and A. Allen, 1,437,838 French, H., see R. Benner French, H., 1,251,005; 1,289,483; 1,303,286; 1,357,160; 1,402,224; 1,416,704; 1,515,945 French, H., and R. Benner, 1,269,173; 1,285,054; 1,295,475; 1,890,524; 1,515,652 French, T., 1,438,372 Frerichs, G., 1,174,248; 1,484,704 Frerichs, G., 1,484,704 Frerichs, H., 1,512,979 Frese, W., 1,175,429 Freuder, L., 1,325,890 Freund, M., 1,479,293 Freund, M., and E. Speyer, 1,468,805; 1,485,673 Freundler, P., 1,516,917 Frevert, H., see F. Bradley Frey, A., 1,381,295 Freygang, W., W. Kidde and B. Worth, 1,343,911 Freytag, G., 1,198,905; 1,361,246 Friant, E., 1,486,985 Friberger, H., 1,224,917 Prick, f’., see R, Caples Frick, F. see F. Laist Frick, W., 1,267,204 Friderich, ms 1,371,616 Fried, J., 1,396,415 Friedberger, E., 1,448,290 Friedburg, L., see H. Moody Friedenthal, H., 1,130,588 Friederich, E., 1,240,700 Friederich, W., 1,424,462; 1,478,429 Friedman, J., 1,194,495; 1,309,620; 1,364,192; 1,393,997 Friedrich, A. 1,205, 728 Friedrich, K., 1,402, 412 Friedrichs, eM 1, 512, 591 Friedsam, E., and S. Long, 1,447,018 Friend, O.,, and 8. Friend, 1,136, 597 Friend, S., see O. Friend Fries, ¥ i 266,577; 1,341,637 Friese-Greene, W., ‘1 383 ‘460: 1,383,620; 1,391,310 Friestedt, S., see W. Meade 4 1,277,899; 1,175,423: 1,175,427: 1,233,566; 1,300,947 ; 1,352,741; 1,468,380; 1,343,259; Frigeri, P., see A. Keen Frink, H., see H. Wade Frink, R., 1,497,263 Frisbie, H., 1,329,237 Frisch, E., 1,510,665 Frisch, E., and O. Miessler, 1,168,254 Friss, J., 1,866,070 Fritsche, O., 1,513,543 Fritsche, R.., 1,294,253 Britta CoS 1 213 613: 1,213,616 Fritzsch, B., 1,334,297 Fritzsche, G., 1,342,799 Fritzsche, H., see E. Anderwert Fritzsche, H,, 1,316,781; 1,325,841; 1,362,936 Fritzsche, H.. and E. Reber, 1,504. 469 Fritzsche, P., see A. Feldt Fritz-Williams, M., 1,402,347 Froberg, O., 1,158,040 Frohe, C., 1,273,213 Frohman, E., 1,327,758; 1,372,016; 1,517,778 Frohner, E., 1,329,076 Frood, H., 1,180,026; 1,463,780 Frost, A., 1,254,494 Frost, L., see G. Burr Frost, W., 1,488,032 Frothingham, D., 1,484,705 Frothingham, D., and R. Sawyer, 1,316,782; 1,816,783; 1,316, 784 Fry, A., 1,487, 554 Fry, F., 1,407 525 Fry, H., 1,155,560; 1,218,850; 1,233,863; 1,897,629 Fry, S., 1,861,041 Frydensberg, V., 1,322,237 Fryer, F., and B. McLellan, 1,387,377; 1,387,378 ; 1,387,379 Fryer, ra see G. Lemmens Fuchs, K., 1,400,356; 1,495,972 Fucich, E., 1,244 847 Fuehrman, ae 1,490,737 Fueller, H., 1,454,581 Fuentes, J., 1,308,899 Fuer, C., 1,473,181 Fuerth, S., 1,196,098 Fuerth, W., 1,238,906; 1,398,013 Fues, E., 1,276,206 Fuetterer, G., 1,286,989 Fuji, K., 1,235,022 Fujita, ve 1444, 870 Fujiyama, ‘Te 1, 126, 000; 1481 ,088 Fukuda, H., 1,266, 448 Fulcher, Gy 1,517,554 Fuld, M. E., 1,489,956 Fulda, E., 1,174,137; 1,328,919 Fuller, A., 1,357,206 Fuller, C., 1,176,284; 1,229,489; 1,247,105; 1,261,114; 1,280,704 Fuller, G., 1,125,086; 1,143,114; 1,170,624 Fuller, G., L. Fuller and G. Fuller, 1,197,816 Fuller, G., L, Fuller and G. J. Fuller, 1,445, 503 Fuller, G. i: see G. Fuller Fuller, L., see G. Fuller Fuller, Le 1,244,188; 1,244,189 Fuller, T., 1,215,188; 1,273,762 ie Fully, F., 1,344,686 1,213,614; 1,213,615; 1,307,857; 1,463,506 ; 1,289,725; 1,293,077; 50 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Fulton, C., 1,193,680; 1,213,180; 1,242,337; 1,242,341; 1,249,061; 1,264,628; 1,264,629; 1,267,347; 1,271,560; 1,273,844; 1,398,014 Fulton, C., and T. Bains, 1,242,339; 1,242,340 Fulton, K., 1,385,044; Re-15,957 Fulton, R., 1,399,953; 1,899,954 Fulweiler, W., 1,310,748; 1,448,330; 1,512,893 Funasaka, H., 1,476,705 Funck, J., 1,268,000 Funcke, F., and C. Jagerspacher, 1,237,192; 1,237,193 Fungo-Giera, P., del, 1,228,754 ; 1,228,755 Funk, A., 1,316,295 Funk, C., 1,162,908 Funk, C., and L. Freedman, 1,472,298; 1,505,551 Funk, N., 1,333,168 Funk, O,, 1,321,518 Funke, L., see M. Berel Furlong, P., see W. Wickers Furman, A., 1,371,970 Furman, [., 1,371,969 Furness, G., 1,284,645 Furness, R., see R. Patch Furness, R., 1,233,862 Furness, R., and R. Patch, 1,208,833; 1,206,834 Furness, T., 1,821,200 Furness, W., 1,338,648 Fusina, G., 1.131,691 Fussell, G., 1,296,280 Fussenegger, E., see P. Julius 1,228,758 ; G Gabbe, H., 1,384,446 Gabel, H., 1,382,282 Gabriel, C., 1,147,159 Gadsden, J., 1,258,104 Gafflin, J., see H. Chase Gaffy, P., 1,399,472 Gage, C., 1,282,564 Gage, E., 1,329,761; 1,516,466 Gage, H., 1,295,298; 1,295,299; 1,518,141 Gage, H., and W. Taylor, 1,305,793; 1,305,794 Gagnon, E., 1,186,304 Gahl, R., 1,217,437; 1,269,418; 1,290,166; 1,291,824; 1,346,817; 1,346,818; 1,346,819; 1,401,598 Gaillet, P., 1,403,311 Gaisman, H., 1,238,504 Gaisser, J., 1,822,893 Gal, J., von, 1,510,250 Gal, P., 1,316,227 Galitzenstein, E., and M. Mugdan, 1,179,420; 1,179,421 Gallagher, A., 1,431,448 . Gallagher, E., 1,197,022 Gallagher, H., 1,152,166 Gallagher, J., 1,899,206 Gallardo, A., 1,330,112 Galley, A., 1,321,429 Gallinowsky, H., 1,826,894; 1,483, 875 Gallivan, F., 1,142,953 Gallot, G., and P. Poussin, 1,332,981 Galloupe, J., 1,283,723; 1,365,822 Galloway, C., see W. Kershaw Galloway, C., see E. Smith Gallsworthy, B., 1,428,159 Gallup, F., 1,131,361 Galt,. H., 1,249,789; 1,262,938; 1,312,782; 1,312,783; 1,812,784 Galt, R., see D. Edstroem Galusha, A., 1,429,578; 1,491,794 Gamage, W., 1,408,803 Gambell, K., 1,426,174 Gamble, R., and E. Sliter, 1,392,253 Gammal, C., see M. Taylor Gammal, C., 1,510,216 Gammel, K., 1,178,794 Gammeter, J., 1,167,896; 1,247,658 Gams, A., 1,243,729; 1,292,894; 1,836,952 Gams, A., and O. Kaiser, 1,378,343 Gams, A., and B. Schreiber, 1,235,198 Gams, A., and E. Wybert, 1,423,101 Gane, E., 1,405,999 Ganelin, 8., 1,396,740 Gann, J., see W. Collings Gann, J., 1,519,128 Gans, R., 1,131,508; 1,140,262; 1,195,923 Gans, W., 1,355,600 Ganzinotti, P., 1,254,791 Garaca, F., 1,415,832 Garcin, E., 1,340,535 Gardiner, G., 1,239,785 Gardiner, R., 1,258,106; 1,261,116; 1,261,117; 1,282,805; 1,328,082; 1,833,404 Gardiner, W., 1,213,182; 1,374,916; 1,389,750 Gardiner, W., and W. Duggan, 1,342,953 Gardner, A., and E. Bielouss, 1,384,447 Gardner, B., 1,372,743 Gardner, F., 1,209,831 Gardner, H., see L. Barton Gardner, H., see J. Scanlan Gardner, H., 1,140,510; 1,146,491; 1,169,253; 1,216,980; 1,216,981; 1,230,475; 1,231,009; 1,247,257; 1,373,499; 1,881,412; 1,881,413; 1,446,039; 1,449,748; 1,452,553; 1,463,884; 1,484,018; 1,492,027; Gardner, J., 1,124,606; 1,124,607 Gardner, L., 1,280,706 Gardner, R., see J. Stafford Gardner, W., 1,440,455 Gardos, A., 1,219,451 Gare, T., 1,133,952; 1,146,699 Gargay, W., 1,511,878 Garges, W., 1,227,776 Garland, C., 1,370,738; 1,391,825 Garlick, G., 1,815,109; 1,315,110 Garlock, L., 1,444,341 Garner, H., and J. Garner, 1,510,474 Garner, J., see H. Garner Garner, J., see D. Zimmers Garner, J., 1,145,579; 1,262,770; 1,299,455 Garner, J., and Clayton, 1,173,566; Re-14,277 ; 1,220,411; 1,262,769 Garner, J.. and H. Cooner, 1,307,353; 1,332,290 1,262,939: 1,148,013; 1,220,973; 1,370,106; 1,412,399; 1,463,883 ; 1,493,930 INDEX OF NAMES 51 Garner, J., and S. Preston, 1,437,101; 1,487,102 Garner, W., and E. Beinhart, 1,268,070 Garon, I., 1,373,880 Garr, 8., 1,209,282; 1,378,223 Garr, 8., and R. Barker, 1,389,751 Garred, U., 1,198,434; 1,311,807; Garred, U. A., 1,439,957 Garretson, E., 1,175,432 Garrett, A., 1,147,011; 1,217,744 Garrett, C., 1,484,302 Garrity, C., 1,221,437 Garrity, W., and A. Jarvis, 1,190,538 Garsed, E., 1,449,981 Garstin, G., 1,868,624 Gartlan, S., 1,430,977; 1,484,612 Gartley, W., 1,225,237 Gartley, W., and S. Tasker, 1,232,462 Gartner, R., and G. Koehres, 1,149,575 Garver, A., 1,369,738 Garvey, E., 1,422,957 Garza, P., 1,334,366 Garza, R., 1,247,814 Gasche, F., 1,359,496; 1,359,497 Gasche, K., 1,478,708 Gaskill, H., 1,180,996 Gassmann, H., 1,447,465 Gaston, E., 1,419,839 Gaston, R., 1,385,126 Gat, J., 1,478,822 Gates, M., 1,177,240 Gathmann, E., 1,340,536 Gathmann, L., 1,289,150 Gatrell, O., 1,440,352 Gaudart, E., 1,431,519 Gaudette, A., 1,282,806 _ Gaudy, R., 1,225,798 Gaulocher, C., and J. Stacy, 1,160,708 Gault, H., 1,394,890 Gaumont, L., 1,159,924; 1,177,697; 1,231,727 Gaus, W., 1,126,627; 1,196,101 Gaus, W., W. Meiser 1,453,069 Gaus, W., and W. Wild, 1,390,200 Gauschemann, C., 1,518,193 Gavett, 1,420,250 Gavin, M., see C. Bowie Gavin, N., 1,328,278 Gay, C., 1,179,001 Gay, F., 1,361,380 Gayford, E., and G. Crerar, 1,176,441 Gayle, J., 1,180,137 Gayley, J., 1,247,661; 1,414,353 Gaylord, Hs. see W. Gaylord Gaylord, W. and H. Pa 1,219,721 Gaynor, W., 1,284,647 Gebauer, GC, 1,223,322; 1,359 353 Gebauer, T., 1,131,606 Gebhardt, K., 1,235,791 Geddes, W., 1,143,621 Gee, F., 1,365,393 Gee, W., 1,274,158 Geer, L., 1,160,980: Geer, S., 1,210,637 Geer, W., 1,214,670; 1,382,774; 1,507,594 1,319,061 1,430,978; 1,342,801 ; 1,230,149 ; 1,445,433 ; and KE. Eberhardt, 1,346,192 ; 1,245,700; Geer, W., and J. Dickson, 1,470,073 Geeraerd, E., 1,308,704 Geere, E., see W. Geere Geere, W., and E. Geere, 1,431,156 Geesman, W., 1,388,812; 1,388,813 Gegenheimer, R., see M. Taylor Gegenheimer, R., 1,481,003 Gegenheimer, R., and M. Mauran, 1,341,423 Gehrandt, G., 1,260,660 Gehrlein, A., 1,292,453 Geib, J., see N. Heinz Geiger, G. see H. Gibbs Geipert, R., 1,208,184 Geissler, (cM 1,189,089 Gelbert, A., 1,377,677 Geldermann, H., and F. Haas, 1,166,346 Geldermann, H., and F. Meyer, 1,411,245 Gelertsen, O., 1,204,149; 1,310,158 Gelin, C., 1,423,207 Gelissen, H., 1,483,546 Gelius, P., 1,491,474 Geller, L., 1,511,074 Gelm, G., ’ 1,406,844 Gelow, Ma see C. Stebbins Gelatharp, F., 1,488,914; 1,519,250 Gendreau, J., 1,276,648 Gensecke, W., 1,425,005; 1,448,590 Genstein, E., 1,491,228 Genter, iA see F. Becraft Genter, me 1,280,439; 1,379,095 Genter, A., "and G. Jones, 1,452, 151 Genter, i 1,128,867 Gentile, eh see L. Winchenbaugh Gentzel, N., 1,253,956 George, B., 1375, 957 George, H., 1,398, 545 George, He and J. Herbert, 1,334,850 George, Af 1,251, 011; 1,406, 637 ; George, Re 1,420, 832 Georgi, C., 1,385, 869 Gephart, F., and R. Harries, 1,520,122 Gepp, H., t 295,811; 1,443 107; 1,443, 708 Gepp, H., D. Avery, R. Stevens, W. Snow and W. Whitecotton, 1,322,104 Gerard, J., 1,278, 137 Gerard, J., ‘and H. Masson, 1,364,273 Gerber, AS see J. Carothers Gerber, Go 1,405,109 Gerber, a 1,336, "740 Gerber, V., 1,350, 149; 1,350, 150 Gerdes, H., 1,405, 202 Gerdien, He see H. Kreusler Gerdien, jee 1,133,556; 1,514,151 Gerdom, Cc. 1,274, 258 Gerdom, Ge 1,143,622 Gerdts, G., 1,497,011 Gere, W., 1,188,755; 1,236,700 Gerfin, G., see P. Haynes Gerfin, G., and M. Mauran, 1,349,756 Gerhardt, aie 1,243,155 Gerlach, As al 364, 105 Gerlach, O., “L318. 987 ; 1,381,118 Gerlach, On see C. Lihme Gerlach, O., “and C. Lihme, 1,312,173 Gerleman, O., 1,466,432 1,488,915; 1,513,544; 1,215,363; 1,219,286; 52 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Gerl-Holmen, N., 1,212,205 Gerli, P., and O. Ross, 1,345,083 Germot, A., 1,475,294; 1,504,685 Gernaert, J., 1,210,790 Gernelle-Danloy, J., 1,218,394 Gernert, H., and P. Reinhardt, 1,245,329 Gerngross, O., and H. Kast, 1,217,862; 1,486,373 Gerrans, B., see N. Cassal Gersbach, K., see A. Beck Gershon, V., see E. Lloyd Gerson, K., 1,493,335 Gerstenberger, H., 1,445,434 Gerstle, J., 1,842,378; 1,395,704 Gertler, S., 1,390,696 Gervais, W., 1,131,925 Gerwig, F., 1,514,849 Gesell, C., 1,269,926 Gesell, H., 1,277,904 Gesell, W., 1,475,574 Gessler, A., 1,157,525; 1,158,879; 1,281,938 Gest, W., 1,878,104 Gestetner, D., 1,125,835; 1,371,157 —-——" Geveke, W., 1,258,888; 1,258,889 ,2€ a” Gevers, H., 1,385,744 “phew Gevers-Orban, E., 1,404,435 tl Geyer, A., 1,518,321 Ghegan, H., 1,406,183 V ¥ a ” Giaccone, A., 1,287,667 } i, Giannandrea, F., 1,508,785 hy de Giauque, E., see G. Fink v Gibbons, W., 1,259,508; 1,269,420; 1,332,982; 1,850,798; 1,427,283 Gibbons, W., and A. Given, 1,453,933 Gibbons, W., and H. Ritter, 1,427,754 Gibbs, A., 1,173,346; 1,176,540; 1,176,541 Gibbs, H., see J. Ambler Gibbs, H., see C. Conover Gibbs, H., see H. Lewis 1,291,828; Gibbs, H., 1,206,101; 1,284,887; 1,422,560; 1,444,068; 1,450,678; 1,456,848; 1,458,478; 1,463 206 Gibbs, H., and C. Conover, 1,284,888; 1,285,117 Gibbs, H., and G. Geiger, 1,246,739 Gibson, A., see E. Roberts Gibson, A., 1,511,458; 1,511,459 Gibson, F., 1,340,653 Gibson, G., 1,518,784; 1,518,785 Gibson, L., 1,231,519 Gibson, R., 1,228,901; 1,228,902 Gibson, W., see Z. Jeffries Gibson, W., see R. Skemp Gibson, W., and R. Skemp, 1,140,898 Gidden, W., see EH. Hunt Giebner, S., 1,414,079 Giemsa, G., see L. Ach Giertsen, 8., 1,326,045 Giesecke, A., 1,348,990; 1,354,822 Giesecke, C., 1,205,944; 1,447,071; 1,478,215 Giesecke, W., 1,357,973 Giesler, H., 1,425,520 Giesy, P., 1,482,741 Giffin, J., see F. Roberts Gilbert, A., and C. Vander Hoof, 1,323,752 Gilbert, G., and M. Daugherty, 1,204,151 Gilbert, H., 1,246,083 Gilbert, J., 1,275,242 Gilbert, L., 1,432,545 Gilbert, L., P. Taylor, J. Dean and L. Elder, 1,324,737 Gilbert, O., 1,879,909; 1,884,448; 1,427,100; 1,427,101 Gilbert, R., 1,188,065 Gilchrist, P., see I. Hechenbleikner Gilchrist, V., 1,886,467; 1,455,437 Gilcrest, F., 1,871,754; 1,871,755; 1,371,756 Gildemeister, A., 1,415,028 Giles, D., 1,848,356 Giles, D., and J. Giles, 1,293,402; 1,293,404; 1,388,857 Giles, G., 1,150,590 Guiles, J., see D. Giles Gill, A., 1,859,455 Gill, E., 1,161,124 Gill, F., 1,284,648 Gill, J., 1,423,103 Gillbee, M., 1,212,934; 1,403,765; 1,454,676 Gillen, F., 1,215,517 Gillen, H., see G. Sheehan. Gillen, W., 1,215,518 Gillespie, K., 1,370,015 Gillett, D., 1,275,417 Gillett, H., 1,517,354 Gillett, W., 1,472,972 Gillette, G., 1,229,064 Gilliam, R., 1,283,495 Gillies, J., and P. Gillies, 1,262,190; 1,434,693 Gillies, P., see J. Gillies Gilligan, B., 1,165,003; 1,319,151 Gilliland, E., 1,265,648 Gillis, J., 1,260,661; 1,267,653 Gilmore, T., 1,517,055 Giloy, F., see G. Kranzlein Giloy, F., see K. Thiess Gilson, A., 1,244,597 Gilson, C., see C. Malsch Gilson, J., see C. Stine Ginet, J., 1,371,160 Gioiosa, J., 1,406,369 Giolitti, F., 1,144,034; 1,296,649 Giordani, F., 1,496,264 Girard, M., 1,290,971 Girard, P., and J. Sonnery, 1,164,084 Girin, P., 1,422,096; 1,483,298; 1,504,338 Girouard, D., 1,152,087 Girouard, E., and F. Salisbury-Jones, 1,488,386 Girsewald, C. von, and H. Weidmann, 1,515,001 Girvin, C., 1,378,224 Girvin, H., 1,496,309 Gish, D., 1,373,720 Gish, G., 1,519,729 Gisitko, K., see O. Christenson Gitsham, J., 1,201,955 . Gitsham, J., and H. Evershed, 1,495,410 Giulini, G., 1,180,840; 1,257,995 Given, A., see W. Gibbons Given, A., 1,404,199; 1,478,180 Given, G., 1,273,477 Given, G., and R. Barteaux, 1,294,788 Given, G., H. McQuaid and R. Long, 1,342,956 Glaeser, W., 1,234,457; 1,235,025; 1,237,197; 1,239,787; 1,254,676; 1,254,677; 1,285,121; 1,285,122; 1,308,053; 1,323,464; 1,347,024; 1,293,403 ; 1,195,459; 1,279,533; 1,489,243; INDEX OF NAMES 53 1,379,914; 1,387,151; 1,409,189; 1,422,848; 1,469,507; 1,491,390; 1,504,339; 1,504,340; 1,508,448 Glaesser, O., 1,431,223 Glaessner, A., see G. Pum Glahn, J. von, 1,265,838 Glair, H., and O. Bransky, 1,520,541 Glaney, W., 1,518,062 Glasel, C., 1,414,404 Glaser, C., 1,242,434 Glaser, L., 1,335,831 Glasgow, R., see R. Corby Glasgow, R., see F. McDermott Glass, C., 1,429,338 Glass, P., and H. Halloran, 1,181,758 ‘Gleason, E., 1,126,629; 1,133,019; 1,136,909; 1,169,586; 1,191,890; 1,228,017 Gleason, F., 1,188,347; 1,188,348; 1,195,204; 1,452,555 Gleason, S., 1,477,117 Gleitz, W., 1,408,804 Glekler, J., 1,889,133 Glenn, H., 1,247,392 Glenn, R.., 1,489,388 Glenn, T., 1,216,107 Gleockler, H., 1,418,253 Glidden, A., 1,171,187 Glidden, A., E. Dorman and G. Finch, 1,228,904 Glines, T., 1,178,850; 1,207,160 Glinz, K., see G. Spackeler Gliot, J., 1,868,714 Glotzbach, G., 1,204,005 Glover, I., 1,314,076 Glover, S., and J. West, 1,491,036 Glover, W., and L. Wilson, 1,279,328; 1,279,329 Glynn, G., 1,227,903; 1,330,443; 1,348,278 - Glynn, S., 1,340,390 Gmuer-Zehnder, G., 1,150,670 Godal, A., 1,416,284 Goddard, J., 1,214,910 Goddard, R., 1,363,037 Goddard, W., 1,409,091 Godfrey, A., 1,506,235 Godfrey, H., 1,347,026; 1,401,769 Godfrey, T., see H. Kohman Godfrey, T., 1,395,272; 1,414,015 _ Godowsky, L., see L. Mannes Goehring, O., see H. Klever Goerner, G., 1,384,188 Goessel, F., 1,139,031 Goetz, R., and E. Rudich, 1,412,858 Goetzke, O., 1,224,530; 1,225,323 Gohmert, L., 1,465,603 Goissedet, P., 1,857,450 Goldberg, E., 1 ,196, 539 Goldberg, P., P. Onnertz and A. Peters, 1,419,497 Goldberg, 1,123,727 5 1,250,577; 1,250,578 Goldberger, V.., 1 217 590 Goldenbaum, F., 1 422 695 Goldeworthy, W., 1,324, 662 Goldmerstein, L., 1,282 686 Goldreich, S., 1 178, 795 Goldsbrough, rene see P. Schidrowitz Goldschmidt, H., see A. Stock Goldschmidt, H., 1,139,410; 1,160,400; 1,354,824 Goldschmidt, H., and K. Mueller, 1,338,826; 1,358,147 ; 1,421 ,686 Goldschmidt, H. and O. Weil, 1,136,669; 1,136,670; 1,214, 539; 1,235,969 ; Goldschmidt, oe and F. Spitzer, 1,195,205 Goldschmidt, Ve see R. Nielsen Goldschmidt, V., see O. Ravner Goldschmidt, V., 1,276,644; 1,343,446; 1,343,447; 1,348,129; 1 380, 552: 1 389, 191: ; 1,486,164; 1 454. 583: 1 "458, 650: 1,489,525 ° Goldschmidt, ‘and O. Ravner, 1,357,089; 1,413,720 Goldsmith, B., 1,134,527; 1,152,625; 1,168,626; Re-14,087; 1,188,489; 1,189,939; 1,228,428; 1,230,829; 1,375,959; 1,472,063; 1,472,064; 1,472,065; 1,472,066; 1,472,067; 1,473,700; 1,518,503; 1 518, 504. Goldsmith, Be and H. Barker, 1,362,093 Goldsmith, B., "and W. Burt, 1,362 094 Goldsmith, B., W. Burt and H. Barker, 1,362,095 Goldsmith, F, 1,162,349; 1,184,739 Goldsmith, Ae 1,298, 199 Goldstein, M., 1,473,620 Goldthorpe, E., 1,295, 730 Goltra, E., 1,216, 109 Goltra, E.. T. Maftitt, J. Dana and R. Erwin 1,301,684 Goltz, M., 1,822,185 Golyer, A. de, 1,490,696; 1,493,191 Golyer, A. de, and A. Lund, 1,335 ond Gonsalves, A., 1,238,759 Gontard, ay and A. Keller, 1,356,137 Gooch, S., 1,470 968 Good, Re 1 421 210: 1,421,211 Goodell, ‘A., 1,134 044 Goodell, E. 1.499, 363. Goodenough, W.., 1,257,996 Gooderham, E., ‘and H. Gooderham, 1,219,288 Gooderham, Fr see HE. Gooderham - Goodman, si and B. Grubman, 1,314,138 Goodman, V., 1,417,820 Goodrich, L., 1,247, 261 Goodrich, Ro 1171 182 Goodridge, V., 1,436, 873; 1,500,448 Goodsell, B., 1 204 007; 1,355 830 Goodwin, A, 1. '368, 792 Goodwin, C., 1,487, 933 Goodwin, G., see P. Prutzman Goodwin, H., 1,322,008 Goodwin, a i 1,515, 475 Goodwin, Wes and A. Cadzaheta: 1,359, 473 Goodwirth, E., 1,347,454 Goranson, N,, 1,319, 953 Gordon, A, 1,323,588 Gordon, D., 1,249,742 Gordon, G., 1,202,508 Gordon, J., see H. Shackleton Gordon, J., 1,340,888 Gordon, W., 1,364,549 Gordon, W., and E. Keith, 1,464,036 Gore, H., 1,141,458; 1,284,187; 1,335,162; 1,467,599 Gore, H., and C. Townsend, 1,155,806 Gore, T., and R. Lawson, 1,492,977 Gorhan, A., 1,210,792 Gorius, L. and F. Hays, 1,322,009 Gorman, D., 1,399,474 > 1,310,012; 54 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Gorsky, S. de Procoudine, see 8. de Procoudine- Gorsky Goslar, H., 1,188,602 Goss, O., 1,167,492; 1,219,388 Gossett, E., 1,135,176; 1,487,057 Gossling, W., see I. Noble Gottlieb, B., 1,509,137 Gottlob, K., see F. Hofmann Gottlob, K., 1,149,577 Gottschalk, E., 1,185,654 Gottschalk, F., 1,475,263 Gottschalk, J., 1,221,440 Gottschalk, L., 1,289,444; 1,323,589 Gottschalk, K., 1,452,374 RGUGtH Mas) ) Ljede 2003 1,330,022 Goubert, A., 1,305,599 Goucher, F., 1,486,717 Goucher, J., 1,145,862 Goudet, C., see J. Breslauer Goudet, C., see G. Darver Gough, S., 1,365,981 Gould, A., 1,268,236; 1,463,781 Gould, B., 1,400,484 Gould, D., 1,390,355; 1,448,688; 1,481,197 Gould, G., 1,487,158 Gould, H., 1,186,768; 1,315,663; 1,317,920 Gould, R., and C. Ash, 1,166,674 ' Gould, W., 1,195,924 Goulding, A., 1,305,209 Govers, F., 1,297,833; 1,441,841; 1,504,549; 1,506,118 Gowdy, R.., 1,318,074; 1,319,329 Gower, A., 1,226,767 Gower, J., and H. Wolfe, 1,447,208 Graaf, G. de, 1,213,164 Graaff, C., 1,832,720 . Grabau, H., 1,509,202; 1,520,342 Grabau, H., and A. Schwartz, 1,347,847 Graeffe, R., 1,429,503 Graelert, K., see J. Flachslaender Graelert, K., M. Buff and J. Flachslaender, 1,126,630; 1,132,922 Graf, C., 1,376,805 Graf, R., 1,181,976 Grafe, V., and K. Peche, 1,169,634 Grafenberg, L., 1,509,138 Graff, F., 1,515,108 Graff, F., and J. Oppel, 1,376,870 Graft, J., 1,217,593 Graham, A., 1,238,760 Graham, C., 1,158,044 Graham, E., and R. Kirkham, 1,218,759 Graham, R., see B. Eldred Graham, R., 1,264,876: 1,374,075; 1,387 ;387 Graham, W., 1,437,801; 1,491,392 Gralam, L., see J., Partington Gramm, F., see J. Perino Grammer, A., 1,445,273 Granagle, J., 1,834,089 Granel, C., 1,190,889 Granger, J., 1,492,166; 1,492,167 Granichstadten, A., and FE. Sittig, 1,450,174. Granichstaedten, E., 1,314,642 1,227,260 ; 1,441,417; 1,431,394; 1,227,426 ; 1,218,758; Grano, E., 1,167,061 Grant, H., 1,803,292; 1,431,300 Grant, W., see C. Lomax Grant, W., and L. Flanders, 1,228,551 Grass, A., 1,416,706 Grass, J., 1,155,352 Grasselli, C., 1,495,555 Grattan, G., see H. Matheson Grau, G., and P. Rother, 1,514,693 Graue, L., 1,831,866 Grauel, A., 1,289,736 Graul, C., 1,163,654 Graul, O., 1,202,282 Graul, O., G. Hanschke and F. Webel, 1,298,929 Graul, W., 1,808,754; 1,472,165 Grave, M. de, 1,487,727 Gravell, J., 1,211,188; 1,221,046; 1,221,441; 1,221,442; 1,267,400; 1,268,237; 1,273,358 ; 1,279,101; 1,279,381; 1,315,017; 1,355,224; 1,367,597; 1,887,645; 1,398,507; 1,428,084; 1,428,085; 1,428,086; 1,428,087; 1,428,088; 1,499,611; 1,503,443 Gravely; J., 1,304,962; 1,323,690; 1,331,192; 1,452,040; 1,459,910 Graves, E., 1,348,167 Graves, L., 1,151,679 Graves, S., 1,124,012; 1,382,077 Gray, A., 1,225,707 Gray, B., 1,403,403 Gray, C., 1,129,666; 1,155,0555 ei 20a, 1,386,055 . Gray, G., see P. Johnson Gray, G., 1,193,540; 1,198,541; 1,488,823; 1,512,419 Gray, G., and F. Hall, 1,508,451 Gray, H., see H. Winkelmann Gray, H., 1,225,951; 1,242,435; 1,812,477 Gray, J., 1,168,495; 1,216,306; 1,220,416; 1,283,500; 1,340,951; 1,438,759 Gray, J. H., 1,489,410 Gray, O., 1,485,180 Gray, T., 1.158,205; 1,340,889 Grayson, J., 1,402,062 Greco, A., 1,472,974 Greeley, G., 1,304,476 Green, A., 1,299,171; 1,321,736 Green, A., and S. Green, 1,488,239 Green, A., and H. Roscoe, 1,371,555 . Green, A., and K. Saunders, 1,483,084; 1,483,797 ; 1,483,798 Green, H., see F. Pyne Green, H., 1,206,777 Green, M., 1,485,025 Green, S., see A. Green Green, S., 1,404,387 Green, 8., and J. Opie, 1,391,159 Green, T., see W. Clifford Green, W., see W. Lewrs Green, W., 1,386,252; 1,473,289 Greenawalt, J., 1,848,407; 1,348,408 Greenawalt, W., 1,179,522; 1,180,844; 1,186,306 ; 1,198,024; 1,209,835; 1,214,775; 1,218,177; 1,218,996; 1,250,303; 1,279,860; 1,314,742; 1,328,666; 1,840,826; 1,342,804; 1,344,030; 1,344,031; 1,344,127; 1,345,846; 1,347,088; 1,347,089; 1,350,605; 1,353,995; 1,857,495; 1,373,557; 1,874,445; 1,374,446; 1,374,500; INDEX OF NAMES 1,468,806; 1,480,059; 1,483,056; 1,489,121; 1,509,947; 1,514,153 Greenberg, J., 1,381,821; 1,381,822 Greene, A., 1,129,862; 1,185,394; 1,185,395; 1,185,396; 1,185,397; 1,449,094; 1,449,319 Greene, A., and W. Runyan, 1,455,747 Greene, B., 1,156,994 Greene, D., 1,497,782 Greene, H., 1,150,516; 1,424,132 Greene, O., 1,518,422 Greene, see Friese-Greene Greenhorne, T., 1,135,684 Greenlee, A., 1,438,232 Greenley, T., 1,261,022 Greenstreet, C., 1,166,982; 1,299,172; 1,431,225; 1,432,178; 1,470,359 ’ Greenstreet, J., 1,208,952 Greenstreet, O., 1,324,892 Greenway, H., see H. Lavers Greenway, J., and H. Morse, 1,224,458 Greenwood, F., 1,415,546; 1,511,461 Greenwood, G., 1,338,440 Greenwood, H., 1,312,534; 1,829,397; 1,337,903 Greenwood, H., and W. Tate, 1,335,891 Greenwood, W., 1,461,444 Greer, J., 1,236,557 Greer, M., 1,226,071 Greetham, E., see P. Freedman Greeves, T., 1,323,979 Gregg, E. T., see F. Seibert Gregory, H., 1,435,707 Gregory, M., see Hazeltine Gregory, M., 1,321,788 Greilich, W., 1,194,732 Greim, O., 1,265,326 Grelck, W., 1,144,539; 1,322,561; 1,428,628 Grenagle, J., 1,248,648; 1,385,072 Gressle, A., 1,408,587 Greulich, R., and H. Lickfett, 1,268,240 Greville, H., 1,300,604; 1,306,333 Gribben, E., 1,495,839 Gridley, E., 1,304,679 Grier, F., see P. Poetschke Griere, J., 1,228,910; 1,230,890 Grieshaber, F., see G. Engi Grieshamer, J., 1,208,545 Griffin, A., 1,327,094 Griffin, E., 1,260,535 Griffin, M., 1,487,456 Griffin, R., 1,124,015 Griffing, C., 1,282,413 Griffith, C., 1,261,023; 1,519,200 Griffiths, D.: 1,350 865 Griffiths, BS and D. Blacet, 1,471,655 Griffiths, R., 1,240,438; 1 240, 439 ; 71 016,598 Griggs, A., 1,466,619 Grigioni, J., see I. Hobsbawn Grigsby, H., see C. Hoffman Grimditch, W., 1,374,076 Grimes, F., 1,227,781 Grimes, C., 1,480,445 Grimes, J., 1,151,519 Grimm, L., and I. Paul, 994,919 Grimmer, J., and F. Straub, 1,402,350 Grimoin-Sanson, R., 1,476,226 Grimwood, C., 1,348,409 ; 1,230,479; 1,272,035; cr [4 4 Grinberg, A., and B. Feldman, 1,172,021 Grinberg, A., and B. Field, 1,268,563 Grindrod, G., 1,393,282; 1,432,686; 1,495,734; 1,503,892; 1,511,808 Grinlinton, H., 1,481,395 Grinnell, M., 1,366,380 Griswold, G., see G. Sheridan Griswold, J., and H. Loebell, 1,375,754 Griswold, T., see E. Barstow Griswold, T., and E. Barstow, 1,140,873 Gritte, J., see R. Camell Grob, A., see G. Engi Grob, A., 1,394,823 Grob, A., and C. Adams, 1,422,564 Grob, A., and J. Wuergler, 1,268,455; Grob, W., see B. Stuer Groch, F., 1,413,723 ; 1,413,724 Groeling, ‘A. von, 1,295, ‘088: 1,327,184; 1,378,066 ; 1,456,953 Greendal, G., 1,202,512; 1,322,480; 1,363,970 Groendal, G., and H. Nilsson, 1,142,324 Groenningsaeter, A., see G. Haglund Groff, H., see P. Buch Groff, J., 1,364,051; 1,464,506; 1,490,268 Groll, M., 1,179,625 Gronroos, H., 1,341,979 Groote, M. de, 1,500,670 Gross, A., 1,496,932 Gross, C., 1,149,645 Gross, J., A 145, 307 ; 1,154,762 Gross, K. see P. Schmid Gross, P., 1,213,627; 1,506,831 Grossmann, labia 183, 640; 1,422, 698 Grossmann, J., 1,298, 334 Grosvenor, O., 1,415, 929 Grosvenor, W., see C. Doremus Grosvenor, W., 1,138,751; 1,143,623; 1,186,477 ; 1,200 488; 1,226,655; 1 239, 178: 1,311,964 ; 1,311,965; 1,378,105; 1,378,106 Grosvenor, W., and L. Beecher, 1,214,299 Grosvenor, W., and J. Harold, 1,430,543 Groten, F., 1,455,200; 1,517,360 Groth, L., 1222, 861 Grotlisch, V., see W. Sterling Grotta, B., see B. Cook Grotta, Be 1,439,099; 1,453,976; 1,481,361 Grouselle, ite 1,284, 094 Grousseau, E. de, and A. Vicongne, 1,886,166 Grout, F., see G. Titus Grove, W., 1,455,485 Grover, F., see L. Jones Grover, F., see J. Pennock Grover, J., 1,449,281 Groves, He and D. Lain, 1,490, 463° Groves, S., "1 366, 256 Groves, S., and T. Ward, 1,400,430 Grube, G., 1,496,845 Gruber, pe and H. Bashioun, 1,427,328 Grubmann, B., see N. Goodman Gruen, A., see E. Zollinger Gruen, A. 1,505,560 Gruener, Ve 1,311,506 Gruenhagen, H., 1,255,739; 1,255,740; 1,455,486 ; 1,455,487; 1 455, 488; 1 473 550 Gruenstein, N., 1,174 250: 1 184,177; 1,185,499; 1,185,500; 1 234, 156: 1 437, 139: 1 ey: 951 Gruenstein, N,, and P. Berge, 1,431 301 ‘, 1,435,464; 1,317,160 56. UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Gruenwald, F., 1,330,444 Gruenwald, H., 1,179,176 Gruenzweig, M., 1,124,891; 1,155,057 Gruessner, F., see G. Ullrich Grueter, R., 1,195,673 Gruether, R., and H. Pohl, 1,160,595 Gruettefien, W., see J. Callsen Gruettefien, W., see R. Berendes Gruettefien, W., see J. Huismann Gruettefien, W., 1,305,462; 1,338,297 Gruhl, R., see H. Stockhausen Grumman, V., 1,200,489 Grunbaum, M., 1,506,633 Grundy, J., 1,400,675 Grunenberg, H., and A. Katz, 1,497,439 Grunwald, B., 1,285,683; 1,298,932; 1,318,075; 1,318,076; 1,361,324; 1,361,325 Grupe, W., 1,515,676 Grylls, W., see H. Heape Guastavino, R., see W. Sabine Guastavino, R., 1,440,073 Guay, E., 1,188,759; 1,304,477 Gubbins, W., 1,516,093 Gubin, R., 1,188,068 Gudebrod, C., 1,486,487 Gudebrod, E., see G. Gudebrod Gudebrod, G., and E. Gudebrod, 1,285,988 Gudge, B., see W. Kempton Gudge, B., see G. Little Gudge, B., 1,299,706 Gudge, B., and P. Guest, 1,501,330 Gudger, F., 1,202,513 Gue ES 1/123 867.50 |. Guenther, A., see A. Thauss Guenther, F., see O. Schmidt Guenther, F., 1,176,363; 1,412,937; 1,430,899 Guenther, O., 1,150,675; 1,159,375; 1,176,363 Guerin, M., 1,482,514 Guerin, B., 1,169,397 Guernsey, E., and J. Yee, 1,422,699 Guernsey, F., 1,419,625 Guess, G., 1,251,511 Guest, P., see B. Gudge Guggenheim, E., 1,163,337 Guggenheim, M., 1,417,167 Guggenheim, M., and E. Hug, 1,308,414 Gui, E., 1,164,087 Guichard, E., 1,230,151 Guignard, G., 1,175,747; 1,411,087 Guillaume, C., 1,313,291 Guillaume, E., 1,199,371 Guillery, R., 1,367,133 Guillet, V., see H. Mauvillin Guillochin, A., 1,400,431 Guiterman, K., 1,195,211; 1,314,588; 1,438,643 Gulbrandsen, §S., 1,197,365 Gullborg, A., 1,521,020 Gumowski, A., 1,502,501 Gunby, J., 1,401,771 Gundelach, M., 1,170,247 Gundersen, A., 1,372,423 Gurevich, G. and R. Woodward, 1,301,688 Gurr, C., 1,509 o02 Gush, We 1,366 257 Gusmer, ‘A. 1,406,554 1,308,418 ; Gustafson, G., A. Jungmarker and K. Caspers- son, 1,423,847 Gutberlet, C., 1,245,100 Guy, W., 1,411,088 Guye, P.:, | 1,331,104; | 1,331,105; 1,407,530; 1,433,004 Guye, P., and A. Schmidt, 1,443,220 Guyot, A., 1,822,898; 1,343,715; 1,409,098 Gyuris, J., 1,513,239 Gyzander, A., 1,270,150 1,348,874 ; 1,343,716 ; H Haas, F., see H. Geldermann Haas, H., 1,156,775; 1,478,853 Haas, J., of 451 543: 4 ‘97, 265 Haas, i. . 1,144 193; 1,329,898 ; 1 501 5769 Haas, W., and H. Young, 1,273,361 Haase, Ate 1,403,025 Haase, W. W., 1 ,191,964 Habbema, ae 1 403,405 Habeeb, W., 1,365,241 Haber, F,, and R. Le Rossignol, 1,202,995 Haber, H, 1,243,734; 1,407,531 Haber, To 1,281, 156 Hach, (eh "1,280, 213 Hachmann, F., 1,440,678 Hacker, J., 1,472,830 Hacking, E 1 362 295; 1,416,195; 1,421,217 Hacking, J., fl eel 550 Hackl, H., ‘and H., Bunzel, 1,175,751 Hackstaff, G., 1,486,243 Hadaway, hice 4 429 237 Hadaway, W., 1 158 487; 1,200,352 Hadaway, W.. and E. Rose, 1 ‘158 A88 Hadfield, Ry 1,310,528 ; 1 318, 748; 1,344,392: 1,347 TAL: 1,357,705; 1,362,788 ; 1,367,545; 1,410,749; 1,485,294; 1,435,840 Hadfield, R., A. Jack and I. Milne, 1,381,633 Hadfield, W., see H. Wilson Hadley, G., 1,123,869 Haefely, E., 1,180,268; 1,168,067; 1,228,371; 1,246,740 Haeffner, A., 1,231,153 Haege, T., 1,411,696 Haenicke, A., 1,427,103 Haertel, H., 1,310,013 Haeseler, P., 1,341,462 Haessly, H., and A. Posler, 1,410,293 Haferkamp, C., see F. Cruser Haferkamp, C., 1,480,900 Haff, M., see T. Willson Haff, M., and T. Willson, 1,161,473 Haff, R., see FE. Rhodes Hagan, W.E. Co., 1,439,869 Hagedorn, C., 1 175, 439: 1,253,590; 1,253,591 Hageman, A., ‘and J. Kovachy, 1,471 466 Hageman, N, 1,383,938 1,423,494 ; 1,326,861 1,171,609 ; INDEX OF NAMES 57 Hagemann, C., 1,270,290 Hagemann, K., 1,127,234 Hagemann, O., 1,147,392; 1,232,913 Hagemann, O., and C. Baskerville, 1,238,137 Hagemeister, R., 1,286,602 Hagen, A. von, 1,221,636; 1,237,425; 1,265,700 Hagenbach, H., 1,194,380, Hagenbach, R., see G. Kranzlein Hagenboecker, A., see M. Schmidt Hager, F., 1,174,856; 1,276,349 _ Hager, R., 1,366,258 Haggard, H., see Y. Henderson Haggenmacher, J., 1,463,209 Haggerty, J., 1,500,452 Hagino, S., 1,834,752 . Haglund, G., 1,375,631 Haglund, G., and A. Groenningsaeter, 1,163,234 Haglund, T., 1,512,462 Hagmaier, E., see 8. Babcock Hagmaier, H., 1,361,719 Hahl, H., see H. Weyland Hahl, H., 1,129,865 Hahl, H., and W. Kropp, 1,517,003 Hahl, H., and H. Weyland, 1,517,002 Hahn, A., see F. Pope Hahn, A., 1,282,415; 1,397,684 Hahn, C., and T. Williamson, 1,180,392 Hahnenkamm, W., 1,125,311 Hails, E., 1,378,344 Hain, A., 1,252,800 Hainer, W., 1,143,386 Haines, F., and F. Sorensen, 1,397,514 Haines, H., see H. Abraham Haire, R., 1,190,756; 1,457,161 Hakes, D., and A. Laperou, 1,461,351 Halbleib, E., and T. Lee, 1,274,411 Haldeman, F., 1,453,457 ~ Hale, A., 1,492,454 Hale, E., see W. Johnson Hale, E., 1,492,685 Hale, W., see H. Dow Hale, W., 1,300,263; 1,521,241 Haley, C., 1,884,460 Haley, D., 1,857,556 Haley, H., 1,455,749 Hall, A., see F. Breyer Hall, A., see K. Summon Hall, A., 1,380,711; 1,380,712 Hall, B., 1,261,122 Hall, C., see J. Paul Hall, C., 1,163,911; 1,290,024; 1,513,548 Hall, D., 1,253,236 Hall, E., 1,132,258; 1,290,181; 1,306,060; 1,409,709 Hall, F., see G. Gray Hall, F., see A. Wahlquist Hall, F., 1,405,115; 1,422,568; 1,503,648; 1,512,420 Hall, G., 1,148,226 Hall, H., see J. Kelly Hall, H., 1,232,295; 1,458,290 Hall, J., see R. Jordan fete d., 1,147,718; 1,166,127; 1,249,075; 1,467,542; 1,515,947 Hall, J., and M. Apgar, 1,466,649 Hall, J., and R. Jordan, 1,421,218 Hall, L., and F. Tuttle, 1,256,789 1,250,862; 1,282,222; 1,468,632 ; 1,201,288 ; Hall, R., see R. Myers Hall, R., 1,276,058; 1,461,118 Hall, R., and H. Smith, 1,461,117 Hall, S., 1,422,852; 1,474,629 Hall, W., 1,133,636; 1,183,637; 1,134,846; 1,175,909; 1,175,910; 1,189,445; 1,194,289; 1,239,099; 1,239,100; 1,242,796; 1,247,671; 1,249,106; 1,285,136; 1,303,301; 1,303,302; 1,340,044; 1,416,634 Hall, W. G., 1,489,887 Halle, W., 1,123,522 Haller, A., 1,415,340; 1,429,342 Haller, H., see EH. Adams Haller, H., see R. Williams Haller, J., 1,503,044 Halliburton, E., 1,486,883 Hallmark, E., 1,415,552 Halloran, H., see P. Glass Halloran, J., 1,518,920 Hallowell, A., see W. Clay Halls, S., and O. Ryan, 1,201,958 Halman, I., 1,133,639 Halper, L., 1,317,288 Halseth, E., 1,296,951 Halsey, F., 1,223,692 Halter, G., 1,172,885 Halvorsen, A., see H. Foersterling Halvorsen, A., 1,243,062; 1,486,137 Halvorsen, B., see S. Aannerud Halvorsen, B., see A. Foss Halvorsen, B., 1,316,950; 1,333,020; 1,375,588; 1,406,455; 1,463,508; 1,494,835; 1,498,030; 1,498,031; 1,503,319; 1,517,727 Halvorsen, B., and C. Hoerbye, 1,310,751 Halvorson, C., 1,394,085; 1,422,439 Hamblet, A., 1,213,357 Hambloch, A., 1,252,264; 1,512,924 Hambrock, L., 1,143,387 Hambuechen, C., 1,188,761; 1,224,376; 1,292,764; 1,375,632; 1,488,110; 1,484,885 Hamburg, M., 1,124,611 Hamburger, A., 1,308,708; 1,308,709 Hamburger, T., 1,459,395 Hameister, H., 1,214,157 Hamel, C., 1,483,224 Hamelius, E., 1,808,524 Hamil, J., 1,361,763 Hamilton, E., 1,136,872; 1,399,554; 1,404,714 Hamilton, H., 1,480,439 : Hamilton, J., see M. Badollet Hamilton, J., see H. Paine | Hamilton, J., 1,313,292; 1,388,998 Hamilton, J., and E. Quirk, 1,381,300 Hamilton, S., 1,181,220; 1,431,789 Hamilton, T., 1,229,195 Hamilton, W., see R. Hanna Hamilton, W., 1,296,384 Hamilton, W., and T. Evans, 1,432,289 Hamilton, W., and F. Reid, 1,520,240 Hamister, V., 1,403,903; 1,453,793; 1,501,108 Hamler, J., 1,487,973 Hamler, P., 1,321,628; Re-15,362 Hamlin, A., 1,364,368 Hamlin, M., 1,309,683 Hamlyn, G., see C. Weizmann Hammett, J., 1,241,374 1,261,383; 1,362,570; 58 . UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, Hammond, J., 1,466,485; 1,493,262; 1,516,726 Hammond, J., and H. Buswell, 1,444,312 Hammond, T., see E. Chambers Hamor, W., see H. Davis Hamor, W., and E. Harding, 1,495,789 Hamor, W., and C. Trigg, 1,292,458 Hampel, H., 1,460,898 Hampton, F., 1,315,551 Hanahan, M., 1,253,238 Hanavan, L., 1,235,136 Hancock, E., and D. David, 1,183,641 Hancock, J., 1,153,686 Hancock, T., 1,336,224 Handler, E., 1,158,491; 1,327,234 Handschiegl M., see A. Wyckoff Handschiegl, M., 1,316,791; 1,334,655 Handy, J., 1,194,015; 1,281,354; 1,281,355; 1,287,005; 1,287,299; 1,295,308 Handy, J., and R. Isham, 1,194,013; 1,194,014; 1,201,042; 1,248,486; 1,270,818; 1,270,819 Handy, R., 1,185,902 Handy, W., 1,330,263 Hamer, C., see A. Backhaus Haner, C., 1,896,368; 1,403,160; 1,444,833 Hangleiter, C., see H. Clemm Hanish, R., 1,356,356 Hanke, G., see F. duPont Hankel, M., 1,200,726 Hanks, ‘GC. see S. Apgar Hanley, He 1,241,966; 1,241,967; 1 360,524 Hanlon, J., "1,156, 995 Hann, R.., 1,182,270 Hanna, J., and L. Coon, 1,442,336 Hanna, R., Tike rae 1,408 698; 1,419,378 Hanna, R,, WwW. Hamilton, 1,449 220; 1,449 227 Hanna, W., 1,426,730 Hannan, A., 1,189,101 Hannay, J., 1,175,146 Hannay, W., 1,456,798 Hanriot, A., 1,285,690 Hans, O., 1,450,545 Hansche, G., see O. Graul Hansell, E., 1,376,273 Hansen, A., 1,436,762 Hansen, A., and M. Neve, 1,205,735 Hansen, C., see H. Carstens Hansen, C., 1,811,274; 1,431,113 Hansen, C., and A. Weindel, 1,128,780; 1,159,376 Hansen, E., 1,273,058; 1,379,260 Hansen, G., 1,361,459: Hansen, J., 1,215,526 Hansen, K., 1,486,430 Hansen, O, 1,390,703 Hansen, P., 1,277,311 Hansen, V., 1,354,551 Hansgirg, F., 1,384,615; 1,398,856 Hanson, A., and H. Moe, 1,487,235 Hanson, D., 1,330,632 Hanson, F., 1,875,454; 1,375,455 Hanson, H., 1,222,100 Hanson, H., and P. Hodgdon, 1,401,980 Hanson, ree J. Leecock and C. Blodgett, 1,500, 126 Hanson, hawand: Moore, 1,307,197 Hanson, H., and A. Walker, 1,380, 142 Hanson, L., 1,169,956 Hanstein, O., see H. Russak 1915-1924 Haon, H., 1,822,786; 1,372,021 Hapgood, C., 1,863,784; 1,381,705; 1,381,706; 1,425,645; 1,460,718; | 1,464,707; 1,474,670; 1,492,168; 1,509,355 Hapgood, C., and G. Mayno, 1,457,072 Hara, T., 1,485,502 Harbaugh, D., 1,306,479; 1,306,480 Harbeck, J., 1,173,267; 1,173,268 Harbord, F., 1,422,701 Hardel, J., 1,837,451 Harden, G., 1,198,028 Hardenbrook, L., 1,232,796 Harding, C., 1,198,542; 1,296,076 Harding, E., see W. Hamor Harding, E., 1,199,035 Harding, H., 1,426,633 Harding, P., 1,166,903; 1,239,179 Harding, W., see H. Faber Hardman, G., 1,418,708 Hardman, Be and F. Northup, 1,244,326 Hardy, EF. and E. Hungerbuehler, an 045 Hare, P., 1,238 289 Harger, Ae and H. Terrey, 1,366,176 Harger, R: 1,297,685 Hargreaves, L., see T. Hutchins Haring, K., see W. Spalteholz Haring, K., 1,179,857; 1,285,144 Harle, E., 1,488,787 Harle, J., 1,306,895 Harley, F., 1,285,992 Harley, W., 1,308,239 Harlow, I., see S. Jones Harlow, I., 1,400,542; 1,422,571 Harman, W., see F. Carver Harmeling, H., 1,334,092 Harmon, C., 1,263,237 Harms, W., see W. Blauvelt Harnes, A., see O. Hirsch Harney, el 1,457,164 Harnist, C. 1,490, 774 Harold, J., see W. Grosvenor Harper, A., 1,501,049 Harper, F., 1,157,530; 1,157,531 Harper, G., 1,414,695 Harrel, C., 1,429,504 Harries, iy , see F. Gephart Harrington. R., 1,308,948 Harrington, ai 1 ‘446, ,178 Harris, A., see "L. Inman Harris, Ch 1,520,947 Harris, E., see R. Cook Harris, E., 1,413,984 Harris, F., 1,190,160; 1,405,118; 1,405,119; 1,405,122; 1,405,123; 1,405,126; 1,405,127; 1,405,128; 1,405,130; 1,410,673; 1,458,291; Harris, G., and J. Pollard, 1,138,380 Harris, H., 1,145,865; 1,395,820; Re-15,960 Harris, I[., 1,474,029; 1,488,815 Harris, I., and F. Eschmann, 1,260,899 Harris, J., see J. Rose Harris, J., 1,240,565; 1,275,252; 1,303,891; 1,420,037; 1,425,856; 1,498,270; 1,504,557; 1,505,390 1,405,117; 1,405,121: 1,405,125: 1,405,129 ; 1,480,064 1,190,161; 1,405,120; 1,405,124: 1,418,148; 1,240,566; 1,303,892: 1,457,835: 1,505,338; 1,240,567 ; 1,381,460: 1,498,269 : 1,505,339 ; INDEX OF NAMES 59 Harris, J., and D. Thomas, 1,203,615 Harris, N., 1,126,993 Harris, P., 2a ‘487, 236 Harris, P., and N. Mynders, 1,264,644 Harvis, R. , see F. Mueller Harris, W., 1,829,968; 1,440,540 Harrison, As 1 347, 095 Harrison, B., 1 387 ,710; 1,408,457; 1,414,275 Harrison, F., 1 353 654 Harrison, H., see W. Prisk Harrison, H., 1,134,127; val 719 . Harrison, J., see J. Fletcher Harrison, M., see H. Morton Harrison, M., 1,239,180; 1,445,080 1,134,128 ; _ Harrison, M., and H. Morton, 1,434,892 Harrison, N., see M. Nillson Harrison, N., 1,314,061 Harrison, P., 1,355,554 Harrison, R., 1,311,275 Harrison, W., 1,221,445 Harrop, J., 1,230,894 Harsch, C., 1,235 028 Harshberger, H., 1,325,361 Harshfield, J., 1,347 508 Hart, A., i aah 929: if 962,879; 1,501,111 ‘Hart, E., 1,258, 895: 1 293, A423; . 1,322,900; if 323, 228; 1,399,014 Hart, H., and C. Massey, 1,205,738 Hart, Ala “a 519,373 Hart, P., see H. Ellis Hart, R., 1,179,180; 1,491,040 Hart, Ty, 1 ‘158, ‘418: 1.252 ‘433 Hartenstein, a 1,152 506 Harter, N., 1 489, 076 Harthan, Ay see F’. von Bichowsky Hartman, E., 1,234,470 a4 artman, e, see H. Hartman Hartman, F., 1,514,964 Hartman, H., 1,139,969; 1,139,970; 1,363,589 ; 1,423,658; 1,436,251; Re-15,880; 1,437,302; 1,512 "285 Hartman, H.,and F. Hartman, 1,395,569 Hartman, W., see H. Clarke Hartman, W., 1,456,270 Hartmann, C., 1,135,792 Hartmann, M., see P. Huessy Hartmann, M., 1,263,238; 1,354,105; 1,482,792; 1,482,793 Hartmann, M., and H. Kaegi, 1,437,802 Hartmann, M., ” and M. Seiberth, 1,403,117 Hartmann, M., and E. Wybert, 1,350, 408 Hartmann, se 1,387, 153 Hartner, F., 1371, 762: 1,470,731 Hartong, R. 1 301, 693: 1 '370, 965; 1,396,837 _ Hartsuch, 5 1,235 202 Hartung, W., 1,517, 675 Harty, W.., 1,473,853 Harty, W., and F. Moore, 1,445,943 Hartzell, F., 1,377,155 Harvey, E., 1,366,653 Harvey, J., 1,486,431 Harvey, R., see J. Hebbard Harwood, L., 1,229,075 Hasburg, J., 1,168, 882; 1,249,390; 1,328,833 Hasenclever, P., 1,486 961; 1,502 035 Hasenfratz, ie see L. Bonneau Hasenohr, OF "1,207 910 1,134,129 ; 1,376,091 ; Hashimoto, 8., 1,377,130 Haskell, H., 1,516,566; 1,516,567 Haskin, J., 1,148,381 Haskins, B.,; 1,426,868 Haslup, E., 1,279,110; 1,281,363; 1,285,152; 1,291,498; 1,310,478; 1,310,479; 1,310,480 Haslup, E., and B. Beacock 1,270, 515; 1,279,108 ; 1,279, 109: 1,291,867 Hassam, W., 1,215,273 Hassam, W., and H. Parker, 1,191,803 Hasselt, R. van, 1,259,683 Hassler, F., see Co "Immerheiser Hassler, ie 1,390,205; 1,501,836 Haste, ha 1 494 79: 1 514, 283 Haste, ang and E, Ward, 1 486,245; 1,507,174 Hatakeyama, S., 1,434 893 Hatfield, A., 1 205, 345 « 1,434,246 Hatfield, tH 1 173. 570: 1 ‘174, 715 Hatfield, S., ct 208, 777 Hathaway, C., 1 bc 161; 1,874,885 Hathaway, J., 1 248, 107 Hatt, J., 1,134,381; 1,184,382; 1,235,804; 1,302,919; 1,302,920; 1,349,956; 1,407,029; 1,497,272; 1,518,426 Hatt, M., 1,162,162 Hattori, S., 1 292, 404 Hattori, S., ne Tsuboi and I. Horiuchi, 1,489,596 Hatzfeld, A . see O. Stewart Hatzig, H., see L. Ach Hauber, M., see T. Meadows Hauber, M., 1,323,764 Hauff, F., see K. zu Loewenstein Haug, C., and H. Magnuson, 1,162,771 Haughey, W.., 1,232,032; 1,232 ‘446 Hauewitz, R., 1, ‘209, 154; 1 ‘405, 687 ; 1,419,500 Hauk, E., 1,442, 945 Haultain, Hit 1 318, 400; 1,226,330 Haun, J., and A. Silver, 1,399, 458 Haupt, H., and M. Werner, 1,220 037 Hauptl, H., see S. Waring Hauptmann, P., 1,199,890 Hauptmeyer, F., 1 402 ,229; 1,421,776 Hausamann, C., 1145, 480 Hausamann, aH: see J. Lund Hauser, O., see H. Herzfeld Hauss, D, 1,163,339; 1,293,426 Haussermann, F., 1,149,914 Havas, B., see M. Mayer Havasy, es 1,407,747 Havens, ay 1 ‘18, 374 Haverly, 4p 1,372,137 Haverstick, D., 1,225,954 Haverstick, E., 1,472, 169 Hawkins, A., 1 326, 261; 1,425,474 Hawkins, Ge GC. Smith and '. Schanzenbach, 1,174.934 Hawkins, E., 1,301,841 Hawkins, H., 1,246,595 Hawkins, T., 1,151,180; 1,202,712; 1,398,098; 1,413,532 Hawkins, W., 1,510,843 Hawley, L., 1,199,271; Re-14,388; 1,363,730; 1,369,428; 1,385,826 Haworth, W., see J. Irvine Haworth, W., and F. Atack, 1,426,380 Haworth, W., and J. Irvine, 1 997 049; 1,401 693 Hay, A., see. J. Camiller 60 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Hayashi, T., and U. Emura, 1,269,080 Hayde, S., 1,255,878 Hayden, G., 1,197,737 Hayden, H., see C. Forrest Hayden, H., 1,228,361 Hayden, J., 1,190,162 Haydon, W., 1,208,313 Hayduck, F., 1,449,102; 1,449,105; 1,449,106; 1,449,109; 1,449,110; 1,449,118; Re-15,716 Hayes, A., 1,241,112; “1,838,983; 1,361,153 ; 1,416,291; 1,428,885 Hayes, R.., 1,224,636 Hayes, S., 1,185,399 Haynes, C., see R. Kinsley Haynes, C., see E. Webster Haynes, E., 1,150,113 Haynes, H., 1,410, AT71 Haynes, P., see vA Hufford Haynes, P., 1,408,298; 1,429,242; 1,508,185 Haynes, P., and G. Curme, 1,460,545 Haynes, P., and G. Gerfin, 1,456, 924 Haynes, P., and H. Thompson, 1,289 ,229 Haynn, R., ‘and F, Muenz, 1,451 299 Hays, C., see J. Hays Hays, F., see L. Goris Hays, F., 1,149,440 Hays, J., and C. Hays, 1,184,095 Hayward, C., see F. Eustis Hayward, C., and H. Schleicher, 1,415,346 Hayward, Ce H. Schleicher, and F, Stillman, 1,370,646 Hayward, C., F. Stillman and H. Schleicher, 1,341,901 Haywood, J., 1,266,258 Hazard-Flamand, M., 1,201,043; 1,201,044 Hazelett, C., 1,831,761; 1,331,762; 1,331,763; 1,331,764; 1,403,409; 1,408,410; 1,415,873 Hazeltine, B., 1,295,986 Hazeltine, H., and M. Gregory, 1,360,744 Hazeltine, R., 1,161,475 Hazeltine, W., 1,450,367 Hazen, W., see W. Ross Hazen, W., and W. Ross, 1,456,850 Head, C., 1,422,703 Head, R.., 1,318,997; 1,358,949 Headley, W., 1,472,393 Headson, F., 1,161,218; 1,283,754; 1,307,549 Healy, A., 1,194,176 Healy, J., 1,147,942 Healy, L., and A. Frank, 1,272,040 Heany, J., 1,155,812; 1,155,813; 1,211,443; 1,406,645; 1,406,730; 1,407,686; 1,439,166 Heap, W., and E. Newberry, 1,331,257 Heape, W., and H. Grylls, 1,302 "7195, Hearne, E., 1,453,586 Heath, C., 1,124 432 : 1,342,539 Heath, W., 1,358,950; 1,884,318; 1,384,319; 1,494,544; 1,502,563 Heath, W., and R. Washburn, 1,406,381 Heaton, He see F., Sargent Heaton, HH, 1,255,164 Hebard, Al, 1 145, 585 1,449,103; 1 1,449,107; 1 1,449,111; 1, 1 1 1,241,113; 1,363,870; 1,429,903 ; 1,307,548 ; Hebbard, J., 1,261,810; 1,380,650 Hebbard, J., and R. Harvey, 1,260,668 Heberlein, C., 1,389,829 Heberlein, E., 1,265,082; 1,439,517; 1,439,519 Heberlein, G., 1,141,872; 1,144,655; 1,201,961: 1,288,884; 1,288,885; 1,392,264; 1,392,265; 1,439,512; 1,489,513; 1,489,514; 1,489,515; 1,489,516; 1,589,518; 1,489,520; 1,439,521 Hechenbleikner, I., see R. Pfaehler Hechenbleikner, I., 1,143,625; 1,167,755; 1,249,392; 1,264,182; 1,264,509; 1,264,510; 1,264,511; 1,264,512; 1,264,513; 1,264,514; 1,297,464; 1,811,395; 1,313,379; 1,314,802; 1,409,295; 1,497,173 Hechenbleikner, I., 1,457,030 Hechenbleikner, I., and P. Gilchrist, 1,513,903 Hechenbleikner, I., and T. Oliver, 1,415,443; 1,421,688; 1,423,766; 1,423,767; 1,429,140; 1,456,874; 1,464,527 Hechler, V., 1,389,947; 1,488,918 Hecht, H., and D. Black, 1,889,446 Heck, A., 1,515,042 Heck, G., see F. Lingafelter Hecker, G., 1,878,410 Heckman, J., 1,154,858; 1,154,859; 1,386,331 Hedberg, C., 1,416,089 Hedberg, G., 1,835,785 Hedden, M., 1,130,817 Hedenburg, O., 1,336,957 Hedenburg, O., and D. Pratt, 1,344,035 Hedenskoog, E., 1,519,835 Hedges, E., 1,423,716 Hedges, W., 1,383 5205 Hedin, E., 1,440, 994 ; 1,502,646 Hedin, J., see C. Waite Hedman, ‘J ., 1,198,126 Hedrick, E., 1,248,111; 1,259,981 Hedstroem, H., 1,338,831; 1,353,532 Hedstrum, A., 1,195,219 Heerdt, W., 1,502,190 Heffele, G., 1,479,502 Hegan, C., 1,515,949 Hegan, H., 1,446,301 Hegeler, H., see J. Hegeler Hegeler, J., 1,378,411 Hegeler, J., and H. Hegeler, 1,227,050 Heginger, M., 1,376,334 Hehle, B., 1,154, 989 Hehman, ig 4 1,517,837 Heide, H. von der, 1,177,156 Heidelberger, M., see W. Jacobs Heidenreich, C., see A. Blank Heidenreich, C., 1,183,378; 1,474,587 Heidorf, C., 1,353,478; 1,358,151 Heil, A., 1,195,677 - Heil, W., 1,511,126 Heilbronner, L., 1,887,004 Heilman, E., 1,280,221 Hem, F., see A. Stock Heim, R.., 1,881,991 Heimann, ise it 199,697; 1,251,368; 1,251,369 Heimann, ey i 133 957 Heimerdinger, H., 1,295,160; 1,295,161; 1,295,162 Hein, P., 1,344,691 Heineke, C., see G. Heineke and F. Bartholomew, 1,171,046; INDEX OF NAMES 61 Heineke, G., and C. Heineke, 1,294,459 Heinemann, A., 1,134,677; 1, 146, 253; 1,159,880 ; 1,176,056; 1, 180, 497 ; 1, 194, 839 ; 1 202, 385 : 1 ‘400, 160; I ‘400, 161 30%, "441 ‘981 ; 1 460,244 Heinemann, 5k 176 ‘Bol: 1 453, 132. Heinrich, A. and J. Heinrich, 1,507,374 Heinrich, G., and J. Dunn, 1 161 668 Heinrich, J., see A. Heinrich Heinz, N., 1,315, 834 Heinz, N., and ax Geib, 1,277,922 Heis, ie and H. Jezler, 1,475, 995 Heise, ae see EH. Dyer Heise, G., see R. Benner Heise, G., 1,468,234; 1,484,779; 1 484, 784; 1,506, 425 Heise, G. and C. Brokate, 1,484,780; 1,484,781 ; 1, 484, 783 Heiskanen, J., 1,277,926 Heist, S., 1,414,326 Heitz, C., see A. Dachert Helbig, A., 1,497,333 Helbig, E., 1,288,582 Helbig, M., 1 315, 496 Helbronner, A., see V. Henri Helbronner, A., see A. Jouve Helbronner, A., see M. von Reckinghausen Helbronner, A., 1,191,804; 1,239,912 Helbronner, AS and G. Criquebeuf, 1,260,977 Helbronner, A., and P. Piperaut, 1 ‘443 077 Helbronner, A. and M. von Recklinghausen, 1,141,056 Held, S., 1,358,443; 1,420,838 Helfenstein, A. 1, 167 ‘998; 1,220,111 Helfgott, A., 1 206, 704 Helin, H., see Cl. Soedervall Heller, 2) 1,394,497; 1,402,354 Heller, E., 1 aed 323; 1 ,276,910 Heller, is eee ‘947, 833; 1 273, 857; 1,487,565 Heller, Tee eh, 126, 911 Hellstrand, G., 1 ,469 042 Helmholtz, A., i ‘422, 706 Hemelmann, ann 1 429, 876 Hemen, C., 1 56, 486; 1,477,220 Hemig, F., 1,214, 160 Hemingway, a at 337,402 Hemming, E., 1, 125 906 Hemming, G., 1, 429 707 Hemphill, R., i 437, 518 Henderson, ie 1 215 275; 1,322,496; 1,878,361 Henderson, 8 1 338, 654 Henderson, E., 1 939, ‘483; 1,513,812 Henderson, a 1 187, 314: 1 264, 932; 1,265,655; 1,266,261 ; 1 270, 732: 1 370, 647; 1 370, 815; 1 "464, "481 « 1, ‘464, 482 Henderson, G., ‘and R. Erwin, 1,464,480 Henderson, G., and H. Stephenson, ‘1 409,104 H enderson, H , see G. Prichard Henderson, 1) 1,241,971; 1,270,519; 1,270,520; 1,392,416 Henderson, L., 1,443,180 Henderson, Re . 169,8 819 Henderson, S., ah 174, 008; 1,177,105 Henderson, T, 1 340 655 Henderson, 8 ghee | 396, 429 Henderson, a ae and H. Haggard, 1,410,249 Hendrich, M., és) 487,893 Hendricks, R., 1,178,803 1,484,782 ; Henemier, R., 1,147,398 Henius, M., 1,343,915 Henke, C., see O. Brown Henke, K., see P. Siedler Henker, W., 1,506,060; 1,506,061 ; Henley, Les see M. Dorset Henley, R. 1,475,580 Henneberg, W., 1 ,228,916 Hennebutte, HH. 1, 155, 419; 1,165,877; 1,165,878 Hennich, J., 1 201, 181 Hennicke, is 1,442,406 1,506,062 Henning, A., 1,356,765; 1,386,497; 1,593,124; 1,440,918 Henning, B., 1,513,989 Henning, Cs see R. W oodbridge Henning, Oy, 1,336,463; 1,357,865; 1,393,623; 1,447,551; 1,473,818; 1, 503, 530 Henning, S., 1,329,599 Henon, J., 1,433, 276 Henri, V., see M. von Recklinghausen Henri, V., “A. Helbronner and M. von Reckling- hausen, 1,130,400; 1,182,266; 1,140,818; 1,140,819 ; 1,145,140; "1,151,267 ; 1,193,148 ; 1,200,940; 1,473,095 Henschel, L., 1,293,645 Hentschel, P., 1,247,678 Henwood, A., 1,309,622; 1,309,623; 1,347, 158; 1 347, 159; 1 347, 160 Hepburn, D., 1 456 492 Hepburn, G., 1 ‘426, 638 Hepner, M., 1 435, 843 Heppes, O., see V. Wallin Heppes, O., 1,320,549 ; 1,511,884 Heppes, O., and C. Rahr, 1,392,498 Herbein, an 1,235,895; 1 ‘469, 414. Herben, J., 1, 148 966 Herber, S., 1 183 457 ; 1,227,559 a 227, 560 Herbert, A., 1,303,313 Herbert, F., 1,211,844 Herbert, G., 1,411,353 Herbert, J., see H. George Herbold, F,, 1,151,948 Herbst, ial ’see C. Lundsgaard Hercher, ai 1,180,149 Herck, ui see L. Lumiere Herck, J., 1,847,631 Herendeon, C., 1,234,662; 1,234,663 Hereng, te 1, 172, 796 Herfurth, A., see "A. Rona Hering, C., 1, 160,169; 1,355,476 Hering, F.; i ‘407, 534. Herman, ae 1 430, 648; 1,480,649 ; 1,430, 651; ty 468, 905 ; 1,477,703 ; Hermann, M., 1,462, 284. Hermann, S., if 307, 860 Hermanns, qs 1,285, 703 Hermanson, O., 1,179,920 Hernandez, G., 1,430,991 Hernandez- Meiia, he 1,174,144 Hernu, H., 1,408,736 Heroult, P., if 172, 597 Herre, At. see W. Bauer Herreshoff, J., 1,231,349 Herrick, H., 1 349, 881 te Herrington, F, 1,401,907 1,310,080 ; 1,376,092; 1,493,447; 1,183,458; 1,227,558; 1,430,650; 1,495,175 62. UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Herrly, C., 1,480,551 Herrmann, E., see S. Fraenkel Herrmann, R., 1,510,779 Herrmann, W. see W. Mugdan Herrmann, W., and H. Deutsch, 1,489,213 Herrmann, W., and M. Mugdan, 1,220,746 Hershman, P., see C. MacDowell Hershman, P., 1,135,182; 1,137,617; 1,188,651; 1,188,769; 1,188,770; 1,188,771; 1,188,772; 1,188,936; 1,191,104; 1,191,105; 1,191,106; 1,197,626; 1,198,033; 1,220,848; 1,227,909; 1,240,569; 1,240,570; 1,240,571; 1,240,572; 1,250,874; 1,261,526; 1,273,220 Hershman, P., and R. Cooke, 1,189,254 Hersman, P., 1,176,293; 1,229,611 Herstein, B., 1,429,427 Hertenbein, L., see H. du Borstesselin Herting, C., 1,416,955 Hertlin, L., 1,276,697 Hertz, G., 1,486,521; 1,498,097 Hertzberg, H., 1,236,839: Herz, E., 1,443,328 Herz, E. von, 1,402,693; 1,498,001 Herz, R., 1,248,170; 1,243,171 Herz, R., and H. Balhorn, 1,452,805 Herz, R., and J. Mueller, 1,498,913 Herz, R., and N. Steiger, 1,497,720 Herzberg, M., 1,126,466; 1,160,406 Herzberg, W., and G. Hoppe, 1,419,502; 1,431,656 Herzberg, W., and O. Scharfenberg, 1,209,580; 1,408,296; 1,408,297; 1,419,501; 1,426,189; 1,426,190; 1,481,655; 1,518,847 Herzfeld, A., 1,891,683 Herzfeld, H., and O. Hauser, 1,125,318 Herzka, E., 1,168,255; 1,212,484 Herzog, R., 1,141,545 Heskett, W., 1,421,471 Heslewood, W.., 1,160,509 Hess, C., 1,463,954 Hess, F., 1,443,742 Hess, F., see E. Wray Hess, G., 1,241,973 Hess, H., 1,225,246; 1,844,891; 1,401,154 Hess, J., see S. Miller Hess, K., 1,158,496; 1,519,204 Hess, L., 1,133,961 Hess, P., 1,446,181 Hessberg, M., 1,146,793 Hessberger, J., see O. Schoenherr Hesse, L., 1,841,745 Hesselmeyer, A., 1,143,826 Hesson, W., 1,455,396 Hetherington, H., and J. Braham, 1,369,763; 1,423,799 Heudebert, C., 1,293,772 Heulings, S., 1,150,269 Heuser, F., 1,196,544 Heuser, H., Re-14,889; 1,275,254; | 1,277,931: 1,290,192; 1,302,549; 1,302,552; 1,308,588; 1,890,710; 1,401,700; 1,426,066; 1,441,726; 1,455,397; 1,498,274 Heuser, R.., 1,390,711; 1,395,641; 1,437,419 Heusner, K., see W. Neelmeier Hewitt, A., see J. Owen Hewitt, B., see W. Coons 1,131,516 ; 1,204,869 ; 1,286,315 ; 1,302,550 ; 1,228,917: 1,290,191; 1,302,551; Hewitt, G., 1,344,585 Hewitt, P., 1,188,655; 1,188,773; 1,188,774; 1,188,775; 1,188,776; 1,188,777; 1,197,629; 1,286,316; 1,286,882 Hey, H., 1,384,465; 1,482,858; 1,482,859 Hey, W., 1,202,717 Heydenreich, E., 1,285,704 Heyder, R.., 1,330,074 Heyerdahl, P., 1,368,148 Heygel, P., 1,444,345 Heyl, F., 1,888,429 Heyl, G., 1,242,188 Hevl, G., and T. Baker, 1,171,434 Heyl, P., 1,166,129 Heylandt, P., 1,154,770; 1,414,359 Heyman, A., 1,160,171; 1,160,172 Heyman, B., 1,162,060 Heymann, B., O. Dressel, R. Kothe, and A. Ossenbeck, 1,308,071 Heymann, B., R. Kothe, O. Dressel, and A. Ossenbeck, 1,218,654; 1,218,655 Heyn, H., see G. Curme Heys, W., see R. Macpherson Hiatt, L., and D. Porter, 1,515,738 Hibbard, H., 1,477,348 Hibbard, W., see C. Lindsay Hibbert, H., 1,126,467; 1,158,217; 1,164,647; 1,213,367; 1,213,368; 1.213369; 1,230,899; 1,231,351: 1,247,270; 1,261,811; 1,270,759; 1,283,183: 1,321,307; 1,407,274 Hibbert, H., H. Essex, and B. Brooks, 1,214,919 Hibbert, H., and H. Morton, 1,213,486; 1,213,487 Hiby, W., 1,486,094; 1,486,095; 1,486,096; 1,436,097; 1,436,098 Hickey, J., 1,413,116; 1,488,047 Hickman, F., 1,235,475 Hickmann, W., 1,173,965; 1,192,061 Hicks, E., 1,378,229 Hicks, G., 1,215,022 Hickson, J., and D. Young, 1,384,320 Hidden, C., 1,182:183; Lelaiiiee 1,352,193 Hieatzman, G., and W. Hieatzman, 1,163,538 1,352,192 ; ‘Hieatzman, W.., see G. Hieatzman Hieber, J., 1,429,679 Hiemenz, W., and L. Taub, 1,217,446; 1,217,447 Higburg, W., see Il. Derby | Higgins, A., 1,155,816; 1,170,637; 1,236,933; 1,236,934 , Higgins, A., and W. Stenning, 1,155,815 Higgins, E., 1,170,814; 1,211,704 Higgins, E., and O. Smith, 1,487,240 Higgins, P., 1,192,835 Higgons, W., 1,362,698 High, R., see P. Crosby Highfield, F., 1,153,786; 1,167,176 Higley, H., 1,178,469 Hildebrandt, G., 1,199,701; 1,199,700 Hildebrandt, P., 1,442,339; 1,442,340; 1,442,341; 1,472,331; 1,472,332 Hildenbrand, H., 1,515,950 Hill, C., 1,154,393; 1.489 ,247 Hill, D., 1,516,728 Hill, E., 1,188,937; 1,214,785 me 1,333,619; 1,346,316; Hill, E. W., see A. B. Dick Vi ny ‘x (C37 INDEX OF NAMES Hill, F., 1,897,099 Hill, G., 1,429,879 Hill, J., see J. Baddiley Hill, J., see H. Clark H ill, J., see S. Miller Hill, J., 1,141,961 Hill, L., 1,480,205 Hill, M., see F. Dunnington Hill, M., 1,506,342 . Hill, N., 1,498,168 - Hill, N., and H. Moyler, 1,362,418 Hill, R., see A. Francis Hill, R., 1,269,489; 1,334,303; 1,360,397; 1,360,398; 1,360,399; 1,483,087 Hill, R., and A. Strane, 1,299,942; 1,307,495 ; Re-15,155 Hille, A., 1,428,590 Hilleke, A., 1,163,752; 1,163,753 Hiller, S., 1,458,410; 1,489,940; 1,501,775; 1,518,926 Hillerich, J., 1,213,370 Hillhouse, C., 1,163,922; 1,193,783; 1,365,383 Hilliard, T., 1,128,446 Hillis, W., 1,168,211 Hills, H., 1,828,044; 1,328,045; 1,328,046; 1,372,880; 1,414,465 Hills, R., 1,821,632 Hillyer, H., 1,504,044 Hilpert, S., ” 1427, 386 Hilpert, W., see E. Sweetland Hiltermann, T., 1,273,967 Hilton, H., 1,331,260 - Hilton, R., 1,449,943 Hinchley, A., 1,317,497; 1,317,498 Hinchley, J., see L. Simon - Hinchley, J., 1,222,210 Hinckley, AD, 1 192, 062; 1,307,738; 1,346,959 Hinckley, E., 1,434, O11 Hinckley, F. 1,495,515 Hindelang, P.{ 1,515,597 Hindshaw, H., 1,471,846; 1,486,141 Hiner, H., 1,290,194 Hines, J., 1,471,792 Hines, W., 1,160,984; 1,219,815 Hinman, J., 1,486,488 Hinsberg, O., 1,482,291 - Hinterlach, E., 1,152,415 Se Finton, A., 1,403,412 Hintz, E., 1,269, 931 Hintz, se and H. Schulz, 1,346,091 Hinzke, a 1,149,765 ; 1,303,314 Hipple, vy, 1,486,894 Hipwell, H., 1,303,558 Hirota, K., 1,289,760 Hirsch, A., and M. Hirsch, 1,273,223; 1,290,010; 1,290,011; 1,407,749 Hirsch, F., 1,404,957 Hirsch, H., 1,183,009; 1,291,518 Hirsch, M. see A. Hirsch Hirsch, O., and A. Harnes, 1,358,207 Hirschberg, Z. von, 1,512, Bll Hirsching, H., 1,190,549 Hirschkind, W., see J. Watson Hirschkind, W., 1,343,508; 1,396,841; mirt, J., 1,141,639; 1,152,949; 1,467,037 1,479,542 1,375,002 ; So ey) Pirty Ga 380.b12 7 1,222,402") 1,250,879; 1,264,796 Hirth, C., 1,180,850 Hisamoto, J., 1,345,441 Hitch, E., 1,198,129; 1,206,220 Hitch, F., and A. Peter, 1,476,612 Hitchcock, H., 1,223,583; 1,281,371 Hite, C., 1,182,476; 1,224,641; 1,230,297; 1,290,992 Hitt, M., 1,321,633; 1,821,634 Witt, 6) 6291259597 Hixon, H., 1,491,138 Hixson, A., 1,420,630; 1,464,710 Hobbs, W., 1,131,698 Hoberg, F., 1,167,403 Hobsbawn, I., and J. Grigioni, 1,230,162; 1,230,163 ; Hobson, O., see O. Beckworth TTochschwender, K., see O. Schmidt Hochstadter, I., see S. Axelrad Hochstadter, I., 1,412,523 Hochstetter, F., 1,139,679; 1,139,680; 1,139,681; 1,139,682; 1,139,683; 1,149,443; 1,192,424; 1,207,042; 1,227,188; 1,845,184; 1,403,779; 1,419,379 Hochstetter, H. von, 1,241,789 Hochstetter, R., 1,158,131; 1,198,440; 1,198,441; 1,198,442; 1,226,884 Hochstrasser, M., 1,225,129 Hocker, C., 1,422,861, 1,512,024 Hockridge, S., 1,425,257 Hodgdon, P., see H. Hanson Hodge, H., 1,230,579 Hodge, K., 1,296,958 Hodgson, J., 1,148,168; 1,227,618; 1,227,619 Hodkinson, G., 1,243,737 Hodo, W., 1,230,298 Hodson, F-., 1,276,916; 1,335,284 Hodson, L., see G. Wright Hoehl, B., 1,381,833 Hoehn, J., 1,189,817 Hoelken, M., 1,493,545; 1,494,841 Hoen, C., 1,483, 885 Hoerbelt, B., 1,211,706 Hoerbye, C., see B. Halvorsen Hoerlein, H., 1,166,208; 1,178,720 Hoessle, ro yon, 1,491, 250 Hoey, S., 1,477,351 Hofer, C., 1,242,189 Hoff, J., 1,261,025 Hoffa, E., see H. Wagner Hoffa, E., 1,197,632; 1,197,633 Hoffman, pe see J. "Campbell 1,225,956; Hoffman, Ae 1,146,071; 1,166,588; B51; 522: AT 269 442: 1 269 B © ane Ws 4 Ue 1 '305, 213: 1.315,836 ; 1,428,633; 1,474,035 ; 1 ‘495 074 Hoffman, A., and A. Kropff, 1,288,587 Hoffman, n and W. Parkin, 1 221 ,735; 1,269,441 Hoffman, C nSee tin Kohman Hoffman, C.,,H. Grigsby and N. Cregor, 1,431, 525 Hoffman, C., and J. McCaslin, 1,415,238 Hoffman, F. and K. Gottlob, 1,149, 577: 1,149, a Hoffman, G., 1,209,964 z Hoffman, He see W. Knowlton Hoffman, Thy see C’. Kohler 64 - UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Hoffman, H., 1,251,029; 1,405,845 Hoffman, H. and W. Juve, 1,395, 413 Hoffman, Ri 1,193,146 Hoffman, a) "1343, 393 Hoffman, W., 1,367,968 Hoffmann, P., 1,360,401; 1,360,402 Hofmann, F., K. Delbrueck and K. Meisenburg, 1,178,721 Hofmann, F., and K. Gottlob, 1,126,469; 1,180,903; 1,149,580 Hofman, L., 1,211,445 Hofmann, W., see H. Specketer Hofste, M., 1,345,776 Hogaboom, G., 1,433,618 Hogan, G., 1,483,010 Hoge, D., 1,382,727; 1,418,375; 1,474,475; 1,474,476 Hoge, F., 1,422,443 Hogg, J., 1,435,846 Hohmann, H., 1,462,601 Holbrook, G., 1,169,154; 1,169,155 Holbrook, R., 1,210,940 Holcroft, C., 1,422,710 Holdcroft, G., see A. MacIlwaine Holden, C., 1,260,197 Holden, E, Re- 14, 849; 1,175,867; Re-14,298; 1,179, 313; 1,181 077: 1,181,666; 1,269,565; 1 ‘295, 752 Holden, i, 1,221,990; 1,250,459; 1,485,926 Holden, M., 1 203 338 Holden, al 1,509,553 Holder, G., 1,127,624 Holder, J., 1,359,064 Holdsworth, A., 1,507,604 Holl, A., see F. Singer Holladay, J., see F. Becket Holladay, J., 1,281,961 Holland, C., 1 205 207; 1,397,735 Holland, E., 1 309 032 Holland, N., 1,493 631 Holland, Re 1,511,967 Holland, W., see J. Frazer Holland, W., 1,167,499; 1,447,782; 1,500,076 Holland, W.. and L. Pearson, 1,329, 181 Holland, W.. and J. Skinner, 1,329, 180 Hollander, CH 1,506,301 Holle, A., i 405 783 Hollenbeck, C., and A. Horn, 1,190,765 Holler, H., see ’G. Vinal . Holler, H., 1,521,295 Holley, iA and O. Mott, 1,297,170; 1,297,171 Holley, A., and H. Webb, 1,287, ‘995; 1,288 ‘413 Holley, ren 1,123,743 ; 1,156 079 Holliday, A., 1 193 786 Holliday, nd 1 264, 185; 1,264,186; 1,268,076 Holliday, L., see L, "Badier Holliday, ie and L. Badier, 1,413,914 Hollingsworth, J.) and: J: Mitchem, 1,249,960 Hollinshead, P., see J. Chadwick Hollister, B, 1 939, 690; 1,495,180 Hollup, “on! i 466 587 Holm, A., see F. ‘Lovelace Holmberg, A., 1,508,101 Holmberg, E., 1 404 438; 1,412,784 Holmes, A., see didi "McKee Holmes, F., see C. Armitage Holmes, ie 1,126,471; 1,276,219; 1,433,136 Holmes, H., 1,380,382; 1,470,225 Tee 1,410,012; Holmes, H., and D. Cameron, 1,429,430 Holmes, J., 1,241,979 Holmes, M., 1,148,230; 1,184,854; 1,216,450; 1,216,451; 1,218,772; 1,221,991; 1,259,099; 1,272,952; 1,281,372; 1,814,594 Holmes, O., 1,856,207 Holmes, W., 1,354,649 Holmgren, T., and C. Thorsell, 1,342,809 Holran, J., 1,440,601 Holslag, C., 1,451,392; 1,478,738 Holst, G., and E. Oosterhuis, 1,485,505 Holt, E., and L. Holt, 1,207, 043 Holt, F. von, 1,196, 185 Holt, Hi 1,168,070; 1,192,310 Holt, He and G. Steimmig, 1,189,110; 1,294,662 Holt, L., see FE. Holt Holter, AY 1,203,740 Holton, E., see W. Macklind Holton, E., Re-14,890; 1,254.908 Holton, E., and J. Owens, 1.480,807 Holzapfel, “AY 1233280 1,262, 344 : 1,379,018; 1,379,019 : 1,393,220 : 1,430,083; 1,431,801 Holzapfel, A., and P. Walther, 1,338,921 Holzapfel, G., 1,223,790 Holzapfel, R., 1,262,345 Holzwarth, H., 1,485,678; 1,488,248 Homan, J., 1,282,835; 1,352,367 Homer, C., see J. Bostick d’Homergue, J., see J. de Long Homes, O., 1,861,997 Hommel, O., 1,181 889; 1,870,967; 1,419,258 Homolka, B., 1 209, 163 Honda, C., 1,386, 932 Honda, Kaye 338, 132; 1,338,183; 1,338,134 Honda, Alby 1351 385 Honeywell, ne 1 ,281,374 Honhorst, W., 1,313 894 Honig, C., 1 1353, 239 Hood, 1 1 331 645; 1,331,646; 1,404,293; 1,404,294 Hood, J., J. Clark and P. Clark, 1,452,739; 1,511,472 Hood, J., and A. Salamon, 1,151,523 Hoofnagle, W., 1,169,825; 1,243, 524; 1,280,471; 1,388,112 Hoogendoorn, F., see O. Anzbock Hoogendorn, D., 1,129,678 Hoogenhuyze, GC. van, see A. Terwen Hooker, A., 1,388,466 Hoon, L., 1,325,293 Hooper, J., 1,413,332 1,358,371; 1,422,711; 1,328,282 ; Hoopes, W., 1,393,870; 1,393,371; 1,393,372; 1,393,373; 1,415,086; 1,415,446 Hoover, C., see A. Lamb Hoover, C., 1,197,123; 1,238,916; 1,251,032; 1,426,081 Hoover, E., 1,866,660 Hoover, E., and I. Hoover, 1,518,328 Hoover, TP a ate er 2 Mason, 1,128,874 Hoover, G., 1,386,337 Hoover, I., see E. Hoover Hoover. BR 1,509,062 Hope, J., 1,209,841; 1,254,805 INDEX OF NAMES Hope, W., 1,240,143 Hopewell, C., 1,184,452 Hopkins, A., 1,190,292; 1,319,475 Hopkins, M., see J. Kirby Hopkins, M., 1,422,977 Hopkins, N., 1,507,181 Hopkinson, E., 1,411,786; 1,423,525; 1,424,020; 1,491,265; 1,497,751 Hopkinson, E., and K. Cook, 1,512.095 Hopp, G., 1,156,081 Hoppe, C., 1,462,550 Hoppe, G., see W. Herzberg - Hoppie, W., 1,140,826; 1,169,258; 1,432,025 . Hopping, C., 1,375,510 Horii, K., 1,311,559 Horiuchi, I., see S. Hattori Horlick, A., 1,384,894 Horlick, W., 1,446,120 Hormisdas, H., see P. Charuest Horn, A., see C. Hollenbeck Horn, A., 1,149,519; 1,255,116; 1,348,494 Horn, G., 1,518,930 Horn, M.., 1,272,266 Horn, W., see A. Pollock Horn, W., 1,251,888; 1,335,167 Horne, W., 1,150,194; 1,486,091 Horner, R.., 1,284,343 Hornsey, J., 1,159,675; 1,288,591; 1,288,592; 1,380,383; 1,398,723 Horovitz, A., 1,154,925 - Horsch, W., see R. Wilson Horst, C., 1,446,185 Horst, H., see H. Brune Horst, H., 1,455,728 ~ Horst, L. von, 1,464,520 ‘Horton, F., see H. Cleaves Horton, F., 1,350,157 Horton, G., 1,427,595 Horvath, G. von, 1,211,793 Horwitz, A., 1,373,886 Horwitz, B., 1,226,074 Horwitz, W. 1,520, 752 Hosenfeld, M., 1,510,172; 1,510,173 Hoskins, Vion : P 155, BIB: 1,178,016; 1,300,269: 1,307,127: 1,370,650: 1,381,558; 1,892,013; 1,424,306; 1,473,347; 1,507,379 Hosman, D. F., 1,440,011 Hosmer, F., 1,510,433; 1,510,434 - Hotson-Tait, I., 1,386,620 Hottinger, R., and O. Bromberg, 1,324,118 Houchens, L., 1,179,526 Hough, A., 1,202,065; 1,206,222; 1,206,223; 1,312,118; 1,312,119 ; 1,826,267 em Hough Arye W. Leonhard, J. Dufford and, J. Allman, 1 006, 239 ASR ovel hdr Hough, W., 1,138, 479 19, pp 87 1,199,463; 1,199,464; 1,423,526 ; 1,209,298 ; 1,214,164; 1,288,593 ; 1,255,749 ; 1,373,731 ; 1226303 : 1,370,968 ; 1,430,998 ; Houghton, aS, 1 308, 757 Houghton, F., 1 931 741 Houghton, G.., 1 ‘492 982 Houghton. H., 1 521 537 Hougland, A., 1 520, 244 Houlehan, A., 1 334 033 ; 1,392 942; 1 477,058 1,337,317; 1,358,851 ; 7] 65 Houleman, A., 1,308,356 Houlier, P., 1,179,185 House, H., 1,417,916 Houskeeper, W., 1,357,498 Houston, J., 1 185 006; 1,277,215 Housworth, he. 1,459, 056 Hout, W., 1,131 21 Hovland, eds 1,159,942 Hovland, H., and G. Frankforter, 1,159, 033; 1 835,000; 1,335,001 H owald, A., see A. Lowy Howard, iA 1,203,341 Howard, Cc. 1 363, 196; 1,518,513 Howard, GC) and L. Sharp, 1,518 12 Howard, F. 1,284,687; 1,395 571 Howard, F. G. Kent and J. Jennings, 1,443,538 Howard, F. C. Robinson and J. Jennings, 1,415 351; i 415,352 Howard, Gi 1 156 686 ; 1,417,066; 1,417,067; 1,455,762 Howard, H., 1,145,898 ; 1,193,552; 1,245,343; 1,485,471; 1,439,960; 1,464,990; 1,464,991; 1,475,157; 1,475,158; 1,511,560; 1,511,561 Howard, H., and E, Alvord, 1,457,436 Howard, re and F. Stantial, 1,271 899 Howard, ue see G.. Oenslager Howard, W., 1,225,488; 1,257,948; 1,377,012; 1,377, 013; 1 422 DTD: 1 482 012: 1 490, 975 Howarth, M., see H. Field Howbrigg, E., 1,488,253 Howe, C., and 8. Libby, 1,457,169 Howe, W., see J. Moorman Howell, Cn 1,130,404 Howell, K., 1,348,140 Howell, K. and C. Eckert, 1,511,475 Howell, re 1,290,204 Howes, R., see R. Dundas Howland, G., see A. Breitenwischer Howland, J., 1,402,500 Howlett, C., 1,324,154 Howlett, G., 1,355,976 Hoxie, G., 1,418,713 Hoy, A., 1,129,868 Hoyberg, HL, 1 829,183; 1,357 1168 Hoyle, H., 1 ‘418 442 Hoyt, A., 1 148 453: 1,148,454 Hrissikos, te 1,395,228 d’Huart, E., 1,170,426 Hubbard, P., 1,826,056 Hubbard, P., GC. Reeve and R. Lewis, 1,495,260 Hubbard, Re 1,281,010 Hubbell, HL, 1175: 954; 1,373,733; 1,373,734 Hubbert, B., 1,250,884 Huber, C., see C. Morey 1,159,032 ; 1,258,568; 1,417,068 ; 1,322,489 ; 1,437,343; 1,145,897: 1,173,428; 1,430,449; 1,463,212; 1,475,156; 1,497,563 ; 1,137,860 ; 1,151,108 ; 1,138,658; 1,164,649 ; 1,266,595 ; 1,456,594 ; 1,475,155; 1,477,491 ; Huber, F., 1,410,920; 1,435,524; 1,452,463; 1,453,797; 1,465,907; 1,508,331 Huber, F., and R. Poindexter, 1,145,484; 1,213,375 Huber, F., and F. Reath, 1,194,844; 1,219,315; 1,220,989 4g Hubert, E., 1,517,627 Huberty, P., 1,410,809 66 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Hudson, C., 1,488,113 Hudson, E., and H. Merriam, 1,303,321 Hudson, F., 1,276,221 Hudson, im 1,431 ,663 Hudson, O., see G. Bengough Hudson, W, 1,190,412; 1329, 525 Huebner, nie see R. Clayton Huebner, J., 1,227,791 Huebner, R.., 1,137,265 Huebner, W., 1,300,729 Huelsberg, R.., 1,200,617 Huessy, P., 1.261. 235 Huessy, P., "and W. Foehrenbach, 1,255,423 Huessy, P., and M. Hartmann, 1,227,624; 1,228,926 ; 1,259,517 Huestis, C., 1,310,020 Huey, G., 1 248, 495 Huey, HH 1 518, 931; 1,519,376 Huff, Ww. 1,184, 649; 1,317,625; 1,416,205; 1,416, 206 ; 1 513, 043 Huffard, die and P. Haynes, 1,491,237 Huffman, C., 1,274,046; 1 O74 047; 1,274,048; 1,274,049; 1,283,519; 1,315,961 ; 1,413,026 Huffstutter, J., 1,438,830 Hug, E., see M. Guggenheim Hug, E., 1,154,314 Huggins, N., 1,23 36,4388 Hughes, G., ‘1 459, 732: 1,459,733 Hughes, H., 1,402, 615 Hughes, J., "see J. Crawford Hughes, J., 1,411,103 Hughes, LG 1248, 329 Hughes, L., ‘and C. Wolcott, 1,254,009 Hughes, W., 1,223, 282; 1,513, 246 Hughes, W., and A. Bahrman, 1,477,757 Huismann, a 1,149,582; 1, 159, 386; 1,483,447 Huismann, 1s i Callsen and W. ’ Gruettefien, 1,445,685 Hulbert, P., 1,155,358 Huldt, S., 1 266, 808; 1,298,722; 1,312,480 Hulett, GC 1,368, 396 Hulin, iP, 1,246,099 Hull, E., see A. Nicolson Hull, H., 1,233,238 Hull, M., 1,332,190 Hull, R., 1,418,648 Hull, S., 1,158,922 Hullinger, E., 1,418,800 Hulst, G., 1,285,714; 1,386,503 Hultgren, A., 1,401,988; 1,482,563 Hultman, G., 1,343,725; 1,403,960 Human, A., 1,323,864 Humason, G., 1,291,899 Humbert, E., 1,187,623; 1,228,925; 1,242,442 Humitsch, R., 1,236,440 Humphrey, A., 1,373,430; 1,396,209 Humphrey, D., 1 243 068 Humphrey, De and C. Pittman, 1,375,513 Humphrey, H., 1,429,035 Humphrey, I., see B. Brooks Humphrey, I., see H. Essex Humphreys, C., 1,129,571 Humphreys, R., 1,286,179 Humphreys, R., and W. Burton, 1,343,674 Humphreys, R., F. Rogers and O. Bransky, 1,474,933 Humphries, C., see W. Wissler Humphries, C., 1,229,960 Humphries, H., see R. Dodd Humphries, S., 1,514,663 Hund, W., 1,365,407 Hunebelle, E., 1,201,586 Hungerbuehler, E., see F. Hardy Hunt, A., 1,207,047; 1,349,766 Hunt, A., and D. Fogg, 1,827,599 Hunt, B., 1,212,062; 1,446,307 Hunt, C., 1,278,663 Hunt, E., and W. Gidden, Re-14,486 (1,107,309) ; 1,264,802 Hunt, F., 1,183,201 Hunt, G., see A. Lindauer Hunt, M., see J. Short Hunt, M., 1,239,396; 1,239,397; 1,430,167; 1,477,354 Hunt, W., see A. MacIntosh Hunter, H., 1,218,261 Hunter, J., 1,382,287 Hunter, K 1 257, 355 Hunter, M., 1 168, 074; 1,211,943; 1,393,375 Hunter, Rea 1 182 013 Huntley, me 1,407,035; 1,506,181 Huntoon, F., see J. Reichel Hupka, A., 1,490,466 Hurd, W., 1,513,815 Hurley, E., 1,414,570 Hurley, nt 1 380, 299 Hurley, R., 1, 138, 220; 1,138,221; 1,872,290 Hurrell, G., 1 A14, 132 Hurst, W., 1,402,363 ; 1,433,887 Hurt, G., 1,289,783; 1,415,353 Hurt, H., 1,147,245; 1,201,301; 1,245,349; 1,329,300; 1,400,164; 1,467,821; 1,485,333 Hussar, E., 1 211 944 Hussey, ce 1 277, 727; 1,277,935; 1,398,860 Hussey, L., 1 452 605 Hussey, W., 1 207, 048; 1,510,782 Hussman, Ge 1 375, 154 Husson, a 1 417, 248 Husted, C. 1 256, 233; 1,317,372 Huston, Cara "240, "729 1,239,273 ; 1,424,308 ; Hutchins, Ds 1,257,356 ; 1,266,478; 1,271,713; 1,310,342; 1,326,595; 1,331,435; 1,339,344; 1,362,316; 1,362,317; 1,427,816 Hutchins, O., and A. Oliver, 1,822,573 Hutchins, T., 1,804,053 ; 1,309 070 Hutchins, T., L. Hargreaves and A. Dunning- ham, 1,216, 452; 1,219,819 Hutchinson, Gs "1 457,225 Hutchinson, H., see E. Richards Hutchinson, J., 1,370,494; 1,370,495 Hutchinson, R., 1,422,102; 1,500,193 Hutchison, M., 1,492,919 Hutchison, M., and C. Norton, 1,165,101; 1,283,779 Huth, M., 1,296,188 Hutson, C., see G. Brenizer Huttinger, C., 1,425,654; 1,502,101 Huttinger, Ce and E, Rittenhouse, 1,367,603 Hutton, 8., see W. Naylor Hutzelman, J., 1,511,762 Hutzler, R., 1,133, 031; 1,188,543 Huxham, T., 1,482 929 Hyatt, C., see J. Hyatt INDEX OF NAMES 67 Hyatt, E., 1,445,688 Hyatt, J., and C. Hyatt, 1,156,144 Hybinette, N., 1,123,299; 1,128,313; 1,128,314; 1,128,315; 1,128,316; 1,136,424; 1,140,682; 1,175,266; 1,233,580; 1,239,012; 1,395,827; 1,407,420; 1,501,906 Hybinette, N., and R. Peek, 1,882,361 Hyde, A., see J. Worthington Hyde, A., 1,323,768; 1,341,558 Hyde, C., 1,227,538 Hyde, J., 1,144,037; 1,165,179 Hyde, P., 1,869,813 Hyde, R., see F. Cameron Hyde, R., 1,196,693 Hyer, J., 1,405,220 Hyman, A., 1,455,531 Hyman, H., and T. Messick, 1,368,033 Hynes, D., 1,373,887; 1,394,306 Ibe, K., 1,856,367 Ickes, P., 1,230,830 Iddings, C., 1,476,890 lff, W.,. 1,512,466 Igoomnoff, G., 1,202,847 Ikeda, K., 1,351,755 Ikeda, S., 1,890,788 Iljinsky, M., 1,175,634; 1,199,278; 1,261,394 Illas, J., 1,303,671 Illemann, R., 1,296,083; 1,450,856 Illingworth, J., 1,158,404 Illingworth, S., 1,422,269; 1,445,954; 1,450,888; 1,462,576; 1,489,830; 1,496,053 Illston, B., see F. Underwood Imaoka, A., 1,833,255 Imhof, J., 1,384,663; 1,507,358 Imhof, io and J. Charters, 1,447,723 Imhoff, K., 1,399,562 Imhoff, K., and H. Blunk, 1,399,561 ‘Immerheiser, C., 1,232,551 Immerheiser, Ce and A. Beyer, 1,232,552 Immerheiser, C., and F. Hassler, 1 513, 995 Inada, Y., 1, 521 Al Ingham, T., I, 162 926 Ingham, W., 1 283, 782 Ingoldsby, ip 1 403, 786 Ingram, J., .: 167 563; 1,472,472; 1,472,473 Ingram, S., 1 (428 096 Inman, L.., ‘and A, Harris, 1,857,871 Inouye, ie 1,415,570 loka, U., 1 340 050 Irons, R., 1, 345 ,192 Irsch, em Wy ‘178, 725 Irvin, R., see H. Kohman Irvine, is see W. Haworth Irvine, cad and W. Haworth, 1,496,675 Irvine, M., 1,261,395 irving, J 1 296, ek 1,451,734 Irwin, E 4 1287,35 357 Irwin, J., 1,250,106; 1,389,662 Irwin, T., 1,129,682; 1,166,373; 1,220,990 Isaachsen, I., 1,478,337 Isaacs, A., 1,151,951 Isaacs, M., 1,192,783; 1,424,908 Isenhagen, A., see R. Moll Isham, R., see J. Handy Isherwood, P., 1,143,828 Ishida, K., 1,410,572 Ishikawa, U., 1,166,524 Ishler, W., 1,223,881 Ising, G., and H. Borofski, 1,431,233 Island, J., 1,179,927; 1,316,445; 1,317,705 Isler, M., see E. Berl Isler, M., see C’. Jagerspacher Isler, M., 1,126,475; 1,126,476 Isles, A., see J. Miller Isley, G., 1,221,055 Isom, E., 1,285,200 Ito, K., 1,389,663 Ito, N., 1,245,723 Ittner, M., 1,238,774; 1,242,445; 1,271,575; 1,271,576; 1,367,973 Iversen, R., 1,332,899 Ivery, J., 1,237,520 Ives, F., 1,145,148; 1,153,229; 1,160,288; 1,170,540; 1,173,429; 1,188,939; 1,240,344; 1,247,116; 1,248,864; 1,261,542; 1,278,667; 1,278,668; 1,300,616; 1,306,904; 1,376,940; 1,499,930 Ivey, P., 1,354,255 Iwamoto, G., 1,303,672 Iwamoto, S., 1,227,148 Iwatsubo, G., 1,228,372; 1,307,404 Iytaka, I., 1,481,782; 1,496,269 Jack, A., see R. Hadfield Jack, J., see R. Perry Jackson, A., 1,886,571 Jackson, D., see W. Estabrooke Jackson, D., 1,415,572; 1,417,919 Jackson, F., 1,396,118; 1,488,881 Jackson, G., 1,373,246 Jackson, L.,) 1,232,553; 1,238:273* 1,254,229 ; 1,254,230; 1,289,789; 1,305,969 Jackson, P., 1,833,717 Jackson, R., 1,153,925; 1,175,452; 1,177,335; 1,198,036; 1,823,284 Jackson, W., see L. Moore Jacob, E., 1,484,822 Jacob, K., see A. Davis Jacobs, C., 1,153,230; 1,153,231; 1,311,231; 1,311,232; 1,324,119; 1,354,561; 1,376,207: 1,462,762; 1,481,373; 1,481,374: 1,492,034: 1,496,467 Jacobs, G., 1,220,850 Jacobs, H., 1,489,763 Jacobs, J., 1,226,889 68 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Jacobs, §., 1,229,964 Jacobs, W., W. Brown, M. Heidelberger and L. Pearce, 1,280,119; 1,280,120; 1,280,121; 1,280,122; 1,280,123; 1,280,124; 1,280,125; 1,280,126; 1,280,127; 1,315,127 Jacobsen, J., 1,253,830 Jacobsen, K., see N. Moskovits Jacobsen, R., 1,841,508 Jacobi, K., 1,349,134 Jacobson, A., 1,137,005; 1,219,739 Jacobson, B., 1,445,082; 1,474,479 Jacobson, D., 1,390,037 Jacobsson, A., 1,204,775 Jacobus, D., 1,516,341 Jacobus, N., 1,492,464 Jacoby, R., 1,142,172; 1,154,514; 1,398,378 Jacquelet, R., 1,364,558 Jacquemin, H., see L. Leduc Jaeck, O., see H. Bernhard Jaeck, O., see G. Jenny Jaeckel, B., 1,140,745 Jaeger, A., 1,166,592; 1,317,164; 1,317,165 Jaeger, C., 1,212,066 Jaeger, F., see O. Martin Jaeger, H., 1,168,077 Jaeger, H., and W. Kuenzler, 1,354,564 Jagerspacher, C., see G. Engi Jagerspacher, C'., see F. Funcke Jagerspacher, C., see B. Wuth Jagerspacher, C., 1,210,808; 1,216,813; 1,323,285 ; 1,375,701; 1,382,196; 1,437,758 Jagerspacher, C., and M. Isler, 1,838,506 1,354,568 ; Jagerspacher, C., and B. Wuth, 1,216,812; 1,233,433 Jahl, A., 1,210,651 Jahn, C., 1,149,585; 1,253,691 Jahn, F., 1,195,227 Jahn, F. de, 1,131,339; 1,141,947; 1,141,948; 1,143,366; 1,151,537; 1,159,364; 1,159,365; 1,366,170; 1,436,949 Jakob, H., 1,211,450 Jakova-Merturi, G., 1,829,055 Jalowetz, E., E. Richter and A. Schueckher, 1,172,528; 1,172,998 James, C., 1,848,495 James, D., 1,189,573 James, E., 1,476,204 James, G., 1,233,363 James, J., 1,162,168; 1,363,419; 1,439,107 James, T., 1,240,345 James, W., see S. Meyer James, W., 1,184,456 Jameson, E., F. Taylor and C. Wilson, 1,497,884 Jamison, W., see S. Mathewson Jamson, H., 1,144,599 Jander,.H., 1,321,210; 1,821,211 Jankower, D., see J. Robertson Jannek, J., see A. Mittasch Jannek, J., 1,504,624 Janney, T., 1,491,863 Janney, T., and C. Nokes, 1,281,018 Janowsky, L., 1,308,243 Janpole, W., 1,476,078 Jansen, J., see A. Blank Janvier, E., 1,214,166 Jappe, K., 1,165,780 Jaques, A., see J. West Jaraczewski, L., 1,147,991 Jardine, J., 1,148,401; 1,372,512; 1,398,861 Jarmain, G., see E. Chambers Jarvis, A., see W. Garrity Jarvis, E., 1,519,377 Jarvis, G., 1,803,799 Jarvis, J., 1,843,135; | 1,849,156 1,354,401 Jascowitz, I., and J. Rosenbaum, 1,493,205 Jaubert, G., 1,255,096; 1,366,185; 1,461,661 Jayme, G., 1,139,873 Jeandros, J., see E. Cadgene Jeanmaire, L., 1,289,793 Jeannot, W., 1,380,804 Jebsen, G., 1,333,819; 1,361,866; 1,361,867 Jedel, Lionne, E., 1,514,548 Lioud, F., 1,438,537 Lipinski, A., 1,290,600 Lipman, J., 1,222,112; 1,235,906; 1,361,596; 1,361,597; 1,494,484; 1,494,435 Lipman, L., 1,208,175 Lippen, J., 1,326,751; 1,338,231; 1,364,634; 1,483,515 Lippincott, D., 1,501,018; 1,501,019 Lippmann, L., 1,176,912 Lipscomb, R., 1,434,901 Lipsius, S., 1,146,182; 1,146,182 Lissauer, A., W. Fleischer and R. Keyes, 1,339,115 Lisse, L., 1,473,994 List, P., see J. Flachslaender Litot, F., 1,188,188; 1,194,648; 1,224,941 Little, C., 1,220,245; 1,343,978 Little, G., 1,148,696; 1,159,511; 1,246,441; 1,274,725; 1,477,872; 1,495,855; 1,495,856 Little, G., and B. Gudge, 1,138,674; 1,158,516 Little, H., 1,163,834 Littleford, J., 1,142,822 Inttler, C., see F. Marquard Littleton, C., 1,898,438 Livingston, AY 1,147, 633 Livingston, C.., see I. Pieser Livy, E., 1,239,410 Lizierl, rem 1,141,897 Lizounoff, V., 1,400,963 Llewellyn, W., see H. Spence Llopart, R., 1,189,427; 1,140,354; 1,142,795 Lloyd, E., 1,132,594 Lloyd, E., and V. Gershon, 1,458,715 Lloyd, H., see 8. Bullock Lloyd, H., 1,458,716; 1,479,822 Lloyd, J., At 250, 331; 1 300, 747; 1 455 630 Lloyd, Re see A. Dwig ht Lloyd, R 1.215672: 1,378,699; 1,378,822; Lloyd, 8. and A. Kennedy, 1,517,516 Lobeck, Ow 1,369,345; 1,421,700 Lobert, F., 1,124,045 Lobl, F., 1,340,661 Loch, J., and C. di Battista, 1,488,840 Lochhead, J., see R. Kernohan Locke, F., 1,127,042; 1,127,044; 1,225,147; 1,226,088; 1,233,486; 1,510,521 ; Lockett, L., 1,872,303 Lockhart, 1: 1,423 069 Lockhart, be 1 330, 882; 1,369 678 Lockwood, Aa 1 282 892; 1 283, 236; 1,329,127; 1,512 701 Lodge, E., and J. Evans, 1,181,905; 1,181 906 Lodge, 1 1,345,790 Loeb, H., 1,372,176 Loeb, M., 1,237,068; 1,237,069 Loeber, G., 1,493,554 Loeffelhardt, C., 1,868,949 Loeffler, R., 1,464,949 Loefveberg, C., see T. Eklund Loehr, W.., 1,330,127 Loepsinger, A., 1,199,087; 1,199,088; 1,199 Dic 1,199,090; 1 328, 530 Loesch, W., 1,131 al Loevinsohn, i. 1,125,572 Loew-Beer, O., 1,421,701 Loewe, B., 1,202,548 Loewenstein, K., zu, 1,128,255 Loewenstein, K., zu, and F. Hauff, 1,386,941 Loewenthal, A., see M. Moszkowski Lofts, G., 1,425,111 Logan, E., see M, Whiting Logan, F., and W. Logan, 1365 928 Logan, J., af ,188,665 Logan, W., see F. Logan Logan, W., 1,463,122 Lograsso, V., 1,160,731 Lohmann, H., see O. Voigtlaender Lohmann, H., 1,477,508; 1,518,083 Loisy, M. de, 1,366,720; 1,516,915 Loke, J., and W. Loke, 1,328,636 Loke, W., see J. Loke Lomanitz, S., 1,244,521 Lomax, C., 1,408,105 Lomax, C., and W. Grant, 1,519,784 Lomax, H., 1,874,509 Lombard, T., 1,503,194 Lommel, W., see R. Engelhardt, Lo Monaco, D., 1,402,638 Lomshakoff, A., 1,517,442 London, E., 1,416,666 Londress, G., and L. Rogers, 1,213,922 Long, B. de, see J. Parker Long, B. de, and F. Palmer, 1,489,429 Long, C., 1,162,790 Long, J., see O. Ford Long, J., 1,211,461 Long, J. de, see J. de Long 1,462,236 1,156,163 ; 1,431,166 ; i a “INDEX OF NAMES 81 Long, J. de, 1,442,328 Long, af de, and J. d’Homergue, 1,180,702 Long, N, de, 1,312,521 Long, R., see G. Given Long, R., 1,453,984 Long, S., see E. Friedsam Long, W., 1,479,472 Longan Y Senan, E., 1,406,421 Longbottom, C., 1,463,399 Longmore, W., 1, 138, 676 Longyear, J., and J. Jones, 1,289,834 Looman, M., 1,192,438 Loomis, B., 1,148,104; 1,148,698 ; 1,271,591; 1,311,980 Loomis, C., 1,280,612; 1,437,344 Loomis, E., see J. Crane Loomis, E. 1,324,774; 1,486,097 Loomis, M., see V. Newman Loomis, N., see E. Clark Lopez, G., and A. Quaglia, 1,348,431 Lopez de lara, G., see G. de Lara Lorang, P., 1,512,344 Lorch, H., 1,264,668 Lord, E., 1,506,351 Lord, G., 1,356,869 Lord, Re 1,197, 512 Lorentowicz, Ts 1,169,658; 1,246,444 Lorentz, B., 1.413, 172 Lorenz, C., a. 159,969 Lorenz, W.. 1 230, 184; 1,361,598; 1,512,345 : Lorenzen, F., 1.211, 462; 1,358, 960 Lorenzo, V., al 399, 266 Lorraine, D, Letra 664; Re-15,220; 1,396,860 Lostumo, a, "and A. Olander, 1,279, 888 - Lothrop, M., 1,360,551 ‘Lottero, C., 1,341 991 Loud, He 147, 635; 1,151,204; 1,151,205 Loudenbeck, H., 1,129, 304 Louder, E., 1,430, 745 Loudin, ne 1,471, 344 Lougheed, ive 1,364 123; 1,457,375 Lounds, C., 1,146,336 Lounge J., see F. Beyer 1,442,325; 1,442,326; 1,384,909 ; 1,364,124 ; _ Love, G., 1,488,606 Lovegrove, E., 1,363,332 Lovegrove, E, and N. Crompton, °1,237,920; 1,237,921 Lovejoy, F., 1,232,702; 1,469,815 ; 1,518,409 Lovelace, B., see W. Patrick Lovelace B., 1,352,208 Lovelace ne C. Lanning and W. Judefind, 1,291,680; 1 ,291,681; 1,291,682 Lovelace, Fr, H. Lovelace and A. Holm, 1,258, 793 Lovelace, H., see F. Lovelace Loveland E., st 416,483 Lovell, G.; 1,517,563 Lovell, J., see J. Riley Lovell, S., 1,256,240; 1.353, 599 Loveman, W., 1,261 948; 1,297,371; 1,516,974 Low, A., 1,252,909 6 1,352,208; 1,442,327 ; 1,152,798 ; 1,244,995 ; 1,427,400; 1,380,398 ; 1,441,160 ; 1,408,525 ; Low, F., 1,192,653; 1,243,312; 1,430,454; 1,451,399 Low, H.., 1,513,331 Low, W., 1,232,062 Lowary R., 1,214,803 Lowden, H., see J. Rothwell Lowden, H., 1,839,771 Lowe, H., 1,186,014 Lowe, L., 1,174,511 Lowe, L., and F. Ruff, 1,351,859 Lowe, S., 1,283,237 Lowe, T., 1,496,936 Lowell, W., 1,493,687 Lowenstein, A., 7,187,999; 1,322,251 Lowrey, F., 1,134,086 Lowry, A., see H. Lavers Lowry, G., 1,520,358; 1,520,359 Lowy, A., and A. Howald, 1,499,423 Lowy, S., 1,168,730 Loyer, J., and O. Loyer, 1,191,932; Re-14,387 Loyer, M., 1,208,806 Loyer, O., "see J. "Loy er Lubarsky, H., 1,225, vite Re-14,729 Lubowsky, S., 1 ‘410, 584 _Lubs, H., see ‘J. Ambler Lucas, A., 1,199,999 Lucas, x, and G. Tait, 1,259,536; 1,259,537 Lucas, Be: 1,245,605 Lucas, F, 1 ‘470, ,990; Lucas, th "1,235 214 Lucas, ate 1,338, 141 Lucas, iy 1,216,710 Lucas, O., see H. Martin Lucas, O., 1,168,404; 1,502,260 Lucas, R., 1,415,461 Lucas, W., see J. Dye Luce, G., 1,884,393 Luce, R., de, 1,251,485; 1,345,077 Lucier, T., 1,467,112 Lucke, C., 1,146,724; 1,146,725; 1,146,726 Luckenbach, baa | 370 601; 1 397, 815; 1,417,261; 1,514,708 1,183,091; 1,439,674; 1,417,262; 1 ‘417, 263 ; 1 425, 327; 1 448, 927 ; 1,448,928 : 1,448,929 ; 1,457,708 ind ‘473, 192; 1,478,237 Luckey, G., 1,293,823 Luckiesh, M., and D. Dewey, 1,331,937 Ludekens, ey see T. Mohler Ludwig, M., 1,456, 390 Lueck, E., 1,198,362 Luedecke, Kis see W. Connstein Lueders, R.., 1,230,185 ; Luellen, L., 1,152,649 Luers, H., 1 418 945 Luescher, 'E., see H. Danneel Luescher, E., and T. Lichtenhahn, 1,467,733 Luettin, K., "1,485, 790 Luettringhaus, re 1,196,127 Luettringhaus, A., and L. Blangey, 1,412,949; 1,469,044 Luettringhaus, A., and L. Ejifflaender, 1,394,851 Luettringhaus, A., and W. Koch, 1,220, 248 Luft, M., 1,404 535; 1,407,696 Gaites: 1,380, 815; 1,420, 661: 1,424,927 Luhrman, iVe 1,507 076 Luhrs, W.., 1.185,220 Luib, A., and E. Steinbuch, 1,354,498 t. Luii, J., 1,202,544 82 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Lukens, A., 1,430,392 Lumiere, L., and J. Herck, 1,202,199 Lummus, W., 1,189,711; 1,216,384; 1,336,360 Lumsden, J., 1,226,347 Lumsden, J., R. Mackenzie, E. Robinson and M. Fort, 1,485,864 Lund, A., see A. de Golyer Lund, E., see M. Sem Lund, J., 1,320,483; 1,366,398 ; 1,415,183 Lund, J., and H. Hausamann, 1,481,845 Lundberg, G., 1,231,921 Lundberg, J., 1,257,290 Lunden, H., see C. Thorssell Lundgren, A., 1,463,897 Lundholm, C. see R. Sohlman Lundi, F., and J. McMillan, 1,237,352 Lundin, A., see W. Baxter Lundin, A., see A. Twombly Lundin, A., 1,133,299 Lundin, A., and H. Broady, 1,288,073 Lundsgaard, C., and K. Herbst, 1,423,233 Lunt, G., 1,148,413; 1,450,377 Luscher, L., 1,320,631 Lush, E., see E. Bolton Lush, E., 1,519,035 Luther, W., 1,353,167 TAY, oo ds,. LAP 251 CE IGH aOR: 1,176,970: 1,247,122; 1,247,123 Lutz, A., and G. Richardson, 1,518,863 Lutz, G., 1,161,322; 1,163,163; 1,323,883 Lutz, H., 1,389,203 Lux, F., 1,468,313 Lux, L., 1,213,923 Luyken, H., 1,518,743 Lyell, J.. see R. Bradshaw Lyle, M., 1,152,651 Lyle, R., see G. Simpson Lymn, A., and N. Rambush, 1,309,143 Lynah, J., 1,228,225; 1,350,281 Lynch, G., 1,213,118 Lynch, J., 1,215,675 Lyndon, L., 1,388,656; 1,501,351; 1,501,352 Lyon, G., 1,456,809 Lyon, H., 1,837,561 Lyon, H., and S. Peck, 1,251,546 Lyon, L., 1,382,103 Lyons, R., 1,126,646; 1,293,828 Lyster, B., and M. Lyster, 1,157,316 Lyster, F., 1,203,372; 1,203,373; 1,203,375; 1,352,072; 1,880,665 Lyster, M., see B. Lyster Lyster, T., and K. Stuart, 1,388,474 Lytle, F., 1,334,464 1,360,552 ; 1,175,280 ; 1,390,629; 1,474,830; 1,203,374; M Maag, G., 1,197,519 O Maass, O., 1,417,618 Mabbitt, A., see M. Adam Mabee, C., see G. Burt Mabee, C., see H. Collver Mabee, C., 1,402,238; 1,420,643; 1,420,644; 1,420,647; 1,420,648; 1,433,141 Mabrey, P., 1,485,541 Macan, W., 1,134,475 Macbeth, G., 1,214,202 MacCarthy, F., 1,413,045 MacDonald, A., see H. MacDonald MacDonald, A., and H. MacDonald, 1,327,341 MacDonald, D., 1,820,076; 1,320,077; 1,396,001 ; 1,415,378 MacDonald, E., 1,222,433 MacDonald, H., see A. MacDonald Macdonald, H., 1,414,366 MacDonald, H., and A. MacDonald, 1,492,804 MacDonald, J., 1,301,069 MacDonald, J., and R. Durham, 1,324,744 Macdonald, R., see H. Richmond Macdonald, R., 1,382,348; 1,410,693 MacDougall, A., 1,867,409; 1,881,319 MacDowell, C., 1,136,549; 1,402,941 MacDowell, C., and P. Hershman, 1,291,979 MacDowell, C., and H. Meyers, 1,420,202; 1,420,203 MacDowell, C., H. Meyers and W. Pattison, 1,420,201 Macera, H., 1,364,774 MacFarland, H., and R. Shoemaker, 1,139,305 ; 1,146,189; 1,146,190; 1,252,468; 1,333,624 MacGahan, P., 1,289,215 MacGregor, D., G. Millen and J. Stanley, 1,420,046 MacGregor, J., 1,851,483 MacGregor, P., and A. Balfour, 1,875,255 MacGregor, S., 1,520,033 Mach, A., 1,482,707 Machado, A., 1,245,751 Machalske, F., 1,148,700 Machlet, A., 1,152,959 Machold, C., 1,404,869 Maclldowie, J., 1,513,620 Macllwaine, A., 1,476,531 Macllwaine, A., and G. Holdcroft, 1,410,822 MacIntosh, A., and W. Hunt, 1,329,129 MacIntyre, P., 1,333,029; 1,355,797 Mack, H., 1,422,874 Mackall, C., see D. Edstroem Mackay, G., 1,208,597 Mackay, H., 1,475,843 Mackay, P., 1,887,443; 1,485,794 MacKaye, J., 1,316,909 MacKean, W., see W. Acton MacKenzie, A., 1,506,189 MacKenzie, A., and R. Benner, 1,437,603 MacKenzie, J., 1,155,753; 1,422,114 Mackenzie, R., see J. Lumsden Mackey, A., 1,520,191 Mackle, J., 1,191,328 Macklind, W., 1,447,592 Macklind, W., and E. Holton, 1,244,453 MacKnight, H., 1,494,070 Maclachlan, A., 1,359,085; 1,359,086; 1,360,427; 1,492,997; 1,511,418 1,420,641 ; 1,420,645; 1,420,649 ; 1,420,642 ; 1,420,646 ; 1,420,650 ; 1,450,507; 1,473,193; 1,243,323 ; INDEX OF NAMES 83 MacLachlan, J., 1,258,348; 1,394,035; 1,398,464; 1,398,735 ; 1 AIT 083 MacLachlan, i. and J. MacLachlan, 1,517,445 MacLaurin, ds "1,225, 704;° 1,225,735; 1 260 984: 1,413,921 MacLaurin, J., and F, Farrell, 1,177,787 MacLaurin, R., 1,130,001 Macleod, A., 1,225, 450 MacMahon, ae 1 378, 593; 1,878,594; 1,378,595; 1,426,752 ; 1. ‘428, 646: 1, 444 623; 1 ‘AT4, 831; 1 ‘481, 106; 1 481, 107 MacMechen, Tt and W. Kamp, 1,236,961 MacMichael, R., 1,443,492 MacMillan, J., 1 ,254, 521; 1,318,891 ; 1,397,134; 1 483, 463; 1 492, 302 MacMillan, Je and ig Snyder, 1,387,656 MacM ullin, R,, see M. Taylor MacNamara, P., 1,225,346 MacNichol, C., 1,151,701 Macpherson, B., 1,502,343 Macpherson, R., and W. Heys, 1,451,670 Macredie, A., see W. Remus Macy, B., 1,519,862 Maddalena, G., 1,440,882 Madden, J., and L. Fisher, 1,420,637 Maddy, sa 1,379,998; 1 13, 343 Maddy, J., "and B. Schubert, 1,161,944; 1,183,217; 1,189, 373 Madgem, N., see C. Keith Madsen, C., 1 269,946; 1,513,119; 1,513,120 Maeder, H.., see R. Willstaetter Maeder, we see O. Wolfes Maennchen, F., see K. Thiess Mafftt, T., see E. Goltra Maffitt, i. 1,219,338; 1,295,780 Magelssen, N., 1,487, 255 “Maggia, A., 1, 150, 688 Maggiora, Ds 1255, 765 Magnani, G., a, 364 4.776 Magnard, M., Re- 14, 7 (759,387) Magne, J., 1,212, 656 Maenus, G., 1 416, 852 Magnus, P., see S. Lansdown Magnuson, ee Pl7171 Magnuson, H., see C.H aug Magrath, H., 1 idwon 5: t 239, 202; 1,423,132 Masri, G., 1 399, 267 ta Maguet, M., 1,502,793 22 LW" MaguinA—989-915 Mahan, J., 1226232 42, f- y/67 Mahler, E., 1 329, 130 Mahler, W., i 405, 732; 1,405,480 Mahon, iB 1 359, 087 Mahoney, ao 1,289, 776 Mai, A., 1,440: 092 : 1,456,509 Maier, C., see G. Van Arsdale Maier, C., 1,175,163 Maignen, ie 1,218,678 Mailey, R., see C. Kraus Mailhe, A., see P. Sabatier Main, D., 1,327,398 Main, W., 1,147,958 Main, W. C., 1,439,907 M ains, G., see M. Phillips Mains, Pe: #1 981,485; 1,483,587 Mains, G., and F. Stieg, 1,498 053 1,383,224 ; 1,373,900; Mainwaring, R.., 1,239,416 Maire, J., 1,124,496; 1,128,471 Maisel, L., 1,375,805; 1,875,306 Maitland, H., 1,272,979; 1,425,882; 1,425,884; 1,425,885; 1,450,326 Major, J., 1,415,667 Major, R., 1,387,286 Majorana, P., 1,275,063 Makino, M., 1,258,427 Makowski, J., 1,487,961; 1,518,338 Malcher, L., 1,494,003 Malcolmson, J., 1,379,639 Malcom, R., 1,832,349 Malcomson, M., see E. McGall Malekow, P., 1,428,602 Mall, A., "1,487, 256 Malley, M., 1,209,315; 1,209,316 Mallinckrodt, E., 1 461, 539: 1,508,563 Malm, A., 1,152,428 Malm diy a1 185.8i72 1,284,403 Malmed, A., 1,486,276 Malone, L., 1,899,357; 1,429,153 Maloney, F., see C. Lindsay Maloney, J., 1,384,703 Malpas, M., 1,209,183 Malsch, C., and C. Gilson, 1,303,701 Malsin, A., 1,233,382 Malstrom, L., 1,188,088 Malvezin, P., 1,237,931 Mambourg, L., 1,313,309 Man, E., 1,826,280 Manby, C., 1,259,651 phen. Manchester, A., 1,187,226 net. DAACHA, Mandelbaum, Ri 1,128,472 sagen ais Mandell, A., 1,403 558 ; 1514 064-—F 4) 2 Mandleberg, J y Mangelsdorff, M., OTT Manhart, A., 1,422,591 Manley, igh A 428 338: 1,428,339 Mann, F. and M. ‘Chappell, 1,163, 025; 1,183,094 ; i 214 204; 1,249,444; 1,257,906 Mann, M., 1,365,045; 1,413,864; 1,482,804; 1,502,149; 1,518,339 Mann, M., and R. Lebo, 1,491 916 Mann, M., and R. Williams, 1,365, 043 Mannes, Th and L. Godowsky 1,516, 824 Manning, je see E., Sweetland Manning, F., 1,475, 502 ; 1,504,772; 1,513,622 Manns, T., 1,320, 701 Mansbach, rok 1 ,220,660 Manser, E.. 1,320, 080 Manson, ef 1,399, 076; 1,486,352 Manss, W., 1,471, 354 Mantel, F., see G. Stryker Manuel, in 1,289,850 Manuelli, Cc. and L. Bernardini, 1,409,963 Manville, C., 1,218,679 Manwaring, F., 1 19, 396 Mapes, C., 1,219,02 21 Maranville, Ae 1,382, 208; 1,492,256 Marburg, E., see H. ‘Snecketer Marburg, E. and G. Muench, 1,207,782 Marbury, R.., 1,373,012; 1,515, 128: 1 517, 370 Marchand, Cu 155, 256; 1 167, 193; 1,253, 8535+ 1,253,854 1,425,883 ; 1,518,336; 1,518,337 ; 1,255,197; 1,258,800; 1,452,206 ; 84 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Marchand, R., 1,408,462; 1,411,859 Marckworth, O., 1,368,954; 1,421,974 Marcus, O., see F. Rose Marcus, O., 1,183,752 Marcusson, J., 1,521,384 Marden, J., 1,437,984 Marden, J., J. Conley and T. Thomas, 1,487,174 Mardick, J., 1,225,347; 1,258,587; 1,325,203; 1,329,537 ; 1,335,788; 1,835,790; 1,415,889 Mardick, J., and F. Beckett, 1,335,789 Mardon, F., 1,858,227 Margolin, G., see A. Mosler Margolius, I., 1,182,697 Margolius, R., 1,476,346 Margotton, P., 1,453,800 Maries, F., 1,452,086 Marin, A., 1,206,456; 1,320,160 Mariner, G., 1,142,346 Marino, P., 1,195,704 Marino, Q., 1,324,817; 1,404,156 Mark, C., 1,184,194 Mark, C., and C. Mark, 1,155,317; 1,168,664; 1,186,217 Mark, F., 1,447,879 Marker, W., see W. Allen Markle, D., 1,287,382; 1,407,700 Markley, H., see F. Mellinger Marko, P., 1 485,282 Marko, S. 1,451,367 Marks, H., 1,520, 878 Marks, Th, 1,250,920 Markus, E., 1,444,548 Markush, E., 1,506,316 Maron, D., 1,159,403 Marouke, M., 1,215,678 Marquard, F., and C. Littler, 1,491,486 Marquette, M., 1,519,547 Marquis, F., 1,279,390 Marr, R., see A. Twombly Marr, R., Re-13,952 (1,121,644) ; 1,166,846; 1,166,847; 1,166,848; 1,896,227; 1,464.044 Marris, H., 1,379,462 Marrs, J., and R. Morris, 1,506,983 Marsa, M., 1,152,193 Marsden, J., 1,515,691 Marsden, M., 1,143,587; 1,170,488; 1,192,661; 1,235,220; 1,251,261; 1,313,403: 1,327.873: Marsh, A., 1,229,770 Marsh, C., 1,302,824 Marsh, H., 1,129,306; 1,129,307; 1,171,739 Marsh, H., and Ry Cochran, 1,369 ‘451: 1,392,780 ; 1 392 781: 1,450,216; 1 450 217 Marsh, S., 1 429, 750; 1 438 048; 1,494,071 Marsh, W.. 1,353, 773 Marshall, C., 1,488,998 Marshall, E., 1,281,409; 1,434,303 Marshall, F. see H. Nielsen Marshall. G, see H. Booth Marshall, Hi. 1,243,486; 1,507,925 Marshall, J., 1,205, 002; 1,309,580 ; 1,473, 825; 1,509 362 Marshall, M., 1,227,060; 1,248,883 1,293,154; 1,297,213; 1,168,668 ; 1,455,299 ; 1,166,845 ; 1,362,728 ; 1,165,689; 1,192,662 : 1,265,694 ; 1,510,855 1,170,487 ; 1,229,181; 1,269,476 ; 1,526,947 ; Marshall, M., and G. Shaw, 1,450, 982 Marshall, N., 1,217,873 Marshall, T., ‘and J. McClellan, 1,506,317 Marshall, W., 1,511,741 Marston, J., see C. Kuzell Marston, J., 1,399,506 Marston, T., and W. 1,511,816 Martersteck, W., see C. Danforth Martin, H., see R. Van Calcar Martin, E., 1,394,854 Martin, F., see J. Capstaff Martin, F., see C. Kohler Martin, G., 1,333,328; 1,429,360 Martin, H., 1,150,691; 1,262,368; 1,310,871; 1,402,631 Martin, Th and O. Lucas, 1,485,404 Martin, J., 1,439,183 ; 1,477, 511 Martin, O., 1,271, 052; 1,338, 579; 1,400,892 Martin, O., and F, Jaeger, 1 148, 522 Martin, P., and J. Stanley, 1,242 832 Martin, R., 1,236,856 ; 1,236, 857 ; 1,422, 115; x 510,150; 1,511,230 Martin, S., 1,164,838 Martin, T., 1,372,361 Martin, W. 1 207 012; 1,207,967 Martinet, E., 1,371 505 Martinson, ie see O. Brown Martocci-Fisculli. L., 1,253,857 Martus, M., see C. Schoenmehl Martus, M., 1,450,004; 1,489,828; 1,505,656 Marusawa, ay: 1,244, 525 Marvin, on 1,214 206 Marvin, hha 1 ‘442, 491 Marwedel, a, 1 124 716 Marx, C., 1,497 649 Marx, G. *41°380 469 Marz, KG see A. Erlenbach Marx, K., 1,183,748; 1,483,739 Marzi, G., 1,237,933 Marzio, A., 1,233,799 Mascarini, G., and A. Contardi, 1,185,227 Mascart, Ly 1 042,267; 1,342 268 Maschmann, E., see W. Kolle Mase, R.., 1,396,586 Maskrey, A., see J. Carnahan Maskrey, A., 1,141,719 Masland, W., see F. Sparre Masland, W., 1,234,921; 1,267,785 Mason, 4 see F. Hoover Mason, Ay 1,305,300 Mason, C., 1,183 022; 1,183,023; 1,209,986 Mason, D. see W. Chapman Mason, F. see A. King Mason, Fr, 1,149,665 ; 1149 666; 1,294,136 Mason, iv 1 289, 507 Mason, eit ” 1,337,718 Mason, W.. 1,165,691; 1,502,311 Massaciu, C., and A. Neumann, 1,202,557 Massatsch, C., 1,343,927 Massey, C., see H. Hart Masson, H., see J. Gerard Masson, J., 1,374,941 Masterman, A., see D. Rogers Mastin, C., 1 ,178,741 ; 1 ,184,469 ; 1,209,740 ; 1,473,597 Lawrence, 1,487,873; 1,310,360 ; 1,410,699 ; 1,202,556 ; 1,203,762; Mathews, F., H. Bliss and H. Elder, Matsuoka, C., INDEX OF NAMES 85 Mateer, J., 1,389,149 Mateer, J., and C. Allcutt, 1,401,627 Mather, H., see H. Moore Mather, L., 1,259,031; 1,442,437; 1,442,438 Mathers, E., 1,242,833 Mathers, F., 1,397,222; 1,484,733; 1,484,734 Mathers, F., and J. Papish, 1,308,092 Mathesius, H., see W. Mathesius Mathesius, W., 1,233,384; 1,403,437; 1,447,143 Mathesius, W., and H. Mathesius, 1,520,254 Matheson, A., 1,413,048 Matheson, H., 1,151,113; 1,316,913; 1,379,465; Re-15,434; 1,410.207; 1,450.983; . 1,456,702; 1,481,326; 1,488,608 Matheson, H., and G. Grattan, 1,425,500 Matheson, H., and F. Kaelin, 1.379,467 Matheson, K., 1,499,390 Mathews, F., and H. Bliss, 1,158,524 1,379,466 ; 1,198,944 Mathews, W., see E. Lambert Mathewson, S., and W. Jamison, 1,471,563; 1,507,845 Mathias, L., see L. Andrews Mathias, L., 1,501,911 Mathis, W., 1,441,731 Mathy, M., 1392257 Matlock, roi 1,438, 542; 1,458,351; 1,508,367 Matson, F., 1,492 603 Matsuo, AG 1 248 884 Matsuo, S. 1,367 984 1,399,359 ; 1,514,554 Matsushima, T., 1,368,955 Matsuura, U., 1,346,132 Mattez, A. de, see D. Realy Matter, He 1,209, 465 Matter, O., 1 167, 195; 1,240 236: 1 254, 147 M atteson, a see J. Ehr M atteson, J., see J. Bishop Matthaei, es ct 026,681 Matthes, a 1 145 782 Matthews, Cc. 1 289, 855 Matthews, F., and H. Bliss, 1,144,558 Matthews, F. and E. Strange, 1 196, 259 Matthews, LI., fl 469,816 Matthews, O., 1 343, 304 Matthews, R, see P. Crosby Matthies, F., 1 y511,742 Mattice, nie, “4 437, 257: 1,515,692 Mattison, va 1 355 406: 1 423, 000 Matzerath, on 1 154 792 Mauck, Vy: 1,443 082 Mauclaire, any 1 421 279 Mauclere, P,, it 446, 263 Mauderer, 5 1 ‘197, 381: 1,197,382 1,453,848; 1,237,076; Mauerhofer, ce 1,458 493 aupai, E, 1 332 675; 1,352,014; 1,496,064; 1 496, 065 Mauran, M., see G. Gerfin Maurice, om 1,163,433 Maus, F,, 1 ‘413 924: 1,418,386 Mauvillin, B., and V. Guillet, 1,351,529 Maxfield, rn and G. Smith, 1,403 803 1,500,954 ; 1,160,063; 1,309,581 ; 1,384,842 ; 1,450 984 ; 1,198,948 ; 1,497,179; 1,239,613; 1,486 292 ; Maxim, H., 1,512,354 Maxson, W., 1,463,901 Maxted, E., 1,253,622; 1,438,387 Maxwell, A., 1,259,260 Maxwell, C., 1,512,623 Maxwell, J., 1,450,985 May, D., 1,219,833 May, H., 1,245,255 Mayer, B., see B. Wuth Mayer, B., W. Moser and J. Wuergler, 1,436,770; 1,518,665 Mayer, F., 1,827,722; 1,851,670 Mayer, G., W. Andrews and A. Coldby, 1,391,557 Mayer, M., see M. Wohl Mayer, M., 1,326,079 Mayer, M., and B. Havas, 1,220,253 Mayer, M., J. N. Wiggin and J. D. Wiggin, 1,360,130 Mayer, W., and W. Kennedy, 1,350,877 Mayers, H., 1,167,359 Mayhew, E., 1,221,347; 1,430,665 Maynard, J., 1,474,423 Maynard, L., 1,415.669 Mayno, G., see C. Hapgood Mayo, N., 1,189,465 Maywald, F., 1,142,829 Maze, A., 1,425,669 Mazza, E.., 1,187,774 McAdam, C., 1,274,430; 1,335,171 McAdam, C., and V. Olsen, 1,434,550; 1,434,551 McAdam, S., 1,256,710 McAdams, J., 1,146,337 McAdams, W., 1,146,185; 1,212,374; 1,247,977 1,296,992; 1,313,407; McAfee, A., 1,127,465; 1,144,304: 1,202,081; 1,206,874; 1,217,471; 1,235,523; 1,277,092; 1,277,328; 1,277,329; 1,405,054; 1,405,734; 1,424,574; 1,476,091; 1,478,444; 1,482,488; 1,501,014; 1,520,831 McAfee, D., 1,805,817; 1,308,184 McAllister, D., 1,484,619 McAllister, F., 1,463,123 McAllister, L., 1,347,106 McAnally, S., 1,305,475 McArthur, W., 1,274,726 McBride, C., 1,430,091; 1,447,140 McBride, H., 1,218,573; 1,823,641; 1,449,613; 1,449,826 McCaffery, R., 1,338,655; 1,479,997 McCaffrey, B., 1,492,255 McCallum, A., see F. Lee McCamon, M., see J. Winters McCann, R., see D. Bissell McCann, R., see D. Cutrona McCarren, J., 1,232,346 McCarthy, D., 1,265,463; Re-14,514 McCarthy, J., 1,417,189 McCartney, J., 1,421,970 McCarty, F., 1,344,702 McCarty, J., "1,156, 417 McCarty, W., ie 167, 770; 1,274,912; 1,274,913 McCaskell, va NV 137, 874: 122. 553; 1,221,554; 1,317,514; 1,396,514 McCaslin, J., see C. Hoffman McCaughey, J., 1,407,074 McCauley, J., 1,520,587 86 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 McChesney, W., 1,362,712 McClain, J., see G. Burr McClain, si 1,299,747; 1,865,830; 1,454,902 McClellan, a see T. Marshall McClellan, J., 1,853,968; 1,408,816 McClenahan, F., 1,426,890; 1,426,891 McClenahan, W., see ie Kniss el McClintock, io and R. Shoemaker, 1,195,376 McCloskey, A. 1,213,925; 1,265,464 McClure, S., 1341, 992 McColl, F., and W. Willison, 1,335,383; 1,344 240: 1,519,149 McCollam, C., 1,203, 215 McCollum, R, see R. Donaldson McComb, ie see 8. McComb McComb, S., and J. ‘McComb, | 1,172,297; 1,264, 104 McComb, W.., 1,337,144; 1,874,858 McConnell, ne see R. Mewborne McConnell, H., 1,507,185; 1,511,623 McDonnell, M., 1,151,700 McDonough, M., 1,293,832 McDorman, P., 1,342,336 McDougal, T, see A, Champion McDougal, T., 1,416,726 ; L416, 727 McConnell, ape ‘| 318, 164; 1 420 328; 1,479,998 McConnell, T 1 238, 797 McCool, W., see J. Tucker McCoole, F., see C. Rawdon McCord, J., 1,219,016; 1,841,655 McCorkle, Cn see A. Clone McCormack, H., 1,337,239; 1,406,745 McCormack, H., and E. McMullen, 1,196,708 McCormick, F., "1,195,246 McCormick, J., 1,510,948 McCourt, C., see W. Bone McCourt, C., 1,291,965 McCourt, C., and C. Ellis, 1,276,385; 1,289,496 McCoy, H., 1,195,698; 1,292,341; 1,366,128 McCoy, J., 1,227,465; 1,236,190; 1,245,363; 1,317,204; 1,465,448 McCoy, J. P., 1,194,201; 1,253,261; 1,253,262; 1,253,404; 1,268,030; 1,268,031; 1,269,627; 1274728: 1,286,370; 1,286,371; 1,286,372; 1299846: 1,299,847; 1,300,218; 1,324,835; 1,385,967; Re-15,199; 1,425,784 McCoy, T., 1,255,450 McCoy, W., 1,423,130 McCreadie, J., see M. Putnam McCrimmon, A., 1,218,431 McCulloch, L., see L. Frederick McCulloch, L., see O. Stewart McCulloch, L., 1,241,531; 1,365,331; 1 386, 008: 1 All 050 McCullough, E., and R. Wilson, 1,476,530 McCune, 8., 1 All 971 McCurdy, A., 1 190, 181; 1,261,747 McCurdy, F., ” 1,449 338 McDaniel, A. 1,370,896; 1,431,894 McDaniel, G., 1,350,031 McDaniel, J., 1,515,504 McDavis, J., 1,389,677 McDermet, J., 1,442,348; 1,521,306 McDermott, F., 1,853,169 McDermott, F., and R. Glasgow, 1,405,055 McDill, R., 1,861,079; 1,865,000; 1,400,086 McDonald, F., 1,167,705 McDonald, J., ‘1 309, 863: 1,867,321; Re-15,320 McDonald, M., see C. Bristow McDonald, a a 177,345; 1,255, 191 McDonell, a 225, 343 1,286,043; 1,351,051 ; 1,365,001 ; McDougal, T., and 8. McDowell, 1,422,216; 1,488,188 McDougall A., 1,409,385 McDowell, C., 1,516,398 McDowell, S., see T. McDougal McElroy, K., see R. Franchot McElroy, K., see A. Spencer McElroy, K., 1,157,998; 1,253,615; 1,253,616; 1,253,617; 1,259,757; 1,259,758; 1,261,572; 1,264,535; 1,264,536; 1,268,135; 1,295,339; 1,308,796; 1,808,797; 1,815,229; 1,369,825; 1,390,533; 1,408,754; 1,438,123; 1,441,693; 1,441,694; 1,441,695; 1,444,844; 1,466,624; 1,466,625; 1,466,626; 1,466,627; 1,466,628; 1,466,665; 1,510,790; 1,514,977 McElroy, W., and J. Clarke, 1,450,692; 1,471,746; 1,489,356; 1,489,357 McFadden, J., 1,896,376 McFarland, 0, see H. Cumfer McFarland, O., Re-15,489; 1,296,984; 1,510,233 Mcfarlane, Th 1,477, 576 McGahan, er 1,239,282: 1,398,734; 1,482,351 McGall, A., 1,397,008 McGall, E., see J. Constable McGall E., 1,201,479; 1,201,480 McGall, E., and M. Malcomson, 1,201,481 McGalliard, J., 1,369,899 McGavack, J., see C. Bradley McGee, F., 1,333,325 ; 1,338,143 McGee, F., and A. Nesbit, 1,372,710 McGehee, J., 1,226,547 McGeorge, W., 1,458,427 McGiehan, I., 1,228,458 McGiehan, P., 1,198,940 McGill, D., 1,421,703 McGilvray, tp 1,174,260 McGinnis, W., Y 328 680; 1,418,876 McGlynn, J., "1,304, 103 McGovern, H., 1,139,206 McGrath, G., 1,234,360 McGrath, T., 1,236,581 McGregor, A., see H. Clark McGregory, F., 1,344,545 McGuire, F., see A. Ander McGuire, J., 1,498,924 McGuirk, ‘ey see G. Durham McHugh, P., 1,402,079; 1,503,657 Mcllhiney, P,, i 338, 234; 1 338, 235 MclIndoe, J., 1,180,516 McIntosh, A., 1,476,001 McIntosh, F., 1,824,458 McIntosh, J., 1,236 460, 1,236,461; 1,236,959; 1,267,883; 1,269,292; 1,425,878; 1,448,556; 1,482,939 MclIntosh, J., and J. Neill, 1,485,721 Mclntosh, T., see E. Blough M cIntosh, WwW. see P. Parrish McIntosh, W., 1,364,567 Melntyre, A. 1,303,348 McIntyre, EF. 1,477,276 MclIntyre, G., 1,429,358 McIntyre, H., 1,207,309 INDEX OF NAMES 87 MclIntyre, J., 1,194,404 McIntyre, M., 1,363,800 McKay, A., and W. Willis, 1,356,380 McKay, E., 1,388,873 McKay, W., 1,208,595; 1,219,652; 1,236,462; 1,365,711; 1,377,713 McKechnie, A., 1,381,720 McKechnie, J., 1,301,955 McKee, B., 1,282,445 McKee, R., 1,183,049; 1,216,338; 1,222,960; 1,236,853; 1,244,444; 1,251,070; 1,265,800; 1,273,892; 1,284,739; 1,284,740; 1,290,269; Wt 127-)” 1,322,194: 1,355,904; 1,372,971; 1,376,211; 1,380,572; 1,387,857; 1,391,332; 1,401,265; 1,401,266; 1,401,267; 1,408,618; 1,433,017; 1,449,121; 1,477,512; 1,489,707; 1,494,613; 1,509,605 McKee, R., and H. Cooper, 1,458,491 McKee, R., and A. Holmes, 1,360,658 McKenna, C., 1,311,171 McKenna, P., 1,166,067; 1,389,680 McKenna, W., see W. Phillips McKerrow, A., H. Walton and G. Shearsmith, 1,161,711 McKibben, C., 1,299,589; 1,299,590; 1,327,835 McKinlay, E., 1,379,637 McKirihan, S., 1,388,276; 1,425,667 McKnight, C., 1,331,816 McKnight, R., 1,306,070; 1,308,911 McLane, J., 1,297,204; 1,420,271 McLaughlin, N., 1,244,062 McLaughlin, W., 1,226,229; 1,380,489 McLaurin, R., 1,130,619 McLaurin, W., 1,283,839; 1,284,120 McLean, L., 1,520,761 McLellan, B., see F. Fryer - McLennan, A., 1,150,047; 1,425,530 McLeod, H., 1,375,714 MeLeod, R., 1,387,437 McLoughlin, H., 1,248,880 McMahan, W., 1,372,181 McMahan, W., and R. Price, 1,202,000 McMahon, G., 1,506,246 McMahon, J., and J. McMahon, 1,479,145 McManus, C., 1,213,926 McMillan, J., see F. Lunda - MeMillan, J., 1,236,960 MeMillan, U., 1,515,062 MeMillen, S., 1,241,867 MeMillin, O., 1,252,596; 1,296,200 McMinn, &., 1,341,510 McMullen, E., see H. McCormack McMullen, E., 1,268,987 McMurray, M., B. Mullen and H. Peppel, 1,183,891 McMurray, S., 1,342,638 McMurray, S., and J. Parrish, 1,215,293 McMurtrie, D., see G. Richter MeMurtry, G., 1,217,972 MeNabb, W., 1,143,295; 1,309,209 McNabb, W., and R. Wile, 1,126,055 MeNairy, J., 1,436,273 McNamara, P., 1,234,919 MeNear, F., and P. Bowles, 1,158,253; 1,297,378 McNeil, C., see F. Rogers McNeil, C., see R. Wilson 1,208,596; 1,389,679; McNeil, C., 1,421,271 McNeil, C., and E. Brown, 1,441,696 MeNerthney, T., 1,519,464 MeNitt, R., 1,197,137; 1,214,808 McOmber, L., 1,845,452 McPherson, F., 1,503,695 McPherson, F., and J. Abrams, 1,456,323 McPhillips, F., 1,358,226 McQuaid, H., see G. Given McQuaid, H., 1,425,787 McQuaid, H., and R. Mitchell, 1,492,391 McQuigg, C., see F. Becket McQuillan, L., 1,513,918 McQuitty, R., 1,347,226; 1,407,075; 1,520,660 McRae, F., see C. Appleton McRae, W., 1,151,490 McSwinney, D., 1,384,805 MeVeigh, E., 1,406,058 Mead, G., 1,359,719 Mead, G., and C. Rossbach, 1,517,221 Meade, J., 1,222,967; 1,479,394 Meade, W., and S. Friestedt, 1,876,961; 1,385,184 Meader, J., 1,219,571; 1,219,572; 1,219,573; 1,219,574; 1,219,575 Meadows, T., 1,276,555; 1,822,038 ~ Meadows, T., M. Hauber and H. Charlton, 1,433,290 Meadows, T., and H. Ruhm, 1,415,186 Meadows, T., and F. Sample, 1,326,412 Meadway, E., 1,216,154 Meaker, G., 1,191,526; 1,208,185 Means, C., 1,231,045 Meany, R., 1,194,408 Meara, J., 1,166,922 Mebane, C., 1,310,918; 1,312,339 Meckbach, E., 1,203,642 Meditsch, F., 1,246,296 Meehan, A., 1,499,068 Meehan, P., 1,388,188 Meek, W., 1,222,883 Meeks, H., 1,520,197 Meers, S., 1,235,043 Mees, C., 1,896,770 Mees, E., 1,396,970 Meeus, E. de, 1,229,724 Megrath, W., see A. Liebmann Mehring, A., see H. Bryan Mehta, V., 1,483,368 Meier, A., 1,171,392 Meier, A., and H. Rall, 1,287,387 Meigs, C., 1,237,078; 1,245,608; 1,252,013; 1,351,672; 1,471,699 Meigs, J., see C. Forrest Meigs, J., 1,464,137 ; 1,486,781 Meikle, G., 1,266,517 Meirowsky, M., 1,124,777; 1,173,452; 1,241,539 Meischke-Smith, W., 1,827,247; 1,450,327 Meisel, G., see A. Burrage Meisenburg, K., see K. Delbrueck Meisenburg, K., see F. Hofmann Metsenburg, K., see W. Schulemann Meisenburg, K., see L. Taub Meiser, W., see C’. Bosch Meiser, W., see W. Gaus Meiser, W., and C. Krauch, 1,207,968 * Meister, J., 1,397,875 88. UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Meister, W., 1,455,963 Mejdell, T., see H. Falck Mejdell, T., see A. Foss, Mejdell, ci 1,413,754; 1 ‘421 804; 1,444,160 Melamid, M., 1,131 939 ; 1,133,994 ; 1,183, 749 ; 1,201,601: 1,362,127 Melchers, J., 1,162,797 Melchior, F., 1,253,411 Melhardt, C., 1,205,007 Melhuish, W., 1,175,467; 1,210,667; 1,243,855 ; 1,265,227 Melick, W., 1,271,192 Melkman, S., 1,148,850 Mellen, G., 1,160,430; 1,160,431 Mellgren, O., 1,379,355 | Mellick, T., 1,224,769 Mello, F. de, 1,148, 152; Re-14,051; 1,179,903 Mellott, H., i 423, 810; 1, 440 548 Meloche, Bye 1,453, 593: 1,485, 624; 1,492,694; 1,505,214 : 1,505,215; 1,506, 130 Melsted, V., 1,210,965 Melton, P., 1,429,959 Melville, A., see J. Lumsden Memminger, C., 1,192,545 Menard, J., 1 381 728: 1,504,697 Mendel, M., 1 367, 620 Mendelsohn, EL 1,244,114; 1,500,026 Mendez, A., 1,352,015 Menefee, C., 1,803,097 Menningen, J., 1,162,092 Menough, P., 1,198,468 Mensching, C., 1,217,042 Mensing, W., 1,371,803 Mentzer, J., 1,285,303 | Menzies, S., 1,229,305 Mercer, i 1,221, 348 Meredith, W., 1 430, 246; 1,440,835 Meriwether, ‘on 1,149, 390 Merkel, B., see M. Engelmann Merkel, F., 1,175,539 Merkel, G., 1,229, 637 Merling, G., O. Chrzescinski and H. Koehler, 1,126,549 Merling, G., O. Chrzesciuski and O. Pfeffer, 1,169,341 Merrefield, G., 1,480,667 Merrell, I., 1,225,348; 1,365,055; 1,398 080; 1 398, 081; 1,410,492 Merrell, Oy 136, 356; Re- 14 693; 1,443,714 Merriam, E,, 1,304, 587 M erriam, Hi 4, See E. Hudson Merriam, H., 1,384,566; 1,496,649 Merrick, F., 1,203,229 Merrick, H., 1,520,198 Merrill, C., 1,226,103; 1,226,104 Merrill, D., see J. Frazer Merrill, F., 1,419,463 Merritt, M., 1,282,258; 1,282,261; 1,282,262; 1,282,265; 1,282,266; 1,282,269; 1,282,270; 1,335,175; 1,335,176; 1,363,186; 1,381,882; 1,387,426; 1,405,534; Merry, A., 1,247,128 Merry, C., 1,458,772 Merry, E., 1,191,527; 1,415,671; 1,427,221 1,370,828; 1,282,259; 1,282,263 ; 1,282,267 ; 1,322,494; 1,335,177; 1,381,883 ; 1,405,535 1,282,260; 1,282,264; 1,282,268 ; 1,335,174; 1,335,846; 1,387,425 ; Merryweather, H., 1,486,256 Mersereau, G., see B. Eldred Mersereau, G., 1,224,485; - 1,282,906; 1,308,802; 1,308,803; 1,509,603 Mershon, R., 1,141,402; 1,171,969; 1,433,736; 1,487,189; 1,439,525 Mershon, R., and J. Riddile, 1,285,305 Mershon, R., and P. Ross, 1,489,093 Merson, J., see J. Skelley Merten, W., 1,280,268 Mertens, J., 1,235,989 Merz, A., see W. Ross Merz, A., 1,288,437 Merz, A., W. Ross and J. Carothers, 1,284,200 Mess, G., and G. Mess, 1,486,353 Messer, A., 1,486,492; 1,521,385 1,388,874 ; Messerschmitt, A., 1,135,387; 1,152,196; 1,152,197; 1,214,346; 1,225,262; 1,225,263; 1,344,705 Messersmith, J., 1,260,787 Messick, T., see H. Hyman Messmer, A., see J. Sonderegger Messmer, A., 1,373,518 Meston, A., 1,329,844; 1,339,471; 1,357,886 Metcalfe, R., 1,402,243 Meter, J. Van, see J. Van Meter Meth, M., 1,344,141 Mettler, C., 1,157,169 Metz, A., and G. Bergeron, 1,307,562 Metz, G., see P. Schreurs Metzger, F., see M. Whitaker Metzger, F., 1,178,591; 1,295,049; 1,309,903; 1,313,812; 1,313,313; 1,837,019; 1,822,195; 1,354,574; 1,358,383; 1,863,428; 1,385,335; 1,388,586; 1,408,757; 1,419,746; 1,498,637 Metzger, O., 1,149,850 Metzger, R., see O. Bally Meuser, L., 1,247,308 Mewborne, R., 1,146,014 Mewborne, R., and H. McConnell, 1,197,142; 1,317,210 Mewbourne, R.., 1,156,609 Mewes, R., 1,510,793 1,299,988; 1,330,210; 1,358,014; 1,385,336; 1,439,909 ; Meyer, A., 1,160,085; 1,221,561; 1,221,562; 1,239,930; 1,295,821; 1,300,631; 1,483,468; 1,483,469 Meyer, A., and P. Walsh, 1,422,119; 1,495,863 Meyer, E., 1,157,887; 1,218,949; 1,242,886; 1,247,985; 1,344,645; 1,350,824 Meyer, F., see H. Geldermann Meyer, F., 1,129,109; 1,166,142; 1,343,929 Meyer, F., and H. Kerstein, 1,173,012 Meyer, G., 1,462,375 Meyer, H., 1,258,590 Meyer, J., 1,198,744 Meyer, L., 1,481,849 Meyer, Be 1,410, 494 Meyer, S., "and W. James, 1,425,330; 1,440 O73: 1,440 024; 1,475,503 Meyer, W., 1,383,740 Meyerhofer, A., 1,350,825; 1,378,710 Meyering, B., 1,225,988 Meyers, H., see C. MacDowell 1,175,791 ; INDEX OF NAMES 89 Meyers, H., 1,246,636; 1,311,175; 1,475,959; 1 85, 406 Meyers, J, 2) 415 942; 1,415,948; 1,415,944 Meyers, eye 1 305, 392, Micalizzi, G., 1,516, 449 Michaelis, . 1,189 602; 1,203,032 Michaelsen, H., ‘1,454,939 Michalis, C., see J. Constable Michalkowski, C. von, see O. Popp Michaud, G., and E. Delasson, 1124, 315 Michel, W., 1,378, 599 Michell, A., 1,398, 878 Michie, A., ‘and E. Weeks, 1,423,134 Mickelson, A., 1,169,985 Middleton, A., see W. Stenning Middleton, yh see G. Constantinesco Middleton, P., 1,372,973; 1,376,025; 1,403,516; 1 478, "790 Middleton, T., see F. Kent Middleton, T., 1,329,918 Middleton, W., 1,315, 678 Midgley, jis "1,296, 832 ; 1,491,998 Mieg, W., see H. Raeder Miescher, K., 1,434,306 Miessler, O., see E. Frisch Miguet, P., 1,376,563 Mihalic, A., 1,435,649 Mijs, J., 1,178,532 Mikesell, A., 1,415,380 Mikimoto, K., 1,328,008 Milani, E., 1,459,232 Milanoff, H., 1,305,146 Milburn, L., 1,222,441 Miles, C., 1,408,625 Miles, F., 1,516,450 Miles, G., 1,134,280; 1,224,948; 1,228,580; 1,367,274; 1,394,752; 1,495,561; 1,518,997 Miles, J., 1,865,334; 1,365,335 Miles, T., see M. Blyth Mill, k. 1 491,960 Millard, E.. 1,244,116; 1,413,180 Millen, eh see D. MacGregor Miller, A., "1,311,987; 1,513,411 Miller, C., 1,198,142; 1,512,783 Miller, E., see J. Frazer Miller, E., see W. Patrick Miller, E., 1,260,788; 1,418,320 Miller, F., 1,198,045; 1,198,046; 1,390,575; 1,432,774; 1,511,353 Miller, G., 1,172,723; 1,334,668 Miller, H., 1,154,931; 1,187,006; 1,214, 940 Miller, I., 1,445,637 Miller, is see J. Lumsden Miller J . see G. Olhensis Miller, J., 1,140,995; 1,245,487; 1,312,265; 1,391,561; 1,407,701; 1,415,255; | 1,421,527; 1,516.469 Miller, J., and A. Isles, 1,435,322 Miller, ie see E. Weintraub Miller, M.,, 1,123,347 Miller, M., and M. Roche, 1,499,544 1,323,606 ; 1,168,534; 1,354,575; 1,401,348; 1,353,931 ; 1,169,178; 1,314,280 ; 1,397 647 ; 1,381,929 ; 1,196,799 ; 1,357,335 ; 1,410,211; 1,417,091; 1,389,963 ; 1,206,881 ; 1,241,648 ; 1.391.562; 1,469,426 ; Miller, N., 1,211,476 Miller, O., 1,506,193 Miller, P., 1,356,544 Miller, R., 1,164,840 Miller, S., 1,360,665; 1,395,968; 1,431,676; 1,438,710; 1,451,666 Miller, S., and J. Hess, 1,457,543 Miller, S., and J. Hill, 1,464,851 Miller, S., and F. Rhodes, 1,365,423 Miller, T., 1,146,640; 1,155,325; 1,185,601; 1 215, Bll; 1 493 310; 1 477, 516; 1 501 ,009 Miller, W., 1.250 612; 1,358,456; 1,376, 110; 1,400,090 Milligan, L., 1,421,978 Milliken, F., 1,277,989; 1,310,363; 1,314,417; 1,338,517; 1,338,518; 1,350,166; 1,351,673; 1,354,988; 1,354,989; 1,854,990; 1,360,773; 1,377,089; 1,385,223; 1,393,388; 1,432,607 Milliken, H., 1,405,613 Millring, E., 1,501,356 Mills, C., 1,897,896 Mills, L., 1,123,778; 1,236,787; 1,860,666; 1,433,965 Mills, L., and T. Crowe, 1,387,289 Mills, O., 1,376,963 Mills, R., 1,421,706; 1,512,557 Mills, any 1,407, 875 Mills, W., and W. Morgan, 1.262, 825 Mills, W.. and C. Packard, 1312, 741; 1,312,742 Miln, J., 1,265, 356; 1,265, 357 Milne, i see A. Jack Milne, L., 1,307,059 Milne, S., 1,367,707 Milson, re 1,430,099 Minck, P., 1,317, 306; 1,383,742; 1,421,707; 1 428, 246 Miner, C., see E. Stoddard Miner, on 1,167,360; 1,824,318; 1,349,524; 1,434,498 Minetti, A., 1,437,149 Minevitch, J., 1,483,233 Mininberg, N., 1,411,641; 1,426,756; 1,479,418; 1,503,547 Minne, J., 1,375,529 Minter, Cc, 1,518, 807 Minton, oe 1,228, 465; 1,455,544 Minton, O., ol 147, 808 ; 1,147, 809 Mirsch, A., see W. Mirsch Mirsch, W.. and A. Mirsch, 1,207,972 Mishler, Hi 1,197,843 Mitchell, A., 1,273 110; 1,289,862; 1,340,905; 1,408, 760: 1,513,922 Mitchell, 13s and G. Mitchell, 1,502,514 Mitchell, Bs ” and J. Pfeffer, 1,431, 245 Mitchell, G., see D. Mitchell Mitchell, He 1,421,979 Mitchell, J., 1,856,387; 1,394,329 ; Mitchell, M., 1,315,607 M itchell, Ps see A. Evans Mitchell, R., see H. McQuaid Mitchell, R.,, see C. Patterson Mitchell, R., 1,397,173; 1,397,493; 1,398,239 Mitchell, T., 1,183,315; 1 183 316 Mitchem, if see J. Hollingsworth Mitscherling, W., 1,415,040; 1,432,775; 1,435,650 Mittasch, A., see C. Bosch i Mittasch, A., see K. Neresheimer 1,478,347 90 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Mittasch, A., 1,173,532; 1,301,151 Mittasch, A., and O. Balz, 1,518,597 Mittasch, A., J. Jannek and G. Wietzel, 1,412,954 Mittasch, A., and C. Kircher, 1,482,479 Mittasch, A., and C. Schneider, 1,128,804; 1,201,850 Mittasch, A., C. Schneider and H. Morawitz, 1,215 396: 1 ,256,032 Mittasch, A. and M. Schuemann, 1,430,920 Mittasch, AG K. Willfroth, and O. Balz, 1,487, 020 Mittasch, A., and F. Winkler, 1,429,522 Miwa, Z., see K, Kawai Mix, M., "1215, 570 Miya, M., 1 490, 018 Miyaguchi, T. 1,472 850; 1,472,851 Miyake, K., 1,316, 848 Miyasaki, K., 1,230, 010 Miyata, F., 1513, 259 Miyauchi, K 1,245 A489 eo: Ky 1,148 851 Mobley, L me 378, 481 Mock, H., 1 297 583 ; 1,402,004 Mock, W., 1,479,047 Moe, eae see A. Hanson Moecker, H., 1,503,991 Moehring, E., see I. Pollak Moeller, E., 1,357,466 Moeller, F., 1,499,025 Moeller, W., 1 141 1386; 1,220,766; 1,236,468; 1,399, 510; 1 448 278; 1 498, 371 Moench, F., 1 157 569 ; 1,165,338; 1,172,158; i t72; 160; 1 221 566 Moerch, K 1 160, 942; 1,415,843 Moerk, inf 1 499 626; i 505, 104 Moest, M., i 180 061 Moest, M., and M. Eckardt, 1,145,162 Moest, M., and E. Schirm, 1 337 253 Moeys, E., oy 312,743 Moffat, 1D. 1 400, 308; 1,415,105 Moffat, Ae oh 294 514; 4 348 889 Moffatt, A., 1 (425 033 Moffatt, Poh 1 365, 183 Moffett, M., 1 165 619 Mohler, T., ‘and O. Ludekens, 1,357,647 Mohme, C., 1,355,161 Mohn, A. 1 397 738; Re-15,465 Mohney, Eh. 1 280 067 Mohr, R., i ‘404, 467 Moisant, ’A., 1 297 716; 1,368,346 Moist, R., 1 362 887 Moj onnier, ni 1,221,357; 1,372,243; 1,391,965 Mojonnier, O., 1 362,728 Mojonnier, ple 1 449. ,688 Molas, E., 1 327 769 Moldenhauer, E., and L. Bickett, 1,516,113 Moldenke, E., 1 457, 787 Moldenke, Ry 1 282, 373; 1,388,436 Molhant, A., 1, 124 500 ; i 134 281 Molin, a see D. Le evin Mollen, oe and W. Patnoe, 1,365,336 Mollenbruck, F. von, 1 139 934 Moloney, P., and D. Findlay, 1,470,024 Molony, §., 1 043,224; 1,384,773 Molony, S., and Y. Nikaido, 1,465,677 Moment, A. , see H. Shonle Monaco, D. ’Lo, see D. Lo Monaco Monahan, J., 1,856,303 Monahan, ive and C. Pope, 1,165,199 Mond, J. ‘de, "1,239 O13 Moness, J., 1 274, 184; 1 308,763 Monfang, EB, 1,286,055 Monhaupt, M., 1,326,210 Monit, E., 1,401,351 Moniwa, T., 1,233,101 Monkemeyer, L., see A. Zart Monks, A., see T. Lee Monnot, J., 1,156,169 Monrad, K., 1,474,542 Monrath, G: 1 452, 309; 1,452,310; 1,476,828 Monroe, F., 1 236, 097 Monroe, Ju ” 1,459, 513 Monroe, Ke 1,317 380; 1,357,467 Monte, 1 1,416, 372 Monteath, F,, 1,516,199 Montelius, C,, see R. Ameln Montgomery, D., see W. Becker Montgomery, G., see J. M ontgomery — Montgomery, H., 1,249 989 Montgomery, J., and G. Montgomery, 1,192,219 Montgomery, Ee 1,212,985 Montgomery, Re see F. Sperr Montgomery, R.., 1,513,923 Montgomery, S., see E. Payne Monti, E., 1,167,006; 1,226,983; 1,379,470; 1,398,339; 1,465,020; 1,466,670 Montmollin, G. de, 1,359,969; 1,467,711 Montmollin, G., de, and G. Bonhote, 1,504,437 ; 1,516,376 Montmollin, G., de, and H. Spieler, 1,387,596 Montmollin, G., de, and J. Spieler, 1,474 928 Montmollin, G., de, J. Spieler and C. Bonhote, 1,453,659 ; 1,460,315 Montonna, R.., 1,416,859 Montpetit, J ‘and J. Adamson, 1,390,537 Monville, ‘de ‘1 ,199,200 Monvoisin, au 1,219,130 Moody, HH, 1 ‘473 882 Moody, H., and L. Friedburg, 1,357,580 Moody, H. and S. Tucker, 1,175 007 Mooklar, E., 1,141,816; 1 519, 789 Moomy, J: 1, 182, 698; 1,211,867; 1,219,578 Moomy, J..and J. Moomy, 1,514,671 Moon, F., see FE. Anderson Moon, F. , 1,283,261; 1,402,173 Moonelis, A., 1,202 302 Mooney, B. 3 see A. ‘Quattlebaum Mooney, F., 1,330,131; 1,379,578 Mooney, L., 1,174,888; 1,235,716 Moor, W., 1,254,833 Moorcroft, H., 1,186,491 Moore, A., 1,287,395 Moore, A., and F. King, 1,253,706 Moore, C., 1,156,801; 1,184,006; 1,518,537 Moore, D., 1,188,194 Moore, E., 1,149,777; 1,265,236 Moore, F., see W. Harty Moore, F., 1,344,143; 1516, 571 Moore, G. see J. Beaumont Moore, G., 1,207,978; 1,231,409; 1,248,374 ; 1,287 074 ; 1,364,573; 1,415,893 1,219,577 ; 1,224,951 ; 1,231,410; 1,388,285; INDEX OF NAMES 91 Moore, H., see O. Brown Moore, H., see H. Hanson Moore, H., see R. Moore Moore, H., 1,130,317; 1,137,779; 1,155,605; 1,184,480; 1,309,214; 1,324,920; 1,326,767 Moore, H., and R. Mather, 1,452,810 Moore, H., and J. Quinn, 1,326,414 Moore, H., and A. Richter, 1,312,800 Moore, H., and G. Richter, 1,315,189 Moore, J., 1,190,937; 1,272, 880 Moore, K, and H. Edmands, 1,368,520 Moore, L., and W. Jackson, 1,476 909 Moore, M. ., see M. Chappell Moore, M., see W. Moore -Moore, M., 1,217,331 Moore, N., see W. Brierly Moore, P., 1,220,160; 1,826,952 Moore, Q., 1,215,800 Moore, R., 1,165,692; 1,271,060; 1,286,057 Moore, R., and H. Moore, 1,426,589 Moore, S., 1,888,877; 1,418,158 Moore, T., 1,858,324 Moore, W., 1,254,056; 1,496,725; 1,512,560 Moorhead, J., 1,292,352 Moorman, J., and W. Howe, 1,509,166 Mooser-Schiess, W., 1,317,721; 1,867,886 Moran, R., 1,401,631; 1,459,410 Morawitz, H., see A. Mittasch Moreh, A., 1,500,027 Mordaci, S., see E. Sardou More, A., see C. Coutelle Morehead, G., 1,225,471 Moreland, F., 1,448,901 Morey, C., 1,127,911 ~ Morey, C., and C. Craine, 1,167,915; 1,252,830 Morey, C., and C. Huber, 1,274,186 Morf, E., 1,128,175; 1,154,651 Morford, J., 1,149,532 Morgan, B., 1,495,094 Morgan, D., see C. Francis Morgan, E., 1,440,836 1,137,780 ; 1,323,540 ; 1,165,693; 1,256,718; 1,335,009; 1,376,153; Morgan, G., 1,161,23 9; 1,221,077; 1,364,134; 1,442,818 Morgan, H., 1,221,571; 1,486,106; 1,436,107 Morgan, J., 1,278,493; 1,376,564; 1,398,882; 1,479,731; 1,521,549 Morgan, J., and J. Morgan, Jr., 1,430,670 Morgan, J., Jr., see J. Morgan Morgan, N., 1 "405 856; 1,475,445 Morgan, W., see W. Mills Morgan, W., 1,520,302 Morganstein, S., 1,275,289 Morin, H., 1,404,633 Moriondi, C., 1,410,069 Mork, H., see G. Esselen Mork, H., 1,246,640; 1,246,641; 1,246,642; P2io,di4; 1,278,715; 1,278,716; 1,306,707; 1,306, 708 : 1,306,709; 1,393,236; 1,393,237 Mork, i308 ‘and C. Coffin, 1,421,288; 1,421,289; 1 421,290 Mork, H., and G. Esselen, 1,193,178; 1,416,493 Morley, J., 1,151,373 Moross, W., and J. Costello, 1,328,096 Morreale, J., 1,514,561; 1,514,562 Morrell, J., 1,859,091; 1,440,355; 1,478,985; 1,478,986; 1,478,987 Morrill, E., 1,271,200 Morris, A., 1,227,174; 1,862,956 Morris, H., 1,203,896; 1,205,376 Morris, J., 1,140,760; 1,161,824 Morris, P., and J. Bryant, 1,269,487 Morris, R., see J. Marrs Morrison, F., 1,865,715; 1,365,716 Morrison, He 1,203 233: 1,299 004. Morrison, Je 1,444 202 M orrison, W., see W. Bleecker Morrison, W., 1,139,213; 1,139,214; 1,228,368; 1,228,369; 1,262,228; 1,273,929; 1,284,425; 1,284,426; 1,350,419 Morrissey, L., 1,466,888 Morron, J., see R. Kinsley Morron, J., 1,312,452 Morse, E., 1,188,195 Morse, G., 1,239,291; 1,262,828 Morse, H., see J. Greenway Morse, H., 1,286,718; 1,288,121; 1,343,401; 1,485,727; 1,468,389; Morse, S., 1,493,000 Morse, W., 1,133,739; 1,392,074 Morselli, G., 1,362,172 1,299,597 ; 1,440,356 ; 1,175,370; 1,265,360; 1,304,192; 1,343 ,400 ; 1,468,390 Morterud, E., 1,228,950; 1,478, 614 Morton, H., see M. Harrison M orton, H., see H. Hibbert Morton, He 1,221,572; 1,293,863; 1,434, 909; 1 503 702; 1 512, 786 Morton, H. and M. Harrison, 1,478 576 Morton, H., and B. Nicolet, 1,300,451 Morton, W., 1,514,780 Moscicki, ihe 1,201,607 ; 1,455,546 Moseley, J., 1,395,860 Moser, WwW. see B. Mayer Moses, A., 1,281,411; i 032,002; 1,371,926 Moses, F., 1,306,831 Moses, H., 1,490,627 Moses, ros 1 489, 330 Moskovits, N., and K, Jacobsen, 1,277,336 Mosler, A., and G. Margolin, 1,320,637 Mosnat, He 1,277,242 Mossman, ie L 159, 857 Moszkowski, M., and A. Loewenthal, 1,180,732 Moszynski, hi 1,157; 952 Mota, F., de la, 1,229, 592 1,418,197; 1,315,525 ; 1,434,908; Mott, O., see A. "Holley Mott, W., 1,134,148; 1,147,422; 1,148,183; 1,148,184; 1173370; 1,187,166; 1,205,377; 1,235,996; 1,239,810; 1,244,358; 1,244,359; 1,259,121; 1,289,514; 1,303,362; 1,311,133; 1,314,603; 1,326,605; 1,425,603; 1,439,016 Motta, D., 1,831,119; 1,331,519 Motte, G., 1,517,311 Motter, J., 1,188,977 Mottura, D., 1,412,129 Mouck, W., 1;298,546 Moufang, E., 1,517,650 Moulton, E., 1,815,982 Moulton, H., and E. Tillyer, 1,449,343 Mouneyrat, A., 1,232,373 ae Mount, W., 1,179,952; 1,329,722; 1,352,210 92 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Moureu, C., 1,436,047 Mowery, H., 1,482,480 Mowrey, J., 1,491,412 Mowrey, W.. 1 283 264; 1,304,796 Mowry, E., 1 397, 175 Moxham, i 1 151 117; 1,203,897; 1,294,519; 1,311,176; 1,420,127; 1,420,128; 1,420,129; 1,420,180; 1,472,131; 1,489,360; 1,489,361; 1,489,362 Moxham, E., 1,491,964 Moyer, F., 1,506,196 Moyler, H see N. Hill Muchka, vS 1,406,479; 1,413,285 Muchow, W. 1 317, 886 Muckenhirn, GC. 1,233 495 Muckle, T., 1 363 188 Mudd, in8 1 320 ‘405 Mudd, Ss, ‘see L. Trent Muehl, W., 1,410,827; 1,485,565 Muehlbaecher, HS 1,470, 182 Muelertz, A., 1 379, 875: 1,396,520 Mueller, C, see K. Theiss Mueller, Cc. 1,297 388 Mueller, on and W. Stober, 1,165,531 Mueller, E., 1,196,138; 1 305 301; 1,352,082 ; 1,375 532; 1 492 214: 1 494 861 Mueller, F, 1 207, 784: 1 231 285: 1,260,012 Mueller, Ho, "and R. Harris, 1 433 403 : 1,433,404 Mueller, H., 1,453,988 Mueller, J., see R. Herz Mueller, ya see G. Kalischer Mueller, J., see Tobler, R. Mueller, J., 1,437,003 Mueller, Ke see H. Goldschmidt Mueller, K., 1,511,628 Mueller, rg) and W. Sander, 1,502,321 Mueller, M.. 1,346,967 ; 1,347 518: 1,386,521; 1,413 762: 1,413,763 ; 1 437, 385 : Re- 15,946 Mueller, P,, 1 406 997: 1 519 004 Mueller, R 4 153. 402 : L. ‘163, 438; 1 one ,206 Mueller, R., and E. Rowlands, 1,220 263 Mueller, V., 1,872,364 Mueller, W., see H. Carstens Mueller-Naegeli, G., 1,175,169 Muench, C., 1,153,512 Muench, E., 1 938 930; 1,248,888 M wench, G., see E. M arburg Muench, G., see H. Specketer Muench, R., 1,292,630 Muender, W.. 1 431 ,246 Muenz, F., see R. Haynn Muenz, B. 1,500,255 Muenzer, P., ds 199, 098; 1,199,099 Mugdan, M, see E. Baum Mugdan, M. see EL. Galitzenstein Mugdan, M., see W. Herrmann Mugdan, M.. and W. Herrmann, 1,459,852 Muha, A.., 1,342 ,862 Mulder, P., 1,518, 271 Mulholland, Nee 1,196,803 Mullen, B., see M. McMurray Mullen, Gi 1,377,217; 1,498,564 Mullen, dc 1,286, 389 Muller, Ge 1 237, 368 Muller, Js, 1,367,751 Mulligan, A., 1,452,750 219,848 ; Mulligan, F., 1,338,033; 1,504,829 Mulligan, aA see W. Thum Mullin, T., 1 362,888 M ullinniz, ye see J. Brown Mullins, E., and W. Collier, 1,411,577 Mulloy, G., os ,254 836 Mulock, W., 1 1186, 492; 1,244,759 Mumford, A., 1,355, 769 Mumford, G., see G. Fowler Mumford, R., 1,286,187; 1,287,592; 1,314,203: 1,314,204; 1,359,094; 1,377,021; 1,396,773; 1,402,007 Mumm, B., 1,204,812 Munday, ne 1 277 5244 Munn, L., 1 286, 061 Munnell, va see L. La Tour | Munro, AG "1,284, 750 Munro, a ‘7 5,250,622 Munroe, T., 1,338,322 ; 1,503 202 Munroe, W., 1,230,081 Muntz, W.., i 184 257: 1,203,241; 1 239, 374 Murakami, ok: 1 195 843: 1 289, 873 Murdock, H., 1,189,282; 1,189,721; 1256 292 Muren, A., 1,815,032; 1,416,738 Murke, ty 1 132 868 Muro, R., ‘and A. Boyz, 1,500,519 Murphy, Dy 1,374,755 Murphy, J., Y 349 688. 1,367,888; 1,471,566 Murphy, t 1,449.2 240 Murphy, Pi 1,216,593 Murphy, T., see M. Wilbur Murphy, ay 1,351,961 Murphy, W., 1 ‘180, 599 Murphy, W., and W. Dunning, 1,409,897 Murray, A., 4 225,477; 1,488,274 Murray, J., see a "M urray Murray, he 1,295,568; 1,404,216 Murray, S., 1 327 726 Murray, T. 1 233 689; 1,233,690; 1,233,691 Murray, T., and J. Murray, 1,329, 135; 1,329,136 Murray, T., and E. Ricketts, 1,132 679: 1,139,053; 1,293,866 Murray, W., 1,462,613; 1,509,872; 1,514,222 Murrell, C., “4 292 016 Murrie, J., if 435 652; 1,492,305 Murrill, P., 1,159,327, 1,166,777; 1,436,894; 1,453,515 Muschewske, K., and W. Wood, 1,381,654 Muspratt, F., 1 398, 527 Musselman, Ag 1 364 076; 1,485,089 Musser, S., 1 365 844 Mussino, M., 1 284 vei) Muth, Ge 1,194,866 Muths, H., 1,398,600 Muto, 40 1 296 599: 1,296,600; 1,296,601 Mutscheller, A., 1,315, 324 Muus, C., 1,495, 097 Myers, Cc. 1 126 208; 1,422,294 Myers, ‘on 1,436, 518 Myers, ae 1,413,766; 1,427,226; 1,450,186; 1,454,065; 1 454 066; 1,454,067; 1 ‘471, 190 Myers, H., and A. Straw, 1,454 064; 1,454 068 Myers, J., 1,446 314 Myers, R., 1 180 066 1,289,053 ; 1,366,822 ; 1,479,419; 1,486,535; 1,204,374 ; 1,182,501 ; INDEX OF NAMES 93 Myers, R., and R. Hall, 1,863,162 Mygatt, O., 1,155,000 Mylo, R., 1 183, 317 Mynders, "N., see P. Harris Myrick, J., 1 '313, 724 - Nacimento, R., 1,880,828 Nadler, A., and J. Kinghorn, 1,454,759 Naefe, E., 1,480,289 Naemura, T., 1,466,241 Nagai, N., 1,399,312 Nagai, W., 1 356, 877; 1,399,144 Nagashima, i, 1,308, 552 Nagel, F., 1 362, 731 Nagel, o;. 1,358 096 Nagel, iT, 1,500,256; 1,507,673; 1,507,674; 1,507,675; 1,507,676; 1,507,677; 1,507,678; 1,507,679 Nagelschmitz, F., 1,170,313 Nagelvoort, A., 1 244, 884; 1,244,885; 1,352,211; Re-15,314; 1 ABA, 591; 1 505, "281 Nagle, J 1,512,299 Nagle, P., 1,283,420; 1,283,421; 1,283,422 Nagy, D. de, 1,250,289 Naito, A., 1,519,973 Najacht, O., 1,468,828 Najarian, J., 1,427,621 Nakamura, oe 1 318, 902 j Nakayama, M., and K. Adachi, 1,402,085 Naldrett, A., see F. Frear Nall, E., 1,374,463 Namari, I., 1,473,966 Napier, C., 1,333,767 Napier, M., 1,379,776 Napolitan, F., 1,422,295; 1,464,102 Narobe, F., 1,224,492 Nash, C., 1,843,575 Nash, F., 1,228,587; 1,456,332 Nash, T., 1,140,181 Nash, W., 1,293,515 Nashlund, 7§ 1 371 5205 Nasse, R.., 1,210 968 Nathan, F,, W. Rintoul and H. Baker, 1,280,278; 1,280,279 ; 1,302,202; 1,338,691 Nathan, L., 1,235,231; 1,268,872 Nathusius, H., 1,268,483 Nauckhoff, S33 ‘see A. Aubert Naudet, L., 1, 190, 317; 1,281,057; 1,343,737 Navin, EF, 1,312, 266 Navone, Je. 1 424 668 Nawiasky, tas see R. Bohn Nawiasky, P, see M. Kardos Nawiasky, P., 1,238,932; 1,505,912; 1,513,851 Naylor, J., 1,172 303 Naylor, i. 1 327, 838; 1,418,824; 1,418,825 Naylor, W. and 8. Hutton, 1 132, 376; 1,175,655 Nead, Ue 1,508, 567 1,400,399 ; iNealt see I. Parkhurst Neal, hes "1,364,786 Neale, Ri 1,178, 869; 1,178,870 Neale, W., 1,164, 383 Nebel, W., 1,478,137 Needham, H., 1,188,196; 1,231,416 Needham, J., and P. Claassen, 1,491,725 Needle, M., 1,455,350 Neelmeier, W., see H. Jordan Neelmeier, W., and K. Heusner, 1,504,134 Neelmeier, W., H. Jordan and K. Heusner, 1,169,344 Neelmeier, W., 1,128,814 Neff, Ay see D. Kellogg Neff, or 1,343,150 Neff, G., and E, Jenkins, 1,305,485 Negrete, J., 1,243,964 N N and A. Sigwart, 1,128,813; eher, R., see E. Lauber Neidich, S., 1,203,770; 1,364,788; 1,364,789 Neidlinger, H., 1,227,184 Neilan, T., and G. Zobanaky, 1,467,587 Neill, J., see J. McIntosh Nekritz, L., 1,431,026 Nelson, A., 1,282,706; 1,441,740 Nelson, E., 1,829,272 ; 1,515,870 Nelson, H., 1,149,210; 1,149,211 1,245,119; 1,245,120; Nelson, J., 1,326,463; 1,366,585; 1,366,586; 1,391,568; 1,891,569; 1,408,465; 1,412,540; 1,414,482 Nelson, P., 1,414,039 Nelson, R., 1,248,380; 1,469,586 Nelson, W., 1,465,310; 1,480,291 Nemec, A., 1,123,917 Neptune, R., 1,226,904 Neresheimer, C., see C’. Bosch Neresheimer, H., 1,207,981; 1,207,982 Neresheimer, K., C. Bosch and A. Mittasch, 1,292,019 Nerger, F., 1,189,859 Nernst, W., 1,244,121 Nesbit, A., see F. McGee Nesbit, A., 1,356,462; 1,857,201; 1,357,202; 1,440,886; 1,440,887 Nesbitt, R., 1,217,335 Ness, J., 1,480,860 Nestell, R., 1,274,310; 1,307,920 Nestler, E., 1,354,992 Nethercott, C., 1,359,826; 1,371,258 Nettgens, H., 1,247, 863 Neuberger, He see F’. Bergh Neuberger, O., 1,135,043 Neubert, F., see P. Winnertz Neuberth, G., 1,236,470 Neuenhaus, Hi see G.. Koegel Neugebauer, W., and M. Sehmidé, 1,506,545 Neuls, J., see F. Braun Neuls, J., 1,881,586 Neumann, pie see C. Massaciu Neumann, A 1,247, 864 Neumann, a see W. Lange Neumann, P., and J. gurnee. 1,123,572 Neumeyer, isth 1,426,836 Neun, D., 1,404,137 Neusella, A., 1,453,764 oe Neuth, G., see also G. Nuth 94 UNITED STATES. CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Neve, M., see A. Hansen Nevett, R., see T. Palmer New, G., see H. Leland Newberry, E., see W. Heap Newberry, S., 1,150,295; 1,156,018; 1,239,616; 1,267,686; 1,366,479; 1,471,410; 1,488,055; 1,504,701; 1,510,795 Newberry S., and H. Barrett, 1,133,392; 1,158,711; 1,162,802; 1,162,944; 1,173,303; 1,174,176 Newberry, S., and G. Fishburne, 1,194,219 Newbury, W., 1,415,605 Newby, E., 1,484,837 Newcomb, H., 1,231,286 Newell, B., 1,357,297 Newell, M., 1,456,035 Newell, M., and E. Anderson, 1,495,961 Newhouse, R., 1,184,656; 1,332,138 Newkirk, W., see F. Bachler Newkirk, W., 1,471,847; 1,508,569 Newlyn, T., 1,408,384 Newman, A., 1,280,283; 1,294,525 Newman, E., 1,419,685 Newman, J., 1,453,228 Newman, M., 1,195,391; 1,418,013 Newman, V., and M. Loomis, 1,423,777 Newman, W., 1,330,387 Newton, D., 1,830,490; 1,356,878 Newton, E., 1,340,457 Newton, H., 1,203,038 Ney, A,. 1,185,704 Nicholas, J., 1,880,922 Nicholls, J., 1,208,358 Nichols, C., see G: Blardone Nichols, F., 1,351,118 Nichols, H., 1,856,550; 1,419,295 Nichols, H., and C. Freede, 1,362,260 Nichols, R., see A. Browne Nichols, W., 1,175,555; 1,291,655; Re-15,435; 1,359,268; 1,427,121; 1,494,011; 1,517,451 Nicholson, E., 1,212,098 Nicholson, F., see M. Udy Nicholson, S., 1,425,679 Nickerson, W., 1,129,113 Nickum, W., 1,398,270; 1,428,049; Nicodemus, O., see A. Stock Nicodemus, W., see F. Frear Nicol, D., 1,351,865; 1,356,780 Nicol, J., see T. Rule Nicolet, B., see R. Bacon Nicolet, B., see H. Morton Nicolle, C., 1,202,567 Nicolson, A., 1,137,275; 1,414,370; 1,495,429 Nicolson, A., and E. Hull, 1,209,324 Niece, F., 1,518,852 Niece, F., and R. Leggett, 1,334,962 Niedelholtz, M., 1,178,175 Nielsen, A., 1,318,906; 1,845,220 Nielsen, C., see A. Burdick Nielsen, H., 1,307.635; 1,317,936; 1,518,938 Nielsen, H., and F. Marshall, 1,376,567 Nielsen, K., and J. Larsen, 1,293,882 1,428,050 Nielsen, N., 1,168,823; 1,274,748; 1,274,750; 1,364,297; 1,405,553; 1,416,501; 1,463,905; 1,520,880 1,291,656 ; 1,460,106 ; 1,438 965 ; Nielsen, R., and V. Goldschmidt, 1,343,468; 1,343,469 Nielsen, W., 1,152,964 Niemann, J., 1,222,789 Niemeyer, Ki 1 163, 166; 1,163,167 Nienstadt, A. ik 143, 130; iy 155, 676; 1,199,018; 1,239,618 : 1,295,356: 1 190, 942 ; 1,227 923. Nieuwland, J., 1,326,367 Nightingale, D., see W. Bader Nihoul, A., and C. Clerc, 1,463,483 Nikaido, y. see S. Molony Nikaido, sie 1,501,914; L 901,915; 1,513,122 Nikolas, G., 1,429,295; 1,485,521 Nilson, A., 1,200,011 Nilson, L., 1,308,527 Nilsson, A., 1,202,729; 1,344,058 Nilsson, H., see G. Groendal Nilsson, H. A. E., 1,440,026 Nilsson, M., and N. Harrison, 1,449,127 Nishigawa, T. 1,359,097 Nishikawa, K., 1.507, 009 Nishikawa, S., 1,176 ,090 Nishimoto, K., 1,201,611 Nishio, K., 1,497,193 Nishizawa, Y., see Y. Shibata Nissen, D., see G. Kalischer Nitchie, C., 1,258,934 Nitschman, J., see C. Ruoff Nitzsche, R., 1,245,370 Nivin, W., see H. Parker Nivling, W., 1,153,244; 1,236,002 Nixon, A., 1,221,083 Vixon, Ga 1.333. 768 ixon, G. and F. Raab, 1,415,260; 1,415,261 ixon, L., 1,237,266 obis, P., 1,288,967 Noble, F., 1,211,481 Noble, G., 1,254,841 Noble, I., and W. Gossling, 1,364,299 Noble, J., 1,861,894 Noble, M., 1,239,295 Nock, L..see C; Pack Nock, L., 1,238,183 Nodder, G., see W. Clayton Nodon, A., 1,198,867 Noe, W., 1,402,248 Noehring, R., 1,204,479 Noerdlinger, H., 1,205,924 Noguchi, S., 1,182,404 Nokes, C., see T. Janney Nokes, C., 1,444,552 Nolan, J., 1,168,901; 1,358,870 Nolan, T., see W. Rintoul Nolan, W., 1,398,563 Noll, C., 1,239,032; 1,393,814; 1,468,029 Noll, F., see W. Weber Noll, H., and J. Streeton, 1,376,569 Noll, R., and C. Sheppard, 1,302,416 Nolle, J. van der, see J. Van der Nolle Nomi, K., 1,386 945 Nomura, T., 1,263 5796; 1,306,710 Nonnenbruch, 0% 1,236,746 Norcross, C., 1,838,996 Nordell, C., 1,506,198 Nordin, 8., 1,192,099 1,501,916 ; 1,153,245; 1,191,216; ZAALZAZA Novotny, INDEX OF NAMES 95 Nordin, S., and S. Nordin, 1,164,112 Nordstroem, O., 1,471,276 Nordstrom, S., 1,514,095; 1,514,096 Nordyke, H., 1,415,683 Norman, W., 1,142,610 Norris, D., i‘ 167, 835 Norris, J., and FE. Cummings, 1,457,791 Norris, P., 1,492,260 Norris, W., see C. Bailey Norris, W., 1,182,200. North, C., 1,339,783; 1,399,789; 1,416,053; "1,440,234; 1,467,984; 1,474,843; 1,485,696; 1.485.697: 1,485,698; 1,485,699; 1,485,702; 1.494.439: 1,494,689; 1,509,082; 1,509,083; 1,509,084; 1,509,085; 1,509,086; 1,509,087; - 1,509,088 North, C., and J. Laycock, 1,485,700 North, C., and G. Peck, 1,485,701 Northover, R., 1,509,608 Northrop, ae 1 293, 172; 1,307,691 Northrup, E, 1 234 203; 1 297, 393; 1,378,186 Northrup, F., ot 158 830. Northup, PF. see T. Hardman Northwood, H., 1,217,490; 1,229,315 Norton, A., 1,384,033; 1,453,254 Norton, C., see M. Hutchison Norton, C., 1,379,204; 1,484,735 Norton, F., see C. Babcock Norton, F., 1,197,533; 1,354,056; 1,354,058; 1,354,059; 1,374,317 Norton, J., and E. Adams, 1,183,398 Norton, 8., 1,516,454; 1,466,147 Norwood, H., 1,232,074 Norzi, E., 1,421,095 Nosawa, K., see S. Asakawa Nostrand, C. Van, see C. Van Nostrand “Nottingham, C., and C. Tuhey, 1,379,876 Novak, I., 1,519,322 Novotny, E., 1,280,527; 1,288,657; 1,354,057; 1,370,666 ; 1,377,501 ; 1,377,505 ; 1,377,509 ; 1,377,514: 1,377,519; 1,398,145 ; 1,401,633 ; 1,442,173; 1,377,502 ; 1,377,506 ; Tatil0; P3r7016; 1,398,142; 1,398,147 ; 1,404,792; 1,451,783; 1,377,503 ; 1,377,507 ; 1,377,512; 1,377,517; 1,398,143; 1,398,148; 1,410,031; 1,489,669 1,377,504; 1,377,508 ; 1,377,513; 1,377,518; 1,398,144; 1,398,149; 1,440,097 ; E., and D. Kendall, 1,470,637 Nowak. C., 1,243,440; 1,328,888 N owak, E., 1 505, 162 Nowell, H., 1 371 804 Noxon, A., 1 384 400 Noxon, Be 1 291 614 Noyes, A,, and GC. Burdick, 1,483,969 Noyes, S., “and S. Peacock, 1 ‘440, 619 Nueth, i 1,159,257 Nukada, Y., 1,272 987 Nunez, F., 1, 125, 590 Nunnelly, W., see H. Ellis Nusbaum, em 1,206,357 Nusbaum, ts and 1, Nusbaum, 1,466,380 Nusbaum, hs ’ see H. Nusbaum Nusbaum, i 1,258,488; 1,399,270 Nuth, G., see also G. Neuth 1,398,146 ; Nuth, G., 1,159,258 Nutter, E., 1,170,665 Nydegger, O., 1,440,620 Nydegger, O., and H. Schellenberg, 1,417,277 O Oakes, E., 1,880,494; 1,411,371 Oakes, F., 1,248,385 Oakes, F., and 8. Dillon, 1,271,067 Oakes, M., see O. Brauser Oakes, O., 1,228,126 Oakleaf, J., see E. Wright Oakley, C., 1,292,027 Oakley, O., 1,495,196 Oates, E., 1,232,075 O’Banion, J., 1,417,103 Ober, F., 1,166,925 Oberfelder, W., 1,244,236 Oberfell, G., see G. Burrell Oberfell, G., and H. Boyd, 1,278,198; 1,302,583 Oberlaender, O., 1,208,629 Obrecht, N., 1,182,103 O’Brien, E., 1,187,229 O’Brien, J., 1,132,873 O’Brien, W., 1,400,231; 1,482,317 Obser, A., 1,268,876 Ochi, K., 1,815,635 Ochs, K., 1,138,400; 1222250 tee Ockleston, W., and T. Carmichael, 1,413,488; 1,516, 641 O'Connell, B., and D. O’Connell, 1,370,990 O’Connell, De: see B. O'Connell O'Connell, T.. 1,340,495 O’Connor, W., 1,164,746 O’Conor, D., 1,284,432 Odell, A., 1,425,605 O’Dell, J., 1,194,340 O’Dell, S., 1,426,002 Odell, W., 1,379,038; 1,495,525 Odell, W., see R. Brown Odinga, T., 1,445,544 Oe, E., see T. Shibata Oechslin, C., 1,440,621; 1,490,020; Oechslin, K., 1,299,214; 1,299,215 Oefele, F. von, 1,154,949 Oehme, H., 1,426, 313 Oehrn, as ‘see O. Kaltwasser Oclenheinz, T., 1,209,327 Oeman, E., 1,359, 911 Oenslager, Ge and J. Howard, 1,513,928 Oeschger, W., 1,254,263; 1,254 264 Oosterhouse, P., 1,442, 089 Ogden, R.., 1,215,182 Ogden, S., 1,509,172 Ogden, W., 1,428, 392 Ogilvy, D., 1264, 551; 1,268,142 Ogle, T., 1,312, 348 ts O'Grady, F ay 402,371 Re-15,826; 1,480,183 ; 1,521,560 — «96 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Onnertz, P., and A. Peters, 1,441,240; 1,511,359 Onnertz, P., A. Peters and B. Schwaertzel, 1,466,748 Oordt, G. van, 1,826,775 Oosterhwis, E., see G. Holst Opel, W., 1,177,047; 1,412,131 Ome, J., see S. Green Opl, K., 1,128,494 Oppel, J., see F. Graff Oppen, W., see B. Kniffler Oppenheim, S., 1,141,482; 1,283,547 Oppl, V., 1,864,450 Ogura, Z., 1,489,144 O’Hara, E., 1,364,950; 1,364,951 Ohashi, H., 1,328,188 Ohlhaver, H., 1,486, 792 i ty Ohlmer, B, 1,269, a — XS Ohman, 1,356,93 <0 458,275-> 1,458,726; ‘\, Ohrn, G., 1,187, 772 As Okada, M.., 1,219, 853 SG Okazaki, ‘aps 1278, 199 ~ Okell, S., 1,222. 979 “Olaf, Z., 1,368,965 see J. Lostumo 1,458,723; 1,458,724; 1,479,107 ae Olander, A, Olaneta, He see H. Wilhelm Olaneta, H. de, 1,888,990; 1,398,366; 1,402,285 ; 1,430,726; 1,430,727; 1,448,110; 1,487,728; 1,488,908; 1,511,271; 1,516,632; 1,518,637; 1,518,638 Oldham, F., 1,218,953 Oliensis, G., and J. Miller, 1,340,181 Olin, J., 1,495,350 Olivarius, H., 1,401,433 Oliver, A., see O. Hutchins Oliver, A., 1,273,529; 1,408,711 Oliver, C., 1,436,520 Oliver, E., 1,123,787 ' Oliver, O., see F. Last Oliver, S., 1,379,358 Oliver, T. see I. Hechenbletkner Oliver, T., 1,195,075; 1,229,316; Oliver, W., 1,497,461 Olivier, M., 1,422,469 Ollariu, A., 1,228,697 Olliphant, G., 1,362,502 Olmstead, H., 1,518,272 Olsen, F., 1,376,029; 1,376,030; 1,510,555 Olsen, G., 1,199,491; 1,289,883 Olsen, H., and T. Foerland, 1,333,849 Olsen, J., 1,864,406; 1,452,614; 1,477,975 Olsen, O., 1,814,752 Olsen, V., see C. McAdam Olsen, V., 1,453,723 1,240,591 Olson, C., 1,857,816; 1,874,519; 1,387,068; 1,458,592; 1,497,116; 1,501,229 Olson, E., 1,240,766 Olson, H., 1,242,585; 1,249,997; 1,257,922; 1,283,546; 1,444,479 Olson, K., 1,158,265; 1,165,440; 1,267,445 Olson, M., 1,455,651 Olson, W., 1,198,873; 1,826,958 Olsson, E., 1,322,043; 1,375,759 Olsson, Z., 1,260,020; 1,360,310; Re-15,065; 1,383,144; 1,435,972; 1,442,413; 1,507,619: Loliors Oltmans, J., 1,356,784 O’Malley, M., 1,233,801 Oman, E., 1,130,192 Ondra, F., 1,421,984 O’Neil, A., 1,311,909; 1,811,910; 1,381,002; 1,443,547 O’Neil, A., and R. Evans, 1,464,012 O’Neil, R., see J. Perino O'Neill, F., 1,248,623 O’Neill, J., 1,506,822; 1,506,323 Oniki, M., 1,400,374 Onnertz, P., see P. Goldberg Onnertz, P., 1,434,449; 1 453 021; 1,466, 747 Oprean, S., 1,499,780 Orance, P., 1,297,000 Orans, L., 1,166,540 Orban, E. Gevers-, see E. Gevers-Orban Ore, 1,266,147 Origet, M., 1,370,476 Ormay, A., 1,143,991 Ornstein, G., 1,142,361; 1,298 554; 1 B25 799 Ornstein, 1 1 222,980; 1,410, 344 QO’ Rourke, AS 1 448, 571 O’Rourke, C., 1,260,437; 1,286,742 Orr, W., 1,261,845 Orsolino, L., 1,427,011 Ortega, C., 1,434,663 Orth, F., 1,161,790; 1,363,264 Ortiz, A., 1,409,017 Orton, I., 1,173,019 Osborn, M., 1,405,070 Osborne, R.., 1,883,749 Osborne, W., 1,298,779; 1,503,060 Oser, A., 1,520,366 Osgood, S., 1,166,927; 1,328,845 O’Shea, D., 1,517,859 Ossa, A., 1,348,153 Ossenbeck, A., see R. Engelhardt Ossenbeck, A., see B. Heymann Ossenbeck, A., see M. Kahn Ostberg, A., and A. Kenny, 1,422,884 Ostenberg, Z., 1,218,954; 1,220,778; 1,242,030; 1,315,393; 1 ‘316, 854: 1 348, 731; 1 355 AIS Ostendorf, P., 1,457, 288 : 1,457 289 Ostrejko, R. ‘von, 1,362,064 1,298,552; 1,298,553 ; 1,169,506; 1,214,817; Ostromislensky, I. 1,242,586; 1,249,180; 1,249,181; 1,320,166; 1,342,457; 1,342,458; 1,433,093 Ostwald, W., 1,344,770; 1,367,082; 1,369,350; 1,386,723 Oswald, J., and W. Doering, 1,187,775 O’Toole, R., see S. Freeman Otsuka, Y., 1,393,821 Ott, C., 1,488,278 Ott, E., 1,390,378 Ott, F., see J. Pfleger Otte, O., 1,206,132; 1,231,290 Otterdahl, E., see O. Carlson Ottman, F, 1,435,416 Ottman, R., 1,418,730 Ottmyer, E., see T'. Swartz Otto, M., 1,381,656 Oustayan, H., 1,494,562; 1,499,249 Outerbridge, A., 1,324,208; Re-14,828 Overbeck, W., 1,327,113; 1,829,845 INDEX OF NAMES 97 Overbury, F., 1,166,541; 1,286,077; 1,295,360; 1,398,272; 1,418,456; 1,472,227 Overbury, F., and H. Platts, 1,182,415; 1 Bey 310 Overbury, F,, and C. Rahr, 1,391,969 Overend, W., 1,233,803 Overton, E., 1,401, "182 Oviiz, F., see 8. Katz Owen, E., 1,427,626 ; 1,486,794 Owen, J., 1,492,698 Owen, i and A. Hewitt, 1,235,154; 1,368,745; 1,518, 443 Owen, O., 1,210,198 Owen, R., 1,456,565 Owen, T., 1,155, 836 Owen, W., 1,418, 457 Owens, G., 1,229,317 Owens, J., see E. Holton Owens, J., 1,397,541 Owens, W., see J. Vose Owens, W., 1,488,765 Oye, T., 1,234, 377 1,182,414; 1,295,361 ; 1,238,805 ; 1,314,753 ; 1,158,266 ; 1,430,109; 1,460,110; P - Paal, C., 1,210,681; 1,222,660 Paban, H., 1,304,702 Pacchetti, C., 1,230,597 -Pack, C., 1,156,093; 1,416,412; 1,449,052; 1 491 816; 1,491,817 Pack, G., and L. Nock, 1,262,973 Pack, S.. Pt 511,063 ; 1, 518, 814 Packard, C 1» SEE W. Mills Packman, P., 1,250,637 Pacz, > 1,352 763 1,435,505 ; 1,198,069 ; 1,246,665 ; 1,356,495 ; 1,399,807 ; 1,236,884 ; 1138 Searby, W., 1,146,456; 1,185,009 Searcy, A., 1,507,033 Searles, W., 1,200,992 Sease, V., see J. Kessler Sease, V., 1,434,634; 1,488,294; 1,520,889 Seaton, M., 1,397,986; 1,444,480; 1,480,016; 1,514,348 | Seazholtz, J.. and M. Bilancia, 1,513,936 Seaver, J., 1,182,860 Sebrell, L., 1,514,571 Sebring, F., 1,826,979 Sebring, F., and F. Strobl, 1,238,347 Sechrist, E., 1,282,645 Secord, F., 1,221,383 Seddon, S., see G. Wigton Sedgwick, A., see G. Bailey Sedgewick, a 1,318,015; 1,406 905 See, J., 1,431 845 Seeger, Ry 1,259, 786; 1,394,688 Sees Ps 0 1281080; 1,842,601) 1.342.602: 1,342,608; 1,879,596; 1,898,911; 1,405,448; 1,405,449; 1,415,059; 1,429,169; 1,431,900; 1,434,453; 1,434,454; 1,437, 820; 1,437,821; 1,448,091; 1,464,158: 1,467,071: 1,469,824: 1,494,816; 1,503,604; 1,507,210 Seel, P., H. Combs and R. Kemp, 1,870,922; 1,380,258 Seeley, J., 1,825,960 Seeley, L., 1,839,907 Segall, H., 1,322,631 Segall, M., 1,410.226 Segaller, D.. and D. Peacock, 1,465,689 Segay, A., 1,280,563 Segre, M.., 1,258,475 Segura, J., 1,828,694; 1,344,566 Sehn, A., 1,405,341 Seiberling, iF 1,133,322 Seibert, F., and J. Brady, 1,290,369 Seibert, F, and EF. T. Gregg, 1,439 451 Seiberth, M., see M. Hartmann Seidell, A., 1,173, S17 Seideman, 19 1,452,445 Seidenberg, A., 1,340,186 Seidenschnur, F., 1,248,022 Seidenschnur, Fy and J. Dehnst, 1,162,729 Seidler, H.., 1,168, 752 Seifert, B., and W. Leibrick, 1,148,194 Seigel, H., see W. Seigel Seigel, W., and H. ee 1,165,027 Seigle, A., 1,504,885 Seigle, W., 1,228,485; 1,228,486; 1,395,744; 1,436,362; 1,436,914; 1,503,337 Seil, G., 1,479,874 : Seil, H., 1, 210 714 Seitz, G., and F. Schmitthenner, 1,256,171 Seitz, L., and H. Wintz, 1,318, 698 ; 1,318 699 Selby, N., 1,363,438 Seldage, se 1 516, 868 Seldal, J., see C. ‘Kochmann Selden, th 1,427,554 Sell, D., 1,416, 387 Sellars, W., 1,279, 379 Sellars, W., "and B. Clark, 1,519,803 Sellars, W.. and W. Taylor, 1,293, 949 Selleck, T., 1,402,449 Sellers, W., see W. Broadbridge Sellman, H., 1,412,898 114 Sem, M., 1,256,935; 1,317,179; 1,382,808; 1,425,701; 1,471,421; 1,473,447 Sem, M., and E. Lund, 1,442,033 Semenow, S., see H. Davis Semenow, S., see E. Dvieterle Semenza, B., 1,513,865 Semmler, C., 1,146,962 Semple, J., 1,369,476 Senan, E., Longan y, see E. Longan Y Senan Senderens, J., 1,365,956 Senseney, G., 1,481,567 Sepulchre, E., 1,896,889 Serailian, M., 1,237,962 Serghison, E., 1,368,974 Serpek, O., 1,155,840; 1,198,965; 1,212,119; 0217,842: 1,233,925; 91,233,926 Serre, J., 1,518,676 Sestin,, Q., see T. Rondella Sestini, Q., and T. Rondelli, 1,277,761 Setchell, T., 1,479,747 Setzler, H., 1,449,452; 1,494,191 Severance, E., 1,429,170 Severn, W., see W. Thomson Severns, O., 1,189,499 Severns, R., 1,463,632 _ Severy, M., 1,144,435 Sevian, V., 1,516,214 Seward, G., see F. von Kuegelgen Seward, G., 1,258,261; 1,310,449; 1,310,450; 1,408,141; 1,408,142 Seward, G., and F. von Kuegelgen, Re-14,070; 14,071 (851,946) Seward, T., 1,194,245 Seward, W., 1,274,091 Sexton, J., 1,301,513 Seyer, J., 1,446,860; 1,495,614 Seyfferth, C., 1,248,933 Seyfferth, E., 1,499,844; 1,514,677 Seymour, W., see R. Plumb Sgalitzer, F., 1,380,427 Shackleton, H., and J. Gordon, 1,382,127 Shackleton, W., 1,303,511 Shadid, M., 1,153,525 Shadwick, G., see C. Ruder Shaen, M., 1,215,880 Shaffer, C., 1,441,605 Shaffner, S., 1,214,598 Shafor, R., 1,460,180 Shahapzian, N., 1,518,365 Shailor, G., 1,490,541 Shakespeare, W., 1,407,489 Shand, R., 1,406,502 Shank, E., 1,411,193 Shannon, J., 1,520,146 Shannon, T., see K. Stahlgren Shantz, E., 1,507,938 Shapiro, H., 1,366,748 Shapiro, L., see L. Englund Shapleigh, J., 1,520,093 Scharfenberg, O., see W. Herzberg Sharp, H., 1,299,865 Sharp, L., see C. Howard Sharp, L., 1,395,746. Sharp, R., 1,309,782 Sharp, W., 1,221,231; 1,389,074 Sharpe, F., 1,196,595; 1,214,229 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Sharples, P., 1,232,104; 1,273,547; 1,351,265; 1,373,773; 1,416,890; 1,416,891 Sharpneck, E., 1,315,342; 1,826,110; 1,379,052; 1,379,053 Shartle, C., 1,178,748; 1,173,749; 1j173\7a08 1,405,944; 1,405,945; 1,405,946; 1,405,947; 1,415,902; 1,488,219 Shattuck, C., 1,169,289; 1,176,174; 1,386,432; Shaver, A., 1,457,609 Shaver, G., 1,843,938 — Shaw, A., 1,235,935 Shaw, D., 1,208,722 Shaw, E., 1,355,702 Shaw, G., see M. Marshall Shaw, J., 1,259,304; 1,884,974; 1,401,198; 1,402,668; 1,402,669; 1,457,285; 1,500,207; 1,501,924; 1,501,925; 1,503,605; 1,503,211; 1,520,726 Shaw, J., and G. Bole, 1,333,510; 1,495,813 Shaw, L., 1,245,807 Shaw, R., see J. Sherman Shaw, R., 1,346,849 Shaw, W., 1,146,963; 1,490,542 Shawger, W., 1,409,418 Shawhan, J., 1,492,086; 1,492,087 Shea, F., 1,513,938 Shea, J., 1,843,377; 1,356,888 Sheaffer, J., 1,212,825 Sheaffer, R., 1,428,811 Sheahan, W., 1,493,456 Sheard, J., 1,813,023 Sheard, T., and H. Wetherbee, 1,329,434 Shearsmith, G., see A. MaKerrow Sheasley, C., 1,180,547 Sheehan, E., 1,211,861; 1,211,969 Sheehan, G., and H. Gillen, 1,446,322 Sheek, W., see H. Welch Sheek, W., 1,442,301 Sheene, W., 1,478,769 Sheetz, H., 1,428,862 Sheff, H., see W. Sheff Sheff, W., and H. Sheff, 1,469,191 Sheib, §., 1,281,857 Sheldon, C., see G. Blake Sheldon, H., 1,158,318; 1,185,252 Shellshear, W., see H. Seale Shelmerdine, A., 1,147,558 Shepard, H., Re-14,757; 1,257,410 Shepard, L., 1,175,565 Shepard, M., and H. Adams, 1,471,213 Shepard, N., and J. Doering, 1,490,073 Shepherd, D., 1,405,018 Shepherd, J., 1,883,493; 1,384,863; 1,484,415 Sheppard, C., see R. Noll Sheppard, O., 1,196,597; 1,199,621; 1,199,622 Sheppard, S., see L. Eberlin Sheppard, S., 1,290,794; 1,357,733; 1,441,181 Sheppard, S., and L. Eberlin, 1,476,374 - Sherbondy, E., 1,193,196 Sherer, A., 1,179,046; 1,484,970 Sherer, G., 1,375,422 Sheridan, G., see W. Rossberg Sheridan, G., and G. Griswold, 1,427,235 Sheridan, J., 1,409,595; 1,485,303 Sherman, A., 1,274,793 1,149,298; 1,228,488; 1,421,585: INDEX OF NAMES Sherman, J., 1,152,562; 1,444,562 Sherman, J., and R. Shaw, 1,459, 959; 1,470,885 Sherman, J., and E. Whittier, 1,450, 399 Sherman, i. 1,260,584 Sherman, P., 1,410,839 Sherman, R., 1,147,899 Sherndal, A., 1,446,216 Sherow, L., 1,450,926 Sherrard, E.., 1,454,521; 1,496,833 Sherrill, M., see D. Bradner Sherwin, R., 1,251,295; 1,294,546: 1,295,296: meee, § «1,014,709; 1,314,710; - 1,315,045; 1,422,004 _ Sherwood, A., 1,192,945 Sherwood, C., and R: Cole, 1,505,438 Sherwood, J., 1,427,236. Sherwood, L., 1,255,474; 1,277,493 Sherwood, S., 1,370,372 Shestakoff, P., see K. Tarassoff Shevill, G., 1,126,104 Shibata, T., and E. Oe, 1,380,428 Shibata, Y., 1,496,279 Shibata, Y., and Y. Nishizawa, 1,429,542 Shibe, T., 1,517,022; 1,517,023 Shields, D., 1,196,889; 1,212,573 Shields, F., 1,481,811 Shigeta, S., 1,319,537 Shikusawa, I., 1,427,237 Shilvock, J., 1,411,673 Shimer, H., 1,403,349 Shimer, P., 1,279,457; 1,279,458; 1,518,607 Shimer, W., see R. Lewis Shimmin, J., see F. Knight ; Shimmin., Peannd ©, Bi ebaclt 1,402,099 Shiner, O., 1,203 419 Shiner, R., 1379, 703 Shinn, ogy 1,334 272 a Shinozaki, M., 1,282 302; 1,439,489 Shiokawa, Hy 1,511,142 Shiomi, T., 1,359,114 Shipley, ‘em 1 163 me0; LI163,271 Shipman, C., i 387, 739 Shipton, J., 1 393 362 Shires, G.., 1 328 210 Shirlow, A 1 364, 648 Shively, on 1,344,658 Shiverick, M., 1 432 5795 _ Shoeld, M,, 1 274, 797 : 1,281,085; 1,287,472; 1 B44, 153; 1 B75. 115: 1,375,116; 1,393,889; 1 393, 840: 1,401 "741: 1,402, 973. Shoemaker, i. cee i, MacFar land Shoemaker, R., see J. McClintock Shoemaker, a 1,276,977; 1,276,978; 1,330,399; 1,341,938; 1 371 ‘445: 1 399, 810; 1 405,167 Sholes, m1 166, 390 ‘Shonle, H. 1 514 2, 1.014.573 Shonle, H., "and A. Moment. 1,502,275 Shope, »., 4 270,450; 1,282,304 Shorey, E,, 1 450, 990 Shorrocks, H, 1,303 506 Short, J., and M. Hunt, 1,499,080 Shorts, R., 1,516,215 Shortt. P., see EF. Lindsey Show, om see C. Runey Showers, 154-373,532 Shreve, a u 399 585 Shreve, R, see H. Charlton a 115 Shreves, F., 1,297,022 Shriver, H., 1,239,530 Shrum, W., 1,383,572; Shue, E., 1,189,633 Shuey, P., 1,293,220; Shull, L., 1,336,591 Shultz, O., see R. Conn Shultz, O., 1,229,337 Shumaker, L., see P. Delany Shuman, F., 1,167,944 Shuman, V., 1,355,625 Sibbald, H., 1,500,077 Sibbit, J., 1,125,408 Sibley, F., see F. Wellman Sibley, N., 1,203,918 Sibley, R., see C. Bedford Sibson, W., see T. Allsop Sicard, H.. -1,335,991; 1,346,348; 1,346,344; 1,374,037; 1,374,038; 1,482,585 Sickel, J., 1,438,063 Siddeley, E., see E. Stone Sides, J., 1,494,981 Sidler, A., 1,430,266 Sidman, E., 1,199,120 Sidnell, A., see P. Steele Sidwell, B., 1,248,181; 1,336,055 Siebel, F., 1,269,754 Sieber, O., see B. Schoener Siebert, W., 1,462,052; 1,462,987; 1,472,348; 1,474,647; 1,48 86,990; Sieck, W., see S. Drucker Sieck, W., and S. Drucker, 1,335,398 Siedler, P., and K. Henke, 1,181,264 Siegmann, W., 1,212,575 Siegwart, J., see E. Reber Siemon, C., 1,147,979 Siesel, A., 1,182,429 Sieurin, S., 1,282,475; 1,456,495 Siever, H., 1,315,611 Sifton, W., 1,216,174 Signoret, Ee 1,159, 109 Sigwart, A., see W. Neelmeier Silbermann, T., 1,163,475 Silberrad, i 1.268 803; 1,349,983 Sill, H., see G. Van Arsdale Sill, R., 1,368,362 Sillcocks, W., 1,257,541 Sills, W., 1,133,325; 1,196,036 Silsbee, J., see L. Jones Silsbee, J., 1,853,283; 1,386,031; 1,505,295 Silva, R., da, 1,304,030 Silver, A., 1,461 807 Silver, me see J. Haun Sinclair, E 1,503,253 Simmon, K and A. Hall, 1,166,157 Simmons, ae 1,438,064 Simmons, W., see H. Staley Simon, Le 1,470, iia Simon, L.., and G. Chavanne, 1,304,108 Simon, ies and J. Hinchley, 1,381,758 Simonds E., see L. Rosenstein . Simonds, H., 1,215,067 : Re-15,971 1,341,598 1,335,992 ; 1,374 035; 1,416 584; 1,341,939; 1,374,036 ; 1,479,327 ; 1,285,433; 1,313,343 ; LAr Laie 1,501,420 1,390,823; 1,403,061; 1,432;796 ; 116 Simons, D., see C. Davis Simons, E., 1,178,459; 1,225,877; 1,225,878 Simonson, W., 1,185,254; 1,384,978 Simonson,-W., and L. Blair, 1,309,967 Simpkins, L., 1,452,573 Simpson, C., 1,262,399; 1,389,389 Simpson, D., 1,351,494 Simpson, F., 1,408,650 Simpson, G., and R. Lyle, 1,401,199 Simpson, J., 1,492,609; 1,492,610 Simpson, O., 1,167,532; 1,180,614 Simpson, R., 1,308,768; 1,490,944 Simpson, §., 1,270,559; 1,801,612; 1,414,378 Simpson, W., 1,507,690 Sumsohn, J., see S. Weinhandler Simsohn, J., 1,388,613 Sinclair, G., 1,175,876; 1,211,252; 1,278,044 Sinclaire, R., 1,203,147 Sinding-Larsen, 1,432,368; 1,441,185; 1,479,939; 1,482,717 Sulzer, re and H. Dewey, 1,437,827 Sulzer, A., and H. Van Derhoef, 1,466,733 Summers, B., 1,127,311; 1,235, 738: . 1,238,359 ; 1,451,125; if A57, 915; 1 AT5, 973; 1 "489 469 : 1 505, 109 Summers, H., and R. Summers, 1,413,628 Summers, Ts 1,125,208; 1,130,940; 1,130,941 ; 1,242 264; 1 291 660 Summers, R,, see H. Summers Summers, W., 1,405,876 Sundberg, Bas 326, 545 Sundby, J., see E. Bergve Sunder, C., see M. Bader Sundh, A., 1,412 979 Sundstrom, Ce 1 349,445; 1,349,446; 1,349,447 Sundstrom, C., and Yel Terziev, 1 473 259 Supplee, S., and C. Engstrom, 1,204, 609 Susemihl, T, .see T'. Leaming 122 UNITED Susemihl, T., 1,378,388 Sutcliffe, E., 1,171,676; 1,204,085; 1,245,634; 1,267,711; 1,283,354; Suter, E., see A. Stoll Sutherland, D., 1,153,970; 1,320,290 Sutherland, Ki, “1 372 842: 1 380 334; 1,381,079 Sutherland, ine see H. Saunders Sutherst, W., 1 492,488; 1,492,489 Sutlive, ah 1 176, 326 Sutter, ay (i 183,694 Sutter, R., see R. Dick Sutter, R., 1,351,087 Sutton, H., and E. Steele, 1,386,287 Sutton, H.: W. Steele and E. Steele, 1,375,741 Suzmeyan, A., and P. Suzmeyan, 1,185 262 Suzmeyan, P., "see A. Suzmeyan Suzukawa, I., 1,315,748 Suzuki, rete 1,480,352 Suzuki, T., 1,175,839 Suzuki, “U., "1,390,288: 1,440,850; 1,468,618 Suzuki, Z., 1,244,795; 1,244,796 Sverdrup, W., see S. Lagermarck Sveshnikoff, W. de, 1,406,353 Swain, H., 1,152,349 Swan, C., 1,519 560 Swan, 3 1,379 657 Swan, O., 1,250 026; 1,250,527 Swanberg, A., 1,225,405; 1,326,007 Swanick, J., 1,492,905 Swanson, H., 1,381,250 Swanson, S., 1,432,921 Swart, W., F. Jordan, E. Davis and T. Counsel- man, 1,339,300 . Swartley, H., 1,176,105; 1,263,959 Swartz, T., 1,491,740 Swartz, 4 ‘and E, Ottmyer, 1,413,071 Swaton, ans 1,260,731 Sweely, B., see H. Bellamy Sweeney, B., 1,383,172 Sweeney, O., 1,413,198 Sweet, H., 1,332,859 1,204,086 ; 1,291,672 1,440,848; 1,440,849; Sweet, M., 1,339,835 Sweetland, E., 1,225,286; 1,240,385; 1,304,918; 1,344,215; 1,849,238; 1,403,578; 1,510,809 Sweetland, E., F. Manning and W. Hilpert, 1,292,535 Swenarton, W., 1,277,773; 1,418,848 Swett, C., 1,280,580; 1,316,067; 1,348,459; 1 348, ‘968: 1,365,607 ; Swezey, B.1 416, 588 Swift, E., 1 497, 413 Swift, W., 1 123 422; 1,302,100; 1,426,842 Swint, W., see Bryan 1,320,508 ; 1,517,520 Swint, W., 1,307,766; 1,309,553; 1,373,844; 1,411,674 Switz, T., see H. Richardson Swope, M., 1,194,095 Sykora, R., 1,370,070 Symmes, A., 1,193,843 Symmes, E., 1,289,016; 1,478,588; 1,480,795 Symons, J., see C. Beecher Szamatolski, M., 1,173,988 Szarvasy, E., 1,181,697; 1,199,220; 1,383,674; 1,392,266; 1 392 267 ; 1 Ai7 952; 1,470,300 Szarvassy, if and F. Bensel, 1,398, 751 Sztankay, Me 1,357,482 STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 T Tabb, F., see H. du Boistesselin Taber, G., see C. Alexander Taber, ei 1,363,487; 1,390,472 Taber, G., and H. Essex, 1,495, 501 Taber, J., 1,464,143 Tada, 1h 1,271 960 Taggart, W., 1,396,603 Taggesell, R., 1,327,688 Tainton, U., 1,210 O17* VQ5r 202: 1,467 516: 1 491 498: 1 ill 785 Tainton, 1 and M. "Aymard, 1,231,967 Tainton, U., and J. Pring, 1,247, 179 Tait, G., see A. Lucas Tait, G. 1,128,549 Takamine, Je 1,148,938: 1,192,584; 1,263,817 Takamine, A and J. Takamine, Jr., 1,391 219; 1,421 613; 1 ‘460, 736 Takamine, ie and §. Satow, 1,245,818; 1,275,324 Takamine, phe, TON ES Wooyenaka, 1,208 859 Takamine, J., Jr., see J. Takamine Takamine, A Jr., 1,412,378 Takata, N : 1,492,866 Takeshima, Y., 1,277,503 Takeuchi, M., 1,188,573 Taki, R., 1,484,266; 1,460,621 Talbert, T., 1,300,043 Talbot, B., 1,150,401; 1,383,444 Talbot, J., "1 248,033: 1,474, 860 Taliaferro, Th 1 318 187: 1 427, 134; 1,476,115 Taliani, M., 1,270, 989 Talla, H. 1,217 662; 1,372,843 Tallantyre, aS see W. Lewcock Talley, E., 1,285,463 Talley, R., 1,223,216; 1,492,145 Tamari, S., 1,281,702 Tambach, R., 1,167,230; 1,486,468 Tamberlin, J., 1,437,872 Tanaka, K., 1,268,513 Tanaka, T., 1,278,518 Tanaka, Y., 1,360,153 Tanberg, A., 1,422,494; 1,437,027 Tanberg, A., and H. Winkel, 1,477,087 Tani, M., 1,406,243 Tannehill, A., see H. Copthorne Tannehill, A., 1,389,791 Tanner, D., 1,212,583 Tanner, I., 1,407,499 Tanomura, G., 1,415,415 Tanzer, G., 1,226,923 Taplin, T., see H. Sulman Tapping, F., see F. Thornley Tarassoff, K.,: 1,187,869; 1,216,515; 1,235,507 Tarassoff, K., and P. Shestakoff, 1,252,507 Tark, M., 1,418,687 Tarnok, S., 1,513,137; 1,513,138 Tarrant, L., 1,247,900; 1,247,901 Tarver, G., 1,203,279 Taryne, J.. see D. Chandler Tashiro, T., 1,480,230 Tasker, S., see W. Gartley 1,334,419; 1,352,768; 1,391,705; 1,216,516; 1,237,597 ; INDEX OF NAMES 7 123 Tassin, W., see W. Page Teillard, A., 1,456,949 Tassin, W., 1,129,818; 1,196,313; 1,196,611 Teitel, A., 1,401,012; 1,401,013; 1,401,014 Tate, A., 1,208,400; 1,215,077; 1,228,986; Teitelbaum, B., see H. Koretzky 1,228,987; 1,228,988 ; 1,823,796; 1,874,122; Teitelbaum, B., 1,366,298 1,400,579 Teitsworth, C., 1,520,893 Tate, J., 1,455,414 Télen, F., 1,492,051 Tate, L., 1,371,822 Tellier, R., 1,402,112 Tate, W., see H. Greenwood Temple, S., see F. Frary Tatro, C., and G. Delius, 1,316,926; 1,489,798 Temple, W., 1,479,337 Taub, L., see W. Hiemenz Tench, J., 1,264,997 Taub, L., see W. Kropp Tennant, M., 1,218,817 Taub, L., L. Schuetz and K. Meisenburg, Terhaar, L., 1,477,466 1,511,919 Terhune, R., 1,450,462 Taussig, G., 1,396,791; 1,398,286 Terhune, W., 1,490,494 Taussig, N., 1,181,086 Terrell, I., and W. Schaum, 1,243,362 Taveau, R., 1,271,387 Terrell, T., see J. Soper Taylor, A., see U. Lebourveau . Terrey, H., see J. Harger Taylor, A., 1,491,567 Terrisse, H., 1,214,611; 1,236,996 Taylor, A., and J. Runyan, 1,212,846; 1,212,847 Terrisse, H., and M. Levy, 1,482,923; 1,511,786 Taylor, B., 1,340,921 Terry, J., see J. Callow Taylor, C., 1,146,461; 1,396,792 Terry, J., see J. Thompson Taylor, C., and H. Cook, 1,181,553 Terry, J., 1,254,173; 1,834,420; 1,362,370 Taylor, E., see L. Drefahl Terry, L., 1,153,974 Taylor, E., 1,341,288; 1,473,060 Terwelp, J., 1,237,840 Taylor, E., and F. Bergh, 1,157,455 Terwen, A., and C. van Hoogenhuyze, 1,415,277 Taylor, E., and I. Flexner, 1,302,452 Terzian, H., see O. Evans Taylor, E., and G. Keep, 1,487,285 Terziev, G., see L. Jones Taylor, F., see EK. Jameson Terziev, G., see C. Sundstrom Taylor, F., 1,410,041 Tesse, T., 1,426,521; 1,521,055; 1,521,056 Taylor, G., 1,381,440; 1,431,269; 1,490,990 Tessier, J., 1,205,582; 1,205,583 Taylor, G., and I. Knapp, 1,315,534 Testelin, A., and G. Renard, 1,138,260 Taylor, H., see E. Rideal Testrup, N., see, T. Boberg Taylor, H., 1,232,624; 1,232,625; 1,236,622; estrup, N., see T. Rigby 1,248,948; 1,277,776 Testrup, N., 1,446,949 Taylor, H., and EH. Rideal, 1,411,760 Testrup, N., M. Adam, T. Rigby and G. Taylor, J., see A. Bagnall Andrew, 1,145,095 Taylor, J., 1,172,073; 1,246,753; 1,282,981; Testrup, N., and T. Rigby, 1,139,315; 1,233,144; 1,418,891; 1,438,875; 1,441,133; 1,514,406 1,139,315; 1,277,155 Taylor, L., 1,518,945; 1,518,946 Testrup, N., T. Rigby and G. Andrew, 1,189,638 Taylor, M., 1,369,204 Testrup, N., T. Rigby and O. Soederlund, Taylor, M., C. Gammal and R. Gegenheimer, 1,164,429 1,481,039 Teter, C., 1,362,201 Taylor, M., R. MacMullin and R. Gegen- Tew, J., 1,144,079; 1,245,067 heimer, 1,481,040 Thacher, S., 1,312,144 Taylor, P., see L. Gilbert Thane, A., 1,377,738 Taylor, R., see C. Randall Tharaldsen, F., 1,255,066; 1,481,761; 1,516,651 Taylor, R., 1,354,068; 1,368,371; 1,462,991 Thatcher, C., 1,158,011; 1,388,216; 1,393,467; Taylor, V., 1,350,891 1,397,562; 1,405,954; 1,501,472 Taylor, W., see H. Gage Thatcher, F., 1,257,423 Taylor, W., see W. Sellers Thatcher, H., 1,251,841; 1,251,842; 1,286,145; Taylor, W., see E. Sullivan 1,477,394 . Taylor, W., 1,192,474; 1,199,128; 1,250,384; Thaulow, E., 1,139,923 1,292,147; 1,292,148; 1,411,133; 1,411,184; Thauss, A., see M. Buff | 1,414,715; 1,435,031; 1,449,793; 1,503,613 Thauss, A., and A. Guenther, 1,450,46 Tayntor, C., 1,361,416 Thayer, C., 1,213,485 Tazewell, H., 1,190,814; 1,190,815 Thayer, R., 1,273,202; 1,281,878; 1,281,879; Teague, C., 1,173,619 1,323,124; 1,341,686; 1,355,186 ; 1,429,378 Teare, W., see C. Black Theimer, E., 1,379,731; 1,475,522; 1,497,251; Tebbetts; L., 1,327,743 1,497,252; 1,497,253 Tedesco, A., 1,318,702; 1,350,892; 1,350,893; Theis, H., 1,487,677 1,351,811; 1,364,654 Theiss, K., see A. Schmidt Teeple, J., 1,252,058 Thelen, R., 1,547,473 Teeple, O., 1,310,848 Them, H., 1,486,618 Teesdale, C., 1,248,711; 1,295,828 Themolada, G., 1,449,637 Teesdale, C., and R. Prince, 1,265,549 Theumann, M., see J. Koetschet Teetor, P., 1,466,213 Thevenot, G., 1,359,633; 1,444,812 a Teichner, G., 1,427,037; 1,436,214 Thews, K., 1,430,864; 1,495,538 124 Thibault, J., 1,482,327 Thickens, oud 138, 907; 1,191,099; 1,377,739 Thiel, O., 1 353, 126 Thiele, AL ‘1: 148 637; 1,185,265 Thiele, F 1,254. 866 Thiele, ret 1 ‘197, 971; 1,267,012 Thierfelder, R., and 7 Schmaelzle, 1,312,007 Thiess, K., see As Schmidt Thiess, K, 1,128,368; 1,151,628 - Thiess, K.., and F. Giloy, 1,440 037 Thiess, Ke, F. Maennchen, A. Steindorff and F, Giloy, 1,426,522 Thiess, K.., and C. Mueller, 1,500,013 Thiessen, G., 1,366,509 T hilges, E.. see W. Borchers Thisell, Ay see J. Rudolphs Thofehrn, H., 1,310,309; 7310 210; 1,460,830 Thole, F., see A. Dunstan Thom, on R. Diamond and S. Blaylock, 1 398, 051. Thoma, A., 1,134,931; 1,136,980; 1,138,909; 1,138,910: 1,202,454 ; 1 203 435; 1 227, 696 Thomas, B., 1,283 598 ; 1 359 002; 1 359 932 ; 1,359 933: ci 437 569: 1. ‘446, 405 Thomas, B., and R. Rutledge, 1,505,820 Thomas, on 1,144,395; 1,185, 555: 1,279,040; ‘1,338 598 ; 1 344 461 Thomas, D., see Ap Harris Thomas, ion 1,243,780; 1,293,983; 1,304,120; 1,514,638 Thomas, F., 1,134,774; 1,134,775; 1,159 878 ; 1,159,879; 1 480 869: a 480, 870; if 511 5987 Thomas, F. and E. Wollner, 1,477, 922 Thomas, rele 1,230,626; 1 360 055 Thomas, eee 1,453 734: 1 ‘454, 351 Thomas, H., Davies and R. Thomas, 1,294 970 Thomas, J., see J. Bear Thomas, ye see A. Danbridge Thomas, im 1,164,681; 1 490 646; 1,504,165 Thomas, N., and C. Petree, 1,266,882 Thomas, O., see R. Calvert Thomas, QO: 1,153,975 Thomas, Pp see W. Kempton 1,504,164 ; Thomas. P., 1,188,574; 1,188,575; 1,188,576; 1,188,577; 1,188,578; 1,188,579; 1,214,613: a 301.074 35001 362, 059° Thomas, R,, see H. Thomas Thomas, S., 1,204,613 Thomas, T. see ye Marden Thomas, W., see R. Lewis Thomas, W, 1,253,747; 1,365,128; 1,422,496; 1,427, 655 Thomaschewski, P., 1,218,656 Thomaschewski, P, and P. Tust, 1,126,664 Thompson, A., 1 174 203; 1,499 038 Thompson, A. and D. Cole, 1,180,089 Thompson, F., 1,132,5372 1 210 872; 1,328,464 Thompson, eu 1 410 ‘967; 1 428, 458 Thompson, G., and J : Eckert, 1,520,732 Thompson, H., see R. Benner Thompson, H., see G. plesk Thompson, H., see P. Hayn Thompson, H., 1,211 642; { "345 036; 1 (416,244; 1,429,175; 1 ‘497 615 1,520,731 ; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Thompson, J., see J. Callow Thompson, Te 1,276,284; 1,291,258; 1,834,721; 1,402,194; 1 440 251 Thompson, Ju and F. Fitz Gerald, 1,219,193; 1,219,194 Thompson, J., and J. Terry, 1,334,720 Thompson, J., ‘and R. Thompson, 1 245, 135 Thompson, K., 1,491,569 Thompson, L., oy 127, 114: 1,391,918; 1,434,667 Thompson, M., i 393 253 Thompson, N., 1,347, 191; 1,500,537; 1,502,598 Thompson, P., 1,166,493 Thompson, R. see J. Thompson Thompson, eat 1,252,865; 1,377,372; 1,413,200 Thompson, S., A 149 870 Thompson, ie 1 493, 403 Thompson, W., see L. Barton Thompson, W., 1,160,670; 1,297,934 Thomson, D., 1 409 796; ‘| 428 820 Thomson, E., 1 173 688 : 1 a7) 106 Thomson, ¥ Se ‘see C., Thierry Thomson, J .. 1,198,633; 1,208,237; 1,214,841; 1,214,842 : 1,243,009 ; 1,265,973; 1,308,878; 1,308,879; 1,425,917; 1,425,918; 1,426,022; 1,481,936 Thomson, L., 1,490,523 Thomson, W., W. Severn and G. Twycross, 1,302 455 Thoreson, P., 1,415,208 Thorin, E., 1,501,502 Thornburgh, sey 1 ,163,873 Thorne, C., 1,263, 486 Thornhill, anit 1,338,264; 1,407,045; 1,443,444; 1,492 818; 1 516, 934 Thornhill, Gis and H. Anderson, 1,518,828; 1,518,829 Thornley, F., F. Tapping and O. Reynard, 1,508,732 ; 1 009,034; 1,509,035 Thornton, ike 1 478. 898; 15 182 116; 1,183,698 ; L2h3 038; i 1229, 546; 1,245,822 ; 1,250,71383 1,263,962 ; 1,281, 714 : 1,288,753; 1,360,156; 1,361,783; 1,408,312; 1,408,313; 1,408,314; 1,408,315; 1 ‘435 759; 1,435,760 Thornton, S., 1,289, 308° Thornton, W., 1,508 309; 1,512,320 Thornycroft, Aye see T’. Thornycroft Thornycroft, To and J. Thornycroft, 1,340,689 Thorold, F., see "J. Bannon Thorold, F., 1,344,102 Thorold, F, BE. Ardagh and J. Burt-Gerrans, 1,319 734 Thorp, C., 1,168,441; 1,172,918 Thorp, us see EL. Wildman Thorp, L., 1,193,634; 1,287,413; 1,255,950; 1,255,951; 1,279,942 Thorpe, H., 1,166,494 Thorsell, an see T. Holmgren Thorsell, C., 1,204,716 Thorsell, C., and H. Lunden, 1,490,546 Thorsen, O., 1,164,034 Thorssell, C., and H. Lunden, 1,251,938; 1,286,838; 1,286,839; 1,288,754; 1,288,755; 1,288,756; 1,342,834; 1,357,196; 1,453,210 Thorswik, AG 1,249 249° Thowless, 0; ak 123, 625; 1,149,701; 1,226,925 Thrane, si i 273 690; 1,326, 310; 1 064, 157 Thron, H., 1 458, 670 INDEX OF NAMES Thuey, L., 1,487,162 Thum, W., and J, Mulligan, 1,283,973 Thum, W., J. Mulligan and H. Schleicher, 1,356,569 Thurlow, E., 1,343,100 Thurlow, N. see L. Baekeland Thurston, F, 1,209,906 Tibbitts, GC. see C. Somers Tiddy, W., 1 417,955 Tidmarsh, ak 1 231,671; 1,231,672 Tiemann, KF, } 256, 952; 1 430, 500 Tiemann, H., 1,228,989 Tiernan, M., see C. Wallace Tierney, He ‘1, 167,133 Tiffany, H., 1,226,279 mint, 1., 1,423, 368 mal, ., 1 193, 739 Tillinghast, A., 1,252,742 . Tillyer, E., see H. Moulton Tillyer, E., 1,222,049; 1,459,380 Tillyer, E., and F. Bishop, 1,287 5793 Tilton, L., ‘and R. Timms, 1 ‘495 ‘461 Timm, F., 1,172,321; 1 409, 318 Timmis, hy 1,202,244 Timms, R., see L. Tilton Tingle, Pa ‘1 465,882 Tingley, S., 1 495, 655; 1,517,870 Tinker, F., 1 393, 184 Tinsman, E., see W. Wildman Tippett, Te i 236,501 Tirrell, H. 1,258,272 Tischer, F., 1,513,570 Tisell, C., 1,893,984 Tissier, L., 1,364,656 Titlestad, N., 1,178, 888 Titus, C., and W. Barenscheer, 1,173,467 Titus, G., and F. Grout, 1,502, 888 ; Toabe, K., 1,225,374 Toal, £., see C. Wright Tobler, H., 1,278,257; 1,282,145; 1,332,581; 1,380,851; 1,519,642 Tobler, R., see H. Staudinger Tobler, R., 1,513,074; 1,518,710 Tobler, R., R. Stocker, J. Mueller, A. Bucher, 1,492, 054; 1,513,074 Toca, A., 1,134, aTT Todd, E, 1,143, 464 1,288,293; Todd, FL: 1,139,926 Todd, J., 1,505,751 Toenniessen, E., 1,514,681 Toepfer, H., 1 Al7, 869 Toepfer, P., 7 146, 372 Togano, M., 1 '304, 236 Tolentini, je 1,314,444 J., 1,133,590; Tolman, C., 1,447,740 Tolman, a, 1,518,019 Tomashot, AS 1,316 ,090 Tomasiello, R., ‘ 491 644 Tomec, J., al 161 754 Tomlinson, C., i o12,208 Tomlinson, G., 1,358,898 Tomlinson, W., 1,152,241 Tommasi, C., 1. ‘431 549 Tommasi, C., ‘% Sandholtn, H. Danneel and A, Busch, 1 ‘452 450 1,235,258; 1,262,872; 125 Tommasi, N., 1,230,348; 1,295,635 Tommasi, N., and H. Danneel, 1,407,101 Tommasini, V., 1,236,998 Tommerson, R., 1,407, 449 Tompkins, R., ‘Liv 905; 1,213,555; 1,214,972; 1,216,186; 1,247, ‘595 Toms, C., 1,325,060 Tone, F., 1,192,709; 1,204,211; 1,239,984; 1,259,806; 1,276,134; 1,289,578; 1,289,966; 1,296,715; 1,803,993; 1,862,274; 1,414,447; 1,448,010; 1,513,485; 1,515,375; 1,520,487 Toniola, C., 1,818,936 Toorn, J. van der, 1,183,255 Tootal, S., 1,289,968; 1,367,930 Toplis, W., 1,864,160 Topping, J., 1,488,447 Torissian, G., 1,386,385 Tornberg, Kx., 1,240,628 Torno, K., 1,342,360 Torrey, A., 1,874,689 Torrey, B., 1,349,393; 1,487,768 Torsen,T., 1,167,135 Tousey, S., 1,517,767 Tower, M., 1,887,212; 1,416,526 Tower, M., and F. Begtrup, 1,387,213 Towle, A., and G. Towle, 1,226,146 Towle, G., see A. Towle Towne, R., and F. Flinn, 1,295,817; 1,867,332; 1,378,920; 1,410,781 Towne, R., and C. Robinson, 1,156,382; 1,156,383 Towne, W., 1,492,230 Townley, A., 1,230,629 Townley, S., 1,446,863 Townsend, C., see H. Gore Townsend, C., 1,146,214; 1,468,220 Tozier, G., 1,429,177 Tracy, H., 1,214,844 Traliot, A., 1,417,428 Trantham, C., 1,365,356 Traquair, J., 1,518,371 Traube, A., 1,385,735 Traube, W., 1,179,051; 1,470,656; 1,510,425 Trautmann, O., 1,215,432; 1,215,433 Travers, J., 1,440, 253; 1,440, 254 Travers, W., 1,256, O54: 1 Bly 111 Trayne, Jics see D. Chandler Treacy, role 1,224,515 Treese, W., 1,265,975 Treischel, C., 1,462,396 Trenaman, H., 1,269,658 Trenckmann, B., see E. Trenckmann Trenckmann, E., and B. Trenckmann, 1,452,229 Treneer, J., and C. Benjamin, 1,392, 370 Trent, Tt a 1 283,363; 1,283,364 Trent, L., and 8. Mudd, : ,283,365 1,273,954; 1,414,762; Trent, W., 1,420,164; 1 420 165; 1,421,862; 1 461, 167; 1 479, 757: i 512, 427 Trescott, on 1 134, 299: 1,271,962; 1,506,033; 1,508, 862 Tressler, D., 1,394,653; 1,394,654 Trevor, I. 1 179, 147 Trevor, S., 1 436, 73 36 Trevoux, Tat 428 668; 1,436, 550: 1,484,587 Tribes, Ge 1 403, 211 Trigg, OL see W. Hamor Trigg, C., see D. Pratt : 126 Trigg, C., 1,367,724; 1,367,725; 1,367,726 Trimbey, E., see C. Allen Trimble, J., 1,128,637 Trimble, R., 1,456,523 Trinkle, C., 1,243,899; 1,307,465 . Trinks, W., see R. Kernohan Trivelli, A., 1,203,548; 1,205,822; 1,458,256 Troeger, J., 1,151,502; 1,216,380 Troester, C., and H. Emde, 1,507,942 Troland, L., J. Ball and J. Andrews, 1,435,764 Tromba, M., 1,470,512 Tromp, F., 1,372,051 Trood, 8., see W. Darrah Trood, S., 1,224,340; 1,234,973: 1.281.716 Trood, S., and G. Chovan, 1,227,346 Tropp, W., 1,123,430 Troppman, C., 1,184,792 Trosdahl, K., see A. Arntzen Trostel, A., 1,250,051; 1,371,951; 1,394,655 Trostel, G., 1,409,799 Trotter, J., 1,339,727 Trottier, R., 1,400,389; 1,400,390 Troye, E., 1,148,343; 1,156,192 Troyer, M., 1,491,572 Truax, S., 1,155,628 Truberg, H., 1,366,977 Truell, C., 1,252,510 Truesdale, A., 1,180,455 Truffaut, G., 1,347,798 Trujillo, E., see FE. Reitze Trumble, M., 1,182,601; 1,250,052; 1,259,171; 1,262,875; 1,281,884; 1,304,125; 1,349,794 ; VE: ne: Trumbull, H., 1,238,600; 1,476,381 Trumbull, H., and J. Dickson, 1,513,139 Trumbull, H., and W. Evans, 1,402,195 Trumbull, H., and H. Winkelmann, 1,496,792 Trump, E., 1,216,187 Truscott, H., 1,177,832 Trusler, R., see E. Rhodes Tscheike, F., 1,376,737 Tschirner, F., 1,254,450; 1,254.451; 1,292,929 Tschoumakoff, S., 1,228,848 Tschudi, A., 1,380,084 Tschudy, F., 1,135,471; 1,155,385; 1,348,606 Tschunke, R., 1,336,709 Tseng, J., 1,475,663 Tsubo, T., see 8S. Hattori Tsukalas, P., and A. Kersting, 1,128,639 Tsutsumi, M., 1,334,722 Tucker, C., 1,148,062; 1,201,392 Tucker, G., 1,311,301 Tucker, J., and W. McCool, 1,220,292; 1,220,293 Tucker, S., see E. Brockley Tucker, S., see FE. Edser Tucker, S., see H. Moody Tucker, S., 1,384,499 Tucker, S., and E. Edser, 1,497,310 Tucker, T., 1,397,187 Tueschel, G., 1,217,368 Tufte, E., 1,269,980 Tufts, A., 1,236,235 Tufts, J., 1,386,914 Tuhey, C., see C. Nottingham Tuite, T., 1,365,068 Tullis, J., 1,430,477 1,411,677; Lae e » 7 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Tully, C., see J. West Tully, EF © 4,223,587; 1,417,587 Tumminelli, A., 1,126,132 1,223,538; 1,247,906; Tunison, B., 1,423,048; 1,423,049; 1,423,050; 1,504,588 : Tunks, C., see T. Eickhoff Tunnell, F., 1,864,904; 1,421,620 Tunnell, R., 1,248,039; 1,266,354; 1,275,799 ; 1,284,495 Turk, J., 1,330,963 Turkin, N., 1,164,036; 1,164,037; 1,173,330 Turkington, V., 1,503,392 Turley, T., see W. Waggaman Turnbull, A., and T. Carmichael, 1,288,458 Turnbull, ‘N., 1,151,629 Turner, C., 1,216,249; 1,336,264 Turner, F., 1,285,474; 1,448,581 Turner, G., and C. Leighton, 1,247,597 Turner, H., 1,125,771 Turner, J., 1,189,408; 1,256,847 Turner, S., 1,494,085; 1,496,500; 1,515,182 Turner, T., 1,269,339 1,346,728; 1,349,592; Turner, W., 1,325,455; 1,360,830 Turner, W., and H. Blackwell, 1,321,684 Turney,. P., 1,274,218; 1,289,021; 1,364,417; 1,424,602; 1,424,603 Turnil, T., see C. Downs Turnley, W., 1,515,912 Turrell, G., and A. Armstrong, 1,325,686 Turrentine, J., 1,492,656; 1,513,298 Turrettini, H., 1,303,618 Tust, P., see P. Thomaschewski Tust, P., 1,126,591 Tutleman, E., 1,204,830 Tutt, A., and L. Snelson, 1,448,284 Tuttle, A., 1,398,816 Tuttle, F., see L. Hall : Tuttle, J., 1,156,826; 1,171,279 Tuttle, J., and J. Phelan, 1,386,471 Twining, R., and R. Wyckoff, 1,242,900 Twiss, D., 1,271,810; 1,335,926; 1,413,813 Twitchell, E., 1,170,468 Twitchell, G., 1,225,530 Twombly, A., A. Lundin and R. Marr, 1,396,899 Twycross, G., see W. Thomson Twyman, F., R. Parker and A. Dalladayy © 1,206,177 Tyden, E., see G. Appelquist Tyler, C., 1,157,738; 1,190,690 Tyler, W., and F. Capps, 1,194,795 Tyrer, D., 1,210,725; 1,210,726 ; 1,501,873 Tyrer, T., 1,339,728 Tyrrell, W., 1,356,100 1,368,076 ; Udale, S., 1,505,176 Udy, M., see J. Cullen Udy, M., 1,836,765; 1,513,200 INDEX OF NAMES Udy, M., and F. Nicholson, 1,383,174; 1,383,175; 1,383,176 Udy, M., and O. Ralston, 1,365,358 Uebel, C., 1,141,994 Uehling, F., 1,412,790 Uffel, H. von, 1,178,279; 1,237,000; 1,326,232 Uffelman, W., see W. Wiegand Uhl, R., 1,145,634 Uhlemann, W., 1,167,953 Uhlinger, R., see R. Brownlee Uhlinger, R., 1,363,488 Ujhazy, I., 1,141,591 'Ulke, T., 1,445,423; 1,449,875 Ullman, J., 1,507,637 Ullmann, M., 1,486,125; 1,436,629; 1,484,347 Ullrich, A., 1,334,573; 1,466,683; 1,467,258 Ullrich, G., F. Gruessner and H. Dyck, 1,512,870 Ullrich, P., 1,429,467; 1,492,408 Ulman, R.., 1,259,568 Ulrich, H., see O. Schmidt Umsted, F., 1,332,529 Underwood, F., and B. Illston, 1,277,784 Underwood, J., and I. Justice, 1,224,978 Underwood, K., J. Crane and J. Kessler, 1,412,762 Underwood, N., 1,441,612; 1,512,432 Underwood, W., 1,183,142; 1,249,252 Ungar, G., 1,515,914 Ungerer, M., 1,128,389 Unglaub, J., 1,129,764 « Wano, U.,.1,352,331 Uno, D., see M. Chikashige Upham, C., 1,240,269 Upham, W., 1,392,988 Urbach, G., 1,231,222 Urfer, C., see L. Duparc Urmston, A., 1,238,963 - Urquhart, C., 1,886,472; 1,386,473 ‘Urruty, J., 1,371,584 Urtel, H., 1,243,783 Usui, K., 1,172,076 Utendoerfer, W., 1,501,425 Utescher, E., 1,124,560 Utsman, G., 1,235,399 Utznger, M., see E. Steinbuch Utzman, C., 1,383,249; 1,492,588 Uyeno, S., 1,165,920 1,484,346 ; Vv Vachier, R., 1,438,797 Vadner, C., 1,144,402; 1,188,705; 1,207,243; 1,245,137 © Vail, J., see W. Stanton Vail, J., 1,206,056 Vail, J., and J. Carter, 1,129,320; 1,132,640; 1,139,739; 1,139,741 1,146,373 ; 1,231,101 ; 1,163,286 ; 1,236,236 ; 127 Vains, A. de, 1,445,495; 1,516,377 Valdes, M. y, and V. y Villar, 1,448,245 Valenta da Cruz, see Cruz Valentine, I., 1,321,163 Vallez, H., 1,204,617 Valls, R., 1,422,242 Valois, F., 1,235,860; 1,419,998 Van Ackeren, J., see J. van Ackeren Van Allen, G., 1,223,450; 1,339,009; 1,429,703 Van Aller, T., 1,155,974 Van Amburgh, C., 1,300,058 Van Arsdale, G., 1,147,466; 1,193,741; 1,195,421; 1,236,504 Van Arsdale, G., and C.- Maier, 1,304,222; 1,325,817; 1,348,068; 1,371,826 Van Arsdale, G., R. Sill and H. Sill, 1,508,629 Van Arsdel, W., see T. Burningham Van Arsdel, W., see A. Chase Van Arsdel, W., see G. Richter Van Arsdel, W., 1,497,815 Van Barneveld, C., see C. vam Barneveld Van Brunt, C., 1,426,219 Van Calcar, R., J. Ellerman and H. Martijn 1,203,941; 1,215,222 Van Cappelle, H., see Cappelle, H. van Vance, C., and J. Vetter, 1,295,241 Vandenweghe, A., and A. D’Huyvetters, 1,233,730 Vandercook, A., 1,198,086 Van der Gracht, J., 1,485,648 Van Derhoef, H., see A. Sulzer Vander Hoof, C., see A. Gilbert Vanderkleed, C., 1,339,242 Vanderkleed, C., and J. Brewer, 1,269,340 Van der Nolle, J., 1,403,822 Vanderpoel, W., 1,215,223 Van der Toorn, J., 1,334,004 Van de Velde, F., 1,490,865 Van Deventer, H., 1,221,634 Vandevoorde, V., 1,510,358 Van de Wiel, F., 1,498,136 Van Doren, H., 1,166,095 Van Dyke, J., 1,451,129 Van Emden, H., 1,179,983 Van Gundy, M., 1,477,611 Van Hoogenhuyze, C., see C. Van Hoogenhuyze Van Keuren, W., 1,268,647 Van Kregten, J., 1,510,810 Van Kuren, §., 1,224,981 Van Leuven, H., see L. Van Leuven Van Leuven, L., and H. Van Leuven, 1,507,943 Van Lynden, R., see P. de Lange Van Lynden, R.., 1,305,240 Van Marter, A., 1,280,905 Van Meter, J., 1,399,829; 1,400,107; 1,400,393; 1,401,292; 1,401,293; 1,403,461; 1,419,653; 1,430,772; 1,480,773; 1,483,256; 1,498,823 Van Mouwerik, P., and C. Bal, 1,250,726 Van Ness, F., 1,474,984 Van Ness, H., 1,456,344 Van Nostrand, C., 1,409,206 Van Nostrand, C., and H. Schulse, 1,355,292; 1,392,989 Van Nuys, C., see M. Roberts Van Nuys, C., 1,485,745; 1,521,138 Van Ooradt, G., see Oordt, G. van Van Ruymbeke, J., 1,459,699 es ’ 128 Van Sciver, C., 1,178,361 Vanselow, A., sec C. Benedettr Van Sluys, see J. Decker Van Steenbergh, B., 1,407,339; 1,407,340 Van Tilburg, F., 1,520,161 Van Valkenburg, R., 1,148,152 Van Winkle, W., 1,501,635 Vare, E., 1,510,617 Varenhorst, B., and J. Fol, 1,198,975 Vargo, L., see F. Braund Vargyas, E. von, 1,202,340; 1,246, 1925 1,263,297 Varinois, M., see M. Curie Yariebedis eb edian, M,,.1,218,914 You artanian, A., 1,152,132 et OM Vasey, S., 1,202,130 cas aclol Oe Vass, J. von, 1,505, 112 ws p wy nf Vasseux, A., 1 472, 344 VA Vaucher, C., and R. Speitel, 1,418,852 Vaughan, re 1,445,187 Vaughan, R. see R. Stewart Vaughn, B., 1,180,625 Vaughn, F., 1,281,108 Vautier, J., 1,178,559 Vautin, C., 1,318,709 Vavra, E., 1,198,976 Vaygouny, M., 1,181,555; 1,185,028; 1,214,726; 1,227,706 Veazey, W., see A. Smith Veazey, W., 1,834,193; 1,374,968; 1,515,082 Veazey, W., and E. Burdick, 1,476,192 Vecchis, I. de, 1,409,087 Vegas, M., see R. Vegas Vegas, R., and M. Vegas, 1,330,992 Veitch, F., see W. Sterling Venable, (’., see W. Lewrs Venable, W., 1,455,129 Venezia, N., see M. Pugganr Venot, D., and L. Chasseigne, 1,208,411 Venter, O., 1,412,763 Venturino, M., see P. Roth Veraguth, H., see H. Staudinger Vercler, R., 1,229,827 Verdier, J., see P. Weiss Vergniaud, L., 1,373,688 Verhave, T., 1,280 338 Vermaes, S., 1. 234, 426; 1,472,860 Re P, and L. "Van Lijnden, 1,518,375; 1,518,376 Vermeire, I., 1,469,466 Vernet, C., and G. Rauch, 1,437,571 Verniaud, C., 1,454,002 Vernon, T., 1,155,977 Vervoort, J., 1,341,952 Vest, H., 1,139,603 Vetter, J., see C. Vance Vickers, C., 1,151,744; 1,172,506; 1,264,459 Viconge, A., see E. de Grousseau Victor, J., 1,241,587 Victorine, E., 1,423,053 Vidal, R., 1,229,681; 1,265,836; 1,265,837 Videon, C., 1,449,154 Viens, E., 1,314,772 Vient, B., 1,251,710 Viertel, E., 1,338,268 Viertel, H., see C. Buchwald Vietinghoff, K. von, 1,175,091; 1,175,490 - 1,377,374; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Villacorta, J., 1,401,106 Villar, V. y, see M. y Valdes Villas-Boas, J., 1,835,208 Villegas, M., 1,262,144 Villiers-Stuart, H., 1,196,184 Villiger, V., and H. von Krannichfeldt, 1,896,483; 1,431,136 Vinal, G., and H. Holler, 1,406,429 Vincent, F., 1,398,658 Vincent, V., 1,249,863 Viol, C., 1,202 625; 1,210,731; 1,494,826 Virneburg, G., 1,141,371 Vis, G., 1,152,244: 1,152,245 Vis, ‘ey 1,294,526; 1,306,871; 1,310,720; 1,324,328; 1,326,122; 1,826,123; 1,332,419; 1,364,822; 1,366,301; 1,866,302; 1,366,303; 1.429,001 Visintainer, F., 1,381,771 Vivas, F., 1,369,857; 1,869,858 Vivian, A., 1,449,797 Vliet, E., see A. Burdick Voegeli, J., 1,371,827 Voegler, A., 1,137,681; 1,842,701 Voerkelius, G., 1,517,687 Voetter, E., 1,200,055; 1,228,622 Vogel, 1 1 212 291: i 299 878; 1,481,942 Vogel, O., 1 433, 579; 1 460, 395 Vogel, P.., 1,137 434 Vogel, R., see E, Fichwald Vogeler, H., 1,174,207 Vogelsang, J., 1,152,456 Voges, A., 1,438,199 Voght, J., 1,380,506 Vogt, C., 1,208,242; 1,326,552; 1,471,987; 1,503,864 Vogt, L., see R. Kenney Vogt, L., 1,129,029; 1,129,253; 1,304,224; 1,429,550 Voigtlaender, O., 1,224,242 Voigtlaender, rae and H. Lohmann, 1,212,426 Volck, W., 1,517, 522 Vollmann, C,, 1,259 810 Volpato, V., see E. Stoppani Volpato, V., 1,229,684 Voltz, A., 1,462,563 Volwiler, E., see R. Adams Volwiler, E., see O. Kamm Volwiler, E., 1,478,463 Volwiler, E., and R. Adams, 1,476,934 Volz, O., 1,342,783; 1,400,332 Von Bichowsky, F., see F. von Bichowsky Von Bramer, H., see Bramer, H. von Von der Schmalz, C., see C. von der Schmalz Von Ostrejko, R., see "R. von Ostteing Voorhees, J., 1,295 094 Voorhees, V, see R. Rindfusz Voorhout, A. van, 1,271,392; 1,271,393 Vorce, L., 1,286,844; 1,414,059 Voress, C., see G. Burrell Voress, C., and V. Canter, 1,420,613; 1,453,215 Vos, C., 1,382,146; 1,382,147; 1,469,706 Vosburgh, R., 1,182,946 Vose, J.. and W. Owens, 1,218,137 Voss, A., see K. Schirmacher Voss, W., 1,444,989 Vreeland, C., 1,184,665; 1,296,344 Vries, R. de, see P. Armstrong INDEX OF NAMES 129 Vucassovich, M., 1,388,982 Vuillermet, A., and C. Vuillermet, 1,302,252 Vuillermet, C., see A. Vuillermet Vuilleumier, R., 1,518,377 W Wachtel, P., 1,402,814; 1,415,418 Wachter, L., 1,304,421 Wade, H., 1,336,450 Wade, H., and H. Frink, 1,511,543 Waddell, A., 1,249,864 Waddell, J., see K. Kyle Waddell, J., 1,488,721 Wadsworth, F., 1,182,604; 1,182,605 Wadsworth, G., see H. Borgen Wadsworth, H., 1,421,045; 1484, 745 Wadsworth, P. 1,400, 191 Waele, A., de, 1,519 975 Waern, A. 1,228,855 Wagg, S., 1,128,200 Waggaman, W., 1,185,029; 1,334,474 Waggaman, W., 1,241,791 Waganoff, A., 1,149,876 Wagner, C., see W. Waggaman ‘Wagner, ‘uid 1,317,950 Wagner, E., 1,193,952; (1,198,171; 1,198,172; 1,209,784; 1 235 083 ; Waener, F, 1 428 618 “Wagner, H., 1,493, Bit. = Wagner, in he ‘and J. Erber, 1,160,471 Wagner, H., J. Erber and E. Hoffa, 1,149,231 Wagner, a; ut 130,223; 1,473,981 Wagner, K,, 1 153 655 Wagner, BE 1 347, 723; 1,347,724; 1,517,036 Wagner, T., 1,261,328; 1,434,462 Wagoner, if 1 195, 933 Wagstaff, i. 1 All 072 Wahl, A., see R. Wahl Wahl, A. 1,155,530; 1,242,396; 1,350,756 Wahl, IAS, "and R. Lantz, 1 ‘460, 774. Wahl, R., 1,149,704; 1,156,448; 1,178,039; 1 178 040: 1,179,877 : 1,190,827: 1,249,259 ; 1 379, 294: 1,410,973 Wahl, R., and A. Wahl, 1,191,047; 1,247,349 ) Wahlquist, A., and F. Hall, 1,207, 350 Wain, W.., 1,240,272 Wait, a 1,350 932; 1,452,009 Waite, C., see A. ’ Ayerst Waite, C. and J. Hedin, 1,212,158; 1,249,287 Waite, B., 1,188,588 Wakefield, Pe 1,293, 585 Wakeford, W., see E. Arnold Wakeford, W., 1,518,421 Wakino, T.., see K. Kamiya Waksman, S., 1,432,312 Walch, N.. 1 '392 240 H. Bryan and C. Wagner, 1,385,340 ; Wald, G., 1,221,780 Wald, S., 1 324 764 Walden, AG 1 316, 342 Walden, ree 1 520 673. Walder, E., a 299 070 Waldheim, an 1 501 75 Waldo, C. s., 1,439 653 Waldo, L., 1 320, 514; 1,379,886 Waldorf, je 1 366 981 Waldron, F. 1 198, 174 Wales, oli and C. Baskerville; 1,280,908; 1,280,909 Wales, R., 1,212,457; 1,366,223; 1,433,315; 1,500,287 Wales, S., 1,282,660 Wal ker, a see H. Hanson Walker, A. 1,396,699 Walker, AG and F. Walker, 1,131,578 Walker, CG, 1,486,705; 1 271 633; Walker, G., 1 330 016; 1 org 735 Walker. H. see V. Coblentz Walker, Hi. 1,454,870; 1,454,871 Walker, J, "see D. Bowen Walker, Ti 1,167,956; 1,226,831 Walker, P., and Aa Bower, 1,484,690 Walker, Ri 1,225,194; 1 264. (721; 1,364,224 1,495,314 Walker, aii 1 123, 962; 1 158, 531; 1,206,954; 1,276 290 Walker, W., Re-13,861; 1,152,246; 1,152,247; 1,155,849; 1,161,090; 1,219,509; 1,299,072; 1,307,280; ‘ '309, ‘496; 1,351,078 ; Walkos, M., 1,245 837 Wall, TE t 297,046: 1,303,426; 1,337,673; 1 386 476 Wall, E., and J. Phelan, 1,386,475 Wall, M., 1,378,637 Wallace, aon 1 1818115) 1.301,766; 1.308 5ta. 1,314,482 Wallace, C., and J. Baker, 1,403,993 Wallace, C., and M. Tiernan, 1,283 ,994 Wallace, Ee, 1,183,506; 1,183 507: 1 443,105 Wallace, E., and S. Prescott, 1,260, 103 Wallace, F., see W. Johnston Wallace, G., see D. Davis Wallace, G., 1,182,947; 1,283,000; 1,283,001: 1,358,662; 1,358,663; 1,358,664; 1,488,656: 1,514,238 Wallace, G., and A. Warner, 1,490,354 Wallace, R., and FE. Wassmer, 1,154 4145 Wallace, W. 1,506,872 Wallach, hea, 1,274 961 Wallbaum, Re 1,176, Wallen, F’., see L. Wallen Wallen, Te and F. Wallen, 1,362,455 Waller, C., see J. Bronstein Waller, ree 1,305,845; 1,305,846; 1,462,093 Wallerstein, L., see M. Wallerstein Wallerstein, L., 1,442,372; 1,516,166 Wallerstein, M., and L. ‘Wallerstein, 1,214,729; 1,214,730 Wallin, V., and Q. Heppes, 1,263 823 Walling, R., 1,194,906 Wallmann, fh 1,146, 776 Wallner, mo 1,326,125 Walper, C., 1,448,886; 1,502,603 1,291,300; 1,470,039 006 1,386,478; 1,474,657; 1,476,938: 130 Walrond, C., 1,515,980 Walsh, J., 1,178,979; 1,185,959; 1,483,136 Walsh, M., 1,169,210; 1,862,907; 1,415,282 Walsh, E., see P. Walsh Walsh, P., see A. Meyer Walsh, P., and E. Walsh, 1,191,752 Walter, A., 1,193,210 Walter, C., 1,353,194 Walter, E., 1,313,931; 1,344,324 Walter, H., 1,222,285 Walter, R., 1,899,581; 1,444,891; 1,494,393; 1,509,624; 1,519,388 Walter, W., 1,405,880 Walters, G., see W. Forse Walterskirchen, T., 1,379,494 Walther, G., 1,292,544 Walther, H., 1,270,348 Walther, P., see A. Holzapfel Walther, R. von, 1,144,270 Walton, C., see M. Badollet Walton, C., see H. Paine Walton, C., 1,465,459: Walton, C., and H. Paine, 1,467,022 Walton, I’., 1,223,302; 1 237 977; 1,237,978 Walton, ee see A. McKerrow Waltz, G., see F. Breyer Wandel, ite 1,436,127; 1,519,280; 1,519,281 Wandersee, Ap R. Peretto and T. Albrecht, 1,376,056 Wandersee, J., see T. Albrecht Wang, C., 1 284, 164 Wangenstein, J., and H. Fegraeus, 1,379,143 Wanklyn, F., 1 381, 371; 1,487,625 Wante, L., 1,247,757 Wantz, J., 1,216,633 Wappler, R., 1,146,292 Ward, A., see H. Essex Ward, C., 1,421,625 Ward, D., 1,294,001 Ward, E., see J. Haste Ward, G. a 1,474,746 Ward, L., 1365, 875 Ward, 5) 1,145,950 Ward, T., see S. Groves Ward, W.., 1,462,753 1,434,514; 1,485,540 ; Wardell, H., 1,244,148; 1,281,444; 1,289,328; 1,385,511; 1,448,370 Wardenburg, F., 1,855,197 Warga, K., 1,230,958; 1,283,606; 1,346,475; 1,420,673 Waring, F., 1,291,302 Waring, R., 1,487,632 Waring, S., ‘and H. Haupthi, 1,245,839 Waring, W., 1,430,269; 1,430,270; 1,430,271 Waring, W., 1 513, 775 Warkup, H, 1,273,293 Warman, H.., 1,373,217 Warmund, H., 1,442,752; 1,444,288 Warncke, H., 1,500,477 Warner, A., see G. Wallace Warner, A., 1,815,354; 1,362,207 Warner, A., and R. Price, 1,163,050 Warner, C., and I. Warner, 1,284,505 Warner, E., 1,376,057 Warner, F., 1,358,802; 1,447,054 Warner, I., see C. Warner UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Warner, I., 1,229,555 Warner, J., 1,475,976 Warner, W., 1,206,061 Warrell, A., 1,133,204; 1,143,153 Warren, A., 1,171,819 Warren, G., 1,164,041 Warren, J., 1,496,040 Warren, L., 1,484,922 Warren, W., 1,123,964 Warrin, E., 1,438,799 Warth, C., 1,131,880 Washburn, C., 1,138,266 Washburn, F., 1,135,639; 1,151,074; 1,151,633; 1,206,062; 1,206,063; 1,217,247; 1,359,211; 1,367,846; 1,373,471; Washburn, R., see W. Heath Washburn, W.., 1,412,027 Washington, G., 1,504,459; 1,512,730; 1,512,731 Wasmayr, F., 1,517,878 Wassmer, E., see R. Wallace Waterhouse, G., 1,352,710 Waterhouse, L., 1,346,286 Waters, F., see R. Rea Waters, J., 1,345,045; 1,881,526 Waters, S., 1,186,742; 1,827,931 Watkins, W., 1,197,693; 1,197,694; 1,197,695; 1,256,084 Watkins-Pitchford, H., 1,165,924; 1,165,925 Watremez, E., 1,133,769; 1,370,076 Watres, L., 1,189,643 Watrous, E., 1,221,397; 1,418,412 Watson, C., 1,202,931; 1,470,407 Watson, G., 1,347,311 Watson, H., 1,212,428 Watson, J., 1,279,050; 1,431,346; 1,431,347 Watson, J., and W. Hirschkind, 1,319,128 Watson, R.., 1,156,954 Watson, W., see Cl. De Long Watson, W., 1,189,028 ; 1398 613; 1,472,951 Watt, E., 1,887,569 Watterson, W., see N. Wrinkle Watterson, W., 1,350,128 Wattmann, J., 1,440,256 Watts, O., 1,202,626 Watzl, E., 1,161,173 Wawrziniok, O., 1,141,224 Wawrzyniak, W., 1,407,608 Way, A., see J. Way Way, J., and A. Way, 1,176,115; 1,180,895; 1,189,322 Wayland, F., 1,480,479 Wayne, H., 1,235,861 Waxel, G., 1,236,634 Weaber, M., and H. Clemens, 1,299,273 Wear, J., 1,228,997 Weaver, A., E. Laufer and E. von Wintzing- erode, 1,348,462 Weaver, H., see W. Baker Weaver, J., 1,135,417 Weaver, V., 1,238,604; 1,241,796; 1,297,946; 1,300,205; 1,829,315 Weatherby, J., 1,218,916 Weatherford, R., 1,194,101 Webb, A., see W. Calderwood Webb, G., 1,308,463 1,142,068 ; 1,167,788; 1,149,233 ; 1,196,910; 1,355,369 ; 1,398,453 1,404,501 ; 1,180,894 ; 1,269,236 ; INDEX OF NAMES Webb, H., see A. Holley Webb, J., and W. Williams, 1,175,572 Webb, J., 1,512,729 Webb, S., 1,201,402 Webb, W., 1,418,413; 1,432,374; 1,434,465; 1,469,863; 1,514,274; Webb, W. R., 1,460,690 Webber, C., see R. Bradley Webber, W.., see E. Beavers Webel, F., see O. Graul Weber, C., 1,350,533 Weber, E., 1,133,205; 1,894,241 Weber, F., 1,153,985; 1,210,570; 1,252,973; 1,350,534 Weber, G., 1,375,243; 1,397,826; 1,431,711; 1,440,041; 1,441,957: Weber, H., see C. Ellis Weber, H., see W. Lewis Weber, H., 1,172;919; 1,248,961; 1,291,306; 1,401,452; 1,402,817: 1,454,873: 1,516,756; 1,516,757 Weber, J., 1,150,467; 1,181,275; 1,486,208 ; 1,500,289 Weber, J., see C. Kapferer Weber, K., 1,442,917 Weber, L., 1,302,739; 1,302,740; 1,502,803 Weber, M., 1,443,602 Weber, O., see A. Beck Weber, P., 1,219,058 1,429,179; 1,444,406 ; 1,516,225 1,432,373; 1,469,862 ; 1,221,929; 1,406,121; 1,496,914 1,233,626 ; 1,366,439 ; 1,233,627; 1,373,038; 1,497,417: 1,181,944; Weber, W., 1,124,081; 1,138,519; 1,138,520; 1,144,271; 1,157,270; 1,169,703; 1,226,833; 1,237,128; 1,429,987 Webert, L., 1,481,399 Webster, E., and C. Haynes, 1,182,516 Webster, H., 1,264,236; 1,264,237; 1,265,149; 1,265, 150 ; 1,266,730; 1,346,148; 1,420,596 ; 1,459,124; 1,461,077 Webster, P,, see R. Perry Webster, P., 1,390,410; 1 "138, 565; 1,447,954 Webster, Pe. ‘and V. Boynton, 1 361 940 Webster, W.. 1,298,607 ; 1,426, 623 Wedge, us see W. Kee Wedge, U,, 1,123,965; 1,123,966; 1,169,444; 1,170,375; 1,198, 882 ; 1,208,246; 1,220,575; 1,225,381 Wedge, U., and F. Eustis, 1,260,492; 1,260,493 Wedgewood, 071,217,376 Wedlock, F.., see C. Bennett Wedow, jek by 416,311 Weeber, ime 1 186 052: 1,257,562 Weed, C.., see R. Plumb Weeks, C., 1,127,949; 1,366,106 Weeks, E., see A. Michie Weeks, F. 1,213,045 Weeks, J .. 1,273,432; 1,276,599; 1,288,775; 1,289, 022 ; 1,291, 310; 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314 841; 1,314,842; 1 '362, 159 Weeks, HK. 427, 875: 1 A27 376; 1 427, 877 Weguelin, $9 see R. Phelan Wehinger, Fr. 1,216,636 Wehle, L., 1 395, 753 Wehn, C. 1 All 822: 1,461,299 Wehner, H vy 399, 592 Wehr, a 1 340 (427 Weichmann, F., 1,135,340 131 Weida, E., 1,228,152 Weida, H., 1,195,118; 1,197,312 Weidel, A., 1,437,740 Weidenthal, H., 1,401,215 Weidlein, E., 1201 899; 1,223,454 Weidmann, He see C. von Girsewald Weidner, E. , 1,489,181 Weigand, H. ., see C. Smith Weigle, O., 1,407,502 Weil, C., 1,141,999; 1,199,514; 1,478,990 Weil, L., 1,419,186 Weil, O., see H. Goldschmidt Weiler, M., 1,218,232; 1,244,149; 1,503,177 Weiler, W., 1,143,670 Weimar, A., 1,381,605 Weimar, W., 1,313,487; 1,375,125 Weinberg, M., 1,400,395 Weinberg, S., 1,405,371 Weindel, A., see C. Hansen Weindel, A., see H. von Keler Weinhandler, S., and J. Simsohn, 1,224,984 Weinheim, E., 1,242,622; 1,263,171; 1,441,318 1,261,331 ; Weinrich, M., 1,184,897; 1,184,398; 1,308,826; 1,502,076 Weinstein, L., 1,193,645 Weintraub, E., 1,181,189; 1,131,190; 1,134,784; 1,134,785; 1,134,786; 1,134,787; 1,134,788; $138,162; 91,188,163; *.15154,081 3° 176/680: 1,188,121; 1,191,630; 1,244,150; 1,299,641; 1,306,568; 1,428,978 Weintraub, E., and L. Miller, 1,156,509 Weintraub, Gq: 1135 232% 1,157 271 Weir, J., 1 282, 338: 1 505, 453 : 1 509, 326 Weir, ie and J. Black, 1,492, 184 Weir, J.. and W. Ryan, ares 1,509,325 Weis, A.. 1,471,225 Weis, J., 1,172,414 Weisberg, L., see C. Downs Weisberg, L., 1,413,144; 1,413,145; 1,443.936; 1,448,475 Weisberg, L., and R. Potter, 1,424,137 Weisehan, F., see L. Brewster 1,443,935 ; Weisgerber, E., 1,839,142; 1,339,143; 1,339,144; 1,339,145; 1,339,146; 1,839,147; 1,839,148; 1,339,149; 1,339,150; 1,377,533; 1,384,714 Weiskopf, C., 1,454,255; 1,463,352; 1,495,363 Weismann, F., 1,239,992 Weiss, A., 1,345,649 Weiss, C., 1,464,895 ; Weiss, H., 1,339,489; 1,346,287; 1,849,112; 1,358,129; 1,864,418; 1,366,225; Re-15,316; 1,387,219; 1,456,083; 1,489,567 — Weiss, J., 1,206,962; 1,282,505; 1,301,796; 1,334,060; 1,334,061; 1,340,855; 1,355,099; i '358, 350; 1,377,645; 1,418,893 Weiss, J, G. Bailey and R. Potter, 1,355,100 Weiss, se and C. Downs, 1,318 631; 1,318,632 ; 1,318,633 ; 1,321,959; ‘1 322,983 ; 1,355,098 ; 1,374,695; 1,377,534; 1,380,277 Weiss, L., 1,474,129 Weiss, M., 1 ‘ALL 231; 1,422,506 Weiss, ie and J. Verdier, 1,338, 343 Weissenburger, G., 1,140, 550 Weisser, I’., see G. ’ Smith Weissleder, G., 1,520,491 es Weissmann, LG 1,256,621 132 Weith, A., see L. Redman Wettzenkorn, J., see G. Sargent Weitzenkorn, J., 1,287,153; 1,401,932 Werzmann, C., see W. Perkin Weizmann, C., 1,815,585; 1,487,697 Weizmann, C., and J. Blumenfeld, 1,489,183 Weizmann, C., and G. Hamlyn, 1,329,214 Weizmann, C., and D. Legg, 1,895,620; 1,408,320 Welch, E., 1,213,314 Welch, F., 1,410,087 Welch, H., 1,284,166; 1,284,167; 1,285,856; 1,289,984; 1,828,552; 1,338,271; 1,382,037; 1,414.491; 1,483,999; 1,517,689 Welch, H., and W. Sheek, 1,446,953 Welch, J., 1,263,174 Welch, P., Re-14,636; 1,277,672 Weld, H., 1,220,576 Welde, R., see A. Steindorff Welker, F., see J. Dettinger Well, H., 1,213,315; 1,213,316 Weller, A., see W. Robinson-Bindley Weller, A., and W. Robinson-Bindley, 1,368,867 Wellesley, R., 1,441,615 Wellington, S., 1,234,517 Wellman, F., 1,245,291; 1,835,768; 1,335,769; 1,385,773; 1,335,774; 1,347,567; 1,347,664; 1,362,160; 1,390,002; Wellman, F., and F. Sibley, 1,335,770 Wells, A., see C. Ellas Wells, P2215 8 hb ovo 52 Willard, Ty 1,166,101; 1 166, 102; 1 218,967 ; 1,243,368; 1,243,369; 1,243,370: 1/243'371: 1,243,372: 1,327,649; 1,327,650; 1,342,611; 1,482,508; 1,505,990 Willard, Z., 1,169,706 Willcox, 0. 1,312 ,293; 1,499,492 Willett, W., "1454, 780 Willetts, PA ‘374, 538 Willey, eo. 1,395,073 Willford, A., 1,362,658 Willfroth, E., see A. Mittasch Wilhams, A., see L. Williams Williams, A., 1,423,980; 1,403,462; 1,450,533 Williams, C., 1,342,484; 1,360,843; 1,425,565; 1,519,180 Williams, E., 1,175,032; 1,294,738; 1,515,319 Williams, F., 1,398,350; 1,400,922 Williams, r. Perkins and J. Stryker, 1,378,078 1,189,896 ; 1,332,369; 1,372,731; 1,317,251; 1,481,779; 1,193,649 ; 1,166,871 ; 1,359,010; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Williams, G., 1,851,144; 1,379,668; 1,496,506; 1,514,494; 1,519,648 Williams, H., see R. Clayton Williams, H., 1,417,007; 1,479,848; 1,517,660 Williams, J., 1,132,058; 1,145,954; 1,174,646; 1,175,494; 1,194,455; 1,194,456; 1,236,523; 1,238,371; 1,238,372; 1,238,378; 1,245,294; 1,358,908; 1,453,057 Williams, L., 1,231,227 Williams, L., and A. Williams, 1,459,127 Williams, P., see W. Stenning Willams, R., see D. Avery Williams, R., see M. Mann Williams, R., 1,256,758; 1,300,516; 1,814,231; 1,828,938; 1,352,162; 1,415,076; 1,438,735 Williams, R., and H. Haller, 1,450,569 Williams, R., and D. White, 1,460,876 Williams, T., D. Coy and H. Pruden, 1,385,412 Williams, W., see J. Webb Williams, W., 1,189,618; 1,205,831; 1,219,060 Williamson, G., 1 173, 907; 1 317, 607 Williamson, H., 1,188 870 Williamson, T., see C. Hahn Willing, C., see W. Willing, Willing, W., and C. Willing, 1,226,292 Willis, G., 1,313,970 Willis, H., 1,190,615; 1,328,310; 1,372,467 Willis, L., 1,437,287 Willis, P., 1,851,935 Willis, W., see A. McKay Willison, W., see F., McColl Willison, W., 1,398,352; 1,444,408 1,439,780 ; Willkie, H., 1,400,195; 1,400,196; 1,408,325; 1,449,156; 1,449,157; 1,474,750; 1,478,498; 1,485,940 Willows, R., F. Pollitt and T. Leach, 1,411,598 Willoughby, A., 1,246,514 Wills, C., 1,278,082 ; 1,288,344; 1,288,345; 1,831,175; Wills, J., see R. Dunwody Willson, E., 1,202,138 Willson, M., 1,223,547 Willson, T., see M. Haff Willson, T., and M. Haff, 1,127,840; 1,144,405; 1,146,222; 1,166,104 Willson, W., 1,217,544 Willstaetter, R., 1,141,510; 1,205,138 Willstaetter, R., W. Duisberg and T. Callsen, 1,427,506 Willstaetter, R., O. Wolfes and H. Maeder, 1,419,091 Wilm, A., 1,130,785; 1,261,987 Wilputte, L., 1,485,361 Wilson, A., 1,246,204 Wilson, C., see EH. Jameson Wilson, C., see J. Smith Wilson, C., 1,177,752; 1,498,708 — . Wilson, C., W. Kempton and A. Bastian, 1,284,524 Wilson, D., 1,240,280; 1,276,604; 1,289,030; 1,306,295; 1,398,213 Wilson, D., and S. Rodgers, 1,187,411; 1,187,412 Wilson, E., 1,477,094 Wilson, F., see S. Bretherton Wilson, G., 1,894,874 Wilson, H., see P. Brant 1,210,126; 1,383,585; INDEX OF NAMES Wilson, H., 1,230,971 Wilson, ut and W. Hadfield, 1,511,856; 1,511,857 Wilson, J., see C. Bacon Wilson, J., see W. Bone Wilson, J., 1,272,750; 1,331,735; 1,352,163; 1,406,710; 1,425,306; 1,425,307; 1,484,444 Wilson, Je and C. Bacon, 1,167, 462 Wilson, J., and C. Forrest, 1,129 770; 1,173,628 Wilson, Es see W. Glover Wilson, i. 1,175,857; 1,279,200; 1,389,084 - Wilson, M., 1,369,997 Wilson, N., 1,502,285. Wilson, R., see W. Lewis Wilson, R., see E. McCullough Wilson, R., 1,330,032; 1,393,474; 1,494, 090; 1 520 ,493 Wilson, This and W. Horsch, 1,360,700 Wilson, R., and C. McNeil, 1,335, 949 Wilson, jee L. Parsons and 8. Chisholm, 1,453, 562 Wilson, R., and J. Whetzel, 1,519,470 Wilson, S., 1,501,427; 1,503, 409 : 1,520,791 Wilson, W, see G. Bacon Wilson, W. 1,341,770; 1,419,530 Wilton, N., 1,412,549 Wimmer, K., 1,416,249; 1,502,222 Winch, C., 1,187,119; 1,304,483 Winchenbaugh, L., 1,384,290 Winchenbaugh, L., and L. Gentile, 1,454,363 Windisch, K., see M. Bockmuehl Windsor-Richards, W., see G. Davies Winer, J., 1,511,860 Winestock, O., 1,138,596; 1,138,597 Wing, C., 1,493,511 Wingen, J., 1,341,250 Wingett, J., 1,166,731; 1,185,747; 1,229,189; 1,251,315; 1,337,496 Winkel, H., see A. Tanberg Winkel, H., 1,307,570 Winkelmann, H., see H. Trumbull Winkelmann, H., and H. Gray, 1,515,642 Winkler, F., see A. Mittasch Winkler, K., 1,519,285; 1,519,286 Winkler, S., 1,255,373 Winkley, W., 1 332, 370 Winne, R., 1,166, 204 - Winnertz, P and F. Neubert, 1,401,979 Winneur, aM 1,258, 729 Winavist, N., 1,415, 970 Winter, E., 1,427 885; 1,454,609; 1,474,698 Winterrath, F., 1.369, 151 Winters, J., see R. Winters Winters, J., and McCamon, M., 1,366,143 Winters, R,, and J. Winters, 1,476, 131 Wintz, H., see L. Seitz Wintzingerode, E. von, see A. Weaver Wirfs, E., 1,516,130 Wirrer, en see L. Josephs Wirth, E.., "1,339, 310 Wirth-Frey, E., 1,351,089; 1,405,244; 1,461,640; 1,518,723 Wirtz, rh 1,403,279 Wise, B., 1,353,979; 1,360,343 Wise, L.. see E. Adams 1,489,725 ; 1,215,230; 1,478,088 ; 1,427,887; 1,427,888; a Wise, L., and E. Adams, 1,338,346 Wise, M., 1,312,716 Wisener, G., 1,152,867 Wiser, O., 1,288,350 Wisner, C., 1,490,357 Wissler, W., and C. Humphries, 1,504,298 Withrow, J., see E. French Witte, G., 1,407,311; 1,407,717 Witteborg, H., 1,250,261 Witten, A., 1,484,919 Witter, O., 1,124,988; 1,283,391 Wittwer, J., 1,208,069 Witty, G., 1,836,178; 1,379,235 Witz, H., 1,186,358 Woddrop, L., 1,221,259 Woegerer, C., 1,429,992 Woehler, L., 1,128,394 Wohl, A., 1,408,056; 1,449,134; 1 ATS is Wohl, M., and M. Mayer, 1,211,904; 1,279.065 W oidich, F. see E. Schill Wolcott, B., 1,474,574 Wolcott, C., see L. Hughes Wolcott, E., see W. Schmidt Wolcott, E., 1,829,737; 1,329,817; Lael,225; 1,895,208; 1,402,128; 1,479,270; 1,479,271; 1,506,104 Wolcott, N., 1,213,990 Wolever, F., 1,161,756; 1,283,392 Wolever, F., and W. Price, 1,305,330 Wolf, A., 1,519,572 Wolf, E., see G. Kereszty Wolf, F., see E. Aurich Wolf, F., 1,198,984 Wolf, H., see C. Bosch Wolf, H., see F. Slama Wolf, I., 1,285,537 Wolf, ae 1,418, 896 Wolf, ie 1,240, 397 ; 1 274, 970 Wolf, R. _ see J. Fagan Wolf, Re 1,214,630; 1,433,865; 1,499,898 Wolfard, 'M., 1,263, 831 Wolfe, Age 1,345,819 Wolfe, C., 1,463,539 Wolfe, H., see J. Gower Wolfe, H., 1,494,203 Wolfes, 0. and H. Maeder, 1,419,092; 1,420,900 1,449,135; 1,329,818 ; 1,416,769 ; 1,265,573; 1,265,574; Wolfes, O ,see R. Willstaetter Wolff, A. 1,152,066; 1,240 523; 1,423,704; 1,428, 197, Wolff, F., 1,162,427; 1,819,984 Wolff, H, 1138: O81; 1,393 873 Wolff, H., see 0. Bally Wolff, H., see R. Bohn Wolff, H., and K. Kacer, 1,266,896 Wolff, W. 1,131,888; 1 311 150 Wolfenstein, Re 1,493,945 Woll, A., 1,492,823 Wollaston, T., 1,327,893 Wollenberg, im and C. Bigelow, 1,297,524 Wollenweber, W., 1,208,877 Wollner, E., see F. Thomas Wolpe, G, 1,212, 725 Wolters, ce see R. Dick Wolvekamp, M., 1,361,128; 1,391,154; 1,412, 438 ; 1,412,439; 1 412, 440 136 Wondruschka, J., and S. Duda, 1,480,589 Wood, A., see G. Earl Wood, C., 1,265,855 Wood, E., 1,202,633 WV O00. ls, T187,048 > OU Ib2 ie 20a Soe: 1,246,694; 1,310,818; 1,334,981; 1,341,030; 1,346,624 Wood, H., 1,208,879; 1,263,503; 1,489,682 Wood, J., 1,155,186; 1,308,136; 1,383,896 Wood, L., 1,430,484; 1,504,175 Wood, M., 1,135,749 Wood, P., 1,516,557 Wood, S., 1,811,848; 1,311,844; 1,364,342 Wood, W., see E. Muschewske Wood, W., 1,270,477; 1,405,702; 1,405,703; 1,432,937 . 1,432,939 : 1,451,008 ; 1,481,947; 1,502,455 Wood, W., and H. Smith, 1,432,938 Woodbridge, J., 1,364, 469 Woodbridge, Re see A. Broadbent Woodbridge, R., 1,812,463; 1,354,640; 1,367,111; 1,379 073; 1 390, 740: 1 396, 493 : 1 439, 656 Woodbridge, PRG Ke Casey and C. Henning, 1,354,442 Woodbury, C., 1,124,679; 1,149,487; 1,309,559; 1,312,464; 1,329,566; 1,382,260; 1,434,642; 1,445,378; 1,518,629 Woodland, W., see F. Steere Woodley, J., 1,156,122; 1,240,524; 1,366,146; 1,384,110 Woodley, J., and R. Perry, 1,204,632 Woodruff, C., and R. Pausch, 1,380,458 Woodruff, A Ma as, 343 Woodruff, J.. and T. Wheeler, 1,505,517 Woodruff, L., 1,232,154 Woodruff, iT 1,504 800 Woodward, FE 1,240 287; 1,240,288 Woodward, F.. 1,136 456: 1, 136 A57; 1,136,459; 1 374 541 Woodward, H ., see W. Bauer Woodward, R., see L. Gurevich Woodward, T., 1,479,768 Woody, E.., 1,241 322 Woolfenden, H., see D. Patterson Woolhiser, J., 1 377, 741 Woolley, G., 1 237, 136 Woolner, A., 1,258 076 Woolner, H. See H. Jenkins Woolums, §S., 1,516,759 Wooster, P., 1,240,290; Wootton, W., 1,451,485 Wooyenaka, K., see J. Takamine Wooyenaka, K., 1,460,832 Workman, H., 1,328,352 Workman, 4S "see L. Cretsinger Workman, J., 1,202,950 Worrall, G., 1 360 346: 1,860,347 ; 1,360,348 Wortelmann, G,, 1,397 028 Worth, B., see W. Freygang Worth, B. see W. Kidde Worth, W., 1,431,205 Worthington, ae 1,366, 147 Worthington, G., 1 285, 878; 1,369,868 Worthington, J., ‘and A. Hyde, 1 360 5486 Wray, E. 1 157 (485 : 1,247,475 Wray, E and F, Hess, 1,144 Ole Wrede, H., 1,147,996 1,304,438; 1,518,289 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 1,136,458; Wright, A., 1,166,569 Wright, A., and E. Wright, 1,451,185 Wright, B., 1,327,004 Wright, C., see G. Wright Wright, C., and E. Toal, 1,512,659; 1,512,660 Wright, E,, see M. Chappell Wright, E., see A. Wright Wright, E., and J. Oakleaf, 1,236,031 Wright, F., 1,197,246; 1,200,682; 1,461,170 Wright, F., and F. Keller, 1,501,084 Wright, eu see A. Schuricht Wright, G., and L. Hodson, 1,238,242 Wright, as and C. Wright, 1,421,751 Wright, I., 1,226,735 Wright, Hh see W. Arsem Wright, J., "1,303, 753; 1,438,078 Wright, K,, see V. Crites Wright, K., 1,381,387 Wright, L., 1 164 049 1,279,508 ; Wright, R., 1 248 977; 1,520,737 Wright, S2 1 144 13 Wright, T., 1 359,011; 1,396,675; 1,485,659 Wright, W., 1,197,324 ; 1,226,934; 1,259,702; 1,308,884; 1,370,575; 1,417,708; 1,420,173 ; 1 ‘449 718: 1,454,421; 1,474,502; 1,474,503; 1,476,562. Wrightman, C., see G. Richter Wrighton, W., 1,507,327 Wrigley, H., see H. Spence Wrigley, H.., "and H. Spence, 1,338,473 Wrinkle, N., and W. Kuhnert, 1,311,481; 1,316 755: 1,350,089; 1,350,090 Wrinkle, N. ee and W. Watterson, 1,184,806 ; 1,232,156 Wucherer, R. and F. Pollitzer, 1,420,802 Wuensch, C., 1,492,502 Wuergler, ie see G.. Engi Wuergler, J. see A. Grob Wuergler, it see B. Mayer Wuertz, J., 1,506 A72 Wulf, O. 4 BCT’. ‘Daniels Wulff, O., 1,154,826 Wulkan, Hi, 1,139, 620; 1,139,621 Wunderlich, C., 1,476 867 Wurstemberger, F. von, 1,335,209; 1,335,210 1,879,582; 1,435,268 Wussow, Ae 1,515,714 Wuth, Ves see C. Jagerspacher Wuth, B. and C. Jagerspacher, 1,233,433; 1,234,994 Wuth, B., B. Mayer, C. Jagerspacher and E. Anderwert, 1,216,760 Wuyts, H., 1,469, 709 Wyatt, W., 1,435,780 Wybert, E., see A. Gams Wybert, E., see M. Hartmann Wyckoff, A., and M. Handschiegel, 1,303,836; 1,803,837 Wyckoff, R., see R. Twining Wyler, M., 1,358,490; 1,467,598 Wyman, G., see C. Bird Wyman, G., 1,388,685 Wyman, G., and A. Currier, 1,284,023 Wynne, E., 1,351,458 1,360,853 ; INDEX OF NAMES x Xardell, C., 1,338,412 Y Yackee, B., 1,482,336 Yai, S., 1,328,027; 1,431,859 Yaley, T., 1,829,450 Yamamoto. R., 1,436,747 Yamamoto, Y., 1,314,298; 1,433,168 Yanovsky, E., see R. Sayre Yarmett, E., D’, see E. D’Yarmett Yaryan, H., 1,191,053; 1,453,303 Yasuda, M., 1,216,643 Yates, R., 1,395,075; 1,465,752 Ybarrondo, V. de, 1,499,099 Yeager, F., 1,355,102 Yeast, J., 1,440,202 Yee, J., see E. Guernsey Yee, J., see H. Krase Yensen, T., 1,277,523; 1,277,524; 1,358,810; 1,480,706 Yeoell, W., 1,379,430; 1,879,431; 1,379,432; 1,379,483; 1,879,434 Yeoman, C., 1,349,798 Yessler, G., 1,486,214 Ylouses, G. des, 1,495,551 -Yngve, V., 1,511,555; 1,520,920 Yoanna, A. de, 1,168,177 Yocum, J., 1,175,495; 1,205,694 Yoder, J., 1,402,277 York, J., 1,206,188 Yoshizawa, T., 1,365,760 Yost, F., 1,231,831 Youker, M., 1,520,627 Young, A., 1,378,643 Young, C., see W. Craven Young, C., see G. Curme Young, C., 1,333,196 ; 1,456,959; 1,509,575 Young, D., see J. Hickson Young, D., 1,246,515; 1,250,540; 1,468,190; 1,519,523 Young, E., 1,391,037 Young, F., 1,210,250; 1,451,857 Young, G., 1,504,178; 1,511,152 Young, H., see W. Haas Young, H., 1,146,987; 1,515,803 Woung, J. 1,177,982; 1,192,362; 1,327,933; 1,366,999; 1,390,005; 1,898,991; 1,410,790; 1,418,347; 1,418,348; 1,418,349; 1,421,338; 1,432,511; 1,432,512; 1,488,186 Young, J., and W., Benner, 1,324,093 Young, J., and E. Croakman, 1,446,818 Young, L., 1,223,016 Young, P., 1,321, 201 Young, S., 1,262,295 137 Young, W., 1,226,432; 1,378,307 Young, W., and J. Chapman, 1,222,253 Youngman, R.., 1,231,684; 1,514,812 Youngren, O., and G. Klumpp, 1,518,475 Yoxall. W.. see S. Rousseau Yunek, J., 1,345,656; 1,422,019; 1,469,761 Z Zabel, W., and L. Reakes, 1,403,727 Zacharias, W., 1,283,016; 1,304,842; 1,362,381 Zagelmeyer, F., 1,170,791 Zahm, A., 1,246,029 Zahm, F., 1,218,154; 1,328,221; 1,405,085 Zahner, S., 1,123,644 Zaiser, C., 1,452,232 Zak, Z., 1,199,144 Zaleski, F., 1,211,520 Zaloom, §., 1,460,510; Re-15,902 Zang, J., 1,518,293 Zapf, M., and G. Robertson, 1,880,512 Zappi, P., 1,211,028 Zarnowiecki, B., 1,152,467 Zart, A., and L. Monkemeyer, 1,490,499 Zavelberg, A., 1,136,304 Zdanowich, J., 1,347,801; 1,445,382; 1,457,131 Z.danowski, M.., 1,345,429; 1,345,430 Zeerleder, A. von, 1,480,846 Zeh, L., see H. Kramer Zeisberg, F., 1,197,167 ; 1,292,948 Zeissler, J., 1,472,316 Zelewski, R., 1,250,071 Zell, C., and W. Straub, 1,476,233 Zell, R., 1,244,275 Zeller, W., 1,438,471 Zeltner, J.. see P. Neumann Zenk, C., 1,255,681 Zerban, F., 1,290,002 Zerner, E., 1,436,136 Zerning, H., 1,183,266 Zertuche, R., 1,302,266; 1,490,258 Zeuthen, A., and M. Larsen, 1,345,657 Zibell, J., 1,273,307 Ziegler, O., 1,877,542 Fiesing, R., 1,237,141 Ziffer, F., see R. Lewser Ziirsen, A., 1,161,816 Zilk, J., 1,247,059; 1,247,060 Zimmer, A., 1,234,250 Zimmer, C., 1,237,852; 1,319,918; 1,391,710 Zimmerman, A., 1,255,268; 1,255,682 Zimmermann, F., Re-13,961; 1,055,119 Zimmermann, G., 1,140,934 Zimmermann, H., 1,350,202; 1,402,467 Zimmerman, J. 1,501,086 Zimmerman, K., 1,222,345 Timmerman, T., 1,362,663 Zimmers, D., E. Jessop, W. Koenig and J. Garner, 1,307,430 _ 138 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Zimmerschied, K., 1,516,262 Zink, A., 1,436,9 928 Zink. J., see C. Burke Zinke, AL 1,454,204. Zinke, A., "and A. Klingler, 1,494,400 Zinkeisen, O., 1,213,724 Zirsen, A., 1,454 369 Zirwas, A., and D. Donovan, 1,369,871 Ziser, 2 see F. Smith Zitscher, CEN 1,506,514 Zitscher, A. see A. Laska Zitscher, A., "and A. Laska, 1,498,417 Zobanaky, G., see T. Neilan Zollinger, E., and H. Roehling, 1,281,662; 1,321,271 Zoltowski, J., 1,391,088 Zons, F., 1 520, 794. Zoon, A., 1,290,494 ZLoph, N., see 8. Penniman Zorn, W., 1,507,410 Zoul, C., 1,501,877 Zsigmondy, R., and W. Bachmann, 1,421,341 Zuck, N., 1,493, 772 Zuck, N., and F. Pfistner, 1,144,519 Zueblin, E., 1,228,865 Zuelzer, G., 1,399,535 Zukoski, K., 1,316,071; 1,471,876; 1,490,719 Zulauf, Re if 438,154; 1,497 397 Zuleg, J., 1,166,733 Zundel, E,, 1,485,753 Zwerling, J., 1,363,074 Zwillinger, B., 1,428,621; 1,428,622 Zwingenberger, O., 1,235,179; 1,260,119 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 139 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENT INDEX 1915-1924 INCLUSIVE INDEX OF A, see Metal A Abaca bark, paper mfr. from, 1,333,255 _—,see also Manila hemp Abalone, imitation, mfr. —«*1,484, 157 —,—,—, alcohol for, 1,434,157 —,—, —, amyl acetate ‘for, 1,434,157 ,—,—, apparatus for, 1 (434, 157 .—, —, celluloid for, 1,434, 157 ,»—, —, celluloid cement for, 1,434,157 am gold foil for, 1,434,157 of, acetone for, —— — — —, metal foil for, 1,434, 157 —, ‘nickel plates for, 1 434, 157 —,—,—, ’ pigment for, 1,434,157 —,—,—, process for, 1,484,157 —,—,—, tin foil for, 1 434, 157 Abalone shell, mother-of-pearl from, 1,302,252 Abattoir refuse, fertilizer made with, 1471 ‘979 —, oil extraction from, 1,357,365 Abies balsamea, see Balm of Gilead Abietate, see Resinate Abietic acid, calcium soap of, 1,348,494 —, detergent made with, 1,494,068 —, dye mfr. from, 1,414,164 —, dyestuff made with, 1,500,915 —,ester gum made with, 1,489,356 —, flotation with, 1,467,354 —, glycerol ester of, see Ester gum _—,gum made with, 1,513,802 —, hydrogenation of, benzene for, 1,249,050 —,—, cobalt as catalyst for, 1,249,050 —,—, cobalt oxide as catalyst for, 1,249,050 —,—, copper as catalyst for, 1,249, 050 —,—, copper oxide as catalyst for, 1,249,050 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,249,050 —,—, nickel as catalyst for, 1 ,249 050 —,— ‘nickel oxide as catalyst for, 1,249,050 —,—, * palladium as catalyst for, 1 249 050 —,—, palladium oxide as catalyst for, 1,249,050 _—,—, platinum as catalyst for, 1,249 050 —,—, platinum oxide as catalyst for, 1,249,050 —,—, process for, 1,249,050 —,—, texene for, 1 249 050 —, ‘ nitrated, dye ‘mfr. from, 1,414,164 —, nitrating, 1,414,164 —, plastic made with, 1,513,802 —, resin, artificial, made with, 1,513,802 — , resin constituent, 1,189 550 —, rosin contg., 1 167 264 —, rosin constituent, 4 081,504 —, sizing made with, if 513, 802 —, sulfonic acid of, see Sulfoabietic acid —, varnish made with, 1,513,802 —, waterproofing made with, 1,513,802 —, white rosin contg., 1,489, 356 —,see also Rosin Abietic acid anhydride, see Rosin Abietic anhydride, rosin contg., 1,167,264 —,see also Rosin SUBJECTS Abietinic acid, see Abietic acid Ablet, diamond, artificial, made with, 1,511,140 —,emerald, artificial, made with, 1,511,140 —,gem, artificial, made with, 1,511,140 —, opal, artificial, made with, 1,511,140 —, pearl, artificial, made with, 1,511,140 —,ruby, artificial, made with, 1,511,140 Abrading article, see Abrasive wheel Abrading machine, belt for, see Abrasive belt Abrading wheel, see Abrasive wheel Abrasion, catalysts regenerated by, 1,412,219 Abrasive, abrasive disk made with, 1,209,831 —, abrasive wheel made with, 1,235,325 —,aloxite in, 1,838,598 —, alum in, 1,444,479 —,alumina, heated, treated for, 1,161,620 —,aluminum contg., 1,448,586 —,aluminum chloride contg., 1,448,586 —,aluminum oxide in, 1,257,356; 1,268,533 —, aluminum sulfate in, 1,444,479 —,aluminum sulfide contg., 1,448,586 —, aluminus, mfr. of, 1,448,586; 1,467,590 —, barium oxide in, 1,257,356 —, bauxite in, 1,314,835 —, bauxite for, mfr. of, 1,442,773 —, binder for, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,468,960 , anisole for, 1,209,333 —,—, benzene for, 1,209,333; 1,468,960 ,—, benzine for, 1,468,960 —,—, cellulose compound for, 1,468, 960 —,—,cresol for, 1,209,333 —_—,— , formaldehyde for, 1,209,333; 1,468,960 ,glue for, 1,468 960 —,—,—, ’ glue, hide, for, 1,468,960 —,—, gum for, 1,468,960 ef wv wv Ne vy wv. —, hexamethylenetetramine for, 1,209,333 —,—, hydrobenzamide for, 1,209,333 —,—,—, linseed oil for, 1,468,960 —,—, methyl benzoate for, 1,209,333 —,—, methyl phenyl ketone for, 1,209,333 —,—, oil for, 1,468,960 —,—,—, phenetole for, 1,209,333 —,—, phenol for, 1,209,333; 1,468,960 -_ ee en ~ ~~ ~ —, phenols for, 1,209,333 —,—, pheny] ether for, 1,209,333 —,—,—, process for, 1,209,333; 1,468,960 —,—, rosin for, 1,468,960 —,—, rubber for, 1,468,960 —,—,—, varnish for, 1,468,960 , wax for, 1 468, 960 —, bonding qualities increased by, 1,482,792; 1,482,793 —,borie acid for mfr. of, 1,442,773 —,boron carbide as, 1,444,162 —, carbon in, 1,279,828 —, carborundum in, 1,324,215 —, carborundum used as, 1,343,976; 1,348,977; 1 381,953; 1 Av] 466; 1 497, 836 7 “ vw ~ - 140 Abrasive, carborundum, stones contg., 1,378,599 mae cement as binder for, 1,482,792; 1,482 793 —, ’ chromium in, 1,279 828 — ‘clay, vitrified, as binder for, 1,482,792; 1,482,793 —,coke in, 1,314,061 —, concrete floor, treatment of, using, 1,246,827 —, corundum in. 1,324,215 —, corundum, mfr. of, 1,467,590 —,—, natural, in, 1,314,835 —, cullet in, 1,314,835 —, dentifrice made with, 1,516,206 —,diamond dust used as, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 —,diaspore in, 1,314,061 —,emery as, 1,497,836 —,emery flour as, 1,471,466 —,emery mfr. of stones contg., 1,378,599 —,—, natural, in, 1,314,835 —,etching of, aluminum 1,482,793 —,—, aluminum sulfate for, 1,482,793 —,—, ammonium hydrogen sodium phosphate _ for, 1,482,793 —, barium chromate for, 1,482,793 —,—, ’ barium fluosilicate for, 1,482 193 —; borates for, 1,482,793 —, ’ borax for, 1 482, 793 — boric acid for, 1,482,793 —,—, * calcium phosphate for, 1,482,793 —,—, chromates for, 1,482, 793 —,—, chromic acid for, 1,482,793 —,—,clay for, 1,482,793 —,—,feldspar for, 1,482,793 —,—, fluosilicates for, 1,482,793 —, fluosilicic acid for, 1,482,793 —,—,halogen salt for, 1,482,792 —, iron phosphate for, 1,482,793 —,—, iron sulfate for, 1,482,793 —,kaolin for, 1,482,793 —,—,lead nitrate for, 1,482,793 —,magnesium sulfate for, 1,482,793 ne nitrates for, 1,482,793 —,nitric acid for, 1,482,793 —,—, ’ phosphates for, 1 ‘482, 793 —,—, phosphoric acid for, 1 482,793 —,—, potassium aluminum sulfate 1,482, 793 —,—, potassium bisulfate for, 1,482,793 —, potassium fluosilicate for, 1 482 5793 —,—, process for, 1,482,792; 1 482 "793. —,—, silicates for, 1 482, 793 — silicic acid for, 1 482, 793 —,—, sodium chromate for, 1,482,793 —, — sodium dichromate for, 1,482, 793 ory sodium fluoride for, 1 482, 792 —,sodium fluosilicate ‘for, 1,482, 793 —, Re catinny nitrate for, 1,482 793 —,—, sodium phosphate, acid, for, 1,582,793 —,—, sodium silicate for, 1,482 793 —, sulfates for, 1,482, 793 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1 482,793 —,—, zirconium silicates for, 1,482,793 —, garnet as, 1,387,649; Re- 15, 796 —, glass, flour in, 1,814 835 —, glass as, 1 AQ7. 836 —,glue as binder for, 1,482,792; 1,482,793 - silicates _ for, for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 a) 4 ( uM Abrasive, grading of, acacia for, 1,519,250 —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1 519 5250 —,—, apparatus for, 1,281,371; 1 519,250 —,—, glue for, 1,519. 250 —,—, process for, 1,519, 250 —, grinding apparatus for using, 1,281,371 —,iron in, 1,279,828; 1,314,061 =>, iron alloy as, 1,245, 552: 1,279, 828 —,iron oxide in, 1 257 356; 1,268, 533 —, ‘lard oil as lubricant for, 1,381,728 —, "lime i in, 1,444,479 —, ’ mfr. of, 1 364 849; 1,442,773; 1,467,590 —, —, alkali aluminate ‘for, 1 263 710 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,263, 710 —,—, alkali compound for, 1 1263, 607 ; 1,263,709; 1,263, 710 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,263,710 —, alkali silicates for, 1,239,984 teats sulfate for, 1,263, 710 —,almandite for, 1 192 094. — aloxite for, 1,353, 979 —, alumina for, 1,149,064; _ 1,161,620; 1,192, 709; 1,240 490: 1 240 A91: 1 364 849 —,—, b-alumina for, 1 263, 708: 1,263, 709 —,—, ’ aluminous waste, bauxite and strontium carbonate for, 1,339, 344 —,—, aluminum for, 1 149,064; 1,247,337 —, aluminum fluoride for, 1,263 709 —, Sime ore for, 1,268,532 —, aluminum oxide for, 1,149,064; 1,199,042; dF) ~ 1,209,333; 1,240,490; 1,240,401: 1'247'337: 1,257,356; 1,263,607; 1,263,709: 1.263,710: 1,268,532: 1,269,292 —,—, aluminum oxide, hydrated, for, 1,199,042 —,—, aluminum silicates for, 1,239, 984 —,aluminum sulfate for, 1,247 ood —,—, ’ aluminum sulfite, basic, for, 1,234,905 —,—, ’ alunite for, 1,239, 984; 1,263, 607 —,—, apparatus for, 1 343 976; 1 343 977 —,—, ‘barium oxide for, 1,257, 356 —,bauxite for, 1, 187 295: 1,192,709; 44,199, 041; 1 199,042: 1,234,905; 1,257,356; 1,263,709: 1,263,7 10; 1,268,532; 1,268,533; 1,269,222; 1,276,184; 1 314, 835; 1,402,714; ea, ek _ bauxite, iron oxide in, for, 1 187 225 —_,—, —, silica in, for, 1,187 295 —,—, —, ‘titanium dioxide in, for, 1,187,225 os —; beryllium oxide for, 1,234 905 —,—, boron for, 1,343,976; 1 343 977 —,—, boron oxide for, 1,343 976: 1,343,977 —,—, boron trioxide for, 1,234 905 —,—, brick dust for, 1, 504, 697 —, * carbon for, 1 149 064; 1,192,709 ; "4,234,905; 1,257,356; 1 263,710; 1,268,532; 1,268,533; 1,269,222; 1 343 ‘976: Al 343 ‘977 —-,—, carbon dioxide for, 1343, 976; i 343 977 —,—, ‘carbon electrode for, 1,343 976: 1,343 977 —,—, carbon monoxide for, 1,343 ‘976: 1 343 ‘977 —,—,carborundum for, 1 209, 333; 1 324 215; 1,353,979 —,—, chromium for, 1,348,976; 1,343,977 —,—, chromium oxide for, 1,276, 134; 1,343,976 ; 1,343,977 —,—, clay for, 1,192,709; 1,247,337; 1,268,532; 1,268,533; 1 276, 134: 1 364,849 —,—, clay, ball, for, 1,364 849 —,—,—, slip, for, 1,364,849 INDEX OF Abrasive, mfr. of, coke for, 1,187,225; 1,263,710; 1,314,061; 1,326,595 —,—, coke, petroleum, for, 1,276,134 —,—, copper ground with, 1,324,215 —,—, corundum for, 1,824,215 —,—, corundum, natural, for, 1,314,835 —,—, cullet for, 1,814,835 —,—,diaspore for, 1,314,061; 1,326,595 —,—, egg-shells for, 1,497,836 —,—,emery for, 1,149,064; 1,192,709; 1,234,905 ; 1,268,532; 1,268,533; 1,276,134; 1,402,714 -—,—,emery natural, for, 1,314,835 —,—, feldspar for, 1,364,849 —,—, ferro-silicon as by-product of, 1,187,225; 1,199,041 —,—, flint for, 1,364,849 —,—,fullers earth for, 1,364,849 —,—, garnet for, 1,192,394 —,—, glass, flour for, 1,314,835 —, —, —, ground, for, 1,504,697 —,—,glass wool for, 1,220,282 —,—, glue for, 1,364,849 —,—,graphite for, 1,504,697 —,—, graphite electrode for, 1,343,976 ; 1,343,977 —,—, grease for, 1,364,849 —,—, hydrofluoric acid for, 1,247,337 —,—, ilmenite for, 1,442,773 —,—, infusorial earth for, 1,504,697 —,—,iron for, 1,314,061; 1,343,976; 1,343,977 —,—,iron alloy for, 1,493,191 i 1,247 337 ; 1,343,976; == + iron oxide for, 1,268,532 ; 1,269,222; 1,276,134; 1,343,977; 1,442,773; 1,504,697 —,—,iron(ic) oxide for, 1,240,490; 1,240,491; Bet 247 307 —,—, japan drier for, 1,176,174 —,—, kerosene for, 1,497,836 _—,—,lamp black for, 1,504,697 ,—, lead, red, for, 1,504,697 —,—,—, white, for, 1,176,174; 1,504,697 —,—, magnesium for, 1,149,064 —,—, magnesium aluminate for, 1,149,064 —,—, magnesium iron titanate for, 1,149,064 —,—, magnesium oxide for, 1,149,064; 1,234,905 —,—,magnesium titanate for, 1,149,064 —,—, manganese oxide for, 1,276,134 —,—, molasses for, 1,364,849 -—,—, molybdenum for, 1,843,976 ; 1,343,977 —,—,molybdenum alloy, tungsten in, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 —,—,naphelin syenite for, 1,234,905 —,—,nickel for, 1,348,976; 1,343,977 —,—,nickel oxide for, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 —,—, oil for, 1,268,532 ,—, oil, hydrocarbon, for, 1,324,215 —,—,—, vulcanized, for, 1,220,282 —,—, paraffin for, 1,353,979 —,—, peat for, 1,497,836 —,—, petrolatum for, 1,353,979 —,—, platinum for, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 —, platinum oxide for, 1,348,976 ; 1,343,977 —,—, potassium aluminate for, 1,263,710 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,263,710 for, we ow “ _ ~ “ —,—,potassium compound for, 1 263,607 ; 1,263,709; 1,263,710 —,—,potassium hydroxide for, 1,263,710; 1,504,697 SUBJECTS 141 Abrasive, mfr. of, potassium nitrate for, 1,199,041 —,—, potassium silicate for, 1,314,835 —,—, potassium sulfate for, 1,263,710 —,—,process for, 1,149,064; 1,161,620; 1,176,174; 1,187,225; 1,192,894; 1,192,709; 1,199,041; 1,199,042; 1,220,282; 1,234,905; 1,239,984; 1,240,490; 1,240,491; 1,247,337; | 1,257,356; 1,268,607; 1,263,709; 1,263,710; 1,268;532; 1,268,533; 1,269,222; 1,276,134; 1,314,061; 1,814,835; 1,326,595; 1,343,976; 1,343,977; 1,853,979; 1,364,849; 1,497,836; 1,504,697 —,—, producer gas for, 1,187,225 —,—, pumice for, 1,176,174; 1,504,697 —, —, putty for, 1,176,174 —,—, quartz for, 1,497,836 —,—,rubber substitute for, 1,220,282 —,—, sawdust for, 1,497,836 —,—,silica for, 1,240,490; 1,240,491; 1,247,337 ; 1,263,607 —,—,silicon for, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 —,—,silicon carbide for, 1,364,849. —,—,silicon dioxide for, 1,149,064; 1,234,905 ; 1,268,532 —,—, silicon oxide for, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 —,—,slag for, 1,247,337 —,—,sodium aluminate 1,263,709; 1,263,710 —,—, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,504,697 for, 1,263,607; —,—,sodium carbonate _for, 1,263,607 ; 1,263,709; 1,263,710; 1,269,222 —,—,sodium compound . for, 1,263,709; 1,263,710; 1,269,222 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,263,607; 1,263,709; 1,263,710 —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,314,835 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,263,607; 1,263,709; 1,263,710; 1,269,222 —,—, Spanish white for, 1,176,174 —,—, starch for, 1,364,849 ,—, steam for, 1,234,905 ,—, steel chips for, 1,442,773 —,—, sulfur dioxide for, 1,234,905 ———+, tale for, 1;353,979 ; 1,504,697 —«,-—, tar for, 1,364,349 —,—, thermite slag for, 1,247,337 —,—, thorium for, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 —,—,thorium carbide for, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 =, thorium oxide for, 1,343,976; 1,348,977 —,—, titanium for, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 —, titanium compounds for, 1,442,773 —, titanium dioxide for, 1,149,064; 1,234,905 ; 1,263,607 —,—,titanium oxide for, 1,149,064; 1,240,490; 1,240,491; 1,247,337; 1,268,532; 1,343,976 ; 1,343,977 —,—,trachyte for, 1,504,697 —,—, tungsten for, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 __,—,tungsten alloy, molybdenum in, for, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 —,—, tungsten boride for, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 —, —, tungsten: carbide for, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 —,—, tungsten titanide for, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 , —, turpentine for, 1,176,174 —,—, uranium for, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 —, uranium oxide for, 1,343,976, 1,343,977. wa 3 142 Abrasive, mfr. of, zine for, 1,263,709 =~, — zinc compound for, 1,269, 229 —,—, zine oxide for, 1,263 1709 1,269,222 —,—, zirconium oxide for, 1 210 490: i 5,240,491; 1,343, 976; 1,348,977 —_,— —, water for, 1 234,905 —; ’ wood for, i 176, 174 —,—, wood powder for, 1,497,836 —,—, wool for, 1,497,836 —, oil, hydrocarbon, in, 1,324,215 —, paint, concrete, made with, 1,383,268 —, phenol aldehyde condensate, composition of and, 1,218,146; 1,259,472; 1 259 473 —,— compound of and, 1,133,083 —, ’ potassium silicate in, 1,314,835 —, quartz as, 1,497,836 —, razor strop-, see Strops, sharpening material for applying to, —,road paving made with, 1,206,056 —, rubber as binder for, 1 ‘482 792: 1,482,793 —, ’ sheets coated with, mfr. of, 1,414 447 —, shellac as binder for, 1,482 792 ; 1 482 4793 —, silica in, 1,268,533; 1 444 479 —, silicon, in, 1.279, 828 —, ‘silicon carbide as, 1,444,162; 1,488,311 —, silicon dioxide in, 1,257,356 —,soap made with, 1,178,142 —,soap pellet made using, 1,436,928 —,soap sheets contg., 1,436, 929 —, sodium silicate in, H 314 835 —, ’ sulfates in, 1,444,479 —, tile made with, 1,198,940 —, titanium carbide as,1,444,162 —, titanium dioxide in, 1,257,356 —, titanium oxide in, 1,268,533 —, tools contg., mfr. of, rubber, sulfur and vul- canizing accelerator for, 1 304. 500 —, tungsten carbide used as, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 —, weak grained, advantages of, 1,263, 709 —,see also Adamte; Alozite; Alumina, crystalline ; Alundum; Carborundum ; Corun- dum; Disk, abrasive ; Crystolon; ‘Emery; Eraser; Grinding compound; Hone; Razor hone ; W heel, abrasive Abrasive article, mfr. of, alkali silicate for, 1,243,783 —,—, aloxite for, 1,243,783 —, carborundum for, 1,243,783 —,—, clay for, 1,243,783 —, corundum for, 1,243,783 —,—,feldspar for, 1,243,783 —, flint for, 1,243,783 —, — process for, 1,243,783 —, —, sodium silicate for, 1,248,783 —,—, zine oxide for, 1,243,783 “-, see also Abrasive wheel; Grinding wheels Abrasive band, cigar made with, 1,221,634 gee belt, ‘mfr. of, almandite for, 1,192,394 —, emery for, 1 194 494 —, garnet for, 1, 192 394 —,—, glue for, 1 194 494 —, paper for, 1 194 494 —,—, process for, 1 192 394; 1,194,494 —,—,sand paper for, 1 194 494 —, water-proof, mfr. of, acetic 1 484,759 acid for, [ % Mb a 1, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Abrasive belt, water proof, mfr. of, benzene for, 1,484,759 —,—,—,benzine for, 1,484,759 —_—,—,— ; formaldehyde for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, glue for, 1,484 759 —,—, —, gum for, } ‘484 159 —,—,—, linseed oil for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, oil for, 1,484, 759 —,—,—, * phenol for, 1 "484 759 =) , DPOcens for, i ‘484, 759 —,—,—, rosin for, 1 ‘484, 759 —,—, —, rubber for, 1,484, 759 —,—, —, varnish for, 1 484, 759 —,—,—, wax for, 1,484, 759 —, see also Abrasive paper Abrasive block, mfr. of, cement, Portland, for, 1,133,739 —,—, iron for, 1,133,739 —,—, process for, 1 133 Es!) —+/ =, sand) for, 1, 133 739 —, —, steel for, 1; 4133 739 Abrasive cloth, mfr. of, almandite for, 1,192,394 —,—, garnet for, 1,192,394 —, —, process for, 1,192 394 ‘Abheae composition, formula, 1,381,728 —, lubricating properties developed by, 1 381,728 —- mfr. of, diatomaceous earth for, 1,444 A79 brasive compound, bluing, laundry, in, 1,443,660 —, iron oxide in, 1,443,660 — , Sapolio in, 1 ‘443 660 —, silica in, 1 443 660 —, sodium carbonate in, 1,443,660 —, sodium chloride in, 1,443, 660 —, venetian red in, 1 443, 660 Abrasive disk, mfr. of, abrasive for, 1,209,831 —,—, alundum for, 1 311 050 —,—, apparatus for, 1 209, 831 —,— ,carborundum for, 1,217,593; 1 351 021 —,—, carborundum, magnesium chloride and . Tapenesiin oxide for, 1,351,021. —, cellulose ester for, 1,217 593 —, cellulose nitrate for, 1,217 093 — cloth for, 1,209,831; 1 217 593 —, corundum for, 1 217, 593 —,emery for, 1317. 593: 1,311,550 —, emery cloth for, 1,209, 831 —, fabric for, 1,217, 593; 1 311 050; 1,351,021 —, fiber for, 1 311 550 —,glue for, 1 209 831; 1,351,021 —, magnesite for, 1 311 550; 1,351,021 —, Magnesium ‘chloride for, 1,311,550; 1a 021; 1,458,322 —, magnesium oxide for, 1,351,021; 1,458,322 —, metal for, 1,217,593; 1,311 550 —, paper for, 1,209, 831 : 1217, 593; 1,311,550 —,—, process for, 1 139 Al: 1,209 831; 1 217 1093 ; 1381, 021 —,—, quartz for, 1,217,593 —,—, rubber for, 1 "209. 83l —,—, ’ sand for, 1,217, 593 —,—, sand paper for, 1,209,831 —, shellac for, 1 209, 831 —,— ’ silicate for, 1 311 550 —, wood for, i 217 593: 1,311,550 1,311,550; | we J J e a J = - z INDEX OF SUBJECTS Abrasive disk, waterproof, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, benzene for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, benzine for, 1,484,759 ,—, formaldehyde for, 1,484,759 —,—,glue for, 1,484,759 2, gum for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, linseed oil for, 1,484,759 —,—, —, oil for, 1,484,759 3 —__— > > ; —, phenol for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, process for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, rosin for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, rubber for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, varnish for, 1,484,759 ee,-——, wax for, 1,484,759 —,see also Abrasive paper; Abrasive wheel Abrasive fabric, mfr. of, béeswax for, 1,141,371 —,—, benzine for, 1,141,371 —,—, glue for, 1,141,371 —,—, lead oxide for, 1,141,371 —,—, nickel oxide for, 1,141,371 —,—, process for, 1,141,371 —,—,resin for, 1,141,371 —,see also Sand-paper Abrasive material, matches contg. central por- tion of, 1,402,754 Abrasive paper, 1,192,394 —,—, garnet for, 1,192,394 —,—, process for, 1,192,394 —, water-proof, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, benzene for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, benzine for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, formaldehyde for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, glue for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, gum for, 1,484,759 ,—,—, linseed oil for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, oil for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, phenol for, 1,484,759 mfr. of, almandite for, — —,—,-——, process for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, rosin for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, rubber for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, varnish for, 1,484,759 —, —,—, wax.for, 1,484,759 —,see also Abrasive belt; Abrasive disk ; Abra- sive wheel; Emery cloth; Sand paper Abrasive stone, mfr. of, alumina for, 1,483,854 —,—,casein for, 1,483,854 —,—,celluloid for, 1,483,854 —,—, clay, vitrified, for, 1,483,854 —,—, corundum for, 1,483,854 —,—,emery for, 1,483,854 —,—, factis for, 1,483,854 —,—, graphite for, 1,483,854 —,—, linseed oil for, 1,483,854 —,—, oil for, 1,483,854 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,483,854 —,—, process for, 1,483,854 —,—,rubber for, 1,483,854 —,—,rubber, artificial, for, 1,483,854 —,—, shellac for, 1,483,854 —,—, silicon carbide for, 1,483,854 —,—, sulfur for, 1,483,854 Abrasive stone, treatment of, 1,195,246 —,—, process for, 1,195,246 —,—, pumice for, 1,195,246 emery for, 143 Abrasive stone, treatment of, soap lather for, 1,195,246 —,—, steel for, 1,195,246 —,—, vaseline for, 1,195,246 —,see also Razor hone Abrasive structures, mfr. of, abrasive material, glass, sodium silicate or molasses for, 1,338,598 Abrasive wheel, ceramic, mfr. of, 1,444,162 —, dressing of, apparatus for, 1,501,229 —,—, process for, 1,501,229 —,fat, impregnation with of, 1,825,503 —, grease, impregnation with of, 1,825,503 —, impregnating, 1,403,416 —, mfr. of, 1,403,416 —,—, abrasive for, 1,235,325 —,—, acetone for, 1,435,721 —,—,adamite for, 1,133,260 —,—, alcohol for, 1,427,844 —,—, aloxite for, 1,183,260; 1,310,291; 1,310,292; 1,310,360; 1,427,844; 1,435,721 —,—, alumina for, 1,210,358 —,—, aluminum oxide for, 1,325,504 —,—,alundum for, 1,133,260; 1,146,884 —,—, apparatus for, 1,485,132 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,133,260 —,—, calcium rosinate for, 1,427,844 —,—, calcium sulfate for, 1,825,504 ,—, canvas for, 1,435,721 —,—,carborundum for, 1,133,260; 1,139,739 ; 1,146,884; 1,210,358; 1,310,291; 1,310,292; 1,310,360; 1,435,721 —,—, ceresin for, 1,310,292 —,—, clay for, 1,139,739; 1,146,884; 1,187,431 ; 1,235,325; 1,310,291; 1,310,292; 1,310,360; 1,485,132; 1,512,177 —,—, clay, ball, for, 1,512,177 ee a china. for, 1,512,177 —,—,—, porcelain, for, 1,512,177 ===, ship, for, 1,512,147 —,—, core oil for, 1,512,177 2 J conimdum tor; / 1,146,884; 1,310,292; 1,310,360; 1,427,844 —,—-,crystolen for, 1,146,884 b —,—,cumarone for, 1,310,291; 1,310,292 —,—, emery for, 1,139,739; 1,146,884; 1,310,291 ; 1,310,292; 1,310,860; 1,427,844 —,—, fabric for, 1,133,260 ; 1,435,721 —,—,feldspar for, 1,310,291; 1,310,360; 1,512,177 —,—, fiber for, 1,133,260 —,—, graphite for, 1,146,884 —,—,“ Halowax # 1001” for, 1,310,360 —,—.,“ Halowax pitch” for, 1,310,360 —,—, kaolin for, 1,512,177 —,—,lead oxide for, 1,427,844 —,—,lead rosinate for, 1,427,844 —,—, lime for, 1,427,844 ,—, linseed oil for, 1,512,177 1,310,291; 1,310,292 ; —, magnesite, calcined, for, 1,133,260 —, magnesium carbonate for, 1,133,260 —,—, magnesium chloride for, 1,133,260 —, —, magnesium’ oxide for, 1,133,260 —,—, metal for, 1,183,260 —,—, metal oxide for, 1,427,844 —,—, molasses for, 1,512,177 b] —,—,naphtha, solvent, for, 1,427,844 4 144 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Abrasive wheel, mfr. of, naphthalene, chlorine derivative of, for, 1,310,360 —,—, oils for, 1,512,177 —,—,ozocerite for, 1,310,292 —,—, paper for, 1,435,721 —,—, paracoumarone for, 1,310,291; 1,310,292 ; 1,427,844 —,—, paraffin for, 1,146,884; 1,310,292 —,—, paraindene ‘for, 1 427, 844 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,208, 330; 1,235,325; 1,435,721 —,—, plaster ‘of Paris for, ‘ 825,504 —,—, plumbago for, 1 146 884 —,—, potassium permanganate for, 1,139,739 —,—, potassium silicate for, 1, 139, 739 —,—, process for, 1,133,260; 1 139, 739: 1,146,884 ; 1,187,431 ; 1,208,330; 1,210,358; 1,235,325; 1,351,021; 1,427,844; 1,485,721; 1,485,132; 1,501,229; 1,512,177 —, quartz sand for, 1,485,132 —,—,rosin for, 1,146,884; 1,187,481; 1,427,844 —, rubber for, 1,210,358 —,—,rubber, Para, for 1,210,358 —; sand for, 1 512, 177 — shellac for, 1 259, 806; 1,325,504; 1,427,844 —, ’ silicates for, 1 187, 431; 1 235 325 —.—, silicon carbide for 1,146,884: 1,235,325; 1,310,291; 1,310,292; 1,310,360; 1,325,504; 1,427,844 —,—, silicon monoxide for, 1,259,806 —, —; soap stone for, 1,210, 358 —,—, sodium silicate for, 1,139,739; 1,146,884; 1,187,431; 1,208,330; 1 210, 358: 1 235 325; 1,310, 291: 1,310,292: 1,310,360 ; 1,512,177 —,—, sulfur for, 1,210,358 —,—, tallow for, 1,146, 884 —,—, tetrachlornaphthalene for, 1,310,360 —,—, vaseline for, 1,146,884 —,—, wax for, 1,310, 292 —,—, wood for, 1,133,260 —,—, zine oxide for, 1,427,844 —,—, zinc rosinate for, 1,427,844 —,oil, impregnation with of, 1,325,503 —, paraffin, impregnation with of, 1,325,503 —, pneumatic, mfr. of, canvas for, 1,487,256 —,—,—, process for, 1,487,256 —,—,—,rubber for, 1,487,256 —, rosin, impregnation with of, 1,325,503 —,shellac in, 1,259,806 —, silicon monoxide in, 1,259,806 —, water-proof, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, benzene for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, ’ benzine for, 1,484,759 —_—,—,— ‘formaldehyde for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, glue for, 1,484, 759 —,—, —, gum. for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, linseed oil for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, oil for, 1,484, 759 —,—, —, phenol for, 1,484,759 —,—, —) process for, 9,484,759 —,—,—,rosin for, 1,484,759 —,—,—, varnish for, 1 484, 759 —,—,-—) wax for, 1 484, 759 —, wax, impregnation with of, 1,325,503 —,see also Abrasive disk; Abrasive paper Abrastol, see Asaprol Absinthe, extraction of valuable principles from, process for, 1,167,006 Absinthium, see Wormwood Absorbent charcoal, see Charcoal, absorbent Absorbent black, see Carbon, decolorizing Absorbent cotton, see Cotton, absorbent Absorbent gas, mfr. of, asbestos for, 1,321,061 —,—, charcoal for, 1,821,061 —,““hoolamite” as, 1,321,061 —,—, iodic acid for, 1,321,061 —,—,lodine for, 1,321,061 —,—,lodine pentoxide for, 1,321,061 —,—, process for, 1,321,061 —,—, pumice for, 1,321,061 —,—,sulfuric acid, fuming, for, 1,321,061 Absorbing composition, 1,455,414 Absorption apparatus, construction of, 1,314,802 Absorption chamber, see Absorption tower Absorption towers, construction of, 1,307,635 Absorptive carbon, see Carbon, absorptive Absorptive material, mfr. of, see Carbon, absorptive, mfr. of Acacia, abrasives, grading of using, 1,519,250 —, adhesive made with, 1,235,784; 1,263,634; 1,263,635; 1,498,269 —, adhesive, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,adhesive for radium luminous articles contg., 1,364,950 —,alkali perborate made with, 1,253,061 —,alkali percarbonate made with 1,225,722; 1,225,832; 1,225,872 —,alkali percarbonate stabilized _using, 1 225,872 —, aluminum, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —,—, enamel for, made with, 1,230, 958 i, ‘hardened with 1,336,420 —,aluminum alloy made with, 1,230,958 —,amylase preserved with, 1,444,250 —,anti-leak composition made with, 1,383,572; Re-15,971 —,antimony sulfide, colloidal, mfr. of, made with, 1,412,438 —,arsenic pentasulfide, colloidal, made with, 1,412,439 —,arsenic trisulfide, colloidal, made with, 1,412,439 —,beer contg., 1,337,027; 1,337,850 —,beer, dealcoholized, made with, 1,223,121; Re-14,891; 1,265,274; 1,265,275 —,beer-flavoring contg., 1,339,528; 1,354,585 —, beverage made with, 1,500,670 —,binder made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635; 1,431,455 —, bismuth, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —,bone, dyeing of using, 1,358,456 —,bottle capsuling composition contg., 1,428,096 —, bottle seal contg., 1,299,389 —,bottle sealing composition made _ with, 1,428,096 —, brake band contg., 1,307,857 —, brass, etching of with, 1,276,599: —,british gum, substitute for, made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —,bullet, impact illuminating, made with, 1,242,879 : | | INDEX OF SUBJECTS Acacia, butter made with, 1,509,082 —, butter substitute made with, 1,190,369 —, button made with, 1,177,803 —, carbon, electric-arc lamp made with, 1,302,795 —,earbon tetrachloride emulsified with, 1,421, 428 “—, calcium carbonate, colloidal, made with, 1,493, 847 — catalyst, cobalt as, made with, 1,200,696 —,—, copper as, made with, 1,200, 696 _—,—, iron as, made with, 1 ,200, 696 —,—, ’ nickel as, made with. 1,200 696 _-, ‘cedar box substitute made with, 1,283,420; 1, 283,421; 1,283,422 —, cellulose ‘ether, 1,217, 028 —, cellulose sulfite liquor as emulsifier for, 1, 440,356 —, cement contg., 1,458,308 —, ’ cement, transparent, made with, 1,177,803 — chewing gum made with, 1 397,742 —, chromium, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, cigar, imitation, made with, 1,212 066 —,—; self-igniting, made with, 1 142 529 —,cigar box made with, 1 283, 420 : 1,283,421; 1,283, 422. —, cigarette, self-igniting, made with, 1,142,529 composition of and, ~ —,clay, china, cleaned with, 1,324, 958 —,—,—, Fraddon, cleaned with, 1,324, 958 ——,—,; ’ mid-Cornwall, cleaned with, 1,324,958 ? —,—,—, "North America; cleaned with, 1 394, ‘958 is —,--, North Carolina, cleaned with, b 1,324, 958 —,—,—, Pentruff, cleaned with, 1,324,958 3 —,—,—, ’ treated with, 1,324,958 —. ’ cleaner made with, 1.218, 163 —, ‘cliche made with, 1 167, 939 ~, ‘cloth, mottled, printing of using, 1,416,311 — ’ clothing made with, 1,245,268 —, cobalt, catalyst, made ‘with, 1,200,696 —,—, colloidal, made with, 1 491 250 —, colloidal solutions stabilized with, 1,429,876 —, ’ colloid protective agent, 1,412 438 —, colloid stabilizer, 1,412,439 —,color carrier made with, 1,206,000 —,color photographic process employing, 1,431,663 —,color photography film made with, 1,364,959 —,color screen made with, 1,206,000 —,condiment made with, 1,513,298 —,container, paper, made _ with, 1,203.303 —,copper, catalyst, made with, 1,200,696 —,—, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —,—,etching of with, 1,276,599 —, copying pad contg., 1,364,542 —, cotton, dyeing of using, 1,486,353 —, cream, artificial, made with, 1,190,369 —, cream ‘substitute made with, 1 216, 052 —,decorated article made with, 1,513, 259 —,dentifrice made with, 1,133 250: 1,222 144; 1 516,206 — , detonator made with, 1,168,746; 1,185,830 —, dextrin, substitute for, made with, 1 263, 634 ; 1 263 635 —, doll aa with, 1,199,251 1,203,302 ; 145 Acacia, dye compound made with, 1,358,456 —,emery, grading of using, 1,519,250 —,emulsifying with, 1,440,356 —,emulsion, turbid, made with, 1,500,670 —, emulsion stabilizer, 1,445,427 —,envelope, adhesive for, made with, 1,198,099 —, ethyl cellulose, composition of and, 1,217,028 —, explosive contg. nitrostarch and, 1,370,015 —,fabric, brocaded effect on, made using, 1,513,370 —,—, decorating of, using, 1,495,146 —,—,size for, made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —,—, waterproofing of, using, 1,240,345 —, fabric stiffening material contg., 1,421,700 --, feathers, dyeing of using, 1,358,456 —,—,imitation, made using, 1,246,296 —, fertilizer, explosive, contg., 1,316,396 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —, film, motion picture, phonograph record on, made with, 1,185,056 —,—, photographie, 1,508,447 —, finger print, taking of using, 1,170,273 —,fire extinguisher made with, 1,248,092; 1,421,428 —., fireproofing made with, 1,248,092 —, flong coating contg., 1,385,284 —, floor coverings made with, 1,431,455 —, flotation with, 1,446,375 ; 1,446,376; 1,446,377; 1,446,378 —,food product 1,191,388 —,food product, imitation, made with, 1,212,066 —, fruit, imitation, made with, 1,212,066 —, fruit juices preserved with, 1,458 ‘427 — gauze, decorating of using, 1 ‘495, 146 —,gelatin contg. for coating suppositories, 1 066,941 — celatin, substitute for, made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635. —, glass etching paste made with, 1,470,772 colored, made with, made with, 1,150,607; —,glass, gold, ornamented, made with, 1,205,728 —,glue, animal, substitute for, made with, 1,263,634; 1 263 635 —, graphite, colloidal, made with, 1,175,958 —,gum, artificial, substitute for, made with, 1 263,634; 1,263 635 —, hair, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —, heater, electric, embedding material for, made with, 1,125, 615; 1,125,616 —, heptamercury (ic) ‘thioarsenite colloidal, made with, 1,412,439 —,heron feathers, imitation, made using, 1 ,246,296 —,ice cream, imitation, made with, 1,212,066 —,ink made with, 1 ‘71, 884 — ink, indelible, contg., 1,289,793 —,—, printing, made with, 1,421 125; 1,471,884 —,—, solid, contg., 1,334, 729 —,—, water color, made with, 1,481,647 — insulation, electric, made with, 1,286, ote —, iron, catalyst, made with, 1,200 696 —_,—, colloidal, made with, 1,491 250 — ivory, imitation, made with, 1,469,035 —, kelp St made with, 1,513 298 ms 146 Acacia, lamp shade made with, 1,513,259 — lead, colloidal, made with. 1,491 5250 —, lead-zine sulfide ore classified by, 1,448,514; 1 448,515 —, lead-zinc sulfide ore colloided by, 1,448,514; 1 448,515 —, lead-zine sulfide ore 1 448,514; 1,448,515 —, leather, ‘artificial, made with, 1,431 5455 —,— _ dyeing of using, 1,358,456 —, leather substitute ‘made with, 1,281,650 — , light-sensitizing, potassium bichromate For 1 ,431,663 —, linen, dyeing of using, 1,486,353 — , lithograph made with, 1,492 625 —, lithographic engraving made using —, lithographic ink contg., 1,406,837 —, lithographic plate made with, 1,155,352; 1 162,168; 1,433,111 —, match made with, 1,153,525 —, match heads contg., 1 329 ad —, meat, imitation, made with, 1,212,066 —, medicated pencil made with, 1,280 580 —, mercury, colloidal, made with, 1,491 ,250 —, mercury distributed i in, for syphilis, 1,451,850 —, mercury (ic) thioarsenite, colloidal, made with, 1,412,439 —, mercurial compound made with, 1,451,850 —,metal, colloidal, made with, 1,491 250 —,— , etching of with, 1,276, 599 —,—, ornamenting of using, 1,204,005 —, ’ milk, imperishable, made with, 1,509,083 deflocculated by, , 1,129,901 —, milk shake powder contg., 1,388 084 —,molded article made ‘with, 1,286,372 ; 1 511,459 — , molybdenum, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, mucilage made with, 1,198 ,099 —,nickel, catalyst, made with, 1,200,696 —,—, colloidal, made with, 1 491 250 —, nitrated, finish remover made with, 1,169,783 “Nulomoline ” made with, 1,181 086 — fo Gibs emulsified with, printing plates treated with, 1,430,347 —, oil proofing with, 1,895,272; 1,513,139 —,ore classified by, 1 448, 514; 1 ‘448, 515 —,ore colloided by, 1,448, 514: 1,448, 515 —,ore deflocculated by, 1 48.514: 1 448,515 —,ore pulp classified by, 1,448 514; 1,448, 515 —,ore pulp colloided by, 1,448, 514: 1,448, 515 —,ore pulp deflocculated by, 1,448,514; 1 448,515 —, paint contg., 1,369,857 —,paint, composition for addition to, made with, 1,229,337 —,— | fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 — paint remover made with, 1,483, 587 —, paper made with, 1,283 422 —, paper, adhesive, made 1 ,297 405 —,— , coated, made with, 1,513,139 —,— ‘dyeing of using, 1,358 456 —, fireproof sizing for, made with, 1,248,092 —,—, mottled, printing of using, 1,416 311 —, —, photographic, made with, 1,126, 872 —,—, safety, made with, 1,177 787 —,—,—, adhesive, made with, 1,177,787 —, — writing, made with, 1 234 045; Re-14,499 with, 1,198,099; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acacia, paper-board made with, 1,283,422 —, paper filler contg., 1,261, 135 —, paper size of, 1,428 064 —, parchment, mottled, printing of using, 1,416,311 —, paste made with, 1,198,099 —, paste contg., 1 384, 917; 1,448,134 age artificial, made with, 1,289,878 “Pellet” paper made with, 1,213 925 —) pentamercury (ic) thioarsenite, colloidal, made with, 1,412,439 —, phenol aldehyde condensate made with 1,286,372 —, phonogr aph record, film, motion picture made with, 1,185,056 —, photographic paper made with, 1,213,925 —, photographic sensitizing preparation contg., 1,126,872 — , photography, color, color carrier for, made with, 1,206,000; 1 221 457 —,—, — film for, made with, 1 ATT, 881; 1,477 882: 1,477,883 —,—, colored, multicolor screen for, made with, 1 486 635 —, picture, latent color, made using, 1,507,358 —, pistachio nuts coated with sodium chloride and, 1,460,510 — pistachio nuts preserved using, 1,460,510; Re-15 5902 —, plaster board made with, 1,489,693 —; plastic made with, 1 199. 251; 1 293,191 —, plastic composition conte. “e i 431 455 —, plate, press, made with, 1,325, 890 —,—, printing, made with, 1 276 099 — plumber’ s soil contg., 1 AIT 258 —, polish made with, 1 218, 163; 1,301,823 —, potassium ferricyanide and, background con- sisting of photograph of minute crystals of, 1,368,033 ——, preservative made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —, primer made with, 1 308 394: 1 311 872 —, primer charge contg., 1,308 393° —, priming mixture contg., 1 437 224 —, print, water color, made using, 1,481,647 —, printers blanket made with, 1,147, 942 d d 1,477,880 ; —,printing ink contg., 1 404. yo00; 1,410,572; 1,420,086; 1,421,125 —, printing plate made with, 1,245,120; 1,496,268 —,printing plate, lithographic, made with, 1,203,770 —., protective colloid, 1,259,708; 1,447,008 —,—, catalyst, finely divided, made with, 1,259,708 —,—, compound, finely divided, made with, 1,259,708 —,—, ink, finely divided, made with, 1,259,708 —,— ’ insecticide, finely divided, made with, 1 259, 708 —,—, material, finely divided, made with, 1,259,708 —,—,medicine, finely divided, made with 1,259,708 —,—,paint, finely divided, made with 1,259,708 —,—,pigment, finely divided, made with, 1,259,708 INDEX OF Acacia, protective colloid, substance, finely di- vided, made with, 1,259,708 —,puncture closing composition 1, 375,010 — _pyrogallol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,286, 372 —, pyrotechnic made with, Re-14,177 (759,387) —, pyrotechnic composition contg., 1,441,551 ; 1,441,552 —, refractory agglomerated with, 1,418,372 —,refractory material contg., 1,372,016 _—,relievo-form made with, 1,167,939 —,rubber composition contg., 1,262,828 —, rubber latex, artificial, made with, 1,513,139 _ —,satin white, treatment of with, 1,261,135 = shoe made with 1,245,268 —,shoe, box toe for, made with, 1,282,717 contg., —' shoe filler made with, 1,184, 931; 1,138,909 ; 1.203, 435 —, shoe polish, white, of zine white and, 1,452, 614 —, shoe stiffeners contg., 1,415,378 —, ’ silk, artificial, made with, 1, 217,028 — decorating of, using, 1,495 146 —, ’ silver, colloidal, made ‘with, 1,491 250 —, ‘size made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635. —,sizing made with, 1,276,206 —,slimes classified by, 1,448,514; 1,448,515 —,slimes colloided by, 1,448,514; 1,448,515 —, slimes deflocculated by, 1,448,514; 1,448,515 —,soap made with, 1,321,516 —,soap sheets made with, 1,436,929 —, sodium perborate made with, 1,253,061 —,sodium percarbonate made with, 1,225,722; 1,225 832 —,solvent for, benzine as, 1,458,308 —, starch, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,—, modified, substitute for, made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —,—,soluble, substitute for, made _ with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —, steel, etching of with, 1,276,599 —, stencil made with, 1,371,157 —, stiffener made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —, straw, dyeing of using, 1,358,456 —,—,size for, made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —,straw hat, size for, made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —, suppository made with, 1,366,941 —,syphilis, treatment of, compound for, made with, 1,499,249 —, syphilis treated with mercury in, 1,451,850 —, tantalum, colloidal, made wth, 1,491,250 —,teeth, artificial, made with, 1,511,458; 1,511,459 —, thalium, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, therapeutic compound made with, 1,499, 249 —,therapeutic product made with, 1,493, 847; 1,513,298 —, tin, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —,—, ornamenting of using, 1,204,005 —,tire puncture healing composition made with, 1,375,510 oe: ‘puncture-healing compound contg., _- Pein. colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, tobacco pipe made with, 1,455 396 SUBJECTS 147 Acacia, tobacco pipe composition contg., 1,445,396 —, tobacco plug made with, 1,125,771 —,tobacco receptacle made with, 1,283,420; 1,283,421; 1,283,422 —,tooth-cleaning preparation contg., 1,445,352 —,tooth-paste contg., 1,467,024 —,trimercury(ic) thioarsenite, colloidal, made with, 1,412,439 —, tungsten, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —,uranium, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, vanadium, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, varnish, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, varnish, polish contg., 1,411,353 —, varnish remover made with, 1,483,587 —, vegetable, imitation, made with, 1,212,066 —,venereal disease, treatment of, compound for, made with, 1,499,249 —, wall coverings made with, 1,431,455 —, water-insoluble paste contg. 1,448,134 —, waterproof composition contg., 1,390,424 —, waterproof material made with, 1,245,268; 1 431,455 —, waterproofing using, 1,240,345 —, waterproofing contg., 1,400,579 —, wood, dyeing of using, 1,358,456 —,—, imitation, made with, 1,469,035 —,zine made with, 1,262,190 —,zine, etching of, with, 1,276,599 —,zinc-lead sulfide ore classified by, 1,448,514; 1 448,515 4 zinc-lead sulfide ore colloided by, 1 1 448,515 —, zinc-lead sulfide 1 A438, 514; 1,448,515 —, Zinc plating electrolyte contg., 1,434,693 448,514; — ore deflocculated by, —,see also Acetyl arabin; Tragacanth; Persian gum; Senegal gum Acacia bark extract, cellulose — ether, composition of and, 1,505, 044 —, ethyl cellulose, composition of and, 1.505,044 —., filament, artificial, made with, 1,505,044 — ‘film made with, 1.505, 044 —, ‘leather, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 — ’ methyl cellulose, composition of and, 1 505,044 —,paper, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 —, plastic made with, 1,505,044 —, silk artificial, made with, 1,505,044 —, sizing made with, 1,505,044 —, tannin substitute, 1 505, 044 © —, ’ textile, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 Acacia harpphylla (Brigalow), dyestuff from, 1,399,014 Acacia leaves, foam bath made with, 1,281,670 Acacia melanoxylan, dyestuff from, 1 399, 014 Acacia palybotrya, dyestuff from, 1,399, 014 Acaciae gummi, see Acacia Acaroid, acaroid, nitrated, made with, 1,151,180 — explosive made with, 1 151,180 —, —, nitrated, acetone in, 1, 151, 180 —, compositign of, 1, 151, 180 —,—, explosive made with, 1,151,180 —,— ’ hydrocarbons iit © 151, 180 oe mir. Of, ,eatoid for, ae 151, 180 —,—,—, acetone for, 1,151, 180 —,—,—-, kerosene for, 1,151,180 ¥ 148 Acaroid, nitrated, mfr. of, process for, 1,151,180 —,—,—, turpentine for, 1,151,180 —,—, nitrobenzene in, 1,151,180 —,—,picric acid made with, 1,151,180 —,—, pinene in, 1,151,180 —,—,trinitrophenol in, 1,151,180 —, pyrotechnic compound contg. gum, 1,384,424 —,red, stove polish contg., 1,480,026 —, solvent for, alcohol as, 1,430,026 Acaroid gum, dye made with, 1,193,838 —,gutta percha substitute made with, 1,494,063 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,494,063 —, paper, dye for, made with, 1,193,838 —, pyrotechnic compound made with, 1,265,205 —,road paving made with, 1,239,160 —,roller, inking, made with, 1,494,063 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,494,063 —, stain made with, 1,193,838 —, strawboard, rye for, made with, 1,193,838 —,tube made with, 1,284,363 —, typewriter platen made with, 1,494,063 —, waterproofing made with, 1,494,063 —, wood, dye for, made with, 1,193,838 Acaroid resin, linoleum made with, 1,225,954 —, oil cloth made with, 1,225,954 —,phonograph record made with, 1,468,608; 1,468,609 —, plastic made with, 1,468,608; 1,468,609 —,see also Acaroid; Acaroid gum Acaroides gum, see Acaroid gum Accelerator, diphenylguanidine for, 1,465,743 —, diphenylguanidine chloride as, 1,465,743 —, melting point of, modifying, 1,465,743 —, nitrogen in, varying, 1,465,743 —,tetraphenylmelamine for, 1,465,743. —, tetraphenylmelamine chloride as, 1,465,743 —,urea for, 1,465,743 —-,see Rubber, vulcanizing, accelerator for; Vulcamzation accelerator Accordine seal brown, silk dyed with, 1,446,860 —,silk, dyeing of using, 1,495,614 Accoustical construction, see Wall, sound ab- sorbing Accra rubber, vulcanizing, 1,440,176 Accumulator, alkaline, see Battery, storage —, electric, see Battery, storage —,steam held in, 1,292,080 Accumulator cell, see Battery, storage Accumulators, see Battery, storage 1.2-Aceanthrenedione, see Aceanthrenequinone Aceanthrenequinone, dyestuff made _ with, 1,216,134 Aceanthrene-quinone-oxime, with, 1,253,252 Acediamine, see Acetamidine Acenaphthaquinone, anthraquinone and, sepa- rating, 1,420,198 —, anthraquinone, separation from of, 1,420,198 Acenaphthene, acenaphthenequinone made with, 1,439,500 —, acenaphthylene made with, 1,439,500 —, bi-acenaphthylidene-diketone from, 1,489,500 —,aluminum as catalyst in oxidizing, 1,439,500 —, anthracene impurity, 1,420,198 —, anthraquinone, separation from of, 1,420,198 —, anthraquinone separated from, 1,429,514 dyestuff made UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acenaphthene, A**’-bi(7-acenaphthenone) made with 1,439,500 —, biacenaphthylidene-diketone, 1,439,500 —, cobalt as catalyst in oxidizing, 1,439,500 —,catalytic oxidation of, 1,489,500 —,dyestuff made with, 1,358,490; 1,471,150; 1,496,085 —, dyestuff from sulfur and, 1,358,490 —, iron as catalyst in oxidizing, 1,489,500 —, maleic acid from, 1,377,534 —, maleic acid made with, 1,439,500 —, metal oxide as catalyst in oxidizing, 1,439,500 —,metallic oxide as catalyst in oxidizing, 1,439,500 —,naphthaldehydic acid made with, 1,439,500 —, naphthalic acid, 1,489,500 —,naphthalic anhydride made with, 1,439,500 —, nickel as catalyst in oxidizing, 1,489,500 —, oxidation, catalytic, of, 1,439,500 —,—, cobalt as catalyst for, 1,489,500 —, phthalic acid made with, 1,439,500 —,purification of, aluminum chloride for, 1,441,417 —,—, process for, 1,441,417; 1,481,197 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,441,417; 1,481,197 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,441,417; 1,481,197 —, purifying, 1,441,417 —, sulfur, action of on, 1,358,490 . —,vanadium oxide as catalyst in oxidizing, 1,439,500 Acenaphthene-quinone, acenaphthene in mfr. of, 1,439,500 —,aluminum as catalyst in mfr. of, 1,439,500 —, catalyst in mfr. of, 1,489,500 —,cobalt as catalyst in mfr. of, 1,439,500 —, dicarboxylic acids produced from, 1,423,980 Acenaphthene-quinone, iron as catalyst in mfr. of, 1,439,500 —, mfr. of, acenaphthene for, 1,439,500 —,—, air for, 1,439,500 —,—, process for, 1,439,500 —,—, vanadium oxide as catalyst for, 1,439,500 —, metallic oxide as catalyst in mfr. of, 1,439,500 —,naphthalic acid made with, 1,423,980 —, nickel as catalyst in mfr. of, 1,489,500 —, oxidation of, air for, 1,423,980 —,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,423,980 —,—, process for, 1,423,980 —,—,sodium dioxide for, 1,423,980 —,vanadium oxide as catalyst in mfr. of, 1,439,500 Acenaphthenequinone dioxime, dyestuff made with, 1,200,848 Acenaphthenequinone oxime, dyestuff made with, 1,200,848 Acenaphthenone, derivatives of, dyestuff made with, 1,497,231 —, dyestuff made with, 1,461,435; 1,497,231 7-Acenaphthenone, 8-o-hydroxy-benzal-7-ace- naphthenone for, 1,497,231 Acenaphthylene, acenaphthene 1,439,500 —, aluminum as catalyst in mfr. of, 1,439,500 —, catalyst in mfr. of, 1,439,500 —, cobalt as catalyst in mfr. of, 1,439,500 —, iron as catalyst in mfr. of, 1,439,500 —,mfr. of, acenaphthene for, 1,439,500 in mfr. of, INDEX OF Acenaphthylene, mfr. of, air for, 1,439,500 —,—, process for, 1,439, 500 —,—, vanadium oxide as catalyst for, 1,439,500 —, ‘metallic oxide as catalyst in mfr. of, 1 439,500 —, nickel as catalyst in mfr. of, 1,439,500 —, ‘vanadium oxide as catalyst Mani eo: 1 ,439,500 7 8-Acenaphthylenediol, oxidation of, air for, 1,423,980 —_ naphthalic acid made with, 1,423,980 —, oxidation of, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,423,980 —,—, process for, 1,423,980 —,—,sodium dioxide for, 1,423,980 Acetacetic anilid, see Acetoacetic anilide Acetacetic ester, phenylhydrazine derivatives - combined with, 1,338,397 Acetal, acetic anhydride made with, 1,326,040 —, acetyl chloride made with, 1,326,040 —,acid chlorides, organic, made with, 1,326,040 —, a-(aminomethyl)-o-dihydroxy-benzyl alco- hol made with, 1,432,291 —,amino-methyl-norcoralydine made _ with, 1. 176,597 — anhydride, organic, made with, 1,326,040 — benzoyl! chloride made with, 1 326, 040 —, butyric anhydride made with, 1,326,040 . —, carbon tetrachloride, freezing point of mix- ture of and, 1,270,394 —, dichloracetal made with, 1,146,854 —,fats contg., 1,381,564 — finish remover made with, 1,172,773 — ’ fire-extinguisher contg., carbon tetrachloride and, 1,270,394 —, mfr. of, acetaldehyde for, 1,312,186 —,—,acetic acid for, 1,312,186 —,acetylene and alcohol for, 1,450,982 —,—, aluminum bromide for, 1 312, 186 —,—, aluminum chloride for, 1312, 186 —,—, aluminum nitrate for, 4 312, 186 —,—, beryllium bromide for, 1 312, 186 —,—, beryllium chloride for, 1 312, 186 —,—, beryllium nitrate for, 1 312, 186 —,—, calcium bromide for, 1,312, 186 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,312, 186 —,-, ; calcium nitrate for, i 312, 186 —,—, cerium bromide for, i ‘312, 186 ae cerium bromide, rare earth residue contg., for, 1 312,186 —,—, cerium chloride for, 1,312,186 —,—, cerium chloride, rare earth residue contg., for, 1,312,186 —,—, cerium nitrate for, 1,312,186 —,—, cerium nitrate, rare earth residue contg., for, 1,312,186 -,— ethyl alcohol for, 1,312,186 —,—, hydrochloric’ acid for, 1 312, 186 —,—, lithium bromide for, 4 312, 186 —,—, lithium chloride for, t 312, 186 lithium nitrate for, 1312, 186 —,—, magnesium bromide for, 1312,186 —,—, magnesium chloride for, 1,312,186 —,—, Magnesium nitrate for, 1,312,186 —,—,manganese bromide for, 1,312,186 —,—,manganese chloride for, 1,812,186 1 Manganese nitrate for, 1,312,186 — — nitric acid for, 1,312,186 SUBJECTS 149 Acetal, mfr. of, oxalic acid for, 1,312,186 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,312,186 —,—, thorium bromide for, 1,312,186 —,—,thorium bromide, rare earth residue contg., for, 1,312,186 —,—, thorium chloride for, 1,312,186 —,—,thorium chloride, rare earth residue contg., for, 1,812,186 —,—, thorium nitrate for, 1,312,186 —,—, thorium nitrate, rare "earth contg., for, 1,812,186 — ,11-methyl- norcoralydine bade with, 1 176,597 — , phenyl-acetic anhydride made with, 1,326,040 Acetaldehyde, absorbing, acetic acid for, 1,400,205; 1,426,449; 1,437,483 —,—, alcohol for, 1,426,449 —,—, water for, 1,426,449 —, acetal made with, 1,312,186 —,acetaldehyde ammonia mfr. from, 1,456,702 —,acetaldol from ethyl alcohol and, mfr. of, 1 ,450,984 —, acetic acid made with, 1,174,250; 1,179,420; residue 1,179,421; 1,193,795; 1,230,899; 1,286,255; 1,286,256; 1,308,173; 1,310,748; 1,315,546; 1,409,098; 1,410,207; 1,437,483; 1,472,115; 1,481,326 —, acetic acid from, catalyst for, 1,445,544 —,acetic anhydride, separation of from, 1,298,356 —,acetylene absorbed by, 1,422,182 —,acetylene solvent, 1,419, 746 — acetphenylenediamine, compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,., —, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—,—, “rubber, vulcanization of V4; 970 ; —,—, —, rubber substitute, using, 1 417,970 using, vulcanization of — -aldehyde-ammonia from ammonia and, 1 450.983 —, aldol made with, 1,151,113; 1,220,746; 1 234,156; 1,261,811; 1 437, 139; 1, 450, 984 —, ammonia, mfr. of, 1,456, 702 —, "aniline, compound of and, 1,417,970 —,—,—, balata, vulcanization of using, 1 417, 970 —,gutta percha, vulcanization of using, oy Al7; 970 —,--,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—, —, ’ rubber, vulcanization of 1 17, 970 —,—,—,rubber substitute, using, 1,417,970 —,—, condensation product of and, 1,467,984 —,apple oil, synthetic, made with, 1,366,541 ; 1 436,290 —, barium chloride made with, 1,495,538 — ’ benzidine, comipound of and, balata, vul- canization of using, 1,417,970 =) =, Citta. percha, vulcanization of using, 1 Alv, 970 —,—,—,mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 te 3 using, vulcanization of 150 Acetaldehyde, benzidine, compound of and rubber, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—,rubber substitute, vulcanization of using, 1 417,970 —, benzylamine, compound of and, balata, vul- canization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1 17, 970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—,—, ’ rubber, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 Pan —,—,—,rubber substitute, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —, buttons made with, 1,470,637 —,caoutchouc, bg-dimethylerythrene, vulcani- zation of using, 1,149,580 —,—,erythrene, vulcanization of using, 1, 149, 580 —,—, lsoprene, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 —, carbon tetrachloride, freezing point of mixture of and, 1,270, 304 —,catalysts for mfr., producing, 1,375,345; 1,376,665 —, catalyst in metaldehyde mfr. 1,467,733 —,chlorine derivatives of, formation of, Mi 445,168 —, condensation of to aldol, 1,878,562 —, condensation products of, mfr. of, 1,450,984 —, copper, precipitation of with, 1,472 115 —,2. 8-diamino-3.5. 7-trimethyl-acridine’ with, 1,165,531 _— , diethylamine, compound of and, 1,417,970 —,—,—,balata, vulcanization of using, 1 417, 970 —,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, a 417,970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—,— ’ rubber, vulcanization of made using, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acetaldehyde, ethylamine, compound of and, rubber, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,——,—,Tubber substitute, vulcanization of using, 1,417 970 — ethylene recovery with, 1,422,184 —, finish remover made with, 1,167,469 —, fire-extinguisher contg., carbon tetrachloride and, 1,270,394 —,formation from ethyl alcohol, 1,412,233; 1,464,153 —,formation of in glycerol fermentation of sugars, 1,425,838 — fuel, motor, contg., 1,514,977 —, gear made with, 1,370,666 —,gutta percha, vulcanization accelerator for, made with, 1,467,984 —, hydroxylamine, compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1 AIT 970 —,—,—,mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—,-—,rubber, vulcanization of 1 AIT 970 —,—,—,rubber substitute, using, 1,417,970 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1,370,666; 1,397,144; 1,470,637 —, iron, rust removal from using, 1,470,225 —, ivory substitute made with, 1,514 509 —, ketone- aldehyde condensate made with, 1 482,929 —, mfr. of, 1,384,842; Re-15,434; 1,388,841; 1,400,205 ; 1,426,449; 1,450,982; 1,454,609 —,—, acetaldehyde for, 1,815,546 using, vulcanization of 1,417, 970 —,—,—,rubber substitute, using, 1,417,970 —, dihydroxy - diphenyl - dimethyl - methane aldehyde condensate made with, 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 — , diphenylamine, compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, wa ‘A179 970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 ——,—, ‘rubber, vulcanization of 1,417,970 —,—,—,rubber . substitute, using, 1,417,970 vulcanization of using, vulcanization of —,distiller’s slops for producing, 1,344,850; 1,344,851 —,ethyl acetate made with, 1,459,852 —,ethyl alcohol made with, 1,311,824; 1,403,794; 1,410,223 — vethyl alcohol, separation of from, process for, 1,169,122 — , ethylamine, compound of and, 1,417,970 —,—, —, balata, vulcanization of using, 1 417 970 —, gutta acta: vulcanization of using, 4 ‘AIT ,970 —,—,—,mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—,acetic acid, glacial, for, 1,400,205; 1,454,609 —,—,acetylene for, 1,151,928; Re-14,063; 1,151,929; Re-14,064; 1,184,177; 1,185,499; 1,185,500; 1,213,486; 1,213,487; 1,244,901; 1,244,902: 1,247,270: 1,310,743: 1,310,984; 1,319,365; 1,343,715; 1,355,299; 1,384,842; 1,421,743; 1,428,668; 1,431,301; 1,436,550; 1,471,058; 1,472,115; 1,477,951; 1,485,706; esi 915; re 501, 502: 1,514,977 —, acetylene, catalyst for, 1 355, 299 —,—,acid for, 1,129,542 —,—, alcohol ‘f or, 1,148,714; 1,400,208 ; 1,400,204; 1,400,205; 1,454,609 —,—,alcohol and catalysts for, 1,396,358 —,—, alkali for, 1,511,754 —,—, aluminum as catalyst for, 1,244,901 —,—, aluminum oxide as catalyst for, 1,355,299 —,—,aluminum salts as catalyst for, 1,355,299 —,—,alundum apparatus for, 1,124 347 —_—,—, alundum as catalyst for, 1, 124, 347 —,—, amines for, 1,511,754 —,—,ammonia, effect of on, 1,310,743 —,—,ammonium carbonate for, 1,511,754 —,—,ammonium phosphate for, 1,511,754 —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1 511 754 —,—,apparatus for, 1 124 B47: 1,129,542 ; 1,234,886 : 1,247,270 ; 1,310,743 ; 1,310,984 : 1,315,548; 1,815,546; 1,319,365; 1,400,203; 1,400,204; 1,400,205; 1,400,247: 1,431,301; 1,437,483; 1,454,609; 1,471,058; 1,485,706; 1,501,502 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Acetaldehyde, mfr. of, asbestos for, 1,244,901; 1,244,902 ; 1,471,058 ———, asbestos as catalyst for, 1,355,299 — bacteria, lactic acid, for, 1,511 5A —,—, ’ barium chloride for, 1511 754 —,—, benzene-sulfonic acid for, 1,213, 487 —,—, borax for, 1,213,486 —,—, bromine for, 1,234,886 —,—,cadmium salt for, 1,310,743 —,—, calcium bisulfite for, 1,129,542 —,caleium chloride for, 1,234,886; 1,511,754 —,caleium chloride as catalyst for, 1,298,356 —, calcium hydroxide for, 1,129,542 —,calcium hypochlorite for, 1,234,886 —, calcium oxide for, 1,501,502 1,213,486; ? vat ae) e —,carbon, decolorizing, for, 1,511,754 =a catalyst for, 1,388,841; 1,400,208 ; 1,400,204 ; 1,487,483; 1,454,609 —,—,—, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,375,345 —,—,—, air for, 1,375,345 —,—,—, ammonia for, 1,376,665 ==. — ammonium hydroxide 1 saa) re ae ee for, 400,208 ; 1 400, 247 = —,-—-,—, boric acid for, 1,487,020 —,—, —,—, ‘boron oxides for, 1,487,020« ,— —, brick, fire-, for, 1,487,020 —, —, —, —, carbonates for, 1,487,020 —,—,—,—, charcoal for, 1,400,208; 1,400,205; 1.400,247 —, —, —, —, chromium for, 1,375,345; 1,376,665 ; 1,400,208 ; 1 400,205 ; 1, 400 247 —,—,—,—, chromium oxide for, 1,400,205 —,—,— , clay for, 1,487,020 , clay, burnt, for, 1,487,020 —,—,—, copper for, 1,375, 345; 1,376,665 ; haa 203 ; 1,400,205 ; i 400 247 —,—, copper hydroxide for, 1,400,203; 1,376,665 ; ’ 3 +s b ag ret ‘400, 247 = ——,—, —, copper(ic) nitrate for, 1,400, 203 ; 1,400,247 , copper oxide for, 1,400,205 ,ethyl alcohol for, 1,400, 247 —,—, hydrogen for, 1 376 665 ; 1,400,208 ; a.) bd , es 5 ? ~ 1.460, 205 —,—,—,—,iron for, 1,875,345; 1,376,665; 1,400, 203: 1,400,205; 1 400 247 —,—,—, —, Iron oxide for, 1,400, 205 ,—; , kieselguhr for, 1,487, 020 ;—, —, magnesia for, 1 487, 020 —,—,—, metal nitrate for, 1 016,665 ~“ woe —, methyl] alcohol for, 1,400,247 —, nitrates for, 1,487, 020 1,375,345; | ~~ —,—,—, —, ‘nickel for 1,376,665 ; ei 1,400,205 nickel hydroxide for, 1,400,203 nitrate for, 1 376 665 ; _—,—,-,— ’ nickel 1,400,203 ; 1,400 247 _——-,—,—, nickel oxide for, 1,400,205 —,—,—,—, nitric acid for, 1 376 665 -)—, — oxides for, 1,487 020 ——,—,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,487,020 —,—,—, —, phosphorous oxides for, 1 487,020 —, porcelain for, 1,400 203; 1 ,400,205 ; =>, —, process for, 1,375,345; 1,376,665; 1,400, 203: 1 400,205; 1 "400, 247 : 1 487 020 151 Acetaldehyde, mfr. of, catalyst, mfr. of, pumice for, 1,400,203; 1,400 205: 1,400,247 —,—, —,—, silica for, 1,487 020 —,—,—, —, terra cotta for, 1,400,203 ; 1,400,205 ; 1,400 247 — catalytic apparatus for, 1,396,718 —,catalyzers for, 1,400 247 —, cellulose for, 1 129 542: 1,471,058 —,—, cellulose ester ‘for, 1,471 058 —, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,143,714 —, —, cerium salt for, 1,315,543; 1 315 546 —,—,cerium(ous) salt, for, 1,319, 365 —,—,charcoal, activated, as catalyst for, 1,355, 299 —,—, charcoal, nut shell, as catalyst for, 1,355,299 —,—,—, pit, as catalyst for, 1,355,299 —,—, charcoal as catalyst for, 1,244 901 re —, ’ charcoal as catalyst carrier for, 1,437,483 ; 1,454,609 —,—, chlorine for, 1,234,886 —,—, ’ chromate for, 1 ‘151 929; Re-14,064 —,—, chromic acid ‘for, 1 151 929: Re-14, 064. —,—,chromium as catalyst for, 1,400 ,204 ; 1,487,483; 1,454,609 —,—, chromium oxide as catalyst for, 1,400,204 —,—, chromium(ic) salt for, 1,319 365 —,—, chromium (ous) salt for, 1,319 305 —,—, clay tube for, 1,234,886 —,—, copper for, 1, 152, 098 —,—, copper acetate as catalyst for, 1,400,204 -,—, copper as catalyst for, 1,124 B47: 1,400, 204; 1,437,483; 1,454,609 —,— , copper oxide as catalyst for, 1,124. 647: 1,355, 299; 1,400,204 —,— copper salts as catalyst for, 1,855,299 —,—, copper tube for, 1,234,886 —,—,crotonic aldehyde as by-product of, 1,310,743 | ,—, “erucible mixture” tube for, 1,234,886 —,—, earthenware apparatus for, 1,124,347 —,—,electrode for, 1,471,058 ,— ethyl alcohol for, 1,124,347; 1,193,795; 1,875,345; 1,876,665; 1,396,389; 1,400,203; 1,400,204: 1,400,205: 1,400,247: 1,437,483: 1,454,609; 1,487,020 —,—,ethylene for, 1,234,886; 1,315,543; 1,315,546 —,—,ethylidine diacetate for, 1,152,098; Mae ; 1,806,963; 1,429,650 © —, ferrosilicon for, 1,471,058 —,—, ’ fructose for, 1 Bll 754 —; glucose for, 1 511, 754 —_,—, gold for, 1 471 058 oo ’ sraphite for, 1,471 058 — ’ hydrocarbon for, 1,234, 886 —,—,hydrogen sulfide as catalyst poison cata 1,244,901 — hydrogen sulfide effect of on, 1,310,743 —,hydrosulfites for, 1,511,754 —,—, hyposulfites, for, i ll 115A —, iodine for, 1 234, 886 ; iron for, 1471, 058 —,iron as catalyet for, 1,400,204; 1,487,483; 1,454, 609 —,—, iron acetate as catalyst for, 1,400, 204 * > aaa: | ees | 3 A cul — Acetaldehyde, mfr. of, mercury sulfate for, 1,151,928; Re-14,063; 1,151,929; Re-14,064; 1,431,301 —,—, mercury sulfate as catalyst for, 1,384,842 152 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acetaldehyde, mfr. of, iron alloy, aluminum in, for, 1,471,058 —,—, iron alloy, nickel in, for, 1,471,058 —,—,iron compounds for, 1511 154 = ’ iron (ic) compound for, 1,501, 502 —,—,mercury(ic) sulfate for, 1,152,098; —, iron (ous) compound for, 1,501, 502 1,315,548; 1,501,502 —,iron oxide as catalyst for, 1,355,299; | —,—,metaboric acid as catalyst for, 1,298,356 _ 40 204 —,—,metaboric acid in petroleum as catalyst —,—,1ron(ic) oxide used in, 1,486,550 for, 1,298,356 —,—,lron(ic) oxide as catalyst for, 1,436,550 —,—, metal oxide as catalyst for, 1,855,299 —,—, ’ iron (ous) oxide as catalyst for, 1,244, 901 —,—,metal salts as catalyst for, 1,355 299 —,—,liron salt as catalyst for, 1,355,299 —,—, ’ molasses for, 1,511,754 —,iron(ic) salt for, 1,819,365 —,—, molybdic acid as catalyst for, 1,244,901; —,—,iron(ous) salt for, 1,319,365 1,244,902 —,iron sulfate for, 1,511,754 —,—, molybdenum oxide as catalyst for, —,—,iron(ic) sulfate for, 1,151,928; Re-14,063 1,355,299 —,iron(ous) sulfate for, 1,477,951; 1,511,754 —,—,molybdenum salts as _ catalyst _for, —,—,iron tube for, 1,234,886 1,355, 299 —,lead cathode for, 1,431,301 —,—,lead oxide as catalyst for, 1,855,299 —,lead peroxide for, 1,315,546 —,—,lead peroxide anode for, 1,315,543 —,lead salts as catalyst for, 1,855,299 —,—, lime for, 1,511,754 —, magnesia for, 1,511,754 —,—, magnesium acetate for, 1,511,754 —,—,magnesium chloride for, 1,511,754 —,—, magnesium sulfate for, 1,511,754 —,—, magnetite for, 1,315 546 —,—, magnetite anode for, 1,315,543 —,—, monosodium orthophosphate as cata for, 1,298,356 —_,— , naphtha for, 1,184,177 —,—-, natural gas for, 1.234, 886 —,— ‘nickel as catalyst for, 1 124 347; 1,400,204 ; 1 437, 483; 1,454,609 —,—, nickel acetate as catalyst for, 1,400,204 —,—,nickel lined apparatus for, 1,124,347 —,—, nickel oxide as catalyst for, 1,124,347; 1 1355, 299; 1,400,204 —,—, nickel oxide, 1 244, 901 —,—, nickel salts as catalyst for, 1,355,299 —,—, oil for, 1,234,886 —,—, oxide for, 1,471,058 —,oxygen for, 1,477,951 —,—, palladium lined apparatus for, 1,124,347 NiO, as catalyst for, —, maltose for, 1,511 754 bes manganese(ic) salt for, 1,319,365 —,—,Manganese(ous) salt for, 1 319 365 —,—, manganese sulfate for, 1511 5A —,—, mercurous sulfate for, 1,310, 743 ,mercury for, 1 151 928; Re-14,063; —, paper for, 1,471,058 151,929: Re-14,064 ; 1,184,177; 1,247,270; —,—, peroxide for, 1,471 058 1,431,301; 1,489,915; 1,501,502 —, petroleum for, 1 234 886 —,—,mercury(ic) anode for, 1,315,546 —, petroleum residuum for, 1,234,886 —,—,mercury as catalyst for, 1,486,550 =, LORE 1,319,365; —, phosphates for, 1,511,754 —,—,mercury catalyst for, regeneration of, _—,—, phosphine, effect of on, 1,310,743 1,293, 863; 1,319,365 —,—,phosphine as catalyst poison during, —,—, mercury cathode for, 1,431,301 1,244,901 —,—,mercury compound for, 1,185,500; —,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,213,486; 1,213,487; 1,310,743; 1,810,984; 1,471,058; 1,489,915 1,319,365; 1,431,301; 1,471,058 —,—,mercury oxide for, 1,151,928; Re-14,063; | —,—, phosphorous compounds as catalyst pois- 1,151,929 ; Re-14,064; 1,431,301; 1,514,977 on during, 1,244,901 1,431,301 —,—, platinum for, 1,471,058 —,—,mercury oxide as catalyst for, 1,355,299 —,—, platinum anode for, 1,315,543; 1,315,546; —,—, mercury (ic) oxide for, 1,319,365; 1,489 915 1,431,301 —,—, mercury (ic) oxide catalyst for, 1,213 486; —,—, platinum cathode for, 1,431,301 1,213,487; 1,355,299; 1,379,465; 1,436,550: ; —, platinum lined apparatus for, 1,124,347 1,477,951 —,—, porcelain as catalyst carrier for, 1 437, 483 ; —,—,mercury(ic) oxide regenerated during, 1,454,609 1,477,951 —,—, potassium bichromate for, 1,143,714 —,—,mercury salt for, 1,151,928; Re-14,063; —,—,potassium bisulfate for, 1,152,098; 1,151,929; Re-14,064; 1,431,301; 1,514,977 A pase —,—,mercury salt, as catalyst for, 1,213,486; —, potassium phosphate, acid for, 1,213,487 1,218,487; 1,355,299; 1,436,550 —,—, potassium sulfate for, 1,511 754 —,—,mercury(ic) salt for, 1,184,177 —,—,process for, 1 124,347: 1,129,542 ; —,—,mercury(ic) salts as _ catalyst for, 1,151,928 ; Re-14,063; 1,151,929 ; Re-14,064 ; 1,355,299; 1,486,550 1,152 098 : 1,184,177; 1,185,499; 1,185,500; —,—,mercury(ous) salt for, 1,184,177 1 193, 795; 1,213,486; 1,213,487; 1,234,886; —,—,mercury sludge (from acetaldehyde 1 944 ‘901 ; 1,244,902; 1,247,270; 1,310,743; mfr.), for, 1,185,499 1 310 ‘984: 1,315,548; 1,815,546;, 1,319,3655 —,—, mercury sludge formed during, see 1 ‘355 299; 1,875,845; 1,376,665; 1,384,842; Mercury Sludge (from acetaldehyde mfr.) 1 400 203; 1,400,204; 1,400,205; 1 ‘400, ‘247: 1,431,801; 1,436,550; 1,487,483; 1,454,609; 1,471,058; 1,477,951; 1,485,706; 1,487,020; 1 ‘489, ‘915; 1,501,502; 1,511,754; 1,514,977 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 1538 Acetaldehyde, methylamine, compound of, and oe percha, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 ’ Acetaldehyde, mir. of, pumice for, 1, 152 098 —,—, pumice as catalyst carrier for, 1,437, 488 ; 1, 454, 609 —,—, saccharose for, 1,511,754 —, ‘ silica as catalyst for, 1,355,299 Pe, silicon dioxide as catalyst for, 1,355,299 —,—, silicon iron apparatus for, 1 361 974 —,—,sil-o-cel as catalyst for, 1 355, 299 —,—,sodium acetate for, 1 511, 754 — sodium bicarbonate for, 1 511,754 _——, sodium bisulfate for, 1,213 487 —, sodium borate for, 1 913, 486 —, — sodium carbonate for, 1 511,754 —,—, sodium hyposulfite for, 1 ll 754 —, —, sodium (mono) orthophosphate as cata- lyst for, 1,298,356 _,—, sodium phosphate for, 1,213,486; 1,511,754 ‘ —,—,sodium phosphate, acid, for, 1,213, 487 —, —, sodium pyrosulfate as catalyst for, ite 356 —,sodium sulfite for, 1,511,754 —, B starch, saccharified, for, 1,511,754 —,—,steam for, 1,244 901; 1 244 902 ; 1,355,299 — steel for, 1 A71, 058 >, ’ steel tube for, 1 234,886 ~ —,—, sugar for, 1 Bll 754 —,sugar, grape, for, 1,511,754 —,—,—, invert, for, 1 Bll "154 —, sulfites for, 1 511 154 —,—, sulfonic acid for, 1,436,550 —,sulfoxylates for, 1,511,754 —,—,—, ‘rubber, 1 AZ, 970 , mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 vulcanization of using, ,—,—,rubber substitute, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,gutta percha, vulcanization of using, Fe Al7 970 — _ N-methyl- aniline, compound of and, balata, ‘ , mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 — rubb er, et 479 970 —,—,rubber substitute, using, 1 417,970 —, molded 1 997,144; 1 514, 509. article made 1,398,149 ; vulcanization vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 1 A17, 970 : , mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 er, vulcanization Be rubb 1 A17, 970 with, 1,470,637 ; of using, vulcanization of 1,370,666 ; 1,500,303 ; ms, 2-naphthylamine, compound of and, balata, —,—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, of using, ,—, rubber substitute, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 canization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,129,542; 1,151,928; Re-14 063; 1,151,929; Re-14,064; 1,152,098; 1,184, 177; 1,185,499; 1,185,500; 1,213,486; op 213, ‘487: 1,234,886; 1,247,270; 1,310,743; 1 '310, 984; 1,315,543; 1,815,546; 1,319,365; 1 "384 942: ; 1,431,301; 1,436,550; 1,477,951; 1,489, ‘O15: ; 1,501,502 —,—, sulfuric acid as catalyst for, 1,298,356 —,—,sulfurous acid for, 1,129, 542 —,—,—,rubber. substitute, using, 1 417,970 —, p-nitraniline, compound of and, balata, vul- canization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, —, syrup for, 1,511,754 —, tar oil for, 1 234, 886 —,—, terra cotta as catalyst ag 483; 1,454,609 — thioacetic acid as catalyst for, 1,298,356 —,— ’ thread for, 1,471,058 —,—, "tin oxide as ‘catalyst for, 1,355,299 —,—,tin salts as catalyst for, 1 355,299 —,—, turpentine oil for, 1,234, 886 —, —, water for, 1,129 542: 1,184,177; 1,454,609 —,—, wood for, 1 129, 542 —,—, wool for, 1 471, 058 oo or yeast for, 1,511,754 —, zeolite, artificial, as catalyst for, 1,193,795 —, zinc oxide, as catalyst for 1 244, 901; : yi 355 299 —,—, zine salt for, 1,310,743 —,—, zinc salts as catalyst for, 1,855,299 —,mercury(ic) oxide reduced with, 1 436,550 —, metaldehyde made from, 1,432, 387 ; 1 467, 733 —, metaldehyde, paraldehyde, removal of from using, 1,432,387 — , methylamine, compound of and, balata, vul- canization of using, 1,417,970 carrier for, —,—,—,rubber substitute, using, 1 417,970 —, oxidation of, 1,409,098 ,—, air for, 1 410, 207 1 17, 970 —{,—,—, mfr. of, process for,1,417,970 —,—,—, ’ rubber, vulcanization 1,417, 970 — ’ paracetaldehyde, from, 1,300,451 — _m-nitraniline, compound of and, balata, vul- —,—,—, gutta percha, ‘vulcanization of using, of using, vulcanization of 1 Al7, 970 —,—, —, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—, —, ’ rubber, vulcanization of using, 1 417, 970 vulcanization of —, paraldehyde, metaldehyde, removal from of using, 1,432,387 —, paraldehyde removed from metaldehyde by, 1,432,387 ae peracetic acid made 1 ,179,421; 1,409,098 1 401,633; 1,440,097 1, 143,714; 1 '398, 148 ; 1,370,666 ; 1 '398, 149; 1,398,146 ; 1 ‘401 633; with, 1,179,420; — peracetic acid, action of on, 1,179,421 —., phenol- acetaldehyde condensate mfr. from, — , phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,398,147 ; 1 ‘500, 303 phenol ‘aldehyde condensate binder made ae 1,261,615 ” with, 1,261,615 with, 1,261,615 — phenol aldehyde condensate lacquer made — phenol aldehyde condensate varnish made * 154 Acetaldehyde, phenol condensation product of, 1,397,144 —, phenol furaldehyde condensate made with, 1,377,519; 1,398,146; 1,898,147; 1,398,148 —, p-phenylenediamine, compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, a Al7, 970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—,rubber, vulcanization of a AIT 970 —,—,—,rubber substitute, using, 1,417,970 —,phenylhydrazene compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,gutta percha, vulcanization of using, ia 17, 970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 — rubber, vulcanization of v4 Az, 970 —,—,—,rubber substitute, using, 1,417 ,970 —, phonograph record made with, 1,398,146; 1,398,147; 1,398,148; 1,398,149; 1,470,637 —,plastic made with, 1,897,144; 1,468,331; 1,470,637; 1,482,929 —, polymerized, fuel contg., 1,412,233 —, preparation of, 1,875,345; 1,376,665 —, preparation from acetylene, 1,431,301 —,preparation of, iron(ic) sulfate employed in, 1,480,551 —,printing plate made with, 1,377,519; 1,401,633; 1,442,173 —,radium chloride made with, 1,495,538 using, vulcanization of using, vulcanization of UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, OS site 1,417,970 1915-1924 Acetaldehyde, p-toluidine, compound of and, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —_—,—,— rubber i vulcanization of 1 AIT 970 ——,—,—, rubber substitute, usiny, 1 417,970 —,m- toluylenediamine, compound _ of balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1 AIT, 970 —,—,—,mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—, ’ rubber, vulcanization of na 417,970 —,—4—,rubber substitute, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 — , triamino- toluene- compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —, gutta percha, vulcanization of using 4 417, 970 —,—,—,mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —; rubber, vulcanization of 1 4179 970 —,—,—,rubber substitute, using, 1,417,970 —, uranium chloride made with, 1,495,538 —, urea compound of and, balata, vuleanization of using, 1,417,970 —_—,—,—, cutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1 417.970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —, rubber, vulcanization of using, vulcanization of and, using, using, vulcanization of using, 1,370,666 ; “on 1 417,9 970 —,—,rubber substitute, vulcanization of —, ’ record, phonograph, made with, 1,370,666 “~—, vanadium chloride made with, 1,495,538 —, reduction of by hydrogen, 1,408, 794 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,397, 144 ~ ae varnish made with, 1,470,637; 1,482, 929 vulcanization accelerator made with, —, ‘rubber, Para, vulcanization of using, nO) 1,417,970; 1,503,113 1,149,580 —, vulcanization process using, 1,503,113 —,—,plantation, vulcanization of using, X—,wood, artificial, made with, 1,397,144 1,149,580 oS; xylidine, condensation product of and, —,—, vulcanization accelerator for, made with,, 1 AGT 984 —, shellac substitute made with, 1,482,929 —, * sodium hydroxide, action of on, 1,300,451 —,sodium sulfite combined with, 1,425,838 —,steel, rust removal from using, 1,470,225 —,tanning agents mfr. with, 1,443,697 —,tanning compound made with, 1,443,697 —, thioaldehyde prepared from, 1,370,367 —,toluidine, condensation product of and, 1,467,984 —,o-toluidine, compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 74 417,970 —,—,—,mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,— ’ rubber, vulcanization of a 417 970 —,—,—,rubber substitute, ene: 1,417, 970 —, p- -toluidine, compound of and, _balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1 417 970 using, vuleanization of 1,467,984 * Acetaldehyde, see_also_ e — rubber substitute, vulcanization accelerator sAcetaldehyde cetpheny iene aaa for, made with, 1,467 984 XN vulcan- izing accelerator, 1,417,970 ~) Acetaldehyde-ammonia, formation of, 1,408,826 ee mfr. of, process for, 1,503,113 — vulcanization accelerator, 1,503,113 “ —, vulcanization process using, 1,503 113 ¥ Acetaldehyde-aniline, rubber-age-resisting com- pound for, made with, 1,515,642 — vulcanization process using, 1,515,642 — vulcanizing accelerator, 1,417 ‘970; 1,515,642 Acetaldehyde-aniline condensate, ‘aluminum chloride combined with, 1,444,865 —,calcium acetate combined with, 1,444,865 —, ’ cobalt chloride combined with, 1,444 865 —, ‘lead acetate combined with, 1 444, 865 —,magnesium acetate combined with, 1,444,865 —, oleic acid combined with, 1,444 865 —, palmitic acid combined with, 1,444,865 —, preparing, 1,444,865 —, sodium acetate combined with, 1,444,865 —,stearic acid combined with, 1,444 865 —,vuleanizing accelerator of, oleie acid and, 1 444,865 —,—, palmitic acid and, 1,444,865 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Acetaldehyde-aniline condensate, vulcanizing accelerator of, stearic acid and, 1,444,865 —,zine acetate combined with, 1,444,865 —,zine chloride combined with, 1,444,865 —,zinc hydroxide combined with, 1,444,865 Acetaldehyde benzidine, vulcanizing accelerator, 1,417,970 Acetaldehyde benzylamine, vulcanizing acceler- ator, 1,417,970 Acetaldehyde diethylamine, vulcanizing acceler- ator, 1,417,970 Acetaldehyde ethylamine, vulcanizing acceler- ator, 1,417,970 Acetaldehyde hydroxylamine, vulcanizing accel- erator, 1,417,970 Acetaldehyde methylamine, vulcanizing, accel- ‘erator, 1,417,970 Acetaldehyde (mono) methylaniline, vulcan- izing accelerator, 1,417,970 Acetaldehyde b-naphthylamine, vulcanizing ac- celerator, 1,417,970 Acetaldehyde m-nitroaniline, vulcanizing ac- celerator, 1,417,970 Acetaldehyde p-nitroaniline, vulcanizing ac- celerator, 1,417,970 Acetaldehyde oxim, see Acetaldoxim Acetaldehyde-phenol resins, see Phenol-acetal- — dehyde resins Acetaldehyde p-phenylenediamine, vulcanizing accelerator, 1,417,970 Acetaldehyde phenylhydrazene, see Acetalde- hyde phenylhydrazine Acetaldehyde phenylhydrazine, accelerator, 1,417,970 Acetaldehyde-o-toluidine, rubber, age-resisting compound for, made with, 1,515,642 —, vulcanizing accelerator, 1,417,970 —, vulcanization process using, 1,515,642 Acetaldehyde-p-toluidine, rubber, age-resisting compound for, made with, 1,515,642 —,vuleanizing accelerator, .1,417,970; 1,515,642 —, vulcanization process using, 1,515,642 Acetaldehyde m-toluylenediamine, vulcanizing accelerator, 1,417,970 Acetaldehyde triamidotoluene, see Acetalde- hyde triaminotoluene Acetaldehyde triaminotoluene, vulcanizing ac- _ celerator, 1,417,970 Acetaldehyde urea, 1,417,970 Acetaldol, see Aldol Acetamide, behenic acid, compound of and, 1,475,477 —, celluloid solvent, 1,342,267 —, cellulose acetate solvent, 1,342,267 —, cellulose ester solvent, 1,342,267 —, cellulose nitrate solvent, 1,342,267 —,cotton seed oil, rancid, compound of and, 1,475,477 —,fat, compound of and, 1,475,477 —, fatty acid, compound of and, 1,475,477 —,fish oil, rancid, compound of and, 1,475,477 —,formation from acetyl chloride and am- monia, 1,357,160 —,garbage grease, compound of and, 1,475,477 —, gelatin solvent, 1,342,267 —, glass, unbreakable, made with, 1,342,267 vulcanizing vulcanizing accelerator, 155 Acetamide, linoleic acid, compound of and, 1,475,477 —, methylamine made with, 1,489,380 —,methyl-ammonium chloride made with, 1,489,380 —, oil, compound of and, 1,475,477 —,oleic acid, compound of and, 1,277,708; 1,475,477 —,—,—, mfr. of, alcohol, for, 1,475,477 —,—,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,475,477 —,—,—,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,475,477 ,—,—, process for, 1,475,477 ,—,—, Sodium chloride for, 1,475,477 —,—, —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,475,477 —, palmitic acid, action of and, 1,277,708 —,—,compound of and, 1,475,477 —, stearic acid, action of and, 1,277,708 —,—, compound of and, 1,475,477 —, whale oil, rancid, compound of and, 1,475,477 5-Acetamido-2-amino-4-methoxy-benzenesul- fonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,408,405 5-Acetamido-2-amino-pheny]-4’-chlor-phenyl] sulfone, dyestuff made with, 1,359,969 3-Acetamido-2-amino-phenyl-p-tolyl-sulfone, dyestuff made with, 1,359,969 4-Acetamido-l-amino-2-(p-tolylsulfonyl)- naphthalene-6-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,359,969 2-Acetamido-4-chlor-m-anisidine, dyestuff made with, 1,169,344 2-Acetamido-4-methyl-m-anisidine, dyestuff made with, 1,169,344 8-Acetamido-l-naphthol-5-sulfonic acid, dye- stuff made with, 1,408,297 p-Acetamido-phenetol, see Phenacetin p-Acetamidophenol, p-acetamidophenyl brom- diethylacetylearbamate made with, 1,256,293 p-Acetamidophenyl bromdiethylacetylcarba- mate, mfr. of, p-acetamidophenol for, 1,256,293 —,—, acetone for, 1,256,293 —,—, bromdiethylacetylisocyanate for, 1,256,293 —,—, process for, 1,256,293 —,nervine for, 1,256,293 —, properties of, 1,256,293 —,sedative, 1,256,293 p-Acetamino-anisole, see Methacetin 3-Acetamino-4-carbethoxyamino-phenetole, properties of, 1,159,403 4-A cetamino-3-carbethoxyamino-phenetole, properties of, 1,159,403 3-Acetamino-4-carbethoxyamino-phenol, erties of, 1,159,403 4-(4-Acetamino-2.)-dimethyl-5-keto-1-pyraz- olyl)-4’-(4-amino-2.3-dimethy]-5-keto-1- pyrazolyl)-arsenobenzene, mfr. of, acid for, 1,507,694 —,—, 4.4'-bis(4-amino-2.3-dimethy]-5-keto-1- pyrazolyl)-arsenobenzene for, 1,507,694 —,—,bromacetic acid for, 1,507,694 —,—, process for, 1,507,694 —, —, sodium hydroxide for, 1,507,694 4-Acetamino-3-ethoxycarbonylamino-phenetol, see 4-Acetamino-3-carbethoxyaminophenetole 3-Acetamino-4-lactylamino-phenetole, see 38- Acetamino-4-lactyl-p-phenetidine Te prop- acetic 156 3-Acetamino-4- lactyl-p-phenetidine, properties of, 1,159,403 8-Acetamino-1 1-naphthol-3.6-disulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,216,760 p-Acetamino-phenetole, see Phenacetin Acetamino-phenol, see Hydroxy-acetanilide 4-Acetamino-phenol, see 4-Hydroxy-acetanilide p-Acetaminophenol allyl ether, see p-Allyloxy- acetanilide Acetanilid, alcoholic solution of, plastic soluble in, 1,402,969 —, antipyretic made with, 1,235,278 —, celluloid solvent, 1,408,816 —,celluloid substitute made with, 1,188,356; 1,217,027 —, cellulose acetate varnish contg., 1,298,199 —, cellulose ether solvent, 1,217,027; 1,217,028 —, cellulose nitrate gelatinizer, 1,392,851 —, cellulose nitrate, solubility of, increasing by, . 1,898,239 —,—,solution of contg., 1,472,830 —, cellulose nitrate solvent contg., 1,398,239 —, diaphragm, sound, made with, 1,472,830 —, dye from, 1,314,928 —, dyestuff, black, solvent, 1,134,486 —, enamel made with, 1,137,374 —,enamel, black, made with, 1,134,486 —,ethyl cellulose solvent, 1,188,376; 1,217,027; 1,217,028 —, ethyl starch solvent, 1,350,820 —, "filament, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —, film made with, L ,217,027 —, ’ gelatin substitute made with, 1,217,027 —, hair, artificial, made with, 1,217 028 —~ hydrogen dioxide stabilized ‘with, 1,128,637 —, lacquer made with, 1,137,374 — phenol aldehyde condensate solvent contg., 1,137,374 —,phonograph record made with, 1,158,659; 1,158,660 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,159,258 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —, starch ethers solvent, 1,350,820 —, varnish made with, 1, 137 374: 1,159,258 p-Acetaniside, N-methyl-p- acetaniside made from, 1,497 951; 1,497,252; 1,497,253 Acet-o-anisidide, "explosive ‘contg., 1,280,279 p-Acet-anisidin, see Methacetin ain Plumbicus, see Lead Acetate Acetate, acetic acid made from, 1,153,402 —, acetic anhydride made from, 1 153,402 ; 1 195,205; 1,195,227; 1,425,500; 1 430, 304 —_ , acetone "made ‘with, i ‘315, 544: 1,338, 040 — amyl acetate made ‘with, 1 1197, 019 —,anthraquinone mfr. with, 1,467 ,258 —, brass, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1 314 840: 1 314 841; 1,314,842 —, carbon, ‘absorbent, made with, 1,249,041 — ; catalyst made with, 1,502,260 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,245,975; 1 ,280,862 —, cellulose acetate, dyeing of, using, 1,366,023 —, ’ cellulose acetate solvent, i. 463,864 —, ’ cellulose esters, solvent for, contg., 1,283,183 —, cellulose ether, solvents, 1 (427 ,690 oy ; celulose nitrate solvent made with, 1,148,258 ; 1,283,183 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acetate, chlorhydrins mfr. with, 1,465,601 —, chlorhydrins as source of, 1 456, 590 —, condenser electrolyte for conte., 1,270,784 —,copper, etching of, electrolyte contg. a 1 314,839; 1,314 840: 1 314 841; 1,314,842 —, copper ‘smelter slag, treatment of using, 1 517,689 — , electrolyte for etching contg., 1,314,839; 1 314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 — , electrolytic cell, electrolyte for, 1,270,784 —., fertilizer made with, 1,254,908 —, "finish remover made with, 1 147,852; 1,167,641 —, formation of, by fermentation, accelerating, 1 459,959 —, fungicide made with, 1,254,908 —, grease remover made with, 1,496,506 —, m-hydroxybenzoic acid made with, 1,265,378 —, p-hydroxybenzoic acid made with, 1.265 '378 —,hypochlorous acid prepared with, 1,446, 873 —, insecticide made with, 1,254,908 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,245,975 —,iron(ous) sulfate made with, 1,489,417; Re-15,973 —,ivory substitute made with, 1,245,975 —,lead smelter slag, treatment of using, 1,517,689 —,leprosy, substance for treatment of, made with, 1,250,345 —, lightning arrester, 1,270,784 —, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,365,050; 1,365,051; lage ‘ —, alkali for, 1,365,050 —_—,—, ‘alkali earth ‘for, 1,365,050 —, alkyl hydrogen sulfates for, 1,865,050 —,—, apparatus for, 1,140,502 —,—, calcium acetate for, 1,865,051; 1,365,052 —,—, carbohydrates and alkalies for, 1,839,040 contg., electrolyte for, contg., 1,298,477; 1 —,—,cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,298,476; 1,298,478; 1,298,479; 1,298,480; 298,481; 1,298,594 —,—, garbage for, 1,140,502 —,—,gasolene for, 1,817,868; 1,365,051; 1,865,052 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,365,052 —,—,hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,365,050; 1,866, 051; 1,365,052 —, hydrochloric acid for, 1,365,050; 1,365,052 —, "lime for, 1,365,050 —, nitric acid for, 1,365,050 —, petroleum for, 1 1365, 050; 1,865,051 ST haeahous acid "for, 1,365 050; 1,365,052 , process for, 1, 140 502: 1 365 050; 1,365,051 ; 1,365,052; 1,502,896 —,pyrosulfuric acid for, 1,365,050 —,—, sawdust for, 1,140,502 — shale oil for, 1,365, 051 —, ‘sodium acetate for, 1,365,050; 1,865,051 J a ~~ Tee, bs , —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,365,050 ; 1,365,051 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,365,050; 1,365,051; 1,865,052 —,—,sulfuric acid, fuming, for, 1,865,050 —,—, vegetable matter for, 1,502,896 —,—,wood distillation products, 1,426,346 —, marble substitutes made with, 1,245,975 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Acetate, metatitanic acid made with, 1,489,417; Re-15,973 —, molasses contg., 1,319,151 —, molded article made ‘with, 1,427,690 a, ‘nickel, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314, 839; 1,314,840; 1,814,841; 1,314,842 —, organic, cellulose nitrate solvent contg., 1 266,073 —, phenol aldehyde condensate substitute made t yith, 1,245,975 : —, pigment made with, 1,489,417 —, plastic made with, 1,427, 690 —,proteid product made with, 1,245,975 —,rubber substitute made with, 1 245 975 —, ‘rust remover made with, 1,496, 506 — ' salicylic acid made with, 1,265 378 —, ’ solvent contg., 1,283,183 —, steel, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839 ; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,814,842 —, therapeutic compound made with, 1,250,345 —,titanium dioxide made _ with, 1,489, 417; Re-15, 973 —,treacle contg., 1,319,151 —, tuberculosis, substance for treatment of, made with, 1,250,345 —, zinc, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; - 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 Acetate (basic), catalysts consisting of, 1,345,323 Acetate acid, compound, C3sH2.Oi;N.8:, made with, 1,218,655 —,see also Acetic acid Acetatecellulose, see Cellulose acetate Acetate of lime, see Calcium acetate “Acetate liquor, ” acetic acid in, 1,192,987 —,acetone in, 1,192,987 —, calcium acetate made with, 1,192,987 —, composition of, 1,192,987 —,mfr. of, wood distillation process for, 1,192,987 —, methyl alcohol made with, 1,192,987 —, oils in, 1,192,987 —,tar in, 1, 192, 987 Acetate silk, see Filaments, artificial, cellulose acetate ; Silk, artificial, cellulose acetate Acetated castor oil, see Castor oil, acetated Acetated cellulose, see Cellulose, acetated Acetated starch, see Starch, acetated Acetated turpentine, see Turpentine, acetated Acetation, see Esterification Acetethylanilide, see Ethylacetanilide Acetic acid, abrasive, binder for, made with, 1,468,960 — , abrasive belt, water-proof, made _ with, 1,484 159 —, abrasive discs, water-proof, made with, 1,484,759 —, abrasive paper, water-proof, made with, 1,484,759 —,abrasive wheel, water-proof, made with, 1,484,759 —,acetal made with, 1,312,186 —, acetaldehyde, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,375,345 absorbed by, 1,400,205; —, acetaldehyde 1,426,449; 1,437,483 —, acetaldehyde prepared with, 1,486,550 157 Acetic acid, 4-(4-acetamino-2.3-dimethyl-5-keto- 1-pyrazoly]) -4’-(4-amino-2.3-dimethy]l-5-keto- 1-pyrazolyl)-arsenobenzene made with, 1,507,694 —,acetates made with, 1,365,050; 1,365,051; 1,365,052; 1,875,345 —, acetate liquor contg., 1,192,987 —,acetic anhydride made with, 1,136,630; 1,153,402; 1,283,115; 1,425,500 —,acetic anhydride prepared from sodium acetate and sodium pyrosulfate in, 1,430,304 —,acetic anhydride separated from, 1,311,158 —,acetin. made with, 1,146,854; 1,378,099; 1,509,864 —acetone made with, 1,315,544; 1,438,123 —,acetone, freezing point of mixture of and, 1,276,742 —,acetone and carbon dioxide from, 1,400,959 —,acetone from, process for, 1,815,525 — ’ acetyl-aminocymene made with, 1,314,923 —, acetylarsenophenylglycine made with, 1,299,215 —, 4-acetyl-benzenearsonic made with, 1,425,929 —,4-acetyl-benzenearsonic acid phenylhydra- zone made with, 1,425,929 —,acetyl chloride from, 1,359,071 —,adhesive made with, 1,168,137; 1,267,699; 1,300,250; 1,889,084; 1,485,377 —,adrenal glands treated with, 1,460,832 —, adrenaline made with, 1,399,144 — ‘airplane fabric mending composition made with, 1,389,084 1,363,768 ; —, airplane dope 1,521,055; 1,521,056 —,alcohol made with, 1,245,818; 1,438,123 —, ‘aldol made with, 1 437, 139 —, ‘aldol condensation ‘stopped with, 1,487,139 — "algae for production of, 1,371 611 —, alloy resistant to, 1 351 811 —,alkali in soap neutralized by, 1,377, 843 —,alkyl acetates made with, 1,365 050; 1 865,051; 1,365,052 — alkyl esters made with, 1,478,498 —,aluminum acetate, therapeutic compound of, solvent, 1,132 709 —, amido-derivatives of, vinyl esters prepared from, 1,425,130 — _1-amino-anthraquinone-2-aldehyde with, 1,285,726 — . m-amino-benzaldehyde made with, 1,499,761 — 8-(p-amino-benzoylamino)- 1-naphthol-3 5- disulfonic acid made with, 1,218,655 —, b- amino-a-(carboxy-trihydroxy- ‘phenyl)- ethanol made with, 1,432,291 —, 6-amino-5’ 7'-dichlor-indirubin made with, 1 ,266 092 — ,amino-naphthol sulfonic acids reduced with iron and, 1,308,071 — -n-(4'-amino- 1’-naphthy]) -p-toluenesulfon- amide made with, 1,442,818 —, 4-amino-l- (p-tolylsulfonamido)-naphtha- lene-2-sulfonic ‘acid made with, 1,442,818 —, 4-amino-1- (p-tolylsulfonamido) -naphtha- lene-6-sulfonic acid made with, 1,442,818 —, 4-amino-l- (p-tolylsulfonamido) -naphtha- lene-7-sulfonie acid made with, 1,442,818' - acid aminobiuret made with, made 158 Acetic acid, 4-amino-1-(p-tolylsulfonamido)- naphthalene-8-sulfonic acid made with, 1,442,818 —, ammonia made with, 1,206,155 —, ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,206,155 —, ammonium acetate from, 1,423,494 —, amyl acetate made with, 1,302,583 ; 1,374,666; 1,426,457 —,amylene dichloride as solvent for, 1,321,307 —,iso-amyl ester of, see iso-amyl acetate —, anhydride made with, 1,153,402 —, anhydrous, mfr. of, 1,381,782 —, anthracene disulfonic acid solvent, 1,455,448 —, anthracene solvent, 1,455,448 —,anthranilic acid made with, 1,492,664; 1,492,665 —, anthraquinone made with, 1,455,448; 1,467,258 —-, anthraquinone prepared with, 1,430,538 —,anthraquinone derivatives made 1,394,851 —,anthraquinone derivatives chlorinated in, 1,401,125 —, anthraquinone derivative solvent, 1,417,875 —, 2-a-anthraquinonyl-3-b-anthraquinonyl- 1.2.4-isonaphthotriazine made with, 1,162,496 —, arsenic compound made with, 1,512,432 —, N-(arsinos phenyl) glycyl-m’-amino- phenol solvent, 1,280,122 —, N-(p-arsinosopheny]) glycylanthranilic made with, 1,280,122 —, arsono-acetic acid made with, 1,445,685 —, N-(p-arsonophenyl)glycinamide made with, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —, N-(p-arsonophenyl)glycinanilide made with, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —, N-(p-arsonopheny]l) glycyl-m’-aminophenol made with, 1,280,121 —, N-(p- arsonophenyl) glycyl-m’-aminophenol, sodium, salt of, made with, 1,280,121 —, N-( p-arsonophenyl) -a-phenyl-glycinu- reide made with, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —, aryl derivatives of, vinyl esters prepared with, 1,425,130 — , banana plant, treatment of with 1,271,591 —, ’ barium nitrate made with, 1,273,824. — ’ battery, dry, made with, 1 283 292 : 1,303,844 ; 1 366,191 —,—, storage, rejJuvenator for, contg., 1,468,341 —, bean flour decolorized with, 1,314 ‘298 — ’ bean flour deodorized with, 1 314 298 — ’ belting made with, 1,180, 902 —, 4-benzoyl-1 -hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid made with, 1,516,376 —, benzyl acetate made with, 1,306,221 —, beverage made with, 1,164,193 —, beverage contg., 1,401,700 —, billiard ball made with 1,482,358 —, 44’-bis(4-acetamino-2.3-dimethyl-5-keto- 1-pyrazolyl)-arsenobenzene made _- with, 1,507,694 —, N.N'-bis(4-amino-1-naphthyl)-m-benzene- disulfonamide made with 1,442,818 —, N.N'-bis(4-amino-2-sulfo-1 -naphthyl)-m- benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N'-bis(4-amino-6-sulfo- 1-naphthyl)-m- benzenedisulfonamide made with 1,442,818 with, acid UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acetic acid, N.N’-bis(4-amino-7-sulfo-1-naph- thyl)-m-benzenedisulfonamide made _ with, 1,442,818 —, N.N ’-bis(4-amino-8-sulfo-1-naphthyl) -m- benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, b.b-bis-(4-hydroxy-pheny]l) -ethylamine made with, 1,482,291 —, 2.2- bis(hydroxy- ‘phenyl) propane solvent, 1 ,225,748; 1,225,749 — _ bleaching compound made with, 1,394,151 —, bleaching solution mfr. with, 1 414 039 —, blood antitoxin made with, 1 270, 270 — blood product made with, 1,380,427 — blue print paper made with, 1,500, 433 —, board made with, 1,245,984 — ’ boat mending ‘composition made with, 1,389,084 —,boiler scale 1,405,783 —, borneol made with, 1,415,340; 1,426,036 — ’ iso-bornyl acetate prepared with, 1 372, 382 —, brass, etching of, with, 1,276,599 — , bread made with, 1 355, 127 —, bread, bran, made ‘with, 1,148,815 germ, made with, 1,148, 815 —, alte: 2-hromaneieadtinone made with, 1,484,980 —, ’ brom- methyl-2-pheny]-4-quinolyl ketone made with, 1,434,306 —, button made with, 1,452,086 — , butyric anhydride ‘made ‘with, 1,153,402 — by- product in charcoal mfr., 1,458 410 ~——,cacao bean, tannic acid, removal of from, using, 1,244 995 ——, cacao bean oil made with, 1,244,995 —, ’ calcium acetate from, 1,314,765 ; 1,360,046 —, calcium carbonate solvent, 1,463,864 —, calcium hydroxide made with, 1,277,855 —,calcium hypochlorite treated with, 1,413,154 —,camphol made with, 1,478,690 —,cane, treatment of with, 1,271,591 —, ’ caoutchouc, synthetic, made with, 1,185,654 — ’ carbohydrate, nitrated, made using, 1,504, ,986 —,—,—, stabilized using, 1,504,986 —,— ’ decolorizing, made with, 1,521,541 —; carbon, decolorizing regenerated with, 1,826,159 —, carbon, vegetable regenerated with, 1,326,159 —, carbon. tetrachloride, freezing point of mix- ture of and, 1,270, 397 —,casein, vitamine free, made with, 1,505,551 —, casein. plastic contg., mfr. of, 1,452,086 —,casein precipitated by, 1,841,040; 1,360,356 —, casein solvent, 1,376,652 —,castor oil made with, 1,244,995 —,castor oll, sulfonated, neutralized with, 1,309,292 —,castor oil bean, tannic acid, removal of from, using, 1,244,995. —,catalyst, for mfr. of acetaldehyde, made with, 1,875,345 —,—, for mfr. of ammonia, made with, 1,206,155 —,—, copper arsenate made with, 1,183,316 —,—,lead arsenate made with, 1,183,316; 1 302, 186 —,—, zine arsenate made with, 1,183,316 —,—, white lead made with, 1,302,186 —, catalyst in ester mfr., 1,400,849 formation prevented using, Acetic acid, 1,454,604 i. catalysts prepared with, 1,875,345 —,cattle feed made with, 1,244 995 INDEX OF SUBJECTS catalyst in glycol preparation, —, ’ celluloid, decorating of using, 1,235,037 —,—, solvent for, made with, 1 158 217 —,—,—, contg., secondary alcohol esters of, 1, 158, 217 —, celluloid cement. made with, 1,505,820 —, ’ celluloid —, "celluloid 1,245,976 ; 1,280,862 ; —, cellulose 1,191,439; 1,265,216; - 1,280,975; 1,347,801 ; 1,456,781 ; 1,494,830 ; solvent, 1,342,267; substitute made with, 1,245,983; 1,245,984; 1,360,356; 1,363,763; acetate made with, 1,236,578; 1,236,579; 1,275,884; 1,278,885; 1,296,847; 1,330,543; 1,389,250; 1,396,878 ; 1,466,401; 1,478,137; 1,503,835; 1,514,274; 1 AD5, 510 1 245,818 ; 1,275,324; 1,427,645 1173,03605 1,263,119; 1,280,974 ; 1,338,661 ; 1,445,382 ; 1,494,816; 1,516,225 —, cellulose acetate, dyeing of using, 1,517,591; 1,517,709 —,—, hydrated solvent, 1,316,311 —,cellulose acetate coagulating bath contg., 1,467,493 —,cellulose acetate mfr., recovery from of, 1,516,225 —, cellulose acetate solvent, 1,275,884; 1,316,311; 1,342,267; 1,363,763; 1,420,028; 1,421,341; 1,457,131; 1,467,493; —, cellulose acetated with, 1,379,699 —, cellulose butyrate made with, 1,474,574 —,cellulose dissolved in phosphoric acid and, 1,296,847 —,cellulose dissolved 1,296,847 —,cellulose esters, - 1,283,183 —, cellulose ester solvent, 1,316,311; 1,389,084 —, cellulose ether solvent, 1,389,084 —, cellulose formate solvent, 1,316,311 —,cellulose nitrate explosive contg., 1,303,115 —,cellulose nitrate, solvent. for, made with, 1,158,217; 1,283,183; 1,365,051; 1,365,052 —,—,—,contg. secondary alcohol esters of, 1 158,217 —, cellulose nitrate solvent, 1,147,850; 1,148,258; in sulfuric acid and, solvent for made with, 1,342,267: 1,202,712: 1,321,633: 1,356,440 ; 1,299,479 ; 1,321,634 ; 1 421, 41 1,316,311; 1,323,624 ; 1,321,611; 1,342,267; —, cellulose nitro-acetate made with, 1,286, 025 —,cellulose prepared for acetylation with, 1,338,661 : —,cellulose prepared for butyration with, 1,425,580; 1,425,581 —, cellulose solvent contg., 1,301,652 —, cellulose sulfite liquor treated with, 1,298,478 —, ceramic ware, cleaner for, contg., 1 494, 147 —, chloracetic acid made with, 1 144 237 —,2-chlor-anthracene made with, 1 434, 980 —,chloranthracene solvent, 1,455, 448 : —, 2-chlor-anthraquinone made with, 1,434,980 —, chloro-derivatives of, see Chloroacetic acid —, 4-chlor-2.6-dinitro-aniline made with, 1 423,494 159 Acetic acid, 4-chlor-2.6-dinitro-m-phenylene- diamine made with, 1,423,494 —,chlorinated, cellulose acetate mfr. with, 1,330,548 —, 1-chloronaphthalene-3.8-dithioglycolic acid solvent, 1,444,277 —., 2-chlor-4-nitro-aniline made with, 1,423,494 —, 4-chlor-2-nitro-aniline made with, 1,423,494 —,chrome green made with, 1,484,088 —, chrome orange made with, 1,484,088 —,chrome red made with, 1,484,088 —, chrome yellow made with, 1,484,088 —, chromium compound made with, 1,162,210 —, cholesterol solvent, 1,284,724 —,chrysarobin solvent, 1,417,771 —,cigarette holder made with, 1,482,357; 1,482,358 —,clay purified using, 1,029,579; Re-14,583 —, cleaner made with, 1,201,181; 1,494,147 —,cloth, cement for, made with, 1,482,357 —,cocoanut, tannic acid, removal of from, using, 1,244,995 —, cocoanut oil made with, 1,244,995 —, compound, C1s6Hi;O.N:, made with, 1,151,885 — Cx0HisOuNa, made with, 1,285,727 a 3 C35H26017.N:8i, made with, 1,308,071 —, concentration of, 1,291,025 —,—,alum for, 1,492,717; 1,492,718 —,—,aluminum sulfate for, 1,492,717: 1,492,718 —,—,ammonium aluminum - sulfate for, 1,492,717; 1,492,718 —,—, apparatus for, 1,291,025 —,—, butyric acid for, 1,477,076 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,291,025; 1,492,717; 1,492,718 ——_,—, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,477,076 —,—,chlorbenzene for, 1,477,076 —,—, copper sulfate for, 1,492,717; 1,492,718 —,—,esters for, 1,477,076 —,—, ethers for, 1,477, 076 —_,—, hydrocarbon, acetylene, for, 1,477, 076 —, —, —, halogen derivatives of, for, 1477, 076 —,— —,nitrogen derivatives of, for, 1 Vee 7,076 = Glenn, tor, 1477076 —,—,—-,— halogen derivatives of, for, 1,477 076 —,—,nitrogen derivatives of, for, ey ‘AT, 076 =, —, paratnn, for, 1,477,076! © -—/—,—,—/halogen derivatives: )ol;e mor, 1,477, 076 : — 4 —, nitrogen ,. derivation Fol ator, Pie 14 076 —, salt cake for, 1,492,717; 1,492,718 —,iron sulfate for, 1 492, 717: 1,492 718 —’ petroleum distillate for, 1 77, 076 —, process for, 1,477,076 ; * 492, 717; 1,492,718 z. - xylene Lor, 1,477, 076 —, ’ condenser electrolyte for contg., 1,270,784 —, ’ condiment made with, 1,324,538 —, copper, etching of with, 1 276, 599 —, copper and nickel acetates from, 1,390,684 —, cordial made with, 1,158,217 —,cordial contg. secondary alcohol esters oe 1 158,217 at * ES 160 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acetic acid, corn, freezing of mixture of and, Acetic acid, dye, vegetable, applied to fabric 1,281,828 using, 1,271,067 —,—, shelled, mold prevented in with, 1,311,709 —,dyes printed with, 1,426,299 —,—, treatment of with, 1,281,828 —,dye bath constituent, 1,333,700 —; cotton, dyeing of using, 1 ,199 273; 1,485,790 —,dye bath contg., 1,417,869; 1,441,240 —,—, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1 B17 709 —, dye compound contg., 1,358,456 | —, cotton bleached with, 1,404,242 —,dye developer contg., 1,311,150 — cotton dyed with, 1,271,067 —, dyeing using, 1,199,273; 1,414,029; 1,414,030; —, cotton dyed with acridine derivatives in, 1,414,031 1,427,431 —,dyeing, celluose acetate in presence of, —,cotton fabric, wool-like effects on, made 1,378,443 d ; using, 1,518,931 —, dyeing process rate 1,333,700; wees CSAS . —,dyestuff made with, 1,127,027; 1,145,072; ne Sigor acid, removal of from, ““{ 149575; 1,160,471; 1,160,675) 16a —, cotton seed oil made with, 1,244,995 1,193,829; 1,209,163; 1,218,655; 1,221,849; Prpbarieay | Be 1,228,089; 1,245,694; 1,253,252; 1,261,858; fee oF hte s fe og 1 987.305 1,276,307; 1,285,726; 1,285,727; 1,308,071; ie Bey ae Parolj ey 1,333,807; 1,338,506; 1,340,696; 1,363,886; Bt arene COTS UEP ee 1,375,701; 1,394,823; 1,408,405; 1,429,781; —,cuprammonium cellulose precipitated with, 1,429,782: 1,436,770; 1,470,554; 1,470,555; 1,269,340 1,478,015; 1,478,039: 1,483,084; 1,500,915; —,cyanides made with, 1,206,155 1,506,316; 1,506,514; 1,518,847 —,diacetin made with, 1,509,864 ie if : —, diacetyldioxyphenylnitroethanol reduced by » dyestull, a20; ae aa ar 3 inti iy hylZ : zine and, 1,399,144 , py aN printing paste for, contg., 1,126,387 ; he (7?)-dianilino-( ??)-dichlor-N.N’-dimethyl- —, dyestuffs developed with, 1,426,299: quinone made with, 1,209,163 — electrolyte conte.’ 1,376.865) 01 aia —, 6.8-dibrom-2-(2 -thienyl)-cinchoninic acid 1,376,367; 1,376,368: 1,376,369 , made with, 1,350,408 —, electrolyte, etching, contg., 1,289,022 om dichloranthracene solvent, 1,455,448 a elateolrns cell, electrolyte for, contg., | —,2.7-dichlor-anthraquinone made with, 1,434,980 L2i07e \ : na — ti d 1 of f —.,5.7-dichloroisatin solvent, 1,434,983 orn oe rem Se —, 2.3-dichlor-juglone made with, 1,327,260 Se —,4.5-dichlor-2-nitro-aniline made with, — me, ot aG Paes for, 12 1,423,494 me hs 8 as —. die plate made with, 1,376,365; 1,376,366; a et erga com postion 10: aaa 1,376,368; 1,376,369 roy : —,8.7'-dichlor-6-nitro-indirubin made with, Se eae Gta 1,266,09 ne hemi nie. ate ; — "Uihydrodiethylsulfide acetic ester mfr. from, Ai: os ae 917 nig. eecpadaly an 4 422,869 ahi ; amet: ; ia ea , dihydroxycodeinone made with, 1,468,805 1365 052 apie 1308 1 Oe —, 5.5'-dimethyldibromindigo, reaction with, —,esters of, finish remover made with, 1 ,412,038 ~ 1,147,852 —, 2.4-dinitro-aniline made with, 1,423,494 a oe mfr. of, process for, 1,147,852 — 4.6- dinitro-m- phenylenediamine made with, — etching electrolyte contg., 1,288,775 1 423 494 | —, etching solution contg., 1,418,253 . —, distillation of, apparatus for, 1,196,329; — ethyl acetate from, 1,403,224; 1,403,225: 1,477,491 1,425,624; 1,425,625; 1,426,457 —,—, granite, Quincy, apparatus for, 1,477,491 —,ethyl alcohol made with, 1,438,123 —,—, process for, 1,196,329 —,ethyl cellulose made with, 1,188,376 —,distiller’s slops for producing, 1,344,850; —, ethyl cellulose solvent, 1,188,376 © 1,844,851 —, ethyl ether contg., impurity of, 1,189,602 —, distillery waste, producing from, 1,396,006 —, ethylidine diacetate from, 1 304, 989; —, distilling, vacuum for, 1,420,899 1 306,964; 1,351,990; 1,425,130 —, door knobs made with, 1,482,358 — , ethylidine diacetate from acetylene and, —, drying oil made with, 1 254, 866 1,351 990; 1,450,982 ae , decolorizing with carbon and, 1,447,461 oo ethylidene diacetate from vinyl acetate and, —,decolorizing-carbon from bagasse with, 1,429, 650 1,402,007 — explosive contg., 1,806,440 —., deep-sea fiber, spinning of using, 1,232,374 —, extract, flavoring made with 1,324,538 —, detergent made with, 1,241,048; 1,494,147 ~ —, ’ fabric, removing shine from using, 1,480,852 —, detonator made with, 1,498,001 —, ’ feathers, dyeing of using, 1,485,790 —, developer for dye contg., 1,811,150 —, "ferns bleached with calcium hypochlorite —, dextrin made with, 1,283,839; 1,284,120 and 1,410,226 —, dye contg.; 1,867,930 —, fibers, animal, treatment of using, 1,197,495 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 161 Acetic acid, fibers, spinning of using, 1,232,374 Acetic acid, gelatin, action on of, 1,168,137 soto, treated with, 1,350,621 gelatin, treatment of with, 1 206, 189 a, fibers treated with, 1; 180, 902 AT alata hydrolyzed with, 1 323, 951 —, ; filament, artificial, made with, 1,497 321 —,gelatin solvent, 1,299, 479: 1 342 ,267 —,—,—, Viscose, precipitated with, 1,260,508 —., glacial, acetaldehyde made with, 1,400 5205 ; <=, film made with, 1,363,763 1,454,609 _ ‘film, colorphotography, stained with, L200 252 a acetic anhydride made with, 1,430,304. —,film, motion picture, made using, 1, 170. 506 —»—, acetic arsinic acid solvent, 1,445, 685 ==, colored, made with, 1 170, 540: —,—,acetin made with, 1,378, 099 1,193, 879 —,—, acetyl iso-borneol mfr. with, 1,420 399 —,—, photographic, dyeing of, using, 1,214,940 ——> aluminum acetate, therapeutic compound —, film cement made with, 1,505,820 of, solvent, 1,132,709 pS elie dyed with, 1,305, 962 —,—, amber ‘substitute made with, 1,489,213 — ' flavoring extracts made with, 1,158,217 TR eens pean cadres a -anthraqui- — flavoring extracts contg. secondary alcohol none made with, 1,894,851 esters of 1,158,217 —, Ni rere -chlor-anthraquinone made ee with, 1,271,501 oe. amino-4-lactyl-p- henetidine made —_, "flax treated with solutions of, 1,355,571 NE ha al with, 1,159,403 RG, flies, lure for contg., 1,168,552 —,— amyl acetate made with, 1,197,019 —, ’ floor covering made with, 1,245,984 —,—,amyl cellulose solvent, 1,504, 178 as ee iernade with, 1,145,365; —*—» 2nthracene solvent, 1455448 i 167,469; 1,167,641; 1,184,16 4 ’ rat oe Sete an disulfonic acid solvent, — fire-extinguisher made with, 1,276,742; naa anthraquinone made with, 1,455,448 1,428,207 é —,—,anthraquinone derivatives made with. —,—, carbon tetrachloride and, 1,270,397 1,437,783 —, fire-proofing made with, 1,276,742 —, —, 3-b-anthraquinony]-2-phenyl-1.2.4- _—,fish-bait contg., 1,291,614 : : isonaphthotriazine made with, 1,162,496 —,food, cattle, mold prevented in, with, W— — arsenic compound made with, 1,214,924 1,311, 709 —,—, battery, dry, made with, 1,366, 298 es mold prevented in with, 1,311,709 , —, 3-benzoyl-4.5-diketo-1 (or 2) -phenyl-2 (or —,—, pigeon, mold prevented in with, 1,311,709 1)-p-tolyl-pyrrolidine made with, 1,148,637 —,—, poultry, mold prevented in with, 1 311 709 —,—, benzyl cellulose non- solvent, 1 ‘483, 738 —, food product made with, 1,245,818; 1 275, 324: —,—, benzyl cellulose solvent, 1 504, 178 1,380,427 —— biscuit, container for, made with, —,food product, vitamin free, made with, 1,488,634 1,505,551 —,—, bottle covering made with, 1,149,532 —,formaldehyde-urea condensate made with, —,—,butyl cellulose solvent, 1,504,178 1,482,857; 1,482,358 —,—,candy, container for, made with, —,formates made with, 1,206,155 1,488,634 —,formation of, 1,428,668 —,—,caoutchouc substitute made with, —,—, byproduct in decolorizing carbon mfr. ae 462 1,308,826 —,cellon treated with, 1,514,677 —,— wood for, 1,186,604 —,—, ’ celluloid, decorating of using, 1,235,037 —, formation from acetyldehyde, catalysts for, —,—,—, solvent for, made with, 1,486, 647 1,445 44 —,—, celluloid solvent contg., 1 140, 174; — formation from acetylene, 1,421,743 1,238,635 k —, ’ formation from cellulose, 1,443, 881 —,—, celluloid substitute made with, 1,216,462; —,formation from corn cobs, 1,457,484 1,217,027; 1,420,028 _ —,formation from engine. exhaust gases, —,—, cellulose made with, 1,181,857; Re-14,338 1,388,480 | —,—, cellulose acetate made with, 1,201,260; —, formation from ethyl alcohol, 1,438,123; 1,216,462; 1,217,722; 1,242,783; 1,258,918; 1 464,153 1,441 ‘BAL ie ‘457, 131; 1 ‘458, 592 a , formation from isopropyl alcohol, 1,359,099 —,—, cellulose acetate (acetone soluble), eae —,formation from potassium acetate and with, 1,241,995 carbon dioxide, 1,360,046 —, formation in distillery slop, 1,423,042 FF fosinic acid, removal of from, permanganate Re.14 338: 1,418,347 ; 1,420,028 ~ for, 1,210, 792 —,—,cellulose aceto-nitrate made with, —,—,—, process for, 1,210,792 1,168,164 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,210,792 —,—, cellulose aceto-nitrate solvent, 1,168,164 —, fungi, prevention with 1,311 709 —,—, ‘cellulose derivative made with, 1,216, 462 —, fur, dyeing of using, 1 485, 790 —,—,cellulose ether _ solvent, 1,217, 027; —, furniture polish made with, 1,350,537; 1,217,028; 1,504,178; 1,505,043 ; i 505, 044 1,396 346; 1,438,118 —,—, cellulose nitrate, solvent, "for, made with, | —, fusel oil, substitute for, made with, 1,365,051 1,486,647 x 11 . 162 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acetic. acid, glacial, cellulose nitrate solvent contg., 1,135,026; 1,418,347; 1,484,004 —,—,ceresin purified with, 1,178,532 —,—, chloranthracene solvent, 1,455,448 —,—, 1-chlor-4-hydroxy-anthraquinone made with, 1,401,125 —,—,4-chlor-m-tolyl acetate solvent, 1,498,641 —,—, 4-chlor-m-tolyl a-toluate solvent, 1,498,641 —,—,chocolate, container for, made with, 1,488,634 —,—, cholic acid formaldehyde condensate sol- vent, 1,213,261 —,—,coloring matter made with, 1,164,036; 1,164,037 ; —,—,compound, Cz2sH»OsN2S, made with 1,503,177 —,—, container made with, 1,488,634 —,copal substitute made with, 1,489,213 —,—, copying foil made with, 1,499,844 —, core compound made with, 1,514,731 —,—, diacetin made with, 1,360,759; 1,378,099 —,1A-dianilino-anthraquinone made with, 1,394,851 —,—,(?),di-anilino-N.N’-dimethyl-quinone sol- vent, 1,209,163 —,—, dibenzanthrone solvent, 1,464,598 -—, —, dichloranthracene solvent, 1,455,448 —, —, dihydro-oxycodeinon made with, 1,485,673 —,—, dihydroxy-diphenyl-dimethyl-methane solvent, 1,156,969 —, —, dihydroxy-diphenyl-dimethyl-methane aldehyde condensate solvent, 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —,—, dressing made with, 1,489,213 —,—,dyestuff made with, 1,162,496; 1,216,134; 1,429,781; 1,436,770; 1,452,805; 1,457,235; 1,461,435; 1,497,720; 1,503,177; 1,513,074; 1,513,851; 1,518,665 —,—, dyestuff, black, made with, 1,134,486 —,—,—, —, solvent, 1,134,486 —,—, electrolyte contg., 1,371,466 —,—, enamel, black, made with, 1,114,486 —,—, esters mfr. with, 1,459,971 —,—,ethyl cellulose solvent, 1,217,027; 1,217,028; 1,504,178; 1,505,043; 1,505,044 —,—, ethyl starch solvent, 1,350,820 —.,—,fabric, printing composition for, made with, 1,164,036; 1,164,037 __,—, filament, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 po 2) Alm made with, 1,216,462; 1,217,027; 1,484,004 —,—, film, motion picture, made with, 1,158,963 bd —,—,filter, ultramicroscopic, made with, 1,421,341 —,—, flavoring extract made with, 1,378,099 —,—,food product, container for, made with, 1,488,634 —,—, gelatin substitute made with, 1,217,027 —,—, grease remover made with, 1,496,506 ,—,gum, artificial, solvent, 1,225,748; 1,225,749; 1,225,750 ,—, hair, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —,hat stiffener made with, 1,489,213 —,isoborneol made with, 1,478,690 hv isoborneol acetate made with, 1,478,690 v_ wv Ne ee —,—, leather, artificial, made with, 1,217,123 —,—,manganese(ic) acetate solvent, 1,445,544 Acetic acid, glacial, manufacture of, 1,381,782 —,—, membrane, made with, 1,421,341 —,—, mercury compound soluble in, 1,457,675 —,—,methyl cellulose solvent, 1,504,178; 1,505,044 —,—,methyl 3-nitrosalicylate-5-sulfonyl chlor- ide solvent, 1,125,124 —,—, nitrogen tetroxide dissolved by, 1,837,253 —,—, 3-nitro-2.4-cresotic acid-5-sulfonyl chlor- ide solvent, 1,125,124 —,—, 3-nitro-4-lactyl-p-phenetidine made with, 1,159,403 —,—,3-nitro-salicylic acid-5-sulfonyl chloride solvent, 1,125,124 —,—, nuts, container for, made with, 1,488,634 — —,—, oxalic acid made with, 1,157,348 —,—, oxanthranol solvent, 1,455,448 ,—. paint made with, 1,164,036; 1,164,037 —,—, parting compound made with, 1,514,731. —,—, perfume made with, 1,378,099 —,—,perylene solvent, 1,454,204 —,—,phenol aldehyde condensate solvent, 1,225,748; 1,225,749; 1,225,750 —,—, phonograph record made with, 1,158,964 —,—,photo-mechanical transfer copying foil made with, 1,499,844 —,—, propyl] cellulose solvent, 1,504,178 —,—,so-propyl cellulose solvent, 1,504,178 —,—,resin, artificial, made with, 1,489,213 —,—,resin solvent, 1,355,103 —,—.rubber, artificial, made with, 1,161,904 —,—,rust remover made with, 1,496,506 —,—, saccharin made with, 1,366,349 —,—,shellac substitute made with, 1,489,213 —,—,silk, artificial, made with, 1,217,028; 1,484,004 — —,—, treatment of using, 1,500,255 —,—,sludge sulfonic acid, nitrated product from, made with, 1,211,721 —,—, stain, black, made with, 1,134,486 —,—, starch, soluble, made with, 1,207,177 —,—,starch ethers solvent, 1,850,820 —,—, tanning compound made with, 1,414,045 —,—, tanning-substance purified with, 1,414,045 —, —, 6.11-dione made with, 1,417,875 —,—, tooth brush made with, 1,238,635 —,—, triacetin made with, 1,360,759 —,—,o-trimethylacetoxy-benzoic acid made with, 1,838,297 —,—, varnish made with, 1,216,462 —,—,varnish, black, made with, 1,134,486 —,—, wool, treatment of using, 1,500,255 —,—,see also Acetic acid, concentrated —, glass, cleaner for, contg., 1,494,147 _ —,glass etching paste made with, 1,470,772 —,glass, unbreakable, made with, 1,342,267 —,glue, animal, treatment of with, 1,206,189 —,glue cleared with, 1,413,984 —,glue, hydrolyzed, made with, 1,206,189; 1,323,951 —,glue precipitating compound made with, 1,222,033 —, gluten treated with, 1,330,058 —,glyceride of, butter substitute made with, 1,190,369 INDEX OF Acetic acid, glyceride of, cream, artificial, made with, 1,190,369 —, glycerine-esters, see Glycerol acetate —,glycerol acetated with, 1,360,759 —,glycerol esters of, see Acetin; Duacetin; Triacetin ; ; —,glycerol, freezing point of mixture of and, 1,276,742 —, glycerol synthesized with, 1,466,665 —,glyceryl triacetate mfr. with, 1,456,782 —,glycol made with, 1,215,903; 1,454,604 —,gum, artificial, made. with, 1,225,748; 1,225,749; 1,225,750 —,gum solutions neutralized by, 1,365,891 - —,hair treated with zinc and, 1,331,609 —,halogenated, cellulose acetate mfr. with, 1,457,131 —, handle made with, 1,482,357; 1,482,358 —, hat, hemp braid, dyeing of using, 1,206,189 —,—,—, sizing of using, 1,206,189 —, hat sizing made with, 1,224,125 —,hat, straw, dyeing of using, 1,206,189 —,—,—, sizing of using, 1,181,202; 1,206,189 —,hemp, treatment of with, 1,271,591 —, Hessian fly, lure for contg., 1,168,552 —, hexyl acetate made with, 1,365,051 —, Hirsute, treatment of using, 1,197,495. ~~ — hog cholera antitoxin made with, 1,270,270 —,horn substitute made with, 1,860,356 —,horse hair, artificial, made with, 1,497,321 —, hydrochloric acid, removal of from, process for, 1,514,274 —,—,—, sodium acetate for, 1,514,274 —, hydrogen dioxide made with, 1,273,824 —,o-hydroxy benzyl alcohol made _ with, 1,317,276 ; —, p-hydroxy-benzy] 1,317,276 —, 4-hydroxy-1-naphthyl phenyl ketone made with, 1,516,376 —, 3-hydroxy-4’ .4”-tetraethyldiamino-tripheny]- carbinol disulfonic acid made with, 1,478,015 —,hypophysis extract, action of on, 1,296,064 —, ink contg., 1,309,292 —, ink resistant to, 1,420,289 —, insects, lure for contg., 1,168,552 —, insecticide made with, 1,511,623; 1,512,432 -—, insulating composition applied with, 1,381,118 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,159,257; 1,165,164; 1,245,976; 1,245,980; 1,245,981; 1,245,984; 1,360,356; 1,452,086; 1,474,482 —, invertase made using, 1,502,207 —, Iron, coating of, using, 1,233,633 —,—, coloring of, using, 1,233,633 —,—, pickling of, using, 1,460,395 —,—, rust-proofing with, 1,320,734 —,—, rust removal from using, 1,470,225 —, —, rusting of, prevented by, 1,215,471 —,lron_ rusted with composition 1,289,855 —, iron treated with solution contg., 1,289,855 —, iron alloy, pickling of using, 1,460,395 —, Iron alloy resistant to the action of, 1,493,191 —, iron-plating, electrolyte ingredient, 1,444,887 1,181,202; alcohol made with, contg., SUBJECTS 163 Acetic acid, isoborneol acetate made with, 1,420,399 —,isonitrosomethyl 2-phenyl-4-quinolyl ke- tone made with, 1,434,306 —,lvory, imitation, made with, 1,482,357; 1,482,358 —, ivory nut, treatment of with, 1,260,327 —,ivory substitute made with, 1,245,976: 1,360,356 ; 1,482,357 —, Juglone halogenated in, 1,327,260 —, 4-(g-keto-A*-butenyl)-benzonearsonic acid methylphenylhydrazone made with, 1,425,929 ~~, ketone-aldehyde condensate made with, 1,482,929 —, knife handle made with, 1,452,086 —, koji made with, 1,263,817 —,lacquer made with, 1,245,818; 1,245,982; 1,275,324; 1,427,645 —, lactic acid made with, 1,193,951 —, latex coagulated with, 1,423,525; 1,423,526 —, latex treated with, 1,332,925 —, latex, vulcanized, coagulated by, 1,443,149 —, laundering composition made with, 1,514,067 —, lead, coating solution contg., 1,371,445 —,—, orange, copper oxide, removal of from by, 1,128,961 —,—,—,Iron oxide removal of from by, 1,128,961 —,—,—,lead monoxide, removal of from by, 1,128,961 —,—,—,zine oxide, 1,128,961 —,—, plating with, 1,405,167 —, lead produced with, 1,480,110 —,—, red, copper oxide, removal of from using, 1,128,961 —,—,—,iron oxide, removal of from using, 1,128,961 1,245,981 ; removal of from by, —,—,—, lead monoxide, removal of from using, 1,128,961 —,—,—,zine oxide, removal of from using, 1,128,961 —,—, white, made with, 1,141,177; 1,144,701; 1,152,693; 1,163,052; 1,196,595; 1,202,262; 1,203,911; 1,214,229 —, lead acetate made with, 1,148,062; 1,387,212; 1,460,898 —, lead arsenate made with, 1,228,516; 1,344,035; 1,387,212; 1,427,049; 1,484,088; 1,512,432 —,lead arsenate (PbHAsO.), made _ with, 1,344,035 —, lead arsenate [Pb:(AsQ.)2], made with, 1,344,035 —,lead carbonate made with, 1,203,911 —,lead chromate made with, 1,168,417; 1.225.374; 1,484,088 —, lead ore sulfidized in presence of, process for, 1,452,662 —,lead ore treated with calcium sulfide and, 1,452,662 —,lead trinitroresorcinate mfr. with, 1,443,328 —,leather, artificial, made with, 1,140,174; 1,180,902; 1,245,818; 1,245,977; 1,275,824; 1,365,891; 1,427,645 —,leather imitation filler treated with, 1,436,106; 1,436,107 is 164 Acetic acid, leather roller treating composition contg., 1,403,944 —,leather treated with sodium silicate and, 1,404,633 —, leather substitute made with, 1,174,734 —,leprosy, substance for treatment of, made with, 1,250,845 — , leucocytie extract made with, 1,171,299 —, light transforming composition made with, 1 188,655; 1,188,775; 1,188,776; 1,188,777 — lightning arrester electrolyte for contg., 1 ,270,784 —, limonene made with, 1,289,444 —, ’ linen, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —, ‘linoleum, drying oil for, made with, 1 ‘254, '866 — linoleum substitute made with, 1,245, 978; 1 245,984; 1,427,645 —, linseed oil substitute made with, 1,254,866 — ’ liquor made with, 1,158,217 —, liquor contg. secondary alcohol esters of, e 158,217 — , lithographic engraving made using, 1,129,901 —,lymph-gland extract made with, 1,216, 046 —, mfr. of, 1,410,207 —,—, acetaldehyde for, 1,174,250; 1,179,420; 1,179,421; 1,193,795; 1,230,899; 1,286,255; - 1,286,256; 1,308,173; 1,310,748; 1,315,546; 1,409,098; 1,437,483; 1,472,115; 1,481,326 —,— acetate for, 1 153, 402 —,—, acetone for, 1,488, 278 —, —, acetyl chloride for, 1,123,572 ° 1,128,780 ; 1,431,301; 1,159,376 ; 1,471,058 ; -—,.—-,acetylene for, 1,174,250; 1,425,500; 1,485,706 —,—, acid for, 1,129,542 —,—,air for, 1,174,250; 1,286,255; 1,286,256; 1,808,178; 1,437,483 —,—, alkalies for, 1,838,040 —,—, alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,178,223 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,178,223; 1,201,850 —,—, aluminum apparatus for, 1 ‘481 326 —,—, ammonium caseinate for, 1 214 18 —,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,178,223 —,-——, ammonium persulfate for, 1,128,780 ammonium phosphate for, 1,214,518 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Pam tert-amyl alcohol for, 1, 123, 572 a 1,129,542; —,apparatus for, ip 143, 319; 1,250,282 : 1,339,489 ; 1,481,326; 1,504,385 ; 1,157,316; 1,315,543; 1,400,852; 1,485,706; 1,510,730 1,196,329; 1,315,546; 1,431,301 ; 1,488,278; —,—, arabinose for, 1,485,844 —,—,arrowroot starch for, 1,214,518 —,—, asbestos for, 1,201 850; —, —, bacteria, ensilage, ‘for, 1,400 852 —,—, —, garden soil, for, 1 400, 852 —, erape-fruit, for, 1,400,852 —, herbaceous animal feces, for, 1,400,852 —, sauer-kraut, for, 1,400,852 b Or eh i) —,—, banana for, 1,214 518 —,— banana plant ‘for, 1,271,591 —,—, ’ bark for, 1,178 293 soa —,swamp, for, 1,400,852 —,— ’ barley for, 1 214 18 cs, beech wood for, 1,178,223 1,140,502; 1,225,226: 1327737; 1,471,058 ; 1,495,461; 1 ATI 058 —,—, Beni-Hinoki wood chips for, 1,521,541 een acid, mfr. of, blau gas for, 1,865,053 —, Burton oil for, 1,365,053 —,—, calcium acetate for, 1,153,402 ; ple 329 ; 1 463, 209; 1,463,212 —,—, calcium bisulfite for, 1,129,542 —, —, calcium carbonate for, 1,283,188 ; 1,327,737; 1,400,852; 1,485,844; 1 004,385 —, —, calcium chloride for, "1,282,805 ; 1,504,385 —,—,calcium hydroxide ffor, 1,129,542; 1,178,228; 1,485,844 —,—, calcium hypochlorite for, 1,359,099 —,—,calcium oxide for, 1,327, 137: 1; 504,385 ; 1,510,284 —,—,calcium permanganate as catalyst for, 1,179,420 —,—, cane for, 1,271,591 —,—,carbohydrate for, 1,283,183; 1,338,040 ,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,201,850 —,—, carbon electrode for, 1,365,053 1,327,737 ; —, carbon monoxide for, 1,201,850 —, casein, salt of, for, 1.214 518 —,—, cassava starch for, 1 ‘214, 018 —,—,cellulose for, 1,129,542; 1,827,737; 1,471,058; 1,488,278 —,—, cellulose ester for, 1,471,058 —,cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,298,478 —,—, cereal for, 1,214,518 —, cerium for, 1,201,850 —,—, cerium compound for, 1,201,850 —,—,cerium compound as catalyst for, 1,179,420 —, cerium oxide for, 1,201,850 —, cerium oxide as catalyst for, 1,286,256 —,—, cerium salt for, 1,315,548 ; 1 Bib, 546 —,—, chalk for, 1,283, 183 —, ’ charcoal for, 1,230,899 —,—, charcoal as catalyst carrier for, 1,437,483 —, —, chloracetic acid for, 1,174,250: —,—, chromium for, 1,201 850 —,—, chromium as catalyst for, 1,437,483 —,—,chromium compound for, 1 201 850 —,—,chromium compound as ‘catalyst for, 1,179, 420 —,—, chromium oxide for, 1,201,850 : —,—,chromium oxide as catalyst for, 1,286,256 —,—, Clay for, 1,159,376; 1,504,385 : —,—, cobalt for, 1,201,850 —,—, cobalt compound for, 1,201,850 —,—, cobalt oxide for, 1 201 850 —,—-, copper, iron coated with, for, 1,201,850 —,—-, copper as catalyst for, 1 437 483 —,—, copper cathode for,1 159 376 —,—, copper oxide as catalyst for, 1,286,256 —,—,corn for, 1,214,518 re — corn cobs for, 1,457,484; 1,516,701 —,—, corn grits for, 1,214,518 —, corn stover for, 1,485,844 —,—, cotton seed hulls for, 1,485,844 —,—, ’ diatomaceous earth for, 1 201 850 —,—, distillery slop for, 1,283, 183 —,—, distillery waste for, 1,396,368 ; 1,400,852 —,—, electrode for, 1,471,058 1,241,789; 1,485,544 ; —,—,electrolytic process for, 1,365,053 —,esparto for, 1,271,591 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Acetic acid, mfr. of, ethyl alcohol for, 1,193,795. 1,225,226; 1,272,276; 1,437,483 —,—,ethylene for, 1,315,543; —,—, ethylidene 1,429,650 —-,—,ferment, butyric, for 1,283,183 —,—,—-, lactic, for, 1,283,183 —,—,—, ’ Bacillus nutyrious, for, 1,283,183 —,—, ferrosilicon for, 1,471,058 —,—, flax for, 1,271,591 —,—,garbage for, 1,307,992 —,—, gasolene for, 1,365,053 —,—, glass for, 1 230, 899 —,—, glucose for, 1 485, 844 —,—, glucose and mannitic leaven for, 1,175,747 —,glycerol for, 1,146,854 _ >, gold for, 1,47 1 058 ha granite for, 1 ‘488, 278 —, graphite for, 1 A71 ,058 —,—, hay for, 1,178,223 —,—, hemp for, 1,271,591 —,—,hempaku wood chips for, 1,521,541 —,—, hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,365,053 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,214,518; 1,283,183; as 209; 1,463,212 —, hydrochloric acid and wood for, 1,259,277 —, hydrogen for, 1,201,850 —, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,128,780 —, iron for, 1,471,058 —,—, iron, copper coated, for, 1,201,850 —,—, +, iron alloy, aluminum in, for, 1,471,058 —,—, —, nickel in, for, 1,471,058 —, iron as catalyst for, 1 437 483 —,—, iron compound as catalyst for, 1,179,420 —,—, iron oxides for, 1,174,250 —, iron oxide (Fe:0.) for, 1,174,250 —— ® iron (ic) acetate for, 1,308, 173 — iron (ic) acetate, basic, for, 1,308,173 —, iron(ic) oxide for, 1 308, 173 —, lactic acid for, 1, 214 518 —,—, ; Lactobacillus pentoaceticus for, 1,485,844 —} lactose for, 1,485,844 — ‘lead cathode for, 1,159,376; 1,431,301 —, lead electrode for, 1,365,053 1,315,546 diacetate’ for, 1 306, 963 ; 1,140,502; 1,307,991; a ie a J J J ~e J sj — e fh Be —,—,lead peroxide anode for, 1,315,543; 1,315,546 —,—, leaves for, 1,178,223 —,—,levulose and mannitic leaven for, 1,175,747 —,lime for, 1,339,489; 1,400,852; 1,510,284 —,—, limestone for, 1,485,844; 1,504,385 —,—, magnesia for, 1,201,850 —,—, magnetite anode for, 1,315,543; 1,315,546 —,—, manganese for, 1,201,850 —_—,— a acetate as catalyst for, 1,179,42 —,—, ee ass benzoate as catalyst for, 1,179,420 —,—,manganese butyrate as catalyst for, 1,179,420 —,—, manganese compound for, 1,201,850 —,—,Manganese compound as catalyst for, 1,179,420 —,—, Manganese 1,179,420 formate as catalyst for, 165 Acetic acid, mfr. of, manganese lactate as ae for, 1,179,420 —,—, Manganese oxide for, 1,201,850 —,—,mannitic leaven and ‘glucose for, 1,175,747 —,—,mannitic leaven and levulose for, 1 175, 747 —,—,mercury for, 1,128,780; 1,159,376; 1,431,301 —,—,mercury cathode for, 1,431,301 —,—,mercury compound for, 1,128,780; 1,471,058 —,—, mercury oxide for, 1,431,301 —,—,mercury salt for, 1,174, 250: 1,431,301 ,»—, mercury sulfate for, 1,431, 301 —,—, mercury (ic) oxide for, 1,159,376; 1,174,250; 1,471,058 —,—, mercury (ic) phosphate for, 1,174,250 —,—,mercury(ic) sulfate for, 1 174 ,250; 1,315,543; 1,315,546 —, —, mercury (ous) oxide for, 1,174,250 —,—,mercury(ous) phosphate for, 1,174,250 —,—,mercury(ous) sulfate for, 1,174,250 —,—, molasses for, 1,283,183 —,—, molybdenum for, 1,201,850 1,128,780 ; —, molybdenum compound for, 1,201,850 —, molybdenum oxide for, 1,201 850 —,nickel as catalyst for, 1,437 483 —,—, ’ nitrogen tetroxide for, 1,337,253 —, oats for, 1,214,518 —, oak, white, for, 1,488,278 —,—, olefines for, 1,365,053 —,—, osmium for, 1,201,850 —,—, osmium compound for, 1,201,850 —,osmium oxide for, 1,201 850 —, ’ oxide for, 1,471 058 —, oxygen f or, 1,174,250; 1,179,420; ~ 4.995,936 ; 1,230,899; 1,286,255; 1,286,256; bee Tia ie 1.265,058 —, palladium for, 1,201,850: —, OW alediin compound for, 1,201 850 —,—, palladium oxide for, 1,201 850 —,—, paper for, 1,471,058 —, paraffin for, 1,463 209 —, paraffin oil ‘used in, 1,381,782 —,peat for, 1,148,319; 1,495,461; pelt, 284 —, pentoses for, 1,485,844 —, peracetic acid for, 1 179,421 SV neroxide for, 1,471 058 —,—, permonosulfuric acid for,.1,128,780 —,persulfates for, 1,128,780 —, persulfurie acid for, 1,128,780 —, petroleum for, 1,365, 053 —, phosphate minerals for, 1,282,805 phosphoric acid for, 1,159, 376: 1,174,250; 271,071 ; 1,283,183; 1,431,301 : 1,471,058 —, phosphoric acid and wood for, 1,259,277 —, pine wood for, 1,178,223 —,Pintsch gas for, 1,365, 053 —,—, ’ platinum for, 1,471,058 —, platinum anode for, 1,159,376; 1,315,543; 1,315,546; 1,431,301 —,—, platinum as 1,286,256 —,—, platinum cathode for, 1,431,301 —, platinum electrode for, 1,365,053 ,, ,—, porcelain as catalyst carrier for, 1,437,483 1,504,385 ; | | a | | J] ~~ | ~ “| —~ ~~ catalyst for, 1,286,255; 166 Acetic acid, mfr. of, potassium acetate for, 1,521,541 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,201,850 —,—, potassium caseinate for, 1,214,518 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1 ‘178, 223 —,—, potassium minerals for, 1,282 805 —, —, potassium permanganate for, 1,488,278 —,—, potassium permanganate as catalyst for, 1,179,420 —,—, potassium persulfate for, 1,128,780 —, potato starch for, 1,214,518 —,—, pottery for, 1 230 899 —,—, process for, Li t23572: 1,128,780; 1,129,542; 1,140,502 ; 1,143,319; 1,157,316; 1,159 376: 1,174,250; 1,178,228; 1,179,420; 1,193,795: 1,196,329: 1.201850: 1214518: 1 "995 226 : 1,230,899; 1,241,789; 1,250,282; 1 ‘271 91; 1,282,805; 1,283,183; 1,286,255; 1 286 956: 1,308,173; 1,315,548; 1,315,546; t 327 737; 1,839,489; 1,859,099; 1,365,053; 1,400,852; 1,431,301; 1,437,483; 1,457,484; 1,463,209; 1,463,212: 1,471058: 1.481.326: 1 ‘485, 706; 1,485,844; 1,488,278; 1,495,461; 1,504,385; 1,510,284: 1510730: 11516,701: 1,521, 541 kane zso-propyl alcohol for, 1,359,099 —, pumice for, 1,201,850 —,—, pumice as catalyst carrier for, 1,437,483 —,—, pyroligneous liquors for, 1,371 461 —,—,rice for, 1,214,518 —, root for, 1 214 018 —,—, rye for, 1214, 518 —,—, sago starch for, 1,214,518 —,—,sawdust ffor, 1,140,502; 1,282,805; 1,327,737 —,—, seaweed for, 1,305,058 —,—, ’ sodium acetate for, 1,153,402; 1,188,740; 1,337,253 1,178,223 ; —,—, sodium carbonate _for, 1,178,223 ; 1,400,852 —,—, sodium caseinate for, 1,214,518 —,—, sodium hydroxide TOT, ) 14178,223 1,201,850 —,—, starch for, 1,214,518 —,—, steel for, 1,471 058 —,—, straw for, 71 178 223; 1,485,844 —,—, ‘sulfuric acid for, iM 128, 780: 1,129,542; 1,159,376; 1,174,250; 1,188,740; 1,196,329 ; 1,283,183: 1,315,543: 1,315,546; 1,339,489; 1,365,053; 1,431,301; 1,463,209; 1,463,212; 1,485,844 —,—, sulfuric acid and wood for, 1,259,277 —,—,sulfurous acid for, 1,129,542 —,—, tallow for, 1,463 209 —,—, tar for, 1 327, 737 —, —., terra cotta as 1,437,483 —,—, thread for, 1,471,058 —, —, titanium for, 1,201 850 —,—, titanium compound for, 1,201,850 —,—., titanium oxide for, 1,201 850 —, trichloracetic acid. for, 1 179,420 —,— —, tuber for, 1,214,518 —,—, uranium compound as 1,179,420 —,—, uranium oxide as catalyst for, 1,286,256 —,— ’ uranium (ic) oxide for, 1,174 250 catalyst carrier for, catalyst for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acetic acid, mfr. 1,463,209 —,—, vanadium compound as catalyst for, ft 179,420 —,—, vanadium oxide as catalyst for, 1,286,256 —,—, vanadium pentoxide for, 1 174,250 —,—, water for, 1,129,542; 1 174 ,250; 1,271,071 —,—, wax for, 1,463, 209 —,—, wheat for, 1 214 018 of, vacuum distillation of, —,—, whey for, 1 283, 183 —,—, whiskey, sour mash, for, 1,283,183 —,—, wood for, 1,129,542; 1, 157, 316; ie 178,223 ; 1,241, 789; 1 250 283; 1 271, 591; 1 289 (805 ; 1,259 ‘277: 1 B27, 737 : 1,339,489 ; 1,363,730; ; mG 887; 1 488 278; 1,510,730 —, wood, hard, for, 1,241 789 —, —, wood distillation for, 1,397,181 —,—, wood grinding waste water for, 1,339,489 —,wood pulp for, 1,178,223 —, wood tar for, 1 271 071 —,—, wood and hydrochloric acid for, 1,259,277 —,—, wood and phosphoric acid for, 1,259 277 —,—, wood and sulfuric acid for, 1 259 277 —,—, wool for, 1,471,058 —,—, xyloid lignite for, rent 085 —, xylose for, 1 485,844 —, yeast maker's slop for, 1,283,183 “yeast water” for, 1 214 518: 1,485,844 —,—, , zeolite, artificial, as catalyst for, 1G 193 195 —;—, 2m for, 1201, 850 —,—, Zine carbonate for, 1,283,183 —, zine compound for, 1 201 850 —,—, zine oxide for, 1 201 850 —, manganese dioxide made with, 1,330,738 —,maple syrup prepared with, 1,467,022 —,meat preservative prepared with, 1,402,354 — ’ mending composition made with, 1 389, 084 —, mercury acetate from, 1,304,989 —, metal, etching of with, 1,276,599 —, metal cleaned with, 1,334,092 —,methyl acetate from, mfr. 1,400,850; 1,400,851; 1,426,457 —,a-(a' -methylamino- ethyl) -benzyl alcohol made with, 1,356,877 —, 2-methyl- 3 -butin-2-ol made with, 1,169,341 —, methyl cellulose made with, 1,188,376 , —, molasses, feed contg., mold prevented in, with, 1,311,709 —,mold, prevention of with, 1,311,709 —, mold prevented from growing with, 1,318,174 of, 1,400,849; —,molded article made with, 1,360,356; 1,427,645; 1,452,086; 1,482,357; 1,482,358; 1,511,003 —,monochloracetic acid from, 1,304,108 —,mordant, chromium compound as, with, 1,162,210 —,moth millers, lure for, contg., 1,168,552 —, mouth wash contg., 1,275,275 —, naphthalene-2.6-dithioglycolic acid crystal- lized from, 1,444,277 —,2.1-naphthoxythiophene solvent, 1,434,983 —, neutralizing vegetable glue with, 1,378,078 —, ‘nickel acetate from, 1,390,686 —) ’ nickel plating electrolyte’ contg., 1,373,837 —, nickel plating solution contg., 1,379 050 —, ’ nitration process using, 1,283,617 made ] 4 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Acetic acid, p-nitroacetanilide reduced by iron and, 1,358,324 —,p-nitro acetyl amino cymene dissolved by, 1,306,512 —,2-nitro-aniline made with, 1,423,494 —, 10-nitro-anthrone made with, 1,150,152 —,nitro-compound made with, 1,283,617 —,nitrocymene made with, 1,314,920 —,nitrodextrin made using, 1,504,986 —,nitrodextrin stabilized using, 1,504,986 —, nitrogen fixation process using, 1,206,155 —,nitrogen pentoxide made with, 1,153,402 —, nitro-glycerol made with, 1,283,617 —,nitrostarch made using, 1,504,986 —,nitrostarch stabilized using, 1,504,986 —,oil, vegetable, made with, 1,244,995 —,—,—, drying, substitute made with, 1,254,866 —,oil cloth, imitation, made with, 1,140,174 —,olefines esterified with, 1,365,052 —,oleoresin, paste made with, 1,324,538 —,opium extract made with, 1,243,729 —,ornament made with, 1,482,857; 1,482,358 —,oxanthranol solvent, 1 455,448 —,oxycholesterol made with, 1,284,724 —,oxy-derivatives of, vinyl esters prepared from, 1,425,130 —,oxy-mercury nitrophenolates mfr. with 1,390,972 - —, paint, undercoating composition for, made with, 1,425,510 —,paint remover made with, 1,147,848, 1,147,849; 1,147,850; 1,165,148; 1,184,164; 1,201,181 —,palm oil made with, 1,244,995 —,palm nut, tannic acid, removal of from, using, 1,244,995 —,paper made _ with, _ 1,502,686 —, paper, cement for, made with, 1,482,357 —,—, dyeing of using, 1,485,790 —,—, grease-proof, made with, 1,476,562 —,—, parchmentized, made with, 1,333,465 —,—, photographic, printing and transfer, made with, 1,299,479 —,—,—, transfer, made with, 1,299,479 —,—,safety, made with, 1,177,787 —,—,—, adhesive, made with, 1,177,787 —,—, water-proof, made with, 1,476,562 —,paper parchmentized by thiocyanates and, 1,333,465 —,parazene dissolved by, 1,340,696 —, Paris green made with, 1,512,432 —, peanut, tannic acid, removal of from, using, 1,244,995 —, peanut oil made with, 1,244,995 —, pectin extracted with, 1,885,525 —,perylene made with, 1,384,615; 1,454,204 —, pharmaceutical product made with, 1,218,209 1,229,422; 1,500,500 ; —,phenol aldehyde condensate solvent, Re-14,530; 14,531; (1,087,422); 1,225,748; 1,225,749; 1,225,750; 1,414,189; 1,505,382 —, phenol aldehyde condensate substitute made with, 1,245,976; 1,360,356 —,phenylnitropropanol reduced by zine and, 1,356,877 —,phosphorus, vanadium solutions, removal from of, using, 1,421,191 167 Acetic acid, phosphorus made from, 1,359,071 —, photograph, colored, made with, 1,170,540; 1,256,675 —;—,copper silver compound print, toning of with, 1,473,568 —,—,mercury silver compound print, toning of with, 1,473,568 —,—,motion, colored, made with, 1,256,675 —,—,silver bromide print, toning of with, 1,473,568 —,—,silver chloride print, toning of with, 1,473,568 —,—, silver 1,473,568 —,—,silver ferrocyanide print, toning of with, 1,473,568 —, photographic emulsions dyed with, 1,417,328 —, photographic film dyed with fuchsin using, 1,300,616 —, photographic film treated with, 1,441,615 —, photographic fixing bath contg., 1,411,687 —, photographic image bleached with, 1,411,968 oxychloride iodide print, toning of with, —,photographic image, dyeing of, using, 1,214,940 —,photographic negatives stripped with, 1,428,009 —, photographic print made with, 1,494,203 —,photographic print, colored, made _ with, 1,160,288: 1,166,121; 1,166,122; 1,166,123; 1,247,116 —,motion, colored, made with, 1,166,121; 1,166,122; 1,166,123 —,photographic print paper, transfer, made using, 1,228,680 —,photographic reproduction, colored, made with, 1,193,879 —,photography, colored, process for using, 1,196,080 —,—,color, process for using, 1,516,824 —,picric acid made with, 1,283,617 —,pigment made with, 1,484,088 —,pinene hydrochloride treated in presence of, 1,872,382 —,pipe bowl made with, 1,482,357 —,pipe mending composition made 1,389,084 —,pipe stem made with, 1,482,357; 1,482,358 —,plastic made with, 1,180,902; 1,245,981 ; 1,245,984; 1,360,356; 1,389,084; 1,452,086; 1,474,482; 1,482,929 —, plastic composition made with, 1,295,533 —,plastic dissolved in acetone and,. 1,295,533 —, plastic soluble in, 1,402,969 with, —,nlate, printing, made with, 1,252,800; 1,276,599 —,polish made with, 1,222,441; 1,314,482; 1,356,075; 1,400,826; 1,415,570; 1,474,133 —, polishing composition contg 1,356,075 —, pontianak resin, separation trom of, 1,179,413 —, potassium phosphate (KH:PO.) made with, 1,150,899; 1,150,900 —, potassium salts liberated from leucite by, 1,418,356 —, preparation from acetylene, 1,431,301 —, printing plate made using, 1,496,268 —,propanediol made with, 1,215,903 t+ 168 Acetic acid, propionic anhydride made with, 1,153,402 —,proteid made with, 1,275,324 —, proteid animal, hydrolyzed with, 1,323,951 —,proteids precipitated by, 1,427,645 —,proteid product made with, 1,245,818; 1,245,976; 1,245,981 —, pungent compound made with, 1,329,272 —, purification of, calcium chloride for, 1,457,484 —,—, process for, 1,457,484 —,—,skins for, 1,457,484 —,—, ‘sodium chloride for, 1,457,484 —,quebracho tanning compound made with, 1,241,950 —, radium compound made with, 1,154,230 —,rat poison contg., 1,372,092; Re-15,130 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,413,984; 1,482,358 —,recovery of, apparatus for, 1,314,765 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,314,765 —,—,during cellulose acetate mfr., 1,494,830 —,—, from distillery waste, 1,426,457 —,—,from tanning extract, 1,314,765 —, resin, artificial, not attacked by, 1,489,744 —, rosin "made with, 1,511,461 —,rosin, amino derivative prepared with, 1,414,164 —,rosin nitrated, solvent, 1,414,164 —, rosin nitrated in, 1,414,164 —,rubber, artificial, made with, 1,289,444 —,— hard, coated with gold, using, 1,472,244 —,—,—, coated with metal, using, 1,472, 244 —,—,—, coated with platinum, using, 1,472 ,244 —,—,—, coated with silver, using, 1,472 244 1,494,816 ; 1,275,324; —,—,—, coated with tin, using, 1,472, 244 —,—,—, ’ solvent, 1,472, 244 — imitation, made with, 1,245,818 oa a spongy, made with, 1 156, 184 —,—, synthetic, made with, 1 436, 819 —,—, vulcanization of, use of, 1,323,951 —,—,vulcanized, collodial, made 1,448,149; 1,502,686 —,rubber composition contg., 1,300,263 —,rubber latex coagulated with, 1,380,640 —, rubber latex, Hevea Brasiliensis, coagulation of using, 1 145, 351; 1,145,352; 1, 146 851 —,—, Para, coagulation of using, 1,145,351; 1 145 802; 1,146,851 —, rubber latex treated with, 1,832,925 — rubber mending composition made with, A 889,084 —, rubber regenerated with phenylenediamine and, 1,340,777 with, —, rubber substitute made with, 1,159,257; 1 174,734; 1,180,902; 1,245,976; 1,245,979; 1 "245 ‘984: 1,427,645: 1,471,059 —, rust made with, 1,215,471 —,rust-resistant coatings 1,440,092 —, saccharin mfr. with, 1,366,349 —,sand paper made with, 1 468 5960 —, sausage casing made with, 1,204 812 —, secretin made with, 1,181 424 —, shark skins de-armored with, 1,395,773 produced with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acetic acid, shark skin dermal armor removed with, 1 412 968 —, shellac substitute made with, 1,482,929 —, ‘shoe sole made with, 1,174,734 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,497,321 —,—,-—, cellulose acetate, made with, 1,363,763 —,—,—,—, dyeing of using, 1,517,581; 1,517,709 —,—,fabric contg., dyeing of using, Ay ‘B17 709 —,—, —, viscose, 1,226,178 —,—,—, waterproofing of using, 1,377,110 —, silk dyed with, 1,446,860 —, silk, dyeing of using, 1,199,273; 1,209,423; 1 485, 790; 1,492,094; 1,495, 614 —,—, raw, ‘dyeing of using, 1,486 ,292 —,— ’ waste, spinning of using, 1 232 ot4 —, "silk treated with, 1,446,860; 1 457 ,607 —, ‘silver alcohols prepared with, 1,413,151 —, Sizing made with, 1,224,125 —, soap, laundry, made with, 1,241,043 —,sodium phosphate (NaH2PQO.), made with, 1,150,899; 1,150,900 —,sodium silicate decomposed by, 1,404,633 —,solubility of phenylquinolyimethylketone hydrobromide in, 1,484,306 —, solvent made with, 1 283, 183 —, ’ solvent for, amylene dichloride as, 1,821,307 © —,— , butylene dichloride as, 1,321,307 —,—, chloroform as, 1,321 307 —,—, ethylene dichloride as, 1,321,307 —,—, olefin dichloride as, 1,321 307 —,—, propylene dichloride as, 1,321 307 —.souring composition made with, 1,514 ,067 —, soya beans deodorized with, 1 433, 168 —,spleen extract prepared with, 1 ‘437 951 —, sponge, artificial, made with, 1 142 619 —, starch, soluble, made with, 1 207, 177 —, ’ starch’ hydrolyzed with, 1 392 988 —, stearo-ricinate iodized in presence of, j 881,057 —, steel, coating of, using, 1,233,633 —,— , coloring of, using, 1 933, 633 —,;—, etching of with, 1,276 099; 1,376,366; 1,376,368; 1 376, 369 —,—, pickling ‘of using, 1,460, 395 —,—,rust-proofing with, 1 320, 734 —,—,rust removal from using, 1,470,225 —,steel tempering composition contg., 1,296,951 —,stencil made with, 1,376,365; 1,376,366; 1 376,368; 1,376,369 —, straw, artificial, made with, 1,497,321 —,— , dyeing of using, 1,485, 790 —, substitute for in laundry work, see Bleach- ing, composition for —,suint ingredient, 1,405,371 — sulfite cellulose waste liquor ingredient, 1 430,477 —, sulfite waste liquor treated with, 1,394,151 —,sulfur dioxide, absorption of, using, 1,212,199 —, sulfur dioxide determined using, 1,205,723; 1 205,724 _-, sulfur 1,212,199 —,sulfuric acid, action of on, 1,210,792 precipitation of using, 1,376,365 ; trioxide, absorption of, using, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Acetic acid, sulfuryl chloride mfr. in presence of, 1,364,738 —, sunflower seed, tannic acid, Eom, using, 1,244 ,995 —, sunflower seed oil made with, 1,244,995 —, syrup mfr. with, 1,465,459 — , tagal, dyeing of using, 1,485,790 —, tannic acid, cacao bean, removal from of, using, 1,244 995 ——, castor oil bean, removal of from, using, 1,244,995 removal of —,—,cocoanut, removal from of, using, 1,244,995 —,—,cotton seed, removal from of, using, 1,244, 995 —,—, palm nut, removal from of, using, 1,244, 995 —,—, peanut, removal from of, using, 1,244,995 —,—,sunflower seed, removal from of, using, 1,244,995 —, tanning using, 1,230,667 —,tanning compound made with, 1,186,500; 1,222,033; 1,241,950; 1,327,105; 1,375,975; 1,394,151: 1,497,672 —, tanning material made with, 1,229,422 —,tanning process using, 1,516,641 —, teeth, artificial, mending composition for, made with, 1,389,084 —,tempering steel in solution contg., 1,362,924 —, terebene made with, 1,478,690 -—, “4.4! -tetramethyldiamino-triphenyl- carbinol made with, 1,483,233 —., therapeutic compound made with, 1,218,655; 1 250,345; 1,308,071 — 2-(2' -thienyl)-cinchoninic acid made with, 1 300,408 —, thienylquinoline carboxylic acid separated _ with, 1,350,408 —, thioureas ‘made with, 1,218,655 —, thistledown, spinning of using, 1,232,374 —, thread made with, 1,180,902 —, thyroid product mfr. with, 1,392,768 —, thyroxin, action of on, 1 392 768 —, tile made with, 1,245 984 — , tin-plating electrolyte contg., 1,466,126 —, tire made with, 1,200,296 —, ‘toilet articles made with, 1,482,358 —,o-toluene sulfonamide oxidized in solution in, 1,366,349 —, D-p -tolyldibromindigo, 1,412,038 —, tonka bean extract made with, 1,515,714 —, ‘tooth paste made with, 1,275,275 —, tooth powder contg., 1,275,275 —, tribromojuglone solvent, 1,327,260 —, 2.3.8-tribrom-juglone made with, 1,327,260 — ‘ trinitrotoluene made with, 1,283, 617 —, tuberculosis, substance for treatment of, onde with, 1,250 345 —, tungstates purified with, 1,335,277 —, tungsten lakes mfr. with, 1,378,882 —,undercoating composition contg., 1,425,510 —,ureas made with, 1,218,655; 1,308,071 —,urea-formaldehyde made with, 1,482,357 —, vaccine made using, 1,514,681 —, vanadium solutions, removal of from using, 1,421,191] reaction with, 169 Acetic acid, vanilla bean extract made with, 1,515,714 —,vanillyl-acetyl-amide from, 1,329,272 —,vanillyl derivatives mfr. with, 1,329,272 —,varnish made with, 1,159,257; 1,245,818; 1,275,324; 1,280,861; 1,427,645; 1,482,357; 1,482,929 —,varnish, light transforming, made with, 1 ,188 655: 1,188,775; 1,188,776; 1,188,777 —,— -undercoating composition ‘for, made with, 1 425, 510 —, varnish remover made with, 1,147,848; 1,147,849; 1,147,850; 1,165,148; 1,184,164; 1,201,181 —,vegetables blanched by, process for, 1,448,512 — vegetables fibers impregnated with starch and, 1,400,380 —, vinegar conte., 1,272,276; 1,459,513 —, vinyl acetate made with, 1,425, 130 —. viscose precipitated with, 1,142,619 —, vitamin made with, 1,235, 198 — vitamin, food product free from, made with, 1,505,551 —, vitamin compound made with, 1,488,815 —, vitamin solution made with, 1,474,029 —, Vogel solution contg., 1,299,479 —, vulcanized fiber made with, 1,333,465 —,wall paper, coating composition for, made with, 1.425,510 —, washing crystals made with, 1,241,044 —,waste, acetone substitute made 1,260,977 —,—,alkyl acetate made with, 1,260,977 —,—, cellulose acetate, solvent for, made with, 1,260,977 —,—, cellulose formate, solvent for, made with, 1,260,977 —,—, cellulose nitrate, solvent for, made with, 1,260,977 —,—, cellulose sulfoacetate, solvent for, made with, 1,260,977 —,—, fat, solvent for, rine. with, 1,260,977 —,— methyl acetate made with, 1,260 977 —,—, "sodium acetate made with, 1,260,977 —,water-proofing made with, 1,180,902; 1 377,110; 1,389,084 —, white lead made with, 1,297,934; 1,447,740 —, ’ wood for miruald¢4, 887 —, ’ wood, dyeing of using, 1,485, 790 drying of, using, 1 ‘497, 362 —,— ’ treatment of with, 1 7 1,591 —, "wood work mending composition made with, 1 389,084 —,—, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —, ’ wool, cleaning refuse contg., 1,405 371 —, ’ wool, dyeing of, using, 1,199 273: 1 5,209,423 ; 1 ats 359 —, wool treated with soap and, 1,389,274 —, wool, treatment of using, 1 197 ‘495 —, yeast treated with, 1,415 469 ; 1,464,710 —, zine, etching of with, 1,276, 599 —,zine ore sulfidized in presence of, process for, 1,452,662 —,zine ore treated with calcium sulfide and, : 452,662 with, 170 Acetic acid, zinc sulfide made with, 1,463,483 —, see also Pyroligneous acid ; Vinegar Acetic acid amide, see Acetamide Acetic acid anhydride, see Acetic anhydride Acetic acid bacteria, beverages prepared with, 1,461,808 Acetic acid series, acids of, varnish base mfr. from, 1,422,861 —, ketones made from, 1,283,183 —, mfr. of, calcium carbonate for, 1,283,183 —,—, carbohydrates for, 1,283,183 —,—, chalk for, 1,283,183 —,—, distillery slop for, 1,283,183 —,—, ferment, butyric, for, 1,283,183 —,—,—, Bacillus butyricus for, 1,283,183 —,—,—, lactic, for, 1,283,183 —,— ; hydrochloric ‘acid for, 1,283,183 —,—, molasses for, 1,283,183 —,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,283,183 —,—, process for, 1,283,183 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,283,183 —,—, whey for, 1,283, 183 —,—, whiskey, sour mash, for, 1,283,183 —,—, yeast makers slop for, 1,283,183 —,—, zine carbonate for, 1,283,183 Acetic aldehyde, see Acetaldehyde Acetic anhydride, acetaldehyde, from of, 1,298,356 —, (acetylamino)-anthraquinone 1,266,896 separation made with, —, 2-acetylamino-l-naphthyl-thioglycolic acid made with, 1,498,913 —, acetylarsenophenylglycine made with, 1 ,299,215 —, acetylating arylsulfones with, 1,359,969 —., acetyl sulfide removed from, 1 ‘467, 074 —,alkyl esters made with, 1,478,498 —, p-allyloxy-acetanilide made with, 1,263,238 —,anthraquinone mfr. with, 1,466,683 —, arsenic compound made with, 1,521,560 —,arsenious anhydride, compound of and, see Acetic-arsenious anhydride —.benzyl acetylsalicylate 1,436,304 — butyl acetylsalicylate made with, 1,408 095 —,camphene made with, 1,478,690 —, caoutchouc substitute made with, 1,216,462 —, ’ celluloid substitute made with, 1,216,462 prepared from, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 with, 1,241,995 —,cellulose acetate made with, 1,181,857; Re-14,338: 1,191,439; 1,201,260: 1,216,462: 1,217,722: 1,242,783; 1,258,913;; 1,263,119; 1,265,216; 1,278,885; 1,280,974; 1,280,975; 1,296,847; 1,330,543; 1,338,661; 1,347,801; 1,389,250: 1396878: 1,441,541: 1,445,382; 1,456,781; 1,457,131; 1,458,592; 1,466,329; 1,466,401: 1,478,137; 1,494,816; 1,494,830: 1,503,885; 1,514,274; 1,516,225 —,cellulose acetate (acetone soluble), made —,—,recovery from mfr. of, 1,516,225 —, cellulose acetated with, 1,379,699 —, cellulose acetylated by, 1,338,661 —,cellulose aceto-nitrate made with, 1,168,164 —,cellulose derivative made with, 1,216,462 —, cellulose nitro-acetate made with, 1,286,025 —,4-chlor-m-tolyl acetate made with, 1,498,641 —, cholic acid, compound of and, 1,218,209 Acetic anhydride, compound (CHAs)x, made with, 1,521,560 ae compound, CH:;0.As, made with, 1,521,560 © —, compound, C2:H.sO2N2, made with, 1,144,577 —, concentration of, process for, 1,311,158 —,—,sodium acetate for, 1,311,158 —,coumarine mfr. with, 1,487,344 —, 2.3-diacetyl-o-pyrocatechuic acid made with, 1,140,716 —, dihydroisoquinoline with, 1,437,802 —, dihydroxydiethylsulfide acetic ester mfr. from, 1,422,869 —, dinitro-pheny] acetate made with, 1,198,040 derivatives prepared —,dyestuff made with, 1,123,430; 1,144,577; 1,147,778; 1,157,485; 1,216,134; 1,859,969; 1,408,405; 1,498,913 ; —, esters made with, 1,478,498 —,ethyl acetoacetate made with, 1,472,324 —, ethyl acetylsalicylate made with, 1,408,095 —,ethylidene diacetate from, 1,425,130 —,ethyl 3.4.5-triacetoxy-benzoate made with, 1,222,345 —, film made with, 1,216,462 —, finish remover made with, 1,167,469 — glyceryl triacetate mfr. with, 1,456, 782 —,isoborneo! made with, 1,478, 690 — ’ isoborneol acetate made with, 1,478,690 — ’ leprosy, substance for treatment of, made with, 1,250,345 —, mfr. of, 1,368,789; 1,425,500; 1,430,304; 1,467,074 —,—, acetate for, 1,153,402; 1,195,205; 1,195,227; 1,425,500; 1,430,304 1,136,630; 1,153,402; —,-— acetic ‘acid for, 1 283, 115; 1,425,500 —,—, acetic acid, glacial, for, 1,480,304 —, acetic anhydride for, 1,136,630 —,—, acetyl for, 1,326,040 —,—, aldehyde for, 1 326 040 —, alkali acetate for, 1 926,040 —,—, alkali earth acetate for, 1,326,040 —,—,apparatus for, 1,195,205; 1,195,227; 1,425,500 —,—, barium nitrate for, 1,153,402 —,—, bromine for, 1,195,227 —,—, calcium acetate for, 1,153,402; 1,195,205; — 1,195,227; 1,283,115; 1,338,979 —,—, calcium chloride as catalyst for, 1,298,356 —, chlorine for, 1,195,205 ; 1,195,227; 1,326,040 —, chlorsulfonic acid for, 1,283,115 —,—, copper for, 1,152,098; 1,153,402 —, copper sulfide for, 1,195,227 —,—,ester for, 1,326,040 —,—, ’ ether for, 1 326, 040 —,—, ethyl acetate for, 1,326,040 —,—, ethylidine diacetate for, 1,152,098; 1,298,356; 1,306,963; 1,425,500; 1,429,650 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,326,040 —, iron sulfide for, 1,195,205; 1,195,227 —,—,lead for, 1,158,402 —,— lead nitrate for, 1,153,402 —,—,mercury oxide for, 1 425 000 —,—,mercury salt for, 1,425,500 —,—,mercury(ic) sulfate for, 1,152,098; 1,425, 500 —,—,metaboric acid as catalyst for, 1,298,356 INDEX OF Acetic anhydride, mfr. of, metaboric acid in petroleum as catalyst for, 1,298,356 —,—, metal sulfide for, 1,195,205 —,—,monosodium orthophosphate as catalyst for, 1,298,356 —,—,nitrie acid for, 1,153,402 —,—,nitric acid, fuming, for, 1,153,402 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,338,979 —,—,nitrogen pentoxide for, 1,153,402 —, nitrogen tetroxide for, 1,837,253 —, oxide, organic, for, 1,326,040 _—,—, oxygen for, 1,338,979 _—,—, phenol for, 1,326,040 J by _—,—, phosphorus oxychloride for, 1,425,500 = —, phosphorus pentoxide for, 1,153,402 —,—, potassium bisulfate for, 1,152,098 '—,—, process for, 1,136,630; 1,152,098; 1,153,402 ; 1,195,205; 1,195,227; 1,288,115; 1,326,040; 1,338,979; 1,425,500; 1,430,304 —,—, pumice for, 1,152,098 —,—, pyrite for, 1,195,205; 1,195,227 —,—,pyrosulfate for, 1,283,115 —,—, pyrosulfuric acid for, 1,430,304 _—,—, pyrrhotite for, 1,195,227 —,—,sodium acetate for, 1,136,630; 1,153,402; 1,195,205; 1,195,227; 1,283,115; 1,337,253, 1,338,979; 1,403,920; 1,425,500; 1,430,304 ~—,—,sodium acetyl-sulfate for, 1,136,630 —,—,sodium bisulfate for, 1,283,115; 1,430,304 —,—,sodium hyposulfite for, 1,195,227 ,—, sodium metabisulfite for, 1,195,227 —,—,sodium nitrate for, 1,153,402 _—,—,sodium (mono) orthophosphate as cat- alyst for, 1,298,356 BI y bs b] —,—,sodium pyrosulfate .for, 1,283,115; 1,430,304 ( —,—,sodium pyrosulfate as catalyst for, 1,298,356 —,—,sodium sulfide for, 1,195,227 _—,—,sodium thiosulfate for, 1,195,227 ==, sulfur for, 1,195,205; 1,195,227 _—,—,sulfur chloride for, 1,403,920 —,—,sulfur chloride (SCI.) for, 1,195,205 —,—, sulfur chloride (8.Cl.) for, 1,425,500 —,—,sulfur dioxide for, 1,326,040 —,—,sulfur trioxide for, 1,283,115; 1,338,979 —,—,sulfurie acid for, 1,136,630; 1,152,098; 1,153,402; 1,283,115 | —— sulfuric acid, fuming, for, 1,136,630 _—,—,sulfuric acid as catalyst for, 1,298,356 _—,—,sulfuryl chloride for, 1,326,040 —,—, thioacetic acid as catalyst for, 1,298,356 —,—, tricresyl phosphate for, 1,326,040 —,—,zine acetate for, 1,195,227 —,methyl acetyl salicylate 1,255,950; 1,408,095 —,di-methyl-p-aminophenyl acetate prepared with, 1,434,429 —, methyl 3.4-methylenedioxy-a-piperonyla- mino-cinnamate made with, 1,437,802 _ —,1.2-nanhthothioindoxyl made with, 1,492,054 _ —,nitrogen tetroxide dissolved by, 1,337,253 | phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,146,388; 1,505,382 _ —,pinene hydrochloride made with, 1,478,690 | —,preparation of, 1,466,329 | pungent compound made with, 1,829,272 made with, SUBJECTS bare Acetic anhydride, purifying, 1,467,074 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,146,388 —,recovery from cellulose acetate mfr., 1,466,329; 1,494,816; 1,494,830 —,recovery of chlorine for, 1,466,329 —,recovery of sulfur chloride for, 1,466,329 —,rubber, artificial, made with, 1,161,904 —,separation of acetic acid from, 1,311,158 —,silk, treatment of using, 1,500,255 —,solvent for, amylene dichloride as, 1,321,307 —,—,butylene dichloride as, 1,321,307 —,—,chloroform as, 1,321,307 —,—,ethylene dichloride as, 1,321,307 —-,—, olefin dichloride as, 1,821,307 —,—, propylene dichloride for, 1,321,307 —,sulfur compounds removed from, 1,467,074 —,sulfuryl chloride in mfr. of, 1,364,738 —,therapeutic compound made with, 1,250,345 —,tuberculosis, substance for treatment of, made with, 1,250,345 —,vanillyl-acetyl-amide from, 1,329,272 —, varnish made with, 1,216,462 —,vinyl acetate from, 1,425,130 —,wool, treatment of using, 1,500,255 Acetic-arsenious anhydride, arsenic, compound made with, 1,521,560 —,compound (CHAs)x, made with, 1,521,560 —,—,CH;0;As, made with, 1,521,560 Acetic arsenic acid, calcium salts of, 1,445,685 —,ethyl ester of, properties of, 1,445,685 —, preparation of, 1,445,685 —., properties of, 1,445,685 —,see Arsone-acetic acid —,ethyl ester of, see Ethyl arsono-acetate Acetic arsinic acid ester, preparation of, 1,445,685 Acetic cellulose, see Cellulose acetate Acetic ester, alkaloids extracted by, 1,447,400 —, cellulose nitrate explosive contg., 1,303,115 —,see also Ethyl acetate Acetic ether, see Ethyl acetate Acetic oil, essential oils made with, 1,158,217 Acetic oxide, see Acetic anhydride Acetic paraldehyde, see Paraldehyde Acetic phenyl-hydrazide, flotation of chalcocite by, 1,364,306 —, flotation of chalcopyrite by, 1,364,306 —. flotation of copper sulfide by, 1,364,306 —, flotation of minerals by, 1,864,306 —., flotation of porphyry ores by, 1,364,306 —, see a-Acetyl-b-phenyl-hydrazine Acetic propionic anhydride, mfr. of, process for, 1,136,630 —,—,sodium acetyl-sulfate for, 1,136,630 —,—,sodium propionate for, 1,136,630 Acetic thio-anhydride, see Acetyl sulfide Acetin, almond oil solvent, 1,378,099 —,aniline black solvent, 1,421,728 —, bitter almond oil solvent, 1,378,099 —, bottle cap made with, 1,502,940 —,cellulose acetate (acetone soluble), made with, 1,241,995 °- . —,cellulose acetate plasticizer for, 1,360,759; 1,520,054 —, cellulose nitrate plasticizer, 1,360,759 —,cellulose nitrate stabilized with, 1,338,691, —,dye contg., 1,867,930 Le Acetin, essential oil solvent, 1,378,099 —,flavoring extract made _ with, 1,497,439 —, glycerol from, 1,466,665 —, glyceryl trinitrate for dissolving, 1,338,691 —, hygroscopic properties of, 1,360,759 —,ink, stamping, made with, 1,421,728 —, lemon oil solvent, 1,378,099 —,mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,146,854; 1,509,864 —,—,acetic acid, glacial, for, 1,378,099 —,—, alkali acetate for, 1,509,864 —,—, alkali earth acetate for, 1,509,864 —,—, calcium acetate for, 1,509,864 —,—,glycerol for, 1,878,099; 1,509,864 —,—, potassium acetate for, 1,509,864 —,—, process for, 1,378,099; 1,509,864 —,—,sodium acetate for, 1,378,099; 1,509,864 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,378,099; 1,509,864 —, orange oil solvent, 1,378.099 —, paint remover made with, 1,146,854 —, peppermint oil solvent, 1,378,099 —, perfume made with, 1,378,099; 1,497,439 —, perfumery extracts made with, 1,378,099 —, sealing cap made with, 1,520,054 —, stamping ink contg., 1,421,728 —. varnish remover made with, 1,146,854 —, viscose protected against mercerizing action of sodium hydroxide by, 1,392,833 —,see also Diacetin; Glyceryl acetate ; Glyceryl triacetate ; Triacetin Acetin blue, see Induline Acet-p-naphthylenediamine, with, 1,217,042 Acetoacetanilide, dyestuff made with, 1,237,192; 1,237,193; 1,457,235 Acetoacetanilide-p-carboxylic made with, 1,457,235 Acetoacetic-anilide, 1,125,074; 1,245,694 —, see also Acetoacetanilide Acetoacetic-anilide-p-carboxylic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,125,073; 1,126,413 —,mfr. of, acetoacetic ester for, 1,126,413 —,—,aleohol for, 1,126,413 —,—,ethyl-p-aminobenzoate for, 1,126,413 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,126,413 —,—,naphtha, solvent, for, 1,126,413 —,—, process for, 1,126,413 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,126,413 Acetoacetic-o-anisidide, dyestuff made with, 1,159,386 Acetoacetic-p-anisidide, dyestuff made with, 1,125,073; 1,125,074; 1,159,386 Acetoacetic-chlor-anilide, dyestuff made with, 1,159,386 Aceto-acetic-o-chloranilide, dyestuff made from, 1,457,235 Acetoacetic-cresidide, see 3-Acetoacetylamino- 4-methoxy-toluene Acetoacetic ester, acetoacetic-anilide-p-carbox- ylic acid made with, 1,126,413 —, tropinone esters prepared from, 1,419,092 —,see also Ethyl acetoacetate Acetoacetic ether, see Ethyl acetoacetate Acetoacetic ethyl ester see Ethyl acetoacetate 1,378,099 ; dyestuff made acid, dyestuff with, 1,227,406; made 1,216,812; dyestuff 1,150,675 ; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acetoacetic-m-xylidide, dyestuff made with, 1,159,386 N-Acetoacetyl-N’-(acetoacetamino-benzoyl)- phenylenediamine, dyestuff made with, 1,505,569 3-Acetoacetylamino-4-methoxy-toluene, dye- stuff made with, 1,159,386 1-(4’-Acetoacetylamino-pheny]l)-5-methyl- benzothiazole, dyestuff made with, 1,506,514 N-Acetoacetyl-aniline, see Acetoacetic analide Acetoacetyl-dehydrothiotoluidid, see 1-(4'- Acetoacetylamino-phenyl) -5-methyl-benzo- thiazole Acet-o-amido-toluene, see Acet-o-toluide Aceto-o-amidotoluene, see o-Acet-toluide Acetocellulose sulfuric acid esters, see Cellulose — acetate, sulfuric acid esters Acetochlorhydrin, cellulose acetate contg., 1,244,107; 1,244,108; 1,244,348; 1,244,349: 1,319 229 Acetocinnamone, see Benzylidene acetone Acetodichlorhydrin, amber, imitation, made with, 1,245,476 —,amber substitute made with, 1,386,576 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,245,476; 1,386,576 . —, cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,388,472 . —, cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,244,107 ; 1,244,108; 1,244,347; 1,244,348; 1,244,349; 1,245,476; 1,386,576 —, finish remover made with, 1,172,773 —, horn, imitation, made with, 1,245,476 —, horn substitute made with, 1,386,576 —,livory, imitation, made with, 1,245,476 —,lvory substitute made with, 1,386,576 —, marble, imitation, made with, 1,245,476 —, plastic made with, 1,386,576 —.see also 1.3-Dichlor-2-propyl acetate Aceto-p-iodoanilide, see Iodoacetanilide Acetol, see Acetylmethyl alcohol —, see also 1-H ydoxzy-2-propanone —, esters of, see Acetonyl compounds Acetol salicylic ether, see Salacetol Acetol triacetylgallate, see Acetonyl 3.45-tri- acetoxy-benzoate Acetonal, see Aluminum-sodium acetate 1-Acetonaphthone, 2-(1’-naphthyl)-cinchoninic acid made with, 1,197,462; Re-14,216 2-Acetonaphthone, 2-(2’-naphthyl)-cinchoninie acid made with, 1,197,462; Re-14,216 Acetonaphton, see Acetonaphthone Acetone, abalone, imitation, made 1,434,157 —, abrasive wheel made with, 1,435,721 —, absorbing, sodium bisulfite for, 1,441,205 —, acaroid, nitrated, contg., 1,151,180 —,—,—, made with, 1,151,180 —,p-acetamidophenyl _bromdiethylacetylcar- bamate made with, 1,256,293 —,“ acetate liquor” contg., 1,192,987 —, acetic acid, freezing point of mixture of and, 1,276,742 —, acetone substitute contg., 1,260,977 —,acetylene, storage material for, made with, 1,332,525 —, acetylene recovered with, 1,422,183 solvent 1,244,347; with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS 173 Acetone, acetylene solvent, 1,140,124; 1,234,600; Acetone, o-aminomethoxybenzoic acid, alka- 1,332,525; 1,405,805; 1,405,806; 1,419,746; mine ester of, solvent, 1,317,250 1,419,862; 1,422,182; 1,465,600 —,p-aminomethoxybenzoic acid, alkamine —, acetylene stored using, 1,234,600 ester of, solvent, 1,317,250 —,acetylene stored under pressure using, —,amine methyl sulfites purified with, 1,426,348 1,230,531 : —,ammonium benzyl succinate made with, —,b-acetylethyl-diethylamine made _ with, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 1,126,549 : —,tert-amyl vanadate solvent, 1,133,961 —, acid-proofing made with, 1,241,738 —,analgesic made with, 1,478,463; 1,483,217 —,action on phenol-aldehyde condensates, —,anthraquinone derivatives mfr. with, 1,442,420 1,394,851 —,adhesive made with, 1,158,962; 1,379,837; —, antimony chloride solvent, 1,383,864 1,389,084 ; 1,389,574; 1,389,575 —,antimony trichloride dissolved by, 1,451,313 —, adhesive of celluloid and, 1,389,575 —,antimony trichloride solvent, 1,388,828; —,adhesive for radium luminous material 1,388,829 . contg., 1,364,950 _ . —,antiseptic made with, 1,145,634 —,air explosive mixtures of and, 1,148,623 —,d-arabinose for mfr. of, 1,293,172 -—,airplane dope contg., 1,156,894; 1,303,563; —,arsenophenylglycine formaldehyde deriva- aE ko,216; 1,320,290; 1,329,386 ; 1,347,801 ; tive made with, 1,299,214 1,363,763; 1,366,256; 1,388,827; 1,388,828; —, N-(p-arsenophenylglycine) -bis-m'-hydroxy- 1,393,355; 1,400,480; 1,426,521; 1,427,941; anilide, sodium salt of, mfr. of with, 1,315,127 1,429,295; 1,440,178; 1,469,839; 1,488,608 —, N-(arsinosophenyl)glycyl-m’-aminophenol —,airplane dope made fireproof with, 1,309,581 solvent, 1,280,122 —,airplane fabric made with, 1,427,941; —, N-(p-arsinosophenyl)-a-phenyl-glycinamide 1,429,295 : i ae solvent, 1,280,122 —, airplane fabric mending composition made W—,arsono-acetic acid made with, 1,445,685 with, 1,389,084 —, N-(p-arsonopheny]) glycyl-m’-aminophenol, = pepe ae 2 eee sodium salt of, made with, 1,280,121 —, airplane lacquer contg., 1,040, lie i 1 1 T tipamen made with, 1377727 : ere compound, organic, prepared with, —,albumen metal compounds treated with, _ arsenical solution contg., 1,456,509 1,371,380; 1,371,381 5 —,article, indurated, contg., 1,269,292 —,albumose solution made with, 1,489,181 —, atophan, benzyl ester of, made with, 1,378,343 —,aleohol, solidified, made with, 1,313,876; _ azo0-resins made with, 1,500,844 1,416,493; 1,503,835 é —,bactericide made with, 1,145,634 —,alkali acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 __ balloon fabric made with, 1,427,941 —, alkali amide, action of and, 1,169,341 - _—) banana plant, treatment of with, 1,271,591 ae beney! succinate made with, 1,485,377; __ barium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, alkali bichromate made with, 1,310,720 yea storage, electrode for, made with, —,alkali cyanide made with, 1,322,195 -—,alkali earth acetyl-salicylate made with, [>>> ,Reparator for, made with, 1,600.20 > —,—,—,temperature indicating device for, 1,217,862 : ot : made with, 1,374,857 a a Sater aha : MY et ee —, beet ce ae nae ee KG a A EY —, belting made with, 1,179,385 —, alkali sludge sulfonates made with, 1,493,111 belting, composite, made with, 1,160,041 ome Be Ory penzore acid ester —,benzyl acetylsalicylate, solubility of in, | oy resistant eee, ; Beef euitniose solvent, 1,454,960; 1,484,004 | —,allylmorphine-diallylbarbituric acid made oy benzyl lithium succinate made with, with, 1,255,423 : —,aluminum acetate, therapeutic compound of, 1,485,377 ; 1,485,379 solvent, 1,132,709 —,benzyl potassium succinate made with, —,aluminum chloride solvent, 1,383,864 1,485,377 5 1,485,379 ‘ Bier: —,aluminum filings, coated, made with, —, benzyl sodium succinate made with, 1,204,709 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —, aluminum sludge sulfonate solvent, 1,495,891 —, binder made with, 1,409,275 —,amber, imitation, made with 1,199,798; —, 1.3-bis(diethylamino) -2-propy!-benzoate 1,245,476 made with, 1,193,634 —,amber substitute made with, 1,241,738; —, 1.3-bis(diethylamino) -2-propy]-toluate 1,386,576; 1,502,945 made with, 1,193,634 _—, l-amino-4-anilino-2-methyl-anthraquinone —,1.3-bis(N-ethyl-N-methyl-amino) -2-propyl made with, 1,394,851 benzoate made with, 1,193,634 | —,m-aminoanisic acid, alkamine ester of, —, 2.2-bis(hydroxy-pheny]) -propane made with, | solvent, 1,317,250 1,225,748; 1,225,749; 1,225,750 ! _—,4-amino-S-argento-thiosalicylic acid made —,2.2-bis(hydroxy-tolyl)-propane made with, with, 1,439,624 1,225,750 bs | 174 Acetone, bismuth acetyl-salicylate made with, L217 862 —, bismuth chloride solvent, 1,383,864 —, blood clotting substance made with, 1,240,694 —, ’ boat mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —,bookbinding gum contg., 1 889,574 —, boric acid dissolved by, 1,358,914 — ’ boric acid solvent, 1,469, 839 —, bottle cap made with, 1,502, 940 —, brake band contg., 1,307, 857 —, ’ brake lining made with, 1 429,267 —, ’ 2-brom-3.5- dinitro-4-methylnitramino-ben- zenearsonic acid solvent, 1,180,627 —,bronzing liquid made with, 1 488, 608 —, brush, celluloid-back, made with, 1,472,165 —, button made with, 1, ‘452, 086 — ‘n-butyl- b- diethylamino-ethyl-p-aminoben- zoate hydrochloride dissolved by, 1,334,642 —, butyric acid mixed with sulfuric acid and, 1 425,580 — byproduct i in charcoal mfr., 1,458,410 —, calcium acetyl-salicylate made 1 217,862; 1,225,407 —, calcium carbide condensed with, 1,370,843 —, ’ calcium chloride, dried by hydrogen chloride dissolved int 354, 279 —, calcium lactate for mfr. of, 1,293,172 —, calcium oxide, action of on, 1,332, 525 —, ‘calf hide, water-proofing of using, 1,150,047 -— ’ camphor "solvent, 1,367,886 —, cane, degumming of, using, 1,148,698 —,—,retting of, using, 1, 148,698 —,—, treatment of with, 1,271 091 — ’ carbohydrates for mfr. of, 1 ,293,172 —,carbon monoxide solubility of in, 1,438,581 —, carbon monoxide solvent, 1,438, 581 —, "carbon remover made with, 1,167,770; 1 287,589 —, carbon remover contg., 1,807,562; 1,455,574 —,carbon remover for internal-combustion engines, 1,296,832 —, carbon tetrachloride, freezing point of mix- ture of and, 1,270, 304 —, cardboard, ‘composite, made with, 1,354,154 —,case hardening using, 1,492,192 —,casein plastic contg., mfr. of, 1,452,086 —, ’ cellite solvent, 1,179,357 —, ’ cellon treated. within, 1,514,677 —, celluloid made with, 1 364 342; 1,480,020; 1,467 749; 1,468,820; 1,508,483 ; 1,508,484 —, celluloid, aleohol and, dissolved in, 1,388,169 —,—,gold leaf, separation from, of with, 1,287,793 —, celluloid article made with, 1,434,157 —, celluloid cemented with, 1,434,157; 1,478,058 —, celluloid coloring solution contg., 1,446,049; 1,446,050 —, celluloid dyed using, 1,234,450; 1,248,468 celluloid and, with, —,celluloid solvent, 1,128,094; 1,140,174; 1,141,224, 1,150,047; 1,153,574; 1,160,041; 1,181,758; 1,202,495; 1,205,822; 1,210,987; 1,221,457; 1,223,588; 1,287,798; 1,294,355; 1,300,550; 1,322,631; 1,326,639; 1,331,127; 1,342,767; 1,352,216; 1,366,256; 1,370,853; 1,377,677; 1,389,574; 1,389,575; 1,393,290; 1,408,816 ; 1,446,049: 1,472,165; 1,477,883 Acetone, 1,419,998 ; 1,446,050 ; 1,477,880; celluloid 1,153,596 ; 1,181,860; 1,195,040; 1,216,581; 1,353,384 ; 1,420,028; 1,508,928 ; 1,158,961 ; 1,185,074; 1,199,798: 1,217,027 : 1,353,385; 1,440,006: 1,510,779: substitute 1,160,068 ; 1,188,356 ; 1,200,886; 1,241,738; 1,363,768 ; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 1,425,510; 1,461,161; 1,477,881 ; 1,488,294; 1,512,751 —, cellulose made with, 1,509,273 —, cellulose, colloidal, made with, 1,458,542 —, cellulose, vulcanized, made with, 1,236,959; —, cellulose acetate contg., 1,429,153 —,cellulose acetate, 1,392,849 colloidal, —,—, hydrated solvent, 1,316,311 —,cellulose acetate coagulating bath contg., a cellulose acetate solvent with diethyl phthal- —, cellulose acetate tested for ripeness with, —, cellulose acetone solvent, 1,397,103; 1,398,939 —,cellulose aceto-nitrate solvent, 1,467,493 , cellulose acetate solvent, 1,128,468; 1,132,384; 1,133,385 ; : 1,143,878 ; 1,165,179; Re-14,338 ; 1,188,797 ; 1,195,040 ; 1,201,260; 1,226,342; 1,244,108; 1,245,476; 1,298,199; 1,316,311; 1,342,601; 1,351,652 ; 1,354,726 ; 1,386,576 ; 1,394,890; 1,408,095 ; 1,420,028 ; 1,432,367 ; 1,440,006 ; 1,453,764; 1,463,864 ; 1,469,815 ; 1,488 294 ; 1 501 206 ; 1,136,248; 1,143,979; 1,175,791 ; 1,181,860; 1,188,798 ; 1,195,673 ; 1,203,756 ; 1,236,578 ; 1,244,347 ; 1,260,977 ; 1,303,568 ; 1,319,229 ; 1,342,602 ; 1,353,384 ; 1,357,447 ; 1,388,472 ; 1,395,401; 1,410,790; 1,421,341; 1,434,634; 1,440,178 ; 1,454,959 ; 1,465,937 ; 1,476,392 ; 1,494,479 ; 1 ‘508, ‘928 ; ate, 1,449,156 1,458,592 1,454,961; 1,497,321 1,142,619 . ’ 1,156,894 ; 1,181,758; 1,516,225 —, cellulose dispersed in, 1,458,542 —, cellulose esters contg., 1,429,153; 1,458,542 —, cellulose ester, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —, cellulose ester solvent, 1,295,533; 1,316,311; 1,345,354 ; 1,397,986; 1 ‘437 ‘952; 1,351,652 ; 1,408,095 ; 1,454,959 ; 1,370,853; 1,408,423 ; 1,454,960: made 1,443,012 ; 1,467,749; 1,477,882; made with, 143,877; 1,160,979 ; 1,181,857 ; 1,185,514 ; 1,188,800 ; 1,199,800; 1,217,722; 1,244,107 ; 1,244,349 ; 1,286,172; 1,310,841; 1,338,661 ; 1,343,135; 1,354,401; 1,370,879 ; 1,393,355 ; 1,406,224 ; 1,418,347; 1,429,295 ; 1,437,829 ; 1,449,157; 1,454,961 ; 1,467,498 ; 1,484,004 ; 1,494,830; 1,168,164 ; —, cellulose butyrate solvent, 1,425,580; 1,425,581 1,389,084; 1,429,153; 1,454,961 —, cellulose ester substitute made with, 1 241 38 —,cellulose ethers contg., 1,429,153 —, ’ cellulose ether, mixed, solvent, 1,454,959 ,—, solvent contg., 1,469,816 with, 1,181,853 ; 1,189,841; 1,245,476 ; 1,331,127; 1,386,576 ; 1,501,206; ae - curling by, 1,429,179 —, cellulose formate, INDEX OF SUBJECTS colloidal, —, cellulose ether solvent, 1,217,027; 1,217,028; 1, 389,084; 1,429,179; 1 437 952; 1 ‘ABA, 959; 1,454,960; 1 “454, 961; 1 ‘467 098; 1 ‘467 099; 1,467,100; 1 ‘467, 101; 1,467 102: 1,467,103 ; 1,467,104; 1 ‘467, 105: 1,500,366 oti, cellulose fibers made with, 1 009,273 made with 1 392,849 —,—, solvent for, contg., 1,260,977 —, cellulose formate precipitated by, 1,153,596 —, "cellulose formate solvent, 1,316,311; 1 392, ‘849 —, ’ cellulose formyl-phosphate precipitated by, 1 153,596 —, cellulose nitrate contg., 1,429,153; 1,509,273 a, * cellulose nitrate cement made with, 1, 494. 479 — cellulose nitrate chlorinated with, 1,323 "792 —, "cellulose nitrate coating made with, 1,320, ‘458 —, cellulose nitrate coating made fireproof with, 1 309,581 —, cellulose nitrate, 1 392.849 —_,—, screens for, cleaned with, 1,367,111 —,—, water, removal of from, using, 1,510,739 —,cellulose nitrate composition, screens for, cleaned with, 1,367,111 —, cellulose nitrate dissolved by, alcohol and, 1 388,169 —, cellulose nitrate explosive contg., 1,303,115 —, cellulose nitrate gelatinizer, 1,468, 608 —, ‘cellulose nitrate plastic substitute made with, 1 02,945 —, cellulose nitrate solvent contg., 1,135,026; colloidal, made _ with, 1,139,112; 1,143,878 ; 1,160,979; 1,195,040 ; 1,256,240; 1,309,981 ; 1,321,633; 1,324,227 ; 1,342,601 ; 1,356,440; 1,370,922 ; 1,382,077 ; 1,394,890 ; 1,408,095 ; 1,421,341; 1,480,020 ; 1,434,454 ; 1,441 204; 1,454,961 ; 1,466,733; 1,480,016 ; 1,497,137; 1,518,396 1,141,224; 1,147,850; 1,173,628; 1,197,304; 1,260,977 ; 1,316,311; 1,321,634 ; 1,327,197; 1,342,602; 1,360,759; 1,377,761; 1,388,546 ; 1,398,239 ; 1,410,790; 1,427,941; 1,431,900; 1 437,828 ; 1,441,205; 1,456,782 ; 1,469,815; 1,484,004 ; 1,497,138 ; 1,142,619; 1,158,961; 1,181,758 ; 1,204,709; 1,269,339; 1,320,458; 1,323,624; 1,329,386; 1,351,652; 1,370,853; 1,379,596; 1,390,537 ; 1,398,525; 1,415,059: 1,429,174: 1,432,368; 1,437,829; 1,449,157; 1,463,864; 1,469,839; 1,493,207 ; 1,503,835 ; 1,143,877 ; 1,160,041; 1,194,095 ; 1,208,358 ; 1,290,794 ; 1,321,611; 1,323,792 ; 1,329,525 ; 1,354,401 ; 1,370,878 ; 1,380,258 ; 1,393,355 ; 1,398,939 ; 1,418,347 ; 1,429,295 ; 1,434,458 ; 1,441,208 ; 1,453,764; 1,464,012; 1,476,392 ; 1,493,208 ; 1,510,739 ; —,cellulose nitrate solvent of alcohol and, 1,290,073 —, cellulose nitrate solvent with diethyl phthal- ate, 1,449,156 —, cellulose sulfoacetate, solvent for, contg., 1 260,977 —, cement made with, 1,158,962; 1,354,154; 1,502,945 —, cement paint contg., 1,189,550 —,ceresin solvent, 1,277,904 175 Acetone, cellulose ether film prevented from Acetone, cerium acetyl-salicylate made with, ae 862 — _ chewing gum made with, 1,397,742 —, "China wood oil, gelatinized, dispersed in, 1 411,371 —, China wood oil solidified by iron chloride solutions in, 1,383,864 —, chloral hydrate solvent, 1,354,401 ae ’ chloranthracenes dissolved by, 1 042,602 —, 9-chlor-3 5- dinitro-4-methylnitramino-ben- zenearsonic acid solvent, 1,180,627 —, chlorinated, preparing, 1,436, 378 —,—, see also ‘Chloroacetones —, ” chlornaphthalenes dissolved by, 1,342,601; 1 342,602 —, chloroform made with, 1,203,032; 1,359,099 —, cigarette tip made with, 1,153 BTA 1,342,601 ; —,clay, clarifying, revivifying of, using, 1, 488,805 —,— _decolorizing, revivifying of, using, ~ 1 A88, 805 —, cleaner made with, 1,201,181; 1,240,395 —, coating made with, 1,146, 214: 1 241 738 —, coating composition made with, 1,189, 550; 1 189,551; 1,830,421; 1,358,914; 1 "392 040; 1 395, 242 — _ coating composition, visibility reducing, made with, 1,426,521 —, coating composition contg. celluloid and, ih 330,421 —, collar, linen, substitute made with, 1,256,240 —, * collar waterproofing composition conte., 1 453,764 —, colloid made with, 1,502,945 —, "colloidal suspensions prepared with, 1,444,257 —,color carrier made with, 1,206,000 —, color screen made with, 1 206 000 —, ’ colored light made with, 1,388, 501 — ’ composite article made with, 1 441,133 —, concentration of, alum for, 1,492,717 —,—, aluminum sulfate for, 1,492, 17 —,—,ammonium aluminum _ sulfate for, 1 492, Zid —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,492,717 —,—, copper sulfate for, 1 ‘492 17 —,—,iron sulfate for, 1 ‘492, 717 —,—,ore for, 1,448, 929 —,—, process for, 1 492, 717 —,—, salt cake for, i 492 Ti —, concrete, coating composition for, with, 6 189, 550; 1,189,551 —, concrete article made with, 1,379,837 —,concrete coating contg., 1 400, 041 —, ’ condensation products of, flotation agents from, 1,415,899 — Condensite solvent, 1,435,721 —, condiment made with, 1 324, 538 —,containers for, coating, algae extract for, 1 456,494 —,—,—, Irish moss extract for, 1,456,494 — ‘copper, coating for, made with, 1 273 954 —, copying foil made with, 1,499,844 — corn for mfr. of, 1,293, 172 —,corn cobs for mir. of, 1,293,172 —, cotton, water-proofing of, using, 1,395,242 1,418,891 ; made 176 Acetone, cotton line, water-proofing of, using, 1,165,179 —,m-cresol condensation product of, 1,421,722 —,p-cresol condensation product of, 1,421,722 —,m-cresol condensed with, 1,414,045 —,p-cresol condensed with, 1,414,045 —,cyanide made with, 1,322,195 —,cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine solvent, 1,402,693 ' —, decaleomania made with, 1,331,581 —, decomposition of, nichrome for, 1,299,988 —,denatured, finish remover made_ with, 1,172,773 —,—, varnish remover made with, 1,328,080 —,dental filling made with, 1,294,355 —,derivatives of, see also Compounds with Acetonyl group; 2-Propane, derivatives of, —, detergent made with, 1,493,111 —,detonator made with, 1,194,095 —, dextrin for mfr. of, 1,293,172 —, dextrose for mfr. of, 1,293,172 —, diabetes, compound for treatment of made with, 1,469,994; 1,470,024 —, diacetin solvent contg., 1,488,294 —,diacetone alcohol contg., 1,474,035 —,diacetone amine made with, 1,473,285 —, diaphragm, sound reproducing, made with, 1,213,051; 1,492,982 —, 2-diazo-4.6-dinitro-phenol made with, 1,460,708 —, diazodinitrophenol plasticizer, 1,428,011 —, diazodinitrophenol solvent, 1,428,011; 1,460,708 —,dibenzyl sodium phosphate made _ with, 1,485,377 —, didymium 1,217,862 —, N-diethyl-aminoethyl-m-aminoanisate sol- vent, 1,317,250 —, N-diethyl-aminoethyl-o-amino-p-toluate solvent, 1,317,251 —, N-diethyl-aminoethyl-p-amino-o-toluate solvent, 1,317,251 —, diethylaminoethyltheobromine solvent, 1,414,333 —, 1-diethylaminoethyl-theobromine hydro- chloride solvent, 1,414,333 —, 3-diethylamino-1-propyl anisate made with, 1,193,650 acetyl-salicylate made _ with, —,3-diethylamino-l-propyl p-toluate made with, 1,193,649; 1,193,651 —,di-hexamethylenetetramine sulfosalicylate solvent, 1,133,916 _—, dihydroxy-diphenyl-dimethyl-methane made with, 1,188,356 —., dihydroxy-diphenyl-dimethyl-methane alde- hyde condensate made with, 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —, dihydroxy-diphenyl-dimethyl-methane alde- hyde condensate solvent, 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —, dihydroxy-diphenyl-dimethyl-methane vent, 1,156,969; 1,158,961 —, 3-dimethylaminomethy1-6-methyl-3-heptany] benzoate made with, 1,150,253 —, 3-dimethylaminomethy]-6-methyl-3-heptanyl benzoate hydrochloride made with, 1,150,253 sol- UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acetone, 3-dimethylaminomethyl-6-octanyl- benzoate hydrochloride made with, 1,150,580 —, 5-5’-dimethyldibromindigo, reaction with, 1,412,038 —, dimethylindigo from, 1,412,038 —, dioxydiphenyldimethylmethane for, 1,397,144 —, disinfectant made with, 1,457,708 —, dispersing agent, 1,458,542 —,dope made with, 1,347,801; 1,353,385; 1,501,206; 1,508,928 —, drug extracts made with, 1,167,230 —, duck, water-proofing of, using, 1,895,242 —,dye, film, cellulose acetate, removal from of, using, 1,497,187; 1,497,138 —,—,—,cellulose ether, removal from of, using, 1,497,137; 1,497,138 —,—,—, cellulose nitrate, removal from of, using, 1,497,137; 1,497,138 —,—,—, photographic, removal from of, using, 1,497,137; 1,497,138 —, dye extracted by, 1,803,426 —,dyestuff made with, 1,176,363; 1,280,648; 1,326,665; 1,359,969; 1,497,262; 1,500,844 —, dyestuff, black, solvent, 1,134,486 -——, dyestuff recovered using, 1,303,426 —, egg yolk oil made with, 1,277,727 —,enamel made with, 1,137,374 —,enamel contg., mfr. of, 1,452,219 —, enamel, undercoating composition for, made with, 1,425,510 —-,enamel remover made with, 1,381,485 —,enameling composition contg., 1,449,157 —,ergot alkaloids purified with, 1,894,233 —,ergotamine crystallized from, 1,435,187 —,ergotamine salts crystallized from, 1,435,187 —,esparto, degumming of, using, 1,148,698 —,—,retting of, using, 1,148,698 —,—, treatment of with, 1,271,591 —,esters mfr. with, 1,459,971 —,etching, film, photographic, treatment of for, made with, 1,256,981 —,ethyl alcohol, denatured, made 1,176,150; 1,176,462 —,ethyl benzyl cellulose solvent, 1,454,960 —,ethyl cellulose, solvent for contg., 1,469,812 —,ethyl cellulose solvent, 1,188,376; 1,217,027; 1,217,028; 1,429,153; 1,429,179; 1,432,367; 1,432,368; 1,441,142; 1,454,960; 1,454,961; 1,467,071; 1,467,099; 1,467,100; 1,467,101; 1,467,103; 1,467,104; 1,467,105; 1,500,366 —,ethylene made with, 1,211,395 —, ethylene recovery with, 1,422,184 —,ethylene solvent, 1,211,395 —,ethyl ether, impurity in of, 1,507,337 —,ethylmorphine-diallylbarbituric acid made with, 1,255,423 —,ethyl starch solvent, 1,350,820 —,explosive made with, 1,151,180; 1,202,712; 1,306,440 —, explosive, container for, made with, 1,329,503 —,—,removal from of, process for, 1,237,551 —,extract, flavoring, made with, 1,324,538 —,fabric, coated, made with, 1,141,224; 1,316,782; 1,316,783; 1,395,242 1,353,384 ; with, 1,454,959 ; 1,467,098 ; 1,467,102 ; 1,469,816 ; 1,432 366 ; INDEX OF Acetone, fabric, colloid-treated, made with, 1,256 240 —,—, fireproofing of using, 1,388,827; 1,388,828 —,—,impregnating of, using, 1,327,197; 1,388,169 —,—,rubber coated, made with, 1,184,015 —, fabric, waterproof, made with, 1,468,820 —,—, waterproofing of, made with, 1,141,224; 1,327,197; 1,388,169; 1,388,827; 1,388,828; 1,395,242 —, fabric treating solution contg., 1,417,587 —, fat made with, 1,193,951 —,fat, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —,—, solvent for, contg., 1,260,977 —,fat solvent, 1,193,951 —, feathers, dye for, made with, 1,497,262 '—, fiber, parchmentized, made with, 1,236,959 —,—,rubber coated, made with, 1,482,336 —,—,rubberized, made with, 1,483,856 —,—, vulcanized, made with, 1,236,959 —,fiber product made with, 1,236,460; 1,236,461; 1,236,959 —, fibrous plant, degumming of, using, 1,148,698 —,—,retting of, using, 1,148,698 —,filament, artificial, made with, 1,156,969; 1,217,028; 1,497,321 —, flare made with, 1,388,501 _- —, flax, degumming of, using, 1,148,698 —,—,retting of, using, 1,148,698 —,—, treatment of with, 1,271,591 —, flexible material made with, 1,468,820 —,floor covering made with, 1,482,336; 1,483,856 _ —,floor covering, slipping prevented of, using, 1,223,538 —, flooring made with, 1,383,864 —, flotation agent prepared with, 1,457,708 . —, flotation of ore by, 1,448,929 —, flotation process using, 1,370,843; 1,457,708 —, fluorescent screen made using, 1,512,200 —,film made with, 1,217,027; 1,241,788; 1,347,801; 1,351,652; 1,853,384; 1,353,385 ; 1,354,401; 1,354,726; 1,363,763; 1,429,153; 1,429,174; 1,440,006; 1,480,016; 1,484,004; 1,488,608; 1,501,206; 1,502,945; 1,508,928; 1,514,283; 1,518,396 —, film, cellulose acetate, dye, removal of from, using, 1,497,137; 1,497,138 —,—,cellulose ether, dye, removal of from, using, 1,497,137; 1,497,138 —,—,cellulose nitrate, dye, removal of from, using, 1,497,137; 1,497,138 —,—, composite, made with, 1,476,392 —,—, flexible, made with, 1,820,458 —,—,motion picture, made using, 1,133,385; 1,158,961; 1,158,963; 1,364,342; 1,488,294; 1,496.325; 1,496,359; 1,518,409 —,colored, made with, 1,281,714 composite, made with, 1,469,815 —— ? , —[ i 2 bs > 12 —,—,photographic, made with, 1,199,800; 1.226.342: 1,229,485; 1,229,486; 1,229,487; 1,342,601; 1,342,602; 1,342,603; 1,388,472; 1.415.059: 1429179: 1,431,900; 1,432,366; 1432367: 1.432368: 1,434,453; 1,434,454; 1437828: 1.437829; 1,441,142; 1,441,185; 1,444,333; 1,486,245; 1,488,294; 1,493,000; 1,494,479; 1,500,366; 1,512,751 SUBJECTS 177 Acetone, film, photographic, dye, removal of from, using, 1,497,137; 1,497,188 —,—,—, varying porosity of, 1,256,981 —, filter, ultramicroscopic made by the use of, 1,421,341 made _ with, —,finish remover made with, 1,140,449; 1,145,365; 1,145,980; 1,147,851; 1,147,852; 1,160,394; 1,167,462; 1,167,640; 1,167,641; 1,172,773; 1,173,628; 1,185,641 —, fire-extinguisher made with, 1,276,742 —, fire-extinguisher contg., carbon tetrachloride and, 1,270,394 —, fireproofing made with, 1,241,738; 1,276,742 —, fireproofing composition contg., 1,310,841 —,fireproofing process using, 1,388,827; 1,388,828 —, fireworks made with, 1,204,709 —,fishing line, waterproofing of, using, 1,165,179 —, formaldehyde made with, 1,487,020: —, formaldehyde, action of and, 1,130,499 —, formaldehyde condensates soluble in, mfr. of, 1,451,843 —, formation of, 1,464,153 —, formation of, byproduct in decolorizing car- bon mifr., 1,308,826 —,formation from acetic acid, 1,438,123 —, formation from acetylene, 1,421,743 —,formation from barium acetate, 1,361,131 —, formation from ethyl alcohol, 1,438,123 —, formation from geraniol, 1,430,538 —, formation from zso-propyl alcohol, 1,412,238 ; 1,438,123 —,friction fabric made with, 1,429,267 —., fuel, artificial, contg., 1,313,876 —,—, liquid, made with, 1,158,367; 1,271,115; 1,360,872; 1,420,006; 1,420,622; 1,488,823; 1,460,767; 1,469,053; 1,480,368; 1,480,372; 1,493,874; 1,496.260; 1,504.837; 1,516,757 —, fur, dye for, made with, 1,497,262 —, furfural resin solvent, 1,441,598 —, fuse, lighting torch, made with, 1,388,502 —, galactose for mfr. of, 1,293,172 —, garment, treatment of, using, 1,417,587 —,—, wear-proofing of, using, 1,417,587 —,gear made with, 1,370,666; 1,418,891; 1,514,508 —, gear, noiseless, contg., 1,269,292 —,gelatin, solvent, 1,206,189; 1,206,190 —,gelatin substitute made with, 1,217,027 —, glass, non-shatterable, made with, 1,210,987 —,—,reinforced, made . with, 1,128,094: 1,228,165 —,levo-glucosane purified with, 1,437,615 —,glue, animal, solvent, 1,206,189; 1,206,190 —,glycerol made with, 1,193.951; 1,293,172 —, glycerol resin solvent, 1,443,985; 1,443,936 —, glycerol solvent contg., 1,193,951 —,goat hide, water-proofing of using, 1,150,047 —,gold leaf, imitation, made with, 1,160,979 —,‘‘ greenlime,”, constituent, 1,345,220 —,“greenlime ” product contg., 1,345,220 —, grease, removal of, using, 1,240,395 —,gum solvent, 1,379,837 —,gum, artificial, made with, 1,225,748; 1,225,749; 1,225,750 ig 178 Acetone, gum, artificial, solvent, 1,225,748; 1,225,749; 1,225,750 —, hair, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —,— , dye for, made with, 1 497, 262 —, ‘ hat, bast, waterproofing of using, 1,197,304 — chip, waterproofing of using, 1, 197, 304 —,—,straw, waterproofing of using, tf 197 304 —, ‘heater, ‘chemical, made with, 1 506, O22} 1,506,323 —,hemp, degumming of, using, 1,148,698 —,—,retting of, using, 1,148,698 —,—, treatment of with, 1 271 91 — heptinchlorarsenoxide, made with, 1,201,692 —,heptinchlorarsonic acid (?) made with, 1 ,201 692 —, hexamethylenetetramine ble in, mfr. of, 1,451,843 —, hexamethylenetetramine condensates solu- periodide solvent, 1,226,394 —,hexamethylenetetramine solvent contg., i! ,188,014 — hexamethylenetetramine tetraiodide solvent, 1.226, 394 —,hide tanned with, 1,285,144 — homologues of, ‘cellulose nitrate solvent contg., 1,135,026 —, horn, ‘imitation, made with, 1,199,798; 1,245,476 —,horn substitute made with, 1,241,738; 1,386,576 —, horse chestnuts for mfr. of, 1,293,172 —,horsehair, artificial, made with, 1,347,801; 1,497,321 —,hydrocarbon, water, separation of from using, 1,472,384; 1,472,885 —, hydrogen made with, 1,211,395; 1,506,323 —, hydrogen (compressed) made with, 1,488,581 —, hydrogen purified with, 1,895,389 —, hydrogen solubility of in, 1,488,581 —, hydroxide solvent, 1,438,581 —, hypnotic made with, 1,478,463 —,hypophysis extract made with, 1,296,063; 1,296,064 —,hypophysis extract, 1,296,063; 1,296,064 —, incendiary composition made with, 1,382,805; 1,382,806 —, indigo derivatives, reaction of with, 1,414,335 —,inflammability of solvent mixture contg., 1,499,101 —, insecticide contg., 1,456,509 solubility of in, —. insulation, 1,179,357 ; 1,236,959 ; 1,245,981 ; 1,397,144; 1,418,891 ; 1,493,062 ; electric, made _ with, 1,194,201 ; 1,242,592 ; 1,370,666 ; 1,413,144; 1,448 556 ; 1,185,074; 1,241,738; 1,267,883 ; 1,398,143 ; 1,439,056; 1,500,844 ; 1,514,508 1,156,452; 1,236,460; 1,242,593: 1,392,849: 1,413,145 ; 1,452,086; —,—, heat, made with, 1,185,074 —,iron, coating for, made with, 1,273,954 —,iron chloride dissolved by, 1,383,864 —,iron(ic) chloride solvent, 1,383,864 —,iron cleaner for contg., 1,268,237 —,iron coating for, made with, 1,146,214 —,iron filings, coated, made with, 1,204,709 —,isocyanine dye solvent, 1,374,871; 1,374,872 —,isoprene made with, 1,218,332 UNITED. STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acetone, isophorone made with, 1,370,843 —,ivory, imitation, made with, 1,199,798; 1,245,476 —,ivory substitute made with, 1,386,576; 1,514,509 —,Jelly-like material made with, 1,502,945 —,ketone-aldehyde condensate made with, 1,482,929; 1,502,945 —, ketone-aldehyde condensate solvent, 1,482,929 —, knife handle made with, 1,452,086 —,lacquer made with, 1,137,374; 1,156,969; 1,185,514; 1,187,281; 1,195,673; 1,229,485; 1,229,486; 1,229,487; 1,241,738; 1,242,592; 1,242,593; 1,245,981; 1,847,801; 1,354,154; 1,377,677; 1,406,498; 1,487,170; 1,480,016; 1,488,608; 1,502,945 —,laequer remover made with, 1,381,485 —,lactic acid purified using, 1,459,395 —,lactie acid solvent, 1,459,395 —, lead carbonate prepared with, 1,467,749 —, lead dioxide prepared with, 1,467,749 —,lead sulfate prepared with, 1,467,749 —, leather made with, 1,200,146 —,leather, artificial, made with, 1,140,174; 1,141,224; 1,179,857; 1,217,123; 1,269,339; 1,308,281; 1,320 458 ; 1,392,849; 1,493,062 —,—,—, dyeing of using, 1 186, 052 —,—, made fireproof with, 1 309,581 — , coating for, 1,320,458; 1,395, 242 —,—, coating composition for, made with, Bas 170 —, dressing for, made with, 1,158,962 —, finishing the edge of, using, 1 181 758 —,—,impregnating of, using, 1,327,197 ; 1,388,169 —,—, patent, made with, 1,175,791 —,leather, water-proofing of using, 1,150,047; 1,327,197; 1,388,169 —,leather preservative contg., 1,390,537 —, leather rubberizing solution contg., 1,425,530 —,leather substitute made with, 1,175,791; 1,236,461; 1,256,240; 1,482,336; 1,483,856 —, lecithin made with, 1,277,727 —,lecithin-albumen made with, 1,144,829 —,leprosy, substance for treatment of, made with, 1,250,345 —,levulose for mfr. of, 1,293,172 —,light transforming composition made with, 1,188,655; 1,188,775; 1,188,776; 1,188,777 —,linen, water-proofing of, using, 1,395,242 —, linen line, water-proofing of, using, 1,165,179 —, linseed oil substitute made with, 1,500,844 —,lithium acetyl salicylate made _ with, 1,129,953; 1,217,862 —, lubricant made with, 1,185,682 —, lubricating oil contg., 1,384,703 —,machine oil; emulsion of, made _ using, 1,230,599 —,magnesium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, magnesium chloride solvent, 1,469,839 —, maltose for mfr. of, 1,293,172 —,mfr. of, 1,385,866 —,—,acetate for, 1,315,544; 1,838,040 —,—,acetic acid for, 1,315,525; 1,400,959 id wv “e | =e “ 1,315,544; ~ ‘a INDEX OF Acetone, mfr. of, acid for, 1,129,542 —,—, acrospires for, l 169, 321 —,—,air for, 1,438, 123; 1 A97, 817 —,—, ’ alcohols, secondary, for, 1,497,817 =, —, alkali earth acetate for, 1315, 544 —,—,alkali earth carbonate for, 1,315,544 —,—, alkali earth oxide for, 1,315,544 —,—,alkali earth propionate for, 1,470,885 — alkali hydroxide for, 1,201, 850 —, alkali propionate for, 1,470, 885 t apparatus for, Il 129 542: 1,148,104 ; 1,168, qe077 1,197, 983; 1 250, 282 ; 1,327,737 ; 1,411,529; 1 ‘487, ‘456; 1 ‘488, 278; 1,499,363 ——; asbestos for, a 169, 321; 1 201 5850 —.,—, Bacillus acetobutylicum ‘for, 1,427,595 —,—, Bacillus aceto-ethylicum for, 1,293, 172 —, —, bacteria for, 1,315,585; 1,329, 214: 1, 497, 595 —,—, "bacteria, acidi propLionicr for, 1 470, 885 —,—,—, Bacillus macerans, for, 1, 169, ook; 1,169, 322 —,—, —, Fitz type, for, 1,315,585 —;—, bacteriological process for, 1,437,697 —, banana plant for, 1,271, 591 —, ‘barium acetate as catalyst for, 1,815,525 —,— — bark for, 1,202,317 —,—, ’ bark, waste liquor from treatment of, tor): 1 487, 456 —,—, barley for, 1,427,595; 1,510,526 —,blau gas for, 1,365, 053; 1 497, 817 —, Burton oil for, 1 365 053 —,—, ’ calcium acetate for, 1,208,265 —,—, calcium acetate as catalyst for, 1,315,525 —,—, calcium bisulfite for, 1,129,542. ia —, calcium carbonate for, 1 327, 737; 1,470,885 — calcium chloride for, 1,282, 805 —,—, ’ calcium hydroxide for, 1,129,542 ; 1,196, 290; 1,202,317 - —,—, calcium oxide for, 1,202,317; 1,327,737 —,—,cane for, 1,271,591 —,—, ’ carbohydrates for, 1,470,885 —,—, carbohydrates and alkalies for, 1,338,040 —,—,carbon, decolorizing, for, 1,510, 526 —_—,—, carbon dioxide for, 1 201 850; 1,497,817 —,—, carbon dioxide as by-product of, 1 315, 544 —,—,carbon electrode for, 1,865,053 —,—, carbon monoxide for, 1,201, 850 1,327,737; 1,427,595; »—,—,cellulose for, 1 129, 542: Ley aes 1 488,278 —,—,cellulose soda liquor for, 1,196,290; 3 197, 983; 1,487,456 —,—, cellulose soda-sulfate liquor for, 1,499,363 —,—, cellulose sulfate liquor for, 1, 196, 290 —,—,cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1 202, 317; 1,298,476: 1,298,477; 1,298,478; 1 ‘298, ‘479: 1,298 480 ; 1298,481 : 1,298,594 ; 1,487,456 —,—, cereal for, 1,510,526 —,—, cerium for, 1,201,850 —,—, cerium compound for, 1,201,850 —,—, cerium oxide for, 1,201 850 —,—, chalk for, 1,169 321: 1 169, 322 —,—, chromium for, 1,201,850 —,—, chromium as catalyst for, 1,497,817 —,—, chromium compound for, 1,201,850 —,—,chromium oxide for, 1,201,850 —,—, cobalt for, 1,201 850. — ’ cobalt as catalyst for, 1,497,817 SUBJECTS 179 Acetone, mfr. of, cobalt compound for, 1,201,850 —,—,cobalt oxide for, 1,201,850 —,—, coke for, 1,497,817 —,-—, copper for, 1,438, 123 = copper, iron coated with, for, 1,201,850 —,—, copper as catalyst for, 1 497, 817 —,—, corn for, 1,169,322; 1 315, 585; 1,510,526 —,—, corn cobs for, 1,516, 701 —,—, corn meal for, 1 427 095; 1,510,526 ,—, cotton straw, waste liquor from treat- ment of, for, 1 A87, 456 —,—, ‘ Darco ” for, 1,510, 526 —,—, diatomaceous earth for, 1,201,850 —,—, distilling cellulose waste liquors by, 1 347, 413 —,—, durra for, 1,315,585 —,— ’ electrolytic process for, 1,865,053 —,—,esparto for, 1,271,591 —,—, esparto, waste liquor from treatment of, _for, 1,487,456 — ethyl alcohol for, 1,488,123 —, —, fermentation process for, 1,293,172 —,— ’ ferro-manganese as catalyst for, 1,315,525 —,—, flax for, 1.271,591; 1,315,585 —’ fructose for, L 510, 526 —, ’ fruit peel for, 1,169,321 —,—, garbage for, 1,307,991; —,gasolene for, 1 365, 053 —,—, gasolene, cracked, ‘for, 1,497,817 —,—, glucose for, 1,510, 526 =, —, grain for, 1,427 596; 1,510,526 —,— ’ sranulabacter organisms for, 1,510,526 —,—,grass, waste liquor from tr eatment of, for, 1,487,456 —,—, cravel for, 1,497, 817 —,—, “ gumcarbon ” by product, 1,476,242 —,—, hemp for, 1,271,591 —,—, hydrocarbon, olefin, 1,497,817 —, hydrogen for, 1,201,850 —,iron for, 1 315, 544; 1 497,817 —,iron, copper coated, for, 1,201,850 - —,—,iron as catalyst for, 1,497, 817 2 iron hydroxide for, 1, 196, 290 — kelp for, 1,168,785 —,—, lactate for, 1 ‘470, 885 — lactose for, 1,470, 885 —,—, "lead electrode for, 1,365,053 —_—,— —, limestone fora) 470, 885 —,—, magnesia for, 1,201, 850 - 1,307,992 for, 1,365,053; rage Srp rt See cry bf ae magnesium acetate as catalyst for, 1,315,525 —,—, magnesium hydroxide for, 1,196,290 —,—, malt culms for, 1,169,321 —,—, manganese for, 1 201, ‘850 —,—, Manganese as ‘catalyst for, 1,815,525 —,—,manganese acetate as catalyst for, 1,315,525 —,—, manganese alloy as catalyst for, 1,315,525 —_, —, manganese compound for, 1,201 850 —,—, manganese compound as “catalyst for, 1,315,525 —,—, manganese oxide for, 1 201 ,800 —,—, mannose for, 1,293, 172 —,-—, metal for, 1 315, 544 os ’ milk, skimmed, ‘for, 1,470,885 By 180 Acetone, mfr. of, molasses for, 1,169,321; 1,293,172; 1,510,526 —,—, molasses, black strap, for, 1,510,526 —, molybdenum for, 1,201,850 —,—, molybdenum compound for, 1,201,850 —, molybdenum oxide for, 1,201,850 —,—, Monel metal as catalyst for, 1,497,817 —,—,nichrome as catalyst for, 1,497,817 Lk nickel as catalyst for, 1,497,817 —, nitrogen for, 1,497,817 —,—, “ Norit ” for, 1,510 026 —, oak, white, for, 1 488, 278 sa —, oats for, 1,169,322 : 1,315,585 —,—, osmium for, 1,201,850 —,—, osmium compound for, 1,201,850 —,—, osmium oxide for, 1,201 850 —,—, ’ oxide for, 1,315,544 —,—, oxygen for, 1 365, 053; 1,497,817 —, palladium for, 1 201 850 —, —, palladium compound for, 1,201,850 —,—, palladium oxide for, 1 201 850 -—,—, paper, filter, for, 1 1169, 321 —, peat for, 1,169,321 —,—, petroleum for, 1,865,053 —,—, petroleum, cracked, for, 1,497,817 —,—, petroleum still gas for, i 497, 817 —,—, petroleum vapor for, 1 497, 817 —,—, phosphate minerals for, 1,282 5805 —, —, phosphoric acid for, 1 497, 817 —,—, Pintsch gas for, 1 365, 053; 1,497,817 —, platinized asbestos as Nh seen —, platinum as catalyst for, 1,497,817 —,—, platinum black as catalyst for, 1,497,817 —, platinum electrode for, 1,365 053 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,201 5850 —,—, potassium minerals for, 1 282, 805 —,—, potato for, 1,169,322; 1 293, 172. 1,315,585 ; 1,427, 595 —,—, potato peel for, 1,169,321 —,—, process for, 1 129, 542: 1,148,104; 1,168,785 ; 1,169,321: 1,169,322: 1,196,290; 1,197,983; 1,201,850: 1,202,317; 1,250,282: 1,271,591; 1,282,805; 1,315,525; 1,815,544; 1,327,737; 1,365,053: 1,427,595: 1,438,123: 1,470,885: 1,487,456; 1488278: 1,497,817: 1,499,363: 1,502,896; 1,510,526; 1,516.701 —,—, tso-propyl alcohol for, 1,438,123; 1,497,817 —,—, pumice for, 1,201,850 —, —, raffinose for, 1 293, 172; 1,510,526 —,—, rice for, 1 315, 585; 1 427, 595 —,—, rye for, i; 169, 309 : 1 315 585 —,—, sawdust for, 1,202,318; Lisoisat —,—, selenic acid for, 1,497,817 -—,—, silver as catalyst for, 1,497,817 —,—,sodium acetate and calcium oxide for, 1,385,866 —,—, sodium 1,201,850 —,—, starch for, 1,293,172; 1,427,595 —,—, starches acted upon by bacteria for, i 385 888 —,—, steam for, 1,497 817 —,—, ' steel for, 1,497 817 —,—, ‘steel wool as catalyst for, 1,497,817. 1,282,805 ; hydroxide for, 1,196,290; catalyst for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acetone, mfr. of, straw, waste liquor from treat- ment of, for, 1,487 456 —,-—, sucrose for, 1,293 172; 1,510,526 —,sugar for, 1,169,321 —, sugar, cane for, 1,169,321 a —, eee acid for, 1,129,542; 1.497,817 —,— —., sulfurous acid for, 1,129,542 —,—,tar for, 1,327,737 —, —, tin oxides as catalyst for, 1,497,817 —,—, titanium for, 1,201,850 —, titanium compound for, 1,201,850 —,—, titanium oxide for, 1 201 850 — vanadium as catalyst for, 1,497,817 —,—, vegetable matter for, 1,502 896 —,—, water for, 1,129,542 —, water, effect of on, 1,315,525 —,— ‘wheat for, 1,315 585 —,— —; whey for, 1,470 885 —,—, wood for, 1 129, 542; 1,148,104; 1,176,150; 1,176,462; 1 202 317; 1 250 282; 1271, 591; 1,282,805; 1 327 737: 1 ‘488, 278° —,— , wood pulp liquor for, 1 374 889 —; xylose for, 1,293,172 —,—, yeast for, ‘1 169 321 —,—, yeast extract for, 1,169,321 --,-~) zine for, 1,201 850 —; =) F106 acetate as catalyst for, 1,315,525 1,365,053 ; —, zinc compound for, 1,201 850 —, zine hydroxide for, 1,196 290 —,—,zine oxide for, 1,201 850 —, marble, imitation, made with, 1,199,798; 1 245 A76 —, mash, recovery of from, 1,427,595 — ’ material, resinous, dissolved in, 1,305,790 — ’ membrane made with, 1,421 341 —, mending composition ‘made with, 1,389,084 —,mercury(ic) chloride removed from organic compounds by, 1,455,495 —,mesityl oxide made with, 1,370,843 —,metal, coating for, made with, 1,185,074; 1 208; 954 —, metal, cleaner for, contg., 1,268,237; 1,428,084 —-, “metal leaf made with, 1 "160, 979 —, methane made with, i 211 395 —, ’ methane, solubility of, in, 1,438,581 — ; methoxybenzyl cellulose solvent, 1 454,960 —,methyl acetone contg., 1,147 852: 1,315,216: 1 500,366 — , methylbenzyl cellulose solvent, 1,454,960 — - methyl cellulose solvent, 1,454, 959: 1,454,960; ‘71 454,961 — , methyl ethyl cellulose solvent, 1,454,959; a 454,960 “ methylketobutanol ” made with, 1,130,499 — , methyl 3-nitrosalicylate-5-sulfonyl chloride solvent, 1,125,124 Acetone, methyl-, see Methyl acetone — , molded article made _ with, 1 175,791; 1,185,074; 1,241,738: 1,354,154: 1,358,394; 1,370,666; 1,392,849; 1,397,144; 1,398,143; 1,442,420; 1,443,936; 1,448,556; 1,452,086; 1,500,303; 1,502,945; 1,514,508; 1 514 509 — molding composition swelled with, 1,443 ,936 —,molybdenum filament made with, 1,208,629 —,Montan wax extracted with, 1,437 715 1,125,906 ; 1,342,067; 1,383,864 ; 1,439,056 ; INDEX OF SUBJECTS Acetone, morphine-diallylbarbituric acid made with, 1,255,423 —, moths, compound for protection from, made with, 1,480,289 —, mother-of-pearl, imitation, made _ with, 1,434,157 —, motion picture screen made with, 1,206,287 —,motor fuel contg., 1,360,872; 1,398,948; 1,399,227; 1,405,805; 1,405,806: 1,412,233: 1,420,006; 1,420,007: 1,420,622: 1,423,048: 1,423,049; 1,423,050; 1,425,136; 1,460,767 —,mucilage substitute made with, 1,158,962 —,nail polish contg., 1,888,546 —,naphtha, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —,naphthalene solvent, 1,351,652; 1,354,401; 1,397,742 —,a-naphthol condensation product of, 1,421,722 —,a-naphthol condensed with, 1,414,045 —, 1-naphthol-8-sulfonamide solvent, 1,503,172 —,Nichols invisible court plaster contg., 1,204,812 —, nickel catalyst dried with, 1,431,982 —, nitrocellulose, screen in mfr. of, cleaned with, 1,367,111 —, 3-nitro-2.4-cresotic acid-5-sulfonyl chloride solvent, 1,125,124 —, nitrogen made with, 1,211,395 —,3-nitro-salicylic acid 5-sulfonyl solvent, 1,125,124 —,nitrostarch solvent, 1,388,501 —,octinebromarsonic acid (?) made _ with, 1,201,692 -—,oil, mineral, 1,230,599 —,—,—,refined using, 1,286,179 —, oils dissolved by, 1,395,998 —,oil cloth, imitation, made with, 1,140,174 —,oil cloth substitute made with, 1,175,791 —, ‘oils purified with, 1,371,342; 1,447 898 —, ‘oil solvent, 1,352, 834. —, oleoresin paste made with, 1,324,538 —, packing made with, 1,185,074 —,paint made with, 1,146,214; 1,397,103; 1,410,790 —, paint conte i pitch and, 1,355,102 —,paint, anti-fouling, made with, 1,146,214; 1,273,954; 1,456,509 —,— , undercoating composition for, made with, 1 425,510 —, paint deodorized with, 1,422,711 —, paint primer contg., 1 164, 324 chloride emulsion of, made using, 1,241,738; —, paint, remover made with, 1,130,499; 1,143,110; 1,148,111; 1,143,130; 1,148,877 ; 1,143,878; 1,147,848: 1.147349: 1,147.50: 1,173,628: 1,185,641: 1,189'803; 1,189,804: 1 201, 181: 1,273,307; 1,274,430; 1 398, 080 : 1,381 ‘ASS : 1 ‘406, 175; 1,483,587; 1 ‘499, 101 —, paint remover contg. furfural and, 1,381 A85 —, paper made with, 1,153,883 —,paper, coated, made 1,185,074; 1,395 242 —, —., greaseproofing of, using, 1,411,371 —,—, oil proofing composition contg., 1,414,256 —,—, safety, made with, 1,177,787 —;,—,—, adhesive, made with, 1,177,787 with, 1,141,224; 181 Acetone, paper, transparent coating for, applied with, 1 ,277,904 —,— , water-proofing of, made with, 1,141,224; 1 All il —, paraffin, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —, paraffin separated from coal tar by, 1,448, 983 —,paraffin separated from lignite tar by, 1 443,983 —, paraffin separated from producer tar by, 1,443,983 —, paraffin separated from shale tar by, 1,443,983 —, paraffin solvent contg., 1,172,773; 1,277, 904 —,parchmentized fiber impregnated with lin- seed oil using, 1,267,883 —,parchment skin treated with, 1 235,724 —, paste-board made with, 1,153,883 —,petroleum, sludge sulfonic acid removed from with, 1,286,179; 1,493,111 —, petroleum refined using, 1 233,700; 1,286,179 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,235,723; 1,168,626; Re-14,087; 1,187,231; 1,225,748: 1,225,749; 1,225,750; 1,242,592: 1249'593: 1,342,067; 1,354,154; 1,358.394: 1.370.666: 1,414,139; 1,439,056; 1,442,420: 1,500,303: 1,500,844. — phenol aldehyde condensate, cement, made with, 1,424,738 — , phenol aldehyde condensate binder made with, 1,261,615 —, phenol aldehyde condensate lacquer made with, 1,261,615 — phenol aldehyde condensate soluble in, mfr. of, 1,451,843 — phenol aldehyde 1,087,422 ; Re-14,530; condensate 14,531; solvent; 1,125,906 ; 1,133,083 : 1,150,642: 1,188,014; 1,213,144: 1,225,750; 1,259,473 ; 1,377,519; 1,404,792 : 1,439,056; 1,187,374; 1,160,368 ; 1,188,439; 1,213,726: 1,230,829 ; 1,261,615; 1,398,143: 1,414,139; 1,440,097 ;s —,phenol aldehyde condensate varnish made with, 1,261,615 1,397,144 —, phenol 1,429,267 condensation 1,146,214; 1,160,364; 1,211,227: 1,225,748: 1,236,460: 1,277,904; 1,398,144; 1,418,891 ; 1,441,133; product 1,146,300; 1,187,231; 1,213,051 ; 1,225,749 ; 1,259,472 ; 1,370,666 ; 1,401,633; 1,435,721 ; 1,500,303 —,phenol condensation products made with, solvent, —, phenol condensed with, artificial resin from, 1,448,556 —, phenol-furaldehyde condensate made with, 1 377,019 —, phenol 1,448,556 ketone condensate made with, —,phenolic body condensed with, resin, arti- ficial, for, 1,448,556 —, phenyl benzoate solvent, 1,160,063 —, p-phenylenediamine- acetone-sodium _ bisul- fite made with, 1,497,262 —, phenylethyl cellulose solvent, 1,454,960 —, 2-phenylquinolyl-4-methyl-tso-nitrosoke- tone, solubility of in, 1,434,306 —, phonograph record made with, 1 158,964 ; 1,328,371; 1 468 608; 1,468,609 182 Acetone, phorone made with, 1,370,843 —,phosphatide made with, 1,314,321 —,phosphoric acid, dehydrated, made with, 1,499,611 —,—,—,solvent, 1,499,611 —, photography, color, color carrier for, made with, 1,206,000; 1,221,457 Bo fim for, “made, with, : "1,477,880; 1,477,881; 1,477,882; 1,477,883 —, photographic element contg., 1,290,794 —, photographic screen, colored, made with, 1,161,731 —,photomechanical transfer copying foil made with, 1,499,844 —, phthalic anhydride purified with, 1,301,388 —, piano keys made with, 1,185,074 —,picric acid and diazodinitrophenol blended by, 1,428,011 —, picture, film, photographic, treatment of for, made with, 1,256,981 —,pinacone prepared from, 1,370,366 —,pipe mending composition made 1,389,084 —, pituitary gland, infundibular lobe of, ex- tract. of, made with, 1,271,111 _., plaster, air permeable, made with, 1,180,775 with, —,plastic made with, 1,156,969; 1,158,961; 1,175,791; 1,185,074; 1,189,841; 1,194,201; 1,199,800; 1,216,581; 1,229,485; 1,229,486; 1,229,487; 1,241,788; 1,317,721; 1,331,127; 1,367,886; 1,386,576; 1,388,472; 1,389,084; 1,397,144; 1,402,969; 1,440,006; 1,452,086; 1,468,608; 1,468,609; 1,482,929; 1,488,608; 1,502,945 —., plastic dissolved in acetic acid and, 1,295,533 —, plastic soluble in, 1,402,969 —., plate, lithographic, made with, 1,149,974 —,polish made with, 1,202,495 —, potassium, action of and, 1,169,341 —,potassium acetyl-salicylate made 1,217,862 —, potassium amide, action of and, 1,169,341 —,potassium bichromate made with, 1,310,720 —,potassium chromate purified with, 1,324,328 —, potassium hydroxide solution contg., flota- tion of ores with, 1,425,327 —, potassium hydroxide solvent, 1,324,828 —,potassium sulfate (acid) prepared with, 1,467,749 —, powder, smokeless, mfr. with, 1,390,740 —,—,—,removal from of, process for, 1,237,551 —,printers blanket made with, 1,237,493 —,printing plate made with, 1,132,384; 1,370,666; 1,377,519; 1,401,633 —, printing plate, matrix for, blanket for mak- ing of, made with, 1,237,493 —,iso-propyl alcohol for producing, 1,412,233 —,pyrotechnic made with, 1,388,501; 1,500,844 —,quinine, veronal, compound of and, made with, 1,185,637 —,quinine compound solvent, 1,213,464; Re- LG toe. —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,234,450; 1,370,666; 1,404,792; 1,518,443 —,—,—, dyeing of using, 1,248,468 —,—,sound reproducing, made with, 1,398,144 —,recovery of, 1,420,613 with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acetone, recovery of, alcohol for, 1,365,791 —,—,apparatus for, 1,209,657; 1,315,700; 1,315,701 —,recovery of, cresol for, 1,315,700; 1,315,701 —,—,from filament formation, sulfuric acid for, 1,877,761 —,—, hydrocarbon oil for, 1,365,791 —,—, kerosene for, 1,365,791 —,—, lard oil for, 1,365,791 —,—,marine oils for, 1,865,791 —,—,phenol for, 1,315,700; 1,315,701 —,—, process for, 1,315,700; 1,315,701; 1,381,002; 1,513,153 —,—,sperm oil for, 1,865,791 —,recovery apparatus for, 1,228,225; 1,236,719 —,refinishing composition made with, 1,202,495 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,194,201; 1,241,738; 1,897,144; 1,448,556; 1,451,843; 1,489,744; 1,500,844; 1,502,945 —,—,—,non-solvent, 1,489,744 —,resins, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —,resins, synthetic, solvent, 1,413,144; 1,413,145 —,resins soluble in, mfr. of, 1,424,137 —,resin solvent, 1,203,485 —,resinous condensates soluble in, mfr. of, 1,451,843 —,retting liquors worked up into, 1,344,719 —,rocket made with, 1,388,501 —,rubber, artificial made with, 1,161,904 —,—, fabric coated with, made with, 1,184,015 —,—, fiber coated with, made with, 1,482,336 ,—, hard, substitute, made with, 1,331,127 —,—, spongy, made with, 1,156,184 —,—, synthetic, made with, 1,218,332; 1,218,713 —,rubber article made with, 1,493,062 —,rubber cement contg., 1,392,240; 1,398,979 —,rubber mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —,rubber precipitated with, 1,483,856 —,rubber prepared with, 1,467,749 —., rubber reclaimed with, 1,310,013; 1,510,706 —,rubber solutions precipitated by, 1,877,152 —, rubber solvent, 1,398,979 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,175,791; 1,185,074; 1,435,360 —, rubber-like acetone compound ” made with, 1,502,945 —,rug, slipping of prevented, using, 1,223,538 —, rustproofing using, 1,240,395 —,salicylo-salicylic acid solvent, 1,483,217 —,sausage casing made with, 1,204,812 —,Schweinfurt green, arsenic trichloride and, arsenical solution contg., 1,456,509 —,—,—, insecticide contg., 1,456,509 —,—,—,wood, preservative for, contg., 1,456,509 —,sheep hide, water-proofing of using, 1,150,047 —,shellac solvent, 1,185,682; 1,240,395 ; 1,328,371; 1,488,618 —,shellac substitute made with, 1,482,929; 1,500,844 —,ship-bottom, anti-fouling coating for, made with, 1,273,954 —,shoe box toe made with, 1,373,855 —,shoe lace tip made with, 1,139,112; 1,512,162 —,shoe stiffeners moistened with, 1,415,378 —,shoe stiffener softened with, 1,408,816 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Acetone, silicic acid dried with, 1,413,457 —,silk, artificial, made with, 1,156,969; 1,189,841; 1,217,028; 1,347,801; 1,353,384; 1,353,385; 1,440,006; 1,441,203; 1,441,204; 1,441,205; 1,458,542; 1,484,004; 1,497,321; 1,501,206; 1,508,928; —,—,—, cellulose acetate, made with, 1,363,763 —,—,—, cellulose nitrate, made with, 1 398, 525; 1 441 203; 1,441,204; 1 441 ,205 —,—,—, removal from of, 1,441 ,203; 1,441,204; 1 441 205 —,—, water-proofing of, using, 1,395,242 —, ’ silk line, water-proofing of, using, 1,165,179 —, ’ silver acetyl-salicyate made with, 1 217 862 —, ’ silver pearl, imitation, made with, 1,434, 157 — ’ sludge sulfonic acid, petroleum, removal from of with, 1,286,179; 1,493,111 —, sludge sulfonic acid purified using, 1,495,891 —, smokeless, powder manoeuver, made with, 1 ,208 358 —, sodium, action of and, 1,169,341 —, ’ sodium ’acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, sodium amide action of and, 1,169 341 —, sodium bicarbonate made with, 1 '310, 720 —, ‘sodium bichromate made with, 1 310, 720 —, sodium carbonate, solubility of in water and, 1 913,812; 1,313,313 —, sodium cyanide made with, 1,322,195 —, ’ sodium cyanide separated from carbonate by, 1,337,019 —, sodium cyanide solvent, water and, 1,313,313 —, ‘sodium derivative of, 9-methyl- 3-butin-2-ol made with, 1,169,341 —, sodium ferrocyanide, solubility of in water and, 1,313,312; 1,313,313 —, sodium formate solvent, water and, 1,313,312 —, ’ sodium hydroxide, solubility of in water and, Pato el2: 1,313,313 —,sodium hydroxide purified with, 1,324,328 —,sodium hydroxide solvent, 1,324,328 —, sodium 2-phenylquinoline-4-carboxylate dis- solved by, 1,336,952 —,sodium salicylo-salicylate made with, 1,483,217 —,sodium sludge sulfonates made _ with, 1,493,111 —,sodium sulfate(acid) prepared with, 1,467,749 —, soldering flux contg., 1,428,088 —,solvent for isocyanine dyes, 1,374,871; 1,374,872 — solidified, mfr. of, alecoholate for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, calcium chloride for, 1,223, 153 —— — ethyl alcohol for, 1 223, 153 —,—,—, fatty acid for, 1,223 153 —,—,—, methyl alcohol for, 12231453 —,—,—, potassium for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, potassium methylate for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, potassium stearate for, 1,223, 153 —,—,—, process for, 1,223,153 —, —, —, sodium for, 1,223, 153 —,—,—, sodium ethylate for, 1,223,153 »—,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,223,153 — —,—,—,sodium stearate for, 1,223,153 Oma stearic acid for, 1,223,153 —,see also Alcohol, solidified << 183 Acetone, solvent 1,218,616 —, sparklers made with, 1,204,709 —,sponge, artificial, made with, 1,142,619 —,starch ethers solvent, 1,350,820 —,steel, cleaner for, contg., 1,268,237 —,—, coating for, made with, 1,146,214 —, storage cell plates washed with, 1,439,994 —, straw, artificial, made with, 1,497,321 —,strontium acetyl-salicylate made 1,217,862 —,succinie acid made with, 1,193,951; 1,491,465 —, sulfur dioxide, absorption of ,using, 1,212,199 —,—, solubility of in, 1,436,289 recovery apparatus for, with, —,sulfur dioxide and, coal treated with, 1,436,289 —,—,diolefines extracted from coal with, 1,436,289 —,—,hydrocarbons, extracted from naphtha by, 1,436,289 —,sulfur dioxide solvent, 1,392,370 —,sulfur precipitated from solutions by, 1,425,530 —, sulfur solvent, 1,382,669 —, ’ sulfur trioxide, absorption of, using, 1,212,199 —,sulfur-phenol resin solvent, 1,435 801 —,sunflower oil, emulsion of, made using, 1 230,599 — surgical appliance made with, 1,461,161 —,tanning compound made with, 1 414 045 ; 1 421,722; 1,500,844 —, tanning material mfr. from, 1,421,722 —, tanning substances prepared with, 1,414,045 —, teeth, artificial, mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —,tent fabric made with, 1,427,941 —, textile, treatment of, using, 1,417,587 —,—, wear-proofing of, using, 1,417,587 — ’ therapeutic compound made with, 1,250,345 ; 1 497,995 —, thermo- plastic made with, 1,493,208; 1,493,209; 1,493,210 —,thermoscope made with, 1,874,857 —,thiocarbanilide solvent, 1,184,015 —,thio-protein compounds made with, 1,145,634 —, thread, artificial, made with, 1,241,738 —, tile made with, 1,379,837; 1,383,864 —, tile, imitation, made with, 1,202,544 —,tin tetrachloride solvent, 1,383,864 —,tire made with, 1,184,257 . —,p-p '_tolyldibromindigo reaction with, 1 412,038 —, tonka bean extract made with, 1,515,714 —, ‘torch made with, 1,388,501 — toys made with, 1 185 074 —.,triacetone amine ‘made with, 1,473,285 —, ’ triacetone diamine made with, 1 473 285 1,493,207 ; —., triacetin solvent contg., 1,488 294 —, ’ trimethylene glycol disalicylate solvent, 1,286,944 —., trinitrotoluene purified with, 1,297,524 —,triphenyl'phosphate contg., 1,488,294 —,triphenyl phosphate solvent, 1,133,385; 1,199,798; 1,245,476; 1,319,229 —,tube made with, 1,175,791 —,tuberculosis, substance for treatment of, made with, 1,250,345 184 Acetone, tung oil, solidified, made with, 1,383,864 —, tungsten filament made with, 1,208,629 —, tungsten hexachloride solvent, 1,208, 629 —, Turkish birdlime treated with, 1,396 023 — ’ undercoating composition conte., 1,425, 510 —,underwriters cloth made with, 1,427, 941 —, ’ vanilla bean extract made with, 1,515, 714 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, —, ‘vanillalacetone made with, 1 263, 796; 1,306,710 —,varnish made with, 1,137,374; 1,187,231; 1,188,439; 1,195,673; 1,209,338; 1,228,428; 1,229,485; 1,229,486; 1,229,487; 1,242,592; 1,242,593; 1,251,863; 1,347,801; 1,354,154; 1,354,726; 1,892,849; 1,895,242; 1,413,144; 1,413,145; 1,429,174; 1,431,080; 1,437,170; 1,440,006; 1,443,935; 1,444,833; 1,451,848; 1,481,485; 1,482,929; 1,502,945 —, varnish, fat soluble, made with, 1,500,844 —,—, light transforming, made with, 1,188,655; 1,188,775; 1,188,776; 1,188,777 —,—,oil soluble, made with, 1,500,844 —,—,undercoating composition for, made with, 1,425,510 —,varnish remover made with, 1,130,499; 1,148,110; 1,148,111; 1,148,130; 1,147,848; 1,147,849; 1,147,850; 1,173,628; 1,185,641; 1,189,803; 1,189,804; 1,201,181; 1,273,307; 1,274,480; 1,328,080; 1,381,485; 1,406,175; 1,483,587; 1,499,101 —,varnish surface, cracked, composition for treating contg., 1,492,404 —, vegetable parchment made with, 1,236,959 —,veronal, quinine, compound of and, made with, 1,185,637 —, vinyl acetate condensates soluble in, mfr. of, 1,451,843 —, vinyl chloride condensates soluble in, mfr. of, 1,451,843 —, vinyl ether condensates soluble in, mfr of, 1,451,843 —, vinyl ethyl ether condensates soluble in, mfr. of, 1,451,843 —, vinyl halide condensates soluble in, mfr. of, 1 451,848 L. vinyl propyl ether condensates soluble in, mfr. of, 1,451,843 —, viscose precipitated with bisulfite and, 1,292,544 —, vitamin obtained using, 1,162,907; 1,162,908; 1,468,251 —, vitamin, antineuritic, made with, 1,468,251 —,—, antiscorbutic, made with, 1,468,251 —, vitamin compound made with, 1,488,815 —, vitamin solution made with, 1 ‘474, 029 —, ; vitellin made with, 1,277, 727, — ' vulcanizing accelerator made with, 1,473,285 —, wall covering made with, 1,482,336; 1,483,856 —, wall paper made with, 1,175,791 —,wall paper, coating composition for, made with, 1,425,510 —, water, cellulose nitrate, removal from of, using, 1 010,739 _—,— , hydrocarbon, separation from of using, 1 72, 384; 1,472,385 —, water gas made ais 1,506,323 1915-1924 made with, Acetone, waterproof material 1,236,460; 1,236,959 —,waterproofing using, 1,165,179; 1,241,738; 1,382,077; 1,388,827; 1,388,828; 1,389,084; 1,395,242; 1,453,764 —, wax, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —, wax solvent contg., 1,173,628 ; 1,277,904 —, whale oil dissolved in, 1,395,998 —, wood, artificial, made with, 1,397,144 —,—,coating for, made with, 1,185,074; 1,273,954; 1,395,242 —,—, preservative for, contg., 1,456,509 —,—, treatment of with, 1,271,591 —, wood spirit contg., 1,250,282 —, wood stain contg., 1,422,292 —, wood work mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —, wool wax made with, 1,284,723 —, wool wax soap made with, 1,284,723 —,zapone varnish contg., 1,153, 574 —,zine acetyl-salicylate ‘made with, 1,217,862 —, zine chloride solvent, 1,383,864 . —, ’ zingiberone made with, 1,306,710 —,see also Methyl acetone Acetone alcohol, see 1-Hydroxy-2-propanone Acetone aldehyde, production from acetylene, 1,421,743 Acetone amine, vinyl diacetone amine made with, 1,473,285 Acetone bisulfite, animal fibers treated with, 1,466,748 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,448,556 —, molded article made with, 1,448,556 —,phenol ketone condensate made with, 1,448,556 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,448,556 Acetone chloroform, paint remover made with, 1,130,499 —, varnish remover made with, 1,130,499 Acetone cinchonine, cellulose acetate sheet contg., 1,849,156 Acetone cyanhydrin, see butyric acid nitrile Acetone dicarboxylic acid, preparation oi, 1,419,091; 1,419,092 — _tropinone esters from, 1,419,091; 1,419,092 —, see also b-Keto- glutaric ‘acid Acetone- dicarboxylic acid diethylesters, tropi- none derivatives from, 1,420,900 —,see also Diethyl-b-keto-glutarate Acetone diethyl sulphone, see Sulphonal Acetone-formaldehyde condensate, see Ketone aldehyde condensate “Acetone-glycerol,” flavoring extract made with, 1,497,439 —, perfume made with, 1,497,439 Acetone oil, acacia as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,albumen as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, alcohol carburant, 1,469,148 —,agar-agar as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,ammonium tannate as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,casein as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, celluloid, solvent for, made with, 1,158,217 —, cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,394,890 —, cellulose ether, solvent for contg., 1,469,812 —, cellulose nitrate solvent made with, 1,158,217 a-H ydroxy-tso- INDEX OF > pe wala U2 A 117 f 1,202,490; 1,341,710; 1,394,890; 1,398,239; —, clay as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,coating composition made with, 1,189,550; 1,189,551; 1,400,041 —,concrete coating contg., 1,400,041 —,concrete, coating composition for, made with, 1,189,550; 1,189,551; 1,400,041 —,container made from, 1,355,976 —,cordial made with, 1,158,217 —, dextrin as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,emulsifying of, process for, 1,440,356 —, essential oils made with, 1,158,217 —, flavoring extracts made with, 1,158,217 —,finish remover made with, 1,140,449; - 1,147,851; 1,160,394; 1,167,640; 1,172,773 —, gelatin as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,glue as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,golf ball made with, 1,202,490 —,gums as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, heavy, paint contg., 1,398,084 —,hemicelluloses as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, hydrogenation of, alumina as catalyst car- rier for, 1,158,217 —,—,carbon as catalyst carrier for, 1,158,217 —, cobalt as catalyst for, 1,158,217 1,355,976 ; 1,441,203 | “iss oil, cellulése nitrate solvent contg., 1,185,514; . ay —, cobalt nitrate as catalyst for, 1,158,217 ,—, cobalt oxide as catalyst for, 1,158,217 —,—, copper as catalyst for, 1,158,217 —,—,iron as catalyst for, 1,158,217 —,—, kieselguhr as catalyst carrier for, 1,158,217 —,—, nickel as catalyst for, 1,158,217 —,—,nickel nitrate as catalyst for, 1,158,217 ~—,—, nickel oxide as catalyst for, 1,158,217 —,—, palladium as catalyst for, 1,158,217 —,—, palladium chloride for, 1,158,217 —,—, pumice as catalyst carrier for, 1,158,217 —,isinglass as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,kaolin as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,lacquer made with, 1,185,514; 1,437,170 —, light, cellulose nitrate coating made with, 1,820,458 —,—, cellulose nitrate solvent, 1,320,458 —,—, film, flexible, made with, 1,820,458 —,—, leather, artificial, made with, 1,320,458 —,—,—, coating, made with, 1,320,458 —, liquor made with, 1,158,217 -—,mfr. of, bagasse for, 1,170,487 —,—, process for, 1,170,487 —,marshmallow as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, paint, acidproof, made with, 1,398,084 —,paint remover made with, 1,130,499; 1,143,110; 1,148,111; 1,147,848; 1,147,849; 1,189,803; 1,189,804 —, pectins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, polysaccharide as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, proteins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, recovery of, process for, 1,381,002 —,resins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,rubber, reclaiming of, using, 1,510,706 —,rubber cement contg., 1,392,240 —, silk, artificial, cellulose nitrate, made with, 1,441,203 —,soap as emulsifier of, 1,440,856 —,solvents recovered by means of, 1,355,401 —, Starch as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 SUBJECTS 185 Acetone oil, tannic acid as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, tannins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,tar solvent, 1,371,460 —,tragacanth as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,varnish made with, 1,437,170 —, varnish, acidproof, made with, 1,398,084 —,varnish remover made with, 1,130,499; 1,143,110; 1,143,111; 1,147,848; 1,147,849; 1,189,803; 1,189,804 Acetone oxalic acid, see a-Keto-levulinic acid Acetone oxalic acid ester, see Ethyl a-keto- levulinate Acetone phenyl-hydrazone, flotation of chalco- cite by, 1,364,306 —., flotation of chalcopyrite by, 1,364,306 —, flotation of copper sulfide by, 1,364,306 —, flotation of minerals by, 1,364,306 —, flotation of porphyry ores by, 1,364,306 —,see also 3.3-Dimethyl-l-phenyl-hydrazi- methylene Acetone substitute, acetone in, 1,260,977 —,mfr. of, acetic acid, waste, for, 1,260,977 —,—, formic acid, waste, for, 1,260,977 —,methyl alcohol for, 1,260,977 —, process for, 1,260,977 —,—,pyroligneous acid for, 1,260,977 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,260,977 —, methyl acetate in, 1,260,977 —, methyl alcohol in, 1,260,977 Acetonesulfite-Bayer, see Acetone disulfite Acetone-water, alkali carbonate insoluble in, 1,295,049 —,sodium carbonate insoluble in, 1,295,049 —,sodium cyanide dissolved in, 1,295,049 —,sodium hydroxide dissolved in, 1,295,049 Acetonic acid, see Acid, iso-oxy-butyric —,see also Hydroxy-isobutyric acid (a) Acetonitrile, formation from acetylene, 1,421,743 —,mfr. of, 1,421,743 —,see also Methyl cyanide Aceto-nitro-cellulose, see nitrate p-Acetonphenonarsonic acid (?), arsenic deriva- tives from, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 _ Acetonphenone-i-oxy-3-arsonic oxide, semicar- bazone of, arsenic compounds from, 1,425,930 Acetonyl 3.4.5-triacetoxy-benzoate, mfr. of, process for, 1,222,345 »p-Acetophenetide, see Phenacetin Acetophenone, carbon tetrachloride, freezing point of mixture of and, 1,270,394 —, cellulose ether solvent contg., 1,467,098 —., ethyl] cellulose solvent contg., 1,467,098 —, film, photographic, made with, 1,467,098 —, fire-extinguisher contg., carbon tetrachloride and, 1,270,394 —,isoprene made with, 1,218,332 —,a-methyl-benzyl alcohol 1,247,629 —, plastic made with, 1,467,097 —,rubber, synthetic, made with, 1,218,332 —, varnish made with, 1,467,097 —,see also Hypnone; Methylphenyl ketone Acetophenone-arsenious acid, mfr. of, p-amino- acetophenone for, 1,472,778 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,472,778 ? d > Cellulose aceto- made __iusing, i+ 186 Acetophenone-arsenious acid, mfr. of, sodium nitrite for, 1,472,778 —, —, process for, 1,472,778 —,—,sodium arsenite for, 1,472,778 ne Acetophenonearsonic acid, amidoguanidine condensed with, 1,425,929 hy p-Acetophenonearsonic acid, amidoguanidine condensed with, 1,425,929 —,aminobiuret condensed with, 1,425,929 —, arsenic derivatives from, 1,425,929 —,malonylhydrazone of, arsenic compounds from, 1,425,930 —,semicarbazone of, arsenic compounds from, 1,425,930 —,sce also 4-Acetyl-benzenearsonic acid Acetophenone-i-oxy-3-arsenic oxide, seémicarba- zone of, arsenic compounds from, 1,425,930 Acetophenone-ory-arsenic oxide see 4-Arsinoso- 3-hydroxy-acetophenone b-Acetopropionic acid, see Levulinic acid Acetosal, see Acetylsalicylic acid eon Acetosalicylic acid, see also 5-Acetyl-salicylic acid Acetose, see Cellulose acetate _ Acetothienone, see Methyl 2-thienyl ketone Acetoxim, iso-propylamine made with, 1,239,867 o-Acetoxy-benzorc acid, see Acetylsalicylie acid —,see also Aspirin Aceto-p-xylidine, rubber substitute made with, 1,159,258 —, varnish made with, 1,159,258 Acet-o-phenetidide, explosive contg., 1,280,279 Acetphenetidin, see Phenacetin _ »-Acetphenetidine, see Phenacetin Acetphenylenediamine, acetaldehyde, com- pound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—,gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—,—,rubber, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—,rubber substitute, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, vulcanization accelerator, 1,417,970 —,acetaldehyde condensate of, see Acetalde- hyde acetphenylenediamine —,vulcanization accelerator 1,417,970 Acet-m-phenylenediamine, dyestuff made with, 1,243,170 Acet-p-phenylenediamine, diazotized, saponi- fying, 1,372,489 —, diazotizing, 1,372,489 —, dye from, 1,363,886; 1,872,439 —, dyestuff made with, 1,365,040 —,see also p-Amino-acetanilide Acetphenylediaminesulfonic acid, see N*-Acetyl- phenylenediamine-3-sulfonic acid Acetum Plumbi, see Lead subacetate Acetum saturm, see Lead subacetate Acetylacetic anilide, see Acetoaceticanilide Acetylacetic ester, see Ethyl acetoacetate Acetyl acetone, see 2.4-Pentanedione a-Acetyl-acetophenone, dyestuff made with, 1,216,812 Acetyl-p-amidophenyl salicylate, see Salophen made with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 2-Acetylamino-6-amino-anisole, see 4-Amino- o-acetaniside 2-Acetylamino-6-amino-1.4-dichlorbenzene, N’-Acetyl-3.6-dichlor-phenylene-diamine 4-Acetylamino-l-amino-2.6-dichlorbenzene, acetylamino-2.6-dichlorbenzenearsinic made with, 1,265,865 —,mfr. of, 1.4-diamino-2.6-dichlorbenzene for, 1,265,865 —,—, process for, 1,265,865 —, 3,5,3’-5’-tetramino-2.2’6.6’-tetrachlor-4.4-di (methylamino)-arsenobenzene made _ with, 1,265,865 6-Acetylamino-3-amino-1-methoxy-benzene-4- sulfonic acid, dyestuff from, 1,408,405 6-Acetylamino-3-amino-1-methoxy-benzene-4- sulfonic acid, see also 5-Acetamido-2-amino- 4-methoxy-benzenesulfonic acid 5-Acetylamino-2-amino-4-methoxy-toluene, see 4-Amino-6-methyl-o-acetaniside 5-Acetylamino-2-amino-4’-methy]-1.1’-dipheny- sulfone sulfonic acid, dyestuff mfr. from, 1,467,711 4-A cetylamino-2-amino-4’-methy]-5'-sulfo-1’- diphenylsulfone, dyestuff mfr. from, 1,467,711 1-Acetylamino-4-aminonaphthalene-6-sulfonic acid, dyestuff from, 1,422,866 8-Acetylamino-2-amino-1-naphthol-3.5-disul- fonic acid, dyestuff reduction product, 1,127,261 4-Acetylamino-2-amino-phenol, see 3-Amino-4- hydroxy-acetanilide 5’-Acetylamino-2-amino-4-sulfo-4’-methyl-1.1’- diphenylsulfone, dyestuff mfr. from, 1,467,711 Acetylaminoanisidine, see Amino-acetaniside 4-Acetylamino-2-anisidine, see 8-Amino-p- acetaniside (Acetylamino)-anthraquinone, mfr. of, acetic anhydride for, 1,266,896 —,—, acetyl chloride for, 1,266,896 —,—, amino-anthraquinone for, 1,266,896 , sodium acetate for, 1,266,896 1-(Acetylamino)-anthraquinone, dyestuff made with, 1,266,896 2-(Acetylamino)-anthraquinone, dyestuff made with, 1,266,896 2-Acetylamino-1-chlor-anthraquinone, made with, 1,126,475 2-Acetylamino-1-chlor-3-methyl-anthraquin- one dyestuff made with, 1,126,475 Acetylamino-compounds, see Acetamino-. com- pounds m-Acetylamino-p-cresol, dyestuff from, 1,408,363 Acetyl-aminocymene, 2-acetyl-amino-l-methyl- 5-nitro-4-¢so-propyl-benzene made _ with, 1,314,923 —, dye from, 1,314,928 —, dye, sulfur, green, made with, 1,314,929 —, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,314,923 —,—, aminocymene for, 1,314,923 see 4. acid b) 2-Acetylamino-cymene, nitrocymene from, 1,314,924; 1,314,925; 1,314,926 p-Acetylaminodiazobenzene, dyestuff, azo, made with, 1,823,285 2-Acetylamino-1.3-dibrom-anthraquinone, dye- stuff made with, 1,126,475 dyestuff © INDEX OF 4-Acetylamino-2.6-dichlorbenzenearsinic acid, 4- amino-2.6-dichlor-benzenearsinic acid made ' with, 1,265,865 —,mfr. of, 4-acetylamino-1-amino-2.6-dichlor- benzene for, 1,265,865 —,—, process for, 1,265,865 —,—, sodium arsenite for, 1,265,865 —, properties of, 1,265,865 —, 3.5.3'-5’-tetramino-2.2’ 6.6’-tetrachlor-4.4’- di(methylamino)-arsenobenzene made with, 1,265,865 _ 8-Acetylamino-4-ethoxycarbonylameno-phene- tole, see $3-Acetamino-4-carbethoxryamino- phenetole 3-Acetylamino-4-ethoxycarbonylamino-phenol, see 3-Acetamino-4-carbethoxyamino-phenol ‘Acetylamino-halogen-anthraquinone, dyestuff made with, 1,126,475 5-Acetylamino-2-hydroxy-1-methy]-4-2so- propyl benzene, dye from, 1,314,928 1-Acetylamino-8-hydroxynaphthalene-4-sul- fonic acid, dyestuff from, 1,408,297 1-Acetylamino-8-hydroxynaphthalene-4-sul- — fonic acid, see also 8-Acetamido-1-naphthol- 5-sulfonic acid 2-A cetylamino-1-methyl-5-amino-4-~7so-propyl- benzene, mfr. of, iron for, 1,314,923 2-Acetyl-amino-1-methyl-5-nitro-4-7so-propyl- benzene, 2-acetylamino-1-methyl-5-amino-4- iso-propyl-benzene made with, 1,314,923 —., 2.5-diamino-l-methyl-4~so-propyl-benzene made with, 1,314,923 —, diazotization of, 1,314,923 —,dye from, 1,314,923; 1,314,928 —, mfr. of, acetyl-aminocymene for, 1,314,923 —,—, 2-acetyl-amino-1-methyl-5-nitro-4-iso- propyl-benzene for, 1,314,923 - —,—,aminocymene for, 1,314,923 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,314,923 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,814,923 —,—,sulfurie acid for, 1,314,923 —,see also p-Acetylamino-nitro-benzene 2-Acetylamino-4-methyl-phenol, see m-Acetyla- mino-p-cresol 2-Acetylamino-1-methyl-4-iso-propyl-benzene, dye from, 1,314,928 3-Acetylamino-1-methy]-4-iso-propyl-benzene, ~ dye from, 1,314,928 3-Acetylamino-2-naphthol, dyestuff made with, 1,145,072 8-Acetylamino-1-naphthol-3.5-disulfonic dyestuff made with, 1,127,261 Acetylaminonaphthol sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,127,261 7-Acetylamino-l-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid, dye- stuff made with, 1,126,466 9-Acetylamino-peri-naphthothiopyran-3(2)-one, —9,9’-diacetylamino-A*?-peri-naphthothiopy- ran-3(2)-one made with, 1,498,913 —,mfr. of, 2-acetylamino-l-naphthylthiogly- colic acid for, 1,498,913 —,—, chlorsulfonie acid for, 1,498,913 —,—, process for, 1,498,913 2-Acetylamino-l-naphthyl-thioglycolic acid, 9- acetylamino-peri-naphthothiopyran-3(2)-one made with, 1,498,913 acid, SUBJECTS 187 2-Acetylamino-l-naphthyl-thioglycolic acid, 9.9’-diacetylamino-A*”’-peri-naphthothiopy- ran-3(2)-one made with, 1,498,913 —, dyestuff made with, 1,498,913 —, mfr. of, acetic anhydride for, 1,498,913 —,—, 2-amino-l-naphthyl-thioglycolic acid for, 1,498,913 ~—,—, chlor-acetic acid for, 1,498,913 —,—,2-naphthylamine — hydrochloride 1,498,913 —,—, process for, 1,498,913 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,498,913 —,—,sulfur chloride (S.Cl.) for, 1,498,913 p-Acetylamino-nitro-benzene, see 2-Acetyla- mino-1-methyl-5-nitro-4-iso-propyl-benezene a ena aa see 4-Hydrozy-acentant- vde a-(p-Acetylamino-pheny]) b-(5-hydroxy-7-sul- fo-2-naphthyl)-urea, dyestuff made with, 1,483,447 p-Acetylamino-phenyl-stibnic acid, alkali salt of, mfr. of, (mono) acetyl-p-phenylenedia- mine for, 1,260,707 —,—,—, antimony trioxide for, 1,260,707 —,carbon dioxide for, 1,260,707 —,hydrochlorie acid for, 1,260,707 —, methyl alcohol for, 1,260,707 —, process for, 1,260,707 —,—,—, sodium chloride for, 1,260,707 —,—,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,260,707 —,—,—,sodium nitrite for, 1,260,707 ——,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,260,707 ——,—, properties of, 1,260,707 —, mfr. of, (mono), acetyl-p-phenylene diamine for, 1,260,707 —,—, antimony trioxide for, 1,260,707 —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,260,707 ~~, —, hydrochloric acid for, 1,260,707 for, b) SS Sn — 3 ) ’ b) ’ bd d d bf —, methyl alcohol for, 1,260,707 —,—, process for, 1,260,707 ——, —, sodium chloride for, 1,260,707 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,260,707 —,—,sodium nitrite for, 1,260,707 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,260,707 —, properties of, 1,260,707 —,sodium salt of, mfr. of, (mono) acetyl-p- phenylene diamine for, 1,260,707 —-,—, —, antimony trioxide for, 1,260,707 -—, —, —, carbon dioxide for, 1,260,707 .—,—, hydrochlorie acid for, 1,260,707 ,—,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,260,707 ,—,—, process for, 1,260,707 —,——,—, sodium chloride for, 1,260,707 ,—, —, sodium hydroxide for, 1,260,707 _—,—,sodium nitrite for, 1,260,707 _—,—,sulfurie acid for, 1,260,707 -—,—, properties of, 1,260,707 Acetylaminosalol, see Salophen Acetylanisidin, see Acetaniside N-Acetyl-anisidine, see Acetaniside; Metha- cetin N-Acetyl-o-anisidine, see o-Acetaniside N-Acetyl-p-anisidine, see p-Acetaniside 3-Acetyl-1-o-anisyl-2.3-dihydro-2-phenyl-4.5- pyrroledione, see 3-Acetyl-4.5-diketo-1-0-me- thoxyphenyl-2-phenyl-pyrrolidine 188 Acetyl arabin, adhesive, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, fire extinguisher made with, 1,248,092 —, fireproofing made with, 1,248,092 —, paint, fireproof, made with, 1,248, 092 —,paper, fireproofing sizing "for, made with, 1,248,092 —, starch, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, varnish, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 Acetylarsenophenylglycine, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,299,215 —,—, acetic anhydride for, 1,299,215 —,—, acetylphenylglycinearsenic 1,299,215 —,—, arsenophenylglycine for, 1,299,215 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,299,215 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,299,215 —,—,sodium hyposulfite for, 1,299,215 Acetylated cellulose, see Cellulose acetate Acetylated starch, see Starch acetate Acetylation, see Acetation 4-Acetyl-benzenearsonic acid, 4-acetyl-benzene- arsonic acid aminobiuret made with, 1,425,929 —, 4-acetyl-benzenearsonic aminoguanidine made with, 1,425,929 —, 4-acetyl-benzenearsonic acid carbohydrazide made with, 1,425,929 —, 4-acetyl-benzenearsonic made with, 1,425,929 —, 4-acetyl-benzenearsonic acid malonylhydra- zone made with, 1,425,929 —,4-acetyl-benzenearsonic acid oxalhydrazone made with, 1,425,929 —,4-acetyl-benzenearsonic acid phenylhydra- zine made with, 1;425,929 acid for, acid hydrazone —, 4-arsinoso-acetophenone made with, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 . ‘ 4-Acetyl-benzenearsonic acid aminobiuret, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,425,929 —,—, 4-acetyl-benzenearsonic acid for, 1,425,929 —,—,aminobiuret for, 1,425,929 —,—, process for, 1,425,929 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,425,929 4- acetyl- benzenearsonic acid aminoguanidine, mfr. of, 4-acetyl-benzenearsonic acid for, 1,425, 929 —,—, amino-guanidine nitrate for, 1,425,929 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,425,929 —,—, process for, 1,425,929 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,425,929. 4-Acetyl-benzenearsonic acid ‘carbohydrazide, mfr. of, 4-acetyl-benzenearsonic acid for, 1,425, 929 —,—,carbohydrazide for, 1,425,929 —, hydrochloric acid for, 1,425,929 —,—, process for, 1,425,929 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,425,929 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,425, 929 4-A cetyl-benzenearsonic acid hydrazone, mfr. of, 4-acetyl-benzenearsonic acid for, 1,425,929 —,—, hydrazine hydrate for, 1,425,929 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,425,929 —,—, process for, 1,425,929 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,425,929 4-Acetyl-benzenearsonic acid malonylhydra- zone, mfr. of, 4-acetyl-benzenearsonic acid for, 1 425,929 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 4-Acetyl-benzenearsonic acid malonylhydra- zone, mfr. of, hydrochloric acid for, 1,425,929 —,—, malonyl hydrazine for, 1,425,929 , —,—, process for, 1,425,929 p-Acetyl-benzenearsonic acid malonylhydra- zone, reduction of, process for, 1,425,930 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,425,930 —,—,sodium hyposulfite for, 1,425,930 4- Acetyl- benzenearsonic acid oxalhydrazone, mfr. of, 4-acetyl-benzenearsonic acid for, 1,425,929 —,—, oxalhydrazide for, 1,425,929 —,—, process for, 1,425,929 4-Acetyl- benzenearsonic acid phenylhydrazone, mfr. of acetic acid for, 1,425,929 —,—, 4-acety]- benzenearsonic acid for, 1,425,929 —,—, phenyl-hydrazine for, 1,425,929 —,—, process for, 1,425,929 p-Acetyl-benzenearsonic acid semicarbazone, reduction of, ethyl acetate for, 1,425,930 —,— , phosphorus trichloride for, 1 425 5930 —,—, process for, 1,425,930 —,—, sodium bisulfite for, 1,425 930 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1 425 930 N-Acetyl-benzidine, insulation, electric, made with, 1,159,257 —, rubber substitute made with, 1,159,257; 1 159,258 —, varnish, made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258 Acetyl- benzol, see Acetophenone Acetylbenzoylaconine, see Aconitine Acetylbenzoylaminoanthraquinone, anthraqui- — none derivatives mfr. from, 1,437,783 N-Acetyl-N-: -benzoyl-amino-anthraquinone, dyestuff made with, 1,437,783 Acetyl-benzoyl-peroxide, flour, using, 1,483,546 Acetyl bromide, with, 1,893,191 —,dimethylaniline action on, 1,411,683 —,mfr. of, fatty acid bromides and, 1,359,071 — ’ N-methyl-aniline made with, 1 All 683 Acetylcarbamide, see Acetyl-urea Acetyl carbinol, see Acetol —, see also 1-H ydroxy-2-propanone Acetyl cellulose, see Cellulose acetate Acetyl cellulose nitrate, see Cellulose aceto- nitrate 4 chloride, bleaching of b-bromethyl acetate made Acetyl 1,123,572 —, acetic anhydride from, 1,466,329 —,acetothienone from, 1,350,408 —, (acetylamino)-anthraquinone 1,266,896 —, p-(acetyl-methyl-amino)-phenol made with, 1,434,429 —,acetylmethyl-p-aminophenyl acetate pre- pared with, 1,484,429 —, p-(acetyl-methyl-amino)-phenyl acetate made with, 1,484,429 —,adrenaline made with, 1,899,144 —,ammonia, action of on, 1,357,160 —,tert-amyl acetate made with, 1,123,572 —,tert-amyl alcohol, action on of, 1,123,572 —,tert-amyl! chloride made with, 1,123,572 —, battery, dry, made with, 1,357,160 —,—, primary, made with, 1,857,160 acetic acid made_ with, made with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Acetyl chloride, catalyst, a.-chlor-toluene made with, 1,345,373 —,—,a.a-dichlor-toluene made with, 1,345,373 —,—,a.a.a-trichlor-toluene made with, 1,345,373 —,cellulose acetate made with, 1,181,857; Re-14,338; 1,494,816; 1,494,830 —,cellulose acetate, recovery from mfr. of, 1,516,225 —, b-chlorethylacetate from, 1,393,191 —,4-chlor-m-tolyl acetate made with, 1,498,641 —,3.4-diacetoxy-benzaldehyde made _ with, 1,399,144 —,3.4-diacetoxy-a-nitromethyl-benzyl alcohol made with, 1,899,144 —, dimethylaniline action of on, 1,411,683 —,dry battery contg., 1,357,160 —,ethyl 3.4.5-triacetoxy-benzoate made with, 1,222,345 —, formation of, 1,466,329 —, hydrocarbon, diolefin, purification of using, 1,196,259 —,isoprene, purification of using, 1,196,259 —, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,859,071 —,—, acetyl for, 1,826,040 —,—, aldehyde for, 1,826,040 —,—, alkali acetate for, 1,326,040 - —,—,alkali earth acetate for, 1,326,040 —,—,chlorine for, 1,326,040; 1,359,071 —,—, chlorine and phosphorous trichloride for, 1,359,071 —,—, ester for, 1,326,040 —,—, ether for, 1,326,040 —,—,ethyl acetate for, 1,326,040 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,326,040 —,—, oxide, organic, for, 1,326,040 —,—, phenol for, 1,826,040 ——,—, phosphorus oxychloride and, 1,359,071 —,—, phosphorous pentachloride for, 1,359,071 —,—, phosphorous trichloride for, 1,359,071 —,—, process for, 1,859,071 —,—, sulfur dioxide for, 1,326,040 —,—,sulfury] chloride for, 1,326,040 —,—,tricresyl phosphate for, 1,826,040 —, methyl acetanilid mfr. with, 1,411,683 —, N-methyl-acetanilide made with, 1,411,683 —, mono-methyl-p-aminophenyl acetate pre- pared with, 1,434,429 —,methyl 2-thienyl 1,350,408 —, preparation of, 1,466,329 —, protocatechualdehyde acetylated by, 1,399,144 —, pungent compound made with, 1,329,272 —,recovery of during cellulose acetate mfr., 1,494,816; 1,494,830 —, toluene chlorinated in presence of, 1,345,373 —, vanillyl-acetyl-amide from, 1,329,272 N*-Acetyl-6-chlor-m-phenylenediamine-4-sulfo- nic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,201,544 Acetyldehydrothiotoluidine, 1-(p-aminopheny]l)- benzothiazole-5-carboxylic acid made with, 1,125,073 Acetyldehydrothiotoluidine sulfonic acid, 1-(p- aminopheny])-4-sulfo-benzothiazol-5-carboxv- lic acid made with, 1,125,074 ketone made with, 189 Acetyl-2.5-diaminobenzene-p-chlorbenzene- sulfone, see 2-Amino-5-acetamidophenyl-4’- chlor-phenyl sulfone Acetyl-2.4-diaminobenzene-p-toluenesulfone, see 8-Acetamido-2-amino-phenyl-p-tolyl sulfone Acetyl-2.5-diaminobenzene-p-toluenesulfone dye mfr. from, 1,359,969 2.5-Acetyldiamino-1-methy]-4-iso-propy]l-ben- zene, dye from, 1,314,928 4-Acetyl-2.4-diaminophenol, see 4-Acetamino- 2-amino-phenol —,see also 3-Amino-4-hydroxy-acetanilide N-Acetyl-dicyclohexylamine, see N.N-Dicyclo- hexyl-acetamide N’*-Acety1-3.6-dichlor-p-phenylenediamine, dye- stuff made with, 1,150,656 Acetyldiethylsulfide, preparation of, 1,422,869 3-Acetyl-2.3-dihydro-1-(2.38-dimethyl-5-phenyl- pyrazolyl)-2-phenyl-4.5-pyrroledione, see 3- Acetyl-4.6-diketo-(2' 3'-dimethyl-6-keto- 1-phenylpyrazolinyl )-2-pheny!-pyrrolidine 3-Acetyl-2 3-dihydro-1-phenyl-2-piperonyl- 4.6-pyrroledione, see 8-Acetyl-4.5-diketo-1- phenyl-2-piperonyl-pyrrolidine 8-Acetyl-2.38-dihydro-2-phenyl-1-quinolyl-4.5- pyrroledione, see 3-Acetyl-4.5-diketo-2-phe- nyl-1-quinolyl-pyrrolidine 3-Acetyl-2.38-dihydro-2-phenyl-1-o-tolyl-4.5-pyr- roledione, see 3-Acetyl-4.5-diketo-2-phenyl-1- o-tolyl-pyrrolidine 3-Acety]-4.5-diketo-2-p-dimethylamino-phenyl- 1-p-tolyl-pyrrolidine, mfr. of, p-dimethyla- mino-benzaldehyde for, 1,148,637 —,—, ethyl a-keto-levulinate for, 1,148,637 —,—, process for, 1,148,637 —,—, p-toluidine for, 1,148,637 —, properties of, 1,148,637 3-Acetyl-4.5-diketo (2’ 3’-dimethyl-5-keto-1- phenyl-pyrazoliny])-2-phenyl-pyrrolidine, mfr. of, amino-dimethyl-phenyl-pyrazolone for, 1,148,637 —,—, benzaldehyde for, 1,148,637 —,—, benzene for, 1,148,637 —,—, ethyl a-keto-levulinate for, 1,148,637 —,—, process for, 1,148,637 3-Acetyl-4.5-diketo-2-furyl-1-phenylpyrroli- dine, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,148,637 —,—, aniline for, 1,148,637 —,—, benzene for, 1,148,637 __ —,—, ethyl a-keto-levulinate for, 1,148,637 —,—, process for, 1,148,637 —, properties of, 1,148,637 ; 3-Acety]-4.5-diketo-1-o-methoxypheny1-2-phe- nyl-pyrrolidine, mfr. of, anisidine for, 1,148,637 —,—, benzaldehyde for, 1,148,637 —,—, ethyl a-keto-levulinate for, 1,148,637 —,—, process for, 1,148,637 —, properties of, 1,148,637 3-Acetyl4.5-diketo-1-phenyl-2-piperonyl-pyr- rolidine, mfr.,of, aniline for, 1,148,637 —,—, benzene for, 1,148,637 —,—,ethyl a-keto-levulinate for, 1,148,637 —,—, piperonal for, 1,148,637 —,—, process for, 1,148,637 —-, properties of, 1,148,637 he 190 3-Acetyl-4.5-diketo-2-phenyl-1-quinolyl-pyrro- lidine, mfr. of, 8-amino-quinoline for, 1,148,637 —,— benzaldehyde for, 1,148,637 —,—, benzene for, 1, 148, 637 —, ’ mfr. of, ethyl a-keto-levulinate for, 1,148,637 —,—, process for, 1,148, 637 —, properties of, 1, 148, 637 3-Acetyl-4.5- diketo- 2-phenyl- 1-o-tolyl-pyrroli- dine, mfr. of, benzaldehyde for, 1,148,637 —, mfr. of, ether for, 1,148,637 —,—, ethyl a-keto-levulinic acid for, 1,148,637 —,—, process for, 1,148,637 —, —, o-toluidine for, 1, 148,637 —, properties of, 1, 148 637 3-Acetyl-2-p- dimethylamino-phenyl-2.3- dihy- dro-1-p-tolyl-4.5-pyrroledione, see 3-Acetyl- 4 b-diketo-2-p-dimethylamino-phenyl-1 ~p- tolyl-pyrrolidine a-Acetyldinitronaphthol, see Dinitro-naphthyl acetate Acetyldinitrophenol, see Dinitro-phenyl acetate Acetyldisulphide, accelerator in rubber vulcan- ization, 1,440,962 Acetylene, absorbent storage mass for, mfr. of, asbestos for, 1,140,124 —,—,—, cement for, 1,140,124 —,—,—,; ’ cement, hydraulic, for, 1,140,124 —,—,—, charcoal for, 1,140, 124 ,—, clay for, 1, 140, 124 —__ §—— ew ef —,—, lime for, 1 140, 124 —, ’ pozzuolanic material for, 1,140,124 —,—,—, process for, 1,140,124 ,—, Silicious earth for, 1,140,124 — —,—, zinc chloride for, 1,140, 124 —,—, zine oxide for, 1 140, 124 — ’ absorbing, acetaldehyde for, 1,422,182 —,—, acetone for, 1,422,182 —, acetal, mir. from alcohol and, 1,450,982 ~ | ew Ne — ’ acetaldehyde made with, 1,151,928; Re- 14,063 0" BIS. O2o Re-14,064; 1,184,177; 1,185,499; 1,185,500; 1,213,486; 1,213,487; 1,244,901; 1,244,902; 1,247,270; 1,310,743; 1,310,984; 1,819,365; 1,348,715; 1,355,299; 1,361,974; 1,884,842; 1,421;743; 1,428,668; 1,431,301; 1,486,550; 1,471,058; 1,472,115; 1,477,951; 1,485,706; 1,489,915; 1,501,502; 1,514,977 —,acetaldehyde mfr. from, catalyst for, 1,343,715 —,acetaldehyde from, catalyst for, regenera- tion of, 1,293,863 —,—,iron(ic) sulfate employed in preparation of, 1,430,551 —., acetaldehyde-ammonia 1,408,826 —,acetic acid made with, 1,128,780; 1,159,376; 1,174,250; 1,421,748; 1,481,301; 1,471,058; 1,485,706 —, acetic anhydride made with, 1,425,500 —,acetone from, 1,421,748 —,acetone aldehyde from 1,421,743 —, acetonitrile from, 1,421,743 —, acetylene soot made from, 1,123,843 —, l-acetylenyl-l-cyclopentanol made 1,169,341 —,alcohol from, 1,421,743 formed from, with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acetylene, aldehyde-ammonia from ammonia and, 1,450,983 —, alkali amide made with, 1,163,498 —,alkali cyanamide made with, 1,163,498; 1,483,411 —, alkali cyanide made with, 1,163,498; 1,483,411 —, alkali earth cyanamide made with, 1,483,411 —, "alkali earth cyanide made with, 1 ‘483 All —,ammonia made with, 1,483,414 —,ammonia action of on, 1 421 743 —, , ammonia from cyanamide contg., 1,296,820 —,ammonia made with, gases purified with, compound made with, 1 483,414 —,ammonia contg., impurity ‘of, 1,313,886 —,—, removal from of, 1,318, 936 —, ammonium carbamate from, 1,421,743 —,ammonium carbonate from, 1,421,743 —,ammonium cyanate made with, 1,144,457 —,arsine, removal from of, carbon, impreg- nated, for, 1,519,470 —,—,—, process for, 1,519,470 —, barium sulfide made with, 1,495,187 — ’ blasting by means of, 1,379, 637 —, bodies preserved with, 1,365,639 —,brom-ethylene made _ with, 1,525,130 —, 1,2-butadiene made with, 1,499,750 | —,1.3-butadiene made with, 1,436,819 —, 1-butine made with, 1,499,750 —, buttons made with, 1,470,637 —, ‘calcium carbide from, 1,352, 178 —,calcium carbide for preparing, 1,343,387 —, ’ carbides for preparation of, mfr. of, 1 445 645 —, carbon made from, 1,123,843 —, carbon dioxide from, 1,421,743 —,carbon monoxide from, 1,421,743 —, catalyst for the mfr. of, ammonia made with, 1,352,178 —, cellulose 1,345,220 —,cellulose sulfate waste gases constituent, 1,345,220 —,chlor-ethylene made with, 1,425,130 —,1-chlor-propene made with, 1,425,130 1,414,852 ; soda. waste gases constituent, —,chlorinated, disinfectant made with, 1,280,602; Re-14,562 —,— finish remover made with, 1,147,852; 1 167, 641 — chlorinating, 1,418,882; 1,437,636 —,—, apparatus for, 1,141,266; 1,285,823 —,—, calcium chloride as catalyst for, 1,418,882; 1,516,350 —,—, chlorine for, 1,418,882; 1,516,350 —,—,chlorine and alkaline hydroxides for, 1,425,669 —,—, clay, fire, for, 1,418,882; 1,516,350 —,—,copper(ic) chloride as _ catalyst for, 1,418,882; 1,516,350 —,—,iron(ic) chloride as catalyst for, 1,418,882; 1,516,350 —,—, metal chloride for, 1,418,882; 1,516,350 —,—, process for, 1,141,266; 1,418,882; 1,516,350 —,—, steam for, 1,418,882; 1,516,350 —, chlorine, action of on, antimony pentachlor- ide for, 1,418,882 —,—,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,418,882 —,—,—,gas for, 1,418,882 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 191 Acetylene, chlorine, action of on, process for, Acetylene, ethylidine glycol prepared from, 1,418,882 1,425,130 —,—,—, sulfur chloride for, 1,418,882 —, 3-ethyl-1-pentin-3-0l made with, 1.169.341 pe: chlorine removed from chlorinated hydro- —,ethyl vinyl ether made with, 1,436,288 carbon with, 1,325,214 —, explosive shell fired by means of, 1,351,078 a, chloroform. made with, 1,825,214 —, explosive shell fired by oxygen and, 1,351,078 —, citrus fruit coloring of using, 1,475,938 —, flotation process with, 1,261,303 _ ‘compound, C;sHs, made with, 1,436, 819 —, fluor-ethylene made with, 1,425,130 — ‘ compounds contg., electrical treatment of, —,formation in acetic anhydride mfr., 1,425,500 1,133, 700 —, formation of, aluminum carbide (Al.C.) for, —, condensation products of, mfr. of, 1,421 743 1,123,584 . ’ condensation products of, preparing, —,—,ammonia mfr. by-product, 1,183.885 1 425,130 —,—, asphalt for, cracking process for, 1,313,009 —, container for, mfr. of, process for, 1,148,925 —,—, calcium carbide (CaC.): for, 1,123,584 —, copper, precipitation of with, 1,472,115 —,—, calcium cyanamide for, 1,154 ,640 —, copper acetylide from cuprous chloride VEC Fa ag aa a ’ carbide for, 1,325,293; 1351 078 ih 313,886 —,—, gum for, cracking process for, 1,313,009 — copper(ous), chloride for absorption of from —,—,hydrocarbon for, cracking process for, oils, 1,365,894 1,313,009 —, cresols from, 1,421,743 —,—,oil for, cracking process for, 1,313,009 —, cuprene made with, 1,511,784 —,—,paraffiin for, cracking process for, “ cuprene ” formed from copper and, 1,313,009 ~ 1308, 777 —,—,petroleum for, cracking process for, —, cutting torch gas made with, 1,505,340 1,313,009 —, cyanogen made with, 1,144, 457 —,—, pitch for, cracking process for, 1.313,009 —, cylinders for, filling for, see Acetylene cylin- —,—, resin for, cracking process for, 1,313,009 ders, filling material for —,—, tar for, cracking process for, 1,313.009 — cylinders for contg., mfr. of, 1,407,588 —, fuel, gaseous, made with, 1,486,799; 1,505,340 —, decomposition of, chromium for, 1,299 988 —,—, motor, contg., 1,514,977 —,—, cobalt for, 1,299 988 —,furfurane from, 1,421,743 —,—, copper for, 1,299 988 —,gas contg., mfr. of, process for, 1,470,848 —,—, iron for, 1,299 988 —,gasolene contg., purification of, 1,365,894 —,—, lead for, 1,299, 988 —,generation of, calcium hydroxide residue —,—, Manganese for, 1,299,988 from, building material made from. 1.257.488 —,—, nickel for, 1,299 988 —, glass, material coated with using, 1,128,175 ==)-—; tin for, 1 299, 988 —, glycerol made with, 1,180,497 —,—, zine for, 1,299, 988 —,halogen derivatives of, fat, solvent for, —, determination of, apparatus for, 1,176,199 contg., 1,156,119 —,—, process for, 1 176,199 —,—, gum, solvent for, contg., 1,156,119 —’ s-dibrom-ethane made with, 1,414,852 —,—, oil, solvent for, contg., 1,156,119 —_ ’ dichlor-ethylene made with, 1,418,882; —,—, paint made with, 1,156,119 1,425,669 —,—, paint remover contg., 1,156,119 —, diolefines mfr. from, 1,486,819 —,—,resin, solvent for, contg., 1,156,119 —, dissolving, acetone for, 1,332,525 —,—, varnish made with, 1,156,119 — dyeing process using, 1 goa: 700 —,—, ‘varnish remover contg., 1,156,119 —,ethane made with, 1 160 670; 1,392,852; —, halogen removed from, halogenated hydro- 1 499,750 carbon with, 1,325,214 — ethane from, process for, 1,308,777 —,heater, chemical, made with, 1.506,322; — ‘ethylene made with, 1; 179 051; 1,253,615; 1,506,323 1,253,616; 1,253,617 ; 1,259,758; 1,264,535; — , hydrobromic acid, action of on, 1,414,852 1,264,536; 1,295,339; 1,308,777; 1,315,229; —, hydrocarbon, diolefin, made ‘with, 1,436,819 1,369, 204: 1 392 852: 1,438,123; 1,456,590 —,hydrocarbon gas, mixture of and, mfr. of, —., ethylene produced from by chromium (ous) apparatus for, 1,265,573; 1,265,574 . chloride, 1,369,204 —, hydrochloric acid gas condensed with, —, ethylene in, removal of from, 1,315,541; 1,425,130 1,315,548; 1,315,546 —,hydrocyanic acid made with, 1,144,457; —, ethylene, separation of from, apparatus for, 1,352,176 1,181,116 —, hydrogen made from, 1,123,843; 1,506)823 —,—,—, charcoal for, 1,181,116 —, hydrogen, separation of from, apparatus for, —,—,—, charcoal, pine, for, 1,181,116 1,181,116 —,—,—, process for, 1,181,116 —,—,—, charcoal for, 1,181,116 —, ethylenebromide ‘from, 1,414,852 —,—,—, ; charcoal, pine, for, 1,181,116 —, ethylidene compounds from, 1,414,852 —,—,—, process for, 1,181, 116 . —,ethylidene diacetate from, 1,304 989; —,hydrogen sulfide action of on, 1,421,743 1,306,964; 1,351,990; 1,425,130 —, hydrohalogenic acids, action of on, 1,414,852 —, ethylidine diacetate from acetic acid and, —, illuminating gas made with, 1,499 750 1,351,990; 1,450,982 —, insulation, eas) made with, 1 470, 637 192 Acetylene, iodo-ethylene made with, 1,425,130 —,iron, white cast, substitute for, made with, 1,205,611 —,iron carburized with, 1,408,686 —, isoprene made with, 1,218,332; 1,436,819 —,lemon coloring of using, 1,475,938 —,mfr. of, aluminum silicates for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —,—,apparatus for, 1,124,364; 1,144,800; 1,144,801; 1,157,816; 1,255,765; 1,265,573; 1,265,574; 1,815,540; 1,828,227; 1,495,563; 1,499,750 —,—, barium oxide as catalyst for, 1,144,800; 1,144,801 —,—, calcium carbide for, 1,265,573; 1,265,574; 1,499,750 —,—,calcium carbonate 1,144,800; 1,144,801; 1,499,750 —,—, calcium hydroxide residue from, plaster board mfr. with, 1,456,924 —,—,calcium oxide as catalyst for, 1,124,364; 1,144,800; 1,144,801 —,—, carbide for, 1,255,765 —,—, carbon for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721; 1,144,800; 1,144,801 —,—, carbon black as by-product of, 1,315,540 —,—, cardboard for, 1,144,800; 1,144,801 —,—, coal, bituminous, for, 1,499,750 —,—,coal dust for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —,—,coke for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —,—,electrothermic cell for, 1,315,540 —,—,hydrocarbon for, 1,124,364; 1,144,800; 1,144,801; 1,315,540 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —,—, illuminating gas for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —,—, limestone for, 1,499,750 —,—,Magnesium oxide as 1,124,364; 1,144,800; 1,144,801 —,—,metal oxide as catalyst for, 1,124,364; 1,144,800; 1,144,801 —,—,microcline for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —,—, orthoclase for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 for, catalyst for, —,—,petroleum ffor, 1,124,364; 1,144,800; 1,144,801; 1,315,540 —,—,potassium silicates for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —,—, process for, 1,124,864; 1,129,505; 1,129,721; 1,144,800; 1,144,801; 1,157,316; 1,815,540; 1,495,563; 1,499,750 —,—, silica for, 1,144,800; 1,144,801 —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,144,800; 1,144,801 —,—,sodium silicate as catalyst for, 1,124,364; 1,144,800; 1,144,801 —,—, strontium oxide as catalyst for, 1,124,364; 1,144,800; 1,144,801 —,—, wood for, 1,157,316 —,—, wood veneer for, 1,144,800; 1,144,801 —,mercaptan from, 1,421,743 —,mercury sludge (from acetaldehyde mfr.), treated with, 1,185,499; 1,185,500 —, methane made with, 1,499,750 —, methane, separation of from, apparatus for, 1,181,116 —,—,—, charcoal for, 1,181,116 —,—,—, charcoal, pine, for, 1,181,116 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acetylene, methane, separation of from, process for, 1,181,116 —, methane condensed with, 1,436,819 —., 2-methyl-3-butin-2-ol made with, 1,169,341 —, methyl chloride condensed with, 1,425,130 —-, 3-methyl-1-hexin 3-ol made with, 1,169,341 —, 3-methyl-1-pentin-3-ol made with, 1,169,341 —,methylthiophene from, 1,421,743 —, molded articles made with, 1,470,637 —,motor fuel contg., 1,367,968; 1,398,948; 1,405,805; 1,405,806 —,oil gas, mixture of and, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,265,578; 1,265,574 —,—,separation from of, calcium hydroxide for, 1,253,615; 1,253,616 —,—,—,copper for, 1,253,615; 1,253,616 } —,—,—, copper acetate for, 1,253,615; 1,253,616 —,—,—, copper sulfate for, 1,253,615; 1,253,616 —,—,—, process for, 1,253,615; 1,253,616 —,oil well heater made with, 1,510,925 —, ore, flotation of with, 1,261,303 —, oxidation of, 1,421,743 —, oxidation to acetaldehyde, 1,355,299 —, partial oxidation of, apparatus for, 1,515,299 —,—, process for, 1,515,299 —, phenols from, 1,421,743 —,phenol, condensation product of and, see Phenol acetylene condensate . —, phonograph record made with, 1,470,637 —,phosphine, removal of from, carbon, im- pregnated, for, 1,519,470 —,—,—, process for, 1,519,470 —,picoline from, 1,421,743 —, plastic made with, 1,470,637 —, polymers of, dyeing process using, 1,333,700 —,—, stabilizing of, apparatus for, 1,333,700 —,—,—, electrical process for, 1,833,700 —,—,—, process for, 1,333,700 —, polymerized, explosives contg., 1,408,056 —,polymerizing, copper(ous) oxide for, 1,408,056 —,potassium amide made with, 1,163,498 —, potassium cyanamide made with, 1,163,498 —, potassium cyanate made with, 1,144,457 —, potassium cyanide made with, 1,163,498 —, products from, mfr. of, 1,421,743 —, products from resins dissolved by, 1,421,743 —,propene made with, 1,180,497; 1,202,335; 1,486,819 —, properties of, 1,429,910 —,propylene made with, 1,134,677 —, propylene condensed with, 1,436,819 —.,iso-propyl vinyl ether made with, 1,436,288 —,n-propyl vinyl ether made with, 1,436,288 —, purification of, 1,422,182 —,—,calcium hypochlorite for, 1,244,901 —,—,chromic acid for, 1,244,901 —,—, copper compound for, 1,244,901 —,—,iron salt for, 1,244,901 —,—, process for, 1,244,901 —, purifying, catalyst for, 1,418,246 —, pyrroles from, 1,421,743 —,recovery of, 1,420,613; 1,422,183 —,—, acetone for, 1,422,183 —,recovery from gases contg., 1,422,182 —,resins from, 1,421,743 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,436,288 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Acetylene, rubber, synthetic, 1,218,332; 1,436,819 —, rubber substitute made with, 1,436,288 —, selenium oxychloride, action of on, 1 389,081 ; 1,473,350 ~, selenium oxychloride compound of, 1,885,081 —, ’ selenium oxychloride reaction with, 1 445,329 — separating from gases, 1,465,600 —,sodamide made with, 1 163, 498 —, ’ sodium cyanamide made with, 1,163,498 —, ’ sodium cyanamide (Na.CN.) ‘made with, 1, 186,367 —, sodium cyanide made with, 1,163.498 -—,sodium cyanide (NaCN) made 1, 186,367 —, sodium sulfide made with, 1,495,187 —- ’ solvent for, acetaldehyde as, 1,419 5746 —,—, acetone as, 1,140,124; 1 234 600; 1,332,525 ; 1 05, 805; 1 405, 806 ; i 419 746: 1 419 862; i "465, 600° —,—, esters in, 1,332,525 —, -—, ethyl acetate in, 1,332,525 —,—,ethyl acetate for preparing, 1,332,525 —,—, mir. of, 1,332,525 —,—, methyl acetate as, 1,419,746 —, spiegeleisen, substitute for, 1,205,611 with, made with, _ —, stabilizing of, apparatus for, 1,333,700 —,—, electrical process for, 1,333,700 —,—, process for, 1,333,700 —,storage material for, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,832,525 —,—,—, asbestos for, 1,832,525 —,—,—, cement for, 1 332 525 —,—,—, cement, hydraulic, for, 1,332,525 —,—,—,—, Portland, for, 4, 332 025 ——,—, charcoal for, 1, 332, 525 -—,—,—, esters for, 1,332,525 —,—,—, ethyl acetate for, 1,332,525 —,—,—, kieselguhr for, 1,332, 525 —,—,—, process for, 1 '332, 525 —,—,—,zine chloride ‘for, 1,832,525 —,—,—, zine sulfate for, 1,332 525 —, storage tanks for, albumin i in, 1,419,746 —,—, asbestos in, 1,419,746 —,—, charcoal in, 1,419,746 —,—,filling material for, 1,419,746 —,—, filling material for, charcoal and cork as, 1 419, 862 —, —, glue in, 1,419,746 —, infusorial earth i in, 1,419,746 —, silicic acid (colloidal) in, 1,419,746 —,—, sodium silicate in, 1,419, 746 —, storing, absorbent-filled al for, 1,419,746 —, storing of, acetone for, 1,234,600 —,—, albumen for, 1,304, 160 —,—, asbestos for, 1,304, 160 —,—, borax for, 1 304, 160 —,—-, carbohydrate for, 1,304,160 —,—, charcoal for, 1 1234, 600 —,—, glue for, 1 304, 160 —,—, kapok for, 1 234 ,600 aa magnesium nitrate for, 1,304,160 —, process for, 1,148,925; i 234, 600; 1,304,160 —, —, seralbumen for, { 304, 160 13 balsa wood in, made with, 193 Acetylene, storing of, silk for, 1,234,600 —,—, sodium silicate for, 1 304, 160 —,—, ’ starch for, 1,304, 160 —,—, sugar for, 1 304, 160 —,—, thorium nitrate for, 1,304,160 — ' storing under pressure of, acetone for, 1 ,230,531 —,—, carbon for, 1,230,531 —,—, charcoal for, 1,230,531 —,—, process for, 1,230,531 —, sulfur containing products of, 1 421,743 —, sulfuric acid action of on, 1,436,288 — ; tetrachlor-ethane made with, 1,418,882; 1 425,669 —, s-tetrachlor-ethane made with, 1,418,882 —, thiophene from, 1,421,743 —, titanium nitride mfr. with, 1,408,661 — ' trichlor-ethylene, made with, 1,418, 882 —, turpentine substitute made from, kerosene and, 1,343,387 —, varnish made with, 1,486,288; 1,470,637 — ’ vinyl acetate made with, 1 425, 130 —,vinyl bromide from, 1,414 852 —, vinyl compounds from, 1 414, 852 —, vinyl halides mfr. from, 1,425, 130; 1,445,168 —,vinyl-sulfonie acid made with, 1,436. 288 —, water gas made with, 1,506, 323 mfr. of, — ‘welding apparatus comprising use of, 1,441 ,094 — welding with hydrogen and, 1,303,891; 1,303,892 — , welding torch gas made with, 1,505,340 —, zine sulfide, flotation. of with, 1,261 303 f Acetylene bromide,” iron ore, concentration of, using, 1,203, 807° Acetylene carbamide, see Acetylene urea Acetylene chloride, caffein, coffee, removal from of, using, 1,502, 999 —, finish remover made with, 1,147,851 —, see also s-Tetrachlorethane Acetylene cylinders, filling material for, mfr. of, 1,832,525 Acetylene dicarboxylic acid, succinic acid made with, 1,491,465 Acetylene dichloride, 1,350,820 —, see also Dichlor-ethylene ; s-Dichlor-ethylene as-Acetylene dichloride, see 1.1-Dichlor-ethy- ene s-Acetylene dichloride, see s-Dichlor-ethylene Acetylene generator, 1,476 484 Acetylene hydrocarbons, production from Peay leum, 1,445,040 —, water gas constituent, 1,405,863 —,see also Hydrocarbon, acetylene Acetylene-phenol condensate, molded article made with, 1,514,508 Acetylene resin, see Phenol acetylene conden- sate Acetylene series, see Hydrocarbon, acetylene Acetylene soot, battery, dry, made with, 1,494,059 —,—,—,depolarizer for cont., 1,123,843 —, mir. of, acetylene for, 1 1123 843 — ’ specific gravity of, 1, 123 843 —,see also Carbon; Soot starch ether solvent, ,* 194 Acetylene tetrabromide, see Tetrabrom-ethane Acetylene tetrabromide, see also s-Tetrabrom- ethane Acetylene tetrachloride, cellulose acetate sol- vent, 1,319,229; 1,838,661; 1,386,576 —,chlorhydrin solvent, 1,894,664 —,rubber solvent, 1,877,152 —,trichlorethylene from, 1,397,134 —,triphenyl phosphate solvent, 1,319,229 —,see also Tetrachlorethane; s-Tetrachlor- ethane sym.-Acetylene tetrachloride, see chlorethane Acetylene tetraiodide, see Tetraiodoethane Acetylene trichloride, see Trichlorethane Acetylene, see Hydrocarbon, acetylene: 1-Acetylenyl-1-cyclopentanol, boiling point of, 1,169,341 —, mfr. of acetylene for, 1,169,341 —,—, cyclopentanone, sodium derivative of, for 1,169,341 —,—, process for, 1,169,341 Acetylenyl-diethyl-carbinol, see 3-Ethyl-1- pentin-3-ol Acetyl-p-ethoxy-phenyl-urethane, see Thermo- in b-Acetylethyl-diethylamine, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,126,549 —,—, barium carbonate for, 1,126,549 —,—,barium hydroxide for, 1,126,549 —,—, diethylamine for, 1,126,549 —,—, formaldehyde for, 1,126,549 —,—, potash for, 1,126,549 —,—, process for, 1,126,549 —,—,tetraethyldiaminomethane for, 1,126,549 —, properties of, 1,126,549 Acetylethyl ester, see Ethyl acetate 7-(p-(N-Acetyl-N-ethyl) amino-phenylamino) - 1-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,483,415 N?-Acetyl-N*-ethyl-4-m-tolylenediamine, dye- stuff made with, 1,483,415 N'-Acetyl-N'-ethyl-2-p-tolylenediamine, dye- stuff made with, 1,483,415 N?-Acetyl-N?-ethyl-4-m-tolylenediamine, dye- stuff made with, 1,483,415 Acetylformic acid, see Pyruvic acid 3-Acetyl-2-furyl-2.8-dihydro-1-phenyl-4.5-pyrro- ledione, see 3-Acetyl-4.5-diketo-2-furyl-1- phenyl-pyrrolidine Acetyl-A-acid, see 8-Acetamino-1-naphthol-3.6- disulfonic acid Acetylhydrocellulose, see Hydrocellulose ace- tate 4-Acetyl-3-hydroxy-benzenearsonic acid, 4-ace- tyl-3-hydroxy-benzenearsonic semicarbazone made with, 1,425,929 4-Acetyl-3-hydroxy-benzenearsonic acid semi- carbazone, mfr. of, 4-acetyl-3-hydroxy-ben- zenearsonic acid for, 1,425,929 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,425,929 —,—, process for, 1,425,929 —,—,semicarbazide hydrochloride for, 1,425,929 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,425,929 3-Acetyl-4-hydroxy-5-nitro-benzenearsonic acid, 3-acety]-4-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzenearsonic acid semicarbazone made with, 1,425,929 - UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 3-Acetyl-4-hydroxy-5-nitro-benzenearsonic acid, 3-arsinose-6-hydroxy-5-nitro-acetophenone made with, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 3-Acetyl-4-hydroxy-5-nitro-benzenearsonic acid phenylhydrazone, reduction of, ammonium chloride for, 1,425,930 —,—, potassium iodide for, 1,425,930 —,—. process for, 1,425,930 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,425,930 —,—,sulfur dioxide for, 1,425,930 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,425,930 3-Acetyl-4-hydroxy-5-nitro-benzenearsonic acid semicarbazone, mfr. of, 3-acetyl-4-hydroxy-5- nitro-benzenearsonic acid for, 1,425,929 —,—, process for, 1,425,929 —,—, semicarbazide for, 1,425,929 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,425,929 Acetylidene dichloride, see 1.1-Dichlor-ethylene —,see also as-Dichlor-ethylene unsym.-Acetylidene tetrachloride, see Tetrachlorethane Acetyl isoborneol, see Isobornyl acetate N’-Acetyl-2-methoxy-p-phenylenediamine, see 4-Amino-o-acetaniside p-(Acetyl-methyl-amino)-phenol, mfr. of, ace- tyl chloride for, 1,434,429 —,—, p-(acetyl-methyl-amino)-phenyl acetate for, 1,434,429 —-,—, benzene for, 1,434,429 —-, —, p-dimethylamino-phenol for, 1,434,429 —,—,p-dimethylamino-phenyl acetate for, 1,434,429 : —,—, process for, 1,434,429 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,484,429 p-(Acetyl-methyl-amino)-phenyl acetate, p- (acetyl-methyl-amino)-phenol made _ with, 1,434,429 —, mfr. of, acetyl chloride for, 1,434,429 —-,—, benzene for, 1,434,429 —,—, p-dimethylamino-phenol for, 1,434,429 —,—,p-dimethyl-phenyl acetate for, 1,434,429 —,—, process for, 1,434,429 Acetylmethyl p-aminophenyl acetate, mono- _ methyl p-aminophenol sulfate from, 1,434,429 —, preparation of, 1,484,429 Acetyl methyl anilide, see Methyl-acetamlde Acetyl-methy]l-aniline, celluloid substitute made with, 1,420,028 —,cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,420,028 —,see also Manol Acetyl mono-methyl-aniline, see also N-Methyl- acetanilide fae monomethylaniline, see Methylacetan- ilide Acetyl mono-methyl aryl amines, mfr. of, 1,411,683 Acetyl-1.2-naphthylenediamine-p-toluenesul- fone-6-sulfonic acid, dye mfr. from, 1,359,969 Acetyl-1.4-naphthylenediamine-6-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,150,656 Acetyl-1.4-naphthylenediamine-p-toluenesu- fone-6-sulfonic acid, see 4-Acetamino-1-amino- 2-(p-tolylsuljonyl)-nephi nai a act Acetylnitramine, dye from, 1,314,928 Acetyl nitrocellulose, see Cellulose acetomtrate Acetyl oxide, see Acetic anhydride INDEX OF SUBJECTS Acetyloxystearic acid, esters of, cellulose nitrate softeners, 1,357,876 Acetyl peroxide, 1,333,701 —,compounds contg., electrical treatment of, 1,333,700 —, dyeing process using, 1,333,700 —., stabilizing of, apparatus for. 1.333,700 —,—, electrical process for, 1,333,700 —,—,process for, 1,333,700 Acetyl p-phenetidine, ethyl cellulose plasticizer, 1,460,097 © —, film contg., 1,460,097 N-Acetyl-phenetidine, see Phenacetin Acetyl p-phenylenediamine, dyestuff made with, 1,126,489 —., p-acetylamino-phenyl-stibnic with, 1,260,707 (mono) Acetyl-p-phenylene diamine, p-acetyla- mino-phenyl-stibnic acid, alkali salt. of, made with, 1,260,707 —,—,sodium salt of, made with, 1,260,707 N*-Acetyl-phenylenediamine-3-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,193,829 N’*-Acetyl-m-phenylenediamine-4-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,201,544 —, dyestuff reduction product, 1,201,544 N-Acetyl-p-phenylenediamine, see p-Amino- acetanilide Acetylphenylglycinearsenic acid, acetylarseno- phenylglycine from, 1,299,215 a-Acetyl-b-phenyl-hydrazine, flotation process using, 1,364,306 a-Acetyl-propionic acid, see Levulinic acid b-Acetylpropionic acid, see Levulinic acid b-Acetylpropyl-diethylamine, mfr. of, methyl ketone for, 1,126,549 —,—, formaldehyde for, 1,126.549 —,—, potash for, 1,126,549 “—,—, process for, 1,126.549 —,—,tetraethyldiaminomethane for, 1,126,549 —, properties of, 1,126.549 ee nreroacemic acid, see a-Keto-levulinic act Acetylpyroacemic acid ester, see Ethyl a-keto- levulinate Acetylpyruvic acid, see a-Keto-levulinic acid Acetylpyruvic acid ester, see Ethyl-a-keto- levulinate Acetyl red, phenol-aldehyde condensate made with, 1,310,087; 1,310,088; 1,345,694; 1,345,695; 1,374,526 Acetylricinoleic acid, esters of, cellulose nitrate softeners, 1,357,876 Acetyl-saccharose, see Saccharose acetate Acetyl-salicylic acid, acetyl-salicylic acid, prod- uct contg., made with, 1,486,373 —, alkali, composition of and, 1,486,002 —, alkali acetylsalicylate made with, 1,129,953; 1,217,862 —, alkali 1,486,002 —,alkali earth acetyl salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, alkali earth carbonate, composition of and, 1,486,002 —, alkali salts of, mfr. of, process for, 1,129,953 —, barium acetyl]-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 acid made ethyl carbonate, composition of and, 195 Acetyl-salicylic acid, benzyl ester of, see Ben- zyl acetylsalicylate —,bismuth acetyl-salicylate made _ with, 1,217,862 —,calcium _acetyl-salicylate made _ with, 1,217,862; 1,225,407; 1,431,863 —,caleium carbonate, composition of and, 1,486,002 —,calcium hydroxide, composition of and, 1,486,002 —, calcium oxide, composition of and, 1,486,002 —,calctum salt of, see Calcium acetylsalicylate —,carbonate, composition of and, 1,486,002 —, cerium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,didymium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, lithium acetylsalicylate made with 1,129,953; 1,217,862 —, lithium salts of, mfr. of, process for, 1,129,953 —,magnesium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,magnesium carbonate, composition of and, 1,486,002 —,magnesium oxide, 1,486,002 —, medicinal preparation contg., 1,404,673 —, methyl derivative, see Methyl acetyl-salicy- late —, potassium 1,217,862 —, potassium salt of, 1,404,673 —,product contg., mfr. of, acetylene-salicylic acid for, 1,486,373 —,—,—, alkali earth salts for, 1,486,373 —,—,—, alkali salts for, 1,486,373 —,—, bicarbonate for, 1,486,373 —,—, borate for, 1,486,373 —,—, carbonate for, 1,486,373 —,—,—, chloride for, 1,486,373 —,—,—, gelatin for, 1,486,373 —,—, halide for, 1,486,373 —,—,magnesium salts for, 1,486,373 —,—,—, mercury salts for, 1,486,373 —,—,—,nitrate for, 1,486,373 —,—,—,nitrite for, 1,486,373 —,—,—, oxide for, 1,486,373 —,—,—, phosphate for, 1,486,373 —,—,—, process for, 1,486,373 —,—,—,rare earth salts for, 1,486,373 —,—,—, silicate for, 1,486,373 _ —,—,—, silver salts for, 1,486,373 composition of and, acetyl-salicylate made _ with, On’ Ra Sy ~ ee) ~~ —,—,sodium bicarbonate for, 1,486,373 —,—,—,sodium chloride for, 1,486,373 —,—,—, starch for, 1,486,373 —,—,—, sugar for, 1,486,373 —,—,—, sulfate for, 1,486,373 ,—, —, sulfite for, 1,486,373 —,—,—,taleum for, 1,486,373 —,—, zine salts for, 1,486,373 —,purification of, amylene dichloride for, 1,321,307 —,—, butvlene dichloride for, 1,821, 307 —-,—, chloroform for, 1,321,307 © —,—,ethylene dichloride for, 1,321,307 —,—, olefin dichloride for, 1,321,307 —,—, propylene dichloride for, 1,321,307 —,salts of, mfr. of, process for, 1,217,862 196 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acetyl-salicylic acid, salts of, opiate contg., 1,461,831 —,silver acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, sodium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,sodium bicarbonate, composition of and, 1,486,002 —,sodium salt of, 1,404,673 —,soluble, preparation contg., 1,404,673 —,solvent for, amylene dichloride as, 1,321,307 —,—, butylene dichloride as, 1,321,307 —,—, chloroform as, 1,321,307 —,—, ethylene dichloride as, 1,321,307 —,—, olefin dichloride as, 1,321,307 —,—, propylene dichloride as, 1,321,307 —,strontium acetyl-salicylate made _ with, 1,217,862 —, therapeutic product made with, 1,486,378 —, zine acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,362 —,see also Aspirin o-Acetyl-salicylate acid, see Aspirin 5-Acetyl-salicylic acid, 3'-carboxy-4’-hydroxy- atophan made with, 1,181,485 Acetyl silk, see Silk, artificial, cellulose acetate Acetyl starch, see Starch acetate Acetyl sulfide, removal from acetic anhydride, 1,467,074 Acety] sulfuric acid, catalyst in cellulose acetate mfr., 1,445,382 —,see also Sulfacetic acid *_A cetyl-4-m-tolylenediamine-6-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,201,544 Acetyltrinitrophenol, see Trinitro-phenyl ace- tate Acetyl-urea, adhesive made with, 1,355,834 —,airplane dope made with, 1,355,834 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,355,834 —,coating made with, 1,355,834 —, dental filling made with, 1,355,834 —,urea-formaldehyde condensate made with, 1,355,834 —, formaldehyde 1,355,834 —,horn substitute made with, 1,355,834 —, lacquer made with, 1,355,834 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,355,834 Acetysal, see Acetylsalicylic acid Achornea Cordata, see Alchornea cordifolia A-acid, see 1.7 Dthydroxynapthalene-3.6-disul- fonic acid Acid, absorption apparatus for, 1,247,280 —,acetaldehyde made with, 1,129,542 —,acetic acid made with, 1,129,542 —,acetic series, molded article made with, 1,512,024 —,—, insulation, electric, made with, 1,512,024 —,acetone made with, 1,129.542 —, adhesive made with, 1,257,307 —,air, removal from of, 1,521,348 —, aliphatic, alkyl esters made with, 1,478,498 —,—,esters made with, 1,478,498 —,alkali aluminum fluoride made with, 1,517,686 —,alkyl esters made with, 1,478,498 —,alloy resistant to, formula for, 1,350,166 —, alloy resisting, 1,884,056; 1,885,223; 1,422,096 —,—,see also Alloy, acid proof; Alloy, acid- resistant condensation product of, Acid, aluminum, coating of, treatment of sur- face before using, 1,144,000 : —,—,insulation, electric, made for using, 1,137,986 —,—,acid resistant, made with, 1,130,196 —,—, alkali resistant, made with, 1,130,196 —,aluminum alloy, coating of, treatment of surface before using, 1,144,000 —,—,insulation, electric, made for using, 1,137,986 —,aluminum potassium fluoride made with, 1,517,686 —,aluminum sodium fluoride made with, 1,517,686 —,aluminum treated with, 1,130,196 —, alunite treated with, 1,338,428 —, N-(4-’-Amino-1/-naphthyl)-p-toluenesul- fonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, 4-amino-1-(p-tolylsulfonamido) -naphtha- lene-2-sulfonic acid made with, 1,442,818 —., 4-amino-1-(p-tolylsulfonamido) -naphtha- lene-6-sulfonie acid made with, 1,442,818 —, 4-animo-1-(p-tolylsulfonamido)-naphtha- lene-7-sulfonic acid made with, 1,442,818 —., 4-amino-1-(p-tolylsulfonamide)-naphtha- lene-8-sulfonic acid made with, 1,442,818 —,ammonium salts made with, 1,511,912 —, apparatus resistant to, quartz glass for con- — structing, 1,454,945 —, aromatic, alkyl esters made with, 1,478,498 —,—, esters made with, 1,478,498 —, arsenic sulfide made with, 1,502,285 —, barium chloride made with, 1,129,029 —,barium permanganate made with, 1,453,562 —., barrel lining contg., 1,823,528 —., battery, dry, depolarizer for, regeneration of using, 1,192,061 —,—,—, electrolyte for, regeneration of using, 1,192,061 —,—,storage, made using, 1,155,046; 1,155,047 —, beer, sterilization of using, 1,140,717 —, beverage, sterilization of using, 1,140,717 —, N.N‘-bis(4-amino-1-naphthyl-n-benzene- disulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N!-bis(4-amino-1-naphthy]) -2.6-naphtha- lenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N'-bis(4-amino-2-sulfo-naphthyl)-m- benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N'-bis(4-amino-6-sulfo-1-naphthyl)-m- benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N'-bis(4-amino-7-sulfo-1-naphthyl)-m- benzenesulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N'-bis(4-amino-8-sulfo-1-naphthyl)-m- benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, blood coagulated by, 1,441,570 . —,boiler scale formation prevented using, 1,405,783 —, British gum made with, 1,159,591; 1,516,512 —, bromine made with, 1,141,922 —,calcium sulfate hydrated with, 1,442,406 —,carbon, salts of, producing, 1,466,626 ; 1,466,628 —,carbon tetrachloride freezing point affected by, 1,292,743; 1,292,744 —, castings, defective repaired using, 1,246.444 —, castings resistant to, mfr. of, 1,432,923 —, catalyst, fat, edible, made with, 1,505,560 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Acid, catalyst, Iard, artificial, made with, 1,505,560 —,—, margarine made with, 1,505,560 —, catalyst poison for citronellal mfr., 1,210,681 —,catalyst poison for citronellic acid mfr., 1,210,681 —, catalyst poison for citronellol mfr., 1,210,681 —,catalyst poison for 3.7-dimethyl-caprylalde- hyde mfr., 1,210,681 —, catalyst poison for, 3.7-dimethylcaprylic acid mfr., 1,210,681 —,catalyst poison for 3.7-dimethyl-1l-octanol mfr., 1,210,681 —,catalyst poison for 3.7-dimethyl-3-octanol _ mfr., 1,210,681 ; —, catalyst poison for 3.7-dimethyl-A*-3-octanol mfr., 1,210,681 , —, cattle food made with, 1,259,568; 1,496,833 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,280,862 —, cellulose made with, 1,509,273 —, cellulose, hydrochloric acid solution of pre- cipitant using, 1,141,510 —,—, silk, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —,—, treatment preparatory to bleaching of using, 1,133,769 —, cellulose acetate, action on of, 1,286,172 ~ —, cellulose fibers made with, 1,509,273 —, cellulose nitrate made with, 1,509,273 —, cellulose xanthate made with, 1,251,237 —,cement, acid-proof, made with, 1,245,608 —,—, waterproof, made with, 1,245,608 —,chalcocite, flotation of using, 1,286,922 —, chloride, organic, mfr. of ether for, 1,326,040 —,clay, deflocculated, precipitated with, 1,456,111 —, clay reflocculated by, 1,419,952 ~~, clupadonic series, insulation, electric, made with, 1,512,024 —,—, molded article made with, 1,512,024 —,—, plastic made with, 1,512,024 —, coating composition made with, 1,355,985 —, concentrating, 1,415,443 —, concentration of, apparatus for, 1,195,075; 1,264,182; 1,264,509; 1,286,080; 1,286,188; 1,473,122 —,—, process for, 1,195,075 —, copper smelter, treatment of using, 1,517,689 —,copper sulfide ore, flotation of using, 1,286,922 —, cotton treated with, 1,402,040 —, cream, sterilization of using, 1,140,717 —, cylic series, insulation, electric, made with, 1,512,024 —,—, molded article made with, 1,512,024 —,—, plastic made with, 1,512,024 —, decoration made with, 1,128,071 —,detinning using, 1,359,494 —, dextrin made with, 1,159,591 —, diabetes, compound for treatment of, made with, 1,469,994; 1,470,024 —, dicarboxylic, esters of, paint remover made with, 1,130,499 —,—,—, varnish remover made with, 1,130,499 —, dust, gas, removal from of, using, 1,184,006 —,—, sulfur dioxide, removal from of, using, 184, 197 Acid, dye, vegetable, applied to fabric using, 1,271,067 —, dyeing process using, 1,833,700 —,dyestuff, waste liquor contg., treatment of, using, 1,242,676 —,electrolyte contg., 1,273,432 —,enamel, opaque, made with, 1,123,760 —,—, white, made with, 1,123,760 —,esters made with, 1,478,498 —,etching, electrolytic for, contg., 1,273,432 —,ethyl alcohol made with, 1,129,542 —,ethyl ether, impurity in of, 1,507,337 —,fat, refining of using, 1,147,392 —., fatty, alkali silicate, waterproof cement prod- uct of, made with, 1,283,546 —,—,calcium hydroxide, water-proof cement product of, made with, 1,283,546 —,—, calcium oxide, water-proof cement prod- uct of, made with, 1,283,546 —,—,cement, natural, water-proof product of, made with, 1,283,546 —,—,—, hydraulic, water-proof cement prod- uct of, made with, 1,283,546 —,—,—, Portland, water-proof cement prod- uct of, made with, 1,283,546 —,—,—, water-proof cement product of, made with, 1,283,546 —,—, gypsum, water-proof cement product of, made with, 1,283,546 —,—,hydrogenating, catalyst for, preparing, 1,427,037 —,—,lime, water-proof cement product of, made with, 1,283,546 —,—, magnesium. oxychloride, water-proof ce- ment product of, made with, 1,283,546 —,—, plaster, water-proof cement product made with, 1,283,546 —,—,see also Fatty acids —, fiber, animal, treatment of using, 1,197,495 —,—,vegetable, treatment preparatory to bleaching of using, 1,133,769 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —,—,—, viscose, made with, 1,251,237 —, —, —, —, precipitated with, 1,260,508 ; 1,488,281 —, film made with, 1,141,510 —., film, viscose, precipitation of using, 1,488,281 —,fire extinguisher using, 1,340,601; 1,403,596 —, flax, treatment preparatory to bleaching of using, 1,133,769 —, flotation process using, 1,125,897; 1,519,396 —, fodder made with, 1,128,154 —,food product made with, 1,200,011 —,“foots” oil, recovery of from, 1,247,782 —, fruit juice, sterilization of using, 1,140,717 —, fruit pulp, sterilization of using, 1,140,717 —,2-furaldehyde made with, 1,381,485 —,gas, dust, removal of from, using, 1,184,006 —, gelatin made with, 1,271,960 —,gold ore, flotation of using, 1,519,396 —, d-glucose made with, 1,508,569 —,glucose mfr. from starch with, 1,361,238; 1,361,239 —, glue, vegetable, made with, 1,257,307 —, glycerol made with, 1,477,113 * —,grape juice, sterilization of using, 1,140,717 cement using, 198 Acid, graphite purified using, 1,145,024 —,gum, artificial, made with, 1,225,748; 1,225,749; 1,225,750 —, hair, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —,hirsute, treatment of using, 1,197,495 —,horn substitute made with, 1,143,893 —, hydrocarbon, removal of from waste liquors, 1,428,618 —, hydrocupreine 1,458,670 —, hydrofluoric acid made with, 1,150.415 —, hydrogen made with, 1,276,487 —, hydrogen dioxide made with, 1,128,966 —, hydroxy of lactic acid series, distiller’s slops for producing, 1,344,850; 1,844,851 —,indigoid dye made using, 1,133,031 —,inorganic, cellulose treated with, cellulose ether made with, 1,188,376 —,—,—, ethyl cellulose made with, 1,188,376 —,—,—, methyl cellulose made with, 1,188,376 —,—,mold prevented from growing with, 1,318,174 —, Insulation, electric, made with, 1,470,990 —, iron alloy resistant to the action of, 1,493,191 —,iron apparatus resistant to, lead for filling ‘double walls of, 1,884,023 —,tron resistant to, see Iron, acid-resisting —,iron treated using, 1,373,573 —,ivory nut substitute made with, 1,143,893 —,ivory substitute made with, 1,143, 893 —, ‘label made with, 1,128,071 —, ‘lead made with, 1,480,110 —,lead smelter slag, treatment of using, 1,517,689 —, lime in calcium cyanamide neutralized with. 1,419,157 derivatives soluble in, —, linoleic series, insulation, electric, made with, 1,512,024 —,—,molded article made with, 1,512,024 —,—, plastic made with, 1,512,024 —, liquid, detection in of impurity of, apparatus for, 1,320,036 —,leather, artificial, 1,140,174; ane ,305,985 —, viscose, made with, 1,251,237 Be brcaie: used, treatment, of with, 1,281,354 —, ’ mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,361,416; 1 72, 119 One berry for, 1,472,119 —,grain for, 1,472,119 —,nut for, 1 472, 119 —, pine wood for, 1,472,119 —, plant for, 1,472, 119 —,—, process for, 1 A72, 119 —,—, seed for, 1 A729, 119 —,—, shrub for, 1,472,119 —,—, wood for, 1,472,119 —, material, resistant to, mfr. of, 1,422,720 —,meat extract like preparation made with, 1,442,339; 1,442,340; 1,442,341 —, medicinal capsule contg. alkali and, 1,356,544 —, mesityl oxide made with, 1,370,843 —, methyl] aleohol made with, ily 129 p42 —, milk, sterilization of using, 1,140, 717 —, ‘milk dried using, 1,491,166 —, ’ mineral, aluminum hydroxide, mineral contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 made _ with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acid, mineral, aluminum hydroxide, pigment contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,—,rock flour contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,aluminum oxide, mineral contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,—, pigment contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,—, rock flour contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—, calcium carbonate, mineral contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—, —, ocher contg., finely divided, made using, 1 001,865 —,—,—, pigment contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 -—— rock flour contg., finely divided, ‘made using, ‘1 001,865 —,—, carbonate, mineral contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,—, pigment contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—, -—-, rock flour contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,cement, Portland, hydrated, made with, 1,325,213 —,—, colloidal solution made using, 1,189,696 —,—,enamel removed from metal _ with, 1,272,917 —,—, fluoride, mineral contg., finely divided, made’ using, 1 501 865 —,—,—, pigment contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,—, rock flour contg., finely divided, made using, 1 001,865 —,—, fodder made with, 1,190,953 —,—,hydrogen dioxide made with, 1,138,519; 1,188,520 —,—, hydrosilicate, mineral divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,—-; pigment contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 yy ey rock flour contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—, hydroxide, mineral contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,—, pigment contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,—, rock flour contg., finely divided, made using, 1 001,865 —,—, iron hydroxide, mineral contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—, — pigment contg., finely divided, made using, 1 001,865 —,—,—, rock flour contg., finely divided, made using, 1 001,865 —,—, Jron oxide, mineral contg., finely divided, _ made using, 1 501 865 —,—, pigment contg., finely divided, made sieaiee 1 001,865 —,—,-—; rock flour contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501, 65 —,—,magnesium carbonate, mineral contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,—, pigment contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 contg., finely INDEX OF SUBJECTS Acid, mineral, magnesium carbonate, rock flour contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 eo, mineral, aluminum hydr oxide contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—, mineral, aluminum oxide contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—, —, calcium carbonate divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,—, carbonate contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 — —-,—,—, fluoride contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 _,—,— _hydrosilicate contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,— hydroxide contg. using, 1 001,865 —,—,—,iron hydroxide contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 - —,—,—, Iron oxide contg., finely divided, made using, 1 001,865 —, magnesium carbonate contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—, —, oxide contg., finely divided, made using, 1 901,865 —,—,—, phosphate contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—, —, silicate contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,ocher, calcium carbonate contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,oxide, mineral contg., made using, 1,501,865 —,—,—, pigment conig. using, 1,501,865 —,—,—, rock flour contg., finely divided, made using, "1,501,865 _—,—,paper made with, 1,500,500 —,—, phosphate, mineral contg., finely divided, yee using, 1,501,865 —,—,pigment contg., finely divided, made using, 1 001,865 contg., finely , finely divided, made finely divided, , finely divided, made —,—,— rock flour contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,pigment, aluminum hydroxide contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,—, aluminum oxide contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,—, calcium carbonate contg., finely divi- ded, made using, 1,501,865 —,—, —, carbonate contg. . finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 “os ioe tae , fluoride contg., finely divided, made using, 1 001,865 —_—,—,— , hydrosilicate contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,— , hydroxide contg., finely divided, made using, 1 001,865 —,—,—,iron hydroxide contg., made using, 1,501,865 —,—,—,iron oxide contg., made using, 1,501,865 , magnesium carbonate contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 ——)~, oxide contg., finely divided, made using, 1 901,865 finely divided, finely divided, 199 Acid, mineral, pigment, phosphate contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,— silicate contg., finely divided, made using, 1.501,865 —,—,rock flour, aluminum hydroxide contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —_—,—,—, aluminum oxide contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—, calcium carbonate contg., aed made using, 1,501,865 —,—,roek flour, carbonate contg., finely divi- ded, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,—, fluoride conte., finely divided, made using, 1 001,865 —,—,— , hydrosilicate contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—, — hydroxide contg., finely divided, made using, 1 901,865 —,—,—,iron hydroxide contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501.865 —,—,—, Iron oxide finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —_—,—,— , magnesium carbonate contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,—, oxide contg., finely divided, made using, 1 001,865 —,—,—, phosphate contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 ——\—; silicate contg., finely divided, made using, 1 001,865 —,—, shoe, box toe, made with, 1,380,865 —,—, "silicate, mineral contg., finely divided, made using, 1,501,865 —,—,—-, pigment conte. using, 1,501,865 —,—,—, rock flour contg., finely divided, made using, 1 001,865 —,—, thread, cellulose, 1 184, 323 —,—,—, cotton, brilliant, made with, 1,184,323 —,—, , hemp, brilliant, made, with, 1,184 323 —,—,—, Jute, brilliant, made with, 1 184 323 —,—, linen, brilliant, made with, 1, 184,323 —,—,—, ramie, brilliant, made with 1 184, 323 —, water softener made with, 1,325 213 —, molded article made with, 1,441 570 — ’ 4-naphthol- 8-sulfonamide made with, 1 503,172 —, nickel dissolved by, 1,346,175 5p ‘nitric acid made with, 1, 130, 104 —, ‘oil, “foots,” recovery from of, 1 247 782 —,— , lubricating, used, treatment of using, 1 281 oo4 —,—, refining of using, 1,147,392 —, oil treated with, 1310, 164 finely divi- contg., , finely divided, made brilliant, made with, we wv we wf using, —,oil cloth, imitation, made with, 1,140,174; 1 309,985 —| oleic series, insulation, electric, made with, 1 512,024 aa molded article made with, 1,512,024 —,—, ’ plastic made with, 1,512 024 —,open chain series, insulation, electric, made with, 1,512,024 As molded article made with, 1,512,024 —,—, ’ plastic re with, 1,512 024 . a! bar br L 200 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acid, ores floated by vapors of, 1,365,281 Acid, organic, lactic acid made with, 1,193,951 —,organic, amber substitute made with, —,—,mfr. of, alcohols, secondary, for, 1,475,446 1,497,817 —,—, anhydrous, mfr. of, 1,381,782 —,—,—,air for, 1,497,817; 1,517,968 —,—, bacteria, Bacillus-Bulgaricus, Uae haele —,—,—, ’ asphalt for, 1 517 968 made with, 1, 179,625 —,—,—, Blau gas for, 1 ‘497 817 —,—, borneol! made with, 1,478,690 —,—,—, brass as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—, bread made with, 1,131,698 —,—,—, carbon dioxide for, 1 497, 817 —,—,calcium (poly)sulfide stabilized by, —— — chromium as catalyst ‘for, 1,497,817 1,254,908; Re-14,890 —, nie ‘chromium oxide as catalyst for, —,—, camphol made with, 1,478,690 1,517,968 —,—, carbon tetrachloride, ‘freezing point of —,—,—, cobalt as ae for, 1,497,817 mixture of and, 1,243,149; 1,270 393: 1,270,394; ———, coke for, 1,497,817 1,270,395; 1,270,396; 1,270,397 —,—,—,copper as catalyst for, 1,497,817; —,—, catalyst, hydrogenation, 1,211,704 1,517,968 —,—, celluloid substitute made with, 1,280,862 —,—,—, copper oxide as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—,cellulose, derivatives of, made ‘with, —,—,—, fat for, 1,517,968 1,234,720 —_—,—,—, gasolene, cracked, for, 1,497,817 —,—,—, trioxymethylene, compound of and, —,—,—, gilsonite for, 1 517,968 made with, 1,234,720 —,—,—, gravel for, i 497, 817 —,—, cellulose treated with, methyl cellulose —,—,—, grease for, 1,517,968 made with, 1,188,376 ay ey hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,497,817; —,—,—, cellulose ether made with, 1,188,376 1,517,968 —, —, — ’ ethyl cellulose made with, 1,188, 376 —,—,—, iron for, 1,497,817 —,—, cellulose butyrate made with, 1,474 574. —,—,—, iron as catalyst for, 1,497,817; 1,517,968 —,—, cellulose film, water resistant, “made with, —,—,—,iron vanadate as catalyst for, 1,517,968 1,234, 720 —,—,—, ’ kerosene for, 1,517,968 —,—, cellulose pellicle, water resistant, made —,—,—, Monel metal as catalyst for, 1,497,817 with, 1,234,720 ce —,—,molybdenum compound as catalyst —,—, cellulose sulfite liquor conte., 1,495,074 for, 1,517,968 —,—,corn, shelled, mold prevented in with, —,—,—, nichrome as catalyst for, 1,497,817 1,311 709 aoe — nickel as catalyst for, 1 497, 817 —,—, ’ nitrogen for, 1,497 817 —, nitrogen tetroxide for, 1,337,253 —,—,oil gas for, 1,517,968 —,—, cotton fabric, silk like finish for, made — with, 1,132,001 —,—, cyanides and sulfonates for mfr. of, Ce Se en | 1 367 898 —,—,—, oxygen for, 1,497,817; 1,517,968 —,—, cement, Portland, hydrated, made with, —,—,—, petroleum for, 1,517,968 1,325, 213 —,—,—, petroleum, cracked, for, 1,497,817 —,—, dentifrice made with, 1,492,715 —,—,—, petroleum still gas for, 1,497,817 —,—,enamel, opaque, made with, 1,150,772 —,—,—, petroleum vapor for, 1,497,817 —,—,—, white, made with, 1,150, 772 —,—,—,phosphoric acid for, 1,497,817; —,—, esters made with, 1,517 968 1,517,968 —,—, fat made with, i: 193, 951 —,—,—, Pinch gas for, 1,497,817 —,—, fire- ‘extinguisher made with, carbon tetra- —,—,— —, platinized asbestos as catalyst for, chloride and, 1,243,149; 1,270, 393; 1,270,394 ; 1,497,817 1,270,395 ; 1,270 396; "1,270, 307 —,—,—, platinum as catalyst for, 1,497,817 —,—, food, cattle, mold prevented in with, -—,—,—,platinum black as _ catalyst for, 1 B11 709° 1,497,817 —,—,—,mold prevented in with, 1,311,709 —,—,—, process for, 1,497,817; 1,517,968 —,—,—,pigeon, mold prevented in with, —,—,—,selenic acid for, 1,497,817 1,311,709 —,—,—, silver as catalyst for, 1,497,817 —,—,—,poultry, mold prevented in with, —,—,—,silver chromate as catalyst for, _13iL 709 1,517,968 —,food product made with, 1,507,338 —,—,—, steam for, 1,497,817; 1,517,968 —,fungi, prevention of with, 1,311,709 —,—,—, steel for, 1,497,817 —,—, glycerol made with, 1,193,951 Se ioe steel wool as catalyst for, 1,497,817 —,—, glycerol solvent contg., 1,193,951 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,497, 817; 1 517 ,968 —, —, horse hair, artificial, water resistant, made —,—,—,tin oxides as “catalyst. for, 1 497, 817 with, 1,234 720 eal ober ‘vanadium as catalyst for, 1 (497 817 —,—, hydrogenation, catalyst for, 1,211,704 —,—,—,vanadium oxide as catalyst for, —,—, hydroxy, aluminum acetate, therapeutic 1,517, 968 compound of, made with, 1,132 709 —,—, molasses, feed contg., mold prevented in —,—,iron, rust removal from using, 1,470,225 with, 1,311,709 isoborneol made with, 1,478,690 —,—, mold prevention of with, 1,311,709 JO al isocamphol made with, 1,478, 690 —,—, ‘mold prevented from growing with, —,—,jelly made with, 1,507, 338 1,318,174 INDEX OF Acid, organic, mold article, cellulose, water re- sistant, made with, 1,234,720 —,—, paper made with, 1,500,500 —,—, pectin product made with, 1,507,338 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,475,446 —,—, plastic contg., 1,317,721 —,—, purification of, process for, 1,288,293 —,—,radium compound made with, 1,154,230 —,—,rubber, spongy, made wth, 1,156,184 —,—,silk, artificial, cellulose :nitrate, water resistant, made with, 1,234,720 —,—,—,—, cuprammonium, water resistant, made with, 1,234,720 —,—,—,—, Viscose, water resistant, made with, . 1,234,720 —,—,—,—, water _ resistant, 1,234,720 . —, —, steel, rust, removal from using, 1,470,225 —,—, succinic acid made with, 1,193,951 —,—,sulfuryl chloride made with, 1,364,738 —,—, textile, artificial, water resistant, made with, 1,234,720 —,—,thread, cellulose, brilliant, made with, 1,184,323 —,—,—, cotton, brilliant, made with, 1,184,323 —,—,—, hemp, brilliant, made with, 1,184,323 made with, _—,—,—, jute, brilliant, made with, 1,184,323 —,—, —, linen, brilliant, made with, 1,184,323 —,—,—,ramie, brilliant, made with, 1,184,323 —,—, trioxymethylene, cellulose, compound of and, made with, 1,234,720 —,—, varnish made with, 1,280,861; 1,436,820 —,—, volatile, concentration of, butyric acid for, 1,477,076 —,—,-—, —, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,477,076 —,—, —, —, chlorbenzene for, 1,477,076 ,—, esters for, 1,477,076 —,—,-—,—, ethers for, 1.477,076 —,—, —, —, hydrocarbon, acetylene, for, 1,477, —,—,—,—, —, —, halogen derivatives of, for, 1,477,076 —,—,-—-,—, —, —, nitrogen derivatives of, for, 1,477,076 —,—, —, —, —, olefin, for, 1,477,076 —,—,—,—, —, —, halogen derivatives of, for, 1,477,076 ss 3 sy for, 1,477,076 —,—,—, —, —, paraffin, for, 1,477,076 —,—,—, —, —,—, halogen derivatives of, 1,477,076 —,—,—, —, —, —, nitrogen derivatives of, 1,477,076 ,—,—,—, petroleum distillate for, 1,477,076 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,477,076 —,—,—,—, xylene for, 1,477,076 —,—,—,recovery from distillery 1,426,457 —,—, water softener made with, 1,325,213 —,—, wheat flour, bleached using, 1,131,698 —, organic mater coagulated with, 1,426,596 —, ortho, esters of, cement contg., 1,450,467 —, paint made with, 1,127,831 —, paint proof against action of, 1,393,220 —, paper made with, 1,509,273 —,—, nitrogen derivatives of, for, for, oe waste, SUBJECTS | 201 Acid, paper mill waste water, compound for purification of made with, 1,133,446 —, paper pulp bleached using, 1,468,693 —, pectin product made with, 1,497,884 —, peroxidase made with, 1,824,752 —, petroleum treated with, 1,310,164 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made _ with, 1,126,926; 1,143,714; 1,146,045; 1,225,748; 1,225,749; 1,225,750; 1,345,694; 1,345,695 —, phorone made with, 1,370,843 —, plastic made with, 1,143,893 —., potassium bitartrate made with, 1,135,216 —,potassium permanganate made _ with, 1,281,085 —,iso-propyl alcohol made with, 1,518,339 —,iso-propyl alcohol, deodorizing of using, 1,518,339 —, pump for, construction of, 1,282,145 —,radium chloride made with, 1,129,029 —,receptacles, outlet for, 1,366,170 —, receptacles resistant to, see Battery boxes —,recovery of, apparatus for, 1,314,765 —,resinous, see Resin acids —,ribbon, viscose, precipitation of, using, 1,488,281 —,rubber, reclaiming of using, 1,124,920; 1,321,501 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,141,510 —,—,—,viscose, precipitation of using, 1,488,281 —,—, weighting of, using, 1,231,436 —,silver ore, flotation of using, 1,519,396 —,slaughter house waste water, compound for purification of made with, 1,133,446 —, sludge, see Sludge sulfonic acid —,soap made with, 1,419,952 —,sodium permanganate made with, 1,281,085 —,spent, trinitrotoluene separated from, proc- ess for, 1,271,578 —,sponge, artificial, made with, 1,142,619 —,starch, modified, made with, 1,159,591; 1,516,512 —,—,soluble, made with, 1,159,591; 1,516,512 —,—, thin boiled, made with, 1,159,591 —,stearoptene made with, 1,274,793 —, steel treated using, 1,373,573 —,sugars made with, 1,259,568 —, sulfide ore, flotation of using, 1,286,922 —,sulfur dioxide, dust, removal of from, using, 1,184,006 : —, tanks proof to, see Tanks, acid-proof —, tannery waste water, compound for, purifica- tion of made with, 1,133,446 . ; —.,tin recovered using, 1,359,494 —,tin sulfide made with, 1,502,285 —, torpedoes propelled by sodium bicarbonate and, 1,419,267 —., treating, 1,421,688 —,tropinonene made with, 1,420,900 —, turpentine barrel lining contg., 1,323,528 —,Cn He niOz, varnish base, mfr. from, 1,422,861 —, viscose made>with, 1,251,237; 1,355,985 —,viscose, precipitation of using, 1,143,569; 1,488,281 —, viscose treated with, 1,140,174 —,water, aerated, sterilization of, _ using, 1,140,717 202 Acid, water, compound for purification of made with, 1,133,446 —,—,detection in of impurity of, apparatus for, 1,320,036 —,—, waste, compound for purification of made with, 1,133,446 —,well cleaned using, 1,498,045 —, wood, preservation of, using, 1,242,168 —,wool, treatment of using, 1,197,495 —,wool washing waste water, compound for purification of made with, 1,133,446 —, yeast. extract made with, 1,200,011 —, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,140,262 —, see also Liquids Corrosive —,see under specific name of the acid Acid amid, phenol-aldehyde condensate made with, 1,255,500 —, phonograph record made with, 1,255,500 Acid ammonium purpurate, see Murexid Acid anhydride, acid-proofing made with, 1,241,738 —,alcohol dehydrated Re-15,783 —,alkali-proofing made with, 1,241,738 —,amber substitute made with, 1,241,738 —,butyl ether dehydrated with, 1,466,485; Re-15,783 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,241,738 —,cellulose acetate (acetone soluble), made with, 1,241,995 —, cellulose ester substitute made with, 1,241,738 —, coating made with, 1,241,738 —, diethyl ketone .dehydrated with, 1,466,435; with, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —,ethyl ether dehydrated with, 1,466,485; Re-15,783 —,ethyl methyl ketone dehydrated with, 1,466,435 ; Re-15,783 —,ethyl propyl ether dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —,fabric, impregnation of using, 1,241,738 —, film made with, 1,241,738 —, fireproofing made with, 1,241,738 —,glycerol made with, 1,477,113 —,horn substitute made with, 1,241,738 —,hydrocarbon dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,241,738 —, ketone dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —, lacquer made with, 1,241,738 —, liquids, organic, dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,136,630 —,methyl ethyl ketone dehydrated with, 1,466,435 —, molded article made with, 1,241,738 —,organic, mfr. of, nitrogen tetroxide for, 1,337,253 —, paint made with, 1,241,738 —, paper, impregnation of using, 1,241,738 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,146,388; 1,255,500 —, phonograph record made with, 1,255,500 —, plastic made with, 1,241,738 —, propyl ether dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,146,388 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acid anhydride, resin, artificial, 1,241,738 —,silk, treatment of using, 1,500,255 —,stone, artificial, impregnation of using, 1,241,738 —, thread, artificial, made with, 1,241,738 —, waterproofing made with, 1,241,738 —, wood, impregnation of using, 1,241,738 —,wool, treatment of using, 1,500,255 Acid black 10 B.N., alkali-proofing, 1,349,265 Acid blue black, leather, kid, dyed using, 1,383,092 —, silk dyed using, 1,383,092 —, wool dyed using, 1,383,092 Acid brown O 1530, alkali-proofing, 1,349,265 Acid cake, fuel made from, 1,487,240 —,production of, sludge sulfonic acid for, 1,487,240 —, treatment of, apparatus for, 1,487,240 —,—, process for, 1,487,240 —,see also Sludge sulfonic acid : Acid cellulose, benzyl cellulose made with, 1,483,738 —, Ekstroem’s benzyl cellulose made with, 1 483,738 —,—, cellulose ethers made with, 1,483,738 —,—, ethyl cellulose made with, 1,483, 738 —,—, methyl] cellulose made with, 1 483 138 — ’ ethyl cellulose made with, 1,188 310; 1 483,738; 1,505,043 —, ethyl cellulose, composition of and, 1,217,028 —,cellulose ether made with, 1,188,376; 1,483,738; 1,505,043 —, cellulose ether, composition of and, 1,217,028 —,methyl cellulose made with, 1,188,376; 1,483,738 —,see also Cellulose Acid chloride, dyestuff made with, 1,266,896 —.organic, mfr. of, acetyl for, 1,326,040 —,—,—, ester for, i 826,040 —,—,—, ethyl acetate for, 1,326,040 ,—,—, hydrocarbon for, 1 326, 040 made with, —,—, oxide, organic, for, L 326, 040 —,—,—, chlorine for, 1,326 040 —,—,—, phenol for, 1 326 040 —,—,—, process for, 1,326, 040. —,—, —, sulfur dioxide for, 1,326,040 —,—,—, tricresyl phosphate for, 1,326,040 —, ’ silk, treatment of using, 1,500 255 —, ’ wool, treatment of using, 1,500 ,255 Acid chromotrope, see 1 8-Dihydroxy-naphtha- lene-3.6-disulfonic acid Acid of Cleve, see Cleve’s acid Acid. coke, see Coke acid —, see also Sludge sulfonic acid coke Acid containers, outlet for, construction of, 1,249,728 Acid dyestuff, see Dyestuff, acid Acide carbolique, see Phenol Acide Phenique, see Phenol Acid ethyl sulfuric, see Ethyl sulfuric acid Acid extract, see Olefins, acid extracts of Acid fumes, protecting apparatus against, white wash for, 1,388,188 Acid green, cotton, dyeing of, using, 1,213,045 —, film, color-photography, made with, 1 390,252 —, lake from, 1,378,418 INDEX OF Acid H, see 8-Amino-1-naphthol-3 6-disulfonic act Acid liquor, producing, olefins and sulfuric acid for, 1,865,044 —, purifying, animal skins for, 1,457,484 Acid magenta, cotton, dyeing of using, 1,213,045 Acid manufacture, art of, 1,390,410 Acid oil, cracking of, process for, 1,322,762; 1,322,878 —, cresyl phosphate made with, 1,425,393 —gasolene from, aluminum chloride for, 1,322,762; 1,322,878 —,—, process for, 1,322,762; 1,322,878 —,kerosene from, aluminum chloride 1,322,762; 1,322,878 “—,—, process for, 1,322,762; 1,822,878 —,naphtha from, aluminum chloride 1,322,762; 1,322,878 —, phenyl phosphate made with, 1,425,393 —,production of, sludge sulfonic acid 1,487,240 —, tolyl phosphates made with, 1,425,393 —,xylyl phosphates made with, 1,425,393 —,see also Sludge sulfonic acid “ Acid oil” as fuel, 1,290,345 Acidol, see Betaine hydrochloride Acid olenic, see Oleic acid, crude Acidosis, diabetic, combating, fats with odd number of carbon atoms for, 1,455,254 —,mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,376,612; 1,383,911; 1,383,912 —,see also Calcium (acid) phosphate, Calcvum ‘phosphate acid, Phosphate (acid) Acid pitch, hydrogenation of, cobalt carbide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—, cobalt, colloidal, as catalyst for, 1,226,620; _ Re-14,429 —,—,cobalt oxide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—,cobalt silicide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—, iron, colloidal, as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—,iron carbide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—,iron oxide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; —Re-14,429 —,—,iron silicide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—, nickel, colloidal, as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—,nickel carbide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—,nickel oxide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—,nickel silicide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—, process for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 Acid Pontianak, see Pontianac, acid Acid potassium fluoride, see Potassium fluoride, for, for, for, ac Acid-proof alloy, composition of, 1,509,624 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,314,417 Acid-proofing, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,241,738 _—,—,acid anhydride for, 1,241,738 —,—, alcohol, 1,234,381; 1,241,738 —,—, benzene for, 1,234,381 SUBJECTS 203 Acid-proofing, mfr. of, benzoyl peroxide for, 1,241,738 —,—,camnrhor for, 1,234,381; 1,241,738 —,—,camphor substitute for, 1,241,738 —,—,carbon tetrachloride for, 1,234,381 —,—, castor oil for, 1,241,738 —,—, cellulose acetate for, 1,241,738 —,—,chlor-benzene for, 1,241,738 —,—, chlorine for, 1,234,381 —,—, cork for, 1,241,738 —., s-dichlor-ethane for, 1,241,738 —, dichlor-ethylene for, 1,241,738 —,—,epichlorhydrin for, 1,241,738 —,—,esters for, 1,241,738 —,—,ethers for, 1,241,738 —,—,ethyl acetate for, 1,241,738 —,—,ethylidene diacetate for, 1,241,738 —,—, fibrous material for, 1,241,738 —,—, “ heptachlor-caoutchouc” for, 1,234,381 —,—,ketones for, 1,241,738 ,—, lamp, mercury vapor, for, 1,241,738 —, metal oxide for, 1,241,738 ,—, oils for, 1,241,738 —,—, oxygen for, 1,241,738 —,—, ozonide for, 1,241,738 —,—, perborate for, 1,241,738 —,—, percarbonate for, 1,241,738 —,—, peroxide (organic) for, 1,241,738 bf d —,—, petroleum ether for, 1,234,381 bs DI —,—, process for, 1,234,381; 1,241,738 —,—, rubber for, 1,234,381 —,—, rubber, plantation, for, 1,284,381 —,—, silver oxide for, 1,241,738 ae steam for, 1,234,381 ’ bf ’ ’ > d ’ bs > b b ’ , d d b) 3 —., —,s-tetrachlor-ethane for, 1,241,738 —,—,toluene for, 1,234,381 —,—,trichlor ethane for, 1,241,738 —,—, ultra-violet ray for, 1,241,738 —, vinyl acetate for, 1,241,738 —, vinyl bromide for, 1,241,738 —,—,vinyl chlor acetate for, 1,241,788 —,—, vinyl chloride for, 1,241,738 —,—, vinyl esters for, 1,241,738 —, vinyl halide for, 1,241,738 —, wood for, 1,241,738 —,—, xylene for, 1,234,381 —,—, zine oxide for 1,241,738 Acid-proof lining, mfr. of, cement for, 1,311,051 —,—,dust from pyrites furnace for, 1,311,051 —,—, process for, 1,311,051 —,—, sawdust for, 1,311,051 —,—, whiting for, 1,311,051 Acid-proofing lining for concrete tank, see Con- crete tank, acid-proof lining for Acid-proof material, mfr. of, 1,513,133 —,—, benzene for, 1,513,133 —,—, bituminous material for, 1,513,133 —, carbon black for, 1,508,144 —, charcoal for, 1,508,144 —,coal, anthracite, for, 1,508,144 —,coal tar pitch for, 1,513,133 —, coke for, 1,503,144 —,—, gravel for, 1,508,144 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,513,133 —,—, metal scrap for, 1,508,144 —,—, naphtha, for, 1,513,133 ? 7 Pd ? d 3 , 3 asphalt for, b ? bf > , bd 204 Acid-proof material, mfr. of, process for, 1,508,144; 1,513,133 —,—, rock for, 1,508,144 —,—, sulfur for, 1,508,144 —,—, tar for, 1,513,133 Acid-proof tank, see Tank, acid-proof Acid-proof vessel, mfr. of, metal coated stone for, 1,258,282 Acid receiver, quartz glass, 1,454,945 Acid receptacle, construction of, 1,249,728 —, outlet for, construction of, 1,249,728 Acid red, dye contg., 1,367,930 —,dye soap made with, 1,283,519 Acid regenerator, 1,402,194 Acid resins, see Sludge sulfonic acid | Acid resin sludge, see Sludge sulfonic acid Acid resisting material, formula, rosin 4, pe- troleum jelly 2, paraffin 2, sulfur 2, 1,425,935 Acid salt, fat, refining of using, 1,147,392 —, oil, refining of using, 1,147,392 Acid sludge, see Sludge sulfonic acid —,see also Sulfuric acid Acid sodium arsenate, see Sodium. arsenate NaH AsO) Acid sodium sulfate, see Sodium bisulfate Acid-spar, hydrofluoric acid from, 1.489,960 Acid-spray catcher, construction of, 1,135,471 Acid sulfite liquor see Calcium bisulfite —,see also Cellulose sulfite liquor Acid-tank, construction of, 1,315,241 Acid tar, benzene made with, 1,373,391 —, flotation process using, 1,488,485 —,gasolene made with, 1,373,391 —, pyridine made from, 1,490,736 —, toluene made with, 1,373,391 —,see also Sludge sulfonic acid; Sludge sul- fonie acid tar Acid test paper, 1,238,123 —,—, celluloid for, 1,238,123 —,—, malachite green for, 1,238,123. —,—, paper for, 1,238,123 —,—., process for, 1,238,123 Acid “ trichlor-acetic mentholis,’ dental anes- thetic contg., 1,420,634 Acidum carbolicum, see Phenol Acidum cinnamylicum, see Cinnamic acid Acidum citricum, see Citric acid Acidum malicum, see Matic acid Acidum phenicum, see Phenol Acidum Phenylcinchonicum, see Atophan Acid valves, see Valves, acid Acid violet, dye contg., 1,367,930 —, (2-B), cotton, dyeing of, using, 1,213,045 —,(4R), dyeing mixture contg., 1,457,581 —, lake from, 1,378,418 Acid waste, see Spent acid Acid wringer, see Centrifugal Acid yellow (A T), surgical suture made using, 1,382,715 — (H.M.), alkali-proofing, 1,349,265 —(S.), see Naphthol yellow . a-Acidylaminocinnamic esters, preparation of, 1,487,802 Acidyl cellulose, see Cellulose acetate Acid zein, insulation, electric, made with, 1,245,981 —, lacquer made with, 1,245,981 mfr. of, card-board for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Acne, treating, see Bath salts Aconitine, mfr. of, 1,447,400 Aconitum, alkaloids from, preparation of, 1,447,400 Aconitine, extraction of, 1,447,400 Acoria, plaster board made with, 1,474,657 Acorn starch, binder contg., 1,318,106 —,calcimine, binder contg., 1,318,106 —,glue contg., 1,318,106 —,oil, emulsifier for contg., 1,318,106 —,slze contg., 1,318,106 —,soap made with, 1,342,783 Acoustic apparatus, diaphragms for, mfr. of, mica and cellulose acetate varnish for, 1,485,843 Acoustic diaphragm, see Diaphragm, sound reproducing Acoustical diaphragm, see Diaphragm, sound reproducing Accra flake, rubber, reclaimed, made with, 1,135,236 . —,tire puncture-healing composition contg., 1,215,861 Acridine, boiling point of, 1,456,848 —, flotation process using, 1,438,435 —, iron, pickling of using, 1,460,395 —, ron alloy, pickling of using, 1,460,395 —, Iron pickling bath contg., 1,460,395 —, melting point of, 1,456,848 —, nitrated, rubber accelerator, 1,291,828 —, purifying, 1,456,848 —,separating from antharcene press cake, 1,456,848 —, steel, pickling of using, 1,460,395 —, subliming, 1,456,848 —, tar constituent, 1,339,310 —, vulcanization accelerator, 1,291,828 Acridine compounds, disinfectant made with, 1,227,624; 1,228,926 Acridine derivatives, dyeing with, 1,427,431 Acridine dyestuffs, 1,455,486 ; 1,455,487; 1,455,488 —, bactericide made with, 1,259,517 —, mfr. of, 1,455,486; 1,455,487 —, mercury derivatives of, 1,259,517 Acridine hydrochloride, film, ray, cathode, made with, 1,315,324 —,—, X-ray, made with, 1,315,324 —, plate, ray, cathode, made with, 1,315,324 —,—, X-ray, made with, 1,315,324 Acridine orange, film, photographic, dyeing of using, 1,214,940 —, photographic 1,214,940 —,see also 2.8-Bis(dimethylamino)-acridine Acridine orange NO, film, photographie, color, made with, 1,145,968 —,photography, color, 1,191,941 —, see also Dyestuff Acridine orange sulfate, halogenating, 1,418,852 Acridine picrate, rubber accelerator, 1,291,828 Acridine red, photograph, colored made with, 1,256,675 —,—, motion, colored, made with, 1,256,675 —,photographic print, colored, made with, 1,166,123 —,—, motion, colored, made with, 1,166,123 image, dyeing of using, process for, using, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Acridine red B, film, photographic, dyeing of using, 1,214,940 —, photographic 1,214,940 Acridine series, arsenical compounds of, pre- paring, 1,408,974 —,arsinic acid of, preparing, 1,408,974 —,compounds of, producing, 1,427,431 Acridine scarlet, film, motion picture, colored, made with, 1,207,527 Acridine yellow, mfr. of, 1,455,486 —,see also 2.8-Diamino-3.7-dimethyl-acridine ; 3.6-Diamino-2.7-dimethyl-acridine Acridine yellow base, see 3.6-Diamino-acridine Acridinium compounds, mfr. of, 1,427,432 —,pigment mfr. from, 1,427,432 —,tannic acid derivatives of, 1,429,432 Acriflavin, antiseptic properties of, 1,382,715 —, anti-toxin preservative of using, 1,475,233 —,bacterial extract preservative of using, 1,476,233 —, bacterin preservative of using, 1,476,233 —,biological product preservative of using, 1,476,233 _—, cultural filtrate, 1,476,233 —,serum preservative of using, 1,476,233 —, surgical suture made using, 1,382,715 —,vaccine preservative of using, 1,476,233 —, virus preservative of using, 1,476,233 Acroid, see Acaroid Acroides gum, see Acaroides gum Acrolein, absorbing, 1,329,076 _—,acrylic acid from, 1,472,115 —,cofiee aroma due to, 1,367,715 —, copper precipitation of with, 1,472,115 —, diacryl formation from, 1,436,047 - —, formation when blowing oils, 1,329,076 —, plastic made with, 1,468,331 —, preparing, 1,436,047 —, production of, fat, animal, for, 1,472,115 —, stabilizing, phenols for, 1,436,047 Acrospires, acetone made with, 1,169,321 —, ethyl alcohol made with, 1,169,321 Acrylic acid, copper, precipitation of with, 1,472,115 —,esters of, varnish made with, 1,436,820 _ —, polymerized, varnish made with, 1,436,820 —, production of, acrolein for, 1,472,115 crylic acid series, rubber substitute made with, 1,471,059 Acrylic aldehyde, see Acrolein Actinium, ball made with, 1,260,788 —, golf ball made with, 1,260,788 Actinium compounds, radio-active solutions made using, 1,236,213 Actinolite, paint contg., 1,317,225 —, see also Asbestos Activated carbon, see Carbon, activated Activator, see Catalyst Active carbon, see Carbon, absorptive Active charcoal, see Charcoal Actol, see Silver lactate “Acto”, therapeutic product made with, 1,513,298 Acto” oil, see Oil, mineral, “Acto” Acyl amino-aryl-pyrazolone, dyestuff made with, 1,123,263 image, dyeing of, using, preservative of using, 205 Acyloxybenzoic acid, esters of, cellulose esters plasticizers, 1,408,095 Adaline, hypnotic, 1,493,182 Adamite, abrasive wheel made with, 1,133,260 —, steel alloy, 1,391,215 —, see also Abrasive; Muscovite Addressing machine stencil, see Stencil Adherent, fusible, mfr. of, shellac for, 1,374,492 —, see aiso Adhesive Adhesive, acetic acid in, 1,267,699 —, aircraft beam made with, 1,400,078 —, aircraft strut made with, 1,400,078 —,airplane wireless generator casings made with, 1,344,765; 1,433,730 —,alcohol in, 1,467,356 —,alum in, 1,463,403 —,ammonium hydroxide in, 1,267,699 —, bag coated with, 1,258,104 —, bag, paper, made with, 1,363,196 —,—, water-proof, made with, 1,363,196 —, baggage contg., 1,464,242 —, benzene in, 1,467,356 —, boxes contg., 1,464,242 —, box board made with, 1,154,138 —, brick, surfacing of using, 1,518,398 —,briquet, mfr., formula, dextrin, glucose, salt, potassium chloride, sodium silicate, sulfuric acid, 1,396,603 —, bronze foil made using, 1,152,060 —,cactus for mfr. of, 1,363,830 —, cactus liquid in, 1,463,403 —, canvas board substitute made with, 1,369,151 —,casein in, 1,267,699 —,casein, waterproofing, 1,456,842 —, cassava starch in, 1,267,699 —, castor oil in, 1,292,333 —, cellulose ether, composition of and, 1,188,376 —, cellulose sulfite liquor used in, 1,292,069 —, cement, bag for, made with, 1,363,196 —,—, glass-to-metal contg., 1,132,721 —,clay in, 1,377,739 —, closet-seat made with, 1,315,488 —,colored foil made using, 1,152,060 —,compo-board made with, 1,125,973 —, composite material made with, 1,369,151 —, concrete, surfacing of using, 1,516,398 —,conductor, electric, armored, made with, 1,162,614 —, container, paper, made with, 1,203,303 —, copper ammonium sulfate in, 1,267,699 —,corn starch in, 1,463,403 —, covering material made with, 1,516,571 . —, decoration made with, 1,128,071 —,desk tops contg., 1,464,242 —, dextrin as, 1,283,839; 1,284,120 —, dextrin in, 1,292,333 —, diamond held by, 1,291,769 —, diaphragm, phonograph, made with, 1,246,552 —,—,sound reproducing, made with, 1,246,552 —, dish, paper, made with, 1,196,803 —,doll made with, 1,199,251; 1,221,157 —,dolls head made with, 1,369,151 —, embroidery filler form made with, 1,221,440 —,ether in, 1,467,356 —,ethyl starch, compounds of and, 1,350,820 —, fabric, coating of with, process for,+1,170,699 copper salts for, 206 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Adhesive, fabric, decorating of using, 1,211,455 Adhesive, fireproof, mfr. of, sugar for, 1,248,092 —,felt, decorating of using, 1,211,455 —,—,—, tale for, 1,248,092 —,fiber tube made with, 1,514,708 —,—,—,tragacanth for, 1,248,092 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,500,393 —,—,—, zine oxide for, 1,248,092 film of, mfr. of, 1,300,250 _’__ zine chloride for, 1,248,092 —, fireproof, mfr. of, acacia for, 1,248,092 ,—,—, zine sulfide for, 1,248,092 —,—,—, acetyl arabin for, 1,248,092 —, flong made with, 1,286,490 —,—,—,alum for, 1,248,092 —., flower, artificial, made with, 1,188,088 —,—,—,aluminum ammonium sulfate for, —,formaldehyde-yielding products in, 1,373,412 1,248,092 —,formula, balata 35, solvent naphtha 15, —,—,—, aluminum salt for, 1,248,092 1,410,685 ah —,—,—, aluminum sodium sulfate for, 1,248,092 —,—, Burgundy pitch 24, paraffin 3, rosin oil —,—,—,aluminum sulfate for, 1,248,092 0.08, 1,307,247 —,—,—, ammonium bicarbonate for, 1,248,092 —,—,casein, borax, sodium or potassium sili- —,—,—,ammonium borate for, 1,248,092 cate, tannic, acid, 1,327,707 —,—,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,248 092 —,—,—,sodium fluoride, sodium sulfite, cal- —,—,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,248,092 cium oxide or hydroxide, sodium molybdate, __,—, —, ammonium phosphate for, 1,248,092 1,409,472 —,—,—,ammonium salt for, 1,248,092 —,—, casein 1, water 1, hydrocarbon oil 0.015, —,—,—,ammonium tungstate for, 1,248,092 calcium hydroxide 0.2, sodium silicate 0.70, —,—,—,amylum for, 1,248,092 copper(ic) chloride 0.03, water 0.3, 1,456,842 pee) barium nitrate) Tor, 1,248 092 —,—,caustic soda 2, rosin 1 lb., ammonium —,—,—, barium oxide for, 1,248,092 chloride 4 oz., lead acetate 4 oz., glue 1 Ib., —,—,—, bauxite for, 1,248,092 whiting 3 lbs., plaster 3 Ibs., saltpeter 1 Ib., —,—, —, beeswax, white, for, 1,248 092 flour 10 Ibs., 1,880,568 —,—,—, bluing water for, 1,248,092 —,—,celluloid 1 Ib., acetone 1 gal., carbon —,—,—,borate for, 1,248,092 tetrachloride q/s., 1,389,575 —,—,—, borax for, 1,248,092 —,—,dextrin 40-50, glucose 5-10, water 53-35, —,—,—, calcium chloride for, 1,248,092 castor oil 2-5, 1,292,333 . —,—,—, calcium salt for, 1,248,092 —,—,dextrinized starch, calcium chloride, —,—,—, calcium sulfate for, 1,248,092 1,337,382 : —,—,—, calcium sulfide for, 1,248,092 —,—,rubber, dextrin, glucose, naphtha, water, —,—,—, chalk for, 1,248,092 1,374,992 —,—,—, clay for, 1,248,092 —,—,sodium silicate 35° Be. -20; clay 80; —,—,—, clay, china, for, 1,248,092 1,377,739 ee) 4, hire, for: 15248,008 —,—,sodium silicate solution 80, sodium car- _—.—,—, —, pipe, for 1,248,092 bonate 8, sodium tetraborate 4, 1,337,381 —,—,—,—, potters, for, 1,248,092 —,—,tapicoa 2 oz., sodium chloride 4 oz, —,—,—,corn starch for, 1,248,092 glue 2 oz., glucose 4 oz., water or vinegar —,—,—, crylolite for, 1,248,092 14 oz., 1,860,915 —,—,—, farina for, 1,248,092 —,furniture made with, 1,203,896; 1,205,376 —,—,—, feldspar. for, 1,248,092 —,gear made with, 1,223,348 —,—,—,gelatin for, 1,248,092 —,glass cemented using, 1,168,137 —,—,—, indigo blue for, 1,248,092 —, glucose in, 1,292,333 —,—,—, kaolin for, 1,248,092 —, glue in, 1,463,403 —,—,—, magnesium chloride for, 1,248,092 —,glue, animal, in, 1,267,699 —, —, —, metaphosphoric acid for, 1,248,092 —,gold foil made using, 1,152,060 —,—,—, paraffin for, 1,248,092 —,granite carved using, 1,206,780 —,—,—, potassium nitrate for, 1,248,092 —,gum as, 1,246,552 —,—,—, potassium silicate for, 1,248,092 —,heat-sensitive, cigar bands attached with, —,—,-—, potato starch for, 1,248,092 1,460,641 —,—,—, process for, 1,248,092 —,horn, sound reproducing, made _ with, —,—,—, Prussian blue for, 1,248,092 1,869,151 —,—,—,rice flour for, 1,248,092 —,horse-hair fabric, treatment of with, —,—,—, saccharine for, 1,248,092 1,469,023 —,—,—,silica for, 1,248,092 —,hydrochlorie acid in, 1,267,699 —,—,—,silicon phosphate for, 1,248,092 —, insecticide made with, 1,496,436 —,—,—,sodium bicarbonate for, 1,248,092 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1,398,143; —,—,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,248,092 1,514,708 —,—, —, sodium chloride for, 1,248,092 —,label made with, 1,128,071 —,—,—,sodium dioxide for, 1,248,092 —,laminated article made with, 1,223,348 —,—,—, sodium hyposulfite for, 1,248,092 —,lens-uniting, formula, Canada balsam 2, —,—,—,sodium silicate for, 1,248,092 shellac 1, glass 5, phenolic substance 0.02, —,—,—, sodium thiosulfate for, 1,248,092 1,386,046 —,—,—, spermaceti for, 1,248,092 —,lumber, compound, made with, 1,299,747 —,—,—, starch for, 1,248,092 —,mfr. of, 1,292,068; 1,292,333; 1,435,377 hl INDEX OF SUBJECTS 207 Adhesive, mfr. of, acacia for, 1,235,784; Adhesive, mfr. of, cactus liquid for, 1,463,403 1,263,634; 1,263,635; 1,498,269 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,389 084; 1,513, 191 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,373,412 —,—, ‘calcium caseinate for, 1 506, 201; a 006 202: —,—,acetic acid for, 1,168,187; 1,267,699; 1,506,203 1,300,250; 1,389,084; 1,435,377 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,273,571; 1,300,096 ; —,—,acetone for, 1,158,962; 1,389,084; 1,300,097: 1,506%201 1,389,574; 1,389,575 — calcium formaldehyde sulfoxylate for, ~—, acetyl-urea for, 1,355,834 1 373 412 Be ecic for, Gee 412+ 1.505.043 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,275,799; ee ed TOF, -tolejtia; 1 310, 706: 1,373,518; 1,506,201; 1,506,202 —,alcohol for 1,158,962; 1,389,084; —,—,alcohol, denatured, for, 1,515,439 ane Oe for ‘ 1,515,439 yey ¢ —,—,alkali aluminate for, 1,248,039 1,505, 043 ; 200,520 ; 209 USE ; —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,311,965; 1,373,412 ‘ —, alkali chloride for, 1,273,571 —,—, camphor oil for, 1,192,783 ~ 1.498.260 , pore ets POO OE eS ae cee calcium oxide for, 1,373, 412: 1,506 203 pr —, camphor substitute for, 1,350,820 oe —,alkali earth carbonate for, 1,373,412 —,alkali earth hydrate, 1,192,783; 1,275,799 —,—, ‘alkali earth oxide for, 1 373, 412 —,—, Canada balsam for, 1,386,046 —,—,caoutchouc for, 1,505,043 alkali hydroxide for, 1,198,100; 1,248,039: ~~? C#tPohydrate for, 1,378,128 —,— carbon for, 1,226,892 135% eh ee 1 273 o71; 1,324 332; —,—, carbon bisulfide for, 1,510,591 ah aie Bat itrate f or, 1,184,071 —,carbon tetrachloride for, 1,389,574; —,—,alum for, 1,248,039: 1,463,403 389,575; 1,510,591 a, alumina for, 1,226 892 —,carmine for, 1,389,084 ; yy —, carnauba wax for, 1,311,964 i yaluminum for, 1,389 (ee anne —;— casein for, 1,192,783: 1244.46; 1,267,699 : a hydroxide for, 1378108 1,310,706; 1,311,964; 1,373,412; 1,373,518; —— aluminum potassium sulfate _ for, 1,505,043; 1,506,202; 1,506,203 1,248,039 —,—, casein SO OS HOB tore eats Ps es ae —,—, cassava starch for, 1,267,699; 1,275,799; a a el et 1,299,809; 1,311,964; °1,311965;° 1/324'332: —,—,aluminum sulfate for, 1,248,039 1,378,106 1 for. 1.389.084: 1.506.201 —,—,aluminum sulfite, basic, for, 1,226,892 1-77 Castor oll tor, (1,307,084; 2,000, ——,ammonium chloride for, 1,287,841; —» —> castor oil, sulfonated, for, 1,505,043 1,378,128 ya —, celery Sate for, aes : : —, celery seed for, 1,232,759 —,—,ammonium compound for, 1,287,841 pace De ctr c : -—,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,237,011; ass ee for, 1,389,084; 1,389,574; 1,244,463; 1,267,699 ; —,—,ammonium resinate for, 1,311,965 —,—, cellulose acetate for, 1,389,084; 1,505,043 —,—,ammonium salts for, 1,378,128 —,—, cellulose butyrate for, 1,389,084 —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1,378,128 —,—, cellulose derivative for, 1,505,043 —,—,amyl acetate for, 1,389,084 —, cellulose ester for, 1,389,084 —,—,aniline for, 1,389.084 —,—, ‘cellulose ether for, 1,188 376; 1,389,084; —,—, antiseptic for, 1,257.307 _ 1505, 043 By gchvectos for, 1,489,991 —, cellulose formate for, 1,505,043. —,— ; asphalt for, 1 510, 472; 1,510,591 —,—, ’ cellulose nitrate for, i 389, 084; 1,505,043 = —,asphaltite for, 1,137,043 —, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,208, 856; —,—, bacteria for, 1,273,571 ital —, bacteria, starch reducing for, 1,257,307 1a 1,311,219; 1,322, 920: 1311221; 290,118: POLO ei ol L216 tobe 917: — ’ balata for, 1,505,043; 1,510, 591 O11222 2%) 1414 B12 od ‘431, 165: 1,498,856 —, balsams for, 1,389, 084: 1 505, 043 —, cellulose xanthate for, 1 378, 106 —,—, barium hydroxide for, 1,192,783; —,—, cement, Portland, for, ig 192 783 1,275,799 — ceresin for, 1,311 964 —,barium sulfate for, 1,389,084 —,—, china clay, English, for, 1,811,964 —,—, bentonite for, 1,498,269; 1,498,270 —,—, ’ chloroform for, 1,441, 160; 1,500, 393 —, citric acid in, 1,300, 250 — ’ clay for, 1 192, 783; 1,311,964 —, clay, china, for, 1,413, 921 —,—, colloidal, for, 1,498, 269; 1,498,270 —.—,benzene for, 1,389,574; 1,441,160; 1,500,393; 1,510,591; 1,515,439 = —,—, benzine for, 1 510, 591 —,— , benzoyl-urea for, 1,355,834 Tre, ») 9, Rt bd Tee Ty fares > 9 ae s-bis-(hydroxymethyl)-urea for, 1,355,834 —,—,—, terra cotta, for, 1 498, 856 —,—, blood for, 1,516,566 ; 1,516,567 —,—, clove oil for, 1,237, 011 —,—, borax for, ‘ 263, 634; 1 263, 635; 1,373,412 —,—, "coal tar pitch ‘for, 1,441,160; 1,500,393 —,—, boron compound for, 1263, 634; 1,263,635 —,— compound, C.H.OS., for, 1,373,412 —, British gum for, 1 198, 100; 1 505 043 — ’ copal for, 1,515,439 —,—, boric acid for, 1 516 566; 1 516, 567 ~~ —, colloid for, 1,505, 043 Bee, Burgundy pitch for, 1,307, 247 Beas, copper for, 1,244 463 + _ 208 Adhesive, mfr. of, copper ammonium sulfate for, 1,267,699 —,—, copper oxide for, 1,244,463 —,—,copper salt for, 1,244,463 —,copper sulfate for, 1,373,412; 1,498,270 —,corn cob for, 1,285,247; 1,317,380 —,—,corn starch for, 1,198,100; 1,287,841 ; 311,964; 1,324,332; 1,463,403; 1,498,269 —,—,corn syrup for, 1,237,011 —, cotton for, 1,389,084 ’ 3 3 — 1 —,—,cresol for, 1,389,084 —,—,cuprammonium cellulose for, 1,505,043 —,—, cuprammonium compound for, 1,244,463 —,—,cuprammonium hydroxide for, 1,244,463 —,—,dammar for, 1,515,489 —,—, dextrin for, 1,198,100; 1,237,011; 1,373,412; 1,489,991; 1,498,269; 1,505,043; 1,506,202; 1,506,203 —,—, dihydroxy-diphenyl-dimethyl-methane for, 1,158,962 —, —, dihydroxy-diphenyl-dimethyl-methane aldehyde condensate for, 1,158,962 —,—, dolomite for, 1,513,191 —,—,elaterite for, 1,137,043 —,—,elemi for, 1,515,439 —,emery for, 1,226,892 —,enzyme for, 1,273,571 —,enzyme, starch reducing, for, 1,257,307 —, ether for, 1,158,962 —,—,ethyl acetate for, 1,389,084 —,ethyl alcohol for, 1,515,439 —,—,ethyl cellulose for, 1,389,084; 1,505,043 —, ethyl starch for, 1,350,820 —,fats for, 1,505,043 —,fatty acids for, 1,505,043 —,—, feldspar for, 1,378,128 —,ferment, starch reducing for, 1,257,307 —, fish bladders for, 1,435,377 —, fish scales for, 1,435,377 —,flour for, 1,435,377 ~d — v_ wu ee hf — “ ~ vu ewe Oe ) —,—,formaldehyde for, 1,244,463; 1,287,841; 1,355,834; 1,413,921 —,—,formaldehyde sodium bisulfite for, 1,373,412 —,—, fusel oil for, 1,389,084 —,—,gasolene for, 1,441,160; 1,500,393 =, gelatin) for, ' LIGRIST; 1,373,412; 1,489,991; 1,505,043 —,—, gilsonite for, 1,137,043 —,—, glass for, 1,386,046 —,—, glucose for, 1,360,915; 1,489,991 —,—,glue for, 1,300,250; 1,360,915; 1,373,412; 1,463,403; 1,498,269; 1,505,043 —,—,glue, animal, for, 1,184,071; 1,190,756; 1,267,699; 1,418,921 —,—,—, bone, for, 1,192,783 —,—, hide, for, 1,192,783 —,—,white, for, 1,488,765 —, gluten for, 1,373,412 —, glycerol for, 1,498,269; 1,498,270; 1,505,043 —, gold for, 1,389,084 —,gums for 1,373,412; 1,389,084 —,—,gutta percha for, 1,505,043; 1,510,591 —,—, gypsum for, 1,190,756 —,—, hexamethylenetetramine for, 1,287,841 —,—, hide for, 1,373,412 3 3 d hrc? aid O13 mu UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Adhesive, mfr. of, hydrochloric acid for, 1,237,011; 1,267,699; 1,287,841 —,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,168,137; 1,373,412 —,—,iron oxide for, 1,226,892; 1,498,856 —,—, iron silicates for, 1,498,856 —,—, kauri for, 1,515,439 —,—,kerosene for, 1,310,706; 1,506,201 —,—,konjak root for, 1,236,183 —,—,lampblack for, 1,389,084 —,—, lime for, 1,192,783 —,—, limestone for, 1,513,191 —,—, linseed oil for, 1,187,043; 1,510,472 —,—, magnesia for, 1,203,856 —,—, magnesite for, 1,203,856; 1,488,765 —,—, magnesite, clingstone, for, 1,488,765 —,—,magnesium carbonate for, 1,513,191 —,—,magnesium chloride for, 1,203,856; 1,273,571; 1,300,096; 1,300,097 —,—, magnesium oxide for, 1,203,856; 1,506,202 —,—, magnesium oxychloride for, 1,203,856 —,—,manila gum for, 1,515,439 —,—,methyl alcohol for, 1,244,463; 1,515,439 —,—, milk, skimmed, for, 1,235,784 —,—, molasses for, 1,389,084; 1,489,991 —,—,naphtha for, 1,506,415 —,—, naphthalene for, 1,389,084; 1,505,043 —,—, naphthol for, 1,389,084 —,—,nitrate for, 1,184,071 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,435,377 —,—, nitro-benzene for, 1,389,084 —,—,oils for, 1,505,043; 1,506,203 —,—, oils, essential, for, 1,389,084 ,—, —, mineral, for, 1,373,518; 1,510,591 ,—, —, vegetable, for, 1,373,518 —,—, paper for, 1,358,834; 1,413,921 —,—, paraffin for, 1,307,247 —,—,paraffin oil for, 1,310,706; 1,505,043 1,311,964; —,—,parolite for, 1,137,043 —,petrolatum for, 1,137,043 —,petroleum for, 1,373,518 —,—, phenol for, 1,237,011; 1,386,046; 1,389,084; 3 1,435,877; 1,498,270 —,—,phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,505,043 —,—,phenol, phosphoric acid esters of, for, 1,505,043 —,—, phenyl phosphate for, 1,350,820 —,—, pigment for, 1,190,756; 1,389,084 —, pine oil for, 1,192,783 —, pitch for, 1,307,247 —,—, plaster for, 1,488,765 —,—, plaster of Paris for, 1,515,439 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,311,965 —,—, potassium nitrate for, 1,184,071 —,—, potassium plumbate for, 1,198,100 —,—,potassium silicate for, 1,489,991; 1,498,856; 1,516,566; 1,516,567 —,—,potato starch for, 1,198,100; 1,248,039; 1,266,354; 1,824,332; 1,378,106; 1,498,269; 1,469,270 —,—, process for, 1,137,043; 1,158,962; 1,162,712; 1,168,137; 1,184,071; 1,190,756; : 1,198,100; 1,203,856; 1,226,892; 1,236,183; 1,237,011; 1,244,463; 1,257,307; 1,263,634; 1,263,635; 1,267,699; 1,273,571; 1,275,799; SRY Cox Se Ne ee: “ 7 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 1,297,405; 1,299,809; 1,300,096; 1,300,097; 1.300.250; 1,310,706; 1,311,964; 1,311,965; 1.324.332: 1,350,820; 1,355,834; 1,360,915; 1373412; 1,373,518; 1,378,106; 1,378,128; 1386,046; 1,389,084; 1,389,574; 1,389,575; 1.413.921; 1,435,377; 1,437,487; 1,440,356; 1.441160; 1,463,403; 1,488,765; 1,489,991; 1498269: 1.498270; 1,498,856; 1,505,043; 1506201; 1,506,202; 1,506,203; 1,506,415; 1510472; 1,510,591; 1,513,191; 1,515,439; 1516566; 1,516,567 Adhesive, mfr. of, proteid for, 1,192,788, 1,873,412 —,—, pumice for, 1,162,712 —,—, quartz for, 1,378,128; 1,498,856 —,—,resin for, 1,373,518; 1,889,084; 1,505,043; . 1,506,203; 1,515,489 —,—,rice flour for, 1,498,269 —,—,rosin oil for, 1,307,247 —-,—,rosin for, 1,311,965; 1,373,518 —,—,rosin, grade F, for, 1,506,415 —,—,rosin size for, 1,489,991 —,—, rubber for, 1,236,183; 1,441,160; 1,500,393 ; 1,506,415; 1,510,591 —,—, rubber, plantation, for, 1,506,415 —,—,—,unsmoked gum, for, 1,389,574 —,—,rubber composition for, 1,437,487 —,—,sago starch for, 1,198,100; 1,248,039; 1,266,354; 1,824,332; 1,378,106 —,—,sandarac for, 1,515,439 —,—,shellac for, 1,386,046 ; 1,389,084; 1,515,439 —,—, shellac, orange, for, 1,463,403 —,—,silica for, 1,226,892; 1,378,128 —,—, soap for, 1,413,921; 1,505,043 —,—,sodium aluminate for, 1,248,039; 1,378,106 —,—, sodium bisulfate for, 1,267,699 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,300,250; 1,360,915; 1,373,518; 1,506,203 —,—, sodium fluoride for, 1,192,783; 1,506,203 —,—,sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate for, 1,373,412 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,198,100; 1,248,039; 1,257,307; 1,266,354; 1,267,699; 1,299,809; 1,310,706; 1,311,965; 1,317,380; 1,378,106; 1,378,128; 1,506,202 —,—,sodium hyposulfite for, 1,506,201 _ —,—,sodium plumbate for, 1,198,100 —,—,sodium phosphate for, 1,506,201 —,—,sodium phosphate (NasPOu,), 1,267,699; 1,373,518 —,—,sodium resinate for, 1,311,965 —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,162,712; 1,235,784; for, 1,373,412; 1,489,991: 1,498,270; 1,498,856; 1,513,191; 1,516,566; 1,516,567 —,—,sodium silicate, “ N-grade,” for, 1,489,991 —,—,—, “ U-grade,” for, 1,489,991 —,—, soya bean press cake for, 1,460,757 —,—, starch for, 1,198,100; 1,237,011; 1,248,039; 1,257,307; 1,266,354; 1,267,699; 1,273,571; 1,275,799; 1,287,841; 1,311,964; 1,311,965; 1,324,332; 1,373,412; 1,378,106; 1,413,921; 1,505,048; 1,506,202 —,—, starch, hydrolyzed, for, 1,198,100 —,—,—,soluble, for, 1,237,011 —,—, starch ethers for, 1,350,820 —,—,Sstarch xanthate for, 1,378,106 14 oy 209 Adhesive, mfr. of, strontium hydroxide for, 1,192,783; 1,275,799 —,—, sugars for, 1,505,043 —,—,sulfur for, 1,510,472 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,435,877 —,—, syrup for, 1,498,269 —,—,tale for, 1,162,712; 1,192,783; 1,811,964 —,—,tapioca for, 1,360,915 —,—,tapioca flour for, 1,811,964; 1,311,965 —,—,tapioca starch for, 1,198,100; 1,248,039; 1,266,354; 1,275,799; 1,284,495; 1,824,332; 1,378,106; 1,498,269; 1,498,270 —,—, tartaric acid for, 1,800,250 —,—, terpenes for, 1,192,783 —,—, thiourea for, 1,355,834 —,—,thymol for, 1,498,270 —,—, titanium oxide for, 1,226,892 —,—,tragacanth for, 1,378,106; 1,498,269; 1,505,043 —,—, tragasol for, 1,505,043 —,—, tripheny!l phosphate for, 1,389,084 —,—, tung oil for, 1,137,043 —,—, turpentine for, 1,192,783; 1,510,591 —,—, turpentine oil for, 1,192,783 —,—, urea for, 1,355,834 —,—, vaseline for, 1,137,043 —, vegetable juice for, 1,300,250 —,—, vinegar for, 1,235,784; 1,860,915 —,vinegar, cider, for, 1,235,784 —,—, viscose for, 1,378,106; 1,505,043 —,—, wax for, 1,311,964; 1,505,043 —, wheat starch for, 1,198,100 —, whiting for, 1,488,765; 1,498,269; 1,498,270 —,—, wood ash lye for, 1,235,784 —,—,zine chloride for, 1,168,137; 1,268,354; 1,273,571; 1,284,495; 1,300,096; 1,300,097 “ ~. wf ~~ ~_ ew — ~) “ —,—,zinec formaldehyde sulfoxylate for, 1,873,412 —,—, zinc lactate for, 1,266,354 —,—, zine oxide for, 1,389,084; —,—, zine salt for, 1,284,495 —,—, zine sulfate for, 1,498,270 —, marking using, 1,374,329 —, metal foil made using, 1,152,060 —,molded article made with, 1,125,973; 1,223,348; 1,898,143; 1,344,765; 1,433,730 —, oil-proofing composition made with, 1,513,139 —, packing made with, 1,212,688 —, padding made with, 1,212,688 —, painting, oil, imitation, made with, 1,485,648 —, paper, bronzed, made with, 1,223,399 —,—, coated, made with, 1,265,357 —,—, etchable coating for, made with, 1,265,357 —, paper containers made with, 1,137,043 —, paraffin as, 1,246,552 —, pencil for, 1,222,152 —,phonograph horn made with, 1,369,151; 1,505,972 —, plastic made with, 1,199,251 —, plate, resilient, made with, 1,288,967 —, playing card made with, 1,152,605 —, printer’s blanket contg., 1,464,242 —,resin as, 1,246,552 —, roofing tile contg., 1,464,242 —,rosin in, 1,467,356 —, rosin size used in, 1,292,068 —, rosin soap used in, 1,292,068 + 210 Adhesive, rosin and tallow in, 1,205,831 —,rubber in, 1,467,356 —,sand blast carving using, 1,206,780 —, sassafras oil in, 1,467,356 —, sheet of, mfr. of, 1,300,250 —, shellac as, 1,246,552; 1,467,356 —, shellac, orange, in, 1,463,403 —,shingles contg., 1,464,242 —,ship-protector plate made with, 1,288,967 —,shoe-box toe, made with, 1,380,865 —,shoe sole made with, 1,280,957 —,silk, artificial, cellulose acetate, using, 1,506,052 —,—, -—, cellulose ester, sizing of using, 1,506,052 sizing of —,—,—,cellulose ether, sizing -of using, 1 506, 052 a , cuprammonium, sizing of using, 1 506, 052 —,—,—, sizing of using, 1,506,052 —,—,—, Viscose, sizing of using, 1,506,052 —, sodium bisulfate i in, 1,267,699 —, sodium. bisulfite in, 1 992, 333 —., ’ sodium hydroxide in, 1,267,699 —,sodium phosphate (NasPO.) in, 1,267,699 —,sodium silicate in, 1,877,739 - —, sodium silicate and salt solution as, 1,379,639 —,sound amplifying Myles made with, 1 369,151 —, _starch in, 1,267, 699 —, starch ethers in, 1,350,820 ra ’ starch ethers, compounds of and, 1,350,820 —,starchy, mfr. of, carnauba wax for, 1,311,964 —,—,—, casein for, 1,311,964 —,—, —, cassava starch for, 1,311,964 —,—,—, ceresin for, 1,311 964 —, —, —, china clay, English, for, 1,311,964 —,—,—, clay for, 1,811,964 —,—,—,corn starch for, 1,311,964 ,—,—, paraffin for, 1,311,964 —,—,—., process for, 1,311,964 —,—,—, starch for, 1,311,964 —,—) —, tale for, 131i 964 —, —, —, tapioca ‘flour for, 1,311 964 —,—,—, wax for, 1,311 964 —, stream-line casings made _ with, 1 433,730 —, surfaces, decorating of, using, 1,211,455 —, table mat made with, 1,212,688 —, tallow and rosin in, 1,205,831 —, textile, marking of using, 1,374,329 —, tile, surfacing of using, 1,518,398 —, transfers made with, 1,161,711 —, trunks contg., 1,464,242 —,tube made with, 1,400,078 —, urea-formaldehyde condensate as, 1,355,834 —, varnish as, 1,246,552; 1,386,896 —, vault, self-sealing, made with, 1,191,964 —, veneer, composite, made with, 1,154,138 —,veneering tape made with, 1,225,734; 1,225,735 —, wall board made with, 1,369,151 —, waterproof, calcium hydroxide in, 1,291,396 —,—, casein in, 1,291,396 —,—, formaldehyde for, 1,413,921 —,—, formula, casein 1, water 2, oil .015, cal- cium hydroxide .15, water 90; sodium silicate 70, 1,291,396 1,344,765 ; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Adhesive, 1,291,396 —,—, kerosene in, 1,291,396 —,—, mfr. of, 1,291,396 —,—,—, casein for, 1,373,412; 1,456,842 he, fa) ’ chromium (ic) oxide for, 1,124 5286 —,—,—,glue, animal, for, 1,124 286 —,—,—, lead carbonate for, 1 124, 286 —,—,—, process for, 1,124 286 ,—,—, zine One for, 1,124,286 Oo waterproof, hydrocarbon oil _ in, Ne | Me supplying article with, —,—, paraffin oil in, 1,291,396 —,—,sodium silicate in, 1,291,396 —,—, X-ray film package sealed with, 1,441,160 —, wax as, 1,246,552 —, web of, mfr. of, 1,300,250 —,wood substitute made 1,427,378 —, work of art made using, 1,485,648 —,see also Adherent; Binder; Bookbinding gum; Casein glue ; Cement ; Coating composi- tion; Cumarone; Glue; Indene; Paracouma- rone : Paraindene * Paste ; Phenol aldehyde condensate; Sizing; Tung oil Adhesive joint, mfr. of, process for, 1,284,859; 1,284,860; 1,284,861; 1,284,862; 1,284,863 Adhesive paper, mfr. of, asphalt for, 1,358,834 —,-——, asphalt, Trinidad, for, 1,858,834 —,—,clay for, 1,358,834 —,—, glue for, 1,858,834 with, 1,369,151; —, 7 Be for, 1,858,834 gutta percha for, 1,358,834 —,—, ’ process for, 1,858,834 —,—, rubber for, 1,358,834 —,see also Sealing strip Adhesive paste, China wood oil in, 1,331,192 Adhesive plaster, film, photographic, made with, 1,240,344 Adhesive plaster, zinc oxide in, 1,428,495 Adhesive plaster container, construction of, 1,246,830 Adhesive sheets, mir. of, cotton batting for, 1,299,747 —,—,fabric for, 1,299,747 —,—, felt for, 1,299,747 —, fibrous material for, 1,299,747 —,glue for, 1,299,747 —,—, paper for, 1 299, 747 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,299,747 —,—, process for, 1,299,747 Adhesive surfaces, rendering non-adhesive, glue for, 1,361,894 Adiantum formosum, see Ferns, maidenhair ue acid, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,485,706 —,—, carbon cathode for, 1,485,706 —,— — hydrochloric acid for, 1 ‘A85 5706 —,—,lead anode for, 1,485 706 —-,—, naphtha, Caucasian, for, 1,485,706 —,—,nitric acid for, 1 485 706. —,—, oil, mineral, Caucasian, for, 1,485,706 —,—, oxygen for, 1,485,706 —,—, perchr omates for, 1,485,706 —,—, petroleum for, 1 485 706 —,—, platinum anode ‘for, 1,485,706 —,—, process for, 1,485 706 —,—, sodium bisulfate for, 1,485,706 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Adipic acid, mfr. of, solar oil for, 1,485,706 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,485,706 Adipic ketone, cellulose nitrate solvent, 1,147,850 Adipic ketone, finish remover made with, 1,145,980 —,paint remover made with, 1,147,850 —, varnish remover made with, 1,147,850 Adipin ketone, see Adipic ketone Adipinic acid, see Adipic acid Adipite, see Chabazite Adnephine, see Adrenalin Adnephrine, see Adrenalin Adrenal glands, active principle of, mfr. of, 1,460,832 -—..—, see also Adrenalin Adrenalin, anesthetic, local, made _ with, 1,243,349 —,4-chlor-m-tolyl-acetate, composition of and, 1,498,641 —,4-chlor-m-tolyl-cinnamate, composition of and, 1,498,641 —, 4-chlor-m-tolyl-formate, composition of and, 1,498.641 —, 4-chlor-m-tolyl-oxalate, composition of and, 1,498,641 —,4-chlor-m-toly] phenyl-propionate, composi- tion of and, 1,498,641 —,4-chlor-m-tolyl propionate, composition of and, 1,498,641 —,4-chlor-m-tolyl a-toluate, and, 1,498,641 —, dentistry, local anesthetic for, made with, 1,243 349 —, derivatives of, mfr. of, process for, 1.472,298 —, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,399,144 composition of _—,—,acetyl chloride for, 1,399,144 —,—, adrenalin tartrate for, 1,423,101 —,—, alcohol for, 1,899,144 —,—, alkali bicarbonate for, 1,399,144 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,399,144 —,—, alkali phosphate for, 1,399,144 —,—, ammonia for, 1,423,101 —,—, blood for, 1,515,976 —,—, bull supra-renal capsule for, 1,515,976 —,—,3.4-diacetoxy-benzaldehyde for, 1,399,144 _—,—,3.4-diacetoxy-a-nitromethyl-benzyl alco- hol made with, 1,399,144 —,—, dog supra-renal capsule for, 1,515,976 —,—, formaldehyde for, 1,399,144 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,423,101 —,—, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,399,144 —,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,423,101 —, —. 5-(methylamino-acetyl)-pyrocatechol for, 1,423,101 —, —, 5(methylaminoacetyl)-pyrocatechol 1-3.4- a-(methylaminomethyl)-benzyl tartrate for, 1,423,101 —,—, nitromethane for, 1,399,144 —,—, oxygen for, 1,515,976 —,—, platinum, colloidal, for, 1,423,101 —;,—, process for, 1,899,144; 1,423,101; 1,432,291; 1,515,976 —,—, protocatechualdehyde for, 1,399,144 »—, pyridine for, 1,399,144 ,—,S8odium acetate for, 1,399,144 —, —, Supra-renal capsule for, 1,515,976 ae — 211 Adrenalin, mfr. of, d-tartaric acid for, 1,423,101 —,—, zine dust for, 1,399,144 —, nerve blocking material made with, 1,243,349 —, preparation of, 1,460,832 —,synthetic, mfr. of, 1,423,101 —,see also Dioxyphenylethanolmethylamine ; a ormone ; Suprarenal glands, active principle ) Adrenaline hydrochloride, 1.2-dihydroxy-4- methylamino-ethyl-ethyl-4-ol benzene hydro- chloride made with, 1,472,298 Adrenaline tartrate, adrenaline made with, 1,423,101 —, mfr. of, hydrogen for, 1.423,101 —,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,423,101 —,—, 4-(methylaminoacetyl)-pyrocatechol for, 1,423,101 —, —, 5-(methylaminoacetyl)-pyrocatechol 1- 3.4-dihydroxy-a-(methylaminomethyl) benzyl tartrate for, 1,423,101 —,—, platinum, colloidal, for, 1,423,101 —,—, process for, 1,423,101 —,—, d-tartaric acid for, 1,423,101 Adrenine, see Adrenaline Adrenolon, see Methylaminoacetopyrocatechin Adrine, see Adrenaline Adurol, photographic developer made with, 1,207,042 Advertising card, mfr. of, cotton flock for, 1,168,747 —,—., paper for, 1,168,747 —,—, process for, 1,168,747 ,—, silk flock for, 1,168,747 —,—, varnish for, 1,168,747 —,—, wool flock for, 1,168,747 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,477,117 Advertising display card, mfr. of, cellulose film for, 1,487,705 —,—, paper for, 1,487,705 —,—, process for, 1,487,705 Aegopodium, see Gout weed Aegopodium podagraria, see Gout weed Aerobic bacteria, see Bacteria, aerobic Aeronautics, see also Aircraft; Aviation; Bal- loon Aeroplane, see Airplane Aeroplane cloth, coated, see Airplane dope Aeroplane dope, see Airplane dope. Aeroplane element, see Airplane fabrics, doping —, see also Airplane fabrics, fireproofing Aeschinomene lagenaria, see Sola wood Aeschynomene aspera, see Sola wood Aeschynomene cannabina, see Sola wood Aesculin, color photography filter, 1,448,012 —, fluorescent substances, protection from, com- pound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 | —, photochemical processes, protection from, compound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —,photographic emulsion, protection from, compound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —, therapeutic product, protection from, com- pound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —,ultra-violet filter, protection from, com- pound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —, ultra-violet light, protection from, compound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 et 212 Aesculin, X-ray screen, protection from, com- pound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —,see also Esculin Aesculinic acid, see Esculin Aesolis, liquor of, see Lnquor aesolis Aethiops mineral, see Mercury(ic) sulfide, black Aethrol, see Dericin oul Aethylatine, see Gelatin, formaldehyde treated African dum nut, see Ivory nut African Pepper, see Capsicum Agalite, plastic made with, 1,511,949 —, roofing made with, 1 ll 949 —, wall board made with, 1 511 949 —,see also Talc Agar, bacteria medium contg., 1,368,249 —, bacteria, sulfur oxidizing, obtained using, 1 449,485 —, see also Agar Agar Agar-agar, bacteria, distribution of, composition for, made with, 1,252,332 —, bacteria grown on, l, 457 097 —, . bacterial compost made with, 1,252,332 — ‘battery, dry, made using, 1 295, 475: 1 316,597 ; 1 481,178; 1,484,780 = , bleaching, ‘chlorine for, 1,453,848 —,—, sodium bisulfate for, c (453, 848 —, ‘butter made with, 1 509, 082 —, ’ calcium carbonate, colloidal, 1 493,847 — , candy coloring and/or flavoring composition contg., 1,388,174 —, cellulose ether, composition of and, 1,217,028 —,cellulose sulfite liquor as emulsifier for, 1,440,356 —,clarian, coal, bituminous, separation from of, using, 1,499,872 —,—,durain, separation 1 499, 872 —,—, fusain, separation from of, using, 1,499,872 —,—, ’ shale, barren, separation from of, using, i 499, 872 —,—,—, carboniferous, using, 1,499,872 — , clothing made with, 1,245,268 —, , coal, bituminous, clarian, separation of from, using, 1,499,872 —,—,—, vitrain, i 499, 872 —, coke made with, 1,499,872 —, colloidal, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,892,849 —,—,—, benzene for, 1,392,849 —,—,—,benzine for, 1,392,849 —,—,—, hydrocarbon, chlorinated, for, 1,892,849 —,—,—, ketones for, 1,392,849 —,—,—, oils for, 1 392, 849 —,—,—, petroleum for, 1,392,849 —,—,—, process for, 1,392 49 —,—,—,soap for, 1 '392 849 —,—,—, water for, 1 392, 849 —,—, see also Agar-Agar, powdered —, ‘ colloidal dispersions of, preparing, 1,392,849 — colloidal solutions stabilized with, 1,429, ‘876 —, diaphragm made with, 1,387,004 —, disinfecting composition made 1 265,463; Re-14,514 —, drying, 1,453,848 made with, from of, using, separation from of, separation of from, using, with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Agar-agar, durain, clarian, separation of from, using, 1,499,872 —,—,vitrain, separation of 1,499,872 — , emulsifying with, 1,440,356 —, ethyl cellulose, composition of and, 1,217,028 —, explosive contg., 1,398,931 —, fabric stiffening material contg., 1,421,700 —, ’ fertilizer made with, 1,252,332 —, ’ filament, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —, film, motion picture, made with, 1,183,698; 1,361,783 —,—,—, colored, made with, 1,250,713 —,fish canned with, 1,408,803 —,food product made with, 1,163,175; 1,497,179; 1,497,193 —,formaldehyde, solidified, 1,265,463; Re-14,514 —,fusain, clarian, separation of from, using, 1,499,872 —,—, vitrain, 1,499,872 —, gelatinous material made from, process for, 1,289,053 —,glass etching paste made with, 1,470,772 —, graphite, colloidal, made with, 1,175,958 —, graphite suspended in, 1,409,658 —, hair, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —, japan made with, 1,357,688 from, using, made _ with, separation of from, using, —,laxative made with, 1,201 742; 1,265,463; Re- 14,514 —, leather substitute made with, 1,174,734; 1,387,004 . —,mfr. of, 1,453,848 —,—, Gelidium for, 1,399,359 —,—, Glowapeltis for, 1,399,359 —,milk, imperishable, made with, 1,509,083 —, paper, photographic, made with, 1,504,150 —, paper waterproofing mixture contg., 1,887,004 —,paratyphoid germs, detection of using, 1,247,522 —, pharmaceutical product, coating for, made with, 1,161,690 —, photographic element contg., 1,290 794 —, powdered, mfr. of, 1,453,848 —,—, see also Agar-Agar, colloidal —, properties of, 1,499,872 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,174,734; 1,387,004 —,shale, barren, clarian, separation of from, using, 1,499, 872 —,—,— ,vitrain, separation of from, using, 1 499, 872 —,—, carboniferous, clarian, separation of from, using, 1,499,872 —,—,—, vitrain, separation of from, using, 1 499,872 —, shoe made with, 1,245,268 —, shoe filler made with, 1, 138,910 —,shoe sole made with, 1,174,734 —,silk, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —,soap pellets contg., 1,436,928 —,stencil made with, 1,519,975 —, ’ sterilizing composition made with, 1,265,463 ; Re-14,514 —., therapeutic product made with, 1,493,847 —, typhoid germs, detection of using, 1,247, 522 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Agar-agar, vitrain, coal, bituminous, separation from of, using, "1,499, '872 —,—, durain, separation 1 499, 872 —,—, fusain, separation from of, using, 1,499, 872 —,—, ’ shale, ‘barren, separation ‘from of, using, 1 499,872 —,—,—, carboniferous, using, 1,499,872 —, water-Japan contg., 1,357,688 —, waterproof material made with, 1,245,268 —,wire-drawing lubricant contg., 1,409, 658 —,see also Gelatin; Seaweed Agar jelly, photo- electric cell contg., 1,875,474 Agate, artificial, mfr. of, aluminum oxide for, 1,183,255 —,—,—, calcium oxide for, 1,183,255 —,—,—, cement, Portland, for, 1,183,255 —,—,—, Umenite for, 1,183,255 —,—,—, Magnesium oxide for, 1,183,255 —,—,—, process for, 1,183,255 —, —-, silicon dioxide for 1,183,255 —,imitation, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,496,198 —,—,— camphor for, 1,496,198 —,—, castor oil for, 1,496, 198 —, —, cellulose nitrate for, 1,496,198 from of, using, separation from of, - —,—,—, cinnamon oil for, 1,496, 198 —, ’ ether for, 1,496, 198 — —, naphthalene for, 1,498,198 —,—,—, potassium silicate for, 1,496,198 —,—,—, process for, 1,496,198 > —,—, —, silicic acid for, 1,496,198 bi —,—, —, "sodium silicate for, 1,496, 198 b) — , transparency made using, 1,502 894 G A € ? 7 ) 3 ’ d ? agen Diss | Agateware, cleaner for, 1,253, 353.7 mya 3a ja A du. £ —, polish for, 1,253,353 Agathine, see Salicylic aldehyde- Dae Shalit phenyl-hydrazone Agave, cellulose made with, 1,509,273 —, cellulose fibers made with, 1,509,273 —, cellulose nitrate made with, 1,509,273 —, fibers from, mfr. of, 1,368,750 —, fibers prepared from, 1,350,621 —, paper made with, 1,509,273 Agave Americana, see Agave plant Agave Heteracantha, fibers from, 1,350,621 Agave Lechugwilla, fibers prepared from, 1,350,621 Agave M exicana, fibers from, 1,350,621 Agave plant juice, ethyl alcohol made with, 1,182,691 Agave Sisalensis, see Agave plant Agglomerating apparatus, 1,239,221 Agglutinant, iron coated with, 1,273,927 —, mfr. of, air for, 1,273,927 —,—, coal tar for, 1,273,927 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,273,927 —,—, oil for, 1,273,927 —,—, petroleum tar for, 1,273,927 —,—, process for, 1,273,927 —,—, tar for, 1,273,927 —,see also Adhesives Agglutinine, hog cholera serum antitoxin made with, 1,475,580 —, serum, clarified, made with, 1,475,580 Agnolin, see Lanolin 213 Aiming apparatus, graduations illuminated on, copper coating for, 1,304,702 —,—, radio-active substance for, 1,304,702 —,—, ’ silver coating for, 1,304 702 Air, acenaphthenequinone made with, 1,439,500 — , acenaphthenequinone oxidized using, 1 423,980 — , acenaphthylene made with, 1,439,500 —, 7.8-acenaphthylenediol oxidized using, 1 423,980 —, acetaldehyde, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,375,345 —, acetaldehyde oxidized with, 1,410,207 —,acetic acid made with, 1 174 250: 1,286,255; 1 286,256; 1,308,173; 1 437 483 —, acetone. made with, 1,438, 123: 1,497,817 —, acetone, explosive mixtures of and, 1 143 623 —, acids, organic, made with, 1,497,817; 1 517 5968 —,—, removal of from, 1,521 348 —, ' agelutinant made with, 1 273 927 —, agitation of sewage with, 1,364,676 —,air, liquid, made with, 1,205 477; 1,205,478 —, alizarin made with, 1 1150, 152 —, ’ alcohols made with, 1,392 886; Re-15,789; 1,517,968 —, alcohol, 1,159,032 ; 1 159 033 —, alcohol for cooling during compression of, 1 320,167 —, alcohols oxidized using, 1,345,323 _—, ’ aldehydes oxidized using, 1 B45 o20 —, aldehydes made with, 1,392 886; Re-15,789 ; 1 517,968 —, alkali, sulfating of using, 1,159,032; 1,159,033 —, "alkaline manganate made with, 1,318 891 —, ‘alkaline permanganate made with, 1,318,891 —, aluminum made with, 1,206,874; 1 230, 143 — aluminum chloride made with, 1 147, 832 —, aluminum compounds, copper sulfate, re- moval from of, using, 1,503,229 —, aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,251,295; 1 ,251,296 —, aluminum nitride made with, 1,143,482 —, aluminum oxide made with, 1,136,549 —,aluminum silicon nitride prepared with, 1 379,668 —, amines made with, 1,504,730 sulfating of using, —,ammonia made with, 1 138,191; 1,163,095; 1,172,863; 1,189,688; 1 206, 155; 1,241,919; 1 041 920; 1,256,272 : 1,256,273 ; 1,390,200; 1,494,735 3 1,508,319; 1,504,730; 1,516,720 —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of. made with, 1 1152 930; 1,206,155; 1,491,588 —, ammonia, removal of from, apparatus for, 1,141,266; 1,213,796 —,—,—, castor oil, sulfonated, for, 1,213 796 hoy) DLOCESS for, 1,213,796 —,ammonia as constituent of, 1,218,584 —,ammonia oxidized using, 1 BAB 323 —,ammonium carbonate made with, 1,154,145; 1,494,735 , —, ammonium chloride made with, 1,484,932 —,ammonium hydroxide made with, 1,465, 310; 1 480,291 —,ammonium metaphosphate 1,514,912 made with, 214 UNITED Air, ammonium nitrate made with, 1,237,884; 1 "252 976 —,ammonium nitrite made with, 1,172,863; 1 237 ,884 —,ammonium phosphate [(NH:)2HPO:], made with, 1,514,912 ——, [(NH,) H:PO,], made with 1,514,912 —, | (NH.):PO,], made with 1,514,912 —, ’ ammonium pyrophosphate made with, 1,514 912 —, ammonium resinate made with, 1,354,575 —,ammonium salt made with, 1,160,836; 1,494,735 —,ammonium sulfate made with, 1,160,836; 1,274,247; 1,291,745; 1,494,735; 1,516,720 —,ammonium sulfite made with, 1,160,836; 1,503,319 —.,2-anilino-anthraquinone made with, 1,238,932 —, animal 1,250,079 —, anthracene oxidized with, 1,444,068 —, ’ anthracene purified with, 1 324, 716; 1,324,717 — ’ anthraquinone made with, 1355 098: 1 444,068 — , anthraquinone purified with, 1,324,716 matter, sterilization of, using, —,antimony made with, 1,144 ‘402 : 1 146,373; 1 150,787; (11;163,2865 \1 182 320; 1 192 037; 1,243.681 —, antimony trioxide made with, 1,504,685 —,argon from, 1,211,125; 1,860.853; 1,426,461 —,argon as constituent of, 1,218,584 —, argon from, covering, 1,420,802 —,arsenates, made with, 1,150,787 —,arsenic made using, 1,144,402; 1,146.373; 1,150,787: » 1,163,286; | .1,182,820;.. 1,188,705; 1,198,095; 1,243,681 —,arsenic acid made with, 1,415,823 —, arsenic compounds, copper sulfate, removal from of, using, 1,503,229 —,arsenic oxide made with, 1,198,095 —,asbestos, separating of, using, 1,243,096 —, asphalt made with, 1,385,511 —, asphalt bases, oxidation of using, 1,520,885 —, bactericide using, 1,250,079 —,balata vuleanized using, 1,213,905 —, barium manganate made with, 1,318.891 —, barium permanganate made with, 1,318,891 —,battery depolarized by copper oxide and, 1,370,119 -——, battery, dry, made with, 1,287,634 —,—,—,depolarizer for, made with, 1,221,062 —,—,primary, depolarizer for, made with, 1,148,152; Re-14,051 —,—,storage, depolarizer for, made with, 1,148, 152; Re-14,051 — _ beech- wood creosote made with, 1,199,271; Re-14 388 —, beer ‘made with, 1,235, 231 —, ’ beer wort, sterilization of, using, 1,250.079 —, ’ benzaldehyde made with, 1,284,887 ; 1,821,959 —,benzene, made with, 1,516,756 —,— catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1 214 204 —,—, cotton seedcake, recovery from of with, 1,277,895 —,—,explosive mixtures of and, 1,143,623 Air, benzene, STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 sulfating of using, 1,159,032; 1,159,033 —,benzine, explosive mixtures of and, 1,143,623 —, benzoic acid made with, 1,284,887; 1,284,888; 1,285,117; 1,836,182; 1,374,722 —, A®.8’-bi(7-acenaphthenone) 1,439,500 —,bismuth made using, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,163,286; 1,182,320; 1,188,705 —,bismuth oxide, absorbent, 1,520,305 —,—, catalyst, made with, 1,520,305 —, bituminous oil distilled using, 1,247,671 —, blast furnace, operating of using, 1,518,854 —, bleaching using, 1,163,438 —, bone black, revivifying of using, 1,184,397 —, bread made with, 1,143,413; 1,203,361 —, brick, artificial, cutting of, using, 1,494,003 —, burning in hydrogen atmosphere to produce nitrogen, 1,384,428 —, butter substitute made with, 1,190,369 —,butyraldehyde made with, 1,517,968 —, butyric acid made with, 1,517,968 —,cacoa oil refined by treatment with, 1,386,527 —,cadmium made using, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,163,286; 1,182,320; 1,188,705. —, calcium made with, 1,150,787 —,calcium arsenate made with, 1,415,323 —,calclum manganate made with, 1,318,891 —,calcium permanganate made with, 1,318,891 —,calcium sulfate made with, 1,163,286 —, calcium sulfite made with, 1,503,319 —, calcium urea phosphate made with, 1,208,650 —,caoutchouc, synthetic, made with, 1,185,654 —,carbazol, purified with, 1,324,717 —, carbonate ore, treatment of, using, 1,210,724 —,carbon made with, 1,155,419 —,carbon absorptive, made with, 1,497,543; 1,497,544 —, carbonate ore, flotation of using, 1,483,270 —,carbon, decolorizing, made with, 1,502,592; 1,504,730 —,—,—,revivifying of using, 1,184,397 —,—, ferro-chromium, removal from of, using, 1,481,747 —,carbon dioxide 1,150 33874 1,154,171; 1,154,172; 1,167,755; 1,200,805; 1,241,919; 1,241,920; 1,284,888; 1,285,117; 1,287,472; 1,489,741; 1,494,735; 1,504,730 —,carbon dioxide in, apparatus for removing, 1,379,221 —, carbon dioxide, gas, removal from of, using, 1, 154,145 —,—, removal of from, 1,169,371 —,—,—, apparatus for, 1 141 266; 1,212.456; 1,213, 796 —,—,—,calcium hydroxide for, 1,212,456 ’ —,—,—, castor oil, sulfonated, for, 1,213 5796 ’ —,—,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,141 266 mie eoleless ,process for, 1,141 266: 1 212 456; 1,213,796 —,—,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,141,266 ’ —,—, —, ’ sodium hydroxide for, 1 212, 456 —, carbon dioxide in, removing , barium perox- ide for, 1,379,221 mah carbon dioxide as constituent of, 1 218, 584 made with, made with, made with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS 215 Air, carbon monoxide made with, 1,420,209; 1,514,912 —, carbon monoxide, 1 ,207,968 —,—,gas, removal from of using, 1,154,145; 1 ,207,968 —,— hydrogen, mixture of and, made with, 1 228 818 —,—,—,removal from of, using, 1,366,176 i, carbon monoxide oxidized using, 1 345, 323 —, carbon monoxide removing, 1,379 221 —-,carbon tetrachloride, cotton seed cake, re- covery from of with, 1,277 895. —, carbonyl] chloride made with, 1,360,312 —, carbonyl chloride from carbon, chlorine and, 1 360,312 —_ , carburetting, apparatus for, 1,385,412 —.case hardening process using, 1 480, 230 —,castor oil for cooling during compression of, 1 ,320,167 —, catalyst, bismuth oxide as, 1,520,305 —,—, chromium oxide as, made with, 1,520,305 —,—, ‘ cobalt as, occluded gas removed from using, doe oll —,—, copper “oxide as, made with, 1,520,305 —,—,fullers earth as, occluded gas removed from using, 1,127, 911 —,—, infusorial earth as, occluded gas removed from using, 1,127,911 —,—, iron oxides as, made with, 1,520,305 —,—, kieselguhr as, occluded gas removed from -using, 1,127,911 —,—,lead oxide as, made with, 1,520,305 —,—, manganese oxide as, made ‘with, 1,519,035 ; 1 520, 305 —,—, nickel as, occluded gas removed from using, 1,127,911 —,—, nickel oxide as, made with, 1,520,305 —,—, platinum as, occluded gas removed from using, 1,127,911 —,—,pumice as, occluded gas removed from using, 1,127,911 —,—,thorium oxide as, made with, 1,520,305 —,—, vanadium oxide as, made with, 1,520,305 —,catalyst for the mfr. of acetaldehyde made with, 1,875,345 —, catalyst for the mfr. of ammonia made with, 1,152,930; 1,206,155; 1,491,588 —, catalyst for the mfr. of benzene made with, 1,214,204 —,catalyst for the mfr. of hydrocarbon, ben- zene, made with, 1,214,204 —,catalyst for the mfr. of nitrogen oxides made with, 1,207,706 —, catalyst for the mfr. of toluene made with, 1,214,204 —,catalyst for the mfr. of, xylene made with, 1,214,204 —, cellulose, oxidation of using, 1,520,885 absorption of, using, made _ with, —,cellulose acetate made with, 1,494,816; 1,494,830 —,cellulose soda waste gases constituent, 1,345,220 —,cellulose sulfate waste gases constituent, 1,345,220 Air, cellulose sulfite liquor, treatment of with, 1 236, 948 —, cellulose sulfite liquor treated with, 1,149,420; 1,284,739; 1,284,740 — , cement, ‘molded using, 1,212,838 —, ' 2-chlor-ethanol made with, 1,496,675 —, ’ chloride, removal of from, apparatus for 1 ,221,505 —,—,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,221,505 —,—,—, process for, 1,221,505 d —, ‘chlorine made with, 1,506,104; 1,512,225; 1 012,226 —, chlorine i in, removing, 1,379,221 —, ’ chromium oxide, absorbent, made with, 1 020,305 _—,— catalyst, made with, 1,520,305 — ’ chrysenequinone oxidized using, 1,423,980 —, clarifying, apparatus for, 1,371,205 —, cleaning of, alloy for, 1 B15 949 —,—, antimony, lead alloy contg., for, 1,515,949 ,»—, apparatus for, 1,515,949 —,—, device for, 1,428,950 —,—, ‘lead alloy, antimony in, for, 1,515,949 —,—, metal for, 1,515,949 —,—, process for, 1 198, 045; 1,198,046; 1,515,949 —,—, steel wool for, 1 515, 949 —,—, zine chloride for, 1,515,949 —,coal gas, water gas, mixture of and, made with, 1,476,235 —, coating, drying of using, 1,186,477 —,cobalt made with, 1,146,373; 1,280,143 —, coke oven gas, hydrogen sulfide, removal of from, using, 1,516,915 — _ composition of, 1,218, 584 —, compressed, airship engines operated by, 1,423,987 ,—, coal blasted with, 1,422,874 —,—, explosive use of, 1,422,874 — 1,192,037 ; —,—, storage of, apparatus for, 1,376,359 —,—, torpedo, driving of using, 1,154,609 —, concrete, artificial, cutting of, using, 1,494,008 —,—, molded using, 1,212,838 —,conditioning of, apparatus for, 1,305,518; 1,374,689 —,copal, recovery of using, 1,398,488 —,copper made using, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,150,787; 1,163,286; 1,178,081; 1,182,320; 1,183,086; 1,188,705; 1,192,037; 1,480,059 —, copper, heat treatment of, using, 1,502,857 —,—, refining of, using, 1,204,927 —, copper carbonate ore, concentration of using, 1,477,476 —, copper ore, concentration of using, 1,477,476 —,—, flotation of using, 1,483,270 —,—, sulfating of using, 1,159,032; 1,159,033 —, copper oxide, absorbent, made with, 1,520,305 —,—, catalyst, made with, 1,520,305 —,copper oxide ore, concentration of using, 1,477,476 —,—, flotation of using, 1,483,270 —,copper silicate, concentration of using, 1,477,476 —, copper sulfate, made with, 1,150,787 —,copper sulfate, aluminum compounds, re- moval of from, using, 1,503,229 °* 216 Air, copper sulfate, arsenic compounds, removal of from, using, 1,503,229 —,—,iron compounds, removal of from, using, 1 503, 229 —,copper sulfide ore, concentration of using, 1 477,476 —,—, flotation of using, 1,180,089; 1,483,270 — ’ copper (ic) oxide made with, u 164,838 “— copper (ous) chloride, treatment of with, 1 ,198,519 —, cotton, bleaching of, using, 1,163,438 —,— _ degreasing of, using, 1,234, 732 ,—, dyeing of, using, 1,234, 732 _——, mercerized, fabric, treatment of using 1,515,691 —,—, fixing of, using, 1,234,732 —,—, mordanting of, using, 1,234,732 —,—,soaping of, using, 1,234, 732 —,—, treatment ‘of using, 1 934 a2 —,cotton fabric, treatment of using, 1,515,691 —, cream, artificial, made with, 1,190,369 —, creosote made with, 1,199, 27 I; Re- 14,388 —, crude oil for cooling during compression of, 1 ,320,167 — _cyanides made with, 1,206,155; 1,256,272; 1 256,273 — cylinder oil made with, 1,165,877 — , density of, apparatus for, indicating, 1,326,432 —., de- oxygenated, regenerating, barium per- oxide for, 1,379,221 —., 9.9’-diacetylamino-A*”-peri-naphthothiopy- ran-3(2)-one made with, 1,498,913 —, diamond, polishing of, using, 1,214,009 —,a-dichlor-ethane made with, 1,496,675 —, diffusing disinfectants into, 1,358,928 —, dimethyl sulfate made with, 1,401,693 —,2.4-dinitrophenol made with, 1,320,077 —, diphenic acid made with, 1,423,980 —,dry, sulfur burned in, 1,384,566 —, drying of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,169,371 — apparatus for, 1,169,371; 1,203,941; MA 221 005; 1,282,686; 1 409, 364 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,169,371; 1,215,222; 1,221 505; 1,282,686; 1,430,538 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,169,371 —,—, process for, 1,169,871; 1,203,941; 1,215,222; 1,221,505; 1,481,907 —,sodium hydroxide for, 1,169,371 —, sulfates, anhydrous, for, 1,169,371 —, — sulfuric acid for, 1,169 bya —, dust separation from, 1 405 613 —, ’ dyestuff made with, 1,247,475: 1,251,368 ; 1,251,369; 1,280,648; 1,299,070; 1,518,847 —, dyestuff, waste liquor contg., treatment of, using, 1,242,676 —, earths, sulfating of using, 1,159,032; 1,159,033 —,embalming with, 1,318,957 —,enzymes, altering characteristics of, using, 1,250,079 —, epilepsy, compound for treatment of, made with, 1,205,138 —,esters made with, 1,517,968 —, ether detected in, apparatus for, 1,326,432 —, ether, explosive mixtures of and, 1,143 623 —,ethyl alcohol, explosive mixtures of and, 1 ,143,623 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Air, ethyl alcohol 1,273,392; 1,284,739; 1,284,740 —,ethyl methyl ketone made with, 1,497,817 —, N-ethyl-phthalimide made with, 1,450,678 —, explosive, gelatinized, effect on rate of det- onation of, 1,186,065 —, fat, ozone, treatment with of using, 1,180,372 —,—, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —,fatty acids made with, 1,516,720; 1,517,968 —,ferments, altering characteristics of, using, 1,250,079 —,ferro-chromium, carbon, removal of from, using, 1,481,747 —,—, refining of using, 1,481,747 —,ferro-phosphorus made with, 1,220,416 —, ferro-silicon made with, 1,231,260; Re-14,547 made _ with, —, fertilizer made with, 1,161,473; 1,280,650; 1,514,912 —,fibrous minerals, separating of, using, 1,243,096 —, filament, artificial, cellulose acetate, hollow, made with, 1,487, 807 —,—,—, cellulose nitrate, hollow, made with, 1 A87, 807 —,—, —, cuprammonium made with, 1,487,807 —,—,—, gelatin, hollow, made with, 1,487,807 —,—,—, hollow, made with, 1,487,807 —,—, viscose, hollow, made with, 1,487,807 —, ieee for, 1 443, 134 — filtering, device for, 1,375,422 —,, fireproofing using, 1,346,287 —,fish oil, for cooling during compression of, 1,320,167 —, flavoring compounds made with, 1,517,968 —, flotation with, 1,426,596 —, flotation process using, 1,180,089; 1,232,772; 1,850,364; 1,483,270 —, flour bleached with, 1,184,295 —, flour treated with, 1,184,295 —, fluoranthenequinone oxidized using, 1,423,980 —, food product, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 cellulose, hollow, —,formaldehyde made _ with, 1,213,740; 1,392,886; Re-15,789; 1,517,968 —,formates made with, 1,206,155; 1,256,272; 1,256,273 —,formic acid made with, 1,392,886; Re-15,789 —, fructose, oxidation of using, “ 520 885 — fruit, desiccating of, with, 1,259, 410 —,—, preserving of, with, 1,259, 410 —,—, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —, fruit essences made with, 1,517,968 —, fruit juice, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —,fuel, Diesel engine, made with, 1,191,072 —,—, gaseous, made with, 1,215,700 —,—,—, hydrogen sulfide, removal of from using, 1 516,915 —,—,—, purification of using, 1,514,889 — fullers earth, revivifying of using, 1,184,397 —, fumes from, ‘collecting, 1,371,205 — fume separation from, 1,405 613 —, fumigating using, 1 250, 079 ye preserving of, using, 1,250,079 —, gas made with, 1, 189, 638 —,gas, carbon monoxide, removal of from using, 1,207,968 —,—, illuminating, made with, 1,172,925 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Air, gas, sulfur, recovery of from, using, 1,510,342 — gasolene made with, 1,479, 833: 1,494, 375 —,gasolene, natural gas, butane, removal of from, using, 1,482,933 —,—, cotton seed cake, recovery from of with, 1 277, 895 ——, natural gas, ethane, using, 1,482,933 removal of from, —,—,—, methane, removal from of _ using, 1,482, 933 —,—,pentane, removal of from _ using, ase, 933 —,propane, removal of from using, ~ ya8e 933 —,—,recovery of from, apparatus for, 1,264,479 — glands, sterilization of, using, 1,250 079 —, ’ elycerides for cooling during compression of, 1,320,167 —, glycerol for cooling during compression of, 1,320,167 —, glycerol distilled with, 1,318,533 —,glycollic acid made with, 1,520,885 —,gold production of using, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,150,787; 1,178,081; 1,181,077; 1,182,320; 1,183,086; 1,188,705; 1,192,037; 1,198,086; 1,243,976 —, golf ball made with, 1,182,605 —,grain, desiccating of, with, 1,259,410 —,—, preserving of, with, 1,259,410 —, grease made with, 1,189,638 —,grease, ozone, treatment with 1,180,372 —, guns, recovery of using, 1,398,438 —,gutta percha vulcanized using, 1,213,905 —,heat insulator, 1,301,675 —, helium as constituent of, 1,218,584 —, helium, separation of from, alundum diffu- sion partition for, 1,496,757 —,—,—,ammonia for, 1,496,757 —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,496,757 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,496,757 —,—, felt diffusion partition for, 1,496,757 of using, — ~~ ~ ~ —e —,filtros diffusion partition for, 1,496,757 —, paper, blotting, diffusion partition for, 1,496, 757 —,—,—, process for, 1,496,757 —,—,—, steam for, 1 496, 757 —,—, —, ‘ wood pulp diffusion partition for, 1 496, (ive —, herbs, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —, hexamethylenetetramine made 1,408,826 —, hops, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —, hydrocarbon, aromatic, made with, 1,516,756 —,—, benzene, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1 214,204 —,—,cracking of using, 1,183,457 —,—, fluorescence removed from 1,158,205 —,—, oxidation of using, 1,520,885 —, hydrocarbons as constituent of, 1,218,584 —,hydrochloric acid made with, 1,415,323; 1,420,209; 1,500,289 —,hydrochloric acid, removal of from, ap- paratus for, 1,141,266 with, using, R17 Air, hydrofluoric acid, phosphoric acid, removal from. of, using, 1,487,205 —,hydrogen made using, 1,152,196; 1,152,197; 1,172,908; 1,172,925; 1,200,805; 1,225,262; 1 "225, as aeeury | 503, 319; 1,504,730 — hydrogen, carbon monoxide, mixture of and, made with, 1,228,818 sy removal of from, using, 1,366,176 —,—, nitrogen, mixture ‘of and, made with, 1 123 394; 1,890,200 —,—, separation of from, alundum diffusion partition for, 1,496,757 —,—,—, ammonia for, 1,496,757 —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,496,757 —,—, filtros diffusion partition for, 1,496, 157 dat aay felt diffusion partitition for, 1,496,757 eu ee paper, blotting, diffusion partition for, 1,496, —,—,—, process for, 1,496,757 —,—,—, steam for, 1 496, 757 —,—,—, wood pulp diffusion partition for, 1,496, 757 —, hydrogen dioxide made with, 1,138,519; 1,188,520 —,hydrogen sulfide made with, 1,243,681; 1,494,735 —,hydrogen sulfide, coke oven gas, removal from of using, 1,516,915 —,—,fuel, gaseous, removal from of using, 1 516 915 —_—,— illuminating gas, removal from of using, 1,516,915 —, hydrogen sulfide, removal of from, 1,379,221 —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,213,796 —,—,—, castor oil, sulfonated, for, 1,213,796 —,—,—, process for, 1,213,796 —,illuminating gas made _ with, 1 215,700 — , illuminating gas, hydrogen sulfide, removal of from using, 1,516,915 —, indanthrene made with, 1,451,270; 1,509,846 —,indigoid dye made with, 1,133,031 —,infusorial earth, revivifying of 1,184,397 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1,159,257; 1,183,423 —,—, heat, made with, 1,162,450; 1,228,485 —,iodic acid made with, 1,519,381 — , iodine pentoxide made with, 1,519,381 —,iron, electrolytic, made with, 1,516, 326 —,—, molten, treatment of, using, 1,484 465 —,—, pig, made with, 1,242 442 . —, iron production of using, 1, 144,402; 1,146,373; 1 150,787; 1,163,286; Ae 188, 705; 1 '360, 711; 1 512 262 —,—, tin, removal from of, using, 1,514,448 —,— ’ wrought, made with, 1,360, 711 — ‘iron (ic) ammonium sulfate made with, 1 477,965 — iron (ic) arsenate made with, 1,146,373 — , iron (ic) arsenite made with, 1 146, 373 —,iron chloride made with, 1 147 832 — , iron (ic) chloride made with, 1 185,902 —,iron compounds, copper sulfate, removal from of, using, 1,503,229 —,iron(ic) hydroxide made using; 41,327,061 1,160,908 ; using, 218 Air, iron ore, agglomerating of using, 1,166,903 —-, iron ore smelted with, 1,283,500 —,iron oxide made with, 1,503 319 —,iron oxide, absorbent, made with, 1,520.305 ay iron (ic) oxide made with, 1,146,373; 1,490,546; 1,501,873. —,—, catalyst, made with, 1,520,305 —, iron oxide castings made with, 1,163,467 —,iron oxide pigment made with, 1,496, 605 ; 1 496,606; 1,496,607 —, iron sponge made with, 1,360,711 —,iron(ic) sulfate made with, 1,477,965 —,iron(ous) sulfate made with, 1,489,417; Re-15,973 — iron (ous) sulfide, action on of, 1,287,634 —, kerosene made with, 1,479,833 ; 1,494 375 —, ‘ketones made with, 1,497, 817; 1 504 vol: 1 517,968 — , krypton as constituent of, 1,218,584 —,laminated material, separating of, using, 1 ,243 096 — lamp, electric, cleaning of, using, 1,237,653 , filament for, annealing of using, 1 180 066 —,—, mercury vapor, made with, 1,244,121 —,—, metal vapor, made with, 1,244, 121 —, ‘larvae, killing of, using, 1,250 079 — ‘lead, production of using, 1,144,402; 1 146,373; 1,182,320; 1,188,705; 1,192, 037 —,—, red, made with, 1,482, 327 —,—, white made with, 1,131, 144; 1 144 5701; 1,163,052; 1 196, 505 —, lead arsenate made with, 1,415,323 —-, ‘lead oxide made with, 1 156 079 —, * ead oxide, absorbent, made with, 1,520,305 — — , catalyst, made with, 1,520,305 —, ‘lead sulfate made with, 1 175, 146; 1,187,949; 1 495,410 —, lead sulfate, basic, made with, 1,187,949; 1 ,187,950; 1 225 5296 —, lead sulfide ore, flotation of using, 1,180,089 — , lignite distillate, fluorescence removed from using, 1,158,205 —., linen, bleaching of, using, 1,163,438 —, ; linseed oil, recovery of using, 1 398, 438 —,—, treatment of using, 1 482,483 — ’ liquid, absorbent for, mfr. of, bast for, 1 473,994 —,—,—, —, bran for, 1,473,994 —,—, —, —, cotton for, 1 473, 994 »—,—, —, excelsior for, 1,473, 994 ncaa); EMD OLN 473. 994 »—,—, —, Jute for, i 473 994 —,—,—, —, linen for, 1,473 994 1,141,177; ef ata —, peat for, 1,473,994 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,473,994 —,—,resin for, 1,473,994 abs | | | 2 e (e) SS iq) a (e) os — 1 aJ ive) cf ito) nx ,—, —, sodium bicacnadees for, 1,473,994 ,—,—, sodium chloride for, 1 473, 994 —,—,—, soot for, 1,473,994 »—, —, string for, 1,473 994 ,—,—, Sugar for, if 473 994 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Air, liquid, absorbent for, mfr. of, wood for, 1,473,9 994 —,—,—,—, wool for, 1,473,994 re ae eo eae for, 1,473 994 —,—, ammonia made with, 1,490,627 —, argon obtained from, 1 501 AS —,—, argon from, apparatus ‘for, 1,257,470 —, blasting with, fuses for, mfr. “of,” 1,424 487 —, blasting cartridge made with, 1,154 770; 1137, 270; 1,219,645; 1,226,833; 1 ‘486 "492 : 1,517,294: 1,517,295. —,— blasting cartridge exploded with, 1,424,488 —, blasting charge contg., 1,440,041 —,—, calcium chloride made with, 1,153,502 ma, ’ carbon dioxide, removal of ‘from, process for, 1,152,044; 1,152,119; 1,152,120 —,—, cooling with, 1 426 602 —, distillation of, ‘apparatus for, 1,510,793 —,—, explosive conte., 1,131,994; 1,375,248; 1,397,826; 1,406,121: 1,408056; 1,424,488: 1,431,711; 1,496,914 —,—,explosive cartridge for, 1,441,957 bs —,—,fractional distillation of, apparatus for, 1,471,832; 1,471,833 —,—,—, process for, 1,471,832; 1,471,833 —,—, — ‘thermodynamic relations for, 1,471, 832: 1,471,833 —,—, fractionation of, process for, 1,163,423 —,—, hair carroted with, 1,419,754 —,—,helium, neon, removal from of, using, 1,191,495 —,—, leather packing for apparatus for making of, 1,179,185 —,—,luminescent tube, 1,125,476; 1,189,664 —,—, mfr. of, air for, 1,205,477; 1,205,478 neon, made with, —,—,—, aluminum for, 1,205,477; 1,205,478 —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,123,588; 1,152,044; 1,152,119; 1,152,120; 1,199,700; 1,199,701; 1,205,477; 1,205,478 —,—,—, calcium chloride for, — 1,152,044; phe Gey. 119: 1,152,120 —,—, —, calcium oxide for, 1,152,044; 1,152,119; 1,152,120 —,—,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,205,477; 1,205,478 ay —,—,nitrogen monoxide for, 1,205,477; 1,152 119" 1,152,044; 1,205,477 ; 1,205,478 —,process for, 1,199,701; 1,152,044; ane 152 120: 1,199,700; 1 205 ATS. —,—,—,sodium hydroxide 1 152, 119; 1,152,120 —,—, neon, helium, removal of from, using, 1 191 A95 for, —,—,—,nitrogen, removal of from, using, 1 125, 476; 1,191,495 —,—,—, oxygen, removal of from, using, 1,191, 495 —,—,—, hen of using, 1,189,664 —,—, nitrogen made with, 1,152 044: 1,152,119; 1,152,120; 1,157,959; 1,188,191 ; 1,215,957; 1,386,760; 1,492,063; 1,493,611; 1,501,415; 1,510,793; 1,518,255; 1,518,377 —,—, nitrogen, neon, removal from of, using, 1,125,476; 1,191,495 —,—, — , separation of from, apparatus for, 1,146 020; 1,257,470; 1,471 832; 1,471,833 — INDEX OF Air, liquid, nitrogen oxides made with, 1,490,627 —,—, oxygen made with, 1,152,044; 1,152,119; 1 152, 120: 1,153,502; 1, 157; 959; 1,188,191 ; i O15, ‘957: 1.492.063 : 1,493,611 ©: 1,501,415; 1 510 793 ; 1:518,255;. 1,518,377 —,—, oxygen, neon, removal from of, using, 1 191 495 —,—,—,separation of from, apparatus for, 1 146 020; 1,257,470; 1,471,882; 1,471,833 —,— rectifying, 1,420,802 —,—,separation of from, 1,519,428 —,—,—, process for, 1,519,428 —,—, water, removal of from, process for, 1, 152, 044; 1,152,119; 1,152,120 _ , liquifaction of, apparatus for, 1,257,47 —., liquids, removal of from, 1,401, 100; 1,401, 101 apparatus for, —,liquified, airship engines operated by, 1,423,987 —,liquifying, 1,420,625; 1,426,461; 1,445,973 —,liquifying of, apparatus for, 1,326,961 —,—,calcium chloride for, 1,326,961 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,326.961 —,—,nitrogen monoxide for, 1,326,961 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,326,961 —, process for, 1,326,961 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,326,961 —,litharge made with, 1,482,327 —,lithopone made with, 1,139,427; 1,494,674 —,lubricant. made with, 1,238,101; 1,477,635 —, magnesium, production of using, 1.150.787 —, maleic acid made with, 1,439,500; 1,515,299; 1,516,756; 1,517,968 —, maleic anhydride made with, 1,516,756 —,malic acid made with, 1,517,968 —,manganese made with, 1,146,373; 1,230,143 —,manganese dioxide made with, 1,188,705; 1,247,278; 1,275,666 —,manganese oxide made with, 1,178,927 —,manganese oxide, absorbent, made with, 1,520,305 —,—, catalyst, made with, 1,520,305 —, match composition inflated with, 1,406,176 —,meat, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —,medicating, 1,409,364 —, medicine, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —, mercury made with, 1,146,373; 1,243,681 —, metal made with, 1,146,373; 1,150,787 —,metal, precious, made with, 1,198,011; 1,198,086 —,—,sulfating of, using, 1,159,032; 1,159,033 —,metal arsenates, production of using, 1,150,787 —,metal sulfates, production of using, 1,150,787 1,140,354 ; 1,489,741 ; —,metal tellurates, production of using, 1,150,787 —,metatitanic acid made with, 1,489,417; Re-15,973 —, methane made with, 1,504,730 —, ’ methane in, detecting, electrical apparatus for, 1,421 720 —. methyl alcohol 1,392,886 ; Re-15,789 made with, SUBJECTS | 219 Air, methyl alcohol, explosive mixtures of and, 1,143,623 —, methyl anthracene purified with, 1,824,716; 1,324,717 —, methyl anthraquinone purified with, 1,324,716 —,N-methyl-phthalimide made with, 1,450,678 —,mica, separating of, using, 1,243 096 —, micro-organisms, altering characteristics of, using, 1,250,079 —, milk, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —, milk treated using, 1,175,876 —,minium made with, 1,482,327 —, molded article made using, 1,212,838 —,molybdenum filament, annealing of using, 1,180,066 —, mortar, artificial, cutting of, using, 1,494,003 —,naphthaldehydic acid made with, 1,439,500 —,naphthalene made with, 1,516,756 —,naphthalene, sulfating of using, 1,159,032; 1,159,033 —,naphthalic acid made with, 1,423,980 —,naphthalic anhydride made with, 1,439,500 —,naphthoquinones made with, 1,284,888; 1,285,117; 1,374,722 —,1.4-naphthoquinone made with, 1,336,182; 1,489,741 —,neon as constituent of, 1,218,584 —,nickel made with, 1,146,373; 1,230,143 —,nickel, catalyst, made with, 1,519,035 —, nickel alloy made with, 1,501,906 —, nickel oxide, absorbent, made with, 1,520,305 —,—, catalyst, made with, 1,520,305 —,niton as constituent of, 1,218,584 —,nitrates made with, 1,485,706 1,150,787 ; —,nitric acid made with, 1,150,786; 1,164,838; 1 193,796; 1,193,797; rT 193, 798 ; 1,193,799 ; 1,193,800 ; 1,197,295: 1.237 884: 1,242,953; 1,243 524 ; 1,249,479; 1,252,976; 1,825,168: 1,334,590; 1,349,919; 1,378271; 1,487,647; U517,(27 —,nitric acid from, apparatus for, producing, 1 371,789 a Y : —,—, mfr. of, electrical process of, 1,453,435 —, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, separation from of with, 1,264, 512 — So nitromnisole made with, 1,325,168 —,4-nitroanisole made with, 1,325,168 —, nitrobenzene made with, 1,820,077; 1,325,168 —,nitro compounds made with, 1,325,168 1 123, 394 ;* 1,390,200 —_,— liquid, 1 205,477 ; 1,205,478 —,nitrogen made with, 1,123,763; 1,150,337; 1,154,171; 1,154,172; | 1,154,145; 1,166,294: 1,189,638; 1,207,567; 1,241,919; 1,241,920; 1,253,534; 1,254,992; 1,272,181; 1,295,635; 1,349,756; 1,860,853; 1,420,625; 1,420,802; 1,426,461; 1,490,546; 1,503,319; 1,516,720; 1,518,126 — nitrogen as constituent of, 1,218,584 —,nitrogen, fixation of using, 1,196,639; 1 206,155; 1,465,310; 1,477,664 es, h ydrogen, mixture of and, made with, made from, 1,201,043; 1,201,044; —,—, oxygen free, made with, 1,254,992 -—-,—,removal of from, 1,304,027 ,, 220 Air, nitrogen from, preparing by burning in hydrogen atmosphere, 1,384,428 —,nitrogen from copper and, 1,312,842 —, nitrogen from process for, 1,287,472 —,nitrogen compound made with, 1,189,638 —,nitrogen dioxide made with, 1,150,786; 1,172,863; 1,193,796; 1,193,797; 1,193,798; 1,193,799; 1,198,800; 1,237,884; 1,253,534; 1,283,112 —, nitrogen monoxide, removal of from, appar- atus for, 1,141,266 —.nitrogen oxides made with, 1,147,150; 1,173,524; 1,173,699; 1,194,606; 1,207,706; 1,207,707; 1,207,708; . 1,242,953; 1,243,524; 1,249,479; 1,252,976; 1,253,534; 1,263,389; 1,263,390; 1,280,471; 1,334,590; 1,370,295; 1,477,664; 1,481,907; 1,485,706; 1,486,990; 1,495,563; 1,517,727 —,nitrogen oxides, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,207,706 —,nitrogen oxides from, electrical process for mfr. 1,888,112 —,—, separation 1,150,837 —,—,sulfuric acid, separation from of with, 1,264,512 —, nitrogen separation from, 1,445,973 —,nitrogen tetroxide made with, 1,150,786; 1,197,295; 1,237,884; 1,253,534 —,nitrogen trichloride made with, 1,367,530; 1,510,132 —,nitrogen trioxide made with, 1,150,786; 1,237,884; 1,253,534 —,nitrophenol made with, 1,320,077 —,o-nitrophenol made with, 1,320,077 —, nitrous acid made with, 1,172,863; 1,193,796; 1,237,884; 1,248,524; 1,252,976; 1,834,590 —,ocher substitute made with, 1,175,751 —,oil made with, 1,190,267; 1,504,730 —,oil, animal, treatment of using, 1,482,483 —,—, drying, recovery of using, 1,398,438 —,—, lubricating, for cooling during compres- sion of, 1,820,167 —,—,ozone treatment with of using, 1,180,372 —,—,recovery of using, 1,898,488 —,—, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —,—, vegetable, treatment of using, 1,482,483 —,oil cloth made with, 1,176,982 —,oleic acid for cooling during compression of, 1,320,167 —,olive cured with, 1,265,130 —,ore smelted with, 1,283,500 —,ore, sulfating of using, 1,159,032; 1,159,033 —,—, treatment of, using, 1,210,724 —,ore sulfatized with, 1,266,732 —, osteomalacia, compound for treatment of, made with, 1,205,138 —, oxalic acid made with, 1,517,968; 1,520,885 —, oxide ore, flotation of using, 1,483,270 —,—, treatment of, using, 1,210,724 of from, apparatus for, —,oxygen made with, 1,124,304; 1,155,045; 1,360,853; 1,394,955; 1,420,625; 1,420,802; 1,426,461 —,oxygen in, apparatus for determining, 1,338,967 —,oxygen, liquid, made from, 1,201,043; 1,201,044; 1,205,477; 1,205,478 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Air, oxygen, separation of from, 1,273,929; 1,295,635; 1,804,027; 1,445,973 —,—,—,ammonium sulfite for, 1,295,635 —,—,—, hydrogen for, 1,349,756 —, oxygen as constituent of, 1,218,584 —-, oxygen-enriched, furnaces blown with, 1,445,973 —,—, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,485,745 —,—,—, process for, 1,485,745. —,ozone made with, 1,218,817; 1,264,360 —,ozone as constituent of, 1,218,584 —,ozonized, fruit, preserving of, using, 1,215,254 —,—,lead, white, made with, 1,325,960 —,—, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,130,827; 1,239,515 —,—,—, process for, 1,239,515 —,—, meat, preserving of, using, 1,215,254 —,—, offsetting (in printing) prevented by, 1,388,418 —,—, sulfur extraction by, 1,364,573 —,—, vegetable, preserving of, using, 1,215,254 —,—, wood dried with, 1,456,809 . —,—,see also Ozone; Ozomzed air —, ozonizing, apparatus for, 1,896,222 —,paint made with, 1,292,907; 1,495,410 —, paint, recovery of using, 1,398,438 —, paracoumarone, recovery of using, 1,398,438 —, paraffin, fluorescence removed from using, 1,158,205 —,—, oxidation of using, 1,520,885 —,3-pentanone made with, 1,497,817 —,petroleum distillate, fluorescence removed from using, 1,158,205 —,phenanthraquinone purified with, 1,324,716 1,292,908 ; —,phenanthrene purified with, 1,324,716; 1,324,717 . —, 9.10-phenanthrenediol oxidized using, 1,423,980 —, phenanthrenequinone oxidized using, 1,423,980 —,phenol aldehyde condensate discolored by, 1,345,695 —,N-phenyl phthalimide made with, 1,450,678 —, phosphates made with, 1,154,145 —,phosphorates, organic, made with, 1,205,138 —,phosphoric acid made with, 1,142,371; 1,154,145; 1,242,987; 1,242,988; 1,497,173; 1,497,727 —, phosphoric acid, hydrofluoric acid, removal of from, using, 1,487,205 —, phosphorites, organic, made with, 1,205,138 —, phosphorus oxides made with, 1,154,145 —, phosphorus pentoxide made with, 1,142,371; 1,167,755; 1,242,987; 1,242,988; 1,497,173; 1,497,727 —, phthalaldehyde, made with, 1,516,756 —, phthalaldehyde acid made with, 1,516,756 —, phthalic acid made with, 1,284,888; 1,285,117; 1,336,182; 1,439,500; 1,516,756 —,phthalic anhydride made with, 1,284,888; 1,285,117; 1,336,182; 1,374,722; 1,444,068; 1,488,239; 1,489,741; 1,516,756 —, phthalimide made with, 1,450,678; 1,488,239 —,picenequinone oxidized using, 1,423,980 —,picric acid made with, 1,820,077 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Air, pigment made with, 1,150,863; 1,175,146; 1,175,751; 1,420,985; 1,489,417; Re-15,973; 1,495,410; 1,501,873 —, plaster, artificial, cutting of, using, 1,494,003 —, plastic made with, 1,398,488; 1,487,957 —, plastic, molded, using, 1,212,838 —, platinum made with, 1,243,681 —, platinum group metals, production of using, 1,150,787 —, porphyry ore, flotation of using, 1,483,270 —, potassium carbonate made with, 1,504,730 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,504,730 —, potassium compounds made with, 1,514,912 —, potassium manganate made with, 1,318,891 —,potassium permanganate made with, 1,318,891 —,potassium sulfate made with, 1,136,549; 1, 164,838; 1,504,730 —, pre-heating furnace, construction of, 1,518,258 —,—, mfr. of, carbon for, 1,518,258 —,—,—, carbon, i iron alloy contg., for, 1,518,258 —,—,—, chromium for, 1,518,258 —,—, —, chromium iron alloy contg., for, 1,518,258 —,—,—, manganese for, 1,518,258 —,—,—, Manganese, iron alloy contg., for, 1,518, 258 —,—,—, silicon for, 1,518,258 —,—,—, silicon, iron alloy contg., for, 1,518,258 —, producer gas made with, 1,223, 42: 1 ‘947, 671 —, propionaldehyde made with, 1 517, ‘968 —, propionic acid made with, 1 517, 968 —, purification of, apparatus for, 1,379, 221 —,—, barium peroxide for, 1,879,221 —,—, composition for, 1 455, 414 —,—, compounds equivalent to peracids for, 1,379,221 —,—, compounds equivalent to peroxides for, 1,879,221 —,—, electrical precipitation for, 1,442,619 —,—, lead peroxide for, 1,379, 221 —,—, Manganese dioxide for, 1 019,221 a) soda lime for,1,127, 897 —, sulfuric acid for, 1, 127, 897 —, ’ pyridine made with, 1 189, 638 —, quinone made with, 1. ‘489, 741; 1,517,968 — ’ rachitic disease, compound for treatment of, made with, 1,205,138 — radio-active, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,175,533 —,—,—, paraffin for, 1 175, 533 —,—,—, paraffin oil ‘for, 1 175, 533 —,—, —, process for, 1, 175, 533 —,—,—, silver for, 1, 175, 533 —,—,—, wax for, i eis 533 —, radio-active metal salts made with, 1,175,146 —,rare earth salts made with, 1,175, 146 —, "record phonograph, made ‘with, 1 513,120 —, “refuse lamp black made with, 1 215 700 —,resins made with, 1,236, 917 —., resin, artificial, made with, 1,517,968 —,—, recovery of using, 1 398, 438 —,retenequinone oxidized using, 1,423,980 —,road tar made with, 1,155,442 =, "roofing made with, 1,385, 511 —, rosin, recovery of using, 1,398,438 — rubber ozonide made with, 1,242, 586 —, rubber substitute made with, 1,159,257 221 Air, rubber ici using, 1,218,905; 1,229,724 — , sandarac, recovery of using, 1 398, 438 —,sausage stuffing, sterilization of, 1,250,079 —, secretions, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —, seeds, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —, selenium, production of using, 1,182,320 —, separating into constituent gases, process for, 1,360,853 —,separation of oxygen from, magnetically, 1,364,136 —,serum, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —,sewage, treatment of, using, 1 129,682 ; 1 229 305; 1,247,543; Re- 15, 140 —, sewerage, aerating of, using, 1,491,277 —, shale distillate, fluorescence removed from using, 1,158.205 —, shale treated with hot, 1,396,173 —} shellac, drying of using, 1 186. A77 —, shingle, fireproofing of, using, 1,346,287 —, ’ silicon tetrachloride made with, 1, 147 832 —,silk, artificial, fabric, treatment of using, 1 B15. 691 —,— —, degreasing of, using, 1,234,732 —,—, degumming of using, 1 234 VEY —,—, dyeing of using, 1,234, 732 —,—, fixing of using, 1,234, 732 using, —,—, mordanting of using, 1,234, 732 —, Soaping oft using, 1,234, 732 —, treatment of using, 1 234 fee —, pat worm cocoons, killing of, using, 1,250,079 —,silver, production of using, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; . 1,178,081; 1,181,077; 1,182,320; 1,183,086; 1,188,705; 1,192,037; 1,198,086; 1,243,681; 1,243,976 —,silver sulfide ore, flotation of using, 1,180,089 —,smoke, detection of in, 1,516,608 —,soap inflated with, 1,414,015 —,sodium bicarbonate made with, 1,484,932 —,sodium carbonate made with, 1,154,145; 1,241,919; 1,241,920; 1,484,932 —,sodium cyanate made with, 1,241,919; 1,241,920 —,sodium manganate made with, 1,318,891 —,sodium nitrite made with, 1,253,534 —,sodium permanganate made with, 1,318,891 —,sodium sulfate made with, 1,136,549; 1,500,289 —, solide, separation of from, appa for, 1 019 428 —,—,—, process for, 1,519,428 =, solutions, removal of from, 1,357,947 —,solvent, cotton seed cake, recovery from of with, 1,277,895 —, starch, oxidation of using, 1,520,885 —, ‘steel made with, 1,360,711 —, ' steel, molten, treatment ae using, 1,484,465 —, , sterilization using, 1,250, 079 —, ’ sterilization of, apparatus for, 1,203,941; 1 209,182 ;. 1,215, 222 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,215,222 —,—, ’ electrical precipitation for, 1442 619 —,—, ’ glass for, 1,209,182 1357946 R22 Air, sterilization of, iron for, 1,209,132 —, sterilizing, ozone for, 1,423,704 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,209,133 —,—. process for, 1,203,941; 1,209,132; 1,215,222 —,—, silicon for, 1,209,132 —,—, ultra-violet ray for, 1,209,132 —,stone, artificial, cutting of, using, 1,494,003 —, strontium made with, 1,150,787 —, strontium manganate made with, 1,318,891 —,strontium permanganate made _ with, 1,318,891 —,stucco, artificial, cutting of, using, 1,494,003 —, succinic acid made with, 1,517,968 —,sugars, oxidation of using, 1,520,885 —,—,refining of, using, 1,510,809 —,sulfide ore, flotation of using, 1,180,089; 1,483,270 —,—,treatment of, using, 1,210,724 —, sulfites made with, 1,503,319 —,sulfur made with, 1,479,852; 1,507,105; 1,516,915 —,sulfur, gases, recovery from of, using, 1,510,342 —, sulfur compounds, removal of from, appar- atus for, 1,213,796 =); castor oil, sulfonated, for, 1,213,796 —,—,—, process for, 1,213,796 —,sulfur dioxide made with, 1,136,549; 1,150,841; 1,168,046; 1,254,992; 1,337,561; 1,494,735 ; 1,508,319 —,sulfur dioxide, oxygen free, made with, 1,254,992 —,—,removal of from, apparatus for, 1,141,266 — sulfur dioxide oxidized using, 1,345 323 —, sulfur mined with, 1,259,536 —, sulfur mining comprising use of compressed, 1 401,593 —, sulfur trioxide made with, 1,136,549; 4,204,141 ; 1,204,142; 1,204,143; 1,473,879; 1,498,168; 1 ‘504, 813: 1 518 043 —, sulfuric ‘acid made with, 1 173 024; 1,204,142; 1,236,948; 1,363,918; 1 473, 879; 1 ‘47 rf ‘965: 1,504,813 —, sulfuric acid, fuming, made with, 1,204,142 —,—, nitric acid removed from with, 1,264 512 —,—,nitrogen oxides removed from with, 1,264, 512 —, tanning compound made with, 1,399,510; 1 421,722 — , tantalum filament, 1 ,180,066 —, tar made with, 1,215,700 —, tartaric acid, made with, 1,520,885 — ‘ tellurium made with, 1 150, 787 : 1,182,320 —, textile, artificial, cellulose acetate, ‘hollow, made with, 1,487 807 —, cellulose nitrate, hollow, made with, 1 487.8 807 —,—, —, cuprammonium cellulose, hollow, made with, i 487,807 Beat? gelatin, hollow, made with, 1,487,807 —,—,—, hollow, made with, 1,487 807 =a: a —, viscose, hollow, made with, 1,487,807 —,—, degreasing of, using, 1,234,732 —, dyeing of using, 1,234 "732, —,—, ‘fixing of using, 1 234 732 annealing of using, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Air, textile, mordanting of using, 1,234,732 —,—, soaping of using, 1,234,732 —,—, treatment of using, 1 234, 732 —; thallium salts made with, 1 175, 146 —, thorium oxide, absorbent, made 1 520,305 rervben > catalyst, made with, 1,520,305 —, tin made with, 1,146, 373 —, tin, iron, removal of from, using, 1,514,443 —, tin ‘oxide from, 1,202,886 —., tin refined using, 1 514 443 —, titanium chloride made with, 1,147,832 —,titanium dioxide made with, 1,489, 417; Re-15 973 —, toluene, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1 214 204 —,— sulfating, of using, 1,159,032; 1,159,033 —, ’ toluene oxidized using, i 345 323 — ’ N-m-tolyl-phthalimide made with, 1,450,678 —, N-o-tolyl-phthalimide made with, 1,450,678 —, N~p-tolyl-phthalimide made with, 1,450 678 —, treating, apparatus for, 1,442,619 —,tung oil, polymerized, ‘made with, 1,395,242 —,—,recovery of using, 1,398,438 —, tungsten made with, 1,212,426; 1,483,567 —, tungsten filament made with, 1 280, 825 —,tungsten filament, annealing of using, 1 ,180,066 —, urea made with, 1,241,919; 1,241,920 —, vaccines, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —, vanadium oxide, absorbent, made. with, 1,520,305 —,—, catalyst, made with, 1,520,305 —, vapor separated from, process for, 1,320,167 —; varnish made with, 1,159,257; 1,292, 907 ; 1,292,908; 1,398,438 — varnish, drying of using, 1,186,477 —,—, recovery of using, 1,398, 438 — ’ vegetable, desiccating of, with, 1,259,410 —,—, preserving of with, 1 259, 410 —,—, sterilization of using, 1,250 079: — vegetable matter, sterilization of, using, 1 5,250,079 —, viscose filaments prepared with, 1,464,048 —, water, removal from of, 1,401, 100; 1 401 101; 1 401, 116; 1,442,348; 1 521 306 —,—, — , apparatus for, 1,213,796; 1 416, 632; 1,511,876 —,—,—, castor oil, sulfonated, for, 1,213,796 —,—,—, process for, 1,213,796 —,—, treatment of using, 1,229,305 ’ water gas, coal gas, mixture of and, made with, 1,476,235 —,— , purification of using, 1,514,889 —, wood, fire-proofing of, using, 1 346,287 —, wood treated with steam and, 1 255 240 —, wool, degreasing of, using, 1,234, 732 —,—, dyeing of using, 1,234 "132 —,—, fixing of using, 1,234 732 —,—, mordanting of using, 1,234,732 with, 1,321,999 ; —,soaping of using, 1,234 "732 —, treatment of using, 1,234 laa — ’ xenon as constituent of, 1,218, 584 — ’ xlyene, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1 214,204 —,—, sulfating of using, 1,159,032; 1,159,033 INDEX OF SUBJECTS ) 223 Air, N-xylyl-phthalimide made with, 1,450,678 —<, yeast revived with, 1,271,371 —, zine production of using, 1,144, 402 ; 1,146,373; 1,150,787 ; 1,150,841; 1 154 602; 1,163,286 ; 1,172,321; 1,182,320; iy 188, 705 ; 1,192,037 ; 1,241,967 —, zine oxide made with, 1,150,841; 1,172,321 —, zine sulfate made with, 1,139,427; 1,140,354; 1,150,841; 1,494,674 —, zinc sulfide ore, flotation of using, 1,180,089 Air-ammonia mixture, formation, of apparatus for, 1,307,739 Air-bubbles, effect on ice mfr., 1,415,325 —.removing from solutions, 1,357,946; 1,357,947 Aircraft, doping of, process for, 1,309,454 —, fireproof dope for, alginate in, 1,321,708 —,—, alginic acid in, 1,821,708 —.—,ammonium phosphate in, 1,321,708 —,—,borie acid in, 1,321,708 —,—, cellulose, algin in, 1,321,708 —, cellulose acetate in, 1.321.708 —,—, cellulose nitrate in, 1,321,708 —,—,shellac in, 1,321 708 —,—, ’ sodium tungstate in, 1,821,708 —, fireproofing, alginic acid for, 1,372,478 —,—, aluminum foil for, 1,309, 453 —,—, ammonium phosphate for, 1,309,453 —,—, asbestos for, 1,372.478 —,—, boric acid for, 1,309,453 —,—, cellulose acetate for, 1,309,453 —,—, metal foil for, 1.309.453 —, method for, 1,372,478 —,—, process for, 1,309,453 —,—, shellac for, 1,309,453 —,—,sodium acetate for, 1,309,453 —,—, sodium tungstate for. 1,309,453 —,—, zine chloride for, 1,372,478 —,—, see also Fireproofing —, gas-bag, mfr. of, 1,301,955 —,structural material for, aluminum, iron, nickel, manganese, 1,346,192 —, woodwork, fireproofing of, 1,309,453 —,see also Aeronautics ; Balloon; Balloonet Aircraft beam, mfr. of, adhesive for, 1,400,078 —,—,casein for, 1,400,078 —,copal for, 1,400,078 —,—,cord for, 1 400 078 —,—, cotton for, 1,400,078 —,—, cotton batting for, 1,400,078 —,—, duck for, 1,400,078 —,—, fabric for, 1,400 078 —,—, fibrous material for, 1,400,078 —,—, "linen cord for, 1,400,078 —,—, paper for, 1,400,078 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,400,078 —,—, process for, 1,400,078 —,—,shellac for, 1,400,078 —,—,steel wire for, 1,400,078 Aircraft dope, 1,372,478 —, cellulose acetate in, 1,372,478 —, glue and shellac as, 1,872,478 Aircraft fabric, fireproofing of, process for, 1,309,453 —, linseed oil for coating, 1,327,707 copper, process for, Airplane; Aviation; Aircraft fabric, mfr. of, borax for, 1,327,707 pes rece for, 1,327 107 —, —) casein glue, for, 1,827,707 —,—, cork powder for, 1,327, 707 —, formaldehyde for, 1,327,707 —, linseed oil for, 1,327,707 —,—, paper for, 1 327, 707 —,—, potassium silicate for, 1,827,707 —,—, process for, 1,327,707 —,—, sodium silicate for, 1,327,707 —,—, tannic acid for, 1,327.707 —,—, varnish for, 1,327,707 — —, wire for, 1,327,707 —, ‘varnish for coating, 1,327,707 — , wire-reinforced, 1,442 323 Aircraft generator stream-line casing, mfr. of, cotton batting for, 1,433,730 —, duck for, 1,433,730 —, fabric for, 1,433,730 —,—, paper for, 1 433, 730 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,433,730 —,—, process for, 1,433,730 Aircraft strut, mfr. of, adhesive ‘for, —,—, casein for, 1,400 078 —,—, cord for, 1 400 078 —,—, copal for, 1,400. 078 —, — cotton for, 1,400,078 —,—, cotton batting for, 1,400,078 —,—, duck for, 1,400, 078 —,—, fabric for, 1,400,078 1,400,078 —, fibrous material for, 1,400,078 —,—, linen cord for, 1,400,078 —; paper for, 1,400, 078 —,—, phenol aldehyde 1,400,078 —,—, process for, 1,400,078 —,—, Shellac for, 1,400,078 —,—, steel wire for, 1,400 078 Airio-wheel, mfr. of, process for, 1,163,756 —, see also Pyrotechnic Atroform, see Bismuthoxytodogallate Airplane, camouflaging, 1 426,521 —,—, cellulose acetate used j in, 1,426,521 —, coating for, celluloid for, 1,323 979 —,—, cellulose acetate and caoutchoue for, H 431,845 —,— gelatin for, 1,823,979 —,—, tale for, 1,323,979 —, covering, coated fabrics for, 1,394,890 —,—, fabricated, mfr. of, 1,426 626 a ’ dope for, 1,393, 355 —,—, cellulose acetate in, 1,339,728 —,— ’ urea-formaldehyde condensate for pre- paring, 1,355,834 —,—, see Airplane dope Airplane, “dope” applied to, 1,309,454 —, fabric for, see Airplane fabric, —, fireproofing, 1,427,941 —, fireproofing of, see also Fireproofing —, fireproofing composition for, acetaldol in, 1 310,841 —,—, acetone in, 1,310,841 —,—, ammonium magnesium 1 310, 841 —,—,ammonium magnesium Phospia 6s in, 1 310 841 condensate for, process for, arsenate in, a24 Airplane dope, fireproofing composition for, am- monium manganese arsenate in, 1,310,841 —,—,ammonium manganese phosphate in, 1,310,841 —,—, ammonium phosphate in, 1,310,841 —,—, benzene in, 1,310,841 —, benzine in, 1,310,841 —,calcium carbonate in, 1,310,841 —,cedar oil in, 1,310,841 —, cellulose acetate in, 1,310,841 —,copal in, 1,310,841 —,ethyl acetate in, 1,310,841 —,—,ivory black in, 1,310,841 —,—, magnesium carbonate in, 1,310,841 ,—, methyl acetate in, 1,310,841 —,—, methyl acetone in, 1,310,841 —,—, pennyroyal oil in, 1,310,841 —,—,resin in, 1,310,841 —,—, shellac in, 1,310,841 —,—, toluene in, 1,310,341 —,—,zine oxide in, 1,310,841 —,fuel for, solid, mfr. of, process for, 1,262,808 —,—,see also Fuel, liquid —,motor fuel for, 1,420,006; 1,420,007; 1,428,913 —,—,see also Motor fuel L —,motor generator set for, stream-line tail piece for, mfr. of, process for, 1,475,764 —,rubber coated with aluminum for mfr. of, 1,259,508 —,structural element for, mfr. of, process for, 1,473,842 —, varnish for, 1,393,355 —,—,see also Airplane varnish —, visibility of, diminishing, cellulose ester solu- tions for, 1,426,521 —,wings for, applying coated fabrics to, 1,394,890 —,see also Aircraft Airplane beam, mfr. of, duck for, 1,473,842 —,—, muslin for, 1,473,842 —,—, paper for, 1,473,842 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,473,842 —,—, process for, 1,473,842 Airplane bombs, explosive for, mfr. of, 1,462,753 Airplane cooling system, 1.2-butanediol used in, 1,213,368 —,2.3-butanediol used in, 1,218,368 —, glycerol used in, 1,213,368 —,glycol used in, 1,213,368 —, polyglycols used in, 1,213,368 —,1.2-propanediol used in, 1,213,368 Airplane covering, mfr. of, ammonium bichro- mate for, 1,497,167 —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,497,167 —,—, wire netting for, 1,497,167 Airplane covering material, mfr. of, airplane dope for, 1,519,239 —,—,albumen for, 1,519,289 —,—,apparatus for, 1,243,041; 1,243,655; 1,519,239 —,—,asbestos for, 1,519,239 —,asbestos paper for, 1,519,239 —,balloon cloth for, 1,519,239 —,brass wire netting for, 1,248,654; 1,243,655 3 3 > and ine ers) Are 1,243,654; We Ra Nor ee 1,243,041; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Airplane covering material, mfr. of, bronze wire netting for, 1,248,041; 1,248,654; 1,243,655 —,—,casein for, 1,519,239 —,—, cellulose acetate for, 1,519,239 —,—, cellulose nitrate for, 1,243,041; 1,243,654; 1,519,239 —,—, copper for, 1,243,655 —,—, copper foil for, 1,248,654 —,—,copper wire netting for, 1,243,654; 1,243,655 —,—,cotton fabric for, 1,519,239 —,—, glue, blood, for, 1,519,239 1,243,041 ; —,—,—, fish, for, 1,497,167 ,—, graphite for, 1,243,655 —,—, linen fabric for, 1,519,239 —,—, metal foil for, 1,243,041; 1,243,654 —,—, nickel for, 1,243,655 —,—, oil for, 1,243,654 —,—,phenol aldehyde 1,519,239 —,—, process for, 1,243,041; 1,243,654; 1,243,655 1,497,167; 1,519,239 —,shellac for, 1,519,289 —,silk fabric for, 1,519,239 —, silver for, 1,243,654 —,—,silver foil for, 1,243,041; 1,243,654 —, steel wire netting for, 1,243,041; 1,243,654; (243,655 —,—,tin for, 1,243,654 —,—,tin foil for, 1,248,041; 1,243,654 —,—,tin salt for, 1,243,654 —,—, varnish for, 1,243,041; 1,243,654 —,—, Wire netting for, 1,243,041; 1,243,654 —,—, wood veneer for, 1,519,239 Airplane dope, acetaldol in, 1,803,563 —,acetone in, 1,156,894; 1,303,563; 1,315,216; condensate for, —— os P 3 ’ 3 ’ 1 1,320,290; 1,400,430; 1,469,839 —,airplane covering material made with, 1,519,239 —, airplane fabric made with, 1,325,363 —,alcohol in, 1,156,894; 1,303,568; 1,320,290 —,alum in, 1,273,213 —, ammonium hydroxide in, 1,273,213; 1,895,016 —,benzene in, 1,156,894; 1,303,563; 1,315,216; 1,320,290 —,benzine in, 1,320,290 —, benzyl alcohol in, 1,320,290 —,board, compound, made with, 1,844,962 —,boric acid in, 1,315,216; 1,320,290; 1,469,839 —, calcium chloride in, 1,400,430 —, celluloid in, 1,320,290; 1,400,430 —,celulose acetate in, 1,156,894; 1,303,563; 1,315,216; 1,320,290; 1,825,363; 1,400,430; 1,426,521 —, cellulose ester in, 1,156,894; 1,426,521 —, cellulose esters and chlorides in, 1,400,430 —,cellulose nitrate in, 1,815,216; 1,320,290; 1,325,363; 1,400,430; 1,469,839 —, diaphragm, sound reproducing, made with, 1,492,982 —,ethyl acetate in, 1,303,563 —, ethyl formate in, 1,303,563 —,ethyl methyl ketone in, 1,303,563 —, fireproof, 1,436,231 ae INDEX OF SUBJECTS 225 Airplane dope, fireproof, formula for, cel- Airplane dope, mfr. of, antimony trichloride for, lulose nitrate, ammonium-metal-phosphate or 1,388,824; 1,388,825; ‘1 ,388,827 ; 1,388,828 arsenate carbonates, solvents, 1,329,386 —,— , antimony triidide for, ‘1 388,824; —,—, mfr. of, 1,315 216: 1,316, 881 1 388 827 —,—,—, acetone for, 1,309, 581 —,—, beeswax for, 1,366,256 —,—,—, alcohol for, 1,309,581 —,—,benzene for, 1,234,381; 1,315,216; ——, — amyl acetate for, 1,309,581 1,320,290; 1,329,386; 1,347,801; 1,363,763; — —, Bakelite for, 1 309, 581 1,366,256; 1,388,827; 1,388, ‘828: 1,488,608 —,—,—, ‘ benzene for, 1 309, 581 a —, benzine for, 1,320, 290: 1,329 386 —,—,—, castor oil for, 1 309 81 —,— ’ benzoyl-urea for, 1 355 834 —,—,—, cellulose acetate for, 1,309,581 —,—, benzyl acetate for, 1,440, 178 —,—,—, Condensite for, 1,309, 581 —,—, benzyl alcohol for, 1,320,290: 1,339,728 ; —,—,—, corn oil for, 1 309, 581 1,426,521; 1,440,178; 1 521 055; 1,521 056 —,—, —, ’ ethyl acetate for, 1,309,581 —,—, s-bis-(hydroxymethy]) -urea for, 1,355,834 —,—, —, formaldehyde for, 1,309,581 —,—,boric acid for, 1,312,708; 1,315 216: —,—,—, linseed oil for, 1,309, 581 1,820,290 —,—,—, ’ phenol for, 1,309 081 —,—, bronze powder for, 1,521,055; 1,521,056 —,—,—,phenol aldehyde condensate, for — Te calcium carbonate for, 1,329,386 1 309, 581 —, calcium chloride for, t 440, 178 —,—,—,rape seed oil for, 1,309,581 —, as camphor for, 1,234 381: 1,496 ,198 —, formulas for, 1,329,386; 1,363,763; 1,426,521; —>— oes bisulfide for, a 388, pa rors, —,—,starch 1/16 oz., alum 4 oz., glue 4 Oni ta te eho) VEUTACHIOrige i) 50% sodium silicate 6 o2z., ammonium hydroxide 1,388,824; 1,388,825; 1,388,827 ; 1,388 828 10 drops, water 54 0Z., 1 273 213 aa srsy carvacrol for, 1 Dal 055; 1 pel 056 —, glue in, 1,273,213 —,carvone for, 1 521 055; 1 521 056 by Braden gee. de in, 1,469,839 ,—, castor oil for, 1 329 386: 1 496, 198 —,—, celluloid for, 1 320 290: 1,366,256 ; 1,388, 825; 1,426,521 —,—, cellulose, algin, for, 1,312,708 —, ketone, commercial mixture in, 1,315,216 —,magnesium chloride in, 1,400,430; 1,469,839 —, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,363,763 ieee: : ; —,Zzacetone | for, 1,315,216; 1,320,290; i siso16 : *°1°320.200; "1.330.728; 1'347 801; 1,329,386; 1,347,801; 1,863,763; 1,366,256; 1,363,763; 1,388,824; 1,388,825; 1,388,827; _ 1,388,827; 1,388,828; 1,440,178; 1,426,521; 1,388,828; 1,426,521; 1,440,178; 1,488,608; cageee cg a ; 1,521,056 1,521,055; 1,521,056 —,—, acetyl-urea for, 1,355,834 —,—, cellulose but rate for, 1,425,580 —,—, alcohol for, 1,234,381 ; 1,320,290; 1,347,801 ; —,—, cellulose ae for, 1,366 One 1,388,824 ; 1 303,763; 1 366, 256 ; 1 888,825; 1,488, 608: ai 827; 1,426,521; 1 521 055; 1 Bal 056 1 496, 198 —, cellulose ether "for, 1 366 256 —, alginate for, 1,312,708 —,—, cellulose formate for, 1 488 ,608 —,—, alginic acid for, 1,812,708 —,—, cellulose nitrate for, 1,312, 708 ; 1,315,216; —,alizarin red lake for, 1,426,521 1,320,290; 1.329,386; 1 388, 825: 1,388 ‘828: —, —, aluminum hydroxide for, 1,426,521 1,440,178; 1,496,198. —,—,aluminum powder for, 1,521,055; ——, chlorine for, 1,234,381 1,521,056 —,—, chloroform for, 1,347,801; 1,388,824; —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,388,824; 1,388, 827; 1,388,828 1,388,827 —,—, cinnamon oil for, 1,496,198 —,—,ammonium magnesium arsenate for, —,—,copal for, 1,329, 386 1,829,386 —,—, copper powder se : 021,055; 1,521,056 —,—,ammonium magnesium phosphate for, —,—,corn oil for, 1,388,82 1,329,386 —,—, cyclohexanone for, i 339,728; 1,363,763 —,—,ammonium manganese arsenate for, —,—,cyclopentanone for, 1 339, 728 1,329,386 —,—,diacetone alcohol for, 1,440,178 —,—,ammonium manganese phosphate for, —,—, dimethyl- cyclohexanone for, 1,363,763 1,329,386 —,—, dimethyl phthalate for, 1,363, 763 —,—,ammonium phosphate for, 1,312,708; —,—, ether for, 1,388,825; 1,496, 198 1,440,178 —,—, ethyl acetate for, 1,329, 386 —,—,ammonium phosphate (NH.H2PO,), for, —,—,ethyl acetoacetate for, 1,426,521; 1 329,386 1,521, 055 : 1,521,056 —,— amyl acetate for, 1,329,386; 1,888,825; —,— ethyl alcohol for, 1,173,931; 1,329,386; 1,388,827 ; 1,388,828 1,388,827 ; 1,488,608 —,—,amyl alcohol for, 1,173,931; 1,863,763 —,—, ethylidene diacetate for, 1,488,608 —,—,antimony chloride, basic, for, 1,388,825; —,—, ethyl lactate for, 1,363,763 1,388,828 —,—, ethyl] silicate for, 1,440,178 —,—,antimony oxychloride for, 1,388,825; —,—,eugenol for, 1 426, 521: i 521,055; 1,521,056 1,388,828 —_,— ’ formaldehyde for, 1 535, 834 —,—, antimony salts for, 1,888,824; 1,388,827 —,fusel oil for, 1 173 931 te 15 ; 226 UNITED STATES GHEMICAL PATENTS, Airplane dope, mfr. of, gelatin for, 1,426,521 —,—,gutta percha for, 1,888,824; 1,888,827 —,—, hemp seed oil for, 1,388,828 —,—, “ heptachlor-caoutchouc” for, 1,234,381 —,—,isoeugenol for, 1,426,521; 1,521,055; 1,521,056 —,ketone for, 1,866,256 —,—, ketone, commercial mixture, for, 1,315,216 —,— Jake, aluminum hydroxide, "for, 1,426, 521 —,—,—, barium, for, 1,426,521 —,—,—, ‘red, for, 1,426, 521 —,— — Jampblack ‘for, 1 426, 521 —, —, lead chromate for, 1,521,056 —,—,linseed oil for, 1,388,825 : 1,388,828 ; 1,521,056 —,—, magnesium carbonate for, 1,329,386 b) —,—, methyl acetate for, 1,329,386; 1,363,763; 1,426,521; 1,440,178; 1,521,055; 1,521,056 —, methyl acetone for, 1,315,216 —, methyl alcohol for, 1,173,931; 1,388,827; ,488,608 —, methyl, benzyl alcohol, for, 1,339,728 —, methyl-cyclohexanone for 1 363, 763 —, magnesium) phosphate for, 1,440, 178 —, methyl phthalate for, 1,363, 763 —,methy] silicate for, 1 440, 178 —, naphthalene for, 1 ‘496, 198 —,ocher for, 1,426, 521 —,—, ‘oil for, 1 388 828 —, oil, drying, for, 1,388,827 —,— ysemi-drying, for, 1,388,828 —,—, paraffin for, 1,366, 256 —, paris blue for, i 426, 521 —,2 4-pentanedione for, 1,363,763 —,A 4.2-pentenone for, 1 363 763 —,—, ; petroleum ether for, 1 234 381 —,—, pigment for, 1,426, 521; 1,521,055 ; 1,521,056 1,388,827 ; 2 i 4 ~e 3) I 4 “ . a al ~ J ov —,—, poppy seed oil for, 1 388 828 —,—, potassium silicate for, 1 496, 198 —, —, process for, 1,173,931 ; 1 ,234,381 ; 1,812,708; 1,329,386; 1 339, 798 : 1 347, 801; 1 355 834: 1 363,763: 1,366,256: 1,388,824: 1,388,825 : 1,388,827; 1,888,828; 1,426,521; 1,440,178; ing es ; 1,496,198; 1,521,055; 1,521,056 —,propylene chlorhydrin for, 1,440,178 —,—, pyridine for, 1,521,056 —,—,resin for, 1,329,386 —, —, rubber for, 1,234,381; 1,388,824; 1,388,827 —,—, rubber, plantation, for, 1,234 381 —,— —, shellac for, 1,312,708; 1 329 386 —,—, sienna for, 1 426, 521 —,—, sienna, burnt, for, 1,521,056 —,—,silicic acid for, 1,496,198 —,—, silicic acid ester for, 1,315,216 ,—, sodium silicate for, "1,496, 198 —,—,sodium tungstate for, 1,312 5708 —,—,steam for, 1,234,381 —,—, sunflower oil for, 1,388,828 —, —, tetrachlor- ethane for, 1,363,763 —,—, a-tetrachlor-ethane for, 1,488, 608 —,—,s-tetrachlorethane for, 1 173 931; 1,839,728 —,—, thiourea for, 1,355, 834 —,—, tin chloride ‘for, 1 388, 825 —,—, tin salts for, 1 388 824: 1,388,827 —, toluene for, 1 234, 381; 1 329, 386; 1,488,608 1915-1924 Airplane dope, mfr. of, triacetin for, 1,426,521; 1,521,055; 1,521,056 —,—, trichlor-phenol for, 1,440,178 —,—,tricresyl phosphate for, 1,815,216; 1,488,608 —, trinaphthyl phosphate for, 1,440,178 —,—, triphenyl borate for, 1,440,178 —,—,triphenyl phosphate for, 1,815,216; 1,320,290; 1,863,763; 1,440,178 —,—, Turnbull’s blue for, 1,521,056 —,—, urea for, 1,815,216; 1,355,834 —,—,varnish for, 1,388,824 ; 1,388,825 ; 1,388,827; 1,388,828; 1,426,521; 1,521,056 —,—, Viscose for, 1,388, 825; 1,888,828 —,—, wax for, 1,366 256 —,—, xylene for, 1,234,381 —,—,zine chloride for, 1,388,824; 1,388,825; 1,388,827 —,—,zine oxide for, 1,329,386; 1,521,055; 1,521,056 —,—, zine salts for, 1,888,824; 1,388,827 —,methyl acetate in, 1,303,563 —,methyl acetone in, 1,315,216 —, methyl alcohol in, 1,156,894 —, pyridine in, 1,156,894 —, silicic acid ester in, 1,315,216 —, sodium silicate in, 1,273,213 —, starch in, 1,273,213 —,tetrachlorethane in, 1,156,894 —,tin chloride in, 1,400,430 —, tricresyl phosphate in, 1,315,216 —,triphenyl phosphate in, 1,315,216; 1,320,290; 1,325,363 —, urea in, 1,315,216 —, wall board made with, 1,844,962 —, zinc alginate as, 1,395,016 —,zine chloride in, 1,400,430 —,see also Airplane fabric, fireproofing, Airplane fabric, waterproofing ; Dope; Dope, airplane; Enamel, plastic; Lacquer, airplane Airplane engines, fuel for, 1,423,058 —, manifold for, mfr. of, amalgam for, 1,282,266; 1,282,269: —,—,—,bronze powder’ for, 1,282,266; 1 282 267; 1,282,269 rite galvanoplastic method for, 1,282,266; WL. 282, 267; 1,282,269 —,—, —, eraphite for, 1,282,266; 1,282,267; 1,282,269 —,—,—,grease for, 1,282,266; 1,282,267; 1 289, 269 —,—,—, mercury for, 1,282,266 ;1,282,269 —,—,—, process for, 1,282,266 —,—,—, wax for, 1 282, 266: 1,282,267; 1,282,269 Airplane fabric, cellulose acetate on, 1,394, '890 —, cellulose nitrate on, 1,394,890 —, coating, see Airplane dope —,doping, 1,427,941 —,, fireproof, cellulose nitrate dope for coating, 1 429,295 — , fireproofing, 1,427,941 —,—,antimony trichloride for, 1,388,825; 1,388,827 —, impregnating, Portland cement for, 1,456,323 —,mfr. of, acetone for, 1,427,941; 1,429, 295 —,— airplane dope for, 1,325, 363 —,—, alcohol for, 1,429,295 1,388,824 ; a INDEX OF SUBJECTS Airplane fabric, mfr. of, algin for, 1,427,941 —,—, alum for, 1,427 941; 1,429 295 —,—, aluminum ammonium sulfate 1 429, 295 —,—, aluminum phosphate for, 1,427,941 —,—, aluminum sulfate for, 1,427,941; 1,429,295 —,—,ammonium magnesium phosphate for 1 427, 941 for, —,—, ammonium phosphate for, 1,325,863; 1 427 941 —,—,ammonium salts for, 1,427,941; 1,429,295 —,—,ammonium sodium phosphate for, 1 427, 941 —,—, ammonium sulfate for, 1,427,941; 1,429,295 —,amyl acetate for, 1,427,941; 1,429,295 —,—, apparatus for, 1,825,363 —,—, asphalt for, 1 ‘427, 94] —,—, beeswax for, 1 427, 941 —,—, borax for, 1,427, 941; 1,429,295 —,—, ‘ealcium chloride for, 1,427, 941; 1,429,295 —,—,camphor for, 1,427 941 —,—, canvas for, 1,427 941: 1,429,295 —, castor oil for, 1,427, 941 —,—, cellulose acetate for, 1,325,363; 1,427,941; 1 429 295 —,—, cellulose nitrate for, 1,325,363; 1,427,941; 1 429, 295 —,—, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,427,941 —,ceresin for, 1,427,941 —,—, chloroform for, 1,429,295 —, —, cotton for, 1 427 41; 1,429,295 —,—, ether for, Y 429 295 nt fabric for, 1,325,363 —,gelatin for, 1,427,941 —,glucose for, 1,427,941 —., glucose, confectioners, for, 1,427,941 —,—, glue for, 1,427,941 —, glycerol for, 1,427, 941 —,—, glycol for, 1,427,941 —,—, honey for, 1,427,941 oa” Irish moss for, 1 427,941 —,linen for, 1 427 941: 1,429,295 —,—, Magnesium chloride for, 1,427,941; seals 295 —, molasses for, 1,427,941 —,—, * paraffin for, 1 427 941 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,427,941 —,—, pitch for, 1,427,941 —, process for, 1 325 363; 1,427,941; 1,429,295 —,—, rubber for, 1 427 941 —,—, salicylic acid for, 1,427,941 SU sodium phosphate for, 1,427,941; —,sodium sulfate for, 1 427 941: 1 429 5295 —, —, sugar for, 1,427, 941 —, —,s-tetrachlor-ethane for, 1,429,295 —,—, triphenyl phosphate for, 1 325, 363 —,—, varnish for, 1,427,941 —,—, varnish, spar, "for, re 941 —,—, Viscose for, 1,427,94 —,—, zine chloride for, 1429, 295 —, softening, water, for, 1 394, 890 —, treatment of, see Airplane dope —, wire-reinforced, 1,442,323 —,see also Airplane dope; Balloon fabric; Fabrics R27 Airplane fabric mending composition, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,389,084 —,—, acetone for, 1 389 084 —,—, alcohols for, 1,389,084 —,—, aluminum for, 1,389,084 —,—,amyl acetate for, 1 389 084 —,—, aniline for, 1,389 084 — balsams for, 1 389 084 —,—, ‘barium sulfate for, 1,389,084 —,—, calcium carbonate ‘for, 1 389, 084 —,—, camphor for, 1,389 084 —,—,carmine for, 1 389 084 —,—, castor oil for, 1,389, 084 —,—, ’ celluloid fora 389, 084 —, —, cellulose acetate for, 1,389,084 —,—, ’ cellulose butyrate for, 1,389, 084 —,—, cellulose ester for, 1 389, 084 —,—, cellulose ether for, 1 389 084 —,—, cellulose nitrate for, 1,389, 084 —, cotton for, 1,389,084 —,—,cresol for, 1,389,084 —_,— ’ ethyl-acetate for, 1,389,084 —,—, ethyl cellulose for, 1,389,084 —,—, fusel oil for, 1,889 084 —_—,— gold for, 1,389 084 —,—, gums for, 1,389,084 — Jampblack for, 1,389,084 —,—, molasses for, 1,389 084 —,— ’ naphthalene ‘for, 1,889,084 —,—, naphthol for, 1,389 084 —, nitro-benzene for, 1,389,084 —,—, oil, essential, for, 1,889,084 —,—, ’ phenol for, 1 389, 0384 —,—, pigment for, 1,389, 084 —,—, process for, 1,389,084 —,—, resins for, 1,389,084 —,—,shellac for, 1,389,084 —,—, triphenyl phosphate for, 1,339,084 —,—, zinc oxide for, 1,389,084 Airplane fuel, acetone in, 1,420,006 —, alcohol in, 1,420,006; 1,420,007 —,amyl acetate in, 1,420,006; 1,420,007 —,amyl alcohol in, 1,420,006; 1,420,007 —, benzene in, 1,420,007 —, butyl acetate in, 1,420,006; 1,420,007 —, butyl alcohol in, 1,420,006; 1,420,007 —, castor oil in, 1,420,006; 1,420,007 —, diethyl ketone in, 1,420,006 —, esters in, 1,420,006; 1,420,007 — ‘ethyl acetate in, 1,420, 006; 1,420,007 —,ethyl butyrate in, 1,420 006; 1,420 007 —,ethyl methyl ketone in, 1 420 006 —,gasolene in, 1,420,006 —, kerosene in, 1,420,006 —. ketones in, 1,420,006 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,474,135 —,methyl acetate in, 1,420,006; 1,420,007 —.methyl alcohol in, 1,420,006; 1,420,007 —, methyl butyrate in, 1 420 006; 1 420, 007 —,toluene in, 1,420 007 — see also, Fuel, liquid Airplane propeller, copper coated, mfr. of, amyl acetate for, 1,282,268 —,—, —, bronze powder for, 1,282,268 —,—, —, galvanoplastic method for, 1,282,265; 1 282,268; 1,282,270 228 Airplane propeller, copper coated, mfr. of, grease for, 1,282,265; 1,282,268; 1,282,270 —,—, —, mercury for, 1,282,265; 1,282,268; 1,282 270 ,—,—, process for, 1,282,265; 1,282,268; ~ 1289 270 —, copper plated on, 1,335,846 —, copper plating, apparatus for, 1,835,176 —,laminated metal coating for, mfr. of, amyl acetate for, 1,282,268 —,—,—, bronze powder for, 1,282,268 3 —,—.-, ; galvanoplastic method for, 1,282,265 ; ) 1 282,268; 1,282,270 —,grease for, 1,282,265; 1,282,258; ~ 1,289 270 —,—,—,mercury for, 1,282,265; 1,282,268; _ 1,282,270 —,—,process for, 1,282,265; 1,282,268; ~ 1.289 2,270 —, mfr. of, alloy for, (1,348,191 —,— alloy, bismuth in, for, 1,343,191 —,—,—, lead in, for, 1 343, 191 —,—,—, tin in, for, 1 343, 191 —,—, "aluminum for, 1,304, 102 —,amyl acetate for, 1 335 846 —, bismuth, alloy contg., for, 1,343,191 —,—, black walnut for, 1,861,598 —, bronze powder for, 1,335,846 —, canvas for, 1,808,527 —,—, celluloid for, 1,356,847 —, cellulose acetate for, 1,356,847 —,—, copper for, 1,335,846 —,—, copper amalgam for, 1,335,846 —,—,cord for, 1,308,527 —,—, cotton cloth for, 1,361,971 —,—, duck for, 1,343,191 —,— ‘fabric for, 1,308,527; 1,843,191; 1,433,728 —,— fiber for, 1,308, 527 —,—, fiber, vulcanized, for, 1,304,102; 1,356,847 —,—, grease for, 1,835 846 —,—, lead, alloy conte.., for, 1,343,191 —, —, mahogany for, 1,361 598 —,—, metal for, 1,343, 191; 1,433 728 —,—, mercury for, 1 335 846: 1 343, 191 —, paper for, 1 433 728 —,—, papier mache for, 1,304,102 ,phenol aldehy ‘de condensate 1 308, §27; 1,343,191; ‘i 861,971; 1,433,728 —,—, process for, 1 293, 321: 1 246 029: 1 304,102 ; 1 08020 2).41 335, 846: 1 343, 191; 1,356 847: 1 361 598: 1 '361 ‘97 1 1,433,728 —,—,resin for, 1,223 321: 1,246,029 —,—, ’ rubber for, 1 308, 527 —,—, sand for, 1. 343, 191 —., steel for, 1 308, ad, —,—, tin, alloy contg., for, 1,343,191 —, — vulcanized fiber for, 1 356 847; 1,361,598 —,—, walnut, black, 1,361 598 —,—, wire for, 1 361 971 —,—, wood for, 1 223 021; 1,246,029; 1,304,102; 1 308,527; 1 356 SA7: 4 361 598; 1 433. 728° Airplane structural element, mfr. of, fabric for, 1,269,420 —,—, process for, 1,269,420 —,—,rubber for, 1 269 420 a Soe for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Airplane varnish, linseed oil in, 1,394,890 —,see also Airplane dope; Dope; Varnish, air- plane Airplane wings, dope, fireproof, for, 1,358,250 —, fireproofing, sodium stannate and ammon- ium sulfate for, 1,358,250 — —, stannic acid for, 1 808,250 , meek of, camel hair for, 1,199 249; 1,236,685 —, cotton for, 1,199,249; 1,236,685 —,—, ‘fiber, animal, for, 1 199 249; 1,236,685 —,—, — vegetable, for 1,199 249; 1 236 685 —,—, flax for, 1,199,249 —,—, hair for, ‘4 199 249; 1,236,685 —,—, hemp for, 1 199 249; 1,236, 685 —,—, linen for, 1,236, 685 —,—, process for, if 199 249; 1,236,685 —,—,ramie for, 1 199, 24 —,—,rhea for, 1 199, 249; 1,236,685 —,—, ’ rubber for, 1 199.249: 1 236 685 —,—, rubber, synthetic, for, 1 199 249; 1,236,685 —, — rubber substitute for, 1.236, 685. —,—, wool for, 1,199,249; 1 936, 685 Airplane wireless generator casings, mfr. of, here for, 1,344,765; 1,433,730 —, Bakelite for, 1,344 165; 1,433,730 —,—,copal for, 1 344 765; 1 433, 730 —,—, cotton batting for, 1 344 765; 1,433,730 —,—, duck, ground, for, 1,344 765; 1 ‘433 730 —,—, fabric for, 1,344 765; 1 433, 730 —,—, ’ fibrous material for, 1, 344, 765; 1,433,780 —,—, glue, marine, for, 1 344, 765: 1 433, 730 —,—, paper for, 1,344 765 : 1 433, 730 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,344,765; 1,433,730 —,—, process ‘for, 1,344,765 ; 1,433,730 —,—, shellac for, 1, 344, 765: 1 433 730 —,—, ‘wood flour for, 1 344, 765; 1 433,730 Air purifier, see Gas mask Airships, cloth for, dope for coating, 1,381,412 —,—, tung oil in dope for, 1,381,412 —, construction of, 1,236,961 — , doped fabric for, 1 381 413 —,engines for, air, compressed, for operating, 1 423,987 —,—, coal gas for operating, 1,423,987 —,—, hydrogen for operating, 1 423 987 —,—, oxygen, compressed, for operating, 1,423,987 —, fabric for, aluminum powdered coated with, a 449,748 —, ester gum as coating for, 1,449,748 —, ‘rubber for coating of, 1 449, 748 — tung oil as coating for, i 449 748 —, turpentine as coating for, 1 449, 748 a —; waterproofing, aluminum. powdered for, 1,449,748 —,—,—, ester gum for, 1,449,748 —,—,—, tung oil for, 1,449, 748 —,—,—, turpentine for, 1 449, 748 —, see also Air-craft ; Balloons Alabaster, see Gypsum; Calcium sulfate; Sta- lagmite Alabastine, mfr. of, glue for, 1,166,325 —,—, gypsum for, 1,166,325 —,—, process for, 1,116,325 —, molded article contg., 1,292,688 —, plaster of Paris in, 1,143,152 INDEX OF Alabastine, tire, puncture-healing composition for made with 1,143,152 —, wall covering made with, 1,166,325 —, whiting in, 1,148,152 Alabastrites, see Gypsum a-Alanin, silver salt of, preparing, 1,417,167 Albertite, emulsifying of, process for, 1 AAO, 356 Albite, alkali aluminate made with, "i 508 177 —, alkali carbonate made using, 1 514, 657 —, "alkali hydroxide made using, 1,514,657 —, alumina made with, 1,508,777 —, aluminum from, 1,380,552. —, aluminum oxide made using, 1,514,657 —, ’ brick, sand-lime, made using, 1 514, 657 —, calcium silicate made using, 1 B14, 657 —,cement made with, 1,209,220; 1,514, 657 —, ’ fertilizer made with, 1 508, 777 —,see also Aluminum silicates; Feldspar, soda; Sodium silicates Albumen, acetone for treating metal com- pounds of, 1,371,380; 1,371,381 — acetylene storage tanks contg., 1,419,746 —,acetylene stored using, 1,304, 160 Feldspar ; —,adhesive made with, 1,373,412; 1,396,393; 1,505, 043 — airplane covering material made _ with, 1,519, 239 —, albumose solution made with, 1,489,181 —, alcohol, effect of on, 1,262,808 —,alkali perborate made with, 1,253,061 —, * aluminum, colloidal, made with, 1,491, 250 —, ’ animal, alcohol made with, 1 297, 374 —,—, cattle feed made with, 1 207, 374 —,—, ’ food product made with, 1,160,783 ; 1 202, 508 —,—, elucose made with, 1,227,374 —,—, halvah made with, 1, 202 508 —,—, ’ phenol aldehyde condensate, composition of and, 1,218,146 —, baking powder contg., 1,443,180 —, baking preparation contg., 1,370,272 —, beverage made with, 1,500,670 —, beverage clarifier made with, 1,239,930 —,bichromated, color photography ‘film coated with, 1,389, 963 —,—, film, motion picture, colored, made with, 1 213, 038 —,— plate, printing, color, photomechanical, made using, 1,134,382 —, bismuth, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, ’ black, see Blood, ‘dried —, bl ood, adhesive use of, 1,396,393 —,— brake lining made with, 1 416, 979 —,—, celluloid substitute made with, 1,134,527: 1 360, 356 —,-, elarian, coal, bituminous, separation from of, using, 1 499, 872 —,—, durain, separation from of, using, nt 499, 872 —,—,fusain, separation from of, using, a4 499 1,872 vie —,—,—,shale, barren, separation from of, using, 1 ,499, 872 —,—, —, —, carboniferous, separation from of, using, 1 499, 872 —,—, coke made with, 1,499,872 —,—, ’ cork prepared using, 1,224,264 SUBJECTS 229 Albumen, blood, durain, clarian, separation of from, using, 1,499, 872 Le VIbTaln, separation of from, using 1 499, 872 — fabric, brocaded effect on, made using, 1 513 o10 —,—, fusain, clarian, separation of from, using, 1 499, 872 —,—,vitrain, separation of from using, ~ 1499, 872 —,—, clue made with, 1,329,599; 1,459,541; One 313 —, horn substitute made with, 1,360,356 —,—, insulation, electric, made with, 1 360,356 , lvory substitute made with, 1,360, 356 —, "leather, glazed kid, made using, 1,345 430 —,—, seasoning of, using, 1,345,430 —, ’ molded article made with, 1,360, 356 —, ’ phenol aldehyde condensate substitute eae with, 1,360,356 —,—, plastic made with, 1,360,356 —,—, properties of, 1 499, 872 —,—, shale, barren, clarian, separation of from, using, 1% 499, 872 —,—, —, —, Vitrain, separation of from, using, 1 499, 872 —,—,—, carboniferous, clarian, separation of, from, using, 1,499,872 —,—, —,—, vitrain, separation of from, using, 1, 499, 872 —,—, skins seasoned with, 1,345,429 —,— , themoplastic made with, 1 134,527 —,—, vitrain, coal, bituminous, separation from of, ‘using, 1 499, 872 VEEN ORT ba ass) PEERS ra; —, durain, separation from of using, 4 499, 1,872 —,fusain, separation from of, using, va ‘499, 1,872 —,—,—,shale, barren, separation from of, _using, 4 499, 872 —,—, — _ carboniferous, pera from of, using, | 499, 872 —,—, see Blood albumin —, board, artificial, made with, 1,183,446 —, book cloth made with, 1,505, 043 —, ’ bottle, caps for, made with, 1,149,200; 1 234, 711 — candy, cream centers for, contg., 1,309,979 —, ’ caoutchoue, artificial, made with, 1, 178,721 —, , carbon, decolorizing, made with, 1,478, 987 —, carcinoma, metal compounds for, 1,371, 380 —, ’ celluloid, class, composite body of and ‘made with, 1 182, 739 —, celluloid substitute 1,319,666 ; 1 360,356 —, cellulose, colloidal, made with, 1,458,542 —, ’ cellulose dispersing agent, 1,458,542 —, "cellulose esters made with, 1 ABB, 542 contg., —,cellulose ethers, composition of and, 1,217,028; 1,505,043; 1,505,044 —, cellulose sulfite liquor contg., 1,218,638 —, ‘cellulose sulfite liquor. as emulsifier for, 1 440,356 —, cellulose sulfite liquor and, made from, 1,464,949 —, cement made with, 1,505,043 , —, ’ charcoal, artificial, made with, 1,478,987 lignoprotein 230 Albumen, chewing gum made with, 1,397,742 —, chromium, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, clarian, coal, bituminous, separation from of, using, 1,499,872 —,—, durain, separation from of, using, 1,499 872 —,— _fusain, separation from of, using, 1,499,872 —,—,shale, barren, separation from of, using, 1,499,872 —,—,—, carboniferous, using, 1,499,872 —, coal, bituminous, clarian, separation of from, using, 1,499,872 —,—,—, vitrain, 1 499, 872 —, cobalt, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, coffee clarifer made with, 1,239,930 —, coffee extract coated with, 1,292,458 —, coffee substitute made with, 1,486,792 —, coffee tablets coated with, 1,367,725 —,coke made with, 1,499,872 —, collar, linen, substitute made with, 1,256,240 —, colloidal, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,392,849 —,—,—, benzene for, 1,892,849 —,—,—, benzine for, 1,392,849 —,—,—, hydrocarbon, chlorinated, for, 1,392,849 —,—,—, ketones for, 1,392,849 —,—,—, oils for, 1,892,849 —,—, —, petroleum for, 1,892,849 —,—,—, process for, 1 214,299; 1,392,849 —,—, soap for, 1,392,849 —,—,—, water for 1 392 849 —, colloidal dispersion of, preparing, 1,392,849 —, colloidal suspensions prepared with, 1,444,257 —, colloidal solutions stabilized with, 1,429,876 —,commutator made with, 1,511,316 —, concentrating, membranes for, 1 409, 185 —, copper, colloidal, made with, 1,491 250 —, copper salts, precipitation with of, 1,472,316 —, cork, artificial, made with, 1,170, 102 —, cotton fabric, mercerization of 1 482,076 —, dentifrice made with, 1,470,794 — ’ depilatory solution conte., 1,485,876 —, diaphragm for electrolysis of, 1371 698 —,die, metallic, made with, 1,157 493 — ' digestion of, bacteria for, 1 366 338 ~, durain, clarian, separation of from, using, 1 A499 872 —,—, vitrain, 1 A99 872 —,dye applied with, 1,426,299 —,dyeing cellulose acetate in presence of, 1 318,443 — Seonite substitute contg., 1,319,666 —, egg, antiseptic made with, 1 145 634 —,—, bactericide made with, 1 145 634 —,—, beverage made with, 1,141 816 —,—, brass, etching of, with, 1.276 599 —,—, bouillon clarified with, 1,297 635 —,—, caoutchouc, synthetic, made 1,149,577 —,—, catalyst for hydrogenation made with, 1 280,314; 1,280,315; 1,282,296 —,—,; celluloid substitute made with, 1,134 527 separation from of separation of from, using, using, separation of from, using, with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Albumen, egg, coffee substitute made with, 1,141,816 —,—, confection, frozen, contg., 1,445,200 —, copper, etching of, with, 1,276,599 —,—,cork prepared using, 1,224,264 —,egg preserved with, 1,261,724 —, —’ gasolene, solid, made ‘with, 1,262,808 —,—, hydrocarbon, solid, made with, 1,262,808 —,— hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,282, 296 —,—, insulating composition contg., 1,427,621 —,—, ‘latex, artificial, made with, 1 149 U7 —,—, * metal, etching ‘of with, 1,276,599 —-,—, oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,282,296 —,—, photography, color, using, 1,128,389 —, pine apple juice clarified by, 1 370, 117 —, plate, tinning, made with, 1 26, 599 —,—, polish made with, 1,153, 686 —,—,sausage casing made with, 1,478,968 —,—, steel etching of with, 1,276, 599 —, thermoplastic made with, 1,134,527 —,—, thio-protein compounds made yee 634 —, zinc, etching of with, 1,276,599 —,—, see also Egg albumen — ‘ electroplating process employing, 1,464,149 —,emulsifying with, 1,440,356 —,emulsion, turbid, made with, 1,500,670 —, ether, effect of on, 1,262,808 —, ethyl alcohol made with, 1,475,215 —, ethyl cellulose, composition of and, 1,217,028; 1,505,043; 1,505,044 —, fabric, acid-proof, made with, 1,233,334 —,—, alkali, proof made with, 1,233 334 —,—, colloid-treated made with, 1 256 ,240 —,—, grease-proof, made with, i 233, 334 with, —,— waterproof, made with, 1233, 334 —,—, water resisting contg., i 313 658 —, fabrics stiffened with, 1 ‘421 700 —., ’ fabric stiffening material contg., 1,421,700 —,fats contg., 1,381,564 —, feathers, imitation, made using, 1,246,296 —,filament, artificial, made with, 1,217,028; 1,505,048; 1,505,044 —, film made with, 1,505,044 —, film, motion picture, made with, 1,183,698; 1,361,783 —,—,—, colored, made with, 1,281,714 —,fish-bait contg., 1,291,614 —, fish-extract made with, 1,209,399 —,fish-oil, removal from of, process for, 1,132,710 —,fish skins, tanning of, using, 1,230,266; 1,256,974 —, fluorescent substance, protection from, com- pound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —,food made with, 1,126,734; 1,287,600 —, food product made with, 1 138 602 ; 1,159,455 ; 1 ,209,399 —, fondant contg., 1,309,979 —., fusian, clarian, separation of from, using, fi 499, 872 —,—, vitrain, 1,499,872 —,galalith substitute contg., 1,319,666 —, galvanizing process employing, 1,464,149 separation of from, using, INDEX OF Albumen, gasolene, solid, made with, 1,262,808 —,gelatin, composition of and, 1,182,739 —,glass, celluloid, composite body of and made with, 1,182,739 —, glass, strengthened, made with, 1,182,739 —,glass prevented from sweating with, 1,369,708 —,glycerophosphorie ‘acid salt, of, medicinal preparations made with, 1,129,270 —,glue made with, 1,829,599; 1,473,987; 1,505,043 —, glue, waterproof, made with, 1,506,013 —,glue contg. blood-, 1,329,599 —, glutamic acid made with, 1,255,390 —,gold leaf, handling of using, 1,279,655 —, graphite, colloidal, made with, 1,175,958 —,hair, artificial, made with, 1,217,028; 1,505,043 — hardened, diaphragm, gelatin made with, 1,235,063 —.—,—,gelatose made with, 1,235,063 —,—,—, glue fractionated using, 1,235,063 —,—,—, glutin made with, 1,235,063 —,heron feathers, imitation, made 1,246,296 —,horn substitute contg., 1,319,666; 1,360,356 —,horse-hair fabric, treatment of with, 1,469,023 —,horse-serum, antiseptic made with, 1,145,634 —,—,bactericide made with, 1,145,634 —,—,thio-protein compounds made 1,145,634 —, hydrocarbon, solid, made with, 1,262,808 —,icing made with, 1,507,374 —, indigo, dyeing with, using, 1,239,526 —,ink, printing, made with, 1,142,365 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1,155,812; 1,274,728; 1,360,356; 1,392,849 —,iron, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —,—,zine coated, made with, 1,491,381 —,iron salts, precipitation with of, 1,472,316 —, Japanese soy made with, 1,514,554 —,lacquer made with, 1,505,043 —,lactose and, product contg., 1,444,178 —, lead, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —,lead salts, precipitation with of, 1,472,316 using, with, mfr. of ~~ —,leather, artificial, made with, 1,140,174; 1,392,849; 1,505,043 —,—,coating for, made with, 1,505,043; 1,505,044 —,leather seasoning with blood-, 1,345,430 —,leather substitute made with, 1,256,240 —, light-sensitive coatings on copper plates of, 1,329,088 —., light-sensitizing, ammonium bichromate for, 1,329,088 —., liner made with, 1,476,115 —,lysalbinic acid from, 1,391,154 —,lysalbuminates from, 1,412,438 —,malt extract contg., 1,515,108 —, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,277,727 —,—, alcohol for, 1,147,767 —,—, alcohol, denatured for, 1,147,767 —,—, apparatus for, 1,229,919 —,—,blood for, 1,415,277 —,—,calcium hydroxide for, 1,229,919 SUBJECTS 231 Albumen, mfr. of, calcium oxide for, 1,229,919 —,—,carbon tetrachloride for, 1,147,767; P277,720 —,—, chloroform for, 1,147,767 —,—, cocoanuts for, 1,431,519 —,—, creamery sewage for, 1,229,919 —,—, distillery slop for, 1,147,767 —,—, distillery slop (corn) for, 1,147,767 —,—, distillery slop (potato) for, 1,147,767 —,—, distillery slop (sugar beet) for, 1,147,167 —,—, egg for, 1,277,727 —,—, egg, decomposed, for, 1,277,727 —,—, ethyl alcohol for, 1,147,767 —,—, fusel oil for, 1,147,767 —,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,147,767; 1,277,727 —,—, milk for, 1,229,919 —,—, pineapple for, 1,166,674 process __ for, 1,147,767 ; 1,229,919; 1,277,727 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,277,727 ’ —,—. sulfuric acid for, 1,229,919 —,—,trichlorethane for, 1,277,727 —,membranes made with, 1,502,043 —, metal, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —,—, metal coated, made with, 1,491,381 —, metal compound of, 1,371,380; 1,371,381 —, metal leaf, handling of using, 1,279,655 —, mercury, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —,mercury chloride, precipitation with of, 1,472,316 —,mercury chloride and potassium fluoride, effect of on, 1,473,899 —,mercury chloride and sodium fluoride, effect of on, 1,473,899 —,mercury chloride and sodium fluosilicate, effect of on, 1,473,899 —,methyl cellulose, 1,505,044 —, milk contg., 1,199,018 —, milk, artificial, made with, 1,200,782 —,milk-, coagulating, 1,432,686 —,—, prepared flour contg., 1,428,628 —,—,separation from of, copper sulfate for, 1,472,316 —,—, soluble, mfr. of, 1,444,178 —, milk, see also Milk albumen; Globulin; Pro- teid; Fibrin —, milk constituent, 1,435,464 —,milk product made with, 1,126,734 —,molded article made with, 1,360,356; 1,392,849; 1,477,576 —, molybdenum, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, nickel, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, ninhydrin free, 1,371,381 —,nutriment-contg., preparation of, yeast and sugar for, 1,391,683 —,oil, removal from of, formaldehyde for, 1,247,516 —,—,—, process for, 1,247,516 —,oil cloth, imitation, made with, 1,140,174 —,paint contg., 1,382,617; 1,405,109; 1,505,043 —, paint, oil water color, contg., 1,827,928 —., paper, acid-proof, made with, 1,233,334 —,—, alkali-proof, made with, 1,233,334 —,—,coating for, made with, 1,505,043; 1,505,044 —,—,grease-proof, made with, 1,233,334 ? 1,166,674 ; composition of and, 1,183,446 ; 232 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Albumen, paper, waterproof, made with, Albumen, serum, protalbinic acid from, 1,391,154 1,233,334 ‘ —,shale, barren, clarian, separation of from, —, paste made with, 1,505,043 vues 1,499,872 —, pens aldehyde condensate made with, —, apyitrain, separation of from, using, 1,187,869 ~ 1,499,872 —, Epon acid compounds of, preparation —,—, Gea clarian, separation of from, of, 1,381,295 using, 1,499,872 —, photochemical processes, protection from, —,—,—,vitrain, separation of from, using, compound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 1,499, 872 . —,photoengraving process using, 1,285,015 —, shark skins tanned with, 1,230,266; 1,256,974 —, photographic emulsion made with, 1,505,043 —,shoe filler made with, 1,136,980; 1,138,909; —, photographic emulsion, protection from, 1,203,435; 1,227,696 compound suitable for, conte. . 1,511,874 —,shoe heel made with, 1,477,576 Bonn ee print, color, made with, —, as we made with, ae 6 —,shoe stiffeners contg., 1,415,378 —, photographic screen, colored, made with, —,size made with, 1,373,412 1,161,731 —,sizing contg., 1,276,206; 1,505,043; 1,505,044 aoe SE eee Oe ee oa LASS EA, 1 00R Fa gamultcolor screen for, made with, —,—,—, cellulose acetate, sizing of using, 1 506, 052 Tay affixing agent for, made with, —,—,cellulose ester, sizing of using, ee 506,0 052 —, placenta, metal compound of, 1,371,380 —,—,—,cellulose ether, sizing of using, —,plastic made with, 1,169,756; 1,183,446; 1,506 052 1,187,869; 1,274,728; 1,319,666; 1,360,356; —,—,—,cellulose nitrate made with, 1,398,525 iNaae ai de with, 1,157,493 ees woe oe ee ; -, made wi —,—, photographic, made with, 1,285,015; —,—,—,sizing of using, 1,506,052 1,497,272 —,—,—, viscose, sizing of using, 1,506,052 —, polish made with, 1,356,128 ; —, silver, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —,porpoise' skin tanned with, 1,230,266; —,skin tanned with, 1,256,974 1,256,974 —,soap sheets contg., 1,436,929 pea een ars eon mercury chloride, —, ee aa and mercury chloride, effect n, of on, 1,473,899 —, powdered, see Albumen, colloidal aes PUTA fluosilicate and mercury chloride —,printing, aluminum base for, grain screen aftaotian on, 1,473,899 for, made with, 1,265,641 LL Lai ea ¢ f d —, sodium perborate made with, 1,253,061 ih L265 C41 or, grain screen for, made __’ soluble, extraction of from whey, 1,381,605 —,— , intaglio, grain screen for, mad hoya /SOVe Deeas ROGie tao 1,265 641 e wi —,stencil made with, Laz) 157; 1,398,013 Ce ‘tho hj £ d ni as stencil, metallic, made with, 1,811,275 1265.6 graphic, grain screen for, made wit —,sugar solution, iron removed from using, —,—,stone base for, grain screen for, made stn ed le . . with, 1,265,641 —,—, purification of using, 1,150,194 Thee zine base for, grain screen for, made with, Cy aqua syrup contg., removal from of, 265,641 phd ; ; —, printing paste made with, 1,505,043 —, “ sweet water,” iron removed from using, —,printing plate made using, 1,243,431; Lema fs 1,302,919; 1,496,268 —, ogi fs using, 1, Fike ris are60 matin late, f a — syp ilitic, metal compounds o 11965 GAL Ht Brain sorcen 708 nada /with, —, dona ee nade Ta 1 ‘491 250 —,—, half-tone, made with, 1,154,643; 1,507,049 — technical, mfr. 0 eh ’ photo mechanical, ay ee with, ‘1,155, 186 — ‘textile, coating for, made with, 1,505,043; —, product from, dyeing textile fabrics in pres- 1,505,044 ; i ence of, 1,379,381 —, thallium, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —., properties of, 1,499,872 —, therapeutic product, protection from, com- —, products from, washing with, 1,379,381 pound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 ee estalbinig aac from, 1,391, 154 —, thyroid, metal compounds of, 1,371,380 Ae ase from, 1,412,438 sy ULL, eee: ate oe re (250 4 —,roofing made with, 1 183 446 — , tinting O 1smu errocyanide for. —, rubber, synthetic, made with, 1,238,930; 1,279, 276 1,248 888 —,— —, bismuth nitrate for, 1,279,276 — rubber-like substance made with, 1,415,468 . —,—, ’ bismuth sulfide for, 1,279, 276 —,sausage casing made with, 1,478, 968 —,—,cadmium ferrocyanide for, 1,279,276 —,serum, lysalbinic acid from, 1,391, 154 —,cadmium sulfide for, 1,279 276 INDEX OF ype tinting of, cobalt ferrocyanide for, 1,279 ,2 —,—, cobalt sulfide for, 1,279,276 —, copper ferrocyanide for, 1,279,276 —, copper sulfide for, 1,279,276 —, copper (ic) nitrate for, 1,279 276 —,—, ferrocyanide for, 1,279, 276 —,iron alum for, 1 279,276 —,—, iron ferrocyanide for, 1,279,276 —,—, iron sulfide for, 1,279,276 —,—, lead ferrocyanide for, 1,279,276 ,—, lead nitrate for, 1,279,276 —,—,lead sulfide for, 1,279,276 —,—, mercury ferrocyanide for, 1,279,276 —,—, mercury sulfide for, 1,279,276 —,—, molybdenum ferrocyanide for, 1,279,276 —,—, molybdenum sulfide for, 1,279,276 —, nickel ferrocyanide for, 1,279,276 —, nickel sulfide for, 1,279, 276 —, potassium ferrocyanide for, 1,279,276 —,—, process for, 1,279,276 —,silver ferrocyanide for, 1,279,276 —,—, silver sulfide for, 1,279,276 —,—,sodium sulfide for, 1,279,276 —,—, sulfide for, 1,279,276 —,—, tin ferrocyanide for, 1,279,276 —,—, tin sulfide for, 1,279,276 —, tungsten ferrocyanide for, 1,279,276 —, tungsten sulfide for, 1,279,276 —,—, uranium ferrocyanide ‘for, 1,279,276 —,—, uranium nitrate for, 1,279 276 —,—, uranium sulfide for, 1,279,276 —, ‘titanium, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 __’ tuberculosis, metal compounds of, 1371 ,380 —, tungsten, colloidal, made with, 1,491 250 —, ultra-violet filter, protection from, com- pound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —, ultra-violet light, protection from, compound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —, uranium, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —; vanadium, colloidal, made with, 1,491 250 —,varnish made with, 1,392,849; 1,505 043 — vegetable, alcohol made with, 1,227,374 —,—, cattle feed made with, 1,227, 374 —,—, coffee tablet made with, i 137 5265 —,—, food product made with, 1,160,783 ; 1,202,508 —,—, glucose made with, 1,227,374 —,—, halvah, made with, 1,202, 508 —,—, mfr. of, agar-agar ‘for, 1,289, 053 —— valgin for, 1,289,053 —,—,—, carbon, decolorizing, for, 1,289,053 —,—,— Iceland moss for, 1,289 053 —,—,—, ‘Irish moss for, 1 289, 053 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate, composition of and, 1,218,146 —, vitamin, compound of, made with, 1,480,520 —, vitrain, coal, bituminous, separation from of, using, 1,499, 872 — —,—, durain, separation from of, using, 1,499,872 —,—,fusain, separation from of, using, 1,449 872 —,—, shale, barren, separation from of, using, 1 499,872 —,—,—, carboniferous, separation from of, kane, 1,499,872 SUBJECTS 233 Albumen, wall covering contg., 1,313,658 —,waterproofing made with, 1,373,412; 1,400,579 —, waterproofing solution made with, 1,437,893 —, water-soluble, preparing, 1,415, 277 —,whale-oil, removal from of, process for, 1,132,710 —, whale skins tanned with, 1,230,266; 1,256,974 —, white, see Egg albumen. —, wood impermeabilized with, 1,356,015 —, wool, artificial, cellulose, nitric acid and for, mfr, of, 1,400 381 — X-ray screen, protection from, compound suitable for, contg. . 1,511,874 —, yeast made with, 1 AT5, 915 —, yeast, dry, made. with, 1,306,569 —,—, leather substitute made with, 1,287,387 —, zine, iron coated with, made with, 1,491 ool —, zine salts, precipitation with of, 1,472, 316 —, see also Casein; Caseinates ; White of eggs Albumen glue, shoe filler made with, 1,134,931 Albumen precipitating agents, cellulose ether, composition of and, 1,505,044 —, ethyl cellulose, composition of and, 1,505,044 — ' filament, artificial, made with, 1 505, 044 —, film made with, 1,505 044 —, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 —, methyl] cellulose, composition of and, 1 ,505,044. —,paper, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 —, plastic made with, 1,505,044 —, silk, artificial, made with 1,505,044 —,sizing made with, 1,505,044 —, textile, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 Albumin, see Albumen Albuminates, electroplating process employing, 1,464,149 —, galvanizing process employing, 1,464,149 —, indigo, dyeing with, ‘using, 1,239,526 Albuminoid, albumoses from, ferment for, 1,253,334 —, bottle seal contg., 1,299,389 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,134,527 —, fabric, water resisting, contg., 1,313,658 —, flax, retting of, using, 1,235,738 — hydrolysis of, 1 442,339; 1 AAD 340; 1,442,341 —, ivory substitute made with, 1,360, 356 —, peptones from, ferment for, 1,253 334 —, phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1 ,146,384; 1,146,385 —- phenol aldehyde doudennate substitute made with. 1,360,356 —, phonograph record of, 1,404,792 —, precipitating, tannin for, 1,410,809 — —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,146,384; 1 146, 385; 1,404,792 — removal from beverages, 1,441,726 — rubber, reclaiming of using, 1,189,282 _ thermoplastic made with, 1,134 527 —, vegetable, production of, 1,425 033 —, wall coverings contg., 1313 ,658 ~— water paint contg., 1,424 908 Albuminoid material, plastic material from, 1,360,356 Albuminous material, horn, artificial, mfr. from, 1,395,834 — starch, laundry, removal from of, process for, 1 148,453; 1,148,454 234. Albuminous product, mfr. of, alkali carbonate for, 1,169,634 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,169,634 —,—,bayberry oil cake for, 1,169,634 —,—,cocoa for, 1,169,634 —,—, cotton seed oil cake for, 1,169,634 —,kapok seed oil cake for, 1,169,634 —, linseed oil cake for, 1 169, 634 —,madia oil cake for, 1 169, 634. —,—, niger oil cake for, tt ,169 634 —, — peanut oil cake for, 1,169,634 —,—, poppy oil cake for, 1 169, 634 —,—, process for, 1,169,634 —,—, pumpkin seed oil cake for, 1,169,634 —,—,sesame oil cake for, 1,169 634 . —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,169,634 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,169,634 —,soya bean oil cake for, 1,169,634 —,—,sunflower oil cake for, 1,169 634 Albuminous waste, treating, 1 ‘442 339: 1,442,340; 1,442,341 Albumose, 1,491 250 —, bismuth, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 — blood pressure reducing substance prepared from, 1,399,535 —, chromium, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, ; cobalt, colloidal, made with, 1,491 250 —, copper, colloidal, made with, 1 491 250 —, electroplating process employing, 1,464,149 —, ethyl aleohol made with, 1,475,215 —,galvanizing process employing, 1,464,149 —, indigo, dyeing with, using, 1,239,526 —,iron, colloidal, made with, 1,491 ,250 —, ‘lead, colloidal, made with, 1,491 250 —, mfr. of, albuminoid and ferment for, 1,253,334 —,mercury, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, metal, colloidal, made with, 1,492 250 — molybdenum, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, nickel, colloidal, made with, 1,491 250 —,silver, colloidal, made with, 1,491 ,250 —, tantalum, colloidal, made with, 1,491 ,250 — thallium, colloidal, "made with, 1,491 ,250 —, tin, colloidal, made with, 1,491 ,250 — ‘titanium, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, tungsten, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, uranium, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, ‘vanadium, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, yeast made with, 1,475 215 Albumose solution, mfr, of, 1,489,181 —,— albumen for, 1,489,181 —,—, alcohol for, 1,489, 181 —,—, alkali for, 1,489, 181 —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,489,181 aluminum, colloidal, made with, acetone for, —,—,cocoa fat for, 1,489,181 —,—, keratin for, 1,489 181 ae process for, 1 489, 181 —, ricinoleic acid for, 1,489,181 —,—, * sodium chloride for, 1 489 181 Alcaji, see Alkali “Aleatroloid, ” alcoholic liquid, non-potable, mfr. from, 1,453 lA — , formula, tar or petroleum 100, sulfuric acid sufficient, alcohol 300, 1,453,374 —, fuel, liquid, mfr. with, 1,453 lA UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 “ Alcatroloid,” motor fuel mfr. with, 1,453,374 Alchornea cordifolia, anti-fouling composition contg. juice of, 1,392,068 Alcohol, abalone, imitation, 1,434, 157 — , absorbing, water for, 1,376,069 —, absolute, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,508,435 —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,508 (435 —,—,—, benzene for, 1,508 435 ,—, —, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,508,435 ,—,—, hexane for, 1,508,435 Toe process for, 1 350 254; 1,508,435 —, xylene for, 1 908 435 —,—, orn ae made translucent by castor oil and, 1,345,184 —, abrasive wheel made with, 1,427,844 —,acaroid solvent, 1,430,026 —, acetaldehyde made with, 1,143,714; 1,426,449 ; 4 454,609 —, acetaldehyde absorbed by, 1,426,449 —,acetaldehyde from, catalysts for preparing, 1 400,203; 1,400,204 —— , catalysts for mfr., producing, 1,375,345; 1 376, 665 — , acetaldehyde and hydrogen from, 1,375,345; 1 376,665 - —, acetamide, oleic acid, compound of and, made with, 1,475,477 —,acetic series, plastic made with, 1,512,024 — , acetoacetic-anilide-p-carboxylic acid, made with, 1,126,413 — , B-acetyl-4. 5-diketo-2-furyl-1-pheny]-pyrroli- dine made with, 1,148,637 —, acid-proofing made with, 1,234,381 ; 1,241,738 —, acyclic, cellulose nitrate solvent, 1 323 624 —, adhesive made with, 1,158 962: 1,389,084 ; 1 498,269 —, adhesive for, contg., 1,364,950 —, adhesive cement contg., 1,467,356 —,adrenal glands extracted with, 1,460 832 —,adrenaline made with, 1,399, 144 —,agar-agar, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —,agate, imitation, made with, 1,496, 198 made with, radium luminous material — ‘airplane dope conte., 1,156 894: 1 234,381 ; 1 920,290; 1,347,801; 1,363, 763: 1,366,256; 1 '388 825; 1,429, 295 : 1 ‘488, 608; 1 ‘496, 198 —, airplane dope made fireproof with, 1 309, 581 —,airplane fabric made with, 1,429 295 —,airplane fabric mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —, airplane fuel contg., 1,420,006; 1,420,007 —,albumen made with, 1 147 76 f —, albumen, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —,— , effect. on of, 1,262 808 —, albumose solution made with, 1,489,181 —, alcohol, absolute, made with, 1,508 A35 ——, coating impervious to, made with, 1,124,012 —,—, solid, made with, 1,317,950 -—,—, ’ solidified, made with, 1,266 080; 1,299,408 ; 1 313 876; L 329,583 ; 1 329 610; 1,484,190; 1 503 835; 1, 513, 746. —, aldol made with, 1,151,113; 1,261,811 —, ‘alfalfa extract made with, 1 195,152 —, aliphatic, benzylcellulose made 1 483,738 with INDEX OF SUBJECTS | 235 Alcohol, aliphatic, cellulose nitrate solvent Alcohol, 5-(aminoethyl)-imidazole-hydrochlo- contg., 1,439,293 ride made with, 1,178,720 —,—, ethyl cellulose solvent of chlorhydrin —,o-aminomethoxybenzoic acid, alkamine ester and, 1,444,406 of, solvent, 1,817,250 —,—, ‘ethyl cellulose solvent of ethylene chlor- —,p-aminomethoxybenzoic acid, alkamine ester hydrin and, 1,444,406 of, solvent, 1,317,250 —,-—, partial oxidation of, apparatus for, —,amino methyl sulfites purified with, 1,426,348 1,515,299 —, n-(4’-amino-1’-naphthy]) -p-toluenesulfona- —,—,—, process for, 1,515,299 mide, made with, 1,442,818 —,—, rubber, synthetic, made with, 1,218, 713 —, p-aminophenol, oleic acid, compound of and, — alkali acetylsalicylate made with, 1,129,953; made with, 1,475,477 : 1 ,217,862 —., 2-amino-1-(2’-phenyl-4’-quinoly])-ethanol —, alkali benzyl phthalate made with, 1,485,377; made with, 1,434,306 1,485,378 —,ammonium benzyl phthalate made with, —, alkali benzyl succinate made with, 1,485,377; 1,485,377; 1,485,378 1,485,379 —,ammonium benzyl succinate made with, sally alkali cyanide made with, 1,322,195 1,485,377; 1,485,379 _, valkali earth acetyl-salicylate made with, —,ammonium nitrate solvent, 1,503,835 1,217, 862 —,ammonium picramate made with, 1,472,791 —, alkali-proofing made with, 1,234,381; —,ammonium silver glycocholate made with, 1,241,738 1,161,866 —,alkamine amino-alkoxy-benzoic acid ester —,amphibies, preserving of using, 1,163,645 solvent, 1,317,250 —, amyl, see Amyl alcohol —, alkyl esters made with, 1,478,498 —,amyl acetate recovered by, 1,395,940 —,alkyl hydrogen sulfate made with, 1,484,249 —,amylaminophenylarsenic acids separated —, a-allyl-a.a-diethyl-acetamide made _ with, with, 1,440,621 1,482 343 —,tert-amyl vanadate solvent, 1,133,961 —,1-allyl-3.7-dimethylxanthine mfr. with, —,analgesic made with, 1,478,463 _ 1,415,700 —,anatomical specimens, preserving of using, —, 1-allyl-theobromine made with, 1,415,700 1,163,645 —, aloe extract made with, 1,167,230 os anhydrous, preparing, 1,417,477 —,aluminum, cork coated with, made using, — aniline, oleic acid, compound of and, made 1,376,737 with, 1,475,477 —,—,electro-plating of with, 1,256,954 —, aniline black solvent, 1,421,728 —,—, fabric coated with, made using, 1,376,737. — "9-anilino- anthraquinone made with, 1,238,932 —,—,insulation, electric, made for using, ~~” animals, preserving of using, 1,163, 645 : 1,137, 986 — animal, matter, sterilization of, using, — —,nickel plated with, 1,256,954 : 2) anthraquinone derivatives mfr. with, ae cree tissue, coated with, made using, 1 437.783 1,376,73 —,—,paper coated with, made using, 1,376,737 ae ate Geryaties eS —,—, silk, coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,anti-freeze compound contg., 1,442,330 —,—, wood coated with, made using, 1,376,737 __' anti-freezing mixture contg., 1,473,327 —, aluminum acetate, therapeutic compound of, eo anti-leak composition conte., 1,383,572 solvent, 1,132,709 _ ; —,anti-misting composition contg., 1,362,092 —,aluminum alloy, insulation, electric, made —,antimony trichloride solvent contg., for, using, 1,137,986 1,388,825; 1,418,609 —,aluminum chloride, catalyst, recovery of, — antiseptic ‘made with, 1,145 634; 1,425,882; using, 1,202,081 _ 1 425,883; 1,425,884 —,aluminum filings, coated, made with, —, antiseptic dressing made with, 1,177,014; 1,204,709 : 1 177,015 —,aluminum foil made with, 1,178,863; — -apple oil, synthetic, dissolved in, 1,436,290 1,225,044 —,aqueous, cellulose acetate solvent, 1,434,634 —,aluminum hydroxide, pectin, removal from —,aromatic; cellulose nitrate solvent contg., of, using, 1,497,884 1,439.293 —,aluminum oleate solvent, 1,393,833 —,—,side-chain, ethyl cellulose solvent, —,amber, imitation, made with, 1,199,798; 1,460,690 1,245,476; 1,263,284 —,arsenic compound made with, 1,191,580; —,amber substitute made with, 1,241,738; 1,506,460 1,386 576 —, arsenic compounds precipitated in wood by, —,m-aminoanisie acid, alkamine ester of, sol- 1,374, 806°” vent, 1,317,250 —, arsenical solution contg., 1,456,509 —, 2-amino-3-chlor-anthraquinone made with, —; N-(p-arsinosophenyl)- elycinanilide made 1,452,774 [ with, 1,280,121; 1,280,122; 1,280,126 . —, 6-amino-7-brom-5’-.7’-dichlor-indirubin made — , arsenophenylelycine formaldehyde deriva- with, 1,266,092 tive made with, 1,299,214 236 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alcohol, N-(arsenosophenyl)glycyl-m’-amino- Alcohol, benzyl ethyl cellulose solvent contg., phenol solvent, 1,280,122 1,454,960 —, N-(p-arsonopheny])a-phenylglycinamide —, benzyl lithium phthalate made with, made with, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —, N-(p-arsonophenyl)-a-phenyl-glycinureide —, benzyl lithium succinate made with, made with, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 1,485,377 31,485,379 —, N-(p-arsonophenyl)glycyl-m'-aminophenol, —, benzyl methyl cellulose solvent contg., sodium salt of, made with, 1,280,121 1,454,960 —,art gum made with, 1,315,246 —, o-benzyloxy-benzoic acid made with, —,asphalt, fireproofing of, using, 1,388,829 1,481,779; 1,491,779 —,“assphtlein ” contg., 1,471,566 —,benzyl potassium phthalate made with, —,atophan, allyl ester of, hydriodide of, made 1,485,377 ;1,485,378 with, 1,502,275 —,benzyl potassium succinate made with, —,—, benzyl ester of, hydriodide of, made with, 1,485,877; 1,485,379 1,502,275 —,benzyl sodium phthalate made with, —,—,zso-butyl ester of, hydriodide of, made 1,485,377; 1,485,378 with, 1,502,275 —, benzyl sodium succinate made with, —,—,n-butyl ester of, hydriodide of, made 1,485,877; 1,485,379 with, 1,502,275 —, benzyl succinate purified by, 1,439,605 —,—, ethyl ester of, hydriodide of, made with, —, betaine, vinasse, extraction from of, using, 1,502,275 1,219,226 —,—, propyl ester of, hydriodide of, made with, —, beverage made with, 1,250,095; 1,500,670 1,502,275 —,birdlime thinned with, 1,460,053 —, automobile top lining treated with, 1,412,014 —,p.7!-bis (dimethylamine) -thiobenzophenone —,bactericide made with, 1,145,634; 1,250,079; made with, 1,220,248 1,259,517 —,2.2-bis (hydroxy-phenyl) propane solvent, —,balata, filler for, made with, 1,315,246 1,225,748 ; 1,225,749 —,—, substitute for, made with, 1,315,246 —,4.4’-bis (methylamino) -3.3'-dimethylthio- —,balata solvent recovered with, 1,312,452 benzophenone made with, 1,220,248 —, barium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, bismuth acetyl-salicylate made with, —,base ball bat made with, 1,518,254 1,217,862 —, battery, dry, made with, 1,484,779 —,bismuth chloride dissolved by, 1,385,229 —,—,—, storing of using, 1,508,371 —, bismuth organic acids, mercury salt of, made —,—,electric, electrolyte for, contg., 1,134,093 with, 1,515,495 —,—, primary, cathode for, made using, —,bivinyl made with, 1,144,237; 1,282,906 1,243,111 —, black strap for producing, treatment of slops —,—,—, copper oxide depolarizer, made with, from, 1,357,138 1,506,425 —, black strap molasses for producing, 1,344,850; —,—,storagé, container for, made _ with, 1,344,851 1,306,679 —, blending with hydrocarbons, alkylene oxide —,—,—,electrode for, made with, 1,156,686; for, 1,446,872 1,439,994 —, block, building, contg., 1,305,993 —,—,—, electrodes washed with, 1,439,994 —, blood, colloidal, made with, 1,395,729 —, beer made with, 1,149,704 —,blood clotting substance made with, —, beer, removing from, of, 1,337,027 1,240,694 —, beer low in mfr, of, 1,482,422 —, boat mending composition made with, —, beer wort, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 1,389,084 —, belt made with, 1,503,453 —, boric acid, potassium chloride, separation of —,belt dressing made with, 1,315,246 from, using, 1,232,156 —, belting made with, 1,265,855 _ ‘ —,boric acid flux applied to solder with, —, p-benzaldehyde-arsenious acid made with 1,429,703 1,472,778 —,borice acid solvent, 1,829,148; 1,429,703 —,benzene made with, 1,282,906 —, brass, etching of with, 1,276,599 —,benzene separated from, 1,417,477 —, brake lining made with, 1,414,378; 1,429,267; —,benzene, solidified, made with, 1,223,153; 1,519,322 1,484,190 —, brake made with, 1,450,140 —, benzidine, oleic acid, compound of and, made —, b-bromethyl p-nitrobenzoate made with, with, 1,475,477 1,260,289 —, benzine, refining of using, 1,515,733 —, bromethyl-triethyl-arsonium-bromide made —,benzine substitute ‘made with, 1,256,537 with, 1,808,413 —, 3-benzoy]-4.5-diketo-1-o-methoxypheny]-2- —, bromethy]-trimethyl-arsonium-bromide phenyl-pyrrolidine made with, 1,148,637 made with, 1,308,413 —, 3-benzoyl-4.5-diketo-1 (or 2)-phenyl-2 (or1) —, (a-brom-iso-valeryl)-pseudourea-methy] -p-tolyl-pyrrolidine made with, 1,148,637 ether solvent, 1,126,432 —, benzoyl-ecgonine made with, 1,218,536 —,bronzing liquid made with, 1,488,608 —, benzyl, see Benzyl alcohol —, brush, bristle, made with, 1,259,031 —, benzyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,454,960 —,—, electric, made with, 1,177,119 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alcohol, buckhorn extract made with, 1,167,230 —, butane, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —, butter, coloring compound for, made with, 1,203,594; 1,224,910 —, buttons made with, 1,395,729; 1,470,637 —, butyl, see Butyl alcohol —,calcium acetyl-salicylate 1,217,862; 1,225,407 —-,caleium o-benzyloxy-benzoate made with, 1,481,779 —,calcium bicarbonate, 1,826,432 —, calcium chloride solvent, 1,145,186; 1,821,632 —,calcium ethyl b-keto-glutarate made with, 1,419,091 —,calcium hydroxide, 1,326,432 —.calcium phosphate precipitated by, 1,867,597 —,calcium hypochloride made with, 1,481,039 —,caffeol extracted with, 1,292,458 —, camphor borate made with, 1,478,690 —,camphor solvent, 1,165,148; 1,474,830 —,camphoric acid derivatives mfr. 1,406,547 —, Canada balsam solvent, 1,426,995 —,can-sealing composition contg., 1,386,620 —, canvas, fluid-proofing of, using, 1,356,267 —,caoutchouc, synthetic, made with, 1,146,253 —,carbon bisulfide, solidified, made using, 1,223,153 —, carbon black, compacting of with, 1,263,082 —,carbon dioxide, removal from of, 1,493,183; 1,510,873; 1,519,932 —,carbon dioxide purified using, 1,519,932 —, carbon monoxide made with, 1,256,623 made _- with, recovery with of, recovery with of, with, —,carbon remover made with, 1,205,264; 1,244,114; 1,287,589; 1,868,965; 1,372,639; 1,386,837; 1,455,574 —, carbon tetrachloride, freezing point of mix- ture of and, 1,243,149; 1,270,393; 1,270,894; 1,270,395; 1,270,396; 1,270,397 —,—, solidified made using, 1,223,153; 1,484,190 —,carbon tetrachloride freezing point. effected by, 1,292,743; 1,292,744 —., 3’-carboxy-4!-hydroxy-atophan made with, 1,181,485 —,carburant for, acetone oil in, 1,469,148 —,—,camphine in, 1,469,148 —,—,see also Fuel, liquid —, cardboard, composite, made with, 1,354,154 —,carragheen moss, colloidal, made _ with, 1,392,849 —, cartridge shell, paper, made with, 1,135,356 —,cascara extract made with, 1,167,230 —,casein, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849; 1,395,729 —,—, treatment of, using, 1,209,539 —, casein product made with, 1,375,624 —,casein product precipitated by, 1,881,295 —,casket, burial, finishing of, using, 1,481,433 —,castor oil solvent, 1,428,085 —, catalyst, aluminum chloride as, recovery of using, 1,202,081 —,—,for the mfr. of, chlorbenzene, made with, 1,189,736 ’ 237 Alcohol, catalyst, hydrogenation, made with, 1,159,480; 1,251,202; 1,482,740 —,—, nickel as, made with, 1,251,202; 1,829,323; 1,482,740 —,catgut, sterilization of using, 1,202,931 —,cattle food made with, 1,147,767; 1,147,768 —, cedar box substitute made with, 1,283,422 —,cement made with, 1,158,962; 1,354,154; 1,408,325; 1,496,198 —,cement, oxychloride, casting of using, 1,515,150 —,cephaeline allyl ether solvent, 1,219,575 —,cephaeline amyl ether solvent, 1,219,574 —,cephaeline iso-amyl ether solvent, 1,219,574 —,cephaeline tso-butyl ether solvent, 1,219,571 —,cephaeline propyl ether solvent, 1,219,573 —, ceramic ware, cleaner for, contg., 1,494,147 —,ceresin solvent, 1,277,904 —, cerium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,celluloid made with, 1,233,374; 1,364,342; 1,430,020; 1,468,820; 1,508,483; 1,508,484 —, celluloid, dyeing of using, 1,234,450; 1,248,468 —,—, fireproofing of using, 1,388,825 —,—,non-inflammable, made with, 1,496,198 —, celluloid article made with, 1,434,157 —, celluloid cement made with, 1,496,198 —, celluloid dissolved in acetone and, 1,388,169 —,celluloid solution thinned with, 1,332,349 —, celluloid solvent contg., 1,138,479; 1,140,174; 1,141,224; 1,146,391; 1,167,468; 1,181,758; 1,221,457; 1,366,256; 1,484,157 —,celluloid substitute made with, 1,153,596; 1,158,960; 1,160,063; 1,181,858; 1,181,859; 1,181,860; 1,185,074; 1,191,801; 1,195,040; 1,199,798; 1,200,886; 1,217,027; 1,234,381; 1,241,739; 1,242,783; 1,245,476; 1,275,324; 1,280,862; 1,863,763; 1,386,576; 1,420,028; 1,440,006; 1,501,206; 1,508,928; 1,512,751 —,cellulose made with, 1,509,273 —,cellulose hydrochloric acid solution of precipitant using, 1,141,510 —, cellulose, vulcanized, made with, 1,236,959 —,cellulose acetate made with, 1,236,578; 1,338,661; 1,478,137 —,cellulose acetate, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —,—,gelatin, separation from of, using, 1,196,799 —,—,glue, separation from of, using, 1,196,799 —,cellulose acetate (acetone soluble), made with, 1.241,995 —,cellulose acetate dissolved. by chloroform and, 1,338,661 —, cellulose acetate dissolved by diethyl phthal- ate and, 1,449,156 —,cellulose acetate dissolved by dimethyl phthalate and, 1,449,156 —, cellulose acetate dissolved by ethyl aceto- acetate and, 1,449,156 . —., cellulose acetate dissolved by ethyl succinate and, 1,449,156 . —,cellulosé acetate dissolved by triacetin and, 1,449,156 —, cellulose acetate precipitated with, 1,456,781 —, cellulose acetate lacquer contg., 355,978 —, cellulose acetate plastics mfr. with, 1420 028 | paix grrr, 3 p87 238 Alcohol, 1,009,116; 1,181,758: 1,181,859: 1,199,798 ; 1,242,783 : 1,286,172 ; 1,386,576; 1,421,289: 1,484,634 ; 1,454,961; 1,501,206 ; cellulose UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 1,153,596; acetate 1,156,894 ; 1,181,857; Re-14,338; 1,181,860: 1,201,260; 1,245,476: 1,303,563 ; 1,408,095 ; 1,421,290; 1,440,006: 1,463,864 ; 1,503,835; 1,195,673; 1,217,722; 1,258,913; 1,338,661 ; 1,420,028; 1,421,341: 1,454,959; 1,465,994; 1,508,928 solvent contg., 1,158,960 ; 1,181,858 ; 1,196,799 ; 1,236,578 ; 1,265,217; 1,363,763 ; 1,421,288 ; 1,425,580 ; 1,454,960 ; 1,480,016; —,cellulose acetate solvent mixtures contg., 1,357 447 —, cellulose 1,454,961 —, cellulose 1,421,289; —, cellulose —, cellulose 1,397,986 ; 1,454,961 —, cellulose aceto-nitrate butyrate 1,421,290; 1,400,196 ; solvent, 1,425,580; 1,454,959 ; solvent contg., 1,421,288; 1,425,581 ester, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 ester solvents, 1,283,183; 1,389,084; 1,454,960 ; ester substitute made with, 1,241,738 —, cellulose ether made with, 1,188,376 ether, mixed solvent, 1,454,959 —, cellulose —, cellulose ether plasticizer, 1,357,614 —, cellulose ether solvent, 1,217,027; 1,217,028; 1,357,614; 1,429,188: 1,437,792 ; 1,454,961 ; 1,473,217; 1,505,044 —, cellulose —, cellulose 1,392,849 1,389,084; 1,431,905; 1,450,714; 1,469,813; 1,473,218; formate; 1,411,708; 1,432,364: 1,454,959: 1,469,862; 1,473,219: 1,427,690; 1,434,465 ; 1,454,960; 1,469,863 ; 1,505,048 ; fibers made with, 1,509,273 colloidal, made with, —, cellulose formate precipitated by, 1,153,596 —, cellulose 1,153,596 formyl phosphate made with, —, cellulose formyl phosphate, precipitated by, 1,153,596 —, cellulose nitrate made with, 1,509,273 —, cellulose nitrate, 1,392,849; 1,454,414 1,357,865 —, cellulose nitrate colloidal, phthalate and, 1,449,156 made with, —, cellulose nitrate colloided with ether and, —, cellulose nitrate dehydrated by, 1,393,623 dissolved by diethyl —,cellulose nitrate dissolved by dimethyl phthalate and, 1,449,156 —,cellulose nitrate dissolved by ethyl ace- toacetate and, 1,449,156 —, cellulose nitrate dissolved by ethyl succin- ate and, 1,449,156 —, cellulose nitrate dissolved by triacetin and, 1,449,156 —, cellulose 1,308,346 nitrate dried with, 1,308,344 ; —, cellulose nitrate precipitated by, 1,438,395 —, cellulose nitrate coating made fireproof with, 1,309,581 —, cellulose nitrate explosive contg., 1,803,115; 1,392,851; —, cellulose nitrate lacquer contg., +865;978-——— —, cellulose nitrate plastic mfr. with, 1,357,876) 1,464,012 Alcohol, 1,124,012; 1,173,628: 1,190,807; 1,204,709: 1,266,073; 1,358,653; 1,398,239 ; 1,412,619: 1,431,900: 1,454,961; 1,474,830: —, cellulose 1,290,073 ; —, cellulose 1,421,289 ; —, cellulose —, chewing gum, chicle substitute, made with, 1,315,246 cellulose 1,129,770; 1,181,758 ; 1,194,095; 1,208,358 ; 1,283,183 ; 1,360,759 ; 1,398,525 ; 1,421,341; 1,434,453 ; 1,456,782 ; 1,484,004 ; nitrate 1,133,062 ; 1,185,514; 1,195,040; 1,212,770; 1,309,581 ; 1,377,761 ; 1,400,196 : 1,429,295; 1,454,959: 1,463,864; 1,496,198 ; solvent contg., 1,141,224; 1,190,806 ; 1,196,144; 1,262,825; 1,353,599 ; 1,382,077 ; 1,408,095 ; 1,430,020 ; 1,454,960 ; 1,472,830; 1,503,453 nitrate solvent of acetone and, 1,327,197 ; propionate 1,421,290 1,388,169 solvent, 1,421,288; xanthate made with, 1,251,237 with, 1,189,736 1,458,670 1,425,883; 1,425,884 solvent, 1,444,277 1,498,641 and, 1,498,641 1,498,641 1,498,641 —, 4-chlor-m-tolyl phenyl- tion of and, 1,498,641 and, 1,498,641 —, 4-chlor-m-tolyl-a-toluate, and, 1,498,641 with, 1,213,261 1,213,261 1,474,984; 1,494,147: —, cigar box made with, 1,283,422 —, citrus oil dissolved in, 1,353,169 —, cleaner contg., 1,123,709; 1,342,862; 1,473,529; 1,503,253 wood, 1,340,747; 1,363,481 SARL Nes a 4 V. 9 ) lp. | ( %7 made ° —,chicle substitute made with, 1,315,246 —,chlorbenzene, catalyst for the mfr. of, made —, 2-chlor-ethanol made with, 1,488,571 —, chlorethyl-hydrocupreine with, —, chlorinated compound made with, 1,425,882; —,chlorine-proofing made with, 1,234,381 —, 1-chlornaphthalene-3.8-dithioglycolic acid —, 1-chlor-4-nitro-benzene solvent, 1,515,364 —, chloroform made with, 1,203,032 —, chloroform, solidified, made using, 1,223,153 —,chlorplatinic acid dissolved by, 1,385,229 —, 4-chlor-m-tolyl acetate, composition of and, —,chlor-m-tolyl acetate solvent, 1,498,641 —,4-chlor-m-tolyl cinnamate, composition of —, 4-chlor-m-tolyl formate, composition of und, —,4-chlor-m-tolyl oxalate, composition of and, propionate, composi- —,4-chlor-m-tolyl propionate, composition of composition of —, 4-chlor-m-tolyl-a-toluate solvent, 1,498,641 —,cholic acid, compound of and, 1,218,209 —,cholic acid formaldehyde condensate made —, cholic acid formaldehyde condensate solvent, —, cleaning and polishing compound contg., —, cleansing compound contg., 1,342,862 —, cliche made with, 1,167,939 —,cloth, impregnation of, using, 1,158,965 —,clove oil solvent, 1,465,173 —, clutch facing made with, 1,436,158; 1,519,322 —, coal distillate, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alcohol, coal tar, clutch facing made with, 1,270,559 —.coating made with, 1,124,012; 1,241,738; 1,242,783 —,coating composition made with, 1,196,276; 1,244,777; 1,330,421; 1,355,985; 1,393,832; 1,476,016 —, coating impervious to, alcohol in, 1,124,012 —,—,castor oil in, 1,124,012 —,—, cellulose nitrate in, 1,124,012 —,—, dextrin in, 1,124,012 —,—, ether in, 1,124,012 —,—,methyl alcohol in, 1,124,012 —,—, olive oil in, 1,124 012 —, turpentine in, 1 124 012 —,—, turpentine, Canada, in, 1,124, 012 —, cocaine made with, 1,218,536 —, cocoa extract made with, 1,218,536; 1,235,450 —,coffee, soluble, made with, 1,158,431 —, ’ coffee extract made with, 1 "123, 827 : 1,123,828 —, ‘coffee tablet made with, 1 13%: 265 —, coke, recovery with of, 1,326, 432 —’ coke-oven gases for mfr. of, re i6 211 —, collar, linen substitute, made with, 1,256,240 —, colloidal fuel contg., 1 444,723 — ’ colloidal suspensions made with, 1,444 257 —, collodion made with, 1,352,121 —, collodion membranes treated with, 1,350,532 —,color lake insoluble in, 1,434,619 1,385,515; — ‘coloring matter made with, 1,164,036 ; 1, 164,037 —, composite article made with, 1,418,891; 1,441,133 —, composition contg. gliadin and, 1,316,854 —, composition contg. prolamine and, 1,316,854 —, composition contg. zein and, 1,316,854 —,compound, CxHwO2N2Br, made 1,518,710 —, —, CaHi00,NCl, made with, 1,138,670 *CasHuOiNs, made with, 1 138, 670 —,—, C2sH:s07;N2S, made with, 1 1138, 670 CuoHscOsNiSs, made with, 1,218, 655 —, ’ concrete, casting of using, 1 515, 150 —, concrete. surfaced using, 1 515, 121 —, ’ condensation of, calcium chloride for, 1 474,216 —,—, glycerol for, 1,474,216 —, potassium carbonate for, 1,474,216 —, process for, 1,474,216 —,—, zine chloride for, 1,474,216 —,constant boiling mixture of ethyl acetate, water and, 1,408,325 —,containers for, coating, algae extract for, 1,456,494 —,—,—, Irish moss extract for, 1,456,494 —,—, food made with, 1,206,379 —,copal solvent, 1,417,263 —,copper etching of with, 1,276,599 —, copper, finely divided, made with, 1,257,943 —,copper compounds precipitated in wood by, 1,374,806 —, copper gaskets, sealing of using, 1,341,952 —, copper powder made with, 1,876,961 —,copper(ic) chloride solvent, 1,145,186 —, cork, aluminum coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,gold coated, made using, 1,376,737 with, 239 Alcohol, 1,376, 737 —,—, metal coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, zine coated, made using, 1 376, 737 —, cork stopper made with, 1,234,093 —, cosmetic lotion contg., 1,408,384 —, cracking of, apparatus for, 1,212,620 —, calcium chloride for, 1,212,620 —,—,lead for, 1,212,620 —, process for, 1,212,620 —,—, zine chloride for, 1,212,620 —, creosote, fireproofing of, using, 1,888,829 —, crucible made with, 1,450,140 —,cumarone resin solvent, 1,332,860 —, cutting oil made with, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —, cyanide made with, 1,322,195 —,cymene disulfonic acid made with, 1,316,823 —, cymene-2-sulfonic acid made with, 1,316,823 —, dehydrating, 1,455,072 —,acid anhydrides for, 1,466,485; Re-15,783 —,—, alkali carbonates for, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 ae alkali hydroxides for, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —,alkali oxide for, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —,—, apparatus for, { 469, 447 —,—, calcium carbide for, i 000,254 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —,—, calcium oxide for, 1,350,254; 1,373,559 —,—, copper sulfate for, 1,466,485; Re-15,783 —,—,glycerol for, 1 459, 699 ; 1 469 447 1,466,435 ; cork, lead coated, made _ using, —,—, phosphorus pentoxide for, Re-15,783 —,—,potassium carbonate for, 1,350,254 —,—, potassium fluoride for, 1,350, 254 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,466,435 ; Re- 15,783 —,—, process for, 1,469,447 —,—,sodium for, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,466,485 ; Re-15,783 —,—,sodium sulfate, anhydrous, for, 1,466,435 ; Re-15,783 —, dehydration of, process for, 1,474,216 —, denatured, adhesive, made with, 1,515,439 —,—, albumen made with, 1,147,767 —,—~, alcohol, solidified, made with, 1,208,265; 1,299,408; 1,329,583; 1,829,610; 1,503,835 —,—, animal dip made with, 1,509,166 —,—,anti-leak composition made 1,883,572; Re-15,971 —,—,antimony sulfide, colloidal, made with, 1,412,438 —,—,antimony(ic) sulfide, with, 1,412,438 —,— battery, dry, made with, 1,484,780 —, depolarizer for, made with, ea ‘ASA 1780 —, —,—, storage, i 520, 889 —,—, brass, tarnish of prevention of, compo- sition for, contg., 1,146,336 —,— , camphor solvent, 1,210 987 —,—, can-sealing composition contg., 1,386,620; remover 1 422, 114 —,—, carbon 1,125,008 ; 1 148, 403; 1,372,639 —,—, cattle food made with, 1,147,767 with, colloidal, made separator for, made with, contg., 240 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alcohol, denatured, celluloid, glass, composite Alcohol, denatured, illuminating gas made WiGd body of and made with, 1 182, 739 1,128, 549 —,—, —, —, uniting of and, using, 1,478,862 —,—, ink containing, 1,439,658 —,—, celluloid solvent contg., 1,146, 336 — ink eradicator made with, 1,488,881 —,—, cellulose acetate, gelatin, separation from —; ink, safety, made with, 1, "439 658 —, insecticide made with, 1 509, 166 of, using, 1,196,799 —,iron, cleaning of, using, 1,211, 138 —, —., glue, separation from of, using, a. 196,799 —,—, ’ lacquer made with, 1,137,874; 1,437,170 —,—, cellulose acetate LOrrent contg., 1,160,979; —,—, lacquer, composition for, conte., 1, 146 330 1, 196,799 —,—,lactic acid made with, 1,147, 767 —,—, cellulose butyrate mfr. with, 1,425,580; —,—,leather, coating composition for, made 1 425 sl with, 1,487, 170 net cellulose nitrate solvent,.. 1,147,8503 . =: ‘patent, made with, 1,437,170 i 160, 979; 1,355,976; 1,437,170 —,—., leather roller treating composition contg., —,—, ceramic ware, cleaner for, contg., 1,494,147 1 403, 944 —,—, chlorie ether ‘made with, 1,510, 759 ny linoleum, laying of, adhesive for, made ——'cleaner conte., 1,165,027; 1,211,138; with, 1,515,439 1,472,402; 1,494,147; 1,501,086 —,—, linseed oil substitute made with, 1,244,777 —,—, cleaning compound contg., 1,429,978 —,—,machine oil, emulsion of, made using, —,—, coating composition made with, 1,244,777 1,230,599 —,—, container made with, 1,355,976 —,—, match, water-proof, made with, 1,127,410 —,—, copper, tarnish of, prevention of, compo-- ’ metal, acid-proof coating for, made with, sition for, contg., 1,146,336 1,207, 845 —. denatured, cork flooring, laying of, adhesive —,—;,—, cleaning of, using, 1,211,138 for, made with, 1,515,439 —_—,—,—, "tarnish of, prevention of, composition —,—, detergent made with, 1,211,188; 1,494,147 for, contg., 1,146,336 —,—, dextrin made with, 1 147 167 —,—, metal leaf made with, 1,160,979 —,—,embalming fluid contg 4 1 215,210 —,—,metaphosphoric acid solvent, 1,211,138 —,—,enamel made with, 1,137,374 —,—, methane made with, 1,128,549 —,—,enamel remover made with, 1,495,547 —,—, molded article made with, 1,167,468 ; —,—,ethylene made with, 1,206,222 1,500,303 —,—, fabric covering, 1, 124 ,087 —,—, naphtha, emulsion of, made _ using, —,—,fat made with, 1, 147, 767 1,230,599 —— fat, emulsion of, made with, 1,230, 599 —,—,nickel, tarnish of, prevention of, com- —,—,— hydrogenated, purification of using, position for, contg., 1, 146, 336 1,152, 023 —,—, oil, hydrogenated, purification of using, —,—,finish remover made with, 1,140,449; 1,152 023 1,145,980; 1,147,851; 1,147,852; 1,160,394; —,mineral, emulsion of, made using, 1,167,640; 1,167,641 ay 230, 599 Sse fier! covering made with, 1,515,439 —,—-, packing made with, 1,497,782 yo, ’ formula 1, celluloid, glass, uniting of and, —, paint made with, i 244 277: 1,515,439 using, 1,478, 862 .—,—, paint, anti-fouling, "made with, 1 ,200,162 —,—,fuel, gaseous, made with, 1,128,549 —,—,paint remover made with, l, 130, 499 ; —, liquid, made with, 1 248, 302; 1,480,368 ; 1,143,110; 1,143,111; 1,147,849; 1,147,850; a B16, 3 057 1 "189, 803 ; 1,189,804; 1,229,247; 1,328,080; —,—,—, solidified, made with, 1,329,610 1 ‘495, 547 —,—,gas made with, 1,470,848 —,—,panama hat, cleaning composition for, —,—,gelatin, cellulose acetate, separation of contg., 1,165,027 from, using, 1,196,799 —, —, paper, safety, made with, 1,177,787 —,—,glass, celluloid, composite body of and —,—,—,—,adhesive, made with, 1,177 187 made with, 1,182,789 —,—, paraffin, emulsion of, made using, —,—,—,—, uniting of and, using, 1,478,862 1,230,599 —,—,—, cleaner for contg., 1,494, 147 —,—,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, —,—,—/non-shatterable, made with, 1,210,987 1,414,189 —,—,—, strengthened, made with, 1, 182, 739 —,—,phenol aldehyde condensate solvent, —, —, glue, cellulose acetate, separation of from, 1 ,137, 374; 1,414,139; 1,500,303 te 1,196,799 —,—, phosphoric. acid, dehydrated, made with, —, glycerol made with, 1,147,767 1,499,611 —,—,glycol made with, 1,206, 229 —,—,—,—, solvent, 1,499,611 —,—,gold, tarnish of, prevention of, composi- —,—,phosphoric acid solvent, 1,211,138 tion for contg., 1, 146, 336 —,—, plastic made with, 1,497, 782 —,—, gold leaf, imitation, made with, 1,160,979 —,—,polish made with, 1 202, 495; 1,211,188; —,—, gum made with, 1, 147, 767 1,472,402 —,—, hand-washing compound contg., 1,441,100 ( printing plate made with, 1,377,509; —,—, hydrazanisol made with, 1,469, 586 1496.2 268 —,—, hydrogen made with, 1 128, 549 —, pyrophosphoric acid solvent, 1,211,188 INDEX OF SUBJECTS R41 Alcohol, denatured, record, phonograph, made Alcohol, 3.3’-diamino-4.4’-dihydroxy-arsenoben- with, 1 146,391; 1, 167,468 zene, alkali salts of, made with, 1,191,997 —,— ‘refinishing composition made with, —, diamino-dihydroxy-arsenobenzene-formal a 202 495 dehydebisulfite made with, 1,506,460 _—,— , refrigeration process using, 1,510,759 — , diaminodihydroxyarsenobenzene silver ox- —,—,resins, emulsion of, made using, 1 5,230,599 ide compound prepared with, 1,446,216 —, —, rosin solvent, 1,207 845 —, 4.4'-diamino-3.3/- -dimethyl-benzophenone —,—, rubber flooring, laying of, adhesive for, made with, 1,220,248 made with, 1,515,439 — (?)-dianilino-N.N’ -dimethyl-quinone —,—, rustproofing using, 1,211,138; 1,428,086 made with, 1,209,163 —,—,shellac solvent, 1 393, 290 — , diaphragm, porous, made with, 1,474,830 —,—,shoe lace tip made with, 1,512,162 —,—,sound reproducing, made with, 1,213 051; —,—,silver, tarnish of, prevention of, com- 1,289 007 position for, contg., 1 146, 336 — diarylguanidines prepared with, 1,446,818 —,—, soap, transparent, made with, 1,212,818 —, diastatic product made with, 1, 192, 584 - —,—,sodium cyanide separated from carbonate — ’ diazoaminobenzene solvent, 1 364 304 by, 1,337,019 _ ’ diazodinitrophenol made with, 1,460 5708 —,—, solidifying, 1,416,493 —, 2-diazo-4.6-dinitro-phenol made with, —, stencil made with, 1,244,188; 1,244,189 1,460, 708 —,—, stencil sheet made with, 1,196,098 —_ , dibenzyl succinate made with, 1,439,605 —,succinic acid made with, 1,147,767 —,, 6.8-dibrom-2-(2’-thieny]) -cinchonic acid —.—, sunflower oil, emulsion of, made using, made with, 1,350,408 1,230, 599 —,dichloracetal made with, 1,146,854 —,—, varnish remover made with, 1,189,803 —, p-dichlorbenzene solvent, 1,346 Oot —,—,tile flooring, laying of, adhesive for, —,2.2’-dichlor-4 A'-dimethylamino- 3.5.3'-5'- made with, 1,515,439 tetramino-arsenobenzene made with, 1,180,627 —,—,tire puncture healing composition made —,2.3-dichlor-juglone made with, 1,327,260 with, 1,128,282 nat , dichlorjuglone solvent, Laer 260 —,—,tire valve surfacing composition made —,didymium acetyl-salicylate made _ with, with, 1,487,677 1,217,862 ' —,—,valve surfacing composition made with, — N-diethyl-aminoethyl-m-aminoanisate made 1,487,677 with, 1,317,250 —,—,varnish made with, 1,137,374; 1,209,383; —,N-diethyl-aminoethyl m-aminoanisate sol- 1,437,170 vent, 1,317,250 —,—,varnish remover made with, 1,130,499; —,diethylaminoethyletheobromine solvent, 1,143,110; 1,143,111; 1,147,849; 1,147,850; 1,414,333 1,189,804; 1,229,247; 1,328,080 tsa diethylaminoethyl- theobromine hydro- —,—, viscose filaments treated with, 1,467,265 chloride solvent, 1,414,333 —,—, water-proofing made with, 1,127,410 —. N- diethyl-aminoethyl- -o-amino-p-toluate Pokus ; : made with, 1,317,251 ey OF ade using, 1-250,509 —, N-diethyl-aminoethyl-o-amino-p-toluate a aie removing composition made with, solvent. 1317251 | Lt SO wae conte., 1,401,907 —, N-diethyl-aminoethyl-p-amino-o-toluate solvent, 1,317,251 —, 3-diethylamino-1-propanol solvent, 1,193,649 —, digitalis, glucoside from, made with, 1,180,657 —,—,see also Ethyl alcohol; Ethyl alcohol, denatured; Methylated spirit ; Spirit, methy- lated Ma denaturing, paridine for 1386.2 16 sdigitotannates extracted from digitalis with, —, dental polishing device made with, 1,138,479 _ 3." . : —,dentifrice made with, 1,275,779; 1386252; fe ear aga eaa 1,435,498; 1,477,177; 1,492,299; 1,516,206 —, di-hexamethylenetetramine sulfosalicylate _ , desoxycholic acid, addition product of and, solvent, 1,133,916 1 252,212 —, dihydroanhydroecgonine ethylester prepared — detergent contg., 1,133,639; 1,824,764; with, 1,352,082 1 494,147 —, dihydroxycodeinone made with, 1,468,805 — , detonator made with, 1,194,095; 1,206,456 —., dihydroxycodeinone solvent, 1,468,805 —, dextrin made with, 1 147, 767 —, dihydroxy-diphenyl-dimethyl-methane alde- — , dextrin, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 hyde condensate solvent, 1,158,962; 1,158,963 ; — , diabetes, compound for treatment of, made 1,158,964 with, 1 520 673 —, dihydroxy-diphenyl-dimethyl-methane _ sol- —,2. 2-diacetyl-o -pyrocatechuic acid made with, vent, 1,156,969; 1,158,960 1 ,140,716 —, 5-5'-dimethyldibromindigo reaction with, —, 9.9’ diacetylamino-A? *”-neri-naphthothiopy- 1,412,038 ran-3(2)-one made with 1,498,913 —, dimethyldiphenylthiuramdisulfide made — , 3-dialkylamino-1-propanol solvent, 1,193,649 with, 1,445,621 —,dialkylbarbituric acid- diethylamine | made —., s-dimethyl- diphenyl-thiuram disulfide made with, 1,316,047 with, 1,445, 621 16 242 Alcohol, N.N-dimethyl-3-nitro-arsanilic acid made with, 1,163,496 — _dinitro-phenyl acetate solvent, 1,198,040 —,diolefin made with, 1,282,906 —, 55 - diphenoxyethyl-barbituric with, 1,217,446 — _diphenylamine, oleic acid, compound of and, made with, 1,475,477 — _diphenylamine solvent, 1,424,212 —, diphenylguanidine prepared with, 1,422,506 —,a.g-diphenylguanidine made with, 1,422 506 —, disinfectant contg., 1,154,925; 1,227 624: 1 228,926; 1,280,602; Re- 14 562: 1 ABT, 708 — , disinfecting tablet made with, 1,340, 661 —,distillate fuel oil, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —, distillation, fractional, 1,141,266 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,141,266 acid made of, apparatus for, —, distillation of, apparatus for, 1,136,559; 1,145,332; 1,199,371; 1,212,620; 1,225,226; 1,292,676 —.—,calcium chloride for, 1,212,620 —,—, continuous still for, 1,319,319 —,lead for, 1,212,620 —, process for, 1 145 oo2; 1,212,620; 1,474,216 , zine chloride for, 1,212 620 —, mH etitlation: residue, carbon, made with, 1,286,187: 1,287,592 —, distilling, 1,459,699 —, distilling, apparatus for, 1,427,885; 1,427,888 —,—, process for, 1,427,885; 1,427,888 —,dope made with, 1,347,801; 1,501,206; 1,508,928 — _ drying oil made with, 1,256,535; 1,256,536 —,dye applied with, 1,310, 518 —, dye dissolved in, 1,310 518 —,— , cinematograph film dyed with, 1,389,963 — ’ dye extracted by, 1,303,426 ; 1,337 673 —,dyeing process using, 1 333 700 —,dye solvent, 1,454,363 decolorizing, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alcohol, enamel, undercoating composition for, made with, 1 425 010 —,enamel remover contg., 1,133,639; 1 381. A85 —, enzymes, action on, preventing, sugar for, 1 412,378 —,—, altering characteristics of, using, 1,250,079 —, enzyme precipitated with, 1,298,599 ; 1,296,600 —,esters made with, 1,478, 498; 1 517 968 —,ester gum made with 1 242 161 —, estimating, apparatus for, 1 000,905 | — ’ etching ground of printing plates dissolved by, 1,430,347 —, ethane made with, 1,282,906 — ethanol-trimethyl-arsonium- -chloride made with, 1,308,414 —. ether made with, 1,159,032; 1,328,258 ; 1 74,772 —, ether, coating impervious to, made with 1 124, 012 —, ether, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —, ’ ether recovered by, 1,895,940 —, ether recovered from cellulose nitrate by, 1 393,713 —, ethyl, see Ethyl alcohol —,ethyl acetate from, 1,403,224; 1 425,624; 1,425,625 —, ethyl acetate recovered by, 1,395,940 —,ethy benzyl cellulose solvent, 1,454 ,960 —, ethyl bromide from, 1,429, 714 —, ethyl cellulose made with, 1,188,376 1,403,225 ; — ethyl cellulose .solvent ‘contg., 1,217,027; 1 217,028; 1,894,505; 1,395,905; 1 ‘A11 708: 1 ‘431 905 ; 1,432,364: : 1,432,366 : 1.432.367: : 1.432368: 1,434,465; 1,437,792: 1,450,714; 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961; 1,469,813; 1:469.862: 1,469,863: 1,473,217; 1,473,218; 1,473,219; 1,484,004; 1,505,043; 1,505,044 —,ethyl p-(di-(b-hydroxyethyl) -amino)-benzo- ate made with, 1,418,900 —,ethylene made with, 1,211,395; 1,282,906; 1,372,736: 1,400,959: 1,402,329: 1,402,336; 1,421,640; 1,456,590; 1,465,601 —,ethylene converted into, 1,339,947 —,ethylene glycol made with, 1,259,757; 1,259,758; 1,407,274 —,ethylene glycol di-p-nitrobenzoate made — dyestuft made with, 1,123,890; 1,128,368; 1, 138,670; 1,151,628; 1 174, 820; ¥.175,230; 4: 188 259 « 1,207,762: 1,209,580: 1,218,655 ; 1,221,849: ; 1,253,252; 1,261,858; 1,268,455; 1,280,648; 1,299,070; 1,826,367; 1,359,969; 1,387,596; 1,437,674; 1,449,681; 1,500,915; 1,503,194; 1,513,074; 1,518,665; 1,518,710 — , dyestuff, colloidal, made with, 1 A58 542 —, dyestuff recovered using, 1,303. 426 —, ecgonine made with, 1,218, 536 —, eggs, frozen, preserved with 1 398,860 —, eggs preserved using, 1,246, 392 —,electric current, variations of, record of, made with, 1 213, 6Las) 21,215 614; 1,213,615; 1,213,616 —, electric lamp leading-in wires coated by aid of, 1,422,443 —, electric light bulb colored with, 1,259,505 —, electrotype plate matrix made with, 1,222,138 —,elemi solvent, 1,430,543 —, embalming with, 1 318, 957 —, embalming fluid contg. ., 1,150,688; 1,495,196 —,emulsions, thickening of, using, 1,234 714 —,—, turbid, made with, 1 500 670 —, , emulsion-resolving reagent contg. , 1,454,616 —, enamel made with, 1,458,542 with, 1,260,289 —, ethylene solvent, 1,211,395 —,ethylene source, 1 423, 753 —,ethyl ether conte ¥ impurity of, 1,189,602 —, ’ ethylhydrocupreine- C-C- diallylbarbituric acid made with, 1,261,235 —, ethyl-hydrocupreine oxide sulfate made with, 1,458,670 —,ethyl methyl cellulose 1 454,959; 1,454,960 — ethyl phenyl | cellulose 1 454,960 —, 5. ethyl- 5-phenoxyethyl-barbituric acid made with, 1,217,447 — ethyl starch made with, 1,350,820 —,ethyl starch solvent, 1 350 820 — ethyl stearo-ricinate diiodide prepared from, 1 981,057 — ethyl 3.4.5-triacetoxy-benzoate made with, 1 222,345 solvent contg., solvent contg., INDEX OF SUBJECTS 243 Alcohol, ethyl tropinone-carboxylate made Alcohol, filament, artificial, viscose, made with, with, 1,419,091 1,251 237 —, ethylic, see Ethyl alcohol —,—,—,—, precipitated with, 1,260,508 —,eucalyptol dichloride solvent, 1,366,106 —, ‘filler, ‘wood, made with, 1,316 674 —, euquinine-C-C- diallylbarbiturie acid made —, ‘filler’ composition conte., 1,352 741 with, 1,261,235 —,film made with, 1 141 510; 1,181,859 ; — , evaporator for, 1,465,020 1 wa V9 ee | 241,738 : 1,242,783 - 1,347,801 ; —, explosive made with, 1,243,351; 1,306,440; 1,363,763 : 1,400,196; 1,437,792; 1,440,006; 1 996,463; 1,357,865; 1 410 868 1,450,714; 1,480,016; 1,484,004; 1 488,608 ; — _ explosive, removal. from of, process for, 1,501,206; 1,508,928 1,237, 551 —, film, motion picture, made with, 1,158,963; —,extraction from beverages, 1,343,587 1 364, 342: 1,455,428 — extractor for brew kettles, see Beer, dealeo-. —, —, — , blemished, restorative for, contg., holhzed, mfr. of, apparatus for 1,139 680; 1,139,682 —,eye shield made with, 1,332,349 —,—,—,—, restoring of, with composition —, olen acid-proof, made with, 1,233,334 contg. 9 1,149 A443 —, alkali-proof, made with, 1,233 334 —,—,—, colored, made with, 1,281,714 —,—,aluminum coated, made UsINe sl sO yo, bee —,—, dulling | of using, 1,502 482 —,—, coated, made with, 1,141,224; 1 165 229 wie —,—, fireproofiing of using, 1,388,825 5) b) bd —, colloid-treated, made with, 1,256 240 —,—,—,polishing of using, 1,334,655 —,—, gold-coated, made using, 1,376, owl —, —, photographie, made with, 1,345,184; —,—, grease-proof, made with, 1 233 oo4 1,357,614; 1,411,708; 1,419,379; 1,431,905; —,—,impregnating of, using, 1,327 4197; 1,432 364: iF 1439 366: 1,434,465; 1,493,000; 1,388, 169 1,496,198; 1 512, 751 —,—,lead coated, made using, 1,376,737 He ee developer for, contg., 1,472,048 —,—, metal coated, made using, 1,276 ot —., filter ene from, 1 147 991 —,—, printing composition for, made with, _ filter, ultramicroscopie, made with, 1,421,341 1,164,036; 1,164,037 —, filtration membranes treated with, 1,350,532 yoy rubber coated, made with, 1,184,015 —, finger print, taking of, using, 1,248,111 —,—, water-proof, made with, 1,141,224 ; —, finger print ink made with, 1.506,082 1,233,334; 1,327,197; 1,388,169 ; 1,388,825: —,finish remover made with, 1,145,365; 1,468,820" 1,147,852; 1,167,462; 1,167,469; 1,167,641: _ —,—, Water resisting contg., 1,313,658 1,172,773; 1,173,628 —) = zine coated, made using, 1 376,737 —, fire-extinguisher contg., carbon tetrachloride —, ‘fabric bonding composition contg. . 1,463,780 and. 1.243.149: 1270393: 1.270 394; 1,270,395; —, fabric coated with, 1,184,452 1270396: 1270397 —, fabric coating composition contg., 1,463,780 _fire-proofing ads with, 1,241,738; 1,261,736; —, ’ fabric fireproofed with, 1,261,736; 1 '388 825 1 388,829 — ’ fabrics scoured with, 1,435 864 Sa ; freproofing process using, 1,388 825 ies fabric ae Man ene 1,417,587 —,fireworks made with, 1,204 709 —,fat made with, 1,147,767; 1,147,768; —fish, preserving of using, 1,163,645 1 147,769; 1,147,770 —, A LS Reon of, catalyst for, made a wil ° plat extracted ftom a —, fish protein, colloidal, made with, 1,395,729 —, fat extracted from casein by mixture of ben- — , flavoring extract mfr. with, 1,403,473 zine and, 1,375,624 —, flexible material made with, 1,468,820 =, fat. hydrogenated, purification of using, —,floor covering made with, 1,273,536; 1,152 023 1,482,336; 1,483,856 _ — , fat ‘sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —, floor covering, slipping prevented of, using, —, fat reducing compound contg., 1,369 997 1,223,538 —, ‘fat removed from proteids by, 1,428, 820 —, flotation agent prepared with, 1,417,261 ; —, ‘fat solvent, 1,381,564; 1,405, 902 i 417,262; 1 417 263; 1,457,708 —, fat fractionally separated using ether and, —, flotation process using, 1,224 917; 1,246.665 ; 1 ,040,186 Re-15, 802; 1,350,364; 1 364, 304; 1,364,305; —, fat fractionated using, 1,340,186 1,364, 308: 1,417 261 : 1,417,262 ‘ 1,417 263 : — "fatty acids made with, 1 209 512 1,457,708: ; 1,508,478 —, fatty acids dissolved in, 1,342 590 —,food made with, 1,260,656 —,ferments, altering characteristics of, using, —, "food product made with, 1,150,691; 1,199,124; 1 5,250,079 1 275 324 — ferns treated with, 1,410,226 —, food product, sterilization of, using, — ‘fiber, parchmentized, made with, 1,236,959 1,250 079" » —,— rubber coated, made with, 1,482 336 a _ formaldehyde-urea condensate made with, —,—, rubberized, made with, 1 483 856 1 482,357 —,— , vulcanized, made with, 1.236 959 —, formation of, acetylene for, 1,421,743 -- ‘fiber product. made with, 1,236 460; 1,236,959 —,—,cellulose sulfite liquor ‘for, 1,315,889 ; — , filament, artificial, made with, 1,217. 028 1 AAI 243 | R44. Alcohol, formation of, ethyl sulfuric acid for, 1,385,515; Re-15,211 —.—,glycerol fermentation of sugars for, 1,425,838 —,—, olefines for, 1,464,152 —, formic acid made with, 1,235,426 —,friction fabric made with, 1,429,267; 1,519,322 —, fruit, desiccating of, with, 1,259,410 —, fruit preserved using, 1,246,392; 1,259,410 —,—, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —, fruit juice, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —,fuel made with, 1,299,408; 1,513,746 —-, fuel, artificial, contg., 1,313,876 —,—, Diesel engine, made with, 1,191,072 —,—, gaseous, made with, 1,128,549 —,—,liquid made with, 1,131,880: 1,420,006; 1,420,007; 1,420,622; 1,469,053; 1,471,566; 1,474,982; 1,480,372; 1,491,275; 1,493,874; 1,494,613; 1,495,094; 1,496,810; 1,516,757; 1,519,905 —,—,self-propelled torpedo contg., 1,512,354 —,—, solidified, made with, 1,329,610; 1,484,190 —,fuel emulsion contg., 1,482,178 —,fuel oil, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —,fumes from, collecting, 1,371,205 —,fumigating using, 1,250,079 —,furs, preserving of, using, 1,250,079 —,fur-glaze contg., 1,150,208 —,fur-skin, tanning of, using, 1,210,968 —,furfural resin solvent, 1,441,598 —, furnace tube made with, 1,130,533 —,furniture polish ‘contg., 1,438,118 —, galactose for producing, 1,358,129 —, gallocyanin, sulfuretted, made with, 1,188,259 —,gangue, hematite, separation of from, using, 1,244 884 —,—,iron ore, separation of from, using, 1,244,884 —,—, limonite, 1,244,884 —,garment, treatment of, using, 1,417,587 —,—, wear-proofing of, using, 1,417,587 —,gas contg., mfr. of, process for, 1,470,848 —, gas cooled during compression with, 1,320,167 —, gaskets, sealing of using, 1,341,952 —,gas, mantle, self-lighting, made with, 1,227,259 —,gas oil, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —,gasolene made with, 1,282,906 —,gasolene, coating impervious to, made with, 1,124,012 —,—,refining of using, 1,515,733 —,—,separation from of, process for, 1,365,048 —,—,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,365,048 —, —, solidified, made using, 1,223,153; 1,484,190 —,gas tar, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —, gear, made with, 1,870,666; 1,418,891 —, gelatin, cellulose acetate, separation of from, using, 1,196,799 —,—, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —,—, treatment of with, 1,206,189; 1,206,190 —, gelatin dispersed in, 1,392,849 —, gelatin solvent, 1,206,189; 1,206,190 —, gelatin substitute made with, 1,217,027 —. germicide made with, 1,213,465 —,glands, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 1,204,638 ; 1,453,374 ; 1,474,983 ; separation of from, using, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alcohol, glass, cleaner for, contg., 1,494,147 —,—, metal, Joining of and, using, 1,167,798 —,—, reinforced, made using, 1,223,135 —,—, unbreakable, made with, 1,342,267 —,glass stained using, 1,828,833 —,glue contg., 1,394,653; 1,894,654 —,glue, animal, solvent, 1,206,189; 1,206,190 —,—,—, treatment of with, 1,206,189; 1,206,190 —,—,cellulose acetate, separation of from, using, 1,196,799 —,—, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —,—,hydrolyzed, made with, 1,206,189; 1,206,190 —, glue softened with, 1,426,538 —,glycerol made with, 1,147,767; 1,147,768; 1,147,769; 1,147,770 —,glycerol, calcium lactate, removal from of using. 1,177,746 —,—, calcium succinate, removal from of using, 1,177,746 —,glycerol resin solvent, 1,443,935 —,glycerol solvent, 1,423,042 —,glycol made with, 1,259,757; 1,402,317 —, gold, cork coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, fabric coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, paper coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,paper, tissue, coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, silk coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,wood coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,gold leaf made with, 1,512,825 —,gold leaf, imitation, made with, 1,234,250 —,—, paper, attaching to of, using, 1,374,492 —,gold ore, flotation of, using, 1,224,917 —,—, treatment of, using, 1,224,917 ; —, gold thiophenolate made with, 1,207,284 —, grain, desiccating of, with, 1,259,410 —,—, preserving of, with, 1,259,410 —,granite, coloring of, using, 1,158,730 —,grease made with, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —, grease remover made with, 1,496,506 —, guanidine nitrate made with, 1,440,063 —,gum made with, 1,147,767 —,gum, artificial, solvent, 1,225,748; 1,225,749; 1,225,750 —,—, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —,gun powder mfr. effected by alcohol, 1,308 342 —,gunpowder mixed with, 1,464,012 —, gutta percha, filler for, made with, 1,315,246 —,gutta percha solvent recovered with, 1,312,452 —, hair, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —,hair cloth treated with, 1,484,669 -—, hair dressing made with, 1,489,388 —,hair remedy contg., 1,516,562 —,hard, see Alcohol, solid —, hat, hemp braid, dyeing of using, 1,206,189 —,—,—, sizing of using, 1,206,189 —,—, Panama, made with, 1,315,605 —,—, straw, dyeing of using, 1,206,189 1,259,758 ; —,—,—, sizing of using, 1,206,189 —,—, Toyo, made with, 1,315,605 —,hat sizing made with, 1,224,125 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alcohol, healing composition contg., 1,331,690 —,heater, chemical, made with, 1,506,322; 1,506,323 —, heating apparatus, catalytic made with, 1,202,199 —, hemoglobin, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849; 1,395,729 —, hematite, gangue, separation from of, using, 1,244,884 —, hemorrhoid remedy of ox gall and, 1,385,195 —,“ heptachlor-caoutchouc ” made with 1,234,381 —, herbs, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —,'4'5’-hexa-amino-arsenobenzene made with, 1,156,044 —, hexamethylenetetramine tetraiodide solvent, 1,226,394 —, hexamethylenetetramine periodide solvent 1,226,394 —, hexamethylenetetramine solvent, 1,170,391; 1,188,014 —,’-4’ 6’-hexanitro-diphenyl sulfide made with, 1,135,792 —, hides, tanned, treated with, 1,453,800 —, hide tanned with, 1,285,144 —, higher, motor fuel contg., 1,431,259 —,hog cholera vaccine made with using, 1,246,059 —, hops, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —, hop beverages made with, 1,149,704 —, hops treated with, 1,464,520 —,horn, imitation, made _ with, 1,245,476; 1,263,284 —, horn substitute made with, 1,241,738; 1,386,576 —, horse hair, artificial, made with, 1,181,859; 1,347,801 —, hydrocarbon, coating impervious to, made with, 1,124,012 —,—, Olefin, separation from of, process for, 1,365,048 —,—,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,365, 048 —,—,Trefining of using, 1,515,733 —,—, Separation from of, process for, 1,365,048 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,365,048 —,—, solidified, made using, 1,223,153; 1,484,190 —,hydrocupreine derivatives prepared with, 1,458,670 —,hydrocupreine derivatives soluble in, 1,458,670 —, hydrocupreine oxide made with, 1,458,670 —, hydrogen made with, 1,128,549; 1,211,395 ; 1,506,323 —, hydrogen and acetaldehyde from, 1,375,345; 1,376,665 —, hydrogen dioxide stabilized with, 1,128,637 —, hydrogenated compound made with, 1,425,882; 1,425,883 ; 1,425,884 —, hydrogenation, catalyst for, 1,159,480; 1,251,202: 1,482,740 —, hydrogenation using, 1,239,867 —, (6-(b’-hydroxy-ethoxy) -ethy]) -trimethyl- ammonium bromide made with, 1,518,689 —, 2-(p-hydroxy-m-methoxy-pheny])-6-methyl- quinoline-4-carboxylic acid made with, 1,138,936 3 1,199,798 ; made with, 245 Alcohol, 6-hydroxy-2-piperonyl-cinchoninic acid made with, 1,185,265 —,hydroiodic acid mfr. 1,380,951 —,hydroquinine C-C-diallylbarbiturie acid made with, 1,261,235 —, hypnotic made with, 1,478,463 —,hypophysis extract made with, 1,296,063 ; 1,296,064 —,hypophysis extract, 1,296,063; 1,296,064 —, illuminating gas made with, 1,128,549 —, incendiary composition made with, 1,382,805 ; 1,882,806 —,incense made with, 1,216,710 —, indigo derivatives, reaction of with, 1,414,335 —,indophenol solvent, 1,465,853 —,indophenol-sulfonic acid solvent, 1,128,369 ; 1,128,370 —, Ink contg., 1,422,957; 1,472,067; 1,506,082 -—,ink, mimeograph, made with, 1,198,442 —,—, stamping, made with, 1,421,728 —, insecticide contg., 1,456,509; 1,515,364 —,—, insoluble soaps wetted by, 1,430,998 —, insulation made with, 1,162,092 —, insulation, cable, made with, 1,315,246 —,—, electric, made with, 1,156,452; 1,159,257; with iodine and, solubility of in, 1,185,074; 1,194.201; 1,228,371; 1,234.381- 1,236,460; 1,286,959; 1,241,738; 1,245,981; 1,285,889; 1,315,246; 1,332,860; 1,370,666; 1,383,740; 1,392,849; 1,398,143; 1,413,144; 1,413,145; 1,418,891; 1,439,056; 1,448,556; 1,470,637; 1,496,198 —,—, heat, made with, 1,185,074 —,iodine solvent, 1,177,014; 1,177,015; 1,329,148; 1,405,999 —, 3-iodo-1.2-propanediol made with, 1,230,185 —,iron, antique finish applied to, using, 1,470,182 —,—, cleaner for contg., 1,268,237 —,-—, cleaning of, using, 1,211,138 —,iron, rust-proofing, with, 1,315,017 —,—, thorium alloy contg., electrodeposition of, using, 1,487,174 —,—, worn finish applied to, using, 1,470,182 —,—, zine coated, coating of, using, 1,221,046 —,—,—, painting of, using, 1,221,046 —,iron chloride dissolved by, 1,383,864 —,iron, cleaning composition contg., 1,387,645 —, iron filings, coated, made with, 1,204,709 —,iron ore, gangue, separation from of using, 1,244,884 —,iron ore reduced with, 1,256,623 —,iron oxide reduced with, 1,256,623 —, iron sulfate-chloride dissolved by, 1,383,264 —, isoprene made with, 1,282,906 —,ivory, imitation, made with, 1,199,798 ; 1,245,476; 1,263,284 —,livory substitute made with, 1,386,576; 1 482/357 —,]elly base made with, 1,513,615 —,kapok ‘treated with, 1,422,242 —, kerosene made with, 1,282,906 —, kerosene, refining of, using, 1,515,733 —,—, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —,ketone-aldehyde condensate +made with, 1,482,929. 246 — Alcohol, ketone aldehyde condensate solvent, 1,482,929 —, knobs made with, 1,395,729 —, koji made with, 1,192,584; 1,263,817 —,lacquer made with, 1,181,859; 1,185,514 ; 1,187,231; 1,195,673; 1,234,381; 1,241,738; 1,245,981; 1,275,324; 1,347,801; 1,354,154; 1,377,677: 1,397,986; 1,480,016; 1,488,608; 1,496,198 —, lacquer remover made with, 1,381,485 —,lactic acid made with, 1,147,767; 1,147,768; 1,147,769; 1,147,770; 1,157,402; 1,177,746 —,lactose solutions, thickening of, using, 1,234,714 —, lake, colloidal, made with, 1,458,542 —, lamp, tungsten filament, made with, 1,205,002 —,lampblack, compacting of with, 1,263,082 —,larve, killing of, using, 1,250,079 —, lead, cork coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, fabric coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, paper coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, paper, tissue, coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,silk, coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,wood coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —, lecithin made with, 1,150,691 —,lecithin solvent, 1,464,557 —,leprosy, substance for treatment of, made with, 1,250,345 —,leather made with, 1,200,146 —,leather, artificial, made with, 1,140,174; 1,141,224; 1,181,859; 1,190,806; 1,190,807; 1,217,123; 1,234,381; 1,242,622; clas hie ag Bs 1,275,324; 1,355,985; 1,392,849 —,—,—, dyeing of using, 1,186,052 —,—,—,made fireproof with, 1,309,581 —,—,—, permeabilized with, 1,427,754 —,—,—, viscose, made with, 1,251,237 —,—, coating of, made with, 1,165,222 ,—, dressing for, made with, 1,128,926 ; 1,158,962 —,—, enameled, repairing of, using, 1,226,146 —,—, finishing of, using, 1,234,494 —,—, finishing the edge of, using, 1,181,758 — —,—,impregnation of, using, 1,158,965; 1,327,197; 1,388,169 —,—, patent, made with, 1,226,146 —,—,waterproofing of, using, 1,327,197; 1,388 .169 —,leather dyeing composition contg., 1,845,234 —,leather substitute made using, 1,141,545; 1,256,240; 1,281,650; 1,482,336; 1,483,856 —,ligature, cat-gut, preserving of, 1,168,173; 1,168,174 —,—, surgical, sterilization of, using, 1,168,173; 1,168,174 —,light, pulsation of, record of, made with, 1,213,613; 1,213,614; 1,213,615; 1,213,616 —,light transforming composition made with, 1,188,655; 1,188,775; 1,188,776; 1,188,777; 1,196,144 —,limonite, gangue, separation from of, using, 1,244,884 . —, linoleum made with, 1,225,954 — linseed oil substitute made with, 1,244,777; 1,256,535; 1,256,536 —,liquids, fermented, recovery from of, 1,364,160 using, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alcohol, liquids cooled with, 1,485,142 —, liquid dam preparation conig., 1,147,091 —, liquor, removal from of, process for, 1,249,480 —, lithographic engraving made using, 1,129,901 —, lithographic ink contg., 1,406,837 —, lithographic solution contg., 1,483,111 —,lithopone, colloidal, made with, 1,458,542 —,lithium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,129,953; 1,217,862 —,lithium chloride solvent, 1,455,428 —,a-lobeline made with, 1,505,181 —,logwood infusion contg., 1,334,722 —,lower aliphatic, acetic esters of, ethyl cel- lulose solvent contg., 1,464,169; 1,464,170 —,lubricant made with, 1,185,682; 1,226,165; 1,246,869; 1,500,193 —, lubricant, non-metallic gears, contg., 1,304,477 —, lubricating, of, 1,509,326 —, lubricating oil made using, 1,509,325 —,lubricating oil, paraffin, recovery of from, using, 1,509,326 —,—,—,removal of from, using, 1,509,325 —,magnesium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, magnesium o-benzyloxy-benzoate made with 1,491,779 —, magnesium 1,436,231 —,make-ready made with, 1,146,928 —,maline, water-proofing of using, 1,133,062 —,mannite made with, 1,175,747 —,d-mannose solvent, 1,478,588 —, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,245,818 —,—,air for, 1,392,886; Re-15,789; 1,517,968 —,—,albumin, animal, for, 1,227,374 —,—,vegetable, for, 1,227,374 —,aldehydes for, 1,247,629; 1,410,223 —, alkali for, 1,511,754 —,—,alkali carbonate for, 1,245,818; 1,253,055 —,—,alkali earth carbonate for, 1,253,055 —,—, alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,253,055 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,201,850; 1,245,818; 1,253,055 —,—, alkyl formates for, 1,302,011 —,alkyl halide for, 1,253,055 —, amines for, 1,511,754 carbonate decolorizing of, using, chloride, solubility of in, —— ’ b d > ’ bf —,—, ammonium 511,754 —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,245,818 —,—, ammonium phosphate for, 1,511,754 —,—, ammonium 1 for, 1,245,818; sulfate for, 1,227,374; (245,818; 1,511,754 —,—,amyl alcohol for, 1,247,629 —,-—, apparatus “for, 1,139,507; 1,140,502 ; 1,140,882; 1,165,368; 1,168,785; 1,210,250; 1,225,226; 1,339,489; 1,362,875; 1,374,928; 1,392,886; Re-15,789; 1,472,119; 1,499,363; 1,500,080 —,—,asbestos for, 1,201,850 —,—,asphalt for, 1,517,968 —,—, bacteria for, 1,315,585 ,—, bacteria, Fitz type, for, 1,315,585 —)—,—- lactic acid for, 1,511,734 —,—,—, Bacillus macerans, for, 1,169,322 —,—,—, Bacillus mesentericus for, 1,227,374 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alcohol, mfr. of, bacteria, Bacillus subtilis, for, 1,227 37 4 —,—, bacteria enzvmes for, 1,227,374 ’ bagasse for, 1,170,487 —,—, barium chloride for, 1,511,754 —; bark for, 1,202,317 —,— ’ barley for, 1,227,374 —, benzene for, 1,365,046 —,—, berry for, 1,472,119 —,—, brass as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—, ‘ealeium acetate for, 1,298 476: 1,298,477; gs 478; 1,298,479; 1 298, 480: 1 298, ‘481 a, calcium carbonate for, 1 253 055; 1 283, 183 —, calcium chloride for, ‘1,511 754 —,calecium formate for, 1,221 ,667 — ‘calcium hydroxide for, 1,196,290; 202, 317; 1,253,055 ane calcium oxide for, 1.165, 368 ; 1,202,317 - 1,283,183 —, carbon, activated, as catalyst for, 500,080 —,—,—, decolorizing, for, 1,511,754 —,—, carbon bisulfide for, 1,365,046 —,—, ‘carbon dioxide for, 1,201 850 —,—, ‘carbon dioxide as catalyst for, 1,892,886; Re-15 789 —,—, carbon monoxide for, 1,201,850 —,—, ’ casein 10%, 1227374 = ieee carbohydrate for, 1,140 882 1 —,--,cellulose for, 1,140,882; 1,218,954; 1,241,789; 1,348,731; 1,362,875; 1,374,928 —,—,cellulose, sulfite, by-product, for, 1,153,834 —,—,cellulose soda liquor for, 1,196,290; 1,396,028 —,—, cellulose soda-sulfate liquor for, 1,499,363 —, cellulose sulfate liquor for, 1,196,290 —,—,cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,130,192; 1,139, 5O7; 1,143,714; 1,153,834; 1,155,256; PVs 5,423: 1,202:317: : 1,269,287 ; 1,298,476; 1,298,477; 1,298,478; 1,298,479; 1,298,480; 1,298,481; 1,396,028; 1,445,603; 1,510,195; 1,510,196 —,—, cereal for, 1,245,818 —,-, cerium for, 1 201 800 —,—, cerium compound for, 1,201,850 —,—, cerium oxide for, 1,201 850 —,—, ’ chalk for, 1,169,322 ' 1,283,183 —,—,charcoal, cocoanut, as catalyst 1,500,080 —,—, chlorine for, 1,221,667 —, chloroform for, 1,365,046 —,—,chromium for, 1,201,850 —,—, chromium compounds for, 1,201,850 —,—, ’ chromium oxide for, 1,201 850 —,—, ’ chromium oxide as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—, cobalt for, 1,201,850 —, —, cobalt as catalyst for, 1,247,629 —,—, cobalt compound for, 1,201 850 —,—, cobalt oxide for, 1 201 850 —,—, coke for, 1,365, 046 —, copper, iron coated with, for, 1,201,850 —,—, copper as catalyst for, 1 500 080; 1 517 968 —,—, copper oxide as catalyst for, 1,517, 968 —,—,corn for, 1,169,322; 1,227 374; 1,245,818; a. 585 —,corn fibrin for, 1,227,374 —,—, corn stalks for, 1,510,855 for, R47 Alcohol, mfr. of, cotton for, 1,218,954 —,—, cotton stalks for, 1,510 855 —_,— cyclohexanol for, 1,247 629 —,—, cytases for, 1,227 374 —,—, ’ diastatic substance for, 1,245,818 —,—,diatomaceous earth for, 1,201,850; 1,510,195; 1,510,196 —,—, distillery slop for, 1,283,183 —,—,durra for, 1,315 585 —,—, enzymes for, 1 210 250; 1,227,374 —,—, enzyme, proteolytic for, 1 227 374 —,—, ether for, 1,365,046 —,—, ethyl alcohol for, 1,247,629 —,—, ethylene for, 1,385, 515: Re-15,211 —,—, fabric for, 1,510, 195 —,—, fat for, 1,517, 968 —,— , ferment, ‘butyric for, 1,283,183 —,—,—, Bacillus butyricus for, 1,283,183 —,—,—, lactic, for, 1,283,183 —,—, fermentation process for, 1,140,882; 910,195; 1,510,196 —,—, flax for, 1,315 085 ae formaldehyde for, 1,227,374 —,—, formate for, 1,221 667 —,—, fructose for, 1511 4154 —,—, garbage for, 1,140,502 ; 1,165,368 ; 1,210, 250; 1,440 27 —,—, easolene for, 1,221,267; 1,365,045; heya, 046 —,gasolene, casing head, for, 1,221,667 —,—,—, chlorinated, Lomel 221 667 —, gilsonite for, 1 517, ‘968 —, glucose for, 1 210 250; 1,374,928; 1,511,754 —,—, glucose and mannitic ‘leaven for, 1 175 147 —,—,glycerol for, 1,247,629 —,—, grain for, 1 245 818: 1,472,119 —,—, gravel for, 1 365 046 —,—, grease for, 1 517 968 —, gun- -powder mill refuse for, 1,165,368 —-,—,hydrocarbon for, 1,365 043: 1 365 044; 1,483, 835; 1,500,080 —,—, hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,365,044; 1,365,046; 1,483,835; 1 ly, ,968 —,—,— , unsaturated, for, 1,365, 043 —,—,— , unsaturated, and sulfuric acid for, 1,365, 043 —,—, hydrocellulose for, 1,218,954 —,— , hydrochloric acid for, 1,218,954 ; 1,227,374; 1 283, 183; 1,862,875; 1 374, 928 —,— —, hydrogen for, 1 201 850; 1 283 4183. —,—, hydrosulfites for, 1,511,754. —, hyposulfites for, 1,511,754 —)—, iron, copper coated, for, 1,201,850 —, —, iron as catalyst for, 1 247 629; 1,517,968 —,—, iron compounds for, 71 51l 154 —,—, iron hydroxide for, 1 196 290 —,—, iron sulfate for, 1,511 754 1,247,629 ; —, iron (ous) sulfate for, 1,511,754 —,—, iron vanadate as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,— ‘kelp for, 1,168,785 —,—, "kerosehe for, 1,517,968 —,—, ketones for, 1 247 629; 1,283,183 —,— ; kieseleuhr for, 1,510, 195; 1 510, 196 —,—, koji for, 1,245, 818 —,—, koji extract for, 1,245,818 +. —, —, ligno-cellulose . for, 1 218 954 248 Alcohol, mfr. of, lime for, 1,165,368; 1,339,489; 1,511,754 —,—, magnesia for, 1,201,850; 1,511,754 —,—, magnesium acetate for, 1,511,754 —,—, magnesium chloride for, 1,511,754 —,—,magnesiumhydroxide for, 1,196,290 —,—, magnesium sulfate for, 1,511,754 —,—, malt for, 1,210,250; 1,245,818 —,maltose for, 1,511,754 —,manganese for, 1,201,850 —, manganese compound for, 1,201,850 —, manganese oxide for, 1,201,850 —,—, manganese sulfate for, 1,511,754 —,mannitic leaven and glucose for, 1,175,747 —,—, mercury vapor light for, 1,140,882 —,methy] alcohol for, 1,221,667 —,—,molasses for, 1,210,250; 1,283,183; 1,376,662; 1,511,754 —,—, molasses, potassium compounds from waste resulting from, 1,342,737 —,—, molybdenum for, 1,201,850 —,—,molybdenum compound for, 1,201,850 —,—,molybdenum compound as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—, molybdenum oxide for, 1,201,850 —,—, nickel as catalyst for, 1,247,629; 1,283,183 —,—, nickel carbonate as catalyst for, 1,247,629 —,—,nickel oxide as catalyst for, 1,247,629; 1,283,183 —,—,nipa palm sap for, 1,256,758 —,—, nitric acid as catalyst for, 1,392,886; Re-15,789 —,—, nitrogen oxides as catalyst for, 1,892,886 ; Re-15,789 —,—, nut for, 1,472,119 —,—,oats for, 1,169,322; 1,315,585 —,—, oil gas for, 1,517,968 —,—, olefines for, 1,865,046; 1,407,770; 1,412,233 —,—, osmium for, 1,201,850 —,—, osmium compound for, 1,201,850 —,—,osmium oxide for, 1,201,850 —,—, oxycellulose for, 1,218,954 1,392,886; ~ eC ew eh elf wv Nor ~ —,—,oxygen for, Re-15,789 ; 1,500,080; 1,517,968 —,—, oxygen compounds, gaseous, as catalyst for, 1,392,886; Re-15,789 —,—, palladium for, 1,201,850 —,—, palladium, colloidal, for, 1,283,183 —,—, palladium as catalyst for, 1,283,183 —,—, palladium compound for, 1,201,850 —,—, palladium oxide for, 1,201,850 —,—, peat for, 1,510,195 —,—,petroleum for, 1,221,667; 1,365,044; 1,517,968 —,—, phenols for, 1,247,629 —,—, phosphates for, 1,511,754 —,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,218,954; 1,245,818; 1,283,183; 1,517,968 —,—,pine wood for, 1,472,119 —,—, plant for, 1,472,119 —,—,potassium carbonate for, 1,201,850 —,—, potassium formate for, 1,221,667 —,—, potassium nitrate for, 1,165,368 —,—,potassium sulfate for, 1,511,754 —,—, potato for, 1,169,822; 1,315,585 —,—, potato peelings for, 1,226,852 1,365,048; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alcohol, mfr. of, 1,140,502; 1 1,165,368; 1 1,196,290; 1 1218954; 1 1 1 1,139,507 ; 1,155,256 ; 1,170,487 ; 1,210,250; 1,241,789 ; 1,283,183 ; 1,365,044; Re-15,789 ; 1,483,835 ; 1,510,195; 1,517,968 process for, 140,882; 1,153,834; 168,785; 1,169,322; 201,850; 1,202,817; 221,667; 1,227,374; 247,629; 1,253,055; 362,875; 1,365,043; 1,374,928; 1,892,886; | 1,459,699; 1,472,119; 1,499,363; 1,500,080; 1,502,896; 1,510,196; 1,510,855; 1,511,754; —,—, pumice for, 1,201,850 —,—,pyrosulfurie acid for, 1,365,044 —,—,rice for, 1,227,374; 1,315,585 —,—,rye for, 1,169,322; 1,227,374; 1,315,585 —,—,sawdust for, 1,140,502; 1,202,317; 1,310,376; 1,510,195; 1,510,196 1,245,818: 1, 1,339,489 ; 1,365,046; 1,438,123; —,—,seed for, 1,472,119 —,—, sewage sludge for, 1,165,368 —,—,shrub for, 1,472,119 —,—,silver chromate as catalyst for, 1,517,968 ,—, sodium acetate for, 1,511,754 —,—,sodium bicarbonate for, 1,511,754 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,227,374; 1,253,055; 1,511,754 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,165,368; 1,227,374; 1,245,818 —,—,sodium formate for, 1,221,667 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,196,290; 1,201,850; 1,253,055 —,—,sodium hyposulfite for, 1,511,754 —,—,sodium nitrate for, 1,165,368 —,—,sodium phosphate for, 1,511,754 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,227,374 —,—,sodium sulfite for, 1,511,754 —,—,soya bean for, 1,227,374 ,—, soya bean cake for, 1,227,374 ,—, starch, saccharified, for, 1,511,754 —,—,steam for, 1,210,250; 1,365,043; 1,517,968 —,—, straw for, 1,510,855 —,—,saccharose for, 1,511,754 —,—, sugars for, 1,310,376; 1,511,754 —,—,sugar, grape, for, 1,511,754 —,—,—, invert, for 1,511,754 —,—,sugar solutions for, 1,510,195; 1,510,196 —,—, sulfites for, 1,511,754 —,—, sulfite liquor from, 1,364,418 —,—, sulfoxylates for, 1,511,754 —,—,sulfur oxides as catalyst for, 1,392,836; Re-15,789 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,218,954; 1,245,818; 1,283,183; 1,839,489; 1,365,043; 1,365,044; 1,365,046; 1,874,928; 1,483,835; 1,510,195; 1,517,968 3 —,—, sulfuric acid, fuming, for, 1,365,044 —,—,sulfurous acid for, 1,245,818; .1;374,928; 1,510,195 he —,—, syrup for, 1,511,754 —,—, titanium for, 1,201,850 — —, titanium compound for, 1,201,850 —,—, titanium oxide for, 1,201,850 —,—, toluene for, 1,365,046 —,—, ultra-violet ray for, 1,140,882 —,—, vanadium oxide as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—, vegetable matter for, 1,502,896; 1,510,855 —,—,waste from glycerol recovered from 1,423,042 INDEX OF Alcohol, mfr. of, waste from glycerol recovered from, utilization of, 1,396,006 —,—,—,see also Distillery waste —,—, water for, 1,365,046 —,—, wheat for, 1,227,374; 1,315,585 —,—, whey for, 1,283,183 ,—, whiskey, sour mash, for, 1,283,183 —,—, wood for, 1,202,317; 1,218,954; 1,241,789; 1,310,376; 1,339,489; 1,374,928; 1,472,119 —,—,charcoal, wood for, waste products pro- ducing, 1,869,428 =, —, —, hard, for 1,241,789 —,—, wood grinding waste water for, 1,339,489 —,—, wood shavings for, 1,510,195 —,—, yeast for, 1,139,507; 1,140,882; 1,510,195; 1 510,196; 1,511,754 —, yeast, boiled, for, 1,227,374 ,—, — ultra-violet ray immune, for, 1,140,882 —,—, yeast makers slop for, 1,283,183 —,—, zine for, 1,201,850 —,—,zine carbonate for, 1,283,183 —,—,zine compound for, 1,201,850 —,—, zine hydroxide for. 1,196,290 —,—, zine oxide for, 1,201,850 —, marble, coloring of using, 1,158,730 —,—,imitation, made with, 1,199,798; 1,245,476 —,marble stained with, 1,293,832 —, mastic, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —, match substitute contg., 1,422,698 —, material, resinous, dissolved in, 1,305,790 —,meal, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —, meat, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 _—, meat-extract treated with, 1,442,340 —, medical compound contg., 1,889,677 —,medicated pencil made with, 1,280,580 —,medicinal compound made with, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —, medicine contg., 1,455,485 —, medicine, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —,membranes made with, 1,421,341 —, mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —,menses increasing extract from corpus- luteum made with, 1,318,698; 1,318,699 —,mercury(ic) chloride removed from organic compounds by, 1,455,495 —,mercury(ic) potassium iodide solvent, 1,202,931 —,metal, acid-proof coating for, made with 1,207,845 —,—,cleaner for, contg., 1,268,237 —,—, cleaning of, using, 1,211,138 —,—, coating for, made with, 1,124,012; 1,165,222; 1,185,074 —,—, colloidal, precipitated by, 1,460,012 —,—, cork coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —, metal, etching of with, 1,276,599 —,—, fabric coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, glass, joining of and, using, 1,167,798 —,—,paper, tissue, coated with, made using 1,376,737 —,—, paper coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—;porcelain, joining of and, using, 1,167,798 —,—,silk coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,wood coated with, made using 1,376,737 —, metal cleaning composition contg., 1,387,645 ; 1,398,507 —,metals cut with hydrogen and, 1,425,856 SUBJECTS 249 Alcohol, metal gaskets, sealing of using, 1,341,952 —, metal oxide reduced with, 1,256,623 —, metallic oxides reduced by vapors of, 1,400,247 —,metaphosphoric acid solvent, 1,211,138 —, methane made with, 1,128,549; 1,211,395 —, methoxybenzyl cellulose solvent, 1,454,960 —, 8-methoxy-2-piperonyl-cinchoninic acid made with, 1,185,265 —, methyl acetate made with, 1,459,971 —, methyl acetate recovered by, 1,395,940 —,methyl alcohol made with, 1,459,971 —,a(a'-methylamino-ethyl)-benzyl alcohol made with, 1,356,877 —, methylated, see Alcohol, denatured -—, —, see also Methylated spirit —,methylbenzyl cellulose solvent, 1,454,960 —, methyl cellulose solvent, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961; 1,505,044 —,methyl ethyl cellulose solvent, 1,454,959; —, 1-methy]-3-nitro-4-isopropyl-benzene made with, 1,306,512 —, 4-methy]-2-trimethylacetoxy-benzoic acid solvent, 1,838,297 —, methyl, see Methyl alcohol —, micro-organisms, altering characteristics of, using, 1,250,079 —, milk, artificial, made with, 1,200,782; 1,297,668 —,—, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —,—, thickening of, using, 1,234,714 —, milk analysis, with, 1,391,965 —, milk vinegar mfr. with, 1,410,809 —, molasses treated with, 1,401,433 —,molded article made _ with, 1,146,391; 1,167,468; 1,170,391; 1,241,738; 1,842,067; 1,353,152; 1,358,394; 1,370,666; 1,392,849; 1,398,143; 1,411,425; 1,427,690; 1,439,056; 1,442,420; 1,448,556; 1,470,637; 1,482,357 —,molybdenum filament made with, 1,132,523; 1,208,629 —,monohydric, formaldehyde preserved using, 1,481,849 —,—, paraformaldehyde solvent contg., 1,481,849 —, Montan wax extracted with, 1,487,775 —, moths, compound for protection from made with, 1,480,289 —, mother-of-pearl, 1,434,157 —, motion picture screen made using, 1,149,940 1,125,906 ; 1,185,074; 1,354,154 ; 1,395,729 ; imitation, made with, —,motor fuel contg., 1,361,153; 1,363,870; 1,377,992; 1,378,858; 1,384,946; 1,388,531; 1,399,227; 1,420,006; 1,420,007; 1,420,622; 1,423,048; 1,423,049; 1,423,050; 1,428,885; 1,453,374 —,motor fuel contg. ether water and, 1,338,982 —, motor fuel contg. hydrocarbons and, 1,372,465 —, mucilage substitute made with, 1,158,962 —,muffles made with, 1,450,140 —, naphtha, refining of using, 1,515,733 —,—-, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —,1.2-naphthothioindoxyl made with, 1,492,054 —,b-naphthylamine, oleic acid, compound of and, made with, 1,475,477 = *+ 250 Alcohol, 2-(1!-naphthyl)-cinchoninic acid made with, 1 197,462; Re-14,216 —,2- (2! -naphthyl) -cinchoninic acid made with, 1 197,462; Re-14,216 — net, water proofing of using, 1,133,062 —,Nichols invisible court plaster contg,, 1,204,812 —, nickel catalyst made with, 1,251,202; 1,329,323; 1,482,740 —, nickel catalyst dried with, 1,431,982 —,nicotin extracted with, 1 253 497 ' —,nitrated compound made with, 1,425,882 ; 1 425,883; 1,425,884 —, p-nitro ‘acetyl amino cymene dissolved by, 1,306,512 — , nitrobenzene removed from dibenzanthrone with, 1,464,598 — ,nitro compounds purified with, 1,309,559 —, nitrogen made with, 1,211,395 —, nitroglycerol solvent, 1 179 ,920 —, nitrotoluene purified with, 1,309,559 —,nitroxylene purified with, 1,309 599 —, ocotillo gum made with, 1 262 990 —, ocotillo gum solvent, 1,254 632: 1,290,795 —, ‘oil, drying, made with, 1 425 (882: 1,425 883 ; 1 (425 884 —, —,; extraction of from hops with, 1,319,984 —,—,extraction of from wood with, 1,264,551 —,—,hydrogenated, purification of using, 1,152,023 —,—, mineral, refined using, 1,286,179 —,—, Sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —,—, vulcanized, made with, 1,315 246 —, oil cloth made with, 1,225 ‘954 —,oil cloth, imitation, made with, 1,140,174; 1,355, 985 —, oils extracted by, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884; 1,425,885 — oils purified with, 1,371,342; 1,447,898 —, olefin made with, 1 282 906 —, olefin, celluloid, solvent for, 1 A86 647 —,—, cellulose nitrate, solvent for, made with, 1,486,647 —,—,mfr. of, hydrocarbon for, 1,486,647 —,—,— , hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,486 647 —,—,—, kerosene for, 1,486 647 —,—,—, ‘lubricating oil for, 1,486,647 —,—,— petroleum. for, 1,486 647 —,—,—, process for, 1 A86, 647 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,486,647 — ‘olefin glycol made with, 1,259,757; 1,259,758 —,oleic acid, acetamide compound of and, made with, ‘1 475,477 —,—, p-aminophenol, compound of and, made with, 1,475,477 —,—, aniline, compound of and, made with, 1,475,477 —,— , benzidine, compound of and, made with, 1 ATS ATT —,— , diphenylamine, compound of and, made with, 1,475,477 —,— , b-naphthylamine made with, 1,475 AT7 —,—, phenylenedi amine, made with, 1,475,477 made with, compound of and, compound of and, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alcohol, oleic acid, quinoline, compound of and, made with, 1,475 77 —,— , o-toluidine, compound of and, made with, 1 75 A77 —,—, urea, 1,475,4 477 —,— ,xylidine, compound of and, made with, 1 AT5 A77 — , oleoresin, extraction of from wood with, 1 264,551 —, opium extract made with, 1,243,729 —,ore oxide reduced with, 1 256 623 —, overlay made with, 1 146, 928 —, oxanthranol dissolved in, 1,293,610 —, oxidation of, air for, 1,345 323 —,—, catalyst for, 1 146 363 —,—,—,mfr. of, process for, 1,345,323 ~- —,—, hopealite as catalyst for, 1,345 323 ~ —,—, oxygen for, 1,345,323 —, process for, 1,345 323 — aia catalyst for, 1,345,323 —,—, copper for, 1,464, 153 —,oxygen burned out of food containers by, 1 459 232 — , oxymethylene phosphorus compound pre- cipitated by, 1,290 971 1,513,746 —, 0zokerite made using, 1,513,745; —, packing made with, 1,185,074; 1,497,782 compound of and, made with, —,ozonizing, 1,406,058 —,paint made with, 1 145 186; 1 164 ,036 ; 1,164,037; 1,165,222: 1,167,264: 1,226,889: 1,234'816- : 1,241,738: 1,242,161; 1,244,777; 1,256,535; 1,256,536; 1,256,537; 1,408,325; 1,476,016 —,paint, anti-fouling, made with, 1,145,186; is 456,509 —,cement made with, 1,256,535: —,—, concrete made with, 1 256 535 —,— , undercoating composition for, made with, 1 (425 010 —, paint remover contg., furfural and, 1,381,485 —,paint remover made with, 1,129,770; 1,130,499; 1,133,639; 1 165,148: 1,173,628: 1.181.361 ; 1,189,803; 1.273 307 > ‘Lara ago- 1,281,156; 1,328,080; 1,330,387; 1,881,485; 1,474,984; 1,483,587 —, paint skins, treatment of with, 1,279,888 —, paint thinner made with, 1,246 537 —, paint waste, treatment of with, 1,279,888 —, painted surface, finishing of, using, 1,481,433 —, palmitic acid solvent, 1,342 090 —, papaverine nitrite made with, 1,468,607 —, papaverine solvent, 1,468 607 —,paper made with, 1 153 883 ; 1,509,273 ee acid-proof, made with, 1,233,334 —,alkali-proof, made with, 1,233,334 —,—, aluminum coated, made using, 1,376 WEY) —,—,coating for made with, 1 141 ,224 iF 185, 074 —,—, cold coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,— "sold leaf, attaching of to, using, 1,374,492 —,—, grease-proof, made with, 1,233 334 —,impregnation of, using, 1,158 965 —,—, lead coated, made using, 1,376 Tou —, metal coated, made using, 1 376 WEY) —, Geehoiderankie made with, 1, 126 872 1,283 ,422 ; INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alcohol, paper made with, photographic, print- ing, made from, 1,299,479 —_,—,—, transfer, made with, 1,299,479 —,—, sizing of, using, 1,211,288 —,—,tissue, aluminum coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,—, gold coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,—, lead coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,metal coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,zine coated, made using, 1,376,737 made with, 1,845,184; —,—, translucent, 1,419,379; 1,419,750 —,—,transparent coating for, applied with, 1,277,904 —,—,watermarked, imitation, made with, 1,479,337 —,—, waterproofing of, made with, 1,135,356; 1,141,224; 1,233,334 —,—,zinc coated, made using, 1,376,737 —, paper-board made with, 1,283,422 —,paper colored with solutions of dyes in, 1,384,290 —,paper gaskets, sealing of using, 1,341,952 —, paper impregnated with composition contg,, 1,289,007 —,paper pulp made with, 1,153,934 —, paper tube made with, 1,135,356 —,paracoumarone solvent, 1,191,801; 1,332,860 —,paraffin made with, 1,513,745; 1,513,746 —, paraffin, lubricating oil, recovery from of, using, 1,509,326 —,—,—, removal from of, using, 1,509,325 —,—,petroleum, removal from of, 1,509,325 —,—,—,recovery from of, using, 1,509,326 —,—, wax distillate, removal from of, using, 1,509,325 —, paraffin solvent, 1,277,904 —,paste-board made with, 1,153,883 —, pearls, artificial, mfr. with, 1,438,395 —,pectin, aluminum hydroxide, removal of from, using, 1,497,884 —,pectin product made 1,497,884 ; 1,513,615 —, peroxidase made with, 1,324,752 —, petroleum, liquid, made with, 1,240,792 —,petroleum, decolorizing of, using, 1,509,326 —,—,paraffin, recovery of from, using, 1,509,326 —,—,—, removal from of, using, 1,509,325 —,—,sludge sulfonic acid removed from with, 1,286,179 —,petroleum, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 using, with, —,petroleum products, refining of, using, 1,515,733 —, petroleum refined using, 1,163,025; 1,233,700; 1,286,179 —, pharmaceutical product made with, 1,218,209 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made _ with, 1,143,714; 1,187,231; 1,188,014; 1,225,748; 1,225,749; 1,342,067; 1,354,154; 1,358,394; 1,369,352; 1,370,666; 1,414,189; 1,429,265; 1,439,056; 1,442,420 —,phenol aldehyde condensate, cement for, made with, 1,424,738 —,—, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —,—, molding with, 1,353,152 251 Alcohol, phenol aldehyde condensate binder made with, 1,261,615 —,phenol aldehyde condensate lacquer made with, 1,261,615 —,phenol aldehyde condensate solvent, 1,125,906; 1,133,083; 1,146,300; 1,150,642; 1,160,363; 1,160,364; 1,170,391; 1,187,231; 1,188,014; 1,211,227; 1,213,051; 1,213,144; 1,213,726; 1,225,748; 1,225,749; 1,225,750; 1,236,460; 1,259,472; 1,259,473; 1,261,615; 1,277,904; 1,309,581; 1,847,668; 1,370,666; 1,377,519; 1,398,148; 1,898,144; 1,401,633; 1,411,425; 1,414,139; 1,418,891; 1,429,265; 1,436,158; 1,489,056; 1,440,097; 1,441,133; 1,483,368 —, phenol aldehyde condensate varnish made with, 1,261,615 —,phenol-choleic acid solvent, 1,252,212 —,phenol condensation product solvent, 1,429,267 —,phenol furaldehyde condensate made with, 1,377,519 made with, ketone condensate —, phenol solvent, 1,396,483 —,phenylenediamine, oleic acid, compound of and, made with, 1,475,477 —,phenylethyl cellulose solvent, 1,454,960 —,2-phenyl-quinoline-4.6-dicarboxylic acid, 6- ethyl ester made with, 1,138,937 —,2-phenylquinolyl-4-aminoethanol — dihydro- chloride crystallized from, 1,434,306 —, 2-phenylquinolyl-4-diethylaminoethanone monohydrobromide crystallized from, 1,434,306 —, phenyl-stibnic acid made with, 1,260,707 -—, phenyl-stibnie acid, sodium salt of, made with, 1,260,707 —,phenyl-stibnic oxychloride made with, 1,260,707 —,phonograph master record made with, 1,448 792 , —,phonograph record made with, 1,151,849; 1,158,964; 1,167,468; 1,175,728; 1,183,358 ; 1,202,638; 1,328,371; 1,470,637; 1,492,023 —,phonograph record resurfacing mixture contg., 1,878,344 —, phonograph reproducer diaphragm prepared with, 1,412,619 —,phosphorie acid determined with, 1,462,840 —, phosphoric acid precipitated by, 1,367,597 -—, phosphoric acid solvent, 1,211,138 -—, phosphorous compound, green plants, made with, 1,313,014 —, phosphorus solvent, 1,205,002 —, photoengraving process for, 1,285,015 —, photograph, colored, made using, 1,248,139 —, photographic emulsion sensitized with dyes dissolved by, 1,391,310 —,photographic image, toning of, using, 1,499,749 —,photographic negatives developed with, 1,417,791 —, photographic print paper, transfer, made using, 1,228,680 252 Alcohol, photographic screen, colored, made with, ‘1 161,731 —, photographic sensitizing preparation contg., ~-1196,872 —, photographic solution contg., 1,300,729 —,photography, color, using, 1,128,389; 1,278,668 —,—,—,film for, made with, 1,477,880; 1,477 881; 1,477,882; 1,477,883 —,—,—, processes for, using, 1,191,034 —, piano keys made with, 1 185 074 —,pigment, chromium, colloidal, made with, 1 ,458,542 —,—, cobalt, colloidal, made with, 1,458,542 —,—, colloidal, made with, 1,458, 542 —,—, Iron, colloidal, made with, 1,458,542 —,—, lead, colloidal, made with, 1,458, 542 —,—, nickel, colloidal, made with, 1,458, 542 —,—, zine, colloidal, made with, 1,458, 542 —, ’ pine oil made using, 1,505,438 —,pine oil, soluble, made with, 1,503,253 —, pine resin distillate in, 1,469,148 —,pipe mending composition made 1,389,084 —,piperylene made with, 1,282,906 —, pitch, fireproofing of, using, 1,388,829 —,plant, phosphorus reserve compound of, Nr aade with, 1,313,014 —, plaster, air permeable, made with, 1,180,775 with, —,plastic made with, 1,158,960; 1,173,337; 1,185,074; 1,191,801; 1,194,201; 1,234,381; 1,241,738; 1,263,284; 1,265,855; 1,317,721; 1,357,614; 1,365,607; 1,886,576; 1,389,084; 1,427,690; 1,437,792; 1,440,006; 1,456,369; 1,470,637; 1,474,830; 1,482,929; 1,488,608; 1,497,782; 1,518,254 —,plastic, casting of using, 1,515,150 —, plate, photographic, made with, 1,285,015 —,—,—, colored, made with, 1,173,429 —,—,— , color-sensitizing of with, 1,320, 176 —, plate. printing with, 1,276,599 —,platen renewer contg.., 1 373 009 —, polish contg., 1,123 709; 1 166, 494; 1,202,495; U8 1i26) 2 995 584; 1 305, 684: 1 314 ‘482: 1 325, 686: 1,342,862 ; 1,350,537 : 1,352,015; 1,356,075; 1,362,907; 1,376,228: 1/383,427: 1,410,041; 1,441,337 —, polish, furniture, contg., 1,309,171 —,polishing composition contg., 1,342,862; 1,356,075; 1,382,127 —,poly-acid, insulation, electric, made with, 1,512,024 —,—, molded article made with, 1,512,024 —,—, ’ plastic made with, 1,512, 024 —, polyatomic, silk, artificial, viscose, precipita- tion of, using, 1,393, 199; 1,509, 338 —,—, viscose precipitating ‘baths 1 393 ,199 —, polybasic, varnish base mfr. from, 1,422,861 —, polyhydric, alkyl esters made with, 1 ‘478, ‘498 —,— cellulose ether made with, 1 502 379 —,—, esters made with, 1,478,498 —,— insulation, electric, made with, 1,141,944; 1 424 4137 —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,477,113 —,— ‘molded article made with, 1,424,137; 1 3, 936 conitg., —, puncture UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alcohol, polyhydric, polymerization of, process for, 1 126, 467 —,—, record, phonograph, made with, 1,424,137 —,—, resin, "artificial, made with, a 141 944; 1 424, 1373. 1.443 936 —,—, varnish made with, 1,141,944; 1,424,137 —, ’ polyvalent, dyestuff made with, x 440 566 dyestuffs chromed in presence of, ~ 1,440,566 —, porcelain, metal, joining of and _ using, 1,167,798 —, potassium acetate dissolved by, 1,360,046 —,potassium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1 217,862 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,321,632 —, potassium chloride, boric acid, separation of from, using, 1,232, 156 — , potassium compounds 4 376,662 —., potassium ethylxanthogenate from, 1,440,961 —, potassium hydroxide solution contg,, flota- tion of ores with, 1,425,327 —, potassium phosphate (KH.PO,) made with, 1,150,899 ; 1,150,900 —, potato chips made with, 1,199,124 —, potato flour made with, 1 199, 124 —, powder, propellent, made with, 1,354,442 ; 1,354,640; 1,357,865 —,—, smokeless, made with, 1,212,770; 1,390,740 —,—,—, removal from of, process for, 1,237,551 —, preservative of oil of garlic and, 1,292 401 —, primary, cotton mercerized with, 1,316 958 —,—,mfr. of, alkyl magnesium halide for, 1,315,619 —,—,—,aryl magnesium halide for, 1,315,619 —,—,—, ether for, 1,815,619 — os, ethylene “oxide for, 1,315,619 - ,——,—, magnesium alkyl halide for, 1,315,619 —,—,—, Magnesium aryl halide for, 1,315, 619 —,—,—, process for, 1,315,619 —, printers blanket made with, 1,148,381; 1,237,493 —, printers ink contg., 1,420,086 —, printers ink solvent contg., 1,406,183 —, printing matrix made with, 1 M7, 512 obtained from, —,printing plate made ‘with, 1,219,332 ; 1 010,666 9.1 877,508 7 13a 512: 5 LATE Sia: 1 401 633; 1 ‘453, 259; 1,519,004 —, printing plate, matrix for, blanket for mak- ing of, made with, 1,237 493 —, propellant powder made with, 1,336,463 —, propyl, see Propyl alcohol —, 7so-propylallylbarbituric 1,444 802 —, propylene made with, 1,282,906 —,propylene glycol made with, 1,259,758 —, proteid made with, 1,275,324 —,proteid silver made with, 1,272,987 —,protein, colloidal, made with, 1 395,729 acid solvent, 1,259,757; 1,392,849: closing composition contg., 1,302,416 —, pungent compound made with, 1,329,272; 1,503,631 —, purification of, 1,133,049 carbon, decolorizing for, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alcohol, purification of, process for, 1,365,047 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,865,047 —, purifying, 1,365,048 —,—,sawdust for, 1,413,864 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,365,047 —,pyorrhea, treatment of, composition for, contg., 1,510,785 —,pyorrhea remedy contg., 1,466,578 —, pyorrhea treated using, 1,516,140 —,pyrophosphoriec acid solvent, 1,211,138 —, pyrotechnic made with, 1,265,205 —,quinine, veronal, compound of and, made with 1,475,477 —,record, disk, made with, 1,315,137 —,—, phonograph, made with 1,146,391; 1,170,391; 1,234,450; 1,370,666; 1,404,792; 1,456,369: —,—,—, dyeing of using, 1,248,468 —,—,—, label for, made with, 1,347,668 —,—,sound reproducing, made with, 1,342,326; 1,398,144; 1,411,425 —,—,—, resurfacing of, using, 1,378,344 —, recovery of, 1,371,546; 1,395,940; 1,420,613 —,—,absorbing agents for use in, . 1,382,889; 1,382,890 —,—, aniline for, 1,355,402 —,—, apparatus for, 1,209,657; 1,228,225; 1,236,719; 1,395,940 —,—, process for, 1,381,002 —,recovery of, vapors of, process for mfr. of, 1,452,778 —,—, water for, 1,376,069 —,recovery of from air contg., apparatus for, 1,326,432 —,—, calcium bicarbonate for, 1,326,432 -—,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,326,432 —,—,coke for, 1,326,432 —,—, process for, 1,326,432 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,326,432 —,recovery of from baking bread, 1,314,082 —,recovery of from cellulose nitrate, 1,293,515 —,recovery of from ethyl acetoacetate mfr. 1,425,626 —,recovery of from explosives mfr. 1,393,718 —,recovery of from filament formation, sul- furic acid for, 1,377,761 —, rectification of, apparatus for, 1,136,559 —,—,see also Alcohol, distillation of —,red gum solvent, 1,153,970 —,reed, musical instrument, 1,144,485 made with —,refinishing composition made with, 1,202,495 ; —,refractory made with, 1,130,533; 1,450,140 —,re-inforced glass mfr. with, 1,342,267; 1,842,268 —,relievo-form made with, 1,167,939 —,removing from alcoholic liquids, 1,345,437; 1,351,521; 1,351,522 —,removing from beer, 1,351,521; 1,351,522; 1,421,737 —,—, freezing process, 1,453,313 —, removal from beverages, 1,426,066 —, removing from fermented beverages, carbon dioxide for, 1,833,457 —,removing from liquors, apparatus for, 1,396,232; 1,405,085 253 Alcohol, removing from malt beverages, 1,337,850 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,194,201; 1,241,738; 1,448,556; 1,451,843 —,—, extraction of using, 1,190,889 —,—, sulfonated, dissolved by, 1,373,886 —,—, synthetic, solvent, 1,413,144; 1,413,145 —,resin made with, 1,505,488; 1,513,745; 1,513,746 —, resin extraction from wood of with, 1,264,551 ; 1,432,937 —,resin extraction from. hops with, 1,319,984 —,resinous material made with, 1,482,919 —,resin solvent, 1,207,845; 1,412,619 —,resin solvent of benzene and, 1,259,347 —,resorcinol crystallized from, 1,446,551 —,retorts made with, 1,450,140 —,retting liquors worked up into, 1,344,719 —,rhubarb extract made with, 1,167,230 —,roller, printing press, made with, 1,315,246 —,roofing made with, 1,234,816 —,rosin, extraction of using, 1,190,889 —,—,hydrogenation of, using, 1,167,264 —,—, nitrated, solvent, 1,414,164 —,rosin solvent, 1,289,007; 1,377,503; 1,419,750; 1,430,026; 1,467,356 —,rubber, artificial, 1,275,324 —,—, devuleanizing of with, 1,822,152 —,—,fabric coated with, made with, 1,184,015 —,—, fiber coated with, made with, 1,482,336 —,—, filler for, made with, 1,315,246 —,—, hard, coated with gold using, 1,472,244 —,—,—, coated with metal using, 1,472,244 —,—,—,coated with platinum using, 1.472244 ,—, —, coated with silver using, 1,472,244 —,—,—, coated with tin using, 1,472,244 —,—,—,solvent, 1,472,244 —,—,—, substitute, made 1 31bi38e 1,315,246 —,—,reclaiming of using, 1,124,920 —,—,spongy, made with, 1,156,184 —,—,synthetic made with, 1,192,310 —,rubber articles vulcanized under, 1,295,594 —, rubber coagulant, 1,423,525; 1,423,526 —,rubber gaskets, sealing of using, 1,341,952 —,rubber mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —,rubber molded using, 1,853,152 —,rubber precipitated with, 1,483,856 —,rubber solvent recovered with, 1,312,452 —,rubber solutions precipitated by, 1,377,152 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258; 1,185,074; 1,265,855; 1,315,246 —,rug made with, 1,249,734; 1,273,536 —,rug, slipping prevented of, using, 1,223,538 —,rust preventing composition contg., 1,428,085 —,rust preventing paint contg., 1,428,086 —,rust proofing made with, 1,145,186; 1,159,748 ; 1,211,138; 1,428,085; 1,428,086 —,rust remover made with, 1,496,506 —,sandarac solvent, 1,480,059 ; 1,430,061 | —, sandstone, coloring of using, 1,158,730 —,sausage casing made with, 1,204,812 —,sausage stufling, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 fe —,screens cleaned by, 1,367,111 made with, 1,161,904; with, 1,430,060 ; 254 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alcohol, secondary, acetone made with, 1,497,817 —,—, acids, organic, made with, 1,497,817 —,—, cellulose nitrate, solvent for, made with, 1 158,217 —,—, celluloid, solvent for, made with, 1,158,217 —,—, cordial made with, 1 158,217 —, distilling with sulfuric acid, 1,365,047 atic? essential oils made with, 1 158 O17 —, ethyl methyl ketone made ‘with, 1,497,817 —, flavoring extracts made with, 1 158, 217 —,ketones made with, 1,418 368; 1,450 569 ; ~ 4460, 876; 1,497,817 aa? liqueur ‘made with, 1,158,217 —, mfr. of, Blau gas for, 1,497 817 —,—, —, easolene, cracked, for, 1,497,817 —,—, — , hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,497 817 —,—,—, petroleum, cracked. for, 1 ‘497 817 —,—,—, petroleum still gas for, 1,497 817 —,—,—, petroleum vapor for, 1 497 817 —,—,—, ’ phosphoric acid for, 1 497 817 —,—,—, Pintsch gas for, 1,497, 817 —,—,—, process for, 1 A97, 817 —,—,—, selenic acid for, 1,497 817 —,—,—, ’ sulfuric acid for, 1,497 817 —,—,—, water for, 1,497 817 —,—, 3-pentanone made. with, 1,497,817 —,—, purification of, sulfuric acid for, 1,365,047 —,—, purifying, 1 422 083 — } seeds, sterilization ‘of, using, 1,250,079 —,senna extract made with, 1,167, 230 | —, secretions, sterilization ‘of, using, 1,250 079 —— , separating from hydrocarbons, sulfuric acid for, 1,365,048 —, separation of from sulfuric acid liquors, benzene for, 1,365,046 —, serum, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 — shale ‘oil, separation from of, process for, 1,365,048 —,sulfurie acid for, 1,365,048 —, shellac, recovery from of, 1 368 426 —,— railway signal fuse conte. ., 1,430,590 _— shellac dissolved by, 1,386 380 —, shellac mixtures molded using, 1,353,152 —,shellac solvent, 1,124,694; 1 185 682 ; 1 211,461; 1,289 022: i 1,328,371: 1,371,157: 1,393.290: 1,395,769: 1,412,619; 1,417,261; 1,417,262; 1,417,263; 1,422,957; 1,423,821: 1,433,111; 1,438,618; 1,456,369; 1,463,780; 1,467,356 —, shellac substitute made with, 1,315,137; vi 326,917; 1,482,929 — , shoe, box toe for, made with, 1,124,694; 1 ,196 276; 1,873,855 —, shoe heel made with, 1,265,855 —,shoe sole made with, 1.265, 855 — shoe sole, filler for, made with, 1,315,246 ie stiffener made with, 1,316 650; 1 365 607 —,shoe stiffener made with solutions contg., 1,353,968 — silicic acid dried with, 1,413,457 —, ‘silk, aluminum coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,— artificial, made with, 1,141;510; 1 181 859; 1,217, 028 ; 1 291,172* 1 347, 801; 1 ‘440, 006: 1,484,004; 1 501 306 : 1 ‘508 ‘928° —,—, — cellulose acetate, made with, 1,363,763 —,—,—, ’ cellulose nitrate, made with, 1,398, 525 Alcohol, silk, gold coated, made using, 1,376, 737 —,—, lead coated, made using, 1,376,73 7 —,— ;metal coated, made with, 1,376, ot —,—, zinc coated, made using, 1,376, 737 —, ’ silk worm cocoons, killing of, using, 1,250,079 —, silver acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217 862 — ’ silver alecosols prepared with, 1,413, 151 — ’ silver ore, flotation of, using, 1,224 917 —,— , treatment of, using, 1,224 917 — , silver pearl, imitation, made with, 1,434,157 sizing made with, 1,224, 125 — 24 anaplectees powder, manceuever, made with, 1 208,358 —,—,recovery from of, 1,334,360; 1,424,212 —; smokeless powder dried with, 1 308, 344; 1 ,308,346 — .slops mfr. from, fungi grown in, 1,421,613 —, sludge sulfonic. acid, petroleum, removal from of with, 1,286, 179 —, sludge sulfonic acid tar de-emulaiied with, 1 271,387 —,soap made with, 1,209,512; 1,285,004; 1,335,246: 1,408,650; 1,425,882; 1,425 883; 1,425,884 —,soap, transparent, made with, 1,475,663 —,soap dispersed in water with, 1,370, 650 —,soap tincture contg., 1,432 102 —, sodium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1 ,217,862 —, sodium alcoholate from, 1,425,626 —,sodium o-benzyloxy-benzoate made with, 1,481,779 —, sodium chloride made with, 1,821,632 —, ’ sodium cyanide made with, 1,322 195 —, ‘sodium dissolved in, see Sodium alcoholate sodium hydroxide solvent contg., 1,295,049 oo rar hyposulfite made with, 1 1166, 160 —,sodium percarbonate made with, 1,237, 128 —, ’ sodium phosphate (NaH2PO,) made with, ib 150,899; 1,150,900 —, sodium sludge ‘sulfonate made with, 1,240,523 — ’ soldering flux contg., rosin, ammonia and, 1 809,010 —, solid, burning of, apparatus for, 1,502,807 —,—,—, asbestos, platinum impregnated, for, 1 502,807 —,—,—, process for, 1,502,807 —,—, ’ formula, cellulose nitrate 2- 10, alcohol 95, bronze or copper powder 1, (wood alcohol), 1,329,610 —,—, iodine pencil contg., 1,405,999 —,—, ’ mfr, of, 1,416,493 —,—,—, acetone for, 1,313,876; 1,503,835 —,—, —, ’ alcohol for, 1 266, 0380 : 1,299,408 ; Lal: 876; 1 317,950 ; 1,329,583 ’ 1,329,610: 1,484,190: 1,503,835; 1,513,746 —,—,—, alcohol, denatured, for, 1,208,265; 1,299,408; 1,829,583; 1 329, 610; 1,503,835 —,—, —, alcoholate for, 1,223, 153 —,—, —, aluminum hydroxide for, 1,329,583 —,—,—, ammonia for, 1,484,190 —,—, —, ammonium nitrate for, 1,317,950; 1,503,835 —,—,—,ammonium stearate for, 1,484,190 —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,262,26 5] —,—,—, bagascello for, 1,317,950 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alcohol, solid, mfr. of, benzine for, 1,208,265; 1,277,149 —,—,—, bronze powder for, 1,329,610 —,—,—, calcium acetate for, 1,208,265 ,—,—, caleium chloride for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, celluloid for, 1,329,583; 1,329,610 —,—,—, celluloid serap for, 1,329,610 —,—,—,cellulose acetate for, 1,407,101; 1,503,835 —,—,—,cellulose nitrate for, 1,262,267; 1,262,268; 1,299,408; 1,313,876; 1,317,950; 1,329,583; 1,329,610; 1,412,233; 1,416,493; 1,503,835 —,—,—, copper powder for, 1,829,610 1,317, 950 —,—,—, ether for, 1,299 408; —,—, —, ’ ethyl alcohol for, 1,208,265 : 1223 153; 1,262,267; 1,299,408; 1,277,149; 1,329,610; 1,503,835 —,—,—, fatty acid for, 1,223,153; 1,266,080 —,—,gasolene for, 1,208 265; 1 513, 746 —, —, gelatin capsule for, 1,317,950 —,—, hydrocarbons for, 1,416,493 —,—,kerosene for, 1,513,746 ’ i Pe” hy —,—, lead acetate, basic, for, 1,829,583 —,—, metal powder for, 1,329,610 —--,—- methyl alcohol for, 1,208,265 ; Meo bo: 91,262,267: .1,262,268*'> 1,277,149 1,299,408; 1,829,610; 1,503,835 —,—,—, oil shale for, 1 513 746 —,—,—, ‘oleic acid for, 1,484, 190 —, —, ozokerite for, 1,513,746 —,—,—, palmitic acid for, 1,484,190 —,—,—, paraffin for, 1,513,746 —,—,—, potassium for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,223,153 ,—, potassium methylate for, 1,223,153 —,—, potassium stearate for, 1,223,153 “ woe ewe ~~ ~~ | | | i ) —,—,—,process for, 1,208,265; 1,223,153; 1,262,267; 1,262,268; 1,266,080; 1,277,149; 1,299,408; 1,817,950; 1,329,583; 1,329,610; 1,484,190 ; 1,503,835; 1,513,746 —,—, —, Pe ” for, 1,503,835 for, 1 194 613; 1,266,080; 42771. 149: 1 407, 101; 1 484, 190 —,—,—, shellac for, 1 208, 265 —,—,—, ’ sodium for, 1,223, 153 —,—,—-, sodium ethylate for, 1,223,153 —,—,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,223,153; 1,266, 080; 1,277,149; 1,484,190 —,—,—, sodium stearate for, 1,223,153 - 1,266 080; 1,277,149; 1,484,190 —,—,—, stearic acid for, 1,208,265 ; 1,223,153; 1,266, 080; 1,277,149; 1 ‘484, 190 —,—, —, resin ‘for, 1,513 746 —,—, —, wax, mineral, for, 1,513,746 —,—, petroleum gas burner lighter, 1,194,613 —,—,sealing wax candle ingredient, 1,462,601 —,see also Acetone, solidified; Alcohol- ether mixture, solidified; Amyl alcohol, solidt- fied; Benzene, solidified ; Carbon bisulfide, solidified; Carbon tetrachloride, solidified; Chloroform, solidified; Ether, solidified; Ethyl alcohol, solidified; Fuel, solidified; Gasolene, solidified ; Hydrocarbon, solidified ; Incendiary product; Kerosene, solidified; vasa alcohol, solidified; Toluene, solidi- e 255 Alcohol, solid fuel contg., mfr. of, 1,299,408 —,solubility of 2-phenylquinolyl-4-methyl ketone in, 1,434,306 —,solubility of 2-phenylquinolyl-4-methy] zso-nitrosoketone in, 1,434,306 —, solutions, thickening of, using, 1,234,714 —, solvent. contg., 1,283,183 —,—,recovery of, 1,294,066 —,—, solvent for gums, 1,353,599 —,solvent for isocyanine dyes, 1,374,872 —,solvent for quinine compound, 1,213,464; Re-15,127 —, solvent in dye mfr., 1,859,969 —,solvent in smokeless powder mfr., 1,336,463 —,solvent recovery with, 1,365,791; 1,395,940 —, solvent recovery apparatus for, 1,218,616 —, sonorous body made with, 1,144,435 —, sound record made with, 1,213,613; 1,213,614; 1,213,615; 1,213,616 —, sparklers made with, 1,204,709 —,spruce resin distillate in, 1,469,148 —, stain, wood, made with, 1,316,674 —, starch, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —, starch ethers made with, 1,350,820 —, starch ethers solvent, 1,350,820 —, stearic acid made with, 1,209,512 —, stearic acid solvent, 1,342,590 —,stearic-choleic acid made with, 1,252,212 —, stearyl-benzenesulfonamide made with, 1,143,499 —, steel, cleaner for, contg., 1,268,237 —,—, etching of with, 1,276,599 —,—,Yrust-proofing, with, 1,315,017 —, steering wheel rim made with, 1,520,191 —, stencil made with, 1,169,520; 1,304,120 —,stereopticon slide made with, 1,181,754 —, sterilization using, 1,250,079 —, stone, antique finish applied to, using, 1,470,182 —,—, artificial, made with, 1,518,254 —,—, coloring of using, 1,158,730 —,—, worn finish applied to, using, 1,470,182 —, stove polish contg., 1,430,026 —, strontium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, strontium, chloride solvent, 1,145,186 —, strychnine dissolved in, 1,300,747 —, succinic acid made with, 1,147,767; 1,147,768; 1,147,769; 1,147,770; 1,177,746; 1,491,465 —,sugar made with, 1,201,936 —,sugar, refining of using, 1,476,242 —,sugar cane wax made with, 1 153 934 —,sulfating of, air for, 1,159 032: 1 159 033 —,—, apparatus for, 1,159,032 : 1,159,033 —,—,manganese dioxide for, 1,159,032; 1,159,033 —, nitrogen oxides for, 1,159,032; 1,159,033 ae oxygen for, 1,159,032; 1,159,033 —, process for, 1,159,032; 1,159,033 —, sodium chloride for, 1 159 032; 1,159,033 — sulfur dioxide for, i 159 032: 1 159 033 — way ‘sulfurous acid for, 1 159, 032; 1 1159, 033 —, sulfite waste liquors as source of, 1 '396, 028 — sulfonated compound made with, 1,425, 882 ; 1 425 eet 1,425,884 te 1,374,871 ; 256 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alcohol, sulfonic acids purified with, 1,428,197 Alcohol, thorium alloy, electrodeposition of —, sulfonic products removed from petroleum using, 1,487,174 oils by, 1,388,832 —,—,iron in, electrodeposition of, using, —, sulfur dioxide absorbed by, 1,212,199; 1 487, 174 1 ,315,189 —, thread, artificial, made with, 1,241 738 —, sulfur dioxide, liquid, made with, 1,260,681 — thryoxin dissolved by hydrochloric acid, — sulfur dioxide solvent, 1,260,681 contg., 1,392,768 Bo calfuric acid, recovery with of, 1,326,432 —,thyroid product mfr. with, 1,892,767; —,— , separation from of, carbon bisulfide for, 1,392,768 1,365, 046 —, tile, floor, made with, 1,315,246 —,—,—, chloroform for, 1,365,046 —, tin(ous) chloride solvent, 1,353,152 eer, ethervfor, 1,365, 046 —,tire puncture-healing composition made —,—,—, toluene for, 1,365, 046 with, 1,128,282; 1,203,720; 1,863,438 —, sulfuric acid derivatives of, lead ore, flo- —, tobacco blended with, 1,325,060 tation of using, 1,170,637 —, tobacco receptacle made with, 1,283,422 —,—,ore, flotation of using, 1,170,637 —, toluene, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —,—, zine ore, flotation of using, 1,170,637 —,o0-toluidine, oleic acid, compound of and, —— sulfur-phenol resin solvent, 1,435,801 made with, 1,475,477 —, sulfur solvent, 1,322,152 —, p-p'-tolyldibromindigo, reaction with, —, sulfur trioxide, absorption of, using, 1,212,199 1,412,038 —, sulfuryl chloride made with, 1,364,738 —,tonka bean extract made with, 1,515,714 —, suppository made with, 1,499, 348 —,tooth-cleaning preparation contg., 1,445,351; — surgical ligature made with, 1,239,690 Re-15,691; 1,445,352 — surgical suture, sterilization of using, —, tooth filling contg., 1,349,592 1,202,931 —, tooth paste contg., 1,467,024 oa —,syphilis treating of with apparatus using, —,tortoise shell, imitation, made _ with, 1,228,451 1,242,783; 1,263,284 —,syphilis, compound for treatment of, made — toys made with, 1,185,074 with, 1,515,495 —, tragacanth, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —,tanning compound contg., 1,210,968 —, transfer-sheet made with, 1,280,399 —,tar, fireproofing of, using, 1,388,829 —,triacidic, fiber, vegetable, degumming of, —,teeth, artificial, mending composition for, using, 1,156,462 made with, 1,389,084 —,—,—,—, softening of, using, 1,156,462 —,terpin hydrate made with, 1,411,859 —,—, flax, degumming of, using, 1,156,462 —, tertiary, finish remover made with, 1,145,365 ae softening os eee ieee e 462 —,—,silk, artificial, viscose, precipitation of 7) heme ieee using, 1,200, 774; 1,399 87 —,—,—, softening of, using, 1,156, 462 MC iessreamaae saa ates . —,— ‘jute, degumming of, using, 1,156 462 »—, VISCOSe, precipitation of using, 1,200,774 Ma hy oft ening of, using, 1,156, "462 gE gael rae ree ih SEY oyster eng, ramie, degumming of, using, 1,156,462 —,tetrahydrocolchicine made with, 1,154,314 te aT softening - a mo 62 ‘fed 7) CUO ane ena made with, a ta : 1307913 hmneatiiatatt de aici —, tetramethylene-bis-glycinonitrile made with, Bare oa | tiso-propy! " pe a eae ceo dome —,trichlor-ethylene made with, 1,343,716 —, 3.5.3'.5'-tetramino-2.4.2’.4'-tetra (methyla- —,2-trichlormethyl-iso-propyl benzoate made mino)-arsenobenzene made with, 1,265,865 with, 1,443,552 —, textile, treatment of, using, 1,417,587 —., 2-trichlormethy]-iso-propyl m-nitro-benzoate —,—, waterproofing of using, 1,133,062 made with, 1,451,357 —, iat beara ghia 8 of, using, 1 a7 ke, Gai te trihydric, mfr. of, process for, 1,477,113 Bi deoty x ; J , 18655: 1260345; 1479 696 a Sony same benzoic acid solvent, Fy emanate product made with, 1,213 261; — trimethylene glycol disalicylate made with, 1,286,944 —, thermoplastic made with, 1,233,374 —,trimethylene glycol disalicylate solvent, —, thermoplastic composition ‘contg., 1,456,369 1,286,944 —, 2-(2’-thienyl)-cinchoninic acid made with, —, trimethylacetylcresotinic acid solvent, 1350408 1,338,297 —, 2-thienylquinoline-4-carboxylic acid dis- —, trimethylacetylsalicylic acid solvent, solved by, 1,350,408 1,338,297 —., thiocarbanilid desulfurized with, 1,411,231 —, trinitro-toluene made with, 1,241,017 — thiodiglycolic acid, silver-sodium derivative —,trinitrotoluene purified with, 1,297,524; et made with, 1 517, 002 1,309,559 —., thioureas made with, 1,218,655 —, trinitroxylene purified with, 1,309,559 —, thio-protein compounds made with, 1,145,634 —,a.b.g-tri-o-tolyl-guanidine made with, —, thorium, electrodeposition of using, 1 ‘487, 174 1,487,419 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alcohol, tritolylguanidine mfr. with, 1,437,419 —,tropinone derivatives mfr. with, 1,420,900 —,tropinone esters prepared with, 1,419,091 —,tropinone esters soluble in, 1,419,091 —,trihydric, formaldehyde preserved using, 1,481,849 —,—, paraformaldehyde solvent contg., 1,481,849 —, tuberculosis, made with, 1,250,345 —, tulle, water-proofing of using, 1,133,062 —,tungsten filament made with, 1,132,523; 1,208,629 —, tungsten hexachloride solvent, 1,208,629 —, Turkish bird-lime thinned with, 1 356 267 —, Turkish bird-lime treated with, 1 396, 023 —, turpentine made using, 1,505 438 —, turpentine, extraction from wood of with, a 264,551 —,—, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —, turpentine oil in, 1,469,148 —, turpentine replaced in treated wood by, 1 374,806 —, turpentine substitute made with, 1,256,537 —, tyramine made with, 1,178,720 —, ultramarine, colloidal, made with, 1,458,542 —, ultramarine dispersing agent, 1,458, 542 —, ureas made with, 1,218,655; 1,241 919; 1,241,920 —,urea, oleic acid, compound of and, made with, 1,475,477 —, vaccine made using, 1,514 681 —, vaccines, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —, vanilla bean extract made with, 1 51D, 714 —, vanillalacetone made with, 1 263 796 —, vapors of, recovery, process for, 1,452,778 —, varnish made with, 1,159,257; 1 159,258 ; 1 ,167,264; 1,181,859; 1,187,231; 1,195,673: 1 '209, 333: 1,234,381 : $91,242,161 3" 1,249 783- 1 251,863; > 1,275,824; 1,826,917; 1,847,801; 1,354,154; 1,357,614; 1,392,849; 1,408,325; 1,413,144; 1,413,145; 1,436,820; 1,440,006; 1,443,935; 1,451,843; 1,470,637; 1,482,919; 1,482,929 —,varnish, light transforming, made with, 1,188,655; 1,188,775; 1,188,776; 1,188,777 —,—, substitute made ‘with, 1 315, 137 —,—, undercoating composition for, made with 1 425,510 —,—, (waterproof), made using, 1,190,765 — ‘ varnish made from old reclaimed paint ma- terials by means of, 1,398,438 d —,varnish remover made with, 1,129,770; 1,130,499 : 1,133,639 ; 1,165,148; 1,181,361; 1,189,803; 1,273,307; 1,274,480; 1,281,156; 1,328,080; 1,881,485; 1 ‘A74 984: 1 ‘483 587. — . vegetable, desiccating of, with, 1,259, 410 —,—, preserving of, with, 1 1259, 410 —,—, sterilization of, using, 1 1250, 079 —, vegetable matter, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 — , vegetable parchment made with, 1,236,959 —,veronal, quinine, compound of and, made with, i 185 637 —, vinasse, betaine, extraction of from, using, 1 219,226 substance for treatment of,. 257 Alcohol, vinegar made with, 1,164,063 — , violin, coating of, using, "1,234 989 —, viscose made with, 1,251 237; 1,355,985 —, Viscose, precipitation of using, 1 143 069; 1 315 823: 1,375,824 —, viscose filaments treated with, 1,467,265 —, viscose treated with, 1,140, 174 —, ‘vitamin made with, 1,235, 198 —, vitamin obtained using, 1 162,907 — ’ vulcanite substitute, made with, 1,315,246 — ’ wall covering contg., 1,318, 658; 1,482 030 } 1 483,856 —, wall paper, coating composition for, made with, 1,425,510 — water gas ‘made with, 1,506,323 —; ; waterproofing made with, 1,133,062; 1,135,356; 1,241,788; 1,234,381; 1,315,246; 1,326,917; 1,388,829; 1,889,084 — , water-proof coating made with, 1,124,012 —, waterproofing composition contg., 1 315, 109; 1,315,110; 1,882,077 — , waterproofing process using, 1,388,825 —, waterproofing reagent contg., 1,432 833 —,waterproof material made with, 1,236, 460; 1 5,236,959 —, wax, mineral, made using, 1,518,745; 1,513,746 —,wax solvent, 1,277,904 —, Wax distillate, paraffin, using, 1,509,325. —,wax removing composition made with 1,380,299 —, whale oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,159,480 —, Wire screens cleaned by, 1,867,111 —, wood, aluminum coated, ‘made 1 316,737 —,— antique finish applied to, using, 1,470,182 removal of from, 2 using, —,—,cleaning and polishing composition conte., I 363. 481 —,—- , coating of, using, 1,124 012; 1,165,222; 1 185 074; 1,234 989 —, wood, "finishing 1,169,930 —,—, gold coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,imitation, made with, 1,153,970 ,—, impregnation of, using, 1,158,965 —,—,lead coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,metal coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, preservative for, contg., 1,456,509 —,—, preserving of, using, 1,374,806 compound for contg., —,—, Seasoning of, using, 1,210,491 —,—, treatment of, using, 1,374,806 —, worn finish applied to, using, 1,470,182 —,zinc coated, made using, 1,376. 237 —,—, see also Methyl alcohol —,wood filler contg., 1,401,907 — ‘wood for producing, 1,374,928 —, wood work mending composition made with, 1 389,084 —, worms, preserving of using, 1,163,645 —, ’ wool, degreasing of, using, 1,234 732 —; xylidine; “oleic acid, compound of and, made Sith. 1,475,477 —, yarn, metallic, made using, 1,249,252 —, yeast, autolyzed, liquid, made with, 1,489,684 —,—, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849; 1 '395, "729 —, ’ yoghurt, thickening of, using, 1,234 714 258 - Alcohol, zein made with, 1,320,508 —,zein solvent, 1,365,607 —, zinc, coating of, using, 1,221,046 —,—,cork coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,etching of with, 1,276,599 —,—,fabric coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,iron coated with, coating of, using, 1,221,046 —,—,—, painting of, using, 1,221,046 —,—, painting of, using, 1,221,046 —,—,paper, tissue, coated with, made. using, 1,376,737 —,—, paper coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, silk coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,wood coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,zine dust and, naphthalene-2.6-disulfochlor- ide reduced with, 1,444,277 —,zine acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, 99% mfr. of, 1,459,699 —,see also Alcohol, denatured; Ethyl alcohol Alcohol-acetone, cellulose acetate solvent, 1,467,493 Alcoholate, acetone, solidified, made using, 1,223,153 —,Amzyl alcohol, solidified, made using, 1,223,153 —, alcohol, solidified, made using, 1,223,153 —,alcohol-ether mixture, solidified, made using, 1,223,153 —, ether, solidified, made using, 1,223,153 —, ethyl alcohol, solidified, made using, 1,223,153 —, kerosene, solidified, made using, 1,223,153 —, methyl alcohol, solidified, made using, 1,223,153 —, suppository made with, 1,499,348 —,toluene, solidified, made using, 1,223,153 Alcohol-benzene, airplane dope contg., 1,363,763 Alcohol-chloroform, cellulose acetate solvent, 1,410,790 Alcohol-choleic acid, mfr. of, process for, 1,252,212 Alcohol-ether, antimony trichloride solvent, 1,388,825 Alcohol-ether mixture, solidified, mfr. of alco- holate for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, calcium chloride for, 1,223,153 —,—,—,ethyl alcohol for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, fatty acid for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, potassium for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, potassium methylate for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, potassium stearate for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, process for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, sodium for, 1,223,153 —,—,—,sodium ethylate for, 1,223,153 —,—,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,223,153 ,—,—, sodium stearate for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, stearic acid for, 1,223,153 —,—,see also Alcohol, solid Alcoholic liquid, non-potable, mfr. of, “ alcatro- loid” for, 1,453,374 —,—,—,alcohol for, 1,453,374 —,—,—, beetroot for, 1,453,374 —,—,—, cashew for, 1,453,374 —,—,—,ether for, 1,453,374 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alcoholic liquid, non-potable, mfr. of, ethyl ether for, 1,453,374 —,—,—, farofa raspadura for, 1,453,374 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,453,374 —,—,—,manioc for, 1,453,374 —,—-, —, molasses for, 1,453,374 —,—,—, naphtha for, 1,453,374 —,—,—, naphthalene for, 1,453,374 —,—,—, oil, animal, for, 1,453,374 —,—,—,—, mineral, for, 1,453,374 —,—, —, —, vegetable, for, 1,453,374 —,—,—, oranges for, 1,453,374 b —,—,—,“ saccharoleum ” for, 1,453,374 —,—,—, sugar for, 1,453,374 —,—,—,sugar cane for, 1,453,374 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,453,374 —,—,—, tannic acid for, 1,453,374 —,—,—,tar, petroleum, for, 1,453,374 —,—,—,—, Stockholm, for, 1,453,374 —,—,—,—, vegetable, for, 1,453,374 . —,—,—, turpentine for, 1,453,374 —,—,—, “turpentine, etherolic” for, 1,453,374 —-,—,—, water melons for, 1,453,374 —,—,—, yeast for, 1,453,374 Alcohol-water, alkali carbonate insoluble in, 1,295,049 —,sodium cyanide dissolved in, 1,295,049 Alcohol yellow, gold leaf, imitation, made with, 1,160,979 —, metal leaf made with, 1,160,979 Alcoholysis, process of, 1,433,308 Alcohol formique, see Methyl alcohol Alcool methylique, see Methyl alcohol Aldehyde, acetic, see Acetaldehyde —,acetic anhydride made with, 1,826,040 —,acetyl chloride made with, 1,326,040 —,acid chloride, organic, made with, 1,326,040 —,alcohols made with, 1,247,629; 1,410,223 —,aldehyde-ammonia from ammonia and, 1,450,983 —,aldehyde-ammonia mfr. from, 1,456,702 —,amber substitute made with, 1,502,945 —,amines, compounds of and, 1,417,970 —,p-amino-phenol made with, 1,481,470 —, anhydrides, organic, made with, 1,326,040 —,anthracene sulfonic acid condensed with, 1,448,278 —,aromatic, dyestuff made with, 1,244,149 —,—, mfr. of, 1,405,261 —,azo-resins made with, 1,500,844 —,banana plant, treatment of with, 1,271,591 —,benzaldehyde made with, 1,431,470 —,benzoyl chloride made with, 1,326,010 —, billiard ball made with, 1,482,358 —,blood, colloidal, made with, 1,395,729 —., 1-brom-N-methyl-2-naphthylamine made with, 1,431,470 —, buttons made with, 1,395,729 —, butyric anhydride made with, 1,326,040 —, cane, degumming of, using, 1,148,698 —,—,retting of, using, 1,148,698 —,—, treatment of with, 1,271,591 —,carbon dioxide, removal from of, 1,493,183; 1,510,373 —,potassium tartrate for, 1,453,374 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Aldehyde, carbon tetrachloride, freezing point of mixture of and, 1,243 149; 1,270,398 ; 1,270,394; 1,270,395; 1 ‘270, 396; 1 270 397 —, carbon tetrachloride freezing point affected by, 1,292,748; 1,292,744 — carboxylic, copper, precipitation of with, 1,472,115 —,casein, colloidal made with, 1,395,729 —,catalyst prepared: with, 1,390,683 —,celluloid substitute made with, 1,245,975; 1,280,862; 1,319,666 —, cellulose nitrate plastic made with, 1,502,945 —,cellulose soda waste gases constituent, 1,345,220 —,cellulose sulfate waste gases constituent, 1,345,220 —, cement made with, 1,502,945 —, ’ chloroform made with, 1,203 032 —, cigarette holders made with, 1,482 308 —, colloid made with, 1,502,945 —, composition contg. gliadin and, 1,316,854 —, composition contg. prolamine and, 1,316,854 —, composition contg. zein and, 1,316 854 —, copper, precipitation of with, 1,472, 115 —,desoxycholie acid, addition production of and, 1,252,212 —,N. N-dimethyl-p-toluidine made with, 1,431,470 —,door knobs made with, 1,482,358 —, dyeing process using, 1,333,700 —, dyestuff made with; 1,497,231; 1,500,844 —,ebonite substitute contg., 1,319,666 - —,—,—, castor oil for, 1,229,681 —,emulsion of, mfr. of, castor oil, alkali com- pounds of, for, 1,229,681 —,—,—, cresols for, 1,229,681 —,—,— -naphthols ‘for, 1,229, 681 —,—,—, phenols for, L 229,681 —,—,—, process for, 1 229 681 —,—, —, soap, castor oil, for, 1,229,681 —,—,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,229,681 —, esparto, degumming of, using, 1,148,698 —,—,retting of, using, 1,148,698 —,—, treatment of with, 1,271,591 —, ethyl alcohol, removal from of, 1,498,274 —,ethyl alcohol denatured with, glycol made with, 1,206,222 —, ethyl alcohol impurity, 1,498,274 —, ethyl ether, impurity in of, 1,507,337 —,—,removal from of, 1,812,475 — ethyl ether contg., impurity of, 1,189,602 —, fats contg., 1,381 564 — ‘fibrous plant, degumming of, using, 1,148,698 —,—,retting of, using, 1,148,698 —, film made with, 1,502 945 — finish remover made 1 172,773 — , fire- extinguisher contg., carbon tetrachloride and, 1,243,149; 1,270,393; 1,270,894; 1,270,395; 1 270, 396; 1 270 397 — fish protein, colloidal, made with, 1,395,729 —, flax, degumming of, using, 1,148 698 —,— yretting of, using, 1,148, 698 —_—,— , treatment of with, 1 271 91 — formaldehyde- -urea. condensate made with, 1 482,358 with, 1,160,394; 259 Aldehyde, formation in mercury fulminate mfr., 1,459,410 —, fuel, liquid, made with, 1,493,874 —,galalith substitute contg., 1,319,666 —,gold extracted from sea-water by, 1,375,441 —, “ greenlime ” constituent, 1,345,220 —,‘‘greenlime” product contg., 1,845,220 —,gum, artificial, made with, 1,225,748; 1,225,749; 1,225,750 —,handles made with, 1,482,358 — hemoglobin, colloidal, made with, 1,395,729 —, hemp, degumming of, using, 1 148 698 —,—,retting of, using, 1,148 698 —,—, treatment of with, 1,271 91 — hog cholera anti-toxin made with, 1,224 5860 —, horn substitute contg., 1,319,666 — hydroiodic acid mfr. with iodine and, 1 080,951 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,245,975; 1 500,844 —, iron, rust removal from using, 1,470,225 —, ivory, imitation, made with, 1,482 358 —, ivory substitute made with, 1,245 ‘975 —,jelly-like material made with, 1 502 945 —,ketone aldehyde condensate made with, 1 502,945 —, knobs made with, 1,395,729 — ’ lacquer made with, 1,502,945 —, leather, treatment of with apparatus for, 1 220, 212 —, linseed oil substitute made with, 1,500,844 ~ ‘liquids cooled with, 1,435,142 Smits Of, wait for, 1,892,886; Re-15,789; 1 017,968 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,201,850 —,—,apparatus for, 1, 148, 104; 1,250,282 ; 1,892,886; Re- 15,789: 1,454,609; 1,472,119; 1,500, 080° —,—, asbestos for, 1,201,850 —,—, asphalt for, 1,517, 968 —,—, banana plant for, 1,271,591 . —,—, bark for, 1,202 Biz —,—, ’ berry for, 1,472 119 —,—, brass as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1 196, 290; 1,202,317 —,—, ‘calcium oxide for, 1,202 317 —,—,cane for, 1,271 591 —,—, carbon, activated, as catalyst for, 1,500,080 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,201,850 —,—, carbon dioxide as catalyst for, 1,392,886; Re-15,789 —,—, carbon monoxide for, 1,201 850 —,— ’ catalysts for, 1,426 449 —,—,—,mfr. of, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,400,247 —,—,—, —, charcoal for, Sore d ’ ? ? —,—, —, —, ein for, 1 400 2a7 —}—,—,—, process for, 1,400,247 —,—, —,,—, pumice for, 1,400,247 ~~ \ ~ 260° UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aldehyde, mfr. of, catalysts for, mfr. of, terra Aldehyde, mfr. of, potassium carbonate for, cotta for, 1,400,247 1,201,850 —,—, cellulose soda liquor for, 1,196,290 —,—, process for, 1,148,104; 1,196,290; 1,201,850; —,—,cellulose sulfate liquor for, 1,196,290 1,202,317; 1,250,282; 1,271,591; 1,388,841; —,—, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,202,317 1,392,886; Re-15,789; 1,400,205; 1,426,449; —,—, cerium for, 1,201,850 1,429,650; 1,487,483; 1,472,119; 1,500,080; —,—, cerium compound for, 1,201,850 1,517,968 —,—, cerium oxide for, 1,201,850 —,—, pumice for, 1,201,850 —,—,charcoal, cocoanut, as catalyst for, —,—,sawdust for, 1,202,317 1,500,080 —,—,seed for, 1,472,119 —,—, chromium for, 1,201,850 —,—,shrub for, 1,472,119 —,—, chromium compound for, 1,201,850 —,—,silver chromate as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—,chromium oxide for, 1,201,850 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,196,290; —,—, chromium oxide as catalyst for, 1,517,968 1,201,850; 1,517,968 —,—, cobalt for, 1,201,850 —,—,steam for, 1,517,968 —,—, cobalt compound for, 1,201,850 —,—,sulfur oxide as catalyst for, 1,392,836; —,—, cobalt oxide for, 1,201,850 Re-15,789 —,—,copper, iron coated with, for, 1,201,850 —,—, titanium for, 1,201,850 —,—, copper as catalyst for, 1,500,080; 1,517,968 —,—, titanium compound for, 1,201,850 —,—, copper oxide as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—, titanium oxide for, 1,201,850 —,—, diatomaceous earth for, 1,201,850 —,—, vanadium oxide as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—,esparto for, 1,271,591 —,—,wood for, 1,148,104; 1,202,317; 1,250,282; tat, for, 1,517,068 1,271,591; 1,472,119 —,—, flax for, 1,271,591 —,—, zine for, 1,201,850 —,—, gilsonite for, 1,517,968 —,—, zine compound for, 1,201,850 —,—,grain for, 1,472,119 —,—, zine hydroxide for, 1,196,290 —,—,grease for, 1,517,968 —,—, zine oxide for, 1,201,850 —,—,hemp for, 1,271,591 —, marble substitute made with, 1,245,975 —,—, hydrocarbons for, 1,392,886; 1,500,080 —,match made with, 1,363,095 —,—, hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,517,968 —,match head made with, 1,363,095 —,—, hydrocarbon contg., methyl group for, —_, N-methyl-p-toluidine made with, 1,431,470 1,302,273 ae —,p-methylamino-phenol made with, 1,481,470. —,—, hydrogen for, 1,201,850 —,molded article made with, 1,395,729; —,—,iron, copper, coated, for, 1,201,850 1,482,358; 1,502,945 —,iron as catalyst for, 1,517,968 cams iron hydroxide for, 1,196,290 1.448.278 —,iron vanadate as catalyst for, 1,517,968 Got ornatnenee made with, 1,482,358 I neat koe PLQOUBED —oxamide made with, 1,194,354 a magnesium hydroxide for, 1,196,290 —, oxidizing, catalysts for, 1,345,323 —’ manganese for, 1,201,850 Pea Rar): _—, oxidation of, air for, 1,345,323 ; Bale eats —,—, catalyst for, mfr. of, process for, 1,845,323 hes 201,850 _L Pambiapeniannnes rN “201 350 nian —, hopcalite as catalyst for, 1,345,328 ’ 9 + ’ —, oxygen for, 1,345,323 —,—, molybdenum for, 1,201,850 uns —,naphthol sulfonic acid condensed with, — 3 5 ? ’ B] 3 ? b 3 3 eo] ’ ; 3 3 ’ —,—,molybdenum compound for, 1,201,850 —,—., process for, 1,345,323 pea Renan wean rnin as catalyst for, —» paint remover made with, 1,147,848; 1,189,803 1,517,968 —,parchment skin treated with, 1,235,728 ; —,—, molybdenum oxide for, 1,201,850 1,235,724 s ; -_-,—,nitric acid as catalyst for, 1,892,886; —, phenol aldehyde condensate made with, Re-15,789 1,146,384; 1,146,385; 1,215,072; 1,225,750; —,—, nitrogen oxides as catalyst for, 1,392,886; 1,363,095; 1,369,352; 1,500,844 | Re-15,789 —, phenol aldehyde condensate substitute made —,—-,nut for, 1,472,119 with, 1,245,975 ; —,—, oil gas for, 1,517,968 —, phenyl-acetic anhydride made with, 1,326,040 —,—, osmium for, 1,201,850 —, phosphonic acids of, formation of, 1,425,931; —,—,osmium compound for, 1,201,850 Re-15,557 —,—,osmium oxide for, 1,201,850 —, pipe stems made with, 1,482,358 oxygen .’ for, ) 2,302, 88677 mdte-15,7503 plastic made with, 1,319,666; 1,468,331 ; 1,500,080; 1,517,968 1,502,945 —,—, oxygen compounds, gaseous, as catalyst | —, printers roller made with, 1,223,745 for, 1,392,886; Re-15,789 —,proteid products made with, 1,245,975 —,—, palladium for, 1,201,850 —, protein, colloidal, made with, 1,395,729 —,—, palladium compound for, 1,201,850 —, pyrotechnic made with, 1,500,844 —,—, palladium oxide for, 1,201,850 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,146,384; —,—, petroleum for, 1,517,968 1,146,385 ; 1,482,358 —,—,pine wood for, 1,472,119 bi, —,reducing, hydrogen and _ catalysts for, —;—' plant for, 1,472,119 ene ser INDEX OF SUBJECTS Aldehyde, resin, artificial, made with, 1,500,844; 1,502,945 —, “rubber-like acetone compound,” made with, 1,502,945 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,245,975 —, shellac substitute made with, 1,500 S44 —,sodium bisulfite for removing from oil, 1 5981 564 —, steel, rust removal from using, 1,470,225 — ’ tanning compound made with, 1,254, 364; 1 899,510; 1,500,844 — , tanning materials from phenols and, 1,399,510 —, tar contg., 1,250,282 —, tobacco, treatment of with, apparatus for, 1,225,212 —, toilet articles made with, 1,482,358 —,p-toluidine made. with, 1,431,470 —, varnish made with, 1,502,945 —, varnish, fat soluble, made with, 1,500,844 —,—, oil soluble, made with, 1,500,844 —,varnish remover made with, 1,147,848; 1,189,803 —, vinyl diacetone amine made with, 1,473,285 —,vulcanization accelerator made _ with, 1,417,970; 1,473,285 —,wood, seasoning of, using, 1,210,491 —,—, treatment of with, 1,271,591 —, yeast, colloidal, made with, 1,395,729 —, see also Acetaldehyde ; Formaldehyde Aldehyde-alcohol, silk, cuprammonium, . cipitating bath for contg., 1,130,830 . Aldehyde-amines, rubber, age-resisting com- pound for, made with, 1,515,642 —, vulcanization process using, 1,515,642 Aldehyde-ammonia, caoutchouc, b.g-dimethyl- erythrene, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 —,—,erythrene, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 —,—, isoprene, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 —, latex preservative, 1,443,149 —, mfr. of, 1,456,702 —,—,acetaldehyde for, 1,456,702 —,—, aldehydes for, 1,456,702 —,ammonia for, 1,456,702 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,456,702 —,—, amyl acetate for, 1,456,702 —,—,amyl aldehyde for, 1,456,702 —,—,amyl formate for, 1,456,702 es butylaldehyde for, 1,456,702 —,ethyl acetate for, 1,456,702 —,—, ethyl formate for, 1 456, 702 pe methyl acetate for, 1 A56, 702 —, methyl formate for, 1 456,702 —,—, process for, 1,450 983 —, propylaldehyde for, 1,456,702 —,—, vinyl acetate for, 1,456,702 —,—, vinyl formate for, 1,456,702 —, molded article made with, 1,514,508 —, rubber, hard, made using, 1,507,594 —,—, para, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 pre- —,—,plantation, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 —,—,vuleanized, colloidal, made with, 1,443,149 —,vulcanization process using, 1,467,197; 1,507,594 261 Aldehyde-ammonia, vulcanizing accelerator, 1,417,970; 1,467,197; 1,473,285 —,see also Hexamethylenetetramine Aldehyde-bisulfite, silk, artificial, viscose, made with, 1,374,718 —, viscose precipitated with, 1,292,544 —, viscose spinning baths contg., 1,422,412 Aldehyde-bisulfite solution, animal fibers treated with, 1,466,748 Aldehyde-choleic acid, mfr. P2252 212 Aldehyde chloride, see as-Dichlor-ethane —, see also 1.1-Dichlor-ethane Aldehyde condensation products, mfr. of, urea and formaldehyde for, 1,855,834 “ Aldehyde fatty acids,” flotation with, 1,439,107 —, flotation process using, 1,439,107 Aldehyde phenol condensate, see Phenol alde- hyde condensate p-Aldehyde-phenyl-arsenious acid, see p-Ben- zaldehyde-arsenious acid Aldehyde resin, amber substitute made with, 1,489,213 —,copal substitute made with, 1,489,213 —, dressing made with, 1,489,213 —,formation of, avoiding, 1,884,842; Re-15,434 —, hat stiffener made with, 1,489,213 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,489,213 —,shellac substitute made with, 1,489,213 Bee Para uenen acid, see Isophthaldehydic act Aldol, airplane dope contg., 1,803,563 —,cellulose acetate, composition of 1,303,563 —, cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,310,841 —,cellulose nitrate, composition of and, 1,234,921 —,condensation of with alkalies, 1,378,562 —, fabric, coated, made with, 1,234,921 —, fireproofing composition contg., 1,310,841 —, lead sulfide, flotation of using, 1,478,697 —, lead sulfide, zine sulfide, separation from of, using, 1,478,697 of, process for, and, —,mfr. of, acetaldehyde for, 1,151,113; 1,220.746; 1,234,156; 1,261,811; 1,437,139; 1,450,984 —,— — acetic acid for, 1,487,139 —,—, ‘alcohols for, 1, 151, 113; 1,261,811 —,—. alkali alcoholate as catalyst for, 1,220,746 —,—, alkali alloy as catalyst for, 1,220, 746 —,—, alkali amalgam as catalyst for, 1,220, 746 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,220,746 —,—,alkali cyanide as catalyst for, 1,220,746 —,—, alkali earth for, 1,261,811 —,—, alkali earth alloy for, 1,261,811 —,—, alkali earth alloy as catalyst for, 1,220,746 —,—, alkali earth amalgam for, 1,261 ‘811 —,—,alkali earth amalgam as catalyst for, 1,220, 746 —,—, alkali earth carbide for, 1,234,156 —,—,alkali earth carbide as catalyst for, 1,437,189 —,—,alkali earth cyanide as catalyst for, 1,220,746; 1,437,139 —,—,alkali earth hydroxide as catalyst for, 1 437, 139 —,—, alkali earth metal as catalyst for, 1,437,139 262. Aldol, mfr. of, alkali earth oxide for, 1,234,156 —, —, alkali ‘earth oxide as catalyst for, 1 437, 139 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,450,984 —,—, alkali hydroxide as catalyst for, 1,437,139 —,—,alkali metal for, 1,261,811 —,—, alkali metal alloy for, 1,261,811 —,—,alkali metal amalgam for, 1,261, 811 —,—, alkali salt for, 1,151,113 —, —, calcium amalgam as catalyst for, 1,220,746 —,—, calcium carbide for, 1,234,156 —,—, calcium carbide as catalyst for, 1,437,189 —,—, calcium oxide for, 1,234,156 —,—, carbonate for, 1 450, 984 —,—,carbonate as condensers 1,450,984 —,—, cyanide for, 1,450,984 —,—, cyanides as condensers in, 1,450,984 —,—,earth alcoholate as catalyst "for, 1,220,746 —,—,ether for, 1,220,746 ,—, ethyl alcohol for, 1,151,113; 1,450,984 —,—,gasolene for, 1,261,811 —,—, glycerol for, 1,151,113 a, glycols for, 1,151, 113 —,—, hydrochlorie acid for, 1,234,156; 1,487,139 —,—, metal carbonate for, T 151, 113 —,—, metal cyanide for, 1,151,113 in mfr. of, 1,261,811 ; — —,—, metal hydroxide for, 1,151,113 —,—,metal salt for, 1,151,118 —,—, metal sulfite for, 1,151,113 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,487,139 —,—,potassium cyanide as catalyst for, 1 ,220,746 —,—, potassium hydroxide ffor, 1,151,113; 1,220,746; 1,450,984 —,—,potassium salt for, 1,151,113 —,—, process for, 1,151,113; 1,220,746; 1,234,156; 1,261,811; 1,437,139; 1,450,984 —,—, sodium for, 1,261, 811 —,—, sodium amalgam for, 1,261,811 —,—, sodium bisulfate for, 1,261 S11 —,—,sodium ethylate for, 1, ‘151, 113 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1 151, 113; 1,450,984 —,—,sodium hydroxide as catalyst for, 1,437,139 —,—,sodium salt for, 1,151,113 —,—, strontium carbide for, 1,234,156 —,—,strontium carbide as_ catalyst 1,437,139 —,—, strontium oxide for, 1,234,156 —,—, sulfite for, 1,450,984 —,—, sulfite as condensers in, 1,450,984 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,450,984 —, minerals floated with condensation products of, 1,378,562 —,tanning agents mfr. with, 1,443,697 —, tanning compound made with, 1 443 697 —,vulcanization accelerator made with, 1 496,792 —,zine sulfide, lead sulfide, from, using, 1,478, 697 —, zine sulfide, flotation of using, 1,478,697 —,see also Acetaldol Aldol condensation products, preparation of, 1,378,562 for, separation of UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aldol-1-naphthylamine, rubber, age-resisting compound for, made with, 1,515, 642 —, vulcanization process using, 1 BLD, 642 Aldol resins, molded article made with, 1,514,508 Aldoxim, see Acetaldoxim Ale, brake lining made with, 1,162,371 — _carbonating of, process for, 1,215, 864 —, ’ dealcoholized, mir. sc0n apparatus for, 1 487,842 —,—,—, barley malt for, 1,487,842 —,—,—, cereal for, 1,487 842 —-,corn for, A ‘A87 842 —, malt for, | ‘487, 842 —,—, ’ maltose for, 1 A87, 842 —,—,—, process for, 1 487, 842 —,—,—,rice for, 1 ‘487 842 —,—, —, wheat for, 1,487, 842 —,—,—, wort for, 1 AST, 842 —,—, see Beer, de-alcoholized —,extract of, 1,290,191; 1,290,192 —, ’ friction lining made with, 1,162,371 . — ’ gasket made with, 1,162, 371 —, alas of, ammonium caseinate for, 1,214,518 —,ammonium phosphate for, 1 214, 518 —,—, ’ apparatus for, 1,162,213 —,—,arrowroot starch for, 1,214,518 —,—, banana for, 1,214,518 —, barley for, 1,214,518; 1,237,724 —,—, bran for, 1,237,724 —,bromelin for, 1,235,881; 1,235,882 —,—, casein for, 1,235,881; 1,235,882 —,—, casein, salt of, for, 1,214,518 —,—,cassava starch for, 1,214,518 —,—,cereal for, 1,214,518 —,—,corn for, 1,214,518; 1,237,724 —,—,corn grits for, 1,214,518 ’ ’ ’ ’ aaah ee ’ ’ —,—,hydrochloric acid for, 1,214,518 —,—, lactic acid for, 1,214,518 —, malt for, 1,235,881; 1,235,882; 1,237,724 —,—, middlings for, 1,237,724 —,oats for, 1,214,518 —, —,; papain for, 1 235 881; 1,235,882 —, pepsin for, 1,235 881; 1 235 882 —,—, peptase for, 1,235,881; 1,235,882 —,—, potassium caseinate for, 1,214,518 —, potato starch for, 1,214,518 —,—, process for, 1,162,213; 1,214,518; 1,235,881; 1,235,882; 1,237,724; 1,297,013 —,—, process for liberating proteolytic enzymes from yeast during, 1,177,117 —,—, protein for, 1,235,881; 1,235,882 —,—,rice for, 1,214,518; 1,237,724 — —,root for, 1,214,518 —,rye for, 1,214,518 —,—,sago starch for, 1,214,518 —,—,sodium caseinate for, 1,214,518 —,—,starch for, 1,214,518; 1,235,881; 1,235,882 —,—, tuber for, 1,214,518 —,—,turbidity removed from, process for, 1,162,213 —,—, wheat for, 1,214,518 —,—, “yeast water” for, 1,214,518 —,oxymethylanthraquinone(?) in, 1,167,230 —,—,enzyme, proteolytic, for, 1,235,881; 1,235,882 —,—,grit for, 1,237,724 —,—, hops for, 1,235,881; 1,235,882 INDEX OF Ale, packing made with, 1,162,371 —, pale, mfr. of, Burton salts for, 1,156,448 —,see also Beer; Beverage Aleppo wormseed, see Santonica Aleuritic acid, lac contg., esters of, 1,309,967 Aleurites oil, see Tung oil Aleurities oil, see Tung oil Alexandria wormseed, see Santonica Alfalfa, animal food contg., 1,395,746 —, cattle feed made with, 1,172,507 —, coffee substitute made with, 1,195,154 _ —, fertilizer for, 1,320,701 —, food product made with, 1,195,152; 1,195,153 ; 1,195,154 —,gas mfr. from, 1,832,529 —,inoculation of, bacterial compost for, 1,320,701 —, molasses, impregnation with of bales of, 1,196,138 —, tea substitute made with, 1,288,727 —,treatment of, process for, 1,195,153; 1,195,154 —,vitamine source, 1,431,525 Alfalfa extract, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,195,152 —,—, process for, 1,195,152 —,—,syrup for, 1,195,152 —,—, water for, 1,195,152 Alfalfa flour, mfr. of, process for, 1,195,153 Alfalfa meal, bacterial compost made with, 1,515,016 —, cattle food made with, 1,257,423 —,mixing molasses with, apparatus 1,415,851 —, plastic building material contg., 1,344,058 —, poultry food containing, 1,291,518 Alge, acetic acid from, 1,371,611 —, alginic acid from, 1,348,459 —, butyric acid from, 1,371,611 —, cellulose from, 1,371,611 1,195,152 ; for, —,edible, baking compound made_ with, 1,491,380 —,—, shortening made with, 1,491,380 —,—,see also Chondrus crispus; Agar agar —,extract of, acetone containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—, alcohol containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—,baking powder containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—, benzene containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—, butter containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—,buttermilk containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—,cheese containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—, containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—,cotton seed oil containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—,cream containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—,fat containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—,food product containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—, gasolene containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—,honey containers coated with, 1,456 ‘494 —,—,ice cream containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—, kerosene containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—, lard containers coated with, 1,456,494 SUBJECTS 263 Algee, extract of, linseed oil containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—,milk product containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—, molasses containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—, naphtha containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,oil containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—, ’ olive oil containers coated with, 1 456,494 —, —; paint containers coated with, it 546, 494 —,—, pickles containers coated with, 1 ASG, 494. —,—, salmon containers coated with, 1,456 A94 —,—, ’ soda containers coated with, 1,456 ‘494 —,—,turpentine containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,— , varnish containers coated with, 1,456,494 —,—, vinegar containers coated with, 1,456 494 —,formic acid from, 1,371,611 —, iodine from, 1,371,611 —, marine, alkali iodide made using, 1,249,863 —, fertilizer made using, 1,249,863 —,—,iodine made using, 1,249,863 —, —; potassium iodide made using, 1,249,863 —,—,sodium iodide made using, 1 "2.49 863 —, ’ potash salts from, 1,371,611 —, potassium salts from, 1,371,611 —,water, disinfecting composition made with, 1,265,463; Re-14,514 —,—,formaldehyde, solidified, made with, 1,265,463 ; Re-14,514 —,—,laxative made with, 1,265,463; Re-14,514 —,—,sterilizing composition made _ with, 1,265,463; Re-14,514 Algarroba, beverage made with, 1,141,816; 1,519,789 —,coffee substitute made with, 1,141,816; 1,519, 789 —, licorice substitute made with, 1,519,789 Algarroba bean, coffee substitute made with, 1,189,125; 1 189, 126; 1,189,131; 1,189,132; 1,348,999 | —,coffee substitute extract made _ with, i 165,415; 1,204,032 —, roasted, cattle feed made with, 1,267, 081 —,—, dextrin made with, 1,267, 081 —,— ’ ethyl aleohol made with, 1,267,081 —,— ’ maltose made with, 1,267,081 Algerite, cement, Portland, made with, 1,250,291 — potassium chloride made with, 1,250 291 —, potassium compounds made with, 1,250 291; 1 435,593 —, see also Scapolite Algic jellies, glass prevented from sweating with, 1,869,708 Algin, ‘airplane fabric made with, 1,427,941 —, airplane fabric fireproofed with, 1,427,941 —, balloon fabric made with, 1,427,941 —, coffee extract coated with, 1,392,458 —, coffee tablets coated with, 1,367,725 —, fabric, stiffener for, made with, 1,517,520 —,felt, stiffener for, made with, 1,517,520 —,formaldehyde-urea-condensate made with, 1 482 357 — _gelatinous material made from, process for, 1 289,053 —, graphite suspended in, 1,409,658 —,ivory substitute made with, 1 482,357 —, ‘mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,136, 300° 264 Algin, mfr. of, calcium bisulfite for, 1,516,917 —,—, digitata for, 1,516,917 —,—, kelp for, 1, 136, 390 —,—, Laminaria Flexiculie for, 1,516,917 —, —, potassium carbonate for, 1 136, 390 —,—, process for, 1,136,390; 1,516 917 —,—, seaweed for, 1 516 917 —,—, sodium carbonate 1,516,917 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,136,390 —, molded article made with, 1,482,357 —, paper, stiffener for, made with, 1,517 520 —, printing ink contg., 1,404,845 . —,shoe stiffener made with, 1,517,520 —,tent fabric made with, 1,427,941 —,underwriters cloth made with, 1,427,941 —,urea-formaldehyde condensate made with, 1,482,357 —,wire-drawing lubricant contg., 1,409,658 —,see also Alginic acid; Sodium alginate Algin compounds, see Alginates —,see also Alginic acid Alginate, aircraft, fire-proof dope for, contg., 1,821,708 —, airplane dope made with, 1,312,708 —, battery, storage, electrode for, made with, 1,508,732 —,cattle feed made with, 1,515,968 for, 1,136,390; —,colloidal, preparation of, ammonia for, 1,415,324 —,concrete water-proofed with, 1,415,324; 1,415,849 —, condiment made with, 1,513,298 —, film, motion picture, made with, 1,361,783 —, " fire- proofing, composition for, contg., 1 321,708 — kelp product made with, 1,513,298 —, liquid, purification of using, 1,515 ,968 —,metal-, gelling, producing, 1,415, 849 —, paper pulp impregnated with, 1,415,850 —, preparation of, 1,415,850 —,solvent for, ammonium hydroxide as, 1,415,850 —, therapeutic product made with, 1,513,298 —, waterproofing with, 1,415,850 —, wood pulp impregnated with, 1,415,850 Alginatos chrondin, film, motion picture, made with, 1,183,698 Alginic acid, aircraft, fire-proof dope for, contg., 1,321,708 ~- aircraft fireproofed with, 1,372,478 —, airplane dope made with, 1 312 5708 —,alginates from, 1,415,849 —, battery, storage, electrode for, made with, 1 508,732 os , binder made with, 1,509,035 —,cattle feed made with, 1,515 ,968 —, ’ cellulose, colloidal suspension of, made with, 1 009,035 —, condiment contg., 1,513,298 —, extraction from kelp, 1,395,016 —., fire-proofing, composition for, 1,321,708 —, fuel made with, 1,509,035 —, insulation, heat, made with, 1,509,035 —, iodine compounds made with, 1 509 035 contg., UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 © Alginic acid, kelp product contg., 1,513,298 —, liquid, purification of using, 1,515,968 —, mfr. of, aluminum sulfate for, 1,259,486 —,—, Fucus vesiculosus for, 1, 162, 926 —_—,— , hydrochloric acid for, 1 259, 486 —,—,iron chloride for, 1 259, 486 — kelp for, 1,259, 486 ea a ’ Laminaria for, i, 162,926 —,—, Laminariaceae M acrocystis for, a 008,732 —,—, Laminarvaceae Nereocystis Leetkeana for, 1 508, 732 —,—, process for, 1,162,926; 1,259,486 —,—, seaweed for, 1 162, 926. —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,259,486 —,—, Stenophylla for, 1,162,926 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,259,486 —,potassium alginate from, 1,405,560 —, potassium salts made with, 1 509 035 —, preparation of, sea-weed for, 1 348 459 —,salts of, mfr. ‘of, process for, 1 162 926 —, therapeutic product contg., 1,513,298 Algol, cotton, dyeing of using, 1,486,353 —,linen, dyeing of using, 1,486,353 —,silk dyed with, 1,852,014 Algol blue, cotton, dyeing of using, 1,199,273 —, dyeing process using, 1,199,273 —,silk dyeing of, using, 1,199,273 —, wool, dyeing of, using, 1,199,273 Algol blue K hydro compound of, see N.N'- dimethyl-indanthrene Algol blue RG. dyestuff, printing paste for contg., 1,126,387 Algol corinth ¢ dyeing, vat, using, 1,148,966 Algol orange, cotton, dyeing of, using, 1, 199, 273 —, dyeing process using, 1,199, 273 —,silk, dyeing of, using, 1 199. 273 —, wool, dyeing of, using, 1,199,273 Algol red paste, cotton, dyeing of using, 1,486,353 —-, linen, dyeing of using, 1,486,353 Algol rosa R, cellulose acetate dyed with, 1,448,515; 1,517,709 —,cotton, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —,linen, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —, silk, artificial, cellulose acetate, dyeing of ae 1,517,709 —,—, fabric contg., dyeing of using, i ‘B17 709 —, wool, bee contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 Algol scarlet G, cellulose acetate dyed with, 1,448,515; 1,517,709 —, cotton, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —, linen, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1 17, 709 ms, silk, artificial, cellulose acetate, dyeing of _using, 1,517 709 —, —., fabric contg., i B17, 709 —, wool, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 Algol violet B, cellulose acetate dyed with, 1,448,515; 1,517,709 —, cotton, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 dyeing of using, INDEX OF Algol violet B, linen, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517 709 —, silk, artificial, cellulose acetate, dyeing of using, 1,517 709 —,—,—, —, fabric contg., 1 517 709 —, wool, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 Algol yellow, cotton, dyeing of using, 1,199, 973 —, dyeing process using, 1,199,273 —, silk, dyeing of, using, 1 199, 273 —, wool, dyeing of, using, 1 199, 273 Algol yellow 3 G, ‘dyeing, vat, using, 1,148,966 Algol yellow WG, cellulose acetate dyed with, 1,448,515; 1,517,709 —,cotton fabric contg., 1,517,709 —, linen, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —, mfr. of, l-amino-anthraquinone for, 1,296,602 —,silk, artificial, cellulose acetate, dyeing of Meng, 1,517,709 —,—, fabric contg., 1 ‘Bly, 709 =, wool, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 Alimentary paste, milk powder in, 1,849,524 —, stuffed, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,236,998 —, vitamins in, 1,349,524 Alimentary product, preservation of, apparatus for, 1,183,986 —,—, cellulose film for, 1,183,986 —, cotton for, 1,183,986 —,—, felt for, 1,183,986 —,—, paraffin for, 1,183,986 —,—, process for, 1,183,986 —,—, varnish for, 1,183,986 —, —, wadding for, 1,183,986 —,see also Macarom; Noodles; Vermicelli Aline, see Amido-propionic acid dyeing of using, dyeing of using, dyeing of using, Spaghetti; Aliphatic acids, road paving made with, 1,213,555 Aliphatic alcohol, cellulose ether solvent, 1,473,217: 1,473,218: 1,473,219 —,ethyl cellulose solvent, 1,473,217; 1,473,218; 1,473,219 —, Alizarin assistant, see Castor owl, sulfonated; Turkey red oil Alizarin, cellulose acetate dyed with, 1,448,515; 1,517,709 —,chlorinating, 1,401,125 —,chromium compound not precipitated by, mfr. of, process for, 1,162,210 —, cotton, dyeing of, using, 1,199,273 —,—, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —, dyeing process using, 1,199,273 Alizarine, dyestuff, hat, straw, sizing and dyeing of using, 1,181,202 —,lake made with, 1,203,642 —, leather, dyeing of using, 1,185,605 —, linen, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —, mfr. of, air for, 1,150,152 —, —, alkali hydroxide for, 1,355,100 —,—,anthracene for, 1,150,152 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,150,152 —,—,1.2-chloranthraquinone for, 1,321,271 —,—, 2-chlor anthraquinone for, 1,355,100 —,—,2-(p'-chlorbenzoyl)-benzoic acid for, 1,355,100 SUBJECTS 265 Alizarine, mfr. of, 9.10-dihydro-9.10-anthradiol for, 1,150,152 —,—, 9.10-dihydro-10-nitro-9-anthrol for, 1,150,152 —,—, 9.10-dihydro-9.9.10-trinitro-anthracene for, 1,150,152 —,—, 9.10-dinitro-anthracene for, 1,150,152 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,150,152 —,—, nitric acid for, 1,150,152 —,—, meso-nitro-anthracene ees nitrate compounds for, —, 10-nitro-anthrone for, 1,150,152 —,nitrogen tetroxide for, 1,150,152 —, process for, 1,150,152; 1,855,100; 1,446,163 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,150,152 —,—,sodium nitrate for, 1,150,152 —,—,sodium sulfite for, 1,150,152 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,150,152 —, molded article made with, 1,409,275 —,mordant for use with, 1,340,246 —, preparation of, 1,480,277 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,409,275 —,silk, artificial, cellulose acetate; dyeing of es 1,517,709 —,—, fabric contg., 4 ‘B17, 709 —,— dyeing of using, 1,199,273 —, ’ wool, dyeing of using, 1,199,273 —,—, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —, see also Dyestuff, alkizarins Alizarin blue, dyestuff made with, 1,228,089 Alizarin Bordeaux, chlorinating, 1,401,125 Alizarin Bordeaux paste, cellulose acetate dyed with, 1,448,515; 1,517,709 —,cotton, fabric contg., 1,517,709 —, linen, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —,silk, artificial, cellulose acetate, dyeing of a Sne, 1,517,709 —,—,—, fabric contg., a 517, 709 —, wool, 1 ks 709 Alizarin brown, photographic image dyed with, 1,389,742 Alizarin Cyanine 8 R, see Alizarin Bordeaux Alizarin dyestuff, photographic print, colored, made with, 1,160,288 Alizarin indigo ey dyeing, vat, using, 1,148,966 Alizarin lakes, airplane dope conte., 1,426, 521 Alizarin Orange, cellulose acetate, dyeing of using, 1,448,515; 1,517,709 dyeing of using, dyeing of using, dyeing of using, fabric contg., dyeing of using, — cotton, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —,linen, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517 ,709 —, photographic image dyed with, 1,389,742 —,silk, artificial, cellulose acetate, dyeing of pueine: 1,517,709 —,—, fabric contg., ma B17, 709 —, wool, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —, see also Nitro-alizarine (b) Alizarine Orange AO, see Alizarin Orange Alizarin Orange A, see Alizarin Orange Alizarin Orange N, see Alizarin Orange Alizarin O G, see Alizarin Orange dyeing of using, 266: Alizarin OR, see Alizarin Orange Alizarin oil, coloring matter 1,164,036; 1,164,037; 1,173,330 —, cotton dyed with, 1,266, B77 — ' dye made with, 1 Ave 330 —, dyeing with indigo and, 1,341,637 —, fabric, printing composition for, made with, made _ with, 1 164 036; 1,164,037; 1,173,330 — paint made with, 1 164, 036; 1,164,037 ; 1 173,330 —, shoe filler made with, 1,134,931; 1,227,696 —,see also Castor oil, sulfonated ; ‘Cotton seed oil, sulfonated ; Oil, vegetable, sulfonated Alizarin red lake, airplane dope made with, 1,426,521 —,coating composition, made with, 1,426,521 Alizarin red 8, photographie image dyed with, 1,389,742 Alizarin sapphirol, lake made with, 1,203,642 Alizarin-sulfonic acid, dyestuff ‘made with, 1,261,394 —, sodium salt of, bismuth compound made with, 1,494,943 —,—, disinfectant made with, 1,494,943 —,— ’ dyestuff made with, 1,494, 943 Alizarin yellow, photograph, colored, made using, 1,248,139 Alizarin yellow 3G, photographic image dyed with, 1,389,742 Alizarin yellow R, cellulose acetate dyed with, 1,448,432; 1,517,709 —,cotton fabric Contes " 1 517,709 —, linen, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —,silk, artificial, cellulose acetate, dyeing of _using, 1,517, 709 —,—, fabric’ A ‘B17 709 —, wool, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 visibility reducing, dyeing of using, contg., dyeing of using, Alizarin yellow lake, photograph, colored, made » using, 1,248,139 Alkadienes, see Hydrocarbon, diolefin Alkalen, see Alcolene; Alkolen Alkali, acetates made with, 1,365,050 —, acetaldehyde made with, 1,511,754 —, acetyl-salicylic acid, composition of and, 1,486,002 —,albumose solution made with, 1,489,181 —, alcohol made with, 1,511,754 —, alkali cyanides from, apparatus for produc- ing, 1,358,014 —, alkali sludge sulfonates made with, 1,493,111 —,alumina treated with, 1,270,266 - —,aluminate-silicate, catalyst, nickel alumi- nate-silicate made with, 1,256,032 —,aluminum, acid resistant, made _ with, 1,180,196 —,—, alkali resistant, made with, 1,130,196 —,—,coating of, treatment of surface before using, 1,144,000 —,—, insulation, 1,137,986 —,— sheet, coating for, made with, 1,221,561 —- aluminum alloy, coating of, treatment. of surface before using, 1,144 000 electric, made for using, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali, aluminum alloy, insulation, made for using, 1,137,986 —, aluminum oxide made with, 1,270,266 —, aluminum treated with, 1,130,196 — ‘alkyl acetates made with, 1 365, 050. —) “American foul brood,” combating of using, 1 511,857 —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1 201 226 —,ammonium nitrate, concentration of, using, i% 126,471 —, ammonium salt, 1,126,471 —,amyl alcohols made with, 1,221,667 —,amyloid, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —, anhydride caused to set by, 1,371,762 —,antimony, bismuth, removal from of using, ie 166,721 —, anthraquinone purified with, 1,404,056 —,arsenic, bismuth, removal from of using, 1 ,166, 721 —, N -(p-arsonophenyl) glyeyl-m' -aminophenol made with, 1,280,121 —, N-(p- arsonophenyl)-a-phenylelycinamide made with, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —, asphalt emulsified with, Re-15 401 (956,009) —, asphaltic material made with, 1,221,790 —,azo-resins made with, 1,500,844 —, battery, primary, cathode for, made using, 1,243,111 —,—,storage, nickel hydroxide-nickel flake electrode for, regeneration of, using, 1,488,480; 1,488,481 —, bee ‘food, sterilized, made using, 1,511,856 —, ’ bee hives, sterilization of using, 1 ll 857 —, benzene made with, 1,252,481 —, ’ benzene, treatment of using, 1,474,136 —, benzyl cellulose made with, 1,451,330 —, bismuth, antimony, removal of from using, 1,166,721 —,—, arsenic, removal of from using, 1,166,/21 —,— "purification of using, 1,166,721 —,—, "selenium, removal of from using, 1,166,721 —,—, sulfur, removal of from using, 1 166, 721 —,—, tellurium, removal of from using, 1,166,721 —,—, tin, removal of from using, 1,166,721 —,—, zinc, removal of from using, 1, 166, 721 —, "plue print paper made with, 1,500 ‘433 —, borneols mfr. with, 1,426 036 —, ’ brick made with, 1,249 028 —, ’ brick, kieseleuhr, made with, 1,143,826 —, b- bromethyl p-nitrobenzoate made with, 1,260,289 —, carbamides mfr. in presence of, 1,351,888 —,car body, coating for, made with, 1,221,561; 1,221,562 —, carbon, coating of using, 1,178,546 —,—,reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —,carbon oxysulfide decomposed by, 1,351,755 —,carbon oxysulfides, gas, removal from of, using, 1,504,624 electric, concentration of using, —,—,hydrogen, removal from of, using, 1,504,624 —,cardboard, sized, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —,—, unsized, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 INDEX OF Alkalh, eardboard, 1,499,025 —,carnotite, treatment of with, 1,255,144 —, casein dissolved by, 1,375 624 —, casein size made with, 1,506,081 —, ‘catalyst, hydrogenation, made with, 1,201,226 —,—, nickel, made with, 1,266,782 — ’ catalyst for the mfr. of ammonia made with, 1 ,201 226 —, catalyst in carbon monoxide deoxidation, 1,408,754 —, catalyst in nitrogen fixation, 1,408,754 —,caustic, anti-dimming compound contg,, 1,394,774 —,—, mfr. of, 1,440,211 —,—,proteids extracted with, 1,427,645 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,280,862 —,cellulose made with, 1,354,731; 1,402,210; 1,456,540 —, cellulose, colloidal, made with, 1,458,542 —,—, hydrochloric acid solution of precipitant using, 1,141,510 —,—, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —, cellulose dispersing agent, 1,458,542 —, cellulose esters made with, 1,458,542 —,cellulose esters saponified with, 1,342,267; waterproofing of using, 1,342,268 —,cellulose ether made with, 1,188,376; 1,489,315; 1,501,207; 1,503,604; 1,507,210 —, cellulose hydrate made with, 1,505,043 —,cellulose hydrate, wateproofing of using, 1,499,025 —, cellulose nitrate denitrated with, 1,342,267; 1,342,268 —,cellulose sulfite liquor concentrated using, 1,440,026 —, cellulose sulfite liquor treated using, 1,344,691 —, cellulose treated with, 1,140,799 —,—, cellulose ether made with, 1,188,376 —,—, ethyl cellulose made with, 1,188,376 —,—,methyl cellulose made with, 1,188,376 —, cement, waterprooofing of using, 1,519,285 —, cerium oxide made with, 1,167,485 —, chromite, treatment of with, 1 255, 144 —, chromium ore, treatment of with, 1,255,144 —,clay contg., 1 381 al —, clay, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —,cleaner contg., 1,316,090 —, cocoa bean, treatment of using, 1,515,947 —,collar, “semi-stiff,” made with, 1,490,081 —, concrete, waterproofing of using, 1,519,285 —,copal, chlorination of using, 1,129,165 —, copper made with, 1,236,501 —, copper, sheet, coating for, made with 1,221,561 —,copper carbonate ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —, copper dissolved in ammonia and, 1,440.186 —,copper ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, sulfidation of with, 1,312, 668 a ’ copper oxide ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —, copra treated with for ‘oil. extraction, 1,369,265 —,core made with, 1,477,064 —,cork, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 SUBJECTS 267 Alkali, corn treated with, 1,265,700 —,corncobs treated with, 1,427,378 —, cotton, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —, cotton plant stems treated with, 1,251,261 —, cotton seed hull softened by, 1,295,078 —, cotton seed oil, refining of using, 1,246,379 —, cotton treated with, 1,402,040 —, cuff, “semi-stiff,” made with, 1,490,081 —,cuprammonium cellulose made with, 1,456,540 —, cyanide, gold “ mill discard,” recovery from of, using, 1,486,137 —,—,silver “mill discard,” recovery from of, using, 1,486,137 —, decoration made with, 1,128,071 —,detergent made with, 1,493,111 —, detergent compound mfr. from, 1,419,625 —,detinning using, 1,359,494 —, dextrin, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —, diabetes, compound for treatment of made with, 1 469, 994; 1,470,024 —, D:D 'diamino-benzophenone made with 1 ,220,248 = diglycerol made with, 1,126,467 —, dimethyl ether made with, 1,459,177 —, disinfectant made with, 1,457,708 —, disinfecting powder contg., hypochlorites and, 1,339,783 —,dyeing, vat, using, 1,148,966 —, dyeing process using, 1,333,700 — : dyestuft made from pyrazole- anthrone made with, 1,329,435 —, dyestuff made with, 1,243,170; 1,243,171; 1 900,844; 1,505,569 —, dyestuff, colloidal, made with, 1,458,542 —,earthy, see Alkali earth alkals —,electroplated article cleaned with, 1,317,053 —, emulsified composition made with, 1,469,563 —,emulsion, breaking of using, 1,500, 202 —, ” emulsion "separated using, 1,474 670 — enamel made with, 1.221, 561; 1,221 562; 1,458,542 —,enamel, opaque, made with, 1,129,300; 1,502,422 —,—, white, made with, 1,129,300 —, enamel removed from metal with, 1,272,917 —, esters made with, 1,365,050 — ’ ethylene glycol di-p-nitrobenzoate made with, 1,260,289 — ethyl ether made with, 1,459,177 —,ethyl ether purified with, 1,312 A75 —,ethyl formate recovery of using, 1,127,871 —,ethyl methyl ether made with, 1 ‘459, 177 — ‘ethyl tropinone-carboxylate ‘made with, 1 419,092 — explosive made with, 1,503,956 —, fabric, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1 505,534 —,— _water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —, fat chlorination of using, 1,129, 166 —, ’ fat refined with, 1,275,289 —, fecal fat refined with, 1,275,289 — ' feldspar, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —, ferberite, treatment of with, 1,255 144 —, ’ fertilizer made with, 1,158, 711; 1 497, 600 —, , fiber, amylaceous, sizing, remaval of from, using, 1,505,534 268 Alkali, fiber, animal, treatment of using, 1,197,495 —,—, vegetable, treated with, 1,251,261 —,—,—,wool like effects on, made with, 1,384,677 —, fibers liberated by ammonium salts and, 1,845,776 —, film made with, 1,141,510; 1,484,004 —., fire-proofing made with, 1,273,307 —,fish treatment with of, 1,472,332 —, flax, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —, flax felt made with, 1,125,347 —, flax treated with, 1,251,261 —, flotation oil made with, 1,506,385 —, flotation process using, 1,125,897; 1,364,304; 1,364,306; 1,417,262; 1,417,268; 1,457,708; 1,497,699 —., fluorescent substances, protection from, com- pound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —,fodder made from straw with, 1,442,821; 1,422,322 —, fodder made with, 1,128,154 —, food made with, 1,472,331 —,food product made with, 1,199,018 —,foots treated with, 1,276,822 —, formaldehyde, action of and, 1,143,114 —,formaldehyde preserved using, 1,481,849 —, formic acid made with, 1,143,114 —,foul brood, combating of using, 1,511,857 —, fuel, liquid, made with, 1,318,060; 1,318,061 —,fusel oil, synthetic, made with, 1,221,667 —,fusion of organic material with, process of, 1,480,277 —,gas, carbon oxysulfide, removal of from, using, 1,504,624 —,gasolene made with, 1,127,465 —, gear made with, 1,514,508 —, gelatin made with, 1,271,960 —,glass contg., 1,130,767; 1,148,732 —, glass made with, 1,510,521 —,glue made with, 1,490,330 —, glycerol made with, 1,511,754 —, glycerol, polymerized, made with, 1,126,467 —,gold production of using, 1,236,501 —,gold concentration of using, 1,478,237 —,gold “mill discard,’ cyanide, recovery of from, using, 1,486,137 —,—, hydrocyanic acid, recovery of from, using, 1,486,137 —, grain treated with, 1,265,700 —,graphite, colloidal, made with, 1,458,542 —,—, concentration of using, 1,478,237 —,—,reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —,graphite dispersing agent, 1,458,542 —,gum made with, 1,513,802 —,gum, artificial, made 1,225,749; 1,225,750 —,gums dissolved in, 1,865,891 —,hair treated with, 1,394,655 —, heat-insulating material agglomerated with, 1,332,348 —,hemi-cellulose made with, 1,169,592 —, hemp, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —, herring oil refined with, 1,275,289 —,hirsuite, treatment of using, 1,197,495 —,huebernite, treatment of with, 1,255,144 with, 1,225,748; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali, hydrocarbon, treatment of with, appara- tus for, 1,187,797 —,—, treatment of using, 1,474,136 —, hydrocarbons desulfurized with, 1,435,824 —, hydrocellulose made with, 1,140,799 —,hydrocellulose, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —,hydrocyanic, silver “mill discard,” recov- ery from of, using, 1,486,137 —,—,gold “mill discard,’ recovery from of, using, 1,486,137 —,hydrocyanic acid absorption by, 1,385,335; 1,385,336 —, hydrogen made with, 1,126,371; 1,276,487 —,hydrogen, carbon oxysulfide, removal of from, using, 1,504,624 —,hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,201,226 —,hydrogen dioxide made with, 1,128,966; 1,138,519; 1,188,520 —,hydrogen dioxide, decomposition of by, 1,139,774 —, hydroxides precipitated by, 1,386,244 —,o-hydroxy benzyl alcohol made 1,317,276 —,p-hydroxy benzyl 1,817,276 —, ink, printing, made with, 1,469,414 —,indophenol-sulfonie acid solvent, 1,128,369; 1,128,370 —,insulating composition contg., 1,829,094 —,insulating material treated with, 1,403,822 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1,245,981; 1,249,028; 1,329,094; 1,500,844; 1,514,508 —,—, heat, made with, 1,125,347 —,iron made with, 1,236,501 —,iron, coloring of, using, 1,439,447 —,—, oxidation of, using, 1,489,447 —,—,sheet, coating for, made with, 1,221,561 —,iron alloy resistant to the action of, 1,493,191 —,iron oxide pigment made with, 1,496,605; 1,496,606; 1,496,607 —,isophorone made with, 1,370,843 —,ivory substitute made with, 1,514,509 —, japan made with, 1,472,716 —, jute, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —, kerosene made with, 1,127,465; 1,221,790 —, kerosene, treatment of with, apparatus for, 1,187,797 —,ketone aldehyde condensate resistant to, 1,482,929 —. label made with, 1,128,071 —,lac, induration of with, 1,309,967 —,lacquer made with, 1,245,981 —,lacquer resistant to, cellulose esters for with, alcohol made _ with, preparing, $865,078 are L/eL, UD fp 1) $Y —,lake colloidal, made with, 1,459,542 ” —,lampblack, reflocculated, made _ with, 1,456,112 —,latex preservative, 1,448,149 —, lead, production of using, 1,236,501 — —,red, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —, leather, artificial, made with, 1,140,174 —,—, tanning of using, 1,167,951 —, leather board made with, 1,469,563 —,leather board, water-proof, made with, 1,142,953 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alkali, leather substitute made using, 1,141,545 —,lignocellulose material made with, 1,140,799 —,lignone chloride dissolved by, 1,445,495 —,lime tree bast, treatment of using, 1,149,876 —., linden tree bast, treatment of using, 1,149,876 —, linen, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —, linseed oil substitute made with, 1,500,844 —, liquid, detection in of impurity of, apparatus for, 1,320,036 —,lithopone, colloidal, made with, 1,458,542 —,—,reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —, lubricating oil made with, 1,127,465 —,magnesium separated from dolomite by, 1,340,905 —,mfr. of, Solvay process, electrical process applied to, 1,338,352 —, mfr. of cement and, 1,338,021 —,medicinal capsule contg. acid and, 1,356,544 —,mesityl oxide made with, 1,370,843 —, metals cleansed with, 1,442,437 —, methyl alcohol made with, 1,143,114 —,methylenitan made with, 1,143,114 —,methyl formate recovery of using, 1,127,871 —, 1-methyl-2-propionyl-pyrrolidine made with, 1,158,496 —,minerals, metallic, concentration of using, 1,478,237 —,—, non-metallic, 1,478,237 —, mine water treated with, 1,315,836 —,molded article made with, 1,441,570; 1,514,508; 1,514,509 —, molybdenite, treatment of with, 1,255,144 —,molybdenum ore, treatment of with, 1,255,144 —, mortar, water-proofing of using, 1,519,285 —, moss cleaned with, 1,401,199 —, naphtha made with, 1,221,790 —, naphtha, purification of, using, 1,203,419 —,—, solvent, treatment of using, 1,474,136 —,—, treatment of with, apparatus for, 1,187,797 —,naphthene acid refined with, 1,275,289 —, nickel, welding flux for, made with, 1,224,418 —,nickel alloy, welding flux for, made with, 1,224,418 —, nickel catalyst made with, 1,266,782 —,nitrate, meat cured with, 1,259,376; 1,259,377 —,nitrite, meat cured with, 1,259,376; 1,259,377 —,nitrogen fixation with, 1,441,693; 1,441,695 —,nitro-glycerol, nitro-starch, mixture of and, made with, 1,503,956 —,nitro-starch, nitro-glycerol, mixture of and, made with, 1,503,956 —, nitrogen oxides absorbed by, 1,458,969 —,oat treated with, 1,265,700 —, ochre, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —,oil made with, 1,252,481 —,oil, animal, refining of using, 1,246,379 —,—, chlorination of using, 1,129,165 —,—, mineral, refined using, 1,286,179 —,—,—, purification of, using, 1,500,202 —,—, purification of, using, 1,203,419 —,—, pyridine free, made with, 1,506,385. —,—, vegetable, refining of using, 1,246,379 —, oil cloth, imitation, made with, 1,140,174 —, oil refined with, 1,275,289 concentration of using, 269 Alkali, oil treated with, 1,310,164 —,olive, ripe, treatment of using, 1,154,363 —,ore, copper, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,extraction from of, 1,296,035 —,—, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —,organic matter coagulated with, 1,426,596 —,oxy-cellulose, water-proofing of using, 1,449,025 —, paint made with, 1,127,831; 1,168,730 —, paint remover made with, 1,273,307 —, paint skins, treatment of with, 1,279,888 —, paint waste, treatment of with, 1,279,888 —, paper made with, 1,501,924 —, paper, coated, made with, 1,141,951 —,—, grease-proof, made with, 1,476,562 —,—,lithographers, made with, 1,141,951 —,—,parchmentized, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —,—,printed, ink removed 1,130,466; 1,188,596; 1,138,597 —,—, sized, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —,—, unsized, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 from __ using, —,—,water-proof, made with, 1,476,562; 1,499,025 —, paper pulp made with, 1,142,922 —,paracoumarone made _ with, 1,395,968; 1,515,315 —, paraffin made with, 1,127,465 —, paraffin, chlorination of using, 1,129,165 —, paraffin purified with, 1,277,092 —, paraformaldehyde solvent contg., 1,481,849 —,paraindene made with, 1,395,968 —, pectin product made with, 1,497,884 —, peroxidase made with, 1,324,752 —,petroleum, chlorination of using, 1,129,165 —,—,sludge sulfonic acid, removal of from, using, 1,286,179; 1,493,111 . —,—, treatment of with, apparatus for, 1,187,797 — petroleum refined with, 1,286,179 —,petroleum treated with, 1,310,164 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,126,926; 1,143,714; 1,187,229: 1,225,748: 1,225,749; 1,225,750; 1,252,507; 1,401,633; 1,500,844 —, phenol aldehyde condensate solvent, 1,188,014 —,phorone made with, 1,370,843 —, phosphate, insoluble, hydrated with, 1,445,167 —, photochemical processes, protection from, compound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —, photographic emulsion, protection from, compound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —, pigment made with, 1,150,863 —, pigment, colloidal, made with, 1,458,542 —,—, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —, plastic made with, 1,239,094; 1,511,949; 1,513,802 —, platinum, concentration of using, 1,478,237 —,platinuym, production of using, 1,281,878 —,platinum group metal, production of using, 1,281,878 —,polyglycols made with, 1,143,114 —,printing plate made with, 1,401,633 —,iso-propyl alcohol made with,’*t,518,339 2v0 Alkali, iso-propyl alcohol, deodorizing of using, 1 518, 339 —, protecting animal fibers against, see Fibers animal, protecting against alkahes —, proteid silver made with, 1,272,987 —, pyridine, oil free from, made with, 1,506,385 —, pyrotechnic made with, 1,500,844 —,radium made with, 1,488,357 —,ramie, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —,record, disk, made with, 1,315,137 — ’ refractory made with, 1,143 826 —, reflocculated material made with, 1,456,112 —,resins made with, 1,142,922 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,500,844 ; i: 513, 802 —,—, chlorination of using, 1,129,165 —, rice-straw treated with, L313: 403 — ’ roofing made with, 1511 949 —,roots treated with, 1,251 261 —,rosin made with, L 142 922: 1,169,592 —,rosin spirit refined using, t 243 623 — rubber, hard, substitute, made with, 1,315,137 —,— reclaiming of using, 1,243,623 —,—, synthetic, made with, 1,248, 888 —,—, vulcanization of, using, 1 203, 241 — rust prevented from forming by, 1,395,730 —, ’ rust-proofing using, 1,159,748 —,rye treated with, 1,265, 700 —, scheelite, treatment of with, 1,255,144 —, selenium, bismuth, removal from of using, 1 166,721 —, shellac, induration of with, 1,309,967 — shellac substitute made with, 1,315,137; 1 ,000,844 —, sienna, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 — ’ silicate, zealite, artificial, made with, 1 140,262 —, siliceous ore digested with, 1,305,969 —,silicic acid sol made with, 1,477,938 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,141,510; 1,456,540; 1,458,542; 1,484,004 —_—,—, — , water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —,—, treatment of, using, 1,496, 064; 1 496,065 —,— ’ weighting of, using, 1,496 064; 1,496 065 —, ’ silk, degummed ‘with, 1312. 235 _—, silk thread made with, ‘ 202, 534 —, ’ silk waste degummed with, 1 Sisi2ap —, ’ silver production of using, 1, 236 501 —, ‘silver “ mill discard,” cyanide, recovery of from, using, 1,486,137 —,—,hydrocyanic acid, using, 1,486,137 —, size conte. .. 1,365,715; 1,365,716; 1,506,081 —, sizing made with, 1 513 802 —, sizing, amylaceous fiber, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —,—,— fabric, 1 505, 534 — sludge sulfonic acid, petroleum, from of using, 1,286,179; 1,493,111 —,soap, rosin, made with, 1,169,592 —, soap made from vegetable matter and, 1 342,783 —,soap suds, re-use of with, 1,312,477 —,sodium sludge sulfonates made 1,493,111 —,sodium vanadate made with, 1,513,200 recovery of from, removal from of, using, removal with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali, solution, evaporation of, using, 1,126,471 —,—, cellulose nitrate, screens for, cleaned with, 1,367,111 —,—, cellulose nitrate composition, screens for, cleaned with, 1,367,111 is Solvay,” straw retted with solution esau _ ~ 1374,941 —,—,see also Alkali hydroxide —,solvent recovery with, 1,868,601 —,speck dye contg., 1,386,201 —,sponge, artificial, made with, 1,142,619 —, stalks treated with, 1,251,261 —, starch, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —,starch ethers made with, 1,350,820 _ —, starch ethers prepared by means of, 1,350,820 —,starch gelatinized with, 1,832,348 —, steel, coloring of, using, 1,439,447 —,—, oxidation of, using, 1,489,447 —,—, ’ sheet, coating for, made with, 1,221 061 —, ‘stone, artificial, made with, 1,249 028 —, straw, water-proofing of using, 1,499, 025 —,straw retted with solution conte., 1,374,941 —,straw treated with, 1,251,261 —, sugars made with, 1 143, 114 — ’ sulfating of, air for, 1,159 032; 1,159,033 —,— , apparatus tora 159 032: 1 159 033 —,—, Manganese dioxide for, 1,159 032: 1,159,033 —,—,nitrogen oxides for, 1,159,032; 1,159,033 —,—, oxygen for, 1,159,032; 1,159,033 —,—, process for, 1,159,032; 1,159,033 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,159,032; 1,159,033 —, sulfur dioxide for, 1,159,032; 1,150,033 —,—, sulfurous acid for, 1,159,032; 1,159,033 —,sulfur, bismuth, removal from of using, 1,166,721 —,—,reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —,sulfur concentration of using, 1,478,237 —,sulfur dye made with, 1,346,153; 1,346,154 —,sulfur-phenol resin solvent, 1,435,801 —, sulfur removed from oils by hydrogen sul- fide and, 1,357,224 —,tanning compound made with, 1,487,726; 1,500,844 —,tellurium, bismuth, removal from of using, 1,166,721 —, terra cotta made with, 1,249,028 —,tetraglycerol made with, 1,126,467 —, therapeutic product, protection from, com- pound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —, tile made with, 1,249,028 —,tin, bismuth, removal 1,166,721 —, tin recovered using, 1,359,494 —,toluene made with, 1,252,481 —,toluene, treatment of using, 1,474,136 —, toluene halogenated in presence of, 1,384,909 —, train fat refined with, 1,275,289 —., triglycerol] made with, 1,126,467 —, tungsten ore, treatment of with, 1,255,144 —,tungstite, treatment of with, 1,255,144 —, turpentine made with, 1,142,922 —, turpentine substitute made with, 1,127,465 —,ultramarine, colloidal, made with, 1,458,542 —, ‘ultramarine blue, reflocculated, made with, 1 456,112 from of using, INDEX OF Alkali, ultra-violet filter, protection from, com- pound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —, ultra-violet light, protection from, compound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —, uranium made with, 1,438,357 —, uranium ore, treatment of with, 1,255,144 —, vaccine made using, 1,514,681 —, vanadium made with, 1,438,357; 1,513,200 —, vanadium ore, treatment of with, 1,255,144 —, vanadium oxide recovered with, 1,259,595 —, varnish made with, 1,513,802 —, varnish, asphalt, made with, 1,221,790 —,—,fat soluble, made with, 1,500,844 —,—, oil soluble, made with, 1,500,844 —,varnish remover made with, 1,273,307 —, varnish substitute made with, 1,315,137 —,vehicle body, coating for, made _ with, Beebo 5.1,221,562 —, viscose made with, 1,456,540 —, viscose, zine salt of, dissolved in, 1,140,174 —, viscose filaments treated with, 1,371,300 —, viscose precipitated by, 1,875,823; 1,375,824 —, wall board made with, 1,511,949 —, wall finish made with, 1,513,207 —, water, detection in of impurity of, apparatus for, 1,320,036 —, water-proofing 1,513,802 —, water purification with, 1,312,552 —, water purifying material contg. silicates and, 1,843,927 —, wax, chlorination of using, 1,129,165 —, wheat cleaned using, 1,221,636 —, wheat treated with, 1,265,700 — whiting, artificial, made with, 1,264,092 —, whiting substitute made with, 1,264, 092 — willow tree bast, treatment of using, 1 149,876 —, wolframite, treatment of with, 1,255, 144 —, wood, water-proofing of using, 1 499, 025 —, wood preservation with ammonium-metal sulfates and, 1,409,087 —, wood pulp. made with, 1,140,799 -— ’ wood pulp, brown, made with, 1,169,592 —, wood treated with, 4.251.261 —, wool like vegetable fibers made with, 1,384,677 —,wool treated with, 1,197,495; 1,394,655 : , X-ray screen, protection from, compound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —, xylene made with, 1,252,481 —, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,131,503; 1,263,706 —,zinc made with, 1,154,602; 1,236,501 —, zinc, bismuth, removal from of using, 1 166 721 —, zirconium oxide, reflocculated made with, 1 456,112 -—, zirconium oxide precipitated by, 1,340,888 —, zirconium silicate treated with, 1,502,422 see also Caesium; Lithium; Potassium; Rubidium ; Sodium Alkali acetate, acetic anhydride made with, 1,326,040 —,acetin made with, 1,509,864 —, acetyl chloride made with, 1,326,040 —, alkali cyanide made with, 1,138,190; 1,138,191 1,417,702 msde.) with © 1,973,307 - — SUBJECTS QTL Alkali acetate, ammonia made with, 1,138,191; 1,417,702 —,ammonia producing catalyst made 1,473,543 —,amyl acetate from, 1,302,583 —, anthraquinone made with, 1,467,258 —, blue print paper made with, 1,500,433 —, butter substitute made with, 1,232,016 —,case hardening using, 1,492,192 —, catalyst made with, 1,473,543 —, catalyst, methyl, acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,255,950 —,—,urea mfr. by, 1,292,019 —, diacetin made with, 1,509,864 —, film, photographic, made with, 1,493,000 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,187,232 —, water softening composition contg., 1,399,651 Alkali acetyl salicylate, calcium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,225,407 —,mfr. of, acetone for, 1,217,862 —,—, acetylsalicylic acid for, 1,129,953; 1,217,862 —,—, alcohol for, 1,129,953; 1,217,862 —, alkali bicarbonate for, 1,217,862 —,—, alkali borate for, 1,217,862 ,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,129,953; 1,217,862 —,—, alkali chloride for, 1,217,862 —, alkali hydroxide for, 1,129,953; 1,217,862 —,—, "alkali nitrate for, 1 7 862 —,—, alkali nitrite for, ‘1 217 862 —,—, alkali oxide for, 1,217, 862 —,—, alkali phosphate for, i ,217,862 —, ‘alkali silicate for, 1,217,862 —,alkali sulfate for, 1,217,862 —,— ‘alkali sulfite for, 1,217,862 —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,217,862 —,—, benzene for, 1,217,862 —,—., ether for, 1 129 953; 1,217,862 —,—, ’ hydrocarbon for, 1,217 862 —,—,ligroin for, 1 217, 862 —,—, process for, 1 129 953; 1,217,862 —,—, water for, 1 217, 862 Alkali acid salt, celluloid substitute made with, 1,280,862 Alkali albuminate, food product made with, 1,199,018 Alkali aleoholate, catalyst, aldol made with, 1,220,746 —, cellulose ether made with, 1,188,376 —,indoxyl, mfr. of, use of, 1 293, 680 —, rubber, synthetic, made with, 1,248,888 —, starch ‘ethers made with, 1,350 820 - Alkali alginate, alkali aluminum alginate made with, 1,162,926 —, alkali copper alginate made with, 1,162,926 —, alkali zinc alginate made with, 1 162 926 —, preparing, 1,348,459 Alkali alloy, catalyst, aldol made with, 1,220,746 Alkali aluminate, abrasive made with, 1.263, 710 —, adhesive made with, 1,248,039 —, "alkali carbonate made using, 1,514,657 —, "alkali compound made with, 1, 263 705 —,alkali hydroxide made with, 1 514 657 —, ‘alkali oxalate made with, 1,281, 118 ams ’ aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,251,295; 1,251, 296; 1,315,045 with Rte Alkali aluminate, aluminum oxide made with, 1,159,989; 1,263,705; 1,815,045; 1,415,280; 1,514, 657. —, aluminum sulfate made with, 1,503,603 —,ammonia made with, 1,159, 989: 1,415, 280 —, ’ brick, sand-lime, made using, 1,514,657 —,calcium silicate made using, 1,514,657 —,cement made with, 1,507,379; 1,514,657 —,condenser electrolyte, 1,326,297 —,cyanides made with, 1,415,280 —,dental cement made with, 1,507,379 —,fabric, fireproofing of, using, 1,225,414; 1,244,145 —, fertilizer made with, 1,518,568; 1,518,569; 1,518,570 —,fireproofing with, 1,224,145; 1,225,414; 1,397,858 —,formation of, 1,408,169 — glue, vegetable, made with, 1,248,039 —, heater, electric, made with, 1,507, 379 — ‘lightning electrolyte, 1,326, 297 —, mfr. of, albite for, 1,508, 777 —,—, alkali aluminum silicates for, 1,151,498; 1,151,533; 1,508,777 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,285,796; 1,495,498; 1,508,777 —,—,alkali earth compound for, 1,151,498; 1,151,533 —,—, alkali earth orthosilicate for, 1,285,796 —,—, alkali earth oxide for, 1,151,498; 1,151,533; 1,285,796; 1,495,498; 1,508,777 —,—, alkali earth salt for, 1,151,498; 1,151,533 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,271,192; 1,285,796; 1,495,498; 1,508,777 —,—, aluminum silicates for, 1,271,192 —,—, ’ bauxite for, 1,271,192; 1,508 777 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1 508 777 —,—, calcium chloride for, i 151 498; 1,151,538 ; 1,508,777 —,—,calcium oxide for, 1,151,498; 1,151,533; 1,508,777 —,—, calcium silicate for, 1,508,777 —,—, carbon for, 1,508, 777 —,—, clay for, 1,508, 777 —,—, dolomite for, 1 151,498; 1,151,533 —,— feldspar for, 1,151,498 ; 1,151,533; 1,285, 796; 1,495,498; 1,508,777 —,—, leucite for, 1,151,498; 1,151,533; 1,285,796; 1,495,498; 1,508,777 —,—,lime for, 1,151,498; 1,151,538; 1,508,777 —,—,limestone ffor, 1,151,498; 1,151,533; 1,495,498; 1,508,777 —,—,magnesium carbonate for, 1,508,777 —,—,magnesium chloride for, 1,151,498; 1,151,533 —,—, magnesium oxide for, 1,508,777 —,—,orthoclase for, 1,508,777 —,—,potassium carbonate 1,495,498 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,508,777 —,—, process for, 1,151,498; 1,151,533; 1,271,192; for, 1,285,796; 1,285,796; 1,495,498; 1,508,777 —,—,silicates for, 1,151,498; 1,151,538 ; 1,285,796; 1,495,498 —,—, silicon dioxide for, 1,508,777 —,—, sodium aluminum silicate for, 1,508,777 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,151 498; 1, ‘151 533 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali aluminate, mfr. of, sodium chloride for, 1,508,777 ——, sodium hydroxide for, 1,508,777 —,—, ’ zeolite for, 1,508,777 — plastic made with, 1,507,379 —, porcelain made with, 1,507,379 —,rectifier electrolyte, 1,326,297 —,resistance, electric, made with, 1,507,379 —, silicon dioxide made with, 1,415,280 —,silicon nitrogen compounds prepared with, 1,415,280 —, silicon nitride made with, 1,415,280 —,sodium oxalate made with, 1,281,118 —,stereotype matrix made with, 1,173,907 —, waterproofing using, 1,224,145 —,zeolite artificial, made with, 1,208,797; 1,263,707 Alkali aluminate silicate, see Zeolite, artificial Alkali aluminum alginate, cardboard coated with, 1,162,926 —,fabric coated with, 1,162,926 —,leather coated with, 1,162,926 —,mfr. of, alkali alginate for, 1,162,926 —,alum for, 1,162,926 —,—, aluminum sulfate for, 1,162,926 —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,162,926 —,—, process for, 1,162,926 —, paper coated with, 1,162,926 —,pasteboard coated with 1,162,926 —, textile coated with, 1,162,926 Alkali aluminum carbonate, fabric, fireproofing of, using, 1,225,414 —, fireproofing using, 1,225,414 Alkali aluminum fluoride, aluminum, coated with, made with, 1,488,553 —, mfr. of, acid for, 1,517,686 —,—, alkali chloride for, 1,517,686 ——, ‘alkali fluoride for, 1,517, 686 —,alkali sulfate for, 1,517,686 —,— — aluminum salts for, 1,517 686 —,—-, " argil for, 1,517,686 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,517,686 steel —,—, hydrofluoric acid for, 1,517,686 —, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,517,686 —, potassium fluoride for, 1,517,686 —,—,potter’s earth for, 1,517 ,686 —,—, process for, 1,517,686 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,517,686 —,—,sodium fluoride for, 1,517,686 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,517,686 —,steel, aluminum coated, made with, 1,488,553 —,see also Chiolite; Cryolite Alkali aluminum silicates, alkali aluminate made with, 1,151,498; 1,151,533; 1,508,777 —,alkali compound made using, 1,151,498; 1,151,533 —, alumina made with, 1,508,777 ? —, fertilizer made with, 1,508,777 —, mfr. of, alkali chloride for, 1,123,693 —,—, apparatus for, 1,123,693 —,—, bauxite for, 1,123,693 —,—, clay for, 1,123,693 —,—, feldspar, for, 1,123,693 —,—, feldspar, potash, for, 1,123,693 —,—, process for, 1,123, 693 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,123,693 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alkali amalgam, boiler compound made with, 1,181,562 —, catalyst, aldol made with, 1,220,746 —, mfr. of, alkali chloride for, 1,190,845 —,—, mercury for, 1,190,845 —,—, process for, if 190, 845 Alkali amide, acetone, action of and, 1,169,341 —, alkali hydroxide made with, 1,198 987 =, ’ alkali metal, lead alloy conte., treatment of using, 1,197, 329 —, cyclohexanone, action of and, 1,169,341 —,cyclopentanone, action of and, 1,169,341 —, diethyl ketone, action of and, 1,169,341 —, ethyl methyl] ketone, action of and, 1,169,341 —,gases purified with, 1,436,949 —,lead alloy, alkali metal in, treatment of eme, 1,197,329 —, potassium in, ii 197,329 —,—, sodium in, treatment of using, 1,197,329 —, ’ mfr. of, acetylene for, 1,163,498 —,—, alkali chloride for, 1,163 498 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,163,498 —,—, alkali metal for, 1,163,498 —,—, alkali metals, ammonia and catalyst for, 1,359,080 —,—,ammonia for, 1,163,498 —, apparatus for, 1,159,154 —,—, carbon for, 1,163,498 —,—, carbon electrode for, 1,163,498 —,—, coal gas for, 1,163,498 —,—, copper cathode for, 1,163,498 —,electrolytic process for, 1,159,154 —,—, graphite electrode for, 1,163 498 —,—,lead for, 1,163,498 —,—, lead alloy for, 1,163,498 —,—, mercury for, r 163, 498 treatment of using, —,—, mercury alloy for, 1,163,498 —, nickel cathode for, 1,163,498 —,—, nitrogenous matter for, 1,163,498 —,— ’ platinum anode for, 1,163 498 —,—, process for, 1,159,154; 1,163,498 —,—, tin for, 1,183,498 —,—, tin alloy for, 1,163,498 —,methyl propyl ketone, 1,169,341 —, potassium, lead alloy contg., treatment of using, 1,197,329 —,sodium, lead alloy contg., treatment of ’ using, 1,197,329 —,see also Potassium amide ; Sodamide Alkali arsenate, alkali oxalate made 2,281,117 —, condenser electrolyte, 1,255,391 —, lightning arrester electrolyte, 1,255,391 —,rectifier electrolyte, 1,255,391 —, sodium oxalate made with, 1,281,117 —, wood, fungi, preservation from attacks by of with composition contg., 1,182,760 —,—, insects, preservation from attacks by of with composition contg., 1,182,760 —,—, molds, preservation from attacks of by with composition contg., 1,182,760 —,—, parasites, preservation from attacks by of with composition contg., 1,182.760 —,—,teredo, preservation from attacks by of with composition contg., 1,182,760 18 action of and, with, Alkali 273 arsenite, alkali oxalate made _ with, 1,281,117 —, animal dip made with, 1,137,844 —, cattle dip made with, 1,498,639 —, condenser electrolyte, 1,255,391 —, formaldehyde made with, 1,148,114 —, insecticide made with, 1,137,844 —, lightning arrester electrolyte, 1,255,391 —,paraformaldehyde, solvent for, contg., 1,170,624 —,rectifier electrolyte, 1,255,391 —,sheep dip made with, 1,498,639 —,sodium oxalate made with, 1,281,117 —, Texas fever tick, animal dip for, made with, 1,137,844 = , trioxymethylene, solvent for contg., 1,170,624 —, zine arsenite from, 1,296,344 Alkali benzene sulfonate, mfr. of, process for, 1,260,852 —, phenol from, 1,260,852 Alkali benzoate, alkali cacodylate, action of on, 1,297,952 —, mfr. of, alkali carbonate for, 1,463,255 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,463,255 —,—,dibenzyl for, 1,463,255 Ae iron compound for, 1,463,255 —,manganese dioxide for, 1,463,255 —,—, process for, 1,463,255 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,463,255 —,—, sodium manganese for, 1,463 5255 Alkali benzyl citrates, antispasmodic, 1,485,377 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Alkali benzyl malonates, antispasmodic, 1,485,377 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Alkali benzyl phosphates, antispasmodic, 1,485,377 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Alkali benzylphthalate, antispasmodic, 1,485,877; 1,485,378 —, mfr, of, alcohol for, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —,—, benzyl phthalate for, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —,—, process for, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 Alkali benzyl succinate, antispasmodic, 1,485,377 ; 1,485,379 —,mfr. of, acetone for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,—, alcohol for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 te alkali carbonate for; 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —, alkali hydroxide for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,—, benzyl succinate for, 1 485 377: 1 ASS 379 —,—, process for, 1,485, 377; 1 485 379 - Alkali benzyl sulfates, antispasmodic, 1,485,377 —,mfr., of, process for, 1,485,377 Alkali benzyl tartrates, antispasmodic, 1,485,377 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Alkali bicarbonate, adrenaline made with, 1,899,144 —, alkali acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, alkali cyanide made with, 1,138,190; 1,138,191 —,alkali earth acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, alkali sulfite made with, 1,164,649 —, ‘alkali tungstate made with, 1,261,383 R74. Alkali bicarbonate, 1,447,400 —,alloys, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,824,318 —,aluminum oxide, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,ammonia made with, 1,138,191; 1,483,413 —,ammonia made with gases purified using compound made from, 1,483,413 —,antiseptic made with, 1,493,564 —,barium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,barium sulfate, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,barley-corn glumes, lupuline, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—,testilupine, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—,testin acid, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —, bismuth acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, separation from of using, 1,512,924 —,calcium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, carbon dioxide made with, 1,164,649; 1,266,595; 1,482,367; 1,482,368 —, cerium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, chromite, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,cinnabar, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,copper silicate, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,cotton seed oil foots, treatment of using, 1,232,913 —,cresol-formaldehyde condensates mfr. with, 1,437,726 alkaloids extracted by, —, 3.4-diacetoxy-a-nitromethyl-benzyl alcohol made with, 1,399,144 _ —,didymium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,362 —,difficultly soluble material rendered soluble using, 1,471,751 —,enamel, opaque, made with, 1,492,578 —,ethers made with, 1,459,177 —,fat, refining of using, 1,147,392 —, ferrites, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, fire-extinguisher contg., 1,306,707 —, “foots,” treatment of using, 1,232,913 —,formates made with, 1,204,933 —,formic acid made with, 1,204,933 —,germicide made with, 1,493,564 —,glycol made with, 1,237,076 —, heat producing compound contg., 1,126,055 —, hide, bating of using, 1,170,426 —,hydrochloric acid in soluble material ren- dered soluble using, 1,471,751 —,iron(ic) oxide, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,iron oxide (Fe:O.) treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, lithium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,lupuline, barley-corn glumes, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,magnesium acetyl-salicylate made _ with, 1,217,862 —, magnesium carbonate made with, 1,512,924 —,magnesium carbonate, calcium carbonate, separation from of using, 1,512,924 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali bicarbonate, manganese dioxide, treat- ment of with, 1,471,751 —,manganese oxide (Mn.0O;) treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,mfr. of, alkali sulfide for, 1,138,190 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,138,190 —,—, process for, 1,221,506 —,—,water for, 1,138,190 —, metal, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,mineral, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,molybdenum extracted with, 1,399,554 —, nickel silicates, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,nitric acid insoluble material rendered soluble using, 1,471,751 —,oil, refining of using, 1,147,392 —,ore, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,potassium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,potassium silicates, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,record, disk, made with, 1,315,137 —, rubber, hard, substitute, made with, 1,315,137 —,rubber purified with, 1,418,271 —,shellac substitute made with, 1,315,137 —, silicic acid made with, 1,324,318 —, silver acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,skin, bating of using, 1,170,426 —, sodium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,sodium sulfite made with, 1,266,595 —,strontium acetyl-salicylate made 1,217,862 —,sulfide ore, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,sulfuric acid insoluble material rendered soluble using, 1,471,751 —,tanning compound made with, 1,443,697 —,testilupine, barley-corn glumes, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,—,yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,testin acid, barley corn glumes, removal of, using, 1,517,650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —, 3.5.3’ 5'-tetramino-2.2’-dibrom-4.4’-di(methy]- amino)-arseno-benzene action on of, 1,265,865 —, 3.5.3'.5'-tetramino-2.2'-dichlor-4.4/-di(methyl- amino) -arseno-benzene action on of, 1,265,865 —, 3.5.3’ .5’-tetramino-2.2’ 6.6’-tetrachlor-4.4’-di (methylamino)-arsenobenzene, action on of, 1,265,865 —, 3.5.3’.5’-tetramino-2.4.2’ 4’-tetra(methyl- amino) -arsenobenzene, action on of, 1,265,865 —, tin dioxide, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,varnish, substitute made with, 1,315,137 —,yeast, lupuline, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—, testilupine, 1,517,650 —,—,testin acid, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,zine acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,zine silicates, treatment of with, 1,471,751 Alkali bichromate, chromium oxide, green, made with, 1,158,379 —,lead chromate, basic, made with, 1,181,172 —,mfr. of, acetone for, 1,310,720 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,492,636 —,—, carbon for, 1,492,636 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,310,720 with, removal of from, using, INDEX OF Alkali bichromate, mfr. of, chromate for, 1,310,720 —,—,chromite for, 1,492,636 —,ethyl alcohol for, 1,310,720 —,—,ferro-chromium anode for, 1,492,636 —,— — hydrochloric acid for, 1,810,720 —,—, ‘lead cathode for, 1,492,636 —,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,310, 720 —,pitch for, 1,492, 636 —,—, process for, 1 492 636 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1 310,720 —, ’ printing plate made with, 1,508,089 —,shellac solvent contg., 1,303,782 Alkali bisulfate, alkali dichromate made with, 1,326,123 —,alumina, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —, aluminum, soldering flux for contg., 1,139,923 —,—, welding flux for contg., 1,139,923 —,aluminum alloy, soldering flux for, contg., 1,139,923 —,—, welding flux for, contg., 1,139,923 —,alloys, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —,barite, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —, barium sulfate, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —,battery, storage, lead electrode for, regen- eration of using, 1,147,261 —, calcium phosphate (CaHPO,) made with, 1 493,099 —, chromite, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —,cinnabar, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —, compound, heat-producing, contg., 1,309,209 —, copper silicates, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —, copper sulfide, treatment of using, 1,364, 804 —, enamel, iron, made with, 1,256,456 —, ’ ferrites, treatment of using, 1,864,804 —, ’ fertilizer made with, 1,162,944; 1, 173,303 — , iron (ic) oxide, treatment of using, 1,364, 804 —,iron oxide (Fe:O,), treatment of using, 1 364,804 —,manganese dioxide, 1,364,804 —,manganese oxide (Mn.0s), using, 1,364,804 —,nickel silicates treatment of using, 1,364,804 —, phosphoric acid made with, 1,493,099 —, potassium silicates, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —,serpentine, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —, silicate, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —, silk. artificial, viscose, precipitation of, using, 1,393,197 —,sodium phosphate (NaH2PO.), made with, 1,493,099 —,tanning material sulfite liquors by, 1,414,312 —, tin dioxide, treatment of using, 1,864,804 —, titanates, treatment of using, 1,364, 804 —, ‘vanadium compound made with, 1,482,276 —,vanadium sulfate made with, 1,482 276 —, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,140,262 —, zinc silicates, treatment of using, 1,364,804 Alkali bisulfite, alkali hyposulfite made from, 1,477,130 —, alkali sulfite made with, 1,164,649 —, carbohydrate, nitrated, made using, 1,504,986 —,—,—, stabilized, using, 1,504,986 —, carbon dioxide made with, 1,164,649 treatment of using, treatment of from cellulose SUBJECTS a5 Alkali bisulfite, cellulose, filamentous, made with, 1,128,624 —, cellulose, hydrated, made with, 1,128,624 —, cellulose acetate made with, 1,128,624 —, cellulose ether made with, 1,128,624 —, dextrin treated with, 1,268,672 —,envelope gum made with, 1,268,672 —, explosive made with, 1,128,624 —, fabric made with, 1,128,624 —, linen, bleaching of, using, 1,501,553 —,nitrodextrin made using, 1,504,986 —, nitrodextrin stabilized using, 1,504,986 —,nitrostarch made using, 1,504,986 —,nitrostarch stabilized using, 1,504,986 —, plastic made with, 1,128,624 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,128,624 —, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,140.262 Alkali blue, rubber colored with, 1,342,457 —, vulcanization process using, 1,342,457 Alkali blue R. S., cotton blued with, 1 404,242 Alkali blue 4B, dyeing with, 1,441 240 Alkali borate, alkali acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,alkali perborate made with, 1,235,904; 1,235,905; 1,253,060; 1,253,061; 1,268,369; 1,281,983 —, alkali sulfide made with, 1,312,668 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,415,280 —,ammonia made with, 1,415,280 —, bicarbonate, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —, bleaching using, 1,163,438 —, borax from, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 — ‘boric acid from, "1,259 W7: 1.259 718: 1,259 719 —, calcium nitrate made with, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,calcium nitrate, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,calecium oxide from, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,carbonate, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —, catalyst made with, 1,199,032 —,catalvst, hydrogenation, made with, 1,199 032 —,—,—, regeneration of, using, 1 199 032 —, copper carbonate ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —, —, sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —, copper ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —, copper oxide ore, flotation of with, 1,812,668 —,—,sulfidation of with, 1,812,668 —, cotton, bleaching of, using, 1,163,438 —,cyanides made with, 1,415,280 —,electrode, arc lamp, made with, 1,132,313; 1,221,039 —., fat, refining of using, 1,147,392 —,hydrochloric acid, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,199,032 —,—,—,regeneration of, using, 1,199,032 —, insecticide contg., 1,895,860 —, linen, bleaching of, using, 1,163,438 —, methylamine made with, 1,489,380 276 Alkali borate, nitric acid, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —, oil, refining of using, 1,147,392 —,ore, copper, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,—, sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —, oxygen made with, 1,124,304 —, potassium carbonate made with, 1,215,517; 1,215,518 —, potassium compound made with, 1,215,517; 1,215,518 —, shellac solvent contg., 1,803,782 —,silicon dioxide made with, 1,415,280 —, silicon nitride made with, 1,415,280 —,silicon nitrogen compounds prepared with, 1,415,280 —, sodium nitrate, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,sodium perborate made with, 1,281,983 —,sulfate, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,sulfide, soluble, made with, 1,310,151 —,sulfuric acid, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —, water softener contg., 1,162,024 Alkali borosilicate, bicarbonate, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —, borax from, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —, boric acid) from, “1,259,717; . 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —, calcium nitrate, treatment with of, 1,249,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 . —,calecium oxide from, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,carbonate, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,hydrochloric acid, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,nitric acid, treatment with of, 1,259,717; . 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —, sodium nitrate, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 i —,sulfate, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —, sulfuric acid, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —, sulfurous acid, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 Alkali bromate, bread made with, 1,148,328 —,formation of in bromide mfr., preventing, mananous compounds for, 1,487,740 Alkali bromide, bromine made with, 1,267,638 —, mfr. of, 1,437,740 —,nitrosyl bromide made with, 1,267,638 —,silver bromide dissolved with, 1,404,737 Alkali cadmium alginate, cardboard coated with, 1,162,926 —,fabric coated with, 1,162,926 —, leather coated with, 1,162,926 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,162,926 —, paper coated with, 1,162,926 —, pasteboard coated with, 1,162,926 —, textile coated with, 1,162,926 Alkali cacodylate, alkali benzoate, action on of, 1,297,952 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali carbide, catalyst for the mfr. of ammonia made with, 1,352,178 —, mfr. of, alkali oxide for, 1,129,510 —,—, apparatus for, 1,129,510 —,—, carbon for, 1,129,510 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,129,510 —,—, process for, 1,129,510 —,—, producer gas for, 1,129,510 Alkali carbolate, flotation oil made with, 1,506,385 5 —,oil, pyridine free, made with, 1,506,385 —, pyridine, oil free from, made with, 1,506,385 —,see also Alkali cresolate; Alkali phenolate Alkali carbonate, abrasive made with, 1,263,710 —,acetylene chlorinated with chlorine and, 1,425,669 —,acetyl-salicylic acid, composition of and, 1,486,002 —,adhesive made with, 1,311,965; 1,373,412 —,adrenaline made with, 1,399,144 —,albuminous product made from, 1,169,634 —, alcohol made with, 1,245,818; 1,253,055 —,alcohol dehydrated with, 1,466,435 ; Re-15,783 —,aldol made with, 1,220,746 —,alkali acetylsalicylate made with, 1,129,953; 1,217,862 —,alkali aluminate made with, 1,285,796; 1,495,498; 1,508,777 —,alkali benzoates made with, 1,463,255 —, alkali benzyl phthalate made with, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —, alkali benzyl succinate made with, 1,485,377 ; 1,485,379 —,alkali compound made with, 1,283,951; 1,285,796; 1,495,498 —,alkali cyanamide made with, 1,174,667 ; 1,174,668; 1,483,411 —,alkali cyanide made with, 1,138,190; 1,138,191; 1,312,842; 1,322,195; 1,358,883; 1'417°702; 1,472,403; 1,481,373; 1,481,374; 1,483,411; 1,496,467; 1,498,637 —,alkali earth oxide, mixture of and, 1,342,148 —, alkali earth acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,alkali ferrocyanide made with, 1,259,702 —,alkali manganate made with, 1,818,891 —, alkali perborate made with, 1,268,369 ; 1,281,983 —,alkali percarbonate made with, 1,225,722; 1,225,832; 1,225,872; 1,235,904; 1,235,905 —,alkali permanganate made with, 1,318,891 —,alkali silicate made with, 1,463,037 —,alkali sulfide made with, 1,312,668 —,alkali sulfite made with, 1,164,649 —,alkali tungstate made with, 1,261,383 —,alkaloids extracted by, 1,447,400 —,allocain A made with, 1,399,312 —,allocain § made with, 1,899,312 —,alloys, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,alum clay contg., extraction from of, 1,308,429 —,alumina made with, 1,508,777 —,aluminum treated with, 1,130,196 —,aluminum, acid resistant, made 1,130,196 — —,—, alkali resistant, made with, 1,130,196 with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alkali carbonate, aluminum compounds contg., extraction from of, 1,308,429 —, aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,824,318 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1 228, 119; 1 262,062; 1,285,796; 1,415,280 —, aluminum oxide, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, ammonia made with, 1,138,191; t 149, 653; 1 206,155; 1,415,280; 1 AIT 702 : 1,483,413: ‘ 1 483 ‘414° —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1 157, 2538 ; 1,206,155; 1,483,412 —,— , liquid, solubility ji in of, 7 314 231 —,ammonia made with gases purified with compound made with, 1,483,413; 1,483,414 —, ammonium phosphate made with, 1,270 515 — amyl alcohols made _ with, 1,214 919: 1,221,667 —, animal dip made with, 1,137,844 — , anthraquinone purified with, 1,404,056 —, antimony made with, 1,144 402: 1 146 pla —, antimony sulfate, basic, “made with, 1 185 005 —, antiseptic made with, 1 145,634; 1 493, 564 —,arsenic made with, 1,144 402; 1,146 BY) -— | N-(p- arsinosophenyl) elycylanthranilic acid made with, 1,280,122 —, N. -(p-arsonopheny])-a- phenyl-glycinureide made with, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —, az0-resins made with, 1 000,844 —, ’ bactericide made with, 1, 145, 634 —, baking powder made with, 1 264,592 —, barium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,barium sulfate, treatment of with, 1,471 751 — ’ barley corn glumes, lupuline, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 1,134,956 ; —,— , testilupine, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—,testin acid, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 — bauxite contg., extraction from of, 1,308,429 —, ’ beer made with, 1,149,704 —, benzoates made with, 1,463 255 —, benzoic acid made with, 1,463, 255 — ‘beryllium carbonate made with, 1,216,980; 1 216,981 — . beryllium hydroxide made with, 1,216,980; 1 216,981 — , beryllium 1,216,980; 1 216,981 — , binder made with, 1,509,035 > bismuth made with, 1 144 402; 1,146,373 —: bismuth acetyl-salicylate “made with, 1 217,862 — , bismuth sulfate, basic, made with, 1,185,005 — , bleaching using, 1,163 438 —,blue print paper made with, 1,500,433 —, board made with, 1,245,984 —,bornite, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1 469,042 -— Dakine vegetable matter using, 1,156,048 —,1.2-butanediol made with, 1,213 367 — ,1.2-butanediol, nitrated, made with, 1,213,367 —,2.3-butanediol made with, 1213 367. —, 2.3-butanediol, nitrated, made with, 1,213,367 — butylene glycol made with, 1,270, 759 “Res ether dehydrated with, 1,466,435 ; e- oxide made with, rad Alkali carbonate, cadmium made _ using, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,calcium acetyl-salicylate made _ with, 1,217,862 —, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, separation from of, using, 1,512,924 —, calcium chloride made with, 1,253 055 —, ’ calcium phosphate (CaH,) made with, 1 270,515 —, carbon, activated, made with, 1,505,496 —,— , decolorizing, revivifying of, using, i, 189 896 —, carbon dioxide made with, 1,164,649; 1,266,595 —, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, separation from of using, 1,287,472 —, carvacrol made with, 1,265,800 —,case hardening with, , 279 457; 1,492,192 —, cassiterite, flotation of, using, 1,497,310 —, ’ catalyst, urea made with, 1,274,503; 1,292,019 —., catalyst for the mfr. of ammonia made with, 1,157,253; 1,206,155; 1,483,412 —, catalyst for the mfr. of hydrogen made with, 1,330,772 -_- , catalyst in phenol-acetone condensation, 1 097,144 — celluloid substitute made with, 1,245,818; 1 245,976; 1,245,983; 1,245,984; 1 275 324: 1 980 ‘862: 1 379, 351; 1 427, 645 —, cellulose, colloidal suspension of, made with, 1 509,035 —, cellulose nitrate, screens for, cleaned with, 1 067,111 —, cellulose nitrate compositions, screens for, cleaned with, 1,367,111 —, cellulose xanthogenate made with, 1,379,351 —, cement made with, 1,507,379 oe ’ cereal, proteid extracted from with, 1,321,479; 1821 480 1,279,458 ; —,cerium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,chalcopyrite, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —, charcoal, decolorizing, made with, 1,358,162 —, chromite, treatment of with, 1,471 751 —, chromium hydroxide made with, 1,486 961 —,chromium potassium sulfate made with, 1 486,961 —, cinnabar, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, clay contg., extraction from of, 1 308 429 —, cobalt made with, 1,146,373: —, compound, heat-producing, contg., 1,309 209 —,copper production of using, 1, 144 402; 1,146,373; 1,185,005; 1,440,186; 1,509,774 —, copper carbonate ore, flotation of with, 1 312,668 —,—, sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —, copper compound made with, 1,228,119 —, copper ore, flotation of with, 1,312 668 —,— -sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 o= copper oxide ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 — ’ copper silicates, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, copper sulfate made with, 1,185 005 —, corn, proteid extracted from with, 1,321,479; 1,321 480. 278 Alkali carbonate, cotton, bleaching of, using, 1,163,438 —,—, mercerized, fabric, treatment of using, 1,515,691 —, cotton fabric, treatment of using, 1,515,691 —,cotton seed oil made with, 1,278,073 ; 1,278,075; 1,278,076 —, cresol-formaldehyde condensate mfr. with, 1,437,726 —,cyanides made with, 1,206,155; 1,309,908 ; 1,322,195; 1,358,161; 1,415,280 —,cyanide gases, loss of, prevented during treatment of ore by using, 1,158,514 —,dental cement made with, 1,507,379 —, detergent made with, 1,165,498 —, dextrose made with, 1,139,620 —, 3 4-diacetoxy-a-nitromethy]l-benzy] made with, 1,399,144 —,diethyl ketone dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —, N.N-diethyl-mydriatin made with, 1,399,312 —,didymium acety]-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, difficultly soluble material rendered soluble using, 1,471,751 —,dyestuff made with, 1,323,263; 1,460,315 ; 1,500,844 —, dyestuff, bucking of using, 1,156,048 —,earth contg., extraction from of, 1,808,429 —,electrode, arc lamp, made with, 1,132,313 —-,enamel, iron, made _ with, 1,256 456 ——,—, opaque, made with, 1,123,760 —,—, white, made with, 1,123,760 —,ethers made with, 1,459,177 —,ethylene glycol made with, 1,270,759 —,ethyl ether dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re- 15,783 —,ethyl methyl ketone 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —, N-ethyl-mydriatin made with, 1,899,312 —,ethyl propyl ether dehydrated with; 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —,explosive made with, 1,213,367 —, fabric, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —,fat hydrogenated with, 1,472,882 —, fatty acid hydrogenated with, 1,472,882 —, ferrites, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,ferro-molybdenum made with, 1,278,408 —,fertilizer made with, 1,158,711; 1,162,802; 1,162,944; 1,221,979; 1,229,684; 1,266,198 ; 1,267,473; 1,289,789; 1,508,777 —, fiber, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —,—, vegetable, bleached with, 1,251,614 —, filament, artificial, cellulose acetate, hollow, made with, 1,487,807 —,—,—, cellulose nitrate, hollow, made with, 1,487,807 —,—,—, gelatin, hollow, made with, 1,487,807 —,—,—, hollow, made with, 1,487,807 —,—,—,cuprammonium cellulose, made with, 1,487,807 —,—,—, viscose, hollow, made with, 1,487,807 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,493,000 —., fire-extinguisher contg., 1,278,716; 1,306,707 alcohol dehydrated with, hollow, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali carbonate, floor covering made with, 1,245,984; 1,421,086 —, flotation process using, 1,182,890; 1,469,042; 1,486,297; 1,497,319 —, fluorescent substances, protection from, com- pound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —,food product made with, 1,245,818; 1,275,324 —, formaldehyde made with, 1,143,114 —,formates made with, 1,206,155 —,fuel made with, 1,509,035 —,fuse, electric, safety, made with, 1,288,724 —,fusel oil, synthetic, made with, 1,214,919; 1,221,667 } —,galena, flotation of, using, 1,497,310 —,—, pyrite, separation of from, using, 1,182,890 —,—,sphalerite, separation of from, using, 1,182,890 —,germicide made with, 1,493,564 —, glucose made with, 1,139,620 —,glue, vegetable, made with, 1,311,965; 1,357;310) > . —,glutamic acid made with, 1,255,390 —,glycol made with, 1,213,367; 1,237,076 1,270,759 —., glycol, nitrated, made with, 1,213,367 —, gold production of using, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,185,005 —,grass bleached with, 1,251,614 —,halloysite contg., extraction 1,308,429 —,heater, electric, made with, 1,507,379 —,heat producing compound contg., 1,126,055 —,'-4'.6'-hexanitro-diphenyl sulfide made with, 1,135,792 —, hexyl alcohols made with, 1,214,919 —,hop beverages made with, 1,149,704 —,horn substitute made with, 1,379,351 —,hydrocarbons dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —,hydrochloric acid insoluble material ren- dered soluble using, 1,471,751 —,hydrocyanic acid made with, 1,492,871 —, hydrogen, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,330,772 —, hydrogenation process using, 1,472,882 —,ink, lithographic, made with, 1,131,578 —, insecticide made with, 1,187,844; 1,185,603 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,131,578; 1,245,876; 1,245,980; 1,245,981; 1,245,984; 1,397,144; 1,500,844 —,—, heat, made with, 1,509,035 —,iodine compounds made with, 1,509,035 —, iron, production of using, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,iron(ic) arsenate made with, 1,146,373 —,iron(ic) arsenite made with, 1,146,373 —,iron hydroxide pigments from, 1,420,985 —,iron molybdate made with, 1,278,408 —,iron(ic) oxide made with, 1,146,373 —,iron(ic) oxide, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,iron oxide (FesO.), treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,iron oxide pigment made with, 1,490,372 ; 1,496,605 —,iron rust-proofing of with, 1,317,351 —,iron smelting operation employing, 1,415,183 —,ivory substitute made with, 1,245,976 ; 1,379,351 from of, INDEX OF SUBJECTS 279 Alkali carbonate, ketones 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —,lacquer made with, 1,245,818; 1,245,981; Pezt0 82; 1,275,324; 1 427 645 — , laterite ‘contg., extraction from of, 1,308,429 —, lead production of using, 1,144,402; 1 146, 373 —, lead, white, made with, 1,163, 052 —, ‘lead compound made with, 1 ,228,119 —, ‘lead sulfide, zine sulfide separated from using, ‘1 469,042; 1 ‘486 297 —, lead sulfide ore, zine sulfide ore, separation of from, using, 1 182 890 —,—, pyrite, separation of from, using, 1 ,182,890 —, leather, artificial, made with, 1,245,818; 1 245 977; 1,275 324; 1,427,645 — , leather-board, water-proof, ‘ 142,953 —, leaves bleached with, 1,251,614 — ‘legume, proteid extracted from with, 1 al 479: 1,321,480 — linen, bleaching of, using, 1,163,438 — linoleum substitute made with, 1,245,978; 1 245,984; 1,427,645 — linseed ‘oil substitute made with, 1,257,562; 1 900,844 — liquids, organic dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re-15 483 —, cea acetyl-salicylate made with, 1 217,862 —, lupuline, barley-corn: glumes, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 ——, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —, Magnesium. acetyl-salicylate made with, 1 ,217,862 —,Mmagnesium carbonate made with, 1,512,924 —,Magnesium carbonate, calcium carbonate, separation from of using, 1,512,924 —, Manganese made with, 1 146, 373 —, manganese dioxide made with, 1,188,705 —, Manganese dioxide, produced electrolytically from solutions conte., 1,352,208 —,—, treatment of with, 1471 ol — , manganese oxide (Mnz0s), treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, mfr. of albite for, 1,514,657 —, —, alkali aluminate for, 1,514,657 —,—,alkali cyanide for, 1 fren 667 ; —,—, alkali earth oxide for, 1,514 657 hydrated with, made _ with, 1,174,668 —, alkali hydroxide for, 1,295 049 —, alkali metal for, 1,505 281 —, alkali oxide for 1 129 510 —, alkali sulfide for, 1 138, 190 —,—, ammonium carbonate for, 1,193,795 —,—, apparatus for 1,129,510; i 505, 281 —-,—, barium cyanide for, 1 501 840 —,—, bauxite for, 1,514 657 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,514,657 —,—, ’ calcium chloride for, 1 514 657 —,—, calcium, oxide for, 1357, 783: 1,514,657 —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1, 138, 190; 1 160, tii: 1,160,172; 1,295,049 —,—, cement "rock for, 1,160,171; 1,160,172 —,—, clay for, 1,160, 171: 1 160, 172: 1 514 657 —,—, feldspar for 1 160, 171; 1 160, 172: 1,514,657 —,—, granite for, 1,160,171; 1,160,172 Alkali carbonate, mfr. of, gypsum for, 1,160,171; 1,160,172 —,— , hydrogen for, 1,505,281 —, iron, cast, for, 1,505 281 —,—, " leucite for, 1,514 657 — lime for, 1,514 657 — , limestone for, 1 160,171; 1,160,172 —, magnesia for, 1 514 657 —,—, Magnesium carbonate for, 1,514,657 —,—, Magnesium oxide for, 1 514 657 -7—,inarltor, 1,160,171; 1 160, 172 —, mica for, 1 1160, 171; 1 160, 172 —,—, nitrogen ‘for, 1 129 510: 1 505 281 —, orthoclase for, 1 514 657 —,—, ’ potassium carbonate for, 1,514,657 —, potassium. hydroxide for, 1 514, 657 —, process for, 1,129,510; 1 160 171: 1,160,172; 4198, eae 379, SOL. 1 439 909; 1,505 281; 1,514, 657 —,—, producer gas for, 1,129,510; 1,505,281 —,—,shale for, 1,160, 171; 1 160, 172 —,—, silicates for, 1 357 873 —,—, ’ slate for, 1 160, 171; 1,160,172 —,—, sodium, for, 1,505 281 —,—, sodium carbonate. for, 1,514,657 —,—,sodium chloride for, i 514 657 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,514 {657 —,—, steam for, 1,514,657 —,—, water for, 1 138, 190 —,—, zeolite for, 1,514 657 —, —, zeolite, artificial for, 1,193,795 —, mfr. of cement and, 1 338 021; 1,357, 873 —,mercury made with, 1,146 373 —,metal made with, 1 146. 373 —, ’ metal, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,methyl alcohol made with, 1,253,055 —, methylamine made with, 1,489,380 —, methyl ethyl ketone dehydrated with, 1 466,435 —, mineral, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, ‘molded article made with, 1,397, 144; 1 427,645 —, molybdenum extracted with, 1,399,554 —,nitric acid insoluble material rendered sol- uble using, 1,471,751 —, nickel, production of using, 1,146,373 —, nickel silicates, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,p-nitroaniline mfr. with, 1,400,555 —, nitrocellulose, screens in ‘mfr. of, cleaned with, 1,367,111 -— , nitrogen, carbon dioxide, separation of from using, 1,287,472 —,— fixation of using, 1,236, 853 ; 1,401,678 — nitrogen fixation process using, 1,206, 155 —, nitrogen oxides absorbed by, 1,458 969 —,oil, animal, hydrogenated with, 1,472, 882 —,—,— ,non-sludging, made with, 1,472, 882 — mineral, hydrogenated with, 1 A72 882 ,—, —, non- sludging, made with, 1,472 882 —, vegetable, hydrogenated with, 1,472, 882 —)— -non-sludging, made with, 1,472 882 —, ore, alitminum contg., extraction of, 1 308, 429 ,—, copper, flotation of with, 1,312 668 ,—,—, sulfidation of with, 1,312 668 —, flotation of with, 1,312 668 —,—, flotation process using, 1,301,551 —,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 280 Alkali carbonate, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,oxygen made with, 1,124,304 —,paint made with, 1,131,578; 1,216,981 —, paper made with, 1,151,490; 1,457,915 —,paper pulp made with, 1,151,490 ore, 1,216,980 ; —,paraformaldehyde, solvent for, contg., 1,170,624 —,petroleum, non-sludging, made with, 1,472,882 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,146,300; 1,187,282; 1,252,507; 1,500,844 —, phenol aldehyde condensate substitute made with, 1,245,976 —,phenolphthalein compounds of, 1,357,482 —, phosphates made with, 1,270,515 —, phosphoric acid made with, 1,270,515 —,photochemical processes, protection from, compound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —, photographic developer made with, 1,158,011 ; 1,207,042 —, photographic emulsion, protection from, compound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —,pigment made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981; 1,420,985 —, pigment, iron oxide as, made with, 1,490,372 —,plastic made with, 1,245,981; 1,245,984; 1,397,144; 1,507,379 —, porcelain made with, 1,507,379 —,potassium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, potassium aluminate made with, 1,191,105 —, potassium carbonate made with, 1,215,517; 1,215,518 —, potassium compound made with, 1,215,517; 1,215,518; 1,495,498 —, potassium phosphate made with, 1,270,515 —, potassium salts made with, 1,509,035 —,potassium silicates, 1,471,751 —, potassium sulfate made with, 1,270,515 —, precipitation of, alcohol-water for, 1,295,049 —,—,acetone-water for, 1,295,049 —,1.2-propanediol made with, 1,213,367 —,12-propanediol, nitrated, made 1,213,367 —, propylene glycol made with, 1,270,759 —,propyl ether dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —,proteid made with, 1,275,324 —, proteid, vegetable, made with, 1,275,308 —,proteids extracted with, 1,427,645 —,proteid product made _ with, 1,245,976; 1,245,981 —,pyrite, galena, separation from of, using, 1,182,890 —,—,lead sulfide ore, separation from of, using, 1,182,890 —,—,zine sulfide 1,469,042 —, pyrotechnic made with, 1,500,844 —,radium made with, 1,165,692; 1,438,357 —,radium ores treated with, 1,399,246 —,record, disk, made with, 1,815,137 with, 1,245,818; separated from using, 1,165,698 ; treatment of with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali carbonate, resin, artificial, made with, 1,397,144; 1,500,844 —,resistance, electric, made with, 1,507,379 —,rubber, artificial, made with, 1,275,324 —,—, hard, substitute, made with, 1,315,137 —,—-, imitation, made with, 1,245,818 —,—, synthetic, made with, 1,248,888 —,rubber purified with, 1,418,271 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,245,976; 1,245,979; 1,245,984; 1,427,645 —,rhyolite ash contg., extraction from of, 1,308,429 —,rhyolite mud contg., extraction from of, 1,308,429 —,shellac substitute made with, 1,315,137; 1,500,844 —,silicic acid made with, 1,824,318 —,silicon dioxide made with, 1,415,280 —,silicon nitride made with, 1,415,280 —, silk, artificial, cuprammonium, precipitation of, with alkali hydroxide and, 1,317,306 —,—,—, fabric, treatment of using, 1,515,691 —, silk thread made with, 1,202,534 —,silver, production of using, 1,146,873; 1,185,005 —,silver acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,silver chloride made with, 1,185,005 —, silver sulfate made with, 1,185,005 —,size made with, 1,373,412 —,sizing, amylaceous, fabric, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —,—,—, fiber, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —,soap made with, 1,196,274 —, sodium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,sodium cyanide made with, 1,322,195; 1,492,871 —, sodium cyanide contg., impurity of, 1,312,116 —,sodium meta-arsenate made with, 1,185,005 —,sodium meta-arsenite made with, 1,185,005 —,sodium perborate made with, 1,281,983 —.sodium phosphate made with, 1,270,515 —,sodium selenite made with, 1,185,005 —,sodium sulfite made with, 1,266,595 —,sodium uranate made with, 1,165,692; 1,165,693 —,sodium vanadate made with, 1,513,200 —,soya bean, proteid extracted from with, 1,321,479; 1,821,480 —.,sphalerite, flotation of, using, 1,497,310 —,—, galena, separation from of, using, 1,182,890 —,stalks bleached with, 1,251,614 —,starch made with, 1,156,801; 1,224,951 —,steel production of using, 1,820,483 —., steel rust-proofing of with, 1,317,351 —,straw bleached with, 1,251,614 —,strontium acetyl-salicylate made 1,217,862 —., sulfide, soluble, made with, 1,310,151 —,sulfide ore, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, sulfite made with, 1,130,192 -—,sulfurie acid insoluble material rendered soluble using, 1,471,751 —,tanning compound made with, 1,327,105; 1,437,726; 1,443,697; 1,500,844 —, tanning using, 1,236,468 —,tellurium sulfate, basic, made with, 1,185,005 1,144,402; with, INDEX OF Alkali carbonate, testilupine, barley-corn glumes, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517 650 —,testin acid, barley-corn elumes, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —, 3.5.3’ .5’-tetramino-2. 2'-dibrom-4.4’ ~di(methyl amino) -arseno-benzene, action of, 1,265,865 —, 3.5.3'.5!-tetramino-2.2’- dichlor-4.4’ '_-di(methyl- amino)-arseno-benzene, action on of, 1,265,865 _ ae 5.3’ .5'-tetramino-2.2’- 6.6’-tetrachlor-4-4!-di (methylamino)-arsenobenzene, action on of, 1,265,865 —, 3.5.3'.5'-tetramino-2.4.2' A’-tetra (methyl- amino) arsenobenzene, action on of, 1,265,865 ' —, Texas fever tick, animal dip for, made with, a 137,844 —, textile, artificial, cellulose acetate, hollow, made with, 1,487, 807 —,—,—, cellulose nitrate, hollow, made with, 1,487,807 —,—, —, cuprammonium made with, 1,487,807 —,—,—, gelatin, hollow, made with, 1,487,807 —,—,—, hollow, made with, 1,487 807 —,—,—, viscose, hollow made with, 1,487,807 — ’ thio-protein compounds made with, 1,145 634 —, therapeutic product, protection from, com- xonnd suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —, tile made with, 1,245 984 —, ‘tin made with, 1,146, 373 —, tin dioxide, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, ’ tortoise shell substitute made with, 1 379, 351 _ , trioxymethylene, solvent for, contg., 1 170 624 —, ultra-violet filter, protection from, compound suitable for, conte., 1,511,874 —, ultra-violet light, protection from, compound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —, uranium made with, 1,165 692; 1 488,357 —,uranium ore treated with, 1,399,246 —,vanadium made with, 1 488. 692; 1,165,693 ; 1 488,357; 1,513,200 —, vanadium ore treated with, 1,399,246 —,varnish made with, 1,131,578; 1,245,818; 1,257,562; 1,275,324; 1,280,861; 1,427,645 —, varnish, fat soluble, made with, 1,500,844 —,—,oil soluble, made with, 1,500,844 —, varnish substitute made with, 1,315,137 —, walls, facing for, made with, 1,505,302 —, water purified using, 1,513,566 —, waterproofing made with, 1,373,412 —, water softener contg., 1 162 024: 1,400,332 —, wolframite, flotation ‘of, using, "1,497 310 —, wood, artificial, made with, 1 397, 144 a X-ray screen, ‘protection from, compound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —, yeast made with, 1,475, 494 —, yeast, lupuline, ‘removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—, pressed, made with, 1,176,528 cellulose, hollow, 1,165,693 ; —,—,testilupine, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—,testin acid, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 SUBJECTS 281 Alkali carbonate, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,131,503; 1 202 056; 1 202 por —, zinc pr oduction of using, hy 144,402; 1,146,373 ; 1 154,601; 1,154,602 —, zinc acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,zinc carbonate, basic, made with, ib 135, 981 —, zinc compound made with, 1,228, 119 —, zinc hydroxide made with, 1,135 981 —,zinc oxide made with, 1,135 ‘981 —, zinc silicates, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,zine sulfide, bornite separated from using, 1,469,042 —,—,chalcopyrite separated from using, 1,469,042 —,—, lead sulfide separated from using, 1 469 042; 1,486,297 ane Lane pyrite separated from using, 1,469,042 —, zine sulfide ore, lead sulfide ore, separation from of using, 1,182 890 —, zirconium carbonate, basic, made with, 1,216,980 ; 1,216,981 —, zirconium oxide made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —, zirconium oxide extracted with, 1,340,888 —,zirconium sulfate made with, 1,216 980 ; 1 216,981 Alkali carbonitride, 1,134,411 —,mfr. of, alkali oxide for, 1,134,411 —,—, apparatus for, 1,129,510 —,carbon for, 1,129,510; 1,134,411 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,129,510; 1,134,411 —, process for, 1,129,510; 1,134,411 —,producer gas for, 1,129,510; 1,134,411 —,—,sodium oxide for, 1,129,510 Alkali caseinate, casein article made with, 1,159,879 —, casein article, colored, made with, 1,169,878 —, ’ molded article made with, 1,159, 879 Alkali cellulose, benzyl cellulose made with, 1,483,738 ammonia made _ with, — cellulose ether made with, 1,188,376; 1,464,153; 1,467,107; 1,469,824: 1.483.738: 1,502,379; 1,507,210 —,cellulose xanthate made with, 1,251,237; 1,279,200; 1,279,328; 1,279,329 —, drying, 1,467,107 —,ethyl cellulose made with, 1,188,376; 1,464,153; 1,469,824; 1,483,738 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,379,351 —,—,—, viscose, made with, 1,251 Pays —, film made with, 1,379 351 — Georgia prime oil, refining of using, 1,130,698 —,leather, artificial, viscose, made _ with, 1,251,237 —, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,469,824 —,—,cellulose for, 1,279,200; 1,279,328 ; 1,279,829; 1,467,107; 1,469,824 —,—, cerium hydroxide for, 1,279, 200 —,—,cerlum oxide for, 1,279 200 —,—, ’ cobalt hydroxide "for, 1,279 ,200 —,—, cobalt oxide for, 1,279 200 —,—, cotton for, 1,469, 824 —,—, dioxide for, 1.279, 328; 1,279,329 —,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,279 328 ; 1,279,329 —,—, hypochlorite for, 1,279,328 © 282 Alkali cellulose, mfr. of, iron hydroxide for, 1,279,200 —,—,iron(ous) sulfate for, 1,279,200 —,—,iron oxide for, 1,279,200 —, ’ nickel hydroxide ‘for, 1,279,200 —, nickel oxide for, 1,279,200 —, ‘nickel sulfate for, 1,279,200 —, oxygen for, 1,279 328; 1 ‘279, 329 —,—, potassium permanganate for, 1,279,328 —, —, process for, 1,279,200; 1,279, 328: 1 279, 329; 1,467,107; 1, 469, 824 —,—, sodium dioxide for, 1,279,200; 1,279,328; 1,279,329 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,279,200; 1,279,328 ; ‘1 279,329; 1,467,107; 1 469, 824 —,—, vanadium hydroxide for, 1,279,200 —,—, vanadium oxide for, 1,279 200 —, wood cellulose for, i 469, 824 vu ~ J | “ ~ ~ re I we —,—, wood pulp for, 1,279, 200; 1,279,328; 1 279,329 ; 1,467,107 —,methyl cellulose made with, 1,188,376; 1,483,738 —, oil, animal, refining of using, 1,130,698 —,—, vegetable, refining of using, 1,180,698 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,379,351 —,—,viscose, made with, 1,398,525; nae 425, 654: 1 502, 101 = , Sizing solution contg., 1,464,310 —,viscose made _ with, 1,251, 237; 1,425,654; 1 470,711; 1,502,101 —, see also Cellulose; Soda cellulose Alkali chlorate, alkali cyanate made _ with, 1,472,403 —, alkali cyanide made with, 1,472,403 —,aniline black made with, 1,277,056 ; Re-14 824; 1,350,600 —, carbon, decolorizing, revivifying of, using, 1,189,896 —,dyestuff made with, 1,277,056; Re-14,824; 1,350,600 —, explosive 1,309,014 ; 1,335,790 —,lamp, incandescent, made with, 1,166,464 —, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,148,586; 1,173,346 —,—, carbon anode for, 1,143,586 —,—, electrolytic process for, 1,173,346 —,—, graphite anode for, 1,143,586 —,—,iron cathode for, 1,148,586 —,mercury for, 1,173,346 —, platinum anode for, 1,143,586 —,—, process for, 1,143,586; 1,173.346 —, metallic solution treated with, 1,437,191 —,petracin made with, 1,308,060 Alkali chlorchr omate, paint made with, 1,145,186 —, paint, anti- fouling, made with, 1 145, 186 —,rust-proofing made with, 1,145,186 Alkali chloride, adhesive made with, 1,273,571 —,alkali acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,alkali aluminum fluoride made_ with, 1,517,686 —, alkali aluminum silicate made with, 1,123,693 —,alkali amalgam made with, 1,190,845 —,alkali amide made with, 1,163,498 —,alkali chloride made with, 1,493,996 —,alkali cyanamide made with, 1,163,498 contg., 1,310,466 ; —,alkali cyanide made with, 1,163,498; 1,277,898; 1,277,900; 1,282,395; 1,282,405; 1,481,373; 1,481,374 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali chloride, alkali earth chloride separation of from, 1,469,507 —,alkali hydroxide made with 1,150,370; 1,176,551; 1,160,847; 1,264,536 —, alkali metal made with, 1 124,143; 1,186,936 ; ap 186,987; 1,319,148 ay. alkali ‘nitrates made with, 1,460,898; 1,493,996 —,aluminum sodium fluoride made with, 1,517,686 —,ammonium chloride from coal by, 1,897,264 —,amylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,264,535; 1,264,536 —,antiseptic contg., 1,336,272 —,butylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,264,535; 1,264,586 —,cadmium made with, 1,247,413 —,cadmium chloride made with, 1,247,413 —,calcium chloride separation of from, 1,469 507 —,calcium oxide made with, 1,468,741 —,case hardening with, 1,279,457; 1,279,458 —,catalyst, urea made with, 1,274,503; 1,292,019 —,chlorhydrin made with, rote ew 1,264,536 —, chloride made with, 1 160,8 —, ‘chlorine made with, ree 627 ; 1 176,551; 1,190,845; 1,284. 618 —, cobalt made with, 1,247, 413 —, cobalt chloride made with, 1,247,413 —,copper, copper ore, extraction from of, using, 1,195,616; 1,195,617 —,—, production of using, 1,230,078; 1,247,413; 1,483,999 —,copper chloride made with, 1,247,413 —,copper compound, sand, removal of from, using, 1,178,385 —,copper ore, copper, extraction of from, using, 1,195,616; 1,195,617 —,coumarone resins washed with, 1,413,558 —, dentifrice contg.. 1,471,987 —,diatomaceous earth product made with, 1,502,547 —, dyestuff, indantherene, leuco derivatives of, made using, 1,247,927 —,—, indigo, leuco derivatives of, made using, 1,247,927 —,—,leuco derivatives of, made using, 1,247,927 —,—,vat, leuco derivatives of, made using, 1,247,927 —,electrolysis of, apparatus for, 1,126,627; 1,138,400; 1,259,688; 1,337,724; 1,378,829 —,—, diaphragm for, 1,878,829 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,259,683 —,—,salt added to anode compartment during, 1,259,683 —,electrolysis © of 1,354,498 —,ethylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,264,535; 1,264,536 —,ethylene chloride made with, 1,264,535; 1,264,536 —,fertilizer made with, 1,162,944; 1,493,996 —, filter aid made with, 1,502,547 —, ’ flotation process using, 1,208, 374 . — ‘galena, flotation of, using, 1,203 74 1,150,370 ; aqueous solutions of, 1,174,176; INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alkali chloride, galena, sphalerite, separation from of, using, 1,203,374 —,—, zine sulfide ore, separation from of, using, 1,203,374 —, glue, vegetable, made with, 1,273,571 —,gold ore, treatment of using, 1,458,016; Re-15,931 —,hexylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,264,535; 1,264,536 —,hydrochloric acid made with, 1,123,693; 1,124,148; 1,264,535; 1,264,536; 1,468,741 —,hydrocyanie acid made with, 1,493,996 —, hydrogen made with, 1,124,143 —,indigo, leuco derivatives of, made using, 1,247,927 —, insulation made with, 1,502,547 —,iron compound, sand, removal from of, using, 1,173,385 —,iron sulfide ore, 1,458,016; Re-15,931 —, lamp, incandescent, made with, 1,166,464 —,lead, production of, using, 1,264,586; 1,480,439; 1,483,999 —,lead carbonate ore, 1,458,016; Re-15,931 —,lead chloride made with, 1,264,586 —,lead sulfide ore, flotation of, using, 1,203,374 —,—,sphalerite, separation from of, using, 1,203,374 —,—, treatment of using, 1,458,016; Re-15,931 —,—, zinc sulfide ore, separation from of, using, 1,203, 374 —,Mmagnesium made using, 1,519,128 —, Magnesium, flux for, contg., 1,519, 128 —, Magnesium alloy, flux for, contg.., 1,519,128 —, mfr. of, alkali chloride for, 1,493,996 —,—, alkali earth oxide for, 1,518, 375 +2 oe alkali oxide for, 1,518, 375 —,alkali sulfate for, 1,498 ,996 —, apparatus for, 1 518, 375 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,202,327 —,—, calcium cyanamide for, 1 493 996 —,—, carbon for, 1,518,375 —,—, ’ carbon dioxide for, 1,518,375 —,—, carbon monoxide for, 1,518,375 —,—, cement kiln gas for, 1,202 327 —,—,coke for, 1,518,375 —,—, dolomite for, 1 518, 375 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,202,327 treatment of using, treatment of using, —,—, limestone for, 1,518, 375 —,—, magnesia for, 1 518 375 —,—, metal chloride for, 1,518,375 —,—, nitric acid for, 1,493, 996 —,—., process for, 1,202,327 ; 1,493,996 ; —,—, water for, 1,202,327 —,metal chloride made with, 1,518,376 —, molybdenum made with, 1,124,148 —, mucin, solvent for, contg., 1,471,987 —,nasal douche contg., 1,471,987 —,nasal tissue, mucin on, solvent for, contg., 1,471,987 —, nickel, coating with using, 1,207,218 —,—, production of using, 1,247,413 —, nickel chloride made with, 1,247,413 —, olefin chlorhydrin made with, 1,264,535 ; 1,264,536 1,518,375 283 Alkali chloride, olefin chloride made with, 1,264,535; 1,264,536 —, ore, treatment of using, 1,458,016; Re-15,931 —, paint made with, 1,502,547 —,paracoumarone made with, 1,413,558 —, paraindene made with, 1,413,558 —, phosphoric acid made with, 1,468,741 —, phosphorus oxychloride made with, 1,468,741 —, potassium chlorate made with, 1,247,619 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,247,619; 1,296,461 —, potassium compound made with, 1,247,619 —, potassium hydroxide made with, 1,247,619 —, propylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,264.535; 1,264,536 —,sand, color removed from, using, 1,173,385 —,—, copver, removal of from, using, 1,173,385 —,—, iron, removal of from, using, 1 173,385 —,silk, artificial, cuprammonium, precipitation of, with alkali hydroxide and, 1,317,306 —,—,—, viscose, precipitation of, 1 393, 197 —, silver, production of using, 1,480,439 —, ’ silver ore, treatment of using, 1,458,016; Re-15,931 —,soap made with, 1,502,547 —, sodium made with, 1,468,741 using, —,sodium aluminum silicate made with, 1,123,693 : —,sodium oxide made with, 1,468,741 —,solution of, magnesium carbonate, basic, re- moved from, 1,308,509 —,—, purification of, 1,308,509 —,—,—,sodium bicarbonate for, 1,308,509 —_—,—, —, ‘sodium carbonate for, 1,308,509 —,—,—, ’ sodium hydroxide for, 1,308,509 —,sphalerite, galena, separation from of, using, 1,203,374 —,—, lead sulfide ore, separation from of, using, 1 203 ol —, tartaric acid made with, 1,190,845 —, tartrate made with, 1,190,845 —, thioindigo, leuco derivatives of, made using, 1,247,927 —,tungsten made with, 1,124,148 —, urethral membrane, mucin on, solvent for, contg., 1,471,987 —, vaginal membrane, mucin on, solvent for, contg., 1,471,987 —, viscose, precipitation of using, 1,143,569 —, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,499 492 —, Zinc made with, 1,247,413; 1 483, 999 - —, zine chloride made with, te 947, 413 —, zine sulfide ore, galena, separation from of, using, 1,203,374 —,—, lead sulfide ore, using, 1,203,374 —,—, treatment of using, 1,458,016; Re-15,931 —, zirconium oxide extracted with, 1 340 888 Alkali chlorsulfonate, dibutyl sulfate made with, 1,506,228 . — diethyl sulfate made with, 1,506,228 —,dimethyl sulfate made with, 1 506, 228 —,dipropyl sulfate made with, 1,506, 298 Alkali chromate, alkali dichromate made with, 1,326,123 carbon dioxide for, separation from of, 284. Alkali chromate, alkali perborate made with, 1,253,061 —,ammonium chromate made with, 1,326,123 —, ’ boiler compound made with, 1 181 562 —, ’ carbon for, 1,492,636 —, chromite for, 1,492,636 —,chromium compound made with, 1,162,210 —, chromium steel from, 1,800,279 —, dyestuffs made with, 1,228,089; 1,408,297; 1,426,189 —,ferro-chromium anode for, 1,492,636 —, iron, rust-proofing of using, 1,287,605 —,lamp, incandescent, made with, 1,166,464 —,lead cathode for, 1,492 ,636 —, "lead chromate, basic, made with, 1,181,172 —, mfr. of, alkali carbonate for, 1,492, 636. —,—, process for, 1,492,636 —, metallic solution treated with, 1,487,191 —, ’ mordant, chromium compound as, made with, 1,162, 210 — pitch for, 1,492,636 —,sodium perborate made with, 1,253,061 Alkali chromite, dyestuff made with, 1,221 849; 1,394,823 —, zeolite, 1,193,794; 1,193,795 Alkali citrate, blue print paper made with, 1,500,433 —,catalyst, urea mfr. by, 1,292,019 —,cream, fat, determination of 1,329,183 —, fat, milk, determination in of, using, 1,329,183 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,493,000 —., fire-extinguisher contg., 1,278,716 —, milk, fat, determination of in, using, 1,329,183 artificial, made with, in, using, —,photographic print developed with, 1,414,309 Alkali compound, abrasive made with, 1,263,709; 1,263,710 —,alkali cyanide made with, 1,124,148; 1,138,190; 1,138,191; 1,312,842; 1,322,195; , 1,824,119 —, analgesic made with, 1,483,217 —, alkali cyanide made with, 1,496,467; 1,506,269 —,b-alumina made with, 1,263,607; 1,263,708; 1,263,709 —,alumina fusion of in presence of, 1,269,141 —, aluminum ore, removal from of, process for, 1,251,057 —,—,—, tannic acid for, 1,251,057 —,—,—, tannin for, 1,251,057 —,aluminum oxide, crystalline, 1,269,141 —,—,fusion of in presence of, 1,269,141 —, aluminum silicates, removal from of, process for, 1,251,057 —,—,—, tannic acid for, 1,251,057 —,—,—, tannin for, 1,251,057 —, amines, aromatic, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,207, 802 —, ammonia ‘made ‘with, 1,138,191 —, aniline, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1 ,207 802 a , bacterial compost contg., 1,320,701 — ‘catalyst for the mfr. of amines, aromatic, made with, 1,207,802 made with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali compound, catalyst for the mfr. of ani- line made with, 1,207,802 —,catalyst for the mfr. of o-toluidine made with, 1,207,802 —,cement, Portland, hydrated, made with, 1,325,213 — clay, removal from of, process for, 1,251,057 —,—,—,tannic acid for, 1,251,057 —,—,—, tannin tore 251, 057 —, cyanide made with, 1,322,195 ; 1,506,269 —, earth, removal from of, process for, 1,251,057 —,—,—, tannic acid for, 1,251,057 —,—,—, tannin for, 1,251,057 —,enamel, opaque, made 1,239,112 —, white, made with, 1,128,691 —,ferrocyanides made with, 1,506,269 —, fertilizer contg., 1,320,701 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,438,598 —, iron, sulfur, removal of from, using, 1,485, 540 —, ’ mfr. of, alkali aluminate for, 1,263 "705 —,—, alkali aluminum silicates for, 1 151,498 ; 1.151.533 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,283,951; 1,285,796; 1,495,498 —,—, alkali earth compound for, 1,151,498; Line —,—, alkali earth orthosilicate for, 1,285,796 —,—, “alkali earth oxide for, 1,151 498: 1,151,538; 1,233, 2135) Nae. One "985 796 ; 1 495 ‘498 —,—, alkali earth salt "for, 1,151 498: 1,151 030 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,283 951; 1,285, 796; 1,495,498 —,—,alkali oxide for, 1,233,273; 1,283,951 —, alkali silicate for, 1,283,951 —,—, apparatus for, 1 238 600 —,—, calcium carbonate ‘for, 1,256,295 with, 1,128,691; , calcium chloride for, 1, 151 498 : 1,151.533 —, calcium hydroxide for, 1 233 273; 1,256,295 —,—,calcium oxide for, 1,151,498; 17223,273 —,—, carbon for; 1,238,600 —,—, carbon “alkali-soda-cellulose,” for, 1,492,034 aoe carbon anode for, 1,238,600 —, carbon dioxide for, 1 233 gioe tl 283 951 —,—, charcoal for, 1,492, 034 —,—, charcoal, nut shell, for, 1,492,034 —,—, coke, bitumen, for, 1,492. 034 —,—,— petroleum, for, 1,492 034 —,—,—, pitch, for, 1,492,034 —,—,—, tar, for, 1,492,034 —,—, dolomite for, 1,151,498; 1,151,533 —,—, feldspar for, 1,151,498; 1,151,533; 1,209,201; 1,233,273; 1,256,295; 1,263,705; (dee 951; 1,285,796; 1,495,498 a eraphite ‘for, 1 238 ,600 —, graphite anode for, 1,238,600 —,—, gypsum for, 1,209 201 — hydrochloric acid ‘for, 1,283,951 —, kelp for, 1,238,600 —, leucite for, 1,151,498 ; 1,151,533; 1.233,278; ee 705; 1 285, 796 ; 1 495, 498 —, lime for, 1 151 98 : 1 ‘151 009 —_—,—, ’ lime, cull, ‘for, 1,256,295 1,151,533; | | ~~ I I “ INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alkali compound, mfr. of, limestone for, 1,151,498; 1,151,533; 1,209,201; 1,495,498 —,— , magnesium chloride for, 1 151 498: 1 151 033 —,—, magnetite anode for, 1,238,600 —,—,marble for, 1,209 201 —,—, mercury cathode for, 1,238,600 —,—, nickel for, 1,238,600 —,—, , potassium carbonate for, 1,285,796; 1,495,498 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,233,273 —,—, process for, 1,151,498; 1 ‘151 533; 1,209,201 ; 1,233,273; 1,238,600 : 1,256,295 j 1,263,705; 1,279,108; 1,283,951; 1,285,796; 1,357,025; 1,492,034; 1,495,498 —,—, psilomelane for, 1,279,108 —,—, pyrophyllite for, 1,279,108 —,—, serpentine for, 1,279,108 —,—, silicates for, 1 151 ‘AQ8 : 1,151,538 ; 1,233, rye roe | 263, 705: 1 285, 796: —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,151,498; 1,151,533 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,279,108; 1,283,951 —,—, wad for, 1,279,108 —,—, water for, 1,233,273 —, plant feed contg., 1,320,701 i 495,498 _ —,pyrolusite treated with, 1,303,911 —, sand, removal from of, process for, 1,251,057 —,—,—,tannic acid for, 1,251,057 —,—,—, tannin for, 1,251,057 —, sodium cyanide made with, 1,322,195 —,soil inoculator contg., 1,320,701 —,sulfur, iron, removal from of, 1,485,540 —,o-toluidine, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,207,802 — —,water softener made with, 1,325,213 Alkali copper alginate, cardboard coated with, 1,162,926 —, fabric coated with, 1,162,926 —,leather coated with, 1,162,926 —, mfr. of, alkali alginate for, 1,162,926 —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,162,926 —,—, copper sulfate for, 1,162,926 —,—, process for, 1,162,926 —, paper coated with, 1,162,926 —,pasteboard coated with, 1,162,926 —, textile coated with, 1,162,926 Alkali cresolate, flotation oil made with, 1,506,385 — oil, pyridine free, made with, 1,506,385 =, see also Alkali carbolate Alkali cresylate, cattle dip made with, 1,498,639 —, sheep dip made with, 1,498,639 Alkali cyanamide, alkali cyanide made with, 1,510,891 —, ammonia from, process for, 1,310,480 —, catalyst, ammonia made with, 1,473,543 ; 1,483,411 —_—,— hydrocyanic acid made with, 1,352,176 —, catalyst contg., ammonia made with, 1,473,548; 1,473,544 -- catalyst. for the mfr. of ammonia made with, 1 002,178 — , extraction of, ammonia, liquid, for, 1,314,236; 1 314,237 using, 285 Alkali cyanamide, mfr. of, 1,163,498; 1,483,411 —,— valk ali carbonate for, 1,174,667; 1,174,668 ; 1 483 411 —,— valkali chloride for, 1,163,498 —,—, alkali cyanide for, 1 ‘197, 329 —,—, ‘alkali hydroxide for, 1 163 498 —,—, alkali metal for, 1 163 498 —,—,alkali metal, lead alloy contg., for, 1,197,329 —,—,ammonia for, 1,163,498; 1,483,411 —~)-—, apparatus: for, 1,159,154; :°1,160,811. 1,174,667; 1,174,668; 1 197 329 —,—, carbon for, 1 163 498: 1 ,174,667; 1,174,668 —,—, carbon electrode for, 1 163, 498 —, coal gas for, 1,163 498 —,—, copper cathode for, 1,163,498 —, cyanogen for, 1,197 329 —,—, electrolytic process for, 1,159,154 —, —., graphite electrode for, 1,163 A98 ae hydrocyanic acid for, 1 197 329 —, hydrogen for, 1,197 329 —,—,iron for, 1 174 667: 1,174,668 —,— — kieselguhr for, £. 174 867; 1,174,668 —,—, lead for, 1,163 ‘498 acetylene for, —,—, lead alloy ‘for, 1,163,498 —,—, lead alloy, alkali metal in, for, 1,197,329 —,—, magnesia for, 1,174,667; 1 174 668 —,—, mercury for, 1,163, 498 —,—,mercury alloy for, 1,163,498 —,—, nickel cathode for, 1 163, 498 —,—,nitrogen for, 1,174 667 ; 1 174,668 —,—, nitrogenous matter for, 1. ,163 498 —,—, platinum anode for, 1 163 ‘498 —,—, process for, 1 159, 154: 1,160,811; 1,163, 498; 1 174,667 nL 1O7 329: 1,473,543 ; 1,483,411 —,—, tin for, 1,163,498 —,—, tin alloy for, 1,163,498 — sodium made using, 1,142,220 —,(R:CN:), mfr. of, process for, 1,186,367 Alkali, cyanates, mfr. of, 1,406,662 —,— alkali chlorate for, 1,472 403 —,—, ‘alkali silicate for, 1 264 949 —,—, alum-slate for, 1,264 949 —,—, carbon for, 1,264 ,949 —,—, feldspar for, 1,264,949 —,— , hydrocarbon for, 1,264 ,949 —,—, mica for, 1,264, 949 —, —, nitrogen ‘for, 1 264 949° —,—, process for, 1 264, 949 —,—, silicate for, 1 264, 949 : —, urea made with, 1,241, 919; 1,241,920. Alkali cyanide, alkali cyanamide made with, 1,197,329 —, alkali hydroxide removed from, 1,295,049 —,ammonia made with, 1,138 191; 1,417,702; 1 483,414 —, ammonia made with gases purified with com- pound made with, 1,483,414 —,case hardening with, 1 279,457; 1,279,458 —, catalyst," aldol made with, 1,220 746 —,—,ammonia made with, 1,473,543 ; i 473,544; 1,483,411 —, promoter, ammonia made with, 1,476,283 — ’ catalyst for the mfr. of hydroeyanic acid made with, 1,352,176 . 286 Alkali cyanide, extracting from carbonate mix- tures, 1,337,019 —, extraction ‘of, ammonia, liquid for, 1,314,236; 1 314,237 — formaldehyde made with, 1,148,114 —, "formation of, 1,413,762 —, gold production of using, 1,234,426; 1,479,542 —,hydrocyanic acid made with, 1.214, 206: 1 885,335; 1,385,886; 1,486,592; 1,492,871; 1 519, 434. —, indanthrene made with, 1,518,051 —,iron, coloring of, using, 1,439 447 —,—, oxidation of, using, 1 439 AAT —, " mfr. of, acetone for, "1322, 195 —,—, acetylene for, 1,163,498 : 1,483,411 —,—, alcohol for, 1,822,195 —,—, alkali acetate for, 1,138,190 ; 1,138,191; 1,417, 702 —,—,alkali bicarbonate for, 1,138,190; 1,138,191 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,138,190; 1,138,191; 1,174,667; 1,174,668; 1,809,903; 1,312,842; 1,322,195; 1,858,383; 1,417,702; 1,472,403; 1.481373: 1,481,374: 1,483,411; 1,496,467; 1,498,637 —,—,alkali chlorate for, 1,472,403 —,—,alkali chloride for, 1,163,498; 1,277,898; 1,277,900; 1,282,395; 1,282,405; 1,481,373; 1,481,374 —,—-, alkali compound for, 1,124,143; 1,138,190; 1,138,191; 1,312,842; 1,822,195; 1,824,119; 1,496,467; 1,506,269 —,—, alkali eyanamide for, 1,510,891 —,—, alkali cyanide for, 1,197,329 —, alkali earth carbide for, 1,472,403 —,—, alkali ferrocyanide for, 1,143,952 —,—, alkali fluoride for, 1 48] 373: 1,481,374 —,—, alkali formate for, 1,417 702 —,—,alkali halide for, 1,472 403; 1,481,373; 1,481, 374 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,138,190; 1,138,191; 1,163,498; 1,822,195; 1,358 383; 1,385 335 « 1,885,336 ; 1,417,702 ; 1,472,403 : 1,481,373 : 1,481,374 —,—,alkali metal for, 1,124,143; 1,138,190; 1,188,191; 1,143,952; 1,163,498; 1,235,887 —,—,alkali metal, lead alloy contg., for, 1,197,329 —,—, alkali molybdate for, 1,124,143 —,—,alkali oxalate for, 1,138,190; 1,138,191; 1,417,702 —,—,alkali oxide for, 1,417,702; 1,472,403; 1,498,637 —,—,alkali salt for,. 1,472,403; 1,506,269; 1,510,891 —,—, alkali silicate for, 1,264,949 —,—,alkali sulfate for, 1,188,190; 1,472,403; pet 373; 1,481,374 — alkali sulfide for, 1,188,190 —, alkali tungstate for, 1,124, 143 —, aluminum carbide for, 1 472 403 —, aluminum carbonitride for, 1 '506, 269 —, ’ aluminum nitride for, 1 A72 A03 : 1 006,269 —, ’ alum-slate for, 1,264, 949 —,—, ammonia for, 1,163,498 ; 1,483,411 SA Nes Se J ~“e | 1,311,231 ; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali cyanide, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,138,190; 1,138,191 3.-; 1,199; 154; 1,160,811 5° J; 174, ‘667 ; 1 174 668; 1,197,329 ; 1.235,887; 1 '298, 363; 1 309, ‘903; 1,311,231; 1 e220 apes 322, 195; 1 358, 014: 1,358,383; 1,885,335; 1 '385, 336; a ‘481 373: 1,481,374; 1,496,467; 1 ‘498, 637 —,— barium carbide for, 1 472, 403 —,—, barium carbonate for, 1 501 840. —,—,barium cyanamide for, 1,277,900 —,—, barium nitride for, 1,472,403 —, barium silicate (Ba: Si0.), for, 1,501,840 —,—, boron nitride for, 1,472 403 —,—, ’ calcium carbide for, 1,282 395; 1,282,405; 1,324, 119; 1,472,403 —,—, calcium cyanamide 1,282,395; crass 1,510,891 —,calcium nitride for, 1,472,403 —,—, ’ carbide for, 1,472 403 => ,—) CATDOD GT Ona 124, 143: 1,138,190; 1,138,191; 1,277,898; for, 1,163, 498; 1 174. 667; 1! 174 668; | 935 887 « 1,264,949 ; 1.282.395; 1 282, 405; 1 995 049; 1309903: 1311231: 12312,842; 1,322,195; 1,324,119; 1,481,373; 1,481,374; 1,496,467; 1,498,637; 1,501,840 —,—,carbon, “alkali-soda-cellulose,” for, 1,492,034 —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,138,190; 1,385,335; 1,885,336 —,—,carbon electrode for, 1,163,498 —,—, carbon monoxide for, L 138, 190 —,—, carbonate for, 1,295 049 —,—, carborundum ‘for, 1 A72 403 —,—, catalyst for, mfr. ‘of, carbon monoxide for, 1,485,502 —,—,—,—, charcoal for, 1,485,502 —,—, coke for, 4 485, 502 —,—, iron for, 1,485 502 —,—, iron chloride for, 1,485,502 —, ’ iron (ic) chloride for, 1,485, 502 : -— , iron (ous) chloride for, 1,485, 502 —,—,—,—,iron ore for, 1,485, 502 —, —, —, —jiron sulfate for, 1 485, 502 —,—,—, —, process for, 1 485 502 “J 3 —,—,—,—, steam for, 1,485, 502 —,—, charcoal for, 1 138, 190; 1,138,191; 1,235,887; 1,312, 842; 1 492 034 —,—, charcoal, nut shell, for, 1,492,034 —,—, chromium as catalyst ‘for, 1,481,373 ; 1,481,374 —, chromium nitride for, 1,472,403 —,—, coal for, 1,138,191 —,coal, bituminous, for, 1,312,842 —,—, ‘coal gas for, 1 163, 498 —,—, ’ cobalt, as catalyst for, 1,481,873; 1,481,374 —,—, cocoanut ‘shell flour for, 1 312 842 —,—, coke for,’ 1,138,190; 1, 138, 191; 1,309,903; 1,312,842 ; 1,322,195 —,—, coke, bitumen, for, 1,492,034 —,—,—, petroleum, for, 1,492 034 —,—-,—, pitch, for, 1 A92 034 —,— —, tar, for, i 492 034 —,— copper cathode for, 1,163,498 —,—, ’ eyanamides for; "1 143 952 d anna Se yar Ee wv | | | ro b] ’ d arr aan ? 3 —,cyanide for, 1 385, 335; 1,885,336 —, cyanogen for, 1,197, 329 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alkali cyanide, mfr. of, electrolytic cell for, 1,311,231 —_—,— electrolytic process for, 1,159,154 —, feldspar for, 1,264,949 Be eran hits for, 1 138, 190; 1,138,191 —,—, graphite electrode for, 1,163 498 —,—, hematite for, 1,138,190 —,— hydrocarbon. for, 1,138,190; 1,264,949 —,—, hydrocyanic acid for, 1 197 329; 1,385,335; 1,385, 336 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,197,329; 1,472,403 —,—,iron for, 1 138, 190; 1 138, 191; 1,174,667; 1,174,668 ; 1 312 842 ; a 322, 195; 1,417,702; 1 472 ‘403: 1 ‘481 374: 1 498 637; 1 506 269° —,—,iron as catalyst for, 1,138, 190: 1,481,373; 1 481 BY! —,—, iron alloy for, 1,506,269 —,—,iron carbide for, 1,417 02: 1 506 ,269 —,—, Iron carbonate for, 1,138,190 —, iron compound for, 1 ,188,190; 1,481,374 —,—, iron filings for, 1,417 702 —,—, Iron hydroxide for, 1 188,190 —,—, iron (ous) hydroxide for. 1,143,952 —,—. iron nitride for, 1,472 403 —,—, iron ore for, 1,322,195 1,138,190 ; 1,472,403 ; —,.—, iron oxide for, ag 374; 1,498,637 —, iron: ‘scale for, 1,138,190; 1,312,842 —,—, Iron(ous) sulfate for, 1,822,195 —,—, kieselguhr for, 1,174 667; 1,174,668 —,—,lead for, 1,143, 952 : 1 163 498 —,—, lead alloy for, 1 163 498 —,—, lead alloy, alkali metal i in, for, 1,197,329 ,—, lignite for, 1,312,842 —,—, lithium nitride for, 1,472,403 »—, magnesia for, 1 174 667: i ,174,668 —,—, Magnesium nitride for, 1,472 403 1,322,195; — — —,—, magnetite for, 1,138 190 —,Manganese as catalyst for, 1,481,373; 4481, 374 —,—, manganese carbide for, 1,472,403 —,—,mercury for, 1,163,498 —,—, mercury alloy for, 1,163,498 —,—, methane for, 1,417, 702; 1 ,006,269 —,—, mica for, 1.264 949 —, molasses for, 1,312 842 —,— ‘ molasses waste for, 1,312,842 a ’ molybdenum for, 1 124 143 —, —, molybdenum nitride for, 1,472,403 —,—,natural gas for, 1,473 702 —, nickel as catalyst for, 1,481,373; 1,481,374 —,— ‘nickel cathode for, 1: 163 498 —,— —, niobium nitride for, 1,472 403 —,—, nitride for, 1,472 ‘403 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,124,143; 1,138,190; 1,138, 191; 1 174,667 . 1,174,668; 1,235,887 ; 1,264,949: 1,295,049; 1,309,903; 1,311,231; 1,312,842; 1,322,195; 1,324,119; 1,358,383; 1 “417, 702: 1,481,373; 1,481,374; 1,496,467; 1,498, 637: 1,501,840 —,—, nitrogenous ‘matter for, 1,163,498 —,—, peat for, 1,235,887 —, petroleum for, 1,138,190 —,—, platinum anode for, 1,163,498 . —,potassium salt for, 1,417, 702 287 Alkali cyanide, mfr. of, process for, 1,124,143; 1,138,190; 1 188,1905 91,148,059 921 159, 154; 1,160, 811: 1,163 498 : 1,174,667: 1,174,668 : 1,197 '329 : ; 1,214,770: 1,235,887; 1,264,949; 1 "989 395: 1,282,405; 1,309,903; 1,311,231; 1,312,842: 1,321,892: 1322195: 1/394'119: 1,352,175 ; 1,358,014; 1,858,883; 1,385,335; 1,385,336; 1,417,702; 1,466,627; 1,472,403; 1,473,543; 1,481,373; 1,481,374; 1,483.11; 1,492,034; 1,496,467; 1,498,637; 1,501,840; 1,506,269; 1,510,891 —,—, producer gas for, 1,481,373, 1,481,374: 1,496,467 —,—, siderite for, 1,138,190 —,—,silicate for, 1,264,949 — silicon carbide for, 1,472,403 —,—, ’ silicon carbonitride for, 1,506 ,269 —,—, silicon nitride for, 1,472, 403: 1,406,269 —,—, sodium, carbonate for, 1,309 903: 1,417 4702 —,—,sodium cyanide for, 1 472 403 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,311,231 —,—,sodium salt for, 1,417,702 —,—,Steffins waste for, 1,312 842 —,—, theoretical explanation of, eka 374 —,tin for, 1,163,498 —, tin alloy for, 1,163,498 —, titanium for, 1 124 143 —,— ‘titanium carbonitride for;-/ LALTEA0gs 1 506 269 —,— titanium nitride for, 1,417,702; 1,472,403; 1,506,269 —,—, titanium oxide for, 1,417,702 ,—, tungsten for, 1,124,143 —,—, tungsten carbide for, 1,472,403 —,—,tungsten nitride for, 1,472 403 —,—, vanadium nitride for, 1,472 403 1,481,378 ; —, water for, 1,385,335; 1,385 336 —, zinc nitride for, 1,472 403 —, zirconium nitride ‘for, 1,472,403 — ‘ mercury produced using, 1 479, 542 —, paraformaldehyde, solvent tor, 1,170,624 —, phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,187,232 —, production of, 1,441,695 —, silver produced using, 1,234,426; 1,479,542 —, sodium made using, 1 142 220 —, ’ sodium cyanide made _ with, 1,472,403; 1,492,871 —,solvent for, ammonia as, 1,352,175 — steel, coloring of, using, 1,439 447 —, —, —, oxidation of, using, 1,439 447 —, trioxymethylene, solvent for, conte. 1,170,624 —, wood, preservation of, using, 1,242 168 — see also Cyanides ; Potassium cyanide ; So- dium cyanide —(R:CN), mfr. of, process for, 1,186,367 Alkali decaborate, mfr. of, process for, 1,468,366 Alkali deposits, ‘potassium chloride recovery from 1,349,445 Alkali dichromate, contg., 1,800,420 —, iron, rust-proofing of, using, 1,287,605 —, mfr. of, alkali bisulfate for, 1,826,123 —,—,alkali chromate for, 1,826,123- —,—,calcium chromate for, 1,326,123 contg.., chlorate electrolytic cell 288 Alkali dichromate, see also Alkali bichromate Alkali dioxide, bast fiber, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 —,—,retting of, using, 1,247,757 —, beer, sterilization of using, 1,140,7 Li —, beverage, sterilization of using, 1,140,717 —,camphoric acid made with, 1,458,992 —, cocoa fiber, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 —,—,retting of, using, 1,247,757 —, cotton bleached with, 1,278,389 —, cotton yarn, Macco, bleached with, 1,278,389 —, cream, sterilization of using, 1,140,717 —, fiber bleached with, 1,278,389 —., flax, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 —,—,retting of, using, 1,247,757 —, fruit juice, sterilization of using, 1,140,717 —, fruit pulp, sterilization of using, 1,140,717 —,grape juice sterilization of using, 1,140,717 —,heat producing compound contg., 1,126,055 ; 1,129,056 —, hemp, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 - — —,retting of, using, 1,247,757 —, jute, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 —,—,retting of, using, 1,247,757 —, linen, bleaching of, using, 1,501,553 —,mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,159,154 —,—, electrolytic process for, 1,159,154 —,—, process for, 1,159,154 —, milk, sterilization of using, 1,140,717 —,paper mfr. with, 1,457,915 —, water aerated, sterilization of using, 1,140,717 Alkali disulfide, dyestuff made with, 1,243,170; 1,243,171 Alkali dithiocarbamate, flotation process for, 1,497,699 Alkali earth, acetates made with, 1,365,050 —, aldol made with, 1,261,811 —,alkyl acetates made with, 1,365,050 —, copper carbonate ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —, copper ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —, copper oxide ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —,esters made with, 1,365,050 —,formation of, alkali earth borate for, 1,312,668 —,—,alkali earth carbonate for, 1,312,668 —,—,alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,312,668 —,—, copper pyrites for, 1,312,668 —,—, iron pyrites for, 1,312,668. —,—,pyrites for, 1,312,668 —,—,sulfide, metal, for, 1,312,668 —,—, sulfide ore for, 1,312,668 —,lamp, electric, made with, 1,269,520 —, mixture of alkali carbonate and, 1,342,148 —,ore, copper, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —, polysulfide, dyestuff made with, 1,521,206 —, siliceous ore digested with, 1,305,969 —, tungsten made with, 1,270,842 —,see also Calcium; Barium; Metals, alkali earth; Stronttum Alkali earth abietate, see Alkali earth resinate Magnesium ; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali earth acetate, acetic anhydride made with, 1,326,040 —,acetin made with, 1,509,864 —,acetone made with, 1,315,544 —,acetyl chloride made with, 1,326,040 —,ammonia producing catalyst made with, 1,473,543 —, butter substitute made with, 1,216,674 —, case hardening using, 1,492,192 —,catalyst made with, 1,473,543 —, catalyst, urea mfr. by, 1,292,019 —, diacetin made with, 1,509,864 —,gold production of using, 1,177,396 —,platinum production of using, 1,177,396 —,silver production of using, 1,177,396 Alkali earth acetyl-salicylate, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,217,862 —,—, acetyl-salicylic acid for, 1,217,862 —,—, alcohol for, 1,217,862 —,—, alkali bicarbonate for 1,217,862 —,—,alkali carbonate for, 1,217,862 —,—,alkali earth bicarbonate for, 1,217,862 —,—, alkali earth borate for, 1,217,862 —,—, alkali earth chloride for, 1,217,862 —,—, alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,217,862 —,—, alkali earth nitrate for, 1,217,862 —,—,alkali earth oxide for, 1,217,862 —,—,alkali earth phosphate for, 1,217,862 —,—, alkali earth silicate for, 1,217,862 —,—, alkali earth sulfate for, 1,217,862 —,—, alkali earth sulfite for, 1,217,862 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,217,862 —,—,ammonium, hydroxide for, 1,217,862 —,—, benzene for, 1,217,862 —,—,ether for, 1,217,862 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,217,862 —,—,ligroin for, 1,217,862 —,—,process for, 1,217,862 —,—, water for, 1,217,862 . Alkali earth alcoholate, catalyst, aldol made with, 1,220,746 Alkali earth alkali, catalyst, copper as, made with, 1,500,794 —,—, hydrogenation, made with, 1,500,794 —, copper, catalyst, made with, 1,500,794 —,fat refined with, 1,275,289 —,fecal fat refined with, 1,275,289 —, herring oil refined with, 1,275,289 —, hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,500,794 —, hydrogen dioxide made with, 1,138,519; 1,138,520 —,naphthene acid refined with, 1,275,289 —, oil refined with, 1,275,289 —,petroleum refined with, 1,286,179 —, petroleum sludge sulfonic acid removed from with, 1,286,179 —, plaster made with, 1,142,989 —, plastic made with, 1,142,989 —, sludge sulfonic acid, petroleum, removal from of with, 1,286,179 —,train oil refined with, 1,275,289 Alkali earth alloy, aldol made with, 1,261,811 —, catalyst, aldol made with, 1,220,746 Alkali earth aluminate, aluminum oxide made with, 1,159,989 —,ammonia made with, 1,159,989 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alkali earth aluminate, cement made with, 1,507,379 —, condenser electrolyte, 1,326,297 —, dental cement made with, 1,507,379 —, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, heater, electric, made with, 1,507,379 —, lightning arrester electrolyte, 1,326,297 —, plastic made with, 1,507,379 —, porcelain made with, 1,507,379 —, rectifier electrolyte, 1,326,297 —, resistance, electric, made with, 1,507,379 Alkali earth amalgam, aldol made with, 1,261,811 —, catalyst, aldol made with, 1,220,746 —,mfr. of, alkali earth chloride for, 1,190,845 —,—, mercury for, 1,190,845 —,—, process for, 1,190,845 Alkali earth antimoniate, using, 1,211,564 —, mfr. of, ammonium nitrate for, 1,211,564 —,—, process for, 1,211,564 Alkali earth arsenates, insecticide made with, 1,417,232 Alkali earth bicarbonate, alkali earth acetyl- salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, alkali earth sulfite made with, 1,164,649 —, alloys, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, aluminum oxide, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, barium sulfate, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,barley-corn glumes, lupuline, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—,testilupine, removal 1,517,650 —,—,testin acid, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —, bottom settlings contg., 1,223,659; 1,223,660 —,carbon dioxide made with, 1,164,649; 1,266,595 —, chromite, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,cinnabar, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, copper silicates, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,cresol-formaldehyde condensates mfr. with, 1,487,726 —, difficultly soluble material rendered soluble using, 1,471,751 —,ethers made with, 1,459,177 —,fatty acid, water, separation of from using, 1,159,355 —, ferrites, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,heat producing compound contg., 1,126.055 —, hydrochloric acid insoluble material ren- dered soluble using, 1,471,751 —,iron oxide (Fe,O.), treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,iron(ic) oxide, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,lupuline, barley-corn glumes, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,Mmanganese dioxide, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,manganese oxide (Mn.O;), treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,mfr. of, process for, 1,221,506 —, metal, treatment of with, 1,471,751 19 clouded enamel of from, using, 289 Alkali earth bicarbonate, mineral, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,nickel silicates, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,nitric acid insoluble material rendered sol- uble using, 1,471,751 —,oil, fatty, water, separation of from using, 1,159,355 —,—, mineral, water, separation of from using, 1,159,355 —,—, water, separation of from using, 1,159,355 —, oil, roily, contg., 1,223,659; 1,223,660 —,ore, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,potassium silicates, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,sodium sulfite made with, 1,266,595 —, sulfide ore, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,sulfuric acid insoluble material rendered soluble using, 1,471,751 —, tallow, water, separation of from using, 1,159,355 —, tanning compound made with, 1,443,697 —,testilupine, barley-corn glume, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —, tin dioxide, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,testin acid, barley corn glumes, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —.yeast, lupuline, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—, testilupine, 1,517,650 —,—,testin acid, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —, zine silicates, treatment of with, 1,471,751 Alkali earth bisulfate, alloys, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —,alumina, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —,barite, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —, barium sulfate, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —, chromite, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —,cinnabar, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —, copper silicate, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —, copper sulfide, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —, ferrites, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —,iron oxide (Fe;O,), treatment of using, 1,364,804 —,iron(ic) oxide, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —,Mmanganese dioxide, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —,manganese oxide (Mn.0O;), treatment of 1,364,804 —,nickel silicate, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —,potassium silicates, treatment of using, 1,364,804. —, serpentine, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —, silicates, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —, silk, artificial, viscose, precipitation of, using, 1,393,197 —, tin dioxide, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —,titanates, treatment of using, 1,364,804 —,zine silitate, treatment of using, 1,364,804 Alkali earth bisulfite, alkali earth sulfite made with, 1,164,649 —,carbon dioxide made with, 1,164,649 —, cellulose made with, 1,244,525 ,, —, linen, bleaching of, using, 1,501,553 removal of from, using, 290 Alkali earth bisulfite, paper made with, 1,244,525 —,paper, kraft, made with, 1,244,525 —, potassium compound made with, 1,217,390 Alkali earth borate, alkali earth acetyl-salicyl- ate made with, 1,217,862 —,alkali earth sulfide made with, 1,312,668 —,bicarbonate, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,bleaching using, 1,163,438 —,borax from, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,boric acid from, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,calcium nitrate from, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —, calcium ntirate, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,calcium oxide from, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,carbonate, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —, catalyst, copper as, made with, 1,500,794 —,—, hydrogenation, made with, 1,500,794 —, copper, catalyst, made with, 1,500,794 —,copper carbonate ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —, copper ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —,copper oxide or, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —, cotton, bleaching of, using, 1,163,438 —,hydrochloric acid, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,500,794 —, linen, bleaching of, using, 1,163,438 —,nitric acid, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,ore, copper, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,—, sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —, sodium nitrate, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718: 1,259,719 —,sulfate, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,719; 1,259,719 —, sulfide, soluble, made with, 1,310,151 —,sulfuric acid, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,sulfurous acid, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 Alkali earth borosilicate, bicarbonate, treat- ment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —, borax from, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,boric acid from, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,calcium nitrate from, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —, calcium nitrate, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,calecium oxide from, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,carbonate, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,hydrochlorice acid, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali earth borosilicate, nitric acid, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,sodium nitrate, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —, sulfate, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,sulfuric acid, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,sulfurous acid, treatment with of, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 Alkali earth bromide, bromine made with, 1,267,638 —, kiln lining made with, 1,156,018 —, nitrosyl bromide made with, 1,267,638 —,refractory made with, 1,156,018 Alkali earth carbide, aldol made with, 1,234,156 —,alkali cyanide made with, 1,472,403 —,alkali earth carbonitride made with, 1,147,184 —,aluminum made with, 1,273,220 —,ammonia made with, 1,517,870 —,ammonium nitrate made with, 1,517,870 —, calcium cyanide made with, 1,359,257 —, catalyst, aldol made with, 1,437,139 —, catalyst for the mfr. of ammonia made with, 1,352,178 —,cyanides made with, 1,359,257 —,nitric acid, made with, 1,517,870 —, nitrogen, fixation of using, 1,175,007 —, sodium cyanide made with, 1,359,257; 1,472,403 Alkali earth carbonate, acetone made with, 1,815,544 —.,acetyl-salicylic acid, composition of and, 1,486,002 —,adhesive made with, 1,373,412 —,alcohols made with, 1,253,055 —, alkali earth cyanamide made with, 1,483,411 —,alkali earth cyanide made with, 1,312,842; 1,483,411 —,alkali earth sulfide made with, 1,312,668 —,alkali earth sulfite made with, 1,164,649 —,alloys, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —., aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,254,009 —,aluminum oxide, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,ammonia made with, 1,483,414 —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,157,253; 1,483,412 —,ammonia made with gases purified with com- pound made with, 1,483,414 —,ammonium molybdate made with, 1,250,063 —,ammonium nitrate, concentration of, using, 1,126,471 —,ammonium salt, concentration of, using, 1,126,471 : —,antimony made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —, arsenic made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,barium sulfate, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,barley-corn glumes, lupuline, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—,testilupine, removal 1,517,650 —,—,testin acid, removal of from, using, 1 517,650 —, binder made with, 1,509,035 of from, using, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alkali earth carbonate, bismuth made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 — bleaching using, 1,163,438 —,bornite, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1 469, 042 —, cadmium made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —, "calcium chloride made with, 1 253 055 —, calcium sulfate made with, 1,254 009 — carbon, decolorizing, made using, 1,250,228 —,carbon dioxide made _ with, 1,164 649; 1,266,595 —, carvacol made with, 1,265,800 —,case hardening with, 1,279,457; 1,279,458; 1 492,192 —, catalyst, copper as, made with, 1,500,794 —,—, hydrogenation, ‘made with, 1,500 794 ——,—, urea made with, 1,274 503; 1,292 019 —, catalyst for the mfr. of ammonia made with, 1,157,253; 1,483,412 _, cellulose made with, 1,509,034 —, ‘ cellulose, colloidal, suspension of, with, 1 509, 035 — , cement made with, 1,507,379 — , chalcopyrite, zine sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —, chromite, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, cinnabar, treatment of with, 1471 751 —, cobalt made with, 1,146,373 —, copper, catalyst, "made with, 1,500,794 —, copper, production of using, 1 144 402; 1,146,373; 1,483,999; 1,518,829 —, copper carbonate. ore, ‘flotation of with, “ag 312,668 —,—, sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —, copper ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, sulfidation of with, 1,312 668 —, copper oxide ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 — copper silicates, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, cotton, bleaching of using, 1,163 438 —, cresol- -formaldehyde condensates mfr. with, 1,437,726 —, dental cement made with, 1,507,379 —, dextrose made with, 1,139, 620 — , difficultly soluble material rendered soluble using, 1,471,751 — , dvestuff made with, 1,460,315 —,ethers made with, 1,459, 177 —,ethylene_ glycol made with, 1 259,758 — , fabric, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1 005,534 —, fatty acid, water, separation of from-using, 1 159,355 = , ferrites, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, ferro- molybdenum made with, 1,278 408 —, fertilizer made with, 1,221 979: 1,229,684 ; 1,266, 198; 1,266,199; 1 267 ‘473 —, fiber, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 ~— , flotation process using, 1,469,042; 1,486,297 —,fuel made with, 1,509,035 —' glucose made with, 1,139,620 —,glutamiec acid made with, 1,255,390 —, glycol made with, 1 259 157 : 1,259, 758 —, gold, production of using, 1 144 402; 1,146,373 —, heat ‘Producing compound contg. . 1,126 055 made 1,259,757 ; 291 Alkali earth carbonate, heater, electric, made with, 1,507,379 —,2.4 6.2’ 4! 6'-hexanitro- diphenylsulfide made with, 1,135,792 —, hollow article made with, 1,506,061; 1 006,062 — hydrochloric acid insoluble material ren- dered soluble using, 1,471,751 —, hydrogenation, catalyst for, 1 ,000,794 —, incendiary composition contg., 1,308,463 —, ink, lithographic, made with, 1,131 578 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1 131,578; 1 397,144 —,— heat, made with, 1,509,035 —, iodine compounds made with, 1,509,035 —, iron made with, 1,144,402; 1 146, a8. —, iron alloy made with, 1 185 187 —, iron alloy, nickel in, made with, 1,185,187 — iron (ic) arsenate made with, 1 146 373 —,iron(ic) arsenite made with, 1 146, 373 — , Iron (ic) hydroxide made with, 1,254 009 —,iron molybdate made with, 1,278 408 —,iron oxide (Fe;0,), treatment of with, 1 471,751 — iron (ic) oxide made with, 1,146,373 —,iron(ic) oxide, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,iron oxide pigment, made with, 1,490 372; 1 496,605 —,lead production of using, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1 264,586 — , lead sulfide, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,469 042; 1,486,297 —, linen, bleaching of, using, 1,163,438 — linseed oils substitute made with, 1,257,562 —,lupuline, barley-corn glumes, removal from ee using, 1,517.6 650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —, manganese made with, 1 146 BYR) —, manganese dioxide made with, 1,188,705 —,manganese dioxide treatment of with, 1 471,751 —,Manganese oxide (Mn.0O;), treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,mercury, production of using, 1,146,373 —, metal made with, 1,146,373 —, metal, treatment of with, 1,471,751 — ;methyl alcohol made with, 1,253 055. —,mine water treated with, 1,254,009 —,mineral, treatment of with, 1,471 751 —,molded article made with, 1,397, 144; 1 006,061; 1,506,062 — , molybdenum compound made with, 1 250 063 —, nickel made with, 1,146,373 —,nickel, iron alloy contg., 1 185, 187 — nickel silicates, treatment of with, 1,471,751 — ‘ nickel-steel made with, 1,185,187 —, nitric acid insoluble material rendered solu- ble using, 1,471,751 —,nitric acid made with, 1,200,334 —, nitrogen, fixation of using, 1 175 007 —,oil, fatty, water, separation of from using, 1 159, 355 —,—, mineral, water, separation of from using, 1 159 305 —,—, water, separation of from using, 1,159,355 made _ with, made _ with, 2.92 Alkali earth carbonate, olefin glycol made with, 1,259,757; 1,259,758 —,ore, copper, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, —, sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, flotation of with, 1,812,668 —,—, sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,paint made with, 1,131,578 —, paper mfr. with, 1,457,915 —, pigment made with, 1,183,201 —, pigment, iron oxide as, made with, 1,490,372 —,plastic made with, 1,397,144; 1,507,379 —, porcelain made with, 1,507,379 —, potassium chlorate made with, 1,247,619 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,247,619 —, potassium compound made with, 1,247,619 —, potassium hydroxide made with, 1,247,619 —, potassium salts made with, 1,509,035 —,potassium silicates, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,propylene glycol made with, 1,259,757; 1,259,758 —, pyrite, zine sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —,quebracho tanning compound made with, 1,241,950 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,397,144 —,resistance, electric, made with, 1,507,379 —,road paving made with, 1,171,236 —., rubber latex, Hevea Brasiliensis, coagulation of using, 1,145,351 —,—,Para, coagulation of using, 1,145,351 —,silicon nitrogen compound prepared with, 1,415,280 —,silk thread made with, 1,202,534 —,silver, production of using, 1,144,402 ; 1,146,373 —,size made with, 1,373,412 —,sizing, amylaceous, fabric, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 | —,—,—, fiber, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —,sodium molybdate made with, 1,250,063 —,sodium sulfite made with, 1,266,595 —,solution, evaporation of, using, 1,126,471 —,sugar juice clarified using, 1,233,919 —,sulfide, soluble, made with, 1,310,151 —, sulfide ore, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,sulfuric acid insoluble material rendered soluble using, 1,471,751 —,tallow, water, separation of from using, 1,159,355 —,tanning using, 1,236,468 — tanning compound made with, 1,241,950; 1,437,726; 1,443,697 —,tin made with, 1,146,373 —,tin dioxide, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,testilupine, barley-corn glumes, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,testin acid, barley-corn glumes, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,varnish made with, 1,131,578; 1,257,562 —, waterproofing made with, 1,373,412 —,water softener contg., 1,162,024 —, wood, artificial, made with, 1,397,144 —, yeast made with, 1,475,494 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924. Alkali earth carbonate, yeast, lupuline, re- moval of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—, pressed, made with, 1,176,528 —,—,testilupine, removal of from, 1,517,650 —,—,testin acid, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,zine, production of using, 1,144,402 ; 1,146,373 —, zine carbonate, basic, made with, 1,135,981 —,zine hydroxide made with, 1,135,981 —,zine oxide made with, 1,135,981 —,zine silicates, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,zine sulfide, bornite separated from using, 1,469,042 using, —,—,chaleopyrite separated from using, 1,469,042 —,—,lead sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042; 1,486,297 —,—,pyrite separated from using, 1,469,042 —,zirconium oxide extracted with, 1,340,888 Alkali earth carbonitride, ammonia made with, 1,134,411 ; —, mfr. of, alkali earth carbide for, 1,147,184 —,—,alkali earth oxide for, 1,134,411 —,—,carbon for, 1,129,514; 1,134,411 —,—,nitrogen for, 1,129,514; 1,134,411; 1,147,184 —,—, process for, 1,129,514; 1,134,411; 1,147,184 —,—, producer gas for, 1,134,411 Alkali earth chlorate, lamp, incandescent, made with, 1,166,464 —,mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,143,586 —,—,carbon anode for, 1,143,586 —,—, graphite anode for, 1,143,586 —,—, iron cathode for, 1,143,586 —,—, platinum anode for, 1,143,586 —,—, process for, 1,143,586 —,petracin made with, 1,308,060 Alkali earth chloride, alkali chloride, separa- tion from of, 1,469,507 5 —,alkali earth acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,alkali earth amalgam made with, 1,190,845 —,alkali earth hydroxide made with, 1,160,847 —,ammonium chloride from coal by, 1,397,264 —,battery, dry, made with, 1,506,189 —, bearing metal made with, 1,520,254 —,cadmium made with, 1,247,413 —,cadmium chloride made with, 1,247,413 —,calecium carbide, blocks of, made with, 1,486,618 —,case hardening with, 1,279,457; 1,279,458 —, catalyst, urea made with, 1,274,503; 1,292,019 —, chlorine made with, 1,160,847; 1,190,845 —, cobalt chloride made with, 1,247,413 —, cobalt made with, 1,247,413 —,copper made with, 1,230,078; 1,247,413; 1,483,999 —, copper chloride made with, 1,247,413 —, copper ore, copper, extraction of from, using, 1,195,616; 1,195,617 —,diatomaceous earth product made with, 1,502,547 —,dyestuff, indanthrene, leuco derivatives of, made using, 1,247,927 __,—, indigo, leuco derivatives of, made using, 1,247,927 INDEX OF Alkali earth chloride, dyestuff, leuco derivatives of, made using, 1,247 927 —,—, vat, leuco derivativ es of, 1,247,927 —, fertilizer made with, 1,225,825 —, filter aid made with, 1,502,547 made using, —,glauconite heated with lime sand and, 1,292,929 —,gold ore, treatment of using, 1,458,016; Re-15,931 . —,indigo, leuco derivatives of, made using, 1,247,927 —, insulation made with, 1,502,547 —,iron(ous) sulfate made with, Re-15,973 —, iron sulfide ore, treatment of using, 1,458,016; Re-15 931 —, kiln lining made with, 1,156,018 — ‘lamp, incandescent, made with, 1,166,464 —, lead production of using, 1,264,586; 1,483 ,999 —, ‘lead alloy made with, 1,520 254 —,lead carbonate ore, treatment of using, 1,458,016; Re-15,931 —, lead chloride made with, 1,264,586 1,489,417 ; —,lead sulfide ore, treatment of using, 1,458,016; Re-15,931 —,lithium chloride, separation from of, 1,469,507 —,magnesium chloride made with, 1,262,939 —,mfr. of, alkali earth oxide for, 1,518,375 —,—, alkali oxide for, 1,518,375 —, apparatus for, 1,518,375 —,—, carbon for, 1,518,375 —, carbon dioxide for, 1,518,375 —,—, carbon monoxide for, 1,518,375 —, coke for, 1,518,375 —, ’ dolomite for, 1 018,875 -~, ’ limestone for, 1,518,375 —,magnesia for, 1,518,375 —, metal chloride for, 1,518,375 —,—, process for, 1,262, 939: 1,518,375 —, metal chloride made with, 1,518,376 —,metatitanic acid made with, 1,489,417; Re-15,973 —, nickel production of using, 1,247,413 _ —,nickel chloride made with, 1,247,413 —, ore, treatment of using, 1,458,016; Re-15,931 —,paint made with, 1,502,547 —, paint, cement, made with, 1,510,795 —, paracoumarone made with, 1,413,558 —,paraindene made with, 1,413,558 —,pigment made with, 1,489,417; Re-15,973 —, plastic contg., 1,321,429 —, potassium chloride from, 1,296,461; 1,469,507 —,potassium chloride, separation from of, 1,469,507 —, printing plate made with, 1,519,004 —,refractory made with, 1,156, 018 —,separation of potassium chloride 1 422,848 —, silk, artificial, viscose, precipitation of, using, 1 393. ,197 —, silver ae treatment of using, 1,458,016; Re-15,93 —, soap ae with, 1,502,547 —, sodium chloride, separation from of, 1,469,507 rare | 3 ad Tee EN, cao aS from, SUBJECTS 293 Alkali earth chloride, thioindigo, leuco deriva- tives of, made using, 1,247,927 —,titanium dioxide made with, 1,189,229; 1 489,417; Re-15,973 —, zine made with, 1,247,418; 1,483,999 —,zine chloride made with, 1,247 413 —, zinc sulfide ore, treatment of using, 1,458,016; Re-15,931 —, zirconium oxide extracted with, 1,340,888 Alkali earth chromate, alkali perborate made with, 1,253,061 —, chromium steel from, 1,300,279 —, insecticide made with, 1,496,436 —, iron, rust-proofing of using, 1,287,605 —,lamp, incandescent, made with, 1,166,464 —,sodium perborate made with, 1,253,061 Alkali earth chromite, dyestuff made with, 1,221,849 Alkali earth citrate, catalyst, urea mfr. 1,292,019 Alkali earth compound, alkali aluminate made with, 1,151,498; 1,151,533 —,alkali compound made using, 1,151,498 1,151,533 —,alkali earth cyanide made with, 1,138,190; 1,312,842 —, ammonia made with, 1,206,155 —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,206,155 —, analgesic made with, 1,483,217 —, bacterial compost contg., 1,320,701 —, catalyst, hydrogenation made with, 1,238,774 —, catalyst for the mfr. of ammonia made with, 1,206,155 —, cleaner contg., 1,316,090 —,cyanides made with, 1,206,155 —,electrode, welding, made with, 1,363,636 —,enamel, opaque, made with, 1,239,112 —, ’ ferberite reclaimed with, 1 293, 402; 1,293,403 ; 1 ,293 404 —, fertilizer contg., 1,320,701 —, ’ formates made with, 1,206,155 —,huebnerite reclaimed with, 1,293,402; 1,293,403; 1,293,404 by, —,hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,238,774 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,488,598 —,iron, sulfur, removal of from, _ using, 1,485,540 —, lubricant made with, 1,200,617 —, ’ mfr. of, carbon “ alkali soda celuloess made with, 1 492 034 —,—, charcoal for, 1,492, 034 —,—, charcoal, nut shell, ‘for, 1,492,034 —,—, coke, bitumen, for, 1 ‘492, 034 —,—,—, petr oleum, for, i 492 034 —,—,—, pitch, for, 1 492, 034 —,—,—, tar, for, 1,492 034 —,— ' process for, 1 492 034 — ’ molybdenum from ore, 1 5,298,402; 1,293,403; 1,293, 404 — nitrogen "fixation process using, 1,206,155 —, oil, mineral, refined using, 1,286, 179 —, paint made with, 1,145, 186; 1,421 625 —, paint, anti-fouling, made with, 1 145 ,186 —, petroleum refined using, 1,286, 179. —, plant feed contg., 1,320 701 reclaiming by 294 Alkali earth compound, rubber, reclaiming of using, 1,215,941 —, rust-proofing made with, 1,145,186 —-, ’scheelite reclaimed with, 1 293, 402; 1,293,403 ; 1 ,293,404 —, soil inoculator contg., 1,320,701 —, ’ starch ethers made with, 1 350, 820 —, ’ sulfur, iron, removal from of, using, 1,485,540 — tungsten from ore, reclaiming by, 1,293 402 ; 1 ,293,403 ; 1,293,404 —, uranium from ore, reclaiming by, 1,293,402; i ,293,403; 1,293,404 —, vanadium from ore, reclaiming by, 1,293,402; 1,293,403; 1,293,404 —, water, removal from of, process for, 1,499,492 __,—. __ zeolite, artificial, for, 1,499; 492 —, wolframite reclaimed with, 1,293,402 ; 1 293,403; 1,293,404 —, zeolite, artificial, made AN 1,515,007 —, zinc made with, 1,154,602 Aikali earth cyanamide, catalyst, ammonia made with, 1,473,543; 1,473,544; 1,483,411 —, catalyst. for the mfr. of ammonia made with, 1,352,178 —, mfr. of, acetylene for, 1,483,411 —,—, alkali earth carbonate for, 1,483,411 —,—, ammonia for, 1,483,411 —,—, process for, 1 473, 543: 1,483,411 —, sodium cyanide made with, 1,277,898 ; 1 277,899; 1,277,900 Alkali earth cyanate, urea made with, 1,214,919; 1,241,920 Alkali earth cyanide, ammonia made with, 1,483,414 —,ammonia made with gases purified with compound made with, 1,483,414 —,catalyst, aldol made with, 1,200,746; 1,437,139 —,ammonia made with, 1,473,543; 1,473,544; 1,476,283 ; 1,483,411 —,hydrocyanic acid made with, 1,214,206 —, mfr. of, acetylene for, 1,483, Ail —,—, alkali earth carbonate for, 1,483,411 —,—,alkali earth compound for, 1,312,842 —,—, alkali earth metal for, 1,138,190; 1,235,887 —,—, ammonia for, 1,488, 411 —, apparatus for, 1 235 887 —,—, carbon for, 1,138,190: 1,235,887; 1,312,842 —,—, carbon, “ alkali-soda-cellulose ” for, 1,492,034 —,—, catalyst for, mfr. of carbon monoxide for, 1,485,502 —,—,—,—, charcoal for, 1,485,502 1,312,842; 1,138,190; ace fe | as oe) 6B Les) =a is) Hehe Qu (@°) metas Oo 3 abs = _ [o.2) on ‘ox (29) bo — , ron (ous) chloride for, 1,485 502 —,iron ore for, 1,485,502 —, iron sulfate for, 1,485 502 —,—,—,—, process for, 1 485 502 ,—,—-, —, steam for, 1,485,502 1,235,887; net er is chloride ‘for, 1 485, 502 ‘| ~~ —,—,—,charcoal for, 1,312,842 ; 1,492,034 —,—,charcoal, nut shell, for, 1,492,034 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali earth cyanide, mfr. of, coal, bituminous, for, 1,312,842 —,—, ‘cocoanut shell flour for, 1,312,842 —,—,coke for, 1,312,842 —,—, coke, bitumen, for, 1,492,034 —,—-,—, petroleum for, 1,492,034 —,—,—, pitch for, 1,492,034 —,—,—, tar, for, 1,492,034 —,—,iron for, 1,138,190; 1,312,842 —,—, iron scale for, 1,312,842 —,—, lignite for, 1,812,842 —,—, molasses for, 1,312,842 —,—, molasses waste for, 1,312,842 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,138,190; 1,235,887; 1,312,842 —,—, peat for, 1 235, 887 —,—, process for, uf 138, 190; 1,235,887; 1,812,842; 1 014,231 ; 1 483, 411; i 492 034 —,—, Steffins waste for, 1,312, 842 Alkali earth dichromate, iron, rust-proofing of using, 1,287,605 Alkali earth dioxide, beer, sterilization of using, 1,140,717 —, beverage, sterilization of using, 1,140,717 —, ’ chicle substitute made with, 1288, 728 —,cream, sterilization of using, 1 140, 717 —, fruit juice, sterilization of using, 1, 140, 717 —, ’ fruit pulp, sterilization of using, 1, 140, 17 —, "grape juice, sterilization of using, 1 140 117 —, heat producing compound contg., 1 "126, 055 —, linen, bleaching of using, 1,501 553 —, "mfr. of, boric acid for, 1 "169, 703 —,— electrolytic process for, 1 ,169,703 —,—, ’ gelatin for, 1,169,703 —,—, lead anode ‘for, qs 169, 703 —,—, oxygen for, 1 169, 703 —,—, phosphoric. acid for, 1,169,703 —,—, platinum anode for, 1, ‘169, 5703 —,—, process for, 1,169, 703 —,—, silver, amalgamated, cathode, for, 1,169,703 —,—, starch for, 1,169,703 —, ’ milk, sterilization of using, 1,140,717 —,water, aerated, sterilization of using, 1 140 Ae —,zein made with, 1,320,508 Alkali earth ferricyanide, catalyst, ammonia made with, 1,473,543 Alkali earth ferrocyanide, catalyst, ammonia made with, 1,473,543 —, mfr. of, carbonate for, 1,259,702 —,—, cyanogen for, 1,259, 702 —,—, hydroxide for, 1 259 402 —,—, illuminating gas for, 1,259,702 —,—,iron(ous) chloride for, 1,259, 702 —,—,iron(ous) hydroxide for, 1,259,702 —,iron(ous) sulfate for, 1.259.702 —,—, process for, 1,259,702 Alkali earth fluoride, cement, Portland, made with, 1,219,315 —, electrode, light, made with, 1,159,511 —, ’ glass, opaque, made with, 1 245, 487 —,kiln lining made with, o 156, 018 — ‘lamp, incandescent, made with, 1,166,464 —, magnesium, electrodeposition of, conte. B 1 910,449; 1,310,450 —,— production of using, 1,310,449; 1,310,450 — potassium compound made with, 1,219, 315 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alkali earth fluoride, potassium fluoride made with, 1,219,315 —,potassium sulfate 1,219,315 —,refractory made with, 1,156,018 —,sodium fluoride made with, 1,219,315 —,sodium sulfate made with, 1,219,315 Alkali earth formate, ammonia producing cat- alyst made with, 1,473,543 —, butter substitute made with, 1,216,674 —, casein made with, 1,167,434 —,casein glue made with, 1,167,434 —, catalyst made with, 1,473,548 —, catalyst, urea made with, 1,292,019 —,formic acid made with, 1,185,028 —, mfr. of, alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,185,028 —,—, amalgam for, 1,185,028 —,—, apparatus for, 1,185,028 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,185,028 —,—,mercury for, 1,185,028 —,—, platinum anode for, 1,185,028 —,—, potassium amalgam for, 1,185,028 —,—, process for, 1,185,028 Alkali earth glycolate, butter substitute made with, 1,216,675 Alkali earth glyoxylate, dl-tartaric acid made with, 1,181,555 —, meso-tartaric acid made with, 1,181,555 —,tartrates made with, 1,181,555 Alkali earth halides, calcium cyanide made with, 1,359,257 —, cement, Portland, made with, 1,250,291 ——,cyanide made with, 1,359,257 —,diatomaceous earth product made _ with, 1,502,547 —, filter aid made with, 1,502,547 —, insulation made with, 1,502,547 —, kiln lining made with, 1,156,018 —,koji made with, 1,263,817 —,lamp, incandescent, made with, 1,166,464 —, metals recovered from slag with, 1,414,491 —, paint made with, 1,502,547 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,250,291 —, potassium compounds made with, 1,250,291 —, potassium recovered with, 1,311,043 —,refractory made with, 1,156,018 --,soap made with, 1,502,547 Alkali earth hydrazoate, primer made with, 1,174,669; 1,184,316 Alkali earth hydride, nitrogen, action of on, 1,147,184 Alkali earth hydrosulfide, contg., 1,316,760 Alkali earth hydrosulfite, see Alkali earth hypo- sulfite Alkali earth hydroxide, acetic acid made with, 1,178,223 —,adhesive made with, 1,192,783; 1,275,799 —,alcohols made with, 1,253,055 —,alkali earth acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, alkali earth formate for, 1,185,028 —,alkali earth sulfide made with, 1,312,668; 1,502,213 —, alkali 1,351,693 —,alkaloids extracted by, 1,447,400 made with, 1,194,464; battery, electric, hydroxide made with, 1,260,944; 295 Alkali earth hydroxide, alloy, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,alum made with, 1,256,605 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,256,605 —, aluminum oxide, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, aluminum sulfate, basic, made with, 1,256,605 —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,483,412 —,ammonia made with, 1,483,414 —, ammonia made with gases purified with com- pound made with, 1,483,414 —,ammonium molybdate made with, 1,250,063 —,ammonium nitrate, concentration of, using, 1,126,471 —,ammonium salt, concentration of, using, 1,126,471 —,antimony made using, 1,144,402 —,arsenic made using, 1,144,402 —,arsenic compound made with, 1,512,432 —, asbestos, treatment of with, 1,256,296 —,audion filaments coated with, 1,467,398 —, barium sulfate, treatment of with, 1,471,75) —,barley-corn glumes, lupuline, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—,testilupine, removal 1,517,650 —,—,testin acid, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —, battery electrode made with, 1,438,086 —, battery, primary, made with, 1,489,240 —, binder made with, 1,509,035 —, bismuth made with, 1,144,402 —, butyric acid made with, 1,178,223 —,cadmium made using, 1,144,402 —, calcium chloride made with, 1,253,055 —,camphor made with, 1,518,732 —,carbon, decolorizing, revivifying of using, 1,189,896 —,carvacrol made with, 1,265,800 —,casein and, compound of, 1,412,462 —, catalyst, aldol made with, 1,437,139 —,—,ammonia made with, 1,476,283 —,—, 1.8-butadiene made with, 1,436,819 —,—,hydrocarbon, diolefin, made 1,486,819 —,catalyst for the mfr. of ammonia, made with, 1,483,412 —, catalyst in diolefin preparation, 1,436,819 —,catalyst in lubricating oil mfr., 1,350,814 —,catalyst in phenol-acetone condensation, 1,397,144 —, cellulose made with, 1,509,034 —, cellulose, colloidal suspension of, made with, 1,509,035 —,cellulose nitrate, screens for, cleaned with, 1,367,111 —,cellulose nitrate composition, screens for, cleaned with, 1,367,111 —, chromite, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, chrysotile, treatment of with, 1,256,296 —,cinnabar, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,cod oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1,247,516 . —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,copper made with, 1,144,402; 1,483,999 —,copper carbonate ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668 i¢ —,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 of from, using, with, 296 Alkali earth hydroxide, copper ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —, copper oxide ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —, copper silicates, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,copper sulfide made with, 1,502,213 —,corn oil, fatty acids, removal of from using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of using, 1,247,516 —, cotton seed oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of using, 1,247,516 —., cresol-formaldehyde condensates made with, 1,437,726 —,difficultly soluble material rendered soluble using, 1,471,751 —,dyestuff made with, 1,460,315 —, ethers made with, 1,459,177 —, fabric, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —,factory sewage treatment of with, 1,139,778 —, fatty acid made with, 1,178,223 —, fatty acids, cod oil, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—, corn oil, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—, cotton seed oil, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—, fish oil, removal of from, using, 1,247,516 —,—,marine animal oil, removal of from, using, 1,247,516 —,—,menhaden oil, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—, vegetable, 1,247,516 —,—, whaleoil, removal of from, using, 1,247,516 —, ferrites, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, ferro-molybdenum made with, 1,278,408 —, fertilizer made with, 1,232,553; 1,289,789 —, fertilizer treatment of with, 1,139,778 —, fiber, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —,—, vegetable, bleached with, 1,251,614 —,fish oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of using, 1,247,516 —, flotation process using, 1,486,297 —,formic acid made with, 1,178,223 —, fuel made with, 1,509,035 —, glue made with, 1,192,783 —, glue, vegetable, made with, 1,275,799 —,glutamic acid made with, 1,255,390 —,gold made using, 1,144,402 —,grass bleached with, 1,251,614 —,gum, artificial, made with, 1,225,749 —,hydrochloric acid insoluble material ren- dered soluble using, 1,471,751 —, hydrogenation process using, 1,247,516 —, ink, lithographic, made with, 1,131,578 —, insecticide made with, 1,417,232; 1,512,482 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,131,578; 1,397,144 —,—, heat, made with, 1,509,035 —,lodine compounds made with, 1,509,035 —,iron made with, 1,144,402 —,iron hydroxide pigment from, 1,420,985 removal from of, using, 1,225,748 ; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali earth hydroxide, iron molybdate made with, 1,278,408 —,iron(ic) ore treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,iron oxide, pigment, made with, 1,490,372 —,iron oxide (Fe,O.), treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,iron(ic) sulfate, basic, made with, 1,186,611 —,iron sulfide made with, 1,502,213 —, lead made with, 1,144,402; 1,483,999 —,lead arsenate made with, 1,512,432 —,lead chromate pigment made with, 1,441,612 —,lead sulfide made with, 1,502,213 —,lead sulfide, zinc sulfide, separation from of, using, 1,486,297 —, leaves bleached with, 1,251,614 -—, lubricant, used, treatment of with, 1,281,354 -~,lupuline, barley-corn glumes, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 -—,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 --,manganese dioxide made with, 1,188,705 —,manganese dioxide, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,manganese oxide (Mn.O;), treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,mfr. of, alkali earth chloride for, 1,160,847 —,—, alkali earth oxide for, 1,318,921 —,—, apparatus for, 1,160,847; 1,318,921 —,—, asbestos for, 1,160,847 —,—,barite for, 1,160,847 —,—, barium sulfate for, 1,160,847 —,—, electrolytic process for, 1,160,847 —,—, process for, 1,149,210; 1,149,211; 1,160,847 —,marine animal oil, fatty acids, removal of from using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of using, 1,247,516 —,menhaden oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of using, 1,247,516 —, metal, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, metal sulfide made with, 1,502,213 —, methyl alcohol made with, 1,253,055 —, methylamine made with, 1,489,380 —, mineral, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,molded article made with, 1,146,299; 1,397,144 —, molybdenum compound made with, 1,250,063 —,nickel silicates, treatment of with, 1,471,751 ‘—, nickel sulfide made with, 1,502,213 —,nitric acid made with, 1,200,334 —,nitric acid insoluble material rendered sol- uble using, 1,471,751 —,nitrogen oxides absorbed by, 1,458,969 —,oil, lubricating, used, treatment of with, 1,281,354 —,—, vegetable, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1,247,516 —,—,—, hydrogenation of using, 1,247,516 —,ore, copper, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, paint made with, 1,131,578 —, paper, brown, made with, 1,196,708 —,—, craft, made with, 1,196,708 —,—, wrapping, made with, 1,196,708 —, paper pulp made with, 1,196,708 ay INDEX OF Alkali earth hydroxide, Paris green made with, 1,512,432 oy phenols made with, 1,321,271 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made _ with, 1 146,300; 1,225,748; 1,225,749 — , phenol aldehyde condensate solvent contg., 1 146,299 —, pigment made with, 1,420,985 —, pigment, iron oxide as, made with, 1,490,372 —, plastic made with, 1 146 299; 1 397, 144 —, plate, printing, made with, 1 146 299 —,potassium aluminum sulfate made with, 1,256,605 —, potassium chlorate made with, 1,247,619 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,247 619 —, potassium compound made with, 1 247, 619 —, potassium hydroxide made with, 1,247 619; 1 ,260,944 _, potassium salts made with, 1,509,035 —, potassium silicates, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, propionic acid made with, 1,178,223 —, pyrocatechol made with, 1,321,271 —,quebracho tanning compound made with, 1,241,950 —, record, phonograph, made with, 1,146,299 —, resin, artificial, made with, 1 397, 144 —, sewage, treatment of with, 1 139 778 —,silicon nitrogen compound prepared with, 1,415,280 —,silver made using, 1,144,402 —,sizing made with, 1,192,783 —, Sizing, amylaceous, fabric, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —,—, —, fiber, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —, sodium hydroxide made with, 1,260,944 —,sodium molybdate made with, 1,250,063 —, solution, evaporation of using, 1,126,471 —, stalks bleached with, 1,251,614 —, straw bleached with, 1,251,614 —, sugar juice clarified using, 1,233,919 —, sulfide, soluble, made with, 1,310,151 —,sulfide ore, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,sulfur dichloride decolorized with, 1,464,137 —,sulfur dichloride neutralized with, 1 ‘464, 137 — sulfur monochloride decolorized with, 1,464,137 ~-, sulfur monochloride neutralized with, 1,464,137 —, sulfuric acid insoluble material rendered soluble using, 1,471,751 —, tannery sewage treatment of with, 1,139,778 —, tanning using, 1,236,468 —, tanning compound made with, 1,241,950; 1 443,697 ~~ , testilupine, barley-corn glumes, from of, using, 1,517,650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —, testin acid, barley-corn glumes, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 er aaa yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —, tin dioxide, treatment of with, 1 A71 751 — ’ titanium (ic) oxide pigment made with, 1 ,223,357 —, trinitroresorcinate made with, 1,308,393 —, ’ varnish made with, 1,131,578 —, water softened using, 1,238, 916 removal SUBJECTS 297% Alkali earth hydroxide, water, treatment of with, 1,139,778 — , whale oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1,247, 516 , hydrogenation of using, 1,247,516 —, ‘wood, artificial, made with, 1,397, 144 —, yeast, lupuline, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—,testilupine, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—,testin acid, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,zein made with, 1,320,508 —,zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,202,556; 1,202,557 —, zinc, production of using, 1,144,402; 1,483,999 —,zine carbonate, basic, made with, 1,135, ‘981 —, zine hydroxide made ‘with, 1,135; 981 —,zine oxide made with, 1,135 ‘981 —, zine silicates, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, zine sulfide, lead sulfide, separation from of using, 1,486 297 —, zirconium ‘oxide extracted with, 1,340,888 —,see also Barium hydroxide ; Calcium hy- droxide ; Magnesium hydroxide ; Strontium hydroxide Alkali earth hypochlorite, cellulose made with, 1,472,318 — , methylamine made with, 1,489,380 —, petracin made with, 1 308 060 Alkali earth hyposulfite, bornite, zine sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —,chalecopyrite, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —, flotation process using, 1,469,042 —, gold produced using, 1,479,542 —, lead sulfide, zine sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —,mercury produced using, 1,479,542 —,pyrite, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —, silver produced using, 1,479,542 —,zine sulfide, bornite, separated from using, 1 469,042 —,— , chalcopyrite separated from using, 1,469,042 —,—,lead sulfide separated from _ using, 1,469,042 —,—, pyrite poner ata from using, 1,469,042 Alkali earth iodide, catalyst, phenols made with, 1321271 Alkali earth lactate, butter substitute made with, 1,216,675 Alkali earth manganate, iron, rust-proofing of using, 1,287,605 Alkali earth metal, alkali earth cyanide made with, 1,138,190; 1.235,887 —, alloy contg., 1,123,685; 1,158,672; 1,478,062; 1,500,954 —,—, preparing, 1,359,813 —,alloy, degasifying of using, 1,478,062 —, aluminum alloy contg., 1,412 280: Re-15,407 —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, ‘made with, 1 491,588 — ,are-welding contg., 1,363,636 —,audion made with, 1,485, 505 , —, ’ bearing metal conte. ‘; 1,520 254” 1,169,392 ; 298 Alkali earth metal, caoutchouce, artificial, made with, 1,178,721 —,carbon dioxide, removal from of. using, 1,478,889 —,carbon monoxide, removal from of using, 1,478, 889 — catalyst, aldol made with, 1,487,139 —,—,ammonia made with, 1313. 314 —,—,for ammonia mfr., made with, 1,491,588 —,—, hydrocyanic acid made with, 1,492, 194 —,catalyst promoter for ammonia mfr. 1,313,316 —, copper, 1,130,678 —,copper alloy contg., 1,169,392 —, cyanogen compound made with, 1,321,459 —,electrode, welding, made with, 1,363 636 —, gas purification for mfr. of ammonia using, 1,478,889 —,granite, coloring of using, 1,158,730 —,heater, chemical, made with, 1,506,322 ; 1 506, 323 — , hydrogen made with, 1,506,323 —,iron, carbon free, made with, 1,130,678 —,—, Manganese free, made with, 1, 130, 678 —,—, ’ phosphorus free, made with, 1, 130, 67 —,—, silicon free, made with, 1 130, 678 —, iron alloy, copper in, made with, 1,130,678 iron alloy contg., made with, — ‘lamp, electric, incandescent, made with, 1 485,505 —_—,— X-ray, made with, 1,485,505 —, lead alloy contg., 1 158, 672; 1,500,954; if 520,254 —, mfr. of, aluminum for, 1,311,378; 1,311,379; 1 ll 380 — apparatus for, 1,311,378; ¢. 1,311,379; 1 311 330: 1,521,002 —,—, calcium oxide for, 1,311,378; 1,311,379; 1 311 380 —,—, electric furnace for, 1,011,378; 1,311,379; 1 311, 380 —,— electrolytic apparatus for, 1,521,022 —,—,fluorspar for 1,311 378; 1,311,379; 1,311,380 =| hydrogen | y{forgs leltlse7s; 0. 0311 319; 1,311,380 —,—,lead anode for, 1,142,220 —,—, magnesium oxide for, 1,311,378; 1,311,379; 1,311,380 —,—, potassium cyanamide for, 1,142,220 —,—, potassium cyanide for, 1,142,220 —,—, process for, 1,142,220; 1,239,178; 1,311,378. 1,311,379; 1,311,380; 1,521,002 —,—, silicon for, 1,311,878; 1,311,879; 1,311,380 —,—,sodium cyanamide for, 1,142,220 —,—,sodium cyanide for, 1,142,220 —,—,tin anode for, 1,142,220 —,marble, coloring of using, 1,158,730 —,metal, degasifying of using, 1,478,062 —,metals separated by, 1,428,041 —,noble gases purified using, 1,485,505 —, oxygen, gas, removal from of using, 1,478,889 —,rectifier, electric, made with, 1,485,505 —,rubber, vulcanization of using, 1,159,327 —,sandstone, coloring of using, 1,158,730 —, stone, coloring of using, 1,158,730 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali earth metal, sulfur chloride (S2Cl) pre- serving of using, 1,159,327 —, water, gas, removal from of using, 1,478,889 —, water gas ‘made with, 1,506,323 Alkali earth metal alloy, caoutchoue, artificial, made with, 1,178,721 —, catalyst, ammonia made with, 1,313,314 Alkali earth metal amalgam, caoutchouc, arti- ficial, made with, 1,178,721 Alkali earth metal compound, catalyst, am- monia made with, 1,313,314 Alkali earth molybdate, molybdenum steel from, 1,300,279 Alkali earth nitrate, alkali earth acetyl-salicyl- ate made with, 1,217,862 —, beef, corned, ‘cured with, 1,259,377 _ ’ catalyst, urea made with, 1 ‘974, 503; 1,292,019 —, fertilizer made with, 1 266, 198 —, ’ flash light powder made with, 1,240,027 —, "ham cured with, 1,259,377 —, mfr. of, alkali earth sulfide for, 1,321,013 —,—, aluminum nitrate for, 1,321 013 —,ammonia for, 1,507 993 —, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,507,993 —,— ’ apparatus for, 1,821,013 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,507,993 —,—, chromium nitrate for, 1,321 013 —, ’ kaolin for, 1,507,993 —,—, labradorite for, 1,507,993 —,leucite for, 1,507,993 —,—, lime for, 1,507,993 —,—, magnesium nitrate for, 1,321,013 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,507 993 —,—, ’ potassium carbonate for, 1,507,993 —,—, process for, 1,821,013; 1 507 993 —, meat cured with, 1,259,377 —,potassium nitrate made with, 1,296,458; 1,296,460 —, silk, artificial, viscose, precipitation of using, 1 393, 197 Alkali earth nitride, alkali earth acetyl-salicyl- ate made with, 1 217, 862 —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,491,588 —, beef, corned, cured with, 1,259,377 —, ‘ham cured with, 1,259, 377 —, meat cured with, 1,259 O17 Alkali earth oxalate, ammonia producing cata- lyst made with, 1 ‘473, 543 —, catalyst made ‘with, 1,473, 543 — catalyst, urea made with, 1,292,019 Alkali earth oxide, acetone made with, 1,315,544 —, adhesive made with, 1,373,412 —,aldol made with, 1,234,156 —,alkali aluminate made with, 1,151,498; 1,151,533: 1,285,796; 1,495,498; 1,508,777 —,alkali carbonate made using, 1,514,657 —,alkali chloride made with, 1,518,375 —,alkali compounds made with, 1,151,498; 1,151,533; 1,233,273; 1,263,705; 1,285,796; 1,495,498 —,alkali earth acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, alkali earth carbonitride made with, 1,134,411 —, alkali earth chloride made with, 1,518,375 —,alkali earth hydroxide from, 1,318,921 —,alkali hydroxide made using, 1,514,657 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alkali earth oxide, alumina made with, 1,508,777 —,aluminum made with, 1,273,220 —, aluminum compounds made with, 1,233,273 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,261,526; 1,263,705; 1,285,796; 1,514,657 —,ammonia made with, 1,134,411; 1,261,526; 1,483,414 —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,157,253; 1,491,588; 1,502,336 —,ammonia made with gases purified with compound made with, 1,483,414 —,antimony made with, 1,144,402 —, arsenic made with, 1,144,402 —,audion filament coated with, 1,467,398 —,barley-corn glumes, lupuline, removal of from using, 1,517,650 —,—,testilupine, removal of from using, 1,517,650 —,—,testin acid, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —, binder made with, 1,509,035 —, bismuth made using, 1,144,402 —, brick, sand-lime, made using, 1,514,657 —,cadmium made using, 1,144,402 —, calcium made using, 1,514,657 —, calcium chloride made with, 1,518,375 —,carbo-nitride made with, 1,310,478; 1,310,479 —, catalyst, aldol made with, 1,437,139 —,—, benzoic acid made with, 1,285,117 —,—, 1.3-butadiene made with, 1,436,819 —,—, carbon dioxide made with, 1,285,117 —,—,hydrocarbon, diolefin, made - 1,436,819 —,—, lubricating oil made with, 1,350,814 —,—,naphthoquinone made with, 1,285,117 —,—, phthalic acid made with, 1,285,117 —,—, phthalic anhydride made with, 1,285,117; 1,489,741 —,catalyst, promoter, ammonia made with, 1,476,283 —, catalyst for the mfr. of ammonia made with, 1,157,253; 1,491,588; 1,502,336 —, cellulose made with, 1,509,034 —, cellulose, colloidal suspension of, made with, 1,509,035 —,cement made with, 1,233,273; 1,241,531; 1,507,379; 1,514,657 —,ceramic insulating material made with, 1,438,598 —, copper made with, 1,144,402; 1,275,374 —,copper compounds made with, 1,233,273 —,cresol-formaldehyde condensate made with, 1,437,726 —, dental cement made with, 1,507,379 —, dyestuff made with, 1,460,315 —,ethers made with, 1,245,742 —, ethyl ether made with, 1,245,742 —,fertilizer made with, 1,233,273; 1,267,473; 1,508,777; 1,518,565 —, fuel made with, 1,509,035 —,glass compound made with, 1,143,885 —,gold, production of using, 1,144,402 —, heater, electric, made with, 1,507,379 —, hydrochloric acid made with, 1,245,742 —, incendiary composition contg., 1,308,463 —, indoxyl made with, 1,211,413; Re-14,364 —, indoxyl, mfr. of, uses of, 1,293,680 with, 299 Alkali earth oxide, insulation, electric, made with, 1,148,885 —,—, heat, made with, 1,509,035 —,lodine compounds made with, 1,509,035 —,iron made using, 1,144,402 —, lamp, electric, made with, 1,269,520 —,lead made with, 1,144,402; 1,483,999 —,lead chromate pigment made with, 1,441,612 —,leather, artificial, made with, 1,334,297 —,lupuline, barley-corn glumes, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —, Magnesium compound made with, 1,233,273 —, Manganese dioxide made with, 1,188,705 —, metal made with, 1,518,375 —, methyl ether made with, 1,245,742 —, molded article made with, 1,146,299 —, nickel compounds made with, 1,233,273 —,nitric acid made with, 1,200,334 —, nitrogen, fixation of using, 1,175,007 —,nitrogen dioxide, absorption of with, 1,316,950 —,nitrogen tetroxide, absorption of with, 1,316,950 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,146,300 —, phenol aldehyde condensate solvent contg., 1,146,299 —, plastic made with, 1,146,299; 1,507,379 —,plate printing, made with, 1,146,299 —, porcelain made with, 1,507,379 —, potassium aluminate made with, 1,191,104 —,potassium chloride made with, 1,247,619; 1,254,450; 1,254,451 —, potassium compound made with, 1,247,619; 1,254,450; 1,254,451; 1,495,498 —, potassium salts made with, 1,509,035 —,quebracho tanning compound made with, 1,241,950 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,146,299 —,resistance, electric, made with, 1,507,379 —,rubber, reclaiming of, using, 1,510,706 —, silicon nitrogen compounds prepared with. 1,415,280 —, silver production of, using, 1,144,402 —,size made with, 1,373,412 —, sugar juice clarified using, 1,233,919 —,sulfur dichloride decolorized with, 1,464,137 —,sulfur dichloride neutralized with, 1,464,137 —,sulfur monochloride decolorized with, 1,464,137 —, sulfur monochloride neutralized with, 1,464,137 —,tanning compound made with, 1,241,950; 1,437,726; 1,443,697 —,testilupine, barley-corn glumes, from of, using, 1,517,650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,656 —,testin acid, barley-corn glumes, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —, waterproofing made with, 1,373,412 —,yeast, lupuline, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—, testilupine, 1,517,650. removal removal of from, using, 300 Alkali earth oxide, yeast, testin acid, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,zine, production of using, 1,144,402; 1,154,601; 1,483,999 —, zine sulfite made with, 1,198,241 —,zirconium oxide extracted with, 1,340,888 Alkali earth orthosilicate, alkali aluminate made with, 1,285,796 —, alkali compound made with, 1,285,796 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,285,796 Alkali earth oxychloride, cadmium production of using, 1,247,413 —, cadmium chloride made with, 1,247,413 —, catalyst, 1.3-butadiene made with, 1,436 819 —,—, diolefins made with, 1,436,819 —,— ’ hydrocarbon, diolefin, made 1,436,819 —,cobalt production of using, 1,247,413 —, cobalt chloride made with, 1,247,413 —, copper production of using, 1,247 413 —, copper chloride made with, 1 247, 413 —, nickel production of using, 1247 A13 —, ‘nickel chloride made with, 1,247,413 —,petracin made with, 1,308,060 —, zine production of using, 1,247,413 —, zine chloride made with, 1,247,413 Alkali earth perborate, linen, bleaching of, using, 1,501,553 Alkali earth percarbonate, linen, bleaching of, using, 1,501,553 Alkali earth permanganate, iron, rust-proofing of using, 1,287,605 —-, mfr. of, process for, 1,453,562 Alkalt earth peroxide, see Alkali earth dioxide Alkali earth persulfate, battery, storage, nega- tive plate for made with, 1,164,464 —, linen, bleaching of using, 1,501,553 Alkali earth phenolate, ammonia producing catalyst made with, 1,473,543 —, catalyst made with, 1,473, 543 Alkali earth phosphate, acid, using, 1,167,966 —, alkali earth acetyl-salicylate made with, H ,217,862 — catalyst, copper as, made with, 1,500,794 , dehydrogenation, made with, 1,215 830 —,—, hydrogenation, made with, 1,215 335; 1,500,794 —, catalyst for the mfr. of nitrogen oxide made with, 1,239,125 —, copper, catalyst, made with, 1,500,794 — , dehydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1 215,835 —, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, ’ fabric, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1 005,534 —, fertilizer made with, 1,144,405; 1,163,130; 1 ,266,199 —, fiber, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —, glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,314 831 —,glaze, opaque, made with, 1 314,831; — , hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1 215,335; 1,500,794 — snitrogen oxide, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,239,125 with, rust-proofing rent aay UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali earth phosphate, sizing, amylaceous, fabric, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —,—,—, fiber, removal from of, using, 1 005,534 —, water softener contg., 1,162 024 Alkali earth polysulfide, battery, contg., 1,316,760 —, explosive contg., 1,128,380 Alkali earth propionate, acetone made with, 1,470,885 —, butter substitute made with, 1,216,674 — ' diethyl ketone made with, L 470, 885 —,ethyl methyl ketone made with, 1,470,885 Alkali earth pyrolignates, water softening com- position contg., 1,399,651 Alkali earth resinate, explosive contg., 1,473,257 Alkali earth saccharate, sugar juice clarified using, 1,233,919 Alkali earth salicylate, purification of, hydro- gen sulfide for, 1,459,900 —,—, lead salts for, 1 459 900 —, —, process for, 1,459, 900 —,—, tin chloride for, 1,459 900 —,—, tin salicylate for, 1 459 900: oN tin salt for, 1 459 900 — ; tin (ous) salt for, 1,459,900 Alkali earth salt, acetyl-salicylic acid, product contg., made with, 1,486,373 electric, —, alkali aluminate made with, 1,151,498; 1 151,533 —, alkali compound made with, 1,151,498; 1,151,533 —, alkali perborate made with, 1,253,061 —, aluminum oxide made with, 1 AIS 280 —,ammonia made with, 1,415 280; 1 487, 521 —,battery, dry, made with, 1,490 450 —, bleaching process using, 1 1155, 101; 1,155,102 ; 1 163,438 —, bornite, zine sulfide separated from using, i ,469,04 2 —, brick, slag, made with, 1,123,841 _—, ; calcium cyanamide made with, 1,164,087 —, calcium sulfate hydrated with, 1 442 406 —,case hardening compound made 1,361,131 —, casein article made with, 1,159,879 —, casein artificial, colored, made with, 1,159,878 —, catalyst, urea mfr. by, 1 ,292,019 —, catalyst promoter, ammonia made with, 1,476,283 —,cement, hydraulic, made with, 1,123,841; 1,123,964 — , chalcopyrite, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —, citric acid made with, 1,166,674 —, ’ colloidal solution made. with, 1,189,696 —,coloring matter made with, 1 164,036 ; 1, 164,037; 1,173,330. —, concrete, filler for, made with, 1,123,841 —, cotton, bleaching of, using, 1 163 438 a ; cyanides made with, 1,415 280; 1,487 21 —, cyanogen compound made ‘with, ib 321 459 —,diastatic product. made with, L192 584 —-, diatomaceous earth, treatment of with, 1 503,133 —, diatomite, treatment of with, 1,503,133 — ’ dye made with, 1,173,330 —, dyestuff precipitated by, 1,387,596 with, INDEX OF Alkali earth salt, fabric, amylaceous, sizing, re- moval of from, using, 1,505,534 —,—,printing composition for, 1,164,036; 1,164,037; 1,173,330 —,ferrocyanide made with, 1,487,521 —, fiber, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —, filter-aid made with, 1,503,133 —, ’ flotation process using, 1 469 042 —, "fossil flour, treatment of with, 1,503,133 —, ’ d-fructose made with, 1,166, 674 —, d-glucose made with, 1. 166 674 — glyoxylic acid made ‘with, 1 ,227,706 —, hydrogen dioxide made with, 1 128 ,966 —,infusorial earth, treatment of with, 1,503,133 — ‘ kieseleuhr, treatment of with, 1,503,133 —,koji made with, 1,192,584 —,lead sulfide, zinc. sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —, linen, bleaching of, using, 1,163,438 —, mineral wool made with, 1,123 SAl —, ‘molded article made with, yi 159, 879 —, 2-naphthol-3.6-disulfonic acid, 2-naphthol- 6.8-disulfonic acid, separation from of, using, 1,494,096 —, 2-naphthol-6.8-disulfonic acid, 2-naphthol- 3.6-disulfonic acid, separation of from using, 1,494,096 —,—, 2-naphthol-6-sulfonic acid, separation of from, using, 1,494,096 —, 2-naphthol-6-sulfonic acid, 2-naphthol-6.8- _disulfonic acid, separation from of using, 1,494,096 —,paint made 1,173,330 —, phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,237,579 —,pigment made with, 1,155,462; Re-14,289 —, potassium carbonate made with, 1,123,841 —, potassium compound made with, 1,123,841 —,pyrite, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —, quebracho, tanning compound of, made with, 1,241,950 —,roofing, silicate, made with, 1,123,941 —,silicon dioxide made with, 1,415,280 —, silicon nitride made with, 1,415,280 —, sizing, amylaceous, fabric, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —,—,— fiber, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —, sodium perborate made with, 1,253,061 —, sucrose made with, 1,166,674 —, sugar, invert, made with, 1,166,674 —,sulfur dichloride decolorized with, 1,464,137 — sulfur dichloride neutralized with, 1 ‘464, 137 made with, with, 1,164,036; 1,164,037; — sulfur monochloride decolorized with, 1,464,137 —, sulfur monochloride neutralized with, 1,464,137 —, Syrup made with, 1,166,674 —, tanning compound made with, 1,241,950 —, therapeutic product made with, 1,486, 373 —, thiocyanate made with, 1,487 521 —, titanium dioxide made with, 1,487, 52k —, urea made with, 1,419,157 A lg artificial, made with, 1,499,795 SUBJECTS 301 Alkali earth salt, zine sulfide, bornite sepa- rated from using, 1,469,042 —,—, chalcopyrite ‘separated from _ using, 1,469,042 —,—,lead sulfide separated from _ using, 1,469,042 —,—, pyrite separated from using, 1,469,042 Alkali earth selenite, catalyst, urea made with, 1,292,019 Alkali earth silicate, alkali earth acetyl-salicyl- ate made with, 1,217,862 —, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, fabric, amylaceous, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —,fiber, amylaceous, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —,glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, mfr. of, calcium carbonate for, 1,256,295 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,256,295 —,—,feldspar for, 1,256,295 —,—, lime, cull, for, 1,256,295 —,—, process for, 1,256,295 —,nitroglycerol made with, 1,138,916; 1,138,917 —,silk thread made with, 1,202,534 —, sizing, amylaceous, fabric, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —,—,—, fiber, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 Alkali earth ‘silicofluoride, zine sulfide made with, 1,171,246 Alkali earth sludge sulfonate, detergent made with, 1,303,779 —,mfr. of, process for, 1,303,779 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,303,779 —, saponification process using, 1,303,779 —,soap, salt-water, made with, 1,303,779 Alkali earth solution, purification of, process for, 1,503,229 Alkali earth sulfate, alkali earth acetyl-salicyl- ate made with, 1,217,862 Alkali earth sulfate, alkali earth sulfide made with, 1,212,702; 1,492,810; 1,495,187 —, aluminum potassium sulfate made with, 1 296,457 — battery, storage, made with, 1,512,485 —,bornite, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1 ,A69 042 —, catalyst, urea made with, 1,274,503; 1,292,019 —,catalysts in sulfur. dioxide reduction, 1,359,114 —, cement, hydraulic, made with, 1,124,238 —,—,Sorel, made with, 1,124,238 —,chalcopyrite, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —, copper made with, 1,483,999 —., fertilizer made with, 1,266,199 —,lead sulfide, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —, ae of, ammonia for, 1,127,219 — , hydrogen sulfide for, 1,127 219 OES) —} polythionate for, 1,127, 219 —,—, process for, 1,127, 219 —,—, tetrathionate for, 1,127,219 —,potassium from cement es gas with, 1 296,465 —, potassium chloride made wine 1,124,238 302 Alkali earth sulfate, potassium compound made with, 1,217,388; 1,217,390 —,potassium sulfate made with, 1,296,457; 1,297,638 —,pyrite, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —.,silk, artificial, viscose, precipitation of using, 1,393,197 —, sulfur made with, 1,359,114 —, wood pulp, sulfite, made with, 1,427,125 —,zine sulfide, bornite separated from using, 1,469,042 —,—,chalcopyrite separated from _ using, 1,469,042 —,—,lead sulfide separated from _ using, 1,469,042 —,—, pyrite separated from using, 1,469,042 Alkali earth sulfhydrate, chalcopyrite, concen- tration of, using, 1,197,590 —,—, flotation of, using, 1,197,590 —,copper sulfide ore, concentration of, using, 1,197,590 —,—, flotation of, using, 1,197,590 —, dyestuff made with, 1,521,206 —,iron sulfide ore, concentration of, 1,197,590 —,—, flotation of, using, 1,197,590 —,lead ore, concentration of, using, 1,197,590 —,—, flotation of, using, 1,197,590 —,uickel sulfide ore, concentration of, using, 1,197,590 —,—, flotation of using, 1,197,590 —,ore, concentration of, using, 1,197,590 —,—, flotation of, using, 1,197,590 —, pyrite, concentration of, using, 1,197,590 —,—, flotation of, using, 1,197,590 —, silver ore, concentration of, using, 1,197,590 —,—, flotation of, using, 1,197,590 —,sphalerite, concentration of, using, 1,197,590 —,—, flotation of using, 1,197,590 —, zine ore, concentration of using, 1,197,590 —,—, flotation of, using, 1,197,590 —, zinc sulfide ore, concentration of, using, 1,197,580 —,—, flotation of, using, 1,197,590 Alkali earth sulfide, alkali earth nitrate made with 1,321,013 —,aluminum, hydroxide made with, 1,321,013 —,bornite, zine sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —, catalyst, urea made with, 1,274,503; 1,292,019 —, catalyst in sulfur dioxide reduction, 1 359, 114 —, cellulose nitrate, screens for, cleaned with, 1,367,111 —, cellulose nitrate compositions, screens for, cleaned with, 1,367,111 —- , chalcopyrite, flotation of using, 1,235 954 —,—,zine sulfide separated from using, 1 469 042 —,copper carbonate ore, flotation of using, 1,235,954 —, copper ore, flotation of using, 1,235,954 —,—,nickel ore, separation of from using, 1 235 954 —, copper 1,235,954 using, oxide ore, flotation of using, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali earth sulfide, copper sulfide ore, flota- tion of using, 1,235, 954 —,—, iron sulfide ore, separation of from using, 1 235, 954 —, cuprous sulfide from, 1,292,075 —, dyestuff made with, 1,202,821; 1,521,206 —, flotation process using, 1,235,954; 1,469,042 —, hair carrotted with, 1,466,698 —, hydrogen sulfide made with, 1,321,013 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,397,144 —,iron sulfide ore, copper sulfide ore, separa- tion of from, using, 1,235,954 —,lead sulfide, zine sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —, lead sulfide ore, flotation of, using, 1,235,954 —, mfr. of, alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,502,213 —,—, alkali earth sulfate for, 1,212 702 ; 1 A92 810; 1,495,187 —,— apparatus for, 1,212,702; 1,495,187, 1,502,213 —,—,carbon for, 1,212,702 —,—, carbon electrode for, 1,502,213 —,—, carbon monoxide for, 1,212,702 —,—,coal for, 1,212,702 —, coke for, 1,212, 702 — , electrolytic process for, 1,502,213 —,iron electrode for, 1,502 213 —,—, process for, 1,212 702; 1 492, 810; 1,495,187; 1,502,213 —,—, sulfur for, 1,502,213 —, molded article made with, 1,397,144 —,nickel ore, copper ore, separation of from using, 1,235,954 —,ocher substitute made with, 1,175,751 —, pigment made with, 1,175,751 —, plastic made with, 1 397, 144 —, potassium compound made with, 1,217,390 —,pyrite, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1 469,042 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,397,144 —; sphalerite, flotation of using, 1 235 954 —,sulfur made with, 1,359,114 — sulfur removed from oil by, 1,357,225 —, sulfur from petroleum with, 1,300, 816 —_ sulfuric acid from, 1,292 075 —, , wood, artificial, made with, 1,397,144 —, zinc sulfide made with, 1, 171 246 —, zine sulfide, bornite separated from using, 1 469,042 ake) aa, ceeges —,—, chalcopyrite separated from using, 1,469,042 —,—,lead sulfide separated from _ using, 1,469,042 —,—, pyrite separated from using, 1,469,042 —, zine sulfide ore, flotation of using, 1,235,954 Alkali earth sulfite, alkali earth acetyl-salicyl- ate made with, 1,217,862 —,bornite, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —,catalysts in 1,359,114 —,chalcopyrite, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —., dyestuff, indanthrene, leuco derivatives of, made with, 1,247,927 —-,— indigo, leuco derivatives of, made with, 1 247 927 sulfur dioxide reduction, © INDEX OF Alkali earth sulfite, dyestuff, leuco derivatives of, made using, 1,247,927 —,—,vat, leuco derivatives of, made with, 1 247, 927 — fatty acid, water, separation of from using, 1 159,355 —, flotation process using, 1,469,042 —=; ‘indigo, leuco derivatives of, made with, 1,247,927 —,lead sulfide, zine sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —,mfr. of, alkali 1,164,649 —,—, alkali earth bisulfite for, 1,164,649 —,—, ‘alkali earth carbonate for, 1,164 649 —,—, apparatus for, 1,164,649 —,—, process for, 1,164, 649 —,oil, fatty, water, separation of from using, 1,159,355 —,—, mineral, water, separation of from using, 1,159,355 —,—, water, separation of from using, 1,159,355 —, potassium compound made with, 1,217,390 —,pyrite, zinc sulfide, separated from using, 1,469,042 —,sulfur made with, 1,359,114 —,tallow, water, separation of from using, 1,159,355 —,thioindigo, leuco derivatives of, made with, 1,247,927 —,zine sulfide, bornite separated from using, 1,469,042 earth bicarbonate for, —,—,chalcopyrite, separated from using, 1,469,042 —,—, lead sulfide separated from _ using, 1 469, 042 —,—, pyrite, separated from using, 1,469,042 Alkali earth tartrate, ammonia producing cata- lyst made with, 1,473,543 —,catalyst made with, 1,473,543 Alkali earth thiosulfate, acid, potassium com- pound made with, 1,217,390 —, Bart. of, ammonia for, 1,127,219 —, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,127,219 —,—, process for, 1,127, 219 —,— tetrathionate for, 1,127,219 —, ’ potassium compound made with, 1,217,390 Alkali earth titanate, electrode, arc lamp, made with, 1,205,377 Alkali earth titano-fluoride, lamp, made with, 1,281,796 Alkali earth trinitroresorcinate, priming charge contg., 1,308,393 Alkali earth tungstate, tungsten steel from, 1,300,279 Alkali earth vanadate, vanadium steel from, 1,300,279 Alkali earth zincate, zinc sulfide made with, 1,171,246 Alkali earth zirconate, zirconium oxide, white, made with, 1,158, 769 Alkali ethyl-xanthate, mfr. of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,507,089 —,— benzene for, 1,507, 089 —, ’ carbon bisulfide for, 1,507,089 —, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,507 ,089 —,—, ao alcohol for, 1,507, 089 electrode, arc- SUBJECTS 303 Alkali ethyl-xanthate, mfr. of, 1,507,089 © —,—, process for, 1,507,089 Alkali fatty sulfonate, cellulose ethers, compo- sition of and, 1,217 028 —, ethyl cellulose, composition of and, 1,217,028 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,217 028 —, ‘hair, artificial, made with, 1 217 028 —, ‘silk, ‘artificial, ‘made with, 1,217 028 Alkali ferricyanide, catalyst, ammonia made with, 1,473,543 —,p- -dimethylamino-phenol ferrocyanide made with, 1,144,141 —, p-hydroxyphenyl- trimethylammonium ferro- cyanide made with, 1,144,141 Alkali ferrocyanide, alkali cyanide made with, 1,143,952 —, catalyst, ammonia made with, 1,473,543 —, indantherene made with, 1,518 051 —, * mfr. of, alkali carbonate for, 1,259, 702 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,259 702 —, —} carbonate for, 1,259, 702 —,—, cyanogen for, 1,259 702 —,—, hydroxide for, 1 259, 702 —,—, illuminating gas for, 1,259,702 gasolene for, —,—,iron(ous) chloride for, 1,259 5702 —,—,iron(ous) hydroxide for, 1,259 5702 —,iron(ous) sulfate for, 1,259 702 —,—, process for, 1,143 952: 1,259. 02 Alkali fluoride, alkali aluminum fluoride made with, 1,517, 636 —, alkali cyanide 1,481,374 —, alkali sodium fluoride made with, 1,517,686 —,carnotite, treatment of with, 1 255, 144 —, cerium fluoride made with, 1,272, 375 —, chromite, treatment of with, 1,255, 144 —, ’ chromium ore, treatment of with, 1,255,144 —, ; electrode, are lamp, made with, 1 164,728 —,— _are-light, made with, 1,134,148; 1 148,183 ; 1 148 184; 1,159,511 =, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,861 —, ' ferberite, treatment of with, 1,255, 144 glass, opaque, made with, 1,245 487 _ Ae herniie treatment. of with, 1,255,144 —,lamp, incandescent, made with, 1,166. 464 —, Magnesium, electrodesposition of, bath conte, 1,310,449; 1,310,450 —,— , production of using, 1,310,449; 1,310,450 — mfr. of, apparatus for, 1:301,32 5 —,—, process for, 1,301 325 —, molybdenite, treatment of with, 1,255,144 — ’ molybdenum ore, treatment of with, 1.255, 144 —, potassium sulfate made with, 1,194,464 —,rare earth fluoride made with, 1,272,375 —.,scheelite, treatment of with, 1,255,144 —,tungsten ore, treatment of with, 1,255,144 —,tungstite, treatment of with, 1,255,144 —, uranium ore, treatment of with, 1,255,144 —, vanadium ore, treatment of with, 1,255,144 —,wolframite, treatment of with, 1,255,144 —,wood preserved with, 1,274,171 Alkali fluosilicate, enamel, iron, made with, 1,256,455; 1,256,456 —, wood preservative contg., 1,265,370 —,see also Alkali silicofluoride made with, 1,481,373; 304: Alkali formate, alkali cyanide made _ with, 1,417,702 —,alkali oxalate made with, 1,280,622; 1,281,117; 1,281,118 —,aluminum sulfate, composition of and, 1,493 945 —,ammonia made with, 1,417,702 —,ammonia producing catalyst made with, 1 473,543 —, butter substitute made with, 1,232,016 —, casein made with, 1, 167,434 —,casein glue made with, 1,167,484 —, catalyst made with, 1 473 543 —, catalyst, urea made with, 1,292,019 —,formic acid made with, 1,185, 028 — ’ glycol made with, 1.215 903 —-, mfr. of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,185,028 —,—, amalgam for, 1,185,028 ‘ —,—, apparatus for, 1,185,028 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,185,028 —,—, mercury for, 1,185, 028 —, —, platinum anode for, 1,185,028 —,—, potassium amalgam for, 1,185,028 —,—, process for, 1,185,028 —,methyl formate made with, 1,215,903 —,propanediol made with, 1,215, 903 —,sodium oxalate made ‘with, 1,281,117; 1 ,281,118 Alkali glycerate, phenol aldehyde condensate, composition of and, 1,441,981 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,441,981 —, ’ varnish made with, 1,441 981 —,see also Sodvum glycerate Alkali glyoxylate, dl-tartaric acid made with, 1,181,555 —, meso-tartaric acid made with, 1,181,555 —,tartrates made with, 1,181, 55D Alkali halide, alkali cyanide made with, 1,472,403; 1,481,873; 1,481,374 —, alkali metal made "from, 1,258 529 —, antiseptic contg., 1,255, 335 —, arsenic acid made with, 1,125,086 —, ’ diastatic product made with, 1,192,584 —, ‘diatomaceous earth product ‘made with, 1 002,547 —, filter aid made with, 1,502,547 — ’ germicide contg., 1, 255, 335 —, insulation made with, 1,502, 547 — koji made with, 1,192, 584; i ,263,817 —, lamp, incandescent, made with, 1,166,464 —, metals recovered from slag with, 1,414 A91 — paint made with, 1,502,547 —, potassium recovered with, 1,311,043 —,soap made with, 1,502, 547 —, sodium arsenate (NasHAsO,), made with, 1, 125,086 —,—, sodium arsenate (NasAsO.), made with, i 125 086 —, sodium tungstate made with, 1,255,144 —, tetraiodo-hexamethylenetetramine solvent as solution of, 1,255,335 Alkali halogenide, photograph, copper silver compound print, toning of with, 1,473,568 —,—, mercury silver compound print, toning of with, 1,473,568 —,—, silver bromide print, toning of with, 1,473,568 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali halogenide, photograph, silver chloride print, toning of with, 1,473,568 —,—, silver ferrocyanide ‘print, toning of with, 1 473 568 —,—, silver 1,473,568 Alkali hydrate, solution of, mfr. of, 1,834,989 Alkali hydrazoate, primer made with, 1, 174, 669 ; 1,184,316 Alkali hydrosulfide, iodide print, toning of with, battery, electric, contg., 1,316,760 — _ dyestuff made with, 1,496,084 Alkali hydrosulfite, dyestuff made with, 1,253,252 — indigo derivatives, reaction of with, 1,414,335 —,see also Alkali hyposulfite Alkali hydroxide, abrasive made with, 1,263,710 —,acetic acid made with, 1,178,223; 1,201, 850 —,acetone made with, 1 201 850 — ’ acetylene chlorinated with chlorine and, 1 425,669 —, adhesive made with, 1,198,100; 1,248,039; 1 257,307; 1,266,854; 1 273 B71; 1,324,332; 1.373.412: 1,378,128 —,air dried using, 1,169,371 —,albuminous product made from, 1,169,634 —,alcohols made with, 1,201,850; 1,245,818; 1,253,055 —, alcohol dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —,aldehydes made with, 1,201,850 —,aldol made with, 1,450,984 —,alizarin made with, 1,855,100 —, alkali acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,129,953; 1,217,862 —,alkali aluminate made _ with, 1,285,796; 1,495,498; 1,508,777 —,alkali amide made with, 1,163,498 —,alkali benzoate made with, 1,463,255 —,alkali benzyl phthalate made with, 1,485,377; 1,271,192; 1,485,378 —., alkali benzyl succinate made with, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,alkali compound made with, 1,283,951; 1,285,796; 1,495,498 —, alkali cyanamide made with, 1,163,498 —,alkali cyanide made with, 1,138,190; 1,138,191; 1,163,498; 1,322,195; 1,358,383; 1,385,335: 1,385,336; 1,417,702; 1,472,403; 1,481,873; 1,481,374 —, alkali ethyl-xanthate made with, 1,507,089 —,alkali ferrocyanide made with, 1,259,702 —,alkali formate made with, 1,185,028 —, alkali metal made with, 1,191,799 —,alkali earth acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, akali manganate made with, 1,318,891 —,alkali permanganate made with, 1,318, 432 ; 1 018,891 —, alkali silicate made with, 1,231,423 —, alkali sulfide made with, 1,312,668; 1,502,213 —, alkaloids extracted by, 1,447,4 400 —, ’ alloys, treatment of with, 1 471, 751 —, a-allyl-a. a-diethyl-acetamide made 1,482,343 —, aloe plant fiber, treatment of with, 1,193,703 —,alum made with, 1,256,605 with INDEX OF SUBJECTS _ 305 Alkali hydroxide, alum clay contg., extraction Alkali hydroxide, benzyl cellulose made with, from of, 1,308, 429 1,483,738; 1,504,178 —, alumina made with, 1,286,718; 1,508,777 — , benzyl dextrin made with, 1,504,178 —, aluminum made with, 1 196, 734 —, benzyl ethyl cellulose made ‘with, 1,451,331 —,aluminum, coating of, treatment of surface — , benzyl starch made with, 1,504, 178° before using, 1,144 000 —, beryllium carbonate made with, 1,216,980; —,—, white coating applied to with, 1,289,215 1,216,981 —, ’ aluminum alloy, coating of, treatment of —, beryllium hydroxide made with, 1,216,980; surface before using, 1,144 000 é 1,216,981 —, aluminum compounds contg., extraction from ~—,beryllium oxide made with, 1,216,980; of, 1,308,429 1,216,981 —,aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,324,318; —, billiard ball made with, 1,482,358 1,483,627 —, binder made with, 1,509,035 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,228,119; —,bismuth made using, 1,144,402 1,256,605; 1,262,062; 1,285,796; 1,415,280 —,bismuth acetyl-salicylate made _ with, —, aluminum oxide, treatment of with, 1,471,751 1,217,862 —, aluminum salts made with, 1,196,734 — bituminous emulsion made with, 1,517,075 —,aluminum sulfate made with, 1,483,627; — ‘bleaching, electricity for, 1,415 186 1,503,603 —,board made with, 1,245 984 —, aluminum sulfate, basic, made with, 1,256,605 — ’ bromelia fiber, treatment of with, 1,193,703 —, amber substitute made with, 1,502,945 — bucking vegetable matter using, 1 156 048 —,ammonia made with, 1,138,191; 1,149,653; —,building material, waterproofing of, using, 1,156,606; 1,415,280; 1,417,702; 1,483,414 1, 17h: 156. ‘me nts catalyst for the mfr. of, made with — , butyl! carbohydrate made with, 1,504,178 1,483,412 —, butyl cellulose made with, 1,504, 178 —,- , liquid, solubility in of, 1,314,231 —, butyl dextrin made with, 1,504, 178 , ammonia made with gases purified withcom- —,butyl ether dehydrated with, 1,466,435; pound made with, 1,483,414 Re-15,783 —, ammonium phosphate made WIEN, tetU,olo > td butyl starch made with, 1,504,178 —, ammonium salts made with, 1,156, 606 —, butyric acid made with, 1,178,223 —,amyl carbohydrate made with, 1 504, 178 —,cadmium made using, 1,144,402 —, amyl cellulose made with, 1,504, 178 —,caleium acetyl-salicylate made with, —, amyl dextrin made with, 1 504, 178 1,217,862 —, amyl starch made with, 1,504,178 —, calcium chloride made with, 1,253,055 —, animal dip made with, 1,137,844 —,calcium phosphate (CaH:), made _ with, —,antimony made with 1,144,402 1,270,515 —, antiseptic made with, 1,145,634 —, camphor made with, 1,518,732 —, arsenic made with, 1,144,402 —, carbohydrate ether made with, 1,504,178 —, arsenic compound made with, 1,512,482 —, carbon made with, 1,188.936 ' 359 N-(p-arsonophenyl) glycinamide made with, —,carbon, activated, made with, 1,505,496 1,280, 119; 1,280,124 —,—,decolorizing, revivifying of, using, —, bactericide made with, 1,145,634 1.189 896 Pit , bamboo fiber, treatment of with, 1,193,703 — carbonate ore, flotation of, using, 1,492,904; —, ’ barium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1 217 862 1.505 394 ; ) » 1,494,0U% ; —, * barium sulfate, treatment of with, 1, AZ 1 751 Shel : —, carbon black made with, 1,188,936 = US aoa a pealne: removal of —,carbon dioxide, absorbent for, made with, y Using, 1 1,223 244 seh estilupine, removal of any tial —,—, flue gas, removal from of, using, 1,239,516 Ags : : —,—, nitrogen, removal from of, using, 1,239,516 tate foe Beg rn eh Of) ON See —, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, separation from —, bast fiber, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 of, using, 1,126,371 —,— -retting of, using, 1 247, 757 Tet carvacrol made with, 1,265,800. tisk ’ battery made with 1,289,609 —, casein, treatment. of using, 1,209,539 — battery, electric, electrolyte for contg., —, cassiterite, flotation of, using, 1,497,310 1,134,093 —, catalyst, aldol made with, 1,437,139 —,—, electrolyte for, made with, 1,484,784 —,—,1.3-butadiene made with, 1,436,819 —,—, primary, made with, 1,201,479; 1,201,480; —,—,copper as, made with, 1,500 794 1,219,074; 1,484,781; 1,484,784 —,—, dehydrogenation, made with, 1,271,013 —,—,zine, electrode for, coating of using, —,—, diolefin made with, 1,436, 819 1,484,783 —,—, hydrocarbon, diolefin, made with, —, battery electrode made with, 1,438,086 1,436,819 ,, eer —, bauxite contg., extraction from ‘of, 1,308,429 —,—,hydrogenation made with, 1,271,013; oe ’ beer made with, 1,149,704 1,500,794 -- , benzoate made with, 1,463,255 —,—, lubricating oil made with, 1,350,814 _ benzoic acid made with, i 463,255 —,—, phenol-acetone condensate made with, — ‘benzyl carbohydrate made with, 1,504,178 1,397,144 rt 20 306 Alkali hydroxide, catalyst, urea-formaldehyde condensate made with, 1,482,357 —, catalyst for the mfr. of ammonia made with, 1,483,412 —,catalyst promoter, ammonia made with, 1,476,283 —,celluloid substitute made with, 1,245,818; 1,245,976; 1,245,983; 1,245,984; 1,275,324; 1.280.862: 1,427,645 —, cellulose, colloidal suspension of, made with, 1,509,035 —,cellulose ether made with, 1,188,376; 1,441,989; 1,483,738; 1,488,355; 1,502,379; 1,504,178; 1,505,043 —,cellulose nitrate plastic substitute made with, 1,502,945 —,cement made with, 1,502,945; 1,507,379 —, cement, waterproofing of. using, 1,231 68 ; 1 19 285; 1,519,286 - cereal, proteid 1,321,479: 1,821,480 —, cerium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, chaff, treatment of with, 1,472,319; 1,472,320; 1,472,321 —,chalocite, flotation of using, 1,492,904 —, chalcopyrite, flotation of using, 1,492,904 —,; chromite, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,chromium hydroxide made with, 1,486,961 —,chromium potassium sulfate made with, 1,486,961 —,cigarette holders 1,482,357; 1,482,358 —,cinnabar, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,clay contg., extraction from of, 1,308,429 —,cleaner made with, 1,340,315 —, cloth, cement, for, made with, 1,482,357 —, coating composition made with, 1,492,027 —, cocoa fiber, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 —,—,retting of, using, 1,247,757 —, cocoanut fiber, treatment. of with, 1,193,703 —,cod oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1,247, 516 —,— hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, ’ colloid made with, 1,502 5945 —, compound, CsH.Os:HeNan, 1,513,115 —,—,CwH,0;HgNaz, made with, 1,513,115 —,—, heat-producing, contg., 1,309,209 —, concrete, waterproofing of using, 1,519,285; extracted from with, made _ with, made with, 1,519,286 —,copper made with, 1,156,606; 1,184,585; 1,440,186; 1,483,999; 1,509,774 —, copper, catalyst, made with, 1,500,794 —,copper carbonate ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668; 1,492,904 —,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —, copper compound made with, 1,228,119 —,copper ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668; 1,505,324 —,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —, copper oxide ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —, copper salts made with, 1 156 606 —, copper silicate, treatment of with, 1,471 51 —, copper silicate ore, flotation of using, 1 492,904 —,copper sulfate made with, 1,156,606 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali hydroxide, copper sulfide made with, 1,502,213 —, copper 1,492,904 —,corn, proteid extracted from with, 1,321,479; 1,321,480 —,corn oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using 1 247, 516 —,— , hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,corn straw, treatment of with, 1,472,319; 1 472,320; 1 A72,321 —, cotton, effect on of, 1,288,884; 1,288,885 —,—, mercerized, fabric, treatment of using, 1,515,691 —,cotton fabric, using, 1,519,376 sulfide ore, flotation of using, organdie effects on, made —,—,transparent effects on, made _ using, 1,519,376 —,—, treatment of using, 1,515,691 —,—,wool-like effects on, made _ using, 1,518,931; 1,519,376 —, cotton seed oil, bleaching of, using, 1,200,713 —,—, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1 247, 516 —,— Todcee te of, using, 1,247,516 —,—,refining of using, 1,246,379 —, cotton seed oil extracted using, 1,347,870 —,cresosote oil substitute made with, 1,242 188 —, ’ cresol- formaldehyde condensate mfr, with, 1 437,726 — cyanide made with, 1,822,195; 1,415,280 —, decolorizing of, carbon anode. for, 1,415, 186 —,—., electrolyte process for, 1,415 186 —,—, graphite anode for, 1,415, 186 —, iron anode for, 1 AI5, 186 —,—, platinum anode for, 1,415,186 —,—,process for, 1,415,186 —,dental cement made with, 1,507,379 —,dentrifice contg., 1,471,987 —,detergent made with, 1,165,498; 1,360,252; 1,360,253; 1,360,254 —,detinning process using, 1,511,590 —, dextrin made with, 1,824,332 —, dextrin ether made with, 1,504,178 —, dibenzanthrone made with, 1,478,027 —,didymium acetyl-salicylate made 1,217,862 —,diethyl ketone dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —, difficultly soluble material rendered soluble using, 1,471,751 —,door knobs made with, 1,482,358 —, dye, sulfur, made with, 1,308,552 with, —,dyestuff made with, 1,207,762; 1,216,134; 1,243,042; 1,244,795; 1,244,796; 1,253,252; 1,323,263; 1,829,435; 1,460,315; 1,478,027; 1,488,411; 1,494,400 . —, dyestuff, bucking of, using, 1,156,048 —, earth contg., extraction from of, 1,808,429 —, ‘enamel opaque, made with, 1,128, 760 —,—, white, made with, 1 123 760 —, ethane made with, 1 201 850 —, ethers made with, 1,459, 177 — ’ ethyl alcohol from cellulose sulfite liquor and, 1,320,043 —, ethyl carbohydrate made with, 1,504,178 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 307 Alkali hydroxide, ethyl cellulose made with, 1,483,738; 1 504. 178; 1,505,043 — ethyl dextrin made with, 1,504,178 —, ethyl- -a-(diethylaminobuty]) -acetoacetate made with, 1,429,922 — , ethyl-a-(diethylaminoethyl) -acetoacetate made with, 1,429,922 —, ethyl a-(dimethylaminoethyl) -acetoacetate made with, 1,429,922 —, ethylene made with, 1,201,850 —,ethylene glycol made 1,259,758 with, 1,259,757; — ethyl ether dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re- 15 483 — ethyl ether purified using, 1,189,602 —,ethyl methyl ketone 1 466,485; Re-15,783 —, ethyl ‘propyl ether 1,466,485; Re-15,783 dehydrated with, dehydrated with, — vethyl starch made with, 1,504,178 —, fabric, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1 005,534 —, fat, emulsion of, made epee 1,230,599 —,— refining of using, 1,147,392 —, "fat hydrogenated with, 1,472, 882 — "fatty acid made with, € 178, 223 —, fatty acids, cod oil, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—, corn oil, removal from of, using, 1,247 016 —,—, cotton seed oil, removal from. ‘of, using, 1,247,516 —,—, fish oil, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—,Marine animal oil, using, 1,247,516 —,—, menhaden oil, removal from of, using, 1,247, 516 —,—,oil, vegetable, removal from of, using, 1,24 7,516 —,—, whale oil, removal i 247,516 —,— unsaturated, treatment of with, 1,481,845 remnpral from of, from of, using, — fatty acid hydrogenated with, 1,472, 882 —, ferrites, treatment of with, 1 71 751 — , ferro-molybdenum made with, 1,278 408 —, fertilizer made with, 1,158, 711; 1 162 802 ; 1 162,944; 1,232,553; 1,289 789; 1 ‘508, 777 —, fiber, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —,— , treatment of with, 1,472,319; 1,472,320; 1 72 ool —,— vegetable, bleached with, 1,251,614 —, ‘fiber board made with, 1,514 655 —, film made with, 1,502, 945 —, fish oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1,247, 516 —.—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 — , flax, bleaching of, using, 1,247 157 ——, retting of, using, 1,247 Live 1,374,941 —, floor covering made with, 1 245 984: 1 421,086 i 182 890; 1 203 374; 1,240, 598: 1 364, 304: 1,486 297 : 1,492'904: —_ ’ flotation process using 1 203,375; 1,240,597; 1 364 305: 1,364,306: 1,497 10; 1,505,324 —,flue gas, carbon dioxide, removal of from, 1,472,319; 1,472,320; using, 1,239,516 —,fodder made _ with, 1 472,321 Alkali hydroxide, fodder mfr. from straw with, 1,442,321; 1,422,322 —, food product made with, 1,245,818; 1,275,324 — formaldehyde made with, 1, 143, 114; 1,201 850 —, formaldehyde-urea condensate made with, 1 482,357; 1,482,358 —, formate made with, 1,190,845 —, ’ formic acid made with, 1 178, 223 =. fuel made with, 1,509 035 —, ' fuel, liquid, made with, 1,242,188 —,fungicide made with, 1,231,741 —,galena, flotation of, using, 1,203,374; 1,203,375; 1,497,310 —,—,pyrite, separation of from, using, 1,182,890 —,—,sphalerite, separation from of, using, 1 1182, 890; 1,203,374; 1,203,375 —,—, zine sulfide ore, separation from of, using, ’ 1 203 ot4; 1,203 375. —, gas, sulfur, removal of from using, 1,133 087 —, —, sulfur compound, removal of from using, 1 133 087 —, gear made with, 1,514,508 —, Georgia prime oil, refining of using, 1,130,698 —,glue made with, 1,200, 488 —, glue, vegetable, made with, 1,198,100; 1,248,039 ; 1,257,307; 1,266,354; 1,269,678; 1,273,571; 1,324,332; 1,357,310 —,glutamic acid made with, 1.255,390 —, glycol made with, 1,237,076; 1,259,757; 1,259,758 —,glycoxylate made with, 1,190,845 —,glyoxylic acid made with, 1,190,845 —,gold production of using, 1,144,402 —,grass bleached with, 1,251,614 grass, treatment of with, 1,472,319; A "479, 320; 1,472,321 —, gum, artificial, made with, 1,225,748; 1,225,749; 1,225,750 —,halloysite contg., extraction from of, 1,308,429 —,handles made with, 1,482,357; 1,482,358 —, heater, electric, made with, 1,507,379 —, heat producing compound contg., 1,129,056 —, hemp made with, 1,146,987 —, hemp, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 —,—,retting of, using, 1,247,757 —,—, treatment of with, 1,193,703 —, hop beverages made with, 1,149,704 —,hydrocarbons dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —,hydrochloric acid insoluble material ren- dered soluble using, 1,471,751 —, hydrogen made using, 1,172,885 —, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, separation of from, using, 1,126,371 —,—,sulfur, removal of from using, 1,133,087 —,—,sulfur compound, removal of from using, 1,133,087 —, hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,500,794 +> —, hydrogenation process using, 1,247,516; 1,472,882 —,indantherene made with, 1,451,270 —, indoxy] made with, 1,211 Al3; Re-14,364 —,ink, lithographic, made with, 1,131,578 308 Alkali hydroxide, insecticide made _ with, 1,137,844; 1,185,603; 1,231,741; 1,512,432 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1,131,578; 1,183,423; 1,245,976; 1,245,980; 1,245,981; 1,245,984; 1,897,144; 1,514,508 —,—, heat, made with, 1,279,975; 1,509,035 —, iodine compounds made with, 1,509,035 —,iron made with, 1,144,402; 1,519,973 —,iron, coloring of, using, 1,501,425 —,—,rust-proofing of, with, 1,317,351 —,iron coated with lead using, 1,276,978 —,iron hydroxide pigments from, 1,420,985 —,iron molybdate made with, 1,278,408 —,iron ore, treatment of using, 1,519,973 —,iron oxide (Fe;O,), treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,iron(ic) oxide, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,iron oxide pigment made with, 1,490,372 —,iron oxide purified with, 1,318,432 —,iron(ous) sulfate made with, Re-15,973 —, iron sulfide made with, 1,502,213 —,istle, treatment of with, 1,193,703 —,ivory substitute made with, 1,482,357; 1,482,358; 1,514,509 —,jelly-like material made with, 1,502,945 —,jute, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 —,—,retting of, using, 1,247,757 —, ketones made with, 1,201,850 —,ketones dehydrated with, Re-15,783 —,ketone aldehyde condensate made with, 1,502,945. —,lacquer made with, 1,245,818: 1,245,981; 1,245,982; 1,275,324; 1,427,645; 1,502,945 —, laterite contg., extraction from of, 1,308,429 —, lead production of using, 1,144,402 ; 1,184,585; 1,483,999 —,lead arsenate made with, 1,512,432 —, lead coating for iron using, 1,276,978 —, lead coating for metal using, 1,276,978 —, lead compound made with, 1,228,119 —,lead ore, flotation of, using, 1,505,324 —, lead peroxide made with, 1,506,633 —,lead sulfide made with, 1,502,213 —,lead sulfide, zine sulfide, separation from of, using, 1,486,297 —, lead sulfide ore, flotation of, using, 1,203,374 ; 1,203,375 —,—, pyrite, separation from of, using, 1,182,890 —,—,sphalerite, separation from of, using, 1,203,374; 1,203,375 —,—, zine sulfide ore, separation from of, using, 1,182,890; 1,203,374; 1,203,375 —,leather, artificial, made with, 1,245,818; 1,245,977; 1,275,324; 1,427,645 —, leaves bleached with, 1,251,614 —,legume, proteid extracted 1,321,479; 1,321,480 —,lime-sulfur made with, 1,231,741 —, linoleum substitute made with, 1,245,978; 1,245,984; 1,427,645 — —, linseed oil substitute made with, 1,257,562 —, liquids, organic, dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —, lithium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 1,489,417; 1,245,976 ; 1,466,435; from with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali hydroxide, loss of cyanide gases pre- vented during treatment of ore by using, 1,158,514 —,lubricant made with, 1,180,547 —, lubricant, used, treatment of with, 1,281,354 —,lupuline, barley-corn glumes, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,machine oil, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —, Magnesium 1,217 862 —,magnesium chloride made with, 1,231,423 —, magnesium compound made with, 1,231,423 —,magnesium oxide made with, 1,231,423 —,magnesium salts made with, 1,254,230 —, magnesium silicate made with, 1,254,230 —,magnesium sulfate made with, 1,231,423; 1,254.230 —,manganates mfr. with, 1,337,239 —,manganese dioxide made with, 1,188,705 —,manganese dioxide, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,manganese oxide (Mn.O;), treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, manila fiber, treatment of with, 1,193,703 —, mfr. of, albite for, 1,514,657 —,—,alkali aluminate for, 1,514,657 —,—, alkali amide for, 1,198,987 —,—,alkali chloride for, 1,150,370; 1,160,847; acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,176,551; 1,222,239; 1,264,536 —,—,alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,260,944; 1,351,693 —,—,alkali earth oxide for, 1,514,657 —,—, alkali silicate for, 1,463,037 —,—,apparatus for, 1,150,370; 1,159,154; 1,160,847; 1,176,551; 1,200,025; 1,222,239; 1,236,025; 1,238,600; 1,264,536; 1,365,875; 1,476,284 —,—,asbestos for, 1,160,847 —,—, asbestos diaphragm for, 1,222,239 —,—,barite for, 1,160,847 —,—, barium sulfate for, 1,160,847 —,—, bauxite for, 1,514,657 —,—,calcium carbonate for, 1,514,657 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,514,657 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,260,944; 1,463,037 —,—, calcium oxide for, 1,514,657 —,—,carbon for, 1,288,600; 1,514,657 —,—,carbon anode for, 1,238,600 —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,160,171; 1.160,172 —,—,cement rock for, 1,160,171; 1,160,172 —,—,clay for, 1,160,171; 1,160,172; 1,514,657 —,—,electrolytic apparatus for, 1,150,370; 1,176,540; 1,176,541; 1,176,551; 1,236,025; 1,284,618 —,—, electrolytic cell for, 1,441,408 —,—,electrolytic process for, 1,159,154; 1,160,847; 1,222,239; 1,865,875 —,—,feldspar for, 1,160,171; 1,160,172; 1,260,944; 1,514,657 —,—, granite for, 1,160,171; 1,160,172 —,—, graphite for, 1,238,600 —,—,graphite anode for, 1,236,025; 1,238,600 —,—, gypsum for, 1,160,171; 1,160,172 —,—,kelp for, 1,288,600 —,—,leucite for, 1,260,944; 1,514,657 —,—,lime for, 1,514,657 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alkali hydroxide, 1,160,171; 1,160,172 —_,— ,magnesia for, 1,514,657 —,—, Magnesium carbonate for, 1,514,657 —,—, Magnesium hydroxide for, 1.260, 944 —,—, Magnesium oxide for, 1,514 657 —,—, magnetite anode for, 1,238 600 —,—,marl for, 1,160,171; 1 160, 172 —,—, mercury ‘for, 1,200 025 —, mercury cathode for, 1,176,551; 1,238,600 —, (ae mica for, 1,160,171; 1 ,160, 172 —,—, nickel for, 1,238 600 —., orthoclase for, 1,514,657 —,—, ’ potassium carbonate for, 1,514,657 —,—, potassium hydoxide for, 1,514 657 —, process for, 1,149,210; 1 149, 211: 1,150,370 ; mfr. of, limestone for, 1,159,154; 1 ,160, 171; 1 160, 172: 1 ‘160, S47: 1,176,551; 1 198 ‘987: 1,200,025 : : 1,222,239: 1,236,025; 1 238, 600; 1,260,944; 1,264,536; aie 875; 1 ‘476, 284: 1 514 657. —, shale for, i] 160, 171: 1 160, 172 —,—, ’ silicates for, 1,260 944 —,—, ‘slate for, 1 ‘160, 171; 1,160,172 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1 514 ,657 —,—,sodium chloride for, i 514, 657 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,514 657 —,—,steam for, 1,514,657 —,—, zeolite for, 1,514 657 —, marine animal oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1,247,51 16 —,— hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, ’ material for generating, 1,342 148 — ;menhaden oil, fatty acids, yemoval of from, using, 1,247, 516 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,mercuric oxide from mercuric chloride and, 1 293,863 —,mercury compound made with, 1,513,115 —, metal, treatment of with, 1 A71, 751 —, ‘metal coated with lead using, 1,276,978 —, ’ metal sulfide made with, 1,502 213 —; metatitanic acid made with, 1,489, 417; Re-15,973 — methane made with, 1,201,850 —_ methyl alcohol made ‘with, 1,253,055 —, methyl carbohydrate made. with, 1 004,178 —,methyl cellulose made with, 1,483, 738; 1,504,178 — methyl dextrin made with, 1,504,178 —, methyl ethyl ketone dehydrated with, 1 466,435 — ,methy] starch made with, 1,504,178 —,mineral, treatment of with, 1 471 51 — ‘molded’ article made with, 1,397,144; 1 427,645; 1,482,357; 1,482,358: ; 1,502,945; 1,514,508: : 1,514,509 —,molybdenum extracted with, 1,399,554 —,montan wax, imitation, made with, 1,485,706 —, mortar, waterproofing of using, 1,519, 285; 1 019 286 —,mucin, solvent for, contg., 1,471,987 — ‘naphtha, emulsion ‘of, made using, 1,230,599 —, naphthalene made with, 1,242,188 —, naphthalene derivative made with, 1,242,188 —, l-naphthol-8-sulfonamide made with, 1 003,172 — nasal douche contg., 1,471,987 309 Alkali hydroxide, nasal tissue, mucin on, sol- vent for, contg., 1,471,987 —, nickel boride catalyst made with, 1,255,590 — ‘nickel hydroxide made with, 1,167, 484 —, ‘nickel silicate, treatment of ‘with, 1,471 ol —,nickel sulfide made with, 1,502 213 —, nitric acid insoluble material rendered soluble using, 1,471,751 —, p-nitroaniline mfr. with, 1,400,555 —,nitro-benzene made with, 1,483 835 —,nitrocellulose, screens in mfr. of, cleaned with, 1,367, iit — nitrogen, carbon dioxide, removal of from, using, 1,239,516 —, nitrogen dioxide, absorption of with, 1 816,950 — nitrogen tetroxide absorption of with, 1 316,950 — ,nitro-toluene made with, 1,483,835 —,nitro-xylene made with, 1,483 835 —,oil, animal, hydrogenated, made with, 1 A72 882 —,—,—,non-sludging, made with, 1,472,882 —,—,—,refining of using, 1,130 698: 1,246 19 —,— lubricating, used, treatment of with, 1,281, 354 —,—,mineral, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —,—,—, hydrogenated with, 1,472,882 —,—,—, non-sludging, made with, 1,472,882 —,refining of using, 1,147,392 —,—, vegetable, ami acids, removal of from, using, 1,247,516 vac , hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516; 472 —,—, —, non-sludging, made with, 1,472,882 —,—,—,refining of using, 1,130, 698 : 1,246, 379 —, olefin glycol made with, 1 259 T5T: 1,259, 758 —,ore, aluminum contg.,, extraction. from of, 1 1,308, 429 —,copper, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, flotation of with, 1312,668 —,—, ’ sulfidation of with, 1,312 ,668 —,—, treatment of with, 1,471 751 —, ornaments made with, 1 (482 357; 1,482,358 —,oxide ore, flotation of using, 1,492 904; 1 505,324 —, oxygen made with, 1,124,304; 1,172,885 —,paint made with, 1,131,578; 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,paint remover made with, 1,223,518 —, palm leaf fiber, treatment of with, 1,193,703 —,paper made with, 1,151,490 —, paper, brown, made with, 1,196,708 —,—, cement for, made with, 1,482,357 —,—, craft, made with, 1,196,708 —,—, waterproof, made with, 1,517,075 —,—, wrapping, made with, 1,196,708 —, paper leaves made with, 1,307,404 —, paper pulp made with, 1 ‘151 490: 1,196,708 —,paper stock, ink removed from using, 1,138,085 —,paracoumarone made with, 1,360,665 —., paraffin, emulsion of, made ‘with, 1 ,230,599 —,paraformaldehyde, solvent for contg., 1 170,624 . 310 Alkali hydroxide, paraindene made with, 1,360,665 —, Paris green made with, 1,512,432 _- ’ petroleum, non-sludging, made _ with, 1 472,882 —, phenol made using, 1,245,343; 1,821,271 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,146,300; 1,187,229; 1,187,232; 1,225,748; 1,225,749; 1,225,750; 1 252 507; 1 ‘271 392; 1,271,393 —,phenol aldehyde condensate solvent contg., 1,146,299 —, phenol aldehyde condensate substitute made ith: 1,245,976 —, phosphates made with, 1,270,515 —, phosphoric acid made with, 1,270,515 —, pigment made with, 1 216 980; 1,216,981 ; 1,420,985; 1,489,417; Re- 15 973 —, pigment, iron oxide as, made with, 1,490,372 —,pipe bowl made with, 1,482,357 —,pipe stems made with, 1,482, 357; 1,482,358 —, plaster, waterproofing of, using, 1177, 156 —,plastic made with, 1 245 981; 1 245 984; 1,397,144; 1,502,945 ; 1,507,379 —,porcelain made with, 1,507,379 —, potassium made with, 1,196,734 —,potassium acetylsalicylate 1,217,862 —, potassium aluminate made with, 1,191,105 —,potassium aluminum sulfate made with, 1 ,256,605 —, potassium carbonate made with, 1,215,517; 1 215,518; 1,483,627 —, potassium ‘compound made with, 1,215,517; 1,215,518; 1,495,498 —, potassium permanganate 1,318,432 —, potassium phosphate made with, 1,270,515 —, potassium silicates, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —,potassium sulfate made with, 1,270,515; 1,286,718 —, potassium 1,509,035 —, propionic acid made with, 1,178,223 —, propyl carbohydrate made with, 1,504,178 —, propyl] cellulose made with, 1,504,178 —, propyl dextrin made with, 1,504,178 —, propylene made with, 1,201,850 —,propylene glycol made with, 1,259,757; 1,259.758 —, cee ether dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —, propyl starch made with, 1,504,178 —,iso-propyl carbohydrate made with, 1,504,178 —,iso-propyl cellulose made with, 1 504, 178 —,7s0-propyl dextrin made with, 1,504,178 —,2so-propyl starch made with, 1,504,178 —,proteid made with, 1,275,324 —, proteid, vegetable, made with, 1,275,308 —,proteid product made with, 1,245,818; 1,245,976; 1,245,981 —, pulp board made with, 1,365,716 —,pyrazole-anthrone yellow made 1,829,435 —,pyrite, galena, separation from of, using, 1,182,890 made with, made _ with, salts made with, 1,196,734; with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali hydroxide, pyrite, lead sulfide ore, sepa- ration from of, using, 1,182,890 —, pyrocatechol made with, 1,321,271 —, pyrolusite treated with, 1,303,911 —,radium made with, 1,165,692; 1,165,693 —,ratan fiber, treatment of with, 1,193,703 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,482,358; 1,513,120 —,resin, artificial, 1,360,665 ; 1,397,144; 1,502,945 —,—,emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —, ' resistance, electric, made with, 1,507, 379 —; rhyolite ash contg., extraction from of, 1 308,429 —, rhyolite mud contg., extraction from of, il 308,429 —, rubber, artificial, made with, 1,275,824 —,—, hard, substitute, made using, 1,512,979 —,—, ’ imitation, made with, 1,245,818 —,— ’ reclaiming of using, 1,124 920; 1,235,850 ; 1 235, 852 i -_. synthetic, made with, 1,248,888; 1,436,819 —,—, vulcanization of, using, 1,238 236 —,—, vulcanization accelerator for, 1,271,810 —, rubber latex, Hevea Brasiliensis, coagulation of using, 1 145 ool; 1,145,352 —,—, Para, coagulation ‘of using, 1,145,352 —,‘“rubber like acetone compound ” with, 1,502,945 —,rubber reclaimed with, 1,324,093 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,245,976; 1,245,979; 1,245,984; 1,427,645 —,rush, treatment of with, 1,472,819; 1,472,320; 1.472,321 —,rustproofing using, 1,247,086 —,sand, magnetic, treatment of using, 1,519,973 —,senaration of from alkali cyanide, 1,295,049 —,silicate ore, flotation of, using, 1,505,324 —,silicic acid made with, 1,324,318; 1,483,627 —, silicon dioxide made with, 1,415,280 —,silicon nitride made with, 1,415,280 —,silk, artificial, cuprammonium, precipitation of, with alkali carbonate and, 1,317,306 —,—,—,—, —, with alkali chloride made with, contg., 1,145,351; made and, —,—,—,—,—, with copper carbonate and, 1,317,306 —,—,—,fabric, treatment of using, 1,515,691 —.silver production of using, 1,144,402; 1,184,585 —,silver acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,silver chloride ore, flotation of, using, 1,505,324 —, size made with, 1,865,715; 1,373,412 —,sizing, amylaceous, fabric, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —,—,—, fiber, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —, sisal, treatment of with, 1 193 5703 —,soap made with, 1,196,274; 1,285,004 —, sodium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, sodium aluminate made with, 1,156,606 —,sodium cyanide made with, 1,322,195 —,sodium permanganate made with, 1,318,432 —, sodium phosphate made with, 1,270,515 —,sodium silicate made with, 1,254,230 TE INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alkali hydroxide, sodium uranate made with, 1,165,692; 1 1165, 693 —, sodium uranate purified using, 1,224,014 —,solution of, cellulose nitrate, screens for, cleaned with, 1,367,111 - —,—, cellulose nitrate compositions, screens for, cleaned with, 1,367,111 —,southern moss fiber, 1 ,193,703 —,soya bean proteid, extracted from with, 1 821,479; 1,321,480 —, sphalerite, flotation of, using, 1,497,310 , galena, separation from of, 1 182, 890; 1,203,374; 1,203,375 —,—, lead sulfide ore, separation from of, using, 1 203, 374; 1,203,375 —, stalks bleached with, 1,251,614 —, ‘starch made with, 1 "156 801: 1,224,951 —, starch ether made with, 1,350 820; 1,504,178 —, ’ steel, coloring of, using 1 501 425 —,—, rust-proofing ‘of with, 1,317, 351 —, stone, waterproofing of, using, 1 177,156 treatment of with, using, —, straw, treatment of with, fi 472,319; 1 472, 320 ; 1,473,321 —, straw bleached with, 1,251,614 —,strontium acetyl-salicylate made _ with, 1,217,862 —, sulfide, soluble, made with, 1,310,151 —, sulfide ore, treatment of with, x ATI 751 —, sulfur dichloride decolorized with, i 464,137 — sulfur dichloride neutralized with, 1,464, 137 —, sulfuric acid insoluble material rendered gol- uble using, 1,471,751 —, sulfur monochloride decolorized _ with, 1,464,137 . —, sulfur monochloride neutralized _ with, 1,464,137 —,sulfur removed from petroleum with, 1,413,005 —,sunflower oil, emulsion of, made _ using, 1,230,599 —, tanning using, 1,236,468 —, tanning compounds made with, 1,437,726; 1 443 697 mo , tapioca substitute made with, 1,324,332 —, tartaric acid made with, 1 190 845 —, tartrate made with, 1 190 845 —, testilupine, barley-corn glumes, from of, using, 1,517,650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,testin acid, barley-corn glumes, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —, 3.5.3’.5'-tetramino-2.2’-dibrom-4.4’-di(me- thylamino)-arseno-benzene, action on of, 1,265,865 } —, 3.5.3’.5’-tetramino-2.2’-dichlor-4.4’-di(me- thylamino)-arseno-benzene, action on of, 1,265,865 —, 3.5.3’ .5’-tetramino-2.4.2’-4’-tetra(methyl- amino)-arsenobenzene, action on of, 1,265,865 —, 3.5.3’.5’-tetramino-2.2’ 6.6’-tetrachlor-4.4’- di(methylamino)-arseno benzene, action on, of, 1,265,865 — , Texas fever tick, animal dip for, made with, 1 ,137,844 —, therapeutic product made with, 1,513,115 removal 311 Alkali hydroxide, thio-protein made with, 1, 145 ,634 —, tile made with, 1,245,984 —, ' tillandsia fiber, treatment of with, 1,193,703 —, tin dioxide, treatment of with, 1 ATL 751 —, titanium dioxide made with, 1 489, 417; Re- 15,973 —, toilet articles made with, 1,482,358 — ’ treatment of, process for, 1,324, 332 — ' trinitroresorcinate made with, 1,308, 393 — ' trioxymethylene, solvent for contg., 1 170 624 —, tungsten made with, 1,483,567 —,uranates purified using, 1,224 014 —, uranium made with, 1 165, 692; 1,165,693 —, uranium compound purified using, 1 224 014 —,urea-formaldehyde condensate made with, 1,482,357 —, urethral membrane, mucin on, solvent for, conte. ., 1,471,987 —, vaginal membrane, mucin on, solvent for, conte. ., 1,471,987 compounds —, vanadium made with, 1,165,692; 1,165,693 —,varnish made with, 1 131 578: 1,245,818 ; 1 257,062; 1,275,324; 1,280,861 ; 1,427,645; 1 ‘482 357; 1 502, 945 —, varnish remover made with, 1,223,518 —, viscose made with, 1,327, 933; 1,470, 711 —, ’ vulcanization accelerator, 1,350 824 — ’ vulcanization process using, 1 1350, 824 — ’ waterproofing made with, 1,177,156 ; 1 973,412; 1,517,075 —, wax, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —, , whale oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1 247 016 —,— , hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 — ‘ wolframite, flotation of, using, 1,497, 310 — wood, artificial, made with, 1,397, 144 —,— , dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, 1,181 ,906 —-, yeast, lupuline, removal of from. using, 1,517,650 —,—testin acid, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—,testilupine, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,202,556; 1,202,557; - 1,477,757; 1,499,795 5 1 515,008 —,zinc, production of using, 1,144,402; 1 154,601; 1,184,585; 1,483,999 —, zine acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,zine carbonate, basic, made with, 1,135 981 —, zinc compound made with, 1,228 119 —, zine hydroxide made with, 1, 135, 981 —, zinc ore, flotation of, using, 1 505, 324 —, zinc oxide made with, 1,135,981; 1,165,743 —, zinc salts made with, 1,156,606 —, zinc silicate, treatment of with, 1,471,751 —, zinc sulfate made with, 1,156 606 —, zine sulfide, lead sulfide, separation from of, using, 1,486, 297 —, zine sulfide ore, galena, separation from of, using, 1,203,374; 1,203,375 —,—, lead sulfide ore, separation from of, using, 1,182,890; 1,203,374; 1,203,375 —,zingiberone made with, 1,306,710 —,zirconium carbonate, basic, made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 312 Alkali hydroxide, zirconium oxide made with, 1,216,980; 1,216, 981 —, zirconium ‘oxide extracted with, 1,340,888 —,zirconium sulfate made with, 1,216 980; 1 216,981 Alkali hydroxy-benzoate, phenol aldehyde con- densate made with, 1,273,967 Alkali hydroxy- carboxylate, phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,273,967 ' Alkali hypochlorite, 1,472,318 — cellulose, bleaching of using, 1,470,556 —,—, sulfite, bleaching of using, 1 ‘470. 056 — ink eradicator contg., 1,475,932 -- ’ methylamine made with, 1 489, 380 —, paper mfr. with, 1,457 O15 —,petracin made with, 1,308, 060 —, solutions of, producing, 1 414 059 —-, wood pulp, sulfite, bleaching of using, 1,470,556 Alkali hypophosphite, nickel, using, 1,207,218 Alakli hyposulfate, dyestuff made with, 1,133,081 Alkali hyposulfite, bornite, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —,chalcopyrite, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —,China grass, dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, 1,181,906 —, cotton, dyeing of, using, 1,199,273 —,— _ dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, 1,181,906 —, cotton yarn, dyeing of using, 1,185, 943 — . dyeing using, 1,199,273 —,dyestuff made “with, 1,169,404; 1,200,848; a ,202,260; 1,207,981; 1,478,027 — fabric, dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, 1, 181,906 —, feathers, dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, 1, 181,906 —, fiber, animal, dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, 1,181 906 —,—, vegetable, using, 1,181,906 —, flax, dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, 1,181,906 —, flotation process using, 1,469,042 —,furs, dyeing with sulfur dyes of 1,181,906 —,gold produced using, 1,479,542 —,hair, dyeing with sulfur dyes of 1,181,906 —,hemp, dyeing with sulfur dyes of 1,181,906 —,jute, dyeing with sulfur dyes of 1,181,906 —,lead sulfide, using, 1,469,042 —, mfr. of, alkali bisulfite for, 1,477,130 —,—,apparatus for, 1,477,130 —,—, bisulfite for, 1,477,130 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,477,130 —,—, process for, 1,477,130 —,—, sodium amalgam for, 1,477,130 — sulfur dioxide for, 1,477, 130 —,sulfuric acid for, 1,477, 130 —, sulfurous acid for, 1,477, 130 — BO sroury produced using, 1,479, 542 cellulose made with, coating with, dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, using, using, using, zinc sulfide separated from UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali hyposulfite, pyrite, zinc sulfide sepa- rated from using, 1,469,042 —,ramie, dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, 1 181 906 —, rhea, dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, ary 181 906 —, silk, artificial, dyeing with sulfur dyes of ae 1,181 906 _ dyeing of using, 1,199,273 —,—, dyeing with sulfur dyes of yer 1,181,906 —, ’ silver produced using, 1,479,5 —, ’ wool, dyeing of, using, 1 190, 273 —,yarn, dyeing of using, l, 185 943 —,zine sulfide, bornite separated from using, 1 469,042 —,— _ chalcopyrite 1 A69, 042 —,—, lead sulfide separated from using, 1 469, 042 —,—, pyrite separated from using, 1,469,042 Alkali iodate, bread made with, 1,148,328; 1,148,329 — catalyst, 1221274 —,—, phenols made with, 1,321,271° —, 3-iodo-1.2-propanediol "made with, 1,230,185 —, ’ mfr. of, alge, marine, for, 1,249 863 —,—, aluminum sulfate ‘for, 1,249,863 —, —, bisulfite for, 1,249,863 —,—,copper(ous) iodide for, 1,249,863 —,—, copper(ic) oxide for, 1,249,863 —,—,copper sulfate for, 1,249,863 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,249,863 separated from _ using, —,—,iron(ous) sulfate for, 1,249,863 —,—, , Laminaria digitat for, 1 249, 863 —,—, ’ Laminaria flexicaulis for, 4 249 863 —,—, Laminaria nereocystis for, 1 249 863 —,—, Laminaria macrocystis for, 1,249 863 —,—, Laminaria saccharina for, 1,249, 863 —,—, lime for, 1,249,863 —,—, manganese dioxide for, 1,249,863 —,—, metabisulfite for, 1,249,863 —,—, potassium bichromate for, 1,249,863 —,—, potassium chloride for, 1 249, 863 —,—, process for, 1,249,863 —, —, Saccharyza bulbosa for, 1,249,863 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1 2.49 863 —,sulfite for, 1,249,863 —,—, sulfur dioxide for, 1,249,863 —,—, ‘sulfuric acid for, i 249 863 Alkali iron alginate, ‘cardboard coated with, 1,162,926 —, fabric coated with, 1,162,926 —, leather coated with, 1,162,926 —,mfr. of, process for, 1,162,926 —, paper coated with, 1,162,926 —,pasteboard coated with, 1,162,926 —,textile coated with, 1,162,926 Alkali iron(ic) oxalate, blue print paper made with, 1,500,433 Alkali lactate, blue print paper made with, 1,500,433 —,butter substitute made with, 1,147,626; 1,216,674; 1,216,675; 1,232,016 ' —,film, photographic, made with, 1,493,000 —, fire-extinguisher contg., 1,278,714; 1,278,715; 1,306,707 Alkali lignosulfonates, preparation of, 1,441,243 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alkali lyes, mfr. of, electrolytic apparatus for, 1,337,724 Alkali magnesium perborates, mfr. of, process for, 1,185,216 Alkali magnesium silicate, alkali percarbonate made with, 1,225,722; 1,225,832; 1,225,872 —, alkali percarbonate stabilized using, 1,225,872 —,sodium percarbonate made with, 1,225,722; 1,225,832 Alkali manganate, iron, rust-proofing of using, 1,287,605 —, mfr. of, air for, 1,318,891 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,318,891 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,318,891 —,—, apparatus for, 1,818,891 —,—,manganese dioxide for, 1,318,891 ,—, process for, 1,318,891 Alkali manganosilicate slag, alloys mfr. under, 1,363,382 Alkali material, garbage treated with, 1,294,163 Alkali melts, potassium and potassium hydrox- ide in, 1,354,451 —,sodium and sodium hydroxide in, 1,354,451 Alkali-mercury chlorides, see Mercury-alkal chloride Alkali metal, acetone, action of and, 1,169,341 —, aldol made with, 1,261,811 —, alkali amide made with, 1,163,498 —, alkali cyanamide made with, 1,163,498 —,alkali cyanide made with, 1,124,143; 1,138,190; 1,188,191; © 1,143,952; 1,163,498; 1,235,887; 1,505,281 —, alkali oxalate made with, 1,232,249 —,alloy contg., 1,123,685; 1,500,954 —,allyl chloride made with, 1,477,047 —,aluminum alloy contg., 1,410,461; 1,508,556 —, aluminum oxide made with, 1,180,840 — aluminum nitride (AIN), made with, 1,180,840 —,ammonia made with, 1,138,191; 1,180,840; 1,206,155 —,ammonia, catalyst for mfr. of, made with, 1,141,948; 1,159,364; 1,159,365 —,audion made with, 1,485,505 —,caoutchoue, artificial, made with, 1,178,721 —,carbon dioxide, gas, removal from of using, 1,478,889 —,carbon monoxide, using, 1,478,889 —, catalyst, ammonia made with, 1,313,314 —,—,hydrocyanic acid made with, 1,492,194 —,catalyst for ammonia mfr. made _ with, 1,141,948; 1,159,364 —,catalyst promoter 1,313,316 —, cellulose ether made with, 1,188,376 —, cyanides made with, 1,206, 155 —, cyanogen compound made with, 1,321,459 —, cyclohexanone, action of and, 1,169, 341 —,cyclopentanone, action of and, 1,169, 341 —, diethyl ketone, action of and, 4, 169, 341 —, electron-discharge apparatus made with, 1 244,217 a ,ethyl methyl ketone, action of and, 1,169,341 —,formates made with, 1,206,155 —, gas purification for mfr. of, ammonia using 1.478,889 gas, removal from of for ammonia mfr,, 313 Alkali metal, gases purified with, 1,403,391 —, heater, chemical, made with, 1,506 e223 1,506,323 —, hydrogen made with, 1,506,323 —,indoxyl made with, ‘1211 A13; Re-14,364 —,iridium made with, 1,273, 202 —, ‘iridium volatilized ‘with, i ,273,202 — ‘lamp, electric, made with, 1 269, 520 —,—, —, incandescent, made with, 1,485,505 —,—, X-ray, made with, 1,485,505 —,lead alloy contg., 1,860,346; 1,500,954 —,—, alkali cyanamide made with, 1,197,329 —,—, alkali cyanide made with, 1,197,329 —,—, benzene for, 1,197,329 —, hydrocarbon for, 1,197,329 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,197,329 —, treatment of, alkali amide for, 1,197,829 -—~,—, —, amide for, 1,197,329 —,—,—,ammonia for, 1,197,329 —,—,—, apparatus for, 1, ‘197, 329 —,—,—, cyanide for, 1 197, 329 —,—, —, cyanogen for, 1 197, 329 —,—,—, potassium amide for, 1,197,329 —,—,—, process for, 1,197,329 —,—,—,sodamide for, 1,197,329 —,—, trimethylamine for, 1,197,329 —,mfr. of, alkali chloride for, 1,124,143; 1,186,936; 1,186,937; 1,819,148 —,— alkali halide for, 1,258, 529 —,—, "alkali hydroxide for, 1,191 199 —,—, alkali molybdate for, 1 124 143 —,—, alkali tungstate for, 1,124 143 —,—,apparatus for, 1,159 154; 1,186,936 ; 1,186,937 ; 1,191,799: 1,258,529 —,—, barium molybdate for, 1,124,143 —, barium tungstate for, 1,124,143 —,—, ’ calcium carbide for, 1,319, 148 —,carbon for, 1,124, 143 —,—, carbon as by-product of, 1,319,148 —,—, cobalt vessel for, 1,124,143 —, electrolytic apparatus for, 1,191,799 —,—, electrolytic process for, 1,159,154 —, hydrocarbon for, 1,124,143 —,—,lead anode for, 1,142,220 —, —;} molybdate for, 1, 124 143 —,—, molybdenum for, 1 124 143 —, nickel vessel for, 1, 124 143 —,— , potassium cyanamide for, 1,142,220 —,—, potassium cyanide for, 1 142 220 —., process for, 1,124,143 ; ie 142 220: 1,159,154; Oy 186, 936; 1,186, ‘937; 1 191 799 : 1,258,529 ; id 265, 360: 1 19, 148 —, sodium cyanamide for, 1,142,220 - —,—,sodium cyanide for, 1 142 220 —, ‘tin anode for, 1,142,220 —, tungstate for, 1,124,143 —, tungsten for, 1,124,143 —,—, water for, 1,124,143 —, metals separated by, 1,428,041 —, N-methyl-phenacetin made with, 1,497,251; 497,252; 1,497,253 — methyl!” propyl ketone, 1, 169,341 — nitrogen, 1 505,281 — nitrogen fixation process using,, 1,206,155 —,noble gases purified using, 1,485,505 action of and, fixation of using, 1,236,853; 314 Alkali metal, oxygen, gas, removal from of using, 1,478,889 my —, phenol solutions of, vulcanizing accelerators, 1,413,813 —,platinum, production of using, 1,273,202; 1,281,878 —,platinum group metal production of using, 1,273,202; 1,281,878 —,platinum group metal volatilized with, 1,273,202 —, platinum volatilized with, 1,273,202 —,rectifier, electric, made with, 1,485,505 —,rubber, synthetic, made with, 1,192,310 —,—, vulcanization of using, 1,159,327 —, solvent for, ammonia, liquid, as, 1,270,842 —,steel, production of using, 1,505,281 —,sulfur chloride (S:Cl:), preserving of using, 1,159,327 —, sulfur removal from oils by ammonia contg., 1,423,710; 1,423,711; 1,423,712 —, tungsten, production of using, 1,270,842 —, water, gas, removal from of, using, 1,478,889 —, water gas made with, 1,506,323 —,see also Caestum; Inthium; Potassium; Rubidium; Sodium Alkali metal alloy, aldol made with, 1,261,811 —, catalyst, ammonia made with, 1,313, 314 —,caoutchoue, artificial, made with, 1,178,721 Alkali metal alloy cathode, relay, electric gas type, made using, 1,513,561 Alkali metal amalgam, aldol 1,261,811 —,caoutchouc, artificial, made with, 1,178,721 Alkali metal cathode, relay, electric gas type, made using, 1,513,561 Alkali metal compound, catalyst, ammonia made with, 1,313,314 —,production of from minerals, 1,349,113 —,water soluble, production of from silicates, 1,355,794; 1,355,588; 1,857,025 —, water-soluble (potassium), obtaining, 1,355,381 Alkali metal cyanides, producing, apparatus for, 1,358,014 made with, Alkali metal hydroxides, producing, process for, 1,351,693 Alkali metal salts, treating, 1,409,784 Alkali metal salt brines, treating, 1,409,784 Alkali metals salt mixtures, treating, 1,363,091; 1,363,092 Alkali metal sulfides, titanium extracted by, 1,348,843 Alkali metal thioarsenates, mfr. of, 1,422,945 Alkali metaphosphate, ink eradicator contg. R: 1,475,932 Alkali ‘molybdate, alkali cyanide made with, 1,124,143 —, alkali metal made with, 1,124,143 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,415,280 —,ammonia made with, 1,415,280 —, cyanides made with, 1 15 280 —, ferro-molybdenum made with, 1,278,408 — ’ hydrochloric acid made with, 1 124, 143 —, hydrogen made with, 1,124 143 —,iron molybdate made with, 1,278,408 — molybdenum made with, 1 124 143 —,molybdenum steel from, 1,300, 279 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali molybdate, silicon dioxide made witht 1,415,280 — silicon nitride made with, 1,415,280 —, ’ silicon nitrogen compounds prepared with, 1 415,280 Alkali ‘monochromate, see Alkali Ahroniees Alkali naphthenate, cylinder stock, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,gas oil, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —., gasolene, treatment of using, 1,439, 171 ~, kerosene, treatment of using, 1,439, 171 — lubricating oul, treatment of using, A 439,171 —, naphtha, treatment of using, 1,439 171 —, oil, mineral, treatment of using, 1 439, 171 —, paraffin, treatment of using, 1 “439, 171 —,paraffin distillate, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, paraffin slops, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, petroleum, treatment of using, 1,439 17 1 —, scale wax, treatment of using, 1 439, 171 —, slack wax, treatment of using, 1 ‘439, 171 Alkali b-naphtholate, 2-hydroxyl- 1-naphthoic acid made with, 1,470,039 —., 2-hydroxyl- -3-naphthoie acid made with, 1 470,039 Alkaline earth, see Alkali earth Alkali nitrate, adhesive made with, 1,184,071 —, alkali acetyl-salicylate made with, 1217 862 —,alumina made with, 1,494,835 —, alumina, separation of from, 1,494,835 — aluminum compounds, copper sulfate, re- moval from of, using, 1,503,229 —, aluminum sulfate made with, 1,214,003 —, arsenic compounds, copper sulfate, removal from of, using, 1,503,229 —, beef, corned, cured with, 1,259, we 1,259,377 —, calcium nitrate made with, 1,2 003 — ’ catalyst, urea made with, 1 ‘274 Pry 1,292,019 —,copper sulfate, aluminum’ compounds, re- moval of from, using, 1,503,229 —,—, arsenic compounds, removal of from, using, 1,503,229 —,—, Iron compounds, removal of from, using, 1 503 229 — , electrolysis of, apparatus for, 1,150,370 -——, explosive made with, 1,132 S76; 1 310 466; 1 330,790; 1,509,362; 1 509 393 —, fertilizer made with 1,162,802; 1,162,944; 1.214, 003; 1,266,198; 1 266, 199 —, ham cured with, 1 259, 376: 1,259,377 —, insulator, electric, made with, 1,233 486 —, iron compounds, copper sulfate, removal from of, using, 1,503,229 —, mfr. of, alkali chloride for, 1,493,996 —_—,—, alkali sulfate for, 1 493 996 —,—,ammonia for, 1,507, 993 —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,507,993 —,—,calcium carbonate for, 1,507, 993 —,—, calcium cyanamide for, 1 493 996 —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1 160, 171; 1,160,172 —,—,cement rock for, 1,160, 171; i 160 172 —,— "clay for, 1,160, 171: 1,160, 172 —, — feldspar. for, 1 160, 171; 1 160,172 —, granite for, 1 160, 171; £ 160, 172 —,—, gypsum for, i 160, 171; 1, 160, 172 —,—, kaolin for, 1,507 993 —,—, labradorite for, 1,507 3993 —— INDEX OF Alkali nitrate, mfr. of, leucite for, 1,507,993 —,—,lime for, 1,507,993 —' limestone for, 1,160,171; 1,160,172 —, ; marl for, 1, 160, 171; fs 160, 172 —, mica for, 1, 160, 171; 1, 160, 172 —, nitric acid for, 1,493 996: 1,507,993 —; potassium carbonate for 1 507 993 —, process for, 1,160,171; 1,160,172; ae 1,507 993 —,shale for, 1,160,171; 1,160,172 —,—, ’ slate for, , 160, 171: 1 160, 172 —, metallic solutions treated with, 1,437,191 —,potassium nitrate made with, 1,296,458; 1,296,460 —,potassium sulfate made with, 1,214,003 —, preparation of, 1,460,898 —,rustproofing using, 1 ;247,086 —, silk, artificial, viscose, precipitation of, using, 1 393, 197 —, sodium sulfate made with, 1,214,003 —, zine sulfate removed from lithopone with, 1 ,260,811; 1,260,812 Alkali nitrite, alkali acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, beef, corned, cured with, 1,212,614; 1,259,376; 1,259,377 —, ham, 1,259,376 ; 1,259,377 —, meat, curing of, using, 1,212,614 —, papaverine nitrite made with, 1,468,607 Alkali oleates, rubber contg., 1,458,693 Alkali. ores, titanium dioxide made_ with, 1,166,547 Alkali oxalate, alkali cyanide 1,138,190; 1,138,191; 1,417,702 —, ammonia made with, 1, 138, 191; 1,417,702 —, ammonia producing. catalyst made with, 1 473,543 a blue print paper made with, 1,500,433 a catalyst made with, 1,473,543 — catalyst, urea mfr. by, 1,292, 019 —,mfr. of, alkali aluminate for, 1,281,118 —,—, alkali arsenate for, 1,281, 117 —,—, "alkali arsenite tore: 281, 117 —,—, ‘alkali formate for, ie 280, 622; 1,281,117; 1,281, 118 —,—, alkali metal for, 1,232,249 —,—, aluminum for, 1,281, 118 —,—, ’ aluminum compound for, 1,281,118 —,—, aluminum silicate for, 1,281,118 J | | “ | “ cured, with, 1,212,614; made with, —,—, apparatus for, 1,232,249 —,—,arsenate for, 1,281,117 —, arsenite for, 1,281, 117 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,232,249 —,—, charcoal for, 1,281,117; 1,281, 118 —,—, cobalt aluminate, effect of on, 1,281,118 —, —, nickel aluminate, effect of on, 1,281, 118 —,—, nickel arsenate, effect of on, 1 281, 117 —,—,nickel arsenite, effect of on, 1.281, 117 —,—, potassium aluminate for, 1 281, 118 —,—,potassium arsenate (NasAs0,), for, 1,281,117 —,—,potassium arsenite (NasAsOs), for, 1,281,117 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,281,117; 1,281,118 —,—, process for, 1,232,249; 1,281,117; 1,281,118 SUBJECTS 315 Alkali oxalate, mfr. of, sodium aluminate for, 1,281,118 —,—,sodium «arsenate (NasHAs0O.), © for, 1,281,117 —,—, sodium arsenate (Na;AsO.,), for, 1,281,117 —,—,sodium arsenite (NazHAsO:;,), for, 1,281,117 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,281,117; 1,281,118 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,281,117; 1,281,118 —,—,sodium oxalate for, 1,281,117; 1,281,118 —, , photographic print developed with, 1,414 309 —, titanium oxalate made with, 1,255 807 Alkali oxide, alcohol dehydrated with, 1 466,435 ; Re-15,783 —,alkali acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,alkali carbide made with, 1,129,510 —, alkali carbonate made with, 1, 129, 510 —, ‘alkali carbonitride made with, 1,129,510; 1 134,411 —, alkali chloride made with, 1,518,375 —, "alkali compound made with, 1,233,273; 1,283,951 —,alkali cyanide made with, 1,417,702; i 472,403; , 1,498,637 —, alkali earth chloride made with, 1,518,375 —, ’ alum clay contg., extraction from of, 1 308,429 —, aluminum compounds made with, 1,233,273 —, aluminum compounds contg., extraction from of, 1,308,429 —, aluminum oxide made with, 1,415,280 —,ammonia made with, l, 129, 510; 1,134,411; 1 206,155; 1,415,280; 1 17, 702: 1 "483, 414 —, ammonia, catalyst for the mfr, of, made with, oe 157,253; 1,206,155; 1,502,336 —, ammonia ‘made with gases purified with compound made with, 1,483,414 —,antimony made using, 1 144 402 —,arsenic made using, 1, 144 402 — ’ barley-corn glumes, ‘lupuline, from, using, 1,517,650 removal of —,—,testilupine, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—,testin acid, removal of from, using, 1,517, 650 —, bauxite contg., extraction from of, 1,308,429 —, ‘binder made with, 1,509,035 —, ‘bismuth made using, 1,144, 402 — butyl ether dehydrated with, Re-15, 783 —, cadmium made using, 1,144,402 —,calcium chloride made with, 1,518,375 —, ’ carbo-nitride made with, 1,310, 478; 1,310,479 —, catalyst, 1.3-butadiene made with, 1,436, 819 —,—,hydrocarbon, diolefin, made with, 1 436 819 — catalyst for the mfr. of ammonia made with, 1 157,253; 1,206,155; 1,502,336 — catalyst. in lubricating oil mfr., 1,350,814 —,catalyst promoter, ammonia made with, 1 476,283 —, cellulose, ‘colloidal suspension of, made with, 1 509,035 — , cement made with, 1,233,273; 1,507,379 — ’ clay contg., extraction from of, 1,308,429 —, copper, production of using,, ee 144 402 ; 1,275,374 1,466,435 ; 316 Alkali oxide, copper compounds made with, 1,233,273 —, cresol- formaldehyde condensates mfr. with, 1 437,726 — _cyanides made with, 1,206,155; 1,415,280 —, dental cement made with, 1,507,379 —, ‘diethyl ketones, dehydrated, with, 1,466,435 ; Re-15,783 —, dyestuff made with, 1,460,315 —,earth contg., extraction from of, 1,308,429 —, ethers made with, 1,245,742 —,ethyl ether made with, 1,245,742 —,ethyl ether dehydrated with, Re- 15,783 —, ethyl methyl ketone, 1,466,435 ; Re-15,783 —,ethyl propyl ether 1,466,435; Re-15,783 1,466,435 ; dehydrated with, dehydrated with, —,fertilizer made with, 1,162,802; 1,162,944; 1,233,273; 1,267,473; 1,518,565; 1,518,568; 1,518,569; 1,518,570 —,formates made with, 1,206,155 —,fuel made with, 1,509,035 —,gold, production of using, 1,144,402 —,halloysite contg., extraction from of, 1,308,429 . —, heater, electric, made with, 1,507,379 —,heat producing. compound contg., 1,129,056 —,hydrocarbons dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —, hydrochloric acid made with, 1,245,742 —,indoxyl made with, 1,211,413; Re-14,364 —, insulation, heat, made with, 1,509,035 — iodine compounds made with, 1,509,035 —,iron, production of, using, 1,144,402 —,ketones dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —,lamp, electric, made with, 1,269,520 —, laterite contg., extraction from of, 1,308,429 —.,lead, production of using, 1,144,402; 1,483,999 —, liquids, organic, dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —,lupuline, barley-corn glumes, removal from _ of, using, 1,517,650 —.-—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —, Magnesium compounds made with, 1,233 273 —, manganese dioxide made with, 1, 188 705 —, metal made with, 1,518,375 —, methyl ether made with, 1,245,742 —, molded article made with, 1,146,299 —,nickel compounds made with, 1,233,273 —, nitrogen fixation process using, 1,206, 155 —-, OTe, aluminum contg., extraction from of, 1 308, 429 —, phenol aldeneee condensate solvent contg., 1,146,299 —, plastic made with, 1,146,299; 1,507,379 —, plate, printing, made with, 1,146,299 —, porcelain made with, 1,507,379 —, potassium compound made with, 1,254,450; 1,254,451 —,potassium chloride made with, 1,254,450; 1,254,451 —,potassium salts made with, 1,509,035 —,propyl ether dehydrated with, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —, record, phonograph, made with, 1,146, 299 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali oxide, resistance, electric, made with, 1,507,379) —, rhyolite ash contg. k a 308,429 —, rhyolite mud contg., extraction from of, 1,808,429 —, silicon dioxide made with, 1,415,280 —, silicon nitride made with, 1,415,280 —, ’ silver, production of using, 1 144 402 —; sulfur dichloride decolorized with, 1,464,137 — sulfur dichloride neutralized with, 1 ‘464, 197 extraction from of, —, ‘sulfur monochloride decolorized with, 1,464,137 —,sulfur monochloride neutralized with, 1,464,137 —,tanning compounds made with, 1,437,726; 1,443,697 —,testilupine, barley-corn glumes, from of, using, 1,517,650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —, testin acid, barley-corn glumes, removal from ‘of, using, 1; 517,650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 removal —,yeast, lupuline, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—,testilupine, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —.—,testin acid, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,zinc, production of using, 1,144,402; 1,483,999 —, zirconium oxide extracted with, 1,340,888 Alkali oxychloride, catalyst, 1.3-butadiene made with, 1,436,819 —,—,hydrocarbon, diolefin, 1,486,819 —, catalyst in diolefin preparation, 1,436,819 —,petracin made with, 1,308,060 Alkali package, 1,842,148 Alkali per-acid salt, soap made with, 1,153,167 Alkali perborate, bast fiber, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 oe retting of, using, 1,247,757 — bleaching process using, 4 155,101; 1,155,102; 1 155,103; 1,155,104 —, boric acid made with, 1,262,589 —,cocoa fiber, bleaching of using, 1,247,757 —,—,retting of using, 1,247,757 —, detergent made with, 1,144,186 —, jute, bleaching of, using, 1,247 A EYE —,—,retting of, using, 1,247, 757 — ‘hemp, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 —,—, retting of, using, 1,247,757 —, flax, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 —,—,retting of, using, 1,247,757 —,linen, bleaching of, using, 1,501,553 —,magnesium perborate made with, 1,124,081 —, hydrogen peroxide made with, 1,262,589 —,hydrogen peroxide, concentrated, made with, 1,262,589 —, mfr. of, acacia for, 1,253,061 —,—, albumin for, 1,253,061 —,—,alkali borate for, 1,235,904; 1,235,905; 1 253, 060; 1,253,061; 1,268,369; 1,281,983 los" alkali carbonate for, 1 268 369; 1 281 5983 —, alkali chromate for, 1,253, 061 —, ’ alkali earth chromate for, 1,253,061 made with, INDEX OF Alkali perborate, mfr. of, alkali earth salts, for, 1,253,061 —,—,alkali percarbonate for, 1,235,904; 1,235,905; 1,253,060; 1,253,061 —, aluminum cathode for, 1,281,983 —,—,aluminum chromate for, 1,253,061 —,—, apparatus for, 1,281,983 —, beryllium chromate for, 1,253,061 —,—, borax for, 1,222,640; 1,268,369 —,carbon cathode for, 1,281,983 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,222,640 —,chromic acid for, 1,253,061 —,—,copper cathode for, 1,281,983 —,electrolytic cell for, 1,253,060; —,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,222,640 —, hydrogen peroxide for, 1,268,369 —,—,iron cathode for, 1,281,983 —,—,lead cathode for, 1,281,983 —,—, Magnesium carbonate for, 1,222,640 —,—,magnesium chloride for, 1,222,640 —,—,magnesium chromate for, 1,253,061 —,—,Magnesium compound for, 1 222 640 —,—, magnesium dioxide for, 1,222, 640 —,magnesium hydroxide for, 1,222,640 —,—, magnesium silicate for, 1,235,905 —,—, magnesium sulfate for, 1,222, 640 —,—, nickel for, 1,281,983 — nickel cathode for, 1,281,983 —, Ee larcaxbonate for, 1,268, 369 —, platinum for, 1 281 983 ane platinum anode for, 1,470,577 —,—, process for, 1,222,640; 1,235,904; 1,235,905; _ 1,253,060; 1,253,061; 1,268,369; 1,281,983 —,rubber for, 1,281,983 —,—, silver cathode for, 1,281,983 —,—,sodium bicarbonate for, 1,268,369 —, —} sodium carbonate for, 1,268, 369 —,—,sodium dioxide for, ie 229 640 —,—,sodium hydroxide ‘for, 1,222,640 —,—,sodium peroxide for, 1,268, 369 —,—,stannie acid for, 1,235, 905; 1,268,369 —,—, starch for, 1,253 061 1,253,061 gy, CD cathode for, 1,281,983 —, zinc cathode for, 1 281 ,983 —,—, zinc compound for, 1,222 ,640 —, silk degumming process employing, 1,409,653 —, ‘sodium sulfate made with, 1,262,589 —,see also Perborates —,alkali perborate made with, 1,235,904; 1,235,905; 1,253,060; 1,253,061 Alkali percarbonate, acacia for, 1,225,722 —,bast fiber, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 —,—,retting of, using, 1,247,757 —, cocoa fiber, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 —,—,retting of, using, 1,247,757 —, flax, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 —,— retting of, using, 1,247, 757 — ‘hemp, bleaching of using, 1,247,757 —,—, retting of, using, 1,247, 757 — jute, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 —,—,retting of, using, 1,247, 757 == linen, bleaching of, using, 1,501,553 —, ’ mfr. ‘of, acacia for, 1225, 832: 1,225 372 —,—, alkali carbonate, 1 225, 722: 1 225 8232 ; 1 1225, 872; 1,235,904; 1 235 905 —,—, alkali magnesium silicate for, 1,225,722; 1 225,832; 1,225,872 SUBJECTS 317 Alkali percarbonate, mfr. of, alkali silicate for, 1,225,722; 1,225,832: 1,295,872 —,—, ethyl alcohol for, 1,263,258 —,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,225,722; 1,225,832; 1,225,872; 1,263,258 —,—,magnesium chloride for, 1,225,722; 1,225,832; 1,225,872 —,—,magnesium salt for, 1,225,832 —,—,magnesium silicate for, 1,225,722; 1,225,882 ; 1,225,872 —,—, platinum anode for, 1,470,577 —,—,process for, 1225:722* 1,225,832 ; 1,225,872; 1,235,904; 1,235,905; 1,263,258 ,—, silicates for, 1,225,832; 1,225,872 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,263,258 —,—,sodium dioxide for, 1,225,872 —,—,sodium nitrate for, 1,263,258 —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,225,872 —, oils, neutralized with, 1,395,998 —,stabilization of, acacia for, 1,225,872 —,—, alkali magnesium silicate for, 1,225,872 _ —,—, alkali silicate for, 1,225,872 —,—, magnesium chloride for, 1,225,872 —,—,magnesium silicate for, 1,225,872 —,—,process for, 1,225,872 —,—, silicates for, 1,225,872 —,—, ‘sodium silicate for, £225)872 Alkali perchlorate explosive made with, 1,222,065; 1,248,351; 1,276,537; 1,310,466 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,173,346 Alkali permanganate, iron, rust-proofing of using, 1,287,605 —,manganese dioxide made with, 1,154,602; 1,318,432 —,mfr. of, air for, 1,818,891 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,318,891 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,318,432 —,—, apparatus for, 1,318, 891 —,—,iron oxide for, 1 318, 432 —,—,Iron(ic) oxide for, 1,318,432 —, manganese dioxide for, 1,318,891 —,—, Manganese oxide for, 1,318 432 —,—, potassium carbonate ‘for, 1 318, 432 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, i 318, A82 —,—, process for, 1,318,891; 1 360 "700 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1 318 4382 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,318,432 —, zinc, production of using, 1,154,602; 1,241,966 Alkali peroxide, fat, bleaching of with, 1,264,206 —,—, clarification of with, 1,264,206 —, grease, bleaching of with, 1,264,206 —, —, clarification of with, 1,264,206 —, oil, bleaching of with, 1,264,206 —,—, clarification of with, 1,264,206 —, oils neutralized with, 1,395,998 —,see Alkali dioxide Alkali persulfate, bast fiber, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 —,— Tetting of, using, 1,247,757 —, cocoa fiber, bleaching ‘of, using, 1,247,757 —,—, retting of, using, 1,247 757 — compound, * heat- producing, contg., 1,809,209 —, flax, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 —,— retting of, using, 1,247 757 —, ‘heat producing compound contg., 1,129,056 — hemp, bleaching of, using, 1,247 Lia —,—,retting of, using, 1,247 157 318 Alkali persulfate, 1,247,757 —,—, retting of, using, 1,247,757 —, linen, bleaching of, using, if 901,553 —, silk degummed with, 1,409, 653 —, tungsten filament made with, 1,157,288 —, tungsten ribbon made with, a 157 288 —, tungsten wire made with, 1, 157, 288 Alkali phenate, see Alkala phenolate Alkali phenolate, ammonia producing catalyst made with, 1,473,543 —, battery, storage, electrode for, made with, 1 175,954 —, camphene made with, 1,478,690 —, catalyst made with, 1, 473, 543 —, cattle dip made with, 1,498,639 —, finish remover made with, 1,160,394 —, flotation oil made with, 1,506,385 —, ‘isoborneol made with, 1 A78, 690 —, isoborneol acetate made with, 1,478,690 —, ‘oil, pyridine free, made with, 1 506, 385 — sheep dip made with, 1,498, 639 —, wall board made with, i 248, 181 —,see also Alkals carbolate Alkali phosphate, adrenaline 1,399,144 —, alkali acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, bone black substitute made with, 1, 496 229 — catalyst, dehydrogenation, made with, 1 215,335 —,— hydrogenation, made with, 1,215,335 —,—, oxalate made with, 1,280, 622 —,—, sodium oxalate made with, 1,280,622 —, * cotton, mercerized, fabric treatment of using, 1 15, 691 —,cotton fabric, treatment of using, 1,515,691 —, 8 A-diacetoxy-a-nitromethyl benzyl ‘alcohol made with, 1,399,144 — dehydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, i 215,335 —, dimetal, formaldehyde made with, 1,148,114 —, ’ fabric, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1 005,534 —, fertilizer made with, 1,174,176 —, , fiber, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —,— vegetable, bleached with, 1,251,614 — ‘filtering medium made with, 1,496, 229 —, film, photographic, made with, 1,493 ,000 —, grass bleached with, 1,251,614 —, hydrogenation, catalyst for, 1,215,335 —, ink eradicator contg., 1,475,932 —, iron, rust-proofing with, 1,320,734 —,leaves bleached with, 1,251,614 —, mfr. of, feldspar for, 1,202,327 —,—, lime for, 1,202,327 —,—, phosphate rock for, 1,202,327 —,—, process for, 1,202,327 —,—, water for, 1,202,327 —, methylamine made with, 1,489,380 —, oxygen made with, 1,124,304 as _ paraformaldehyde, ~ solvent for 1 170,624 —., rust-proofing using, 1,167,966 —,silk, artificial, fabric, treatment of using, 1 515 691 jute, bleaching of, using, made with, made _ with, contg., UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali. phosphate, silk, 1,173,195 —,—, weighting of using, 1,193,429; 1,207,800 —, sizing, amylaceous, fabric, removal from of, Uiereest 1,505,534 —., fiber, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —, tne bleached with, 1,251 614 —, steel, rust-proofing with, 1 320,734 —, straw bleached with, 1,251,614 —, tertiary, dentrifice contg., 1,471,987 —,—, mucin, solvent for, contg., 1,471,987 —,—, nasal douche contg., 1,471,987 —,—,nasal tissue, mucin on, solvent for, conte.., 1,471,987 mae , vaginal membrane, mucin on, solvent for, conte. .. 1,471,987 —,—, urethral membrane, mucin ‘on, solvent for, contg., 1,471,987 —,tribasic, bread made with, 1,179,877 —,trioxymethylene, solvent for 1,170,624 —, water softener contg., 1,162,024 Alkali phosphite, nickel, coating with using, 1,207,218 Alkali plumbite, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,263,707 i polysulfide, 1,316,760 —, cassiterite, flotation of, using, 1,497,310 —, dye, sulfur, made with, 1,308,552 —, dyestuff made with, 1,128 371; 1,521,206 —,explosive contg., 1, 128, 380 —, flotation process using, 1,497,310 —, ’ formation of, process for, 1,160,375 —,galena, flotation of, using, 1,497,310 —,latex vulcanized with, 1,443,149 ~~ —, ’ rubber, vulcanized, colloidal, made with, 1 443 149 —, rubber latex, Hevea Brasiliensis, coagula- tion of using, 1; 145,351 —,—, Para, coagulation of using, 1,145,351 —, ’ sphalerite, flotation of, using, 1,497,310 —, thioarsenates mfr. from, 1,422,945 —, tin, production of using, 1,124,174 —, wolframite, flotation of, using, 1,497,310 Alkali polysulfite, beer, dealeoholized, treated with, 1,308,588 Alkali "proofing, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,241,738 —,—,acid anhydride for, 1,241,738 —,—, ‘alcohol for, 1.234 381; 1,241 738 —,—, benzene for, 1,234 381. —,—, benzoyl peroxide for, 1,241,738 —,—, camphor for, 1,234,381; 1.241,738 —, camphor substitute for, 1,241,738 —,—, castor oil for, 1,241 738 —,—, carbon tetrachloride for, 1 234,381 —,—, cellulose acetate for, 1,241 738 —,—, chlorine for, 1,234, 381 —,—, chlor-benzene for, 1,241,738 —,—, cork for, 1,241 738 —,—,8 s-dichlor-ethane for, 1,241,738 —,—, dichlor-ethylene for, 1241 738 loading of, using, contg., battery, electric, contg., —,—,epichlorhydrin for, 1,241 738 —,esters for, 1,241 738 —, ethers for, 1 241,738 —, ethyl acetate for, 1,241,738 —,—, ethylidene diacetate for, 1,241,738 —,—, fibrous material for, 1,241 "738 INDEX OF Alkali proofing, a of, chouc”’ for, 1,234,381 —,— _ ketones for, 1,241 738 — lamp, mercury vapor, for, 1,241,738 —,—, metal oxide for, 1,241 738 —,—, metal scrap for, 1 508, 144 —,—, ‘oils for, 1,241 738 —,—, oxygen for, 1 241 738 —,—, ozonide for, 1,241 738 —,—, ’ perborate for, 1 241 738 —,—, percarbonate for, 1,241 738 —,—, peroxide (organic), for, 1,241,738 —,—, petroleum ether for, 1 234 381 —,—, process for, 1,234 381; 1 241 138 —,—, rubber for, 1 934 381 — ‘ rubber, plantation, for, 1,234,381 —,—, ’ silver oxide for, 1,241 738 —,—, steam for, 1,234 381 —,—,s-tetrachlor-ethane for, 1,241,738 “ heptachlor-caout- —,—, toluene for, 1,234,381 —,—, trichlor-ethane for, 1,241,738 —,—, ‘ ultra-violet ray for, 1 241 38 —,—, ’ vinyl acetate for, 1 ‘941 738 —,—, vinyl bromide for, 1 241 138 —, vinyl chlor-acetate for, 1,241,738 —,—, vinyl chloride for, 1 241 738 —,—, vinyl] esters for, 1 241 738 —,—, vinyl halide for, 1 241 5738 —,—, wood for, 1,241 738 ——-,—, xylene for, 1 234 381 —,—, zinc oxide for, 1,241, 738 Alkali proof material, mfr. 1,513,133 —,—, benzene for, 1,513,133. —,—, bituminous material for, 1,513,133 —,—, carbon black for, 1,508,144 —,—, charcoal for, 1 508, 144 —,—, ‘coal, anthracite, for, 1,508,144 —,—, coal tar pitch for, 1,513, 133 —,—, coke for, 1,508, 144 —,—, gravel for, 1 508, 144 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, (1,513,133 —,—, naphtha for, 1,513,133 —,—, process for, 1,508, 144; 1,513,133 —,—,rock for, 1,508,144 —,—,sulfur for, 1,508,144 —,—,tar for, 1,513,133 Alkali propionate, acetone made with, 1,470,885 —, butter substitute made with, 1,232 016 — ’ diethyl ketone made with, 1 A70, 885 —,ethylmethyl ketone made with, 1,470 885 Alkali pyrolignates, water softening composi- tion contg., 1,399,651 —,see Alkali acetates - Alkali pyrophosphate, formaldehyde made with, 1,143,114 —,ink eradicator contg., 1,475,932 —,paraformaldehyde, solvent 1,170,624 —, trioxymethylene, solvent contg., 1,170,624 Alkali pyrosulfate, aluminum, soldering flux for, contg., 1,139,923 —,—, welding flux for, 1,139,923 —,aluminum alloy, soldering flux for, contg., 1,139,923 —,—, welding flux for, contg., 1,139,923 —, dibutyl sulfate made with, 1,506 ,228 of, asphalt for, for contg., SUBJECTS 319 Alkali pyrosulfate, diethyl sulfate made with, 1,506,228 —, dimethyl sulfate made with, 1,506,228 —,dipropyl sulfate made with, 1,506,228 Alkali resinate, copper ore, flotation of, using, 1,191,053 —, cylinder stock, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, flotation process using, 1,191,053 —,galena, flotation of, using, 1,191,053 —,gas oil, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,gasolene, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, kerosene, treatment of using, 1. 439 171 — lubricating oil, treatment of using, 1,439, 171 —, naphtha, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, oil, mineral, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, paraffin, treatment of using, 1,489,171 —,paraffin distillate, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, paraffin slops, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, petroleum, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,scale wax, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,slack wax, treatment of using, 1,439,171 Alkali ruthenate, ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,173,532 —, catalyst for the mfr. of ammonia made with, 1,173,532 Alkali salicylate, cream, fat, determination of in, using, 1,329,183 —,milk, fat, determination of in, 1,329,183 —, purification of, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,459,900 —,—,lead salts for, 1,459,900 —,—, process for, 1,459, 900 —,—, tin chloride for, 1,459 900 —,—, tin salicylate for, 1,459, 900 using, —,—, tin salts for, 1,459, 900 —,— ’ tin (ous) salt for, 1,459,900 Alkali salts, acetyl-salicylic acid, product contg., made with, 1,486,373 —, acid, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,140,262 —,aldol made with, 1,151,113 —,alkali cyanide made 1,506,269; 1,510,891 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,415,280 —,amino compound for silk degumming made with, 1,254,033 —,amino compound for skin bating made with, 1,254,033 —, amino compound for turkey red dyeing made with, 1,254,033 with, 1,472,403; —,ammonia made with, 1,149,653; 1,163,095; 1 415,280; 1,487,521 — antimony, starring of, composition for contg., 1,284,164 —,bleaching using, 1,163,438 —,blue print paper made with, 1,500,433 —,board made with, 1,245,984 —,bornite, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —, calcium cyanamide made with, 1,164,087 —,calcium sulfate hydrated with, 1,442,406 —,case hardening compound made_ with, 1,361,131 —,catalyst, promoter, ammonia made with, 1,476,283 —,—,urea mfr. by, 1,292,019 320 Alkali salts, celluloid substitute made with, 1,245,975; ‘1 245,984 —, cellulose, treatment preparatory to bleaching of using, 1,133,769 —, cellulose acetate, dyeing of, using, 1,489,814 —, cement, hydraulic, made with, 1,123, 964 —, ’ chaff, treatment of with, 1,472, 320 — , chaleopyrite, zine sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 — coloring matter with, 1,164,036; 1 164,037; 1,173,330 —, corn straw, ‘treatment of with, 1,472,320 —,cotton, bleaching of, using, 1, 163, 438 —,cyanides made with, 1,415,280; 1,487,521; 1,506,269 —, cyanogen compound made with, 1,321,459 —,degumming of using, 1,186,440 —, dentifrice contg., 1,471 987 —, ’ diastatic product made with, 1,192,584 —, ’ diatomaceous earth, treatment of with, 1 503,133 —, diatomite, treatment of with, 1,503,133 — ’ dye made with, 1,173,330 —, dyeing, vat, using, 1 148,966 —,electrode, arc lamp, made with, 1,221,039 —,—, arc-light, made with, 1,147, 492 —, fabric, amylaceous, sizing, ‘removal of from, using, 1 005,534 —,—, printing composition for, 1, 164,036; 1,164,037; 1,173,330 — _ferrocyanide made with, 1,487 521; 1,506,269 —, fertilizer made with, 1,225, 825 —,—,amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534. —, fiber, treatment of with, 1,472,320 —\,— vegetable, treatment preparatory to bleaching of using, 1,133,769 —,film, cellulose acetate, dyeing of, using 1 A489 814 —, filter-aid made with, 1,503,133 —, , flax, treatment preparatory to bleaching of using, 1,133,769 —, floor covering made with, 1,245,984 —, ’ flotation process using, 1 240 597: 1,240,598 ; 1 469,042 —, fodder made with, 1,472,320 —, ’ fossil flour, treatment of with, 1,503,133 —, ’ glass, melting point of, lowered by, 1,410, 665 —,glyoxylic acid made with, 1,227,706 —, grass, treatment of with, 1 472, 320 —, hydrogen dioxide made with, 1 ,128,966 —, infusorial earth, treatment of with, 1,503,133 —, ink, printing, made with, 1,142 365 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1,245,975; a 245 984 —,ivory substitute made with, 1,245,975 —,kelp char, extraction from of, apparatus for, Go 258,320 ; 1 258,321 —,—, process ‘for, 1,258,320; 1,253,321 ~ ; kieseleuhr, treatment of with, 1,503,183 —, koji made with, 1,192,584 —,lead sulfide, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —, leather, artificial, made with, 1,245,977 —, linen, bleaching of, using, 1,163,438 —,linoleum substitute made with, 1,245,978; 1,245,984 made made with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali salts, 1,245,975 —, molybdenum, 1 263,656 —,—,copper, gold alloy contg., coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, gold alloy, copper in, coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—,—, iridium in, 1 228, 194 —,—,—,palladium in, coated, made using, 1 228,194 —,—,—,platinum in, 1 228, 194 —,—,—, silver in, coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, gold coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, iridium, gold alloy contg., coated, made using, 1,228, 194 —,— iridium coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, ’ palladium, gold alloy contg.., coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—,palladium coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, platinum, gold alloy contg., coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, platinum coated, made using, 1,228,194 wernn silver, gold alloy contg., coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, silver coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,— ’ soldering of with, 1,263,656 — ’ molybdenum alloy, coating of 1 236,383 ; 1,263,656 —,—, copper, gold alloy contg., coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, gold alloy, copper in, coated, made using, 1 228,194 marble substitute made with, coating of with, 1,236,383; coated, made _ using, coated, made using, with, —,—,—,iridium in, coated, made using, 1,228, 194 —,—,—,palladium in, coated, made using, © 1,228, 194 —,—,—,platinum in, coated, made using, 1,228, 194 —,—,—, silver in, coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, gold coated, made using, 1,228, 194 Jt as HII, gold alloy contg., ‘coated, made using, 1,228, 194 —,—; iridium coated, made using, 1,228,194 da lineaky palladium, gold alloy contg., coated, made using, 1,228,194 —, —, palladium coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, platinum, gold alloy contg., coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, platinum coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—,silver, gold alloy contg., coated, made using, 1,228,194 ——, silver coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, soldering, of with, 1,263,656 —, mucin, solvent for, contg., 1,471,987 —, nasal douche contg., 1,471 987 —, nasal tissue, mucin on, solvent for, contg., 1 471,987 —, paint made with, 1,145,186; 1, 164,037; 1,173,830 —, paint, anti-fouling, made with, 1,145,186 —,paper made with, 1,510,070 —, paracoumarone made with, 1,395,968 —,paraindene made with, 1 395 968 1,164,036 ; INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alkali salts, phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,237, 579 —, phenol aldehyde condensate substitute made with, 1,245,975 —., plastic made with, 1,245,984 —, proteid products made with, 1,245,975 —, pyrite, zine sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 = rubber substitute made with, 1,245,975; 1 245,979; 1,245,984 —, rush, treatment of with, 1,472,320 ——, rust- -proofing made with, 1 145 ,186 —,separation of, ammonium hydroxide for, 1 510,046 —,—, process for, 1,510,046 — silicon dioxide made with, 1,415,280 —, Silicon nitride made with, 1 ALS 280 —, silk, artificial, cellulose acetate, dyeing of, using, 1,489 814 —, sizing, amylaceous, fabric, removal from of, using, 1 005,534 —,—, — fiber, removal from of, using, 1 005,534 , sodium citrate made with, 1,491 390 — straw, treatment of with, 1,472 320 —, straw board made with, 1 510, 070 — sulfur dichloride decolorized ‘with, 1,464,137 —, sulfur dichloride neutralized with, 1,464, 4137 —,sulfur monochloride decolorized with, 1,464,137 —, sulfur monochloride neutralized with, 1,464,137 — , tanning compound made with, 1,186,500 —, dl-tartaric acid made with, 1 181. 555 —, meso-tartaric acid made with, 1 181,555 —, tartrates made with, 1,181,555 —, therapeutic product made with, 1,486,373 —, thiocyanate made with, 1,487, 521 —, tile made with, 1,245, 984 —, titanium dioxide made with, 1,487,521 —,tungsten, coating of with, 1,236, 383 ; 1 5,263,656 —,copper, gold alloy contg., coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, gold alloy, copper in, coated, made using, 1 228,194 —,iridium in, coated, made using, ~ 42381 194 —,—,—, palladium in, coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—,—,platinum in, coated, made_ using, 1,228, 194 oct silver i in, coated, made using, 1,228,194 —, gold coated, made using, 1,228, 194 —,—; iridium, gold alloy contg., coated, made using, 1,228, 194 —,—, iridium coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, palladium, gold alloy conte. sa coated, made using, 1 228, 194 —,—, palladium coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, platinum, gold alloy contg., coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, platinum coated made using, 1,228,194 —,-—,Silver, gold alloy contg., coated, made using, 1 298, 194, —_—,— silver coated, made using, 1,228, 194 _—,- ’ soldering of ‘with, 1,263,656 21 321 Alkali salts, tungsten alloy, coating of with, 1,236,383; 1,263,656 ear Sans copper, gold alloy contg., coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, gold alloy, copper in, coated, made using, 1 288,194 —,—, iridium in, coated, made _ using, ~ {298 194 —,—,—,palladium in, coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,platinum in, coated, made using, ~ 1,288, 194 —,—,—, silver in, coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, gold coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, iridium, gold alloy contg., coated made using, 1 228, 194 —,—, iridium coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, palladium, gold alloy contg., coated made using, 1,228,194 —,—, palladium coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, platinum, gold alloy contg., coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—, platinum coated, made using, 1,228,194 —,—,silver, gold alloy contg., coated, made using, 1 228, 194 —,—, silver coated made using, 1,228,194 —,—, soldering of with, 1,263,656 —,urea made with, 1,419,157 —, urethral membrane, mucin on, solvent for, . conte., 1,471,987 —,vaginal membrane, mucin on, solvent for, conte. .. 1,471,987 — , vanadium oxide, recovery of with, 1,259,595 — ’ water-softener regenerated with, 1,294 007 —, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,499, 795 ma ae , regeneration of using, 1,499, 499 —, zine sulfide, bornite separated from using, 1,469, 042 —,—,chalcopyrite separated from using, 1,469,042 —,—,lead sulfide separated from _ using, 1,469,042 —,—,pyrite separated from using, 1,469,042 Alkali salt solutions, purification of, process for, 1,503,229 Alkali salt of tetrabromfluorescein, see Eosine (dye) Alkali selenite, catalyst, urea mfr. by, 1,292,019 Alkali — selenosulfate, ee els image, toning of, using, 1,499, Alkali seleno-vanadate, ine of, carbon com- pounds for, 1,154,949 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,154,949 —,nitric acid for, 1,154,949 —, —., process for, } 154 949 —,—, selenium for, 1 154 949 —, selenium dioxide for, 1,154,949 —,—,selenium trioxide for, 1,154,949 —,sulfurgus acid for, 1,154,949 —,—, vanadium dioxide for, 1,154,949 —,—, vanadium monoxide for, 1,154,949 —,—, vanadium pentoxide for, 1,154,949 —,—, vanadium tetroxide for, 1,154 949 —,—, vanadium trioxide for, 1 154,849 322 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali seleno-vanadate, mfr. of, carbon com- Alkali silicate, insecticide contg., 1,395,860 pounds for, 1,154,949 —, insoluble, extracting potassium compounds —,— , hydrochloric acid for, 1,154,949 Difranst 1 1349, 113 —,nitric acid for, 1,154 949 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,249,028; —, —, process for, 1,154 949 1,423,985 —,—, selenium for, 1 154 949 —,—, heat, made with, 1,142,829 —,—, selenium dioxide for, 1,154,949 —, leaves bleached with, 1,251,614 —,—,selenium trioxide for, i 154, 949 —,lime made with, 1,264,949 —,sulfurous acid for, 1, 154 949 —, linen, bleaching of, using, 1,163,438 —,— ‘vanadium dioxide for, ie 154 949 —,lithopone made with, 1,486,077 —,—, ‘vanadium monoxide for, ie 154 ,949 —, mfr. of, alkali carbonate for, 1,463,037 —,—, vanadium pentoxide for, 1, 154,949 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,231,423 —,—, vanadium tetroxide for, 1 154 949 —,—, alkali sulfate for, 1,463,037 —,—,vanadium trioxide for, 1, 154, 949 —,—,barium silicate (di-basic) for, 1,463,037 Alkali sesquicarbonate, antiseptic made with, —,— — barium silicate (mono-basic) for, 1,493,564 1,463, 037 —, germicide made with, 1,493,564 —,—,barium silicate (tri-basic) for, 1,463,037 Alkali silicate, abrasive made with, 1,239,984 —,—, magnesium mineral for, 1,231,423 —, abrasive article made with, 1, 243 783 —,—, magnesium silicate for, 1.31 423 —, "alkali acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,—, process for, 1,231,423; 1,463, 037 —, ’ alkali cyanate made with, 1,264, 949 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,231,423 —, ‘alkali cyanide made with, 1,264 949 —, metal, coating of with, 1,280,108 —, "alkali compound made with, 1,283,951 —, metal A made with, 1,508,241 —, "alkali hydroxide made with, 1,463, 037 —, metal B made with, 1,508,241 —, ‘alkali percarbonate made with, 1,225,722; — nickel catalyzer mfr. with, 1,450,174 1 225,832; 1,225,872 —, nitroglycerol made with, 1,188,916; 1,138,917 — alkali percarbonate stabilized using, 1,225,872 —,oil, animal, water, emulsion of and, made —,alloy, coating of with, 1,281,108 with, 1,207,936 —,alumina made with, 1,286, 718 —,—, vegetable, refining of using, 1,169,154; —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,239,984; 1,169,155 1,415,280 —, water, emulsion of and, made with, —,ammonia made with, 1,415,280 ~ 12079 936 —, bleaching using, 1, 163,438 —, olive oil, water, emulsion of and, made with, —, binder made with, 1 266, 618 1,207 936 — brick made with, 1,249,028 —,paint made with, 1,129,320; 1,396,970 —, calcium cyanide ‘made ‘with, 1,359,257 —, photography, substance for use in develop- —,catalyst made with, 1,199, 032 , ing contg., 1,277,048 —, catalyst, hydrogenation, made with, —,—, substances for use in printing contg., 1 199,032; 1,238,774 1,277,048 —,—,— , regeneration of, using, 1,199,032 —, pigment made with, 1,129,320 —,— ’ regeneration of, using, l 199, 032 —, cement made with, 1,129, 320 —, "cod liver oil, water, emulsion of and, made with, 1,207 936 —, potassium compounds ‘made with, 1,239,948; 1,249,028; 1,283,951 —, potassium cyanate made with, 1,264,949 —, potassium cyanide made with, 1 264, 949 —, concrete made with, 1,471,876 tassium hydroxide made with, 1 283, 951 cotton, bleaching of, using, 1,163,438 iis: Boos ; —, potassium silicate made with, 1 283, 951 HE eae oil, refining of using, 1,169,154; —, potassium sulfate made with, 1 286, 718 —, cyanides made with, 1,359,257; 1,415,280 — Toad Ae made with, 1 i171, 236 ; 1,206 ,056 ; —,lectrod €, (pre lamp, made with, 1,280,514; ee, shoe filler made with, 1,136,980 —, enamel, iron, made with, 1,256,456 —, silicic acid made with, 1,132,394 | , fabric, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, Ge if, aioe made with, 1,148,193; using, 1, saan silicon nitride made with, 1,415,280 ae 2 2 rs ie Decree ape re ii; 1.411696 mie compounds prepared with, ee serv hy ee! removal of nom —, silk, weighting of using, 1,193,429; 1,207,800 ‘soul coating of with, 1,281,108 —, silk thread made with, 1 202 534 i a , vegetable, igached with, 1,251,614 —, sizing, amylaceous, fabric, removal from of, —, ’ glass, coating of with, 1,281, 108 using, 1,505,534 —,—, frosted, made with, i 518, 807 —,—,—, fiber, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 — glue made with, 1,129, 390 —, sodium percarbonate made with, 1,225, 722: —, grass bleached with, 1,251,614 1 ,225 832 —,hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, —, stalks bleached with, 1,251,614 1,199,032; 1,238,774 — ’ stereotype matrix made with, 1,173,907 —,—,—, regeneration of, using, 1,199,032 —,stone, artificial, made with, 1 249 028 d INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alkali silicate, straw bleached with, 1,251,614 —, sulfur candle made with, 1,159,109 —, sulfuric acid made with, 1,239,984 —, terra cotta made with, 1,249,028 —, tile made with, 1,249,028 —, tire-healing composition ingredient, 1,434,764 —, tungsten filament made with, 1,508,241 —, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,131,503; 1,193,795; 1,202,556; 1,202,557; 1,263,707 : 1,499,492; 1,515,007 —, varnish made with, 1,129,320; 1,423,985 —, Water, codliver oil, emulsion of and, made with, 1,207,936 —,—, oil, animal, emulsion of and, made with, 1,207,936 —,—,—, vegetable, emulsion of and, made with, 1,207,936 —,—, olive oil, emulsion of and, made with, 1,207,936 —,—, purification of, compound for, made with, 1,205,509 —,—, softening of, compound for, made with, 1,205,509 —, waterproofing made with, 1,231,687 —, water-proof product of, mfr. of, acid, fatty, for, 1,283,546 —,—,—, beef fat for, 1,283,546 —,—,—, bitumen, for, 1,283,546 —,—,—, oil, animal, for, 1,283,546 »—; —, —, mineral, for, 1,283,546 —,—,—, —, vegetable, for, 1,283,546 —,—,—, paraffin for, 1,283,546 —,—,—, petroleum for, 1,283,546 —,—,—, process for, 1,283,546 —,—,—, stearin for, 1,283,546 —,—, —, tallow for, 1,283,546 —,—,—, wax for, 1,283,546 —,water softening with, 1,400,332 —, wood, coating of with, 1,281,108 —,—, fireproofing of using, 1,148,013 —, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,205,509 Alkali silicoaluminate, formation of, 1,408,169 —,see also Alkali aluminum silicate Alkali silicofluoride, zinc sulfide made with, 1,171,246 Alkali-silicophosphates, fertilizer constituents, 1,411,696 Alkali sludge sulfonate, asphalt emulsified using, 1,373,661 —, bituminous 1,373,661 —,coal tar emulsified using, 1,373,661 —, cylinder stock, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, detergent made with, 1,330,624 —,dust laying composition 1,373,661 —, gas oil, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, gasolene, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, gasolene emulsified using, 1,373,661 —, insecticide made with, 1,373,661 —, kerosene, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,kerosene emulsified using, 1,373,661 —, lubricant emulsified using, 1,373,661 —, lubricating oil, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,493,111 —,—, alkali for, 1,493,111 material emulsified using, made with, 323 Alkali sludge sulfonate, mfr. of, ethyl alcohol for, 1,493,111 —,—,methyl alcohol for, 1,493,111 —,—, process for, 1,330,624; 1,493,111 —,—, sludge sulfonic acid for, 1,493,111 —,naphtha, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, naphtha emulsified using, 1,373,661 —, oil, mineral, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,oil emulsified using, 1,373,661 —, paraffin, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,paraffin distillates, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, paraffin emulsified using, 1,373,661 —, paraffin slops, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, petroleum, treatment of using, 1,439,171 -—,petroleum distillate emulsified using, 1,373,661 —, petroleum emulsified using, 1,373,661 —,road paving made with, 1,373,661 —,roofing made with, 1,373,661 —, scale wax, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,shale oil emulsified using, 1,373,661 —, slack wax, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,vaseline emulsified using, 1,373,661 —, waterproofing made with, 1,373,661 —, wax emulsified using, 1,373,661 —, wax tailings emulsified using, 1,373,661 —,see also Sludge sulfonic acid Alkali soaps, paraffin wax washed with, 1,439,171 Alkali soda-cellulose carbon, see Carbon, “ al- kali-soda-cellulose ” Alkali sodium, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,477,757 Alkali solution, 1,293,293 —, paint removed with, 1,437,331 —, rubber articles vulcanized under, 1,295,594 Alkali stannate, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,181,944 : —, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,263,707 Alkali subcyanide, see Alkali cyanide (R:CN) Alkali substances, container for, cellulose esters for coating, 1,355,976 Alkali sulfate, abrasive made with, 1,263,710 —, alkali acetyl-salicylate made with; 1,217,862 —, alkali chloride made with, 1,493,996 asphalt felt treated with, —,alkah aluminum fluoride made _ with, 1,517,686 —,alkali cyanide made with, 1,138,190; 1,472,403; 1,481,873; 1,481,374 —,alkali nitrate made with, 1,493,996 —, alkali silicate made with, 1,463,037 —, alkali sulfide made with, 1,138,190; 1,212,702; 1,492,810; 1,495,187 —,alkali thiocyanate made with, 1,472,403 —,alum_ clay contg., extraction from of, 1,808 429 —,aluminum compounds contg., extraction from of, 1,308,429 —,aluminum sodium fluoride 1,517,686 *” —, battery, storage, lead electrode for, regenera- tion of using, 1,147,261 —, bauxite contg., extraction from of, 1,308,429 —,bornite, zine sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 made with, 324 Alkali sulfate, calcium phosphate (CaHPO,), made with, 1,493, 099 —, carbon, decolorizing, made with, 1,883,755 — * catalyst, nickel as, made with, 1, 165 956 —,—, sulfur dioxide reduced with, 1 359, 114 —,—,urea made with, 1,274,503; 1, 292 019 —, cement, hydraulic, made with, 1,124,238 —,—, Sorel, made with, 1,124 238 — ; chalcopyrite, zine sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —, clay conte., extraction from of, 1,808,429 —, concrete, action of on, 1,415, 394 —, concrete rendered resistant to, 1,415,849 —,copper, production of using, 1,184, 585; 1 483,999 — _ dyestuff, sulfonating of, using, 1,217,462 —,—, triphenylmethane, sulfonating of, using, 1 217 462 —, earth contg., extraction from of, 1,808,429 —, ’ fertilizer made with, 1,158, 711; 1,162 802; 1,162,944; 1,174,176; 1,229,684 : 1,493,996 —, flotation process using, 1,469,042 —,gold, production of using, 1,184,585 —,halloysite contg., extraction from of, 1,308,429 — , hydrocyanic acid made with, 1,493,996 —,iron(ic) hydroxide made with, 1 323 379 —, laterite contg., extraction from of, 1 308,429 —, ‘lead, production of using, 1,184,585 —,lead sulfide, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —, mfr. of, ammonia for, 1,127,219 —,—, carbon dioxide for, If 160, 171; 1,160,172 —,cement kiln gas for, 1 202 327 —,—,cement rock for, 1,160,171: 1,160,172 —, clay for, 1,160,171; 1,160,172 —,—, feldspar for, 1,160,171; 1,160,172 —,—, granite for, 1 160, 171; a, 160, 172 —,—, gypsum for, 1, 160, 171: i 160, 172 —,—, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,127,219 —,—, limestone for, 1,160,171; 1,160,172 —,—,marl for, 1,160,171; 1,160,172 —, mica for, 1,160,171; 1,160,172 —,—, ’ polythionate for, 1, 127 219 mies ,process for, i 127 219; G10, 172':.'1.202; 327 —, shale for, 1,160 171; 1,160,172 —,—, ‘slate for, 1,160,171: 1,160,172 —,sulfur for, 1,202,327 —.,sulfur dioxide for, 1,202,327 —,—, tetrathionate for, 1,127,219 —, nickel catalyst made with, 1,165,956 —,ore, aluminum contg., extraction from of, 1,808,429 —, phosphoric acid made with, 1,493,099 —,pigment made with, 1,155,462; Re-14,289; 1,236,655 —,potassium from cement kiln gas with, 1,286,465 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,124,238 —,pyrite, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —, rosaniline, sulfonating of, using, 1,217,462 —,rhyolite ash contg., extraction from of, Fi 308,429 —, rhyolite mud contg., extraction from of, 1 208 429 1,160,171; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali sulfate, silk, artificial, viscose, precipita- tion of using, 1 393, 197 —, silver, production of using, 1,184,585 —,sodium phosphate (NaH;PO,), made with, 1 493,099 —, sodium sulfate made with, 1,323,879 —, sulfur made with, 1,359, 114 — tanning compound made with, 1,147,245 —, titanium dioxide made with, 1, 189, 229 — ’ titanium (ic) oxide made with, 1 ,206,796; 1 206,798 — , titanium (ic) sulfate made with, 1,236,655 —, vanadium compound made with, 1 482, 276 —, ‘vanadium sulfate made with, 1,482 276 —, ’ viscose, precipitation of using, 1,143,569 —, wood pulp, sulfite, made with, 1,427,125 —, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,499,492 —,zinc made with, 1,154,602; 1, 184 585 —,zine sulfide, bornite separated from using, 1,469,042 —,—,chalcopyrite separated from using, 1,469,042 —,—,lead sulfide separated from using, 1,469, 042 —,—, pyrite separated from using, 1,469,042 Alkali sulfhydrate, cassiterite, flotation of, using, 1,497,310 —,chaleopyrite, concentration of using, 1. 197,590 —,—, flotation of using, 1,197,590 — ’ copper sulfide ore, concentration of using, 1 ,197 590 —,—, flotation of using, 1,197,590 —,dyestuff made with, 1,521,206 —, flotation process using, 1,497,310 —,galena, flotation of, using, 1,497,310 —,iron sulfide ore, concentration of using, 1,197,590 —,—, flotation of using, 1,197,590 —, * lead ore, concentration of, ee 1,197,590 —,—, flotation of, using, 1, 197,59 — nickel sulfide ore, See of, using, 1,197,590 —,—, flotation of, using, 1,197,590 —, ore, concentration of, using, 1,197,590 —,—, flotation of, using, 1,197, 590 —; pyrite, concentration of, using, 1,197,590 —,—, flotation of, using, 1,197, 590 —, ’ silver ore, concentration of, reg 1,197,590 —, flotation of, using, 1, 197,59 590 — . sphalerite, concentration of using, 1,197,590 —,—, flotation of, using, 1,197,590; 1,497,310 —,wolframite, flotation of, using, 1,497,310 —,zinc ore, concentration of, using, 1,197,590 —, —, flotation of using, 1, 197, 590 — zine sulfide ore, concentration of, using, a 197,590 ! —,—, flotation of, using, 1,197,590 Alkali sulfide, alkali bicarbonate made with, 1,188,190 —, alkali carbonate made with, 1,138,190 —,alkali cyanide made with, 1,138,190 —,alkali thiosulfate made with, 1,492,488; 1,492,489 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,228,119; 1,262,062 —,ammonia made with, 1.156.606 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 325 Alkali sulfide, ammonium salts made with, Alkali sulfide, fiber, vegetable, treatment pre- 1,156,606 paratory to bleaching of using, 1,133,769 —,azo-resin made with, 1,500,844 —, film, photographic, varying porosity of, made —, battery, electric, contg., 1,316,760 with, 1,256,981 —,bornite, zine sulfide separated from using, —, flax, dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, 1,469,042 1,181,905 —, calcium molybdate made with, 1,501,414 —,—,retting of, using, 1,238,359 —, carbonate ore, flotation of using, 1,505,323; —,— treatment preparatory to bleaching of 1,505,324 . using, 1,133,769 —, cassiterite, flotation of, using, 1,497,310. —, flotation process using, 1,469,042; 1,497,310; —,catalyst phenol-acetone condensed with, 1,505,323; 1,505,324 1,397,144 —,fodder made with, 1,472,319; 1,472,320; —,—,sulfur dioxide reduced with, 1,359,114 1,472,321 —,—, urea made with, 1,274,503; 1,292,019 —,fodder made from straw with, 1,442,321; —, cellulose, treatment preparatory to bleach- 1,442,322 ing of, using, 1,133,769 p —,formation of, 1,413,005 —, cellulose nitrate, screens for, cleaned with, —,—, alkali borate for, 1,312,668 1,367,111 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,312,668 —, cellulose nitrate compositions screens for, — — alkali hydroxide for, 1,312,668 cleaned with, 1,367,111 ; —,—,copper pyrites for, 1,312,668 —, cellulose nitrated, denitrated with, 1,342,267; _ __ iron pyrites for, 1,312,668 1,342,268 —,—,pyrites for, 1,312,668 —, chaff, treatment of with, 1,472,319; 1,472,320; —,—, sulfide, metal, for, 1,312,668 1,472,321 —,—, sulfide ore for, 1,312,668 : —,chalcopyrite, zinc sulfide separated from _ fur, dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, using, 1,469,042 E 1,181,905 —, China grass, dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, — galena, flotation of using, 1,497,310 1,181,905 f —, gas, hydrogen sulfide, removal of from, using, —,copper, production of using, 1,156,606; 1,160,375 1,226,190 —,glass, unbreakable, made with, 1,342,267; —,copper carbonate ore, flotation of with, ~ 1,342,268 1,312,668 —, grass, treatment of with, 1,472,319; 1,472,320; —,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 TA72 298k ; —,copper compound made with, 1,228,119 —,hair, dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, —,copper ore, flotation of using, 1,312,668; 1,181,905 F 1,505,323; 1,505,324 —, hair carrotted with, 1,466,698 —,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —,hemp, dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, —, copper oxide ore, flotation of with, 1,312,668 1,181,905 —,—,sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 : —, hydrogen sulfide made from, 1,138,190 —,copper removal of from aluminate solution —, hydrogen sulfide, gas, removal from of, using, using, 1,262,062 : 1,160,375 —, copper salts made with, 1,156,606 —,indanthrene made with, 1,518,051 —, copper sulfate made with, 1,156,606 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1,397,144; —,corn straw, treatment of with, 1,472,319; 1,500,844 1,472,320; 1,472,321 —,iron removal of from aluminate solution —,corros-iron resistant to, 1,289,016 | using, 1,262,062 —,cotton, dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, —,jute, dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, 1,181,905 1,181,905 —, cuprous sulfide from, 1,292,075 —,lead compound made with, 1,228,119 —,dye from, 1,314,928 —,lead removal of from aluminate solution —,dye, sulfur, made with, 1,316,742 using, 1,262,062 —,dyestuff made with, 1,132,922; 1,165,531; —,lead ore, flotation of, using, 1,505,323; 1,202,821; 1,209,580; © 1,243,170; 1.243.171; 4.505.304 | 1,274,351; 1,279,307; 1,405,446; 1,500,844; —, lead sulfide, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,501,769: 1.521.206 1,469,042 —, etching, film, photographic, treatment of for, —, linseed oil substitute made with, 1,500,844 made with, 1,256,981 —, magnesium hydroxide, action of on, 1,310,480 —, fabric, dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, mf. of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,502,213 1,181,905 —,—,alkali sulfate for, 1,138,190; 1,212,702; —, feathers, dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, 1,492,810; 1,495,187 1,181,905, —,—,apparatus for, 1,212,702; 1,495,187; —, fiber, animal, dyeing with sulfur dyes of 1,502,213 using, 1,181,905 —,—, carbon for, 1,138,190; 1,212,702 —,—, treatment of with, 1,472,319; 1,472,320; | —,—, carbon electrode for, 1,502,213 1,472,321 —,—, carbon monoxide for, 1,212,702, , —,—, vegetable, dyeing with sulfur dyes of — ‘— coal for, 1,212,702 using, 1,181,905 —,—, coke for, 1,212,702 326 Alkali sulfide, mfr. of, electrolytic process for, 1,502,213 —,—, graphite for, 1,138,190 —,—, iron electrode for, 1,502,213 —,—, process for, 1,138, 190: 1 212 ,702; 1,492,810; 1 495,187 —,—, sulfur for, 1,502,213 —, ‘metal sulfide oxidation of using, 1,323,879 —, molded article made with, 1,397, 144 — molybdates made with, 1, 501, 414 —, nitrocellulose, screens in mfr. of, cleaned with, 1,367,111 —, ocher substitute made with, 1,175,751 —, ore, copper flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—,—, sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, flotation of with, 1,312,668 —,—, sulfidation of with, 1,312,668 —,oxide ore, flotation of using, 1,505,324 —,paper, rubber-latex, made with, 1,497,146; —, phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,187,232; 1,500,844 —, picture, ‘film, photographie, treatment of for, made with, 1 256 981 —, pigment made with, 1,175,751; 1,236,655 —, plastic made with, 1 397, 144 —, pyrite, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —, pyrite oxidation of using, 1,323,879 —, pyrotechnic made with, 1,500,844 —,ramie, dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, 1,181,905 —, record, phonograph, made with, 1,513,120 1,505,323 ; —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,397,144; 1,500 844 — rhea, dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, 1,181,905 —, rubber latex, Hevea Brasiliensis, coagulation of using, 1,145,351 —,—, Para, coagulation of using 1,145,351 —,rush, treatment of with, 1,472,319; 1,472,320; 1,472,321 —, shellac substitute made with, 1,500,844 —, ’ silicate ore, flotation of using, 1 905,323 ; 1 05 324 —, silk, artificial, dyeing with sulfur dye of, using, 1,181,905 —,—,dyeing with 1,181,905 —,silver chloride ore, 1,505,323; 1,505,324 —,sodium aluminate made with, 1,156,606 —,sphalerite, flotation of, using, 1,497,310 —,straw, treatment of with, 1,472,319; 1,472,320; 1,472,321 —, sulfur made with, 1,859,114; 1,507,105 —,sulfur from petroleum with, 1,800,816 —,sulfur black made with, 1,279,307 —,sulfur oxidation of using, 1,323,879 —,sulfurie acid from, 1,292,075 —, sulfur solvent, 1,507,105 —,tanning compound made with, 1,500,844 —,tin made with, 1,124,174 —, titanium dioxide made with, 1,189,229 —,titanium(ic) oxide made with, 1,201 041 ; 1 206,796; 1,206,797; 1,206,798 — , titanium (ic) sulfate made with, 1,236,655 sulfur dyes of using, flotation of, using, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali sulfide, varnish, fat soluble, made with, 1,500,844 —,—, oil soluble, made with, 1,500,844 —, ‘ wolframite, flotation of using, 1 497, 310 —, ’ wood, artificial made with, 1,397, 144 —,— _ dyeing with sulfur dyes of using, 1 181 905 —, zine, production of using, 1,154,601 —,zine compound made with, 1,228,119 —,zine ore, flotation of using, 1,197,589; 1 005, 323; 1 005 324 —, zinc removal of from aluminate solution using, 1,262,062 —, zinc salts made with, 1,156,606 —, zinc sulfate made with, 1 156 606 —,zine sulfate removed from lithopone with, 1 260,811; 1,260,812 —, zine sulfide made with, 1,171,246 —,zine sulfide, bornite separated from using, 1,469,042 —,—,chaleopyrite, separated from. using, 1,469,042 —,—,lead sulfide separated from _ using, 1,469,042 —,—,pyrite separated from using, 1,469,042 Alkali sulfite, alkali acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, alkali 1,492,488 ; 1,492,489 — battery, storage, separator for, made using, 1 502,455 —, beer, deaicaholioes treated with, 1,308,588 —, ’ bornite, zine sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —, carbohydrate, nitrated, made using, 1,504,986 —,—,—, stabilized, using, 1,504,986 — catalyst, sulfur dioxide reduced with, 1,359,114 —, cellulose, filamentous, made with, 1,128,624 —,—, hydrated, made with, 1,128,624 —,cellulose acetate made with, 1,128,624 —, cellulose ether made with, 1,128,624 —,chalcopyrite, zine sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —, China grass, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1 181,905; 1,181,906 —, cotton, ’ dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1 181 905; 1,181,906 —, dextrin treated with, 1,268,672 —., dyestuff, indanthrene, leuco derivatives of, made using, 1,247,927 —,—, indigo, leuco derivatives of, made using, 1,247,927 —,—,leuco derivatives of, made using, 1,247,927 —,—,vat, leuco derivatives of, made using, 1,247,927 —,envelope gum made with, 1,268,672 —,explosive made with, 1,128,624 —., fabric made with, 1,128,624 —,fabric, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, i. 181 905; 1,181,906 —, feathers, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1 181,905; 1,181,906 —, fibers, animal, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181 905; 1,181,906 — flax, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 thiosulfate made with, INDEX OF Alkali sulfite, flotation process using, 1,486,297; 1,469,042 —,formaldehyde made with, 1,143,114 —,furs, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,hair, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,hemp, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,indigo, leuco derivatives of, made using, 1,247,927 —, ink, printing, paper, removal from of, using, 1,249,575 —,jute, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,lead sulfide, zine sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042; 1,486,297 —,mfr. of, alkali bicarbonate for, 1,164,649 —,—, alkali bisulfite for, 1,164,649 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,164,649 —,—, apparatus for, 1,164,649 —,—, process for, 1,164,649; 1,502,213 —, nitrodextrin made using, 1,504,986 —,nitrodextrin stabilized using, 1,504,986 —, nitrostarch made using, 1,504,986 —,nitrostarch stabilized using, 1,504,986 —, paper, ink, printing, removal of from, using, 1,249,575 —,paraformaldehyde, solvent for contg., 1,170,624 —, photographic developer contg., 1,158,011 —,photographic image, toning of, using, 1,499,749 —,pine wood, blue discoloration of prevented by the use of, 1,514,693 —., plastic made with, 1,128,624 —,pyrite, zinc sulfide separated from using, 1,469,042 —,ramie, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,rhea, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,silk, artificial, made with, 1,128,624 —,—,—,dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,—, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —, sulfur made with, 1,359,114 —, thioindigo, leuco derivatives of, made using, 1,247,927 —, trioxymethylene, 1,170,624 —,wood, blue discoloration of prevented by the use of, 1,514,693 —,—, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,zine sulfide, bornite separated from using, 1,469,042 solvent for contg., —,—,chaleopyrite separated from using, 1,469,042 —,—,lead sulfide separated from using, 1,486,297; 1,469,042 —,—, pyrite separated from using, 1,469,042 Alkali sulfocarbonate, see Alkali thiocarbonate Alkali sulfocyanate, see Alkali thiocyanate Alkali sulfonate, cylinder stock, treatment of using, 1,439,171 SUBJECTS 327 Alkali sulfonate, fat, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —,gas oil, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,gasolene, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, kerosene, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, lubricating oil, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,machine oil, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —, naphtha, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —,naphtha, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,oil, mineral, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —,—,—, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, paraffin, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —,—, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,paraffin distillate, treatment 1,439,171 —, paraffin slops, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, paraffin wax purified with, 1,438,985 —,petroleum, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,resins, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —,scale wax, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, slack wax, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,sunflower oil, emulsion of, made _ using, 1,230,599 —, wax, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —,see Alkali sludge sulfonates Alkali sulforicinoleate, dyestuff made with, 1,175,997 Alkali sulfo-stannate, tin made with, 1,124,174 Alkali tannate, insulation, electric, made with, 1,227,465 —, molded article made with, 1,227,465 Alkali tartrate, ammonia producing catalyst made with, 1,473,543 —,blue print paper made with, 1,500,433 —, catalyst made with, 1,473,543 —,water softener contg., 1,162,024 Alkali test paper, mfr. of, cardboard for, 1,238,123 | —,—, celluloid for, 1,238,123 —,—, malachite green for, 1,238,123 —,—, paper for, 1,238,123 —,—, process for, 1,238,123 Alkali tetraborate, formaldehyde made with, 1,143,114 —, paraformaldehyde, 1,170,624 —, trioxymethylene, solvent for contg., 1,170,624 Alkali thiocarbonate, antiseptic made with, 1,145,634 —,bactericide made with, 1,145,634 —, thio-protein compounds made with, 1,145,634 Alkah thiocyanate, bismuth, electrodeposition of using, 1,194,438 —,cadmium, __ electrodeposition _ of 1,194,438 —,mfr. of, alkali sulfate for, 1,472,403 Alkali thiosulfate, mfr. of, alkali sulfide for, 1,492,488; 1,492,489 —,—, alkali,sulfite for, 1,492,488 ; 1,492,489 —,—,ammonia for, 1,127,219 ,—, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,127,219 —,—,polythionate for, 1,127,219 —,—, process for, 1,127,219; 1,492,488; 1,492,489 —,—, sulfur for, 1,492,488; 1,492,489° —,—, tetrathionate for, 1,127,219 of using, solvent for contg., using, 828 © Alkali thiosulfate, rubber latex, Hevea Brasili- ensis, coagulation of using, 1,145,351 —,—, Para, coagulation of using, 1,145, 351 Alkali titanate, aluminum oxide made with, 1,415,280 —, ammonia made with, 1,415,280 —,cyanides made with, 1,415,280 —,silicon dioxide made with, 1,415,280 —, ’ silicon nitride made with, 1 AIS, 280 —,silicon nitrogen compounds prepared with, 1 415,280 —, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,263,707 Alkali titano-fluoride, electrode, arc-lamp, made with, 1,281,796 Alkali trinitroresorcinate, contg., 1,308,393 Alkali tungstate, 1,124,143 —, alkali metal made with, 1,124,143 — ’ hydrochloric acid made with, 1,124,143 —,hydrogen made with, 1,124, 143 —, mfr. of, alkali bicarbonate ‘for, 1,261,383 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,261,383 —,—,hubnerite for, 1,261,383 —,—, process for, 1,261,883 —,—,scheelite for, 1,261,383 —, tungsten ore for, 1,261,383 —, Be ein baten made with, 1,124,143 —,tungsten(ic) acid made with, 1,261,883 —,tungsten steel from, 1,300,279 Alkali uranate, uranium oxide made with, 1,224,013 Alkali vanadate, aluminum oxide made with, 1,415,280 —,ammonia made ahi 1,415,280 —,cyanides made with, 1,415,280 —, silicon dioxide made ‘with, 1,415,280 —, silicon nitride made with, 1,415,280 —,silicon nitrogen compounds prepared with, 1,415,280 —,vanadium steel from, 1,800,279 Alkali violet, soap, transparent, made with, 1,475,663 Alkali waste, see Calcium sulfide Alkala zanthate, see Alkalt ethyl-xanthate Alkali zincate, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,263,707 Alkali ‘zine alginate, 1,162,926 —,fabric coated with, 1,162,926 —,leather coated with, 1,162,926 —,mfr. of, alkali alginate for, 1,162,926 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,162,926 —,—, process for, 1,162,926 —,—, zine sulfate for, 1,162 926 —, paper coated with, 1 162 926 —,pasteboard made with, 1 162,926 —, textile coated with, 1 162, ‘926 Alkali zincate, battery, primary, made with, 1,219,074 —, zine sulfide made with, Alkali zine perborate, 1,185,216 Alkali zirconate, aluminum oxide made with, 1,415,280 —, ammonia made with, 1,415,280 —,cyanides made with, 1,415,280 priming charge alkali cyanide made with, cardboard coated with, 1,171,246 mir. of, process for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkali zirconate, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,150,772; 1,502,422 —,— white, made with, 1,150,772 —, ’ silicon dioxide made with, 1,415,280 —, ‘silicon nitride made with, 1,415 280 —, ’ silicon nitrogen compounds prepared with, 1 415,280 —, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,263,707 —, zirconium oxide, white, made with, 1,158,769 Alkaloids, cinchona, compound of with 2- phenyl-quinoline-4-carboxylic acid, Re-15,127 (1,213,464) —, colloidal suspensions of, preparing, carra- gheen, ethyl ether of, for, 1 444,257 —,desoxycholic acid, addition product of and, 1,252,212 —.,extraction of, 1,447,400 —,—, amyl] alcohol for, 1,504,588 —,—, apparatus for, 1,504,588 —,—, benzene for, 1,504,588 —,—,tso-butyl alcohol for, 1,504,588 —,—, ethyl acetate for, 1,504,588 —,—, iso-propyl alcohol for, 1,504, 588 —-,— 4, process for, 1,300,747; 1 504, 588 —,upecac, see Ipecac —, fr. of, 1,447,400 —, paint made with, 1,127,831 —, precipitation of, aluminum magnesium sili- cate for, 1,300, 747 —,—, clay for, 1,800,747 —,—, magnesium silicate for, 1,300,747 —,—, process for, 1,300,747 —, purification of, process for, 1,300,747 —,silk treated with, 1,318,339 Alkaloid bases, colloidal suspensions of, pre- paring, albumen for, 1,444,257 —,—,—, benzyl cellulose for, 1,444,257 —,—,—, benzyl starch for, 1 444 257 —,—,—, carragheen, methyl ether of, for, 1,444,257 —,—,—, cellulose ether for, 1,444,257 —,—,—, dextrin ether for, 1 444, 257 —,—,—, ’ ethyl cellulose for, 1 dA 257 —,—,—,ethyl dextrin for, 1 44 257 —,—,—, ethyl starch for, 1,444,257 —,—,—, gelatin for, 1 444 257 —,—,—,glutin for, 1 444 257 —,—,—, gums for, i 444 257 —, —, —, inulin, ethyl ether of, for, 1,444,257 —,—, —, —, methyl ether of, for, 1,444,257 —,—,—, lichenin, ethyl ether of, for, 1,444,257 ——,— methyl ether of, for, 1,444 oot —,—,—, methyl! cellulose for, 1,444 257 ,—,—, methyl] dextrin for, 1 Ad4 257 ,—,—, methyl starch for, 1 444 257 —,—,—, mucilages for, 1 AAA O57 —,—, —, ’nucleinic acids for, 1,444 257 —,—,—, proteid for, 1,444 257 —,—,—, soaps for, 1,444, 257 —,—,—, tragacanth for, 1,444,257 —,—, polysaccharide ether for, 1,444,257 Alkaloid-choleic acid, mfr. of, process for, 1,252,212 Alkaloid precipitants, 1,271,111 Alkaloid precipitating agent, cellulose ether, composition of and, 1,505,044 —, ethyl cellulose, composition of and, 1,505,044 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alkaloid precipitating agent, filament, artificial, made with, 1,505,044 —, film made with, 1,505,044 —, ; leather, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 — ‘methyl cellulose, composition of and, 1 005,044 —, paper, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 _ —, plastic made with, 1,505,044 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,505,044 —, sizing made with, 1,505 044 —, textile, coating for, made with. 1,505,044 Alkaloid salts, arsenical solution contg., 1 456, 509 —., insecticide contg., 1,456,509 —, paint, anti- fouling, made with, 1,456.509 —,sclvent for, arsenic tribromide as, 1,456,509 —,— —., bromine as, 1,456,509 —,—, ’ phthalylchloride as, 1,456.509 —,—,tetrachlornaphthalene as. 1,456,509 —, -—, tribromacetic acid as, 1,456 509 —-, ‘wood, preservative for, contg., 1,456,509 Alkamine amino- -alkoxy-benzoic acid ester, mfr. of, 1,317,250 —, solvent for, acetone as, 1,317,250 —,—, alcohol as, 1,317 250 —,— ’ benzene for, 1,317 ,250 —,—, ’ ether as, 1,317,250 —,—, water as, 1,317,250 Alkamine m-aminoanisic acid ester, mfr. of, 1,317,250 Alkamine o0- -aminomethoxybenzoic acid ester, mfr. of, 1,317,250 Alkamine p-aminomethoxybenzoic acid ester, mfr. of, 1,317,250 Alkamine amino-toluic acid ester, 1,817,251 Alkanes, see Hydrocarbons, aliphatic; Hydro- carbon, paraffin Alkanet, ‘nail polish contg., 1,388,546 Alkanet. root, polish colored with, 1,445,034 —, polish contg., 1,410,041 —, stone dyed with, 1 396 118 Alkene, see Hydrocarbon, olefin Alkines, see Hydrocarbon, acetylene Alkoxy-benzoic acid, vulcanization process using, 1,467,197 Alkyl acetate, 1,184,164 —, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,365,050; 1,365,051; 1 365,052 —, —, acetic acid, waste, for, 1,260,977 —,—, alkali for, 1 065 050 —,—, alkali earth for, 1,365,050 —,—, alkyl hydrogen sulfates for, 1,486,646 —,—, Burton oil for, 1,486,646 —,—, calcium acetate for, 1,365,050; 1,365,051; 1,365,052; 1,486,646 mfr. of, finish remover made _ with, 1,365,050; —,—, easolene for, 1,365,051; 1,365,052; 1,486,646 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,365,052 —,—, hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,365,050; are O51; 1,365,052; 1 486, 646 —, hydrochloric acid for, 1,365,050; 1,365,052 —,—, lime for, 1,365,050 —,— — methyl alcohol for, 1,260,977 —,—, naphtha for, 1,486, 646 —,—, nitric acid for, 1 365 050 O29 Alkyl acetate, mfr. of, olefines for, 1,365,050; 1,365,051 —,—, petroleum for, 1,365,050; 1,365,051 —,—, petroleum, cracked, for, 1 486,646 —, phosphoric acid for, 1,365,050; 1,865,052 —,—,process for, 1,260,977 ; 1,365,050 ; 1,365,051 ; 1,365,052; 1,486,646 —,—, pyroligneous acid for, 1,260,977 —,—,pyrosulfurie acid for, 1,365 050 —,shale oil for, 1,365 051 —., shale oil, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —,—, ’ sodium acetate for, 0 365 050: 1,365,051 —,—, "sodium carbonate for, 1 365 050; 1 365 051; 1 486 646 —, sulfuric acid for, 1,260,977; I 365 051; 1,865,052; 1 486, 646 ——, sulfuric acid, fuming, for, 1,365,050 —, paint remover made with, 1 184 164 —, varnish remover made with, 1 184, 164 Alkyl alcohol, alkyl sulfate made with, 1,399,238 —, mfr. of, alkyl hydrogen sulfate for, 1,486 646 —,—, Burton oil for, 1,486,646 — nee gasolene for, 1 ‘486, 646 —, —, hydrocarbons for, 1 486,647 1,365,050; —,—, hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,486,646; ae 647 —, kerosene for, 1,486,647 —., lubricating oil for, 1,486,647 —,—, naphtha for, 1,486, 646 —,—, petroleum, cracked, for, 1,486,646; 1,486,647 —, process for, 1,486,646; 1,486,647 —,—,shale oil, cracked, for, 1,486,646 ,—, sodium chloride for, 1,486,646 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,486,646 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,486,646; 1,486,647 —,—, water for, 1,486,646 Alky] allyl amino alcohol, p-aminobenzoic acid, esters of and, 1,476, 934 Alkyl amino compounds, aromatic, mfr. of, 1,426,380 b-Alkylamino- ethylaminobenzoic alkyl esters, mfr. of, 1,334,642 (bis-p- )-Alkylaminophenylarsenic acids, mfr. of, 1,440,621 (mono)-Alkylaminophenylarsenic acids, mfr. of, 1,440,621 Alkylammonium dithiocarbamates, process for, 1,497,699 Alkyl anilines, producing, 1,429,714 Alkyl aralkyl cellulose, celluloid substitute made with, 1,451,331 —, coating composition made with, 1,451,331 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,451,331 —,film, motion picture, made with, 1,451,331 —,—, photographic, made with, 1,451,331 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,451,331 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,451,331 —, varnish made with, 1,451,331 Alkyl-aryl-amines, mfr, of, process for, 1,221,077 Alkyl bromidés, alkyl ethers from, 1 459 177 —, carbohydrate ether made with, ‘71 504 17 8 —., cellulose ether made with, 1 504, 178 —, ’ dextrin ether made with, i 504, 178 —, ’ ethers made with, 1,459, 177 —, ’ starch ether made with, 1,504, 178 flotation 330 Alkyl cellulose, cellulose ether made with, 1,502,379 —,see also Cellulose ethers Alkyl chlorides, alkyl ethers from, 1,459,177 —, benzine made with, 1,325,299 —, carbohydrate ether made with, 1,504,178 —, catalyst contg., benzine made with, 1,825,299 —, cellulose ether made with, 1,504,178 —, dextrin ether made with, 1,504,178 —,ethers made with, 1,459,177 —,mfr of, hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,518,182 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,518,182 —,—, process for, 1,518,182 —,starch ethers made with, 1,350,820; 1,504,178 Alkyl compounds, aliphatic dialkylamino, prep- aration of, 1,429,922 Alkyl dextrin, see Dextrin ether Alkyl dithiocarbamates, flotation process for, 1,497,699 Alkylenes, see Hydrocarbon, olefin Alkylenes, see also Olefine Alkylene chlorhydrins, alkylene cyanhydrins from, 1,388,016 —, mfr. of, 1,388,016 Alkylene oxides, alkylene cyanhydrins from, 1,388,016 —,mfr. of, 1,446,872 —, properties of, 1,446,872 Alkyl esters, cellulose ether made with, 1,188,376 —, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,478,498 —,—,acetic anhydride for, 1,478,498 —,—,acids for, 1,478,498 —,—, acids, aliphatic, for, 1,478,498 —,—,—, aromatic, for, 1,478,498 —,—, alcohols for, 1,478,498 —,—, alcohols, polyhydric, for, 1,478,498 —,—, anhydrides for, 1,478,498 —,—, apparatus for, 1,478,498 —,—, Burton oil for, 1,486,646 —,—,coke for, 1,478,498 —,—,ethers for, 1,478,498 —,—, ethylene for, 1,478,498 —,—,gasolene for, 1,486,646 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,478,498 —,—, hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,486,646 —,—, naphtha for, 1,486,646 —,—, nitric acid for, 1,478,498 —,—,nitrogen oxides for, 1,478,498 —,— —, petroleum, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —,—, phthalic anhydride for, 1,478,498 —,—, process for, 1,478,498; 1,486,646 —,—, propylene for, 1,478,498 —,—, propyl ether for, 1,478,498 —,—~,shale oil, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,486,646 —,—,sulfur dioxide for, 1,478,498 —,—, sulfur trioxides for, 1,478,498 —,—, zine chloride for, 1,478,498 —, phthalic anhydride for, 1,478,498 —, starch ethers made with, 1,350,820 —,alkyl hydrogen sulfate made with, 1,484,249 Alkyl ether of cellulose, see Cellulose ether Alkyl formate, mfr. of, Burton oil for, 1,486,646 —,—,gasolene for, 1,486,646 —,—, hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,486,646 —,—, naphtha for, 1,486,646 —,—, petroleum, cracked, for, 1,486,646 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alkyl formate, mfr. of, process for, 1,486,646 —,—, shale oil, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,486,646 Alkyl halide, alcohols made with, 1,253,055 —,alkyl ethers, mixed, mfr. from, 1,459,177 —, carbohydrate ethers made with, 1,488,355 —,cellulose ether made with, 1,188,376; 1,483,738; 1,505,048 —, compound (CsHwOs)n, ethers of, made with, 1,488,355 —, dextrin ethers made with, 1,488,355 —,ethers made with, 1,459,177 —,ethyl amine made with, 1,471,213 —, hexamethylenetetramine, condensation prod- uct of and, 1,471,213 —,rubber, vulcanization of, accelerator for, made with, 1,471,213 —, starch ethers made with, 1,488,355 —,triethyltrimethylenetriamine made 1,471,213 Alkyl hydrogen sulfates, acetates made with, 1,365,050 —, alkyl acetates made with, 1,365,050; 1,486,646 —,alkyl alcohol made with, 1,486,646 —,esters made with, 1,365,050 —,formation from olefines, 1,418,368 —,mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,484,249 —,—, alkyl ether for, 1,484,249 —,—,alkyl sodium sulfate for, 1,484,249 —,—, Burton oil for, 1,486,646 —,—, gasolene for, 1,486,646 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,486,647 olefin, for, with, —,—, hydrocarbon, 1,486,646; 1,486,647 —,—, kerosene for, 1,486,647 —,—, lubricating oil for, 1,486,647 —,—,naphtha for, 1,486,646 —,—, olefines for, 1,365,050; meee or, 1,484 249 ; —,petroleum, cracked, —, 1,486,646 ; 1,486,647 —,—, process for, 1,484,249; 1,486,646; 1,486,647 . —,—, shale oil, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,484,249; 1,486,647 —,—,sulfurie acid, fuming, for, 1,484,249 —,—, sulfur trioxide for, 1,484,249 N-Alkyl-hydroxy-aminoaryl compound, mfr. of, 1,316,804 Alkyl iodides, alkyl ethers from, 1,459,177 —, carbohydrate ether made with, 1,504,178 —, cellulose ether made with, 1,504,178 —,dextrin ether made with, 1,504,178 —,ethers made with, 1,459,177 —,starch ether made with, 1,504,178 Alkyl lead sulfate, see Lead alkyl sulfate Alkyl magnesium halide, alcohol, primary, made with, 1,315,619 Alkyl perchlorate, explosive contg., 1,457,709 —, preparation of, 1,457,709 Alkylphenylammonium iodide, dimethyl ani- line mfr. with, 1,413,494 Alkyl propionate, cellulose ether solvent contg., 1,473,217 —,ethyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,473,217 Alkyl sodium sulfate, alkyl hydrogen sulfate made with, 1,484,249 Alkyl starch, see Starch ether 1,486,646 ; INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alkyl! succinate, cellulose ether contg., 1,473,219 —, ethyl cellulose contg., 1,473,219 Alkyl sulfates, catalyst in celluose acetate mfr., 1,445,382 —, cellulose acetate mfr. with, 1,445,382 —, cellulose ether made with, 1 188, 376 —, mfr. of, alkyl alcohol for, 1,399 938 —,— apparatus for, 1,899,238 —,—, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,899,238 —, contact gas for, 1,399 238 —, process for, 1 399 238 —, sulfuric acid, fuming, for, 1,899,238 —,—, ’ sulfur trioxide for, 1,399 238 —,starch ethers made with, 1,350 820 Alkyl sulfuric acid, alcohols from, 1,412 233 —, formation of, 1 12 233 —, mfr. of, 1,399 238 —; see also Alkyl sulfate ; esters of N-Alkyl-toluenesulfonamide, tute made with, 1,353,385 —, cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,853,385 —,dope made with, 1,353,385 —, film made with, 1,353,385 —, mfr. of, ammonia for, 1,353,385 —,—, chlorsulfonic acid for, 1 353 385 —,—, process for, 1,353,385 —,—, toluene for, 1 353. 385 —,—, toluene sulfochlorides for, 1,353,385 —,—, toluenesulfonamide for, 1 303,089 — silk, artificial, made with, 1,353 385 N-Alkyl-o -toluenesulfonamides, celluloid substi- tute made with, 1,501,206 —, cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,501,206 —,dope made with, 1,501,206 —, film made with, 1,501,206 —,mfr. of, ammonia for, 1,501,206 —,—,chlorsulfonic acid for, 1,501,206 —, dimethyl sulfate for, 1,501,206 —,—,ethylamine for, 1,501,206 —,—, ethyl sulfuric acid for, 1,501,206 —,—,methylamine for, 1,501,206 —,—, process for, 1,501,206 —,—, toluene for, 1,501,206 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,501,206 N-Alkyl-p-toluenesulfonamides, celluloid sub- stitute made with, 1,501,206 —, cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,501,206 —, dope made with, 1,501,206 —,film made with, 1,501,206 —, mfr. of, ammonia for, 1,501,206 —,—,chlorsulfonic acid for, 1,501,206 —,—,dimethy] sulfate for, 1,501,206 eae ethylamine for, 1,501,206 Sulfuric acid, alkyl celluloid substi- —,ethyl sulfuric acid for, 1,501,206 —, methylamine for, 1,501 206 —,—, process for, 1,501 206 —,—, toluene for, 1,501. ,206 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,501.206 N-Alkyl-xylenesulfonamides, celluloid substi- tute made with, 1,353,384; 1,353,385 —, cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1 501 206 —,film made with, 1,353,384; 1,353, 385 — ’ dope made with, 1 353 384; 1,353,385 —,mfr. of, ammonia for, 1,353 384: 1,353,385 ; 1 01 206 331 N-Alkyl-xylenesulfonamides, mfr. of, chlorsul- fonic acid for, 1,353,384; 1 353, 385 ; 1 001,206 —, — ethylamine for, 1 353 384; 1 353 389; 1 501 ,206 —,—,methylamine for, 1,353,384; 1,353,385; 1,501,206 —,—, process for, 1,353,384; 1,353,385; 1,501,206 —,—, xylene for, 1 353 384; 1 353 385: 1 501 206 —,—, m-xylene for, 1,353 384: 1 353 385 —,—, 0-xylene for, 1,353, 384 ; Mi 353 385 —,—, p-xylene for, 1,353 384: 1 353 385 —,—, xylene-sulfochlorides for, 1,353,384 ; 1,353,385 —,—, xylenesulfonamides for, 1,353,384; 1,353,385 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,353,384; 1,383.385 Allophanoids, voleanic rock contg., 1274 ,560 —, water purified with, 1,274,560 —, see also Gesteins glass: Rock glass ; Volcanic glass Allene, isoprene made with, 1,218,332 —, rubber, synthetic, made with, 1 218 oo2 —, see also H ydrocarbon, diolefin Allium, see Garlic Allium oil, see Garlic oil Allium sativum, see Garlic Allocain A, mfr. of, alkali 1,399,312 —, benzoic anhydride for, 1,399,312 —, benzoyl chloride for, 1,399 312 —,—,ethyl bromide for, 1,399 312 —,—, ethyl] halide for, 1,399 312 —,—, ethyl iodide for, 1,399,312 —, —, hydrochloric acid for, 1,399,312 —,—, N-ethyl-mydriatin for, 1 399 312 —, mydriatin for, 1,399, 312 —,—, mydriatin chloride for, 1,899,312 —,mydriatin sulfate for, 1,399,312 —, process for, 1,399,312 —, eee also Benzoyl (mono) ethylmydriatin Allocain S, mfr. of, alkali carbonate for, 1,399,312 —,— , benzoic anhydride for, 1,399,312 —,— * benzoyl chloride for, 1,399 o12 —,—,N.N -diethyl-mydriatin for, 1,399,312 —,—, ethyl bromide for, 1,399 312 —,—, ethyl halide for, 1 399, 312 —,—, ethyl iodide for, 1 399, 312 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,399,312 —,—, mydriatin for, 1,899 312 carbonate for, —,—, mydriatin chloride for, 1,399,312 —,—,mydriatin sulfate for, 1,399 312 —, process for, 1,899,312 —, ’ see also Benzoyldiethylmydriatin Allomaleic acid, see Fumaric acid Allophanamide, see Biuret Allos, manganese, producing, 1,363,657 —, nickel-chromium-iron, see Nichrome Alloy, acid-progof, composition of, 1,509,624 —,—, iron-silicon, mfr. of, 1,444 891 —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,314 417 —, "acid resistant, 1,389,446; 1,422 096 —,—,carbon in, 1,375,672; 1,375,673 —,—, chromium i in, 1 375, 672: 1 375 673 —,—, ’ formula for, 1 350, 166; 1 351 Sil 332° UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alloy, acid resistant, formula, chromium 40, carbon 105, molybdenum 4-6, manganese, iron, 1,375,081 —,—, mfr. of, 1,800,058; 1,452,282; 1,453,928 —,—, —, chromium 60, iron 39.7-39.2, carbon —,—,—,copper in, 1,305 551 0.3- 0.8, 1,333,706 —,—,— —, electrolytic method for, 1,293,426 —,—,—, silicon 2-4, carbon 2-5, balance iron, —,—,—,iron in, 1,305,551 1,375 672 —,—,—, Magnesium in, 1,310,309; 1,310,310 Alloy, aluminum, lead and magnesium in, 1,385,223 —,—,—,copper 73-76, nickel 17.5-20, tin 3.5- —,—,—, manganese in, 1,305,551 2-5, lead 6-1 5, 1,442 742 —,—,—, nickel in, 1,305,551 —,—,—, nickel, moly bdenum, iron, silicon, —,—,process for, 1,805,551; 1,310,309; manganese, ‘magnesium, vanadium and/or 1310, 310: 1,318,702; 1,453,245 cobalt, 1,375,082; 1,875,083 —,—, —, uranium in, 1,310, '309 : 1,310,310 —,—, iron in, 1,375,672; 1,375,673 —,—,lead-thallium, 1,384,056 —,—, mfr. of, 1,875,672; 1,375,673 —,——,silicon in, 1,375,672 —, air, cleaning ‘of using, 1,515,949 —, ’ airplane motors made with, 1,300,058 —, airplane propeller made with, 1,343, 191 —,alkali bicarbonate, treatment with of, 1,471,751 —, alkali carbonate, treatment with of, 1,471,751 —, alkali earth bicarbonate, treatment with of, — melting of scrap, 1,292 582 —,molybdenum, mfr. ‘of, 1,453, 254 aS ee ‘nickel, copper, manganese and iron, mfr. of, 1,305,551 —,—,nickel and copper, mfr. of, 1,805,551 —,—, phosphorus in, 1,254,854 Taiko steel, coating ‘of using, 1,171,85 —, steel ‘and iron united in bath ty 1,455,307 —,—,tin in, 1,254,854 — titanium in, 1,318,702 annie in, 1,304,224 1,471,751 che vanadium in, 1,318,702 —,alkali earth hydroxide, treatment with of, —,—,waterpurifying apparatus __ electrode 1,471,751 contg., 1,446,029 —, alkali earth metals in, Re-15,407 (1,412,280); —,—, zinc in, 1,318,702 1,123,685; 1,158,672; 1,169,392; 1,359,813; —}— see also Electron metal; Ferro-aluminum 1,500,954 —,aluminum-barium, nitrogen oxide mfr. with —, alkali hydroxide, treatment with of, 1,471,751 —, alkali metal in, 1,123,685; 1,500,954 —,alloy, coating of with, 1,281,108 —,alloying mfr. of, see Iron, rust-proof, mfr. of ; Steel rust-proof, mfr. of electrode of, 1,266, 717 —, aluminum-beryllium, mifr. | cot, 1,266,717; 1,359,813 —, aluminum ‘bronze, mfr. of, 1,300,058 —, aluminum-caesium, nitrogen oxide 1,254,987 ; mfr. 1,365,178 —,—,calcium in, 1,412,280 —,aluminum in, Re-15,407 (1,412,280) ; with, electrode of, 1,266,717 1,126,484; 1 128,726; 1,130,785; 1,132,376; —,aluminum-calcium, nitrogen oxide mfr, with 1,134,788; 1,136,670; 1,146,185; 1,147,398; electrodes of, 1,266,717 1,151,160; 1,156,093; 1,158,671; 1,162,226; __ aluminum-cerium, nitrogen oxides mfr. 1,164,997; 1,165,448; 1,168,962; 1,171,856; with electrode of, 1,266,717 1,180,996; 1,194,101; 1,196,118; 1,203,180; —,aluminum coated with, mfr. of, apparatus ee 1,212,374; ae ; “Osbiaytes for, 1,172,160 1,227,569; 1,239,854; ALTE Ces (L248 BAS. pre oe eis : . 1258261; 1,261,987; 1,264,459; 1,267,669; _’_’_’ Rune re 1,273,146; 1,273,762; 1273877; 1,276,916; Nie he iB , hydrogen dioxide tie 1.172.160 1,277,046; 1,278,304; 1,280,706; 1,305,166; nae eS at otassium hydroxide For 1 172 160 1/305,300;- 1319537; 1,341,774; 1,344,165; tpt ROMA OO 1,246,1905 21871214" 4.1 376.056.) VS76 062s) Rae ea ee 721 1376339: 1382147: 1.421471: 1422591; —»—»— Sodium Soe ot Bes ae 1,439,865; 1,449,052; 1,453,928; 1,468,828; >>> ,sodium hydroxide for 1472'738: 1472739; 1/472'740; 148079, —» aluminum-copper, 1,387,900 1,480,846: 1,481,782: 1,483.27; 1,485,158: —»— formation of, 1,346,062 1,490,696; 1,492,282; 1,493,191; 1,496,269; —>— formula, aluminum 98, copper 2; 1,326,775 1508032: 1,509,608: 1,510,242: 1,513,806: —,— mfr. of, 1,305,300; 1,453,254 1,514,064 —,aluminum-copper-calcium, preparing, —,aluminum, arsenious acid for slagging, 1,359,818 —,aluminum-copper-zinc, mfr. of, 1,305,300 —,aluminum-iron, explosive contg., 1,410,868 —,—, castings made with, 1,293,426 —,—,chromium, mfr. of, 1,453,254 —, copper in, 1,318, 702 —,—, copper, iron, mfr, of, 1,453,254 —,—, formula for, 1,449, 052 —,—, formula, aluminum 96-98; tin 33/4- 111/16, phosphorus 3/4-3/16, 1,254,854 —,—,hardness increased of, process for, 1,326,775 —,—,iron, coating of using, 1,171,856 —,—, formation of, 1,846,062 —,—,magnetic properties of, 1,358,810 —,—,mfr. of, 1,396,276 —,aluminum-lanthanum, nitrogen oxides mfr. with electrode of, 1,266,717 —,aluminum lithium, nitrogen oxide mfr. with electrode of, 1,266,717 —, aluminum-magnesium, 1,410,868 improving, explosive contg., INDEX OF SUBJECTS 333 Alloy, aluminum-magnesium-sodium, forma- Alloy, arsenic, separation of from, apparatus tion of, 1,457,225 for, 1,283,427 —,—,mfr. of, 1,305,166; 1,359,813 —,—,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,283,427 —,—,—, process for, 1,258,261 —,—,—, charcoal for, 1,283,427 —,—,—, vanadium in, 1,305,166 —,—,—,coke for, 1,283,427 —,—,metal scavenged with, 1,460,830 —,—,—,iron for, 1,283,427 —,aluminum-magnesium-vanadium, mfr. of, —,—, —, lime for, 1,283,427 1,305,166 —,—,—, limestone for, 1,283,427 —, aluminum-manganese, mfr. of, 1,453,254 —«,——,--~, process for, 1,283,427. —, aluminum-manganese-silicon, explosive —,—,substitute for phosphorous copper, contg., 1,410,868 1,340,437 —, aluminum-manganese-zince, 1,358,147 —, arsenious acid for slagging, 1,356,178 —,aluminum-monel metal, mfr. of, 1,305,551 —, arsine produced by, 1,388,279 —,aluminum-nickel, hardness curve for, —,asbestos cement slate coated with, process 1,278,304 for, 1,258 282 —,—, mfr. of, 1,453,254 —,asbestos composition coated with, process —, aluminum-nickel-silicon, hardness curve for, for, 1,258,282 1,278,304 —, automobile radiators coated with, 1,428,638 —;—-, tir, of, 1461,178 é —,barium in, 1,142,220; 1,158,672; 1,158,674; —,aluminum-rubidium, nitrogen oxides mfr. 1,169,392; 1,492,282; 1,500,954 with electrodes of, 1,266,717 —, barium-lead, preparing, 1,359,813 —,aluminum-silicon, alkali metals in, 1,410,461 —, barium-lead-calcium, preparing, 1,359,813 —,—,explosive contg., 1,410,868 AS eia Ser Saale i —,—, iron improved by addition of, 1,396,276, pense icad, sroup znetals any) 1820)102 é —, barium-lead-magnesium, preparing, 1,859,813 Dae ns ue) (ante wien taro a barium-lead-manganese, preparing, 1,359,813 , 266 oii : ’ —,battery, storage, negative plate for made with, 1,475,503 —, —, producing, 1,464,625 —, bearing antifriction, made with, 1,494,099 —,—, properties of, 1,310,466 —,—, purifying, fluorides for, 1,387,900 —, bearing metal made with, 1,198,152 —, uate soldered using a flux of, 1,483,327 — beryllium in, 1,493,191 —, aluminum soldering, formula, zinc 49, tin 40, ape a te mir, of, | 1,254,987, i = 1m “eee ee ¢ ce eines wie seee ay ee cereutls th 1.198 646: 1,164,997; 1,194,101; —,aluminum-strontium, nitrogen oxides mfr. 1,239,854; 1,324,763; 1,421,471; 1,453,928: with electrodes of, 1,266,717 1,483,827 ; 1,497,011 ; 1,502,425; 1,513,806 —,aluminum-thorium, nitrogen oxides mfr, —,bismuth, airplane propeller made with, with electrodes of, 1,266,717 1,343,191 : i i —,aluminum-vanadium, mfr. of, 1,305,166 —,—,fire detecting wire made with, 1,235,028 —, aluminum yttrium, nitrogen oxides mfr. with —,—,formula contg., 1,452,750 | electrodes of, 1,266,717 —,—,hollow article made with, 1,135,962; —,aluminum-zine, aluminum chloride from, 1,343,191 1,455,005 —,—, lead, tin, rubber vulcanized by immersion —,—, formula, aluminum 85, zine 15, 1,326,775 in, 1,368,071 —, aluminum-zince-magnesium, mfr. of, 1,458,290 | —,—, molded article made with, 1,377,517 —, aniline, made using heating bath of, 1,213,148 —,—,molded article, hollow, made _ with, —,antifriction, formula, lead 79, antimony 12, 1,343,191; 1,504,547 tin 6, copper 2.5, phosphorous 0.5, 1,359,194 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate article made —,—,see also Babbitt metal with, 1,377,517 —,antimony in, 1,124,302; 1,158,671; 1,158,672; | —,—, printing plate made with, 1,377,517 1,158,673; 1,158,674; 1,158,675; 1,168,962; —,—,see also Bismuth-cadmium amalgam 1,194,101; 1,195,376; 1,203,991; 1,239,785; —,boron in, 1,126,629; 1,169,536; 1,203,180; 1,239,854; 1,247,977; 1,269,000; 1,280,908; 1,203,555; 1,489,116; 1,490,696; 1,493,191; 1,280,909; 1,286,921; 1,828,694; 1,421,471; 1,509,624 1,422,591; 1,425,330; 1,453,928; 1,468,407; —,boron-copper-calcium, preparing, 1,359,813 1,475,503; 1,497,011; 1,502,321; 1,502,425: —, brass in, 1,468,828 1,512,190; 1,513,806 —, brick coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —, antimony 3, aluminum 2.5, ferromanganese —,brush, electric, made with, 1,202,818; and iron 18, 1,421,471 1,281,716 : —, antimony, formula contg., 1,452,750 —, cadmium in, 1,133,019; 1,146,185; 1,191,890; —,—,iron, coating of using, 1,161,944; 1,341,774; 1,346,190 ; 1,168,663; 1,168,664 —,cadmium;’fire detecting wire made with, —,—,steel, coating of using, 1,161,944; 1,235,028 1,168,663; 1,168,664 —,—, formula contg., 1,452,750 | —,antimony-lead, iron coated with, 1,378,489 —,—,hollow article molded with, 1,135,962 —,antimony sulfide in, 1,138,845 —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,252,887 .. = arsenic in, 1,340,487; 1,359,064; 1,453,928 —,—, molded article made with, 1,377,517; 334 Alloy, cadmium, phenol aldehyde condensate article made with, 1,377,517 —,—, printing plate made with, 1,377,517 —,—,see also Bismuth-cadmium amalgam —,cadmium-copper, mfr. of, process 1,307,642 —,—, properties of, 1,307,642 —, cadmium-zinc-aluminum, aluminum chloride from, 1,455,005 for, —, calcium in, Re-15,407 (1,412,280) ; 1,142,220; 1,158,671; 1,169,392; 1,322,158; 1,341,774; 1,423,338; 1,472,738; 1,224,362: 1,490,696; 1,492,282: 1,493,191; 1,500,954 —, calcium alloy, 1,490, 696 —, ’ calcium-aluminum- -copper, preparing 1 009,813 —, calcium-copper-boron, preparing, 1,359,813 —,calcium cupride in, 1,500,954 —,calcium-lead, chloride reduced by, 1,388,086 —, calcium-lead-magnesium, preparing, 1.359,813 ,—, preparing, 1,359,813 —_— —,calcilum-magnesium, composition of, 1,322,158 —, calclum-magnesium 1,320,192 group metals —,calcium-silicon, properties of, 1,310,466 —,calcium vanadate in, 1,423,338 ,carbon in, 1,126,629; 1,187,411; 1,247,206; 1,273,877; 1,313,291 ; 1,346,189; 1,376,062; 1,468,937 ; 1,485,635; 1,495,504; 1,513,806; 1,187,412; 1,252,038 ; 1,279,828; 1,322,511; 1,357,549; 1,421,776; 1,473,208; 1,489,116 ; 1,504,338 ; 1,514,064; 1,162,186 ; 1,244,742: 1,252,596 ; 1,282,981 : 1,346,187: 1,357,550; 1,461,643; 1,475,942: 1,489,243: 1,508,032 : 1,520,033 1,166,342; 1.245.552: 1,268,495 : 1,287,153; 1,346,188 ; 1,376,056 ; 1,464,312; 1,483,298 ; 1,493,191; 793; 1,513 1,245,552; 1,261,987 ; 1,273,877 ; 1,279,828 ; 1,322,511: 1,346,190; 1,371,214: 1,449 338; 1,472,739; 1,480,779; 1,489,243 ; 1,508,032 ; 1,248,621 ; 1,270,519; 1,274,395; 1,292,981; 1,346,187; 1,346,,191; 1,376,056; 1,464,312: 1,472,740; 1,483,298; 1,493,191; 1,513,793; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 1,251,341; 1,270,520; 1,277,046; 1,287,153; 1,346,188; 1,357,549; 1,376,062; 1,468,937 ; 1,473,208; 1,485,158; 1,495,504 ; 1,513,806 ; 1,252,596; 1,273,762; 1,278,304; 1,313,291; 1,346,189; 1,357,550; 1,421,776; 1,472,738: 1,475,942: 1,485,635; 1,504,338; 1,514,064; in, —,case hardening boxes made of, 1,455,651 —, casting of, apparatus for, 1,245,687 —, carbon for, 1,172,506 —, graphite mold for, 1,172,506 —, graphite and sand mold for, 1,172,506 —,—,1ron mold for, 1,172,506 —, process for, 1,172,506; 1,245,687 —,—, sand mold for, 1,172,506 —,catalyst, hexamethylenetetramine with, 1,408,826 mfr. of, fat for, 1,257,396 —,—,—, oil for, 1,257, 396 —, process for, 1,257,396 ; nat (257, 531 —,—,—, water for, 1,257,397 —, cement, composition contg., process for, 1,258,282 —, cerium in, mfr. of, barium chloride for, 1,290,010; 1, ,290,011 —,—, —, kerosene for, 1,290,010; 1,290,011; —,—,—,potassium chloride for, 1,290,010; 1,290, 011 —,—,—, process for, 1,290,010; 1,290,011 —,—,—,sodium chloride for, 1,290,010; 1,290,011 —, chemically resistant, formula for, 1,357,550 —, chromium in, 1,150, 113; 1,166, 349: 1 166, 866 ; 1 167,827; 1 168, 074: 1 175 724: 1,181, ‘570; 1.203, 180: 1,203,555; : 1,221,769; 1 941 971; made 1,257,397; coated with 1,520,033 Alloy, chromium, aluminum, mfr. of, 1,453,254 —,—, brass, crucible for melting of, made with, 1,241,971 —,—,copper, crusible for melting of, made with, 1,241,971 —,— —, heat insulator, 1,301,675 —,—, "mfr. of, 1,346, 187 —,—, resistance of, 1,274,250 —,—, sodium furnace 1,321,892 —,—, vault, burglar proof, made with, 1,482,480 —,—, see also Ferro- chromium, Nichrome —,chromium 1-10%, mangnese 1-10%, nickel balance, 1,274,395 —, chromium-cobalt, 1,465,173 —,—, heat insulator, 1,301,675 —, chromium group metal in, 1,513,806 —, ’ chrominum group metal-iron, forming by pressure, 1,859,353 —, chromium-iron, preparing, 1,865,499 —,—,sheets of, mfr, of, 1,45 — ’ chromium-molybdenum, preparing, 1,865,499 —, ’ chromium-nickel, furnace for sodium cyanide mfr. made of, 1,307,362 —,—, heat insulator, 1 301 675 —,—, preparing, 1 365, 499 —, —, see Nickel-chromium alloy —, ’ chromium-steel, formula, chromium 20-60%, 1,333,654 —,chromium-tungsten, preparing, 1,365,499 —,clay as, 1,381,771 —, cleaning of, apparatus for, 1,518,989 —,—, boric acid for, 1,518 989 —,—, process for, 1,513,989 —,—,steam for, 1,513,989 —,coating of, alkali silicate for, 1,281,108 —,—,alloy for, 1,281,108 —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,281,108 —,—, metal for, 1,281,108 —, process for, 1,281,108 —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,281,108 —,cobalt in, 1,150,113; 1,151,160; cyanide made of, electrodeposition _ of, carbon-1.15%, 1,162,186; 1,166,342; 1,277,569; 1,248 621; 1,270,520; 1,322,511; 1,346,190; 1,376,056; 1,483,298; 1,495,504; 1,203,180; 1,229,037; 1,248,648; 1,273,762: 1,342,993; 1,346,191; 1,376,062 ; 1,489,116; 1,504,338; 1,203,555 ; 1,241,971; 1,257,272; 1,277,046; 1,346,188; 1,357,549; 1,449,338; 1,489,243; 1,514,064: 1,221,769; 1,247,206; 1,270,519; 1,278,304; 1,346,189 ; 1,357,550; 1,473,208; 1,493,191 ; 1,520,033 —, cobalt, brass, crucible for melting of, made with, 1,241,971 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 335 Alloy, cobalt, copper, crucible for melting of, Alloy, copper, nickel, chromium, thermo- -couple made with, 1,241,971 made with, 1,393 375 —,—, heat insulator, 1,301,675 —,—, steel, coating of using, 1,171,856; 1,244,414 —,—, magnetic properties of, 1,277,524 —,—, see “also Aluminum bronze; Copper — cobalt-aluminum, mfr, of, 453 254 amalgam ; Cupro-titanium ; Phosphor-bronze ; —, ’ cobalt- chromium, electrodeposition of, Phosphor-copper 1,465, 173 —, copper 85, nickel 15, bullet jacketed with, —,— heat Insulator, 1,301,675 1 307 865 —, , cobalt-magnesium, nickel- chromium-iron — Sat aan 1,387,900 alloy deoxidized with, 1,437,405 —,—, formation of, 1,346 062 —, colloidal solutions made with, 1,514,737 — , copper-aluminum- calcium, preparing, —, ‘columbium i in, 1,151,160; 1,248 621; 1 248, 648 ; 1 309,813 1,445, 253 —, copper article, hollow, made with, 1,250,802 —, columbium-nickel, preparing, 1,355,532 —, copper-bearing, dissolving, chlorine and cop- —, composition, chromium 5-2. 0%, nickel 25- per chloride for, 1,353,773 1.0%. iron balance, 1,291,220 —, copper-cadmium, effect of tin on, 1,307,642 —, conductor, electric, made with, 1,281,716 —,—,effect of zine on, 1,307,642 _ , constituents separated in, process for, —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,307,642 1 452,813 ao ests properties of, 1 307 642 —, copper in, Re-15,407 (1,412,280); 1,124,302; — , copper-calcium-boron, preparing, 1,359,813 1,126,484; 1,126,629; 1,127,624; 1,130,678; —, copper-iron, mfr. of, 1,455 89 1,130,785; 1,134,788; 1,138,845; 1,146,185; —,—,—, process for, 1,259 261: 1,310,449 1,147,398; 1,149,850; 1,151,744; 1,156,093; —, copper-manganese- -silver, catalyst in am- 1,158,671; 1,158,672; 1,158,673; 1,158,674; monia oxidation, 1,357,000 1,158,675; 1,162,226; 1,164,997; 1,165,448: —, copper-nickel, see Copper-nickel alloy 1,166,342; 1,168,074; 1,168,962; 1,169,536; — , copper-nickel-iron, mfr. of, 1,455,589 Prt ob eet 171.856; 1,175,652 1,175,724: — , copper-phosphorus, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,180,996; 1,187,411; 1,191,890; 1,199,200 ; 1,315,208 1,203,180; 1,208,555; 1,212.3 74: 1,217,578; | —,copper-silver, catalyst, 1,383,059 1,227,569; 1,228,017; 1.229, 037: 1,239,785; —,copper-sodium, see Copper-sodium couple 1,244,742; 1,245,552; 1.247 206; 1,247,977 ; —, copper-strontium, mfr. of, process for, 1,248,924; 1,258,261; 1,258,886; 1,261,987 ; 1,258,886 1,264,459; 1,265,150; 1,267,669; 1,273,146; — , copper-tin-zine, aluminum in, 1,446,332 1,276,916; 1,277,989; 1,279,448; 1,280,706; —,—, arsenic in, 1,446,332 1,285,231; 1,286,921; 1,305,300; 1,310,363; — boron in, 1,446,332 1,313,291; 1,314,417; 1,319,537; 1,321,063; — , cobalt in, 1,446,332 , 1,324,763; 1,328,694; 1,341,774; 1,344,165; —,—,iron and ‘steel united in bath of molten, 1,346,190; 1,359,064; 1,363,564; Re-15,208; 1,455,307 1,371,214; 1,375,804; 1,376,656; 1,377,089; —,—,magnesium in, 1 446,332 1,421,471; 1,422,591; 1,439, 865: 1,449,052; —,—,manganese in, 1,446,332 1,468,828; 1,468,937; 1,469, 191: 1,472,738; —,—, mfr. of, 1,446, 332 baAs2aa0; 1,472,740; 1 480 846: 1,481,782 ; —, molybdenum in, 1,446,332 1,483,827; 1,485,158; 1 490 696: 1,491,913; —,—,nickel in, 1,446, 332 1,493,191; 1,496,269; 1,500 954: 1,502,321--5 —, —, phosphorus i in, 1,446,332 1,502,425; 1,509,608; 1 510, 242: 1,510,541; —,—, potassium in, 1,446,332 1,512,190 —,—, silicon in, 1,446,332 —, copper, aluminum iron, mfr. of, 1,453,254 —, titanium in, 1,446,332 —, —, brass, manganese in, made with, 1 214 039 —, tungsten in, 1 446 332 —; bronze, manganese in, made with, —,—, uranium in, 1,446, 339 tii 214 039 —, vanadium in, 1 446, 332 —,—, copper alloy, manganese in, made with, —,—., zirconium in, 1,446,332 1 214 039 —, copper-zine, 1 (457 ,289 —,—, gold, palladium and platinum, 1,449,154 —,— iron united with copper alloys by, —,—, hardness increased of, process for, 1 359, 719 1,326,775 —,—, see also Copper-zinc couple —,—,iron, coating of using, 1,171,856 —, corrosion resistant, mfr. of, process for, —,—,—, nickel, silicon and zinc in, 1,360,773 1 004,338 —,—, iron coated with, made with, 1.244 ‘414 —,corrosium resisting, iron contg., over 0.5% —,—, Magnesium and silicon, mfr. of, 1 310 449 copper, 1,341,992 —,—,manganese, brass conte. ¥ made with, —, crucible, graphite, made with, 1,374,909 ; 1,214,539 1,374,9 ; —,—,—, bronze contg., made with, 1,214,539 —,—, ied made with, 1,374,910 —,—,—,copper alloy contg., made with, —, cupro-nickel, separating nickel _ from, 1,214, 539 1,377,713 —,—,—, process for, 1,268,849; 1,452,232 —,cutting tool, formula, nickel zirconium, —,—, metal coated with, made with, 1,244,414 aluminum, silicon, 1,350, 359 336 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alloy, cylinders of, chlorination apparatus Alloy, erbium in, mfr. of, process for, 1,290,010, made with, 1,141,266 1,290,011 —,—, cooling apparatus made with, 1,141,266 —, eutectic, electrical circuit protective device —,—, distillation, fractional, apparatus made made with, 1,501,018 with, 1,141,266 —, explosive made with, 1,357,865 —,—, gas, absorption of, apparatus made with, —, felt coated with, process for, 1,258,282 1,141,266 —,ferro-chromium in, 1,273,877 —,—,—, treatment of, apparatus made with, —,ferro-chromium, mfr. of, 1,430,878 1,141,266 —, ferro-manganese in, 1,421,471 —,—,—, washing of, apparatus made with, —, ferro-nickel in, 1,318,291 1,141,266 —, ferro-silico-magnesium, mfr. of, 1,876,113 —,—,hydrogenation apparatus made with, — ferro-silicon in, 1,882,147 1,141,266 —, fiber, coating of, with. 1,281,108 _eylinder walls, scored, repaired with, — fiber sheet made with, 1,215,064 1,404,001 — filament, artificial, spinneret for, made with, —,decomposing electrolytically, process for, 1,492,594 : 1,452,813 —, filter made with, 1,193,835 —, decopperizing ordnance with, 1,366,167 —,fire-arm, formula for, 1,346,189; 1,346,190; —, dental, amalgam made of, 1,278,744 1,346,191 —,—, chromium nickel steel as, 1,421,776 —,—, producing, formulas for, 1,346,188 —,—, copper in, 1,278,744 —, formula, aluminum 35% up, beryllium less —,—,formula, gold plate (22K) 72 grains, than 65%, 1,383,965 3 ee nickel 134 grains, copper 164 grains, platinum = —,—; aluminum, copper, magheslum, mangan- 2 grains, 1,376,656 ese, calcium, 1,412,280 —,—, purification of, apparatus for, 1,278,744 —,—, aluminum 94.25, copper 5, tin .38, silicon —,—,—, ethyl alcohol for, 1,278,744 30, 1,800,058 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,278,744 —,—, aluminum 88-90%, copper 12-10%, tita- —,—,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,278,744 nium 0.10%, 1,352,322 —,—,—, process for, 1,278,744 —,—, aluminum 80-100, copper 8-17, tungsten, —,—, silver in, 1,278,744 1,350,891 —,—, tin in, 1,278,744 —,—,aluminum 913, copper 64, zinc, 2, —,—, zinc in, 1,278,744 1,305,300 : —,dental implements, sterilizing of using, —— aluminum 78, copper 4, zinc 8, manganese 1,246,899 3 05, iron .07, 1,280,706 —,degasifying of, alkali earth metal for, —>— aluminum 7-12%, iron 3-5%, copper bal- 1,478,062 ance, 1,264,459 —,—, barium for, 1,478,062 —,—,aluminum 1, lead 1, tin 2, zine 2, bis- —,—, calcium for, 1,478,062 muth 1, antimony 1, 1,194,101 —,—,magnesium for, 1,478,062 —,—, aluminum and magnesium, 1,329,312 —,—, process for, 1,478,062 —, —, aluminum 94%, magnesium 0.5%, chro- —,—, strontium for, 1,478,062 mium, manganese, copper balance, 1,871,214 — de-oxidizing, manganese,-titanium for —,—, aluminum, magnesium, ferro-silicon, zir- 1,350,166 : i conium, 1,382,147 Laie i j , —,—, —, —, uranium, 2}; ' ao in, mfr. of, process for, 1,290,010; _? 7? ferro-silicon, iron, 1,382,146 —,—, aluminum (over 90%), manganese, mag- nesium, copper and chromium, 1,365,178 —,aluminum 0.5-6%, manganese 0.25-2%, —, dissolving, mercury for, 1,406,730 —, distilling, process of, 1,422,475 —., electrical, silver 9, nickel 1, 1,362,455 mney: 92-99 25%, 1,358,147 —, electrical contact, silver lead, 1,358,908 __ —, aluminum 80-92%, silicon 8-207, 1,387,900 —,—, silver-uranium in, 1,436,844 —,— aluminum 8.36, silicon, 3.80, zirconium —, electrical heating element, mfr. of, 1,460,048 6.84, nickel 81.00, 1,278,304 ——, electrical resistance, formula, chromium 380- —,—, aluminum 82, silver 1, copper 12, cad- 60%, copper-30-60%, tungsten 2-5%, molyb- mium, 1,146,185 denum 1-3%, 1,375,454 —,—,aluminum 100, tin 12,05, antimony 0.20, —,—,—, chromium 95%, tungsten 4%, alumi- phosphorous 0.09, copper 7.50, magnesium num 1%, 1,375,455 0.06, sodium carbonate (or potash) 0.06, —, —,—, nickel over 50%, cobalt 14%, titanium, sulfur 0.04, 1,422,591 1,337,276 —,—, aluminum 16, zinc 84, 1,417,348 —,—,—, nickel, iron, silicon, manganese, mag- —,—, aluminum, zinc, copper, 1,350,893 nesium, vanadium and/or cobalt, 1,375,082; —,—, aluminum 28, zine 36.5, copper 1.5-2.5, 1,375,083 1,344,165 . —,—, mfr. of, 1,464,312 ,—,aluminum 72, zinc 24-25, copper 3, — —, electric welding, formula for, iron 98.97, car- 1,293 426 bon 0.16, manganese 0.55, vanadium 0.25, —,—, aluminum 72.5-93.5%, zinc 4-25%, copper phosphorous 0.03, sulfur 0.03, silicon 0.01, 9-5%, iron 0.5-1.8%, magnesium 1,352,271; 1,350,317 ” 1,352,272 a INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alloy, formula, antimony, arsenic, boron, 1,338,279 —,—, antimony 10-13%, lead balance, 1,280,908; 1,280,909 —,—, bismuth, lead, tin, cadmium, 1,377,517 —,—, carbon 2-5, cobalt 35-65, chromium and tungsten, 1,376,056 —,—,chromium 20-60%, carbon 1-1.5%, iron balance, 1,333,654 —,—,chromium, iron, molybdenum, group metal, carbon, silicon, 1,357,550 —,—,—,—, Silicon, aluminum (vanadium, car- bon), 1,400,527 —,—, chromium 10-45, manganese 3-25, carbon 0-3, silicon 0-3%, iron balance, 1,333,151 —,—,chromium 18, manganese 23, silicon 0.3, carbon 0.2, iron 79, 1,475,942 —,—, chromium 9-20%, nickel 0.5%-3%, cop- per 0.20-2%, molybdenum 0.5-2%, vanadium 0.25-2%, silicon 0.5-2.5%, iron balance, 1,441,479 —,—, chromium 18, nickel 2.5, silicon 2, man- ganese 1.5, iron and carbon balance, 1,424,782 —,—,chromium, 10-35%, silicon 3-7%, alumi- num 3-20%, nickel balance, 1,273,877 —,—, chromium 20-35, tungsten 5-20, iron 1-15, cobalt and carbon, 1,376,062 —,—, cobalt 75%, molybdenum 20%, tin 5%, 1,434,246 —,—, cobalt 20-30, nickel 80-70, manganese, 1,842,993 —,—, copper, 86-88, aluminum 14-12, 1,267,669 —,—, copper 80, aluminum 10, molybdenum 5, tungsten 5, 1,319,537 —,—, copper 75-95%, aluminum 7-12%, nickel 2-7%, iron 1-6%, 1,369,818 —,—, copper, iron, tungsten nickel, 1,351,811 —,—, copper 60-85, lead 1-36, antimony 3-20, phosphorous 0.25-3.0, 1,286,921 —,—,copper 80, lead 20, phosphorous 02, 1,285,231 —,—,copper 2.500, manganese-copper 1.250, tin 6.0, antimony, 0.1652, magnesium 0.0375, potash 0.375, sulfur 0.0125, aluminum, 10.0, 1,422,591 —,—, copper 25-40%, nickel 20-40%, chromium 6-12%, iron 25-40%, aluminum 0.5-1%, 1,389,446 —,—, copper 50-60, nickel 26-34, iron 4-8, zine 7-11, deoxidizing agent, 0.25-5%, 1,350,166 —,—, copper 60-70%, nickel 6-9%, iron 4-6%, zine 12-16%, lead 2-3%, phosphorous trace, 1,277,989 —,—, copper 50-60%, nickel 26-34, iron 4-8, zinc 7-11, and/or tungsten, chromium, 1,338,517; 1,338,518 —,—,copper 42-52%, nickel 22-28%, lead 22- 30%, 1,351,673 —,—, copper 45-55, nickel 29-35, lead 1-3, zine 5-9, iron 4-8, silicon trace, 0.30, 1,377,089 —,—, copper 40-55, nickel 3-15, manganese 1-3, iron 1-2, aluminum 0.5-3, zinc 25-40, 1,457,289 —,—, copper 73-76, nickel 17.5-20, tin 3.5-2.5, lead 6-1.5, 1,442,742 —,—, copper 86, nickel 15, vanadium 1, zinc 12, . tin 7, aluminum 1, 1,162,226 22 33% Alloy, formula, copper 50-60, nickel 28-36, zine 4-8, iron 4-8, 1,354,988 —,—,copper 56-64, nickel 13-17, zinc 10-15, iron 10-15, 1,310,363 —,—,copper 40-48, nickel 8-12, zinc 38-48, iron 1-6, manganese 1-3, 1,314,417 | —,—,copper 60-70%, nickel 9-12%, zine 10- 24%, iron 1-2.5%, manganese trace, 1,432,607 —,—, copper 333-563%, silver 10-334%, zine 28-42%, 1,149,850 —,—, copper 87, tin 4.5-10, nickel 1-5, zine 1-5, 1,457,288 —,—,copper 62.66, zinc 33.73, antimony 3.61, 1,124,302 —,—,copper 70, zinc 29, arsenic, 1,327,400; 1,827,401 —,—, copper 60-70, zinc 19-24, nickel 9-12, iron 1-2.5, manganese-copper 3, 1,393,388 —,—, copper 50-65, zinc 8-20, nickel 10-25, lead 3-10, tin 1-5, antimony 5-2, iron 0-2, 1,448,571 —,—,furnace slag 50, humite 8, copper 20, nickel 5, zinc 5, tungsten 5, iron 2, manganese 5%, 1,413,880 —,—,gold 75%, manganese 25-5%, nickel 3.3- 243%, 1,340,451 —,—, gold 83.3%, nickel 16.7%, 1,355,811 —,—, gold 72, nickel 13.5, copper 16.5, 1,375,804 —,—,gold, nickel, zine, 1,330,231 —,—,gold 75-85%, nickel 10-18%, zine 2-9%, platinum 1/30%-1.5%, 1,391,449 —,—,gold and palladium, 1,339,505 —,—,gold 49, palladium 37, platinum 14, 1,449,154 —,—,gold 64%, silver 182%, copper 9%, pal- ladium 8%, aluminum 1%, 1,339,009 —,—,gold 5-15%, silver 0.5-5, palladium 0.5-5, platinum 75; 1,357,272 —,—,iron, chromium, cobalt, manganese, sili- con, carbon, 1,357,549 —,—, iron 16-20, chromium 5-7, copper 31-38, nickel 38-46, manganese 1-3, 1,354,990 —,—, iron 55, chromium 15-40, nickel 4-20, car- bon not over 1%, 1,338,378 —,—,iron 10-25%, chromium 10-20, nickel 60- 70, carbon 2-6, silicon 1-3, manganese 1-2, aluminum 1-2, molybdenum, vanadium, zir- conium, tungsten, 1,455,651 —,—,iron, chromium, titanium, mfr. of, 1,341,939 —,—,—,—, —, carbon, 1,346,348; 1,346,344 —,—,iron 78,9%, chromium 18, titanium 2.5, manganese 0.5, carbon 0.10, 1,464,312 _ —,—,iron, chromium, titanium, molybdenum, aluminum, silicon, 1,431,725 —,—,iron 78.9%, chromium 18, titanium 2.5, manganese 0.5, carbon 0.10, 1,464,312 —,—,iron contg., copper over 0.5%, 1,341,992 —,—,iron 8-12, copper 55-65, nickel 12-18, zine 11-17, silicon 3-1, 1,360,773 —,—, iron 44.-53, nickel 33-39, chromium 10-12, tungsten 1-2, carbon 0.5-1, manganese and silicon 1-2; 1,313,291 —,—, iron 10, nickel 1, copper balance, 1,455,589 —,—, iron 3-20%, nickel 1 part per 4 to 12 of iron, copper balance, 1,455,589 —,—, iron 55, nickel 35, manganese 10, 1,279,252 —,—, iron and silicon casting, 1,346,333 338 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alloy, formula; iron with silicon 1-5%, man- Alloy, formula, nickel, molybdenum, iron, sili- ganese 0.20-1%, 1,352,367 con, Manganese, Magnesium, vanadium, co-. —,—,lead 90%, alkali earth metals, alkali balt (varying proportions), 1,375,082; metals, mercury, aluminum, 1,360,348 1,375,088 —,—,lead 73, antimony 8, tin 19, 1,428,638 —,—, nickel 70-80, tungsten 4-12, aluminum 7-8, —,—, lead 80, antimony 12, tin 8, 1,428,638 zirconium 6-7, silicon 3-4, 1,277,046 —,—, lead, arsenic, sodium, 1,338,279 —,—,nickel, zirconium, aluminum, silicon, —,—, lead 97%, barium, calcium, 1,360,339 1,350,359 —,—, lead 30-50%, copper 47-68%, nickel 1-5%, —,—; palladium 4-5%, gold 5-15%, platinum arsenic 0.5%-1.5%, phosphorous 0.5%, 8-95%, 1,378,996 1,359,064 —,—,palladium 6, gold 20, platinum 1, —,—,lead 10-14, copper 55-65, nickel 6-11, zinc 1,282,055 14-18, 1,354,989 —,—,palladium 5-15, silver 35-45, gold 50, —,—, lead, lithium small amount, 1,360,269 1,283,264 —,—, lead 99%, magnesium 0.01-0.1%, 1,360,045 —,—, platinum 85%, molybdenum 0-15%. —,—,lead 96%, magnesium 2%, mercury 2%, 1,407,525 1,360,347 —,—,—, tungsten 0.15%, 1,407,525 —,—,lead 97%, potassium, sodium, mercury, —,—, Silicon 10-16%, iron 90-84%, 1,274,360 1,360,346 —,—,silicon 12-20%, iron balance, 1,283,280 —,—,lead and tin, 1,877,512 —,—,silver 583%, copper 163%, zinc 163%, —,—, lead 58, tin 42, 1,196,118 ickel 84%, 1,455,531 u_ =) —,—-, lead 89, tin 74, antimony 34, phosphorous —;,—; steel contg., carbon, uranium, manganese, 4, 1,304,849 nickel, silicon, phosphorus and sulfur, 1,366,254 —— lead 97-98%, tin 2-3%, cable casing of, —,—,tin 1, aluminum 3-8, coating iron with, 1,360,046 1,381,085 | —,—,lead 34%, tin 34%, zinc 30%, aluminum = —>— "nD 9770, copper 37o, 1,366,167 2%, solder contg., 1,336,081 —,—, tin, copper, zine, 1,355,769 . dane : —,—,tin 55, lead 45, 1,366,167 Cais ee tin 40, zine 9%, antimony 1%, _’ > tin 50, lead 25 "zine 17 antimony 8 Cire stl : 1,425,330; 1,475,503 —,—, lead, tin, zinc, antimony, copper, 1,328,694 tin 694, zinc 244, aluminum 64, 1,196,118 —;,—, lead 91, zinc 1, antimony 8, 1,357,907 bis ah tin 80, zinc 10, aluminum 8, ‘tin phos- Wi far Gea os 91.5%, aluminum 85%, phate 2, aluminum tinned with, 1,339,710 en ; —,—, titanium 15%-35%, aluminum 1.5-3.5%, —,—,magnesium 85-98%, aluminum 14-14%, iron balance, 1,136,670 zing {-6%, 1,341,774 —,—, titanium 6%, chromium 10%, aluminum —,—, magnesium, iron, silicon, 1,376,113 10%. i 73 a 1 ti —,—, magnesium 92%, manganese 8%, 1,377,374 ae cant silicon: 174) (D0 ate —,—, Magnesium, Manganese, copper, 1,334,193 ___ titanium 1-5%, vanadium 5%, silicon —,—,magnesium 50-90%, silicon 10-40%, iron 5%, iron or steel balance, 1,356,367 0-107, 1,822,158 —,—,tungsten 18-40%, chromium 4.18%, tan- —,—, magnesium 50-70%, silicon 10-20%, man- talum 2.0%, carbon 0.78%, sulfur trace, phos- ganese 10-20%, iron 0-10%, 1,322,158 phorus .009%, silicon 0.4%, manganese 0.52%, —,—, manganese 40, iron 10. copper 10, alumi- columbium 0.3%, vanadium 0.28%, iron bal- num 10, tin 5, zinc 15, lead 10, 1,421,471 ance, 1,389,679 —,—,molybdenum 60-90, tantalum 40-10, —,—,tungsten, gold, calcium vanadate, 1,385,072 1,423,338 —,—,nickel 60, chromium 12, iron 26, man- —>— tungsten 80, molybdenum 20, 1,377,982 ganese 14, 1,270,519; 1,270,520 —,—, tungsten 97-90, molybdenum 3-10, vana- —,—, nickel 20-25, chromium 10-15, manganese dium 0.05-0.5, 1,418,081 1-2, carbon 0.2-0.5, 1,422,096 —,—, tungsten 96.7-87.5, molybdenum 3-10, —,— nickel, chromium, steel, 1,342,913 vanadium. 0.05-0.5, gold 0.25-2, 1,418,081 EW Ticked’ 300%,/cobalt ab% Vehrommium 18%, . lle vanadium 8.0-25%, aluminum 6.0-.12%, i , copper balance, 1,126,484 AS oey een Walon hy ty One | 27%, carbon —,—,zine 80-85%, aluminum 18-14%, copper . : erie % balance, 1,276,916 —,—, nickel over 50%, cobalt 14% up, titanium, —,—,zine 80-85%, aluminum, copper, manga- 1,337,276 r nese, titanium balance, 1,335,284 —,—, nickel 40-65, copper 20-80, iron 2-15, man- —,— zinc 85-93%, aluminum 3-12%, tin 0.5-4%, ganese 2-25%, 1,403,558 1,350,892 ~ —,—,nickel 3-9, copper 20-380, lead 61-77, —,—,zinc, lead, cadmium, 1,333,619 1,127,624 —,—, zine 11, lead 1.5 lbs., tin 1¢ Ibs., copper —,—, nickel 3-6, copper 3-6, silicon 1.5-4, alumi- 1 oz., 1,429,959 num not less than 85, 1,449,052 —,—, zirconium 6.8%, columbium 53.5%, tan- —,—,nickel 95.8, gold 2.48, zinc 1.20, mag- talum 39.7%, 1,334,089 nesium .30, antimony .20, 1,468,407 —,—, zirconium 15-40%, silicon 3-8%, iron bal- —,—,nickel, iron, 1,389,696 ance, 1,389,695 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 339 Alloy, heat-resisting, mfr. of, 1,400,527 —,—,—, iron and nickel for, 1,263,831 —,high speed cutting tools made of, 1,277,046; 1,278,304 —, high-temperature, formula, iron containing chromium 10- 20%, silicon 2-6%, carbon and manganese, 1,378,941 —, hollow article made with, 1,343,191 —, horsehair, artificial, spinnert for, made with, 1 492,594 —, hydrogen made with, 1,506,323 —,implement, sterilizing of using, 1,246,899 —,incandescent, lamp wire, nickel, cobalt, manganese for, 1,342,993 —, infra-red ray, transparent screen as protec- tion from made with, 1,176,313 —,iridium in, 1,165 448: 1,169,753; 1,207,047; 1 323,834; 1 515 464 —, iridium- gold- platinum, mfr. of, 1,323,834 —, iridium-palladium, catalyst of, 1,388 995 Alloy, formula, zirconium (10%), silicon (10%), iron, titanium, carbon, 1,425 572 —,—, zirconium 35-40, titanium 4-5, carbon 4-8, iron, 57-47, 1,335,991; 1,335,992 —, fusible, antimony for, 1,452,750 —,—, balata article, vulcanization of using bath of, 1,152,834 —, bismuth in, 1,152,834; 1,191,572; 1,452,750 —,—, boot, rubber, vulcanization of using bath of, 1,152,834 —,—,cadmium for, 1,452,750 —,—, catgut, sterile container for, made with, 1,191,572 —,—, container, sterile, made with, 1,191,572 —,—, formula, bismuth 11, lead 8, tin 3, M. P. 205° F. 1,152,834 ~ —, —, —, silver 0. 1%, bismuth 40%, lead 59.9%, 1 191 1,572 —,—, gutta percha article, vulcanization of using both of, 1,152,834 —,—, hose, rubber, vulcanization of using bath —,iron in, 1,126,629; 1,127 624; 1,128,726; of, 1,152,834 1,130,678: 1,134,127: 1,134,128: 1.134.129: —,—,lead in, 1,152,834; 1,191,572; 1,452,750 1,134,788; 1,136.670; 1,150,113; 1,151,160; —,—, ‘mfr. of. 1 ‘452, 750 1,162,186; 1,164,840; 1,165,448; 1,166,342; —,—, mold made using, 1,188,051 1,166,866; 1,168,962; 1,171,066; 1,181,570; —,—,molded article, hollow, made _ with, 1,187,411; 1,187,412; 1,199200; 1,227,569; 1,504,547 1,241,971; 1,244,742; 1,245,552; 1,247206; = aa phenol aldehyde condensate hardened in, 1,248,648; 1,252,023; 1,252.596; 1,257,272. 1,377,517 1,260,037; 1,261,742: 1,261,743" , 1261987: —,—, rubber article, vulcanization of using bath 1,263 831; 1,264,459; 1,270519; 1.270.520; of, ‘1 152,834; 1 152, 835 1,273,762; 1,273,877; 1,274,360; 1,277,989; —,—, shoe, rubber, vulcanization of using bath 1,279,252; 1,279,828; 1,280,706; 1,282,981; of, 1,152,834 1,283,280; 1,287,153; 1,310,363; 1,313,291; —,—, silver in, 1,191,572 1,314,417; 1,822,158; 1,822,511; | 1,324,763; —,—,surgical ligature, sterile container for, 1,346,188; 1,846,189; 1,346,190; 1,346,191; made with, 1,191,572 1,357,549; 1,357,550; 1,363,564; Re-15,208; —,—, tin in, ‘1, 152 834; 1,452,750 1,376,056; 1,376,062; 1,377,089; 1,421,471; —,—, tire, rubber, vulcanization of using bath 1,421,776; 1,445,253; 1,452,781; 1,461,643; of, 1 152,834 1,464,312; 1,468,937; 1,472,738; 1,473,208; —, gas, cleaning of using, 1,515,949 1,475,942; 1,480,706; 1,480.779; 1,480,846; —, glass, coating of with, 1,281,108 1,481,782; 1,483,298; 1,485,635; 1,489,243; — gold in, 1,164,997; 1,165,448; 1,169,753; 1,490,696; 1,491,913; 1,493,191: 1,495,504: 1,173,570; 1,248,621; 1,252,038; 1,282,055; 1,504,338; 1,510,541; 1,513,806; 1,514,064 1,283,264; 1,296,938; 1,323 834: 1,355,811; —,iron, brass, crucible for melting of, made 1,375,804; 1,376,656; 1,378, 996; 1,423,338; with, 1,241,971 1,468,407; 1,469,191; 1,494 ‘54: 1,515,464 —,—,—, manganese in, made with, 1,214,539 —, gold, palladium, platinum, 1,449,154 —,—, bronze, manganese in, made with, —,—,silver, palladium in, 1,296,938 1,214 039 : —,gold-palladium, catalyst of, 1,388,995 — , carbon in, 1,313,894 —, gold-platinum, mfr. of, 1,323,833; 1,431,713 —,—, chromium in, 1,313,894 —,—, hypodermic needles of, 1,481,713 —,—, chromium and nickel, 1,291,220 _ —,gold-platinum-iridium, mfr. of, 1,323,834 —,—,cobalt, mckel, chromium, silicon, see Iron alloy, mfr. of —,—, copper in, 1,313,894 —,—, copper, crucible for melting of, made with, 1,241,971 —,—,copper alloy, manganese in, made with, —, granulating, 1,458,290 —, grate-bar, formula, iron with chromium 1%, nickel 2%, manganese 0.6%-0.75%, carbon 0.10-0.50%, sulfur and phosphorus below 0.05%, silicon 0.35%-0.50%, 1,433,180 —,gypsum, composition contg., coated with, 1,214,539 process for, 1,258,282 —,—, copper coated, made with, 1,244,414 —,hardness of, determining, 1,426,623 —,—, corrosion-proof, mfr. of, chromium for, —,heater, chemical, made with, 1,506,322; Paid, 592 ; 1,317,593 1,506,323 —,—, —,’-, copper for, 1,317,592; 1,317,593 —,heat-resisting, formula, chromium 18%, —,—,—,—, manganese for, 1 317 592; 1,317; 593 nickel 4%, silicon 0.48%, titanium 0.2%, man- —,—, heat insulator, 1,301 675 ganese 1%, carbon 1%, iron 75.32%, 1,389,133 = —,—, iron in, 1,313, 804 —,—,—,iron 70, chromium 15, cobalt 13.5, —,—, magnetic properties of, 1,277,524 manganese 0.5, silicon 0.5, carbon 0.5, 1,357 549 —,—,manganese in, 1,313, 804 340 Alloy, iron, manganese, brass contg., made with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 1,214,539 —,—,—, bronze contg., made with, 1,214,539 —,—,—, copper alloy contg., made with, 1,214, 539 —,—, mfr. of, 1,452,232 +, mir, of, German silver for, 1,317,592; 1,317,593 —,—,—, Monel metal for, 1,817,592; 1,317,593 —,—,—,process for, 1 268 849; 1 290, 010; 1,290,011 —, phosphorus in, 1,313,894 —,resistance of, 1,274,250 —,— ’ rust-proof, aluminum in, 1,317,592; 1,317, 593 , by 3 ? 3 3 13175 b bf ty ey TTS -) — , carbon in, 1,317,592; 1,317,593 ,chromium in, 1,817,592; 1,317,593 , copper in, 1,817,592; 1,317,593 , manganese in, 1,317,592; 1,317,593 cau p eRe En O 93 chromium for, 1,317,592; ,—, copper for, 1,317,592; 1,317,593 ,—, —, Manganese for, Pere, 592: 1 317, 593 — molybdenum i in 1 ai7, 592; 1 317 593 —,—,—, nickel in, 1,317, 502; 1 217, 593 ’ phosphorus rah | Bi7 592; 1,317,593 iancticrart haan b — _ —' —' silicon in, 1,317,592; 1,317,593 , sulfur in, 1,817,592; 1,817,593 “amt oe VER haa /—,— titanium in, 1,317,592; 1,317,593 ,—, tungsten in, 1,317,592; 1,317,593 ,»—, rustproofing of with, 1,280,268 —,—,sheet, corrosion resistant, made with, 1,144,106 1,321,892 ,—, sulfur in, 1,313,894 ,—, vanadium 5%, titanium 1-5%, silicon 5%, 1,356,367 1,335,992 —,—, see Ferro-compounds; nickel; cyanide also —,—, silicon in, 1,313,894 —,—, sodium Duriron; Ferro-phosphorus ; Ferro-tungsten; Iron, alloy contg., Iron alloy; furnace Invar; Steel alloy; Tantiron —,iron 96, chromium 4, element of, 1,416,436 —,iron-aluminum, explosive contg., 1,410,868 —,—, formation of, 1,346,062; 1,358,810 1,425,577 —,—, preparing, 1,365,499 —,—,see also Iron-chromium alloys —,iron-chromium group metal, forming by —,—, magnetic pressure, 1,359,353 —,iron-copper, mfr. of, 1,455,589 properties of, —,—, mfr. of, 1,896,276; 1,453,254 — iron- -chromium, gas-oil cracked in tube of, made —, vault, burglar proof, made with, 1,482,480 —,zine coated, made with, 1,244,414 —,—, zirconium, titanium, mfr. of, 1,335,991; Ferro-aluminum ; Ferro-manganese; Ferro- Ferro-silicon; electrical heating improving, —, iron-copper-nickel, mofr. of, 1,455,589 —, iron-molybdenum, 1,355 589; 1 B55 090 —, iron-nickel, producing, 1 356 342 —, iron-nickel-chromium, 1 422 096 —,iron silicide, mfr. of, process for, 1,274,360 Alloy, iron silicon, magnetic properties of, improving, 1,358,810 —,iron-tungsten, see Ferro-tungsten —,iron-uranium, mfr. of, 1,240,056 —,iron-zine, formation of, 1,456,798 —,—, mfr. of, 307,853 —, ’ iron- zirconium, 1,374,037 —, , jewelry made from, i 149,850 —, jewelry settings made of, 1,282,055 —, lanthanum in, mfr. of, process for, 1,290,010; 1,290,011 —,lead in, 1,127,624; 1,188,845; 1,142,220; 1,148,194; 1,155,317; 1,158,671; 1.158.672: 1,158,673; 1,158,674: 1,158,675: 1,169,536: 1,180,996; 1,186,217; 1,194,101; 1,195,376: 1,195,955; 1,196,118; 1,200,770; 1,203,991: 1,208,798; 1,208,799; 1,227,569; 1228017; 1,239,465; 1,239,854; 1,269,000; 1,273,146; 1,277,989; 1,280,908; 1,280,909; 1,285,231: 1,286,921; 1,320,192; 1,324,763; 1,328,694: 1,359,064; 1,360,272; 1,376,339; 1,377,089: 1,421,471; 1,425,330; 1,468,828; 1,475,503: 1,483,327; 1,490,696; 1,497,011; 1,502,321; 1,502,425; 1,510,541; 1,512,190 —,— , airplane propeller made with, 1,343,191 —,—, aluminum and magnesium in, 1,385, 223 —,—, fire detecting wire made with, 1 235 028 ; formula contg., 1,452,750 of, —,—, hollow article made with, 1,343,191; 13771? —,—. hollow article molded using, 1,135,962 —,—, iron coating of using, 1,161,944; 1,168,663; 1,168, 664 —,—, lithium in, 1,360,269 —,—,molded article, hollow, made 1,348,191; 1,504,547 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate article made - with, 1,877,517 —,—, plating metals with, 1,330,399 —,—, printing plate made with, 1,377,517 —,—,steel, coating of using, 1,161,944; 1,168,663 ; 1,168,664 —,lead-antimony, iron coated with, 1,378,439 —,—,storage battery grids of, 1,328,394 —,lead-barium, preparing, 1,359,813 —, lead-barium-calicum-strontium, 1,447,143 —, lead-barium group metals in, 1,720,192 —,lead-barium magnesium, preparing, 1,359,813 —,lead-base, formula, lead 97.88%, barium 1.0, calcium 0.5, mercury 0.25, tin 0.25, zine 0.10, aluminum 0.02, 1,360,272 —., lead-calcium, chlorides reduced by, 1,388,086 —,—, preparing, 1,359,813 —,lead-calcium-barium, preparing, 1,359,813 —, lead-calcium-magnesium, preparing, 1,359,813 —, lead-light-metals, chloride decomposed with, 1,388,086 —, lead-magnesium, mfr. of, 1,320,192; 1,388,086 —,—, preparing, carnallite and sodium chloride for, 1,359,813 —,lead-manganese-barium, preparing, 1,359,813 —,lead-potassium, chlorides reduced by, 1,388,086 —, lead (contg. over 99%) silver, 1,358,908 —, ’ lead-sodium, chlorides reduced by, 1,388 ,086 with, min. "7 ote INDEX OF SUBJECTS 341 Alloy, lead-sodium, alloys contg., alkali earth 1,164,840; 1,166,342; 1,175,724; 1,180,996; metals prepared with, 1,359,813 1,181,570; 1,187,411; 1,187,412; 1,203,180; —, lead-thallium, 1,384,056 1,203,555; 1,217,578; 1,227,569; 1,241,971: —, ‘ Jead-tin, bearings coated with, 1,399,810 1,244,742; 1,245,552; 1,248,648; 1,251,341; —,— , electroplating with, 1,464 506 1,252,596; 1,261,742; 1,261,743; 1,261,987; —, steel coated with, 1 399 810 1 270, 519; 1,270,520; 1,273,762; 1,274,395; —,—, ’ steel electroplated with, 1,364,051 1,279. 252: 1,279,448; 1,280,706; 1,286,921; —,—,bismuth, printing plate matrices of, 1,313 291 : 1,314,417; 1,321,068; 1,322,158; 1,410 031 1,322,511: 1,342,993; 1,346,190; 1,357,549; — , lead (45)-tin(55)- -copper in bore of guns re- 1,371,214; 1,421,471; 1,422,096; 1,452,781; moved by, 1,359,338 1,464,312; 1,468,937; 1,472,738; 1,472,739; —, lead-tin-zinc, metal fouling of guns pre- 1,472,740; 1,473,208; 1,475,942; 1,480,807: vented by, 1 336, 463 1,485,158; 1,489,116; 1,489,243; 1,490,696; — , lead-zine-antimony, iron coated with, 1,493,191; 1,495,504; 1,504,338; 1,508,032; 1 378,439 1,509,608; 1 513, 793 ; 1 513 BOGS W514 064. — , lead-zirconium, mfr. of, 1,835,982 Alloy, manganese in, brass, crucible for melt- a ; Leminite as, 1,381 sal ing of, made with, 1,241 ‘971 — ‘light metal, casting of, process for, 1,376,192 —,—,—, manganese in, made with, 1,214,539 —, lightning arrester, electrode for, made with, —,— ‘bronze, manganese in, made with 1,488 936 1 214 039 - —, lime composition contg., coated with, process —,—,copper, crucible for melting of, made for, 1,258,282 with, 1,241,971 _, lithium in, 1,142,220 —,—,copper alloy, manganese in, made with, — low fusing point, mfr. of, 1,293,426 1,214, 539 —, ‘low melting, rubber vulcanized by i immersion —,—,manganese, brass contg., made with, in molten, 1,368,071 1,214,539 —,magnesium in, Re-15,407 (1,412,280); —,—,—, bronze contg., made with, 1,214,539 1,130,785 ; 1,132,376: 1,151,744; 1,158,672; —,—,—,copper alloy contg., made with, 1,158,675; 1,169,392; 1,175,655; 1,180,996; 1,214, 539 1,227,569; 1,258,261; 1,261,987; 1,273,762; —,—,resistance of, 1,274,250 1,286,921; 1,305,166; 1,320,192; 1,322,158; —,—, sodium cyanide furnace made of, 1,821,892 1,341,774; 1,371,214; 1,382,147; 1,422,591; —,—,see also Ferro-manganese ; Silico-man- - : 1,439,865; 1,468,407; 1,472,738; 1,472,739; ganese 1,472,740; 1,485,158; 1,492,282; 1,493,191; —,manganese-aluminum, explosive contg., oa 494,254 1,410,868 —, casting of, barium chloride for, 1,476,192 —,—, mfr. of, 1,453,254 —,—,—, process for, 1,476,192 —,manganese-aluminum-silicon, explosive —,—, copper and silicon, mfr. of, 1,310,449 contg., 1,410,868 —,—,forging, 1,374,968 —,manganese-aluminum-zine, 1,358,147 —,—,lead and aluminum in, 1,385,223 —,Manganese-copper used in _ preparing, —,—,see also Electron metal 1,422,591 —,Magnesium-aluminum, metals scavenged —, manganese-copper-silver, catalyst in am- with, 1,460,830 monia oxidation, 1,357,000 —,—, preparing, 1,359,813 —, manganese-lead-barium, preparing, 1,359,813 —, magnesium-aluminum-sodium, formation of, —, manganese-magnesium-silicon, mfr. of, 1,457,225 1,461,643 —, magnesium-aluminum- -zinc, mfr. of, 1,458,290 —,mfr. of, 1,426,623; 1,449,338 —,Magnesium-cobalt, nickel- chromium-i -1ron. —,—,alumina crucible for, 1,150,113 alloy dioxidized with, 1,437,405 —,—,aluminum for, 1,161,160; 1,221,769; —,Mmagnesium-copper, mfr. of, 1,310,449 1 239, 854; 1,277,046; 1,278,304; 1,300,058; —, Magnesium-lead, mfr. of, 1 320, 192. 1,388,086 1 321 684. —,—, preparing, carnallite and sodium chloride —, —, aluminum, calcium in, for, 1,321,684 for, 1,359,813 —,—,—, copper in, for, 1,321,684 -— , magnesium-lead-barium, preparing, 1,359,813 —,—,—,iron in, for, 1,321,684 —, mMagnesium-lead- calcium, preparing, 1,359, 813 —,-—,—, magnesium in, for, 1,321,684 —, Magnesium-manganese- silicon, TEL GE ye) epee ay silicon in, for, 1,321 684 1,461 643 —,—,—, zine in, for, 1 321, 6384 —,magnesium nickel, nickel-chromium-iron —,—, aluminum bronze for, 1,300,058 alloy deoxidized with, 1,437,405 —,—, ‘aluminum “ swarf ” for, 1 321 684 —, mMagnesium-silicon, composition Of \Le22 losin 4-9 antimony. ‘for, | 203 991: 1,269,000 ; —,—, mfr. of, 1,310, 466 1,304, 849;, 1,502,321 —,—, properties of, 1,310,466 BYR antimony sulfide for, 1,138,845 —, magnesium-tin, rofr. of, process for, 1,258,261 —,antimony trioxide for, 1,221,873 —, magnesium-zinc, production Gist 388. 086 ah —,apparatus for, 1,132,376 —, Magnetic, 1,291,408 —,—,arsenic for, 1,127,624 —,Manganese in, Re-15,407 (1,412,280); —,—, arsenic trioxide for, 1,221,873 1,127,624; 1,130,785 ; 1,151,160; 1,162,186; —,—, Babbitt metal for, 1,239,785 342 Alloy, mfr. of, bismuth for, 1,248,925 ey Doric acid for, 1,283, 264 —,—, ’ boron carbide for, 1 020,033 —,—, by-product in calcium aluminate mfr., 1,376, 563 —,—,cadmium in, 1,301,688 —,—, ’ calcium for, 1321, 684 —, calcium as deoxidizing agent for, 1,293,426 —,—, carbon in, 1,322,511; 1,376,056 —,—, ’ charcoal for, 1 127, 624 —, ’ chlorides for, i: 151, 160 —, ’ chromite for, 1 357, 550 —, ’ chromium ‘for, 1,163,813; 1,322, 511; 1,520,083 —,—,; chromium oxide for, 1,150,113 —,—, cobalt for, 1,151,160; 1 322, 511; 1,376,056 ; 1,520, 033 —,—, cobalt oxide for, 1,150,113; 1,221,873 —,—, columbium for, 1 151, 160 —,—, copper for, 1 127 624; | 138,845 ; 1,163,813 ; 1,248. O2D¢ aad 300, 058; 1 510, 541 —,—, copper sulfate for, 1, 269 000; 1,510,541 —,—, dental work made with, 1.283, 264 —,—, electrical work made with, 1,283, 264 - ew oN ~ _ we ef 1,376,056 ; — —,electrolytic, 1,461,276 —, ’ ferro- chromium for, 1,150,113; 1,357,550; tats 056; 1,508,032 ”, ferro-silicon for, 1,168,813; 1,510,541 —, ’ ferro-titanium for, iN 150, 113 —,—, ferro-uranium for, 1.247, 952 —,—, ’ fluorides for) (3 151, 160 — glass for, 1, 520, 033 —, graphite "for 1,163, 813 —, —, graphite crucible for, 1,376,056 —,—, graphite mold for, 1 520, 033 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,239,854 —, Rena for, 1,151, 160 ,iron in, 1 322, 511; 1,376, 056 —,—, iron alloy, zirconium in, for, 1,151,160 —,iron oxide for, 1 150, 113 —,—, ’ iron (ic) oxide for, 1,151,160 —, Jewelry made with, 1,283,264 —, lard. in flux for, 1 468, 828 —,— oo lead forged; 127, 624; 1,138,845; 1,203,991; 1,239, 854; 1 269, 000; 1 301 688; 1, 304, 849; Maca S21; 1 510, 541 —, lead-tin sulfide for, 1,510,541 —, magnesia crucible for, 1 150, 113 —,magnesium for, 1277 046: 1,321, 684 —,—,magnesium as deoxidizing agent for, 1,293,420 —,—, Manganese 1,322,511 —,—, mercury for, 1,248,925 —, mercury (ic) oxide for, 1,127,624 —,—, metal for, 1,151,160 ——, ‘metal chloride for, 1,321,684 —,—, metal oxide for, 1,321, 684 —,—, ’ metal salt for, 1,321 684 —,—, metal sulfide for, 1,321,684 —,—, molybdenum in, 1,822,511 —,—, Monel metal for, 1,127,624 —, nickel for, 1,127,624; 1,151,160; 1,163,813; 399.511 ; 1,520,033 —,—, nickel oxide for, 1,221,769; 1,221,873 ev J 1,278,304; for, 1,150,113; 1,151,160; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alloy, mfr. of, nickel 1,277,046; 1,278,304 —,—, ore for, 1,321 684 —, oyster shell in flux for, 1,468,828 ,—, phosphor-brass for, 1 502, 321 —,—, phosphor-copper for, 1 502, 321 —,—-, phosphor-manganese-copper for, 1,502,321 —,—, phosphorus for, 1,203,991; 1,304, 849 —,—, phosphorus, yellow, for, i 203, 991 —, phosphor-zine for, 1,502, 321 —, process see 1,127, 624; 1 132 ,o76; 1,138,845 ; eo. 113; 151 160; 1 163, 813; it 203, ‘991; 1.221:769 ; 1'291'873° 1 939, 785; 1 239, 854; 1,247,252; 1,248,925; 1/252. 887 ; ; 1.269,000 ; 1,277,046; 1,278,204; 1,321,684; 1,376,056; 1,426,623; 1,449,888; 1,502,321; 1,510,541; 1,520,033 Se rutile for, 1,151,160 - —, silica for, 1, 151, 160; 1,277,046; 1,278,304 —,—, ’ silicon for, 1, 300, 058; 1 321. 684; 1 322, 511 —,—, silicon copper for, 1,300, 058 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,151,160 ie sodium hydroxide for, 1 (269, 000 —,spermaceti for, 1,239, "185 —,— ’ sphene for, 1,151, 160 ; —,—, steam to ‘prevent oxidation during, 1,315, 206 aR sulfur for, 1,510,541 —, sulfuric acid for, 1,194,101 —, "tantalum for, ‘J, 151, 160 —,— —, thermite process for, 1,277,034; 1,321,684 —,—, tin for, 1,138,845; 1 239, 785; "| 239, 854; 1,248,925; 1,269,000 ea 300, 058; 1 ‘301, 686; 1,304,849; 1,502,321; 1 510,541 —,—, titanium in, 1,322, 511 —, —, titanium dioxide for, 1,151,160 —, tungsten in, 1,322, 511; ‘1 376, 056; 1,520,033 . —, uranium for, 1,247, 252 —,—, vanadium in, l 329, ll —,—, volatile substance introduced i in, appara- tus for, 1,315,208 —,—, zinc for, 1 ,239,785; 1,239,854; 1,248,925 —,—, zircon for, L 151, 160 —,—, zirconium 1n, 1,322, 511 oxide, black, for, —, zirconium alloy, iron in, for, 1,151,160 —,—, zirconium dioxide for, rf 151, 160 —,—, zirconium oxide for, 1,151, 160; 1,221,769; 1,277,046; 1,278,304 —,—, zirkite, Brazilian, for, 1,277,046; 1,278,304 —, match made with, 1 060, '983 ; Re-15, 039 — ’ melting, furnace for, 1,350, 714 —, mercury in, 1,164, 997; 1 200 770 —,mercury, mfr. of, process for, 1,252,887 —,—, see also Amalgams —, ’ metal, coating of with, 1,281,108 —,—, copper coated, made with, 1,244,414 —,—,rare, in, mir. of, process for, 1 306 070 —,—, separating, process for, 1,452 813 —,—,zine coated, made with, 1,244, 414 —, metal article, hollow, made with, Be 802 —, metal recovery from, 1,428,041 —, ‘mold, sand, made with, 1; 153, 231 —, molded article made with, 1,377 17 —, ‘ molded article, hollow, made with, 1,343,191 —, molten, gasolene made with, 1,141 529 —,—,iron alloy resistant to ‘the action of, j 493, 191 INDEX OF Alloy, molten, naphtha made with, 1,141,529 —,molybdenum in, 1,236,384; 1,261,743 : 1,319,537: 1,346,190; 1,376,056 : 1,483,298 : 1,495,504 : 1,248 621; 1,261,987 ; 1,322,511; 1,357,550; 1,385,072 : 1,485,635; 1,499,338 ; 1,150,113: 1,251,341; 1,277,046; 1,346,188; 1,363,564: 1,472,740; 1,489,243: 1,504,338: 1,221,769; 1,261,742: 1,287,153; 1,346,189; Re-15,208 ; 1,473,208 ; 1,493,191 ; 1,513,806 —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,306,070; 1,308,911 —,molybdenum-aluminum, mfr. of, 1,453,254 —,molybdenum-chromium, preparing, 1,365,499 —,molybdenum-iron, 1,355,589; 1,355,590 —,molybdenum-platinum in, 1,407,525 —,molybdenum-tungsten, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 —,—, mfr. of, 1,308,907 —, Monel metal-aluminum, mfr. of, 1,805,551 —,naphthol, made using, heating bath of, 1.213.143 —,nickel in, 1,127,624; 1,151,160; 1,166,342; 1,180,996 ; 1,203,180 ; 1,227,569 ; 1,247,206; 1,252,038 ; 1,261,987 ; 1,270,520 ; 1,277,046; 1,279,448 ; 1,313,291; 1,342,993 ; 1,355,811; 1,376,056 ; 1,421,776; 1,468,407 ; 1,472,740; 1,480,779 ; 1,489,243; 1,494,254: 1,509,608 ; —,—,aluminum-silicon in, 1,461,178 1,162,226: 1,166,866 ; 1,181,570; 1,203,555; 1,229,037 : 1,248 648: 1,257,272: 1,263,831 ; 1,273,762; 1,277,989: 1,282,981 ; 1,314,417: 1,346,188; 1,357,550; 1,376,062; 1,439,865 ; 1,468,937 ; 1,473,208: 1,481,782: 1,490,696 ; 1,495,504; 1,513,793; 1,147,398; 1,164,840; 1,168,074; 1,187,411; 1,217,578; 1,241,971; 1,248,924 ; 1,261,742; 1,268,495 ; 1,273,877: 1,278,304 ; 1,286,921 ; 1,321,063; 1,346,189 ; 1,359,064 ; 1,376,656 ; 1,445,258 ; 1,469,191; 1,475,942: 1,483,298 ; 1,491,913: 1,496,269 ; 1,513,806 ; 1,150,113; 1,165,448 ; 1,175,724; 1,199,200; 1,221,769 ; 1.244742: 1,251,341; 1,261,743 ; 1,270,519; 1,274,395 ; 1,279,252: 1,310,363 ; 1,322,511: 1,346,191 ; 1,375,804 ; 1,377,089 ; 1,449,052 ; 1,472,739; 1,480,706 ; 1,489,116 ; 1,493,191: 1,504,338 ; 1,520,033 —,—, brass, crucible for melting of, made with, 1,241971 —,—, chromium, iron, manganese, silicon, cyan- ide apparatus of, 1,388,586 —,—,copper, crucible for melting of, made with, 1,241,971 —,—, heat insulator, 1,301,675 —,—, molybdenum in, 1,461,178 —,—, preparing, 1,349,918 —,—,resistance of, 1,274,250 —,—, sodium cyanide furnace made of, 1,321,892 —,—, stee] and iron united in bath of, 1,455,307 —,—, tungsten in, 1,461,178 —,—,see also Ferro-nickel; Invar; Nichrome —, nickel 90, chromium 10, carbon 0.5-2; silicon 1-2, electrical resistance wire of, 1,465,547 —,nickel 15, copper 85, bullet jacketed with, 1,357,865 —,nickel-aluminum, mfr. of, 1,453,254 —,nickel-aluminum-silicon, mfr. of, 1,461,178 —,nickel article, hollow, made with, 1,250,802 —,nickel-chromium, furnace for sodium cyan- ide mfr. made of, 1,307,362 —,—, heat insulator, 1,301,675 SUBJECTS 343 Alloy, nickel-chromium, preparing, 1,365,499 —,—,see also Nickel-chromium alloy; Ni- chrome —,nickel-chromium-iron, deoxidizing, magne- sium for, 1,437,405 —,—,—,nickel-magnesium alloy for, 1,437,405 —,—,sodium cyanide kiln made of, 1,313,312; 1,313,313 —, nickel-chromium-iron-manganese, furnace contg., pot made of, 1,387,286 —, nickel-columbium, preparing, 1,355,532 —, nickel-copper-iron, mfr. of, 1,455,589 —,nickel-iron, producing, 1,356,342 —, nickel-magnesium, nickel-chromium-iron al- loy deoxidized with, 1,437,405 —, nickel-steel, 1,291,408 —,—, electric lamp leading-in wire of, 1,422,443 —,—, mfr. of, 1,424,710; 1,424,711 —, nickel-tantalum, preparing, 1,355,532 —,nickel-zinc contg., preparing, 1,349,918 —, nickel-zirconium, mfr. of, 1,387,663 —,niobium. in, 1,167,827; 1,346,189; 1,445,253 —, nitric acid resisting, formula, aluminum, 89- 94, lead 5-10, magnesium trace, 1,385,223 —,hon-corrodable, formulas for, 1,346,188; 1,346,189; 1,346,190 —, non-warping, mfr. of, 1,400,527 —, oil, composition contg., coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —, oil-coated, granulated, mfr. of, 1,458,290 —, oil-coating, 1,458,290 —,osmium in, Re-13,961 (1,055,119) ; 1,165,448; 1,167,827; 1,169,753; 1,248,621 —, osmium palladium, catalyst of, 1,388,955 —, oxidizable, casting of, magnesium oxalate f or, 1,463,609 —,—,—, sulfur for, 1,463,609 —,—, Magnesium oxalate with of, 1,463,609 —,—, melting of scrap, 1,292,582 —,—, sulfur, casting with of, 1,463,609 —, oxygen free, producing, alkali manganosili- cate slag for, 1,363,382 —, packing made with, 1,206,306 —, palladium in, 1,165,448; 1,166,129; 1,169,753; 1,229,037; 1,248,621; 1,282,055; 1,283,264; 1,296,938; 1,378,996; 1,423,338; 1,515,464 —, palladium, catalyst contg., 1,388,995 —, palladium nickel, ammonia synthesis cata- lyst, 1,388,995 —, palladium-platinum-gold, 1,449,154 —, palladium-silver-gold in, 1,296,938 —,papier-mache, coated with, process 1,258,282 —, pasteboard coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —,paste-form, production of, electrolytic, 1,461,276 —, petroleum cracked using, 1,394,688 —, phenol, made using heating bath of, 1,213,143 —,phenol aldehyde condensate article made with, 1,377,517 —, phosphine produced by, 1,338,279 cyanide for, —,phosphorus in, _ 1,132,376; 1,166,342 ; 1,171,066; 1,175,655; 1,180,996; 1,203,991; 1,245,552; 1,252,596; 1,254,854; 1,265,150; 1,277,989; 1,285,231; 1,286,921; 1,359,064; 1,422,591; 1,453,928; 1,468,937; 1,502,321; 1,508,032; 1,518,793 —,—, brass, manganese in, made with, 1,214,539 344. UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alloy, phosphorus in, bronze, manganese in, made with, 1,214,539 —,—,copper alloy, manganese in, made with, 1,214,539 —,—, manganese, 1,214,539 —,—,—, bronze contg., made with, 1,214,539 | —,—,—,copper alloy conig., made with 1,214,539 —,—, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,268,849; 1,287,653 —,—, carbon for, 1,268,849 —,—, electric furnace for, 1,268,849 —,—,—, phosphate rock for, 1,268,849 —,—,—, process for, 1,268,849 b] —,—,see also Ferro-phosphorus ; brass contg., made with, bd > > i Phosphor compounds ; Phosphor-bronze ; Phosphor-cop- per; Phosphor-tin; Phosphor-zine —,phosphorus-copper, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,315,208 —, phosphor-tin in, 1,180,996 —, piston-rod packing made of, 1,285,231 —, plating with, electrolyte for, 1,404,156 —, platinum in, Re-13,961 (1,055,119) ; 1,165,448 ; 1,169,753; 1,178,570; 1,207,047; 1,282,055; 1,296,938; 1,823,834; 1,376,656; 1,378,996 ; 1,423,338; 1,494,254; 1,515,464 ——,imitation, gold 83.3%, nickel 1,855,811 —,platinum-gold, mfr. of, 1,323,833 —,—, palladium, 1,449,154 —, platinum-gold-iridium, mfr. of, 1,323,834 —, platinum-molybdenum in, 1,407,525 —, platinum palladium, catalyst of, 1,888,995 —, platinum substitute, 1,282,055 —,—, see Platinum, substitute for, formula —, platinum substitute of gold and palladium, 1,339,505 —, platinum-tungsten in, 1,407,525 —,potash used in preparing, 1,422,591 —, potassium in, 1,142,220; 1,200,770; 1,453,928 —, potassium, mfr. of, process for, 1,252,887 —,potassium-lead, chloride reduced _ by, 1,388,086 —, powder, propellent, made with, 1,357,865 —, precious metal, see also Metal, precious, dis- tortion of when heated —, preparing, method of, 1,482,289 —, printing plate made with, 1,377,517 —, printing plate matrices of, 1,410,031 —,pump valve made with, 1,295,394 —, purification of, boron trioxide for, 1,248,503 —,—,cerium oxide for, 1,248,503 —,—, charcoal for, 1,248,503 —,—,coke for, 1,248,503 —,—,copper(ous) oxide for, 1,248,503 16.7%, —, glucose for, 1,248,503 —,—,glycerol for, 1,248,503 —,—,metal suboxide for, 1,248,503 —,—, process for, 1,248,503 —,—,suboxides for, 1,248,503 —,—, thorium oxide for, 1,248,503 —,—, titanium suboxide for, 1,248,503 —,—, tungsten suboxide for, 1,248,503 —,—,vanadium suboxide for, 1,248,503 —,—, water for, 1,248,503 —,—, zirconium oxide for, 1,248,503 Alloy, pyrophoric, formula, cerium (or misch- metal) 70-75%, iron 25-80%, 1,396,032 —,—, lighter wick ignited by, 1,430,543 —,—, protecting, oil process for, 1,396,032 —,radio-telegraphic, signal current, apparatus for recording of, made of, 1,198,270 —,rare earth metal in, 1,480,779 —,—,mfr. of, barium chloride for, 1,290,010; 1,290,011 —,—,—, kerosene for, 1,290,010; 1,290,011 —,—,—,potassium chloride for, 1,290,010; 1,290,011 —,—,—, process for, 1,290,010; 1,290,011 —,—,-- sodium '¢chloride yao 1,290,010; 1,290,011 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,518,443 —,recovery from scrap of, apparatus for, 1,260,312 —,—, process for, 1,260,312 —,refining of, apparatus for, 1,347,838 —,refractory, mfr. of, 1,435,742 : —,rendering soluble of, process for, 1,471,751 —,resin, composition contg., coated with, proc- ess for, 1,258,282 —,resistance, electric, made with, 1,168,074 ; 1,175,724 —,—,formula, nickel, iron, tantalum, colum- bium, 1,445,253 —,rhodium in, 1,165,448; 1,169,753; 1,207,047 ; 1,248,621 —, rhodium palladium, catalyst of, 1,388,995 —,rolling of, roller for, mfr. of, 1,318,748 —,rubber, adhesion of to, 1,124,302 —,rubber vulcanized to, 1,124,302 —,rubber vulcanized by immersion in low- melting, 1,368,071 —,rust resisting, formula, iron, copper, mo- lybdenum, 1,363,564; Re-15,208 —,—, molybdenum-iron for, 1,355,589; 1,355,590 —,ruthenium in, 1,165,448; 1,167,827; 1,169,753; 1,248,621 —,ruthenium palladium, catalyst of, 1,388,995 —,sandstone, calcareous coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —,scavenging, mfr. of, 1,415,733 —,—,see also Metals, scavenging —,self-disintegrating, producing, 1,421,471 _ —,separating, chlorine for, 1,434,485; 1,434,486 —,slagging, arsenious acid for, 1,365,178 —' silicon in, 1,128,726; 1,134,127; 1,134,128; 1,134,129; | 1,134,788; 1,162,186; 1,166,342; 1168962: 1,181,570; 1,203,180; 1,203,555; 1245552: 1,247,206; 1,252,023; 1,252,596; 1257272: 1,260,037; 1,273,877; 1,274,360; 1.277046: 1,278,304; 1,279,828; 1,283,280; 1.286.921: 1,313,291; 1,322,158; 1,822,511; 1346187: 1,346,188; 1,346,189; 1,357,549; 1357550: 1,376,056; 1,376,062; 1,421,471; 1,449,052: 1,452,781; 1,453,928; 1,468,073; 1468937: 1,472,738; 1,472,789; 1,472,740; 1475942: 1,480,779; 1,485,635; 1,492,282; 1493191; 1,495,504; 1,508,032; 1,509,624; 1510242; 1,510,541; 1,513,793; 1,513,806; 1,514,064 —,—,see also Duriron; Ferro-silicon; Silico- manganese; Tantiron —,silicon-aluminum, explosive contg., 1,410,868 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 345 Alloy, silicon-aluminum, iron improved by ad- dition of, 1,896,276 —,—, mfr. ‘of, 1,396 276; 1,464,625 —, ’ silicon-aluminum- -magnesium, explosive conte. ., 1,410,868 —, silicon- aluminum-nickel, mfr. of, 1,461,178 —, ’ silicon-calcium, composition of, 1322, 158 —, ’ silicon carbide. contg., impurity of, 1,488, 311 —, ’ silicon copper in, 1,377,089 —, ’ silicon copper, mir. of, 1,300, 058 —, silicon-copper, magnesium mfr. of, 1,310,449 —, silicon-iron, magnetic properties of, improv- ing, 1,358,810 — , silicon-magnesium, composition of, 1,322,158 —,—, mfr. of, 1,310,466 — ; silicon-magnesium-manganese, iit OL 1 461,643 —, silk, artificial, spinneret for, made with, 1 492, 594 —, silver, in, 1,183,019; 1,146,185; 1,149,850; 1,164,997; 1,166,129; 1 169, 658; 1,191 390: 1,229,037; 1.247977: 1,248,621: 1.261.987: 1,283,264; 1.296,938; 1.483 327 —, silver, contg., less than 1% lead, 1,358,908 —,—, gold, palladium in, 1,296,938 —,silver-copper, catalyst, 1,383,059 —, silver-copper-manganese, catalyst in ammo- nia oxidation, 1,357,000 —, silver-palladium, catalyst of, 1,388,995 —,sodium in, 1,123,685; 1,142,220; 1,148,194; 1 175,655; 1 '200,,7 70: 1 269 000; [ 453 928 —, sodium, mfr. of, process for, 1.252 887 oe sodium bicarbonate, treatment with of, $471,751 —, sodium 1,422,591 —,sodium-copper, see Copper-sodium couple —, sodium hydroxide in, 1,269,000 —,sodium hydroxide, treatment 1,471,751 —,sodium hydroxide resistant, 1,166,866 —,sodium-lead, calcium-lead alloy prepared from, 1,359,813 —,—, chlorides reduced by, 1,388,086 —, sodium- magnesium-aluminum, formation of, 1 457,225 —, sodium-potassium, 1,354,451 —, solder for, aluminum in, 1,145,307 —,—, antimony in, 1,344,566 a copper in, 1,344,566 —, lead in, 1,145,307; 1,344,566 —, —, phosphorus i inp; 145, 307 —,—, tin in, 1,145, 307: 1 344 066 —,—, tin, phosphorus ‘alloy of in, 1,145,307 carbonate producing of using, with of, —,— ‘white metal in, 1,344,566 —,—, * zine in, 1,145,307; 1,344,566 —,soldering of, 1,245,862 —, spark-plug electrode made with, 1,274,395 —,spinneret made with, 1,492,594 —, spring, leaf, made with, 1,221 695 lipase made from, 1,149, 850 “ standard ” aluminum, mir. of, 1,305,300 —, Pe veal in, 1,199,200; 1,441,479 —, steel, carbon in, 1,313,894; 1,446,497 —,—, chromium in, 1,313,894 —,—, copper in, 1,313,894 soldering compound for, Alloy, — steel, 1,244,414 —,—, ferromanganese in mfr. of, 1,446,497 —,-—, ferro-silicon in mfr. of, 1,446 A97 —,—, ferro-uranium in mfr. of, 1,446 A97 —,—, ferro-vanadium jn mfr. of, 1,446, 497 —,—, formula, carbon 0.30-0.60, manganese not over 0.80, silicon 1-2.5, chromium 0.30-0. 80, vanadium 0.10-0. 30, nickel 1.5-3. 5%, 1,342, 911 —,—,—, carbon 0.62%, silicon 0.20%, manga- nese, 0 63%, uranium 0.23%, vanadium 0.15% (balance steel), 1,446,497 —,—, high speed, substitute, 1,273,877 —,—, Iron in, 1,313,894 —,—,Manganese in, 1,813,894; 1,446,497 7 mir. of, 1,366, 662: | 392 62 ; 1 424 612 —,—, ’ phosphorus i in, 1 313 894 —, producing, 1 402, 088 —,—, silicon in, 1,313 894; 1,446,497 —, —, steel turnings in mfr. of, 1,446,497 —,—, sulfur in, 1,313,894 —,—, uranium in, “1,446, 497 —,—, vanadium in, 1 446, 497 copper coated, made with, —,—, zinc coated, made ‘with, 1,244,414 —, see also Steel alloy —, steel-improving, aluminum, magnesium, uranium, ferro-silicon, iron, i 082,146 —,—, aluminum magnesium, ’ferro-silicon, zir- conium, 1,382,147 —, stibine produced by, 1,838,279 —,stone, artificial, coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —, stone coated with, graphite for, 1,258,282 —,—, process for, 1,258,282 —, strontium in, 1 142 220; 1,158,672; 1,158,673; 1 169,392; 1 258, 886; 1 500 954 —, sulfur in, 1 166, 342: 1 245 002; 1,468,937; 1,508,032 —, sulfur in producing of, 1,422,591 —,sulfuric acid resistant, 1,277, 989; 1,425,330 —, superficial, forming on iron surfaces, 1,881,085 —.switch, electric, thermally controlled, made Vn, 1 '380, 049 — tantalum in, 1,151,160; 1,167,827; 1,248,621; 1 248,648; 1 346, 189: ‘1 346, 190: 1 385 072: 1 AAS 253: 1. ‘449, 338. — tantalum-nickel, preparing, 1,355,532 —., telegraphic signal current, apparatus for recording of, made of, 1,198, 270 — ,tellurium in, mfr. of, process for, 1,306,070; 1 308,911 — , textile, artificial, spinneret for, made with, 1 ,492 594 Salam: in, 1,200,770 —, thallium-lead, 1,384,056 — , thermocouple made with, 1,221,270 —, thermo- electric couple made with, 1,169,611 —, thorium in, 1,167,827; 1,248,621 —,—, mir. of, process for, 1,290 010; 1,290,011 — thorium oxide in, 1,423 338 —, ‘tin, 1,133,376; 1 155 317: 1,162,226; 1,164,997; 1,252,596 ; 1,165,448/° 1,169,536; 1,169,658: | 11175,655: 1,180,996: 1,186,217: 1.194101: 1.195.376: 1,195,955: 1,196,118: 1.199.200: 1.203.991: 1,208,798; 1,208,799; 1,217,578: 1,227,569: 1,228,017; 1,239,465; 1,239,785;. 1.239 854: 1,254,854; 1,258261; 1,269,000; 1,273,146: 346 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alloy, tin (continued) 1,280,706; 1,421,471; 1,483,327 ; 1,502,321 ; 1,513,806 1,328,694; 1,422,591; 1,490,696 ; 1,502,425 ; 1,344,165; 1,425,330 ; 1,497,011; 1,510,541 ; 1,376,339; 1,475,503; 1,500,954; 1,512,190; Alloy, tin, airplane propeller of, 1,343,191 —,—, aluminum plated with, 1 332, 307 — fire detecting wire made with, 1,235,028 Alloy, tungsten-iron, see Ferro-tungsten —,tungsten-molybdenum, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 —,—, mfr. of, 1,308,907 — tungsten-platinum in, 1,407,525 —} tungsten-thorium, electric light filaments of, 1 422,019 —,—, mfr. of, 1,422,019 —, ultra-violet ray, transparent screen as pro- tection from made with, 1,176,313 —,— — formula contg., 1,452,750 —,—, ’ hollow article made with, 1,135,962; 1,343,191 —,—,iron, coating of using, 1,161,944 ——, molded article made with, 1 1 Ol7 —,—,molded article, hollow, made 1,343,191; 1,504,547 —,—,)P phenol aldehyde condensate article made with, 1,377,517 —,— printing plate made with, 1,377,517 —,—,steel, coating of using, 1 161 944 —,—, see also Phosphor-tin —, tin- -copper-zinc, iron and steel united in bath of molten, 1,455,307 —, tin-lead, electroplating with, 1,464,506 —,—, iron ‘coated with, 1,399, 810 ———, ’ metal fouling of guns prevented by, 1 336, 463 —,—, smokeless powder contg., 1,336,463 —,—, steel coated with, 1,399, 810 with, —,uranium, 1,247,252; 1 27 i; 046; 1,376,056 ; 1,449,338 ano te ‘489, 116; 1 493, 191; 1,495,504 ; 1,513,806 —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,306,070; 1,308,911 —,—, metals scavenged with, 1,460,830 —,uranium-aluminum, mfr. of, 1,304,224 —,uranium-iron, mfr. of, 1,240,056 , vanadium, 1,126,484; *1167,820° 1,261,742; 1,305,166 ; 1,346,190 ; 1,489,116; 1,504,338 1,181,570; 1,261,987; 1,313,291; 1,423,338 ; 1,489,243; 1,162,226; 1,244,742; 1,282,981; 1,322,511; 1,468,937 ; 1,493,191; 1,166,342 ; 1,248,621; 1,287,153; 1,346,189 ; 1,483 298 ; 1,495,504 ; —,—,mfr. of, process for, 1,306,070; 1,308,911 - —,—, metals scavenged with, 1,460,830 —, vanadium-iron, see Ferro-vanadium —, water gas made with, 1,506,323 —, welding, electric, process for, 1,134,007 —, welding of, flux for, 1,502,144 —,—,see also Solder —, ’ tin-lead- -copper, reflectors mfr. of, 1,336,224 —, "titanium, 1,166,342 ; 1,248,621 ; 1,260,037 ; 1,322,511; 1,480,706 ; 1,136,670 ; 1,203,180; 1,248 648 ; 1,261,748 ; 1,346,189 ; 1,483 298 ; 1,151,160; 1 203, 55D; 1 251 341 ; 1,261,987 ; 1,346,190 ; 1,489,116 ; 1 151, 744; 1 ‘921 769 ; 1 252,023 ; 1,273,762 ; 1,464,312; 1,489 243 ; —,—, process for, 1,126,655 —, white metal in, 1,828,694 —,—,see also Metal, white, formula —, wire-coating, formula, lead 91, zine 1, anti- mony 8, 1,357,907 —, wood, coating of with, 1,281,108 1,493,191; 1,513, '806 —,—, resistance of, 1,274,250 —,—, see also Cupro- titanium —, treatment of, alkali bisulfate for, 1,364,804 —,—, alkali earth bisulfate for, 1 364, 804 —,— ’ apparatus for, 1,243,714; 1 347, 838 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1 364, 804: 1,378,485 1,495,504; 1,504,338; 1,508,082; —,—,iron(ic) sulfate for, 1,364 804 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,364, 804: 1,378 485 —,—,process for, 1 243, 714: 1 364,804 ; 1,378,485 ; 1,517,354 —, — sodium bisulfate for, 1,864,804 —,—, sodium bisulfite for, 1,364, 804 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1 364, 804 —,—,sodium, pyrosulfate for, 1 364, 804 —,sulfuric acid for, 1,364, 804; 1,378, 485 —, Wood’s, molybdenum sulfide soldered to copper wire with, 1,418,362 —,zine in, 1 123, ‘685; 1,124,302; 1,126.646; 1,149,850; 1 ‘155 317; 1 162 996: ; 1,164,997; 1,180,996 ; 1,186,217: 1,194,101 1,195,955; 1,196,118; 1,199,200; 1,212,374; 1,227,569; 1,239,465; 1,239,785; 1,239,854; 1,247,977; 1,273,146; 1,273,762; 1,276,916; 1,277,989; 1,280,706; 1,305,300; 1 310, 363; 1,314,417 ; 1,328,694; 1,341,774; 1 344, 165; 1,346,190; 1,376,389; 1,377,089; 1,421 471: 1,425,330; 1,468,407; 1,468,828; 1,469,191 : 1,472,738 ; 1,475,503 —, zinc, aluminum and manganese, 1,358,147 — tungsten, 1,166,342: 1,167,827; 1,203,180; 1.203.555; 1,221,769: 1,236,384; 1,248,621; 1252038: 1.261.987: 1268495: 1,277,046; 1313291; 1,319,537; 1,322,511; 1,346,188; 1,346,189: 1,346,190; 1,357,550; 1,376,056; 1,376,062; 1,423,338; 1,449,338; 1,468,073; 1,468,937: 1.483.298: 1,489,116; 1,489,243; 1,493,191: 1,495,504; 1,504,338; 1,513,806; 1,520,033 : —,—, heat insulator, 1,801,675 —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,306,070; 1,308,911 —,—,see also Ferro-tungsten —,tungsten-chromium, preparing, 1,865,499 —,—, formula, zine contg. small amts. of man- ganese, copper and aluminum, 1,338,826 —,—,iron, coating of, using, i 161,944; 1, 168, 663 : 1,168,664; 1 244 414 —,—, hardness increased of, process for, 1,326,775 —,—, mfr. of, 1;364,654 —,—,— electrolytic method for, 1,293,426 —,—,—, process for, 1,252,887 —,—, metal coated with, made with, 1,244,414 —,—,steel, coating of using, 1,161,944; 1,168,663; 1,168,664; 1,244,414 —,—, see also “ Electron” metal; Phosphor- bronze ; Phosphor-zinc —, zinc-aluminum, aluminum chloride from, 1,455,005 —, zinc-aluminum-magnesium, mfr. of, 1,458,290 < _—, catalyst, INDEX OF Alloy, zinc cadmium, electrical appliances pro- tected by, 1,425,111 —,zinc-copper, 1,457,289 —,—,iron united with 1,359,719 —,—,see also Copper-zinc couples —,zinc-copper-tin, iron and steel united in bath of molten, 1,455,307 —, zinc-iron, formation of, 1,456,798 —,—, mir. of, 1,307,853 —, zinc-magnesium, production of, 1,388,086 —, zirconium in, 1,151,160; 1,167,827; 1,221,769; copper alloys by, 1,248,621; 1,248,648; 1,277,046; 1,278,304; 1,322,511; 1,346,190; 1,882,147; 1,464,312; 1,489,116; 1,493,191; 1,495,504 —, zirconium carbide in, 1,835,983 —, zirconium-lead, mfr. of, 1,335.982 —, zirconium-nickel, mfr. of, 1,387,663 —, zirconium-silicon, steel made with, 1,374,038 Alloy, see also Bearing metal; Brass; Ferro- chromium; Ferro-silicon; Lead alloy; Rose metal; Solder; Steel alloys; Wood’s metal Alloy apparatus, engine, internal combustion, fuel for, made with, 1,480,183 —, fuel, gaseous, made with, 1,480,183 —, producer gas made with, 1,480,183 Alloy core, metal article, hollow, made with, 1,250,803 Alloy electrode, barium in, 1,441,567; 1,441,568 —, calcium in, 1,441,567, 1,441,568 hydrogenation, 1,151,045; 1,175,905; 1,177,896 —~, chromium in, 1,441,567; 1,441,568 —, chromium, ductile, made with, 1,297,000 —, copper in, 1,441,567; 1,441,568 —,fat, hydrogenation of using, 1,177,896 —,hydrogenation, catalyst for, 1,151,045; 1,175,905; 1,177,896 —, iron in, 1,441,567; 1,441,568 —, lead in, 1,441,567; 1,441,568 —, lead sulfide in, 1,441,567; 1,441,568 —., lightning arrester made with, 1,179,380 —, magnesium in, 1,441,567; 1,441,568 —,manganese in, 1,441,567; 1,441,568 —, metal, ductile, made with, 1,297,000 —, molybdenum, ductile, made with, 1,297,000 —, nickel in, 1,441,567; 1,441,568 —,oil, hydrogenation of using, 1,177,896 —,sewage, softening of using, 1,222,637 —,—, treatment of using, 1,222,637 —, silicon in, 1,441,567; 1,441,568 —,strontium in, 1,441,567; 1,441,568 —,tin in, 1,441,567; 1,441,568 —, tungsten in, 1,441,567; 1,441,568 —, tungsten, ductile, made with, 1,297,000 —,water, softening of, using, 1,222,637 —,—, treatment of, using, 1,222,637 —, welding made with, 1,241,899; 1,517,292 Alloy powder, transfer metallic product made with, 1,515,722 Alloy steel, see Steel alloy Alloy wool, heat insulator, 1,301,675 Allspice, see Pimenta Allyl acetate, finish 1,167,640 made with, 1,175,905 ; made with, 1,175,905 ; remover made _ with, SUBJECTS 347 Allyl alcohol, ally] p-amino-benzoate made with, 1,360,994 —,allyl 3.5-diamino-benzoate made _ with, 1,360,994 —,allyl 3.5-dinitro-benzoate made with, 1,360,994 —,allyl p-nitro-benzoate made with, 1,360,994 —,allyl 2-phenylquinoline-4-carboxylate from, 1,336,952 —,epilepsy, compound for treatment of, made with, 1,205,138 —,ethyl alcohol, denatured, made _ using, 1,176,150; 1,176,462 —,finish remover made with, 1,145,980; 1,147,851; 1,167,640; 1,169,783 ; 1,172,773 —, osteomalacia, compound for treatment of, made with, 1,205,138 —, phosphorates, organic, made with, 1,205,138 —, phosphorites, organic, made with, 1,205,138 —, production of, wood for, 1,176,150; 1,176,462 —, “ quasi-,” finish remover made with, 1,172,773 —,rachitic disease, compound for treatment of, made with, 1,205,138 —,therapeutic compound made with, 1,205,138 —,see also A®-1-Propenol Allyl aldehyde, fats contg., 1,381,564 Allyl amine, allyl n-butyl amine made with, 1,476,934 —, camphoric 1,406,547 Allyl p-aminobenzoate, anesthetic properties of, 1,360,994 —, mfr. of, allyl alcohol for, 1,360,994 —,—., allyl-p-nitro-benzoate for, 1,360,994 —,—, ether for, 1,360,994 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,360,994 —,—,iron for, 1,360,994 —,— p-nitro-benzoy] chloride for, 1,,360,994 —,—, process for, 1,860,994 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,360,994 —, preparing, 1,360,994 Allyl p-aminobenzoate hydrochloride, 1,360,994 Allyl 4-aminophenyl ether, see p-Allyloxy- aniline Allyl-iso-amyl amine, N. N-allyl-cso-amyl-ami- noethyl-aleohol made with, 1,476,934 N-Allyl-N-iso-amyl-aminoethyl alcohol, b-(N- allyl-N-iso-amyl) aminoethyl p-aminoben- zoate made with, 1,476,934 —,b(N.-N-allyl-N-iso-amyl) aminoethyl p-ni- tro-benzoate made with, 1,476,934 —,mfr. of, allyl-iso-amyl amine for, 1,476,934 —,—,ethylene oxide for, 1,476,934 b(N-Allyl-N-iso-amyl) aminoethyl p-aminoben- zoate, mfr. of, (N-allyl-N-so-amyl) ami- noethyl alcohol for, 1,476,934 —,—, b(N-allyl-N-iso-amyl) aminoethyl p-ni- trobenzoate for, 1,476,934 —,—, benzene for, 1,476,934 —,—,ether for, 1,476,934 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,476,934 —,—, p-nitrobenzoyl chloride for, 1,476,934 —,—, process for, 1,476,934 —,—,tin for, 1,476,934 b-(N-Allyl-N-iso-amyl) aminoethyl p-amino- benzoate hydrochloride, anesthétic properties of, 1,476,934 —,melting point of, 1,476,934 acid derivatives made _ with, 348, b(N-Allyl-N-tso-amyl)-aminoethyl p-nitroben- benzoate, mfr. of, b-(N-allyl-N-iso-amyl) aminoethyl alcohol for, 1,476,934 5-Allyl-5A?-butenyl-barbituric acid, hypnotic, 1,511,919 —, mfr. of, diethyl] allyl A’-butenyl-malonate for, 1,511,919 —,—,ethyl alcohol for, 1,511,919 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,511,919 —,—, process for, 1,511,919 —,—,sodium for, 1,511,919 —,—,sodium alcoholate for, 1,511,919 —,—, urea for, 1,511,919 —, properties of, 1,511,919 Allylbromide, allyl-2-phenylquinoline-4-car- boxylate from, 1,836,952 —,a-allyl-a.a-diethyl-acetamide made _ with, 1,482,343 —., a-allyl-a.a-diethyl-acetonitrile made with, 1,482,343 —, l-allyl-3.7-dimethylxanthine from, 1,415,700 —,cephaeline allyl ether made with, 1,219,575 —, glycerol made with, 1,477,113 —,1so-propylallylbarbituric acid prepared from, 1,444,802 —, 1-allyl-theobromine made with, 1,415,700 —, N-(toluenesulfonyl]-allyl)-p-aminophenyl toluenesulfonate made with, 1,316,804 Allyl n-butyl amine, b(N-allyl-N-n-butyl) ami- noethyl p-aminobenzoate made with, 1,476,934 —,b(N-allyl-N-n-butyl) aminoethyl p-nitro- benzoate made with, 1,476,934 —, g-(N-allyl-N-n-butyl)aminopropyl p-amino- benzoate made with, 1,476,934 —, g-(N-allyl-N-n-butyl) aminopropyl benzoate made with, 1,476,934 —,mfr. of, allyl amine for, 1,476,934 —,—,n-butyl bromide for, 1,476,934 —,—, process for, 1,476,934 b(N-Allyl-N-n-butyl) aminoethyl p-aminoben- zoate, mfr. of, allyl--butyl amine for, 1,476,934 —,—, b(N-allyl-N-n-butyl) aminoethyl p-nitro- benzoate for, 1,476,934 —,—,b-bromethyl p-nitrobenzoate for, 1,476,934 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,476,934 —,—, process for, 1,476,934 —,—, tin for, 1,476,934 b(N-Allyl-N-n-butyl) aminoethyl p-nitroben- zoate, mfr. of, allyl n-butyl amine for, 1,476,934 —,—,b-bromethyl p-nitrobenzoate for, 1,476,934 g(N-Allyl-N-n-butyl) aminopropyl p-aminoben- p-nitro- zoate, mfr. of, allyl-n-butyl amine for, 1,476,934 —,—,g(N-allyl-N-n-butyl)aminopropyl p-ni- trobenzoate for, 1,476,934 —,—,benzene for, 1,476,934 —,—,g-brompropyl p-nitrobenzoate for, 1,476,934 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,476,934 —,—, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,476,934 —,—, process for, 1,476,934 —,—,tin for, 1,476,934 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 g(N-Allyl-N-n-butyl) aminopropyl p-aminoben- zoate hydrochloride, anesthetic properties of, 1,476,934 —, melting point of, 1,476,934 —,g(N-allyl-N-n-butyl)aminopropy] p-amino- benzoate made with, 1,476,934 —, mfr. of, allyl n-butyl amine for, 1,476,934 g(N-Allyl-N-n-butyl)aminopropyl p-nitroben- zoate, g(N-allyl-N-n-butyl)aminopropyl p- aminobenzoate made with, 1,476,934 —,—, benzene for, 1,476,934 —,—,g-brompropyl p-nitro-benzoate for, 1,476,934 —,—, process for, 1,476,934 Allylchloride, allyl 2-phenylquinoline-4-carboxy- late from, 1,336,952 —, glycerol made with, 1,477,113 —, hydrochloric acid as by-product of mfr. of, 1,477,047 —,rafr. of, alkali metal for, 1,477,047 —,—, aluminum for, 1,477,047 —,—, barium chloride as catalyst for, 1,477,047 —,—, calcium for, 1,477,047 ,—, calcium chloride as catalyst for, 1,477,047 — —,—,calcium hydroxide for, 1,477,047 —,—, 1.2-dibrompropane for, 1,477,047 —,—,1.2-dichlorpropane for, 1,477,047 —,—,1.2-dihalogenpropane for, 1,477,047 ,—, magnesium for, 1,477,047 —— —,—, magnesium hydroxide for, 1,477,047 —,—, metal chloride as catalyst for, 1,477,047 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,477,047 —,—, process for, 1,477,047 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,477,047 —, see also 3-Chlor-propane Allylcrotylbarbituric acid, see 6-Allyl-6-A*-bu- tenyl-barbituric acid Allylcrotylmalonic acid ester, see Diethyl allyl A’-butenyl malonate Allyl 1.3.5. diaminobenzoate, preparation of, 1,360,994 Allyl 1.3.5. diaminobenzoate dihydrochloride, 1,360,994 Allyl 3.5-diamino-benzoate, mfr. of, allyl alco- hol for, 1,860,994 —,—, ally] 3.5-dinitro-benzoate for, 1,360,994 —, —,3.5-dinitro-benzoic acid for, 1,360,994 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,360,994 —,—, iron for, 1,360,994 —,—, process for, 1,360,994 1-Allyl-3.7-dimethyl-xanthine, see 1-Allyl-theo- bromine Allyl-1.3.5-dinitrobenzoate, preparation of, 1,360,994 —,reducing, iron and hydrochloric acid for, 1,360,994 Allyl 3.5-dinitro-benzoate, allyl 3.5-diamino- benzoate made with, 1,860,994 —,mfr. of, allyl alcohol for, 1,360,994 —,—,3.5-dinitro-benzoic acid for, 1,360,994 —,—, process for, 1,360,994 a-Allyl-a.a-diethyl-acetamide, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,482,343 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,482,348 —,—, allyl bromide for, 1,482,343 —,—, a.-allyl-a.a-diethyl-acetonitril for, 1,482,343 “ INDEX OF SUBJECTS 349 a-Allyl-a.a-diethyl-acetamide, mfr. of, brom- diethyl-acetonitrile for, 1,482,343 —,—, copper for, 1,482,343 —,—, process for, 1,482,343 —,—,toluene for, 1,482,343 —, melting point of, 1,482,343 a-Allyl-a.a-diethyl-acetonitrile, a-allyl-a.a- diethyl acetamide made with, 1,482,343 —, mfr. of, allyl bromide for, 1,482,343 —,—,brom-diethyl-acetonitrile for, 1,482,343 —,—, copper for, 1,482,343 —,—, process for, 1,482,343 —,—, toluene for, 1,482,343 1-Allyl-8. 7- -dimethyl-xanthine, see 1-Allyl- theobromine Allylene, action of sulfuric acid on, 1,436,288 —, carboxylic acids condensed with, 1,425, 130 —,b-chloropropylene from, 1,425, 130 —, ‘diolefines made with, 1 436, 819 — ‘ethylene condensed with, 1 436 819 —,hydrochloric acid gas condensed with, 1 425,130 — methyl chloride condensed with, 1,425,130 — propylene sulfuric acid from, 1,436 288 —,see also Hydrocarbon, diolefin; Propine a-Allyl-a-ethyl-n-butyramide, see a-Allyl-a.a- diethyl-acetamide a-Allyl-a-ethyl-n-butyronitrile, see Allyl- diethyl-acetonitrile Allyl-4.3-guaiacol, see Fugenol 4-Allyl-guaiacol, see Eugenol _Allyl iodide, 1-allyl-3.7-dimethylxanthine from, 1,415,700 — , 1-allyl-theobromine made with, 1,415,700 —, cephaeline allyl ether made with, 1 219 075 Allyl isosulfocyanic ester, see Allyl isothio- cyanate Allyl isothiocyanate, 1,502,924 —,see also Allyl thiocarbamide Allyl mercaptan, turpentine impurity, 1,493,454 4-Allyl-2-methozy-phenol, see Eugenol 1-Allyl-3.4-methylene-dihydroxybenzene, see Safrol Allylmorphine, allylmorphine-diallylbarbituric acid made with, 1,255,423 — , diallylbarbituric acid compound of with, 1 255,423 —, mir. of, allyldimethylphenyl ammonium hy- droxide for, 1,255,423 —,—, ethyl alcohol for, 1,255,423 —,morphine for, 1,255,423 —,—, process for, 1,255,423 —,—,sodium ethylate for, 1,255,423 —, obstetrics, soporific for, made with, 1,255,423 —, sedative made with, 1 255 A423 —,soporific made with, 1 255, 423 Allylmorphine-diallylbarbituric acid, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,255,423 —,—, allylmorphine for, 1,255,423 —,—, diallylbarbituric acid for, 1,255,423 —,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,255,423 —,—, process for, 1,255,423 5 Allyl mustard oil, see Allyl thiocarbimide Allyl p-nitro-benzoate, allyl p-amino-benzoate made with, 1,360,994 —, mfr. of, allyl alcohol for, 1,360,994 insecticide made with, Allyl-p-nitro-benzoate, mfr. of, p-nitro-benzoyl chloride for, 1,360,994 —,—,process for, 1,360,994 —, preparing, 1 360 994 —,reducing, iron and hydrochloric acid for, 1 360,994 p-Allyloxy-acetanilide, N.N'-bis(p-allyloxy- phenyl)-acetamidine made with, 1,384,637 —, mfr. of, acetic anhydride for, 1,263,238 —,—, p-allyloxy-aniline for, 1,263,238 —,—, p-allyloxy-aniline hydrochlorate for, 1,263,238 —,—, process for, 1,263,238 —,—,sodium acetate for, 1,263,238 —, properties of, 1,263,238 p-Allyloxy-aniline, p-allyloxy-acetanilide made with, 1,263,238 —, acet-p-allyloxy-aniline, condensation product of and, 1,384,637 —, p- -allyloxy-isovaleranilide made with, 1,263,238 —, p- -allyloxy-lactanilide made with, 1,263,238 —, N.N'-bis (p-allyloxy-phenyl)-acetamidine made with, 1,384,637 p- -Allyloxy-aniline-hydrochlorate, p-allyloxy- acetanilide made with, 1,263,238 p-Allyloxy-a -brom-isovaleranilide, mfr. brom-isovaleryl bromide for, 1,263 238 —,—, ether for, 1,263,238 —,—, process for, 1 263 238 —,—, sodium bromide as, 1,263,238 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1 263 238 —, properties of, 1,263,238 p-Allyloxy-isovaleranilide, mfr. of, p-allyloxy aniline for, 1,263,238 —,— , isovaleric acid for, 1,263,238 —,—, process for, 1,263 238 —, properties of, 1 263 238 p-Allyloxy-lactanilide, mfr. of, p-allyloxy-ani- line for, 1,263,238 —,— lactic anhydride for, 1,263,238 —,—, process for, 1,263,238 —, properties of, 1,263,238 o-Allylphenyl] carbamate, mfr. of, process for, 1,252,452 —., properties Ol 1252452 Allyl 2-phenyl-cinchoninate, see Atophan, ally} ester of, p-Allylphenylmethyl ether, see Anethol p-Allylphenylmethylic ether, see Anethol Allyl 2-phenylquinoline 4- carboxylate, Pree tion of, 1,836,952 —, see also "Atophan, allyl ester of g-(N-Allyl-N-n-propyl)-aminopropyl p-amino- benzoate, mfr. of, process for, 1,476,934 g-(N-Allyl-N-n-propyl)-aminopropyl p-amino- benzoate hydrochloride, anesthetic properties of, 1,476,934 —, melting point of, 1,476,934 g-(N-N-Allyl4so-propyl)aminopropyl p-amino- benzoate, see g-(N-Allyl-N-iso-propyl)amino- propyl p-aminobenzoate ?-Allyl-?-2so-propyl-barbituric acid, made with, 1,494,127 —,pyramidone, compound of and, 1,494,127 Allyl-3.4-pyrocatechol-methylene’* ether, see Safrol ° of, a- analgesic 350 Allyl sulfocarbamide, see Allyl thiocarbamide ; T hiosinamine Allyl sulfourea, see Thiosinamine ; 1-Allyl-theobromine, compounds of diuretic contg., 1,455,264 —,lithium benzoate, 1,455,264 —, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,415,700 —,—, allyl bromide for, 1,415,700 —,—, allyl iodide for, 1,415,700 —,—, chloroform for, 1,415,700 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,415,700 —,—, process for, 1,415,700 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,415,700 —,—, theobromine for, 1,415,700 —,sodium benzoate, compound of 1,455,264 —, sodium 1,455,264 Allyl thiocarbamide, battery, electric, contg., 1,316,760 Allyl thiocarbimide, battery, electric, contg., 1,316,760 Allyl thiourea, see Thiosinamine Almadeina, shoe filler made with, 1,203,435 —, see also Balata; Besk ; Chicle ; Dead Borneo; Gutta Jelutong; Gutta percha; Pontianak Rubber; Tuna Almandine, see Almandite Almandite, abrasive made 1,387,649; Re-15,796 —., abrasive belt made with, 1,192,394 —,abrasive cloth made with, 1,192,394 —, abrasive paper made with, 1,192,394 —, aluminum in, 1,380,552 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,192,394 —, composition of, 1,192,394 —., ferro-silicon made with, 1,192,394 —, corundum made with, 1,192,394 —,see also Aluminum iron silicate ; Garnet Almonds, bacteria preparation made with, 1,179,625 —, bitter, see Bitter almonds —,—, ol, see Benzaldehyde —, food product made with, 1,154,059; 1,165,199 ; 1,410,973 —, grinding of, apparatus for, 1,512,466 —,halvah made with, 1,154,059 —,medicine contg., bitter, 1,368,974 —, milk, artificial, made with, 1,165,199 —, milk substitute made with, 1,267,449 —, olives, stuffed, made with, 1,231,286 —, pudding composition contg., 1,426,006 —,sweet, oil, see Almond oil Almond extract, formula for, isopropyl alcohol in, 1,384,680 —, glycols in, 1,384,681 —, mfr. of, amyl alcohol for, 1,384,680; 1,384,681 —,—, butyl alcohol for, 1,384,680; 1,384,681 —,—,ethyl acetate for, 1,384,680; 1,384,681 —,—, ethyl alcohol for, 1,384,680; 1,384,681 —,—, glycerol for, 1,384,680 —,—,glycol for, 1,384,680; 1,384,681 —,—, process for, 1,884,680; 1,384,681 —,—, propanediole for, 1,384,680; 1,384,681 —,—, propyl alcohol for, 1,884,680; 1,384,681 —,—,%iso-propyl alcohol for, 1,384,680; 1,384,681 compound of and, and, salicylate compound of and, with, 1,192,394; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Almond meal, butter substitute from, 1,403,122 —, catalyst, oxygen liberated by, 1,252,973 —,—,oxygen from sodium perborate with, 1,252,973 —., ox-liver extract, catalyst made with, 1,252,973 Almond nut oil, butter substitute made with, 1,403,122 Almond oil, brilliantine ingredient, 1,411,353 —,butter substitute made with, 1,247,482; 1,247,483 —,cleaner made with, 1,218,163 —, cosmetic contg., 1,273,669 —, film, motion picture, blemished, restoring of, using, 1,139,681; 1,492,424 —, flavoring extract made with, 1,378,099 —, hydrogenated, buffing composition made with, 1,276,509; Re-14,568 —,—,chalk, tailor’s, made 1,276,509 ; Re-14,568 —,—, compositions contg., 1,276,507; Re-14,570; 1,276,508; Re-14,569; 1,276,509; Re-14,568 —,—,food product made with, 1,276,509; Re-14,568 —, —, foot 1,276,509 ; Re-14,568 —,—,grinding composition 1,276,509; Re-14,568 —,—, lubricant made with, 1,276,509; Re-14,568 —,—, phonograph record made with, 1,276,507; Re-14,570; 1,276,508; Re-14,569 —,—, polish made with, 1,276,509; Re-14,568 —,—,taleum powder made with, 1,276,509; Re-14,568 —, hydrogenation of, apparatus for, 1,138,201; 1,154,495; 1,251,202; 1,476,330 —,—,asbestos as catalyst carrier for, 1,154,495 —,—, cerium as catalyst for, 1,251,202 —,—, cerium carbide as catalyst for, 1,251,202 —,—, cerium oxide as catalyst for, 1,251,202 —,—,cerium salt as catalyst for, 1,251,202 —,—,carbon as catalyst for, 1,476,330 —,—, cobalt as catalyst for, 1,476,330 —,—,didymium as catalyst for, 1,251,202 —,—,didymium carbide as_ catalyst for, 1,251,202 —,—,didymium salt as catalyst for, 1,251,202 —,—, didymium oxide as catalyst for, 1,251,202 —,—,fullers earth for, 1,138,201; 1,476,330 —,—,fullers earth as catalyst carrier for, 1,154,495 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,138,201; 1,154,495 —,—,iron carbonyl as catalyst for, 1,154,495; 1,251,202 —,—, iron compound as catalyst for, 1,138,201 —,—, lanthanum as catalyst for, 1,251,202 —,—,lanthanum carbide as catalyst for, 1,251,202 —,—, lanthanum oxide as catalyst for, 1,251,202 —,—,lanthanum salt as catalyst for, 1,251,202 with, powder made with, made with, —,lead methyl as catalyst for, 1,138,201 —,mercury methyl as catalyst for, 1,138,201 —,metal methyl as catalyst for, 1,154,495; 1,251,202 —,—, nickel as catalyst for, 1,138,201 ; 1,154,495 ; 1,251,202; 1,276,509; Re-14,568; 1,476,330 —,—, nickel carbonyl as catalyst for, 1,138,201; 1,154.495; 1,251,202 ’ INDEX OF Almond oil, hydrogenation of, palladium cata- lyst for 1,276,509; Re-14,568; 1,476,330 —,—, platinum as catalyst for, 1,476,330 —,—, process for, 1,138,201; 1,154,495; 1,251,202; 1,476,330 —,—, pumice for, 1,476,330 —,—,rare earth metal as catalyst for, 1,251,202 —,—,Yrare earth metal carbide as catalyst for, 1,251,202 —,—,rare earth metal oxide as catalyst for, 1,251,202 —,—,rare earth metal salt as catalyst for, 1,251,202 —,—, thallium methyl as catalyst for, 1,138,201 —,—, tin methyl as catalyst for, 1,138,201 —,—, thorium as catalyst for, 1,251,202 —,—, thorium carbide as catalyst for, 1.251,202 —,—, thorium oxide as catalyst for, 1,251,202 —,—, thorium salt as catalyst for, 1,251,202 —,—, water gas for, 1,138,201; 1,154,495 —,—,zine methyl as catalyst for, 1,138,201; 1,154.495; 1,251,202 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,159,257 —,nitrated, insulation, electric, made with, 1,159,257 —,—, varnish made with, 1,159,257; 1,159 258 —,—, rubber substitute made with, 1,159,257 : 1,158,258 —, oxidized, insulation, electric, made with 1,159,257 —,—, rubber substitute made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258 —,—. varnish made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258 —, perfume made with, 1,378,099 —, polish made with, 1,218,163 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,159,258 —,sSoap made with, 1,488,035 —,solvent for, acetin as, 1,378,099 —,—,diacetin as, 1,378,099 —,sulfurated, insulation, electric, made with, 1,159,257 —,—,rubber substitute made 1,159,258 —;,—, varnish made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258 —, syphilis, treatment of, compound for, made with, 1,499,249 —, therapeutic compound made with, 1,499,249 —, varnish made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258 —,venereal disease, treatment of, compound for, made with, 1,499,249 Almond rind ashes, fertilizer contg., 1,822,817 Aloe, aloe extract made with, 1,167,230 _ —, extraction of valuable principles from, proc- ess for, 1,167,006 —, fibers from, mfr. of, 1,868,750 _ Aloe Barbadensis, see Aloes, Barbados Aloe extract, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,167,230 —,—,aloe for, 1,167,230 —,—,ether for, 1,167,230 —,—,process for, 1,167,230 —,—, sugar, milk, for, 1,167,230 Aloe plant fiber, treatment of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,193,703 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,193,703 —,—, process for, 1,193,703 I 1,159,257; with, 1,159,257; SUBJECTS 351 Aloe plant fiber, treatment of, sodium hydrox- ide for, 1,193,703 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,193,703 Aloe purple, see Aloetic acid Aloe resin, sulfur dye made from, 1,346,153; 1,346,154 Aloeretic acid, see Picric acid Aloes, Barbadoes, paint, anti-fouling, made with, 1,330,022 —, beverage made with, 1,280,150 —,Cape, paint, anti-fouling, 1,330,022 —,—,sulk dyed with, 1,321,972 —,—,wool dyed with, 1,321,972 —, Curacao, see Aloes, Barbados —,extract of, tin-plating electrolyte contg., 1,466,126 —,—,see also Aloin —,mercury bichloride 1,204,794 —, neutral principle of, see Aloin —,paint, anti-fouling, contg., 1,330,022 —,poison tablet coated with, 1,335,488 —, poison tablet made with, 1,204,794 —,salt brick, medicated, made with, 1,204,551 —,Socotrine, paint, anti-fouling, made with, 1,330,022 Aloeretic acid, see Picric acid Aloin, medicinal preparation contg., 1.404,673 —,mercury bichloride tablet made _ with, 1,204,794 —, poison tablet made with, 1,204,794 —, tin-plating electrolyte contg., 1,466,126 —, see also Aloes, extract of, Aloinum, see Aloin Alomandite, fuel, artificial, made with, 1,150,839 —,—,gas-producers operated with, made with, 1,150,839 —,see also Iron(ic) silicates Aloxite, A.A., vault, burglar-proof, made with 1,423,652 made with, tablet made _ with, ’ —,abrasive of, 1,338,598; 1,353,979 —, abrasive article made with, 1,243,783 —,abrasive wheel made with, 1,133,260: 1,427,844; 1,435,721 —, nickel catalyst regenerated by grinding with, 1,412,219 —,razorstrop composition contg., 1,353,979 —,spinel, artificial, mfr. of, with, 1,448,010 —, vault, burglar-proof, made with, 1,423,652 —, Wheel, abrasive, contg., 1,310,291; 1,310,292; 1,310,360 . ; —, see also Abrasive ; Alumina, crystalline ; Alu- minum oxide; Carborundum Alpha compound, see a-Compounds “ Alpha-cyanotoxin,” mfr. of, process 1,498,722 Alpha-naphthol, see a-Naphthol _ Alphyl-p-amido-p’-oxydiphenylamine, mfr. of blue sulfur dye with, 1,302,671 Alsike, nitrifying bacteria obtained from, 1,341,030 Althea root, soap sheets contg., 1,436,929 Althein, see Asparagin Alum, abrasive made with, 1,444,479 —, acetic acid, concentration of using, 1,492,717; 1,492,718 - for 352 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alum, acetone, concentration of using, 1,492,717 Alum, cellulose derivatives of, made with, —,adhesive made with, 1,248,039; 1,463,403 —,adhesive, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,airplane dope contg., 1,273,213; 1,429,295 —,airplane fabric made with, 1,427,941; 1,429,295 —,airplane fabrie fireproof with, 1,427,941 —,alkali alginate made with, 1,162,926 —,aluminum, coating of, treatment of surface before using, 1,144,000 —,aluminum acetate made with, 1,504,911 —,aluminum alloy, coating of, treatment of surface before using, 1,144,000 —,aluminum article, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223,458 —,aluminum copper 1,162,044 —,aluminum formate made with, 1,493,945 —,aluminum linoleate made with, 1,131,578 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,195,655 —,aluminum pyrophosphate from, 1,427,221 —,aluminum resinate made with, 1,345,476; 1,456,370 —,ammonia, see Aluminum ammonium sulfate ane heal see Aluminum ammonium sul- ‘fate —,ammonium sulfate made with, 1,152,244 —,anti-sudorific contg., 1,871,822 —,asphalt, action on of, 1,252,433 —,baking powder made _ with, 1,322,561; 1,427,979 —,balloon fabric made with, 1,427,941 —, battery, electrolyte for, made with, 1,454,078; 1,487,235 —,—, primary, made with, 1,190,880 —,—, storage, made with, 1,190,880 —,—,—, electrolyte for, made with, 1,468,957; 1,483,885; 1,517,660 —,battle-ship, packing for water-tight com- partment of, made with, 1,235,220 —,belting made with, 1,151,690; 1,180,902 —,benzine made with, 1,274,913 —, board, fireproof, made with, 1,226,779 —, brake lining made with, 1,151,690; 1,162,371 —, brass article, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223,458 —, bread made with, 1,215,995 —, brick made with, 1,193,952; 1,480,991 —, brick, fire, made with, 1,244,275 —,broom-corn treated with, 1,337,306 —, building block made with, 1,193,952 —,building material made with, 1,231,921; 1,519,311 —, burnt, iron, rust-proofing of, using, 1,288,734 —,—,—, coating of, using, 1,288,734 —,—, steel, rust-proofing of, using, 1,288,734 —,—,—, coating of, using, 1,288,734 —,calcimine made with, 1,244,033; 1,359,228 —,calcium acetate, purification of, using, 1,213,724 i —,calcium sulfate hydrated with, 1,442,406 —,candy contg., mfr. of, 1,450,865 —,carbon, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —,carbon dioxide removed from dolomite by, 1,863,387 : —,carpet made with, 1,379,703 —, catalyst, hydrogenation, made with, 1,238,774 sulfate made with, 1,274,334; 1,234,720 —,—,treatment preparatory to bleaching of using, 1,133,769 —,—, trioxymethylene, made with, 1,234,720 —,—, vulcanized, made with, 1,236,959 —,cellulose ether, composition of and, 1,505,044 —,cellulose film, water resistant, made with, 1,234,720 —, cellulose pellicle, water resistant, made with, 1,234,720 ' —,cement made with, 1,519,311 —,cement, aromatic, contg., 1,455,598 —,—, dental, contg., 1,310,901 —,—, hydraulic, made with, 1,504,829 —,—, Keene’s, made with, 1,504,829 —,—,Portland, waterproofing of, 1,242,585 —,—,Sorel, made with, 1,238,147 —,—, waterproofing of, using, 1,242,585 —, cementitious composition contg,, 1,460,643 —,cement waterproofing composition contg,, 1,418,374 —,chrome, see Chrome alum; Chromium po- tassium sulfate —, chromium, dyeing mixture contg., 1,457,581 —,—, photographic film hardened with, 1,443,012 —, cigar, imitation, made with, 1,212,066 —,clay, Canadian d’Amherst, cleaned with, 1,438,588 —,—,—, treated with, 1,438,588 —,—,china, Canadian, cleaned with, 1,438,588 —,—,—,—, treated with, 1,438,588 —,—,—,cleaned with, 1,324,958 —,—,—, Fraddon, cleaned with, 1,438,588 —,—,—,—, treated with, 1,438,588 —,—,—, mid-Cornwall, cleaned with, 1,324,958 —,—,—,—, treated with, 1,324,958 —,—,—, North America, cleaned with, 1,324,958 —,—,—,—, treated with, 1,824,958 ,—,—, Pentruff cleaned, with, 1,824,958 ,—, — —, treated with, 1,324,958 —,—,—. treated with, 1,324,958 —,—, deflocculated, precipitated with, 1,456,111; 1,456,112 —,—, Fraddon, cleaned with, 1,324,958 —,—,—, treated with, 1,324,958 —,—,Fraddon china, cleaned with, 1,438,58 —,—,—, treated with, 1,488,587 : —,—, North Carolina, cleaned with, 1,324,958 —,—,—, treated with, 1,324,958 —,—,reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —,—, Wotter, cleaned with, 1,438,588 —,—,—, treated with, 1,438,588 —,clay cleaned with, 1,324,958; 1,438,587; 1,438,588 —,clay color lake flocculated by, 1,431,081 —,clay flocculated by, 1,438,587; 1,438,588 —, clay re-flocculated by, 1,419,951; 1,419,952 —,clay treated with, 1,824,958; 1,438,587; 1,438,588 —,cleaner made with, 1,234,266 —,cleaning composition contg., 1,449,281 —,clutch lining made with, 1,151,690 compound of and, using, oe INDEX OF SUBJECTS 353 Alum, coal, bituminous, briquettes of, made Alum, fiber board made with, 1,184,518; with, 1,488,606 1,280,400; 1,490,362 —,—, lignite, briquettes of, made with, 1,488,606 —, fiber product made with, 1,236,959 —, coal dust, briquettes of, made with, 1,488,606 —, filament made with, 1,180,902 —,coal slack, briquettes of, made with, —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,505,044 1,488,606 —, filler made with, 1,242,480 —, coating composition made with, 1,189,550; —, film made with, 1,505,044 1,244,777; 1,413,599; 1,476,016 —, film, motion picture, colored, made with, —,cocoa, cocoa butter, extraction of from 1,281,714 using, 1,487,449 —, filter, sewage treated with, 1,465,137 —, cocoanut fiber treated with, 1,421,703 —,—, trade waste treated with, 1,465,137 —, coffer dam, interlining for, made with, —,—,water purified with, 1,145,137 1,235,220 —, fire extinguisher made with, 1,248,092 —, concrete, acid-proofing of, using, 1,495,138 —, fire extinguisher for cinematograph films —,—, bonding of, using, 1,495,138 contg., 1,392,233 —,—, coating composition for, made with, —, fireproof board made with, 1,226,779 1,189,550 —, fire proofing made with, 1,123,401; 1,248,092 ; —,—, oil-proofing of using, 1,495,138 1,273,213; 1,414,609; 1,436,231 —,—, waterproofing of, using, 1,242,585; —, fireproofing composition contg., 1,126,132 1,495,138 —, flax, treatment preparatory to bleaching of —, confection contg., mfr. of, 1,450,865 using, 1,133,769 —, container, metal, filling for joints of, made -—,floor covering made with, 1,356,784; with, 1,223,458 1,421,086 —,copper made with, 1,162,044 —,flooring made with, 1,194,926; 1,460,643; —, copper article, filling for joints of, made 1,519,511 with, 1,223,458 —, floors treated with, 1,219,060 —, copper sulfate made with, 1,162,044 —, flotation process using, 1,203,372 —, counter board made with, 1,345,317 —, flour, self-rising, made with, 1,244,867 —, croton bug repelling composition contg., —, fly repelling composition contg., 1,270,630 1,270,630 —, food product made with, 1,215,995 —, cuticle salve contg., 1,513,233 —, food product, imitation, made with, 1,212,066 —, decomposition of, 1,415,308 —, formic acid, concentration of, using, 1,492,717 _—,deep sea fiber, spinning of using, 1,232,374 —, friction lining made with, 1,151,690; 1,162,371 —, dehydrating, apparatus for, 1,457,787 —, fruit, imitation, made with, 1,212,066 —, dental preparation made with, 1,318,254 —,fuel, liquid, made with, 1,165,462; 1,488,009 —, detergent made with, 1,481,811 —, fuel briquet made with, 1,138,016 —, doll made with, 1,199.251 —,fur tanned using, 1,421,723 —,dress form made with, 1,123,600 —,galena, flotation of, using, 1,203,372 —, dyestuff made with, 1,243,042; 1,266,577 —,—,sphalerite, separation from of, using, —,electric current, variations of, record of, 1,203,372 made with, 1,213,613; 1,213,614; 1,213,615; —,— zinc sulfide ore, Separation from of, using, 1,213,616 1,203,372 —, electroplating process employing, 1,464,149 —, galvanizing process employing, 1,464,149 —, embalming with, 1,318,957 —, gaskets made with, 1,151,690; 1,162,371 —,emulsion, light-sensitive, made with, —,gasolene made with, 1,274,912; 1,274,913 1,252,800 —, gauze made with, 1,504,911 —, enamel, white, made with, 1,234,777 —, gelatin made with, 1,271,960; 1,289,053 —,ethyl alcohol, concentration of using, —,gelatin-coated stencil hardened with, 1,492,717 1,461,867 —, ethyl cellulose, composition of and, 1,505,044 —,gelatin hardened with, 1,367,177; 1,377,677; —, explosive made with, 1,141,009 1,466,532 —,fabric, coating for, contg., 1,277,695 —, glass, semi-opaque, made with, 1,153,353 —,—, embossed, made with, 1,379,703 —,—, Semi-translucent, made with, 1,153,353 —,—, soil-proof, made with, 1,277,695 —,glass contg., layers of between sheets, —,—, water resisting, contg., 1,313,658 1,355,625 —, —, waterproofing of using, 1,240,345; 1,242,327 —,glue made with, 1,289,053; 1,356,784 —, fabric stiffening material contg., 1,421,700 —,glue hardened with, 1,421,086 —, fabric transparentizing composition contg., —, glue, vegetable, made with, 1,248,039 1,441,952 —, graphite, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —, factory effluent, treatment of, using, 1,505,104 —, gypsum, waterproofing of, using, 1,242,585 —, fat reducing compound contg., 1,369,997 —, hair, straightening of, using, 1,500,519 —, feldspar, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —,—, treatment of, using, 1,500,519 —, fiber, parchmentized, made with, 1,236,959 —,hide tanned with, 1,256,718; 1,271,060 —,—, spinning of using, 1,232,374 —,horse hair, artificial, water resistant, made —,—,vegetable, treatment preparatory to with, 1,234,720 a bleaching of using, 1,133,769 —, horse-hair fabric, treatment of with, 1,469,023 —,—, vulcanized, made with, 1,236,959 —, hydrocarbon made with, 1,274,913 23 ad B54. Alum, hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,238,774 —,hydrogen dioxide, 1,275,765 —,ice cream, imitation, made with, 1,212,066 —, ink, indelible, contg., 1,289,793 —,insecticide contg., 1,313,724 —, insect repelling composition contg., 1,270,630 —-, insulating material contg., 1,371,016 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1,123,401 ; stabilization of with, 1,236,959 —,—,heat, made with, 1,123,401; 1,169,079 ; 1,189,780; 1,230,297; 1,428,056. —,—, transparent, contg., 1,428,056 —,iron, galvanized, article, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223,458 —,—,lead coated, made with, 1,505,109 —,—, polishing of, using, 1,216,643 —,—,rust, removal of from, using, 1,216,643 —,iron hardening solution contg., 1,351,961 —,kaolin gauze made with, 1,504,911 —,lactose made with, 1,500,770 —,lampblack, reflocculated, 1,456,112 —,lanolin made with, 1,194,013 —,laundry preparation contg., 1,435,541 —,lead, iron coated with, made with, 1,505,109 —,—,red, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —,lead sulfide ore, flotation of using, 1,203,372 —,—,sphalerite, separation from of, using, 1,203,372 —,—, zine sulfide ore, separation from of, using, 1,208,372 —, leather, artificial, made with, 1,180,902 —,—, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 —,—, dyeing of using, 1,183,829 —,—, treating of using, 1,183,829 —,—, waterproofing for, made with, 1,223,480 —, leather board made with, 1,128,290; 1,131,039 —,leather-board, waterproof, made with, 1,142,953 —, leather substitute made with, 1,141,545 —,light, pulsations of, record of, made with, 1,213,613; 1,213,614; 1,218,615; 1,218,616 —,lignoprotein hardened with, 1,464,949 —, linseed oil substitute made with, 1,244,777 —, liquid, purification of using, 1,170,868 —, lithopone, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —,lozenge contg., mfr. of, 1,450,865 —, lubricant made with, 1,145,877; 1,181,976 —, lubricating oil, fireproof, made with, 1,181,976 —,mfr. of, alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,256,605 —,—,alkali hydroxide for, 1,256,605 —,—, aluminum ore for, 1,251,057 —,—,aluminum oxide ore for, 1,212,334 —,—, aluminum silicates for, 1,251,057; 1,254,229 —,—,aluminum silicate ore for, 1,212,334 —,—, alunite for, 1,256,605; 1,277,773; 1,279,109 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,277,773 —,—, apparatus for, 1,457,787 —,—,calcium carbonate for, 1,212,334 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,256,605 —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,232,553 —,—,clay for, 1,251,057; 1,254,229 —,—,earth for, 1,251,057 —,—, feldspar for, 1,232,553; 1,277,773; 1,279,109 made with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alum, mfr. of, green sand for, 1,279,109 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,212,384; 1,277,773 —,—, iron ore, Cuban, for, 1,212,334 —,—,iron oxide ore for, 1,212,334 —,—,iron silicate ore for, 1,212,334 —,—,lime for, 1,232,553 —,—,limestone for, 1,212,334 —,—,niter cake for, 1,282,553; 1,254,229 —,—,orthoclase for, 1,277,778 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,277,773 —,—, process for, 1,212,334; 1,232,553; 1,251,057 ; 1,254,229: 1,256,605; 1,277,773; 1,279,109; 1,359,011 —,—, pyrite for, 1,212,334 —-, —, tAnnicy acide ior, 1,251,057 1,402,742 —, metal article, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223,458 —,methyl acetate, 1,492,717 —,methyl alcohol, concentration of, using, 1,492,717 —, methyl 1,505,044 —,mineral matter made with, 1,169,506 —,molded article made _ with, 1,198,172; 1,519,311 —,molded article, cellulose, water resistant, made with, 1,234,720 —,mortar made with, 1,223,239 —,nail salve contg., 1,513,233 —, native, see Kalnite —, natural, see Alunogen; Halotrichite —,obturating material made with, 1,192,662; 1,235,220 —, ochre, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —,oil, mineral, purification of using, 1,170,868 —,—, vegetable, purification of using, 1,170,868 —,ointment contg., 1,872,496 —, packing made with, 1,151,690; 1,162,371 —, packing, lubricating, made with, 1,145,877 —,paint made with, 1,123,401; 1,177,357; 1,242,480; 1,244,777; 1,347,387; 1,476,016 —,paint, composition for addition to, made with, 1,229,337 —,—, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 concentration of, using, cellulose, composition of and, —,paper made with, 1,153,883; 1,166,848; 1,181,967; 1,242,480; 1,357,760; Re-15,311; 1,419,951; 1,502,686 ; —, paper, coated, made with, 1,147,996; 1,505,044 —,—, fireproof sizing for, made with, 1,248,092 —,—,rubber-latex, made with, 1,497,146 —,—, sizing for, made with, 1,211,288; 1,223,480; 1,229,924; 1,430,035; 1,447,615; 1,512,212; 1,512,213 paper board made with, 1,468,959 SAL adelowda Via, g 37 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alum, paper grease-proofing mixture contg., 1,417,708 —,paper hardened with, 1,421,195 —, paraffin and soap emulsion precipitated by, 1,367,274 —, paste-board made with, 1,153,883 —, paving made with, 1,460,643 —, pectin product made with, 1,497,884 —, perborate, stabilization of with, 1,275,765 —, petroleum, action on of, 1,252,433 —, petroleum cracked with, 1,274,912 —,phosphorus removed from metals 1,487,191 —, photograph, colored, made using, 1,248,139 —, photographic print, fixing of using, 1,224,984 by, —,photographic print paper made with, 1,329,918 —,photography, color, process for, using, 1,191,941 —,pigment made with, 1,242,480 —, pigment, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —,pigment-oil composition prepared with, 1,431,079 —, pill contg., mfr. of, 1,450,865 —,pipe made with, 1,198,172 —, pitch, action on of, 1,252,433 —, plaster contg., 1,416,684 —, plaster, dental, contg., 1,123,600 —, plaster, waterproofing of, using, 1,242,585 —,plaster of Paris, waterproofing of, using, 1,242,585 —,plaster surfacing composition contg., 1,309,782 —,plastic made with, 1,123,600; 1,180,902; 1,190,815; 1,193,952; 1,194,926; 1,199,251; 1,315,342; 1,466,083; 1,505,044 —, plastic building material contg., 1,344,058 —, polish contg., 1,216,643 —, potash, see Aluminum potassium sulfate —,potassium, cocoanut fiber treated with, 1,421,703 —,—, formation of, 1,430,877 —,—, mfr. of, 1,359,011; 1,396,675 —,—,photographic film hardened with, 1,443,012 —,—,photographic fixing bath contg., 1,411,687 —,—,see also Potassium aluminum. sulfate —, potassium sulfate made with, 1,195,655 —, powder contg., mfr. of, 1,450,865 —,print, lithographic, raised dull finish pro- duced on using, 1,123,917 —, printers ink removed from newspaper with, 1,311,563 —, printers ink removed from paper pulp with, 1,311,563 —, printers ink removed from paper stock with, 1,311,563 —, printing plate made with, 1,252,800; 1,496,268 —,projectile retarding material made with, 1,192,662 —,pulp sized with, 1,229,924 —, pyorrhea remedy contg., 1,466,578 —,reflocculated material made with, 1,456,112 —,refractory made with, 1,244,275 —,Yefrigerator car, interlining for, made with, 1,235,220 355 Alum, reproduction composition made with, 1,386,995 —,roach repelling composition contg., 1,270,630 —, road paving made with, 1,158,418; 1,198,107; 1,252,483; 1,315,342 —, rodent repelling composition contg., 1,270,630 —,roofing made with, 1,197,307; 1,226,547; 1,519,311 —,rosin_ deposited into paper stock by, 1,419,951 —,rosin size contg., 1,449,221 —, rubber substitute made with, 1,180,902 —,rug made with, 1,379,703 —,“Satin white” made 1,470,765 —,sausage casing made with, 1,158,400 —,screen, motion picture, made with, 1,151,502 —,sewage, treatment of using, 1,134,280; 1,505,104 —,shingle made with, 1,197,307 —,shoe, box toe, made with, 1,380,865 —,shoe stiffener made with, 1,316,650 —, sienna, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —,silk, artificial, made with, 1,505,044 —,—,—,cellulose nitrate, water resistant, made with, 1,234,720 —,—,—, cuprammonium, water resistant, made with, 1,234,720 —,—,—, viscose, water resistant, made with, 1,234,720 —,—,—, water resistant, made with, 1,234,720 —,—, dyeing of, using, 1,352,014 —,—, waste, spinning of using, 1,232,374 —, silk treated with, 1,332,675; 1,352,014 —, silver, gelatin emulsions of, recovery from of, using, 1,234,390; 1,234,391 —,—, photographic emulsions of, recovery from of, using, 1,234,390; 1,234,391: —, silver bromide, gelatin emulsion of, recovery from of, using, 1,234,391 —,—, photographic emulsions of, recovery from of, using, 1,234,391 —, silver chloride, gelatin emulsions of, recovery from of, using, 1,234,391 —,—, photographic emulsions of, recovery from of, using, 1,234,391 —, size made with, 1,229,924; 1,289,053 —,sizing made with, 1,231,153; 1,505,044 —, slaughter house effluent, treatment of, using, 1,505,104 ; —,soap made with, 1,821,516; 1,419,952 —,soap, aluminum, made with, 1,131,578 —,—, shaving, liquid, made with, 1,257,545 —, soap sheets contg., 1,436,929 —,soda, see Aluminum sodium. sulfate —,sodium perborate, stabilization of with, from, 1,381,991; 1,276,206 ; 1,275,765 ; —,sodium sulfate made with, 1,493,945 —,sound, record, made with, 1,213,613; 1,213,614; 1,213,615; 1,213,616 —,sphalerite, galena, separation from of using, 1,208,372 —,—, lead sulfide ore, separation from of, using, 1,203,372 fe —, starch, ‘fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 P| Seen ~<="stencil, typewriter, made with, 1,316,067 356 Alum, steel, treatment of using, 1,151,0 i) —, steel tempering composition contg., 1,296,951 —,stone, artificial made with, 1,466,083; 1,480,867 ; 1,511,503; 1,511,504 —, sugar, beet, defecating of using, 1,156,060 —,—, cane, defecating of using, 1,156,060 —,—,defecating of using, 1,156,060 —,—,sorghum, defecating of using, 1,156,060 —,sugar solutions, purification of using, 1,170,868 —, sulfur made with, 1,195,655 —, sulfur, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —,sulfuric acid from, 1,415,308 —, tablet contg., mfr. of, 1,450,865 —, tanning with, 1,235,059; 1,415,671; 1,421,723; 1,427,221 —,tanning agent contg., 1,441,243 —,tanning compound made with, 1,271,060 ; 1,376,805 —, tanning material precipitated from cellulose sulfite liquors with, 1,414,312 —,tanning process using, 1,346,385; 1,413,488; 1,421,723; 1,427,221 —, tanning solution contg., 1,256,718 —, tar, action on of, 1,252,483 —,tent fabrics made with, 1,427,941 —, textile, air-tight, made with, 1,129,268 —,—, artificial, water resistant, made with, 1,234,720 —,—, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 —,—, waterproofing for, made with, 1,129,268; 1,223,480 | —,thistledown, spinning of using, 1,232,374 —,thread made with, 1,180,902 —,tile made with, 1,198,172 —,tin article, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223,458 —, tinting composition contg., 1,309,782 —, tire made with, 1,200,296 —, tire filler made with, 1,369,626 —,toluene made with, 1,274,913 —, tooth filling made with, 1,318,254 —., trioxymethylene, cellulose, compound of and, made with, 1,234,720 —,ultramarine blue, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —, underwriters cloth made with, 1,427,941 —, varnish, fireproofing, made with, 1,248,092 —,varnish prepared with, 1,341,080 —, vegetable, imitation, made with, 1,212,066 —, vegetable parchment made with, 1,236,959 —, vessel, packing for watertight compartment of, made with, 1,235,220 —,walls, facing for, made with, 1,505,302 —, wall covering made with, 1,166,325; 1,313,658 —,wall covering, embossed, made _ with, 1,194,242 —, wall-finishing composition contg., 1,309,782 —,water, purification of using, 1,158,225; 1,170,868; 1,173,698; 1,341,913 —,—, treatment of using, 1,457,503; 1,505,104 —,waterproofing made with, 1,123,401; 1,129.268: 1,180,902; 1,223,480; 1,240,345; 11242397: 1242585: 1.273.213 —,waterproofing composition contg., 1,390,236 —, waterproofing reagent contg., 1,432,833 HS? UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 pean fhe ad. olor. i Ad V, 1. Alum, waterproof material made with, 1,236,959 —,water softening compound made _ with, 1,482,601 —, wick, non-combustible, made with, 1,207,160 —,window cleaning composition contg., 1,449,281 —,wood, fireproofing of, composition contg., 1,126,132 —,—, waterproofing for, made with, 1,223,480 —,wood pulp made with, 1,166,848 —,wood substitute made with, 1,519,311 —,wood treated with, 1,146,212 —,yucca plant fibers prepared with, 1,330,127 —,zine sulfide ore, galena, separation from of, using, 1,203,372 —, —, lead sulfide ore, separation from of, using, 1,203,372 —, zirconium oxide, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —,see also Aluminum potassium sulfate ; Alum- inum sulfate; Alunite ; Ammonium aluminum sulfate; Chrome alum; Potassium alum; Po- tassium aluminum sulfate; Sodium aluminum sulfate Alum ammonium, see Ammonium aluminum sulfate Alum cake, cement contg., 1,334,940 —, mfr. of, 1,388,436 —,see also Aluminum sulfate Alum clay, alkali carbonate impurity in, ex- traction of, 1,808,429 —,alkali hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,alkali oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,alkali sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,aluminum from, process for, 1,308,429 —,aluminum oxide from, process for, 1,308,429 —,aluminum sulfate from, process for, 1,308,429 —,calcium carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,808,429 —,calcium hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,calcium oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,calcium sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,extraction of, redwood tannin for, 1,308,429 —,—,sulfur dioxide and redwood tannin for, 1,308,429 —,—,sulfuric acid and redwood tannin for, 1,308,429 —.,—,sulfurous acid and redwood tannin for, 1,308,429 —,iron carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 : —,iron hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,iron oxide 1,308,429 —.iron sulfate impurity in, 1,308,429 —,magnesium carbonate impurity in, extrac- tion of, 1,808,429 —,magnesium hydroxide impurity in, extrac- tion of, 1,308,429 impurity in, extraction of, extraction of, INDEX OF SUBJECTS 357 Alum clay, magnesium oxide impurity in, ex- traction of, 1,308,429 —,magnesium sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,manganese carbonate impurity in, extrac- tion of, 1,308,429 —, Manganese hydroxide impurity in, extrac- tion of, 1,308,429 —, Manganese oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1 308,429 —,manganese sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, potassium carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 — potassium hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, potassium oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, potassium sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, sodium carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, sodium hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, sodium oxide impurity in, extraction of. 1 308,429 —, sodium sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1 308,429 —,sulfur dioxide and redwood tannin for, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, sulfuric acid and redwood tannin for extrac- tion of, 1,308,429 —,sulfurous acid and redwood tannin for ex- traction of, 1,308,429 —, titanium carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,808,429 —, titanium hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, titanium oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, titanium sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 Alumen, see Aluminum potassium sulfate Alumina, abrasive made with, 1,149,064; 1,161 620; 1,192,709; 1,226,892; 1 240 ‘490 : 1.240.491 : 1,364,849 : 1,442,773 —,abrasive stone made with, 1,483,854 —,abrasive wheel made with, 1,210,358 —, alkali, treatment with of, 1,270,266 —, ‘alkali nitrate, separation of from, 1,494,835 — "alkali soluble, mfr. of, alumina for, 1,137 617 —,—,—, alunite for, 1 137, 617 —,—,—, carbon for, 1, 137, 617 —,—,—, carbon monoxide for, 1,137,617 —,—,—, coke for, 1,137,617 —,—,—, lamp black for, 1,137,617 —,—,—, “nitrogen for, 1,137,617 —,—,—, process for, 1,137,617 —,—,—, producer gas for, 1,137,617 —,aluminum made with, 1,490,504; 1,512,462 —, aluminum, melting of using, 1,185,394 —, aluminum alloy made with, 1,512,462 —,aluminum carbide made with, 1 137, 617 —,aluminum chloride made with, 1, 147,832; 1 217,471; 1,366,626 — aluminum chloride material made with, 1 012,420 Alumina, aluminum 1,493,320 — aluminum nitride made with, 1,158,899; 1 188,651; 1,212,119; 1,217,842; 1 O41 834 —, aluminum nitride (AIN ), made 1 ,180,840 —, aluminum oxide made with, 1,180,840 —,aluminum petroleum sulfonates prepared from, 1,488,101 —,ammonia made with, 1,158,899; 1 198,965 —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1 173 32 —,ammonium nitrate, 1 494,835 —, bauxite contg., 1,850,825 — , brazing flux made with, 1,502,144 —, “brick made with, 1,463, 399 —, brick, fire, made with, 1,209,784. —,— , waterproof, made with, 1, 185,555 — ; briquet, briquet of, binder for 1 ,154,980 —, calcium made with, 1,512,462 —, ‘calcium alloy made with, 1,512 462 —, ’ calcium oxide, treatment with of, 1,270,266 —,—, concrete, paint for, made with, 1,220, 820 —,—, gasolene made with, 1,494,375 —,—, hydrocarbon, unsaturated, made with, we ,220,820 hydroxide made _ with, with, 1,180,840: separation of from, contg., =, kerosene made with, 1,494,375 —., linseed oil substitute made with, 1,220,820 a aay cement, paint for, made with, 1,220 820 —, catalyst for ammonia mfr. made _ with, 1,173,532 — catalyst ij in ammonia oxidation, 1,420,201 —,catalyst carrier, acetone oil made with, nt 158,217 —, butyl methyl ketone made with, 1,158,217 —, celluloid, solvent for, made with, L. 5158, 217 —,—, cellulose nitrate, solvent for, made with, 1,158, 217 —,—, cordial made with, 1,158,217 —,—, essential oils made with, 1,158,217 —,—, ethyl methyl ketone made with, 1,158,217 —,—, flavoring extracts made with, 1 158 217 —,—, ketone made with, 1,158, 217 —, liquor made with, 1 158 217 —,—, methyl ketone made with, 1,158,217 —,—,methyl propyl ketone made with, 1,158,217 —,—,resin hydrogenated using, 1,167,264 — ‘catalyst for hydrogenation of hydrocarbon made with, 1,152,765 —, catalyst for hydrogenation of lamp oil made with, 1,152,765 —_ catalyst for hydrogenation of petroleum made with, 1,152,765 —, catalyst for hydrogenation of resin oil made with, 1,152,765 —, catalyst*for hydrogenation of shale oil made with, 1,152,765 —, catalyst for nitrogen oxide mfr. made with, 1,211,394; 1,239,125 —,cement made with, 1,209,220; 1,507,379 —, cement, ferric, made with, 1,255,995 —,—, hydraulic, made with, 1,123,964 358 Alumina, ceramic ware contg., 1,438,598 —, charcoal, briquet of, binder for -contg., 1, 154,980 —, chromium, nickel alloy wire contg., insulated, made with, 1,233,808 —, cloth, filler ‘for, made with, 1,185,555 —, * coal, ‘anthracite, briquet of, binder for contg., 1 154 980 —,— briquet of, binder for contg., 1,154,980 —, —, lignite, briquet of, binder. for contg., 1,154,980 —, coal dust, briquet of, binder for contg., 13 154,980 —, coke, briquet of, binder for contg., 1,154,980 —,—, petroleum, briquetting of, using, 1.236, 447 —, copper, iron, joining of and using, 1,181, "742 —,—, melting of using, 1,185,394 —,—, steel, joining of and, using, 1,181,741 —,—, tungsten, joining of and using, 1 181,741; 1 181, 742 —, cotton, dyeing of, using, 1,199,273 —, cream of, see ‘Aluminum hydroxide —,crucible made with, 1,324,546; 1,381,171 —, crystalline, mfr. of, bauxite for, 1,276, 134 ao) chromium oxide for, 1,276, 134 —, —, —, clay for, 1,276,134 —,—,—, coke, petroleum, for, 1,276,134 —,—,—,emery for, 1,276,134 —,—,iron oxide for, 1,276,134 —,—,—,manganese oxide for, 1,276,134 —,—,—-, process for 1,276,134 —,—, refractory made with, 1,289,578 —, crystalline, see also Abrasive —,cuttle-fish substitute made with, 1,476,001 —,dental cement made with, 1,507, 379 —, ‘dental moulds made with, 1,476, 001 —, dissolving ignited, 1,378, 485 —, dolomite refractory made with, 1,463,399 —,dyeing using, 1,199,273 —., fertilizer, made with, 1 018,570 — flooring, tarazzo, contg., 1,371,683; 1,371,684 —, flotation of, process for, 1,255,749 — furnace lining contg., 1 324, 546; 1,440,533 — furnace tube made with, 1 130 533 — fused, anti-slipping tile contg., 1,402,296 —, ’ fusion of, alkali compound for, 1,269,141 —,—,lron oxide for, 1,269,141 —,—, process for, 1,269,141 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,269,141 —,—, zine oxide for, 1,269,141 —,gas, purified with material contg., 1,315,836 —,glass made with, 1,130,767; 1,143,732; 1,192,474: 1,510,521 —,glass, opaque, made with, 1,245,487 —,—, translucent, made with, 1,166,922 —,glass composition contg., 1,415,980: —,glass melting pot contg., 1,324,546 —,heater, electric, made with, 1 5200 352; 1,507, 379 —,—,— embedding material for made with, ve 125 615; 1,125,616 —, hide preservative contg., 1,304,030 — hydrocarbon, hydrogenation of, catalyst for. made with, 1,152,765 _—, hydrogenation catalyst made using, 1,152,765 1,518,568; 1,518,569; 1,181,800; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alumina, insulation, electric, made 1,181 800; 1,438,598 —, insulator, electric, made with, 1,233,486 —,iron, copper, joining of and using, 1,181,742 —,—, removal from of, process for, 1,138, 190 —,—, tungsten, joining of and using, 1 181 742 —,iron chloride made with, 1,147,832 —,iron ore treated to yield, 1, 370, 646 —} investment material made with, 1,476,001 — * jewelry made with, 1,476,001 —,kiln lining bricks contg., 1,378,710 —, ‘lake base, 1,431,081 — lamp oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,152,765 —, levigated, ‘strop dressing made with, 1,827,648 —,magnesia article, bonded, made with, 1 394,442 —,magnesium aluminate made with, 1,394,442 —, manganese, nickel alloy wire contg., insu- lated, made with, 1,233,808 —, manganese slag contg., 1,462,991 —, "mfr. of, albite for, 1,508, 777 —,—, alkali aluminum. silicate for, 1,508,777 — alkali earth oxide for, 1,508, 777 —,—, "alkali nitrate for, 1 494, 835 — alkali silicate for, 1,286, 718 —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,494,835 —,—, ’ aluminum nitrate for, 1,494, 835 —,—, aluminum oxide ore for, 1 212 oot —,—, aluminum silicate for, 1,148, 092 —,—, aluminum silicate ore for, 1,212 oo4 —,—, apparatus for, 1,202,215 —, bauxite for, 1, 269, 223 ; 1,269,224; 1,508,777 —,—, ’ calcium carbonate for, t 212 334; 1 ‘508, Cru —, "calcium chloride for, Th 508, 777 —' calcium oxide for, 1,508, 777 —,—, "calcium silicate for, il 508 te —,—, ’ carbon for, 1,508, 777 —,—, ’ carbon dioxide for, 1,202,215 —,— ‘clay for, 1,269, 223 ; 1,269, 224; 1,508,777 — ’ feldspar for, 1,202 ‘215; 1 286, 718: 1 ‘508 117 rie ’ hydrochloric acid for, 1,212 334 —,—, iron for, 1,269,224 with, —,iron ore for, 1,486, 256 —,iron ore, Cuban, for, 1,212,334 —,—, iron oxide for, 1,269, 223: 1 ,269 224 —,—,iron oxide ore for, 1,212, 334 —,iron silicate ore for, 1 212 304 —,—, ’ Jeucite for, 1,202, 215: 1 286 718; 1,508,777 —,—, lime for, 1. 508, 777 —, ’ limestone for, 1,212,334; 1,508,777 —, ; limonite for, ‘1,486, 256 —, magnesium carbonate for, 1,508,777 —,magnesium oxide for, 1 508, 777 —,—, mica for, 1,286,718 —,—, microcline for, 1,286,718 —,—, muscovite for, 1 202, 215 —,—, ;nephelin syenite for, 1,148,092 Tee ¢ > b) x y Wea rary —,nitric acid for, 1 494, 835 —,—, ’ orthoclase for, "1,286, 718: 1,508,777 — , potash and, 1,404 083 —, potassium carbonate for, 1,494,835 —,—, potassium hydroxide "for, 1,202,215; 1,286, 718; 1,508,777 —,—, process for, 1,148,092; 1,202,215; 1.212334; 1,255,749; 1,269,223; 1,269,224; 1,286,718; 1,894,854; 1,486,256; 1,494,835; 1,508,777 INDEX OF Alumina, mfr. of, pyrite for, 1,212,334; 1,486,256 —,—, sea water for, 1,486,256 ,—, sericite for, 1,286,718 —,—,silicon dioxide for, 1,269,223; 1,269,224; 1,508,777 —,—, sodium aluminum silicate for, 1,508,777 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,269,223; 1,494,835 ,—, sodium chloride for, 1,508,777 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,508,777 —,—, sulfur dioxide for, 1,148,092; 1,286,718 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,212,334 —,—, sulfurous acid for, 1,148,092 —,—, titanium dioxide for, 1,269,223; 1,269,224 —,—, zeolite for, 1,508,777 —,—, zine oxide for, 1,269,223 —,metal, melting of using, 1,185,394 —,nickel alloy wire, chromium in, insulated, made with, 1,233,808 —,—,manganese in, insulated, made with, 1,233,808 —, nickel carbonyl absorbed by, 1,436,662 —,nitrogen, fixation of, using, 1,155,840; 1,198,965 —,nitrogen oxides, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,211,894; 1,239,125 —, ore, briquet of, binder for contg., 1,154,980 —, porcelain made with, 1,507,379 —,porcelain-molds made with, 1,476,001 —,potassium nitrate, separation of from, 1,494,835 —, petroleum, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,152,765 —, plaster made with, 1,317,680 —,plastic made with, 1,317,680; 1,468,331; 1,507,379 —,precipitating, calcium carbonate for, 1,377,822 —,preparation from alunite, 1,420,201 —, production of, see Alumina, mfr. o —., purification of, flotation process for, 1,255,749 —, pyrometer tube made with, 1,152,428 —,refractory made with, 1,130,533; 1,152,428; 1,227,909: 1,230,430; 1,240,569; 1,267,686; 1324546: 1,362,274; 1,362,316; 1,364,849; 1,365,336: 1,394,442: 1,418,648; 1,463,399; 1,473,286; 1,483,507; 1,515,375 —,refractory binder of, 1,418,372 —,resin oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,152,765 —,resistance, electric, made with, 1,507,379 —, resister, electric, made with, 1,393,373 —,shale oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,152,765 —, silica, mixture of, hydration of, process for, 1,275,705 —, silicon made with, 1,512,462 —,silicon alloy made with, 1,512,462 —, silicon tetrachloride made with, 1,147,832 —,silk, dyeing of, using, 1,199,273 —,sludge sulfonic acid, treatment of with, Pail fai —,sodium aluminate made with, 1,136,549 —,sodium carbonate, treatment with 1,270,266 —,sodium hydroxide soluble, mfr. of, process for, 1,137,617 of, SUBJECTS 359 Alumina, sodium nitrate, separation of from, 1,494,835 —, spinel, artificial, made with, 1,894,442 —,steel, chrome, scrap, melting of 1,185,394, —,—,chrome-nickel, scrap, melting of using, 1,185,394 —,—,chrome-tungsten, scrap, melting of using, 1,185,394 —,—, chromium made with, 1,508,083 —,—, copper, joining of and, using 1,181,741 —,—, Magnetic, annealing of using, 1,156,496 —,—, Manganese, melting of using, 1,185,394 —,—, nickel, scrap, melting of using, 1,185,394 —,—,rustless, made with, 1,508,211 using, —,—, silicon, annealing of using, 1,156,496 —,—,—, scrap, melting of using, 1,185,394 —,—, tungsten, joining of and, using, 1,181,741 —,—,—,scrap, melting of using, 1,185,394 —,steel alloy made with, 1,508,083; 1,508,211 —,steel scrap, melting of using, 1,185,394 —,strop dressing contg., 1,327,648 —, sugar, crystallization of, using, 1,228,910 —,sulfur purification by filtration through, 1,331,645 ak Wk 9,4 —, tile, anti-slipping, made with, 1,451, gee ae | —, tire filler contg., 1,369,626 pirvtite 4,5" —, titanium chloride made with, 1,147,882 A4A./@¢2 —,titanium complex precipitated upon, 1,402,256 —,titanium(ic) oxide product contg., 1,171,542 —, tooth, artificial, made with, 1,133,434 —, treatment of, for abrasive purposes, 1,161,620 —,—,alkali bisulfate for, 1,864,804 —,—, alkali earth bisulfate for, 1,364,804 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,864,804; 1,878,485 —,—,iron(ic) sulfate for, 1,364,804 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,364,804; 1,378,485 —,—, process for, 1,364,804; 1,378,485 —,—, sodium bisulfate for, 1,364,804 —,—,sodium bisulfite for, 1,364,804 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,364,804 —,—,sodium pyrosulfate for, 1,364,804 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,364,804; 1,378,485 —,tungsten, copper, joining of and, using, 1,181,741; 1,181,742 —,—, cutting wheel for, made with, 1,210,358 —,—, iron, joining of and using, 1,181,742 —,—, steel, joining of and, using, 1,181,741 —, water purification with, 1,812,552 —, welding flux made with, 1,502,144 —, wire, insulated, made with, 1,233,808 —,wool, dyeing of, using, 1,199,273 —, zinc, removal from of, 1,154,602 —,zine smelter fumes contg., 1,154,601 —,see also Aluminum oxide; Corundum; Emery | a-Alumina, corundum as, 1,263,708; 1,263,709 —, properties of, 1,263,708 —,ruby as, 1,263,708; 1,263,709 —, sapphire as, 1,263,708 ; 1,263,709 b-Alumina, abrasive made with, 1,263,708; 1,263 .709 —,mfr. of, alkali compound for, 1,263,607; 1,263,708; 1,263,709 —,—,aluminum oxide for, 1,263,607; 1,263,708; 1,263,709 360. b-Alumina, mfr. of, bauxite for, 1,263,708; 1,263,709 —,—,iron, effect of on, 1,263,607; 1,263,708; 1,263, 709 —,—, lithium compound for, 1,263,708 —,—, potassium compound for, 1 263 607 ; 1,263,708; 1,263,709 —,—, process for, 1,263,607; 1,263,708 ; 1 263,709 —,—, silica, effect of on, 1 263, 607; I 263, 708; 1 263, 709 —,—, sodium aluminate for, 1,263,607; 1 263, 708; 1,263,709 —,\—, sodium compound for, 1,263,607; 1 263, 708; 1,263,709 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,263,607; 1 263, 708; 1,263,709 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,263,607; 1,263,708; 1 263, 709 —,—, sodium hydroxide 1,263,607 ; 1 263, 708; 1,263,709 —,—, sodium sulfate for, 1,263,607; 1,263,708; 1,263,709 —,—, titanium dioxide, effect of on, 1,263,607; 1,263,708; 1,263,709 —, properties of, 1,263,708 —,refractory made with, 1,263,708; 1,263,709 Alumina (refractory) article, mfr. of, process for, 1,155,358 Alumina clay, see Clay, alumina —,see also Clay Alumina crucible, alloy made with, 1,150,113 —,aluminum chloride made with, 1,165,065 —;} chromium alloy made with, 1,150, 113 —, cobalt alloy made with, 1,150, 113 —,iron alloy made with, 1,150, 113 Alumina hydrate, see Aluminum hydroxide Alumina lake, see Lake “ Alumina-silicate,” detergent contg., 1,419,625 Aluminate, catalyst carrier, ammonia, oxida- tion of, using, 1,322,291 —,—, nitrogen oxides, mfr. of, using, 1,822,291 —., cotton, fireproofing of, using, 1,224 204 —, fabric, fireproofing of, using, 1,224, 204 — ' fireproofing using, 1,224 204 —, mfr. of, alunite for, 1,240,570 —,—,calcium oxide for, 1,240.570 —,—,process for, 1,240,570; 1,376,563 —, paint pigment contg., 1,460,699 —,silicon nitrogen compounds prepared with, 1 415,280 ~—, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,193,794 Aluminate-silicate, ‘catalyst, nickel aluminate- silicate made with, 1,256,032 —,see also Permutite ; Zeolite ; Zeolite, artificial Aluminate solution, copper, removal of from, alkali sulfide for, 1,262,062 —,—,—, process for, 1,262,062 —,—,—,sulfur for, 1,262,062 —,iron, removal of from, alkali sulfide for, 1,262,062 —,—,—, process for, 1,262,062 —,—,—, sulfur for, 1,262 062 —, lead, "removal of from alkali sulfide for, 1,262, 062 —,—,—, process for, 1,262,062 —,—,—, sulfur for, 1,262 062 —, silica removed from, process for, 1,137,860 for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminate solution, zinc, removal of from, alkali sulfide for, 1,262,062 —,—,—, process for, 1,262,062 —,—,—, sulfur for, 1,262,062 Alumina white, ink contg., 1,809,292 —,see also Aluminum hydroxide Aluminiferous material, aluminum chloride made with, 1,519,880 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,519,880 Alumini acetict liquor, see Aluminum acetate Aluminocalcium-ferrosilicate, see Calcwum ferro- aluminosilicate “Alumino ferric cake,” 1,229,924 —, pulp sized with, 1,229 924 —,size made with, 1 299 924 Alumino silicate, see Zeolite, artificial —, hydrated, see Zeolite —,—, see also Zeolite, artificial Alumino-silicie acid, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,499,492 Aluminothermic mixture, see Thermite Aluminothermic process, see Thermite process Aluminous abrasive, see Abrasive, mfr. of, aluminum. oxide for paper sized with, Aluminous abrasive : fines, spinel artificial, made with, 1,448,010 Aluminous material, treating, process of, 1,457,787 —,—, sodium silicate for, 1,400,495 Aluminous pyroxene, see "Augite Aluminum, abrasive made with, 1,247 BoT —, abrasive from bauxite, iron and 1,448,586 —,acetic acid mfr. apparatus of, 1,410,207 —,acid, treatment with of, 1,130,196 —,acid resistant, mfr. of, acid for, 1,130,196 —,—,—, alkali for, 1,130,196 —,—,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,130,196 —,—,—, aluminum for, 1,130,196 —,—,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,130,196 1,149,064 : —, balsam for, 1,180,196 —,calcium tartrate for, 1,130,196 —,—,—, chloride for, 1,130,196 —,—,—,copper chloride, ammoniacal, 1,130,196 —,—,—,gum-resin for, 1,180,196 —,—,—,iron chloride ‘for, 1, 130 ,196 —,—,—, nitric acid for, 1,130, 196 —,—, ‘oil, drying, for, 1,310, 196 ——, —,—, ‘mineral, for, 1,130,196 —,—,—, oxygen for, 1,130,196 —,—,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,130,196 —,—,—, process for, 1,130,196 —,—,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,130,196 bf Thon a AN: ’ for, ? , ? —,—,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,130,196 —, sodium tartrate for1: 130, 196 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1, 130, 196 ,—, —, tartrate for, 1, 130, 196 —, tin chloride for, 1,130;196 —,—, zine acetate, alcoholic, for, 1,130,196 —,—,—, Zinc chloride for, 1 130, 196 —, , adhesive made with, 1 389, 084 —,air, liquid, made with, 1,205 A477; 1,205,478 — ’ airplane fabric mending composition made with, 1,389,084 — , airplane propeller made with, 1,804,102 — INDEX OF SUBJECTS © Aluminum, airship fabric painted with dope contg., t 981,412; 1,381,413 —, alkali, treatment with of, 1,130,196 —, alkali carbonate, treatment with of, 1,130,196 —, alkali earth metal made with, 1311 378: 1 211,879; 1,311,380 —, alkali oxalate made with, 1,281,118 —, "alkali resistant, mfr. of, acid ‘for, 1,130,196 —,—, —, alkali for, 1,130 ‘196 —_—,—,— ‘alkali carbonate for, 1,130,196 :—) yaluminum for, 1,130, 196 —,—, ammonium chloride for, 1,130,196 —,balsams for, 1,130,196 —, ’ calcium tartrate for, 1,130,196 ——, "chloride for, 1,180, 196 chloride, —,—,—, copper for, 1,130,196 —,—,—; gum-resin for, 1,130,196 —,—,—, iron chloride for, 1 130, 196 —,—,—,nitric acid for, 1,130,196 —,oil, drying, for, 1,130,196 —,—, mineral, for, 1 130 ,196 —,—,— , oxygen for, 1 130, 196 —,—,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,130,196 —, process for, 1,180,196 —,—,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,130,196 —, ’ sodium hydroxide for, 1 310, ,196 —, ‘sodium tartrate for, 1,130,196 ,»—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,130,196 —,—,—, tartrate for, 1,130,196 =,—,—, tin chloride for,''1,130,196 -—,—,—, Zine acetate, alcoholic, for, 1,180,196 —,—, —, zine chloride for, 1 130, 196 ammoniacal, ~_ we we ? Se bf ~~) e_ b Seite + > ? ew Ne Nf 1 146,185; 1,162,226: : 1,180,996 ; 1,203,555 ; 1,224 362 ; 1,258,261 ; 1,273,877 ; 1,280,706 ; 1,310,310; 1,341,774; 1,376,056 ; 1,389,097 ; 1,415,783 ; 1,453,928 ; 1,468,828 ; 1,483,327 ; 1,493,191 ; 1,510,242 ; — * alloy contg., 1,126,484; 1 147,398 ; 1,164,997 : 1,194,101; 1,212,374; 1,227,569 ; 1,264,459 ; 1,276,916; 1,293,426 ; 1,319,537 ; 1,344,165 ; 1,376,062 ; 1,389,446 ; 1,424,782; 1,455,651 ; 1,480,779 ; 1,485,158 ; 1,496,269 ; 1,513,806 ; 1 134 788 ; 1,151 160 ; 1,165,448; 1,196,118; 1,217,578; 1,239,854 ; 1,273,146 : 1,277,046; 1,300,058 ; 1,321,684: 1,346,190 ; 1,376,339 ; 1,400,527 ; 1,439,865 : 1,457,289 ; 1,480,846 ; 1,490,696 ; 1,508,032 ; 1,514,064 1,136,670 ; 1,158,671; 1,168,962 ; 1,203,180; 1,221,769: 1,248,648; 1,273,762; 1,278,304; 1,310,309 ; 1,336,081 ; 1,371,214; 1,385,223; 1,412,280; 1,449,052: 1,461,178; 1,481,782 ; 1,492,282; 1,509,608 ; —, alloy, copper and nickel in, 1,305,551 —,—,iron in, 1,305,551 —,—, iron rustproof, contg., 1,317,592; 1,817,593 —,—,melting of scrap, 1,392, 582 Rotts Monel metal in, 1 305 551 —,nickel and copper in, 1,305,551 —,— —, self- disintegrating, contg., 1,421 471 —, alloy coated, mfr. of apparatus for, 1,172,160 —,—,-—— , hydrochloric acid for, 1,172 160 —,—,—, hydrofluoric acid for, 1 172 160 —,—,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,172, 160 —,—,—, potassium hydroxide ‘for, iy 172, 160 —,—,—, process for, 1,172,160 —,—, —, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,172,160 i ee sodium hydroxide for, i 172 160 361 Aluminum, alloy contg., catalyst in hexamethy- lene-tetramine mfr., 1,408,826 —,—,iron-copper, mfr. of, 1,452,232 —,alloy contg., alkali earth metals 1,359,813 —, alloy contg., arsenic and, 1,340,437 —,alloy contg., beryllium and, 1,359,813 —, alloy contg., calctum-copper and, 1,359,813 —,alloy contg., chromium-tungsten and 1%, 1,375,455 —, alloy contg., copper and, 1,267,669; 1,305,800; 1,387,900 —,alloy contg., copper-calcium and, 1,359,813 —, alloy contg., copper-nickel-iron and, 1,369,818 —, alloy contg., copper-tin-zine and, 1,446,332 —, alloy contg., copper-titanium and, 1,352 o22 —, alloy contg., copper-tungsten and, 1,350 ‘891 —,alloy contg., copper-zine and, 1,305 300 —,alloy contg., gold-silver-copper palladium and, 1,339,009 —, alloy contg., iron and, formation of, 1,409,017 —,alloy contg., lead and, 1,360,272; 1,360,348 —,alloy contg., lead and, urea for making, 1,362,739 —, alloy contg., magnesium, 1,305,166; 1,329,312; 1,374,968 —,alloy conig., 1,305,166 —,alloy contg., magnesium zine and, 1,341,774 —,alloy contg., manganese and, light produced electrolytically with, electrode of, 1,419,360 —,alloy contg., manganese-magnesium-copper- chromium and, 1,365,178 —,alloy contg., manganese-zine and, 1,358,147 —,alloy contg., silicon and, 1,887,900 —, alloy contg., silicon and mfr. of, 1,410,461 —, alloy contg., uranium and, 1,304,224 —, alloy contg., zine and, 1,417,348 —,alloy contg., zinc and aluminum chloride from, 1,455,005 and, 1,333,965 ; magnesium vanadium and, —,alloy contg., zinc-copper and, 1,344,165; 1,350,893 —,alloy contg., zinc-copper-iron-magnesium and, 1,852,271: 1,352,272 —,alloy contg., zinc-copper-manganese and, 1,338,826 —, alloy-contg., zinc-copper-manganese-titanium and, 1,335,2 284. — alloy contg., zinc-tin and, 1,350,892 —,alloy for cutting tools contg., 1,350, 359 —, alloy de-oxidized with, 1,350, 166. —, alloying with lead, magnesium for, 1,360,348 —,—, zinc for, 1,360, 348 — ‘allyl chloride made with, 1,477,047 —,alum clay for mfr. of, 1,308,429 —,aluminum, acid-resistant, 1,130,196 —,—, alkali resistant, made with, 1,130,196 Te finely divided, made with, 1,480,779 —,glass coated with, made with, 1,157,569 made with, —,—,porcelain coated with, made with, 1,157, 569 —,—,solder for, contg., 1,145,307; 1,194,101; 1,239,854; 1 344, 165 nue, ae soldering of, use of, 1,821,454; 1,321,529 —;—, treatment with of, 1,130,196 362 Aluminum, acid resistant, zirconium alloy contg., made using, 1,248, 648 —,aluminum alloy conte., 1 261,987; 1,280,706; 1, 326,971; 1,371,214; 1, 453 928: 1 518, 760 —, aluminum alloy, silicon in, made with, 1 480,779 —, aluminum amalgam from, 1,305,301 —, ’ aluminum anilide from, 1,394, 851 —, aluminum bronze contg., 1 300. 058; 1,482,289 —,aluminum chloride tide: with, 1 127, 465 ; 1 165,065; 1,218,588; 1,238,604; 1.241°796; 1268015: 1,270,226; 1,308,885; 1,324,143; 1354818: 1375116: 1,422,560; 1,424,574; 1 ‘474, ‘479: 1 509 605. _, aluminum chloride purified with, 1,269,236 —, "aluminum compound made with, 1. 229 611 —, aluminum fluoride made with, 1 518, 872 —, aluminum hydroxide made with, 1 161, 750 —, , aluminum hydroxide, colloidal solutions of, made using, 1,514,737 —,aluminum magnesium fluoride, made with, 1 518,872 —_, aluminum nitride made with, 1 188,771 —, aluminum oxide reduced to, 1,879,523 —, aluminum solder contg., 1 323, 520; ‘1 026,971; 1,188,769 ; 1 341,508; 1,415,925; 1 416, 924; 1 ‘437, 641; 1 ‘466, 061 —, aluminum sulfate made with, 1,176,292; 1 ,229,611 —, aluminum sulfide from sulfur and, 1,318,709 —, aluminum tinning alloy contg., 1 339, 710 —,aluminum treated with, 1,130, 196 — amalgamated, hydrogen from, 1,333,404 fe) mir. Of,’ mercury (ic) chloride 1 323 588 —,—,zine solutions purified with, 1,429,131 —, ’ 1-amino-4-anilino-2-methyl- anthraquinone made with, 1,894,851 —, ammonia made with, 1,198,965 ; 1 229,611 —, ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1, 148,570; 1,206,155; 1,491,588; 1 502, 336 —,—, oxidation of in apparatus made of, 1 481 957 —,ammonia from alkaline solutions, air and, 1 328,082 —,ammonia oxidizing apparatus of, 1,426,952 —,ammonium chloride, treatment with of, 1,130,196 —, annealing of, process for, 1,273,706 —,anode connector made of, 1,267,653 —,anthraquinone’ derivatives made 1,394,851 —, 1 A 9. 10-anthratetrol made with, 1,504,165 —,arch-support, thermo-electric, made with, 1 344,581 ~, arc-welding composition made with, 1,467,825 -— _ arc-welding electrode contg., core of, 1,363,636 —., arsenic, 1 ,198 095 —,arsenic compounds, marine animal oils, re- moval from of, using, 1,247,516 —, arsenious acid for slagging alloy of, 1,365,178 — ’ asbestos cement slate coated with, process for, 1,258,282 for, 1,206,155 ; with, separation of from, process for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum, asbestos composition coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —, aviation structural material made with, 1 223,322 —, balsams, treatment with of, 1,130,196 —, barrel coated with, 1,154, 651 — battery, dry, made with, 1,366,095; 1,468,574 —,—, storage, made with, 1.366 010 — ’ battery electrode made with, 1,366,095 ; 1 415,832 — bearing made with, 1,185,220 —,bearing metal conte., 1,360, 272; 1,360,346; 1 016,339 —, benzene made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 —, ‘benzine made with, 1,325,299 —, benzoic acid sublimed in apparatus made of, 1 489,707 = beryllium and, producing, 1,464,625 —, beta-ray filtered from gamma ray using a sereen of, 1,288,048 —, binder made with, 1,409,275 ~~ ‘ bivinyl made with apparatus of, 1 282 906 —, blasting cap made with, 1,518,61 1 —, * blasting cartridge made with, 1,226,833; 1,493,921 - —, blasting detonator constructed of, 1,488,431 —,boat mending composition made _ with, 1,889,084 —,boron and, producing, 1,464,625 —, brake shoe made with, 1 168, 810 —, ’ brass, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,224,340 —,—,—, —, process for, 1,224,339; 1,224,340 —,—, coating with of, apparatus for, 1 294 340 —,—,—, process for, 1,224,339; 1 224, 340 —~, brass plated, mfr. of, aluminum, zine plated, for, 1,147,718 —,—,—, process for, 1,147,718 — ’ brazing flux made with, 1,502,144 —,bread, sterilization of using, 1,200 651 —, brick coated with, process for, 1 258, 282 —, ’ bronze powder of, asphalt coated metals. covered with, 1,418, 347 —, bronzing paint made with, 1,158,962 —, brush, electric, made with, 1 999 999 —,—, electric eenerator, made with, 1,366,095 —, ’ bullet, impact illuminating, made with, 1 242 879 —, calcium in, alloy made with, 1,321,684 —,—, chromium made with, 1 321 684 —,—, ferro-alloy made with, 1 021,684 —,—,ferro-chromium made ‘with, i 321,684 ,—, ferro-titanium made with, 1 321 684 —.,ferro-tungsten made with, 1,321 684 —,—, ’ ferro-vanadium made with, 1 321 684 —,—, manganese made with, 1 321. 684 —,—, metal made with, 1 321, 684. —,—, metal alloy made with, ‘1 021,684 —, tungsten made with, 1 321 684 —, PAs carbide made with, 1,225,396 —, calcium phosphide made with, 1 225,396 —, ’ calcium tartrate, treatment with of, 1,130,196 — ’ camphor made with, 1,458,993 —,carbon in ferro-titanium 1,374,036 —, carbon monoxide made with, 1,225,396 —,case hardening using, 1,518, 607 reduced by, INDEX OF SUBJECTS 368 Aluminum, casting of, aluminum oxide appara- tus for, 1,514,151 —,—, apparatus 1,518,190 —,—, argon for, 1,514,151 —,carbon mold for, 1,172,506 —,—, graphite and sand mold for, 1,172,506 —,—,graphite mold for, 1,172 506 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,514, 151 —,—, iron mold for, bi72 506 for, 1,215,243; 1,514,151; —, Magnesium oxide for, 1,514,151 —,—,mold coating composition for, mfr. of, charcoal for, 1,218,394 —_—,—,— ,—, clay, pipe, for, 1,218,394 =), —, —, coke dust for, 1,218, 384 —,—,—, — ’ dextrin for, 1,218,394 —,—,—,—, flour paste for, 1,218,394 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,218,394 7 --, —, starch for, 1,218 394 —,—, preparing, 1,416, 412 —, process for, 1 172 506; 1,215,248; 1,514,151; 1,518,190 —,—,sand mold for, 1,172,506 — ‘catalyst made with, 1 162, 404; 1,502,260 —, catalyst, acenaphthene oxidation of using, 1,439,500 —,—, aluminum chloride made with, 1,477,058 —,—, ammonia oxidation by means of, 1 452 145 —,—,ammonium made with, 1,256, 273 —, —, ammonium sulfate made with, 1,256,273 —,—,benzine made with, 1,325,299 —,—, cyanide made with, 1,256 272 —,—, ester gum made with, 1,242 161 —,—,fat, edible, made with, 1,505,560 —,—,formaldehyde made with, 1,383,059 —,—,gasolene made with, 1 235 523: 1,494,125 —,—, hydrocarbon cracked with, made with, 1,168, 404 —,—,hydrocyanic acid made with, 1,492,193; 1,492,194 —, kerosene made with, 1,235,523 —,—, lard artificial made with, 1,505,560 —,— , lubricating oil made with, 1 350, 814 —,—, Margarine made with, 1,505 560 ; alcohol oxidation of using, —,—,o0il, chlorinated, dechlorizing of using, be 384,423: 1,384,447 — paint made with, 1,242,161 —, potassium cyanide made with, 1,256, 272 —, propylene made with, 1,134,677 —,—,sodium cyanide made with, 1,256,272 —,—, varnish made with, 1,242,161 —,catalyst for ammonia mfr. made_ with, 1,148,570; 1,206,155; 1,491,588; 1,502,336 — catalyst. poisons, marine animal oils, removal from of using, 1,247,516 —, catalyst promoter, 1 271,013 —,—, ammonia made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,catalyst for propene mfr. made _ with, 1,202,385 —,cathodes made with, 1,403,065; 1,468,838; 1,470,883 —,cement, composition contg., coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —,—,hydraulic, made with, 1,123,964 —, cerium and, producing, 1,464,625 Aluminum, chemical rectifier electrodes of, 1,409,383 —, chloride, treatment with of, 1,130,196 —, ’ chlorine compounds, marine animal oils, re- moval from of using, 1,247,516 —, chlorine detected with, 1,298,552; 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —,3-chlor-propene made with, 1,180,497 —,chromite reduced with, 1,432,289 —, chromite reducing agent, 1,430,878 —, chromium made with, 1,277,035; 1,321,684 —, chromium, alloy of, mfr. of, 1,453,254 —,—, iron alloy contg., made with, 1,482,289 —,—, producing 1,464,625 —,—,tungsten alloy 1,235,969 —, chromium alloy, iron in, made with, 1,346,187 —,chromium introduced into iron alloys by mixture contg., 1,386,981 —, chromium ores reduced by, 1,346,728 —, chromium, oxide, action of on, 1,346,728 —,—, green, made with, 1,158,379 —,chromium oxide reduced by, 1,458,568 —,chromium(ic) oxide reduced by, 1,422,703 —,chromium prevented from oxidizing by, 1,365,499 —,chromium trioxide reduced to lower oxide by, 1,448,036 —,cinematograph film printed from, 1,420,673 —,cinematograph film printed from ribbon of, 1,408,312; 1,408,313; 1,408,314; 1,408,815 —., circuit-breaker made with, 1,366,095 — —, clay, mfr. of, electric process for, 1,329,315 —, cleaner for, 1,253,353 —, cleaning of, 1,457,149 —, cleaning composition for, 1,456,486 —,—, ammonium chloride in, 1,456,486 —,—, flour in, 1,456,486 —,—, oxalic acid in, 1,456,486 me pumice in, 1 456 486 —, rottenstone in, 1,456 486 —, soap, castile, in, 1,456,486 —,—, sodium bicarbonate in, 1,456,486 —,—, tragacanth in, 1,456,486 —,—,zine oxide in, 1,456,486 —, coating of, aluminum hydroxide for, 1,451,755 —,—, copper cyanide for, 1,515,658 —,—, metals for, 1,370,967 —, potassium sulfide for, 1,515,658 —,—, process for, 1,515,658 —,—,salts for, 1,370,967 —,—, silver nitrate for, 1,515,658 contg., made with, 1,448,036 ; —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,515,658 —,—,treatment of 1,144,000 —,—,—, alkali for, 1,144,000 ,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,144,000 surface for, acid for, —,—,—, alum for, 1,144,000 — —, aluminum salt for, 1,144,000 —,—,—, ‘ammonium aluminum . sulfate 1,144,000 for. —,—,—, metal fluoride for, 1,144,000 , ==, MLTIC ACI LOF, k 144 ‘000 7 b —, ’ potash for, 1 144, 000 , J —,-——, —, process for, 1 144, 000 —,soda for, 1,144,000 bf eer 364 Aluminum, coating of, treatment of surface for, sulfuric acid for, 1,444,000 —,—,—,tin chloride for, 1,144,000 b —,—,—, tin salt for, 1,144,000 —, coating iron with, 1,381,085 —,coating iron retorts with, 1,454,708 —,coating material with, air for, 1,179,762 —,—, apparatus for, 1,179,762 —,—,process for, 1,179,762 —,coating material with spray of, 1,128,058; 1,128,059 —, coating with tin, substrata of other metals for permitting, 1,332,307 —,cobalt made with, 1,195,607 —, cobalt, coating with of, process for, 1,180,196 —,—, producing of, 1,464,625 b —,—,zirconium alloy contg., made with, 1,248,648 —,cobalt alloy contg., 1,203,180; 1,203,555; 1,376,056; 1,876,062; 1,513,806 —,cod oil, catalyst poisons, removal of from using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of using, 1,247,516 —,colloidal, decolorizing by carbon 1,447 452 -—,—, mfr. of, acacia for, 1,491,250 —,—,—,albumen for, 1,491,250 —,—,albumose for, 1,491,250 —,—,aluminum electrode for, 1,491,250 —,—, hydrazine for, 1,491,250 —,—, hydroxylamine for, 1,491,250 ,—, process for, 1,491,250 —,—,—,pyrocatechol for, 1,491,250 —,—,—, pyrogallol for, 1,491,250 —,—,—, sodium hyposulfite for, 1,491,250 —, colloidal solutions made using, 1,514,737 —., colloidal suspensions made with,, 1,499,600 —, color lake contg., 1,434,619 —,columbium and, producing, 1,464,625 —,columbium, zirconium alloy contg., made using, 1,248,648 —,coke made with, 1,482,438 —,concrete coated with, 1,154,651 —,condenser, corrosion reduced of, 1,238,574 —,condenser electrode of, 1,255,391; 1,826,297 —,container coated with, 1,154,651 —, cooler, corrosion reduced of, using, 1,238,574 —,copper made with, 1,183,086 —,copper alloy made with, 1,321,684 —,copper, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,224,340 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,224,339; 1,224,340 —,—, chromium made with, 1,321,684 —,—, coating with of, apparatus for, 1,224,340 and, ’ 3. ie ? ? using, —,—,—,process for, 1,224,339; 1,224,340; 1,515,658 —,—,ferro-alloy made with, 1,321,684 —,—,ferro-chromium made with, 1,321,684 —,—,ferro-titanium made with, 1,321,684 —,—, ferro-tungsten made with, 1,321,684 —,—, ferro-vanadium made with, 1,321,684 —,—, iron, alloy of, mfr. of, 1,453,254 —,—,—, compound body of and made using, 1,180,248, —,—,iron coated with, made with, 1,244,414 —,—, Manganese made with, 1,321,684 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum, apparatus for, metal made with, 1,321,684 —,—,metal alloy made with, 1,321,634 —,—, metal coated with, made with, 1,244,414 —,—, producing of, 1,464,625 —,—, separation from of, process for, 1,275,374 —,—, steel, compound body of and made using, 1,180,248 —,—,steel coated with, made with, 1,244,414 —,—, tungsten made with, 1,321,684 —,—,welding of and, process for, 1,196,744 —,copper alloy contg., 1,126,484; 1,168,962; 1,171,856; 1,180,996; 1,217,578; 1,264,459; 1,481,782; 1,496,269; 1,509,608; 1,510,242 —,—,copper, steel, uniting of and, using, 1,511,194; 1,511,195 —,—,steel, copper, uniting of and, using, 1,511,194; 1,511,195 —, copper cathode made with, 1,468,838 —, copper chloride, ammoniacal, treatment with of, 1,130,196 —,copper coated with, 1,154,651; 1,456,274 —,—, mfr. of, aluminum chloride for, 1,155,974 —,—,—, aluminum powder for, 1,155,974 —,—,—, graphite for, 1,155,974 ~—- —,—,—, process for, 1,155,974 —,—,—, zine for, 1,155,974 —,copper compound made with, 1,229,611 —,copper compounds and, cyanamide made with, 1,363,096 —,copper plated on, 1,332,307; 1,372,290 —,copper plated, aluminum, nickel plated, made with, 1,147,718 —,—,mfr. of, aluminum, zinc plated, for, 1,147,718 —,—,—, process for, 1,147,718 —,copper plating, 1,387,426; 1,457,149 —,—, preliminary treatment for, 1,387,426 —,copper precipitated from cyanide solutions by, 1,861,459 —,copper treated with, 1,346,062 —,copper wire coated with, insulator for, mfr. of, mercury for, 1,323,236 —,—,—,—, potassium permanganate 1,323,236 . —,—,—,—, process for, 1,323,236 d td ? —,—,—,—, sodium permanganate for, 1,323,236 —,—,—,—, sulfurie acid for, 1,323,236 —,cork coated with, mfr. of, aleohol for, for, —, process for, 1,376,737 —) —;—, paraffin for, 1,376,737 —,—,—, shellac for, 1,376,737 1,247,516 —,crucible, clay, made with, 1,374,910 —,—, graphite, made with, 1,374,909; 1,374,910 —,cutting implements, alloy for, contg., 1,376,056 —,cyanides made with, 1,206,155 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 365 Aluminum, cyanides, ore dissolved in, treat- Aluminum, enamel for, mfr. of, glass, powdered, ment of with, 1,136,872 for, 1,230,958 —,cyanide derivatives, marine animal oils, re- —,—,—, lead, red, for, 1,230,958 moval from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—,—, process for, 1,230,958 —, dart, incendiary, made with, 1,181,278 —,—,—, silica for, 1,230,958 —, decorating of, enamels for, 1,346,475 —,—,—, varnish for, 1,230,958 —,—, ink, lustrous, for, 1,210,637 —,enameled, substitute for, 1,289,215 —,—~, lacquer for, 1,210,637 —, engine, internal combustion, made with cast- —,—, process for, 1,210,637 ings of, 1,226,595 —,—, shellac for, 1,210,637 —,—,—, cylinder for, made with, 1,809,182 —,—, varnish for, 1,210,637 —,ethane made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 —,dental alloy contg., 1,164,997; 1,175,655 —,ethylene made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 —, de-oxidizing, alkali-earth metals for, 1,348,458 —,explosive made with, 1,801,646; 1,334,303; —, detonator made with, 1,488,431 1,393,984; 1,397,826; 1,404,653; 1,409,963; —, Devarda’s alloy contg., 1,221,077 1,410,868; 1,420,364; 1,480,272; 1,493,921; —, diaphragm made with, 1,866,095 1,496,914; 1,509,393 —, diaphragm, phonograph, made with, 1,459,803 —,explosive of liquid air and, 1,375,243 —,—,sound reproducing, made with, 1,459,803; —,eyelet made with, 1,188,422 1,495,515 —, fabric, bullet-proof, made with, 1,309,620 —, dichlorethylene made with, 1,419,969 —,—, gas-proof, made with, 1,309,620 —, s-dichlor-ethylene made with, 1,419,969 —,—, water-proof, made with, 1,309,620 —,diolefin made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 —,fabric coated with, mfr. of, alcohol for, —, disinfectant contg., 1,143,295 1,376,737 —, drying oil made with, 1,254,866 —,-—, —, apparatus for 1,376,737 —, dye lake contg., 1,383,710 —,—,—, beeswax for, 1,376,737 —, electrical conductors of, 1,429,441 —,—,—,benzine for, 1,376,737 —, electrodes of, 1,333,700; 1,344,752; 1,344,753; —,—,—,copal for, 1,376,737 1,371,997; 1,388,874; 1,390,505; 1,390,575 —,—,—, paraffin for, 1,376,737 —,electrode, arc lamp, made with, 1,241,270 —,—,—, process for, 1,376,737 —,—,are-light, made with, 1,151,160 —,—,—, shellac for, 1,376,737 —,—,carbon, protective coating for of, —,—,—, tallow for, 1,376,737 1,314,603 —,—,—, varnish for, 1,376,737 —,—,electric furnace, protective coating for —,fat, catalyst poison, removal of from using, of, 1,314,603 1,132,710 —,—,graphite, protective coating for of, —,fat hydrogenated with, 1,472,882 1,314,603 —,fatty acid hydrogenated with, 1,472,882 —,—, waterproofing by means of, 1,874,122 —,felt coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —,—, welding, made with, 1,241,899; 1,814,273; —,ferric sulfate reduced with, 1,300,417; 1,363,636 1,300,418 —,electrode for electrolytic oscillator of, —,ferro-alloy made with, 1,318,764; 1,321,684; 1,329,761 1,825,455 —,electrodes for zinc electrodeposition con- —,ferro-chromium made _ with, 1,136,669; sisting of, 1,347,189 1,318,764; 1,821,684; 1,386,981; 1,511,628 —, electrodeposition of from solutions in oleum, —, ferro-manganese made with, 1,318,764 1,351,144 —,ferro-manganese castings prevented from —,electrolytic cell contg., plates of, 1,387,471 cracking by, 1,361,036 —,electrolytic plate of, 1,348,206; 1,348,207 —,ferro-titanium made _ with, 1,318,764; —, electrolytic potential of, 1,397,514 1,321,684; 1,374,036 —, electrolytic rectifier electrode of. 1,433,736 —,ferro-titanium decarbonized using, 1,874,036 —, electro-plating of, alcohol for, 1,256,954 —,ferro-tungsten made with, 1,235,969; —,—, ammonium nickel sulfate for, 1,256,954 1,321.684 —,—,borie acid for, 1,256,954 —,ferro-vanadium made with, 1,277,035; —,—, carbon bisulfide for, 1,256,954 1,318,764; 1,821,684; 1,435,742 —,—, citric acid for, 1,256,954 —, fertilizer made with, 1,225,396 —,—, nitric acid for, 1,256,954 —, fertilizer conditioned with, 1,418,618 —,—, oxalic acid for, 1,256,954 —, filament, electric light, made with, 1,151,160 —,—, petroleum for, 1,256,954 —, filling composition contg., graphite, shellac —,—, process for, 1,214,271; 1,256,954 and, 1,341,540 —,—,sodium bicarbonate for, 1,256,954 —,finely divided, aluminum, iron coated with, —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,256,954 made with, 1,480,779 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,256,954 —,—,—,steel coated with, 1,480,779 —,—,sodium nitrate for, 1,256,954 —,—,iron, aluminum coated, made _ with, —, eliminating from scrap brass, 1,375,930 1,480,779 —,emulsion of, milk, artificial, from, 1,297,668 —,—, mfr. of, aluminum for, 1,480,779 —,enamel for, mfr. of, acacia for, 1,230,958 —,—,—, chromium for, 1,480,779 —,—,—,bismuth oxide for, 1,230,958 bbs —,—,ferro-silicon for, 1,480,779 —,—,—, borax for, 1,230,958 —,—,-—;nickel for, 1,480,779 366. Aluminum, finely divided, mfr. of, process for, 1,480,779 —,—,—,rare earth metal for, 1,480,779 —,—,—, silicon for, 1,480,779 —,—,metal made with, 1,480,779 —,—,preparation of, electrolytic process for 1,397,008 —,—, production of using, 1,480,779 —,—,steel, aluminum coated, made with, 1,480,779 —, fire-cracker contg., 1,253,597 —, fire-works made with, 1,145,421 —,fish oil, catalyst poison, removal of from using, 1,132,710; 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, flash light cartridge made with, 1,166,265 —., flash light powder made with, 1,240,027 —, flux for, sodium chloride as, 1,519,204 —, flux for electrodes contg., 1,339,515 —,food product, sterilization of using, 1,200,651 —, formaldehyde container of, 1,440,571 —,formaldehyde-sulfurous acid, aluminum salts of, made with, 1,149,712 —,formates made with, 1,206,155 —, formation of, aluminum silicide (ALSis), for, 1,123,585; 1,154,800 —,fuel tank, self-sealing, made with, 1,436,985 —, furnace lining made with, 1,135,182 —, gaskets made with, 1,409,275; 1,409,276 —,gaskets material contg., 1,409,275; 1,409,276; 1,409,277 —,gas mantle made with, 1,123,869 —,gasolene made with, 1,127,465; 1,482,438 —,gasolene made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 —,gelatin (photography), treatment of, using, 1,499,600 —, German silver contg., 1,227,569 —, glass, aluminum coated, made with, 1,157,569 —,glass coated with, mfr. of, aluminum for, 1,157,569 —,—,—, hydrofluoric acid for, 1,157,569 —,—,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,157,569 —,—,—, process for, 1,157,569 —,—,—, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,157,569 —, glycerol made with, 1,180,497 _ —, gold, coating with of, process for, 1,515,658 —,—,recovery of using, 1,205,207 —,gold coated, mfr. of, gold chloride for, 1,208,507 —,—,—, potassium bitartrate for, 1,208,507 —,—,—, potassium cyanide for, 1,208,507 —,—,—, potassium iodide for, 1,208,507 —,—,—, process for, 1,208,507 —,gold precipitated from cyanide solution with, 1,323,588; 1,361,459 —,gold production of using, 1,177,396; 1,183,086; 1,184,456; 1,195,607; 1,492,283 —,gold alloy contg., 1,165,448 —, gold substitute contg., 1,319,537 —,golf ball, mold for, made with, 1,491,816 —, granulating, 1,327,743 —,graphic reproduction by means of lines on glass made with, 1,865,058 —,gum-resin, treatment with of, 1,130,196 —,gypsum, composition contg., coated with, process for, 1,258,282 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum, hardening, gum-glutin, oyster shell and gum arabic for, 1,836,420 —,heater, chemical, made with, 1,506,322 1,506,323 —, heat. producing compound contg., 1,129,056; 1,143,295 —,heat producing mixture contg., iron oxide and, 1,417,075 —, heel of, 1,366,981 —, horseshoe made with, 1,175,624 —, hydroazoic acid, action of on, 1,453,976 —, hydrocarbon, cracking of, catalyst for, made with, 1,168,404 —, hydrocarbon burner, made with, 1,216,578 —, hydrochloric acid, action of on, 1,464,625 —,hydrochloric acid plants constructed of, 1,454,945 —, hydrogen made with, 1,276,487; 1,506,323 —, hydrogen from acids and, 1,333,404 —, hydrogen from alkalis and, 1,333,404 —,hydrogenation process using, 1,247,516; 1,472,882 —,hypodermic solutions, container for, made with, 1,189,465 —,incendiary composition contg., 1,308,463 —,infra red ray, generator for, made with, 1,519,555 —,ink, transfer contg., 1,398,770 —,insulating, aluminum hydroxide for, process for, 1,451,755 —, insulating surface. on, producing of, 1,429,441 —,insulation, electric, for, mfr. of, acid for, 1,137,986 —,—,—,—,—, alcohol for, 1,137,986 —,—,—, —, —, alkali for, 1,137,986 —,—,—, —, —, process for, 1,137,986 —,—, —, —, —, resin for, 1,137,986 —,—,—,—,—,rubber cement for, 1,137,986 —,—,—,—, —, tar for, 1,137,986 —,—,—,—, —, varnish for, 1,137,986 —,—, —, —, —, water for, 1137936 —, —, —; —, —, wax for, 1,137,986 ,—, heat, made using, 1,428,056 —,insulator, electric, made with, 1,823,236 —,iodine compounds, marine animal oils, re- moval from of using, 1,247,516 —,iron contg., 1,213,806; 1,396,276; 1,428,061 —,iron, action of on, 1,456,274 —,iron, alloy made with, 1,321,684 —,—,alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, appa- ratus for, 1,224,340 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,224,339; 1,224,340 —,—,are-welding of, flux contg., 1,823,768 —,—,“ calorized,’ made using, 1,398,960 —,—,cast, impregnation of with, 1,511,063 —,—, casting of using, 1,150,401 ,—, chromium made with, 1,321,684 —,—,coating of using, 1,156,169 —,—,coating of with, apparatus for, 1,224,340 —,—,—, process for, 1,224,339; 1,224,340 ~ INDEX OF SUBJECTS Aluminum, iron, compound body of and, mfr. of, process- for, 1,180,248; 1,180,249 —, copper, compound body of and made using, 1,180,248 —,—,copper coated, made with, 1,244,414 —, desulfurizing of, using, 1,471 ‘401 —,—, ferro-alloy made with, 1 321 684 —,—,ferro-chromium made with, 1,821,684 —,—, ferro-titanium made with, 1 321 684 —,—,ferro-tungsten made with, 1 321 684 —,—, ferro-vanadium made with, 1,321 684 —,magnetic, contg., 1,277,523; 1.277, 524 —,—, Manganese made with, 1 321 684 —,—, metal made with, 1,321 684 —,—, metal alloy made with, 1,321,684 —,—, polishing of, using, 1 216, 643 —,—, producing, 1 464,625 —,—, protection from corrosion of, 1,512,557 mis? rust, removal of from, using, 1,216,643 — ' rust-proofing of with, 1,254 263 ; 1,254 ,264 —,—, tungsten made with, 1,321 684 —,—, zinc, removal from of, using, 1,515,140 —,—, zine alloy, removal from of using, using, 1,515,140 —,—,zinc coated, made with, 1.244,414 —,—,zirconium alloy contg. made with, 1,248,648 —,iron alloy contg., 1,128,726; 1,136,670; rot, 826; 1,378,941; 1 493, 191; 1 508 ,032 —, iron alloy, chromium in, made 1 846,187; 1,432,289 —,—, explosive contg., 1,410,868 —,—, mfr. of, carbon for, 1 190 678 —,—, —, ferro-aluminum ‘for, 1 190 678 —,—,--, , tranklinite clinker for, 1 190 678 —,—,—, iron for, 1,190,678 —.—,-—, Manganese ore, Brazilian, for, 1,190,678 —,-—-,—, process for, 1,190,678 —,—,—, steel for, 1 190 678 —,—,— ’ willemite clinker for, 1,190,678 —,—,—, zine smelter clinker for, 1 190 678 —,—, zirconium in, made with, 1, 151 ,160 —, iron boro-silicate for agglomerating iron oxide and, 1,381,748 —,iron chloride, treatment with of, 1,130,196 —,iron coated with, 1,154,651; 1,381,085; 1,456,274 —,—, mfr. of, aluminum, finely divided, for, 1 480, 779 —,—,—, aluminum powder for, 1,155,974 —,—,—, ammonium chloride for, 1 1155 974 with, —,—-,—, apparatus for, 1,165 920; 1,172, 160 —,—,—, graphite for, 1,155,974 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,165,338; 1,172, 160 —,—,—, hydrofluoric acid for, 1,172,160 —,—,—, hydrogen for, 1,480, 779 —,—, —, hydrogen dioxide for, — 1,165,338; 1,172,160 —,—,— Pee etuty, carbonate for, 1,165,338 —,—,—,potassium chlorate for, 1,165,338 —,—, a potassium hydroxide for, 1,165,338 ; 1,172,160 --,—,— Peon permanganate for, 1,165,338 —,—,—,process for, 1,155,974; 1,165,338; 1,165, 930: 1,172,160; 1 480, 779 367 Aluminum, iron-coated with, mfr. of, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,165,338; 1,172,160 ppeaat sodium hydroxide for, 1,165,338; 1,172,160 —,—,—, tin for, 1,165,920 —-,—,—, zine for, fs 155,974; 1,165,920 — preparing, 1 A09 O17 —,—,see also Tron “ calorized” —,iron coated with chromium by aid of, 1,365,499 —, iron compounds and, cyanamides made with, 1 363,096 —,iron deoxidized by, 1,347,741; 1,371,401 —, tron garnet, see Almandite —,iron improved by addition of silicon alloy of, 1,396,276 —, iron ore contg., 1,403,237 -—, —, extraction of from, 1,370,646 —, iron oxide and, cyanamide made with, 1 863,096 —,— , welding made with, 1,381,748 —,iron oxide removed from barium chloride steel heating bath by, 1,454,214 —, iron plated on, 1,332 307 — iron treated with, 1 346, 062 —,iron(ous) vanadate made with, 1,129,253 —,iron(ous) vanadate, phosphorus removed from using, 1,129,253 =, iron vanadium oxide made with, 1,129,253 —, isoprene made with apparatus of, 1,282 906 —, jointing compound made with, 1,420 908 —,kerosene made with, 1,127,465; 1,482 ‘438 — ’ kerosene made with apparatus of, 1 282 ,906 —, ’ kerosene burner made with, 1,216 578 — ‘lamp, gaseous conduction, made 1 517,466 —, lanthanum and, producing, 1,464,625 —, "lead, electrolytic, deposition of on, process for, 1,306 A79 —, lead, production of using, 1,480,110; 1,480,439 —, ‘lead. alloy contg., 1,158,671; 1,360,272; 1,360,346; 1,360,348 —, lead azide, action of on, 1,453,976 —, Jead coated, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,172,160 —,—,—, hydrochlorie acid for, 1,172, 160 —,—,—, hydrofluoric acid for, 1,172 ,160 —,—,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1 172, ,160 —,—,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1. ,172,160 —,—,—, process for, 1,172,160 —,—, —, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,172,160 ,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1 172, 160 —, storage battery plate of, 1,362 739. —, a compounds and, cyanamide made with, 1,363,096 —,leather substitute made with, 1,409,276 —, lepidolite ingredient, 1,430,877 —,leucite constituent, 1,417,831 —, lighter wick contg., 1,480,543 —, lightning arrester, electrode for, made with, 1,255,391;, 1,326,297; 1,366,095; 1,488,936 —, lime, composition contg., coated with, proc- ess for, 1,258,282 —,limestone for precipitating from solution, 1,370,646 —,linoleum, drying oil for, ‘made 1,254,866 ° with, b) 1,409,275; with, 368 Aluminum, linseed oil substitute made with, 1,254,866; 1,384,447 —,liquid air explosive 1,440,041 ; 1,441,957 —, lithographic plate made with, 1,155,352; 1,163,167 —, lubricating oil made with, 1,127,465 —,lute, contg., 1,263,398 —,luting contg., 1,364,224 —, magnesium made with, 1,311,378; 1,311,379; 1,311,380 —,magnesium, alloy made with, 1,321,684 —,—,chromium made with, 1,321,684 —,—,ferro-alloy made with, 1,321,684 —,—,ferro-chromium made with, 1,321,684 —,—, ferro-titanium made with, 1,321,684 —,—,ferro-tungsten made with, 1,321,684 —, ferro-vanadium made with, 1,321,684 —, manganese made with, 1,321,684 —,metal made with, 1,321,684 —,metal alloy made with, 1,321,684 —,—, tungsten made with, 1,321,684 —,magnesium alloy contg., 1,841,774 —,—,see also Electron metal —, magnesium oxide reduced by, 1,379,886 —, manganese made with, 1,277,035; 1,321,684 —, manganese and, producing, 1,464,625 —,manganese, zirconium alloy contg., made with, 1,248,648 —,manganese ore 1,291,867 —, manganese steel contg., 1,485,294 —, marine animal oil, catalyst poisons, removal of from using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,match made with, 1,360,283; Re-15,039 —,match-head composition contg., 1,360,288 ; Re-15,039 —, melting of, alumina for, 1,185,394 —,—, aluminum oxide apparatus for, 1,514,151 —,—, apparatus for, 1,514,151 contg., bi — a ? b s contg., extraction from, —,—, argon for, 1,514,151 ,—, carbon for, 1,185,394 —,—, clay for, 1,185,394 —,—,coke for, 1,185,394 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,514,151 —,—,lime for, 1,185,394 —,—, magnesia for, 1,185,394 ,—, magnesium oxide for, 1,514,151 —,—, process for, 1,160,430; 1,185,394; 1,514,151 —,—, producer gas for, 1,185,394 —,—,sand for 1,185,394 —,—, silica for, 1,185,394 —,mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —,menhaden oil, catalyst poisons, removal of from using 1,247, 516 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, mercury(ous) azide, action of on, 1,453,976 —,mercury fulminate, action of on, 1,453,976 —,mesothorium chloride made with, 1,142,154 —,metal made with, 1,212,426; 1,277,035; 1,321,684, . —, metal, coating with of, process for, 1,130,196 —,—, copper coated, made with, 1,244,414 —,—, precious, coated with, 1,335,024 —,—, zine coated, made with, 1,244,414 —, metal alloy made with, 1,321,684 —— UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum, metal article made with, 1,283,322; 1,346,192 —,metal bodies contg., graphite and, mfr. of, 1,431,233 —, metal cement contg., 1,388,011 —,metal coated with, 1,346,062 —,metal from ore by means of, 1,277,034 —, metal mixture contg., 1,346,192 —,metal precipitated from cyanide solution with, 1,323,588 —,metal precipitated from solution using, 1,123,778 —, metals prevented from oxidizing by, 1,346,062 —,metal produced with, 1,415,516 —, metal repairing composition contg., 1,349,648 —, metals scavenged with, 1,460,830 —, metallic, production of, aluminum chloride for, 1,297,946 —,—,—, clay for, 1,297,946 —,—,—, electrolytic apparatus for, 1,297,946 —,metallic dust with, mfr. of, 1,290,181 —,mold, die casting, made with, 1,491,816 —,—,sand, made with, 1,153,231 —,molds coated with, 1,331,816 —, molded article made with, 1,409,275 —, mold mixture contg., 1,457,375 —,mold for rubber articles made of alloy of magnesium and, 1,329,312 —, molybdenum, alloy of, mfr., 1,453,254 —,—,tungsten alloy contg. made _ with, 1,235,969 ; —, molybdenum bronze contg., 1,319,537 —, molybdenum oxides reduced by, 1,448,036 —, molybdenum trioxide reduced to lower oxide by, 1,448,036 —, Monel metal contg., 1,489,865 —,motion picture screen made with, 1,149,940; 1,480,205 —,nickel made with, 1,195,607 —, nickel, alloy of, mfr. of, 1,453,254 —,—, coating with of, process for, 1,130,196; 1,515,658 —,—,tungsten alloy contg., made _ with, 1,235,969 —,—,zirconium alloy contg., made with, 1,248,648 —,nickel alloy contg., 1,208,180; 1,203,555; 1,439,865; 1,461,178; 1,514,064 —,—,thermo-electric couple made with, 1,169,611 —,—, producing, 1,464,625 —,nickel oxide reduced by, 1,387,663 —, nickel plated on, 1,832,307 —,nickel plated, alcohol for, 1,256,954 —,—,ammonium nickel sulfate for, 1,256,954 —,—,boric acid for, 1,256,954 —,—, carbon bisulfide for, 1,256,954 —,—, citric acid for, 1,256,954 —,—,mfr. of, aluminum, copper plated, for, 1,147,718 —,—,—,—, zine plated, for, 1,147,718 —,—,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,147,718 —,—, —, ammonium nickel sulfate for, 1,147,718 ,—,—, nickel sulfate for, 1,147,718 —,—,—, process for, 1,147,718 —,—, nitric acid for, 1,256,954 —,—, oxalic acid for, 1,256,954 —— INDEX OF SUBJECTS 369 Aluminum, nickel plated, petroleum for, 1,256,954 —,—, process for, 1,256,954 —,—, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,256,954 qos sodium carbonate for, 1,256, 954 —, sodium hydroxide for, 1 256, 954 —,—,sodium nitrate for, 1,256 954 —, nickel plating, 1,457 149 —, "niobium and, producing, 1,464,625 —, ‘nitric acid, treatment with of, 1,130,196 —,—,apparatus for, made from, 1,130,104; 1,314,485 —,nitrogen, fixation of, using, 1,155,840; 3 198,965 —,— liquid, made with, 1,205,477; 1,205, 478 — ‘ nitrogen fixation process using, 1 206, 155 —,oil, animal, catalyst poisons, removal of from using, 1,132,710 —,—,—, hydrogenated with, 1,472,882 —,—,—, non-sludging, made with, 1,472,882 —,— composition contg., coated with, process _for, 1,258,282 —, drying, made with, 1,284,423; 1,384,447 —,—,—, treatment with ‘of, 1 130 196 —, mineral, hydrogenated with, 1,472,882 —,—,—, non-sludging, made with, 1,472,882 —,—,—, treatment with of, 1,130,196 —, vegetable, catalyst poison, removal of rom using, 1,132,710 —,— drying, substitute made with, 1,254,866 —,—, hydrogenated with, 1,472, 882 —,—,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, —,—, non-sludging, made with, 1,472 882 =, oil-sulfonate, preparing, 1,330, 624 —, ‘olefin made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 —, ore, cyanide solution of, treatment of with, 1,186,872 —,ornamenting, metals for, 1,370,967 —,—,salts for, 1,370,967 —, oxides reduced with, 1,415,516 —, oxygen, liquid, made with, 1,205,477; 1,205,478 —,—, treatment with of, 1,130,196 —, packing made with, 1,409,275; 1,409,276 —, packing material contg., 1,441,951 —,paint made with, 1,227,071; 1,410,790; 1,411,673 —, paint, aluminum, made with, 1,158,962 —, paint contg., Japan, turpentine and, 1,367,888 —,paper, coated with, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,376,737 —,—,—, —, apparatus for, 1,376,737 —,—,—,—, beeswax for, 1,876,737 —,—,—, benzine for, 1,376,737 ,»—,—, copal for, 1,376 paz etd te a wv fe wv - ,—, —, —, paraffin for, 1 376, 737 —,—,—, —, process for, 1,376, 737 —,—,—,—, shellac for, 1 376, 737 —, —, —, —, tallow for, 1,376,737 fe, —,varnish for, 1,376,737 — tissue, coated with, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,376,737 »—, —, —, —, apparatus for, 1,376,737 —,—,—,—, —, beeswax for, 1,876,737 —,—,—,—,—, benzine for, 1,376,737 — — — —,—,—,—, copal for, 1,876,737 —,—,—,—, paraffin for, 1,376,737 »—,—, —, process for 1,376,737 — — —_— Aluminum, paper, tissue coated with, mfr. of, shellac for, MacOdar —,—,—, — -, ‘tallow for, 1,376,737 Sy )—, varnish for, 1876-787 — papier-mache coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —, paraffin made with, 1,127,465 —, pasteboard coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —,petroleum, non-sludging, made with, 1,472,882 —, phonograph record made with, 1,398,145 —, phonograph record reinforced with, 1,398,145 —, phosgene for removal of from siliceous ma- terial, 1,868,396 —, phosphoric acid, treatment of with, 1,269,080 —, phosphoric acid contg., removal of, process for, 1,451,786 —, phosphorus compounds, marine animal oils, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —, pictures reproduced by aid of thin sheets of, 1,407,301 —,pipe mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —, piperylene made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 —, plastic made with, 1.389,084 — plate, key, made with, 1,325, 890 —,—, lithographic, made ‘with, 1 320,890 —,—, press, made with, 1,325,890 —, platinum made with, 1,177,396 —,—, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, proc- ess for, 1,224,339 —,—, coating of with, process for, 1,224,339 —, "platinum anode supported by, 1,470,577 —,platinum coating for, mfr. of, ammonium chloride for, 1,274,995 —,—, ammonium chlorplatinate for, A 274, 995 —,—, —, platinum chloride for, 1,274,995 —,—,—, potassium bitartrate for, 1,274,995 —,—,—, process for, 1,274,995 —, polish for, 1,216, 643; 1 253, oo; 456) 15h —,—, mfr. of, aluminum oxide for, 1,491, 456 —,—, —, aluminum sulfate for, 1 91 456 —,—,—, process for, 1,491,456 —, —,—, tartaric acid for, 1,491,456 —,porcelain, aluminum ‘coated, made with, 1 ,157,569 —, porcelain coated with, mfr. of, aluminum for, 1,157,569 —,—,—, hydrofluoric acid for, 1,157,569 —,—,—, hydrogen dioxide for,. 1, 157, 569 —-, —, —, process for, 1,157,569 —,—,—, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,157,569 —, position in electrochemical series, 1,429,131 —,potassium carbonate, treatment with of, 1,130,196 —,potassium zirconium halides decomposed with, 1,437,984 —, powder, iron oxide, sulfur, thermite contg., 1,318,709 —,—,—, thermite contg., 1,318,709 —,powdered, airship fabric coated with, 1,449,748 : —,—, fabric coated with, 1,449,748 —,—,—, welding with, 1,441,094 .,. —, powdering, 1,327,743 —,preparation of, 1,390,796 370° Aluminum, primer made with, 1,478,429 —, primer for signal fusees conte., 1 430,590 —, printer blanket, off-set press, made with, 1 211,706 —, printing on, process for, 1,289,215. —, printing plate made with, 1 219, 332; 1,877,503 —,printing plate, lithographic, made with, 1 ,203,770 —,—, photomechanical, made with, 1,155,186 —,—, planographic, made with, 1 215 494 —,printing plate for linoleum made of, 1 185,749 —, printing press roller made with, 1,845,200 —, production of, air for, 1,206,874; 1 230, 143 —,—, alkali earth carbide for, d 273 220 —_,— — alkali earth oxide for, 1 273 220 — ‘alkali hydroxide for, 1 196, 734 —,—,alum clay for, 1,308, 429 — —,—, alumina for, 1 490, 504; 1,512,462 —,—, ’ aluminum carbide for, ol 220, 843: 1,512,462 —, —, aluminum chloride for, 1,220 843; 1,238,604; 1,506,104; 1,519,648 —,—, aluminum chloride residue for, 1,206,874 —,—, aluminum compounds for, 1 308, 429 —,—, aluminum dust for, 1,273,220 —,—,aluminum fluorides for, 1,132,737; 1,160,481; 1,217,432 —,—, aluminum hydroxide for, 1,512,462 —,—, aluminum ore for, 1,251,058 —,—, aluminum oxide for, 1,132,737; 1,220,843; 1,257,995; 1,273,220; 1,512,271; 1,512,462; 1,519,648 —,—,aluminum silicates for, 1,160,431; 1,196,734; 1,238,604; 1,251,058; 1,506,104; 1,519,648 —,—,aluminum sulfate for, 1,160,481 —,—,aluminum sulfide for, 1,220,843; 1,512,462 —,—,alundum for, 1,512,462 —,alunite for, 1,217,482 —,—, anorthosite for, 1,802,852 —,—,apparatus for, 1,230,143; 1,238,604; 1,241,796; 1,490,504; 1,506,104; 1,519,648 —,—,bauxite for, 1,297,946; 1,308,429; 1,512,271; 1,512,462; 1,519,648 —,—, bituminous shale for, 1,506,104 —, borax for, 1,217,432 —, ’ calcium carbide for, 1,512,462 —, calcium fluoride for, 1217 A482; 1,512,462 —, calcium hydroxide for, 1,196, 734: —,calcium oxide for, 1 196, 734 —, calcium sulfate for, 1 512, 462 —; calcium sulfide for, 1,512. 462 —, ’ carbide for, yliele 220: 1,512,462 —, carbon for, 1 206 874: 1 238, 604: 1,257,995; _iais, 220 0,1 506, 104: 1 512 O71: 1 512 462 —, carbon ‘electrode for, 1,490 504 —,—, * carbon monoxide for, 1,238, 604 —,carbon tetrachloride for, 1,238, 604 —,—, chalcopyrite for, 1,512,462 —,—, charcoal for, 1,512,462 —,—,chlorine for, 1,238,604; 1,506,104; 1,519,648 —,—, chlorine compound for, 1,238,604 —,—, chlorine treatment for, 1,802,852 —,—,clay for, 1,160,431; 1,238,604; 1,241,796; 1,251,058; 1,808,429; 1,506,104; 1,512,462; 1,519,648 J | I I Fo a 1,241,796 ; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum, production of, coal for, 1,238,604 —,—, coal, anthracite, for, 1,512, 462 a slatey, for, 1,506, 104 —, "coke for, 1,512 462 — coke breeze for, 1,238,604 —, coke dust for, 1 512 462 —,copper for, 1 973, 220 —, copper oxide for, 1,273,220 —,cryolite for, 1 206 874; 1,490, 504 —, diaspore for, 1 519, 648 —, earth for, 1 251 058; 1,308,429 —,— ’ electrolyte for, aluminum fluoride in, 464,625 —,—,aluminum oxide in, 1,464,625 —,—,—, calcium fluoride in, 1,464,625 ,—, eryolite in, 1,464,625 —,—, sodium aluminum fluoride i in, 1,464,625 © —,—,—,sodium fluoride in, 1,464, 625 — —,sodium fluosilicate in, 1,464 625 ye sodium silicate in, 1 464 625 — electrolytic process for, 1,490, 504. —,feldspar for, 1,196,734 —, fluorine compound for, 1,217,482 — fluorspar for, 1,217,432 —,gasolene for, 1 206 874 —, graphite for, 1 512 462 —, halloysite for, 1,308 429 —, hydrargillite for, 1,519,648 —,hydrocarbon gas for, 1.273 220 —, hydrochloric acid treatment for, 1,302,852 —, hydrogen for, 1,273,220 —,iron for, 1 512 AG2 —, iron ore for, 1 230,143; 1,489,362 —, iron. ore, Cuban, for, 1,230, 143 —, iron sulfide (FeS) for, 1 512 ‘AG2 —, ’ kaolin for, 1,160,431; 1,241, 796; 1,297,946; 1,305, 969; 1 519 648 —, labradorite for, 1,302,852 —, laterite for, 1,308, 429 — " leucite for, 1, 196, 734 — "lignite for, 1 506, 104 —, lime for, 1 512 A62 —, magnesium sulfate for, 1,512,462 —,magnesium sulfide for, 1,512,462 —,microcline for, 1,196, 734 —, muscovite for, 1,196 04 —, nitrogen oxide treatment for, 1,302,852 —, oil shale for, 1,506,104 —, ore, aluminum, for, 1,308,429 —, orthoclase for, 1 196, 734 —, , oxide for, 1,273 220 “oxide alundum ” for, 1,512,462 —, ’ pitch for, 1,273,220 —, plagioclase for, 1,302,852 —, potassium chloride for, 1,160,481 —- Oe inten silicates for, 1,196 734 —, process for, 1,132,737; 1 "160, 431; 1,196,734; ~ 1206, 874; 1 217, 432: 1 220 843: 1 230, 143; 1,238,604: 1,241,796: 1,251,058 : 1.257.995: 1,261,694; 1,273,220; 1,350,150; 1,489,362; 1,490,504; 1,506,104; 1,512,271; 1,512,462; 1,519,648 —,—, pyrite for, 1,230,148; 1,512,462 —, pyrrhotite for, 1,512,462 —, quartz for, 1,512,462 —,—,rhyolite ash for, 1,308,429 —,—,rhyolite mud for, 1,308,429 ie J I | J td “ —~ ~ _ “e —s “ oe | yes ~ a ‘ a a | I I | | a J | I | — leket=d SES 5 I sa J ee are INDEX OF SUBJECTS Aluminum, production of, sand for, 1,251,058 ae shale for, 1,506,104 —, silica for, 1 512 271 —, silicon carbide for, 1,273,220 —,—, silicon dioxide for, 1 273,220 —, —, silicon tetrachloride for, 1,238,604 —, sodium bisulfate for, 1 160 431 —,sodium bromide for, 1 160, 431 —,—, sodium. carbonate for, 1,217 482 —,— * sodium chloride for, 1,160 431; 1,206,874 ; 1,238, 604; 1,506,104. —,—, sodium. fluoride for, 1,160,431; —,—, sodium iodide for, ab 160 31 —,—, sodium sulfate for, 1 160 431 —,—, steam for, 1,512 462 —, sulfide ores for, 1 261,694 — sulfur dioxide for, 1 230, 143 —,—, ‘sulfuric acid for, 1 160 431; 1,230,143; 1,261,694; 1 489, 362 —,—, tar for, i 273 220 —, ; projectile ‘made with, 1,502,925 —, projectile, incendiary, contg., 1,301,381 —, propeller "made with, 1,304, 102 —, propene, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,202,385 —, propylene made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 —, protecting, aluminum hydroxide for, process of, 1,451,755 -——, pulverizing, of, process for, 1,327,743 —, purifying, potassium ’ phosphide for, 1 348,458 —, pyrotechnic made with, 1,399,953 —, pyrotechnic composition contg. .. 1,399,953; 1,423,264 —, pyrotechnic mixture contg., 1,419,295 —,radiator-repairing composition contg 1 311,270 —, radium applicator made with, 1,288,048 _ radium-barium chloride made with, 1,142,154 — ‘railway signal fuse made with, 1 180 438 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,288 610; 1 421,045; 1,518,443 —, recovery of, aluminum waste for, 1,180;435 —,—, cryolite for, 1,180,435 —, —, feldspar for, 1 ‘402, 831 —,—, iron ores for, 1 341 901; 1,877,822 —, process for, 1 180 (435 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,180,485 —,recovery from ores, flux for, 1,416,871 —,—, haloid salts for, 1,392,048; 1,392,044 —,recovery from scrap, 1,403,349 —,recovery from scrap of, apparatus 1 260,312 —,—, process for, 1,260,312 —, recovery from waste material of, process for, 1,519,204 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,519,204 — rectifier electrode of, 1,255,391; 1,326,297 —,reducing agent, 1 375, 972 —,reduction of from ores, coal for, 1,379,023 —,—, carbon for, 1,372 483 —,—,sawdust impr egnated with alkali for, 1 372, 483 —,— Vea chloride for, 1,372,483 — refining scrap, zinc chloride used i in, 1,403,349 —,refractory made with, 1,197,626; 1 198 033; 1 278, 529; 1,860,355; 1 380, 700 1,217,432 1,196,734; for, 371 Aluminum, refractory contg. compounds of, 1,390,327 —-,removing from spelter, zinc oxide for, Tgo3,c2l —,reproduction composition made with, 1,886,995 — , reproduction of designs by writing on glass with, 1,365,058 —,resin, composition contg., coated with, proc- ess for, 1,258,282 —, resistance, electric, made with, 1,366,095 —,—,— alloy, cont. .. 1,217,578 — ‘retorts coated with, carbon bisulfide mfr. in, 1,454,708 —, roller, inking, made with, 1,345,200 © —,rouge pad made with, 1,194 185 —,rubber coated with, 1,259 508 —,rubber mending composition made with, 1 389,084 —, rubber mixture contg., comminuted, 1,395,413 —, rubber substitute made with, 1,409 275 — ) rustproofing using, 1,224,339 —,S A M metal constituent, 1,415,085 —, sandstone, calcareous coated with, process for, 1,258 289 _ scandium and, producing, 1,464,625 —, ” selenium oxychloride as solvent ‘of, 1,385,081 —, Separating from minerals, magnetic separa- tor for, 1,414,170 —, sheet, car body made with, 1,221,561 —s coating for, mfr. of, alkali for, 1,221,561 —,—,—, —, aluminum silicate for, 1,221,561 —,—,—,—, borax for, 1,221,561 —,—,—,—, carborundum for, 1,221,561 —,—,—,—, cobalt oxide for, 1,221,561 —,—,—,—, feldspar for, 1,221,561 NG torrinied | fori zal oot =, On oxide for, 1,221, 561 — ’ manganese ieee for, "1,221 561 ,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,221 61 —,—, potassium nitrate for, 1,221 561 ,—, process for, 1,221,561 —,—, quartz for, 1,221,561 ~ ~ ) 5 —,—,—,—, rutile for, 1,221,561 —,—,—,—,silex for, 1,221,561 —,—,—,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,221,561 —— —; ’ sodium nitrate for, 1,221 561 —,—,—,—, titanium dioxide for, 1 221 061 —,—, vehicle body made with, 1,221 561 —,shellac derivative contg., 1,309 967 —} shoe, rubber, made using mold of; 1,518,062 — shoe heel made with, 1,175,624 Behn sole made with, 1 175, 624 —, shot-gun-shell contg., fiber Oeeah. 1,340,245 —,silicates obtained from, 1,380,552 —,silicon made with, 1,238,604; 1,518,872 —, silicon, alloy made with, 1,321,684 —,—,aluminum alloy contg., made 1,480,779 —,—,chromium made with, 1,321,684 —,— —} ferro- alloy made with, 1,321 684 —,—, ferro-chromium made with 1,321 684 —,—,ferro-titanium made with; 1,321 ‘684 —,ferro-tungsten made with, 1,321 684 impregnated 1,241,796: with, 372 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum, silicon, ferro-vanadium made with, Aluminum, solder contg., aluminum’, soldering 1,321 684 of, using, 1,196,118 —,—,manganese made with, 1,321,684 —, solder for, aluminum in, 1,145,307; 1,161,612; —,metal made with, 1 321 684 1 239,854; 1,273,146; 1 336, 081; 1 344, 165; —, metal alloy made with, 1,321,684 I ‘466, 061 —, producing, 1,464,625 —,—, aluminum, zinc and copper alloy as, —,—, removal from of, glass for, 1,180,968 1,344, 165 —,—,—, process for, 1,180, 968 —,— , antimony in, 1,239,854; 1,828,694; —, —, —, silicates for, 1. 180, 968 1 344, 566 — tungsten made with, 1,321, 684 — bismuth in, 1,239,854 —, erica alloy made with, 1,518 812 —,—,copper 1n, 1,328, 694: 1,344,165; 1,344,566 a, ’ silicon alloy contg., gold production of using, —,—, formula, 1 (437 641 1,492, 282 —,—,—, aluminum 180, tin 18, silver nitrate 1, —,—, silver production of using, 1,492,282 silver chloride 1 1,415 4925 —, silicon carbide made with, 1,225,396 —,—, —, lead 34%, block tin 34%, zine 30%, —,silicon as impurity in, annealing of, process aluminum 2%, 1,336,081 for, 1,273,706 —, —, —, lead, tin, zinc, antimony, copper, —,silk coated with, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,328, 694 1,376,737 —,—,—, tin 80, lead 16, aluminum 8, zinc 16, —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,376,737 phosphorus tin 8, 1,145, 307 —,—,—, beeswax for, 1,376,737 —,—,—,tin 58.45, zinc 35, aluminum 4.19; —-,—,—, benzine for, 1,376,737 antimony 1,22; phosphor tin, 1.14, 1,416,924 —,—,—,copal for, 1,876,737 —,—, —, tin 67. 60, zine 16. 90, bismuth 2.82, —,—,—, paraffin for, 1,376,737 aluminum 1.41, phosphorus-tin, 11 27, —,—,—, process for, 1,876,737 1,341,508 —,—,—, shellac for, 1,376, 737 —,—,—, tin 85-95%, zine 0.5-9.5%, silver 0.5- —,—,—, tallow for, 1,376, 737 4. 5%, copper 0.5-4.5%, 1,437,641 —,-—,— , varnish for, 1,376, 737 —,—,—, zine, tim, lead (variable proportions), —, silver, cleaning of ‘using, "Re-14,007 ; 1,333, 237 (1,058,568) ee lead in, 1,145,307; 1,222,158; 1,224,941; —,—,coating with of, process for, 1,130,196; 1,239, 854; 1,328,694; 1,344,566 1,515,658 —,— —, mfr. ‘of, 1,301 633. —,—, production of using, 1,177,896; 1,195,607; —,—,—, aluminum for, 1,194,101; 1,239,854 1,183,086; 1,184,456; 1,480,439; 1,492,283 —,—,—, antimony for, 1,194,101 —,silver coated, mfr. of, potassium bitartrate —,—,—, bismuth for, 1,194,101 for, 1,208,507 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,239,854 —,—,—, potassium cyanide for, 1,208,507 —,—,—, lead for, 1,194,101; 1,239,854 —,—,—, potassium iodide for, 1 208 507 —— phosphor tin for, 1 194, 648 —,—,—, potassium silver cyanide for, 1,208,507 —,—,—,process for, 1 194, 101; 1,194,648 ; —,—,—, process for, 1,147,718; 1,208,507 1,239,854 —,silver precipitated from cyanide solution —,—,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,194,101 with, 1,323,588 —,—,—, tin for, 1,194, 101; 1,239, 854 —,silver recovery of using, 1,205,207 —,—, —, zinc for, 1 194, 101; 1 194, 648; 1,239,854 —,silver sodium cyanide, treatment of with, —, phosphorus i in, 1,145, 307 1,186,872 —, silver in, 1 229, 158 —,slime, cyanide solution of, treatment of —,—,tin in, "1,145,307 ; 1,222,158; 1,224,941; we with, 1,136,872 1,239,854; 1,328,694; 1,344,165; 1,344,566 —,smoke producing compound made with, —,-—, tin, phosphorus alloy of, in, 1,145 307 1,244,940 ea white metal in, 1,328,694; 1,344,566 —,sodium and, aluminum-magnesium alloy —,—,zine in, 1,145 307; 1,222, ‘158; 1,224,941; made from, 1,359,813 1,239,854 ; 1 328, 694: 1 344, 165; 1 344, 566 —,sodium aluminate made with, 1,490,309 —,—, see also Solder, aluminum —,sodium carbonate, treatment with of, —, ’ solder for joining, tin and zinc in, 1,338,966 1,130,196 —,soldering of, alloy flux for, 1,483 327 —, sodium chloride made using, 1,499,600 es aluminum for, 1,321, 454: 1 321 929: ~, sodium chloride for reducing from ores, —,—, aluminum, solder contg., for, 1. ,196,118 1 312,483 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1 321 A454; —, sodium fluosilicates, action of on, 1,464,625 1,321,529 —, ’ sodium hydroxide, treatment with of, —,—, beeswax for, 1,516,759 1 180,196; 1,464,625 —,—, butter for, i 516, 759 —, sodium magnesium alloy of, formation, —,—, cadmium, tin alloy contg., for, 1,233,803 1,457 225 —,—, chicken fat for, 1,516,759 —, sodium oxalate made with, 1,281,118 —,—, composition for, formulas for, 1,402,644 —,sodium oxide, action of on, 1,346,728 —,—, copper deposited on to permit of, —, sodium tartrate, treatment with of, 1,130,196 1,387,426 —, ’ solder contg., 1 196, 118; 1,326,971; 1,332, 809; —,— cotton seed oil as flux for, 1,208,798; 1 044,165; 1 AT, 428 iy 208, 799 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Aluminum, soldering of, cow fat for, 1,516,759 —,—, fat, animal, for, 1,516, 759 —,— ‘fish fat for, 1,516 1759 —,—, ‘ flux for, 1 188, 188 —,—,—, chalk in, 1,259,590 =), mercury in, 1,259 090 ,—,—, olive oil in, 1,259, 590 —,—,—, turpentine in, 1,259, 590 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1 196,118 —,—,lamb butter for, 1,516 759 —,—,lamb fat for, 1 516 "759 —,—,lead for, 1 321 454: 1,821,529 —,—, ‘lead, solder conte., for, 1,196,118 —,—, ’ linoleic acid, elycerides of, as flux for, 1,208, 798; 1,208, 799 —, linseed oil as flux for, 1,208,798; 1,208,799 —,—,mercury for, 1,196,118 —,mercury(ic) chloride for, 1,196,118 —,mercury(ic) nitrate for, 1,196,118 —,—,mercury(ic) oxide for, 1 196, 118 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,196, 118 —,—, oil, vegetable, for, 1,516,759 —,—, oleic acid, glycerides as flux for, 1,208,798; 1,208,799 —,—, oleic acid as flux for, 1,208,799 —, olive oil for, 1,516,759 —,—, olive oil as flux for, 1,208,798; 1,208,799 —, , palmitic acid as flux for, 1 208, 799 —,—,pig fat for, 1,516,759 —, process for, 1 195, 055; 1,196,118; 1,208,798; _ 1268, A096: .4 233, 803; 1 340,264 —, sesame oil for, 1,516, 759 — skunk oil for, 1,321 AbA: 1,321,529 —, ’ solder for, 1 195, 055; i 196, 118 —,—, ’ solder, aluminum in, for, 1,196,118 —,—, lead in, for, 1,196,118 —,—,tin in, for, 1,196,118 —,—, zine in, for, 1, 196, 118 —, stearic acid for, 1,195,955 ; 4391, 454; 1,321,529 —,—, stearic acid as flux for, 1,208,799 —,—, tallow, mutton, for, 1,321 454; 1,321,529 —,—, tin for, 1,321 454: 1 321, 529: 1 402, 644 —,—, ,tin, solder conte., for, 1, "196, 118 —,—, tin alloy, cadmium in, for, 1,233,803 —,—,—, zinc in, for, 1,238, 803 —,—, zine for, 1,321,454: 1,321,529 —, zinc, solder contg., for, 1,196,118 —,—,—, tin alloy contg., for, 1,233,803 —, soldering flux for, 1,374,233 —,—,alkali bisulfate in, 1,139,923 —,—,alkali pyrosulfate in, 1,139,923 —,—, borax in, 1,139,923 —,—, sodium bisulfate in, 1,139,923 —,solvent for, oxychloride as, 1,385,081 —,sound record of, 1,421,045 —,spelter contg., 1,333,721 —, steel contg., 1,318,164; 1,420,328; —,steel made with, 1,213,806; 1,223,030; 1,360,880; 1,479,327; 1,501,202 —, steel, alloy, made with, 1,315,468 —,—, are-welding of, flux contg., 1,323,768 —,—,“ calorized,” made with, 1,398,960 —,—, casting of using, 1,206, 188 OBE chromium, contg., 1,516, 262 fe tke 4 d i 1,233,803 ; selenium 1,435,840 1,217,972; 1,491,929 ; 373 Aluminum, steel, coating of using, 1,156,169 —,— compound body of and, mfr. of, process for, 1,180,248; 1,180,249 —,—, copper, compound body of and made _using, 1,180,248 —, copper coated, made with, 1,244,414 —, deoxidizing of using, 1 A71 401: 1,479,327 ,—, de-sulfurizing of using, 1,471 401 —,—, high speed, hardened with, 1,275, 242 —,—,Manganese contg., 1,310 528 —,—,Manganese made with, 1 ,213,806 —,—,nickel chrome made with, 1,213,806 ; 1,501,202 —,—, protection from corrosion of, 1,512,557 —,—,rustless, made with, 1,508.211 —,—, rustproofing of with, 1,254,263; 1,254,264 —,—, stainless, made with, 1,432 289 —, titanium made with, 1 213 806 —, tungsten, hardened with, 1,275 ,242 —,—, vanadium made with, 1,213 806 —,—, zine coated, made with, 1,244 414 —, steel alloy made with, 1 325 A55; 1 508,211 — ‘ steel alloy contg., hardening of, ammonia for, 1,487,554 —,—,—, nitrogen for, 1,487,554 —, process for, 1,487, 554 —, evel alloy mfr. by means of reducing action of, 1,392 462 —, steel alloy prepared with, 1,441,479 —, steel coated with, 1,378 052 —,—,mfr. of, alkali aluminum fluoride for, 1 488 003 —,—,—, aluminum, finely divided for, 1,480,779 —,—, aluminum potassium fluoride for, Ty 488 553 —,—, —, aluminum es 553 using, sodium fluoride for, —,—,—, potassium Ate for, 1,488,553 —,—,—, process for, 1,480,779; 1,488,553 —,—, —, sodium fluoride for, 1 ‘488 003 —,—,—, sodium nitrate for, 1,488 053 -- , steel-improving alloy contg, 1,382,147 —,steel ingots made with, 1,515,794 —, steel sheets coated with, 1,378,052 —, stone, artificial, made using, 1,187,717 —,—,—, coated with, 1,154,651; 1,258,282 —,stone coated with, graphite for, 1,258,282 —,—, process for, 1,258,282 —, sulfur, ignitable mixture contg., 1,318,709 —,—,lute made of mixture of and, 1,263,398 —,sulfur carbide made with, 1,225,396 —,sulfuy compounds, marine animal oils, re- moval from of using, 1,247,516 —,sulfurie acid, treatment with of, 1,130,196 —, sulfur melting apparatus of, 1,421 416 —,sulfur prevented from attacking iron by, 1 454,708 —, suppository made with, 1,188,722 1,382,146; 374 Aluminum, tanks, protection from corrosion of, using, 1 512, 557 —, tantalum and, producing, 1,464,625 —, tantalum, zirconium alloy conte. fy using, 1 248, 648 —, tartrate, treatment with of, 1,130,196 —, ‘teeth, artificial, mending composition for, made with, 1,389,084 — , telephone transmitter made with, 1,366,095 —,ten pin made with, 1,518,130 —, thermite contg., 1 168, 061; 1 260,830; 1,895, 769: 1 430 667 _. thermite cartridge made of, 1,498,323 — thermite igniter contg., 1,142, 154 — thermite igniting mixture conte ., 1,895,769 —, thermite ingredient, 1,855,224 —, ‘thermite mixture contg., chromite and, 1,386,981 —,thorium and, producing, 1,464,625 —,thorium compound made with, 1,142,154 —,tin alloy contg., 1,483,327 —, tin alloys plated on, 1,332,307 —,tin chloride, treatment with of, 1,180,196 —,tin coated, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,172,160 —,—, — hydrochloric acid for, 1,172, 160 ,—,—, hydrofluoric acid for, 1 172, 160 —,—,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1 172,160 —,—,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,172,160 made 1,318,709 ; —,—,—, process for, 1,172,160 —,—,—,sodium bicarbonate for, 1,172,160 —,—,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,172,160 —, tinning, metal for, formula, 1,339,710 —,—, method of, 1,339,710 —,—,stearic acid used in, 1,339,710 —,tin ores contg., 1,426,341 —,tin plated on, 1,832,307 —,tin treated with, 1,466,126 —,tire made with, 1,175 624: 1,200,296 —., tire, pneumatic, made with madrel made of, 1 344 5702 —, titanium and, producing, 1,464,625 —, titanium, zirconium alloy contg., made using, 1 ,248,648 — titanium alloy contg., 1,431,725 — ’ torpedoes propelled by sodium hydroxide and, 1,419,267 —, tungsten made with, 1,212,426; 1,321,684 —,tungsten alloy made with, 1,235,969 —,tungsten alloy, chromium In, made with, 1 ,235,969 —,— , molybdenum in, made with, 1,235,969 —,—, nickel in, made with, 1,235 969 — tungsten oxides reduced by, 1,448, 036 —, tungsten trioxide reduced to lower oxide by, 1 448,036 -- , turpentine substitute made with, 1,127,465 —,uranium and, producing, 1,464,625 —, uranium oxide, action on of magnesium and, 1,224,242; 1 210 309 5 1 310, 310 —, uranium oxide reduced by, 1,304,224; 1 448,036 —, uranium trioxide reduced to lower oxide by, 1 448,036 —, vanadium made with, 1,277,035 —, vanadium and, producing, 1,464,625 —, ‘vanadium oxide made with, 1, 129, 253 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum, varnishing of, process for, 1,130,196 — 'volatizing, phosgene for, 1,368,396 —., water, .boiler, treatment of, using, 1,499,600 —,—, filter for conte., 1,276, 129 —,—,ice plant, treatment of, using, 1,499,600 —,—, ’ treatment of, using, 1,499, 600 < water-cooled, ” mfr. of, 1 301 646 —, Arey gas made with, 1 506, 393 — ’ waterproofing made with, 1 389,084 —, welding of, apparatus for, 1 ‘176, 614; 1,489,093 —,—, electric, process for, 1 134, 007 —,—, ’ flux for, 1,502,144 —,—,—, chalk in, 1 259,590 —,—,—, mercury in, 1 259, 590 —,—, —, olive oil in ii 259, 590 .—)— turpentine in, l, 259 ,090 —,—, molybdenum electrode for, 1,176,614 —,—, process for, 1,126,655; 1,176, 614: Ve 196, 744; a 489,093 — tungsten electrode for, 1,176,614 —,—, see also Aluminum, solder for — te eae contg.., 1,389,476 —, welding flux made with, 1 502, 144 — welding flux for, alkali bisulfate i in, 1,139,923 —,—, alkali pyrosulfate i in, 1,139,923 —,—, borax 1 in, 1,139,923 —,—, ’ sodium bisulfate in, 1,139,923 —, , whale oil, catalyst poisons, removal of from using, ie 132, 710; 1,247,516 —,— , hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 -—, ’ white coating of, alkali hydroxide for, 1 ,289,215 —,—, process for, 1,289,215 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,289,215 —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,289,215 —,white gold made with, 1,165,448 —, "wood coated with, 1, 154, 651 —,—, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,376, 737 —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,376, 737 —,—,—, beeswax for, 1,376, 737 —,—,—, ’ benzine for, 1,376, 737 —,—,—, copal for, 1,376, 737 —,—,—, paraffin for, 1 376, 737 —,—, process for, 1,376, 137 —,—,—,shellac for, 1 376, 737 —,—,—, tallow for, 1,376,737 —,—,—, varnish for, 1,376,737 —, wood work mending composition made with, 1 089,084 — ,ytterbium and, producing, 1,464,625 —, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,263, 706 —i Zine, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr, of, ap- paratus for, 1,224,340 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,224,340 — chromium made ‘with, 1,321 684 —,—, ’ coating with of, apparatus for, 1,224,340 —,—,—, process for, | 224,340 —,—, ferro-alloy made with, 1,321,684 —, ferro-chromium made with, 1 321,684 —,—, ’ ferro-titanium made with, 1 321 684 — ' ferro-tungsten made with, I 321 684 —, ferro-vanadium made with, 1,321, 684 —,iron, removal of from using, 1,515, 140 —,iron coated with, made with, 1,244, 414 —,—,manganese made with, 1,321] 684 —,—, metal made with, 1,321 684 ,— metal alloy made with, 1,321,684 Pe > ae) Tere INDEX OF SUBJECTS Aluminum, zinc, metal coated with, made with, 1,244, 414. —,—,removal from of, iron for, 1,515,140 —,—,—, process for, 1,515, 140 —,—, steel coated with, made with, 1,244,414 —,—, sulfur, ignitable mixture contg., 1,318, 709 eet tungsten made with, 1,321,684 —,zinc acetate, alcoholic, treatment with of, 1,130, 196 —, zine alloy contg., 1,321,684; 1,364,654; 1,421,686; 1,490,696 —,zine alloy, iron, removal of from using, 1,515,140 —,—,removal from of, iron for, 1,515,140 —,—,—, process for, 1,515,140 —,—, treatment with of, 1 130,196 —, zine coated, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,172,160 —,—, — , hydrochloric acid foil dee 160 —,—,—, hydrofluoric acid for, nt 172 160 —,—,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,172 ,160 —,—,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,172 ,160 —,—,—, process for, 1,172,160 —,—,—, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,172,160 —,—,—, sodium hydroxide for, i 172 160 —,—, soldering iron made with, 1,221 066 —, zinc compounds and, cyanamides made with, 1 363,096 —, zine cups 1,419,839 —,zine dust with, mfr. of, 1,290,181 —,zine electrodeposition using cathode of, 1,255,483 —,zine plated on, 1,332,307 —,zinc plated, aluminum, brass plated, made using, 1,147,718 —,—,—,copper plated, made with, 1,147,718 —,—,—, * nickel plated, made with, i 147 718 —,—,—, ’ silver plated, made with, 1, 147, 718 —,—, mfr, of, brass solution for, 1 147, 718 —,—,—, nickel anode for, 1,147 718 —,—,—,nitric acid for, 1,147, 718 —,—,—, process for, 1,147,718 —,—,—,sodium cyanide for, 1,147,718 ,—,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,147,718 »—,—, Sulfuric acid for, 1,147,718 —,—,—, zine carbonate for, 1,147,718 electroplated. upon cores of, — —,—,—, zine salt for, 1,147,718 —,—,—, zine solution for, 1,147,718 —, zine solution contg., impurity of, 1,315,982 —, zinc solutions purified with, 1,429,131 —,zine sulfate solutions purified by, 1,382,494 —, zirconia purified from, 1,307,881 —, zirconium and, producing, 1,464,625 —, zirconium alloy, aluminum in, made using, 1,248,648 —,—,cobalt in, made using, 1,248,648 —,—,columbium in, made using, 1,248,648 —,—,formation of, 1,437,984 — —,—,iron in, made using, 1,151,160; 1,248,648 —,—, Manganese in, made using, 1,248,648 —,—, nickel in, made using, 1,248,648 —,—, tantalum in, made using, 1,248,648 —,—, titanium in, made using, 1,248,648 —, zirconium alloy contg., lamp, electric, fila- ment for, made with, 1,248,648 —,—, mfr. of, aluminum for, 1,248,648 —,—,—, barium oxide for, 1,248,648 375 Aluminum, zirconium alloy contg., mfr. of, chloride ‘for, 1,248 648 —,—,—, fluorides for, 1,248,648 —,—,—., halides for, 1,248 648 —,—,—, ilmenite for, 1,248,648 —,—,—, iron oxide for, 1,248,648 —,—,—,magnesium for, 1,248,648 —,—,—, process for, 1,248,648 —,—,—,rutile for, 1,248, 648 —,—,—, silica for, 1,248,648 —,—,—, ‘sodium carbonate for, 1,248, 648 »—,—, titanite for, 1,248, 648 —,—,—, titanium dioxide for, 1,248,648 —,—,—, zircon for, 1,248,648 —,—,—, zirconia for, 1,248,648 —,—,—, zirconium oxide for, 1,248,648 —, zirconium oxide reduced by, 1,387,663 Aluminum abrasive, see Abrasive, aluminum Aluminum acetate, therapeutic compound of, 1,132,709 —, asbestos waterproofing of with, 1,280,954 —, basic, coloring matter made with, 1,164,036; 1,164,037; 1,173,330 —,— dye made with, 1,173,330 —,—, fabric, printing composition for, made with, 1 164, 036; 1,164,037; 1,173,330 —,—, paint made with, 1,164,036 : 1,164,037; 1,173,330 —,catalyst, dehydrogenation, made _ with, 1,271,013 —,—, ester gum made with, 1,242,161 , hydrogenation, made with, 1,271,013 —,—, paint made with, 1,242, 161 —,—,varnish made with, 1,242, 161 — chrome yellow made with, 1,484 088 —,color photography film dyed with, 1,443,012 —, cotton fabrics waterproofed with, 1,360, 924 —,fabric, waterproofing of, using, 1,242 327 —, ’ fabric dyed with, 1,306 213 —, fiber, animal, waterproofing of with, 1,280,954 —,—, mineral, waterproofing of with, 1.280 ‘954 —,— ’ vegetable, waterproofing of with, 1,280, 954 —, ‘formation of in sealing porous castings, 1 384,033 —, gauze made with, 1,504,911 —, insulation, heat, made with, 1,235,061 —, iron, lead coated, made with, 1,505, 109 —, ‘kaolin gauze made with, 1,504 911 —, lead, iron coated with, made with, 1,505,109 —, ‘lead chromate made with, 1,484 088 —, ’ leather, artificial, dyeing of using, 1,186,052 —, lubricant made with, 1,145,877. . —, mfr. of, alum for, 1,504,911 —,—, aluminum sulfate for, 1,265,357 —,—,lead acetate for, 1,265,357; 1,504,911 —,—, process for, 1 504 911 —, packing, lubricating, ‘made with, 1,145,877 —, paint made with, 1,181,588; 1 183 665 —, paper, coated, made with, 1,265,357 —,—, etchable coating for, made with, 1,265,357 —,—,parchment, imitation, mfr. of, using, 1,380,428 —,—, sizing of, using, 1,211,288 —,—, waterproofing of, using, 1,380,428 —, pectin product made with, 1,497,884 —,pigment made with, 1,181 588 ; 1,183,665 ; 1 484,088 a 316 Aluminum acetate, substitute for, formalde- hyde-sulfurous acid, aluminum salt of, as, 1,149,712 —,textile, waterproofing of, using, 1,228,987; 1,228,988 —,therapeutic compound of, mfr. of, acid, or- ganic, hydroxy, for, 1,132,709 —,—,—, aluminum, acetate for, 1,132,709 _ —,—,—, ammonia for, 1,132,709 __.—, —, citric acid for, 1,132,709 —,—,—, formaldeliyde for, 1,132,709 —,—,—, glycerol for, 1,132,709 —,—,—, hexamethylenetetramine for, 1,132,709 —,—,—, hexamethylenetetramine-aluminum acetate for, 1,132,709 —,—,—, hexamethylenetetramine-lactate 1,182,709 . —,—,—, lactic acid for, 1,132,709 —,—,—, mannitol for, 1,182,709 —,—,—, process for, 1,132,709 ,—, tartaric acid for, 1,132,709 for, —,—, solvent for, acetic acid as, 1,132,709 —,—,—, acetic acid, glacial, as, 1,132,709 —,—,—, acetone as, 1,132,709 —,—, —, alcohol as, 1,132,709 —,—,—, benzene as, 1,132,709 —_ —— ,—,—, ether as, 1,132,709 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid as, 1,132,709 ,—, —, sodium hydroxide as, 1,132,709 —,—,—, sulfuric acid as, 1,132,709 —,—,—, water as, 1,182,709 —,viscose material treated with, 1,404,535 —,waterproofing using, 1,228,987; 1,228,988; 1,242,327; 1,880,428; 1,400,579 —, waterproofing with sodium palmitate and, 1,374,122 Aluminum alcoholate, catalyst, ethyl acetate made with, 1,459,852 Aluminum alginate, articles of, 1,848,459 —,cardboard coated with, 1,162,926 —,concrete waterproofed with, 1,415,324 —,fabric coated with, 1,162,926 —, leather coated with, 1,162,926 —,oilproofing by means of, 1,395,016 —, paper coated with, 1,162,926 —,pasteboard coated with, 1,162,926 —, preparation of, 1,395,016; 1,415,849; 1,415,850 —, properties of, 1,162,926 —, textile coated with, 1,162,926 Aluminum alkali, see Alkali aluminum. Aluminum alkali alginate, see Alkali aluminum alginate Aluminum alkali compounds, see Alkali alumi- num compounds Aluminum alkali fluoride, see Alkali aluminum fluoride Aluminum alloy, 1,412,280; Re-15,407 —,alkali earth metals in, 1,412,280; Re-15,407 —,alkali metal in, 1,410,461; 1,508,556 —,aluminum in, 1,261,987; 1,280,706; 1,371,214 —,aluminum compound made with, 1,229,611 —,aluminum 95.5, magnesium 0.5, copper 3, manganese 1, 1,130,785 —,aluminum nitride made with, 1,188,769 —,aluminum sulfate made with, 1,176,292; 1,229,611 —,ammonia made with, 1,229,611 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum alloy, antimony in, 1,247,977 —,beryllium in, 1,254,987 —, bismuth in, 1,410,461 —,cadmium in, 1,146,185; 1,227,174; 1,410,461 —,—, battery, storage, made with, 1,366,010 —, calcium in, 1,412,280; Re-15,407; 1,472,738 —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,224,362 —,—,match made with, 1,360,283 ; Re-15,039 —,carbon in, 1,518,321 —, cartridge case made from, 1,510,590 —,case hardening using, 1,518,607 —, casting of, apparatus for, 1,215,243 —,—, process for, 1,215,243 —,catalyst, hydrocyanic 1,492,193; 1,492,194 —,cathode made with, 1,468,838; 1,470,883 —, cesium in, 1,410,461 — chromium in, 1,261,987; 1,371,214; 1,472,738; 1,472,739; 1,472,740; 1,480,779; 1,485,158; 1,510,590 —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,453,254 —., coating of, treatment of surface for, acid for, 1,144,000 —,—,—, alkali for, 1,144,000 —,—,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,144,000 —,—,—, alum for, 1,144,000 —,—,—, aluminum salt for, 1,144,000 —,—,—,ammonium aluminum sulfate for, ,144,000 —,—,—, metal fluoride for, 1,144,000 —,—,—, nitrie acid for, 1,144,000 —,—,—, potash for, 1,144,000 ,—, process for, 1,144,000 —,—,soda for, 1,144,000 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,144,000 —,—,—,tin chloride for, 1,144,000 —,—,—, tin salt for, 1,144,000 —, cobalt in, mfr. of, process for, 1,453,254 —,colloidal suspensions made with, 1,499,600 —,copper in, 1,130,785; 1,146,185; 1,147,398; 1,156,093; 1,212,374; 1,227,174; 1,247,977; 1,261,987; 1,280,706; 1,371,214; 1.410.461: 1,412,280: Re-15,407; 1,472,738; 1,472,739; 1,472,740; 1,480,846; 1,485,158; 1,508,556; 1,510,590; 1,518,321; 1,518,760 —, copper, castings made of, 1,156,093 —,copper, golf ball, mold for, made with, 1,491,816; 1,491,817 —,—, iron, coating of using, 1,171,856 —,—,iron coated with, made with, 1,244,414 —,—,light producing apparatus made using, 1,419,360 —,—,mfr. of, aluminum carbide for, 1,220,843 —,—,—, aluminum chloride for, 1,220,843 —,—,—, aluminum oxide for, 1,220,843 —,—,—,aluminum sulfide for, 1,220,843 —,—,—,copper chloride for, 1,220,843 acid made with, b 5) 3 —, copper oxide for, 1,220,843 —,—,—, copper sulfide for, 1,220,843 —,—,—, process for, 1,220,843; 1,453,254 —,—,metal coated with, made with, 1,244,414 —,—, melting of, process for, 1,160,430 ,—, mold, die casting, made with, 1,491,816; 1,491,817 —,—,steel, coating of using, 1,171,856 —,—,steel coated with, made with, 1,244,414 —,copper cathode made with, 1,468,838 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 377 Aluminum alloy, copper compound made with, Aluminum alloy, iron, see also Ferro-aluminum 1,229,611 —,lead in, 1,518,321 —,copper plating, 1,457,149 ; —, lithium in, 1,410,461 —,cracking of, preventing, calcium for, —, magnesium in, 1,130,785; 1,132,376; 1,175,655; 1,412,280 1,227,174; 1,261,987; 1,359,813; 1,371,214; —, crucible, clay, made with, 1,374,910 1,382,147; 1,412,280; Re-15,407; 1,472,738; —,—,graphite, made with, 1,374,910 1,472,739: 1,472,740: 1,485,158: 1,508,556: —, dissolving, 1,353,773 1,510,590: 1,518,321: 1,518,760 —, electric coils mfr. from wire of, 1,431,237 —, ’ ferro-silicon in, 1,382,147 —, flax for, sodium chloride as, 1,519,204 1.380.498 —, forging, temperature suitable ‘for, 1,374,968 Ae, h made with. 1.360 283° Recls 02 — , formula, aluminum 95.5%, copper 1 5%, ie OG ah LO ee ee magnesium 2.0%, iron group 1.0%, 1,510,590 ~° Wty aon 410 PDO AS —,—, aluminum 75-85, nickel 5-15, copper 7-10, maa —,—, colloidal solutions made using, 1,514,737 —,—, ’ diaphragm, phonograph, made _ with, ee ~ 112807008; 1305551; dgf1.3i4; ° 1'412°280: a stan 108, zinc 46, copper 20, Re-15, 407 i 473,738; 1 473.739; 472, 7 10; —,—,copper 9-20%, aluminum 91-80%, 1,485,158; 1,508,556; 1,510,590; 1,518,3: 1,156, 093 or Vion producing apparatus made using, —,—,copper 3.98%, calcium 0.64%, silicon rey 0.29%, 1,472,738 —,—,mfr. of, process for, 1,453,254 —,—, copper 4 68%, chromium 0.68%, 1,472,738 — mfr. of, 1,422,591; 1,453,928; 1,458,290 pe see 3.95%, iron 122%, silicon 0.31%, —>— ae oe aut ane 1,472,738 —,—, alumina for, 1,512, ge oe may magnesium 0.5%, silicon —,—,aluminum for, 1,261,987; 1,326,971; 570, 1,472,740 1,518,760 —,—,—, —, —, manganese 0.5%, 1,472,740 —,—, aluminum carbide for, 1,220,843; 1,512,462 —,—,—, manganese 0.5-.1%, 1,472 738 —,—, aluminum chloride for, 1,220,843 iaie733 0.75%, silicon 0.75%, aluminum hydroxide for, 1,512,462 : —,—,aluminum oxide for, 1,220,848; 1,512,462 _—,— silicon 0.5-4.0%, magnesium 0.5-4.0%, Oe hae NP Bonk oan Mea 1,472,739 —,—, eee ans eeyy 1,220,848; 1,512,462 —,gear made with, 1,371,214; 1,485,158 APE TT Ag do teh ate) —,gelatin (photography), treatment of, using, — — amido | CMRI of meta- 1,499,600 carbonic aci —,golf ball, mold for, made with, 1,491,816 —,—,apparatus for, 1,132,376; 1,175,655 —, hardness increased of, process for, 1,326,775 —,—, bauxite for, 1379, 523; 1512, 462 —,heater, chemical, made with, 1,506,322; —,—, bismuth oxide for, 1,230,958 1,506,323 —, borax for, 1,230,958; 1,326,971 — Cae Se ae of, Teas a —,—,boric acid for, 1,326,971 — hydrogen made with, 1,500, —,—, calcium carbide for, 1,512,462 o eon, electric, for, mfr. of, acid for, _ — calcium fluoride for, 1,512,462 es —,—, calcium sulfate for, 1,512,462 ——— —, —, alcohol for, 1,187,986 —;—}caleium sulfide for, 1,512,462 —, —, —, —, —, alkali for, 1,137,986 : ’ ? ; —,—, carbides for, 1,512,462 —,—,—,—, —, benzine for, 1,137,986 — — carbon for, 1,512,462 hye a ene el ad for, re tie —,—, chalcopyrite for, 1,512,462 oe aA aa ey pe — | charcoal for, 1,326,971; 1,512,462; 1,518,321 ee ae Lem al Aes oxidizing material for, 1,137,986 ay Aes a es : 987 MR eens for, 1187080 L thracite, for, 1,512,462 — —,—, —, —, —, pitch for, 1 "137 986 ae IR chery atroneame he ., {Sey process for, 1 137,986 boom Snae coke for, 1,512, 462 —}— — _' resin for, 1,137,986 —,—,coke dust for, 1,512,462 eae — — rubber cement for, 1,137,986 —,—, copper for, 1,261,987; 1,318,702; 1,518,321 ; =~ —— tar for, 1,137, rey 1,518,760 sien —,—,—, —,—, varnish for, 1,137,986 —,—, cupro-manganese for, —,—,—,—,—, water for, 1 a37 986 —,—, ferro-aluminum for, i 227, 174 —,—, —, —, —, wax for, 1,137,986 —,—,ferro-copper for, 1 927, 174 —,iron in, 1,227,174; 1,261,987; 1,280,706; —,—, ferro-silicon for, 1,382, 147 1,410,461; 1.472738: 1,480,779: 1.480846: —,—,ferro-zinc for, 1,227,174 1,508,556 ; 1,510, 590 —,—-, glass, powdered, for, 1,230,958 —, iron, compound body of and, mfr. of, proc- —,—, graphite for, 1,512 ‘462 ess for, 1,180,248; 1,180,249 —,—, iron for, 1,227, 174; 1,261,987; 1,512,462 —,-—-, copper coated, made with, 1,244,414 —,—, iron sulfide, (FeS) "for, 1,522, 462 —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,453 254 —,—, lead, red, for, 1,230 958 —,—, zine coated, made with, 1,244, 414 —_——, lime for, 1,512, 462 378 Aluminum alloy, mfr. of, magnesium for, 1,132,376; 1,175,655; 1,261 987; 1,382,147 —,—, magnesium sulfate for, 1,512, 462 —,—,magnesium sulfide for, 1,512, 462 —,—, manganese for, 1,261, 987 ; 1 518, 321 —,—, metal chloride’ for, 1 220, 843 —,—, metal oxide for, 1,220 843 —,—, metal sulfide for, 1,220, 843 —,—, molybdenum for, 1,261, 987 —,—, nickel for, 1,261, Q87 ; Ty 518 ,760 —,—, oxide alundum for, 1 512 AG2 —,—, phosphor copper for, 1 175, 655 , phosphor tin for, 1, 132 376; 1,175,655 —, phosphorus for, 1 132 376: fl 175, 655 —, process for, 1 132, 376; 1 175, 655; 1 ,220,843 ; — ef =| 1,227,174: 1,230,958: 1,261,987; | 1,277,046; 1278304: 1'318,702: 1.326.971: 1,382,147; 1453254: 1508556; 1,512,462; 1,518,321; es —, pyrite for, 1,512,462 —,—, pyrrhotite for, 1 512, 462 —,—, quartz for, 1 512, 462 —,—, silica for, 1,230, 958 —,—, silver for, 1 261 987 sala a ’ sodium for, 1,175, 655 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,326,971 —,—,sodium fluoride for, 1,382, 147 —,—,steam for, 1,512, 462 —,—, ‘tin for, 1 326 971 —,—, tin foil for, “ 132,376 —,—, titanium for, | 261, 987; 1,318,702 —, —, tungsten for, 1 261 987 —,—, vanadium for, 1,261 987; 1,318,702 —,—, varnish for, 1 230, 958 —,—, zinc in, 1 318 702 ; ll 326,971 —,—, zirconium for, 1,382, 147 —, metal, copper coated, made with, 1,244,414 —,—, zine coated, made with, 1 244, 414 —, ’ metals scavenged with, 1,460, 830 - ‘melting of, process for, 1 160, 430 —, ’ mold, die casting, made with, 1 491,816 — ’ molybdenum in, 1,261 987 : i 472,740; 1,510,590 —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,453,254 —,nickel in, 1,147,898; 1,227,174; 1,261,987; 1,472,739; 1,472,740; 1,480,779; 1,510,590; 1,518,760 —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,453,254 —,nickel plating, 1,457,149 —, phosphorus in, 1,182,376; 1,175,655; 1,254,854 —, potassium in, 1,410,461 —,recovery from scrap of, 1,260,312 —,—, process for, 1,260,312 —,recovery from waste material of, process for, 1 519,204 —,—, sodium for, 1,519,204 —, resistance, electric, made with, 1,134,788 —,rubidium in, 1,410,461 —,silicon in, 1,410,461; 1,453,928; 1,472,738; 1,472,739; 1,472,740; 1,508,556; 1,510,590 —,—,mfr. of, aluminum for, 1,480,779 —,—,—,chromium for, 1,480,779 —,—,—, ferro-silicon for, 1,480,779 —,—,—, nickel for, 1,480,779 —,—,—, process for, J 480, 779 —,—,—,rare earth metal ‘for, 1,480,779 apparatus for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum alloy, silver in, 1,146,185; 1,247,977; 1,261,987 —, sodium in, 1,175,655 —,sodium chloride made using, 1,499,600 —, solder for, 1,145,307 —., soldering of, beeswax for, 1,516,759 —,—, butter for, 1,516,759 —,— ’ chicken fat for, 1,516, 759 —,—, cow fat for, 1 516 "759 —,—, fat, animal, for, 1,516 159 - —,—, fish fat for, 1,516, 759 —,—, lamb butter for, 1 516,759 —,—, lamb fat fort: 516, 759 —,—, oil, vegetable, for, 1,516,759 —,—, olive oil for, 1 516, 759 —,pig fat for, 1 516, 759 —,—, sesame oil for, 1,516, 759 —, a a flux for, alkali bisulfate i in, 1,139,923 —, alkali pyrosulfate in, 1,139,923 —,—, ’ borax in, 1,139,923 —,—,sodium bisulfate in, 1,189,923 —, “standard,” composition of, 1,305,300 —, steel, compound body of and, mfr. of, proc- ess for, 1,180,248; 1,180,249 —,—, copper “coated, made with, 1,244,414 —,—, zine coated, made with, 1 244, 414 — ’ steel and iron united in bath of, 1 455,307 —, "terminal, electric, made with, 1, 134 788 —, tin’ “int iiteemeocn) | LLeoy 655; 1,254,854; 1,280,706 | —., titanium in, 1,261,987; 1,318,702; 1,510,590 —,tungsten in, 1,261,987; 1,510,590 —, vanadium in, 1,126,484; 1,261,987; 1,318,702; 1,510,590 —,water, boiler, treatment of, using, 1,499,600 —,—,ice plant, treatment of, using, 1,499,600 —,—, purifying of, apparatus electrode contg., 1,446,029 —,—,treatment of, using, 1,499,600 —, water gas made with, 1,506 323 — ’ welding flux for, alkali bisulfate in, 1,139,923 —, —, alkali pyrosulfate i in, 1,139,923 —,—, ’ borax in, 1,139,923 —,—,sodium bisulfate in, 1,139,923 —,zine in, 1,212,374; 1,227,174; 1,280,706; 1,818,702; 1,410,461; 1,508,556 ; 1,510,590; 1,518,760 —, zinc, catalyst, gasolene made with, 1,235,523 —,—,—, kerosene made with, 1,235, 523 —,—, iron coated with, made with, 1 244,414 —,—, metal coated with, made with, 1,244,414 —,—,melting of, process for, 1,160,430 —,—,steel coated with, made with, 1,244,414 —, zirconium in, 1,382,147 —,see also Aluminum bronze; aluminum-manganese Aluminum alloy electrode, made with, 1,179,380 —,nitrogen oxides mfr. with, 1,266,717 —,sewage, softening of, using, 1,222,637 —,—, treatment of, using, 1,222 637 —, water, softening of, using, 1.222 637 —,—, treatment of, using, 1 999 637 Aluminum alloy powder, transfer metallic product made with, 1,515,722 1,247,977 ; 1,472,738 ; Ferro-silico- lightning arrester INDEX OF Aluminum amalgam, colloidal solutions made using, 1,514,737 —, mfr. of, aluminum for, 1,305,301 —,—,mercuric chloride for, 1,305,301 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,305,301 —, N-methyl-aniline made with, 1,221,077 —, screen, motion picture, made with, 1,128,867 —, tropic acid made with, 1,305,301 Aluminum ammonium alginate, mfr. of, proc- ess for, 1,162,926 Aluminum ‘ammonium fluoride, aluminum hy- droxide from, 1,426,891 —,ammonium bifluorides from, 1,426,891 —,formation of, 1,426,891 —,see also Ammonium aluminum. fluoride Aluminum ammonium sulfate, acetic acid, con- centration of, using, 1,492,717; 1,492,718 —,acetone, concentration of, using, 1,492,717 —, adhesive, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,airplane dope contg., 1,429,295 —,airplane fabric made with, 1,429,295 —, aluminum, coating of, treatment of surface before using, 1,144,000 —,aluminum alloy, coating of, treatment of surface before using, 1,144,000 —,aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,280,636; 1,493,320; 1,512,897 —,aluminum hydroxide, catalyst, made with, 1,512,897 —,aluminum oxide 1,512,897 —, barrel lining contg., 1,323,528 —, catalyst, aluminum hydroxide as, with, 1,512,897 —,ethyl alcohol, 1,492,717 —, fertilizer contg., 1,289,788 —s, fire extinguisher made with, 1,248,092 — ' fireproofing made with, 1,248, 092 —,formic acid, concentration of, BT 492,717 —, fuel, liquid, made with, 1,475,259 —, lake made with, 1,512,897 —, mir. of alunogen for, 1,280,636 —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1 254, 229; 1,280,636 —,—, apparatus for, 1,280,636 —,—, carbon dioxide fOr 1:232 000 —,—,feldspar for, 1,232,553 —, halotrichite for, 1,280,636 —,—, lime for, 1,232,553 —,niter cake for, 1,232,553 —,—, process for, 1,232,553; 1,280,636 —,—, sodium aluminum sulfate for, 1,254,229 —,—, ’ sulfuric acid for, 1,232,553 made with, 1,280,636; made concentration of, using, using, 1 232,553 ; —,methyl acetate, concentration of, using, 1,492,717 —,methyl alcohol, concentration of, using, 1,492,717 —, paint, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,paper, fireproof sizing for, made with, 1,248,092 —,—, waterproof, made with, 1,307,405 —, phosphorescent compound made with, 1,244 058 —, pulley covering contg., 1,458,828 —,silk stockings treated with, 1,500,026 SUBJECTS 379 Aluminum ammonium sulfate, silver image toned by, 1,450,412 —,silver image treated with, 1,389,742 —, starch, fire proof, made with, 1,248,092 —,steel tinplated with, 1,396,051 —,tanning with, 1,191,527; 1,415,671; 1,427,221 —, tanning compound made with, 1,376,805 —,tanning process using, 1,415,671; 1,427,221 —, turpentine barrel lining contg., 1,323,528 —, varnish, fireproofing, made with, 1,248,092 —, water, purification of using, 1,158,225 —,see also Alum; Ammonium alum Aluminum anilide, preparation of, 1,394,851 Aluminum anode, iron, lead coated, made with, 1,505,109 —,lamp, electric, made with, 1,188,194 —, lead, iron coated with, made with, 1,505,109 —, ’ water purified using, i ,219,333 Aluminum antimoniate, enamel clouded using, 1,211,564 —, mfr. of, ammonium nitrate for, 1,211,564 —, process for, 1,211,564 Aluminum apparatus, acetic acid made with, 1,481,326 —,diastase made with, 1,227,525 —, diastase, amylolytic, made with, 1,227,525 —,—, proteolytic, made with, 1,227,525 —, toxins made with, 1,227,525 Aluminum. arsenate, insecticide contg., 1,376,153 Aluminum arsenite, insecticide contg., 1,376,153 Aluminum article, filing for joints of, mfr. of, alum for, 1,223,458 —_—,—, —, aluminum bronze powder for, 1,223,458 —,—,—,barite for, 1,223,458 —_—,——, ’ barium sulfate for, 1,223 458 ,—, —, borax for, 1,223,458 —,—,—, process for, 1,223,458 —,—,—, varnish for, ir 223, 458 —, —, —, whiting for, 1,223, 458 Aluminum bands, see ‘Aluminum foul Aluminum barium fluoride, enamel made with, 1,518,872 —,glass, opalescent, made with, 1,518,872 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,518,872 Aluminum beryllium silicate, beryllium chloride from 1,392,045 —,see also Beryl Aluminum biborate, fireproofing using, 1,216,729 —,oak, red, fireproofing of, using, 1,216,729 —,pine, fireproofing of, using, 1,216,729 —, wood, fireproofing of, using, 1,216,729 Aluminum bisulfite, aluminum hydroxide from, 1,399,216; 1,399,217 —,chromic acid reduced with, 1,404,957 —,formation of, 1,899,216; 1,399,217 —,tanning with, 1,404,957 Aluminum borate, boric acid from, 1,373,179 —, dental cement contg., 1,408,960 — ’ dyes printed with, 1,426,299 —, dyestuff lakes from, 1,426 ,299 —, fireproofing using, 1216 729 —,formation of, 1,394, 978 —,—, aluminum sulfate and sodium borate for, 1 373, 179 —, oak, red, fireproofing of, using, 1,216,729 —,pine, fireproofing of, using, 1,216,729 —,resistance, electric, made with, 1,246,165 —, wood, fireproofing of, using, 1,216,729 380 Aluminum bromide, acetal made with, 1,312,186 —, aluminum chloride made with, 1,445, 082 — ’ catalyst, 1,198,943; 1,198,944 —, ’ mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,308 885 —,—, process for, 1,308, 885 —) preparation of, 1,445, 082. Aluminum bronze, alloy contg., 1,300,058 —, composition of, 1,800,058 —, copper, iron, compound body of and made using, 1,180, 248: 1,180,249 —,—, steel, compound body of and made using 1 180, 248; 1,180,249 —~ , copper covered, min wor, 1 ,125,163 —,iron, compound body of and, mfr. of, proc- ess for, 1,180,248; 1,180,249 —,—, copper, compound body of and made using, 1,180,248; 1,180,249 —, gaa of, aluminum for, 1,300,058; 1,432,289 —, copper for, 1,300, 058 —,—, copper ore for, 1,432,289 —,—, process for, 1,432,289 —,—, tin for, 1,300, (058 — paint, aluminum, made with, 1,411,678 —, preparing, 1,432 289 —, steel, compound body of and, mfr. of, process for, 1,180,248; 1,180,249 —, —, copper, compound body of and made using, 1,180,248; 1,180,249 —., steel tube coated with, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,125,159 —,—,—; borax for, 1,125,159 —, —, —, calcium chloride for, 1,125,159 See OTvOlte fOr, deleos 159 —,—,—, fluorspar for, 1; 125, 159 ,—,—, iron oxide, (Fe.0,), for, 1,125,159 —,—,—, process for, 1,125, 159 —,—,—, producer gas "for, 1,125,159 ,—,—, sodium chloride for, 1,125,159 —,—,—,sodium silicate for, 1 125, 159 —,—,—, water gas for, 1, 125 159 —, see also Aluminum ‘alloy; Alloy, copper m; Copper alloy ; Copper alloy, aluminum in Aluminum bronze powder, aluminum article, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223,458 —, brass article, filling for joints of, made with, 1 ,223 458 —, container, metal, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223,458 —,copper article, with, 1,223,458 —,fabric covering, 1,124,087 —,ink, printing, made with, 1,203,779 —,iron, galvanized, article, filling for joints made with, 1,223,458 —,metal article, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223,458 —,screen, motion-picture, made with, 1,266,778 —tin article, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223 458 Aluminum calcium alloy, match-head composi- tion contg., Re-15,039; 1,360,283 Aluminum calcium fluoride, enamel, made with, 1,518,872 —,glass, opalescent, made with, 1,518,872 , opaque, made with, 1,518,872 Asien calcium garnet, see Grossularite process for, — filling for joints of, made UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum calcium silicate, formation of, cal- cium chloride for, 1,254,677 —,—, coke for, 1,254,677 —,—, , feldspar for, 1,254,677 —,—, iron for, 1 OBA, 677 —,—, iron oxide for, 1,254,677 —,—, potassium silicate for, 1,254,677 —,—, pyrite for, 1,254,677 —,—, pyrites clinker for, 1,254,677 —,mfr. of, 1,296,457 —, see also Calcium aluminum silicate; Gros- sularite Aluminum calcium silicide, oxidized with, 1,292,582 Aluminum carbide, abrasive contg., 1,448,586 —,alkali cyanide made with, 1,472, 403 —, aluminum made with, 1 220, 843: 1,512,462 magnalium de- —, ’ aluminum alloy made with, 1 220, 843 ; 1,512,462 —,aluminum alloy, copper in, made with, 1 ,220,843 —, aluminum chloride made with, 1,218,588 ; 1 270,226; 1,821,281; 1,405,183; 1 ‘508, 451 —, aluminum compound made ‘with, ve 929, 611 —,aluminum nitride made with, 1, 188, 769 ; 1 188,770; 1,188,771; 1,188,772; 1.252, 649 —, aluminum ‘oxide Made with, 1,134,081 ; 1 ,228,119 —, aluminum sulfate made with, 1,176,292; 1 229,611 —,ammonia made with, 1,198,965; 1,229,611 —, arc-welding electrode conte. » core of, 1,363,636 —, calcium made with, 1,512,462 —, calcium alloy made with, 1,512,462 —, coke made with, 1,482, 438 —, copper, aluminum alloy contg., made with, 1 ,220,843 —,copper compound made with, 1,228,119; 1 ,229,611 —, electrode, welding, made with, 1,363,636 —, fat hydrogenated with, 1,472, 882 — ’ fatty acid hydrogenated with, 1,472,882 —,formation of, 1,392,043; 1 392 044; 1 392,046 —,—, feldspar for, 1,445, 645 —’ gasolene made with, 1,482 4388 —, hydrogenation process using, 1,472,882 —,kerosene made with, 1,482,438 —, lead compound made with, 1,228,119 —, ’ mfr. of, alumina for, 1 139 617 —,—, aluminum ore for, 1 919,79 7 —,—, ‘aluminum oxide for, 1 219, 797; 1,222,598 ; 1 257 995; 1,270,226; 1 p12 O71 —,—, aluminum oxide ore for, 1,222,598 —,—,aluminum sulfate for, 1 270, 226 —,—, alunite for, 1,137,617 —,—, apparatus for, 1 219 797; 1,222,593 —,—, bauxite for, 1 219, 797; 1 222,599 ; 1,270,226 ; 1,512 271 —,—, carbon for, 1 ,184,081 ; 1,137,617; 1,219,797; 12225937" 1 270, 226; 1 512 271 —,—, carbon monoxide for, 1,137,617 —,—,coke for, 1,134,081; 1,137,617 —,—, feldspar for, 1,184,081 —,—,lamp black for, 1,137,617 —,—,leucite for, 1,134,081 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,137,617 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 381 Aluminum carbide, mfr. of, petroleum coke for, Aluminum carbide (ALC;), mfr. of, apparatus 1,219,797; 1,222,593 for, 1,129,509 —,—,petroleum, residue, aluminum in, for, —,—,—, carbon for, 1,129,509 1,222,593 —,—,—, nitrogen for, i 129, 509: —,—, process for, 1,134,081 ; 1,137,617; —,—,—, process for, 1, 129, 509 1,219,797; 1,222,593; 1,257,995; 1.374.317; —,—,—., producer gas for, 1,129.509 1,512,271 Aluminum carbonate, aluminum compound —,—, producer gas for, 1,137,617 made with, 1,229,611 . —,—,sand for, 1,134 081 —,aluminum sulfate made with, 1,176,292; —,—, silica for, 1 512 271 1,229,611 —, nitrogen, fixation of, using, 1,198,965 —, ammonia made with, 1,229,611 —, oil, animal, hydrogenated with, 1,472,882 —, arsenic compounds, marine animal oils, re- eee ,non-sludging, made with, 1,472,882 moval from of using, 1,247,516 wees —; mineral, hydrogenated with, 1,472 882 —, basic, leather-board, water-proof, made with. —,—,—, non-sludging, made with, 1 ‘472 882 1 142,953 —,—, vegetable, non-sludging, made with): -7 brick. fire, made with, 1,192,099 1,472,882 —, catalyst, for the mfr. of hydrocyanic acid, —,petroleum, non-sludging, made with, made with, 1,492,194 1,472,882 —,catalyst poisons, marine animal oils, re- — reducing agent in calcium aluminate mfr., moval from of using, 1,247,516 1 376,563 —, catalyst promoter, 1 271 013 er refractory made with, 1,198,033 —, chlorine compounds, marine animal oils, —, silicon made with, 1,512,462 removal from of using, 1,247,516 — silicon alloy made with, 1,512,462 —,cod oil, catalyst. poisons, removal of from —,sodium cyanide made with, 1,472,403 using, 1,247,516 —,zine compound made with, 1,228,119 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, (ALC;), aluminum carbonitride (Al,C;N.), —,copper compound made with, 1,229611 made with, 1,123,584; 1,129,506; 1,129,509 —, corn oil, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,—, aluminum oxide made with, 1,129,505; —,cotton seed oil, hydrogenation of, using, 1, 129, 721 1,247,516 —,—, Ataible nitrides made from metal ear- —, cyanide derivatives, marine animal oils, re- bide and, 1,123,585; 1,154,800 _ moval from of using, 1,247,516 —,—,mfr. of, aluminum compound for, —, dye, sulfur, made with, 1,316,742 i 129 506 _ —,fish oil, catalyst poisons, removal of from —,—,—, aluminum oxide for, 1,129,509 using, 1,247,516 —,aluminum silicates’ for, 1,129,505; | —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 iy 129, 721 — , formalydehyde-sulfurous acid, aluminum salt —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,129,509 of, made with, 1,149,712 —,—,—,carbon for, 1,129,505; 1,129,506; — , hydrocyanic ‘acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, 1,129,509; 1,129,721 made with, 1,492, 194 —,—,—,coal dust for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —, hydrogenation process using, 1,247,516 —,—,—,coke for, 1,129, 505: 1,129 721 —,iodine compounds, marine animal oils, re- —,—,—, feldspar for, 1 129 506 moval from of using, 1,247,516 —,—,—, hydrogen for, 1 129 505; 1,129,721 —, marine animal oil, catalyst poisons, removal —,—,—,illuminating gas for, 1 129 505; of from using, 1,247,516 1,129,721 —,— , hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,—,—, leucite for, 1,129,506 — ,menhaden oil, catalyst poisons, removal of —,—,—,microcline for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 | from using, 1,247,516 —,—,—,nitrogen for 1,129,505 ° 1,129,506; |—,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 1,129, 509 ; 1,129,721 —, oil, vegetable, hydrogenation of, using, —, —, —, orthoclase for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 1,247,516 —,—,—, potassium compound for, 1,129,506 —, phosphorous compounds, marine animal oils, —,—,—,potassium silicates for, 1,129,505; removal from of using, 1,247,516 1,129, 721 —,sulfur compounds, marine animal oils, re- —,—,—,process for, 1,129,505; 1,129,506; moval from of using, 1,247,516 1,129,509; 1,129,721 —, whale oil, catalyst poisons, removal of from —,—,—, producer gas for, 1,129.509 using, 1,247,516 —,—,—, silicon compound for, 1,129,506 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,—,—, silicon dioxide for, 1,129,506 Aluminum carbonitride, alkali cyanide made —,—, instability of, 1,123,584 with, 1,506,269 —,—, water, action of and, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 — , cyanides, 1 made with, 1,506,269 —,(ALC.), acetylene made with, 1,123,584 — ’ ferrocyanides made with, 1,506 269 —,—,aluminum carbide (ALC:), made from, —, (Al.C..C;N.), aluminum ‘oxide made with, + 123 84 1, 154,801 —, (ALCS), mfr. of, aluminum carbide (ALC.), —,—,ammonia made with, 1,154,801 for, 1 123 584 =, —, ’ mfr. of, aluminum oxide for; 4,154,801 —,—,—, aluminum oxide for, 1,129,509 —,—,—, carbon for, 1,154,801 382 Aluminum carbonitride (Al.C.-C:N.), mfr. of, nitrogen for, 1,154,801 —,—,—, process ‘for, 1,154,801 —,—,—, producer gas for, 1,154,801 cael (AL:C3No), aluminum cyanide (Al.(CN)s), made with, 1,143,182 —,—, aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,129,509 —,—,aluminum nitride (Al.N2) made with, 1, 143,132 —,—, aluminum oxide made with, 1,129,224; 1 129, 505; 1,129,721; 1,184,413 —,—, ammonia made with, 1 129,224; 1,129,505 ; 1 129, 514: 1,129,721 41 134, 413 —,—, ammonium carbonate 1,129,509 —,— , decomposition of, 1,143,132 —,—, mfr. of, aluminum carbide (Al,.Cs) for, 1,123,584; 1, 129, 506; 1,129,509 —,—,—, aluminum compound for, 1,129,506 —,—,—,aluminum oxide for, 1,129,509; 1,143,132 —,—,—, aluminum phosphate for, 1,134,414 —,—,—, ’ aluminum phosphate (AIPO,) for, 1,129,514 —,—, —, aluminum 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,129,509; 1,143,132 made with, silicates for, 1,129,224; —,—,—,carbon for, 1,129,224; 1,129,505; 1,129,506; 1,129,509; 1,129,514; 1,129,721; 1,134,418; 1,134,414; 1,143,132 —,—,—,coal dust for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721; 1,134,413 —,—,—, coke for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721; 1,134,413 —,—,—,feldspar for, 1,129,224; 1,129,506; 1,134,413 —,—,—, hydrogen for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —,—,—, illuminating gas ffor, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —,—,—, leucite for, 1,129,224; 1,129,506 —,— —, microcline for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721; 1,134, 41 —,—,—,nitrogen for, 1,123,584; 1,129,224; 1 129, 505; 1,129,506; 1,129,509; 1,129,514; 1 "129, 721: i€ 134, 413; 1,184,414; 1,143,132 —,—,—, orthoclase for, 1,129,224; 1,129,505; i 129, 721: 1,134,413 —,—, — _ phosphate rock, alumina contg., for, 1,134, 414 —,—,—, potassium 1,134, 413 —,—,—, potassium compound for, 1,129,506 aluminum silicate for, —,—,—, potassium silicates for, 1,129, 224; 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —,—,—, process for, 1,129,224; 1,129,505; 1,129,506; 1,129,509; 1,129,514; 1,129,721; 1,134,413; 1,134,414; 1,143,132 —,—,—, producer gas for, 1,129,509 1,184,413 —,—, —, “ Redonda phosphate ” for, 1, 134, 414 —,—,—, silicates for, 1,134,413 —,—,—, silicon compound for, 1,129,506 —,—,—, silicon dioxide for, 1, 129, 506 —, (ALC.Ns), mfr. of, aluminum oxide for, 1,137,524 —,—,—, apparatus for, a ,187,524 —,—,—, carbon for, 1, 137, 524 —,—,—, nitrogen for, 1 1137, 524 —,—,—, process for, 1 a7 524 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum castings, porous, sealing, silica for, 1,883,517 —,—,—, sodium acetate and ammonium chlo- ride for, 1,384,033 Aluminum cathode, alkali perborate made with, 1,281,983 —, bran extract made with, 1,189,023 —, flour, treatment of, using, 1,189,023 —, lamp, electric, made with, 1,188,194 —,sodium perborate made with, 1,281,983 —,zine made with, 1,210,017; 1,241,966; 1,241,967 —, zinc, electrodeposition of, using, 1,255,439 Aluminum cement, electric heater made with, 1,318,838 Aluminum chips, ships building material of plaster of Paris and, 1,357,375 Aluminum chloride, abrasive from bauxite: iron and, 1,448, 586 —, acenaphthene purified using, 1,441,417 —, acetal made with, 1,312,186 — ’ acetaldehyde-aniline condensate combined with, 1,444,865 —,acid value of, 1,421,436 —, adhesive made with, 1,284,495 —,aldehydolysis of, 1,467,733 —; aluminum made with, 1,220,843 ; 1,238,604; 1,297,946; 1,329,315; 1 506, 104; 1 519 648 —, aluminum, purification with ‘of, 1 269, 236 —, aluminum alginate from, 1,415 849; 1 415 850 —,aluminum alginate gel prepared with, 1,415,324 —, aluminum alloy made with, 1,220 843 —,aluminum alloy, copper in, made with, 1 220,843 —, aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,323,228; 1 337,191; 1,876,153 —, aluminum linoleate from, 1,407,952 —,aluminum oleate made with, 1 519 803 ie aeinties hydroxide made with, 1,332,115 —,aluminum oxide made _ with, 1,327 536; 1,418,528: 1,426,890; 1,426,891 ; 1,496,264 —,aluminum oxide and_ chlorine 1,434,085 —,aluminum solder flux contg., 1,312,154 —,amine-formaldehyde condensate combined with, 1,444,865 —,ammonia for removal from oil of, 1,311,987 —,anhydrous, hydrocarbons broken down by, 1,837,317 —,—, mfr. of, 1,331,257; 1,375,116; 1,405,183 —,—,—, aluminum-zine alloy. for, 1,455 005 —,—,— , electrolytic for, 1,343,662 yo , regeneration of, 1,464 373 — ' aniline-acetaldchyde condensate combined with, 1,444,865 —, anthracene made with, 1,515,325 —,anti-static photographic film 1,431,900; 1,484,453 —, anti-sudorific contg., 1,371,822 —,argentite, treatment of using, 1,441,063 —, arsenic trisulfide precipitated with, 1,373,179 —, artificial slate binder contg., 1,362,563 —, battery, dry, made with, 1,506,196; 1,515,912 —,—,—,electrolyte for contg., 1,140,826 - — ’ bauxite for removal from oil of, 1,811,987 —, ‘benzine made with, 1,274,913; 1,825,299 from, contg,, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Aluminum chloride, benzoyl-benzoic acid made with, 1,489,744 — _o-benzoyl-benzoic acid made with, 1,515,325 —, beryllium chloride separated from, 1.418, 527 —, calcium aluminate, action of on, 1,332, 115 —, calcium carbonate for removal from oil of, 1 311,987 —, carbon, colloidal, precipitated by, 1,416,955 —, case hardening using, 1,518,607 —, aed 1,373,653 benzene acetylized using, 1,512,225 —benzine made with, 1,325 299 —,—, ‘cellulose acetation of, 1,379 ,699 —, cellulose saccharification of, 1,428 217 —,chlorinating of, 1,362,355 —, 2- chlor-propane made with, 1,518,182 —, "ethyl acetate made with, 1,459 852 —, ethyl chloride made with, 1,518, 182 —,—, gasolene made with, 1 144 304 ; 1 ,193,540; 193,541; 1,202,081; 1 206 S451 ‘424 ‘B74: 460, 110: 1 ATG. 091 — hydrocarbon made with, 1,477,058 —, hydrocarbon conversion of, 1,430,109 —, hydrocarbon cracking of, 1,381 098 —, kerosene made with, 1 144 304; 1,202 081 ; 1,206, 874; 1,476,091 —,—, lubricating oil made with, 1,309,432; 1,350,814 —,—,metaldehyde made with, 1,467,733 —,—, naphtha made with, 1, 193 540: 1 193,541 —,—,naphthene made from butenes and, 1,395, 620 —,—,oil cracking of, 1,427,626 —, oleoresin, artificial, made with, 1,469,709 —,—, organic synthesis of, 1,355,100 —,—, phenol ethers made with, 1,469,709 —,—,recovery of, 1,460,110 —,—,—, alcohols for, 1,202,081 —,—,—, benzene for, 1,202,081 / J we 4 i I —— ——s SN ime er er i ed oS _——— ’ chloroform for, 1,202,081 —,—,—, ’ ethyl aleohol for, 1 202 081 —,—,—, gasolene for, 1 202 081 —,—,—, hydrocarbon, chlorinated, for, 1,202,081 —,—,—, kerosene for, 1,202,081 —,—, —, methyl alcohol for, 1,202,081 ,—,—, petroleum ether for, 1,202,081 —,—,—, process for, 1,202,081 ,»—,—, tar oil for, 1,202,081 —,—, regeneration of, process for, 1,206,874 —, resin, artificial, made with, 1,469,709 —,toluene made with, 1,477,058 — vinyl chloride made with, 1,445,168 —, BT ihilose sulfite liquor treated with, 1,441 243 —,cement, Portland, waterproof, made with, 1,285 636 —,—, waterproof, made with, 1,285,636 —,cement regulating composition 1,436,276 —, chalocite, treatment of using, 1,441,063 —, China wood oil solidified by, 1,383, 864 _— ’ chlorbenzene made with, 1,180 964 —, chlorbenzoyl benzoic acid made 1,355,100; 1,489,744; 1,515,325 —, 2- (p’ chlorbenzoyl)-benzoic acid made with, 1 359,100 — , chlorine made with, 1,506,104 — chrome yellow made with, 1,484,088 —_ — —— contg., with, 383 Aluminum chloride, cigarette holder made with, 1,482,357 —, cloth, cement for, made with, 1,482,357 —, "coal tar oil, conte. A removal of from, 1 311,987 —, coke made with, 1,482,438 —, concrete, waterproof, made with, 1,285 636 —, copal, chlorination of using, 1,129, 165 —, copper, aluminum alloy contg., made with, 1 220,843 —,copper prevented from 1,335,209 741/835,210 —,copper sulfide ore, 1,441,063 —, cracked oils, recovery from of, 1,427,626 —, crude, aluminum chloride made with, 1 808,885 —, crystals, mfr. of, 1,403,061 —, Crystal Violet made with, 1,402,195 —, crystallized, mfr. of, 1,430,449 —, cumarone polymerized with, 1 292,908; 1,416,062 — cyanamide granulated using, 1,495,551 —, decomposing, 1,417,831 —,decomposition of into hydrochloric acid. 1 401,113 —, 4.4!- diamino- -m.m'-biphenol 1 210,751 — , dipiperidylmethylenediamine combined with, 1,444,865 —,dye estuff made with, 1,169,404; 1 210,751; 1,840,696; 1,513 851 — , electrolysis of, 1,329,315 —,—, chlorine from, 1,297,946 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,297,946 —,enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,ethyl acetate made with, 1,459,852 —, ethyl alcohol made with, 1,428,217 —,fabric, brocaded effect on, made 1,513,370 —,fabrics carbonized with, 1,425,520 —,fat, chlorination of using, 1,129,165 —,fat hydrogenated with, 1,472,882 —, fatty acid, hydrogenated with, 1,472,882 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,431,900; 1 434 ‘453 — , fire extinguisher contg., 1,421,436 — , flooring made with, 1,383 864 —, flotation of minerals with, 1,425,185 — ’ flotation of ores with, 1,425, 186 a ; fluorene purified using, 1,441 417 — formaldehyde- -amine condensate combined with, 1,444,865 — , formaldehyde-sulfurous acid, aluminum salt of, 1,149,712 oe , formaldehyde-urea condensate made with 1 482,357 —, formation of, 1,327,536; 1,332,018; 1,426,890 1 426,891; 1 (437, 191; 1 464, 373 Lam, clay ‘and chlorine for, 1,329 15 —, electrolytic method for, 1,335 210 —, minerals for, 1,417,831 ee earth for removal from oil of, 1 311,987 — , 2-furaldehyde made with, 1,428;217 —,galena, treatment of using, 1,441,063 corroding by, treatment of using, 1,292,907 ; made with, 1,196,127 ; using, 384 Aluminum chloride, gasolene made _ with, 1,127,465; 1,274,912; 1,274,913; 1,277,328; 1,277,329;) 1 322, "762; 1 329 878: 1,326,072; 1,326,073;° 1; 373, 653; 1 405, 054: 1,424,574; 1,478,444; 1 “482 ‘438 : 1 501 014. —, gasolene, cracked, treatment of, using 1,492,969 —,gasolene mfr. in presence of, 1,373,653 —,gasolene purified with, 1,277,329 —, gelatin hardening agent, 1,430,347 —,glass made with, 1,287,005 —, glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,—,semi-translucent, made with, 1,287,005 —,glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 _— glucose made with, 1 428,217 —, glucose, decolorizing of, using, 1,511,472 —,—, purification of, using, 1,511 472 —,gum, artificial, made with, 1,225,749 ; 1,225,750 —,handle made with, 1,482,357 —, hexamethylbenzene made with, 1,134,956 —,hydrated, aluminum chloride made with, 1,808,885 — hydrocarbon made with, 1,274,913 —, hydrocarbon, cracked, treatment of, using, 1 492,969 —_,— , diolefin, made with, 1,179,408 —, heavy, recovery from of, 1,426 081 —,recovery from of, 1,480, 109; 1 460, 110 — hue saturated, made with, 1 326, 072: 1 326, 073; 1 501,014 —,— , unsaturated, 1,326,072; 1 326, 073 — hydrocarbon boiling points lowered by action of, 1,834,033 wo , hydrocarbon purified using, 1,441,417 — ’ hydrochloric acid made with, 1,401,113; 1 426,890; 1,426,891; 1,506,104 — hydrochloric acid and aluminum oxide from, 1 434,085 — hydrocyanic acid made with, 1,497,690 —, hydrogenation process using, 1,472, 882 —,indene polymerized with, 1,292, 907 ; 1,292,908 — insecticide made with, 1,376, 153 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,453,726 —, ‘iron, rust-proofing, with, 1,320,734 —,iron removed from, 1,297,946 —,iron chloride, removal of from, 1,269,236 —,— , separation of from, 1,300 205 — ‘iron (ic) chloride, separation of 1 ,325,203 —, ivory, imitation, made with, 1,482,357 —,ivory substitute made with, 1,482,357 —,kerosene made with, 1,127,465; 1,322,762; 1,822,878; 1,826,072; 1,326,073; 1,478,444; 1,482,488; 1,501,014 —,kerosene purified with, 1,277,329 —,kerosene treated with, 1,277,328; —,lead chromate made with, 1,484,088 —,lead and silver chloride dissolved by, 1,396,740 —, lead sulfide ore, treatment of using, 1,441,063 —, lubricating oil made with, 1,127,465; 1 374, 277 —, lubricating oil purified with, 1,277, 329 —, lubricating oil treated with, 1,206,874 —, magnesium made with, 1,258,261 treated with, from, 1,277,329 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum chloride, mfr. of, air for, 1,147,832 —,—, alumina for, 1,147,832; 1,217,471; 1,366,626 —,—, alumina crucible for, f 165 065 —,—, ’ aluminiferous material for, 1,519,880 —,—, ’ aluminous material for, 1,366, 626 —,—,aluminum for, 1 127, 465 : 1,165,065 ; 1,218, 588 5/0 1 238,604 ; 1.241.796: 1,268,015: 1,270,226; 1,808,885; 1,324,148; 1,375,116; 1,422,560: ; 1,474,479; 1,509,605 —,—,aluminum carbide for, 1,218,588; 1,270, 226; 1,321,281; 1,405, 183; 1 508 ‘451 —,—, aluminum chloride, crude, for, 1,308, 885 —,—,—, hydrated, for, 1 '308, 885 —,—, —, spent catalyst contg., for, 1,144, 304 —,—, aluminum dross for, 1,354, 818 —,—,aluminum nitride for, 1,372, 332 —,—,aluminum nitride and chlorine for, 1,372, 332 —,—,aluminum ore for, 1,468,632; 1,478,822; 1,508,451 —,—, aluminum oxide for, 1,127,465; 1,144,304; 1,268,015; 1,270,226; 1 308, 0380: 1 '308 885: 1 "324, 143 : 1,325,203: 1,354,818: 1,375,1 16: 1,422 560 ; 1,422,568; 1,468,632; 1,478,822; 1,489,021; 1,490,021; 1,503,648; 1,508,451; 1 '509, 605: 1,519,648 —,—, aluminum silicates for, 1,238,604; 1,360,312 ; 1,478,822; 1,489,021; 1,506,104; 1,507,709; 1,508,451; 1,519,648 —,—, aluminum sulfate for, 1,270, 226 —,—, aluminum sulfide for, 1,270 996; 1,308,885 —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, ¥ 277, 773 —,—, anorthosite for, 1,302,852 —,—, antimony for, 1,270 226 —,—, apparatus for, 1,218,588; 1,238,604; 1,241, 796; 1,268, 015; 1,270,226 ; 1,308,885; 1,321,281; 1 "422 560; 1,468,632; 1,478,822; 1503648: 1,506,104; 1508451; 1,512,419; 1,519,648 —,—,alunite for, 1,277,773; 1,820,193 —, ’ asphalt for, 1 217, 471; 1 508, 451 us —, bauxite for, "1,147,832 : 1,165,065; 1,217,471; 1,268,015; 1,270,226; 1,308,080; 1,808,885; 1,824,148; 1,825,203; 1,354,818; 1,866,626; 1,422,560; 1,422,568; 1,489,021; 1,490,021; 1,503,648; 1,508,451; 1,509,605; 1 Miginnes —, beet sugar residue for, 1,320,193 —,—, ’ biotite for, 1,320,193 —, bismuth chloride for, 1,321,281 —,—, ’ bituminous shale for, 1 506, 104 —, blast furnace dust for, 1,320, 193 —,—, boron chloride for, 1 321 281 —_,— : bromine for, 1,445, 082: 1,474,479 —,—, cadmium chloride ‘for, 1,321 281 —,—, calcium chloride for, i A78, 822 —,—, calcium oxide for, 1, 325, 203 —,—, carbon for, 1,127,465; 1 144 304; 1,147,832; 1,165,065; 1 217, 471; 1,238,604 ; 1 957 ‘995 : 1,268,015; 1 ‘97 0 296 : ; 1,800,205; 1,302,852 : 1,308,080; 1,308,885; 1,320,193; 1,324,143: 1,354,818: 1,366,626; 1,375,116: 1,422,560; 1,468,632; 1,489,021; 1,503,648; 1,506,104; 1,508,451; 1,509,605; 1,512,419 —,—, carbon, activated, for, 1,509,605 —,— carbon isulfide for, 1,825,203 —, carbon dioxide for, 1,478,822 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 385 Aluminum chloride, mfr. of, carbon dioxide, effect of on, 1,308,080 —,—, carbon monoxide for, 1,238,604; 1,808,080; 1,366,626 —,—, carbon Aluminum chloride, 1,320,193 —,—,leucite rocks for, 1,496,264 —, lignite for, 1,506,104 —, lime for, 1,222 960 mfr. of, leucite for, tetrachloride for, 1,238,604; 1,300,205; 1,325,203; 1,366,626: 1,508,451 —, limestone for, 1,222,960 as carbonyl chloride for, 1,308,080; — ‘liquid chlorine and aluminum for, 1 308, 885; 1,360,312; 1,366,626; —,manganese salt for, 1,320,193 —, marl for, 1,323,228 — ‘mercury (ic) chloride for, 1,321,281 - —,—, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,375,116 —,—, cement-kiln dust for, 1,320 193 —,—, charcoal for, 1,270 226 : 1 308 885 1,508,451 142, 560 —,—,chlorine for, 1,127,465; 1,147,832; —,mercury(ous) chloride for, 1,321,281 1,165,065; 1,217,471; 1,238,604; 1.241.796: —,metal salt for, 1,320,193 1,268,015; 1,269,236; 1,270226; 1,297,946; —, mica for, 1,320,193 1,300,205; 1,308,080; 1,308,885; 1,320,193; —,molasses for, 1,217,471 1,323,228;. 1,824,143; 1,825,208; 1,354,818; —, muscovite for, 1,222 960; 1,320,193 1,366,626; 1,375,116; 1,422,560; 1,422,568; —,nitric acid for, 1,323,228 1,468,632; 1,474,479; 1,489,021; 1,503,648; ier oy i 07 i709 ; ; 7 12 3 ea 9 4; ’ ceux’ ES lalalime egg SB ilane nr ee for, 1,892,043; 1,392,044; 1,392,045; : Suet 392,046 Tage ee and aluminum nitride for, _ Grthoclase for, 1,277,773: 1,320,193: —, Be chlorine compound for, 1,238,604 eae aad for, 1217471: 1.325.203: —,—,clay for, 1,238,604; 1,241,796; 1,269,236; 156 Le I » 1,217,471; 1,825,203; lea Portas npcat 1,506,104; _ — petroleum coke for, 1,308,885 aM ate clay, china. for. 1.507.709 —, phosphorus trichloride for, 1,321,281 —,—,coal for, 1,217,471; 1,238,604; 1,468,632; —” Pitch for, 1,503,648; 1,508,451 —, plagioclase ‘for, 1 302 852 —, plant ash for, 1,320, 193 —, potassium bromide for, 1,474,479 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1 277, 773 1,508,451 —,—,coal, anthracite, for, 1,270,226 —,—,—, bituminous, for, 1,503,648 —,—,— ’ slatey, for, 1 506, 104 Ce coal tar idiiee fat 1,508,451 “iat — pots chloride for, 1,474,479 ; —,—, coke for, 1,144,304; 1,268, 015; 1 325,208 ; : j ; —, potassium sulfide for, 1,320,193. 1,468,632; 1,508,451; 1,512,419 —,—, process for, 1,144,304; 1,147,832; 1,165,065: —,—,coke, oil, for, 1,270,226 1,217,471; 1,218,588; 1,232,960; ° 1.238.604: _—,—,—, petroleum, for, 1,308,080 1,241,796; 1,268,015: 1.269.236: 1.270.296: —,—,—, petroleum tar, for, 1,325,203 1,277,773: 1,308,885: 1321281: 1'393,298: —,coke breeze for, 1,238,604 1,325,203; 1,354,818; 1,360,312; 1,375,116; —,—,copper(ic) chloride for, 1,321,281 1,405,115; 1,405,734; 1,422560; 1,422.568- —,copper(ous) chloride for, 1,321,281 1,468,632; 1,474,479: 1,478,822: 1489021: —,—,diaspore for, 1,217,471; 1,519,648 1,490,021; 1,496,264; 1,503,648; 1,506,104; Pa feldspar for, 1,277,773; 1,320,193; 1,507,709; 1,508,451; 1,509,605: 1,512,419: 1,366,626 1,519,648; 1,519,880 —,—,floridine for, 1,489,021 , —,—, producer gas for, 1,308,080; 1,366,626 —, fullers earth for, 1, 489,021 —,—, sand for, 1,325 203 —, gibbsite for, 1 217 ATI St ea ees for, 1,506,104 —, glauconite for, 1,323, 228 —,—, silica crucible for, 1,165,065 —, —; graphite crucible for, 1,165,065 —,—, silicates for, 1,277,773 —,greensand for, 1,323,228 —,—,silicon tetrachloride for, 1,238,604; —, hydrargillite for, 1 519 648 1,241,796; 1,321,281 —, hydrochloric acid for, ii ,127 465 ; 1,144,304; __ Lae sludge sulfonic acid for, 1 503,648 ; “Bee ke. ana eR: a a rE 20/193: 1'323/298° —,—, sodium bromine for, 1,474,479 1,324,143; 1,478 (822; 1,490,021; 1,496,264; _ sodium chloride for, 1,222,960; 1,474,479; 1,508,451; 1 509,605 ; 1,519,880 1,478,822; 1,506,104; 1,507, 709 —,—, iron for, 1,320,193 —, —, sodium hydroxide for, 1,478,822 —,-, iron (ous) chloride for, 1,320,193 —,—, ‘sodium nitrate for, 1,323 228 —,—,iron oxide for, 1,320, 193 —,—,sodium sulfide for, 1,320, 193 —,— , iron (ous) salt for, 1,320, 193 —,—, iron sulfide for, 1,320, 193 —, kaolin for, 1 147, 832; 1 241,796; 1,300,205; 1 4is, 822; 1 507, 709; 1 519 648 —,— —, labradorite for, 1 302, 852 —,—, ’ lampblack for, 1,270 226 —,—,lead chloride for, 1,321 ,281 “saat Paar op sulfide for, 1,320, 193 —,spodumene for, 1,478 822 —,sulfur for, 1 422 568 —,—, sulfur chloride for, 1,321,281; 1,489,021 — sulfur chloride, (S.Ci.), for, 1,489 021 — sulfur monochloride for, 1,320, 193 —,—, ‘sulfuric acid for, 1,222 BS 0: Ur vy Wy ae wr 63 $b 1,490, 021 —,—,tar for, 1,270,226 386 Aluminum chloride, mfr. of, tar asphalt for, 1,825,203 —,—, tar pitch for, 1,325,203 —,— —' tin (ic) chloride for, 1,321,281 —,—, ’ tin (ous) chloride for, 1,321 281 —,—, wax tailings for, 1,217,471 —,—, wood ash for, 1,320,198 —,—, zine for, 1,241 5796 —,—, zinc chloride for, 1,321,281 —,—,zinc sulfide for, cl 320, 193 —, medicinal oil purified with, 1,277,329 —, ‘ mellitic acid made with, 1,134,956 —,metaldehyde made with, 1,467,733 —, methyl alcohol made with, 1 428, 217 — ' 2-methyl- anthracene made with, 1,515,325 —,mold, pattern released from with, 1,262 978 —, "molded article made with, 1,383 864; 1, 482 357 —, molybdenum chloride electrolyzed i in sodium chloride and, 1,305,350 —, naphtha made with, 1,322,762; 1,322,878; 1,826,072; 1,326,073 —,naphtha polymerized to resins by, 1,360,665 —,naphthalene purified using, 1,441,417 —,nitrates made with, 1,485,706 —, nitrogen oxides made with, 1,485,706 —,oil, animal, hydrogenated with, 1,472,882 —,—,—, non-sludging, made with, 1,472,882 —, chlorination of using, 1,129,165 —, ’ mineral, hydrogenated with, 1,472,882 —,— , non-sludging, made with, 1 472 882 —, mixing of and, apparatus for, 1,478 488 —, recovery from of, 1,322,762; 1,322 878 —,removal from of, 1,311 987 —, treatment of with, 1,277,328; 1,277,329 —, vegetable, hydrogenated, with, 1,472,882 —,—, non-sludging, made with, 1,472,882 —, oils cracked with, 1,424,574 —, oil residues, recovery from of, 1,405,734; 1,424,574 —, oil sludge, recovery from of, 1,832,018 —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,520,080 —,—,—,lead for, 1,520,080 —,—,—, process for, 1,520,080 —, oils treated with, 1,405,734 —, ornament made with, 1,482,357 —, paint made with, 1,292,907; 1,292,908 —, paper, cement for, made with, 1,482,357 —,—,printed, ink removed from _ using, 1,138,596 ; 1,138,597 —,paracoumarone made _ with, 1,411,035; 1,416,062; 1,431,676; 1,515,315 —, paraffin made with, 1,127,465 —, paraffin, chlorination of using, 1,129,165 —, paraffin purified with, 1,277,092; 1,277,329 —,paraindene made with, 1,360,665; 1,416,062; 1,464,851 —,parazenes mfr. with, 1,340,696 —, pattern removed from mould using, 1,262,973 —, perylene made with, 1,384,615 —, petroleum made with, 1,274,912 —, petroleum, chlorination of using, 1,129,165 —,—,non-sludging, made with, 1,472,882 —,—,removal from of, 1,311,987 —,—, separation from of, sulfuric acid, fuming, for, 1,127,465 —, petroleum cracked using, 1,476,219 ew Oe ON Id Api - 1,360,665 ; 1,464,851: UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum chloride, petroleum sludges re- covery from of, 1,520 831 —, phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,146,884; 1,146,385; 1,150,642; 1,225,749; 1 ‘995, "750 —, phonograph record made with, 1,202,638 —, photography, color, process for, using, 1,315,464 —, pigment made with, 1,484,088 —, pigment, white, made with, 1,817,165 —, pipe bowl made with, 1,482 357 —, pipe stem made with, 1 482 357 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,496,264 —, precipitating hydrochloric acid for, 1,430, 449 —, preparation of, 1,424,574 —, propane made with, 1,244,444 —, purification of, aluminum for, 1,297,946; 1,300,205 —,—, apparatus for, 1,269,236 —,—, process for, 1,269,236 —., purifying, 1,829,315 —,—, electrolysis for, 1,882,808 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,146,384; 1,146,885 —,recovery of, apparatus for, 1,520,831 —,—, process for, 1,520,831 —,recovery of from hydrocarbon residues treated with, 1,401,113 —, resins made with, 1,464,851 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,360,665 —,—, chlorination of using, 1, 129, 165 1,269,236 ; —,separation from zirconium chloride, 1,418,528 —,shark skin shrinking solution contg., 1,304,256 —,shingle, asbestos contg., made with, 1,130,240 —,silicon tetrachloride separated from, 1,147,832; 1,800,205 —,silver sulfide ore, 1,441,063 —,soap made with, 1,430,099 —,sodium bicarbonate for removal from oil of, 1,311,967 —,sodium carbonate for removal from oil of, 1,311,967 —,sodium chloride, melting point of mixture of and, 1,474,479 —, solvent for, acetone as, 1,383,864 —, —, liquid chlorine as, 1 422 560: —, spent catalyst contg., aluminum chloride made with, 1,144,304 —, sponge, artificial, made with, 1,142,619 —, steel, rust-proofing, with, 1 320, 734 = ’ stencil made with, 1,169, 520 —, ’ stone, artificial, made with, 1,130,240 —,subliming, 1,426,081 —,sugar, beet, decolorizing of, using, 1,511,472 —,—,—, purification of, using, 1,511,472 —,—, cane, decolorizing of, using, 1,511,472 —,—,—, purification of, using, 1 Bll A72 —,sugar solutions, decolorizing of, 1,511,472 —,—, purification of, using, 1,511,472 treatment of using, using, —,sulfuric acid for removal from oil of, 1,311,987 —,sulfur xylene condensed with, 1,426,430 —,tale insulators mfr. with, 1,453,726 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Aluminum chloride, tanning made _ with, 1,415,671; 1,427,221 —, tanning process using, 1,427,221 —,tetramethylenediamine combined with, 1,444,865 —, tile made with, 1,130,240; 1,383,864 —,titanium chloride, separation of from, 1,147,832 —,toluene made with, 1,216,174; 1,244,444; 1,274,913; 1,324,143 —,toluene prepared from xylene by, 1,334,033 —, toluene sulfur condensed by, 1,427,182 —,toluyl-benzoic acid made with, 1,489,744; is Ee —, tribenzyltrimethylenetriamine combined with, 1,444,865 —,1.2.3-trichlor-propane made with, 1,362,355 —, triethyltrimethylenetriamine combined with, 1,444,865 —,tung oil, solidified, made with, 1,383,864 —, turpentine substitute made with, 1,127,465 —,urea-formaldehyde condensate made with, 1,482,357 —,varnish made with, 1,292,907; 1,292,908; 1,482,357 —, volatilization of, 1,401,113; 1,405,734 —,vulcanizing accelerators deodorized by, 1,444,865 —,vuleanizing accelerator of acetaldehyde- aniline condensate and, 1,444,865 —, vulcanizing accelerator of amine-formalde- hyde condensate and, 1,444,865 —,vulcanizing accelerator of aniline-acetalde- hyde condensate and, 1,444,865 —, vulcanizing accelerator of dipiperidylmethyl- enediamine and, 1,444,865 —,vulcanizing accelerator of formaldehyde- amine condensate and, 1,444,865 —, vulcanizing accelerator of tetraethylmethy]l- enediamine and, 1,444,865 —,vuleanizing accelerator of tribenzyltri- methylenetriamine and, 1,444,865 —, vulcanizing accelerator of triethyltrimethyl- enetriamine and, 1,444,865 —, waste, utilization of, 1,378,219 —, water for removal from oil of, 1,311,987 —, wax, chlorination of using, 1,129,165 —,xylene changed into toluene by, 1,337,317 —,“xylium,” composition of and, 1,175,422; 1,175,423 —, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,263,707 —, zine chloride made with, 1,369,729; 1,378.219 —, zine chloride electrolyzed to produce chlor- ine for preparation of, 1,343,662 —, (basic), aluminum chloride crystals washed with, 1,430,449 —,—, hair mineralized by, 1,394,655 —,—, preparation of, 1,430,449 —,—, wool mineralized by, 1,394,655 Aluminum chloride-hydrocarbon benzine made with, 1,325,299 —, catalyst contg., benzine made with, 1,325,299 —, petroleum cracked with, 1,325,299 Aluminum chloride material, hydrocarbon treated with, 1,512,420 —, mfr. of, alumina for, 1,512,420 —,—, apparatus for, 1,512,420 compound, 387 Aluminum chloride material, mfr. of, carbon for, 1,512,420 —,—,chlorine for, 1,512,420 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,512,420 —,—, process for, 1,512,420 luminum chloride residue, aluminum made with, 1,206,874 Aluminum chromate, alkali perborate made with, 1,253,061 —, sodium perborate made with, 1,253,061 Aluminum cocoanut oil soap, metal coating composition contg., 1,472,239 —,Yrust prevention using, 1,472,239 Aluminum compounds, alkali carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,alkali hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, alkali oxalate made with, 1,281,118 —,alkali oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,alkali sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,aluminum from, process for, 1,308,429 —,aluminum carbide (ALC:) made with, 1,129,506 —,aluminum carbonitride (AI.C;N.) made with, 1,129,506 —, aluminum fluoride made with, 1,315,460 —, aluminum nitride made with, 1,415,036 —, aluminum oxide from, process for, 1,308,429 —, aluminum sulfate from, process for, 1,308,429 —,ammonia made with, 1,129,506; 1,172,863 —, ammonium nitrite made with, 1,172.863 —, arsenic compound, separation of from, proc- ess for, 1,503,229 —, asbestos, water-proofing of with, 1,280,954 —, blasting fuses contg., 1,424,487 —, calcium carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, calcium hydroxide impurity in, extraction of 1,308,429 —, calcium oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, calcium sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, carbon, catalyst, made with, 1,520,437 —, catalysts, acetylene oxidation, 1,355,299 —,—,carbon made with, ‘1,520,437 —,—.,ethyl lactate made with, 1,160,595 —,—,hydrocyanic acid made with, 1,492,193; 1,492,194 —, catalyst carriers, 1,428,885 —, catalyst promoter, 1,271,013 —,cerlum, production of effected by, 1,273,223 —, charcoal, activated, made with, 1,520,437 —, condiment contg., 1,513,298 —, copper, removal from of, 1,232,080 —, copper compound, separation of from, proc- ess for, 1,503,229 —, copper sulfate, removal from of, 1,232,080 —,—,—, air for, 1,503,229 —,—,—, alkali nitrate for, 1,503,229 —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,503,229 ,—, formic acid for, 1,503,229 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,503,229 —,—,—,nitrate for, 1,503,229 —,—,—, nitric acid for, 1,503,229 5 7 ah Se 388 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum compounds, copper sulfate, removal Aluminum compounds, mfr. of, aluminum ni- from of, nitrogen dioxide for, 1 503, 229 tride for, 1,229,611 —,—,— nitrogen tetroxide for, 1,503, 299 —,—, aluminum ore for, 1,249,125 —,—,—, oxygen for, 1,503,229 —,—, aluminum oxide for, 1,229,611 —,—,—, ozone for, 1,503, 999 —,—, aluminum oxide ore for, 1,249,125 —,—,—, process for, 1, 503 ,229 —,—, aluminum silicates for, 1,249,125 —, —, —, sulfur dioxide for, 1,503,229 —,—, aluminum silicate ore for, 1,249,125 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, i 503, 299 —,—, aluminum skimmings for, 1,229,611 —, electrode, welding, made with, 1,363,636 —,—, aluminum sulfate for, 1,249,125 —,enamel, opaque, made with, i 150 772; —,—,aluminum sulfide ore for, 1,249,125 1,239,112 —, * alunite for, 1,249,125 —,—, white, made with, 1,150,772 —, extraction of, manganese ore for, 1,291,867 —, asphalt for, 1,229, 611 —,—, redwood tannin for, 1,308 429 —, bauxite for, i 249, 125 —,—, sulfur dioxide and redwood tannin for, —,—, ’ calcium cyanamide for, 1,463,508 1,308,429 —,—, * calcium hydroxide for, 1 233 273 —,—, sulfuric acid and redwood tannin for, —, calcium oxide for, 1,233, 273 —, apparatus for, 1,249, 125 | | J | Ve ~) 1,308,429 SE carbon dioxide for, 1 933, 273 —,—, sulfurous acid and redwood tannin for, —,—, cellulose for, 1,249, 125 1 308, 429 —, chloride for, ‘1 463, 508 —, fertilizer made with, 1,283,677 —, copper for, re 229 611 —, ’ fiber, animal, waterproofing of with, 1,280,954 __ —, feldspar for, 1 233, 273; 1,463,508 dof —,—, mineral, waterproofing of with, 1,280, 954 ti: , hydrocarbon for, 1,229, 611 ey ’ vegetable, waterproofing of with, — —,iron for 1,229, 611 1,280,954 j —, iron ore, Cuban, for, 1,237,765 —,—, " laterite for, 1 249, 125 — leucite for: 1 233, 273 —lime for, 1,229,611 —, nitrate for, 1 463, 508 —, ’ petroleum for, 1 229, 611 i —, furnace lining protected with, 1,308,481 —,glass made with, 1,192,048 —, glass, translucent, made with, 1,192,048 —,glue, vegetable, made with, 1,490,309 —, heat-producing contg., 1,309,209 —, hydrogen-dioxide, stabilization of with, ~ | = J J 1 275,765 - i Pee hydroxide for, L283,2%a3 —,iron made with, 1,227,127 i, : —, —, process for, 1,229,611; 1,233,273; 1,237,765; oe cee impurity in, extraction of 1240.08; 1,249,125; 1,279,108; 1,463,508 —,iron compound, separation of from, process —, psilomelane for, 1,279, 108. for, 1,503,229 —;—, pyrite for, 1,237,765 —,iron hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, _—:— pyrophyllite for, 1,279,108 1,308,429 —,—,redwood for, 1,249,125 —,iron oxide impurity in, extraction of, —,—,resin oil for, 1 229, 611 1,808,429 —,—, serpentine for, : 279, 108 —,iron sulfate impurity in, extraction of, —,— sodium carbonate for, 1,237,765 1,808,429 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1 937, 765 —, kelp product contg., 1,513,298 —,—,sodium sulfide for, 1 237, 765 —, lubricant made with, 1,200,617 —,—, silicates for, 1,233 273 —, magnesium carbonate impurity in, extraction —,—, sulfate for, ii 463, 508 of, 1,808,429 —,—, ’ sulfurié acid for, 1,249,125; 1,279,108 —, magnesium hydroxide impurity in, extrac- —,—, sulfurous acid for, 1,249, 125 tion of, 1,308,429 —,—, tannic acid for, 1 249, 125 —, magnesium oxide impurity in, extraction of, _—,—, tannin for, 1,249, 125 1,308,429 —,—, tar for, 1 229, 611 —,magnesium sulfate impurity in, extraction —,—, wad for, 1,279,108 of, 1,808,429 —,—, water for, 1,233,273 —, manganese carbonate impurity in, extraction —, misch-metal, production of effected by, of, 1,308,429 1 213,220 —,manganese hydroxide impurity in, extrac- —, nickel compound, separation of from, proc- tion of, 1,308,429 ess for, 1,503,229 —, Manganese oxide impurity in, extraction of, —,niter cake contg., 1,251,522 1 308,429 —, nitrogen dioxide made with, 1,172,863 —,manganese sulfate impurity in, extraction —,nitrous acid made with, 1,172, 863 of, 1,308,429 —,paper de-inked with, 1, 421.195 —,mfr. of, alkali earth oxide for, 1,233,273 —, perborate, stabilization of with, 1,275,765 —,—, alkali oxide for, 1,233,273 —, phosphate rock, removal from of, apparatus —,aluminum for, 1,229,611 for, 1,129,407 —,—, aluminum alloys for, 1,229,611 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,129,407 —,— ’ aluminum carbide for, 1 229, 611 —,—,—, process for, 1,129,407 —,—, aluminum carbonate for, 1 229, 611 7 —,—, —, sulfuric acid for, 1,129,407 INDEX OF Aluminum compounds, phosphorus, vanadium solutions removal from of, using, 1,421,191 —,phosphorus removed from metals by, 1,437,191 —,potassium carbide (K:C) made _ with, 1,129,506 —,potassium carbonate made with, 1,129,506 —, potassium carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, potassium carbonitride, (K,CN:), made with, 1,129,506 —, potassium hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,808,429 —, potassium oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, potassium sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, precipitating, electrolysis for, 1,382,808 —, recovery from paper stock, it 410 739 —,silicon carbide, (SiC), made with, 1,129,506 — silicon carbonitride, (SisCoNiz), made with, 1,129,506 —, siloxicon, (SiC.0), made with, 1,129,506 —, sodium carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1 308,429 —, sodium hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, sodium oxalate made with, 1,281,118 —, sodium oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1 309,429 —, sodium perborate, 1 275,765 —, sodium sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1 308 429 —, starch paste contg., 1,357,310 _, ’ steel, treatment of, using, 1,489,118 — sulfur dioxide and redwood tannin for ex- St maction of, 1,808,429 —,sulfuric acid and redwood tannin for ex- traction of, 1,308,429: —,sulfurous acid and redwood tannin for ex- traction of, 1,308,429 —, tanning process using, 1,346,385 —,therapeutic product contg., 1,513,298 —,titanium carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,808,429 —,titanium compound made with, 1,504,669; 1,504,670 —,titanium hydroxide made with, 1,504,669; 1 004,670 —, titanium hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, titanium 1,504,669 ; 1 504,670 — , titanium oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1 308,429 —, titanium sulfate, basic, made with, 1,504,669 ; 1 504,670 —, titanium sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, titanyl sulfate made with, 1,504,669; 1,504,670 —, vanadium solutions, phosphorus, removal of from, using, 1,421,191 —, water purified using, 1,513,566 —,zine compound, separation of from, proc- ess for, 1,503,229 Aluminum concentrates, see Aluminum oxide stabilization of with, oxide» made with, SUBJECTS 389 Aluminum condenser, for attachment to tea kettles, 1,199,147 Aluminum copper alloy, hardness increased of, process for, 1,826,775 Aluminum copper ‘sulfate, copper made with, 1,162,044 —,copper sulfate made with, 1,162,044 —, mfr. of, alum for, 1,162,044 —,—, aluminum sulfate for, 1,162,044 —,—, copper ore for, 1,162, 044 —,—, copper oxide for, 1 162, 044 —, copper oxide ore for, 1 162,044 —,copper sulfide ore for, 1,162 044 —,—,feldspar for, 1,162,044 —,—, process for, 1 162 044 —, (basic), copper made with, 1,162,044 —,—,copper sulfate made with, 1,162 044 Aluminum cyanide, (Al.(CN).), mfr. of, alumi- num carbonitride, (Al.CzNe), for, 1,143,132 —,—,—, aluminum oxide for, 1, 143 132 —,-——,=-, apparatus for, 1,143, 132 —,—,—, carbon for, 1, 143, 132 —,—,—, nitrogen for, 10 143, 132 —, —, process for,, 1 143, 132 Alaa diethylaminoethylate, catalyst in preparation of diethylaminoethyl-p-amino- benzoate, 1,396,913 Aluminum dithiocarbamate (substituted), vul- canizing accelerator, 1,386,153 ? 2 OPNe re 3 _ Aluminum dross, aluminum chloride made with, 1,354,818 —,ammonia made with, 1,156,606 —,ammonium salts made ‘with, 1,156,606 —, copper made with, 1,156 606 —,copper salts made with, 1,156,606 —,copper sulfate made with, 1 156 ,606 _—, ‘sodium aluminate made ‘with, 1 ,156,606 —, , zine salts made with, 1,156,606 —,zine sulfate made with, 1,156,606 —,see also Aluminum skimmings Aluminum dust, aluminum made from, 1,273,220 —, aluminum sulfate made with, 1 176, 292 - 1,262,063 —, balloon, varnishing of using, 1,281,374 —,belt dressing made with, 1,242,424 —, explosive made with, 1,360,397; 1,360,398 —, heat producing compound contg., 1,126,055 — ’ jron-rust-proofing of with, 1,280 268 —,refractory made with, 1, 197 ,626; 1,198,033 —, sign, surfacing of using, 1,304, 749 —,silver precipitated by, 1 403 463 Aluminum electrode, aluminum, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, battery, primary, made with, 1,190,880 —,—, storage, made with, 1,173,651; 1,190,880; 1,499,907 —,cadmium made with, 1,426,703 —,carbon dioxide made with, 1,132,058 —, cereals, aging of, using, 1,132,058 —,—, bleaching of, using, 1,132,058 —, cereal products, aging of, using, 1,132,058 —,—,bleaching of, using, 1,132,058 —, circuit interrupter, electrolytic, made with, 1,341,631 —,condenser contg., 1,270,784 —, condenser, electrolytic, made with, 1,141,402; 1,250,141; 1,250,146; 1,250,286; 1,285,305; 390 1,341,631; 1,348,206; 1,348,207; 1,882,899; 1,412,513; 1,412,514; 1,473,883; 1,499,414 Aluminum electrode, dyeing process using, 1,333,700 — electrolytic cell contg., 1,270,784 —,electrolytic cell, film forming, made with, 1 499,414 —, fabric, 1,208,400 ; 1,215,077 —,flour, aging of, using, 1,132,058 —,—, bleaching of, using, 1,132,058 —, hydrogen made with, 1,132,058 —,lamp, electric, made with, 1,188,194 waterproofing of using, —,lightning arrester made with, 1,179,380; 1 ,238,660; 1,270,784; 1,278,706 — lightning arrester, electrolytic, made with, 1 150,590; 1,177 335; 1,208,484; 1,250,141; 1,250,146 1,250,286 : 1,348,206; 1:348,207 ; ‘ 1,358,180; 1,882,899; 1,412,513; 1,412,514; 1,499,414 — liquid, treatment of using, 1,244,012 —, luminescent tube, neon, made with, 1,125,476 —, ’ mfr. of, process for, 1,330, 581 —, nitric acid made with, 1,517, 727 — ’ nitrogen compounds made with, 1,132,058 —,nitrogen oxides made with, 1 266 wii; 1 LI VROL —, oil, water, boiler feed, removal from of, using, 1 243, 191 —, oxygen made with, 1,132,058 —,ozone generator made with, 1,436,251; Re-15 880 —, perborate made with, 1,395,684 —, rectifier, electrolytic, made with, 1,141,402; 1 156,666; 1,165,983; 1,171,969; 1,206,061; 1'250,141: 1,285,305 : 1,339,907: ; 1,348,206; 1,348,207; 1,882,899; 1,412,518; 1,412,514; 1 ‘499 414; 1,499,907 —, textile, ’ waterpr oofing of, using, 1,215,077; 1 228, 987 ; 1,228,988 —, sewage, "softening of, using, 1,222,637 —,—,treatment of, using, 1,222,637 —, sugar solution, treatment of using, 1,244,012 —, thread, waterproofing of, using, 1,215,077 —,transformer, electrolytic, made _ with, 1,179,495 —,water, boiler feed, oil, removal of from, using, 1,248,191 —,—, purification of, using, 1,217,648 —,—,softening of, using, 1,222,637 —,—, treatment of, using, 1,222,637 —, waterproofing using, 1,215,077; 1,228,988 _, wool, waterproofing of using, 1,208,400 Aluminum filings, coated, fireworks, made with, 1,204,709 —,—, mfr, of, acetone for, 1,204,709 —,—,—, alcohol for, 1,204,709 —,—,benzene for, 1,204,709 —,—,—, celluloid for, 1,204,709 —,—,—, cellulose nitrate for, 1,204,709 —,—,—,copal for, 1,204 709 —,—,—, ether for, 1,204,709 —,—,—, gums for, 1,204 709 —,—,—, process for, 1,204,709 —,—,—, shellac for, 1 204 709 —-,-—, —, varnish for, q 204 209 —,—, sparklers made with, 1,204,709 1,228,987 ; ~e UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum flake, rubber composition contg., 1,263,297 —,see also Alumina Alurunum fluophosphate, see Amblygonite Aluminum fluoride, abrasive made with, 1,263,709 —,aluminum made with, 1,132,737; 1,160,431; 1,217,432 —,aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,215,351; 1,300,110 —, aluminum oxide made with, 1,315,460 — aluminum producing electrolyte contg., 1,464,625 —,ammonia made with, 1,198,965 —,ammonium chloride made with, 1,475,155; 1 A75,156; 1,475,157; 1,475,158 —, ammonium nitrate made with, 1,464,991 — ’ calcining of, apparatus for, 1,315 460 —,—, process for, 1,315,460 —, calcium fluoride made with, 1,215,351 —,cement, dental, made with, 1,172, 723 —, cryolite, artificial, made ‘with, 1,464,990; 1.464,991; 1,511,560; 1,511,561 —,— , synthetic, made with, 1,475, 155; 1,475,156: 1 475, 157; 1,475,158 —, electrode, arc lamp, made with, 1,189,265 —, ’ enamel made with, 1,518,872 —, formation of, 1,880,458; 1,464,625 —, glass, opalescent, made with, 1,518,872 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,518,872 — , hydrochloric acid made with, 1,293,703; 1 915,460; 1,475,155; 1,475,156; 1 ‘ATS, 157: 1,475,158 —, mfr. of, aluminum for, 1,518,872 —,— aluminum compound for, 1,315,460 —,—, ’ aluminum fluosilicate for, 1,518 872 —,—,aluminum oxide for, 1 293 703 —,—,aluminum silicates for, 1,160,431; 1,237,488; 1,480,928 —,—, aluminum sulfate for, 1,160,481; 1,518,872 —,—,alunite for, 1,217,432 —,—,ammonium fluoride for, 1,800,110 —,—,barium carbonate for, 1,518,872 —,—, barium chloride for, 1,518 872 —,—, barium fluosilicate ‘for, 1,518 872 —,—, barium oxide for, 1,518 872 —,—, bauxite for, 1,237 ASS ; 1,315,460 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,518. 872 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,518, 872 —,—, calcium fluoride for, 1,217 432; 1,480,928 —,—, calcium fluosilicate for, 1,518 87 —,calcium oxide for, 1,518 872 —,—, clay for, 1,160,431; 1,300, 110; 1,315,460 —,—, clay, white, for, 1,480 928 —,—, feldspar for, 1,237 488 —,—, fluorine compound for, 1,217 432 —,— ’ fluorspar for, 1,217,432; 1,480 928 —,, fluosilicate for, 1,293, 703 —,—, "Auosilicic acid for, 1 518 O72 —, hydrofluoric acid for, if 215 901; 1,237,488 ; 1.294, 546; 1,315,460; 1 480 928 —,— hydrofluosilicie acid for, 1,293,703; 1,480,928 —,—, kaolin for, 1,160,431; 1,215,351; 1,237,488; 1,300,110 —,—, magnesium carbonate for, 1,518,872 —, magnesium chloride for, 1,518,872 —,—, magnesium fluosilicate for, 1,518,872 INDEX OF Aluminum fluoride, mfr. of, magnesium oxide for, 1,518,872. —,—,magnesium sulfate for, 1,518,872 —,—, orthoclase for, 1,237,488 —,—, phosphate rock for, 1,518.872 —,—, process for, 1,160,431; 1,215,351; 1,217,432; 1,237,488; 1,815,460; 1,391,172; 1,403,183; 1,480,928; 1,518,872 —,—, sodium bisulfate for, 1,160,431 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,518, 872 —,—,sodium fluoride for, 1,160 431; 1,217,432; 1,480,928 —,—, sodium fluosilicate for, 1,518,872 —,—, sodium sulfate for, 1 160 31 —_——, ’ strontium carbonate for, 1,518,872 —,—,strontium chloride for, 1,518, 872 —,—, strontium, fluosilicate for, 1,518 872 —,—, strontium oxide for, 1 518, 872 —,—,sulfurie acid for, 1,160, 431; 1,480,928 ; 1,518,872 —, moth repellent made with, 1,494,085; 1,515, 182 — nitrogen, fixation of, using, 1,198,965 —; paint pigment contg., 1,460, 699 —, paper, coating for, conte., 1,480 928 —,—, sizing for, contg., 1,480,928 — sodium “fluoride made with, 1,215,351 — ’ soldering flux contg., 1,283,909 —, welding compound conte., 1,283,909 —,wool, moth repellent, made with, 1,494,085 —, see also Chiolite ; Cryolite ; Fluellite Aluminum fluosilicate, aluminum fluoride made with, 1,518,872 —, aluminum hydroxide from, 1,426,890; 1,426,891 —,catalyst, dehydrogenation, made _ with, 1,216,933 . —,—, hydrogenation, made with, 1,216,933 —, dehydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,216,933 —, formation of, 1,357,025 —,glower made with, 1,135,663 —,hydrogenation, catalyst for, 1,216,933 —,lamp, electric, made with, 1,135,663 —,mfr. of, aluminum sulfate for, 1,357,025 ; 1 518,872 —,—, fluosilicic acid for, 1,518,872 —,—, ’ phosphate rock for, 1,518,872 —,—, potassium fluosilicate for, 1,357,025 —,—, process for, 1,357,025; 1,518,872 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,518,872 —, potassium compounds extracted from sili- cates by, 1,355,381 —, preparation of, 1,355,381 —,silicon made with, 1 518, 872 —, silicon alloy made with, 1,518,872 —,see also Aluminum silicofluoride ; Topaz Aluminum foil, condenser, electric, made with, 1,200,063; 1,248,829 —,container, food, made with, 1,399,270; 1,466,380 —, fireproofing, aircraft, with, 1,309,453 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,161,989 —,—,—, fireproof, made with, 1,161,989 —, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,178,863; 1,225,044 —,—,benzine for, 1,178,863; 1,225,044 made _ with, SUBJECTS 391 Aluminum foil, mfr. of, ether for, 1,178,863; 1,225,044 —,—, lubricating oil for, 1,178,863 —,—, motor oil for, 1,178,863 —,—, oil for, 1,178,863; 1,225,044 —, petroleum for, 1,178,863; 1,225,044 —,—, process for, 1, 178, 863 ; 1,225, 044 —,—, soap for, 1 225 044 —,—, steam for, 1 178, 863 —, , turpentine for, 1,178,863 —, motion picture screen made using, 1,506,729 — ’ packing made with, 1,513,548 — paraffin wax coated, mfr. of, 1,466,380 —,see also Metal foil Aluminum. formaldehyde-sulfite, see Formalde- hyde-sulfurous acid, aluminum salt of Aluminum formate, mfr. of, alum for, 1,493,945 —,—, aluminum sulfate for, 1,493,945 —,—, process for, 1,493,945 —,—,sodium formate for, 1,493,945 Aluminum garnet, see Garnet, aluminum Aluminum grid, battery, storage, electrode for made using, 1,144,311 Aluminum group metal oxide, refractory com- pound contg., 1,360,355 Aluminum, group salt, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,499,492 Aluminum halide, benzine made with, 1,325,299 —, catalyst contg., benzine made with, 1,325,299 —, ethyl acetate made with, 1,459,852 —, hydrocarbon compound, benzine made with, 1,325,299 —,lamp, vapor, electric, made with, 1,176,630; 1,176,661 —,perylene made with, 1,384,615 Aluminum halide-hydrocarbon compound, cata- lyst contg., benzine made with, 1,325,299 —, petroleum cracked with, 1,325,299 Aluminum hydrate, see Aluminum hydroxide Aluminum hydrosilicate, bleaching-earth contg., 1,455,995 —, treating, 1,455,995 Aluminum hydroxide, adhesive of, 1,878,106 —, airplane dope made with, 1,426,521 —,alcohol, solidified, made with, 1,329,583 —, alkali earth carbonate from mine water with, 1,254,009 —, aluminum made with, 1,512,462 —, aluminum alloy made with, 1,512,462 —,aluminum coated with, 1,451,755 —, aluminum insulated by, process for, 1,451,755 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,197,107; 1,314,709; 1,314,710; 1,332,113; 1,332,115 —, aluminum protected by, 1,451,755 —,aluminum salicylate from salicylic acid and, 1 447,501 —, aluminum sulfate made ee 1,483,627 —, aluminum sulfite from, 1,825, 873 —,ammonium chloride made with, 1,475,155 ; 1 475,156; 1,475,157; 1,475,158 —, ammonium nitrate, concentration of, using, iL 126,471 —,ammonium nitrate and, mfr. of, 1,464,984 —,ammonium salt, concentration of, using, 1,126,471 392 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum hydroxide, arsenic compounds, ma- Aluminum hydroxide, corn oil, hydrogenation rine animal oils, removal from of, using, of, using, 1,247,516 1,247,516 —,cotton seed oil, hydrogenation of, using, —,binder with cellulose sulfite liquors and, 1,247,516 1,290,118 —,cryolite, artificial, made with, 1,511,561 —, brick, fire-, made with, 1,244,275 —,—, synthetic, made with, 1,475,155; 1,475,156; —,building material, waterproofing of, using, 1,475,157; 1,475,158 1,177,156 —,cyanide derivatives, marine animal oils, re- —,calcium made with, 1,512,462 moval from of using, 1,247,516 —, calcium alloy made with, 1,512,462 —,decolorizing by carbon and, 1,447,452 —,calcium hypochlorite from mine water and,' —,dental cement made with, 1,408,960; 1,254,009 1,507,379 —,carbon dioxide, precipitation with of, —,depilatory contg., 1,379,855 1,325,882 —-, detergent made with, 1,395,902 —, catalyst, acetylene products mfr., 1,421,743 —,dye, sulfur, made with, 1,316,742 —,— _ ethylacetate made with, 1,459 852 —,dye absorbed by mordant of, 1,337,673 Ste, hydrogenation, made with, 1,152,591; —,dye precipitated by, 1,303,426 1,172,062 —, dyestuff, printing paste for contg., 1,126,387 —,—, lubricating oil mfr., 1,350,814 —,dyestuff recovered using, 1,303 426 —,—,mfr. of, aluminum ammonium sulfate —;,enamel, opaque, made with, 1,129,300; for, 1,512,897 1 14 831 —,—,—, aluminum sulfate for, 1,512,897 —,—, white, made with, 1,129,300 —,—, —, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,512 897 —,ethyl ether purified using, 1,189,602 —,—,—, process for, 1,512,897 —, fabric, water-proofing of using, 1,208,400 —,—, nickel made with, 1,139 992; 1,172,062 —,factory, effluent, treatment of, using, —, catalyst poisons, marine animal oils, re- 1,505,104 moval from of using, 1,247,516 —, fertilizer made with, 1,185,731; 1,289,789 —, catalyst promoter, 1,271 013 —,fire extinguisher contg., 1,421,436 —,—, ammonia made with. 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —, fire-preventing form contg., 1,441,728 bee STEN made with, 1,507 379 —,fish oil, catalyst poisons, removal of from? —,cement, hydraulic, waterproofing of using, using, 1,247,516 1,134,573 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,—, waterproofing of using, 1,134,573 —, formaldehyde-sulfurous acid, aluminum salt —,ceramic insulating material contg., 1,409,953 of, made with, 1,149,712 —,chlorine compounds, marine animal oils, —, formation of, 1,426,890; 1,426,891 removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—,alkali earth sulfide for, 1,321,013 —,chlorine solution made with, 1:208,5035 °° a4 ‘aluminum nitrate for, 1,321 013 1,298 p04 —,—, aluminum sulfite for, 1,325 873 —, chromium salts precipitated by, 1,341,901 —,—,apparatus for, 1,321,013 —,coating composition, visibility reducing, —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,324,328 made with, 1,426,521 —,—, chromium nitrate for, 1 321 013 —,cod oil, catalyst poisons, removal of from —,—, electrolytic, 1,382,808 using, 1,247, 516 —,—,magnesium nitrate for, 1,821,013 —,— , hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,—, potassium aluminate for, 1 324 328 —, colloidal, liquid, purification of using, —,—, process for, 1,261,948; 1 321,013 1,170,868 —,—, silicates for, 1 A10 642 —,— oil, mineral, purification of using, —,—,sodium aluminate for, 1,824,328 1 170, 868 —,—, sulfate for, 1,385,854 —,—,—,vegetable, purification of using, —,glass made with, 1,214,202: 1,287,005 1,170, 868 —,glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—,sugar solutions, purification of using, —,—,opaque, made with, 1,314,831 1 170, 868 —,—,semi-translucent, made with, 1,287,005 —,— water, purification of using, 1,170,868 —,glass colored white by, 1,827,569 —, colloidal properties of, destroying, 1,333 020 —,glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, colloidal solutions of, mfr. of, aluminum for, —,glue, vegetable, made with, 1,490,309 1 914,737 —, grease, recovery of from wool scouring liquor —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,514,737 with, 1,325,873 —,—, —, boneblack for, 1,514 ou —, heater, electric, made with, 1,507,379 —,—,—, carbon for, 1,514, 737 — hydrochloric acid made with, 1,475,155 ; Et process for, 1 514 437 1 475,156; 1,475,157; 1,475,158 —, preparing, 1 376, 153 — hydrochloric acid neutralized by, 1,298,553 ; —, ee eicidal solutions prepared with, 1,460,012 1,298 554 —,color lake made with, 1,157,525; 1 358 007 ans hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, —,color lake of, mimeograph ‘ink contg. is 1 152,591; 1,172,062 1,381,648 —, hydrogenation process using, 1,247,516 —, color lake prepared with, 1,434,619 —,hydrogen dioxide, stabilization of with, —, concrete, water-proofing of, using, 1,134,573 1,275,765 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 393 Aluminum hydroxide, hypochlorous acid, effect Aluminum hydroxide, mfr. of, bauxite for, of on, 1,298,553; 1,298,554 1,137,860; 1,216,371; 1,300,110; 1,493,320 —, ink made with, 1,369 252 —,—, Bayer process for, 1,137,860 —, ink, copying, mfr. of, with, 1,449,943 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1.277 903; 1,507,993 —,—, mimeograph, made with, 1 381 648 —,—, ’ calcium hydroxide. for, 1 215, 351; —,—, printing, made with, 1, 157, 525 ; 1 234,264 ; 1 323 228; 1,324,318 1 276, 861 —,—, carbon for, 1,277,503 —,—, stencil, made with, 1,515,123 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,197,107; 1,215,351; —, insecticide made with, 1,376,153 1,232,553; 1,277,503; 1,324,318; 1,483,627 Be inaactivide contg. colloidal solution of, —,—,chamotte for, 1,493,320 1,376,153 —,— ’ chlorine for, 1 215 351; 1,216,371; 1,323,228 —, insulation, heat, made with, 1,230,085; —,—, ’ clay for, 1,300, 110 1,235,258 —,—, electrolytic process for, 1,161,750; —,—, sound, made with, 1,235,258 1,216,371 —, iodine compounds, marine animal oils, re- —,—,electro-osmotic process for, 1,216,371 moval from of using, 1,247,516 —,—, feldspar for, 1,823,553; 1,324,318 —, iron removed from aluminum solutions with, ae feldspar, potash, for, 1,483,627 1 421,804 —,—,glauconite for, 1,323,228 —, iron salts precipitated by, 1,341,901 —,—, greensand for, 1,323,228 —, ’ lactose made using, 1,500, 770 —,—, halotrichite for, 1,280,636 —, ‘lake made with, 1,126 91; 1,126,664; —,—,hydrochloric acid for, 1,232,228 1 282,052 5 1,358,007. : 1,369,252; 1,434,619; —,—, hydrofluoric acid for, 1,215,351 1,445,331 —,—,hydrogen dioxide for, 1,215,351 —, lakes prepared from, airplane dope contg.,, —,—,kaolin for, 1,215,351; 1,300,110; 1,507,993 1,426, 521 —,leucite for, 1,824,318; 1,507,993 —, leather, artificial, dyeing of using, 1,186,052 —,—, labradorite for, 1,507,993 —, ’ Jeather-board, ‘waterproof, made with, —,lime for, 1,232,553; 1,507,993 1 142,953 — lye for, 1 137 ,860 — limestone from mine water with, 1,254,009 Fat joluatas for, a BES —, linoleum made with, 1,235,258 ws py Mber Cake Tor — liquid, treatment of using, 1,244,012 —,—,nitrie acid ‘for, 1,274,145; 1,323,228; —, lubricant made with, 1,200,617; 1,395,902 1,507,903 . ka pik , magnesite from mine water with, 1,254,009 —,—, potassium aluminum silicate for, 1,324,318 —, mfr. of, air for, 1,251,295; 1,251,296 TO OSA ag mie i etna tet | ey seal aluminate for, 1 251 295 « 1 ol 5296 ; eo eres for, 1,274,145; CY, ue alkali periponate eotaie 18 —,—, predetermined degree of dispersion of for, , i carbonate for 1,512,897 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,324,318 ; 1,483,627 —,—,process for, 1,137,860; 1,161,750; —,—, alumina for, 1,493,320 1,197,107; 1,215,351; 1,216,371; 1,232,553; —,—, aluminum for, 1,161,750 1,239,768: 1,251,295: 1,251296: 1,274,145: —,—, aluminum ammonium sulfate for, 1.277.503: 1,280,636: 1,300,110; 1,315,045; 1,493,320; 1,512,897 1,323,228; 1,464,984; 1,483,627; 1,493,320; —,—, aluminum carbonitride, (AlC:Ne) for, 1,507,993; 1512 897 ae 509 —,—,“red mud residues” for, 1,137,860 —, aluminum chloride for, 1,323,228 —,—,sericite for, 1,324,318 —, ’ aluminum fluoride for, ‘1 215 351; 1,800,110 —,soap for, 1 ‘197, 107 —,—, aluminum oleate for, 1 197,107 Betts eon, aluminum, for, 1,197,107 —,—,aluminum sulfate for, 1,512 897 —,—, sodium aluminate for, 1,215,351; —,—, aluminum silicate for, 1 O77. 003; 1,324,318 1,216, BL Ute 251,205 ee Poot 296; 1,315,045 —,—, ammonia for, 1,300, 110; 1 507 ,993 ey, sodium bicarbonate for, 1 324. 318 —,—,ammonium aluminum _ sulfate for, —,— sodium carbonate for, 1,323,228; 1,324,318 1,280,636 ——,—. sodium hydroxide for, it 215, 351; —,—,ammonium bisulfate for, 1,493,320 1,216,371 oe MERE Ws yds 1,324 318 —,—, ammonium fluoride for, 1,300,110 —,—,sodium nitrate for, 1,323,228 —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,274,145; — — sodium sulfate for, 1,277,503 1,280, 636; 1,493,320; 1,507,993 ; 1,512,897 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,216,371; 1,232,553; —,—, ammonium potassium sulfate for, 1,239, 768 1,493,320 —,—, viscose diaphragm for, 1,216,371 —,—,ammonium sodium, sulfate for, 1,493,320 —,—,water for, 1,161,750 —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1,280,636; —, marine animal oil, catalyst poisons, removal 1,493,320 of from using, 1,247,516 —,—, alunite for, 1,239,768; 1,274,145 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,—, ’ alunogen for, 1,280, 636 - —,menhaden oil, catalyst poisons, removal of —,—, apparatus for, 1,216,371; 1,251,296; from using, 1,247,516 1,280,636; 1,483,627 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 394: Aluminum hydroxide, mimeograph ink contg., 1,381,648 —, mineral contg., finely divided, mfr. of, acid, mineral, for, 1,501,865 —,—,—, —, process for, 1,501,365 bi ’ —,—, —, —, sulfuric acid for, 1,501,865 —,mortar, waterproofing of using, 1,134,573 —,nickel, catalyst, made with, 1,139,592; 1,172,062 —,nitric acid made with, 1,200,334 —,non-gelatinous, mfr. of, ammonium hydrox- ide for, 1,502,285 —,—,—, potassium aluminum - sulfate for, 1,502,285 —,—,—, process for, 1,502,285 —,oil, vegetable, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,—,water, boiler feed, removal from, of, using, 1,243,191 —,oils treated with, linoleum mfr. with, 1,438,222 —,oleum for dissolving, 1,351,144 —,paint made with, 1,157,525; 1,181,588; 1,183,665; 1,195,604; 1,201,093; 1,211,346 ; 1,276,861; 1,369,252 —,paint, anti-fouling, made with, 1,195,604 —,paint pigment contg., 1,460,699 paper, coating of using, 1,265,356; 1,517,996 —,—,etchable coating for, made with, 1,265,356 —,—, sizing of, using, 1,211,288 —,paper filler contg., 1,390,297 —,vectin, removal from of, 1,497,884 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,497,884 —,—,—, process for, 1,497,884 —,pectin product made with, 1,497,884 —, perborate, stabilization of with, 1,275,765 —, petroleum desulfurized with, 1,457,656 —, phosphoric acid, treatment of with, 1,269,080 —, phosphorus compounds, marine animal oils, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,pigment made with, 1,157,525; 1,166,808 ; 1,181,588; 1,188,665; 1,195,604; 1,201,093; 1,211,346 —, pigment contg., finely divided, mfr. of, acid, mineral. for, 1,501,865 — ‘process: for, }1,501,865 —,—,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,501,865 —, plant sprays contg., 1,460,012 —, plaster, waterproofing of, using, 1,177,156 —,plastic made with, 1,190,815; 1,507,379 —, porcelain made with, 1,507,379 —,potassium bichromate, recovery of using, 1,201,392 —,potassium salts, recovery of from wool scouring liquor with, 1,325,873 —, precipitating, hydroxide for, 1,368,392 —, precipitating in non-colloidal form, ammo- nia for, 1,837,191; 1,337,192 —,precipitation of, calcium carbonate for, 1,325,129 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,305,969; 1,325,882 —,preparation of, 1,395,902 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,386,920 —,refractory made with, 1,244,275 —,resistance, electric, made with, 1,507,379 alcohol for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum hydroxide, rock flour contg., finely divided, mfr. of, acid, minerals, for, 1,501,865 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,501,865 —,—,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,501,865 —,roofing made with, 1,235,258 —, rubber composition contg., 1,301,693 —,rubber compound contg., 1,370,965 —,“satin white” contg., 1,381,991; 1,390,297 —,sewage treated with, 1,892,211 —,sewage, treatment of, using, 1,505,104 —,silicon made with, 1,512,462 —,silicon alloy made with, 1,512,462 —, silver, gelatin emulsions of, recovery from of, using, 1,234,390 —,—, photographic emulsions of, recovery from of, using, 1,234,390 —.,slaughter house effluent, treatment of, using, 1,505,104 —, sludge contg., treating, 1,445,917 —,soap substitute contg., 1,395,902 —,sodium aluminate made from, 1,378,105; 1,379,729 —,sodium bichromate, 1,201,392 —,sodium perborate, 1,275,765 —,solution, evaporation of, using, 1,126,471 —,squill glucoside made with, 1,516,552 —,stone, waterproofing of, using, 1,177,156 —,straw board made with, 1,235,258 ) —,sugar solution, iron removed from using, 1,150,194 —,—, purification of using, 1,150,194 —,—, treatment of using, 1,244,012 —,sulfur made using, 1,331,645 —,sulfur compounds, marine animal oils, re- moval from of, using, 1,247,516 —,sulfuric acid action of on, 1,441,731 —,sulfur purified using, 1,331,645 —,sweet water, iron removed from using, 1,150,194 —,—, purification of using, 1,150,194 —,tanning with, 1,404,957 —,textile, waterproofing of, using, 1,228,987; 1,228,988 —,thiodiglycol treated with, 1,422,869 —, tile made with, 1,235.258 —, tire filler made with, 1,193,196 —, titanium oxide stabilized with, 1,368,392 —,wall board made with, 1,235,258 —-,washing preparation contg., 1,395,902 —,water, boiler feed, oil, removal of from, using, 1,243,191 —,—, purification of using, 1,192,075; 1,197,123 —,—, treatment of with, 1,161,750; 1,505,104 —,waterproofing using, 1,177,156; 1,197,107; 1,208,400; 1,228,987; 1,228,988 —, water purified using, 1,219,333 —, whale oil, catalyst poisons, removal of from using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of using, 1,247,516 —, wool, water-proofing of using, 1,208,400 —,see also Bauxite; Diaspore; Gibbsite; Satin white —, (basic), explosive contg., 1,464,667 —,—, explosives, explosion temperature of re- duced with, 1,464,667 recovery of using, stabilization of with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Aluminum hydroxide (basic), see also Gibbsite —, (bauxite), brick contg., 1,373,854 Aluminum hypochlorite, chlorhydrins mfr. with, 1,465,595 Aluminum iodide, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,308,885 —,—, process for, 1,808,885 —, preparation of, 1,460,898 Aluminum iron, heat insulator, 1,301,675 Aluminum iron alloy, explosive contg., 1,410,868 Aluminum iron silicate, hydrated, catalyst in acetylene products mfr., 1,421,743 —,see also Iron-aluminum silicate Aluminum iron sulfate, paper sized with, 1,229,924 —, pulp sized with, 1,229,924 —,size made with, 1,229,924 Aluminum lignosulfonate, rubber composition made with, 1,217,157 Aluminum linoleate, asbestos water-proofing of with, 1,280,954 —,fiber, animal, 1,280,954 —,—, mineral, water-proofing of with, 1,280,954 —,—,vegetable, water-proofing of with, 1,280,954 —, ink, lithographic, made with, 1,131,578 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,131,578 —,linseed oil contg., 1,407,952 —, mfr. of, alum for, 1,131,578 —,—, aluminum salt for, 1,131,578 —,—, linseed oil for, 1,131,578 —, process for, 1,131,578 —,—,sodium aluminum sulfate for, 1,131,578 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,131,578 —, paint made with, 1,131,578; 1,421,625 —, paint, vehicle contg., 1,428 273 —, varnish made with, 1,131,578 Aluminum lithium silicate, see Spodumene Aluminum-magnesium alloy, magnesium made with, 1,258,261 —, mfr. of, aluminum cathode for, 1,258,261 —,—,magnesium chloride for, 1,258.261 —; potassium chloride for, 1,258,261 —,—, process for, 1,258,261 —,match-head composition contg., Re-15,039; 1,360,283 Aluminum magnesium fluoride, enamel made with, 1,518,872 —., glass, opalescent, made with, 1,518,872 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,518, 872 —, mfr. of, aluminum for, 1,518,872 —,—, magnesium fluosilicate for, 1,518,872 —,—, process for, 1,518,872 Aluminum magnesium garnet, see Pyrope Aluminum magnesium oxide, see Spinel Aluminum magnesium silicate, alkaloids pre- cipitated with, 1,300,747 —,mfr. of, flint for, 1,172,659 —,—, kaolin for, 1,172,659 —,—, magnesia for, 1,172,659 —,—, process for, 1 172, 659 —, molded article, binder for, 1,172,659 —,silicon carbide, 1,172,659 —,see also Pyrope water-proofing of with, made with, binder for, made _ with, 395 Aluminum manganese alloy, explosive contg., 1,410,868 Aluminum manganese garnet, see Spessartite Aluminum manganese-silicon alloy, explosive contg., 1,410,868 Aluminum methylate, cement contg., 1,450,467 Aluminum minerals, aluminum salt made with, 1,170,418 —,aluminum sulfate made with, 1,170,418 —, dissolving, nitric acid for, 1,464,984 Aluminum mold, doll head made with, 1,209,118 —,horn made with, 1,507,711 —, molded article made with, 1,507,711 Aluminum molybdate, dental cement contg., 1,408,960 Aluminum mordant, hair, 1,183,748 —,skins, dyeing of using, 1,183,748 Aluminum naphthalate, colloidal solution made using, 1,189,696 Aluminum naphthalene-1-sulfonate, moth re- pellent made with, 1,494,085; 1,515,182 —,wool, moth repellent, made with, 1,494,085 Aluminum naphthalene-2-sulfonate, "moth re- pellent made with, 1,494,085; 1,515,182 —,wool, moth repellent, made with, 1,494,085 Aluminum naphthenate, coating composition contg., 1,428 272 Aluminum-nickel, thermo-couple contg., 1,393,375 Aluminum-nickel alloy, hardness curve for, 1,278,304 Aluminum-nickel-silicon alloys, hardness curve for, 1,278,304 Aluminum nitrate, acetal made with, 1,312,186 —, alkali earth nitrate made with, 1,321,013 —, ‘alumina made with, 1,494,835 —, ‘aluminum hydroxide ‘made with, 1,321,013; 1 464,984. —— aluminum oxide from, 1,354,824; 1,413,720; 1 413,754 —, aluminum oxide catalyst. from, 1,330,772 —, aluminum oxide catalyst prepared from, 1 399,807 —, aluminum oxide nitrous gases from, 1,357,089 —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1 148 070; 1,152,980 —, ammonium nitrate made with, 1,494,835 —,anti-static photographic film contg., 1 431,900; 1,434,453 —, barium nitrate made with, 1,321,013 —, brass, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839 ; 1,314,840; 1,814,841; 1,314,842 —,carbon monoxide, hydrogen, removal from of, catalyst for, made with, 1,366,176 —,catalyst, dehydrogenation, made 1 216,933 ;- 1,271,013 —,—, for the mfr. of, ammonia made with, 1 148 570; 1,152,930 —,—, — -hydrocyanic acid made with, 1,492,194 —,—, hydrogen, made with, 1,330, 772 dyeing of using, with, b) > Tee — ’ hydrogenation, made with, 1,216,938 ; 1 271,013 Ie ; —,—,nickel aluminate-silicate made with, 1 256, 032 — catalyst prepared from, 1,366,176; 1,391,666 —, catalyst promoter, 1271 013 396 Aluminum nitrate, chrome yellow made with, 1,484,088 —,copper, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,814,841; 1,314,842 — decomposing, 1 413, 754 — ’ dehydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1 216,933 —, double salt with potassium nitrate, 1,877,081 —,electrolyte for etching contg., 1,814,839; 1,314,840; 1,814,841; 1,814,842 —,fertilizer contg., mfr. of, process for, 1,266,198 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,431,900; 1,434,453 —,glucose, decolorizing of, using, 1,511,472 —,—, purification of, using, 1,511,472 —, heater, chemical, made with, 1,506 ee — ’ hydrocyanic acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,492, 194 —, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, removal of from, catalyst for, made with, 1,366,176 —,—,catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,330,772 —, hydrogen sulfide made with, 1,321,013 —, hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,216,933 —,iron removal from, 1,421,804; 1,464,984 —,lamp, electric, glower for, made _ with, 1,123,625 —, lead chromate made with, 1,484,088 —, mfr. of, kaolin for, 1,507,993 —,—, labradorite for, 1,507,993 —,—,leucite for, 1,507,993 —,—, nitric acid for, 1,507,993 —,—, process for, 1,507,993 —,nickel, etching of, electrolytic 1,314,839; 1,314 840; 1 314,841; —, nitric acid from, 1,413, 754 —, nitrate, nitric acid recovery from, 1,464,984 —, pigment made with, 1,484,088 —, plagioclase as source of, 1,354,824 —,polish made with, 1,128,287 —, potassium nitrate for, 1,494,835 —, producing, 1,464,984 —, production from clays, 1,357,089 —,silk, weighting of, using, 1,496 064; 1,496,065 —, ‘sodium nitrate made with, 1,494 835 —, ‘steel, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840: 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,sugar, beet, decolorizing of, using, 1,511,472 —,—,—, purification of, using, 1,511,472 —,—,cane, decolorizing of, using, 1,511,472 —,—,—, purification of, using, 1,511,472 —,sugar solutions, decolorizing of, 1,511,472 —,—, purification of, using, 1,511,472 —, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1.263, 707 —, z1N¢, etching of, electrolyte contg., 4 314,839 ; 1 314,840; 1,314 S41; 1,314,842 —, (basic), ‘aluminum hydroxide from, 1,464,984 yo , decomposing, 1,413,754 —,—, producing, 1 464, 984 i ieainurn nitride, alkali cyanide made with, 1,472,403; 1,506,269 — aluminum chloride made with, 1,872,332 —, aluminum compound made with, 1,229 611 contg., 1,314,842 using, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum nitride, aluminum oxide made with, 1,159,989; 1,162,130; 1,228,119; 1,261,526 —, aluminum oxide for producing, 1,344,153 —, aluminum scrap made with, 1,502,129 —,aluminum sulfate made with, 1,176,292; 1,229,611 —,ammonia made with, 1,158,899; 1,159,989; 1,188,770; 1,198,965; 1,229,611; 1,252,649; 1,261,526; 1,502,129 —,ammonium salts made with, 1,162,130 —, ’ barium cyanamide made with, 1,506,269 —, ’ barium cyanide made with, 1 506, 269 — ‘calcium cyanamide made with, 1 506, 269 —, * calcitim cyanide made with, 1 506 269 —,catalyst, hydrocyanic acid made 1 492,194 —, chlorine and for mfr. of aluminum chloride, 1 Bp esky. —, coke made with, 1,482,438 —, copper compound made with, 1 229,611 —, cyanides made with, 1,506,269 —, electrical resistor conte. 1 393,373 — ' ferrocyanide made with, 1,506,269 —,gasolene made with, 1 482 A38 —, kerosene made with, 1,482 438 —,lamp, electric, incandescent, 1 234,691 —, lead compound made with, 1,228,119 —, mfr. of, 1,850,149; 1,415 036 —,—, air for, 1,143 482 with, 1,228,119; made with, —,—, alumina for, 1,158,899 ; 1,188,651 ; 1,212,119; 1,217,842; 1,241,834 —,—, aluminum “for, 1 188, io 1,188,771 : carbide " for, 1,188,769 ; 1,188, 770; =1,188,771; 1,188, 772; 1 '252, 649 —,—, aluminum compound for, 1 A15 036 —,—, aluminum oxide for, 1, 145, TAT 1,158,899 ; 1,188,770;' 1,188,771; 1 188 772: 1 212 4119; 1,233, 925: 1 233 926: 1 257, ‘995: 1,263,389 : 1,263, 390: 1 268,240: 1 274 "797 : 1,305,414 —,—, aluminum oxide, (Al0), for, 1 188, 771 —,—, aluminum residue for, 1,415 036 oo, ‘aluminum scrap for, 1,502 129 —,—, "alunite fOr Sob 188, 651; 1,393, 370; 1,393 371; 1,393,372; —,— , apparatus for,’ 1,145,747; 1,212,119: 1,217,842; 1,233,925; 1,241,834; 1,250,875; 1,252,649; 1,274,797; 1,305,414; 1,311,568; 1,393,370; 1,393,371; 1,893,372; 1,415,446 —, atmosphere artificial for, 1,366,720 —,—, barium oxide for, 1,268,240 —,—, barium sulfate for, 1,268,240 1,250,874; 1,415,036 1,158,899; 1,233,926; —,—, bauxite for, 1,148,482; 1,145,747; 1,158, 899; 1,188,651; 1,233,925; 1,233,926; 1,241,834; 1,252,649; 1,268,240; 1,893,370; 1,393, a i: 1,398,372; 1,415,036; 1,415,446 —,— —. bauxite, red, for, 1 1158, 899 —,—, boron as catalyst for, 15 188,769; 1,188,770 —,—,boron compound. as catalyst for, 1,188,769; 1,188,770 —,—, brick, refractory, for, 1,250,874 —,—, calcium carbide for, 1,188,770 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,268, 240 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Aluminum nitride, mfr. of, calcium compound as catalyst for, 1,188,771; 1,188,772 —,—, calcium oxide for, ' 188, 769; 1,188,770 ; 1 188, Me 11887725. 1 268, 240 —,—, carbon for, 1,143 482 ; 1 145, 747; 1,158,899; 1, 188, 651; 1 188 769 ; i 188, 770; 1 "188 71; 1,188,772: 1.212119: 1 317 842: i 233 925 ; 1,233,926; 1,252,649; 1 257 995: 1.263,389 : 1,263,390; 1,268,240; 1.2747 97; 1,305,414; 1 ‘311, 568 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,188,771; 1,233,926 —,—, ’ carbon monoxide for, 1; 158, 399; 1 188, 769; 1,188, a10; 2 1,188,771; 1 1188, 772; 1 233, 926 ; 1,241,834; 1,250, 874: 1 274 797 —,—,clay for, 1 393, 370; 1 393, 371; 1,893,372; 1,415, 036 —,—,coal for, 1,158,899; 1,268,240; 1,415,036 —,—, ‘coal, anthracite, for, 1 (158, 899 —,—,—, bituminous, ‘for, 1 393, 370: 1,393,371; 1,393, 372: 1,415 036; el ALS, 446 —,—, coal ‘dust for, i 143 482 —,—, coke for, 1,158, 889; 1,250,874; aii 371; 1 393, 372: 1 ALS 036; —, copper for, 1 1145, 747 —, —, copper alloy for, 1,145,747 —, copper ore for, 1 145, 747 —,—, electrical resistors for, 1,844,153 —,—, ’ ferro- -manganese for, 1, 145, 747 —,—, ’ ferro-nickel fori, 145, 747 ——, ’ ferro-silicon for, 1 145, 747 —, ’ ferro-silicon as by-product of, 1,158,899 —, flue gas for, 1,188,771 —,— ’ eraphite for, 1.268, 240 —,— _ hydrocarbon for, 1 ‘OAl, 834 =), hydrogen. for, 1 188, 769 ; 1,188, Zils. 1,188, 772 —,—, iron ‘for, 1 145 747; 1,252,649 —, iron alloy ‘for, 1 145 47 —,—,iron by product, 1, 350, 149 —,—,iron carbide for, 1 252, 649 —,—, iron ore for, 1 145 447 —,—,iron oxide for, I 145, 747; 1,268,240 —, ’ kaolin for, 1 393, 370; | 393, 371; 1,393,372 ; 1 AtB: 036 —,—, magnesium oxide for, 1,268,240 —,—, manganese for, 1 145, 747 —, Manganese alloy for, 1,145,747 —,—, manganese ore for, 1,145, 747 —,—, metal hydroxide for, 1 268, 240 —,—, ‘metal oxide for, 1 268, 240 —, metal salt for, 1, 268, 240 —, ,methane for, i 188, 769; 1,188,770 1,393,370 ; 1,415,446 1,188,770; 397 Aluminum nitride, mfr. of, potassium com- pounds as by product of, 1, 350,149 —,—, process for, 1,143,482; 1 145 AT: 1,158,899 ; 1 188, a a 188 769 ; 1 188, 770; 1 ‘188, 771: 1188772: 1212119: 1217842; 1,233,925; 1,233,926; 1,241,834; 1,250,874; 1,252 649: 1,257,995; 1,263,389; 1,263,390; 1 268, 240; 1,274,797; 1 311, 568: 1,393,370; 1 '393, 371; 1,393,872; (1 ALB, 036; 1,415,446 —,—,producer gas for, 1,143,482; 1,158,899; 1,188,651; 1,188,772; 1,241,884; 1,250,874; 1,252,649; 1,305,414 —,—, silicon for, 1,252,649 —,—, silicon carbide for, 1,252,649 —,—, "silicon. dioxide for, 1 268, 240 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1, 268, 240 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,188, 651 bar for, 1393,8/03 1/1 '393, 371; 1,393,372 ; 1,415,036; 1 415,446 —,—, titanium for, 1,252,649 —, —, titanium carbide for, 1,252,649 —,—,titanium as catalyst for, 1,188,769 ; 1,188,770 —,—,titanium compound as catalyst for, 1,188,769; 1,188,770; 1,188,771; 1,188,772 —,—, titanium oxide for, 1 268, 240 —,—, water gas for, 1, 143, 482: 1,188,771 —,—,see also Nitrogen, fixation of —, resistor, electric, made with, 1,393,373 —, sodium aluminate made with, 1.252, 649 —, ’ sodium cyanide made with, 1 472, 403 —, zinc compound made with, 1 228, 119 —, "(AIN), aluminum oxide made from, 1,180,840 —,—, ammonia made from, 1,180,340 —-,—-, mir, of, alkali metal for, 1,180,840 —,—, alumina for, 1,180 840 —,— , apparatus for, 1 180, 840 —,—, bauxite for, 1, 180, 840 —,—, carbon for, 1,180,840 | [On Se” —,—, nitrogen for, 1,180,840 —,—, process for, 1,180,840 —,—,—,sodium for, 1,180,840 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,180,840 —,(AI.N2), aluminum oxide made 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —,—, ammonia made with, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 we & with, —,—,formation of, process for, fs 123 Sos 1,154,800 —,—, mfr. Or: aluminum carbonitride (Al:C:Ne), for, 1,143,132 —,—,—, aluminum oxide for, 1,143,132 —,—,—, aluminum phosphate for, 1 We A14 aa nitrogen oxides made in connection with, 1 263, 389 ; 1,263 390 —,— ‘nitrogen for, 1 145, 747; 1,158,899; 1,188, Bore. = 188,769 ; 1 188 770; 1,188,771; 1188772: 1212119; 1,217,842; 1,233,925; 1.233926: 1.241.834; 1,252,649; 1,257,995; 1263389: 1,263,390; 1,268,240; 1,274,797; 1,305,414; 1,311,568; 1,393,370; 1,393,371; Povs.ei2; 1 ‘A15, 036: 1 ‘415, ‘446 —,— pitch for, 1 393, 370; 1,393,371; 1,893,372; 1 A15 036 ; 1 ALS 446 —.—, potassium carbonate for, 1,268,240 —,—,—, aluminum Ras for, 1,129,505 ; 1,129, 721 +, apparatus ior; 1, 143,182 _-,-—,-—, carbon. for, 1 129 505; 1,129,721; 1,134, 414; 1,143,132 —,—,—, coal dust for, 1,129,505; 1, 129,721 —,—,—, coke for, 1, 129, 505; 1 129, 721 ——,— hydrogen for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —,—,—,illuminating gas for, 1 129, 505 ; 1,129,721 platy 1,129,505; 1,129,721; —,—,—,microcline for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —,—, — ’ nitrogen for, 1,134, 414; 1,143,132 —, —, —&, orthoclase for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 398 Aluminum nitride (ALN.), mfr. of, phosphate rock, alumina contg., for, 1,134,414 —,—,—, potassium silicate for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —,process for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721; ~ 4,134,414; 1,143,132 —,—,—, “Redonda phosphate” for, 1,134,414 —,(ALN;), mfr. of, aluminum phosphate for, 1,134,414 ~~, —, carbon. for, 1.134414 3 ——,—,—_; nitrogen for, 1,134,414 ’ —,—,—, phosphate rock, alumina contg., for, 1,134,414 —,—,—, process for, 1,134,414 _,—,—, “Redonda phosphate” for, 1,134,414 —,(Al:N.), mfr. of, aluminum phosphate for, 1,134,414 —,—,—, carbon for, 1,134,414 —,—,—, nitrogen for, 1,134,414 —,—,—, phosphate rock, alumina contg., for 1,314,414 —,—,—, process for, 1,134,414 —,—,—,‘‘ Redonda phosphate” for, 1,134,414 Aluminum nitrite, silk, treatment of, using, 1,496,064 ; 1,496,065 Aluminum oleate, battery, zine electrode for, coating of using, 1,484,783 —,coating composition 1,393,838 ; 1,428,272 —, coating composition of rubber, solvents and, 1,393,832 —, copper separated from gangue with, 1,254,173 —,copper separated from iron sulfide with, 1,254,173 —,copper sulfide separated from gangue with, 1,254,173 —,copper sulfide separated from iron sulfide with, 1,254,178 —, gasket made with, 1,519,803 —, ink, printing, made with, 1,237,136 —,lead sulfide separated from gangue with, 1,254,173 —, lead sulfide separated from iron sulfide with, 1,254,173 | —,mfr. of, aluminum chloride for, 1,519,803 —,—,aluminum salt for, 1,519,803 —,aluminum sulfate for, 1,293,983; 1 519,803 —, oleic acid for, 1,293,983; 1,519,803 —,—, process for, 1,519,803 —,sodium hydroxide for, 1,519,803 —,sodium oleate for, 1,293,983 —, metal sulfide separated from gangue with, 1,254,173 —, paint made with, 1,181,588; 1,183,665 —, paint vehicle contg., 1,428,273 —, paper filler contg., 1,424,306 —,paper waterproofed with, 1,370,650 —, polymerizing, 1,393,833 —, rubber dissolved by, 1,393,832 —,screen, motion picture, made with, 1,151,502 —, solvents for, 1,393,833 —,—, amyl acetate as, 1,243,780; 1,304,120 —,—, benzene as, 1,519,803 —,—, turpentine as, 1,519,803 —, stencil made with, 1,243,780; 1,304,120 contg., ? b 3 3 > 3 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum nitride, stencil, typewriter, made with, 1,293,983; 1,316,067 —,stucco contg., 1,256,847 ‘ —,zine sulfide separated from gangue with, 1,254,173 : —, zine sulfide separated from iron sulfide with, 1,254,173 —, waterproofing made with, 1,231,687 —, waterproofing composition contg., 1,460,251 —-, waterproofing reagent contg., 1,432,833 —,zine sulfide separated from gangue with, 1,254,173 —., zine sulfide separated from iron sulfide with, 1,254,173 —,see also Soap, aluminum Aluminum ore, abrasive made with, 1,268,532 —,alkali carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, alkali compounds, removal of from, process for, 1,251,057 —,—,—, tannic acid for, 1,251,057 —,—,—, tannin for, 1,251,057 —, alkali hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, alkali 1,308,429 —,alkali sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,alum made with, 1,251,057 —, aluminum made with, 1,251,058 —,aluminum from, process for obtaining, 1,308,429 —,aluminum chloride made with, 1,468,632; 1,478,822; 1,508,451 —,aluminum compound made with, 1,249,125 — —,aluminum fluoride from, 1,391,172 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,251,057; 1,251,058; 1,478,822 —,aluminum oxide from, process for obtain- ing, 1,308,429 —,aluminum sulfate made with, 1,251,057; 1,251,058 —,aluminum sulfate from, process for obtain- ing, 1,308,429 —,ammonia made with, 1,198,965 —, calcium carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, calcium compounds, removal of from, proc- ess for, 1,251,057; 1,251,058 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,251,058 —,—,—,tannic acid for, 1,251,057 —,—,—, tannin for, 1,251,057 —,calcium hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,calcium oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,calcium sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, chlorine made with, 1,478,822 —,extraction of, sulfur dioxide and redwood tannin for, 1,808,429 —,—,sulfuric acid and redwood tannin for, 1,308,429 —,—,sulfurous acid and redwood tannin for, 1,308,429 —,gold compounds, removal of from, process for, 1,251,057 oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,249,125; INDEX OF SUBJECTS Aluminum ore, gold compounds, removal of from, tannic acid for, 1,251,057 —,—,—, tannin for, 1,251 057 —, iron carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1 308,429 —, iron compounds, removal of from, process for, 1,251,057; 1,251,058 —,—,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,251,058 —,—,—, tannic acid for, 1,251,057 ==); * tannin for, 1,251 057 —, iron hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1, 308,429 —,iron oxide 1,308, 429 —,iron sulfate 1 308,429 —, magnesium carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,magnesium compounds, removal of from, process for, 1,251,057; 1,251,058 —,—,—, sulfurie acid for, 1,251 058 P) —,—, —, tannic acid for, 1 251 057 5) —,—,—, tannin for, 1 251 057 — * magnesium hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, magnesium oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1 | 308,429 —,magnesium sulfate impurity in, extraction ’ of, 1,308,429 —, manganese carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, manganese hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, manganese oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1 308,429 —,manganese sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, nitrogen, fixation of, using, 1,198,965. —, potassium carbonate made with, 1,478,822 —; potassium carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 — , potassium compounds, process for, 1,251,058 —_—,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,251,058 —- ’ potassium hydroxide, extraction of from, 1 308,429 —, potassium oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 — potassium sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1 ,308,429 —, purification of, 1,291,979 —, silicon dioxide made 1 251,057 —, silver compounds, removal of from, process for, 1,251,057 —,—,—, tannic acid for, 1,251,057 —,—,—, tannin for, 1,251, 057 —, sodium aluminum aluminate made with, 1 A78,822. —, sodium carbonate made with, 1,478,822 —, sodium carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1 5308 429 —, sodium compounds, removal of from, proc- ess for, 1,251,058 —,—,—, "sulfuric acid for, 1,251,058 —, ’ sodium hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308, 429 impurity in, extraction of, impurity in, extraction of, removal of from, with, 1,249,125; 399 Aluminum ore, sodium oxide impurity in, ex- traction of, 1,308,429 —, sodium silicate made with, 1,478,822 —, ‘sodium sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1 308,429 —, sulfur dioxide made with, 1,249,125 —, ” sulfur dioxide and redwood tannin for ex- traction of, 1,308,429 —, sulfuric acid and redwood tannin for ex- traction of, 1,308,429 —, sulfurous ‘acid and redwood tannin for ex- traction of, 1,308,429 —, titanium carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, titanium compounds, removal of from, proc- ess for, 1,251,057; 1,251,058 —,—, —, sulfuric acid for, 1,251,058 —,—,—, tannic acid for, 1,251,057 ee oa ae tannin for, 1,251,057 —,titanium hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, titanium oxide impurity in, extraction of. 1 308,429 — titanium sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1 308,429 — treating of, 1,413,045 —,— hydrochloric acid for, 1,827,536 —,— ’ hydrofluoric acid for, 1 391, 172 —,—,redwood and sulfur gases for, 1,390,796 , ’ wood pulp made with, 1,249,125 —,see also Aluminum oxide; ‘Bauxite ; Clay ; Corundum ; Emery; Kaolin; Ore Aluminum oxalate, dye, sulfur, made with, 1,316,742 — electrolyte contg., 1,273,432 —, etching, electrolyte ‘for contg., 1,273,482 Aluminum oxide, abrasive made with, i 149,064 ; 1,199,042; 1 209, 333; 1,240,490; 1 240 491; 1 947, 337: 1,257,356; 1.263.607: 1,263,709 : 1 263, 710; 1,268,532; 1,268,533; 1,269,222; 1 ‘442 773. —) abrasive of crystalline, 1,364,849 —, ’ sbrasive prepared from, 1 339, 344 i, ‘abrasive wheel made with, 1,325,504; 1 403,416 — agate, artificial, made with, 1,183,255 —, alkali bicarbonate, treatment with of, 1 471,751 —, alkali carbonate, treatment with of, 1,471,751 —, "alkali earth bicarbonate, treatment with of, 1 471,751 —, alkali earth carbonate, treatment with of, 1 A71,751 —, alkali earth hydroxide, treatment with of, 1 471,751 —, alkali hydroxide, treatment. with of, 1,471,751 —, ”b-alumina made with, 1,263,607; 1,263, 708 ; 1 ,263,709 —, aluminum made using, 1,132,737; 1,220,843; 1 257,995; 1,273,220; 1,512, 271; 1 512, ‘462 : 1,519, 648 —, aluminum, polish for, made with, 1,491,456 —, ’ aluminum alloy made with, 1,220 843; 1,512, 462 —, aluminum alloy, copper in, made with, 1,220 843 —, aluminum borate from, 1,399,216; 1,399,217 400 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum oxide, aluminum carbide made with, Aluminum oxide, beryllium oxide, alloy of 1,219,797; 1 222 93; 1,257,995; 1,270,226; aluminum and beryllium from, 1,254,987 1,512,27 1 —, beton blocks made with, 1,183 955 —,aluminum carbide (ALC;), made with, —, blast furnace dust conte men 161 790 1: 129,509 —, ’ borosilicate glass mfr. with, 1,449, 793 —,—, (ALC;), made with, 1,129,509 —, ” aluminum carbonitride (Al:No. C;N.), made with, 1,154,801 —,—, (Al,CsNo), made with, 1,129,509; 1,143,182 —,—, ( AlsCsNis) , made with, 4 487, 524 —, ” aluminum chloride made with, 1,127,465 ; —, "brass cement contg., 1,359, 137 —, brick contg., 1,256,042; 1 450, 140 —, brick, slag, made with, 1123 841 — ’ building material made with, 1,183,255 ; 1 505,206 — butylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,253,615 ‘a 144,304; 1,268,015; 1,270,226; 1 308, ‘080; —,calcium made with, 1,512,462 1'308,885 ; 1.324,143: 1,325, 203 ; 1 331.257; —,calcium, tungsten alloy conte. . made with, 1,343,662; 1,854,818; 1,375,116: 1,493,061; 1 486 214 1,405,115; 1,422,560; 1,422,568; 1,424,574; —, calcium alloy made with, 1,512,462 1,430,449; 1,468,632; 1,478,822; 1,489,021; —, calcium cyanamide contg., 1 296, 820 1,490,021; 1,503,648; 1,508,451; 1,509,605; —, ’ calcium sulfate made with, 1,325, 203 1,519,648 —, carbon, mixture of and, mfr. of, aluminum —, aluminum compound made with, 1,229,611 sulfate for, 1,171,360 —,aluminum cyanide (Al.(CN)6s), made with, —,—,——, carbon for, 1,171,360 1 143,132 —,—,—,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,171,360 —, aluminum fluoride from, 1,293,703 — —, aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,197,107 —, ’ aluminum nitride made with, il 145 447; —,—-, —, +, process for) 1 aan 1,158,899 ; 1,188,770; 1,188,771; 1 188 772: —,—, —,—, producer gas for, 1 171 360 1,212,119; 1,233,925; 1,233,926; 1,257,995 ; pau carbon ‘diokide/suade with, 1,264, 510 1,263,389; 1,263,390; 1,268,240; 1,274,797; — carbon monoxide made with, 1,123,585 ; 1,305,414; 1,344,153; 1,850,149 ; 1,129,509; 1,154,800; 1,264,510 Eas —,(AlO), aluminum nitride made _ with, —, carton-pierres contg., 1,256,042 1,188,771 —,catalyst, 1,366,176; 1,374,589; 1,400,959 aes nitride (ALN:), made with, _ _ (ammonia mfr.) made with, 1,148,570: —, aluminum oxide made with, 1,154,801; pe 1,489,407; 1,491,588; 1,502,336; it 197,107; 1,228,119; 1,415,280; 1 ATB, oy) ’ (h d ; ‘d fr.) d th — -aluminum-producing electrolyte contg., 1.492 194 TOCyaDIG | S010 | Det) ee 1 464,625 Jax’: : . : —} aluminum silicate from, 1,362,274 eA anhydride mfr.), made with, —, ’ aluminum silicate, recovery from of, ’ (Hitromen oxides aif)» aoe eee 1 012,053 Wikeee y Le aluminum silicide made with, 1,512,271 1,207,706 ; 1,207,707; 1,207,708 ; —,aluminum silicide (ALSis), made with, |) see (phthalic anhydride: mfr.) made with, 1,123,585; 1,154,800 1,489,741 —,aluminum silicon nitride (ALN«SiN.), 272 (sulfuric acid mfr.) made with, 1,420,202; made with, 1,123,585; 1,154,800 1,489,497 aluminum sulfate’ made with, 1,176292; —,—,acetaldehyde made with, 1,244,901; i 229,611 1,355,299 —,—, ammonia oxidation, 1,399,807 — ’ benzaldehyde made with, 1,284,887 —,benzene made with, 1 330 844 —, aluminum wire insulated by, 1,431,237 —,amines, aromatic, catalyst for the mfr. GE tee made with, 1,207,802 wv oN | —, ammonia made with, 1,129,509; 1,154,801; —,—, benzoic acid made with, 1,284,887; 1,158,899; 1,172,863; 1,198,965; 1,229,611; 1,374,722 | "415 280 —,—,butene mfr. from butyl alcohol, 1,395,620 —, ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, —,—, cracking petroleum, 1,295,825 1,148,570; 1,152,930; 1,489,497; 1,491,588; —,o-creso] oxidation, 1 380, 277 1,502, 336; 1. 510, 598 —,— , dehydrogenation, made with, 1,271,013 —, ammonium carbonate made with, 1,129,509 — —,ammonium nitrite made with, 1, 172 863 — a -amylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,253, 615 —, aniline, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,207,802 —,arsenic compounds, marine animal oils, re- moval from of using, 1,247,516 —, balata vulcanized with, 1,289,566 —,barium aluminate made with, 1,240,571; 1,240,572 —— , bearing, jewel, 1 422,216; 1,438,188 —,dinapthylamine made with, 1,499,423 —,ester gum made with, 1,242, 161 — ’ ethyl alcohol] made with, 1,234 886 —,ethylene made with, 1 402 329; i 402,336 ; 41,421, 640 —,—, easolene made with, 1,479,833 —,—, hydrocarbon cracking, 1 330, 844 —,—,hydrocyanic acid made with, 1,492, 194 —,—, hydrogen made with, 1,330, 772, —, —, hydrogenation made with, 1,271,013 —,—, hydrogenation of hydrocarbon made with, 1,152, 765 : J ae ROS | Ne I synthetic, made _ with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS 401 Aluminum oxide, catalyst, hydrogenation of lamp oil made with, 1,152,765 —, —, hydrogenation of petroleum made with Aluminum oxide, crucible lined with charcoal and, 1,338,966 é , —, crystallization of, strontium. carbonate for, 1, 152, 765 controlling, 1,339,344 —,— hydrogenation of resin oil made with, —, crystalline, abrasive made with, 1,310,342 1 152, 765 —,—, calcium oxide as impurity in, 1,310, 342 —,— , hydrogenation of shale oil made with, —,—, ‘crucibles made with, 1,458, 723 : 1,458 24 : it (152, 765 1 458 729; 1,458,726 —, kerosene made with, 1,479,833 — lubricating oil made with, 1,350,814 —, —,—, naphthalene oxidation of using, 1,374,722 —, —, naphthoquinone made with, 1,374 722 = —,—,naphthylamine made with, 1,449 493 —,—, —, carbon for, 1,310 342 —, nitrogen oxide made with, 1,399 807 —_—,—,—, ; clay for, 1,310, 349 —, paint made with, 1,242 161 —,—,—, coke for, 1 310, 342 —, phthalic anhydride made with, 1,374,722; —,—,—,emery for, 1,310, 342 L480. 741 — .—,—, iron for, 1,269, 294 —,—, propyl alcohol made with, 1,234,886 Foe iron oxide for, 1,269,141 —,—,sulfurie acid made with, 1,420 02 4, sod carbonate for, 1,269,141 naa 203 —,—,—, zine oxide for, 1,269, 141 —, toluene made with, 1,330,844 —,—, silicon dioxide as impurity in, 1,310,342 —, —, varnish made with, 1 242, 161 —,—, titanium oxide as impurity in, 1,310, 342 —,—,water gas reaction made with, 1,489,497 — , crystallizing, 1,439,286 —,—, xylene made with, 1,330,844 —,cyanides made with, 1 415,280 —,— , glass conte 4) granules of, 1,374,136 —, iron oxide. as impurity in, 1 310 o42 —, mfr. of, alkali compound. for, 1,269, 141 —,— , bauxite for, 1,310,342 —, catalyst poisons, marine animal oils, re- moval from of using, 1,247,516 —, catalyst promoter, 1,271 013 —, cyanide derivatives, marine animal oils, re- moval from of using, 1,247,516 —,cyanogen made with, 1 143 laze —,—,ammonia made with, 1,148,570;, 1,152,930 —, cement contg., 1,256,042; i B07. 319 —, cement, dental, made with, 1 ,226 232 —,— , hydraulic, made with, 1,123,841 —,—, Magnesium, made with, 1,212 15 —,—, paint for, made with, 1 197. 599 —, cement composition conte., 1,310, 520 —,cement comprising compounds of, 1,372,015 —, ceramic insulating material contg., 1 409 953 —, chalk, marking, contg., 1,256,042 —, chlorhydrin made with, 1 ,253,615 —, chlorine made with, 1 478, 322 —, chlorine compounds, marine animals oils, removal from of using, 1,247,516 —, 2-chlor-2-methyl-butane made with, 1 202,282 _, chromium, ductile, made with, 1,297,000 —, clay conte.., 1,381 771 —, cloth, coated with, process for, 1,268,030 —, cod oil, catalyst poisons, removal of from using, 1 247, 516 -—,— , hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —-, ’ colloidal solution of, mfr. of, process for, 1,189,696 —, concrete, filler for, made with, 1,123,841 —,—, paint for, made with, 1 197 599 —, condenser, electrolytic, made with, 1,473,883 —, conduit, electric, made with, 1,505 206 —, copper, aluminum alloy contg., made with, —, cyclohexene made with, 1,221 O82 —, cyclopentene made with, 1 221 O82 —, decolorizing material made with, 1,219,438 —, decomposing with heat, compressed air and aibalt acid salt, 1,364, 804 —, dental cement made with, 1,507,379 —, dental cement constituent, 1,480,960 —, detergent compound made with, 1,419,625 —, dextrin decolorized by, 1,452,739 —, dextrin purified by, 1,452,739 —, diatomaceous earth contg., 1,379,722 —, dihydro-benzene made with, 1,221,382 —, dissolving with heat, compressed alr and alkali acid salt, 1,364, 804 —, dissolving of, sodium (potassium) hydrox- ide for, 1,418, 528 —, dye, sulfur, made with, 1,316, 742 —,egg preserving compound contg., 1,423,053 —, electric heater made with, 1,318,838 —,electrode, arc-light, made with, 1,134,148; 1,148,183: 1,148,184 —,emery substitute prepared from, 1,339,344 —,enamel contg., 1,496,505 —,enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, white, made with, 1,129,300 — , equilibrium of in presence of calcium, iron and silica, 1,872,015 —, ethylene made with, 1,213,368 1,172,723 ; 1,129,300; 1,220,843 —,ethylene absorbed in, recovery of, 1,398,882 —, copper compound made with, 1,228,119; ° ak ethylene chlorhydrin made with, 1 253 615 1,229 611 —, feldspar, recovery from of, 1 312 053 —, corn oil, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, corundum made with, 1 413 785 —,cotton seed oil, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, crayon wax contg., 1,256,042 —,crucible made with, ‘ 378,189; 1,450,140; 1,458,723; 1,458,724; 1 458, 725 : 1 458, 726 26 —, fertilizer contg., 1,386,331 —,fish oil, catalyst poisons, removal of from using, 1,247,516 —_—,— , hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, ’ flotation of, oleic acid fort 255 749 —,—, process for, 1,255,749 —, fluosilitic acid made with, 1,264,510 402 Aluminum oxide, formaldehyde-sulfurous acid, aluminum salt of, made with, 1,149,712 —, formation of, 1,327,536; 1,379,886; 1,426,890; 1,426,891; 1,464,373 —,—, aluminum nitrate for, 1,354,824 —,—, alunite for, 1,422,848 —,—, chloride for, 1,434,085 —,—, potassium aluminum sulfate for, 1,406,890 —,—, sodium aluminate for, 1,422,004 —, furnace lining of, 1,415,516 —., fusing, electric furnace for, 1,352,387 —,fusion of, alkali compound for, 1,269,141 —,—,iron oxide for, 1,269,141 —,—, process for, 1,269,141 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,269,141 —,—,zine oxide for, 1,269,141 —,gasolene made with, 1,373,653 —,glass made with, 1,151,911; 1,287,005; 1,304,623; 1,365,797; 1,394.296; 1,403,752; 1,408,145; 1,449,798; 1,510,521; 1,513,923 —, glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,143,788; 1,314,831 —,—,semi-translucent, made with, 1,287,005 —,—, translucent, made with, 1,143,788 —,glass composition contg., 1,415,980 —,glass contg. granules of crystalline, 1,374,136 —,glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,glower made with, 1,135,663 —,glucose decolorized by, 1,452,739 —,glucose purified by, 1,452,739 —, glycol made with, 1,213,368 —,gutta percha vulcanized with, 1,289,566 —,heat-conducting material made 1,402,750 —, heater, electric, made with, 1,507,379 —,hexylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,253,615 —, hydrated, abrasive made with, 1,199,042 —,—, binder for, aluminum salt as, 1,312,853 —,—,—, aluminum sulfate as, 1,312,853 —,—,—, ammonium nitrate as, 1,812,853 —,—,—, ammonium sulfate as, 1,312,853 ,—,—, Mineral acid as, 1,312,853 —,—,—, mineral salt as, 1,812,853 —,—,—, nitric acid as, 1,312,853 with, — —,—,—, sulfuric acid as, 1,312,853 —,—,—, zirconium sulfate as, 1,312,853 —,—, formation of, 1,426,891 —,—, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,152,765 —, hydrocarbons refined with, 1,435,824 —,hydrochlorie acid made with, 1,489,021 —,hydrocyanic acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,492,194 —, hydrofluoric acid recovered using, 1,219,438 —, hydrogenation catalyst made using, 1,152,765 —, hydrogenation process using, 1,247,516 —,hydrogen dioxide, stabilization of with, 1,275,765 —, insulating composition made with, 1,329,094; 1,402,750 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1,155,812; 1,161,989; 1,829,094; 1,898,143 —,—, heat, made with, 1,374,538 —,iodine compounds, marine animal oils, re- moval from of using, 1,247,516 —,iron, cast, composition of and, 1,422,295; 1,464,102 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum oxide, iron, tungsten alloy contg., made with, 1,486,214 —,iron coated with catalyst, gasolene made using, 1,494,125 —,iron coated with chromium by aid of, 1,365,499 —,iron-free, mfr. of, 1,413,720 —,—,—, process for, 1,132,737 —,iron(ic) oxide, separation of from, 1,490,021 —, iron precipitated by, 1,413,720 —,iron removal from, 1,430,454 —, iron removed from aluminum solution with, 1,421,804 —,iron retorts coated with aluminum by, 1,454,708 —,iron tin plated in presence of, 1,397,514 —, Jewel bearings fused on, 1,422,216 —, kaolin, recovery from of, 1,312,053 —, kiln lining bricks contg., 1,378,710 —,lace, coated with, process for, 1,268,030 —,lamp, electric, made with, 1,135,663 —,—,—,glower for, made with, 1,123,625 —,—,oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for made with, 1,152,765 —,lead compound made with, 1,228,119 —, leather, artificial, made with, 1,334,297 —,leather treated with, 1,346,385 —,leatheroid contg., 1,834,297 —,lepidolite, recovery from of, 1,312,053 —,leucite, recovery from of, 1,312,053 —, lightning arrester made with, 1,238,660 —, linseed oil substitute made with, 1,197,599 —,magnesia article, bonded, made _ with, 1,394,442 —,magnesite refractory contg., 1,805,457 —,magnesium aluminate made with, 1,394,442 —, magnesium cyanamide effected by, 1,291,498 —, maleic anhydride, catalyst for mfr, of, made with, 1,489,741 —, mfr. of, air for, 1,136,549 —,—,albite for, 1,514,657 —,—, alkali for, 1,270,266 —,—,alkali aluminate for, 1,159,989; 1,263,705; 1,315,045; 1,415,280; 1,514,657 —,—, alkali borate for, 1,415,280 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,228,119; 1,262,062 ; 1,285,796; 1,415,280 —,—, alkali earth aluminate for, 1,159,989 ,alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,256,605 —,alkali earth orthosilicate for, 1,285,796 —, —, alkali earth oxide for, 1,261,526; 1,263,705 ; 1,285,796; 1,514,657 —,—, alkali earth salt for, 1,415,280 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,228,119; 1,256,605; 1,262,062; 1,285,796; 1,415,280 —,—,alkali metal for, 1,180,840 —,—, alkali molybdate for, 1,415,280 —,—, alkali oxide for, 1,415,280 —,—,alkali salts for, 1,415,280 —,—, alkali silicates for, 1,239,984; 1,415,280 —,—,alkali sulfide for, 1,228,119; 1,262,062 —,—,alkali titanate for, 1,415,280 —,—,alkali vanadate for, 1,415,280 —,—,alkali zirconate for, 1,415,280 ) ’ b b] —,almandite for, 1,192,394 —,—,alum for, 1,195,655 Aluminum oxide, 1,308,429 mfr. INDEX OF SUBJECTS of, alum clay for, —,—,alumina for, 1.180,840 —,—, ‘aluminiferous material for, 1,519,880 —, —, aluminum 1,512, 897 ammonium sulfate for, —,—, aluminum carbide for, 1,134,081; 1,228,119 —,—, aluminum carbide CALC. for, 1,129, 505; —,—, aluminum carbonitride (AlLC:C;N;,), for, 1,129,721 1,154,801 er ee , (ALC3Ne) ; for, 1,129, 721; 1,134,413 1,129,224; 1,129,505 ; —,—, aluminum chloride for, 1,496,264 —,—, aluminum compounds for, 1,308, 429 —, "aluminum fluoride for, 1 300,110: 1,315,460 —,—, aluminum hydroxide 1,314, 709; 1,314,710 —,—, aluminum nitrate for, 1,357,089 —, —, aluminum 1,162, 130; 1,228,119 ; nitride for, f or, 1,261 526 1,197,107 ; 1,159,989; —,—, aluminum nitride (AIN), for, 1,180,840 —,—,—,(ALN;), for, 1,129,505: —,—, aluminum oleate for, 1 ‘197, 107 —, aluminum ore for, 1,249, 125; 1,281, 058 ; 1,478,822 1,129,721 1,251,057 ; —,—, aluminum oxide for, 1,154,801; 1,228,119; 1,249,125: 1,415,280; i ATS 822 —,— aluminum oxide. ore, for, 1,212,334 —,—, ’ aluminum 1,129,505; 1,245,383 ; 1,277,508 ; 1,506,104 —,—,aluminum silicate ore for, 1,249,125 —, —, aluminum 1,262,062 —,—, aluminum Eoarar: 1,252,384 ; 1,129,721; 1,249,125; 1,300,417; 1,132,738 ; 1,282,278 ; skimmings sulfate silicate f or, 1,132,787 ; 1,251,057; 1,300,418; for, 1,171,360; 1,489,362: for, 1,129,224; 1.239.984: 1,251,058 : 1,478,822 : 1,212,334; 1,228,119; 1,132,736; 1,249,125 ; 1,512,897 —,—,aluminum sulfide ore for, 1,249,125 —,—,aluminum sulfite for, 1,326, 384 —,—, alunite 1,191,106; 1,239,768 : 1,256,605 ; 1277,773: oe ,386,031 ; for, 1,195 655; 1 239 984: 1 268, 433: 1 282, 273: 1 401. 136; 1 136, 549 ; 1,214,991 ; 1,249,125; 1,270,266; 1,301,394; 1.401.137 1,191,105; 1,233,977 ; 1,255,749; 1,274,145 ; 1,317,686 ; —, alunogen for, 1,252,384; 1,280,636 —, ammonia for, 1 162, 130; 1,300, 110 —,—, ammonia, gas contg., for, 1,162,130 —,—, ammonium aluminum sulfate for, —,—,ammonium ferrocyanide for, 1,162,130 —,—,ammonium fluoride for, 1,300,110 1,280,636 —,—,ammonium hydroxide 1,274,145 ; 1,512,897 1,277,773; 1,280,636; for, 1,162,130; 1,302,852 ; —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1,280,636 —,—, anorthosite for, 1,802,852 —,—, apparatus 1,132,738 ; 1,249,125; 1,315,460 ; for, 1,180,840; 1,280,636 ; 1,478,822 ; 1,132,736; 1,192,394; 1,314,709; 1,506,104 —,—, arsenic oxide for, 1,332, 113 —, —, barium aluminate for, 1 191,106; 1,240,571 1,132,737 ; 1,245 383 ; 1,314,710; 403 Aluminum oxide, mfr. of, barium hydroxide for, 1,191,106 —,— barium oxide for, 1,191,106 —,—,bauxite for, 1,132,737 ; 1,159,989 ; 1,162,130; 1,180,840; 1,200,334; 1,228,119; 1,245,383; 1,249,125; 1,282,222; 1,300,110; 1,308,429; 1,314,709; 1,314,710; 1,326,384; 1,514,657 ,—, bituminous shale for, 1,506,104 —,—, calcium for, 1,192,394 —,—,calcium carbonate ffor, 1,212,334; 1,252,384; 1,277,503; 1,282,222: 1,514,657 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,282, 222: 1,478,822 ; 1,514,657 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,174,795; 1,256,605: 1,262,062; 1,282,222; 1,326,384; 1,332,113 —,—, calcium oxide for, 1,204,932; 1,261,526; 1 262 062 ; 1,270,266; 1.514657 —,—, carbon for, 1 129 wens 1 ,129 505; 1,129,721; 1 184,081; 1,136 549: i 154 801; 1,171,360; 1,180, 840: 1,192 394: ; 1.245 383 - pa te ora Gat 9 Bd 1,277,503 : 1,332,118; 1,506,104; 1,514,657 —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,197.107; 1,214,991; 1,270.266; 1,277,503; 1,312,053; 1,326,384; 1,478,822; 1,489,362 —,—, cellulose for, 1.249,125 —,—,cerecite for, 1,253,560 —, chlorine for, 1,357,089; 1,506,104 Ween oxide for, 1,415 280 a) —,—,clay for, 1.132.737; 1.162.130; 1,251,057; 1,251,058; 1,282,222; "1,300,110 ; 1,300,417; 1,300,418; 1,808,429; 1,326,384; 1,857,089; 1,406,890; 1,478,822; 1,506,104; 1,514,657; 1,519,880 —,—,clay, calcium chloride and arsenic tri- oxide for, 1,332,115 —,—,—, China, for, 1,326,384 —,—,—, fire, for, 1,132; 737: —, —, —, flint for, i 132, 137 —,—,—, Truesdale for, 1, 132,737 —, coal for, 1,136, 549; 1,159,989 —, coal, slatey, for, 1,506, 104 —, coal dust for, 1, 129, 505: 1,129,721 —, * coal gas for, 1 195 655 —,—, ’ cobalt for, 1 ALS, 280 eo * coke for, 1 129, 505; 1,129,721; eee 549; 1 192, 394: 1 282, 222 1,415,280 ‘ 1,134,081 ; —, coke oven gas for, 1,162,130 —, ’ columbium oxide for, 1,415 ,280 —, "crude oil for, 1,253, 560 —} cryolite for, iY 132, 737 —,—, "earth for, 1,251,057; 1,251,058; 1,808,429 —, electrolytic cell for, 1,253,560 _— feldspar for, 1,129,224; 1,184,081; 1,174,795; 1,253,560; 1,263,705; 1,277,778; 1,285,796; 1,514,657 | —,—, ferro-silicon for, 1,245,383 —, flue gas for, 1,312, 053 —,—, ’ fuosilicic acid for, 1,253,560 —,—, garnet flour for, 1 192 394 —,—, granite for, 1 253 560 —,—, gypsum for, 1 282.222 —,—, halloysite for, 1,308,429; 1,357,089 —,—, halotrichite for, 1,252, 381: 1,280,636 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1 171 360; 1 ALS ,280 404 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum oxide, mfr. of, potassium oxide for, 1,415,280 —,— , potassium salts for, 1,415,280 —,—, potassium silicates: for, 1, 129, 505; 1,129,721 —,—, predetermined degree of dispersion for, 1 12,897 —,—, process for, 1,129,224; 1,129,505; 1,129,721; Aluminum oxide, mfr. of, hydrochloric acid for, 1,191,106; 1,212,334; 1, 277,778; 1,357,089; 1 478, ayo aie | ‘496, 264; 1 519, 380 —,—, hydrofluoric ‘acid for, 1, 174 795; 1,253.560 —,—, hydrofluosilicic acid for, 1 174, 795 —,—,hydrogen for, 1,129 505 ; 1,129,721; 1,182, 736: AR py Gea 171, 360 —,—, hydrogen. sulfide for, 1 ,228,119 1,129,224 ; —,—, illuminating gas for, i. 129 505; 1,129,721; i 132,7363)oi1 132 2,737: r 132, 738: 1,134, 081; 1,195, 655 1,134,413: 1,136,549: 1,154,801 yt kids "159 989; —,—, iron for, 1,415,280 1'162'130: 1,171,360: 1.174795: 1,180,840; —,—, iron filings for, 1,415,280 1,191,105; 1,191,106; 1,192,394; 1,195,655; —_,—, iron ore for, 1 489, 262 1,197,107; 1,212,334; 1,214,991; 1,228,119; —,—,iron ore, Cuban, for, 1,212,334; 1,237,765 1,233,977; 1,237,765; 1,239,768; 1,239,984; —,—, iron oxide for, 1 ALS, 280 1,240,571; 1,245,383; 1,249,125; 1,251,057; —,—,iron oxide ore for, 1.212 oo4 1,251,058; 1,252,384; 1,253,560; 1,255,749; —,—, iron silicate ore for, 1,212, 334 1,256,605; 1,261,526; 1,262,062; 1,263,705; —,—,iron sulfide for, 1 245, 383 1,268,433; 1,270,266; 1,274,145; 1,277,503; —,—, ’ kaolin for, 1 245, 383; i 300,110; 1,857,089 ; 1,277,773; 1,280,636;: 1 ‘282, 222: 1,285,796 ; 1,478, 822 1,290,269; 1,800,110; 1 314, 709: 1,314,710; —,—, kaolinite for, 1,132,737 1,315,045; 1,315,460; 1 ‘Bi7 686; 1,326,384 ; —,—, kiln for, 1,817,686 1,357,089; 1,394,854; 1,410,642; 1,413,720; —, labradorite for, 1,302,852 1,415,280; 1,422,004; 1,478,822; 1,489,362; —,—,lamp black for, 1,136,549 1,496,264; 1,506,106; 1,512,897; 1,514,657; —,—, laterite for, 1 349.125; 1,308,429 1,519,880 _’ leucite for, 1,129,224; 1,134,081; 1,263,705; —,—,producer gas for, 1,154,801; 1,171,360; Lag 796; 1, 514, 657 1 195,655 — leucite Packs for, 1,496,264 —,—, pyrite for, 1,212,334; 1,237,765; 1,245,383 — lignite for, 1,508, 104 —,—, redwood for, 1 249, 125 el hime for 1,282, 922; 1,514,657 —,—, residue from, analysis of, 1,486,276 —,—, , limestone for, 1,212 334; 1,282,222 —, —, —, cement regulating composition contg., —,—, magnesium carbonate for, 1,514, 657 ais! 276 —,—, Manganese for, 1,514, 657 —, rhyolite ash for, 1,308, 429 —,—, manganese oxide for, 1,415,280; 1,514,657 —,rhyolite mud for, 1,308,429 At mn tiiarl for, 1,357,089 —,sand for, 1,134, 081: ‘1 251 057; 1,251,058 oe, metal oxide for, 1,415,280 — sand, titaniferous, for, 1 AIS 280 , methane for, 1 AS, 230 —, ‘shale for, 1,357 089; 1 506, 104 —, microcline for, 1 129,505 ; , shale, argillaceous, for, 1,162,130 BE 1,129,721; a 1288, 560 1,263.705; 1,277,773: —,—, silicates for, 1,285, 796; 1,404, 083 —,—, silicon fluoride for, 1,253,560 ae silicon tetrafluoride for, 1 174,795 —,soap for, 1,197,107 —, molybdenum oxide for, 1,415,280 —,Mond’s gas for, 1,162, 130 —, ’ natural gas for, 1,171,360; 1,415,280 —, nickel for, 1,415,280 —,—nitrie acid for, 1,274,145; 1,302,852; —,—,soap, aluminum, for, 1,197,107 1,357, 089 —,sodium for, 1 180, 840 —,—,nitrogen for, | 1,129,224; 1,129,505 ; an ta sodium aluminate ‘for, 1,132,737 ; 1,191,106; 1,129,721: 1,136,549; 1,154,801; 1,159,989; 1,214,991; 1,315,045; 1 489,362 1,180,840; 1,415,280 —,—, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,312,053 —,nitrogen oxides for, 1,302,852 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1, 132 137: 1,180,840 ; —,—, oil shale for, 1,506,104 1 237, 765; 1,270,266; L ‘282, 222: 1 312, 053; —,—, ore, aluminum, for, 1,308 429 1 326, 384; 1, ‘415, 280: L. ‘489, 362 : 1 514, 657 —,— ’ orthoclase for, 1,129, 924: 1,129.505; —,—, sodium chloride ‘for, 1,192, 394; 1,214, 991; 1,129,721; 1,253,560; 1 ered 773; 1,478,822; 1,282,222; 1,332,113; 1 78, 822; 1,506, 104; 1,514,657 1514, 657. —,—, oxygen for, 1,197,107 —,—, sodium ferrocyanide for, 1,162,130 —,—,ozone for, 1,252,384 -—,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,162,130; —1— pholerite for, 1,132,737 1,228,119; 1,287, 765: 1,252,384; 1,262,062; —, plagioclase for, 1,302,852 1,314,709; 1.314.710 A) '326, 384 ; 1,415,280 : —,— , potassium aluminate for, 1,191,106 1 478, 822; 1,514,657 —,—, sodium oxide for, 1,415,280 —,—, ’ sodium salts for, 1 ALD, 280 —,—, potassium aluminum sulfate for, 1,195, 655; 1,300,417; 1,300,418 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,277,773; —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,415 ,280 ite 285,796; 1,312,053; 1,415,280; 1 p14, 657 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1 ‘277, 503; 1,282,222 —, potassium chloride for, 1 478, 822 —,—, sodium sulfide for, 1 937, 765 —, potassium ferrocyanide for, 1, 162, 130 —,—, sodium vanadate for, 1 A15 280 —,—,potassium hydroxide for, 1 237, 765; —,spodumene for, 1,478, 822 1,274,145: 1,415,280; 1,496,264; 1,514, 657 —,—,steam for, 1 132, 736; 1,132,737; 1,514,657 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Aluminum oxide, mfr. of, sulfide for, 1,245,383 —,—, sulfur for, 1 228,119; 1,245,383; i 262 062 —_,— ’ sulfur dioxide ‘for, 1,251 ‘057: 1 256, 605; H 326, 384 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,132,737; 1,162,130; 1,174,795; 1,212,834; 1,228,119; 1,233,977 ; 1,239,768; 1,251,057; 1,262,062; 1,277,773 ; 1,802,852; 1 357 ‘089; 1 ‘A15 280: 1,489,362 —,— ,sulfurous acid for, 1,249 125 —,—, ‘tannic acid for, 1 249 125; 1,251,057 —,—, tannin for, 1,249 125; 1,251 057 —,—, titanium oxide for, 1 A15 280 —,—, tungsten oxide for, 1 415 280 —, — vanadium oxide for, 1,415 ,280 —,—, water for, 1,129,505; 1,129 721: 1,159,989 ; 1,261,526 —,—,water gas for, 1,132,737: 1,195,655 —,—, zeolite for, 1,514,657 == zinc for, 1 228, 119 —_—,— , zirconium oxide for, 1,415,280 — ,marble, artificial, made with, 1,183 255 —, Marine animal oil, catalyst. poison, removal of from using, 1,247 016 —,— , hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 — match ignition composition conte .. 1,841,012 —,menhaden oil, catalyst poisons, removal of from using, 1 247, 516 —,— , hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, metal, coated with, process for, 1,268,030 —,—, ductile, made with, 1,297 000 —,—, precious, coated with, 1,335,024 —, mica, recovery from of, 1312 053 —, mineral contg., finely divided, mfr. of, acid, mineral, for, 1,501 865 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,501,865 —,—, —, —, sulfuric acid for, 1,501,865 -—, mineral wool made with, 1 123, 841 —, mold made with, 1,516, 113 — ’ molded article made with, 1,398,143 — ‘ molding powder made with, 1 516, 113 —,molybdenum, ductile, made with, 1,297,000 —, muffles made with, 1 450 140 —, natural, see Corundum —, ‘nickel oxide glass free from, 1,805,794 — nitric acid made with, 1,200,334 —, nitrogen, fixation of, using, 1,198 965 —, nitrogen dioxide made with, 1,172 863 —,nitrogen dioxide, absorption of 1 816,950 — nitrogen oxides, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,207, 706; 1,207,707; 1,207,708 —, nitrogen oxides absorbed by, 1 443 220 —,nitrogen tetroxide, absorption of with, 1,316,950 — , nitrous acid made with, 1,172,863 —,oil, drying, made with, 1,197 599 —,—, ‘vegetable, hydrogenation of, 1,247,516 —, olefin chlorhydrin made with, 1,253,615 —, olefin chloride made with, 1,253,615 —,orthoclase, recovery from of, 1,312,053 —, paint made with, 1,197,599; 1,344,861 —, paint, cold-water, contg., 1,256,042 —,—, flat, made with, 1,173,183 —, paint pigment contg., 1,347,191 1,132,736; 1,305,793; with, using, 405 Aluminum oxide, paper, coated with, process for, 1,268,030 —, pentylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,253,615 —, perborate, stabilization of with, 1,275 765 —,petroleum, hydrogenation of, catalyst for made with, 1,152,765 —, petroleum cracked using, 1,830,844 —, phosphoric acid made with, ‘1 264 510 —, phosphorus made with, 1 264, 510 —, phosphorus compounds, marine animal oils, removal from of using, 1,247,516 —, phosphorus pentoxide made with, 1,264,510 —, phthalic anhydride, catalyst for the mfr of, made with, 1,489, 741 —, pigment made with, 1,161,790; 1,166,808; 1,347,191 —, pigment contg., finely divided, mfr. of, acid, mineral, for, 1,501 865 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,501,865 Sie SL Uric acid for, 1,501,865 —, pipe made with, 1,505,206 —, plaster made with, 1,256,042; 1,317,680 —,plastic made with, 1 183 255: 1 256,042; 1,317,680; 1,329,094; 1 505 206; 1 507 379 —, polish made with, 1,491 456 —, porcelain made with, 1 343 040; 1,507,379 —, potassium aluminate made’ with, 1 191 5105 —, potassium aluminum silicate, recovery from of, 1,312,053 — _ potassium carbonate made with, 1 478,822 —, potassium compound made with, 1,123,841 —, preparation of, 1,390,796 i, Slay for, 1 399, 217 —, preparing of, aluminum nitrate for, 1,413,754 —, producing from labradorite, 1,333 020 —, propylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,253,615 —,pure, production of, 1,290,269 —, putty contg., 1,256, 042 —, pyrometer made with, 1,234,203 —,razor strop abrasive conte., 1 480,052 —, recovery of, 1,415,280 —, reducing to aluminum, hydrocarbon for, 1 300,150 —,— , hydrogen and carbon for, 1,350,150 —, reduction of, electrie for, 1 379, 523 1,123,841 ; — ‘refractory made with, ‘ 197 626: 1,198,038 ; 1 227,909; 1,238,020; 1,240 148: 1,240,569 ; 1 248 ‘486 : 1,362,316: 1,374,538: 1,390,327 ; 1,304,442 ; 1,439,286; 1,442,413; 1,450, 140; 1,483,468; 1,483,469; 1 ‘486 214: 1 520 ‘487° — refractory compound conte., 1,360,355 —, refractory furnace lining of, 1,328 O80 —,refractory glaze produced with, 1,466, 213 —,rendering soluble of, process for, 1,471 ol —, resin oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for made with, 1, 152, 765 — resistance, electric, made orth 1,507,379 a , resistance wire, electric, made with, 1 192, 457 —,retorts made with, 1 450 140 — rock constituent, 1,363 254 —,rock flour contg., finely divided, mfr. of, acid, mineral, for, 1,501,865 —,—,—,—, process ‘for, 1501 865 —,—,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,501,865 —., roofin , silicate, made with, 1,123 841 —, rubber, synthetic, vulcanized with 1,289,566 406 Aluminum oxide, rubber 1,467,197 —, rubber vulcanized with, 1,289,566 —,rust-preventative contg., 1,364,134 —,rustproofing using, 1,493,012 —,sand, copper stamp mill, contg., 1,310,520 —,separation from iron oxide, 1,354,824 —,sericite, recovery from of, 1,312,053 —,shale contg., 1,314,752 —,shale oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for made with, 1,152,765 —, silica, separation of from, 1,490,021 —, silicon made with, 1,512,462 —,silicon, tungsten alloy contg., made with, 1,486,214 —,silicon alloy made with, 1,512,462 —,silicon dioxide made _ with, 1,489,021 —,silicon nitride made with, 1,415,280 —,silicon nitrogen compounds prepared with, 1,415,280 —,silicon tetrachloride made with, 1,489,021 —,silicon tetrafluoride made with, 1,264,510 —,siliconite contg., 1,244,275 —,sillimanite, recovery from of, 1,312,053 —,slag ingredient, 1,413,513 | —,slate constituent, 1,415,346 —,sodium aluminate made with, 1,301,394; 1,478,822 —, sodium 1,471,751 —,sodium carbonate made with, 1,478,822 toughened with, 1,415,280 ; bicarbonate, treatment with of, —,sodium hydroxide, treatment with of, 1,471,751 —,sodium perborate, stabilization of with, 1,275,765 —,sodium silicate made with, 1,478,822 —,soldering flux contg., 1,283,909 —,solvent for, cryolite as, 1,171,856 —,spinel, artificial, made with, 1,394,442 —,—,synthetic, made with, 1,422,295; 1,464,102 —,steel made with, 1,322,496 —,stone, artificial, made 1,256,042 —,sugar made with, 1,201,936 —,sugar, beet, crude, decolorized by, 1,452,739 —, —,—, —, purified by, 1,452,739 —,—,cane, crude, decolorized by, 1,452,739 —,—,—,—, purified by, 1,452,739 —,sulfur made with, 1,240,571; 1,331,645 —, sulfur, chlorine and, action of on, 1,405,115 —,sulfur compound, marine animal oils, re- moval from of, using, 1,247,516 —, sulfur dioxide made with, 1,489,021 —,sulfur free, mfr. of, process for, 1,132,737 —,sulfur purified using, 1,331,645 —,sulfuric acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,420,202; 1,489,497 —,tanning compound made with, 1,269,287 —,tanning process using, 1,346.385 —, terrazzo, non-slip, mfr. of, 1,451,462 —, thorium, tungsten alloy contg., made with, 1,486,214 —, tile contg., 1,256,042 —, tile, anti-slipping, contg.. 1,292,953; 1,451,462 —,titanium(ic) oxide, separation of from, 1,490,021 with, 1,183,255; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum oxide, titanium pigment precipi- tated upon, 1,410,056 —.o-toluidine, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,207,802 —. transposing with heat. compressed air and alkali acid salt, 1,864,804 —., treating of, sodium silicate for, 1,400,495 —, tungsten, ductile, made with, 1,297,000 pt — tungsten alloy, calcium in, made with, 1,486,214 —,—,iron in, made with, 1,486,214 —,—,silicon in, made with, 1,486,214 —,—,thorium in, made with, 1,486,214 —,tungsten filament made with, 1,280,704 ; 1,461,117; 1,461,118; 1,461,140 —, tungsten filaments prevented from offsetting by, 1,363,162 —, vault, burglar proof, made with, 1,422,295; 1,423,652; 1,464,102 —, vulcanization process using, 1,467,197 —,waste, aluminum chloride made with, 1,343,662 —, water, mineral, contg., 1,160,317 —,water gas reaction, catalyst for, made with, 1,489,497 —, waterproofing using, 1,197,107 —, welding compound contg., 1,283,909 —,whale oil, catalyst poisons, removal of from using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, wire coated with, pearls made while mounted on, 1,466,575 —,wool mordanted with, 1,327,862 —,“xylium,” composition of and, 1,175,422; 1,175,423 —, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,131,503 —,zinc compound made with, 1,228,119 —,zine recovery with, 1,409,318 —,zine separation from, 1,444,484 —,zirconium oxide, separation 1,261,948; 1,297,371 —,see also Aloxite, Alumina; Aluminum ore; Alundum; Amethyst, oriental; Bauxite; Co- rundum; Diaspore; Emerald, oriental; Em- ery; Gibbsite; Ruby; Ruby, oriental; Sap- phire; Topaz, oriental Aluminum oxide film, insulation, electric, fire- proof, made with, 1,161,989 Aluminum oxide ore, alum made with, 1,212,334 —, alumina made with, 1,212,334 —,aluminum carbide made with, 1,222,593 —,aluminum compound made with, 1,249,125 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,212,334; 1,249,125 —,manganese dioxide made with, 1,212,334 —, mfr. of, aluminum for, 1,308,429 —, nickel made with, 1,212,334 —,reduction of, apparatus for, 1,512,271 —,—, carbon for, 1,512,271 —,—, coke for, 1,512,271 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,512,271 —,—, pitch for, 1,512,271 —,—, process for, 1,512,271 —,—,rutile for, 1,512,271 —,—, silica for, 1,512,271 —,—, titanium dioxide for, 1,512,271 —,silicon dioxide made with, 1,249,125 from of, INDEX OF Aluminum oxide ore, sulfur dioxide made with, 1,249,125 — wood pulp made with, 1,249,125 Aluminum oxycarbide, formation of, feldspar for, 1,445,645 Aluminum oxychloride, billiard ball made with, 1,175,425 —, bone substitute made with, 1,175,425 —, ‘brush back made with, 1 175 425 —, ’ celluloid substitute made with, 1,175,425 —, cement made with, 1,175,426 —, , insulation, electric, made with, 1,175,424 —, ivory substitute made with, 1 175 (425 —, knife handle made with, 1, 175 ‘425 —, ’ molded article made with, 1 175, 425 —, ’ plastic made with, 1,175 425: 1, 175 A26 —, shoe, rubber, mfr. of, last for, made with, om 4175 428 Aluminum oxyhydrate, droxide Aluminum paint, 1,294,253 —,see also Paint, aluminum Aluminum palmitate, coating composition contg., 1,276,507; Re-14 070; 1,428,272 —, fat, solvent. for, contg., 1 (156, 119 —, gum, solvent for, contg., 1 156 119 —, molded article made with, 1,500,303 —, oil, solvent for, contg., 1,156,119 —, paint made with, 1,156,119; 1,421,625 —, paint remover conte. oT ‘156, 119 —, paint vehicle contg., 1 ‘428 273 —, paper filler contg., 1,424 306 —, paper waterproofed with, 1,370,650 —,phonograph record made with, 1,276,507 ; Re-14,570 -—,resin, solvent for, contg., 1,156,119 —, roofing made with, 1,248,170 —, screen, motion picture, made with, 1,151,502 —, sizing composition contg., 1,299,663 —,solvent for, carbon tetrachloride 1,400,579 —,—, gasolene as, 1,400,579 —, stencil, typewriter, made with, 1,316,067 — , textile, waterproofing of, using, 1 228 987 —, tire, pneumatic ,made with, 1,476, 381 ~~, ‘varnish made with, 1,156, 119 —, varnish remover contg. i 1 156,119 —, waterproofing using, 1 228,987 « 1,400,579 Piakeinum perborate, fireproofing using, 1,216,729 —, oak, red, fireproofing of, using, 1,216,729 —,pine, fireproofing of, using, 1,216,729 —, wood, fireproofing of, using, 1,216,729 Aluminum peroxide, mfr. of, boric acid for, 1,169,703 —,—, electrolytic process for, 1,169,703 —,—, gelatin for, 1,169,703 —,—, lead anode for, 1,169,703 see Aluminum hy- ornaments painted with, as, —,—, oxygen for, 1 169, 703 —, phosphoric acid for, 1,169,703 —,—, platinum anode for, 1, 169, 203 —, process for, 1,169, 703 —,—, silver, amalgamated, 1,169,703 —,—, starch for, 1,169,703 cathode, for, SUBJECTS 407 Aluminum petroleum sulfonates, hydrolzying, 1,438,101 Aluminum phosphate (acid), contg., 1,408,960 — _ airplane fabric made with, 1,427,941 —,aluminum nitride (AlLN3), made with, 1 134,414 —,—, (ALN;), made with, 1,134,414 —,—, (Al;N.), made with, 1,134 414 —, ’ aluminum carbonitride (ALCNs), with, 1,134,414 —,ammonia made with, 1,134,414 — ’ balloon fabric made with, 1,427 941 —, "brass cement contg., 1,359, 137 dental cement made - —, calcium phosphate (CaeP20s), made with, 1 ,493,100 —, carbon monoxide made with, 1,134,414 —, catalyst, dehydrogenation, made _ with, 1,271,013 —_—,— , hydrogenation, made with, 1,172,062 — —,nickel as, made with, 1, 172 062 — catalyst promoter, 1,271. 013 — , decomposing, sodium carbonate for, 1,360,248 —,dental cement contg., 1,408,960 — ‘ explosive contg., 1,464 667 —, explosive, explosion temperature of reduced with, 1,464,667 —, fabric flash- proofed with, 1,434,549 — ’ ferro- phosphorus made with, 1,475 976 ue) ’ fertilizer made with, 1,158, 711; 1 173,308 ; 1 360,248 flotation of minerals with, 1,425,185 —, flotation of ores with, 1,425,186 —, glass made with, 1,287,005 —, glass, semi-translucent, made with, 1,287,005 —,hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,172,062; 1,271,013 —, ink contg., 1,439,356 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,129,253 —, nickel, catalyst, made with, 1,172,062 —— ; precipitation of, 1,421,191 —, sodium phosphate (NasPO,), 1,360,248 —,tent fabric made with, 1,427,941 — ; treating of, 1,396,975; 1 437 456 a underwriters | cloth made with, 1,427,941 —,see also Phosphate rock, alumina contg.; “ Redonda phosphate” ; ( basic), see Evansite —, (AIPO:), aluminum carbonitride (AlzC3Ne), made with, 1,129,514 —,—,ammonia made with, 1,129,514 —,—, carbon monoxide made with, 1,129,514 —,—, phosphorus made with, 1,129,514 —, phosphorus carbides made with, 1,129,514 —,—, phosphorus nitride made with, 1 129, 514 —,—, phosphorus oxides made with, 1, 129, 514 Aluminum plate, litho-offset printing, press plate backing of, 1,453,259 —, plate, lithographic, made with, 1,185,506 —,printing plate made with, 1,245,120; 1,302,919; 1,453,259; 1,519,004 —, printing plate, halftone, made with, 1,507,049 —,—, mfr. of, negative for, made with, 1,484,347 Aluminum potassium alginate, cardboard coated with, 1,162,926 —, fabric coated with, 1,162,926 —, ‘leather coated with, 1,162,926 made with, 408 Aluminum potassium alginate, mfr. of, process for, 1,162,926 —,paper coated with, 1,162,926 —,pasteboard coated with, 1,162,926 —, textile coated with, 1,162,926 Aluminum potassium fluoride, aluminum, steel coated with, made with, 1,488,553 —,mfr. of, acid for, 1,517,686 —,—,aluminum salts for, 1,517,686 —,—, argil for, 1,517,686 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,517,686 —,—, potassium fluoride for, 1,517,686 —,—,Potter’s earth for, 1,517,686 —,—, process for, 1,517,686 —, steel, aluminum coated, made with, 1,488,553 Aluminum potassium nitrate, medicinal proper- ties of, 1,877,081 ; —., preparation of, 1,377,081 “ Aluminum potassium nitrato-salts,” see Alum- inum potassium nitrate Aluminum potassium orthosilicate, see Mica Aluminum potassium silicate, aluminum car- bonitride (Al.C;Nc), made with, 1,134,413 —,aluminum chloride made with, 1,392,043; 1,392,044 —,aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,324,318 —,aluminum oxide from, process for, 1,312,053 —,ammonia made with, 1,184,411 —,calcium carbonate, action of on, 1,357,873 —,calcium oxide, action of on, 1,379,914 —,carbon, action of on, 1,357,873 —,carbon dioxide, action of on, 1,857,873 —,carbon monoxide made with, 1,134,413 —,coke, action of on, 1,379,914 —,decomposing, ammonium bifluoride for, 1,426,890; 1,426,891 —., fertilizer made with, 1,310,080 —,glower made with, 1,135,663 —,iron(ic) chloride, action of on, 1,379,914 —,iron(ous) chloride, action of on, 1,379,914 —,lamp, electric, made with, 1,135,663 —, potassium from, process for, 1,312,053 —, potassium and aluminum from, 1,404,083 —, potassium carbonitride (K2CN2), made with, 1,134,413 —,potassium chloride made with, 1,321,632; 1,392,043; 2,392,044 —, potassium compounds made with, 1,159,464 —, potassium compounds from, sulfur for liber- ating, 1,846,365 —, potassium silicate from, 1,312,053 —, potassium sulfate made with, 1,159,464 —, silicic acid made with, 1,324,318 —, silicon carbide (SiC), made with, 1,134,413 —,silicon dioxide from, process for, 1,312,053 —,sodium carbonitride (Na.CN:2), made with, 1,134,413 —,sodium chloride made with, 1,321,632 —,sodium silicate made with, 1,312,053 —, treating, 1,410,642 —,see also Feldspar, potash; Hylophane; Leu- cite; Microcline; Nephelite; Orthoclase Aluminum potassium sulfate, abrasive, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,adhesive made with, 1,248,039 —,aluminum hydroxide, non-gelatinous, made with, 1,502,285 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum potassium sulfate, aluminum oxide made with, 1,195,655; 1,300,417; 1,300,418; 1,406,890 —,aluminum soap made with, 1,475,804 —,brick, waterproofing of using, 1,390,236 —, building material made with, 1,256,324 —, cellulose ether, composition of and, 1,505,044 —, cement, waterproofing of using, 1,390,236 —,cement contg., gypsum and, 1,338,117 —, concrete, waterproofing of using, 1,390,236 —,corundum, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,egg, preserving of using, 1,475,804 —,emery, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,ethyl cellulose, composition of and, 1,505,044 —, fertilizer contg., 1,289,789 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,505,044 —, film made with, 1,505,044 —,formation from clay, 1,406,890 —,fur skin, tanning of, using, 1,210,968 —,fur tanned using, 1,421,723 —,garnet, etching of using,. 1,482,793 —, gelatin made with, 1,289,053 —,glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,glue made with, 1,289,053 —,glue, vegetable, made with, 1,248,039 —, gypsum, waterproofing of with, 1,256,324 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,190,814 —,iron removed from, 1,300,417; 1,300,418 —, leather, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 —,logwood extract, composition of contg., 1,273,293 —,mifr. of, acid sludge for, 1,296,457 —,—,alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,256,605 —,alkali earth sulfate for, 1,296,457 —,alkali hydroxide for, 1,256,605 —,aluminum silicates for, 1,286,513 —, aluminum sulfate for, 1,286,513 ; 1,300,417; 1,300,418 —,—, alunite for, 1,239,768; 1,256,605 ; 1,270;773; 1,314,280 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,277,773 —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1,254,229 —,apatite for, 1,126,408 —,barium oxide for, 1,126,408 —,—, barium sulfate for, 1,296,457 —,—, bone ash for, 1,126,408 —,—,calcium carbonate for, 1,286,513 —,—, calcium fluoride for, 1,310,413 b) ’ z b 5] 3 ’ ’ bf —,—,calcium hydroxide for, 1,174,795; 1,256,605 —,—,calcium oxide for, 1,126,408; 1,237,197; 1,494,029 —,—,calcium phosphate (Cas(PO.)2), for, 1,126,408 —,—, calcium sulfate for, 1,286,513; 1,296,457; 1,310,413 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,494,029 —,—,clay for, 1,165,154 —,—,feldspar ‘for, 1,126,408; 1,165,154 ; 1,174,795; 1,237,197; 1,277,773; 1,286,513; 1,296,457; 1,310,413; 1,494,029 —,—, feldspar, potash, for, 1,126,408 —,—, feldspathic rock for, 1,237,197 ,—, fluorspar for, 1,310,413 — INDEX OF SUBJECTS Aluminum potassium sulfate, mfr. of, glau- conite for, 1,322,900; 1,323,764 —_—,— | eee for, 1,822,900; 1,323,764 psum for, 1,165,154; 1,286,513 ; wy 296 ABT : 1,310,413 —,—, hyalophane for, 1,126,408 —, —, hydrochloric acid for, 1 126,408; 1 222, ,960 ; 1,27 faeires} —, hydrofluoric acid for, 1,174,795 —,hydrofluosilicic acid for, 1,174,795 —,—,iron(ous) sulfate for, 1,323,764 — " lepidolite for, 1,286 513; 1,296,457 — leucite for, 1,165,154 —,—,lime for, 1,222,960 —,—,limestone for, 1,165,154; 1,222,960; 1,286,513 —,—, microcline for, 1,126,408 —,—,muscovite for, 1,222,960 —,—,orthoclase for, 1,126,408; 1,286,513; 1,296,457; 1,494,029 —,— , phosphate rock for, 1,126,408 —, phosphoric acid for, 1,126, 408 —,—, potassium aluminate for, 1 494,029 —,—, potassium aluminum sulfate for, 1,254,229 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,277, 773 —, potassium-mica for, 1 310, 413 ey potassium silicates for, 1,286,513; 1,494,029 —,—, potassium sulfate for, 1,300,417; 1,300,418 —,—, process for, 1 126, 408 : ‘1 165, 154; 1,174,795; 1,222,960; 1 237, 197; 1 939, 768; 1,256,605 ; 1.277.773: 1,286,513 ; 1,310,413 : 1,323,764; 1,859,011; 1,494,029 —,—,rock for, 1,165, 154 —, —, sericite for, 1 310, 413 —,—, shale for, 1 165, 154 —,—, silicates for, 1,277, 773; 1,494,029 ‘ —,—, silicon tetrafluoride for, i, 174, 795 —,—, ’ slate for, 1,310,413 —,—, sludge sulfonic acid for, 1,286,513 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,222, 960 —,—,strontium oxide for, 1,126 ‘408 —,—,sulfur dioxide for, 1,256, 605 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1, 126, 408; 1,165,154; 1,174,795; 1,222,960; 1 937, 197; 1,239,768 ; 1,277,773 ; 1.286.513: 1310,413; 1,322,900 ; 1 494, 029 —,—, sulfuric acid by-product, 1,314,280 —,—, , titanium dioxide for, 1, 126. 408 —,—, zirconium oxide for, 1; 126, 408 —, masonry, waterproofing of using, 1,390,236 —,methyl cellulose, composition of and, 1 905,044 —, paper, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 —, paper filler made with, 1,261, 135 —, photography, colored, process for, 1,196,080; 1,516,824 —, plastic made with, 1,190,815; 1,505,044 — potassium aluminum sulfate made with, 1,254,229 —, potassium sulfate made with, 1,195,655; 1,300,417; 1,300,418 —, quartz, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,sand, etching of using, 1 (482 793 —, satin white made with, 1,261,135 —, silica, etching of using, 1,482,793 —, silicon carbide, etching of using, 1,482,793 using, 409 Aluminum potassium sulfate, silk, artificial, made with, 1,505,044 —, silk stockings treated with, 1,500,026 —,size made with, 1,289,053 —, sizing made with, ‘1 505 044. —, stone, artificial, made with, 1,256,324 —, stucco, waterproofing of using, 1,390,236 —, sulfur made with, 1,195,655 —,sulfur dioxide made _ with, 1,300,417; 1,300,418 —,sulfur oxide from, 1,406,890 —,sulfur trioxide made with, 1,300,417; 1,300,418 —, sulfuric acid made with, 1,300,417; 1,300,418; 1,415,308 —, tanning with, 1,191,527; 1,427,221 —, tanning compound contg., 1,210,968; 1,376,805 —,tanning process using, 1,415,671; 1,421,723; 1,427,221 —, textile, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 —,water, purification of using, 1,158,225 —, waterproofing contg., 1,256,324 —,waterproofing composition contg., 1,390,236 —, waterproofing process using, 1,390,236 —,see also Alum, potassium; Alunite; Kalinite ( basic), see Alunite Aluminum powder, airplane dope made with, 1,521,055; 1,521,056 —, aluminum, copper coated with, made with, 1,155,974 —,—,iron coated with, made with, 1,155 974 —, ’ aluminum ware, decorating of using, 1 243,362 _, automobile radiators repaired with, 1,340,655 —, ball, billiard, made with, 1,160,362; 1 160, 305 — ’ blasting cartridge made with, 1 157 270 —,building material made with, 1,357, 375 —, button made with, 1,160,362: 1 160 365 —, ’ cardboard made with, 1,160 362: i ,160,365 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1 160 362 ; 1 160,365 —, cement contg., 1,269,116 —,copper, aluminum poet t made 1 155,974 —, enamelware, decorating of yan 1,243,362 —, explosive made with, 1,276,537; 1,334, 303 —, fabric, coated, made ‘with, 1,210,375 —,fabric covering, 1,124,087 —, film, photographic, motion picture, printing titles on, with, 1,300,178 —, furniture made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,gas mantle made with, 1,123,869 —,gold leaf, imitation, made with, 1,160,979 —,iron, aluminum coated, made with, 1,155,974 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,493,062 —, iron, aluminum coated, made with, 1,155,974 —, knife handle made with, 1,160,362 ; 1,160, 365 —, ‘leather, artificial, made with, 1,493 062 —} luting composition contg., 1 140 760 —,mfr. of, apparatus for, 1 245 328; 1,510,071 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1 513 280 —,—, carbon monoxide for, 1 513, 280 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1 513 280 —, —, nitrogen for, 1 513 280 —,—, process for, 1 245, 328; 1,513,280 —, metal leaf made with, 1,160 979 —, molded article made with, 1 160, 362; 1,160,365 with, 410 Aluminum powder, motion picture screen made with, 1,149,940 —,paper made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —, pipe stem made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,plastic made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —, pottery, decorating of using, 1,243,362 —, printer blanket made with, 1,210,375 —, printing plate made with, 1,177,635 —, protecting coatings of, beeswax in compo- sition of, 1,181,889 —,—, benzene in composition for, 1,181,889 —,—,benzine in composition for, 1,181,889 —,—,carnauba wax in composition 1,181,889 —,—,olive oil in composition for, 1,181,889 —,—,resin in composition for, 1,181,889 —,—, turpentine in composition for, 1,181,889 —,—, wax in composition for, 1,181,889 —,pulp-board made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —, rubber, coating of with, process for, 1,259,508 for, —,rubber article made with, 1,484,919; 1,493,062 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,screen, motion-picture, made with, 1,266,778 —,shellac substitute made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —, sparkler made with, 1,174,321 —,toy balloon made with, 1,484,919 —,transfer metallic product made _ with, 1,444,345 —, trunks made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,umbrella handle made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,wall covering made with, 1,209,342 Aluminum pyrophosphate, chalcopyrite, flota- tion of using, 1,488,745 —, flotation of minerals with, 1,425,185 —, flotation of ores with, 1,425,186 —, flotation process, using, 1,488,745 —, formation of, 1,427,221 —, tanning process using, 1,427,221 Aluminum-pyrophosphoric acid, mfr. of, proc- ess for, 1,823,878 Aluminum residue, with, 1,415,036 Aluminum resinate, cellulose nitrate, coating of for, 1,251,862 —, cement, dental, contg., 1,825,552 —,coating composition contg., 1,428,272 —,counter board contg., 1,345,317 —,dammar, coating of for, 1,251,862 —, formation of, 1,845,317; 1,345,476 —, fused, paper pulp article waterproofed with, 1,456,370 —,melting point of, 1,456,370 —, paint contg., 1,410,790 —, paper sized with, 1,444,956 —,paper, sizing of, using, 1,512,212; 1,512,213 —,—, waterproofed, with, 1,345,476 —,—, wrapping, made with, 1,317,618 —, paper filler contg., 1,424,306 —, paper product made with, 1,317,618 —,paper pulp article waterproofed with, 1,456,370 —, pontianak, coating of for, 1,251,862 —, printing ink contg., 1,410,572 aluminum nitride made UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum resinate, 1,251,862 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,251,862 —, silk, artificial, contg., 1,398,525 —,—,—, cellulose nitrate, made with, 1,398,525 —,—,—, viscose, made with, 1,398,525 —, viscose solution, coating of for, 1,251,862 —, waterproofing reagent contg., 1,432,833 Aluminum salicylate (basic), mfr. of, 1,447,501 —, (neutral), mfr. of, 1,447,501 Aluminum salt, adhesive made with, 1,284,495 —,adhesive, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,alkali aluminum fluoride made _ with, 1,517,686 —,aluminum, coating of, treatment of surface before using, 1,144,000 | —,aluminum alloy, ‘coating of, treatment of surface before using, 1,144,000 —, aluminum linoleate made with, 1,131,578 —,aluminum oleate made with, 1,519,803 —,aluminum potassium fluoride made with, 1,517,686 —,aluminum soap made with, 1,475,804 —,aluminum sodium fluoride made _ with, 1,517,686 —,ammonium molybdate made with, 1,250,063 —, ball, billiard, made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —, battery, dry, electrolyte for contg., 1,140,826 —,benzine made with, 1,274,913 —, binder for aluminum oxide, hydrated, using, 1,312,853 — —,binder for bauxite, 1,312,853 —, binder for clay, 1,312,853 —, binder for fire brick, 1,312,853 —,binder for flint clay, 1,312,853 —, building material, waterproofing of, using, 1,177,156 —, button made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,calcimine made with, 1,244,033 —, cardboard made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —, catalyst, acetaldehyde made with, 1,355,299 —,—, ester gum made with, 1,242,161 —,—, hydrogenation, made _ with, 1,238,774 —,—, nickel as, made with, 1,172,062 —,—, paint made with, 1,242,161 —,—, varnish made with, 1,242,161 —,catalyst promoter, ammonia made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,celluloid substitute made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,cement made with, 1,220,735 —,cement, Portland, made with, 1,220,735 —,clay weather-proofed with, 1,421,888 —,coating composition made with, 1,189,551 —, colloidal solution made using, 1,189,696 —,color lake made with, 1,157,525 —,complex, Japanese lacquer 1,429,542 —, concrete, coating composition for, made with, 1,189,551 —, condenser, electrolytic, made with, 1,412,513 —,cotton bales treated with, 1,455,749 —,cyanamide granulated using, 1,495,551 —, detergent made with, 1,395,902 —,egg, preserving of using, 1,475,804 —,enamel, opaque, made with, 1,129,300 rosin, coating of for, 1,172,062 ; dried with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Aluminum salt, enamel, white, made with, 1,129,300 —, fabric, stiffener for, made with, 1,517,520 —,fabric dyed with, 1,306,213 —,fat, saponification of, compound for, made with, 1,170,468 —,felt, stiffener for, made with, 1,517,520 —,fire extinguisher made with, 1,248,092 —,fire extinguishing composition contg., 1,411,301 — , fireproofing using, 1,216,729; 1,248,092 — ’ formaldehyde-sulfurous acid, aluminum salt of, made with, 1,149,712 —, formation from. leucite, 1,443,674 —., furniture made with, 1,160 362; 1,160,365 —. gasolene made with, 1.274 12: 1,274, 913 —, gelatin, colloidal, made with, 1,392, 849 —,—, insoluble, made using, 1,392 849 —, glue, vegetable, made with, 1,357,310 —, glycerol made with, 1,170, 468 —, glyoxylic acid made with, 1,227,706 —, hemp, imitation, weighted with, 1,351,385 —, hides tanned with, 1,367,054 — ’ hydrocarbon made with, 1,274,913 — hydrocyanic acid made with, 1,497,690 —, hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1 172,062; 1,238,774 —, ink, lithographic, made with, 1,131,578 a) printing, made with, 1,157, 525 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,131,578 — ’ iron (ous) vanadate made with, 1 129, 253 — ’ iron (ous) vanadate, phosphorus removed from using, 1,129,253 —, iron vanadium oxide made with, 1,129,253 —,kelp ash contg., 1,290,002 —,knife handle made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —, ‘lake made with, 1,445, 331 —, "lead grid, storage battery, coated with, 1,304, 852 — _leather-board, waterproof, made with, 1 142,953 —, leather substitute made with, 1,287,387 — ‘lightning arrester, electrolytic, made with, 1 412,513 —, lime, hydraulic, made with, 1,220,735 —, lubricant made with, 1,395, 902 —, ‘mfr. of, alkali hydroxide for, 1 196,734 —,—, aluminum minerals for, 1 170, 418 —,—, ‘aluminum silicates for, 1,196,734 =, ’ alunite for, 1,240,570 —, ’ calcium hydroxide for, 1,196,734 , calcium oxide for, 1 196, 734: 1 240,570 —,clay for, 1,170,418 —,earth for, 1,170, 418 — ’ feldspar for, 1,196, 734 —, gypsum for, 1 170, 418 — hydrochloric acid for, 1,222,960 —, kaolin for, 1,170,418 —, *Jeucite for, 1: 196, 734 —, lime for, 1,222, 960 —, ’ limestone for, 1,170,418; 1,222,960 —, ’ microcline for, 1 196, 734 —, muscovite for, 1,196, 734: 1,222,960 —, ‘ orthoclase for, 1 196, 734 —, ’ potassium silicates for, 1,196,734 —, process tor 1 170, 418; 1,196,734; 1,222,960; 1,240,570; 1,391,172 ~~ Se | a — — J hae ew fe J 3 J 3 — yi 411 Aluminum salt, mfr. of, rock for, 1,170,418 —,—,shale for, 1,170,418 —,—, ’ sodium chloride for, 1,222,960 = —- sulfuric ‘acid’ for, 1,170,418; 1,196,734; 1,222,960 —,molded article made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —, molybdenum compound made with, 1,250,063 —, nickel, catalyst, made with, 1,172,062 —,nitrates made with, 1,485,706 —,nitrogen oxides made with, 1,485,706 —,oak, red, fireproofing of using, 1,216, 729 —, oil, ’ saponification of, compound for, made with, 1,170,468 feed, H,—, water, boiler using, 1,243,191 —,paint made with, 1,131,578; 1,157,525 —,paint, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 removal from of, —,paper made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365; 1,166,848 —,paper, fireproof sizing for, made with, 1,248,092 —,—,sizing of, made with, 1,211,288; 1,229,924 —, —, stiffener for, made with, 1,517, 520 — ’ petroleum cracked with, 1.274, 912 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1 4187 229 —, phonograph record made with, 1,202,638 —, phosphoric acid, treatment of with, 1,269, 080 —, phosphoric acid impurity, 1 493, 099; 1,493,100 —, phosphorus removed from vanadium solu- tions by, 1,421,191 —, photographic paper prepared from, 1,444,469 —, pigment made with, 1,157,525 —, pine, fireproofing of, using, 1,216,729 —,pipe stem made with, 1,160, 362; 1,160,365 —, plaster, waterproofing ‘of, using, Live 156 —,plastic made with, 1,160, ‘362; 1 160, 365 —, potassium bichromate, recovery of using, 1 ,201 392 —, pulp sized with, 1,229,924 —, pulp-board made with, 1,160,362; 1,160, 365 —,rectifier, electrolytic, made with, 1 ‘412 513 —, removal from vanadium compounds, 1 430,864 —, resistance, electric, made with, 1,499,693 —; rubber substitute made with, 1, 160, 362; 1 ,160,365 —,soap, aluminum, made with, 1,131,578 —; shellac substitute made with, 71 ,160,362 ; oy ,160,365 —, shoe stiffener made with, 1,517,520 — , silver, gelatin emulsions of, recovery from of, using, 1,234,391 —,—, photographic emulsions of, from of, using, 1,234,391 —, silver bromide, gelatin emulsions of, ‘recovery from of, using, 1,234,391 —, photographic emulsions of, recovery from of, using, 1,234,391 —, silver chloride, gelatin emulsions of, recovery from of, using, 1,234,391 —,—, photographic emulsion of, recovery from of, using, 1,234,391 —,size made with, 1,229,924 —, sizing solution contg. ., 1,464,310 recovery 412 Aluminum salt, sludge sulfonic acid, treatment of with, 1,211,721 —,sodium bichromate, 1 201 392 —, sodium molybdate made with, 1,250,063 —, ’ starch, fireproof, made with, 1 248 092 —,stone, waterproofing of, using, LZ: 156 — sulfonated mineral oil, mfr, of, 1,301, 662; tl 301,663 —, tanning with, 1,404,957; 1,415,671; 1,421,723 —, tanning compound made with, 1,269, 287 — ; tanning process using, 1,364,316; 1,427,221 —, titanium pigment made with, 1,396 924 — ’ toluene made with, 1,274,913 _, trunk made with, 1 160, 362: 1,160,365 —, ‘umbrella handle made with, 1,160,362 ; 1,160,365 —, vanadium oxide made with, 1,129,253 —, ‘varnish made with, 1,181, 578 —, ’ varnish, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, ’ water, boiler feed, oil, removal of from, using, 1 243, 191 —, water contg., treatment of, process for, 1 ,251,564 —, water purified using, 1,513,566 —, ’ wood, fireproofing of, using, 1,216,729 —,—, preserving of using, 1,248,022 —, wood pulp made with, 1,166,848 —,zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,263,707; 1,499,492; 1,515,007 —,zine removal from of, 1,154,602 Aluminum salt solutions, iron precipitation from, 1,444,160 Aluminum scrap, ammonia made with, 1,502,129 —,ammonium sulfate made with, 1,502,129 —,melting of, aluminum nitride formed using, 1,502,129 —,— calcium chloride for, 1,502,129 —,—, ‘ eryolite for, 1,502, 129 recovery of using, 1,193,794; —,—, process for, 1,502,129 —,—, salt for, 1,502,129 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,502,129 —, ’ refining of, 1,403,349 Aluminum screenings, 1,156,606 —, ammonium salts made with, 1,156,606 —,—,copper made with, 1,156,606 —, copper salts made with, 1,156,606 —,copper sulfate made with, 1,156 ,606 —, sodium aluminate made with, 1 156,606 —,zine salts made with, 1,156, 606 —, "zine sulfate made with, 1,156,606 —, see also Aluminum skimmings Aluminum selenate, asphalt tempered with, 1,828,310; 1,372,467 —,road paving made with, 1,328,310 Aluminum shavings, gold produced using, 1,479,542 —,mercury produced using, 1,479,542 —,silver produced using, 1,479.5 542 Aluminum sheet metal shapes, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,854 Aluminum silicates, 1,239,984 —, abrasive, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,acetylene made with, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —, adhesive made with, 1,498,856 ammonia made with, abrasive made with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum silicates, alkali aluminate made with, 1,271,192 —, alkali compounds, removal of from, process for, 1,251,057 —_—,—,—, tannic acid for, 1,251,057 —,—,— ’ tannin for, 1,251 057 —, alkali oxalate made with, 1,281,118 —,alum made with, 1,251,057; 1,254,229 —, alumina made with, 1 148, 092 —,aluminum made with, 1, 160 431; 1,196,734; 1 ,238,604; 1,251,058; 1 506, 104; 1 519, 648 —, aluminum, sheet, coating for, made with, carbide 1,221,561 re: aluminum (Al.Cs), t 129,505; 1,129,721 —, (ALC;), made with, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —, aluminum carbonitride ‘(ALC:N ay made with, 1,129,224; 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —, aluminum chloride made with, 1,238,604; 1 360,312; 1,392,043; 1,392,044; 1 ‘478, 829 : 1 ‘489, 021; 1 ‘506, 104; 1, ‘507, "709: 1 508, ‘451 —, aluminum chloride "from carbonyl ‘chloride and, 1,360,312 —, aluminum compound made with, 1,249,125 —, aluminum fluoride made with, 1, 160, 431; 1 237,488; 1,403,183; 1,480,928 —, aluminum ‘hydroxide made with, 1,277 503 ; 1, 324,318 —,aluminum nitride (AlLN2), 1 129,505; 1,129,721 made_ with, made with, —, aluminum oxide made with, 1,129,224; 1, 129,505; 1,129,721; 1,132,737; 1,239,984; 1/245 ,383 : 1 249, 12537), 1. O51 ‘057: 1,251,058 ; 1:277,503* 1.290.269: 1,333,020; 1,478,822; 1 506, 104 —, aluminum oxide from, process for, 1,312,053 —, aluminum salts made with, 1,196, 734 —, ‘aluminum silicon nitride prepared from, 1 379,668 —, aluminum sodium chloride made with, 1 906,104 —, aluminum sulfate made with, 1,lsaiars 1, 160,431; 1,251,057; 1,251,058; 1 286 513; 1,300,417: 1,300,418 : 1.480.928 —,aluminum sulfate, action of on, 1,812,853 —, aluminum sulfite made with, 1,148,092 —,ammonia made with, 1,129,224; 1,129.505; 1 ,129,721 —, ammonium hydroxide made with, 1,465,310; 1 480,291 — _arc-welding 1 467,825 —, artificial, mfr. of, 1,362,274 —, battery, storage, separator for, made with, 1 ,200,345 —, benzine, refining of using, 1,515,733 — ’ benzoyl-ecgonine made with, 1,218, 536 —, binder made with, 1,498,856 —, ’ biotite constituent, 1,430. 085 — ’ bole- armen constituent, 1,422,114 —, ’ brick, magnesia, contg., 1,307, 197 —, ’ brick, slag, made with, 1, 123 841 — ’ building material made with, 1,505,206 —, " caffein, coffee free from, made with, 1,250,331 —, caleimine made with, 1 308,136 —, ‘calcium compounds, removal of from, proc- ess for, 1,251,057; 1,251,058 composition made _ with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Aluminum silicates, calcium compounds, re- moval of from, sulfuric acid for, 1,251,058 —,—,—, tannic acid for, 1,251,057 —,—, —, tannin for, 1,251,057 —, calcium silicate made with, 1,277,503 —, calcium sulfate made with, 1,480, 928 —., calcium sulfide made with, 4 O77, 503 —,car body, coating for, made with, 1,221,561; 1,221,562 —, carbon, decolorizing, made with, 1,510,284 —, carbon dioxide made with, 1,360,312 —,carbon monoxide made with, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —, carbon tetrachloride made with, 1,506,104 _—, ’ carborundum bonded with, 1,376 091 —,catalyst, hydrocarbon "cracked 1,229,098 —,—, hydrogenation, made with, 1,238,774 —, cement contg., 1,456,667 —,—, defects of, 1,296,467 —, cement, hydraulic, made with, 1,123,841 —, ceramic article contg., 1,440 766 —, chlorine made with, 1 A78 822 —, cocaine made with, 1,218 536 —, cocaine, compound of and, 1,250,331 —, cocoa extract made with, 1 218 036; 1,235,450 —, coffee, caffein-free, made with, 1,250 331 using, —, colloidal, liquid, purification of using, 1,170,868 —,—, oil, mineral, purification of using, 1,170,868 —,—,—,vegetable, purification of using, 1 ,170,868 —,—,sugar solutions, purification of using, 1,170,868 —,—, water, purification of using, 1,170,868 —, concrete contg., 1,396,546 —, concrete, filler for, made with, 1,123,841 —,—, waterproofing of, using, 1,221 445 —, conduit, electric, made with, 1,505 ,206 —, container made ‘with, 1,146,787 —,copper sheet, coating for, 1,221,561 —, core made with, 1,498,856 —, corundum, etching of using, 1,482,793 —, dental cement contg., 1,408,960 —,depilatory contg., 1,379,855 —, detergent made with, 1,395,902 —, a-dichlor-ethane made ‘with, 1,506,104 —,ecgonine made with, 1,218 536 —,emery, etching of using, 1 482 5193 —,emetin, compound of and, 1,250,331 —,electrode, welding, made with, 1,241,899 —,enamel made with, 1,221,561; 1,221 562 —, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314 831 — ferro-silicon made with, 1,239 984 — ' fertilizer made with, i 129, 294: 1,135,387 ; 1 ,232,553 —, flux, use of as, 1,327,737 —, formation of, 1,332,114 —, fruit juices treated with, 1,458,427 —,fuel briquet made with, 1,498,856 —., garnet, etching of using, 1,482, 793 —,gasolene, refining of using, 1,515, 733 —, glass, milk, made with, 1,314 831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1314, 331 — glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 made with 413 Aluminum silicates, glower made with, 1,135,663 ——,gold compounds, removal of from, process for, 1,263,057. —,—, —, tannic acid for, 1,251,057 ee tennin for, 1 251 057 ~~ ’ hydrated, catalyst i in acetylene product mfr., 1 421,743 —,—, ipecac alkaloids combined with, 1,334,463 —,—, water, softening material contg., 1,388,133 —, hydrocarbon made with, 1,506,104 —, hydrocarbon, refining of using, 1,515,733 —, hydrochloric acid made with, 1,489,021 —,hydrogen dioxide, stabilization of with, 1,275,765 —,hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,238,774 —, hydrous, mfr. of, calcium carbonate for, 1,256,295 —,—,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,256,295 —,—,—-,feldspar for, 1,256,295 —,—,—, lime, cull, for, 1,256,295 —, —,—, process for, 1.256, 295 —, insulating composition conte. , 1,456,667 —, insulation, heat, made with, 1,456,667 —,insulator made with, 1,225,147 —, iron, sheet, coating for, made with, 1,221,561 —, iron compounds made with, 1,148,092 —,lron compounds, removal of from, process for, 1,251,057; 1,251,058 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,251,058 —,—,—, tannic acid for, 1,251,057 —,—,—, tannin for, 1,251,057 —,iron ore, briqueting of, using, 1,233,384 —, isolation from labradorite, 1,333,020 —, kerosene, refining of using, 1,515,733 —,lamp, electric, made with, 1,135,663 —, leather, artificial, dyeing of using, 1,186,052 —,leather resurfacing composition contg., 1,402,976 —,leather treated with compound contg., 1,265,648 —, liquid, purification of, using, 1,212,648 —,—, treatment of using, 1,244,012 —,lubricant made with, 1,395,902 —,magnesia article, bonded, made 1,394,442 —,magnesium aluminate made with, 1,394,442 —,magnesium compounds, removal of from, process for, 1,251,057; 1,251,058 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,251,058 —,—,—, tannic acid for, 1,251,057 —,—, —, ’ tannin for, 1,251, 057 “ Meresco ” conte. 1,217 pol —, We ineral matter made with, 1,169,506 —, mineral wool made with, 1, 123, 841 —, ‘mold contg., cobalt and, 1,454, 065; 1,454,067 —, —, nickel and, 1,454,065 ; 1,454, 067. —, ‘mold making material conte., 1,401,215 —, ’ mold mixture contg., 1,457,375 — , naphtha, refining of using, 1,515,733 —,nicotine, compound of and, 1,250 ol —,— , tobacco free from, made ‘with, i 250,331 —, nitrogen fixation with, 1,465,310 —, ’ nitrogen fixed by, 1 379, 668 —, ’ nitrogen oxides made with, 1,486,990 —,ore contg., 1,377,822 —,paint ddntg., 1,315,748 - with, 414 Aluminum silicates, paper, coated, made with, 1,230,096; 1,480,928 —,—, sizing for, made with, 1,480,928 —, paper de-inked with, 1,421,195 —, paper mill waste water, compound for, puri- fication of, made with, 1,133,446 —,paper stock, ink removed from using, 1,188,085 —,petroleum products, refining of using, 1,515,733 —,pipe made with, 1,505,206 —,plastic made with, 1,146,787; 1,505,206 —, potassium made with, 1,196,734 —, potassium aluminate made with, 1,271,192 —,potassium aluminum sulfate made with, carbide 1,286,513 (K.C), 1,129,721 —, potassium 1,129,505 ; —,—,(K.C;), made with, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —, potassium carbonate made with, 1,123,841; made _ with, 1,129,224; 1,129,505; 1,129,721; 1,478,822 —., potassium carbonitride (K:CNz:), made with, 1,129,224; 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,197,556 —, potassium compound made with, 1,123,841; 1,148,092; 1,239,984 —, potassium compounds, removal of from, process for, 1,251,058 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,251,058 —, potassium fluosilicate made with, 1,237,488 —,potassium nitride (K,;N), made with, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —, potassium salts made with, 1,196,734 —, potassium sulfate made with, 1,286,513 —, potassium sulfate extracted from, 1,300,417; 1,300,418 —, precipitating of, oil emulsion for, 1,425,187 —, putty or paint contg., 1,392,074 —, quartz, etching of using, 1,482,793 —, quinine, compound of and, 1,250,331 —,refractory made with, 1,362,274; 1,376,091 ; 1,394,442; 1,412,916; 1,520,487 —,refractory of zirconium oxide and, 1,362,274 —,road paving made with, 1,236,875; 1,498,856 —,roofing, silicate, made with, 1,123,841 —,sand etching of using, 1,482,793 —,silica made with, 1,148,092 —,silica, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,silicic acid made with, 1,324,318; 1,480,928 —, silicon made with, 1,238,604 i —,—, made with, 1,129,721 —,silicon carbides, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,silicon dioxide made with, 1,129,505; 1,129,721; 1,249,125; 1,251,057; 1,254,229; 1,360,312; 1,489,021 —,silicon sulfide made with, 1,245,383 —,silicon tetrachloride made with, 1,238,604 ; 1,489,021 —,silver compounds, removal of from, process for, 1,251,057 4 —,—,—, tannic acid for, 1,251,057 —,—,—, tannin for, 1,251,057 —,slaughter house waste water, compound for purification of, made with, 1,133,446 —,sodium aluminate made with, 1,271,192; 1,478,822 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum silicates, sodium aluminum sulfate made with, 1,254,229 —,sodium carbonate made with, 1,277,503; 1,478,822 —,sodium compounds made with, 1,482,092 —,sodium compounds, removal of from, proc- ess for, 1,251,058 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,251,058 —,sodium oxalate made with, 1,281,118 —,sodium perborate, stabilization of with, silicate 1,275,765 1,312,053 ; 1,478,822; 1,507,709 —, sodium —,sodium sulfate made with, 1,254,229 —,spinel, artificial, made with, 1,394,442 — , stabilization of perborate using, 1,275,765 —, steel, sheet, coating for, made with, 1,221,561 —, stone, artificial, contg., 1,456,667 —, strychnine, compound of and, 1,250,331 —,sugar solution, iron removed from using, 1,150,194 —,—, purification of using, 1,150,194; 1,212,648 —,—, treatment of using, 1,244,012 —,sulfur dioxide made with, 1,249,125; 1,489,021 —,sulfuric acid made with, 1,239,984 —,‘‘ sweet water,” iron removed from using, 1,150,194 : —,—, purification of using, 1,150,194 —, tannery waste water, compound for purifica- tion of made with, 1,133,446 —, titanium compounds, removal of from, proc- ess for, 1,251,057; 1,251,058 —,—,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,251,058 —,—,—, tannic acid for, 1,251,057 —,—,—, tannin for, 1,251,057 —, tobacco, nicotine-free, made with, 1,250,331 —, treating, ammonium bifluoride for, 1,426,890; 1,426,891 —,vehicle body, coating for, 1,221,561; 1,221,562 —, wall coating made with, 1,217,331 —, washing medium contg., 1,395,902 —, water, compound for purification of made with, 1,183,446 —,—, waste, compound for purification of made with, 1,183,446 —, waterproofing using, 1,221,445 —,water softening compound made with, 1,482,601 —, welding electrode covering contg., 1,441,685 —, wood pulp made with, 1,249,125 —,wool washing waste water, compound for purification of, made with, 1,133,446 —,zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,131,503; 1,207,826 —,see also Albite; Analcite; Anorthoclase ; Bentonite; Clay; Clay, ball; Clay, china; Cornish Stone; Feldspar; Floridine; Fuller’s earth; Halloysite; Hauynite; Hornblende; Hyalophone; Kaliophilite ; Kaolin; Kaolinite Leuceite; Leverrierite; Microcoline; Mont- morillonte; Muscovite; Natrolite; Naphelin syenite; Nephelite; Noselite; Orthoclase ; Otaylite; Permutite; Pholerite; Pyrophllite ; Sillimanite; Sodalite; Spodumene; Topaz; Zeolite, artificial —., (basic), concrete contg., 1,396,546 made _ with, made _ with, INDEX OF Aluminum silicate ore, 1,212,334 —, alumina made with, 1,212,334 —, aluminum compound made with, 1,249,125 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,212 334; 1 249,125 —, manganese dioxide made with, 1,212,334 —,nickel made with, 1,212,334 — silicon dioxide made with, 1,249,125 —, sulfur dioxide made with, i: 249 125 —,wood pulp made with, 1.249, 125 Aluminum silicide, explosive conte.., 1,310,466 —,formation of, 1,379,668 —, — mfr. of, aluminum oxide for, 1,512,271 —, bauxite for, 1,512 271 —,—, carbon for, 1,512,271 —, process for, iA 012,271 —,—, silica for, 1,512 271 —, (AL.Sis), formation of, aluminum silicide (ALSis), for, 1,123,585; 1 154,800 _—, (AL,Sis), aluminum from, 1 123 085; 1,154,800 —,—, aluminum silicide (AlSis), from v 123, 585; 1,154,800 Se, aluminum silicon nitride (ALN.SisN;), made with, 1,123,585; 1,154,800 —,—, prodn. of, aluminum oxide for, 1,123,585; 1 154,800 —,—,—, process for, 1,123,585; 1,154,800 —,—, —, silicon carbide (SiC), for, 1,123,585 1, 154 800 Aluminum stlico-fluoride, see Aluminum fluo- silicate Aluminum 1,410,868 —, purifying of, fluoride for, 1,387,900 Aluminum silicon carbide, formation of, feld- spar for, 1,445,645 A ieenirur, silicon nitride, ammonia made with, 1,379,668 — , preparation of, 1,879,668 —, (ALN:.SisN,), formation of, process for, + 123,585; 1, 154 800 “s (ALN.SisN,), mfr. of, aluminum oxide for, 1 123,585; 1, 154, 800 alum made with, silicon alloy, explosive contg., BN ant ae, aluminum _ silicide (ALSis), for, 1,123,585; 1,154,800 —,—,—,carbon for, 1,123,585; 1,154,800 = —;—, feldspar for, 1 4123 ‘BSB: {i 154,800 —,—,—, nitrogen for, re 123 585 : 1. 154, 800 —,—,—, ’ phosphate rock ‘for, 1 123 B85: 1,154,800 —,—,—, process for, 1,123, 585; 1,154 800 —,—,—, producer gas ‘for, 1 123 585; 1,154,800 —, silicon carbide (SiC), for, i 123 585 ; ey (154,8 800 —,—,—, silicon dioxide for, 1,123,585; 1,154,800 es silicon oxycarbide, formation of, feldspar for, 1,445,645 Aluminum skimmings, aluminum compound made with, 1,229,611 —, aluminum oxide made with, 1,228,119; 1,262,062 —, aluminum sulfate made with, 1,176,292; 1 229,611; 1,262,063 —, ammonia made with, 1,156,606; 1,229,611 —,ammonia salts made with, 1,156,606 —, composition of, 1,262,062; 1,262,063 —, copper made with, 1,156,606 SUBJECTS 415 Aluminum skimmings, copper compound made with, 1,228,119; 1,229,611 —, copper salts made with, 1,156,606 —, copper sulfate made with, 1 156 ,606 —,lead compound made with, 1,228, 119 —, sodium aluminate made with, 1,156 ,606 —, zinc compound made with, 1,228, 119 —,zine salts made with, 1 ‘156, 606 —, zine sulfate made with, 1 1156, 606 Aluminum slags, ammonia ’made with, 1 156, 606 —,ammonium salts made with, 1,156 606 —, copper made with, 1,156,606 —, copper salts made with, 1,156,606 —, copper sulfate made with, 1,156 ,606 —,sodium aluminate made with, 1 ‘156, 606 —, zine salts made with, 1,156 606 —,zine sulfate made with, 1,156, 606 —,see also Aluminum skimmings Aluminum sludge, fat, hydrolysis of, using, 1,495,891 Aluminum sludge sulfonate, glycerol made with, 1,495,891 —, mfr. of, aluminum sulfate for, 1 438,101 —,—,ammonium sludge sulfonate for, 1,271,387 —,—, lithium sludge sulfonate for, 1 271 387 —,—, potassium sludge sulfonate for, 1,271 387 —, process for, 1,271,387; 1,301,662; 1,301,663; a 303 a! Sita | 330 624; 1 438, 101 —,— sodium sludge sulfonate for, 1,271,387 —,—, sludge sulfonic acid for, 1,438,101 —, sludge sulfonic acid purified using, 1,495,891 —,solvent for acetone as, 1,495,891 —,—, ethyl alcohol as, 1,495,891 —,—,methyl alcohol as, 1,495,891 Aluminum soap, coating composition contg., 1,428,272 —, colloidal, solution of, preparing, 1,428,258 —., egg, preserving of using, 1,475,804 —,emulsion stabilized with, 1,429,430 —,fuel briquet made with, 1,138,016 —, mfr. of, aluminum salt for, 1,475,804 —,—, potassium aluminum sulfate for, 1,475,804 —,—,soap for, 1,475,804 —, paint vehicle contg., 1,428,273 —, paper filler contg., 1,424,306 —,paper waterproofed with, 1,370,650 —, printing ink contg., 1,410,572 —, solvent for, chloroform as, 1,475,804 —,—,ether as, 1,475,804 —,—,gasolene as, 1,475,804 —, stencil, typewriter, made with, 1,316,067 —, waterproofing contg., 1,400,579; 1,428,258 —, waterproofing composition conte .. 1,460,251 —, see also Soap, aluminum Aluminum sodium alginate, cardboard coated with, 1,162,926 —_— .fabric coated with, 1,162,926 —, ‘leather coated with, 1 162 926 —, ’ mfr. of, process for, 1 162 926 —, paper coated with, 1,162,926 —,pasteboard coated with, 1,162,926 1,271,387 ; ~—, textile coated with, 1,162,926 Aluminum sodium carbonate, fabric, fireproof- ing of, using, 1,225, 414 — fireproofing using, 1,225,414 er 416 Aluminum sodium chloride catalyst in oil cracking, 1,424,574 —, flux for aluminum coating, 1,378,052 —, mfr. of, aluminum silicate for, 1,506,104 —,—, apparatus for, 1,506,104 —,—, bituminous shale for, 1,506,104 ,—, carbon for, 1,506,104 —,—, chlorine for, 1,506,104 —, clay for, 1,506,104 —,—, coal, slaty, for, 1,506,104 ,—, lignite for, 1,506,104 —,—,oil shale for, 1,506,104 —,—, process for, 1,506,104 —,—, shale for, 1,506,104 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,506,104 —,see also Sodiwm aluminum chloride Aluminum sodium fluoride, aluminum, steel coated with, made with, 1,488,553 —,aluminum-producing electrolyte contg., 1,464,625 —,cement, dental, made with, 1,172,723 —,formation of, 1,464,625 ; —, lamp, electric, tungsten filament, made with, 1,188,196 —, mfr. of, acid for, 1,517,686 —,—, alkali chloride for, 1,517,686 —,—, alkali fluoride for, 1,517,686 —,—,alkali sulfate for, 1,517,686 —,—,aluminum salts for, 1,517,686 —,—,argil for, 1,517,686 —— —, hydrochloric acid for, 1,517,686 —,—, hydrofluoric acid for, 1,517,686 —,—, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,517,686 —,—, potter’s earth for, 1,517,686 —,—, process for, 1,517,686 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,517,686 ,—, sodium fluoride for, 1,517,686 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,517,686 —,mortar-hardening material 1,343,929 —,steel, aluminum coated, made with, 1,488,553 —,see also Chiolite; Cryolite; Cryolite, syn- thetic; Kryolite Aluminum sodium silicate, alkali aluminate made with, 1,508,777 —, alumina made with, 1,508,777 —,benzine refining gf using, 1,515,733 —, fertilizer made with, 1,508,777 —,formation of, 1,404,083; 1,410,642; 1,422,004 —.,gasolene, refining of using, 1,515,733 —,glower made with, 1,135,663 ! —, hydrocarbon, refining of using, 1,515,733 —, kerosene, refining of using, 1,515,733 —,lamp, electric, made with, 1,135,663 —, mfr. of, alkali chloride for, 1,123,693 —,—, apparatus for, 1,123,693 —,—, bauxite for, 1,123,693 —,—, clay for, 1,123,693 —,—, feldspar for, 1,123,693 —,—,feldspar, potash, for, 1,123,693 —,—, process for, 1,123,693 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,123,693 —,naphtha, refining of using, 1,515,733 —,petroleum product, refining of 1,515,733 —,water softening material contg., 1,388,183 —,see also Nephelite; Sodalite made with, using, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum sodium sulfate, adhesive, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, aluminum linoleate made with, 1,131,578 —,ammonium aluminum sulfate made with, 1,254,229 —, asphalt, action on of, 1,252,433 —, baking powder made with, 1,274,334 —, building material made with, 1,256,324 —,cement contg., 1,334,940 —, fertilizer contg., 1,289,789 —,fire extinguisher made with, 1,248,092 —, fireproofing made with, 1,248,092 —, flour, self-raising, made with, 1,244,867 —, gypsum, waterproofing of, with, 1,256,324 —, ink, lithographic, made with, 1,131,578 —., insulation, electric, made with, 1,131,578 —, mfr. of, aluminum silicate for, 1,254,229 —,—, clay for, 1,254,229 —,—,niter cake for, 1,254,229 —,—, process for, 1,254,229 —,motion picture screen made with, 1,166,569 —, paint made with, 1,131,578 —, paint, fireproof, made with 1,248,092 —,paper, fireproof sizing for, made with, 1,248,092 —, petroleum, action on of, 1,252,433 —, pitch, action on of, 1,252,433 —,road paving made with, 1,252,433 —, soap, aluminum, made with, 1,131,578 | —, sodium sulfate, separation from of, 1,254,229 —, starch, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, stone, artificial, made with, 1,256,324 — tanning with, 1,191,527; 1,415,671; 1,427,221 —, tanning process using, 1,415,671; 1,427,221 —, tar, action on of, 1,252,433 —, varnish made with, 1,131,578 —, varnish, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, waterproofing contg., 1,256,324 —,see also Alum Aluminum. solder, 1,326,971 —, bismuth in, 1,823,520 —, formula, tin 29 Ib., zine 11 lb., phosphor tin 2 Ib., aluminum 2 l|b., bismuth 2 grains., 1,323,520 —,—, zine 16, tin 75, aluminum 8, 1,826,971 —, lead in, 1,208,798 ; 1,208,799 —, mfr. of, aluminum for, 1,326,971 —,—, borax for, 1,326,971 —,—, borie acid for, 1,326,971 —,—, charcoal for, 1,326,971 —,—, process for, 1,252,010; 1,326,971 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,326,971 —,—,tin for, 1,326,971 —,—, zine for, 1,326,971 —, phosphor in, 1,323,520 —, phosphorus in, 1,323,520 aluminum in, 1,323,520; —,tin in, 1,208,798; 1,208,799; 1,823,520; 1,326,971 —., zine in, 1,825,520; 1,326,971 —,see also Solder, aluminum Aluminum solder flux, formula, aluminum chloride 265, zinc chloride 320, borax 2, paraf- fin 67, tallow 25, sulfur 25, 1,812,154 —,mfr. of, aluminum chloride for, 1,312,154 —,—, borax for, 1,812,154 —,—, paraffin for, 1,312,154 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Aluminum solder flux, mfr. of, sulfur for, 1,312,154 —,—, tallow, beef, for, 1,312,154 —,—, zine chloride for, 1,312,154 Aluminum soldering compound, formula, zine 49, tin 40, lead 10, white metal 1 (tin 80-90, antimony 5-15, copper 3-10%), 1,344,566 Aluminum soldering flux, mfr. of, citronella oil for, 1,225,764 —,—, oleic acid for, 1,225,764 —,—, process for, 1,225,764 —,—,spirit of ammonia for, 1,225,764 Aluminum solutions, iron removal 1,421,804 —, purification of, process for, 1,503,229 Aluminum stearate, anti-dimming composition made with, 1,228,885 —,carbon-paper from, 1,292,404 —, coating composition contg., 1,428,272 —, composition contg., 1,276,507; Re-14,570 —, fat, solvent for, contg., 1,156,119 —, film, motion picture, made with, 1,361,783 —, formation of, 1,385,854 —,gum, solvent for, contg., 1,156,119 —, ink, printing, made with, 1,237,136 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,280,129 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,292,404 —, oil, solvent for, contg., 1,156,119 —, paint made with, 1,156,119; 1,421,625 —, paint remover made with, 1,156,119 —, paint vehicle contg., 1,428.273 —, paper filler contg., 1,424,306 —, paper waterproofed with, 1,370,650 —, phonograph record made with, 1,276,507; Re-14,570 —, plastic made with, 1,280,129 from, —,resin, solvent for, contg., 1,156,119 —, rubber substitute made with, 1,280,129 —,screen, motion picture, made with, 1,151,502 —,sizing composition contg., 1,299,663 —,solvent for, 1,397,738; Re-15,465 —,—,carbon tetrachloride as, 1,397,738; Re-15,465 —,—, dichlor-ethylene as, 1,397,738; Re-15,465 —,—, linseed oil as, 1,428,272 —,—, trichlor-ethylene as, 1,397,738; Re-15,465 —,varnish made with, 1,156,119 —, varnish remover contg., 1,156,119 —, waterproofing with, 1,385,854; 1,397,738 —,waterproofing process using, 1,397,738; Re-15,465 —,waterproofing solution contg., 1,397,738; Re-15,465 —,see also Soap, aluminum Aluminum strontium fluoride, enamel made with, 1,518,872 —, glass, opalescent, made with, 1,518,872 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,518,872 uminum suboxide, arsenic compounds, ma- rine animal oils, removal from of using, 1,247,516 —,catalyst poisons, marine animal oils, re- moval from of using, 1,247,516 —, chlorine compounds, marine animal oils, re- moval from of using, 1,247,516 —,cod' oil, catalyst poisons, removal of from using, 1,247,516 27 417 Aluminum suboxide, cod oil, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,corn oil, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,cotton seed oil, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, cyanide derivatives, marine animal oils, re- moval from of, using, 1,247,516 —,fish oil, catalyst poisons, removal of from using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, hydrogenation process using, 1,247,516 —,lodine compounds, marine animal oils, re- moval from of using, 1,247,516 —,marine animal oil, catalyst poisons, re- moval of from using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,menhaden oil, catalyst poisons, removal of from using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,oil, vegetable, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, phosphorus compounds, marine animal oils, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —, sulfur compounds, marine animal oils, re- moval of using, 1,247,516 —, whale oil, catalyst. poisons, removal of from using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 Aluminum sulfate, abrasive made with, 1,247,337; 1,444,479 —,abrasive, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,acetic acid, concentration of, using, 1,492,717; 1,492,718 —, acetone, concentration of, using, 1,492,717 —, acid value of, 1,421,436 —,adhesive made with, 1,248.039 —,adhesive, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,airplane dope contg., 1,429,295 —,airplane fabric made with, 1,429,295 —,airplane fabric fireproofed with, 1,427,941 —,“ Alginic acid” made with, 1,259,486 —,alkali aluminum alginate made 1,162,926 —, alkali formate, composition of and, 1,493,945 —,alkali iodide made using, 1,249,863 —, alkaloids precipitated by, 1,447,400 —,alum made with, 1,859,011; 1,388,436; 1,415,346 —,alum, potassium, made with, 1,396,675 —,aluminum made with, 1,160,431 —, aluminum, polish for, made with, 1,491,456 —,aluminum acetate made with, 1,265,357 —,aluminum alginate made with, 1,348,459; 1,415,850 : | —,aluminum borate made with, 1,373,179 —,aluminum carbide made with, 1,270,226 —,aluminum chloride made with, 1,270,226 —,aluminum compound made with, 1,249,125 —,aluminum copper sulfate made _ with, 1,162,044 —,aluminum fluoride made with, 1,160,431; 1,518,872 —, aluminum fluosilicate made with, 1,357,025; 1,518,872 ” : —,aluminum formate made-with, 1,493,945 1,427,941; with, 418 Aluminum sulfate, aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,836,508; 1 337,191; 1,395,902; 1 434,619 ; t 512, 807 ul aluminum hydroxide, catalyst, made with, 1 512,897 —, aluminum iodide made with, 1,460,898 —, aluminum linoleate made with, 1,407, 952 ae ’ aluminum oleate made with, 1 519, 803 at ’ aluminum oxide made with, 1,132,736 ; 1, 132-7302) LlBs loose Weg Hs 6 "249, 125; 1 252, 384; 1 982 973: 1,300,417; 1'300,418: 1 ‘489, 362; 1 512, 897. —, aluminum oxide, carbon, mixture of and, made with, 1,171 360 —, aluminum petroleum sulfonates prepared with, 1,438,101 —, aluminum resinate made with, 1,345,476 —, aluminum salicylate made with, salicylic acid and, 1,447,501 —, aluminum silicate, action on of, 1,312,853 —, aluminum sludge sulfonate made with, 1 271,387; 1,438,101 —, aluminum stearate precipitated on fibers by, 1 1385 854 aes aluminum sulfate (basic), (Al(OH)2(SOx)2), made with, 1,137,005 —,aluminum sulfide made with, 1,270,226 —, aluminum tungstate made with, 1,292,559 —, ammonia made with, 1,198,965 —, arsenic trisulfide precipitated with, 1,373,179 —,asbestos waterproofing of with, 1 280 954 —,asphalt, action on of, 1,252,433 —,asphalt tempered with, 1,828,310; 1,372,467 —, baking powder made with, 1,274,334 —, balloon fabric made with, 1,427,941 —, bath salts made with, 1,189,653 —,battery, primary, made with, 1,190,880 —,—,storage, made with, 1,190,880; 1,512,485 —,—,—, electrode for, made with, 1,454,078 —, battery electrode prepared with, 1,454,078 —,benzine made with, 1,274,913 —, binder made with, 1,400,164 —,binder for aluminum oxide, 1,312,853 —, binder for bauxite, 1,312,853 —, binder for clay, 1,312,853 —, binder for fire brick, 1,312,853 —, binder for flint clay, 1.312 853 — ’ bleaching compound made with, 1,394, 151 —,brake band made with, 1,307, 857 —, Brazil wood extract, composition of contg., 1,273,293 —, brick, fire-, made with, 1,244,275 —, brick substitute made with, 1,463,123 —, brine, Searles Lake, treated with, 1,373,179 —, brine treated with, 1,394,978 —,broom-corn treated with, 1,337,306 —,building material made with, 1,256,324; 1,408,760 —, building material composition made with, 1,463,123 —, calcimine made with, 1,244,033 —, calcining of, apparatus for, 1,173,428 —,calcium precipitated by, 1,894,151 —,calcium acetate, purification of, 1,213,724 ' hydrated, using, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum sulfate, carbon, aluminum oxide, mixture of and, made with, 1,171,360 —, carbon dioxide made with, 1, 171 360 —., cardboard made with, 1,341 991 —,carpet made with, 1 379 703 — ‘catalyst, aluminum hydroxide as, made with, 1 512,897 —,— ethyl alcohol made with, 1,234,886 —,—, ’ ethyl lactate made with, 1,160, 595 —,—, hydrogenation, made with, 1,172,062 ; 1,238,774 —,—, nickel as, made with, 1,172,062 —,—, propyl alcohol made with, 1,234,886 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,264, 979 —, cellulose ether, composition of and, 1 505, 044 —, cellulose soda liquor and, colloidal solution prepared with, 1,460,012 —, cellulose sulfite liquor and, colloidal solu- tions prepared with, 1,460, 012 —,cement made with, 1.334.940: 1,342,360 —, cement, aromatic, contg., 1,455,598 —, cement substitute made with, 1,463,123 —, clay made with, 1,308,429 —, clay, China, cleaned with, 1,324,958 —,—,—, Mid- Cornwall, cleaned with, 1,324,958 —,—,—, —, treated with, 1,324,958 —,—,—, North America, cleaned with, 1,824,958 —,—,—, —, treated with, 1,824,958 ——,—, North Carolina, ‘cleaned with, 1,824,958 —,—,—, —, treated with, 1,824,958 —,—,—, Pentruff, cleaned with, 1,324,958 —,—,—,—, treated with, 1,324,958 —,—,— ‘treated with, 1,324 958 —,—, Fraddon, cleaned with, 1,324,958 —,—,— . treated with, 1,324 958 —, clay cleaned with, 1 324 958 —, concrete-treating composition contg., 1,371,555 —, copper made with, 1,162,044 —, copper, electrodeposition of using, 1,138,921 —,—,removal of from, 1,176,292; 1,232,080; 1,262,063. : —,copper sulfate made with, 1,162,044 —, copper sulfate, removal of from, 1,232,080 —, corundum, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,cotton, dyeing of, using, 1,199,273 —,counter-board made with, 1,332,541 —, cyanamide granulated using, 1,495,551 —,decomposition of, 1,296,457; 1,415,308 —, dental cement contg., 1,408,960 —,distiller’s slop treated with, 1,344,851; 1,423,042 —,dye, sulfur, made with, 1,316,742 —,—,vegetable, composition of 1,273,293 — , dyeing using, 1,199,273 —,dyeing mixture contg., 1,457,581 —,dyestuff made with, 1,145 072: pe 457, 114 “ exypson ” made with, 1,463,123 —, ’ electrode, storage battery, conte., 1,291,167 — ’ electrolysis of, 1,382,808 —,—, sulfuric acid solution contg., 1,351,144 — ’ electrolyte contg., 1,291,310 —, electrolyte, storage battery contg., 1,291,167 —,emery, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,ergot treated with, 1,394,233 1,344,950; contg., 1,169,267 ; INDEX OF SUBJECTS 419 Aluminum sulfate, etching solution contg., Aluminum sulfate, hydrogenation, catalyst for, 1,362,159 made with, 1 172 062; 1,238,774 —,ethyl alcohol, concentration of, using, —, hypernic extract, composition of contg., 1,492,717 1,273,293 —, ethyl] cellulose, composition of and, 1,505,044 —,ink, printing, made with, 1,231,617; —, ethylene made with, 1,206,222 1,237,136 —, explosive contg., 1,464,667 —, insecticide made with, 1,501,427 —, explosives, explosion temperature of reduced —, insulating material made with, 1,353,621 ; with, 1,464,667 1,402 138; Re-15,844; 15,952 —, extracted from manganese ore, 1,291,867 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,175,424; —,fabric, brocaded effect on, made _ using, 1,453,726 1,513,370 —,—,heat, made with, 1,230,085; 1,353,621; —,—, embossed, made with, 1,379,703 1,402,183; Re-15,844; 15,952 —,— waterproofing of using, 1,208,400; —,iodine made with, 1,249,863 1,215, Dt 1 242.327 —,liron, cleaning of, with, 1,824,317 —,—, water resisting contg., 1,313,658 —,—,rust removed from with, 1,324,317 —, fabrics flash-proofed with sodium phosphate —,—,scale removed from with, 1,324,317 and, 1,434,549 —,iron zine coated, made with, 1,491,381 —,ferro-aluminum made with, 1,489,362 —, ee removed from, 1,800,417; 1,300,418 —,fertilizer made with, 1,249,863; 1,289,789 —, calcium carbonate for, 1,252,648 —, fertilizer, effect on of, 1,266,198 —,—, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,252,648 —, ’ fiber, animal, waterproofing of with, —,—,lead peroxide for, 1,252,648 i 280, 054 —,—,metantimonic acid for, 1,252,648 —, —— mineral, waterproofing of with, 1,280,954 —,— metastannic acid for, 1,252,648 1,280,954 —, ozone for, 1,252,648 —,fiber board made with, 1,184,518; 1,280,400; —. potassium ferrocyanide for, 1,252,648 1,332,541; 1,423,081; 1,514,655 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,252 648 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,505,044 —,—,—, viscose, precipitated with, 1,260, 508 — sodium hydroxide for, 1,252, 648 —,—,vegetable, waterproofing of. with, eee oxalic acid for, 1,252,648 5 im separated from, process for, 1 ,252,384 —, "film made with, 1,505,044 —,iron sulfate, separation of from, 1,489,362 - ’ fire-extinguisher made with, 1,161,090; —,iron(ous) sulfate made with, 1,137,005 1,219, 509; 1,248,092; 1,375,779; 1,421,428; — ivory nut substitute made with, 1,143,893 1, ‘421 ‘436; 1 489, 692; 1,507,943 —,ivory substitute made with, 1,143,893 —, fire ‘extinguishing fluid contg,, 1,401,240 —,kelp treated with, 1,259,486 —, ’ fire extinguishing system using, 1,403, 621 —, lactose made with, 1,500,770 = — fire-preventing foam prepared with, 1,441 #28 — lake made with, 1,126,591; 1,126,664; —, fireproofing made with, 1,248,092 1,203,642; 1,232,551; 1,434,619; 1,512,897 —,fish scale treated with, 1 264, 979 —,lead sulfate made with, 1,265,357 —,flavin extract, composition of eontg., — leather, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 1,273 5293 —,— _ waterproofing for, made with, 1,223, 480 — , flooring made with, 1,463,123 — leather-board made with, 1,152,294 —,flotation of minerals with, 1,425,185 —leather-board, waterproof, made with, —, flotation of ores with, 1,425,186 1 142,953 —, flotation process using, 1,519,396 —, leather tanned with, 1,346,385 —, flour, self-rising, made with, 1,244,867 —, liquid, purification of using, 1,170,868 —, formation of, 1,851,144 —,logwood extract, composition of contg., —,—,aluminum, sulfur and, for, 1,318,709 1,273,293 —, formic acid, concentration of, using, 1,492,717 — manganese sulfate made with, 1,279,110 —, fuel, liquid, made with, 1,475,259 —,manganese sulfate, separation of from, —,fungicide made with, 1,501,427 1,489,362 —,fustic extract, composition of contg., —, mfr. of, alkali aluminate for, 1,503,603 1,273,293 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,483,627; 1,503,603 —,garnet, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,—, alkali nitrate for, 1,214 003 —,gasolene made with, 1,274,912; 1,274,913 —,— alum clay for, 1,308,429 —, glass made with, 1,192,048; 1,287,005 —,—, aluminum for, 1,176,292: 1,229,611. —, glass, semi-translucent, made with, 1,287,005 —,—,aluminum alloy for, 1,176,292; 1,229,611 —,—, translucent, made with, 1,192,048 —,—, aluminum carbide for, 1,176,292; 1,229,611 —, glass substitute made with, 1,264,979 —,—,aluminum carbonate for, 1,176,292; —, glue, vegetable, made with, 1.248, 039 1,229,611 —,g lycol made with, 1,206, 222 —,—, aluminum compounds for, 1,308,429 —, gold ore, flotation of using, 1,519,396 —, aluminum dust for, 1,176, 292: 1,262 063 —, gypsum, waterproofing of with, 1,256,324 —,—, ’ aluminum hydroxide ‘for, 1,483 627 —, hide, tanning of using, 1,288,458 a horn substitute made with, 1 143,893 —, aluminum nitride for, 1 176 292 ; 1,229,611 — , hydrocarbon made with, 1 274, ‘913 —,aluminum ore for, j 251 057; ‘1 251 058 ; —,—, ‘aluminum minerals for, 1 170, 418 —, hydrocyanic acid made ‘with, 1,497 ,690 — 5a 429 sf 420 Aluminum sulfate, mfr. of, aluminum oxide for, 1,176,292; 1 229, 611 —,—, aluminum skimmings 1 229, 611; 1,262,062 —,—, aluminum silicate for, 1,132,737; 1,160,431 ; 1,251, 057; 1,251,058; 1 286, 513: 1, '300, ‘417; 1,300,418; 1 480 928 —,—, alunite for, 1,233,977 ; 1,239,768; 1,277,773; 1 282, Pa ea Be 338 428 —,—, alunogen for, 1,252,384; 1,252,648; 1,280,636 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,277,773 —,—, ammonium sulfate for, 1,280 636 —,—, "apatite for, 1,126,408 —,apparatus for, 1,252,648; 1,280,636; eke ,787 ; 1,483,627; 1,492,016; 1,503,603 —, asphalt for, 1,229,611 —, barium. oxide for, 1,126,408 —. bauxite for, 1,182, 737: 1, 197, 123 ; 1,252,648 ; 1308, 429; 1 359, 037; 1 388, 436 —,—, bone ash for, 1,126,408 —,—,calecium carbonate 1,252,648; 1,286,513 —,— — calcium chloride for, 1,252,648 —,— calcium fluoride for, 1 310,413; 1,480,928 —,—-; calcium hydroxide for, 1,174,795 ; 1,214,003 for,, 1,176,292; ae for, 1,252,384; —,—, calcium nitrate for, 1,214,003 —,—, calcium oxide for, 1,126,408; 1,494,029 —,—,calcium phosphate (Cas(PO,)2), 1,126,408 —,—, calcium sulfate for, 1,286,513; 1,310,413 —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,483,627; 1,494,029; 1,503,603 for, —,—,clay for, 1,125,007; 1,182,737; 1,160,431; 1,170,418; 1,178,384; | 1,251,057;° 1,251,058; en: 417; 1,800,418; 1,808,429; 1,888,436 —, clay, fire, for, i 132 737 —,—,—, flint, for, 4] 132, 737 —,—, —, ’ Truesdale, for, rk 132,737 —,—, —, white, for, 1,480, 928 —,—, copper for, 1 229, 611 —,earth for, 1 170, 418; 1,178,384; 1,251,057 ; 1981, 058; 1 308, 429 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aluminum sulfate, mfr. of, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,252,648; 1,262,063 —,—, iron for, 1,229,611 —,—, iron ore for, 1,489,362 —,—,iron(ous) sulfate for, 1,323,764 —,—, kaolin for, 1,160,431; 1,170,418; 1,178,384 —,—, kaolinite for, 1,132,737 —,—, laterite for, 1,308,429 —,—,lead peroxide for, 1,252,648 —,—, lepidolite for, 1,286,513 —,—, leucite for, 1,125,007; 1,148,156 —,—, lime for, 1,222,960; 1,229,611 —,—,limestone for, 1,125,007; 1,170,418; 1,178,384; 1,222,960; 1,286,513 —,—,metantimonic acid for, 1,252,648 —,—,metastannic acid for, 1,252,648 —,—, mica for, 1,148,156 —,—, ’ microcline for, 1,126,408 —,—, muscovite for, 1.222 960 —,—, ore, aluminum, for, 1,308,429 —,—,orthoclase for, 1,126,408; 1,214,003; jaan, 773; 1,286,513; 1 494 029; 1 503 603 —, oxalic acid for, 1 252, 648 —,—, ozone for, 1 252 384: 1,252,648 —,— ’ petroleum for, 1 229 611 —,—, phlogophite for, 1 148, 156 —, pholerite for, 1 132 737 —,—, phosphate rock for, 1,126,408 —,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,126,408 —,—, potassium aluminate for, 1,503,603 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,277,773 —,—, potassium ferrocyanide for, 1 252 648 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,483 627; 1,503,603 —,—, potassium-mica for, 1,310,413 —,—, potassium nitrate for, 1,214,003 1,494,029: —,— feldspar for, 1,125,007; 1,126,408 ; 1,174,795 : 1,214,003 ltd eas ak 200,Lo; 1,810,413; 1,492,016; 1,494,029; .1,503,603 —,—, feldspar, potash, for, 1,126 408: 1,483 627 —,—,—,sulfur dioxide, for, 1 402, 831 —,—, fluorspar for, 1,310, 413; 1 ‘480, 928 —, glauconite for, 1 322 900; 1, 393 5764 —,—,green sand for, 1,279,110; 1,822,900; 1,323,764 psum . for, : (11,125,007; 1,170,418; saa heap tS 1,178, 384; 1,286 513; 1 310, 413 —,—, halloysite for, 1 197, 123: 1,808,429 —,—, halotrichite ‘for, 1,252 384; 1,252,648 ; 1,280,636 —, hyaliphane for, 1,126,408 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,229,611 —, hydrocarbon, paraffin, for, 1,256,273 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,126,408; 1,148,156; 1,222,960; 1,277,773 —,—, hydrofluoric acid for, 1,174,795; 1,480,928 —,—, hydrofluoric acid as catalyst for, 1,492,016 —,—,hydrofluosilicie acid for, 1,174,795; 1,480,928 —,—,potassium silicates for, 1,286,513; 1,484,029 —,—, process for, 1,125,007; 1,126,408 ; 1,132,737; 1 148, 156 Shc 160, 431; i 170 ‘A18: he 171 360: 1,174 "795 : 1 176, '299 : 1 178 "384 : 1; "197, 123; 1,214,003: 1,222 960: 1.229611 ; 1,233.97 7: 1,239,768; 1,251,057; 1,251,058; 1,252,384; 1,252,648; 1,262,063; 1,277,773; 1,279,110; 1 280, 636; 1,286,518; 1,296,457; 1,310,413; 1 323, 764: 1,480,928; 1,483,627; 1,489,362; 1,492, 016: 1,494,029; 1,503,603 —, resin oil for, 1,229,611 —,rhyolite ash for, 1,308,429 —,—,rhyolite mud for, 1,308,429 —,—,rock for, 1,125,007; 1,170,418; 1,178 384 —,—,sand for, 1,251,057; 1,251,058 —,sericite for, 1,310,413 —, shale for, 1,125,007; 1,170,418; 1,178,384 —, — silica for, 1, 125 007 —, —, silicates for, 1,277 ,773; 1,492,016; 1,494,029 —,—, silicon tetrafluorides for, 1,174,795 —,—,slate for, 1,310,413 —,—, sludge sulfonic ‘acid for, 1,286,513 —,—,sodium bisulfate for, 1, 160, 431 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,252 648 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1 148, 156; 1,222,960 —,—,sodium fluoride for, 1 480 928° —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1 252 648 —,—,sodium nitrate for, 1,214,003 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,160,431 a INDEX OF Aluminum sulfate, mfr. of, strontium oxide for, pein —,—,sulfide for, 1,262,063 —., sulfur dioxide for, 1,251,057 —. sulfur trioxide for, 1,492,016 — ee sulfuric acid for, 1,125,007; 1,126,408; 1,132,737 ; 1,148,156; 1,160,431 : 1,170,418 ; 1,174,795; 1,176,292: 1,178,384; 1,197,123; 1,214,003; 1,222,960; 1,233,977; 1,239,768; 1,251,057; 1,262,063; 1,277,773; 1,279,110; 1,282,273; 1,286,513; 1,300,417; 1,300,418; 1,310,413; 1,322,900; 1,480,928; 1,483,627; 1,489,362; 1,494,029; 1,503,603 —,—, tannic acid for, 1,251,057 —,—, tannin for, 1,251,057 —,—, tar for, 1,229,611 —,—, titanium ‘dioxide for, 1,126,408 —,—, zirconium oxide for, ib 126 408 —, ’ mesothorium chloride made with, 1,142,154 — ’ metal, metal coated, made with, 1,491 381 — ‘ methyl acetate, concentration of, using, 1 492,717 —, methyl alcohol, concentration of, using, 1,492,717 —,methyl cellulose, composition of and, 1,505,044 —,mica substitute made with, 1,264,979 —, mineral matter made with, 1 169 506 —,mine water contg., 1,315 836 —, mine water constituent, 1,428 633 —, ’ molded article made with, 1 477 576 —, ’ moth repellent made with, 1,494,085 ; 1 915,182 —, mother-of-pearl substitute made _ with, 1,264,979 —, nickel, catalyst, made with, 1,172,062 — * nickel catalyzer made with, 1,450, 174 —, nitrogen, fixation of using, 71 198 965 —,oil, mineral, purification “of using, 1,170,868 —,— , vegetable, purification of using, 1 170, 868 —,—, water, boiler feed, removal from of using, 1 5243191 —, paint made with, 1,231,617; 1,234,816 —, paint, fireproof, made with, 1,248 ,092 —, paint primer made with, 1 489 692 —,paper made with, 1 166 848: 1,389,936 —, paper, coating for, contg., 1,480,928; 1,505,044 —_—,— , fireproof sizing for, made with, 1,248,092 —,—, waste, « white,” water treated with, 1,443,454 —,—, wrapping, made with, 1,317,618 —, paper filler made with, 1,261,135 —, paper mill waste water, compound for puri- fication of contg., 1 133 446 —, paper product made with, 1,317,618 —,paper size of leather scrap and, 1,449 892 1,341,991; —,paper sized with, 1,211,288; 1 223 480; 1,229,924; 1,401,525; 1,444,956: : 1,480,928: 1,512,212; 1 512, 213 —, papier mache, coating of using, 1,164,710 —,paste contg., 1,384,917 —; paving, road, made with, 1,326,110 —,peat treated with, 1,426,638 —,pectin product made with, 1,497,884 —, petroleum, action on of, 1,252,433 —,petroleum cracked with, 1.274,912 SUBJECTS 421 Aluminum - sulfate, made 1,166,808; 1,231 617 —, pigment, white, made with, 1,317,165 —, pitch, action on of, 1,252,433 —, plaster made with, 1,317,680 —, plaster board made with, 1,503,211 —,plastic made with, 1,143,893; 1,315,342; 1,317,680; 1,;326,110; 1,505,044; 1,511,949 —, plastic, coating of using, 1,164,710 —, platinum, production of using, 1,281,878 —,platinum group metal, production of, using, 1,281,878 —, polish made with, 1,491,456 pigment with, 1,206,076 ; 1,487,957 ; —,potassium aluminum sulfate made with, 1,286,513 —,potassium bichromate, recovery of using, 1,201,392 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,259,486 —, potassium cyanide, action on of, 1,158,513; i: 158,514 —, potassium by, 1,349,113 —, potassium iodide made using, 1,249,863 —, potassium salt made with, 1,259,486 —,potassium silico-fluoride decomposed by, extracted from feldspar 1,357,025 —,potassium sulfate made with, 1,279,145; 1 286,518; 1,357,025 -— , potassium sulfate and, see Aluminum potas- sium sulfate —,potassium sulfate from potassium silico- fluoride by, 1,855,381 —, preparation from alunite, 1,418,045 —, propanetriol made with, 1 368, 023 —,pulp sized with, 1,229, 924 —, purification of, apparatus for, 1,503,229 —,—, process for, 1,503,229 — quartz, etching of using, 1,482,793 —_ , quercitron extract, composition of conitg., 1 5,273,293 —, radium-barium chloride made with, 1,142,154 —,redwood treated with, 1,390,796 —,refractory made with, 1,244,275; 1,257,922 —,reservoir lining made with, 1,826,110 —,resin size, action of with, 1,292, 721 —, road paving made with, 1, 158, 418; 1,236,875; 1 252,433; 1,315,342; 1,328, 310 —, roofing made with, c 197, 307; 1,206,076; 1,234,816; 1,463,123; 1 Bll 949 —,rosin soaps precipitated by, 1,382,346 —,rug made with, 1,379,703 —,sand, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,satin white made with, 1,261,135; 1,381,991 —,separation from carnotite, 1,292,341 —, sewage purified using, 1,194,000; 1,465,137 —, shingle made with, 1,197,307 —,shoe, box toe, made with, 1,380,865 —,shoe heel made with, 1,477,576 —,shoe sole made with, 1,477,576 —, silica, etching of using, 1,482,793 —, silicon made with, 1,518,872 —, silicon alloy made with, 1,518,872 —,silicon carbide, etching of using, 1,482,793 —, silicon dioxide made with, 1,249,125 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,505,044 —, silk, dyeing of, using, 1,199,273 422 Aluminum sulfate, silk, weighting of, using, 1,238,307 —,silver, gelatin emulsions of, recovery from of, using, 1,234,890; 1,234,391 —,—, photographic emulsions of, recovery from of, using, 1,234,390; 1,234,391 —, silver bromide, gelatin emulsions of, re- covery from of, using, 1,234,391 —,—, photographic emulsions of, recovery from of, using, 1,234,391 —, silver chloride, gelatin emulsions of, recovery from of, using, 1,234,391 —,—, photographic emulsions of, recovery from of using, 1,234,391 =-, silver ore, flotation of, using, 1,519,396 —, size made with, i ,229,924 ; 1 201,153; 1 276,206; 1,505,044 —, skins tanned with sodium chloride and, 1 045,429 —, slate as source of, 1,415,346 —, ’ slaughter house waste water, compound for purification of contg., 1,133, 446 —, sludge sulfonic acid ‘purified using, 1,438,101; 1,495,891 -—,soap of rosin and, 1,449,221 —, sodium bichromate, recovery of using, 1,201,392 —,sodium formate, composition of, and, 1,493,945 —,sodium iodide made using, 1,249,863 —,sodium sulfate made with, 1,493,945 —,soil treating composition contg., 1,361,596; 1,361,597 —, starch: fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, ’ starch dissolved with, 1,378, 105 —,steel, cleaning of, with, 1,324, aly —,—,rust removed from, with, 1,324, 317 —,—, scale removed from, with, 1,324,317 —, stone, artificial, made with, 1.256, 324 —,—, —, coating of using, 1,164,710 —,storage battery electrolyte contg., 1,429,830 —, storage battery grid prepared with, 1,432,845 —,sucrose from molasses with, 1,256,952 —,sugar made with, 1,201,936 —,sugar, beet, defecating of using, 1,156,060 —,—,cane, defecating of using, 1,156,060 —,—, defecating of using, 1,156,060 —,—,refining of using, 1,476,242 —,—, sorghum, defecating of using, 1,156,060 | —,sugar solutions, purification of using, 1,170,868 —, sulfite waste liquor treated with, 1,394,151; 1,397,039 —,sulfur dioxide made with, 1,132,736; 1,182,737; 1,171,860; 1,249,125; 1,252,384; 1,308,429; 1,422327 —,sulfur dioxide from sulfur and, 1,378,145 —,sulfur trioxide made with, 1,252,384 —,sulfuric acid, removal from of, 1,240,591 —, sulfuric acid made from, 1,252,384; 1,415,808 —,sumac extract, composition of contig, 1,273,293 —, tale insulators made with, 1,453,726 —, tannery waste water, compound for purifica- tion of contg., 1,133 446 —, tannin substitute contg., 1,876,805 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 with, Aluminum sulfate, tanning made 1,191,527; 1,235,059; 1,415,671; 1,427,221 —,tanning composition contg., 1,311,219; 1,311,220; 1,402,283 —,tanning compound made with, 1,376,805; 1,394,151; 1,497,672 —, tanning process using, 1,346,885; 1,427,221 —,tar, action on of, 1,252,433 —,tent fabric made with, 1,427,941 —, textile, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 —,—,waterproofing of, using, 1,215,077; 1,223,480 —, thorium compound made with, 1,142,154 —, thread, waterproofing of, using, 1,215,077 —, tile made with, 1,463,123 —, tin-plating electrolyte contg., 1,466,126 —,tire filler made with, 1,369,626 —, titanium compound made with, 1,504,672 —, titanium hydroxide made with, 1,504,672 —, titanium oxide made with, 1,504, 672 —,titanium sulfate in, mfr. of, bauxite for, 1, 173,698 —,—,—, process for, 1,173,698 —,—,—, ’ sulfuric acid for, 1 173,698 —,— water, purification of, using, 1 173 698 —, toluene made with, 1,274 913 — ‘trade waste treated with, 1 465,137 —, treating water with, apparatus for, 1,464,291 —, underwriters cloth made with, 1 427 941 —, ‘varnish made with, 1,231,617 —, ’ varnish, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, ’ vegetable glue made with, 1,378,105 —, viscose hardened by, 1,386,521 —, wall board made with, 1,511,949 —, wall covering made with, 1,313,658 —, wall plaster made with, 1,463,123 —,water, boiler feed, oil, removal of from, using, 1 243,191 —,—, compound for purification of contg., 1,133,446 —,—, hardness removed from with, 1,305,123 —,—, purification of, using, 1,137,005; 1,158,225; 1,170,868; 1,173,698; 1,192,075; 1,197,123; 1,441,731; 1,465,137; 1,513,566 —,—,removal from of, process for, 1,222,637 —,—,waste, compound for purification of contg., 1,133,446 —,waterproofing made with, 1,208,400; 1,215,077; 1,223,480; 1,242327: 1,256,324: 1,400,164; 1,400,579 —, waterproofing composition prepared with, 1,460,251 —, waterproofing solution contg., 1,437,893 —, waterproofing with sodium palmitate and, 1,374,122 _—, water purifying material made with, 1,343,927 —, water softener made from, 1,304,206 —,water softening compound made with, 1,482,601 —,water treated with, 1,418,013 —, wood, preserving of using, 1,248,022 —,— , waterproofing for, made with, 1,223,480 —, ‘ wood pulp made with, 1,166,848 ; 1 249, 125 —, ‘ wood substitute made with, 1,463,123 —,wool, dyeing of, using, 1,199,273 —,—, moth repellent, made with, 1,494,085 —,—,water-proofing of, using, 1,208,400 INDEX OF Aluminum sulfate, wool washing waste water, compound for purification of contg., 1,133,446 -—, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,198, 704 : 1,208,797 ; 1,263,7 06; L263. 0 cnet ‘499 ‘492 : 1,515,007 —, zine, iron coated with, made with, 1,491,381 —, zine sulfate, separation of from, 1,489,362 —,see also Alum; Alum cake; Alunogen —,(basic), aluminum oxide made 1,290,269 —,—, elie dehydrogenation, made with, 1,271,013 —,—,—, hydrogenation, made with, 1,271,013 —,—, catalyst promoter, 1,271,013 —,—, formation of, 1,415,308 —,—,hair mineralized by, 1,894,655 —,—,mfr. of, alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,256,605 —,—,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,256,605 —,—,—,alunite for, 1,256,605 . —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,256,605 —,—,—, process for, 1,256,605 —,—,—, sulfur dioxide for, 1,256,605 —,—, sewage treated with, i A65, 137 —,—, trade waste treated ‘with, 1,465,137 —,—, water, purification of using, 1,197,123 with, ’ J bf —, water. purified with, 1,465,137 — ‘ wool mineralized with, 1,394 655 —, (AlL(OH).(SO.)2, mfr. of, aluminum sul- pres for, 1,137,005 —,—,—,—, iron scrap for, 1,137,005 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,137,005 —,—,—, water, purification of, using, 1,137,005 Aluminum sulfate solutions, clarifying, pack- ing house stick for, 1,359, 037 Aluminum sulfide, abrasive from bauxite, iron and, 1,448,586 —, aluminum made with, 1,220,843; 1,512,462 —,aluminum contg. alloy prepared with, 1,359 813 —, aluminum alloy made with, 1,220,843; 1,512,462 —,aluminum alloy, copper in, made with, 1,220,843 —,aluminum chloride made with, 1,270,226; 1,308,885 —, battery, electric, contg., 1,316,760 —, calcium made with, 1,512,462 —, calcium alloy made with, 1,512,462 —,copper, aluminum alloy contg., made with, 1,220,843 —, formation of, 1,346,365 —,mfr. of, aluminum sulfate for, 1,270,226 —, silicon made with, 1,512,462 —, silicon alloy made with, 1,512,462 Aluminum sulfide ore, aluminum compound made with, 1,249,125 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,249,125 —,silicon dioxide made with, 1.249,125 —, ’ sulfur dioxide made with, 1 249, 125 —, wood pulp made with, 1,249, 125 Aluminum sulfite, aluminum lvdroxide made with, 1,325,873 —, aluminum oxide made with, 1,326,384 —, ’ formation of, aluminum hydroxide for, 1,325,873 SUBJECTS 423 Aluminum sulfite, formation of, sulfur dioxide for, 1,325,873 —, grease, recovery of from wool scouring liquor with, 1,325,873 —, mfr, of, aluminum silicates for, 1,148,092 —,—, bauxite for, 1,326,384 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,826,384 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1 '326, 384 —,—, clay for, 1,826,384 —,—, clay, China, for, 1,326,384 —,—, nephelin syenite for, 1,148,092 —,—, process for, 1,148 092 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,326,384 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,326, 384 —,—,sulfur dioxide for, 1, 148 092; 1 026,084 —,—, sulfurous acid for, ck 148, 092 —, potassium salts, recovery of from wool, scouring liquor with, 1,325,873 —,silicon dioxide made with, 1,326,384 —, sulfite waste liquor composition 1 400,164 —, sulfur dioxide made with, 1,325,873 Aluminum sulfite, (basic), mfr. of, process for, 1,234,905 —,—,—, steam for, 1,234,905 ? —,—, —, ’ sulfur dioxide for, 1,234,905 —,—,—, ’ water for, 1,234, 905 Aluminum support, Wollaston wire etched using, 1,305,240 Aluminum “ swarf, ” alloy made with, 1,821,684 —, chromium made with, 1,321,684 —, ’ ferro- alloy made with, i, 321, 684 —, ferro-chromium made with, 1,321, 684 —, ’ ferro-titanium made with, 1 321, 684 — ’ ferro-tungsten made with, 1, 321. 684 —, ’ ferro-vanadium made with, 1,321,684 —,manganese made with, L 391 684 —, ’ metal made with, 1 321, 684 —, ’ metal alloy made with, 1,321,684 — tungsten made with, 1321, 684 —, (basic), abrasive made with, 1 234, 905 —,—, mfr. of, nepheline syenite for, 1,234,905 Aluminum tannate, road paving made with, 1,213,555 Aluminum thiosulfate, tanning with, 1,404,957 Aluminum titanate (AITiO;), electrode, are lamp, made with, 1,164,728 Aluminum titanofluoride, glass made with, 1,419,032 Aluminum tube, index hand, made with, 1,364, 368 —,lead core ‘for, during shaping, 1,258,854 Aluminum tungate, see Tung oil, aluminum soap of Aluminum tungstate, 1,408,960 —, formation of, aluminum sulfate for, 1,292,559 —,—, sodium tungstate for, 1,292,559 Aluminum ware, decorating of, aluminum pow- der for, 1,248, 362 —,—, beeswax for, 1,243,362 —,—, English printing oil for, 1,243,362 —,—, ink, printers, for, 1,243, 362 —,—, oil, vegetable, for, 1,243, 362 —,—, process for, 1,243, 362 —,—, resin for, 1,243, 362 contg., 1,226,892 ; self luminous, done cement contg., 424 Aluminum ware, decorating of, turpentine oil for, 1,243,362 —,—,zine oxide for, 1,243,362 —, lute for repair for, 1,263,398 —,mending cement for, mfr. of, process for, 1,269,116 Aluminum waste, aluminum, recovery of using, 1,180,435 —, iron-boro-silicate for agglomerating, 1,381,748 Aluminum wire, aluminum oxide coating on, forming, 1,431,237 —, cleaning, hydrochloric acid and tin chloride for, 1,363,186 ; —, copper coated, 1,405,534; 1,405,535 —,copper plated, apparatus for, 1,322,494 —,—, cyanide for, 1,322,494 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,322,494 —,—, process for, 1,322,494 —,—,tin chloride for, 1,322,494 —,copper plating, apparatus for, 1,363,186 —, electric coils made with, 1,431,237 —, electrode, welding, made with, 1,144,390 —, feathers, imitation, made with, 1,246,296 —, gear made with, 1,438,875 —,heron feathers, imitation, 1,246,296 —, Insulating, aluminum oxide for, 1,431,237 —, tin coated, 1,405,534; 1,405,535 Aluminum wool, rubber substitute made with, 1,223,692 ' —,tire made with, 1,223,692 Aluminum zine alloy, hardness increased of, process for, 1,826,775 —,zine sulfate solutions purified by, 1,382,494 Alum rock, see Alunite Alum salt, see Potassium aluminum sulfate Alum slate, alkali cyanate made with, 1,264,949 —, alkali cyanide made with, 1,264,949 —,lime made with, 1,264,949 —, potassium cyanate made with, 1,264,949 —, potassium cyanide made with, 1,264,949 Alum stone, see Alunite Alundum, abrasive wheel made with, 1,133,260; 1,146,884 —,acetaldehyde made with apparatus made with, 1,124,347 —, aluminum made with, 1,512,462 —-,aluminum alloy made with, 1,512,462 —,anti-slip paint for concrete contg., 1,383,268 —, calcium made with, 1,512,462 —,calcium, tungsten alloy contg., made with, 1,486,214 —, calcium alloy made with, 1,512,462 —, carbon monoxide made with apparatus made with, 1,124,347 —,catalyst (for nitric acid mfr.), made with, 1,347,158; 1,347,159; 1,347,160 —,—, acetaldehyde made with, 1,124,347 —,—, carbon monoxide made with, 1,124,347 —,—, hydrogen made with, 1,124,347 —,—, nickel as, made with, 1,419,986 —, catalyst supporter of, 1,295,825 —, chlorine distributed by means of, 1,298,552; 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —, coating composition contg., 1,395,451 —, concrete, dust formation prevented, using, 1,180,717 made _ using, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Alundum, concrete floor, treatment of, using, 1,246,827 —, copper cast using mold of, 1,199,427 —, disk, abrasive, made with, 1,311,550 —,engine, internal-combustion, piston fitting compound contg., 1,463,501 —, furnace, electric, made with, 1,217,497 —, hydrogen, diffusion of through, 1,124,347 —, hydrogen made with apparatus made with, 1,124,347 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,358,366 —,iron, tungsten alloy contg., made with, 1,486,214 —,mold, sand, made with, 1,153,231 —, nickel, catalyst, made with, 1,419,986 —, nickel catalyst ground with, 1,419,986 —, nickel catalyst regenerated by grinding with, 1,412,219 —,nitric acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,347,158; 1,347,159; 1,347,160 —,paint, concrete, made with, 1,383,268 —, platinized, catalyst in ammonia oxidation, 1,347,158; 1,347,159; 1,347,160 —, platinum catalyst support, 1,309,623 —,refractory contg., 1,412,916; 1,486,214 —, silicon made with, 1,512,462 —,silicon, tungsten alloy contg., made with, 1,486,214 —,silicon alloy made with, 1,512,462 —, steel, magnetic, annealing of using, 1,156,496 —,—, silicon, annealing of using, 1,156,496 —, stone, artificial, made with, 1,273,547 —, thorium, tungsten alloy contg., made with, 1,486,214 —., tile made with, 1,198,940 —,tungsten alloy, calcium in, made with, 1,486,214 —,—, Iron in, made with, 1,486,214 —,—, silicon in, made with, 1,486,214 —,—, thorium in, made with, 1,486,214 —, vault, burglar proof, made with, 1,423,652 —,see also Abrasive; Alumina, crystalline 3 Aluminum ore; Aluminum owide ; Corundum ; Emery Alundum diaphragm, magnesium made with, 1,486,546 Alundum diffusion partition, air, helium, sepa- ration of from using, 1,496,757 —,—,hydrogen, separation of from _ using, 1,496,757 —,helium, air, separation of from _ using, 1,496,757 —,—,natural gas, separation of from using, 1,496,757 i —, hydrogen, air, separation of from using, 1,496,757 —,—,nitrogen, separation of from _ using, 1,496,757 —,—,water gas, separation of from using, 1,496,757 —,natural gas, helium, separation of from using, 1,496,757 —, nitrogen, hydrogen, separation of from using, 1,496,757 —,Wwater gas, hydrogen, separation of from using, 1,496,757 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Alundum filter, ammonium metaphosphate made with, 1,284,200 —, phosphoric acid made with, 1,284,200 —, phosphorus pentoxide made with, 1,284,200 —,potassium metaphosphate made _ with, 1,284,200 —, salvarsan made using, 1,512,909 Alunite, abrasive made with, 1,239,984; 1,263,607 —,alum made with, 1,256,605; 1,277,773; 1,279,109; 1,413,045 —, alumina made with, 1,420,201 —, ’ alumina, alkali soluble, made with, 1,137,617 -—, aluminate made with, 1,240,570 —, aluminum made with, 1 217 ‘432 —, aluminum carbide made with, 1,137,617 —,aluminum chloride made with, 1,277, ioe 1 820,193 —, aluminum compound made with, 1,249,125 —, aluminum fluoride made with, 1 ‘217, 432 —, aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,239,768 ; 1,274,145; 1,336,508 —, aluminum nitride made with, 1,188,651; 1,250,874; 1,393,370; 1,398,371; 1,393,372; 1,415 036. —, aluminum oxide made with, 1,146,549; 1,191,105; 1,191,106; 1,195,655; 1,214,991; 1,233,977; 1,239,768; 1,239,984; 1,249,125; 1,255,749; 1,256,605; 1,268,433; 1,270,266; 1,274,145; 1,282,278; 1,386,031; 1,401,136; 1,401,137; 1,413,045; 1,422.848 —,—, kiln for, 1,317,686 —,—, process ‘for, 1 301 394; 1.317.686 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,301 094 —,aluminum potassium sulfate made with; 1 239,768 —, aluminum salts made with, 1,240,570 —,aluminum sulfate made with, Wao ott: 1,239,768; 1,277,773; 1,282,278; 1,336,508; 1 '338 ‘428 : 1,413,045 —, aluminum sulfate (basic), 1,256,605 —,ammonium phosphate (NH.H.PO,), made with, 1,191,615 —,ammonium potassium sulfate made with, 1,261,116; 1,261,117 —, barium aluminate made with, 1,191,106 —, ‘barium chloride made with, i 191,106 made _ with, —, ‘barium sulfate made with, 1,191,106; 1,274, 145 —, calcined, furnace lining protected with, 1,308,481 — calcining of, 1,401,136; 1,401,187; 1,401,741; 1 413,045; 1 413 048 —,—, process for, 1,253,590; 1,253,591 —, calcium (acid) phosphate made 1 413,048 — catalyst, chlorine made with, 1,311,175 —,—, sulfur trioxide made with, 1 ‘413. 280 —,—, sulfuric acid made with, 1,314 ,280 —, ’ catalyst for the mfr. of, nitrogen oxides made with, 1,420,201 —,—, sulfuric acid, made with, 1,420,202 —, catalyst prepared with, 1,420,202; 1,420,203 —, cement, aromatic, contg., 1,455,598 —,composition of, 1,136,549; 1,377,554 —, concrete floor, coating of, using, 1,130,717 with, 1,338 ,428 ; 425 Alunite, 1,336,508 —, electrical treatment of, 1,377,554 — ’ ferro- silicon made with, 1,239,984 —, ’ fertilizer made with, 1,191 615: 1,261,117: 1,413,048 —, fertilizer, explosive contg., 1,316,396 sat formula, K,0. 3 Al:Os. 480s. 6H.0, 1,301,394 —,gangue, separation from of, process for, 1,253,590; 1,253,591 —,hydrochloric acid made with, 1,214,991; 1,422 848 —, hydrochloric acid from sodium chloride and, 1,301,394 —,iron chloride made with, 1,320,193 —,iron chloride volatilized from, 1,291,979 —,iron removed from, 1,291,979 —,nitrogen oxides, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,420,201 —, phosphate fertilizer made with, 1,413,048 dissolving of, sulfuric acid for, 1,261,116; —,potassium from, sodium _ chloride for, 1,301,394 —, potassium aluminate made with, 1,189,254; i: 191,104; 1,191,105; 1,191,106; 1,240,570 — potassium aluminum sulfate ’made with, 1, 256,605; 1,277,773; 1,314,280 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,191,106; Portia. Le20193 —, potassium chloride separated from calcium chloride by, 1,422,848 —, potassium compound made with, 1,236,903; 1 ,239,984; 1,277,773; 1,334,940 —, potassium extracted from, 1,308,481 —,potassium nitrate made with, 1,274,145 —, potassium phosphate, (KH2PO,), made with, 1,191,615 —,potassium salt from, process for, 1,820,193 —,potassium sulfate made with, 1,136,549; 15161239; 1,175,489; ° 1;195,655; 1,214,991: Palidos ttiele tous wk 933, ‘977: 1,261,116; yo OS Wee viae | 268 ‘433 « 1,277,713; | 1,282.2733 1,336,508; 1 338, ‘428 : 1,386,031 . 1,401,136; 1,401,137; 1,413,045; 1,422,848 —, potassium sulfate from, kiln for, 1,317,686 —,—, process for, 1,301,394; 1,317,686 —,potassium sulfate, recovery of 1,253,590; 1,253,591 —,purification of, 1,291,979 —,—, carbon for, 1,291,979 __ —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,291,979 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,291,979 —,redwood treated with, 1,390,796 —,refractory made with, 1,197,626; 1,226,750; 1,240,569 —,rhyolite, separation from 1 253,590; 1,253,591 —, rock, separation from of, 1,253,590; 1,253,591 —, silica made with, 1,274,145 from, 1,198,038 ; of, process for, process for, —,silica, separation from of, process for, 1,253,590; 1,253,591 —,silicon dioxide made with, 1,249,125; 1,274,145 —, silicon dioxide removed from, 1,291,979 —, ’ silicon volatilized from, 1,291. 979 —, ‘ sodium *-aluminate made with, 1,191,106; 1,214,991; 1,338,428 426 Alunite, sodium carbonate made with, 1,214,991 —, sodium chloride made with, 1 191, 106 —, ’ sodium hydroxide made with, 1,214 ,991 —, ‘sodium sulfate made with, 1,136 049 ; 1 ,214,991; 1,282,273 —, spinel, artificial, made with, 1,448,010 —,sulfur made with, 1,195,655 — sulfur dioxide made with, 1 301,394; 1,308,429; 1,413,048 —, sulfur dioxide, treatment with of, 1,256,605 —, ’ sulfuric acid made with, 1,239,984; 1,386,031 ; 1,413,048; 1,422,848 —, sulfuric ‘acid, action of on, 1,282,273 —,—, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,420,202 —,sulfur trioxide 1,301,394; 1,413,048 —, superphosphate made with, 1,413,048 —, treating of, 1,338,428; 1 401 741; 1,413,045 —,—, acid for, 1,338 428 —, potassium carbonate for, 1,338,428 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,338,428 , —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1 "338, 428 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,338,428 —,treating with sulfuric acid, apparatus for, 1 457,787 —, treatment of, carbon for, 1,301,394 —, , utilization of, 1,338,508 —,wood pulp made with, 1,249,125 —,see also Alum; Aluminum potassium sulfate ; ‘Potassium aluminum sulfate Alunogen, aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,280,636 —,aluminum oxide 1,252,384; 1 ,280,636 —, aluminum sulfate made with, 1 252,648; 1,280,636. —, ammonium aluminum sulfate made with, 1 ,280,636 —,iron sulfate as impurity in, 1,252,384 —, ’ iron (ic) hydroxide made with, 1,280, 636 “ ’ iron (ic) oxide made with, 1 280, 636 — * iron (ic) sulfate made with, 1 ,280,636 —,see also Aluminum sulfate Amalgam, airplane engine, manifold for, made with, 1,282,266; 1,282,269 —, alkali ‘earth formate made with, 1,185,028 —, "alkali formate made with, 1,185, 028 —,ammonium formate made with, 1,185,028 —, calcium formate made with, 1 185, 028 —, carbon monoxide made with, 1,190, 845 —, ’ dentist’ s, mfr. of, apparatus for, eat y 886 —,—,—, celluloid capsule for, 1 Siz. 886 —_—,—,— ' gelatin capsule for, 1,317 886 —,—,—, mercury for, 1,317, 886 —, diamond, imitation, made with, 1,219,853 —, ’ discharge tube, electric, made with, 1,169,082 —,engine, internal combustion, manifold for, made with, 1,282,266; 1,282,269 —, flotation process using, 1,257,990 —, formate made with, 1,190,845 —, formic acid made with, 1,185,028 —, glyoxylate made with, 1,190,845 —,glyoxylic acid made with, 1,190,845 1,136,549 ; made with, 1,136,549; made with, 1,252,384; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Amalgam, hydrogen-sodium-mercury, precious metals extracted by aid of, 1,852,832 —,iron coated with mercury using, 1,324,835 —, lamp, metal vapor, made with, 1,244,121 —,lead sulfide, zine sulfide, separation from of using, 1,257, 990 —, magnesium formate made with, 1,185,028 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,252,887 —, mercury in, recovery apparatus for, 1,372,137. —,metal made with, 1,505,494 —, metal coated with mercury using, 1,324,835 —,ore, sulfide, concentrated with, 1,257,990 —, potassium formate made with, 1, 185 028 —, producing of, apparatus for, i ‘420, O11 —, reaction by means of, apparatus for effecting, 1 411,507 —, sodium, forming, 1,374,370 —, sodium-, see also Sodium amalgam —,sodium formate made with, 1,185,028 —, steel coated with mercury using, 1 324 835 —, tartaric acid made with, 1,190 845 —, tartrate made with, 1 190 845 —.! see also Dental amalgam Amalgamating, apparatus 1,436,518 —, cell for, 1,430,091 Amalgamation, apparatus for, 1,397 815 —,gold ore, apparatus for, 1,292 684 —, gold recovered by, 1,293 828 —, platinum recovered by, 1,293,828 —, silver recovered by, 1,293,828 Amanitine, see Choline Amaranth, butter, coloring compound for, made with, 1 224 910 —, cocoanut ‘shreds colored with, 1,382,038 —, ’ photograph, colored, made with, 1,248,139 —, polish contg., 1,314, 482 Amarillo resin, chicle substitute made with 1,134,073 Amatol, ammonium nitrate in, 1,492,922; 1,492,923; 1,492,924; 1,492,949; 1,492,956; 1,492,957; 1,492,958 —,ammonium nitrate, recovery of from, 1 492,922; 1,492,956; 1 492,957; 1,492,958 — . explosive contg., 1,444 594: 1 A56, 341 for, 1,221,461; ’ 1,492,905 ; 1,492,925 ; —,trinitro-toluene in, 1 492 905; 1,492,922; 1 492,923; 1,492 924: 1,492,925: 1,492,949 ; 1 492. 9563. 1 492, 957; 1,492,958 —, trinitro-toluene, recovery from, 1,492,922 ; 1 492,956; 1,492 957; 1,492,958 — unloading ‘shell filled with, apparatus for, 1,492,905; 1,492,922; 1,492,993: 1,492.95: 1,492,949; 1,492,956; 1,492,957; 1 ‘492 ‘958 _ unloading shell filled with, process for, 1 492,905; 1,492,922; 1,492 923: 1,492,924; 1 492 925 ; 1,492,949: eek ‘492 956 : 1 492.957 : 1,492,958 Amber, bean oil, compound of and, sulfona- tion of, 1,289,097 —, castor oil, compound of and, sulfonation of, 1,289,097 —,coating composition made with, 1,189,551 —,cod oil, compound of and, sulfonation of, 1,289,097 —,concrete, coating composition for, made with, 1,189,551 INDEX OF Amber, corn oil, compound of and, sulfonation of, 1,289,097 —,cotton seed oil, compound of and, sulfona- tion of, 1,289,097 —, dental filling made with, 1,294,355 —,fat, compound of and, sulfonation of, 1,289,097 —, fatty acid, compound of and, sulfonation of, 1,289,097 —,fish oil, compound of and, sulfonation of, 1,289,097 —, goiter, treatment of, using, 1,190,831 —, grease, compound of and, sulfonation of, 1 ,289,097 —, imitation, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,199,798; 1,245,476 —,—,—, acetodichlorhydrin for, 1,245,476 —,—,—,alcohol for, 1,199,798; 1,245,476; 1 263 284 —,—,—,cellulose acetate for, 1,199,798; 1 245,476 —,—,—, cellulose esters for, 1,396,075 —,—,—, chloroform for, 1 199, 798 : 1,245,476 —,—,—, ’ dichlorhydrin for, I 245 476 —,—,—, diphenylamine for, 1 199,798; 1,245,476 —,—,—,ethyl acetate for, 1, 199, 798; 1 "945 ATG —,—, —, ethyl acetoacetate for, 1 245, 476 —,—,—,ethyl benzoate for, 1 945 476 —,—,—, formaldehyde for, 1,263 ,284 —,—,—, gelatin for, 1,263 284 —, —,—, glue for, 1 396 075 —,—,—, glue, animal, for, 1,263 284 —,—,—, glycerol for, 1 263 284 —,—,—, hop flower ‘extract for, 1,263,284 —,—,—, lac for, 1,396,075 —,—,— ‘ lithopone for, 1,896,075 —,—,—, oxalic acid for, 1 263, 284 —,—,—, phenyl salicylate ‘for, 1,245,476 —,—,—, pigment for, 1,396 075 ,—, process for, 1 199 798; 1,245,476; 1,263, ORM : 1,396,075 —,—,—, tannin for, 1,263,284 —,—,—, s-tetrachlorethane for, 1,199,798 1,245, 476 —,—,—,trichlor-phenol for, 1,245,476 —,—,—, tricresyl phosphate for, 1,245,476 —,—,—,triphenyl phosphate for, 1,199,798; 1,245,476 —,—,—, urea for, 1,199,798; 1,245,476 —,—,—, varnish for, 1,396,075 —,—,—, wood for, 1,396,075 —,—,—, zine white for, 1,396,075 —,—, urea-formaldehyde condensate as, 1,458,543 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,240,565 —,iron, lead coated, using, 1,285,511 —,lard oil, compound of and, sulfonation of, 1,289,097 —, lead, iron coated with, tee 1,285,511 —-,—,refining of, using, 1,285,511 —,—, steel coated, using, 1,285 oll — ‘oil, animal, compound of and, sulfonation of, 1,289,097 —, oil, vegetable, compound of and, sulfonation of, 1 ,289,097 —, ozonizing, 1,480,538 —, paint contg., 1,448,284 SUBJECTS RY Amber, phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,146,388; 1,255,500 —, phonograph record made with, 1,255,500 —, pipe made with, 1,214,987 —, plastic contg., 1 295 306 —,raw, paint conte., 1,448 284 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,146,388 —, rubber substitute made with, 1,430,538 —, solvent for, bean oil as, 1,289,097 —,—, castor oil as, 1,289,097 —,—, ’ chloroform as, 1,294,355 —, —, cod oil as, 1,289 ‘097 —,—,corn oil as, 1 289 097 —,—, cotton seed oil as, 1,289,097 —,—, fat as, 1,289,097 —,—,fatty acid as, 1,289,097 —,fish oil as, 1,289,097 —, grease as, 1,289,097 —,—, lard oil as, 1,289,097 —,— — oil, animal, as, 1,289 097 —,—,—, vegetable, as, 1,289,097 —,—, tallow as, 1,289, 097 —, steel, lead coated, using, 1,285,511 —, ‘stencil made with, 1,371, 157 —, succinic acid made with, 1,491,465 —,tallow, compound of and, sulfonation of, 1 ,289, 097 Amberoid, abrasive wheel impregnated with, 1,403, 416 —, see also Phenol aldehyde condensate Amberoid plastic, see Phenol aldehyde con- densate Amber oil, carbon tetrachloride, freezing point of mixture of and, 1,270,395 —,coating for material contg., 1,304,071 —, fire-extinguisher contg., carbon tetrachloride and, 1,270,395 —,leather dressing contg., 1,329,968 —, polish contg., 1,329,968 Amber plug, cigar made with, 1,520,761 Amber resin, calf hide, waterproofing of using, 1,150,047 —, goat hide, waterproofing of using, 1,150,047 —, leather, waterproofing of using, 1, 150, 047 —, sheep hide, waterproofing of using, 1 150 047 —, solvent for, benzene in, 1,150,047 —,— ‘naphtha i in, 1,150 047 Amber substitute, mfr. of, acetic acid, glacial, for, 1,489,213 —,—,acetodichlorhydrin for, 1,386,576 —, acetone for, 1,241,738; 1,886,576; 1,502,945 —,—, acid, organic, for, 1,475,446 —,—,acid anhydride for, 1,241,738 —,—, alcohol for, 1,241,738; 1,386,576 —,aldehyde for, 1,502,945 —,—,alkali hydroxide for, 1,502,945 —,aldehyde resin for, 1,489,213 —,—,barium hydroxide for, 1,502,945 — benzoyl peroxide for, 1,241 738 —, camphor for, 1,241 738 —, —, camphor substitute for, 1,241,738 —,—,castor oil for, 1,241,738 —, —, cellulose acetate for, 1,386,576 —,—, chlor-benzene for, 1,241,738 —,—, chloroform for, 1,886,576 —,—, cotten linters for, 1,502,945 —,—,s-dichlor-ethane for, 1,241,738 428 Amber substitute, mfr. of, dichlor-ethylene for, 1,241,738 ah , dichlorhydrin for, 1,386,576 —,— ’ dihydroxy-diphenyl- dimethyl-methane for, 1,158,962 —,— _ dihydroxy-diphenyl- dimethyl-methane aldehyde condensate for, 1,158,962 —,—, dimethylamine for, i ATS 446 —,— ’ diphenylamine for, 1,386, 576 —,—, epichlorhydrin for, 1,241 738 —,—,esters for, 1,241,738 —,—, ethers for, 1,241,738 —,—, ethyl acetate for, 1,241,738; 1,886,576 —, —, ethyl acetoacetate for, 1 386, 576 —,—, ethyl benzoate for, 1,386,576 —,—,ethylidene diacetate for, 1,241,738 —,—,formaldehyde for, 1,147,264; 1,475,446; 1,502,945 —,—, glycerol for, 1,489,213 —,—, hexamethylenetetramine for, 1,502,945 —,—, hydroxy-carboxylic acid for, 1,475,446 —,—, ketones for, 1,241,738; 1,502,945 —,—, lamp, mercury vapor, for, 1,241,738 —,—, manganese acetate for, 1,489,213 —,—, metal oxide for, 1,241,738; 1,489,213 —,—, oxygen for, 1,241,788; 1,489,213 —, ozone for, 1,489,213 —,—,ozonide for, 1,241,738 —,—, paraformaldehyde for, 1,502,945 —,—, perborate for, 1,241,738 —, percarbonate for, 1,241,738 —, permanganate for, 1,489,213 —,-——, peroxide (organic) for, 1,241,738 —,—, phenol for, 1,475,446 ,—, pheny] salicylate for, 1,386,576 —,—, potassium carbonate "for, 1,502 945 —, potassium hydroxide for, 1,502 945 —,—, process for, 1,147,264; 1 158 962: 1,241,738 ; 1 386, 576; ‘1 AT, 446: 1 89, 213; 1 502 945 —,—, resorcinol for, i 147 264 —,—, salicylic acid ‘for, 1,475 446 —,—, silver oxide for, 1,241 738 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,502,945 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,502 (945 —,—, ’ sodium phosphate (Na:HPO,), 1,502, 945 —,—,—, (NasPO,), for, 1,502,945 —,—, s-tetrachlor-ethane for, 1,241,738; 1,386,576 —,—., trichlor-ethane for, 1,241,738 —,—, trichlorphenol for, 1,386,576 —,—, tricresy] phosphate for, 1 386,576 —,—, triphenyl phosphate for, 1,386 076 —,—, ultra-violet ray for, 1,241 738 v_ ~w ~~ for, —,urea for, 1,386,576 — vinyl acetate for, 1,241,738 —,—, vinyl bromide for, i 241, 738 —,—, vinyl chlor-acetate for, 1,241,738 —,—,vinyl chloride for, 1,241,738 —,—, vinyl esters for, 1,241,738 —, vinyl halide for, 1,241,738 —, wood flour for, 1,502,945 —, zinc oxide for, if 502 945 Amblygonite, composition of, 1,303,268 —,enamel contg., 1,303,268 —, glass contg., 1,803,268 | Li(AlF) PQ,, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Amblygonite, glaze contg., 1,303,268 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,226,812 —, potassium compound made with, 1,226,812 —, potassium cyanide made with, 1,226,811; 1 ,226,812 —, see also Aluminum fluophosphates ; Lithium fluophosphate Amboceptor, bacteria treated with, process for, 1,448,290 —, blood pressure reducing substance prepared with, 1,399,535 Amboceptor serum, bacteria killed by, 1,399,535 ““ Ambrine,” candle of, application to wounds with, 1,264, 781 —, candle, medicinal, made with, 1,289,093 — ’ composition or, 1 264, 781 “A mbroid,” piezo-electrical with, 1,414,370 —, piezophony using, 1,495,429 —, telephone receiver using, 1,495,429 —,telephone transmitter using, 1,495,429 Ambrosia artemisiaefolia, see Bitter ‘weed Amel acetate, see Amyl acetate American beauty, S. 2067, silk dyed with, 1,446,860 American foul brood, bee food, sterilized, for feeding bees exposed to infection with, 1,511,856 —, combating of, alkali for, 1,511,857 —,— _ hypochlorite for, 1,511, 857 —, sodium carbonate for, 1,511,857 —, ’ sodium hypochlorite for, 1 Bll 857 —, process for, 1,511,857 — honey rome sterilized when infected with, 1,511,762 —,see also Foul brood “ American petrolite,’ cracking, 1,487,045 —,dyestuff made with, 1,239,099 —,explosive made with, 1,239,099 —,gasolene made with, 1,239,099 —, properties of, 1,239,099 American red, see Iron(ic) oxide Besiesitan|s sienna, see Iron(ic) oxide; Indian Re American vermilion, see Vermilion, American American wormseed, see Chenopodium Amethyst, oriental, see Aluminum oxide; Co- rundum i Sapphire Amethyst 8. 7185, silk dyed with, 1,446,860 Amianth, coffin made using, 1,150,688 Amid, battery, dry, made with, 1,160,907 —,manganese oxides, recovered, made with, 1,160,907 Amidduron, printing plate, lithographic, made with, 1,203,770 —,see also Stearamide Amide, alkali metal, lead alloy contg., treat- ment of using, 1,197,329 —,catalyst, hydrocyanic 1,352,176 —, dyeing process using, 1,333,700 —,lead alloy, alkali metal in, treatment of using, 1,197,329 —,—, potassium in, treatment of using, 1,197,329 —,—,sodium in, treatment of using, 1,197,329 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,187,230; 1,187,232 crystals coated acid made _ with, INDEX OF Amide, potassium, lead alloy contg., treatment of using, 1,197,329 —, powder, propellent, made with, 1,354,442 —,sodium, lead alloy contg., treatment of using, 1 197, 329 Amido-, see Amino Amidoacetic acid, see Glycine; Glycocoll Amidoacetophenetidine, see Phenocoll Amido acids, lead ore concentrated by use of, 1,449,797 —,ore ‘concentrated by use of, 1,449,797 —,rubber, synthetic, made with, 1,238,930 ; 1 248, 888 —, suint ingredient, 1,405,371 —, tin ore concentrated by use of, 1,449,797 —~, ‘vanadium ore concentrated by use of, 1 449,797 Amidoanisidine, carbamides from, 1,351,888 Amidoanthraquinones, see Aminoanthraquin- ones p-Amido-azobenzol, o-Amido-azo-toluol, uidine Amidobarbituric acid, see Uramil Amidobenzene, see Aniline Amido-benzoic acid, see Anthranilic acid o-Amido-benzoic acid, see Anthranilic acid Amidobenzol, see Aniline p-Amidobenzyl-dimethylamine, methyl-p-phenylenediamine Amidocaproic acid, see Leucine Amido compounds, see Amino compounds Amido-p-cresol-methyl-ethyl-methyl-omega- sulfonic acid, see (6-Methoxy-2-methyl-1-an- tlino)-methanesulfonic acid -Amidocumene, see Cumidine Amidocyanic acid, explosive contg., 1,409,963 p-Amidocymenol, diazotization of, 1,378,939 —,thymol prepared from, 1,378,939 Amidodicyanic acid, explosive contg., 1,409,963 p-Amidodimethylaniline, by-product from van- illa in mfr., 1,345,649 —, formation of, 1,406,719 —, see also N.N-Dimethyl-p- phenylenediamine Amidodimethylbenzene, see Xylidine p-Amido-diphenyl-imide, see p-Amido-azoben- zene Amidodracylic acid, see p-Amido-benzorc acid Amidoethane, see Ethylamine ' Amidoethylsulfonic acid, see Taurine Amido-formic acid, see ‘Carbamic acid Amidoguanidine, p-acetophenonarsonic acid de- rivative of, preparing, 1,425,929 —,see also Aminoquanidine Amidoguanidine nitrate, p-acetophenonarsonic acid condensed with, 1,425 ,929 a-Amido-n-hexoic acid, see Leucine Amidosopropylbenzene, see Cumidine Amidol, mercuric acetate, reaction of with, 1,297,685 —, see also 2.4-Diamino-phenol ; Diaminophenol hydrochloride Amidomalonylurea, see Uramil Amidomethane, see Methylamine 1.8-Amidonaphthol-2.4-disulfonic acid, see §8- Amino-1-naphthol-6.7-disulfonic acid see p-Amino-azo-benzene see 4-(0-Tolylazo)-o-tol- N.N-Di- See SUBJECTS 429 18-Amidonaphthol-3.6-disulfonic acid, Amino-1-naphthol-3.6-disulfonic acid Amido-naphtholsulfonic acid, carbamides made with, 1,351,888 1.6-Amidonaphthol-7-sulfonic acid, see 5-Amino- 1-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid 186-Amidonaphtholsulfonic acid, see 8-Amino- 1-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid 2-Amido-5-naphthol-7-sulfonic mides made with, 1,351,888 Zz 5-Amidonaphthol-?-sulfonic acid, see 6-Amino- 1-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid 2.6.7-Amidonaphtholsulfome acid, see 6-Amino- 1-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid 28-Amidonaphthol-6-sulfonic acid, see 7-Amino- 1-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid Amidophenols, see Aminophenols Amido-(dt) phenol, see Amidol o-Amido-phenol, see o-Aminophenol p-Amido-phenol, see p-Amino-phenol o-Amido-phenol-p-sulfonic acid, see 2-Amino- phenol-4-sulfonic acid p-Amido-phenylglycine, see N-(p-Amino- phenyl)-glycine m-Amidophenyl-a-naphthylamine, see m-Ami- no-phenyl-a-naphthylamine Amidopyrine, see Pyramidone Amidosalicylic acid, see Aminosalicylic acid Amidosuccinamic acid, see Asparagin Amidosuccinic acid, see Asparaginic acid Amidothiophenols, flotation by, chalcocite of, 1,364,307 —,—, chalcopyrite of, 1,364,307 —,—, minerals of, 1,364, 307 —,—, porphyry ores of, 1,364,307 —, flotation process using, 1 364, 307 We attobinns, see Toluidine Amidoxylene, see Xylidine Amines, absorbing, hydrochloric 1,465,677 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,465,677 —, "accelerator i in rubber vulcanization, 1,440,962 ; 1 440,963 — , acetaldehyde made with, 1,511,754 —,alcohol made with, 1,511,754 —, aldehydes, compounds of and, 1,417,970 —, aliphatic, accelerator in rubber vulcaniza- tion, 1,440,962: 1,440,963 see 8- acid, carba- acid for, —,—,rubber vulcanization accelerator from, 1,296,469 —,alkyl, catalyst in cellulose acetate mfr., 1,445,382 —,—, cellulose acetate made with, 1,445,382 —,aniline black made with, 1,350,600 —,anthraquinone' derivatives made 1 437,783 —, aromatic, alkylating, 1,429 714 —,—, carboxylic acids of, dyestuff made with, 1,202,821 —,—, —, naphthazarin, of and, 1,202,821 —,— _dyestuff made with, 1,202,821 —,—,mfr. of, aromatic ‘hydrocarbon halides for, 1,445, 637 —,—,— catalyst for, cobalt as, 1,456,969 —,—,—,—, copper as, 1,456 969 —,—,—, —, iridium as, 1 ‘456, ‘969 with, condensation product 430 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Amines, aromatic, mfr. of, catalyst for, iron Amines, catalyst, b-bromethyl-p-nitrobenzoate as, 1,456,969 made with, 1,260,289 —,—,—,—,mfr.- of, alkali compounds for, —,—, ethylene glycol di-p-nitrobenzoate made 1,207,802 with, 1,260,289 —,—,—, —, —, aluminum oxide for, 1,207,802 —,cement, Portland, waterproofing of with, —,—,—_,—_, —,ammonium carbonate for, 1,255,116 1,207,802 —, checks, writing of, using, 1,514,222 7... asbestos for) vor.oUe —,chlorosulfates of, preparing, 1,441,655 —,—,—,—,—, carbon monoxide for, 1,207,802' —,diazotized, dye from ureid of aminonaphthol Eien er, —, CODA O TOF WL Or ole compounds and, 1,308,071 CS, +, copper for, 11 207,502 —, diazotizing, 1,333,700 Se, ee, me, copper, pyrogenetic, for, —, dibutyl dixanthate, action of and, 1,491,021 1,207,802 —, 3-dimethylaminomethyl-3-octanol made —,—, —,—, —, copper carbonate for, 1,207,802 with, 1,150,251 —,—,—,—, —, copper formate for, 1,207,802 —,diolefin made with, 1,282,906 —,—,—,—,—, copper nitrate for, 1,207,802 —, documents, printing of, using, 1,514,222 —,—,—,—,—, copper oxalate for, 1,207,802 —, drier contg., 1,278,290 —,—,—,—,—, copper salts for,-1,207,802 —, dyeing process using, 1,333,700 = —'—, —,—, hydrogen for, 1)207,802 —,dyestuff made with, 1,128,813; 1,129,574; ey ay a at omar iron for, 1,207,802 1 326 367 ; 1,350,600 —,—,—,—,—, iron carbonate for, 1,207,802 —,ethane made with, 1,282,906 Ce) ae eae, ION ORC ILOL ee L aoe —, ethylene made with, 1,282,906 i, =) irom salt: for, 1,207,802 —, fire-extinguisher made with, carbon tetra- ~~, —, —, —, —, kieselguhr: for, 1,207,802 chloride and, 1,243,149; 1,270,393; 1,270,394; —,—, — —,—, magnesia for, 1,207,802 1,270,395 ; 1,270,396 ; 1,270,397 —,—,—,—,—, magnesium oxide for, 1,207,802 —; flotation process using, 1,364,308 —,—,—,—,—, metal oxide for, 1,207,802 —,gasolene made with, 1,282,906 —,—, —,—,—, nickel for, 1,207,802 —,glycerol made with, 1,511,754 a olatmum: torn L.207.802 —,gum, artificial made with, 1,225,748; process £011,207 802 1,225,749; 1,225,750 : oo oe mice for, e0Ta0e —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,159,257 —,—, —,—, —, silver oxide for, 1,207,802 ~ —, isoprene made with, 1,282,906 i, —~, —4,—, —, silver salt for, 1207,802 —, kerosene made with, 1,282,906 —,—,—,—,—, sodium silicate for, 1,207,802 —, linseed oil substitute made with, 1,278,290 +. __,_+,—. watergas for, 1,207,802 —, mfr. of, air for, 1,504,730 —,—,—,—,—, zine carbonate for, 1,207,802 —,—, apparatus for, 1,504,730 —,—,—,—,—, zine oxide for, 1,207,802 —,—, blood for, 1,504,730 —,—,—,—,—, zine salt for, 1,207,802 —,—, bone for; 1,504,730 —,—,—,—, nickel as, 1,456,969 —,—, distillery slop for, 1,504,730 —,—, —, —, osmium as, 1,456,969 Sy ay: distillery waste for, 1,504,730 —,—,—,—, platinum as, 1,456,969 —,—,fullers earth for, 1,504,730 pe eee; oe een, tin Ae) 1 456.060 —,—, kieselguhr for, 1,504,730 —,—,—,—, tin oxide as, 1,456,969 —,—, lime for, 1,504,730 —,—,naphthazarin, condensation product of —,—, limestone for, 1,504,730 and, 1,202,821 —,—, nut shells for, 1,504,730 —,—,orthosulfonic acids of, preparation of. —,—, process for, 1,504,730 1,441,655 —,—, sawdust for, 1,504,730 —,—,rubber vulcanization accelerator from, —, methyl sulfites of, preparing, 1,426,348 1,296,469 —, olefin made with, 1,282,906 —,—,sulfonic acids of, dyestuff made with, —,paint vehicle made with, 1,278,290 1,202,821 —, paper, safety, made using, 1,509,872 —,—,—,naphthazarin, condensation product —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, of, and, 1,202,821 1,187,230; 1,187,282; 1,188,489; 1,225,748: —,—, vulcanizing accelerators, 1,440,961 1,225,749; 1,225,750; 1,228,428; 1,252,507 —,—,vulcanization accelerator made with, —, phthalimides made with, 1,450,678 1,510,074 —,piperylene made with, 1,282,906 —,aryl-, dyestuff from, 1,426,522 —, primary, aniline black made with, 1,277,056; —,azo colors from, 1,462,613 Re-14,824 —, benzene made with, 1,282,906 —,—, dyestuff made with, 1,277,056; Re-14,824; —, bitumen vulcanizing accelerator, 1,464,481 —,—,rubber vulcanization accelerator from, —,bivinyl made with, 1,282,906 1,296,469 —, carbon tetrachloride, freezing point of mix- —,propylene made with, 1,282,906 ture of and, 1,243,149; 1,270,393; 1,270,394; —,retting liquors as source of, 1,344,719 1,270,395 ; 1,270,396 1,270,397 —,rubber, hard, made using, 1,507,594 —,carbon tetrachloride freezing point affected —,rubber article preserved using, 1,422,115 by, 1,292,743; 1,292,744 . —,rubber preserved using, 1,422,115 —_ INDEX OF SUBJECTS Amines, rubber substitute made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258 —,secondary, hydroxy-alkylamine made with, 1,498,781; 1,498,782 —,—,rubber vulcanization accelerator from, 1,296,469 . —,—,vulcanization accelerator made _ with, 1,453,515 —, substituted, mfr. of, 1,429,714 —,sulfur made with, 1,479,852 —,thiourethane made with, 1,491,021 —,varnish made with, 1,188,439; 1,159,257; 1,159,258 —, vulcanization accelerator, 1,510,652 —,vulcanization process using, 1,507,594 —, vulcanizing accelerator made with, 1,417,970; 1,473,285 . —,see also Anime Amine aldehyde condensate, celluloid substitute made with, 1,217,027 © —, cellulose ethers composition of and, 1,217,028 —,ethy] cellulose, composition of and, 1,217,028 —,filament, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —, film made with, 1,217,027 —,gelatin substitute made with, 1,217,027 —, hair, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —,silk, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 Amine bisulfates, cellulose acetate made with, 1,280,974 Amine formaldehyde condensate, aluminum chloride combined with, 1,444,865 —, calcium acetate combined with, 1,444,865 —,cobalt chloride combined with, 1,444,865 —,lead acetate combined with, 1,444,865 —., magnesium acetate combined with, 1,444,865 —, oleic acid combined with, 1,444,865 —, palmitic acid combined with, 1,444,865 —, preparing, 1,444,865 —,sodium acetate combined with, 1,444,865 —,stearic acid combined with, 1,444,865 —,vulcanizing accelerator of oleic acid and, 1,444,865 —, vulcanizing accelerator of palmitic acid and, 1,444,865 —,vulcanizing accelerator of stearic acid and, 1,444,865 —,zine acetate combined with, 1,444,865 —,zine chloride combined with, 1,444,865 —,zine hydroxide combined with, 1,444,865 Amines sulfates, producing of, 1,465,677 Aminoacetal, 2-amino-a-aminoethyl-4-hydroxy- benzyl alcohol made with, 1,432,291 —, b-amino-a-(carboxy-trihydroxy-phenyl)- ethanol made with, 1,432,291 —, b-amino-a-(o-dihydroxypheny])-ethanol made with, 1,482,291 —, b-amino-a-(trihydroxy-pheny])-ethanol made with, 1,432,291 —., b.b-bis-(4-hydroxy-3-iso-propyl-2-methyl- phenyl)-ethylamine, 1,432,291 —, b.b-bis(2-hydroxy-naphthy])-ethylamine made with, 1,432,291 —, b.b-bis(4-hydroxy-phenyl)-ethylamine made with, '1,482,291 —, b-methylamino-bis-a-(o-dihydroxyphenyl)- ethane made with, 1,432,291 1,249,272; 431 Amino acetamide, see Glycinamide m-Amino-acetanilide, dyestuff made 1,503,044 p-Amino-acetanilide, dye made with, 1,314,928 ; 1,378,388 with, —,dyestuff made with, 1,268,455; 1,283,231; 1,292,385; 1,362,936; 1,363,886; 1,365,040; 1,378,388; 1,505,568 —, dyestuff, azo, made with, 1,323,285 —,mfr. of, calcium chloride for, 1,358,324 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,358,324 —,—, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,358,324 —,—, iron for, 1,358,324 —,—,iron(ous) chloride for, 1,358,324 —, —, p-nitro-acetanilide for, 1,358,324 —,—, process for, 1,358,324 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,358,324 —, preparation of, 1,858,324 —,printing paste made with, 1,157,705 —,urea derivatives of, dyestuff made with, 1,483,447 Amino-acetaniside, dyestuff made with 1,498,417 3-Amino-p-acetaniside, dyestuff made with, 1,498,417 4-Amino-o-acetaniside, dyestuff made with, 1,504,134 Amino-acetic acid, see Glycine Aminoacetonitrile, see Glyctnonitrile Amino-aceto-nitrile sulfate, ethylenediamine made with, 1,239,867 p-Aminoacetophenone, acetophenone-arsenious acid made with, 1,472,778 5-Amino-2-acetylamino-1-anisole, see 4-Amino- o-acetaniside 2-Amino-4-acetylamino-4'-methyl-5' sulfo-1.1'- diphenylsulfone, see 4-Acetylamino-2-amino- 4-methyl-5'-sulfo-1.1'-diphenylsulfone Amino acids, dentifrice made with, 1,470,794 —, ferment contg., 1,253,334 —, phthalimides made with, 1,450,678 —,rubber, reclaiming of, using, 1,189,282 —,soya bean sauce contg., 1,332,448 a-Amino-acids, silver salts, action of on, 1,417,167 Amino-alcohols, aromatic, preparation of, 1,423,101 —, quinoline series, preparation of, 1,434,306 Amino alcohol bitartrates, amino alcohols from, 1,423,101 Aminoalcohol preparation of, 1,423,101 b-Amino-alizarin, compounds C2aHwO.NCl made with, 1,138,670 —,compound C2HiO.N made with, 1,138,670 —,compound C:sHivO.N made with, 1,138,670 —,compound C2sH::0.N2 made with, 1,138,670 —,compound C2sH:s0;N2S made with, 1,188,670 —, dyestuff made with, 1,138,670 —,oxazine derived from, dyestuff made with, 1,138,670 —, oxazole derived from, compound C2zsH.sO.N; made with, 1,138,670 Saige compound C2sHisO,N2S made 1,138,670 —,—,dyestuff made with, 1,138,670 optically active, tartrates, with, 432 Amino-alkoxy-benzoic acid, alkamine ester of, mfr. of, 1,317,250 Amino-(m-amino-benzoylamino) -benzene fonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,153,555 2-Amino-4-(m’-amino-benzoylamino)-benzene- sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,153,555 4-Amino-2-(m-amino-benzoylamino )-1-meth- ory-benzene, see N*-m-Amino-benzoyl-6- methoxy-phenylenediamine 2-A mino-6-(m-amino-benzoy]) -amino-1-naph- thol-3-sulfonic acid, dyestuff reduction prod- uct, 1,865,706 2-Amino-6-p-aminobenzoylamino-1-naphthol- 3-sulfonic acid, dyestuff reduction product, 1,150,675 5-Amino-1-(amino-carboxy-hydroxy-pheny]l)- benzimidazole, dyestuff reduction product, 1,127,261 2-Amino-a-aminomethyl-4-hydroxy-benzyl al- cohol, mfr. of, aminoacetal for, 1,482,291 —,—,m-amino phenol for, 1,432,291 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,432,291 —,—, process for, 1,482,291 2-Amino-8-(1’amino-2’-naphthol-6’-sulfonyl- amino)-naphthol-3.5-disulfonic acid, dyestuff reduction product, 1,128,814 b-Amino-a-(2-amino-4-oxyphenyl) -a-oxy- ethane, see 2-Amino-a-aminomethyl-4-hy- droxy-benzyl alcohol 2-Amino-6-(amino-phenyl)-acridine, see Chry- saniline 6-Amino-2-m-aminophenylazo-1-naphthol-3- sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,150,825 8-Amino-2-(m-aminopheny])-9-hydroxy-a- naphthimidazole-4.7-disulfonie acid, dyestuff reduction product, 1,241,153 7-Amino-2-(m-amino-pheny])-6-hydroxy-a- naphthimidazole-8-sulfonic acid, dyestuff re- duction product, 1,150,656; 1,160.406 4-Amino-1-m-aminophenyl-3-methyl-5-pyra- zolene, dyestuff reduction product, 1,147,803 4-Amino-1-anilido-anthraquinone-3-sulfo-2'- carboxylic acid, see 4-Amino-1-(2'-carbory- anilino)-anthraquinone-3-sulfonic acid Amino-aniline, see Phenylenediamine 3-Amino-aniline-2-sulfonic acid, see 2.6-Dia- mino-benzenesulfonic acid 4-Amino-aniline-2-sulfonic acid, see 2.5- Diamino-benzenesulfonic acid 3-Aminoaniline-2-sulfonic acid azo-(1)-2- amino-8-naphthol-6-sulfonic acid, sodium salt of, dyestuff made with, 1,408,405 4-Aminoaniline-2-sulfonic acid az0-(1)-2-amino- 8-naphthol-6-sulfonic acid, sodium salts of, dyestuff made with, 1,408,405 1-Amino-4-anilino-anthraquinone, mfr. of, 1- amino-4-chlor-anthraquinone for, 1,394,851 —,—, aniline for, 1,394,851 —,—, process for, 1,894,851 1-Amino-4-anilino-2-methyl-anthraquinone, anthraquinone’' derivatives made _ with, 1,394,851 —, mfr. of, acetic acid, glacial for, 1,394,851 —,—, acetone for, 1,894,851 —,—, aluminum for, 1,394,851 —,—, l-amino-4-chlor-2-methyl-anthraquinone for, 1,394,851 sul- UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 1-Amino-4-anilino-2-methyl-anthraquinone, mfr. of, 1-amino-2-methyl-anthraquinone for, 1,394,851 —,—, aniline for, 1,394,851 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,394,851 —,—, magnesium for, 1,894,851 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,894,851 —,—, process for, 1,394,851 —,—,sodium amide for, 1,894,851 2-Amino-6-anilino-1-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid, dyestuff reduction product, 1,498,316 m-Aminoanisic acid, alkamine ester of, mfr. of, 1,317,250 —,—, solvent for, acetone as, 1,817,250 —,—,—, alcohol as, 1,317,250 —,—,—, benzene as, 1,317,250 —,—,—, ether as, 1,317,250 —,—,—, water as, 1,317,250 4-Amino-o-anisidine, dyestuff reduction product, 1,504,134 5-Amino-o-anisidine, 1,453,021 Amino-anisole, see Anisidine —,see also Methoxy-aniline 1-(3’-(3”-Amino-p”-anisoyl)-amino-p’-anisoyl)- amino-naphthalene-4.6-disulfonic acid, com- pound CssHuOaNoSu, made with, 1,218,654 ; 1,218,655 —,mfr.-of, 1-amino-naphthalene-4.6-disulfonic acid for, 1,218,654; 1,218,655 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,218,654; 1,218,655 —,—, iron for, 1,218,654; 1,218,655 . —,—, 3-nitro-p-anisoyl chloride for, 1,218,654; 1,218,655 —,—, process for, 1,218,654; 1,218,655 Aminoanisoyl-aminoanisoyl-1-amino-8-naph- thol-4.6-disulfonic acid, see also 8-(3'-(3”- Amino-p"-anisoyl) amino-p'-anisoylamino)- 1-naphthol-3.6-disulfonic acid 8-(3'-(3”-Amino-p”-anisoyl)-amino-p’-anisoyl- amino)-1-naphthol-3.5-disulfonic acid, com- pound, CusHzsO20NoSs, made with, 1,218,654 —, therapeutic compound made with, 1,218,654 —, thiourea made with, 1,218,654 —,urea made with, 1,218,654 8-(3’-(3”-Amino-p”-anisoyl)-amino-p’-anisoyl)- amino-1-naphthol-3.5-disulfonic acid, com- pound, CssHsOosNoSu, made with, 1,218,655 re Css HssO2sN Su, made with, 1,218,655 —,mfr. of, 8-amino-1-naphthol-3.5-disulfonic acid for, 1,218,655 —,—, m-nitro-anisoyl chloride for, 1,218,655 —,—, process for, 1,218,655 —, therapeutic compound made with, 1,218,655 —, thiourea made with, 1,218,655 —,ureas made with, 1,218,655 —,urea derivatives of, see Compound CssH sOo3N Ss 8-(3'-(3”-Amino-p”-anisoylamino) -p’-anisoyl- amino)-1-naphthol-3.5-disulfonie acid, com- pound, CssH1O23N Su, made with, 1,308,071 —, dyestuff made with, 1,308,071 —,mfr. of, 8-amino-l-naphthol-3.5-disulfonic acid for, 1,308,071 —,—,3-nitro-p-anisoyl chloride for, 1,308,071 —,—, process for, 1,808,071 —, therapeutic compound made with, 1,308,071 —,ureas made with, 1,308,071 dyestuff made _ with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS 3-Amino-p-anisyl benzyl ether, see 5-Benzyloxy- o-anisidine Amino-anthracene, see Anthramine o-Aminoanthraquinone-mercaptan, dyestuff made with, 1,126,475 Amino-anthraquinone, (acetylamino)- anthra- quinone made with, 1,266,896 —,benzoylation of, 1,296,602 —,dyestuff made with, 1,202,821; 1,505,569; 1,506,514 —,naphthazarin, condensation product of and, 1,202,821 a-Amino-anthraquinone, see 1-Amino-anthra- quinone ; b-Amino-anthraquinone, see 2-Amaino-anthra- quinone 1-Amino-anthraquinone, algol-yellow WG from, 1,296,602 1-Aminoanthraquinone, alkylating, 1,426,380 —,anthraquinone derivatives made _ with, 1,394,851; 1,437,783 —, 5-anthraquinonyl-amino-1-naphthol with, 1,144,577 —,benzoylation of, 1,296,602 —,compound, CxuH.O.NBr, 1,518,665 —,—, CxHis0.N, made with, 1,518,665 ae CssHisO;N;Br, made with, 1,518,665 CzsH90.Ns, made with, 1,518,665 CaH.:0;:N2, made with, 1,216,921 1,215,359 ; 1,506,514 1,216,921; made made _ with, 3 3 —,dyestuff made with, 1,216,921; 1,486,770; 1,505,568; 1,505,569; 1,518,665 —,ethylating, 1,426,380 —,methylating, 1,426,380 ‘ 2-Aminoanthraquinone, alizarine from, 1,430,277 —, alkali fusion of, 1,480,277 —, alkylating, 1,426,380 —,2-amino-3-chlor-anthraquinone made _ with, 1,452,774 —,amino-chlorbenzoylbenzoic acid for mfr. of, ° 1,452,774 —, 2-amino-1.3-dichlor-anthraquinone made with, 1,452,774 —,anthraquinone derivative made with, 1,394,851; 1,437,783 —, brominating, process for, 1,452,774 —,chlorinating, process for, 1,452,774 —, N-dihydro-1 :2:1’:2’ :anthraquinoneazine from potassium hydroxide and, 1,451,270 —,dyestuff made with, 1,183,378; 1,188,545; 1,215,359; 1,430,277; 1,452,774; 1,459,536; 1,490,646; 1,505,568 —,flavanthrene made with, 1,478,061; 1,490,646 —,flavanthrene antimony pentachloride salt made with, 1,478,061 —,indanthrene made with, 1,430,277; 1,451,270; 1,509,846 ; 1,518,051 —,mfr. of, 1,338,363; 1,338,364; 1,340,603; 1,452,774 —,—, ammonia for, 1,340,603 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,838,363; 1,338.364; 1,340,603 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,255,719; 1,338,363; 1,338,364 —,—,anthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid for, 1,338,363; 1,338,864; 1,340,603 28 433 2-Aminoanthraquinone, mfr. of, b-anthraqui- none sulfonic acid for, 1,255,719 —,—, barium chloride for, 1,338,363; 1,338,364; 1,340,603 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,838,363; 1,338,364; 1,340,603 —,—, dinitrobenzene for, 1,255,719 —,—, dinitronaphthalene for, 1,255,719 —,—,dinitronaphthalene sulfonic acid for, 1,255,719 —,—, dinitrotoluene sulfonic acid for, 1,255,719 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,338,363 ; 1,338,364 ; 1,340,603 é‘ —,—, magnesium , 1,838,363; 1,340,603 —,—, nitrobenzene for, 1,255,719 —,nitrobenzene sulfonic acid for, 1,255,719 —,nitro-hydrocarbon for, 1,255,719 —,nitronaphthalene for, 1,255,719 —,nitronaphthalene sulfonic acid for, 205,719 —,nitrotoluene for, 1,255,719 —,—,nitrotoluene sulfonic acid for, 1,255,719 =u, process, for, 1,255,719; 1,338,363 ; 1,338,364; 1,340,603 chloride for — i a Set Yee) — ~~ — ~~ oy —,—,sodium anthraquinone-2-sulfonate for, 1,340,603 —,—,sodium b-anthraquinone sulfonate for, 1,225,719 —, —, sodium carbonate for, 1,338,363; 1,338,364; 1,340,603 —,—,sodium cloride for, 1,255,719; 1,340,603 —,—,sodium nitrobenzene sulfonate for; 1,255,719 —,methylating, 1,426,380 1-Amino-anthraquinone-2-aldehyde, compound CxoHisO.Ns, made with, 1,285,727 —,dyestuff made with, 1,285,726; 1,285,727 —, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,285,726 —,—, l-amino-2-methy]l-anthraquinone for, 1,285,726 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,285,726 —,—, b-naphthylamine for, 1,285,726 —,—, nitrobenzene for, 1,285,726 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,285,726 —,—, process for, 1,285,726 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,285,726 1-Amino-anthraquinone-2-mercaptan, dyestuff made with, 1,126,475 2-Amino-anthraquinone-l-mercaptan, dyestuff made with, 1,126,475 o-Amino-anthraquinone-mercaptan, dyestuff made with, 1,126,475 4-Amino-antipyrine, benzoyl-pyruvic acid, con- densation product of and, 1,151,885 —, compound, C:sH1;0.Ns, made with, 1,151,885
1,245,694; 1,359,969 ; 1,126,466 ; 1,173,077 ; 1,218,654 ; 1,314,921 ; 1,371,979 ; 452 Re-15,182; 1,408,405 ; 1,496,780 7-Amino-1-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid, color lake made with, 1,434,619 —, lake made with, 1,434,619 —, printing paste made with, 1,157,705 —,tanning compound made with, 1,186,500 - —, therapeutic compound made with, 1,218,654; 1,218,655 —.,thioureas made with, 1,218,654; 1,218,655 —,ureas made with, 1,218,654; 1,218,655 8-Amino-l-naphthol-sulfonic acid, made with, 1,188,421; 1,308,071 —, therapeutic compound made with, 1,308,071 —,ureas made with, 1,308,071 8-Amino-1-naphthol-3.5-disulfonic acid, dye- stuff made with, 1,218,654; 1,218,655 8-Amino-1-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,188,421; 1,245,694; 1,282,355; 1,282,356 8-Amino-1-naphthol-5-sulfonic 1,416,621; 1,429,781; dyestuff acid, dyestuff made with, 1,126,466; 1,188,421; 1,216,760; 1,227,406; 1,245,694; 1,282,355; 1,282,356; 1,363,886; 1,372,489; 1,415,704; 1,457,235; 1,496,780 —,p-nitraniline combined with, 1,415,704 2-Amino-5-naphthol-7-sulfonic acid, p-amino- phenylurea-methyl-w-sulfonate dyestuff made with, 1,362,936 Amino-naphthol-sulfonie acid condensation product, cellulose ether, composition of and, 1,505,044 —, ethyl] cellulose, composition of and, 1,505,044 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,505,044 —, film made with, 1,505,044 —,leather, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 —,methyl cellulose, composition of and, 1,505,044 —, paper, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 —, plastic made with, 1,505,044 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,505,044 —,sizing made with, 1,505,044 —,tannin substitute, 1,505,044 —, textile, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 1-Amino-6-naphthol-3-sulfonie acid diazo-a- naphthol-3-sulfonic acid, dyestuff from, cop- per compound of, properties of, 1,292,385 —, dyestuff made with, 1,292,385 Amino-naphthol-sulfonic acid formaldehyde condensate, cellulose ether, composition of and, 1,505,044 —, ethyl cellulose, composition of and, 1,505,044 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,505,044 —, film made with, 1,505,044 —, leather, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 —,methyl cellulose, composition of and 1,505,044 —, paper, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 —, plastic made with, 1,505,044 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,505,044 —, sizing made with, 1,505,044 —, tannin substitute, 1,505,044 —,textile, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 Aminonaphthosulfonic acid G, rubber substitute made with, 1,159,258 —,salts of, rubber substitute made with, 1,159,258 b UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aminonaphthosulfonic acid G, varnish made with, 1,159,258 (Amino-naphthylazo)-anthraquinone, see 1-b- Anthraquinonylazo-2-naphthylamine m-(4-Amino-1-naphthylazo,-benzenesulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,193,829 1-Amino-2-naphthyl-ether, dyestuff made with, 1,150,675 1-Amino-2-naphthyl-ether sulfonic acid, dye- stuff made with, 1,150,675 1-Amino-2-naphthyl ethyl ether, dyestuff made with, 1,452,083 2-Amino-l-naphthyl-thioglycolic acid, 2-acetyl- amino-l-naphthyl-thioglycolic acid made with, 1,498,913 —,dyestuff made with, 1,498,913 —,mfr. of, chlor-acetic acid for, 1,498,913 —,—,2-naphthylamine hydrochloride 1,498,913 —,—, process for, 1,498,913 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,498,913 —,—, sulfur chloride (S:Cl2), for, 1,498,913 N-(4'-Amino-1'-naphthyl) -p-toluenesulfona- for, mide, see 4-Amino-1-(p-tolylsulfonamide)- naphthalene Aminonitrobenzene, see Nitroaniline Aminonitrobenzene (1.2), preparation of, 1,423,494 1.2-Aminonitrobenzene, see 2-Nitro-aniline 4-Amino-3-nitrobenzene-arsinic acid, see 3- Nitro-arsanilic acid 2-Amino-5-nitro-benzene-sulfonanilide, dyestuff made with, 1,429,781; 1,429,782 —, lake made with, 1,434,619 2-Amino-4-nitro-benzoic acid, see 4-Nitro- anthranilic acid Amino-nitro-benzophenone, pigment made with, 1,166,808 2-Amino-4-nitro-6-chlor-1-orybenzene, see 2- Amino-6-chlor-4-nitro-phenol 6-Amino-4-nitro-o-cresol, dyestuff made with, 1,292,385 Amino-nitro-p-cresol, dyestuff made 1,216,813; 1,227,406; 1,411,245 2-Amino-6-nitro-p-cresol, dyestuff made with, with, 1,216,760; 1,245,694; 1,292,885; 1,375,701; 1,485,814 —,—,copper compound of, properties of, 1,292,885 5-Amino-2-nitro-p-cresol, dyestuff made with, 1,411,245 3-Amino-6-nitro-1.4-cresol-methyl ether, see 6- Methyl-4-nitro-m-anisidine Amino-nitro-dipheny]-sulfone, with, 1,166,808 4-Amino-3-nitro-1-methyl-benzene, see 2-Nitro- p-toluridine 2-Amino-6-nitro-4-methyl-1-oxybenzene, see 2- Amino-6-nitro-p-cresol 1-Amino-4-nitronaphthalene 6 (or 7) sulfonic acid, dye made with, 1,371,979; Re-15,182 1-Amino-5-nitro-2-naphthol-4-sulfonie acid, dyestuff made with, 1,233,433 pigment made 2-Amino-4-nitro-1-naphthol-6-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,233,433 2-Amino-4-nitro-1-naphthol-7-sulfonic acid, made with, 1,488,411 INDEX OF 2-Amino-6-nitro-oxybenzene-4-sulfonamide, see 2-Amino-1-hydroxy-6-nitro-benzene-4-sul- fonamide . 2-Amino-6-nitro-oxybenzene-4-sulfonamide (sodium salts), dyestuff made with, 1,338,414 2-Amino-6-nitro-1-oxybenzene-4-sulfonic acid, see 4-Hydroxy-5-nitro-metanilic acid (?)-Amino-(?)-nitro-phenol, dyestuff made with, 1,210,808 2-Amino-4-nitro-phenol, compound, C2sHisOsN«S, made with, 1,159,375 —,dyestuff made with, 1,159,375; 1,210,808; 1,213,075; 1,216,760; 1,216,813; 1,227,406; 1242'536; 1,245,694; 1,259,499; 1,264,604; 1265031: 1,276,307; 1,282,354; 1,282,355; 1,282,356; 1,292,385; 1,411,245; 1,485,814; 1,501,769 —,—,copper compound of, properties of, 1,292,385 —,see also 2-Diazo-4-nitro-phenol 2-Amino-5-nitrophenol, derivatives of, dyeing with, 1,416,646 ; —,dyestuff made with, 1,265,030; 1,292,385; 1,394,823 —,—, copper 1,292,385 —,skins dyed with, 1,416,646 3-Amino-4-nitro-phenol, diazotized, dyestuff made with, 1,501,769 2-Amino-4-nitro-phenol-6-sulfonic acid, see 2- Hydrozy-$-nitro-metanilic acid —, see also 3-Amino-2-hydroxy-5-nitro-benzene- sulfonic acid 2-Amino-5-nitro-phenol-4-sulfonic acid, see 4- Hydroxy-6-nitro-metanilic acid —, see also 3-Amino-4-hydroxy-6-nitro-benzene- sulfonic acid 2-Amino-6-nitro-phenol-4-sulfonic acid, see 4- Hydroxy-5-nitro-metanilic acid 4-Amino-2-nitro-phenol-6-sulfonic acid, see 6- Hydroxy-5-nitro-metanilic acid 2-Amino-5-nitro-N -pheny]-benzensulfonanilide, dyestuff made with, 1,429,781; 1,429,782 8-Amino-5-nitro-salicylic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,227,406; 1,245,694; 1,503,194 —, salicylic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,292,385 4-Amino-5-nitro-salicylic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,216,760 6-Amino-4-nitro-salicylic acid, see 3-Amino-5- nitro-salicylic acid Amino-oxalic acid, see Oxamic acid p-Amino-oxalylanilide, see p-Amino-oxanilide p-aAmino-oxanilic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,125,050; 1,150,656 p-Amino-oxanilide, urea derivatives of, dyestuff made with, 1,483,447 b-Amino-a-oxy-(2-amino-oryphenyl)-ethane, see 2-Amino-a-aminomethyl-4-hydrozry-ben- zyl alcohol 1-Amino-4-oxryanthraquinone, see 1-Amino-4- hydrozxy-anthraquinone, 1.4-Amino-oxy-benzene, see p-Amino-phenol 4-Amino-l-orybenzene, see 4-Amino-phenol —,see also Aminophenol 5-Amino-6-oxry-benzene-1-carboxylic acid-8- eee acid, see 8-Amino-5-sulfo-salicylic aci compound of, properties of, SUBJECTS 4538 2-Amino-1-oxybenzene-4-sulfonamide, see 2- Amino-1-hydroxy-benzene-4-sulfonamide 2-Amino-1-oxybenzene-4-sulfonanilide, see 2- Amino-1-hydroxy-benzene-4-sulfonanilide 2-Amino-1-orybenzene-4-sulfonic acid, see 2- Aminophenol-4-sulfonic acid —, ee also 3-Amino-4-hydroxy-benzenesulfonc act b-Amino-a-oxy-a-(o-dioxyphenyl)-ethane, see a-(Aminomethyl)-o-dihydroxy-benzyl alcohol Senn rer a) see 8-Amino-naph- tho 1 TL Tae a see 1.8-Aminonaph- tho 1-Amino-8-oxzynaphthalene-2.4-disulfonic acid, see 8-Amino-1-naphthol-5.7-disulfonic acid 1-Amino-8-oxynaphthalene-3.6-disulfonic acid, see 8-Amino-1-naphthol-8.6-disulfonic acid 2-Amino-6-orynaphthalene-1.7-disulfonic acid, see 6-Amino-1-naphthol-3 8-disulfonic acid 4-Amino-5-ory-naphthalene-2.7-disulfonic acid, see 8-Amino-1-naphthol-3.6-disulfonic acid 1-Amino-2-oxynaphthalene-4-methylenesulfonic acid, see (4'-Amino-3'-hydroxy-1-naphthyl) - methanesulfonic acid 1-Amino-2-orynaphthalene-4-sulfonic acid, 1-Amino-2-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid 1-Amino-2-oxynaphthalene-6-sulfonic acid, 1-Amino-2-naphthol-6-sulfonic acid 1-Amino-8-orynaphthalene-4-sulfonic acid, 8-Amino-1-naphthol-6-sulfonic acid 2-Amino-6-orynaphthalene-7-sulfonic acid, 6-Amino-1-amino-3-sulfonic acid 9-Amino-b-oxynaphthalene-1.7-sulfonic acid, see 6-Amino-1-naphthol-3.6-disulfonic acid 2-Amino-8-oxynaphthalene-6-sulfonic acid, see 7-Amino-1-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid 1-Amino-2-oxy-3-naphthoic acid, see 4-Amino-3- hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid 1-Amino-2.3-oxynaphthoic acid, see 4-Amino-8- hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid 1-Amino-2-ozynaphthoic acid anilide, see 4- Amino-3-hydroxy-2-naphthanilide b-Amino-a-oxry-a-(trioryphenyl-carboxylic acid)-ethane, see b-Amino-a-(carboxy-trihy- droxy-phenyl)-ethanol b-Amino-a-oxy-a-trioryphenyl-ethane, see b- Amino-a-(trihydroxy-phenyl)-ethanol Amino-papaverine, amino-methyl-norcoralydine made with, 1,176,597 —, mfr. of, hydrochloric acid for, 1,176,597 —,—,nitro-papaverine for, 1,176,597 —,—, process for, 1,176,597 meet CIN FOry0 1427 0,0088 Aminopentane, see Amylamine 5-Amino-o-phenetidine, blue print made using, 1,499,930 ; —, dyestuff made with, 1,453,021 Sé€eé see See Sé€eé —,dyestuff reduction product, 1,159,375; 1,411,245 —,mfr. of, compound, CzxHisOo.NeS, for, 1,159,375 . —,motion picture made with, 1,216,695 —, photographic developer made with, 1,207,042 —, photographic process using, 1,499,930 —,silver bromide made using, 1,499,930 —,see also Amidol ‘a 454 Amino-phenetole, see Phenetidine —,see also Ethoxy-aniline ide p-Amino-phenetole, see p-Phenetidine Amino-phenole, chlorinated, finish remover made with, 1,167,640 —,dyestuff made with, 1,128,813; 1,128,814; 1,218,232; 1,259,499 —, finish remover made with, 1,167,640 —, rubber article preserved using, 1,422,115 — rubber preserved using, 1,410 699; 1,422 115 PA minoohenoll 2-amino- a-aminomethyl-4- hydroxy-benzyl-alcohol made with, 1,432,291 —, cellulose acetate, dyestuff for, made with, 1 483,797 —,dyestuff made with, 1,150,656; 1,282,356; 1,483,797 —, printing paste made with, 1,157,705 —,rubber article preserved using, 1,422,115 — rubber preserved using, 1,410,699; 1 422 115 — rubber preserving composition contg., 1 422,115 — rubber substitute made with, 1,159,258 —, varnish made with, 1,159 258 —, see also 3- Amino-phenol o-Amino-phenol, 2-amino-6-nitro-phenol-4-sul- fonic acid made with, 1,504,044 —, derivative of, dyestuff made with, 1,265,030; 1 ,265,031 —_ , dye from, 1,314,928 1,282,355 ; —, dyestuff ‘made with, 1,159,375; 1,199,233; 1 209,499; 1,264,604; 1 265 030; 1,265,031 ; 1 270, 325: 1,282 354: 1,282,355: 1 282,356 ; 1,286,411 : 1 292,385: 1,417,869 —,—, copper compound of, properties of, 1,292,385 —,—,use of, 1,417,869 —, ’ ether of, ‘dyestuff. made with, 1,243,170 —, mfr. of, ‘acetoacetic ether for, 1,270, 325 —,—, 2- -amino-5-naphthol- 7-sulfonic acid, pyra- zolone derivatives of, for, 1,270,325 —,—, autoclave for, 1,426 920 —,—,3- -carboxy-2-hydroxy-5-sulfo- 1-hydrazino- sagas for, 1,270,325 —,4- chloranthranilic acid for, 1,270,325 —-, process for; 1,270,325;' 1 408 296 —,—, pyrazolone, 2-amino-5-naphthol- 7-sul- Lane acid derivatives for, 1,270,325 —, sodium carbonate for, 1 270, 25 —,sodium chloride for, 7 270 325 —, para derivatives of, dyestuff made _ with, 1 199,233 —, printing paste made with, 1,157,705 —, rubber article preserved using, 1 422 115 —, ’ rubber preserved using, 1,410 699: if 422,115 —,rubber preserving composition conte. Ff 1 422,115 — , sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate combined with, 1,454,748 »-Amino- ‘phenol, aniline black made with, 1,350,600; 1,449,067 — ., behenie acid, compound of and, 1,475,477 —, ’ chicle contg., 1,259,794 —, cotton seed oil, rancid, compound of and, 1,475,477 —,/p- dimethylamino-phenol, separation of from, 1,144,141 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 p-Amino-phenol, dye from, 1,314,928 —,dyestuff made with, 1,128,370; 1,128,371; 1,175,230; 1,209,580; 1,265,836; 1,265,837; 1,314,929; 1,850,600; 1,453,021 —, dyestuff, sulfur, made with, 1,125,311 —,ether of, dyestuff made with, 1,243,170 —, fat, compound of and, 1,475,477 — fatty acid, compound of and, 1,475,477 —, fish oil, rancid, compound of and, ‘1,475, 477 —, formation of, 1,431 470 — fur dye made with, 1,453,021 — furs dyed with, 1 466 47 — ’ garbage grease, compound of and, 1,475,477 —, gutta percha contg., 1,259,794 —, halogenated, dyestuff made with, 1,175,230 —, ’ p-hydroxyphenyl-stibnic acid made with, 1,260,707 —, p-hydroxy-phenyl-stibnie acid, alkali salt of, made with, 1,260,707 —,—, ammonium salt of, made with, 1,260,707 —, 'N -(hydroxyphenyl)-ar-tetrahydro- 1.4-naph- thylenediamine made with, 1,175,230 —, p-hydroxy-pheny]- trimethylammonium, separation of from, 1,144,141 —- , 6-hydroxy-2-piperonyl- cinchoninic | acid made with, 1,185,265. —, indophenols made with, 1,125,311 —,ink made with, 1,449 067 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,159,257 — ’ linoleic acid, compound of and, 1 ‘475, AT7 —, mfr. of, aldehyde for, 1,481,470 —,— antimony for}. 239 $22 —, apparatus for, 1 ‘239, 822 —,—, arsenic for, 1 239 822 —,—, autoclave for, 1,426 ,920 —,—, p-benzalamino-phenol for, 1,431,470 —,—, benzene for, 1,431,470 —,—, bismuth for, 1 239 822 —,—, * calcium carbonate for, 1,501,472 —,—, ‘calcium chloride for, 1 358 324 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,239,822; 1,501, 472 —,—, carbon cathode for, 1,239,822; 1,501,472 aah chromium cathode for, 1,239 '822 —, chromium salt for, 1 239, 822 —,—, copper for, 1,239, 822 —, copper cathode for, 1,239,822 —,—,copper salt for, 1,239,822 —,copper sulfate for, 1 239 5822 —,—, dimethyl] sulfate for, 1,431 A70 —,—, electrolytic process for, 1 239, 822 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,358,324; 1,431,470 —,—, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,858,324 —,—, iron for, 1,358,324 Fo 3 , iron (ous) chloride for, 1,858,324 —, iron salt for, 1,239 822 —,—, lead anode for, 1 501 A72 —,— lead cathode for, 1 239 822 —,—, lead salt for, 1,239, 822 —,—, mercury for, 1 239, 822 —,—, mercury salt for, 1,239 822 —,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,501 472 —,—, nickel for, 1,239, 822 —,—, nickel cathode for, 1,239,822 —,—,nitrobenzene for, i 239, 822; 1,431,470; 1,501,472 INDEX OF p-Amino-phenol, mfr. of, p-nitroso-phenol for, 1,358,324 —,—, platinum cathode for, 1,239,822 —,—, process for, 1,239,822; 1,358,324; 1,431,470; 1,501,472 —,—, silver cathode for, 1,239,822 —,—,sodium bisulfite for, 1,501,472 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,431,470 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,358,324 —,—,sodium sulfite for, 1,501,472 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,239,822; 1,501,472 —,—, tin for, 1,239,822 —,—, tin cathode for, 1,239,822 —,—, toluene for, 1,431,470 —,—, xylene for, 1,431,470 —, mercuric acetate, reaction of with, 1,297,685 —, oil, compound of and, 1,475,477 —, oleic acid, compound of and, 1,277,708 —,—,—, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,475,477 —, —, —, —, hydrochloric acid for, 1,475,477 —,—,—,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,475,477 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,475,477 —,—,—,—, sodium chloride for, 1,475,477 —,—,—,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,475,477 —,palmitic acid, action of and, 1,277,708 —,—, compound of and, 1,475,477 —, photographic developer contg., 1,158,011 —, photography, color, using, 1,279,248 —, preparation of, 1,358,324 —, printing paste made with, 1,157,705 —, rubber, artificial, made with, 1,259,794 —,rubber coagulum contg., 1,259,794 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,159,257 —, stearic acid, action of and, 1,277,708 —,—, compound of and, 1,475,477 —, varnish made with, 1,159,257 _—, whale oil, rancid, compound of and, 1,475,477 2-Aminophenol, derivatives of, dyestuff made with, 1,411,245; 1,419,501 —,dyestuff made with, 1,213,075; 1,292,385; 1,408,296; 1,419,501 —, formation of, 1,408,296 2-Amino-l-phenol, dyestuff 1,216,760; 1,485,814 3-Amino-phenol, dyestuff made with, 1,345,694 4-Amino-phenol, dye contg., 1,453,021 —, dyestuff made with, 1.453,021 —,fur dye contg., 1,453,021 —, hair dye contg., 1,453,021 »-Amino-phenol acetate, mfr. of, calcium car- bonate for, 1,501,472 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,501,472 —,—, carbon cathode for, 1,501,472 —,—,lead anode for, 1,501,472 —,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,501,472 —,—, nitrobenzene for, 1,501,472 —,—, process for, 1,501,472 —,—,sodium bisulfite for, 1,501,472 —,—,sodium sulfite for, 1,501,472 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,501,472 made _- with, p-Aminophenol-allyl-ether, see p-Allyloxy- aniline Aminophenol carboxylic acid, see Aminosali- cylic acid p-Aminophenol chloride, aniline black from, 1,449,067 —,ink made with, 1,449,067 SUBJECTS 455 p-Amino-phenol-diazo-a-naphthylamine-6-sul- fonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,292,385 —,—,copper compound of, properties 1,292,385 p-Amino-phenol hydrochloride, mfr. of, calctum carbonate for, 1,501,472 —,—,calcium hydroxide for, 1,501,472 ,—, carbon cathode for, 1,501,472 ,—, lead anode for, 1,501,472 of, —,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,501,472 —,—, nitrobenzene for, 1,501,472 —,—, process for, 1,501,472 —,—, sodium bisulfite for, 1,501,472 —,—,sodium sulfite for, 1,501,472 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,501,472 —, photographic developer contg., 1,158,011 —, preparation of, 1,358,324 »-Aminophenol-methylene-sulfoxylate, arsenic compounds, organic, prepared with, 1,454,748 —, toxicity of, 1,454,748 p-Amino-phenol sulfate, mfr. of, calctum car- bonate for, 1,501,472 —,—,calcium hydroxide for, 1,501,472 —,—, carbon cathode for, 1,501,472 —,—,lead anode for, 1,501,472 —,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,501,472 —,—, nitrobenzene for, 1,501,472 —,—, process for, 1,501,472 —,—,sodium bisulfite for, 1,501,472 —,—,sodium sulfite for, 1,501,472 —,—,sulfuriec acid for, 1,501,472 —, photographic developer contg., 1,158,011 2- Amino-1-phenol-sulfo-6-carboxylic acid, see 3- Amino-5-sulfo-salicylic acid o-Amino-phenol-4-sulfonanilide, see 3-Amino-4- hydroxy-benzene-sulfonanilide o-Aminophenol-4-sulfon-(4’-amino)-anilide, dye made with, 1,316,781 —,mfr. of, 1-chlor-2-nitro-benzene-4-sulfonyl chloride for, 1,316,781 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,316,781 —,—, p-nitraniline for, 1.316,781 —,—, process for, 1,316,781 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,316,781 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,316,781 —,—, sodium sulfide for, 1,316,781 o-Amino-phenol-4-sulfon-(3’carboxy-4'-hy- droxy)-anilide, b-naphthol, compound of with, of, 1,316,781 Amino-phenol-sulfonic acid, droxy-benzenesulfonic acid o-Aminophenolsulfonic acid, see 4-Hydroxy- metanilic acid o-Amino-phenol-p-sulfonic acid, see 4-Hydrozy- metanilic acid 2-Amino-phenol-4-sulfonic acid, see 4-Hydroxy- metanilic acid 2-Amino-1-phenol-4-sulfonic acid, see 4-Hy- droxy-metanilic acid 2.1.4-Aminophenolsulfonic acid, see 4-Hydroxy- metanilic acid p-(p-Aminophenyl)-acetanilide, see N-Acetyl- benzidine Amino-phenyl-acetic toluic acid Amino-phenyl-acetic acid chloride, see Amino- a-tolujjl chloride see Amino-hy- acid, see a-Amino-a- 456 p-Aminophenylallul ether, see p-Allylory- aniline ; 4-Aminophenyl allyl ether see p-Allyloxy- aniline 4-Aminophenylamide, see p-Phenylene diamine 9-(4'-Amino-phenyl)-3-amino-acridine, see Chrysantline ms-p-Aminophenyl-2-aminoacridine, see Chry- saniline Amino-phenyl-amino-anthraquinone, 1,394,851 1-Amino-4-phenylamino-anthraquinone, see 1- Amino-4-anilino-anthraquinone p-Aminophenyl-2.5.7-Aminonaphthol-sulfonic acid, see 6-(p-Amino-phenylamino)-1-naph- thol-3-sulfonic acid 6-(m-Aminophenylamino) -1-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,160,406 6-(p-Aminophenylamino)-1-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,160,406 p-Amino-phenylarsenic acid, see Arsanilic acid p-Amino-phenylarsinic acid, see. Arsanilic acid p-Amino-phenylarsinic acid acetanilide, (?), arsenic compound made with, 1,501,894 —,—,mfr. of, chloroacetanilide for, 1,501,894 —,—,—, process for, 1,501,894 —,—,—,sodium p-amino-phenyl-arsenite for, 1,501,894 —,—, trypanocidal compound made _ with, 1,501,894 p-Aminophenyl-arsinoxide, N-(p-arsinoso- phenyl)-glycinanilide made with, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 Amino-p-phenylarsonic acid, see Amino-hy- droxy-benzenearsonic acid p-Aminophenylarsonic acid, see Arsanilic acid p-Aminophenyl-4-azimino-salicylic acid, see 5- Amino-1-(3'-carboxy-4'-hydroxy-phenyl)- 1.2.3-benzotriazole (Amino-phenylazo)-naphthylamine, dyestuft made with, 1,251,369 ?-(p’-Amino-phenylazo)-1-naphthylamine, dye- stuff made with, 1,505,568 p-Aminophenylazo-1-naphthylamine, insulation, electric, made with, 1,159,257 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,159,257 ‘ 1,159,258 —, varnish made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258 1-(p-Aminopheny])-benzothiazole-5-carboxylic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,125,073 —,mfr. of, acetyldehydrothiotoluidine 1,125,073 —,—, process for, 1,125,073 N-(p-Amino-phenyl)-diphenylamine, see 4.4 Diamino-diphenylamine p-Aminophenylene-ammonium-p-aminophenyl enedithiocarbamate, accelerator in rubber vulcanization, 1,440,962; 1,440,963 o-Aminophenylether, see 2-Phenoxy-aniline N-(p-Amino-phenyl!)-glycine, dyestuff made with, 1,235,253 —, mfr. of, chlor-acetic acid for, 1,235,253 —,—, p-phenylenediamine for, 1,235,253 —,—, process for, 1,235,253 1-(3-Amino-pheny])-5-hydroxy-a-naphthazole- 7-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, copper compound of, properties of, 1,292,385 for, mfr. of, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 2-(m-Amino-phenyl)-9-hydroxy-a-naphthimi- dazole-4.7-disulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,193,829; 1,241,153 ?-(m-Aminopheny])-5-hydroxy-1.2-naphthimi- dazole-7-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,232,056 2-(m-Amino-pheny])-6-hydroxy-b-naphthimi dazole-8-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,126,466; 1,150,656; 1,150,675; 1,160,406; 1,292,385 2-(m-Amino-pheny1)-6-hydroxy-b-naphthimi- dazole-8-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,292,385 2-(m-Amino-pheny])-9-hydroxy-a-naphthimi- dazole-6-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,193,829 —,mfr. of, 7,8-diamino-1-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid for, 1,193,829 2-(m-Aminopheny]) -9-hydroxy-a-naphthimi- dazole-7-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,193,829 | 2-(p-Aminopheny])-6-hydroxy-a-naphthimida- zole-8-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,126,466; 1,160,406 : 2-(3-Aminophenyl)-6-hydroxy-a-naphthimida- zole-8-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, copper compound of, properties of, 1,292,385 2-(3’-Aminopheny1)-6-hydroxy-b-naphthimida- zole-8-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,282,355; 1,282,356; 1,292,883; 1,342,134 Aminopheny]1-8-hydroxy-naphthothiazole-6- sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,126,466 1-(m-Amino-pheny])-5-hydroxy-a-naphthothia- zole-7-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,150,656; 1,265,030; 1,265,031; 1,282,355; 1,282 356 1-(p-Amino-pheny])-5-hydroxy-a-naphthothia- zole-7-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,150,675 2-(m-Amino-pheny])-5-hydroxy-naphthothia- zole-7-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,160,406 2-(p-Amino-pheny])-5-hydroxy-naphthothia- zole-7-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,160,406 1-(3'-Aminopheny])-5-hydroxy-a-naphthothia- zole-7-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,292,385; 1,342,134 1-(4’-Aminopheny])-5-hydroxy-a-naphthothia- zole-7-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,342,134 24(m-Aminopheny]) -6-hydroxy-a.b-naphtho- triazole-8-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,265,030; 1,265,081: 1,282,355; 1,282,356 2-(3'-Aminophenyl)-6-hydroxy-a.b-naphtho- triazole-8-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,342,134 a-(m-Aminopheny]) -b-(5-hydroxy-7-sulfo-2- naphthyl)-urea, dyestuff made with, 1,342,134 a-(p-Aminopheny])-b-(5-hydroxy-7-sulfo-2- naphthyl)-urea, dyestuff made with, 1,342,134 1-m-Aminopheny]-5-keto-A*-3-pyrazolinecar- boxylic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,362,936 1-(4'-Amino-pheny])-5-methy]-benzothiazole, 1-(4’-amino-3’-sulfo-pheny])-5-methyl-ben- zothiazole-4-sulfonic acid made with 1,149,582 —, dyestuff made with, 1,159,386 INDEX OF 1-(4’-Amino-pheny])-5-methyl-benzothiazole, insulation, electric, made with, 1,159,257 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258 —, varnish made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258 1-(4' Amino-phenyl)-5-methyl-benzothiazole- disulfonic acid, see 1-(4'-Amino-3'-sulfo- phenyl )-5-methyl-benzothiazole-4-sulfonic act 1-(4’-Amino-pheny])-5-methyl-benzothiazole- sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,159,386 —, preparation of, 1,441,655 1-(4’Amino-pheny])-5-methyl-benzothiazole-4- ~~ sulfonic acid, 1-(4’-amino-3’-sulfo-pheny]l)- “%, 5-methyl-benzothiazole-4-sulfonic acid made with, 1,149,582 ee oethy lp -chlorpyrazole, p-(5’-chlor-3’-methy]-1’-pyrazolyl-benzene- \ arsonic acid made with, 1,507,694 Y Amino-phenyl methyl ether, see Anisidine 1-m-Aminopheny]-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone, stuff made with, 1,147,803 m-Aminophenyl-1 .2-naphthimidazole-5-hy- droxy-7-sulfonic acid, see 2-(m-Amino- § phenyl) -6-hydroxy-a-naphthimidazole-8-sul- “~ —_ fonie acid 8 p-Aminophenyl-naphthimidazole-5-oxy-7-sul- fonic acid, see 2-(p-Aminophenyl)-6-hydroxy- S a-naphthimidazole-8-sulfonic acid Aminophenyl-naphthothiazole-5-oxry-7-sul- _ fonic acid, see 2(p-Aminophenyl )-5-hydroxy- naphthothiazole-7-sulfonic acid Aminophenyl naphthylamine, formation of, 1,457,235 m-Amino-phenyl-a-naphthylamine, dyes made - with, 1,327,688 m-Amino-phenyl-b-naphthylamine, dyes made with 1,327,688 m-Aminophenyl-8-oxy-1.2-naphthvmidazole- 3.6-disulfonic acid, see 2-(m-Aminophenyl)- a ea recr eegac Ore -aeeutfonie act m-Aminophenyl-8-oxy-1 .2-naphthimidazole-5- sulfonic acid, see 2-(m-Aminophenyl)-9-hy- droxy-a-naphthimidazole-6-sulfonic acid m-Aminophenyl-8-oxry-1 .2-naphthimidazole-6- sulfonic acid, see 2-(m-Aminophenyl)-9-hy- droxy-a-naphthimidazole-7-sulfonic acid 3’-Aminophenyl-5-oxy-1.2-naphthimidazole-7- sulfonic acid-N-methyl-w-sulfonate, dyestuff made with, 1,362,936 p-Aminophenyl-phenthiazole-carboxylic acid, see 1-(p-Aminophenyl)-benzothiazole-5-car- boxylic acid p-Aminophenyl-phenthiazole-sulfo-carboxylic acid, see 1-(p-Aminophenyl)-4-sulfo-benzo- thiazole-d-carboxylic acid 4-Amino-phenyl ether, see 2-Phenoxy-aniline 2-Amino-1-phenyl-1-propanol, see Mydriatin a-Amino-a-phenylpropionic acid, see a-Amino- hydratropic acid 1.3-Aminophenyl-5-pyrazolone-3-carboxylic acid, dyestuff prepared with, 1,362,936 1.3'-Aminophenyl-6-pyrazolone-3-carboxylic acid, see 1-m-Aminophenyl 5-keto-A*-3-pyra- zoline carboxylic acid dye- ~2 SUBJECTS A457 m-Aminophenylprazolone-carboxylic acid methyl-w-sulfonate, dyestuff made with, 1,362,936 2-Amino-1-(2'-phenyl-4’-quinolyl)-ethanol, mfr. of, aleohol for, 1,434,306 —,—,formie acid for, 1,434,306 —,—, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,434,306 —,—, isonitrosomethyl-2-phenyl-4-quinoly] ketone for, 1,434,306 —,—, process for, 1,434,306 —,—,sodium acetate for, 1,434,306 —,—, zine dust for, 1,434,306 2-(p-Aminopheny]) -4-sulfo-benzothiazole-5- carboxylic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,125,074 —,mfr. of, acetyldehydrothiotoluidine sulfonic acid for, 1,125,074 —,—, permanganate for, 1,125,074 —,—, process for, 1,125,074 2-Amino-phenyl-sulfo-phenyl-ether, dyestuff made with, 1,166,346 gg tee nerute eelonts acid, see Metanilic aci det ae oe sulfonic acid, see Sulfanilic act (p-Aminopheny])-urea, 1,483,447 —, dyestuff from derivatives of, 1,362,936 2-Amino-polyhalogen-phenols, dyestuff reduc- tion products, 1,426,189 a-Amino-propionic acid, see Alanine b-Amino-propionic acid, see b-Alanine Amuinopropy! alcohol, derivatives of, p-Amino- benzoic acid esters of, 1,474,567 —,—, p-aminocinnamic acid esters of, 1,474,567 Amino proteins, bread contg., 1,438,441 4-Amino-5-pyrazolone, dyestuff made 1,199,233 Amino-pyridine, cellulose acetate, dyeing of using, 1,517,581 —,silk, artificial, cellulose acetate, dyeing of using, 1,517,581 Aminoquinolines, dyestuff made with, 1,452,083 ° —,mfr. of, 2:3-oxynaphthoic acid, diazocom- ponents of anilide of, for, 1,452,083 —,—,—, diazocomponents of anisidide of, for, 1,452,083 —,—,—, diazocomponents of arylamide of, for, 1,452,083 —,—,—, diazocomponents for, 1,452,083 —,—,—, diazocomponents for, 1,452,083 dyestuff made with, with, of naphthalide of, of nitroanilide of, —,—,—,diazocomponents of phenetidide of, for, 1,452,083 —,—,—,diazocomponents of -p-phenylenedia- mine of, for, 1,452,088 —,—,—,diazocomponents of toluidide of, for, 1,452,083 —,—,—,diazocomponents of diamine of, for, 1,452,083 di-m-toluylene- o-Amino-quinoline, dyestuff made with, 1,452,083 —,naphthylamine and, dye of diazotized amino-azo-compound with 2:3-oxynaphthoic- a-naphthalid, 1,452,083 tar 458 8-Amino-quinoline, 3-Acetyl-4.5-diketo-2- phenyl-1-quinolyl-pyrrolidine made _ with, 1,148,637 Amino-R-Acid, see 2-Naphthylamine-3.6-disul- fonic acid Amino-resorcinol, dyestuff reduction product, £125,050 5) cl 126 A466; 1,150,656; 1,169,329; 4; ‘173, 077; 1 319, 852; 1,422,866 — _ dyestuft yielding, 1 365, 706 4- Amino-resorcinol, dyestuff reduction product, 1,180,985 ; 1,422 866 6-Amino-resorcinol, dyestuff reduction product, 1,150,825 Aminoretene, diazotizing, 1,395,238 —, dyestuffs made with, 1,395,238 —,formation of, 1,395,238 —,see also Retenamine Aminoretenequinone, diazotizing, 1,395,238 —, dyestuff made with, 1,395,238 —, preparation of, 1 395, 238 Amino-rosin, see Rosin, amino-compound of Aminosalicylic acid, dyestuff made _ with, 1,128,813; 1,270,290: 1,497,720 —, dyestuff reduction product, 1,157,169 —,photographic developer contg., 1,432,542 SA Sate aca acid, see 3-Amino-salicylic act ig ete ack acid, see 65-Amino-salicylic act p-Amino-salicylic acid (?), dyestuff made with, 1,498,315 3-Amino- salicylic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,245,694; 1,503,194 4-Amino-salicylic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,216,813 5-Amino-salicylic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,210,808; 1,503,194 — _ dyestuft decomposition product, 1,474,587 Aminosalicylic acid. hydrochloride, photographic developer prepared with, 1,432,542 p-Aminosalicylic acid hydrochloride, graphic developer contg., 1,432,542 8-Amino-salicylic acid-5-sulfonic acid, see 8- Amino-6-sulfo-salicylic acid Amino-succinic acid, see Aspartic acid Amino-sulfanilic acid, see Diamino-benzenesul- fonic acid 2-Amino-sulfanilic acid see 2.4-Diamino-ben- zene sulfonic acid 3.5-Aminosulfobenzoic acid, diazotizing, 1,338,506 2-Amino-4-sulfo-1.1 ‘-diphenylsulfone, dyestuff made with, 1,467,711 2-Amino-4-sulfo-4' -methyl-1. 1'-diphenylsul- fone, see 2-Amino-4'-methyl-4'-sulfo-1.1'- diphenylsulfone 1-Amino-6-sulfo-2-naphthylethylether, made with, 1,150,675 p-Amino-sulfo- oxanilic with, 1,150,656 1-(4'-Amino-3’-sulfo-pheny])-5-methyl-ben- zothiazole-4-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,159,386; 1,483,447 —, mfr. of. 1-(4’ -amino-phenyl)-5-methyl-ben- zothiazole for, 1,149,582 —,—, 1-(4 -amino-phenyl) -5-methyl-benzothia- zole-4-sulfonic acid for, 1,149,582 photo- dyestuff acid, dyestuff made UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 1-(4'-Amino-3’-sulfo-pheny])-5-methyl-benzo- thiazole-4-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, calcium hydroxide for, 1,149,582 —,—, process for, 1,149,582 —,sodium carbonate for, 1,149,582 —, sulfuric acid for, 1,149,582 —,sulfuric acid, fuming, for, 1,149,582 — Le eroneeiion of, 1,149, 582 Aminosulfosalicylic acid, see 3-Amino-6-sulfo- salicylic acid o-Amino-sulfo-salicylie acid, dyestuff made with, 1,282,355 2-Amino- ‘4-sulfo-salicylic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,216,812 3-Amino-5-sulfo- salicylic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,210,808; 1,216,760; 1 216, 813; 1,227,406; 1,233,433 ; 1,234,994 : 1,245,694; 1,292,385; 1,489,160 2-Amino-, dyestuff made with, 1,426,189 C-Amino-tetrazole, alkali earth salt of, deto- nator made with, 1,511,771 —, alkali salt of, detonator made with, 1,511,771 —, cadmium salt of, detonator made with, 1 011,771 —, detonator made with, 1,511,771 | ‘lead salt of, detonator made with, 1,511,771 —, metal salt of, detonator made with, 1,511, 771 —, ’ silver salt of, detonator made with, 1 ‘B11, 771 Amino-tetrazotic acid, see C-Amino-tetrazole 4-Aminothioanisol, 1-amino-2-naphtholmethyl- ether and, dye of diazotized aminoazo com- pound with 2: 3-oxynaphthoic a-naphthalid, 1,452,083 —, dyestuft made with, 1,452,083 6-Amino-thioindoxylcarboxylic made with, 1,461,485 1-Amino-2-thionaphthol, dyestuff made with, 1,452,805 —,sulfur dye made with, 1,452,805 2-Amino-1-thionaphthol, dyestuff made with, 1,452,805 —,sulfur dye made with, 1,452,805 Aminothiophenol, flotation by, chalcocite of, 1,364,307 —,—, chalcopyrite by, 1,364,307 —,—,copper sulfide by, 1,364,307 —,—, minerals by, 1,364,307 —,—, porphyry ore by, 1,364,307 —, flotation process using, 1,364,307 o-Amino-thiophenol, dyestuff made 1,452,805; 1,497,720 —,sulfur dye from, 1,452,805 —,zine salt of, dyestuff made with, 1,452,805 o-Aminothiophenolmethyl ether, see o-Thioan- isidine 4-Amino-thiosalicylic acid, 4-amino-S-argento- thiosalicylic acid made with, 1,439,624 —, 4-amino-2-auromercapto-benzoic acid made with, 1,207,284 — mfr. of, 2-amino-4-nitro-benzoie acid for, 1,207, 284 —,—,copper-bronze for, 1,207,284 —,—,copper(ous) thiocyanate for, 1,439,624 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,207 284 —,—, 4-nitro-anthranilic acid for, 1,439,624 acid, dyestuff with, INDEX OF 4-Amino-thiosalicylic acid, mfr. of, 4-nitro- thiocyano-benzoic acid for, 1,207,284 —,—,potassium thiocyanate for, 1,207,284; 1,489,624 —,—, process for, 1,207,284; 1,439,624 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,207,284 —,—,sodium nitrate for, 1,207,284 —,—,sodium sulfide for, 1,207,284 — properties of, 1,207, 284 —, sodium 4-amino-2-auromercapto-benzoate made with, 1,207,284 —, sodium 7-amino-1-naphthol-3.6-disulfonate diazotized with, 1,439,624 Amino-toluene, see Toluidine p'-Aminotoluene-2'-sulfo-2-amino-6-chlor- phenol-6-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,127,234 — , dyestuft reduction product, 1,127,234 p'-Aminotoluene-2' -sulfo-2-amino-6-chlor- Sea 4-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,127,234 6-Amino-m-toluene-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,504,469 Amino-toluic acid, alkamine esters of, mfr. of, 1,317,251 o-Amino-p-toluic acid, diethylaminoethanol ester of, see N-Diethylaminoethyl- o-amino- p-toluate —, N-diethyl-amino-ethyl ester of, mfr. of, 1 017,251 p-Amino- -o-toluic acid, diethylaminoethanol ester of, see N -Diethyl-amino- -ethyl-p-amino- o-toluate 1-Amino-4-toluido-anthraquinone-2-mercaptan, dyestuff made with, 1,126,475 ‘ Amino-a-tolyl- chloride, therapeutic compound made with, 1,218, 654; 1,218,655 —, thioureas ‘made with, 1 218, 654; 1,218,655 —,ureas made with, 1 218, 654: 1,218, 655 Amino-p-tolyl-amino- -anthraquinone, miro, 1,394,851 1-Amino-4-p-tolylamino-anthraquinone-2-sul- fonic acid, mfr. of, 1-amino-4-brom-anthra- quinone-2-sulfonic acid for, 1,131,516 —,—, l-amino-4-halogen- anthraquinone-2- sulfonic acid for; 1,131,516 —,—, copper as catalyst for, 1,131,516 —,—, copper compound as catalyst for, 1,131,516 ? —,—,copper sulfate as catalyst for, 1 ais 516 —,—,2-naphthylamine for, 1,131,516 —,—,process for, 1,131 516 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,131,516 —,—, ’ 4-toluidine for, 1,131 516 4-Amino-1- (p-tolylsulfonamido)-naphthalene, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,442,818 —,—, acids for, 1,442, 818 ~—_,—, ‘alcohol for, 1,442, 818 —,—, ammonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, ’ aniline for, 1,442,818 — benzenediazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—,iron for, 1,442,818 —,—, -naphthalene- diazonium 1,442,818 —,— _2-naphthalene-diazonium 1 442 818 —,— ,1-naphthylamine for, 1,442,818 chloride for, chloride for, SUBJECTS 459 4-Amino-1-(p-tolylsulfonamido)-naphthalene, mfr. of, N(1’-naphthyl)-p-toluenesulfonamide for, 1, 442 818 —,—, process for, 1,442,818 —, sodium acetate for, 1,442,818 —, ’ carbonate for, 1 442 818 —, ’ sodium hydroxide for, 1,442,818 —, ’ sodium hyposulfite for, 1,442, 818 —, ‘ sodium sulfide for, 1,442 818 — ’ tin (ous) chloride for, 1,442, 818 —, -’ titanium (ous) chloride for, 1 442,818 —, ” 9-toluene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442, 818 —,—, p-toluene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, p-toluenesulfony! chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—,zine dust for, 1,442,818 4-Amino-1- (p-tolylsulfonamido) -naphthalene-2- sulfonic acid, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,442,818 —,—, acids for, 1,442 818 —,— ’ 1-amino-naphthalene-2- sulfonic acids for, 1 442 818 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, aniline for, 1,442,818 —,—, benzene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—,iron for, 1,442,818 —,—, -naphthalene-diazonium 1,442,818 —,—, 2-naphthalene-diazonium 1,442,818 —,—, process for, 1,442,818 —,—, pyridine for, 1,442, 818 —, sodium acetate for, 1,442,818 —, sodium carbonate for, 1,442, 818 ua sodium hydroxide for, 1 442, 818 —, ’ sodium hyposulfite for, 1,442 818 — ' tin (ous) chloride for, 1,442, 818 — ’ titanium (ous) chloride for, 1,442 818 —,—, o-toluene-diazonium chloride for 1,442, 818 —,—, p-toluene-diazonium chloride for, 1 442,818 —,—, p-toluenesulfonyl chloride for, 1 442 818 —,—,zine dust for, 1,442,818 4-Amino-1- (p-tolylsulfonamido)-naphthalene- 6-sulfonic acid, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,442,818 —,—, acids for, 1,442,818 —,—,1- amino-naphthalene-6-sulfonic acid for, 1,442,818 —,ammonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —, ’ aniline for, 1,442,818 —, , benzene-diazonium: chloride for, 1,442,818 —,iron for, 1,442,818 — ’ 1-naphthalene- ‘diazonium 1,442, 818 —,—, 9-naphthalene- diazonium 1,442,818 —,—, process for, 1,442,818 —,—, pyridine for, 1,442, 818 —,—, sodium acetate for, 1,442,818 —,—, "sodium carbonate for, 1,442, 818 —, ’ sodium hydroxide for, 1,442,818 —, ’ sodium hyposulfite for, 1,442 2,818 —,—, ’ sodium sulfide for, 1 442 818 —,— ‘ tin (ous) chloride for, J 442 818 — Ne nay se Ne. | ~~ | 4 chloride for, chloride for, ~~) | v_ ew J ~~ + ~ erty (ae ara Fass are ah chloride for, chloride for, ? pI ? as, TEE , 5] 460 4~Amino-1-(p-tolylsulfonamido) -naphthalene-6- sulfonic acid, mfr. of, titanium(ous) chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, o-toluene-diazonium chloride for 1,442,818 —,—, p-toluene-diazonium chloride for 1,442,818 —,—,p-toluenesulfonyl chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—,zine dust for, 1,442,818 4-Amino-1-(p-tolylsulfonamido) -naphthalene- 7-sulfonic acid, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,442,818 . : —,—,acids for, 1,442,818 —,—, l-amino-naphthalene-7-sulfonie acid for, 1,442,818 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, aniline for, 1,442,818 —,—, benzene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—,iron for, 1,442,818 — -naphthalene- ‘diazonium 1,442,818 , —, 2-naphthalene-diazonium 1,442,818 chloride for, —_— chloride for, —, process for, 1,442,818 —,—, pyridine for, 1 442 818 —,—, sodium acetate for, 1,442,818 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1 442 818 —, sodium hydroxide for, 1,442 818 —, ’ sodium hyposulfite for, 1,442 818 —,—, ’ sodium sulfide for, 1,442,818 —,—,tin(ous) chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—,titanium(ous) chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, o-toluene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—., p-toluene-diazonium chloride for 1,442,818 —,—, p-toluene-sulfonyl chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—,zine dust for, 1;442,818 4-Amino-1-(-p-tolylsulfonamido) -naphthalene- 8-sulfonic acid, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,442,818 —,—,acids for, 1,442,818 —,—, l-amino-naphthalene-8-sulfonic acid for, 1,442,818 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—,aniline for, 1,442,818 —,—,benzene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—,iron for, 1,442,818 —,—, l-naphthalene-diazonium 1,442,818 Hes TOE: Pf chloride for, —, —, 2-naphthalene-diazonium 442,818 —, process for, 1,442,818 —, pyridine for, 1,442,818 —,—,sodium acetate for, 1,442,818 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,442,818 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,442,818 —, —, sodium hyposulfite for, 1,442 818 —,—,sodium sulfide for, 1,442 818 chloride for, —,—, tin(ous) chloride for, 1,442 818 —, titanium (ous) chloride for, 1,442,818 -toluene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442, 818 —,—, p-toluene-diazonium chloride for 1,442,818 —,—, p-toluenesulfony] chloride for, 1,422,818 —,—, zine dust for, 1,442,818 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 N-(4-Amino-3-(p-tolylsulfonyl) -phenyl)- phthalamie acid, dyestuff made with, 1,359,969 N-(4-Amino-3)-(p-tolylsulfonyl-phenyl) - phthalimide, dyestutf made with, 1,359,969 2-Amino-3.4.5-trichlor-phenol, dyestuff made with, 1,408,297; 1,426,190; 1,431,655 2-Amino-3.4.6-trichlor-phenol, dyestuff made with, 1,408,297; 1,419,501; 1,426,189; 1,426,190 1-Amino-4.5.8-trihydroxyanthraquinone, an- thraquinone derivatives made with, 1,437,783 b-Amino-a-(trihydroxy-phenyl) -ethanol, see a- (Aminomethyl)-o-dihydrozy-benzyl alcohol Amino-trinitro-phenol, lead salt of, primer made with, 1,478,429 1-Amino-4.5 8-trioxyanthraquinone, see 1- Amino-448-trihydroxyanthraquinone Amino-urea, see Semicarbazide Amino-zylene, see Xylidine 4-Amino-2.6-xylidine, see 2.5-Diamimno-p- xylidine Amino-, see also Amido Ammo, see Ammonium carbonate Ammonal, explosive contg., 1,444,594 Ammonate of copper sulfate, see Copper am- mino-sulfate, CuHSO4.5NH Ammonia, absorbent for, qmiiioniues sulfate as, 1,291 729 —,—, iodine in, 1,321,061 —,—, iodine pentoxide in, 1,321,061 —,—, sulfuric acid, fuming in, 1,321,061 —, absorbing, 1 (428 879 —,—,acid for, 1 B75 A75; 1,375,476; 1,375,477; 1,375,478; 1 375 ‘484: 1; 375 ‘485 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,465,677 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,356,885; 1,423,716; 1,465,677 —,absorption of, ammonium nitrate for, 1,319, 663 —,— , apparatus for, 1,216,059; 1,462,363 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,319, 663 —,—, charcoal for, 1,319, 663 —,—, process for, 1 216, 059; 1,462,363 —,—, sodium sulfate (acid) for, 1,366,303 —,—, water for, 1,319,663; 1,386,760 —, acetaldehyde ammonia from, 1,408,826 —, acetaldehyde, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,376,665 —,—, mfr. of, effected by, 1,810,743 —,acetonitrile from, 1,421,743 —,acetylene as impurity in, 1,313,886 —,—,removal of, 1,318,936 —,acid, neutralization of, using, 1,370,666 —,action of acetyl chloride on, 1,357,160 —,action of acetylene on, 1,421,743 —,action of benzene sulfone chloride on, 1,357,160 —, action of ethyl chloride on, 1,357,160 —,action on aldehydes, 1,355, 899 —, , adrenaline made with, 1 423, 101 —,air, action of with, 1 292 814 1,366,302 ; —,—, ‘helium, separation of from using, 1 496, io —,— , hydrogen, separation of from using, 1,496,757 —,—,removal from of, apparatus for, 1,141,266; 1,213,796 —"" INDEX OF SUBJECTS | 461 Ammonia, absorbent for, removal from of, cas- tor oil, sulfonated for, 1,213,796 —,—,—, process for, 1 213, 796 —, air constituent, 1 918 584 — ‘airplane fabric fireproofed with, 1,427,941 —, alcohol, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 — ‘alcoholic, dimethyl- diphenyl-urea made with, 1,477,087 —,—, thiocarbanilide desulfurized by, 1,422,506 — ’ aldehyde ammonia compounds made with, 1 456,702 — _aldehyde-ammonia 1 450,983 —, aldehyde compound of, see Aldehyde-am- monia —, alkali amide made with, 1,163,498; 1,359,080 from acetylene and, —,alkali cyanamide made with, 1,163,498; 1,483,411 —,alkali cyanide made _ with, 1,163,498; 1,311,231; 1,483,411 —, alkali cyanide solvent, 1,352,175 —,alkali earth cyanamide made with, 1,483,411 —' alkali earth cyanide made with, 1,483, 411 —,alkali earth nitrate made with, 1,507, 993 = ‘alkali earth sulfate made with, a: 127 219 —, alkali earth thiosulfate made with, 1,127,219 —, alkali metal, lead alloy contg., treatment of using, 1,197,329 —, alkali nitrate made with, 1,507,993 ates ’ alkali sulfate made with, 1,127,219 ‘—, alkali thiosulfate made with, 1,127,219 —, alkaloids extracted by, 1,447 400 —, N-alkyl-toluenesulfonamide made _ with, 1,353 385 —, N-alkyl-o-toluenesulfonamide made with, 1 ,001,206 — _N-alkyl-p-toluene sulfonamide made with 1,501,206 —, N- alkyl-xylenesulfonamide 1 353,384; 1,353,385; 1,501,206 — -alginate gels prepared with, 1,415,324 —,alginic acid extracted from seaweed by, 1 048,459 — alloy resistant to, 1,385,223 —,aluminum, steel ‘alloy contg., hardening of using, 1,487, 554 —, aluminum acetate, therapeutic compound of, made with, 1,132,709 —, aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,507,993 — aluminum hydroxide precipitated with, 1 300,110; 1,336,508; 1,837,191; 1,337,192 —, aluminum oxide made with, 1, 162,130 —,ammonia, catalyst. for mfr. of, made with, made with, 1 141,947; 1,141,948; 1,143,366; 1,148,570; 1,159 364; 1,159, 365; 1 225, 755 ; 1 ‘439 291; 1 439, 292 ; 1. ‘483, 412 —,—, mfr. ‘of, catalyst for made with, 1,151,537 —, ammoniae, crude, recovery from of, 1 253, cyal —, ammonia producing catalyst, made with, 1, 473,543; 1,473,544 —, ammonium acetate from, 1,423,494 —, ammonium bicarbonate made with, 1,211,393 —,ammonium bifluoride made with, 1 235, 552 —-, ammonium bisulfate made with, 1 291 45 —, ammonium bromide made with, 1,292 016 —, ammonium carbamate made with, 1,211 299; 1 344,673 Ammonia, ammonium carbonate made with, 1,152, O45 ; 1,209,258; 1,211,393; 1,300,110; 1, 344. 673. —,ammonium carbonate from sodium bicar- bonate and, 1,359,097 —, ammonium chloride made with, 1,249,739; 1 464,990; 1,473,966; 1,484,932; 1,488,002; 1 ‘491 672: 1,492,661 —, ammonium chloride recovery as, for, 1,452,009 —,ammonium chloride produced in fog screen by, 1,358,084 —,ammonium chromate made with, 1,826,123 —, ammonium cyanate made with, 1,144,457 —,ammonium fluoride made with, 1,235 552 —, ammonium formate made with, 1,212,359 —,ammonium metaphosphate made with, a 284,200; 1,514,912 —, ammonium metaphosphate (NH.PO;), made with, 1,194,077 —,ammonium nitrate made with, 1,165.368; process 1 206,062; 1,206,063; 1,217,247; 1,237,884; 1.252.976 : 1,256,513 ane! 306, ‘924; 1,310,479 ; 1,315,534; 1,315,674; 1,330,136; 1,464,991 ; i) 517 870 —,ammonium nitrite made with, 1 237 884 —, ammonium oleate made with, 1,392,013 —,ammonium perchlorate made with, 1 273,477 —,ammonium phosphate (NH:H2PO,), made with, 1,142,068; 1,151,074; 1,151,633 ; 1,167,788; 1,191 615: 1 194,077 ; 1,208, 877; 1 264, 513; 1.264.514: 1.276.870: 1.369,763: 1.514.912 ay Tas (NH:)2HPOk,, made with, 1,264,513 5 1,264,514; 1.276,870; 1,514,912 —,—, (NH:)sPOu, made with, 1,276.870; 1 514 912 —,ammonium phosphate made with, 1,369,763; 1,456,831; 1,456,850 —,ammonium pyrophosphate 1 514,912 —,ammonium pyrophosphate ((NH:)2H2P.0;), made with, 1,194; 077 made with, —, ammonium salt made with, 1,160,836; 1 ,162,130 —, ammonium sulfate made with, 1,127,219; 1 ,133,086; 1,152,244; 1,152,245; 1,155,385; 1,155,753: 1,160,836; 1,163,752 “7 L1Getoes 1,165,368; 1,184,839; 1,206,062; 1,206,063; 1.217247: 1,266,147; 1,291,745; 1,310,479; 1,313,023; 1,315,534; 1,321,993; 1,822,757; 1,322,758; 1,825,605; 1,331,784; 1,332,419; 1,386,760; 1,462,576; 1,496,410; 1,508,736; 1,511,560; 1,516,720 —,ammonium sulfate,. neutral, made with, 1,310,306 —,ammonium sulfate neutralized with, —, ammonium sulfite -made_ with, 1, 328,342; 1,412,549 —, ammonium sulfate from sodium bisulfate and, 1,366, 301 —,ammonium sulfide formation from 1,423,710; 1 423,711; 1 423,712 1 295,635; 1,427,863; 1,508,736 —, ammonium thionamate 1 496,410 1,160,836 ; made with, —,ammonium thiosulfate made with, 1,127,219 — amyloid, waterproofing of using, 1,499, 025 ‘sr 462 Ammonia, anhydrous, see Ammonia, liquid. —,anthraquinone derivatives made with, 1,437,783 —, antiseptic made with, 1,226,394 —, arsine, removal of from, carbon, impregnated, for, 1,519,470 —,—,—, process for, 1,519,470 — ; asphalt emulsified with, Re-15 401; (956,009) —,aqueous solutions of, see Ammonium hy- droxide —, aqueous, see Ammonium hydroxide —,barium cyanamide made with, 1,352,177; 1,852,178; 1,852,179 —, barium ferrocyanide in mfr. of, 1,452,027 — ; battery, dry, made with, 1,484, 779 —,—, primary, made with, 1,484 781 —,—,storage, electrode for, made 1,498,866 —, beeswax glycerol water emulsion prepared with, 1,415,324 —, belting made with, 1,180,902 —, benzene, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —, benzene-methyl-ethyl-sulfonamide prepared with, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 —,benzene, mono-methyl-sulfonamide pared with, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 —,benzine made with, 1,221,698 —,beryllium carbonate made with, 1,473,543; 1,473,544 —, bitumen vulcanizing accelerator, 1,464,481 —, blood albumin prepared with, 1,415,277 —, boron carbide made with, 1,501,419 —, boron nitride made with, 1,337,264 —, brine treated with, 1,466,352 —, brine treated for recovery of, 1,386,244 —, butane, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —,cadmium made with, 1,204,843 —,calcium cyanamide made with, 1,352,177; 1,352,178; 1,852,179 —,calcium cyanamide purified using, 1,352,177; 1 002,178; 1,852,179 —, calcium cyanide poe hes 1,852,178; 1,852,179 —, calcium (metallic) dissolved by, 1,352,177; 1,852,179 —,calecium hydrogen nitride (CasN2.N:Hs), for mfr. of, 1,147,184 —, calcium hydroxide for liberating, 1,343,441 —, calcium urea phosphate made with, 1,280,650 —,camphoric acid derivatives made with, 1,406,547 —, carbohydrate, action on of, 1,173,336 —, carbohydrate phosphoric acid esters made with, 1,129,321 —, carbohydrate phosphoric acid ester, calcium salt of, made with, 1,129,321 —, carbon, decolorizing, made with, 1,189,896 —,—,— , revivifying of, using, 1 189, 896 —, carbon dioxide and, calcium sulfate con- verted to carbonate by, 1,460,898 —, carbon dioxide, removal from of, 1,519,932 —, carbon dioxide absorbed by, 1 25 TT —, carbon monoxide made with, 1514 912 —, carbon oxysulfide, gas, removal of from, using, 1,504,624 with, pre- made _ with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonia, carbon oxysulfide, hydrogen re- moval from of, using, 1,504,624 —, carbon remover made with, 51 ,205 264 —,carbon tetrachloride, solidified, made with, 1 484,190 oe , cardboard, composite, made with, 1,854,154 —,—, sized, waterproofing of using, 1 499 025 —,—, "unsized, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —,— , waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —, cartridge shell, paper, made with, 1,135,356 — , case-hardening using, 1,152,959 —,casein plate made with, 1 395, 834 —, casein solvent, 1,400,381 ; ‘ 420 4173 —, catalyst made with, 1,322 291; 1 473,544 Ts catalyst (for acetaldehyde mfr.), made with, 1,473,548 ; —,—,(for ammonia mfr.), made _ with, 1,141,947; 1,141,948; 1,143,366; 1,148,570: 1,159,364; 1,159,365; 1,225,755; 1,352,177; 1,352,178; 1,352,179; 1,489,291; 1,439,292; 1,483,412 —,— , (hydrocyanic acid mfr.) made with, 1 B52 176; 1,492,194 —,— , hydrogenation, 1 210 367 —,— nickel as, made with, 1,327,396; 1,329,323 — ‘catalyst for ammonia synthesis regenerated with, 1,454,599 —, catalyst for oxidation of, apparatus for, made with, 1,159,480; 1,270,989 —,—,preparation of, 1,347,158; 1,347,159; 1,347,160 —,catalyst in phenol-acetone condensation, 1,397,144 — catalyst i in phenol-aldehyde condensate mfr., 1 ot1,019; 1,442,173 — catalyst in phenol- furfural condensate mfr., 1 398,146; 1,398,147; 1,398,148; 1,398,149 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,501 ,206 —, cellulose, action on of, 1,173 336 —,— nitrated, precipitated on fibers by, 1 398, 804 —,— , waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 — ‘cellulose dissolved by copper and, 1,390,995 —, cellulose acetate made with, 1, 173 336 —, cellulose benzoate made with, 1,173 836 —, cellulose butyrate made with, 1,173 336 —, cellulose hydrate, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —, cellulose nitrate made with, 1,173,336 —, cellulose nitrate solvent, 1,439 293 —,cellulose nitrate solvent ‘of benzene and, 1,439,293 —, cellulose 1,489,293 —, cellulose nitrate solvent of butyl acetate and, 1,439,293 — , cellulose nitrate solvent of butyl alcohol and, 1,489,293 —, cellulose nitrate solvent of carbon tetra- chloride and, 1,439,293 —, cellulose nitrate solvent of chlorethane and, 1 439,293 —, cellulose nitrate solvent of chloroform and, 1 439,293 nitrate solvent of benzine and, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Ammonia, cellulose nitrate solvent of chlort- nated hydrocarbon and, 1,439,293 —,cellulose nitrate solvent of dichlorethane and, 1,489,293 —, cellulose nitrate solvent of ethyl acetate and, 1,439,293 —, cellulose nitrate solvent of ethyl alcohol and, 1,439,293 —,cellulose nitrate solvent of hydrocarbon and, 1,439,293 —,cellulose nitrate solvent of methyl acetate and, 1,439,293 —,cellulose nitrate solvent. of methyl alcohol and, 1,439,293 —,cellulose nitrate solvent of mono-chlore- thane and, 1,439,293 —, cellulose nitrate solvent of naphthalene and, 1,489,293 —,cellulose nitrate solvent of propyl acetate and, 1,439,293 —, cellulose nitrate solvent of propyl alcohol and, 1,489,293 —, cellulose nitrate solvent of tetrachlorethane and, 1,439,293 —,cellulose nitrate solvent of trichlorethane and, 1,439,293 —, cellulose palmitate made with, 1,173,336 —, cellulose sulfite liquor concentrated using, 1,440,026 —, cement made with, 1,354,154 —, cerium nitrate decomposed with, 1,436,359 —, chloramine made with, 1,480,166 —, chloramine, action of on, 1,480,166 —, 4-chlor-2.6-dinitro-aniline made with, 1,423,494 —, 4-chlor-2.6-dinitro-m-phenylenediamine made with, 1,423,494 —,chlorhydrate of, see Ammonium chloride —, 2-chlor-4-nitro-aniline made with, 1,423,494 —, 4-chlor-2-nitro-aniline made with, 1,423,494 —,chromium, steel alloy contg., hardening of, using, 1,487,554 —, chromium compounds made with, 1,228,622 —, city waste for producing, 1,354,733 —,clay, deflocculated, made with, 1,419,951; 1,431,081; 1,458,693 —,clay peptized by, 1,418,976 —,clothing, sealed package of made sterile using, 1,180,894 —, coal, bituminous, for, 1,210,598 —, coal briquette made with, 1,452,992 —, coal distillate, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —,coal distillation by-product, 1,204,789 —,coal gas, recovery from of, apparatus for, 1,132,594; 1,150,837; 1,237,767; 1,244,903 —,—,removal from of, glycerol for, 1,237,767 —,—,—, process for, 1,237,767 —,—,recovery from of, process for, 1,244,903 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,244,903 —,coal oil tar contg., aluminum chloride, re- moval from of with, 1,311,987 —, coating for cylinder contg., 1,292,903 —, cobalt made with, 1,204,843 —, cocoa, powder made with, 1,248,244 —-. coke made with, 1,462,576 -—, coke, by-product, 1,255,593 463 Ammonia, coke oven, by-product, recovery of, 1,291,729; 1,291,730 —,coke-oven gas contg., separation from of, apparatus for, 1,320,369 —, condensation of, apparatus for, 1,259,810 —,copal dissolved by, 1,865,891 —,copper made with, 1,131,986; 1,238,951 —,copper(ous) cyanide, reaction with, 1,413,762 —, copper oxide made with, 1,238,951 —,copper plated ceramic ware cleaned with 1,438,799 —,copper solutions of, sce Cuprammonium solutions —,core compound made with, 1,514,731 —, cork, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —, cotton, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —, cotton seed treated with, 1,425,688 —,ecryolite, artificial, made with, 1,464,991; 1,511,560 —, cyanamide, nitric acid made with, 1,370,867 —,cyanamide solvent, 1,352,177; 1,352,179 —,cyanide made with, 1,256,272 —, cyanogen made with, 1,144,457 —,cyanogen compound removal from spent oxide for, 1,467,193 —, cyanogen removed from, 1,306,862 —, deflocculating material made with, 1,345,305 —, derivatives of, phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,187,230; 1,187,232 —,—, varnish made with, 1,436,820 —, detection of, apparatus for, 1,321,062 —,—, asbestos for, 1,321,062 —,—, charcoal for, 1,321,062 —,—, glass wood for, 1,821,062 —,—, “hoolamite ” for, 1,821,062 ,—,1odine oxide for, 1,321,062 —,—, iodine pentoxide for, 1,321,062 —,—, process for, 1,821,062 —,—, pumice for, 1,321,062 —,—,sulfuric acid, fuming for, 1,321,062 —,—, sulfur oxide for, 1,321,062 —,—, sulfur trioxide for, 1,321,062 —, dextrin, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —,diacetone amine made with, 1,473,285 —-,dialkylamino alkyl compounds prepared with, 1,429,922 —,diaminoacridine made with, 1,410,494 —, dibutyl dixanthate, action of and, 1,491,021 —, 4.5-dichlor-2-nitro-aniline made with, 1,423,494 —,dihydroxycodeinone made with, 1,468,805 —,N.N-dimethyl-xylenesulfonamides made with, 1,353,384; 1,353,385 —,2.4-dinitro-aniline made with, 1,423,494 —,4.6-dinitro-m-phenylenediamine made with, 1,423,494 —, 1-o-dioxyphenylethanolmethylamine pared with, 1,423,101 —, dissolving, composition for, 1,345,144 —,distillate fuel oil, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —,dope made with, 1,501,206 —, drying, calcium oxide for, 1,386,760 —, dyeing skins with chloro-p-phenylenediamine and, 1,434,449 1,204,843 ; 1,464,990 ; pre- 464 Ammonia, dyestuff made 1,264,604; 1,461,435 —,emulsifying agent, 1,431,079 —,enamel made with, 1,187,374 —,ergot alkaloid liberated by, 1,394,233 —,ethers, soldified, made with, 1,484,190 —,ethyl amine made with, 1,471,213 —, N-ethyl-o-toluenesulfonamide made with, 1,353,385 —, N-ethyl-p-toluenesulfonamide made _ with, 1,353,385 with, 1,128,813; —,ethyl tropinone-carboxylate made_ with, 1,420,900 . —, N-ethyl-xylenesulfonamide made _ with, 1,353,384; 1,353,385 —,evaporating from solutions, apparatus for, 1,352,210 —,evolution of in distilling beet sugar molasses, 1,343,224 —,extraction from gases, 1,413,763 —, fabric, waterproofiing of using, 1,499,025 —,fat made with, 1,209,723 —,ferriferrocyanide in mfr. of, 1,452,027 —,ferrocyanide as catalyst in synthesis of, 1,863,392; 1,363,393 —,ferropotassium ferrocyanide in mfr. of, 1,452,027 —,fertilizer made with, 1,127,840; 1,145,107; 1,146,222; 1,161,473; 1,184,839; 1,191,615; 1,194,077; 1,221,979; 1,277,155; 1,280,650; 1,285,121; 1,490,774; 1,496,410; 1,514,912 —, filament made with, 1,180,902 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,173,336 —, film made with, 1,172,836; 1,501,206 —, film, photographic, made with, 1,493,000 —,finish remover made with, 1,140,449; 1,147,852. —,fire extinguisher made with, 1,199,087; 1,199,088; 1,199,089; 1,199,090 —, fireproofing-solution with, 1,382,618 —, fish oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,159,480 —, fixation of, coal for, 1,420,754 —, flax, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —, flour bleached by ammonia and, 1,330,937 —,fog produced from hydrochloric acid and, 1,338,343 ; —,fog produced from sulfur dioxide and, 1,338,343 —,fog produced from tin(ic) chloride and, 1,338,343 —,fog produced from titanium chloride 1,838,343 . —,fog screen produced with sulfur chloride, steam and, 1,358,084 —, formaldehyde compound of, see Hexa- methylenetetramine —,formation from 1,426,890; 1,426,891 —, formation from ammonium sulfide, 1,444,623 —,formation from boron nitride, 1,464,292 and, ammonium fluoride, -_,formation from calcium cyanamide, 1,399,660; 1,454,591 —,formation from cyanamides, 1,352,178; 1,419,157; 1,436,180 —,formation from cyanides, 1,355,642 ; 1,466,624; 1,466,628 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonia, formation from engine exhaust gases, 1,388,480 —,formation from hydrocyanic acid, 1,411,087 —,formation from hydrogen and _ nitrogen, 1,328,082 —,formation from nitric acid, 1,418,618 —, formation from nitrogen, 1,408,754 —,formation from titanium cyanonitride, 1,408,661 —,formation from titanium nitride, 1,408,661 —,formation from titanium nitrogen com- pounds, 1,411,087 —, formation in coke ovens, 1,422,706 —,formation in dicyandiamide mfr., 1,423,799 —, formation in diphenylamine mfr., 1,892,942; 1,422,494 —,formation in electric battery, 1,356,977 —,formation in guanidine mfr., 1,417,369 —,formation in oil shale distillation, 1,423,716 —,formation of, 1,848,933; 1,422,496 —,—, aniline for, 1,314,538 —,—,cyanides for, 1,417,702 —,—,hydrocyanic acid for, 1,235,901 —,—,sugar waste for, 1,342,737 —,—, tetraiodo-hexamethylenetetramine 1,255,335 —, formation with carbon monoxide and nitro- gen, 1,408,754 —,fuel, gaseous, removal from of, apparatus for, 1,237,767 —,—,—,—, glycerol for, 1,237,767 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,237,767 —,—, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —,fuel oil, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —,fur cleaned with sawdust and, 1,294,459 —,garbage for producing, 1,354,733 —,gas, carbon oxysulfide, removal of from, using, 1,504,624 —,—,removal from of, apparatus for, 1,213,796 —,—,—, castor oil, sulfonated, for, 1,213,796 —,—,—, process for, 1,213,796 —,gas constituent, 1,412,954 —,gas contg., aluminum oxide made with, 1,162,130 —,—,ammonium phosphate, (NH:H.PO.), made with, 1,208,877 —,—,ammonium salts made with, 1,162,130 —, gaseous, viscose made with, 1,418,135 —,gas mantles made with, 1,436,359 —,gas mantles “ de-nitrated ” with, 1,486,359 —,gas oil, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —,gasolene made with, 1,221,698 —, gasolene, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —,gasolene purified with, 1,365,894 —,gas tar, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —,gas treated with, 1,480,920 —,gear made with, 1,370,666 —, gelatin hydrolyzed with, 1,823,951 —, generating, sectional apparatus for, 1,367,718 —, gloves, sealed package of made sterile using, 1,180,894 —, glucose, compounds of and, balata, vulcan- ization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 for, ~ n ~ INDEX OF SUBJECTS Ammonia, glucose, compounds of and, rubber, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—,rubber substitute, vulcanization of, using, 1,417,970 —, glucose condensate of, see Glucose ammonia —, glue hydrolyzed with, 1,323,951 —, guanidine made with, 1,417,369 —,gum, artificial made with, 1,225,748; 1,225,749; 1,225,750 —,gum dissolved by, 1,431,080 —, gum in straw dissolved by, 1,374,941 —,hair treated with hydrogen peroxide and, 1,331,609 —,helium, air, separation of from _ using, 1,496,757 —,—,natural gas, separation of from using, 1,496,757 —, hemp, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —, hexamethylenetetramine made with, 1,132,709; 1,408,826; 1,459,971 —,hexamethylenetetramine perlodide made with, 1,226,394 —, horn substitute made with, 1,395,834 —, hosiery, sealed package of made sterile using, 1,180,894 —, hydrocarbon, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —,hydrocarbon as impurity in, removal of, 1,318,936 —,hydrocellulose, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —,hydrocyanic acid made with, 1,144,457; 1,852,176; 1,887,170; 1,492,193; 1,492,194 —,hydrocyaniec acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,492,194 —,hydrocyanic acid decomposition product, 1,337,538 —,hydrocyanic acid made from hydrocarbon gas and, 1,387,170 —,hydrocyanic acid removed from gases with, 1,413,762 —, hydrogen, air, separation of from using, 1,496,757 —,—, carbon oxysulfide, removal of from, using, 1,504,624 —,—,nitrogen, mixture of and, made with, 1,123,394 — — —,separation from using, 1,496,757 —,—, separation of from, 1,261,900; 1,518,421 —,—,water gas, separation of from using, 1,496,757 —, hydrogen silicide in cyanamide, 1,370,867 —, hydrogen substitute made with, 1,210,367 —,hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,159,480; 1,210,367 —,hydrolytic agent in mfr. of guanidine, 1,417,369 —, hyposulfite, anhydrous, made with, 1,156,107 —, illuminating gas, removal from of, apparatus of, 1,150,837; 1,213,796 —,—,—, castor oil, sulfonated for, 1,213,796 —,—,—, process for, 1,213,796 —,indoxyl, mfr. of, use of, 1,293,680 —, infra red ray absorption constant of, 1,519,555 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1,156,452; 1,159,257; 1,245,980; 1,245,981; 1,370,666; 1,397,144; 1,474,482; 1,508,124 30 465 Ammonia, iron catalyst prepared with, 1,426,517 —, iron cyanide in mfr. of, 1,452,027 —,iron molybdate reduced by, 1,386,555 —,jute, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —, kaolin, deflocculated, made with, 1,419,951 —, kerosene, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —,ketone-aldehyde condensate made with, 1,482,929 —,laecquer made with, 1,137,374; 1,187,231 ; 1,218,146; 1,245,981; 1,245,982; 1,354,154 —,lamp, electric, incandescent, made with, 1,234,691 —,latex prevented from coagulating with, 1,423,525; 1,423,526 —,lead alloy, alkali metal in, treatment of using, 1,197,329 —,—, potassium in, treatment of using —,—,sodium in, treatment of using, —,leather, artificial, made with, 1,180,902 , 1,197,329 1,197 329 1,173,336 ; —,—, patent, drying of using, 1,137,671 —, lignite briquette made with, 1,452,992 —, lignoprotein solvent, 1,464,949 —, lime mud made with, 1,249,739 —,linen, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —, liquefied, ammonia-soda process conducted with, 1,423,510 —,liquid, alkali carbonate, solubility of in, 1,314,231 —,—, alkali hydroxide, solubility of in —,—, alkali metal solvent, 1,270,842 —,—, ammonium chloride made with, 1,499,002 —,-—, apparatus for using, 1,478,479 —,—, calcium solvent, 1,270,842 —,—,carbon dioxide, removal from 1,478,889 , 1,314,231 1,499,001 ; of using, —,—, carbon monoxide, removal from of using, 1 478,889 —,—, cellulose nitrate solvent, 1,439,293 —,—, cyanamide solvent, 1,314,236; 1,329,652 —,—, cyanates dissolved by, 1,329,652 1,314,237; —,—, cyanide solvent, 1,314,236; 1,314,237 ~ —,—, extraction with, apparatus for, 1,314,237 —,—,gas purification for mfr. of, using, 1,478,889 1,314,236; ammonia —,—,hexamethylenetetramine made _ with, 1,499,001; 1,499,002 —,—, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,322,251 —,—,—, process for, 1,322,251 —,—, miscibility of with mineral oils, 1,423,711: -1.423'712 —,—, oils desulfurized with, 1,454,593 —,—, oils refrigerated with, 1,427,100 1,423,710; —, oxygen, gas, removal from of using, 1.478.889 —,—, potassium chloride dissolved by, 1,328,938 —,—, power producing mixture contg., 1,417,047 of —,sodamide made with, 1,270,842 ,—, sodium chloride dissolved by, —,—,sodium cyanide _ solvent, 1,314,236; 1,314,237; 1,329,652 —,—,sodium solvent, 1,270,842 —,—, solvent properties of, 1,329,652 1,328,938 1,314,231 ; 466 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonia, liquid, sulfur removed from oils by, Ammonia, mfr. of, alkali earth cyanide as cata- 1,454, 593 | lyst promoter for, 1,476,283 —,— , tungsten made with, 1,270,842 —,—, alkali earth ferricyanide as catalyst for, —,—,water, gas, removal from of using, 1,473,543 1,478, 889 —,—,alkali earth ferrocyanide as catalyst for, — liquefaction of, apparatus for, 1,259,810 1,473,543 —,—, process for, 1,259,810 —,—, alkali earth formate for, 1,473,543 —,loss in mfr. of fertilizer, 1,293,029 —,—, alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,483,414 —/lutidine made with, 1,274, 998 ; 1,274,999 —,—, alkali earth hydroxide as catalyst pro- —, Magnesium-ammonium phosphate precipi- moter for, 1,476,283 tated by, 1,846,148 —,—, alkali earth metal as catalyst promoter —, magnesium carbonitride (Mg.C:Nc), made for, 1,313,316 with, 1,134,412 —,—, alkali earth oxalate for, 1,473,543 —, magnesium cyanamide made with, 1,473,548 ; a ‘alkali earth oxide for, 1, 134 All: 1 5261 026 ; 1,473,544 1 483,414 —, manganese, steel alloy contg., hardening of, —,—;, alkali earth oxide as catalyst promoter using, 1,487,554 for, 1,476,283 —,mfr. of, 1,322,026; 1,352,180; 1,352,181; —.—, alkali earth phenolate for, 1,473,543 1,352,182; 1,386,760; 1,485,928: 1,466,624; —— ‘alkali earth salt for, 1,415 280; 1,487,521 1,466,625; 1,466,626; 1,466,628 —,—,alkali earth salts as catalyst. promoter ate acetic acid for, 1 206, 155 for, 1,476,283 Se Leal acetylene for, 1,483, 414 —,—, alkali earth tartrate for, 1,473,543 —,—, acetylene formed during, 1,154,640 —,—, alkali ferricyanide as, catalyst for, —,—,air. for, 1,138,191; 1,163,095; 1,172,863; 1,473,543 1,189,638; 1,206,155; 1,241,919; 12419290; —,— alkali ferrocyanide as catalyst for, 1.256272: 1.256273: 1390200: 1,494,735: 1,473,543 1,503, 319; 1,504,730; 1,516,720 —,—, alkali formate for, 1,417,702; 1,473,543 —,—, alr, liquid, for, 1,490,627 —,—, ‘alkali hydroxide for, 1 138, 191; 1,149, 653; —,— alkali acetate for, 1,138,191; 1,417,702; 1 156,606; 1 415,280; 1,417,702; 1,483 A14 1,473,543 —,—, alkali hydroxide as catalyst promoter —,—,alkali aluminate for, 1,159,989; 1,415,280 for, 1,476,283 —,—, "alkali bicarbonate for, 1, 138,191 ; 1,483, A130 teen alkali metal for, 1,138,191; 1,180,840; —,—, alkali borate for, 1,415, 280 1,206,155 —,alkali carbonate for, 1,138,191; 1,149 653; —— alkali metal as catalyst promoter for, ~ 1,206,155; 1,415,280; 1,417,702; 1,483,413: 1,313,316 1,483,414 —,—, alkali molybdate for, 1,415,280 —,—,alkali carbonitride for, 1,134,411 —,—, alkali oxalate for, 1,138,191; 1,417,702; —,—,alkali compound for, 1,138,191 1,473,543 _ —,—,alkali cyanamide for, 1,310,480 —,—,alkali oxide for, 1,129,510; 1,134,411; —,—,alkali cyanamide, catalyst contg., for, 1,206,155; 1,415,280; 1,417,702; 1,483 414° 1,473,543; 1,473,544 —,—, alkali oxide as catalyst promoter for, —,—,alkali cyanamide as catalyst for, 1,476,283 _ 1,473,543; 1,483,411 —,—, alkali phenolate for, 1,473,543 —,—,alkali cyanide for, 1,138,191; 1,417,702; —,—,alkali salt for, 1,149,653; 1,163,095; 1,483,414 1,415,280; 1,487,521 ~—-,—, alkali cyanide, catalyst contg. for, —,—,alkali salt as catalyst promoter for, 1,473,548; 1,473,544 1,476,283 —,—, alkali cyanide as catalyst for, 1,473,543; —,—,alkali silicate for, 1,415,280 1,483,411 —,—, alkali sulfide for, 1,156,606 —,—,alkali cyanide as catalyst promoter for, —,—,alkali tartrate for, 1,473,543 1,476,283 —,—, alkali titanate for, 1,415,280 —,—, alkali earth acetate for, 1,473,543 —,—, alkali vanadate for, 1,415,280 —,—, alkali earth aluminate for, 1,159,989 —,—,alkali zirconate for, 1,415,280 —,—, alkali earth carbide for, 1,517,870 —,—,alloy for, 1,256,875 —,—,alkali earth carbonate for, 1,483,414 —,—,alumina for, 1,158,899; 1,180,840; —,—,alkali earth carbonitride for, 1,134,411 1,198,965 —,—,alkali earth compound for, 1,206,155 —,—,aluminum ffor, 1,198,965; 1,206,155; —,—, alkali earth cyanamide for, 1,483, 411 1,229,611; 1,328,082 —,—,alkali earth cyanamide, catalyst contg., —,—,aluminum as catalyst for, 1,256,273 for, 1,473,543; 1,473,544 —,—,aluminum as catalyst promoter for, —,—, alkali earth cyanamide as catalyst for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 1,473,543 —,— aluminum alloy for, 1,229,611 —,—,alkali earth cyanide for, 1,483,414 —,—, ’ aluminum carbonate for, 1,229,611 —,—, alkali earth cyanide, catalyst contg., for, —,—, aluminum carbonitride, AlsC.CsN, for, 1,473,543; 1,473,544 1,154,801 —,—,alkali earth cyanide as catalyst for, —,—,—,AlCs:Ne, for, 1,129,224; 1,129,505; 1,473,543; 1,483,411 1,129, ),506; 1,129,514; 1,129,721; 1,134,413 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 467 Ammonia, mfr. of, aluminum carbide for, Ammonia, mfr. of, arsenic as catalyst poison 1,198,965; 1,229, 611 for, 1, 148, 570; 1 152, 930 —,—, aluminum compound for, 1,129,506; —,—, arsenic compound as catalyst poison for, t. 172, 863 1 148, 570; 1,152,930 —,— ,asphalt ‘for, 1,229,611 —,—, asbestos, iron impregnated, for, 1,148,570 152, 930 —,asbestos as catalyst carrier for, 1,256,875 —,—, aluminum dross for, 1,156,606 —, * aluminum fluoride for, 1 198, 965 —,—, ’ aluminum hydroxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 oc 23 —,—, aluminum nitride for, 1,158,899 ; — barium, catalyst contg., for, 1 "495, 655 1,159,989; 1,188,770; 1,198,965; 1,252,649; 1,261,526; 1,502,129 —,barium as catalyst promoter for, aluminum nitride, (AIN ), for, 1,180,840 ay —,—, (AL N:;), for, 1, 129, 50S. 129, 721 on rh Naas b 3 d 3 148, 570; 1,152,930 —, barium "acetate for, 1,473,543 —,—, ’ barium aluminate ‘for, 1,206, 155 —,—, ’ barium earbide for, 1 123 763; 1,207,567 ; = —, aluminum: ore ‘for, 1,198, 965 ee 1,229,611; i a barium. as catalyst for, 1, 128, 843 1 —' aluminum oxide for, 1,129,509; 1,154,801; 1,158, 899; 1,172,863; 1 198, 965; 1,229, 611; 1,483, 414; 1,517,870 1,415,280 _ —,—, barium "carbide as catalyst for, 1,128,843 —,—, aluminum oxide as catalyst promoter for, —,—, barium carbonate for, ‘1 209, 258 ; 1,148, 070; 1,152,930 1,237, 485; 1,473,548; 1,483,413; 1,501 840 —,—, barium ‘cyanamide for, 1,159 989 —,—, ’ barium cyanamide as catalyst for, 1 352, 177; 1,852,179; 1,473,543 —,—, barium cyanide for, 1,123,763; 1,159,989; 1 237 485; 1,501,840 —,—, barium ferricyanide as —,—, aluminum phosphate for, 1,134,414 (AIPO,), —,—,aluminum phosphate, 1,129,514 —,—, aluminum salt as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 ——, aluminum scrap for, 1,502,129 for, catalyst for, —,—, ’ aluminum screenings for, if 156,606 1,454,599 —, —, aluminum silicates for, 1,129,224; —,—,barium ferrocyanide as catalyst for, 1,129, 505; 1,129,721 1,454,599 —,—, aluminum silicon nitride and hydrogen —,—,barium ferrocyanide as catalyzer in, for, 1,379,668 1,452,027 —,— barium formate for, 1,473,543 —,—, barium hydroxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 arium nitride as catalyst for, 1,128,843 —, barium oxalate for, 1,473,548 —, barium oxide for, 1,123,763; 1,206,155 —,—, aluminum skimmings for, 1,156,606; 1,229,611 —,—, aluminum slags for, 1,156,606 —,—, aluminum sulfate for, i 198, 965 —, ammonia for, 1,473, 543; 1 ‘473, 544 — —, , ammoniacal ‘liquors for, 1,324; 979 — Saas wv ewe ew a: ,—, arsenic, catalyst contg., for, 1,495,655 —,— , beryllium tartrate for, 1,473,543 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,209,258; —,—,barium oxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,310,306; 1,473,966; 1,499, 002 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,208,242 —,—,barium oxide, catalyst contg., for, —,—, ammonium nitrate for, 1 319,663 1,306,862 —,—,ammonium phosphate ‘for, 1,252 318 —,—, barium phenolate for, 1,473,543 —,—,ammonium § sulfate for, 1,204,848; —,—,barium salt as catalyst promoter for, 1,310,306; 1,366,303 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, animal matter for, 1,330,435 —,—, barium silicate (Ba.Si0:), for, 1,501,840 —,—,antimony as catalyst poison for, —,—,barium tartrate for, 1,473 543 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, ’ bark for, 1,202,317 —,—,antimony, catalyst contg., for, 1,495,655 —,—, bauxite for, 1,158,899 ; 1,159,989 ; —,—,antimony compound as catalyst poison 1,180,840 for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, bauxite, red, for, 1,158,899 —,—,apparatus for, 1,123,763; 1,125,208; —,—, benzine for, 1,251 954 1,129,507; 1,129,508; 1,129,509; 1,129,510; —,—,beryllium as catalyst promoter for, 1,129,511; 1,130,001; 1,187,524; 1,138,191; 1,148,570; 1,152,930 1,146,776; 1,156,606; 1,158,899; 1,165,358; —,—, beryllium acetate for, 1,473,548 1,165,368; 1,177,727; 1,180,840; 1,183,885; —,—, beryllium carbonate for, 1,473,548 ; 1,186,921; 1,187,633; 1,188,530; 1,189,638; 1,473,544 1,198,987; 1,202,995; 1,204,789; 1,206,155; —,—, beryllium cyanamide, catalyst contg., for, 1,207,416; 1,207,567; 1,208,242; 1,209,258; 1,473,543; 1,473,544 1,210,598; 1,221,505; 1,242,264; 1,244,908; —,—, beryllium formate for, 1,473,543 1,252,726; 1,256,875; 1,266,147; 1,291,660; —,—, beryllium hydroxide as catalyst promoter $295,262; 1,313,314; 1,313,315; - 1,313,316; for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 1,313,884; 1 S19. 885; 1,313,886; 1,815,582; —,— beryllium oxalate for, 1,473,543 1,324,979; 1 329 397; 1,330,485; 1,334,590; —,—, beryllium oxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,466,624; 1 466 626: 1,466,628; 1,478,549; 1,148,570; 1,152,930 1,478,550 ; 1,488,055; 1,489,724; 1,494,735; —,—, beryllium phenolate for, 1,473,543 1,495, ‘461: 1,495,563; 1,498,031; 1,501,486; —,—, beryllium salt as catalyst promoter for, 1,504, 730: 1,507,560; 1,518,421 1,148,570 3 1,152,930 : —,—,calcilum as 468 Ammonia, mfr. of, bicarbonate for, 1,483,413 —,—, bismuth, catalyst cont., for, 1,495 655 —,—, bismuth as catalyst poison for, 1; 148 570; 1 1152, 930 —,—, bismuth compound as catalyst poison for, 1, 148, 570; 1,152,930 —,—, bitumen, shale contg., for, 1,494,735 —,—, ’ blast furnace gas for, 1 466, 624; 1 466,625 ; 1 466, 626; 1,466,628 —, blood for, 1,504,730 Je ae ’ bone for, 1,504 730 —,—, borax for, 1,255,593 —,—, boric acid for, 1,221 005 —,—, boron for, 1,206, 155 —, ‘boron as catalyst poison for, 1,148,570; 1152, 930 —,—,boron compound as catalyst poison for, —,boron nitride for, 1,464,292 oa ’ boron oxide, B.O, for, 1,129 508 — boron trioxide for, 1,464 292 —,—, ’ brass for, 1,256,875 —,cadmium in catalyst for, 1,495,655 catalyst promoter for, 148,570; 1,152,930 —, calcium acetate for, 1,473,543 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonia, mfr. of, contg., for, 1,306, 862 —,—, calcium oxide as catalyst promoter for, ie 148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, calcium phenolate for, 1,473,543 —,—,calcium phosphate (CasP.Os), 1 129 904; 1,129,514; 1,129,722 —,—, calcium salt as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, calcium tartrate for, 1,473,543 —,—,cannel shale for, 1 ‘488 ‘055 —,—, ; carbide for, 1,207,567 : 1,315,534; 1,517,870 calcium oxide, catalyst for, 1,315,532 ; —,—, carbon for, 1 123,584 ; 1,129,224; 1,129,504; 1,129,505; 1,129,506; 1,129,507; | 1,129,508: 1,129,509; 1,129,510: 1.129.511: 1.129514: 1,129,721; 1,129,722; 1134411; 1134412: 1,184,413; 1,184,414; 1,137,524: 1,138,191; 1,147,184; 1,154,801; 1,158,899; 1,180,840: 1,186,921; 1,187,633; 1,198,965: 1,206,155: 1,237,485; 1,241,919; 1.241.920; 1.256273: 1,273,772; 1,313,312; 1,815,534; 1,466,624: 1,466,628; 1,483,413: 1,501,840 —,—, carbon compounds as catalyst poison for, 1 148 70; 1 ,152,930 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,490,728 ye _ 1,148,570; 1,152,930 ie —,—, calcium carbamide for, 1,159,989 —,—, calcium carbide for, 1,207,567; 1,315,532 ; 1,315,584; 1,483,414; 1,517,870 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,473,543; 1,483,413 —,—, calcium 1,129,511; 1 carbonitride 134,411 (CasCsNe), for, —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,255,593; 1,319,663; 1,502,129 —,—, calcium compound for, 1,172,863 —,—, carbon dioxide, effect of on, 1,184,839 —,—, searbon dioxide as catalyst poison for, 1 ,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, carbon monoxide for, 1,129,504; 1,129,722; 1: 138,191 ; 1 '206, 155; 1,148,570; 1 152 930; 1 242 264; 1 390 200 1 ‘158, 899: —,—, carbon ‘monoxide, steam and nitrogen for, 1,408,754 —,—, carbon monoxide as catalyst poison for, ee 570; 1,152,930; 1,312,534 —, carbo-nitride for, 1 310 A79 —,—, calcium —,— calcium ferricyanide as —,—,calcium cyanamide for, 1,142,068; 1,149,653; 1,151,074; 1,151,633; 1,154,640; 1,163,095; 1,167,788; 1,183,885; 1,221,058; 1,242,953; 1,292,814; 1,296,820; 1,313,884; 1,313,885; 1,313,886; 1,326,045; 1,365,739: 1,397,609; 1,463,508; 1,498,031 —,—, calcium cyanamide, catalyst contg., for, 1 352,174; 1,352,180; 1,352,181; 1,352,182 cyanamide as catalyst for, 1 892,177; 1,852,179; 1,473,543 catalyst. for, 1 AB4 599 —,—, calcium ferrocyanide, catalyst contg., for, 1 306,862 —,—, calcium ferrocyanide as catalyst for, 1,454 599 —,—, calcium fluoride as catalyst for, 1,315,534 —,—,calcium formate for, 1,473,543 —,—, calcium hydride for, 1,251 954 —,—,caleium hydrogen nitride (CasN:.N: Hs), for, 1,147,184 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,123,584; 1,149,653; 1,202,317; 1,210,598; 1,266,147; 1,324,979; 1,466,624; 1,466,628 —,—, calcium hydroxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, alarm oxalate for, 1,473,543 —,—,calcium oxide for, 1,129 Bll; 1,134,411; 1,202,317 ; 1,261,526 ; 1,137,524: 1,204,843 : 1,266,147: 1,147,184; 1,206,155: 1,315,534 1 165 368; 1,206,156 ; —,—, carbonate — for, 1 ,206, 155; 1,313,312; 1,483,413 —,—, catalyst for, 1,141,947. 1,141,948; 1,148, 366; 1,151,537; 1,159,364; 1,159,365; 1,243,382 ; 1,299,641 ; 1,312,534; 1,813,314; 1,318,315; 1,313,316; 1,352,174; 1,352,175; 1,352,176; 1,352,177; 1,852,178; 1,352,179; 1 "352, 180; 1,352,181; 1,352,182; 1,473,543; 1,473, 544. —,—,—, ammonia made with, 1,151,537 3 bs b] ee Lara 1,491, 588 —,—,—, air for, j 152 930; —,—,—, —, alkali for, 1,201,226 bare jh nascent cea 3 bd 1,206,155 ; fa 483,412 for, , mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,206, 155 —,—, —, acetylene for, 1,352 178 1,206,155 ; ,alkali carbide for, 1,352,178 —,—,—,—, alkali carbonate 1,157,253; —,—,—,—, alkali cyanamide for, 1,352,178 —,—,—, —, alkali earth carbide for, 1 352 178 —— —— —_ _ by ? 1,157,253; 1 483,412 ,—, alkali earth carbonate for, —,—,—, —, alkali earth compound for, 1,206,155 ~ 4382.178” latest earth cyanamide for, —,—, alkali earth hydroxide for, 18a 412 ; , alkali earth metal for, 1,491,588 > 3 ‘alkali earth nitride for, 1 491 088 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Ammonia, mfr. of, catalyst for, mfr. of, alkali earth oxide for, 1 a ry US here 491, 588 ; 1,502, 336 —,—, —, —, alkali hydroxide for, 1 483 412 —,—, —, ’ alkali metal for, nv 159, 364; “yh 159,365 a et alkali oxide for, 1 206, 155; *) 002,336 1,141,948; 1,157,253; —,—, —, —, alkali ruthenate for, 1,173,532 —,—,—, —, alumina for, 1,173,532 —,—,—, aluminum for, 1,148, 570; 1,206,155; Bc 491 588; 1,502,336 —,—, —, — aluminum nitrate for, 1,148,570; 1,152, 930 —,—,—,—, aluminum oxide for, 1,148,570; 1 152 930; 1,489,497; 1,491,588; 1,502,336; 1 510, 598 —,—,—,—, ammonia for, 1,141,947; 1,141,948; 1 143, 366; 1,148,570; ‘1 ‘151 537; 1,159,364 ; 1,159 365 : 1,225,755: 1,352,177: 1352178; 1 "359 179; 1,489,291; 1,489,292; 1,483,412 —,—, —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1 148 570; 1,152,980; 1,386,555 —, —, —, ammonium molybdate for, ae 148, 570; 1,152,980; 1,886,555 —,—, ammonium tungstate for, a4, 148 570: 1,152,930; 1,175,693 —,—_,—, — ammonium vanadate for, 1,152,930 —,—,—,—, asbestos for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930; 1,173,532; 1,863,392; 1,863,393; 1,386,555 —,—, —, —,; barium for, 1,491,588 —,—,—,—, barium aluminate for, 1,206,155 —,—,—,—, barium carbide for, 1,852,178 —,—,—,—, barium carbonate for, 1,483,412 —,—,—,—, barium cyanamide for, 1,352,178 —,—,—,—, barium ferricyanide for, 1,863,392; 1,363,3 —,—,—,—, barium ferrocyanide for, 1,363,392; 1,363,393; 1,439,291; 1,439,292 —,—,—,—, barium hydroxide for, 1,483,412 —,—, — — barium manganese cyanide, (BasMn(GN)s), for, 1,439,291; 1,439,292 469 Ammonia, fate. of, catalyst for, ) mfr. of, carbon for, 1,173,532; 1/206,155; 1 483, 412; 1,502,336 —,—,—, —, carbon, activated, for, 1,483,412 —,-—,—,—, ’ carbonate for, 1,206,155 —,—,—-;+-, cement for, 1,173,532 —,—, —, —, cerium for, 1,141,948; 1,159,365; 1,167,280; 1,184,839; 1,491,588 —,—, —, —, cerium chloride for, 1,141,948; 1,159,365 —,—,—,—,cerlum nitride for, 1,491,588 —,—,—,—, cerium oxide for, 1,167,280; 1,184,839; 1,489,497; 1,491, 588 —, —, —, —, cesium oxide for, 1,510,598 —,—,—,—, chamotte for, 1 148, 570 —,—,—,—, charcoal for, 1,167, 280; 1,483 412 —,—, charcoal, cocoanut, for, 1,167,280; 1,184,839; 1,184,839 —,—,—,—, chloride for, 1,206,155 ,—,—,—, chromium for, 1,206,155; 1,483,412 —,—,—,—,clay for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930; 1,173,532 —,—,—,—, coal for, 1,502,336 —,—,—,—, cobalt chloride for, 1,141,948; 1,206,155; 1,206,156; 1,852,178; 1,483,412; 1,489,497; 1,510,598 —,—, —, —, cobalt calcium iron cyanide, CaCoFe(CN)., for, 1,489,291; 1,439,292 —_—,—, — —,—, cobalt chloride for, 1,141,948; 1,159,365 —,—,—,—, cobalt nitrate for, 1,141,948; 1,159,365 —,—,—,—, cobalt oxide for, 1,244,580 —,—, —, —, ’ columbium for, 1,352, 178 —,— , copper cyanamide for, 1,352,177 ; 1,352, 179° a, —, Crocus martis: for, - 1,148,570; nee 930 — d d ,didymium for, 1,167,280; 1,184,839 —,—,—, dolomite for, 1,502,336 —,—, —, ferromanganese for, 1,502,336 ferro-molybdenum for, 1,502, 336 uh te ferro-silicon for, 1,502 336 ,—, —, ferro-titanium for, 1,502, 336 —,—,—, —, barium nitride for, 1,491, 588 —,—, —, —, barium oxide for, 1,206,155; 1,489,497; 1,491,588 Ae aaa bauxite for, 1,502,336 —,—,—, —, beryllium for, 1,491,588 —,—,—,—,beryllium nitrate for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—,—,—, beryllium nitride for, 1,491,588 —,—,—,—,beryllium oxide for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930; 1,491,588 —,—,—,—, boron for, 1,141,948; 1,159,365 —,—, —, —, calcium for, 1,352,177; 1,352,178; 1,352,17 179; 1,491,588; 1,502,336 —,—, —, — , calcium carbide for, 1,352,178 —,—,—,—, calcium cyanamide for, 1,352,178 —,—,—, —,; * calcium pic. cyanide for, 1,352,177; 1,352, 178: 1,352,179 —,—, —, calcium ferricyanide for, 1,363,392; a 363, 393 —,—,—, calcium ferrocyanide for, 1,363,392; at 363 398 ; 1,439,291; 1,439,292 =——)—; calcium nitride for, 1,491,588 oxide for, 1,491,588 ; —, —, —, calcium cf 206, 156; 1,489,497 ; 1,206,155 ; 1,502 '336 —,—,—,—,hematite, arsenic free, for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, —, —,—, sulfur free, for, 1,148,570; 1,102, 930 —,—,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,141,947; 1,141, 948: 1,143,366; 1,151,537; 1,159,364; 1,159,365 ; 1,167,280: 1 184, 839° —,—, —-, —, hydrogen for, 1, 141 947; 1,141,948; 1,143,366; 1,148,570; 1 ‘151 B37: 1,152,930; 15259 8). 15 158,167: iW 159 364: 1,359,365 ; 1,173,532; 1,175,693; 1 01 296: 1,225,755; 1,244,580; 1,363,392; 1 363, 393: 1,386,555 ; 1,439,291; 1,439,292; 1,483,412 ; 1,489,497; 1,502,336 bs , hydroxide for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930; —,—,—, iridium for, 1 ‘157, 253 —,—, ’ iridium chloride for, .1,167:253 ANAS Se Ne —)—,—,-——, iron for, 1,141 947: 1,141,948 ; 1 143 366; 1,148,570 ; 1 152 930 : 1,159,365 ; 1 206, 155;) 1,206,156; 1 ‘925 755; 1,852,178; 1,483,412 > 1,489,497; 1,502,336; 1,510,598 —,—,—,iron, pure, for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 ’ 470 Ammonia, mfr. of, catalyst for, mfr. of, iron acetate for, 1 206, 155 —,—, —, —, Iron carbonate for, 1,483,412 b] fe, ron | tchloride for, 1 141,948 ; i. “159, 365 es iron hydroxide stor, (91,148.670; 1152, 930; 1,489,497 —_—,— —,iron nitrate for, 1,141,948; 1,148, 3 510: 1,152,930; 1,159,365; 1,225,755 —,—,—, — iron (ic) nitrate for, 1,141,947; 1,148, 366; 1,886,555 —,iron nitride for, 1,148,570; ~ 1.152.930; 13229,705.." 1,002,175 —,—, —, iron bide for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930; ~ 4,158,167; 1,206,155; 1,225,755; | 1,244,580: 1,483,412; 1,489,497; 1,502,336: 1,510,598 —,—, —, —, 1ron oxide, (ferroso-ferric), for, 1,158, 167 —_,—, —,+, iron oxide (Fe.O;), for, 1,225,755 i ae diet in a HO TOD, Leo 570: 1 152, 930; 1,206, 156; 1 925 oo —,—, —, — iron (ic) 1,152, 930: ct 158,167 —,—,—-,—, iron oxide ore for, 1,502,336 —,—,—,iron salt for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, kieselguhr for, 1,173,532 oxide for, 1,148,570; cas —,—, —, —, lanthanum for, 1,167,280; 1,184,839 ; 1,491,588 —,—,—,—, lanthanum nitride for, 1,491,588 —,—,—,—, lanthanum oxide for, 1,491,588 —,—,—,—,lime for, 1,148 B70; 1 152 930; 1,386,555; 1,502,336 —,—,—,—, lithium for, 1,491,588 —,—,—,—, lithium nitride for, 1,491,588 —,—,—,—, lithium oxide for, 1,491,588 —,—,—,—, magnesia for, 1 148, 570; 1,152,930; 1 173,532; 1,386,555 ° —,magnesium for, 1,148,570; a 1529 930: 1,491,588; 1,502 336 —,—,—, Magnesium chloride for, 1,148,570; re 152 930 —,—,—,Magnesium nitrate for, 1,148,570; y 152.9 930 —,—,magnesium oxide for, 1,148,570; nay 206, 155: th 206, 156; 1,491,588; 1 502 336 —, —, —, — , magnetite for, 1 148 570; 1,152,930 —,—,—,—,magnetite, arsenic free, for, 1 148, 570; 1,152,930 —,—, —, —,—, sulfur free, for, 1,148,570; 1 152 930 —,—,—,—, manganese for, 1,141,948; 1,159,365; 13 352, 178; 1 483 412 —,—,—, manganese chloride for, 1,141,948; ra 159 365 —,—,—,—, manganese nitride for, 1,352,178 —,—,—,—, meerschaum for, 1, 173, 532 —,—,—,—, metal for, 1 173 532; 1,483,412 ; fae 497; 1,510,598 —,— —, metal carbonate for, 1,483,412; bit 489 497; 1,510,598 —,—, metal compound for, 1,173,582; ~ 1.89, 497 —,—,—,metal hydroxide for, 1,148,570; iP 152 930; 1,489,497; 1,510,598 —,—,—, metal nitrate for, 1,489,497; 4 510 598 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonia, mfr. of, catalyst for, mfr. of, metal oxide for, 1 148, 570; - 1,152 930; 1 483, 412; 1,489,497 ; 1, 510, 598 —,— , —, —, metal salt for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —_,—, — —, moly bdenum for. 1, 141, 947 ; 1,141, 948; 1 143 266; 1,159 365 ; 1 491 588 —,—,—, — , molybdenum chloride for, 1,141, 947; 1,143,366 —,—,—, — , molybdenum nitride for, 1,491,588 —,—,—,—, molybdenum oxide for, 1,148,570; 1,244, 580; 1,491,588 —,—,-,—- nitrogen for, 1,141,947; 1,141,948; 1,143, 366; 1,158,167 ; 1 175,693 ; 1,386,555 ; 1,491,588 —,—, nickel 143,366: 1,206,156: 1,148,570; 1,159,364; 1,225,755: 1,439,291; for, 1,159,365; 1,489,497 1 152 930; 1,159,365 : 1,363,392: 1439 292: 1,141,947; 1,201,226; 1,157,253; 1,173,532 ; 1,363,393 ; 1,483,412 ; 1,141,948; 1,206,155; —,—,—,—,nickel boride for, 1,201,226 —,—,—,—, ‘nickel chloride for, 1,141,948; 1,159,365 —,—,—,—,nickel nitrate for, 1,141,947; 1,141,948; 1,148,366; 1,159,365 —,—, —, —, nickel salt for, 1,201,226 —,—,—,—, nitric acid for, 1,148 ‘570: 1,152,930 —,-—, —, +, Orthoclase fGr,. 71 489 497° —,—,—,—, osmium for, 1, 157 253 ; 1,852,178 —,—,—,—, oxide for, 1 152 930 —,—,—, —, oxygen for, 1 ‘148 70; 1,152,930; 1,489,497 —,—,—,-—, platinum for, 1,489,497 —,—, —, —, potassium for, 1 141 947; 1,141,948; 1,143, 366: pet S Ps On mae | 159 364; Te 159 365; 1,206,156 —,—,—,—, potassium amide for, 1,141,948; 1,159,364; 1,159,865; 1,489,497 —,—,—,—, potassium boride for, 1,201,226 —,—,—,—, potassium carbide for, 1,352,178 —,—,—,—, potassium carbonate for, 1 148 570; 1,152,930; 1,206,155; 1,206,156; 1 483 A12 —,—, —, —, potassium chromium cyanide, K;Cr(CN)a, fe 1,489,291; 1,489,292 Saran eament eer) fsa ae Ky Cr(CN)s, for, 1,439,292 —,—, —, —, potassium cyanamide for, 1,352,178 —,—,—,—, potassium ferricyanide for, 1,439 291: 1,439,292 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,148,570; A 152, 930; 1,173,532: 1,201 220291 483, 412 —, potassium manganese cyanide, _Katin(CN), for, 1,439,291; 1,489,292 ,KiMn(CN)., for, 1,439,291; 1,148,570; 1,206,155; 1,439,291 ; 1,439,292 © —,—,—, —, potassium 1,152,930 —,—,—, —, potassium 1,489,497 —,—,—,—, potassium perchlorate for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, —, — , potassium ruthenate for, 1,173,532 —,—,—,—, potassium silicate for, 1,489,497 —,—,—,—, potassium sulfate for, 1,206,155 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,141,947; 1,141,948; 1,143,366; 1,148,570; 1,151,537; 1,152,930; 1,157,253; 1,158,167: 1,159.264.5 1,159.36); nitrate for, oxide for, Ammonia mfr. of, catalyst for, mfr. of, process for (Continued) INDEX OF SUBJECTS 471 Ammonia, mfr. of, catalyst for, mfr. of, tung- sten oxide for, 1,175 698 ; 1,244 580 ; 1,491, 588 1,313,315; 1,313,316 1,167,280; 1,173,532; 1,175,693; 1,184,889; —,—,—,— _ tungstic acid for, 1 175 693 1,201,226; 1,206,155; 1,225,755; 1,244,580; —,—,—,—, uranium for, 1,141,948; 1,159,365 ; 1,352,177; 1,852,178; 1,352,179; 1,363,392; 1,491,588 1,363,398; 1,386,555; 1,439,291; 1,489,292; —,— —,uranium chloride for, 1,141,948; 1,483,412; 1,489,497; 1,491,588; 1,502,336; 1,159,3 365 1,510,598 —,—,—,—, uranium nitride for, 1,491,588 —,—,pumice for, 1,141,947; 1,141,948; —,—,—,—, uranium oxide for, 1,491 588 ‘SY 143 366; 1,151,537; 1,159,364; 1,159,365; =—,—,—,—, vanadium for, 1 352, 178: 1,491,588 1,173,532; 1,363,392; . 1,368,303; 1430291; —,—|-’_’ vanadium nitride for, 1,491,588 1,439,292 Bee _ | —y-7-—-,-—, vanadium oxide for, 1,491,588 1,502,336 | pyrite or, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 ; ait | or eae ea yttrium for, 1 ,167 280: 1 ,184 839 Ag ae —,rare earth nitrate for, 1,148,570 ase oe for, 1491 588 age ga A, rare earth pe eh m 148,870 Ris a —, zirconium nitrate for, 1,148,570 ; =, —,—,—, rhodium for, 1,157,253 at i a rs dius aaiacnde on 1,157,253 ae asi zirconium nitride for, 1,491,588 s,—, , zirconium oxide for, 1 491 588 ey, ruthenium for, 1,157, 253 ; 1,352, 178 —_—,— cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,202 l7; —,—,—,—, ruppeniitee te for, 1,173 532 1 298, 504, a , —,—,—;—, ruthenium oxide for, 1 172. 532 isda Ses j ——,—,—,salts for, 1,148,570; "1,152,930 Piece | 88 catalyab, | ioral els314; om a one . —»— Cerlum as catalyst promoter for, , Tames silicon chloride fee 1. 141,948 ; 1,148,570: 1,1 152, 930 Bee ailicon dioxide for, 1,480,497 —,—, cerium alloy as catalyst for, 1,313,314; —,—,—,—,sodamide for, 1,159,364; 1,159,365 118,315; 1,313,316 —,—,—,—,sodium for, 1,141,947: 1,141,948; > — cerium carbide as catalyst for, 1,273,772 oe 1,151,537 ; 1,159,364; 1,159,365 ; Tee aes as catalyst for, 1 313, 314; , 6 : es — sodtiuia al wee 1,206,155; 9 —,— cerium hydroxide as catalyst promoter 1,480,497 MRT haa for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 ee ae -, sodium amide for, 1,141,947; —— cerium nitride as catalyst for, 1,313,314; Eo uaa Dai, carbonate for, 1,148,570; —>— cerium ‘oxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,152,930; 1,206,155; 1,206,156 1,148, 570; 1,152,930 SE Mh ey Lee ferrite ‘for, 1,206,155 —,—, cerium salt as catalyst promoter for, —,—,—,—,sodium oxide for, 1,206,155; 1,148,570; 1,152,930 1,489,497 —,—, cesium, ‘catalyst contg., for, 1,495,655 —,—,—,—, sodium silicate for, 1,489,497 —,—,cesium as catalyst promoter for, —,—,—,—, sodium sulfate for, 1 206, 155 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—,—, —, strontium for, 1,491,588 —,—, cesium ‘hydroxide as catalyst promoter —,—,—, —, strontium carbonate for, 1,483,412 for, 1 148 070; 1,152,930 —,—,—,—, strontium cyanamide for, 1,352,178 | —,—, cesium oxide as catalyst promoter for, —,—,—,—, strontium ferricyanide for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 cee: 1,863,393 —,—, cesium salt as catalyst promoter for, —,—,—, strontium ferrocyanide for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 ~ 1,363,392 ; 1,363,393 —,—, charcoal for, 1,187,524;) > 1,188 199: —,—, 4, —, strontium hydroxide for, 1,483,412 1,186,921; 1,187,633: 1,319,663; 1,466,624; —,— —, —, ’ strontium nitrate for, 1,148,570; 1,466,626; 1,466,628; 1. 483 ‘413: 1,487,521 1,152,930 —,—, charcoal, catalyst contg. . for, 1,352,180; —,—, —, —, strontium nitride for, 1,491,588 me 181; i 02,182 ois ae allay strontium oxide for, 1,489,497; —., chloride for, 1,206,155; 1,463,508 1,491,588 —,—, chloride as catalyst for, 1,315,534 —,—, —, —, sulfate for, 1,206,155 eh 4 —,—, —, — sulfide for, 1,206,155 Mik ene Lat Wee “() : E Be tc! = antalum for, 1.352.178 oat ye ae 1,148,570; 1,152,930; pee. titan nitride for, 1,491,588 —,—, chromium, catalyst contg. for, 1,128,843; —‘thorium oxide for, 1,489,497: 1,256,273; 1,256,875; 1,476,283; 1,495,655 ~ 414815 58S : —,—,chromium as catalyst promoter for, —,—, titanium for, 1,141,948; 1,159,365; 1,148,570: 1,152,930 1491 588 —,—,chromium carbide as_ catalyst for, —,titanium chloride for, 1,141,948; 1,128,843; 1,273,772 1159.3 365 —,—, chromium hydroxide as catalyst promoter fo or, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, chromium nitride as catalyst for, 1,128,843 —,—, ’ chromium oxide for, 1,415,280 —,—,—, —, titanium nitride for, 1,491,588 . —,—,—,—, titanium oxide for, 1,491,588 —,—,—, —, tungsten for, 1,491,588 472 Ammonia, mfr. of, chromium oxide as catalyst for, 1,516,720 —,—, chromium oxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, chromium salt as catalyst promoter for, 1 148, 570; 1,152,930 —,—, chrysolite as catalyst carrier for, 1,256,875 .—,—, clay, fire, for, 1,415,280 -. +, coal’ for, «1 123, 763; 1,138,191; 1,158,899; 1 159, 989 ; i ieee 727: 1 204, 739: 1,242 264; 1 O51, tt Rae | "255, 593; 1,266,147 ; 1,315,534 ; 1,413, 799 ; 1 466, 626; 1,488,055; 1,498,031 —, —, coal, anthracite, ‘for, 1 1158, 899 —,—,—, bituminous, for, 1 ‘130, 001; 1,146,776; 1 A88 055 —,—, coal dust for, 1,129,504; 1,129,505; 1 129, (ale AZo ez2:. I 134, 411; 1 204, 789 —,—, coal ‘tar for, 7 237, 485 —,—, ’ cobalt for, 1 206, 155; 1,206,156; 1,415,280 —,—, cobalt, catalyst contg. , for, 1,306 862; 1 95, 655 —,—, cobalt as catalyst for, 1,128,843; 1,244,580; 1 256, 273; 1,256,875; 1 313 316: 1 ‘476, 283 —,—, cobalt acetate for, i 473, 543: 1,473, 544 —,—, cobalt carbide as ‘catalyst for, 1,128, 843 ; 1,273,772 —,—, cobalt carbonate for, 1,473,543; 1,473,544; —,—,cobalt cyanamide in catalyst for, 1 352, 180; 1,352,181; 1,852,182 —,—, cobalt hydroxide for, 4 273 1772; 1,473,548 ; 1 A73, 544 —,—, cobalt nitride, 1,473, 543; 1,478, 544 —,—, cobalt nitride as catalyst for, 1,128,843 —,—, cobalt oxalate for, 1,473,543; 1,473, 544 —,—, cobalt oxide for, 1 473, 543; 1473, 544 ammonia, made with, —,—, ’ cobalt salt, organic, for, 1 73, 543; 1,473, 544 —,—,coke for, 1,123,763; 1,129,504; 1,129,505; 1,129, yous i 129, 722 - 1 134, 411; 1, 487, 524: 1,138,191;* 1, 158, 809 ; 1 "198, 065 ; 1 937 ‘485: 1,242, 264: rp 313. elas 1,315,534; 1,466,626; 1,483,413 —,—,coke, bituminous, coal, for, 1,237,485 —_—,—,—-, petroleum, for, 1,237 A85 J —-, Seotch anthracite, for, 1,237,485 —,—,—, shale oil, for, 1,237, 485 =~; tar, for, ‘1 237, 485 —,—,—, Welsh anthracite, for, 1,237,485 —,—, coke by-product for, 1 127 949 —,—, coke oven liquor for, 1,324 979 —-,—,columbium oxide for, 1,415 280 —,—,compound for purification of gases for, mfr. of, acetylene for, 1,483,414 —_, —, —, —, alkali bicarbonate for, 1,483,413 —,—, —, —, ‘alkali carbonate for, 1,483, 413; 1,483, 414 —,—,—, —, alkali earth carbonate for, 1,483,414 —_—,—,— ,—-, "alkali earth cyanide for, 1,483, 414 —_—,—-,—- —, "alkali earth hydroxide for, 1 "483, 414 —,—,—, —, "alkali earth oxide for, 1,483 Al4 —,—, —, —, "alkali cyanide for, 1, 483, 414 —,—,—, —, "alkali hydroxide for, 1,483, 414 —,—,—,—, alkali oxide for, 1,483, 414 —, barium carbide for, 1,483, 414 —,—, —,—, ‘barium carbonate for, 1 483, 413 —_—,—,—,— ’ bicarbonate for, 1,483 ‘413 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 _ Ammonia, mfr. of, compound for purification of gases for, mfr. of, calcium carbide for, 1,483,414 —,—,—,—, calcium carbonate for, 1 483, 413 —_,—-, —,—, ’ carbon for, 1,483,413 -—,—, —, —, carbonate for, 1 483, 413 —,—,—, charcoal for, 1,483, 413 ,—, —, —, chromium for, 1,483, 413 —— coke for, 1 483, 413 —— hydrogen for, 1,483,418 ; —,—,—,—, iron for, 1 483, 413 —,—, —, —, iron carbonate for, 1,483,413 ,—,—, iron oxide for, 1,483, 413 —,—,—, —, Manganese for, 1,483, 413 —,—,—,—, metal carbide for, 1, 483, 414 —,—, —, — metal carbonate for, 1 483, 413 ,—,—,—, metal carbonitride for, 1 483, 413 ,—,—, nitrogen for, 1,483, 413; 1 483, 414 —,—,—, producer gas for, 1 ‘483, 413 —, —, strontium carbonate for, 1,483,413 — ’ copper for, 1,229,611 —,—, copper carbide as catalyst for, 1,273,772 — popper oun, compounds for, iy 390 200 —,—,copper cyanamide as catalyst for, 11382, 177: 1,352,179 —,—, copper electrode for, 1,212,062; 1,256,875 —,—, copper nitride as catalyst ‘for, 1,352, 177; 1,352,179 —,—, cornstalk for, 1,146,776 —,—, cottonseed oil as catalyst promoter for, 1,313,316 —,—, cracking process for, 1,516,720 —,—,crude oil for, 1,256, 273 “ 1,483,414 ’ 3 uw — moe. tae z opr b ray —,cryolite for, 1 502, 129 —,—, ’ cyanamide for, 1,315,534; 1,332,100; 1,365,739; 1,517,870 —,—, cyanide for, 1,295 262 ; 1,295,293 ; 1,312,842; 1,313, 312: 1,315,584; 1,354, 574 —,— _cyanide residue purified in, process for, i 53, 210 ; —, cyanogen compound for, 1,492,661 ~ ’ eyanonitride for, 1,159, 989 . —' dicyandiamide for, 1 149, 653 —,—, “ dimetal isocyanide ” for, —,-, ’ Dinas stone for, 1,207,416 —,—,diphenyl as ‘catalyst promoter 1,313, 316 —,—, distillers wash for, 1,165,358; 1,207,416 —,—, distillery slop for, 1,504, 730 —,—, distillery waste for, 1 504, 730 —, —; distilling cellulose waste liquors for, yee 713 1,315,534 for, —,electric discharge, dark, for, 1,256, 875 ,—,—, silent, for, 1,489,724 —,—,—, ’ spark, for, 1.256, 875 —,—, electrolytic, 1,376. 207 —,—, electrolytic cell for, sodium silicate for, 1,311,506 —,—,—, silicate, soluble, for, 1,811,506 —,—, er rbium as catalyst promoter 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, erbium hydroxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, erbium oxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, erbium salt as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 for, INDEX OF SUBJECTS 473 Ammonia, mfr. of, ethane for, 1,206,156 —,—,feldspar for, 1,129,224; 1,129,506 ; 1,134,411; 1,463,508; 1,466,624; 1,466,625; 1,466,626; 1,466,628 —,—,fecula for, 1,198,965 —,—, ’ ferro- alloy for, 1, 198,965 —,—, ferro- aluminum for, ‘i ,198,965 —,—, ferrocyanide for, 1,295 293: 1,312,842 ——, ferropotassium ferrocyanide as catalyzer in, 1,452,027 —,—, flue gas for, 1,163,095 —,—, fluoride as catalyst for, 1,315,534 —,fuel for, 1,172,863 — fuller earth for, 1,504,730 —, furnace method of, 1 390 033 —,—, ‘garbage for, 1,146 776: 1,165,368 ; 1,330,435 —,—, gas purification for, alkali earth metal for, 1,478,889 —,—,—, alkali metal for, 1,478,889 —,—,—, ammonia, liquid for, 1,478,889 —,—,—, calcium for, 1,478 889 —,—,—, process for, 1 478 889 —,—, —, sodium for, 1,478,889 —, —., glass for, 1,148, 570: 1,152,930; 1,256,875 —,—, elauconite for, 1 466 626 —,—, gold, catalyst contg., for, 1,495,655 —,—, gold as catalyst for, 1,256 875 —,—, gold alloy, palladium in, as catalyst for, haga 995 —, graphite for, 1,138,191 —,—, greensand for, 1 466 625 ‘gum carbon ” by product, 1,476,242 —,—, "gun powder mill refuse for, 1,165,368 —,—, hematite for, 1,138,191 —,—, hornblende asbestos as catalyst carrier for, 1,256,875 —,—, hydrocarbon, paraffin, for, 1,256,273 —,—,hydrocarbon for, 1,138 191: 1,229,611; 1,306,862; 1,415,280; 1,466,624 ; 1,466,628 ; 1,498,031; 1,516,720 —,— — hydrocyanic acid for, 1,492,661; 1,498,031 —,—, hydrogen, liquid, for, 1,490 627 —,—,—, nascent, for, 1,328, 082 for, 1,379,668 —, hydrogen for, 1,125,208: 1,128,843 ; ~1199,504 Sead sieo DOs: 1129, 721), 31,1290. 722 = 1,130,001; 1,141,947; 1,141,948; 1,143,366; 1,147,184; 1,148,570; 1,152,930; 1,151,537; 1,159,364; 1,159,365; 1,167,280; 1,173,532; 1,184,839; 1,188,530; 1 201 096: 1,202,995 ; 1,204,789; 1,206,155; 1,207,567; 1,221,505: 1,242,264; 1,243,382; 1,244 580: 1,251,954; 1,252,726; 1,256,875: 1,273,772 ; 1,278,580; 1,306,862; 1,812,534; 1,813,314; 1,313,315: 1,313,316; 1,319,663; 1,334,590; 1,352,180; 1,352,181; 1,352,182; 1,363,392; 1,363,393; 1,390,200; 1,473,548; 1,473,544; 1,478,549; 1,478,550; 1,483,411; 1,483,412; 1,483,413; 1,483,414; 1,489,497; 1,489,724; 1,491,588; 1,495,568; 1,495,655; 1,498,031; 1,502,336; 1,503,319; 1,505,065; 1,507,560; 1,510,598; 1,516,720; 1,517,870; 1,518,421 es mfr. of, process for, 1,200,805; 1 211 395 —,— “hydrogen and aluminum silicon nitride Ammonia, mfr. of, hydrogen-nitrogen mixture free from arsenic compounds for, 1,296,992 —,—, hydrogen-nitrogen mixture free from car- bon monoxide for, 1,296,992 —,—, hydrogen-nitrogen mixture free from sul- fur compounds for, 1,296,992 —,—, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,490, 728 —,—, hydroxide for, 1,313 312 —,—, illuminating gas for, 1,129,504; 1,129,505; oe 129 eke 1120722" 1 498 031 —, ilmenite for, I 487 521 —,—, ‘iridium, catalyst contg., for, 1,495,655 —,—, — , palladium alloy contg., as catalyst for, 1,388, 995 —,—, lsocyanide for, 1,315,534 —,—, iron, asbestos impregnated with, for, 1,148,570: 1,152,930 —,—, Iron, catalyst 1,495,655 —,—,iron, palladium alloy contg., as catalyst for, 1 388 995 —,—, Iron, wrought, apparatus, for, 1,188,530 contg., for, 1,306,862; —,—,iron for, 1,188,191; 1,198,965; 1,206,155; 1 206, 156; 1 229 611; i 241,919: 1,241 920 ‘ 1313312: ; 1,328,082; 1,415,280; 1,417,702; 1,466,626; 1,483,413 —,—,iron as catalyst for, 1,128 843; 1,138,191; 1 148, 570; 1,152,930; 1 244 DSO a sok 252 726: 1,256 273 - 1,256,875: 1,313,316; 1,466,624 : i ‘466,628 1,476,283; 1 516,720. —,—,iron acetate for, 1,206,155; 1,473,543; 1,473,544 —,—,iron carbide for, 1,207,567; 1,417,702 —,-—,iron carbide (HeCs), for, 1,123,763 —,—,iron carbide as catalyst for, 1,128,848; 1,273,772 —,—,iron earbonate for, 1,123,763; 1,138,191; 1,473,543; 1,473,544; 1,483,413 —,—,iron carbonate, catalyst 1,306,862 —,—, Iron carbonitride for, 1,134,411 —,—, iron chromate as catalyst for, 1,516,720 —,—,iron compound for, 1,138,191 —,—,iron cyanide (Fe(CN).), for, 1,123,763 —,—, iron cyanide as catalyzer in, 1,452, 027 _—— iron }) filings ‘for, °.1,148 570; 1,152 ,930 ; 1,415,280; 1,417,702 —,—,iron hydroxide for, 1,390,200; 1,473,543; 1 A73, BA4 eae POT nitride, ammonia 1,473,543; 1,473,544 —,—, iron ‘nitride as catalyst for, 1,128,843 contg., for, 1,138,191; 1,273,772; made with, —,—,iron ore for, .1,138,191; 1,818,312; 1,466,625 —,—,iron oxalate for, 1,473,543; 1,473,544 +, jron oxide. for, 1,123,763; rlis44ii 1,138,191; 1,206,155; 1,813,312; 1,890,200; 1,415,280; 1,473,543; 1,473,544; 1,483,418 —,—, iron ‘oxide, catalyst contg., for, 1,306,862 —,—,iron oxide (Fe;Q,), for, 1.206, 156 —,iron production by-product, 1,466,625; 1,466,626 —,—,iron salt, organic, for, 1,473,543; 1,473,544 —,—,iron scale for, 1,138,191 —,—,keresene for, 1,813,315; 1,516,720 —,—, kieselguhr for, 1,504,730 474 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonia, mfr. of, kieselguhr as catalyst carrier . Ammonia, mfr. of, magnetite for, 1,138,191 for, 1 256, 875 —,—,manganese for, 1,148 570; 1 ‘152, 930 ; —,—, lanthanum as catalyst promoter for, 1,483, 413 1 148, 570; 1,152,930 —,—, manganese, catalyst contg., for, 1,495,655 —,—, lanthanum hydroxide as catalyst pro- —,—,manganese as catalyst for, i 128, 843; moter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 1 256, 875; 1,476,283 —,—, lanthanum oxide as catalyst promoter —,—,manganese as catalyst promoter for, for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 1 148, 570; 1,152,930 —,—, lanthanum salt as catalyst promoter for, —,—,manganese acetate for, 1,473,543; 1 148 570; 1,152,930 1 473, 544 i oe lead, catalyst contg., for, 1,495,655 —,—,manganese carbide as catalyst for, —,—, lead as catalyst poison for, 1,148,570 ; 1 128 843; 1,273,772 1,152,930 —,—,manganese carbonate for, 1,473,543; —,—,lead alloy, sodium in, for, 1,198,987 1,473, BAA —,—,lead carbonitride for, 1, 134, 411 —,—,manganese cyanamide, catalyst contg., —;—,lead compound as catalyst poison for, for, 1,352,174; 1,352,180; 1,352,181; 1,352,182 eee 570; 1,152,930 —,—, manganese dioxide for, 1,242,264 —, lead ‘oxide for, 1,134,411 man — ee ganese hydroxide for, 1,273,072; —, Jeucite for, 1 129, 224: 1,129,506; 1,466,625 1 473 543 ; 1,473,544 — ’ lignite for, 1 146, 776; 1 266, 147 en imme for, 1,148,670: 1,152,030: 1,165,368; 27; manganese hydromde (eo 1,210,598; 1,229,611; 1,266,147; 1,310,306; motor for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 _ 1315534: 1330435: 1 "466, 624: 1 "466 628: —,—, Manganese nitride, ammonia made with, 1499002: 1,504,730 1,473,543; 1,473,544 tat Linastone for, 1,504,730 —,—,Mmanganese nitride as_ catalyst for, —, —, lithium, catalyst contg., for, 1,495,655 1 1128 $43. ty eae lithium as catalyst for, 1 128, 843 ay manganese oxalate for, 1,473,543; —,—,lithium as catalyst promoter for, 3,044 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, manganese oxide, 1,415,280; 1,473,543; Seay ant) lithium carbide as catalyst for, 1,128,843 1,473, peer nee eee ‘ Pe hithi hvdroxid talvst t wo) xide as catalyst promoter tor’ 1,148,570; 152.930. alyse promoter __ for,. 1,148,570; 1,152,930 ala Tene -manganese nitride as, 1,128,843 —»— , Manganese salt as catalyst promoter for, —,—, ‘lithium nitride as catalyst for, 1 128 843 1 1148, 570; 1,152,930 —,—, ‘lithium oxide as catalyst promoter for, ———, organic, for, 1,473,548; 1,478,544 —,marsh gas for, 1,206,155 —,mercury in catalyst for, 1,495,655. —, metal, colloidal, as catalyst for, 1,256,875 1,148,570; 1,152,930 ite —,—, lithium salt as. catalyst promoter for, 1 148, 570; 1,152,930 J | Vv & —,—, magnesia for, 1,466,624; 1,466,628 —,—,—, iron group as catalyst for, 1,256 875 —,—, Magnesia as catalyst carrier for, 1:256,875: a a , platinum group as catalyst for, —,—, magnesium, catalyst contg., for, 1,306,862 ; 1,256,875 1 495 655 —,—, metal as catalyst for, 1,128,843 —,—,magnesium as catalyst promoter for, —,—,metal carbide for, 1,123,763; 1,207,567; 1 148, 570; 1,152,930 1,483,414 — magnesium carbide for, 1,123,763; —,—,metal carbide as catalyst for, 1,128,843 1 207, 567 ——, ’ metal carbonate for, 1,483,418 —,—,magnesium carbonate for, 1,473,548; —,— ‘metal carbonitride for, i 134, 411; 1,483,413 1,473,544; 1,473,966 —,—} metal nitride as catalyst for, 1,128,843 —,—,magnesium cyanamide in catalyst for, —,—,metal oxide for, 1,134,411; 1,415, 280 1 473, 543; 1,473,544 —, metal salt for, 1 87, 521 —,—, Magnesium cyanide for, 1,123,763 en Vanethene for, 1 206 155; 1,206,156; —,—, Magnesium ferrocyanide in catalyst for, 1,256, 272: 1256, 273: 1 415,280; 1,417,702 1,306, 862 —, —, mica schist for, 1,466, 625 —,—, magnesium hydroxide for, 1,473,966 vie ok Sinierochne for, y 129, 505: 1,129,721; —,—,magnesium hydroxide as catalyst pro- 1 134 All Wath bial moter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 Be, anprieuitithy le itcidetie FORT lal D089: alee aang wool as catalyst carrier for, 319 843 ] for, 1,256,273 —, —, magnesium oxide for, 1,123,763; 1,184,412; © —»—»™0 asses iOr, 206,155; 1,206,156; 1,256,273; 1,473,966 —;— molybdenum as catalyst for, 1,128,843; —,—, Magnesium oxide, catalyst contg. enor; 1,244,580; 1,256,875 1 306, 862 —,—, molybdenum as catalyst promoter for, —,—,magnesium oxide as catalyst promoter 1,148,570; 1,152,930 for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, molybdenum carbide as catalyst for, —,—, magnesium oxychloride for, 1,473,966 1,128,843; 1,273,772 —,—, magnesium salt as catalyst promoter for, —,— molybdenum hydroxide as catalyst pro- 1 1148, 570; 1,152,930 moter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 475 Ammonia, mfr. of, molybdenum nitride as cata- 1,483,413; 1,483,414; 1,487,521; 1,487,647; lyst for, 1,128,843 1,489,497; 1,489,724; 1,491,588; 1,492,661; —,—, molybdenum oxide for, 1,415,280 1,495,563; 1,495,655; 1,498,031; 1,501,840; —,—, molybdenum oxide as catalyst promoter 1,502,386; .1,503,319; 1,507,560; 1,510,179; for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 1 510 ‘598: 1 516 720 : 1,517,870; 1,518,421 —,—,molybdenum salt as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, Mond gas mfr. by-product, 1,210,598 Ammonia, mfr, of,” nitrogen, liquid, for, 1,490, 627 —,— ,nitrogen-hydrogen mixture for, 1,296, 992 —,—,nitrogen and nascent hydrogen for, —,—, ’ natural gas.” for, - 1,206,155 31; 206, 156; 1 328 082 1 256, 242; 1,256,273; 1,306,862 rel "415,280 ; —,—,nut shells for, 1,504,730 1,417,702 —,—, ’ octahedrite for, 1 A8Y, 521 —,— , neodymium as catalyst promoter for, —,—, ‘oil as catalyst poison for, 1,148,570; 1 148 070; 1,152,930 1,152,930 —,— neodymium hydroxide as catalyst pro- moter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,— neodymium oxide as ‘catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,— neodymium salt as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, nickel for, 1, 148, 570; 1,152,930; 1,206,155; —,—,oil shale for, 1,269,747; 1,488,055 —,—, organic compound, unsaturated, as cat- alyst promoter for, 1,313,316 —,—, organic liquid for, 1 313, Bs —,—, orthoclase forse i] 129, 294: 1,129,505 ; 1,129,721; 1,134, 411; 1 466, 624; 1,466,628 —,—, osmium, catalyst conte., for, 1 495, 655 1,206, 1565.1 AI5, 280 —,—,— palladium alloy contg., as catalyst for, —,—, nickel, ‘catalyst contg., for, 1,806,862; 1,388, 995 1,495, 655 —,—,osmium as catalyst for, 1,202,995 —, palladium alloy contg., as catalyst for, —)—, oxygen for, 1,172,863; 1,494,735; 1,516,720 1 388,995 —,—, oxygen, effect, of on, 1,184, 839 —,—, nickel as catalyst for, 1,128,843; —,—,oxygen as catalyst poison for, 1,313,315 1 256, 973; 1,256,875; 1,318,316; 1,476,283; —,—, oxygen compound as catalyst poison for, 1 516, 720 Pais, 315 —,—, nickel apparatus for, 1,188,530 —,—, palladium, catalyst contg., for, 1,495,655 —,—,nickel carbide as catalyst for, 1,128,843; —,—, palladium alloy, gold in, as catalyst for, Tew 772 1,388,995 —,nickel hydroxide for, 1,273,772 —,—,—, iridium in, as catalyst for, 1,388,995 —, ‘nickel nitride as catalyst for, 1,128,843 —,—,—, iron in, as catalyst for, 1,388, 995 rae nickel oxide for, 1,278,580 —,—,—, nickel in, as catalyst for, 1,388,995 —,niobium as catalyst promoter for, —,—,—, osmium in, as catalyst for, 1,388,995 1,148, 570; 1,152,980 —,—,—, platinum in, as catalyst for, 1.388, 995 —,—, niobium hydroxide as catalyst promoter _.__- __ rhodium in, as catalyst for, 1 388, 995 for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, niobium oxide as catalyst promoter for, __ b 1, 148, 570; 1,152,930 os oa —, titanium in, as catalyst ‘for, 1 388, 995 —,—, niobium salt as catalyst promoter for, fica dae er — 1,148,570; 1,152,930 aut aa alladi bid “catalyst for, —- nitrate for, 1,311,506; 1,463,508 A asasetcthar ei atu te ete ERE eh 1,273,772 SS — nitride for, 1 315, 534; 1 320, 192 eau , paraffin for, 1 313, 315 —,—ynitrite for, 1,311,506 —,—,peat for, 1,145,095; 1,146,776; 1,251,954; 1195208; 1,128,843; 1,129, 94: L199 504-5 oe fore ees foe 1138,191; 1,229,611; 1,129,505: 1,129,506; 1,129,507; 1,129,508; 1313315 at yr 1129509: 1,129,510; 1,129,511; 1,129,514; , eS meet Ta beeen, Lea petroleum residuum for, 1,516,720 1,129,721; 1,129,722; 1,184,411; 1,184,412; _’_’ hosphate rock for, 1,129,504: 1,129,514; 1,134,413; 1,134,414; 1,137,524; 1,138,191; 139.722: 1.252.318 1.141.947: 1,141,948; 1,143,366; 1,147,184; _ 7 1148570; 1,151,537; 1,152,930; 1,154,801; 443 phosphate rock, alumina contg., for, 1158899: 1,159,364: 1,159,365; 1,159,989; hae) 1.167.280: 1,173,532; 1,180,840; 1,184,839; Piss cyanamide contg., _ for, 1,186,921; 1,187,633; 1,201,226; 1,202,995; Nea src Voy ee 1206,155; 1,206,156; 1,207,567; 1,211,395; 9 —>— Cie ae Prat is 1.221505; 1,237,485; 1,241,919; 1,241,920; ——P eats or, ee ae 1,242,264; 1,243,382; 1 244,580; 1,252,726; Ba cane aie ents alyst poison fo 1,256,273; 1,256,875; 1,273,772; 1,278,580; 1,306,862; 1,312,534; 1,313,312; 1,313,314; ais ee gt (P2CsNio), for, 1,313,315; 1,313,316; 1,315,532; 1,319,663; 1,328,082; 1,334,590; 1,352,180; 1,352,181; —— phosphorus compound as catalyst poison 1,352,182; 1,363,392; 1,363,393; 1,390,200; for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 1,415,280; 1,417,702; 1,464,292; 1,466,624; —,—, phosphorus nitride for, 1,129,504; 1,466,626: 1,466,628; 1,473,543; 1,473,544; 1,129,722; 1,510,179 1,478,549: 1,478,550; 1,483,411; 1,483,412; —,— pitch for, 1,123,763; 1,251,954; 1,498,031 476 Ammonia, mfr. of, platinum, catalyst contg., for, 1,495,655 —,—,—, palladium alloy contg., as catalyst for, 1,388,995 —,—, platinum as catalyst for, 1,256,875 —,—, platinum carbide as catalyst for, 1,273,772 —,—, porcelain for, 1,256,875 —,—, potassium for, 1,206,156 —,—,potassium as catalyst promoter 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, potassium acetate for, 1,473,543 —,—, potassium acetate, catalyst contg., for, 1,306,862 —,—, potassium 1,134,411 —,—, potassium amide for, 1,197,329; 1,198,987 —,—, potassium amide as catalyst for, 1,151,537 for, aluminum silicates _ for, --,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,138,191; 1,149,653; 1,186,921; 1,187,633; 1,206,155; 1,206,156; 1,415,280; 1,466,625 —,—, potassium carbonate, catalyst contg., for, 1,306,862 —,—, potassium carbonate as catalyst promoter for, 1,476,283 —,—,potassium carbonitride 1,129,224; 1,129,505; 1,129,721; 1,134,413 —,—,potassium chloride 1,473,966 —,—, potassium compound for, 1,129,506 —,—, potassium cyanamide, catalyst contg., for, 1,852,174; 1,852,180; 1,352,181; 1,352,182 —,—,potassium cyanamide as catalyst for, 1,473,543 —,—,potassium cyanide 1,186,921; 1,187,633 . —,—, potassium cyanide as catalyst promoter for, 1,476,283 —,—,potassium ferricyanide as catalyst for, 1,454,599 —,—, potassium ferri ferrocyanide as catalyst for, 1,452,027 —,—, potassium ferrocyanide, catalyst. contg., for, 1,806,862; 1,454,599 —-,—,potassium hydroxide 1,186,921; 1,187,633; 1,415,280 —,—, potassium hydroxide, catalyst contg., for, 1,306,862 —,—,potassium hydroxide as catalyst pro- moter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, potassium nitrate for, 1,165,368 —,—, potassium nitride (K:N), for, 1,129,505; 1,129,721 —,—, potassium oxalate for, 1,473,543 —,—,potassium oxalate, catalyst contg., for, 1,306,862 —,—, potassium oxide for, 1,129,510; 1,206,155; 1,415,280 —,—,potassium oxide, catalyst contg., for, 1,306,862 —,—, potassium oxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—,potassium salts for, 1,415,280; 1,417,702 —,—, potassium salt as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,980 (K:CNs2) ] 1,129 506 ; for, 1,129,510; for, 1,149,653; for, 1,138,191; for, 1,149,653; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 _ Ammonia, mfr. of, votassium silicates for, 1,129,224; 1,129,505; 1,129,721; 1,466,625; 1,466,626; 1,466,628 —,—, potassium sulfate for, 1,149,653; 1,206,155 —,—, potassium titanium oxalate for, 1,473,543 —-,—, praseodymium as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—,praseodymium hydroxide as catalyst pro- moter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—,praseodymium oxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—,praseodymium salts as catalyst. promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, process for, 1,123,584; 1,123,763; 1,125,208; 1,128,843; 1,129,224; 1,129,504; 1,129,505; 1,129,506; 1,129,507; 1,129,508; 1,129,509; 1,129,510; 1,129,511; 1,129,514; 1,129,721; 1,129,722; 1,130,001; 1,134,411; 1,134,412; 1134413; 1,134,414; 1,187,524; 1,138,191; 1,141,947; 1,141,948; 1,143,366; 1,145,095; 1,146,776; 1,147,184; 1,148,570; 1,149,653; 1,151,537; 1,152,930; 1,154.640; 1,154.801; 1,156,606; 1,158,899; 1,159,364; 1,159,365; 1,159,989; 1,163,095; 1,165,358; 1,165,368; 1,167,280; 1,172,863; 1,173,532;° L177,727; 1,180,840; 1,183,885; 1,184,839; 1,186,367; 1,186,921; 1,187,633; 1,188,530; 1,188,770; 1,189,638; 1,198,965; 1,198,987; 1,201,226; 1,202,317;- 1,202,995; 1,204,789; 1,204,843; 1,206,155; 1,206,156; 1,207,416; 1,207,567; 1,208,242; 1,209,258; 1,210,598; 1,211,395; 1,212,062; 1,221,058; 1,221,505; 1,237,485; 1,229,611; 1,241,919; 1,241,920; 1,242,264; 1,242,953; 1,243,382; 1,244,580; 1,244,903; 1,251,954; 1,252,726; 1,255,598; 1,256,272; 1,256,273; 1,256,875; 1,261,526; 1,266,147; 1,273,772; 1,278,580; 1,296,820; 1,306,862; 1,312,534; 1,813,312; 1,613,6143 i tosio; 1,313,316; 1,813,884; 1,818,885; 1,313,886; 1,315,532; 1,815,534; 1,824,979; 1,326,045; 1,328,082; 1,330,435; 1,832,100; 1,334,590; 1,352,174: 1,852,177: 1524755 eee ee 1,352,180; 1,352,181; 1,352,182; 1,863,392; 1,363,393; 1,390,200; 1,415,280; 1,417,702; 1,439,291; 1,439,292; 1,454,599; 1,463,508; 1,464,299; 1,466,624; 1,466,625; 1,466,626; 1,466,628; 1,473,548; 1,473,544; 1,473,966; 1,478,549; 1478550; 1,483,411; 1,483,412; 1,483,413; 1,483,414; 1,487,521; 1,488,055; 1,489,497; 1,489,724; 1,490,627; 1,490,728; 1,491,588; 1,492,661; 1,494,735; 1,495,461; 1,495,563; 1,495,655; 1,498,031; 1,499,001; 1,499,002; 1,501,486; 1,501,840; 1,502,129; 1,502,336; 1,503,319; 1,504,730; 1,507,560; 1,510,179; 1,510,598; 1,516,720; 1,517,870; 1,518,421 —,—,producer gas for, 1,129,504; 1,129,507; 1,129,508; 1,129,509; 1,129,510; 1,129,511; 1,134,412; 1,134,413; 1,129,722: 1,134,411; 1,154,801; 1,158,899; 1,242,264; 1,483,413 —,—, propane for, 1,206,156 —,—,pumice as catalyst carrier for, 1,516,720 —,—, pyridine compounds for, 1,207,416 —,—, pyrite for, 1,503,319 —,—, pyrolusite for, 1,242,264 —,—, quartz for, 1,207,416 —,—,rare earth metal as catalyst for, 1,313,314 1,466,624 ; INDEX OF SUBJECTS Ammonia, mfr. of, rare earth metals as catalyst promoter for, 1 148, 570; 1,152,930 —,—, rare earth metals hydroxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, rare earth metals oxide as catalyst pro- moter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—,rare earth metals salt as catalyst pro- moter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 “redonda phosphate si for, 1,134,414 —,—, "resin oil for, 1,229,611 —, —, retort carbon for, 1,237,485 —,—, rhodium, palladium alloy contg., as cata- lyst for, 1,388, 995 —,—, rubidium — as 1 148, 570; 1,152,930 —,—, rubidium hydroxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, rubidium oxide as catalyst promoter for, 1 148, 570; 1,152,930 —,—, rubidium salt as catalyst promoter for, 1, 148, 570; 1,152,930 —,—, ruthenium, palladium alloy contg., as catalyst for, 1,388,995 —,—, rutile for, 1,487,521 —,—,rye flour for, 1,198,965 —,—,salt for, 1,502,129 —,—,samarium as catalyst 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, samarium hydroxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, samarium oxide as catalyst promoter for, ‘y 148, 570; 1,152,930 —,—, samarium salt as catalyst promoter for, 1 148, 570; 1,152,930 —,—, sand, titaniferous, for, 1,415,280 —,—, sawdust for. 1.202 317-01 ‘504, "730 —,—, selenium as ‘catalyst poison for, 1,148,570 ; 1,152,930 —,—,selenium compound as catalyst poison for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —, sewage for, 1,330,435 —,—, sewage sludge for, 1,165,368; 1,189,638 ,—, Shale, bituminous, for, 1,494,735 —,—, siderite for, 1,138,191 —,—, silica for, 1,129,507 catalyst promoter for, promoter for, —, silicates for, 1,134,411; 1,466,626 —,—, silicates as catalyst carrier for, 1,256,875 —,—,silicic acid as catalyst carrier for, 1,256,875 —,—, silicon for, 1,198,965 —,—, silicon compound for, 1,129,506 —,—,silicon dioxide for, 1 129, 506; 1,129,507. 1 165,358 —,—, silicon nitride for, 1,159,989 —,—, silk, artificial, cellulose nitrate, nitration waste liquor from, for, 1,490,728 —,—, silver, catalyst contg., for, 1,495,655 —,—,—,palladium, alloy contg., as catalys. for, 1,388,995 —,—, silver apparatus for, 1,188,530 —,—,silver cyanamide as_ catalyst for, 1,392,172; .1,352;179 —,—,sodamide for, 1,197,329; 1,198,987 —,—,sodium for, 1,138,191 ; 1,180,840 ; 1,206,156; 1,464,292 —,—,sodium, catalyst contg., for, 1,306,862; 1,495,655 AQT Ammonia, ee of, sodium, lead alloy contg,, for, 1,198 987 a; sodium as 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—,sodium acetate in catalyst for, 1,306,862 —,—, sodium aluminate for, 1,206,155; 1,466,626 —,—,sodium amide as catalyst for, 1,151,537 —,—, ' sodium bicarbonate for, 1,138,191 catalyst promoter for, —, —, sodium carbonate for, 1,138,191; 1 149, 653; 1,163,095; 1,180, 840; 1,187,633 : 1 206. 155: 1,206,156: 1 241 ‘919: 1,241,920; 1 256 273: 1,266,147; 1 '313 312: 1,313,884 ; 1,313,885: 1,313,886; 1 ‘315, 534: 1,332,100 ; 1,415,280; 1,417,702; 1 ‘466 624: 1,466,626 ; 1,466,628; 1,487,521 —,—, sodium carbonate, catalyst contg., for, 1 306 862 —,—, sodium carbonate as catalyst for, 1,138,191 —,—,sodium carbonitride (Na.CN:), for, 1,129,510; 1,134,413 —, —, sodium chloride for, 1,149,653; 1,165,368 ; 1 466 626; 1,473,966; 1 502, 129 —,—, sodium chloride as catalyst for, 1,315,534 —,—, ‘sodium cyanamide (N asCN2), for, 1 186 307 —,—, sodium cyanamide, catalyst contg., for, 1,352,174; 1,352,180; 1,352,181; 1,352,182 —,—, sodium cyanate for, 1241 919: 1! 241 ,920 —,—,sodium cyanide for, 1,138,191; 1, 187, 633 ; 1,241,919; 1,241,920; 1,295,262; 1,295,293: 1,312,116; 1,312,842; 1,313,312 ——, sodium cyanide, (Na:CN), for, 1,186,367 —,—, sodium ferrite for, 1,206,155 —,—, sodium ferrocyanide for, 1,295,262 1,295,293 —,—,sodium ferrocyanide, catalyst contg., for, 1,306,862 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,138,191; 1,149,653; 1,156,606; 1,163,095; 1,187,633; 1,252,649; 1,813,312; 1,313,884;, 1,313,885; 1,313,886; 1,415,280 —,—,sodium hydroxide, catalyst contg., for, 1,306,862 —,— sodium hydroxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, sodium nitrate for, 1,165,368; 1,212,062 —,—,sodium oxalate, catalyst contg., for, 1,306,862 —,—,sodium oxide for, 1,129,510; 1,206,155; 1,415,280; 1,464,292 —,—,sodium oxide, catalyst contg., for, 1,306,862 —,—, sodium oxide as. catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570: 1,152,930 —,—, sodium salts for, 1,415,280; 1,417,702 —,—,sodium salts as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,198,965; 1,415,280; 1,466,626 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,149,653; 1,315,534; 1,466,626 —,—, sodium sulfate (acid) for, 1 366, 303° . —,—, sodium vanadate for, 1,415,280 1,206,155; 1,366,302 ; 478 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 _ Ammonia, mfr. of, thorium hydroxide for, Ammonia, mfr. of, starch for, 1,198, 965 1,473, 543; 1,473, 544 —,—, steam for, 1, 148, 570; 1, 152 930; 1,163,095 ; 1, 186, BGrs) 1, 188, 770; 1 198, 987 ; 1 204, "789 ; —,—, thorium hydroxide as catalyst promoter 1,210,598 Girl ‘937, ‘ASS : i 242. 953; 1 '390, ‘200; for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 1,466,625 ; 1.487.521; 1,492,661 : 1,498,031 —,—, thorium ‘nitride, ammonia made with, 1 ‘516, 720; 1,517,870 1 473 43; 1,473,544 —,— steel for, 1 328, 082 —,—, thorium oxalate for, 1,473,543; 1,473,544 — steel apparatus for, 1,188,530 —,—, thorium oxide for, 1,473, 543 ; 1,473, 544 Ti a straw for, 1,146,776 —,—,thorium oxide as catalyst promoter for, —,—,strontium as ‘catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, thorium salt as catalyst promoter for, —,__ strontium acetate for, 1,473,543 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—,strontium carbonate for, 1,483,413 —,—,thorium salt, organic, for, 1,473,543; —,—,strontium cyanamide as catalyst for, 1,473,544 1,352,177; 1,352,179; 1,478,543 —,—, tin, catalyst contg., for, 1,495, ee — strontium ferricyanide as catalyst for, mae ; as catalyst poison for, 1,148,570; 1, 454, 599 , Bas Res. strontium ferrocyanide as catalyst for, aa HO as catalyst poison for, 1,454,599 , 930 —,—, titanium for, 1,198,965 —,—, titanium, palladium alloy contg., as cata- lyst for, 1,388,995 —,—, strontium formate for, 1,473,543 —,—, strontium hydroxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,_ titanium carbide for, 1,123,763; 1,207,567 ar eee, strontium oxalate for, sah 543 hort —,—, titanium carbide as catalyst for, 1,273,772 —,—, strontium oxide as catalyst promoter lor, = ___ titanium carbonitride for, 1,417,702 1,148,570; 1,152,930 a titet F t —,—, strontium phenolate for, 1,473,543 1 473.543 ium. cyanamide (5 9a —,—,strontium salt as catalyst promoter for, —,—, titanium cyanide for, 1,123,763 1,148,570; 1,152 930 —,—, titanium nitride for, 1,159,989; 1,417,702 ss strontium tartrate for, 1 A73, 543 —,—, titanium nitrogen compounds for, —, ’ sulfate for, 1,206,155; 1 463, 508 —,—, ’ sulfide for, 2) 156, 606; 1 206, 155; 1,503,319 —,—, ” sulfur for, 1 156, 606 ; 5 330, 435 —,—, “sulfur as catalyst poison for, 1,148,570; 1,391,147; 1,891,148 —,—,titanium oxide for, 1,123,763; 1,415,280; 1,417,702 —,—,triammonium potassium ferrocyanide as 1,152, 930 —,—, sulfur carbonitride (SCN), for, 1,123, 584 p] —,—, ’ sulfur compound as catalyst poison for, aig 570; 1,152,930 sulfur compound, effect of on, 1,184,839 catalyzer in, 1,452,027 —,—,tungsten as catalyst for, 1,244,580; 1,256,875 —,— tungsten as 1 148, 570; 1,152,930 1,128,843; catalyst promoter for, —,— tungsten carbide as catalyst for, 1,128,843 —,—, tungsten hydroxide as catalyst promoter for, 1 148, 570; 1,152,930 —,— tungsten ‘nitride as catalyst for, 1,128,843 —,—, tungsten oxide for, 1,278,580; 1,415 280 —,—, tungsten oxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—,tungsten salt as catalyst promoter for, —,—, ” sulfur dioxide for, 1,123,584; 1,326, 045 —-,—,sulfuric acid for, é 123, 584: 1 (156, 606; ale 280 —,sulfurous acid for, 1,326,045 — synthetic, 1,359, 097 —,—,tantalum as catalyst 1,148,570; peaeeY : ie : —,—, tantalum ydroxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 1,148,570; 1,152,980 ite lyst promoter for, — —,tungstic acid for, 1,278,580 tantalum oxide as cata et se —,—, uranium, catalyst contg., for, 1,495,655 promoter for, 1. 148, 570; 1,152,930 ; aes tantalum salt as catalyst promoter for, 198 Oa eee catalyst for, 1,128,843; 1,148,570; 1,152,930 52,726 ; 1,256,875 tar for, 1,123,763; 1229011; 1251054; 7; uranium, a8 catalyst 1,498,081 oie me State for, 1473,543; 1,473,544 —,—, uranium acetate for, ae ella rium as catalyst poison for, 1,148,570; —,—, uranium carbide as catalyst for, 1,128,843 —tellurium compound as catalyst poison =, uranium carbonate for, 1,473,543; for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 i/o eae aes advance ve —,—, thallium in catalyst for, 1,495,655 1473, Baa Ue ydroxide for, 1,473,548; —,—, ’ thorium, catalyst contg., for, 1,495, 655 —,—, ‘thorium as catalyst promoter for, 1 148 570; 1,152,930 — thorium acetate for, 1,473,548; 1,473,544 — thorium carbide as catalyst for, i) 273, 772 oo ’ thorium carbonate _ for, 1473, 543; 1,473, 544 —,—,uranium hydroxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, uranium “nitride, ammonia made with, 1 73, 543; 1,473,544 —,—, uranium nitride as catalyst for, 1,128,843 —,uranium oxalate for, 1,473,543; 1,473 ‘544 —,uranium oxide for, 1 473, 543; 1,473 544 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Ammonia, mfr. of, uranium oxide as catalyst promoter for,’ 1, 148, 570; 1,152,930 —,—, uranium salt as catalyst promoter for, 1 148, 570; 1,152,930 —,—, uranium salt, 1,473,548 ; 1,473,544 —,—,vanadium,. palladium alloy contg., as catalyst for, 1,388 995 —,— vanadium as catalyst promoter for, 1 148, 570; 1,152,930 —,—, vanadium carbide as 1,273,772 —,—, vanadium hydroxide as catalyst. promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, vanadium oxide for, 1,415,280 —,—, vanadium oxide as catalyst for, 1,516,720 —,—, vanadium oxide as catalyst promoter for, 1 148 070; 1,152,930 —,—, vanadium salt as catalyst promoter for, 1 148,570; 1,152,930 —,— — vegetable matter for, 1,251,954 —,—, water for, 1,123,584; 1,129, 504; 1,129,505 ; organic, for, catalyst for, 1,129,721: 1 129 722: 1 134 ALIS ot 134,412: 1,134, 413: 1,138,191 1,148,570: 1,149,653 ; 1,152,930 1,154,640; 1,159,989; 1, 163 ‘095; 1,172,863; 1,183,885: 1,237,485; 1,241 ‘919; Defoe ole.312: * 1,315.532: 5.1 319 663 ; 1,390,200; 1,503,319 —,—, water, effect of on, 1,184,839 —,—, water as catalyst poison, 1,312,534; 1,313,315 —,—, water gas for, 1,204,789; 1,390.200 —,—, wood for, l, 146, 776: 1,202 817; 1,251,954; 1,266,147 —,—,ytterbium as 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,— , ytterbium hydroxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, yiterbium oxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—,ytterbium salt as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, yttrium as_ catalyst 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, yttrium hydroxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, yttrium oxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—,yttrium salt as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, zinc for, 1,328,082 —,—,zine, catalyst contg., for, 1,495,655 —,—,zine as catalyst poison for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—,zine carbonitride for, 1,134,411 —,—,zinc compound as catalyst poison for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, zine oxide for, 1,134,411 catalyst promoter for, promoter for, —,—,zirconium as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—,zirconium carbide as_ catalyst for, 1278;772 —,—, zirconium dioxide for, 1,165,358 —,—, zirconium hydroxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, zirconium oxide for, 1,415,280 479 Ammonia, mfr. of, zirconium oxide as catalyst promoter for, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, zirconium salt as catalyst. promoter for, 1, 148 10> 1, 052.930 —,—, see also Ammonia, synthesis, of ; Nitro- gen, fixation of —,manure decomposition product, 1,410,249 —,mercury salicylate, albinic acid compounds prepared with, 1,391,154 —, metal hydroxide precipitated by, 1,837,192 —, metallic hydroxide precipitated by, 1,396,718 —, methylene diacetate and, hexamethylenete- ‘tramine from, 1,459,971 —,methylhexamethylenetetramine thiocyanate from, 1,336,709 —, N-methyl-o-toluenesulfonamide made with, 1,353,385 —, N-methyl-p-toluenesulfonamide made with, 1,353,385 —, N-methyl-xylenesulfonamides 1,353,384; 1,853,385 —, milk analysis with, 1,391,965 —,molded article made with, 1,354,154; 1,370,666; 1,395,834; 1,897,144; 1,508,124 —, molybdenum, carbon, removal of from, using, 1,135,154 —, Mond gas, recovery from of, 1,239,969 —, motor fuel contg., 1,377,992 —,mufiler, sealed package of made sterile using, 1,180,894 —, naphtha made with, 1,221,698 —, naphtha, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —, l-naphthol-8-sulfonamide made with, 1,503,172 —, natural gas, helium, separation of from using, 1,496,757 —,— removal from of, apparatus for, 1,213,796 —,—,—, castor oil, sulfonated, for, 1,213, 796 —,—,—, process for, 1,213,796 —, nickel made with, 1,204, 843 —, ‘nickel, catalyst, made with, 1,329,323 —, ’ nickel catalyst prepared from nickel and, 1 027,396 —, nickel catalyst revivified with, 1,431,982 made with, —, ‘nitrates made with, 1,286,838; 1,288,754; 1,288,755; 1,288,756 —,nitric acid made with, 1,193,796; 1,193,797; 1,193,798; 1,193,799; 1,193,800; 1,206,062; 1,206,063; 1,217,247; 1,233,564; 1,237,884; 1,242,953; 1,252,976; 1,292,814; 1,809,622; 1,314,485; 1,815,534; 1,837,106; 1,347,158; 1,347,159; 1,847,160; 1,378,271; 1,400,912; 1,458,969; 1,487,647; 1,508,061; 1,517,870 —,nitric acid from catalyst for, 1,299,641; 1,379,387 —,—, ozone and, 1,400,912 —,—, process for, 1,321, 376 —, nitrides made by heating oxides in, 1 007,204 —, nitroamines prepared with, 1,423,494 —, 2-nitro-aniline made with, 1,423 494 —, “nitro- 1.5- dihydroxynaphthalene dissolved by, 1 ,412,707 — nitrogen made with, 1,253,534 —, nitrogen, hydrogen, separation from using, 1 496,757 —,—,—, mixture of and, made with, 1,123,394 ’ 480 Ammonia, nitrogen, from of, 1,261,900; 1,518,421 —, nitrogen chloride from, 1,367,530 separation —,nitrogen dioxide made with, 1,193,796 ; 1,193,797 ; 1,198,798; 1,193,799; 1,193,800; 1,237,884 ; 1,253 534 ; 1,508,061 —,nitrogen monoxide contg., impurity of, 1,315,354 —,nitrogen oxide made with, 1,173,524; 1,207,706; 1,207,707; 1,207,708; 1,211,394; 1,217,247; 1,222,928; 1,233,564; 1,239,125; 1,242,953; 1,252,976; 1,253,584; 1,270,989; 1,318,936; 1,857,000; 1,426,952; 1,458,969; 1,508,061; 1,512,225 —,—, process for, 1.304,707; 1,321,376 —, nitrogen tetroxide made with, 1,237,884 ; 1,253,534: 1,366,773; 1,508,061 —, nitrogen trichloride made with, 1,367,530; 1,510,132 —, nitrogen 1,237,884; 1,253,534 —,nitrous acid made with, 1,193,796; 1,233,564; 1,237,884; 1,252,976; 1,458,969 —, nuts, oil from, made with, 1,209,723 —,oil made with, 1,462,576 —, "oil, vegetables, made with, 1,209,723 —, oil contg., aluminum chloride, removal from of with, 1 311 987 —, oil desulfurized with, 1,423,710; 1,423,712 —, oils emulsified with, 1,431,080 —,oils purified with, 1,865,894 —,oil gas, removal from of, apparatus for, 1,237,767 —,—,—, glycerol for, 1,237,767 —,—,—, process for, 1,237,767 —,oxidation catalytically of, 1,452,145 —,—, oxygen for, 1,452,145 —, oxidation of, 1,388, 995; 1,399,807; 1,426,952; 1 ,458,969 —,—, air for, 1,845,323 —, aluminate for, 1,822,291 —,—, aluminum apparatus for, 1,481,957 —,—,ammonia for, 1,322,291 —,—, ammonium nitrate from 1,330,136 —,—, apparatus for, 1,464,845; 1,481,957 —,—, asbestos for, 1,322,291 —,—,barium chromate for, 1,822,291 —, barium oxide for, 1,322,291 —, bismuth chromate for, 1,322,291 —, bismuth oxide as catalyst for, 1,318,936 —,—, ‘calcium chromite for, 1,322, 291 —, — calcium oxide for, 1,322 291 —,—,calcium salt for, 1,322,291 -—-,—, catalyst. for, 1,847,158; 1,357,000; 1,458,969 trioxide made _ with, 1,423,711; method for, gases from, 1,347,160 ; —,—, catalyst activating materials for, 1,425,576 —, catalyst for, mfr. of, 1,425,576 —,—,—,—, process for, 1 B45 323 ,—, —, palladium in, 1 388, 995 —,—, —, preparing of. 1,399,807 ; 1,423,978 —,—,—, vanadium oxide as, 1,420,201 —,—,—,see also Nitrogen oxides, mfr. of, cat- alyst for —,—, chromate for, 1,822,291 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonia, oxidation, chrom-alum for, 1,322,291 —,—,chromic acid as catalyst for, 1,318,936 —, chromite for, 1,322,291 —,—,chromium compound for, 1,322,291 —, chromium oxide for 1,322,291 —, clay for, 1,322,291 —, —, copper-manganese-silver alloy as catalyst fon 1,357,000 —,—, copper nitrate for, 1,322,291 —,—, copper oxide for, 1 322 291 —,—, copper oxide as catalyst for, 1,318,936 —,—, dolomite for, 1,822,291 —,—, ’ ferrochromite for, 1,322,291 —,—, fire-brick for, 1,822,291 —,—,gases from, nitric acid prepared with, ras 969 —,hopcalite as catalyst for, 1,345,323 —,—, hydrozincite for, 1,822,291 —,iodine in material for, 1,321,061 —,—, "iodine pentoxide in material for, 1,321,061 — iridium for, 1,322,291 —,—, — iridium ammonium chloride for, 1,322,291 ,iron compound for, 1,822,291 —,—,iron nitrate for, 1 322 291 —,iron oxide as catalyst for, 1,426, 952 —,—, ‘lead chromate for, 1,322, 291 —, lead nitrate for, 1,322,291 —,—,lead oxide as catalyst for, 1,318,936 —,—, magnesite for, 1,822,291 —,—, Magnesium carbonate for, 1,322,291 —,—, magnesium chromite for, 1 322 291 —,—, magnesium nitrate for, 1 322, 291 —,— , Magnesium oxide for, 1 322 291 —,—, magnesium salt for, 1 322, 291 —,—, Manganese compound for, 1,322,291 —,—,manganese nitrate for, 1,322,291 —,— — manganese (ic) oxide for, 1,822,291 —,—,meerschaum for, 1,322 291 —,—, ’ metal oxide as catalyst for, 1,318,936 —,—,nickel for, 1,318,936 —, nickel alloy apparatus TOt,o8 481 957 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,370,867 —,—, nitrogen tetroxide for, 1,366,773 —, oxygen. ict ae B45, 323 ; 1,347,158 ; Voserliae 452,145 —,—,ozone for, 1,400,912 —,—, platinum ‘for, 1; 322, 291 —,—,platinum ammoninum 1 022,291 —-,— platinum catalyst for, 1,318,936; 1,847,158; 1 481 957 —,—, potassium bichromate for, 1,322,291 —,—, process for, 1,318,936; 1 321, 376; \ 345,320; 1,481,957 —,—, pumice as catalyst carrier for, 1,481,957 —,regulating, process for, 1,304 707 —,rhodium as catalyst for, 1,366, 773 — ruthenium compound for, 1,322 291 —,—, ’ silver for, 1,322,291 — silver, colloidal, for, 1,322,291 —, ’ silver chromate for, 1,322, 291 —, ’ silver nitrate for, 1,322, 291 —, steam used in, 1, 378, 271 —,—, ” sulfuric acid, fuming in material for, 1,321, 061 chloride for, J | 4 af ~ I ~ ~~ INDEX OF SUBJECTS 481 Ammonia, oxidation, temperature control ap- Ammonia, picoline made with, 1,274,998; paratus ‘for, 1,347, 159 1,274 999; 1,421,743 —,—, vanadic acid as catalyst for, 1,318,936 — pigment- oil composition prepared with, —,—, ‘gine oxide for, 1,322,291 1,431,079 —,—,zine salt for, 1,822,291 —,plastic made with, 1,173,336; 1,180,902; —,—, zine-spar for, 1,322,291 1,245,981; 1,397,144; 1 AT4 82 : 1 482 5929 —,—, see also Nitric acid, mfr. of ; Nitrogen di- —, potassium made with, 1 197, 329 oxide, mfr. of ; Nitrous acid, mfr. of; Nitro- —, potassium, lead alloy contg., treatment of gen oxide, preparation of using, 1,197,329 —, oxidizing, catalyst for, 1,345,323 —, potassium amide made with, 1,163,498; —,—,—,iron group metals as, 1,379,387 1,197,329 —,oxycellulose, waterproofing of using, —, potassium carbonate made with, 1,360,046 1,499,025 —, potassium chloride dissolved by anhydrous, —,oxygen, action of with, 1,292,814; 1,309,622 1,328,938 —, paint made with, 1,127,831 —, potassium compounds made with, 1,514,912 —,paper made with, 1,500,500 —, potassium cyanamide made with, 1,163,498 —, paper, coated, made with, 1,141,951 —,potassium cyanate made with, 1,144,457 —,—, lithographers, made with, 1,141,951. —, potassium cyanide made with, 1,163,498 o 88 Sa waterproofing of using, _, potassium cyanide solvent, 1,352,175 A ; —,potassium derivatives made with, 1,204,234 —,—, sized, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —,potassium formate made with, 1,212,359 LEMP ee waterproofing of using, —, potassium nitrate made with, 1,507,993 —,—,waterproofing of, using, 1,135,356; ores m phosphate (KH:PO,), made with, 1,499,025 ny . . . ee eiiked with, 1491195 J Hein salts recovered from brines with, —, paper grease-proofed by, 1,449,718 —, potassium sulfate precipitated by, 1,430,877; ear mfr., waste liquor from, contg., 1,466,352 —, paper recovery process using, 1,396,227 a a ae mixture contg., anhydrous, —, paper tube made with, 1,135,356 rs f 1.366.303 —,paracoumarone made with, 1,389,791 TES See tee PALES thee d —, partial oxidation of, apparatus for, 1,515,299 Pas el ea FOE yee ae ee eh ae ie ae —,—, process for, 1,515 299 359,097 | i ibs —, parting compound made with, 1,514,731 —,preparation from vanadium nitride, —, peanut oil made with, 1,209,723 1,415,280 ; —,peat, absorption by of, 1.277,155 —,printing plate made with, 1,370,666; —, petroleum, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 1,377,519; 1,401,633; 1,442,173 — petroleum contg., aluminum chloride, re- ~~» Producer gas, recovery from of, 1,239,969 moval from of with, 1,311,987 —, producer gas contg., separation from of, ap- —, petroleum purified with, 1,315,623 paratus for, 1,320,369 —, petroleum refined using, 1,163,025 —, proteid, animal, hydrolyzed with, 1,323,951 —,petroleum still gas contg., 1,498,781; — proteids extracted with, 1,427,645 1,498,782 —,proteid product made with, 1,245,981 —, phenol aldehyde condensate made with, —,pure, mfr. of, calcium cyanamide and air 1,125,906; 1,126,926; 1,135,340; 1,146,300; for, 1,296,820 1,187,230; 1,187232; 1188014: 1218146: —, purification of, 1,366,303 1,225,748: 1,225,749; 1,225,750; 1,252,507; —,—,apparatus for, 1,261,900 1,253,261; 1,354,154; 1,370,666; 1,401,633; —,—,copper(ous) chloride for, 1,313,886 1,401,953; 1,414,189; 1,462,771; 1,508,124 —,—,nickel for, 1,318,936 —, phenol aldehyde condensate made with for- —,—, ; paraffin oil for, 1,313 886 maldehyde and, 1,306,681 —,—, process for, 1,261,900; 1,296,820; 1,313,886 — , phenol-furaldehyde condensate made with, —, purifying, catalyst for, 1,418 ,246 1,377, 519; 1,398,146; 1,398,147; 1,398,148 —,pyridine made with, 1.274.998 ; 1,274,999; —, phonograph record made with, 1,398,146 ; 1,275,000 1,898,147; 1,398,148 —, quinoline made with, 1,274,998; 1,274.999 —, phosphine, removal of from, carbon, im- —,ramie, waterproofing | of using, 1,499 025 pregnated, for, 1,519,470 —, ’ record, phonograph, made with, 1,370 666 —,—,—, process for, 1,519,470 —,recovery of, 1,291,729; 1,291 730: 1,375,475; —, phosphine as impurity in, 1,313,886 1 375,476; 1 375, 477 : 1,375 478: 1 420 613 —,—, removal of, 1,318.936 —,—, absorbing agents for, 1,382,889 : 1,382,890 —, phosphine removed from, 1,325,145 —,—,apparatus for, 1,332,419; 1,455,299; —,phosphoric acid neutralized by, 1,355,369; 1,378,593 1,367,846 —,—,coke-oven gas for, 1,807,534; 1,307,571; —, photographic emulsion sensitized with dyes 1,309,143 and, 1,391,310 —,—, illuminating gas for, 1,309,143 —, phthalimide made with, 1,450,678 —,—, process for, 1,332,419; 1,452,009 31 482 Ammonia, recovery of, producer gas for, 1,307,533 ; 1,307,571; 1,309,143 —,—,sodium bisulfate for, 1,882,419 —,—,sodium(acid) sulfate for, 1,332,419 —,recovery of from ammonium sulfate, 1,377,493 —,recovery of from:coal gas, 1,349,393 —,recovery of from gas, 1,375,476; 1,375,477; 1,375,478; 1,875,483; 1,375,484; 1,375,485 —,recovery of from tar, 1,375,475 — recovery from artificial silk denitration liquors, 1,890,329 —,recovery from 1,457,877 —,recovery from coking gases, 1,405,629 —,recovery from distillate gases, 1,408,105 —,recovery from gases, lignite for, 1,459,703 —,—, peat for, 1,459,703 —,recovery from gilsonite distillation products, 1,459,328 —-,recovery from 1,403,060 —,refrigerant, 1,497,615 —, refrigerating apparatus using, 1,512,623 —,refrigerating composition contg., 1,845,144 —,refrigeration by, process for, 1,246,866; 1,325,665; 1,825,666; 1,325,667; 1,383,246 —,refrigerator made with, 1,506,530 —,removing from gas, 1,832,529 —, residual liquor from distillation of, purifying, 1,428,618 ; —., resin, artificial, made with, 1,389,791 —,resin dissolved by, 1,431,080 —,retting liquors as source of, 1,344,719 —,roasted starch and, defluocculating agent, 1,456,112 —,rosin saponified by, 1,854,575; 1,401,348 —,rosin soap of, 1,401,348 coke oven by-products, salammoniac skimmings, —,rubber, synthetic, made with, 1,238,930; 1,248,888 —,—,vulcanization of, using, 1,238,236; 1,323,951 —,—,—, accelerator for, made with, 1,471,213 —,rubber latex inhibited from coagulating by, 1,411,786 —,rubber-like substance made with, 1,415,468 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258; 1,180,902 —,rust prevented from forming by, 1,395,730 —,sand colored using, 1,233,501 —,saturator for, 1,331,784 —,seeds, oil from, made with, 1,209,723 —,seed coating for contg., 1,319,157 —, sensitizing composition contg., 1,383,620 —,shellac substitute made with, 1,482,929 —,shoe-dressing contg., 1,370,819 —, silicon, steel alloy contg., hardening of, using, 1,487,554 —, silicon hydride as impurity in, 1,318,886 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,501,206 —,—,—,cellulose nitrate, denitration waste liquor from, contg., 1,490,728 —,—,—, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —,sludge sulfonic acid tar treated with, 1,271,387 —,smelter fume, treatment of, using, 1,496,410 —,smoke clouds produced with, 1,433,732 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonia, soap made with, 1,414,227; 1,414,311 — sodamide made with, 1,163,498; 1,197,329; 1,198,987; 1,359,080 —,sodium made with, 1,197,329 —, sodium, lead alloy contg., treatment of using, 1,197,329 —,sodium amide made with, 1,148,194 —,sodium bicarbonate made with, 1,138,191; 1,249,739; 1,852,211; Re-15,314; 1,359,097 ; 1,484,932; 1,488,002; 1,491,672; 1,492,661° —,—,sodium chloride with, 1,359,097 —,sodium carbonate made with, 1,138,191; 1,359,097; 1,484,932; 1,491,672 —,sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, separation of from using, 1,496,152; 1,496,257 —,sodium cyanamide made with, 1,160,811; 1,163,498; 1,311,231 —,sodium cyanamide (Na,CN:), made with, 1,186,367 —,sodium cyanide made with, 1,160,811; 1,163,498; 1,256,272; 1,311,231; 1,352,175 —, sodium cyanide solvent, 1,852,175 —,sodium cyanide as source of, 1,358,161 —,sodium derivatives made with, 1,204,234 —,sodium fluoride made with, 1,464,990; 1,464,991; 1,511,560; 1,511,561 —,sodium fluoride, sodium sulfate, double salt of and, made with, 1,511,560 —,sodium formate made with, 1,212,359 —,sodium hyposulfite, anhydrous, made with, 1,156.107 —,sodium nitrate from, 1,458,969 —,sodium nitrite made with, 1,253,534 —,sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, separation of from using, 1,496,152; 1,496,257 —,sodium sulfate precipitated by, 1,466,352 —,soldering flux contg., alcohol, rosin and, 1,359,010 —,solvent for, ammonium nitrate in, 1,267,772 —,—, glycerol in, 1,267,772 —,—,gums in, 1,353,599 —,—, water in, L267 772 —,spent, refrigeration process using, 1,519,353 —, spirits of, cement made with, 1,270,477 —,—, glue made with, 1,270,477 —,—, plate, lithographic, made with, 1,185,506 —,—,wood finishing composition contg,, 1,279,878 —,starch, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —,starch ethers prepared with, 1,350,820 —, steel alloy, aluminum in, hardening of, using, 1,487,554 —-,—, chromium "7/10, 1,487,554 —,—,manganese in, hardening of, using, 1,487,554 : | —,—,silicon in, hardening of, using, 1,487,554 —,steel alloy hardening of using, 1,487,554 —, stereotype matrix made with, 1,233,298 —, still for, 1,379,939 —,straw, retted, treated with, 1,374,941 —,—, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —,sugar beet seed coating for contg., 1,319,157 —, sulfonamides, alkyl prepared with, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 hardening of, using, INDEX OF SUBJECTS 483 Ammonia, sulfur made with, 1,127,219; Ammonia, synthetic, ferropotassium ferrocya- 1,133,086; 1,479,852 nide in mfr. of, 1,452,027 —,sulfur as impurity in, removal of, 1,318,936 —,—, iron cyanide in mfr. of, 1,452,027 —,sulfur dioxide, absorbed by, 1,425,578 —,—, mfr. of, 1,452,027 —,sulfur dioxide gases, treatment of, using, —, barium ferrocyanide as catalyzer in, 1,496,410 acl 452 2,027 —,sulfur trioxide gases, treatment of, using, —,—,—,ferropotassium ferrocyanide as cata- 1,496,410 lyzer i in, 1,452,027 —, sulfuric acid made with, 1,133,086; 1,173,524 —,—,—, iron cyanide as catalyzer in, 1,452,027 —,sulfurie acid as absorbent for, 1,291,729 —,—, —, potassium ferroferrocyanide as cata- — sulfuric acid in bristle bleaching neutralized lyser in, 1,452,027 a. 1,412,755 —,—, —, triammonium potassium ferrocyanide —, sulfuric acid neutralized with, 1,353,220 as catalyzer in, 1,452,027 —, sulfuric acid for resin made neutralized by, —— , triammonium potassium ferrocyanide in 1 389,791 mfr. of, 1,452,027 —, sweater, sealed package of made sterile — , tantalum, carbon, removal of from, using, using, 1,180,894 1 ,185,154 —, synthesis of, 1,333,404; 1,337,908; 1,352,179; — , tetrachloroethane to trichloroethylene by, 1 863,392; 1 363, 393; 3 386, 760: 1,388,995 ; 1 343,716 1,396,557: : 1,408, 625 ; 1,441,693: aa? oo see , therapeutic compound made with, 1,226,394 1,454,599 —, thionamic acid made with, 1,496 410 —,—,apparatus for, 1,329,397; 1,371,299; —,thiourethane made with, 1 ‘491 021 1,408,987 —, thorium nitrate decomposed with, 1,436,359 —,—,catalyst for, 1,352,177; 1,352,178; —, , thread made with, 1,180,902 1,352,179; 1,363,392; 1,363,393; 1,388,995; —, titanium nitride made with, 1,337,264 1,454,591 —, titanium nitrogen compounds made with, —,—,—,barium ferricyanide as, 1,454,599 1,391,147 —,—,—, barium ferrocyanide as, 1,454,599 — , tobacco, removal from of, apparatus for, —,—,—, calcium ferricyanide for, 1,454,599 1,178,487 —,—,—, calcium ferrocyanide as, 1,454,599 —,—,—, process for, 1,178,487 —,—,—, cyanamides as, 1,454,599 —, toluene, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —,—,—, cyanides as, 1,454,599 —, ’ o-toluene diethyl sulfonamide prepared with, —,—,—, formula, sodium cyanamide 100, man- 1 454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 ganese cyanamide 10, cobalt cyanamide 10, —, o-toluene dimethyl! sulfonamide prepared charcoal 80, 1,352,180; 1,352,181; 1,352,182 with, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 —,—,—,molybdenum-iron for, 1,886,555 —, o-toluene methylethyl sulfonamide prepared —,—,—, palladium nickel alloy as, 1,388 995 with, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 oe ae , potassium ferricyanide as, 1 ‘ABA 599 —, p- -toluene diethyl! sulfonamide prepared with, —,—,—, potassium ferrocyanide as, 1 “ABA, 599 1 454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 —,—,—,preparing of, 1,423,978; 1,439 291; —, p-toluene ‘dimethyl ‘sulfonamide prepared 1,439,292 with, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 —,—,—, regenerating, 1,454,599 —, p-toluene methyl ethyl sulfonamide pre- —,—, —, strontium ferricyanide as, 1,454,599 pared with, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 —,—,—, strontium ferrocyanide as, 1,454,599 —, tonka bean extract made with, 1,515, 14 —, catalytic furnace for, 1,335,891 —,triacetone amine made with, 1,473 285 —, cyanide for, 1,441,695 —,triacetone diamine made with, 1,473, 285 —, gases for, drying, 1,454,594 —, triammonium potassium ferrocyanide i in mfr. —,—,—, preparation of, 1 425 ot73; 1,425,579 of, 1,452,027 —,—,—, purifying, 1 403 391; 1 436, 949 — , trichlor-ethylene made with, 1,343,716 —,—,gas mixture suitable ‘for, preparing, —, trichlorethylene made from tetrachlorethane 1,390,200 by, 1,343,716 —,—,high pressure used in, 1,332,460 —, tricthyltrimethylenetriamine made _ with, —,—, hydrogen for, preparing, 1,425,578 1,471,213 —,—, hydrogen obtained from water-gas for, —,tungsten made with, 1,130,197 1,352,211; Re-15,314 —,tungsten, carbon, removal of from using, —,—, metals used in, 1,396,557 Ty) §o0,154 —,—, nitrogen-hydrogen mixtures for, prepar- —, tungsten amide from, 1,352, 176 ing, 1,827,029 —,tungsten filament made with, 1,191,552 —,—, preparing gases for, 1,376,514 —, tungsten oxide, blue, made with, 1,130,197 —,—, preparing mixtures of hydrogen and oxy- —, turpentine, solidified, made with, 1,484, 190 gen for, 1,349,756 —,type matrix made with, 1,233,298 —,—,sodamide used to purify gases for, —,underwear, sealed package of made sterile 1,337,903 using, 1,180,894 —,—,see also Nitrogen, fixation of —,urea made with, 1,344,673; 1,429,483; —,synthetic, barium ferrocyanide in mfr. of, 1,429,953 1,452,027 —,urea-formaldehyde condensate made with, —,—, ferriferrocyanide in mfr. of, 1,452,027 1,458,543 484 Ammonia, urea-formaldehyde condensing agent, _ 1,458,543 —,vanadium, carbon, removal of from, using, 1,135,154 —,vanilla bean extract made with, 1,515,714 —,varnish made with, 1,137,374; 1,159,257; 1,159,258; 1,187,231; * 1,218,146; 1,354,154; 1,389,791; 1,431,080; 1,486,820; 1,482,929 —, varnished leather dried by ultra-violet rays and, 1,353,937 ; —, vegetable fibers treated with, 1,400,380 —, viscose made with, 1,173,336 —,vulcanization accelerator 1,417,970; 1,508,118 : —, vulcanization process using, 1,503,113 —, vulcanizing accelerator made with, 1,473,285 —, water absorption by of, apparatus for dem- onstrating, 1,338,967 —,water gas, hydrogen, using, 1,496,757 —,—,removal from of, apparatus for, 1,237,767 —,—, —, glycerol for, 1,237,767 —,—,—, process for, 1,287,767 —,water Japan contg., 1,357,688 —, waterproofing made with, 1,135,356 ; 1,180,902 —,whale oil, by hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,159,480 —, wick, non-combustible, made with, 1,207,160 —, wood, artificial, made with, 1,397,144 —,—, seasoning of, using, 1,210,491 —,—, treatment of using, 1,186,604 —_,—, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —,xylene diethyl sulfonamide prepared with, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1 454,961 —,xylene methylethyl sulfonamide prepared with, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,061 —,‘‘xylium” made with, 1,175,422 —,“xylosca ” made with, 1,175,422 —,“xylozo” made with, 1,175,422 —,yeast made with, 1,449,111; Re-15,716 —, yeast food, 1,434,462 —,yield of from gas producers, increasing, 1,360,117 —,zinc made with, 1,204,843 —,zirconium nitride made with, 1,337,264 —,see also Ammonia, gas conig., Ammonium hydroxide; Coke oven gas Ammonia-air mixture, formation of, apparatus for, 1,807,739 Ammonia alum, see sulfate —,see also Ammonium alum; Ammonium aluminum sulfate Ammoniac, blood product made with, 1,380,427 —,crude, ammonia recovered from, calcium hydroxide for, 1,253,571 —,—,—, process for, 1,253,571 —,—, calcium ferrocyanide made with, 1,253,571 —,—,composition of, 1,253,571 —,—,formation of, gas purification, 1,253,571 ,—,—, illuminating gas purification, 1,253,571 —,—, Prussian blue from, 1,253,571 —,—,sulfur recovered from, process 1,253,571 —,food product made with, 1,380,427 —,match head made with, 1,144,077 —,see also Ammonia made with, separation of from Aluminum ammonium — for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammoniaca, see Ammonium hydroxide Ammoniacal cuprous oxide, see Cuprammonium Ammoniacal gas liquor, ammonium chloride made with, 1,475,155; 1,475,156; 1,475,157; 1,475,158 —, carbon, decolorizing, made with, 1,479,851 —,cryolite, synthetic, made with, 1,475,155; 1,475,156; 1,475,157; 1,475,158 —,hydrochloric acid made with, 1,475,155; 1,475,156; 1,475,157; 1,475,158 Ammoniacal liquors, ammonia made with, 1,324,979 —,gas purifying sponge contg., 1,398,613 Ammoniacal solution see Ammonium hy- droxide Ammoniacal tar carbon decolorizing, made with, 1,359,094; 1,479,851 Ammonia chloride, see Ammonium chloride Ammonia compound, ammonium nitrate made with, 1,315,534 . —,ammonium sulfate made with, 1,315,534 —,mfr. of, calcium carbide for, 1,315,534 —,—, calcium fluoride as catalyst for, 1,815,534 —,—, calcium oxide for, 1,315,534 —,—, carbide for, 1,315,534 —,—, carbon for, 1,315,534 —,—, chloride as catalyst for, 1,315,534 —,—,coal for, 1,315,534 —,—, coke for, 1,815,534 —,—, cyanamide for, 1,315,534 —,—, cyanide for, 1,315,534 —,—,“‘dimetal isocyanide ” for, 1,315,534 —,—, fluoride as catalyst for, 1,315,534 —,—, isocyanide for, 1,815,534 —,—, lime for, 1,315,534 —,—,nitride for, 1,315,534 —,—, process for, 1,315,534 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,315,534 —,—,sodium chloride as catalyst for, 1,315,534 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,315,534 Ammonia derivatives, phenol aldehyde conden- sate made with, 1,146,300 Ammonia dynamite, see Dynamite, ammonia “ Ammonia fixed,” see Ammonium salts Ammonia gas, see Ammonia Ammonia inhalant ampule, mfr. of, basic fuch- sine for, 1,516,454 —,—, process for, 1,516,454 Ammonia liquor, ammonium salts neutralized with, 1,346,106 —, evaporating, 1,455,299 —, purifying of, benzene for, 1,346,106 —,see also Ammonium hydroxde Ammonia salts, glue made with, 1,405,741 Ammonia saltpeter, see Ammonium nitrate Ammonia soap, lubricating compound contg., 1,414,227; 1,414,311 Ammonia soda process, barium carbonate made by liquors from, 1,444,623 —,brine purified for, 1,475,563 —, improvements in, 1,359,097 —,sodium bicarbonate made with, 1,138,191 —,sodium carbonate made with, 1,138,191 —,see also Sodium carbonate, mfr. of Ammonia soda process lime mud, calcium oxide made with, 1,249,739 —, fertilizer made with, 1,249,739 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 485 Ammonia-still, 1,379,939 —, waste liquor from, phenols removal from, bacteria for, 1,437, 401 —,—, purifying, bacteria for, 1,487,394 Ammonia still waste, calcium sulfide removed from process for, 1 323 ,239 ; 1,823,251; 1,323,256 —, copper (ous) thiocyanate from, process for, 1 020,209; 1,823,251; 1,823,256 — _ferrocyanide recovered from, process for, 1 020,209 ; 1,823,251 ; 1,323,256 —, purification of, animal charcoal for, 1,323,239 —,—,blast furnace slags for, 1,323,239; 1,323,251; 1,323,256 —,— , copper (ic) sulfate for, 1,323,239; 1 328, 251; 1,323,256 —,—, Iron oxide for, . 1,323,239; ° 1,323,251 ; 1,323 ,256 —,—, iron (ous) salt. for, 1,328,239; 1,323,251; 1,323,256 —,—, iron(ous) sulfate for, 1,323,239; 1,323,251; 1,323,256 —,—, lignite for, 1,323,251 —,—, peat for, 1,323,251; 1,323,256 —,—, process for, 1,323,239; 1,323,251; 1,323,256 —, sulfides, removed from, process for, 1,323,239; 1 o23; 251: 1,323,256 Ammonia synthesis autoclave, construction of, 1,463,280 Ammoniated alcohol, see Sprit of Ammonia Ammoniated ethylic aldehyde, see Aldehyde ammonia Ammoniated mercury, see White precipitate Ammoniated water, see Ammonium hydroxide Ammonia urea compounds, rubber-like sub- stance made with, 1,415,468 Ammonia water, see "Ammonium hydroxide Ammonifying bacteria, see Bacteria, ammoni- fying Ammonio-magnesium- phosphate, nium magnesium phosphate Ammonio-sulfate of iron, see Ammonium iron sulfate Ammonio platinio chloride, see Ammonium chlorplatinate Ammonium, ammonium nitrate made with, 1,511,561 —, copper enn, see Copper-ammonium compound —, mfr. of, ammonium chloride for, 1,499,001 —,—, carbon monoxide, effect of on, 1,184,839 —,—, ’ lime for, 1,499, 001 —,— ‘water for, 1 261 526 —, sodium carbonate precipitated by, 1,466,352 —,starch, nitrated, decomposition of in soil accelerated by, 1,410 037 Ammonium abietate, rosin made with, 1,511,461 Ammonium acetate, ammonium phosphate ((NH,)2HPOs,), made with, 1,251,742 Saas a ((NH.):PO,), made with, 1251 742 —, ammonium silicate made with, 1 270, 093 — ‘ battery, storage, electrode for, made with) if 175,954 —, blue print paper made with, 1,500,433 oa ’ brass etching of, electrolytic contg., 1 314,839; 1,314,840; 1 314,841; 1,314,842 m, calcium acetate made with, 1 360 046 —, ' catalyst, urea made with, 1,292 019 see Ammo- Ammonium acetate, China grass, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —., 4-chlor-2.6-dinitro- aniline made with, 1 423 494 —, 4-chlor-2.6-dinitro-m- -phenylenediamine made with, 1,423,494 —., 2-chlor-4- nitro-aniline made with, 1,423,494 —, ’ 4-chlor-2-nitro-aniline made with, 1 ‘423 ‘494 —, ’ chrome yellow made with, 1,484, 088 —,copper, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1 314,839; 1,314 810: 1 314 841; 1,314,842 —, cotton, "dyeing with sulfur dye of using i 181 905; 1,181,906 — detergent made with, 1,241,043 —., 4.5-dichlor-2-nitro- aniline made with, 1 423,494 —, 2.4-dinitro-aniline made with, 1,423,494 —, ’ 4.6-dinitro-m- phenylenediamine made with, 1 423,494 — electrolyte for etching contg., 1 314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 1,314,839 ; _ electrolyte for iron purification contg., 1 420,128; 1,420,129 — ethyl alcohol, denatured, made using, 1 £76150; 1,176, 462 —, fabric, ‘dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1 181 905; 1,181,906 —, feathers, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1 181,905; 1,181,906 —, fertilizer made with, 1,251,742 —, , fiber, animal, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181 905: 1,181,906 —,— _ vegetable, "dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —, finish remover made with, 1,147,852; 1,167,641 —,flax, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —, formation of, 1,360,046 — fur, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,908: 1,181,906 —, furniture polish contg., 1,350,537 —, ‘hair, dyeing with “sulfur dye of using, 1,181, 905; 1,181,906 — hemp, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1, 181,905; 1,181,906 —, jute, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1 181,905; 1,181,906 —, Lalande, depolarizer for contg., 1,468,234 —, ‘Tead, electrodeposition of on iron using, 1 A75, 973 —, lead chromate made with, 1,484,088 — liquid gloss contg., 1,376, 038 —,mfr. of, wood for, 1, 176, 150; 1,176,462 — ‘nickel, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1 314, 839; 1,314,840; 1 314 841; 1,314,842 — -nitroamines prepared with, 1 423, 494 —,2-nitro-aniline made with, 1 423 494 -— ; photographic material hardened with, 1 424,062 —, pigment made with, 1,484,088 —, polish made with, 1 376 038 —, preparation Otel 423 ‘494 —, ramie, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1, 181,905,; 1,181,906 —, rhea, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905 ; 1,181,906 ‘a 486 Ammonium acetate, silicic acid made with, 1,270,093 —,silk, artificial, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,—, dyeing with sulfur dye. of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,soap, laundry, made with, 1,241,043 —., steel, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839 5 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,814,842 : —,wood, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —, zine, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 Ammonium acid salt, celluloid substitute made with, 1,280,862 Ammonium. acid sulfate, see Ammonium bisul- fate Ammonium alginate, battery, storage, electrode for, made with, 1,508,732 —,cardboard coated with, 1,162,926 —, cattle feed made with, 1,515,968 —,fabric coated with, 1,162,926 —, leather coated with, 1,162,926 —, liquid, purification of using, 1,515,968 —, paper coated with, 1,162,926 —,pasteboard coated with, 1,162,926 —, properties of, 1,162,926 —, textile coated with, 1,162,926 Ammonium alkali, paper sizing with, 1,317,619 Ammonium alum, see Alum, ammonium —, see also Aluminum ammonium sulfate Ammonium aluminate-silicate, catalyst, nickel aluminate-silicate made with, 1,256,032 Ammonium aluminum compounds, see Alumi- num ammonium compounds Ammonium aluminum sulfate, see Aluminum ammonium sulfate Ammonium-p-aminophenylenedithiocarbamate, accelerator in rubber vulcanization, 1,440,962; 1,440,963 Ammonium arsenate, 1,255,391 —, lightning arrester electrolyte, 1,255,391 —, rectifier electrolyte, 1,255,391 mmonium arsenite, condenser 1,255,391 —, lightning arrester electrolyte, 1,255,391 —, rectifier electrolyte, 1,255,391 mmonium benzyldithiocarbamate, accelera- condenser electrolyte, electrolyte, tor in rubber vulcanization, 1,440,962; 1,440,963 Ammonium benzyl citrate, antispasmodic, 1,485,377 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Ammonium benzyl malonates, antispasmodic, 1,485,377 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Ammonium benzyl phosphates, antispasmodic, 1,485,377 —,mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Ammonium benzyl phthalate, antispasmodic, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —,mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,483,377; 1,485,378 —,—,ammonium carbonate for, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 “Ammonium benzyl phthalate, antispasmodic, benzyl phthalate for, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —,—, process for, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 Ammonium benzyl succinate, antispasmodic, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,mfr. of, acetone for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,—,alcohol for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,—,ammonium carbonate for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,—, benzyl succinate for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,—, process for 1,485,377; 1,485,379 Ammonium benzyl sulfates, autispasmodic, 1,485,377 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Ammonium benzyl tartrates, antispasmodi« 1,485,377 —,mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Ammonium bicarbonate, adhesive, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, alkaline earth carbonate made with, 1,378,595 —,ammonium chloride made with, 1,488,002 —,ammonium cyanate made with, 1,221,506; 1,241,919; 1,241,920 —,ammonium nitrate made with, 1,304,932; 1,314,534 —,ammonium phosphate (NH:):PQ,, with, 1,252,318 —,ammonium sulfate made with, 1,315,534 —, barium carbonate made with, 1,378,595 —, benzene, hydrocarbon, napthene, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,—, paraffin, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,—, saturated, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,naphtha, petroleum, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —, calcium carbonate made with, 1,252,318 —,calcium chloride made with, 1,262,939 —,calecium phosphate, acid, made 1,252,318 —,,—, (Ca(H2PO.)2), made with, 1,252,318 —,cement contg., 1,456,667 —, condenser, electrolytic, made with, 1,412,513 —, dinitroglycol made with, 1,426,313 —,electrolyte for lightning arresters, 1,412,513 made with, —,fire extinguisher made with, 1,248,092; 1,276,742; 1,278,716; 1,306,707; 1,306,708 —,fire extinguisher composition contg., 1,393,236; 1,393,237 —, fireproofing made with, 1,248,092; 1,276,742 —, formation of, 1,898,135 —,—, ammonium hydroxide and carbon dioxide for, 1,304,932 —,freezing point of, effect of glycerol on, 1,306,708 —,—, effect of potassium lactate on, 1,306,707 —,—,effect of sodium lactate on, 1,306,707 —, hydrocarbon, aromatic, hydrocarbon, naph- thene, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,—,—, paraffin, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,—,—, saturated, separation of from using, 1,520,953 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 487 Ammonium bicarbonate, hydrocarbon, aromatic, Ammonium bicarbonate, mfr. of, process for, naphtha, petroleum, separation of from using, 1,211,393; 1,294,526; 1,315,534 1,520,953 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,315,534 —,—,—,naphthene, benzene, separation of —,—,sodium chloride as catalyst for, 1,315,534 from using, 1,520,953 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,315,534 —,—,—, hydrocarbon, aromatic, separation of —,—,water for, 1,211,393 from using, 1,520,953 —,naphtha, petroleum, hydrocarbon, aromatic, —,—,—,—, unsaturated, separation of from separation of from using, 1,520,953 using, 1,520,953 —,—,—,—, unsaturated, separation of from -—,—,—,toluene, separation of from using, using, 1,520,953 1,520,953 —,—,—, toluene, separation of from using, —,—,—,xlyene, separation of from using, 1,520,953 1,520,953 ; —,—,—,xylene, separation of from using, —,—, paraffin, benzene, separation of from 1,520,953 using, 1,520,953 —,nitrogen fixation process using, 1,221,506 —,—,—, hydrocarbon, aromatic, separation of —,oil washed with, 1,438,764 from using, 1,520,953 —, paint, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,—,—,—, unsaturated, separation of from —,paper, fireproof sizing for, made with, using, 1,520,953 , 1,248,092 —,—,—,toluene, separation of from using, —,photographic material hardened — with, 1,520,953 4 1,424,062 —,—,—, xylene, separation of from using —, potassium bicarbonate made with, 1,221,506; 1,520,953 1,241,919; 1,241,920 —,—,saturated, benzene, separation of from potassium _ silicofluoride decomposed by, using, 1,520,953 ; 1,355,794 —,—,—, hydrocarbon, aromatic, separation of _ properties of, 1,444,623 from using, 1,520,953 —,rectifier, electrolytic, made with, 1,412,513 —,—,—,—, unsaturated, separation of from —,shoe filler made with, 1,227,696 using, 1,520,953 —,sodium bicarbonate made with, 1,221,506; —,—,—,toulene, separation of from using, 1,303,167 ; 1,488,002 1,520,953 é —,sodium bicarbonate from sodium chloride —,—,—, xylene, separation of from using, and, 1,312,782; 1,312,783; 1,312,784 —,—,unsaturated, hydrocarbon, naphthene, __ starch, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 separation of from using, 1,520,953 —, stone, artificial, made with, 1,456,667 —, —, —, —, paraffin, separation of from using, __ tanning compound made with, 1,443,697 1,520,953 : oe ee —, 3.5.3’ .5’-tetramino-4.4’-di(methylamino)- teen saturated, separation of from using, Ersenobenzene, ‘action on’ of, | 1,265,864: 520, 1,265,865 ed aes eae cee ah ae separation of —, 3.5.3’ 5'-tetramino-2.2'-dibrom-4.4’-(di- Bee iecne: Bee cation! cote 1,456,667 methylamino)-arseno-benzene, actlon on of, insulati ; _ 1,265,865 —,insulation, heat, made with, 1,228,609; __°3'5 3 5/-tetramino-2.2/-dichlor-4.4’-di- pal arrester, electrolytic, made with, Co a aaa action on of, 1,412,513 Sy ee . rar ee Re —, 3.5.3'-5'-tetramino,2.4.2'-4’-tetra (methyl- “oan carbonate (basic), made with, amino)-arseno-benzene action on ae eer mfr. —, 3.5.3/-5’-tetramino-2.2’-6.6’-tetrachlor4.4’- f3’ eee mons fo. teat di(methylamino)-arsenobenzene, action on of, — — calci cataly: 4 1,265,865 Te yale Boole ese ee ghey —, toluene, hydrocarbon, naphthene, separation BS carbide for, 1,315,534 _ of from using, 1,520,953 | —,—, carbon for, 1,315,534 —,—,—, paraffin, separation of from using, —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,211,393 1,520,953 Re —,—, chloride as catalyst for, 1,315,534 —,—,—,saturated, separation of irom using, —,—,coal for, 1,315,534 1,520,953 3 ee —,—,coke for, 1,315,534 —,—; BPP aa Lee a separation of from i 315,534 using, 1,520,953 es Pemrde ee, 1312 ae _urea, ‘made with, 1,173,850; 1,221,506; _ _’ “dimetal isocyanide” for, 1,315,534 1,241,919; 1,241,920; 1,344,673; 1,453,069 ee a oride ‘as catalyst for, 1,315,534 —, varnish, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 ay a hydrocarbon for, 1,211,393 —, xylene, hydrocarbon, naphthene, separation —,—, hydrocarbon, benzene, for, 1,211,393 of from using, 1,520,953 _ —,—,isocyanide for, 1,315,534 —,—,—, paraffin, separation of from using, —,—,lime for, 1,315,534 1,520,953 , 3 ; —,—,nitride for, 1,315,534 —,—,—, saturated, separation of from using, —,—, petroleum for, 1,211,393 1,520,953 488 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonium bicarbonate, xylene, naphtha, pe- » troleum, separation of from using, 1,520,953 Ammonium bichromate, airplane covering made with, 1,497,167 —, albumin light-sensitized with, 1,329,088 —,anthracene, catalyst for the oxidation of, made with, 1 486,781 —, antifreeze mixture contg.,-1,405,3820 — ’ benzaldehyde, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,486,781 —, benzoic acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,486 781 —, brass, etching of with, 1,276,599 —, ’ carbon monoxide, hydrogen, removal from of, catalyst for, made with, 1,866,176 —, copper, etching of with, 1,276,599 —, catalyst (for benzaldehyde mfr.), made with, 1,486,781 —,—,(for benzoic acid mfr.), made _ with, 1,486,781 —,—, (for hydroxy-benzoic acid mfr.), made with, 1,486,781 —,—, (for p-nitro-benzaldehyde mfr.), made with, 1,486,781 —,—, (for p-nitro-benzoic acid mfr.), made with, 1,486,781 —,—, (for phthalic acid mfr.), made with, 1 486, 781 —,—, (for salicylic acid mfr), made with, 1 486, 781 —,—, (for sulfur trioxide mfr.), made with, 1 204, 141; 1,204,142; 1,204,143 —,—, (for ‘sulfuric mifr.), made with, 1,205,142; 1,227,044 —,—,for the oxidation of anthracene, made with, 1,486,781 —,—,for the oxidation of cresols, made with, 1,486,781 —,—,for the oxidation of cumene, made with, 1,486,781 —,—,for the oxidation of cymene, made with, 1,486,781 —,—,for the oxidation of mesitylene, made with, 1,476,781 —,—,for the oxidation of naphthalene, made with, 1,486,781 —,—,for the oxidation of toluene, made with, 1,486,781 —,—,for the oxidation of xylene, made with, 1,486,781 —,catalyst prepared from, 1,366,176 —,cresols, catalyst for the oxidation of, made with, 1,486,781 —,cumene, catalyst for the oxidation of, made with, 1,486,781 —,cymene, catalyst for the oxidation of, made with, 1,486,781 —, gelatin plate sensitizer, use of, 1,453,259 —, gelatin sensitized with, 1,376, 652 —,hydrogen, carbon monoxide, removal of from, catalyst for, made with, 1,366, 176 — , hydroxy-benzoic ‘acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,486,781 —, leather, tanning of using, 1,167,951 —,lighter-wick impregnated with, 1,430,548 —,mesitylene, catalyst for the oxidation of, made with, 1,486,781 Ammonium bichromate, metal, etching of with, 1,276,599 —,naphthalene, catalyst for the oxidation of, made with, 1,486,781 —, p-nitro-benzaldehyde, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,486,781 —, p-nitro-benzoic acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,486,781 —, photoengraving process using, 1,285,015 —, photograph, colored, made with, 1,248,139 —,photographic print, color, made with, 1,263,962 —,photography, color, using, 1,128,389; 1,278,161 —,—, process for, using, 1,191,034 —, ’ phthalic acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,486 781 _—, plate, key, made with, 1,325,890 —,—,lithographic, made with, 1,185,506; 1,325,890 —,—, photographic, made with, 1,285,015 —,—, press, made with, 1,325, 890 —,—, printing with, 1 276 599 —, printing, aluminum base for, grain screen for, made with, 1,265,641 —,—, copper base for, grain screen for, made with, 1,265,641 —,— , lithographic, grain screen for, made with, 1 265 641 - —,— , intaglio, grain screen for, made with, 1 265 641 —,—,stone base for, grain screen for, made with, 1,265,641 —,—, zinc base for, grain screen for, made with, 1 265, 641 — , printing plate made with, 1,219,332; 1 243,481; 1,245,120; 1,483,806; 1,453,259; 1,496 268° —, printing plate, grain screen for, made with, 1,265,641 —,—, half-tone, made with, 1,154,643; 1,507,049 — —,— , lithographic, made with, 1 208, 770 —, photochemical, made with, 1; 155 186 — fds ea ete acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,486,781 —, sensitizing gelatin with, 1,433,806 —, steel, etching of with, 1,276,599 —,sulfuric acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,204,142; 1,227,044 —,sulfur trioxide, catalyst, for the mfr. of, made with, 1,204,141; 1,204,142; 1,204,143; 1,227,044 —, toluene, catalyst for the oxidation of, made with, 1,486,781 —, wood preservative cont., 1,265,370 —, xylene, catalyst for the oxidation of, made with, 1,486,781 —, zine, etching of with, 1,276,599 Ammonium bifluoride, cleaner, metal, contg., 1,471,466 —, formation of, 1 426, 890; 1,426,891 —, glass, etching of, paste for contg., 1,471,466 —, mfr. of, ammonia for, 1,235,552 —,—, apatite for, 1,235,552 —,—, bone for, 1,235,552 —,—, fluosilicic acid for, 1,235,552 —,—, hydrofluoric acid for, 1,235,552 ~ INDEX OF SUBJECTS 489 Ammonium bifluoride, mfr. of, phosphate rock for, 1,235,552 —,—, process for, 1,235,552 —,—, silicon tetrafluoride for, 1,235,552 —,—,sulfurie acid for, 1,235,552 —, metals recovered from silicates by, 1,426,890 ; 1,426,891 —, polish, metal, contg., 1,471,466 —, silicate decomposed with, 1,426,890 Ammonium bisulfate, aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,493,820 —,ammonium persulfate made with, 1,195,560; 1,234,380 —,ammonium potassium sulfate made with, 1,261,116; 1,261,117 —, bottle cap made with, 1,486,641 —, compound, heat-producing, contg., 1,309,209 —, fertilizer of, process for, 1,261,116; 1,261,117; 1,310,080 —,formation of, process for, 1,479,874 —,hydrogen dioxide made with, 1,195,460; 1,234,380 —,mfr. of, ammonium chloride for, 1,479,874 —,—,carbon tetrachloride for, 1,479,874 —,—,a-hydroxy-iso-butyrie acid nitrile for, 1,479,874 —,—, process for, 1,479,874 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,479,874 —,plaster made with, 1,185,773; 1,185,774; 1,185,775 —,potassium sulfate made with, 1,261,116; 1,261,117 —,smelter fumes for, 1,291,745 —,sulfur dioxide for, 1,291,745 —, tanning compound made with, 1,147,245 —, viscose, precipitation of, using, 1,486,641 Ammonium bisulfite, p-aminobenzoic acid made with, 1,458,715 —,ammonium sulfate made with, 1,133,086; 1,291,745 —,anthranilic acid made with, 1,458,715. —, cellulose made with, 1,244,525 —, paper made with, 1,244,525 —, paper, kraft, made ‘with, 1,244,525 —, photography, toning bath for, 1,286,890 —, silk, artificial, viscose, made with, 1,374,718 —,—,—,—, spinning of using, 1,422 ‘412 —, sodium anthranilate made with, 1,458, 715 — sulfur made with, 1,133,086 —, sulfuric acid made with, 1,133,086 —, viscose precipitated with, 1,374,718 —, Viscose spinning bath contg.. 1,429 412 Ammonium bitartrate, bread, made with, 1,158,933 —,electrolyte contg., 1,387,471; —,light producing apparatus 1,419,360 Ammonium borate, adhesive, fireproof, made with, 1 248,092 —,ammonium phosphate((NH:),HPO.), made with, 1,251,742 —,—, ((NHi);PO.), made with 1,251,742 — ’ boron (ic) oxide made with, 1,386, 008 — ’ brass, etching of, electrolyte 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; contg., 1,419,360 made _ using, 1,314,842 contg., Ammonium borate, caoutchouc, b.g-dimethyl- ‘erythrene, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 —, —, erythrene, vulcanization of using, 1 149, 580 —,—, isoprene, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 — ’ catalyst, dehydrogenation, made with, 1 215,334 —,— , hydrogenation, made with, 1,215,334 —, circuit interrupter, electrolytic, made with, 1 041,631 —, condenser, electrolyte for contg., 1,266,557 ; 1 ,270,784 —,— electrolytic, made with, 1,341,631; 1 AI2 18; 1,412,514 —, copper, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1 314,839; 1,314,840; 1,814,841; 1,814,842 — _ dehydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1 215,334 — electrolyte contg., 1,419,360 — ’ electrolyte for “etching contg., 1,314,839; tt 314,840; 1,814,841; 1,314,842 — electrolyte for lightning arresters contg., 1 412,514 —, electrolytic cell 1,270,784 — explosive made with, 1,510,348 —, fertilizer made with, 1 251 742 —, ’ fire extinguisher made with, 1,248,092 — ’ fireproofing made with, 1,248, 092 —, fire-proofing solution contg., 1,382,618 — ’ hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1 215,334 — insulating material bonded with, 1,386,008 —,insulation, electric, fireproof, made with, 1 161,989 —, lightning arrester, electrolyte for contg., electrolyte for contg., ¥ 266,557; 1,270, 784: 1,412,518; 1,412,514 —, nickel, etching of, ‘electrolyte contg. ih i jol4, 839; 1,314,840; 1,814,841; 1,814,842 —, nitro-starch ‘stabilizer, 1 510, 348 —, paint, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,paper, fireproof sizing for, made with, 1,248,092 —., photographic 1,424,062 —,rectifier, electrolyte for contg., 1,266,557; 1,412, 513; 1,412,514 material hardened with, —., rubber, Para, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 —,—,plantation, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 —, starch, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, ’ steel, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839 ; 1 14, 840; 1 314, 841; 1,814,842 —, varnish, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, wood fireproofed with, 1,274, 171 —, , wood preserved with, 1,274, 171 —, zinc, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839 ; iy 314 840; 1 314, 841; 1,814,842 Ammonium (di) borate, antiseptic contg., 1,336,272 Ammonium (mono) borate, 1,336,272 Ammonium bromate, contg., 1,429,276 —, wood preservative contg., 1,265,370 antiseptic contg., iodine-producing tablet er 490 Ammonium bromide, ammonium silicate made with, 1,270,093 — battery, dry, made with, 1,521,295 —, catalyst, diphenylamine made with, 1,314,538 —,cellulose, fireproofing of with, 1 318, 523 ; 1,318,524 —,cloth, fireproofing of with, 1,318,523; 1 318, 524 — . fireproofing with, 1,318,523; 1,318,524 —,formation of, 1,292, 016 — ’ a-hydroxy-acids made with, 1,479,874 — ’ iodine-producing tablet contg., 1 429 276 —,lead sulfide ores treated with, 1 AAI 072 —, ’ mfr, of, ammonia for, 1,291, 745: 1,292, 016 —,— apparatus for, 1 291, 745 —, bromine for, 1 291 745: 1,292,016 —, Rey rscinitation of from gases, 1,292, 016 —,silicic acid made with, 1,270,093 —,wood, fire-proofing ‘of with, 1,318,523 ; 1 318, 524 Ammonium butyl xanthate, accelerator in rubber vulcanization, 1,440, 962 ; 1,440,963 Ammonium cadmium sulfate, battery, cadmium electrode for, made with, 1 009,138 —, cadmium electrode made with, 1,509,138 Ammonium calcium phosphate, fertilizer made with, 1,146,222; 1,166,104; 1,420,596 —, see also Calcium-ammonium phosphate Ammonium carbamate, calcium urea phosphate made with, 1,280,650 —, fermentation, acid, using, 1,123,920 —, ’ fertilizer made with, 1,280, 650 —, ’ formation of, acetylene for, 1,421,743 —, ’ mfr. of, ammonia for, 1,211 393; 1,344,673 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,211 393 ; 1,344, 673 —,—, ’ hydrocarbon for; 1.211393 —,—, hydrocarbon, benzene, for, 1,211,393 —,—, petroleum for, 1,211 393 —,—, process for, 1 ball 393 ; 1,344,673 —,—, water for, 1,211 393 —, preparation of, 1,429, 953 —,urea made with, 1,274,508 ; 1,344,673; 1,429,483; 1, 453, 069. —, yeast from sugar and, 1,449, 103 Ammonium carbaminate, urea made with, 1,173,550 —, see also Ammonium carbamate Ammonium carbonate, acetaldehyde made with, 1,511,754 —, alcohol made with, 1,245,818; 1,511,754 —, alkali carbonate made with, 1 193, 795 —, amines, aromatic, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,207,802 —, ammonium benzyl phthalate made with, 1,292,019; 1 485,377; 1,485,379 —, ammonium benzyl succinate made with, 1 485,877; 1,485,379 —, ammonium chloride made with, 1,473,966 —,ammonium cyanamide made with, 1,852,177; 1,352,179 —,ammonium cyanate made with, 1,241,919; 1,241,920 —,ammonium fluosilicate made with, 1,357,025 —,ammonium molybdate made with, 1,250,063 —,ammonium nitrate made with, 1,303,167; 1,315,534 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 “Ammonium carbonate, ammonium phosphate (NH.)2HPO:, made with, 1,251,742 —,—, (NH,);:PO:, made with, 1,251,742; 1 252 18 —,ammonium resinate made with, 1,233,480 —,ammonium sulfate made with, 1 152 244; 1 152,245; 1,815,534; 21 425je77eeee ‘430, 269 ; 1 ‘430, 270: 1. ‘430, ae iW —, ammonium sulfate neutralized with, 1,377,493 —, ammunition made with, 1,187,779; 1 192, 878 —) aniline, catalyst for the mfr. ‘of, made with, iy 207, 802 —, barium carbonate made with, 1,241,919; 1 ,241,920; 1,444,623 — , battery electrode made with, 1,438, 086 —, benzene, hydrocarbon, naphthene separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,—, paraffin, separation of from using, 1, 520, 953 —,—,—, saturated, separation of from using, 1 520, 953 —_—,— naphtha, petroleum, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —, block, ‘building, contg., 1,305,993 —, ’ blue print paper made with, 1,500 433 —, board made with, 1,245,984 —, bread made with, 1,190,827 —, cadmium made with, 1,204,843 —,calecium carbonate made with, 1,152,244; 1,152,245; 1,252,318 —, calcium hydroxide, action of or, 1,849,750 —,calcium phosphate (Ca(H2PO.)2), made with, 1,252,318 —, calcium phosphate, acid, made with, 1,252,318 —, candy contg., 1,450,865 —,caoutchouec composition contg., 1,437,487 —,carbon monoxide, absorption of, using, 1,196,101; 1,207,968 —,—, gas, removal from of using, 1,207,968 —,—,hydrogen, removal from of, using, 1,196,101 —, case-hardening composition contg., 1,312,339 —, casein composition made with, 1,487,487 —, catalyst (for amines, aromatic, mfr.), made with, 1,207,802 —,—, (for aniline mfr.), made with, 1,207,802 —,—, (for o-toluidine mfr.), made with, 1,207,802 —,—, nickel as, made with, 1,165,956 —,—, urea made with, 1,274,503; 1,292,019 —,celluloid substitute made with, 1,245,818; 1,275,324; 1,280,862; 1,427,645 —, cellulose made with, 1,244,525; 1,509,273 —, cellulose fibers made with, 1,509,273 —, cellulose nitrate made with, 1,509,273 —,cement contg., 1,456,667 —, 1-chlor-2-nitrobenzene-4-sulfonamide with, 1,325,841 —, coal gas, ‘removal from of, apparatus for, 1,237,767; 1,487,768 —,—-,—, glycerol for, 1,237,767 —,—,—, process for, 1 937, 767; 1,487,768 —, ’ cobalt made with, 1 904, 843: 1 ‘487, 145 —, cocoa bean, treatment of using, 1 515 947 —, cocoa powder made with, 1,243 "944 —, ” combustion preventor conte., i 369,179 — compound, heat-producing, contg., 1 809,209 made INDEX OF SUBJECTS Ammonium carbonate, condenser, electrolytic, made with, 1,412,513 —,condensing agent in tanning agent mfr., 1,443,697 —, confection contg., 1,450,860 —,copal recovery of using, 1,898,488 —,copper made with, 1,204 843: 1,440,186 ; 1,487,145; 1,509,774 —, copper, iron, using, 1,484,690 —,—, steel, using, 1,484,690 —,copper cyanamide made with, 1,852,177; 1,852,179 —, copper solvent, 1,440,186 —, cresol-formaldehyde condensates made with, 1,437,726 — detergent contg., 1,824,764 —, 2.2’-diamino-1.1 "_dihydroxy-dibenzene-4 A’. disulfonimide made with, 1,325,841 —, diaphragm made with, 1,387,004 —, electrolyte contg., 1,419,360 —,electrolyte for lightning arresters, 1,412,513 —,enamel remover made with, 1,495,547 —,enamelling frit contg., 1,360,317; 1,360,318 —,explosive contg., 1,457,709 —, fabric, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —,fabric stiffening material contg., 1,421,700 —, fermentation, acid, using, 1,123,920 —,ferro-molybdenum made with, 1,278,408 —, fertilizer made with, 1,144,905; 1,251,742; 1,268,563; 1,413,013; 1,471,979 —, fiber, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —, film dyed with, 1,305,962 — ’ fire-extinguisher made a 431,789 — ‘fire-extinguisher for cinematograph films conte. .» 1,892,233 — fireproofing made with, 1,276,742 —,food product made with, 1 245, 818; 1,275,324 —, ’ formation of, 1,848,938 ; 1 349 750: 1 360, 734: with, 1,276,742; 1 378,993; 1 A13, 763 ; 1 425 BT (eee: ‘428 646; 1 429,276 : : 1,429 483 : 1,430,269 : ; 1,430,270 ; 1,430,271 —,—, acetylene for, 1,421,748 —,—, air for, 1,154,145 —,—, ammonia for, 1,859,097 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,359,097 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, i 154 145 —,—, ’ carbon dioxide for, 1,154, 145 —,—, sodium bicarbonate ‘for, 1,359,097 —,—,urea for, 1,185,731 —,fuel, gaseous, removal from of, apparatus Be ror, 1,237,767 —,—,—,—, glycerol for, 1,237,767 —,—,—,—, process for, 1 237, 767 — fungicide made with, 1,501, 427 —,gas, carbon monoxide, removal of from using, 1,207,968 —,gases purified with cuprous chloride and, 1,403,391 —, gas treated with, 1,430,920 —, glass coloring of with, 1,277, 172 —, glycerol made with, 1,511, 754 —,gums, recovery of using, 1,398, 438 —, hydrocarbon, aromatic, naphthene, separa- tion of from using, 1 520, 953 491 Ammonium carbonate, hydrocarbon, aromatic, naphthene, paraffin, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,—,—, saturated, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,—,naphtha, petroleum, from using, 1,520,953 —,—,naphthene, benzene, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,—, hydrocarbon, aromatic, separation of ae using, 1,520,953 —,— -unsaturated, al 1 520 5953 —,—,— toluene, 1 520, 953 —,—,—, xylene, 1 520, 953 —,—, paraffin, benzene, using, 1,520,953 —,—,—, hydrocarbon, aromatic, separation of Bees using, 1,520,953 —,—,—, unsaturated, ene 1 520 953 —,—,— toluene, 1,520 953 —,—, xylene, Ty 520 953 —,— , saturated, benzene, separation of from using, 1,520,953 separation of separation of from separation of from using, separation of from _ using, separation of from separation of from Separation of from using, separation of from using, —,—,— , hydrocarbon, aromatic, separation of from using, 1,520,953 rat ino bee cae unsaturated, separation of from using, 1 520 953 —,—— toluene, separation of from using, 1 520, 953 —,—,—,xylene, separation of from using, 1 520, 953 —,— unsaturated, hydrocarbon, naphthene, separation of from using, 1,520,953 ,—,—, paraffin, separation of from using, a 20, 953 —,—, saturated, separation of from using, ~ "1580, 953 —,—,—,naphtha, petroleum, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,hydrogen, carbon monoxide, removal of from, using, 1,196,101 —, hydroxides precipitated by, 1,837,192 —,ink made with, 1,471,884 —,ink, printing, made with, 1,471,884 —, insecticide made with, 1,501,427 —,insulating composition ‘contg., 1,456,667 —,insulating composition applied with, 1 081,118 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,245,976; 1 245,980 ; 1 245,981; 1,245,984 —,—, heat, made with, 1 298 609; 1,456,667 — inulin prepared with, 1,399 544 —,iron, copper coating on, using, 1,484,690 —,—,nickel coating on, using, 1 ‘484 690 je ’ iron (ic) chloride made with, 1,501 87 — , iron (ic) hydroxide made with, 1,501 87 —, iron molybdate made with, 1.278 408 — ’ lacquer’ ” made _ with, 1,245 818; 1,245,981; 1 245,982; 1,275,324; 1 ‘427 645 —, lard substitute made with, 1,203,905 tae 492 Ammonium carbonate, lead carbonate made : with, 1,480,270; 1,430,271 —,leather, artificial, made with, 1,245,977; 1,275,824; 1,427,645 — —,—, waterproofing for, made with, 1,223,480 —,leather substitute made with, 1,887,004 —,lightning arrester, electrolytic, made with, 1,412,513 —, linoleum substitute made with, 1,427,645 — ’ linseed oil, recovery of using, 1,398 438 — lozenge conte. 1,450,865 —, Magnesium carbonate made with, 1,427,444 —,magnesium carbonate (basic), made with, 1 163, 475; 1,228,609 _- manganese dioxide produced electrolytically from solutions contg., 1,352,208 —, mfr. of, air for, 1,494, 735 —,—, aluminum ‘carbonitride (Al.C;Ne), for, i ,129,509 —,— aluminum oxide for, 1,129,509 1,245,818 ; ree arnmonia: \ for, i b2 245)” 1200 258s 1,211,393; 1,300,110; 1,344,673 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,209,258; 1,473,966 —,-—-,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,258,934 -——,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1,152,245 —,—,apparatus for, 1,129,507; 1,129,508; 1,129,509; 1,209,258; 1,494,735 —,— —, barium ‘carbonate for 1,209,258 —,—, bitumen, shale, contg., 1,494 5135 —,—, boron carbonitride (B.C: sNo), for, 1,129,508 —,—, boron oxide (B20), for, 1,129,508 —,—,calcium carbide for, 1,315 534 —,—, calcium cyanamide for, 1 326, 045 —,—, ‘calcium fluoride as catalyst for, 1,315,534 —,— calcium oxide for, 1,315,534 —,—, carbide for, 1,315, 534 —,—, carbon for, 1 129 507: 1,129,508; 1,129,509; 1,315,534 —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,152,245; 1,209,258; 1,211,393; 1,258,934; at 344 673: ih 490 "728 —,—, chloride as catalyst for, 1,315 534 —,—, chlorine for, 1,473,966 —,coal for, 1 315 0o4 —,—, “coke for, 1,315,534 —,—, cyanamide for, 1,315,534 —.— , cyanide for, 1,315,534 —, —, “ dimetal isocyanide ” for, 1,315,534 —,—, fluoride as catalyst for, 1 315 534. —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,211 393 —,—, hydrocarbon, benzene, for, 1,211,393 —,—, hydrogen sulfide for, 1 ,490 728 —,—, lsocyanide for, 1 B15, 534 —,—,lme for, 1 315 534 —,—, Magnesium carbonate for, 1,473,966 —,—, magnesium hydroxide for, 1,473 966 —,—, Magnesium oxide for, 1,473 966 —,—, Magnesium oxychloride for, 1,473,966 —,—, nitride for, 1,315,534 —,—,nitrogen for, 1,129,507; 1,129,508; 1,129,509 eae oxygen for, 1,494,735 —, petroleum for, 1,211,393 —,—, potassium chloride ‘for, 1,473,966 —, process for, 1,129,507; 1, 129 008 ; 1,129,509; 4169, 245; 1 207, 567 : 1 209 1258 ; 1 311 393: UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 1,315,534; 1,826,045; 1,344,673; 1,490,728; 1,494,735 Ammonium carbonate, mfr. of, producer gas for, 1,129,507; 1,129, 508; 1,129, 509 —,—, shale, bituminous, ‘for, 1,494, 735 —,—, ’ silica for, 1,129, 507 —,—, silicon carbonitride (Si:sCeNiz), for, 1,129,507 —,—, silicon dioxide for, 1,129,507 —,—, ’ silk, artificial, cellulose. nitrate, nitration waste liquor from, for, 1,490,728 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,315,534 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,473,966 —,—, sodium chloride as catalyst for, 1,815,534 1,473,966 ; —, sodium sulfate for, 1,315,534 —, ’ sulfur dioxide for, 1 326, 045 —,—, ’ sulfurous acid for, 1 326 045 —,—, water for, 1,209, 258 ; 1,211 393 —, ’ milk substitute made with, 1,265, 227 —, ’molded article made with, 1,427,645; 1 011,003 —_ molybdenum compound made with, 1,250,063 —,naphtha, petroleum, benzene, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,— , hydrocarbon, aromatic, separation of WN using, 1,520,953 —,— unsaturated, separation of from _ using, 1 520, 953 —, —, toluene, separation of from using, ~ 15209. 953 —,xylene, separation of from _ using, 14520 953 —, nickel made with, 1,204,843; 1,487,145 — nickel, catalyst, made with, : 165 956 —,—, Iron, using, 1,484,690 —,—, steel, using, 1 484 690 —, ‘oil, drying, recovery of using, 1,398,438 —,—,recovery of using, 1,898,438 —, oil gas, removal from of, apparatus for, 1,237,767 —,—,—, glycerol for, 1,237,767 —,—,—, process for, 1 237, 767 —, oils and gums recovered with, 1,398,438 —, ’ oil washed with, 1,438,764 —, paint, recovery ‘of using, 1,398,438 —,paint remover made with, 1,495,547: 1,500,899 —,paper made with, 1,153,883; 1,509,273 —,—, coloring of with, 1,277,172 —,—, kraft, made with, 1,244,525 —,—, sizing for, made with, 1,223,480 —,— waterproof coating for made 1 266, 955; 1,266,956 1,467,654; 1,244,525; with, —— paper-waterproofing m mixture contg., 1,387,004 —, paracoumarone, recovery of using, 1 398, 438 —, paste-board made with, 1,153,883 \—,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, © 1 126,926; 1,143,714; 1,187,230; 1 "245 ‘976 : 1 "952, 507; 1 ‘505 382 —, phenolphthalein alkali carbonate compound donot beeen by, 1,357,482 —,photographic image, colored, use of in making, 1,450,412 1,187,232; _ —, pill contg., 1,450,865 _ —, plastic made with, 1,245,981; 1,398,438 —, porcelain coloring of with, 1,277,172 rey rol clemol Mg Vd BUS? INDEX OF Ammonium carbonate, made with, 1,357,025 , potassium carbonate made with potassium Me lreatuoride by, 1,355,381; 1,355,588 —, potassium compounds recovered by, 1,844,830 —, potassium silicofluoride decomposed by, 1,355,794; 1,857,025 —, powder made with, 1,450,865 —, proteid made with, 1,275,324 —,proteid, vegetable, made with, 1,275,308 —,proteid product made with, 1,245,818; 1,245,976; 1,245,981 —,recovery of ammonium chloride in presence of, 1,416,772 potassium carbonate —,recovery from ammonia-soda process, 1,398,135 —,rectifier, electrolytic, made with, 1,412,513 —,resin, recovery of using, 1,398,438 —,rifle barrel, cupro-nickel fouling in, using, 1,484,690 —,rosin, recovery of using, 1,398,438 —, rubber, artificial, made with, 1,275,324 —,—, Imitation, made with, 1,245,818 —,—,spongy, made with, 1,156,184 —,—, vulcanization of, using, 1,203,241 —,rubber-like substance made with, 1,415,468 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,159,258; 1,245,976; 1,245,979; 1,245,984; 1,387,004; 1,427,645 —,sandarac, recovery of using, 1,398,438 —,shoe filler made with, 1,227,696 —, shortening composition made with, 1,203,905 —,silicon dioxide made with, 1,501,587 —, sizing, amylaceous, fabric, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —,—,—, fiber, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —,sludge sulfonic acid tar treated with, 1,271,387 —,soap made with, 1,196,274 —, sodium chloride purified with, 1,475,563 ms ’ sodium hydroxide made with, 1,249, 314 —, ’ sodium molybdate made with, 1,250 063 —,sponge rubber made with, 1,422,884 —,steel, copper coating on, using, 1,484,690 —,—,nickel coating on, using, 1,484,690 “—,stencil made with, 1,289,725; 1,398,013 —, stone, artificial, contg., 1,456,667 —,storage battery separator made 1,463,864 —, suint ingredient, 1,405,371 —, ‘sulfuric acid in foods neutralized with, 1,412,523 —,tablet made with, 1,450,865 —,tanning compound made with, 1,327,105; 1,437,726; 1,443,697 —, tennis racket string made with, 1,231,911 —,textile, waterproofing for, made with, 1 a2 480 —, thorium carbonate made with, 1,307,153 — thorium fluoride dissolved by, 1,307, 153 —, ’ thorium phosphate treated with, 1,368,243 —, thorium separated from cerium group metals with, 1,807,153 —,thorium separated from phosphate with, 1,307,153 —,thorium separated from yttrium group metals with, 1,307,153 with, SUBJECTS 493 Ammonium carbonate, tile made with, 1,245,984 —, tire filler made with, 1,193,196; 1,869,626 —, tire, solid, made with, 1,227,791 —,titanium dioxide made with, 1,501,587 —, toluene, hydrocarbon, naphthene, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —, —, —, paraffin, separation of from using, 1 520,953 —_—,— naphtha, petroleum, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,o-toluidine, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,207,802 —,tung oil, recovery of using, 1,398,488 —,tungsten oxide (WO;), made with, 1,244,082 —, tungsten trioxide made with, 1,410,584 —,urea made from, 1,173,550; 1,241,919; 1,241,920; 1,344,673; 1,429,483; 1,453,069 —,varnish made with, 1,159,258; 1,245,818; 1,275,824; 1,280,861; 1,398,488; 1,427,645 —, varnish, recovery of using, 1,398,438 —, varnish remover made with, 1,500,899 —,water gas, removal from of, apparatus for, 1,237,767 —,—,—, glycerol for, 1,237,767 —,—,—, process for, 1,237,767 —, waterproofing made with, 1,223,480 —,water purified using, 1,513,566 —,wood, waterproofing for, 1,223,480 —, wood coloring of with, 1,277,172 —, wool cleaning refuse contg., 1,405,371 — ’ xylene, hydrocarbon, naphthene, separation of from using, 1,520,953 made with, —,—,—, paraffin, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,—,saturated, separation of from using, 1 520, 953 —,— ‘naphtha, petroleum, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —, yeast made with, 1,449,110 —, yeast made from sugar and, 1,449,103 —, yeast food made with, 1,190,827; 1,431,156; 1,519,801 —, yeast treated with, 1,415,469 —,zine made with, 1,204,843 —,zine carbonate made 1 430,270; 1,430,271 —, zine carbonate (basic), made with, 1,258,934 —, zirconium oxide made with, 1,501,587 Ammonium caseinate, acetic ‘acid made with, 1,214,518 —, ale made with, 1,214,518 —, ‘beer made with, 1,214 518 — ’ beverage made with, 1.214 18 —, lactic acid made with, 1,214, 518 —, ‘malt substitute made with, 1,214,518 — porter made with, 1,214, 518 —,sake made with, 1,214 518 —, ’ vinegar made with, 1,214,518 Ammonium cerium nitrate, catalyst, (for nitro- gen oxide mfr.), made with, 1,207,707; 1,211,394 —,nitrogen oxides, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,207,707; 1,211,394 Ammonium chlorate, ammonium perchlorate made with, 1,273,477 —,detonator made with, 1,194,095; 1,206,456 with, 1,430,269; 494. UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonium chlorate, explosive contg., 1,310,466; 1,827,985 ; 1,395, 776; 1,408,056 —, glass made with, "1,488, 914 —, lubricant made with, 1,145, 877 —, "match made with, 1 329, 537 —, packing, lubricating, made with, 1,145,877 —,rubber balls made with, 1,400, 146 Ammonium chloride, fe acetyl- 4-hydroxy-5- nitro-benzenearsonic acid phenylhydrazone reduced using, 1,425,930 1,378,128 ; —,adhesive made with, 1,287,841; —, adhesive, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 Ammonium chloride, arsenic derivatives pre- pared with, Re-15,557; 1,425,931 —,arsenic sulfide made with, 1,261,023 —, 4-arsinoso-acetophenone made with, Re-15,557; 1,425,931 —, N-(p-arsinophenyl)-glycinanilide with, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —, N-(p-arsinosopheny])-a-phenyl-glycinamide made with, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —, bacteria, sulfur oxidizing, obtained using, 1,494,485 —, ball made with, 1,240,439 —, barium carbonate decomposed by, 1,428,646 made 1 880,568 “= ‘airplane dope made with, 1,388, 824; 1 388, 827 — barium chloride made with, 1,209,258; —,aluminum, acid resistant, made with, 1,378,594 . 3 1,130,196 —, bari lfid ti f 1 ; —,—, copper coated with, made with, 1,155,974 1.378.595 sulfide, action (0b) °= aca —,iron coated with, ‘made with, 1,155, ‘974 Te Uoidering of, use of Leal 4nd; 1301609 ce ple treatment Of ae —, batteries, spent, recovery from of, 1,412,986 = an castings, porous, sealed with, —., battery contg., 1,352,087; 1 385, 151; 1 | te., 1,456,486 1,391,211; 1,398,366 ; 1 64, 838 ‘ —, aluminum cleaner contg., —, battery, dry, made with, 1,123,843 ; 1,147,753; oe soldering ‘composition contg, ~ 4149665; 1,149,606; 1,160,907; 1160,999: —, aluminum solder prepared with, 1,416,924 Hee eee: meee pete oh Sy ee Oe 1938364: b2l1,363; 1,215,774; 1,221,061; 1,221,062; 1,224,376; 1,236,693; 1,284,458; 1,287,634; 1 040, 603 bs d 3 b ] > 3 ’ 3 ) ) 3 2 —, 9-amino-anthraquinone made in presence of, bictegpt oe eee ane a “eabine SA RT C ay Rove aie 1358334: 1358350: 1,361,499: 1,366,095; a see RUBE Re Hanes er a sears aa 1366,298: 1,366,298: 1,468,574; 1,480,533; —, 4-amino-1-( p-tolylsulf onamide) -naph- 1,484,780; 1,484,782; 1,484,918; 1,487,728; thalene-2-sulfonic acid made with, 1,442,818 1,488,908; 1,497,316; 1,497,317; 1,500,027; —, 4-amino-1- (p-tolylsulfonamide)-naph- 1,503,285; 1,506,189; 1,511,271; 1,515,652, thalene-6-sulfonic acid made with, 1,442,818 1,515,912; 1,516,974; 1,518,637; 1,518,638; —, 4-amino-1-(p-tolylsulfonamide) -naph- 1,521 ‘295 thalene-7-sulfonic acid made with, 1,442,818 —,—,—,depolarizer for, made with, 1,484,782 —, 4-amino-1-(p-tolylsulfonamide)-naph- —,—,—, electrolyte | for contg., 1, 140, 826; thalene-8- sulfonic acid made with, 1,442,818 1,272,405 ; 1,272,406; 1,272,407; 1,272,952 ; —,ammonia made with, 1,209,258; 1 310 306; 1,293,272 1 386,244; 1,473,966; 1 499, 001 ; 1 ‘499, 002 —,—,—,recovery from of, 1,192,061 —, ammonia recovered as, process for, 1 378, BOS es, Bie oa: ae pee ae: cee 1,452 009 —, primary, made wi —,ammonium bisulfate made with, 1,479,874 1,386, 977; 1,357,160; 1 486, 613 cae carbonate made with, 1 209, 258 iO ees cathode for, made with, eet: th, 1,473,966 —,— — copper oxi e electrode for, made wi —,ammonium chlorplatinate made _ with, 1,366,559; 1,486,955; 1,496,527 1 347,158 — , battery contg., electrolyte of, 1,370,054; 1 370,055; 1,370 (056 —,ammonium cyanate made with, 1,221,506 — , battery depolarizing ; mixture contg., 1,891,211 —,ammonium hydroxide made with, 1,238, 916 —,ammonium magnesium chloride made with, —,battery electrolyte _contg., 1 334, 849; 1 276,499 1 006,977; 1,395,281; 1,395,282; 1 ‘397, 183; —, ammonium perchlorate made with, 1,273,477; 1,425 ‘573: 1 ‘434, 469; 1,487,553; 1,445, 503 1 020,160; 1,453,984 —, ammonium phosphate ((NH,)2HPO.), made with, 1,251,742 —,—, ((NH,).PO,), made with, 1,251,742 —, ammonium silicate made with, 1,270, 093 —,ammonium sulfate made with, 1 194, 354; it 420,128; 1,420,129 —, ammonium sulfide from, barium sulfide for, 1 ,378,093 —, aniline black made with, 1,157,908 —,antimony sulfide made with, 1,261,023 —,antiseptic made with, 1,276,119 —, arsenic compounds prepared with, 1,425,930 —, battle- ship, packing “for water-tight compart- ment of, made with, 1,235,220 — bearing made with, 1,185,220 -—, bedding, fireproof, made with, 1,165,062 —,belting made with, 1,180,902 —, N .N '_Big(4-amino-1-naphthyl) -m-benzene- disulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N’-Bis(4-Amino- 1-naphthyl)-2. 6-naph- thalenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —,N.N '_Bis(4-Amino-2-sulfo-1-naphthyl)-m- benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N'-Bis(4-amino- 6-sulfo-1-naphthyl) -m- benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,422,818 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 495 Ammonium chloride, N.N’-Bis(4-amino 7- Ammonium chloride, coffer dam, interlining for, sulfo-1-naphthyl)-m-benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,235,220 made with, 1,442,818 —,coke, treatment of with composition contg., —, N.N’-Bis(4-amino-8-sulfo-1-naphthyl)-m- 1,493,403 benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, compressed, producing, 1,337,665 —, block, building, contg., 1,305,993 —, copper made with, 1,185,902; 1,485,909 —, brake shoe composition ingredient, 1,429,358 —,copper, aluminum coated, made with, —, brass, crystallizing surface of, using, 1,207,910 1,155,974 —,—, electrodeposition of, using, 1,515,042 —,—, electrodeposition of, using, 1,515,042 —,—, etching of, with, 1,276,599 —,—, etching of with, 1,276,599 —,—,—, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; —,—,etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,bread made with, 1,151,526; 1,158,933; —,—,1ron, compound body of and made using, 1,213,210; 1,325,327 1,180,248 ; 1,180,249 —,cadmium sulfide made with, 1,261,023 ——-, 4 using, 1,484,690 —,calcium chloride made with, 1,262,939 * —,—, steel, compound body of and made using, —,carbohydrate phosphoric acid esters made 1,180,248; 1,180,249 with, 1,129,321 —, —, —, using, 1,484,690 —, carbohydrate phosphoric acid esters calcium —;,copper compound, sand, removal from of, salt of, made with, 1,129,321 using, 1,173,385 —,carbon, leached with zinc chloride and, —,copper(ous) chloride made with, 1,185,902 1,292,254 —, copper hydroxide made with, 1,135,785 —,carbon brush, electric connection to, made —~, copper sulfide made with, 1,261,023 using, 1,485,942 if —,cotton, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, —, carbon dioxide made with, 1,209,258 1,181,905; 1,181,906 — ; —,carbon monoxide, absorption of, using, —,cotton fabric, silk-like finish for, made with, 1,196,101 1,132,001 —,—,hydrogen, removal from of using, —,Ccoumarone resins washed with, 1,413,558 1,196,101 : —, dentifrice made with, 1,470,794 —, carbon remover contg., 1,292,903 —, depolarizing mixture contg., 1,331,213 —,case hardening using, 1,495,446 —, detergent contg., 1,133,639; 1,151,257 —,catalyst made with, 1,314,952 —,die plate made with, 1,376,365; 1,376,366; —,catalyst, nickel as, made with, 1,165,956; 1,376,367; 1,376,368 ; 1,376,369 1,327,396 —, diphenylguanidine made with, 1,422,506 —,—,(for nitric acid’ mfr.), made with, —,@g-diphenylguanidine made with, 1,422,506 1,347,158; 1,347,159; 1,347,160 —,dry battery contg., 1,358,334; 1,858.350; - —,—, urea made with, 1,274,503; 1,292,019 1,361,499; 1,380,034; 1,406,429; 1,480,726; —, catalyst in diphenylamine mfr., 1,422,494 1,430,727 —,cattle feed made with, 1,265,227 —, dry cell exciter, use of as, 1,448,110 —, celluloid, decorating of using, 1,235,037 —,dyeing cellulose acetate in presence of, —,celluloid substitute made with, 1,245,976; 1,378,448 1,245,983; 1,245,984 —, dyeing moleskins with, 1,384,446 —,cellulose, fireproofing of with, 1,318,523; —,electrolyte contg., 1,291,310; 1,371,466; 1,318,524 1,376,365; 1,876,366; 1,376,367; 1,376,368; —,cement contg., 1,456,667 1,376,369 —,—, waste asbestos and, 1,365,077 —, electrode of copper oxide and, 1,366,559 —,cement, electric conducting, made with, —, electrolyte contg., 1,273,432 1,468,930 —,—,electromotive force developed by, —, cement composition contg., 1,404,060 1,427,011 —,cerium made with, 1,273,223 —,electrolyte etching, contg., 1,289,022; —,cerium chloride dehydrated with, 1,289,079 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —, China grass, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, —,emulsion, light-sensitive, made with, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 1,252,800 —, chloride dehydrated with, 1,289,079 —, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,239,112 —,chrome yellow made with, 1,484,088 —, enamel remover contg., 1,133,639 —, cloth, fireproofing of with, 1,318,523; 1,318,524 —,engine, internal combustion, coating for —, club-rush, treatment of using, 1,162,191 cylinder of, contg., 1,292,903 : —,coal, anthracite, treatment of with, compo- —,—, internal scored cylinders of, repairing of sition contg., 1,493,403 using, 1,169,658 —,—, bituminous, treatment of with composi- —,etching, electrolyte for, contg., 1,273,432; tion contg., 1,493,403 1,288,775 —,coal distillation product, 1,397,264 —,excelsior substitute, fireproof, made with, —,coal gas, recovery from of, apparatus for, 1,165,062 1,487,768 —,explosive made with, 1,320,160; 1,457,709; —,—,—, process for, 1,487,768 1,509,393 —, coating for cylinders contg., 1,292,903 —, explosive, explosion temperature of reduced —, cobalt hydroxide made with, 1,135,785 by, 1,445,378 496 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonium chloride, fabric, dyeing with sulfur Ammonium chloride, hemp, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181 905 ; 1,181 ,906 * dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,—, fireproofing ‘of using, 1,388, 824; 1,388,827 —,hydrochloric acid made with, 1,194,354; —,— , waterproofing of using, 1 388, 824: Ly '388 827 1,420,128; 1,420,129 —, feathers, dyeing with sulfur dye ‘of using, —,hydrocyanic acid contg., separation from of, 1 ,181,905 ; 1,181,906 1,804,745 —, fertilizer made with, 1,166,104; 1,225,825; —,hydrogen, carbon monoxide, removal of 1,251,742 from, using, 1,196,101 —, fertilizer, explosive, contg., 1,808,453 —,a-hydroxy-acids made with, 1,479,874 —, fertilizer contg., preparing, 1 A18, 618 —,a-hydroxy-isobutyric acid made _ with, —, ' fiber, animal dyeing with sulfur dye of 1,479,874 using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,p-hydroxyphenyl-stibnic acid made with, —,— _ vegetable, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,260,707 1,181 905; 1,181,906 — , p-hydroxyphenyl-stibnic acid, alkali salt of, —, fibers liberated by alkalies and, 1,345,776 made with, 1,260,707 —, filament made with, 1,180,902 —,—, ammonium salt of, made with, 1,260,707 —, film dye contg., 1,303,506 —, hypochlorous acid, action of on, 1 378, 644 —, finish remover made with, 1,167,641 —,ice made with, 1,460, 646 —., fire extinguisher made with, 1,248,092 —, insulating composition contg., 1,456,667 — fireproofing made with, -1,248,092; 1,318,523; —,insulation, heat, made with, - 1,170,488; 1 318,524 _ 1,456,667 —, fireproofing composition contg., 1,338,322 — , Iron, aluminum coated, made with, te 155, 974 —,fireproofing process using, 1,388,824; —,— ,coating of using, 1,155,317; 1,168 664 ; 1,388,827 1 183 217 —,flax, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, —,—,copper, compound body of and made 1,181,905; 1,181,906 using, 1,180,248; 1,180,249 —, floor covering made with, 1,245,984 —,—,copper coating on, using, 1,484,690 —, flotation of minerals with, 1,397,703 —, —, galvanizing of - using, 1,133, 628; 1, 140,898 ; —, flux, soldering, contg., 1,293,823; 1,453,080 1,315,779 —, fog screen contg., 1,858,084 —,—, lead alloy coated, made with, 1,189,373 —, formation of, 1,378,595; 1,464,990; 1,464,991 —,—, Jead coated, made using, 1,189,373; —,—, benzene sulfonate chloride and ammonia 1,285,511 for 1 267,160 —,—, nickel coating on, using, 1,484,690 —_—,— ethyl chloride and ammonia for, 1,357,160 —,—, polishing of, using, 1,216,643 —,—,in blast furnaces, calcium chloride for —,—,rust, removal. of from, using, 1,216,643 iy aamieven 1,344,770 —,—,Tusting of, made with, 1,215,471 ,in electrolyte for iron purification, —,—, tin alloy coated, made. using, 1,189,373 iy ‘490, 128; 1,420,129 —,—,tin coated, made with, 1,242 532 ei tial’ liquid, made with, 1,501,383 —,—, treatment of using, 1.241, 112; 1,241,113 —,—, nitrogenous, treated to recover, 1,386,723 —,zine alloy coated, made using, 1,189,373 —,—, treatment of with composition contg., —,—, zine coated, made using, 1,189,373 1 493, 403 —, iron compound, sand, removal from of, using, a , furs, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1 173,385 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,iron hardening solution contg., 1,351,961 —,gelatin purified with, 1,457,466 —, ‘iron hydroxide made with, 1,135,785 —,germicide made with, 1,276,119 —,lron mercury plated with, 1,413,343 —, glass made with, 1,482,389 —,iron retorts coated with aluminum by, —,glass coloring made with, 1,277,172 1,454,708 —,glauconite water softening compound re- -—, iron sulfide made with, 1,261,023 generated by, 1,348,977 —,iron(ous) sulfide, action on of, 1,287,634 —, gold, electrodeposition of using, 1,515,042 —,lvory substitute made with, 1,245 976 —,—, production of using, 1,176,858 —,jute, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, —,—,recovery of using, 1, 176 858 1,181,905; 1,181,906 — golf ball made with, 1,240 439 —, lacquer, made with, 1,187,231 glue made with, 1,285,474 —, Lalande, depolarizer for conte.., 1,468,234 Ly rnphite brush, electric connection to, made — ‘lamp, vapor, electric, made with, 1,176 630 with, 1,485,942 —,lead made with, -1,185,902; 1 441 063; —, grass, treatment of using, 1,162,191; 1,189,756 1 485,909 —,greensand treated with for potash mfr., —, lead, iron coated with, made using, 1,452,186 i, 189, 373; 1,285,511 —,gum, artificial made with, 1,225,749; —,—, metal coated with, made using, 1,189,373 1,225,750 —.— ‘ refining of, using, 1,285 ll —,hair, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, —,—,steel coated with, made using, 1,189,373; 1 181,905; 1,181,906 1,285,511 — , heater, chemical, made with, 1,502,744 —,lead alloy, iron coated with, made — heat ‘producing compound made with, with, 1,189,373 1 481,208 —,—, metal coated with, made using, 1,189,373 INDEX OF Ammonium chloride, lead alloy, steel coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —,lead chloride made with, 1,185,902; 1,441,063 —, "lead chromate made with, 1,484, 088 —; ‘lead hydroxide made with, 1,135, 785 —, ‘lead sulfate made with, 1 185 902 —, lead sulfide made with, 1,261,023 —,lead sulfide ores treated with, 1,441,072 —, leather, artificial, made with, 1,180,902 —, leucite treated with for potash mfr., 1,452,186 —,linoleum substitute made with, 1,245,978; 1,245,984 —, liquors contg., working up, 1,398,135 —, lubricant made with, 1,181,976 —., lubricating oil, fireproof made with, 1,181,976 —,Mmagnesium made with, 1,457,225 —, magnesium ammonium chloride made with, 1,301,766 —,magnesium carbonate (basic), made with, 1,163,475 —, magnesium chloride made with, 1,473,966 —-,magnet core made with, 1,506,246 —, manganese dioxide made with carbonate in presence of, 1,348,390 —, manganese dioxide purified with, 1,343,585; 1 402,285; 1,430,726 —, Manganese dioxide, with, 1,518,637 —, manganese dioxide settled from suspensions by, 1,293,463 —, mfr. of, air for, 1,484,932 “recovered,” treated —,—, aluminum fluoride fOr Silo, 155: 1 ATS, 156; 1,475,157; 1,475,158 —,—, aluminum hydroxide for, 1,475,155; 1 475, 156; 1,475,157; 1,475,158 _—,—, ammonia for, 1 249 4739; 1,453,060; 1 464, 990; 1 473,966 ; 1,484,932; 1,488,002; 1,491 672; 1,492,661 —,—, ammonia, liquid for, 1,499,001; 1,499,002 —,—,ammoniacal gas liquor for, 1,475,155; 1,475,156; 1,475,157; 1,475,158 —,—, ammonium bicarbonate for, 1,488,002 —,—,ammonium carbonate for, 1,473 966 —,—,ammonium fluoride for, 1,475,155; 1,475,156: 1,475,157; 1,475,158 —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,238,916; 1,464,990; 1,471,926; 1,475,155; 1,475,156; Lato.15¢; ‘475, 158; 1,489,360 —,—, ammonium magnesium chloride for, 1,276,499 —,—,apparatus for, 1,137,524; 1,471,926; 1,488,002; 1,491,486 —,—, by-product from ammonia-soda process, 1,359,097 ,—, calcium oxide for, 1,137,524 —,—, carbon for, 1,137,524; 1,484,932 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,249 739; 1,484,932 ; 1,488,002; 1,491,672; 1 ‘492 661 —,—, carbon monoxide for, 1,484,932 —, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,499,001 —,—, charcoal for, 1,137,524 — —, chloroform for, 1,499,001 —,—, coke for, 1,137,524 —,—,coke-oven by-product ammonia liquor for; 1,491.486 —,—, cyanogen for, 1,194,354 —,—, dichlor-methane for, 1,499,001; 1,499,002 32 SUBJECTS 497 Ammonium chloride, mfr. of, fuels for, 1,367,082 —,—,gas, destructive distillation, for, 1,471,926 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,137,524; 1,194,354; 1,473,966; 1,484,932; 1,489,360 —, —, hydrofluoric acid for, 1,464,990; 1,475,155; . palate 1,475,157; 1,475,158 —, hydrogen for, 1,484,932; 1,505,065 —;,—; iron (ic) chloride for, 1,489, 360 —,—, iron ore for, 1,489, 360 —,—, lime for, 1 491 672 —,—, limestone for, 1,491,672 —,—, Magnesium 1,301,766 —,—,niter cake for, 1,475,156 ‘ —,—, nitrogen for, 1,137,524; 1,484,932; 1,492,661 ammonium chloride for, —,—, process for, 1,137,524; 1,194,354; 1,207,567; 1,238,916; 1,249,739; 1,897,264; 1,464,990; 1,471,926; 1,473,966; 1,475,155; 1,475,156; » 1 ‘75, “157: 1,475,158; 1,484,932; 1,488, 002: Aa AS ‘489, 360; 1,491,486; 1,491,672; 1,492,661; 1 ‘499, 001: 1,499,002 —,— sodium bisulfate for, 1,475,156 —,—, ‘sodium carbonate for, 1,464,990 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1 238, 916; 1,249,739; 1,464,990; 1,475,155; 1 AD, 156; 1 AT, 157; 1,475,158: 1,484,932; 1 ‘488, O02 sid ‘491, 672; 1,492,661 —,—,sodium nitrate for, 1,475,156; 1,475,157; 1,475,158 —,sodium salt for, 1,475,156; 1,475,157 —,sodium sulfate for, 1,475,156; 1,475,157 —,— ’ sulfuric acid for, 1,484, 932 —,—, ’ tellurium dioxide for, 1,315,229 —,—,water for, 1,484,932 —,—, ‘ water gas ‘for, 1,484, 932; 1,491,672 —,—, zeolite, sodium, for, 1,238 916 —, mercury bichloride tablet made 1 204,794 —,mercury sulfide made with, 1,261,023 —, metal, etching of with, 1,276, 599 —,—, lead alloy coated, made using, 1,189,373 —,—, lead coated, made using, 1,189, 373 —,—, tin alloy coated, made using, 1, 185,373 with, —, zinc alloy coated, made using, 1 189, 373 —,—, zinc coated, made using, 1,189, 373 —, metal chloride dehydrated with, 1,289,079 —, ’ metal sulfide made with, 1,261 023 — ’ metamorphous, producing by pressure, 1 337,065 — , methylamine made with, 1,297,685 —, N-methyl-aniline made with, 1,221, 077 —,methyl 4-quinolyl ketone made with, 1 ,145,487 — ,methyl- 6-methyl-4-quinolyl ketone made with, 1,145,487 —, misch-metal made with, 1,273,223 . — ‘ naphthylenediamine derivatives prepared with, 1,442,818 —, nickel, catalyst, made with, 1,165,956 —,—, coating with, using, 1,207,218 —,—,etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840 ; DS14,841 gan) 914,842 —,—, iron, using, 1 ‘484, 690 —,—, ’ steel, using, 1,484, 690 — ’ nickel, catalyst prepared from nickel salts and, 1,327,396 —, nickel hydroxide made with, 1,135,785 498 Ammonium chloride, nitric acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,347,158; 1,347,159; 1,347,160 —, nitrogen chloride made with, 1,367,530 —, nitrogen in fuels for production of, 1,367,082 —,nitrogen trichloride made with, 1,367,530; 1,373,644 —,nutrient in cellulose fermentation, 1,443,881 —,obturating material made with, 1,192,662; 1,235,220 —,oil well cleaned with, 1,825,293 —,ores agglomerated with, 1,428,061 —, packing made with, 1,170,488 —,paint made with, 1,225,105 —, paint, cement, made with, 1,510,795 —,—, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092; 1,444,051 —,—, waterproof, contg., 1,444,051 —, paint remover contg., 1,133,639 —,paper, fireproof, sizing for, 1,248,092 —, paper coloring of with, 1,277,172 —,paracoumarone made with, 1,413,558 —,paraindene made with, 1,413,558 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made _ with, 1,187,231; 1,225,749; 1,225,750 —,phenolphthalein alkali carbonate compound decomposed by, 1,357,482 —,phenyl-4-quinolyl] ketone 1,145,487 —,phenyl-stibnic acid made with, 1,260,707 —,phenyl-stibnic acid, sodium salt of, made with, 1,260,707 —, phenyl-stibnic 1,260,707 —,phenolite treated with for potash mfr., 1,452,186 —, photographic emulsion, self-toning, prepared with, 1,454,209 —, pigment made with, 1,484,088 made with, made with, oxychloride made _ with, —,plastic made with, 1,170,038; 1,180,902; 1,245,984 —,plate, printing, made with, 1,252,800; 1,276,599 —, platinum, precipitation of with, 1,315,660 —,—, platinum coating for aluminum applied with, 1,274,995 —,platinum coating for metal applied with, 1,274,995 —, platinum sponge made with, 1,309,623 —, polish contg., 1,216,648 —, porcelain, coloring of with, 1,277,172 —, potassium bicarbonate, separation of from, 1,221,506 —, potassium chlorate made with, 1,247,619 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,247,619 —, potassium compound made with, 1,247,619 —, potassium compound recovered by, 1,344,830 —, potassium hydroxide made with, 1,247,619 —, potassium mercuric iodide stabilized with, 1,276,119 —, printing, aluminum base for, grain screen for, made with, 1,265,641 —,—, copper base for, grain screen for, made with, 1,265,641 —,—,intaglio, grain screen for, made with, 1,265,641 | UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonium chloride, printing, lithographic, grain screen for, made with, 1,265,641 —,—,plate, grain screen for, made 1,265,641 —,—,stone base for, grain screen for, made with, 1,265,641 —,—, zinc base for, grain screen for, made with, 1,265,641 —, projectile retarding material made with, 1,192,662 - —,propanetriol made with, 1,368,023 —,pyrolusite leached with zine chloride and, 1,292,254. —,ramie, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,rare earth chloride 1,289,079 —,reclaiming from dry batteries, 1,374,003 —,recovery from ammonia-soda_ process, 1,398,135 —,recovery from ammonia-soda process solu- tions of, apparatus for, 1,416,772; 1,519,476 —,recovery from gas, 1,346,967 —,recovery of from mine waste, 1,369,350 —,recovery from sal-ammoniac skimmings, 1,403,060 —,recovery from solution of, apparatus for, 1,416,772; 1,519,476 —, recovery of, 1,386,278; 1,464,990 —,—, apparatus for, 1,455,299 —,—, coke oven gas for, 1,309,143 —,—, illuminating gas for, 1,809,143 —,—., producer gas for, 1,809,143 —,refrigerator car, interlining for, made with, 1,235,220 —,resins, fusible, made with, 1,259,347 —,—, soluble, made with, 1,259,347 —,rhea, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,rifle barrel, cupro-nickel fouling in, using, 1,484,690 —, rubber article, inflated, made using, 1,480,376 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,180,902 —,rust made with, 1,215,471 —,sand, color removed from, using, 1,173,385 —,—, copper, removal of from, using, 1,173,385 — —,iron, removal of from, using, 1,173,385 —,shoe filler made with, 1,227,696 —, silicic acid made with, 1,270,093 —,silk, artificial, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 ' —,—,—,viscose, precipitation of, 1,893,198; 1,399,587; 1,509,338 —,—, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; with, dehydrated — with, using, 1,181,906 —,—, weighting of, using, 1,238,307 —,silver made with, 1,185,902; 1,441,063; 1,485,909 —,silver, electrodeposition of, using, 1,515,042 —,silver chloride made with, 1,185,902 —,silver chloride image treated with, 1,331,092 —,silver sulfide made with, 1,261,023 —,sludge sulfonic acid, treatment of with, 1,211,721 —,smoke clouds of, characteristics of, 1,433,732 —,sodium bicarbonate made with, 1,221,506 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Ammonium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, sepa- ration of from, 1,221,506; 1,484,932 —,sodium chloride, separation of 1,221,506; 1,898,135; 1,416,772 —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,416,772; 1,519,476 —,sodium chloride purified with, 1,475,563 —,sodium hydroxide made with, 1,249,314 —,sodium hydroxide neutralized with, 1,378,128 _ —,sodium tungstate made with, 1,899,705 —, solder contg., 1,357,297 --, ‘solder, aluminum, contg., 1,256,285 from, ~~ ' soldering compound contg., 1,261,209 ; 1,327 ,620 —, soldering flux contg., 1,401,154; 1,428,088; 1,435,780; 1,444,946 —,—, glycerol, zine sulfate and, 1,357,871 —, solubility in water of, 1,221,506 —, starch, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 — ‘steel, coating of using, 1,155 pl7; 1,168, 664 ; 1, 183 217 —,—, copper, compound body of and made using, 1,180,248; 1,180,249 —,—, copper coating on, using, 1,484,690 —,—,etching of with, 1,276,599 —,—,etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,814,841; 1,314,842 —,—,lead alloy coated, made using, 1,189,373; 1,285,511 —,—, galvanizing of using, 1,133,628; 1,140,890 —,—, hardening of, using, 1,198,744 —,—, nickel coating on, using, 1,484,690 —,—, quenching of, solutions contg., 1,304,946 —,—, tin alloy coated, made using, 1,189,373 —,—,treatment of using, 1,151,049; 1,241,112 —,—,zine alloy coated, made using, 1,189,373 —,—, zine coated, made using, 1,189,373 —,steel alloy made with, 1,506,246 —,steel etched using, 1,876,365; 1,376,367; 1,876,368 ; 1,376,369 —,steel tempered using, 1,243,899; 1,344,658 —,steel tempering compound contg., 1,344,658 1,376,366 ; —,steel tempering composition contg., 1,296,951 —,stencil made with, 1,376,365; 1,376,366; 1,376,367; 1,376,368; 1,376,369 —, stone, artificial, contg., 1,456,667 —, straw, treatment of using, 1,162,191; 1,189,756 —,sulfide ore lixiviated with, 1,441,063; 1,441,065 —,sulfur made with, 1,485,909 —, telegraph tape moistened by, 1,350,790 —, thread made with, 1,180,902 —, tin, iron coated with, made with, 1,242,532 —,tin alloy, iron coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —,—, metal coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —,—,steel coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —,tinning compound contg., 1,431,395 —, tinning flux contg., 1,431,895 —,tin-plating electrolyte contg., 1,426,678 —, titanium separated from iron by, 1,357,690 —,urea made with, 1,221,506 —, urea, separation of from, 1,221,506 —, varnish made with, 1,187,231 —, varnish, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,varnish remover contg., 1,133,639 —, vegetable glue made with, 1,378,128 499 Ammonium chloride, vegetable matter, treat- ment of, using, 11,189, 756 —, vessel, packing for watertight compartment of, made using, 1,235,220 —, viscose coagulated with, 1,382,947 —,viscose precipitating bath contg., 1,399,587 —, viscose silk treated with, 1,375,823; 1,875,824 —, viscose treated with, 1,140,174 —, water, mineral, made with, 1,213,210 —, waterproofing made with, 1,180,902 —, waterproofing process using, 1,388,827 —, wood, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1, 181 905; 1,181,906 —,— fireproofing of with, 1,318,523; 1,318,524 —, wood coloring of with, 1,277,172 —, yeast made with, 1,475,494 —, yeast food made with, 1,213,210; 1,519,801 —, zine made with, 1,185,902 —, zine, electrodeposition of, using, 1,515,042 —,—, etching of with, 1,276,599 —,—,etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,—,iron coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —,—, metal coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —,—, steel coated with, made using, 1,189, 373 —,zine alloy, iron coated with, made using, 1 ,189,373 —,—, metal coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —,—, steel coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —, zinc carbonate made with, 1,185,902 —,zinc chloride made with, 1,185,902; 1,352,399 —,zinc chloride, action of on paper prevented _by, 1,487,553 compound with of, 1,261,696 ~— , zinc-coating metals with, 1,407,067 —,zine electroplated from solutions contg., i 419,839 —, zinc sulfide made with, 1,261,023 Biede also Sal-ammoniac Ammonium chlorpalladinate, catalyst, hydro- genation, made with, 1,171,902 Ammonium chlorpalladinate, cotton seed oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for made with, 1,171,902 —_ , hydrogenation, 1,17 1,902 Ammonium chlorplatinate, battery, dry, depo- larizer for, made with, 1,288,722 —, formation of, 1,347, 158 —,— _chlorplatinic acid for, 1,315,660 —, "nitric acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,347,158; 1,347,159; 1,847,160 —, platinum_coating for aluminum applied with, 1,274,995 —,platinum coating for metal applied with, 1,274,995 —, platinum sponge made with, 1,309,623 —,see also Platinum ammonium chloride Ammonium chromate, antifreeze mixture contg., 1,405,320 —, calcium chromate made with, 1,326,123; 1 429,001 — catalyst, for the mfr. of hydrogen, made with 1,330,772 — hydrogen, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,330,772 1,388,824 ; catalyst for, made _ with, 500 UNITED STAT Ammonium chromate, mfr. of, alkali dioxide. for, 1,326,123 —,—,ammonia for, 1,326,123 —,-—, carbon dioxide for, 1,826,123 —,—, process for, 1,326,123 —,—,—,sodium chromate for, 1,326,123 —,photographic material hardened with, 1,424,062 —, stencil, metallic, made with, 1,311,275 —,tire made with, 1,200,296 —, wood preservative contg., 1,265,370 Ammonium chromium alum, see “Ammonium chromium sulfate Ammonium chromium sulfate, preparation of, 1,403,960 Ammonium citrate, ammonium phosphate, ((NH;)eHPO:,), made with, 1,251,742 —,—, ((NH,)sP0,), made with, 1,251, 742 —, ammonium potassium phosphate (K(NH.) HPO,), made with, 1,357,120 —, anti-static photographic - film 1 431,900; 1,484,453 —, blue print paper made with, 1,500,433 —,candy contg., 1,450,865 —, catalyst, urea made with, 1,292,019 —, condenser electrolyte for contg., 1,270,784 —, confection contg., 1,450,865 —,electrolyte contg., 1,390,505 —,electrolyte for iron purification 1,420,128; 1,420,129 —,electrolytic cell 1,270,784 —, fertilizer made with, 1,251,742 —, ‘film, photographic, made with, 1,431,900; 1 434 (453 contg., electrolyte for —, lead grid for storage battery treated with, ’ ™ contg., © ES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonium compound, caoutchouc composition contg., 1,437,487 — , case-hardening using, 1,152,959 —, cellulose made with, 1,509, 273 a cellulose fibers made with, 1,509,273 —, cellulose nitrate made with, 1,509,273 —,cryolite, artificial, made with, 1,511,561 —,fertilizer made with, 1,128,446; 1,139,778; 1,144,905 —,formation in blast furnaces, calcium chlo- ride for causing, 1,344,770 —, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,247,060 —,—, benzine for, 1,251 954 —,—, calcium compound for, 1,251,954 —,—,coal for, 1,251,954 | —,—, hydrogen for, 1,251,954 —,—, peat for, 1 145, 095; 1,251,954 —,—, pitch for, 1,251 954 —,—, process for, 1 247, 060; 1,251,954 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,247, 060 mis tari for, Lost 954 —,—, tobacco for, 1,247,060 —,—, tobacco stems for, 1,247,060 —,—, vegetable matter for, 1251 954 —,—,wood for, 1,251,954 —, nitrates made with, 1,286,838 ; 1,288,755: 1,288,756 —, paper made with, 1,509,273 1,288,754 ; —, peeled fruit treated with, 1,453,781 —., phenol aldehyde condensate made with, contg., <3 1126926 —,recovery of, apparatus for, 1,215,300 r—,—, gas for, 1,215,300; 1,346, 967 >" peat for, 1,445,423 -—, —, process for, 1,215 300 1,304, 192 —,—, producer gas for, 1,215,300 ne lightning aarentes electrolyte for contg., Tac molds coating composition contg., aie contg., 1,450,865 ao , starch ethers n made with, 1,350,820 —,photographic material hardened with, RE, tungsten filament made W em 1,424,062 ~ sient Mea accelerator, 1,510,6 — pill contg 1.450.865 S\ —, water, removal from of, process for, 1,499,492 ay powder conte. 1,450,865 “) —,—,—, zeolite, artificial, for, 1,499, 492 —,rust removed by, 1,459,910 —, tablet contg., 1,450,865 —, viscose protected against mercerizing ac- tion of sodium hydroxide by, 1,392,833 —, ((NH.)2H), condenser, electrolyte for contg., 1 ,266,557 —,— lightning arrester, electrolyte for contg., 1, 266, 557 i rectifier, electrolyte for contg., 1,266,557 —, i (NH,)H,), condenser, electrolyte for contg. é 1 5,266,557 —,—, lightning arrester, electrolyte for contg., 1,266,557 —,— , rectifier, electrolyte for contg., 1,266,557 —, ((NHL)s), condenser, electrolyte for contg., 1 266,557 —, — lightning arrester, electrolyte for contg., 1 266 oT —,— rectifier, electrolyte for contg., 1,266,557 Ammonium compound, adhesive made with, 1,287,841 — battery, primary, made with, 1,484,781 —,brine treated for recovery of, 1 386, 244 ) 2 Ammonium copper alginate, mfr. of, process for, 1,162,926 Ammonium copper chloride, see Copper am- monium chloride Ammonium copper(ic) chloride, heater, chem- ical, made with, 1,502,744 Ammonium copper compounds, ammonium see Copper —,see also Copper ammonium compounds; Cuprammonium Ammonium copper cyanide, ammonium sulfate made from, 1,413,762; 1,413,763 —, formation of, 1 413, 762: 1 13, 763 — ’ hydrocyanic acid from, ‘1 413 763 Ammonium copper hydroxide, see Cuprammo- nium hydroxide Ammonium copper sulfate, Japanese lacquer dried with, 1,429,542 —,see also Copper ammonium sulfate Ammonium copper sulfide, battery, electric, contg., 1,316,760 Ammonium cupric oxide cellulose, see Cupram- monum cellulose . INDEX OF SUBJECTS Ammonium cupro-cyanide, see Ammonium cop- per cyanide Ammonium cyanamide, copper made with, 1,352,177; 1,352,179 —,mfr. of, ammonium carbonate for, 1,352,177; 1,352,179 —,—, calcium 1,352,179 —,—, process for, 1,352,177: 1,352,179 —, preparation of, 1,852,177; 1,352,179 Ammonium cyanate, mfr. of, acetylene for, 1,144,457 —,—,ammonia for, 1,144,457 —,—,ammonium bicarbonate for, 1,221,506; 1,241,919; 1,241,920 —,—,ammonium carbonate 1,241,920 —,—, ammonium chloride for, 1,221,506 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,144,457 cyanamide cyanamide for, 1,352,177; for, 1,241,919; —,barium cyanate for, 1,241,919; 1,241,920 —,—, calcium carbide for, 1,144,457 —,—,chromium as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —,—, chromium nitride as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —,—, cobalt as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —,—, cobalt nitride as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —,-—=, copper as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —, copper alloy as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —,—, copper nitride as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —,—,gold as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —,—-,gold nitride as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —,—, iridium as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —, iridium nitride as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —,—, iron as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —,iron nitride as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —,—, Manganese as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —,—,Manganese nitride as_ catalyst 1,144,457 —,—, palladium as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —,—, palladium nitride as catalyst for, 1,144,457 eof wv oN _ “ v_ ~ wu ~) ~ for, —,—,potassium cyanate ffor, 1,241,919; 1,241,920 —,—,process for, 1,144,457; 1,221,506 , 1,241,919; 1,241,920 —,—,rhodium as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —,—, rhodium nitride as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —,—,silver as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —,—,silver nitride as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,221,506 —,—, sodium cyanate for, 1,221,506 —,—,zine alloy as catalyst for, 1,144,457 —, urea made with, 1,241,919; 1,241,920 | Ammonium cyanide, bactericide made with, 1,227,454 —, calcium hydroxide, action of on, 1,349,750 —,coal gas, recovery from of, apparatus for, 1,487,768 —,—,—, process for, 1,487,768 —, copper made with, 1,178,081 —, formation of, 1,349,750 —, fungicide made with, 1,227,454 —,gold made with, 1,178,081; 1,233,363 —,mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,125,208; 1,291,660 —,—, coke retort gas for, 1,125,208 —,—,nitrogen for, 1,125,208 —,—, process for, 1,125,208 | —, metal, precious, made with, 1,233,363 —,recovery of, process for, 1,178,081 501 Ammonium cyanide, silver made with, 1,178,081 —, trees, bacteria exterminator for, made with, 1 227,454 —, —, fungi 1,227,454 Ammonium dichromate, catalyst made with, 1,814,952 —, photographie solution contg., 1,300,729 Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, see Ammo- nium (dihydrogen) phosphate Ammonium dimethyl-dithiocarbamate, vulcani- zation accelerator, 1,513,122 Ammonium dioxide, electroplating process em- ploying, 1,464,149 —, galvanizing process employing, 1,464,149 Ammonium disulfoxyarsenate, mfr. of, 1,424,006 Ammonium dithiocarbamate, vulcanizing accel- erator made with, 1,473,285 Ammonium ethy] xanthate, accelerator in rub- ber vulcanization, 1,440,962 ; 1,440,963 Ammonium ethyl xanthogenate, vulcanizing accelerator, 1,440,961 —, see also Ammonium ethyl-zanthate Ammonium fatty sulfonate, cellulose ether, composition of and, 1,217,028 —, ethyl cellulose, composition of and, 1,217,028 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —, hair, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 Ammonium ferrocyanide, aluminum oxide made with, 1,162,130 —,ammonium salts made with, 1,162,130 —,mir. of, carbonate for, 1,259,702 —,—, ¢yanogen for, 1,259,702 —,—, hydroxide for, 1,259,702 —,—, lluminating gas for, 1,259,702 —,—,1iron(ous) chloride for, 1,259,702 —,—,1ron(ous) hydroxide for, 1,259,702 —,—,1ron(ous) sulfate for, 1,259,702 —,—, process for, 1,259,702 —,sodium ferrocyanide made with, 1,252,742 Ammonium fluoride, acid, see Ammonium bi- fluoride —, aluminum fluoride made with, 1,300,110 —,ammonia made from, 1,426,890; 1,428,891 —,ammonium bifluoride from, 1,426,890 ; 1,426,891 —-,ammonium chloride made 1,475,156; 1,475,157; 1,475,158 —,ammonium nitrate made with, 1,511,561 —, ammonium phosphate ((NH:),HPO,), made with, 1,251,742 Sr) Sap ((NHiz):PO.), made with, 1,251,742 —, casein glue made with, 1,167,454 —, catalyst in titanium oxide crystallization, 1,389,191 —, clay, action on of, 1,300,110 —, cleaning compound contg., 1,266,713 —,cork preserved by, 1,448,276 —, cryolite, artificial, made with, 1,511,561 —,—, synthetic, made with, 1,475,155; 1,475,156; 1,475,157; 1,475,158 —, fertilizer made with, 1,251,742 —,formatian of, 1,426,890; 1,426,891 —, glass etching compound contg., 1,266,713 -—,glass etching paste made with, 1,470,772 exterminator for, made with, with, 1,475,155: 502 Ammonium fluoride, hydrochloric acid made ° with, 1,475,155; 1,475,156; 1,475,157; 1,475,158 —, a-hydroxy-acids made with, 1,479,874 —, kaolin, action on of, 1,300,110 —, mfr. of ammonia for, 1,235,552 —,—, apatite for, 1,235,552 —,—, bone for, 1,235,552 —,— , fluosilicic acid, for, 1,235,552 —,—, hydrofluoric acid for, 1,235,552 —, phosphate rock for, 1,235,552 —, process for, 1,235,552; 1,382,165 —,silicon tetrafluoride for, 1,235,552 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,235,552 —, metal polish contg., 1,266,713 —, molded article made with, 1,511,003 —,moth repellent made with, 1,494,085 —,paper preserved by, 1,448,276 —, potassium fluoride from, 1,800,110 —,sodium fluoride made with, 1,511,561 —, textile preserved by, 1,448,276 —,wood preserved by, 1,448,276 —, wool, moth repellent made with, 1,494,085 Ammonium fluosilicate, ammonium phosphate ((NH.).-HPO;), made with, 1,251,742 —,—, ((NH:)sPO.), made with, 1,251,742 —,bleaching composition contg., 1,434,551 —, fertilizer made with, 1,251,742 —,formation of, 1,426,890; 1,426,891 —,—,ammonium carbonate for, 1,357,025 —,—, potassium fluosilicate for, 1,347,025 —,—,process for, 1,357,025 Ammonium fluosulfonate, cork preserved by, 1,448,276 —, paper preserved by, 1,448,276 —, textile preserved by, 1,448,276 —, wood preserved by, 1,448,276 Ammonium formate, carbonaceous matter hy- drogenated with, 1,445,423 —,casein glue made with, 1,167,484 —, catalyst, urea made with, 1,292,019 —, colloidal suspensions prepared with, 1,444,257 —, dyeing in presence of, 1,879,381 —, electrolyte contg., 1,404,156 —,formation of, 1,423,753 —,formic acid made with, 1,185,028 —,mfr. of amalgam for, 1,185,028 —,—,ammonia for, 1,212,359 —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,185,028 —, apparatus for, 1,185,028; 1,466,626 —, blast furnace gas for, 1,466,626 —, carbon dioxide for, 1,185,028 —, carbon monoxide for, 1,212,359 —, charcoal for, 1,466,626 —,coal for, 1,466,626 —, coke for, 1,466,626 —, feldspar for, 1,466,626 —, glauconite for, 1,466,626 —, iron for, 1,466,626 —,—,iron production by-product, 1,466,626 —,mercury for, 1,185,028 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,466,626 —,platinum anode for, 1,185,028 —,—, potassium amalgam for, 1,185,028 —,—, potassium silicates for, 1,466,626 —, process for 1,185,028 ; 1,207,567 ; 1,212,359; 1,445,423;. 1,466,626; 1,466,628 —,—, silicates for, 1,466,626 ’ pb) ee) eat ; — NB Re RO RS Mme Se NeG NOT Nea "Sy | Ne ve «w u_ ~~ e_ _ Ammonium hydrochloride, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonium formate, mfr. of, sodium aluminate for, 1,466,626 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,466,626 —,—,sodium chloride for 1,466,626 —,—, sodium silicate for, 1,466,626 —,—,sodium, sulfate for, 1,466,626 —, potassium formate made with, 1,212,359 —, sodium formate made with, 1,212,359 Ammonium fumerate, succinic acid made with, 1,491,465 Ammonium gallate, candy contg., 1,450,865 —,confection contg., 1,450,865 —,lozenge contg., 1,450,865 —, pill contg., 1,450,865 —, powder contg., 1,450,865 —, tablet contg., 1,450,865 Ammonium gallotannate, ink contg., 1,449,067 Ammonium glycerophosphate, hide, bating of using, 1,170,426 —,skins, bating of using, 1,170,426 Ammonium glycocholate, ammonium silver glycocholate made with, 1,161,866 Ammonium glyoxylate, di-tartaric acid made with, 1,181,555 —, meso-tartaric acid made with, 1,181,555 —,tartrates made with, 1,181,555 Ammonium halide, germicide contg., 1,255,335 —,tetraiodo-hexamethylenetetramine solvent as solutions of, 1,255,335 Ammonium hydrate, see Ammonium hydroxide see Ammonium chloride Ammonium hydrogen phosphate, calcium cy- anamide and phosphoric acid made with, 1,360,401; 1,360,402 Amonnium hydrogen sodium phosphate, abra- sive, etching of using, 1,482,793 —, corundum, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,emery, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,garnet, etching of using, 1,482,793 —, quartz, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,sand, etching of using, 1,482,793 —, silica, etching of using, 1,482,793 —, silicon carbide, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,sodium metaphosphate made from, 1,407,441 —,see also Microcosmic salt Ammonium hydrogen sulfate, see Ammonium bisulfate Ammonium hydrosulfide, p-amino-benzoic acid made with, 1,458,715 —,anthranilic acid made 1,458,715; 1,492,664 —,formation of, 1,444,623 Ammonium hydrosulfite, fog screen contg., 1,358,084 “ Ammonium hydrozate,’ see Ammonium hy- droxide Ammonium hydroxide, abrasives, grading of using, 1,519,250 —, acetaldehyde, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,400,203; 1,400,247 —,acetic acid made with, 1,178,223 —,adhesive made with, 1,237,011; 1,244,463; 1,267,699 —,adhesive, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,adrenal gland principle precipitated with, 1,460,832 with, a INDEX OF SUBJECTS Ammonium hydroxide, airplane dope contg., 1,273,213; 1,395,016 —,albumose solution made with, 1,489,181 —,alcohol made with, 1,245,818 —,aldehyde, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,400,247 —,aldehyde ammonia compound made with, 1,456,702 —,alginates dissolved by, 1,415,850 —, alkali acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,alkali aluminum alginate made _ with, 1,162,926 —,alkali copper alginate made with, 1,162,926 —,alkali earth acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,alkali earth nitrate made with, 1,507,993 —,alkali nitrate made with, 1,507,993 —,alkali salts separated using, 1,510,046 —,alkali zine alginate made with, 1,162,926 —,alum made_with, 1,277,773 —,alumina made with, 1,494,835 —,aluminum, nickel plated, 1,147,718 —,aluminum chloride made with, 1,277,773 —,aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,274,145; made with, 1,280,636; 1,464,984; 1,493,320; 1,507,993; 1,512,897 —,—,aluminum hydroxide, catalyst, made with, 1,512,897 —,—,non-gelatinous, made with, 1,502,285 —,aluminum hydroxide _ precipitated by, 1,300,110; 1,333,020; 1,836,508; 1,368,392; 1,386,920 —,aluminum hydroxide prepared with, _ 1,395,902 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,162,130; 1,274,145; 1,277,773; 1,280,686; 1,802,852; 1,512,897 —,aluminum sulfate made with, 1,277,773 —,b-aminoanthraquinone made with, 1,255,719 —,2-aminoanthraquinone from, 1,338,363; 1,338,364; 1,340,603 —,4-amino-S-argento-thiosalicylic acid made with, 1,489,624 —, 4’-amino-4’-chlor-3.3’-dinitro-benzophenone made with, 1,166,808 —,amino compound for silk, degumming made with, 1,254,033 —,amino compound for skin, bating of, made with, 1,254,033 —,amino compound for turkey red dyeing made with, 1,254,033 —, 2-amino-1-hydroxy-benzene-4-sulfonamide made with, 1,325,841 —,ammonia made with, 1,208,242 —,ammonia, anhydrous, from, 1,822,251 —,—,catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,930; 1,386,555 —,ammonium benzyl phthalate made with, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —,ammonium benzyl succinate made with, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,ammonium (mono) borate made from, 1,336,272 —,ammonium carbonate made with, 1,154,145; 1,258,934; 1,360,248 503 Ammonium hydroxide, ammonium chloride made with, 1,238,916; 1,453,060; 1,464,990; 1,471,926; 1,475,155; 1,475,156; 1,475,157; 1,475,158: 1,489,360 —,ammonium cyanate made with, 1,144,457 —,ammonium formate made with, 1,185,028; 1,423,753 —,ammonium iron(ic) citrate made with, 1,508,448 —,ammonium mercury(ic) nitrate made with, 1,277,172 —,ammonium molybdate made with, 1,250,063 —,ammonium nitrate made with, 1,464,984; 1,494,835; 1,499,544 —,ammonium paratungstate made with, 1,277,475; 1,282,122 —,ammonium phosphate ((NH:)zHPO.), made with, 1,264,513; 1,264,514 aes ((NH.)H2POs), made with, 1,142,068 ; 1,151,074; 1,151,633; 1,167,788; 1,264,513; 1,264,514; 1,369,763 —,—, ((NH:)sPO.), made with, 1,252,318 —,ammonium picramate made with, 1,472,791 —,ammonium resinate made with, 1,223,480 1,311,965; 1,354,575 —,ammonium salt 1,160,836 ; 1,162,130 —,ammonium silver glycocholate made with, 1,161,866 —,ammonium sulfate made with, 1,152,244; 1,160,836; 1,294,526; 1,471,926; 1,489,360 —,ammonium sulfate, neutral, made with, 1,310,306; 1,860,785 —,ammonium sulfide made with, 1,502,213 —,ammonium sulfite made with, 1,160,836; 1,503,319 —,ammonium tungstate made with, 1,423,338 —,animal dip made with, 1,509,166 —,anti-dimming composition contg., 1,466,888 —,antimony, production of using, 1,150,787 —,antiseptic made with, 1,145,634; 1,226,394; 1,255,335 —,arsenates, production of using, 1,150,787 —,arsenic, production of using, 1,150,787 —,arsenic compound prepared with, 1,445,685 —., arsenic removed from sodium tungstate solu- tion with, 1,822,485 —., bis-N-(p-arsenopheny])-glycyl-m’-amino- phenol made with, 1,280,123 —, N-(arsinosophenyl)-glycyl-m'-aminophenol made with, 1,280,122 —, N-(p-arsinosopheny1)-a-phenyl-glycina- mide made with, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —,arsono-acetic made with, 1,445,685 —, N-(p-arsonophenyl) glycinanilide made with, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 — —,methyl N-(p-arsonophenyl) glycine made with, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —, N-(p-arsonopheny])-a-phenyl-glycinureide made with, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —, N-(p-arsonopheny])-a-phenyl-glycinureide made with, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —, N-(p-arsonopheny])-glycyl-m’-aminophenol made with, 1,280,121 —,asphalt emulsified with, Re-15,401 (956,009) —,audion, electron emitting cathode for, made with, 1,209,824 made with, 504 Ammonium hydroxide, bacteria compost made with, 1,254,366 —, bactericide made with, 1,145,634 —, ’ balata latex, chlorination of using, 1,491,265 — barium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1 ‘217 862 —, barium sulfate made with, 1,274, 145 —— ’ barley- -corn glumes, lupuline, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—,testilupine, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—,testin acid, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —, battery, copper oxide electrode for, electro- Nels for contg., 1,285,054 —,dry, made with, 1,267,620; Re-14,929; a ‘500, 027 —,— electric, contg., 1,316,760 —,—, electrolyte for contg., 1,285,054 —,—, Lalande, electrolyte for contg., 1,285,054 —,—, primary, made with, 1,484,781 —,—,storage, electrode for, made 1,175,954 —,—, zine electrode for, electrolyte for contg., 1,285,054 —, battery electrode made with, 1,438,086 —, beer made with, 1,149,704 —, beeswax, emulsions of made with, 1,185,213 —, beeswax saponified with, 1,415,850 —, belting made with, 1,180,902 —,benzene, hydrocarbon, naphthene, tion of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,—, parafiin, separation of from using, 1 520, 953 —,—,—, saturated, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,naphtha, petroleum, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—, purification of with, 1,276,284 with, separa- —,p-benzylphenyl carbamate made _ with, 1,252 452 --, binder made with, 1,201,301; 1,509,035 —, ’ bismuth acetyl-salicylate made with, 1 217,862 —, blood albumin glue contg., 1,459,541 —, board made with, 1,245,984 —,boneblack, revivifying of, using, 1,502,076 —,borax, potassium chloride, separation of from using, 1,505,078 —,—,sodium chloride, separation of from, using, 1,505,078 —, borax from sodium pentaborate and, mfr. of, 1,450,975 — boric acid from borax and, 1,450,975 —, bread made with, 1,190,827 — ’ briquett made with, 1,452 4992 —, building material, waterproofing of, using, 1 744156 -— butter substitute made with, 1,190,369 —,butylene glycol dinitrate made _ with, 1,307,033 —,butyric acid made with, 1,178,223 —, calcium, production of using, 1,150,787 —,—,tungsten alloy contg., made _ with, 1,486,214 —,calcium acetyl-salicylate made _ with, 1,217,862 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 . Ammonium hydroxide, calcium carbonate made with, 1,178,962; 1,252,318 —,calcium citrate solvent, 1,491,390 —, calcium hydroxide made with, 1,184,820 —, calcium hydroxide, mixing of, apparatus for, 1 324,979 —, calcium phosphate, acid, made with, 1,252,318 —,(Ca(H2PO,)2), made with, 1,252,318 —,caoutchouc, b.g.-dimethylerythrene, vulcani- zation of using, 1,149,580 —,—,erythrene, vulcanization of 1,149,580 —,—,isoprene, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 —,carbon, absorbent, made with, 1,519,470 —,—,decolorizing, made with, 1,479,851; 1,521,541 —,—,—, cleaned with, 1,308,826 —_—,—,— revivifying of using, 1,502,076 —,gas absorbing, made with, 1 519, 470 —, impregnated, made with, 1,519,470 —,—,reflocculated made with, 1,456,112 —,carbon bisulfide removal from benzene of with, 1,276,284 —, carbon dioxide, gas, removal from of using, 1 154,145 —, carbon dioxide absorbed by, 1,804,932; 1 360,734; 1,425,577; 1,425,579 —, carbon dioxide removed from dolomite by, 1 363,387 —, carbon monoxide, 1,196,101; 1,207,968 —,—, gas, ‘removal from of, using, 1,154,145; 1 ,207 968 —,— hydrogen, 1,196,101 —,—, oxysulfide, gas, removal from of, using, 1,504,624 —,hydrogen, removal from of, using, using, absorption of, using, removal from of, using, ~41,504,6 624 —, carbon remover made with, 1,160,682; 1,244,114; 1,292,903; 1,868,965; 1,386,337; 1,455,574 —, carbonizing of fibers prevented by, 1,425,520 —,carnauba wax, emulsion of made with, 1,185,213 —, cartridge shell made with, 1,180,304 —,case-hardening using, 1,152,959 —,case-hardening solution contg., 1,848,479 —,casein dissolved with, 1,895,272 —, casein glue made with, ii! 157 A34 —, casein size made with, 1 506, 081 —, casein solvent, 1,420, 173: 1 A74 502; 1,474,503 —,castor oil, sulfonated, neutralized with, 1,309,292 —,catalyst made with, 1,143,339; 1,314,952; 1,519,470 —,catalyst, aluminum hydroxide as, made with, 1,512,897 —,—, copper as, made with, 1,165,956 —,—, hydrogenation, made with, 1,156,674: 1,174,245; 1,185,075 —,—, nickel as, made with, 1,165,956; 1,185,075 —,—,(for acetaldehyde mfr.), made with, 1,400,203 —,—, (for aldehyde mfr.), made with, 1,400,247 —,—,(for ammonia mfr.), made with, 1,148, 570; 1,152,930; 1,400,203 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 50 Ammonium hydroxide, catalyst (for hydrogen mfr.), made with, 1,330,772 —,—, (for nitrogen oxides mfr.), made with. 1,207,706 ; 1,207,707; 1,207,708; 1,211,894 —,—,(for sulfuric acid mfr.), made with, 1,227,044 —,celluloid substitute made with, 1,245,818; 1,245,976; 1,245,983; 1,245,984; 1 ‘975 024; 1 280 ‘862: 1 427 645. —, cellulose, colloidal suspension of, made with, 1,509,035 —,— , fireproofing, of with, 1,318,523; 1,318,524 —, cellulose acetate, dyeing of, using, 1 366 023 —, ’ cellulose dissolved by copper and, 1,390, 995 —, cellulose ether made with, 1,188 376 —,cellulose nitrate made with, 1,249,726; 1 307,033 —, cellulose sulfite liquor treated with, 1,467,321 —, cement contg., 1,456,667 —, cement, Portland, waterproof, made with, 1,255, 116; 1,285 636 —,cephaeline’ allyl ether made with, 1,219,575 —,cephaeline amyl ether made with, 1 219, 574 —,cephaeline iso-amyl ether made. with, 1 219,574 —, cephaeline 1,219,571 —, cephaeline ethyl ether made with, 1,219,572 —, cephaeline propyl ether made with, 1,219 013 —, ceramic ware, gold decorated, made with, 1,438,799 —, cereal, proteid 1,321 (479: 1,821,480 —, cereal product of, 1,419,951 —, cerium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, cerium hydroxide made with, 1 301, 151 — ’ 2-chlor-anthracene made with, 1,434, 980 — 2-chlor-anthraquinone reduced by, i 484,980 —, a-chlor-a-ethyl-butyryl chloride made with, 1 493,182 —, chromium compounds made with, 1,228,622 —,clay, deflocculated, made with, 1,184,320; 1,419,952 —,—, Fraddon china, cleaned with, 1,438,587 —,—, —, treated with, 1,438,587 — reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —, ay cleaned with, 1,438,587 —,clay deflocculated with, 1,419,951 —,clay deflocculating reagent prepared with, 1,419,951; 1,419,952 iso-butyl ether made with, extracted from with, —,clay purified with (1,029,579); Re-14,583; 1,385,716 —, clay treated with, 1,438,587 —,cleaner made with, 1,234,266; 1,239,416; 1,270,105; 1,827,631; 1,474,984; 1,514,235 —, cleaning cloth made with, 1,143,614 —,cleaning composition contg., 1,455,350; 1,461,351 —,cloth, fireproofing of with, 1,318,523; 1 o18, 524 —, coal gas, recovery from of, apparatus for, 1 487, 768 —,—,—, process for, 1,487,768 —, coal soluble in, 1,420,754 —, ' coal ‘treated with, 1 420, 754 —, coating composition made with, 1,492,027 —,cobalt made with, 1,487,145 cr Ammonium hydroxide, cobalt hydroxide made with, 1,135,785 —, cocoa bean, treatment of using, 1,515,947 —, cocoa powder made with, 1,243,244 —,cocoa waste treated with solvent and, 1,386,166 —,cod oil, fatty acid, removal of from, using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, collar, linen, substitute, made with, 1,256,240 —, colloidal suspensions prepared with, 1,444,257 —, color lakes reduced with, 1,434,619 —,coloring matter made with, 1,164,037 —,color photography employing, 1,443,012 —,compound, CxaHwO.Ne-Br, made 1,518,710 any it ey CssHa0OsN.8n, made with, 1,383,710 —, concrete, waterproof, made with, 1,285,636 —,condensing agent in tanning agent mfr., 1,443,697 —,container, grease-proof paper, made with, 1,474,502; 1,474,503 —, cooling safe made with, 1,518,189 —,copal recovery of using, 1,398,438 1,164,036; with, —,copper made with, 1,131,986; 1,190,549; 1,238,951: 1,440,186; 1,487,145; 1,508,243; 1,509,774 —,copper catalyst, made with, 1,165,956 —,—, Iron, using, 1,484,690 —,—, ’ production of using, 1,150,787; 1,471,514 —,—, steel, using, 1,484,690 —, copper-bearing sand extracted with, 1,335,474 —, copper chloride, action of on, 1,440,186 —,copper(ous) chloride solvent, 1,261,736 —, copper compound of, see Copper-ammonium salts —, copper hydroxide made with, 1,135,785 —, copper hydroxide solvent, 1,261,736 —, copper oxalate solvent, 1,261,736 —, copper oxide made with, 1 238, 951; 1,400,208 ; 1 400,204; 1,400,205 —, copper phosphate solvent, 1,261, 736 —,copper separated from iron sulfide with, 1,254,173 —,copper solutions of, see Cuprammonium solutions —, copper solvent, 1,440,186 —, copper sulfate, production of using, 1,150,787 —,copper sulfate solution, foul treatment of with, 1,276,130 —, copper sulfide made with, 1,502,213 —,copper sulfide ore, flotation of, 1,203,341 —, copper sulfide separated from genet with, 1,254,173 —,copper sulfide separated from iron sulfide with, 1,254,173 —, ‘core oil » made with, 1,201,301 —,corn, proteid extracted from with, 1,321,479; 1,321 480 —,corn oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1 ,247,516 —,— , hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, ’ cotton,, dye of, using, 1,199,273 —, cotton bolls, frost-bitten, treatment of with, 1 ,166,060 using, 506 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonium hydroxide, cotton bolls, immature, . treatment of with, 1,166,060 —,—, unopened, treatment of with, 1,166,060 —, cotton cleaned using, 1,327,631 —, cotton flock made with, 1,249,726 —, cotton seed oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, cream, artificial, made with, 1,190,369 —., cresol-formaldehyde condensate made with, 1,437,726 —,cryolite, artificial, made with, 1,464,990 —,—, synthetic, made with, 1,475,155; 1,475,156; 1,475,157; 1,475,158 —,cuprammonium cellulose made _ with, 1,456,540 3 —,cuprammonium hydroxide made _ with, 1,471,699 —,cuprammonium solutions made _ with, 1,341,637; 1,456,540 —, cyanogen made with, 1,144,457 —,cyanogen compounds removed from, with ammonium polysulfide, 1,467,193 —,—, with sulfur powder, 1,467,193 —., cyanogen removed from gases with, 1,413,762 —, cylinder, engine, renewing of using, 1,374,321 —, deflocculating material made with, 1,253,556 ; 1,345,305 —,detergent made with, 1,241,043; 1,241,044; 1,280,698; 1,887,153; 1,395,902; 1,461,351 —, developer for dye contg., 1,311,150 —., 4.4’-diamino-3.3’-dichlor-benzophenone made with, 1,220,248 —, diarylguanidines prepared with, 1,446,818 —, diazo-picramic acid made with, 1,235,253 —., 2.6-dichlor-anthracene made with, 1,434,980 —,dicyandiamide formation from, 1,423,799 —,didymium acetyl-salicylate made _ with, 1,217,862 —., dihydro-oxycodeinone made with, 1,479,293 —,2.7-dihydroxynaphthalene and, dyeing with, 1,460,758 —,3.5-dinitro-arsanilic acid 1,163,496 —,dry battery, depolarizer for made with, 1,288,722 —,dye made with, 1,199,273; 1,222,433 —,dye developer contg., 1,311,150 —, dyeing, vat, using, 1,148,966 —,dye preparation contg., 1,289,968 —, dyeing solution contg. 1,419,497 made _ with, —,dyestuff made with, 1,144,181; 1,144,325; 1,150,675; 1,202,821; 1,234,994; 1,266,577; 1,280,648; 1,281,938; 1,883,710; 1,453,021; 1,461,485; 1,518,710 —,dyestuff recovered using, 1,303,426 —, electrode made with, 1,492,302 —, electrolyte contg., 1,419,360 —,electrolyte prepared with, 1,404,156 —,emery, grading of using, 1,519,250 —,emulsion, bituminous, prepared with, 1,408,224 —,—, breaking of using, 1,500,202 —,—,internal combustion engine cooled by, 1,304,399 —,—,oily, made with, 1,201,301 —,emulsion on film sensitized with, 1,383,460 Ammonium hydroxide, emulsion separated using, 1,474,670 —,enamel made with, 1,244,463 —,enamel, baked, remover, 1,204,851 —,enamel remover made with, 1,495,547 —,engine, internal combustion, coating for cylinder of, contg., 1,292,903 —,ethyl alcohol from cellulose sulfite liquor and, 1,320,043 —, ethyl-a-(diethylaminoethyl)-acetoacetate made with, 1,429,922 made with, —,ethylene glycol dinitrate made _ with, 1,307,033 —,ethyl tropinone-carboxylate made _ with, 1,420,900 —, fabric, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —,—, bleaching of using, 1,289,803 —,—, coating for, made with, 1,316,913 —,—, colloid, treated made with, 1,256,240 —,—,printing composition for, made with, 1,164,036; 1,164,037 —,—, stiffener for, made with, 1,517,520 —,—, water resisting contg., 1,313,658 —, fabric fireproofed with, 1,261,736 —,factory sewage treatment of with, 1,139,778 —,fat, emulsion of made with, 1,185,213; 1,230,599 —, fatty acid made with, 1,178,223 —, fatty acids, cod oil, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—,corn oil, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—,cotton seed oil, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—, fish oil, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—, Marine animal oil, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—,menhaden oil, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—,oil, vegetable, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—,whale oil, 1,247,516 —-, feathers, dyed using, 1,460,758 —,feldspar, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —, felt, stiffener for, made with, 1,517,520 —., ferberite reclaimed with, 1,293,402; 1,293,403 ; 1,293,404 —, fermentation, acid, using, 1,123,920 —,ferro-molybdenum made with, 1,278,408 —, fertilizer made with, 1,172,021; 1,221,979; 1,222,483; 1,254,366; 1,360,248 —., fertilizer treated of with, 1,139,778 —, fiber, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —,—,animal, treatment of using, 1,197,495 —,—, (spinnable), made with, 1,201,101 —, filament made with, 1,180,902 —, filler made with, 1,242,480 —,film, motion picture, colored, made with, removal from of using, 1,308,538 —,finish remover made _ with, 1,140,449; 1,147,852; 1,160,894 —,fire extinguisher made with, 1,199,087; 1,199,088; 1,199,089; 1,199,090; 1,248,092 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 507 Ammonium hydroxide, fireproofing made with, 1,248,092; 1,261,736; 1,273,218; 1,318,523; 1,318 ‘524 — fireproofing solution from magnesium chlor- ide and, 1,838,322 — _ fireproofing solution from zinc chloride and, 1,338,322 —, fish oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,—,—, catalyst for, made with, 1,174,245 —, flax, retting of using, 1,874,941 —, floor covering made with, 1,245,984; 1,466,241 —, flooring made with, 1,491,265 —, flotation agent contg., 1,417,261; 1,417,263 —, flotation process using, 1,203,841; 1,417,262; 1,417,263 —, fluosilicates _ 1,426,891 —,fodder made from straw with, 1,442,821; 1,442,322 —,fog, dispelling of using, 1,512,783 —, foods bleached with, 1,412,523 —, food product made with, 1,213,545; 1,245,818; 1,275,324 —, food treated with, 1,412,523 — ’ formaldehyde made with, 1,423,753 —, formaldehyde, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,400,247 —, formation from nitrogen, 1,465,310 —,formic acid made with, 1,178,223; 1,185,028; 1,423,753 —, fuel made with, 1,509,035 —,fuel, liquid, made with, 1,488,009; 1,495,094 —, fungicide made with, 1,501,427 —,fur dyed using, 1,434,449; 1,460,758 —,fur dyeing bath contg., 1,466,747 —,furniture polish made with, 1,350,537 —,gas, carbon monoxide, removal of from, using, 1,207,968 —,—, carbon oxysulfide, removal of from, using, 1 504, 624 —,— hydrogen sulfide, removal of from, using, ie 160 ype —,gas mantles made with, 1,436,296 —,gas purified with, 1,349,750 —,gilsonite distillation product, 1,438,590 —, glass, gold decorated, made with, 1,438,799 —,glass coloring of with, 1,277,172 —,glue made with, 1,285,474; 1,459,541 —, glue, vegetable, made with, 1,357,310 —,gold, ceramic ware decorated with, made with, 1,438,799 —,—, glass decorated with, made with, 1,488,799 —,—, production of using, 1,150,787; 1,190,549 —,gold leaf, paper, attaching to of, using, 1,374,492 — graphite, deflocculated, made using, 1,223,350 ; 1,253,556 —,—, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 — grass, treatment of, using, 1,189, 756 —, grease, emulsion of made with, 1 185,213 —, guanidine made with, 1,440 063 —,gums, recovery of using, 1,398,438 1,417 262 ; decomposed by, 1,426,890; 1,329,599 ; Ammonium hydroxide, gutta percha, latex, chlorination of, using, 1,491,265 —, hair dyed using, 1,484,449; 1,460,758 —, ’ hair made with, 1,488,101 —, ’ hare skin, treatment of with, 1,488,101 — hexamethylenetetramine made with, 1 ,123,920; 1,213,045; 1,345,305; 1 416, 606 ; 1,423,753: 1,459,971. —,hexamethylenetetramine periodide made with, 1,226,394 —, hirsute, treatment of using, 1,197,495 —, hop beverage made with, 1,149,704 —, horn substitute made with, 1,395,834 —,huebnerite reclaimed with, 1,293,402; 1,293,403; 1,293,404 — hydrazine hydrochloride made with, 1,480,166 —, hydrocarbon, aromatic, hydrocarbon, naph- thene, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,—, paraffin, separation of, from using, 7 520, 953 —,—, saturated, separation of from using, ~ 4,530,953 —,—,—,naphtha, petroleum, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,—, purification of with, 1,276,284 —,—,naphthene, hydrocarbon, aromatic, sepa- ration of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,—,benzene, separation of from using, 1 520 953 —,—,—, hydrocarbon, unsaturated, separation of freee using, 1,520,953 —,—, —, toluene, separation of from using, i 520, 953 —, xylene, fics ‘520, 953 a ae paraffin, benzene, using, 1,520,953 —,—,—, hydrocarbon, aromatic, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—, —, —, unsaturated, using, if 520, 953 —,—, —, toluene, 1 520, 953 —,—, xylene, ay 520 953 —,—, saturated, benzene, separation of from using, 1,520, 953 —,—,— , hydrocarbon, aromatic, separation of oe using, 1,520,953 —,—, —, unsaturated, cine 1 520, 953 —,—, —, toluene, 1 520, 953 —,—., xylene, 2 520 953 —,—, treatment of with, 1,277,605 —,—, ’ unsaturated, hydrocarbon, _ separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—, paraffin, separation ‘of from using, aes) 520, 953 —,—, saturated, separation of from using Re 520, 953 —,—,—, naphtha, petroleum separation of from using, ‘1 020,953 — hydrochloric acid made with, 1,475,155; 1 475,156; 1,475,157; 1,475,158 — hydrocyanic acid made with, 1,144,457 separation of from _ using, separation of from separation of from separation of from using, separation of from _ using, separation of from separation of from using, separation of from using, naphthene, 508 Ammonium hydroxide, hydrogen, carbon mon- oxide, removal of from, using, 1,196,101 —,—, carbon oxysulfide, removal of from, using, 1 504 624 —,—, catalyst for the mfr. 1,330,772 —,hydrogenation, catalyst for, 1,156,674; 1,174,245; 1,185,075 —, hydrogenation process using, 1,247,516 __ —, hydrogen sulfide, gas, removal from of, using, 1,160,375 — hydrogen sulfide absorbed by, 1,360,734 —, hydrogen sulfide removal from benzene of with, 1,276,284 —, hydroxides, 1,386,920 —, hydroxides precipitated by, 1,376,153 —, hypochlorous acid, action of on, 1,378,644 —, Uluminating oil made with, 1,277,605 —,indophenol precipitated by, 1,465,853 —, ink contg., 1,309,292 —, ink, printing, made with, 1,231,617 —,ink eradicator made with, 1,488,881 —,ink resistant to, 1,420,289 —, insecticide made with, 1,276,153; 1,501,427; 1,509,166 —, insoluble soaps peptized with, 1,428,258 — insulating composition contg., 1 456 OL) —,insulation, electric, made with, 1, 183,423 ; 1,245,976; 1,245,980; 1,245,981: 1,245,984: 1,423,985 —,—, heat, made with, 1,456,667; 1,509,035 —, intensifying mercurized photographic images with, 1,433,806 —,inuline prepared with, 1,399,544 —,iodine compounds made with, 1,509,035 —, iron made with, 1,489,360 —, iron, coloring of, using, 1,501,425 —,—, copper coating on, using, 1,484,690 —,—,nickel coating on, using, 1,484,690 —,—, production of using, 1,150,787 —,—,tungsten alloy contg., made 1,486,214 —,iron alginate gel prepared with, 1,415,849 —, iron alloy made with, 1,185,187 —, iron alloy, nickel in, made with, 1,185,187 — , iron (ic) chloride made with, 1 501 587 —, iron hydroxide made with, 1 135 785 —, iron hydroxide precipitated with, 1,342,834 —,iron(ic) hydroxide made with, 1 280, 636 ; 1 ,489,360; 1,501,587 — , iron (ous) hydroxide made with, 1,334,722 —,iron molybdate made with, 1,278 ,408 ; 1 ,386,555 — iron (ic) oxide made with, 1,280,636; 1,489,360 —,iron(ic) sulfate made with, 1,280 636 —,iron sulfide made with, 1,502, 213 ——, iron vanadate, production of using, 1,471,514 —, ivory substitute made with, 1,245,976 —, Japan contg., 1,294,422; 1, 294 627: 1,357,688 —, japan substitute made with, 1,244 463 —, kangaroo skin, treatment of with, 1,488,101 of, made with, made with, metallic, precipitated by, with, —, lacquer made with, 1,245,818; ‘1 245 981; 1 245,982; 1,275,324; 1,427,645 —, lake made with, 1,383,710; 1,434,619; 1,445,331 5 3/1 ,012,897. UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 . Ammonium hydroxide, lamp, electric, filament for, made with, 1,201,611 —,—, — /silvering of, using, 1,486,804 —, lampblack, deflocculated, made 1,223,350 —,—,reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —, lanolin made with, 1,194,013 —, ‘lard substitute made with, 1,203,905 —, "latex preservative, 1,443,149 —, Jead, red, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —, ‘lead hydroxide made with, 1,135, 735 —, ‘lead sulfide made with, 1,502, 213 —, ‘lead sulfide ore, flotation of, using, 1,203,341 . —,lead sulfide separated from gangue with, 1,254,173 —,lead sulfide separated from iron sulfide with, 1,254,173 —,leather made with, 1,488,101 using, —,leather, artificial, made with, 1,140,174; 1,180,902; 1,245,977; 1,275,324; 1)/316.913; 1,365,981; 1,427,645 —, —, glazed kid, made using; 1,345,430 —, —, seasoning of, using, 1,345, 430 —,—, waterproofing for, made with, 1,223,480 —,leather substitute made with, 1,256, 240 —, ‘leather treated with - compound contg., 1 265,648 —, legume, proteid 1,821,479; 1,821,480 —, lense, glass, refractive index of changed with, 1 ol7 481 — , lignoprotein solvent, 1,464,949 —, linoleum substitute made with, 1,245,978: 1 245,984; 1,427,645 —, linseed oil, recovery of using, 1,398,438 —, ‘lithium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1 ,217 862 — ’ lithopone, reflocculated, made with, 1,456, 112 —, lubricant made with, 1 395, 902 —., lupiline, barley-corn glumes, removal from Nbr using, 1,517,650 —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 —,lutidine made with, 1,274 998 ; 1,274, 999 ——, Magnesium, production of using, 1, 150, 787 extracted from with, —,magnesium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217 862 —, magnesium carbonate, basic, made with, 1,163,475 —, magnesium hydroxide dissolved by, 1,338, 322 —,machine oil, emulsion of, made using, 1 ,230,599 —,manganese dioxide made with, 1,212,334 —,mfr. of, air for, 1,465,310; 1,480 291 —,— ,aluminum silicate for, 1 5465 310; 1,480,291 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1 238, 916 —,—,apparatus for, 1,193 763; 1,465,310; 1,504,385 —,—, bauxite for, 1,465,310; 1,480,291 —,—, ’ bentonite for, 1,465, 310; 1,480,291 —,—, ’ calcium carbonate for, 1,504 385 —,—, ‘calcium chloride for, 1,504 385 —, calcium hydroxide for, 1,238, 916 —,—, * calcium oxide for, 1,504 385 —,—,carbon for, 1 465, 310; 1,480,291 —,—, charcoal for, 1 465 310; 1 80, 291 —,— ‘clay for, 1,465 310: 1 480 291; 1,504,385 —_—,— ‘clay, ball, for, 1,465 310; 1,480 291 —, clay, bentonitic, for, 1,465 310; 1,480,291 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Ammonium hydroxide, mfr. of, coal, bitumi- nous, for, 1,193,763 —,—,—, semi-bituminous, for, 1,193,763 —,—,coke for, 1,465,310 —,—,gas carbon for, 1,465,310; 1,480,291 —,—, gilsonite for, 1,438,590 —,—, graphite for, 1,465,310; 1,480,291 —,—, kaolin for, 1,465,310; 1,480,291 —,—,leverrierite for, 1,465,310; 1,480,291 —,—, limestone for, 1,504,885 —,—,nitrogen for, 1,465,310; 1,480,291 —,—, peat for, 1,504,385 —,—, process for, 1,193,763; 1,465,310; 1,480,291; 1,504,385 —,—,saturator for, 1,331,784 —,—, water for, 1,480,291 —,—, xyloid lignite for, 1,504,385 —,marine animal oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, match made with, 1,138,146 —, material, resinous, made with, 1,305,790 —,menhaden oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1,257,516 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, metal, production of using, 1,150,787 —,metal arsenates, production of 1,150,787 —, metal hydroxide made with, 1,400,247 —,metallic hydroxides precipitated with, 1,395,902 —, metal sulfates, production of using, 1,150,787 —, metal sulfide made with, 1,502,213 ; —,metal sulfide separated from gangue with, 1,254,178 —,metal sulfide separated from iron sulfide with, 1,254,173 —, metal surfaces, repairing of using, 1,374,321 —,metal tellurates, production of using, 1,150,787 —,millerine contg., 1,512,783 —,mirror silvered with composition contg,, using, 1,324,690 —,molded article made with, 1,395,834; 1,427,645; 1,459,541; 1,511,008 —, molybdenum compound made with, 1,250,063 —,molybdenum from ore, reclaiming by, 1,293,402; 1,293,403; 1,293,404 —,moth repellent made with, 1,494,085; 1,515,182 —,motion picture made with, 1,216,695 —,naphtha, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —,—, petroleum, benzene, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,—, hydrocarbon, aromatic, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,—, unsaturated, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,—,toluene, separation of from using, : —,—,—,xylene, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,2-naphthol-6-sulfonic acid made _ with, 1,383,710 —,2-naphthol-8-sulfonic acid made _ with, 1,383,710 —,nickel made with, 1,212,334; 1,487,145 509 Ammonium hydroxide, nickel, catalyst, made with, 1,165,956; 1,185,075; 1,320,039 —,—, coating with, using, 1,207,218 —,—,iron, using, 1,484,690 —,—,iron alloy contg., made with, 1,185,187 —,—, production of using, 1,150,787 —,—, steel, using, 1,484,690 —,nickel hydroxide made _ with, 1,143,348; 1,296,496 —,nickel hydroxide, action on of, 1,296,496 —, nickel hydroxide coated electrode prepared with, 1,442,238 —,nickel oxide made with, 1,400,203; 1,400,204; 1,400,205 —, nickel steel made with, 1,185,187 —,nickel sulfide made with, 1,502,213 —,nicotin made with, 1,196,184 —,nicotin solvent, 1,196,184 —,nitric acid made with, 1,325,168 —,2-nitroanisole made with, 1,325,168 —,4-nitroanisole made with, 1,325,168 —, 3-nitroarsanilic acid made with, 1,163,496 —,nitrobenzene made with, 1,325,168 —,nitro compounds made with, 1,325,168 —,nitrogen monoxide made with, 1,499,544 —,nitrogen oxides, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,207,706; 1,207,707; 1,207,708; 1,211,394 —,nitrogen trichloride made with, 1,378,644; 1,510,182 —, nitrogen washed with, 1,304,982 —, nitrosamine dyes printed with, 1,426,299 —,nitrostarch made with, 1,211,761 —,ochre, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 1,135,785 ; —,oil, drying, recovery of using, 1,398,438 —,—,mineral, emulsion of, made _ using, 1,230,599 —,—,—, purification of, using, 1,500,202 —,—,recovery of using, 1,398,438 —,—,vegetable, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,—,—,removal of from, using, 1,247,516 —,oil cloth, imitation, made with, 1,140,174 —,oils and gums recovered with, 1,398,438 —, oil-proofing composition made with, 1,513,139 —,oils treated with, 1,394,486 —,oils washed using, 1,438,764 —, opossum skin, treatment of with, 1,488,101 —,oxycellulose solvent, 1,169,756 —,paint made with, 1,164,036; 1,231,617; 1,242,480 —, paint, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,—,recovery of using, 1,398,438 1,164,037 ; —,paint remover made with, 1,143,130; 1,177,938; 1,204,851; 1,219,559; 1,280,668; 1,474,984; 1,495,547 © —,paper made with, 1,153,883; 1,242,480; 1,502,686 —,paper, coated, made with, 1,147,996; 1,513,139 —,—, fireproof sizing for, made with, 1,248,092 —, glazed, made with, 1,209,222 —,gold leaf, attaching of to, using, 1,374,492 —,—,grease-proof, made _ with, 1,420,173; 1,474,502; 1,474,503; 1,476,562 —,—, paraffin, made with, 1,239,618 —,—, photographic, made with, 1,504,150 E b ’ ’ 510 Ammonium hydroxide, paper, made with, 1,497,146 —,—, sizing for, made with, 1,223,480 —,—, stiffener for, made with, 1,517,520 —,—, waterproof, made with, 1,476,562 —, paper coloring of with, 1,277,172 —, paper de-inked with, 1,421,195 —,paper pulp made with, 1,222 433 —, paper waterproofed with, 1 ,266,955; 1,266,956 —, papier mache, coating of using, 1,164,710 —, paracoumarone, recovery of using, 1,398,438 —, paraffin, emulsion of, made using, 1,185 213; 1,230,599 —, paraffin powder made with, 1,239,618 —,paste-board made with, 1,153,883 —, pectin product made with, 1,497,884 —, petrolatum, liquid, made with, 1,240,792 —,petroleum, treatment of with, 1,277,605 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,187,230; 1,187,232; 1,209,165; 1,210,982; 1 952, ‘507: 1,401,953; 1,418,718; 1,483,368 — , phenol aldehyde condensate substitute made with, 1,245,976 —, p- -phenylenediamine from p-dichlor-benzene by, 1,445,637 — phenyl mercaptan removal from benzene of with, 1,276,284 —, phosphates precipitated with, 1,322,485 —, phosphorus removed from sodium tungstate solution with, 1,322,485 —, photograph, colored, made with, 1,256,675 —, photographic image, colored, use of in mak- ing, 1,450,412 —, photographic image treated with, 1,389,742 —, photographic negative, intensifying of, using, 1,245,152 —, photographic paper developed with, 1,444,469 —, photography, color, process for using, 1,516,824 —,picoline made with, 1,274,998; 1,274,999 —,pigment made with, 1,231,617; 1,234,260; 1,240,405; 1,242,486; 1,504,673 —, pigment, reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —, pitch emulsified with, 1,440,355 —, plaster, waterproofing of, using, 1,177,156 1,130,304 ; —,plastic made with, 1,169,756; 1,180,902; 1,245,981; 1,245,984; 1,398,438 —, plastic, coating of using, 1,164,710 —,plate, photographic, color-sensitizing of, with, 1,820,176 —, platinum group metals, production of using, 1,150,787 —,polish made with, 1,239,416; 1,801,823; 1,325,686; 1,457,080; 1,514,285; 1,515,870; 1,515,950 —, polish emulsified with, 1,433,887 —, porcelain coloring of with, 1,277,172 —,porous material made with, 1,518,189 —,potassium acetyl-salicylate made 1,217,862 — potassium aluminum sulfate made with, 1 277,773 —, potassium bichromate, recovery of using, 1,201,392 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,277,773 with, rubber-latex, . UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonium hydroxide, potassium chloride, borax, separation from of, using, 1,505,078 —,—,potassium sulfate, separation from of, using, 1,505,078 —,—,Searles Lake brine, separation from of, using, 1,505,078 —,— sodium carbonate, separation from of, using, 1,505,078 —.— sodium chloride, separation from of using, 1 505, 078 —,—, sodium sulfate, separation from of, using, 1,505,078 —, potassium compound made with, 1,277,773 —,potassium compounds. recovered with, 1,344,830 —, potassium cyanate made with, 1,144,457 —, potassium nitrate made with, 1,247,145; 1,507,993 —, potassium nitrate, sodium nitrate, separation of from using, 1,510,046 —, potassium salts made with, 1,509,035 —, potassium sulfate made with, 1,277,773 —, potassium sulfate, sodium chloride, separa- tion of from, using, 1,505,078 —, precipitating hydroxides with, 1,330,772 —, printing paste made with, 1,157,705 —,printing plate made with, 1,433,806; 1,508,089 —, propionic acid made with, 1,178,223 —,propylene glycol dinitrate made 1,307,033 —, proteid made with, 1,275,324 —, proteid, vegetable, made with, 1,275,308 —,proteid product made with, 1,245,818; 1,245,976; 1,245,981 —, pungent compound made using, 1,503,631 —, pyridine made with, 1,274,998; 1,274,999 —, quinoline made with, 1,274,998; 1,274,999 —,rabbit skin, treatment of with, 1,488,101 —,record, disk, made with, 1,315,137 —,reflocculated material made with, 1,456,112 —,refractory made with, 1,486,214 —, refrigerating apparatus using, 1,512,623 —,regenerating, calcium hydroxide 1 ,349,750 —, resins, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —, resins, recovery of using, 1,398,438 —,resins dissolved with, 1,423,985 —,resins extracted from wood by, 1,334,679 —,resistors coated with boron trioxide by use of, 1,865,331 — rifle barrel, cupro-nickel fouling in, using, 1 484,690 —, road paving made with, 1,201,301 _ ’ roasted starch dissolved in, clay defloccu- lated with, 1,456,111 —, rodentia skin, treatment of with, 1,488,101 —,Trosin made with, 1,511,461 —, rosin, recovery of using, 1,398,438 —, rosin solvent, 1,410,211 —,rubber, artificial, made with, 1,275,324 —,—, hard, made with, 1,200,692; 1,507,594 —,—,—, substitute, made with, 1,315,137 —,—, imitation, made with, 1,245,818 —,—, Para, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 — plantation, vuleanization of using ta 140) 580 with, for, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Ammonium hydroxide, rubber, reclaiming of, using, 1,510,706 —,—, spongy, made with, 1,156,184 —,—, "vulcanized, colloidal, made 1 443 149; 1,502,686 —,—, vulcanization of using, 1,238,236 —, rubber article made with, 1,491,265 —,rubber latex, artificial, made with, 1,513,139 —,—, chlorination of, using, 1,491,265 —,—, Hevea Brasiliensis, coagulation of using, Le 145, 351 —,— Para, coagulation of using, 1,145,351 —, ‘rubber molds coating composition contg., with 1 462,563 —, rubber substitute made with, 1,159,258; i 180,902; 1,245,976; 1,245,979; 1,245,984; 1 427 645: 1 471. 059 —, rubber surfaces, lubricant for, 1,519,547 — ‘rust preventing solution contg.., 1,433 226 =: ’ safety oil made with, 1,277,605 —,sandarac, recovery of using, 1,398,438 —,sand colored using, 1,233,501 —,scheelite reclaimed with, 1,293,402; 1,293,403 ; 1,293,404 — , Searles Lake brine, potassium chloride, sepa- ration of from, using, 1,505,078 —,—, sodium chloride. separation of from, using, 1,505,078 —, sewage treatment of with, 1,139,778 —, shellac dissolved with, 1 423 985 —, ’ shellac substitute made with, 1,315,137 —, ’ shellac treated with, 1,374 492 —, shoe polish, white, made with, 1,249,742 —, ’ shoe stiffener made with, 1517, 520 — shortening composition made with, 1,203,905 —, sienna, reflocculated, made with, 1,456, 112 — ~ silica made with, 1,274, 145 —, ’ silicon, tungsten alloy contg., made with, 1,486, 214 —, silicon dioxide made with, 1,274,145; 1,501,587 —,silk, artificial, made with, 1,169,756; 1,427,699 —,— aes of, using, 1,199,273 —,—, raw, treatment of, using, 1,491,228 —, ’ silk cleaned with, 1,327, 631 —, ‘silk treated with, 1,397, 875; 1,446,834 —, ’ silver made with, 1 190 549 —, , silver, gelatin emulsion ‘of, recovery from of, using, 1,234,390 —,— , photographic emulsion of, recovery from of, using, 1,234,390 —, silver acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,silver bromide solvent, 1,190,549 —,silver chloride solvent, 1,190,549 —, silver iodide solvent, 1,190,549 —, size made with, 1,506,081 —,sizing made with, 1,226, 195 —, sizing, amylaceous, fabric, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —,—,—, fiber, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —, skins. dyed with, 1,416 646; 1 434, 449; 1 ,460,758 —, skins seasoned with, 1,345,429 -— ’ sludge contg., thickening, 1,445,917 —, sludge sulfonic acid tar treated with, 1,271,387 511 Ammonium hydroxide, soap made with, 1,196,274; 1,239,618; 1,149,952 —,soap, laundry, made with, 1,241,043 —,soap solution contg., 1,432,102 —, sodium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,sodium acid sulfate action on of, 1,294.526 —,sodium anthranilate made with, 1,458,715 —, sodium bicarbonate made with, 1,303,167 —,sodium bichromate, recovery of using, 1,201,392 —,sodium carbonate made with, 1,154,145 —,sodium carbonate, potassium chloride, sepa- ration of from, using, 1,505,078 —,—, sodium chloride, separation of from using, 1,505,078; 1,510,046 —,—,sodium sulfate, separation of from using, 1,505,078; 1,510,046 —,sodium chloride, borax, separation from of using, 1,505,078 —,—, potassium chloride, separation of from, using, 1,505,078 —, potassium sulfate, separation from of, using, 1,505,078 —,— , Searles Lake brine, separation from of using, 1,505,078 —,—,sodium carbonate, separation from of, using, 1,505,078; 1,510,046 —,sodium citrate made with, 1,491,390 —, sodium fluoride made with, 1,464,990 —,sodium hydroxide made with, 1,238,916 —,sodium molybdate made with, 1,250,063 —,sodium nitrate made with, 1,307,033 —, sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate, separa- tion of from using, 1,510,046 —,sodium sulfate, potassium chloride, separa- tion of from, using, 1,505,078 —,—, sodium carbonate, separation of from using, 1,510,046 —,—,sodium chloride, separation of from, using, 1,505,078; 1 510, 046 —, sodium tungstate made 1,399,705 —,soya bean, proteid extracted from with, 1,321,479; 1,321,480 —, starch, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, starch ethers made with, 1,350,820 —, steel made with, 1,489,360 —, steel, coloring of, using, 1,501,425 —,—, copper coating on, using, 1,484,690 —,—, nickel coating on, using, 1,484,690 —,— , quenching of, solution contg., 1,304,946 _—, steering wheel rim made with, 1,520, 191 —,stone artificial, made with, 1,454 5780 ; 1,456,667 —,—,—, coating of using, 1,164,710 —,—, waterproofing of, using, 1,177,156 _ — straw, treatment of, using, 1 189 "756 —, strontium, production of using, 1 ,150,787 —,strontium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, sulfonated oils neutralized with, 1,433,887 — sulfur made with, 1,472,791 et ttir reflocculated, made with, 1,456,112 —, sulfuric acid, catalyst for the mfr, of made with, 1,227, 044 —, sulfuric "acid 1,412,523 b with, 1,322,485; in foods’ neutralized with, 512 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonium hydroxide, sulfuric acid in titantum Ammonium hydroxide, tube, paper, water-proof, hydroxide neutralized with, 1,361,867 made with, 1,130,304 aie from oils by hydrogen sul- Qo re va eee ee 898,438 e and, 1,357,224 s— tungsten made wi —,sulfur. removed from petroleum’ with, nl tungsten alloy, calcium in, made with, 1,413,005 ~~, 486,214 —, sulfur trioxide, catalyst for the mfr. of, made “ER Bighe in, me ya yey. ith. 1,227,044 silicon in, made wi —, sunflower oil, emulsion of, made using, .~ — thorium, in made with, 1,486 214 1,230,599 ah tun OTT filament made with, 1,157,288 ; —, tallow, emulsions of, made with, 1,185,213 — ge £290,017 > — ’ tannery sewage treatment of with, 1,139 T7848 ungsten from ore, reclaiming by, 1,293,402; —,tanning compound made with, 1,437,726; 'g 1,293, 403; 1,293,404 1 443,697; 1,469,044 — , tungsten ores decomposed with, 1,388,857 i) tar made with, 1,471,926 —, tungsten oxide, WOs:, made with, 1,244 ,082 —,tellurium, production of using, 1,150,787 \—, tungsten (ic) oxide dissolved by, 1,299 017 nil a are glumes, removal a deh atrdht se ond mad ee Beak rom of, using, ioxide made wi —,—, yeast, removal from of, using, 1,517,650 BW Peeyiss NER uae vie? 8 tai —,testin acid, barley-corn glumes, removal -—, tungstic acid dissolved by, from of, using, 1,517,650 —,ultramarine blue, reflocculated, made with, lay ok iis moval ee Savile slate ie ferrets amide made with, 1,503,631 —, -5,'-tetramino i(methylamino)- ate arsenobenzene, action on of, oe 864; —,uranium, production of using, 1,471, 514 1,265,865 —,uranium hydroxide, production of using, —,textile, waterproofing for, made with, 1,471 14 1,223,480 —, uranium from ore, reclaiming by, 1,293,402; oe , therapeutic compound made with, 1,226,394 1 293,403 ; 1,293,404 hy eae removal from benzene of with, misecy with, 1,241,919; 1,241,920; 1,276,284 —, thio-protein compounds made with, 1,145 bah iar vanadium, eee of using, 1,471,514 metre tungsten alloy contg., made with, ~~ 4993-403; 1 ‘203.404 reclaiming by, 1,293 ,402 ; Bae thorium compound made with, 1,366,128 — , vanilla bean extract made with, 1,515,714 =r ace ee eae: ee ee a oe ete nitrate made with, 1,366,128 1,423,985; 1,427,645; 1,431,080 —, thorium oxalate made with, 1,182,880 —, varnish, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,thorium oxide made with, 1,182,880; —— Se of pa a ae a 1,366,128 —,—, substitute of, made wi —, thorium pyrophosphate made with, 1,182,880 | —,—, waterproof, made with, 1,190 765 —, thorium a oe with, 1,182,880 Th yee. 1919559: fr Pe 4180; —,thorium-X, made using, 1,151,187 9 —, thread made with, 1,180,902 Ty Yegetable matter, treatment of, using, —,thyroxin dissolved by, 1,392,768 4 —, tile made with, 1,245,984 —,viscose, zine salt of dissolved in, 1,140,174 —, titanium dioxide made with, 1,501,587 —, viscose filaments treated with, 1,371,300 —, titanium hydroxide made with, 1,504,673 ees ues ade tr aCe ae during. —, titanium oxide made with, 1,504, 673 compound tor contg., Lolly, —, titanium oxide pigment jade with, Leresieaniia Sai per ee: 04.673 —, wall covering contg., 1,313, —, tobacco, arent Of Se 1,168,029 rare) me finish Bete he Bap He —, toilet. cream made with, 1,259,618 —, washing crystals made with, 1,241,0 7 stalatn hydrocarbon, naphthene, separation am ee Se 1,177,156; 1,180,902; of from using, 1,520,953 440,40U5 Lado, ace : —,—,—, paraffin, separation of from using, ae composition prepared with, 1 520, 953 400, —,—,—, saturated, separation of from using, —-; pl Noes on are 1.139, Le 1 520, 953 —,water treatment of wi —,—, naphtha, petroleum, separation of from —, wax, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 using, 1,520,953 —, whale oil, fatty’ acids, removal of from, —, tomato plants, nail head rust on spray for using, 124i, as iio ee contg., 1,520,19 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247, —, sae bean extract py with, 1,515,714 —,wolframite, reclaimed with, 1,293,402; —,tooth paste contg., 1,377,780 490,400; Lado, f —,trichlor-ethylene made with, 1,343,716 —,wood, fireproofing of with, 1,318,523; —, trinitrotoluene made with, 1,307,033 1,318,524 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 513 Ammonium hydroxide, wood, waterproofing for, made with, 1,223,480 —, wood coloring of with, 1,277,172 —, wood extracted with, 1,334 679 —, ‘ wood preserved using, 1,242,168; 1,510,358 —, wood preserving mixture conte PAS | 346, 830 — ‘wood pulp made with, 1,307 033 —~ ‘wood treated with, 1,432 937 —, wool, bleaching of, using, 1,217,744 —_—,— , dyeing of, using, 1,199 273 —,—, moth repellent, made with, 1,494,085 —,—, treatment of using, 1,147,011; 1,197,495 —, wool cleaned using, 1,327,631 —, wool fabric, treatment of with, 1,147,011. —, xylene, hydrocarbon, naphthene, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,—,paraffin, separation of from using, | 520, 953 —,—,—, saturated, separation of from using, 1 520 953 —,— ‘naphtha, petroleum, separation of from using, 1,520,953 —,yeast made with, 1,499,110; 1,449,127 1,475,471 —, yeast, lupuline, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,—,testilupine, removal of from, using, 1,517,650 —,— testin acid, removal of from, using, 1 517, 650 —, yeast food made with, 1,190,827 —, yeast treated with, 1,415,469 —, zine, production of using, 1,150,787 —, zine acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, zinc alginate dissolved by, 1,395 016 —, zine chloride solvent, 1,261 736 —, zine hydroxide dissolved by, 1,338,322 —,zine hydroxide solvent, 1,261,736 —,zine oxide solvent, 1,261,736 —, zine phosphate solvent, 1,261,736 —, zinc sulfide ore, flotation of, using, 1,203,341 —,zine sulfide separated from gangue with, 1,254,173 —,— , separated from iron sulfide with, 1,254,173 —, zirconium hydroxide made with, 1 307 881 —, zirconium oxide made with, 1501 587 —, zirconium oxide precipitated by, 1,340,888 —,zirconium oxide reflocculated, made with, 1 456,112 —,zirconium sulfate (basic), 1,307,881 ; 1,316,107 —,see also Ammonia Ammonium iodate, bread made with, 1,148,328; 1,148,329 —, wood preservative contg., 1,265,370 Ammonium iodide, catalyst, diphenylamine made with, 1,808,356; 1,392,942 made _ with, —,cellulose, fireproofing of with, 1,318,523; 1,318,524 —,cloth, fireproofing of with, 1,318,523; 1,318,524 —,diphenylamine made _ with, 1,308,356; 1,392,942; 1,413,494 —, fireproofing with, 1,318,523; 1,318,524 —,a-hydroxy acids made with, 1,479,874 —, iodine-producing tablet contg., 1,429,276 33 Ammonium iodide, smoke producing com- pounds contg., 1,339,142; 1,339,147 —, wood, fireproofing of with, 1,318,524 Ammonium wridium chloride, see Iridium am- monium. chloride Ammonium iron(ic) acetate, blue print paper made with, 1,500,433 Ammonium ‘iron (ie) citrate, blue print paper made with, 1,518,997 Raza. |, motion picture, colored, made with, — light sensitive 1 918,997 —, mfr. of, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,508,448 —,—, ammonium iron(ic) sulfate for, 1,508 ‘448 —,—, ammonium oxalate for, 1,508 AAS —,—,ammonium salt. for, 1,508 448 —,—,ammonium sulfate ‘for, 1,508 448 —,—, calcium citrate for, 1,508 448 —,iron(ic) sulfate for, 1,508 448 —,—, process for, 1,508, 448 oi paper, photographie, made with 1,126,872 “Pellet” paper made with 1,213,925 — photographic paper made with, 1,213,925; —,photographic print, colored, made with, 1 247,116 — , photographic screen, colored, made with, 1 161,731; 1,170,540 —, photographic sensitizing preparation contg., 1,126,872 —, photography, color, using, 1,128,389 —,—, process for, using, 1 191 034 Ammonium iron(ous) citrate, paper made with, 1,265,464 Ammonium iron (ic) oxalate, blue print paper made with, 1,518,997 —, film, motion picture, colored, made with, 1 207,52 — light sensitive 1 518 997 —, photograph, colored, made with, 1,256,675 —,—, motion, colored, made with, 1,256 675 —, photographic print, colored, made with, 1,166,121; 1,166,122 —,— motion, colored, made with, 1,166,121; 1 166, 122 Ammonium iron(ic) sulfate, ammonium iron(ic) citrate made with, 1,598 448 —, mfr. of, air for, 1,477,965 —, see also Tron(ic) ammonium sulfate Ammonium lactate, blue. print paper made with, 1,500,433 —, bread made with, 1,190,827 —,candy contg., 1,450,865 —, confection contg., 1,450,865 —,dyestuff made with, 1,394,823 —,lozenge contg., 1,450,865 —, pill contg., 1,450,865 —, powder contg., 1,450,865 —, tablet contg., 1,450,865 —, yeast made with, 1,475,494 —, yeast food made with, 1,190,927 Ammonium lead anode, iron, lead coated, made with, 1,505,109 —,lead, iron coated with, made with, 1,505,109 1,318,528 ; composition made with, photographic composition made _ with, 514 Ammonium magnesium arsenate, airplane dope . contg., 1,329,386; 1,393,355 —, cellulose nitrate fireproofed with, 1,329,386; 1 093,000 _- , fireproofing composition contg., 1,310,841 Ammonium magnesium chloride, ammonium chloride from, 1,276,499 —, magnesium chloride made from, 1,276,499 —,magnesium chloride, anhydrous, ‘made ‘from, 1 AT 9, 982 —, mfr. of, ammonium chloride for, 1,276,499 —,—, magnesium chloride for, 1.276, 499 —,—, process for, 1,276,499 —,see also Magnesium- ammonium sulfate Ammonium magnesium phosphate, airplane dope contg., 1,829,386; 1,393,355 —, airplane fabric made with, 1,427,941 —,airplane fabric fireproofed with, 1,427,941 —, balloon fabric made with, 1,427, 941 —, "cellulose nitrate fireproofed with, 1,829,386 ; 1 093,355 — _ fireproofing contg., 1,316,881 — ’ fireproofing composition contg., 1,310,841 —, formation of, 1,346,148 — ’ roofing made with, 1,167,195 —,tent fabric made with, 1,427, 941 —,underwriters cloth made with, 1,427,941 Ammonium magnesium sulfate, see Magnesium ammonium sulfate Ammonium malate, pill contg., 1,450,865 —,candy contg., 1,450, 865 —, condenser, electrolytic, made with, 1,412,514 —, ’ confection contg., 1,450,865 — ’ electrolyte for lightning arresters contg., if 412,514 — lightning arrester, electrolytic, made with, 1. 412,514 — lozenge contg., 1,450,865 —, powder contg., 1,450,865 —, rectifier, electrolytic, made with, 1,412,514 —,succinic acid made with, 1,491 465 —, ’ tablet contg., 1,450,865 Ammonium manganese arsenate, airplane dope contg., 1,329,386; 1,393,355 —, cellulose nitrate fireproofed with, 1,329,386; 1 ,393,309 — _ fireproofing composition, 1,310,841; 1,316,881 Ammonium manganese phosphate, airplane dope contg., 1,329,386; 1,393,355 —, cellulose nitrate fireproofed with, 1,329,386; 1 893,399 — fireproofing contg., 1,316,881 —, fireproofing composition contg., 1,310,841 Ammonium manganite, battery, dry, depolar- izer for contg., 1,173,965 Ammonium mercury chloride, see Mercury am- monium chloride Ammonium mercury(ic) chloride, see Mercury(ic) ammonium chloride Ammonium mercury(ic) nitrate, glass coloring of with, 1,277,172 —, mfr. of, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,277,172 —,—,mercury(ic) nitrate for, 1,277,172 —,—, process for, 1,277,172 —,—, properties of, 1,277,172 —,paper coloring of with, 1,277,172 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonium mercury(ic) nitrate, porcelain col- oring of with, 1,277,172 —,wood coloring of with, 1,277,172 Ammonium mercury (ic) salt, glass coloring of with, 1,277,172 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,277,172 —, paper coloring of with, 1,277,172 —,porcelain coloring of with, 1,277,172 —,wood coloring of with, 1,277,172 Ammonium metaphosphate, mfr. of, air for, 1,514,912 —,—, alundum filter for, 1,284,200; 1,514 912 —,—, ammonia for, 1,284, 200 —,—, ammonium sulfate for, 1,514,912 —,—,calcium carbide for, 1,514, 912 —,—, calcium cyanamide for, i 514 912 —,—, carbon for, 1,514,912 —,—-, coke for, 1,284 200 —,—, earthenware filter for, 1,284,200 —,—, filtrose filter for, 1,284, 200 —,—,iron oxide for, 1,514, 912 —,—,kieselguhr for, 1 284, 200 —,—, lime for, 1,514, 912 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,514, 912 —,—, oxygen for, 1 514, 912 —,—, phosphate rock for, 1,284,200 ; 1514, 912 ,—, phosphoric acid for, "1,514, 912 —,—, phosphorus for, 1 284.200 —,—, phosphorus pentoxide for, 1,514,912 —,—, porcelain, unglazed, filter, for, 1,284,200 —,—, potassium silicate for, 1,514, 912 —,—, process for, 1,284, 200; 1,514 912 ,—, Silica for, i 284 200: 1 514 912 —,—, ’ sulfuric acid for, 1 514, 912 ae NH.PO,, fertilizer made with, 1,194,077 —,—,mfr. of, ammonia for, 1 194, 077 —,—,—, phosphorus pentoxide for, 1,194,077 ,—,—, phosphate rock for, 1,194, 077 —,—,—, phosphorie acid for, 1 194, 077 ,—,—, process for, .1,194, 077 —,—, —, water for, 1; 194, 077 Ammonium metavanadate, anthracene, catalyst for the oxidation of, made with, 1,486, 781 —, benzaldehyde, catalyst for the mfr. of, ‘made with, 1,486,781 —, benzoic acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, mace with, 1,486, 781 — catalyst, for the mfr. of benzoic acid, with, 1,486,781 1,284,200; made —,—, ‘(for benzaldehyde mfr.), made with, 1 486, 781 —,—, (for hydroxy-benzoic acids mfr.), made with, 1,486,781 —,—, (for p-nitro-benzaldehye mfr.), made with, 1,586,781 —,—, (for p-hitro-benzoic acid mfr.), made with, 1,486,781 —,—, (for phthalic acid mfr.), made with, 1 486, 781 —,—, (for salicylic acid), made with, 1,486,781 —,—,(for sulfuric acid mfr.), made with, 1,183,414 —,—, (for the oxidation of anthracene), made with, 1,486,781 —,—, (for cresols 1 486, 781 oxidation), made with, INDEX OF Ammonium metavanadate, catalyst (for cumene oxidation), made with, 1,486,781 —,—,(for cymene oxidation), 1,486,781 —,—, (for mesitylene oxidation), made with, 1,486,781 —,—, (for naphthalene oxidation), made with, 1,486,781 —,—,(for toluene oxidation), 1,486,781 —,—, (for 1,486,781 —,—, silver vanadate as, made with, 1,183,414 —,cresols, catalyst for the oxidation of, made with, 1,486,781 made with, made with, xylene oxidation), made with, —,cumene, catalyst for the oxidation of, made . with, 1,486,781 —,cymene, for the oxidation of, made with 1,486,781 —,hydroxy-benzoic acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,486,781 —,mesitylene, catalyst for the oxidation of, made with, 1,486,781 —,naphthalene, catalyst for the oxidation of, made with, 1,486,781 —, p-nitro-benzaldehyde, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,486,781 —,p-nitro-benzoic acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,486,781 —, phthalic acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,486,781 —, Salicylic acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,486,781 —,silver vanadate, 1,183,414 —, sulfuric acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,183,414 —, toluene, catalyst for the oxidation of, made with, 1,486,781 —, xylene, catalyst for the oxidation of, made with, 1,486,781 - Ammonium metazincate, cellulose, fireproofing of with, 1,318,523; 1,318,524 —,cloth,- fireproofing of 1,318,528 ; 1,318,524 —, fireproofing with, 1,318,523; 1,318,524 —,wood, fireproofing of with, 1,318,523; 1,818,524 Ammonium-m-methylaminophenyldithiocar- bamate, accelerator in rubber vulcanization, 1,440,962; 1,440,963 Ammonium methyl]-dithiocarbamate, vulcaniza- tion accelerator, 1,513,122 Ammonium-o-methylphenylenedithiocarba- mate, accelerator in rubber vulcanization 1,440,962; 1,440,963 Ammonium-p-methylphenylenedithiocarba- mate accelerator in rubber vulcanization, 1,440,962; 1,440,963 Ammonium molybdate, ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,930; 1,386,555 —,catalyst (for ammonia mfr.), made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,930; 1,386,555 —, dyestuff made with, 1,250,289 —,ferro-molybdenum made with, 1,278,408 —,ink, contg., 1,441,664 catalyst, made with, with, d SUBJECTS BAB Ammonium molybdate, iron molybdate made with, 1,278,408 —, mfr. of, alkali earth carbonate for, 1,250,063 —,—,alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,250,063 —,—,aluminum salt for, 1,250,063 —,—,ammonium carbonate for, 1,250,063 —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,250,063 —,—,calcium carbonate for, 1,250,063 —,—,caleium hydroxide for, 1,250,063 —,—,iron(ic) molybdate for, 1,250,063 —,—, iron(ic) salt for, 1,250,063 —,—,iron(ic) sulfate for, 1,250,063 —,—,molybdenum(ic) nitrate for, 1,250,063 —,—,molybdenum(ic) sulfate for, 1,250,063 —,—, molybdie acid for, 1,250,063 —,—, process for, 1,250,063 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,250,063 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,250,063 —,—,sodium molybdate (crude) for, 1,250,063 —,molybdenum-iron catalyst from, 1,386,555 —, tungsten-molybdenum-vanadium gold alloy prepared with, 1,418,081 Ammonium monocarbonate, see Ammonium bi- carbonate Ammonium monophosphate, see Ammonium phosphate, NH.H:PO. mmonium mono-sulfo-oxyarsenate, mfr. of, 1,424,006 Ammonium muriate, see Ammonium chloride Ammonium naphthenate, cement, Portland, waterproof, made with, 1,285,636 —,—, waterproof, made with, 1,285,636 —, concrete, waterproof, made with, 1,285,636 —, cylinder stock, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,gas oil, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, gasolene, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, kerosene, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, lubricating oil, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, naphtha, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, oil, mineral, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, paraffin, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,paraffin distillate, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, paraffin slops, treatment. of using, 1,439,171 —, petroleum, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,scale wax, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,slack wax, treatment of using, 1,439,171 _Ammonium nickel chloride, nickel hydroxide made with, 1,135,785 Ammonium nickel sulfate, aluminum, electro- plating of with, 1,256,954 —,—,nickel-plated, made 1,256,954 —, battery, cadmium electrode for, made with, 1,509,138 —,cadmium electrode made with, 1,509,138 —, catalyst, hydrogenation, made with, 1,151,003 —, hydrogenation, catalyst. for, made with, 1,151,003 —, nickel hydroxide made with, 1,135,785 Ammonium nitrate, alcohol, solid, made with, 1,317,950 —,—, solidified, made with, 1,503,835 —, alkali earth antimoniate made with, 1,211,564 —, alloy resistant of, 1,393,388 —,alumina, separation of from, 1,494,835 —,aluminum antimoniate made with, 1,211,564 with, 1,147,718; 516 Ammonium nitrate, aluminum hydroxide and, mir. of, 1,464 984 —, amatol, recovery from of, 1,492,922; 1,492,956 1 492, O57: 1,492,958 —, amatol conte., 1,492,905 ; 1,492,922; 1,492,923; 1 492,924; 1 “492, 925; 1 492 956; 1 492 ‘957; 1 492, 958 —, ammonia, solvent for, contg., 1,267,772 —, ammonia ‘absorbed by, 1,319, 663 —, ammonium perchlorate made with, 1,273,477 ; | ,203,167; 1,820,160 —, ammonium phosphate (NH:)2HPO., made with, 1,251,742 as cs (NH,)POx, made with, 1,251,742 —,ammonium salt, treatment of with, 1,263,363 —,ammonium silicate made with, 1,270,093 —,ammonium sulfate made with, 1,206,062 1,206,063; 1,217,247 —, antiseptic made with, 1,276,119 —,anti-static photographic film contg., 1 431,900; 1,484,453 —, barium nitrate made with, 1278, 824 —, ’ bark, white ash and, explosive ‘of, 1,444,594 —, ’ battery, primary, copper oxide electrode for, made with, 1,486,955 —,beryllium antimoniate made with, 1,211,564 —,binder for aluminum oxide, hydrated, 1,312,853 —, binder for bauxite, 1,312,853 —, binder for clay, 1,312,853 —, binder for fire brick, 1,312,853 —, binder for flint clay, 1,812,853 —, bog iron ore, treatment with of, 1,263,363 —, brass, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839 ; 1,314,840; 1,814,841; 1,314,842 —, calcium nitrate made with, 1,288,754 —, catalyst, hydrogenation, made with, 1,185,075 —,—, nickel as, made with, 1,165,956; 1 "185, 075 —,—, urea made with, 1,292 019 —, cellulose nitrate, water in, 1,386,439 —,cellulose nitrate dehydrated by, 1,411,130 —,cement contg., waste asbestos and, 1,865,077 —, charcoal and, explosive of, 1,444,594 —, chrome yellow made with, 1,484,088 —,colophony and, cyanure triazide for deto- nating, 1,390,378 —, concentration of, alkali for, 1,126,471 —,—, alkali earth carbonate for, 1,126,471 —,—, alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,126,471 —,—, aluminum hydroxide for, 1,126,471 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,126,471 —, calcium hydroxide for, 1,126,471 —,—, lead hydroxide for, 1,126,471 —~—, , potassium carbonate for, 1,126,471 —,—, potassium. hydroxide for, 1 126, ‘471 —,—, process for, 1,126,471 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,126,471 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1, 126, 471 —, copper, etching of, ‘electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841 ; 1,314,842 —,—, iron, using, 1,484,690 _ —,—, steel, using, 1,484,690 —,detonating composition contg., 1,404,687 —,detonator made with, 1,194,095 - ; diazodinitrophenol and, explosive mixture of, 1,428,011 reducing by, with, 1,404,687 —,diphenylguanidine made _ with, 1,422,506 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 _ Ammonium nitrate, diazodinitrophenol mixed 1,411,231; — , dynamite contg., 1,440,994; 1,445,378 —, dynamite cartridge. made with, 1,502 646 —,dynamite from smokeless 1,447,248 —,electrolyte for etching contg., 1 014,840; 1,314,841; 1 143,330 ; 1,298,793: 1,329,212; 1,376,030; 1,395,775: 1,428,011: 1,456,341 ; contg., 1,253,691; 1,310,466; 1,335,788 ; 1,386,438 ; 1,408,056 ; 1,434,642 : 1,464,667 ; 1,314,842 —, ethyl alcohol made with, 1,475,215 —, explosive 1, 124 679 : 1,280,563; 1,311,274: 1,835,789 ; 1,386,440; 1,409,963 ; 1,441,130; 1,472,691 ; ‘powder and, 1,314,839 ; 1,139,339 ; 1,293,882 ; 1,329,211; 1,335,790; 1,390,671 ; 1,410,868; 1,445,378: 1,473,257 —,—, copper sulfate in, 1,299,942 —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,310 037 —,—, nitrostarch and, 1 343 063; 1,886,487; 1,886,478 —,—, trinitrotoluene, 1,807,495; Re-15,155 —,—,—, nitrostarch and, 1,843,077 —,explosive made with, 1,132,873; 1,188,244; 1,188,245; 1,188,246; 1,829,211; . 1,829,212; 1,841,207; 1,483,087; 1,509,393; 1,509,935; —,explosive ingredient, 1,335,785 —, fertilizer made with, 1,251,742; 1,283,678; 1,406,455; 1,410,036; 1,482,479; 1,497,600; 1,501,645 —, fertilizer, explosive, made with, 1,274,343 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,431,900; 1 A384 ‘453 —, fir saw dust and, explosive of, 1,444,594 — ’ formation of, 1, 464,99 91 —,—, ammonium carbonate for, 1,303,167 —,—, sodium nitrate for, 1,303,167 —, fuel, self-propelled torpedo contg., 1,512,354 —,fume of, precipitation of, 1,306,924 —, ger micide made with, 1 276, 119 —, glass coloring of with, 1, 277, 172 —, glycerol made with, 1 288, 398 —, granular, mfr. of, process ‘for, 1,131,361 —, grasses and, explosive of, 1,444,594 1,382,563 ; copper sulfate and, 1,186,065 ; 1,320,160; 1,434,642: 1,510,348 1,263,363 ; 1,418,618 ; —,guanidine nitrate made with, 1,440,063; 1,441,206 —,heater, chemical, made with, 1,506,322; 1,506,323 —, hide, bating of using, 1,170,426 —, hydrogen made with, 1,506,323 —, hydrogenation, catalyst for, 1,185,075 —, hydrogen dioxide made with, 1,273,824 —, insecticide made with, 1,496,436 —,iron, copper coating on, using, 1,484,690 —,— nickel coating on, using, 1,484, 690 —, iron hydroxide, treatment with of, 1,263,363 — ’ kieseleubr, treatment with of, 1,263. 363 —,lamp, electric, filament for, made with, 1,180,264 . —,lead, red, made with, 1,123,743 —,lead chromate made with, 1,484,088 —, leaves and, explosive of, 1,444,594 made with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Ammonium nitrate, loading shell with, 1,453,933 —,lycopodium and, explosive of, 1,444,594 —, magnesium antimoniate made with, 1,211,564 —, manure contg., 1,397,629 —, mfr. of, air for, 1,237,884; 1,252,976 —,—, alkali earth carbide for, 1,517,870 —,—,aluminum fluoride for, 1,464,991 —,—, aluminum nitrate for, 1,494,835 —,—,ammonia for, 1,165,368; 1,206,062; 1,206,063; 1,217,247; 1,237,884; 1,252,976; 1,256,518; 1,306,924; 1,310,479; 1,815,534; 1,315,674; 1,464,991; 1,511,561; 1,517,870 —,—,ammonia compound for, 1,315,534 —,ammonium bicarbonate for, 1,315,534 —,ammonium carbonate for, 1,315,534 —,—,ammonium fluoride for, 1,511,561 1,499,544 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,494,835; —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1,301,047 —,—,apparatus for, 1,165,368; 1,206,062; 1,206,063; 1,217,247; 1,252,976; 1,315,674; 1,359,002; 1,498,031 —,—,asbestos as catalyst for, 1,237,884 —,—, barium carbide for, 1,517,870 —,—,calcium carbide for, 1,517,870 —,—,calcium cyanamide for, 1,498,031 —,—, calcium nitrate and ammonium bicarbon- ate for, 1,304,932 —,—,calcium oxide for, 1,165,368 —,—, carbide for, 1,517,870 —,—,carbo-nitride for, 1,310,479 —,—,coal for, 1,498,031 —,—, cobalt vanadate as catalyst for, 1,252,976 —,—, cyanamide for, 1,517,870 —,—, electrolytic process for, 1,359,002 —,—, garbage for, 1,165,368 —,—,gun-powder mill refuse for, 1,163,368 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,498,031 —,—,hydrocyaniec acid for, 1,498,031 —,—, hydrofluoric acid for, 1,464,991; 1,511,561 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,498,031; 1,517,870 —,—, illuminating gas for, 1,498,031 —,—, iridium as catalyst for, 1,217,247 —,—,lime for, 1,165,368 —,—,manganese silver chromate as catalyst for, 1,237,884 —,—, metal oxides as catalyst for, 1,252,976 —,—, nickel as catalyst for, 1,252,976 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,165,368; 1,256,513; 1,306,924; 1,310,479; 1,315,534; 1,315,674; 1,359,002; 1,499,544 —,nitrogen for, 1,498,031; 1,517,870 —,—, nitrogen oxides for, 1,217,247 —,—, oxygen for, 1,206,062; 1,206,063; 1,237,884; - 1,252,976 —,—, pitch for, 1,498,031 —,—, platinum black as catalyst for, 1,252,976 —,—,platinum as catalyst for, 1,252,976; 1,217,247; 1,517,870 —,—, platinum as catalyst carrier for, 1,252,976 —,—, potassium nitrate for, 1,165,368 —,—,process for, 1,165,368 ; 1,206,062 ; 1,206,063; 1,217,247; 1,237,884; 1,252,976; 1,256,513; 1,301,047; 1,306,924; 1,315,534; 1,315,674; 1,330,186; 1,359,002; 1,464,984; o1? 1,464,991; 1,494,835; PbIL SS): 517,870 Ammonium nitrate, mfr. of, pumice as catalyst carrier for, 1,252,976 —,—, quartz diaphragm for, 1,359,002 —,—, sewage sludge for, 1,165,368 —,—, silver molybdate as catalyst for, 1,237,884 ,—, silver phosphate as catalyst for, 1,237,884 ,—, Silver vanadate as catalyst for, 1,237,884 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,165,368 1,498,031; 1,499,544; —,—,sodium fluoride for, 1,464,991 —,sodium nitrate for, 1,165,368; 1,301,047; 1,464,991; 1,475,156; 1,475,157; 1,475,158; 1,511.561 —,—,steam for, 1,498,031; 1,517,870 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,306,924 —,—,tar for, 1,498,031 —,—, tin chromate as catalyst for, 1,252,976 —, media contg., 1,400,374 —,metal antimoniate made with, 1,211,564 —,nickel, catalyst, made with, 1,165,956; 1,185,075 —,—,etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839 ; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,—,iron, using, 1,484,690 —,—, steel, using, 1,484,690 —,nitric acid made with, 1,206,062; 1,206,063 ; 1,217,247 —,nitric acid electrolytically reduced to, 1,359,002 —, nitrogen monoxide made with, 1,499,544 —,nitronaphthalene, coating of for, 1,310,037 —,nitrostarch, water in, reducing by, 1,386,439 —,nitrostarch dried by solution of, 1,895,776 —,nitrostarch dehydrated by, 1,441,130 —,nut shells and, explosive of, 1,444,594 —,oils, polymerized, for coating, 1,395,775 —,—, vulcanized, for coating, 1,395,775 —,paper coloring of with, 1,277,172 —,photographic image toned with solution contg., 1,331,092 —, pigment made with, 1,484,088 —,plant tissue impregnated with, explosive of, 1,444,594 —, plaster of Paris, treatment with of, 1,263,363 —, porcelain coloring of with, 1,277,172 —, potassium mercuric iodide stabilized with, 1,276,119 —, potassium nitrate, 1,274,145 —, potassium salt, treatment with of, 1,263,363 —,pressure generator actuated by, 1,423,330 —,recovery of, 1,464,991 —,refrigerating composition contg., 1,345,144 —, refrigeration, ammonia absorbent for, contg., 1,267,772 —., refrigeration 1,883,246 —,removal from gas mantles, 1,436,359 —,rifle barrel, cupro-nickel fouling in, using, 1,484,690 —,roots and, explosive of, 1,444,594 —, sawdust and, explosive of, 1,444,594 —, silica, treatment with of, 1,263,363 —,silicie acid made with, 1,270,093 —,skin, bating of using, 1,170,426 separation from of, process using, 1,246,866; 518 Ammonium nitrate, smokeless powder contg., cellulose nitrate and, 1,341,207 —,smoke producing compound made with, 1,244,940 —,sodium nitrate made with, 1,320,160 —,solvent for, alcohol as, 1,503,835 —, starch and, explosive of, 1,444,594 —, starch, nitrated, solubilized by, 1,410,037 —,—, treatment with of, 1,263,363 —, ’ steel, copper coating on, using, 1,484,690 —,— etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1 314 840; 1 314 841; 1,314,842 —,—, nickel coating on, ‘using, 1,484,690 —,straw and, explosive of, 1,444,594 —,synthesis of, 1,408,625 —, tennis ball preserved with, 1,207,813 —,thiocarbanilid desulfurized with, 1,411,231 —, tin antimoniate made with, 1,211,564 —, tungsten filament made with, 1,180,264 —, urea made with, 1,241,919; 1 O41 ,920 —, water gas made with, 1,506 323 —, ’ water- proof coating for, 1,310,037 —, wood coloring of with, 1,277,172 —, 'wood meal and, explosive of, 1,444,594 —, yeast made with, 1,475,215 —, yeast food contg., 1,288,398 —, zinc, etching of, electrolyte. contg., 1,314,839; 1 314 840: 1,314 S41; 1,814,842 fy ZAC antimoniate made with, 1,211,564 —, zirconium antimoniate made with, 1,211,564 Ammonium nitrite, ball made with, 1,240, 439 —, golf ball made with, 1,240,439 —, mfr. of, air for, 1,172 863; 1,237,884 —,—, aluminum compound for, 1 172 863 —,—, ’ aluminum oxide for, 1, 172 863 —,—, ammonia for, 1,237 (884 —,—, asbestos as catalyst for, 1,287,884 —,—, "calcium compound for, 1 172 863 —,—, fuel for, 1,172,863 —,—, Manganese silver chromate as catalyst PD 1,237,884 —, oxygen for, 1,172,863; 1,237,884 —,—, process for, 1 172 863: 1 237 884 —,—, silver molybdate as catalyst for, 1,237,884 —,—, silver phosphate as catalyst for, 1,237 884 —,—, silver vanadate as catalyst. for, 1,237 884 —,—, water for, 1,172,863 Ammonium-p-nitrophenylenedithiocarbamate, accelerator in rubber vulcanization, 1,440 962; 1,440,963 Ammonium nitrosophenylhydroxylamine- phenylglyoxime, ore concentrated by use of, 1,449,797 —-.lead ore concentrated by use of, 1,449,797 —, tin ore concentrated by use of, 1449, 797 —,vanadium ore concentrated by use of, 1 449,797 Ammonium oleate, 1,392,013 —, finish remover made with, 1,147,851 —,metal sulfide separated from iron sulfide with, 1,254,173 —, oils emulsified with, 1,392,013 — ’ varnish made with, 1 (436 $20 Ammonium orthoborate, resistors coated by use of, 1,365,331 process for, core compound contg., ~ Ammonium UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 ortho-thioantimonate, electric, contg., 1,316,760 Ammoniumorthozincate, cellulose, fireproofing of with, 1,818,523; 1,318,524 battery, —,cloth, fireproofing of with, 1,318,523; 1,318,524 —, fireproofing with, 1,318,523; 1,318,524 —,wood, fireproofing of with, 1,318,523; 1,318,524 Ammonium oxalate, aluminum iron plated with, 1,332,307 —, ainmonium 1 508 448 —,ammonium phosphate (NH,)2HPO,, made with, 1,251,742 —,— , (NHy)sPOu, made with, 1,251,742 —, blue print paper made with, 1 500 A828 —, calcium testing reagent, 1,457, 466 —, candy contg., 1,450,865 —, casein size made with, 1,506,081 —, catalyst, urea made by, 1,292,019 —, confection contg., 1,450 865 —, copper cyanamide made with, 1,352 AV iri 1,352,179 — electrolyte contg., 1,273,432; 1,291,310 —,electrolyte for iron purification contg., 1 420,128; 1,420,129 —, etching, electrolyte for, contg., 1,273,432 —, etching solution contg., 1,362,159 —, fertilizer made with, 1,251 742 —, formation of, process for, 1 194,354 — hog cholera antitoxin made with, 1,183,591 ; 1 224,860 —, intestines tanned with, 1,444,548 —, leather made with, 1 444 548 —, leather treated with, 1 334 ,216 —, lozenge contg., 1 450, 865 —, photographic material 1,424,062 —, pill contg., 1,450,865 —, powder contg., 1 450,865 —-, size made with, 1 506 081 —, tablet contg., 1,450, 865 Ammonium palladium chloride, see Ammonium chlorpalladinate —,see also Palladium black Ammonium palladium protochloride, catalyst for hydrogenation made with, 1,164,141; Re-14,656 —,cotton seed oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1, 164,141; Re-14,656 Ammonium palmitate, candle made with, 1,229,132 —, finish remover made with, 1,147,851 Ammonium paratungstate, mfr. of, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,277,475; 1,282,122 —,—, process for, 1,282,122 —,—, tungsten trioxide for, 1,277,475; 1,282,122 — tungsten trioxide made with, 1,282, 122 —, tungsten trioxide, finely divided, made with, 1,277 475 rit] (N Hg) 10 W1201.5H20, 1,277,475 Ammonium per-acid salt, soap made with, 1,153,167 Ammonium perborate, starch, soluble, made with, 1,207,177 iron(ic) citrate made with, hardened with, INDEX OF Ammonium perchlorate, coated, explosives made with, 1,357,764 —,detonating composition contg., 1,462,074; 1,462,075; 1,462,093 —, detonator made with, 1,194,095; 1,206,456 —, dynamite contg., 1,484,642 —,explosive contg. 1,128,471; 1,293,154; 1,297,213; 1,301,646; 1,309,014; 1,810,466; Petts: -1,327,985- 1,334,308: (1,335,788; 1,335,790; 1,393,463; 1,360,397; 1,360,398; 1,360,399; 1,367,608; 1,376,029; 1,393,984; 1,395,776; 1,408,056; 1,409,963; 1,410,868; 1,428,011; 1,484,642; 1,440,767; 1,440,768; 1,462,074; 1,462,075; 1,462,093 —,explosive made with, 1,132,873; 1,186,065; 1,243,231; 1,243,351; 1,276,537; 1,277,043; 1,320,160; 1,334,303; 1,357,764; 1,360,397; 1,360,398; 1,360,399; 1,484,642; 1,453,984; 1,510,555 ag mfr. of, ammonia for, 1,273,477 "cee iene ammonium chlorate for, 1,273,477 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,273,477; SS 1,320,160 ~—,—,ammonium nitrate for, 1,273,477; “XS 1,303,167; 1,320,160 —,—,ammonium salt for, 1,320,160 SN — ammonium sulfate for, 1,273,477; YS 1,284,380; 1,320,160 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,273,477 \_.—, potassium perchlorate for, 1,273,477 > —,—, process for, 1,273,477; 1,284,380; 1,303,167 —,—,sodium perchlorate for, <~T,303,167; 1,320,160; -1;342;956 —,—,sodium perchlorate and ammonium sul- _ fate for, 1,338,357 —, match made with, 1,329,537 —, match heads contg., 1,329,537 —,sodium sulfate separation of from, 1,284,380; 1,838,357 —, trinitrotoluene for coating, 1,367,608 Ammonium permanganate, tobacco, denico- tinizing of, using, 1,518,706 Ammonium, persulfate, acetic acid made with, 1,128,780 —., anilinogallocyanine made with, 1,268,455 —, bast fiber, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 —,—,retting of, using, 1,247,757 —, battery, dry, made with, 1,147,753 —,—,—, depolarizer for, made with, 1,221,991 —, cereal, treatment of using, 1,222,830 —, checks, writing of, using, 1,514,222 —, cocoa fiber, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 —,—,retting of, using, 1,247,757 —, compound, heat-producing, contg., 1,309,209 —, copper, iron, using, 1,484,690 —,—,steel, using, 1,484,690 —, documents, printing of, using, 1,514,222 —, dyestuff made with, 1,268,455 —, explosive made with, 1,222,065 —., flax, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 —,—,retting of, using, 1,247,757 —, flour, treatment of using, 1,222,830 —, glass made with, 1,488,914 —,gun cleaning compound contg., 1,296,196 —, hemp, bleaching of, using, 1,247,757 —,—,retting of, using, 1,247,757 A, tA. ea ~ ee ALL ack he SUBJECTS 519 Ammonium persulfate, hydrogen, palladium black, rhodium in, electrode, removal from of, using, 1,218,584 —,—, palladium black electrode, removal from of, using, 1,218,584 —,—, palladium sponge electrode, removal from of, using, 1,218,584 —, —, rhodium, platinum black contg., electrode, removal from of, using, 1,218,584 —,hydrogen dioxide made with, 1,234,380; 1,511,494 —,iron, copper coating on, using, 1,484,690 —,—, nickel coating on, using, 1,484,690 —, jute, retting of, using, 1,247,757 —,manganese compounds oxidized 1,445,366 —, manganese compounds separated from zinc by, 1,444,484 —,mfr. of, ammonium bisulfate for, 1,195,560; 1,234,380 —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1,477,099 —'— lead cathode for, 1,195,560; 1,477,099 — —, platinum anode for, 1,195,560; 1,477,099 —,—,platinum coated tantalum as anode for, 1,477,099 —,—, process for, 1,195,560 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,477,099 —,—, tantalum coated with, platinum as anode for, 1,477,099 —., nickel, iron, using, 1,484,690 —,—, steel, using, 1,484,690 —, ore, flotation of with, 1,300,516 —, oxygen made with, 1,218,584 —,palladium black, electrode, hydrogen, re- moval of from, using, 1,218,584 —,—,rhodium, electrode, hydrogen removal of from, using, 1,218,584 —,palladium sponge electrode, hydrogen, re- moval of from using, 1,218,584 —,rhodium, platinum black contg., electrode, hydrogen, removal of from using, 1,218,584 —,rifle barrel, cupro-nickel fouling in, using, 1,484,690 —,steel, copper coating on, using, 1,484,690 —,—,nickel coating on, using, 1,484,690 —, starch, soluble, made with, 1,207,177 —, wheat, treatment of using, 1,222,830 Ammonium phenate, see Ammonium phenolate Ammonium phenolate, ores floated with, 1,334,420 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,505,382 Ammonium phenyldithiocarbamate, accelerator in rubber vulcanization, 1,440,962; 1,440,963 Ammonium phenylethyldithiocarbamate, accel- 1,195,560; with, erator in rubber vulcanization, 1,440,962; 1,440,963 Ammonium phosphate, acetaldehyde made with, 1,511,754 —, acetic acid made with, 1,214,518 —, adhesive, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, aircraft, fireproof dope for, contg., 1,321,708 —,airplane dope made _ with, 1,321,708; 1,329,386; 1,393,355; 1,440,178 —,airplane fabric made with, 1,325,363; 1,427,941 —, airplane fabric fireproofed with, 1,427,941 ‘« 520 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonium phosphate, alcohol made with, 1,511,754 —,ale made with, 1,214,518 —,ammonia made with, 1,252,318 —,ammonium phosphate (NH:),HPO., made with, 1,251,742 Seo (NH:)sPOu,, made with, 1,251,742 —,balloon fabric made with, 1,427,941 —, beer made with, 1,214,518 —, beverage made with, 1,214,518 —, bread made with, 1,500,545 —,calcium phosphate, acid, made _ with, 1,252,318 a aan (Ca(H2PO.)2), made with, 1,252,318 ; —,catalyst, dehydrogenation, made _ with, 1,215,335 —,—, hydrogenation, made with, 1,215,335 —,cellulose acetate inflammability of re- duced using, 1,440,178 —, cellulose nitrate fireproofed with, 1,829,386; 1,393,355 —,cellulose sulfite liquor 1,284,739; 1,284,740; 1,467,321 —,cement contg., 1,296,467; 1,456,667 —,chemical electrolytic rectifier 1,339,907 —,¢cloth fireproofed with, 1,381,413 —, coffee substitute made with, 1,486,792 —, dehydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,215,335 —, ethyl alcohol made with, 1,284,739; 1,284,740 —,ethyl alcohol from cellulose sulfite liquor and, 1,320,043 —, fabric, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —, fertilizer made with, 1,146,222; 1,251,742; 1,418,618; 1,441,694; 1,456,850 —, fiber, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —, fire extinguisher made with, 1,154,161; 1,248,092 —. fireproofing made with, 1,248,092; 1,316,881; 1,325,363; 1,346,287; 1,418,730; 1,441,061 —, fireproofing, aircraft, made with, 1,309,453 —, fireproofing composition contg., 1,310,841; 1,321,708 —, fireproofing fabrics with, 1,436,231 —, fireproofing solution. contg., 1,382,618 —,formation of, 1,456,831 —, formation in fertilizer mfr., 1,355,369 —, glycerol made with, 1,288,398; 1,511,754 —, hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,215,335 —,hygroscopicity of, 1,369,763 —, Insulating composition contg., 1,456,667 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,246,810; 1,248,638 —,—, heat, made with, 1,456,667 —, iron, rust-proofing with, 1,320,734 —, kapok fireproofed with, 1,422,242 —, lacquer, inflammability reduced of, using, 1,440,178 —, lactic acid made with, 1,214,518 —, lubricant made with, 1,145,877; 1,181,976 —, lubricating oil, fireproof made with, 1,181,976 —, Magnesium oxide, action on of, 1,296,467 —,malt substitute made with, 1,214,518 treated with, contg., Ammonium phosphate, mfr. of, alkali carbonate for, 1,270,515 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,270,515 —,—, feldspar for, 1,270,515 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,510,179 —,—, phosphate rock for, 1,270,515 —,—, phosphorus for, 1,510,179 —,—, phosphorus nitride for, 1,510,179 —,—, process for, 1,270,515; 1,369,763; 1,510,179 _ —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,270,515 —,match made with, 1,230,416; 1,372,860 —, matches impregnated with, 1,372,860 —, packing, lubricating, made with, 1,145,877 —, paint, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,paper, fireproof sizing for, made with, 1,248,092 —, phosphoric acid made with, 1,252,318 —,photographic material hardened with, 1,424,062 —,porter made with, 1,214,518 —, rectifier, electric, made with, 1,155,649 —,—, electrolytic, made with, 1,165,983; 1,339,907 —,reducing inflammability of fabrics by, 1,439,178 —,Tust preventing paint contg., 1,428,086 —,rustproofing made with, 1,428,086; 1,428,087 —,sake made with, 1,214,518 —,shingle, fireproofing of, made with, 1,346,287 —, sizing amylaceous, fabric, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —,—,—, fiber, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —, Starch, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, steel, rust-proofing with, 1,320,734 —, steel prevented from rusting by, 1,428,087 —, Stone, artificial, contg., 1,456,667 —,tent fabric made with, 1,427,941 —, underwriters cloth made with, 1,427,941 —, varnish, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, Vinegar made with, 1,214,518 —;, wood fireproofed with, 1,274,171; 1,346,287 ; 1,441,061 —,wood preserved with, 1,274,171 —, yeast, dry, contg., 1,386,359; 1,386,360 —, yeast made with, 1,201,062; 1,449,127; 1,475,471 —, yeast from sugar and, 1,449,102; 1,449,104; 1,449,106; 1,449,111; 1,449,112 —,yeast food contg., 1,288,398; 1,431,156; 1,434,462 —,see also Mono-, Di-, and Tri-ammonium phosphate —, (acid), rust preventing paint contg., 1,428,086 —, (di), yeast from sugar and, 1,449,102; 1,449,103 —,—, yeast stimulant contg., 1,447,054 —, (dihydrogen) phosphate, yeast treated with, 1,464,710 —, (NH.)H2POk,, fertilizer, 1,194,077 —,—,mfr. of alunite for, 1,191,615 —,—,—,ammonia for, 1,142,068; 1,151,074; 1,151,633; 1,167,788; 1,191,615; 1,194,077; 1,208,877; 1,369,763 —,—,—,ammonia, gas contg., for, 1,208,877 —,—,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,142,068; 1,151,074; 1,151,638; 1,167,788: 1,369,763 § INDEX OF SUBJECTS 521 Ammonium phosphate (NH,)H.PO,, mfr. of, ammonium phosphate, (NH:)s,HPO,, for, 1,142,068; 1,151,074; 1,151,633; 1,167,788 —,—,—, calcium phosphate, Ca(HPO,)s, for, 1 191, 615 —,CasP.0s, for 1,129,504; 1,129,722; 44,191,615 —,—,—, carbon for, 1,129,504; 1,129,722 —,—,—,carbon monoxide for, 1,129,504; 1,129,722 —,—,—,coal dust for, 1,129,504; 1,129,722 —,—,—, ’ coke for, 1,129, 504: 1,129, 722 —,—,—,coke oven for, 1,208, 877 —,—,—, hydrogen for, 1 129 504: 1,129,722 —,—.—,illuminating gas for, 1,129,504 ; 1,129,722 —,—,—, Mond gas for, 1,208,877 —,—,— nitrogen for, 1,129,504; 1,129,722 —,—,—, phosphate for, 1 129, 504; 1 129,722 ; 1,142,068; 1,151,074; 1,151,633; 1,167,788; BLG 615: t 194, 077: 1,369,763 —,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,142,068; 1 151, 1074: 1,151,633; 1,167,788; 1,191,615; 1 194, 077: 1,208,877 ; 1,369,763 —,—,—, phosphorus carbonitride, PsCsNio, for, 1,129,504; 1,129,722 —, a —, phosphorus 9,722 —,—,—, phosphorus pentoxide for, 1,194,077 ,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,191,615 —,—,—, potassium sulfate for, 1,191,615 nitride for, 1,129,504; —,—,—,process for, 1,129,504; 1,129,722; 1,142,068; 1,151,074; 1,151,633; 1,167,788; 1,191,615; 1,194,077; (1,208,877; 1,369,763 —,—,—, producer gas for, 1,129,504; 1,129,722 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1, 142 068: $151 074; ~ 1151, 633: 1,167,788; 1 191, 615: 1 '369 "763. —, water for, 1,129,504; 1,129,722; ty 194, 1077 yeast made with, 1,449,111; Re-15,716 Ammonium phosphate (NH:)2-HPO,, ammonium potassium phosphate, K(NH:)HPO,, made with, 1,357,120 —,—,ethyl alcohol made with, 1,475,215 —,—, mfr, of, air for, 1,514,912 —,—, —, ammonia for, 1,264,513; 1 276, 870: 1,514,912 —,—,—,ammonium acetate for, 1,251,742 —,—,ammonium borate for, 1,251,742 —,—,—, ammonium carbonate ‘for, 1 251 742 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,251 742, 1,264,514; eo er ee, ee age nee Ne —,—,ammonium citrate for, 1,251 742 —,—,ammonium fluoride for, 1 251, 742 —,—, ammonium fluosilicate for, 1,251 5742 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,264, 513; 1,264,514 —,—, —, ammonium nitrate for, 1,251,742 —,—,—,ammonium oxalate for, 1,251 5742 —,—,—,ammonium phosphate for, 1 251 5742 —,—,—, ammonium phosphate, NELH:PO,, made ’ with, 1,142,068; 1,151,074; 1,151,633; 1,167,788 —,—,—,ammonium phosphite for, 1,251,742 —,—,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1,251,742; 1,514, 912 —,—,—,apparatus for, 1,264,513 —, —, —, calcium carbide for, 1,514,912 Ammonium phosphate (NH:.)-HPO, ammo- nium potassium phosphate, mfr. of, calctum cyanamide for, 1,514,912 —,—,—, calcium phosphate for, 1,251,742 ,—,-—, carbon for, 1,514,912 ,—,—, iron oxide for, 1 514, 912 —,—,—, lime for, 1,514, 912 —,——, nitrogen for, 1,514,912 —,—,—, oxygen for, 1,514,912 —,—,—, phosphate for, 1514, 912 —,—,—, phosphate rock for, 1,251,742 ~~ —,—,—,phosphoric acid for, 1,264,513 ; 1,264, 514: 1276 870; 1,514,912 —,—, —, phosphorus pentoxide for, 1,514,912 —,—,—, potassium silicates for, 1,514,912 —,—,—,process for, 1,142,068; 1,151,074; 1,151,633; 1,167,788; 1,251,742; 1,264,513; 1,264,514; 1,276,870; 1,514,912 —,—,—, silica for, 1,514,912 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,514,912 —,—,match made with, 1,150,857 . —,phosphorie acid made with, 1,511,929 —,—, yeast made with, 1,475,215 —,((NH.)2H), wood preservative 1,265,370 —, (NH.)H2PO,, mfr. of, air for, 1,514,912 —,—,—,ammonia for, 1,264,513; 1,264,514; 1 276, 870: 1,514,912 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,264,513; of 264, 514 —,—,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1,514,912 —,—, apparatus for, 1,264, 513; 1 264, 514 —, —, calcium carbide for, 1,514 912 —,—, calcium cyanamide for, 1,514,912 contg., ne —,carbon for, 1,514,912 —,—,—, iron oxide for, 1 514, 912 —,—,—, lime for, 1,514, 912 —,—,— ‘nitrogen for, 1,514, 912 —,—,—, oxygen for, 1 514, 912 —,—,—, phosphate rock for, 1,514,912 —,—,—,phosphoric acid for, 1,264,513; 1,264,514; 1,276,870; 1,514,912 —,—,—, phosphorus ‘pentoxide for, 1,514,912 —,—,—, potassium silicates for, 1 B14, 912 —,—,—-, process for, 1,264, 513: 1 264,514; 1,276, 870; 1,514,912 —,—,—, silica for, 1,514,912 —,—,—, ’ sulfuric acid for, 1,514,912 —,—-, rustproofing using, 1,428 086 —, (NH:)sPO,, building block ‘contg. .. 1,305,993 —,—, mfr. of, air for, 1,514,912 —,—,—, ammonia for, 1,276, 870; 1,514,912 —,—, —, ammonium acetate for 1,251 742 —,—,—, ammonium bicarbonate for, 1,252,318 —,—,—, ammonium borate for; 1 251 742 —, —, —, ammonium carbonate for, 1,251 442; 1,252,318 —,—,—, ammonium chloride for, 1,251,742 d —,—,—, ammonium citrate for, 1,251, 742 SE —, ammonium fluoride for, 1,251,742 —,—,—, ammonium fluosilicate for, 1251 742 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1 ,252 318 —, ammonium nitrate for, 1,251 742 Teh —,—, ammonium oxalate for, 1 251, 742 —,—,—, ammonium phosphate for, 1,251,742 —,—,—, ammonium phosphite for, 1 251 742, 522 Ammonium phosphate (NH:)2HPO,, (NH,)sPO,, mfr. of, ammonium sulfate for, 1,251,742; 1,514,912 —,—,—,calcium carbide for, 1,514,912 —,—,—,calcium cyanamide for, 1,514,912 —,—,calcium phosphate for, 1 251,742 —,—, carbon for, 1,514,912 Ne Ns —, , carbon dioxide for, 1,252,318 —,—,—,iron oxide for, 1,514 912 —,—,—, ‘lime for, 1,514, 912 —, nitrogen for, 1,514 912 —,—,—, oxygen for, 1,514,912 phosphate rock 1,252, 318: 1 B14 912 —,—,—, phosphoric acid made with, 1,276,870; 1,511,929; 1,514,912 —,—,— , phosphorus pentoxide for, 1,514,912 —,—,—, potassium silicate for, 1,514, 912 process for, 1,251,742 ; ° 1,252,818; 1,276, 870: 1,514,912 —,—,—, silica for, 1,514,912 —,—,—, ’ sulfuric acid for, 1,514,912 —,—, phosphoric acid made with, 1,511,929 Ammonium potassium phosphate, K(NH:) HPO,, mfr. of, ammonium phosphate (NH,)2HPOz, for, 1 B57, 120 —,—,—, process for, 1 357, 120 Ammonium phosphide, formation of, 1,454,591 Ammonium phosphite, ammonium phosphate (NH:z)2HPO:, made with, 1,251,742 —,—, (NH.):PO., made with, 1,251,742 —, fertilizer made with, 1,251,742 —,nickel, coating with using, 1,207,218 : ~ ev aT ee for, 1,251,742; ~ Ammonium phospho-molybdate, battery de- polarizer, 1,281,372 —,battery, dry, depolarizer for, contg,., 1,272,952 —- , battery depolarizer, 1,281,372 Ammonium picramate, ‘diazodinitrophenol made with, 1,460,708 —, 2-diazo-4.6-dinitro-phenol made with, 1,460,708 —, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,472,791 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,472,791 —,—,ammonium sulfide for, 1 A72 791 —,—, ;carbon. bisulfide for, 1,472 791 —, — picric acid for, 1 A72 791 —,—, process for, 1 472 791 Ammonium picrate, explosive 1,320,160; 1,882,260; 1,444,594 —,unloading shell filled with, apparatus for, 1,492,957; 1,492,958 —,—,process for, 1,492,957; 1,492,958 Ammonium platinic chloride, see also Am- monium chlorplatinate Ammonium platinum chloride, audion filament contg., 1,453,267 Ammonium polysulfide, battery, electric, contg., 1,316,760 —,—, primary, made with, 1,484,781 —,cyanogen compounds removed from am- monium hydroxide by, 1,467,193 —,cyanogen compounds removed from am- monium sulfate by, 1,467,193 —,formation of, process for, 1,160,375 —, rubber, hard, made using, 1,507,594 —, sulfur, colloidal made with, 1,429,522 made with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 -Ammonium polysulfide, vulcanizing, accelerator made with, 1,473,285 —, vulcanization process using, 1,507,594 Ammonium polythionate, ammonium sulfate made with, 1,127,219 —,ammonium thiosulfate made with, 1,127,219 —, mfr. of, ammonium thiosulfate for, 1,217,219 —,—, process for, 1,127,219 —,—,sulfurous acid for, 1,127,219 —, sulfur made with, 1,127,219 Ammonium potassium phosphate, mfr..of, cal- cium phosphate, Ca:P.Os, for, 1,492 712 —,—,carbon for, 1,492,712 —,—, feldspar for, t) 492. 712 On Ore 492 712 —,—, iron oxide for, 1,492,712 —,—, lime for, 1,492, 712 —,—, magnesia for, 1,492, 712 —, muscovite for, 1,492 12 —,—, ’ phosphate for, 1,492,712 —, phosphate rock for, 1,492,712 —, potassium silicates for, 1,492,712 —,—, process for, 1,492,712 —,—, silica for, 1,492,712 Ammonium potassium phosphate, K(NH:) (HPO,), mfr. of, 1,357,120 —,—, —, ammonium citrate for, 1,357, 120 —,—,—, ammonium sulfate for, 1 357, 120 —,—,—,ammonium sulfite for, 1 357, 120. ,—,—, ammonium tartrate for, 1,357, 120 — —,bone phosphate for, 1,357 ,120 —,—,—, ’ calcium phosphate, CaHPO,, for, 1,857,120 uot serait rece , CasP20s, for, 1 ool, 120 —_—,— —) hydrochloric acid for, 1,357,120 —,—,—, phosphate rock for, 1,357 120 —, phosphorite for, 1,357 120 iM —,—, potassium citrate for, 1 ‘357, 120 —,—,—, potassium phosphate, K2HPO,, for, 1,357,120 —,—,—, potassium salt for, 1,357,120 —,—,—, potassium sulfate for, 1 357, 120 —,—,—, potassium. sulfite for 1. 357, 120 —,—,—, potassium tartrate for, 1,357, 120 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,357, 120 —,—, —, sulfurous acid for, 1,357 ,120 Ammonium potassium sulfate, ammonium hy- droxide made with, 1,493 320 —, fertilizer contg., 1,261 116: 1,261,117 —, ’ mfr. of, alunite for, 1,261 116: 1,261, 117 —,—, ammonium bisulfate for 1,261 4165 1 261 117 —,—,ammonium pyrosulfate for, 1,261,116; 1 261, li7 —,—, ammonium sulfate for, 1,261,116; 1,261,117 —,—, leucite for, 1,261,116; 1 261 117 —,—, muscovite ‘for, 1,261 116: 1,261 117 —,—, orthoclase for, 1 261 116: i 261 117 —,—, process for, 1,261 ‘116; 1 261 HY Ammonium purpurate, ink, printing, made with, 1,231,617 —, paint made with, 1,231,617 —, pigment made with, 1,231,617 —, varnish made with, 1,231,617 —,see also Murexide Ammonium pyrogallate, candy contg., 1,450,865 —, confection contg., 1,450,865 INDEX OF Ammonium pyrogallate, fertilizer made with, 1,261,116; 1,261,117 —, lozenge contg., 1,450,865 —, pill contg., 1,450,865 —, powder contg., 1,450,865 —, tablet contg., 1 450 865 Ammonium pyrophosphate, mfr. 1,514,912 —,—, ammonia for, 1,514,912 —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1,514,912 —,—,calcium carbide for, 1,514, 912 —,—, calcium cyanamide for, 1,514 912 —,—, carbon for, 1,514,912 —,—, iron oxide ‘for, 1 514 912 —,—, lime for, 1,514 912 — ’ nitrogen for, 1,514,912 —,—, oxygen for, 1,514,912 —,—, phosphate rock for, 1,514,912 —,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,514,912 —,—, phosphorus pentoxide ‘for, 1,514,912 —,—, potassium silicates for, 1 514 912 —,—, process for, 1,514,912 —,—, silica for, 1 514 912 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,514,912 ——. (NH) 2H2P20;, fertilizer, 1 ,194 077 —,—, mfr. of, ammonia for, 1, 194, 077 —,—, —, phosphate rock for, 1 194 077 —,—,—, phosphoric acid for, 1 194 077 —,—,—, phosphorus pentoxide for, 1,194,077 —,—,—, process for, 1,194,077 —,—,—, water for, 1 194, 077 Ammonium pyrosulfate ammonium potassium sulfate made with, 1,261,116; 1,261,117 —, potassium sulfate made with, "1,261,116 ; 1,261,117 Ammonium resinate, adhesive made with, 1,311,965 —,cement, Portland, waterproofing of with, 1,255,116 —, coating material contg., 1,410,211 —, copper ore, flotation of, using, 1,191,053 —, cylinder stock, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, ’ fabric, stiffener for, made with, 1,517 520 —, felt, stiffener for, made with, 1,517,520 —, finish remover made with, 1,147,851 —, flotation process using, 1,191,053 —,formation of, 1,334,679; 1,410,211 —, galena, flotation of, using, 1,191,053 —,gas oil, treatment of using, 1,439,171 — , gasolene, treatment of using, 1,439, 171 —, glue, vegetable, made with, 1 311 965 —, kerosene, treatment of using, 1 439, Pa , ’ leather, waterproofing for, made 1 a8 480 —, lubricating oil, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, ’ mir. of, air for, 1,354,575 —,—, ammonium ’ carbonate for, 1,223,480 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,223, 480 ; 1 mae 965; 1,854,575 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,854,575 —,—, ’ calcium hypochlorite for, 1,354 75 — ’ formaldehyde for, 1,354, 575 — ’ hydrogen dioxide for, 1,354, 575 —,—, process for, 1,223,480; 1 354, 575 —,—,rosin for, 1 311 965; 1 "354 U5 —,—, soap, resin, for, 1,223, 480 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,354,575 5 ? ra ee I of, air for, with, SUBJECTS 523 Ammonium resinate, mfr. of, sodium hydroxide for, 1,354,575 —,—, sulfur dioxide for, 1,854,575 —,—-, ’ sulfuric acid for, 1,854,575 —,—, turpentine for, 1,354,575 — naphtha, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, oil, mineral, treatment of using, 1,439, 171 —, paper, sizing for, made with, 1,223, 480 —,—, stiffener for, made with, 1,517 520 —, paraffin, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, paraffin distillate, treatment of 1,439,171 —, paraffin slop, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, petroleum, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,resins from, 1,334,679 —,scale wax, treatment of using, 1,489,171 —, shoe stiffener made with, 1,517,520 —, slack wax, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, textile, waterproofing for, made 1,223,480 —, waterproofing made with, 1,223,480 —, wood, waterproofing for, made with, 1,223,480 Ammonium resino-stearate, cement, Portland, waterproofing of, with, 1,255,116 Ammonium rhodanide, see Ammonium thiocy- anate Ammonium ricinoleate, dyestuff made with, 1,197,633 Ammonium salicylate, purification of, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,459,900 ,—, lead salts for, 1,459,900 —,—, process for, 1,459,900 —,—, tin chloride for, 1,459,900 —,—, tin salicylate, for, 1,459,900 —,—,tin salt for, 1,459,900 —,—, tin(ous) salt for, 1,459,900 Ammonium salt, adhesive made with, 1,378,128 —., adhesive, fireproof, made with, 1,248 092 — ’ airplane fabric made with, 1,427, 941; 1 429,295 —, amino compound for silk, degumming, made with, 1,254,033 —, amino compound for skin, bating of, made with, 1,254,033 —, amino compound for turkey red, dyeing of, made with, 1,254,033 using, with, —, ammonium iron (ic) citrate made with, 1,508,448 —,ammonium nitrate, treatment of with, 1,268, 363 —,ammonium perchlorate made with, 1,320,160 —,arsenic recovered with, 1,258,934 —, ’ balloon fabric made with, 1,427 941 — battery, dry, made with, 1 160 999; 1,170,819 ; 1 aps 927 ; 1,221,061 ; 1, 221 062 —,—, primary, copper oxide electrode for, made with, 1,366,559; 1,496,527 —, blue print paper made with, 1,500,433 —,boron nitride, stable, made with, 1,157,271 —,bread made with, 1,148,328; 1,158,933; 1 242,396; 1,825,327 —, calcium nitrate made with, 1,288,754 —, ’ calcium urea phosphate made with, 1,280,650 —, ’ carbon, decolorizing, made with, 1,479, 851 —, case hardening process using, 1 247 863 — ‘catalyst, urea made with, 1,292 019 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,245,975 O24 Ammonium salt, cement, Portland, waterproof, made with, 1, 285, 636 —,— , waterproof, made with, 1,285,636 —, chrome yellow made with, 1,484, 088 —, cobalt made with, 1,487, 145 —, concentration of, alkali ‘for, 1,126,471 —,—, alkali earth carbonate for, 1 126, 471 — alkali earth hydroxide for, 1, 126 7 1 Be toy tein hydroxide for, 1 126 A471 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,126, 471 — calcium hydroxide for, 1,126 ‘AT1 —, lead hydroxide for, 1 126, 471 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,126,471 —, potassium hydroxide for, 1,126. A71 —,—, process for, 1,126,471 —, sodium carbonate for, 1,126,471 —,—, ’ sodium hydroxide for, 1 126. A71 —, concrete, waterproof, made with, 1,285,636 —, ’ condenser, electrolytic, made with, 1,412 513 © —, copper made with, 1,440,186; 1 487, 145 —, copper, iron, using, 1,484 690 —,—,steel, using, 1,484,690 —, copper recovered with, 1,258,934 —, cotton, fireproofing of, using, 1,224,205 — ’ detergent made with, 1, 144, 4186 —, dyeing, vat, using, 1,148 966 —, dyestuff made with, 1,426, 189 Ammonium salt, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,129,300 —,—, white, made with, 1,129,300 —, ethyl alcohol made with, 1,475,215 —, fabric, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1 505,534 —,— , fireproofing of, using, 1,224,205 —, ’ fermentation, acid, using, 1,123 ,920 —, ’ fertilizer conte. ache eOak 363: 1 809,723; 1,471,979 - — fertilizer, explosive, made with, 1,274,343; 1 308,453 —, fiber, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —, fibers liberated by alkalis and, 1,345,776 —, , filament, artificial, viscose, precipitation of, using, 1 214, 931 —,finish remover made with, 1,147,852 —, fire extinguisher made with, 1,248 092 — ’ fireproofing using, 1,224 205: 1,248 092 — glass coloring of with, 1,277, 172 —, gloxylic acid made with, 1.227.706 —,gold recovered with, 1,258,934 —,guanidine salts made with, 1,441,206 —, hide, bating of, using, 1 170 426 — insulation, electric, made with, 1,245,975 —,—, heat, made with, 1,153,512; 1 456, 667 —, iron, copper coating on, using, 1,484, ,690 —,— nickel coating on, using, 1,484 690 —, iron plating electrolyte ingredient, 1,444,887 —,iron recovered with, 1,258,934 —,ivory substitute made with, 1,245,975 —, lacquer made with, 1,187. 231 —., lactic acid made with, 1,249,511 —, ’ Lalande, depolarizer for contg., 1,468,234 —, ‘Jead recovered with, 1,258,934 —, ‘lead chromate made with, 1,484,088 re ‘lightning arrester, electrolytic, made with, 1 412,513 —, mfr. of, 1,441,694 1,280,650; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 raise salt, mfr. of, acid for, 1,511,912 , alr for, 1,160, 836; 1,494, 735 —, alkali hydroxide for, i 156, 606 —, alkali sulfide for, 1,156,606 —,aluminum dross for, 1,156,606 —,aluminum nitride for, 1,162,130 —,aluminum screenings for, 1,156,606 —,aluminum skimmings for, 1.156,606 —,aluminum slags for, 1,156,606 —,ammonia for, 1,160,836; 1,162,130 —,ammonia, gas contg., for, 1,162,130 —,ammonium ferrocyanide for, 1,162,130 —,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,160,836; 1,162,130 —,—,ammonium thiocyanate for, 1,148,368 —_—,— , apparatus for, 1,187,524; 1,156 606; f 252, 726; 1,494,735 —,— — bauxite for, 1,162,130 —,—, ’ bitumen, shale contg., for, 1,494,735 —,—, calcium oxide for, 1,137,524 —,—,carbon for, 1,137,524; 1,511,912 e- e e a Ne > Aes a a ea Ne Re J —, charcoal for, 1,137,524 — ’ clay for, 1,162 ,130 —,—, coal distillation gas for, 1,160,836 © —; coal gas for, 1,148,368 —,coke for, 1,137,524 —,coke oven gas for, 1,162,130; 1,511,912 —, feldspar for, 1,123 585: 1,154 800 —,—, gas producer gas for, 1 450, 562 —,—,gas works gas for, 1511 912 —,—, hydrocyanic¢ acid for, aI 148 368 . —,—, hydrogen for, 1,252 726 —,—, iron as catalyst for, 1,252,726 —,—,iron hydroxide for, 1,160 836 —,—,iron oxide for, 1 160 836 —,—, limonite for, 1,160,836 —,—, Mond’s gas for, 1,162,130 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,137,524; 1,252,726 —, oxygen for, 1,160,836; 1,494,735 —,—, peat for, 1,511,912 —, phosphate rock for, 1,154,800 Os, —, phosphorus carbonitride for, 1,123,585; Dn rie 800 —,potassium carbonitride for, 1,123,585; pies, 800 —,—,potassium ferrocyanide for, 1,162,130 —,—, process for, 1,137,524; 1,148 368: 1, 123 585 ; 1,154,800; 1,156,606; 1,160,836: 1,162,130; 1,252,726; 1,494,735; 1,511,912 —,—, shale, argillaceous, for, 1 ,162,130 —,—, — , bituminous, for, 1,494 735 —,—, sodium ferrocyanide ‘for, 1,162,130 ,—,Sodium hydroxide for, 1,156,606 ; 1,162,130 —,—, sulfide for, 1,156,606 —,—, sulfur for, 1,156,606 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,148,368; 1, 162, 130 —,— , thiocyanates for, 1,160,836 —,—, uranium as catalyst for, 1,252,726 —, ‘ marble substitute made with, 1 245 975 —, 'N -methyl-aniline made with, 1 221 077 —,mineral acids formed during electrolysis neutralized by, 1,420,128; 1,420,129; 1,420,130 —, neutralizing, purified ammonia liquor for, 1 346,106 —, nickel made with, 1,487,145 1,156.606 ; INDEX OF SUBJECTS 525 Ammonium salt, nickel iron, using, 1,484,690 —,—, steel, using, 1,484,690 —,nitrogen trichloride made with, 1,367,530; 1,510,132 —, paint, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, paper coloring of with, 1,277,172 —,paper, fireproof sizing for, made with, 1,248 092 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,187,230; 1,187,231; 1,187,232; 1,237,579 —, phenol aldehyde condensate substitute made with, 1,245,975 —, pigment made with, 1,484,088 —, plate, photographic, Roentgen ray sensitive, made with, 1,195,432 —, porcelain ‘coloring of with, 1,277,172 —,proteid products made with, 1,245,975 —,recovery from artificial, silk denitration liquors, 1,890,329 —,rectifier, electrolytic, made with, 1,412,513 —,rifle barrel, cupro-nickel fouling in, using, 1,484,690 —, roofing made with, 1,167,195 —, rubber substitute made with, 1,245,975 —, silk, artificial, viscose, precipitation of, using, 1,200,774; 1,214,931; 1,399,587 —,silver recovered with, 1,258,934 —, sizing, amylaceous, fabric, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —,—,—, fiber, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —,skin, bating of using, 1,170,426 —,starch, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, steel, copper coating on, made with, 1,484,690 —,—, nickel coating on, using, 1,484,690 —,sulfur dioxide, absorption of, using, 1,212,199 —, sulfur trioxide, absorption of, using, 1,212,199 —, sulfuric acid in titanium hydroxide neutral- ized with, 1,361,866; 1,361,867 —, tent fabric made with, 1,427,941 —,thread, cellulose, brilliant, 1,184,323 —,—, cotton, brilliant, made with, 1,184,323 —,—, hemp, ’prilliant, ‘made with, 1,184 323 —,—, jute, brilliant, made with, 1,184 323 —,—, linen, brilliant, made with, 1, 184, 323 —,—, ramie, brilliant, made with, 1,184,323 _, ’ underwriters cloth made with, 1,427,941 —,urea made with, 1,241,919; 1,241,920 —,urea, removal from of, 1,173,550 —,varnish made with, 1,187,231 —,varnish, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,viscose, precipitation of using, 1,200,774; 1,214,931; 1,375,823; 1,375,824 — vulcanizing with, 1 AGT, 197 — vulcanization process using, 1,467,197 —,wood coloring of with, 1,277 172 made with, —, ‘wood fireproofing of using, 1,224,205; 1,441,061 —,yeast made with, 1,449,127; 1,475,215; 1,475,471; 1,475,494 —, yeast food made with, 1,519,801 —, zine recovered with, 1 "258, 934 Ammonium selenide, ‘asphalt tempered with, 1,328,310; 1,372,467 — ‘toad paving made with, 1,828,310 Ammonium selenite, catalyst, urea made with, 1,292,019 Ammonium seleno-vanadate, mfr. of otal pat for, 1,154,949 —, hydrochloric acid for, 1,154,949 —, nitric acid for, 1,154 949 —, process for, 1 154, 949 —, selenium for, 1 154 4949 —, selenium dioxide for, 1,154,949 —,—,selenium trioxide for, 1,154 4949 —,—,sulfurous acid for, 1, 154 949 —,—, vanadium dioxide for, 1; 154, 949 —,—, vanadium monoxide for, 1 154 4949 —,—, vanadium pentoxide for, 1, 154 ,949 —,—, vanadium tetroxide for, 1, 154 949 —,—, vanadium trioxide for, 1 ‘154 949 Ammonium seleno-vanadite, “mfr. ‘ali compounds for, 1,154,949 —,— , hydrochloric acid for, 1,154,949 —,—, nitric acid for, 1,154 949 aah process for, 1 ‘154 949 —, selenium for, 1 154 4949 — pa selenium dioxide for, 1,154,949 —,—, selenium trioxide for, i" 154. 5949 —,—, sulfurous acid for, 1 154 949 —,—, vanadium dioxide for, 1 154,949 —,—, vanadium monoxide for, 1 154 949 —,—, vanadium pentoxide for, 1 154 ,949 —,—, vanadium tetroxide, for, 1 ‘154 949 —,—, vanadium trioxide for, 1, 154. 4.949 Ammonium sesqui- -carbonate, rubber, synthetic, made with, 1,238,930 Ammonium ‘silicate, fabric, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505 034 es filer, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —, mfr. of, ammonium acetate for, 1,270,093 —,—, ammonium bromide for, 1,270,093 —,—, ammonium chloride for, 1,270 093 —,—,ammonium nitrate for, 1 270, 093 —,—, ammonium sulfate for, 1 270 093 —,—, potassium silicate for, 1,270,093 —, process for, 1,270,093 —, —, sodium silicate for, 1,270,093 —, silicic acid made with, 1,270 093 — , Sizing, amylaceous fabric, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —,—, —, fiber, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 Ammonium silicofluoride, formation of, 1,355,588 ; 1,857,025 —, potassium compounds extracted from sili- cates by, 1,355,381 —, preparation of, 1,355,381 —,see Ammonium fluosilicate Ammonium silver glycoholate, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,161,866 —,—, ammonium glycoholate for, 1,161,866 —, —, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,161 866 —,—, barium glycoholate for, 1,161 866 —,—, barium hydroxide for, 1, 161 866 —, charcoal, animal, for, 1,161,866 —, neha. for, 1,161 866° —,—, glycoholic acid for, 1,161,866 —,—, process for, 1,161 866 , carbon carbon —,—, silver acetate for, 1,161,866 —,—, ’ silver elycoholate for, 1,161,866 —,—,silvér oxide for, 1,161,866 —,—, silver sulfate for, 1,161,866 O26 Ammonium sludge sulfonate, aluminum sludge sulfonate made with, 1,271,387 —, cylinder stock, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, gas oil, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,gasolene, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, kerosene, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, lubricating oil, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, mfr. of, sludge sulfonic acid tar for, 1,271,387 —, naphtha, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, oil, mineral, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, paraffin, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,paraffin distillate, treatment of 1,439,171 —, paraffin slop, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, petroleum, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, scale wax, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, sludge sulfonic acid made with, 1,271,387 using, —,sulfates, separation of from, process for, 1,271,387 —,sulfites, separation of from, process for, 1,271,387 Ammonium soaps, saponifying agent, 1,464,928 —, see also Soap, aluminum Ammonium-soda-process, conducting, 1,423,510 Ammonium sodium fluoborate, preparation of, 1,347,845 Ammonium sodium hydrogen phosphate, pro- ducing, 1,357,120 Ammonium sodium phosphate, airplane fabric made with, 1,427,941 —, balloon fabric made with, 1,427,941 —, tent fabric made with, 1,427,941 —, underwriters cloth made with, 1,427,941 —,see Sodium ammonium phosphate —, Na( NH.) HPO,, mfr. of, process for, 1,357,120 Ammonium sodium sulfate, 1,366,301 —, aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,493,320 —,ammonium sulfate made with, 1,332,419 —, decomposition of, 1,366,302; 1,366,303 —, decomposing, process for, 1,364,822 —, preparation of, 1,366,302; 1,366,303 —,sodium sulfate made with, 1,332,419 —,see Sodium ammonium sulfate Ammonium stearate, alcohol, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —, benzene, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —, butane, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —, candle made with, 1,229,132 —,carbon tetrachloride, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —, coal distillate, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —, distillate fuel oil, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —,ethers, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —, finish remover made with, 1,147,851 —, formaldehyde product sealed by composition contg., 1,371,724 -—, fuel, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —, fuel oil, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —, gas oil, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —,gasolene, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —, gas tar, solidified, made with, 1 484, 190 —~ , hydrocarbon, solidified made with, 1 484,190 —, kerosene, solidified, made with, 1,484, 190 — naphtha, ’ solidified, ‘made with, if 484 190 — paint remover made with, 1 143, 130 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 _ Ammonium stearate, paper, waterproof coating for contg., 1,266,955; 1,266,956 —, petroleum, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —, preparation of, 1,371,724 —, toluene, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —,turpentine, solidified, made with, 1,484,190 —, varnish remover made with, 1,143,130 —,see also Soap, ammonia Ammonium sulfate, acetaldehyde made with, 1,511,754 —, adhesive made with, 1,378,128 — ’ airplane dope contg., 1 ‘429, 295 —,airplane fabric made with, 1 429,295 —, airplane fabric fireproofed with, 1,427,941 —,alcohol made with, 1,227,374; 1,245,818; 1,511,754 —,alloy resistant to, 1,393,388 —,alum from, 1,388,436 —,aluminum ammonium sulfate made with, 152,008 —,aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,280,636 —, aluminum oxide made with, 1 280, 636 — ,aluminum sulfate made with, 1,280, 636 —,ammonia made with, 1,204 843: 1,310 306 ; 1 306,303 —,ammonia absorbed by, 1,291,729 — —,ammonia recovered from, 1,377 493 —, "ammonia: and sodium bisulfate for mfr., 1,366,301 —,ammonium aluminum sulfate made with, 1,254,229: 1,280,636 —,ammonium carbonate made with, 1,152,244; 1 152,245 —,ammonium chrome alum from, 1,403,960 —,ammonium(ic) citrate made with, 1,508, 448 1,427,941 ; —,ammonium metaphosphate made with, 1,514 912 —, ammonium perchlorate made with, 1,273,477; 1,284,380; 1,820,160; 1,338,357; 1,342,956 —, ammonium persulfate made with, 1,477,099 —,ammonium phosphate (NH,)»HPO,, made with, a 251,742; 1,514,912 essed ee) NH.) HPO, ‘made with, 1,514,912 —,—,(NH:):PO., made _ with, 1,251,742; 1,514,912 —,ammonium-potassium-hydrogen phosphate made with, 1,357,120 —,ammonium potassium phosphate, K(NH:)HPO:, made with, 1,357,120 —,ammonium potassium sulfate made with, 1,261,116; 1,261,117 —,ammonium pyrophosphate 1,514,912 —,ammonium silicate made with, 1,270,093 —,ammonium sodium sulfate, mfr. of, 1,325,605 —,ammonium sulfate made with, 1,325,605 —,ammonium sulfite for, 1,326,045 —,antimony made with, 1,513,775 —, arsenic_recovered with, 1,258,934 —, asphalt tempered with, 1,328,310; 1,372,467 —,barium sulfate made with, 1,303,426 —, balloon fabric made with, 1,427,941 —, bacteria compost made with, 1,254,366 —, battery, dry, made with, 1,490,450 made with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Ammonium sulfate, battery, electrode for, made with, 1,156,316; 1,433,602 —,—, electrolyte for, made with, 1,487,235 —,—, primary, copper oxide electrode for, made with, 1,486,955 —, battery, storage, electrode for, made with, 1,215,907; 1,228,546; 1,260,472; 1,803,513; 1 342 953; 1,427,970 —,—,— electrolyte, congealed for, made with, 1, 183, 009 —— , battery plate made with, 1,342,953; 1,374,076 —,binder for aluminum oxide, "hydrated, 1 312,853 —, binder for bauxite for, 1,312,853 —, binder for elay, 1,312, 853 —, binder for fire brick, 1,312,853 —, binder for flint clay, 1,312,853 —, bismuth made with, 1,513,775 — ’ bleaching compound made with, 1,894,151 —, block building contg., 1,305,993 —, blood antitoxin made with, 1,270,270 —, ‘board made with, 1,245,984 —, bottle cap made with, 1,486,641 —,brass, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1 14, 839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,814,842 — , by-product in distillation of beet sugar mo- lasses, 1,343,224 —, cadmium made with, 1,513,775 —, calcium nitrate made with, 1,288,754 —, ’ calcium phosphate (di), made with, 1,258,106 —, calcium precipitated by, 1,394,151 —, ’ carbon for, 1,256,273 —, ’ carbon article made with, 1,192,062 —, carbon monoxide made with, 1,514, 912 — ’ catalyst, nickel as, made with, 1 165, 956 —,—, urea made with, 1,292,019 —, ~ cattle feed made with, 1; 297 3743.5 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,245,818 ; 1,245,975; 1,245,976; 1,245,983; 1,245,984; 1,275,324; 1,280,862; 1,427,645 —,cellulose, fireproofing of, with, 1,318,523; 1,318,524 —,—,nitrated, precipitated on fibers by, 1,398,804 —,cellulose sulfite liquor treated with, 1,284,739; 1,284,740 —, cement ‘conte.., 1,456,667 —,—, waste asbestos and, 1,365,077 —, chemical rectifier electrolyte of, 1,409,383 —_, China grass, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1 181,905; 1,181,906 —, chromium oxide made with, 1,429,912 — ’ cleaning compound contg., 1,266, 713 —,cloth, fireproofing of with, 1,318,528 ; 1, 318, 524 —, coal gas, removal from of, apparatus for, 1 ,237,767; 1,487,768 —,—,—, glycerol for, 1,237,767 —,—,recovery from ‘of, process for, 1,237,767; 1 487, 768 —, cobalt hydroxide made with, 1,135,785 —, ’ coke oven, by-product, recovery of, 1 ,291,729; 1 291 ,730 —, copper made with, 1,513,775 —,copper, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,—, Iron, using, 1,484,690 527 Ammonium sulfate, copper, steel using, 1,484,690 —,copper hydroxide made with, 1,135,785 —, copper plating bath contg., 1,428,638 —,copper recovered with, 1,258,934 —,cork preserved by, 1,448,276 —,cotton, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,cotton dyed with, 1,271,067 —, cyanide as impurity in, 1,310,306 —, detergent made with, 1, 144, 186 —, diabetes, compound for treatment of made with, 1 ‘470 024 —, diphenylguanidine prepared with, 1,422,506 —, drying of, 1,377,493 —,—,steam for, 1,412,549 —,dye applied in presence of, 1,426,189 —, dyeing, vat, using, 1,148,966 —, dyestuff made with, 1,408,297; 1,426,189 —,dyestuff used in presence of, 1,408,297; 1,411,245 —,electrode, Faure, made with, 1,156,316 —,electrolyte contg., 1,273,482; 1,291,310 —,electrolyte for etching contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —, electrolyte for iron purification, 1,420,127 —,electroplating process employing, 1,464, 149 —,enzyme precipitated with, 1,296, 599; 1, 296,600 —, etching, electrolyte for, contg., 1,273,432 —,etching solution contg., 1,362,159 —, ethyl alcohol made with, 1,284,739 ; 1,284,740; 1,475,215 —,explosive made with, 1,320,160; 1,509,393 —, fabric, artificial, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,—, dyeing with sulfur ‘dye of using, 1,181,905; 1 181 ,906 —, fabrics fireproofed with sodium stannate and, 1,358,250 —, feathers, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1 181,905; 1,181,906 —, ferrocyanide as impurity in, 1,813,023 —, fertilizer made with, 1,196,910; 1,200,806; 1,221,979; 1,251,742; 1,254,366; 1,258,106; 1,261,116; 1,261,117; 1,289,789; 1,309,723; 1,367,846; 1,418,618; 1,313,023; 1,441,694; 1,471,979; 1,482,479; 1,490,774; 1,514,912; 1,517,687 —., fertilizer ingredient, 1,428,259 —,fiber, animal, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,—,vegetable, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906. ~, filament, artificial, viscose, precipitated with, 1 ,260,508 ; 1,499,380 —, film, viscose, precipitation of using, 1,449,380 —, files sharpened with, 1,872,303 —, ‘finish remover made with, 1,147,852 ; 1,167,641 —,fireproofing with, 1,818,523; 1,318,524; 1,346,287; 1,358,250; 1,441,061 — , fireproofing composition contg., 1,896,264 — ; fireproofing solution contg., 1 382 618 —, flax, dyeing with sulfur dye ‘of using, 1 181,905 5 "1,181,906 —, floor covering made with: 1,245,984 528 Ammonium sulfate, food product made with, 1,245,818; 1,275,824 —, formation of, 1,405,629; 1,408,754; 1,420,128; 1,420,129; 1,423,710; 1,423,711; 1,423,712; 1,425,578; 1,427,863; 1,428,879; 1,430,270; 1,457,877; 1,459,828; 1,467,321 —,formation from aluminum sulfate and am- monia, 1,336,508 —,formation from ammonium copper cyanide, 1,413,762 —, formation from cyanamide, 1,436,180 —, "formation from iron sulfate, 1,342, 834 —,formation in resin made with sulfuric acid, 1 089,791 —, formation 1,454,593 —,fuel, gaseous, removal from of, apparatus for, 1,237,767 —,—,—, —, glycerol for, 1,237,767 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,237, 767 —, furs, dyeing with sulfur dye of 1 181,905; 1,181,906 —, gallium made with, 1,513,775 —,galvanizing process employing, 1,464,149 —, glass etching compound contg., 1,266, 713 —, globuline precipitated by, 1,397, 806 —, glucose made with, 1,227,374 —, glycerol made with, 1 Bll 754 —,gold recovered with, 1,258,934 31,513,775 —, guanidine impurity, 1,417,369 —,gun cleaning compound contg., 1,296,196 —,hair, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, oa 181,905; 1,181,906 a hemp, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, . 181,905; 1,181,906 = hog cholera antitoxin made with, 1,270,270; 1 ,330 986 — hydrogen dioxide made with, 1,195,560 —,indium made with, 1,513,775 — insulating composition conte., 1,456,667 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1 245 975; 1 245,976; 1,245, 977: 1,245,980; 1 245, 981; 1,245,984 —,—, heat, made with, 1,456,667; 1,489,567 —, intestines tanned with, 1,444,548 —,iron, copper coating on, using, 1,484,690 —,—,nickel coating on, using, 1,484,690 —,iron, polishing of, using, 1,216,643 —,—, zine coated, made with, 1,491,381 —,iron(ic) ammonium sulfate made _ with, 1,477,965 —,iron(ous) chloride electrolized in presence of, 1,810,381 —,iron copper plated with, 1,413,343 —,iron hydroxide made with, 1,135,785 —,iron(ic) hydroxide made with, 1,280,636 —,iron(ic) oxide made with, 1,280,636 —,iron recovered with, 1,258,934 — , iron (ic) sulfate made with, 1,280,636 —, iron sulfide as impurity in, 1,310, 306 from sulfur-containing oils, using, —,ivory substitute made with, 1,245,975; 1 245,976 —, jute, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,lacquer made with, 1,245,818; 1,245,982; 1,275,324; 1,427,645 —, Lalande, depolarizer for contg., 1,468,234 1,245,981 ; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 . Ammonium sulfate, lead made with, 1,513,775 —,lead grid for storage battery treated with, 1,304,192 —,lead hydroxide made with, 1,135,785 —,lead recovered with, 1,258,934 —,leather made with, 1,394,329; 1,444,548 —,leather, artificial, made with, 1,140, 174; 1 245, 818; 1,245, 977; 1,275,324; 1 427 645 —, linoleum substitute made with, 1,245 978 ; 1 245,984; 1,427,645 —, lubricant made with, 1,145,877; 1,181,976 —, lubricating oil, fireproof, made. with, 1 ,181,976 —, lutidine made with, 1,274,998; 1,274,999 —, magnesium compounds prepared with, 1,348 933 —, magnesium hydroxide prepared with, 1,348,933 —,magnesium oxide, action of on, 1,848,933 —, magnet core made with, 1,506,246 —, Manganese dioxide made with, 1,212,334 —,mfr. of, 1,828,342; 1,346,106; 1,356,885; 1,364,822; 1,366,302; 1,366,303; 1,886,760; 1,465,677; 1,467,193 —,—,air for, 1,160,886; 1,274,247; 1,291,745; 1,494,735; 1,516,720 —,—, alum for, 1,152,244 —,—, aluminum as catalyst for, 1,256,273 —,—,aluminum nitride for, 1,502,129 —,—,aluminum scrap for, 1,502,129 —,—,ammonia for, 1,127,219; 1,133,086; 1,152,244; 1,152,245; 1,155,385; 1,155,753; 1,160,836; 1,163,752; 1,163,753; 1,165,868; 1,184,839; 1,206,062; 1,206,063; 1,217,247; 1,266,147; 1,291,745; 1,294,526; 1,295,635; 1,310,479; 1,318,028; 1,815,534; 1,321,993; 1,322,757; 1,822,758; 1,825,605: 9 La3l 7a. 1,332,419; 1,462,576; 1,496,410; 1,508,736; 1,511, 560; 1,516,720 —,—, ammonia compound for, 1,815,534 —,—,ammonium bicarbonate for, 1,315,534 ,—,ammonium bisulfate for, 1,291,745 —,—,ammonium bisulfite for, 1,133,086 —,—,ammonium carbonate for, 1,315,534 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,194,354 —,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,152,244; ~ 4.160, 836; 1,471,926; 1,489,360 —,—, ammonium nitrate for, 1,206,062; 1,206,063 ; 1,217,247 —,—,ammonium polythionate for, 1,127,219 —,—,ammonium sodium sulfate for, 1,332 419 —,—,ammonium sulfide for, 1,127 219 —,—,ammonium sulfite, for, 1,133,086 ; 1,274,247; 1,295,635; 1,508,736 —,—, ammonium tetrathionate for, 1,127,219 —,—,ammonium thiocyanate for, 1,148,368 —,—,apparatus for, 1,145,484; 1,155,385; 1,164,429; 1,165,368; 1,206,062; 1,206,063; 1,210,598; 1,217,247; 1,266,147; 1,322,757; 1,322,758; 1,331,784; 1,832,419; 1,462,576; 1,471,926; 1,494,735; 1,496,410; 1,498,031; 1 "499, 626. —,—, bacteria’, sulfur oxidizing, obtained using, 1 494 435 —,—, bitumen, shale contg., for, 1,494,735 —,—, calcium carbide for, 1,496 A10 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,502, 129 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 529 Ammonium sulfate, mfr. of, calcium cyanamide Ammonium sulfate, mfr. of, oxygen for, for, 1,326,045; 1,496,410; 1,498,031 1,160,886; 1,206, 062; 1,206,063; 1,274,247 ; —,—,calecium hydroxide for, 1,155,753; 1,291,745; 1,494, 935 : 1,504,624; 1,516,720 1,210,598; 1,266,147 —,—, calcium oxide for, 1,165,368; 1,266,147 —,—,caleium sulfate for, 1,152,244; 1,152,245; 1,274,247 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,152.245; 1,490,728 —,—, ’ carbo-nitride for, 1,310,479 —,—,carbon oxysulfide for, 1,504,624 —,—, chromium as catalyst, for, 1,256,273 ,—, peat for, 1, 164, 429 ; 1,266,147 wv petroleum residuum for, 1,516,720 —,pitch for, 1,462,576; 1,498, 031 ’ platinum: as catalyst for, 1,217, 247 —,platinum black for, 1,496, 410 —, potassium cyanide for, 1,285, 248 —, potassium nitrate for, : 165, 368 —, process for, 1,127,219; ‘1 133 086; 1,140,437 ; —,—, chromium oxide as catalyst, for, 1,516,720 1,145, ASte 1. 148, 368: 1, 152, 244: 1, 152, "245 : —,coal for, 1,266,147; 1,462,576; 1,498,031 1.155.385 : 1,155,753; 1,160,836: 1,163, 752: Beam "coal, bituminous, ‘for, 1,210, 598 1,163,753; 1,164,429; 1,165,368; 1.184.839; —, coal distillation gas for, 1 160 836 1,194,354; 1,206,062; 1,206,063; 1,207,567; —,—,coal gas for, 1, 127 219: 1,148,368 ; 1,210,598; 1,217,247; 1,256,273; 1,266,147 ; 1,155,385; 1,155,753; 1,322,757; 1,322,758 1,274,247: 1,815,534; 1,822,757; 1,822,758; —,—,coal gas, sulfur compounds babine katy 1,325,605; 1,326,045; 1,331,784; 1,332,419; 1,155,753 1,462,576; 1,471,926; 1,489,360; 1,490,728; —,—, cobalt as catalyst for, 1,256.273 1,494,735; 1,496,410; 1 ‘498, 031; 1,499,626; —,—,coke oven gas for, 1,155,385; 1,163,752; 1,502,129; 1,504,624; 1,508,736; 1,511,560; 1,163,758; 1,825,605 ) ae 720 —, producer gas for, 1,307,533 —,—, pumice as catalyst carrier for, 1,516,720 —,salt for, 1,502,129 —, salt cake for, 1,511, 560 —,sewage for, 1,499, 626 —, sewage sludge for, 1,165,368 —, shale, bituminous, for, 1,494,735 — shale oil gas for, 1 155, 753 —, ’ silk, artificial, cellulose nitrate, nitration aste liquor from, for, 1,490,728 —,—, slaughter house waste for, 1,499,626 —,—,copper for, 1,496,410 —,—, cracking process for, 1,516,720 —,—, crude oil for, 1,256,273 iat —,cryolite for, 1 502, 129 De ea for, i 165 3608; 1,499,626 ark —,gas, for, 1,163,752; 1, 163, 753 —,—, destructive distillation, for, 1,471,926 —, vas producer gas for, 1,450 562 —, gas retort gas for, 1 155 385 Pi —,gun-powder mill refuse for, 1,165,368 “ it ew fe | ~~ I ‘ | ay J | | z u A | } is ’ sodium bisulfate for, 4 294,526; 1,332,419; D F ; —E oc oh cura 1,162,280 ; —,—,smelter fume for, 1,496, 410 hydrocarbon for, 1,498,031; 1,516720 ——» Smelter gas for, 1,201,745 —,—, hydrocyanic acid for, 1,148,368; 1,285,248; 1,498,031 1,511,560 —,—, hydrofluoric acid for, 1,511,560 ee ee ee a ale: oe for, 1,184,889; 1,498,081; __ "sodium onde Me 1,165,368; 1,502,129 nly CL eae 1,285,248 —yqhydrowen sulfide for, 1,127,219; 1,155,758; |) SE ise oe '1 198488; 1,165,368 90,728 sodium sulfate for, 1,325,605; 1,511,560 —,—, Uluminating gas for, 1,498,031 —,—,sodium sulfate ‘acid for, 1,366,302 ; —, iridium as catalyst for, 1.217 247 1,366, 303 —, iron as catalyst for, 1,256, 273; 1,516,720 —,—, iron chromate as catalyst for, 1,516, 720 —,—, iron hydroxide for, 1,160,836 —, iron ore for, 1,489,360 —,—,sponge, loggerhead, for, 1,140,437 —,—, steam for, 1,210,598; 1,498,031; 1,508,736 ; 1,516,720 —,—, “Steffen’s water” for, 1,145,484 > i ’ sulfur for, 1,504,624 —, —, iron oxide for, 1,155,753; 1,160,836 —,iron(ic) sulfate for, 1,489,360 — sulfur dioxide for, 1,133,086; 1,291,745; —, kerosene for, 1,516,720 1,295,635; 1,326,045; 1,496,410; 1,508,736 — lignite for, 1,266,147 oi sulfuric “acid for, 1,133,086; 1,140,437; —, lime for, i 165,368 ; 1,210,598 ; 1,266,147 1,145,484; 1,148,368; 1,152,244; 1,155,385; — , limonite for, 1 160, 836 1,155,753; 1,163,752; 1,163,753; 1,165,368; —,—, Magnesium ‘oxide for, 1,256,273 1,184,839; 1,194,354; 1,206,062; 1,206,063; —,—,molasses for, 1,256, 273 1,217,247; 1,266,147; 1,285,248; 1,310,479 ; —,mond gas for, 1,210,598; 1,325,605 1,313,023; 1,315,534; 1,321,993; 1,322,757; — nickel as catalyst for, 1,256 273; 1,516,720 1,322,758; 1,331,784; 1,489,360; 1,496,410; ; ‘niter cake for, 1,825, 605 ; 1,511, 560 Mee 21,616,720 ao nitrate for, 1, 155, 753 ~ 1,498,031; 1,516,720 —, nitrogen for, 1,184,839; 1,256,273; —,—, tannery waste for, 1,499, 626 —,—,tar for, 1,498,031 — nitrogen dioxide for, 1,155,753 —,— —' thiocyanates for, 1,160,886 —,—,nitrogen oxides for, i, 155 4753; 1,217,247 —,—, ‘vanadium oxide as catalyst for, 1,516,720 —,oil for, 1,462,576 —, oil shale for, 1,423,716 34 Te ae , = ee oad , sulfurous acid for, 1,326,045 —,water for, 1,508,736 —, wood for, 1,266,147 530 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Ammonium sulfate, mfr. of, xylose for, 1,285,248 —, match made with, 1,150,857 —, marble substitute made with, 1,245,975 —, metal polish contg., 1,266,713 —, molded article made with, 1,427,645 —, mother liquor removed from, apparatus for, 1,321,993 —, neutral, mfr. of, 1,860,785 —,—,—, ammonia for 1,310,306 —,—, —, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,310,306 —,—,—, gas liquor for, 1,310,306 —,—,—, process for, 1,266 212; —, neutralizing, 1,412,549 —,—, ammonia liquor for, 1,346,106 —, ammonium carbonate for, 1,377,493 —,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,360, 785 —,ammonium sulfide for, 1,377, 493 —,ammonium sulfite for, 1,377 ‘493 —, calcium oxide for, 1,377 493 —,magnesium oxide for, 1 277 493 —, nickel made with, 1,212, 334 —, ’ nickel, catalyst, “made with, 1,165,956 —,—,etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839 ; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,—,—, Iron, using, 1,484,690 —,—, steel, using, 1484,690 —,nickel-ammonium _ sulfate 1,381,558 —,nickel hydroxide made with, 1,135,785 — nitrogen chloride made with, 1 367, 530 —,nitrogen trichloride made with, 1,367, 530 —, oil cloth, imitation, made with, 1 140, 174 —,oil gas, removal from of, apparatus for, 19315107 —,—,—,glycerol for, 1,237,767 —,—,—, process for, 1,237,767 —,casein filaments precipitated by, 1,375,823; 1,375,824 —, packing, lubricating, made with, 1,145,877 —, paper preserved by, 1,448,276 —, phenol aldehyde condensate substitute made with, 1,245,975; 1,245,976 —, phenols as impurity in, 1,310,306 —, phosphates solubilized with, 1,428,259 —,photographic material hardened with, 1,424,062 —,picoline made with, 1,274,998; 1,274,999 —, pituitary extract precipitated with, 1,373,551 —,plastic made with, 1,206,076; 1,245,981; 1,245,984 —, polish contg., 1,216,643 —,potassium aluminum sulfate made with, 1,254,229 —, potassium compounds made with, 1,514,912 1,310,306 ammonia f or, 1,328,342; Ne Se Nr Ne J wf made from, —,potassium compounds’ recovered _ with, 1,344,830 —,potassium sulfate made with, 1,261,116; 1,261,117 —, potato growing mixture contg., 1,417,248 —, preparation of, 1,425,577 —, preparation from sodium ammonium sulfate, 1,332,419 —, preparation from titanium nitride, 1,343,441 —,printing plate, electrotype, made with, 1,210,872 —, propanetriol made with, 1,368,023 Ammonium sulfate, proteids extracted with, 1,427,645 —, proteids made with, 1,275,324 —,proteid product ‘made with, 1,245,818; 1 5,245,975 ; 1,245,976; 1,245,981 —, purification of, apparatus for, 1,266,212; 1,321,993 —,—, process for, 1,266,212 —, purifying of, 1,412,549 —,—, process for, 1,364,822 —, pyridine made with, 1,274,998; 1,274,999 —, pyridine dehydrated ‘with, 1 416 205 § 1 416,206 —, pyridine made from _ solution contg., 1,275,000; 1,877,493; 1,414,441 —, quinoline made with, 1 274 998; 1,274,999 —,ramie, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1 ,181 905; 1,181,906 — recovery of, 1 291,729; 1,291,730 —,—,coke-oven gas for, 1,307, o4;: 1,307,571; 1 309, 143 —,—,gas for, 1,366,111; 1,375,476; diaio47a- 1 ‘375, 477; 1 ‘375, 478 —_—,— illuminating gas for, 1,309,143 —,—, producer gas for, 1 307 71; 1,309,143 —,rhea, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1 181 905: 1,181,906 —., rifle barrel, cupro-nickel fouling in, using, ny 484,690. — ,road paving made with, 1,328,310 — ’ roofing made with, 1 197 307; 1 ,206,076 —, rubber, imitation, made with, 1,245 818 1 275 324 —, rubber substitute made with, 1,245,975; 1 ,245,976 ; 1,245,979; 1,245,984; 1 427 645 : —, shingle made with, 1 197 307 —, shingle, fireproofing of, using, 1,346,287 —, silicic acid made with, 1,270, 093 —, silk, artificial, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181 905: 1,181,906 —,—, viscose, precipitation of using, 1,200,774; 1 399, 587; 1 419,714; 1,449,380; 1,509 338 —, silver recovered with, 1,258 034: 1,513, 775 —, ’ sodium hydroxide neutralized by, 1 ‘378, 128 —, sodium nitrate, action on of, 1,301 047 —, sodium sulfate made with, 1,284 380 —,sodium sulfate, double salt with, 1,294,526 —, ’ sodium sulfate separation of from, 1 294 026; 1 266,301; 1,366,802; 1,366,303 —, solutions of, pervaporation of through mem- branes, 1 409, 185 —, steel, copper coating on, using, 1,484,690 —,— _ etching of, electrolyte contg., 1 314,839 ; 1 314 840; 1 314 841; 1,314,842 —,—, nickel coating on, using, 1,484,690 —, ’ steel alloy made with, 1,506,246 —, stone, artificial, made with, 1,456,667 —,storage battery electrodes prepared with, 1,427,970 —, storage 1,463,864 — sulfite waste liquor treated with, 1,397,039 —, * sulfur compounds as impurity in, 1 '310, 306 —, sulfuric acid as impurity in, 1,313, 023 “= ’ tanning compound made with, 1,394,151; 1 497,672 —, tent fabric made with, 1,427,941 battery separator made with, - ~~ ee ee eee eae, ee ee ey So ae S isi 6 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Ammonium sulfate, textiles preserved by, 1,448,276 —, thallium made with, 1,513,775 —, tile made with, 1,245,984 —, titanium separated from iron by, 1,357,690 —, underwriters cloth made with, 1,427,941 —, urea made with, 1,241,919; 1,241,920 —*varnish made with, 1,245,818; 1,275,324; 1,280,861; 1,427,645 —, vegetable fibers treated with, 1,400,380 —,vegetable glue made with, 1,378,105; 1,378,128 —,viscose, precipitation of using, 1,143,569; 1,200,774; 1,449,380; 1,486,641 —, viscose precipitated by, 1,371,300; 1,375,823; 1,375,824; 1,467,265 —, viscose precipitating bath contg., 1,399,587; 1,419,714; 1,458,389; 1,464,805 —, viscose treated with, 1,140,174 —, washing of, apparatus for, 1,313,023; 1,321,993 —,water gas, removal from of, apparatus for, 1,237,767 —,—, —, glycerol for, 1,237,767 —,—,—, process for, 1,237,767 —,wood, dyeing with sulfur dye of using, 1,181,905; 1,181,906 —,wood fireproofed with, 1,274,171; 1,318,523 ; 1,318,524; 1,846,287; 1,441,061 —.wood preservative contg., 1,274,171; 1,448,276 —, yeast food, 1,434,462; 1,449,111; Re-15,716; 1,475,215; 1,475,471 —,yeast from sugar and, 1,449,102; 1,449,103 ; 1,449,104 ; 1,449,106; 1,449,107; 1,449,108; 1.449.109; 1,449,111; 1,449,112 —, zine made with, 1,513,775 —, zine, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,—, iron coated with, made with, 1,491,381 —, zine electrode treated with, 1,399,996 —,zine extracted from minerals by, 1,444,484 —,zine extraction with, 1,430,269; 1,430,270; 1,430,271 —., zine oxide prepared with, 1,445,366 —,zinc plates for batteries treated with, 1,364,953 —, zinc recovered with, 1,258,934 —, zinc sulfate (basic) prepared with, 1,430,269 ; 1,265,370; 1,430,270; 1,430,271; 1,445,366 —,zirconium sulfate formation, effect on, 1,460,766 Ammonium sulfide, p-amino-benzoic acid made with, 1,458,715 —,ammonia from, 1,444,623 —,ammonium copper cyanide from, 1,413,762 —,ammonium hydrosulfide formation from, 1,444,623 —,ammonium picramate made with, 1,472,791 —,ammonium sulfate made with, 1,127,219; 1,423,710; 1,423,711; 1,423,712 —,ammonium sulfate neutralized 1,377,493 —,ammonium thiosulfate made with, 1,127,219 —,anthranilic acid made with, 1,458,715 —,antimony sulfide precipitated by, 1,332,982 —, battery made with, 1,289,609 —, battery, electric, contg., 1,316,760 with, 531 Ammonium sulfide, battery, primary, made with, 1,484,781 ~ —, calcium hydroxide, action of on, 1,349,750 —, catalyst, benzine made with, 1,221,698 —,—,gasolene made with, 1.221,698 —,—, naphtha made with, 1,221,698 —,—, urea made with, 1,292,019 —,coal gas recovery from of, apparatus for, 1,487,768 —,—,—, process for, 1,487,768 —,copper(ous) cyanide, action of on, 1,413,763 —, cyanogen removed from gases with, 1,413,762 —, dye vat contg., 1,440,037 —,dyestuff made with, 1,128,368; 1,405,446; 1,440,037 —, finger print, taking of, using, 1,501,841 —,formation of, 1,349,750; 1,360,734; 1,378,595; 1,413,763; 1,423,710; 1,423,711; 1,423,712; 1,444,623; 1,454,591 —,formation from sulfur-containing oils, 1,454,593 —,gas, hydrogen sulfide, removal of from, using, 1,160,375 —,hydrogen sulfide, gas, removal from of, using, 1,160,375 —, hydroxides precipitated by, 1,337,192 —,indophenol solvent, 1,465,853 —,iron rust-proofing of with, 1,317,351 —,iron sulfide formation with, 1,352,211; Re-15,314 —,mfr. of, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,502,213 —,—, apparatus for, 1,502,213 —,—, barium sulfide for, 1,378,593 —,—,carbon electrode for, 1,502,213 —,—,electrolytic process for, 1,502,213 —,—, iron electrode for, 1,502,213 —,—, process for, 1,502,213 —,—,sulfur for, 1,502,213 —,mercury compounds, organic, action on of, 1,455,495 —, paper, rubber-latex, made with, 1,497,146 —,photography, toning bath for, contg., 1,286,890 —, pigment made with, 1,220,978 —,sodium anthranilate made with, 1,458,715 —,sodium carbonate, action of on, 1,378,593 —,sodium chloride purified with, 1,475,563 —,sodium sulfide made with, 1,378,593 —, steel, rust-proofing of with, 1,317,351 —,sugar solution, iron removed from using, 1,150,194 —,—, purification of using, 1,150,194 —,sulfide precipitated by, 1,337,380 —,sulfur made with, 1,127,219; 1,472,791 —,sulfur from petroleum with, 1,300,816 —,sulfur solvent, 1,412,954 —,“ sweet water,’ iron removed from using, 1,150,194 —,—, purification of using, 1,150,194 —, vulcanizing accelerator made with, 1,473,285 Ammonium sulfite, ammonium potassium phos- phate K(NH,:)HPO:, made with, 1,357,120 —,ammonium sulfate made with, 1,133,086; 1,274,247; 1,295,635; 1,826,045; 1,425,577; 1,425,578; 1,427,863; 1,508,736 —,ammonium sulfate neutralized with, 1,377,493 532 Ammonium sulfite, calcium sulfite made with, 1,274,247 —,cellulose made with, 1,244,525 —,cellulose sulfite liquor fermented 1,221,058 —, fertilizer made with, 1,490,774 —,formation of, 1,425,578; 1,427,863 —, hide, preserving of using, 1,175,495 —,—, treatment of using, 1,205,694 —, isatin-a- arylide sulfite compounds prepared with, 1,427,863 —, mfr. of, air for, 1,160,836; 1,503,319 using, —,—, ammonia for, 1,160,886; 1,295,635; 1,508,736 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,160,836; 1,503,319 —,—, calcium cyanamide for, 1,326,045 —,—,coal distillation gas for, 1,160,836 —,—, cyanamide for, 1,295,635 —,—, Iron hydroxide for, 1,160, 836 —,—, iron oxide for, 1,160,836 —,—,limonite for, 1,160,836 —,—, oxygen for, 1 160,836 —,—, process for, 1,160,836; 1,326,045; 1,503,319 1,508,736 —,—, pyrite for, 1,503,319 —,—, steam for, 1 508, 736 —,—, sulfide for, 1,503,319 —,—;sulfur dioxide for, 1,295,635; 1,503,319; 1,508,736 —,sulfurous acid for, 1,326,045 —, thiocyanates for, 1,160,836 —,—, water for, 1,503, 319: 1 508, 736 —, nitro- aromatic compounds ‘purified with, 1 297,524 —, oxygen removed ran air with, 1,295 635 —, oxygen removed from roaster gases using, 1 003,319 —,paper made with, 1,244,525 —,paper, kraft made with, 1,244,525 —,photography, toning bath for, 1 286,890 —, preparation of, 1,425,577 —, sulfite waste liquor treated with, 1,394,151 —, sulfur made with, 1,133,086 —, sulfuric acid made with, 1,133,086 —, trinitrotoluene purified with, 1,297 024 Ammonium (acid) sulfite, fog screen contg., 1,358,084 Ammonium sulfhydrate, zinc sulfide made with 1,326,045 ; contg., 1,171,2 Cinonin sulfocyanate, see Ammonium thiocyanate Ammonium sulfocyanide, see Ammonium thiocyanate Ammonium sulfonate, cylinder stock, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, fat emulsion of, made using, 1,,230,599 — gas oil, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, gasolene, treatment of using, 1,439, 1 —, kerosene, treatment of using, 1,439, 171 —, lubricating oil, treatment of using, 1,439, 171 —,machine oil, emulsion of, made using, 1 ,230,599 — naphtha, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —) naphtha, treatment of using, 1,439, 171 ~ 3 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 -Ammonium sulfonate, oil, mineral, emulsion of, made using, 1,230, 599 —,—,—, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, paraffin, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,—,emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —,paraffin distillate, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, paraffin slops, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —, paraffin wax purified with, 1,438,985 —, petroleum, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,resins, emulsions of, made using, 1,230,599 —,scale wax, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,slack wax, treatment of using, 1,439,171 —,sunflower oil, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —,wax, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 Ammonium sulfooxarsenates, mfr. of, 1,424,006 Ammonium tannate, candy contg., 1,450,865. —, carbon, decolorizing, made with, 1,478,985 —,cellulose sulfite liquor as emulsifier for, 1,440,356 —, charcoal, artificial, made with, 1,478,985 —, confection contg., 1,450,865 — , emulsifying with, 1 ‘440 356 —,ink contg., 1,449 067 —, ’ lozenge contg., 1,450, 865 —, * pill contg., 1,450,865 —, powder contg., 1,450,865 —, tablet contg., 1,450,865 5 Ammonium tartrate, ammonium potassium phosphate, K(NH.)HPO:, made _ with, 1,857,120. — blue print paper made with, 1,500,433 —, ’ brass, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839 ; 1 014 840; 1,314, ‘841; 1,314,842 —, bread made using, 1,131,698 —, candy contg., 1,450,865 —, condenser electrolyte for contg., 1,270,784 —,confection contg., 1,450,865 —,copper, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,814,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —, electrolyte conte. 1 278, 432 1 387 AZ —,electrolyte for etching conte. . 1,314,839; 1 314,840; 1,814,841; 1,314,842 —, electrolyte for iron purification contg., 1,420,128; 1,420,129 —,electrolytic cell 1,270,784 —, etching, electrolyte for, contg., 1,273,432 —,lead grid for storage battery treated with, 1,304,192 —,lightning arrester electrolyte for contg., 1,270,784 —,lozenge contg., 1,450,865 —, media contg., 1,400,374 —, nickel, etching of, 1,314,839; 1,314,840; —, photographic ‘material 1,424,062 —, pill contg., 1,450,865 —, powder contg., 1,450,865 —,rust removed by, 1,459,910 —, steel, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —;tablet contg., 1,450,865 —, wheat flour, bleached using, 1,131,698 —, yeast made with, 1,475,494 electrolyte for contg., electrolyte contg., 1,314,841; 1,814,842 hardened with, INDEX OF Ammonium tartrate, yeast food made with, 1,519,801 —, zine, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,814,839 ; 1,314,840; 1 314 841; 1,314,842 Ammonium tetraborate, lightning arrester made with, 1,238,660 —,ammonium sulfate made with, 1,127,219 Ammonium tetrathionate, sulfur. made with, 1,127,219 —, ammonium thiosulfate made with, 1,127,219 Ammonium thioantimonite, battery, electric, contg., 1,316,760 Ammonium thioarsenate, battery, electric, contg., 1,316,760 —, mfr. of, 1,422,945 Ammonium thioarsenite, battery, electric, contg., 1,316,760 Ammonium thiocyanate, ammonium salt made with, 1,148,368 —,ammonium sulfate made with, 1,148,368 —, ’ carbon oxysulfide made with, 1,148, 368 —, cellulose acetate coagulating bath contg., 1 467,493 Pest cellulose acetate dyed in presence of, 1,398,357 —,cellulose acetate filaments made with, 1,465,994 —,cellulose acetate prepared for dyeing with, 1,398,357 —, cellulose acetate solvent, 1,467,493 —,cellulose acetate treated with, 1,425,364 —, ‘detonator made with, 1,194, 095 —, ‘formation from cyanogen from _ gases, 1 413,762 —, formation in gas purification, 1,412,954 —, "linoleum made with, 1,262,302 —, ’ mfr. of, coal gas for, 1,148, 368 — ” methylhexamethylenetetramine thiocyanate from, 1,336,709 — refrigeration process using, 1,246,866 —,varnish (oil), made with, "1262, 302 Ammonium thionamate, rafr. of, apparatus for, 1,496,410 —,—, calcium carbide for, 1,496 410 —,—, ’ calcium cyanamide for, 1,496,410 —,copper for, 1,496,410 —,—, platinum black for, 1,496,410 —,—, process for, 1,496, 410 —,—, smelter fume for, 1,496,410 —,sulfur dioxide for, 1,496 A10 —, ’ sulfur trioxide for, 1,496,410 — sulfuric acid for, 1,496, 410 ernoniim thiostannate, battery, contg., 1,316,760 Ammonium thiosulfate, ammonium polythio- nate made with, 1,127,219 —,fog screen conte., 1,358, 084 —, fungicide made with, 1,515, 803 —, insecticide made with, 1, 515, 803 —, ’ mfr. of ammonia for, 1 127, 219 —,—, ammonium polythionate for, 1,127,219 —,—,ammonium tetrathionate for, 1,127,219 — coal gas for, 1,127,219 —,—, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,127,219 —,—, process for, 1,127,219 Ammonium thorium chloride, thorium tetra- chloride made with, 1,437,984 electric, SUBJECTS 533 Ammonium titanium sulfate, see Titanium am- monium sulfate Ammonium trinitrocresylate, explosive made with, 1,320,160 Ammonium trinitrophenate, see also Ammon- wm picrate Ammonium ithiocaraoante: vulcanizing ac- celerator made with, 1,473 285 Ammonium tungstate, adhesive, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,930; 1,175,693 —,catalyst (for ammonia mfr.), made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,930; 1,175,693 —,—, (for hydrocyanic acid mfr.), made with, 1,352,176 —,fire extinguisher made with, 1,248,092 —, fireproofing made with, 1,248,092 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1,246,810; 1,248,638 —, lubricant made with, 1,145,877 —,mfr. of, tungsten(ic) oxide for, 1,299,017 —, packing, lubricating, made with, 1,145,877 —, paint, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,paper, fireproof sizing for, made with, 1,248,092 —, preparation of, 1,418,081; 1,423,338 —,starch, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, tungsten ne idan 1,175,693 ; 1,483,567 SS —, tungsten amide from, 1,352,176 —— —, tungsten filament made with@ 290.0177. —,tungsten filament drawn using lubricant made with, 1,156,492 —, tungsten oxide, WO:, made with, 1,244,082 —,tungsten trioxide from, 1,423,338 —, varnish, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,see also Ammonium paratungstate Ammonium vanadate, ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —, aniline black made with, 1,350, 600 — ’ catalyst (for ammonia ‘mfr,), made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,—, (for nitrogen oxides mfr.), made with, 1 420 201 —, catalyst (for phthalic anhydride mfr.), made with, 1,488,239 42 mS 2 P ane a4 Pre —,—, (for phthalimide mfr.), made with, 1,488,239 —,—, (for sulfuric acid mfr.), made with, 1,420, 202 —,—, vanadium pentoxide as, made with, 1,458,478 —,catalyst for oxidation of sulfur dioxide, 1,371,004 — , drawing on paper prepared with gallic acid by, 1,843,978 — _ dyestuff made with, 1,350, 600 —,nitrogen oxides, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,420,201 —, phthalic anhydride, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,488,239 —, phthalimide, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,488,239 —, sulfuric acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,420,202 — , tungsten-molybdenum-vanadium-gold alloy ‘prepared with, 1,418,081 534 Ammonium vanadate, vanadium oxide from, 1,420,201 —,vanadium(ic) oxide catalyst made with, 1,463,206 —,vanadium pentoxide made with, 1,420,202; 1,420,203 —,vanadium pentoxide, catalyst, made with, 1,458,478 Ammonium zeolite, catalyst, dehydrogenation, made with, 1,215,396 —,—,hydrogenation, made with, 1,215,396 _ —, dehydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,215,396 —,hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,215,396 Ammonium zincate, cellulose, fireproofing of with, 1,818,523; 1,318,524 —,cloth, fireproofing of with, 1,318,523; 1,318,524 —,fireproofing with, 1,318,523; 1,318,524; 1,388,824 —,wood, fireproofing of with, 1,318,523; 1,318,524 Ammonium zine chloride, battery, dry, made with, 1,481,178 —,see Zinc ammonium chloride Ammonium zine sulfate, Japanese lacquer dried with, 1,429,542 —,see also Zinc ammonium sulfate Ammunition, lubricant for, Japan wax as, 1,327,378 —,—, paraffin as, 1,327,378 —,mfr. of ammonium carbonate for, 1,187,779; 1,192,678 —-,—, celluloid for, 1,192,678 —,—,cellulose nitrate for, 1,187,779; 1,192,678 —,—, explosive for, 1,187,779 —,—, petroleum jelly for, 1,187,779 —,—, process for, 1,187,779; 1,192,678 —,—, vaseline for, 1,192,678 —, primer for, see Primer —, small-arms, primer for, 1,311,872 —,—,—, mfr. of, 1,812,156 —,—,—, see also Primer —,see also Cartridge; Cartridge case; Pro- jectile; Dynamite ; Explosive Amoebeze, destroying, pressure for, 1,355,476 Amorphous phosphorus, see Phosphorus, red Amphibies, preserving of, alcohol for, 1,163,645 —,—, chloroform for, 1,163,645 —,—,colophonium citricum for, 1,163,645 —,—,fat for, 1,163,645 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,163,645 —,—,mercury(ic) chloride for, 1,163,645 —,—, paraffin for, 1,163,645 —,—, process for, 1,163,645 —,—,resin for, 1,163,645 —,—, wax for, 1,163,645 —,—, xylene for, 1,163,645 Amphibole, paint contg., 1,317,225 —, plastic made with, 1,206,076 —,roofing made with, 1,206,076 —,tire puncture-healing composition made with, 1,233,753 —,see also Asbestos; Hornblende Amphoteric metal salt, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,515,007 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 - Amplifier, phonographic, formula, plaster of Paris, glue, fabric, 1,872,269 —,radio-telephonic, see Audions Amygdalin, decomposition products of, 1,416,128 —, graphite, colloidal, made with, 1,175,958 —, mercury compound of, 1,354,105 —,removing from fruit kernels, 1,416,128 Amygdalinic, see Amygdalic acid Amyl-acetic ester, see Amyl acetate Amyl-acetic ether, see Amyl acetate Amyl acetate, abalone, imitation made with, 1,434,157 —, acacia as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, acetic acid from, 1,426,457 —, adhesive contg., 1,879,837 —,adhesive made with, 1,389,084 —,adhesive for, radium luminous material contg., 1,364,950 —,agar-agar as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,airplane dope contg., 1,829,386; 1,388,825; 1,888,827; 1,388,828; 1,893,355; 1,427,941; 1,429,295 —, airplane dope made fireproof, with, 1,309,581 —,airplane fabric made with, 1,427,941; 1,429,295 —,airplane fabric mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —, airplane fuel contg., 1,420,006; 1,420,007 —,airplane propeller made with, 1,335,846 —, airplane propeller, copper coated, made with, 1,282,268 —,—, laminated metal coating for, made with, 1,282,268 —,albumen as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,alcohol, gasolene, rendering miscible of and using, 1,233,333 —,aldehyde ammonia compounds made with, 1,456,702 —, aluminum oleate solvent, 1,243,780; 1,304,120 —, ammonium tannate as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, amyl alcohol made with, 1,214,919; 1,221,667 —, antimony trichloride dissolved by, 1,451,318 —,antimony trichloride solvent, 1,388,824; 1,388,825; 1,388,826; 1,388,827; 1,388,828; 1,388,829; 1,418,609 —,apple oil, synthetic, made-with, 1,366,541 —,arsenical solution contg., 1,456,509 —, article, copper coated, made with, 1,282,268 —,asphalt, fireproofing of using, 1,388,826; 1,388,829 —, automobile top made with, 1,360,763 —, balloon fabric made with, 1,378,804; 1,427,941 —, battery, dry, made with, 1,515,945 —,—,—,zine electrode for, made _ with, 1,515,945 —,—,storage, container for, made _ with, 1,306,679 —, belt made with, 1,503,453 —, binder made with, 1,242,491; 1,409,275 —,boat mending composition made with, 1,889,084 —, brake lining made with, 1,414,378; 1,429,267 —, brass, tarnish prevented of, composition for contg., 1,146,336 —, brick, coating of using, 1,195,978 —,bromine, removal of from, barium for, 1,233,333 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Amyl acetate, bromine, removal of from, cal- cium for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, potassium for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, process for, 1 233 oa —,—,—, sodium for, 1 233 333 —,—, —, strontium for, 1,233, 333 —, bronze powder annlied with, 1,335,846 —, bronze powder applied to airplane propellers with, 1,335,176 —, bronzing paint made with, 1,158,962 —,brush, celluloid-back, made with, 1,472,165 —, casein as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,celluloid made with, 1,240,616; 1,508,483; 1,508,484 —, celluloid decorating of using, 1,235,037 —,—, fireproofing of using, 1,388,825 —,—, gelatin, cementing of and using, 1,145,143 —, celluloid article made with, 1,434,157 —, celluloid cement contg., 1 148 908 —, "celluloid cemented with, 1 ‘434, 157 1,508,457; —, ’ celluloid solvent, 1 128, 094 ; 1,146,336 ; 1,146,391 : 1,153,574 ; 1,167,468; 1,197,019; 1,205,822; 1,221,457; 1,235,154; 1,300,550; 1,342,767; 1,361,788; 1,377,677; 1,382,613; 1 "425 510: 1,472,165; 1,477,880; 1,477,881; 1 ‘477, 882: 1, ‘477, 883. —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,153,596; i 158,961; 1,188,356; 1,217,027 —, cellulose acetate article, ‘decorating of using, 1 006,014 +,—, film made with, 1,342,601; 1,342,602 —,—, plasticizer, 1 388, 472 —,—, solvent, 1 142 619; 1,370,879; 1,410,790 —, cellulose acetate solvent conte. yl 160 979; 1,165,179; 1,181,758; 1,199,800; 1 309, 980; 1,388,472; 1 393, 355 ; 1 408, 095 —, cellulose ester solvent, 1 342 267; 1,342,268 ; 1,375,208; 1,389,084; 1 390, abo ee vl ‘408, 095 ; 1 "437 952 —,—, solvent contg., 1,400,196 —, ’ ether, film prevented from curling by, 1 A29, 179 —,—, solvent, 1,217,027; 1,217,028; 1,389,084; 1 429, 179; 1 437, 952: 1 ‘505, 043 —,—-, solvent contg. cea | 434, 465; 1,469,816; Mt 469 825 w® —, cellulose formate made with, 1,153,596 = —, cellulose nitrate, gelatin, cementing of and using, 1,145,143 i, —, article, ‘decorating of using, 1,506,014 — — ’ coating made with, 1,320,458 SS _) dissolved by,_1,355,978; 1,3 —,—, coating made fireproof with, 1,309,581 90,252 nent Sanat contg., 1,303, 115, Rg —,gelatinizer, 1 468, 608 —,—,solvent, 1 "142 619; 1,147,850; 1,158,961 ; 535 Amyl acetate, cellulose nitrate, solvent contg., 195, 673; ,208,358 ; 254 791; '320, ‘458 : 341 710 : '360, 763 ; ‘375, 208 ; 1,397 042: 1,419,258 ; 1,436,231 ; 1,493,208 fk pt et et ht et ty 196, 144; 1.233.333 . 1,262,825; 1,323,624; 1,355,976 ; 1,369,467 ; 1,378,804 ; 1,398,239 ; 1,427,754; 1,438,395 ; 1 197 019; 1,242,491; 1,265,648 ; 1,329,386 ; 1,356,440 ; 1,370,878 ; 1,381,412; 1,410,790; 1,427,941; 1,456,782; 1,202,490; 1,251,862 ; 1,267,445; 1,341,207 ; 1,360,759 ; 1,372,021 ; 1,393 355 ; 1,414,115; 1,429,295 ; 1,493 207 ; 1,133,062; 1,135,026; 1,148,258; 1,152,625; 1,158,265; 1,160,979; 1,181,758; 1,190,806; 1,190,807; 1,253,956; 1,266,073; 1,290,794; 1,309,981; 1,821,611; 1,821,633; 1,321,634; 1,322,786; 1,400,196; 1,408,095; 1,439,293; 1,480,016; 1,496,457; 1,503,453; 1,508,457 —,—, solvent made with, 1,148,258; 1,408,325 —,ceresin solvent, 1,277,904 —,chlor-compounds, separation from of, sul- furic acid for, 1,278,198 —,chlorine, removal of from, barium for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, calcium for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, potassium for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, process for, 1,233,333 —,—,—,sodium for, 1,233,333 —,—, —, strontium for, 1 233, 330 —,chlorpentanes for mir. of, 1,374,666 —, cigarette tip made with, 1,153,574 —, clay as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,cleaning and polishing compound contg., 1,340,747 —, clutch facing made with, 1,270,559 —,coating composition made with, 1,358,914; 1,360,763; 1,395,242 —,color carrier made with, 1,206,000 —, colored leaf made with, 1,158,265 —, colored light made with, 1,388,501 —, color screen made with, 1,206,000 —, composition of, 1,197,019 —,concrete article made with, 1,379,837 —, container made with, 1,355,976 —,copal solvent, 1,233,333 —,copper, tarnish prevented of, composition for contg., 1,146,336 —, cotton, waterproofing of, using, 1,395,242 —, cotton drill, coating of, made with, 1,468,818 —, cotton line, waterproofing of, using, 1,165,179 —,creosote, fireproofing of, using, 1,388,826; 1,388,829 —, dextrin as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,diaphragm, sound reproducing, made with, 1,213,051; 1,492,982 —, dihydroxy-diphenyl-dimethyl-methane alde- hyde condensate solvent, 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —,—, solvent, 1,156,969; 1,158,961 —, duck, waterproofing of, using, 1,395,242 —,dyestuff, black, solvent, 1,134,486 —, electric light bulb colored with, 1,259,505 —,elemi solvent, 1,267,445 —, emulsifying of, process for, 1,440,356 —,enamel made with, 1,240 616; 1,251,710 —, ’ enamel, undercoating composition for, made with, 1 425 510 —, etching, film, photographic, treatment of for, made with, 1,256,981 —,ethyl cellulose solvent, 1,188,376; 1,217,027; 1,217,028 ; 1,429,179; 1,505,043 —,— contg. fh 434, 465: 1,469,816; 1,469,825 — "ethyl starch ‘solvent, 1 350, 820 —,explosive made with, 1,341 207 —, explosive, container for, made with, 1,329,503 —, "fabric, coated, made with, 1,360,768 ; 1,468 818 — fabric, coating of, using, 1,395 242 536 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Amy]. acetate, fabric, fireproofing of, using, .Amyl acetate, hemicellulose as emulsifier of, 1,388,825; 1,388,827; 1,388,828 1,440,356 i —,—,waterproof, made with, 1,242,491; —, Hessian fly, lure for contg., 1,168,552 \ 1,360,763 —, hexamethylenetetramine solvent, 1,146,391 —,—,waterproofing of, using, 1,388,825; —, hydrocarbon, paraffin, separation from of, a 1,388,827; 1,388,828; 1,395,242 sulfuric acid for, 1,278,198 _— —,fabrie coated with, 1,184,452; 1,316,782; —,—,polymethylene, separation from of, sul- 4 1,316,783 furic acid for, 1,278,198 a —,fabric coated with solution contg., 1,322,786 | —, incendiary composition made with, 1,382,805; 4 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 1,382,806 ‘ a —,film made with, 1,217,027; 1,400,196; —, insecticide contg., 1,456,509 7 1,480,016 —, insects, lure for contg., 1,168,552 5 —, film, flexible, made with, 1,320,458 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,493,062 ’ —,—, motion picture, made with, 1,158,961; —,isinglass as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 a 1,158, 963; 1,226,655; 1,361,783 —,kaolin as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 ae —,—,— colored, made using, 1,248,864; —, lacquer contg., 1,358,914; 1,377,677; 1,406,498 1,281 714 —, lacquer ingredient, 1,487,170 —,—,—, fireproofing of using, 1,388,825 —,lacquer made with, 1,187,231; 1,195,673 —, —, photographic, made with, 1,197,019; 1,437,170; 1,480,016 f 1,199,800; 1,281,080; 1,342,601; 1,388472; —,lacquer, tarnish prevented of, composition 1,429,179; 1,484,465; 1,519,659 for contg., 1,146,336 x —,—,—, color, made with, 1,145,143 —,lamp, incandescent, made with, 1,284,648 —,—,—,Vvarying porosity of, made with, —, leather, artificial, contg., 1,291,180 1,256,981 —,—,—, coated with solution contg., 1,322,786 —,finish remover made with, 1,145,980; —,—,—,made with, 1,190,080; 1,190,806; 1,147,852; 1,167,640; 1,167,641; 1,169,783 1,244,567; 1,262,182; 1,262,188; 1,320,458; — , fireproofing pr ocess using, 1,388. 825; 1,372,021; 1,493,062 1,388 826; 1,388,827; 1,888,828; 1,388 829 —,—,—, made fireproof with, 1,309,581 ue , fishing line, waterproofing of, using, 1,165,179 —,—,—,patent, made with, 1 262, 133 —, flare made with, 1,388,501 —,—, coated with solution conte., 1,322,786 —, ‘flies, lure for conte., 1,168, 552 —,—,coating for, made with, 1,320,458; ens ’ flooring made with, 1,383 864 1,395,242 — , fluorescent screen made using, 1,512,200 —,—,coating composition for, made with, —, formation from pentanes, 1,390,472 1,437,170 —, friction fabric made with, 1,429 ,267 —,—,enameled, made with, 1,182,013 —fuel, liquid, contg., 1,420,006; 1,420 007; —,—, finishing the edge of using, 1,181,758 1,420,622; 1,421,879: 1,480,372 —,—} patent, made with, 1,182,013 —, fuse lighting torch made with, 1,388,502 —,—, treated with compound contg., 1,265,648 ~ —, fusel oil, synthetic, made with, 1,214 919; —,light transforming composition made with, a ,221,667 1 196,144 easolene, alcohol, rendering miscible of and —, linen, waterproofing of, using, 1,395,242 Be. using, 1,233,333 —, "Jinen. line, waterproofing of, using, 4 165,179 . gelatin, celluloid, cementing of and using, — ’ lithographic master sheet prepared with var- A ‘145, 143 nish contg., 1,416,706 —,—, cellulose nitrate, cementing of and using, —, lithographic plate made with, 1,162,168 1 1145, 143 —-, lithographic solution contg., 1,433 U1 —, gelatin as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, lubricant made with, 1,185 682 TY Seto substitute made with, 1,217,027 —, maline, waterproofing of using, 1,133,062 “getter” made with, 1,284, 648 — ’ mfr. of, 1,374,666; 1,433,308 — glass, reinforced, made with, 1,128,094; —,—, acetates for, 1,197,019 1,228, 165 —,—,acetic acid for, 1,302,583 —,—, unbreakable, made with, 1,342,267 —,—, acetic acid, glacial, for, 1,197,019 —,glue as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,—, alkali acetate for, 1,802 583 —, glycerol resin solvent, 1,443,936 —,—, amyl alcohol for, 1,491 076 —,gold, tarnish prevented of, composition for —,—,amylene for, 1,486,646 contg., 1,146,336 —,—, amylene formed during, 1,302,583 —,gold leaf made with, 1,267,445 —,—,amyl hydrogen sulfate for, 1,486 646 —,gold leaf, imitation, made with, 1,158,265; —,—,apparatus for, 1,197,019; 1,491 076 1 ,160,979 ; 1 5253 ,956 ; 1 387,068 —. barium for, 1,233, 333 — golf ball made with, 1 202 490: —, barium hydroxide for, 1,491,076 —,golf ball coating contg., 1,419 258 —,—, ’ benzene for, 1,197, 019 —,gum, artificial, solvent, 1,225 748: 1,225,749; —,—,benzine for, 1,197, 019 1,225,750 —,—, Burton oil ‘for, 1,486, 646 —,gums as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,—, calcium for, 1,233,333 —,gum solvent, 1,379,83 7 —,—,calcium acetate for, 1,197,019; 1,486,646 —, hair, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —,—,calcium chloride for, 1,197,019 —, ’ hat, straw, filler for, made with, 1,213,435 —,chlorine for, 1,197,019 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 537 Amyl acetate, mfr. of, chlor-pentane for, Amyl acetate, paper, transparent coating for, Pierre; 1,214,919>) :1;221:667 | /1:233,333; applied with, 1,277,904 1,302,583; 1,374,666 —, paraffin solvent, 1,277,904 —,—, effect of water on, 1,302,583 —,pearls, artificial, made with, 1,254,791; —,—, | ’ gasolene for; 1,197,019; 1,221,667; 1,488,395 ee 868; 1,486,646 —., pectins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, gasolene, natural gas, for, 1,197,019 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, —,—, hydrocarbon, chlorinated, for, 1 ,197,019 1,187,231 —,—,—, olefin, for, 1,486,646 —,—, decorating of using, 1,506,014 —,—, hydrochloric ‘acid for, 1,491,076 —,—, binder made with, 1,261,615 —, methyl acetate for, 1,491,076 —,—, lacquer made with, 1 261 615 —,—,methyl alcohol for, 1,491,076 —,—,solvent, 1,087,422; Re- 14 030; 14,531; —,naphtha for, 1,486,646 1,146,391; 1,187,281; 1,213,051; 1,225,748; —,—, petroleum, cracked, for, 1,486,646 1,225,749; 1,225,750; 1,277,904 —,—, potassium for, I 233, 333 —,—, solvent contg., 1,261,615 —, potassium acetate for, 1,197,019 —,—, varnish made with, 1,261,615 — potassium sulfate for, 1,302,583 —,phenol condensation product solvent, —, —, process for, 1,148,258; 1 197,019; 1,214,919; 1,429,267 1,221,667; 1 233.333: 1,486,646: 1,491,076. 9 —, phonograph needle made with, 1,235,154 — -— shale oil, cracked, for, 1,486 646 —,phonograph record made with, 1,158,964; — — sodium for, 1,233,333; 1,491,076 11674608 -=)4— sodium acetate for, 1 197, 019: 1.214919; —,photographic print, colored, made with, 1221,667; . 1,233,333; 1,317,868 1,160,288 Ropes ” sodium ateoholate for, 1,491,076 —,photographic screen, colored, made with, —,—, ’ sodium carbonate for, 1 ‘486, 646 1,161,731 : —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1 AQ1 076 —,photography, color, color-carrier for, made ——' sodium sulfate for, 1,302,583 using, Yate 000 ; 1,221,457 ——' strontium for, 1 233, 399 —,—, —, film for, made with, 1,477,880; — sulfuric acid for, 1,486,646; 1,491,076 1,477,881; 1,477,882; 1,477,883 — , picture, "film, photographic, treatment of for, made with, 1 256, 981 —,— reproducing of using, 1,143,860 —,pipe mending composition made with —, mallow as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, ’ mastic solvent, 1,416,706; 1 430, 632 —, mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —, ’ metal, tarnish prevented of, composition for 1,389 084 contg.., 1,146,336 ie : ‘ —, metal leaf made with, 1,160,979; 1,267,445 ee phe Aiud Padme amslsiie ee —, metal leaf, artificial, made with, 1,253,956; —, plaster, coating of using, 1,195,978 1,387,068 —,plastic made with, 1,156,969; 1,158,961; —,molded article made with, 1,167,468; 1,199,800; 1,281,080; 1,388,472; 1,389,084 1,383,864; 1,443,936 : —, plastic soluble in, "1,402,969 —,moleskin, coated, made with, 1,468,818 —, polish contg., 1,383,427; 1,495,613 —,mother-of-pearl, imitation, made with, —, polish, stove, contg., 1,304,163 1,254,791; 1,484,157 —, polysaccharide as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 von, moth miller, lure for contg., 1,168,552 —, powder, smokeless, hardened with carbon —, motor fuel contg., 1,420. 006: 1,420,007 ; tetrachloride and, 1,397,042 1 420,622; 1,421,879; 1 423 ‘058 —, preparation of, 1,426,457 —, nail polish’ contg., a 388, 546 —, primer made with, 1,174,669 — ’ naphthalenes, separation from of, sulfuric —, printing plate made with, 1,382,613 acid for, 1,278,198 —, production of, chlorpentane for, 1,253,616 —, net, waterproofing of using, 1,133,062 —, protective coating contg., 1,430,632 — —, ’ nickel, tarnish prevented of, composition for —, protein as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 contg., 1,146, 336 —, purification of, barium for, 1,233,333 —, nitrostarch solvent, 1,388,501 —,—, calcium for, 1,233,333 —, paint contg., 1,410,790; 1,414,597 —,—, potassium for, 1,233, 330 —,—, sulfite waste liquor and, 1,341,250 —,—, process for, 1,233,333 —, paint made with, 1,341,250; 1 408 yo20 —,—,sodium for, 1,233,333 —, paint, aluminum, made with, 1 1158, 962 —-, —, strontium for, 1,233,333 —,—, anti-fouling, made with, 1,456 509 —, pyrotechnic made with, 1,388,501 —,— , undercoating composition for, made with, —,pyroxylin solvent, 1,369,467 1 425, 510 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,518,448 —, paint deodorized with, 1,422,711 —,recovery of, 1,420,613 —, painting, reproducing ‘of using, 1,143,860 —,—,absorbing agents for, 1,382,890 —,paint remover made with, 1 143, 110; —,—, alcohol for, 1,895,940 1,143,111; 1,147,849; 1,147,850; 1 "189, 804; —1—- apparatua | ior, 2,180.71) wihdia7 0G. 1,406,175; 1,499,101 1,315,701; 1,395,940 —, paper, coating of using, 1,395,242 —,—, cresol for, 1,815,700; 1,315,701 —, paper, coated with solution contg., 1,322,786 —,—, metal leaf mfr., 1,414,115 538 Amy] acetate, recovery of, phenol for, 1,315,700; 1,315,701 —,—, process for 1,189,711; 1,315,700; 1,315,701; 1,381,002 —,resins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,rocket made with, 1,388,501 —,rubber, devulcanizing of using, 1,167,359 —,rubber article made with, 1,493,062 —,rubber cement substitute made 1,242,491 —,rubber mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —,sateen, coated, made with, 1,468,818 —,shellac solvent, 1,185,682; 1,243,780 ; 1,304,120 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —,—, waterproofing of using, 1,395,242 —, silk line, waterproofing of using 1,165,179 —, silver, tarnish prevented of, composition for contg., 1,146,336 —,silver leaf, imitation, made with, 1,253,956; 1,387,068 —,silver pearl, imitation, made with, 1,484,157 —,slip covers made with, 1,360,763 —,smokeless powder, manuever, made with, 1,208,358 —,soap as emulsifier of, 1,440,356_ —, sponge, artificial, made with, 1,142,619 —, starch, as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,starch ethers solvent, 1,350,820 —,stencil made with, 1,243,780; 1,304,120 —,stereopticon slide made with, 1,181,754 —,stucco, coating of using, 1,195,978 —,sulfuric acid solution of, recovery from of, 1,278,198 —, tannic acid as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,tannins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —., tar, fireproofing of using, 1,388,826; 1,388,829 —,teeth, artificial, mending composition for, made with, 1,389,084 —,tent fabric made with, 1,427,941 —, textile, waterproofing of using, 1,133,062 —,thermoplastic made with, 1,493,207; 1,493,208; 1,493,209; 1,493,210 —,tile made with, 1,379,837; 1,383,864 —, tile, coating of using, 1,195,978 —,—, imitation, made with, 1,202,544 —, torch made with, 1,388,501 —,tragacanth as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, transfer-sheet. made with, 1,280,399 —, trunk linings made with, 1,360,763 —, tulle, waterproofing of using, 1,133,062 —,tung oil, solidified made with, 1,383,864 —, tungsten filament made with, 1,496,457 —,undercoating composition contg., 1,425,510 —, underwriters cloth made with, 1,427,941 —, varnish contg., 1,408,325 —,varnish made with, 1,187,231; 1,195,673; 1,197,019; 1,395,242; 1,487,170 —, varnish, undercoating composition for, made with, 1,425,510 with, —,varnish remover made with, 1,148,110; 1,143,111; 1,147,849; 1,147,850: 1,189,804; 1,406,175; 1,499,101 —, wall, coating of using, 1,195,978 —,wall paper, coating composition for, made with, 1,425,510 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 a .Amyl acetate, waterproofing using, 1,133,062; 1,165,179; 1,388,826; 1,388,329 —,waterproofing made with, 1,242,491; 1,389,084; 1,395,242 —,waterproofing process using, 1,388,825; 1,388,827 ; 1,388,828 —, wax solvent, 1,277,904 —, whipcord, artificial, made with, 1,468,818 —, wood, celluloid coated, made with, 1,148,908 —,—, coating of using, 1,195,978; 1,395,242 —,—, finishing compound for contg., 1,169,930 —,—, preservative for, contg., 1,456,509 —,wood stain contg., 1,422,292 —,wood work mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —,zapon varnish contg., 1,153,574 —,zine chloride dissolved by, 1,383,864 —,see also Banana oil; Pentyl acetate iso-Amyl acetate, apple oil, synthetic, contg., 1,866,541; 1,436,290 —,—,—, made with, 1,866,541 —, boiling point of, 1,123,572 —, cellulose ether solvent contg., 1,434,465 —, ethyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,434,465 —, film, photographic, made with, 1,434,465 —, mfr. of, acetyl chloride for, 1,123,572 —,—,tert-amyl alcohol for, 1,123,572 —,—, dimethylaniline for, 1,123,572 —,—., process for, 1,123,572 Amyl alcohol, airplane 1,173,931; 1,363,763 —,airplane fuel contg., 1,420,006; 1,420,007 —,alcohols made using, 1,247,629 —, alkaloids, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —, allspice extract made with, 1,384,681 —,almond extract made with, 1,384,680; 1,384,681 —,amyl acetate from, 1,433,308; 1,491,076 —,amyl butyrate from, 1,433,308 —,amyl esters from, 1,426,457 —,amyl formate made with, 1,491,076 —,amyl oleate made with, 1,277,708 —,amyl oxalate made with, 1,433,308 —,amyl propionate made with, 1,433,308 —,amyl tartrate made with, 1,433,308 —,amyl valerate made with, 1,433,308 —,anhydroecgonine reduced by sodium and, 1,352,082 —, anise extract made with, 1,384,681 —,apple extract made with, 1,384,681 —, apricot extract made with, 1,384,681 —,art gum made with, 1,315,246 —,balata, filler for, made with, 1,315,246 —,—, substitute for, made with, 1,315,246 —, belt dressing made with, 1,315,246 —, benzene made with, 1,282,906 —, bivinyl made with, 1,282,906 —,blood product made with, 1,380,427 —, brake lining made with, 1,429,267 —,bromine, removal of from, barium for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, calcium for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, potassium for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, process for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, sodium for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, strontium for, 1,233,333 —, cassia extract made with, 1,384,681 dope made with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Amyl alcohol, 1,384,681 —, celluloid solvent, 1,368,954; 1,421,974 —,cellulose substitute made with, 1,363,763; 1,512,751 —, cellulose acetate precipitant, 1,363,763 —,cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,160,979; celery extract made with, 1,173,931; 1,181,758; 1,199,799; 1,265,217; 1,363,763 —,cellulose acetonitrate solvent contg., 1,173,931 —,cellulose ester non-solvent of ethylene di- chloride and, 1,339,552 —,cellulose ester solvent contg., 1,437,952 —, cellulose ether film, pre-shrinking of, using, 1,482,717 —,—, swelling of, using, 1,482,717 1,400,196 ; —,cellulose ether solvent contg., 1,411,708; 1,429,188; 1,432,374: 1,437,952; 1,469,812; 1,469,813; 1,469,862; 1,469,863; 1,479,955 —,—,solvent of phenyl propyl alcohol and, 1,444,331 Sie dicey —, cellulose formate precipitated by, 1,153,596 —,cellulose formyl-phosphate precipitated by, 1,153,596 —, cellulose nitrate coating made with, 1,320,458 —,—, explosive made with, 1,392,851 —,—,solvent, 1,129,770; 1,148,464; 1,147,850; 1,160,979; 1,181,758; 1,208,358; 1,320,458; 1,379,596; 1,388,546; 1,898,239; 1,400,196; 1,434,453; 1,484,454; 1,441,185; 1,510,739 —,cement made with, 1,408,325 —,cephaeline allyl ether made with, 1,219,575 —,cephaeline amyl ether made with, 1,219,574 —,cephaeline ‘tso-amyl ether made with, 1,219,574 —, cephaeline 1,219,571 —,cephaeline ethyl ether made with, 1,219,572 —, cephaeline propyl ether made with, 1,219,573 —, chalcopyrite, flotation of, using, 1,488,745 —, chewing gum, chicle substitute, made with, 1,315,246 —,chicle, substitute for, made with, 1,315,246 —,chlorine, removal of from, barium for, 1,233,330 —,—,—, calcium for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, potassium for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, process for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, sodium for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, strontium for, 1,233,333 —, cotton seed oil, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —, detonator made with, 1,206,456 —, dihydroxy-diphenyl-dimethyl-methane vent, 1,156,969 —,—,aldehyde condensate solvent, 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —,diolefin made with, 1,282,906 —., drugs, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —, dyestuff made with, 1,123,390 —,esters made with, 1,517,968 —,esters of, mfr. of, process for, 1,123,572 —,esters prepared with, 1,464,153 —,ethane made with, 1,282,906 —, ethanol-triethyl-arsonium-bromide with, 1,308,413 iso-butyl ether made _ with, sol- made O39 Amyl alcohol, ethanol-triethyl-arsonium- chloride made with, 1,308,414 —,ethyl alcohol, separation of from, process for, 1,169,122 —,ethyl cellulose film, pre-shrinking of, using, 1,482,717 —,—,swelling of, using, 1,482,717 —,ethyl cellulose solvent, 1,411,677; 1,411,708; 1,432,374; 1,434,426; 1,434,427; 1,437,792; 1.458.256: 1,469,812; 1,469,813; 1,469,862; 1,469,863; 1,479,955 —,ethylene made with, 1,282,906 —,factis made with, 1,315,246; 1,376,174 —,factis depolymerized by, 1,376,174 —, fat, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —,film made with, 1,400,196; 1,479,955 —, film, flexible, made with, 1,320,458 —,—,motion picture, made with, 1,158,963; 1,363,763 ; 1,411,677 —,—,vhotographic, made with, 1,199,799 ; 1,432,374; 1,411,708; 1,512,751 —,finish remover made with, 1,145,980; 1,160,394; 1,172,773; 1,147,851; 1,147,852; 1,167,640; 1,167,641; 1,169,783; 1,140,449 —,flavoring extract made with, 1,384,680; 1,384,681 —, flotation of minerals with, 1,425,185 —, flotation of ore with, 1,425,186 —, flotation process using, 1,350,364; 1,488,745 —,food product made with, 1,380,427 —,formation from petroleum by-products, 1,431,259 —,formation from pentanes, 1,390,472 —, formation of, 1,426,457 —, formation from amylenes, 1,407,770 —, friction fabric made with, 1,429,267 —,fuel, internal-combustion, contg., 1,259,053 —,—,liquid, contg. 1,204,638: 1,420,006; 1,420,007; 1,496,260; 1,496,810 —.gasolene made with, 1,282,906 —, glass, reinforced, made with, 1,228,165 —, gold leaf, imitation, made with, 1,160,979 —, graphite, colloidal, made with, 1,175,958 —,gum, artificial, made with, 1,225,748 ; 1,225,749; 1,225,750 —,gutta percha, filler for, made with, 1,315,246 —, hexamethylenetetramine solvent, 1,146,390 —, hydrogen and valerianic acid from, 1,389,187 —, insulation, cable, made with, 1,315,246 —,—, electric, made with, 1,315,246 —,isoprene made with, 1,282,906 —,kerosene made with, 1,282,906 —, lacquer contg., 1,411,035 —,leather, artificial, made with, 1,320,458 —,—, coating for, made with, 1,320,458 —,—, finishing the edge of using, 1,181,758 —,—, patent, made with, 1,173,931 —, leather dyed using, 1,345,234 —,lemon extract made with, 1,384,680 —, lubricant made with, 1,226,165 —, mfr. of, alkali for, 1,221,667 7 —,—,alkali carbonate for, 1,214,919; 1,221,667 —,—,amyl acetate for, 1,214,919; 1,221,667 —,—,amyl hydrogen sulfate for, 1,486,646 —,—,amylene for, 1,438,123; 1,486,646 1,173,931 ; 540 Amyl alcohol, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,488,123 —,—, Burton oil for, 1,486,646 —,—, calcium formate for, 1,221,667 —,—, chlorine for, 1,214,919; 1,221,667 —,—,chlor-pentane: for, 1,214,919; 1,221,667; 1,253,616 —,—, ether for, 1,214,919 —,—,formate for, 1,221,667 —,—, gasolene for, 1,214,919; 1,221,667; 1,486,646 © —,—,galosene, casing head for, 1,221,667 —,—,—, chlorinated, for, 1,221,667 —,—,hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,214,919; 1,486,646 —,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,221,667 —,—,2-methyl-butane for, 1,221,667 —,—,naphtha for, 1,486,646 —,—,oil gas for, 1,517,968 —, pentane for, 1,221,667 —,—,pentene for, 1,214,919 —,—, l-pentene for, 1,438,123 —,—, petroleum for, 1 221 667 —,—, petroleum, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,438, 123 ,—, potassium formate for, 1,221,667 —,—,process for, 1,214,919; 1,221 667 ; 1,488,123; 1,486,646; 1,517,968 —,—~,shale oil, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —,—,sodium acetate for, 1,214,919 —,—,sodium bisulfate for, 1,488,123 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,486,646 —,—,sodium formate for, 1,221,667 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,486,646 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,214,919; te 486, 646; 1,517,968 —,—, water for, 1,486,646 —, metal, cleaning of, using, 1,503,443 —,metal cleaner contg., 1,428,084 —, metal coating composition contg., 1,472,239 —, metal leaf made with, 1,160,979 1,438,123; —,molded article made with, 1,146,391; 1,167,468 —,motor fuel contg., 1,420,006; 1,420,007; 1,423,048; 1.4238,049; 1,423 050 —, oil, ‘animal, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —,—, "essential, extraction of, using, 1,504, 588 —,— — extraction of, using, 1,504 088 —,—, ’ mineral, extraction of using, 1,504,588 —,—, vegetable, extraction of, using, 1,504 088 —,—, vulcanized, made with, 1,315,246 —, ‘oils purified with, 1,371 342 —, olefin made with, 1,282 906 —, orange extract made with, 1,384,680 —, oxidizing, copper for, 1,464 153 —, paint made with, 1,408, 325 —,paint remover made with, 1,129,770; 1,143,110; 1,143,111; 1,147,849; 1,147,850; 1,189,804; 1,499,101 —, peach extract made with, 1,884,681 —, pear extract made with, 1,384 681 —,pegamoid made with, 1. 173 931 —,phenol aldehyde condensate solvent, 1,087,422; Re-14,530; 14,5381; 1,146,390; 1 ‘167, ‘468 : 1 218, 146: 1,225,748; 1,225,749; 1 295 "750. —, phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,225,749; .1,225;750; 1,429,267 _Amyl alcohol, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 phenol condensation product solvent, 1 429, 267 —, phonograph record made with, 1,158,964; 1,167,468; 1,468,608 —, piperylene made with, 1 5,282,906 —, plastic made with, 1, 68, 608 —, potassium valerate made with, 1,389,187 —, potassium valerianate made with, 1,389,187 —,propylene made with, 1,282,906 —, purification of, barium for, 1,233,333 —,—,calcium for, 1,233,333 —,—, chromate for, 1,485,940 —,—, dioxide for, 1,485,940 —,—, permanganate for, 1,485,940 —,—, potassium for, 1,233, 333 —,—, potassium permanganate for, 1,485,940 —,—, process for, 1,283,333; 1,485, 940 —,—, sodium for, 1,233, 333. —, —, strontium for, 1,233,333 —, record, phonograph, made with, 1,146,390; 1,146,391 —,recovery of, 1 315,701 —,—, cresol for, 1,315,700; 1,315,701 —,—, ’ phenol for, 1 B15 700: 1, 315, 701 —,—, process for, 1,315,700: 1,513,150 —, resorcinol solvent, 1,406,745 —, roller, printing press, made with, 1,315,246 —,rubber, filler for, made with, 1,315,246 —,—, hard. substitute for made with, 1,315,246 — rubber substitute made with, 1,315 246 —, rust. remover contg., 1,439, 780 —, ‘rust remover of “hydrolyzed starch and, 1 ,489,780 — , secondary, purification of, 1,422,583 —,shoe sole, filler for, made with, 1,315,246 —,silk, artificial, cellulose acetate, made with, 1,363,763 —, silver soluble in, preparing, 1,413,151 apparatus for, 1,315,700; 1,315,701; —,sludge, sulfonic acid, green, solvent, 1,474,933 —,—,—, mahogany, solvent, 1,474,933 —,smokeless powder, maneuver, made. with, 1,208,358 ——,sodium valerate made with, 1,389,187 —,sodium valerianate from, 1,389,187 —,solidified, mfr. of, alcoholates for. 1,223.153 —,—,—, calcium chloride for, 1228,1838 —,—,—, ’ ethyl alcohol for, 1,223, 153 —,—,—, fatty acid for, 1.223, 153 —,—,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, potassium for, 1 228, 153 —,—,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, potassium methylate for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, potassium stearate for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, process for, 1,223,153 —,—,—,sodium for, 1,223,153 —,—,—,sodium amylate for, 1,223,153 —,—,—,sodium ethylate for, 1,223.153 —,—,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,223,153 —,—,—,sodium stearate for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, stearic acid for, 1,223,153 —,—, see also Alcohol solidified —-, suppository made with, 1,499,348 —, tile, floor, made with, 1,315,246 —,valerianic acid and hydrogen from, 1,389,187 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Amy] alcohol, valeric acid made with, 1,389,187 —, vanilla extract made with, 1,384,680 —, varnish contg., 1,408,325 —,varnish remover made with, 1,129,770; 1,143,110; 1,143,111; 1,147,849; 1,147,850; 1,189,804; 1,499,101 —,vulcanite, substitute for, made with, 1,315,246 —, waterproofing made with, 1,315,246 —, wax, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —,zine chloride dissolved by, 1,383,864 —,see also Fusel oil iso-Amy] alcohol, cellulose ether solvent contg., 1,482 374 —,ethyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,432,374 —, film, photographic, made with, 1,482,374 —, formation from amylene, 1,464,153 —,germicide made with, 1,213,465 seco-iso-Amyl alcohol, see 3-Methyl-2-butanol tert-Amyl alcohol, acetic acid made _ with, 1,123,572 —,acetyl chloride, action of on, 1,123,572 —, mfr. of, tert-amyl vanadate for, 1,133,961 —,—, water for, 1,133,961 —,tert-amyl acetate made with, 1,123,572 —, tert-amyl benzoate made with, 1,123,572 —., tert-amyl bromvalerate made with, 1,123,572 —, tert-amyl chloride made with, 1,123,572 —, tert-amyl cinnamate made with, 1,123,572 —,tert-amyl-p-nitrobenzoate made with, 1,123,572 —, tert-amy] valerate made with, 1,123,572 —, tert-amyl vanadate made with, 1,133,961 —,see also Amylene hydrate _Amy] aldehyde, amyl aldehyde ammonia made with, 1,456,702 Amy] aldehyde ammonia, mfr. of, 1,456,702 iso-Amyl allyl amino ethyl p-aminobenzoate, see b-(N-Allyl-N-tso-amyl) aminoethyl p- aminobenzoate iso-amyl allyl compounds, see Allyl tso-amyl compounds Amyl amidoformate, see Amyl carbamate Amylamine, rubber, hard, made using, 1,507,594 —,rust preventing solution contg., 1,433,226 —,tertiary, rubber vulcanizing accelerator, 1,434,909 —, vulcanization process using, 1,507,594 Amylamine-benzaldehyde condensation prod- uct, rubber vulcanizing accelerator, 1,434,909 Amylamine borate, tertiary, rubber vulcanizing accelerator, 1,434,909 Amylamine carbonate, tertiary, rubber vulcaniz- ing accelerator, 1,434,909 Amylamine stearate, tertiary, rubber vulcaniz- ing accelerator, 1,434,909 iso-Amylamine, rubber vulcanizing accelerator, 1,342,457 —, vulcanization process using, 1,842,457 tert-Amylamine, benzaldehyde, compound of and, 1,434,909 —, vulcanization process using, 1,434,909 tert-Amylamine borate, vulcanization process using, 1,484,909 tert-Amylamine carbonate, vulcanization proc- ess using, 1,434,909 541 tert-Amylamine stearate, vulcanization process using, 1,434,909 tert-Amyl-p-aminobenzoate, mfr. of, tert-amy! p-nitrobenzoate for, 1,123,572 —,melting point of, 1,123,572 —,solvent for, ligroin as, 1,123,572 Amylaminophenylarsenic acid, see N-amyl-ar- sanilic acid ' bis-Amylaminophenylarsenic 1,440,621 mono-Amylaminophenylarsenic acid, separation from bis-amylamidophenylarsenic acid, 1,440,621 Amylan, alkyl ethers of, 1,350,820 a-Amylan, derivatives of, starch ethers made with, 1,350,820 —,starch ethers made with, 1,350,820 —,derivatives of, starch ethers made with, 1,350,820 b-Amylan, derivatives of, starch ethers made with, 1,350,820 —, starch ethers made with, 1,350,820 Amylaniline, amylamidophenylarsenic acid from, 1,440,621 N-Amyl-aniline, N-amyl-arsanilic’ acid made with, 1,440,621 N-Amyl-aniline, N.N-diamyl-arsanilic acid made with, 1,440,621 N-Amyl-arsanilic acid, bis(p-amylamino- phenyl)-arsinic acid, separation of from, 1,440,621 —, mfr. of, 1,440,621 —,—, N-amy] aniline for, 1,440,621 —,—, arsenic trichloride for, 1,440,621 —,—, process for, 1,440,621 —,—, pyridine for, 1,440,621 Amylase, animal, preparation of, 1,444,250 —, beer, coloring for, made with, 1,178,040 —, beer wort made with, 1,178,039 —, bread made with, 1,355,128; 1,355,129 —,dry, preparing, 1,444,250 acld.>) Mira et: —,food, product made with, 1,178,039; 1,178,040 —,lactic acid for preventing action of, 1,355,127; .1,855,128; 1,355,129 . —,pancreatic, textiles degummed with, 1,430,523 —, protecting, salts for, 1,480,523 —,preserving of, protective colloids for, 1,444,250 Amyl benzoate, cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,199,800 ; 1,888,472 —,cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,888,472 —,cellulose ether solvent for contg., 1,405,490 —, ethyl cellulose solvent for contg., 1,405,490 —,film, photographic, made ‘with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,197,019 —,—,benzine for, 1,197,019 —,—,benzoates for, 1,197,019 —,—, chlorine for, 1,197,019 —,—,chlor-pentane for, 1,197,019 3 b —,—,gasolene for, 1,197,019 —,—,gasolene, natural gas, for, 1,197,019 —, —, hydrocarbon, chlorinated, for, 1,197,019 —,—, process for, 1,197,019 —, plastic made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 542 tert-Amyl benzoate, boiling point of, 1,123,572 —, mfr. of, tert- amyl aleohol for, 1 123 B72 —,— benzoyl chloride for, 1,123, 572 —,—, dimethylaniline for, 1, 123 572 —,— , hydrochloric acid for, 1, 123,572 —,—, process for, 1,128, 572 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,123,572 Amyl bromide, amyl carbohydrate made with, 1,504,178 —, amyl cellulose made with, 1,504,178 —, amyl dextrin made with, 1,504,178 —,amyl starch made with, 1,504,178 —,cephaeline amyl ether made with, 1,219,574 iso-Amyl bromide, cephaeline iso-amyl ether made with, 1,219, 574 —,see 4-Brom-2-methyl-butane tert-Amyl bromvalerate, boiling P1238 512 —, mfr. of, tert-amyl] alcohol for, 1,123,572 —,—,bromvaleryl chloride for, 1,123,572 —,—, dimethylaniline for, 1,123,572 —,—, process for, 1,123,572 Amyl butyrate, bread, flavoring of with, 1,155,530 —, butyric acid made with, 1,426,457 —, cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,388,472 —,cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —, mfr. of, 1,483,308 —,—, apparatus for, 1,197,019 —,—, benzine for, 1,197,019 —,—, butyrates for, 1,197,019 —,—, chlorine for, 1,197,019 —,—, chlorpentane for, 1,197,019 —,gasolene for, 1,197,019 —,—, gasolene, natural gas, for, 1,197,019 —,—, hydrocarbon, chlorinated, for, 1 197, 019 —,—, process for, 1,197,019 —, motor fuel contg., 1,421,879 —, plastic made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —, preparation of, 1,426,457 Amyl caproate, apple oil, synthetic, made with, 1,366,541 iso-Amyl caproate, apple oil, synthetic, made with, 1,366,541 —,(normal), apple oil, 1,366,541 iso-Amyl-n-caproate, apple oil, synthetic, contg., 1,436,290 wso-Amyl caprylate, apple oil, synthetic, made with, 1,866,541 —,—,—, contg., 1,436,290 Amyl carbohydrate, mfr. of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,—, amyl bromide for, 1,504,178 —,—,amyl chloride for, 1,504,178 —,—,amyl iodide for, 1,504,178 point of, synthetic, contg., —, carbohydrate for, 1,504, 178 —, metal hydroxide for, 1,504, 178 — process for, 1,504,178 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —, see also Carbohydrate ether Amyl carbonate, see Phenyl amyl ether UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Amyl cellulose, benzine as a non-solvent for, 1,504,178 —,ethyl alcohol as a non-solvent for, 1,504,178 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,504,178 —, film, photographic, made with, 1,504,178 —, mfr. of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,—,amyl bromide for, 1,504,178 —,—, amyl chloride for, 1,504,178 —,—,amyl iodide for, 1,504,178 —,—, cellulose for, 1,504, 178 —,—, metal hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —, process for, 1,504, 178 —,—, sodium. hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,methyl alcohol as a _ non-solvent for, 1,504,178 —, plastic made with, 1,504,178 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,504,178 —,solvent for, acetic acid, glacial, for, 1,504,178 —, thread, artificial, made with, 1,504,178 —, varnish made with, 1,504,178 —,see also Cellulose ether Amyl chloride, see Chlor-pentane —,tertaary, see 2-Chlor-2-methyl-butane iso-Amyl chloride, see 4-Chlor-2-methyl- butane n-Amyl chloride, see 1-Chlor-pentane tert-Amyl chloride, mfr. of, acetyl chloride for, 1,123,572 —,—, process for, 1,123,572 iso-Amyl chlormethyl ketone, 3-chlor-methyl-6- methyl-3-heptanol made with, 1,150,252 —, 3-dimethylaminomethyl-6-methy]-3-hep- tanol made with, 1,150,252 —, mfr. of, 2so-butyl bromide for, 1,150,252 —,—, 1-chlor-5-methyl-2-hexanol for, 1,150,252 —,—, compound, CsH:,OBrMg, for, 1,150,252 —,—, epichlorhydrin for, 1,150,252 — ,—, ethyl ether for, 1,150,252 —, magnesium for, 1,150,252 es potassium bichromate for, 1,150,252 —, process for, 1,150,252 —,—, sulfuric acid for, i 150,252 tert-Amyl cinnamate, boiling point of, 1,123, 572 —, dibrom derivatives of, mfr. of, process for, 1,123,572 —,—, melting point of, 1,123,572 —, mfr. of, tert-amyl alcohol for, 1,123,572 —,—,cinnamyl chloride for, 1,123,572 —,—, dimethylaniline for, 1,123,572 —, process for, 1,123,572 Amyl compound, electric light bulb colored with, 1,259,505 iso-Amyl compounds see 2-Methyl-butane com- pounds Amyl dextrin, mfr. of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,—,amyl bromide for, 1,504,178 —,—, amyl chloride for, 1 504, 178 —,—,amyl iodide for, 1,504, 178 —,—, dextrin for, 1,504, 178 —,—, metal hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —, process for, 1,504, 178 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,see also Dextrin ether iso-Amyl dichloride, hydrocarbon, olefin, made with, 1,198,943 —, see Dichlor-2-methyl-butane Amylene, see 1-Pentene INDEX OF b-Amylene, see 2-Pentene n-Amylene, see 1-Pentane Amylene chlorhydrin, cellulose acetate solvent, 1,315,229 —, kauri solvent, 1,315,229 —,mfr. of, alkali chloride for, 1,264,535; 1,264,536 —,—,aluminum oxide for, 1,253,615 —,—,amylene for, 1,253,615; 1,253,616; 1,264,535; 1,264,536; 1,315,229 —,—,antimonic acid for, 1,315,229 —,—, antimony salts for, 1,315,229 —,—,antimony(ic) chloride for, 1,315,229 —,—,antimony(ous) chloride for, 1,315,229 —,—,apparatus for, ~ 1,253,615; 1,253,616; 1,264,535; 1,264,536 —,—, asbestos for, 1,815,229 —,—,calcilum carbonate for, 1,253,615; 1,253,616 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,253,615; 1,253,616 —,—,calcium hypochlorite for, 1,253,615 —,carbon dioxide for, 1,253,615 —, cerium vanadate for, 1,315,229 —, chalk for, 1,253,615; 1,253,616 —,—, charcoal for, 1,315,229 —,—, chloride for, 1,815,229 —,—,chlorine for, 1,253,615; 1,264,535; 1,264,536 —,—,copper(ic) chloride for, 1,315,229 —,—,copper oxide for, 1,253,615; 1,264,535; 1,264,536 —,—,copper vanadate for, 1,315,229 —,—, electrolytic cell for, 1,264,535; 1,264,536 —,—,gas, coal coked, for, 1,253,615; 1,253,616 ,—,—, petroleum cracked, for, 1,253,615; 1,253,616 —,—,—, wood charred for, 1,253,615; 1,253,616 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,315,229 —,—,hydrochloric acid as by-product of, 1,253,615; 1,253,616 —,—,hypochlorous acid for, 1,253,615; 1,253,616; 1,264,535; 1,264,536 —,—,iron(ic) chloride for, 1,315,229 —,—, magnesium carbonate for, 1,253,615 —,—, magnesium oxide for, 1,253,615; 1,264,535; 1,264,536; 1,815,229 —,—, manganese vanadate for, 1,315,229 ,—, mercury(ic) chloride for, 1,253,616 ,—,mercury(ic) oxide for, 1,253,615 ,—, molybdenum trioxide for, 1,315,229 —,—,oil gas for, 1,253,615; 1,253,616; 1,264,535; 1,264,536; 1,315,229 —,—, olefin for, 1,315,229 —,—, osmium compound for, 1,315,229 —,—, oxygen for, 1,315,229 —,—, palladium chloride for, 1,315,229 —,—, phosphates for, 1,253,615 —,—, platinum black for, 1,315,229 —,—,platinum compound for, 1,315,229 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,253,615 ~ — ed id 1,253,616 ; ~ — — —,—,potassium chloride for, 1,264,535; 1,264,536 —, process for, 1,253,615 ; 1,253,616; 1,264,535; 1,264,536; 1,315,229 —,—,pumice for, 1,315,229 —,—,rhodium compound for, 1,815,229 —,—, ruthenium compound for, 1,315,229 SUBJECTS 543 Amylene chlorhydrin, mfr. of, sodium bicar- bonate for, 1,253,615; 1,253,616 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,253,615; 1,253,616 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,253,615; 1,264,535 ; 1,264,536 —,—,sodium phosphates for, 1,253,615 —,—, sulfates for, 1,253,615 —,—, thallium chloride for, 1,315,229 —,—,tin tetrachloride for, 1,315,229 —,—, vanadium pentoxide for, 1,315,229 —,—, water for, 1,264,535; 1,264,536 —,—,zine oxide for, 1,253,615; 1,315,229 —,resin solvent, 1,315,229 —,see also Chlor-pentanol Amylene chloride, preparation of, 1,440,976 Amylene dichloride, acetic acid _ solvent, 1,321,307 —, acetic anhydride solvent, 1,321,307 —,acetyl-salicylic acid solvent, 1,321,307 —,amylene-glycol esters from, 1,430,324 —, cellulose nitrate solvent contg., 1,148,258 Amylene diacetate, mfr. of, process for, 1,148,258 Amylene dichloride, salicylic acid solvent, 1,321,307 Amylene-glycol dibutyrate, preparation of, 1,480,324 Amylene-glycol dipropionate, preparation of, 1,430,324 Amylene-glycol 1,430,324 Amylene hydrate, see tert-amyl alcohol Amyl esters, celluose acetate solvent contg., 1,160,979 —,cellulose nitrate solvent contg., 1,160,979 —,fat contg., 1,381,564 —, finish remover made with, 1,147,851 —,gold leaf, imitation, made with, 1,169,979 —,mfr. of, amylene for, 1,486,646 —,—, Burton oil for, 1,486,646 —,—,gasolene for, 1,486,646 —,—, hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,486,646 —,—, naphtha for, 1,486,646 —,—, petroleum, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —,—, process for, 1,486,646 —,—,shale oil, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,486,646 —, metal leaf made with, 1,160,979 —,organic acids made with, 1,426,457 —, preparation of, 1,426,457 Amy] ether, fuel, liquid, made with, 1,480,372 diacetate, preparation of, —,paint remover made with, 1,143,110; 1,143,111; 1,147,849; 1,189,804 —,varnish remover made with, 1,143,110; 1,143,111; 1,147,849; ,189,804 —, see also Diamyl ether tso-Amyl-ethyl-barbituric acid, analgesic made with, 1,478,463 —, boiling point of, 1,478,463 —, hypnotic made with 1,478,463 —,mfr. of, ethyl iso-amyl-ethyl-malonate for, 1,478,463 —,—, process for, 1,478,463 —,pyramidone, condensation product of and, 1,478,463 —,sodium’ ethylate for, 1,478,463 —,urea for, 1,478,463 544 5-iso-Amyl-5-ethyl-barbituric acid, hypnotic, 1,514,573 —, mfr. of, diethyl-iso-amyl-ethyl-malonate for, 1,514,573 —,—,ethyl alcohol for, 1,514,573 —,—,hydrochlorie acid for, 1,514,573 ,—, process for, 1,514,573 —,—, sodium for, 1,514,573 —,—,sodium ethylate for, 1,514,573 —,—, urea for, 1,514,573 iso-Amyl-ethyl malonic acid ethyl ester, see Ethyl iso-amyl-ethyl-malonate iso-Amyl-ethyl sulfone, cellulose ether plas- ticizer, 1,857,614 —,cellulose ether solvent, 1,857,614 —, film, photographic, made with, 1,357,614 —, plastic made with, 1,357,614 —,varnish made with, 1,357,614 Amyl formate, aldehyde ammonia compounds made with, 1,456,702 —,apple oil, synthetic, made with, 1,366,541 —,bromine, removal of from, barium for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, calcium for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, potassium for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, process for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, sodium for, 1,233,333 ,—, —, strontium for, 1,233,333 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,153,596 —,—, cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,388,472 —,cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,199,800; 1,888,472 —, cellulose formate precipitated by, 1,153,596 —, cellulose formyl-phosphate precipitated by, 1,153,596 —, chlorine, 1,233,333 —,—,—, calcium for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, potassium for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, process for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, sodium for, 1,233,333 —, —,—, strontium for, 1,233,333 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —,formic acid from, 1,426,457 —,fuel, liquid, made with, 1,421,879 —,golf ball made with, 1,194,751 —,mfr. of, amyl alcohol for, 1,491,076 —,—,amylene for, 1,486,646 | —,—,apparatus for, 1,197,019; 1,491,076 ,—, barium hydroxide for, 1,491,076 ,—, benzine for, 1,197,019 ,—, Burton oil for, 1,486,646 —— removal of from, barium for, —,—,chlorine for, 1,197,019 —,chlor-pentane for, 1,197,019 —,formates for, 1,197,019 —,—,gasolene for, 1,197,019; 1,486,646 es —,gasolene, natural gas, for, 1,197,019 —,—, hydrocarbon, chlorinated, for, 1,197,019 — ,—,—, olefin, for, 1,486,646 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,491,076 —,—,—, methyl formate for, 1,491,076 —,—,—, naphtha for, 1,486,646 —,—, petroleum, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —,—, process for, 1,197,019; 1,486,646; 1,491,076 —,—,shale oil, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —,—,sodium for, 1,491,076 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Amyl formate, mfr. of, sodium alcoholate for, 1,491,076 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,491,076 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,486,646; 1,491,076 —, motor fuel contg., 1,421,879 —,plastic made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —, preparation of, 1,426,457 —, purification of, barium for, 1,233,333 —,—, calcium for, 1,233,333 —,—, potassium for, 1,233,333 —,—, process for, 1,233,333 : —,—,sodium for, 1,233,333 —,—, strontium for, 1,233,333 iso-Amyl formate, apple oil, synthetic, contg., 1,366,541; 1,436,290 Amy] glycolate, mfr. of, process for, 1,160,595 Amyl hydride, see Pentane Amy] hydrogen sulfate, amyl acetate made with, 1,486,646 —,amyl alcohol made with, 1,486,646 —,mfr. of, amylene for, 1,486,646 —,—, Burton oil for, 1,486,646 —,—,gasolene for, 1,486,646 —,—, hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,486,646. —,—, naphtha for, 1,486,646 —,—, petroleum, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —,—, process for, 1,486,646 —,—,shale oil, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,486,646 ; Amylic (inactive) alcohol, see Amyl alcohol Amylic ether, see Amyl ether; Amyl oxide Amyl iodide, amyl carbohydrate made with, 1,504,178 —,amyl cellulose made with, 1,504,178 —,amyl dextrin made with, 1,504,178 —,amyl starch made with, 1,504,178 —,cephaeline amyl ether made with, 1,219,574 iso-Amyl iodide, cephaeline iso-amyl ether made with, 1,219,574 Amyl iso-butyl oxide, see Amyl-iso-butyl ether Amy] lactate, mfr. of, process for, 1,160,595 —,paint remover made with, 1,499,101 —,varnish remover made with, 1,499,101 iso-Amyl-malonic ester, see Diethyl iso-amyl- ethyl-malonate Amy! methy] ketone, cellulose ether, solvent for contg., 1,469,812 —,ethyl cellulose, solvent for contg., 1,469,812 —,see Methy amyl ketone Amy] nitrite, diazotizing with, 1,462,613 —,isonitrosomethyl 2-phenyl-4-quinolyl tone made with, 1,484,306 —, 2-phenylquinoly]-4-methy]-2so-nitrosoketone prepared with, 1,434,306 tert-Amyl-p-nitrobenzoate, tert-amyl-p-amino- benzoate for, 1,123,572 —, mfr. of, tert-amyl alcohol for, 1,123,572 —,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,123,572 —,—, p-nitrobenzoate for, 1,123,572 —,—, process for, 1,123,572 —,—, pyridine for, 1,123,572 —,melting point of, 1,123,572 Amyloacetic ether, see Amyl acetate Amylo-cellulose, see Amylose Amyloclastic diastase, see Diastase, amyloclas- tic ke- INDEX OF Amylodextrin, alkyl ethers of, preparation of, 1,350,820 —,calcium carbonate, colloidal, made with, 1,493,847 —,derivatives of, starch ethers made with, 1,350,820 —-, starch ethers made with, 1,350,820 —,therapeutic product made with, 1,493,847 Amyloid, belt made with, 1,163,417 —, benzyl cellulose made with, 1,483,738 —,cellulose ether made with, 1,473,738; 1,505,043 ; —, cellulose ethers, composition of and, 1,217,028 —, container made with, 1,163,417 —,ethyl cellulose made _ with, 1,505,043 —, ethyl cellulose, composition of and, 1,217,028 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —,Flechsig’s, benzyl cellulose made with, 1,483,738 —,—, cellulose ether made with, 1,483,738 —,—, ethyl cellulose made with, 1,483,738 —,—, methyl cellulose made with, 1,483,738 —, hair, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —,leather substitute made with, 1,163,417 —, methyl cellulose made with, 1,483,738 —, paper, fat-proof, made with, 1,499,025. —,ship hull covering made with, 1,163,417 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 1,483,738 ; —, sulfuric acid for forming from cotton fabrics, 1,360,224 —,tent material made with, 1,163,417 —, waterproofing of, alkali for, 1,499,025 —,—,ammonia for, 1,499,025 —,—, benzene for, 1,499,025 —,—, carbon bisulfide for, 1,499,025 ‘—,—, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,499,025 —,—, chloroform for, 1,499,025 —,—, process for, 1,499,025 —,—,sulfur chloride for, 1,499,025 —,—, thionyl chloride for, 1,499,025 —,see also Cellulose Amyloid membrane, mfr. of, cellulose for, 1,503,892 —,—, paper, filter, for, 1,503,892 —,—, process for, 1,503,892 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,503,892 —, milk, dialysis of, using, 1,503,892 —,—, evaporated, mfr. of, using, 1,503,892 —,—,modified, . condensed, made using, 1,511,808 —,—, treatment of, using, 1,503,892 —, milk product, treatment of, using, 1,503,892 Amyl oleate, hydrogenated, properties of, 1,277,708 —,hydrogenation of, nickel catalyst for, 1,277,708 —,—, process for, 1,277,708 —, mfr. of, amyl alcohol for, 1,277,708 —,—, oleic acid for, 1,277,708 —,—, process for, 1,277,708 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,277,708 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,277,708 —,—,sulfurie acid for, 1,277,708 —, palmitic acid, action of and, 1,277,708 —, properties of, 1,277,708 —, stearic acid, action of and, 1,277,708 35 SUBJECTS 545 Amylomyces Rexii, starch inverted by, 1,406,554; Re-15,776 Amylo-pectins, action of enzymes in, 1,828,079 Amylopsin, pancreatin, ingredient, 1,404,137 Amylose, solvent for, sodium hydroxide as, 1,311,964 —, starch 1,411,208; 1,411,204 Amy! oxalate, mfr. of, 1,483,308 Amyl oxide, see Amyl ether Amyl phenate, see Amyl carbonate p-iso-Amylphenyl carbamate, mfr. of, process for, 1,252,452 —, properties of, 1,252,452 Amyl phthalate, cellulose nitrate stabilized with, 1,338,691 —,glyceryl tri-nitrate for dissolving, 1,338,691 Amyl propionate, fuel, liquid, made with, 1,421,879 —, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,197,019 —,—,benzine for, 1,197,019 —,—,chlorine for, 1,197,019 —,—,chlor-pentane for, 1,197,019 —,—,gasolene for, 1,197,019 —,—,gasolene, natural gas, for, 1,197,019 —,—, hydrocarbon, chlorinated, for, 1,197,019 —,—, process for, 1,197,019; 1,483,308 —,—, propionate for, 1,197.019 —, motor fuel contg., 1,421,879 Amyl salicylate, cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,388,472 —,cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —., cellulose ether solvent contg., 1,395,905 —,cellulose nitrate plasticizer, 1,444,333 —,cellulose nitrate solvent, 1,444,333 —, ethyl cellulose plasticizer, 1,395,905 —,ethyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,395,905 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472; 1,895,905; 1,444,333 —,plastic made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472; 1,395,905 —,varnish made with, 1,395,905; 1,444,333 Amyl starch, mfr. of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,—,amyl bromide for, 1,504,178 —,—,amyl chloride for, 1,504,178 —,—, amyl iodide for, 1,504,178 —,—, metal hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,—, process for, 1,504,178 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,—,starch for, 1,504,178 —,see also Starch ether Amy] sulfuric acid, formation of, 1,431,259 Amy] tartrate, mfr. of, 1,433,308 o-Amylthiocarbonic acid disulfide, accelerator in rubber vulcanization, 1,440,962 Amyl]-p-toluene-sulfonate, cellulose nitrate plas- ticizer, 1,497,028 —., floor covering made with, 1,497,028 conversion product, iso-Amyl trichloride, see Trichlor-2-methyl- butane Amylum, adhesive, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,fire extinguisher made with, 1,248,092 —, fireproofing made with, 1,248,092 —, paint, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 546 Amylum, paper, fireproof sizing for, made with,, 1,248,092 —,starch, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 — varnish, fireproof, made with, 1,248, 092 Amylum decomposing ferment, see Ferment, amylum decomposing ter-Amylurea, see Amylcarbamide, tertiary Amyl urethane, see Amyl carbamate Amyl valerate, mfr. of, 1,433,308 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Analeptic, 3-methy]-5-iso-propyl-A-2-cyclohexa- none in, 1,477,691 —, potassium-zso-valerate in, 1,477,691 _ —, 1-2so-propyl- eyclohexan-3-one in, 1,477,691 —,sodium benzoate in, 1,477,691 —, * sodium m-hydroxy-benzoate in, 1,477,691 NY —, ’ sodium salicylate in, 1,477,691 S Analgen, see Quinalgen Analgesine, see Antipyrine; Anodyne tert-Amyl valerate, boiling point of, 1,123,572 Ny rae age PP -cinchoninie acid OS, —,mfr. of, tert-amyl alcohol for, 1,123,572 PS chodroch lorie wudltonnt 43.979 a Analgctiog mfr. of, acetone for, 1,478,463; —,-—, process for, 1,123,572 x adage o Ker: —, alcohol for, 1,478 463 —,—,valeryl chloride for, 1,123,572 tert-Amyl vanadate, with, 1,183,961 —, mfr. of, tert-amyl] alcohol, for, 1,133,961 —,—, process for, 1,133,961 —,—, vanadium pentoxide for, 1,133,961 — pr ‘operties of, 1,133,961 —, solvent for, acetone as, 1,183,961 —,—,alcohol as, 1,133,961 —,—, benzene as, 1,133,961 —,—, chloroform as, 1 133 961 -~—,—, ether as, 1, 133 961 —,—, toluene as, 1,133,961 — ‘ vanadic acid made with, 1,133,961 Anacardium extractive, mercury bichloride tab- let made with, 1,204, 5794 —, poison tablet made with, 1,204,794 Anacardium occidentale, see Anacardium Anacardium oleo-resin, mercury bichloride tab- let made with, 1,204 794 —, poison tablet made with, 1,204,794 Anaesthesin, see Ethyl-p- aminobenzoic acid Anaesthone, see Anaesthesin Analcime, catalyst, dehydrogenation, with, 1 215, 396 —,— , hydrogenation, made with, 1,215,396 — ' dehydrogenation, catalyst for, made with 1 215,396 —, hydrogenation, 1,215,396 —,see also Analcite Analcite, benzine, refining of using, 1,515,733 —, catalyst, nickel aluminate-silicate made with 1,256,032 —., gasolene, refining of using, 1,515,733 — , hydrocarbon, refining of using, 1,515,733 —, kerosene, refining of using, 1,515 733 —, naphtha, refining of using, 1,515 733 — petroleum products, refining of 1 915,733 —,see also Aluminum silicates ; cates; Zeolite Analcite basalt, block, building, made with, Le Mey ee —,cement made with, 1,209,220 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,157,437 —, potassium compound made with, 1 157 A387 —, potassium sulfate made with, 1 157 437 Analeptic, mfr. of, 1,455,264 —, camphor as, 1,477, 691 —, 3-methyl-5-iso- -propyl-eyelohexanone in, if 477,691 made ’ catalyst for, made with, 5] using, Sodium sili- ‘alkali compound for, 1,483,217 Peviele alcohol made < — alkali earth compound for, 1,483,217 —, allyl-iso-propyl-barbituric acid for, 1494, 127 Y —,—, eRe ethyl-barbituric acid for, 1,478,4 —,— ee for, 1,483,217 —,—, ’ a-brom- diethyl- acetic acid, auslidas of, as, for, 1,279,942 —,—, N- (a-brom-diethyl-acetyl)-phenetidine ‘aS, ‘for, 1,279,942 —,—, n-butyl-ethyl-barbituric acid for ’ ’ 63 —,—, sec-butyl-ethy]-barbituric acid for, 1 478,463 —, —, chloroform for, 1,483,217 —,—, dialkyl barbituric acid for, 1,478,463 —, di-n-butyl-barbituric acid for, 1 478,463 —,ethyl acetate for, 1,483,217 —, phenylethylbarbituric acid for, 1,508,401 —,—, process for, 1,279,942 ; 1 ‘478 463 ; 1,483,217; 1,494, 127: 1 508 401 —,—, pyramidone for, 1 478 463; 1,494,127 ——, salicylo-salicylic acid for, i 483 217 - ce sodium carbonate for, 1 (483 217 —,sodium salicylico- salicylate for, 1,483,217 —,—, 4-dimethylamino-2.3-dimethyl- -1-phenyl- 5-pyrazolone for, 1,508,401 —, 8- -methoxy-2-piperonyl-cinchoninic acid as, 1 185,265 — 6- -methyl-2-piperonyl- cinchoninic acid as, 1 185,265 —, see also Pharmaceutical product ; Analgesic; nodyne Analides, explosive contg., 1,310,489 Analidid of potassium, see Potassium antlide Analine, see Aniline Analysis, burette, direct-reading for, 1,386,571 — , electrochemical, apparatus for, 1,341 790 —, gas, apparatus for, 1,302,224; Re-15 409 —,—, see also Gas analysis —, moisture determination, i 847,106 —, titration, process of, 1,358,950 Analytical apparatus, moisture determining, 1,347,106 Analytical balance, rapid weighing, 1,877,569 Anaphalis margaritacea, see Gnaphalium Anatase, celluloid made with, 1,365,882 —, celluloid colored with, 1,365 882 —, cellulose nitrate composition made with. 1 ,365,882 —, class made with, 1,365,882 apparatus for, - INDEX OF SUBJECTS Anatase, index of refraction of, 1,348,129 —, paint made with, 1,365,882 —, phenol aldehyde condensate made_ with, 1,365,882 —, plastic made with, 1,365,882 —,rubber made with, 1,365,882 —,see also Octahederite ; Titamum dioxide Anatomical specimen, preserving of, alcohol for, 1,163,645 —,—, chloroform for, 1,163,645 —,—, colophonium citricum for, 1,163,645 —,—, fat for, 1,163,645 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,163,645 —,—, mercury (ic) chloride for, 1,163,645 —, paraffin for, 1,163,645 —, process for, 1 163, 645 —,—,resin for, 1,163,645 —,—, wax for, 1,163,645 —,—, xylene for, 1,163,645 Anatto, see also ‘Arnotto ; Annatto Anchoic acid, see Azelaic acid Anchovies, olives, stuffed, made with, 1,231,286 Anchusin, see Alkanin Andalusite, ceramic insulating material contg., 1,409,953. Anderson’s salt, dyestuff made with, 1,395,238 Andesitic tufaceous breccia, concrete made with, 1,268,236 —, treatment of, process for, 1,268,236 Andradite, see also Garnet; Calcium tron sili- cate ee? acid, see 1-Naphthol-3.8-disulfonic act Andropogon, see also Sugar cane Anemia, medicinal preparation for, 1,129,270 Anesthesia, carbon dioxide administered after, 1,396,429 Anesthetic, administering, apparatus for, 1,338,905; 1,340,448; 1,862,201 —, administration of, carbon, activated, for, 1 517,543 —,alkamine esters as, 1,317,251 —, b-(N.N-allyl-iso-amyl)-aminoethyl p-amino- benzoate as, 1,476,934 —, g-(N .N-allyl-n-butyl)-aminopropyl p-amino- benzoate as, 1,476,934 —, g-(N.N-allyl-n-propyl)-amino propyl p-am1- nobenzoate as, 1,476,934 —, 1.3-Bis(diethylamino)-2-propyl-benzoate as, 1,193,634 —, 1.3-bis(diethylamino)-2-propyl-toluate as, 1,193,634 —, 1.3-bis(N-ethyl-N-methyl-amino)-2-propyl benzoate as, 1,193,634 —, n-butyl diaminobenzoate as, 1,440,652 —,dental, mfr. of, beechwood creosote for, 1,420,634 —,—,—, creosote for, 1,420,634 —,—,ethyl ether for, 1,420,634 ~,—, felia menthae for, 1,420, 634 Wole OR Poty 2a0. —,—, mfr. of, felia urtica for, 1,420,634 —,—,—, menthol for, 1,420 634 —,—,—, process for, 1 420 634 —,—,—, trichlor-acetic acid for, 1,420,634 —, diallyl amino alcohol esters of, aromatic acids as, 1,388,573 547 Anesthetic, 6-diallylaminoethyl-p-aminobenzo- ate as, 1,388,573 —, y-allylaminopropyl p-aminobenzoate as 1,388,573 —, 3-di-7so-amylamino-propyl p-amino-ben- zoate borate as, 1,358,751 —., 3-di-iso-amylamino-propyl p-amino-ben- zoate hydrochloride as, 1,358,751 —, 3-di-2so-amylamino-propyl p-amino-ben- zoate lactate as, 1,358,751 —,3-di-iso-amylamino-propyl p-amino-ben- zoate nitrate as, 1,358,751 —, $-di-is0- -amylamino- propyl p-amino-ben- zoate succinate as, 1,358.751 —, 3-di-iso-amylamino- propyl »-amino-ben- zoate tartrate as, 1,358,751 —, di-n-butylamino-ethyl-p-amino-benzoate as, 1,358,750 —, di-n-butylamino-propyl p-amino-benzoate as, 1,358,750 —., 3-di-iso-butylamino-propyl p-amino-ben- zoate borate as, 1,358,751 —, 3-di-n-butylamino-propyl p-amino-ben- zoate borate as, 1,358,751 —., 3-di-2so-butylamino-propyl p-amino-ben- zoate hydrochloride as, 1,358,751 —, 3-di-n-butylamino-proply p-amino-benzoate hydrochloride as, 1,358,751 —, 3-di-iso-butylamino-propyl p-amino-ben- zoate lactate as, 1,358,751 —., 3-di-n-butylamino-propyl-p-amino-benzoate lactate as, 1,358,751 —., 3-di~so-butylamino-propyl p-amino-ben- zoate nitrate as, 1,358,751 —, 3-di-n-butylamino-propy]-p-amino-benzoate nitrate as, 1,358,751 —, 3-di-iso-butylamino-propyl p~-amino-ben- zoate succinate as, 1,358,751 —, 3-di-n-butylamino-propyl-p-amino-benzoate succinate as, 1,358,751 — , 3-di-iso-butylamino-propyl p-amino-ben- zoate tartrate as, 1,358,751. —, 3-di-n-butylamino-propyl-p-amino-benzoate tartrate as, 1,358,751 —, g-diethylamino-a-ethyl-b-methyl-propyl-p- aminobenzoate as, 1,474,567 —, 3-diethylamino-1-propanol, 1,193,649 —, 3-diethylamino-1-propyl anisate as, 1,193,650 —., 3-diethylamino-l-propy] cinnamate as, 1,193,649 —., 3-diethylamino-1-propyl-p-toluate as, 1 193,649; 1,193,651. —, a.b- diethyl- -~g- -diethyl- aminopropyl-p-amino- benzoate as, 1,474,567 —, g-diethyl-a- “ethyl- ‘b- methyl-aminopropyl alcohol as, 1,474,567 —,a.b- dimethyl- e-dimethylamino-propyl-p- aminobenzoate as, 1,474,567 --, a.b-dimethyl-g-dimethylamino-propyl-p- nitrobenzoate as, 1,474,567 —., fruit, desiccating of, with, 1,259,410 —,—, preserving of, with, 1,259,410 —,gaseous, administering apparatus 1,433,104 —, grain, desiccating of, with, 1,259,410 —,—, preserving of, with, 1,259,410 ester of, as, for, ‘a 548 Anesthetic, local, “ allocain ” as, 1,399,312 —, —, n-butyl-p-(b-(diethylamino) -ethyl- amino)-benzoate as, 1,834,642 —,—, n-buty]-p-(b-(methylamino)-ethyl- amino)-benzoate as, 1,334,642 —,—, 3-dimethylaminomethy]-6-methyl-3- heptanol as, 1,150,252 —, —, 3-dimethylaminomethyl-6-methyl-3- heptanyl-benzoate hydrochloride as, 1,150,253 —,—, ethyl-b-chlorethyl-p-aminobenzoate, 1,334,641 —,—, ethyl p-(b-(diethylamino)-ethylamino)- benzoate as, 1,334,642 —,—,ethyl p-(di-(b-hydroxethy]l)-amino)- benzoate as, 1,418,900 —,—,ethyl p- (b- hydroxyethylamino)-benzoate as, 1,418,900 —,—, mfr. of, adrenalin for, 1,243,349 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,243 o49 —,—,novocain for, 1,243 349 , potassium chloride for, 1,243,349 —,—,—, process for, 1,243,349 —,—, Ringer’s solution for, 1,243,349 —,—,—,sodium chloride for, 1,243,349 —,—,—,suprarenin for, 1,243,349 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,358,750 —, nitrogen monoxide as, 1,491,740 —, preparing of, apparatus for, 1,362,873 —,synthetic, mfr. of, 1,399,312 —, vegetable, desiccating of with, 1,259,410 —,—, preserving of, with, 1,259,410 ene compound, n-butyl-p-aminobenzoate 1,440,652 —, one of, di-alkyl-amino-propyl esters for, 1 358,751 —,— di-n-butyl-amino- alcohol esters for, 1 358, 750 Anethole, beverage, made with, 1,519,789 —, coffee substitute made with, 1 519, 789 —, licorice substitute made with, 1,519,789 —,see also Anise oil Aneys, see Anise Angel Red, see Indian Red; Iron(ic) oxide “Angel Turkey,” dye, leather, cleaner for, made with, 1,507,033 Angleworms, see Worms Anglisite, flotation oy 1 a 167; 1,467,354 Angola, see Copal, Angola Anhydrides, alkyl esters made with, 1,478,498 —,catalyst, ethylidene diacetate made with, 1,425,130 —,—,vinyl acetate made with, 1,425,130 —,esters made with, 1,478,498 —,ester gum made with, 1,242,161 —, mfr. of, 1,429,650 —,—, acetic acid for, 1,153,402 —,— — barium nitrate for, 1,153, 402 —,—, copper for, 1,153, 402 —,—, lead for, 1. 153 402 —,—, lead nitrate for, 1,153,402 —,—, nitric acid for, 1,153,402 pone i | | “ eo eh — ~~ —,nitric acid, fuming, for, 1,153,402 -,-—; nitrogen pentoxide for, 1 153 ‘402 —,—, organic, chlorine for, 1,326, 040 —,— ester for, 1,326,040 —,—, —, "ether for, 1,326 040 —,—,—, ’ ethyl acetate for, 1,326,040 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 _ Anhydrides, mfr. of, organic, hydrocarbon for, 1,326,040 —,—,—, oxide, organic, for, 1,326,040 —,—,—, ’ phenol for, 1,326 040 —,—,—, process for, 1,136 630; 1,326,040 —,—, —, sulfur dioxide for, 1,326,040 —,—,—, tricresyl phosphate for, 1,326,040 —, phosphorus pentoxide for, 1,153,402 —,—, process for, 1,153,402 —,—, sodium nitrite for, 1,153,402 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,153,402 —, paint made with, 1,242,161 —, varnish made with, 1,242,161 —,see also Sulfur trioxide Anhydrite, calcium hydroxide, action of on, 1,371,762 —,cement made with, 1,371,762 —,cement, aromatic, contg., 1,455,598 —,glass made with, 1,488,915 —, grinding of, process for, 1,470,731 —, mortar made with, 1,871,762; 1,470,731 —,—,alkalis for producing, 1,371,762 —, plaster from, 1,371,762 —, setting of, alkalis for inducing in, 1,371,762 —,see also Calcium sulfate, anhydrous; Cal- cium sulfate; Gypsum Anhydroecgonine, dihydro-anhydroecgonine made with, 1,852,082 —., formula of, 1,352,082 —,homotropine made with, 1,352,082 —,reducing, amyl alcohol and sodium for, 1,352,082 Anhydro-formaldehyde-aniline, with, 1,216,265; 1,216,266 —,enamel made with, 1,216,265; 1,216,266 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,216,265; 1,216,266; 1,217,115 —,lacquer made with, 1,217,115 —, mfr. of, aniline for, 1,188,439 —,—, formaldehyde for, 1,188,439 cement made 1,216,265; 1,216,266; —,molded article made with, 1,216,265; 1,216,266 —,paint made with, 1,216,265; 1,216,266; 1,217,117 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,168,626; Re-14,087; 1,188,439; 1,216,265; 1,216,266; 1,217,115; 1,228,428 —, putty made with, 1,216,265; 1,216,266 —,varnish made with, 1,188,439; 1,216,265; 1,216,266; 1,217,115 —,vulcanization accelerator made _ with, 1,371,664; 1,510,074 —,see also Methylene aniline Anhydroglucochloral, see Chloralose Anhydro-(2-hydrozy-3-hydroxymercuri- benzoic acid), see 3-H ydsoxymercuri-salicylic anhydride Anhydro-(hydroxymercuri-acetic acid), see Hy- droxymercuri-acetic anhydride (tri) Anhydroxymercury aurin tricarboxylic acid, preparation of, 1,412,440 Anhydroxymercury salicylic acid, trimercuric aurin tricarboxylate from, 1,412 440 Anhydro- (3-nitro-6-hydroxy-benzene diazonium hydroxide), see 2-Diazo-4-nitro-phenol INDEX OF o-Anhydro-sulfphamine-benzote acid, see Sac- charin Anhydrous butyl chloral, see Butyl choral Anhydrous gypsum, see Anhydrite Anhydrous lime, see Calcium oxide Anhydrous phthalic acid, see Phthalic anhy- dride Anhydrous sulfate of lime, see Anhydrite Anhydrous valeric acid, see iso-Valerianic acid Anilibe, see also Aminobenzene Anilides, cellulose nitrate gelatinizers, 1,392,851 —, dyeing process using, 1,333,700 —,phonograph record made with, 1,468,609 Antlide of 3-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid, see 3- Hydroxy-2-naphthanilide Anilide of 2:3-oxynaphthoic acid, dye of diazo- components of, with 1- aminomethyl-naph- thalene, 1,452,083 —,—, with aminoquinoline, 1,452,083 —,—,with aniline, 1,452,083 —,—, with anisidine, 1, 452, 083 —,—, with cresidine, 1,452 083 —,—, with naphthylamine, 1,452,083 1,468,608 ; —,—, with phenetidine, 1,452,083 —,—, ’ with thioanisidine, 1,452,083 —,—, ‘with toluidine, 1 452, 083 —,—, with xylidine, 1,452, 083 —, see also 3-H ydroxy-2-naphthanilide o-Anilidine, dyestuff made with, 1,268,455 Anilido-acetic acid, see N-Phenyl-glycine Anilido-o-cresotinic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,403,888 Anilidosalicylic 1,403,888 — ,methyleneanilido-salicylic acid made with, 1 403,888 Aniline, acacia as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,accelerator in rubber vulcanization, 1 440,962; 1,440,963 — acetaldehyde, compound of and, 1,417,970 acid, dyestuff made with, —,—,—,balata, vulcanization of using, 1 AIT 970 —,—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using 1 A17, 970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—,—, ’ rubber, vulcanization of using, 1 A17, 970 —,—,—,rubber substitute, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,— vulcanization accelerator, 1,417,970 —,—, condensation product of and, 1,467 ‘984 — acetaldehyde condensate of, see Acetalde- hyde aniline —, 3-acetyl-4.5-diketo-2-furyl-1-phenyl-pyrro- lidine made with, 1,148,637 —, 3-acety]-4.5-diketo-1-pheny]-2-piperonyl- pyrrolidine made with, 1,148,637 —,adhesive made with, 1,389,084 —,agar-agar as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,airplane fabric mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —, albumen as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 — ‘ aikyl, preparing, 1, 413. ‘494 —, alkyl derivatives of, see Alkyl aniline — aluminum anilide made with, 1,394,851 SUBJECTS 549 Aniline, 1-amino-4-anilino-anthraquinone made with, 1,394,851 — _ 1-amino-4- anilino-2-methyl-anthraquinone made with, 1,394,851 —, 2- aminoanthraquinone fused in, 1,430,277 —,amino-compounds of, phenol aldehyde con- densate made with, 1, 143, 714 —,n- (4’-Amino-1'-a-ethyl) ~p-toluenesulf ona- mide made with, 1,442,818 —,o-amino-phenol-4-sulfonanilide made with, 1,316,781 —., 4-amino-1-(p-tolyl-sulfonamido) -naph- thalene-2-sulfonic acid made with, 1,442,818 —, 4-Amino-1-(p-tolylsulfonamido) -naph- thalene-6-sulfonic acid made with, 1,442,818 —, 4-Amino-1-(p-tolylsulfonamido) -naph- thalene-7-sulfonic acid made with, 1,442,818 —, 4-Amino-l- (p-tolylsulfonamido)-naph- thalene-8-sulfonic acid made with, 1,442,818 —,ammonia made with, 1,314,538 —,ammonium tannate as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 — ’ anhydroformaldehyde made with, 1,188, ‘439 —,aniline black made with, 1 277, 056; Re-14 824; 1,350,600; 1,421,728 —, aniline black dyeing with, 1,829,117 —, ’ aniline hydrochloride made with, 1,303,624; 1 ,309,580 mia aniline- potassium made with, 1,235,850 —, ’ aniline-sodium made with, 1 235, 850 —, ” 2-anilino- anthraquinone made with, 1,238,932 —., 1-anilino-benzothiazole made with, 1 ‘490 ‘073 — ’ 2-anilino-7-chlor-anthraquinone made with, 1 ,238,932 — _anilinogallocyanine made with, 1,268,455 —, anilino- methansulfonic acid ‘made with, 1,483,798 — , 1-anilino-2-naphthol made with, 1,460,774 —, ’ 3-anilino- 1-naphthol made with, 1,460, 174 —, ’ 4-anilino- 1-naphthol made with, 1 460, 774 — ’ 7-anilino-2-naphthol made with, 1 460, 774 —,anthracene purified with, 1,419, 186 — ’ anthraquinone derivatives made 1 394,851; 1,437,783 — _anthraquinone solvent, 1,461,745 —,arsanilic acid made with, 1,405 228 —, ' N- (p- arsonophenyl)-glycinanilide made with, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 — _N-arylaminonaphthols prepared with, 1 460,774 —, bacteria, nitrifying, effect on of, 1,288,755 —, ‘bacteria poison, 1,288,755 —,balata, aging of prevented with, 1,320,166 —, balata vulcanization accelerator of metal oxide and, 1,320,166 —., balata vulcanized with, 1,320,166; 1,463,794 --, behenic acid, compound of and, 1,475, 477 —_, NN '-Bis(4-amino-1-naphthyl) -m-benzene- disulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N’'-Bis(4-amino- -1-naphthyl)-2 .6-naphtha- lenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N'-Bis(4-amino-2-sulfo- 1-naphthyl)-m- benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N’-Bis(4-amino-6-sulfo-1 -naphthyl)-m- benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N’-Bis(4-amino-7-sulfo- 1-naphthyl)-m- benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1 442 818 with, Sz 550 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aniline, N.N’-Bis(4-amino-8-sulfo-1-naphthyl)- m-benzenesulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, board made with, 1,245,984 —,boat mending composition made with, 1 389,084 — , butaldehyde condensation product of and, 1 467,984 —— , butylaldehyde condensate of, see Butylalde- hyde aniline —; butylaldehyde condensate of, see iso- Butylaldehyde aniline —, butyraldehyde, compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1 “Alz, 970 —,—,—,mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —, ’ rubber, vulcanization of using, 4 AIT 970 —,-—,—,Ttubber substitute, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 — ,iso-butyraldchyde, compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, a Al 17 ,970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—— rubber, vulcanization of using, e AIT 970 —,—, rubber substitute, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 — , caoutchoue, vulcanizing accelerator for made with, 1,371 662; 1,477 805 — , carbodiphenylimide made with, 1,490,073 —, carbon remover contg., 1,125 003 —, carbon tetrachloride freezing point effected by, 1,292,743 —, casein as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, "celluloid solvent conte., 1,421,974 —,celluloid substitute made with, 1,134,527; 1,217,027; 1,245,984 —, cellulose, action on of, 1,173,336 —, cellulose acetate, dyestutft for, made with, 1,482,798 ey oplintoxe acetate made with, 1,173,336 —, cellulose benzoate made with, 1 173 330 —, cellulose butyrate made with, 1 ‘173 336 —, cellulose ester solvent, 1,389 084; 1 390 252 — cellulose ether solvent, 1 217 027: 1 217 028 ; 1,389,084 sl nloss nitrate made with, 1,173,336; 1,249,726 —, cellulose nitrate explosive contg., 1,303,115 —,cellulose nitrate gelatinizer, 1,468 ,608 ; 1,468,609 —, cellulose palmitate made with, 1,173,336 —, cement paint contg., 1,189,550 —, checks, writing of, using, 1,514 222 —, ‘China ‘wood oil prevented from solidifying by, 1,383,864 — , chlor-compounds of, phenol aldehyde con- densate made with, 1,143,714 —, 4-chlor-3-(5’-keto- 3! -methyl- 4’-phenylazo- 1 -pyrazolyl-)benzenesulfonic acid made with, 1,511,074 — Eohlotoacetic acid, action of on, 1,442,743 —, ‘chr omy] chloride solvent, 1,145, 186 Aniline, cinnamaldehyde, compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—, —, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —, rubber, vulcanization — of using, ah ‘A179 970 ——,—,—,rubber substitute, vulcanization of using, 1 5,417,970 — , cinnamaldehyde condensate of, see Cinna- maldehyde aniline —, citronellal, compound of and, balata, vul- canization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1 417,970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—, —, ’ rubber r, vulcanization of using, 1 A17 970 —,—,—, rubber substitute, vulcanization of using, 1 417,970 —, citronellal condensate of, see Cvrtronellal aniline —, clay as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, coating composition made with, 1,189 090; 1 189,551; 1,400,041 —, concrete, coating composition for, made with, 1, 189, 550;° 1 189, 551; 1,400,041 —, cork pressevee by, 1 448 276 —, cotton flock made with, 1,249,726 —,cotton seed oil, rancid, compound of and, 1,475,477 —, derivatives of, celluloid substitute made with, 1,134,527 —, dyestuff made with, 1,128,813; 1,145,072; uM (B05 69 a , thermoplastic made with, 1,134,527 — dextrin as emulsifier of, 1 440 356 — , diamino-triphenyl-methane-sulfonic acid made with, 1,172,061 —,2.5- dianilino-3 6-dichlor-quinone made with, 1 ,209,212 —,3. 6-dianilino-2. 5-dichlor-quinone made with, i 151,628 — , diazoaminobenzene made with, 1,320,443 —, diazoaminobenzene solvent, 1,364 304 —,diazobenzene made with, 1 260 707 —,diazotization of 1-(2’ “methyl-3’ ’-sulfo-5’- isopropyl) -phenyl-3-methy]-5-pyrazolone made with, 1,447,485 —, diazotization of, niter cake for, 1,320,443 —,—, sodium nitrite for, 1,820,443 —,diazotized, ureids of aminonaphthol com- pound coupled with, 1,808,071 —, diazotizing, 1,333, 807 —, ’ dichloronitr odiphenylamine made _ _ with, 1 329,898 — , diethylaniline from, 1,429,714 —,N .N-diethyl-aniline made with, 1,429,714 —, p-N-dimethylamino-thiocarbanilide made with, 1,477,803; 1,477,804 — , dimethylaniline made with, 1,413,494; 1 426,380 —, N.N -dimethyl-aniline made with, 1,429,714 —, 5.5! -dimethyldibromindigo, reaction with 1 412,038 —, dimethyldiphenylurea made with, 1,307,570 ’ INDEX OF SUBJECTS 551 Aniline, dimethylerythrene, aging of prevented Aniline, erythrene india rubber, aging of pre- with, 1,320,166 vented with, 1,520,166 —,dimethylerythrene vulcanization acceler- —, erythrene india rubber vulcanization acceler- ator of metal oxide, 1,320,166 ator of metal oxide and, 1,320,166 —, dimethylerythrene vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —,erythrene india rubber vuleanized with, —,dinitrodiphenylamine made with, 1,309,580; 1,320,166 1,401,631 —,ethylaniline made with, 1,429,714 —,diphenylamine made. with, 1,212,928; —, N-ethylaniline made with, 1,429,714 1,308,356; 1,314,538; 1,392,942; 1,422,494; —,ethylated, mfr. of, 1,429,714 1,422,506 es —,ethyl cellulose solvent, 1,188,376; 1,217,027; —,diphenylguanidine made with, 1,422,506 1,217,028 —, distillation, fractional of, apparatus for, —, ethyl starch solvent, 1,350,820 1,141,266. —, explosive made with, 1,510,348 —,—,—,; process for, 1,141,266 —,fabric made with, 1,410,899 —, p-disulfatoethylamino-azobenzene made —,fat, compound of and, 1,475,477 with, 1,483,084 —,fatty acid, compound of and, 1,475,477 —, documents, printing of, using, 1,514,222 — filament, artificial, made with, 1,173,336; —,duodecylidene, compound of and, balata, 1,217,028 vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,film made with, 1,173,336; 1,217,027 —,—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, —-, film, color photography, colored with, 1,417,970 1,390,252 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,finish remover made with, 1,160,394; —,—,—,rubber, vulcanization of using, 1,167,640 : 1,417,970 —,fish oil, rancid, compound of and, 1,475,477 —,—-,—,rubber substitute, vulcanization of — floor covering made with, 1,245,984 using, 1,417,970 —, ueuE dressing ave my ace Bee —, duodecylidine condensate ;. flotation agent solvent, levsoov; ve. dine Roitine SEN A ue — flotation process using, 1,364,304; 1,364,305 ; —,dye composition g. 1,364,308 , ee ave Peed crsctate: Of apilities PONE Peas formaldehyde, condensation product of and oxynaphthoic acid, 1,452,083 1,467,984 —,formation from aniline hydrochloride and zinc hydroxide, 1,357,160 —, formation from ethyl chloride and ammonia, 1,357,160 —, garbage grease, compound of and, 1,475,477 —, gelatin as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, gelatin substitute made with, 1,271,027 —, glucose, compound of and, balata, vuleaniza- tion of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, gutta-percha, vulcanization of using, —,dye, diazo-components of anisidids of 2:3- oxynaphthoic acid, 1,452,083 —, dye, diazo-components of arylamides of 2:3- oxynaphthoie acid, 1,452,083 ‘dye, diazo-components of naphthalids of 2:3-oxynaphthoic acid, 1,452,083 —, dye, diazo-components of nitroanilids of 2:3- oxynaphthoie acid, 1,452,033 —,dye, diazo-components of phenetidids of 2 :3-oxynaphthoic acids, 1,452,083 1.417.970 —,dye, diazo-components of p-phenylenedia- _ 7 —_ mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 mines of 2:3-oxynaphthoic acid, 1,452,083 ee ibher.. vulcanization |. of sousing, —,dye, diazo-components of toluidids of 2:3- 1.417.970 oxynaphthoic acid, 1,452,083 _. "rubber substitute, vulcanization of —, dye, diazo-components of di-m-tolylenedia- using 1,417,970 mine of 2:3-oxynaphthoic acid, 1,452,083 —. glucose condensate of, see Glucose aniline —,dyestuff made with, 1,065,405; Re-13,969; _ ¢lue as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 1,126,489; 1,128,368; 1,128,814; 1,138,670; _/ sums as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 1,139,540; 1,151,628; 1,172,061; 1,175,997; gutta-percha, aging of prevented with, 1,202,821; 1,209,212; 1,218,232; 1,218,655 ; 1,320,166 : ; 1,250,289; 1,261,858; 1,265,836; 1,265,837; ©—,—, vulcanization accelerator for made with, 1,268,455; 1,270,290; 1,277,056; Re-14,824; 1,467,984 1,280,648; 1,283,296; 1,285,726; 1,285,727; —,gutta percha vulcanization accelerator of 1,286,411; 1,292,385; 1,808,071; 1,814,922; metal oxide and, 1,320,166 . 1,314,925; 1,314,928; 1,316,781; 1,829,898; —,gutta percha vuleanized with, 1,320,166; 1,333,807; 1,350,600; 1,338,397; 1,355,048; 1,463,794 1,430,277; 1,447,485; 1,452,083; 1,483,084; —, (dyes), golf ball coating tinted with, 1,483,798; 1,497,720; 1 498,417; 1,505,568; 1,419,258 1,505,569; 1,506,316; 1,506,514; 1,511,074 —, hair, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —,dyestuff from, copper compound of, prop- —, hemicelluloses as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 erties of, 1,292,385 —,heptaldehyde, compound of and, 1,417,970 —,dyestuff from m-phenylenediamine and, —, heptaldehyde condensation product of, see 1,333,807 Heptaldehyde aniline —,dyestuff reduction product, 1,128,814 —, heptiriechlorarsenoxide(?) made with, —,emulsifying of, process for, 1,440,356 1,201,692 552 Aniline, homologues of, dyestuff made with, 1,202, 821; 1,505,569 —,— ,naphthazarin, and, 1,202,821 — , hyposulfite, anhydrous, made with, 1,156,107; 1 5207 ,782 —, indanthrene made with, 1,430,277 —, indigo derivatives, reaction of with, 1,414,335 — indoxyl, mir. of, use of, 1,293,680 os , inflammability of solvent mixtures contg., 1 499,101 ee ink’ indelible, contg., 1,320,631 —,— , mimeograph, made with, 1,198 442 —, printing, contg., 1,259, 713 —, stamping, made with, 1,421,728 tation: electric, made with, 1,159,257 ; an 217 ibe (P25 981; 1,245,984 — , isinglass as emulsifier of, 1,440, 356 — , isoprene, aging of prevented with, 1,320,166 —,isoprene vulcanization accelerator of metal oxide and, 1,320,166 —, lsoprene vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —, kaolin as emulsifier of, 1 440. 356 condensation product of —— ’ lacquer made with, 1,217, 115; 1,245,981; 1,245 982 —, leather, artificial, made with, 1,173,336; 1,245,977 —, linoleic acid, compound of and, 1,475,477 —, ’ linoleum substitute made with, 1 245 978 ; 1 ,245 984 —, Magnesium anilide made with, 1,394,851 —, magenta from, 1,355,048 —, mfr. of, 1,447, 557 —,— , alloy heating bath for, 1,213,143 —,—, antimony for, 1,239, 822 —,—, apparatus for, 1 124,776; Ss —, arsenic for, 1,239,822 —,—, ’ asbestos for, fi 124 776 — bismuth for, 1 239 822 —, calcium hydroxide for, 1,239,822 —, "carbon cathode for, 1 939 822 —,—, carbon monoxide for, 1,237 828 — catalyst for, 1,271 013: 1 451 ,489 —,—,—, cobalt as, 1,456 969 —,—,—, copper as, 1 456 ,969 ———, Widiin As, 1,456 969 —,—,—, iron as, 1 456, 969 er ’ mfr of, alkali compound for, 1,207,802 —,—,-—,—, aluminum oxide for, 1 207 802 ,—, —, ammonium carbonate ‘for, 1,207,802 1,213,143; fara ~e —,—,—,—, ’ asbestos for, 1,207,802 ,—, —, carbon monoxide for, 1,207,802 ,—,—, cobalt for, 1,207,802 —,—, copper for, 1,207, 802 — —, copper carbonate for, 1,207,802 —,—,—, copper (ic) carbonate for, 1,237 828 —,—,—, copper formate for, 1 207 802 —,—,—, copper nitrate for, 1,207 802 —,—,— ,— ,copper oxalate for, 1,207, 802 —,—,—, —, copper pyrogenetic for, 1,207 802 —,-—, —, —, copper salts for, 1,207, 802 —,—, hydrogen. for, 1,207 802 5 FOTW TOL 1,207, 802 ea —, iron carbonate for, 1,207,802 3 ? b) ’ bd 3 ar) TS ae —,—, iron oxide for, 1,207, 802 —, iron salt for, if 207 802 — UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 _ Aniline, mfr. of, catalyst for, mfr. of, kieselguhr for, 1 5,207,802 —,—,—, —, magnesia for, 1,207,802 —,—, —, —, Magnesium oxide for, 1,207,802 —,—,—,—, metal oxide for, 1,207 802 —,—,—,—, nickel for, 1 207, 802 —_—,—, —, —, ’ platinum for, 1 207 902 7) oom, DOCS | Tor, 1 207 802: 1,237,828 —,—,—, —, pumice for, 1 207 802 ; 1 237 828 ,—,—, —, silver oxide for, 1 207. 802 ,—,—-,—, ' silver salt for, 1,207, 802 —,—,—, — ’ sodium silicate for, 1,207,802 ; 1,237,828 —,—, —, —, water gas for, 1,207,802 —, >) 7) ==, Water glass for, 1,207, 802 —,—, —, —, zine carbonate for, 1,207,802 ; 1,237,828 —,—,—,—, zine oxide for, 1,207,802 —,—,—,—, zine salt for, 1,207 802 —,—,— ‘nickel as, 1 456, ‘969 —,—,—, osmium as, 1,456, 969 —,—,—, platinum as, 1 456 969 —,—,—, tin as, 1,456,969 —,—, —, tin oxide as, 1,456,969 —,—, chromium cathode for, 1,239,822 — —,—, chromium salt for, 1,239, 822 —,—, copper for, 1,124 776: 1 239, 822 —,—, copper cathode for, 1,239 822 —,—, copper salt for, 1 239 822 —,—, copper sulfate for, 1 239 922 —,—, Dowson gas for, 1,237, 828 —,— —, electrolytic process for, 1,239,822 —,—, hydrazo-benzene for, 1, 134 093 —,—,hydrogen for, 1,124 776: 1,207,802; 1,237,828 —,—, iron for, 1,124,776 ,—, Iron oxide, FeO, for, 1,124,776 —,7—, iron(ic) oxide for, 1 124. 776 —,—, iron reductor sludge from, iron oxide from, 1,428,521 avy): iron salt for, 1,239,822 —,lead cathode for, 1,239,822 —,—, lead heating bath for, 1,213, 143 a lead salt for, 1,239, 822 —,—, mercury for, 1.239, 822 —,—, mercury salt for, 1,239,822 —,—,nickel for, 1,124,776; 1,239,822 —,—, nickel cathode for, 1,239,822 —,—,nitrobenzene for, 1,134,093; 1,207,802; 1,237,828; 1,239,822; 1 271 013; 1 451 ‘489 —,—, nitrobenzene and catalysts for, 1,391 666 —,—, phenylhydroxylamine for, 1 134 093 —,—, platinum for, 1,124,776 —,—, platinum cathode for, 1,239,822 —,—,process for, Hie 124, 776: 1,134,098 ; 1,207, 802; 1 213,143: 1,237,828; 1,239,822 ; 1,484.258 —,—,reductor sludge from, iron oxide obtained Matai 1,455,060 — silver cathode for, 1,239,822 —,— ’ sodium, nitrite heating bath for, 1,213,143 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,239,822 —,—, tin for, 1,239, 822, —,—, tin cathode for, 1,239,822 —,—, tin heating bath for, 1,213,143 —,—,water for, 1,237,828 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 553 Aniline, mfr. of, water gas for, 1,124,776; 1,207,802; 1,237,828 —,—,see also Nitrobenzene, reduction of —,marshmallow as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —, mercury compounds soluble in, 1,457,675 —, metal hydroxides precipitated by, 1,337,192 —, methylaniline made with, 1,426,380 —,N-methyl-aniline made with, 1,221,077; 1,429,714 —, methylating, 1,429,714 —,N.N'-methylenebis-aniline made with, ‘1,223,745 —, molded article made with, 1,514,508 —, molybdenum filament, made with, 1,208,629 —, Montan extracted with, 1,487,775 —, motor fuel contg., 1,384,946 —,naphthazarin, condensation product of and, 1,202,821 —,b-naphthoquinone-dianilide made _ with, 1,460,774 —,2-(1’-naphthyl)-cinchoninie acid made with, 1,197,462; Re-14,216 —,2-(2'-naphthyl)-cinchoninic acid made with, 1,197,462; Re-14,216 —, nitrobenzene reduced to, 1,358,324; 1,447,557 —,nitro-compounds of, phenol aldehyde con- densate made with, 1,143,714 —,nitro-starch stabilizer, 1,510,348 —,nonylaldehyde, compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 ——,—-, —, rubber, vultanization _ of | using, 1,417,970 ' —.—,—, rubber substitute, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,nonaldehyde condensate of, see Nonalde- hyde aniline —, octinebromarsenoxide(?) made with, 1,201,692 —,octylaldehyde, compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—,gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 ==). mir. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—,—,rubber, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—,rubber substitute, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,octylaldehyde condensate of, see Octylal- dehyde aniline —,oil, compound of and, 1,475,477 —,oleic acid, compound of and, 1,277,708; 1,475,477 —,—,—, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,475,477 —,—,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,475,477 ,—,—, process for, 1,475,477 —,—,—,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,475,477 ,—, sodium chloride for, 1,475,477 —,—,—,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,475,477 —,organic materials fused with alkalis in, 1,430,277 —, oxidation of, apparatus for, 1,464,845 —,paint made with, 1,145,186; 1,200,731; 1,217,115 ? a aera eas ? 3 ? Aniline, paint, anti-fouling, made with, 1,145,186 —-,paint remover made with, 1,189,803; 1,189,804; 1,499,101 —,palmitic acid, action of and, 1,277,708 —,—, compound of and, 1,475,477 —,paper, safety, made with, 1,172,414 —, paper preserved by, 1,448,276 —, partial oxidation of, apparatus for, 1,515,299 —,—, process for, 1,515,299 —, pectins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,146,300; 1,187,232; 1,188,489; 1,200,731; 1,217,115; 1,228,428 —, phenol aldehyde condensate, composition of contg., 1,259,472; 1,259,473 —,—,compound of and, 1,133,083 —,phenol aldehyde condensate softened by, 1,410,899 —, phenol aldehyde condensate solvent (solid), 1,259,472; 1,259,473 —,phenylglycine made with, 1,467,598 —,N-phenyl-glycine made with, 1,419,720 —,phenylglycine bodies prepared with, 1,419,720 —,phenylglycine prepared with, 1,442,743 —,phenylglycine salt of, preparing, 1,419,720 —, N-phenyl-phthalimide made with, 1,450,678 —,phenyl-stibnic acid made with, 1,260,707 —,phenyl-stibnic acid, sodium salt of, made with, 1,260,707 —,phenyl-stibnic oxychloride made _ with, 1,260,707 —, phthalimides made with, 1,450,678 —,pipe mending composition made _ with, 1,389,084 —,plastic. made with, 1,173,336; 1,245,981; 1,245,984; 1,389,084; 1,468,608; 1,468,609 —, polish made with, 1,475,477 —,polish, shoe, made with, 1,475,477 —,polyheptylidene, compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—,—,rubber, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—,rubber substitute, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,polyheptylidine condensate of, see Poly- heptylidine aniline —, polysaccharide as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, printer roller made with, 1,223,745 —, printing paste made with, 1,157,705 —, printing press roller made with, 1,345,200 —, propionaldehyde, compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—,gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—,—,rubber, vulcanization oof using, 1,417,970 —,—,—,rubber, substitute, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —, propionaldehyde condensate of, see Propion- aldehyde aniline properties of, 554. Aniline, propionaldehyde condensation product of and, 1,467,284 —, protecting monetary documents by a mix- ture of aniline and, 1,353,720 —,proteid product made with, 1,245,981 —, proteins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,435,801 —,Yresins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,roller, inking, made with, 1,345,200 —,rubber, African, imitation, made with, 1,242,886 —,—, aging of prevented with, 1,320,166 —,—, artificial, aging of prevented with, 1,320,166 —,—,—, vulcanization accelerator oxide and, 1,320,166 —,—,—, vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —,—, Guayule, imitation, made with, 1,242,886 —,—, reclaiming of using, 1,124,920; 1,189,721; 1,235,850; 1,243,623 —,—, synthetic, made with, 1,238,930; 1,248,888 —,—, —, aging of prevented with, 1,320,166 —,—,—, vulcanization accelerator of metal oxide and, 1,320,166 —,—, ieee det with, 1,320,166 —,—, vulcanization acelerator for, made wi 1,371,662; 1,467,984; 1,477,805 i —,—, vulcanization of with, 1,280,940 —, rubber article preserved using, 1,422,115 —, Wikies nee made with, 1,242,886 —,Tubber mending composition ma i 1,389,084 ine eat —,rubber preserved with, 1,410,699; 1,422.115 —,rubber preserving of metal compositi (oon is position contg., —, rubber reclaimed with, 1,324,093 —,rubber softened with, 1,427 283 —, rubber solvent, 1,377,152 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258; 1,245,979; 1,245,984 —,rubber substitute, vulcanization accelerator for, made with, 1,467,984 —, rubber vulcanization accelerator, 1,126,469 —,rubber vulcanization accelerator of metal oxide and, 1,320,166 —, rubber vulcanized with, 1,320,166; 1,463,794 —,Ttubber vulcanizing accelerator, 1,427,754 —, Tust-proofing made with, 1,145,186 —, Separation from phenyl glycine, 1,442,743 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —,Soap as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,sodium hyposulfite, anhydrous, made with, 1,156,107; 1,207,782 —,solvent for, benzene as, 1,303,624 —,—, carbon bisulfide as, 1,391,796 —,—, carbon tetrachloride as, 1,303,624 —,—, ether as, 1,303,624 —,—, solvent naphtha as, 1,303,624 —,—, toluene as, 1,303,624; 1,466,535 —,—, xylene as, 1,303,624 —,solvents recovered with, 1,355,402 —,starch as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, starch ethers solvent, 1,350,820 —,starch paste and, dyestuff made with, 1,333,807 —, stearaldehyde, compound of and, balata, vul- canization of using, 1,417,970 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Aniline, stearaldehyde, compound of and, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—,—,rubber, vulcanization of 1,417,970 —,—,—,rubber substitute, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,stearic acid, action of and, 1,277,708 —,—,compound of and, 1,475,477 —,—, methyl alcohol, compound of and, mfr. of, process for, 1,475,477 —, stearic aldehyde condensate of, see Stearic aldehyde aniline —., o-sulfamido-benzoyl-anilide 1,153,121 —, N-sulfatoethyl-aniline made with, 1,483,084 —,sulfonation of, 1,441,655 —,sulfur-phenol resin prepared with, 1,435,801 —, tannic acid as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, tannins as emusifier of, 1,440,356 —,teeth, artificial, mending composition for, made with, 1,389,084 —, textile preserved by, 1,448,276 —, thermoplastic made with, 1,134,527 using, made with, —,thiocarbanilide made with, 1,406,719; 1,422,506; 1,477,803; 1,477,804; 1,482,317; 1,490,073 —, thio-carbanilide, derivatives of, made with, 1,477,803; 1,477,804 —, thiourea made with, 1,415,899 —,tile made with, 1,245,984 —, tires retreaded by acid of, 1,409,418 —, p-p'-tolyldibromindigo, reaction with, 1,412,038 : —,tragacanth as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,trichlorethylene and, phenylglycine made with, 1,467,598 ‘ —,trinitrotoluene stabilized with carbon bi- sulfide solution of, 1,391,796 —, triphenyl-guanidine made with, 1,466,535; 1,490,073 —,tungsten filament made with, 1,208,629 —,tungsten hexachloride solvent, 1,208,629 —,varnish made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258; 1,188,439; 1,200,731; 1,217,115; 1,436,820 —-,varnish remover made with, 1,189,803; 1,189,804; 1,499,101 —,valeraldehyde, compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—,—,rubber, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 Mt, —,—,—,rubber substitute, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —, valeraldehyde condensate of, see Valeralde- hyde aniline —,viscose made with, 1,173,336 —, vulcanization process using, 1,249,180 —, vulcanizing accelerator, 1,440,961; 1,463,794 —, vulcanizing accelerator made with, 1,371,662; 1,371,663; 1,406,719; 1,417,970; | 1.418772: 1,490,073; 1,510,074 —,—,carbon bisulfide and derivatives of, 1,856,495 —, waterproofing made with, 1,389,084 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 555 Aniline, whale oil, 1,475,477 —, wood preserved by, 1,448,276 rancid, compound of and, —, wood work mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —,see also Phenylamine ; Amidobenzene Aniline-acetaldehyde condensate, aluminum chloride combined with, 1,444,865 —, calcium acetate combined with, 1,444,865 —, cobalt chloride combined with, 1,444,865 —,lead acetate combined with, 1 444, 865 —, magnesium acetate combined with, 1,444,865 —, oleic acid combined with, 1,444, 865 — , palmitic acid combined with, 1,444, 865 —, preparing of, 1,444,865 —,sodium acetate ‘combined with, 1,444,865 —,stearic acid combined with, 1,444, 865 — ’ vulcanizing accelerator of oleic acid and, 1 444,865 — vulcanizing accelerator of palmitic acid and, 1 444,865 — _vuleanizing accelerator of stearic acid and, 1, 444 865 —,zine acetate combined with, 1,444,865 —,zine chloride combined with, 1 444 865 —, zine hydroxide combined with, 1,444 865 Aniline acetate, cellulose ether solvent contg., 1,494,469 — ethyl cellulose plasticizer, 1,460,097 —, ethyl cellulose solvent contg., 1 494, 469 —, film contg., 1,460,097 —, "film made with, 1 494, 469 Aniline acid red, soap dye made with, 1,274,048 ; 1,274,049 Aniline arsenate, 1,329,117 1-Aniline-benzothiazole, mfr. of, 1,490,073 —,—, carbon bisulfide for, 1,490,073 —,—, process for, 1,490,073 —, vulcanization "accelerator contg., 1,490,073 Aniline bisulfate, cellulose acetate made with, 1,280,974 aniline black dyeing with, aniline for, Aniline black, aging, electrical process of, 1,333,700 —,cellulose acetate dyed with, 1,448,432; 1,517, 709 —, cotton, dyeing of using, 1,157,908 —,—, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 — ’ dyeing with, 1 329, 117; 1,874,122 —,—, aniline arsenate for, 1,329, 117 —,—, aniline borate for, 1,329, Ly —,—, ’ aniline hydrochloride for, 1,329,117 —,—, aniline metaphosphate for, 1,329, 117 —,—, aniline nitrate for, 1,329, 117 —,—, aniline oil for, 1 329, 117 —,—, aniline phosphate for, 1,329,117 —,—, aniline pyrophosphate for, 1,329,117 —,—, ’ borax for, 1,329,117 —, —, boric acid for, 1,329, 117 —,—, dragon’s blood for, 1 329,117 —,—, formulas for, 1,277, 056; Re-14, 824 —,—, metaphosphoric acid for, 1,329, 117 —,—, p-phenylenediamine for, 1,329, 117 —,—, potassium chlorate for, 1,329, 117 —,—, potassium ferrocyanide for, 1,329,117 —,—, process for, 1,329,117 Aniline black, 1,329,117 —,—,sodium ferrocyanide for, 1,329,117 —,—, starch for, 1,329,117 —,—, vanadium salts for, 1,329,117 —, dyeing process using, 1,333,700 —, fabrics dyed with, 1,374,122 —, ink, stamping, made with, 1,421,728 —, linen, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —, mfr. of, 1,421,728 —,—,alkali chlorate for, 1,277,056; Re-14,824; 1,350,600 —,amines for, 1,350,600 —,—, amines, primary, for, 1,277,056; Re-14,824 —,—,p-amino-phenol for, 1,350,600; 1,449,067 —, p-aminopheno] chloride for, 1,449,067 —,—,p-aminophenol chloride as oxidizer for, 1,449,067 —,—, ammonium chloride for, 1,157,908 —,—, ammonium vanadate for, 1 350, 600 —, —, aniline for, 1.277,056; Re-14,824; 1,350,600 —,—, aniline chloride for, 1,449,067 —,—,aniline chloride as oxidizer for, 1,449,067 —,—,aniline hydrochloride for, 1,157,908 cotton, sodium chlorate for, —,—,aniline salt for, 1,157,908; 1,277,056; Re-14,824 —,—, benzene for, 1,350,600 —,—,benzidine for, 1,277,056; Re-14,824; 1,350,600 —,—,boric acid for, 1,277,056; Re-14,824; 1,350,600 —,—, British gum for, 1,277,056; Re-14,824 —,—, ’ chlor-aniline for, 1 277, 056; Re-14,824 —,—, o-chlor-aniline for, 1.277,056 } Re-14,824 —,—, chromate for, 1,350,600 —, copper chloride for, 1,277,056; Re-14,824 ; 1350, 600 —,—,copper salt for, 1,277,056; Re-14,824; 1 350, 600 —,—,copper sulfate for, 1,157,908; 1,277,056; Re-14 824 —,—,copper sulfide for, 1,277,056; Re-14,824 —,—,dianisidine for, 1,277,056; Re-14,824; 1,350,600 —,—,diphenylamine for, 1,350,600 —,—, Dragon’s blood mucilage for, 1,277,056; Re-14,824; 1,350,600 —,—, fiber, formulas for, 1,350,600 —,—,formic acid for, 1,277,056; Re-14,824; 1,350,600 —,—, glycerol for, 1,157,908 —-,—, gum for, 1 157 908 —,— hydrochloric acid for, 1,277,056 ; Re- 14 824; 1,350,600 —,—, lactic acid for, 1,277,056; Re- 14,824 —,—, metaphosphoric acid for, 1,277, 056 ; Re-14,824; 1,350,600 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,277,056; Re-14,824; 1,350,600 —,—, p-phenylenediamine for, 1,277,056; Re-14,824; 1,350,600; 1,449 067 —,—, p- “phenylenediamine as 1,449,067, —,p-phenylenediamine chloride for, ik 449,067 oxidizer in, 556 Aniline black, mfr. of, p-phenylenediamine chlo- ride as oxidizer for, 1,449,067 —,—,phosphorie acid for, 1,350,600 —,—,process for, 1,157,908 ; 1,350,600 —,—,sodium chlorate for, 1,157,908; 1,277,056; Re-14,824; 1,350,600 —,—, starch for, 1,277,056; Re-14,824; 1,350,600 b —,—,toluidine for, 1,277,056; Re-14,824 b —,—, vanadium chloride for, 1,350,600 —,—, vanadium salt for, 1,277,056; Re-14,824; 1,350,600 —,silk, artificial, cellulose acetate, dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —,—,—,—,fabrie contg., 1,517,709 —,—, dyeing of using, 1,157,908 —,solvent for, acetin as, 1,421,728 —,—,alcohol as, 1,421,728 —, stamping ink contg., 1,421,728 —, wool, dyeing of using, 1,157,908 —,—, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —,see also Dyestuff; Nigrosine Aniline black dye, soap, dye made with, 1,139,326 Aniline blue, lake prepared from, 1,431,081 —, picture, latent color, made using, 1,507,358 Aniline blue lake, photograph, colored, made with, 1,248,139 Aniline borate, aniline black dyeing with, 1,329,117 Aniline-m-borate, aniline black dyeing with, 1,329,117 Aniline brown, cedar substitute made with, 1,283,421; 1,283,422; 1,382,420 —,cigar box made with, 1,283,420; 1,283,421; 1,283 422 —, paper made with, 1,283,422 —, paper-board made with, 1,283,422 1,277,056 ; dyeing of using, —,tobacco receptacle made with, 1,283,420; 1,283,421; 1,283,422 Aniline chloride, see Aniline hydrochloride Aniline color, see Dyestuff Aniline dinitro-phenolate, 1,500,066 Aniline-2.4-disulfonic acid, dye made with, 1,319,852 Aniline-2.5-disulfonic acid, dye made with, 1,319,852 —,see 2-Amino-p-benzenedisulfonic acid Aniline dyes, carbon paper ink contg., 1,328,188 —, ink contg., 1,422,957 —, marble stained with, 1,293,832 —, typewriter ribbon ink contg., 1,328,188 —,see also Dyes; Dyestuff Aniline-ethyl-omega-sulfonic acid, see Aniline- methyl-methanesulfonic acid Aniline factis, rubber substitute made with, 1,159,258 —, varnish made with, 1,159,258 Aniline formaldehyde condensate, see Anhydro- formaldehyde aniline Aniline green, cleaner contg., 1,473,620 Aniline hydrobromide, catalyst, diphenylamine made with, 1,314,538 — basilite contg., UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 ~ Aniline hydrochloride, aniline black made with, 1,157,908; 1,449,067 —,aniline black dyeing with, 1,329,117 —,anilinogallocyanine made with, 1,268,455 —, battery, dry, made with, 1,357,160 —,—, primary, made with, 1,357,160 —,catalyst, artificial resin formed with, 1,448,556 ~ —,cotton, dyeing of, using, 1,213,045 —,diphenylamine made with, 1,212,928 —,dry battery contg., 1,357,160 —,dyestuff made with, 1,065,405; Re-13,969; 1,243,170; 1,268,455 —, formation of, 1,487,783; 1,442,743 —,ink made with, 1,449,067 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,159,257; 1,448,556 —, mfr. of, aniline for, 1,803,624; 1,309,580 —,—, dinitrochlorbenzene for, 1,309,580 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,303,624 —,—; process for, 1,803,624; 1,309,580 —,—, water for, 1,309,580 —, molded article made with, 1,448,556 —, paper, safety, made with, 1,172,414 - —,phenol ketone condensate made 1,448,556 —, resin, artificial, made with, 1,448,556 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258 —,solubility of in 1,303,624 —, solubility of in solvent naptha, 1,303,624 —, solubility of in xylene, 1,303,624 —, solvent for, benzene as, 1,303,624 —,—, ether as, 1,303,624 —,—, toluene as, 1,303,624 —, varnish made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258 —, zine hydroxide, action of on, 1,357,160 Aniline hydrogen iodide, catalyst, diphenyl- amine made with, 1,308,356 Aniline hydroiodide, catalyst in diphenylamine mfr., 1,892,942 —,diphenylamine made with, 1,392,942 1-Aniline-2-methyl-anthraquinone, dyestuff made with, 1,133,081 Aniline-methyl-omega-sulfonicacid, see Anilino-menthanesulfonic acid Aniline nitrate, aniline black dyeing with 1,329,117 Aniline oil, see Aniline; Coal tar oil Aniline perchlorate, explosive contg., 1,457,709 —, preparation of, 1,457,709 Aniline-m-phosphate, aniline black dyeing with, 1,329,117 Aniline-o-phosphate, aniline black dyeing with, 1,829,117 Aniline phosphate, rust preventing paint contg., 1,428,086 —,rustproofing using, 1,428,086; 1,428,087 —,steel prevented from rusting by, 1,428,087 Aniline potassium, mfr. of, aniline for, 1,235,850 —,—, potassium for, 1,235,850 —,—, process for, 1,235,850 —,rubber, reclaiming of using, 1,235,850 Aniline pyrophosphate, aniline black dyeing with, 1,329,117 with, carbon _ tetrachloride, , INDEX OF Aniline red, alkali-proofing, 1,349,265 —, lake prepared from, 1,431,081 —, picture, latent color, made using, 1,507,358 —,see also Fuchsine; Magenta; Cerise ; Grena- din; Marron; Camelia; Amaranth; Canelle ; Russian Red; Scarlet Cardinal Aniline salt, aniline black made with, 1,157,908; 1,277,056; Re-14,824 —,catalyst in cellulose acetate mfr., 1,445,382 —, cellulose acetate made with, 1,445,382 —,dyestuff made with, 1,277,056; Re-14,824 —, paper, safety, made with, 1,172,414 —,see also Aniline hydrochloride Aniline-sodium, mfr. of aniline for, 1,235,850 —,—, process for, 1,235,850: —,—, sodium for, 1,235,850 —, rubber, reclaiming of using, 1,235,850 Aniline sulfate, electrodeposition of 1,476,374 —,—, reclaiming of using, 1,189,721 —,rubber vulcanization accelerator, 1,476,374 Aniline sulfonic acid, dye made with, 1,314,922; 1,814,925 Aniline-o-sulfonic 1,441,655 Aniline-2-sulfonic acid, see 2-Amino-benzene- sulfonic acid Aniline-4-sulfonic acid, see 4-Amino-benzene- sulfonic acid o-Amtline-sulfonic acid, see o-Amino-benzene- sulfonic acid Aniline-3-sulfonic acid, see Metanilic acid m-Aniline-sulfonic acid, see Metanilic acid Aniline-4-sulfonic acid, see Sulfanilic acid »-Aniline-sulfonic acid, see Sulfanilic acrid .o-Aniline thiosulfonic acid, see o-Amino-ben- zenethiosulfonic acid Aniline yellow, lake prepared from, 1,431,081 —, picture, latent color, made with, 1,507,358 —, vulcanization accelerator, 1,229,724 —, see also Amino-azo-benzene(p) Anilino acetic acid, see Phenyl-glycine; N- Phenyl-glycine b-Anilinoanthraquinone, dyestuff made with, 1,280,648 1-Anilino-anthraquinone, 1.4-dianilino-anthra- quinone made with, 1,394,851 2-Anilino-anthraquinone, mfr. 1,238,932 —,—,alcohol for, 1,238,932 —,—, aniline for, 1,238,932 —,—,anthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid for, 1,238,932 —,—,chlor-benzene for, 1,238,932 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,238,932 —,—, potassium alcoholate for, 1,238,932 —,—, potassium chlorate for, 1,238,932 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,238,932 —,—, process for, 1,238,932 —,—,sodium alcoholate for, 1,238,932 —,—,sodium anthraquinone-2-sulfonate for, 1,238,932 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,238,932 Anilino-bis-ethanol, N.N-disulfatoethyl-aniline made with, 1,483,084 —,dyestuff made with, 1,483,084 using, acid, preparation of, of, “sir, PLor; SUBJECTS 55? Anilino-bis-propanol, dyestuff made with, 1,483,084 9-Anilino-7-chlor-anthraquinone, mfr. of, aniline for, 1,288,932 —,—, 7-chlor-anthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid for, 1,238,932 —,—, process for, 1,238,932 Anilino-ethanol, N-sulfatoethylaniline with, 1,483,084 2-Anilino-ethanol, dyestuff made with, 1,504,060 2-Anilino-ethylalcohol, dyestuff made with, 1,140,745 Anilinogallocyanine, mfr of, ammonium persul- fate for, 1,268,455 —,—, aniline for, 1,268,455 —,—,aniline hydrochloride for, 1,268,455 —,—, gallocyanine hydrochloride for, 1,268,455 —,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,268,455 —,—, process for, 1,268,455 —,—,sodium perborate for, 1,268,455 Anilino-methanesulfonic acid, cellulose acetate, dyestuff for, made with, 1,483,797 —,compound, Ci;sHiuOs;sN.:SNa, made 1,483,797 —, dyestuff made with, 1,483,797 —,mfr. of, aniline for, 1,483,798 —,—, formaldehyde for, 1,483,798 —,—, process for, 1,483,798 —,—,sodium bisulfite for, 1,483,798 —,sodium salt of, cellulose acetate, dyestuff for, made with, 1,483,798 —,—, dyestuff made with, 1,483,798 Anilino-methyl-methanesulfonie acid, cellulose acetate, dyestuff for, 1,483,797 —,compound, CzHi:0;N:SNa, 1,483,797 —, dyestuff made with, 1,483,797 1-Anilino-naphthalene-8-sulfonic made with, 1,188,421 1-Anilino-2-naphthol, 1,460,774 —,—, 1-brom-2-naphthol, for, 1,460,774 —, copper for, 1,460,774 —, 1-halogen-2-naphthol for, 1,460,774 —,iron for, 1,460,774 —,—, lead for, 1,460,774 —,—,process for, 1,460,774 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,460,774 —,—,tin for, 1,460,774 —,—., zine for, 1,460,774 9-Anilino-naphthalene-6-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,518,847 made with, made with, acid, dyestuff mfr. of, aniline for, — b 3 b ? 3-Anilino-l-naphthol, mfr. of, aniline for, 1,460,774 —,—, 1.3-naphthalenediol for, 1,460,774 —,—, process for, 1,460,774 4-Anilino-l-naphthol, mfr. of, process for, 1,460,774 —,—,4-amino-l-naphthol for, 1,460,774 —,—,aniline for, 1,460,774 —,—, process for, 1,460,774 6-Anilino-1-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,216,760; 1,245,694; 1,265,031; 1,292,385; 1,498,316 —,—,copper compound. of, 1,292,385 properties of, 558 7-Anilino-1-naphthol-3-sulfonic _ acid, dyestuff _ made with, 1,359,969 7-Anilino-2-naphthol, 1,460,774 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,460,774 —,—, ‘Dir naphthalenediol for, 1,460 74 —,—, process for, 1,460,774 Anilino-ozalic acid, see Oxanilic acid Anium, see Anime Animals, destroying of, apparatus for, 1,400,598 —,—, arsenic for, 1,400, 598 —_—,— — earbon bisulfide for, 1,400,598 —,—, ’ carbon dioxide for, ‘1,400 598 mfr. of, aniline for, —, carbon monoxide for, 1 400 098 —,—, ’ charcoal for, 1,400 598 —, process for, 1 ,400 598 —,—, sulfur for, 1 400, 598 —, ’ disinfectant for, mfr. of, cotton for, 1,263,527 —,—,—, hair for, "1,263 527 —— ‘lint for, 1,263 527 —,—,— ’ naphthalene for, 1,263,527 —,—, process for, 1.263 527 —, tale for, 1,263 527 —,—,—, wool for, 1 263 527 — ’ exterminating, arsine, phosphine or stibine for, 1,338,279 —,—, gases for, 1,403,461 —,—,noxious gas producing apparatus for, 1 400 098 —, food for, analyses of, 1,395,746 —,—, mfr. of, 1,395,746 — pituitary eland, anterior lobe of, growth- control substance made with, 1,218 472 —,—,—, pituitary gland product made with, 1 218, 479 —,preserving of, alcohol for, 1,163,645 —,— , chloroform for, 1,163 645 ey, colophonium citricum for, 1,163,645 —,fat for, 1,163,645 — ’ hydrocarbon for, 1,163,645 —, mercury (ic) chloride for, 1,163,645 —, — paraffin for, 1,163,645 —, process for, 1, 163 645 —,—,resin for, i 163 645 —,—, wax for, i 163 645 —,— ’ xylene for, i 163 645 —, salt brick, medicated for, see Salt brick, med- icated —, toy, mfr. of, canvas for, 1,149,170 —~-,-——,-—=, process.for, 1,149, 170 —,—,—, rope for, 1 149 170 —,—,—, rubber for, 1 149 4170 —,—,— saccharine for, 1 149, 170 —, strychnine for, 1,149, 170 —,—,—, sulfur for, 1 149 170 Animal bait, mfr. of, anise oil for, 1,366,509 —,—, beeswax for, 1 006,509 ge castor extract for, 1 206,509 —,fish oil for, 1,366 509 —, process for, 1,366, 509 —,—, rhodium oil for, 1,366 009 —,—, vaseline for, 1,366, 509 Animal bile, film, motion picture, made with, 1,361,783 Animal black, hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,174 245 —, catalyst, hydrogenation, made with, 1,174,245 — UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Animal black, catalyst support for hydrogena- tion, 1,300, 144 —, fish oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1 174,24 245 — , hydrogenation with, 1,800,144 —, hydrogenation, catalyst for, 1 174,245 Animal bladder diaphragm, gelatin purified using, 1,235,064 —, glue purified using, 1,235,064 —, glutin made with, 1 235 064 Ammal blood, see Blood made with Animal casing, shrinking of, process for, 1,476,204 . Animal char, oils purified with, 1,404,374; 1,404,375 —,petroleum decolorized using, 1,404,374; 1,404,375 — ,sludge sulfonic acid purified using, 1,495,891 Animal charcoal, see Charcoal, animal Animalcule, destroying, pressure for, 1,355 476 Animal diaphragm, sugar fractionated using, 1,235,063 Animal dip, mfr. of, alcohol, denatured, for, 1,509,166 —,—, alkali arsenite for, 1,137,844 — alkali carbonate for, 1, ere 844 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, fe 137, 5844 —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,509,166 ,——, arsenous oxide for, 1,137 844 —, kerosene for, 1 509, 166 —,—, oleic acid, crude, for, 1,509,166 —,—, petroleum for, 1,509, 166 —,—, pine tar for 1 137 844 —, process for, 1 ‘137 844: 1,509,166 —, soap, laundry, for, 1 509 166 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1, 137,844 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, t: 137. 844 Animal feed, see Animal food Animal fiber, leather, artificial, 1,276,113 — , treating, chlorine and sodium hydroxide for, 1 089,274 ; 1,389,275 —, see EN Fiber, animal; Wool Animal food, bagasse i in, 1,286 5742 —,capsicum in, 1,286 742 —, cotton seed ‘meal in, 1,286,742 —, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1 141 079 —,— , bananas for, 1,188 678 —, banana skin for, 1,188 678 —, barley for, 1,188, 678 —, —, bastard cedar seed for, 1,188,678 —,—, bean vine for, 1,141 079 —,—, cellulose, sulfite, by-product, for, 1,153,834 —,—, cellulose sulfite ‘liquor for, 1,153 834 —, corn for, 1,188,678 —,—, hay for, 1 188 678 —,—, oats for, 1 ‘188 ‘678 —,—, oatmeal waste and molasses for, 1,432,295 —, process for, 1,141,079; 1,153,834; 1 ,188 678; ihe 498,800 —,—, rice for, 1,188,678 — ; molasses, sugar beet i in, 1,286,742 —,—, sugar cane in, 1,286 "742 —, —, sodium chloride i in, 1,286 5742 ewepe also Food, animal Animal gland, food product made with, 1,138,602 made with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS 559 Animal glue, see Glue, animal Animal gut, substitute for, see Sausage casing, mfr. of Animal instestine, musical instrument. string, made with, 1,518,328 —, surgical suture made with, 1,518,328 —, tennis racket string made with, 1,518,328 Animal ligament, gelatin made from, 1,289,053 —,glue made with, 1,289,053 —,size made with, 1,289,053 Animal material, vitamin made from, 1,235,198 Animal matter, ammonia made from, 1,330,435 —, carbon, absorptive, made from, 1,442,372 —, fertilizer made from, 1,218,678 —, sterilization of, air for, 1,250,079 —,—, alcohols for, 1,250,079 —,—, benzoic acid for, 1,250,079 —,—, boric acid for, 1,250,079 —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,250,079 —,—, carbon monoxide for, 1,250,079 —, gas for, 1,250,079 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,250,079 —,—, hydrogen for, 1 250 079 —,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,250,079 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,250 079 —, nitrogen protoxide for, 1,250,079 —,—, oxygen for, 1,250,079 —, process for, 1,250,079 —,—, sugars for, 1,250,079 Animal membrane, gold beaters’ skin made with, 1,235,947 —, meat container made with, 1,235,947 —, sausage casing made with, 1,235,947 Animal oul, see Oil, animal; Bone oil Animal organs, food product made 1,138,602 Animal pancreas, diabetes, compound for treat- ment of made with, 1,520,673 Animal preservative, oil of garlic as, 1,292,401 Animal products, medicant for hypodermic injection, mfr. of, camphor for, 1,510,259 —,—,—, fat, vegetable, for, 1,510,259 —,—,—, glycerol for, 1,510,259 —,—,—, phenol] for, 1,510,259 —,—, process for, 1,510, 259 —, Bee Avira) compound made with, 1,510,259 Animal refuse, carbon, decolorizing, made with, 1,195,720 Animal sinew, sausage skin made of, 1,157,556 —, tennis racket string made with, 1 231 911 Animal size, see Size, animal Animal skin, gelatin made with, 1,289,053 —, glue made with, 1,289,053 —,size made with, 1,289, 053 —, wig made with, 1 490 466 Animal stomach contents, cattle feed made from, 1,228,175 Animal tankage, fertilizer contg., 1,261,025 —, fertilizer made with, 1,135,639 Animal tendon, gelatin made with, 1,289,053 —, glue made with, 1,289,053 —,size made with, 1,289,053 —, tennis racket string made with, 1,231,911 Animal tincture, leather, artificial, addition of odorous substance contg., 1,270, 055 with, Animal tissue, gold beaters’ skin made with, 1,235,947 —, meat container made with, 1,235,947 —, printing on, coating for, 1,304, 071 —, sausage casing made with, 1.235, 947 Animal tr ap, radium luminous lure in, 1,399,518 Animal wash, mfr. of, igongo for, 1,242, 954. —, lead arsenate for, 1,242,955 —,—, nicotine for, 1,242,955 —, Paris green for, 1,242,955 —, process for, 1 242 955 —,soap for, 1,242, 955 —, sulfur for, 1 249 955 ey —, Tephrosia for, 1,242,954; Animal waste, albuminous, 1,442,339; 1,442,340; 1,442,341 —,food made with, 1,472,331 —, food product made with, 1,442,339; 1,442,340; 1,442,341 Animal waz, see Wax, animal Anime, gum made with, 1,513,802 —, jointing compound made with, 1,420,908 —, Madagascar, paint made with, 1,236,996 —,—,resin-glycerol esters made with, 1,236,996 —,—, varnish made with, 1,236,996 —, plastic made with, 1,513,802 —,resin, artificial, made with, —, sizing made with, 1,513,802 —,stencil made with, 1,371,157 —, varnish made with, 1,513,802 —, waterproofing made with, 1,513,802 —, Zanzibar, paint made with, 1,236,996 —,—,resin-glycerol esters made with, 1,236,996 —,—, varnish made with, 1,236,996 —,see also Copal Animi, see Anime; Anis, see Anise Anisaldehyde, arsanilic acid, pyruvic acid, com- pound of and with, 1,501 894 —, arsenic compound ‘made with, 1,501,894 —, ’ carbon tetrachloride, freezing point of mix- tures of and, 1,270, 304 1,242,955 treating of, 1,513,802 Copal —, cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,199,800; 1,388, 472 —, fire- extinguisher contg., carbon tetrachloride and, 1,270,394 —, 2- (p-methoxy-pheny]) - -quinoline-4.6-dicar- boxylic acid, 6-ethyl ester made with, 1,138,937 —, plastic made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —, pyruvic acid, arsanilic ‘acid, compound of with, 1,501 894 -— _trypanocidal 1 901,894 Anisaldehyde-p-toluidine, rubber, age-resisting compound for, made with, 1 B15 642 —, vulcanization accelerator, 1,515,642 —, vulcanization process using, 1,515,642 Anise, condiment made with, 1,324, 538 —, extract, flavoring made with, 1,324,538 —, ’ eleoresin, paste made with, 1,324 538 —,see also Star anise, I llicitum Anise camphor, see Anethole Anisecd, see Anise compound. made with, 560 UNITED Aniseed oil, carbon tetrachloride, freezing point . of mixture of and, 1,270,395 —, cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,388,472 —,cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —, coloring matter made with, 1,164,037 —, “dentifrice made with, 1,488 097 —, ’ fabric, printing composition for, made with, 1 164, 037 —, film, photographic, made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —., fire-extinguisher contg., carbon tetrachloride and, 1,270,395 —, paint made with, 1,164,037 —, plastic made with, 1,199 800; 1,388,472 Anise essence, see Anise spirits Anise extract, glycols in, 1,384,681 —, mfr. of, amyl alcohol for, 1,884,681 —,—, butyl alcohol for, 1,384,681 —, ethyl acetate for, 1,384,681 —,ethyl alcohol for, 1,384,681 —,—, glycol for, 1,384, 681 —,—, iso-propyl alcohol for, 1,384,681 —, process for, 1,384,681 —,—, propanediol for, 1 084,681 —,—, propyl alcohol for, 1,384, 681 Anise oil, animal bait contg., 1,366 509 —, bait contg., 1,366,509 —, beverage made with, 1,519,789 —, cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,388,472 —,cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —, coffee substitute made with, 1,519,789 —, cow, contagious abortion in, treatment. of with compound contg., 1,470 795 —, film, photographie, made with, 1,199,800; 1 388, 472 —, licorice substitute made with, 1,519,789 —,magnesium sulfate preparation contg., 1 070,154 —, plastic made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —,rat poison made with, 1 907,029 —, see also Anethol; Star anise oil Anise spirits, beverage made with, 1,519,789 —, coffee substitute made with, 1,519, 789 —, licorice substitute made with, 1,519 ,789 Anisic acid, alkaline esters of, mfr. of, process for, 1,193, 650 oo , 8-diethylamino-1-propyl ester of, see 3-Di- ethylamino-1-propylanisate —, vulcanization process using, 1,467,197 —, vulcanizing with, 1,467,197 Anisic aldehyde, cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,888,472 —, see ‘also Anisaldehyde Anisidide of 2:3-oxynaphthoic acid, dye of diazo-components of, 1-amino-methylnaph- thalene with, 1,452,083 —,—,aminoquinoline with, 1,452,083 —,—, aniline with, 1,452,083 ane anisidine with, 1,452,083 —,cresidine with, 1,452,083 —,—, naphthylamine with, 1,452,083 —, phenetidine with, 1 452 083 —, thioanisidine with, 1,452 083 —,toluidine with, 1 452, 083 —, ’ xylidine with, 1,452,083 STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 o-Anisidid of 2.3-oxynaphthoic acid, see 3- Hydroxy-o'-methozy-2-naphthanilide Anisidine, 3-acety]-4.5-diketo-l-o-methoxy- phenyl-2-phenyl-pyrrolidine made with, 1,148,637 —,dye of diazo-components of anilids of 2:3- oxynaphthoie acid, 1,452,083 —, dye of diazo-components of anisidide of 2:3- oxynaphoic acid, 1,452,083 —,dye of diazo-components of arylamides of 2:3-oxynaphthoic acid, 1,452,083 —, dye of diazo-components of di-m-toluylene- diamine of 2:3-oxynaphthoie acid, 1,452,083 —,dye of diazo-components of naphthalids of 2:3-oxynaphthoie acid, 1,452,083 —,dye of diazo-components of nitroanilide of 2:3-oxynaphthoic acid, 1,452,083 —,dye of diazo-components of phenetidids of 2:3-oxynaphthoie acid, 1,142,083 —,dye of diazo-components of p-phenylene- diamine of 2:3-oxynaphthoic acid, 1,452,083 —, dye of diazo-components of toluidids of 2:3- oxynaphthoic acid, 1,452,083 —,dyestuff made with, 1,270,290; 1,452,083; 1,498,417; 1,505,569; 1,506,514 —, mfr. of, autoclave for, 1,426,920 m-Anisidine, dyestuff made with, 1,452,083 —, finish remover made with, 1,167,640 —, 2-(p-hydroxy-m-methoxy-pheny])-7-meth- oxy-quinoline-4-carboxylic acid made with, 1,138,936 o-Anisidine, dyestuff made with, 1,126,489; 1,128,368; 1,145,072; 1,292,385; 1,365,040; 1,452,088; 1,498,815 —, finish remover made with, 1,167,640 —., 2-(p-hydroxy-m-methoxy-pheny]) -8-meth- oxy-quinoline-4-carboxylic acid made with, 1,188,936 —, 8-methoxy-2-piperonyl-cinchoninic acid made with, 1,185,265 —,paint remover made with, 1,328,080 —,printing paste made with, 1 ‘157, 5705 —, varnish remover made with, 1 328 ,080 p-Anisidine, compound CurHuO:N, made with, 1,497,720 — dyestuff made with, 1,145,072; 1,217,238; 1 452,083; 1,497,720 — finish remover made with, 1,167,640 Hy, "9. (p-hydroxy-m-methoxy-phenyl)-6-meth- oxy- -quinoline-4-carboxylic acid made with, 1,138,936 m-Anisidine-naphthylamine dye of diazotized amino-azo compound with 2.3-oxynaphthoic anilid, 1,452,083 o-Anisidine-1-amino-2-naphthomethyl ether, dye of diazotized amino-azo compound with 2:3-oxynaphthoic a-naphthalid, 1,452,083 o-Anisidine-l-amino-2-naphtholethyl ether, dye of diazotized amino-azo compound with 2:3- oxynaphthoic b-naphthalid, 1,452,083 o-Anisidinemethylenesulfoxylate, 1,454,748 —,arsenic compounds, organic, prepared with, 1,454,748 — toxicity of, 1,454,748 o-Anisidine-naphthylamine, dye of diazotized amino-azo compound with 2:3-oxynaphthoic anilid, 1,452,083 INDEX OF SUBJECTS o-Anisidine-naphthylamine, dye of diazotized amino-azo compound with 2: 3-oxynaphthoic b-naphthalid, 1,452,083 —, dye of diazotized amino-azo compound with 2:3-oxynaphthoic b-naphthalid, 1.452,083 o-Anisidine sulfonic acid, preparation of, 1,441,655 p-Anisidinemethylenesulfoxylate, arsenic com- pounds, organic, prepared with, 1,454,748 —, toxicity of, 1,454,748 p-Anisidine-naphthylamine, dye of diazotized amino-azo-compound with 2:3-oxynaphthoic anilid, 1,452,803 2-Anisidine-4-sulfonic acid dyestuff made with, 1,128,813 Anisi Fructus, see Anise Anisi Vulgaris see Anise Anisol, see Anisole o-Anisolazo-1-naphthylamine, dye from, mfr. of, 1,452,083 —, dyestuff made with, 1,452,083 Anisole abrasive binder for 1,209,333 —, binder made with, 1,209,333 —,buttons made with, 1,209,333 —,camphor substitute, 1,181,859 —, carbon tetrachloride, freezing point of mix- ture of and, 1,270,393 —,celluloid substitute made with, 1,181,859; 1,181,860 —,cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,388,472 —, cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,181,860 —,cellulose acetate solvent made _ with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —, cellulose ether, solvent for, contg., 1.479,955 —,ethyl cellulose solvent for contg., 1,479,955 —,film made with, 1,181,859; 1,479,955 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,199,800; 1,888,472 —., fire-extinguisher contg., carbon tetrachloride and, 1,270,393 —,glue made with, 1,209,333 —,horse hair, artificial, made with, 1,181,859 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,209,333 —,—, heat, made with, 1,209,333 —,lacquer made with, 1,181,859 —,leather, artificial, made with, 1,181,859 —, mfr. of, methyl chloride for, 1,209,333 ‘—,—, process for, 1,209,333 —,—,sodium phenolate for, 1,209,333 —, methy]-6-methoxy-4-quinolyl ketone made with, 1,145,487 —,molded article made with, 1,209,333 —,paint made with, 1,209,333 —, paint remover made with, 1,499,101 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,209,333 —,plastic made with, 1,199,800; 1,209,333; 1,388,472 —,silk, artificial, made with, 1,181,859 —,varnish made with, 1,181,859; 1,209,333 —, varnish remover made with, 1,499,101 —, wood, artificial, made with, 1,209,333 —,see also Methyl-phenyl ether ee parporune acid, see Methoxy-benzoic acti Anisole-p-carboxrylic acid, see Anisic acid made with 561 Anisoyl chloride, 3-diethylamino-1l-propy] anis- ate made with, 1,193,650 Anisum, see Anise Anisyl alcohol, see Anisic alcohol(p) 2-0’-Anisylamino-naphthalene-8-sulfonic dyestuff made with, 1,429,782 (p’-Anisylazo) -2-ethoxy-l-naphthylamine, dye- stuff made with, 1,505,568 (O-Anisylazo)-naphthylamine, dyestuff made with, 1,505,569 1-0-Anisyl-3-benzoyl-2.3-dihydro-2-phenyl-4.5- pyrroledione, see $-Benzoyl-4.5-diketo-1-o- methoxyphenyl-2-phenyl pyrrolidine o-Anisyl-2-naphthylamine-8-sulfonic acid, dye- stuff made with, 1,429,782 o-Anisyl-2-naphthylamine-8-sulfonic acid, see oe 9-0'-Anisylamino-naphthalene-8-sulfonic act Annatto, butter, coloring compound for, made with, 1,203,594; 1,224,910 —,butter substitute made with, 1,247,482; 1,247,483 —,cake flour contg., 1,266,202 —,food product contg., 1,266,202 —,razor strop composition contg., 1,860,343 —,stone dyed with, 1,396,118 Annealing, apparatus for, 1,388,976 —,art of, improvements in (coating apparatus with white wash), 1,888,188 —., brass, apparatus for, 1,292,352 —,copper, apparatus for, 1,292,352 —,furnace for, 1,401,983 Annealing pots, iron alloy for making formulas for, 1,380,804 Anny, see Anse Annyle, see Anise Anode, ammonium persulfate 1,477,099 —, carbon, mfr. of, process for, 1,307,738 —,electroplating, construction of, 1,517,630 ; 1,517,631 —,—,mfr. of, copper for, 1,373,693 —,—,—, lead for, 1,373,693 —,—,—, process for, 1,373,693 —, iron in, 1,510,541 — iron, electrolysis using, silicate, soluble, for, 1,311,506 —,—,—,sodium silicate for, 1,311,506 —,—, nickel coating for, 1,263,959 —, lead in, 1,510,541 —,lead and carbon for electrolysis, 1,448,036 —,mifr. of, 1,295,100 —,—,cement, acid-proof, for, 1,313,246 —,—,chromium, nickel alloy contg,., 1,478,853 —,—, copper for, 1,510,541 —,—,copper alloy for, 1,510,541. ,—, copper sulfate for, 1,510,541 —,—,duriron for, 1,478,853 —,ferro-silicon for, 1,510,541 —,iron alloy, silicon in, for, 1,478,853 —,—, iron oxide for, 1,313,246 , —,—,lead for, 1,313,246; 1,510,541 —,—, lead-tin sulfide for, 1,510,541 —, manganese dioxide for, 1,296,188 —,manganese nitrate for, 1,296,188 —,—,nichrome for, 1,478,853 acid, made with, for, ’ b , ’ ’ ? 562 Anode, mfr. of, nickel, alloy, chromium in, for, 1,478,853 —,—, platinum for, 1,223,322 —,—, porcelain for, 1 313 5246 —,—, process for, 1 223 322: 1,250,757; 1,478,858 ; 1,510,541 VE — pyrolusite for, 1,296,188 —,—, silicon alloy, iron in, for, —, ’ sulfur for, 1,510,541 —, tantiron for, 1 478, 853 —,—, tin for, 1 510, 541 mice are, 5] bf pie 3 —,— tungsten for, 1,223,022 ( ‘yi —, percompounds made with, 1,477,099 i —, platinum coated tantalum as, 1,477 099 ® —, silicon in, 1,510,541 —, tantalum partly coated with platinum as, 1,477,099 —, tin in, 1,510,541 —, vacuum discharge tube, 1,214,500 —, X-ray tube, see X-ray tube, anode for Anode connector, aluminum for, 1,267,653 —, copper in, 1,267,653 Anode slime, antimony sulfate, basic, made with, 1,185,005 —,“ Bismuth cement” made with, 1,487,125 —,bismuth sulfate, basic, made with, 1,185,005 —,copper made with, 1,185,005 -—, copper sulfate made with, 1,185,005 —, gold made with, 1,185,005 —,silver made with, 1,185,005 —, silver chloride made with, 1,185,005 —-. silver sulfate made with, 1,185,005 -—-,sodium meta-arsenate made with, 1,185,005 —, sodium meta-arsenite, made with, 1,185,005 —,sodium selenite made with, 1,185,005 —,tellurium sulfate, basic, made with, 1,185,005 —, tin made with, 1,487,125 —,tin chloride made with, 1,487,125 —,tin(ous) chloride made with, 1,487,125 Anode support, mfr. of, chromium, nickel alloy contg., for, 1,478,853 —,—, duriron for,, 1,478,853 —,—, iron alloy, silicon i in, for, 1,478,853 —,—,nichrome for, 1,478,853 — nickel alloy, chromium in, for, 1,478,853 —, — process for, 1,478 853 —, silicon alloy, iron in, for, 1,478,853 —,—,tantiron for, 1,478,853 —,see also Electrodes; X-ray anode Anodyne, mfr. of, beechwood creosote for, 1,420,634 —,—, creosote for, 1,420,634 —,—, ethyl ether for, 1,420 634 —,—, felia, enthae for, 1,420. 634 —,—, felia urtica for, "1,420 634 —,—, menthol for, 1,420 634 —,—, process for, 1,420 634 —,see also Analgesic; Analgetic Anogeissus latifolia, gum of, see Indian gum Anomite, see Biotite Anorthite, aluminum from, 1,880,552 —,see also Feldspar, lume Anorthoclase, cement, Portland, made with, 1,250,291 —,potassium chloride made with, 1,250,291 1,478,853 }” ‘We _ trichlor-acetic acid for, 1,420, eat a“ UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 _ Anorthoclase, potassium compounds made with, 1,250,291; 1,485,593 : —,see also Aluminum silicates; Potassium sili- cates; Sodium silicates; Zeolite Anorthoklas, see Anorthoclase Anorthose, see Anorthoclase Anorthosite, aluminum from, process 1,802,852 —, yaluminum oxide from, 1,302,852 x issolving, nitric acid for, 1,354,824 for, arium hydrosulfide and calcium oxide for Hea oying, 1,348,034 —, white, sodium chloride as poison for, 1 472 675 —,—, sodium hydroxide as poison for, 1,472,675 —,—, sulfuric acid as poison for, 1,472,675 —,—,sulfurous acid as poison for, 1,472,675 —,—, wood, protection of from, charcoal for, 1,201,023 —,—,—,—, creosote for, 1,201,023 —,—,—,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,201,023 —,—,—,—, petroleum for, 1,201,023 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,201,023 —,—,—,—, tar for, 1,201 023 —, wood. repellent to, mfr. of, 1,812,634 Ant exterminator, see Insecticide Ant gum, mfr. of, olefin for, 1,315,246 Anthelmintic, mfr. of, process for, 1,252 A52 a-Anthol, see 1-Anthrol Anthra-N-arylpyrrolle-carboxylic acids, stuff made with, 1,123,390 Anthracene, alizarin made with, 1,150,152 —,amino-compounds of, phenol aldehyde con- densate made with, 1,143,714 —,anthracene oil contg., 1,826,515 dye- —,anthraquinone made with, 1,297,388; 1,303,168; 1,318,631; 1,824,715; 1,355,098; 1,374,721; 1,405,954; 1,417,367; 1,420,198; 1,429,514; 1,430,538; 1,444,068; 1,455,448; 1,466,683; 1,467,258; 1,487,020 — , anthraquinone, separation of from, 1,824,716 ~—, arsenical solution contg., 1,456,509 —,balsa wood, fireproofing for, made _ with, 1 194,558 —,—, waterproofing for, made with, 1,194,558 —, boiling point of, 1,456,848 —,carbazole, separation of from, 1,404,055; 1,444,068 —,carbazole contg., purification of, 1,301,796 —,—, impurity of, 1,303,639 —,carbazole removed from, 1,409,897 1,318,212; —, carbohydrates condensed with, 1,412,949 —, cellulose condensed with, 1,412,949 —,chlor-compounds of, phenol aldehyde con- densate made with, 1,143,714 —, chlorinated, film, photographic, made with, 1,281,080; 1,342,601; 1,342,602 —,—, plastic made with, 1,281,080 —, chlorinated, see also Chloranthracene —,coal tar, removal from of, process for, 1,155,442 ee —,creosote oil contg., 1,242,592; 1,242,593 —, crude, purification of, 1,404,055 —, dextrin condensed with, 1,412,949 —, dye, sulfur, green, made with, 1,314,929 —, dyestuff made with, 1,283,296; 1,489,225 —, fireproofing made with, 1,194,558 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 563 - Anthracene, formation of, asphalt for, cracking Anthracene, oxidation of, catalyst for, mfr. of, process for, 1,313,009 iron(ic) vanado chromate for, 1,486,781 —,—, gum for, cracking process for, 1,313,009 —,—,—,—,nickel chromate for, 1,486,781 —,—, hydrocarbon for, cracking process for, —,—,—,—,nickel molybdate for, 1,486,781 1,313,009 —,—,—, —, nickel vanadate for, 1,486,781 —,—, oil for, cracking process for, 1,313,009 —,=-,—-, —, nitric acid for) 1,486,761 —,—,paraffiin for, cracking process for,wj —,—,——> oxide for, 1,486,781 1,313,009 No: —,—,—, palladium oxide for, 1,486,781 —,—,petroleum for, _ cracking process for, 2? —, —,—,—, process for, 1,486,781 _ 1,313,009 we —,—,—,vanadium oxide for, 1,486,781 —,—, pitch for, cracking process for, 1313, 00.4 — —,—,—, vanadium pentoxide for, 1,486,781 —,—,resin for, cracking process for, 1,313,009 —,catalyzing apparatus for, 1,427,554 — — tar for, cracking process for, 1,313,009 “«*—,— electrolytic, 1,897,562 —,—,mercury(ic) sulfate as catalyst for, —, fuel, liquid, made with, 1,225,405 : — — motor, contg.,L207%388 ———_—» _, 1,824,715 —,gas plant purifier sponge contg., 1,472,951 ¥S — >> molybdenum compound as catalyst for, —,gas purifying sponge contg., 1,398,613 y 1,824,715 —,glucose condensed with, 1,412,949 Lyin ee molybdenum oxide as catalyst for, —,“ green residue” from coal, peptized with, Q 1,324,715 for. 1.3247 1,390,228 8 og. ere he an 415 ci —, insecticide contg., 1,456,509 = Bat ee ae ban acid Lor, bee ee iio —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,156,452 ; © Nears 1355 Aue en AS Oe 1,159,257 yt SS Sey ated as catalyst for, 1,324,715 —,iron carburized with, 1,408,686 —,—,vanadium pentcxide as catalyst for, —, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,516,406 1,324,715 —,—, coal for, 1,516,406 — oxidizing, 1,420,198; 1,464,844; 1,467,258 —,—, process for, 1,516,406 —,—,air for, 1,444,068 —,match made with, 1,201,191 —,—, catalyst for, chromium oxide as, 1,444,068 —, melting point of, 1,456,848 —,—,—, molybdenum oxide as, 1,444,068 —,molded article made with, 1,368,753; —,—,—,vanadium oxide as, 1,444,068 1,409,275 —,—, oxygen for, 1,444,068; 1,455,448; 1,466,683 —, motor fuel contg., 1,419,910 —, ozonizing, 1,480,538 —,nitrated, dynamite made with, 1,198,129 —,paint made with, 1,194,558 apa gia explosive made with, 1,198,129 —, paint, anti-fouling, made with, 1,456,509 —,—, calcium nitrate for, 1,198,129 —,para-anthracene from, 1,303,639 —,—,mfr. of, potassium nitrate for, 1,198,129 —, partial oxidation of, apparatus for, 1,515,299 —,—,—, process for, 1,198,129 —,—, process for, 1,515,299 —,—,—, sodium nitrate for, 1,198,129 —, phenanthrene contg., impurity of, 1,303,639 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,198,129 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, —,—,—, sulfuric acid, fuming for, 1,198,129 1,187,230; 1,368,753 —,—, rubber accelerator, 1,291,828 —, phenol aldehyde condensate, composition of, —,nitroanthrone made with, 1,150,152 contg., 1,259,472; 1,259,473 —,nitro-compounds of, phenol aldehyde con- —,—, compound of and, properties of, 1,133,083 densate made with, 1,143,714 —,phenol aldehyde condensate solvent contg., —, oxidation of, 1,417,367 1,156,452 —,—, apparatus for, 1,464,845 —, phenol aldehyde condensate solvent (solid), —,—,catalyst for, mfr. of, ammonium bichro- 1,259,472; 1,259,473 mate for, 1,486,781 —, phthalic anhydride made with, 1,444,068 —,—,—,—,ammonium metavanadate for, —, properties of, air for, 1,324,716; 1,824,717 1,486,781 —, apparatus for, 1,324,716 —,—,—,—,cerium(ic) iron chromate for, —, flue gas for, 1,324,716; 1,824,717 1,486,781 —, hydrogen for, 1,324,716; 1,324,717 —,—,—, —, cerium(ic) chromate for, 1,486,781 a —,carbon dioxide for, 1,324,716; 1,324,717 —,—,—, —, cerium(ic) vanadate for, 1,486,781 Ry —,natural gas for, 1,324,716; 1,324,717 bd 2 > —,—,—,—, chromium oxide for, 1,486,781 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,324,716; 1,824,717 —,—,—,—, chromium vanadate for, 1,486,781 —,—, process for, 1,824,716; 1,324,717 —,—,—,—, cobalt chromate for, 1,486,781 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,324,717 —,—,—,—, cobalt molybdate for, 1,486,781 —,—, water gas for, 1,324,716; 1,324,717 —,—,—,—,iron(ic) chloride for, 1,486,781 —, pure, producing, 1,419,186 —,—,—,—, iron chromate for, 1,486,781 —, purification of, 1,419,186 —,—,—,—,iron(ic) chromate for, 1,486,781 _ air for, 1,324,716; 1,324,717 —,—,—,—, iron molybdate for, 1,486,781 —,—,aniline for, 1,419,186 —,—,—,—,iron molybdic chromate for, —,—,apparatus for, 1,201,601; 1,324,716 1,486,781 —,—, benzene for, 1,419,186 —,—,—,—, iron oxide for, 1,486,781 — —,carbazole removed from, 1,308,639 5] —,—,—,—, iron vanado chromate for 1,486,781 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,324,716; 1,824,717 564. Anthracene, purification of, creosote oil for,’ 1,326,515 —,—,m-cresol for, 1,326,515 —,—,o-cresol for, 1,326 515 —,—, p-cresol for, 1,326 515 —,—, flue gas for, 1,324 716; 1,824,717 —,—, gas oil for, 1 419, 186 —,—, hydrogen ‘for, 1 324, Vibe 1 24,797 —_,— ‘ metaphosphoric ‘acid for, 1 201 601 —,—, natural gas for, 1,324 716: 1,324, 717 —-,— nitrogen. for, 1,324 716; 1,324 "17 —, —, nitrogen atmospheric for, 1 303 ,639 —,—, paraffin oil for, 1,419,186 —,—, phenanthrene removed from, 1,303,639 —,—, phenol for, 1,326,515 —,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,201,601 —,—, phosphorus acid for, 1,201 601 —, potassium hydroxide for, 1,303,639 —,—, process for, 1,201,601; 1 303 639; 1,324,716; 1,324, C11 326 515: 1 419, 186 —,—, pyridine ‘for, 1,303,639 : 1,326,515; 1,419,186 —, —, quinoline for, 1,419,186 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,324,717 —,—, sodium metaphosphate for, 1,201 601 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,303,639 1,318,212; —,—, vaseline oil for, 1,419, 186 —,—,water gas for, 1,324, 716; 1,324,717 —,—, xylene for, 1 326 515 —, , purifying, 1 456, 848 / —, removing from “ anthracene oil II,” 1,350,814 —,road tar made with, 1,155,442 —, ’ rubber solvent, 1,427 754 —, ’ rubber substitute made with, 1 409,275 —, selenium oxychloride, action of on, 1,385,081; 1 473,350 —, selenium oxychloride compound of, 1,385,081 —,selenium oxychloride reaction with, 1 ‘AAS '399 1,159,257; —,separating from anthracene press cake, 1,456 848 —, signal smoke-making compound contg., 1,318,074 —, smoke- making compound contg., 1,318,074 ~~, Solvent for, acetic acid as, 1,455, 448 —,—, arsenic tribromide as, 1,456 509 —, benzene as, 1,303,639 — bromine as, 1,456, 509 —,coal tar naphtha as, 1,303,639 —,—,m-cresol as, 1,326,51 5 , o-cresol as, 1,326, 515 —,—, p-cresol as, 1 326, 516 —,—, dichlorbenzene as, 1,455,448 —,—, nitrobenzene as, 1 455 448 —, phenol as, 1,326, B15 —,— , phthalylchloride as, 1,456,509 ——,—, propionic acid as, 1,455, 448 —,—, pyridine as, 1,326 BIS —,—, tetrachlornaphthalene as, 1,456,509 —,—, toluene as, 1,303,639 —,— _ tribromacetic acid as, 1,456,509 —, starch condensed with, 1 412 949 —,subliming, 1,409,897; 1 456 848 —, sugars condensed with, 1,412 949 —, sulfonating, 1,422,564; 1 448 278 —, tannins from, mfr. of, 1,448 ‘278 —, tanning compound made with, 1,469,044 . ' i UNITED STATES est BA L PATENTS, 1915-1924 sg Ele 8 nda, V3 idk 03 ee ars Onn made with, 1,159,257 —, vulcanization accelerator, 1,291 828 — ’ waterproofing made with, 1) 194, 558 —, wood, preservative for, contg., 1,456 009 —, zinc sulfide prepared with, 1 443, 077 —,see also H drocarbo anthracene ~Anthracene p otographic image dyed with, 1,389, 742” Anthracene chromate blue X R, wool, dyeing of, using, 1,511,359 Anthracene derivatives, 1,340,696 —, film, ray, cathode, made with, 1,315,324 , X-ray, made with, 1,315 324 me ray, cathode, made with, 1,315,324 , X-ray, made: with, 1,315 324 — ’ solvent for, sulfite waste liquor as, 1,879,175 Anthracene 1.9-dicarboxylic acid hydroximide, dyestuff made with, 1,253,252 dyestuff made with, Anthracene 1.9-dicarboxylic acid imide, dyestuff made with, 1,216,134; 1,253,252 Anthracene 1.9- dicarboxylic acid methylimide, dyestuff made with, 1,253,252 Anthracene 1.9-dicarboxylic acid phenylimide, dyestuff made with, 1,253,252 Anthracene dihydride, nitrated, rubber accel- erator, 1,291,828 —, rubber accelerator, 1,291,828 Anthracene disulfonic acid, anthraquinone mfr, from, 1,455,448 — , oxidizing oxygen for, 1,455,448 —,solvent for, acetic acid as, 1,455,448 —,—, acetic acid, glacial as, ‘1 ‘455, 448 —,— ’ dichlorbenzene as, 1,455 448 —,— nitrobenzene as, 1 ABD 448 — propionic acid as, 1,455 448 Anthracene 1.5-disulfonic acid, sodium salt of, hide tanned with, 1,281,494 Anthracene 1.8-disulfonic acid, sodium salt of, hide tanned with, 1,281,494 Anthracene 2.6-disulfonic acid, sodium salt of, hide tanned with, 1,281,494 Anthracene 2.7-disulfonic acid, sqgdium salt of, hide tanned with, 1,281,494 Anthracene hexahydride, nitrated, rubber accel- erator, 1,291,828 —, rubber accelerator, 1,291,828 Anthracene oil, acacia as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,agar-agar as emulsifier, 1,440,356 —, albumen as emulsifier of, 1,440, 356 —,ammonium tannate as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, ’ anthracene from, 1,326,515 ~- ’ asphalt substitute mfr. from, 1,433,137 —,carbon, decolorizing, made with, 1,478, 985 ; 1 A478, 987 —-, casein as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,charcoal, artificial, made with, 1,478,985 ; 1 478,987 a , chlorhydrin solvent, 1,394,664 —,clay as emulsifier of, 1,440, 356 —, coal briquet made with, 1 512 A499 —,coal tar, recovery from of, 1,259, 674 psa ys removal from of, process for, 1,155,442 —, ‘dextrin as emulsifier of, 1,440 356 ~~ ’ dynamite made with, 1, 198, 129 —,emulsifying of, process “for, 1,440,356 —. fuel. liquid, made with, 1 295, 405 / | } INDEX OF SUBJECTS 56 Anthracene oil, 1,464,152 —, gelatin as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,glue as emulsifier of, 1 440, 356 —,gums as emulsifier of, 1,440, 356 —, hemicelluloses as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 — insulation, electric, made with, 1 300 218; PRs 15,199; 1,425 784 — isinglass as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, ‘kaolin as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, lime-nitrogen manure prevented from dust- ing by, 1,405,202 —, lubricating oil made from, 1,350,814 —,mfr. from petroleum, 1,445 040 —, marshmallow as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 =n, ‘molded article made with, 1 300 218; Re- 15,199; 1,425,784 — naphtha recovery with, 1,464,152 —,nitrated, explosive made with, 1,198,129 —,—, mfr. ‘of, calcium nitrate for, 1, 198, 129 —,—,—, potassium nitrate for, 1, 198, 129 ——,—,—, process for, 1,198,129 —,—,—, sodium nitrate for, 1,198,129 —,—,—,sulfuric acid for, 1 198, 129 —,—,—, sulfuric acid, fuming for, 1,198,129 —,—, rubber accelerator, 1,291,828 —, paracoumarone dissolved in, 1,299,706 —,paraindene dissolved in, 1,299,706 —,pectins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, plastic made with, 1,425,784 —, polysaccharide, as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, proteins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,recovery from coking gases, 1,405,629 —,recovery of from coke oven gases, 1,366,494 —,resins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, road paving made with, 1,239, 160 —, road tar made with, 1 1155, 442 —, rubber accelerator, 1,291,828 —,rubber softened with, 1,427,283 —,rubber solvent, 1,427,754 —,sky-writing made using, 1,514,106 —,smoke made using, 1,514,106 —,soap as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, solvent, volatile, recovery of using, 1,513,153 —, starch as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,sulfonation of, 1,448,278 —,sulfonic acids of, emulsion _ stabilizer, 1,444,844 —, tannic acid as emulsifer of, 1,440,356 —,tannins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,tannins from, mfr. of, 1,448,278 —, tar removed from gases by means of, 1 351,363 —, tragacanth as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,viscosity of increasing, 1,350,814 Anthracene press cake, acridine from, 1,456,848 —,anthracene from, 1,456,848 —,carbazole from, 1,456,848 —,chrysene from, 1,456,848 —,fluoranthrene from, 1,456,848 —,fluorene from, 1,456,848 —,methylanthracene from, 1,456,848 —,phenanthrene from, 1,456,848 —, pseudophenanthrene from, 1,456,848 —, purification of, process for, 1,324,717 —, purifying, 1,456,848 —, pyrene from, 1,456,848 gasolene recovery’ with, je Anthracene residues, 1,433,579 —,pitch made from, 1,259,674 —, treating, sulfuric ‘acid for, 1,433,579 Anthracene sulfonate, condensation of, alde- hydes for, 1,448,278 —,—, formaldehyde for, 1,448,278 —,—, ketones for, 1,448,278 —,—, phosphoroxychloride for, 1,448,278 —,—, phosphoryl] chloride for, 1,448,278 —,—, thionyl] chloride for, 1,448 278 Anthracene sulfonic acids, anthraquinone sul- fonic acids from, 1,466, 683 —, hide tanned with, 1,281,494: 1,501,336 —,sodium salt of, see Sodium anthracene sul- fonate Anthracene sulfonic acids, tanning compound made with, 1,501,336; 1 513, 995 Anthracene 1-sulfonic acid, sodium salt of, hide tanned with, 1,281,494 Anthracene-2-sulfonic acid, sodium salt of, hide tanned with, 1,281,494 Anthracene sulfonic derivatives, zinc sulfide pre- pared with, 1,443,077 Anthracene vat dyestuff, cellulose acetate dyed with, 1,448,515 Anthracite coal, see Coal, anthracite Anthracite culm, briquet made with, 1,212 291 —,colloidal fuel contg., 1,447,008 —,fuel briquet made with, 1,212,291 —,fuel mfr. from, 1,407,700 Anthracite culm briquet, mfr. of, anthracite culm for, 1,212,291 —,—,asphalt for, 1,212,291 —,—, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,212,291 —-'—, erude oil for; 1,212,291 —,—, oil, mineral, "for, 1,212,291 —,-— ’ petroleum residuum for, 1,212,291 —,—, process for, 1,212,291 Anthracite dust, colloidal fuel contg., 1,447,008 Anthracite slush, colloidal fuel contg., 1,447,008 Anthraflavicsulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,261,394 — , halogen derivative of, dyestuff made with, 1,261,394 iso-anthraflavic-sulfonie acid, dyestuff made with, 1,261,394 —,halogen derivative of, dyestuff made with, 1,261,394 Anthraisoquinoline, mfr. of, coal tar for, 1,339,310 —,—, coal tar oil for, 1,339,310 —,—,coal tar pitch for, 1,339,310 —,—, process for, 1,339, 310 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,839,310 —,—, sulfuric acid for,. 1,339,310 2.1-a-Anthraisoxazole-6.11-dione, mfr: of, 2- methyl-1-nitro-anthraquinone for, 1,417,875 —,—, process for, 1,417,875 —,—, quartz for, 1,417,875 —,—, sulfuric acid, fuming, for, 1,417,875 —,—,xylene for, 1,417,875 Anthranilic acid, beta-naphthol and, lake mfr. with, 1,445,331 —, cellulose ether solvent contg., 1,494,470 —, compound, C17Hi,06N.S, made with, 1,149,231 —, —, C2s3HicO.N.S, made with, 1,159,375 metals pickled with, 566 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Anthranilic acid, dye made with, 1,126,489; 1,149,231; 1,159,875; 1,202,821; — 1,264,604; 1,270,325; 1,286,411; 1,338,506; 1,498,315 — _ dyestuff, azo, made with, 1,323, 285 — ’ dyestuff reduction product, i€ 159, 375 —,ethyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,494, 470 —,film made with, 1,494,470 —, ‘lakes mfr. from, airplane dope contg,, 1,426,521 —,mfr. of, 1,458,715 —,—-, acetic acid for, 1,492,664; 1,492,665 —,—, acetoacetic ether for, 1 270, 325 —, —, 2-amino-5-naphthol- 7-sulfonic acid, pyra- zolone for, 1,270,325 —,—, ammonium bisulfite for, 1,458,715 —,—, ammonium hydrosulfide for, 1 458,715 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,492, 664 —,—,ammonium sulfide for, 1,458, 715 —,—,benzene for, 1,458,715 —, —, 3-carboxy-2- ‘hy droxy-5- sulfo- 1-hydra- zinobenzene for, 1,270,325 —,— _4-chloranthranilic acid for, 1,270,325 fe compound CosHicOoNcS, for, 1 159, 375 —,—,copper for, 1,492,665 —, copper anthranilate for, 1,492,665 —,fullers earth for, 1,458, 715 —, =, hydrochloric acid for, 1,322,052; 1,458,715; 1,492,664; 1,492,665 —,— —, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,492,664; 1,492,665 —,—,iron for, 1,492,664; 1,492,665 —,—, Iron anthranilate for, 1,492,665 —,—,iron(ous) hydroxide for, 1,492,665 —,—,iron(ous) sulfate for, 1,492 664 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,332,028; 1,458,715 —, —, o-nitro-benzoic acid for, 1,332 028 ; 1,458,715; 1,492,664; 1,492,665 : 1,458,715 Tau —,—, o-nitro-toluene for, 1,332,028 ; —, phthalimide for, 1,322 052 —,—, potassium anthranilate for, 1,322,052 —, potassium bisulfite for, 1,458,715 —,—, potassium hydrosulfide for, 1,458,715 —,—, potassium sulfide for, 1,458, 715 —,—, process for, 1270325; 1,322,052; 1,332,028 : 1,458,715 ; 1,492,664 ; 1,492,665 —,—, pyrazolone, 2-amino-5-naphthol-7-sul- fonic acid derivative for, 1,270,325 —,—,sodium anthranilate for, 1,458,715; 1,492,665 —,—,sodium bisulfide for, 1,458,715 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,270,325 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,270,325 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,322,052; Egle’ 1,492,664; 1,492,665 —,sodium hypobromite for, 1,322,052 —,—,sodium hypochlorite for, 1,322,052 —,—,sodium o-nitro-benzoate for, 1,458,715 —,—,sodium sulfide for, 1,458,715 —,—,sodium sulfite for, 1,492,664; 1,492,665 —, sulfur for, 1,458 115 — sulfur dioxide for, 1,822,052; 1,492,664 —,—, ‘sulfuric acid for, 1,322, 052: 1,492 664; 1,492, 665 —,—,sulfurous acid for, 1,492,664 —,—, tin for, 1,492,664; 1,492,665 —,—, zinc for, 1,492 664 aon -methylenesulfo compounds of, preparing, 1,338 006 1,322,052 ; ‘Anthranilic acid, naphthazarin, condensation product of and, 1,202,821 —, preparation of, 1 332 028 —, sodium carbonate, separation from of, car- bon dioxide for, 1,322,052 —,see also o-Amidobenzoic acid Anthranilic acid hydrochloride, formation of, process for, 1,322,052 Anthranilic acid sulfate, formation of, process for, 1,822,052 Anthranol, mfr. of, anthraquinone and sugars for, 1,875,972 —, preparation of, older methods, 1,375,972 —,see also 9-Anthrol Anthraparazene, dyestuft made with, 1,340,696 —, preparation of, 1,340,696 a- -Anthra-N-phenylpyrrol- carboxylic acid, dye- stuff made with, 1,123,390 Anthrapurpurin, cotton, 1,199,273 —, dyeing using, 1,199,273 —,silk, dyeing of, using, 1,199,273 —, ’ wool, dyeing of, using, 1,199 273 6(2)- -meso-Anthrapyrazole, pyrazole-anthrone yellow made with, 1,329,435 Anthraquinone, acenaphthene, removal of from, 1,429,514 —,—,separation of from, 1,420,198; dyeing of, using, —,acenaphthaquinone, separation of from, 1,420,198 —,alkali fusions of, 1,480,277 —,anthracene, oxidized to, 1,355,098; 1,374,721 —,—,separation from of, 1,824,716 —,anthranol made with, 1,375,972 —,anthraquinone disulfonic acid made with, 1,260,585 —,anthraquinone-1.5-disulfonic acid with, 1,437,571 —, anthraquinone-1.6-disulfonic acid made with, 1,437,571 —, anthraquinone with, 1,437,571 —, anthraquinone with, 1,487,571 —, anthraquinone-2.6-disulfonic acid made with, 1,437,571 —,anthraquinone-2.7-disulfonic acid made with, 1,437,571 —,anthraquinone sulfonic acid made with, 1,260,535 —,benzanthrone made with glycerol and, 1,365,024 —, carbazole, removal of from, 1,429,514 _—,— , separation of from, 1,420, 198 ; 1 444,068 —, a- iphiorodervetives of, converting to b-chloro derivatives, 1,434,980 —,b-chloroderivatives of, preparing, 1,434,980 — ’ chrysene, removal of ‘from, 1,429,514 —,—,separation of from, 1 420, 198 —, ’ condensation products ak. mfr., 1,437,783 —, ’ derivatives of, brominating, 1,401,125 —, chlorinating, 1,401,125 —,—,cyanuric chloride 1,437,783 —,—,dyestuff made with, 1,436,770; 1,437,783 —,—, halogenating, 1,401,125 made 1.7-disulfonic acid made 1.8-disulfonic acid made condensed __ with, Be. INDEX OF SUBJECTS 567 Anthraquinone, chlorinating, mfr. of, 1,417,875 —,—, preparing, 1,434,980 —,—,1.3.5-triazine condensed with, 1,437,783 —,diphenic acid, removal of from, 1,429,514 —,—,separation of from, 1,420,198 —,dyestuff made with, 1,261,394; 1,340,696 —, ethylenediamine, condensation product of and, vulcanization accelerator, 1,503,702 —,—,—, vuleanization process using, i 503,702 —, fluorene, removal of from, 1,429,514 —,—,separation of from, 1,420,198 —,formation of, anthracene for, 1,318,631 —,fuel, motor, contg., 1,297,388 —,a-halogen substituted, dyestuff made with, 1,123,390 —,mfr. of, 1,405,954; 1,417,367; 1,466,683; 1,467,258 —,—,acetic acid for, 1,467,258 == acetic acid, elacial, for, 1,455,448 —,—,air for, 1,855,098; 1455 A48 —,—, alkali acetate for, 1,467, 258 —,—, aluminum chloride for, 1,515,325 —,—,anthracene for, 1,297,388; 1,303,168; i! 324 ter eh 1 505,0908*" 1374 721 1,397,562; 1,420,198: 1,429 5145 . 430, 538: 1,444,068 ; 1,455,448; 1,467258; 1 ‘487 020 —_—,— , anthracene disulfonic acid for, —,—, asbestos for, 1,303,168 —,—, benzene for, 1,515 325 —, —, o-benzoyl-benzoic acid for, 1,515,325 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,430 538 —,—, carbazole for, 1,444 068 —,—,catalyst for, mfr. of, boric acid for, 1,487,020 1,455,448 EN boron oxide for, 1,487,020 —,—,—, brick, fire-, for, 1,487,020 — carbonate for, i 487 020 —,—,—, clay for, 1 487 020 —,—, clay, burnt, for, 1,487,020 —,—,—,—, kieselguhr for, 1,487,020 —, magnesia for, 1,487,020 —,—,—,—, nitrates for, 1 487 020 —,—,—, —, " oxides for, 1,487, 020 —,—,—,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,487,020 —,—,—,—, phosphorus oxides for, 1,487,020 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,487,020 —,—,—, —, silica for, 1,487,020 —,—, chloamthracene for, 1,455,448 ,chromic acid for, 1,303,168; 420, 198; 1,429,514 —,— , chromium oxide for, —,— * cobalt acetate as catalyst for, 1,455,448 ee, 1,324,715; 1 ae cobalt nitrate as catalyst for, 1 455 448 1,303,168 —, cobalt oxide as catalyst for, 1.455 ‘448 —; cobalt propionate as catalyst for, 1 455,448 —,—, cobalt sulfate as catalyst for, 1,455,448 —, dichloranthracene for, 1,455,448 —, dichlor-benzene for, 1,455, 448 —, iron acetate as catalyst for, 1,455,448 —, iron nitrate as catalyst for, 1,455 448 —,—, iron oxide as catalyst for, 1,455 ‘448 —, iron propionate as catalyst for, 1,455,448 —,iron sulfate as catalyst for, 1,455 448 —,—,Manganese acetate as catalyst for, 1,455, 448 —,—, manganese dioxide for, 1,324,715 Anthraquinone, mfr. of, manganese nitrate as catalyst for, 1,455,448 —,—, Manganese oxide as catalyst for, 1,455,448 —,—,Manganese propionate as catalyst for, 1 455 448 —,—,manganese sulfate as catalyst for, 1,455,448 —,—,mercury(ic) sulfate as catalyst for, La —, metallic oxide for, 1,303,168 —,— ’ molybdenum compound as catalyst for, 1,324, 715 —,—, molybdenum oxide for, 1,303,168 —,—,molybdenum oxide as catalyst ie dik: —, nickel acetate as catalyst for, 1,455,448 —, ‘nickel nitrate as catalyst for, 1,455 448 —, nickel oxide as catalyst for, 1,455 448 —' nickel propionate as catalyst for, 1 455,448 —, nickel sulfate as catalyst for, 1 ABS ‘448 —, nitric acid for, 1,455,448; 1,467 258 —, nitrites for, 1 ‘467 258 —, ’ nitrobenzene for, 1 455,448 —, nitrogen dioxide for, 1 455,448 —, nitrogen monoxide for, 1,455 448 —, nitrogen oxides for, 1,467, 258 —, nitrogen pentoxide for, 1,455, 448 —,nitrogen tetroxide for, 1,455 448 —, nitrogen trioxide for, 1 455, 448 —, nitrosyl chloride for, 1 455 448 —, oxanthranol for, 1,293 610: 1,455,448 —, oxygen for, 1 303, 168: 1 B55 098; 1,455,448 —, ozone for, 1,430 538 —, phthalic anhydride for, 1,515,325 —,—, potassium bichromate for, 1,420,198 ; 1,429,514 —,—, process for, 1,303,168; 1,324,715; 1,355,098 ; 1,420,198: 1,429,514: 1,430,538; 1,455,448; st Gat ; 1,487,020 ; 1,515,825 —, propionic acid for, 1,455,448 ; 1,467,258 —,—, pumice for, 1,303, 168 —, —, sodium acetate for, 1,467,258 —,—, sodium bichromate for, meee 198; 1,429,514 for, J ~ J | ~y | ‘ I | Ne | | ~~ | J “f | | Ne 1,324,715; —, sodium nitrite for, 1,467,258 —, ’ sodium propionate for, 1,467, 258 —,—, ’ sulfuric acid for, 1,324, 715: 1,515 jo20 — , tungsten oxide for, 1 303, 168 —,—, uranium oxide for, 1,303, 168 —,—, vanadium compound as catalyst for, 1,324, 715; 1,355,098 —,—, vanadium. oxide as catalyst for, 1,324,715; 1 355, 098 —.—, vanadium pentoxide as 1 324, 715 —,—, waste liquors from, regenerating, 1,405,954 — ’ methyl anthracene, removal of from, 1 429,514 —,— , separation of from, 1,420,198 —, ’ molded article made with, 1 409 275 —, ’ oxanthranol fr om, 1,293,610 — oxyderivatives of, mfr. ‘of, 1,465,689 —,—, preparation for, 1,446, 163 — ’ phenanthraquinone, separation of from, 1,420,198 —, phenanthrene, removal of from, 1,429,514 —,—,separation of from, 1,420,198 catalyst for, 568 Anthraquinone, picene, removal of from, 1,429,514 —,—, Separation of from, 1,420,198 —, preparation of, ozone for, 1,430,538 —, properties of, air for, 1,324,716 —,—,apparatus for, 1,324,716 —,—, carbon. dioxide for, 1,324,716 —,—, flue gas for, 1,324,716 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,324,716 —,—, natural gas for, 1,324,716 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,324,716 —,—, process for, 1,824,716 —,—, water gas for, 1,824,716 —, purification of, 1,404,056; 1,420,198; 1,429,514 —,—, air for, 1,324,716 —,—,alcohol for, 1,293,610 —,—, apparatus for, 1,324,716 —,—, benzene, halogenated for, 1,420,198 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,324,716 —,—,chlor-benzene for, 1,420,198; 1,429,514 —,—, chlor-toluene for, 1,420,198 —,—,o-dichlor-benzene for, 1,429,514 —,—, dichlor-ethylene for, 1,420,198 —,—, flue gas for, 1,324,716 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,324,716 —,—, natural gas for, 1,824,716 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,324,716 —,—, pentachlor-ethane for, 1,420,198 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,293,610 —,—, powdered iron for, 1,293,610 —,—, process for, 1,293,610; 1,324,716; 1,420,198 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,293,610 —,—, tetrachlor-ethane for, 1,420,198 —,—, tetrachlor-ethylene for, 1,420,198 —,—, trichlor-ethylene for, 1,420,198 —,—,Wwater gas for, 1,324,716 —, purifying of, 1,444,068 —,—, phenol monohydrate for, 1,461,745 —, pyrene, removal of from, 1,429,514 —,—, separation of from, 1,420,198 —,retene, removal of from, 1,429,514 —,—, separation of from, 1,420,198 —,reducing, phosphorus and hydroiodic acid for, 1,875,972 —,—, sulfuric acid and aluminum for, 1,375,972 —,—, sulfuric acid and copper for, 1,375,972 —,—, tin and acetic acid for, 1,375,972 —,—, tin and hydrochloric acid for, 1,875,972 —, reduction of, 1,293,610 —,—,cane sugar for, 1,875,972 —,—, glucose for, 1,375,972 —,—, lactose for, 1,375,972 —,—, maltose for, 1,875,972 —,—,molasses for, 1,375,972 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,409,275 —,separation from sulfonation mixture of, 1,474,507 —, solvent for, aniline as, 1,461,745 —,—,chlorbenzene as, 1,461,745 —,—, nitrobenzene as, 1,461,745 —,—, phenol monohydrate as, 1,461,745 —,subliming 1,464,844 —,sulfonating of 1,422,564; 1,437,571 —,—, process for, 1,474,507 —,—,sulfurie acid for, 1,474,507 —,—, sulfuric acid, fuming, for, 1,474,507 —,sulfoxyderivatives of, mfr., 1,465,689 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 _Anthraquinone, sulfuric acid, solubility in of, 1,474,507 —, vulcanizing rubber by, 1,440,176 Anthra-iso-quinoline, preparation of from tar, 1,339,310 Anthraquinone-acridones, mfr. of, process for, 1,133,081 Anthraquinone-1.2-acridone, see 2.8-g-Naphtha- cridine-8.13.14(6 )-trione Anthraquinone-2.1-acridone, see 2.3-a-Naphtha- cridine-6 8.18(14)-trione Anthraquinone-2.3-acridone, see 2.3-b-Naphtha- cridine-8.7 12(14)-trione 1-Anthraquinonealdehyde, dyestuff made with, 1,162,496 2-Anthraquinonealdehyde, 2-a-anthraquinonyl- 3-b-anthraquinonyl-1.2.4-isonaphtha- triazine made with, 1,162,496 —, 3-b-anthraquinony]-2-phenyl-1.2.4.-isonaph- thotriazine made with, 1,162,496 —,dyestuff made with, 1,162,496 Anthraquinone-b-arylide, dyestuff made with, 1,280,647 Anthraquinoneazene, preparation of, 1,340,696 Anthraquinoneazine, dyestuff made with, 1,840,696 —, see also Indanthrene X Anthraquinone-1-chlor-2-carboxylic acid, see 1- Chlor-anthraquinone-2-carboaylic acid Anthraquinone derivatives, bucking, vegetable matter, using, 1,156,048 —, dyestuff, bucking of, using, 1,156,048 —, dyestuff made with, 1,261,394; 1,340,696 —, mfr. of, 1,394,851 - —,—, see also Dyestuff, mfr. of Anthraquinone-1.2.2'.1'-dihydroazine, see Indan- threne Anthraquinone-1.2.2'.1’-N.N’-dihydroazine, preparation of, 1,430,277 Anthraquinone-1.2.2'.1'-N.N'-dihydroazine, see also Indanthrene Anthraquinone-dihydro-N-phenyl-phenazine, mfr. of, 1,394,851 Anthraquinone disulfonic acid, anthraquinone sulfonic acid, separation from of, 1,260,535 —, bucking vegetable matter using, 1,156,048 —, dyestuff, bucking of, using, 1,156,048 —, mfr. of, anthracene for, 1,455,448 —,—, anthracene disulfonic acid for, 1,455,448 —,—, anthraquinone for, 1,260,535 —,—, dichloranthracene for, 1,455,448 —,—, oxanthranol for, 1,455,448 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,260,535 Anthraquinone a-disulfonic acid, sodium salts of, see Sodium anthraquionone a-disulfonate Anthraquinone-1.5-disulfonic acid, mfr. of, an- thraquinone for, 1,437,571 —,—, mercury for, 1,487,571 —,—, mercury(ous) sulfate for, 1,437,571 — ,—, process for, 1,437,571 —,—, sodium bisulfate for, 1,437,571 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,487,571 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,437,571 —, salts of, dyestuff made with, 1,261,394 —,separating from isomers, 1,437,571 INDEX OF Anthraquinone-1.6-disulfonic acid, mfr. of, an- thraquinonone for, 1,437,571 —,—,mercury for, 1,437,571 —,—,mercury(ous) sulfate for, 1,437,571 —,—, process for, 1,487,571 —,—,sodium bisulfate for, 1,437,571 —,—, sulfate for, 1,437,571 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,437,571 —, separating from isomers, 1,487,571 Anthraquinone-1.7-disulfonic acid, mfr. anthraquinone for, 1,437,571 —,—, mercury for, 1,487,571 —,mercury(ous) sulfate for, 1,437,571 —,—, process for, 1,437,571 —,—, sodium bisulfate for, 1,437,571 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,437 571 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,437,571 —,separating from isomers, 1,437,571 Anthraquinone-1.8-disulfonic acid mfr. of, an- thraquinone for, 1,437,571 —,—, mercury for, 1,437,571 —,—,mercury(ous) sulfate for, 1,437,571 —,—, process for, 1,487,571 —,—,sodium bisulfate for, 1,437,571 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,437, 571 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,437, 571 —,salts of, dyestuff made with, 1,261,394 —,separating from isomers, 1,437,571 Anthraquinone-2.6-disulfonic acid, 2.6-dichlor- anthracene made with, 1,434,980 —, 2.6-dichlor-anthraquinone made with, 1,434,980 —, mfr. of, anthraquinone for, 1,437,571 —,—, mercury for, 1,437,571 —,—,mercury(ous) sulfate for, 1,487,571 —,—, process for, 1,437,571 —,—, sodium bisulfate for, 1,437,571 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,437,571 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,487,571 —,salts of, dyestuff made with, 1,261,394 —,separating from isomers, 1,437,571 —,tanning compound made with, 1,414,045; 1,421,722 —,tanning-substance prepared with, 1,414,045 Anthraquinone-2.7-disulfonic acid mfr. of, anthraquinone for, 1,437,571 —,—,mercury for, 1,437,571 —,— , mercury (ous) sulfate for, —,—, process for, 1,487,571 —,—, sodium bisulfate for, 1,437,571 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,437 B71 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,437 yal —, ’ separating from isomers, 1,487,571 Anthraquinone-l-hydroxy see 1-Hydroxy-an- thraquinone Anthraquinone-1-hydroxy-4-chlor, see 4-Chlor- 1-hydroxy-anthraquinone of, 1,437,571 1.2-Anthraquinone-isoxazol, preparation of, 1,417,875 —, see ‘also 9.1-a-Anthrisoxazole-6.11-dione I 3-Anthraquinonemethy1-isoxazole, Wir OL, 1,417,875 —, see ‘also 3- Methyl-2.1-a-anthrisoxazole-6.11- dione Anthraquinone series, condensation products of, mfr., 1,437,783 SUBJECTS 569 Anthroquinone-a-sodium sulfonate, see Sodium anthraquinone-a-sulfonate Anthraquinone-2-sulfo-acid, see Anthraquinone- 2-sulfonic acid. Anthraquinone sulfonic acid, anthraquinone disulfonic acid, separation of from, 1,260,535 —, bucking vegetable matter using, 1,156,048 —,dyestuff, bucking of, using, 1,156,048 —, isomeric, separating, 1,437,571 —,mfr. of, 1,466,683; 1,467,258 —,—,anthraquinone for, 1,260,535 —,—,sulfurie acid for, 1,260,535 —,salt of, mfr. of, bisulfate for, 1,260,535 —,—,—, carbonate for, 1,260,535 —,—,—, ' chloride for, 1,260, 535 »—,—, hydroxide for, 1,260 535 —,—,—, oxide for, 1,260, 535 —,—,—, process for, 1,260, 535 —,—,—, sulfate for, 1,260, 535 —,sodium salt for, mfr. of, process for, 1,260,535 —,—,—,sodium bisulfate for, 1,260,535 —,—,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,260,585 —,—,—,sodium chloride for, 1,260,535 - —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,260,535 —— —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,260, 535 b- Anthraquinone sulfonic acid, b-aminoanthra- quinone made with, 1,255, 719 Anthraquinone-a-sulfonic acid, 1,442,491 Anthraquinone-b-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,280,648 —,formation of, 1,422,889 —,tanning with, 1,421,722 —,tanning substance prepared with, 1,414,045 Anthraquinone-l-sulfonic acid, salts of, dye- stuff made with, 1,261,394 —,—, mfr. of, bisulfate for, 1,260,585 —,—,—, carbonate for, 1,260,535 —,—,—,chloride for, 1,260,535 chlorinating, —,—,—, hydroxide for, 1,260,535 —,—,oxide for, 1,260,585 ,—,—, process for, 1,260,535 ~ —,—,—, sulfate for, 1,260,585 —,sodium salt of, mfr. of, process for, ERE —,—,—, sodium bisulfate for, 1,260 535 —_—,—,—, ‘sodium carbonate for, 1,260 035 —_—,—, —, ‘sodium chloride for, 1,260, 535 —,—,—, ’ sodium hydroxide for, 1,260 035 —,—,—,sodium sulfate for, 1 260 535 Anthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid, '2-amino-an- thraquinone made with, 1,338,363; 1,338,364 —, 2-anilino- anthraquinone made with, 1 ,238 932 —,2- (4’ TIL UD eA a made with, 1,238,932 — _ dyestuft made with, 1,280 648 —,salt of, mfr. of, bisulfate for, 1,260,535 —,—,—, carbonate for, 1,260 535 —,—,—, ’ chloride for, 1,260, 535 —,—, —, hydroxide for, 1,260, 535 —,—., oxide for, 1,260, 535 —,—,—, process for, 1,260,535 —,—,—, sulfate for, 1,260 535 ,—, —, sodium bi- ‘sulfate for, 1,260,585 —,—,—,sddium carbonate for, 1,260 035 ’ > ’ —,—,—,sodium chloride for, 1,260 535 570 Anthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid, salt of, mfr. of, sodium hydroxide for, 1,260,535 —,—,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,260,535 —,—,—,see also Sodiwm anthraquinone-2- sulfonate —,tanning compound made with, 1,414,045; 1,421,722 —, 2-p-toluino-anthraquinone made with, 1,238,932 Anthraquinonesulfonic acid _ salts, made from, process for, 1,274,961 —,dyestuff made with, 1,261,394 1-Anthraquinonyl-amine, see 1-Amino-anthra- quinone phenols 5-Anthraquinonyl-amino-l-naphthol, dyestuff made with, 1,144,577 —,—,a-amino-anthraquinone for, 1,144,577 —,—, 2-naphthylamine for, 1,144,577 —,—, process for, 1,144,577 2-a-Anthraquinonyl-3-b-anthraquinony]-1.2.4- isonaphthotriazine, mfr. of, acetic acid, glacial, for, 1,162,496 —,—, 2-anthraquinonealdehyde for, 1,162,496 —,—, 1-b-anthraquinonylazo-2-naphthylamine for, 1,162,496 —,—,a-diazo-anthraquinone for, 1,162,496 —,—,2-naphthylamine for, 1,162,496 —,—,nitrobenzene for, 1,162,496 —,—, process for, 1,162,496 Anthraquinonyl-a-arylglycines, dyestuff made with, 1,123,390 1-b-Anthraquinonylazo-2-naphthylamine, 2-a-anthraquinony1-3-b-anthraquinony]- 1.2.4-isonaphthotriazine made with, 1,162,496 —,dyestuff made with, 1,162,496 a-Anthraquinonyl-N-phenylglycine, dyestuff made with, 1,123,390 3-b-Anthraquinony]-2-pheny]-1.2.4-isonaph- thotriazine, mfr. of, acetic acid, glacial, for, “1,162,496 —,—, 2-anthraquinone-aldehyde for, 1,162,496 —,—, l-phenylazo-2-naphthalamine for, 1,162,496 —,—, process for, 1,162,496 Anthraquinony]-1-2-triazole-5-naphthol, dye- stuff made with, 1,144,577 Anthrarufin, chlor-anthrarufin 1,401,125 —,chlorinating, 1,401,125 —, dichlor-anthrarufin made with, 1,401,125, mfr. of, aluminum for, 1,504,165 —,—, boric acid for, 1,504,165 —,—, 4-chlor-1-hydroxy-anthraquinone for, 1,504,165 —,—, chlorine for, 1,504,165 —,—, l-hydroxy-anthraquinone for, 1,504,165 —,—,iodine for, 1,504,165 —,—, process for, 1,504,165 —,—, quinizarin for, 1,504,165 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,504,165 Anthrax, hair infected with, hydrochloric acid for sterilizing, 1,371,951 —,hydrochloric acid for destroying germs of in hair, 1,371,951 —, vaccine for, mfr. of, 1,457,097 made with, - Anthrax _ baccilus, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 vaccine prepared from, 1,457,097 Anthrol, antiseptic, made with, 1,205,924 —,dyestuff made with, 1,202,821 —, fungicide made with, 1,205,924 —, insecticide made with, 1,205,924 —,napthazarin, condensation production of and, 1,202,821 a-Anthrol, dyestuffs from, 1,461,435 1-Anthrol, dyestuff made with, 1,461,435 Antibacterial serum, see Bacterial antibody serum Antt-beri-beri. vitamine, see Vitamine, anti- neuritic Antiburlap, fabric baled using, 1,215,777 —, mfr. of, cloth for, 1,215,777 —,—, paper for, 1,215,777 —,—, process for, 1,215,777 —,—, varnish for, 1,215,777 Anti-cathode, mfr. of, copper for, 1,254,700 —,—,iron for, 1,254,700 —,—, iron alloy, nickel in, for, 1,254,700 —,—, nickel for, 1,254,700 —,—, process for, 1,254,700 —,—, tungsten for, 1,254,700 Anti-diabetic substance, see Diabetes, com- pound for treatment of Anti-dimming composition, droxide in, 1,466,888 —, eucalyptus oil in, 1,123,367 —, formula, glycerol 50, kerosene 48, soap, elaine or oleic acid soap 2, 1,411,409 —,formula, potassium oleate 14, glycerol 10, turpentine oil 1, eucalyptus oil 4, 1,123,367 —,-——, sodium salt of sulfonated rape oil 80-100, sodium hydroxide 15-30, sodium silicate 3-5, glycerol 3-5, engine oil 3-5, water 25-100, 1,394,773 —,—, tobacco, water, formaldehyde, 1,429,824 —,glycerol in, 1,123,367; 1,466,888 —,mfr. of, aluminum stearate for, 1,228,885 —,—, cinnamon for, 1,344,686 —,—, corn syrup for, 1,344,686 —,—, elaine for, 1,411,409 —,—, glycerol for, 1,411,409 —,—, kerosene for, 1,411,409 —,—, lampblack for, 1,201,440 —,—, lavender water for, 1,238,963 —,—, naphtha for, 1,228,885 —,—, paper for, 1,411,409 —,—, paraffin oil for, 1,228,885 —,—, petrolatum for, 1,201,440 —,—, process for, 1,228,885; 1,238,963; 1,344,686; 1,411,409; 1,518,044 —,—,resin oil for, 1,201,440 —,—,rosin oil for, 1,228,885 —,—,rotten stone for, 1,228,885 —,—, salicylic acid for, 1,518,044 —,—, slippery elm bark for, 1,518,044 —,—,soap for, 1,411,409 —,—,soap, oleic acid for, 1,411,409 —,—,sodium bicarbonate for, 1,344,686 —,—, sugar for, 1,518,044 —,—, syrup for, 1,844,686 —,—, tobacco for, 1,238,963 —,—,water for, 1,344,686 ,—, whiting for, 1,201,440 ammonium hy- INDEX OF SUBJECTS Anti-dimming composition, paraffin in, 1,381,788 —, potassium oleate in, 1,123,367 —, sugar in, 1,381,788 —, tobacco water in, 1,381,788 —, turpentine oil in, 1,123,367 —, see also Glass, anti-dimming composition for Anti-dimming compound, 1,394,774 —,formula for, 1,394,774 Antifebrin, see Acetanilide Anti-flux, iron, detinning of using, 1,479,731 Anti-fouling coating, see Coating, anti-fouling, Anti-fouling composition, see Composition, anti-fouling — Anti-fouling paint, see Paint, antt-fouling Anti-freezing composition, mfr. of, 1,292,964 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,363,816 —,magnesium sulfate for, 1,363,816 —,—, potassium nitrate for, 1,363 816 —,—, process for, 1,363,816 —,—, sodium borate for, 1,363,816 —,—, sodium sulfate for, 1 363, 816 —,—, sugar, burnt, for, 1,363, 816 Anti-freezing compound, alcohol in, 1,442,330 —, borax in, 1,282,249 —, calcium chloride in, 1,282,249 —,calcium chloride and zinc chromate as, 1,442,330 —, caramel solution in, 1,282,249 — ‘formula, calcium chloride 94, sodium borate 4, burnt sugar 2, 1,363,816 —, glucose in, 1,282,249 —,glycerol in, 1,442,330 —,zinc chromate in, 1,442,330 Anti-freezing mixture, alcohol in, 1,473,327 —, bichromates in, 1,405,320 —, calcium chloride in, 1,473,327 —, chromates in, 1,405, 320 —, corrosive action of, preventing, chromates for, 1,405,320 —, formulas for, 1,405,320 —, glycerol for, 1,473,327 —,sodium carbonate in, 1,473,327 —, sodium chloride in, 1 (473, 397 —, ’ sodium thiocyanate in, it: 473,327 —, ‘sodium thiosulfate in, 1,473 327 Anti-freezing solution, calcium hydroxide for, 1,319,178 —, calcium magnesium chloride for, 1,319,178 —, copper sulfate for, 1,319,178 —,tachhydrite for, 1 319, 178 Antifriction alloy, formula, lead 79, antimony 12, tin 6, copper 2.5, phosphorous 0 5, 1,359,194 | Antifriction metal, mfr. of, copper for, 1,479 859 —,—, graphite for, 1,479,859 —,—, process for, 1,479,859 —,—, tin for, 1,479, 859 —, see also Bearing metal; Metal, ant-friction Anti-leak composition, 1 383, 572 —, mfr. of, acacia for, 1,383, 572: Re-15,971 —,—, alcohol, denatured, for, 1 099,012 ; Re-15,971 —,—,asbestos for, 1,883,572; Re-15,971 ’ citronella oil for, 1.343, 150 —, , flax seed meal for, 1 343, 150 —, Manganese dioxide for, 1,343, 150 —, methyl] alcohol for, 1 383, 572: Re-15,971 —, paper for, 1,383, 572; Re-15, 971 eat; | pam 3 ’ sa ee 571 Anti-leak composition, mfr. 1,343,150; 1,383,572; Re-15,971 —,—,rice paste for, 1,383,572; Re-15,971 —,—,rosin, English, for, 1,383,572; Re-15,971 —,—,safrol for, 1,383,572; Re-15,971 —,—, saliecyclic acid for, 1,383, 572: Re-15,971 —,—,Wwheat paste for, 1,383, 572 ; "Re-15 971 Anti- -misting composition, cloth saturated with, 1,362,092 Antimoine, see Antimony Antimon, see Antimony Antimonelle, see Calcium antimony tartrate Antimonic ‘acid, amylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,315 229 — _ butylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 —, chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 —, diamond, polishing of, cement for holding during, made with, 1,364 203 —, ethylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 —, mfr. of, antimony for, 1,364,353 —,—, nitric acid for: 1,364 308 —,—, process for, 1,364. 353 —; propylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 Antimonic acid anhydride, see ‘Antimon, Yy pentoxide Antimonides, stibine from, 1,337,538 Antimonu Oxidum, see Antimony trioxide Antimonious oxide, see Antimony trioxide Antimonite, see Stibnite Antimonium crudum, see Antimony trisulfide Antumonium nigrum, see Antimony trisulfide of, process for, Antimony, alloy contg., 1,124,302; 1,158,671; 1,158,672; 1,158,673; 1,158,674 ; 1,158,675 ; 1,168,962; 1,194,101; 1,195,876; 1,239,785: 1,239,854; 1,247,977; 1,280,908; 1,280,909; 1,286,921; 1,304,849; 1,328,694; 1,425,330; 1,428,638; 1,448,571; 1,453,928; 1,468,407; 1,475,503; 1,497,011; 1,502,425; 1,512,190; 1,513,806 —,alloy made with, 1,203,991; 1,269,000; 1,502,321 —, alloy contg., iron, coating of using, 1,161,944; 1,168,663; 1,168,664 —,—,lead, electrolytic deposition of on, proc- ess for 1,306,479 —,—,reflectors mfr. from, 1,336,224 —,—, ’ steel, coating of using, 1 168, 663; 1,168,664 — tin, copper, ca 359, 194 —-,-- _self-disintegrating, contg., —,—,solder for, contg., 1,344,566 —, alloy for coating wire contg., lead 91, zine 1, antimony 8, 1,357,907 —,alloy for repairing cylinder walls contg., 1 404,001 — alloy for 1,344,566 —,alloy of arsenic, boron and, 1,338,279 —, alloy of bismuth and, 1,452,750 — ‘alloy of cadmium and, 1 452 pis — alloy of lead and, 1 (452, 750 —,alloy of tin and, 1,452, 750 —, alloy of vanadium ‘and, 1,305,166 —,aluminum, solder for, contg., 1 328,694; 1,344,566 —,—,—, made with, 1,194,101 1,161,944; lead and, 1,421,471 phosphorous, soldering aluminum contg., 1,239,854 ; O72 Antimony, aluminum alloy contg., 1,247,977; 1,422,591; 1,453,928 —,aluminum chloride made with, 1,270,226 —, aluminum solder contg., 1,828,694; 1,416,924; 1,437,641 —,p-amino-phenol made with, 1,239,822 —,ammonia synthesis with, 1,396,557 —, aniline made with, 1,239,822 —,antimonic acid made with, 1,364,353 —, antimony arsenide from, 1,338,279 —, antimony nitrate from, 1 329 374 —, antimony pentachloride made with, 1,475,422 —,antimony pentasulfide made with, 1,498 564 —,antimony phosphide from, 1,338 279 —. antimony sodium chloride made with, 1,238,307 —,antimony sulfide from, 1,415,127 —,antimony trichloride made with, 1,425,565 —,antimony trichloride made from chlorine and, 1,384,918 —,antimony trioxide made with, 1,504,685 —,arsenic, separation of from, apparatus for, 1,283,427 —,—,—,calcium carbonate for, 1,283,427 —,—,—, ’ charcoal for, 1,283,427 —,—,— ‘coke for, 1,283, 427 —,—, ’ chlorine for, 1 AT5 422 —,—,—,iron for, 1 "983 427 —,—,—, lime for, 1,283 427 —,—, —, limestone for, 1,283,427 —,—,—,process for, 1,198,095; 1,475, 499 —,—,—,sulfurie acid for, 1,198,095 —, arseno-stibino compounds from, 1,422,294 —, babbitt metal contg., 1,239,785 -— babbitt metal constituent, 1,351,404; 1 399,810 —, balata vulcanized with, 1,320,166 — ’ battery plates of lead ‘conte ., 1,381,387 —,bearing metal contg., 1 269, 000; 1 286, 921; i 497, O11: 1,502,321; 1 502 425: 1 512, 190 -- , bearing» metal, hardening composition for contg., 1,502 425 —, bismuth, removal alkali for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, carbon for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, process for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,166,721 —,—,—,sulfates for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, sulfides for, 1 166, 721 1,283,427; from of, —, sulfur for, 1 166, 721 —,—., zine for, 1 166 721 —, bismuth cement contg., 1,487,125 —, ’ bismuth separated contg., 1 428, 041 —, ’ black, paint contg., mfr. of, 1,450 688 —,— . tempering compound conte.., 1,361 5298 —,—, see also Antimony trisulfide — ’ blasting cartridge made with, 1,226,833 —,brake shoe made with, 1,205 482 —, brass, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, process for, 1,224,339 —,—, coating of with, process for, 1,224,339 —,—,lead coated, made using, 1,501 293 —, ’ bronze, lead coated, made using, 1 501 293 —, butter ‘of, see Antimony trichloride —, carbon tetrachloride, sulfur monochloride, separation of from using, 1,260,621 ’ hh Ca Fay UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 _ Antimony, catalyst made with, 1,314,952 —, catalyst, iron as, made with, 1,489 A97 —,catalyst contg., ammonia made with, 1 495,655 —, catalyst poison, 1,489,497; 1,510,598 —,—, ammonia mfr., 1 1148, 570; 1 152,930 —, coating iron with, process for, 1,380, 847 —, coating zinc-plated iron with, 4 436, 729 —, cobalt alloy contg., 1,513,806 —, colloidal, preparing, cellulose soda liquor for, 1 460,012 —,—,—, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,460,012 —,—, copper, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, process for, 1,224,339 —,—, coating of with, process for, 1 ,224,339 —,lead coated, made using, 1 501 293 —,— ’ separation from of, chlorine for, 1,475,422 —,—,—, process for, 1 75, 422 —, copper alloy conte. hei 168 962 —,—, bearing metal, 1 993 001 —,—, brush, electric, made using, 1,222,999 —,—, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,246, 571 —,—,—, process for, 1,246, 571 —, copper matte, separation from of, apparatus for, 1,175,266 —,—,—, copper for, 1,175,266 —,—,—, process for, 1,175,266 —, copper sulfate solution contg., removal from of, process.for, 1,276,130 —, copper sulfide, separation from of, apparatus for, 1,175,266 —,—,—, copper for, 1,175,266 —,—,—, process for, 1,175,266 —, crimson, see Antimony pentasulfide —, crude, see Antumony trisulfide —, cyanogen liberated from cyanides by chlo- rine and, 1,899,829 —,diamond, polishing of, cement for holding during, made with, 1,364,353 —, dimethylerythrene vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —, distillation of, apparatus for, 1,242,339; 1,242,340 —,—, carbon for, 1,242,339; 1,242,340 —,—, carbon monoxide for, 1 242 339; 1,242,340 —,—, coal tar pitch for, 1,242 339; 1 242 340 —,—, coke for, 1,242 339 ; 1 249 340 —_—,—, graphite for, 1 242 339; 1, 242 340 —,—, ore for, 1 242 339; ih 242 5340 —,—,—, process for, 1.242 339; 1,242,340 —_ Velectrode, carbon, protective coating for of, 1,314,603 —,—,electric furnace, protective coating for of, 1,314,603 Te co) graphite, 1,314,603 —, electrodeposition of zinc, effect on, 1,435,703 —, electrolytic potential of, 1,397,514 —,electrolytic slime contg., recovery from of, 1,315,660 a , erythrene India rubber vulcanized with, 1 320,166 — , explosive contg., 1,397,826 —, explosive of liquid air and, 1,375,243 —, ferro-chromium as refractory lining for fur- naces for, 1,492,685 —,ferro-silicon as refractory lining for fur- naces for, 1,492,685 protective coating for of, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Antimony, ferro-vanadium as refractory lining for furnaces, for, 1,492,685 —,fractional distillation of 1,208,237 —, galvanized iron colored with, 1,436,729 —,gas mantle made with, 1,123,869 —,gasolene made with, 1,373,653 —, glass made with, 1,192,048 —,—, glass, opaque, made with, 1,245,487 —,—,—, translucent, made with, 1,192,048 —, golden, see Antimony pentasulfide —, golden antimony sulphuret made 1 498,564 —, gray, see Stibnite —, gutta-percha vulcanized with, 1,320,166 — ‘halogen compounds of, catalyst in sulfur- phenol resin formation, 1,435,801 —,iron, alloy (superficial) of and mfr. of proc- ess for, 1,224,339 —,—, catalyst, made with, 1,489,497 —,—, coating of using, 1,161,944; 1,183,217 —,—, coating of with, process for, 1,224,339 —,—,lead coated, made with, 1,144,524; 1,501,293 —, iron coated with, 1,312,716; 1,378,439 —,iron coated with, alloy contg., 1,378,439 —, iron plated with, 1,397,514 —, isoprene vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —, Japanese, see Antimony trisulfide —, lead, brass coated with, made using, 1,501,293 —,—, bronze coated with, made using, 1,501,293 —,—, copper coated with, made using, 1,501,293 —,—,iron coated with, made with, 1,144,524; 1 501 293 —,—, metal coated with, made using, 1,501,293 —,—, "removal from of, 1,285,714; 1,418, 148 ; Re-15, 960; 1,513,307 —,—, separation from of, chlorine for, 1,475,422 —,—,—, process for, 1 AT5, 422 —,—, steel coated with, made using, 1,501,293 alloys contg., with, -——, lead alloy contg., 1,158,671; 1,158,672; 1,158,673; 1,158,674; 1,158,675 1,203,991 : 1,357,907; 1,502,821; 1,512,190 —,—, alr, cleaning of using, 1 515, 949 —,—, anode, rectifier, electrolytic, made with, 1,495,582 —,—, battery made with, 1,375,012 ,—, battery, storage, made with, 1,155,047 ; 1,375,012; 1 1,486,480; 1,503,060; 1 503, 070: 503,098 —,—,—,—, container for, made with, 1,197,022 —_—,—-, ’ electrode for, made with, ay 190, 982; 1,197, 816; a 981,387 ; 1 498, 359 —,—, —, —, name plate, made with, 1,492,464 —,—, electrode, chromic acid made with, 1,491,944 —,—, gas, cleaning of using, 1,515,949 —,—,hardening composition ‘for contg., 1,502,425 —,—, iron, coating of using, 1,184,194; 1,520,731 ; 1 520, 732 —,—,—, lead coated, made with, 1,195,376 —,—, lead, iron coated with, made with, 1,195,376 ma ‘steel coated with, made with, 1,195,376 —, printing plate made with, ies wf 503 —,—, projectile made with, 1,380, 773 573 Antimony, lead, rustproofing, using, 1,520,731 ; 1,520,732 —,—,scrap, melting of, process for, 1,513,875 —,—, shrapnel ball made with, 1 246, 204 —,—, steel, coating of using, 1, 184, 194 —,—, —, lead coated, made with, 1 195,376 —, lead and separation of, 1,401 743 —, ‘lead bullion contg., removing from, 1,386,503 —, lead ores contg., treating, 1,480,270; 1,430 27 1 —, *Tead separated from, 1,428 041 —, leather finishing mixture contg., 1,385,184 —,liquid air explosive contg., 1,440,041; 1 441,957 — lithopone, darkening of by impurities of, 1 140,354 —,manganese dioxide contg., purifying, 1,343,585 ; 1,852,087 —,manganese dioxide impurity, 1,805,250; 1,305,251; 1,305,252 —, metal, lead coated, made using, 1,501,293 —, metals, precious, coated with, 1,335 024 —, ’ metal article made with, 1,223, 329 — ‘ needle, see Antimony sulfide —,nickel contg., 1,468,407 —,ore contg., antimony made with, 1,163,286 —,—,arsenic made with, 1,163 286 ’ bismuth made with, 1,163. 286 —, ‘cadmium made with, 1,163,286 —, calcium sulfate made with, 1,163,286 —, concentration of, carbon for, 1 276,058 —,—, carbon monoxide for, 1 276 058 —,—,—, "coal, bituminous, for, 1,276 058 —,—, concentration of, coke for, 1,276, 058 —,—,-—, iron oxide for, 1,276, 058 —,—,—, process for, 1276, 058 —,—,—, sulfides for, 1,276, 058 —,—, copper made with, 1,163,286 —,—,iron made with, 1,163,286 Tse rae Ss BI 3 ae —,recovery of, 1,292,075 —,—, treating, 1,888,086 —,—, zine made with, 1,163,286 —, packing material contg. alloy of, 1,441,951 —,platinum, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, process for, 1,224,339 ety coating of with, process for, 1,224,339 —, poisoning with, electrolytic treatment. for cure of, 1,123, 683 —, position in electro- chemical series, 1,429,131 —, potassium tartrate and, see Antimony potas- swum tartrate —, production of, air for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,150,787; 1, 163, 286; 1 182, 320 ; 1 192. 037 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,144, 402: 1,146,373 —,—, alkali earth carbonate for, ay) 144, 402 ; Orley 373 —,alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,144,402 —, ’ alkali earth oxide for, 1 144 402 —, "alkali hydroxide for, 1,144, 402 —, alkali oxide for, 1 144, 402 —,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,150,787 —,ammonium sulfate for, 1,513, 775 —,—,antimony, ore conitg., for, 1,163 286 —,antimony sulfide for, 1 243 681; 1 261,023 —— hana trisulfide for, 1,475 294 pparatus for, 1,192, 087; 1,243,681 ; 1486. 615: 1,475,294; 1,513, 775 —,—, arsenic, ore contg.., for, 1,163,286 ’ a! I | | rt —, “ | | | 574. Antimony, production of, arsenide ores for, 1,150,787 —,—,azurite for, 1,146,373 —; barium carbonate for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —, ’ barium hydroxide for, ths 144 ‘402 : 1, 146 373 —, ‘barium oxide for, 1,144. ‘402’: 1, 146 373 — ’ bismuth, ore conte. for, 1,163, 286 —, ’ bromide for, 1,245, 137 —,—,cadmium, ore conte. . for, 1,163,286 —,calcium, ore contg., for, 1,163,286 —,calcium acetate for, 1,456,615 EL Slat on’ a —,—,calcium carbonate for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,150,787; 1,163,286; 1,456,615 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,144 402 ; 1,146 310, —,—, calcium fluoride for, 1,150 787 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,144,402 ; 1,146,373; 1,163,286 —,—,calcium oxide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,456,615 —,—, calcium oxide, ores contg., for, 1,150,787 —,—,calcium sulfide for, 1,456,615 —,—,coal for, 1,513,775 —,—, coke for, 1,513,775 ite? coke breeze for, 1,513,775 —,copper, ore contg., for, 1,163,286 —,—, copper carbonate for, 1,146,373 —,—, carbonate ores for, 1,150,787; 1,163,286; 1,192,037; 1,245,137 —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,150,787; 1,192,037 —,—, chloride for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,—,chlorine for, 1,144,402; 1,163,286; 1,192,037; 1,245,187; 1,475,422 —,—,copper(ic) chloride for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,—,copper(ous) chloride for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,—,copper ore for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,—,copper oxide, ores contg., for, 1,150,787 —,—, copper sulfide, ores contg., for, 1,150, 187 —,—, copper sulfide ore for, 1,475 843 —,copper(ous) sulfide for, 1,146,373 —,—, flue dust for, 1,182,320 —,galena for, 1,144,480 —,gasolene for, 1,243,681 —,—,gold, ore contg., for, 1,163 286 —,—, gold ore for, 1 75, 843 —,—, halogen salt for, 1,192 037 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,243, 681 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,150,787 —,—, hydrofluoric acid for, 1,150 787 —,—, hydrogen sulfide for, 1 144 A02: 1,146,378 ; 1,150,787; 1,456,615 —,—, iron for, 1,146 373; 1,163,286; 1,475,848 —,—, Iron, ore contg., for 1,163,286 —,—,iron(ous) carbonate for, 1,146,373 —,—,iron(ic) chloride for, 1,144 402; 1,146,373 ; 1,456,615 —,—, iron (ous) chloride 1,146,873; 1,456,615 —,—,iron(ic) hydroxide for, 1,456,615 —,—,iron ore for, 1,146,373 —,—,iron scrap for, 1,456,615 —,—, iron sulfide, ores contg., for, 1,150,787 —,—, iron sulfide ore for, 1,456.61 5 —,—,iron(ic) sulfite for, 1,146 373 for, 1,144,402; —,iron(ous) sulfite for, 1,146 plo —,lead, ore contg., for, 1 163,286 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATE INTS, 1915-1924 _ Antimony, production of, lead, lead ore for, 1,144,480 —,—, lead smelter slag for, 1,146,373 —,— —; lead sulfite ore for, 1,475 843; 1,513,775 —,—, , limestone for, 1 163, 286; 1,456, 615 —,—, Magnesium carbonate for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,—,magnesium chloride for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,—,Magnesium hydroxide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,—, magnesium hydroxide, ores contg., for, 1,150,787 —,—, magnesium oxide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,—,mattes for, 1,150 787 —,—, metal carbonate for, 1,146,373 —,—, mineral for, 1,150 787 —,—, nickel 1,150, 787 —,—,nickel speiss for, 1,505,718 —,—,nickel sulfide, ores contg., for, 1,150,787 —,—, nitric acid for, 1,144,480; 1,150, 787 —,—, nitrogen for, 1 192 037 hydroxide, ores contg., for —,—, oil mineral, ‘for, 1.243 681 —,ores for, 1,150, 787: 1,163,286 ; 1,192,037; 41513, 775 —,—,oxides ores for, 1,150,787; 1,163,286; 1,192,037 ; 1,245,137 —,—, oxygen ‘for, 1,144,402 ; 1,146,373; 1,163,286; 1,192,037 —, —, potassium 1,146,373 —,—, potassium chloride for, 1,146,373 —,—, potassium cyanide for, 1 ‘475 843 — i potassium hydroxide for, 1,146,373 —,—, potassium oxide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,—, process for, 1,144,402; 1,144,480; 1,146,373; carbonate for, 1,144,402; 1,144,402; 1,150,787; 1,163,286; 1,182,320; 1,192,037; 1243681; 1,245,137: 1,456,615; 1,475,294: 1,475,422: 1,475,843: 1,505,718: 1,513,775 —,—, pyrites for, 1,144,480 —,—, pyrites ores for 1,456,615 —,—,siderite for, 1,146,373 —,—, silica, ores contg., for, 1,150,787 —,—, silver, ore contg., for, 1,163,286 —,—,silver ore for, 1,475,843 —,—, slag for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —, slimes for, 1,150,787 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,144,402; 1,146, 373; 1,505,718 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,150,787; 1,245,187; 1,475,843 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,—,sodium hypochlorite ‘for, 1,245, 137 —,—,sodium nitrate for, 1 150, 787 —,—, sodium oxide for, 1 144 402 ; 1,146,373 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,475,843 —,—,sodium sulfide for, 1,456,615 —,speiss for 1,505,718 —,—, steam for, 1,243,681 —,—,strontium carbonate for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 ; —,—,strontium carbonate, ores contg., for, 1,150,787 —,—,strontium hydroxide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 575 Antimony, production of, strontium oxide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,—, sulfates for, 1,192,037 —,—.sulfide ore for, 1,144,480; 1,150,787; 1,245,137; 1,475,843 —,—, sulfur for, 1,192,037 —,—,sulfur dioxide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,163,286 ; 1,245,137 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,150,787; 1,182,320; 1,475,848 ; 1,513,775 —,—, telluride for, 1,150,787 —,—, zine for, 1,475,843 —, —, zinc, ore contg., for, 1,163,286 —,—, zine carbonate, ores contg., for, 1,150,787 —,—,zine ore for, 1,146,373 —,—, zine oxide for, 1,182,320 —,—,zine sulfide ore for, 1,144,480; 1,475,843; 1 513 vio — railway signal fuse made with, 1,180,438 —,recovery from ores, 1,427,765 —, recovery of, carbon for, 1,129,431 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,129,431 —, chloride for, 1,315,660 —,chloridizing volatilization for, 1,427,765 —,— —; chlorine and hydrogen for, 1 430, 454 —,—, ’ hydrochloric acid for, 1 129, 431; 1,315,660 —,—, manganese dioxide for, 1 129 431 —,—, potassium chromate for, 1 129, 431 —,—, process for, 1,129,431; 1 315 660 —,—, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,129,431 —,—,sodium, hydroxide for, 1,129,431 —,—,sodium nitrate for, 1,129,431 —,sodium sulfide for, 1,129,431 —, ain sulfite for, 1 129 A31 —, sulfur dioxide for, 1,129, 431 —,—, ‘sulfuric acid for, 1,315,660 —,—,from matte, 1,377,217 —,red, paint contg., mfr. of, 1,450,688 —,removal from iron solution, 1,466,793 —,removal from tin, 1,414,257; 1,414,259 —,removal from zinc solutions, 1,434,693; 1,435,703 —,removal from zinc sulfate solutions, 1,429,131 —,removal of from zinc solutions, zinc for, 1,880,712 —,removing from ores, sodium chloride for, 1,356,100 —,removing from 1,362,166 —,removing from zinc sulfate solutions, ozone for, 1,331,334 zine sulfate solutions, — resistance, electrical, contg., 1,298,457; 1 298,627 ; —, rubber, artificial, vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —,—,synthetic vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —,rubber composition contg., 1,254,632 —,rubber vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —,rustproofing using, 1,224,339; 1,493,012 —, separating, electrolysis for, 1,377,217 —,separating from lead, lead nitrate for, 1,389,511 —,silver, separation from of, chlorine for, 1,475,422 —,—,—, process for, 1,475,422 —, slime, electrolytic, contg., separation from of, 1,305,787; 1,305,788 —, solder contg., 1,239,785; 1,328,694; 1,344,566 Antimony, starring of, alkali salt in composition for, 1,284,164 —,—,antimony sulfide 1,284,164 —,—,antimony tetroxide in composition for, 1,284,164 —,—,antimony trioxide in composition for, 1,284,164 —,—, carbon in composition for, 1,284,164 —,—, iron sulfide in composition for, 1,284,164 —,—, potassium carbonate in composition for, 1,284,164 —,—, potassium. chlorate in composition for, 1,284,164 —,—,sodium carbonate in composition for, 1,284,164 —,steel coated with, 1,312,716 —, steel, coating of using, 1,161,944; 1,183,217 —,—, lead coated, made using, 1,501,293 —,sulfur, separation from of, chlorine for, 1,475,422 —,—,—, process for, 1,475,422 —, tin, removal from of, 1,414 wy —, tin alloy contg., 1,512 190 —, ’ tin alloy contg., see also White metal —, tin ore contg., treating, 1,435,303; 1,461,957 —,tin separated from, 1,428,041 —,titanium, separation from of, chlorine for, 1,475,422 —,—, —, process for, 1,475,422 —,torpedo, toy, contg., 1,406,369 —,type metal made with, 1,203,991 —,“vermillion of,” mfr. of, 1,417,033 , volatilization of, apparatus for, 1,262,452; 1,262,453 —,—,chlorine for, 1,262,452; 1,262,453 —,—, process for, 1,262,452; 1,262,453 —,volatilizing, 1,427,765 —, vulcanization process using, 1,249,180 —,white metal contg., 1,328,694; 1,344,566 —, wireless detector made with, 1,182,946 —, wireless telegraph detector made of ferro- silicon and, 1,158,122 —, zinc, electrodeposition of, elimination for, solution, 1,322,104 —-. —, removal from of, process for, 1,241,966 —,—, separation from of, ehlorine for, 1,475, 422 —,—, separation from of, process for, 1 167, 700; 1,167,701; 1,262,190; 1 75, 422 —, zinc ores, separation of from, 1,399,020 —, zinc oxide pigment contg., removal of, 1 ,292,976 —,zine separated from, 1,428,041 —, zinc smelter fumes contg., 1,154,601 —, zine solution, removal from of, process for, 1 255,436 oe _ separation from cat, 1 255, 435; 1,255,438 —, zinc solutions contg., purifying, 1,382,494 —,zinc sulfate, removal from of, process for, 1 255,436 —,—,—,zine dust for, 1,283,077; 1,283,078 —,—,separation from of, 1,263,852 —,—,—, process for, 1,255,435; 1,255,438 —,see also Antimony trisulfide Antimony’ ’acetate, antimony sulfide from, 1,337,380 in composition for, - process for, 576 Antimony aluminate, enamel, opaque, made . with, 1,314,831 —,glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 Antimony arsenide, battery, wet, electrode for, of, 1,262,019 —,mfr. of, arsenic for, 1,262,019 —, preparing, 1,338,279 Antimony barium sulfide, antimony pentasul- fide from, 1,414,837 —,antimony sulfide from, 1,415,127 Antimony bromide, antimony chloride from, 1,445,082 —,copper mineral, ore, separation from of using, 1,151,117 ; —,gangue, hematite, separation of from, using, 1,244,884 —,—,iron, ore, separation of from, using, 1,244,884 —,—, limonite, 1,244,884 ? —, hematite, gangue, separation from of, using, 1,244,884 —,—,ore, separation from of, using, 1,151,117 —,—,separation from ore of using, 1,151,117 —,iron ore, concentration of, using, 1,203,897 —,—,gangue, separation from of, using, 1,244,884 —,lead mineral, ore, separation from of using, 1,151,117 —,limonite, gangue, separation from of, using, 1,244,884 —,—,ore, separation from of using, 1,151,117 —, preparation of, 1,445,082 —,specific gravity of, 1,151,117 —,zine mineral, ore, separation from of using, 1,151,117 Antimony butter, see Antimony trichloride Antimony-calcium sulfide, formation of, 1,414,836; 1,414,837 Antimony-calcium tartrate, see Calcium anti- mony tartrate Antimony carbonate, pyrotechnic composition ingredient, 1,423,264 Antimony carbonate ore, sulfur dioxide smelter furnes absorbed using, 1,236,236 Antimony chlorate, pyrotechnic composition ingredient, 1,423,264 Antimony chloride, 1,332,982 —,basic, airplane dope made with, 1,388,825; 1,388,828 —,—,asphalt, fireproofing of, using, 1,388,829 —,—, creosote, fireproofing of, using, 1,388,829 —,—,fabric, fireproofing of using, 1,388,825; 1,388,828 separation of from using, antimony sulfide from, —,—,—,waterproofing of using, 1,888,825; 1,388,828 —,—,fireproofing process using, 1,388,825; 1,388,828; 1,388,829 ,—, pitch, fireproofing of, using, 1,388,829 ,—, polish made with, 1,474,133 —,—, tar, fireproofing of, using, 1,888,829 —,—, waterproofing process using, 1,388,825; 1,388,828; 1,388,829 — UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Antimony chloride, catalyst, for mfr. of sulfur trioxide, made with, 1,204,141 —,catalyst in hydrocarbon cracking, 1,381,098 —,catalyst in terpene chlorination, 1,433,666 —, China wood oil solidified with, 1,383,864 —, flooring made with, 1,383,864 —,formation of, 1,856,100; 1,396,740; 1,406,595; 1,484,485; 1,484,486 —,galvanized wire tested with, 1,430,648; 1,430,649; 1,480,650; 1,480,651 —,iron coated with antimony by means of, 1,378,439 —,lead, reinforced, made 1,280,908 ; 1,280,909 —,mfr. of, bromine for, 1,445,082 —,—,lead sulfide ore for, 1,491,653 —,—, process for, 1,491,653 —,—,sulfur chloride for, 1,491,653 —,—, zine sulfide ore for, 1,491,653 —, molded article made with, 1,883,864 —,perylen mfr. with, 1,384,615 —,rubber, reclaiming of, using, 1,189,721 —,—,vulcanization of, using, 1,204,374 —.,salvarsan derivative made from mercury (ic) iodide and, 1,269,792 —,solvent for, acetone as, 1,383,864 —,subliming temperature of, 1,484,485; 1,434,486 —,sulfur trioxide, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,204,141 —, tile made with, 1,383,864 —, tung oil, solidified, made with, 1,883,864 —, volatilizing, 1,896,740 Antimony(ic) chloride, amylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 —, butylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 —,chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 —,ethylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 —, propylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 Antimony(ous) chloride, amylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 —,butylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 —,chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229. —, ethylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 —, propylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 Antimony colloid, glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,glaze, opaque, made with, 1,814,831 Antimony compound, benzene, refining of using, 1,515,733 —,catalyst, iron as, made with, 1,489,497 —,catalyst for sulfuric acid mfr., made with, 1,227,044 —, catalyst poison, 1,489,497; 1,510,598 —,—,for ammonia mfr., 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —, copper, removal from of, 1,232,080 —,copper sulfate, removal from of, 1,232,080 —, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,gasolene, refining of using, 1,515,733 —, glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, hydrocarbon, refining of using, 1,515,733 —,iron, catalyst, made with, 1,489,497 —, kerosene, refining of using, 1,515,733 with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Antimony compound, lithopone darkened by impurities of, 1,139,427 —, naphtha, refining ‘of using, 1,515,733 — petroleum products, refining of using, 1,515,733 — , rustproofing of using, 1,493,012 —,sulfur trioxide, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,227, 044 —, sulfuric acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,227,044 —,wood, fungi, preservation from attacks by with composition contg., 1,182,760 —,—,insects, preservation from attacks by with composition contg., 1,182,760 —,—,molds, preservation from attacks by with composition contg., 1,182,760 —,—, parasites, preservation from attacks by with composition contg., 1,182,760 —,—,teredo, preservation from attacks by with composition contg., 1,182,760 —, zine sulfate, removal of from, 1,496,004 Antimony dimethyl-dithiocarbamate, vulcan- ization accelerator, 1,513,122 Antimony dithiocarbamate (substituted), vul- canizing accelerator, 1,386,153 Antimony electrode, nitric acid made with, 1,834,590 —, nitrogen oxide made with, 1,334,590 —,nitrous acid made with, 1.334,590 Antimony fluoride, dye developing bath contg., 1,426,299 Antimony glance, see Stibnite Antimony halide, lamp, vapor electric, made with, 1,176,630; 1,176,661 —,perylene made with, 1,384,615 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,435,801 Antimony hydroxide, dye absorbed by mordant of, 1,337,673 —,enamel, opaque, made with, 1,814,831 —, glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 Antimony-lead alloy, battery, storage, made with, 1,279,508 —, storage battery grids of, 1,328,394 Antimony lead anode, copper, electrodeposi- tion of usine. 1,283, 280 Antimony lead erid, battery, storage, negative plate for made with, 1,284,425 Antimony lead sulfide, resistance, contg., 1,298,627 Antimonyl methyl-dithiocarbamate, vulcaniza- tion accelerator, 1,513,122 Antimonyl potassium tartrate, see Potassium antimonyl tartrate Antimony needle, see Antimony trisulfide; Black antimony Antimony nitrate, sulfide 1,337,380 —,cement contg., 1,329,374 —, preparing, 1,329,374 —,pyrotechnic composition ingredient, 1,423 264 Antimony nitride, 1,396,557 : Oe hy Antimony nitrite, pyrotechnic composition in- yaaa 1,423,264 electrical, antimony from, ammonia synthesis with, 577 Antimony ore, antimony pentasulfide made with, 1,498,564 —, arsenic made with, 1,188,705 —,bismuth made with, 1 188, 705 —,cadmium made with, 1,188, 705 —,copper made with, i 188, 705 — gold made with, 1 188, 705 —, golden antimony "sulphuret made _ with, 1 498,564 —, grey, see Stibnite —,iron made with, 1,188,705 —, lead made with, 1,188, 705 —, manganese dioxide made with, 1,188,705 —,silver made with, 1,188,705 —,treating, 1,427, 765, —, treatment of, apparatus for, 1,262,452; 1,262,453 —,—,chlorine for, 1,262,452; 1,262,453 —,—,process for, 1,262,452; 1,262,453 —,zinc made with, 1,188,705 —,see also Ore; Stibnite Antimony oxide, antimony coating on iron produced by, 1,380 847 —,antimony sodium chloride 1,238,307 —,antimony sulfide from, 1,415,127 —, borosilicate glass mfr. with, 1,449,793 —, ’ calcium antimony tartrate from, 1,307 860 —, catalyst, benzaldehyde made with, 1,284, 887 —,—, benzoic acid made with, 1,284,887 —,—,mfr. of hydrogen, made with, 1,330,772 —,—,mfr. of sulfur trioxide, made with, 1,204,141 Sis maleic acid made with, 1,318,631 —,—, quinone made with, 1,318 631 —,cement, waterproofing of using, 1,519,285 — coating composition made with, 1,430. 083 —, concrete, waterproofing of using, 1,519, 285 —,crucible contg. mfr. of, 1,450,140 —,enamel, opaque, made ‘with, 1,314 831 —) gasolene made with, 1,373, 653 eps contg., 1,304, 623 —,glass made ‘with, 1,449, 793; 1,513 923 —, glass, milk, made with, 1,314 831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1 314 831 —,—,ruby, made with, 1,271,652 —,—,strass, made with 1,271,652 —,—, translucent, made with, 1,166,922 glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 ~~ SE Bia catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1 330,772 —, insulator, electric, made with, 1,233,486 == ron plated with antimony with, 1,397, 514 —, isoprene made with, 1,298,929 —, magnesium antimoniate made with, 1,211,564 —, metal, precious, coated with, 1,335 024 —, ’ metal antimoniate made with, 1 211 64 —, mortar, waterproofing of using, 1,519 4285 —, paint made with, 1,430,083 —, pigment of, 1 396, 914 —, sulfur trioxide, catalyst for the mfr. of, irgatte with, 1,204, 141 —, white; see Antimony trioxide —, zinc, electrodeposition of, formation during of, 1 491 498 —, zine antimoniate made with, 1,211,564 made with, 578 Antimony(ic) oxide, enamel, opaque, made, with, 1,239,112 oe Antimony oxide ore, sulfur dioxide smelter fumes absorbed using, 1,236,236 Antimony oxychloride, airplane dope made with, 1,388,825; 1,388,828 | —., asphalt, fireproofing of, using, 1,388,829 —, creosote, fireproofing of, using, 1,388,829 —,fabric, fireproofing of using, 1 388,829 ; 1,388,828 —,—,waterproofing of using, 1,388,825 ; 1,388,828 — fireproofing process using, = 1,888,825;, 1,388,828; 1,388,829 —, formation of, 1,414,257; 1,414,259 —, pitch, fireproofing of, using, 1,388,829 —, rubber, reclaiming of, using, 1,189,721 —,—, vulcanization of, using, 1,204,374 —, tar, fireproofing of, using, 1,388,829 —,waterproofing process using, 1,388,825 ; 1,388,828; 1,388,829 Antimony, pentachloride, acetylene, chlorine, action of on, using, 1,418,882 —,acetylene chlorinated in, 1,418,882 —,antimony sulfide from, 1,332,982 —, antimony trichloride made from, 1,475,422 —, catalyst in oil cracking, 1,424,574 —,chlorine, acetylene, action on of, using, 1,418,882 ; —, N-dihydro-1.2.2’.1’-anthraquinoneazine, chlo- rine derivative made with, 1,317,160 —,dyestuff made with, 1,169,404; 1,200,848 ; 1,317,160; 1,490,646 —,flavanthrene made with, 1,478,061; 1,490,646 —,flavanthrene antimony pentachloride made with, 1,478,061 —, flavanthrene compound of, 1,478,061 —, mfr. of, antimony for, 1,475,422 —,—, chlorine for, 1,475,422 —,—, process for, 1,475,422 —, nitrobenzene compound of, 1,478,061 —, paint made with, 1,145,186 —, paint, anti-fouling, made with, 1,145,186 —,rustproofing made with, 1,145,186 —, solvent for, oil as, 1,145,186 —,s-tetrachlor-ethane made with, 1,418,882 —,see also Antimony(ic) chloride Antimony pentasulfide, caoutchouc composition contg., 1,437,487 —,casein composition made with, 1,437,487 —,coumarone-rubber article made _ with, 1,248,226 —, decomposition of, 1,414,836; 1,414,837 —, gasket made with, 1,248,226 —,golden antimony sulfuret contg., 1,498,564 —, iron rust-proofing of with, 1,317,351 —, mfr. of, 1,414,836; 1,414,837 —,—, antimony for, 1,498,564 ,—, antimony ore for, 1,498,564 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,498,564 —,—,calcium thioantimoniate for, 1,502,285 —,—, coal for, 1,498,564 —,—, coal, anthracite, for, 1,498,564 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,502,285 —,—,niter cake for, 1,498,564 —,—, process for, 1,498,564; 1,502,285 —,—,sodium bisulfate for, 1,498,564 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Antimony pentasulfide, mfr. of, sodium thio- antimoniate for, 1,502,285 —,—, stibnite for, 1,498,564 —,—, sulfur for, 1,498,564 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,502,285 —, plastic made with, 1,318,804 —, preparation of gold colored, 1,417,033 —, rubber article made with, 1,248,226 —,rubber coloring agent, 1,414,836; 1,414,837 —,shoe heel made with, 1,318,804 —, shoe sole made with, 1,318,804 —, steel rust-proofing of with, 1,317,351 —, tire made with, 1,200,296 —, tire, inner tube for, made with, 1,492,218 —., tire-healing composition ingredient, 1,434,764 —,see also Antimony sulfide Antimony pentoxide, formation of, 1,435,703 —,glass made with, 1,488,914 —, paint made with, 1,145,186 —, paint, anti-fouling, made with, 1,145,186 —, potassium antimoniate made with, 1,203,409 —,rust-proofing made with, 1,145,186 —,solvent for, oil as, 1,145,186 Antimony perchlorate, pyrotechnic composition ingredient, 1,423,264 Antimony phosphate, enamel opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 Antimony phosphide, battery, wet, electrode for of, 1,262,020 —, mfr. of, phosphorus, red, for, 1,262,020 —, preparing 1,338,279 Antimony potassium tartrate, cellulose acetate silk mordanted with, 1,440,501 —, photographic element contg., 1,290,794 —,see also Potassium antimonyl tartrate Antimony regulus, see Antumony Antimony salts, airplane dope made with, 1,388,824; 1,388,827 —,amylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 —, asphalt, fireproofing of using, 1,388,829 —, butylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 —, celluloid, fireproofing of using, 1,388,825 —, cellulose dyed using, 1,375,919 —,chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 —, cotton dyed using, 1,375,919 —,cotton mordanted with, 1,375,919 —, creosote, fireproofing of using, 1,388,829 —, dyes developed with, 1,426,299 —,dye mordant, 1,414,029; 1,414,030; 1,414,051 —,ethylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,815,229 —,fabric, fireproofing of using, 1,888,824; 1,388,827 —,—,waterproofing of using, 1,388,824; 1,388,827 —, fiber dyed using, 1,875,919 —,film, motion picture, fireproofing of using, 1,388,825 2 —,fireproofing process 1,388,824 ; 1,888,827; 1,388,829 —,hemp, imitation weighted with, 1,351,885 —,jute dyed using, 1,375,919 —, moths, compound for protection from made with, 1,480,289 —, pitch, fireproofing of using, 1,388,829 using, a INDEX OF SUBJECTS Antimony salts, propylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 —,silk dyed using, 1,375,919 —,tar, fireproofing of using, 1,388,829 —, textile dyed using, 1,375,919 —,waterproofing process using, 1,388,824; 1,388,827; 1,388,829 —,wool dyed using, 1,375,919 Antimony silicate, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, Opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 Antimony sodium chloride, antimony sulfide made with, 1,238,307 —, mfr. of, antimony oxide for, 1,238,307 —,—,antimony sulfide for, 1,238,307 —,—,antimony trichloride for, 1,238,307 —,—,antimony trisulfide for, 1,238,307 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,238,307 —,—, potassium chlorate for, 1,238,307 —,—, process for, 1,238,307 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,238,307 —,—, stibnite for, 1,238,307 —, silk, weighting of, using, 1,238,307 Antimony sulfantimoniate, antimony penta- sulfide from, 1,412,438 —, medicinal uses of, 1,412,488 Antimony sulfate, asphalt, using, 1,388,826; 1,388,829 —, basic, production of, alkali carbonate for, 1,185,005 —,—,—, anode slime for, 1,185,005 —,—,—, flue dust for, 1,185,005 —,—,—, process for, 1,185,005 ,—,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,185,005 —,—,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,185,005 —,creosote, fireproofing of using, 1,388,829 —, fireproofing using, 1,388,826; 1,388,829 —, glass colored red by, 1,344,141 —,pitch, fireproofing of using, 1,388,829 —,rubber, reclaiming of, using, 1,189,721 —,—, vulcanization of, using, 1,204,374 —,tar, fireproofing of using, 1,388.826; 1.388.829 —,waterproofing using, 1,388,826; 1,388,829 Antimony(ic) sulfate, formation of, 1,435,703 Antimony(ous) sulfate, formation of, 1,435,703 Antimony sulfate ore, gold made with, 1,177,396 —,platinum made with, 1,177,396 —,silver made with, 1,177,396 —,see also Ore Antimony sulfide, alloy made with, 1,138,845 —,antimony made with, 1,243,681 —, antimony, starring of, composition for contg., 1,284,164 —,antimony oxide from, 1,396,914 fireproofing of 1,388,826 ; 1,388,826 ; —,antimony sodium chloride made _ with, 1,238,307 —, Babbitt metal substitute made with, 1,138,845; 1,217,710; 1,217,711 —,brass substitute made with, 1,138,845 —,bullet. impact illuminating, made _ with, 1,242,879 —,caoutchouc composition contg., 1,437,487 579 Antimony sulfide, carbon tetrachloride, sulfur monochloride, separation of from _ using, 1,260,621 —,casein composition made with, 1,437,487 —,chloridizing, zine chloride made with, 1,396,740 —, cigar, self-igniting, made with, 1,142,529 —, cigarette, self-igniting, made with, 1,142,529 —, cigarette-lightning composition contg., 1,454,902 —, colloidal, mfr. of, acacia for, 1,412,438 —,—,—, casein for, 1,412,438 —,—,—,egg albumin for, 1,412,438 —,—,—,lysalbuminates for, 1,412,438 —,—,—, process for, 1,412,438 —,—,—, protalbuminates for, 1,412,438 —,-——,—,serum albumen for, 1,412,438 —,—,—,sodium lysalbuminate for, 1,412,438 —,—,-—,sodium protalbuminate for, 1,412,438 —,—, medicinal uses of, 1,412,438 —,—, preparation of, 1,412,438 —,crimson, vulcanization 1,503,430 —, decomposing with heat, compressed air and alkali acid salt, 1,864,804 —,detonator made with, 1,503,530 —, dissolving, 1,378,485 —, dissolving with heat, compressed air and alkali acid salt, 1,364,804 —,explosive contg., 1,350,465; 1,407,767 —,explosive ingredient, 1,416,121; 1,416,122; 1,416,123 —,finely divided, producing, 1,442,485 —, flash light powder made with, 1,240,027. —,formation of, 1,832,982; 1,484,693 —,golden, see Antimony pentasulfide —,golden colored, mfr. of, 1,417,033 —,gold ore contg., roasting of, apparatus for, 1,283,782 —,—, treating, 1,461,807 —, gunpowder contg., 1,424,204 —,kindling block made with, 1,183,752 —,mfr. of, 1,414,886; 1,414,837; 1,415,127 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,261,023 —,—,antimony for, 1,261,023 —,—, antimony sodium chloride for, 1,238,307 —,—,antimony trichloride for, 1,261,023 —,—, chloride for, 1,261,023 —,—, electrolytic process for, 1,261,023 —,—,hydrochloric acid for, 1,238,307 —,—, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,238,307 —,—, process for, 1,238,307; 1,261,023 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,261,023 —,—, sulfur for, 1,261,023 —,match made with, 1,153,525; 1,206,827 —,match composition contg., 1,387,999. —, match heads contg., 1,829,537 —, primer contg., 1,311,872; 1,447,551; 1,473,818 process using, —,primer made with, 1,174,669; 1.184,316; 1,308,394; 1,416,121; 1,416,122; 1,416,123; 1,495,350 —,primer, explosive, contg., 1,325,928 —,primer for signal fuses contg., 1,430,590 —,priming charge contg., 1,308,393 —,red, coumarone-rubber article made with, 1,248,226 —,—, gasket, made with, 1,248,226 ‘a 580 Antimony sulfide, red, rubber article made with, 1,248,226 —,rubber, spongy, made with, 1,156,184 —,rubber-like composition contg., 1,379,150 —,rubber roller composition contg., 1,344,631 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,471,059 —,rubber vulcanizing, use of for, 1,415,127 von ’ separation of, 1,377,217 —, silver ore contg., roasting of, apparatus for, 1 283,782 —, surfaces ornamented by, 1,337,380 —, target made with, 1,145,585 —, tires retreaded by aid of, 1,409,418 — ’ transposing with heat, compressed air and alkali acid salt, 1,364, 804 —, treatment of hydrochloric acid for, 1,378,485 —,—, nitric acid for, 1,878,485 —,—, process for, 1,378,485 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,378,485 —,see also Antimony pentasulfide ; trisulfide Antimony(ic) sulfide, battery, electric, contg., 1,316,760 —, colloidal, 1,412,438 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,412,438 —,—,—,process for, 1,412,438 —,—, —, sodium hydroxide for, 1,412,438 —,—, —, sodium protalbuminate for, 1,412,488 —,—,—, sodium thioantimonate for, 1,412 438 —,—,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,412,438 —,see also Antumony pentasulfide Antimony(ous) sulfide, battery, electric, contg., 1,316,760 —, colloidal, mfr. of, potassium antimony] tar- trate for, 1,412,488 Antimony mfr. of alcohol, denatured, for, —,—,—, process for, 1,412,438 —,—, —, sodium hydroxide for, 1,412,438 —,—,—, * sodium protalbuminate for, 1,412,438 —,—,—, ‘sodium sulfide for, 1,412 438 —,—,—-, ‘sulfuric acid for, 1,412 438 —, polish contg., 1,295,584 Antimony sulfide, medicinal use of, 1,412,438 Antimony sulfide ore, gold made with, 1 477, 396 —,platinum made with, 1,177 396 —,silver made with, 1,177 396 —,sulfur dioxide smelter fumes absorbed using, 1,236,236 —,see also Stephanite ; Stibnite Antimony sulphuret, see Antimony penta sulfide rebel tied sulfuret, see Antimony pentasul- e Antimony tannate, moths, compound for pro- tection from made with, 1,480,289 Antimony tartrate, brass, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314 839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841 ; 1,314,842 —,copper, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,814,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 me , electrolyte for etching conte. 1,314, 939; 1 314,840; 1,314,841; i 314,842 — nickel etching of, electrolyte, contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,steel, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,zinc, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Antimony telluride, rubber, reclaimed, treat- ment of with, 1,269,168 —,rubber, sulfur in, 1,269,168 —,—,treatment of with, 1,269,168 Antimony tetroxide, antimony, composition for contg., 1,284,164 —,enameling frit contg., 1,360 317; 1,360,318 Antimony titanate, treatment of, hydrochlo- ric acid for, 1,378, 485 —,—, nitric acid for, 1,378,485 —,—,process for, 1,878,485 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,878,485 Antimony trichloride, ‘acetone as solvent of, 1,451,313 —, airplane dope made with, 1,388,824; 1,388,825; 1.388,827; 1,388,828 —,amyl acetate as solvent of, 1,451,313 —,antimony sodium chloride made 1,238 307 —,antimony sulfide made with, 1,261,023 treatment of with, starring of, with, —,asphalt, fireproofing of using, 1,388,826; 1,388,829 —,button “bark,” pearl, whitened with, 1,312,723 —, catalyst, oil cracking contg., 1,424,574 —,—,sulfur dioxide made with, 1,125,114 —,—, thionyl chloride made with, 1,125,114 —, celluloid, fireproofing of using, 1,388,825 —,celluloid inflammability reduced 1,451,313 —, cellulose acetate inflammability reduced by i 451,313 —, cellulose nitrate inflammability reduced by 1 451,313 — , chromy] chloride, action of on, 1,145,186 —,cleaner made with, 1,317,171; 1,342 862 —, creosote, fireproofing of using, 1,388, 826; 1,388,829 —,ethyl acetate as solvent of, 1,451,313 by, —,fabric, fireproofing of using, 1,388,824; 1,388,825; 1,388,827; 1,888,828 —,—,waterproofing of using, 1,388,824; 1,388,825; 1,388,827; 1,388,828 —,film, motion picture, fireproofing of using, 1,388,825 —,fireproofing with, 1,388,824; 1,388,825; 1,388,826; 1,388,827; 1,388,828; 1,388,829; 1,418,609; 1,418,610 —,fireproofing process using, 1,388,824; 1,388,825; 1,388,827; 1,388,828 —,formation of, 1,427,765 —,furniture polish contg., 1,396,346; 1,438,118 —,galvanized iron colored with, 1,436,729 —,gas, hydrogen sulfide, determination of in, using, 1,512,893 —,gasolene purified with, 1,277,329 —, hydrogen sulfide, determination of, in using, 1,512,893 —,— illuminating gas, using, 1,512,893 — illuminating gas, hydrogen sulfide, determi- nation of in, using, 1,512,893 —,kerosene purified with, 1,277,329 —,lubricating oil purified with, 1,277,329 —, mfr. of, 1,425,565 —,—, antimony for, 1,384,918 determination of in ae INDEX OF Antimony trichloride, mfr. of, antimony penta- chloride for, 1,475,422 —,—,antimony trisulfide for, 1,238,307 —,—, apparatus for, 1,384,918 —,—,chlorine for, 1,884,918; 1,475,422 —,—,chlorine and antimony for, 1,384,918 —,—,hydrochloric acid for, 1,238,307 —,—, process for, 1,238,807; 1,884,918; 1,475,422 —,—,stibnite for, 1,238,307 —, medicinal oil purified with, 1,277,329 —,oils fireproofed with, 1,388,828 —, paint made with, 1,145,186 —, paint, anti-fouling, made with, 1,145,186 —, paraffin purified with, 1,277,329 —,pitch, fireproofing of using, 1,388,826; 1,388,829 —, polish contg., 1,314,482; 1,317,171; 1,400,826; 1,411,550 _-—,polish made with, 1,342,862; 1,356,075 —, polishing composition contg., 1,356,075; 1,342,862 —,rust-proofing made with, 1,145,186 —,silk, weighting of, using, 1,238,307 —,solvent for, 1,388,824; 1,388,825; 1,388,826; 1,388,827; 1,388,828; 1,388,829 —,—,aleohol as, 1,418,609 —,—,amyl acetate as, 1,388,825; 1,418,609 —,—,benzene as, 1,418,610 —,—,carbon bisulfide as, 1,418,609 —,—,carbon chlorides as, 1,418,609 —,—,carbon tetrachloride as, 1,888,825; 1,388,826; 1,388,827; 1,388,829; 1,418,609 —,—,chloroform as, 1,388,824; 1,388,826; 1,888,827; 1,388,828; —,—, creosote as, 1,418,609 —, tar, fireproofing of using, 1,388,826; 1,388,829 1,388,824; 1,388,828 ; 1,388,825 ; 1,388,829 —, waterproofing process using, 1,388,824; 1,388,825; 1,388,826; 1,388,827; 1,388,828; 1,388,829 —, wood impregnated with, 1,418,609; 1,418,610 —, see also-Antimony (ous) chloride Antimony triiodide, airplane dope made with, 1,388,824; 1,388,827 —,fabric, fireproofing of using, 1,388,824; 1,388,827 —,—,waterproofing of using, 1,388,824; 1,388,827 —,fireproofing process using, 1,388,824; 1,388,827 —,solvent for, carbon bisulfide as, 1,388,824 —,waterproofing process using, 1,388,824; 1,388,827 Antimony trioxide, p-acetylamino-phenyl- stibnic acid made with, 1,260,707 —,p-acetylamino-phenyl-stibnic acid, salt of, made with, 1,260,707 —,—,sodium salt of, made with, 1,260,707 —,alloy made with, 1,221,873 —,antimony, starring of, composition for contg., 1,284,164 —,bag house dust contg., 1,194,438 —,battery, alkaline electrolyte, 1,303,453 —,copper alloy made with, 1,221,873 —,copper alloy, uranium in, made with, 1,221,873 alkali contg., SUBJECTS 581 Antimony trioxide, copper alloy, vanadium in made with, 1,221,873 —,enameling frit. contg., 1,360,317; 1,360,318 —,ferro-alloy made with, 1,221,873 —,formation of, 1,427,765 —,glass contg., 1,513,923 —,glass made with, 1,192,474 —, p-hydroxyphenyl-stibnic acid made with, 1,260,707 —,p-hydroxyphenyl-stibnic acid, alkali salt of, made with, 1,260,707 —,—,ammonium salt of, made with, 1,260,707 —,iron alloy made with, 1,221,873 —,iron alloy, uranium in made with, 1,221,873 —,—, vanadium in made with, 1,221,873 —,mfr. of, air for, 1,504,685 —,—,antimony for, 1,504,685 —,—,apparatus for, 1,504,685 —,—, oxygen for, 1,504,685 —,—,process for, 1,194,488; 1,504,685 —,phenyl-stibnic acid made with, 1,260,707 —,phenyl-stibnic acid, sodium salt of, made with, 1,260,707 —, phenyl-stibnic 1,260,707 —, pigment, 1,504,685 —,steel, tool made with, 1,221,873 —,uranium, copper alloy contg., made with, 1,221,873 —, uranium, 1,221,873 —, vanadium, copper alloy contg., made with, 1,221,873 —,—,iron alloy contg., made with, 1,221,873 Antimony trisulfide, antimony made from, 1,475,294 oxychloride made with, iron alloy contg., made with, —,antimony pentasulfide from, 1,414,836; 1,414,837; 1,417,033 —,antimony sodium chloride made _ with, 1,238,307 —,antimony trichloride made with, 1,238,307 —,blasting cartridge made with, 1,493,921 —,caoutchoue composition contg., 1,437,487 —,casein composition made with, 1,437,487 —, crude, see Stibnite —,sulfur, sublimed, made from, 1,475,294 —,see also Antimony sulfide; Stibnite Antimony xanthate, flotation process using, 1,512,139 Antineuritic vitamine, see Vitamine, antineu- ritic Antineuraglic, C2HiO:Ns, as, 1,151,885 aus id CirsHu:O0iNs, as, 1,151,885 ar canes Ciz7HisO.Na, as, 1,151,885 Antiparasitic, | Tephrosia for, 1,242,955 Antiphlogistic, mfr. of, atophan for, 1,213,464; Re-15,127 —,—, cinchona, alkaloid for, 1,213,464; Re-15,127 —,—, process for, 1,213,464; Re-15,127 —,—, quinine for, 1,213,464; Re-15,127 Antipneumococcic serum Type I, bacterial anti- body serum made with, 1,484,038 Antipneumococcic serum Type II, bacterial antibody serum made with, 1,484,038 compound, 1,242,954; O82 Antipneumococcic serum type III, bacterial antibody serum made with, 1,484,038 Antipyretic, compound, CieHi;O.Ns, as, 1,151,885 a RN CizHi90.Ns, as, 1,151,885 Sars, aes C2HisO.Ns, as, 1,151,885 —, 2.3-diacetyl-o-pyrocatechuic acid as, 1,140,716 —,mfr. of, acetanilide for, 1,235,278 —,—, atophan for, 1,213,464; Re-15,127 —,—, caffein for, 1,235,278 —, —, cinchona alkaloid for, 1,213,464; Re-15,127 —,—, citric acid for, 1,235,278 —,—, process for, 1,159,403; 1,213,464: Re-15,127; 1,235,278 —,—, quinine for, 1,213,464; Re-15,127 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, Re-15,127 —, o-sulfamido-benzoyl-p-phenetidine as, 1,153,121 Antipyrine, cellulose nitrate gelatinized using, 1,439,505 —, cellulose nitrate solvent contg., 1,439,505 —, cellulose nitrate stabilized using, 1,439,505 —, smokeless powder coated with, 1,432,322 —, vulcanization process using, 1,440,176 —,see also Phenyldimethylpyrazolone Antipyrin iodide, see Iodopyrine Antipyrin carbolate, see Phenopyrine Antipyrin mandelate, see Tussol Antipyrin phenylglycolate, see Tussol Antipyrin salicylate see Salipyrin Antique leather, see Leather, antique Antirust composition, see Rust, preventing; com- position for Antiscorbutic vitamine. see scorbutic Antiseparation element, ink containing, 1,439,356 Antiseptic, acriflavin as, 1,382,715 —,adhesive made with, 1,257,307 —, alkali(mono)borate as, 1,336,272 —, alkali halide in, 1,255,335 —, ammonium halide in, 1,255,335 —, applying carbon dioxide for generating pres- sure for, 1,378,481 —, bismuth oxyiodide, 5-brom-6-hydroxyquino- line, compound of and as, 1,129,865 —,—, 5-brom-8-hydroxyquinoline, compound of and as, 1,129,865 —,—, 5.7-dibrom-8-hydroxyquinoline, com- pound of and as, 1,129,865 —,—, hydroxyquinoline, derivatives of, com- pound of and as, 1,129,865 —,—, 6-hydroquinoline, compound of and as, 1,129,865 —,—, 7-hydroxyquinoline, compound of and as, 1,129,865 —,—, 8-hydroxyquinoline, compound of and as, 1,129,865 —,—, 7-10do-5-methyl-8-hydroxyquinoline, compound of and as, 1,129,865 —, bismuth 8-quinolinolate as, 1,485,380 —, boric acid in, 1,275,162 —, boric acid and iodine as, 1,329,148 —, brilliant green as, 1,382,715 —, 5-brom-6-hydroxyquinoline, bismuth oxylodide, compound of and as, 1,129,865 —, 5-brom-8-hydroxyquinoline, bismuth oxyiodide, compound of and as, 1,129,865 1,213,464; Vitamine, anti- UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 _ Antiseptic, calcium hypochlorite in, 1,358,227 —,catgut ligature, sterilization of, using, 1,495,180 . —, 6-chlor-3-hydroxy-l-methyl-4-benzoic acid as, 1,144,270 —, chloroform as, 1,129,321 —,4-chlor-m-tolyl acetate as, 1,498,641 —, 4-chlor-m-tolyl cinnamate as, 1,498,641 —, 4-chlor-m-tolyl formate as, 1,498,641 —, 4-chlor-m-toly] oxalate as, 1,498,641 —, 4-chlor-m-tolyl phenyl-propionate as, 1,498,641 —, 4-chlor-m-tolyl propionate as, 1,498,641 —, 4-chlor-m-tolyl a-toluate as, 1,498,641 —,collodion in, 1,275,162 —, crystal violet as, 1,382,715 —, dentifrice made with, 1,275,779 —, 5.7-dibrom-8-hydroxy-quinoline, bismuth oxyiodide, compound of and, as, 1,129,865 —, disodium phosphate in, 1,297,735 —, dyestuff as, 1,382,715 —, eucalyptol as, 1,471,987 —, formaldehyde as, 1,129,321 —, formaldehyde-sulfurous acid as, 1,399,007 —,formula, picric acid, potassium chlorate, tincture iodine, calcium hypochlorite, sodium bicarbonate, glycerol, 1,358,227 —,—, sodium perborate 50, sodium bicarbonate 40, disodium phosphate 10, 1,297,735 —,gentian violet as, 1,382,715 —, gingivitis treated with compound contg., 1,469,322 —, glue, vegetable, made with, 1,257,307 —, glycerol in, 1,275,162 —, hydrogen peroxide, defects of, 1,297,735 —, hydroxyquinoline, derivatives of, bismuth oxyiodide, compound of and as, 1,129,865 —, 6-hydroxyquinoline, bismuth oxyiodide, com- pound of and as, 1,129,865 —, 7-hydroxyquinoline, bismuth oxyiodide, com- pound of and, 1,129,865 —, 8-hydroxyquinoline, bismuth oxyiodide, com- pound of and as, 1,129,865 —,ink, printing (on selvage of cloth) made with, 1,162,027 —,lodine as, 1,358,227; 1,382,715 —,lodine and boric acid as, 1,329,148 —, 7-iodo-5-methy]-8-hydroxyquinoline, bis- muth oxyiodide, compound of and as, 1,129,865 —, Magnesium peroxide, defects of, 1,297,735 —, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,145,634 —,—, albumen, egg, for, 1,145,634 —,—,—, horse serum, for, 1,145,634 —, —, alcohol for, 1,145,634; 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —,—, alkali bicarbonate for, 1,493,564 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,145,634; 1,493,564 —,—, alkali halide for, 1,255,335 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,145,634 —,—, alkali sesquicarbonate for, 1,493,564 —,—, alkah thiocarbonate for, 1,145,634 —,ammonia for, 1,226,394 —,ammonium chloride for, 1,276,119 —,ammonium halide for, 1,255,335 for, 1,145,634; —,—, ammonium hydroxide 1,226,394 INDEX OF Antiseptic, mfr. of, ammonium nitrate for, 1,276,119 —,—,apparatus for, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —,—,arsenic compound for, 1,205,924 —,—,benzene for, 1,425,882; 1,425,883 ; 1,425,884 —,—,bicarbonate for, 1,493,564 —,—,bile acids, sodium salt of, for, 1,483,152 ,—, bismuth oxyiodide, for, 1,150,654 1,425,882 ; —,—,bone char for, 1,425,883 ; 1,425,884 —,—, borax for, 1,493,564 —,—, boric acid for, 1,493,564 —,—, bromine for, 1,183,055 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,145,634 —,—,carbonate for, 1,493,564 —,—, carbon bisulfide for, 1,145,634; 1,425,882 ; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —,—,carbon oxysulfide for, 1,145,634 —,—, casein for, 1,145,634 —,—,clove oil for, 1,483,152 —,—,coal tar for, 1,205,924 —,—,coal tar oil for, 1,205,924 ,—, copper ammonium acetate for, 1,145,634 —,—,copper ammonium sulfate for, 1,145,634 —,—,copper compound for, 1,205,924 —,—,cresols for, 1,205,924 —,—, dextrin for, 1,276,119 —,—,ether for, 1,139,774; 1,145,634; 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —,—,ethyl alcohol for, 1,145,634; 1,226,394 —,—, fibrin for, 1,145,634 —,—, formaldehyde for, 1,399,007 —,-,formaldehyde and sulfur dioxide for, 1,399,007 —,—,fullers earth for, 1,425,888 ; 1,425,884 —,—,gallocarboxylic acid for, 1,150,654 —,—, gallocarboxylic acid, bismuth salt of, for, 1,150,654 —,—,glue for, 1,145,634 —,—, glycerol for, 1,183,055 —,—, hexamethylenetetramine for, 1,226,394 —,—, hydrocarbon, paraffin, for, 1,139,774 —,—,hydrogen dioxide for, 1,139,774 —,—,hydroiodic acid for, 1,150,654 —,—,hydroxy-anthracene for, 1,205,924 —,—,iodine for, 1,226,394 —,—,iron for, 1,145,634 — 1,425,882 ; —,—, keratin for, 1,145,634 —,—,lead compound for, 1,205,924 —,—, lubricating oil for, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —,—, mercury for, 1,145,634 —,—,mercury compound for, 1,205,924 —,—,mercury potassium iodide for, 1,145,634 ,—,mercury(ic) iodide for, 1,493,564 —,—,mercury(ic) potassium iodide, KHgls, for, 1,493,564 —,—,mercury(ic) potassium iodide, K,Hgh, or, 1,493,564 —,—, myosin for, 1,145,634 —,—,naphthols for, 1,205,924 —,2-naphthol for, 1,205,924 —,—,oil, mineral, for, 1,425,882; 1,425,884 ~~ RY wv 1,425,883 ; “ SUBJECTS 583 Antiseptic, mfr. of, paraffin for, 1,139,774 —,—,peptone for, 1,145,634 —,—,peptone, Witte’s, for, 1,145,634 —,—,petroleum for, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —,—, phenol for, 1,205,924 —,—,potassium chlorate for, 1,276,119 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,145,634 —, —, potassium iodide for, 1,226,394 ; 1,255,335; 1,276,119; 1,493,564 —,—, potassium mercuric iodide for, 1,276,119 —,—, process for, 1,139,774; 1,145,634 ; 1,150,654; 1,188,055; 1,205,924; 1,226,394; 1,297,735; 1,399,007; 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884; 1,483,152; 1,493,564 —,—,proteid for, 1,145,634 —,—,rock candy for, 1,188,055 —,—,sesquicarbonate for, 1,493,564 —,—,silver chloride for, 1,145,634 —,—,silver compound for, 1,205,924 —,—,sludge sulfonic acid for, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —,—,sodium bicarbonate for, 1,276,119; 1,493,564 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,493,564 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,255,335; 1,276,119 —,—,sodium glycoholate for, 1,483,152 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,145,634; 1,205,924; 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —,—,sodium iodide for, 1,493,564 —,—,sodium sesquicarbonate for, 1,493,564 —,—, sulfur dioxide for, 1,399,007 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —,—,tannic acid for, 1,188,055 —,tannin for, 1,183,055 —,tar for, 1,205,924 —,tar oil for, 1,205,924 —,—,tar oil, chlorinated, for, 1,205,924 —,—,nitrated, for, 1,205,924 —, tetra-iodo-hexamethylenetetramine for, 255,335 © —,—,thyme oil for, 1,483,152 —,tourquine blue for, 1,276,119 —,trihydroxybenzoic acid for, 1,183,055 —,—,xylenol for, 1,205,924 —,—,zine chloride for, 1,205,924 —, menthol as, 1,471,987 —,mercurochrome 220 as, 1,382,715 —,mercury(ic) iodide as, 1,493,564 —,mercury(ic) potassium iodide as, 1,493,564 —,perborates, defects of, 1,297,735 —, phenol as, 1,129,821 —,picric acid in, 1,358,227 —,potassium chlorate in, 1,358,227 —, potassium iodide in, 1,255,335 —,proflavin as, 1,382,715 —,sodium hydroxide, sulfur, compound of and as, 1,132,476 —, sulfur, sodium hydroxide, compound of and as, 1,132,476 —,surgical ligature, 1,495,180 —,sodium bicarbonate in, 1,297,735; 1,358,227 —,sodium chloride in, 1,255,835 —,sodium fluoride as, 1,129,321 Te, aE ne: ? nr, Fe 1 3 ? BI b sterilization of, using, 584. Antiseptic, sodium perborate in, 1,297,735 —,sodium peroxide, defects of, 1,297, 735 —,taleum powder in, 1,275,162 — , tetra-iodo-hexamethylenetetramine in, 1 ,255,335; 1,275,162 —, thymol as, 1,129 alt —, toluene as, i 129, 321 — , unguentum in, 1,275 ,162 —, vaseline in, 1,275 162 —, see also Antiparasitic ; Disinfectant ; Fungi- cide ; Germicide Antiseptic dressing, mfr. of, 1,177,014; 1,177,015 —,—, carbon bisulfide for, 1,177,014; 1,177,015 —,— * carbon tetrachloride for, Azz 014; 1 177 015 —,—, chloroform for, 1,177,014; 1,177,015 —,—,ethyl ether for, % 177, 014; 1 177, 015 —,—, iodine for, 1 177 014: 1 177 Ob 1,471,987 aleohol for, —,— ’ lycopodium powder for, 1,177,014; 1 77 015 —, process for, 1,177,014; 1,177,015 Mtscntis pencil, see Pencil, antiseptic Antislip composition, see Belt dressing; Pulley covering Antispasmodic, alkali 1,485,377 —, alkali benzyl malonates as, 1,485,377 —, alkali benzyl phosphates as, 1,485 Yes benzyl citrates as, —,alkali benzyl phthalate as, 1,485 ry Wi 1,485 318 —, alkali benzyl succinate as, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —, alkali benzyl sulfates as, 1,485,377 —, alkali benzyl tartrates as, 1,485 ole —, ammonium benzyl citrates as, 1,485 ie —,ammonium benzyl malonates as, 1,485 UE —, ammonium benzyl phosphates as, 1,485 pre —,ammonium benzyl phthalate as, 1,485, 377; 1 485,378 —,ammonium benzyl succinate as, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,ammonium benzyl sulfates as, 1,485,377 —, ammonium benzyl tartrates as, 1,485. old — benzyl lithium citrates as, 1,485 377 —, benzyl lithium malonates. as, 1,485 Ol —, benzyl lithium phosphates as, 1,485. pid —,benzyl lithium phthalate as, 1,485 YUE 1,485 318 — benzyl lithium succinate as, 1,485,377; 1,485 09 — , benzyl lithium sulfates as, 1,485,377 — ’ benzyl lithium tartrates as, 1,485, 377 —, benzyl potassium citrates as, 1 A85 old —, benzyl potassium malonates as, 1,485 eyes —, benzyl potassium phosphates as, 1,485 old —,benzyl potassium phthalate as, 1,485 Py i fe 1 485,378 — , benzyl potassium. succinate as, 1,485,377; 1 485,379 —— , benzyl potassium sulfates as, 1,485,377 —, benzyl potassium tartrates as, 1,485, ld —,benzyl sodium citrates as, 1,485. Sih —,benzyl sodium malonates as, 1,485, 377 —, benzyl sodium phosphates as, 1,485 B77 —,benzyl sodium phthalate as, 1,485 Yi i 1 485,378 _ Antispasmodic, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 benzyl sodium succinate as, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 — , benzyl sodium sulfates as, 1,485,377 —, benzyl sodium tartrates as, 1,485, ole —,camphor as, 1,286,248 —, dibenzyl sodium phosphates as, 1,485,377 —,Sea-sickness prevented with, 1,286. ‘248 Anti-sudorific, formula, aluminum chloride, 1; -borax 4, alum 4 4,1 371 822 Antitoxic powder, hog cholera vaccin made with, 1,210,053 Antitoxin, acriflavine 1,476 233 —, brilliant green as preservative for, 1,476,233 —, " cresol as preservative for, 1,476 233 —,dye-bactericidal as preservative for, 1 476,233 ~~ dyestuff, acridine series as preservative for, 1 476,233 —,mfr. of, oosperm for, 1,500,985 —,—,Ovarium juice for, 1,500 985 —,—, process for, 1,270 O71; 1,500 985 as preservative for, —,salt for, 1,270. Pap ——, ’ sodium chloride for, 1,270,271 —,— ‘ testicle juice for, 1,500, 985 ; —, phenol as preser vative for, 1,476,233 —,proflavine as preservative for, 1 476 260 —, sodium chloride contg., 1,270, 271 —,tri-cresol. product as preservative for, 1 476,233 —, see ‘also Biological product Ant oil, artificial, see 2-Furaldehyde Ant poison, arsenic trioxide as constituents of, 1,450,128 — , honey as constituents of, 1,450,128 —, mfr. of, 1,450,128 —; potassium cyanide as 1 450,128 —, Sugar as constituent of, 1,450,128 Antwerp blue, see Prussian blue constituent of, Apatite, aluminum sulfate made with, 1,126,408 —,ammonium bifluoride made with, 1,235,552 —,ammonium fluoride made with, 1,235 552 —, ’ bacterial compost made with, 1 BIS 016 —, “calcium phosphate (CaH), made with, 1 261,116 —, calcium phosphate (CaH.), made with, 1,261,116 . —,calcium phosphate (Ca:Hz), made with, 1 258,106 —, calcium silicate, Ca:SiO:, made _ with, 1 126,408 —, cement, acid-proof made with, 1,237,078; 1 245 608 —,cesium sulfate made with, 1,126,408 —,—, waterproof made with, 1,237,078; 1,245,608 -- dissolving, urea nitrate for, 1,354,719 —, ferro-phosphorus made with, 1,475 976 —,fertilizer contg., 1,309,723 —, ’ fertilizer made with, 1,126,408 ; 1 158 (11s GAA Bossa 1, 194 219: 1,232,452 ; 1 ‘258, 106: 1 261, 116: 1 ‘982 ‘385: 1,293,220 -— , fertilizer explosive, conte. 1,316 396 —,iron, pig-, high phosphorus | jo22 2,038 1,144,405 ; contg., INDEX OF Apatite, iron phosphide made with, 1,315,496 —, lithium sulfate made with, 1,126 408 —,phosphate, soluble, from, ‘bacteria 1,309,723 —,phosphide made with, 1,315,496 —,phosphorie acid made ‘with, 1,126,408 —,phosphorus made with, 1,441. 573: 1,477, 810 —,potassium aluminum sulfate made with, 1,126,408 —, potassium-carbon-nitrogen compound contg., 1,822,038 —,potassium chloride made with, 1,317,524 —, potassium cyanide contg., 1,322,038 —, potassium nitrate made with, 1,317,524 —,potassium recovered from feldspar with, for, 1,317,524 —, potassium recovered from flue dust with, 1317, 524 —, potassium recovered from glauconite with, 1,317,524 —, potassium recovered from greensand with, 1,317,524 : —,potassium recovered from leucite with, 1,317,524 —,potassium recovered from mica_ with, 1,317,524 —,potassium recovered from silicate with, 1,317,524 —,potassium sulfate made with, 1,126,408; 1,317,524 —,rare earths precipitated by, 1,371,741 —,refractory made with, 1,420,284 —,rubidium sulfate made with, 1,126,408 —,silica brick made with, 1,420,284 —,sodium chloride made with, 1,317,524 —,;sodium nitrate made with, 1,317,524 —,sodium recovered from feldspar with, 1,317,524 —,sodium recovered from flue dust with, 1,317,524 —,sodium recovered from glauconite with, 1,317,524 —,sodium recovered from greensand with, 1,317,524 —,sodium recovered from leucite with, 1,317,524 —,sodium recovered from mica with, 1,317,524 —,sodium recovered from _ silicate with, 1,317,524 --,sodium sulfate made with, 1,126,408; 1,317,524 — sorghum, treatment of using, 1,140,353 —,steel made with, 1,261,907 —, sugar made with, 1 140, 353 —, sugar beet, treatment of using, 1,140,353 —,sugar cane, treatment of using, 1,140 353 —, sulfur made with, 1,815,496 — ’ treating, 1,437 456 —,see also Aluminum phosphate; Bone ash; Calcium phosphate; Calcium phosphate; Cas(PO:)2; Coral rock; Phosphate rock; Phosphorite Aphides, barium hydrosulfide and calcium oxide for destroying, 1,343,034 Aphis, insecticide for the 1,496,436 —, root, see Root aphis destruction of, SUBJECTS 585 Aphthitalite, see Potassium sodium sulfate Apiine, levo-glucosane from, 1,437,615 Apo-camphor, see Norcamphor Apocholie acid, balsams, compound of and, 1,479,695 —,croton oil, compound of and, 1,479,695 —, oils, compound of and, 1,479,695 —, peppermint oil, compound of and, 1,479,695 —,resins, compound of and, 1,479,695 —, therapeutic compounds made with, 1,479,695 Apocodeine, diallylbarbituric acid compound of with, 1,255,423 —, obstetrics, soporific for, made with, 1,255,423 —,sedative made with, 1,255,423 —,soporific made with, 1,255,423 Apomethylmorphine, see Apocodeine Apomorphine, diallylbarbituric acid compound of with, 1,255,423 —-, obstetrics, soporific for, made with, 1,255,423 —,sedative made with, 1,255,423 —,soporific made with, 1,255,423 Aponal, see Amyl carbamate Apoquinine, C-C-diallylbarbituric acid, com- pound with of, 1,261,235 Apparatine, shoe filler made with, 1,134,931; 1,202,454 —, see also Starch glue Apparatus, aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,280,636 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,280,636 —, y aluminum sulfate made with, 1,280,636 --,ammonium aluminum sulfate made with, 1,280, 636 —, anthracene, purified with, 1,324,716 —,anthraquinone, purified with, 1,324 ,716 — calcium cyanamide made with, 1,315 678 ; 1,326,442 — catalytic, 1,464,845 —, cellulose purified with, 1,311,980 —, ’ chemical, 1,388,967 —,—, construction of, 1,464,845 —, ’ chemical laboratory, 1,435, 367 — ” eyanamide made with, 1,256 935; 1,815,678; 1,326,442 —,electric, phenol-aldehyde condensate ap- plied to, process for, 1,323,284 —,electrolytic 1,844,220; 1,347,088 —, filtering, laboratory, 1,435,367 —,high tension electric discharge, 1,307,930 —, laboratory, 1,872,243 —,lead lined, coating for, nitric and sulfuric acid for, 1,310,984 —,—,—,sulfurie acid for, 1,310,984 —,—,—,sulfuric acid and nitric acid for, 1,310,984 —,—,treatment of, nitric and sulfuric. acids for, 1,310,743 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,310,743 —,—,—, sulfuric and nitric acids for, 1,310,743 —,methyl anthracene, purified with, 1,324,716 —,methyl anthroquinone, purified with, 1 024,716 — oscillatory discharge, uses of, 1,297,393 —,paracoumarone made with, 1,431 676 —, phenanthraquinone, purified with, 1,324,716 —, phenanthrene, purified with, 1,324 716 —, photochemical, 1,339,675 Sex 586 Apparatus, resins made with, 1,311,980 —,sugars made with, 1,311,980 —, tannic acid made with, 1,311,980 —, technical, alloy for mfr. (iron-chromium- molybdenum group metal), 1,857,550 Apparatus for application of, paint remover contg., 1,476,909 —, varnish remover contg., 1,476,909 Apparatus for high-temperature uses, alloy for, making, 1,357,549 Apple, acids from, mouth cleansing tablet made with, 1,262,888 —,—,tooth cleansing 1,262,888 —,apple jam made with, 1,262,399 —, branding of, process for, 1,151,506; 1,151,507 —, canning of, process for, 1 491 652 —, container, tin coated, used for preserving of, 1 279,379 ; —, discoloration of on drying, preventing, re- ducing sugars for, 1,893,540 —, dried, coffee substitute made with, 1,149,066 —, dried extract of, producing, 1,365,001 —, drying, 1,893,540 tablet made with, _ ’ evaporated, mfr. of, process for, 1,259,634; 1 ,259,636 —,—,—,sodium chloride for, 1,259,634; 1 259.6: 636 —, food product made with, 1,182,263; 1,182,671; 1,182,860 ; 1,235,666; 1,257,410; Re-14,757; 1,507,338 —, jelly made with, 1,507,338 —, jelly base made ‘with, 1 513,615 —, marking of, process for, 1 151 D007. 14151507 —, pectin obtained from, 1,386,224: 1,510,679 —,pectin product made with, 1,507,338; 1,513,615 | —, pectose compound made with, 1,235,666 —, pectous material from, 1,393,660 —,preserving of, process for, 1,279,379; 1,450,406; 1,491,652 —, pulp of, jam prepared from, 1,389,389 —,scald disease on, beeswax for preventing, 1,450,408 —,—, mineral oil for preventing, 1,450,408 —,—+, paraffin for preventing, 1,450,408 —,sugar product contg., dried, 1,374,160 —, tin coated container used for preserving of, 1 279,379 Apple acid, see Malic acid Apple bark, shoe polish made with, 1,189,445 Apple butter, fat substitute made with, 1 273 410 —, shortening compound made with, 1 273, 410 pte cider, see Cider Apple ee glycols in, 1,384,681 —, es of amyl alcohol for, 1,384,681 —, butyl alcohol for, 1,384 681 —,—, ethyl acetate for, 1,384 681 —,—, ethyl alcohol for, 1 384 681 —, glycol for, 1,384 681 —,—, process for, 1,384, 681 ‘—, propanediol for, 1 384 681 —, propyl alcohol for, 1,384 681 —,tso-propyl alcohol ‘for, 1 (384 681 Apple green, A., 1,314,301 Apple jam, mfr. of, apple for, 1,262,399 —,—, pectin, fruit, for, 1,262 399 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 _ Apple jam, mfr. of, process for, 1,262,399 (oy = sugar for 1,262 099 Apple juice, beverage made with, 1,194,230; 1,250,095 ; 1,461,808 —, cattle feed made with, 1,515,968 — fermenting, lactic acid bacteria for, 1,461,808 —, food product made with, 1,174,404; 1,194, 230 —, ’ fruit flour made with, 1 174, 404 —, ‘lactic acid produced in, i ‘417, 412 — liquid, purification of using, 1,515,968 —,malic acid in, 1,174,404 —, ’ sterilization of, benzoate for, 1,208,859 —,—, benzoic acid for, 1,208 859 —,—, process for, 1,208 859 —,—, salicylate for, 1 308 859 —,—, salicylic acid for, 1,208 5859 —,sulfite for, 1,208, 859 —, ‘sulfurous acid for, 1,208,859 — ene! 1,429,679 Apple nut, see Ivory nut Apple oil ‘synthetic, formula, zso-amyl formate 10, zso-amyl acetate, 10, ‘iso-amyl caproate (normal) 5, wso-amyl caprylate 1, acetaldehyde , 1,866, 541 —,— , isoamyl formate 10, isoamyl acetate 10, isoamyl-n-caproate 5, iso-amyl-n- caprylate L, acetaldehyde 2, geraniol 1, geranyl acetate 1, geranyl formate 1, 1,436 290 —,—, mfr. of, acetaldehyde for, 1,366,541 —,—,—, amyl acetate for, 1 366, 541 —,—,—,iso-amyl acetate for, 1,366 41 —,—,—,amyl caproate for, 1,366,541 —,—,—,%so-amyl caproate for, 1,366,541 —,—,—,amyl caprylate for, 1,366,541 —,—,—-,iso-amyl caprylate for, 1 366 41 —,—,—,amyl formate for, 1,366, 541 —,—,—, iso-amyl formate ‘for, 1,366,541 —,—,—, citric acid for, 1,366,541 ,—,—, ethyl alcohol for, 1,366,541 —,—,—, gylcerol for, 1,366 41 —,—,—,oil for, 1 366, 541 —,—,—, process for, 1 366, 541 —,—,—, tartaric acid for, 1,366,541 —,see also Amyl valerianate Apple paste, see Apple butter Apple peelings, pectin prepared from, 1,380,572 Apple scald, beeswax for preventing, 1 450 408 —, mineral oil for preventing, 1,450 ‘408 —, ’ paraffin for preventing 1,450, ‘408 Apple tree, insects, protection against of, asphalt for, 1 130 046 —,—,— , burlap, tarred, for, 1,130,546 —,—,—,coal tar for, 1,130 546 —,—,—, ‘felt, tarred, for, 1 130 046 —, 7) papel, tarred, for, ug 1130, 546 —,—,—, pine tar for, 1 130, 546 —,—,—, pitch for, L 1130 546 —,—,—, process for, 1 130 046 —,—,—, wax for, 1 130 546 Apple tree borer, trees protected from, asphalt for, 1,180,545 ; ‘1 130,546 —,—, coal tar for, 1 130, 545; 1,130,546 —, coal tar distillate for, f 130 B45; 1,130,546 —, paper, tarred, for, 1 130 B45: 1 130 546 —,—,pine tar for, 1,130, 045 ; 1,130 546 —,trees protected from, pitch for, 1,130,545 ; 1 ,180,546 —,—, wax for, 1,130,545; 1,130,546 INDEX OF Apple vinegar, see Acetic acid; Vinegar, apple Apple wood, shoe polish made with, 1,189,445 Apricots, coffee substitute made with, 1,149,066 —, dried extract of, producing, 1,365,001 —, drying of, process for, 1,472,974 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,472,974 _—,—,sugar for, 1,472,974 —,evaporated, mfr. of, process for, 1,259,633; 1,259,637 —,food product made _ with, 1,257,410; Re-14,757; 1,402,347 —,pealing, apparatus for, 1,427,270 Apricot extract, glycols in, 1,384,681 —,mfr. of, amyl alcohol for, 1,384,681 —,—, butyl alcohol for, 1,384,681 —,—,ethyl acetate for, 1,384,681 —,—,ethyl alcohol for, 1,384,681 —,—,glycol for, 1,384,681 —,—,process for, 1,384,681 —,—,propanediol for, 1,384,681 —,—, propyl alcohol for, 1,384,681 —,—,so-propyl alcohol for, 1,384,681 Apricot juice, sterilization of, benzoate for, 1,208,859 —,—,benzoie acid for, 1,208,859 —,—, process for, 1,208,859 —,—, salicylate for, 1,208,859 —,—, salicylic acid for, 1,208,859 —,—,sulfite for, 1,208,859 —,—,sulfurous acid for, 1,208,859 Apricot kernels food product from, 1,416,128 Apricot kernel oil, butter substitute from, 1,403,122 Apricot 8. 4123, silk dyed with, 1,446,860 Aprons, mfr. of, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,480,541 —,—, process for, 1,480,541 —,—,sodium dioxide for, 1,480,541 —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,480,541 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,480,541 Aqua, see Water Aqua ammonia, see Ammonium hydroxide Aquadag, engine, internal combustion, cylin- ders and pistons of coated with, 1,481,936 —,printing ink contg., 1,420,086 —, tungsten wire drawn using lubricant. contg., 1,168,050 —,see also Graphite, deflocculated; Graphite, deflocculated, water-soluble Aqua fortis, see Nitric acid Aqua-graphitic dope, see Aquadag Aquamarine, see Beryl Aqua regia, arsenic made using, 1,248,948 —,battery, primary, cathode for, made using, 1,243,111 —,chlorauric acid made with, 1,315,660 —,chlorplatinic acid made with, 1,315,660 —,cobalt made using, 1,248,948 —,copper made using, 1,248,948 —,dyestuff made with, 1,323,263 —, glass, gold ornamented made with, 1,205,728 —,gold glass ornamented with made with, 1,205,728 . —,gold dissolved by, 1,305,787; 1,305,788 —,lron made using, 1,248,948 —,lead ‘made using, 1,248,948 —,mercury recovery from acetaldehyde mfr. with, 1,310,743 1,182,263 ; SUBJECTS Aqua regia, ore treated using, 1,248,948 —, platinum, recovery of with, 1,315,660 —, precious metals separated with, 1,467,202 —, regenerating, electrolysis for, 1,467,202 —,rust-proofing contg., 1,514,494 —,rust-remover contg., 1,514,494 —,slime, electrolytic, treatment 1,305.787; 1,305,788 —,tin made using, 1,248,948 —,zinc made using, 1,248,948 —,see also Hydrochloric acid Nitric acid; Nitrohydrochloric acid Aquarelles, reproduction, printed, of, process for, 1,304,071 Aqueous ammonia, see Ammonium hydroxide Aqueous vulcanized rubber. see Rubber, vul- canized, colloidal Arabian tissue paper, see Paper, Arabian tissue Arabic gum, see Acacia; Gum arabic Arabin, acetyl, see Acetyl arabin Arabinose, acetic acid made with, 1,485,844 —,lactic acid made with, 1,485,844 —,plastic made with, 1,468,331 d-Arabinose, acetone from, 1,293,172 —,ethyl alcohol from, 1,293,172 Arabol, shoe filler made with, 1,202,454 Arabonic acid, oxidation of, 1,425,605 Arabose, cherry gum ingredient, 1,429,876 —, colloidal solutions stabilized with, 1,429,876 Arachic acid, see Arachidic acid Arachic oil, milk filled with, 1,432,633; 1,432,634 Arachidic acid, glycerids of, butter substitute made with, 1,190,369 —,—,cream, artificial, made with, 1,190,369 —,—,shortening, effect in of, 1,135,351 Arachidis, see Peanut Arachidis oil, see Peanut oil Arachis, see Peanut Arachis fat, see Peanut fat Arachis hypogaea, see Peanut Arachis nut, see Peanut Arachis oil, emulsion made with; 1,143,499 —,liniment made with, 1,143,499 —, ointment made with, 1,143,499 —,see also Peanut oil Aragonite, see Calcium carbonate; Calcite - Aralia, see Sola wood Aralkyl cellulose, see Cellulose ether; Benzyl cellulose; Ethyl cellulose Aralkyl chloride, carbohydrate ether made with, 1,504,178 —,cellulose ether made with, 1,504,178 —,dextrin ether made with, 1,504,178 —,starch ether made with, 1,504,178 Aralkyl dextrin, see Benzyl dextrin; Dextrin ether Aralkyl halides, carbohydrate ether made with, 1,488,355 —,compound, (C.HwOs)n, with, 1,488,355 —,dextrin ethers made with, 1,488,355 —,starch ethers made with, 1,488,355 Aralkyl starch, see Benzyl starch; Starch ether Araroba, see Chrysarobin Araroba powder, chrysarobin from, 1,417,771 Arbor vitz, incense made with, 1,216,710 Arbutin, mercury compound of, 1,354,105 of with, ethers of, made 588 Are, electric projector, reducing, 1,439,016 —,light from an, measuring, alkali cell for, 1,381,474 Archil, mordant for use with, 1,340,246 Architectural finish, formula for, 480 lbs. zine oxide, 180 lbs. calcined plaster, 60 lbs. asbes- tos, 150 lbs. pumice stone; 32 gals. prepared oil. Oil prepared from 55 gals. linseed oil 35 gals. boiled china wood oil, 20 gals. litharge drier, 90 gals. “fugitive oil,” 1,290,035 Arch-support, thermo-electric, mfr. of, alumi- num for, 1,344,581 —,—,—, copper for, 1,344,581 —,—,—, leather for, 1,344,581 —,—,—, process for, 1,344,581 —,—,—, steel for, 1,344,581 —,—,—, zine for, 1,844,581 Arch supporter, see Foot supporter Arc lamps, anode for, 1,422,439 —,carbon electrode for, see Projector electrode —, electric, carbon for, see Carbon, electric-arc lamp —, electrode for, see Electrode, arc-lamp Arc lamp carbons, iron boro-silicate for agglom- erating, 1,381,748 Arc lamp electrode, see Electrode, arc lamp Arc light, electrodes for, cerium salts and car- bon in, 1,357,827 Arc light electrode, see Electrode, arc lamp Arc shield, mfr. of, asbestos for, 1,431,961 —,—, carborundum for, 1,431,961 —,—, cement, Portland, for, 1,431,961 —,—, process for, 1,431,961 Arc-welding electrodes for, iron and alkali earth metals in, 1,363,636 —, flux for, mfr. of, 1,323,768 —, process for, 1,403,230 —, see also Welding, electric arc Arc-welding composition, aluminum in, 1,467,825 —, aluminum silicate in, 1,467,825 —, barium carbonate in, 1,467,825 —, barium zirconate in, 1,467,825 —, calcium carbonate in, 1,467,825 —-, calcium zirconate in, 1,467,825 —, clay for, 1,467,825 —, iron silicate in, 1,467,825 —, lithium carbonate in, 1,467,825 —, lithium zirconate in, 1,467,825 —, manganese dioxide in, 1,467,825 —, manganese silicate in, 1,467,825 —,nickel in, 1,467,825 —, potassium carbonate in, 1,467,825 —, potassium zirconate in, 1,467,825 —,sodium carbonate in, 1,467,825 —, sodium zirconate in, 1,467,825 —, strontium, carbonate in, 1,467,825 —, strontium zirconate in, 1,467,825 —, zircon in, 1,467,825 —, zirconium oxide in, 1,467,825 —, see also Welding composition Are welding electrode, see Welding, electric arc Areado, see Sugar, Brazilian Areca catechu, alkaloids from, preparation of, 1,447,400 Arecoline, extraction of, 1,447,400 —, mfr. of, 1,447,400 noise of, photo-electric UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 _Argal, see Argol Argent, ammonium glycocholate, see Ammo- nium silver glycocholate Argentic, see Silver Argentite, copper 1,485,909 —, dissolving, chloride solutions for, 1,441,063; 1,441,065 —,lead made with, 1,485,909 —,silver made with, 1,441,063; 1,485,909 —,smelting of, apparatus for, 1,169,444 —,—, charcoal for, 1,169,444 —,—, coal tar for, 1,169,444 —,—,hydrocarbon for, 1,169,444 —,—, paraffin oil for, 1,169,444 —,—, pitch for, 1,169,444 —,—, process for, 1,169,444 —, sulfur made with, 1,169,444; 1,485,909 —, treating, 1,434,085; 1,441,063; 1,441,065 —,treatment of, ammonium chloride 1,441,063 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,441,063 —,—,iron(ic) chloride for, 1,441,063 —,—,iron(ous) chloride for, 1,441,063 —,—,iron(ic) sulfate for, 1,441,063 —,—, magnesium chloride for, 1,441,063 —,—, manganese chloride for, 1,441,063 —,—,potassium chloride for, 1,441,063 —,—, process for, 1,441,063 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,441,063 —,—, zinc chloride for, 1,441,063 —, see also Silver sulfide ore; Silver ore; Sul- fide ore Argil, alkali aluminum fluoride made with, 1,517,686 ; —,aluminum potassium fluoride made with, 1,517,686 made with, 1,441,063; for, —,aluminum sodium fluoride made _ with, 1,517,686 —, see also Clay, potter’s Argillaceous material, cement made _ with, 1,504,701 —, potassium compound made with, 1,504,701 —,refractory mfr. with, 1,365,336 Argilliferous material, see Argillaceous; Clay Argilla Ferruginea, see Bole Armenian Argol, corn oil made with, 1,161,481 Argol, flotation process using, 1,234,288 —, oat oil made with, 1,161,481 —, oil, vegetable, made with, 1,161,481 —,pea oil made with, 1,161,481 —, potassium bitartrate made with, 1,135,216 —, pulse oil made with, 1,161,481 —, sea salt contg., 1,161,481 —,soya bean oil made with, 1,161,481 Argole blue 2 G, silk dyed with, 1,446,860 Argols fiber, carbon, decolorizing, made from, 1,135,216 Argols, see also Potassium bitartrate; Tartar Argon, absorbing, charcoal for, 1,381,474 —,air constituent, 1,218,584 —, aluminum, melting of, using, 1,514,151 —,atmosphere for diver composed of oxygen and, 1,473,337 —,carbon oxides removed from, process for, 1,232,836 —,electric are device made with, 1,208,597 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Argon, electric lamp contg., 1,401,510 —,electron-discharge apparatus made with, 1,244,217 —,explosive shell contg., 1,438,399 —,gas, di-atomic, separation of from, 1,478,036 —,hydrogen, removal of from, calcium for, 1,208,597 —,—,—, magnesium for, 1,208,597 —,—,—, phosphorous pentoxide for, 1,208,597 —,—,—, process for, 1,208,597; 1,323,836 —,lamp, electric, made with, 1,194,643 —,—,—, cleaning of, using, 1,237,653 —,—,—, Incandescent, made with, 1,188,186 —,—,—,tungsten filament, made _ with, 1,180,159 —,—, gaseous conduction, made with, 1,517,466 —,—, Incandescent, made with, 1,154,514 —,—, mercury vapor, made with, 1,244,121 —,—, metal vapor, made with, 1,244,121 —, liquefying, 1,426,451 —, mercury vapor lamp contg., 1,398,545 —, metal extracted in atmosphere of, 1,433,541 —, metal production with, 1,415,516 —,nitric acid mfr. affected by, 1,462,987 —,nitrogen, removal of from, calcium for, 1,208,597 —,—,—, magnesium for, 1,208,597 —-,—,—, phosphorus pentoxide for, 1,208,597 —.—,—, process for, 1,208,597 —,—,separation from of, 1,211,285; 1,478,036; 1,512,268; 1,513,116 —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,501,415 —,—,—, process for, 1,501,415 —,—, separating, 1,403,723 —, nitrogen diluent, 1,304,932 —, nitrogen removed from, process for, 1,323,836 —, oxygen, atmosphere of and, 1,473,337 —,—,separation from of, 1,211,125; 1,512,268; 1,513,116 —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,257,470, 1,501,415 —,—,—, process for, 1,501,415 —, oxygen and, separating, 1,403,723 —, oxygen removal from, process for, 1,323,836 —,photo-electric cell contg., 1,381,474 —,photo-electric cell made with, 1,376,605; 1,376,606 —, production of air for, 1,211,125; 1,360,853 —,—,air, liquid, for, 1,257,470; 1,501,415 —,—,apparatus for, 1,211,125; 1,501,415; 1,512,268 —,—, process for, 1,211,125; 1,501,415; 1,512,268 —, purification of, barium for, 1,478,036 —,—, calcium for, 1,323,836; 1,478,036 —,—,magnesium for, 1,323,836; 1,478,036 —,—, potassium for, 1,323,836 —,—, process for, 1,478,036 —,—,sodium for, 1,823,836 —,—,strontium for, 1,478,036 —,—,thorium for, 1,323,836 —,—, zirconium for, 1,323,836 —, purifying, 1,426,461 —,—, calcium for, 1,381,474 —,recovery from air, 1,420,802 —,rectifier, electric, made with, 1,266,517 1,208,597 ; 589 Argon, rectifier, incandescent cathode, made with, 1,246,054; 1,267,199 —, relay, electric gas type, made with, 1,513,561 —,selenium bridge made with, 1,456,532 —,selenium crystals made with, 1,456,532 —,Separation from air, 1,426,461 —, ultra-violet light made using, 1,186,993 —, water vapor, removal of from, calcium for, 1,208,597 —,—,—, Magnesium for, 1,208,597 —,—,—, phosphorous pentoxide for, 1,208,597 —;—,—, process for, 1,208,597 —,—,removed from, process for, 1,323,836 —,—, Separation of from, 1,478,036 Argo oil, see Corn oil Argyrol, therapeutic 1,513,298 Arisaema triphyllum_ extractive, mercury bi- chloride tablet made with, 1,204,794 —, poison tablet made with, 1,204,794 Arisaema triphyllum_ oleo-resin, mercury bi- chloride tablet made with, 1,204,794 —, poison tablet made with, 1,204,794 Arisaema triphyllum, see also Arum Arkady, bread made with, 1,502,888 Armenian Bole, see Indian Red ; Iron(ic) oxide Armor, see also Bullet impending material Armoraciae radix, see Horseradish Armor plate, case hardening, 1,457,102; 1,457,103 —,case hardening of, apparatus for, 1,195,459 —,—, process for, 1,195,459 —, cementation of, hardening of —,mfr. of, 1,457,101; 1,457,102; 1,457,103 —,—, apparatus for, 1,172,747 —,—, iron, Swedish, for, 1,186,172 —,—, nickel-chrome steel for, 1,470,813 —,—, process for, 1,172,747; 1,186,172; 1,470,813 —,—., steel, mild, for, 1,186,172 —,see also Steel, armor plate Army biscuit, mfr. of, 1,293,772 Army worm, insecticide for destroying, 1,324,848 Arnotto, see Annatto Aromatic amine, leather, artificial, made with, 1,140,174 —,oil cloth, imitation, made with, 1,140,174 —,see also Amines, aromatic Aromatic derivatives, mfr. of, Menthyl xylenesulfonamide Aromatic esters, celluloid made with, 1,468,820 —,fabric, water-proof made with, 1,468,820 —, flexible material made with, 1,468,820 Aromatic nitro compounds, purification of, alkaline sulfites for, 1,297,524 Aromatic substances, oxidized, see Benzoic acid, mfr. of Aromatic sulfonic acid, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,300,227; 1,800,228 —,—,hydrocarbon for, 1,300,227; 1,300,228 —,—, process for, 1,300,227; 1,300,228 —,—,sulfurie acid for, 1,300,227; 1,300,228 —,—, sulfur trioxide for, 1,300,227; 1,300,228 Arrester, lightning, see Lightning arrester product made _ with, 1,457,101 ; see Armor plate, case see mono- f 590 Arrowroot, Bermuda, food product made with, 1,155,743 —,—, paper, photographic, made with, 1,126,872 —,bread made with, 1,215,995 —,coffee substitute made with, 1,189,125; 1,189,126; 1,189,131; 1,189,132 —,coffee substitute extract made with, 1,163,759; 1,165,415; 1,177,087; 1,198,393: 1,199,387; 1,204,032; 1,204,358 —,curcuma, starch, binder contg., 1,318,106 —,—,calcimine, binder for contg., 1,318,106 —,—,oil, emulsifier for, contg., 1,318,106 —,—,glue contg., 1,318,106 —,—.size contg., 1,318,106 —,food product made with, 1,215,995 —,natal starch, binder contg., 1,318,106 —,—,calcimine, binder for contg., 1,318,106 —,—, oil, emulsifier for contg., 1,318,106 —,—,glue contg., 1,318,106 —,—,size contg., 1,318,106 —,roasted, cattle food made with, 1,267,081 ,—, dextrin made with, 1,267,081 ,—, ethyl alcohol made with, 1,267,081 ,—, maltose made with, 1,267,081 —,tacca starch, binder contg., 1,318,106 —,—, calcimine, binder for contg., 1,318,106 —,—,glue contg., 1,318,106 —,—,oil, emulsifier for contg., 1,318,106 —,—, size contg., 1,318,106 —,see also Maranta Arrowroot flour, hide, tanning of using, 1,288,458 —,see also Starch Arrowroot starch, 1,214,518 —,ale made with, 1,214,518 —, battery, dry, made with, 1,370,054; 1,370,055; 1,370,056 —, beer made with, 1,214,518 —, beverage made with, 1,214,518 —,binder contg., 1,318,106 —,calcimine, binder for contg., 1,318,106 —,glue contg., 1,318,106 —,lactic acid made with, 1,214,518 —,malt substitute made with, 1,214,518 —,oil, emulsifier for contg., 1,318,106 —, porter made with, 1,214,518 —,saké made with, 1,214,518 —,size contg., 1,318,106 —, vinegar made with, 1,214,518 Arsanilic acid, arsenic compound made with, 1,501,894 Arsanilic acid, N-(p-arsonophenyl) glycinamide made with, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —,N-(p-arsonophenyl) _ glycinanilide with, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —, N-(p-arsonophenyl) — glycine-methylureide made with, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —, N-(p-arsonophenyl) glycinureide made with, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —, n-(p-arsonopheny]l) made with, 1,280,121 —,N-(p-arsonophenyl) — glycl-m’-aminophenol sodium salt of, made with, 1,280,126 —, N-(p-arsonopheny])-a-phenylglycinamide made with, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —, N-(p-arsonopheny])-a-phenyl-glycinureide made with, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 — — acetic acid made with, made glycyl-m’-aminophenol ’ UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Arsanilic acid, 4-hydroxy-3-nitro-benzenearsonic acid made with, 1,232,373 —, p-(5'-keto-3’-methy]-1'-pyrazolyl) -benzene- arsonic acid made with, 1,507,694 —, mfr. of, 1,405,228 —,pyruvic acid, anisaldehyde, compound of and with, 1,501,894 —,—, benzaldehyde, compound of and with, 1,501,894 —,—, p-brom-benzaldehyde, compound of and with, 1,501,894 —,—,p-chlor-benzaldehyde, compound of and with, 1,501,894 —,—, cinnamaldehyde, compound of and with, 1,501,894 —,—, o-methoxy-benzaldehyde, compound of and with, 1,501,894 — —,-—, o-nitro-benzaldehyde, compound of and with, 1,501,894 —,—, piperonal, 1,501,894 —, secondary, see Di-p-aminophenylarsinic acid —, trypanocidal compound made with, 1,501,894 —,see also Bis(p-aminophenyl)-arsinic acid. o-Arsanilic acid, arsenic compound made with, 1,501,894 —, trypanocidal compound made with, 1,501,894 Arsenate, alkali oxalate made with, 1,281,117 —, butylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,253,617 —,butylene glycol made with, 1,253,617; 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —, butylene oxide made with, 1,253,617 —, butylene oxidized by, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,chlorhydrin made with, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,ethylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,253,617; 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,ethlene glycol made with, 1,253,617 —,ethelene oxide made with, 1,253,617; 1,308,796 ; 1,308,797 —,ethylene oxidized by, 1,308,796; 1,308,197 —,explosive contg., 1,464,667 —, explosives, explosion temperature of reduced with, 1,464,667 —, flotation of, 1,467,354 —,—, minerals with, 1,425,185 —,glass made with, 1,488,914; 1,488,915 —,glycol made with, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —, glycol esters made with, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —, glycol ethers made with, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —, olefin chlorhydrin made with, 1,253,617 —, olefin glycol made with, 1,253,617; 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —, olefin oxide made with, 1,253,617 —, olefin oxidized by, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —, production of, air for, 1,150,787 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,150,787 —,—, arsenide ores for, 1,150,787 —,—,calcium carbonate for, 1,150,787 —,—, calcium fluoride for, 1,150,787 —,—, calcium oxide, ores contg., for, 1,150,787 —,—, carbonate ores for, 1,150,787 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,150,787 —,—, copper oxide, ores contg., for, 1,150,787 —,—, copper sulfide, ores contg., for, 1,150,787 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,150,787 —,—, hydrofluoric acid for, 1,150,787 —,—, hydrogen sulfide. for, 1,150,787 compound of and_ with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Arsenate, production of, iron sulfide, ores contg., ror.1 150 787 —,—,magnesium hydroxide, ores contg., for, 1 150 787 —,—, mattes for, 1,150,787 —,— ‘ mineral for, 1 ‘150, 787 —,—, nickel hydroxide, 1,150, 787 —,—,nickel sulfide, ores contg., for, 1,150,787 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,150,787 —,—,ore for, 1,150, 787 ores contg., for, —,oxide ores for, 1,150,787 —, process for, 1 150 787: 1,194,488 —,—, silica ores contg., for, if 150 787 —,—,slimes for, 1, 150, 787 —, sodium chloride “for, 1,150,787 —, ’ sodium nitrate for, 1,150 787 —, —, strontium carbonate, ores contg., for, 1,150, 787 —,—, sulfide ores for, 1,150,787 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1 150 787 —,—, , telluride ores for, 1 150 787 —,—, zinc carbonate, ores ‘conte., for, 1,150,787 —, propylene chlorhydrin made with, 1 253, 617 —,propylene glycol made _ with, 1,253, 617; 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —, propylene oxide made with, 1,253,617 —, propylene oxidized by, 1 308 796: 1,308 97 —,sodium oxalate made with, 1,281 117 Arsenate of lime, see Calcium arsenate Arsenate of soda, see Sodium arsenate Arsenic, alloy contg., 1,359,064; 1,453,928 —,alloy made with, 1,127,624 —, alloy, copper-tin-zine contg., 1,446,332 —,—,separation from of, apparatus 1,283,427 —,—,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,283,427 ,—,—, charcoal for, 1,283,427 —,—,—, coke for, 1 283, 427 for, —o —, iron for, "1,283,427 —,—,—,lime for, 1,283,427 —,—,—, limestone for, 1,283,427 —,—,—, process for, 1 283 27 —,alloy contg., copper, zinc and, 1,327,400; 1,327,401 —,alloy contg., lead, electrolytic deposition of on, process for, 1,306,479 —, alloy of aluminum and, 1,340,437 —,alloy of antimony boron and, 1,338,279 —,alloy of lead and, 1,340,437 —,alloy of lead, sodium and, 1,338,279 —,alloy of tin and, 1,340,437 —, alloy of zinc and, 1,340,437 —,aluminum, separation from of, process for, 1,198,095 —,—,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,198,095 —, Pees aun alloy contg., 1,453 928 —, p-amino-phenol made with, 1,239 822 —,ammonia synthesis with, 1,396 557 —,ammonium salt recovery with of, 1,258,934 —,ammonium sulfate recovery with of, 1,258,934 —,aniline made with, 1,239,822 —,animals destroyed using, 1,400,598 —,animals exterminated by fumes produced with, 1,400,598 591 Arsenic, antimony, separation from of, appara- tus for, 1,283,427 —,—,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,283,427 —,—,—, charcoal for, 1,283,427 —,—,—, chlorine for, 1,475,422 —,iron for, 1,283,427 — lime for, 1,283. 427 —, ’ limestone for, 1,283 ,427 1,198,095; a8 ae —,coke for, 1,283,427 —,—, Ei Pies 1,475,4 —,—,—, Sain acid for, 1,198,095 —, antimony arsenide made with, 1,262,019; 1,433,533 —, arsenic disulfide source, 1,433,533 —,arsenic trichloride source, 1,433,533 —, ‘ arseno-stilbino compounds from, 1,422,294 — bag house dust contg., 1,194,438 —, battery, storage, container for, made with, for, 1,283,427 ; 1,341 871 — , bismuth, removal from of, alkali for, 1 166,721 —,—,—, carbon for, 1,160,721 —,—,—, hn for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, sulfates for, 1,166,721 —,—, —, sulfides for, 1,166. eal —,—,— ’ sulfur for, 1,166 721 —,— ’ separation from. of, process for, 1,198,095 —,—,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,198 095 —,‘‘ Bismuth cement ” conte., 1,487, 125 —, ’ bismuth separated from, 1,428 041 —, ’ bodies preserved with, 1,365 639 — ’ brass, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, process for, 1,224,339 —_—,— coating of with, process for, 1,224,339 —, cadmium, separation from of, process for, 1 ,198,095 —,—,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,198,095 —, carbon tetrachloride, sulfur monochloride, separation of from using, 1,260,621 —, catalyst, iron as, made with, 1 489 497 —, catalyst contg., ammonia made 1 495,655 — catalyst poison, 1,489,497; 1,510,598 —,—, for ammonia mfr., 1 148 570: 1,152,930 —,—,removal from fat, of, 1,132 ‘710 with, —,—,removal from oil, animal, “of, 1,132,710 —,—,—, vegetable, of, 1 ,132,710 —) chemical cartridge contg., 1,430,772 “ chlorocyanic gas’ ’ generated with, 1,419,653 —, Se onalt removed from VAL solutions by zinc dust and compounds of, 1,347,200 —, colloidal, preparing, cellulose soda liquor for, 1 460,012 —,—,—, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,460,012 —~ copper, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, process for, 1,224,339 —,— , coating of with, process for, 1,224,339 —,—, separation from, of, apparatus 1,283,427 —,—,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,283,427 —,—,—, charcoal for, 1,283 427 =) =); coke’ for, 1 283, 427 —,—,—, iron for, 1,283 427 for, —,—,—, lime for, 1,283, 427 aus end ’ limestone for, 1,283,427 592 Arsenic, copper, separation from of, process for, 1,198, 095; 1,283,427 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,198,095 —, copper alloy contg., 1,827,400; 1,827,401 —, copper arsenide made with, 1,262,019 —, copper matte, separation from of, apparatus for, 1,175,266 —,—,—, copper for, 1,175,266 ,—, process for, 1,175,266 —, copper ores contg., 1,350,239 —,copper sulfate electrolyte, removal from of, process for, 1,148,522 —, copper sulfate solution contg., removal from of process for, 1,276,130 —,copper sulfide, separation from, apparatus for, 1,175,266 —,—,—, copper for, 1,175,266 —,—,—, process for, 1,175,266 —, cyanogen liberated from cyanides by chlo- rine and, 1,399,829 —, electrolytic potential of, 1,397,514 —,electrolytic slime contg., recovery from of, 1,315,660 —,enamel made with, 1,341,871 —., fertilizer contg., 1,409,126 — ’ fireproofing with compounds of, 1,418,609 — flue dust contg., recovery from of, process for, 1 ,258,934 —, galvanized iron colored with, 1,436,729 —, glass contg., 1,292,147; 1,292,148 —,glass made with, 1,403,752 —, gold ore contg., 1,293,828 —,halogen compounds of, catalyst in sulfur- phenoi resin formation, 1,435,801 —, insect destroyer contg., 1,394,497 —,iron, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, proc- ess for, 1,224,339 —,—, catalyst, made with, 1,489,497 —,—, coating of with, process for, 1,224,339 —,—, separation from. of, process for, 1,198,095 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,198,095 —, iron arsenide made with, 1,262,019 —,lead hardened with, 1,433,533 —,lead, removal from of, 1,285,714 1,418,148; Re-15,960 —,—, separation 1,283,427 —,—,—, calcium carbonate for, —,—,—, charcoal for, 1,283,427 —,—,—, coke for 1,283,427 —,—,—, iron for, 1,283,427 from of, apparatus for, 1,283,427 —, lime for, 1,283,427 —, ’ limestone for, ‘1 283,427 —,—,—, process for, 1 283, 427 —, * lead and, separation of, 1,401,743 —, "lead arsenide made with, 1,262,019 —, lead bullion contg., removing from, 1,286,503 —,lead separated from, 1,428,041 —,manganese dioxide contg., purifying, 1,343,585 ; 1,852,087 —,Mmanganese dioxide impurity, 1,305,250; 1,305,251; 1,305,252 —, medical compound contg., mfr. of, 1,297,952 —, metal, protective coating for contg., 1,318,313 -— ’ molybdenum, separation of from, 1 281 961 —, nickel catalyst poisoned by, 1 300, 144 —,ore contg., antimony made with, 1,163,286 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Arsenic, ore contg., arsenic made with, 1,163,286 bf i: > td bd b pd —— bs (SE: Fie, —, bismuth made with, 1,163,286 —, cadmium made with, 1,163,286 —, calcium sulfate made with, 1,163,286 —, copper made with, 1,163,286 —,iron made with, 1,163,286 —, recovery of, 1,292,075 —, smelting of, apparatus for, 1,164,653 —,—, process for, 1,164,653 —, treating, 1,388. 086 —,—; chlorine for, 1,406,595; 1,406,597 —, zinc made with, 1,163,286 organic compounds contg., preparation of, 1,425,929 —, platinum alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, , process for, 1,224,339 bd b] ,—, coating of with, process for, 1,224,339 platinum catalyst, effect on, 1,384,566 platinum catalyst poisoned by, 1,300,144 —, position in electro-chemical series, 1,429,131 b 3 poisoning with, electrolytic treatment for cure of, 1,123,683 —, precipitation of copper, effect on, 1,423,070 —, production of, 1,483,533 ,—, air for, 1,163,286; 1,146,373; 1,188,705: 1,150,787; 1,198,095 ; 1,144,402; 1,182,320; 1,243,681 5) 1 ’ tae) bf wm, ’ Rte ws bd ae) RE RT | Chae: Pea bd Races rina, b Tad PJ 1 Sa. EReay. aes —,alkali carbonate for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,alkali earth carbonate for, 1,144,402; 146,373 ,alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,144,402 —, "alkali earth oxide for, 1,144 402 os alkali hydroxide for, 1,144,402 —, ’ alkali oxide for, 1 144, 402 —, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,150,787 —, antimony ore for, 1,163, 286; 1 1188, 705 —,apparatus for, 1 243, 681; 1 248, 948 ; 456,615 —,aqua regia for, 1,248,948 —, arsenic, ore contg., for, 1,163,286 —, arsenic acid for, 1,194,488 —, arsenic material for, 1,198,095 —, arsenic ore for, 1, 150, 787: 1,188,705 —, arsenic sulfide for, 1 243, 681; 1 261 023 , asphalt for, 1,243, 681 —, azurite for 1 146, 373 — ’ barium carbonate for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —, ’ barium hydroxide for, 1, 144 "402 : 1, 146 373 —, barium oxide for, 1 1144, 402 ; 1 146, 373 —, bismuth ore for, a 163, 286: i "188, 705 —, bitumen for, 1 243, 681 —, ’ borax for, 1.248, 948 —- ’ bromine for, 1,245, 137 :—) cadmium for, 1 194, 438 ,—, cadmium ore for, 1,163, 286; 1,188,705 —, calcium, ore conte. se for, 1 163 286 ‘calcium acetate for, 1 456, 615 —, ‘calcium carbonate for, 1,144,402 ; 4146, 373; 1,150,787; 1,163,286; 1,456,615 ’ my, calcium chloride for, 1: 144 402; 1, 146,373 —,—, calcium fluoride for, 1,150 787 > —,—, ’ calcium hydroxide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,163,286 ,—, calcium oxide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,456,615 ,—, calcium oxide, ores contg., for, 1,150,787 Ca INDEX OF SUBJECTS 593 Arsenic, production of, calcium sulfide for, Arsenic, production of, nickel sulfide, ores 1,456,615 contg., for, 1,150,787 —,—, carbonate ores for, 1,150,787; 1,163,286; —,—,nitric acid for, 1,150,787; 1,248,948 1 188,705; 1,245,137 5 —,—, oil, mineral, for, 1,243,681 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,150,787 —,—,ore for, 1,150,787; 1,163,286; 1,188,705; —,—,chloride for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 1,248,948 —,—,chlorine for, 1,144,402; 1,163,286; —,—,oxide ores for, 1,150,787; 1,163,286: 1,245,137 baat 1,245,137 —,—, coal tar for, 1,243,681 —, oxygen for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,163,286 —,—, copper, ore contg., for, 1,163,286 —,—, petroleum for, 1,243,681 —,—, copper carbonate for, 1,146,373 —,—,potassium carbonate for, 1,144,402; —,copper(ic) for, 1,144,402 1,146,373 —,copper(ic) chloride for, 1,146,373 —,—,potassium chloride for, 1,146,373 —,—,copper(ous) chloride for, 1,144,402; —,—. potassium cyanide for, 1,475,843 1 146,373 —,—,potassium hydroxide for, 1,144,402; —,—,copper ore for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,146,373 1,188,705 sont toeane' potassium oxide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 ,—, copper oxides, ores contg., for 1,150,787 Tre process). Lor, E: 144 402: 1 14 6 373; —,—,copper sulfide, ores contg., for 1,150,787 1,150,787; 1,163,286; 1,182 320; 1,188,705 ; —,—, copper sulfide ore for, 1,475,843 1,194,438; 1,198,095: 1 222789; 1,243, 681 ; —,—,copper(ous) sulfite for, 1,146,373 1,245,137; 1,248,948: 1,456,615; 1,475,843 —,cyanide for, 1,222,789 —, —, pyrites ore for, 1,456, 615 —,flue dust for, 1,182,320; 1,198,095 ——,—, resins for, 1,243, 681 —' fuel, gaseous, "for, 1,198, 095 —,rosin oil for, 1,243,681 —,—, ’ gasolene for, 1,243 681 —,—,sand for, 1,248,948 —,—, gold, ore conte. for, 1,163,286 —, selenium for, 1,222,789 —,—,gold ore for, 1,475,843 —,—, selenium compound for, 1,122,789 —,—, hydrocarbon for, ae 681 —,shale oil for, 1,243,681 —, —, hydrochloric acid for, _ 150,787; 1,248,948 —,—, ’ siderite forsvt 146, 373 —,—, hydrofluoric acid for, 1, 150 787 oo ’ silica, ores conte., for, 1,150,787 —, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; —, silver, ore contg., for, 1,163,286; 1,475,843 1,180, 787; 1,456,615 Pe ‘slag for, 1,144,402: 1,146,373 —)—, 1ron ‘for, 1 146, 373; 1,163,286; 1,475,843 —,slimes for, 1,150,787 —,—, Iron, ore conte. for, 1 163 286 —; smelter fumes for, 1,188,705 —,—, iron (ous) carbonate for, 1 146,373 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,144,402 ; —,—, iron(ic) chloride for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,146,373; 1,248,948 1,456,615 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; —,—,iron(ous) chloride for, 1,144,402; 1,150,787; 1,245,137; 1,475,843 Hing 373; 1,456,615 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,144,402; —, iron (ic) hydroxide for, 1,456,615 1,146,373 —,—,iron ore for, 1,146,373; 1,188 "205 —,—,sodium hypochlorite for, 1,245,137 —,— , iron scrap for, 1,456, 615 —,—,sodium nitrate for, 1 150 787 —,—, iron sulfide, ores contg., for, 1,150,787 —,—,sodium oxide for, 1,144 02; 1,146,373 =} iron sulfide ore for, 1,456 615 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,475, 843 —,—,iron(ic) sulfite for, 1 146 373 —,—,sodium sulfide for, 1,456 615 —,—iron(ous) sulfite for, at 146,373 —,—,steam for, 1,243,681 —,—,kerosene for, 1,243 681 —,—, strontium carbonate for, 1,144,402; —,—,lead, ore contg., for, 1,163,286 1,146,373 aged Tnad ore for, 1 188,705 —,—,strontium carbonate, ores contg., for, —,—,lead smelter slag for, 1,146,373 1,150,787 —,—,lead sulfide ore for, 1,475, 843 —,—,strontium hydroxide for, 1,144,402; —,—,limestone for, 1,163,286; 1,456,615 1,146,373 —,—, Magnesium carbonate for, 1,144,402; —,—,strontium oxide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 1,146,373 —,—,sulfide ores for, 1,150,787; 1,245,137; —,—,magnesium chloride for, 1,144,402; 1,475,843 1,146 373 —,—,sulfur dioxide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; —,— magnesium hydroxide for, 1,144,402; 1,163,286; 1,188,705; 1,245,137 1 1146, 373 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,150,787; 1,182,320; —,—,magnesium hydroxide, ores contg., for, 1,194,488; 1,198,095; 1,475,843 1 150, 787 —,—, telluride ores for, 1,150,787 —,—, magnesium oxide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,—, water gas tar for, 1,243,681 —,—, manganese ore for, ie 188, 705 —,—,zine for, 1,475,843 —,—,mattes for, 1,150, 787 cae ian ttt: carbonate, ores contg., for, 1,150,787 —,—, metal carbonate for, 1,146,373 —,—,zinc ore for, 1,146, 373: 1,163, 286; —,—,mineral for, 1,150,787 1,188,705 , , —,—,nickel hydroxide, ores contg., for, —,—,zine oxide for, 1,182,320 1,150,787 —, zine sulfide ore for, 1,475,843 38 094. Arsenic, pyrites contg., sulfuric acid mfr. with, 1,365, 964 —,recovery from ores contg., 1,415,897 —,recovery of, chloride for, 1,315 660 —_—,— , hydrochloric acid for, 1,315 660 —,—, process for, 1,249,226; 1,315 660 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,315,660 —,red, see Arsenic disulfide —,removal from iron solution, 1,466,793 — ‘removal from ores contg., 1,467 516 —, removal from tin, 1,414 Dive 1,414 259 —,removal from zinc solutions, 1,434, 693 —,removal from zinc sulfate ‘solutions, 1 427,826; 1,429,131 — removing from ores, sodium chloride for, 1 396,100 —, removing from zine solutions, hydrogen sul- fide for, 1,360,524 — , removing from zine sulfate solutions, 1 362,166 —,removing from zine sulfate solutions, ozone for, 1,331,334 —, rodents ‘destroyed using, 1,400,598 — ’ ship bottom, protective coating for contg., 1 318,313 —, silver, 1 ,198 095 —,—,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,198,095 —, slime, electrolytic, conte., separation from fo% 1,305 fot al 305, 788 smelter fume, recovery from of, 1,496,410 —, sodium hydroxide action of on, 1,380, 847 —, sulfur separation from of, process for, contg., sulfuric acid mfr. from, 1,384, 566 —,tin, removal from of, 1,414,257 —,— , separation from of, apparatus for, 1,283 427 —,—,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,283,427 —,—,—, charcoal for, 1,283 427 —,—,—, chlorine for, 1,475, 422 pr, coke. for, 1,283 427 —,—,—, iron for, 1,283 427 —,—, —, lime for, 1,283. 427 —,—, — , limestone for, 1,283 A27 —,—,—, process for, 1,283 427: 1,475,422 —, tin electrodeposition, action on, 1,466, 126 —, tin ore contg., treating, 1,435 303 —, tin separated ‘from, 1,428 041 —, tree fumigating cartridge contg., 1,401,292 —,vanadium, removal from of, process for, 1 129,253 —,—, Separation of from, 1,392,745; 1,515,245 — , volatilization of, chlorine and hydrogen for, 1 430,454 —, white, see Arsenic trioxide ; Arsenic(ous) oxide —,wood, protective coating for contg., 1,318,313 —, wood treated with, 1,297,491 —, zine, electrodeposition of, elimination from solution for of, 1,322,104 —,—,—, use of, 1,322, 104 —,—, removal from of, 1,154,601 ; —,—,—, process for, 1,241 966 ei , Separation from of, process for, 1,167,700; 1 167 701; 1,262,190 —, zinc separated from, 1,428,041 1,154,602 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Arsenic, zinc smelter fumes contg., 1,154,601 —, zinc. ores, separation of from, 1,399, 020 ee zine oxide pigment contg., removal of, 1 292,976 —, zine solution, removal from of, process for, 1 ,255,436 —,— , separation from (sen for, 1 255, 435; 1,255,438 process —, zine solutions contg., purifying, 1,382,494 —,zine sulfate, removal from of, process for, 1,255 436; 1,255, 439 —,—, removal from of, 1,283,077; 1,283,078 —,—, separation from of, 1,263,852 —,—,—, process for, 1,255,435; 1,255,438 —,see also Arsenic trioxide Arsenic acids, acridine derivatives of, prepar- ing, 1,408,974 —,aniline black dyeing with, 1,329,117 —,arsanilic acid from, 1,405,228 —, arsenic made with, 1,194,438 —,arsenical solution contg., 1,456,509 —,arsenic pentasulfide, colloidal, made with, 1,412,439 —,cadmium sulfate made with, 1,194,438 —,calcium arsenate made with, 1,237,815; 1,428,946; 1,475,545; 1,507,690; 1,513 934 —, calcium arsenate (Cas(AsQu)2) - made with, 1,266,258 —,—, (CazH2(AsO.)2), made with, 1,266,258 —, concentrating, 1,405,228 —,copper arsenate made with, 1,183,316 —, formation of, 1,425,929; 1,425,930; 1,425,931; Re-15,557 —,glass made with, 1,403,752 —, hydrochloric acid, removal of from, lead carbonate for, 1,141,920 —,—,removal of from, lead carbonate, basic, for, 1,141,920 —,—,—,lead hydroxide for, 1,141,920 —,—,—,lead oxide for, 1,141,920 zinc dust for, —,insecticide contg., 1,417,232; 1,456,509; 1,514,348 —,lead arsenate made with, 1,141,920; 1,172,741; 1,183,815; 1,183,816; 1,228,516; 1,267,428; 1,296,557; 1,302,186; 1,322,008; 1,324,300; 1,344,035; 1,349,707; 1,387,212; 1,387,213; 1,898,267; 1,417,232; 1,418,848; 1,427,049 —,lead arsenate, PbHAsO., made _ with, 1,141,920; 1,169,114; 1,172,741; 1,184,693; 1,184,694; 1,344,035 —,—,Pb;(AsO.)2, made with, 1,141,920; 1,169,114; 1,172,741; 1,184,693; 1,184,694; 1,344,035 —,lead arsenate mfr. with lead oxide and, 1 044,035 —, lead nitrate, basic, action on of, 1,296,557 —, ‘lead oxide, action of on, 1,387,213 —, ’ magnesium arsenate from, 1,466,983 —, magnesium arsenate, MgHAsQO,, made with, 1,344,018 —,—, Mg;(AsO,)2, made with, 1,344,018 —,Magnesium arsenate mfr. from magnesium hydroxide and, 1,344,018 —,mfr. of, 1,415,823; 1,447,203; 1,447,937 1,420,978 ; INDEX OF Arsenic acids, mfr. of, air for, 1,415,323 —,—, alkali halide for, 1,125 086 —,—, apparatus for, 1 512 734 —,—, arsenic chloride for, 1,515,079 —,—, arsenic ore for, 1,512, 733; 1,512,734 —,—, arsenic(ous) oxide for, 1,493, 798 —,—,arsenic trichloride for, 1,512,733; 1,512, 734 —,—, arsenic trioxide for, 1,125,086; 1,141,920; 1,169,114; 1,184,693; 1 184 694: 1 415 393 « D1; 734: 1 B15 079 —, —, bag house dust for, 1,194,438 —,—,—,bromine in, 1,447 203 —,—, ’ chlorine for, 1,141 920 ; 1,184,694; 1,415,323; 1,612,738; 1,512,734; 1,515,079 —,—, chromate for, 1,125,086 _—,—,cobalt arsenide ore for, 1,512,734 —,—, cobalt ore for, 1,512,733 —, copper cathode for, 1,125,086 —,—, flue dust for, 1,194,438 —,—, furnace products for, 1,194,438 —,—, halogen for, 1,141,920 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,493,798; 1,512,734 1,169,114; 1,447,203 ; —,—,mispickel for, 1,512,733 —,—,nitric acid in, 1,447,203; 1,493,798 —,ore for, 1,194 ‘438 —,—, ’ platinum ‘anode for, 1,125,086 ~—, —, process for, 1,125,086 ; 1,141,920; 1,169, 114; 1,184,693; Tf. 184, 694: 1,194,438 ; 1,415,323: 1,493,798: 1,512,733; 1,512,734; 1,515,079 —,—,silver ore for, 1,512,733 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,125,086 —,—,speiss for, 1,512,733; 1 512, 734 —, —, sulfur chloride for, 1512 733 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,194, 438 —,—, water for, 1,141 920: 1,415,328 ; 1,512,734 —,paint made ‘with, 1,145, 186 —, paint, anti-fouling, made with, 1,145,186; 1,456,509 —, potassium 1,447,203 —, purification of, 1,415,323 —,rust-proofing made with, 1,145,186 —,solvent for, arsenic tribromide as, 1,456,509 —,—, bromine as, 1,456,509 —,—, oil as, 1,145,186 —,—, phthalychloride as, 1,456,509 —,—, tetrachlornaphthalene as, 1,456,509 —,—,tribromacetic acid as, 1,456,509 —, wood, preservative for, contg., 1,456,509 —, yohimbine arsenate from, 1,305,462 —, zine arsenate made with, 1,183,316 —,see also Arsenic pentoxide Arsenicals, production of, 1,447,203 Arsenical composition, see Cattle dip permanganate in mfr. of, Arsenical compounds, mfr. of, 1,424,006; 1,422,945 Arsenical gas, sewers, treatment of using, 1,498,823 —, pools, treatment of using, 1,498,823 Arsenical: preparations, stable, preparation of, 1,431,671 Arsenical salts, making, 1,356,569 SUBJECTS 595 Arsenical solution, acetone in, 1,456,509 —,alcohol in, 1,456 509 —, "alkaloid salts in, 1,456,509 —,amyl acetate in, 1,456,509 —, anthracene in, 1,456,509 —, arsenic acid in, 1,456,509 —, arsenic sulfide in, 1,456,509 —, arsenic tribromide in, 1,456, 509 — : benzene in, 1,456,509 —, ’ benzine in, 1,456 509 —, ’ bromine in, 1,456,509 —,calcium arsenite in, 1,456,509 —,carbolineum in, 1,456,509 —,carbon tetrachloride in, 1,456,509 —,ether in, 1,456,509 -—,ethyl acetate in, 1,456,509 —,naphthalene in, 1,456,509 —, nitrocompounds in, 1,456,509 —, paraffin oil in, 1,456,509 —,Paris green in, 1,456,509 —, petroleum in, 1,456,509 —, phenols in, 1,456,509 —, phthalylchloride in, 1,456,509 —,resins in, 1,456,509 —,Schweinfurt green in, 1,456,509 —,sulfur in, 1,456,509 —,tar oils in, 1,456,509 —, tetrachlornaphthalene in, —, ’ toluene in, 1,456,509 —, ’ tribromacetic acid in, 1,456,509 Arsenic aluminate, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 1,456,509 Arsenic bromide, arsenic chloride from, 1,445,082 -——,copper mineral, ore, separation from of using, 1,151,117 —, hematite, ore, 1,151,117 —,lead mineral, ore, separation from of using, Vishti7 —, limonite, 1,151,117 —, preparation of, 1,445,082 —,zinc mineral, ore ,separation from of, using, AGL LG Arsenic(ous) bromide, gangue, hematite, sep- aration of from using, 1,244,884 separation from of using, ore, separation from of using, —,—,iron ore, separation of from using, 1,244,884 —,—,limonite, separation of from, using, 1,244,884 —, hematite, gangue, separation from of, using, 1,244,884 —,iron ore, gangue, separation from of, using, 1,244,884 —,limonite, gangue, separation from of, using, 1,244,884 Arsenic carbonate ore, sulfur dioxide smelter fumes absorbed using, 1,236,236 Arsenic chloride, arsenic acid made with, 1,515,079 . , —, arsenic oxide from, 1,332,113 —, catalyst in hydrocarbon cracking, 1,381,098 596 Arsenic chloride, formation of, 1,356,100; 1,396,740; 1,406,595; 1,406,597; 1,434,485; 1,434,486 —,formation from arsenic oxide and sodium chloride, 1,332,118 —, mfr. of, bromine for, 1,445,082 —,—, chlorine for, 1,475, 422 —,—,lead sulfide ore for, 1,491,653 —, process for, 1,475, 422: 1 491 653 ae —, sulfur chloride for, 1,491,653 —,—, zine sulfide ore for, 1,491,653 —,perylen mfr. with, 1,384,615 —,recovery of, process for, 1,512,733 —,rubber, reclaiming of, using, 1,189,721 —,—, vulcanization of, using, 1,204,374 —,subliming temperature of, 1,434,485; 1,484,486 —,volatilizing, 1,396,740 Arsenic(ous) chloride, formation of, 1,406,595 —,hydrochloric acid from, 1,406,597 —, utilization of, 1,406,597 —, volatilization of, 1,406 095 Arsenic colloid, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, Opaque, made with, 1,314, 831 — glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314, 831 Arsenic compound, aluminum compound, separation of from, process for, 1,503,229 —, antiseptic made with, 1,205,924 —,balata vulcanized with, 1,463,794 —, catalyst, iron as, made with, 1,489,497 —,catalyst poison, 1,489,497; 1,510,598 —, catalyst poison in ammonia mfr., 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —, catalyst for citronellal mfr., 1,210,681 —, catalyst poison in citronellic acid mfr., 1,210,681 —, catalyst poison in citronellol mfr., 1,210,681 —, catalyst poison in 3.7-dimethyl- caprylalde- hyde mfr., 1,210,681 —, catalyst ’ poison acid mfr., 1,210,681 —, catalyst poison mfr., 1,210,681 —, catalyst poison in, 38.7-dimethyl-3-octanol mfr., 1,210,681 —, catalyst poison in 3.7-dimethyl-A*-3-octanol mfr., 1,210,681 —, cement contg., 1,296,468 —,cod oil, removal from of, process for, 1,247,516 —, copper, removal from of, 1,232,080 in 3.7-dimethyl-caprylic in 3.7-dimethyl-1-octanol —,copper compound, separation of from, process for, 1,503,229 —,copper smelter fume contg., 1,243,323; 1,244,453 —,copper stained with, 1,308,092 —, copper sulfate, removal from of, 1,232,080 —,—,—,air for, 1,503,229 —,—,—, ‘alkali nitrate for, 1,503,229 —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,503 929 ,—,formie acid for, 1,503 229 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,503 229 —,—,—, nitrate for, 1,503,229 —,—, —, nitric acid. for, 1,503 229 —,—,—, nitrogen dioxide for, ‘1 5038 229 td UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Arsenic compound, copper sulfate, removal from of, nitrogen tetroxide for, 1,503,229 —,—,—, oxygen for, 1,503,229 —,—,—, ozone for, 1,503 229 —,—,—, process for, 1 503 ,229 —,—,—, sulfur dioxide for, 1,503,229 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,503,229 _—,enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,febris recurrens, treatment of using, 1,197,971 —,fish oil, removal from of, process for, 1,247,516 —, fungicide made with, 1,205,924 —,glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,gutta percha vulcanized with, 1,463,794 —,hog cholera, treatment of using, 1,197,971 —, insecticide made with, 1,205,924 -—,lron, catalyst, made with, 1,489,497 —,mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,512,482 —,—,acetic acid, glacial, for, 1,214,924 —,—,acetic anhydride for, 1,521,560 —,—, acetic-arsenious anhydride for, 1,521,560 —,—,alcohol] for, 1,191,580; 1,506,460 ,—, alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,512,432 —,—,alkali hydroxide for, 1,512,432 —,—, 4-amino-arsenophenyl-dimethyl-pyra- zolone(?) carbamate of, for, 1,481,671 —,—, 4-amino-arsenophenyl-dimethyl-pyra- zolone(?) methylene-sulfoxylate of, for, 1,431,671 —,p-aminophenyl-arsinic acid acetanil- act for, 1,501,894 —,— , anisaldehyde- for, 1,501,894 —,—,arsanilic acid for, 1,501. 894 —,—, o-arsanilic acid for, 1,501 894 —,—,arsenic tribromide for, 1 "178,708 —,—, arsenic trichloride for, 1 178, 708; 1,191,580 —, arsenic trioxide for, 1,512,432 —,—,arsenious acid for, 1,521,560 —,—, 9 2(p.p 'arsenodiphenyl)bis(4-amino- 15- dimethyl- 3(2)-pyrazolone) -diformalde- hydebisulfite for, 1,506,460 —,—, benzaldehyde for, ‘1,501,894 —,—, benzyl alcohol for, 1,313,657 —,p-brom-benzaldehyde for, 1,501,894 —,—,cadmium nitrate for, 1 501 894 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1 178 708 ; 1,191,580 a a) agi -chlor-benzaldehyde for, 1,501 894 —, chlorine for, 1,509,688 —,—, cinnamaldehyde for, 1,501,894 —,—,cobalt nitrate for, 1 501 894 —, compound (CHAs)x for, 1,521,560 —,—,copper acetate for, 1 512 482 —, copper arsenite for, 1 512 ‘432 —,—, copper hydroxide for, 1,512 432 —,—,copper sulfate for, 1,501 894: 1,512,432 —,—, diamino-dihydroxy-arsenobenzene, silver salt of, for, 1,506,460 —,—,—,sodium salt of, for, 1,506,460 —,—, diamino-dihydroxy-arsenobenzene- formaldehydebisulfite for, 1,506,460 Ppa —, 3.3’-diamino-4.4’ ~dihydroxy-arseno- benzene for, 1,431,671 —,—,—, carbamate of, for, 1,431,671 —,—,—, methylene-sulfoxylate for, 1,481,671 INDEX OF Arsenic compound, mfr. of, 3.3’-diamino-4.4’- dihydroxy-arseno-benzene for, silver salt of, for, 1,431,671 —,—,—,sodium salt of, for, 1,431,671 —,—,—,sulfoxylate of, for, 1,431,671 —,—, dimethylamino-tetramino-arsenoben- zene for, 1,431,671 —,—, 4.4’-dimethylamino-3.3’.5.5'-tetramino- arsenobenzene-diformaldehyde-bisulfite for, 1,506,460 —,—,dust for, 1,509,688 —,—,ether for, 1,178,708; 1,501,894 —,—,ethyl alcohol for, 1,501,894 —,—,formaldehydebisulfite for, 1,506,460 —,—,fumes for, 1,509,688 —, —,’ 4’ .5'-hexamino-arsenobenzene for, 1,214,924 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,191,580; 1,521,560 —,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,521,560 ' —,—, hypochlorite for, 1,509,688 —,—,iron(ic) nitrate for, 1,501,894 —,—, lead carbonate for, 1,512,432 —,—,lead compound for, 1,512,432 —,—, lead nitrate for, 1,501,894 —,—,lead sulfate for, 1,512,432 —,—, lithium cacodylate for, 1,313,657 —,—, lithium methyl arsenide for, 1,313,657 —,—, magnesium hydroxide for, 1,512,432 —,—, magnesium oxide for, 1,512,482 —,—, magnesium sulfate for, 1,512,432 —,—,mercury(ic) nitrate for, 1,501,894 —,—,mercury(ous) nitrate for, 1,501,894 —,—, o-methoxy-benzaldehyde for, 1,501,894 —,—,methyl-arsanilic acid for, 1,501,894 —,—,o-nitro-benzaldehyde for, 1,501,894 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,506,460 —,—,nucleic acid for, 1,197,971 —,—, petroleum ether for, 1,178,708 —,—,phenyl-propiolic acid for, 1,191,580 1,178,708 ; _ —,—,piperonal for, 1,501,894 —,—, potassium cacodylate for, 1,313,657 —,—,potassium hydroxide for, 1,178,708; 1,191,580 —,—, potassium methyl arsenide for, 1,313,657 —,—, process for, 1,178,708 ; 1,191,580; 1,197,971; 1,214,924; 1,280,119; 1,280,120; 1,280,121; 1,280,122; 1,280,123; 1,280,124; 1,280,125; 1,280,126; 1,280,127; 1,297,952; 1,313,657; 1,315,127; 1,431,671; 1,501,894; 1,506,460; 1,509,688; 1,512,482; 1,521,560 —,—, pyruvic acid for, 1,501,894 —,salvarsan for, 1,214,924 —,—,silver nitrate for, 1,501,894 —,—,smelter fumes for, 1,509,688 —,sodium acetate for, 1,521,560 —,sodium benzoate for, 1,297,952 —,sodium cacodylate for, 1,297,952; 1,318,657 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,509,688 ; 1,521,560 —,—,sodium hydroxide (ffor, 1,481,671; 1,501,894; 1,509,688; 1,521,560 —,—,sodium methyl] arsenide for, 1,313,657 —,—,sodium phenolate for, 1,197,971 —,—, water for, 1,509,688 —, Marine animal oil, removal from of, process for, 1,247,516 1,197,971; SUBJECTS 597 Arsenic compound, medicant for hypodermic injection of, mfr. of, camphor for, 1,510,259 —,—,—, fat, vegetable, for, 1,510,259 —,—,—, glycerol for, 1,510,259 —,—,—, phenol for, 1,510,259 —,—,—, process for, 1,510,259 —, medicinal compound made with, 1,510,259 —,menhaden oil, removal from of, process for, 1,247,516 —,metal stained with, 1,308,092 —,nickel compound, separation of from proc- ess, for, 1,503,229 —,niter cake contg., 1,251,522 —, organic, mfr. of, 1,425,929 —,—,—, process for, 1,472,778 —-,-—, preparation of, . 1,425,929". 11.425. 030° 1,425,931; Re-15,557; 1,445,685; 1,454,748 —,—, titrating, iodine for, 1,454,748 —,phenol-aldehyde condensates as, antifouling paints of, 1,456,509 —,rubber vulcanized with, 1,463,794 —,silver stained with, 1,308,092 —,soluble, mfr. of, 1,446,160 —, water-soluble, mfr. of, 1,297,952 —,whale oil, removal from of, process for, 1,247,516 —, wood, fungi, preservation from attacks by of with composition contg., 1,182,760 —,—, insects preservation from attacks by of with composition contg., 1,182,760 —,—,molds, preservation from attacks by of with composition contg., 1,182,760 —,—, parasites, preservation from attacks by of with composition contg., 1,182,760 —,—, preserving of, using, 1,374,806 —,—,teredo, preservation from attacks by of with composition contg., 1,182,760 —,—, treatment of, using, 1,374,806 —,zinc compound, separation of from, process for, 1,503,229 —, zine sulfate, removal from of, 1,496,004 Arsenic(ous) compound silk, artificial, viscose, precipitation of using, 1,399,587 —, vulcanization accelerator, 1,510,652 Arsenic derivatives, organic, trivalent, prepara- tion of, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 Arsenic dimethyl, see Cacodyl Arsenic dimethyl-dithiocarbamate, vulcaniza- tion accelerator, 1,513,122 Arsenic disulfide, battery, 1,316,760 —, fish skin tanned with, 1,256,974 —, porpoise skin tanned with, 1,256,974 —,shark skin tanned with, 1,256,974 —,skin tanned with, 1,256,974 —,whale skin tanned with, 1,256,974 —,see also Arsenic sulfide, AsS; Arsenic tri- sulfide Arsenic fumes, 1,413,993 Arsenic halide, lamp, vapor electric, made with, 1,176,630; 1,176,661 —,perylene made with, 1,384,615 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,435,801 Arsenic hydroxide, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 _ —,glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 electric, contg., electrical precipitation of, 598 Arsenic hydroxide, glass, opaque, made with, . 1,314,831 —, glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 Arsenic material, arsenic made with, 1,198,095 —,arsenic oxide made with, 1,198, 095 —, lead made with, 1,198,095 . —, lead sulfate made with, 1,198,095 —,zinc sulfate made with, (e 198 095 Arsenic methyl- dithiocarbamate, vulcanization accelerator, 1,513,122 Arsenic nitride, ‘ammonia synthesis with, 1,396,557 Arsenic oleate, wood preservative contg., 1,443,602 Arsenic ore, arsenic made with, 1,188,705 —,arsenic acid made with, 1,512,733; 1,512,734 —,arsenic chloride made with, 1,430,454 —,arsenic trichloride made with, 1,512,734 —,arsenic trioxide made with, 1,512,733 —,arsenites made with, 1,512,733 —, barium arsenate made with, 1,188,740 —,bismuth made with, 1,188,705 —,cadmium made with, 1,188,705 —,calcium arsenate made _ with, 1,504.627; 1,512,733 —, copper made with, 1,188,705 —,gold made with, 1,188,705 —, insecticide made with, 1,504,627 —,iron made with, 1,188, 705 ay ‘lead made with, 1,188, 705 —, "lead arsenate made with, 1,188,740 —, Manganese dioxide made with, 1,188,705 —,silver made with, 1,188,705 —, sodium arsenate made with, 1,188,740; 1,504,627 —, treatment of, apparatus for, 1,406,596 —,—,chlorine for, 1,406,596; 1,406,597 —,zinc made with, 1,188,705 —,see also Ore Arsenic oxide, arsenic acid mfr. from, 1,447,937 —,arsenic chloride from, 1,421,978 —,arsenic chloride from sodium chloride and, 1,332,113 —,arsenic compound prepared from, 1,445,685 —,arsine produced from, 1,375,819 —, borosilicate glass mfr. with, 1,449,793 —, ’ coating, anti-fouling, made with, 1,489,596 —,enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,formation of, 1,332,114; 1,406,597 —,glass made with, 1,449.793 —,glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, translucent, made with, 1,166,922 —,glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,lead arsenate made with, 1,344,035 1,188,740 ; —,lead arsenate, PbHAsO., made _ with, 1,344,035 —,lead arsenate, Pb;(AsO,.)2, made with, 1,344,035 —,mfr. of, air for, 1,198,095 —,—, arsenic material for, 1,198,095 —, flue dust for, 1,198,095 —, fuel gaseous for, 1,198,095 —,—, process for, 1 198 095 —, —, sulfuric acid for, 1,198,095 —, motor fuel contg., 1 317 ,992 —, organic, preparation ‘of, 1,425,930 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Arsenic oxide, paint made with, 1,145,186 —, paint, anti-fouling, made with, 1,145,186 —,rust-proofing made with, 1,145,186 —,selenium oxychloride as solvent of, 1,385,081 —,solvent for, oil as, 1,145,186 —,—,selenium oxychloride as, 1,385,081 Arsenic oxide ore, sulfur dioxide smelter fumes absorbed using, 1,236,236 Arsenic oxychloride, formation of, 1,414,257; 1,414,259; 1,447,203 —, rubber, reclaiming of, using, 1,189,721 —,—; vulcanization of, using, 1,204, 374 Arsenic pentasulfide, battery, electric, contg., 1,316,760 —, colloidal, mfr. of, acacia for, 1,412,439 —,—,—, arsenic acid for, 1 12 439 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,412,439 —,—,—, process for, 1,412,439 —,—,—); sodium lysalbuminate for, 1,412,489 —, ’ sodium protalbuminate for, 1 412 439 — —, sodium sulfide for, 1,412 439 Arsenic ’ pentoxide, bag house dust contg., ’ rm Ee 1,194,438 | —,calcium arsenate made with, 1,505,648; 1,513,934 —,glass made with, 1,488,914 —,Johnson grass killer using composition contg., 1,173,019 —, mfr. ‘of, 1,447,203 —, ’ mfr. of, arsenic for, 1,433,533 —,—, arsenic trioxide for, 1,517, 516 —,—, chlorine for, 1,517, 516 —, dust for, 1,509, 688 —, ’ fumes for, 1,509,688 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,517,516 —,—, process for, 1,509,688; 1,517,516 —,—,smelter fumes for, 1,509,688 —,—, water for, 1,509,688 —,plants, killed using composition contg., 1,173,019 —, preparation of, 1,415,323 —,weeds killed using composition conig., 1,173,019 —,see also Arsenic acid Arsenic phosphate, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,glaze, opaque made with, 1,314,831 Arsenic salt, dyestuff made with, 1,250,289 Arsenic silicate, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 Arsenic sulfate, rubber, reclaiming of, using, 1,189,721 —,—, vulcanization of, using, 1,204,374 Arsenic sulfate ore, gold made with, 1,177,396 —,platinum made with, 1,177,396 —, silver made with, 1,177,396 Arsenic sulfide, arsenic made with, 1,243,681 —,arsenical solution contg., 1,456,509 —,arsenic chloride from, 1,421,978 —,carbon tetrachloride, sulfur monochloride, separation of from using, 1,260,621 —,chloridizing, zine chloride for, 1,396,740 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 599 Arsenic sulfide, colloidal, preparation of, 1,412,439 ——,—, preparing, cellulose soda liquor for, 1,460,012 —,—,—, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,460,012 —,coumarone-rubber article made with, 1,248 226 —, finely divided, producing, 1,442,485 —,formation of, 1,427,826; 1,434,693 —, gasket made with, 1,248,226 —,gold ore contg., roasting of, apparatus for, 1,283,782 —, insecticide contg., 1,456,509 —,mfr. of, acid for, 1,502,285 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,261,023 —,—, arsenic for, 1,261,023 —,—, chloride for, 1,261,023 —,—, electrolytic process for, 1,261,023 —,—, process for, 1,261,023; 1,502,285 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,261,023 —,—,sodium thioarsenate for, 1,502,285 —,—, sulfur for, 1,261,023 —, paint, anti-fouling, made with, 1,456,509 —, pigment contg., 1,399,506; 1,427,826 —, rubber article made with, 1,248 226 —,silver ore contg., roasting of, apparatus for, 1,283,782 —,skins dehaired with, 1,345,429 —,solvent for, arsenic tribromide as, 1,456,509 —,—, bromine as, 1,456,509 —,—,phthalylchloride as, 1,456,509 —,—, tetrachlornaphthalene as, 1,456,509 —,—,tribromacetic acid as, 1,456,509 —, wood, preservative for, contg., 1,456,509 —, (AsS), fish skins, tanning of, using, 1,230,266 —,—, porpoise skins, tanning of, using, 1,230,266 —,—, shark skins, tanning of, using, 1,230,266 —,—, whale skins, tanning of, using, 1,230,266 —,—, see also Realgar Arsenic sulfide ore, gold made with, 1,177,396 —, platinum made with, 1,177,396 —,silver made with, 1,177,396 —, sulfur dioxide smelter fumes absorbed using, 1,236,236 Arsenic tribromide, 1,456,509 —, arsenic solution prepared with, 1,456,509 —, arsenic compound made with, 1,178,708 —, arsenic sulfide solvent, 1,456,509 —, insecticide prepared with, 1,456,509 —,octinebromarsonic acid(?) made 1,201,692 —, octinebromarsenoxide(?) made with, 1,201,692 —, paint, anti-fouling, made with, 1,456,509 —, Paris green solvent, 1,456,509 —,phenyl-propiolic acid, compound of and, nce Ivent, 1,456,509 —,Schweinfurt green solvent, 1,456, —, therapeutic compound made with, 1,178,708 —,wood, preservative for, prepared with, 1,456,509 Arsenic trichloride, acids for, 1,440,621 —,N-amyl-arsanilic acid made with, 1,440,621 —,arsenic acid made with, 1,512,783; 1,512,734 arsenic acid solvent, with, alkylaminophenylarsenic Arsenic trichloride, arsenic compound made with, 1,178,708: 1,191,580 —, arsenic trioxide made with. 1,512,733 —, arsenites made with, 1,512,733 —, bag house dust contg., 1,194,438 —,calcium arsenate made with, 1,512,733 —, 2-chlor-N.N-dimethyl-arsanilic acid made with, 1,156,045 a ee a5 methyl-arsanilic acid made with, —,N.N-diamyl arsanilic id d IT CONES ac made with, —, N.N-diethyl-arsanilic cid d 1 oN a made with, —, N.N.-dimethyl-arsanilic acid made with, 1,440,621 —, heptinechlorarsenoxide made with, 1,201,692 —, hydrochloric acid made with, 1,512,734 —,1Iron(ic) chloride, removal of from, 1,512,734 ein of 1.832,115- 1,421,978 —,—, apparatus for, 1,168,678; 1,512,734 —,—, arsenic ore for, 1,512,734 —,—, arsenic trioxide for, 1,512,734 —,—, carbonyl chloride for, 1,421,978 —,—, chlorine for, 1,512,734 —,—, cobalt arsenide ore for, 1,512,734 —,—, electrolytic process for, 1,168,678 —,—,hydrochlorie acid for, 1,512,734 —,—,ore for, 1,168,678 —»—, process for, 1,168,678; 1,512,734 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,168,678 —,—, 8peiss for, 1,512,734 —, phenyl-propiolic acid, 1,178,708 —,polish made with, 1,166,494 —, potassium chloride mfr. from feldspar with, 1,332,114 —, purification of, apparatus for, 1,512,734 —,—, arsenic trioxide for, 1,512,734 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,512,734 —~,—, process for, 1,512,734 —,Schweinfurt green, acetone and, arsenical solution contg,, 1,456,509 —,—, acetone and, insecticide contg,, 1,456,509 —,—,—,Wwood, preservative for, contg., 1,456,509 —,sulfur chloride, removal of from, 1,512,734 -—, therapeutic compound made with, 1,178,708 Arsenic trioxide, alloy made with, 1,221,873 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,332,113 compound of and, —,aluminum oxide mfr. from clay with, 1,832,115 —,animal dip made with, 1,137,844 —,ant poison contg., 1,450,128 - —,arsenic acid made with, 1,125,086; 1,141,920; 1,169,114; 1,184,698; 1,184,694; 1,415,323; 1,483,533; 1,493,798; 1,512,734; - 1,515,079 —, arsenic pentoxide made with, 1,517,516 —,arsenic trichloride made with, 1,512,734 —,arsenic trichloride, purification of, using, 1,512,734 —,arsine made from, 1,375,819 —, arsono-acetic acid made with, 1,445,685 —,bag house dust contg., 1,194,438 600 Arsenic trioxide, battery, storage, container for, made with, 1, 341 sil — bleaching, metals for, 1,872,443 —,calcium arsenate made _ with, 1,505,648; 1,517,516 —, calcium arsenate from slaked quicklime and, 1,447,938 —, cattle dip made with, 1,498,639 —, ’ cellulose soda liquor and, colloidal solutions prepared with, 1,460,012 —, cellulose sulfite liquor and, colloidal solu- tions prepared with, 1,460,012 —, copper alloy made with, 1,221,873 —,copper alloy, coloring of using, 1,327,400; i 327,401 —,—, uranium made with, 1,221,873 —_—,— ‘ vanadium in made with, 1,221,873 — copper arsenate made with, 1,183, 315 —,enamel made with, 1,341 871 —, ’ ferro- alloy made with, 1 221 873 —, ’ fertilizer contg., 1,324 848 —, "fish skins, tanning ‘of using, 1 235,043; 1 256, 974 — flue gas, recovery from of, apparatus for, 1 1,204 ,906 —, process for, 1,204,906 —; fungicide made with, rk 194,608; 1,235,285 —,gingivitis treated with compound contg., i 469,322 —, glass contg., 1,513,923 —,glass made with, 1,312,784; 1,467,030; 1,488,914; 1,488,915 —, herbicidal spray contg., 1,446,160 —,hydrochloric acid made with, 1,141,920; 1,169,114; 1,184,693; 1,184,694; 1,415,323 —, insecticide contg., 1,395 919 —; insecticide made with, 1 187,844; 1,185,603; 1,194,608; 1,235,285; 1 324, 848: 1 512. 432 —, iron alloy made with, 1,221 873 —, iron alloy, uranium in made with, 1,221,873 —,—,vanadium in made with, 1,221 873 —, iron arsenate made with, 1 183 315 1,415,323 ; 1,230,266 ; 1,365,797 ; —, ’ Johnson grass killed using ‘composition conte.., 1,173,019. —,lead, arsenate made with, 1,141,920; 1,175,565; 1,183,815; 1,228,516; 1,415,323; 1,512,432; 1,517,516 —,lead arsenate, PbHAsO., made with, 1,141,920; 1,169,114; 1,184,693; 1,184,694 —,— , (Pb: (AsOs)s, made with, 1,141,920; 1,169, 114; 1,184,693; 1,184,694 —, lead arsenite made with 1,175,565 —, ‘mfr. of, arsenic ore for, 1,512,733 —,—, arsenic trichloride for, 1,512 (33 —,—, * carbon for, 1,148,522 —,—, charcoal for, 1 148, 522 —,—, chlorine for, 1, 512, 733 —,—, cobalt ore for, 1 512 133 —,—, copper sulfate electrolyte for, 1,148,522 —,—,dust for, 1,509,688 —,—, fumes for, 1 509, 688 —,—, mispickel for, 1 512 oo —, process for, 1 148, 522: 1,194,488; 1,509,688 ; Bia, 733 —,—, silver ore for, 1,512,733 —,—,smelter fumes for, 1,509,688 —,—,speiss for, 1,512,733 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 _Argenic trioxide, mfr. of, sulfur chloride for, 1,512,733 —,— sulfur dioxide for, 1,148,522 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,148,522 —,—,sulfurous acid for, 1,148,522 —,—, water for, 1,509,688 —,(mono)mercury sulfarsenite prepared with, _ 1,412,439 —,mercury(ic) thioarsenite, with, 1,412,489 —,parasiticide made with, 1,194,608 —, Paris green made with, 1,512,432 —,plants killed using composition contg., 1,173,019 —, porpoise skins, tanning of, using, 1,230,266; 1,256,974 —, preparation of, 1,426,602 —, purifying, metals for, 1,372,443 colloidal, made . —,Yat-poison contg., 1,372, 092; Re-15,130 —,recovery of, from sulfur dioxide, apparatus for, 1,321,211 —,—,—, process for, 1,321,211 —,—, process for, 1,321,211 —,rustproofing using, 1,493, 012 —, selenium in, removing, metals for, 1,372,443 —, ’ shark skins, tanning of, using, "1,230,266 ; 1 ,235,548 ; 1,256,974 —, sheep dip made with, 1,498,639 —,(mono) silver sulfarsenite prepared with, 1,412,439 —,silver thioarsenite, 1,412,439 —,skin tanned with, 1,256,974 —,sodium arsenate made with, 1,517,516 —,sodium arsenate, Na»:HAsO., made with, 1,125,086 —,sodium arsenate, NasAsQu,, 1,125,086 —,sodium arsenite compound from, 1,446,160 —, steel, tool made with, 1,221,873 —,sulfo-oxyarsenates mfr. from, 1,424,006 —,tellurium in, removing, metals for, 1,372,443 —, Texas fever tick, animal dip for, made with, 1,137,844 —,tin arsenate, made with, 1,183,315 —tree, killing of using composition contg., ih 172, 685 — , trimercury (ic) thioarsenite, colloidal, made with, 1,412,439 —,uranium, copper alloy contg., made with, 1,221,873 —,—,iron alloy contg., made with, 1,221,873 —,vanadium, copper alloy contg., made with, 1,221,873 —,iron alloy contg., made with, 1,221,873 -—-, LO recat spirochaeta treated with, 1,469,322 colloidal, made with, made with, —,water softening composition contg., 1,399,651 . —weeds killed using, composition contg., 1,173,019 —, whale skins, tanning of, using, 1,230,266; 1,235, 543; 1 256, 974 —, wood, preserving of with, 1,276,725 —, zinc arsenate made with, 1,183 315 Arsenic (tri) sulfide, aluminum chloride for precipitating, 1,373, 179 —, aluminum sulfate for precipitating, 1,373,179 INDEX OF Arsenic (tri) sulfide, brine, Searles lake, contg., 1,373,179 —, see also Arsenic(ous) oxide a ’ brine contg., treating, 1,394,978 —, colloidal, mfr. of, acacia for, 1,412,439 —,—,—, process for, 1,412,439 —,—,—, sodium lysalbuminate for, 1,412,489 —,—,—, ’ sodium protalbuminate for, 1 A12 439 —, colloidal solution of, mfr. of, process for 1 ,189,696 — explosive made with, 1,493,921 — . formation of, sulfarsenite 1 412,439 Arsenic (penta) sulfide, colloidal 1,412,439 —, colloidal, preparation of, 1,412 ‘439 —, paint, luminous, made with, 1,237,368 —, paraffin oil, bromine and, arsenical solution contg., 1,456, 509 —,—, bromine and, insecticide contg., 1,456,509 preservative for, contg., 7 preparation, —, phthalyl chloride, carbon tetrachloride and, arsenical solution contg., 1,456,509 —,—,—, insecticide contg., 1,456,509 —_—,—, —, ‘wood, preservative for, 1 56, 509 —,recovery from ores contg., 1,415,897 —, tetrachlornaphthalene, carbolineum arsenical solution contg., 1,456,509 —,—,—, insecticide conte., 1,456,509 —,—,—, ‘wood, preservative for, 1 456,509 —, thioarsenates mfr. for, 1,422,945 — ' tribromacetic acid, dinit rophenol and, ar- senical solution conte. 1,456,509 —,—,—, insecticide conte., 1,456,509 contg., and, contg., —,—,—, ’ wood, preservative for, contg., 1 A56, 509 —, see ‘also Realgar Arsenic xanthate, flotation process using, 1,512,189 Arsenides, arsine from, 1,337,538 —,gold extracted from sea-water by, 1,375,441 Arsenide ores, antimony, production of using, 1,150,787 —,arsenates, production of using, 1,150,787 —, arsenic, production of using, 1,150,787 —,calcium, production of using, 1,150,787 —, copper, production of using, 1,150,787 —,copper sulfate, production of 1,150,787 —,gold, production of using, 1,150,787 —, iron, production of using, 1,150,787 —, magnesium, production of using, 1,150 Whey —, metal, production of using, 1,150, 187 using, —,metal arsenates, production of using, 1,150,787 . ; —,metal sulfates, production of using, 1,150,787 —,metal tellurates, production. of using, 1,150,787 —, nickel, production of using, 1,150,787 -— ’ platinum group metals, production of using, 1 ,150,787 —, strontium, production of using, 1,150,787 —, ; tellurium, production of using, 1,150 187 —, zinc, production of using, 1,150, 787 SUBJECTS 601 Arsenious acid, alloy slagged with, 1,365,178 —, aluminum alloy slagged with, 1,365, 178 —,arsenic compound made with, 1,521 560 —, glass mfr. with, 1,403,752 —, mfr. of, carbon for, 1,148 22 —,—, charcoal for, 1,148 522 —, Cay (CHAs)x, made with, 1,521,560 H;0.As, made with, 1,521 560 —; copper sulfate electrolyte for, 1,148,522 —, process for, 1,148,522 —, sulfur dioxide for, 1,148 522 a ‘sulfuric acid for, 1 148, 529 —,—, ’ sulfurous acid for, 1 148, 522 — , nitrobenzene solution ‘of, dyeing process using, 1,333,700 —, solvent for, nitrobenzene as, 1,333,700 — , stability of, 1,333,700 —, zine sulfate solutions contg., purification of, 1 427,826 —, see also Arsenic trioxide Arsenious anhydride, acetic anhydride, com- pound of and, see Acetic arsenious anhydride Arsenious bromide, solids separated by, 1,294,519 Arsenious oxide, preparation of, 1,426,602 —,see also Arsenic trioxide; Arsenous acid Arsenite, alkali oxalate made with, 1,281,117 —,cattle dip contg., 1,512,733 —, p-(5'-chlor-3’-methyl-1’-pyrazolyl)-ben- zenearsonic acid made with, 1,507,694 —,mfr. of, arsenic ore for, 1,512, 733 —,—,arsenic trichloride for, 1,512 Hee —,—, ’ chlorine for, 1,512,733 —,—, cobalt ore for, 1,512, 733 —,—,mispickel for, 1,512, 733 —,—, process for, 1,512, 733 —=,—~, silver ore for, 1,512, 733 —,—,speiss for, 1,512 733 —,—, sulfur chloride for, 1,512,733 —,sodium oxalate made with, 1,281,117 —,weed killer contg., 1,512,733 Arseniureted hydrogen see Arsine Arsenoarylamines, formaldehyde derivatives of, 1,299,214 j Bis-N-(Arsenoary])-glycyl-hydroxyarylamines, mfr. of, process for, 1,280,123 N-(Arsenoary])-bis-a-aminoacylarylamine, salt of, mfr. of, 1,315,127 bis-N-(Arsenoaryl)-glycylarylamine, mfr. of, process for, 1,280,123 N-(Arsenoaryl)-bis-glycylarylamine, salt of, mirsoty VBlSsi27 Bis-N-(Arsenoary])-glycyl-hydroxyarylamines, mfr. of, process for, 1,280,123 n- (Arsenoaryl) -bis-elycylhydroxyarylamine, salt of, mfr. of, 1,315,127 Arsenobenzaldehydes, complex, preparing, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 p.p '_Arseno-benzaldehyde, mfr. of, p-formyl- benzenearsonic acid for, 1,425 931; Re-15,557 —,—,hydriodie acid for, 1,425, 931; ’Re-15, 557 —,—, Magnesium chloride for, 1,425,931 ‘ Re-15,557 —,—, phosphorus acid for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 —,—,phosphorus trichloride for, 1,425,931; Re- 15.507 —,—, process for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 602 p.p'-Arseno-benzaldehyde, mfr. of, sodium — bisulfite for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 —,—,sodium hydroxide ffor, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 sodium hyposulfite for, 1,425,931; eo. “15 57 —, —, sulfurous acid for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 p-Arsenobenzaldehyde, semicarbazones of, pre- paring, 1,425,930 1-4-Arsenobenzaldehyde, see p.p’'-Arseno-benzal- dehyde Arsenobenzene, carbamates of, arseno-benzene derivatives prepared from, 1,431 671 —, complex, preparation of, 1,425,930 ; 1,425,931; Re-15,557 —,derivatives of, mfr. of, process for, 1,265,864; 1,265,865 —, Toone of, Henbecamonic acids for, 1,425,930. —, hydriodic acid for, 1,425,930 SAL aaohovis acid for, 1,425 ,930 —, phosphorus trichloride for, 1,425,930 —,—, process for, 1,425,930 —,—, sodium bisulfite for, 1,425,930 —,—, sodium hyposulfite for, 1,425 ,930 —,—,sulfurous acid for, 1,425 ,930 Arseno-benzene derivatives, stable, mfr. of, 1,431,671 Arsenobenzol, see Arsenobenzene p.p’-Arseno-bis-benzaldehyde — semicarbazone, mfr. of, p-formyl-benzenearsonic acid semi- carbazone for, 1,425,930 —,— ,hydriodic acid for, 1,425,930 —,—, Magnesium chloride for, 1,425,930 —,—, phosphorus acid for, 1,425 930 —, —, phosphorus trichloride for, 1,425,930 —,—, process for, 1,425,930 —,—, sodium bisulfite for, 1,425,930 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,425,930 —,—,sodium hyposulfite for, 1,425, ,930 —,—, sulfurous acid for, 1,425 930 Arseno- bis-benzene, see Arsenobenzene Arsenochlorobehenolic acid, yohimbine arseno- chlorobehenolate from, 1,305, 462 Arseno compounds, stable, preparation of, 1,454,748 2.2'-(p.p’-Arsenodipheny]) bis(4-amino-1.5-di- methyl-3 (2)-pyrazolone) -diformaldehyde- bisulfite, arsenic compound made_ with, 1,506,460 4-Arsenodi-l-phenyl 2.3-dimethyl-4-amino-5- pyrazolone carbamate, 1,454,748 —,arsenic compounds, organic prepared from, 1,454,748 —, toxicity of, 1,454,748 p-Arseno-di-(1-phenyl-2.3-dimethyl-4-amino-6- pyrazolone), see 2.2'-(p.p'-Arsenodiphenyl) bis (4-amino-1 5-dimethyl-3(2)-pyrazolone p-Arseno-di-(1-phenyl-2.3-dimethyl-4-amino-6- pyrazolone)-diglycine, see 4.4'-Bis(4'-amino- 2.38-dimethyl-5-keto-1-pyrazolyl) -arsenoben- zene 4-Arsenodi-1-phenyl-2.3-dimethyl-4-amino-5- pyrazolone hydrochloride, arsenic compounds organic, prepared from, 1,454,748 —, toxicity of, 1,454,748 . UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 p-Arseno-di-(1-phenyl42.3-dimethyl-4-amino- 5-pyrazolone)-monoacetic acid, see 4-(4-Ace- tamino-2.8-dimethyl-6-keto-1-pyrazoly) -4'- (4-amino-2-3-dimethyl-6-keto-1-pyrazolyl) arsenobenzene 4.Arsenodi-1-pheny]-2.34dimethylpyrazolone- 4.4'-1minomethylene-sulfoxylate, 1-hydroxy- phenylene-iminomethylene sulfoxylate com- bined with, 1,454,748 —, toxicity of, 1,454,748 4'-Arsenodi-1- phenyl-2: 3-dimethyl-5-pyrazolon- iminomethylenesulfoxylate, arsenic com- pounds organic, prepared with, 1,454,748 —, toxicity of, 1,454,748 Arsenohydrazones, complex, 1,425,930 —, preparing, 1,425,929 1-Arseno-3- oxy-4-methylphenylketone, derivatives from, 1,425,929 —, ae also 4-Acetyl-3- hydroxy-benzenearsonic act ania ee formaldehyde derivative of, mfr. of, 1,299,214 Arsenophenyglycine, from, 1,299,215. — -acetyl derivative of, mfr. of, 1,299,215 —, formaldehyde derivative of, mfr. of, ace- tone for, 1,299,214 —,—,—, aleohol for, 1,299,214 —, * sodium carbonate for, 1,299 214 N- yee ‘Arsenophenylglycine)- bis-m' -hydroxy- anilide, sodium compound of, mfr. of, acetone for, 1 315 ea — , sodium hydroxide, 1 315,127 p-Arsenophenylglycine- bis-m ‘-hydroxyanilide, see N-(p-Arsenophenyl) bis-glycyl-m'-amino- phenol p-Arsenophenylglycin-bis-m’-oxyanilide, see bis-m -N-(p-Arsenophenyl) glycyl-m-amino- phenol bis-N-(p-Arsenopheny]) glycyl-m’-amino- phenol, N-(p-arsonophenyl) glycyl-m-ami- nophenol made with, 1,280,123 —, mfr. of, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,280,123 —,—,n-(arsinosophenol)glycyl m’-amino- ee for, 1,280,123 —, N-(p- arsonophenyl)glycyl-m’ -amino- _Phenol for, 1,280,123 —, hydriodie acid for, 1,280,123 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,280,123 ie hypophosphorus acid for, 1,280,123 —, methyl alcohol for, 1,280,123 —,—, process for, 1,280, 123 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,280,123 —,—, sodium hypophosphite for, 1,280,123 —, solvent for, ethyl alcohol as, 1,280, 123° —,—, methyl ‘alcohol as, 1,280, 123 —,—, potassium hydroxide as, 1,280,123 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,280, 123 N-Arsenopheny]) -bis-glycyl-m ‘-aminophenol, salt of, mfr. of, 1,315,127 N-(p-Arsenophenyl)-bis-glycyl-m’-amino- phenol, sodium salt of, formula, C2sH»O.NsAs.Naa, 1,315,127 —,see also p-Arsenophenylglycine-bis-m'- hydroxyanilide preparing, arsenic acetylarsenophenyglycine compound of with, INDEX OF bis-N-(p-Arsenophenyl)glycyl-m’ ete phenol dihydrochloride, mfr. of, N-(p-arso- ee Eyl -aminophenol for, 1,280.127 —, N-(p-arseno-phenyl)glycyl-m’-amino- Phenol for, 1,280,123; 1,280,127 —,— hydriodic acid for, 1,280,123; 1,280,127 —,—, hydrochlorie acid for, 1,280, 123: 1,280, 127 —,—,hypophosphorus acid for, ‘1 280, 123; 1 280, 127 —,—, methyl] alcohol for, 1,280,123; 1,280,127 —,—, process for, 1,280, 123: 1,280 127 —,—, sodium hypophosphite for, 1,280,123 ; 1,280,127 bis-N. -(p-Arsenophenyl) glycyl-m’ -amino- phenol sulfate, mfr. of, process for, 1,280,127 Arseno-stibino, compounds, preparation of, 1,422 294 Arseno-stibino bases, dihydrochlorides of, pre- paring, 1,422,294 Arseno-stibino compounds, sodium sulfoxylate derivatives of, preparing, 1,422,294 Arsenous acid, brominating, 1,447 ,203 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,194,438 Arsenous compounds, viscose precipitating bath contg., 1,399,587 Arsenous hydride, see Arsine Arsenous oxide, arsenic acid mfr. from, 1,447,203 — , chlorinating, 1,447,203 —, zinc arsenite from, 1,296,344 Arsenous sulfide, battery, electric, contg., 1,316,760 Arsine, absorbent for, iodine in, 1,321,061 —,—,lodine pentoxide in, 1,321,061 —,-—,mfr. of, 1,441,696 —,—, sulfuric acid, fuming in, 1,321,061 —, absorbing, granules for, 1,421,271 —,absorption of, carbon, impregnated, 1,519,470 \ —, acetylene, removal from of, carbon, impreg- nated, for, 1,519,470 —,—,—, process for, 1,519,470 —, ammonia, removal from of, carbon, impreg- nated, for, 1,519,470 —,—,—, process for, 1,519,470 —, —, detection of, apparatus for, 1,321,062 —, asbestos for, 1,321,062 a —, ’ charcoal for, 1,321,062 —,—, glass wool for, 1,321,062 —,—,“ hoolamite ” for, 1,321,062 —,—,1lodine oxide for, 1,321,062 —,—, iodine pentoxide for, 1,321,062 —-, process for, 1,321,062 —,—, pumice for, 1 321 ,062 —,—, sulfur oxide for, 1,321 ,062 —,—, ’ sulfur trioxide for, 1,321,062 —,—,sulfuric acid, fuming for, 1,321,062 —,formation of, battery, wet, depolarized by means of, 1,262,019 —,fumigating with, 1,375,819 —, gases, removal from of, carbon, activated for, 1,520,437 —,—,—, charcoal, activated for, 1,520,437 —,—,—, oxygen for, 1,520,437 —, —,—, process for, 1,520,437 —,mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,168,678 for, SUBJECTS 603 Arsine, mfr. of, 1,168,678; 1,375,819 —,—, ore for, 1,168,678 —,—, process for, 1,168,678 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,168,678 —, ’ oxidation of, iodine i in material for, 1,321,061 —,—, lodine pentoxide i in material for, 1 ‘321, 061 —,—,sulfuric acid, fuming in material for, 1 321 ,061 —, preparing, composition for, 1,338,279 —,removing from gases, catalysts for, 1,418,246 —, scale on citrus trees destroyed with, 1 sat, 538 —,see also Hydrogen arsenide 4-Arsinoso-acetophenone, mfr. of, 4-acetyl-ben- zenearsonic acid for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 —,—, ammonium chloride for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 —,—, hydriodiec acid for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 —,—, phosphorus acid for, 1,425 931; Re-15 57 —,—, phosphorus trichloride for, 1,425 931; Re-15 Pity —,—, process for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 —,—, sodium bisulfite for, 1 425 931; Re-15,557 electrolytic process for, —,—, ’ sodium hydroxide for, 1,425 931; Re-15 007 —,—, sodium hyposulfite for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 —,—,sulfurous acid for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 N-Arsinoso- aryl elycyl-hydroxyaryl- -amine, mfr, of, process for, 1,280,122 Arsinoso compounds, mfr. of, benzenearsonic acids for, 1,425,930 —_—,— hydriodic acid for, 1,425,930 —, phosphorus acid for, 1,425,930 —, phosphorus trichloride for, 1,425,930 —,—, process for, 1,425,930 —,—, sodium bisulfite for, 1,425,930 —,—,sodium hyposulfite “for, 1 ‘425, 930 —,—, sulfurous acid for, 1,425 ,930 4-Arsino-3- hydroxy-acetophenone semicarba- zone, reduction of, hydrochloric acid for, 1,425,930 —,— methyl alcohol for, 1,425,930 —,—, process for, 1,425 930 —,—, tin chloride for, 1,425,930 3-Arsinoso-6-hydroxy-5-nitro-acetophenone, mfr. of, 3-acetyl-4-hydroxy-5-nitro-benzene- arsonic acid for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 —,—,hydriodic acid for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 —,—, phosphorus acid for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 —,—,phosphorus trichloride for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 —,—, potassium iodide for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 —,—, process for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 —,—, sodium bisulfite for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 —,—,sodium hyposulfite for; 1,425,981; Re-15,557 —,—, sulfur dioxide for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 —,—,sulfurous acid for, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 N-(Arsinosophenol) glycyl-m’-aminophenol, bis- N-(p-arsenophenyl)glycyl-m’ -aminophenol made with, 1,280,123 N-(p-Arsinosopheny])-glycinanilide, N-(p- arsonopheny])-glycinanilide made with, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —,—,alcohol for, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 604 N-(p-Arsinosophenyl)-glycinanilide, N-(p- arsonopheny])-glycinanilide made with, p-aminophenyl-arsinoxide for, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —,—, chloracetanilide for, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —,—, process for, 1,280, 121: 1 280 126 —,—, sodium acetate for, 1,280, 121; 1,280,126 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1 280, 121; 1 280, 126 —,—, sodium iodide for, 1 280, 121: 1 280, 126 —, therapeutic properties of, 1 280, 122 N. - (Arsinosophenyl) glycyl-m'-aminophenol, bis- N-(p-arsenopheny]) glycyl-m'-amino-phenol dihydrochloride made with, 1,280,123; 1,280,127 —, mfr. of, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,280,122 —, N- (p- arsonopheny]) glycyl-m’-amino- Oy henol for, 1,280,122 _,— hydrochloric acid for, 1,280,122 —,—, process for, 1,280,122 —,—, sodium bisulfite for, 1,280,122 —,—, sodium iodide for, 1,280,122 —,—, sulfur dioxide for ,1,280,122 —, solvent for, acetic acid as, 1,280,122 —,—, acetone as, 1,280,122 —,—, alcohol as, 1,280,122 —,—, methyl alcohol as, 1,280,122 —, therapeutic properties of, 1,280,122 N-(p-Arsinosophenyl)glycylanthranilic acid, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,280,122 —,—, alcohol for, 1,280, 122 —,—, "alkali carbonate for, 1,280,122 d -(p-arsonopheny]) -glycyl-anthranilic acid for, 1,280,122 —,—, hydriodic acid for, 1,280,122 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,280,122 —,—,process for, 1,280, 122 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,280,122 —,—, ‘sulfur dioxide for, 1,280, 122 —, therapeutic properties of, 1,280,122 N (p-Arsinosophenyl)-a-phenyl-glycinamide, mfr. of, ammonium chloride for, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —,—, N-(p-arsonopheny])-a-phenylglycina- mide for, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —,—,hydriodic acid for, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —,—,hydrochloric acid for, 1,280,121 ; 1,280,126 —,—, process for, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —,—,sodium bisulfite for, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —,—,sodium hydroxide ffor, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —,—,sulfur dioxide for, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —,solvent for, acetone as, 1,280,122 —,—,ethyl alcohol as, 1,280,122 —,—,methyl alcohol as, 1,280,122 — ’ therapeutic properties of, 1 ,280 122 Arsonic acid, arsenic derivatives prepared with, 1,425,929 —, formation of, 1,425,929; 1,425,930; 1,425,931; Re-15,557 Arsono-acetic acid mfr. 1,445,685 —,—,acetone for, 1,445,685 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,445,685 aaa heer of, acetic acid for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 _ Arsono-acetic acid mfr. of, arsenic trioxide for, —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —, properties of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —,sodium salt of, mfr. of, process for, 1,445,685 —,—, benzene for, 1,445,685 —,— ’ calcium arsono-acetate for, 1,445,685 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,445 685 —, ' chlor-acetic acid for, 1,445 685 —,—, process for, 1,445,685 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,445,685 —, sulfuric acid for, 1,445,685 N-(Arsono-aryl)-glycyl-hydroxyarylamine, mfr. of, process for, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —,—, therapeutic use of, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 N-(4-Arsono-2.6-dinitro-phenyl(-benzene- sulfonamide, see 4-Benzenesulfonamido- 3.6-dinitro-benzenearsonic acid N-(4-Arsono-2.6-dinitro-phenyl)-glycine, mfr. of, 4-chlor-3.5- dinitro-benzene-arsonic acid for, 1,163,496 —,—, glycine for, 1,163,496 —,—, process for, 1,163,496 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,163,496 Arsono- hydroxy-nitro- acetophenone, see Hy- droxy-mitro-acetophenone-arsenious acid N-(4-Arsono-2-mtro-phenyl) -benzenesul fona- mide, see 4-Benzenesulfonamido-3-nitro- benzenearsonic acid N-(4-Arsono-2-nitro-phenyl)-glycine, mfr. of, 4- chlor-3-nitro-benzenearsonic acid for, 1,163,496 —,—, elycine for, 1,163,496 —,—, process for, 1 163 496 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,163,496 N-(p-Arsonopheny]) glycine, mfr. of, N-(p- arsonopheny]) elycinureide for, 1 280,120 ; 1,280,125 | —, N-(p-arsonophenyl)glycine made _ with, i 1,280,119; 1,280,124 . —, properties of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 N-(p- arsonophenyl) glycinamide, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —,—, alkali hydroxide ‘for, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 , p-aminophenylarsonie acid for, 1 280 119; 1,280,124 ee ~~, bromatetamide for, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —,—, ’ chloracetamide for, 1 280, 119: 1 280, 124 —~, hydrochloric acid for, 1,280,119; ~ 4,280,124 —,—,lodoacetamide for, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —,—,methyl N-(p-arsonophenyl)glycine for, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —,—,potassium hydroxide for, 1,280,119; a 1,280,124 : -——,—, process for, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 a 1,280,119; 1,280,124 N-(p-Arsonophenyl)glycinanilide, mfr of, ace- tic acid for, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —,-—, p-aminophenylarsonic acid for, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,280,126 —,—, aniline for, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —,—, N -(p-arsinosophenyl) -glycinanilide 1 280, 121; 1,280,126 1,280,121 ; for, INDEX OF N-(p-Arsonophenyl)glycinanilide, mfr. of, bromacetanilide for, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —,— _chloracetanilide for, 1 280, 121; 1,280,126 —_—,— ’ hydrogen. dioxide for, 1 280, 121; 1 280, 126 —,lodoacetanilide for, 1 280, 121; 1 280, 126 —,— ‘methyl alcohol for, 1,280, 121: 1,280, 126 —,—, methyl N-(p-arsonophenyl)glycine’ for, 1,280, 121; 1,280,126 —,—, process for 1,280, 121; 1,280,126 —,—+, sodium hydroxide for, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —,—, sodium iodide for, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —, therapeutic properties of, 1,280, 121 N- (p-Arsonopheny]) glycine-benzylamide So- dium salt of therapeutic uses of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —, therapeutic use of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 N- :(p-Arsonophenyl) glycine- dibenzylamide, sodium salt of, therapeutic use of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —., therapeutic use of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 N- -(p-Arsonopheny]) glycine- diethylamide, sodium salt of, therapeutic use of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —, therapeutic use of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 N- (p-Arsonophenyl) glycine- dimethylamide, sodium salt of, therapeutic use of, 1,280, 119; 1,280,124 —, therapeutic use of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 N- -(p-Arsonopheny]) glycine- dipropylamide, sodium salt of, therapeutic use of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —, therapeutic use of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 N- (p-Arsonopheny]) glycine- ethylamide, sodium salt of, therapeutic use of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —, therapeutic use of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 N. - -(p-Arsonopheny!) glycine-methylamide, sodium salt of, therapeutic use of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —, therapeutic use of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 ae -(p-Arsonopheny!) glycine- methylureide, mfr. of, p-aminophenylarsonic acid for, 1,280,120; 1 280, 125 —,—, a-chloracetyl-b-methyl-urea for, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,—, process for, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,—,sodium hydroxide ffor, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,sodium salt of, mfr. of, process for, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,—,therapeutic properties of, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,therapeutic properties of, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 N-(p-Arsonopheny]) glycine-propylamide, salt of, therapeutic use of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —,therapeutic use of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 N-(p-Arsonophenyl)glycinureide, N-(p-arsono- phenyl)-glycine made _ with, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 — , N-(p-arsonophenyl) glycinureide, sodium salt of, made with, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,mfr. of, p-aminophenylarsonic acid for, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 SUBJECTS 605 N-(p-Arsonophenyl)glycinureide, mfr. of, chloracetylurea for, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,—,process for, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —, sodium salt, mfr. of, N-(p-arsonopheny])- elycinureide for, 1 280, 120; 1,280,125 —,—,—, process for, ‘1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,—, —, sodium acetate for, 1,280,120; 1 280, 125 —,sodium hydroxide for, 1,280,120; war 280,1 125 —,— , therapeutic properties of, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,therapeutic properties of, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 N- (p- Arsonophenyl) glycyl- -m ‘-aminophenol, bis-N-(p-arsenopheny!])glycyl-m’-amino- phenol made with, 1,280,123 —,N -(arsonosophenyl) glycyl-m’-aminophenol made with, 1,280,121; 1,280,122 —, bis-N-(p-arsonopheny]) glycyl-m’-amino- phenol dihydrochloride made with, 1,280,123; 1,280,127 —, mfr. of acetic acid for, 1,280,121 —,—, alkali for, 1,280,121 —,—, , p-aminophenylarsonic acid for, 1,280,121 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,280, 121 —,—, bis-N. -(p-arsenophenyl) gly cylem’ -amino- phenol for, 1,280,123 —,—,m-chloracetylaminophenol for, 1,280,121 —,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,280,123 —,—, process for, 1,280,121 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,280,121 —,sodium salt of, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,280,126 —,—,—, acetone for, 1,280,126 —,—,—, ‘alcohol for, 1,280, 126 —,—, —, arsanilic acid for, 1,280,126 —,—,—, p- -chloracetaminopheny! for, 1,280,126 —,—,—, process for, 1,280,126 —,sodium acetate for, 1,280,126 eet sodium carbonate for, 1,280,126 urea —,sodium hydroxide for, 1,280,126 —,—,—,sodium iodide for, 1,280,126 —, therapeutic properties of, 1,280,126 Be errenaa properties of, 1,280 121 De Coe Mearmopbeaylalyculanthraniie acid, N- (p-arsinosopheny]) glycylanthranilic acid made with, 1,280,122 N-(p-Arsonophenyl)-a-methyl-glycinamide, sodium salt of, mfr. of, process for, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —, therapeutic use of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 | N: AGE eneeonar Tis -a-phenylglycinamide, (p-arsinosopheny]l) -s-phenyl- elycinamide made with 1,280,121; 1,280,126 —, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —,—, alkali for, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —,—, p-aminophenylarsonic acid for, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 ‘Ne —,-—-,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,280,119; 1 280, 124 —,—, phenylchloracetamide for, 1,280,119; 1 ,280,124 606 N-(p-Arsonophenyl)-a-phenylglycinamide, mfr. . of, process for, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —,—,sodium acetate for, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —,—,sodium hydroxide ffor, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —,—,sodium iodide for, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —, properties of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 —,sodium salt of, mfr. of, process for, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 i —,—, properties of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 N-(p-Arsonopheny])-a-phenyl-glycinureide, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,—, alcohol for, 1,280, 120; 1 280, 125 —,—, "alkali carbonate for, 1,280,120 ; 1,280,125 —,—, ’ p-aminophenylarsonic acid for, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,—, chlor-phenyl-acetyl-urea for, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,—, process for, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 | —,—,sodium iodide for, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,sodium salt of, mfr. of, process for, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,—,therapeutic properties for, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 —,therapeutic properties of, 1,280,120; 1,280,125 N-(m-Arsonotolyl) glycinamide, therapeutic uses of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 N-(o-Arsonotolyl)glycinamide, therapeutic uses of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 N-(p-Arsonotolyl) glycinamide, sodium salt of, mfr. of, process for, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 — , therapeutic use of, 1,280,119; 1.280, 124 N-(m-Arsonoxyly])glycinamide, therapeutic use of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 N-(o-Arsonoxyly])glycinamide, therapeutic use of, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 N-(p-Arsonoxylyl)glycinamide, sodium salt of, mfr. of, process for, 1,280,119: 1,280,124 — , therapeutic use of, ‘1,280, 119; ‘1,280, 124 Arsphenamine, see Diaminodihydroryarseno- benzene; Salvarsan Artemisia absinthium, paint, antifouling contg., 1,330,022 Artemisia absinthtum, see also Wormwood Artemisia frigida, charcoal made with, 1,212,130 —, copper ore, flotation of, using, 1,212 130 —, flotation process using, 1,212 130 —; fuel, gaseous, made with, 1,212 ,130 — gold ore, flotation of, using . 1,212 130 —,lead ore, flotation of, using, 1,212, 130 —, mercury ore, flotation of, using, 1,212,130 —,sage tar oil made with, 1,212 ,130 —, silver ore, flotation of, using, 1,212,130 —, zine ore, ‘flotation of, using, 1,212 130 —,see also Pasture sage- “brush Artemisia tridentata, charcoal made _ with, 1,212,130 —, copper ore, flotation of, using, 1,212,130 —, fuel, gaseous, made with, 1,212 130 — ’ gold ore, flotation of, using, 1,212 ,130 —,lead ore, flotation of, using, 1.212, ,130 —,mercury ore, flotation of, using, 1212 130 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Artemisia tridentata, sage tar oil made with, 1,212,130 —, silver ore, flotation of, using, 1,212,130 —, zinc ore, flotation of, using, 1,212, 130 —,see also Sage-brush Arteries, hardening of, treatment of, radium emanation solution for, 1,470,027 Art gum, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,315,246 —,—, amyl alcohol for, 1,315 246 —,—,amylene for, 1,315 246 —,—, carbon bisulfide for, 1,315,246 —, —, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,315, 246 —,—, castor oil for, 1,815,246 —,—, chlorine for, 1,315 246 —,—, chloroform for, 1,315, 246 —,—,corn oil for, 1 315 246 —,—, cotton seed oil for, 1,315,246 —,—,ethyl alcohol for, 1,315 246 —,gasolene for, 1,315 246 —,—, hydrocarbon, unsaturated, for, 1,315,246 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,315 246 —,—, hydroxy-acids for, 1,315, 246 —,—, hydroxystearic acid ‘for, 1,315,246 —,—, hydroxystearosulfuric acid for, 1,315, 246 —,—, linseed oil for, 1,315,246 —,—, methyl alcohol for, 1 315,246 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,315 246 —,—, oil, vegetable, for, 1 315,246 —,—, oleic acid, sulfonated, for, 1,315,246 —,—, sesame oil for, 1,315 246 —,—, sodium hypochlorite. for, 1,315,246 —,—,soya bean oil for, 1,315, 246 —,—,sulfur for, 1,315, 246 —,—, sulfur chloride for, 1,315,246 —,—, sulfur dioxide for, 1 315 246 Artichokes, bread contg., 1,387. 387 —, Jerusalem, bacteria, food stuff for contg., 1 472,344 —,— ethyl alcohol made with, 1,472,344 —,ferments, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —,— — fungi, food stuff for contg., 1,472 344 —,—, humic substance made with, 1,472 344 —,—,molds, food stuff for contg., 1,472 044 —,—,mucors, food stuff for contg., 1,472, 344 —,—, yeast, food stuff for contg., 1,472 344 —,starch made with, 1,156,801 Article, carbon, mfr. of, process for, 1,807,738 —, celluloid, covering with of, apparatus for, 1 164,821 —, coated, see Coated article —,composite, mfr. of, asbestos for, 1,309,757; 1 309,758 —, phenol-aldehyde A 309, 757; 1,309,758 —,—,—, process for, 1,309,757; 1,809,758 —,—,—, wood flour "for, 1,309 757: 1 309, 758 —, copper coated, mfr. of, amyl "acetate for, 1,282,268 condensate for, —,—,—,bronze powder for, 1,282,268 —,—, — ’ galvanoplastic method for, 1,282,265 ; 1,282, 268; 1,282,270 —_—,— ey ahi for, 1,282,265; 1,282,268; _1,282,2 pines for, 1,282,265; 1,282,268; et 282 270 —,—,process for, 1,282,265; 1,282,268 ; aa 282,270 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Article, copper 1,288,259 —,—, graphite for, 1,282,259 —,—, paraffin for, 1,282,259 —,—,process for, 1,282,259 —,—,shellac for, 1,282,259 —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,282,259 —, decorated, celluloid solution for preparing, 1,407,461 —,decorating of, phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,454,845 —,—, process for, 1,454,845 —,fiber, impregnated, for mfr. of, 1,372,118 —, hollow, see Hollow article —,indurated, acetone in, 1,269,292 —,—,leather in, 1,269,292 —,—,mfr. of, acetone for, 1,269,292 —,—,—, leather for, 1,269,292 —,—,—, parchment for, 1,269,292 coating of, apparatus for, __.—.—, phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,269,292 —,—,—, process for, 1,269,292 —,—,parchment for, 1,269,292 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate in, 1,269,292 —,laminated, glass and celluloid, 1,368,954 —,—,mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,284,297 —,—,—, muslin for, 1,284,432 —,—,—, paper for, 1,284,432 —,—,—, paper, baeren, for, 1,284,432 —,—,—,paper, kraft for, 1,284,432 —,—,—, paper, micafolium, for, 1,284,432 —,—,—,phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,284,295; 1,284,296; 1,284,297; 1,284,298; 1,284,432 —,—,—,process for, 1,284,295; 1,284,296; 1,284,297; 1,284,298; 1,284,432 —,metal coating of, apparatus for, 1,282,259 —,—, graphite for, 1,282,259 —,—, paraffin for, 1,282,259 —,—, process for, 1,282,259 —,—, shellac for, 1,282,259 —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,282,259 —, molded, see Molded article —,ornamental, making, (basket of artificial fruit), 1,396,267 —,—, phenol-aldehyde condensate, 1,454,845 —, plastic, mfr. of, process for, 1,304,851 —-,refractory, coating, boric oxide and metals for, 1,425,603 —,rigid, mfr. from paper pulp, 1,456,370 —,rubber, decorated, mfr. of, process for, 1,309,703 —, shaped, alginates for producing, 1,348,459 —,—,alginic acid for producing, 1,348,459 —,—,skin-like compounds ffor producing, 1,348,459 —, waterproofed, mfr. of, 1,456,370 Artificial almond oil, see Benzaldehyde Artificial base-exchange bodies, see Zeolite, artificial Artificial bristles, see Bristles, artificial Artificial camphor, see Camphor, artificial Artificial chamois, see Chamois, artificial Artificial cork, see Cork, artificial Artificial essential oil of almond, see Benzal- dehyde 607 Artificial filament, see Filaments; artificial; Sik, artrficial Artificial foil, see Foil, artificial Artificial hair, see Harr, artificial Artrficial horse hair, see Horse hair, artificial Artificial leather, see Leather, artificial Artifical musk, see Trinitro-tertiary-butyl- toluene (2.4.6) ; Trinitro-ter-butylxylene ba ow of ants, see 2-Furaldehyde; Fur- uro ene ou of wintergreen, see Methyl salicy- ate Artificial ostrich feathers, see Feathers, ostrich Arivficial resin, see Resin, artificial Artificial rubber, see Rubber, artificial Artificial silk, see Silk, artificial; Filaments, artificial Artificial sponge, see Sponge, artificial Artificial stone, see Stone, artificral Artificial straw, see Straw, artificial Artificial tooth, attachment for, 1,296,009 Artificial tulle, see Tulle, artificial Artificial zeolite, see Zeolite, artificial Artillery bush, mfr. of, chalk for, 1,200,803 —,—,hemp for, 1,200,803 —,—, paraffin for, 1,200,803 —,—, plaster for, 1,200,803 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,200,803 —,—, process for, 1,200,803 —,—, starch for, 1,200,803 —,—, tale for, 1,200,803 —,—, turpentine for, 1,200,803 Arum, see Arisaema triphyllum Arum starch, binder contg., 1,318,106 —,calcimine, binder for contg., 1,318,106 —,glue contg., 1,318,106 —,oil, emulsifier, for, contg., 1,318,106 —,size contg., 1,318,106 Arum triphyllum, see Arisaema triphyllum Arundo saccharifera, see Sugar cane Arylamides of 2:3-oxynaphthoic acid, dye of diazo-components of, with 1-aminomethyl- naphthalene, 1,452,083 —,—,with aminoquinoline, 1,452,083 . —,—,with aniline, 1,452,083 —,—, with anisidine, 1,452,083 —,—, with cresidine, 1,452,083 —,—,with naphthylamine, 1,452,083 —,—,with phenetidine, 1,452,083 —,—,with thioanisidine, 1,452,083 —,—,with toluidine, 1,452,083 —,—,with xylidine, 1,452,083 Arylamines, _ triarylguanidine 1,466,535 —,see also Amines, aryl- 1-Arylamino-anthraquinone,. with, 1,133,081 N-Arylaminonaphthols, preparation of, 1,460,774 N-(1)-Arylamino-2-naphthols, preparation of, 1,460,774 Arylaminoquinone, dyestuff made with 1,128,368 Aryl-chloroforms dyestuff made with, 1,460,315 Aryl dithiocarbamates, flotation process for, 1,497,699 mfr. from, dyestuff made 608 Arylenedisulfonic acid chlorides, naphthylene-. diamine derivatives from, 1,442,818 Arylenedisulfonyl-bis-a-naphthylamines, compounds of, reducing, 1,442,818 —, p-nitro-compounds of, reducing, 1,442,818 Arylenedisulfonyl naphthylenediamines, pro- ducing, 1,442,818 Arylenedisulfony]-bis-1.4-naphthylenediamine, producing, 1,442,818 Arylenedisulfonyl naphthylenediamine sulfo- nic acids, producing, 1,442,818 Arylglycinate, indoxyl from, 1,293,680 Aryl halides, carbohydrate ethers made with, 1,488,355 —, compounds (CsHi00s)n, with, 1,488,355 —, dextrin ethers made with, 1,488,355 —., starch ethers made with, 1,488, 355 Arylides, metallic definition of, 1,394, 851 Arylido-quinones, dyestuffs from, 1,426,522 p-aZO ethers of, made 3-Aryl-1- indanone, dyestuff made with, 1,147,778 Aryl magnesium halide, alcohol, primary, made with, 1,315,619 1-Aryl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolones, with, 1,199,233 Arylphosphoric acids, carboxyl derivatives of, mfr. of, process for, 1,125,081 dyestuff made 1-Aryl-5-pyrazolone-3-carboxylic acids, dye- stuff made with, 1,199,233 Arylsulfonyl-a-naphthylamine, p-azo com- pounds of, reducing, 1,442,818 —, p-nitrocompounds of, reducing, 1,442,818 Arylsulfonyl naphthylenediamines, producing, 1,442,818 Arylsulfony]-1.4-naphthylenediamine, ing, 1,442,818 Arylsulfonyl naphthylenediamine sulfonic acids, producing, 1,442,818 Asa Dulcis, see Benzoin (not Benzoin) Asafetida, twine treated with composition contg., 1 127,649 Asafetida. tincture, sizing made with, 1,226,195 Asbestic, plaster board made with, 1,474 657 — rough stone, artificial, made with, 1,163 060 —, wall board ‘made with, 1,502 603. Asbestine, belt made with, 1,218 052 —, belt dressing made with, 1,218,052 —,cement, reinforced, made with, 1,230,475 —,concrete, reinforced, made with, 1,230,475 —, flooring made with, 1,383,864 —,molded article made with, 1,383,864 —, paint made with, 1,489,418 —,paper board made with, 1,503,957 —; pigment made with, 1,234 260; 1,251,170; 1,288,473; 1 A89 ‘418 — roofing made with, 1,226, 904 — } rust-proofing composition contg., 1,381,112 —, tile made with, 1,383,864 —, titanium (ic) oxide ‘pigment made with, 1,223,357: 1,223,358 —,tung oil, solidified, made with, 1,383,864 —,water paint contg., 1,424,908 -——, see also Asbestos; Magnesiwm silicate Asbestine material, croton bug repelling com- position contg., 1,270 630 —, fly repelling composition contg., 1,270,630 produc- 1,240,405 ; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Asbestine material, insect repelling composition contg., 1,270,630 — roach repelling composition contg., 1,270,630 —,rodent repelling composition contg.., 1 ,270,630 Asbestine pulp, wood preserving by, 1,165,753 —,see also Magnesium silicate _ Asbestos, absorbent, gas made with, 1,321,061 ~~ , acetaldehyde ‘made with, 1, 244 901; 1 244,902; 1,471,058 ns acetic acid made with, 1,471,058 —,acetone made with, 1,169,321 —,acetylene, absorbent storage mass for contg., 1,140,124 —,acetylene cylinder, filling contg., 1,332,525 —,acetylene storage, material for, made with, 1 802,525 — , acetylene storage tanks contg., 1,419,746 —,acetylene stored using, 1,304,160 —,adhesive made with, 1,489 991 —, ’ aircraft fireproofed with, 1,372 A78 — airplane covering material made 1,519,239 ne , airplane fabric treated with, 1,427,941 —,airplane wireless generator casing, made with, 1,344,765; 1,433,730 —, alkali earth hydroxide made with, 1,160,847 —, alkali earth hydroxide, treatment with of, 1 ,256,296 ° —, alkali earth treated, asbestos curtain made from, 1,256,296 —,—, asbestos felt made from, 1,256,296 —,—, ’ asbestos shingle made from, 1,256,296 —, ‘alkali earth treated, asbestos wood made from, 1,256,296 —,—, brake-lining made from, 1,256,296 —,—,cement, high temperature, made from, 1,256,296 —,—,gasket made from, 1,256,296 —, glove, fireman’s, made with, 1,256,296 —,—, mineral rubber made from, 1,256 296 —,—,packing made from, 1,256, 296 —,—,stucco made from, 1,256 296 —, alkali hydroxide made with, 1,160,847 —,amines, aromatic, catalyst for mfr. ‘of, made with, 1,207, 802 with, —,ammonia, catalyst for mfr., made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,930; 1,178,532; 1,363,392: 1,363,393; 1,386,555 —, ammonia detection of using, 1,321,062 — amylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,315, 229 —, aniline made with, 1,124,776 —,aniline, catalyst for mfr., 1 207, 802 —,anthraquinone made with, 1,303,168 —, ’ antifouling composition contg., ‘| 421 914 made with, —,antileak composition made with, 1,383 O72; Re-15 971 —, architectural finish contg., 1,290,035 —,are shield made with, 1,431,961 —,arsine detection of using, 1,321 062 —,article, composite, contg., 1,309,757; 1 309, 758 —,—, molded, made with, 1,312,093 —, asbestos cement from, 1,317,853 —,asbestos lumber made with, 1,299,798 | | oS a INDEX OF SUBJECTS Asbestos, asbestos paper made with, 1,493,371; 1,518,944 —, asbestos 1 247,939 — , asphaltic products contg., 1,290,954 —,babbitt retaining composition made with, 1 ,215,109 — baggage contg., 1,464,242 —, ball, billiard, made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —, band of, mfr, of, asphalt. for, 1,301, 612 —,—,— , benzene for, 1,301,612 —,—,—, gasolene for, 1 301 612 —,—,—, gilsonite for, 1 301 612 —,—,—, linseed oil for, 1,301 612 —,—,—, process for, 1 301 612 —, barium sulfate impregnated, mfr. of, barium hydroxide for, 1,262,228 —,—,—, process for, 1 ,262 228 ear sulfuric acid for, 1,262 1228 —, barrier rings made with, 1,309,757 —, ’ basic substances in, removing, 1,427,911 — battery, dry, made with, 1 182 202: 1 199,390; 1,214,836; 1,333 771: 1 ‘A84 885. —,—,— .depolarizer for, made with, 1.218, fia: 1 484 885 —,—, primary, made with, 1,163,834; 1,486,042 —,—,secondary, dry separator for made with, 1,256,864 —,—,—,separator for made with, 1,256,864 —,—, storage, made with, 1,486 430 —,—,—, container for, made with, 1,156,122 ; 1,447, 782: 1,497,531; 1,512,313 —,—,—, electrode for, made with, 1,350,956 —,—,—, electrolyte for, made with, 1.207 521: 1213, 182 —,—,—, separator for, made with, 1,206,983; 1 A03 BT: 1,499,863 —, made of barium Nat 262.2 228 — , battery separator of, 1,403,577 —, bearing made with, 1 137 373 —., bearing composition made with, 1,491,466 —, belt made with, 1,218,052 —, ’ belt dressing made with, 1,218,052 — ‘ belting made with, 1 151 690; 1,260,625; 1 265,855 — , belting, coating for contg., 1,305,222 —,bentonite, plasticity increased with of, 1 509,406 ; 1 509,478 —, benzoic acid made with, 1,284,888; 1,285,117 — ‘ billiard ball made with, 1,482 358 —, ’ bimetallic article made ‘with, 1,250 862 —, ’ binder contg., 1,311,220; 1 311 221: 1 o11,222 —} binder made with, 1 233, 101; 1 233 415 1 233,416; 1,409, 275 —, binder for, copal as, 1,317,204 —,—,gum as, 1,317,20 —, —, naphthalene as, 1,317,204 —,—, naphthalene derivative as, 1,317,204 shingle made with, 1,244,148; sulfate and, —,—,naphthol as, 1,317,204 —,—, naphthol derivatives as, 1,317,204 —, shellac as, 1 317,204 —, Bea detiniinous composition, fibrous, made with, 1 ,156,122 — bleaching; hydrochloric acid vapors for, 1 346,316 —,—, phosgene for, 1,346,316 9 609 Asbestos, blower made with, 1,430,561 —,blue, electrode, welding, made pe 241 899 —, board made with, 1,158,667 — —; board, artificial, made with, 1,334,061 —., fire- proof, made with, 1 192, 931; 1,226,779 — ’ fire-resistant, made with, 1,159 866 —,—, flexible made with, 1,252 468 —,—, ‘laminated, made with, 1 130, 410 —,—, water-resistant, made with, 1,159,866 —, boxes contg., 1,464, 242 —, ’ brake band contg., 1,307,857 —, brake band facing contg., 1,465,389 ts) ’ brake lining made with, 1 151 690; 1,162,371; with, 1 277,108; 1,414,378; 1 414 fe iots ba ak ‘417, 778: 1 AIT 779: 1 ‘418, 607: 1 420 ‘882: 1 ‘420, 883 ; -] ‘426 842: 1 429, 267: 1 517 606; 1 519, 322 —, brake lining ingredient, 1,436 362 — brake shoe made with, 1,205,482; 1,242,069 — brake shoe filling composition contg., i ,429 358 —, breech block, gas check pad for, made with, 1 229.662 —,brick made 1 364,004 —, brick, composite, contg., 1,314,772 — ‘ bricks of, cellulose sulfite liquor as binder for, 1,158,365 —, briquet made with, Re-14,653 ; 1 246,807 —_ briquet of, cellulose sulfite liquor as binder with, 1,193,952; 1,211,028; 1,246,805 ; for, 1.311 291: 1,311,222 — , building block made with, 1,193,952; 1,418,160 —,building material made with, 1,183,694; 1,201,535;' 1,211,028; 1218217; 1,288,158; 1,288,159; 1,408,760; 1,484.370; 1,503,409; 1,513,922; 1,516,045; 1,520,791 —,building paper made with, 1,209,315 —,button made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365; 1,470,637 —, butylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 —,cable, coating for contg., 1,305,222 —,cadmium sulfate, electrolysis of using, 1,264,802 —,calcium hydroxide, treatment with of, 1,256,296 —,calcium magnesium silicate, hydrated, in 1,317,853 —,caoutchouc, purification, membrane of, 1,136,462 —,caoutchoue composition contg., 1,437,487 —,carbon black made with, 1,220,391 —,carbon dioxide made with, 1 285,117 —, carbon dioxide absorption apparatus contg., 1 382,072 —, carbon 1 321,062 — _carboy, closure for, made with, 1,481,505 _ carbureter heating ‘pad made with, 1,236,440 —, cardboard made with, 1,160,362 ; 1 160,365 —, cartridge made with, 1,189. O11 —,caseln composition made with, 1,437 487 —,casting mold contg., 1,338,141 —,catalyst contg., 1,255 090 using dialyzer 1,284,888 ; using, monoxide detection of 610 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Asbestos, catalyst made with, 1,143,332; | Asbestos, catalyst carrier, Sep oil, hydro- Re-14, 167; 1,143,389; 1,505,162 - genation of using, 1,154, 495 — catalyst ‘(for amines, aromatic, mfr.), made —,—,ammonia made with, 1,256,875 with, 1,207,802 —,—, ’ ammonia, oxidation ‘of, using, 1,322,291 soap Sneeh (ammonia mfr.) made with, 1,148,570; —,—,castor oil, hydrogenation of using, 1,152,930; 1,173,532; 1,863,392; 1,363,393 1,154,495 ——, (for "aniline mfr.) made with, 1,207 802 —,—,corn oil, hydrogenation of using, —,—, (for hydrocyanic acid mfr.) made with, _ 1,154,495 1,352, 176 —,—,cotton seed oil, hydrogenation of using, ~-,—, (for sulfuric acid mfr.) made with, ks 495. 1 183, 414 —,cresol made with, 1,208,833 —,—, (for o-toluidine: ) mfr) made. with, .—-—~+ ethane made with, 1,201 850 1,207,802 —,—, ethylene made with, 1 201 850 —,—, acetaldehyde made with, 1,355,299 —,—,fat, hydrogenation of using, 1,184 480 —,—,ammonium nitrate made with, 1,237,884 —,—, fatty acid, hydrogenation of using, —,—,ammonium nitrite made with, 1,237,884 Us 495 —,—,dehydrogenation, with, 1,215,334; —, fish oil, hydrogenation of using, 1,154,495 1,215,335; 1,271,013 —,—, ’ formaldehyde made with, 1,201 850 —,—, formaldehyde made with, 1,460,244 —,—, hydrogenation process using, 1,184,480 —,—,hydrogenation, made with, 1,143,332; —,—,ketones made with, 1,201,850 Re-14,167; 1,156,674; 1,158,664; 1,171,902; —,—, linseed oil, hydrogenation of using, 1,174,245; 1,215,384; 1,215,335; 1,251,202; 1,154, 495 1,271,013 —,—,methane made with, 1,201,850 —,—,nickel, made with, 1,158,664; 1,208,883; —,—,molybdenum oxide ‘made with, 1,321,959 1,251,202; 1,826,767; 1,327,396; 1,491,465 —,—,molybdenum trioxide made - with, —,— nitrate made with, 1 178, 440 1,321,959 ——, nitric . acid made with, 1,178;440;' ——, mustard oil, hydrogenation of using, 1 237,884 1 154,495 —,—, nitrogen dioxide made with, 1,237,884 —,—, nitrogen oxides, mfr. of, using, 1,322,291 —,—,nitrogen tetroxide made with, 1,237 884 —,—,oil, hydrogenation of using, 1,154,495; —,—,nitrogen trioxide made with, 1.237 884 1,184,480 ; —,—,nitrous acid made with, 1,237,884 —,—,-—, mineral, hydrogenation of using, —,—, palladium, made with, 1,326,767 ; 1 160, 670 ES 162 —,—,—, vegetable, hydrogenation of using, —, phthalic anhydride made with, 1,489,741 1,160 670 : — platinum, made with, 1,326,767; 1,505,162 —,— oleic acid, hydrogenation of using, —,—, silver vanadate as, made with, 1,183,414 1,154,495 ; —,—, ’ vanadium pentoxide as, made with, —,—,peanut oil, hydrogenation of using, 1,458,478 1,154,495 — , catalyst in acetylene oxidation, 1,355,299 —,—, phenol made with, 1,208,833 —,catalyst in acetylene product mifr., 1 A21 Ne wer fae propylene made with, 1,201 850 —, catalyst in formaldehyde synthesis, 1,460, ‘244 —,—,resin hydrogenated using, 1 ,167,264 —,catalyst for hydrogenation of hydrocarbon TAGE 4495 bean oil, hydrogenation of using, made with, 1,152,765 ; : —,—, succinic acid made with, 1,491,465 a catalyst for hydrogenation of lamp oil made —— tung oil, hydrogenation of using, 1,154,495 with, , —, catalyst support, 1,308,777 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,160,362; 1 160,365; 1,510,779 —, cellulose sulfite digester, lining for, made —,catalyst for hydrogenation of petroleum made with, 1,152,765 —, catalyst for hydrogenation of resin oil made with, 1,152,765 with, 1,492,866 —, catalyst for hydrogenation of shale oil made __ cement conte., 1,253,011; 1,259,651; ari 1 IBQ705 | 1,269,116; 1,408401: 1456667 — —, coarare for sulfuric acid mfr., made with, —,cement made with, 1.233.101: 1,477,938: 1,22 044 1,507,379 ’ ’ ? ’ ’ , ’ —, catalyst made with, cotton seed oil, hydro- —,cement, acid-proof, contg., 1,259,651 genation of, with, 1,275,405 —,—,Mmagnesium, made with, 1,212,575 —,—, fat, hydrogenation of, with, 1,275,405 —,—,mfr. of, asbestos sand for, 1,317,853 —,—,hydrogenation with, 1,275,405 —,—, waterproof made with, 1,299,798 —,—,oil, hydrogenation of, with, 1,275,405 anc cement article made with, 1,514 666 —,—, hah ale oil, hydrogenation of, with, —, SPO contg., waste, 1 365 077 1,275 405 —, ’ cement structural material contg., 1,355,406 —, catalyst carrier on, 1,391,666 —, cementing action of, 1,317,853 —,catalyst carrier, acetic made with, 1,201,850 —,ceramic article made with, 1,492,753; —,—,acetone made with, 1,201,850 1,509,406; 1,509,478 —,—, alcohols made with, 1,201,850 —,chains, coating for contg., 1,805,222 —,-—,aldehydes made with, 1,201,850 —,chlorhydrin made with, 1,815,229 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Asbestos, chloride made with, 1,160,847 —, chl oride made with apparatus coated with composition contg., 1,186,936 —,chlorine made with, 1,137 874; 1,167,705 —;, chromium, nickel alloy wire contg.., insulated, made with, 1,233,808 —, cigarette holders made with, 1,482,358 —, cigarette-lighting, composition contg., 1,454,902 —, cigarette wrapper made with, 1,518,944 —, cleaning, 1,407,686 —,clutch facing made _ with, 1,180,503; 1,270,559; 1,417,778; 1,417,779; 1,420,882; 1,420,883; 1,426,842: 1,429.266: 1,436,158: 1,519,322 —, clutch lining made with, 1,151,690; 1,414,383 — clutch rings from, 1,447,347 —,coating composition made with, 1,334,061; —-1,409,472 —, coffin made with, 1,234,180 —,coloring of, apparatus for, 1,202,652 —,—, ethyl ether for, 1,202,652 —,—,gasolene for, 1,202,652 —,—, process for, 1,202,652 —,composite article made _ with, 1,309,757 —,composite material contg. phenol aldehyde condensate and, 1,295,230 —, composition contg., 1,276,507; Re-14,570 —, composition board made with, 1,236 ,006 —,composition, molded, contg., 1,299, 847 —,—, structural, contg., 1,802,452 —,—, ’ vulcanizable, contg., 1,302,463 —, concrete, nailing, contg., 1,456,985 —, condenser, electric, made with, 1,497,449 —,—,—, dielectric for made with, 1,266,377 —~, conductor, electric, made with, 1.501 330 —, contact element, electric, made with, 1,501,330 —,cooling safe made with, 1,518,189 —, copper made with, 1,190,549 —, copper coated, catalyst, formaldehyde made with, 1,213,740 —, copper impregnated, formaldehyde made with, 1,213,740 —, corn oil made with, 1,161,481 —, cotton mixed with, 1,407,686 —,cotton seed oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for made with, 1,171,902; 1,275,405 —,coumarone-rubber article made 1,248,226 —,cylinders of, chlorination apparatus made with, 1,141,266 —,—,cooling apparatus made with, 1,141,266 —,—, distillation, fractional, apparatus made with, 1,141,266 —,—, gas, absorption of, apparatus made with, 1,141,266 —,—,—,treatment of, apparatus made with, 1 141 266 —,—,—, washing of, 1, 141 266 —,— hydrogenation apparatus 1,141,266: —,damonterolite, plasticity increased with of, 1,509,406; 1,509,478 1,295,230 ; with, apparatus made with, made _ with, 611 Asbestos, dehydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1 215,334; 1,215,335 —, dental cement made with, 1,507,379 —, ’ dental inlay, mold for, made with, 1,380,398 —,denture cleaning composition contg., 1 045,819 —, desk tops contg., 1,464,242 — , detonator made with, 1,498 001 —, dissolving, glass for, 1,394, 973 —, distillation apparatus made of, 1,422,475 —,door knobs made with, 1,482 358 —, ’ dress form made with, 1,123 600 —, drier for, construction of, 1,222 841 —, dyeing of, apparatus for, 1,333,700 —,—, electrical process for, 1,333, 700 —,—, process for, 1,333,700 —,ehrenbergite, plasticity increased with of, 1 009,406; 1,509,478 — electrical insulating 1 430,266 —, electrical resistance unit contg., 1,440,202 —,electri¢e contact element made with, 1 001,330 — , electric-welding flux contg., 1,841,558 —, electrode, are lamp, made ‘with, 1,212 610 —,—, carbon, protective coating for conte., 1 312 ,256 —,— welding, made with, 1,144,390; 1,261,395 — ‘electrolyte, plasticity increased. with of, 1 509,406 — electrolytic cell diaphragm of, 1,337,724; 1 412,174; 1,490,332 —, engine, internal combustion, made with, 1,490,849 —, eternite contg., 1,415,466 — ethyl alcohol made with, 1,169,321 —, ethylene made with, 1,206. 229 —, ethylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 —,fabric made with, 1,503,337 —, ’ fairlead bushing made with, 1,357,238 —, ’ fan made with, 1,430,561 —,fan blades made with, 1,430,561 —,fan hub made with, 1,430,561 —,fat made with, 1,209,723 —,fat, hydrogenation of, with catalyst made with, 1,275,405 —,felt, waterproofed, made with, 1,288,158; 1,288,159 —,felted, band of, mfr. of, 1,301,612 —, fiber articles of, 1,372,118 —, fiber board contg., 1,297,480 —,fiber board made with, 1,423,081; 1,423,083 —,fiber picture made with, 1,207,841 —, fiber. sheet made with, 1,215,064 —, fibrous sheet made with, 1,209,315 —. filter made with, 1,147,991; 1,198,039 . —, filter, bacterial, made with, 1,256,171 —., filter made of cheese cloth and, 1,285,233 —,filtering compound mfr. from, 1,836,591; 1,409,206 —, fire-brick contg., 1,855,689 —, fireproof board made with, 1,226,779 —, fireproof paint contg., 1,442,089 —, fireproofing made with, 1,123,401; 1,507,181; 1,518,857 -» , —, fireproofing of, composition for, 1,136,370; 1,192,931 material contg., pitson for, 612 Asbestos, fireproofing material contg., waste, 1,351,149 —., fire-retardent made with, 1,152,798 —, fish oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,174,245 —,floor covering made using, 1,141,897; 1,156,122; 1,190,942; 1,192,460; 1,227,923; 1,260,625; 1,263,823; 1,482,336 —, flooring contg., 1,254,788 —,flooring made with, 1,194,926; 1,245,329; 1,246,805; Re-14,653; 1,246,806; 1,246,807 —, flooring, composite contg., 1,314,772 —,formaldehyde distillation apparatus made of, 1,422,475 —,formaldehyde-urea condensate made with, ‘1,482,357; 1,482,358 —,formula of, 1,353, 621 —, ‘friction clutch rings of asphalt oil and, 1,450 319 —, friction fabric made with, 1,519,322 —-, ' friction facing made with, 1,275,048 ; 1 A17,778; 1,417,779; 1,420,882; 1 420, ‘883 ; 1,426,842: 1,466,907: 1,493,290: 1,498,386 —,friction lining made _ with, 1,151,690; 1,162,371; 1,414,383 —,fuel made with, 1,342,799 —,fuel contg., fibers of, 1,342,799 —,furnace lining made with, 1,271,052 — ’ furniture made with, 1,160 362; 1,160,865 —; fuse, electric, safety, ‘made with, 1.288, 794 —, gas, ‘absorbent for, made with, 1,321 061 —,—,detection of using, 1,321 062 — gas-check pad, core for, made with, 1,148,622 - gaskets made with, 1,137,378; 1 151 690; 1,162,371; 1,194,408; 1,203,7 62 : 1,248,226 : 1,374,463; 1,409,206; 1,409,275; 1,409,276; 1,409,277; 1,506,044; 1,516,180 —, gasket (jar closure), made with, 1,194,273 —,gasket material contg., 1,409,275; 1,409,276; 1,409,277 —,gas mask made with, 1,321,061 —,gear made with, 1,223,216; 1,492,145 —,gears, coating for contg., 1,305,222 —; glass mir. with, 1,894,973 —,glycol made with, 1,206, 222 —,gold, production of using, 1,190,549 —,granite, imitation, made using, 1,141,897 —,grease, water, separation from of using, 1,198,039 —,gums, plasticity increased with of, 1,509,406 —,handles made with, 1,482,358 1,298,816; —,heater, electric, made with, 1,507,379; 1,518,239 —, heat-insulating material contg., 1,442,325; 1,442,326; 1,442,327; 1,442,328 —, heat-insulator contg., 1,307,548; 1,307,549 —, ‘“ hoolamite ” made with, 1,321,062 —, hydrocarbon, hydrogenation of, catalyst for made with, 1,152,765 —, hydrogen made with, 1,172,885; 1,219,843; 1,220,391 —, hydrogen, detection of, apparatus for made with, 1,467,911 —,hydrogen made using separator made. of, 1,176,105 1,208,722; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Asbestos, hydrogenation, catalyst for, made ‘ with, 1,148,332 ; Re-14,167 ; 1,152,765; 1,156,674; 1,158,664; 1,171,902; 1,174,245; 1,215,334; .1,215,335; 125) 202s ere —, impregnating, urea-formaldehyde conden- sate for, 1,458,543 —,impregnation of, resin, artificial, for, - 1,451,848 —,insulating composition contg., 1,427,621; 1,456,667 —,insulating material contg., 1,332,860; 1,353,621; 1,353,622; 1,402,138; Re-15,844; Re-15,952 —, insulating material mfr. from, 1,431,962 —, insulating varnish, electric, for, 1,149 el —, insulation made with, 1,162, 092 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,123,401 ; 1,155,812; 1,183,428 ; 1,217,873 ; 1 242,592 ; 1,286,370 ; Re-15,199; 1,372,114; 1,409,276 ; 1,425,784; 1,443,935; 1,503,337 ; 1,299,798 : Re-15,844 ; 1,155,813; 1,211,443 ; 1,227,465 ; 1 249 593; 1 286 alas 1 332, 360 ; 1 392 849 ; 1,409,277 ; 1,427,911; 1 ‘448, ,086 ; 1 521 241 1,156,122; 1,213,144: 1,233,415; 1,255,139 ; 1,299,798; 1,346,397 ; 1,397,144: 1,413,144 ; 1,430,266 ; 1,470,637 ; —,—, fireproof, "made with, 1,183,694 —,—,heat, made with, 1,123,401; + hi AO Sod 4 1,288,486 ; 1,233,801 ; 1,353,621 ; Re-15,952 ; 1,211,028; 1,228,609 ; 1 245,723 ; 1,366,147 ; 1,439,658 ; 1,165,164; 1,213,726; 1,233,416 ; 1,274,728; 1,300,218 ; 1,357,238 ; 1,409,275 ; 1,413,145 ; 1,431,962 ; 1,493,062 ; 1,152,798 ; 1,218,679 ; 1,230,085 ; 1,252,468; 1,402,133 ; 1,456,667 ; 1,503,337; 1,513,922; 1,520,893 —,—,sound, made with, 1,233,801 —,iron, arc-welding, of, flux contg., 1,323,768 —,iron impregnated, ammonia made _ with, 1 148,570; 1,152,930 —,iron in, removing, hydrochloric acid for, 1 046,316 —,iron oxide, pigment, made with, 1,490,372 —, ivory, imitation, made with, 1,482 358 —, lvory substitute made with, 1 482,357 ; 1,514,509 —,kiln lining material of, 1,378,710 | — ’ knife handle made of, 1,160 362: 1,160,365 — ’ konjak root, treatment with of, 1,236, 183 —, lacquer made with, 1,242,592; 1,242, 593 —, lamp, incandescent, "made with, 1,159,111 —,lamp oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for) made with, 1,152,765 —, lath substitute made with, 1,211,028 —,leather, artificial, made with, 1,140,174; 1,217,123; 1,276,113; 1,392,849: 1,493,062 —,—,imitation, backed with, 1,291,180 —,leatherboard contg., 1,302,513 —,leather substitute made with, 1,409,275; 1,409,276; 1,482,336 —, lime, dolomitic, treatment with of, 1,256,296 —,—, treatment with of, 1,256,296 —,limonite associated with, 1,346,316 —, liquid, radio-active made with, 1,239,227 —, liquids filtered with powdered, 1,404,185 —, liquids purified with powdered, 1,404,185 —,lubricant made with, 1,133,204 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Asbestos, lubricant car-journals, contg., 1,143,153 —, lubricant 1,449,608 —,lumber, composite, made with, 1,217,369 —,—, waterproofing, 1,431,962 —, luting composition, acid-proof, made with, 1,281,702 —,machine element made with, 1,298,816 —, magnesia, treatment with of, 1,256,296 —,magnesia plaster contg., 1,436,747 —, manganese, nickel alloy wire contg., insu- lated, made with, 1,233,808 —,manganese dioxide made with, 1,218,772 —,—,asbestos sand 1,317,852; 1,317,853 —,marble, imitation, made using, 1,141,897 —, material, building contg., 1,314,772 —, material, composite, contg., 1,314,772 —, matrix, linotype, made with, 1,158,962 for heavy machinery contg., 60’ oil cloth, imitation, made with, 1,140,174 — —, ordnance 1,143,622 TS ornaments made with, 1,482,358 613 Asbestos, nitric acid made with, 1,233,564 —,nitro-compound reduction _ of 1,124,776 —,nitrogen oxides made with, 1,233,564 —,nitrous acid made with, 1,233,564 —,nuts, oil from, made with, 1,209,723 =, oat oil made with, 1,161,481 —,obturating material made with, 1,192,661; 1,192,662 —, obturator, 1,143,622 —,oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for made with, 1,158,664; 1,275,405 —,—,vegetable, made 1,161,481 ; using, heavy, ordnance, made with, with, for, apparatus Ne —, water, separation from of using, 1,198,039 obturator composition contg., —, matrix, printing plate made with, 1,144,338 «-,oven wall made with, 1,488,798 —,—, stereotyping made with, 1,144,338 —,mending compound contg., 1,291,207; —,mesothorium chloride made with, 1,142,154 —, metal, coated, made with, 1,168,599 —--- “—% { Ss —, oxygen made with, 1,172,885; 1,208,722 1,219,848 ,oxygen made using separator made of, 1,176,105 —,—,enameling of, using, 1,495,632 “= %—, packing contg., 1,133,541; 1,158,770; 1,270,056 —, microphone made using, 1,177,047 &— packing made with, 1,137,373; 1,151,690; —,mine-ventilating tubing contg., 1,482,585 “se 1,161,213; 1,162,371; 1,194,408; 1,409,275; —,mold made with, 1,238,183; 1,262,973;“~% 1,409276; 1,409,277; 1,511,397 1,380,398 ®—, packing, valve, contg., 1,283,994 —,molded article made with, 1,125,906; #—, packing material of water-glass and, 1,295,339 1,130,223; 1,137,373; 1,146,045; 1,146.299; “) —, packing material contg., 1,441,951 1,150,642; 1,160,362; 1,160,365; 1,198,172; \“—, paint contg., 1,317,225; 1,362,241; 1,385,033; 1,216,515; 1,216,728; 1,227,465; 1,233,264; 1,385,034; 1,397,028 1,246,805; Re-14,653; 1,246,806; 1,246,807; —,paint contg., fibers of, 1,374,161 -1,268,031; 1,286,370; 1,286,372; 1,299,798; —,paint made with, 1,123,401; 1,200,731; 1,299,847; 1,300,218; Re-15,199; 1,334,061; 1,234,816; 1,862,241; 1,385,033; 1,385,084; 1,342,067; 1,844,765; 1,346,397; 1,357,147; 1,451,092; 1,507,181 1,357,238; 1,358,394; 1,368,753; 1,372,114; —,paint, antifouling, made with, 1,421,914 1,392,849; 1,397,144; 1,409,275; 1,425,784; —,—, fireproof, contg., 1,444,051 1,433,730; 1,438,840; 1,489,991; 1,443.935; —,—,waterproof using, 1,444,051 1,470,637; 1,477,870; 1,477,938; 1,482,357; —,palladium, catalyst, made with, 1,505,162 1,482,358; 1,484,370; 1,489,744: 1,492,753; —,palladiumized, catalyst in ammonia oxida- 1,495,205; 1,495,206; 1,500,303; 1,503,392; tion, 1,458,969 1,503,409; 1,509,406; 1,509,478; 1,513,323; —,paper made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365; 1,513,922: 1,514,508; 1,514,509; 1,514,666; 1,500,500 1,517,360; 1,520,791 —, paper, fire-proof, made with, 1,164,941 —,molding of, process for, 1,439,991 —,molding composition filler, 1,443,935 —,molybdenum-iron catalyst carrier 1,386,555 —,montmorillonite, plasticity increased with of, 1,509,406; 1,509,478 —,mortar made with, 1,509,478 —, mortar for setting fire-brick contg., 1,252,785 —, mosaic, imitation, made using, 1,141,897 —,nailacrete contg., 1,314,772 by, —,naphthoquinones made with, 1,284,888; 1,285,117 . —,nickel, catalyst, made with, 1,208,833; 1,251,202; 1,491,465 —,nickel alloy wire, chromium in, insulated, made with, 1,233,808 —,—,manganese in, 1,233,808 —, nickel catalyst carried by, 1,327,396 —, nickel catalyst mixed with, 1,375,368 insulated, made with, —,—, heat insulating made with, 1,164,941 —,paper board made with, 1,164,941 —, paving blocks contg., 1,421,751 —, paving block grouting, 1,465,448 —, peanut oil made with, 1,209,723 —,pea oil made with, 1,161,481 —,petroleum, hydrogenation of, catalyst for made with, 1,152,765 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made. with, 1,146,045; 1,187,230; 1,187,232; 1,188,014; 1,210,982; 1,218,144; 1,213,726; 1,242,592; 1,242,593; 1,253,261; 1,286,372; 1,839,134; 1,342,067; 1,358,394; 1,368,753; 1,503,392 —, phenol aldehyde condensate, composition of contg., 1,218,146; 1,259,472; 1,259,473 —,—, compound of and, 1,133,083 —,—,hardening of with, 1,269,627 —,—,impregnation with of, process 1,261,615 —,—,molded article of made with, 1,269,627 for, 614 Asbestos, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 phonograph record 1,276,507 ; Re-14,570; 1,470,637 —, phosphine detection of using, 1,321,062 —, phthalic acid made with, 1,284,888; 1,285,117 —,phthalic anhydride made with, 1,284,888; made with, 1,285,117 —, pigment, iron oxide as, made with, 1,490,372 —,pipe made with, ce 124,045 ; 1,156, 122; 1 198, 172 pipe covering made _ with, 1,209,315; ee 387 848; 1,513,922 —, pipe stem made with, 1,160,862; 1,160,365 ; 1,482,358 —,pipe tobacco cartridge made with, 1,518,944 —,piston packing contg., 1,332,320 —, plaster board contg., 1 456, 924: 1,513,922 —, plaster substitute made with, ‘1 211 028 —., plastic contg., 1,254,788; 1,294 836; 1 299, 798 ; 1 ,299,922; 1 310, 180; © 307, 144 — _ plastic made with 1,123,600 : 1, 146,299; 1,150,642; 1,157,234; 1,160,365: i Ts 337; 1,190,815; 1194201: 1,194.926: 1,201,535; 1,211,028; 1,211,382; 1,233,264; 1,260,625; 1,265,855; 1,274,728; 1,346,397; 1,364,004; 1,879,590; 1,425,784; 1,427,911; 1,470,637; 1,487,957; 1,489,744; 1,495,205; 1,507,379; 1,509,466; 1,509,478; 1,513,922 —,plastic composition contg., 1,379,590; 1,425,784; 1,427,911; 1,124,045; 1,160,362; 1,193,952; 1,206,076 ; 1,246 806; 1,299,798; 1,397,144; 1,482,929; 1,495,206 ; 1,511,949; 1,346,397 ; 1,438,840 —, plastic composition (for water closet tanks, etc.) contg., 1,437,618 —, plastic material contg., 1,370,637 —,plate, printing, made with, 1 ,146,299 — platinized, catalyst, 1,347, 158 —,—, ammonia oxidation 4488. 969. —,—,—, benzaldehyde made with, 1,234,887 —,—,—, benzoic acid made with, 1,284,887 —,—,—,nitric acid made with, 1,193,797; 1,193,798; 1,193,800 —,—,—,nitrogen, nitrogen dioxide, from of using, 1,487,647 —,—, —, —, nitrogen oxides, removal from of, using, ‘Al 487 647 —,—,oxygen, removal from of, using, ey 487 647 —,—, nitrogen dioxide made with, 1,193,797; oe 193 798: 1 193, 800 —,—,— ,nitrogen dioxide, from of, using, 1,487, 647 —_—,—,— “nitrogen oxides, from of, using, 1,487,647 —,—,—, oxygen, nitrogen, removal from of, using, 1,487,647 —,—,—, sulfuric acid, made with, 1,520,093 —,catalyst of, cleaning, water for, 1,429,222 —,—, catalyst for heating apparatus, 1,379,742 —,—,catalyst for oxidation of nitrogen of, 1 372, 541 —,—, catalyst for sulfur dioxide oxidation, 1,348,462 —,—, catalytic 1,347,631 —,—, heating apparatus contg., 1,379,742 made with, removal nitrogen, removal nitrogen, removal heating apparatus contg., _ Asbestos, platinized, heating apparatus, cataly- tic, made with, 1,202,199 —, platinum, catalyst, made with, 1,505,162 ee platinum catalyst support, 1,309, 623 —, platinum impregnated, alcohol, solidified, burning of, using, 1,502,807 —, porcelain made with, 1,507, 379 —,porous material made with, 1,518,189 —,power transmitting composition contg.. 1 368,945 —., printer’s blanket contg., 1,464,242 —, projectile retarding material made with, 1 192,661; 1,192,662 — propylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,315,229 —' pulleys, coating for contg., 1,305, 292 —,pulpboard made with, 1 160, 362: 1,160,565 — pulse oil made with, L 161 81 —, puncture-closing composition contg., 1 ,299,273 —, pyrogallol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,286,372 — . pyrotechnic made with, 1,320,514 —,radiator repair composition contg. ., 1,467,065 —, ‘radium-barium chloride made with, 1 142,154 —, railroad tie made with, 1,124,045; 1,250,194 —,railroad ties coated with asphalt and, 1 418,708 —, record, phonograph, made with, 1,146,299; 1 A13 984; 1,482,358; 1,513,120; 1,516,469 —,—,—, matrix for, made with, 1,144, 938° —, ’ rectifier, electric, made with, 1,155, 649 — ’ refractory made with, 1,271 052; 1.283, 754 ; 1,327,758 ; 1,355,689; 1,509,478 Abe oF e —,refractory material contg., 1327,758; 1,372,016 — , refrigerator made using, 1,175,376 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1 194, 201 —,resin oil, hydrogenation ‘of, catalyst for made with, 1,152,765 —., resinous material contg., 1,299,706 —, ’ resistance, electric, made with, 1,507,379; 1,513, 239 —, resistance 1,192,457 —,road paving made with, 1,156,122; 1,218,218 —,rock, stone, artificial, made with, 1,140,559 —,roofing made with, 1,141,897; 1,156,122; 1,167,195; 1,197,307; 1,204,085; 1,204,086; 1,206,076; 1,211,382; 1,220,966; 1,226,904; 1,234,816; 1,263,823; 1,264,807; 1,357,920; 1,362,887; 1,503,409; 1,511,949 —,roofing, composite contg., 1,314,772 —,roofing contg., fibers of, 1,874,885 —,roofing composition contg., 1,449,058 —,roofing material mfr. from, 1,436,914 —, roofing paper made with, 1,209,315 —,roofing tile contg., 1,464,242 —,rope, coating for contg., 1,305,222 —,rubber, artificial, made with, 1,285,463 wire, electric, made —,rubber article made with, 1,248,226; 1,493,062 —,rubber composition contg., 1,262,828; 1,455 893 —, rubber substitute made with, 1,160,362; 1 160,365; 1,228,692; 1,265,855; 1,409,275 —, safe, burglar proof, made using, 1,232,330 with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Asbestos, screen, motion picture, made with, 1,152,620 —,sealing composition made with, 1,334,061; 1,429,407 —,seeds, oil from made with, 1,209,723 —, separating of, air for, 1,243,096 —,—, apparatus for, 1,243,096 —,— "liquid for, 1,243 096 —,—, process for, 1 248 ,096 —,—, steam for, 1,243, 096 — sewage treatment by, 1,864,387 —,shale oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for ~ made with, 1,152,765 —, sheathing made with, 1,362,887 —, sheaves, coating for contg., i 305 222 —, sheet, flooring made of asphalite and, ~ 1.389.595 —,shellac substitute made with, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,shingle made with, 1,123,449; 1,197,307; 1,464,242 —,shingle, artificial, made with, 1,218,217; 1,223, 834 —,—,asbestos contg., made with, 1,130,240 — ship, sunken, compound for filling hole in, “ee with, 1, 157, 234 —, shoe filler made with, 1,136,980; 1,203,229; 1,334,061 —, shoe heel made with, 1,265,855 —, shoe protecting compositi on contg., 1,429,237 —,shoe sole made with, 1,260,625; 1.265 855 —; shoe stiffener blank for made with, 1,283,391 —, shoe stiffening composition contg., 1,429 937 — shot- -gun shell contg., fiber impregnated a 1,340,245 — _, signal flare made with, 1,320,514 —, silver made with, 1,190 549 —, ’ silver vanadate, catalyst, made with, 1,183,414 —,slabs of, mfr., 1,423,000 —, slate, writing, made with, 1,520,380 —, snow, imitation, made with, 1,192, 372 — ; soapstone, lubricant, car-journals, contg., 3 143,153 —, sodium made with, apparatus coated with composition contg., 1 ,186,936 —, sodium hydroxide made with, 1,167,705; 1 485,473 —, sodium silicate in, 1,317,853 —, ’ solder, self-fusing, made with, 1,151,679 — ’ sound-deadening composition ‘conte., 1 406,618 ~- -sound-recording chamber constructed using, 1 ,190,133 —,soya bean oil made with, 1,161,481 —,sparkler made with, 1 174 O21 —,sprockets, coating for contg., 1,305,222 —, steel, arc-welding of, flux contg., 1 323 4168 —,— coating of using, 1,195,090 —,—, ’ structural, protecting of, ¢ 167, 949 —, stereotype, mold for casting of, made with, 1,191,353 —, stone, artificial, contg., 1,456,667 process for, —,—,—, made with, 1 130 293: 1,130,240 ; : 135, 176: 1 204,085 ; 1,204,086; 1,223,834; 1 934. 692: 1,246,805; Re-14,653; 1,246,807; 1 492 753 615 Asbestos, stopper, porous, made with, 1,481,505 —, stove board made with, 1,192,931 —,stream-line casings made with, 1,433,730 —,stucco made with, 1,138,069; 1,253,011 —,sulfur combustion accelerated by, 1,455,284 —, sulfuric acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,183,414; 1,227,044 —,sulfur recovered from furnace gas with, 1,314,634 —,sulfur trioxide, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,227,044 —, Swedish, battery, storage, electrolyte for, made with, 1,213,182 —, syphilis treated with apparatus made using, 1 228,451 — table mat made with, 1,215,223 —, ‘table top made with, 1,334 061 —,tannic acid, plasticity increased with of, 1,509,406 —,tape for wheel fellies made with, 1,477,975 —,tar, lining made of and, 1,137,779 —,terne plate made with, 1,213,851 —, thermal insulating material contg., 1,435,416 —, thermostatic metal made with, 1,250,862 —,thorium compound made with, 1,142,154 1,344,765 ; —,tile made with, 1,130,240; 1,198,172; 1,204,085; 1,204,086; 1,364,004; 1,492,753; 1,503,409; 1,513,620; 1,520,791 —, tile substitute made with, 1,484,370 —,tire made with, 1,223,692; 1,235,861 —, tire, automobile, made with, 1,260,625 —,tire puncture healing composition made with, 1,128,282; 1,143,152; 1,233,753; 1,247,814 —,tobacco pipe made with, 1,455,396 —,tobacco pipe composition contg., 1,455,396 —, toilet articles made with, 1,482,358 —, ‘toilet seat made with, 1,495 205; 1,495,206 —,o-toluidine, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,207, 802 —, tomb stone made with, 1,130,223 — , torpedo, track, made with, 1,124, 748 —, treating, 1,407, 686 : 1,427, 911 —,—, acids for, 1,340, 535 —,— ’ apparatus and method for, 1,338,613 —, tree, filling composition for cavities in contg., 1,160,701 —, trunks contg., 1,464,242 —,trunks made with, 1,160,362; —,umbrella handle made with, ii 160,365 — , urea-formaldehyde condensate made with, 1 458,548; 1,482,357 —, valve seat ‘made Withy 1,laijo¢o —; valve-stem packing contg., 1,429,455 —,vanadium(ic) oxide catalyst made with, 1 463,206 —, vanadium pentoxide catalyst, made with, 1,160,365 1,160,362 ; 1 458,478 —, ‘varnish made with, 1,200,731; 1,242,592; 1 242,593; 1,892,849; 1,413,144; 1,413,145; 1 ‘443 935; 1 ‘470, 637 —, vulcanite substitute made with, 1,468,222 —, ’ wall, fire resisting, made using, 1,198, 004 —, "wall board contg., 1,454,823; 1,466, 246 —, ’ wall board, made with, 1,473, 981; i 502,608 ; 1 511,949 616 Asbestos, wall covering made with, 1,141,897; 1,160 708; 1,482,336 —, water, grease, 1,198,039 —,—,oil, separation from of using, 1,198,039 —,—,radio-active made with, 1,239,227 —,—, sterilization of using, 1,200,165 —, waterproof 1,263,823 —, waterproofing made with, 1,123,401 —, waterproofing, alginates for, 1,415,850 —, Waterproofing of, aluminum acetate for, 1,280,954 —,—, aluminum compound for, 1,280,954 —,—, aluminum linoleate for, 1,280,954 —,—,aluminum sulfate for, 1,280,954 —,—, casein for, 1,280,954 separation from _ using, composition made _ with, —,—, composition for, 1,136,370 —,—, linseed oil for, 1,280,954 —,—, linseed oil soap for, 1,280,954 —;,—, process for, 1,280,954 —, water purified using, 1,244 989 —, welding electrode coating contg., 1,415,774 ; 1,441,685 —,whale oil, hydrogenation of, with catalyst made with, 1,275,405 —,white, electrode, 1,241,899 —, wick made with, 1,193,146 —, wick, non-combustible, made with, 1,178,850; 1,207,160 —, Wire, enameling of, using, 1,495,632 —,—, insulated, made with, 1,233,808 —, wood, adhesive for, made with, 1,489,991 —,—, artificial, made with, 1,397,144: 1,407,747 —,—, fireproofing of, using, 1,487,255 —,—, waterproofing of, using, 1,487,255 —,wood substitute made _ with, 1,201,535 ; 1,484,370 —, writing board made with, 1,520,380 —, see also Amphibole; Actinolite ; Chrysotile ; Mineral wool; Soapstone asbestos; Serpen- tine; Tremolite Asbestos basket, mfr. of, process for, 1,209,316 —,—, sodium silicate for, 1,209,316 —,—, wire fabric for, 1,209,316 Asbestos blocks, wall, fire resisting, made using, 1,198,004 Asbestos board, clutch facing made with, 1,429,266; 1,436,158 —, coffin made with, 1,234,180 —, corrugated, insulation, heat, 1,179,773 —,gasket made with, 1,241,587 —, insulating-varnish, electric, for, 1,149,171 —, mfr. of, cement, Portland, for, 1,431,962 —,—,drier for, 1,431,962 —,—, lead resinate-tungate for, 1,431,962 —,—, linseed oil for, 1,431,962 —,—, Manganese resinate for, 1,431,962 —,—, process for, 1,431,962; 1,439,991 —,—, “tox tungate solid” for, 1,431,962 —,—, tung oil for, 1,431,962 —,—, tung oil, polymerized, for, 1,431,962 —, roofing made with, 1,141,136 Asbestos cement, composition, molded couma- rone resin in, 1,299,847 . welding, made _ with, made with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Asbestos cement, Dutch tile mfr. from, 1,440,882 —, electrode, welding, made with, 1,416,183 —, fuel, artificial, made with, 1,193,070 —, insulation, heat, made with, 1,286,602 —, mfr. of, asbestos for, 1,317,853 —, plastic composition contg., 1,361,759 Asbestos cement product, mfr. of, 1,423,000 Asbestos cement shingle, see Asbestos shingle Asbestos cement slate, alloy coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —,aluminum coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 } —, brass coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —, bronze coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —, copper coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —, iron coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —, lead alloy, antimony in coated, mfr. of, proc- ess for, 1,258,282 —,—,tin in, coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —, lead coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —, metal coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —, tin coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —, zine coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 Asbestos cloth, composite sheet made with, 1,245,196 —, insulation, sound, made with, 1,245,196 —, legging made from, 1,513,936 —,zine made with, 1,107,309; Re-14,436 Asbestos composition, alloy coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —,aluminum coated, mfr. 1,258,282 —, brass coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —, bronze coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —, coating of, cresol for, 1,160,363 —,—, formaldehyde for, 1,160,363 —,—, phenol for, 1,160,363 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,160,363 —,—, process for, 1,160,363 —, copper coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —,iron coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —, lead alloy, tin in coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —,lead coated, antimony in mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —, lead coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —, metal coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —, tin coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —, zinc coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 Asbestos compound, dam-forming compound contg., 1,408,587 Asbestos container, candle made with, 1,174,934 —, night light made with, 1,174,934 Asbestos curtain, mfr. of, asbestos treated with alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,256,296 Asbestos cylinder, catalyst carrier, fat, hydro- genation of using, 1,141,266 —,—, oil, hydrogenation of using, 1,141,266 Asbestos diaphram, alkali hydroxide made using, 1,222,239 —,chlorine made with, 1,125,201; 1,286,844 —, cleaning of, lactic acid for, 1,309,214 —,—, process for, 1,309,214 —, hydrogen made using, 1,222,239; 1,328,981; 1,346,849 of, process for, 1,222,239 ; INDEX OF SUBJECTS Asbestos diaphram, made with, 1,328,981; 1,346,849 —, sodium carbonate made with, 1,125,201 —, sodium hydroxide made with, 1,286,844 Asbestos fabric, fabric, lubricating, made with, 1,182,103 —, lubricant made with, 1,182,103 oxygen —,rubber coated, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,517,606 —,—,—, process for, 1,517,606 —, rubber impregnation of, 1,292,027 Asbestos felt, insulation, heat, made with, 1,148,447 —, mfr. of, asbestos treated with alkali earth hy- droxide for, 1,256,296 —,roofing made with, 1,230,396 —,roofing material contg., 1,296,324 Asbestos fiber, coating composition 1,423,821 _—, film, motion picture made with, 1,226,655 —} furnace lining contg., 1,396, 975 —, nitrogen tetroxide dissolved in water with, 1 483,004 —, phonograph record made with, 1,413,984 —,piston ring sealing composition contg., 1,363,563 Asbestos fiber E, stone, artificial, made with, 1,163,060 Asbestos flour, chlorine made with apparatus coated with composition contg., 1,186,936 —,sodium made with apparatus coated with composition contg., 1,186,936 Asbestos lumber, mfr. of, asbestos for, 1,299,798 —,—, barite for, 1,299, 798 —,—, cement, Portland, for, 1,299,798 —,—, coal tar pitch for, 1 299 798 —;— fibrous material for 1 299, 798 Goa paracoumarone for, 1. 299, 798 —, process for, 1,299, 798 a —,resins for, 1,299,798 —, waterproofing, 1,431,962 Asbestos mullboard, see Asbestos board Asbestos paper, airplane covering material made with, 1,519,239 —,building material made with, 1,218,217 —, catalyst, nickel, made with, 1,326,767 —, catalyst, palladium, made with, 1,326,767 —,—, platinum, made with, 1,326,767 —, cigarette wrapper made with, 1,518,944 —, heater, electric, made with, 1,513,239 —,insulation, heat, made with, 1,178,027 —,iron, protecting of using, 1,277,755 —,mfr. of, asbestos for, 1,493,371; 1,518,944 —, carbohydrate for, 1,518,944 —,—, casein for, 1,518,944 —,—, cellulose acetate for, 1,518,944 —,—, cellulose ester for, 1,518,944 —,—,cellulose nitrate for, 1,518,944 —, dextrin for, 1,518,944 —,—,gelatin for, 1,518,944 —,—,glue for, 1,518,944 —,—, paper for, 1,493,371 —,—,paper pulp for, 1,518,944 —,paper pulp, rice for, 1,518, 944 —,potassium nitrate for, 1,518, 944 —, process for, 1,493,371; 1,518, 944 —,—, size, animal, ‘for, 1,518, 944 contg., 617 Asbestos 1,518,944 —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,518,944 —,—,sugars for, 1,518,944 —, metal, coated, made with, 1,236,994 —,—, protecting of using, 1,277,755; 1,421,338; 1,432,512 —, metal article coated with, 1,421,338 —,pipe covering, weather-proofing of, using, 1,134,475 —,resistance, electric, made with, 1,513,239 —,roofing made with, 1,436,914 —, shingle, artificial, made with, 1,218,217 —,steel, coated, made with, 1,236,994 —,—, protecting of using, 1,277,755 Asbestos paper diaphragm, copper, electro- deposition of using, 1,198,024 Asbestos paste, blast furnace gas, burner for, made using, 1,222,922; 1,223,248; 1,223,249; 1,223,308 —,carbon monoxide, burner for, made using, 1,223,249 —,coal gas, burner for, made using, 1,222,922; paper, mfr. of, soap, rosin, for, 1,223,248; 1,223,249: © -1:223,308 —,coke oven gas, burner for, made _ using, 1,222,922; 1,223,249; 1,223,308 —,fuel, gaseous, burner for, made using, 1,222,922; 1,223,248; 1,223,249; 1,223,308: —,gasolene, air gas, burner for, made using, 1,222,922) 1.223 249-71 223-308 —,hydrocarbon, burner for, made _ using, 1,222,922; 1,223,249: 1,223,308 —, hydrogen, burner for, made using, 1,223,249 —,methane, burner for, made using, 1,223,249 —,natural gas, burner for, made using, 1,222,922; 1,223,249; 1,223,308 —,producer gas, burner for, made using, 1,222.9222)) 1.223,249% || 2.223.308 Asbestos paste, water gas, burner for, made using, 1,222,922; 1,223,248; 1,223,249 ; 1,223,308 Asbestos powder, celluloid substitute made with, 1,181,858 —, paper made with, 1,161,696 Asbestos sand, asbestos cement made with, 1,317,853 —,asbestos from, apparatus for, 1,317,852 —,process for, 1,317,853 Asbestos sandings, wall board made _ with, 1,502,603 Asbestos sheet, typewriter having interposed between inking ribbon and type face an, 1,181,832 Asbestos shingle, i prosine of using, 1,518,857 —,mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,204,083; 1,247, 939 —,— _asbestos for, 1,244, 148; 1,247 939 —,—, ‘asbestos treated with alkali earth hy- droxide for, 1,256,296 —,—, brick for, I; 244, 148 —,—, cement for, 1,244, 148 —,—, cement, hydraulic, for, 1,247,939 —,—,—, Portland, for, 1,244, 148; 1,247,939 —,—, jute for, 1,247, 939 —,—, process ‘for, 1,244, 148; 1,247,939 —,—,slate for, 1,244, 148 Asbestos tailings, stone, artificial, made with, 1,163,060 618 Asbestos 1,180,503 —,rubber impregnation of, 1,292,027 Asbestos wood, mfr. of, asbestos treated with alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,256,296 Asbestos wool, packing material 1,355,984 Asbestos yarn, electrode, soldering, made with, 1,341,647 —,—, welding, made with, 1,341,647 —,rubber impregnation of, 1,292,027 —,wire-reinforced, mfr. of, process 1,439,166 Asbolite, see Wad Ash, anthracite coal, see Coal, anthracite, ash —,bituminous coal, composite fuel contg., 1,295,455; 1,295,456 —,bricks mfr. from, 1,440,234 —,building blocks mfr. from, 1,428,811 tape, clutch facing made contg., for, —,cementitious composition made _ with, 1,470,674 —, coal, bricks contg., 1,385,757 —,—, covering contg,, 1,370, 990 —, ‘coal saving composition contg., 1,481,456 —, ‘coke separation from, 1,466, 083 — fuel, artificial, made with, 1,256,494 —,—, recovery of from, 1,512, 870 —,—, ’ solid, made with, 1,481 ‘456 — ’ foundry, recovery of brass from, 1,309,165 —, grouting made with, 1,237,921 —, insecticide made with, 1,230 648 — insulation, heat, made with, 1,170,499 —,—,sound, made with, 1,419, 665 — ’ kindling ‘compound contg., 1,466,480 —,‘ locomotive,” plastic composition contg., 1 419,665 —, lumber substitute mfr. with, 1,436,061 —, "molded article made with, 1,170 499; 1 470,674 —, peat, drying of using, 1,143,497 —,plaster board made with, 1,419,665; 1 456,924 —, plastic made with, 1,466,083 —, plastic composition containing coal, 1,364,004 —,road paving made with, 1,234,360; 1,237 920; 1 237,921 —, roof covering contg., 1,369,911 —,stone, artificial made with, 1,170,499; 1,466,083 —, treating, herring brine for, 1,466,083 —, treatment of smut in grain by, 1,875,529 —, vegetable, filtering material contg., 1,375,532 —,volcanic, plastic building material contg., 1,344,058 —,—,stone, artificial, made with, 1,135,176 —,see also Volcanic ash —, wall covering contg., 1,369,911 —,wood, fertilizer contg., 1,440,836 —,—,see also Wood ashes —,yeast preserved with, 1,420,557 —,see also Cinders Ashes of roses, silk dyed with, 1,446,860 Ash weed, see Gout weed Ash wood, mordanting solution made from, 1,340 246 —,nail extracted 1,314,772 from, force with, required, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Asparacemic acid, see Aspartic acid Asparagic acid, see Aspartic acid Asparagin, beer, dealcoholized, flavored with, 1,455,397 —, media contg., 1,400,374 —, yeast food, 1,455,397 ' Asparagus, asparagin in, 1,455,397 —,food product made with, 1,222,062 —,soap, desiccated, made with, 1,222,062 —,treatment of, calcium hydroxide 1,242,728 —,—, process for, 1,242,728 —,—, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,242,728 Asparamide, see Asparagin Aspartic acid, beer, de-alcoholized, flavored with, 1,455, 397 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,159,257 for, —, rubber substitute. made with, 1,159,257 ; 1,159 5258 —, salts of, insulation, electric, made with, 1,159,257 —,—,varnish made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258 —,—,rubber substitute made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258 —, succinic acid made with, 1,491,465 —, varnish made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258 —, yeast food, 1,455,397 Aspergillus, benzoic acid, growing of, process for, 1,148,938 —,enzymes from, 1,391,219 —, enzymes prepared from, 1,460,736 —, formaldehyde immune, growing of, process for, 1,148,938 — , hydrofluoric acid, growing of, process for, 1 ,148,938 — , Japanese soy made with, 1,514,554 —, koji made with, 1,148,938 —,malt substitute made with, 1,148,938 — ’ moyashi made with, 1 148, 938 —,salicylic acid, growing of, process for, 1 148,938 —, starch inverted by, 1,406,554; Re-15,776 —,see also Fungi; M olds Aspergillus oniki, soy mfr. from rice with, 1,400,374 Aspergillus oryzae, acetone produced with, 1,437,697 —,benzoic acid, growing of, process for, 1,148,938 —, bread made with, 1,325,327 —,butyl alcohol produced with, 1,437,697 —,cattle feed made with, 1,267,081 —,dextrin made with, 1,267,081 —,ethyl alcohol made with, 1,267,081 —, formaldehyde, immune, growing of, process for, 1,148,988 —,hydrofluoric acid, growing of, process for, 1,148,938 —, koji made with, 1,148,938 —, maltose made with, 1,267,081 —, malt substitute made with, 1,148,938 —,moyashi made with, 1,148,938 —,salicylic acid, growing of, 1,148,938 —,soy brewed with, 1,394,236 —,starch treated with, 1,329,214 —,see also Fungus process for, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Aspergillus oryzae spores, diastatic product made with, 1,192,584 —, koji made with, 1,192,584 —,see also Moyashi Aspergillus penicilliam, china grass, de-sizing of, using, 1,421,613 —, cotton, de-sizing of, using, 1,412,613 —. enzymes produced from, 1,421 613 —,ramie, desizing of, using, 1,421 613 —,silk, de-gumming of, using, 1,421,613 —, textile, desizing of, using, 1,421,613 —, ’ diastatic, product made with, 1,192 084 —, koji made with, 1,192,584 Rechalite, sheet flooring ‘mfr. from, 1,382,595 —,solvent for, naphtha as, 1,382 595 Asphalt, abrasive wheel ‘impregnated with, 1,403,416 —, acacia as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,acetylene from, cracking process for, 1,313,009 _—, acid, organic, made with, 1,517,968 -- ‘ acid-proof material made with, L5l8les —,adhesion of, preventing, cellulose base for, 1,421,338 —,adhesive made with, 1,510,472; 1,510,591 —, adhesive paper made with, 1,358,834 —,agar-agar as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, air-blown, asphaltic composition made with, 1,209,238 —,airplane fabric made with, 1,427,941 —,albumen as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,alcohols made with, 1,517,968 —,aldehydes made with, 1,517,968 —, alkali-proof material ‘made with, 1,513,133 —,alum, action of on, 1,252,433 —, ’ aluminum chloride made with, 1,217,471; 1 008,451 —, aluminum compound made with, 1,229,611 —,aluminum sulfate made with, 1,229, 611 —, aluminum sulfate, action of on, 1,252 A433 —,ammonia made with, 1,229 611 —,ammonium tannate, as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,anthracene from, cracking process for, 1,313,009 —,anthracite culm briquet made _ with, 1,212,291 —,antifouling composition contg., 1,421,914 —,antimony made with, 1,243,681 —, arsenic made with, 1,243,681 —,artificial, bituminous material made with, 1,506,371 —, flooring made with, 1,506,371 —,—,leather made with, 1,200,146 —,—,mfr. of, 1,483,137; 1,464,480; 1,464,482 —,—,paint made with, 1,127,831 —, paint, waterproof, made with, 1,506,371 —,—,road material of, 1,483,137 —,road paving made with, 1,187,314 —,—,roofing made with, 1,302,810 —, waterproofing made with, 1,302,810 —,—,see also Petroleum pitch —,asbestos band contg., 1,301,612 —,asphalt cement made with, 1,163,593 —,asphaltene in, extracting, carbon tetrachlo- ride for, 1,452,309; 1,452,310 1,464,481 ; 619 Asphalt, asphaltene in, extracting, process for, 1,452,309; 1,452,310 —,bag, paper, made with, 1,363,196 —,—, waterproof, made with, 1,363,196 —,balloon fabric made with, 1,427,941 —,balsade palmo wood treatment of, using, 1,203,577 — —,waterproofing of, using, 1,203,577 —,balsa wood, fireproofing for, made 1,194,558 —,—, waterproofing for, made with, 1,194,558 —, Barber Trinadad, ball mill, lining for, made with, 1,521,169 with, —,barium carbide made with, 1,224,788; 1,327,738 — , battery made with, 1,375,012 —,battery, dry, made. with, 1,137,030 ; 1 140,826; 1,143,181; 1,196, 225 : 1,215,774; 1,225,306: 1,289,433 ‘ Re-15,846 ; 1,866,095; 1,402,224; 1,468,574: 1,500,477; 1,501,084 —_—,—, —, sealed with, 1,328, 027; 1,431,859 —) primary, made with, 1,196 611; 1,215,774 —,—,storage made with, 1,375,012; 1,500,221; 1,500,222 —,—,—,container for, made with, 1,156,122; 1,197, 022: 1,285,303; 1,512,313 —,—, —, electrode for, made with, 1,500,219 —,—,—,jar for, made with, 1,276,481 —,—,name plate for, made with, 1,492,464 —,separator for, made with, 1,366,223; 1,500,220 —,battery boxes of, 1,467,311 —, battery electrode made with, 1,366,095 —, belt, woven, impregnated with, 1,310,867 —, ‘belt, dressing made with, 1,214 157 —, ’ belting made with, 1,179, 357: 1,249,019 _ ’ belting, coating for, conte., 1,305, 299 —, benzene made with, 1,224 788: 1,373 91 —, ’ benzene from, cracking process for, 1 a 009 —, ’ Bermuda, paint made with, 1,127, 831 —,—, road building with, Re- 15 401 (956, 009) —, ’ Bermudez, roofing made with, 1,499,308 —,—,tank lining, non- corroding, contg., 1,305,678 —, Bermudez lake, asphalt cement made with, 1,163,593 i —,—,road paving made with, 1,163,593 —,—,sulfur content of, 1,163,593 —,binder contg., 1,221,259; 1,258,272 —, binder, waterproof, made with, 1,258,103 —, binder of, plaster of Paris in, 1,372,467 —, binder of sulfur and, 1,264,932 —,binder tape made with, 1,167,466 —, bituminous composition een 1,302,810; 1 329,232 —, bituminous cannGeiion cbieren made with, 1 417,838 —,—, fibrous, made with, 1,156,122; 1,177,267; 1,201,758; 1,240,524 —, bituminous emulsion made with, 1,417,835; 1,517,075 —,bituminous material made with, 1,417,835; 1,450, 685; Re-15,944 — , blackboard, cleaner for, made with, 1,223,846 —,—,polish for, made with, 1,223, 846 ’ —, block made with, 1,269, 649: 1,320,709 “ wo 620 Asphalt, block impregnated with, mfr. upparatus for, 1,229,489 —,—,—, process for, 1,229,439 —, ‘blown,’ pavement of, 1,364,621 —,—,roofing made with, 1,417,841 —, board, composite, made with, 1,345,081 —,boiler economizer, corrosion prevented using, 1,516,341 —,bone black made with, 1,518,072 —, ’ brake lining contg., 1,436, 362 of, of —, ’ brake lining made with, 1 ‘277, 108; 1,426,842; 1 429,267; 1,452,555 —, brake lining of cotton impregnated with, 1,452,555 —,brake lining impregnated with, 1,354,996 —, brass, briquets of, made with, 1,123,719 —,—, etching of, with, 1,276,599 —,brick made with, 1,220,292; 1,269,649; 1,320,709 —, brick impregnated with, 1,261,114 1,220,298 ; —, ’ brick, impregnation of with, apparatus for, 1; 176, 284 —,—,—, process for, 1,176,284 —,—, waterproofing of, using, 1,150,481 —,briquet made with, 1,123,719; 1,274,480; 1,290,992; 1,452,992 —, bronze powder binder, 1,465,107 —,brush, electric generator, made with, 1,366,095 —,building block made _ with, 1,190,615; 1,265,655 — _ building felt made with, 1,511,475 —, building material contg., 1, 441. 861 —,building material made ‘with, 1,288,158; 1,288,159 ; 1,862,888; 1,382,095; 1,498,401; 1,505,206 1,476,078 ; — _ building material, finish coating for applied with, 1,282,460 — building paper made with, 1,515,821 —, building wall made with, 1,180,065 —,buoyant composition made with, 1,285,888 —, burial vault made with, 1,238,760; 1,478,769 —,butene made with, 1,517,968 — ' butyraldehyde made with, 1,517,968 —,butyric acid made with, 1,517, 968 —,cable, coating for contg., 1 305, 229 —, ’ cables impregnated with, 1,418,369 —,calcium carbide made with, 1,224,788; 1,327,738 —,calcium carbide, blocks of, made with, 1,486,618 —, California, emulsion, bituminous, made with, 1250223 —,paint made with, 1,127,831 1,183,694 ; 1,353,619; Re-15,949; 1,488,186 ; —,—,road building with, Re-15,401 (956,009) —,road paving made with, 1,259,223 —,roofing made with, 1,259,223 —,caoutchouc composition contg., 1,437,487 asd ? cre Pope —, ’ carbenes in, extracting, carbon bisulfide for, 1,452,309; 1,452,310 —,—,—, process for, 1,452,309; 1,452,310 —,carbides made with, 1,224,788 —,carbon, decolorizing, made with, 1,478,986; 1,478,987 —, carborundum 1,327,738 made with, 1,224,788 ; —, chlorination, — ae UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Asphalt, cardboard made with, 1,320,549 —,cardboard waterproofed using, 1,140,826 —, casein as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,casein composition made with, 1,437,487 —,catalyst, chlorination, made with, 1,520,506 —, cathode blank made with, 1,163,337 —, cellulose xanthate made with, 1,251,237 —,cement made with, 1,258,103; 1,450,685 ; Re-15,944; 1,507,379 —,cement, bag for, made with, 1,363,196 —,—, plastic, made from, 1,253,454 —,—, waterproof, contg., 1,305,645 —,ceramic ware, gold decorated, made with, 1,488,799 —,chains, coating for contg., 1,305,222 —, charcoal, artificial, made with, 1,478,986; 1,478,987 catalyst for, made with, 1,520,506 —,circuit breaker made with, 1,366,095 —,clams, wrapping material for, made with, 1,341,955 —,clay as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, nae made with, 1,223,846; 1,276,481 —, clot impregnated with, apparatus for, 1,277,986 —,—, process for, 1,277,986; 1,286,057 —, clutch. facing "made with, 1,426 842 —, ’ clutch ring mfr. with, 1,447 347 — coal, bituminous, briquettes of, made with, 1,488,606 —,— _ briquetting of, using, 1,207,180; 1,224,641 ’ —,— ‘lignite, briquettes of, made with, 1,488,606 _—, coal briquet made with, 1,123,719; 1 452 992; 1,458,716 —, coal dust, briquettes of, made with, 1,488,606 —, coal, slack, briquettes of, with, made 1,488,606 f —, coating, acid-proof, made with, 1,185,722 —,—, viscose for, 1,327,933 —,coating composition made with, 1,185,722; 1,189,550; 1,189,551; 1,353,003 —,coating composition for, mfr. of, carbon bisulfide for, 1,327,933 —,—,—, cellulose for, 1,827,933 ’ —, ’ chalk ear ylpe | 327, 933 — flint for, 1 327 933 3 d pare Sian aes d —,—,—, process for, 1,327,933 —,—,—, Silica for, 1,327, 933 ew ;—, soap for, 1,327,933 —,—, soap chips for, 1,327,933 —,—,—, soapstone for, 1,827,933 —,soda cellulose for, 1,827,933 —,sodium bicarbonate for, 1,327,933 —,sodium chloride for, 1,327,933 —,sodium hydroxide for, 1,327,933 —,viscoid for, 1,327,933 —,—, viscose for, 1,827,933 Cy epee) wag Cre) mins wee, —, -pdttes container made with, 1,203,832 —, coke made with, 1,175,079; 1,213,763 —,coke, briquetting of using, 1,207,180 —, colloidal, petroleum, removal from of, 1,506,115 —,comminuting, 1,402,177 —,composite sheet made with, 1,227,520 —,composition contg., 1,276,507; Re-14,570 —— | — “ INDEX OF SUBJECTS Asphalt, composition contg., vegetable fiber, wood fiber and, 1,370,647 —,compressed, mfr. of, 1,483,137 —,concrete, coating composition for, made with, 1,189,550; 1,189,551 —,—,expansion joint for, 1,239,573; 1,279,918; 1,280,572 —,—, filling crevices in, using, 1,513,382 —,concrete lined with, mfr. of, process for, 1,175,163 —,concrete waterproofed with, 1,150,481; 1,207,726; 1,383,749; 1,505,112 —,concrete substitute made with, 1,269,649 —,concrete tank, acid-proof lining for, made with, 1,152,783. —,concrete tank lined with, 1,162,515 —,condenser, electric, impregnation with of, process for, 1,286,057 —,conduit made with, 1,382,740 - —, conduit, electric, made with, 1,505,206 —, construction material made with, 1,338,037; 1,409,767; 1,438,966 ; —, container made with, 1,288,073 —,container, paper, made _ with, 1,173,268; 1,188,432 —,copper, etching of with, 1,276,599 —,copper compound made with, 1,229,611 —,core made with, 1,285,081; 1,477,064 —,core binder made with, 1,221,259 —,corncob pulp binder, 1,427,378 made __—iusing, 1,173,267 ; —,corrugated board made with, 1,519,280; 1,519,281 —,coumarone-rubber article made with, 1 248,226 —, covering contg., 1,370,990 —,crabs, wrapping material for, made with, 1,841,955 —, cracking, 1,392,788; 1,394,481 —, cracking of, apparatus for, 1,212,620 —,—,calcium chloride for, 1,212,620 _ —,—,lead for, 1,212,620 —,—, process for, 1,212,620; 1,313,009 —,—, zine chloride for, 1,212,620 —, Cuba, asphalt cement made with, 1,163,593 —,—,road paving made with, 1,163,593 —,—,roofing made with, 1,499,308 —,—,sulfur content of, 1,163,593 —,dental cement made with, 1,507,379 —,dextrin as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,diaphragm made with, 1,366,095 —,die, metallic, made with, 1,157,493 —,die plate made with, 1,376,365 —, Diesel engine fuel made with, 1,340,855 —,di-methylene from, cracking process for, 1,313,009 —, distillation of, apparatus for, 1,212,620 —,—,calecium chloride for, 1,212,620 —,—,lead for, 1,212,620 —,—, process for, 1,212,620; 1,450,327 —,—, zine chloride for, 1,212,620 —, distributing, apparatus for molten, 1,378,637 —, door mat made with, 1,194,874 —., drying oil made with, 1,256,535 —, dust layer contg., 1,450,685 —, dyeing. wood by impression in, 1,447,528 —, dye oil from, 1,409,083 —, Egyptian, battery, dry, made with, 1,196,225 621 Asphalt, 1,165,619 —, emulsified, composition made with, 1,469,563 —,—,road building with, Re-15,401 (956,009) —,—,shingle waterproofed with, 1,448,155 —, emulsifying, Re-15,401 (956,009) —,emulsifying of, alkali sludge sulfonate for, 1,373,661 —,—, apparatus for, 1,384,805 —,—, oleic acid for, 1,373,661 —,—, process for, 1,373,661; 1,440,356 —,—,resin for, 1,373,661 —,—,resin oil for, 1,373,661 —,—,soap for, 1,384,805 —,—, soap, sludge sulfonate for, 1,373,661 ,——, Sludge sulfonate for, 1,373,661 —,—, sludge sulfonic acid for, 1,373,661 electrode, projector, made with, —,—, water for, 1,373,661 —,emulsion contg., 1,461,445; 1,479,042 —,—, linoleum substitute made with, 1,479,044 —,—, mfr. of, 1,464,928 —,—, preparing, 1,408,224; 1,417,835 —,—, wall board made with, 1,479,044 —, emulsion, bituminous, made with, 1,258,103 —, emulsion, sulfite liquor and, mfr. of, 1,450,685 —, emulsion K-B made with, 1,515,821 —, enamel made with, 1,276,481 —,esters made with, 1,517,968 —, etching, electrolytic, using, 1,289,022 —, etching using, 1,288,775 —,etching ground of printing plates, 1,430,347 —, etching resist contg., 1,376,365 —, ethylene from, cracking process for, 1,313,009 —, expansion joint made with, 1,248,909 —, explosives contg., 1,282,229 —, explosive cap protector made with, 1,163,965 —,fabric made with, 1,194,874; 1,503,337 —, fabric, impregnated, made with, 1,340,855 —,—,waterproofing of, using, 1,279,918; 1,500,537 ; 1,502,598 —, fatty acids made using, 1,517,968 —,felt, building, made with, 1,474,423 —,—, composite, made with, 1,503,613 —,—, tarred, made with, 1,321,669 —,—, waterproofed, made with, 1,288,159 —, felt coated with, 1,331,365 —, felt contg., alkali treatment of, 1,293,293 —,—,recovery of, 1,293,293 —,felt impregnated with, 1,277,986; 1,311,862 —,—,preparing sheets of, 1,860,313 —,—, process for, 1,277,986 —, fiber, wood, binder for of sulfur and, 1,264,932 —, fiber board made with, 1,490,362 1,288,158; apparatus for, —,fiber board, weatherproof, made _ with, 1,362,888 —,filament, artificial, viscose, made with, 1,251,237 —,filamentary form, insultation, heat, made with, 1,289,892 —,—, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,289,892 —,—,—, tale for, 1,289,892 —, fireproofing made with, 1,194,558; 1,507,181 —., fireproofing of, alcohol for, 1,388,829 —,—,amyl arcetate for, 1,388,826; 1,388,829 —,—, antimony chloride, basic, for, 1,388,829 622 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Asphalt, fireproofing of, antimony oxychloride . Asphalt, ham, wrapping material for, made for, 1,388,829 with, 1,341,955 —,—, antimony salt for, 1,388,829 ane , handling, apparatus for, 1,378,637 —,—, antimony sulfate for, 1,388,826; 1,388,829 | —,hard, enamel made with, 1 205,845 —,—,antimony trichloride for, 1,388,826; —, ’ heater, electric, made with, 1,507,379 1,888,829 —, ‘heat insulator contg., 1,448 '386 —,—,carbon tetrachloride for, 1,388,826; — ’ heat-insulating material contg., 1,456,083 1,388,829 —, hemicellulose as emulsifier of, 1 440, 006 —, chlornaphthalene for, 1,398,991 —,Henasco, battery, storage, container for, —, lime for, 1,388,826; 1,388,829 made with, 1,329,232 “ti — process for, 1,388 826: 1,388 829 ue , hexa-methylene ‘from, cracking process for, —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,388 826 : 1,388,829 1 313,009 Bee a, ee ind for, 1,388,829 pas hollow article made with, 1,382,740 —, fire resistant, chlorinated naphthalene in, — ’ hydrobenzene from, cracking process for, 1,432,512 1 ,313,009 —,—, coating fibrous material with, 1,432,512 — , hydrocarbon, olefin, made with, 1,517,968 —,—, coating metals with, 1,432 512 —,—, paint contg., 1,385 033; 1 385, 034 —,—, mfr. of chlornaphthalene for, 1,398,991 —,—, Separation from of, apparatus for, —,fish, wrapping material for, made with, 1,278,023 1,341 955 —,—,—, benzene for, 1,278,023 —, floor covering made with, 1,131,317; —,—,—, Fullers earth for, 1,278 0238 1,131,595; 1,156,122; 1,182,414; 1,193,848; —,—,—,gasolene for, 1 278, 023 1,268,823; 1,802,810; 1,430,392 —,—,—, process for, 1,278, 023 —, flooring made with, 1,417,840; 1,463,611 —,—, unsaturated, from, 1,305,790 —, flooring, stable, made with, 1 281 444 —, hydrogen sulfide made with, 1,243,681 —, ' flotation process using, 1,350, 364 —, identification tag made with, 1,246, 103 —, ‘foil, composite, made with, 1,503, 613 —, ’ illustration plate for, made using, 1,143,991 —, food product, wrapping material for, made —, indurated material made with, 1,277, 329 with, 1,841,955 —, insulating board contg., 1,449, 221 — , formaldehyde made with, 1,517,968 —, insulating material contg., 1 332 ,860 —, friction fabric made with, 1 429 267 —, insulation made with, 1,248 909 —, ’ friction facing made with, 1 466 907; 1,498,386 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,156,122; os ’ friction material ingredient, 1,429 267 1 179,857; 1,183 423: 1,183,640; 1 194,201 : — fuel contg., 1,273,619; 1,305,392 1 "246, 810; L, 248, 638: 1 279, 918: 1,280,129 ; —, ’ fuel, Diesel engine, made with, 1,191,072 1,288,073: 1,306,520: I $32, 360 : 1,340,855 ; —, ’ solid, made with, 1,167,373 1,346,397; 1,872,114; 1 '392 849; 1,398,143 ; — fuel briquette contg., i§ 446,322 1,448,386; 1,503,337 —,ftiel briquette made with, 1,212,291; |—,—, fire-proof, made with, 1,183,694 if 507,679; 1,512,427 —,heat. made with, 1 162 450; 1,189,780; —, uller’s earth in binder of, 1,372,467 as 7 te ; Fig pee 1,486 535 ; 1,489, 567 ; —, fum m | 1348, 140 ue maculae a nba coat At —, iron, coating of using, 1,195,090; 1,288,734; —, gasket made with, 1,248,226 1 328 282 gasolene made with, 1,373,391; 1,517, 968 — —, paint of, using, 1,328,282 —, ’ gas plant purifier sponge conte., 1,472,951 Pua protecting of using, 1 277,755 —, gas purifying sponge contg., 1 398 613 —,—, rustproofing of, using, 1,147,971; —, gears, coating for contg., 1 305 229 I 276 481; 1,288,734 —, gelatin, as emulsifier of, 1 440, 356 — if OD Ore; briquetting of using, 1,207,180 —,Genasco, bituminous material made with, —> 1%00 sulfate, action of on, 1,252,433 1,329 239 —,isinglass as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 “aan cleaner for, made with, 1 223,846 —,japan made with, 1,294, 422; 1,294,627; gold decorated, made with, 1,205,728 ; 1,357,688; 1,472,716 eg 438, 799 —, joint, water-tight, made with, 1,289,308 —, Jointing composition contg., 1,506, 044 wie. A polish ay made with, 1,223,846 —, Kansas, paint, made with, 1,127, 831 —, glue as emulsifier of, 1,440 356 —,—, road building with, Re-15, 401 (956 ,009) —,gold, ceramic ware decorated with, made _ ’ kaolin as emulsifier of, 1,440, 256 eae 1,488,799 —, ’ Karl, pipe made with, 1 124 045 —,—, glass decorated with, made with, — erent plastic made with, 1 124 045 1,205 728; 1,438,799 —,railroad tie made with, 1,124,045 —, granite, cleaner for, made with, 1,223 846 —, So Perenes made with, 1,517 968 —,—, polish for, made with, 1,223 846 —,lath, plaster, made with, 1 018,337 —, grouting by means of, 1,327 268 —, ‘leather, artificial, made with, 1,179,357 ; —,gum, roofing made with, 1,197 007 1,238 528: 1,392 849 —,— . shingle made with, 1 ‘197 307 —,—,—, viscose, made with, 1,251,237 —,—,see also Gum asphalt —,—, , waterproofing of, using, 1,167, 327 —, gums as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,—,—, composition for ‘contg., 1,277,242 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Asphalt, leather board made with, 1,469,563 —,leather board impregnation of with, 1,277,322 —,leather dressing made with, 1,214,157 —,leather impregnation of with, 1,277,322 —,leather product made with, 1,192,460 —,leather substitute contg., 1,409,301 —., lightning arrester, electrode for, made with, 1,366,095; 1,488,936 —,lignite briquette made with, 1,452,992 —,limestone contg., 1,391,710 —, ’ limestone, asphaltic, artificial, made with, 1 237,852 —, linoleum made with, 1,131,317; 1,132,647 —,linoleum substitute made with, 1,479,044 —, ‘linseed oil substitute made with, 1,256, 535 — ’ lithographic “cover” ink contg., 1,367, 521 — ’ lithographic engraving made using, 1 "129, 901 _—, lithographic plate made with, 1 162 168 —, lobsters, wrapping material for, made with, 1 941,955 —, lumber, 1,353,619 ; Re-15,949 —,maleic acid made with, 1,517,968 —,malic acid made with, 1,517,968 —, ’ mfr. of, air for, 1,385, 511 —_,—, apparatus ‘for, 1,162,729: 1,250,052; 1,385,511 —,—, asphalt, Trinidad, for, 1,885,511 —, —, asphalt emulsion for, if 176, 006 ,—, bitumen for, 1,176 006; 1,385, 511 —,—, dust for, 1, 176, 006 —,—, elaterite for, 1,385,511 —,— ’ gilsonite for, 1 385, 511 —,—, grahamite for, 1 385 il —,—, limestone for, 1 176 006 —,— ‘ naphthalene for, if 125, 422 —,—, ’ petrolene for, 1 385, 511 —, petroleum for, ae 135 506; 1,162,729 — petroleum, Illinois crude, for, 1,125,422 —,—, Lima crude, for, 1 “125, 422 —,— ’ Pennsylvania crude, for, 1,125,422 —,—, ’ petroleum residuum for, 1 385, 511 artificial, made with, 1,182,601 ; 7a a 3 a3 ani? —,—,petroleum residuum, California, for, 1,885,511 —,—,—, Illinois, for, 1,385,511 —,—,—, ’ Mexican, for, 1 385, 511 —,—,—, ’ mid-continental, for, 1,885,511 —,— ’ process for, 1,125, 429: 1,162,729; 1,176, 006; 1 182,601 ; 1 250,052 Eph 332, 359; 1,385,511 —,—,sludge sulfonic acid tar for, 1,271,387 —-, ’ Spanish white for, 1,176 006 ,—, trass for, 1,176,006 —,—, whiting for, 1 176, 006 —, Maracaibo, asphalt cement made with, 1,163,593 —,—,road paving made with, 1,163,593 —,—, sulfur content of, 1,163, 593 —, ’ marble, cleaner for, "made with, 1,223,846 —,—, polish for, made with, 1,223 846 —_, marshmallow, as emulsifier ‘of, 1,440,356 —,meat, wrapping material for, made with, 1,341,955 —,meltable, mfr. from non-meltable as- phaltites, 1,332,359 623 Asphalt, mercury made with, 1,243,681 —,metal, coated, made with, 1,168,599; 1,236,994 —,—, coating of using, 1,195,090 —,—,etching of using, 1,276,599 —,—, protecting of using, 1,277,755; 1,421,338; 1,432,512 —,—, water-proofing of, made with, 1,276,481 —,metal article coated with, 1,421,338 —,metal coated with, 1,243,808; 1,289,537; 1,418,347; 1,418,848; 1,418,349 —,— , composition contg., 1,169,931 —, metal coating contg., mfr, of, process for, 1 271,387 —, Mexican, emulsion, bituminous, made with, 1 259,223 —, paper, a ‘479 9,043 —,—,—, sheet, composite, made with, 1,479,043 —,—, paper, waterproof, made with, 1,479, 043 —,—,road paving made with, 1,259,223 —,—,roofing made with, 1,259,223 : 1,417,841 —,sheet, composite, made with, 1,479,043 —, oe eral rubber made with, 1,217,157 — waterproof, made with, —,molded article made with, 1,190,615; 1,346,397; 1,858,394; 1,368,753; 1,372,114; 1,386,276; 1,392,849; 1,398,143; 1,517,360 —, molded article of paper pulp and, 1,386,276 —, molding of, apparatus for, 1,327,354 —,—, process for, 1,327,354 —,—,soapstone for, 1,327,354 —, molten, apparatus for distributing, 1,378,637 —,—, apparatus for keeping, 1,378,637 —, mortar, acid proof, contg., 1,456,303 —,—, waterproofing of, using, 1,150,481 —,naphthalene from, cracking process for, 1,313,009 —,naphthene from, cracking process for, 1,313,009 —,natural, bituminous material, made with, 1,506,371 —,—,drier contg., 1,278,290 —,—, flooring made with, 1,506,371 —,—, leather made with, 1,200,146 —,—,linseed oil substitute made with, 1,278,290 —,—,paint made with, 1,127,831 —,paint, waterproof, made with, 1,506,371 —,—,paint vehicle made with, 1,278,290 —,—,road paving made with, 1 187 314 —,—,roofing made with, 1,302, 810 —,—, waterproofing made with, 1,302,810 —,oil, recovered, for mfr. of, 1,425,289 —,—,spark preventing composition 1 469, 039 —, oil cloth made with, 1,131,317 . —, ‘oil gas made with, ‘517 968 —, ’ Oklahoma, binder conte., 1,258,272 —,—, shoe bottom filler contg., 1,258 Of pe —, ‘ore, briquetts of, made with, 1 123, 719 —,— _ briquetting of using, 1,207, 180 —,ore concentration by adhesive 1,448,928 —,oxalic acid made with, 1,517,968 —, ’ oxidized, pavement of, 1,364, 620; 1,364,621; 1 ,364,622 —,— , waterproofing process using, 1,417,837 contg., contg., 624 Asphalt, ozonizing, 1,430,538 —, packaging, paper for, 1,391,969 —, packing made with, 1,210,575; 1,248,909 —, pail made with, 1,277,322 —, paint made with, 1,145,186; 1,179,176; 1,194,558; 1,226,889; 1,256,535; 1,340,855; 1,344,861; 1,862,241; 1,365,882; 1,464,224; 1,507,181 —,paint, antifouling, made with, 1,145,186; 1,421,914 —,—,cement, made with, 1,256,535 —,—, concrete made with, 1,256,535 —,—,metal coating, contg., 1,379,542 —, paint for, mfr. of, process for, 1,410,790 —,paint for covering, formula, 1,410,790 —, paper made with, 1,503,613 —, paper, composite, made with, 1,503,613 —,—,sizing of using, 1,194,866 —,—, waterproof, made with, 1,479,043; 1,517,075 —,paper article, paste 1,450,685; Re-15,944 —, paper board impregnation of with, 1,277,322 —,paper board made with, 1,503,957 —, paper conduit made with, 1,180,625 for, made with, —,paper impregnated with, apparatus for, 1,277,986 —,—,process for, 1,277,322; 1,277,986; 1,286,057 —,paper waterproofed with, 1,352,796 : 1,396 269 —, paraffin from cracking process for, 1,313,009 —, paving blocks from, 1,405,302 —,paving block, impregnation of with, ap- paratus for, 1 176 284 a) ro) PHOcess for, 1,176,284 —, paving composition conte.., 1,395,396 —,paving compound consisting of fibers and, 1 840,181 —,paving material contg., 1,827,726; 1,364,037 —,paving material contg., metallic salts and, 1,328,310 —,pectins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, penetration-determining device for, 1 366 ‘Dil rubber and, —,penta-methylene from, cracking process for, 1,313,009 —, peptization of, 1,447,008 —,petrolene made with, 1,207,843 —,petrolene in, extracting, naphtha for, 1,452,309; 1,452,310 —,—,—,process for, 1,452,309; 1,452,310 —,petroleum residuum, asphaltic composition made with, 1,209,238 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made 1,187,230; 1,358,394; 1,368,753 —,phenol aldehyde condensate, compound of and, properties of, 1,133,083 —,phonograph record made with, 1,134,774; with, 1,175,728; 1,276,481; 1,276,507; Re-14,570; 1,404,792 —,phonograph record blank of, mfr. of, 1,450,739 —, phosphates treated with, 1,396,149 —,piling, preserving of using, 1,512,659; 1,512,660 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Asphalt, pipe made with, 1,156,122 ; 1,320,709; 1,505,206 —, plaster receiving board made with, 1,510,233 —,plastic made with, 1,150,481; 1,190,615; 1,211,382; 1,238,528; 1,240,252; 1,240,253; 1,280,129; 1,305,125; 1,346,397; 1,379,590: 1,505,206; 1,507,379 —,plastic composition contg., 1,346,397; 1,379,590; 1,446,178 —, plastic ingredient, 1,365,882 —,plastic material made with, 1,320,709 —,plastic material ingredient, 1,425,784 —,plate, die-, made with, 1,157,493 —,—, lithographic, made with, 1,185,506 —,—, printing with, 1,276,599 —,platinum made with, 1,243,681 —,polish made with, 1,223,846; 1,276,481 —,poly-methylene from, cracking process for, 1,313,009 —, polysaccharide as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, porcelain made with, 1,507,379 —,post made with, 1,269,649 —, potassium aluminate made with, 1,189,254 —, printers blanket made with, 1,246,231 —,printing plate made with, 1,219,332; 1,302,919 —,printing plate, halftone, made _ with, 1,507,049 —,—, planographic, made with, 1,215,493 —, producing, acid sludge for, 1,418,781 —, production of, apparatus for, 1,190,633 —,—, process for, 1,190,633 —,—, water for, 1,190,633 —,propene made with, 1,517,968 —, propionaldehyde made with, 1,517,968 —,propionic acid made with, 1,517,968 —, protecting metal with, 1,366,999 —, proteins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, pulleys, coating for contg., 1,805,222 —,pulp board made with, 1,277,322 —, pyridine from, cracking process for, 1,813,009 —,quinoline from, cracking process for, . 1,313,009 —,quinones made with, 1,517,968 —,railroad ties coated with, 1,418,708 —, ‘railroad tie made with, 1,250 194 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,249,414; 1 404 792: 1,513,120; 1,516,469 — , refractory made with, 1,227,909 —,removing from hydrocarbons, 1,431,246 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1 517 968 —, ‘resins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,resistance, electric, made with, 1,366,095; 1,507,379 —,road binder contg., 1,450,685 —,road composition contg., 1,466,928 —,road construction, plastic for, contg., 1,372,467 —,road material contg., 1,319,918 —,road pavement made with, 1,199,751; 1,225,055 —,road pavement, filling crevices in, using, 1,513,382 —,road paving contg., 1,252,722; 1,261,845; 1,320,672 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 625 Asphalt, road paving contg., mfr. of, process for, 1,271,387 —, road paving made with, 1,156,122; 1,158,418; 1,163,593; 1,164,041; 1,171,236; 1,190,615: 1,195,273; 1,198,107; 1,206,056; 1,220,292; 1,220,298: 1,220,680: 1.220.681: 1,220,682; 1,230,894; 1,239,762: 1,240,252: 1,240,253; 1,247,105; 1,252,433: 1,258,103: 1,265,655; 1,279,918; 1,320,709; 1,328,310; 1,340,855; 1,364,620; 1,450,685: Re-15,944; 1,472,393: 1,486,015; 1,495,960; 1,519,560 —,road paving, concrete, expansion joint for, made with, 1,280,572 —,—,resurfacing of, using, 1,492,255 —,—, spacing plank for, made with, 1,207,524 —, "road - paving binder for sulfur and, 1,264, '932 —,road paving expansion joint made with, 1,220 766; 1,248,909 — rock, pipe made with, 1,124,045 —,—, plastic made with, 1,124 045 —,—,railroad tie made with, 1,124,045 —,—,separation from of, 1,190, 633 —,—,see also Rock asphalt —,rock asphalt treated with, process for, 1 452,898 —, rock formations, sealing crevices in, using, 1 jo2 7,209 —, roof covering contg., 1,369,911 —, ’ roof pipe flashing made with, 1,511,884 —,roofing made with, 1,123,727; 1,134,086; 1,156,122: 1,164,965 ; 1,187,259 ; 1,211,382; 1,226,738 ; 1:240,524 : 1,258,108 ; 1,279,918 ; 1,295,360 ; 1,302,810 ; 1,338,037 ; 1,374,187; 1,411,330; 1,463,611; 1,489,254; 1,513,969 : 1,157,664; 1,167,195; 1,188,495 ; 1,219,652; 1,230,396 ; 1,248,170; 1,263,823 ; 1,286,077 ; 1,295,361; 1,321,669 ; 1,340,855; 1,376,092; 1,417,838 ; 1,472,297 ; 1,494,380; 1,515,821 ; 1,157,665; 1,181,827; 1,197,307 ; 1,220,966 ; 1,236,462 ; 1,248,909 ; 1,269,905; 1,288,158 ; 1,296,984 ; 1,328,267 ; 1,357,920: 1,388,685 ; 1,417,840; 1,488,186 ; 1,498,401 ; 1,517,860; 1,158,266 ; 1,182,414; 1,201,758 ; 1,222,594 ; 1,238,805 ; 1,250 622: 1 '269, 906 ; 1 ‘289, 328 ; Re-15,489 ; 1,330,448 ; 1,362,887 ; 1,409,767 ; 1,436,914 ; 1,488 447 ; 1,511,475; 1,518,988 ; 1,520,014 — roofing, felt, made with, 1,305,404 —,—,mineral, surface made with, 1,314,753 —,—,recovery of scrap, 1,293,293 —,—,slate surfaced made with, 1,314,753 —,—, waterproofing of, using, 1,150,481 — ’ roofing composition contg., 1,418, 905 —,roofing contg., mfr. of, process for, 1,271,387 —, roofing material contg., 1,296,324; 1,430,365; 1 436,914; 1,440,358; 1 459, 259; 1 ‘464 Labs — roofing material of, 1,415, 923 ; 1,418,456 —,roofing material mfr. from, 1,296,984 ; Re-15,489; 1,429,728 —,roofing waste contg., 1,253,454 —,roofing waste, recovery from of, 1,253,386 —,rope, coating "for contg., 1,305 229 _, rubber, artificial, made with, 1,285,463 —,— hard, substitute for, made with, 1,265,108 —, rubber article made with, 1,248, 226 —, ’ rubber composition contg. ., 1,300,263 40 Asphalt, rubber substitute made with, 1,217,157; 1,238,528 ; 1,280,129; 1,430,538 —,rustproofing made with, 1,145,186; 1,279,918 —,rustproofing composition made with, 1,179,176 —, sand, separation from of, 1,190,633 —, sealing strip made with, 1,358, 834 —, sealing strips contg., clay and, 1,358, 834 —, sealing subterraneous crevices against water by means of, 1,327,268 —, separation from sulfuric acid, 1,337,141 —,sheathing made with, 1,362 887 —, sheaves, coating for conte Ga oUneer — sheet, composite, made with, 1,479 043 —, sheets of, preparing, 1,402 177 —, ’ shingle made with, 1,184,509 ; 1,208,972 ; 1,887,219 —,shingle, artificial, made with, 1,191,932; ees 387; 1,494,380; 1,497,116; 1,517,860 — “recovery of scrap, 1. 293, 293. — shipping, preparing for, 1,402 177 —, shoe, box toe for, made with, 1,124,835 —,—, innersole for made with, 1,473,695 —,shoe bottom filler contg., 1,258,272 —, shoe filler made with, 1 136, 456; 1,224,153 — shoe innersole made with, 1,204, 844 Asay sole made with, 1 284, 023 ; 1321 ,669 —, shoe stiffener made with, 1,209,661 1,197,307; —, Sicilian, substitute for, mfr. of, 1,433,137 —,sidewalk made with, 1,519,560 —,silicon carbide made with, 1,224,788; 1,327,738 —, silver made with, 1,248,681 —,slate, cleaner for, made with, 1,223,846 —,—, polish for, made with, 1,223,846 —,sludge sulfonic acid made with, 1,271,387 —,sludge sulfonic acid coke made with, 1,271,387. —, sludge sulfonic acid tar made with, 1,271,387 —,soap as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,sodium aluminum sulfate, action of on, 1,252,433 —,soft, enamel made with, 1,205,845 —, ’ sole, inner, made with, 1,312 758 —, ’ solidified, mfr, of, calcium oxide for, LAGTiaaa ——,—, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1 167, 373 —,—,—, chromic acid for, 1,167,373 —,-—_, —, coal; brown, for, 1,167,373 —,—,—,—, lignite, for, 1 167 373 —,—,—, coke “for, 1 1167, 373 —,—,—, formaldehyde for, 1,167,373 —-- gite for, 1,167, 373 —,—,—, Iron sulfate for, 1,167,373 —,—,—, peat for 1,167 373 —-,—-,-—=, process for, 1 167, 373 —,—, rosin soap for, 1 167 ola ,—, —, straw for, 1,167, 373 —,—,—, wood for, 1 167, 373 —; solvent for, benzene as, 1,895,396; 1,474,423 —,—, carbon bisulfide as, 1 332, 359 —,—, carbon tetrachloride as, 1,332,359 —,—, ’ gasolene as, 1,289,328; 1,474,423 —,—, kerosene as, 1,474,423 —,— naphtha Cone | 289 328: 1,332,359 —,—, naphtha, paint makers as, l ‘474 422 —,—, —, solvént as, 1,474,423 —,—,—, ‘wood, as, 1,474 423 ’ 626 Asphalt, solvent for, tetrachlorethane as, - 1,895,396 —,—, toluene as, 1,395,396; 1,474,423 —,—, turpentine as, 1,474,423 —, sponge, mfr. of, 1401,974 —, sprockets, coating for contg., 1,305,222 —, stabilizing, 1,375,811 —,starch as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,steel coating of using, 1,195,090; 1,236,994; 1,288,734; 1,828,282 —,—, etching of with, 1,276,599 —, paint of using, 1,828 282 —,—, protecting of using, 1,277 55 —,—, rustproofing of, using, 1 147 971; 1,288,734 — —, structural, protecting ‘of, process for, 1,167,949 —, steel etched using, 1,376,365 —, stencil made with, 1,376,365 —, stone, artificial, conte. 1,319 918 —,—,— waterproofing of, using, 1,150,481 —, stove ‘polish made with, 1,276,481 —, ’ structural surfaces coated using, 1,239,074 —, stucco made with, 1,138,069 —, succinic acid made ‘with, 1,517,968 —, ’ sulfur made with, 1,182 915 —,sulfur bearing, building block made with, 1 265,655 —,—, road paving made with, 1,265,655 —,— ’ timber substitute made with, 1 265,655 —, sulfur content of, 1,163,593 _, surfaces painted with, painting, cellulose ester solutions for, 1,410 790 —, surgical dressing made with, 1,264,185; 1 268, 076 —, tank lining, non-corroding contg., 1,305,678 —, tannic acid, as emulsifier of, 1,440, 356 —, tanning compound made with, 1,399, 510 —, tanning materials from, 1,399,510 —, tannins as emulsifier of, 1 ,440,356 —, tape, adhesive, contg., 1,293 957 —, tape for wheel fellies made with, 1,477,975 —,tar-felt made with, 1,321,669 -— ’ telephone transmitter made with, 1,366,095 —, tempering, aluminum selenate for, 1 372 467 —,—, aluminum sulfate for, 1,372,467 —,—,ammonium selenide for, 1,372 467 —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1,372 467 —,—, cesium selenide for, 1,372 467 —,—,cesium sulfate for, 1,372 467 —,—, ’ chromium selenate for, 1,372 467 —,—, ‘chromium sulfate for, 1 372 467 —, gallium selenate for, 1 372 467 ,—, gallium sulfate for 1,372,467 ry gy gold selenide for, 1,372,467 —, gold sulfate for, 1,372,467 —, indium selenate for, 1,372 467 — indium sulfate for, 1 372 AG7 —,—, Manganese selenate for, 1,372,467 —, manganese sulfate for, 1,372, 467 —, oxides of base metals for, 1,372, 467 —, ’ platinum selenide for, 1,372, ‘AGT. —,platinum sulfate for, 1,372 467 —, potassium selenide for, 1 372 467 —, potassium sulfate for, 1,372 467 —,—,rubidium selenide for, 1 372 467 — rubidium sulfate for, 1,372 ‘467 ay —, ’ selenates for, 1,328,310 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Asphalt, tempering, selenides for, 1,328,310 —,—, silver selenide for, 1,372 A67 —,—, ‘silver sulfate for, 1,372 467 —,—,sodium selenide ‘for, 1,372 467 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,372 467 —, sulfates for, 1,328 310 — thallium selenide ‘for, 1,372,467 —,—, ’ thallium sulfate for, 1,372 467 —, ‘tent fabric made with, 1,427 941 —, terrazzo made with, 1 193, 843 — ’ tetra-methylene from, cracking process for, 1 313,009 —, Texas, paint made with, 1,127,831 —,—, road building with, Re-15 A01 (956,009) —,— ’ roofing made with, 1,263, 847 —,—,shingle made with, 1,263,847 —, ’ textile impregnation ‘of with, 1,277,322 —,tile made with, 1,250, 622: 1,281,444; 1 820,709 —, timber substitute made with, 1,265,655 —, titanium tetrachloride made with, 1 ‘179, 394 —, ’ toilet seat made with, 1,277,322 — toluene from, cracking process for, 1,313,009 —, ’ toluene made with, 1,224,788; 1,373 391 — ; tragacanth as emulsifier of, 1,440 356 —, treating, borates for, 1,394. ‘874 —, treatment of, apparatus for, 1,448,370 —,— , hydrochloric acid for, 1 513, 133 —,—,process for, 1,513 133 —,tree, cavity in, filling composition contg., of with, 1,282 009 —, trees protected from apple tree borer using, 1 130,545; 1,130,546 — Dri protected from insects using, 1,130,545; 130,546 —, est protected from peach tree borer using, 1 180,545; 1,130,546 — , tri-methylene from, cracking process for, 1 313,009 — , Trinidad, be 858,834 —, asphalt made with, 1,385,511 —,binder contg., 1,258, 272 —,—, ’ block made with, 1,320 5709 — brick made with, 1,320 5709 —; insulation, electric, made with, 1,346,397 —,—, molded article made with, 1,346, 397 —, —, paint made with, 1,127,831 —,—,plipe made with, 1,320,709 —,—, plastic made with, 1 346, 397 —,—, plastic material made with, 1,320,709 adhesive made paper with, —, road building with, Re-15 401 (956 009) —,—,road paving made with, 1,171,236; 1,236, 875; 1,237,920; 1,320,709 —,— roofing made with, 1 164,965; 1,385,511; ey 308 —, sealing strip made with, 1,358,834 —,shoe bottom filler contg., 1,258, 272 —,—,tank lining, non-corroding, contg., 1 305, 678 —,—, tile made with, 1,320,709 —, ‘Trinidad Lake, asphalt cement made with, 1 ,163,593 —,—, fabric made with, 1,503,337 —,—, insulation, electric, made with, 1,503,337 —,—,—, heat, made with, 1,503 same INDEX OF Asphalt, Trinidad Lake, properties of, 1,464,481 ; 1,464,482 —,—,road paving made with, 1,163,593 —,—,sulfur content of, 1,163,593 —,turf, briquetting of using, 1,207,180 —,underwriters cloth made with, 1,427,941 —,varnish made with, 1,392,849; 1,436,820; 1,464,224 —, Venezuela, binder contg., 1,258,272 —,—,shoe bottom filler contg., 1,258,272 —, Venezuelan emulsion, bituminous, made with, 1,259,223 —,—,road paving made with, 1,259,223 —,—,roofing made with, 1,259,223 —, viscose made with, 1,251,237 —, viscose plasticizer, 1,251,237 —,viscosity of, apparatus for 1,225,438 —, vulcanized fiber waterproofed with, 1,425,878 —, vulcanizing, sulfur for, 1,446,322 —,wall board made with, 1,156,753; 1,248,181 ; 1,473,981; 1,477,532; 1,479,044; 1,486,535 —,wall covering contg., 1,369,911 —, washer for fire-proof structures made with, 1,131,925 —, waste products, recovery of, 1,290,954 —, waterproof composition contg., 1,263,823; determining, 1,285,888; 1,401,791; 1,417,836; 1,417,837; 1,417,838; 1,417,839; 1,417,840; 1,417,841 —, waterproof covering made with, 1,489,254 —,waterproofing made with, 1,150,481; 1,167,827;° 1,194,558; 1,231,687; 1,248,909; 1,500,537; 1,502,598; 1,517,075 —, waterproofing composition contg., 1,349,601 —,waterproofing process using, 1,417,837 —,waterproof material made with, 1,330,443; 1,513,133 —,wire fabric, impregnation with of, process for, 1,286,057 —,wood, impregnation with of, process for, 1,286,057 —,—, preserving of using, 1,512,659 —,seasoning of using, 1,517,473 — 3 3 , —,—,treatment of, using, 1,203,577 —,—,water-proofing of, using, 1,167,327; 1,203,577 —,wood finishing made with, 1,276,481 —,wood impregnating composition contg., 1,464,044 —,wood pulp impregnation of with, 1,277,322 —,wood substitute made with, 1,269,649; 1,427,378 —,wood waterproofed with, 1,396,899 —,xylene made with, 1,224,788 —,zinc, etching of with, 1,276,599 —,see also Asphalium; Bitumen; Elaterte; Gilsonite; Mexican residuum; Petroleum as- phalt; Pitch; Rock, asphalt ; Tar Asphalt (NoXXX-50) asphaltic composition made with, 1,209,238 Asphalt base, oxidation of, air for, 1,520,885 —,—, apparatus for, 1,520,885 —,—,iron(ic) salts as catalyst for, 1,520,885 —,—,molybdenum(ic) salt as catalyst for, 1,520,885 —,—,molybdie acid as catalyst for, 1,520,885 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,520,885 SUBJECTS 627 Asphalt base, 1,520,885 —,—, oxygen for, 1,520,885 —,—, process for, 1,520,885 —,—, sulfuric acid as catalyst for, 1,520,885 —,—,vanadic acid as catalyst for, 1,520,885 —,—,vanadium(ic) salt as catalyst for, 1,520,885. Asphalt base residuum, ink, printing, made with, 1,224,668 Asphalt cement, mfr. of, asphalt for, 1,163,593 —,—,asphalt, Bermudez lake for, 1,163,593 —,—,—, Cuban, for, 1,163,593 —,—,—, Maracaibo, for, 1,163,593 —,—,—, Trinidad Lake, for, 1,163,593 —,—,fish oil for, 1,163,593 —,—,linseed oil for, 1,163,593 —,—, petroleum for, 1,163,593 —,—, process for, 1,163,593 —,—,soya bean oil for, 1,163,593 —,—, tung oil for, 1,163,593 —,see also Road paving Asphalt derivative, molded article made with, 1,474,860 —, toilet seat made with, 1,474,860 Asphalt emulsion, asphalt made with, 1,176,006 Asphaltine, asphalt constituent, 1,332,359 —,asphalt contg., extraction of, process for, 1,452,809; 1,452,310 —, binder made with, 1,233,101 —,cement made with, 1,233,101 —, properties of, 1,233,101 Asphalt felt paper, sugar cane, mulch for, made with, 1,274,527 Asphalt felt roofing, waste product, recovery of, 1,290,954 Asphalt flux, burial vault made with, 1,478,769 Asphaltic base oil, see Asphaltic oil Asphaltic cement, floor covering made with, 1,302,810 —,roofing made with, 1,302,810 Asphaltic composition, mfr. of, asphalt (NoXXX-50) for, 1,209,238 —,—,—, air-blown, for, 1,209,238 —,—,—, petroleum residuum for, 1,209,238 —,—,calcium carbonate for, 1,209,238 —,—,cement, petrolastic, for, 1,209,238 —,—, petroleum for, 1,209,238 —,—, process for, 1,209,238 —,see also Cement, asphaltic Asphaltic material, concrete, expansion joint for, made with, 1,279,918 —,fabric, waterproof, made with, 1,279,918 —,insulating and sealing composition contg., 1,345,057 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,279,918 —,mfr. of, alkali for, 1,221,790 —,—,apparatus for, 1,221,790 —,—,cracking process for, 1,221,790 —,—, fuel oil for, 1,221,790 —,—,gas oil for, 1,221,790 —,—, paraffin distillate for, 1,221,790 —,—, petroleum for, 1,221,790 —,—,petroleum distillate for, 1,221,790 —,—, process for, 1,221,790; 1,279,918 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,221,790 —, paint constituent, 1,428,272 —, plastic made with, 1,315,342 oxidation of, nitrogen for, 628 Asphaltic material, road paving made with, 1,279,918; 1,315,342 —,roofing made with, 1,279,918 —,rustproofing made with, 1,279,918 —, water, Japan, contg., 1,357,688 Asphaltic oils, calcium soap contg., 1,348,494 —,cement, water-proofing of, composition for made with, 1,149,519 —, cracked, olefines from, 1,412,233 —,fuel, solid, made with, 1,124,382 —,gasolene mfr. from, 1,373,391 —, grouting made with, 1,237,921 —,hydrogenated, paint contg., 1,385,033; 1 ,389,034; 1,385,035; 1,385,036; 1,385,037 -— hy drogenating, 1 B45, 589; 1 385 037 - --, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, 1,300,144 ; 1 845,589 —,— , charcoal for, 1,800,144 —,— ’ chromium, colloidal, as catalyst for, 1 251 201 —,—, chromium compound, as catalyst for, 1,251,201 —,—, chromium 1,251,201 —,—, cobalt, colloidal, as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429; 1,251,201 —,— cobalt carbide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re- ‘14 A29 —,—, cobalt 1,251,201 —,—, cobalt oleate as catalyst for, 1,251,201 —,—, cobalt oxide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re- 14 429 —,—, cobalt silicide as catalyst. for, 1,226,620; Re- 14 A29 oleate as catalyst for, compound as_ catalyst for, —~,—, copper, colloidal, as catalyst for, 1,251,201 —,—,copper compound as catalyst for, 1,251,201 —,—,copper oleate as catalyst for, 1,251,201 —,—,gasolene for, 1,345,589 —,—, 1ron, colloidal, as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14 429: 1,251 201 —,—, Iron carbide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—,lron compound as catalyst for, 1,251,201 —,—,iron oleate as catalyst for, 1,251,201 —,—,iron oxide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re- 14 429 —,—,iron silicide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re- 14 429 —,—, Manganese, 1,251,201 —,—,Manganese compound as catalyst for, 1,251,201 —,—, manganese rl 251 201 or metal, colloidal, as catalyst for, 1,251,201 —,—, ‘metal compound as_ catalyst for, 1,251,201 —,—, metal oleate as catalyst for, 1,251,201 —,—,molybdenum, colloidal, as catalyst for, 1,251,201 —,—,molybdenum compound as catalyst for, 1,251,201 —,—, molybdenum 1,251,201 colloidal, as catalyst for, oleate as catalyst for, oleate as catalyst for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, : Asphaltic oils, 1915-1924 hydrogenation of, nickel, col- loidal, as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429; 1,251,201 “Rett nickel carbide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; e-14 —,—, a compound as catalyst for, 1,251,201 —,—, ‘nickel oleate as catalyst for, 1,251,201 —,—, ‘nickel oxide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14 A29 —,—, nickel silicide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14 429 —,—, petroleum for, 1,345,589 —,—, process for, 1 226 620: Re-14,429; 1,251,201 —,—, texene for, 1,345 589 —, titanium, colloidal, as catalyst for, 1.281.201 : —,—,titanium compound as catalyst for, 1,251,201 —,—, titanium oleate as catalyst for, 1,251,201 —,—,vanadium, colloidal, as catalyst for, 1,251,201 —,—, vanadium compound as catalyst for, 1,251,201 —,—, vanadium oleate as catalyst for, teat 201 —,—, water gas for, 1,345,589 —, lubricant made with, 1,238 101 — ’ oxidized, paint conte. Ba 385 033; 1,385,034; 1 089,035 ; 1,385,036; 1,385, 037 a , oxidizing, 1 385 036 —, paints made with, 1,385,033; 1,385,035; 1,885,036; 1, "385 037 —, railroad tie made with, 1 ,250,194 — ‘railroad ties preserved with, 1 888,877 —, ‘road binder conte? 1 311 215; 1,311,216; 1 311,219 —, road paving made with, 1,237,921 —,rock asphalt treated with, process for, 1,452,898 —,roofing made with, 1,197,307 —, roofing, repairing of, composition for made with, 1,149,519 —,—,water-proofing of, composition for made with, 1,149,519 —, shingle made with, 1,197,307 —, Texas, fuel made with, 1,290,345 —, waterproofing composition for made with, 1,149,519 —, see also Oil, mineral; Texas oil Asphaltic pitch, fuel briquet made _ with, 1,382,629 Asphaltic products, producing, 1,436,450 Asphaltic residue, lubricant made with, 1,477,611 Asphaltic tar, roofing made with, 1,197,307 —,shingle made with, 1,197,307 Asphaltines, leather, artificial, contg., 1,465,541 Asphaltites, acacia as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, adhesive made with, 1,137,043 —,agar-agar as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,albumen as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,ammonium tannate as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, asphalt mfr. from, 1,332,359 —,carbon, decolorizing, made with, 1,478,987 —, casein as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, charcoal, artificial, made with, 1,478,987 —, clay, as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, dextrin as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 1,385,034 ; acid coke and, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Asphaltites, 1,440,356 —, gelatin as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,glue as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,gums as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, hemicelluloses as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,isinglass as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, kaolin as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, marshmallow as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, nascent hydrogen, action of on, 1,332,359 —,non-meltable, rendering meltable, 1,332,359 —, paint made with, 1,145,782 —, pectins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, polysaccharide as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, proteins as emulsifier of, 1,440, 356 —,resins as emulsifier of, 1 440 356 —, Soap as emulsifier of, 1 440 356 —, solubilizing, hydrocarbons and sodium hy- droxide for, 1,332,359 —, starch as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, tannic acid as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,tannins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,tragacanth as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,see also Bitumen; Elaterite; Guilsonite; Grahamite ; Parolite Asphaltite pitch, emulsifying of, process for, 1,440,356 Asphalt mastic, conduit made with, 1,476,828 —, pipe made with, 1,476,828 —,retainer made with, 1,476,828 Asphalt oil, cement, hydraulic, waterproofing of using, 1 134, 573 —,— , water-proofing of using, 1,134,573 —, ’ clutch ring made with, 1,447, 347 —, ’ commutator lubricant. contg. ., 1,469,039 ~, ’ concrete, waterproofing of using, 1 134, 573 —, emulsion of cellulose sulfite liquor and, : 444 844 —, friction clutch of asbestos and, 1,450,319 _ ’ hydrogenation of, apparatus for, 1,285, 960 —,—, charcoal for, 1,285 ,960 —,—, ‘chromium as catalyst for, 1,285,960 —,—, cobalt as catalyst for, 1,285 960 —,—, copper as catalyst for, 1 285, 960 —,—, iron as catalyst for, 1,285 960 —, Manganese as catalyst for, 1,285,960 —, molybdenum as catalyst for, 1 285 960 —,—, nickel as catalyst for, 1,285, 960 —,—, nickel oleate as catalyst for, 1,285,960 —, process for, 1,285,960 —,—, thorium as catalyst for, 1,285,960 —,—, titanium as catalyst for, 1,285 ,960 —,—, vanadium as catalyst for, 1,285, 960 —,—, water gas for, 1,285,960 —,—, zirconium as catalyst for, 1,285,960 — ink, printing, made with, 1,469, 414 —, "leather made with, 1,200, 146 —, mortar, water-proofing of using, 1,134,573 — ’ roofing made with, 1,164,965 —, rubber article made with, 1,233,252 —, ’ Trinidad, roofing made with, 1,164 965 — , waterproof material made with, 1,233 252 Asphalt paint, wall board made with, 1,473, 981 — Asphalt pitch, coal, briquets of, made with, 1,276,429 —,emulsifying of, process for, 1,440,356 Asphalt powder, printing blocks prepared with, 1,412,093 emulsifying of, process for, , 3 b bd , ’ ’ > cans 629 Asphalt product, mfr. 1,194,750 —,—, process for, 1,194,750 —, paraffin, removal of ‘from, 1,194,750 —, vaseline, removal of from, 1,194, 750 Asphalt residue, roofing made with, 1,226,904 Asphalt residuum, insulation, heat, made with, 1,230,297 Asphalt rock, asphaltic oil treatment of, proc- ess for, 1,452 898 — , asphalt treatment of, process for, 1,452,898 —, bitumen treatment of, process for, 1,452 '898 Asphalt roofing, see Roofing Asphaltum, acid-proofing battery containers with, 1,369,783 —, article, molded, made with, 1,312,093 —, ’ artificial, colored, mfr. of, 1 ,465, 317 —,— , coloring, brick dust for, 1,465, 317 —,—,—,iron oxide for, 1,465, 317 —,—,—, ’ ochre for, 1,465 AW: —,—, fabrics waterproofed with, 1,465,317 —,—, mfr. of, benzene used in, 1,465 317 of, apparatus for, —,—,—,resin for, 1,465,317 —,—,—, ’ rubber for, 1,465 317 —,— ’ marble powder i in, 1,465 O17 —,—, paper waterproofed with, 1,465,317 —,—,roofing prepared with, 1,465 317 —,—, solvent for, linseed oil as, 1,465 17 —,—,— naphtha as, 1,465,317 —,—,—, turpentine as, 1,465, 317 —,—, timber waterproofed with, 1,465,317 —,—, ‘walls waterproofed with, 1,465, 317 —, Assyrian, ink, printing, conte... 1,259 713 —, automobile top dressing conte. 5s 1,353 239 —, ’ batteries preserved by coating with, 1 368,479 —, battery, dry, made with, 1,258,257 —,battery container acid-proofed with, 1,369,783 —,black, insulating-varnish made _ with, 1,149,171 —,—, insulation, electric, made with, 1,149,171 —,—, tube made with, 1 ,242,903 — ’ brake band contg., 1,307, 857 — ‘building material of clay and, 1,442,764 —,calcium hydroxide and, road construction with, 1,456,492 —,coal briquettes contg., 1,458,716 —, composition for tightening loose spokes and rims contg., 1,331,653 —, concrete, water-proofing of with, 1,262,344 y — =etching” ‘resist contg., 1,438,799 —, finger-print composition contg., 1,429,338 is —, floors constructed with, 1,465,317 | —, ’ floor covering contg., 1,358, 371; 1,427,655 ; —, ’ friction facings impregnated with, 1,426 842 — ink, indelible, contg., 1,320,631 —,—, printing, conte., 1,259 | 13 _ —,Insulating and sealing composition contg., | 1,345,057 —,insulating-material contg., 1,371,016; | 1,406,174 —,leather dressing contg., 1,338,286 —., lithographic plates coated with, 1,433,111 | —, lubricant contg. graphite and, 1,340,316 —,lumber treated by pressure while immersed SS in, 1,386 727 yo ysite adden hay Vv. “a t {{f% 7 630 Asphaltum, meat covering composition contg., 1,394,349 —,mirror silvered with composition contg., 1,324,690 —,oil wells obstructed by, 1,291,302; 1,410,827 —,ozonizing, 1,430,538 —,paint contg., 1,402,500 —,paint, bituminous, mfr. of with, 1,262,344 —,—, iron, made with, 1,328,282 —,— ’ steel, made with, 1,328, 282 —, ’ paving, road made with, 1,326,110 —,paving composition contg., 1,379,053 —,phenol aldehyde condensate, composition of contg., 1,259,472; 1,259,473 —, phenol aldehyde condensate solvent (solid), 1,259,472; 1,259.473 —_ picture ‘reproducing process using, 1,407, Bh —, plastic made with, 1,326,110 —, polish, stove, conte. eS 1,304, 163 —, preservative, mir, of, 1,302,090 —, preserving composition contg., 1,404,501 —, printing plate contg., 1,398,143 —, purification of, coal oil for, 1,802,090 —,reserve varnish of, 1,420,086 —,reservoir, lining made with, 1,826,110 —,rubber like composition contg., 1,379,149; 1,379,052 ; —, ’ steel, painting of, using, 1,328,282 Se 1,379,150 «. —,Trubber substitute contg., 1,485,359; 1,435,360 “wf —,ship, concrete, paint of with, 1,262,344 « —,shoe, insole for, waterproofing of with, s 1,263,186; 1,263,187 ~ } —) sizing composition contg., 1,299,663 \° —,smudging composition contg., 1,466, 301 -\ —,solvent for, benzene as, 1,426, 849 eo gasolene as, 1,426 842 ~% —,—,naphtha as, 1,426, 842 — ’ steel etching stencil of, 1 357, 816 \—tubé"made with, 1,242 903 —, turpentine, see Turpentine asphalium —, varnish ‘contg., 1,328,282 —,wall board mfr. with, 1,454,823 —, waterproofing composition contg., 1,391,934 —, wrapping material contg., 1,341,955 —,see also Asphalt; Egyptian black; Petro- lactic cement Asphaltum composition, with, 1,316,650 Asphaltum mastic, cathode blank made with, 1,163,337, Asphaltum oil, Texas, fuel with acid-coke and, 1,290,345 —,fuel briquet made with, 1,507,678 —, treating, 1,399,792 Asphaltum powder, copper plate etching resist of, 1,829,088 Asphaltum solution, etching reserve composi- tion contg., 1,407, 301 Asphalt varnish, see Varnish, asphalt d’Aspic, see Oil d’aspic Aspidiotus Aurantu, destroying, arsine, phos- phine or stibine for, 1,337,538 Aspidiotus Perniciosus, destroying, phosphine or stibine for, 1,337,538 Aspirin, benzylated, see Benzyl acetylsalicylate — , butyl ester of, see Butyl acetylsalicylate shoe stiffener made arsine, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 .Aspiin, derivatives of, see Acetylsalicylic acid, derivatives of —,ethyl ester of, see Ethyl acetylsalicylate —, medicinal preparation contg., 1,404,673 —, methyl see Methyl acetylsalicylate —,methyl derivative of, see Methyl acetyl- salicylate —, methyl ester of, see Methyl acetylsalicylate —,see also Acetylsalicylic acid Asp wood, bast wood fiber made with, 1,502,912 “ Assphtlein,” alcohol in, 1,471,566 —, benzene in, 1,471,566 —, fuel, liquid, contg., 1,471,566 —,fusel oil in, 1,471,566 Asthma, treatment of, radium emanation solu- tion for, 1,470,027 Asthma weed, see Lobelia Astraknite, see Bleedite Astringent, mfr. of, beechwood creosote for, 1,420,634 —,—,bismuth oxyiodide for, 1,150,654 —,—, creosote for, 1,420,634 —,—, ’ ethyl ether ‘for, 1 420, 634 —,—,folia menthae for, 1,420 ,634 —,—,folia urtica for, 1,420, 634 —, gallocarboxylic ‘acid for, 1,150,654 —,—, gallocarboxylic acid, bismuth salt of, for, 1,150,654 —,—,hydriodic acid for, 1,150,654 —,—,menthol for, 1,420,634 —,—, process for, 1,150 654; 1,420,634 —, —, trichlor- acetic acid for, 1,420 634 Astyptodyne, boll-weevil insecticide 1,253,932 | Atacamite, copper made with, 1,440,186 —, treating, 1,440,186 —,see also Copper oxychloride Atmosphere, artificial, production of, 1,366,720 —,reactions in, 1,366, 790 —, combustible, ‘detecting, 1,390,497 —,vitiated, detecting, apparatus for, 1,390,497 Atmospheric nitrogen, see Nitrogen Atomic copper, see Copper, “ atomic” Atophan, allyl ester of, hydriodide of, made with, 1,502,275 —,—,—,—, hydriodic acid for, 1,502,275 ? —,—,—,—, process for, 1,502,275 —,—,—, properties of, 1,502,275 —,amide of, 2-phenyl-4-cyanquinoline from, 1,434,306 —,antiphlogistic made with, 1,213,464; Re-15,127 — antipyretic made with, 1,213,464; Re-15,127 —, benzyl ester of, hydriodide of, made with, 1 502,275 —,—, —, —, hydriodie acid for, 1jp02275 —,—,—, process for, 1,502 ‘275 —,—, —, properties of, 1,502 275 —, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,378 343 _atophan, sodium salt of, for, 1,378,343 —, benzene for, 1,378,343 —, benzyl chloride for, 1,378.343 —,calecium chloride for, 1,378, 343 —, ’ ether for, 1,378,343 -pheny]-cinchoniny] chloride contg., apparatus for, v_ vw vw Cw ew & ~~ @ & ~ A for, 1,378,343 ~~ INDEX OF SUBJECTS Atophan, benzyl ester of, mfr. 1,378,343 —,—,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,378,343 —,—,—, toluene for, 1,378,343 — ’ iso-butyl ester of, atophan, zso-butyl ester of, hydriodide of, made with, 1,502,275 of, process for, —,—, hydriodide of, mfr. of, ‘alcohol for 1,502, 275 —,—,—,—, atophan, iso-butyl ester of, for, 1,502 275 —,—,—,—,hydriodie acid for, 1,502,275 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,502,275 —,—,—, properties of, 1502 275 —, n-butyl ester of, hydriodide of, made with, sas 275 —,—,—,—, hydriodie acid for, 1,502,275 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,502,275 —,—,—, properties of, 1,502,275 - —,cinchona alkaloid, compound of 1,218,464; Re-15,127 — compound, C.:H.:0.N, made with, 1,203,500 SSeS , CusHOsN, made with, 1,203 499 —. esters of, mfr. Ol, 1018, 343 —,—, preparation of, 1,336, 952 —,ethyl ester of, hydriodide of, made with, 1 002,275 —,— ethyl 2-phenyl-4-quinolyl-acetate made with, 1,434,306 —,—, alcohol for, 1,502,275 —_—,—,—, — hydriodic acid for, —,—,—,—, process for, 1,502 275 —,—,—, properties of, 1,502 975 —,—, methyl 2- phenyl. -4-quinoly] ketone made with, 1,434,306 — halogen acid derivatives of, 1 306,439 — ,methyl 2-phenyl-4-quinolyl ketone made, 1 484,306 — 2-phenyl- cinchoninyl with, 1,203,500 —,2- phenylquinoline aminoaleohols from, 1 484,306 — , propyl ester of, hydriodide of, made with, 1 002,275 —,—,—,—,hydriodic acid for, 1,502,275 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,502,275 —,—,—, properties of, 1,502,275 —,quinine, compound of and, Re-15,127 —,salicylic acid, compound of and, 1,203,499 —,—,ester of and, 1,203,500 —,sodium salt of, benzyl ester of, made from, 1,378,348 —,uric acid solvent, 1,878,343 —, see also 2-Phenyl-quinilino-4-carboxylic acid Atophan chlorite, allyl 2-phenylquinoline- 4-carboxylate from, 1,336,952 Atophan hydrobromide, mfr. of, 1,306,439 Atophan hydrochloride, mfr. of, 1,306,439 Atophan hydrofluoride, mfr. of, 1,306,439 Atophan hydriodide, mfr. of, 1,306,439 Atophan nitrile, decomposing, 1,434,306 Atozyl, see also Sodium p- -aminophenylarson- ate Atrol-acetamide, carbon tetrachloride as sol- vent of, 1,375,949 and, 1,502,275 Tarte. OF; hydrochloride made 1,213,464; — 631 Atrol-acetamide, 5.5-phénylmethyl-2.4-diketo- tetra-hydro-oxazol made with, 1,375,949 wso-Atropic acid, see a-Truzillic acid Atropin, effects of, 1,356,877 —,tropic acid from, 1,305,301 Atropin sulfate, pyrorrhea 1,433,979 Attrition disk, see Abrasive disk Attrition sheet, mfr of, celluloid for, 1,208,688 —,—, process for, 1,208,688 Aubepine, see Aldehyde, anisic Audion, electrodes for, nickel, 1,456,523 —,electron emitting cathode for, mfr. of, am- monium hydroxide for, 1,209,324 —,—,—, barium carbonate for, 1,419,530 —,—,—, ‘barium oxide for, 1,419, 530 —,—,—, barium resinate for, 1,209 324 ,—,—, chromic acid for, 1,209,324 —,—,—,cobalt for, 1,419,530 —,—,—,iron for, 1,419,530 —,—, molybdenum for, 1,419,530 —,—,nickel for, 1,419,530 remedy contg., treating, — —,nitric acid for, 1,209,324 —, paraffin for, 1,419,530 —,platinum for, 1,419,530 —,—,—,platinum filament for, 1,209,324 —,—,—, process for, 1,209,324; 1,419,530 pik —,strontium carbonate for, 1,419,530 t erry cae L aieat —,—,—,strontium hydroxide for, 1,209,324 —,—,—,strontium oxide for, 1,419,530 — , filaments for, oxide-coated, mfr. of; see Cathodes, thermionic, mfr. of ——, mir! Of, ‘alkali earth metal for, 1,485,505 —,—, alkali metal for, 1,485,505 —,apparatus for, 1,485 505 —, barium for 1 ‘485, 505 —, ’ calcium for, 1,485, 505 —, calcium, tin alloy contg., for, 1,485,505 —,—, ’ glass for, 1,477,868; 1,477,869 —,— ; molybdenum for, 1,273, 628; 1,477,868 ; 1,477, 869 —,—,phosphorus pentoxide for, 1,273, 628 —,—,potassium for, 1,477 868; 1,477 869 ; 1,485,505 —,—, potassium, tin alloy contg., for, 1,485,505 —,—, process for, 1,190,412; 1,273,628 ; 1,477,868; 1,477,869; 1,485,505 —,—,sodium for, 1,485,505 —,—,sodium formed in, 1,477,868; 1,477,869 —,—,strontium for, 1,485,505 —,—,tantalum for, 1,273,628; 1,477,868; 1,477,869 —,—,tantalum wound tungsten filament for, 1,190,412 —,-—, tin alloy, calcium in, for, 1,485,505 —,—,—, potassium in, for, 1,485, 505 —,—,tungsten for, 1,273 628; 1,477,868 ; 1 477 869 —,—, tungsten filament for, 1,190,412 —; see also Thermionically active substance; Wireless detector Audion filament, ride in, 1,453,267 —,barium chloride in, 1,453,267 —, barium dioxide in, 1,453,267 —, barium oxide in, 1,453,267 4 J “ | ammonium-platinum chlo- 632 Audion filament, barium resinate in, 1,453,267 —,calcium chloride in, 1,453,267 —,calcium dioxide in, 1,453,267 —,calcium oxide in, 1,453,267 —,mfr. of, platinum for, 1,137,275 —,—, process for, 1,137,275; 1,453,267 —, molybdenum in, 1,453,267 —,palladium chloride in, 1,453,267 —,platinum in, 1,453,267 —,platinum-ammonium chloride in, 1,453,267 —,strontium chloride in, 1,453,267 —,strontium dioxide in, 1,453,267 —,strontium oxide in, 1,453,267 —, tungsten in, 1,453,267 —,see also Cathodes, thermionic Audion tubes, electrodes for, nickel oxide on, 1,432,867 —,see also Electron discharge device; Ther- monic amplifiers . Augite, water, softening of, using, 1,202,557 —, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,202,556; 1,202,557 —,see also Calcium silicates; Magnesium sili- cates; Pyroxene August flower, see Bitter weed Auramine, alkali-proofing, 1,349,265 —,broom-corn dyed with, 1,337,306 —,cellulose dyed using, 1,375,919 —,cellulose esters dyed with, 1,421,288; 1,421,289; 1,421,290 —, color-cinematograph film dyed with, 1,443,012 —,color photography process 1,430,059; 1,430,060; 1,430,061 —, cotton dyed using, 1,375 919 —, dichroism of, 1,376 '940 — _ dyeing with, 1,375, 919; 1,414,029; 1,414,030; 1 414,031 —, fiber dyed using, 1,375,919 —, ‘film, photographic, dyeing of, i 214 940 — gold leaf, imitation, made with, 1,160,979 —, Jute dyed using, 1,375 919 —,lake made with, 1.232 552 a, ‘metal leaf made with, 1,160,979 employing, using, —,phenol-aldehyde condensate made _ with, 1,310,087; 1,310,088; 1,845,694; 1,345,695; 1,374,526 — , photographic emulsion color-sensitized with, 1 372,048 —, photographic film dyed with, 1,300,616 —, photographic Image, dyeing of, using, 1,214,940 — , photography, color, using, 1,278,668 — plate, photographic, color-sensitizing of with, 1,320,176 —- , signal-rocket composition contg., 1,319,329 —,silk dyed using, 1,375,919 —, ’ smoke- making composition contg., 1,319,329 —, textile dyed using, 1,375,919 —, ’ wool dyed using, 1,375, 919 . Auramine O, bromphenol with sulfur for fixing, 1,450,463 — , chlorphenols with sulfur for fixing, 1,450,463 —,o-chlorphenol with sulfur for fixing, 1 450 ‘463 —,p-chlorphenol with sulfur for fixing, 1 "450, ‘463 —,cresols with sulfur for fixing, 1,450. ‘463 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 » Auramine O, dibromphenol with sulfur for fix- ing, 1,450, 463 _ _ dichlorphenol 1,450,463 with sulfur for fixing, ‘—, fixing, sulfurized phenols for, 1,450,463 —, phenol with sulfur for fixing, 1,450,463 —, silver image dyed with, 1,450,412 —,sulfurized phenols for fixing, 1,450,463 —, vulcanization accelerator, 1,229,724 Aurantica, see Hexantrodiphenylamine Auric, see Gold(ic) Auric chloride, see Gold chloride; Gold tri- chloride Aurin, gold leaf, imitation, made _ with, 1,160,979 —,metal leaf made with, 1,160,979 Aurin dye, film, photographic, colored, made with, 1,504,465 —, photographic screen, colored, made with, 1,504,465 Aurintricarboxylic acid, 1,403,888 —, mercury derivatives of, preparing, 1,412,440 —,mercury salts of, preparing, 1,412,440 Auromercaptobenzene, see Gold thiophenolate 2-Auromercapto-benzene-1-carboxylic acid, see 2-Auromercapto-benzoic acid 2-Auromercapto-benzoic acid, mfr. of, ethyl © acetate for, 1,207,284 —,—,2-mercapto-benzoic acid for, 1,207,284 —,—, potassium aurobromide for, 1,207,284 —,—, process for, 1,207,284 —, potassium salt of, see Potassium 2-auro- mercapto-benzoate Auronal-black, dyestuff, 1,200,055 —,sodium sulfide, treatment with of, 1,200,055, —,see also Dyestuff, sulfur Auronal-green, dyestuff, sulfur, 1,200,055 —,sodium sulfide, treatment with of, 1,200,055 —,see also Dyestuff, sulfur Auronal-yellow, dyestuff, sulfur, 1,200,055 —,sodium sulfide, treatment with of, 1,200,055 —,see also Dyestuff, sulfur Aurophenine, photography, colored, process for using, 1,128,389; 1,517,049 Aurothiophenol, see Gold thiophenolate Aurotin, balata colored with, 1,320,166 —, balata vulcanized with, 1,289 566; 1,320,166 -— , dimethylerythrene colored with, 1,320, 166 —, dimethylerythrene vulcanized with, 1 320, 166 sulfur, made with, made _ with, made with, —,erythrene india rubber colored with, 1,320,166 —,erythrene india rubber vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —, gutta-percha colored with, 1,320,166 —,gutta percha vulcanized with, 1,289,566 ; 1 320,166 —, isoprene doloied with, 1,320,166 —,isoprene vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —, rubber, artificial, colored with, 1,320,166 —,—,—, vulcanized with, 1,820,166 —,—,synthetic, colored, with, 1,320,166 —,—,—, vulcanized, with, 1,289 566; 1,320,166 — ’ rubber colored, with, 1,320 166 INDEX OF Aurotin, rubber vulcanized with, 1,289,566; 1,320,166 —,vulcanization process using, 1,249,180 Aurotin tetranitrophenolphthalein, balata col- ored with, 1,320,166 —,balata vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —,dimethylerythrene colored with, 1,320,166 —, dimethylerythrene vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —,erythrene india rubber colored with, 1,320,166 —,erythrene india rubber vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —,gutta percha colored with, 1,320,166 —,gutta percha vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —,isoprene colored with, 1,320,166 —,isoprene vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —,rubber, artificial, colored with, 1,320,166 —,—,—, vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —,—,synthetic, colored with, 1,320,166 —,—,—, vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —,rubber colored with, 1,820,166 —, rubber vulcanized with, 1,320,166 Austenite, steel constituent, 1,337,543 —,steel contg., heat treatment of, apparatus for, 1,188,430 —,see also Iron carbide Australene, see Pinene Australian grass tree gum, see Acaroides gum Australian Kino, see Eucalyptus gum Autoclave, acid-resistant, mfr. of, 1,426,920 —, lining, steel for, 1,437,820; 1,437,821 Automobiles, Ford, brake bands for, see Brake bands —., glare-shield, 1,180,589 —, lubricating oil for, wool fat in, 1,423,512 —, polish for, 1,302,320 —,—, mfr. of, 1,267,236 —,—,see also Polish —,road oil on, compound for 1,415,605 —,tar on, compound for removing, 1,415,605 —,see also Vehicle, motor Automobile body, enamel removed from appa- ratus for, 1,476,909 —, paint removed from, apparatus for, 1,476,909 Automobile cooling system, 1.2-butanediol used in, 1,213,368 —,2.3-butanediol used in, 1,213,368 —, glycerol used in, 1,213,368 —,glycol used in, 1,213,368 —,polyglycols used in, 1,213,368 —,12-propanediol used in, 1,213,368 Automobile engine, see Engine, internal com- bustion Automobile glare protector, mfr. of, celluloid for, 1,228,545 Automobile glare shield, mfr. of, celluloid for, 1,492,748; 1,493,767 —,—, process for, 1,492,748; 1,493,767 Automobile head light, lght diffusing, see Glass, light diffusing; Panel, light diffusing —,mfr. of, celluloid for, 1,233,495 —,—,process for, 1,233,495 —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,233,495 Automobile motor number, unchangeable, mfr. of, process for, 1,477,466 for, mfr. of, celluloid for, removing, SUBJECTS 633 Automobile paint, formula, vinegar, beer, glycerol, lampblack, 1,360,066 Automobile pedal control, 1,314,210 Automobile polish, formula, petroleum jelly, cotton seed oil, white of eggs, 1,356,128 —, see also Polish, automobile Automobile radiators, freezing of, compositions for preventing, 1,436,828 —, mfr. of, alloy core for, 1,428,638 —,repairing, aluminum powder for, 1,340,655 —,—, bronze powder for, 1,340,655 —,—, sulfur for, 1,405,880 —, see also Radiator Automobile tire, see Tire Automobile top, interior of, stain for, 1,412,014 —,mfr. of, amyl acetate for, 1,360,763 —,—, benzene for, 1,360,763 —,—,castor oil for, 1,360,763; 1,459,499 —,—, cellulose nitrate for, 1,360,763; 1,459,499 —,—,cotton batting for, 1,459,499 —,—, cotton felt for, 1,459,499 —,—,drop black for, 1,360,763 —,—, fabric for, 1,459,499 —,—, hair felt for, 1,459,499 —,—, linseed oil for, 1,459,499 —,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,360,763 —,—, paper pulp for, 1,459,499 —,—, process for, 1,860,763; 1,459,499 —,—, rubber for, 1,459,499 —,—, zine white for, 1,360,763 —,see also Fabric, coated Automobile top dressing, formula, turpentine, asphaltum, japan, boiled linseed oil, rubber, neat’s-foot oil, Prussian blue, 1,353,239 —, mfr. of, drop black for, 1,490,312 —,—, gasolene for, 1,490,312 —,—, Japan drier for, 1,490,312 —, linseed oil for, 1,490,312 —, process for, 1,490,312 —,—,rubber solution for, 1,490,312 Automobile top fabric, mfr. of, 1,443,195 Automobile top lining, treatment. of, alcohol for, 1,412,014. —,—, benzene for, 1,412,014 —,—,benzine for, 1,412,014 —,—, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,412,014 —,—,ceresin for, 1,412,014 —,—, dyestuff for, 1,412,014 —,—,ester gum for, 1,412,014 —, hydrocarbon for, 1,412,014 —, linseed oil for, 1,412,014 —,—, naphtha, painter’s for, 1,412,014 —,—, paracoumarone for, 1,412,014 —,—, paraffin for, 1,412,014 —,—, process for, 1,412,014 —,resins for, 1,412,014 —,rosin for, 1,412,014 —,—,shellac for, 1,412,014 —,stain for, 1,412,014 —,toulene for, 1,412,014 —,—, trichlor-ethylene for, 1,412,014 —,—, tung oil for, 1,412,014 Automobile top repair patch, mfr. of, fabric for, 1,211,642 —,—, mohair for, 1,211,642 —,—,pantasote for, 1,211,642 —,—, process for, 1,211,642 — ? ’ ? — I ’ 9 ’ b ’ eae Wes 5) Thy ’ 634 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 a Automobile top repair patch, mfr. of, rubber Azobenzene, formation of, nitrobenzene reduced gum for, 1,211,642 for, 1,124 776 —,—, sulfur for, 1,211,642 — hydrazo-benzene made with, 1,134,093; Automobile trucks, spring suspension for, 1,225, 052 1,213,314 —,mfi. of, apparatus for, 1,225,052 Automobile wheels, tightening loose rims and —,—,azoxy-benzene for, 1,134 093 spokes of, composition for, ‘asphaltum, resin, —,—, catalyst for, 1,451 489 crude oil, 1,331 653 —,—, electrolytic process for, 1,225,052 Automobile wind shield, moisture condensation | —,—, nitrobenzene for, 1,134, 093 ; 1,225,052 ; prevented on, see Anti-dimming composition 1,451,489 —, water shedding compound for, see Anti-dim- —,—, process for, 1,134,093; 1,225,052; 1,447,557 ming composition —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1 225 052 Autunite, mesothorium chloride made with, —, see also Benzeneazobenzene 1,142, 154 Azobenzene hydrochloride, flotation by chal- — ,radium-barium chloride made with, 1,142,154 cocite of, 1,364,305 —, thorium compound made with, 1 142 154 —, chalcopyrite of, 1,364,305 —, vanadinic, mesothorium chloride made with, —,copper sulfide of, 1,364, 305 1 142,154 —,—, minerals of, 1,364, 305 —,— ,radium-barium chloride made with, —,—, , sulfide ores of, 1,364 5305 1 142, 154 —,—,zinc-lead ores ‘of, 1,364, 305 —,—, thorium compound made with, 1,142,154 Azobenzene sulfate, flotation by, chalcocite of, . —,—, see also Vanadium ore 1,364,305 —, see also Uranium ores —,—, chalcopyrite of, 1,364,305 Auximones, preparation from peat, 1,355,732 —,—, copper sulfide of, 1 364 305 Avalite, see Muscovite —,—, minerals of, 1,364 305 Avena sativa grain, see Oats —,—, ’ sulfide ores of, 1,364, 305 Aviation, see also Aeronautic, Aircraft, Balloon —, —,zinc-lead ores of, 1,364, 305 Aviation structural material, mfr, of, aluminum Azobenzide, see Azobenzene fore 225 ooe Azobenzol, see Azobenzene ° m--, copper for, 1,223,322 Azobisaniline hydrochloride, flotation process —,—, iron for, 1 293 322 using, 1,364,305 —,—, Manganese for, 1,223,322 = Azobisaniline ‘perchlorate, mfr. of, process for, —,—, nickel for, 1 223 yo22 a) 1,457,709 —, —, process for, 1,223 poe me - Azo colors, see Dyes Awa Grain, food product made with, 1,220,751 Azo-color lake, see Lake, azo-color Awnings, paint for, 1,445,173 ~ “AZO compounds, dyestuff made with, 1,129,574 Azaleine, see Fuchsine }“—, flotation by, minerals, of, 1,364, 305 Agid, blasting gelatin incorporated with, ~ —, ’ flotation process using) 1,364 304; 1,364,305 ‘1,329,525 --, ‘mfr. of, process for, 1,451 489 —,see also Nitride w io reducing, i iron and neutral salts, Azimidobenzene, see B Z 2 SN ¢_for, 1,358,324 — zotriazole iti sical He, Asek Ben- YA Azo dye, “mfr. of, 1,408, 405+ } As, S49. 3 [12670 Azimido-compounds, dyestuff made with a 1,232,056 N 7 see also Dyestuff Azines, flotation with, 1,438,436 ~ Azo dyestuff, hat, straw, sizing and dyeing of —., flotation process using, 1,438, 436 ~ using, : 181,202 Azine dyestufts, cellulose acetate dyed with, 9 er ene Dye; Dyestuff 1,448,432 x = ee eosine, dyeing mixture contg., 1,457,581 ‘ Azoic acid, aluminum, action on, 1,453, 976 Azine Blue, see Induline —, brass, action on of, 1,453,976 Azin red, See Sy print, colored, made vith, 116 6,123 ae one contg., “electrical treatment of, —,—, motion, colored, made with, 1,166,123 copper, action on of, 1,453,976 Azo acid blue, dyeing mixture contg., 1 457 081 ia , explosive ingredient, 1 453 976 Azobenzene, carbon tetra-chloride, freezing gilding metal, anion von of, 1,453,976 point of, affected by, 1,292,743; 1,292 5744 A EY action of on, 1,453,976 —,—,—, mixture of and, 1,243, 149: 1,270 PS eR salts of, paper impregnated with, 1,349,411 1 270 394: 1,270,395; 1 270 396: 1 270 397 —, zine, action on of, 1,453,976 —, fire- -extinguisher, made with carbon tetra- Azoimide, see Azides; Hydrazoic acid; Triazo- chloride and, 1 243, 149 compounds — Teasers by, chalcocite of, 1,864,305 Azole, see Pyrrole —, chalcopyrite of, 1,364 305 Azonaphthalene, flotation by, chalcocite of, —,—, copper sulfide of, 1,364, 305 1,364,305 —,—,munerals of, 1,364 305 —,—,chalcopyrite of, 1,364,305 —,—, sulfide ores ‘of, 1,364 305 —,copper sulfide ‘of, 1,364 305 —, zinc lead ores of, 1 364 305 —,—,munerals of, 1,364 305 BEA Gtation process using, 1,364,305 Neo —,—, ’ sulfide ores of, 1,364 305 INDEX OF Azonaphthalene, flotation by, zinc-lead ores of, 1,364,305 —, flotation process using, 1,864,305 Azonaphthalene hydrochloride, flotation by, chalcocite of, 1,364,305 —,—,chalcopyrite of, 1,364,805 —,—,copper sulfide of, 1,364,305 —,—,minerals of, 1,364,305 —,—,sulfide ores of, 1,364,305 —,—,zinc-lead ores by, 1,364, 305 Azonaphthalene sulfate, flotation by, chalco- cite of, 1,864,805 —,— chalcopyrite of, 1,864,305 —,—, copper sulfide of, 1,364 305 —,—, ’ minerals of, 1,364, 305 —,—, , sulfide ores of, 1 364, 305 —,—,zine lead ores of, 1 364, 305 Azo phenols, flotation by, minerals of, 1,364,305 _ Azo resins, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,500, 844 —,—, aldehyde for, 1,500,844 —,—, alkali for, 1,500,844 —,—,alkali carbonate for, 1,500,844 —,—,alkali sulfide for, 1,500,844 —,—, butadiene for, 1,500,844 —,—,formaldehyde for, 1,500,844 —,—, 2-furaldehyde for, 1,500,844 —,—, hexamethylenetetramine for, 1,500,844 —,—, hydrocarbon, diolefin, for, 1,500,844 —,—,isoprene for, 1,500,844 —,—,ketones for, 1,500,844 —,—~,nitraniline for, 1,500,844 —,—, p-nitraniline for, 1,500, 844 —, —, p-nitraniline, diazotized, for, 1,500,844 —,—, paracoumarone for, 1 500, 844 —, paraformaldehyde for, 1 500, 844 —, phenol for, 1,500,844 —,—,phenols, chlorinated, for, 1,500,844 —,—,—, sulfonated, for, 1 ,000, 844 — potassium hydroxide for, 1,500,844 —,—,process for, 1,500,844 —,—, resin, dinaphthol, for, 1,500,844 —,—,— naphthol, for, 1 500, 844 —,—, vinyl compounds for, 1 500,844 —,—, vinyl esters for, 1,500 844 —,—,vinyl halides for, 1,500,844 —,see also Resin, artificial Azo-rubin §, alkali-proofing, 1,349,265 Azo-6.5" -salicylic acid, see 4.4’ '_dihydroxy- -az0- benzene-3.3’- dicarboxylic acid Azotetrazole, alkali earth salt of, detonator made with, 1,511,771 —, alkali salt, of, detonator made with, 1,511,771 —, cadmium salt of, detonator made with, 1 11,771 —, detonator made with, 1,511,771 —, ‘lead salt of, detonator made with, 1,511,771 —, metal salt of, detonator made with, 1 511 a7 —, ’ silver salt of, detonator made with, 1 511 771 Azotic acid, see Nitric acid Azotic gas, see Nitrogen Azotobacter, see Bacteria, azotobacter Azotobacter bacteria, see Bacteria, azotobacter SUBJECTS 635 Azoxyaniline, see Azoxybis-aniline m-Azoxyaniline, dyestuff mfr. with, 1,365,706 Azoxy-benzene, azo-benzene made with, 1,134,093 —, hydrazo-benzene made with, 1,134,093 —,mfr. of, catalysts for, 1,451 489 —,—, nitr obenzene for, 1 134, 093: 1,451,489 —,—, process for, 1 134, 093 Azory-benzide, see "Azoxybenzene Azoxybisaniline, dyestuff made with, 1,282,355; 1,282,356; 1,862,936 Azoxy compounds, mfr. of, process for, 1,451,489 Azoxytoluidine, dyestuff made with, 1,282,355; 1,282,356 Azulmic acid, dyeing made with, 1,464,802; 1,464,803 —, dyestuff made with, 1,464,802; 1,464,803 —, mfr. of, 1,464,802; 1,464,803 —, oxidizing, 1,464,802; 1,464,803 —,solvent for, sodium hydroxide as, 1,464,802; 1,464,803 Azure blue, see Cobalt blue Azure copper ore, see Azurite Azurite, antimony production of using, 1,146,373 —, arsenic production of using, 1,146,373 —, bismuth production of using, 1,146,373 —,cadium production of using, 1,146,373 —, cobalt production of using, 1,146,373 —,copper production of using, 1,146,373; 1,217,487; 1,268,323; 1,438,869; 1,440,186 —, copper chloride made with, 1,268,323 —, copper plating with, 1,374,541 —, flotation of, 1,467,354 —,—, copper sulfite, cupro-cupric, for, 1,286,531 ; 1,286,532 —,—, oil for, 1,286,531; 1,286,532 —,—, process for, 1,217,487; 1,286,531; 1,286,532 —,—, sulfur dioxide for, 1,286,531; 1,286,532 —,gold production of using, 1,146,373 —,iron production of using, 1,146,373 —,iron(ic) arsenate production of using, 1,146,373 —,iron(ic) arsenite production of using, 1,146,373 —,iron(ic) oxide production of using, 1,146,373 —, leaching, of, process for, 1,282,415 —,lead production of using, 1,146,373 —, manganese production of using, 1,146,373 —, mercury production of using, 1,146,373 —, metal production of using, 1 146, 373 —, nickel production of using, 1,146 lo —, paint made with, 1,195,604 —, pigment, 1,195, 604 —, silver production of using, 1,146,373 —,tin production of using, 1 146, 373 a ‘treatment of, process for, 1316, 352; 1,344,127; il ,488,869 ; 1 440, 186 —, zinc production of using, 1,146,373 —,see also Copper(ic) carbonate; Copper(ic) carbonate, basic; Copper carbonate ore; Cop- per ore; Copper oxide ore; Pigment; Zircon 636 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 B, see Metal B Babal gum, see Acacia Babbitt, bearing, packing for, 1,324,763 —, packing, plastic, made with, 1,324,763 —, piston, packing for, made with, 1,324,763 —, see also Bearing metal; Alloy Babbitt dust, lubricant made with, 1,454,002 Babbitting, flux for, 1,399,810 Babbitt metal, alloy made with, 1,239,785 —,antimony in, 1,239,785 —, bearing made with, 1,185,220; 1,492,119 —,bearing of graphite, vulcanized fiber and, 1,398,219; 1,398,220 —, bearing metal made with, 1,198,152 —, bench block made with, 1,236,134 —, composition of, 1,351,404 —, composition of various, 1,399,810 —,copper in, 1,239,785 —, copper plated, 1,851,404 —, formula tin, 37.4372, zinc 18.435, copper .125, antimony .0025, 1,239,785 —,golf ball made with, 1,182,605 —, ingot of, fluxing material in core of, gelatin coating for, 1,275,449 —,—,—, paraffin coating for, 1,275,449 —, molten, handling of, apparatus for, 1,516,912 —, nickel plated 1,351,404 —, oxidation of, preventing, metallic coatings for, 1,351,404 —, packing contg., 1,270,056 —, packing made with, 1,355,830 —,solder made with, 1,239,785 —, tin in, 1,239,785 —, zinc in, 1,239,785 —,see also Alloy, anti-friction; Bearing metal Babbitt metal dust, cupgrease contg., 1,454,002 Babbitt metal substitute, mfr. of, antimony sul- fide for, 1,188,845 —,—, antimony sulfide for, 1,217,710; 1,217,711 —,—, black antimony for, 1,217,710; 1,217,711 ,—, copper for, 1,138,845; 1,217,710; 1,217,711 —,—, lead for, 1,138,845; 1,217,710; 1,217,711 —,—, process for, 1,138,845; 1,217,710; 1,217,711 —,—, sodium for, 1,217,711 —,—,tin for, 1,188,845; 1,217,710; 1,217,711 Babbitt metal wool, packing made with, 1,355,830 Babbitt retaining composition, mfr. of, asbestos for, 1,215,109 —,—, clay, fire, for, 1,215,109 —,—, cylinder oil for, 1,215,109 —,—, graphite for, 1,215,109 —,—, process for, 1,215,109 —,—,sand for, 1,215,109 Babies, see Infants Babool, see Acacia Babul bark, see Acacia Baby comforters, see Comforters, baby Baby food, see Infant food Baby soother, see Pacifier; Soothers, baby made with, B B-acid, see 1-Amino-?-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid; 1-amino-8-naphthol-3.5-disulfonic acid; 2.3- dihydroxynaphthalene-6 8-disulfonic acid Bacilli, acetone mfr. by means of, 1,385,888 —, butyl alcohol mfr. by means of, 1,385,888 Bacillus acetobutylicum, acetone made with, 1 427,595 —, butyl alcohol made with, 1,427,595 —, butyl alcohol and acetone produced with, 1,427,595 —, characteristics of, 1,427,595 —, isolation of, 1,427,595 Bacillus aceto-ethylicum, acetone from, 1,293,172 —, description of, 1,293,172 —,ethyl alcohol from, 1,293,172 Bacillus amylobacter, Arthur Mayer and Bredemann, _ starches fermented with, 1,329,214 Bacillus boas appler, fruit juices treated with, 1,417,412 Bacillus boocopricus, butyric acid mfr .with, 1,405,055 Bacillus bulgaricus, fruit juices treated with, 1,417,412 Bacillus bulgaricus, milk product made with, 1,160,086 —,petrolatum, coating with of, 1,260,899 —, protective coating for, 1,260,899 —,Type A, milk treated with, 1,443,458 —, see Bacteria, B. Bulgaricus Bacillus Bulgaris, see Bacteria, B. Bulgaris Bacillus butylicus B.F. (Boinot Firmin), ace- tone and butyl alcohol mfr. with, 1,385,888 Bacillus butylicus Fitz, starches fermented by, 1,329,214 Bacillus butylicus Grassberger and Schatten- froh, starches fermented with, 1,329,214 Bacillus crenothrizx, nitrogen fixation in sew- age by, 1,392,211 Bacillus fluorescens, 1,482,635 Bacillus fluorescens liquefaciens, silk de-gum- med with, 1,432,312 Bacillus lactic-acidi, milk product made with, 1,160,086 Bacillus lactis, milk substitute flavored with, 1,332,562 Bacillus liquefaciens, milk spoiled by, 1,432,635 Bacillus macerans, see Bacteria, B. macerans Bacillus putrificans, corn starch mfr. with, 1,417,467 Bacillus putrificus, No. B. 121.1233111, proteins removed from starch by, 1,422,328 Bacillus spirochaetae pallida, combating, arsenic compound for, preparing, 1,425,929; 1,425,980; 1,425,931; Re-15,557 Bacillus spirochaeta pallida, see Bacillus spiro- chaetae pallida Bacillus subtilis, butyric 1,405,055 milk souring cause, acid mfr. with, i \ INDEX OF SUBJECTS Bacillus suisepticus, 1,391,579 Bacillus surpestifer, i} 391, 579 Bacillus tripanomiasis, combating, compounds for, preparing, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 Bacillus, see also Bacterium Backstromite, see Manganese hydroxide Bacon, curing of, apparatus for, 1,124,851 ; 1G 134, 299; 1,271, 962 —,—, brine for, 1,271,962 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,134,299 —,—, potassium nitrate for, Fr 124, 851 51,134,299 —, process for, 1,124,851; 1 134, 299 ; 1 O71 962 —, —, sodium carbonate for, 1 124, 851 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,124, 851; —,—, sugar for, 1,124,851; iL 134, 299 —, rat poison for, 1,220, 593 —, smoked, ointment made with, 1,492,823 Biicon oil, see Lard oul ' Bacterva, ‘acetic acid, celluloid substitute made using, 1,189,841 —,—, plastic ‘made using, 1,189,841 —,—,silk, artificial, made using, 1,189,841 —,—, see ‘also Mycoderma acett —, acetone mfr. by means of, 1,385,888 —,acetone produced with, 1,437, 697 a, "acetone produced from starches 1 ,o29,214 —, acid forming, fertilizer made with, 1,260,103 —,—, garbage, disposal of with, 1,260, 103 arsenic 1,134,299 by, —, ’ acidi propionct, acetone made with, 1 470,885 —,— diethyl ketone made with, 1,470,885 —,—, ’ ethyl methyl ketone ‘made with, 1 470,885 —,—, propionate made with, 1,470,885 —,—, propionici, made with, 1,470 885 —,adhesive made with, 1,273, 571 — aerobic, bacteria, distribution of, composi- tion for, made with, 1,252,332 —,—, bacterial compost made with, 1,252,332 —,—, ’ fertilizer made with, 1,252,332; 1 257 591; 1 260, 103 —,—, garbage, disposal of with, 1,260,103 —,—, sewage treated using, 1 9347, 540; 1. 247 641; 1,247,542; 1,247,548; Re- 15,140; 1 511 418. —, albumin digested by, 1,366,338 —,ammonifying, bacteria, ‘distribution of, composition, for, made with, 1,252,332 —,—, bacterial compost made with, 1,252,332 ; 1 516 016 —,—, fertilizer made with, 1,212,196; Re-14, 686; 1,252,332; 1 261, 025 —, anaerobic, sewage, treatment of, 1 911,418 —, aniline as poison for, 1,288,755 —, ’ azobacter, fertilizer contg. ., 1,309,723 using, —, ‘azobacter crococum, fertilizer contg., 1,261,025 —,azobacter vinelandii, fertilizer contg., 1,261 025 —, azotobacter, bacteria compost made with, Zi 254,366 —,—, fertilizer made with, 1,254,366 —, ’ azotobacter, bacteria, distribution of, com- position for, made with, 1,252,332 637 Bacteria, azotobacter, bacterial compost made with, 1,252,332; 1,820,701; 1,515,016 —,—, fertilizer made with, 1,252,332; 1,260,103; 1,320,701 —,—,garbage, disposal of with, 1,260,103 —, plant food contg., 1,320,701 -—,—,soil inoculator contg., 1,320,701 —,azotobacter chrococcum, bacteria compost contg., 1,320,701 —,—, fertilizer contg., 1,820,701 —,—,plant food contg., 1,320,701 —,—,soil inoculator contg., 1,320, 701 —, ’B. acidi lactz, milk, pasteurized, contg., mfr. of, process for, 1 175, 876 =, milk treated using, 1,175,876 —, B. ‘acidophilus, beverage made with, 1,506,501 —,—, milk product made with, 1,506, 501 —,—, properties of, 1,506,501 —, B. azotobacter, bacterial compost made with, 1,205, 829 —,—, fertilizer made with, 1,205,829 —, Wie boocopricus, hair, ‘deliming 1 235,214 —,—, wool, deliming of using, 1,235,214 —, ’B. ’ Bulgaricus, bacteria, B. Bulgaricus, prep- aration made with, 1, 179, 625 —, baking powder. made with, 1,230,452 —,—, beer, dealcoholized, made with, 1,204, 315 _ ’ beverage made with, 1,506,501 —,—, butter substitute made with, 1,247,482 —,—, ’ food product made with, 1 182 ,860 —,—,lactic acid made with, 1,249, 511 eo) nile product made with, 1,506, 501 —,—, preparation, mfr of, bacteria, lactic acid, for, 1,179,625 —,—,—,—, carbonates for, 1,179,625 —,—,—, —, , chocolate for,/1; 179, 625 of using, 3 PT RRS ae) a, ’ —,—,—, —, ’ sugar for, 1,179, 625 —, —, —, —, sugar, fondant, for, 1,179,625 —,—,—, —, sugar, grape, for, ii 179,625 —,—,—,—, sugar, potato, for, Vi 179, 625 —,—,—,—, sulfates for, 1, 179 625 — , Yoghurt milk made with, 1,179,625 —; properties of, 1,506,501 —, Sip Bulgaris, beer, Yoghurt, 1 228,916 —, B. cholerae suis, see Hog cholera —, SB colt, dibrom-2-naphthol, bactericidal ac- tion of on, 1,232,187 —,—, fertilizer made with, 1,268, 563 made with, —, ap: Delbruieki, beverage ‘made using, 1,249 259 —,B. lactis, baking powder made _ with, 1,230, 452 —, blood pressure reducing substance prepared _with, 1,399,535 —,B. macerans, acetone made with, 1,169,321; 1 169,322 —,—, alcohol’ made with, 1,169,322 —,—, cattle food made with, 1,169, 322 638 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915~1924 Bacteria, Danysz, mice killing of with composi- tion contg., 1,178,941 —,—, rats, killing of with composition contg., 1 178, 941 —,—,vermin, killing of with contg., 1,178,941 — , Delbrucki, grape juice made with, 1,207,014 Bacteria, B. macerans, dog food made with, _ 1,169,322 —,—,ethyl alcohol made with, 1,169,321 —,—, molasses, fermentation of using, “Seen —, poultry feed made with, 1,169,322 —,—, sugars, fermentation of. using, 1,169, 321 composition —,—,sugar cane, fermentation of using, — , denitrifying, fertilizer made with, 1.268, 563 1% 169, 321 —,destroying, barium = sulfide and calcium —, B. mesenterious vulgatus, bread made with, oxide for, 1,843,034 1,222,304 —,—, pressure for, 1,355,476 —, B. mycoides, bread made with, 1,222,304 —, ; destruction of, apparatus for, 1,513,137, —, WH paratyphus, dichlor-2-naphthol, bacteri- 1,513 41388 * Cidal action of on, 1,232,187 ry , hydrocarbon for, 1,513,188 —,B. radicicola, bacteria compost made with, —,—, process for, 1513 137; 1,513,138 1 254,366; 1 320 701 —, desulfurens, fertilizer contg. 5 1 261,025 ee fertilizer made with, 1,254,366; 1,260,103; — , desulfurizing, fertilizer contg., 1,261 025 1,320,701 —,dissolving, sodium hydroxide for, 1,409, 796 —,—, garbage, disposal of with, 1,260,103 —,—, plant food contg., 1,320,701 —,—,soil inoculator contg., 1,320,701 —, bread, salt-rising, made with, 1,149,839 —, B. rossica, bacteria compost contg., 1,320,701 —,—, fertilizer contg., 1,320,701 —,—,plant food contg., 1,320,701 —,—,soil inocculator contg., 1,320,701 —,B. subtilis, bread made with, 1,222,304 —,—, hair, deliming of using, 1,235,214 —,— ’ wool, deliming of using, 1,235, 214 — ’ butyl alcohol mfr. by means of, 1,385,888 —,—, produced with, 1,437,697 —,—, produced from starches by, 1,329,214 —, butyric acid made with, 1,405 055 —,—, fertilizer contg., 1,309, 723 —, B. vulgatus, fertilizer made with, 1,268,563 —,B. xylinoides, leather substitute made using, 1,141,545 —,B. xylinum, leather substitute made using, 1,141,545 —, cellulose made with, 1,311,980 —, cellulose action on, 1,443,881 —, cellulose destroying, bacteria compost contg., 1,320,701 —,—, fertilizer contg., 1,320,701 —,—, plant food contg., 1,320,701 —,—,soil inoculator contg., 1,320,701 —,cellulose splitting, fertilizer made with, 1,260,103 —,—, garbage, disposal of with, 1,260,103 —,cholera, mice, killing of with composition contg., 1,178,941 —,—,rats, killing of with composition contg., 1,178,941 —,—,vermin, killing contg., 1,178,941 —, clostridium, fertilizer contg., 1,261,025 —,clostridium pasteurranum, fertilizer contg., 1,309,723 —,copper(ous) cyanide, as poison for, 1,288,755 —,copper(ous) rhodanide as _ poison for, 1,288,755 —, cultivation of, acetone made with, 1,315,585 —,—, alcohol made with, 1,315,585 —,— butyl aleohol made with, 1,315,585 —, cultures of, tobacco treated with, 1,331,331 —; cyanides as poison for, 1,288,755 of with composition — — — — — — — — , distribution of, 1 (02 beg —,—, bacteria, aerobic in, 1,252,332 , ammonifying in, 1,252 332 ——-,— , azotobacter, in, 1,252 332 ,—,—, —, nitrate in, 1,252 332 —, nitrifying in, 1,252 oa2 ,—, nitro, in, 1,252 332 ——,— — nitrobacter in, 1,252,332 ——— ’ nitrogen-fixing, in, 1 252,002 —,—,—, non-symbiotic, in, 1,252 oon »——; —, —, Symbiotic, in, 1,252 332 —,—,— , Pseudomonas radicola, in, 1,252,332 ——, borax in, 1,252,332 ( oe carbohydrates in, 1,252,332 : ,—,—, chalk in, 1,252 332 ,—-,—, clay in, 1,252 332 —,—, dextrin. in, 1,252 boa ———e dolomite in, 1,252 oor composition of, agar in, bd 3 5] ’ 5) oases 3 ’ —,—, glucose in, 1,252 332 —,—,glue in, 1,252 332 —,—,—, gums in, 1,252 O02 —,—,—, Zypsum in, 1,252 yoo2 —,—,—, humus in, 1 259 332 —,—,—,lime in, 1,252 332 —;—,—, Magnesia in, 1,252 B32 —,—, —, Magnesium sulfate in, 1,252,302 —,—, —, malt sugar in, 1,252 332 —,—,-——, Manure in, 1,252, 332 — —,—,—, muck in, 1,252,332 —,—; peat in, 1,252,332 ——; phosphates, acid in, 1,252,332 ,—,—, phosphate rock in, 1 5252, 332 —,—,—, potassium chloride in, 1,252,332 —,—,—, potassium phosphate in, 1,252,332 —;,—, potassium sulfate in, 1,252 o02 as —,—,Tesins in, 1,252,332 » —, —, seawood ‘jelly in, 1,252,332 —,—,—, slag, basic, in, 1 252 332 ,—,—, Starch in, 1 252 332 —,—,—,sucrose in, 1 252 ood —,—,—-,sugar for, 1 252, 332 — syrup in, 1,252,332 ’ pI —, tankage in, 1,252,332 3 > —,—,—, waxes in, 1,252,332 —,—, —, ’ wood ashes in, 1,252,332 fe eee “wood fiber ih, 252 382 Bee Wa talcum in, 1,252,332 ,ensilage, acetic acid made with, 1,400,852 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Bacteria, ensilage, butyric acid made _ with, 1,400,852 —,—, esters made with, 1,400,852 —,—,ethyl acetate made with, 1,400,852 —,—,ethyl butyrate made with, 1,400 852 —,—,ethyl propionate made with, 1,400, 852 —,—,methyl acetate made with, 1,400, 852 —,—, methyl butyrate made with, 1,400, 852 —,—,methyl propionate made with, 1,400 852 —,propionic acid made with, 1,400, 802 _— ’ enzymes, alcohol made with, 1,227, 374 —,—, cattle food made with, 1,277,374 —,—,fabric, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —,—,fiber, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —,—, glucose made with, 1,227,374 —,—, sizing, amylaceous, ‘fabric, removal from of, HEINE, 1,505,534 —. fiber, removal ie (B05,5 534 —, fertilizer contg., 1,368,249 —, ‘filter for, asbestos in, 1,256,171 —,—,cellulose in, 1,256,171 —,—,cotton in, 1,256,171 —,—, flax in, 1,256,171 —,—,infusorial earth in, 1,256,171 —,—, jute in, 1,256,171 —,—,kaolin in, 1,256,171 —,—, mfr. of, asbestos in, 1,256,171 —-,—-,-, cellulose: in, 1,256,171 py es COLLOD! IN, 1 256 171 —,—,—, ’ flax in, 1.256, 171 —,—,—, infusorial earth in, 1,256,171 —,—,—, jute in, 1,256,171 —, —, —, kaolin in, 1,256,171 —,filter for retaining, cellulose esters in, 1,421,341 —, Fitz type, acetone made with, 1,815,585 —,—,alcohol made with, 1,315,585 —,—, butyl alcohol made with, 1,315,585 —,fodder, green preserved with, 1,257,754 —,food stuff for, artichokes, Jerusalem, in, 1,472,344 —,—, beech nut in, 1,472,344 —,beet tops in, 1,472,344 —,—,bisulfate in, 1,472,344 —, bisulfite in, 1,472,344 —,—,bran in, 1,472,344 —,bran straw in, 1,472,344 —,—, chestnut in, 1,472,344 —, flax sprays in, 1,472,344 —,—, grain residue in, 1,472,344 —,—, humic acid in, 1,472,344 —, humic substance in, 1,472,344 —,—,humin in, 1,472,344 —,hydrochloric acid in, 1,472,344 —,—, fruit refuse in, 1,472,344 —,— — malt residue in, 1,472, 344 —,—, ‘molasses residue in, 1,472 044 —,—, sawdust in, 1,472,344 —, seaweed in, 1,472,344 —,sulfuric acid in, 1,472,344 —, sulfurous acid in, 1,472 44 —,— "tan residue in, 1,472, 344 —, ‘ulmie acid in, 1,472,344 —,ulmin in, 1,472,344 from of, using, 4 ee b ond Fr ae 639 Bacteria, vine branches in, 1,472,344 —,—, Wine press refuse in, 1,472,344 — ’ formic acid, destruction of during diastase mfr. PISS 640; 1,153,641 —, fusiform, mercury (ie) iodide, tion of on, 1,469,322 —, garden soil, acetic acid made with, 1,400,852 —,—,butyric acid made with, 1,400 852 —,—,esters made with, 1,400 852 —,—, ’ ethyl acetate made with, 1,400,852 —,—,ethyl butyrate made with, 1,400,852 —,—,ethyl propionate made with, 1 400, 852. food stuff for, specific ac- —,methyl acetate made with, 1,400 852 —,—,methyl butyrate made with, 1,400, 852 —,methyl propionate made with, 1,400,852 —,propionic acid made with, 1,400,852 atin vegetable, made with, 1,273 B71 —,grape-fruit, acetic acid made with, 1,400,852 —,—, butyric acid made with, 1,400,852 —,—,esters made with, 1,400, 852 —,—, ’ ethyl acetate made with, 1,400,852 —,—,ethyl butyrate made with, 1,400,852 —,—,ethyl propionate made with, 1,400,852 —,—, methyl acetate made with, 1,400,852 —,—, methyl butyrate made with, 1,400,852 —,—, methyl propionate made with, 1,400,852 —,—,propionic acid made with, 1,400,852 —,herbaceous animal feces, acetic acid made with, 1,400,852 —,—,butyric acid made- with, 1,400,852 —,—,esters made with, 1,400,852 —,—,ethyl acetate made with, 1,400,852 —,—,ethyl butyrate made with, 1,400,852 —,—,ethyl propionate made with, 1,400,852 —,—, methyl acetate made with, 1,400,852 —,—,methyl butyrate made with, 1,400,852 ——,—, methyl propionate made with, 1,400,852 —,—, propionic acid made with, 1,400 852 —, indigo, dyeing with, using, 1,239.526 = Tactic acid, acetaldehyde made 1,511,754 —,—,alcoho] made with, 1,511,754 —,—, bacteria, B. Bulgaricus, preparation made with, 1,179,625 —,—, baking powder made with, 1,230,452 —,—, beer, coloring for, made with, 1,178,040 —,—,—, dealcoholized, made with, 1,204,315 —,—,—, non-alcoholic, restored to flavor using, sane 551; Re-14,889 —, beer wort made with, 1,178,039 —_ ’ beverage made with, 1; 191 440 with, ~~ ~ il — —. beverage, tinfermented, made with, 1,204,869: —,—,bread made with, 1,179,877; 1,190,827; ins 128 —,casein prepared with, 1,412,462 —,—, "cattle food made with, 1 147, 768 —,—, celluloid substitute made using, 1,189,841 —,—, diastase made with, 1,129,387 —,—,fat made, with, 1 147 768 —,—, ’ fermentation, acid using, 1,123,920 —,—, fertilizer contg., 1,809,723 —,—,food contg., 1,287,600 —,—,food **product made with, 1,178,039; 1,178,040; 1,182,860; 1,272,035; 1,477,153 640 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bacteria, lactic acid, gherkins, preparation contg., mfr. of, process for, 1,179,625 —,—,gioddu, preparation contg., mfr. of, process for, 1,179,625 —,—,glycerol made with, 1,147,768; —,—,grape juice made with, 1 207, 014 —,—, growing, 1,381,468; 1 381 469 —,—,kefir, preparation contg., mfr. of, process for, 1,179 625 —,—,lactic acid made with, 1,249,511 —,—,mazun, preparation contg., mfr. of, proc- ess for, 1,179,625 —,—, milk, artificial, made with, 1,139,031 —,—,milk substitute made with, 1,175,467; 1,243,855; 1,267,449 —,—,petrolatum, coating with of, 1,260,899 —,—,plastic made using, 1,189,841 —,protective coating ‘for, 1,260, 899 —,—, sauerkraut, preparation contg., mfr. of, process for, 1 179 625 —, silk, artificial, made using, 1,189,841 —,—,succinic acid made with, 1,147,768 —,—, yeast made with, 1,170,110; 1,474,674; 1,475,471 —,—, yeast food made with, 1,190,827 —,—, see also “ Cream Starter” —,lactic acid produced in fruit juices by, 1,417,412 —,lactic acid producing, de-alcoholized beer restored to flavor by, 1,302,551; Re-14,889 —,lactic acid producing, milk treated with, 1 827,308 —,lactici acidi, fodder, green, preserved with, 1,257,754 —,leather substitute made with, 1,287,387 _, lezume, bacteria compost contg., 1,320,701 —,—, fertilizer contg., 1,320,701 —,—, ’ plant food contg., 1,320,701 —,—,soil inoculator contg., 1,320,701 —,legume nitrogen fixing, bacterial compost made with, 1,515,016 —, massal, milk, artificial, made with, 1,139,031 —, meat cured by specific, 1,380,068; 1,380,069; 1,380,070 —, medium for culture of, 1,368,249 —,medium for growing lactic acid bacteria, formula, 1,881,468; 1,381,469 —, milk, artificial, made with, 1,210,667 —, Mesentericus, alcohol made with, 1,227,374 —,—, cattle feed made with, 1,227,374 —,—,fabric, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —,—,fiber, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —,—, glucose made with, 1,227,374 —,—, sizing, amylaceous, fabric, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 —,—, — amylaceous, fiber, removal from of, 1 505, 534 —,—, yeast, pressed, made with, 1,176,528 —,—, milk, artificial, made with, 1,210,667 —, ’ milk, butter substitute made with, 1 210,667 —,—, see also Bacteria, peptonizing 1,511,754 1,147,768 ; 1,141,545; Bacteria, nitrates made with, 1,288,754; 1,288,755 —,nitrate, bacteria, distribution of, composi- tion for, made with, 1,252,332 —,— bacterial compost made with, 1,252,332; a 515, 016 —,—, fertilizer made with, 1,252,332; 1,309,723 ——, ’ nitrifying, aniline, effect of on, 1,288,755 —,—, bacteria, distribution of, composition for, made with, 1,252,332 —,—, bacterial compost made with, 1,252,332; 1,254,866; 1,515,016 —,nitrifying, calcium nitrate made with, 1,286,838 ; 1,286,839 —,—,copper(ous) cyanide, effect of. on, 1,288,755 —,—,copper(ous) rhodanide, effect of on, 1,288,755 —,—, copper salt, effect of on, 1,288,755 —,—, culture of, 1,341 030 —,—, cyanides, ‘effect of on, 1,288,755 —,—, "fertilizer made with, 1 212 196; Re-14,686 ; 1 252, 302; 1,254,366; 1 442 939 —. fertilizer, explosive, made with, 1,274,343 —, ’ fluorides, effect of on, 1,288 755 — nitrates, made with, 1,288, 754: 1,288,755 — peat treated with, 1,255, 732 —,—, phenol, effect of on, 1,288, 755 ,—, preservation of, 1,341 030 —,—, resistant to bacteria poison, 1,288,755 —,rhodanides, effect of on, 1,288, 755 — sodium cyanide, effect of on, 1,288, 755 —,—, sodium fluoride, effect of on, 1,288 755 —, nitrite, bacterial compost made with, 1 p10 016 —,nitrite made from nitrate and, 1,259,376; 1 ,259,377 —,nitro, bacteria, distribution of, composition made with, 1 252, 332 —,— bacteria compost made with, 1,252,332 —,— ’ fertilizer made with, 1,252 332: 1,309,723 os ‘ nitrobacter, bacteria, distribution of, compo- sition for, made with, 1,252,332 —,— bacterial compost made with, 1,252,332; 1 320, 701 —,—, fertilizer made with, 1,252,332; 1,261,025; 1 309, 723; 1,320,701 —,—, plant food contg., 1,320,701 —,—,soil inoculator contg., 1,320,701 —,nitrogen-fixing, bacteria, distribution of, composition for, made with, 1,252,332 —,—, bacterial compost made with, 1,252,332; 1 320, 701; 1,515,016 —,—, fertilizer contg., 1,309,723; 1,320,701 —,—, fertilizer made with, 1,208, 199; 1,212,196; Re-14,686; 1 252 332 —,—, fertilizer, explosive, made with, 1,274,343 —_—,— ,non-symbiotic, bacteria, distribution. of, composition for, made with, 1,252,332 —,—,—, bacterial. compost made with, 1,252 332 —,—,—, fertilizer made with, 1,252,332 —,plant food contg., 1,320,701 —,—,soil inoculator contg., 1,320,701 — , symbiotic, bacteria, distribution of, com- position for, made with, 1,252,602 | eS ee ee ee i, (ee - a _- INDEX OF SUBJECTS Bacteria, nitrogen fixing, symbiotic, bacterial compost made with, 1,252,332 —,—,—, fertilizer made with, 1,252,332 —,nitrosomonas, bacterial compost contg., 1,320,701 —,—,fertilizer contg., 1,261,025; 1,309,723; 1,320,701 —,—,plant food contg., 1,320,701 —,—,soil inoculator contg., 1,320,701 —,non-symbiotic bacterial compost contg., 1,320,701; 1,515,016 —,—,fertilizer contg., 1,261,025; 1,309,723; 1,320,701 —,—,plant food contg., 1,320,701 —,—,soil inoculator contg., 1,320,701 —, organic acids mfr. from algae with, 1,371,611 —,peptonizing, bacterial compost made with, 1,515,016 _—,—,yeast, pressed, made with, 1,176,528 —,—,see also Bacteria, Mesentericus ; Bac- teria, Tyrothrix ; Bacteria subtilis, _- _ petrolatum, coating with of, 1,260, 899 —, phenols removed from ammonia still waste liquors by, 1,437,394; 1,437,401 —,phenol as poison for, 1,288,755 —, protective coating for, 1,260,899 —, proteins removed from starch by, 1,422,328 —, proteolytic, silk degummed with, 1,432, 312 —, Pseudomonas radicola, bacteria, distribu- tion of, composition for, made with, 1,252,332 —,—, bacterial compost made with, 1,252, 332 —,—, fertilizer made with, 1,252,332; 1,309,723 —,pure culture of, mfr. of apparatus for, 1,212,656 —,—,—, process for, 1,212,656 —, radicicola, fertilizer contg., 1,261,025 —,removing from air, 1,442 619 —,resins made with, 1,311 980 —,retting, flax retting using, 1,133,590 —,rhodanides as poison for, 1 288, 755 - —, rossica, fertilizer contg., 1, 261 025 —, , Saccharobacillus Pasterianus, beverage, un- fermented, made with, 1 204, 869 a salt-rising bread type, description of, 1,149,839 —, saprogenic, fertilizer made with, 1,260,103 —,—, garbage, disposal of with, 1,260, 103 —, sauer-kraut, acetic acid made with, 1, 400,852 —,—, butyric acid made with, 1,400 852 —,—,esters made with, 1,400, 852 —,—, ’ ethyl acetate made with, 1,400,852 —,—,ethyl butyrate made with, 1 400 802 —,—,ethyl propionate made with, 1,400, 852 —,—, methyl acetate made with, 1,400 852 —,—, methyl butyrate made with, 1,400, 852 —,—, methyl propionate made with, 1,400 802 —,—, propionic acid made with, 1,400, 852 —, Schizomycetes, hair, deliming of using, 1 235,214 oer eee wool, deliming of using, 1,235,214 —, sericin removed from silk by, 1,423, aiZ —, silk de-gummed with, 1,432, 312 —,sodium cyanide as poison for, 1,288,755 —, ’ sodium fluoride as poison for, 1,288 "155 — soil, beneficial, medium for culture ‘of, see pee compost 641 Bacteria, soil, carrier for, see Fertilizer ——, culture medium for, see Bacterial com- post —,—, fertilizer made with, 1,208,199; 1,261,025 —,starch reducing, adhesive made with, 1,257,307 —,—,glue, vegetable, made with, 1,257,307 —, subtilis, alcohol made with, 1,227 374 —,— cattle food made with, 1,227, 374 —,—, fabric, amylaceous, sizing, removal of from, using, 1,505,534 —,—, fiber, amylaceous, from, using, 1,505,534 —,—, glucose made with, 1,227,374 sizing, removal of —,—, sizing, amylaceous, fabric, removal from of, using, 1,505,534 be —,fiber, removal from of, using, ay (505,5 534 —,—, yeast, pressed, made with, 1,176,528 —,—,see also Bacteria, peptonizing —,sugars made witb, 1,311 980 —, sulfofying, composition contg., sulfur, soil and, 1,361,596; 1,361,597 —,—, ‘culture of. 1,361 596: 1,361,597 —, sulfur, bacterial compost made with, 1,515 016 —, sulfur converted into sulfuric acid by, 1,361,596; 1,361,597 —,sulfur oxidizing, fertilizer made with, 1,494,434; 1,494,435 —,—, production of, agar for, 1,494,435 —,—,—, ammonium chloride for, 1,494 435 —,—,—,ammonium sulfaté for, 1 494 435 —,—,— calcium carbonate for, 1,494 434; 1,494, 435 —,—,—, calcium chloride for, 1,494,435 —,—,—, calcium phosphate ‘CasP:Os, for, 1,494, 434 - 1,494,435 —,—, — , carbohydrates for, 1,494,434; 1,494,435 —,—,—, dextrose for, 1,494 5484; 1 A94 435 —, iron mineral, conte., for, 1,494 ,434; ae 494 435 —,;—,—,iron(ic) chloride for, 1,494,434 ; 1 A944 435 —,—,—, iron(ous) sulfate for, 1,494,435 —,—,—, Magnesium, mineral contg., for, 1,494 434: 1,494,435 —,—,—,magnesium chloride for, 1,494,434; 1,494, 435 —,—,—, magnesium sulfate for, 1,494,435 —,—,—, mineral, iron’ in, for, 1,494,434; 1,494,435 —,magnesium in, for, 1,494,434; 1) 4944 435 ,—-,—,phosphorus in, for, 1,494,434; 4 494 A385 ——,—,——-, —, potassium in, for, ._ 1,494,434; 1 494 A385 —,—,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,494,435 —,—,—,phosphorus, mineral contg., for, 1 A9A, 434: 1,494,435 —,—,potassium, mineral contg., for, eA 494, 434: 1,494,435 —— potassium nitrate for, 1,494,434; oy 494,435 642 Bacteria, sulfur oxidizing, production of, po- tassium phosphate, K2HPO,, for, 1,494,434; 1,494,435 —,—,—,process for, 1,494,484; 1,494,435 —, sodium nitrate for, 1,494,434; 1,494,435 —, sodium nitrite for, 1,494,434; 1,494,435 —, sodium thiosulfate for, 1,494,485 ’ ent Sane) MES, Paras ae, 9 ain ’ , 3 — —,sucrose for, 1,494,484; 1,494,435 —,—,—,sulfur for, 1,494,434; 1,494,435 —— sulfuric acid made with, 1,494,434; 1,494,435 —,—,white alkali made using, 1,494,434; 1,494, 435 —, sulfofying, see Bacteria, sulfur oxidizing —,swamp, acetic acid made with, 1,400,852 —,—, butyric acid made with, 1,400,852 —,—,esters made with, 1,400,852 —,—,ethyl acetate made with, 1,400,852 —,—,ethyl butyrate made with, 1,400,852 —,—,ethyl propionate made with, 1,400,852 —,—,methyl acetate made with, 1,400,852 —,—, methyl butyrate made with, 1 400, 852 —,—, methyl propionate made with, 1 400, 852 —,—, propionic acid made with, 1,400 852 —,symbiotic, bacterial compost made with, 1,515,016 —,—, fertilizer contg., 1,261,025; 1,309,723 —,tannic acid made with, 1,311,980 —,thiocyanates removed from ammonia still waste liquors by, 1,437,394 —-, tobacco fermented with, cultivation for of, 1 ,262,623 —, tobacco improved by action of, 1,331,331 — ‘tubercle, preparation, dry, mfr. of, process for, 1,288 82 — , Tyrothrix, 1,176,528 —,—,see also Bacteria, peptonizing —, urea forming, fertilizer contg., 1,261,025 —, vaccines prepared from, 1,409 796 ; 1,457 097 —, vinegar, vinegar made with, 1,272 276 Bacteria felsineus, textile fiber macerated using, 1,473,901 —, see also Felsinozima Bacteria poison, bacteria, nitrifying, resistant to, 1,288,755 —, see ‘also Bactericide Bacteria polymiaia, tobacco improved with, 1,331,331 Bacteria preparation, dry, mfr. of, borax for, 1,288,582 —,—,—, glycerol for, 1,288,582 —,—,—,process for, 1,288,582 —,—,—,sodium phosphate, Na:HPOk,, 1,288,582 —,—,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,288,582 —, mfr. of, almonds for, 1,179,625 —,—, biscuit powder for, 1,179,625 Le ' chocolate for, 1,179 625 yeast, pressed, made with, for, —,meal for, 1 179 625 —,nuts for, 1 179 625 —, process for, 1,179 ,625 , sugar for, 1 179 625 Pxcterial antibody serum, mfr. of, antipneu- mococcic serum Type L 1,484 038 —,—,antipneumococcic serum Type II, 1 AS4 038 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bacterial antibody serum, mfr. of, antipneu- mococcic serum Type III, 1,484,038 —,—, process for, 1,484,038 —,—,sodium bicarbonate for, 1,484,038 Bacterial compost, ammonium hydroxide in, * 1,254,366 —,ammonium sulfate in, 1,254,366 —, ’ bacteria, azotibacter in, 1,254, 366 —,— Bradicicola in, 1,254 366 —,—, ’ nitrifying in, 1,254,366 —,calcium carbonate in, 1,254,336 —,lime in, 1,254,366 —, ‘mfr. of, agar agar in, 1,252,332 —;,—, alfalfa meal: for, 1 515 016 —,—, alkali compound for, 1,320, 701 —,—, ‘alkali earth compound for, 1,320,701 —,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,254 366 —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1,254 366 —,apatite for, 1,515 016 —,—, bacteria, aerobic in, 1,252,332 —, ’ bacterial flora for, 1 320, 701 —,—, bacteria, ammonifying in, | 1,2523382% 1,515,016 —,—,—, azotrbacter for, 1,254,366 1,320,701 —,—,—,azotobacter in, 1,252, 332; ,—, —, azotobacter chroococcum for, 1,320,701 —,—,—, azotobacter, for, 1,515,016 —,—,—,B. azotobacter for, 1 205 829 —,—,—,B. radicicola for, 1,254 366 —,—,—, B. radiciola for, 1,320 701 —,—,—,B. rossica for, i 320, 701 —,—,—, cellulose destroying for, 1,320,701 —,—,—, legume for, 1,320,701 —,—,—, legume nitrogen Me for, 1,515,016 —,—,—, nitrate in, 1,252,332; 1 BIS 016 —,—,—, nitrifying in, 1,232 322: 1,254 366 —,—,—, nitrite, for, 1,515 016 —,—,nitro in, 1,252,322 — 3 b b 3 —,—, bacteria nitrobacter for, \1252,5328 1,320, 701 —,—,—, nitrogen-fixing, in, 1,252,332; pa 701; 1,515,016 ——— , non-symbiotic, in, 1,252,332 —,—,—,—, symbiotic, in, 1,252 332 —,—,—, nitrosomonas for, 1,320, 701 —,—,—, non-symbiotic for, 1 320, 701 —,—, bacteria non-symbiotic, for, 1,515,016 —,—,—,peptonizing, for, 1,515 016 —,—,—, Pseudomonas radicola, for, 1,252,332 —,—,—, ’ symbiotic, for, 1,515,016 —,—,—, sulfur, for, 1,515 016 —,—, blood for, 1,515 016 —, blood, dried, for, 1,320,701 —,— ’ bone meal for, 1,515 016 —; borax in, 1 252. 332 — ' boric acid in, 1,252,332 —,—, calcium carbonate 1,320,701 : 1,515,016 —,—,caleium hydroxide for, 1,320,701 —,—, calcium phosphate for, 1,320, 701 —,—, "calcium (acid) phosphate for, a 320,701 —,—, carbohydrates in, 1,252,332; i 320 701 —,—, chalk in, 1,252 332 —, clay in, 1 352 332 —, — cotton seed meal for, 1,320,701 —,—, dextrin in, 1,252,332 —,—, dolomite in, 1,252, 332 for, 1,254,366; INDEX OF Bacterial compost, mfr. of, fish glue for, 1,515,016 —,—, fish scrap for, 1,515,016 —, glauconite for, 1,515,016 —,—, glucose in, 1 252 ool —,glue in, 1 952 332 —,— , greensand marl for, —,—, gums in, 1,252,332 —,—, gypsum in, 1,252 ood —,—, humus in, 1 252,332; 1,515,016 —,—, iron compound for, 1,515,016 —,—,lime for, 1,205,829; 1,252,332; Ace 016 —, Magnesia in, 1,252,832; 1,515,016 —,—,magnesium carbonate for, 1,515,016 —,magnesium sulfate in, 1,252,332 —, malt for, 1,515,016 —, maltose for, 1,515,016 —,malt sugar in, 1,252,332 —,—, Manganese compound for, 1,515,016 —,—, mannite for, 1,515,016 Tue. manure for, 1,205,829; 1,252,332; 1,320,701 —,manure, composing for, 1,320,701 —,molasses for, 1,205,829; 1,254,366; ee ae 1,515,016 —, molasses, beet sugar for, 1,205,829 —, muck in, 1,252,832; 1,254,366; 1,320,701 _—,—, peat for, 1,205 829; 1,252,332; 1,254,366; hare 700-1 515, 016 __. phosphate for, 1,515,016 —,—, phosphates, acid i in, 1252 oo2 —,—, phosphate rock in, 1 252 332: 1,515,016 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,320,701 ; die 016 —, potassium chloride in, 1,252,332; 1,320,701 —, potassium hydroxide for, 1 320 701 —,—,potassium phosphate in, 1.252.332 : 1,320,701 —,—, potassium (acid) phosphate for, 1,320,701 —, potassium rock for, 1,320,701 _ —,—, potassium salt for, 1,320, 701 —, potassium sulfate for, 1 252 ,o02; 1,320,701 —, process for, 1,205,829; 1 ‘954, 366: 1,515, 016 —, protein for, 1 320 701 —,resins in, 1 (252, 332 , seawood ‘jelly in, 1,252,332 basic, in, 1,252,332; 1,515,016 1,254,366 ; | a Pat J - | J f - mS 1,320,701; —, sodium carbonate for, 1,320,701; 1,515,016 —, ’ sodium hydroxide for, 1,320,701 —,—, ’ sodium nitrate for, 1,320, 701 —,—, sodium. phosphate for, 1 320, 701 —,—,sodium (acid) phosphate for, 1,320,701 —,—, soil, bacteria contg., 1,320,701 —,—, starch i in, 1,252,332 —,—, sucrose in, 1,252,332 : 1,515,016 —, sugar in, 1,252,332; 1,320,701 —,—, sugar residue for, 1254 366 —, sulfur for, 1,515 016 — sulfuric acid for, 1,205,829 —,—, syrup for, 1,252,332 —,—, talcum for, 1,252,332 —,—, tankage for, 1 820,701; 1,252,332; 1,515,016 —,—, Thomas slag for, i 320, 701 —,—, waxes in, 1,252,332 —,—, weed compost for, 1,320,701 SUBJECTS 643 Bacterial compost, mfr. of, wood ashes in, 1,252,332; 1,320,701; 1,515,016 —,—, wood fiber in, 1,252 oo2 —, , molasses i Int 254. 366 —, muck in, 1,254 366 —, peat in, 1,254,366 —,sugar residue in, 1,254,366 Bacterial extract, acriflavine as preservative for, 1,476,233 —, brilliant green as preservative for, 1,476,233 —, ’ cresol as preservative for, 1,476 233 — dye, bactericidal as preservative for, 1,476,233 —, dyestuff, acridine series as preservative for, 1 476,233 —, phenol as preservative for, 1,476,233 —,proflavine as preservative for, 1,476,233 —,tri-cresol product as_ preservative 1,476,233 —,see also Biological product Bacterial flora, bacterial 1,320,701 —, fertilizer contg., 1,320,701 —, plant food contg., 1,320,701 —,soil inoculator contg., 1,320,701 Bactericidal dye, see Dye, bactericidal Bactericide, air for, 1,250,079 —, alcohols for, 1,250, 079 —- ’ beeswax and lard as, 1,286,989 — benzoic acid for, 1,250 079 —, ‘boric acid for, 1,250 079 —, ’ carbon dioxide for, 1,250,079 —, carbon monoxide for, 1,250,079 —,formaldehyde as, 1,289,093 —, gas for, 1,250,079 —,' 5'-hexa-amino-arsenobenzene as, 1,156,044 — , hydrocarbon for, 1,250,079 —, hydrogen for, 1 250, 079 —, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,250,079 —,lard and beeswax for, 1 286, 989 —, ’ mfr. of, acetone for, 1,145, 634 — acridine dyestuff. for, 1,259,517 —,—, albumen, egg, for, 1,145,634 —,—,—, horse serum, for, 1,145,634 —,—,alcohol for, 1,145,634; 1,259,517 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,145,634 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1 145 634 —,—, alkali thiocarbonate ‘for, 1 145 634 —,—, allspice for, 1,227,454 for, compost contg., —, allspice extract for, 1,227 454 —,—, ammonium cyanide for, 1,227,454 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,145,634 —,—, cacodylic acid for, 1,176 056 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,145,634 —,carbon bisulfide for, 1,145, 634 —,—, ’ carbon oxysulfide for, 1,145,634 —, casein for, 1,145,634 —,—, cinnamon for, 1,227 5454 —, —, cinnamon extract for, 1,227,454 —,—,cloves for, 1,227,454 —, clove extract for, 1,227,454 —,copper ammonium acetate for, 1,145,634 —,—,copper ammonium sulfate for, 1,145,634 —,3.6-diamino-acridine for, 1,259,517 —, 3.6-diafiino-2.7-dimethyl-acridine 259,517 for, bf Sor) ew a bs S34 ine 1 644 Bactericide, mfr. of, 3.6-diamino-2.7-dimethyl- N-methyl-acridine for, 1,259,517 —,—,dyestuff, acridine series, for, 1,259,517 —,—,dyestuff, triphenylmethane type, for, 1,227,454 —,—,ether for, 1,145,634; 1,259,517 —,—,ethyl alcohol for, 1,145,634 —,fibrin for, 1,145,634 —, JBBNSERT for, 1,227 454 —,—, glue for, 1,145, 634 —,— ’ hexamethylenetetramine for, 1,227,454 —, hydrochloric acid for, 1,259,517 —,—,iron for, 1,145,634 —,keratin for, 1,145,634 —,—,malachite green for, 1,227,454 —,mercury for, 1,145,634 —,—,mercury acetate for, 1,259,517 —,mercury chloride “for, 1,259, 517 —,—,mercury potassium iodide for, 1,145, 634 —,—,mercury salt for, 1,259,517 —,—, methyl chloride ‘for, 1,259,517 —, methylene blue for, 1,227,454 —,—,methyl violet for, 1,227,454 —,—,myosin for, 1,145,634 —,—, oxalic acid for, 1,227,454 —, peptone for, 1,145,634 —,—, peptone Witte’s for, 1,145,634 —,—,phenol aldehyde condensate Beets —,potassium ferricyanide for, 1,227,454 —,potassium ferrocyanide for, 1,227,454 —,potassium hydroxide for, 1,145,634 —,—, potassium thiocyanate for, 1,227,454 —,—, potassium xanthate for, 1,227, 454 for, oi —,process for, 1,145, 634: 1,176,056; 1,227,454; 1,259, 517 —,—, proteid for 1,145,634 —, rhubarb extract for, 1,227 454 —,rhubarb root for, 1,297,454 —,—,silver chloride for, 1,145,634 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,145,634 —,nitrogen for, 1,250,079 —, nitrogen protoxide for, 1,250,079 —, oxygen for, 1,250,079 —,process for, 1,250,079 —,sugars for, 1,250,079 —,see also Fumigating; Germicide Bacterin, acriflavine as _ preservative for, 1,476,233 —,brilliant green as_ preservative for, 1,476,233 —, cresol as preservative for, 1,476,233 —,dye, bactericidal as preservative 1 476,233 — _ dyestutff, acridine series as preservative for, 1 476,233 —, phenol as preservative for, 1,476,233 —,proflavine as preservative ‘for, 1,476 233 —,tri-cresol product as preservative for, 1,476 aoe —, see ‘also Biological product Bacterium acett, beverages prepared with, 1,461,808 Bacterium acidi proptonict, duced with, 1,459,959 Bacterium alcaligenes, acetates separated from propionates by, 1,450,392 for, propionates pro- UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bacterium alcaligenes, propionates purified by, ~ 1,450,392 — , propionates separated from acetates by, 1 450,392 —, propionic 1 459,959 Bacterium bulgaricum, beverage prepared with, 1,461,808 Bacterium colt, blood pressure reducing sub- stance prepared from, 1,899,535 Bacterium fluor liquidum, tobacco improved with, 1,331,331 Bacterium mycoides, 1,432,312 Bacterium vulgare, tobacco improved by ac- tion of, 1,331,331 Bacterium xylinoides, see Bacteria; B. xylin- oides Bacterium xylinum, see Bacteria; B. xylinum Baddeleyite, carbon, iron alloy contg., made with, 1,335,991 — , decomposing, 1,467,275 —, extracting zirconium oxide from, 1,340,888 —,ferro-zirconium made with, 1,335 983 —_— , iron-alloy, carbon in, made with, 1,335,991 —,—, titanium, made with, 1,335, 991 —,—, zirconium made with, 1,335, 991 —,—, zirconium carbide in, "made with, 1 335, 983 — titanium, 1 335,991 —, zirconium, alloy from, 1,389,695 —, zirconium, iron alloy. contg., made with, 1 335,991 —, zirconium carbide, iron alloy contg., made with, 1,835,983 —, zirconium compounds from, 1,454,564 —, zirconium cyanonitride made with, i 342,084 —,zirconium-iron alloys from, 1,335, 983 —, zirconium oxide mfr. from, 1,460, 766 —, zirconium oxide prepared from, 1 (351 091 —, zirconium steel from, 1,335 991; 1,335 1992 —,see also Zirconium dioxide ; Zirconium ores; Zirconium oxide; Zirconium oxide (ZrO2) Badische acid, see 2-N aphthylamine-8-sulfonic acid ; b-Naphthylamine-a-sulfonic acid Baeumlerite, see Potassitum-calcvum chloride, KC1.CaCl, Bag, cement, see Cement, bag for —, chemical ‘action on, preventing, 1,867,177 —, cocoa-nut palm leaves for, 1,816 848 —, corrosive action of chemicals on, prevent- ing, 1,367,177 — , dust-proof, mfr. of, paper for, 1,175,169 —,—,—, process for, 1 175,169 —,—,—,rubber for, 1, 175, 169 —,—,—, ‘sodium silicate for, 1,175,169 —,—,—, , varnish for, 1,175, 169 —, gelatin for coating, i 367, pw is —,impregnating, chalk ‘for, 1,367,177 —,—, copper (ic) compounds for, 1 367,177 —,—,cresylic compounds for, 1,367, 177 —,—,dextrin for, 1,367,177 —,—,fecula for, 1,367, 177 —, gelatin for, 1 367, 177 Lee ele for, 1,367, 177 —, —, seaweed decoction for, 1,867,177 fermentation accelerated by, silk de-gummed with, iron alloy contg., made with, INDEX OF Bag, impregnating, 1,367,177 —,—,starch for, 1,867,177 —,mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,520,198 —,— , hemp fabric for, 1,520, 198 —,—, jute fabric for, i 520, 198 —,—, paper manila for, 1,520, 198 —,—, process for, 1,520 198 —, paper, mfr. of, adhesive for, 1,363,196 —, —, —, asphalt ‘for, 1,363,196 —,—,—,glue for, 1,363,196 —,—,—, paper for, 1,363,196 —,—,—, process for 1,363,196 — ' waterproofing of, adhesive for, 1,258,104 —, waterproof mfr. ‘of, adhesive for, 1,363,196 —,—,—, asphalt for, 1,363,196 —,—,—, glue for, 1,363,196 —,—,—, paper for, 1,175,169; 1,363,196 »—,—, process for, 1) 175 169; 1 003,196 —,—,—, rubber for, 1 175, 169 —,—,—, sodium silicate for, 1,175,169 —,—,—, varnish for, 1,175, 169 —,—, process for, 1.258,104 —,see also Sack Bagascello, alcohol, solid, made with, 1,317,950 —, bagasse pith, 1,317,950 —,corn pith, 1,317,950 —,elder pith, 1,817,950 —,megass pith, 1,317,950 —,sorghum pith, 1,317,950 —,sugar cane pith, 1,317,950 Bagasse, acetone oil made from, 1,170,487 —,alcohol made from, 1,170,487 —, ‘animal food contg., 1,286, 742 — ’ bleaching of, calcium hypochlorite for, 1,500,378 —,—, chlorine for, 1,500,378 —,—, process for, 1 500, 378 —, calcium hypochlorite, treatment with of, 1 199,241 —, calorific value of, 1,258,889 —, cardboard made with, 1,199,241 —,cattle food, 1,170,487; 1,244,847; 1,260,437; 1,286,742 —, cellulose from, 1 099,891 —, ’ coal gas, water gas, mfr. of, and using, 1 ,159,675 —, composition of, 1,286,742 —, decolorizing carbon mfr. from, 1,402,007 —,destructive distillation of, process for, Y. 170,487 . —, fertilizer made with, 1,170,487 —, fiber made from, 1 170, 487; 1,399,891 —, fiber obtained from, process for, 1,260 A837 —, ‘fiber board made with, 1,501 925 —, fuel made from, process for, 1,258,888 —,fuel from sugar cane leaves and, 1,258, 888 ; a 258,889 —, horse feed contg., 1,286,742 —, insulation, heat, made with, 1 479,419; 1 p01 925 —, Louisiana, composition of, 1,260,437 — ’ obturating material made with, 1,192, 661 —,oxalic acid, treatment with of, 1,199, 241 —, ’ packing made with, 1,170,488 —,paper made with, 1 199, 241; 1,229,422; 1,455,471; 1,501,924 sodium aluminate for, 1,258,889 ; 1,170,488 ; SUBJECTS 645 Bagasse, paper pulp made with, 1,155,741 —, pith removed from, process for, 1,265,694 —,potash recovery from, 1,455,471 —,poultry feed contg., 1,286,742 —, projectile retarding material made with, 1,192,661 —,sheep feed contg., 1,286,742 —,sodium hydroxide, treatment with 1,199,241 —,sugar, cane, made with, 1,266,882 —,sugar cane, growing of, using, 1,249,355 —,tanning material made with, 1,229,422 —,treatment of, magnesium bisulfite 1,500,378 —,—, potassium bisulfite for, 1,500,378 —,—,sodium bisulfite for, 1,500,378 —, treating, sodium hydroxide for, 1,457,285 —,wall board mfr. from, 1,457,285 —, water gas, coal gas, production of and using, 1,159,675 Bagasse fiber, 1,503,202 —, baling of, process: for, 1,479,419 —, decomposition of, 1,479,419 —, fiber board made with, 1,501,925; 1,503,605 —,insulation, heat, made with, 1,486,535; 1,501,925 —,mfr. of, process for, 1,501,925 —, plaster board made with, 1,503,211 —, preservation of, calcium oxide for, 1,479,419 —,—, lime for, 1,503,202 —,—, ’ limestone for, 1,503,202 —,—, oyster shells for, 1 503 ,202 —,—, process for, 1,479 Al9: "1,503 ,202 —, ‘wall board made with, 1,486,535 —,see also “ Celotex” Bagasse pith, glucose made with, 1,265,694 —,recovery of, bagasse contg., 1,265,694 —,bagascello as, 1,317,950 Baggage, mir. of, adhesive in, 1,464,242 —,—,asbestos for, 1,464,242 —,— —} castor oil in, 1,464, 249 —,—, ’ cellulose nitrate for, 1,464 242 —,—,cork for, 1,464,242 —,—, cotton for, 1,464,242 —,—,ethyl acetate in, 1,464,242 of, for, acetic acid fermentation of, —,—,gum for, 1,464,242 —, jute for, 1,464,242 —, linen for, 1,464, 242 —, linseed oil ‘for, 1,464,242 — metal hei 464, 242 —, paper for, 1,464,242 —,—,resin for, 1,464,242 —,rubber for, 1,464,242 —,slate for, 1,464,242 —,—, wire netting for, 1,464,242 © Bagging, leather board, water-proof, made with, 1,142,953 —, treatment of, 1 166,847 —,—, diatomaceous earth for, 1,166,847 — ‘ naphthalene for, 1,166, 847 —; paraffin Se | 166 847 —,—, process for, 1, 166, 847 Bag house dust, antimony trioxide in, 1,194,488 —, arsenic hes ow 194, 438 —, arsenic acid made with, 1,194,438 copper acetoarsenite for, 646 Bag house dust, arsenic pentoxide in, 1,194,438 —, arsenic trichloride i in, 1,194,438 —, arsenic trioxide in, 1 194 438 —, bismuth made with, 1 194 438 —, bismuth trioxide in, 1,194 438 —,cadmium made with, 1,194, 438 —, cadmium oxide in, 1, 194 438 —, cadmium sulfide in, 1,194 488 —, calcium oxide in, 1,194, 438 —, "calcium sulfate in, 1 194 438 —, carbon i in, 1,194 438 —, ’ carbon dioxide in, 1,194,438 —, composition of, 1 194 438 —, copper made with, 1 194 438 —, copper oxide in, 1 194 438 —, iron(ie) oxide in, 1 194 438 —, lead made with, 1 1194, 438 —, "lead oxide, PbO, in, 1 194,438 —, lead sulfate made with, 1 194 A388 —, ‘lead sulfide in, 1,194 438 —, * selenium i In, L ,194, 438 —, ’ silicon dioxide i in, 1,194,438 — ’ tellurium made with, i 194,438 — , thallium trioxide in, 1 194 438 —, zinc oxide in, 1,194 438 Bahia powder, see Goa powder Bait, artificial, mfr. of, kapok for, 1,212,752 —,—,—, process for, 1.212 752 —,—,—, silk for, 1,212, 752 —, ‘fish, forcing from earth, calcium polysulfide for, 1 446,914 —,—, see also Fish bait —, “fish eggs as, 1,392,253 —, formula, fish oil, rhodium oil, anise oil, castor extract, beeswax, vaseline, 1,366 009 —, paste, 1,384 320 —, preserving, formaldehyde, potassium nitrate and sodium. chloride for, 1,358,985 —,see also Fish bait Baize, fuel, liquid, 1 364 4786 —, gasolene tank made with, 1,364,786 —, tank, puncture- healing , made with, 1,364,786 Baked beans, canning of, ‘potato for, ‘| 181 115; Re-14,337 —,—, process for, 1,181,115; Re-14,337 Baked enamel paint remover, see Enamel, baked, remover Bakelite, see Amberdeen; Amberite; Conden- site ; Faturan; Formite; N uloid; Pheno- form; Phenol-aldehyde condensate ; Red- manol ; Sipilite Bakelite delecto, densate Bakelite dilecto, see Phenol aldehyde condensate Bakelite liquid A, electrical connection made with, 1,453,793 Bakelite solid A, with, 1,453,793 Bakelite varnish No. 1, tire made with, 1,382,718 Bakers’ mix, preparing, apparatus for, 1,387 693 Baking, shortening agent for, see Shortening agent Baking compound, mfr. of, algae, edible, for, 1,491,380 —,—, borax for, 1,491,380 —,—, ‘boric acid for, 1,491 080 tank for, made with, see Phenol aldehyde con- electrical connection made UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 - Baking compound, mfr. of, Ceratonia siliqua for, 1,491,380 —,—, Chondrous crispus for, 1,491,380 —; fat for, 1,491,380 a — ’ hemi-cellulose for, 1,491,380 —,— ‘ mucilage for, 1,491 380 —,—, oil for, 1,491 380 —} process for, 1,491,380 —,—, salicylic acid for, 1,491,380 Baking dish, mfr. of, paper for, 1,295,466 —,—, petrolatum for, 1,295 466 —,—, process for, 1 295 466 Baking powder, acid ferment made for, 1,123,920 —, alkali carbonate in, 1,264,592 — ’ baking preparation contg., 1,370,272 —, calcium lactate in, 1 427, 979 —, calcium lactate, acid in. 1,265,369 —, "calcium (acid) phosphate in, 1,442 318 —, carbon dioxide in, apparatus for, determin- ing, 1,338,967 —, composition of, 1,427,979 —,containers for, coating, algae extract for, 1,456,494 —,—,—, Irish moss extract for, 1,456,494 —, corn oi hydrogenated in, 1.264 092 —, fat in, 1,264 092 —, flour, fruited, made with, 1,182,264 —,—, pancake, self-rising, conte., 1,263,609 —, food product made with, 1 182, 264: 1 ,187,097 ; 1 279,390; 1,373,651 — , formula, sodium bicarbonate 514, acid potassium tartrate 1486, desiccated ox serum 1000, 1,443,180 —, gulonic lactone i in, 1,288,428 —, insect lure contg., 1 407 092 — ’ lactides in, 1,265 369 _— ’ mfr. o) We | 427 979 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,134,956; 1,264,592 — alum for, 1,274,334; 1 332 561; 1 ‘427 979 —,—, ’ aluminum sulfate for, 1,274 334 —, bacteria, B. Lactis, for, 1 230 452 — ‘bacteria, B. Bulgaricus, for, 1,230, 452 OLae —, lactic acid, for, 1,230, 452 —,—, bicarbonate "for, 1 134 956; . 1,228,.252— 1,286,145 —,—, bi-d-tartrate for, 1,214,726 —, bi-dl-tartrate for, 1,214 "726 — Mia terucaes for, 1 214 726 —, bi-meso-tartrate for, 1,214,726 —, buttermilk for, 1,322 561 —,—, butyric acid for, | 286 ,903 -~,—, calcium acetate ‘for, 1 274 oo4 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1 230 ,452 Wer calcium chloride for, 1 274 334 —, calcium lactate, acid, for, 1,265 369 —, ’ calcium lactate for, 1,427, 979 —, (di) calcium mellitate for, 1,134,956 —,—, ’ calcium phosphate for, 1,274 334 — calcium phosphate, (acid) for, 1,286,903 —, —, calcium phosphate, acid, for, 1 134 956 —,—,—,CaH PO,, for, 1,427, 979 TRNAS , Ca(H2PO.)s, for, 1,210 940; 1,427,979 — calcium salt for, 1,274,334 —, ’ calcium sulfate for, 1,274 oa4 —, carbonates for, 1,228 1252 —, casein for, 1,286, 145 INDEX OF Baking powder, mfr. of, corn oil, hydrogenated for, 1,264,592; 1,286,903; 1,286,904 —,—,corn starch for, 1,274,334 —,—,cotton seed oil for, 1,210,940 —,—,cotton seed oil, hydrogenated, for, 1,210,940; 1,286,903 —,—,ethyl melitate, acid, for, 1,134,956 —,fat for, 1,264,592; 1,286,903; 1,286,904 —,flour for, 1,214,726 ,food product for, 1,234,858 —,lactic acid for, 1,286,903; 1,322,561 —,lactide for, 1,265,369; 1,427,979 —,magnesium chloride for, 1,274,334 —,(di) magnesium mellitate for, 1,134,956 —, magnesium phosphate for, 1,427,979 —,magnesium salt for, 1,274,334 —,—,mellitate, acid, for, 1,134,956 —,mellitic acid for, 1,134,956 —,mellitic acid, esters of, acid, for, 1,134,956 —,mellitic anhydride for, 1,134,956 —,methyl mellitate, acid, for, 1,134,956 — milk, skimmed, for, 1,230,452; 1,822,561 —,—,sour, for, 1,230,452; 1,322,561 —,milk powder for, 1,274,334 —,milk sugar for, 1,286,145 —,oil, vegetable, for, 1,210,940 —, phosphates for, 1,427,979 —, phosphates, acid, for, 1,184,956; 1,322,561 ~w_ ef ” Ne Se Ne Se Nt Ne Nor Ne Seer Sa — —,—, potassium bitartrate for, 1,134,956 ; 1,150,901; 1,214,726; 1,264,592; 1,274,334; 1286,145: 1.286.903; 1,286,904; 1,322,561; 1,427,979 —,—, potassium bi-d-tartrate for, 1,214,726 3 5) —,—, potassium pyrosulfate for, 1,228,252 —,—,process _for, 1,134,956 ; 1,150,901 ; 1,210,940; 1,214,726; 1,228,252; 1,230,452; 1,264,592; 1,265,369; 1,274,384; 1,286,903; 1,286,904; 1,322,561; 1,427,979 —,—,pyrosulfates for, 1,228,252 —,—,saleratus for, 1,322,561 —,—,sesquicarbonates for, 1,228,252 —,—,sodium aluminum sulfate for, 1,274,334 —,—,sodium bicarbonate for, 1,134,956; 1,150,901; 1,210,940; 1,214,726; 1,228,252; 1,230,452; 1,264,592; 1,265,369; 1,274,334; 1,286,145; 1,286,904; 1,322,561; 1,427,979 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,210,940 —,—,sodium phosphate for, 1,274,334; 1,427,979 —,—,sodium phosphate, NaH:POQ,, for, 1,150,901; 1,210,940 —,—,—, NazHPO,, for, 1,150,901 —,—,—, (acid) for, 1,286,903 —,—,sodium pyrosulfate for, 1,228,252 —,—, starch for, 1,134,956; 1,150,901; 1,214,726; 1,228,252; 1,274,334; 1,322,561; 1,427,979 —,—,sugar for, 1,228,252; 1,322,561 —,—,sugar, milk, for, 1,134,956; 1,274,334 —,—,tartaric acid for, 1,134,956; 1,264,592; 1,286,903; 1,286,904; 1,274,334; 1,427,979 —,—,d-tartaric acid for, 1,214,726 —,—, di-tartaric acid for, 1,214,726 —,—,l-tartaric acid for, 1,214,726 —,—, meso-tartaric acid for, 1,214,726 —,—,see also Bread, mfr. of —, potassium bitartrate in, 1,264,592 SUBJECTS 647 Baking powder, sodium bicarbonate in, 1,264,592; 1,265,369; 1,288,428; 1,442,318 —,tartaric acid in, 1,264,592 —,tire filler mfr. with, 1,369,626 —,see also Effervescent compound; Leaven- ing; Powder, baking Baking preparation, formula, wheat flour, corn starch, sugar, fat, egg yolk, albumen, milk, baking powder, salt, coloring matter, flavor, 1,370,272 —,see also Baking powder Baking soda, see Sodvum bicarbonate Bakurol, see Paraffin liquid Balance, analytical, rapid weighing, 1,377,569 Balas ruby, see Magnesium aluminate MgAlOs Balata, adhesive made with, 1,505,043; 1,510,591 —,aging prevented of, aniline for, 1,820,166 —,—, di-iso-amyl-amine for, 1,320,166 —,—,naphthylamine for, 1,320,166 —,—, piperidine for, 1,320,166 —,—, pyridine for, 1,320,166 —,aniline, vulcanization with of, 1,320,166 —,antimony, vulcanization with of, 1,320,166 —,aurotin, vulcanization with of, 1,320,166 —,aurotin tetranitrophenolphthalein, vulcan- ization with of, 1,320,166 —,barium oxide, vulcanization 1,320,166 —,bath brush made with, 1,162,396 —,belt, woven, impregnated with, 1,310,867 —, belt covering made with, 1,162,396 —,belting made with, 1,218,350 —,belting impregnated with, mfr. of, castor oil, sulfonated, for, 1,219,349 —,—,—, process for, 1,219,349 . —,——,sulfur for, 1,219,349 —, binder made with, 1,409,275 —, book cloth made with, 1,505,043 with of, —,cable, telephone, insulation of using, 1,153,655 —,caleium oxide, vulcanization with of, 1,320,166 —,cartridge, paper, water-proofing of using, 1,180,704 —,casein composition made with, 1,437,487 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,217,027 —,cellulose ethers, composition of and, 1,217,028; 1,505,043 —,cellulose xanthate made with, 1,251,237 —,cement made with, 1,236,190; 1,505,043 —,coating contg., 1,293,949 —,coating composition made with, 1,189,551 —,coloring of, aurotin for, 1,320,166 —,—,aurotin tetranitrophenolphthalein 1,320,166 —,—,dye, nitro, for, 1,320,166 —,—, hexanitrodiphenylamine for, 1,320,166 —,composition contg., leather and, 1,302,463 —,concrete, coating composition for, made with, 1,189,551 —,container made with, 1,146,787 —,conveyor band made with, 1,218,350 —,cotton, rubber impregnated, made with, 1,197,396 —,deresinification of, 1,406,654 —,di-iso-amyl-amine, vulcanization with of, 1,320,166 for, 648 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Balata, dye, nitro, vulcanization with of, ~Balata, leather, artificial, made with, 1,217, 123; 1,320,166 1 276, jit Be | 493 062 ; 1 505,048 —,ethyl cellulose, composition of and,, —,—,—, viscose, made with, 1,251,237 1,217,028; 1,505,043 —,—, coating for, made with, 1 505 043 . ie , fabric, coated, made with, 1,222,967 — —, leather rubberizing solution conte., —,—,impregnating of with, rocess for, 1,425,530 | 1,285 ‘105 : é ae i —, leather substitute made with, 1,409,275; 177 Waterproof, made with, 1,152 cdg 1 409,276. regnated with, mfr. of, castor oil, at fabric impregnated with, mfr, of, castor oil, ~~ sulfonated, for, 1,219,349 Sulfonated, for, 1,219,349 LEER —,—,—, process for, 1,219 349 am Lee process for, Ernie —,—,—, sulfur for, 1,219 349 Na “Bhar eo t made with, 1.215,064 -- , magnesium oxide, vulcanization with of, 1 320,166 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,217,028; — , membranes made with, 1,505,043 1 905,043 —, molded article made with, 1,409 215 —,—,—, viscose, made with, 1,251,237 —,naphthylamine, vulcanization with of, —, filler for, mfr. of, aleohol for, 1,315 246 1,320 166 —,—,—,amyl alcohol for, 1,315,246 —, packing made with, 1,162,396; 1,409,275; —,—,—,amylene for, 1 B15 246 1,409,276 —,—,—, carbon bisulfide for, 1,315,246 —, paint made with, 1,505,043 —,—,—,carbon tetrachloride for, 1,315,246 —,paper made with, 1,489,330 —,—,—, castor oil for, 1,315,246 —, paper, coating for, made with, 1,505,043 —,—,—, chlorine for, 1,315,246 —,paper sized using, 1,203,857 —,—,—, chloroform for, 1,315 246 —,paste made with, 1,505 043 —,—,—,corn oil for, 1,315,246 —, photographic emulsion made with, 1,505,043 Se, COLLON seed oil for, 1,315,246 —,pigment, affixing agent for, made with, —,—,—, ethyl alcohol for, 1315 246 1,505,043 —,—, —, gasolene for, 1,315 246 —, piperidine, vulcanization with of, 1,320,166 —,—,—, hydrocarbon, unsaturated, for, —, plastic made with, 1,146,787; 1,236 190 1,315,246 —, printing paste made with, 1 505 043 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,315,246 —, purifying, 1,406,654 —,—,—, hydroxy-acids for, 1,315 246 —,—, gasoline ‘for, 1,406,654 —,—,—, hydroxystearie acid for, 1,815,246 —, pyridine, vulcanization with of, 1,320,166 —,—, —, hydroxystearosulfuric bold for, —, resin reduced in, cable, telephone, insula- 1,315,246 tion of using, 1,153 655 —,—,—, linseed oil for, 1,315,246 —,rubber, cotton impregnated with, 1,197,396 —,—, — ,methyl alcohol for, 1315 246 —,— hard, substitute for made with, 1, 128 851 —,—,—, nitric acid for, 1,315 246 —,— ’ textile impregnated with, made with, a> —,—,—, oil, vegetable, for, 1,315 246 1 197 396 —,—, — ‘olefin for, 1,315 246 —,— , thread impregnated with, made with, oy ato olaie acid, sulfonated, for, 1,315,246 1,197,396 —,—,—, sesame oil for, 1,315 246 —, rubber article made with, 1,199,922; —,—,— - sodium hypochlorite for, 1,315,246 1,209,644; 1,493,062 —,—,—,soya bean oil for, 1,315 246 — rubber composition contg., 1,455,893 —,—,—,sulfur for, 1,315 246 mo ’ rubber substitute made with, 1 409 275 eet enlfur chloride for, 1,315,246 —, shoe filler made with, 1,203 435 —;,—,—, sulfur dioxide for, 1,315,246 —. shoe heel made with, iT 152 349: 1,162,396 vale he made with, 1,217 027 —, shoe insole “ Gem,” made with, "1,299 967 —; gasket made with, 1,409,275; 1,409276 —,shoe sole made with, 1,162,396 —, gelatin substitute made with, 1,217 027 —,silk, artificial, made with, 1,217,028; —,glue made with, 1,505,043 1 505, 043 —,golf ball treated with, 1,405,845; 1,185,482; —, sizing made with, 1,505,048 1,255,388 ; 1,366,930; 1 477 516 —,soap, rosin, made with, 1,203,857 —, gutta percha mixed with, 1,293,949 —, sodium alcoholate, vulcanization with of, —, hair, artificial, made with, : 217 028 : 1,505,043 1 020,166 — , hexanitrodiphenylamine, vulcanization with —, solvent for, benzene as, 1,180,704; 1,285,105; of, 1,320,166 1 012,452 — iboee made with, 1,199,922 —,— , benzine as, 1,312,452 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,493,062 — carbon bisulfide as, 1,180,704; 1,425,530 — * lacquer made with, 1,505,043 —,—, ’ carbon tetrachloride as, 1 180, 704 —,latex of, drying, 1,423 p25: 1 423 526 —, ’ gasolene as, 1,812,452; 1,406, 654 — ‘lead chromate as pigment of, 1 312 144 —,—, naphtha as, 1,410, (685: 1,425 530 —,—, vulcanization accelerator, 1,312 144 —, petroleum spirit as, 1,425 530 —,lead oxide, red, as pigment of, 1 312, 144 —,—, recovery of, alcohol for, 1 312,452 —,—,— , vulcanization accelerator, 1,312, 144 —,—, —, calcium ‘chloride for, 1,312 ‘452 —,— , vuleanization with of, 1 320, 166 —,—,— ; mineral oil for, 1,312 452 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 649 Balata, solvent for, recovery of, paraffin oil for, Balata, vulcanization of, acetphenylenediamine 1,312,452 acetaldehyde, compound of and for, 1,417,970 —,—,—, process for, 1,312,452 —,—, air for, 1,213,905 —,—,rosin as, 1,203,857 —,—, aluminum oxide for, 1,289,566 —,sponge, artificial, made with, 1,142,619 —,—,anuline for, 1,320,166 —, substitute for, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,315,246 —,—,—,acetaldehyde, compound of and, for, —,—, —, amyl alcohol for, 1,315,246 1,417,970 —,—,—,amylene for, 1,315 246 , antimony for, 1,320,166 —,—,—, carbon bisulfide for, 1,315,246 —;— aurotin for, 1,289,566; 1,320,166 —,—,—, carbon tetrachloride for, 1315, 246 —, —, aurotin tetranitrophenolphthalein for, —,—,—, castor oil for, 1,815,246 1,320,166 —,—,—, chlorine for, 1,815 246 —,—, barium oxide for, 1,320,166 —,—,—, chloroform for, 1,315 ,246 —,—,benzidine acetaldehyde, compound of —,—,—, corn oil a 1 BLD, 246 and, for, 1,417,970 —,—,—, cotton seed oil for, 1,315,246 pe kg a benzoyl peroxide for, 1,289,566 50 Sore aa ethyl alcohol for, 1 315 246 —, —, benzylamine for, acetaldehyde, compound ,—,— gasolene for, 1,315,246 of and, for, 1,417,970 a ne unsaturated, for, ce ee butyraldehyde, aniline for, compound of , ete at and, for, 1,417,970 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,315,246 —,— ,4go-butyraldehyde aniline compound of —,—,—, hydroxy-acids for, 1 B15, 246 and: for. 1.417.970 ; —,—, —, hydroxystearic acid for, i 315,246 —,—,butyraldehyde, diethylamine compound —, es , hydroxystearosulfuric acid for, of and. for. 1.417.970 1,315,246 Be ieeed’ oil: for, 1,915,246 —,—, butyraldehyde, ethylamine compound of —,—,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,315,246 —,—,—, nitric acid for, 1,315,246 and, for, 1,417,970 —,—,—,p-toluidine compound of and, for, mae 1,417,970 eh ga cls ae ppl erect ee ae 1,315, “4 — calcium oxide for, 1,820,166 rae OEIC acid, sulfonated, for, 1,315,246 —,—, cauprene br omide for, 1 242,586 —,—, —, sesame ea for, 1,315,246 —,—, cauprene chlorides for, 1,242,586 —;—, —, sodium hypochlorite for, 1,315,246 —,—,cinnamaldehyde, aniline compound of —,—,—,soya bean oil for, 1,315,246 and, for, 1,417,970 —,—, —, sulfur for, 1,315,246 —, ethylamine compound of and, for, Sa sulfur chloride for, 1,315,246 ma 4179 970 —,— — sulfur dioxide for 1,315 246 —,—, citronellal, aniline compound of and, for, —, ealfur. vulcanization with of, 1,320,166 1,417,970 —, tire made with, 1,199,922 —,—, di-iso-amyl-amine for, 1,320,166 erp , tennis ball made with, 1,209,644 —,—,diethylamine acetaldehyde compound of —, textile, coating for, made with, 1,505,043 and, for, 1,417,970 —,—, rubber impregnated, made with, 1,197,396 _—_,— dinitrobenzene for, 1,289,566; 1,312,144 CAR ean rubber impregnated, made with, —_ — dinitrotoluene for, 1,289,566 —, tire made with, 1,152,349; 1,162,396 7 and pay el cesta rates —, tire, froth filling for, made of, 1,167,518 —,—, duodecylidine, aniline compound of and, —,Tumaco block, shoe mfr. adhesive contg., for, 1,417,970 1,410,685 —,— , dye, nitro for, 1,320,166 Se, varnish made mee 1,505, hee ae, ’ dyestuff, nitro, for, 1,289,566 “hei shoe mir. adhesive conte. —,—, ethylamine for, acetaldehyde, compound istina! of and, for, 1,417,970 —, viscose made with, 1,251,237 —; viscose plasticizer, 1 51, 937 —,—, glucose, ammonia compound of and, for, 42 1 417,970 —, vuleani a ae a for, aniline and —,—,—, aniline compound of and, for, 1,417,970 —, —, barium pede as, 1,320,166 —,— hepaldehyde, benzylamine compound of and, for, 1,417,970 4 1 ,ealcium oxide sp 320, ee —,—,— diethylamine compound of and, for, —,— ’ di-iso-amyl- -amine and metal oxide as, 1.320 166 1 417, 970 aay fend oxide as, 1,320,166 —,—,—,ethylamine compound of and, for, —,—, magnesium oxide as, 1,320,166 1,4 ie 7,970 —,—, naphthylamine and metal oxide Ra sae ,methylamine compound of and, for, 1,320,166 1,417, 970 —,—,piperidine and metal oxide. as, 1,320,166 —,—,— , naphthylamine compound of and, for, —,—, pyridine and metal oxide as, 1 320,166 1,417, 970 —,—, zine oxide as, 1,320,166 —,—,p-toeluidine compound of and, for, —, vulcanization of, accelerator for, see Vul- ~Latz 970 canization accelerator —,— hexanitrodiphenylamine for, 1,820,166 650 Balata, vulcanization of, hydrocarbon, aromatic nitro derivative of, for, 1,312,144 —,—, hydroxylamine, acetaldehyde, compound of and, for, 1,417,970 —,— lead oxide for, 1,320,166 —,—, ,litharge for, 1,289, 566 —,—, magnesium "oxide for, 1,320,166 ,—, methylamine, acetaldehyde, compound of and, for, 1,417,970 —,—, n-methyl-aniline, acetaldehyde, com- pound of and, for, 1,417,970 —,—, musk, artificial, for, 1,289,566 —,—, naphthylamine for, 1,320,166 —,—,2-naphthylamine acetaldehyde, com- pound of and, for, 1,417,970 —,—,m-nitraniline, acetaldehyde, of and, for, 1,417,970 —,—, p-nitraniline, acetaldehyde, compound of and, for, 1,417,970 —, nitrobenzene for, 1,289,566; 1,312,144 —,—, nitro-compounds for, 1,289,566 —,nitro-cyclohexane for, 1,289,566 —,nitrotoluene for, 1,289,566 compound —,—,nonylaldehyde, aniline, compound of and, for, 1,417,970 —,—,octylaldehyde, aniline, compound of and, for, 1,417,970 —-,—, perbenzoic acid for, 1,289,566 —,—, peroxycompounds for, 1,289,566 —,—, p-phenylenediamine, acetaldehyde, com- pound of and, for, 1,417,970 —,—,phenylhydrazene, acetaldehyde, pound of and, for, 1,417,970 —,—,picramic acid for, 1,289,566 —,—,picric acid for, 1,289, 566 —,—, picrylchloride ‘for, 1,289, 566 —,—, piperidine for, 1,320, 166 —,—, polyheptylidene, aniline, and, for, 1,417,970 —,—, process for, 1,158,848 ; 1,242,586; 1,289,566; 1,417,970 —,—, propionaldehyde, aniline, compound of and, for, 1,417,970 —,—,—, ethylamine, 1,417,970 —,—, pyridine for, 1,320,166 —,—,rubber, — synthetic, 1,242,586 —,—,—,—, chlorides, for, —,—,—, — ’ dimethylerythrene, 1,242,586 —,—,—,—, hydrochlorides for, 1,242,586 — rubber bromides for, 1,242 ,086 —,rubber chlorides for, 1,242 586 —,—,rubber hydrochlorides for, 1,242,586 —,—,rubber ozonide for, 1,242,586 —,—,sodium alcoholate for, 1,320,166 —,—, stearaldehyde, aniline, compound of and, for, 1,417,970 —,—,sulfur for, 1,320,166; 1,417,970 —,—, tetranitronaphthalene for, 1,289,566 —,—, o-toluidine, acetaldehyde, compound of and, for, 1,417,970 —,—, p-toluidine, acetaldehyde, compound of and, for, 1,417,970 com- compound of 1,213,905; compound of and, for, bromides, for, 1,242,586 bromide, for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 “Balata, vulcanization of, m-tolylenediamine for, acetaldehyde, compound of and, for, 1,417,970 —,—, triamino-toluene, acetaldehyde, com- pound of and, for, 1,417,970 —,—,trinitrobenzene for, 1,289,566 —,—, trinitronaphthalene for, 1,289,566 —,—, trinitrotoluene for, 1 289, 566 —,—, urea, acetaldehyde, ‘compound of and, for, 1,417,970 —,—, valeraldehyde, aniline, compound of and, for, 1,417,970 —,—,— -ethylamine, 1 417, 970 —,—,zine oxide for, 1,320,166; —,—,see also Vulcanization — ’ vulcanizing, 1,417,970; 1,433,099 —,—, aniline for, 1,463,794 —,—,arsenic compounds for, 1,463,794 —,—, benzene for, 1,463,794 —,—, benzylamine for, - 1,463,794 —,—, cadmium compounds for, 1,463,794 —,carbon bisulfide for, 1 463, 794 — carbon dioxide for, 1 463, 794 —,—, ’ carbon oxysulfide for, 1,463 5794 carbon tetrachloride for, 1,463, 794 —,—, copper compounds for, 1,463,794 —,—,dibenzylamine for, 1,462 794 —,diethylamine for, 1,463,794 —, dimethylamine for, 1,463,794 —,flue gas for, 1,463,794 —,lead compounds for, 1,463,794 —, manganese compounds for, 1,463,794 —, mercury compounds for, 1,463,794 —, methylamine for, 1,463,794 —,—,nitrogen for, 1 463, 794 —,ozone for, 1,433, 093 —' piperidine for, 1,463, 794 —, piperidinepiperidyldithiocarbamate ~ 1,463,794 —,sulfur for, 1,463,794 —,—,p-toluidine for, 1,463,794 —_,— ' tribenzyltrimethylenetriamine for, 1 463 794 —,—, triethyltrimethylenetriamine for, 1,463,794 —,—,zine compounds, for, 1,463,794 —,—,zine oxide for, 1,463,794 —, waterproofing composition contg., 1,895,885 —,waterproofing process using, 1,180,704 —,white lead as pigment of, 1,812,144 —,white lead, vulcanization accelerator, 1,312,144 —,zine oxide, vulcanization with of, 1,320,166 —,see also Almaddeina; Besk; Chicle; Dead Borneo ; Gutta Jelutong ; Gutta percha; Pon- tianak ; "Rubber; Tuna Balata article, mfr. of, process for, 1,211,228; 1,516,629 —, vulcanization of, alloy, fusible, for, 1,152,834 —,—, barium nitrate for, 1,152; 834 —,—, ‘calcium chloride bath for, 1,152,834 —,—,calcium nitrate for, 1,152, 834 —,glycerol for, 1,152, 834 —,—, potassium acetate for, 1,152,834 —,—,potassium carbonate for, 1,152,834 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,152,834 5 compound of and, for, 1,417,970 See any | > > Paes aes ams aes ae) eae rant) ’ eae | Tag for, INDEX OF Balata article, vulcanization of, sodium hydrox- ide for, 1,152,834 —,—,sulfur for, 1,152,834 —,—,tar for, 1,152,834 —,—, wax for, 1,152,834 Balata latex, chlorination of, ammonium hy- droxide for, 1,491,265 —,—,benzene for, 1,491,265 —,—,chlorine for, 1,491,265 —,kieselguhr for, 1,491,265 —,—,magnesium carbonate for, 1,491,265 —,—, process for, 1,491,265 —,cord, rubber coated, made using, 1,512,095 —, flooring made with, 1,491,265 —,paper made with, 1,500,500 —,rubber, cord coated with, made using, 1,512,095. —, paper, rubber-latex, made with, 1,497,146 —,rubber article made with, 1,491,265 Baldwin’s phosphorus, see Calcium mtrate Bale tie bands, treatment of, process for, 1,476,346 Ball, actinium in, 1,260,788 —,billiard, mfr. of, aluminum powder for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—,—, aluminum salt for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—,—,asbestos for, 1,160,862; 1,160,365 —,—, cellulose for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 __—,—, cellulose, soda, for, 1,160,362 ; 160,365 —,—,—, sulfite, for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 clay, china, for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 — —, cobalt salt for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 ere copper sealt 10%; 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—, cotton for, 1,160,362; 1,160.365 b ? b San Ne \ eo wv ~N oe wv we —,—,—,esparto for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —, formaldehyde for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—,—,glue for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—,iron salt for, 1,160,362 ; 1,160,365 —,linen for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—,mica for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—,—, nickel salt for 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—,—, phenol for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—,—,phenol aldehyde condensate 160,362; 1,160,365 --process for, 1,160,362 ; 1,160,365 —,—,rags for, 1,160,362; 1,160.365 —,—,soap, resinous, for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,soapstone for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,starch for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—, wood pulp for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—,wood pulp, mechanical, for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—,—, zine salt for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—,see also Billiard ball —, golf, see Golf ball —,gutta percha in, 1,260,788 —, hollow, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,134,433 —,—,—, cotton flock for, 1,184,433 —,—,—, dinitrobenzene for, 1,134,433 ,—, —, hexamethylenetramine for, 1,134,433 —, naphthalene for, 1,134,483 —, naphthalene derivatives for, 1,134,433 —,—, paraformaldehyde for, 1,134,483 —,—,—, phenol, chlorinated, for, 1,184,433 —,—,—,phenol aldehyde condensate 1,134,433 ~_ we uN 3 ? 2 ? ’ ? ’ b] > Np Sa ae, ~~ for, —_~ , Ae, iN Set ENG RA we, ’ , ’ ) ’ ’ ae ’ Sa wre iS} ote) ’ ? ’ for, SUBJECTS Ball, hollow, mfr. of, process for, 1,134,433 —,—,—, wood flour for, 1,134,433 —,mfr. of, actinum for, 1,260,788 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,240,439 —,—,ammonium nitrite for, 1,240,439 —,—, apparatus for, 1,240,438; 1,240,439 —,—,barytes for, 1,298,410 —,—, casein for, 1,156,144 —,—, celluloid 1,156,144 ; 1,240,439 —,—,glue for, 1,155,575 —,—,glycerol for, 1,155,575; 1,298,410 —,—,gutta percha for, 1,240,438; 1,240,439; 1,260,788 —,—, iron core for, 1,156,144 —,—,lvory, imitation, for, 1,240,488 —,—, lead, red, for, 1,298,410 —,—,—, white, for, 1,298,410 for, 1,240,438; —,—, lead alkyl sulfate for, 1,298,410 —,—,lead ethyl sulfate for, 1,298,410 —,—,mesothorium for, 1,260,788 —,—,metal core for, 1,156,144 —,—,pitchblende for, 1,260,788 —,—, polonium for, 1,260,788 —,—, potassium chromate for, 1,155,755 —,—, process for, 1,155,575; 1,156,144; 1,240,438; 1,240,439; 1,260,788; 1,298,410; 1,517,859: —,—,radium for, 1,260,788 —,—,rubber for, 1,155,575; 1,240,488; 1,260,788 —,—,rubber, hard, for, 1,156,144 —,—,rubber cement for, 1,240,438 —,—,rubber substitute for, 1,155,575 —,—,rubber thread for, 1,240,439 —,—,soap for, 1,298,410 —,—,sodium nitrite for, 1,240,439 —,—,uranium ore for, 1,260,788 —,—,uranium mineral for, 1,260,788 —,—,zine chloride for, 1,298,410 —,mesothorium in, 1,260,788 —, pipe, see Pipe balls —,pitchblende in, 1,260,788 —, polonium in, 1,260,788 —, pool, mfr. of, process for, 1,304,851 —, rubber in, 1,260,788 —,rubber, mfr. of, calcium oxide for, 1,493,370 —,—,—,lead oxide for, 1,493,370 —,—,—, metal oxide for, 1,493,370 —,—,—, naphtha for, 1,493,370 —,—,—, process for, 1,493,370 —,—,—, rubber for, 1,493,870 —,—,—,rubber cement for, 1,493,370 —,—,—, sulfur for, 1,493,370 —,—,—, zine oxide for, 1,493,370 —, steel, see Steel ball —, tennis, see Tennis ball —, uranium mineral in, 1,260,788 —, uranium ore in, 1,260,788 ~- —,see also Billiard ball; Golf ball; Resihent body Ball bearings, alloy for mfr. of, 1,431,725 Ball clay, abrasive contg., 1,364,849 —,refractory brick made from, 1,345,632 —,see also Clay ball Ballistic, see Ballistite Ballistite, blasting explosives 1,382,287 made from, 652 Ballistite, explosive, container for, made with, 1,329,503 —, Italian, starch added to, 1,349,983 —, mfr. of, electrical process for, 1,333,701 —, Norwegian, starch added to, 1,349,983 —, properties of, 1,194,561 —, sprouting, starch added to, 1,349,983 —; weakening, dicyanodiamide for, 1,409, 963 —,—, nitroguanidine for, 1,409, 963 —,see also Cellulose nitrate ; Dynamite, Gela- tin dynamite; Gelignite, Powder smokeless Ball mill, lining for, mfr. of, asphalt, Barber Trinidad, for, 1,521,169 —,—,— , bituminous material for, 1,521,169 —,—,—, cement, asbestine oxychloride for, 1 521, 169 —,—,—, process for, 1,521,169 —,—,—,rubber for, 1,521,169 Ballontino, motion-picture screen made with, 1,204,775 —,see also Glass globules Balloon, fabric for, mfr. of, process for, 1,131,929 —,—,see also Gas-bag ; Avr-craft —, fireproofing, 1,427,941 —,radio-active coating for, 1,180,732 —,sound producing, mfr. of, process 1,185,601 —,—,—, rubber for, 1,185,601 —,—,—, wax for, l 185 601 —,—,— ‘wood for, 1 185, 601 a ’ static electricity discharged from surface of using radio-active substance, 1,180,732 —,toy, coloring of, benzene for, 1,239,180 —,—,—, carbon bisulfide for, 1,239,180 —,—, —, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,239,180 : ’ dyestuft for, 1,239,180 —,—,—, process for, 1,239, 180 —,—, —, rubber solution for, 1,239,180 ,—,—, sulfur chloride for, 1,239,180 ; ornamenting of, benzene ‘for, 1,251,182 for, — —,—,—, gasolene for, 1,251,182 —, naphtha for, 1,251 182 —,—,—, process for, ‘1 251, 182 —, —, —, rubber cement for, 1,251,182 —,—,see also Toy Balloon —, ’ varnishing of, aluminum dust for, 1,281,374 —,—, French chalk for, 1,281,374 —,—, linseed oil for, 1 281 374 —,—, litharge for, 1,281 374 —,—, ochre, yellow, for, 1,281,374 —,—, process for, 1,281 374 —,—, varnish for, 1 281, 374 —, see also Aircraft, ‘Aviation, Aeronautics, Atr- ships Balloon cloth, airplane covering material made with, 1,519,239 —, coloring, antimony sulfide for, 1,332,982 —,—,cadmium sulfide for, 1,882,974 —, wire-reinforced, 1,442 323 Balloon covering material, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,248,041; 1,243,654; 1,243 655 es Sv: ’ b d TE ? TI, —,—, brass. wire netting for, 1,243,041; 1,243,654; 1,243,655 —,— , bronze wire netting for, 1,243,041; c 243, 654; 1,243,655 —,—, cellulose nitrate for, 1,243,041; 1,243,654 —,—,copper for, 1,243 655 ; ee - a r a a UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Balloon covering material, mfr. of, copper foil for, 1,243,654 —,—,copper wire 1,243,041; a 243 654; 1,248,655 —,—, eraphite for, 1,243,655 —,—, metal foil, 1 243 041; 1,243 654 —,—, ‘nickel for, 1,243 655 —,—, oil for, 1,243, 654 netting for, —,— , process for, 1,243 041; 1,248,654; 1,243,655 —,silver for, 1243 654 —, ’ silver foil for, 1,243,041; 1,243,654 —,—, steel wire netting for, 1 243 041: 1,248,654 ; 1,243, 655 —,—, tin for, 1,243,654 —,—, tin foil for, 1,243 041; 1,243,654 —,—, tin salt for, i 243 654. —, varnish for, 1 243 041: 1,243 654 —,—, wire netting for, 1 243 041; 1,243,654 Balloon envelope, goldbeater’s skin for mfr. of, 1,452,229 Balloon fabric, bird-lime in, 1,460,053 —,coating, gelatin for, 1,407,197 _ impermeabiligng: caoutchoue and cellulose acetate for, 1,431,845 —, mir. of, 1 460 053 —,—, acetone for, 1,427,941 —,algin for, 1,427,941 —,—, alum for, 1,427, 941 —, —, aluminum phosphate for, 1,427,941 —,—,aluminum sulfate for, 1 427, 941 | —,—,ammonium magnesium phosphate for, \ 1,427, 941 —,—,ammonium phosphate for, 1,427,941 —,—,ammonium sodium phosphate 1,427,941 —,—,ammonium salts for, 1,427,941 —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1,427, 941 —,—, * amyl acetate for, 1,378,804; 1,427,941 —,—, asphalt for, 1,427,941 —,—, beeswax for, 1,427,941 —,—, borax for, 1,427,941 —,—, butyl acetate for, 1,878,804 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,427,941 —,—, camphor for, 1,427,941 —,—, canvas for, 1,427,941 —,—,castor oil for, 1,878,804; 1,427,941 —,—, celluloid for, 1,378,804 gE. cellulose acetate for, 1,427,941 —, cellulose nitrate for, 1,378,804; 1,427,941 BAK cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,427,941 —,ceresin for, 1,427,941 —,—, cotton for, 1 247, 653; 1,427,941 —, gelatin for, 1 378, 804 ; 1 427 941 —,—, glucose for, 1 427,94 1 —,—, glucose, confectioners, for, 1,427,941 —,—,glue for, 1,878,804; 1,427,941 —,glycerol for, 1,878,804; 1,427,941 —, glycol for, 1,427 941 — ’ honey for, 1; 427, 941 —, Irish moss for, 1,427,941 —, "linen for, 1,247 658; 1 A27,941 —, magnesium chloride for, 1,427,941 —,molasses for, 1,427,941 —,—, ’ naphtha for, 1,378, 804 —,—,naphtha, coal tar, ‘for, 1,378,804 —,parafin for, 1 427, 941 for, — (Ae SOS INDEX OF Balloon fabric, mfr. of, phenol aldehyde conden- sate for, 1,427,941 —,—, pitch for, 1,427,941 —,—, process for, 1,247,658; 1,378,804; 1,427,941 —,—,rubber for, 1,247,658; 1,378,804; 1,427,941 —,—,rubber cement for, 1,247,658 —,—,salicylic acid for, 1,427,941 —,—, silk for, 1,247,658 —,—,sodium phosphate for, 1,427,941 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,427,941 —,—, sugar for, 1,427,941 —,—, varnish for, 1,427,941 —,—, varnish, spar, for, 1,427,941 —,—, viscose for, 1,427,941 —,see also Airplane fabric Balm of Gilead, ointment contg., buds of, 1,383,896 —,see also Turpentine, Canada Balm of Gilead buds, see Poplar buds Baloonet, gas-tight lining for, mfr. of, cellulose nitrate for, 1,378,804 Balsa, insulation, heat, made with, 1,183,299 Balsa charcoal, explosive contg., 1,282,229; 1,508,185 Balsade palmo wood, treatment of, asphalt for, 1,203,577 —,—, bitumen for, 1,203,577 —,—, paraffin for, 1,203,577 —,—, process for, 1,203,577 —,—,resin for, 1,203,577 —, waterproofing of, asphalt for, 1,203,577 —,—,bitumen for, 1,203,577 —,—, paraffin for, 1,203,577 —,—, process for, 1,203,577 —,—,rosin for, 1,203,577 Balsams, adhesive made 1,505,048 —,airplane fabric mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —,aluminum, acid 1,130,196 —,—, alkali resistant, made with, 1,130,196 —, aluminum treated with, 1,130,196 —,apocholic acid, compound of and, 1,479,695 —,boat mending composition made_ with, 1,389,084 —, book cloth made with, 1,505,043 —, Canada, color-photography screen produced with, 1,446,050 —,Canada, ink contg., 1,489,695; 1,439,696 —,—,see Canada Balsam; Turpentine, Canada —,Canadian, picture made with, 1,144,964 —,celluloid film colored with, 1,446,050 —,cellulose ether, composition of ' 1,188,376; 1,505,043; 1,505,044 —,cement made with, 1,505,043 —,colloidal fuel stabilized with, 1,447,008 —,copal, see Liquidamber —,cork article, artificial, made with, 1,131,860 —,desoxycholic acid, compound of and, 1,479,695 —,enamel, plastic, contg., 1,389,084 —,envelopes transparentized with, 1,341,807 —,ethyl cellulose, composition of and, 1,505,048; 1,505,044 with, resistant, made _ with, and, 1,389,084 ; SUBJECTS 653 Balsams, ethyl starch, compounds of and, 1,350,820 —,film made with, 1,505,044 —,fir, leather preserving composition contg., 1,398,600 —,—,see also Turpentine, Venice —,glue made with, 1,505,043 —,hair, artificial, made with, 1,505,043 —,lacquer made with, 1,505,043 —, leather, artificial, made with, 1,505,044 —,—,coating for, made with, 1,505,043; 1,505,044 —,magnesium resinate made with, 1,398,525 —,membranes made with, 1,505,043 —, mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —,methyl cellulose, composition made with, 1,389,084; 1,505,044 —, paint made with, 1,505,043 —,paper, coating for, made with, 1,505,043; 1,505,044 —,—, transparent, prepared with, 1,419,750 —,paste made with, 1,505,043 —,Peru, color-photography screen produced with, 1,446,050 ; —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,191,390 —, photographic emulsion made with, 1,505,043 —,pigment, affixing agent for, made with, 1,505,043 —,pipe mending 1,389,084 —, plastic made with, 1,389,084; 1,505,044 —,printing paste made with, 1,505,043 —,rubber, devuleanizing of with, 1,322,152 —,rubber mending composition made with, composition made with, 1,389,084 —,silk, artificial, made with, 1,505,043; 1,505,044 —,sizing made with, 1,505,043; 1,505,044 —,solvent for, turpentine as, 1,419,750 —,starch ethers, compounds of and, 1,850,820 —,starch ethers incorporated with, 1,350,820 —,tanning compound made with, 1,399,510 —,teeth, artificial, mending composition for, made with, 1,389,084 —, textile, coating for, made with, 1,505,043; 1,505,044 -—, therapeutic compounds made with, 1,479,695 —,varnish made with, 1,505,043 —, waterproofing made with, 1,389,084 —,wood work mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —, zinc resinate made with, 1,398,525 —,see also Copatba Balsam of copiaba, see Copaiba Balsam of fir, decalcomania made 1,283,608 —, incense made with, 1,216,710 —,see also Turpentine, Canada Balsam of Gilead, see Balm of Gilead Balsam of Peru, see Peruvian balsam Balsam Peru, see Peru balsam Balsam of Pine, ink, printers, medicated, made with, 1,233,962 Balsam shellac, drafting paper made with, 1,220,245 with, 654 Balsam of tolu, incense made with, 1,216,710 —,see also Tolu balsam Balsam Tolu, see Balsam of Tolu Balsam wood pulp, wall board made with, 1,374,931 Balsamum Americanum, see Balsam of Tolu; Tolu balsam Balsamum Gileadense, see Balm of Gilead Balsamum Peruvianum, see Peruvian balsam Balsamum Storacis, see Storax Baldamum tolutanum, see Balsam of Tolu Balsamum Tolutanum, see Tolu balsam Balsa wood, acetylene storage tanks filled with, 1,419,746 —,buoy made with, 1,121,644; Re-13,952 —,carbureter float made of, 1,262,345 —,cistern float made of, 1 262. 345 —, ’ diaphragm, sound reproducing, made with, 1 492,982 — explosive contg., 1,282,229; 1,408,293 —,fender made with, 1,121 644: Re-13 952 - — ’ fireproofing for, mfr. of, anthracene for, 1,194,558 —,—,—, asphalt for, 1,194,558 —,—,—, bromine for, 1,194, 558 —,—,—, creosote oil for, 1,194, 558 —,—,—,dead oil for, 1 194, 558 —,—,—,gas tar for, 1,194, 558 —,—,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,194,558 —,—,—, naphthalene for, i 194, 558 —,—,—, pitch for, 1,194 55S —,—,—, process for, 1,194, 558 —,—,—, tar for, 1,194, 558 —,float made with, 1,121,644; 1,262,345 —. floor covering contg., saw dust from, 1,358,371 —,gasket made with,,1,493,615 _ —,insulation, heat, made with, 1,489,340 —, life-preserver made with, 1,121,644; Re-13,952 —, lumber contg., 1,444,466 —, oxygen, liquid, absorbed by, 1,408,293 —, ozone, liquid, absorbed by, 1,408, 293 — ship, torpedo protecting device for, made Nieteh 1,233,237 —, water-proofing of, diatomaceous earth for, 1,121,644; Re-13,952; 1,262,345 —,—,dye for, 1,121,644; Re-13,952; 1,262,345 Ne linseed oil for, 1,262,345 —, mfr. of, anthracene for, 1,194,558 Bee — , asphalt for, 1,194 558 —— — bromine for, 1,194 558 —,—,—, creosote oil for, 1 194 958 —,—,—, dead oil for, 1, 194, 558 —,—,—, gas tar for, 1,194,558 ,—;,—, naphthalene for, 1,194,558 —,—,—, pitch for, 1,194, 558 —,—,—, process for, 1; 194 008 —,—,—, tar for, 1 194, 558 Re-13,952 ; 1,486,113 ; — —,—, paraffin for, 1,121,644; Re-13,952; 1,262,345 ; 1,444,466 —,—, Paris green for, 1,121,644; Re-13,952; 1,262,345 —,—,process for, 1,121,644; Re-13,952; 1,262,345 —,—,rosin for, 1,121,644; Re-13,952; 1,262,345 —,—, shellac for, 1,262, 345 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Baltimore chrome yellow, see Chrome yellow Baltemorite, see Chrysotile Bamboo, bleaching of, 1,296,553 —, calcium hydroxide treatment for, 1,296,553 —,cellulose made with, 1,143,401; 1,192,640; 1,244,525; 1,282,635; 1,509,034 —, cutlery made of, 1,188,573 —,enamel, natural, removed from, 1,296,553 —, extraction of, preparing for, 1,372,512 —,glazed surface for, mfr. of, process for, 1,245,981 —, lacquering for, mfr. of, process for, 1,245,981 —, paper made with, 1,244,525; 1,286,502 —-, paper, greaseproof, made with, 1,286,502 —, —, kraft, made with, 1,244,525 —,—, parchment like, made with, 1,286,502 —, paper pulp made with, 1,143 401; bis 192 ,640 —, phonograph needle made of, 1 207, 350 —, potassium hydroxide treatment for, 1,296,553 —,pulp extraction from, preparing of, 1 398, 861 —, roofing made with, 1 492 610 —,sodium hydroxide ‘treatment for, 1,296,553 —, sodium silicate treatment for, 1 296, 553 —, textile fibers from, 1,362,723 —, vinegar made with, 1 164 ,063 Bamboo arundinacea, ‘cellulose made with, 1,192,640 —, paper pulp made with, 1,192,640 Bamboo fiber, alkali hydroxide for, 1,193,703 —,—, treatment of, potassium hydroxide for, 1,193,703 —,—, process for, 1,193,703 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,193,703 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,193,703 Bamboo skin, crab, canning of using, 1,172,076 —, lobster, canning of using, 1,172 076 Banana, acetic acid made with, 1 214 018 —,ale made with, 1,214,518 —,animal food made with, 1,188,678 —, beer made with, 1,214,518 —, beverage made with, 1,214,518 —,coffee substitute made using, 1,133,037; 1,348,999 —,dark stain removed from, process for, 1,138,887; 1,138,888 —, flavoring extract of, 1,403,473 —, food made of, 1,138,887; 1,138,888 —, food product made with, 1,165,802; 1,172,270; 1,243,964 —, lactic acid made with, 1,214,518 —, malt substitute made with, 1,214,518 —,porter made with, 1,214,518 —, preserving of, process for, 1,138,887 ; 1,138,888 —, roasted, cattle feed made with, 1,267,081 —,—, dextrin made with, 1,267,081 —,—,ethyl alcohol made with, 1,267,081 —,—, maltose made with, 1,267,081 —,sake made with, 1,214,518 —, starch made with, 1,156,801 —, vinegar made with, 1,214,518 Banana ether, see Amyl acetate Banana extract, food product made with, 1,172,270 Banana fruit, dyestuff made with, 1,243,042; 1,399,014 Banana juice, fermented, polish contg., 1,352,015 Banana liquid, hat, straw, filler for, made with, 1,213,435 INDEX OF Banana meat, see Banana Banana oil, polish contg., 1,136,742 —,see also Amyl acetate; Banana liquid Banana peticles, textile fibers from, 1,362,723 Banana plant, acetic acid from, 1,271,591 —,acetic acid, treatment with of, 1,271,591 —, acetone from, 1,271,591 —,acetone, treatment with of, 1,271,591 —, aldehyde from, 1,271,591 —, aldehyde, treatment with of, 1,271,591 —, butyric acid from, 1,271,591 —, butyric acid, treatment with of, 1,271,591 —, carbon dioxide from, 1,271,591 —-, carbon dioxide, treatment with of, 1,271,591 —, cardboard made with, 1,181,553 —, degumming of, process for, 1,271,591 —, formic acid from, 1,271,591 —, formic acid, treatment with of, 1,271,591 —,methyl acetate from, 1,271,591 —,methyl acetate, treatment with of, 1,271,591 —,methylal from, 1,271,591 —,methylal, treatment with of, 1,271,591 —,methyl alcohol from, 1,271,591 —, methyl alcohol, treatment with of, 1,271,591 —,paper made with, 1,181,553; 1,286,502 _—, paper, greaseproof, made with, 1,286,502 —,—, parchment like made with, 1,286,502 —,retting of, process for, 1,271,591 —,tannic acid, removal of from, process for, 1,271,591 —,valeric acid from, 1,271,591 Banana plant, valeric acid treatment with of, 1,271,591 Banana pulp, dyestuff made with, 1,243,042 Banana skin, animal food made with, 1,188,678 —,dyestuff made with, 1,243,042 Banana spirit, polish contg., 1,352,015 Banana stalk, brick contg., 1,309,038 —,cellulose obtained from, 1,311,980 —,concrete, sandless, contg., 1,309,038 —, dyestuffs made with, 1,243,042 —, plaster contg., 1,309,038 —,resins obtained from, 1,311,980 —,roofing contg., 1,309,038 —,sugars obtained from, 1,311,980 —,tannic acid obtained from, 1,311,980 —, tile contg., 1,309,038 Banana starch, starch, pebble-like, made with, 1,129,440 Banana trees, fiber from, electrolyzed sea water for preparing, 1,357,580 — Band, fabric, impregnating formula, graphite 50%, cup grease, 5%, 1,293,107 —, transmission, mfr. of, 1,293,107 Bandage, mfr. of, fabric for, 1,491,539 —,—, magnesia for, 1,491,539 —,—, metal for, 1,491,539 —,—, potter’s earth for, 1,491,539 —,—, process for, 1,491,539 —,sanitary, see Catamenial sack —, surgical, see Surgical bandage —,treatment of, potassium 1,238,202 —,—, process for, 1,238,202 —,—,silicic acid for, 1,238,202 —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,288,202 compound for, paraffin 45%, silicate for, SUBJECTS GBB Bandrowski’s base, see Tetra-amino-diphenyl- p-azo-phenylene Banilloes, see Vanilla pods Bankoil, see Menhaden oil Bank sand, see Sand, bank Banksia marginata, dyestuff from, 1,399,014 Banks oil, see Cod-liver oil Bank vault, see Vault Baobab wood, cellulose nitrate from, 1,302,455 —, hydrochloric acid treatment for, 1,302,455 —,sodium hydroxide treatment for, 1,302,455 Baptisia, “listerine”’ constituent, 1,496,735 Baptisia tinctoria, see Baptisia Baraboo quartzite, see Quartzite, baraboo Baras camphor, see Borneol Barber’s neck band, mfr. 1,518,293 —,-—, cotton batting for, 1,518,293 —,—, paper, paraffin, for, 1,518,293 —,—, process for, 1,518,293 Barbital, see Veronal Barbitone, see Veronal Barbul bark, see Acacia Barbura bark, see Acacia Bardane, see Burdock root Barilla, see Sodiwm carbonate Barillor, see Sodiwm carbonate Barite, alkali earth hydroxide 1,160,847 —,alkali hydroxide made with, 1,160,847 —,aluminum article, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223,458 —,asbestos lumber made with, 1,299,798 —, ball made with, 1,298,410 —,barium aluminate made with, 1,240,571; 1,240,572 —,barium chloride 1,133,392; 1,167,061; 1,495,893 —, barium hydroxide made with, 1,133,392 —,barium nitrate made with, 1,183,392 of, cotton for, made with, made with, —,barium oxide made with, (1,112,721); Re-13,924; 1,133,392 ; —,barium sulfide made with, (1,112,721); Re-13,924; 1,167,061; 1,494,674; 1,495,187; 1,511,929 —,billiard ball made with, 1,482,358 —,bottle, gasket for, made with, 1,322,823 —, brass article, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223,458 —,can, gasket for, made with, 1,822,823 —, casein composition made with, 1,437,487 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,510,779 —,cement made with, 1,336,178 —,cement, aromatic, contg., 1,455,598 —,—, waterproof made with, 1,299,798 —,chloride made with, 1,160,847 —, cigarette holders made with, 1,482,358 —, container, metal, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223,458 —,copper article, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223,458 —, coumarone-rubber article made with, 1,248 226 —,door knobs made with, 1,482,358 —,enamel made with, 1,242,161 —, fiber sheet made with, 1,215,064 —, flooring made with, 1,336,178 656 Barite, formaldehyde-urea condensate made with, 1,482,358 —, gasket made with, 1,248,226; 1,322,823 —, glove, acid-resistant, ‘made with, 1,500, 097 —, golf ball made with, 1,298,410 —, handles made with, 1,482, 358 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,299,798; 1 336,178 ; 1 397,144; 1,413,557 —,—, heat, made with, 1,299 798; 1,336,178 —, iron, ealvanized, article, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223,458 —, iron compound, removal of from, chlorine for, 1,185,254 —,—,—, copper (ous) chloride for, 1,185,254 —,—,—, copper(ic) salt for, 1 185, ‘254 —,—,—, copper(ous) salt for, 1,185,254 —,—,—,copper(ic) sulfate for, 1,185,254 —,—,—, process for, 1,185,254 —,—, —, sulfur dioxide for, 1,185,254 —,—,—,sulfurie acid for, 1 185 254 —, ivory, imitation, made with, 1,482,358 —, ivory substitute made with, 1,514, 509 —,jar, fruit, ring for, made with, 1,322, 823 —, lake made with, 1,203 642 —, ' lithopone made with, 1,494,674 —, metal article, filling for joints of, made with, 1 223 458 —,molded article made with, 1,190,510; 1,299,798; 1,895,729; 1,397,144; 1,482,358; 1.514, ‘509 —,ore contg., copper made with, 1,157,375 —,—, gold made with, 1,157 375 —,—,lead oxide made with, 1,157,375 —,—,silver made with, 1,157,375 —,—, zine made with, 1,157,375 —,ornaments made with, 1,482,358 —, oxygen made with, 1,133,392 —,paint made with; 1,239,190; 1,242,161; 1,375,854; 1,875,855; 1,885,033; 1,885,034; 1,451,092; 1,489,418 —,phosphoric acid made with, 1,511,929 —,pigment made with, 1,166 808; 1,234,260; 1,240,405; 1,251,170; 1 ‘489, AIS —, plastic made with, 1 190, 510; 1,299,798; 1,322,823; 1,897,144; 1,413,557; 1,456,369 —, printing matrix made with, 1,245,370 —, printing press roller made with, 1,345,200 —,radio-active solutions made using, 1,236,213 —,radium sulfate prevented from dissolving by use of, 1,236,213 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,456,369; 1,482,358 —, reproduction 1,386,995 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,482,358 —,roller, inking, made with, 1,345,200 —,rubber article, made with, 1,248,226; 1,413,557 —,—,seamed, made with, 1,500,097 —,stone, artificial, made with, 1,336,178 composition made_ with, —,sulfur made with, 1,167,061; 1,240,571 —,sulfur dioxide made with, (1,112,721); Re-13,924; 1,133,392 —,sulfur trioxide made with, (1,112,721); Re-13,924 —, tin article, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223,458 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Barite, toilet articles made with, 1,482,358 —, treatment of, alkali bisulfate for, 1,364,804 —,—, alkali earth bisulfate for, 1,364, 804 —,—, ’ hydrochloric acid for, l, 364, 804; 1 '378, 485 —,—,iron(ic) sulfate for, 1,364, 804 —,—, nitric, acid for, 1 364, 804: 1,878,485 —,—, process for, 1 364, 804; 1 378, 485 ——, —, sodium bisulfate ‘for, 1,364,804 —,—,sodium bisulfite for, 1,364,804 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,364, 804 —,—,sodium pyrosulfate ‘for, “1,364, 804 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,364, 804; 1,378, 485 —, urea-formaldehyde condensate made with, 1 482,358 —, varnish made with, 1,242,161 — ' waterproofing material contg., 1,149,519 —, wood, artificial, made with, 1 '397, 144 —,zinc ore conte., barium hydroxide made with, 1,238,242 —,—, zine sulfide made with, 1,238,242 —,see also Barium sulfate; Barytes Barium, alloy contg., 1,142,220; 1,158,672; 1,158,674; 1,169,392; 1,478,062; 1,492,282; 1,500,954 —,alloy, degasifying of using, 1,478,062 —,alloy contg., lead, calcium and, 1,360,339 —,alloy contg., manganese, lead and, 1,359,813 —,alloy contg., nitrogen oxides made with, 1,266,717 —,alloy of calcium, lead and, 1,359,813 —,alloy of lead, calcium and, 1,359,813 —,—, magnesium and, 1,359,813 —,aluminum de-oxidized by, 1,348,458 —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1 491, 588 wack amyl acetate made with, 1,233,333 —,amyl acetate, bromine, removal of from using, 1,233, 333 —,—, chlorine, removal of from using, 1,233,333 —_—,—, ’ purified using, 1,233,333 —,amyl alcohol, bromine, removal of from using, 1,233, 333 —,—, chlorine, removal of from using, 1,233,333 —,—, ’ purified using, 1,233,333 —,amyl formate, bromine, removal of from using, 1,233, 333 —;—, chlorine, removal of from using, 1,233,333 —,—, purified using, 1,233,333 —,argon, purification of using, 1,478,036 —,audion, made with, 1,485,505 —, bearing metal contg., 1,860,272; 1,520,254 —,catalyst, ammonia made with, 1,128,843; 1,495,655 —,catalyst promoter, ammonia made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,color lake contg., 1,434,619 —,copper, iron alloy contg., made with, 1,130,678 —,copper alloy contg., 1,169,892 —,copper de-oxidized by, 1,348,457 —,cyanogen compound made with, 1,321,459 —,dye lake contg., 1,383,710 —, electrode alloy contg., 1,441,567; 1,441,568 —,gas, mon-atomic, purification of using, 1,478,036 —,heater, chemical, made with, 1,506,322; 1,506,323 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Barium, hydrogen made with, 1,506,823 —,iron, carbon free, made with, 1,130,678 —,—,manganese free, made with, 1,130,678 —,—, phosphorus free, made with, 1,130,678 —,—,rust-proofing of with, 1,254,263; 1,254,264 —,—,silicon free, made with, 1,180,678 —, iron alloy, copper in, made with, 1,130,678 —,lamp, electric made with, 1,269,520 —,—,—,incandescent made with, 1,485,505 —,—, X-ray, made with, 1,485,505 —,lead alloy contg., 1,158,672; 1,158,674 ; 1,360,272; 1,360,348; 1,500,954; 1,520,254 —,lead alloy contg., mfr. of, 1,447,148 —,—,—,barium chloride for, 1,360,339 —,—,—,calcium chloride for, 1,360,339 —,—,—,sodium chloride for, 1,360,339 —,lead hardened with, 1,360,348 —,light transforming composition made with, 1,196,144 —, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,521,002 —,—,barium azoimide for, 1,269,520 —,—,barium chloride for, 1,521,002 —,—,electrolytic apparatus for, 1,521,002 —,—,electrolytic cell for, 1,396,919 —,—, hydrazoic acid, barium salt of, 1,269,520 —,—,lead anode for, 1,142,220 —,—,lead-barium cathode for, 1,142,220 —,—,potassium cyanamide for, 1,142,220 —,—, potassium cyanide for, 1,142,220 —,—, process for, 1,142,220; 1,269,520; 1,521,002 —,sodium cyanamide for, 1,142,220 —,sodium cyanide for 1,142,220 —,—,tin anode for, 1,142,220 —,metal, degasifying of using, 1,478,062 —,metals separated with, 1,428,041 —,mold contg., 1,454,064 -—,mold-protecting coating contg., 1,454,068 —,noble gases purified using, 1,485,505 —,photo-electric cell made with, 1,376,604; 1,376,605 —, nitrogen 1,352,175 —,psilomelane used for, 1,291,867 —, rectifier, electric, made with, 1,485,505 —,resistance element, light sensitive, made with, 1,504,175 —,rubber, vulcanization of using, 1,159,327 —,shellac derivative contg., 1,309,967 —,silicon alloy contg., gold made 1,492,282 —,—,silver made with, 1,492,282 —,sodium cyanamide made with, 1,160,811 —,sodium cyanide made with, 1,160,811 — > 3 pI b fixation with compounds of, with, —,steel, rust-proofing of with, 1,254,263; 1,254,264 —, sulfur removal from oils by ammonia contg., 1,423,710; 1,423,711; 1,423,712 —,sulfur chloride S:Chk, preserving of using, 1,159,327 - —, thorium alloy contg., electrodeposition of, apparatus for, 1,487,174 —,thorium separated from, 1,366,128 —,tire filler made with, 1,369,626 —,water gas made with, 1,506,323 —,see also Alkali earth; Alkali earth metals ; Metals, alkali earth : Barium abietate, see Barium resinate 42 607 Barium acetate, acetone from, 1,361,131 —,ammonia producing catalyst made with, 1,473,543 —,barium carbonate from, 1,361,131 —,brass, etching of, electrolyte 1,314,839; 1,814,840; 1,314,841; -—,case hardening using, 1,492,192 —,case hardening compound made 1,361,131 —,catalyst, acetone made with, 1,315,525 —,catalyst made with, 1,473,548 —, charcoal, impregnated, made with, 1,361,131 —,chlorethyl acetate made with, 1,259,758 —,copper, etching of, electrolyte contg,, 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,corn cobs impregnated with and charred, 1,361,131 —,electrolyte for etching contg., 1,314,839 ; contg., 1,314,842 with, 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,ethylene glycol. diacetate made with, 1,259,758 —,ethylene glycol monoacetate made with, 1,259,758 —,finish remover made with, 1,147,852; 1,167,641 —,glycol acetate made with, 1,259,758 —,nickel, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,olefin glycol acetates made with, 1,259,758 —,propylene glycol acetates made with, 1,259,758 —,steel etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,wood chips impregnated with and charred, 1,861,131 —, zinc, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839 ; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 Barium acetyl-salicylate, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,217,862 —,—,acetyl-salicylic acid for, 1,217,862 —,—, alcohol for, 1,217,862 —,—, alkali bicarbonate for, 1,217,862 —,—,alkali carbonate for, 1,217,862 ,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,217,862 ,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,217,862 ,—, barium bicarbonate for, 1,217,862 —,—, barium borate for, 1,217,862 —,—,barium chloride for, 1,217,862 —,—,barium hydroxide for, 1,217,862 —,—, barium nitrate for, 1,217,862 —,—, barium nitrite for, 1,217,862 —,—, barium oxide for, 1,217,862 —,—,barium phosphate for, 1,217,862 —,—, barium silicate for, 1,217,862 —,—,barium sulfate for, 1,217,862 —,—, barium sulfite for, 1,217,862 —,—,benzene for, 1,217,862 © —,—,ether for, 1,217,862 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,217,862 —,ligroin for, 1,217,862 —,process for, 1,217,862 —,—, water for, 1,217,862 Barium alginate, cattle 1,515,968 —, liquid, purification of using, 1,515,968 Barium alloy, heater, chemical, made with, 1,506,322 , 3 d feed made with, 658 Barium alloy contg., lead, manganese and, 1,359,813 Barium aluminate, aluminum oxide made with, 1,191,106; 1,240,571 —,ammonia made with, 1,206,155 —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,206,155 —,barium chloride made with, 1,191,106 — ’ eyanides made with, 1,206, 155 —,fabric stiffening material contg., 1,421,700 —, , formates made with, 1,206,155 —, magnesium aluminate from, 1,460,699 a, ’ mfr. of, aluminum oxide for, 1,240, 571; 1 ,240,572 —,—, barite for, 1,240,571; 1,240,572 —,—, barium hydroxide for, 1 191 ,106 barium oxide foryily 191, 106 "barium sulfate for, 1,240,571; 1,240,572 —,—,calcium oxide for, 1,240, 572 —,—, ’ carbon for, 1,240, 571; 1 240 ol2 —,—,generator gas for, 4 240, 571; 1,240,572 —,—, process for 1,191, 106; 1 240, B71; 1 240, 572 —,—, steam for, 1,240, 571; 1,240, 572 —, nitrogen fixation process using, 1,206,155 —, ; paint pigment contg., 1,460,699 —, zine aluminate made with, 1,460,699 Barium aluminum fluoride, see Aluminum barium fluoride Barium antimony sulfide, see Antimony barium sulfide Barium arsenate, insecticide contg., 1,417,232 —,mfr. of arsenic ore for, 1,188,740 —,—,barium hydroxide for, 1,188,740 —,—,lead ore for, 1,188,740 —,—, metal arsenide for, 1,188,740 —,—, process for, 1,141 920: 1 169, 114; 1,184,698 ; 1,184, 694; 1, 188, 740 —,—, sodium arsenate for, 1,188,740 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,188,740 —,—, silver ore for, 1,188,740 Barium azoimide, barium made with, 1,269,520 —,barium oxide made with, 1,269,520 —, lamp, electric, made with, 1,269,520 Barium, benzenesulfonate, mfr. of, barium sul- fide for, 1,301,909 —,—,zine benzenesulfonate for, 1,301,909 —, phenol made with, 1,301,909 —,sodium benzenesulfonate made with, 1,301,909 Barium beryllium fluoride, beryllium from, 1,427,919 Barium bicarbonate, barium acctyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, fire extinguisher contg., 1,428,207 Barium bichromate, formation of, 1,336,709 —, iron, rust-proofing of using, 1,287,605 —,match composition contg., 1,290,146 —,rust-proofing compound contg., 1,291,352 Barium borate, barium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, brass, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839 ; 1,814,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —, cement, waterproofing of using, 1,519,285 —,copper, etching of, electrolyte’ contg., 1,314,839 ; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,electrolyte for etching contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,849 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Barium borate, glass composition contg., 1,415,980 —, mortar, waterproofing of using, 1,519,285 —,nickel, etching of, electrolyte contg., . 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —, steel, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,814,841; 1,314,842 —, zine etching of electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,814,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 Barium bromate, magnesium bromate made with, 1,343,918 —, magnesium sulfate, action of on, 1,343,918 —, ’ sodium bromate from, 1,343 918 —, sodium carbonate, action of on, 1,343,918 — ’ solubility of, 1,343 918 Barium bromide, anti-static photographic film contg., 1,481,900; 1,434,453 —, barium bromate from, 1,343,918 —, catalyst, 1,198,943; 1,198,944 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,431,900; 1,434,453 —, formation from hydrobromic acid, 1,343,918 —,kiln lining made with, 1,156,018 —,olefin acid extracts brominated 1,440,976 —, powder, black, made with, 1,166,731 —,refractory made with, 1,156,018 Barium butyl xanthate, accelerator in rubber vulcanization, 1,440,962; 1,440,963 Barium calcium carbide, nitrogen fixation proc- ess using, 1,241,020 Barium carbide, alkali cyanide made _ with, 1,472,402 —, ammonia made with, 1,123,763; 1,207,567; 1,483,414; 1,517,870 —, ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, © 1,852,178 —, ammonia made with gases purified with com- pound made with, 1,483,414 —, ammonia synthesis catalyst contg., 1,352,178 —, ammonium nitrate made with, 1,517,870 —, benzene made with, 1,269,439 —, catalyst, ammonia made with, 1,128,843 —, electrode, arc lamp, made with, 1,240,628 —, hydrocarbon made with, 1,269,439 —, hydrocarbon cracked with, 1,269,439 —, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,224,788; 1,327,738 —,—, asphalt for, 1,224,788; 1,327,738 —,—, barium oxide for, 1,827,738 —,—,coal, bituminous for, 1,224,788; 1,327,738 —,—, coal, cannel, for, 1,227,788; 1,327,738 —,—,—, lignite, for, 1,827,738 —,—, coal tar for, 1,224,788; 1,327,738 with, —,—, coke for, 1,827,738 —, hydrocarbon for, 1,327,738 —,—, lignite for, 1,224,788; 1,403,633 —,—, oil shale for, 1,224,788 —,—., process for, 1,224,788; 1,327,738 —,—, shale, bituminous, for, 1,224,788 —, nitric acid made with, 1,517,870 —, nitrogen, fixation of using, 1,175,007 —, nitrogen, fixation process using, 1,241,020 —, sodium cyanamide made with, 1,160,811 —,sodium cyanide made with, 1,160,811; 1,472,403 —,toluene made with, 1,269,439 INDEX OF Barium carbonate, b-acetylethyl-diethylamine made with, 1,126,549 —, alkali cyanide made with, 1,501,840 —,aluminum fluoride made with, 1,518,872 —,ammonia made with, 1,209,258; 1,237,485; 1,483,413; 1,501,840 —, ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,483,412 —, ammonia carbonate made with, 1,209,258 —,ammonia made with gases purified using compound made with, 1,483,413 —,ammonia producing catalyst made with, 1,473,548 —, antimony made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —, are-welding composition made with, 1,467,825 —,arsenic made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,audion, electron emitting cathode for, made with, 1,419,530 —, barium alloy made with, 1,359,813 —, barium bromide made with, 1,343,918 —, barium carbonate made with, 1,318,258 —,barium chloride made with, 1,209,258; 1,428,646; 1,460,180; 1,495,893 — barium cyanamide made with, 1,318,258 —,barium cyanide made with, 1,237,485 ; 1,295,049; 1,314,231; 1,318,258; 1,352,175; 1,355,642; 1,409,124; 1,501,840 —, barium dioxide made with, 1,243,190 —, barium fluoride made with, 1,194,344 —, barium fluosilicate made with, 1,518,872 —,barium hydroxide made with, 1,191,106; 1,247,510; 1,250,642; 1,460,180; 1,490,769 —, barium manganate made with, 1,318,891 —, barium oxide made with, 1,243,190; 1,250,642; 1,305,618; 1,318,258; 1,826,332 —, barium permanganate made with, 1,318,891 —, barium silicate, BaSiO; made with, 1,247,510 —,—, BaSiO., made with, 1,247,510; 1,490,769 —,—, Ba,SiO;, made with, 1,490,769 —,—, (dibasic), made with, 1,463,037 —,—,(mono-basic) made with, 1,,463,037 —,barium - silicate (tri-basic) made 1,463,073 —, barium sulfate made with, 1,310,384 —, barium sulfide conversion into by carbon dioxide, 1 346,287 with, —,basic, effect of on barium oxide mfr., 1,305,618 — binder with cellulose sulfite liquors and, 1,290,118 —, bismuth made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —, brick made with, 1,245,285 —,cadmium made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,candle made with, 1,248 402 —,carbon, decolorizing, made using, 1,250,228 —,carbon for carburizing metals treated with, 1,358,281 —, carbon dioxide made with, 1,209,258 —, carbon energized with, 1,374,642 —,carbon monoxide made with, 1,326,332 —, case-hardening using, 1,241,909; 1,248,604; 1,480,418 —, case-hardening composition contg., 1,209,336 ; 1,269,957; 1,279,160; 1,312,339; 1,333,768; 1,361,131; 1,374,642; 1,454,612 —,case hardening process using, 1,247,863; 1,480,230 SUBJECTS 659 Barium carbonate, catalyst made with, 1,473,548 —, catalyst in coal briquettes mfr., 1,480,767 —,catalyst for hydrogenation of hydrocarbon made with, 1,152,765 —, catalyst for hydrogenation of lamp oil made with, 1,152,765 —,catalyst for hydrogenation of petroleum made with, 1,152,765 —, catalyst for hydrogenation of resin oil made with, 1,152,765 —, catalyst for hydrogenation of shale oil made with, 1,152,765 —,cellulose sulfite liquor treated with, 1,284,739; 1,284,740 —,cement contg., 1,296,468; 1,456,667 —,cement, hydraulic, made with, 1,186,522; Re-14,773; 1,224,454 —,—,magnesium, made with, 1,212,575 —,—, Portland, made with, 1,194,344 —,ceramic ware made with, 1,245,285 —, charcoal contg., 1,361,131 —,chlorine solution made with, 1,298,553 : 1,298,554 —,coal briquettes contg., 1,430,767 —, coal distilled in presence of, 1,843,100 —, cobalt made with, 1,146,373 —,cobalt precipitated by, 1,365,358 —,cobalt sulfate solutions for electrolysis kept neutral by, 1,344,869 —., colloidal solutions prepared with, 1,460,012 —,copper production of _ using, 1,144,402 ; 1,146,373; 1,163,286 ; 1,207,243 —,copper(ous) chloride made with, 1,207,243 —,corn oil made with, 1,161,481 —,cyanides made with, 1,364,838 —,cyanides made in presence of, 1,386,941 —,cymene disulfonic acid made with, 1,316,823 —,cymene-2-sulfonie acid made with, 1,316,823 —,drier, flat, made with, 1,315,137 —,dyestuff made with, 1,471,150 —,electrode, arc lamp, made with, 1,240,628 —,ethyl alcohol made with, 1,284,739 ; 1,284,740 —,ethylene glycol made with, 1,259,757; 1,259,758 —,fat made with, 1,219,485; 1,219,486 —,fatty acids made with, 1,219,485; 1,219,486 ; 1,248 402 —., fireproofing using, 1,346,287 —., fireproofing wood by, 1,346,287 —,formation of, 1,348,918; 1,460,180 —,—, barium carbonate for, 1,318,258 —,—, carbon for, 1,318,258 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,818,258 —, glass, made with, 1,192,048; 1,403,752 —,glass, translucent, made with, 1,192,048 —,glass composition contg., 1,415,980. —,glass ingredient, 1,827,569 —,glaze made with, 1,245,285 —, glycerol made with, 1,219,485; 1,219,486 ; 1,248,402 —, glycol made with, 1,259,757; 1,259,758 —,gold, production of using, 1,144,402 ; 1,146,373 ; 1,163,286 —,hydrobromic acid for dissolving, 1,348,918 —, hydrocarbon, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,152,765 east 660 Barium carbonate, hydrochloric acid neutralized by, 1,298,553; 1,298,554 — , hydrogenation catalyst made using, 1,152,765 —,hypochlorous acid, effect of on, 1,298 B53; 1 298,554 —, incendiary composition contg., 1,308,463 —,ink, lithographic, made with, 1,131 578 —; insecticide made with, 1,276, 509; Re-14 968 — insulating composition contg. nS 1,456, 667 Pa eulanion, electric, made with, 1,131 578 —, heat, made with, 1,456,667 —, ‘iron, production of using, 1 144,402; 1,146,373 — iron (ic) arsenate made with, 1 146, 373 —,iron(ic) ‘arsenite made with, 1, 146, O78 — , ron(ic) bromide, action of on, 1,343 918 —,iron compounds, zine sulfate, removal from of, using, 1,494,674 — , iron (ic) oxide made with, 1,146,373; 1,251,564 —,iron sulfate, basic, made with, 1251 564 — * iron (ic) sulfate, basic made with, 1,186, 611 —,lamp oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for made with, 1,152,765 —, lead, production of using, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —, lead compound removed from zine solu- tions by, 1,380,514; 1,380,515 — , lithophone made ‘with, 1 494,674 —,manganese made with, 1,146, Bye —,mfr. of, ammonia- soda process liquors for, 1 444,623 —,—,ammonium bicarbonate for, 1,378,595 —,—,ammonium carbonate for, 1,241 919; 1,241,920 —,—, barium chloride for, 1,191,106 —,barium cyanate for, 1241 919: 1,241,920 —,—,barium dioxide for, 1,235 664 —,—, barium hydroxide for, 1,247 510 —,—, barium saccharate for, 1,247. 510 —,—,barium silicate (di-basic) for, 1,463,037 barium silicate (mono-basic) for, 1,463, 037 —,—, barium silicate (tri-basic) for, 1,463,037 —,—,barium sulfate for, 1,191,106; 1,247, 510; 1,444,623 —,—,barium sulfhydrate for, 1,247,510 —,—,barium sulfide for, 1,247 010; 1,284,739; 1284740 ;+ 1,444 623° —,—, carbon for, 1,247,510 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,191,106; 1,235,664; Tai 510; 1,284,739; 1 284 5740 —, carnotite ore for, 1 126, 182 —, carnotite, yellow, for, 1 126,182 —,— , hydrochloric acid for, 1,126,182 — phosphoric acid for, 1,235 664 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,247 510 —,—, process for, 1,126,182; 1 ‘191, 106; Saiey 664; 1,241 919: 1 AL 920: 1 247. 510 , sodium carbonate ‘for, 1 126, 182: 1,247,510 —,— * sodium hydroxide for, 1 126, 182 —,—, ’ sulfuric acid for, 1,126, 182: 1,235,664 —,—,sulfurous acid for, 1 126, 182 —, ” match made with, 1,360, 282 —, match head composition contg., 1,350,283 —,mercury made with, 1,146,373 —,metal made with, 1,146 873 —, metaldehyde made with, 1,432,387 —,mine water treated with, 1,251 064 —, ‘nickel made with, 1,146 373 i ioe UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Barium carbonate, nitrogen, fixation of using, 1,175,007 ; 1,441,693: 1,441,695; 1,501,760 —,nitrogen fixation with coal and, 1,409,124 —,oat oil made with, 1,161,481 —,oil made with, 1,219,485; 1,219,486 —,oil, vegetable, made with, 1,161,481 —, olefin glycol made with, 1,259,757; 1,259,758 —, paint made with, 1,131,578 —, papier mache, coating of using, 1,164,710 —,pea oil made with, 1,161,481 —, petroleum, hydrogenation of, catalyst for made with, 1,152,765 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made, with, 1,197,171 —, phosphorescent compound made _ with, 1,244,058 —,pigment made with, 1,169,253; 1,183,201; 1,411,839 —, pigment contg., titanium oxide and, 1343 468 —, plant sprays contg., 1,460,012 —,plastic, coating of using, 1,164,710 —, potassium carbonate made with, 1,194,344 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,186,522; Re-14,773; 1,194,344; 1,224,454 potassium compounds made with, 1,194,344; 1,224,454 —,propylene glycol made with, 1,259,758 —,pulse oil made with, 1,161,481 —, pyrotechnic composition ingredient, 1,423 264 —,quebracho tanning compound made with, 1,241,950 . —,rat poison made with, 1,220,593 —,record disk made with, 1,315,137 —,resin oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for made with, 1,152,765 —, rubber, hard, substitute made with, 1,815,137 —,rubber, spongv, made with, 1,156,184 —,—, vulcanization of, using, 1,203,241 —,shale distilled in presence of, 1,343,100 —,shale oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,152,765 —,shellac, substitute made with, 1,315,137 —,shingle, fireproofing of, using, 1,346,287 —,silicon made with, 1,518,872 —,silicon alloy made with, 1,518,872 —,silver, production of, using, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,163,286 —,soap made with, 1,219,485; 1,248,402 —,sodium cyanamide made with, 1,318,258 —,sodium cyanide made with, 1,318,258; 1,852,175 —,sodium ferrocyanide made with, 1,318,258 —,sodium hydroxide made with, 1,249,314 —,soya bean oil made with, 1,161,481 —,stearic acid made with, 1,248,402 —,steel carburized with, 1,310,918 —,stone, artificial, contg., 1,456,667 —,—,—, coating of using, 1,164,710 —,sulfonate oleic acid and naphthalene pre- cipitated by, 1,416,284 —,sulfur dioxide “fixed” by, 1,897,094 —,sulfuric acid in metaldehyde removed by, 1,432,387 1,259,757; INDEX OF SUBJECTS Barium carbonate, tanning compound made with, 1,241,950; 1,414,045; 1,421,722 —,thermionically active filaments coated with, 1,419,530 —,tile made with, 1,245,285 —,tin made with, 1,146,373 —,titanium oxide pigment prepared with, 1,412,027 —, varnish made with, 1,131,578 —,varnish substitute made with, 1,315,137 —,water, purification of, using, 1,199,098; 1,199,099 —,—, softening of using, 1,510,469 —, ; wood, fireproofing of, using, 1,346,287 —,zinc made _ using, 1,144 402; 1,146,373; 1 163,286 —,zine sulfate made with, 1,494,674 —, zine, sulfate, iron compounds, removal of from, using, 1,494 674 —, see also Witherite Barium castor oil soap, concrete coating contg., 1,400,041 Barium chlorate, barium chloride, separation of from, 1,391,858 —,barium manganate made with, 1,453,562 —, detonator made with, 1,206,456 —,explosive contg., 1,327,985; 1,335,790; 1,350,465 —,heater, chemical, made with, 1,506,323 —, hydrogen made with, 1,506,323 —,lamp, electric, tungsten filament, with, 1,240,700 —,—, incandescent, made with, 1,166,464 —, mfr. of, 1,391, 858 —, "match made with, 1,201,191; 1,206,828; - 1,860,282; 1,360,283; Re-15,039 —,match composition contg., 1,290,146 —, “match head composition conte .. 1,360,282; 1 360,283: Re-15,039 —, matches impregnated 1,434,893 —,primer made with, 1,174,669 —, priming charge contg., 1,308,393 —,pyrotechnic mixture ingredient, 1,423,264 —,water gas made with, 1,506,323 Barium chloride, acetaldehyde made 1,511,754 —,adhesive of dextrin and, 1,337,382 —,alcohol made with, 1,511,754 —, alloy, cerium in, made with, 1,290,011 —,—,rare earth metal in, made with, 1,290,010; 1,290,011 —,aluminum fluoride made with, 1,518,872 —- 2-amino-anthraquinone made with, 1 ,338,364 —, 2- aminoanthraquinone, effect of on yield of, 1 840,603 —,—, mfr. in presence of, 1,338,363; 1,338,364 —, ‘audion filament contg., 1 (453, 267 —, ‘barium made with, 1,521 002 —, barium, lead alloy contg., 1 ,260, 339 = , barium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, ’ barium alloys prepared with, 1,359, 813 —, ‘barium carbonate made with, 1,191, 106; 1 j378,595 made with, 1,290,146; with, 1,290,010; made with, 661 Barium chloride, barium chlorate, separation of from, 1,391,858 —, barium fluosilicate made with, 1,518,872 —,barium hydroxide made with, 1,396,315; 1,460,180 —,barium nitrate made with, 1,273,824 —, barium stearate made with, 1,292,404 —,barium sulfate made with, 1,146,491; 1,165,693; 1,803,426; 1,360,312 —, barium sulfide converted to, 1,378,593 —, barium thiosulfate made with, 1,406,197 —,barium trinitroresorcinate made _ with, 1,308,393 —, barium vanadate made with, 1,165,693 —, battery, dry, made with, 1,490,450; 1,506,189 —, bearing metal made with, 1,520,254 —, bleaching process using, 1,155,101; —,boiler feed water treatment contg., 1,260,987 —,brass made with, 1,423,922 —, building material made with, 1,256,324 —,cadmium made with, 1,247,413 —,cadmium chloride made with, 1,247,413 —,calcimine made with, 1,244,033 1,155,102 compound —,calcium, lead alloy contg., made _ with, 1,360,339 —,calcium carbide, blocks of, made with, 1,486,618 —,calcium chloride made with, 1,146,491 —,carbon, decolorization, made using, 1,250,228 —,case hardening with, 1,279,457; 1,520,063 —,case hardening composition contg., 1,286,061 —,casein precipitated by, 1,376,652 —, ’ catalyst, 1,198,943 ; 1,198, 944 —, catalyst, allyl chloride made with, 1,477,047 —,—,cement, paint for, made with, 1,220, 821 —,—, concrete, paint for, made with, 1,220, 821 —,— hydrocarbon, unsaturated, made with, is 220 821 —,—, hydrogenation, 1,172,062 ; 1,222,660 —,—,isoprene made with, 1,202,282 —,—, linseed oil substitute made with, 1,220,821 —,—, ’ nickel as, made with, 1,172,062 —— ‘catalyst promoter, i O71. 013 —,cellulose sulfite liquor 1 284,739; 1,284,740 —, cement ‘conte. .. 1,456,667 —,cement, paint for, made with, 1,197,599 —,—, Portland, made with, 1,239, 912; 1,250, 291 —_—,—,— waterproof, made with, 1,285 636 —,—, waterproof, made with, 1,285 636 —,—,white, made with, 1, 239 912 —, cerium made with, 1 273 223 —, ’ chlorine for, 1,167 ‘061 —, ’ cleaner made with, 1,327,631 —, ’ cobalt. made with, 1,247, 413 —, cobalt chloride made with, 1,247,413 —,color lake made with, 1,358, 007 —, ’ color lake precipitated by, 1,434 619 ~— compound, CisH2s, made with, 1,220, 821 —, concrete, paint for, made with, 1 197. 599 —,—, waterproof, made with, 1,285, 636 —, copper bleached using, 1 155, 102 1,279,458: made with, treated with, Sa 662 Barium chloride, copper made with, 1,247,413 —, copper chloride made with, 1,247 ‘413 —,copper vanadate made with, 1,165, 693 —, cyclohexene made with, 1,221 382 —, cyclopentene made with, 1,221 O82 —,dihydro-benzene made with, 1,221 O82 —, dissolving, anhydrous ammonia for, 1,329,652 —,dye lakes made with, 1,378,418 —,dyestuff recovered using, 1,303,426 —,electrolyte contg., 1,291,310 —,ethyl alcohol made with, 1 284,740 —, fish ‘oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, Me 929 ,660 —, flotation process using, 1,203,372; 1,203,374 —,formation of, 1,391,858; 1,484,485; 1,434,486; 1,460,180 1,284,739 ; —,galena, flotation of, using, 1,203,872; 1,203,374 —,—,sphalerite, separation from of, using, 1,203,372 ; 1,203,374 —,—, zine sulfide ore, separation from of, using, 1 203, 372; 1,203,374 —, glue, vegetable, made with, 1,357,310 —,glycerol made with, 1,511, 754 —, gypsum, waterproofing of with, 1,256,324 —, hydrogen peroxide contg., 1 364 558 —,hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,172,062; 1,222,660 —,ink made with, 1,286,916; 1,369,252 —,ink, printers, made with, 1,283,455. —, intestines tanned with, 1,444,546 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,175,424 —, heat, made with, 1,456,667 —} insulating composition contg., 1,456,667 —,iron vanadate made with, 1 165, 693 —,isoprene made with, 1,298 929: 1,509,603 —,kiln lining made with, 1,156, 018 —, lake made with, 1,126,591 ; 1,126,664; 1,232,551; 1,232,552; 1,358,007; 1,369,252; 1, ‘434 619: 1 ‘445, Bol — lamp, electric, tungsten filament, made with, 1 240,700 —,—; incandescent, made with, 1,166,464 —, lead alloy, made with, 1 520, 254 —,—,barium in, made with, 1,360 009 —,—, calcium in, made with, 1,360 309 —,—,sodium in, made with, 1,360,339 —,lead-barium alloy from, 1,447, 143 -— " lead-caleium-barium-alloy prepared with, 4 359,813; 1,360,339 —, jead sulfide ore, flotation of, using, 1,203,372; 1 5203 ,374 —,—, sphalerite, separation from of, using, 1,203,372; 1,203,374 —,—,zine sulfide ore, 1,203,372; 1,203,374 —,lead vanadate made with, 1,165,693 —,leather made with, 1,444,546 —,linen bleached using, 1,155,102 —,linolic acid, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,222,660 —, linseed oil substitute made with, 1,197,599 —, Magnesium made with, 1,258,261 —, magnesium alloy cast using, 1,476, 192 —, magnesium chloride made with, 1,262 939 —,mfr. of, acetaldehyde for, 1,495 038 separation from of, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Barium chloride, mfr. of, acid for, 1,129,029 —,—, alunite for, 1,191, 106 —,—, ammonium chloride for, 1,209,258 —,apparatus for, 1,133,392; 1,209 208 —; barite far, ‘1 1133, 392 ; 1 167, 061; 1 495,893 —,—, ’ barium aluminate for, 1 191, 106 — barium carbonate for, ‘1,209, 258: 1,495,893 —, ’ barium compound for, 1,279, 090 — barium hydroxide for, 1,191, 106 —- barium hyposulfite for, 1 495, 893 — ’ barium oxide for, 1 138 392; 1,191,106 ; —, barium silicate for, 1,495 893 —, ‘barium sulfate for, 1 ge 392; 1,146,491; ~ 4167, 061; 1,279,090; 1 495 893 —,—, barium sulfide’ for, 1,167,061 ; 1,378,598 ; 1,378,594; 1,495,893 ,—, barium sulfite for, 1,495,893 —,—, benzaldehyde for, 1,495,538 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,129,029; 1,146,491; 1,495,893 —,—, carbon for, 1,167,061 —,—, carbon monoxide for, 1,495,538 —,—, carbonyl chloride for, Z '360, 312 —,carnotite for, 1,495,538 —,carnotite, yellow, for, 1,126,182 —,—,carnotite ore for, 1,126,182; 1,129,029 —, chloride for 1,129,029 —,—, coal for, 1,495,893 ieee coke for, 1,129,029; 1,495,893 —, dextrose for, 1,495,538 —,—, ethylene for, 1,495,538 —,—, formaldehyde for, 1,495,538 J Me Ne, ~ fe Ea | —y,—,hydrochloric acid for, 1,126,182; 1,129,029; 1,133,892; 1,191,106; 1,495,538 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,495,538 —, methyl alcohol for, 1,495,538 —, oxalic acid for, 1,495,538 —,—, process for, 1,126,182; 1,129,029; 1 183,892; 1,146,491; 1,167,061; 1,191,106; 1,209,258: 1,279,090; 1,360,312; 1,428,646; 1,495,538; 1,495,893 —,—,radium ore for, 1,495,538 —,—, silicon dioxide for, 1,279, 090 —,—,sodium carbonate for, a 126, 182; 1,129,029 —,—, sodium chloride for)" 129, 029; 1,279, 090 —,sodium hydroxide for, 1 126, 182 —, sugar, cane, for, 1,495, 538 ao ts —, grape, for, 1 495, 538 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1 126,182; 1,129,029 —,—,sulfurous acid for, 1,126,182 —,—, uranium ore for, 1,495,538 —,—, vanadium ore for, 1,495,538 —,—,zine chloride for, 1,167,061 —,metals molten under, 1,423,922 —,misch-metal made with, 1,273,223 —,nickel made with, 1,247,413 —,nickel, catalyst, made with, 1,172,062 —,nickel chloride made with, 1,247,413 —,nitrates made with, 1,485,706 —, nitrogen oxides' made with, 1,485,706 —,oil, drying, made with, 1,197,599 —, oil wells grouted by cement contg., 1,452,463 —,olefin acid extracts chlorinated with, 1,440,976 —,oleic acid, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,222,660 —, orange II pigment made with, 1,259,708 INDEX OF Barium chloride, paint made with, 1,197,599; 1,286,916; 1,869,252 —, paper, coated, made with, 1,147,996 —,—, photographic, made with, 1,504, 150 —, phenolphthalein alkali carbonate compound Bi testi posed by, 1,357,482 —, pickling liquor, treatment of with, 1,287,939 —} pigment made with, 1,155,462; Re-14,289 ; 1,220,973; 1,236,655; 1,286, ‘916; 1,504,673 — platinum group metal production of using, 1 ,281,878 —, platinum production of using, 1,281,878 —, potassium chlorate made with, 1,247, 619 —,potassium chloride made with, 1,239, 912; ~ 1247619: 1,250,291 — potassium compound made with, 1,247,619; 1; 250,291 — _ potassium 1 435,593 —, potassium hydroxide made with, 1,247,619 —,radium made with, 1,165,693 —, radium chloride, separation 1,129,029 —,radium sulfate made with, 1,165,693 —,refractory made with, 1,156,018 —,reproduction composition made 1,386,995 —,ricinoleic acid, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,222,660 —,rubber, synthetic, made with, 1,509,603 —,silicon, made with, 1,518,872 —, ’ silicon. alloy made with, 1,518, 872 —, ’ sodium, lead alloy contg., made _ with, 1, 360, 339 —, sodium chloride nurified with, 1,475,563 —, ’ sodium cyanamide made with, 1, 160 811 —, ’ sodium cyanide made with, 1 160, 811 —,sodium uranyl carbonate made 1,165,693 —,sodium vanadate made with, 1,165,693 —,soya bean oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,222,660 —,sphalerite, galena, separation from of, using, 1,203,372; 1,203,374 —,—4,lead sulfide ore, separation from of, using, 1,203,872; 1,203,374 —,starch paste contg., 1,357,310 —,steel, high-speed scrap recovery of using, 1,471,252 —,steel alloy, tungsten in, recovery of using, 1,471,252 —, steel heating bath contg., 1,454,214 —,stone, artificial, contg., 1,256,324; 1,456,667 —,sulfates converted into chlorides by, 1,370,646 —, sulfates removed with, 1,485,180 —,sulfuric acid in = titanium hydroxide neu- Dhatnad with, 1,361,866; 1,361,867 —, tanning compound made with, 1,421,722 —, textile bleached using, 1,155,102 —, thyroid product made with, 1,392,767 —,titanium dioxide made with, 1 189,229 —, ’ titanium hydroxide made with, 1,504,673 compounds’ recovered’ with, of, from with, with, —,titanium oxide made with, 1,343 441; 1,504,673 —,titanium oxide pigment made with, 1,504,673 SUBJECTS 663 Barium chloride, tungsten oxide (WOs), made with, 1,244,082 —,uranium made with, 1,165,693 —,vanadium made with, 1,165,693 —, waterproofing contg., 1,256,324 —,wells sealed with, 1,421,706 —,“xylium” made with, 1,175,422; 1,175,423 —,“xylium,” composition of and, 1,175,422; 1,175,423 —,“xylosca” made with, 1,175,422; 1,175,423 —,“xylozo” made with, 1,175,422; 1,175,423 —,zine made with, 1,247,418 —, zine chloride made with, 1,247,413 —, zinc sulfide ore, galena, separation from of, using, 1,203,372; 1,203,374 ——; lead’ sulfide ore, separation from of, using, 1,203,372; 1 203 ol —, Zinc sulfide pigment contg., 1,443,077 Barium chromate, abrasive, etching ‘of using, 1,482,793 — catalyst, 1 022,291 —,— dehydrogenation, made with, 1,271,013 —,—, hydrogenation, made with, 1 271 018 —,—,mitrogen oxides, mfr. of, made with, 1 322 5291 — catalyst promoter, 1,271,013 —, corundum, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,emery, etching of using, 1,482, 793 —., garnet, etching of using, 1,482, 793 —., insecticide made with, 1 ‘496, 436 —., iron, rustproofing of using, 1 ,287 605 — lamp, incandescent, made with, 1 ,166,464 —, match made with, 1,201, 191 —, ’ match composition conte., 1,290,146 —, paint, luminous, made with, 1 237, 368 —, quartz, etching of using, 1 (482, 793 — ' rust-proofing compound contg., 1,291,352 —,sand, etching of using, 1,482,793 —, shoe polish made with, 1,231 997 —, silica, etching of using, 1,482 793 —, ’ silicon carbide, etching of using, 1,482,793 Barium chrome, see Barium chromate Barium compound, barium chloride made with, 1,279,090 — blasting fuses contg., 1,424,487 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,181,858 —, ceramic insulating material conte., 1,409 4953 —, ceramic ware contg., 1,438,598 —, ’ electrode, arc-lamp, made with, 1,156,696; 1 ,189,265 —, glass made with, 1,431,166; 1,510,521 — glass, opaque, made with, 1,245 ‘487 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,438,598 — ‘light transforming composition made with, 1 ,196,144 — nitrogen fixation with, 1,441,693 —, paint made with, 1 216, 980; 1 216,981 —, pigment made with, 1,216, ‘980 ; 1 216,981 —, pyrotechnic made with, 1 265, 205 —,sodium chloride, removal from of, process for, 1,244,380 —,—,—, salt for, 1,244,380 —,—, —, sodium sulfate for, 1,244,380 — ’ sodium-cyanide made with, 1 352, 175; —,sodium silicate made with, 1,279 090 —, ’ sodium tungstate made with, 1 322 A85 ammonia, oxidation of, with, ‘rx 664 Barium compound, tungsten oxide (WOs), made with, 1,244,082 =, water, removal from of, process for, 1,499,492 —, —, —, zeolite, artificial, for, 1,499, 492 Barium cresolsulfonate, tanning material made with, 1,421,701 Barium cyanamide, alkali cyanide made with, 1,277,898; 1,277,900 —, ammonia made with, 1,159,989; 1,237,485 —, ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, ‘made w ith, 1 352,178 — catalyst, ammonia made with, 1,352,177 1 002,179; 1,473,543 ee ammonia synthesis, made with, 1,352,177; 1 352, 178; 1,352, 179 —,— hydrocy anic acid made with, 1,352,176 _, ’ formation of, 1,352,176 —, gases dried with, 1,454,591 —,mfr. of, aluminum nitride for, 1,506,269 —,—, ammonia for, 1,352,177; 1 352, 179 —,—, barium carbonate for, 1 318 256 —,—,barium cyanide for, 1 352, Lis —,—, barium fluoride for, 1,506,269 —,—, barium hydroxide for, 1,506,269 —,—,carbon for, 1,318,258 —,—, iron carbide for, 1,506 ,269 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,318, 258 : 1,352,177; 1,852,179 — _’ process for, 1,352,177; 1,352,179: 1,473,543: 1,506, 269 —,—, silicon nitride for, 1,506,269 —, preparation of, 1,352,177; 1,352,179 1,352,179 —,sodium cyanamide made with, 1,160,811; 1,318,258 ; —,sodium cyanide made with, 1,160,811; 1,277,898 ; 1,277,900; 1,318,258 —,sodium ferrocyanide made with, 1,318,258 Barium cyanate, ammonium cyanate made with, 1,241,919; 1,241,920 —,barium carbonate made 1,241,919; 1,241,920 —,urea made with, 1,241,919; 1,241,920 Barium cyanide, alkali cyanide made with, 1,501,840 —,ammonia made with, 1,123,763; 1 441 693; 1,453,210; 1 501 840 —, barium carbonate made with, 1,352,175 — barium cyanamide made with, 1 352, 176; 1 002,177; 1,352,179 —, formation of, 1,441 693 — ’ hydrocyanic acid, ‘catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,352,176 —, mfr. of, aluminum nitride for, 1,506,269 —,—, apparatus for, 1,156,108 —,—, barium carbonate for, 1,237,485 ; 1,295,049; 1,314,231; 1,318,258; 1,501,840 —,— — barium fluoride for, 1,506,269 —,—, ’ barium hydroxide for, 1 506 ,269 —,—, barium oxide for, 1,355,642 —,—, barium silicate (BazSi0.), for, 1,501,840 —,—, carbon for, 1,156,108; 1,287,485; 1,318,258 ; ee: 642; 1,501,840 with, 1,159,989 ; 1,355,642 ; —, charcoal for, 1,156,108 —,—, "coal for; 1 ‘156, 108 —,— coal, anthracite, for, 1,156,108 —,—, coal tar for, 1,237 485, —,—, coke for, 1,156,108: 1,237,485 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Barium cyanide, mfr. of, coke, bituminous coal, for, 1,287,485 —,—,—, petroleum, for, 1,237,485 —,—,—, Scotch anthracite, for, 1,237,485 PN NONPORT SAT ep ean ge) 1,237, 485 —,—, tar, for, 1 237, 485 —,—, Welsh anthracite, for, 1,237,485 —, dolomite for, 1,156,108 —, iron carbide for, 1,506,269 —,iron ore for, 1,156,108 —, iron oxide for, 1 156 ,108 —, lime for, 1 156, 108 —, , limestone for, 1,156,108 —, magnesia for, 1, 156, 108 —., nitrogen for, 1 156, 108: 1,237,485 ; 1318, 258; 1,501 840 —,—, potassium silicate for, 1,156,108 —,—, process for, 1,156,108; 1,237,485; 1,466,627 ; 1,466,628; 1,501,840; 1,506,269 —,—,retort carbon for, 1,237,485 —,—, silicon nitride for, 1,506,269 —, preparation of, 1,852,175 —,sodium cyanamide made with, 1,160,811; 1,318,258 —,sodium cyanide 1,318,258 ; 1,852,175 —, sodium ferrocyanide made with, 1,318,258 —, synthesis of, 1,409,124 Barium cymene disulfonate, process for, 1,816,823 Barium cymene-2-sulfonate, production of, proc- ess for, 1,316,823 Barium, a- -dinaphthylmethanesulfonate, tanning with, 1,414,045 Barium dioxide, 1,453,267 —, barium carbonate made with, 1,235,664 —, ’ barium manganate made with, 1,453 562 —, barium nitrate made with, 1 273, 824 —, ; barium permanganate made with, 1,453,562 —, ’ barium phosphate (Ba(HPO.)), made with, 1 1278 824 —, barium 1,216,338 ; 1,235,664 —, binder made with, 1,233,415; 1,233,416 —, ‘boric acid made with, 1,262, "589 — butylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,253,617 —,butylene glycol made _ with, 1,253 Sie 1 308,796; 1,808,797 — butylene oxide made with, 1,253,617 —, butylene oxidized by, 1,308, 796; 1,308,797 —,calcium chloride made with, 1 ‘153, 502 —, caoutchoue, synthetic, made with, 1,146,253 —,catalyst in anthraquinone mfr., 1 466 683 —, cellulose sulfite liquor treated with, 1,155,256 —, chicle substitute made with, 1,283,728 —,chlorhydrin made with, 1 308, 796: 1,808,797 —, cutting electrically with, as oxygen carrier, 1 451,392 —, dynamite cartridge made with, 1,502,646 —, electrode, arc lamp, made with, 1,240,628 —,electroplating process employing, 1,464,149 —,ethylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,253,617; 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,ethylene glycol made with, 1,253,617 I J | “ J ew NN ll NO UN made with, 1,160,811 ; production of, audion filament contg., sulfate made _ with, INDEX OF Barium dioxide, ethylene oxide made with, 1,253,617; 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,ethylene oxidized by, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,explosive ingredient, 1,416,121; 1,416,122; 1,416,123 —, galvanizing process employing, 1,464,149 —,glass made with, 1,488,914 —,glycol made with, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,glycol esters made with, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,glycol ethers made with, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,heater, chemical, made with, 1,506,322; 1,506,323 —, hydrogen made with, 1,506,323 —,hydrogen dioxide made with, 1,139,774; 1,210,651; --1216,338; 1,235,664; 1,271,611; 1,273,824; 1,364,558; 1,398,468; 1,412,755 —, hydrogen peroxide made with, 1,262,589 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1,233,415; 1,233,416 —,iron removed from zinc solution with, 1,425,436; 1,425,437 —,lightning arrester made with, 1,238,660 —,lithopone made with, 1,139,427; 1,140,354 —, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,488,377 —,—,barium carbonate for, 1,243,190 —,—, barium hydroxide for, 1,438,377 —,—, barium oxide for, 1,273,824; 1,305,618 —,—, boric acid for, 1,169,703 —,—, carbon dust for, 1,243,190 —,—,carbon monoxide for, 1,243,190 —,—,electrolytic process for, 1,169,703 —,—,gelatin for, 1,169,703 —,—,lead anode for, 1,169,703 —,—, oxygen for, 1,169,703 —,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,169,703 —,—, platinum anode for, 1,169,703 —,—, process for, 1,169,703; 1,243,190; 1,488,377 —,—, silver, amalgamated, cathode, for, 1,169,703 —,—,starch for, 1,169,703 —,mesothorium chloride made with, 1,142,154 —, olefin chlorhydrin made with, 1,253,617 —,olefin glycol made with, hoe .Gli; 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,olefin oxide made with, 1,253,617 —, olefin oxidized by, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,oxygen made with, 1,153,502 —, paint made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —, paint pigment made with, 1,413,565 —, paper made with, 1,502,646 —, pigment made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,primer made with, 1,174,669; 1,184,316; 1,308,394; 1,312,156; 1,416,121; 1,416,122; 1,416,123 —, primer for signal fuses contg., 1,430,590 —, propylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,253,617 —,propylene glycol made with, 1,253,617; 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —, propylene oxide made with, 1,253,617 —, propylene oxidized by, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,radium-barium chloride made with, 1,142,154 —,reducing electrically with, as oxygen carrier, 1,451,392 —,shot made 1,305,113; 1,305,114; 1,305,115 with, SUBJECTS 665 Barium dioxide, shot, luminous, made with, 1,305,113; 1,805,114; 1,805,115 —,sodium sulfate made with, 1,262,589 —, tennis racket string made with, 1,231,911 —,thermite igniter contg., 1,142,154 —, thorium compound made with, 1,142,154 —, water gas made with, 1,506,323 —, welding electrically with, as oxygen carrier, 1,451,392 —,zine sulfate made with, 1,189,427; 1,140,354 Barium ethylphenyldithiocarbamate, accelera- tor in rubber’ vulcanization, 1,440,962; 1,440,963 Barium ethyl xanthate, accelerator in rubber vulcanization, 1,440,962; 1,440,963 —, vulcanization accelerator, 1,440,961 Barium ethylxanthogenate, vulcanizing acceler- ator, 1,440,961 —,see also Barium ethyl-xanthate Barium ferricyanide, ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,363,392; 1,363,393 —, catalyst, ammonia made with, 1,454,599 —, catalyst for ammonia synthesis made with, 1,363,392; 1,863,393; 1,454,599 Barium ferrocyanide, ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,363,392; 1,363,393; 1,439,291; 1,439,292 —,—,synthetic, made with as _ catalyst, 1,452,027 —,ammonia synthesis, catalyst for, made with, 1,363,392; 1,363,393; 1,489,291; 1,439,292; 1,454,599 —,catalyst, ammonia made with, 1,454,599 Barium fluoride, aluminum-silicon alloy puri- fied with, 1,387,900 —,barium alloys prepared from, 1,359,813 —, barium cyanamide made with, 1,506,269 —, barium cyanide made with, 1,506,269 —,barium sulfate made with, 1,244,359 —, beryllium fluoride produced with, 1,427,919 —,catalyst, dehydrogenation, made with, 1,216,933 —,—, hydrogenation, made with, 1,216,933 —,cerium fluoride made with, 1,244,359 —, dehydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,216,933. —,electrode, arc lamp, made with, 1,164,728; 1,189,265; 1,239,810; 1,244,359 —,hydrogenation, catalyst for, 1,216,933 —,hydrogen dioxide, decomposition of by, 1,139,774 —,kiln lining made with, 1,156,018 —,lamp incandescent made with, 1,186,464 —,lanthanum fluoride made with, 1,244,359 —,magnesium, electrodeposition of, bath, contg., 1,310,449; 1,310,450 —,—, production of using, 1,310,449; 1,310,450 —,mfr. of, barium carbonate for, 1,194,344 —,—,barium sulfate for, 1,194,344 —,—, potassium fluoride for, 1,194,344 —,—, process for, 1,194,344 —,neodymium fluoride made with, 1,244,359 -—, praseodymium fluoride made with, 1,244,359 —,rare earth fluoride made with, 1,244,359 —,refractory made with, 1,156,018 —,yttrium fluoride made with, 1,244,359 made with, ‘x 666 Barium fluosilicate, abrasive, etching of using, 1,482,793 ; —,aluminum fluoride made with, 1,518,872 —,corundum, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,emery, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,formation of, 1,426,890; 1,426,891 —,garnet, etching of using, 1,482,793 —, mfr. of barium carbonate for, 1,518,872 —,—, barium chloride for, 1,518,872 ,—, barium oxide for, 1,518,872 —,—, fluosilicie acid for, 1,518,872 —,—, phosphate rock for, 1,518,872 —,—, process for, 1,518,872 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,518,872 —, quartz, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,sand, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,silica, etching of using, 1,482,793 —,silicon made with, 1,518,872 —, silicon alloy made with, 1,518,872 —,silicon carbide, etching of using, 1,482,793 Barium formate, ammonia producing catalyst made with, 1,473,543 —, catalyst made with, 1,473,548 —, cattle feed made with, 1,515,968 —, liquid, purification of using, 1,515,968 Barium glycerophosphate, glycerophosphoric acid made with, 1,170,426 Barium glycocholate, ammonium silver glyco- cholate made with, 1,161,868 Barium halide, lamp, incandescent, made with, 1,166,464 —,refractory made with, 1,156,018 Barium hydrate, see Barium hydroxide Barium hydrosulfide, calcium hydroxide, action of on, 1,343,034 —,germicide contg., 1,343,034 —, insecticide contg., 1,343,034 —,see also Barium sulfide Barium hydroxide, b-acetylethyl-diethylamine made with, 1,126,549 —,adhesive made with, 1,192,783; 1,275,799 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,191,106 —, amber substitute made with, 1,502,945 —, ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,483,412 —,ammonium hydroxide 1,349,750 —,ammonium silver glycocholate made with, 1,161,866 —,amyl acetate made with, 1,491,076 —,amyl formate made with, 1,491,076 —,antimony made using, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,antimony sulfide prepared with, 1,415,127 —, arsenic made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —, asbestos, barium sulfate, impregnated, made with, 1,262,228 —,audion filaments coated with, 1,467,398 —, barium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, barium aluminate made with, 1,191,106 —,barium arsenate made with, 1,188,740; 1,417,232 —,barium carbonate made with, 1,247,510 ~—, barium chlorate made with, 1,391,858 —,barium chloride made with, 1,191,106; 1,391,858; 1,495,893 —, barium cyanamide made with, 1,506,269 —, barium cyanide made with, 1,506,269 regenerated with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Barium hydroxide, barium dioxide made with. 1,488,377 —,barium manganate made with, 1,318,891; 1,453,562 —,barium manganite manganate made with, 1,236,693 —, barium permanganate made with, 1,318,891; 1,453,562 —, barium peroxide made with, 1,316,133 —, barium phosphate made with, 1,213,330 —,barium sulfate made with, 1,191,106; 1,247,510 —,battery, dry, depolarizer for, made with, 1,282,904; 1,236,693 —,—, primary, made with, 1,489,240 —,—,storage, separator for, made 1,228,368 —, battery electrolyte contg., 1,371,746 —, billiard ball made with, 1,482,358 —, bismuth made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —, boiler corrosion prevented using, 1,235,815 with, —,boiler feed water treatment compound contg., 1,260,987 —,briquet made with, 1,246,805; 1,246,807; Re-14,653; 1,311,221; 1,311,222 —, butyl acetate made with, 1,491,076 —,cadmium made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,carbon dioxide absorption with magnesium compounds and, 1,290,244 —,case-hardening composition contg., 1,286,061 —, catalyst, hydrogenation, made with, 1,482,740 —,—, (for the mfr. of ammonia), made with, 1,483,412 —,—, nickel, made with, 1,482,740 —, catalyst in ester mfr., 1,433,308 —,catalyst promoter, ammonia made _ with, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —, cellulose nitrate plastic substitute made with, 1,502,945 —, cellulose soda liquor and, colloidal solutions prepared with, 1,460,012 —, cellulose sulfite liquor and, colloidal solutions prepared with, 1,460,012 —, cellulose sulfite liquor treated with, 1,284,739 ; 1,284,740 —, cement made with, 1,502,945 —,chlorine solution made_ with, 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —, cigarette holders made with, 1,482,358 —, cobalt made with, 1,146,373 —,cod oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, colloid made with, 1,502,945 —,copper made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,163,286; 1,207,243 —,copper(ous) chloride made with, 1,207,243 —,corn oil, fatty acids, removal of from. using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, cotton cleaned using, 1,327,631 —, cotton seed oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, cyanides formed with, 1,408,754 —, decolorizing with carbon and, 1,447,461 —,depilatory solution contg., 1,485,876 1,298,552; INDEX OF SUBJECTS Barium hydroxide, door knobs made with, 1,482,358 —, dye intermediate made with, 1,453,659 —, ergot alkaloids liberated by, 1,394,233 —, esters made with, 1,491,076 —,ethyl alcohol made with, 1,284,739; 1,284,740 —, fatty acids, cod oil, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—,corn oil, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—,cotton seed oil, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—, fish oil, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—, marine animal oil, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—,menhaden oil, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —,—,oil, vegetable, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 —, —, whale oil, removal from of using, 1,247,516 —., fertilizer made with,. 1,188,898 —, film made with, 1,502,945 —,fish oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,flooring made with, 1,246,805; Re-14,653; 1,246,807 —, formaldehyde-urea’ condensate made with, 1,482,358 —, gear made with, 1,514,508 —,germicide contg., 1,343,034 —, glue made with, 1,192,783 —,glue, vegetable, made with, 1,275,799; 1,357,310 —,gold made with, . 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,163,286 —,handles made with, 1,482,358 —, hexamethylenetetraminemethylhydroxide made with, 1,336,709 —, hide, bating of, using, 1,170,426 —,hydrochloric acid neutralized in bleach solution with, 1,298,552; 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —, hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,482,740 —, hydrogenation process using, 1,247,516 —, 4-hydroxy-naphthalene-1.3-dicarboxylic acid made with, 1,453,659 —,hypochlorous acid _ neutralized 1,298,552; 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —,hypophysis extract made with, 1,296,063; 1,296,064 —, ink, lithographic, made with, 1,131,578 —, insecticide made with, 1,348,084; 1,417,282 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1,131,578; 1,514,508 —,—, heat, made with, 1,456,667 —,inuline prepared with, 1,399,544 —,iron made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —, iron, rust-proof coating for, contg., 1,305,331 —,iron(ic) arsenate made with, 1,146,373 —,iron(ic) arsenite made with, 1,146,373 —,iron(ic) oxide made with, 1,146,373 —,iron(ic) sulfate, basic, made with, 1,186,611 —,ivory substitute made with, 1,482,358; 1,514,509 —., jelly-like material made with, 1,502,945 —,ketone aldehyde condensate made with, 1,502,945 with, 667 Barium hydroxide, 1,156,018 —,lacquer made with, 1,502,945 —,lead made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,lithopone alkalinity controlled with, 1,446,637 —, manganese made with, 1,146,373 —,manganese(ous) manganate ((MnO):.MnO;), made with, 1,232,904 —,—, (H2Mn(Mn0O,)2), made with, 1,232,904 —,—, (MnO.MnO;), made with, 1,232,904 —,—, (MnO.(MnO;)2) made with, 1,232,004 —, Manganese(ous) permanganate (H2Mn(Mn:0O,)), made with, 1,232,904 —,—, ((MnO):.Mn:0;), made with, 1,282,904 —,—, (MnO);.Mn:0;, made with, 1,232,904 —, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,133,392 —,—, barite for, 1,133,392 —,—, barite, zine ore, contg., for, 1,238,242 —,—,barium carbonate for, 1,191,106 ; 1,247,510; 1,250,642; 1,490,769 —,—, barium oxide for, 1,183,392; 1,247,510 —,—,barium silicate (BaSiOs), for, 1,247,510; 1,490,769 —,—, —, (BaeSiO.:), for, 1,247,510; 1,490,769 —,—,—, (BasSiOs), for, 1,490,769 —,—, barium sulfate for, 1,133,392; 1,250,642 —,—,barium sulfate, zinc ore contg., for, 1,238,242 —,—, barium sulfide for, 1,238,242; 1,316,133 —,—, bitumen for, 1,238,242 —,—,calcium hydroxide for, 1,250,642 —,calcium oxide for, 1,250,642 —, carbon for, 1,238,242; 1,247,510 —,coal for, 1,238,242 —,—, coke for, 1,238,242 —,gas for, 1,238,242 —,—, process for, 1,133,392; 1,238,242; 1,247,510; 1,250,642 ; 1,460,180; 1,490,769 —,—, silica for, 1,247,510 kiln lining made with, ~ ~~ uv ewe eh ~_ ~~ —, tiff, zinc ore contg., 1,238,242 —,water for, 1,238,242; 1,247,510; 1,490,769 —,—,zine carbonate ore for, 1,238,242 —,—,zine ore, barite in, for, 1,238,242 —,—,—, barium sulfate in, for, 1,238,242 = —, —, tiff in, for, 1,238,242 —,—,zine oxide for, 1,238,242 —,—,zine oxide ore for, 1,238,242 —,—, zine sulfide ore for, 1,238,242 —,marine animal oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1,247,516 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,match composition contg., 1,290,146 —,menhaden oil, fatty acids, removal from of, using, 1,247,516 ; —, —, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,mercury made with, 1,146,373 —,metal made with, 1,146,373 —,metaldehyde made with, 1,482,387 —, methylhexamethylenetetramine hydroxide made with, 1,336,709 —,methylhexamethylenetetramine salts de- composed with, 1,336,709 —, b-methyl-N .N’-tetramethylene-bis-glycine made with, 1,150,579 —, molasses desugarized with, 1,460,180 668 Barium hydroxide, molded article made with, 1,146,299; 1,246,805; Re-14,653; 1,246,807; 1 ‘482 358: 1,502,945; 1,514,508; 1,514,509 —, nickel made with, 1, 146 BY 6) —, ’ nickel, catalyst, made with, 1,426,629; 1 82, 740 _—, oil, vegetable, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1,247,516 —,—,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —, oil-boiling vapors absorbed by, 1,438,565 —, ornaments made with, 1,482,852 —, paint made with, 1,131,578; 1,213,330 —, pearl, artificial, made with, 1,289,873 —,phenol made with, 1,301,909 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made 1,146,300; 1,187,232 —, phenol aldehyde condensate solvent contg., 1,146,299 —.. pickling liquor, treatment of with, 1,287,939 —,pigment made with, 1,169,253; 1,205, 144; 1 ,213,330; 1,234,260; 1 240 405 —, pipe stems made with, 1,482,358 —, plastic made with, 1,146,299; 1,502,945 —, plate, printing, made with, 1,146,299 —, potassium aluminate made with, 1,191,106 —, potassium carbonate treated with, 1,302,937 —, potassium chlorate made with, 1,247,619 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,191,106; 1,247,619 —, potassium compound made with, 1,247,619 —, potassium hydroxide made with, 1,247,510; 1,247,619; 1,302,937 —, potassium sulfate treated with, 1,302,937 —, pungent compound made with, 1,503,631 —,quebracho tanning compound made with, 1,241,950 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,146,299; 1,482,358 —, resin, 1,482,358 ; 1,502,945 —,rubber, vulcanization of, using, 1,203,241 —,“rubber-like acetone compound” made with, 1,502,945 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,151,948 with, artificial, made with, —,saponin rendered non-poisonous’ with. 1,415,325 —, sewage, softening of, using, 1,222,637 —,silk cleaned using, 1,327,631 —,silver made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,163,286 —,sizing made with, 1,192,783 —, skin, bating of, using, 1,170,426 —,sludge sulfonic acid, treatment of with, 1,211,721 —,sodium aluminate made with, 1,191,106 —,sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, re- moval from of, using, 1,500,994 —,sodium carbonate treated with, 1,302,937 —,sodium chloride made with, 1,191,106 —,sodium hydroxide made with, 1,247,510; 1,249,314; 1,302,937 —,sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, re- moval of from, using, 1,500,994 —,sodium hydroxide generating powder contg., 1,342,148 —,sodium sulfate treated with, 1,302,937 —,spray of copper sulfate and, 1,384,304 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Barium hydroxide, starch glue treated with, 1,396,315 —, starch paste contg., 1,357,310 — ’ stone, artificial, made with, 1,246,805; Re-14,653: 1,246,807 —,sulfite waste liquor insolubilized with, 1,385,941 —,sulfuric acid in metaldehyde removed by, 1,432,387 —, tanning compound made with, 1,241,950 —., tetramethylene-bis-glycine made with, 1,150,579 —, thermionic cathodes coated with, 1,467,398 —; thyroid product made with, 1 392 167; 1 392,768 —, tin made with, 1,146,373 —,titanium(ic) oxide pigment made with, 1,223, 357; 1,223,358 —, titanium pigment prepared with, 1,410,056 —, ‘toilet. article made with, 1,482 358. —, ’ tropic acid made with, 1,305,301 —,undeconylamino-methyl-alecohol made with, 1,503,631 —,urea-formaldehyde condensate made. with, 1,458,543; 1,482,358 —, varnish made with, 1,131,578; 1,502,945 —, viscose filaments treated with, 1 371 300 —,vitamin made with, 1,162 907; 1 235, 198 —, ’ vitamin compound, action on of, 1,488,815 —,water, boiler, treated with, 1,235,815 —,—,softening of, using, 1,222,637; 1,333,393; 1,510,469 —,—, treatment of, using, 1,222,637 —, whale oil, fatty acids, removal of from, using, 1 247 016 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,247,516 —,wood, barium sulfate impregnated, made with, 1,262,228 —, wool cleaned using, 1,327,631 —,zince made with, 1,144,402; 1,163,286 —,see also Alkali earth hydroxide Barium iodide, olefin acid extracts iodinated with, 1,440,976 Barium lead alloy, mfr. of, electrolytic process for, 1,360,339 —,—, lead for, 1,360,339 —,—, process ‘for, 1,860,339 Barium lead cathode, see Lead barium cathode Barium lead group metal, oxygen removed from nitrogen with, 1,320,192 Barium manganate, barium permanganate made with, 1,453,562 —,—, sulfuric acid for mfr., 1,368,076 —,battery, dry, depolarizer for, made with, 1,232,904 —,calcium permanganate made with, 1,453,562 —,formation of, 1,453,562 —, iron, rust-proofing. of using, 1,287,605 —,magnesium permanganate made 1,453,562 —,manganese(ous) manganate, (H:Mn(Mn0O,).), made with, 1,232,904 —,—, (MnO.MnO;). made with, 1,232,904 —,—, (MnO.(Mn0O;)2), made with, 1,232,904 —,—, ((MnO)2MnOs;), made with, 1,232,904 1,146,378 ; with, * 7 eee) “a INDEX OF Barium manganate, mfr. of, air for, 1,318,891 —,—,apparatus for, 1,318, 891 ,—, barium carbonate for, 1,318,891 —,—, ‘barium chlorate for, 1,453, 562 —,—, barium dioxide for, 1,453,562 —,—,barium hydroxide for, 1,453,562 —,—, barium nitrate for, 1,453,562 —,—,barium salt for, 1,453,562 mi 1,318,891 ; —, Spay hydroxide for, 1,453,562 «¢ green ash leachings » for, 1,453, 562 — EY yaahgatiese dioxide for, 1 318, 891; 453, 562 —,manganese oxide for, 1,453,562 —, process for, 1,318,891; 1 ABB, 562 —, sodium hydroxide for, 1 453, 562 —,—, ‘sodium nitrate for, 1 453, 562 ms, ‘oxidation of to permanganate, 1,368,076 — ’ rust-proofing compound contg., 1,291, 352 Barium manganese cyanide (BasMn(CN).), ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, 1,489,291; 1,439,292 —,— catalyst, for the mfr. of, ammonia, made with, 1,439,291; 1,439,292 Barium mangani-manganate, basic, formation of, 1,453,562 Barium manganite manganate, battery, dry, made with, 1,236,693 —, mir. of, barium hydroxide for, 1,236,693 —,—, potassium nitrate for, 1,236,693 —,—, potassium permanganate for, 1,236,693 —,—, process for, 1,236,693 Barium-o-methylphenylenedithiocarbamate, accelerator in rubber vulcanization, 1,440,962; 1,440,963 Barium-p-methylphenylenedithiocarbamate, accelerator in rubber vulcanization, 1,440,962; 1,440,963 Barium mineral, cyanides made with, 1,156,108 Barium molybdate, alkali metal made with, 1,124,143 — _ hydrochloric acid made with, 1,124,148 —, hydrogen made with, 1,124, 143 —, molybdenum made with, 1,124, 148 — potassium made with, 1, 124, 143 —,sodium made with, 1,124, 143 Barium naphthenate, coating contg., 1,428,272 Barium naphtholsulfonate, mfr. of, 1,452,481 Barium nitrate, acetic anhydride made with, 1,153,402 —, adhesive, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 — ; anhydride made with, 1,153, 402 —, anti-static photographic film 1 431,900; 1,434,453 —, balata article, vulcanization of using, bath of, 1,152,834 —, barium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,barium manganate made with, 1,453, 562 —, ‘barium oxide made with, 1,273 824; 1 305,618; 1,376,604; 1,376, 605; 1 376, 606 —, barium sulfate made sh 1,303 ‘426 —, battery, storage, negative plate for, made with, 1,164,464 —, beef, corned, cured with, 1,259,377 — ’ belting made with, 1,180, 902 composition contg., SUBJECTS 669 Barium nitrate, boot, rubber, using, bath of, 1,152,834 —,brass, etching of, electrolyte, contg., 1 ol4 839: 1 314, 840; 1.314,841; 1,314,842 — _ butyric anhydride made with, 1,153, 402 —,catalyst, hydrogenation, made with, 1 172,062 —,—, nickel as, made with, 1,172,062 —, cement contg. .. 1,456,667 —, cement, waterproofing of using, 1,519,285 —, concrete, waterproofing of using, 1,519, 285 —,copper, etching of, electrolyte, conte. i 1 314,839; 1,314, 840: 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —, dart, incendiary, made with, 1,181, 278 —, ‘detonator made with, 1,194, 095; 1,206, 456 — ’ dyestuff recovered using, 1 303, 426 —,electrode, arc lamp, made. with, 1,240,628 _ electrolyte for etching contg., 1,314, '339 ; vuleanization of 1 314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 — explosive contg., 1,132,873; 1,174,546 ; 1,188,244: 1,188,245; 1,188,246; 1,307,766; 1.310,466 > 1,335,790; 1,350,465; 1,386,440; 1,392,851; 1,393,984; 1,395,775; 1,897,042; 1,404,653; 1,416,121; 1,416,122; 1,416,123; 1,420,364; 1,464,012; 1,464,667; 1,509,362; 1,509,393 —,explosive, nitrostarch, contg., 1,305,845 —, filament made with, 1, 180,902 —, ‘film, photographic, made with, 1,431,900; 1 434, 453 —, fire extinguisher made with, 1,248,092 —, fireproofing made with, 1,248,092 —, fireworks made with, 1 145 ‘421 —, ’ flash light powder made with, 1,240,027 —, ’ formation of, 1,427,441 —,gutta percha article, vulcanization of using bath of, 1,152,834 —, ham cured with, 1,259,377 —, ‘heater, chemical, made with, 1 506, 323 —, hose, rubber, vulcanization of using bath of, 1,152 834 — hydrogen made with, 1,506,323 —, hydrogenation, catalyst for, iy 172,062 — hydrogen dioxide made with, 1,364 58 —, incendiary composition contg. 1,308 463 —,insulating composition contg., 1,456 667 —, insulation, heat, made with, 1,456, 667 _, ’ leather, artificial, made with, 1,180,902 —, Manganese dioxide made with, 1,825,129; 1,415,395 —,mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,273,824 —,—, aluminum nitrate for, 1,321,013 1,506,322 ; made with —,—,ammonium nitrate for, 1,273 824 —,—, apparatus for, 1,133,392; 1,285 824 —,—, barite for, 1 fas, 392 —,—, barium chloride for, 1,273,824 —,—,barium dioxide for, 1,273,824 —,—, barium oxide. for, 1,133, 392 ORES . barium phosphate (BaHPO,), for, 1,273 —,—, —, (Ba(H.PO,).), for, 1,273,824 —,—,barium sulfate for, 1,133, 392; 1,285,824 —, —, barium sulfhydrate for, 1 285, 824 —,—,barium sulfide for. 1,285 824; 1,821,013 —,—,calcium nitrate for, 1,273, 824 670 Barium nitrate, mfr. of, chromium nitrate for, 1,321,013 —,—,coal for, 1,285,824 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,273,824 —,magnesium nitrate for, 1 321 013 “ —, —, Magnesium phosphate (Mg(H»PO,).), for, 1,273,824 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,183,392; 1,273,824; 1,285,824 —,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,273,824 —,—, process for, 1,138,892; 1,273,824; 1,285,824 —,—,sodium nitrate for, 1,273,824 —, meat cured with, 1,259, 377 —, mortar waterproofing of using, 1,519,285 —, ” nickel, catalyst, made with, 1 172, 062 —,— , etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314, 839 ; 1 314, 840; 1, 314, 841; 1,314,842 —, nitric acid made with, 1,415, 395 —,nitrogen pentoxide made with, 1,153,402 —,nitrous acid made with, 1,273, 824 —,paint, fireproof, made with, 1,248, 092 made —,paper, fireproof sizing for, with, 1,248,092 —,photo-electric cell made with, 1,376,604; 1,376,605 —, plastic made with, 1,180,902 —, powder, black, made with, 1,354,640 —,—,propellent, made with, 1,354,640 —,—,smokeless, contg., 1,390,740 —,primer made with, 1,174,669; 1,184,316; 1,312,156; 1,416,121; 1,416,122; 1,416,123 —, propionic anhydride made with, 1,153 402 —, pyrotechnic composition ingredient, 1,423, 264 — railway signal fuse made with, 1,180,438 —, ’ rubber article, vulcanization of using, bath of, 1,152,834 —, rubber ‘substitute made with, 1,180,902 —_ , rustproofing using, 1,493,012 —,separation from permanganate, 1,453,562 —,shoe, rubber, vulcanization of using bath of, 1,152, 834 —, smoke ‘producing compound made with, 1 244,940 —, starch, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, ’ steel, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1 14 839; 1,314,840; 1,814,841; 1,314,842 —, stone, artificial, conte. 1,456,667 — ‘target made with, 1, 145, 585 —,thermite contg., 1 395, 769 — thermite igniting ‘mixture contg., 1,395,769 —, thread made with, 1,180,902 —, ’ tire-rubber, vulcanization of using bath of, 1 ,152,834 —, varnish, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,water gas made with, 1,506, 393 —, , water proofing made with, 1,180,902 —., zinc, etching of, electrolyte ‘contg., 1,314,838 ; 1 14, 840: 1,314, 841; 1,314,842 —, zinc sulfate removed from lithopone with, i ,260,811; 1,260,812 Barium nitride, alkali 1,472,403 —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, EW 491 88 —, catalyst, ammonia made with, 1,128,843 —,sodium cyanamide made with, 1,160,811 cyanide made with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Barium nitride, sodium cyanide made with, 1,160,811; 1,472,403 Barium nitrite, barium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, beef, corned, cured with, 1,259,377 —,ham cured with, 1,259,377 —, lightning arrester made with, 1,238,660 —, meat cured with, 1,259,377 —, pyrotechnic composition ingredient, 1,423,264 Barium oleate, coating composition contg., 1,428,272 Barium oxalate, catalyst made with, 1,473,543 —, etching, electrolyte for, contg., 1,273,432 —, intestines tanned with, 1,444,548 —,leather made with, 1,444,548 —,radio-active solutions made using, 1,236,213 —,radium oxalate prevented from dissolving by use of, 1,236,213 Barium oxide, abrasive made with, 1,257,356 —,adhesive, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,aluminum, zirconium alloy contg., made using, 1,248,648 —,aluminum fluoride made with, 1,518,872 —, aluminum nitride made with, 1,268,240 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,191,106 —,aluminum sulfate made with, 1,126,408 —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,206,155; 1,489,497; 1,491,588 —, ammonia made with, 1,123,763; 1,206,155 —, ammonia made with catalyst contg., 1,306,862 —,ammonia producing catalyst made with, 1,473,548 —,antimony made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,antimony pentasulfide made with, 1,414,837 —,antimony sulfide prepared with, 1,415,127 —,arsenic made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,audion, electron emitting cathode for, made with, 1,419,530 —,audion filament contg., 1,453,267 —,balata vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —,balata vulcanization accelerator, 1,320,166 —, barium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,barium aluminate made with, 1,191,106 —,barium carbide made with, 1,327,738; 1,403,633 —,barium chloride made with, 1,183,392; 1,191,106 —, barium cyanide made with, 1,355,642 —,barium dioxide made with, 1,273,824; 1,805,618 —,barium fluosilicate made with, 1,518,872 —,barium hydroxide made with, 1,133,392; 1,247,510 —,barium nitrate made with, 1,133,392 —, ‘barium sulfate made with, a 191, 106 —, ’ base exchanging material made 1,343,927 —, bismuth made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —, ’ borosilicate glass made with, 1,449 1793 —,bronze casting, closing pores in, using, 1 214,630 —, cadraium made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —, calcium bisulfite, castings impervious to, made with, 1,214 630 —, calcium hydroxide dried with, 1,410,087 with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Barium oxide, calcium silicate (Ca:SiOs), made with, 1,126,408 —, carbon, decolorizing, made with, 1,250,228 —, case hardening compound made with, 1 961,131 — catalyst, acetylene made with, 1,144,800; 1 144,801 —,—, ethylene made with, 1,144,800; 1,144,801 —,—,illuminating gas made with, 1 144 800; 1,144,801 —,—, (for the mfr. of ammonia), made with, 1 206, 155; 1,489,497; 1,491,588 —,— (f or the mfr. of sulfuric acid), made with, 1 489 497 . —,—, (for water gas reaction), 1 489 A497 —,—, methane made with, 1,144,800; 1,144,801 — ‘catalyst for hydrogenation of hydrocarbon made with, 1,152,765 —, catalyst for hydrogenation of lamp oil made with, 1,152,765 — catalyst for hydrogenation of petroleum made with, 1,152,765 —, catalyst for hydrogenation of resin oil made with, 1,152;765 —, catalyst for hydrogenation of shale oil made with, 1,152,765 —, catalyst carrier, using, 1,322;291 —,— nitrogen oxides, mfr. of, using, 1,322,291 —, catalyst promoter, ammonia made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,cellulose sulfite 1,284,739; 1,284,740 —,cement contg., 1,456,667 —,cement, hydraulic, made with, 1,186,522; ~ Re-14,778; 1,224,454 —, cesium sulfate made with, 1,126,408 —, cobalt made with, 1,146, 373 —,cobalt, zirconium alloy contg., made with, 1 248, 648 —, columbium, zirconium alloy contg., made with, 1,248, 648 —, copper made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1 163,286 ; 1,207,248 —, copper(ous) chloride made with, 1,207,243 —,cyanogen made with catalyst contg., 1 806,862 — _ cyanides made with, 1,206,155; 1,408,754 —,decolorizing with carbon and, 1,447, 461 —, dimethylerythrene vulcanized with, 1 320,166 —,dimethylerythrene vulcanization accelerator, 1 320,166 — electrolyte contg., 1,273,482 —,erythrene india rubber vulcanized with, 1 020,166 — -erythrene india rubber vulcanization ac- celerator, 1,320,166 —, ethyl alcohol made with, 1,284,739; 1,284,740 —,fertilizer made with, 1,126, ‘408 —, ’ fire extinguisher made with, 1,248,092 — ’ fireproofing made with, 1 248 092 —,formates made with, 1 206, 155 —., formation of, barium carbonate for, 1,318,258 —,—, carbon for, 1,318,258 —,— hydrocyanic ‘acid for, 1,352,176 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,318, 258 made with ammonia, oxidation of, liquor treated with, 671 Barium oxide, glass contg., 1,151,911; 1,305,793; 1,305,794 ; i 449,793; 1 513, 923 = glass compound made with, 1,143,885 —,gold made with, 1,144, 402 : 1 146,378 ; 1,163,286 —, gutta-percha vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —, gutta-percha vulcanization accelerator, 1 820,166 — , hydrocarbon, hydrogenation of, catalyst for made with, 1,152,765 = hydrogenation catalyst made with, 1,152,765 —, incendiary composition contg., 1 308, 463 —,indoxyl made with, 1,211 413: Re- 14 004 —, ink, lithographic, made with, 1,131 578 —} insulating composition conte.., 1,456 667 —, insulation, electric, made with, i 131, DfSy 1 ,196,505 —,—, heat, made with, 1,456,667 —, insulator, electric, made with, 1,148,885 —, intestines tanned with, 1,444 546 —, iron made with, 1,144 402 : 1,146,373 —,iron, zirconium alloy conte., made using, my ,248 648 — iron (ic) arsenate made with, 1,146,373 — ’ iron (ic) arsenite made with, 1,146, 373 — , iron (ic) oxide made with, 1, 146.373 —, isoprene vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —,isoprene vulcanization accelerator, 1,320,166 —,lamp oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for made with, 1 152 5765 —, lead made using, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —, leather, artificial, made with, 1,334,297 —, ’ leatheroid contg., 1,334,297 — light transforming composition made with, 1 196,144 —, lithium sulfate made with, 1,126,408 —, manganese made with, 1 146, 373 —,Manganese, zirconium alloy contg., made with, 1,248,648 —, nifr. of, apparatus for, 1,133,392 —,—, barite for (1,112 721); Re-13, 924; 1,133,392 —,—, ’ barium azoimide for, 1,269, 520 —,— ’ barium carbonate for, 1 243, 190; 1,250,642 ; 1 305, 618; 1,326,332 —,—, barium carbonate, basic, 1 305, 618 —,—, barium nitrate for, 1,273,824; 1,305,618 —,—, barium sulfate for (L, 112 791) : Re-13, 924 ; 1 ieetges 392; 1,250,642 , calcium hydroxide for, 1,250,642 —, calcium oxide for, 1 250, 642 —,—, ’ carbon for vi 112 721) ; Re-13,924 ; 1,305,618; 1,326,332 —,—, carbon ‘dust for, 1,243,190 ,—, carbon monoxide for, 1,243,190 —,—, charcoal for, 1,326 332 —,—, coke, ‘oil, for, 1,326, 332. —, ’ coke, petroleum, for, 1,326,332 — ’ hydrazoic acid, barium salt of, 1,269,520 — ‘lamp black for, 1,326,332 effect of on, b) i | | ai? NG: nna? —,process for (1, 112 21); Re-13,924; 1,133,392; 1,243,190,; 1 250 642; 1,269,520; 1,326,332 —,—, soot for, 1,326,332 —,—, strontium carbonate, effect of on, 1,305,618- —, mercury made with, 1,146,373 672 Barium oxide, metal made with, 1,146,373 —, metal casting, closing pores in, 1 ,214,630 —, ‘N-methyl-aniline made with, 1,221,077 —, molded article made with, 1,146,299 —,naphthol made with, 1,274,961 —, nickel made with, 1,146,373 —,nickel, zirconium alloy contg., made with, 1,248,648 —, nitrogen made with, 1,207,567 —,nitrogen, fixation of using, 1,206,155; 1,501,760 —, oxidizing to peroxide, apparatus for, 1,349,417 —, paint made with, 1,131,578 —, paint, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,paper. fireproof sizing for, made with, 1,248,092 —,petroleum hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,152,765 —, phenol made with, 1,274,961 —, phenols made with, 1,274,961 —, phenol aldehyde condensate solvent contg., 1,146,299 —, phonograph record made with, 1,206,034 —, phosphoric acid made with, 1,126,408 using, 1,175,007 ; —,photo-electric cell made with, 1,376,604; 1,376,605 —,photo-electric cell comprising use _ of, 1,376,604; 1,376,605; 1,376,606 —, plastic made with, 1,146,299 —, plate, printing, made with, 1,146,299 —, potassium aluminate made with, 1,191,106 —,potassium aluminum sulfate made with, 1,126,408 —, potassium. carbonate treated with, 1,302,937 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,186,522; Re-14,773; 1,191,106; 1,224,454; 1,254,450; 1,254,451 —, potassium compounds made with, 1,224,454; 1,354,450; 1,854,451 —, potassium hydroxide made with, 1,302,937 —,potassium sulfate made with, 1,261,408; 1,302,937 —,quebracho tanning compound made with, 1,241,950 —, railway signal fuses made with, 1,180,488 —,reduction of, apparatus for, 1,178,390 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,173,390 —,—, process for, 1,173,390 —,—, producer gas for, 1,173,390 —,record phonograph made with, 1,146,299 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,381,863 —, resin oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,152,765 —,resinous material made with, 1,482,919 —, resorcinol made with, 1,274,961 —,—,vuleanization of, using, 1,203,241 —,rubber, artificial, vulcanized with, 1,820,166 —,—,—, vulcanization accelerator, 1,320,166 —,—, synthetic, vulcanized with, 1,320,166 —,—, —, vulcanization accelerator, 1,320, 166 —, rubber vulcanized with, 1,320, 166 —, ‘rubber vulcanization accelerator, 1,320,166 —, ‘rubidium sulfate made with, 1,126,408 —, shale oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for made with, 1,152,765 —, silicon made with, 1,518,872 “—, silver UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Barium oxide, silicon alloy made with, 1,518,872 made using, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,163,286 —,sodium aluminate made with, 1,191,106 —,sodium carbonate treated with, 1,302,937 —,sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, re- moval from of, using, 1,500,994 —,sodium chloride made with, 1,191,106 —, sodium hydroxide made with, 1,302, 937 —, sodium hydroxide, generating "powder contg., i 942,148 —, sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, re- moval of from, using, 1,500,994 —, sodium sulfate made with, 1,126,408; 1,302,937 —, starch, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, stone, artificial, contg., 1,456,667 —,sulfite waste liquor insolubilized with, 1,385,941 —, sulfuric acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made erie 1,489 497 --,— heat, generated by 1 303, 618 —, sulfurous acid, casting impervious to, made era 1,214,630 reaction of on, — , tanning compound made with, 1,241,950 . —, tantalum, zirconium alloy contg., made with, 1 ,248,648 —, thermionically active filaments 5 cates with, 1,419, 530 - Kez. Dut “ug 90 —, tile, anti-slipping, made with, 1451 1 662, —, tin "made with, 1,146,373 —, titanium, zirconium alloy contg., made with, i 248,648 — _ tungsten filaments prevented from, offsetting by, 1,363,162 —, varnish made 1,131,578 ; 1,482,919 —, varnish, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, vulcanization process using, 1,249, 180° —,water gas reaction, catalyst for, made with, 1 489, 497 with, 1,381,863 ; “ xylium,” composition of and, 1,175,422; ~ 4,175,493 —,zine made with, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; 1,163,286 —,zine sulfite made with, 1,198,241 —, zirconium alloy, aluminum in, made with, 1,248, 648 —,—, cobalt in, made with, 1,248,648 —,—, , columbium in, made with, 1,248,648 —,—, Iron in, made with, 1,248, 648 —,—, Manganese in, made with 1,248,648 —, — nickel in, made with, 1,248,648 —,—, tantalum in, made with, 1,248,648 —,—, titanium in, made with, 1,248,648 Barium oxychloride, billiard ball made with, 1,175,425 —,bone substitute made with, 1,175,425 —, brush back made with, 1,175,425 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,175,425 —,cement made with, 1,175,426 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,175,424 —,ivory substitute made with, 1,175,425 —,knife handle made with, 1,175,425 —,molded article made with, 1,175,425 —, plastic made with, 1,175,425; 1,175,426 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Barium oxychloride, shoe, rubber, mfr. of, last for, made with, 1,175,428 Barium palmitate, coating composition contg., 1,428,272 Barium perchlorate, dicyandiamidine perchlor- ate made with, 1,298,793 —,lamp, electric, tungsten filament, with, 1,240,700 —,match made with, 1,329,537 —,match heads contg., 1,329,537 —,primer made with, 1,174,669; 1,308,394; 1,311,872; 1,312,156 —,priming charge contg., 1,308,393 —,pyrotechnic composition ingredient, 1,423,264 Barium permanganate, battery, dry, depolarizer for, made with, 1,232,904 —,calcium permanganate made with, 1,453,562 —,iron, rust-proofing of using, 1,287,605 —,manganese(ous) permanagnate H.Mn(Mn.0,), made with, 1,232,904 —,—, (MnO)2.Mn:0;, made with, 1,232,904 —,—,(MnO):.Mn.0:7, made with, 1,232,904 —, mfr. of, 1,453,562 —,—,acids for, 1,453,562 —,—, air. for, 1,318,891 —,—, apparatus for, 1,318,891 —,—,barium carbonate for, 1,318,891 —,—, barium hydroxide for, 1,318,891 —, barium manganate for, 1,453,562 —,bromine for, 1,453,562 —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,453,562 —,—,chlorine for, 1,453,562 —,—, manganese dioxide for, 1,318,891 —,—,nitrie acid for, 1,453,562 ,—, ozone for, 1,453,562 —,—,process for, 1,318,891; 1,453,562 —,—,sulfuric acid, for, 1,453,562 —, permanganic acid prepared with, 1,368,076 + residues from, battery, contg., 1,402,285 —,rust-proofing compound contg., 1,291,352 —,sodium permanganate made with, 1,368,076 —, zine sulfate, cobalt, removal of from, made with, 1,283,077 Barium peroxide, air purified with, 1,379,221 —,explosive contg., 1,350,465 —,formation of, barium hydroxide 1,316,133 —, hydrogen peroxide from carbon dioxide and, 1,879,221 —,mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,349,417 —,nickel oxide oxidized by, 1,371,746 —,primer contg., 1,311,872 —,priming charge contg., 1,308,393 —,see also Barium dioxide Barium persulfate, battery, dry, made with, 1,147,753 —,—, storage, negative plate for, made with, 1,164,464 Barium phenolate, ammonia producing catalyst made with, 1,473,543 —,catalyst made with, 1,473,543 Barium phosphate, acid, rustproofing using, 1,167,966 —, barium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,formation of in hydrogen dioxide mifr., Aa made 1,184,316 ; — bf 5 b pI , for, 673 Barium phosphate, hydrogen dioxide made with, 1,210,651 —,iron, cleaner for, contg., 1,268,237 —,—,rustproot coating for, contg., 1,305,331 —,mfr. of, barium hydroxide for, 1,213,330 —,—,barium sulfide for, 1,213,330 —,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,213,330 —,—,process for, 1,213,330 —-,metal, cleaner for, contg., 1,268,237 —,paint made with, 1,213,330 —,phosphoric acid made with, 1,511,929 —, pigment made with, 1,213,330 —,steel, cleaner for, contg., 1,268,237 —, (basic), formation in hydrogen dioxide mfr., 1,398 468 =o) (BaklPO,); 1,273,824 —,—, mfr. of, barium dioxide for, 1,273,824 —,—,—, barium phosphate (Ba(H2PO,)2, for, 1,273,824 =~, nitric acid: for,’ 1,273,824 —,—,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,273,824 —,—,—, process for, 1,273,824 —,(Ba(H.PO,):), barium nitrate made with, 1,273,824 —,—, barium phosphate Ba(HPO.), made with, — 1,273,824 —,—, hydrogen dioxide made with, 1,273,824 —,(BasP.0s), pigment contg., 1,220,973 Barium platinum-potassium cyanide, see Platinum-barium-potassium cyanide Barium radium chloride, bath salts made with, 1,189,653 —,see also Radium barium chloride Barium radium compounds, decomposition of, sodium carbonate for, 1,399,246 Barium radium sulfate, see Barium sulfate —,see also Radium sulfate Barium resinate, audion, electron emitting cathode for, made with, 1,209,324 —,audion filament contg., 1,453,267 —,coating composition contg., 1,428,272 —,explosive contg., 1,473,257 Barium ricinoleate, cement 1,189,550 —,coating composition made with, 1,189,550; 1,189,551 —,concrete, coating composition for, made with, 1,189,550; 1,189,551 Barium saccharate, barium carbonate made with, 1,247,510; 1,460,180 —, formation of, 1,460,180 Barium salt, barium manganate made with, 1,453 562 —,barium tungstate from, 1,335,277 —,battery, storage, separator for, made with, 1,228,368 —,bleaching process using, 1,155,101; 1,155,102 —,catalyst promoter, ammonia made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,cement contg., 1,456,667 —, citric acid made with, 1,166,674 —,color lake made with, 1,157,525 —, cyanogen compound made with, 1,321,459 —., dyesttff recovered using, 1,303,426 —, electrolysis of, cell for, 1,396,919 barium nitrate made with, paint contg., G74. Barium salt, fat, saponification of, compound for, made with, 1,170,468 —, felt made with, 1,213,403 —, filler made with, 1,242,480 —,d-fructose made with, 1,166,674 —,fur, secreting of, using, 1,213,403 —, d-glucose made with, 1,166,674 —,glue, vegetable, made with, 1,357,310 —,glycerol made with, 1,170,468 —, hair, secreting of, using, 1,213,403 —,ink, printing, made with 1,157,525 —,insulating composition contg., 1,456,667 —, insulation, heat, made with, 1,456,667 —,lake made with, 1,445,331 —,metaldehyde made with, 1,432,387 —,2-naphthol-3.6-disulfonic acid, 2-naphthol- 6.8-disulfonic acid, separation from of, using, 1,494,096 —,2-naphthol-6.8-disulfonic acid, 2-naphthol- 3.6-disulfonic acid, separation of from using, 1,494,096 —,—, 2-naphthol-6-sulfonic acid, separation of from using, 1,494,096 —,2-naphthol-6-sulfonie acid, 2-naphthol-6.8- disulfonic acid, separation from of using, 1,494,096 —,nitrates made with, 1,485,706 —, nitrogen oxides made with, 1,485,706 —,oil, saponification of, compound for, made with, 1,170,468 —,paint made with, 1,157,525; 1,242,480 —, paper made with, 1,242,480 —,phosphorus reserve compound of green plants, mfr. of, 1,313,014 —,pigment made with, 1,157,525; 1,242,480 —, potassium bitartrate.made with, 1,278,257 —,quebracho tanning compound made with, 1,241,950 —,rat poison made with, 1,506,575 —,sodium cyanamide made with, 1,160,811 —,sodium cyanide made with, 1,160,811 —,stone, artificial, contg., 1,456,667 —, sucrose made with, 1,166,674 —,sugar, invert, made with, 1,166,674 —,sulfonated mineral oil, mfr. of, 1,301,662; 1,301,663 —,sulfuric acid in titanium hydroxide neutral- ized with, 1,361,866; 1,361,867 —,syrup made with, 1,166,674 —, tanning compound made with, 1,241,950 —,ureid of aminonaphthol compound, 1,308,071 —,water, purification of using, 1,199,098; 1,199,099 —,water softener contg., 1,162,024 Barium silicate, ammonia from, mfr. of, 1,453,210 —, barium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,barium chloride made with, 1,495,893 —,battery, storage, separator for, made with, 1,495,568 —,glass composition contg., 1,415,980 —, potassium hydroxide made with, 1,440,211 —,sodium hydroxide made with, 1,440,211 —,sodium sulfate, action of on, 1,440,211 —, (di-basic), alkali silicate made with, 1,463,037 —,—, barium carbonate made with, 1,463,037 1,169,258 ; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Barium silicate, (di-basic), barium sulfate made with, 1,463,037 —,—, mfr. of, barium carbonate for, 1,463,037 —,—,—, barium sulfate for, 1,463,037 —,—,—,carbon for, 1,463,037 —,—,—, silicon dioxide for, 1,463,037 —,—,—,sodium silicate made with, 1,463,037 —,(mono-basic), alkali silicate made with, 1,463,037 —,—, barium carbonate made with, 1,463,037 —,—, barium sulfate made with, 1,463,037 —,—,mfr. of, barium carbonate for, 1,463,037 —,—,—, barium sulfate for, 1,463,037 —,—,—, carbon for, 1,463,037 —,—,—,silicon dioxide for, 1,463,037 —,—,sodium silicate made with, 1,463,037 —,(tri-basic), alkali silicate made with, 1,463,037 —,—, barium carbonate made with, 1,463,037 —,—, barium sulfate made with, 1,463,037 —,—, mfr. of, barium carbonate for, 1,463,037 —,—,—, barium sulfate for, 1,463,037 —,—,—, carbon for, 1,463,037 —,—,—, silicon dioxide for, 1,463,037 —,—, sodium silicate made with, 1,463,037 —,(BaSiO;), barium hydroxide made with, 1,247,510; 1,490,769 —,—,barium silicate (BaSiO.), made with, 1,247,510; 1,440,211; 1,490,769 —,—,—, (BasSiOs), made with, 1,490,769 —,—,mfr. of, barium carbonate for, 1,247,510 1,440,211; —,—,—,barium silicate (Ba»SiO.), for, 1,247,510; 1,490,769 sere: al MRNA 05> (BasSi0s), for, 1,490,769 —,—,—, process for, 1,247,510; 1,490,769 —,—,—, silica for 1,247,510 —,—,—, water for, 1,247,510‘; 1,490,769 —,(Ba.SiO.), alkali cyanide made _ with, 1,501,840 —,—, ammonia made with, 1,501,840 —,—, barium cyanide made with, 1,501,840 —,—,barium hydroxide made with, 1,247,510; 1,490,769 —_,—,barium silicate (BaSiO;), made with, 1,247,510; 1,490,769 —,—,mfr. of, barium carbonate for, 1,247,510; 1,490,769 —,—,—,barium silicate | (BaSiOs), _ for, 1,247,510; 1,440,211; 1,490,769 —,—,—, barium sulfate for, 1,440,211 —,—\—,carbon for, 1,440,211 —.,—,—,process for, 1,247,510; 1,440,211; 1,490,769 —,—,silica for, 1,247,510; 1,490,769 —,—, potassium hydroxide made with, 1,440,211 —,—,sodium hydroxide made with, 1,440,211 —, (Ba:SiO;), barium hydroxide made with, 1,490,769 —,—,barium silicate (BaSiOs), made with, 1,490,769 —,—,mfr. of, barium carbonate for, 1,490,769 —,-/, barium, silicate (BaSiO:), for, 1,440,211; 1,490,769 —,—,—, barium sulfate for, 1,440,211 —,—,—, carbon for, 1,440,211 —,—,—, process for, 1,440,211; 1,490,769 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Barium silicate, (BasSiOs), mfr. of, silica for, 1,490,769 —,—, potassium hydroxide made with, 1,440,211 —,—, sodium hydroxide made with, 1,440,211 Barium stlico-fluoride, see Barium fluosilicate Barium sludge sulfonate, mfr. of, process for, 1,301,662; 1,301,668 ; 1,303,779 ; 1,330,624 Barium soap, coating composition contg., 1,428,272 Barium stannofluoride, glass made with, 1,419,032 Barium. stearate, carbon-paper made with, 1,292,404 —,coating composition contg., 1,428,272 —, mfr. of, barium chloride for, 1,292,404 —,—, oil for, 1,292,404 —,—, stearin for, 1,292,404 Barium sulfate, adhesive made with, 1,389,084 —,airplane fabric mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —,alkali bicarbonate, treatment with of, 1,471,751 —,alkali carbonate, treatment with, of 1,471,751 —, alkali earth bicarbonate, treatment with of, 1,471,751 —,alkali earth carbonate, treatment with of, 1,471,751 —, alkali earth hydroxide made with, 1,160,847 —,alkali earth hydroxide, treatment with of, 1,471,751 —,alkali hydroxide made with, 1,160,847 —,alkali hydroxide, treatment with of, 1 471,751 aa aluminum article, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223,458 —, aluminum nitride made with, 1,268,240 —, aluminum. potassium sulfate made with, 1 ,296,457 — , antimony sulfide f 415,127 —, anti-smearing composition for ink contg., 1,439,623 —, asbestos impregnated, mfr. of, barium hy- droxide for, 1,262,228 —,—,—, process for, 1,262,228 —,—,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,262,228 —, Bakelite contg., 1,259,806 —,barium cetyl-salicylate made with, 1 ,217,862 =, barium aluminate made with, 1,240,751; 1,240, 572 —,barium carbonate made with, 1,191,106; 1 247,510 1,444,623 —, barium chloride made with, 1,133,392; 1,146,491; 1,167,061; 1,279,090; 1,360,312; 1 ‘495 '893 —, barium chloride from carbonyl! chloride and, 1 ,360,312 —, barium compounds made with, 1,428,646 —, barium fluoride made with, 1, 194, 344 —, ’ barium hydroxide made with, 1,133,392 1,250 642 —, barium nitrate made with, 1,133,392; 1,285,824 —, barium oxide made with, (1,112,721); Re-13,924; 1,133,892; 1,250,642 co-precipitated with, 675 Barium sulfate, barium silicate made with, 1,440,211 —,barium silicate (BaSiO.), made with, 1,440,211 —,—, ein made with, 1,440,211 —,—, (di-basic), made with, 1,463,037 —,—, (mono-basic), made with, 1,463, 037 —,—, (tri-basic), made with, 1,463, 037 —, barium sulfide made with, ral IZ 2b)% Re-13,924 ; 1,167,061; 1,284,739 ; 1,284,740 ; 1,267,347; 1,399,500; 1,434,693; 1,443,077; 1,444,623; 1,455,963; 1,457,486; 1,492,810; 1,495,187; 1,511,929 —, belt. made with, 1,163,417 — ’ bleaching of, hydrochloric acid for, 1,458,461 —,—, process for, 1,452,315 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,458,461 —, boat mending composition made 1,389,084 —, bottle cap made with, 1,351,438 —, brass article, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223 458 with, —,battery, storage, electrode made _ with, 1,182,513 —,—,—,negative plate for, made _ with, 1,164,464 —,—,—,separator for, made with, 1,228,368; 1 495 568 —,—, made'. of eh, 1 262, 228 —,—,; made of wood impregnated with, ry 262, 298 —, bronze castings, 1 214,630 — calcium bisulfite, castings impervious to, made with, 1,214 630 —, calelum sulfate made with, 1,146,491 —,caoutchouc composition contg., 1,437,487 —,carbon dioxide made with, 1,360,312 —,cardboard coated with, 1,273,673 —,cartridge shell, paper, made with, 1,158,024 —,case-hardening composition contg., 1,286,061 —, catalysts contg., 1,426,629 —,catalyst, hydrogenation, made 1 172,062; 1,222,660; 1,482,740 —,—, nickel as, made with, 1 172, 062; 1,482,740 — ‘catalyst carrier, citronellal made with, 1 210,681 —,—, citronellic acid made with, 1,210,681 —,—, ’ citronellol made with, 1,210, 681 _’_3.7-dimethyl-caprylaldehyde made with, 1,210,681 —, —, 3.7-dimethyl-caprylic 1,210,681 —, —, Bae dimethyl-A°-3- octanol made with, 1 210 681 —,—, ee dimethy]-1-octanol pe with, 1 210, 681 —,—, a7. dimethyl-3-octanol made with, 1, 210 681 —, celluloid made with, 1,259,806 —,cement made with, 1,336, 178; 1,507,379 —,cement, aromatic, ‘contg., 1,455, 598 —,— _glass- to-metal, contg., 1 132, 721 —, —, Portland, “made with, 1 194, 344 —, ’ chloride made with, 1 160 847 — cleaner, metal, contg., 1,471,466 asbestos impregnated closing pores in, using, with, acid made with, 676 Barium sulfate, cleaning compound contg., 1,266,713 —,cloth coated with, 1,273,673 —, coating for material contg., 1,304,071 —,coating composition made with, 1,196,276 —,collar waterproofing composition contg., 1,453,764 —, colloidal, flotation with, 1,446,376; 1,446,377 —,—, preparing of, 1,409,648 —,—,rubber composition contg., 1,301,693 —,colloidal solution of, mfr. of, process for, 1,189,696 - —,—,preparing, 1,429,876 —,color lake made with, 1,157,525; 1,358,007 —,coloring matter made with, 1,173,330 —,concrete, acid-proofing of, using, 1,495,138 —,—, bonding of, using, 1,495,138 —,—,oil-proofing of, using, 1,495,138 —,—, waterproofing of, using, 1,495,138 —,container made with, 1,163,417 —,container, metal, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223,458 —,copper article, filling for Joints of, made with, 1,223,458 —, copying pad contg., 1,348,812 —,decolorizing with carbon and, 1,447,461 | —,decomposing with heat, compressed air and alkali acid salt, 1,864,804 —,dental cement made with, 1,507,379 —, dissolving, 1,378,485 —,—,sodium chloride, fused, for, 1,388,285 —,dissolving with heat, compressed air and alkali acid salt, 1,364,804 —,dye made with, 1,173,330 —,dye'precipitated using, 1,303,426 —,dyestuff recovered using, 1,303,426 —,electrode, arc-light, made with, 1,134,148; 1,148,183; 1,148,184; 1,239,810; 1.244,359 —,electrolyte contg., 1,291,310 —,enamel, plastic, contg., 1,389,084 —, fabric, printing composition for, made with, 1,173,330 —,filler for aldehyde 1,877,519 —, film, photographic, made with, 1,507,174 —,—,—, X-ray, made with, 1,479,939 —,fish oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,222,660 —, flooring made with, 1,336,178 —, formation of, 1,348,918; 1,406,197; 1,427,826; 1,432,387; 1,434,693 —,—, barium chloride for, 1,303,426 —,—,magnesium sulfate for, 1,303,426 —, formation in hydrogen dioxide mfr., 1,398,468 —,formation from zinc sulfate and barium sul- fide, 1,356,387 —,glass made with, 1,192,048; 1,488,915 —,glass, etching of, paste for, contg., 1,471,466 —,—, translucent, made with, 1,192,048 —,glass etching compound contg., 1,266,713 —, heater, chemical, made with, 1,506,323 —,—, electric, made with, 1,507,379 —, hydrogen made with, 1,506,323 —, hydrogenation, catalyst for, 1,172,062; 1,222,660; 1,482,740 —,hydrogen dioxide, decomposition of by, 1,139,774 phenol condensate, made _ with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 ‘Barium sulfate, index of refraction of, 1,348,129 —,ink made with, 1,210,400; 1,286,916; 1,309,292; 1.369.252 —,ink, mimeograph, made with, 1,226,884; 1,381,648 —,—, printing, made with, 1,157,525; 1,283,455; 1,439,623 —,—, stencil, made with, 1,515,123 —, insecticide contg., 1,390,088 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1,183,423; 1,183,640; 1,295,356; 1,336,178; 1,398,143 : —,—, heat, made with, 1,836,178 —, intestines tanned with, 1,444,548 —, iron, galvanized, article, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223,458 —,lake made with, 1,232,551; 1,358,007 ; 1,869,252; 1,445,831 —,lake base, 1,481,081 —,leather made with, 1,444,548 —, leather coated with, 1,273,673 —, leather colored white with, 1,334,216 —, leather substitute made with, 1,163,417 —,leather treated with compound contg., 1,265,648 ; —,linolic acid, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,222,660 —,lithopone made with, 1,139,427; 1,399,500; 1,411,839; 1,478,347; 1,480,807; 1,489,790 1,232,552; —,lithopone ingredient, 1,399,500; 1,411,645; 1,411,648; 1,414,793; 1,425,436; 1,425,437; 1,446,637 —,lithopone pigment contg., 1,356,387 —,mfr. of, alunite for, 1,191,106; 1,274,145 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,274,145 —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1,303,426 —,—,apparatus for, 1,494,674 —,—,barite for, 1,494,674 —,—, barium carbonate for, 1,310,384 —,barium chloride for, 1,146,491; 1,165,693 —,barium dioxide for, 1,216,338; 1,235,664 ,—, barium fluoride for, 1,244,859 —,—, barium hydroxide for, 1,191,106; 1,247,510 —,—, barium oxide for, 1,191,106 —,—, barium nitrate for, 1,303,426 —,—, barium silicate (di-basic), for, 1,463,037 —,—,—, (mono-basic), for, 1,463,037 —,—,—, (tri-basic) for, 1,463,037 —,—,barium sulfide for, 1,256,593; 1,468,867 —,—,calcium sulfate for, 1,146,491 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,235,664 —,—,carnotite for, 1,181,411; 1,240,607 9 >) 1,194,669 ; .—,—, carnotite, yellow, for, 1,126,182 —,—,carnotite ore for, 1,126,182 —,—,cerium sulfate for, 1,244,359 —,—,coal for, 1,494,674 1,194,669; 1,240,607; —,—,nitric acid for, 1,181,411; 1,194,669; 1,240,607; 1,274,145 —,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,235,664 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,274,145 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Barium sulfate, mfr. of, praeseodymium sulfate for, 1,244,359 —,—, process for, 1,126,182; 1,129,029; 1,146,491 ; 1,181,411; 1,191,106; 1,194,669; 1,198,241; 1,216,338; 1,235,664; 1,240,607; + 1,244,359; 1,247,510; 1,274,145; 1,457,934; 1,457,935; 1,468,867 —,—,radium ore for, 1,194,669 — —,rare earth sulfate for, 1,244,359 —,—, salt cake for, 1,194,669 —,—,samarskite for, 1,181,411; 1,240,607 —,—,sodium bisulfate for, 1,194,669; 1,240,607 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,126,182 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,126,182 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,165,693; 1,247,510; 1,303,426; 1,468,867 —,—,sodium sulfide for, 1,468,867 1,194,669 ; —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,126,182; 1,165,693; 1,181,411; 1,194,669; 1,216,338; 1,235,664 ; 1,240,607; 1,274,145 —,—, sulfurous acid for, 1,126,182; 1,240,607 —,—, yttrium sulfate for, 1,244,359 —,—,see also Lithopone, mfr. of _—, material coated with, 1,273,673 ‘—,mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —, metal article, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223,458 —, metal 1,214,630 —, metal polish contg., 1,266,713 casting, closing pores in, using, —,mimeograph inks contg., properties of, 1,381,648 —,molded article made with, 1,295,356: 1,398,143 —,motion picture screen made with, 1,231,727 —,natural, purifying, 1,456,949 —,nickel, catalyst, made with, 1,426,629; 1,482,740 —,oleic acid, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,222,660 —, oxygen made with, 1,133,392 —,paint made with, 1,157,525; 1,202,847; 1,213,330; 1,216,980; 1,286,916; 1,292,907; 1,292,908; 1,369,252; 1,385,033; 1,385,034; —,paint, bituminous, contg., 1,292,908 —,—, flat, made with, 1,173,183 —,—, luminous, made with, 1,237,368 —,—, oil color, made with, 1,483,739 —, paint contg. pitch and, 1,355,102 —,paint pigment made with, 1,430,881; 1,430,882; 1,460,699 —, paper made with, 1,161,696; 1,228,580 —, paper, artificial, made with, 1,260,448 —,—, coated, made with, 1,125,232; 1,147,996, 1,260,448 ; 1,265,357 —,—,—,dull finish, made with, 1,216,338 —,—, etchable coating for, made with, 1,265,357 —,—, glazed, made with, 1,209,222 —,—, lithographers, made with, 1,141,951 ,—, photographic, made with, 1,504,150 —,—,—, marking of, using, 1,210,400 —, paper coated with, 1,273,673 —, paper loaded with, dynamite cartridges of, 1,440,994 1,172,062 ; 1,173,330 ; 1,216,981 ; 1,296,776 ; 1,450,688 1,292,907 ; 1,314,565 ; 677 Barium sulfate, paper filler contg., 1,261,135 —, paper tube, waterproof, made with, 1,158,024 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,146,388; 1,197,171; 1,255,500 —, phenol aldehyde condensate, composition of, contg., 1,259,472; 1,259,473 —,—, compound of and, 1,133,083 —,phenol aldehyde condensate printing plate contg., 1,398,142 —,phenol-furaldehyde condensate made with, 1,377,519 —, phonograph record of phenol aldehyde con- densate contg., 1,398,144; 1,398,145 —, phosphoric acid made with, 1,511,929 —,pigment made with, 1,139,427; 1,155,462; Re-14,289; 1,157,525; 1,166,808; 1,169,253; 1,213,330; 1,216,980; 1,216,981; 1,220,973; 1,236,655; 1,240,405; 1,286,916; 1,399,506; 1,411,839; 1,427,826; 1,468,867; 1,504,672; 1,504,673 —,pigment of titanium compounds and, 1,396,924 —,pigment of titanium hydroxide and, 1,361,866; 1,361,867 ; —, pigment of titanium oxide and, 1,409,648 —,pipe mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —,plastic made with, 1,259,806; 1,295,356; 1,299,798; 1,889,084; 1,468,608; 1,468,609; 1,507,379 —, plastic composition contg., 1,446,039 —, polish, metal, contg., 1,471,466 —, porcelain made with, 1,507,379 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,194,344 —, potassium compound made with, 1,194,344 —,potassium sulfate made with, 1,194,344; 1,296,457 _ —, precipitating, 1,457,934; 1,457,935 —, precipitating in leather fibres, 1,334,216 —, preparing 1,460,699 —,—,sodium sulfate and barium sulfide for, 1,409,648 —, printing plate made with, 1,377,519 —, printing plate matrix made with, 1,398,142 —, printing sulfate made with, 1,398,142 —, purifying, 1,452,315 —,—,sodium chloride, nitrates and carbonates for, 1,388,285 —,quebracho tanning compound made with, 1,241,950 —,radio-active solutions made with, 1,236,213 —,radium compound made with, 1,154,230 —, radium compound, separation of from, proc- ess for, 1,154,280 —,radium sulfate, prevented from dissolving by use of, 1,286,213 —,—,separation from of, process for, 1,154,231 —,record phonograph, made with, 1,146,388; 1,230,816; 1,255,500; 1,295,356; 1,398,147 ; 1,440,097; 1,468,608; 1,468,609 —,—,sound reproducing, made with, 1,398,144 —,reducing, coal for, 1,399,500 —, rendering soluble of, process for, 1,471,751 —,reproduction composition made _ with, 1,386,995" —, resistance, electric, made with, 1,507,379 678 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Barium sulfate, ricinoleic acid, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,222,660 —,rubber contg., 1,259,806 —, —, light sensitive properties of, 1,309,703 =, ’ rubber, vulcanization of using, 1,468, 867 — rubber article made with, 1 ATS, 576 — ’ rubber composition contg., 1 326, 319 —, rubber mending composition ‘made with, 1,389,084 —,rubber patch made with, 1,478,576 —,rubber product made with, 1,247,257 —,separating from iron oxide, 1,456,949 —,separation from carnotite, 1,292,341 —, shellac contg., 1,259,806 —,ship hull covering made with, 1,163,417 —, shoe, box toe for, made with, 1,196,276 —,sodium bicarbonate, treatment with of, 1,471,751 —,sodium hydroxide, treatment with of, 1,471,751 —, sodium silicate made with, 1,279,090 —, sodium sulfate for formation of from barium permanganate, 1,368,076 —,solvent for, sulfuric acid as, 1,216,338 —, soya bean oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,222,660 —,spray contg., 1,884,304 —,stencil made with, 1,238,906; 1,289,725 —, stone, artificial, made with, 1,336,178 —,sulfur made with, 1,167,061; 1,240,571 —,sulfur dioxide for (1,112,721); Re-13,924; 1,133,392 —, sulfuric acid for purification of, 1,452,315 —,sulfurous acid, castings impervious to, made with, 1,214,630 —, sulfur trioxide made Re-13,924 ; 1,360,312 —, tanning compound made with, 1,241,950 —,teeth, artificial, mending composition for, made with, 1,389,084 —, tent material made with, 1,163,417 —,thyroid product mfr., formation of in, 1,392,768 —,tin article, filling for joints of, made with, 1,223,458 —, titanium complex precipitated upon, 1,402,256 —., titanium oxide pigment made with, 1,504,672; 1,504,673 —,titanium(ic) oxide 1,223,307 5 | 1,223,008 —, titanium pigment contg., 1,843,441; 1,429,841 —, transposing with heat, compressed air and alkali acid salt, 1,364,804 —, treatment of, alkali bisulfate for, 1,864,804 —,—, alkali earth bisulfate for, 1,364,804 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,364,804; 1,378,485 —,—, iron(ic) sulfate for, 1,364,804 —,—, nitric acid for, 1,364 804; 1,378,485 —,—, process for, 1 364, 804; 1 378, ‘485 —,—, sodium bisulfate for, ‘ 364 804 1,154,231; with (1,122,721) ; pigment made with, —,sodium bisulfite for, 1,364 804 —; sodium chloride for, iq 364 804 —,—, ’ sodium pyrosulfate for, 1,364,804 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,364,804; 1,378,485 Barium sulfate, varnish, bituminous, 1,292,907 ; 1,292,908 —,vuleanite substitute made with, 1,468,222 —, "water, purification of, using, 1,199,098; if ,199, 099 —, water gas made with, 1,506,323 —, ’ waterproofing made with, 1,389,084 —, waterproofing process using, 1,453,764 —,wells sealed with, 1,421,706 —,white paint of coumaron resin and, mfr. of, 1,451,092 —, wood impregnated with, mfr. of, barium hy- droxide for, 1,262,228 —,—,—, process for, 1,262,228 —,—,—,sulfurie acid for, 1,262,228 —, wood work mending composition made with, 1,389,084 —,zinc ore contg., barium hydroxide made with, 1,238,242 —,—, zine sulfide made with, 1,238,242 —,zinc sulfide, mixture of and, see Lithopone —,zine sulfide pigment contg., 1,443,077 —,see also Barite; Barytes; Blane fixe; HT eavy Spar; Pigment Barium sulfhydrate, barium carbonate made with, 1,247,510 —, barium nitrate made with, 1,285,824 —, fertilizer made with, 1,188,898 —,see also Bartum hydrosulfide contg., Barium sulfide, ammonia recovered with, 1,378,593 —,ammonium bicarbonate, action of on, 1,378,595 —,ammonium chloride, action of on, 1,378,594; 1,378,595 —,antimony precipitated with, 1,434,693 —,antimony sulfide prepared with, 1,415, 127 —,arsenic precipitated with, 1,434, 693 —, ’ barium benzenesulfonate from, . 301,909 —,barium carbonate made with, 1 247, 510; 1 284,739; 1,284,740; 1,378,595; 1 444 623 —, bariuns ‘carbonate from by action of carbon dioxide, 1,346,287 —,barium chloride made _ with, 1,167,061; 1,878,594; 1,495,893 —,barium hydroxide made with, 1,238,242; 1,316,133; 1,460,180 —,barium nitrate made with, 1,285.824; 1,321,013; 1,427,441 —,barium phosphate made with, 1,213,330 —,barium sulfate made with, 1,256,593; 1,409,648; 1,457,934; 1,457,935; 1,468,867 —,battery, electric, contg., 1,316,760 —,cadmium precipitated with, 1,434,693 —, cellulose sulfite liquor treated with, 1,284,739; 1,284,740 —,ethyl alcohol 1,284,739 ; 1,284 740 —, fertilizer made with, 1,188,898 — ' fireproofing using, 1,346, 287 —, fireproofing wood by, 1,346,287 —,formation of, process for, 1,406,197; 1,455,963 —,germicide contg., 1,348,034 —, insecticide contg., 1,343,034 made with, 1,183,172; INDEX OF Barium sulfide, light transforming composition made with, 1,196,144 —,lithopone made with, 1,139,427; 1,140,354; 1,142,795; 1,256,593; 1,259,708; 1,260,811; 1,260,812; 1,301,909; 1,356,387; 1,395,811; 1,399,500; 1,411,645; 1,411,646; 1,411,647; 1,411,648; 1,414,793; 1,425,486; 1,425,487; 1,427,826; 1,446,637; 1,455,963; 1,474,766; 1,478,347; 1,480,807; 1,486,077; 1,494,674 —,lithopone alkalinity controlled with, 1,446,637 —,lithopone pigment made with, 1,356,387 —,luminous composition contg., 1,407,534 —,mfr. of, acetylene for, 1,495,187 —,—,apparatus for, 1,267,347; 1,495,187 bare. ior, ° (1,112,721); Re-13,924; 1,167,061; 1,495,187; 1,511,929 —, —, barium sulfate for, (112,721); Re-13,924; 1,167,061; 1,267,247; 1,284,729; 1.284,740;' 1,444,623; 1,492,810; 1,495,187; 1,511,929 maeveatbon) for, | (1,112,721); Re-13,924 ; 1,167,061; 1,495,187 —,—,coal for, 1,284,739; 1,284,740; 1,495,187 ; 1,511,929 —,—,coal tar pitch for, 1,267,347 —,—,coke for, 1,267,347 —,—,coke oven gas for, 1,495,187 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,495,187 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,495,187 —,—,methane for, 1,495,187 —,—,natural gas for, 1,495,187 —,—,nitrogen for, 1,495,187 —,—,oil gas for, 1,495,187 —,oil, mineral, for, 1,495,187 —,process for, (1,112,721); Re-13,924 ; 1,167,061; 1,267,347; 1,428,646; 1,443,077 ; 1,457,436; 1,492,810; 1,494,674; 1,495,187; 1,511,929 —,—,producer gas for, 1,495,187 -—,—, tar for, 1,267,347; 1,495,187 —,—,tar distillate for, 1,495,187 —,—,water gas for, 1,495,187 —, motion picture screen made with, 1,166,569 —,nitric acid fixed by, 1,427,441 —,ocher substitute made with, 1,175,751 —,paint made with, 1,213,330; 1,405,109 —,paint pigment made with, 1,413,565 —, paper, rubber-latex, made with, 1,497,146 —,phenol made with, 1,301,909 —, phosphoric acid made with, 1,511,929 —,pigment made with, 1,175,751; 1,205,144; 1.213,330: 1,220,973; 1,234,260; 1,240,405; 1,399,506 —,preparation of, 1,434,693 —,purification of, calcium 1,256,593 —,—, carbonate for, 1,256,593 —,—, manganese dioxide for, 1,256,593 —,—, metal oxide for, 1,256,593 —,—, process for, 1,256,593 —,shingle, fireproofing of, using, 1,346,287 —,sodium chloride purified with, 1,475,563 —,sodium sulfide made with, 1,213,330 —, sulfite made with, 1,262,295 —,sulfur made with, 1,167,061; 1,262,295 —,sulfur and, disinfectant contg., 1,457 ,652 carbonate for, SUBJECTS 679 Barium sulfide, sulfur and, fungicide contg., 1,457,652 —,—, insecticide contg., 1,457,652 ‘—,thionate made with, 1,262,295 —, thiosulfate made with, 1,262,295 —,titanium(ic) oxide pigment made with, 1,223,357; 1,223,358 —,wood, fireproofing of, using, 1,846,287 —,zine sulfate removed from lithopone with, 1,260,811; 1,260,812 —, zine sulfate solutions purified with, 1,427,826 —,zine sulfide made with, 1,238,242; 1,347 ,435 ; 1,460,699 —,see also Barium hydrosulfide Barium sulfite, barium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,barium chloride made with, 1,495,893 —,formation of, 1,406,197 —,zine sulfite made with, 1,198,241 Barium tartrate, ammonia producing catalyst made with, 1,473,543 —,brass, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,catalyst made with, 1,473,548 —,copper, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,electrolyte for, etching contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,nickel, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —, steel, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839 ; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —., zine, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,814,842 Barium tetrasulfide, lithopone 1,480,807 Barium thallium fluoride, lamp, incandescent, made with, 1,166,464 Barium thiocyanate, explosive contg., 1,350,465 Barium thiosilicate, light transforming compo- sition made with, 1,196,144 Barium thiosulfate, preparation of, 1,406,197 —, rubber vulcanized with, 1,406,197 —,sulfur liberated from, 1,406,197 Barium thyroxin compound, properties of, 1,392,768 Barium titanate, electrode, arc lamp, made with, 1,205,377; 1,240,628 -—,enamel, opaque, made with, 1,220,253 —,—, white, made with, 1,220,253 —, mir. of, 1,486,164 —, (Bas(TiO2)s), electrode, arc lamp, with, 1,164,728 Barium titanium pigment, mfr. of, 1,429,841 —-, primer contg., 1,312,156 Barium trinitroresorcinate, mfr. of, barium chloride for, 1,308,393 —,primer contg., 1,312,156 —-, priming charge contg., 1,308,393 Barium tungstate, alkali metal made with, 1,124,143 —,battery electrolyte contg., 1,416,738 —., catalyst, dehydrogenation, made 1,271,013 —,—, hydrogenation, made with, 1,271,013 —, catalyst promoter, 1,271,013 made with, made with, 680 Barium tungstate, fluorescent substance, com- pound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —,formation of, 1 335, 277 —— ’ hydrochloric ‘acid made with, 1,124,143 —, hydrogen made with, 1,124, 143 —, potassium made with, 1 124 4143 —,sodium made with, 1 124, 143 —, tungsten made with, 1,124,143 —, tungsten oxide (WO:), made with, 1,244,082 —, X-ray screen, compound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 Barium uranium fluoride, electrode, arc-lamp, made with, 1,244,358 Barium vanadate, production of, barium chlo- ride for, 1,165,693 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,165,693 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,165,693 Barium white, see Barium sulfate Barium yellow, see Barium chromate es Barium zirconate, arc-welding composition made with, 1,467,825 —, formation of, 1,467,825 Bark, acetic acid made with, 1,178,223 —,acetone made with, 1,202,317 —,alcohols made with, 1,202,317 —,aldechydes made with, 1,202,317 —,ammonia made with, 1,202,317 —, artificial, mfr. of, gelatin for, 1,407,950 —,blasting cartridge, liquid-air, _contg., 1,424,488 —,butyric acid made with, 1,178,223 —,calcium carbonate made with, 1,202,317 —,calcium hydroxide, treatment with of, 1,199,241 —,carbon, decolorizing, made with, 1,286,187 —,cardboard made with, 1,199,241 —, cellulose soda liquor, treatment of using, 1 187,779 —, cellulose sulfate liquor, treatment of, using, 1 137,779 —, cellulose sulfite liquor, treatment of, using, 1,137,779 —, cellulose sulfite liquor concentrated with, 1,315,889 —, cork recovery from, 1,455,762 —,ethyl alcoho] made with, 1,202,317 —,fatty acid made with, 1,178,223 —, fertilizer made with, 1 128 446: 1,440,836 —, ’ fiber board made with, 1 280, 400 —, “floor covering made with, 1 ‘497 ,028 —,formic acid made with, 1,178,223 —, gold made with, 1,234,426 —, heat insulating ‘material contg., 1,456,083 mee ; hydrocarbons made with, 1,202 317 —,imitation, composition for preparing, for- Banta) paper, glue, umber, earth, clay, 1,413,002 —,—,see also Molding composition, formula —, ketones made with, 1,202,317 —, methyl alcohol made with, 1,202,317 —, oxalic acid, treatment with of, 1,199,241 —, paper made with, 1,199,241 —, paper, see Tea-tree bark —, propionic acid made with, 1,178,223 —,resins made with, 1,202 B07 —, shoe polish made with, 1 189,445 —, silver made with, 1 234 426 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bark, soap, see Soap bark —,sodium hydroxide, 1,199,241 —,sugar in, 1,815,889 —, tannin in, 1,315,889 —,tea-tree, see Tea-tree bark —, ti-tree, see Tea-tree bark —, turpentine made with, 1,202,317 —,wall board contg., 1,466,246 —,waste liquor from treatment of, acetone made with, 1,487,456 —,—, methyl alcohol made with, 1,487,456 —,—, oil made with, 1,487,456 —,—,sodium acetate made with, 1,487,456 —, white ash, ammonium nitrate and, explosive of, 1,444,594 —,—, explosive contg., 1,444,594 Bark extract, boiler feed water treatment com- pound contg., 1,260,987 Bark liquor, battery, primary, made with, 1,505,656 Bark tanning, see Tan bark liquor Barley, acetic acid made with, 1,214,518 —,acetone made with, 1,427 595; i 510, 526 —, ’ alcohol made with, 1,227 374 —,ale made with, 1 214, 518: 1,237,724 —, animal food made with, a 188 678 —, ’ beer made with, 1,214 518: 1,237, 724 —, ’ beer, dealcoholized, made with, 1.271,269 treatment with of, — ’ beverage made with, 1,214, 518; 1,237,724; 1 414,557 —, butter substitute made with, 1,403,122 — ’ butyl alcohol made with, 1 5427 595 ; 1 010,526 —, cattle feed made with, 1,227,374; 1,477,964 —, ’ china grass, desizing of, using, 1 421 613 —, coffee bean substitute ‘made with, 1,400, 161 —,coffee substitute made with, 1 189, 125; 1 189,126; 1,189 dl; LES 1g2% 1.257.451; 1,348,999: 1.414557: 1,464,520 —, coffee substitute | extract made with, 1,163,759; 1,165,415; 1,177,037; 1,177,038; 1,198,393; 1,199,387; 1,204,032; 1,204,358 —conditioning of, apparatus for, 1,185,622; 1,185,623 —,—, process for, 1,185,622; 1,185,623 —,—, steam for, 1,185,622; 1,185,623 —,cotton, de-sizing of using, 1,421,613 — ; deflocculating material made with, 1,253,556 —,dextrinized, food made with, 1 125 692 — ’ diastase made with, 1,227, 525: 1,361 1238 ; i 361,239 —, diastase, amyloytic, made with, 1,227,525 —,—, proteolytic, made with, 1,227 25 —, disinfecting of, amino-butyric acid, mer- cury derivative ‘of, for, 1,485,021 —,—, calcium bicarbonate for, 1,485 021 —,—, ‘calcium carbonate for, 1,485 021 —, calcium hydroxide for, 1,485, 021 —,—, ‘ glycine, mercury derivative of, 1,485,021 —,—, mercury acetamide for, 1,485,021 —,—, mercury acylamides for, 1,485,021 —,—,mercury benzamide for, 1,485,021 —,—, mercury oleylamide for, 1,485,021 —,—, mercury phthalimide for, 1,485 021 —,—,mercury succinimide for, 1,485 021 for, oe vy kaw eis Rage INDEX OF Barley, disinfecting of, potassium bicarbonate for, 1,485,021 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,485,021 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,485,021 —,—, process for, 1,485,021 —,—,sodium bicarbonate for, 1,485,021 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,485,021 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,485,021 —,enzyme prepared with, 1,460,736 —,ethyl alcohol made with, 1,426,457; 1,510,526 —,fermenting, 1,357,647 —, flaking of, apparatus for, 1,212,205 —,—,process for, 1,212,205 —,—,steam for, 1,212,205 —, flour contg., 1,428,628 —,food made with, 1,125,692; 1,410,973 —, food, cattle, made with, 1,124,831 —,food product made with, 1,163,175; 1,211,126; 1,396,696; 1,420,661; 1,424,927; 1,479,418 —,fungi grown on, 1,391,219; 1,421,613 —,gelatinizing of, temperature of, 1,439,780 —, glucose made with, 1,227,374 —, graphite, deflocculated, made with, 1,253,556 +,ice cream made with, 1,134,777 —, lactic acid made with, 1,214,518 —,malted, bread made _ with, 1,262,506 —,—,“ grain wine” made with, 1,226,347 —,—,maltose made with, 1,214,160 —,—, yeast substitute made with, 1,226,347 —,malt extract made with, 1,391,159 —,malt substitute made with, 1,214,518 —, pearl, croppings, beer, coloring for, made with, 1,178,040 —,—,—,food product made with, 1,178,040 —,—, malted, producing, 1,400,160 —,—, mfr. of, 1,400,160 —,—, offal, beer wort made with, 1,178,039 —,—,—,food product made with, 1,178,039 —,Pinus Silvestris, match-head composition contg., 1,379,355 —, porter made with, 1,214,518 —,preserving of, process for, 1,165,220 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,165,220 —,ramie, de-sizing of, using, 1,421,613 —,roasted, cattle feed made with. 1,2€7,081 —,—, dextrin made with, 1,267,081 —,—,ethyl alcohol made with, 1,267,081 —,—, maltose made with, 1,267,081 —, rubber, reclaiming of using, 1,189,282 —,sake made with, 1,214,518 —, silk, degumming of, using, 1,421,613 —,soya bean sauce made with, 1,332,448 —,sprouted, fertilizer contg., 1,309,723 —,starch made with, 1,156,801 —,tea substitute made with, 1,257,451 —, textile, de-sizing of, using, 1,421,618 —,toxine made with, 1,227,525 —,treatment of, apparatus for, 1,187,702; 1,187,703 —,—, process for, 1,187,702; 1,187,703 —,vinegar made with, 1,214,518 —,wood, artificial, made from fermented, 1,357,647 —,yeast made with, 1,475,471 —,yeast, pressed, made with, 1,176,528 1,226,347 ; SUBJECTS 681 Barley, yeast culture medium contg., 1,425,065 —,yeast food prepared with, 1,457,319; 1,457,320 —,yeast growing nutrient medium contg., 1,431,448 Barley-corn glumes, lupuline contained in, 1,517,650 —,lupuline, removal of from, alkali bicarbon- ate for, 1,517,650 —,—,—,alkali carbonate for, 1,517,650 —,—,—, alkali earth bicarbonate for, 1,517,650 —,—,—, alkali earth carbonate for, 1,517,650 —,—,—, alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,517,650 ,—,— alkali earth oxide for, 1,517,650 —,—,—,alkali hydroxide for, 1,517,650 —,—,—, alkali oxide for, 1,517,650 /—,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,517,650 —,—,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,517,650 —,—,—,.process for, 1,517,650 —,—,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,517,650 —.,testilupine in, 1,517,650 —,testilupine, removal of from, alkali bicar- bonate for, 1,517,650 —,—,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,517,650 —,—,—, alkali earth bicarbonate for, 1,517,650 —,—,alkali earth carbonate for, 1,517,650 —,—,—, alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,517,650 —,—,—, alkali earth oxide for, 1,517,650 —,—,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,517,650 —,—,—, alkali oxide for, 1,517,650 ,—, —, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,517,650 —,—,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,517,650 a2 2.) process) for, 13517,650 —,—,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,517,650 —,testin acid in, 1,517,650 —,testin acid, removal of from, alkali bicar- bonate for, 1,517,650 —,—,—, alkali bicarbonate for, 1,517,650 —,—,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,517,650 —,—,—,alkali earth bicarbonate for, 1,517,650 —,—,—, alkali earth carbonate for, 1,517,650 —,—, alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,517,650 —,—,alkali earth oxide for, 1,517,650 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,517,650 3 ? bd ’ —,—,—, alkali oxide for, 1,517,650 ,—,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,517,650 —,—,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,517,650 —,—,—, process for, 1,517,650 —,—,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,517,650 Barley extract, food, breakfast, laxative contg., 1,261,057 Barley flour, bacteria culture media contg., 1,381,468; 1,381,469 —, butter substitute made with, 1,403,122 —, calories in, 1,252,029 —,food contg., 1,252,029 —,food product made with, 1,194,455; 1,194,456 —,sesame flour, mixture of and, 1,470,929 —, yeast product made with, 1,481,671 Barley germ, yeast food made with, 1,431,156 Barley husks, beer, coloring for, made with, 1,178,040 —,food product made with, 1,178,040 Barley malt, ale, dealcoholized, made with, 1,487,842 —, beer, déalcoholized, made with, 1,487,842 —, beverage made with, 1,164,287; 1,240,016 682 Barley malt, beverage, dealcoholized, made with, 1,146,171 —, bread made with, 1,355,128; 1,855,129 —,food product made with, 1,248,884 —,“Iromalt ” made with, 1,146,171 —, maltose made with, 1,181,460 —,malt syrup made with, 1,181,460; 1,227,184 —, porter, dealcoholized, made with, 1,487,842 —., stout, dealcoholized, made with, 1,487,842 —, yeast culture medium contg., 1,386,361 Barley malt flour, beverage extract from, 1,338,231 —,dextrinized, beverage made with, 1,326,751 —,—,coffee substitute made with, 1,326,751 Barley meal, beer made with, 1,163,453 Barley seed, treatment of, apparatus for, 1,218,850 —,—, benzene for, 1,218,850 —,—, fertilizer for, 1,218,850 —,—,iron electrode for, 1,218,850 —+,-, iron salts for, 1,218,850.» —,magnesium chloride for, 1,218,850 —, petroleum for, 1,218,850 —,—, process for, 1,218,850 —,—,radio-active water for, 1,218,850 —,—,radium emanation for, 1,218,850 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,218,850 Barley sprouts, bread made with, 1,355,128; 1,355,129 —, ethyl alcohol made with, 1,323,540 Barley starch, binder contg., 1,318,106 —,calcimine, binder for contg., 1,318,106 —,glue contg., 1,318,106 —,oil, emulsifier for contg., 1,318,106 —,size contg., 1,318,106 Barley straw, heat insulating material contg., 1,295,654 —, insulation, heat, made with, 1,225,443 —,paper made with, 1,236,723; 1,511,664 Barley water, food product made with, 1,215,363 Barm, fire lighter made with, 1,219,178 —,see also Yeast Barnacles, paint for combating, 1,330,022 —, paint resistant to, 1,260,012 : —, paint resistant to growth of, see Paint, ant- fouling i —, preventing adhesions of to ships, paint for, 1,397,103 —,removing from ships, chemical cartridge for, 1,430,773 Barnite, flotation of, 1,439,107 Baroque pearl powder, button made with, 1,177,803 —, pearl mixture made with, 1,177,803 Barrel, aluminum coated, mfr. of, paraffin for, 1,154,651 —,—,—, process for, 1,154,651 —, coating for, 1,291,696 —,lining for, acid in, 1,323,528 —,—, ammonium alum in, 1,323,528 —, —, glue in, 1,323,528 —,—, phenol in, 1,323,528 —,—, tanning substance in, 1,323,528 —,—, vinegar in, 1,823,528 —,oak, iron(ous) sulfate, treatment with of, 1,179,983 —,—, paraffin, treatment with of, 1,179,983 d bd b] UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Barrel, sheet-metal, galvanizing, 1,346,943 —, wood, oil-proof, mfr. of, benzoic acid for, 1,311,595 —,—,—,—, borax for, 1,311,595 —,—,—,—, borie acid for, 1,811,595 ,—,—, calcium chloride for, 1,311,595 —,—,—,—, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,811,595 —,—,—,—, dextrin for, 1,811,595 —,—,—, —, glue for, 1,311,595 —,—,—,—, glycerol for, 1,311,595 ,—,—, glycerol substitute for, 1,311,595 ,»—,—, molasses for, 1,311,595 —,—,—,—, paraffin for, 1,311,595 —,—,—,—, potassium acetate for, 1,311,595 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,311,595 —,—,—,—, sodium silicate for, 1,311,595 —) >) >, sugar for, 1.31lGa5 Barrier rings mfr. of, asbestos for, 1,309,757 —,—, casein for, 1,809,757 —,—,copal for, 1,309,757 —,—,fabrie for, 1,309,757 —,—, fibrous material for, 1,309,757 —,—, paper for, 1,309,757 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,309,757 —,—, process for, 1,809,757 —,—,shellae for, 1,309,757 Bars, dipping, 1,366,152 —, metal, dipping, 1,366,152 —,—, quenching, 1,366,152 —, quenching, 1,366,152 Baryta, glass contg., 1,143,732 —, plastic made with, 1,142,989 —, Stereotype matrix made with, 1,173,907 —, thermoplastic composition contg., 1,456,369 —, see also Barium hydroxide; Barium monox- ide; Barium oxide Baryta rock, see Barite Baryta saltpeter, see Barium nitrate Baryta white, see Barium sulfate Baryta yellow, see Barium chromate Barytes, barium compound made with, 1,428,646 —,buffing composition made with, 1,276,509; Re-14,568 —,composition contg., 1,276,508; Re-14,569 —,grinding composition made with, 1,276,509; Re-14,568 —, heavy spar, see Barium sulfate —, heavy white, see Barium sulfate —, lubricant made with, 1,276,509; Re-14,568 —,mine-ventilating tubing contg., 1,432,585 —,paint contg., 1,875,354; 1,375,355; 1,385,033; 1,885,034 —, paint pigment, 1,430,881; 1,430,882 —,phonograph record made with, 1,276,507; Re-14,570; 1,276,508; Re-14,569; 1,341,740 —,pigment made with, 1,288,473; 1,375,354; 1,375,355 —, polish made with, 1,276,509; Re-14,568 —,rubber contg., 1,413,557 —,rubber composition contg., 1,455,893 —, tire filler made with, 1,369,626 s 1,276,507; Re-14,570; —,titanium complex pigment precipitated upon, 1,410,056 —,titanium complex precipitated upon, 1,402,256 —, titanium pigment made with, 1,396,924 Ce — INDEX OF Barytes, water paint contg., 1,423,256 —,see also Barite, Barium sulfate Barytes white, see Barium sulfate Barytic silicate, see Barium silicate Barytite, see Barite Barzilite, zirconium oxide made with, 1,460,766 Basalt, block, building, made with, 1,157,487 —, cement made with, 1,209,220 —., filament of, mfr. of, process for, 1,438,428 —,monolithic structures constructed of, hel 37? —, potassium chloride made with, 1,157,437 —, potassium compound made with, 1,157,437; 1,344,830 —, potassium sulfate made with, 1,157,437 —,road paving made with, 1,195,273 —, water, softening of, using, 1,202,557 Basaltic hornblende, see Augite Basalt lava, see Lava, basaltic Base, phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,146,045 Baseball, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,517,022; 1,517,023 “=>. =~, cork for, 1,517,022; 1,517,023 —,—, process for, 1,517,022; 1,517,023 —,—,rubber for, 1,517,022; 1,517,023 Baseball bat, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,518,254 —,—, cement for, 1,518,254 —,—, cork for, 1,518,254 —,—, gypsum for, 1,518,254 —,—, magnesium chloride for, 1,518,254 —,—, paraffin for, 1,518,254 —,—, process for, 1,518,254 —,—, sawdust for, 1,518,254 Baseboards, mfr. of, paracoumarone for, 1,332,860 Base-exchange bodies, see Zeolite, artificial Base exchange chromite silicate, see Zeolite, artificial Base exchange silicate, see Zeolite; Zeolite, artificial Base exchange substance, see Zeolite Base exchange process, 1,385,124 Base oil, belt. dressing made with, 1,492,408 —, leather, waterproofing of, using, 1,492,408 —,paper, Krafft, waterproofing of, using, 1,492,408 —,—, Manilla, waterproofing of, using, 1,492,408 —,—, waterproofing of, using, 1,492,408 —, waterproofing using, 1,492,408 —, see also “ Oil, base” Bases, amine, rubber vulcanizing accelerator contg., 1,343,224 —, catalyst, fat, edible, made with, 1,505,560 —,—, lard, artificial, made with, 1,505,560 —,—,margarine made with, 1,505,560 —,resinous, extracting from tar, 1,339,310 —,—, tar contg., 1,339,310 Basic dyestuff, see Dyestuff, basic Basic(tri) formic ether, see Ethyl-o-formate Basic nigrosines, see Nigrosines, basic Basic open hearth furnace fix, mfr. of, blast furnace flue dust for, 1,175,933 —,—;cement, Portland, for, 1,175,933 —,—,iron fines for, 1,175,933 —,—, lime for, 1,175,933 —,—,process for, 1,175,933 SUBJECTS 683 Basic slag, see Slag, basic Basilite, aniline dinitro-phenolate in, 1,500,066 —, sodium fluoride in, 1,500,066 —,wood impregnated using, 1,500,066 Basket, asbestos, see Asbestos basket Basle blue, see Tolyldimethyl-amino-pheno- tolyl-imino-naphthazonium chloride, CrllooNiCl Basle blue R, see Dimethyl-amino-tolyl-amimo- tolyl-pheno-naphthazonium chloride, CuH»N.Cl Basofor, see Barium sulfate Bas relief, production of, 1,516,199 —,—, gelatin for, 1,516,199 —,—, photochemical process for, 1,516,199 —,—, plaster for, 1,516,199 —,—, potassium bichromate for, 1,516,199 —,—, process for, 1,516,199 —,—, wax for, 1,516,199 Bassinets, sericin soap substitute made with, 1,199,434 —,silk, degumming of, 1,199,484 —,—,dyeing of, foam bath for, made with, 1,193,480 —,—, weighting of, using, 1,193,429; 1,207,800 —,see also Silk waste; Silk-worm chrysalts Bass wood, battery, storage, separator for, made with, 1,200,682 —, flotation apparatus made with, 1,125,897 —,inner skin of, sound diaphragm made with, 1,466 427 —,nail extracted from, force required, 1,314,772 Bast, air, liquid, absorbent for, made with, 1,473,994 —, explosive made with, 1,473,994 —, felt made with, 1,295,148 —, felt, imitation, made with, 1,295,148 —,fur, imitation, made with, 1,295,148 —,leather, imitation, made with, 1,295,148 —,lime tree, see Lime tree bast —,linden tree, see Linden tree bast —,paper, Japanese, made with, 1,295,148 —,—,—, imitation, made with, 1,295,148 —,treatment of, ammonium chloride for, 1,162,191 —,—, apparatus for, 1,162,191 —,—, hydrofluoric acid for, 1,162,191 —,—,magnesium chloride for, 1,162,191 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,162,191 —,—, process for, 1,162,191 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,162,191 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,162,191 —, willow tree, see Willow tree bast Bastard cedar seed, animal food made with, 1,188,678 Bast fiber, bleaching of, alkali dioxide for 1,247,757 —,—,alkali hydroxide for, 1,247,757 —,—,alkali perborate for, 1,247,757 —,—,alkali percarbonate for, 1,247,757 —,—,alkali persulfate for, 1,247,757 —,—,ammonium persulfate for, 1,247,757 —,—,castor oil, sulfonated, for, 1,247,757 apparatus for, using, 1,199,433; —., fats for, 1,247,757 - —, fatty acids for, 1,247,757 —,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,247,757 ‘sx 684 Bast fiber, bleaching of, hypochlorite for, 1,247,757 —,—, oils for, 1,247,757 —,—, oleic acid for, 1,247,757 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,247,757 —,—, process for, 1,247,757 —,—,soap for, 1,247,757 —,—,soap, acid, for, 1,247,757 —,—,—, alkaline, for, 1,247,757 —,—,—,castor oil, for, 1,247,757 ,—,—, Marseilles, for, 1,247,757 —,—,—, neutral, for, 1,247,757 ——,—, Turkey red oil, for, 1,247,757 —,—,sodium dioxide for, 1,247,757 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,247,757 —,—,sodium hypochlorite for, 1,247,757 —, cellulose made with, 1,509,273 —,cellulose fibers made with, 1,509,273 —, cellulose nitrate made with, 1,509,273 —, flax plant contg., 1,125,347 —, paper made with, 1,509,273 —,retting of, alkali dioxide for, 1,247,757 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,247,757 —,—, alkali perborate for, 1,247,757 —,—,alkali percarbonate for, 1,247,757 —,—,alkali persulfate for, 1,247,757 —,—,ammonium persulfate for, 1,247,757 —,—,castor oil, sulfonated, for, 1,247,757 —,—,fats for, 1,247,757 — —,—,fatty acid for, 1,247,757 —,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,247,757 —,—, hypochlorite for, 1,247,757 —,—, oils for, 1,247,757 —,—, oleic acid for, 1,247,757 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,247,757 —,—, process for, 1,247,757 —,—,soap for, 1,247,757 —,—, soap, acid, for, 1,247,757 ,—, —, alkaline, for, 1,247,757 —,—,—, castor oil, for, 1,247,757 »—,—, Marseilles, for, 1,247,757 —,—,—, neutral, for, 1,247,757 —,—,—, Turkey red oil, for, 1,247,757 —,—,—,sodium dioxide for, 1,247,757 —,—,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,247,757 —,—, sodium hypochlorite for, 1,247,757 —,retting process for, casein, putrefied, used in, 1,127,311 —,—, casein used in, 1,127,311 —,—,glycine used in, 1,127,311 —,—,leucine used in, 1,127,311 ,—, sodium carbonate used in, 1,127,311 —,—,sodium hydroxide used in, 1,127,311 Bast hat, see Hat, bast Bastrop lignite, gases made with, 1,364,455 Bast wood fiber, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,502,912 —,—,asp wood for, 1,502,912 —,—,glue for, 1,502,912 —,—,linden wood for, 1,502,912 —,—, process for, 1,502,912 Bat, carborundum, defects of, 1,296,715 —, mfr. of, carborundum for, 1,296,715 —,—, clay for, 1,296,715 —,—,clay grog for, 1,296,715 —,—, cork for, 1,213,370 —,—, glue, fish, for, 1,213,370 —,—, leather for, 1,213,370. — UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bat, mfr. of, process for, 1,213,370 —,—, woolen listing for, 1,213,370 Batchite, see Carbon, activated Batchite (activated carbon) catalyst, 1,374,666 —; catalyst, 1,374,666 —,—, chlorination using, 1,880,067 —,catalyst in hydrocarbon 1,432,761 —, composition of, 1,880,067 —,—, activated coal for, 1,.380,067 —,see also Carbon, activated Bath brush, mfr. of, balata for, 1,162,396 —,—, gutta percha for, 1,162,396 —,—, process for, 1,162,396 —,—, rubber for, 1,162,396 —,—,thread for, 1,162.396 Bathing cap, mfr. of, process for, 1,215,511 —,—, rubber for, 1,215,311 —,—, rubber sponge for, 1,215,311 Bathing compound, dried milk and sodium bicarbonate in, 1,360,093 Bath mitt, mfr. of, process for, 1,183,022; 1,183,023 —,—,rubber for, 1,183,022; 1,183,023 Bath mitten, mfr. of, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,208,064 —,—, cardboard for, 1,193,529 —,—, caoutchouc for, 1,208,064 —,—,“ lace crepe” for, 1,208,064 —,—,‘‘ pale crepe” for, 1,208,064 —,—, process for, 1,193,529; 1,208,064; 1,209,763 —,—,rubber for, 1,193,529; 1,208,064; 1,209,763 —,—,rubber, crepe, for, 1,208,064 —,—, zine for, 1,193,529 Bath room fixture, mfr. of, metal coated stone for, 1,258,282 Bath salts, Canada balsam in, 1,465,530 —, magnesium sulfate in, 1,465,530 —, mfr. of, calcium sulfate for, 1,189,653 —,—, barium radium chloride for, 1,189,653 —,—, process for, 1,189,653 —,—,radio-active compound for, 1,189,653 —,—,radium carbonate for, 1,189,653 chlorination, —,—,radium chloride for, 1,189,653 —,—,radium compound for, 1,189,653 —,—,radium sulfate for, 1,189,653 —,—, sodium chloride fer, 1,189,653 —, pine needle oil in, 1,465,530 —, pine oil in, 1,465,530 —, sodium bicarbonate in, 1,465,530 —, sodium, carbonate in, 1,465,530 —,sodium chloride in, 1,465,530 —,sodium, potassium tartrate in, 1,465,530 —, sodium thiosulfate in, 1,465,530 Bath sponge mfr. of, leather for, 1,488,332 —,—, “luffa” gourd for, 1,488,332 —,—, process for, 1,488,332 —,—, rubber for, 1,488,332 Bath tub, mfr. of, metal coated for, 1,258,282 Batter, food product made with, 1,492,603 Battery, alkaline electrolyte, mfr. of, antimony trioxide for, 1,303,453 —,—,—,cadmium oxide in, 1,303,453 —,—,—, cerium oxide in, 1,303,453 —,—,— , ferric oxide in, 1,803,453 —,—,—,lead monoxide in, 1,803,453 ,——, lead peroxide in, 1,303,453 —_ — 3 ane =~ INDEX OF SUBJECTS 685 Battery, alkaline electrolyte, mfr. of, red lead in, 1,303,453 —,—,—, sulfides i in, 1.803,453 —,—,—, sulfur in, 1 308, 453 —, ammonium chloride i in, 1,464,838 —, ammonium hydroxide in ‘electrolyte for, 1,285,054 —, cadmium electrode for, mfr. of, ammonium cadmium sulfate for, 1 509, 138 —,—, —, ammonium nickel sulfate for, 1,509,138 —,—,—, ” cadmium alloy, nickel in, anode for, 1,509,138 —,—,—,cadmium anode for, 1,509,138 —, —, —, cadmium hydroxide for, 1,509, 138 —,—, cadmium oxide for, 1 509, 138 —,—,—,cadmium salt for, 1,509, 138 —,—, —, copper ammonium salt for, 1,509,138 —,—,—, ee oeeirte process for, 1 509, 138 ,iron cathode for, 1,509, 138 —,—,—, Brice) alloy, cadmium in, anode for, 1,509,138 wv Oe fe lf - ec “ ,—, —, —, nickel cathode for, 1,509,138 —,—,—, process for, 1,509,138 —, carbon electrode in, 1,464,838 —,carbon electrode for, mfr. of, coke for, 1,141,117 —,—,—, coke, petroleum, for, 1,141,117 —,—,—, process for, 1,141,117 —, container for, acid- proof, 1,369,783 —,— -asphaltum paint for acid-proofing, 1 369, 783 —,—, linseed oil for acid-proofing, 1,369,783 —,—, tung oil for acid-proofing, 1,369, 783 —,—, vaseline for acid-proofing, 1,369, 783 => copper electrode for, 1,289,030 —,—, ammonium hydroxide in electrolyte for, 1 285, 054 —,copper oxide, electrode for, potassium hy- droxide in electrolyte for, 1.285, 054 —,—,sodium hydroxide in electrolyte for, 1,285,054 —,deferred action type, see Battery, reserve type —,depolarizer for, copper oxide and sulfur as, 1 070,647; 1,415 860: 1,488,086 —,— lead imolybdate as, jaca 372 —,—, , sodium molybdate for, i! 281, 372 —,—, sulfur in, 1,415,860 —,—, sulfur and copper oxide as, 1 438, 086 --- , depolarizing mixture for, carbonaceous ma- terial in, 1,377,645 —,—, Manganese dioxide in, 1,377,645 —, —4, mixing, 1,377,645 — ’ dry, 1,395, 281: 1,395,282; 1,402,185; 1,406,429 ; 1 pete 525; 1 431 859 — acetyl chloride in, 1,857,160 —, acetylene tetrachloride in, 1,857,160 —, —, agar-agar in, 1,316,597 —,—, ammonium ‘chloride in, 1,316,597; 1 358,334; 1,358,350; 1,385,151; 1,434, 469 —,—, ammonium chloride, recovery ‘of from, 1 192, 061 —,—;ammonium chloride as electrolyte for, 1,272,405; 1,272,406; 1,272,407; 1,272,952; 1.293, 272; 1.370.054; 1 370, 055; 1 '370, 056 1,375,647 ; Battery, dry, ammonium hydroxide in, 1,267,620; Re-14,929 —,—, aniline hydrochloride in, 1,357,160 —,—,anode for, mfr. of, process for, 1,376,034 —, —, asphalt for sealing, 1,328,027 —,—, benzal chloride in, 1, 357, 160 —,—, benzene sulfone chloride in, 1,357,160 —,—, ’ benzotrichloride i in, 1,857, 160 —,—, benzoyl chloride in, 1,357, 160 —,—, benzyl chloride in, 1 357, 160 ,—, bibulous lining for, mfr. of, flour for, 1,273,000 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,273,000 —,—, bismuth plated zinc electrode for, 1,393,739 —,—, calcium acetate in, 1,434,469 —,—, calcium, chloride in, 1,390, 696: 1,434,469 —,—, ’ carbon i in, 1,292,254; 1 316. ‘597 : 1 328, 027 —,—, carbon, activated, in, 1,423, 231 —,—, carbon ‘for, mfr. of, process for, 1,207,694 —,—, carbonaceous material in, 1 385, 151 —,—, carbon electrode for, 1,272, 405 « 1,272,406 ; 1,272,407; 1,358,334; 1 358, 350: 1 370, 054; aM oh ; 1.370,056 ; 1,380,034 —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,234,799 —} carbon tetrachloride in, 1 357, 160 —,—, * celluloid cap for electrode for, 1,168,078 —,—, celluloid coating of, 1,831,764 —, ’ celluloid lacquer used in construction of, 1.331, 761; 1,331,762 —,—, celluloid used with, 1,407,386 —,—,celluloid used in construction of, ea: 084; 1,438,085 ‘cereal in, 1 316,597 —,—, ’ cheese cloth i in, 1,316,597 —,—, ’ chloroform in, 1 BBY, 160 —, chromic acid salts in, 1 o01,877 —, coating interior of with paste, 1,375,202 —,connecting in series of, process for, ~~ | ~~ fe 1,161,668 —,—,construction of, 1,328,027; 1,329,946; 1,331,761; 1,831,762; | 1,331,763; 1,833,771; 1,342,068; 1,888,990; 1,390,696; 1,398,366; 1,408,140: 1,433,526 —,—,constructional details of, 1,267,620; Re-14,929; 1,342,001; 1,389,691 —,—, construction of reserve, 1,415,873 ——, contamer \ for, , mir. of process for, 1 303 558 —,—,corn meal in, 1,316,597 —,—,corn starch in, 1,316 097 —, —, “ deferred action,” celluloid .used in, 1,402,224 —,—,—, construction of, 1,402,224 —,—,—, ‘mfr. of, 1,400, 513 —,—, deferred action type, 1,407,035 ; 1,407,386; 1,416, 704; 1,438,084; 1. 438 085 —,—,—, construction of, 1,417 ,692 —,—,—, ’ electrolyte for, 1,445, 503 —,-_,—, mir. of, process for, 1,284, 458 —,—, deflocculated material in, 1,296, 700 —,—,depolarizer for, 1,123, 843 —,—,—,ammonium manganite as, 1,173,965 —,—, —,,ammonium phospho-molybdate in, 1,272.9 952: 1,281,372 —,—,—, calcium manganites for, 1,216,451 acetylene soot in, 686 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Battery, oe depolarizer for, copper oxide in, 1,272,9 —,—,—, ime carbon in, 1,288,722 —,graphite in, 1 123, 848 ; fot 272,41 406 ; 1,272,407 ; 1: 272, 952 —,—, —, iron oxide in, l 288 722 —,—, —, ’ iron (ous) sulfide removed from, proc- ess for, 1,287,634 —,—,—, ‘lead molybdate in, 1,272,952 1,272,405 ; —,—, manganese dioxide in, 1,123,848; cme 148, 230: 1,173,965; 1,272,405; 1,272, ‘406 ; 1 972, ‘407 : 1.272.952: 1.276.739: 1,288,722 : 1 289, "707 —,—,—, manganese dioxide sintered in oxygen as, it 272 405 —,—, —, manganese (ous) manganate, H. Mn(Mn0,):, as, 1,232,904 —,—,—,—, MnO. MnO:, as, 1,232,904 —,—,—,—-, >Mn0O.(Mn0O; :)2, as, 1,232, 904 —/—,-—,-—, (MnO), ‘Mn0O:, as, 1,232 904 —,—,— "manganese manganite for, 1,272,405; 1,272, 406; 1,272,407 —,—,—, manganese perhydrol as, 1,148,230 —, —, —, manganese (ous) permanganate, HeMn(Mn.0>), as, 1,232,904 —, —, —, —, (MnO), "Mn.0;, as, 1,232,904 —— Sat eames (MnO)s. Mn.0,, as, 1 202 904 —,—,—, manganese sulfate made with, 1,276,739 —,—,—, manganese trioxide in, 1,288, 722 —,—,—, manganite for, 1,216 ADL: 1 272, 407 —,—, —, Mangano- -manganites for, 1,216 451 —,—, —, mfr. "Ob air for, 1,221,062 —,—, —, —, alcohol, denatured, for, 1,484,780 —,—,—, —, ammonium chloride for, 1 A84, 782 , ammonium chlorplatinate for, We 288, 3722 —,—, ammonium . hydroxide for, rh) 288, 729 —,ammonium persulfate for, 4 2919 991 2_, —, —,-—+, apparatus for, 1,218,772 —,—,—,—,asbestos for, 1,218,772; 1,484,885 —,—,—-,—-, ’ barium hydroxide ‘for, 1,232,904 ; 1 236, 693 —,—,—,—, barium manganate for, 1,232,904 —,—,—,—, ’ barium permanganate for, 1 232 904 —,—,—,—, benzene for, 1,484,780 —,—,carbon for, 1,170,819; 1,221,991; in 322, 001 ; 1 484,780; 1 484, 789: 1 ASA 885 —,—, —,—, chlorine for, 1 218,772 —,—, coke for, 1,484, 885 —,—, coke, petroleum, for, 1,484,782 —,—, cotton for, 1,484,885 eu ey —;— electrolytic process for, 1,218,772 —,—,—,—Jethyl alcohol for, 1,484,780 —,—,—,—, glucose for, 1 169 943 —,—, —, —, graphite for, 1 166,414; 1,169,943 ; 1,170,819; Lol Sole el 232,873 ; 1,236,698 ; 1,822,001; 1,484 782 —,—,—, — , graphite anode for, 1,218,772 —,—,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,221,991 ,»—,—, —, hypochlorus acid for, 1,358,626 ; noe —,iron cathode for, 1,218,772 —,—,—,—, iron(ic) chloride for, 1,288,722 —,—.—,—, iron hydroxide for, 1,218, 772 Battery, dry, depolarizer for, mfr. of, iron oxide for, 1,218,772 —,—,—,—, kerosene for, 1,218,772 —,—,—,—, linen for, 1 AS4, 885 —,—,—, — ” manganese (ous) carbonate for, 1,221 062: 1,322,001 Tee ne , manganese chloride for, 1,216,450 —,—, — " manganese(ous) chloride 1,216, 450; a 218 772: 1,232,904 —,—,—, — , manganese(ous) 1,358, 626 —,—,—,—, manganese dioxide for, 1,169,943; 1,170, 819; 1,221,991; 1,232,878; 1,236,693; 1:322 001; sal ‘484, 780; 1,484,782; 1,484,885; —,—,—,—,manganese dioxide, colloidal, for, 1,169, 843 —,—,—,—, manganese heptaoxide for, 1 232, 873 —,—,—, manganese hydroxide for, ie 221 061 —,—,—-, Manganese (ous) ony 218, 772: 1,221,061 —,— manganese (ous) ‘hy 170 819: Y ,236,693 —,—,—,—, manganese nitrate for, 1,170,819 —, —,—, manganese (ous) nitrate ‘for, compound for, hydroxide for, manganite for, oa 221 061; 1,358,626 — , manganese (ous) oxide for, cay 236 3,698 —,—,—, Manganese(ous) polymanganite Stee 1 166,41 14 ,—,—;—, Manganese(ous) potassium poly- + tenes for, 1,166,414 —,—,—,—,manganese salt for, 1,288,722 —,—,—, manganese (ous) salt for, 1,166,414 ; Ey 221 061 ; —,manganese(ic) sulfate for, ae 2983 359 —,—,manganese(ous) sulfate for, ie 216, 450: 1,218,772; 1,228,359 —,—,—, — , manganese trioxide for, 1,232,873 —,—,—,—, manganites for, 1,170,819; 1,322,001 —,— , mangano-manganites ‘for, ef 169, 943: 1,232,873; 1,322,001 —_—,—,—, — , mercury (ic) chloride for, 1,221,991 —,—,—,—,mercury(ic) oxide for, 1,221,991 —,—,methyl alcohol for, 1,484, 780 —,—,nitric acid for, l 358, 626 —,—, oxygen for, 1,221,062 —,—, potassium manganate for, ~ 1,939.904 —,—,—,—, potassium manganite for, 1,166,414 —.— —, potassium nitrate for, 1,232,904; 12366 693 —, —, —, potassium uy 169, 943; 1,216,450 ; 1 221 991: 1,228 359: 1 236 693 —,—,—,—, process. for, 1 170 819; 1,216,450; 1.221 062: 1,221,991: 1,232 904 + 1,236,693 ; 1,269,915; 1,269,916; 1,322,001; 1,858,626; 1,484,885 —,—,—,—, psilomelane for, 1,232,873 permanganate for, 1,221,061; 1,221,062; 1,232,873; 1,232,904; 1,166,414; 1,218,772; 1,228,359 ; 1,269,918 ; 1,275,666 ; 1,484,780 ; 1,169,943 ; 1,221,061; 1,232,873; 1,269,914; 1,287,634; 1,484,782; INDEX OF SUBJECTS 687 Battery, dry, depolarizer for, mfr. of, pyrolusite for, 1,169,943; 1,170,819; 1 221,991; 1,232,873; 1 484, 7 SA 484 885 —,—,—, —, sodium carbonate for, 1,232,873 —,—, —, —, sodium chloride for, 1,218,772 —,—, —, —, ’ sodium hydroxide for, 1,169,943; 1,218, 772: ty ,221,991 —,—,—,— sodium hypochlorite for, 1,221,991; 1,358, 626 —,—,—,—, sodium nitrate for, 1,236,693 —,—,sodium permanganate for, 1,221,062 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,228,359 ; 1,232,873 —, —,wood pulp for, 1,484,885 —,—,—,—, zine chloride for, 1,484,782 —,—, —, —, see also M anganese ‘dioxide, mfr. of —,—,—, mercury oxide, yellow, as, 1,434,469 =a:-7> > mercury (ic) oxide i met, 288 722 —,—,—, molybdate in, 1,272, 952; 1 81 ola —,—,—, molybdenum tr ‘ioxide ins 972, 952; 1,287,372 —.,—, —, nickel in, 1,288,722 —,—,—, ’ nickel oxide i in, 1,288,722 —,—,—, ’ palladium in, 1,288, 722 —,—,,—, platinum. in, 1,288, 722 —,—,—, psilomelane ‘for, 1 272 406 —,—,—, pyrolusite. in, 1 272 952 —,—,—, pyrolusite treated for, 1,259,099 —,—,regeneration of, acid, for, 1,192, 061 -—,—,--,-—, chlorine for, 1 192, 061 —,—,—, — hydrochloric acid for, 1,192,061 ,—, —, —, potassium permanganate for, 1,192,061 —,—, —, —, process for, 1,192,061 —,—,—, sodium manganites as, 1,216,451 —,—,—,sodium molybdate in, 1,272,952 —,—,—, wad for, 1,272,406 —,—,—, Weldon mud as, 1,173,965 ,—, —, zine manganite, ZnMn0Oz, as, 1,178,965 Sot eae at anaes ,ZnHsMn;015, as, 1 ala oe 965 —,—, see also Manganese dioxide —, depolarizing agent for, manganese dioxide as, 1,358,626 —,— , depolarizing mixture for, formula, tamp- black 100; manganese dioxide ore 594, sal am- moniac 79, water 80, 1,391,211 —_—,—,— lampblack, calcined, in, 1,391,211 —,—,—, manganese dioxide in, 1,385, 151 — —,—, ' purified manganese dioxide in, 1 352 087 —,—, dextrin i in, 1,816,597 —,—, ’ electric connector for, mfr. of, brass gauze for, 1,193,764 +, —, copper gauze for, 1,193,764 —, process ‘for, 1 198, 764 1370,054 : ? ae 3 a —, —, process for, 1,192,061 —,—,—,rice flour in, 1,292,764 —,—,—, zinc chloride in, ft 140,826 ; 1,292, 764 —,—, element of, celluloid coated, 1,329,946 —,— ’ ethyl chloride in, 1,857,160 —,—, exhausted, recovery of values from, ap- paratus for, 1 366, 082 —,—, flash-light made with, 1,200,366 —,—, gauze in, 1,316,597 we ~~ ~~ ~~ Ne | ~ ~ 1,292,254 ; —,—,graphite electrode for, 1,267,620; Re-14,929; 1,292,764; 1,370,054; 1,370,055; 1,370,056 —,ignition danger from, 1,418,730 ,—, ingredients for, 1,352,087 —,—,iron salts, action of on, 1,292,354 —,—, knock-down type, mfr. of, process for, 1,283,005 —,—,lead-coated zine electrode for, 1,425,573 —,—, "lining for, mfr. of, flour for, 1 281 421 —,—, —, — ‘flour, wheat, for, 1,314, 594 —,—,—, — "mercury (ic) chloride for, 1,281,421; 1,314,594 —,—,—,—, paper pulp for, 1,314,594 —,-—,-—, process for, 1,281 421; 1,314,594 —,—,—, —, pulp board for, 1 314, 594 —,—,—,strawboard for, 1,314,594 —,—,—, zinc chloride for, 1 314, 594 — , magnesium chloride in, 1,316, 597 —, magnesium oxide in, 1 316.597 —, manganese (ous) chloride in, 1,355,899 ef — we pee me 3 \ —,—,manganese dioxide ffor, 1,267,620; Re-14,929; 1,292,764; 1,316,597; 1.328.027 ; 1,358,334; 1,358,350; 1,870,054; 1,370,055; 1,370,056 —,—,—, regeneration of, process for, 1,305,252 —,—,manganese dioxide, recovery of from, 1,192,061 —,—,manganese dioxide as depolarizer for, 1 275 666; 1,293,272 —,— mfr. of, process for, 1,269,913; a 269 914: 1,269,915; 1,269,916 —,—, manganese dioxide recovered from, 1,359,640 —_—,—, mfr, of, 1,292,764; 1,880,034; 1.897,183; 1,430, 726; 1,430,727; 1,437,603; 1,488,110; 1 ‘464, 838 688 Battery, dry, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,283,292; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 1,303,844; 1,366, 191 Cae Lane Lana) I v & —,—,—,agar-agar for, 1,295,475; 1,481, 178: 1,484,780 —,—,—, alr for, 1 287,634 —,—,—, ’ alcohol for, 1,484 779 acetic acid, glacial, for, 1,366,298 , acetyl chloride for.vt 357, 160 —,—, acetylene soot for, 1,494 059 —,—, Acheson deflocculated graphite ~ 1,296, 700 1,316,597 ; —,—, —, alcohol, denatured, for, 1,484,780 —,—, —, ’ alkali earth chloride for, 1,506, 189 —,—,—, alkali earth salt for, 1,490,450 — —— —,—,—,amide(?) for, 1,160,907 —,—,—, ammonia for, 1,484 779 pil ee ammonium "chloride for, 47,753; 60, 999 P pelt da ‘bot Ne) CO b a ib i OO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 —— ee bd 00 S>? Orr 00 bo te GO 00 ©) NT + WMNWUEDO me AT Orc G9 OD CO me OATH bo = oe) N rc) posed, “I 1,149,665 ; 1,162,449: 1,196,225; 1.311,3868; 1,224 376: 1,295,475; 1,355,899; 1,361,499: 1,480,533: 1,487,728: 1,500,027 : 1511271; 1,518,637 ; ,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,267,620; Re-14,929; 1,500,007 b) —,—, —, ammonium 1,149 666 ; 1,170,819; 1,198,619; 1,215,774; 1,236,693 ; 1,296,700; 1,357,160; 1,366,095; 1,484,780: 1,488,908; 1,503,285 ; 1,515,652 ; 1,518,638; (palyaais aluminum. for, 1 366, 095; 1.468, 574 »—, —, aluminum chloride for, 1 515,912 1,123,843; 1,160,907 ; 1,174,798; 1,201,709; 1,221,061; 1,284,458; 1,305,485; 1,358,334; 1,366,298; 1,484,782 ; 1,497,316; 1,506,189; 1,515,912; 1,521,295 ,ammonium persulfate for, 1,147,753 salt for, 1,160,999; —,—,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1,490,450 — — —,—,arrowroot. starch for, 1,370,054; ~ 1.370, 055; 1,870,056 f —,—, —, asbestos for, 1,182,202; 1,199,390; 1/214 836° 133371); ‘1,484,885 —,—,—, asphalt for, 1,137,030; 1,140,826 ; 1,143,181 ; 1,196 225: 1,215,774; 1,225,306; 1.289,483; Re-15,846; 1,366,095; 1,402,224; 1,468,574; 1,500,477; 1,501,084 —,—,—, asphalt, Egyptian, for, 1,196,225 —,—,—, asphaltum for, 1,258,257 —,—,—,barium chloride for, 1,490,450; 1,506,189 —,—,—,barium manganite manganate for, 1,236, 693 — 5] f 1,170,819; 1,178,927; 1,221,061; 1,221,062 —,—,ammonium zine chloride for, 1,481,178 —,—,—, amyl acetate for, 1,515,945 —,—, aniline hydrochloride for, 1,357.160 —,—, apparatus for, 1,198,619; 1,516,632 , barium persulfate for, 1,147,753 —;,—,—, benzene for, 1,196,225; 1,484,780 ’ 387,160 —,—, —, petites) acid for, 1,303,844 —,—, benzyl chloride for, 1,357, 160 —,—,— bitumen for, 1,803, 843 —,—, —, bituminous ‘material for, 1,366,191 — 3 3 Sian 3 5] >] 1 Penna brass for, 468.574; 1.516 632 1,331,763 ; benzenesulfonyl chloride for, —,bismuth oxide for, 1,195, 677 1,366,095 ; in, 1,468,574 —, —, —, calcium chloride for, . Battery, dry, mfr. of, bronze for, 1,866,095; 1,184,135 ; 1 488, 908 ; 1,490,450; 1,497,316; 1,497, 317 —— calcium ‘hypochlorite for, 1 287, 634 ,305,485 ; 010,002; 1,468,574 : 1,484:782 : 1,488,908 : 1,506,196; 1,518,301 ; —,—, —, carbon 1,284,458 ,—,—, carbon dust for, 1,182,202 electrode for, 1 149,665; 1,160,999 : 1,178,927; 1,193,764 ; 1,203,279; 1,221,061; 1,242,656 : 1,303,286 ; 1,358,334 ; 1,366,191; 1,375 632 ; 1,488,084 ; 1,484,779; 1,487,728; 1,493,435 ; 1,500,477 ; LoL 2a ,—,—, carbon 1,140,826 ; 1,157 Dols 1,170,819; 1,184,135; 1,198,619 ; 1,211,363; 1,224,376; 1,276,714; 1,303,844: 1,361,499; 1,370,055 ; 1,402,185 ; 1,468,574: 1,484,926 ; 1,490,450; 1,497,317; 1,506,189 ; 1,516, 632: . —,—,—, carbon flour for, 1,147,753 —, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,140,826 ; 1,225,306 ; 1,331,762 ; 1,402,185 ; “ig ASA 779 i 205 392; 1 303, 843; 1,366,095 ; 1,490,455 ; 1,160,999; 1,198,619 ; 1,305,250; 1,316,597; 1,402,224: 1,480,533 ; 1,484,885 ; 1,490,450 ; 1,511,271; 1,518,637 ; 1,147,753; 1,160,907: 1,174,798 ; 1,188,408; 1,201,709; 1,215,774; 1,236,698 ; 1,295,475 ; 1,331,762 ; 1,366,095 ; 1,370,056 ; —,-——, -——-, cardboard) for, 1,215,774; 1,303,844; 1,375,632 ; 1,500,027 ; 1,149 665 ; 1,178,927; 1,258,257; 1,305,251; 1,329,946 ; 1,488,084; 1,481,178; 1,484,918; 1,500,027 ; 1,515,652; 1,518,638 ; cathode _ for, 1,501,084 —,—,—, calcium persulfate for, 1, 147,753 —,—,—,carbon for, 1,169,907 ; 1,188,408 ; 1,303,844; 1 1 i 157,531 ; 1, 184 818; . 1.287634; 1,305,252 ; 1,366,095 ; 1,438,085 ; 1,484,780 ; 1,487,728 ; 1,503,285 ; 1,515,912 ; 1,521,295 1,266,166 ; 1,123,343 ; 1,149,666 ; 1,162,449 ; 1,182,202 ; 1,196 225; 1,205,392 ; 1,221,062 ; 1,251,005 ; 1,303,843 ; 1,358,350 ; 1,370,054 ; 1,389,691 ; 1,438,085 ; 1,484,885 ; 1,488,908 ; 1,497,316; 1,505,939 ; 1,515,652 ; 1,357,160; 1,182,202 ; 1,303,286; 1,333,771; 1,484,885 ; | cardboard container for, 1,140.826 1,506,181 ; b] —,—,—,celluloid for, Lak 761 : 1,402 224; 1,515,945 1,303, 843 ; 1,438,084; 1,329,946 ; 1,484,926 ; —,—, —, celluloid cement for, 1,331,761 —, —, —, “ celluloid lacquer ” —,—,—, ‘cellulose for, 1,303,843 ,—, cellulose nitrate for, 1,515,945 for, 1 515 945 ,—,—, cement for, 1,366,095; 1,468,574 —,—,—,cereal for, 1,488,908; 1,511,271 wv ~w 1,295,475; 1,484,926 : 1,316,597 ; 1,490,450 1,316,597 ; —_—,—,—, cereal flour for, 1,515,652 —,—, —, , cereal paste for, 1,481, 178; 1,506,217 ,—,ceresin for, 1 289, 432; —,—, charcoal for, i 366, 095 ; 1,468, 574 ; ’ charcoal, activated, for, 1 505 939 —,—,cheese cloth for, 1,281,409; 1.283,005 ; 1,361,499: ,—,—, chipboard for, 1205,392 —,—,—, chlorides for, 1.500.477 1,484,780 ; Re-15 846 1,375 632 ; INDEX OF SUBJECTS Battery, dry, mfr. of, chlorine for, 1,287,634 —,—,—, chloroform for, 1,357,160 —,—,—,a-chlor-toluene for, 1,357,160 —,—, chromic acid for, 1276, 714 ,—, chromium compound for, 1,276,714 ’ J —--,—,cloth for, 1,162,449; 1,486,172: 1,515,945 —,—,—,coke for, 1,174,798; 1,184,818; 1,258,257; 1,355,899; 1,484,885; 1,521,295 —,—,—, coke, petroleum, for, 1,484 5782 —,—,—,copper for, 1,366 095; 1,468, 574 —,—,—, copper, steel coated with, for, 1,866,095 —,—,—,copper persulfate for, 1,147, 753 —,—,—, cork for, 1,493,435; 1,497,316: 1,497,317 —,—,—, corn meal for, 1,816,597 ,—,—, corn starch for, 1,816,597; 1,361,499 —,—,—,corn starch paste for, 1,281,421 —,—,—,cotton for, 1,358,350; 1,484,885 ~ —,—, —, deflocculated metals in, 1,296,700 —,—,—,depolarizer for, 1,170,819 —,—,—, dextrin for, 1,316, 597 —,—,—, dextrin, yellow, for, 1,500,027 —,—, —, a. a-dichlor-toluene for, 1 357, 160 1,357,334; —,—,—, ebonite for, 1,201,709 —,—,—,enamel for, 1,366,095; —,—,—, ether for, 1 484,779 —,—, —, ethyl alcohol for, 1,484,780 —,—,—, ethyl bromide for, 1 357, 160 —,—,—, ethyl chloride for, 1 357 160 1,468,574 689 Battery, dry, mfr. of, graphite, (International Acheson Graphite Co.) for, 1,211,363 ; ,gum for, —_—,—,— hydrochloric 1 484, 779 red, for, 1,500, 027 for, for, 1,366,095; 1,468,574 acid 1,287 634 ; —,—,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,287,634 ,--,—,1lodine for, 1,287,634 sy tin coated, 1,215,774; —,—,—, Japan black baking, for, 1,196,225 —,manganese carbonate for, 1,178,927 ,—, Manganese(ous) chloride for, 1,355, 899 —,—,—,manganese dioxide for, 1,147,753 1,149,665 ; 1,157,531; 1,160,907; 1,160,999; 1,162,449; 1,174,798; 1,182,202; 1,184,854; 1,188,408; 1,195,677; 1,201,709: 1,211,363; 1,221,061; 1,221,062; . 1,224,876; 1,231,057; B58 2002.02 284 ‘458: 1,287,634; 1,293,461; 1293,462; 1 293, 463; 1,295,475; 1,303,843; 1,303,844; 1,305 250: 15805 2513 01 B05 252% 1,805,485 ; 1,316,597 ; 1,829,946; 1,355,899; 1,358,334; 1,358,350; 1,861,499; 1,366,095; 1,366,298; 1,375,632; 1,402,224; 1.438.084; 1,438,085; 1,468,574; 1,480,533; 1,481,178; 1,484,780; 1,484,782; 1,484,885; 1,484,918; 1,487,728; 1,488,908; 1,490,450; 1,494,059; 1,497,316; 1,497,317; 1,500,477;:. 1,508,285; 1,506,189: 1,506,196; 1 511 ‘O71: 1,513,652; 1 515, g12: 1,516,632; 1,516,974; 1,518,301; 1,518,637 ; 1,518,638 ; 1,521,295 —,—, —, —, preparing, 1,402 285 —,—,—, Manganese dioxide, 1 518, 637 —,—,—, manganese hydroxide for, 1,511,271 —,—,—,manganese(ic) hydroxide for, 1,195,677 —,—,—,manganese nitrate for, 1,160,999 “recovered,” for, —,—,—, Manganese oxide for, 1,160 907 ; 1,160,999; 1,178,927; 1,296,700 —,—,—,manganese oxides, recovered, for, 1,160,907 —,—,—, manganese persulfate for, 1,147,753 —,—,—, manganite manganate for, 1,236,693 —,—,—, mercury for, 1,174,798 —,—, —, mercury (ic) chloride for, 1,438,084; 1,487,728; 1,506,196; 1,511,271; 1,518,637; 1,518,638 —,—,—,mercury compound | for, 1,488,908; 1,511,271; 1,518,637; 1,518,638 : ,—,—, mercury. oxide for, 1,195,677 —,—,—, mercury (ic) oxide for, 1,195,677 1,468 574 ? —,—,—,metal for, 1,303,286, ,—,—, muslin for, 1,166 871 ,—, nitric acid for, 1,287, 634 1,366,095 ; ,—, metal bichromate for, 1,276,714 —,—,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,484, 780 —,—,—, ethyl iodide for, 1357, 160 —,—, —, evacuated sealing cap for, 1,484,779 ——,—, ’ fabric for, 1,402,185; 1,484,926; 1,490,450 —,—,—,fabric, waterproof, for, 1,303,286 —,—,—, felt for, 1,201,709 —,—,—, fiber for, i; 137, 030 —,—, —, flour for, 1,169,258; 1,209,298; 1,289, 438; Re-15 846; 1,366,298 ; 1,402,224; 1,438,084; 1,438,085; 1,484,780; 1,487,728; 1,521,295 —,—,—, flour paste for, 1,276,714; 1,281,409; 1,281,421; 1,283,005; 1,295,475; 1,375,632 —,—,—, formulas for, 1,361,499 —,—,—, gauze for, 1.316, 597 ; 1,506,196 —,—, —, gelatin for, i: 147 753; + 1,166,871; 1,295, a5: 1,481,178 —,—, —, glass for, 1,201,709 —,—,—, glucose for, i: 147 753; 1,169,258 —,—,—-,glue. for, 1,295,475; 1,366,095 ; 1,468, 34 1,503, 285 —,-—,—-, glue, marine, for, 1,201,709 —,—, —, graphite for, 1, 157, 531; 1,160,999 ; 1,162,449; 1,178,927; 1,184,818; 1,188,408; 1,195,677 1,198,619; 1,201,709; 1,211,363; 221 062<°.1 236, 693; 1 296. "700 ; 1 303, 843; 1,303,844 1 305, 250; 1 305, 251; I 305, 252: 1,305,485; 1 355, 899 ; 1 '366, 095; 1 366, '298 ; 1,468,574 1,480,533 ; 1,484,782 : 1,488,908 : 1,490,450; 1,494,059; 1,497,316; 1,497,317; 1,500,027 1,503,285; 1,511,271; 1,516,632; 1,516,974; 1,518,637; 1,518,688; 1,521,295 —,—,—, graphite, impalpable, for, 1,162,449; 1 21 Fit Lee paint tory) 196,225; 1,515,945 —,—,—, paint, asphalt, for, 1,196,225 690 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Battery, dry, mfr. of, paint, roofing for, 1 196, er emai econ ft aor starch for, ui t* paper’ for,’ 1,137,030; 1,149,6 ; 1,497, 1,174 78: : 1,188,408; 1,196,999; 1,205,392; —,—,—,process for, 1,137,030; 1,140,826; 1.225.306: 1251,005; 1,258,257; 1.276,714; 1,143,181; 1,147,753; 1,149,655; 1,149,666; 1.283.005: 1,295,475; 1,303,843; 1,303,844; 1,157,531; 1,160,907; 1,160,999; 1,161,668; 1.329.946: 1,331,761; 1,331,762; 1,355,899; 1,162,449; 1,166,871; 1,169,258; 1,170,819; 1366095: 1,366,191; 1,370,054; 1,370,055; 1,174,798; 1,178,927; 1,182,202; 1,184,135; 1,370,056; 1,389,691; 1,402,185; 1,484,885; 1,184,818; 1,188,408; 1,193,764; 1,195,677; 1.484.918; 1,486,172; 1,505,939; 1,506,181; 1,196,225; 1,196,999; 1,198,619; 1,199,390; eee Poi1363, 1214396, 1218774, 1921061; —,—,—, paper, absorbent, for, 1,157,531 211,863; 1,214,836; 1,215,774; 1,221,061; “iat : 1,221,062: 1224376; 1,225,306; 1,231,057; 1,166,871 ic oat aepty co, agent 1236,693: 1.242656: 1.251005: 1,258,257: (Oa 400, A asp are pit 1,259,485; 1,266,166; 1,267,620; Re-14,929; —,—,—,—, paraffined, for, 1188408; 1,199,300; 393003: '3ad'458, 1288722: 119801433: 1,303,286: 1,361,499; 1,370,056; 1,402,185; Re-15,846; 1,295,475; 1,303,286; 1,303,558; 1,487,728; 1,515,652; 1,521,295 1,303,843; 1,303,844; 1,329,946; 1,331,761; —_,—,—,—, pitch coated, for, 1,205,392 1,331,762; 1,331,763; 1,333,771; 1,355,899; —,—,—,—, tar, for, 1,205,392; 1,515,652 1,357,160; 1,358,334; 1,358,350; 1,361,499; —,—, —, — ’ waterproof, for, 1,205,392 ; 1,366,095; 1,366,191; 1,366,298; 1,370,054; 1,303,286 1,370,055; 1,370,056; 1,375,632; 1,389,691; —,—,—,papier mache for, 1,303,848 1,402,185; 1,402,224; 1,408,140; 1,488,084; rei parafin (for, (il 140, B96 = 1157 dels 1,438,085; 1,468,574; 1,480,533; 1,484,779; 1,160,907; 1,162,449: 1,174,798: 1,188,408: See hae ; phic pre Perens ; 1,196,225: 1,199,390; 1,211,363; 1,215,774: 484,926; 1,486,172; 1,487,728; 1,488,908 ; 1.258.257: 1.267.620: Re-14.929: 1,289,433 1,490,448; 1,490,450; 1,490,455; 1,492,485; Re-15,846: 1,303,286: 1,316,597; 1,331,762; 1,493,485; 1,497,316; 1,497,317; 1,500,027; 1,366,095; 1,370,054: 1,370,055; 1,370,056; 1,500,477; 1,501,084; 1,503,285; 1,505,939; 1.375.632: 1,389,691: 1,408,140; 1,438,084: 1,506,181; 1,506,189; 1,506,196; 1,506,217; 1,468,574; 1,486,172; 1,500,027; 1,501,084 1,511,271; 1,515,652; 1,515,912; 1,515,945; 1,506,181; 1,515,945; 1,518,301 : tre 1,516,974; 1,518,301; 1,518,637; —,—,—, araformaldehyde for, 1,355 1,521,295 : | sie onl ad doleae at 1,355,899 Bee —,process for adding electrolyte to, TT haste, flour for, 1,308286- 1,375,632 _1198,619 —, —, —, pulpboard fe 1,137,030; 1,251,005; 12 6s aoa ior, 1,160,907; 1,215,774; 4981. 409: 1,289,433; Re-15,846; 1,303,286; 1,468, ‘574: 1,484,926: 1,490,448; 1,500,477; —,—,—, paste board carton for, 1,500,477 1,506,217 —,—,—, persulfate for, 1,147,753 —,—,—, pulpboard, paraffined, for, 1,518,301 —,—, —, petroleum calee for, *. 1,184,818; . ,—,—, —, pumice for, 1,201,700 1,480,533 —,—,—,pyrolusite for, 1,160,999; 1,162,449; —,—,—, petroleum compound for, 1,500,477 1,178, 927; 1,211,363; 1,221,061; i2z2nias —,—,—, phenol for, 1,283,292 1,287,634 ; 1.295.475 ; 1,857,160; 1,480,583; —,—,—,phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,484, 782 ; 1,484,885; 1,506,189; 1,521,295 1,174,798; 1,488,908 —,—,—, pyrolusite, Philipsburg, for, 1,480,533 —,—, —, pitch for, ) 14s gt 1,162,449; © 7 Tesi for, 1,140,826 1,188, 408% 91196 225 «ii, 2 Loder wt 215.7745). oe pene rice flour for, 1 340,056 1,224,376; 1,225,306; 1,242,656; 1,251,005; + 1» Tice paper for, 1,283,005 1,289,433: Re-15,846; 1.295.475: 1303286: —»—»— Tosin for, 1,500,027; 1,500,477 1,331,761; . 1,331,762; 1,358,334; 1,358,350: —,—— — rubber ‘for, 1,182,202; 1,333,771; 1,366,095 : 1 375 632; 1,389,691; 1,402 224: 1,366, 298 ; 1,493,435; 1 AQT, 316; 1 497 317 1,438,084 ; 1,468,574: 1 484 ‘918: 1,490,448: —,—,—, salicylic acid for, 1 283, 292; 1,308,844 1,490,455; 1,508,285; 1,506,189; 1,506,196; —,—,—,sand_ for, 1 137,030; 1,205,392; 1,515,652; 1,515,945; 1,516,632 1,224,376 ; i ati ate) ie 1,295,475 ; —,—, —, itch, hard, ‘ r 1,303,286 ; 3 ie a) Hi sot, for, fs sibs pat ae —,—,—, sawdust for, pe 1,140,826 —,—,—, plaster of Paris for, 1,316,597 BRA ae my ‘ —,—,—, potassium bichromate for, 1,276,714 Thy eine Maier i i ae Pe 202 ; tassium chloride for, 1,160,999; Mitek c : ~ 1170819. , 1,160,999; __"* sheliac for, | 1,140,826; 1,366,095; ; 1,468, 574: 1,515,945 —.—,—, potassium chromate for, 1,276,714 pala My al silicic acid, colloidal, for, 1,295,475 —,—,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,195,677 LE aS oa eeuneiea for, 1, 195 677 —, potassium permanganate for, etn sodium bichromate for, 1,276,714 A 160, 907; 1,287,634; 1,355,899 —,—,—,sodium borate for, 1 316, 597 —,—, —., potassium persulfate for, 1,147,753 —,—,—,sodium chromate for, 1276 14 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 691 Battery, dry, mfr. of, sodium hydroxide for, Battery, dry, mfr., zinc chloride for (cont’d) 1,160,907 ; 1,195,677 1,488,908; 1,497,316; 1,497,317; 1,506,189; —,—,—,sodium hypochlorite for, 1,355,899 1,506,196; 1,511,271; 1,515,652; 1,515,912; —,—,—,sodium persulfate for, 1,147,753 1,516,974; 1,518,301; 1,518,637; 1,518,638; —,—,—,starch for, 1,147,753; 1,162,449; 1,521,295 1,209,298; 1,295,475; 1,316,597; 1,858,334; —,—,—, zinc cup for, 1,166,871 1,358,850; 1,361,499; 1,366,298; 1,370,054; —,—,—, zinc electrode for, 1,123,848; 1,140,826; 1,370,055; 1,370,056; 1,402,224; 1,438,084; 1,147,753; 1,149,665; 1,149,666; 1,160,999; vgs 085; 1,516,974; 1,521,295 1,170,819; 1,174,798; 1, 178, 927; 1,182,202; —,— _starch, cooked, for, 1,281,409 1,184,135; 1,188,408; 1,193,764; 1,195,677; —,—,—,— , uncooked, for, 1,281 409 1,196,225; 1,196,999; 1,198 619: 1,199,390 ; —_—,—, —, starch paste for, 1211 363; 1,224,376 1,201,709; 1,203,279; 1.205.392 : 1,209,298 ; —,—,—,steel cold rolled, ‘for, 1,866,095 ; 1,211,863; 1,214 836 : 1,215,774; 1,221,061; 1,468, 574 1,221,062; 1 ‘924 ‘376: 1,225,306; — 1,231,057; —,—,—,—, copper coated, for, 1,366,095 1,236,698 ; 1.242 656; 1,251,005; 1,267,620; —,—,— ’ straw for, 1,196, 999 Re-14,929 ; 1,276,714: 1,295,475; 1,303,286; —,—,—, ’ strawboard for, 1,281,409; 1,506,196; 1,303,843; 1,303,844; 1329946; 1,331,761; 1,518,301 1301,¢62 52) 71,331,760; 1323: 771; 1,355,899; —,—,—, strontium persulfate for, 1,147,753 1,358,334; 1,358,350; 1.366, 095; 1,366,191; —,—,—, succinic acid for, 1,303,844 1,366,298; 1,370,054; 1,370,055; 1,370,056; —,—,—, sulfate for, 1,490, 450 Poiaved >) 1,402,185 >. 1.402, 994 : 1,408,140; —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,160,907; 1,287,634; 1,438,084; 1,438,085; 1,468 B74: 1,481,178 ; 1,305,485 1,484,779; 1,484,926; 1,486, 172; 14873728; —,—,—, syrup for, 1,169,258 1,488,908: 1,490,448: 1,490,450: 1,490,455; —’_’ _' tale for, 1,500,477 1,493,435; 1,497,316; 1.497317; 1,500,027; —,—,—, tar for, Ween 761: 1,331,762; 1,486,172 1,500,477; 1,503,285; 1,505,939; 1,506,181; —,—,—, tartaric acid for, 1,303 844 1,506,189; 1,506,196; 1,506,217; 1,511,271; —,—, —, s- -tetrachlor-ethane for, 1,357,160 1,515,652; 1,515,912; 1,515,945; 1,516,632; —,—,—, tin for, 1,215,774 1,516,974; 1,518,301; 1,518,638; 1,521,295 —,—,—, ‘tin, iron coated with, for, 1,215,774; —,—,—, zine foil for, "1 486, ie 1,225,306 —,—,—, zine oxide for, 1,316,597 —,—,—, trichlorhydrin for, 1,357,160 —,—,—, zine sulfate for, 1,490, 450 —,—,—, trichlorphenol for, 1,357,160 —,—, material for, purifying, 1,343, 585 —,—,—, a.a.a-trichlor-toluene for, 1,857,160 te ee OL protested zinc cup for, making, —,—,—, trioxymethylene for, 1,355,899 1,352,834 —,—,—,varnish for, 1,140,826; 1,199,390; _ — organic materials for combating devel- 1,506, 181; 1,515,945 oped basicity of, 1,357,160 —,—,—, varnish, waterproof, for, 1,366,095; —,—,paper, waxed, cap for electrode for, 1,468,574, 1,168,078 eerie t ¢2 neha Sime aes 1,305,485 —,—, paper cap for electrode for, 1,168,078 ry Liirysges 1 100007s ete Lb 8 eae j : : > —,—,phenolphthalein paper used to indicate 1,201,709; 1,203,279; 1,284,458; 1,366,095; 1389691. 1468574: 1515945 approximate strength of, 1,497,388 ? b] ’ d ’ ’ b| 5) <. 2 = 9 7 —._._ wheat flour for, 1,147,753; 1,488,908; 27> pitch used in construction of, 1,331,761; 1,506,196; 1,511,271; 1,518,637; 1,518,638; 1,881,762 1,521,295 —,—, plaster of Paris in, 1,316,597 —,—,—, wood for, 1,501,084 —, potassium bichromate in, 1,331,877 —’_'_' wood cylinders for, 1,403,409; © —»— preserving of, asphaltum for, 1,368,479 1,403.41 410 —,—,—, potassium bichromate for, 1 aah 877 —,—,—, wood pulp for, 1,484,885 —,—,—, shellac for, 1,368,479 Pe vine for, | 1,169,258; 1,258,257; ae pyrolusite in, 1,292,254; = 1,292,764; 1,283,005; 1,287,634; 1,316,597; 1,366,095; 1,370,054; 1,370,055; 1,370,056 1,468,574; 1,518,301 —,—,reclaiming material from, 1,374,003 Fei or, Ae ammonium chloride for, — —, recharge, see Battery, storage, 1,305,250; 1,305,251; 1,305,252 —,—, reconstructed, 1,855,899 —,—,—, zinc anode for, 1,266, 166; 1,284,458 —,—,regeneration of, ammonium chloride for, —,—,—, zinc bichromate for, 1,276, 714 1,311,559 —,—,—,zinc can for, 1 1143, 181; 1,157,531; —,—,—,dye, aniline, for, 1,311,559 1,162,449; 1,289,438 ; ie 15 846 —,—,—, oxalic acid for, 1,311 559 —,—,—, zinc chloride fOTj603 147 753; 1,149,665; —,—,—,sodium chloride for, 1,311 009 1,160, 907 ; 1,160,999 ; 1, 162, 449 - 1,170,819; —,—,reserve type, 1,432,025 1.196.225 : 1.198.619: 1.201 709: 1,209,298; —,—,—, electrolyte for, 1,437 053 1,211,363; 1,224,376; 1.287.634: 1,289,433; —,—,retort carbon for, 1 4292, 764 Re-15,846; 1,295,475; 1,316,597; 1,355,899; —,—,rubber cap for electrode for, 1,168,078 $958,384; 1,358,350; 1,361,499; 1,366,298; —,—, ’ sand in, 1,316,597 1,484,780; 1,484,782; 1,484,918; 1,487,728; —,—,sodium borate in, 1,316,597 692 Battery, dry, spent, depolarizing compound from, manganese salts recovered from, 1,412 986 —,—,—, treatment of, 1,412,986 —,—, starch in, 1,816 597; L 308,084; 1,358,350 ; 1 370, 054; 1 370 055; 1 370, 056 —_—,— , storage, 1 371 746 —,—, storing of, alcohol for, 1,508,371 —,—, — apparatus for, 1 508, 371 carbon tetrachloride for, 1,508,371 ,—,—, process for, 1,508,371 —,—, sulfide, action ‘of on, 1,292,254 —,—, tar used in construction of, 1,331,761; 1,331,762 —,—, tetrachlorethane in, 1, 357,160 —,—,trichlorhydrin in, 1,357, 160 —,—, trichlorphenol in, 1,357 160 —,—, uncooked flour paste in, 1,484,303 —,—, zinc in, 1,316,597; 1,358, 334; 1 308,390 ,—, zine can for, mfr. ‘of, ‘beeswax for, 1 477,109 —,—, —, —, bronze powder for, 1,477, 109 —,—-,—, — ’ electrolytic process for, 1,477, 109 —,—,—, —, graphite for, 1,477,109 —,—, — ‘mercury (ic) chloride for, 1,472,359 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,472,359; 1 A77 109 ,»—,—, —, solder for, i 72, 359 =, — ' turpentine for, 1 477,109 —,—, zinc can electrode for, 1 292, 254 =e yaine Chioride, fin, )t 316, 597; 1,358, 350; 1,385,151; 1 434 469 —,—, zinc chloride, recovery of from, 1,192,061 —,—, zinc chloride in electrolyte for, 1.272 952; 1,370,054; 1,370,055; 1,370,056 —,—, zinc corrosion in, 1,292, 254 —-, —, —-, effect: of iron ‘salts, 1,292, 254 —,—, zinc cups for, mfr. of, electr ‘olytic process for, 1,419,839 —,—,zine electrode for, 1,272,405; 1,272,406; 1,293,272 ; L 403, 410 —,—,—, mfr, of, amyl acetate for, 1,515,945 —,—-, — —, celluloid for, 1,515 945 “ wv 1,358,334; 1,267,620; Re-14,929; 1,272,407; 1,292,764; ? —,— cc celluloid lacquer Ds for, 1,515,945 —,—, ’ cellulose nitrate tor,1, 515 945 —,—, paint for, 1,515,945 —, —, paraffin for, 1,515, 945 1,375,305 : —,—,—,—, process for, 1,515,945 —,—, —, —, shellac for, 1,515,945 —,—,—,—, ’ varnish for, m1 515 945 —,—,—, —, protecting of, process for, 1,376,034 —,zine oxide in, 1,316, 597 —,—, see also Battery, primary; Dry cell; Man- ganese dioxide; Manganese oxide; Pyrolusite —,dry cell, mfr. of, 1,292,254; 1,296, 700 —, Tops 1,401, 676 —, alkali earth hydrosulfide in, 1,816,760 —,—, "alkali earth polysulfide in, 1 316, 760 —,—, alkali earth sulfide in, 1 316, 760 —,—, alkali hydrosulfide in, 1 316, 760 1,375,306 ; —, alkali polysulfide in, 1,316, 760 —, alkali sulfide in, 1,316, 760 cee ’ alkaline, 1,369,813 —,— ‘allyl thiocarbamide i in, 1,316,760 —,—, allyl thiocarbimide in, 1,316,760 —-,—,aluminum sulfide in, 1 316 760 —,—, ammonium-copper sulfide i in, 1.316,760 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL grup nat 1915-1924 [a Sla QIINADL v.32 7003 ,ammomum hydrosulfide in, Battery, 1,316,760 —,—, ammonium ortho-thioantimonite in, mt 316, 760 —,—,ammonium polysulfide in, 1,316,760 — —, ammonium sulfide in, 1 316, 760 —,—, ammonium thioantimonite in, 1,316,760 —,—, ammonium thioarsenate in, 1 316 760 —,—, ammonium thioarsenite in, 1,316, 760 —,—, ammonium thiostannate 1 in, 1 316, 760 —} anode for, zine as, 1,134 093 —,—, ’ anti-freezing electrolyte for, 1,134,093 —,—, antimony (ous) disulfide in, 1,316,760 — ey ae sulfide in, 1,316,760 , arsenic disulfide in, 1,316 "760 —, arsenic pentasulfide in, 1,316, 760 , arsenous sulfide in, 1,316 760 — ns Se sulfide in, 1,316, 760 —, bismuth sulfide in, 1,316, 760 —,—, ’ boron trisulfide in, 1,316, 760 —,—, cadmium sulfide in, 1,316,760 —, calcium sulfide in, 1,316,760 —,—-, ’ carbon bisulfide in, 1 316, 760 —, ’ cathode for, mfr. of, carbon for, 1,134,093 —,—, —, —, chromium for, 1,184,093 —,—, —, —, ’ chromium hydroxide for, 1,134,093 ,—, —, —, chromium oxide for, 1,134,093 »—, —, —, copper for, 1,134,093 —" —,—,—,—, copper, amalgamated, for, 1,134,093 —, copper hydroxide for, 1 134 093 —,—,—,copper oxide for, 1,134,098 ; ~ 1289,365; 1,289,366 i oe eens oe for, 1 134 093 —)—) ty oy OR, nickel plated, for, 1,184,093 —, a ee —, iron hydroxide for, 1 134 093 eee —,iron oxide for, 1 134 093 —,—,—, —, Manganese for, 1; 134 093 —,—,—, —, Manganese hydroxide for, 1,184,093 —,—,—,—, manganese oxide for, 1 134 093 —,—,—,—, mereury for, 1,134, 093 —,—,—, —, Mercury hydroxide for, 1,134,093 —,—,—,—, mercury oxide for, 1 1134, 093 ,—,—, —, metal for, 1,134, 093 —,—, —, —, metal hydroxide for, 1,184,093 —,—,—,—, metal oxide for, 1, 134 093 —,—,—,—, nickel for, 1,134,093 —,—,—,—,nickel, iron plated with, for, 1,134,093 —,—,—,—,nickel hydroxide for, 1,134,093 —,—,—, nickel oxide for, 1 1134, 093 —— : for, 1 1134, 093 3 d ? OR ss) = ioe) QoQ. «pe cor] B =e Sy o- Lar} Ox ™M nT i ——s 2) ee) - Ak [eo] > oS ive} w ~ —,—,—, —, platinum for, 1,134, 093 —, +, —, +, platinum hydroxide for, 1, 134, 093 —,—, platinum oxide for, 1,134 093 —,—,—,—, selenides for, 1,289, 366 —,—, selenium for, 1 289 366 —,—, silver for, 1, 134 093 —,—, silver hydroxide for, 1,134,093 —,—,silver oxide for, 1 1134, 093 ot ear TOF, ame) 365 —_,—, —, —, tellurides for, 1,289, 366 —, —, —, —, tellurium for, 1 1289, 366 —,—, cerium (ous) sulfide in, 1,316 5760 —,—, cesium sulfide in, 1,316 760 ids —, Eoarerne oxide for, 1,134, 093 uv we fe , 3 ~ _ eh “ INDEX OF SUBJECTS JS Brn, ¥, 3, Battery are, chromium sulfide in, 1,316, 760 —,—,cobalt(ous) sulfide in, 1,316, 760 —,—, construction of, 1,433,136 —,—, copper-ammonium sulfide in, 1,316,760 —,—, copper oxide in, 1,316,761; 1,438,086 —,—, copper oxide, electrolytic, ino 438, 086 —,—,—, oil and sulfur as negative electrode for, 1 255 ,283 —,—, copper oxide as negative electrode for, 1,255, 283; 1,316,760 —,—, copper oxide scale in, 1,438,086 —,—,copper oxide and sulfur as denolarizer for, 1,316,761 —_—— —, copper (ous) oxide in, 1,488,086 —,—,copper(ic) sulfide in, 1 316, 760 —,—, copper(ous) sulfide in, 1 316, 760 deferred action type, 1.407 035 Lee depolarizer for, dinitrobenzene as, 1,134,093 /—,—,—,dinitro compound as, 1,134,093 — ,—,—, dinitroethane as, 1,134,093 —,—,—, dinitromethane as, 1, 134 ,093 —,—,—, dinitronaphthalene as, 1,134 093 —,—,—, dinitrotoluene as, 1,134 093 ,—,—, hitraniline as, 1,134 093 —,—,—, nitrobenzene as, 1,134 ,093 —,—,—, nitrobenzoic acid as, 1,134,093 —,—,—, nitro compound as, 1,134,093 —,—,—, nitroethane as, 1,134,093 —,—, —, nitromethane as, ‘1 134, 093 —,— — nitronaphthalene as, 1,134 093 —,—,—, nitro-phenol as, 1 134 093 —,—,—, nitrotoluene as, 1, 134 093 —,—, —, trinitrobenzene as, 1, 134, 093 —, trinitro compound as, 1,134 093 —,—,—, ' trinitroethane as, 1 134 093 —,—,—, ’ trinitromethane as, 1 134 093 —,—,— ’ trinitronaphthalene as, i 184,093 —,—,—, trinitrotoluene as, 1,134 093 —,—, diaphragm for, mfr. of, process for, ate: 830 —,electrolyte for, alcohol in, 1,134,093 —, —, —, alkali hydroxide RMS 134, 093 —,—,—, cocoanut palm juice for preparing, 1,427, 011 —,—,—, dinitrobenzene in, 1,134,093 —,—,—, ’ dinitro compound in, 1,134,093 —,—,—, ’ dinitroethane in, 1 134 093 —,—,—, dinitromethane in, 1 134 093 —,—, —, dinitronaphthalene in, 1,134, 093 —,—,—, dinitrotoluene in, 1,134 093 ,—, —, lithium hydroxide in, 1,134 093 Se ane, nipa 1,427,011 —,—,—,nitraniline in, 1,134,093 —,—,—, nitrobenzene in, 1 134 093 —,--,—, ’ nitro-benzoic acid ‘in, 1,134,093 ,—,—, hitro compound in, 1,134, 093 —,—,—, nitroethane in, l, 134 093 —,—, nitromethane in, 1,134, 093 —,—, ; nitronaphthalene in, 1.134,098 —,—, nitrophenol in, 1 134 093 palm ° juice for preparing, —,—,—, nitrotoluene in, 1,134,093 —,—,-—, potassium hydroxide in, 1,134,093 —,—,—,sodium hydroxide in, 1,134,093 : —, trinitrobenzene in, 1,134,093 693 400 2 Battaty. } depolarizer for, trinitro com- pound in, 1,134,093 —,—,—, trinitroethane in, 1,184,093 —,—,—, trinitromethane in, 1,134,093 —,—,—, trinitronaphthalene in, 1,184,093 ,—, — trinitrotoluene in, 1,134,093 ,—, “tuba” juice for preparing, 1,427,011 —,—, galvanized iron cup for, 1,331,456 —,—, hydrazine sulfate in, 1,316,760 —,—, hydrogen sulfide in, 1,316,760 —,—,iron disulfide in, 1,316,760 , —,—,iron(ic) sulfide in, 1,316,760 —,—,iron(ous) sulfide in, 1,316,760 —,—,lead-coated zine electrodes for, —,—,lead sulfide in, 1,316,760 —,—, lithium sulfide in, 1,316,760 —,—,magnesium sulfide in, 1,316,760 1,425,573 —,—, mfr. of, 1,292,254 —,—,—, copper oxide for, 1,316,761 ,— —, oil for, 1,255,283 ie ae red oil for, 1,255,283 —,sodium hydroxide for, 1,316,761 —,—,—, sulfur for, 1,255,283; 1,316,761 —,—,—,zine for, 1,316,761 —,—, mercury- -sodium sulfide in, 1,316,760 —,—,mercury(ic) sulfide in, 1,316,760 —,—, molybdenum disulfide in, 1,316,760 —,—,a-naphthylamine sulfate in, 1,316,760 —,—, nickel monosulfide in, 1,316,760 —,—,oil, copper oxide and sulfur as negative electrode for, 1,255,283 —,—, phenyl thiocarbamide in, 1,316,760 —,—, phosphorus(tetra) trisulfide in, 1,316, #60 —, plates for, 1,864,953 —, —, potassium sulfide in, 1,316,760 —,—,rubidium sulfide in, "f 316, 760 —,—, silicon sulfide in, 1,316,760 —,—,silver sulfide in, 1,316,760 —,—, sodium hydroxide in, 1 316,761; 1,438,086 —, —, sodium hydroxide 1,255,283; 1,316,760 —,—, sodium-mercury, sulfide in, 1,316,760 1 sodium sulfide in, 1,316, 760 —, strontium sulfide in, 1,316,760 —, sulfide in, 1,316,760; 1,316,761; 1,438,086 —,—, sulfur, copper oxide and oil as negative © electrode for, 1,255,283 —,—, sulfur bromide in, 1,316,760 —,—,sulfur(mono-) chloride in, 1,316,760 —,—,sulfur and copper oxide as depolarizer for, 1,316,761 —,—, sulfur iodide in, 1,316,760 ae tetraphosphorus trisulfide in, 1,316,760 —,thioacetic acid in, 1,316,760 —,— , thiocarbanilide in, 1,316 760 —,—, ’ thiourea ay 1,316, 5760 —, —, tin(ic) sulfide in, 1,316,760 electr olyte in, —,tin(ous) sulfide in, 1,316,760 —,—,titanium sulfide in, 1,316,760 —,—, vanadium pentasulfide in, 1,316,760 —,zine in, 1,316,761 —,—, zine, carbon and ammonium chloride in, 1,356,977 —,—, zine anode for, 1,289,365; 1,289,366 —,—, zing, plates for, 1,364, 953 —,—,zine’ positive ‘electrode for, 1,255,283 ; 1,316,760 694 Are, srr atee, V. 3, & 1003 Battery, spy ZINC sulfide in, 1,316,760 —,—,see Battery, dry; Battery, premary —, ’ electrodes for, 1,369,813; 1,393,483 = costing, olea ginous material 1,433,602 —,—, mfr, of, ammonium sulfate for, —,—,—, cloth for, 1,156,316 —,—,—, copper oxide for, 1,140,408 ; —,-——, copper wire for, 1 140 403 —,—,lead oxides for, 1,156, 316 for, 1,156,316 1,386,095 —,——, —-, Magnesium sulfate for, 1,156,316 ,—,—, process for, 1,140,403; 1 156, 316 basen oo BUITUTIC acid for, 1 156 316 —,— ’ zinc preparing, 1 399, 996 — ’ electrolyte for, bismuth chloride i in, 1,393,739 —,—,crude copper sulfate as, 1,375, 513 —,—, ” mfr. of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,484, 784 —,—,—, alum for, 1,487,235 —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1,487,235 —,—,corn starch for, 1,484 784 — ; glycerol for, 1,487, 235 —, magnesium sulfate for, 1,487,235 —,—,— ’ petroleum for, 1,484. 784 —,—, —, potassium hydroxide for, 1,303,453; 1,487,235 —,—,—, process for, 1,484,784; —,—, —, sodium hydroxide for, —,—, —, ’ starch for, 1,484,784 — ’ f d ? ’ mt, b] 3 > d b bd ) 1,487,235 1,484,784 we —., sulfuric acid for, 1,487,235 Cee —, ” wheat flour for, 1,484, 784 — —; sodium hydroxide iti 1,303, 453 —,—,tungstates in, 1,416, 738 — ’ electrolytic, 1,406, 239 —, flour in, 1,464,838 —,galvanic, electrode for, 1,450,004 —,—, —, mir. negative, 1 450, 004 —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,255,536 —,—, see biae Battery, dry ; Battery, primary —- ’ gravity, see Battery, primary —, heat-excited, construction of, 1,415,832 — Lalande, ammonium acetate, depolarizer for made with, 1,468,234 —,—, ammonium chloride, made with, 1,468,234 —,—, ammonium hydroxide in electrolyte for, 1 285, 054 —,— “ammonium with, 1,468,234 -——,—,ammonium sulfate depolarizer for made with, 1,468,234 —,— carbon electrode for, 1,281,857 —,—,copper oxide for, 1,281, 857 ,—. copper oxide depolarizer for made with, 1,468,234 —,—,copper oxide and sulfur cathode for, 1,269,173 —,—,depolarizer for, 100; sulfur 1.2, | 468 234 —,—,—,mfr. of, copper oxide for, 1,269,173 —,—,—,—, copper scale for, 1,269, 173 —, —, —, —, copper (ic) sulfide for, 1,269,173 depolarizer for salt, depolarizer for made — copper oxide sulfate 2.5; formula, ammonium —,—,copper(ous) sulfide for, 1,269, 173 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,269,173 ’ —,—,—,—, process for, 1,269, 173 —,—, —,—, "sulfur for, 1,269, 173 UNITED ws CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 “Battery, Lalande, electrode for, mfr. of, copper for, 1,211,388 —,—,—,—, copper oxide for, 1,211,383 —,—, —, —, copper (ic) oxide for, 1,129,818 ; 1,211, 388 —,—,—,—, copper(ous) oxide for, 1,129,818; 1,211,38 . —,—,—,—, copper sulfate for, 1,129,518 —,—,—,—,enamel for, 1,129 818 —,—,—,—, glass for, 1 129, 818 —,—, mercury ‘for, 1; 211 038 + - molasses for, 1 211 058 i etal ee) SILICH Leet OR EE 129, 818 isa a —,process for, 1 129, 818; 1,211,388 a aie sodium hydroxide for, 1,211,388 —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,211 388 tans FIL SUSE WORE 211 388 —,— ’ electrolyte for, recovery of sodium hy- roxide from, 1,281, 857 —,—,—,recovery of zinc from, 1,281,857 —,—, treatment of, apparatus for, 1,281 857 —, iron electrode for, 1,281,857 —, ’ mir. of, copper oxide for, 1,289,366 —,—, copper oxide and sulfur for, 1 ,289,365 —, potassium hydroxide for, 1,211 388 —, process for, 1,211,388 —, —, selenide for, 1.289, 366 ,—, selenium for, 1,289, 366 —,—,—, selenium compound for, 1,289,366 —,—, ’ sodium hydroxide for, 1 O11, 388 —,—, "sulfur and copper oxide for, 1,289,365 —, ’ telluride for, 1,289,366 —, ’ tellurium for, 1,289, 366 —,—, ; tellurium compound for, 1,289,366 —,—,—,zine electrode for, 1,211, 388 — ” potassium hydroxide electrolyte for, 1 269, 173; 1,285,054; 1,289,366 ‘A ? bf b] ’ J i ew. | i b , Ue | 4 SD =f ~ bi bf b) Ghia: bf 2 > NOTH Ng —,—, sodium hydroxide electrolyte for, 1 269,173 ; 1,285,054; 1,289,366 —,—, sulfur, depolarizer for, made with, 1,468,234 —,—, sulfur and copper oxide cathode for, 1 269, 173 —,—,zine anode for, 1,269, 173; 1,289,366 —,—, zine electrode for, 1,281 857 —,—,see also Battery, primary —, Leclanche, see Battery, dry —, ‘mir. of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,289,609 —,—,ammonium sulfide for, 1 289 609 —,—, antimony, lead alloy contg., for, 1,375,012 —,—,asphalt for, 1,875,012 —,—, calcium hypochlorite for, 1,289,609 —,—, copper oxide for, 1,145 950 —,—, enamel for, 1 145, 950 —,—, hypochlorite for, 1,289,609 ie, lead; red, for, 1,289, 609 —,—, lead alloy, antimony in, for, 1,375,012 —,—,lead dioxide for, 1,289, 609 —,—, lead electrode for, 1 2375 012 —,—,lead oxide for, 1,289, 609 —,—,lead peroxide ‘for, 1,375, 012 —,—, litharge for, 1,289 609 —, lithium hydroxide for, 1,289,609 —,—, “oil for, 1,289,609 —, —; paper, "blotting for, 1,375,012 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,289,609 1,145,950 ; INDEX OF SUBJECTS 695 oan mfr. of, potassium sulfide for, 1,289,609 Battery, primary, copper oxide, mfr. of, elec- —,process for, 1,145,950; 1,289,030; trode for, copper salt for, 1 386, 095 es 289 609; 1,375,012 —, copper sulfate for, 1,386,095 ; ye sawdust for, 1,375,012 Ba 486 3.955 ; 5 safe * sodium hydroxide for, 1,145,950; 1,289,609 —,—,—,—, engine oil for, 1,295,459 —,—,sodium hypochlorite for, 1 289, 609 —,—,—, —, glue for, 1,295,459 —,—,sodium sulfide for, 1,289, 609 —,—,—,—, iron for, 1,366, 559 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1 375 012 —,— , iron, finely divided, for, 1,496,527; a dice, ’ sulfide for, 1,289, 609 _ 1,496.5 528 —,—, wood pulp for, 1,375, 012 —,— ‘iron by hydrogen ” for, 1,866,559 ; —,—, zine anode for, 1 145, 950 1,496, 5 BRT ; 1406, 528 a, ’ material for, purifying, 1,343,585 ay); ron nitrate for, 1,486,955 —, nickel hydroxide electrode in, 1,416,738 r,s, Iron Oxide ‘Tor, t 496, 527 —,potassium hydroxide as electrolyte for, —»—»—>—>1ron sulfate for, 1,486,955 1,282,057; 1,285,054 oy metal for, 1,306 059 —, primary, 1,407,489 —, process for, 1,295,459; 1,866,559; —,—,carbon as electrode for, 1,258,266; 1,386,0 095; 1,486,955 1 Sapahee 119 eaime were sodium hydroxide for, 1,366,559; By site tor. copper (ie) omide mnt iay 226 | 1 a86, 095; 1,486,955; 1,496,526; 1,496,528 ee copper (ous) oxide for, 1,137,226 —,—,—,—, sodium sulfate for, 1,486,955 —}—}— mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,243,111 —)—,—, —, Sugar for, 1,295, 459 eee, yalkali for, 1,243,111 —,—,—,— zine for, 1,496,526 —,—,—, —, ammonium chloride for, 1,243,111 7777-7 2ine oxide for, 1,866,559 —,—,—,—, aqua-regia for, 1,243,111 i. process for, 1,496,526; 1,496,527; —,—,—, —, palladium for, 1,343,111 1,496,528 . —,—,—,—, palladium black for, 1,243,111 —,—, —, —, see also Battery, Lalande, electrode —,—,—,—, process for, 1,243,111 Jor Date ee ee rhodium, for, 1,243,111 Mi eouie, for, copper(ous) sulfide as, sal gaan one ’ i eae =, ymift, of, ar for, 1.148.153; Re-14,061 Dts hte coke electrodes for, 1,370, 119 Rep omen oe en) OXLGE fOr i —)—, construction of, 1,338,412; 1,437,287 Weed oni erbeeE parauinie fOr, Ae ao —, (alkali type), construction of, 1,334,946 6 Ifide for, 1,489,328 —, —, copper (ic) hydroxide electrode for, Mirae nee Dilade. Cr Sfor, 1,148,152; of, copper(ic) sulfate for, 1,489,240 A fAPLOTg. © TREAT tas al ph Ga aeecaces Uh eee te ae " Re-14,051 —,—,—|—,—, Cus, for, 1,148,152; Re-14,051 —,—,—,—, iron oxide for, 1,489,328 ,—, —, — ,lron oxysulfide for, 1,489,328 —,—,—, —, Magnesium sulfate for, 1,489,240 —,—,—,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,489,240 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,489,240 —,—, —, —, sodium hydroxide for, 1,489,240 —,—, copper oxide in, 1,437,287 —,—, copper oxide cathode for, 1,198,066 -— Ribifas —,iron sulfide for, 1,489, 328 —,—,— lead oxide for, 1 489 328 for, 1,506,425 to metaloxide for, 1,489, 328 ; oe ‘lead oxysulfide for, 1,489, 328 —,—, copper oxide depolarizer, mfr. of, alcohol —,—, —_, — lead sulfide for, 1,489, 328 —,—,—,—, benzene for, 1,506,425 “ald oa mAs —, metal oxysulfide for, 1 ‘489, 328 eg» COPPer oxide for, 1,506,425 — ———' metal sulfide for, 1,489,328 —,—,—,—,ether for, 1,506,425 __ _’ _ oxide for, 1,489,328 —,—,—, —, ethyl alcohol for, 1,506,425 —,—, —, —, oxysulfide for, 1,489,328 —,—,—,—, gasolene for, 1,506, 425 —,—,—,—, process for, 1 148 152: Re-14,051 ; —,—, —, —, methyl alcohol for, 1,506,425 1,489, 328 =e, -—; Ol for, 1,506,425 —,—,—,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,148,152; —,—,—,—, process for, 1,506,425 Re-14 051 —,—, —, —, sodium hydroxide for, 1,506,425 —,—, —., —, sulfide for, .1,489,328 by —,—,—, zine electrode for, 1,506, 425 —,—,—, oil in, 1,506,425 . —,—,—, sulfur for, 1 489, 398 —,—,—, zine for, 1 148, 152; Re-14,051 monium chloride for, 1,366,559; 1,486,955; me 119 3 d ’ , =o Reg’ copper oxide, electrode LOST VOR Satie. depolarizing, copper oxide and air for, 1,496,527 —,—, depolarizing mixture for, 1,331,213 —,—,—,—, ammonium nitrate for, 1,486,955 —;— electrode for, construction of, 1,225,346 —,—,—,—,ammonium salt for, 1,366,559 ; —,—,—, mfr. of, caramel for, 1,356,197 1,496,527 —,—,—, —, charcoal forest 356, 197 —,—,—,—, ammonium sulfate for, 1,486,955 —,—,—,—, copper for, 1,356, 197 ie eae — , copper nitrate for, 1,486 955 —,—,—,— copper (ic) oxide for, 1,850,197 —,— copper oxide for, 1,295,459;, —,—,—,—,copper(ous) oxide for, 1,356,197 1. 366.5 559; 7 386,095; 1,486,955 —,—,+*,—, process for, 1,356,197 —,— , copper (ie) oxide for, 1,496,526; —,—, electrolyte for, potassium hydroxide in, ey 496 27: 1,496,528 1,137,226 ; 1,489,240 696 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Battery, primary, electrolyte for, sodium hy- Battery, primary, mfr. of, copper oxide cathode . droxide for, 1,137,226; 1,489,240 for, 1,207,382; 1,386 095: 1,484,784; 1,486,955 —,—, graphite, porous, electrode for, 1,370,119 —,—,—, copper oxide electrode for, 1,138, 363 ; : —,—, iron as electrode for, 1,258,226 1,186 083: 1,186,084; 1,201,479; 1 201, 480; —,—,iron(ic) chloride as electrolyte for 1,201,481 ‘ 1,224,455: 1,226,816: 1/295 459; 1,258,266 1,505,656 1 ls iron (ous) chloride formed in, 1,258,266 —,—,—,copper(ic) oxide electrode for, —,—, construction of, 1,838,412 1,196,313; 1,196,611 —,—, "mfr. of, 1,296, 700 —,—, —, copper (ous) oxide electrode for, —,—,—, acetyl chloride for, 1,357,160 1,196,313; 1,196,611 —,—,—, alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,489 240 palpably copper (ic) sulfate for, 1,489,240 —,—,—,alkali hydroxide for, 1,201 A479; —,—,—,copper sulfide for, 1,484,781 1,201,480; 1,219,074; 1,484,781; 1 484,784 —,—,—,copper(ous) sulfide for, 1,179,903 alkali zincate for, 1,219,074 —,—, dextrin for, 1,224,455 Pe alii for; 1,100 880 —,—,—, a.a- -dichlor-toluene for, 1,857,160 —,—, aluminum electrode for, 1,190,880 —,—,—,ebonite for, 1,201,709 we oN /—,—,—, aluminum sulfate for, 1 190, 880 —,—,—, engine oil for, 1 295 459 —,—,—, ammonia for, 1,484, 781 —,—,—, ethyl bromide for, 1,357, 160 —, —, —, ammonium ‘chloride TOG PL OLS. wee 1,215,774; 1,856,977; 1,857,160; 1 486 613 a —,—, —, ammonium compound for, 1, 484, 781 SEY, EN, ethyl chloride for, 1,357, 160 —,—~, ethyl iodide for, 1,357, 160 peach areca” 1Oan ee —,—, fabric, waterproof, for, 1,504,788 —,—,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1 484,781 —,—,—,felt for, 1,201,709; 1 356,977 —,—,—, ammonium polysulfide for, 1 484, 781 ag lea fiber for 1 504, 788 —,—,—, ammonium sulfate for, 1 ‘484 781 —,—,—, fruit extract for, 1,201,481 ; —,— ,—,ammonium sulfide for, 1 ‘484, 781 + 5 geet teat ena OS LA Og 1,201, 481; 1,224,455 ; —,—,—, ’ aniline hydrochloride for, 1,357,160 1,484,781 —,—,—,apparatus for, 1,161,322; 1,207,382; —,—,—,glass for, 1,201, 709; 1,240,885 1,224 455 —,—,—,glue for, 1201 481: 1,295 459 —,—,—, asphalt for, 1,196,611; 1,215,774 —,—,—, glue, marine, for, 1,201 ,709 —,—,—, asbestos for, 1,163,834; 1,486,042 —,—,—, grain for, 1,201 481 —,—,—, barium hydroxide ‘for, 1 489, 240 —,—,—, graphite for, 1,219 074; 1,489,240 j ee bark, liquor for, 1,505 656 —,—,—,gum for, 1,201481 Dea sey, benzenesulfonyl chloride for, 1,357,160 —,—,—,gutta percha for, 1,190,878; 1,190,879; —, —, —, benzoyl] chloride for, 1,357, 160 1,356,977 —,—,—, bichromate for, 1,201 ‘481 —,—,—, halogen for, 1 163,834 —,—,—, bromide for, 1 163 834 —,—,—, halogen salt for, 1, 163,834 —,—, cadmium alloy electrode for, 1,196,611 —,—,—, hydrogen sulfide for, 1 484,781 —,—, cadmium electrode for, 1 196. 611 —,—,—, iron, tin coated, for, 1.215, 774 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1 489 240 —,—,—,iron cathode for, 1.225 346; 1,504,788 ~~ uw Ne ls a i” I ee —,—, carbon for, 1,504,788 — —,lead for, 1,163, 163 —,—, ’ carbon anode for, 1,504,788 — —, ‘lithium hydroxide for, 1,201,481 I _ ee Ow carbon Uleetrode for, 116383450") s\e, log wood extract for, 1,505 656 1,201,709: 1,215,774: 1,240,885; 1,240,886; —,— magnesium alloy electrode ~ for, 1,356,977; 1,486,042; 1,486,069; 1,486,613 1,196, 611 —,—,—, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,357,160 —,—,—, magnesium electrode for, 1,196,611 —,—,—, cardboard for, 1,215,774 —,—,—, magnesium hydroxide for, 1,489,240 —,—,—, casein for, 1,201 ‘481 —,—,—,magnesium sulfate for, 1,486,069; —,—, —, celluloid for, 1 163 834; 1,486,069 1 489, 240 —,—,—, ’ charcoal for, 1,486, 613 —,—,—, mercury for, 1,486,613 —,—,—, chlorine for 1,163, 834 —,—,—, mercury(ic) oxide for, 1,219,074 —,—,—, chloroform for, 1 357, 160 —,—, mercury (ic) oxide cathode for, —_—,—, —, a-chlor-toluene for, 1 307,160 ee 219, 074 ve het bari co neeol 201,481 —,—,—, molasses for, 1,196,611 —,—,—, clay for 42 Ma EI i Ab : . Tig LS el ee i Hi 196,313: 1,196,611 en acid for, 1,190,878; 1,190,879; —,—;—, corn starch for, 1,484,784 —,—,—, oil for, 1,196,313; 1,196,611; 1,295,459 —,—,—, copper for, 1,224,455 — oxygen for, 1,190,878; 1,190,879; —,—, —, copper anode for, 1,225,346 1.190 880: 1,191,070 —,—,—, copper container ‘for, 1 224 455 aed RSS paper for, 1,486,042 —,—,—, copper electrode for, 1,179,903 _; —; —' paper, absorbent, for, 1,196,611 —, —, —, copper (ic) hydroxide for, 1,489,240 —,paper, blotting, for, 1, 196 611 ’ bf ’ —,—,—, copper oxide for, 1,295,459 ; 1,484,781 iil pl fy —, waterproof, for, 1,504, 788 ay, coppertie) | | /oxidery Torici . 161322 5 i ce, paraffin for, 1,218, 774: 1,486,042 1,163, 163; 1,224,455; 1,489,240 —,—,—, paste boatd for, 1215, 774 —,—,— “copper(ous) oxide for, 1,224,455 —,—,—, petroleum for, 1 484, 784 —,—,—, copper oxide anode for, 1,167,499 —,—,—, phenolphthalein for, 1,505,656 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Battery, primary, mfr. of, pitch for, 1,196,611; 1,215,774 —,—,—, plaster of Paris for, 1,489,956 —,—,—,platinum, steel coated with, 4,1008 880 rex bene —,zine coated with, 1,190, 1,878; 4 ,190,879 —,—,—, porcelain for, 1,207,382; 1,240,885 —,—,—, potassium bichromate for, I 504, 788 for, electrode, for, —,—,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1 163, 163; 1,219, 074; 1,224,455; 1,240,885; 1 "486 042; 1,489,240 —,—,—, potassium salt for, 1,486,069 — —,—,—,potassium silicate for, 1,486,042; 1,486,069 —,—,—, potassium sulfate for, 1,486,069 —,—,—, potato for, 1,201,481 —,—, —, process for, 1,138,363; 1,161,322 ; 697 Battery, primary, mfr. of, tapioca for, 1,201,481 —,—,—, tea solution for, 1,505,656 —,—,—, s-tetrachlor-ethane for, 1,857,160 —,—,—,tin for, 1,215,774 —,—,—, tin, iron coated with, for, —,—,trichlorhydrin for, 1,357,160 “ 1,215,774 Na Rae Se NOs as SE —,—, trichlor-phenol for, 1,357,160 —,—, a.a.a.-trichlor-toluene for, 1,357,160 —,—,urea for, 1,484,781 —,—, wax for, 1,196,611; 1,201,709 ees wheat for, 1 201 481 —, —, wheat flour “for, 1,484,781; 1,484,784 | ew Ne te —,—, , wood fiber for, 1,504, 788. —-,—, zinc for, 1,161 322 —,—,—, zine, platinized, 1,190,878; 1 ,190,879 —,—, —, zine ‘alloy electrode for, 1,196,611 —,—,—, zine anode for, 1,207, 382; 1 219, 074; — electrode, _ for, ~“ 1,163,163; 1,186,083 ; 1,190,880 ; 1,201,479: 1,207,382; 1,225,346; 1,258,266; 1,386,095 ; 1,486,042 ; 1,489,240 ; 1,163,834; 1,186,084; 1,191,070; 1,201,480; 1,215,774; 1,226,816; 1,295,459; 1,439,956 ; 1,486,069; 1,504,788 ; 1,167,499; 1,190,878; 1,196,318 ; 1,201,481; 1,219,074; 1,240,885 ; 1,356,977 ; 1,484,781; 1,486,613; 1,505,656 1,179,903 ; 1,190,879; 1,196,611; 1,201,709; 1,224,455 ; 1,240,886 ; 1,357,160; 1,484,784; 1,486,955 ; —,—,—,zine bromide for, 1,163,834 1,386, 095 ; 1,486, 955° 1,439,956 ; 1 484, 781; 1,484, 784; ,—,—, zine cathode for, 1,167,499; 1,225,346; 1.504,788 —,—,—, zine chloride for, 1,201,709; 1,489,956; 1,486,613 —,—, —, ZINC electrode __ for, 1,138,363 ; ; 1,357,160 —,—, quebracho extract for, 1,505,656 —,—,ratan for, 1,196,313; 1 196, 611 1,196,313; —,—,— pyrolusite for, —,—,—, sand for, 1,201,481 —,—,—, sawdust for, 1,504,788 —,—,silicate for, 1,201,481 —,—,—,silver cathode for, 1,439,956 —,—,silver chloride for, 1,439 ,956 —,—, —, sodium bichromate for, 1,196,611; ef} wv 1,240,885 ; 1,486,042; 1,486,069 —,— —, sodium bisulfate for, 1,190,880 —,—,—,sodium chloride for, 1 504, 788 —,—,—, sodium hydroxide. for, 1,163,163 ; 1,179,903; 1,196,313; 1,196,611; 1,201,481; 1,207,382 ; 1.219.074; 1 224 455; 1,295,459; 1,484,781; 1,484,784; 1 "489 240; 1,505,656 —,—,—,; sodium nitrate for, 1 504, 788 —,—,—,sodium phosphate for, 1. ,005,656 —,—,—, ’ sodium polysulfide for, 1,484, 781 —,—,—, sodium salt for, 1,486, 069 —,—,—, sodium silicate for, 1,486,042; 1,486,069 —,—,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,190,880; 1,486,069 —,—,sodium sulfide for, 1,484, 781 —,—,—, sodium zincate for, 1 505, 656 eae eetarch.. for, 1 201, 481; 1,224,455; 1,484,784 —,—,—, starch cells for, 1,201,481 —,—,—, starch paste for, 1 504, 788 =~, ——, —, steel for, 1,163, 834 —,—,—, ’ steel, platinum coated, for, 1,190,880 —, ’ strontium hydroxide for, 1 489, 240 —,sugar for, 1,295,459 ; 1,356, 197 —, sulfur for, 1,484, 781 -_ ev 1,219,074; sulfuric acid for, 1,190,880; 1,191,070; 1,240,885: 1,486,042; 1,436,069; 1,504,788 —,—,-, tannic acid for, 1,505, 656 —,—,—, tannin for, 1,505,656 1,163,834; 1,190,878; 1,196,313; 1,201,481 ; 1,226,816; 1,486,069 ; 1,356,977 ; 1,179,903; 1,190,879; 1,196,611; 1,201,709; 1,240,885; 1,486,613; 1,505 656 1,186,083 ; 1,190,880; 1,201,479; 1,215,774: 1,240,886; 1,489,240; 1,186,084 ; 1,191,070; 1,201,480; 1,224,455: 1,486,042 ; 1,295,459; —,—,—, zinc sulfate for, 1,190,878; 1,190,879; 1,191, 070 —,—, mercury 1,370,119 —,—,regeneration of, chlorine for, 1,258,266 —,—,—, process for, 1,258,266 —,—,sodium chloride as_ electrolyte for, 1,258, 266; 1,369,813; 1,370,119 —,—, storage and, combined, construction of, 1,334,849 —,—,tin as electrode for, 1,258,266 —,—, zine anode for, 1,137,226 —,—, zine chloride formed in, 1,258,266 —,—,zine and copper(ic) oxide in, 1,369,813 used in onnvisedien with, —,zine electrode for, 1,258,266; 1,370,119 ; 1,496, 526; 1,496,527; 1,496,528 —,—, —, construction of, 1 199, 558 —,—, (oravity type) zinc electrode for, con- struction of, 1,199,558 —,—, see also Battery, dry; Battery, Lalande —, ’ radio, see Battery, storage —,reserve, see Battery, dry, reserve type — ’ reserve-type, mfr. of, 1,390,524 —,—,see also Battery, deferred action type —, ’ reversible, 1,436,873 — ’ secondary, dry, infr. of, manganese dioxide for, 1,256,864 —,— dry separator for, mfr. of, asbestos for, 1 256, 864 —,—,—,—, calcium sulfate for, 1,256,864 —,—,—-, —, glass wool for, 1,256 864 ——— > hydrochloric acid for, 1,256,864 ,—,—, paper, blotting for, 1,256, 864 698 Battery, eee dry separator for, mfr. of, process for, 1,256,864 —,—,—,—, a at acid for, —,—, —, —, ‘volcanic ash for, —,—, electrode for, 1,370,058 mfr, of, —,— ’ separator for, 1,256 864 1,256,864 asbestos for, 3 ’ b] aponey caeLUr, wae d >) a 73) 1 elu? 2: gre) d ’ b 2} 256, 864 —,—,—,—, calcium sulfate for, 1,256,864 —,—,—, glass wool for, 1,256, 364 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,256,864 —,paper, blotting, for, 1,256, 864 — —, process for, 1,256 864 —., sulfuric acid for, 1,256,864 —,—, ’ voleanic ash for, 1,256, 864 —,—,see also, Battery, storage —, separator for, mfr. of, cedar for, 1,190,025 —,—,—,fir for, 1,190, 025 —,—,—, pine, yellow for, 1,190,025 —,—,—, process for, 1 190, 025 —,—,—,wood for, 1,190, 025 —,—, tripoli in, 1,279 074; Re-15,067 —, silica, amorphous, in, 1,405, 627 —, sodium chloride as electrolyte for, 1,370,119 —, sodium hydroxide as electrolyte for, 1 282,057; 1,285,054; 1,375,647 —, sodium hydroxide type, 1,360, 055; 1,407,489 —,storage, 1,401,676; 1 409, 805; 1 19, 306; 1 5427 970; 1 443, 321; 1 443, 329 —,—, acid-laden air from rooms for mfr. of, treatment of, process for, 1,521,348 +, Alkali, nickel electrode for, 1,350,956 — alkaline, electrolytes for, i; 416 738 —, ‘alkaline type, cerium oxide made for, a 167, 485 —,—,mfr. of, process for, 1,167,485 —, —, —, ’ nickel hydroxide made for, 1,167,484 —, anode for, nickel flake for, 1 275, 232 —, —, nickel "hydroxide in, 1,275, 232 —,—,barium hydroxide in electrolyte in, 1,371, 746 —,—, boxes for, mfr. of, 1,456,565 —, —, caler1um aluminate in, 1,371,746 —,—, calcium sulfate in, 1,433, 136 —,—,cathode for, iron, finely divided, in, 1,275,232 vor, mir, of, mercury 10631)1,139,213 ,—, —, Mercury compound for, 1,139,213 ,—, —, potassium titanate for, 1,139, 213 —,—,—, process for, 1,139,213 —,—,—, —, sodium titanate for, 1,139,213 ,— —, titanium compound for, 1 139,213 b > +, Zine nitrate! tor, 1,139, 213 ee Ls gine ‘saltifOr, L 139, 213 ——)-—, -—, Zine sulfate for, 1 1139, 213 —,—, —, mereury finely divided, in, 1,275,232 —,—, celluloid in construction of, 1 443 al; 1,443,322 —,—,celluloid insulator for, 1,339,835 —,—, ’ celluloid separator for, 1,164, 746 —,—, celluloid used in, 1,415, 275 —,—, cerlum compound in electrode 1,167,485 —,—,cerium oxide in electrode for, 1,167,485 —,— , charging, 1,417,007 —, —, condition of, testing, cadmium test de- vice for, 1,426 868 ie Ws —,—, zinc chloride for, 1,139, 913 for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 » Battery, storage, connector for, mfr. of, copper, lead coated, for, 1,197,246 —_—,—, —, —; lead, copper coated, with, for, 1,197, 246 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,197,246 —,—,—, sealing of, process for, 1,328,357 —,—,construction of, 1,160 491; 1,163,991; 1,163,992; 1,163 993; 1,166,101: 1 166, 102 ; 1,245,428: 1,327,234: 1,327,650 ; 1:359,491 1,388,656; 1,483,136 —,—,—, construction and operation of, 1,436, 873 —,—, construction of for submarines, 1,283,779 —,—, constructional details of, 1 328, 394 ; 1,329,181; 1,858,334; 1,358,350 —,—, container for, 1 '364, 469 —,—,—, mfr. of, alcohol ‘for, 1,306,679 —,—, —,— amyl acetate for, 1 306, 679 —, —, —, —, antimony, “lead ‘alloy contg., for, 1,197, 022 —,—,—,—, apparatus for, 1,515,381 —,—,—, arsenic for, 1 341 871 —,—,— ‘arsenic trioxide for, 1,341,871 —,—,—, asbestos for, 1; 156, 122: 1,497, 531; 1,512,313 —;—-,—,—4, asphalt for, 11561225 stones 1,285,308 ; et "147, (S274 512 313 —,—, —, —, asp halt, Genasco, for, 1,829,282 —,—, —, —,; benzene for, 1 447 (82 —,—, benzine for, 1,447, 782 —,—, camphor for, 1,306, 679 ~., + castor on for, 1,512, 313 —,—,—,—, celluloid for, 1,306, 679; 1,501,352 —,—,—, —, cellulose 1,501, 351; cf 501,352 —_—,—-, —-—, cement for, 1,329,232 —,—, —,—; ’ chicle for, ‘1,306, 679 —,—,—, —, clay, blue, for, 1,341, 871 —,—,—,—, cloth for, 1, 156, 122 —_—,-,—-, — "coal tar for, 1 156, 122 —,—,—, ’ concrete for, 1,512, 313 —,— ,—, cotton for, 19 156, 122 —,—,—, —, elaterite for, 1 156, 122 —,—,-— —, ’ enamel for, 1,341, 871 —._. _, —— ether for, 1 ,306, 679 —,—,—, —, "ethyl alcohol for, 1,447,782 —,—,—, felt for, 1,156, 122° —,—, fiber for, 1,341,871 —,—, fiber, animal, for, 1,156,122 —,—, fiber, mineral, for, 1,156,122 —,—, fish oil for, 1,512,313 —,—,—,—,gasolene for, 1,447,782 —,—, gilsonite for, 1 156, 122 —, —, grahamite for, 1 156, 122 —,—, gravel for, 1,156,122 —,—, grease for, 1,512,313 —,—,—, hair for, 1 "156, 122 —,—,— ’ hexamethylenetetramine for, 1,515,381 | —,—,—,—, lamp black for, 1,447,782 —,—, —+,+—, lead for, 1,197 022; 1 341 71 —, —, lead alloy, antimony in, a 197, 022 Lie Gos, oo, om, Line: TOR eas ot —,—, —, — litharge, for, 1,497 ol —,—, —, —, Magnesia for, 1; 485, 438 bf ie) 4 tn ? ’ “ 1,501,351 ; nitrate for, 1,306,679; we ef aN ~~ —- al IR ee ee” See | Spr Ne NS ee Se: ~ | | aes ee “ Na AT Sa Sab) 5 Sar Ne. for, INDEX OF Battery, storage, container for, mfr. of, mag- nesite for, 1,512,313 —,—,—, —, metal for, 1 512 313 —,—, —, —, methyl alcohol for, 1,447,782 —, —,—,—, mineral rubber for, 1,515,381 —,—,—, —, Montan wax for, 1.512, 313 —,—,—, — naphtha for, 1 447, 782 —,—, —, —, oil, non-drying, for, 1,512,313 —,—, —, —, oil, vegetable, for, 1 ‘485, 438 —,—, —,—, paint, asphalt for, 1,447 "782 —, paper for, 1,156, 122; 1 512 313 —,—, paper pulp for, 1 156, 122: 1,341,871 —,—,—,—, papier-mache for, 1 306, 679 a paregoric for, 1,306,679 —,—,—, —, “ Paramold ” for, 1,456,565 —,—,—, —, piperidinepiperidyldithiocarbonate or, 1,515,381 —,—,—,—, pitch for, 1,329,232 1,197,022; 1,485,438; a a: “ wef J “ eR “ —,—,—, —, process ‘for, 1 156,122; 1,197,022 ; 1,306,679; 1,327,649; 1 329 932 : 1,341,871; 1,414,326 ; 1,447,782: 1,456 65; 1,485,438; 1,497,581; 1,501,351; 1,501,352: 1,512,318 ; 1,513,087; — 1,515,381 —,—, —, — rubber for, 1,341,871; 1,497,531; 1,501, 351; 1,501,352; 1,513,087; 1,515,381 —,—, —, —, rubber, hard, for, 1 197,022 —,—, —, —, "rubber, hard, dust, for, 1,515,381 —,—,—, —, —, synthetic, for, 1,456 065 —,—,—, —, sand for, 1,156, 122: 1,512, 313 —, —, —, —, shellac for, 1,447, 782 —, —, —, —, silica for, 1341, Ral £512,313 ; 1,515,381 —,—,—,—, soapstone for, 1,156,122 —,—,—, —, steel wool for, 1,512,313 _—,—,—, —, stone for, 1, 512, 313 —,—, a a straw for, 1, 156, 122 —,—, —, sulfur for, 1,497,531 ; Polgidls.: ~ 1515,381 —,—,—,—, sulfur chloride for, 1,485,438 —,—,—, —, tale for, 1,156,122; 1,512 313 —,—, —, —, tar pitch for, ie 512 313 —,—,—, —, triphenylguanidine for, 1,515,381 —, —, —, —, wheat flour for, 1,329, 239 aa —— wood for, 1,841,871; 1,501,351; 1,501,352 ; 1 12 ae —,—, wood fiber for, 1,512,313 1,447,782 ; —)— wool for, 1,156,122 —,—,—, —, zine oxide for, 1,515, 381 —,—,—,see also Bituminous composition, fibrous, —,—, counter-, electrolyte for, chromates in, 1,437,470 —,—,depolarizer for, mfr. of, air for, 1,148,152 ; Re-14,051 chromic acid or —,copper oxysulfide for, 1,148,152; men 14,051 —,—,—, copper sulfide, CuS, for, 1,148,152; w He 14 051. —,—,—,—, copper sulfide, CunS, for, 1,148,152; Re-14,051 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,148,152; Re-14,051 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,148,152 ; aN 14 051 a >, zine for, 1,148,152; ; Re-14,051 —,—,“ dry,” 1,371,746 SUBJECTS 699 Battery, storage, dry type, mfr. of, lead elec- trode for, 1,479,848 ra, ony ees Theth yl Salley lates 10K, —,—, —, —, paper for, 1,176,970 ,—), —, —, paraffin for, 1,176,970 —,—, —,—, paste-board for, 1,176,970 —,—,—,—, plaster of Paris for, 1 ,176,970 ,—,—,—, process for, 1,176; 970; 1,479, 848 —,—, —, —, sodium silicate for, 1,479, 848 —, —, —, —, sulfuric acid for, 1 ‘176 970; 1 479, 848 —,—, —, —, “ West’s disinfectant ” for, 1, 479 848 —,—, ebonite in construction of, 1443, 321; 1 443, 322 —,—, Edison type, construction of, 1,165,101; 1,283 3,779 —,—, mfr. i ASS, 481 —,—,—,nickel hydroxide for, 1488, 481 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,488,480; 1,488,481 —,—,electrode for, 1,366,489; 1,370,058; 1,375,317 ; 1,376,920; 1,411,256 —,—,—, cadmium for, 1,378,733 —,—,—, celluloid in, 1,366, 491 —,—, —, cobalt (ous) oxide in, 1,373,734 1,479,848 of, nickel flake for, 1,488,480; 1,488,480 ; —,—,construction of, rubber, hard, for, Fi 492 816 —,—,—, ferro-silicon as, 1,425,163 —,—, electrodes for, mfr. of, 1,390,629; 1,402,751; 1,427,970 —,—,—,—, acetone for, 1,489,994 =, —,--—-,-—, alcohol for, 1, 156, 686; 1,439,994 —,—, —, —, alginates for, 1,508, 739 —— alginic acid ‘for, 1,508, 732 —,—, —,—, alkali phenolate for, 1 175,954 = +, aluminum ; grid: ior; 1,144, 311 ,—, —, —, aluminum sulfate for, 1,454, 078 —,—,—,—, ammonia for, 1,498 866 ,—,—, —, ammonium acetate for, 1,175,954 —,—, —, —, ammonium alginate for, 1,508, 732 ,—,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1; 175, 954 —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1215 907; a 228, 546; 5 303,513; 1,842,953; 1 427 970 —,— ,antimony, lead alloy contg., for, ae 190, 982; id 197,816; 1,381,387; 1,498,359 apparatus for, 1 144 3il; 1,198,426 ; wi 238, 3211; al 295,365; 1 303, 513 —,—,—,—, asbestos for, 1 350, 956 —,—,—, — ’ asphalt for, 1,500 219 —,—, —, —, barium sulfate for, 1,182,513 5] —,-_, cadmium for,’ 1175, 954 =o cadmium oxide for, 1,175,954 CAC Wire Lor, 1,315, 032 —,—,—, canvas for, 1,427 970 —,—, —, carbon for, 1,342, 953 —, ——, , , Carbon anode for, 1,144,311 et, CeMUIOIA A fOry ch 197 816: 1,364,011; 1,484,928; 1,500,219 —,—, —, —, cellulose nitrate for, 1,454,078 ee Cloth tory sh427,970 —,—,—,—, ’ cobalt for, 1,175, 954 : fet, copper for, 1,175,954 ’ tw ae} 2 1,240,280 wire _ for, ,—,—, —, copper, lead coated, for, —,—,—, — ’ copper-nickel 1,315,032 ——,+-,-—, —, ether for, 1,439,994 alloy 700 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Battery, storage, electrodes for, mfr. of, ethyl alcohol for, 1,489,994 —,—,—,—, glass for, 1,500,219 —,—,—,—, glue for, 1,454,078 —,—,—, glycerol for, 1,454,078 —,—,—, gutta percha for, 1,510,617 ,—,—, hydrogen for, 1,156 686 ,—,—, illuminating gas for, 1,156 686 —,—,—, iron for, 1,175,954 we we © | — we ew —,—,—, Iron, ealvanized, wire for, 1,315,032 —,—,iron-nickel alloy wire for, 1,315,032 —,—,—, iron wire for, 1,315,032 —,—,kieselguhr for, 1,342,953 —,—,lampblack for, 1,427,970 u_ “ —,—,—,—,lead for, 1,156,686; 1,190,982; 1,192,224; 1,197,816; 1,236,672; 1,342,953; 1 364 O11: 1,375,317; 1,881,387; 1,439,994; 1 ‘498, 350; 1,500,219 —,—,lead, copper coated with, for, 4 240 280 —,—-,-—,—-,— red, for, 1,182,518; 1,375,317; 1 381 387; ‘1 427 970; 1 454 078: 1 505, 990 —,—,— —, lead alginate for, 1 508, 732 —,—, —, —, Tead alloy, antimony in, for, 1,190,9 982 ; aI 197,816; 1,381,887; 1,498, 359 —_—,—,— , —, lead ‘dioxide for, 1 500 219 —,—, —, —, ‘Jead grid for, 1,141,251 —,—,—,—, lead monoxide for, 1,144,311 —,—, —, —, "lead oxides for, 1; 144, 311; 1,156,686 ; 1,182, 518; 1,215,907 ; 1 228, 546; 1 228, BAT: 1,303,513 ; 1,342,953; 1,439,994; 1,498,359 ; 1,500,076; 1,510,617; 1,505,990; 1,508,732; 1,516,373 —,—,—,—, lead oxide, PbO, for, 1,375,317 —,—, —, —, —, PbOn, for, 1,215 907 —,—, —, —, —, Pb:Os, for, 1,182,513 —,—,—, —, lead peroxide for, 1,144,311; 1,381, 387; 1 008,732 —,—,—,—, lead suboxide for, 1,144,311 —,—, —,—, ‘lead sulfate for, 1,156,686; 1,228, 546; 1,228,547; 1,303,518; 1,498,359; 1,516, aya —,—,—,—, lignin for, 1,505,990 —,—,—, —, lignite for, 1,505 ,990 —,—,—,—, linen for, 1,427 970 cate there for, 1, 182, 513; 1,215,907; TOON 4s") Aotoele yd 381 387: 1,427,970; 1,505,990 —,—,—,—, magnesium sulfate for, 1,215,907; 1,381, 387 —,—,—,—, massicot for, 1,215,907 —,—,—,—, mercury for, 1,842,953 —,—,—,—, metal oxide for, 1,350,956; 1,500,076 —,—,—,—, minium for, 1,375,317 —,—,—,—, nickel for, 1,175,954; 1,350,956 —,—,—,—,nickel-copper alloy wire for, 1,315,032 —,—,—,—, nickel flake for, 1,198,426 —,—, —, —, nickel hydroxide for, 1,198,426 —,—}—,— paraffin for, 1,192,224 —,—,—,—, phenol for, 1 175 954 Battery, storage, electrodes for, mfr. of, plati- num anode for, 1,144,311 —,—,—,—, potato, baked, for, 1,516,373 —,—,—,—, —, boiled, for, 1,516,373 —,—,—, —, process for, 1,141,251; 1,144,811; 1,156, 686; 1,175,954 1,182,513; 1,190,982; 1 1'197°816: 1,198,426; 1,215,907; 1,218, ro 1228546; 1.228.547: 1,228,551; 1 1,238,211; 1,240,280; 1,295,365; 1 1,327,836; 1,828,392; 1,342,953; 1,354,086; 1,864,011; 1,874,477; 1,881,887; 1,427,970; 1,489,994; 1,484,928; 1,498,359; 1,498,866; 1,500,219; 1,505,990; 1,608,732; 1,520,724 —,—,—,—, pumice for, 1 141 O51: 1,342,953 —,—, —, —, radium sulfate for, 1 182, 513 —,—,—,—, ‘red lead for, 1,303,513 1,510,617; 1,516,373; —,—,—,—,rubber for, 1,197,816; 1,218,329; 1,484,928; 1,500,219; 1,510,617 —,— —,rubber, hard, for, 1,197,816; 1,364,0 O11 —,—,—,—, silver anode for, 1,144,311 —,—, —,—, ’ sodium acetate "for, 1,175,954 —,—,—,—,sodium alginate for, 1,508 WEY, —,—, —, —, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,454,078 —,—,—,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,144,311; 1,175,954 —,—,—,—,sodium chloride for, 1,175,954 —,—,—,-——, sodium hydroxide for, 1,144, alt —,—,—,—,sodium nitrate for, 1,175, 954 ,—,—, sodium plumbate for, 1,144,311 —,—,—,sodium silicate for, 1,141,251 : —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,175,954 —,steel for, 1,192,224 —,—, sugar for, 1 381 ost —,—,—, —, sulfuric acid for, 1,215,907; 1,228, 546; 1,228,547; 1,228,551; 1,303,513; 1,342,953 ; 1,381,387: 1,427,970; 1,489,994; 1,454,078: 1,498,359; 1,498,866; 1,500,076; 1,516,373 —,—,—,—, tale for, 1,427,970 —,—,—,—, ‘tin ford 175, 954 —,—, —, —, tin wire for, 1,315,032 —,—,—,—, wood for, 1,484,928 —,zinc for, 1,175,954; 1,850,956; ~ 1516373 — —,—,—, zine wire for, 1,315,032 —,—,—, melting of, apparatus for, —,—,—,——, process for, 1,513,875 —,—,nickel in, 1 a7 734 —,—, —, nickel hydroxide in, 1,373,734 —,—,nickel (sesqui) oxide in, 1,373, 733 1,454,078 1,513,875 ~y _ we ew —,—, preparing, —,—,—, scrap, lead, recovery of from, 1,515,616 —,—,—,—, melting of, apparatus for, 1,515,616 —,—,—,—,—, process for, 1,515,616 —,zine coating, 1,366,489 —,zine preparing, 1,399,995 —,zinc sulfate coating for, 1,804,852 — electrolyte for, 1,421,212: 1 429, 830 —,—,alum as, 1 Ab4 078; 1 468, 957; fe 517,660 —,—, ’ aluminum-potassium sulfate as, 1484, 078 —,—,—,borie acid in, 1,862,295 —,—,—, calcium sulfate in, 1,505,993 wv ~_ ww Ne Ae J + or INDEX OF SUBJECTS 701 Battery, storage, electrolyte for, colloidal silica in, 1,362,295 —,—,—,congealed for, mfr. of, ammonium sulfate for, 1,183,009 —,—, —, —, —, potassium silicate for, 1,183,009 —,—,—,—,—, process for, 1,183,009 ,—,—,—, sodium silicate for, 1,183,009 —, —,—, —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,183,009 —,—,copper perchlorate in, 1,425,163 —,—,—,corn starch in, 1,505,993 —,—,dyestuff for, 1,468,957 ,—, formaldehyde in, 1,505,993 —,—,—, formula, sulfuric acid 334%, lubricat- ing oil 663%, 1,459,659 —,—, —, gelatinized, for, 1,417,007 —,—,—,glass, sodium silicate and sulfuric cid for preparing, 1,389,750 —_ u_ —o - ~~) i ed or »—,—,—, glycerol for, 1,468,957; 1,517,660 —,—,iron sulfate in, 1,517,660 —,lead perchlorate in, 1,425,163 —,lithium hydroxide for, 1,299,698 —,—,—,lubricating oil in, 1,459,659 —,—,magnesium sulfate for, 1,468,957 —,—,—, mir. of, 1,374,916 ~_ ft _ oN we Mw Ow wv ~~ ~ —,—,—,—,alum for 1,483,885 —,—,—,—, asbestos for, 1,207,521; 1,213,182 —,—, —,—, asbestos, Swedish, for, 1,213,182 —,—, —,—, cork for, 1,213,182 —,—,—,—, infusorial earth for, 1,213,182 —,—,lead sulfate for, 1,487,109 —_ s u_ —,—,magnesium sulfate for, 1,483,885 ~ Sa Nee te —, potash for, 1,213,182 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,207,521; 1,213,182; 1,483,885; 1,487,109 —,—,—,—,sodium chloride for, 1,487,109 P|, sodium. silicate, >for) 1,207,521; EQS U82. °: —,—,—,—, sodium sulfate for, 1,487,109 — sulfuric “acid for.) 1,207,521; 1,213,182; 1,483,885; 1,487,109 —,—,—, mercury(ic) sulfate in, 1,421,217 —,—,non-fluid for, 1,403,462 fj oil, mineral, in, 1,421,217 —,—, plaster of Paris in, 1,374,916 ,—, potash in, 1,517,660 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,299,693 —,—,—, potassium sulfate for, 1,468,957 —,—,—, preparation of, 1,437,343 —,—,—, pumice in, 1,362,295 —,—, soapstone in, 1,374,916 —,—,sodium hydroxide in, 1,299,693 —, —, sodium silicate in, 1,374,916 ; 1,416,195; 1,421,217 —,—,—,sodium silicate for preparing, 1,362,295 —,—,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,468,957 —,—,—,sodium tetraborate for preparing, 1,362,295 —,—,—, sulfuric acid in, 1,139,214; 1,374,916; 1,421,217; 1,459,659; 1,468,957; 1,475,434; 1,505,993; 1,517,660 —,—,—,sulfuric acid for preparing, 1,362,295 —,—,—, talc in, 1,374,916 —,—,—, titanic acid in, 1,139,214 —,—,—, titanium compound in, 1,139,214 ,—,—, titanium(ic) oxide in, 1,139,214 —,—,zine oxide in, 1.517.660 wv ~~ fe —— | | | u_ ~~ ~~ _ eye he Battery, storage, element for, mfr. of, process for, 1,158,491 —,—,—,—, rubber, hard, for, 1,158,491 —,—, Faure plates for, 1,375,317 —,—, fuller’s earth in, 1,483,136 —,—, fumes from, neutralization of, apparatus for, 1,132,679; 1,139,053 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,182,679; 1,139,053 —,—,—,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,132,679; 1,139,053 —,—,gas removed from during charging of, process for, 1,275,007 . —,—,graphite electrode in, 1,371,746 —,—,grid for, celluloid in, 1,364,011 —,—, mfr. of, 1,432,845 Bet 168d) fOr) P4731 0S —,—,—,lead oxide, PbO, for, 1,478,708 —, -—,—, —, —, PbO, for, 1,478,708 ,—,—, lead peroxide for, 1,478,708 —,—,—,—,lead sulfate for, 1,478,708 ,—,—, process for, 1,478,708 —, grid for, mfr. of, sulfuric acid for, 1,478,708 —,—,—, which may be shipped dry, 1,478,708 —,—, see also Battery, storage, electrode for —,—,heat removed from during charging of, process for, 1,275,007 -_,—, insulated support for, mfr. of, glass for, 1,179,395 —,—,—, —, porcelain for, 1,179,395 —,—, —, —, process for, 1,179,395 —,—,insulators for, construction of, 1,415,139 —,—,iron electrode for, 1,167,485; 1,371,746; 1,388,656 —,—,iron in negative element for, 1,283,779 —,—,iron oxide electrode for, 1,167,485; 1,371,746; 1,388,656 —,—,iron oxide in negative element for, 1,283,779 —,—,jar for, asphalt in composition for, 1,276,481 —,—,—,gum in composition for, 1,276,481 —,—,—,hydrocarbon, acetylene, in composi- tion for, 1,276,481 —,—,—, hydrocarbon, olefin, in composition for, 1,276,481 | -—- parafin,, in,‘ ‘composition’)/) for, 1,276,481 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,152,246; 1,152,247 —,—,—, naphthalene brom-chlorides in compo- sition for, 1,276,481 —,—,—, naphthalene bromides in composition for, 1,276,481 —,—,—, naphthalene chlorides in composition for, 1,276,481 —,—,—, naphthalene halide in composition for, 1,276,481 —,—,—, naphthalene tetrabromide in composi- tion for, 1,276,481 —,—,—,naphthalene tetrachloride in compo- sition for, 1,276,481 —,—,—, neutral oil in composition for, 1,276,481 —,—,—, petroleum in composition for, 1,276,481 Te —,—,resin in composition for, 1,276,481 —,—, —, wax in composition for, 1,276,481 —,—,kieselguhr in, 1,405,627; 1,483,136 —-,—, lead for, 1,364,469 —,—,lead, regenerating, process for, 1,449,833 —_ © wv ve “ — oS eee ~_ ~ 702 UNITED STATES CHE Battery, storage, lead-antimony alloy grid in, 1,328,394 —,—, lead electrode for, lead oxide made from, 1 492, 241 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,175,370; 1,492,875 —,—,—, — , sulfuric acid for, 1, 175 370 —,—,—,—, ‘titanic acid for, ov 175 370 —, —, —, —, titanium compound for, 1,175,370 —,—,—, recovery of material from, process for, 1,492,241 —,—,—, regeneration of, alkali bisulfate for, 1,147, 261 —, —, —, —, alkali sulfate for, 1,147,261 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,147,261 —,—,—,—, sodium bisulfate for, 1,147,261 —,—,—,—, sodium sulfate for, - 1,147,261 —,—,—,—, "sulfuric acid for, 1,147,261 —,—, lead orid for, aluminum salt coating for, 1,304,852 —,—,—, bismuth salt coating for, 1,804,852 —,—,—, cadmium salt coating for, 1,804,852 —,—,—, exposure to air effect of on, 1,304,852 —,—,—, mfr. of, ammonium citrate for, 1,304, 192 —,—,—, —, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,304,192 —,—,—,—, ammonium sulfate for, 1,304, 192 —,—,—,—, ammonium tartrate for, i 304, 192 —,—, ealyiaed electrolytic reduction of, 1,304, 192 —,—,—,—, lead sulfate for, 1,304,192 —,—, —, —, sulfuric acid for, 1 304, 192 —_—,—, —, zinc coating for, 1 304, 852 —,—,—, zine sulfate coating for, 1,304,852 —,—, lead peroxide electrode in, | 371 746 —,—, lead plates for, preparing, 1,375,317 —,—, lead sponge for, 1,450,533 —,—,lead sulfate in, 1,433,136 —,—, lime packing in, i 371 5446 —,— ’ litharge i ate ‘371 746 —,—, litharge on plates for, 1,375,317 —,—, lithium hydroxide in electrolyte for, 1,167,485 —,—, magnesia packing in, 1,371,746 —,—, magnesium in mfr. of, 1,451,003 —,—, mfr. of, 1,451,003 —,—,—, acid for, 1 155,046; 1,155,047 —,—,—, alkali earth sulfate for, 1,512,485 ,—, —, alum for, 1,190,880 —,—, aluminum for, 1,366,010 —,—,—,aluminum alloy cadmium in, for, 1,366,010 —,—,—,aluminum electrode for, 1,173,651; 1,190, 880: 1,499,907 —,—,—, aluminum sulfate for, 1,190,880; 1512, 485 —,—,—,antimony, lead alloy contg., for, 1,155, 047; 1,279,508; 1,375,012; 1,486,430; 1,508, 060. —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,327,336; 1,485,282 —,—,—, asbestos for, 1,486, 430 —,—,—, asphalt for, 1,375,012; 1,500,221; 1,500,222 —,—,—, beaver hair for, 1,481,947 —, —, —, bituminous material for, 1,504,312; 1,513,913 —,—,—, borax for, 1,499,907 —,—,—, cadmium, aluminum alloy contg., for, 1,366, 010 JMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Battery, storage, mfr. of, camel hair for, 1,481,947 —,—,—, carbon for, 1,161,398 —,—,—,celluloid for, 1,339,885; 1,366,010; 1,500,221; 1,500,222; 1,504,312; 1,506,391; 1,506,392 —,—,—,celluloid cement for, 1,506,391; 1,506,392 —,—,—, celluloid container for, 1,175,280 —,—,—, cellulose for, 1,500,221 —,—,—, charcoal for, 1,175,280; 1,518,814 —,—, —, chromium for, 1 366, 010 —,—, —, chromium alloy for, 1,366,010 —,—,—,cony hair for, 1,481,947 —,—,—, copper for, 1,366,010 —, copper alloy for, 1,366,010 —,copper electrode for, 1,138,220 —, copper oxide electrode for, 1,138,363 5) a Pie —,—,—, cork for, 1,366,010 —,—,—,coyou hair for, 1,481,947 —,—,—,dog hair for, 1,481,947 —,—,—, fabric for, 1,251,412 »—, —, felt for, 1,251,412 —,—,—, fiber, animal, for, 1,251,412 —,—, — ‘gilsonite fOr nL 475, 434 —,—,— ’ glass for, 389, 750; 1,485,282 ; 1,502,312 —,—,—, glass wool for, 1,486, 430; 1,500, 221: 1,500,222 —,—,—, glycerol for, 1,496,725; 1,512,485 —,—,—,goat hair for, 1,481,947 —,—,—, graphite for, 1,518,814 —,—,—, gums for, 1,155,046; 1,155,047 —,—, hair, bovine, for, 1,481,947 —,—,—,—, canine, for, 1,481 947 —,—,—, equine, for, 1 ‘481, 947 —,—,—, human, for, 1,481,947 —,—,—,mammalian, for, 1,481,947 —,—,—, horse hair for, 1,481,947 ~ ee — er ee ey a — en” en en —, hydrocarbon for, 1,512 485 —,—, iron, cast, heat-expanded for, 1,518,814 —,—, Iron electrode for, 1,518,814 —,lampblack for, 1 196, 817 : —,—,—,lead for, 1,279,508; 1,366,010; 486,430; 1,500,221; 1,500,222; 1,500,448; 004,312 —,—,—,lead, battery, for, 1,279,508 —,—,—,—,red, for, 1,279,508; 1,866,010; 1,500,448; 1,504,312; 1,506,391; 1,506,392; 1,518,814 —,—,—,lead acetate for, 1,138,220 —,—,—, lead alloy, antimony in, for, 1,155,047; 1,375,012; 1,486,480; 1,503,060; 1,503,070 —-, —,—, lead electrode for, 1,138,220; 1,173,651; 1,251,412; 1,371,746; 1,375,012; 1,416,195: 1,496,828; 1,499,907; 1,506,391; 1,506,392; 1,512,485; 1,518,814 —,—,—,lead oxide for, 1,251,412; 1,481,947; 1,486,430; 1,518,814 —,—,—,lead oxide, PbO, for, 1,504,812 —,—,—, lead peroxide for, 1 161 398 ; 1,375,012 ; 1,506,391 —,—,—,lead sulfate for, 1,188,220; 1,251,412 —,—,—,limestone for, 1,496,725 —,—,—, linene for, 1,486,430 —,—,—, litharge ‘for, 1,246,595; 1,366,010; 1,500, 448: 1 506, 391; 1 506,392; 1 518, 814 —,—,—, lithium sulfate for, 1,451 003 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 703 Battery, storage, mfr. of, lama hair for, 1,481,947 —,—,—, magnesium sulfate for, 1,161, 398 —,—,—,mercury for, 1,138,220 ,—, Mercury (ic) ‘nitrate for, 1,481,947 ,—, Mmercury(ic) sulfate for, 1,512,485 —,—,—, mink hair for, 1,481,947 Battery, storage, mfr. of, sodium bisulfate for, 1,190,880; 1,251,412 —,—,—,sodium borate for, 1,487,348 —,—,—, ’ sodium hydroxide for, 1,173,651; 1 ASI 947 —,—,—,sodium salicylate for, 1,437,343 3 —,—,—, muskrat. hair for, 1,481 947 —,—, —, sodium silicate for, 1,008,525 ; —,—,—, negative element for, 1,299, 693 1,161 398: 1,389,750; 1,416,195; 1,496,725; —,—, —, ‘nickel oxide for, 1,366 010 1,506,391; 1,506,392 —,—,—,nitric acid for, 1,138, 220: Li0d ovo hoe ——. sodium sulfate for, 1,190,880 1,191, 070 —,—,—,sodium sulfite for, 1,481,947 —,—,—, nutria for, 1,481,947 —,—,—, steel, platinum coated, for, —,—,—, ox hair for, 1,481 947 —,—,—, sugar for, 1,246,595 —,—,—, oxygen for, 1,190,880; 1,191,070 —,—,—, sulfur dioxide for, 1,173,651 —,—,—,sulfurie acid for, 1,138,220; 1,161,398; 1,190,880 —,—,—, paper, blotting, for, 1,375,012 —_2 — —_ —— —_ «—— - | | 7 “ 3 5) Se Gse. So. Se: “ “ 1,485,282 ; 1,503,070; 1,513,913 —,—, —, rubber, hard, for, 1,155,046; 1,155,047 ; ,rubber for, 1,500,221 ; 1,503,098 ; 1,196,817; 1,366,010 —,—,—, rubber 1,008,525 ; 1,500,222 ; 1,506,391 ; separator for, 1,496, 725 ; 1,496,829; 1,511,826 bf we caer, 9 b Brand ae 8 ) > —,—,—, sand for, 1 155, 047 —,—, sawdust for, 1,375, 012 —,—, ’ sheep wool for, 1 481, 947 —,—, silica for, 1 496, 725 —,—, silicate for, 1,500, 221 —,-—,silk for, 1,251 A12 —, —,—, silver chloride for, 1,161,398 —,—, —, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,437 343 ,—, pumice for, 1,155,047; 1,161,398 ,—,radio-active material for, 1,217,739 ,radium bromide for, 1,217,739 —,—,radium chloride for, 1 ‘217 739 —,— — radium salt for, 1,217 739 —,—, ‘radium sulfate for, 1,217,739 ,—, “reduced oil” for, 1,512,485 1,239,835 ; 1,503,060 ; 1,506,392 ; 1,141,526 ; ,—,—, —, compressed, for, 1,504,312 1,175,280; 1,190,880; 1,191,070; 1,246,595 ; —,—,—,—, paraffin coated, for, 1,175,280 1,251,412; 1,279,508; 1,375,012; 1,389,750; —,—,—, paper container for, 1,175,280 1,416,195; 1,487,348; 1,496,725; 1,500,221; —;—,—' paraffin for, 1,513,913 1,500,222; 1,500,448; 1,506,391; 1,506,392; _ —,—,—, paste-board container for, 1,175,280 1,512,485 —,—,—,phenol aldehyde condensate 105 la et £07, 614,175,280 1,447,782: 1,500,221; 1,500,222 —,—,—, tripoli for, 1,155,047 pitch for, 1,175,280; 1,500,221; —,—,—, turpentine for, 1,416,195 1,500,222 —,—,—,wood for, 1,364,299; 1,366,010; —,--,— plaster of Paris for, 1,175,280 1,503,060; 1,503,070; 1,503,098; 1,506,391; —,—,—,platinum, steel coated with, for, 1,506,392 1,190,880 —,—,—, wood fiber for, 1,173,651 See piotes ior, 12507; peulan20; 9 7 WO pulp for, 1,875,012 . 1,141,526; 1,155,046; 1,155,047; 1,161,398; 736 48 9g Se ete Ae? 1,141,526; 1,164,746; 1,167,485; 1,173,651; 1,175,280; , eke ee aes Bi eee ee 1n10705 116 giz ie ro) N08, 81,94 1,217,789; 1,230,835; 1,246,505; 1,251,412; > WO8 Ve bay Hat 1,481,947 Bh eo 79 003, Laer oors9o; NOP, ake: oe 1,481,947 1327650: 1328357: 1.328358; 1,328,359; ~~» Zine dust tor, 1,188,220 1328393: 1329125: 1,339,835; 1364299; —:—»—~zine electrode for, 1,138,220; 1,190,830; 1,366,010; 1,375,012; 1,389,750; 1,416,195; 1,191,070; 1,512,485 1,437,343; 1,440,023; 1,440,024; 1,474,318; —>—— ZINC sulfate for, 1,138,220; 1,191,070; 1,475,434; 1,481,178; 1,481,947; 1,485,282; 1,512,485 . 1,486,430; 1,494,059; 1,496,725; 1,496,829; —,—,name plate for, mfr. of, antimony, lead 1,499,907; 1,500,221; 1,500,222; 1,500,448; alloy contg., for, 1,492,464 1,503,060; 1,503,070; 1,503,098; 1,504,312; —,—,—,—, asphalt for, 1,492,464 1,506.391;- 1,506,392; 1,511,230; 1,511,826; —,—,—;,—, lead for, 1,492,464 1,512,485; 1,513,913; 1,518,814; 1,520,587 —,—, —, lead alloy, antimony in, for, ~ 1.492, 464 —,—,—, —, —, tin in, 1,492,464 —,mfr. of, nitric acid for, 1,492,464 —,—,—, process for, 1,492,464 —,—,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,492,464 —,—,—, —, tin, lead alloy contg. for, 1,492,464 —,—, negative electrode for, mfr. of, celluloid for, 1,366,491 —,—,—,—, copper for, 1,366,489 —,—,—, —, Magnesium salt’ for, 1,366,489 ,—,— —,magnesium sulfate ‘for, 1,366, 489 —,—,—,—, mercury salt for, 1,366, 489 —, —, —, —, mercury (ic) sulfate for, 1,366,489 »—,—, — process for, 1,366,489; 1,366 491 —,—,—,—, shellac for, 1,366, 491 —,—,—, —, varnish for, 1,366 A91 —,—,—,—, zine for, 1,366 489 ; 1,366,491 .—,—, —, Zine salts for, 1,366 489 —,—, negative element for, iron for, ; ’ Tat at are Nos Senn ee 1,299,693 —,—,—,iron(ic) oxide for, 1,299,693 —,—,-—, mercury for, 1,299, 693 —,—, —, tin’ ‘in, 1,299 693 —, — tin (ous) oxide in, 1,299,693 ~~ 704 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Battery, storage, negative plate for, drying of in carbon dioxide, 1,310 871 —,—, —, drying of in hydrogen, 1,310,871 —,—,—, drying of in nitrogen, 1,310,871 —,—,—,mfr. of, 1,804,192 —,—,—, —, alkali earth persulfate for, 1,164,464 —,—,—,—, alloy for, 1,475,503 oe antimony-lead grid for, 1,284,425 —,—,—,—, barium nitrate for, 1 164, 464 —,—,—,—, barium persulfate for, 1 164, 464 a 5 barium sulfate for, i 164, 464 —,—, —, —, calcium persulfate ‘for, 1 164 464 gy ’ hydrogen dioxide for, 1,284, 426 —'_ _'__'Jead, red, for, 1,284,426 —,—, —, —, lead oxide. for, 1, 164, 464 —,—,— , magnesium ’sulfate sat 1,284, 425 ,——:—, process for, 1,164,464; 1,284,426 —,—,—,—, sugar for, 1,164,464 —,—, —, —, ‘sulfuric acid for, 1,164,464; 1,284,425; 1,284,426 —,—,nickel electrode in. 1,371,746; 1,388,656 —,—,nickel flake in electrode for, 1,167,485 —,nickel hydroxide electrode for, 1 167, 485 ; 1388, 656; 1,402,751 —,—, nickel hydroxide-nickel flake electrode for, regeneration of, alkali for, 1,488,480; 1,488,481 —,—,—,—, glucose for, 1,488,480; 1,488,481 —_—,—,—-, — , glycerol for, 1,488,480; 1,488,481 —,—,— ’ regeneration of, hydrochloric acid for, 1,488, 481 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,488,480; 1,488,481 —,—,—,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,488,480; 1,488,481 —,—,—,—,sodium hyposulfite for, 1,488,481 —,—,—,—, sugar for, 1,488,480; 1,488,481 —,—, —, —, tartrate for, 1,488 ASI —,—, nickel and nickel hydroxide in positive electrode of, 1,283,779 —, —, nickel oxide in electrode for, 1,167,485 —,—, ozone produced by, 1,436,873 —,—, paraffin, elements sealed with for dry shipment of 1,468,259 —,—, paste for ‘electrodes for, mfr., 1,416,787 —,—, phosphoric acid in, 1,433, 136 —, Plante plates for, 1,375, 317 —; plaster of Paris in, 1 A33, 136 —, plate for, 1,403, 304 es te) a, aluminum coated with lead as, 1,362,739 —,—,—,animal hair in, 1,405,702 —,—,—, celluloid in, 1,467,749 —,—,—, celluloid for binding, 1,340,636 ) | els ao —,—,—,celluloid for coating edges of, 1,429,300 —,—,—, cellulose in, 1,432 937 —,—,—, drying of, 1 ATT 354 —,—, —, keratin for, 1,405, 703 ,»—, lead carbonate in, 1,467,749 —,—,—, lead: dioxide in, 1,467, 749 —-,--, —, lead ‘oxide-in, 1 379, 900 —,—,lead sulfate in, 1,467,749 —,—,—, mfr. of, 1,342,953; 1,374,076; 1,381,387 -Battery, storage, plate for, mfr. of, charcoal for, 1,133,641 —,—,—, —, clay, burnt, for, 1,135,641 —,—, —, —, oe i, ae tea aL — — lead sulfate for, rh 133, 641 —s ead sulfide for, 1, 133 641 — , lifharge for, 1,133, 641 —,—,—, —, potato for, 1 1133, 641 —,—, —, —, process for, 1,133,641; 1,197,737 —,—,—, —, sulfuric acid for, 1, 133 641 ——, Se —, paper for, 1 ,133, 641 —, vegetable substance for, 1,133,641 —,—,—, potassium sulfate (acid) in, 1 ‘467, 749 —,—,—, preparing, acetone in, 1 467,74 9 —,—,—,—, benzene in, 1,467, 749 —,—, —, —, ’ sulfur chloride in, 1,467,749 — restoring, heat for, 1 430, 167 —,—,—, rubber in, 1,467 749 oie sodium sulfate (acid) in, 1,467,749 —,—, treating, 1,402, 63f ,—, wood in, L '379, 900; 1,432,937 —,—, ’ wood dust and lead oxide i in, 1,432,508 —,—,—, ” wool in, 1,405,702 —,—, —, see also. Battery, storage, electrode nie —,—,—, see also Battery, storage, grid fo —,—, plate envelope for, mfr. of, process he 325,710 —,—,—,—,rubber for, 1,325,710 —,—,—, zine for, 1 325, 710 —' porous plates ‘for, mfr. of, 1,403,036 —,—., positive electrode for, mfr. of, process for, 1 440 028; 1,440,024 —,—, potassium hydroxide’ electrolyte for, 1,167,485; 1,371,746 , potassium sulfate in mfr. of, 1,451,003 , primary and, combined, construction of, 1,334,849 —,red lead on plates for, 1,375,317 —,—, red lead electrode in, Lov: 746 —,rejuvenator for, acetic ‘acid in, 1,468,341 —,—,—, copper sulfate in, 1,468,341 )—; graphite in, 1,468,341 —,—,—, gypsum in, 1,468,341 —,—,magnesium oxide in, 1,468, 341 —,—,—, magnesium sulfate in, 1 468, 341 —,—,—,oil, empyreumatic in, 1 468, 341 —,—,—, paraffin in, 1,468,341 —,—,—, sodium chloride in, 1,468,341 —,—,—, sulfuric acid in, 1 468 B41 —,—, zine oxide in, 1,468, 341 —,—,restoring of, process for, 1,477,354 —,—, rubber used in, 1,415 275 —, ‘rubber, hard, separator for, 1,164,746 —, ’ sand for fixing electrolyte in, 1,371, 746 — ’ self-filling, mfr. of, process for, 1,327, 121 —, semi-solid electrolyte {ort 433, 136 ; lead oxide, PbO in, 1,468,341 —, separator for, 1,862,737 —,—,—, asbestos impregnated with barium sulfate as, 1,262,228 —,—,—, barium sulfate, asbestos impregnated with, as, 1,262,228 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 705 Battery, storage, separator for, barium sulfate, Battery, storage, separator for, mfr. of, cork wood impregnated with, as, 1,262,228 dust for, 1,463,864 —,—,—, carbon as, 1,246, 595 —,—,—,—, Cornish stone for, 1,200,345 —,—,—, celluloid in, 1 357, 378 —,—,—,—, cotton for, 1,484,927 —, —, —, cocoa-nut fiber for, 1,323,796 —,—,—,—, cotton fabric for, 1,248,370 —,—,—, construction of, 1,485,707 —,—,—,—, cotton fiber for, 1,463,864 —,—,—,“ filtros”’ as, 1,419,396 —,—,—,—, cotton fly for, 1,463,864 —,—,—, keratin in, 1,405,703 —,—, —, —, cotton lint for, 1 463, 864 ew we fw —,—,—7, lead compounds for impregnating, —,—,—,—, cotton linters for, 1 500 ,220 1,398,065 —,—,—,—, cypress for, 1,492 260 —,—,—, mfr. of, 1,390,355; 1,403,577; 1,415,683; —,—,—,—, earthenware for, 1 200,345 1,416, 761; 1,432, 938; 1 432 939 —, ebonite for, 1 488, 721 —,—,—-,—, acetone for, 1,500, 220 we Ne Ne le & Dpeniat —, ’ fabric for, 1,243, 368; 1,243,370; wf —,—,—-,—-, “alcohol, denatured, for, 1,520,889 ~ 1243 3 371; 1,243,372; i 484 927 —,—, —, —, alkali sulfite for, 1,502,455 —,—,—, —, fabric, rubber coated, __ for, —,—,—, —, aluminum silicates for, 1,200,345 1 243 371 —,—,—,—, ammonium carbonate for, 1,463,864 —,—,—,—, feathers for, 1,502,455 —,—,—, —, ammonium sulfate for, 1,463,864 —_—,—,-—, — ’ feldspar for, 1,200, 345 —,—,—,—, apparatus for, 1,366,070 —,—,—,—, felt for, 1,366, 293 -——,—-—, —, asbestos for, 1,206, 983 ; PA0g 21s ey ber for, 1,218, 967; 1,243,368; 1,499,863 1,243,369; 1,243 370; 1,243.37 Ys VE 245 872> —,—,—, —, asphalt for, 1,366,223; 1,500,220 1,285,303 —,—,—,—, barium hydroxide for, 1,228,368 eae ppteue material for, 1,394,466 —,—,—,—, barium salt for, 1,228,368 —,—,—,—,fir, Douglas, for, 1,130,640 —,—,—,—,barium sulfate for, 1,228,368; —,—,—,—, flint for, 1,200 345 “ —,—, barium silicate for, 1,495,568 as —,—, fish scales for, 1 ‘502 ABD ae —,—,—,—, gasolene for, 1,499,863 —,—,—,—, bass wood for, 1,200,682 —,—,—,—, glass for, 1,217,739; 1,366,223 —,—,—,—, benzene for, 1,243,372; 1,490,204; —,—,—, —, glass wool for, 1,486,430; 1,488,721; 1,500,220 ‘ for, 1,500,220 1,495,568 —,—,—,—, bitumen for, —,—,—,—, glue for, 1,394,466 —,—,—, —, bituminous ‘material for, 1,484,927 ake he Wea aes artificial, for, 1,366,223 —,—,—,—, bone for, 1,200,345 —,—,—,—,hair for, 1,218,967; 1,243,368; —,—, —, —, calcium carbonate for, 1,463,864 1,495, 568; 1,502,455 —,—,—, —, calcium. sulfate for, i 285, 303 —,—,—,—,haircloth for, 1,243,368 —,—,—,—, camphor for, 1,463, 864; 1 520, 889 dis aab an 4 eee IS hoof, animal, for, 1,502 A55 —,—,—,—, camphor substitute for, 1,520, 889 ak ey. BU Sy nen’ for, 1 502 ABD —,—,—,—, canvas for, oe —,—, —, —, India rubber for, 1,132,183 =, = earbou for, —;—}; —)—) kaolin for, 1,132,183; 1,200,345 ee} ea carbon bisulfide for, 1,500,220 Ei Ae EA keratin for, 1 502 ABS —,—}—}— cardboard for, 1,403,577 ___'_’ _' kieselguhr for, 1,285,303; 1,463,864 Sp Sy Set cedar for, 1 130 640; 1 A92 260 Ke ee Bey, PCP | for, 1 364 493 —,—, —, —, cedar, Port Orford, ‘for, 1,498 865 aAW a de Sad ined chloride for, 1.398.065 —,—,—;—,celite BH for, 1,285,303 —,—,—, — lead fluosilicate for, 1,398,065 —,—,—;—, celluloid for, 1,132, 183; pA Te cori a IG ee ‘lignin for, 1,217,573 1 fage 1,218,.967;' 1 243 368; 1 243 370 ; Man gS — linseed aA for, 1 490,204 1247122: 1247123: 1.357376; 1,364,493; son 1/366,070; 1,463,864; 1484927; 1,492.60; > pian nae Ui 1500220: 1,506,391; 1,506,392; 1,520,889 woe P —,—, —,—, celluloid, ‘sand coated with, for, —,—,metal, enameled, for, 1,217,739 ae 369 1 132,183 —,—,—,—,metal gauze for, 1 243 ,068 ; —,—,—,—, celluloid substitute for, 1,463,864 ee, cellulose for. 1,200,846+. 121757830 7 sor, ro as Hp athe 1,488, 721; "1,502, 455 mora) 7 mera, NS fart 1 00, 4BR —,—,—, —, cellulose acetate for, 1,463,864 os AE eae ea ‘nails, Hor tk "3 66,5 932 1 484 ee —,—,—,—, cellulose nitrate for, 1,468,864. >) >) Paper ni tine for, 1,132, is 1,484,927; 1,520,889 —,—,—,—, paper, blotting for, ee halk for, 1,200,345 —,—,—,—, paraffin for, 1,194,818 wk ns! my BV renalitor cl 463, 864 —, —, —. —, phenol aldehyde condensate for, _ cherry wood for, 1,200,682 1,206,983; 1,217,739; 1,243,368; 1,366,223; —) clay, ball, for, 1,200,345 1;484,027: 1,495,568 oS china, for, 1,200,345 —,—,—,—, pine, white, for 1,130,640 ee loth :- for, 1,218,967; 1,248,368; —,—,—,— Porcelain for, 1,132,183 1,243,369; 1,243,370; 1.243371; 1,243,372; —,—,—,— potassium carbonate for, 1,463,864 1,366,223 ; 1,394, ‘466: 1,403 B77 —_,—, —, —, potassium permanganate for, —,—,— —, coniferous wood for, 1,130,640 1,515,504 » —-- — cork for, 1,217,739 —, —, —, —, potassium sulfate for, 1,463,864 45 706 — —_— oe Battery, storage, separator, mfr. of, pottery for, 1,217,739 —,—,—, process for, 1,130,640; 1,182,183; 1 185, 058; 1,194,818 ; 1, 195,924; 1,197,312; 1 200, 345 : 1.200.682; 1 206, ‘983 ; 1,217,578; 1217,738: 1,217,739; 1.218967: 1,228,368 ; 1,228,369; 1,243,368; 1,243,369; 1,243,370; 1,243,371: 1,248,372; 1,245,080; 1,246,595; 1,247,122; 1,247,123; 1,285,303; 1,829,180; 1342611: 1,357,376; 1,364,493; 1,366,070; 1,366,223; 1,375,550; 1,375,740; 1,394,466; 1,398,065; 1,403,577; 1,410,595; 1,484,927; 1,488,721; 1,490,204; 1,492,260; 1,495,568 ; 1,499,863; 1,500,220; 1,500,287; 1,502,455; 1,506,391; 1,506,392; 1,507,076; 1,515,504; 1 "515, "738: 1,520,889 —, radio-active material for, oan 217, 7 738: 1,217,739 —, radium bromide for, 1,217,738; 4, 217, 739 —,radium chloride for, 1,217,738; iG ‘217, 739 —, radium — salt. for, 1,217,738; a 217 7739 —,radium sulfate for, 1,217,738; By 217, 7739 ,—,—, — resin, artificial, for, 1,366,223 —,—,—, —, rubber for, i 132; 183; 1 ,185,058 ; f) 195, 924: 1,197,312; 1 217, 730; 1 "243, 368 ; 1, 243, 369: 1.243.370: 1.243.371 : 1.243 372: 1,245,080; 1,329,180; 1,842,611; 1,357,376; 1,364,493; 1,366,070; 1,394,466; 1,403,577; 1,484,927; 1,495,568; 1,499,863; 1,500,220; 1,502, "455 ; 1,506,391; 1,506,392 —., rubber, hard, for, 1,218,967 BY ‘10,5 595; 1,492, 260; ‘A, 515, 738 —,—, —,—, rubber substitute ‘for, 1,366,223 —,—,—,—, sand, celluloid coated, for, 1,132, 183; —,—,—,—, sawdust for, 1,132,183; 1,499,863; 1,502, 455 ,— —, —, serim for, 1,218,967; 1,243,369 —,—,—,—-, ’ silica for, 1,217,739; 1,484,927 —,—,—, —,; ’ silicate for, i 495, 568 ~ ’ silicic gel for, 1,495, 568 ,——, —, Slate for, 1 375, 550 _—,—, —, sodium bisulfide for, 1,515,504 —,—,—,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,463 864 —,—, —.—, ’ sodium hydroxide for, 1,217, ages 1,507,076; 1,515,504 —,—, —, —,; sodium plumbate for, 1,398,065 —,—,— — sodium silicate for, 1,495 068 ; ~ 1,500,22 22 o —,—,—,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,463,864; 1,495, 568 —,—,—,—, sodium sulfite for, 1,502,455 —,—,—,—,spun glass for, 1 375 740 —,—,—,—, steel wire for, 1,243, 368 ,— —, — strontium hydroxide for, 1,228,369 ,—, —, —, strontium salt. for, 1,228 369 ,—,—, —, strontium sulfate for, 1,228, 369 ,—,—,—, sulfite screenings for, 1,495, 568 —,—,—,—, sugar for, 1,246,595; 1 507, 076 —, —, —, —, sulfur for, 1 ‘463, 864; 1 500, 220 —, —, —, —, sulfur chloride, S.Ch, for, 1,500, 220 —,—, —,—, ’ sulfuric acid for, 1 200, 682 ; 1,228,368; 1,228,369 ; 1,243,368; 1,495,568 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 _ Battery, borane) separator, mfr. of, thread for, 1,218,967; 1,243,368; 1,243,369; 1,243, 370; 1 243, 371; it 243, 372, —,—, —,— , tricresylphosphate for, 1,463,864 —~—, —,— , triphenylphosphate for, 1 463, 864 —,—,—,—, turpentine for, 1,490,204 —,—,—,—, water for, 1, 130, 640; 1,490,204 —,—, —, —, ’ wood for, 1, 132, 183; 1 185, 058 ; 1,194,818; 1,195,924: 1,200,345; 1,200,682; 1217573; 1,217'739: 1,218,967; 1,228,368; 1,228,369; 1,243,368; 1,243 369 ; 1,243,370 ; 1,243,371; 1,243,372; 1 399, 180; 1,366,070; 1,366,223; 1,394,466; 1,398,065 ; 1,403,577 ; 11488721: 11492260: 1,500,220; 1,502,455; 1,506,391; 1,506,392; 1,507,076; 1. ‘515, ‘504 —,—,—-—, wood dust for, 1 394 ‘466 —,—,—, —, "wood pulp for, 1, 217, 573; 463, 864; 1,492,260 —,—,—, wood pulp, sulfite, for, 1,500,220 —,—,-, , wool for, 1,502, 455 —,—,—, preparing, 1. 398, 065 _ —_~ ~ —,—,—,rubber in, i 857,878; 1,439,155; 1,394, 466 —,—,—,rubber solution for impregnating, 1,328,420 : —,—,—, slate, 1,375,550 — , starched fibers in, 1,357,379 —,—,— ' tripoli in, 1,279 074; Re-15, 067 —,—,—, wood, fermentation process of pre- aring, 1 380, 354 —_,—, —, wood dust in, 1,394,466 —,—,— wood impregnated with barium sul- fate as 1,262 228 —,—, —, wood treated with ammonia and steam ‘for, 1,370,064 —,—,—, wood treated with sodium silicate for producing, 1,392,232 —,—,—, wood treated with, sulfuric acid for, 1 358, 207: 1,880,353 —,— _shipment of dry charged, process for, 1 AGS, 259 —,—, silicon dioxide in, 1,433,136 —,—,silver electrode in, 1 371, 746 —,—, sodium hydroxide electrolyte for, 1,167,485; 1,371,746 —,—, sodium phosphate electrolyte for, 1,385,305 —,—,sodium sulfate in mfr. of, 1,451,003 — —, stabilizing negative lead electrodes for, 1 439, 994. oo storing in dry condition, 1,829,181 —,—, sulfuric acid in electrolyte for, 1,385,305 —,—,suspension of electrode plates in, 1 498, 136 —,—, tanks for, synthetic resin suitable for, mfr. of, 1 424,137 —,— _ temperature indicating device for, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,874,857 —,—,—, —; benzene for, 1,374,857 eo —; carbon bisulfide for, 1,874,857 —_—,—, ——, ethyl alcohol for, 1374, 857 ,—, —, furaldehyde for, 1,374,857 ,»—,—, —, hexane for, 1,374 857 ,—,—, —, lsobutyric acid for, 1,374,857 — — ‘ methyl alcohol for, 1 374, 857 —, —, —, —, phenol for, 1,374 857 —,2. 4-pentanedione for, 1,374,857 INDEX OF Battery, storage, temperature indicating device for, mfr. of, process for, 1,374,857 —,—, —, —, propionitrile for, 1 374,857 —,—, propyl! alcohol for, 1 374 857 ,—, resorcinol for, 1,374,857 —,—,salts for, 1,874,857 —,—, water for, 1,374,857 , vent for, mfr. of, process for, 1,283,670 —,—,vent plug, mfr. of, fibrous material for, 1,506,216 —,—,—, —, gasolene for, 1,506,216 —, glass wool for, 1,506,216 _—_ ) ? ae ahaa. or oer eee ae aR) SR | Sag 5) 7 , lubricating oil for, 1,506,216 —, oil for, 1,506,216 —,—, —,—, ’ petrolatum for, 1,506,216 —,—,—,—, process for, 1 506 216 —,—, —, —, wax for, 1,506 216 —, —, waste, lead acetate made with, 1,148,062 —,—,—, lead formate made with, 1, 148, 062 —,—,—, lead nitrate made with, 1 148 062 —,—, —, ‘lead oxide made with, 1 148 062 —,—,—, litharge made with, 1 148 ‘062 ,»—, pigment made with, 1, 148 ,062 —,—,—, sodium sulfate made with, 1,148,062 ~ is —,—,wood in construction of. 1 443 S21 1,443,322 —,—, wood separators for, 1,363,754 —,—,wood separators for, mfr., 1,380,353; 1,380,354 —,—,—, treatment of, calcium hydroxide for, 1,498, 865 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,498,865 —,—,—,—, sulfur dioxide for, 1,498,865 —, temperature indicator for, 1,874,857 —, testing, hydrometer for, 1 '354, 255 —, transforming, see Transformer, electrolytic — ’ voltaic, mfr. of, copper for, 1,123,370 —,— —, gold for, a 123,370 —,—,—, insulation, electric, for, 1,123,370 ,—, —, process for, 1,123, 370 —,—,—, silver for, 1,123,370 —,—,—, zine for, 1,123,370 —, wet, copper electrode in, 1,276,604 —,—, copper sulfate as electrolyte for, 1,276,604 —, —, depolarization of, arsine generated during, 1,262,019 —,—,—, phosphine generated during, 1,262,020 —,depolarizer for, see Battery, depolarizer —,—, cobalt as electrode for, 1,258,265 —,—, construction of, process for, ‘1 ,258,265 —-,—, iron as electrode for, 1,258 965 ,—, mfr. of, antimony arsenide electrode for, 1,262,019 —,—,—,antimony phosphide electrode for, 1,262,02 0 —,—,—, copper arsenic electrode for, 1,262,019 —,—,—,copper phosphide electrode for, pean 0 ,iron arsenide electrode for, 1,262,019 —,—, iron phosphide electrode for, 1 262 ,020 ,—)—; “lead arsenic electrode for, 1 262 019 Safer me lead phosphide electrode for, 1 262, 020 ,—,—, potassium hydroxide as electrolyte for, 1,262,019; 1,262,020 —,—,—, process for, 1,276,604 — SUBJECTS 707 Battery, wet, mfr. of, sodium hydroxide as electrolyte for, 1,262,019; 1,262,020 —,—,—, sulfuric acid as electrolyte 1 ,262,019; 1,262,020 —,—,—, zine electrode for, 1,262,019; 1,262,020 — ‘nickel as electrode for, 1,258 265 —, sulfuric acid as electrolyte for, 1,258,265 —,—, zinc electrode in, 1,276,604 _ , zinc-alkali-copper oxide type, see Battery, Lalande, —, zinc anode for, coating of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,484,783 —,—,—, aluminum oleate for, 1,484,783 —,—,—, benzene for, 1,484 783 —,—,—, oil for, 1,484 783 —,—, —, paraffin for, 1,484, 783 —,—,—, process for, 1 A84, 783 for, —,—, —, sawdust for, i 484 783 —,—,—, soap for, 1 484, 783 —,—,—, soap, aluminum, for, 1,484,783 ater 3, ReRIN, TOF, 1,474 783 Bate eno; for, 1,484 783 ~~, ZITIC oleate for, 1,484 5783 —, zinc chloride in, 1,464 838 —, zine cup for, 1,464 838 —, zinc cup as electrode for, 1,375,305: 1,375,306 —, zinc electrode for, 1,289, 030; 1 416 738 —,—, ammonium hydroxide in electrolyte for, 1,285,054 ma bismuth plated on, 1,393,739 —, mfr. of, grease for, 1,497,160 —,—,—, mercury for, 1,497 160 —,—,—, mercury salt for, ( 497,160 —,—,—, process for, 1 497, 160 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,497,160 —,—,—, zine for, 1,497, 160 —,—, potassium “hydroxide in electrolyte for, 1,285, 054 —,—,sodium hydroxide 1,285,054. —, Wilson, see Wilson battery —,—, see also Zinc electrode Battery boxes, composition for making, formula, wood ashes, calcium hydroxide, linseed oil, Portland cement or calcium sulfate, sawdust or paper or ground leather, 1,444,587 —, mfr. of, asphalt for, 1,467,311 —,—, pitch for, 1,467,311 —,—, tar for, 1,467,311 Battery can, see Can, battery Battery carbon, carbon electrode for, 1,141,117 Battery case, covering for, 1,447,782 Battery cell, asphalt paint as protective, 1,447,782 — phenol- formaldehyde as protective, 1,447,782 —,shellac solution as protective, 1,447, 782 —,see also Cell, battery Battery charger, see Rectifier, electrolytic Battery-depolarizer, see Battery dry, depolar- izer for Battery electrode, copper oxide and sulfur in, 1,282,057 —,mfr. of, alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,438,086 —,— valkali, hydroxide for, 1,438,086 —,—, aluminum for, 1,366, 095 —,—, ammonium carbonate for, 1,438,086 in electrolyte for, ‘x 708 Battery electrode, mfr. of, ammonium hydrox- ide for, 1,438,086 —,— asphalt for, 1,866,095 —,—, brass for, 1 366, 095 —, ’ bronze for, 1 366, 095 —, carbon for, 1 366, 095 —,—, * cement for, 1 '366 095 —,—, ’ charcoal for, 1 366, 095 —, copper for, 1 366, 095 ; 1,438,086 —,—, copper, steel ‘coated with, for, 1,366,095 —,—, copper acetate for, 1,438 086 —,—, copper carbonate for, 1,438 ,086 —,—, copper chloride for, 1 438, 086 —,—,copper electrode for, 1 375 647 —,copper formate for, 1,438 086 —,—, copper (ic) hydroxide for, 1,438,086 —,—, copper nitrate for, 1,488 086 —,—,copper oxide for, 1 438 086 —,—,copper oxide, electrolytic, for, 1,875,647; 1,438,086 —,—,—,scale for, 1,375,647; 1,438,086 —,—, copper (ic) oxide for, 1375, 647 ; 1,438,086 —,—, copper (ous) oxide for, 1,375,647 ; 1,438; 086 —,—, copper salts for, 1,438,086 ,—, copper sulfate for, 1,375, 647; 1,438,086 ,—, cuprammonium compounds for, 1,438,086 —,—, enamel for, 1,366,095 —,—,glue for, 1 366 095 —,—, graphite for, 1 366,095 —,—,gum for, 1 366, 095 —,—, metal for, 1,366 095 —,—-, ’ paraffin for, 1 366, 095 —,—, process for, 1 366, 095: 1,375,647; 1,488,086 —,—, shellac for, 1,366 095 —, —, sodium chloride for, 1,375,647; 1,438,086 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1 375 647; 1 ‘438 ‘086 —, ’ steel, cold-rolled, for, 1,366, 095 —,—,—, copper coated, for, 1,366, 095 —,—, ’ sulfur for, 1,375, 647 ; 1,438, 086 —,—, varnish, waterproof, for, 1,366, 095 —,—, wax for, 1,366,095 —,—, zinc for, 1,366,095 —,sulfur and copper oxide in, 1,282,057 —, zine as, 1,282,057 Battery element, cuprous and cupric oxides for, 1,856,435 Battery. insulators, celluloid, 1,339,835 Battery lamp, see Flashlight Battery lead, see Lead, battery Battery plate, copper oxides in, 1,856,197 —,copper oxides and sugar for making, 1,356,197 Battery separators, celluloid, 1,389,835 —,tripoli, 1,270,074; Re-15, 067 —,see also Battery, storage, separator for Batting, fibrous, fabric, coated, made with, 1,159,155 Battle-ship, packing for watertight compart- ment of, mfr. of, alum for, 1,235,220 —,— ,—, ammonium chloride for, 1,235,220 —,— — apparatus for, 1,235,220 — ak —, corn pith for, 1,235 920 —,—,—, corn stalks for, 1,235 220 —,—,—, process for, 1 235 220 Baume de Carthagene, see Balsam of Tolu UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 -Baume de Tolu, see Balsam of Tolu; Tolu bal- sam Baum’s acid, see Schaeffer’s acid Bauxite, abrasive made _ with, ~ 1,192,709; 1,199,041; 1,199,042; 1,257,856; 1,263,709; 1,263,710; 1,268,532; 1,268,533; 1,269,222; 1,276,184; 1,314,835; 1 "402 714; 1,442,773; 1,467,590 — adhesive, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,alkali aluminate made with, 1,271,192; 1,508,777 —, alkali aluminum silicate made with, 1,123,693 —, alkali carbonate made with, 1,514 657 —, ‘alkali carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1 308,429 —, alkali hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1 308,429 —, alkali 1 308,429 —, alkali sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, alum from, 1,388,436 —, ’ a-alumina from, 1 ,263,708; 1,263,709 —,alumina made with, 1,269, 293 « 1,269,224; 1 508,777 — alumina, crystalline, made with, 1,276,134 —,aluminous abrasive from, mfr. of, 1,488 586 —, aluminum made with, 1,297,946; 1 308, 429; 1 329,315 ¢ 1,512 271; 1 512 AG2 : 1 519 648 —, aluminum alloy made with, 1 512 462 —, aluminum carbide made with, 1,219,797; 1,187,225 ; 1,234,905 ; oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,147,832 ; 1 222,593; 1,270,226; 1,512,271 —, aluminum chloride made with, 1,165,065; 1,217,471; 1,268,015; 1,297,946; 1,308,080; 1,308,885; 1,325,203; 1,854,818; 1,866,626; 1,392,044; 1,405,115; 1,422,560; 1,424,574: 1,489,021: 1,490,021; 1,508,451; 1,509,605; 1,519,648 1,270,226 ; 1,324,143; 1,392,043; 1,422,568; 1,503,648 ; —, aluminum compound made with, 1,249,125 1 315,460; 1,891,172; 1,403,183 —,aluminum fluoride made with, 1,237, ‘488 ; —, aluminum ‘hydroxide "made with, 1,137,860; 1 216,371; 1,800,110; 1,493,320; 1 514, 657 i 145,747; 1,233,926 ; 1,344,153; 1,393,372; 1,158,899 ; 1.241834: 1,350,149; 1,415,036; 1,188,651 ; 1,252, 649 ; 1,393,370; 1,415,446 —, ahammar wiecds made with, 1,143,482 ; 1. 233, 925 ; 1 ‘268, ‘240; 1,393,371; —,aluminum nitride, AIN, made with, 1,180,840 —,aluminum oxide made with, 1,132,737; 1,159,989; 1,162,130; 1,180,840; 1,209,334; 1228119: 1.245383: 1,249,125; 1,282,222; 1,300,110; 1,808,429; 1,814,709; 1,314,710; 1,326,384: 1,382,113; 1,394,854; 1,404,083; 1,410,642: 1,422,004; 1,514,657 —,aluminum oxide, crystalline, made with, 1,310,342 —, aluminum silicate made with, 1,362,274 —, aluminum silicide made with, 1 512, 271 —,aluminum sulfate made with, 1,132,737 ; 1,197,123: 1,252,648: 1,308,429; 1,359,037; 1,388 486 —,aluminum sulfate, titanium sulfate in, made with, 1,173,698 —,aluminum sulfite made with, 1,326,384 INDEX OF SUBJECTS cr Bauxite, ammonia made 1,158,899 ; with, 1,159,989; 1,180,840 —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,502,336 —,ammonium hydroxide made’ with, 1,465,310; 1,480,291 —,ammonium salts made with, 1,162,130 —,bentonite, plasticity increased with of, 1,509,406; 1,509,478 —, bentonite and, refractory of, 1,442,413 —, binder for, aluminum salt as, 1,312,853 —,—,aluminum sulfate as, 1,312,853 —,—,ammonium nitrate as, 1,312,853 —,—,ammonium sulfate as, 1,312,853 —,—,mineral acid as, 1,312,853 —,—, mineral salt as, 1,312,853 —,—,nitric acid as, 1,312,853 —,—,sulfurie acid as, 1,312,853 —,—, zirconium sulfate as, 1,312,853 —,blast furnace gas, burner for, made with, 1,223,308 —, brick made with, 1,373,854; 1,463,399 —,brick, sand-lime, made with, 1,514,657 —,—, silica made with, 1,477,810 —,briquet molded with, 1,292,330 —,calcination of, apparatus for, 1,364,656 —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,364,656 —,—,engine, internal combustion, gas from, for, 1,364,656 —,—, process for, 1,231,831; 1,364,656 —,calcium made with, 1,512,462 —,calcium alloy made with, 1,512,462 —,calcium aluminate made with, 1,142,989; 1,376,563 : —, calcium carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,calcium hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,calcium oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, calcium 1,514,657 —,calcium sulfate made with, 1,325,203 —,calcium sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,catalyst in acetylene product mfr., 1,421,743 —,catalyst for hydrogenation of hydrocarbon made with, 1,152,765 —, catalyst for hydrogenation of lamp oil made with, 1,152,765 —,catalyst for hydrogenation of petroleum made with, 1,152,765 —, catalyst for hydrogenation of resin oil made with, 1,152,765 —,catalyst for hydrogenation of shale oil made with, 1,152,765 —,cement made with, 1,282,222; 1,514,657; 1,514,812 —,cement, ferric, made with, 1,255,995 —,—, waterproofing of using, 1,519,285 —,ceramic article made with, 1,350,825; 1,509,406; 1,509,478 —, ceramic insulating material contg., 1,409,953 —, chromium, iron, pig, contg., Bessemer con- verter for lined with, 1,479,997 —,clay and, refractory of, 1,442,413 —.coal gas, burner for, made with, 1,223,308 exhaust silicate made with, 1,282,222; %09 / fy Y. Sy ‘4 {003 t Bauxite, coal oil tar contg., aluminum chloride, removal from of with, 1,311,987 —,coke made with, 1,482,438 —,coke oven gas, burner for, made with, —"composition of, 1,339,344; 1,402,714 —,concrete, waterproofing of, using, 1,519,285 —,copper compound made with, 1,228,119 —,corundum made with, 1,314,835 —, crucible, clay, made with, 1,374,910 —,—, graphite, made with, 1,374,910 —,damonterolite, plasticity increased with of, 1,509,406; 1,509,478 — decomposing, chlorine 1,829,315 —, dolomite refractory made with, 1,463,399 —,ehrenbergite, plasticity increased with of, 1,509,406; 1,509,478 —,electrode, carbon, protective coating for contg., 1,312,257; 1,312,260 —, electrolytes, plasticity increased with of, 1,509,406 —,emery substitute made with 1,339,344 —,extraction of, redwood tannin for, 1,308,429 —,—, sulfur dioxide and redwood tannin for, and carbon for, 1,308,429 —,—,sulfuric acid and redwood tannin for, 1,308,429 —,—,sulfurous acid and redwood tannin for, 1,308,429 —,fat, decolorizing of, using, 1,492,184 —,fertilizer made with, 1,508,777 —, flotation of, 1,467,354 —, fire extinguisher made with, 1,248,092 —, fireproofing made with, 1,248,092 —, French, composition of, 1,350,825 —,fuel, gaseous burner for, made 1,223,308 —,fusing of, 1,439,286 —, fusing, electric furnace for, 1,352,387 —,gasolene made with, 1,373,653; 1,482,438 —,gasolene, cracked, treatment of, using, 1,492,969 —,gasolene air gas, burner for, made with, 1,223,308 —,gasolene mfr. in presence of, 1,373,653 —,glass contg., granules of, 1,374,136 —, gums, plasticity increased with of, 1,509,406 —,hydrocarbon, burner for, made with, 1,223,308 —,—, cracked, treatment of, using, 1,492,969 —,—, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,152,765 —,hydrochloric acid made with, 1,123,693 ; 1,489,021 —, hydrochloric 1,492,184 —, hydrogenation catalyst made with, 1,152,765 —, insulating material of clay and, 1,358,366 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,358,366 —,—, heat, made with, 1,509,478 —,iron made with, 1,227,127 —,iron, pig, chromium in, Bessemer converter for lined with, 1,479,997 —,—,remoyal of from, 1,430,454 —,—,removal of from, hydrochloric acid for, 1,132,537 with, acid, -treatment with of, 710 Bauxite, iron, removal of from, process for, 1,132,537 —,—,—,sodium chloride for, 1,132,537 sulfuric acid for, 1 1132, 537 —, iron carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1 ,308 429 —,iron chloride made with, 1,147,832 —,iron compound, removal of from, chlorine for, 1,185,254 —,—,—, copper (ic) salt for, 1,185,254 —, —, —, copper (ous) chloride for, 1,185,254 —,—,—, copper(ous) salt for, 1,185, 254 —,—,copper(ic) sulfate for, 1 1185 254 —,—, process for, 1,185,254 — —, sulfur dioxide for, 1,185,254 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 4) 185, 254 —, iron hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1 308,429 —,iron oxide in, abrasive made with, 1,187,225 —,— _ferro-silicon made with, 1,187, 225, —, iron oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1 ,308,429 —,iron sulfate 1 308,429 —, kerosene made with, 1,482,438 — lamp oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for made with, 1,152,765 —, lead compound ‘made with, 1,228,119 —,magnesia article, bonded, made N 394,442 —, magnesium aluminate made with, 1,394,442 —, magnesium carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,808,429 —,magnesium hydroxide impurity in, extrac- tion of, 1,308,429 —, Magnesium oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1 ,308 429 —,magnesium sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, manganese carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,808,429 —, manganese hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,808,429 —, manganese oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,manganese sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1,808,429 —,mold contg., cobalt and, 1,454,065; 1,454,067 —,mold contg., nickel and, 1,454,065; 1,454,067 —,mold making material contg., 1,401,215 —,molded article made with, 1,509,406; 1,509,478 —,montmorillonite, plasticity increased with of, 1,509,406; 1,509,478 —, mortar made with, 1,509,478 —, mortar, waterproofing of using, 1,519,285 —, natural gas, burner for, made with, 1 223,008) —, nitric acid made with, 1 ,200,334 —; nitrogen, fixation of, using, 1,196,639; 1,196,657; 1 AGS 310 er animal, decolorizine of, using, 1,492,184 —,—, vegetable, decolorizing of, using, 1,492, 184 —, oil contg., aluminum chloride, removal from of with, 1 311 987 —, oil filter made of, 1,485,972 —, paint, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 PR, ue? rae impurity in, extraction of, with, 1,155,840; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bauxite, paper, fireproof sizing for, made with, 1,248, 092 — , petroleum, decolorizing of, using, 1,492,184 —,—, hydrogenation of, catalyst for made with, 1 152 (65 — petroleum contg., aluminum chloride, re- moval from of with, 1,311,987 —, petroleum, desulfurized with, 1,457,656 —, plaster made with, 1,142 989 ; 1 185,774; 1,185,775 —, plastic made with, 1,142,989; 1,509,406; 1,509,478 —, potassium aluminate made with, 1,271,192 —, potassium carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, potassium compounds from, 1,410,642 —, potassium fluosilicate made with, 1,237 A88 —,potassium hydroxide impurity in, extrac- tion of, 1,308,429 —, potassium oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, potassium sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1 5008 429 — producer gas, 1 223,308 — purifying, sodium hydroxide solution for, 1 397,414 —, red, aluminum nitride made with, 1,158,899 —,—,ammonia made with, 1,158,899 —, ’ reduction of, apparatus for, 1 12, 271 —,—, carbon for, 1,512,271 —,—, coke for, 1,512 271 —,—, electric, 1 379, 523 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,521,271 —,—, pitch for, 1,512, 271 —,—, process for, 1,512, 271 —,—, rutile for, 1,512; 271 burner for, made with, —,—, silica for, 1 512 271 —, —, titanium ‘dioxide for, 1,512,271 — refractory contg., 1,131 709: 1,231,684; 1,238,020; 1,240,569; 1. 267,686; _ 1,278,529; 1,289,049; 1,362,274; 1,362,316; 1,394,442; 1,439,286; 1,442,413; 1,453,468; 1,463,399; _ 1,477,810; 1,509,478; 1,514,812 —,refractory ware made with, 1,350,825 —,resin made with, 1,324,649 —,resin oil, hydrogenation of, cs for, made with, 1,152,765 —, resister, electric, made with, 1,393,373 —, shade oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, Pade with, 1,152,765 —, silica in, abrasive made with, 1,187,225 —,—, ferro-silicon made with, 1 187,225 —, ’ silicon made with, 1,512, 462 —, ’ silicon alloy made with, 1,512,462 —,silicon dioxide made _ with, 1,326,384; 1,489,021 —,silicon sulfide made with, 1,245,383 —,silicon tetrachloride made with, 1,147,832; 1,489,021 —, sodium aluminate made with, 1,136,549; i 271,192; 1,282,222; 1,422,004 —, sodium aluminum silicate 1 123,693 on, sodium carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 1,249,125; made _ with, INDEX OF Bauxite, sodium hydroxide impurity in, extrac- tion of, 1,308 429 —, sodium oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1 308,429 —, sodium sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1 308,429 —, spinel, artificial, made with, 1,894,442 —,spinel from magnesite and, 1,448,010 —, starch, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,sugar solution, decolorizing of, using, 1,492,184 —,sulfur made with, 1,331,645; 1,479,852; 1,507,105 —, sulfur dioxide Hade with, 1,249,125; 1,489,021 —,sulfur dioxide and redwood tannin for ex- Me eraction of, 1,308,429 —,sulfurie acid, treatment with of, 1,492,184 —,sulfuric acid and redwood tannin for ex- traction of, 1,308,429 —,sulfurous acid and redwood tannin for ex- traction of, 1,308,429 —, sulfur purified using, 1,331,645 —,tannic acid, plasticity increased with of, 1,509,406 —,titanium carbonate impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —, titanium chloride made with, 1,147,832 —,titanium dioxide in, abrasive made with, 1 187,225 —,—, ferro-silicon made with, 1,187,225 —, titanium hydroxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,808,429 —,titanium oxide impurity in, extraction of, 1,308,429 —,titanium sulfate, aluminum sulfate contg., ‘made with, 1,173 698 —, titanium sulfate impurity in, extraction of, 1 308,429 —,treating of, 1,890,796; 1,402,714 —,—, sodium ‘silicate for, 1,400, 495 — ‘ treating with sulfurie acid, apparatus for, 1,457 87 —, varnish, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,vegetable oil refining element made of, 1,435,972 —,washing oil out of, 1,356,631 —,water, purification of, using, 1,197,123 —,water gas, burner for, made using, 1,223,308 —, wax, decolorizing of, using, 1,492,184 —, welding electrode covering contg., 1,441,685 —, wood pulp made with, 1,249,125 —, zinc compound made with, 1 ,228,119 —,see also Aluminum hydroxide; Aluminum oxide ; Aluminum ore; Aluminum ozide, hydrated Bauxite sludge, pigment, 1,489,418 Bavarian blue DSF, see Sodium triphenyl- pararosaniline-dilsulfonate Bay-berry camphor, see Laurin Bayberry oil cake, albuminous product made with, 1,169,634 Bayberry tallow, coating composition made with, 1,189,550; 1,189,551 —, finish remover trace with, 1,140,449; 1,167,640 soap solutions for, SUBJECTS Y11 Bayberry wax, concrete molds coated with kero- sene and, 1.256, 710 Bayer process, aluminum hydroxide made with, 1,137,860 —, sodium aluminate decomposed by, 1,422,004 Bayer alizarin blue, photographic print, colored, made with, 1,160, 288 Bayer alizarin rubinol R, photograpnic print, colored, made with, 1 160, 288 Bayer alizarin rubinol "3G, photographic print, colored, made with, 1, 160 ,288 Bayer’s acid, see b-naphthylamine-3-sulfonic acid (2:7); b-Naphthol-sulfonic acid Bayer sulfon rubinol R, photographic print, colored, made with, 1 160, 288 Bay laurel, fluid of, healing ‘composition contg., isoste 690 Bay leaves, food product made with, 1.143,087 —, hair and scalp remedy contg., 1 350, 843 Bay oil, dental preparation made w ith, 1,318,254 —, tooth filling made with, 1,318,254 Bay salt, see Sodium chloride Bazzies, see Burdock root Beaconite, see Talc Bead carved flower, corn starch contg., 1,253,236 —,—, dextrin, potato contg., 1,253,236 —,—, ’ mfr. of, corn starch for, 1,253 236 —,—,—, dextrin, potato for, 1253 236 —,—,—, process for, 1,253, 236 sf —,—,—, sodium chloride for, 1,253,236 —, —, —, tragacanth for, 1,253, 236 —,—, sodium chloride contg., 1,253,236 —. —, tragacanth contg., 1 253, 236 —, ‘mfr. of, process for, 1 159 879 Beakers decanting apparatus for, 1,368,687 —, filtering apparatus for use with, 1 368 687 Beans, beverage from, 1,414,557 — board made with, 1 245, 984 —, bran extract made with, 1,189,023 —, bread made with, 1,222, 304; 1,387 ood —, ’ butter substitute fr om, 1 403, 122 —, celluloid substitute made ‘with, 1,245,976; 1 ,245,983; 1,245,984; 1,280,862 —, coffee substitute made with, 1,189,125; 1,189,126 ; 1,189,181; 1,189,132; 1. 414 557 —., cofiee substitute extract made 1,163,759; 1,165,414; 1,177,037; 1,199, ‘387 ; 1,204,032; 1,204,358 cooking of, process ‘for, 1,508, 862 — ’ disinfecting of, amino-butyric acid, mercury derivative of, for, 1,485,021 —,—, calcium bicarbonate for, 1,485,021 —,— ’ calcium carbonate for, 1 "485, 021 —,—, , calcium hydroxide for, 1,485 021 ,—,glycine, mercury deriv ative of, 1,485,021 . —,—,mercury acetamide for, 1,485 021 —,—, mercury acylamides for, 1 485, 021 —,—, mercury benzamide for, 1 485 ‘021 —,—, mercury oleylamide for, 1 "485, 021 with, 1,198,398 ; for, —, mercury phthalimide for, 1 485 021 —, mercury succinimide for, 1 485, 021 —, potassium bicarbonate for, 1; 485 021 —,—, potassium carbonate for, "1 A85 021 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, rh ‘485, 021 —,—, process for, 1,485,021 —, —, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,485,021 712 ’ Beans, disinfecting of, sodium carbonate for, 1,485,021 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,485,021 —, fertilizer for, 1,282,170 —, field, vine, plaster yetarder made from, appa- Cte for, 1,134,964 —,—,—, process for, 1,134,964 — ’ floor covering made with, 1,245 984 —, ’ flour, treatment of, using, 1 189 023 —, food ‘from, 1,410, 973 —,food pr oduct made with, 1,222,062; 1,295,160; 1 295,162; 1,344,638; 1 484 970: 1 508 862 —, globulin made with, : 324 208 —, hulling, alkalis for, 1,344 638 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1 245,980 ; 1 245,981; 1,245,984 —, ivory substitute made with, 1,245,976 —, kidney, blood serum made with, 1 ,264,285 —,—, hog cholera antitoxin made with, 1 264 5285 —,—,Mmammalian blood serum made with, 1 264, 285 — , lacquer made with, 1,245,981; 1,245,982 —,leather, artificial, made with, 1,245,977 —,lima, fertilizer for, 1,320,701 —,—, inoculation of, bacterial compost for, 1,320,701 —,—,vine, plaster retarder made from, ap- par atus for, 1,184,964 —,—,—, plaster retarder made from, process for, 1,134,964 —, linoleum substitute made with, 1,245,984; 1 245,978 —, media contg., 1,400,374 —, ’ milk, artificial, "made with, 1,139,031 —, navy, fertilizer, for, 1,320, 701 —, Inoculation of, bacterial compost for, 1 320 01 —,—,vine, plaster retarder made from, ap- _Paratus for, 1,134,964 —,—,—, process for, 1,134,964 — ’ nitrifying bacteria obtained from, 1,341,030 —,oil extraction from, apparatus for, 1,415,433 — ’ phenol aldehyde condensate substitute made with, 1,245,976 —, plastic made with, 1,245,981; 1,245,984 1,245,976; —,proteid product made with, 1,245,976; 1,245,981 —, rubber substitute made with, 1,245,976; 1 245,979; 1,245,984 —, scarlet runner, blood serum made with, 1,264,285 —,—, hog cholera antitoxin made with, 1,264,285 —,—,mammalian blood serum made with, 1 264 5285 —,soup, desiccated, made with, 1,222,062 —,soup powder made with, 1,484,970 —,soy, fertilizer for, 1,320, 701 —,—, Inoculation of, bacterial compost for, 1 320, 701 — , tanning extract decolorized using, 1,163,827 — ‘tile made with, 1,245,984 —, "treatment of, 1,242,728 —,—, process for, 1,242,728 —,—, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,242,728 —, varnish made with, 1,280, 861 —, velvet, fertilizer for, 1 320, 701 calcium hydroxide for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Beans, velvet, inoculation of, bacterial compost for, 1,820,701 —,—, meal, cattle feed contg., 1,260,327 —, vitamin made with, 1,235, 198 —,white navy, blood serum made with, 1,264 285 — hog cholera antitoxin made _ with, 1,264 285 aes ete, mammalian blood serum made with, 1 264 285 Bean croppings, beer, coloring for, made with, 1,178,040 —, beer wort made with, 1,178,039 —, food product made with, 1 178 039; 1,178,040 Bean cheese, mfr. of, magnesia sulfate for, 1,258,427 —,—, oil, salad, for, 1,258,427 —,—, process for, 1,258,427 —,—,soya bean for, 1,258,427 Bean flour, de- colorizing of, acetic acid for, 1,314,298 —,—, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,314,298 —,—, vinegar for, 1,314,298 — ’ deodorizing of, acetic acid for, 1,314,298 —,—, process for, 1,314,298 —,—, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,814,298 —, —, vinegar for, 1,314,298 —, milk powder substitute, 1,314,298 —,starch, pebble-like, made with, 1,129,440 —,see also Soya bean flour Bean jelly, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,195,843 —,—,lime for, 1 195 843 GiL: vegetable, for, 1,195,843 —,—, ‘ olive oil for, 1,195,843 ene peanut oil for, 1,195,843 —, process for, 1,195,843 —, sodium chloride for, 1,195,843 —,—,soya bean for, 1,195. 843 Bean meal, celluloid substitute’ made with, 1,280,862 —, varnish made with, 1,280,861 Bean oil, amber dissolved in, sulfonation of, 1,289,097 —,amber solvent, 1,289,097 —, butter substitute from, 1,403,122 —,copal dissolved in, sulfonation of, 1,289,097 —,copal solvent, 1,289,097 —, Dammara-resin dissolved in, sulfonation of, 1,289,097 —,Dammara-resin solvent, 1,289,097 —,gualacum gurjun dissolved in, sulfonation of, 1,289,097 —, guaiacum gurjun solvent, 1,289,097 —,resin dissolved in sulfonation of, 1,289,097 —,resin solvent, 1,289,097 —,resin, fossil, dissolved in, sulfonation of, 1,289,097 —,—, —, solvent, 1,289,097 —, rosin dissolved i in, sulfonation of, 1,289,097 —,rosin solvent, 1,289 097 —, succinite dissolved in, ~ 1,289,097 —,succinite solvent, 1,289,097 —,turpentine, Canada, dissolved in, sulfona- tion of, 1,289,097 —,—,—, solvent, 1,289,097 sulfonation of, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Bean oil, turpentine dissolved in, sulfonation of, 1,289,097 ao turpentine solvent, 1,289,097 Bean ore, see Oolithic acid Bean proteid, board made with, 1,245,984 —,celluloid substitute made with, 1,245,975; 1,245,976; 1,245,983; 1,245,984 —., floor covering made with, 1,245,984 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,245,975; 1,245,976; 1,245,980; 1,245,981; 1,245,984 —,ivory substitute made with, 1,245,975; 1,245,976 — , lacquer made with, 1,245,981; 1,245,982 —, leather, artificial, made with, 1 245, 977 —, ‘linoleum substitute made with, 1 245,978 ; 1 245,984 —, marble substitute made with, 1,245,975 —, ’ phenol aldehyde condensate substitute made with, 1,245,975; 1,245,976 —, plastic made with, 1 245 981; 1,245,984 —,proteid product made with, 1 ,245,975 ; 1,245,976; 1,245,981 —, rubber ’ substitute made with, 1,245,975; 1 245,976; 1,245,979; 1,245,984 —, tile made with, 1 245 984 Bean starch, binder contg., 1,318,106 —, calcimine, binder for contg., 1,318,106 —, glue contg., 1,318,106 —, oil, emulsifier for contg., 1,318,106 —,size contg., 1,318,106 —, starch, pebble-like, made with, 1,129,440 Bean straw, building blocks made _ with, 1,151,095 —, mortar made with, 1,151,095 —, plaster, gypsum, made with, 1,151,095 —,—,retarder for made with, 1 151 095 —, ’ plaster board made with, 1,151 095 —, textile made with, 1,151 095 —,treatment of, calcium hypochlorite for, 1,151,095 —,—, process for, 1,151,095 —,—, water for, 1,151,095 Bean vine, animal food made with, 1,141,079 —, bean vine fiber made from, 1,141,079 —,food made from, 1,141,079 —, plaster retarder made from, 1,141,079 —,—,apparatus for, 1,134,964 =), process’ for, .1 134 964 Bean vine fiber, “mfr. of, 1,141,079 —,—,bean vine for, 1,141,079 —,—, process for, 1,141,079 grass, shredding of, 1,520,358 Bearings, alloy for, see Alloy, copper-tin-zinc —,antifriction, mfr. of, alloy for, 1,494,099 —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,494,099 —,—,—,brass for, 1,494, 099 ——,— —, bronze for, 1,494, 099 ——; ’ duck for, 1,430 560 —,—, —, fabric for, 1,430,560 —,—,—, graphite for, 1,430,560; 1,494,099 —,—,—, metal for, 1,494,099 ,—,—, muslin for, 1,430,560 —,—, as paper for, 1 430, 560 —,—,—, phenol aldehyde 1,430, 560 apparatus for, apparatus for, condensate for, 713 Bearings, antifriction, mfr. 1,480,560; 1,494,099 — fitting, composition for, formula, lime quartz 45, white lead 32, zine 12, boric acid a lampblack 4, 1,458, 772, —, hot, cooling compound for, 1,423,103 —, iron, babbitting, flux and alloy for, 1,399,810 —., jewel, synthetic, mfr. of, aluminum oxide pore 1,422,216; 1,488,188 —,—,—, —, clay for, 1,422 216; 1,438,188 —, —, —, —, dextrin "for, 1,422 216: 1 438,188 —,—,—,—, feldspar for, 1,422 216; 1,438, 188 —,—,—,—, glass for, 1,422 216 ,—, —, kerosene for, 1,422, 216; 1,438,188 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,422 216: "1438, 188 — lubricant for, see Lubricant ; Lubricant, car- We ririals —,lubrication of, etching of before applying aerate for, 1,129, 340 —, —, graphite for, fi 129,340 —, mfr. of, aluminum for, 1,185,220 —, —, ammonium chloride for, 1,185,220 —, apparatus for, 1,492,119 —, —' asbestos for, 1,137,373 —,—, Babbitt metal for, 1,185,220; 1,492,119 —,—, bismuth, lead alloy contg., 1,341,938 —,—, brass for, 1,341,938 — cadmium, lead alloy contg., for, 1,341,938 —,—, carnauba wax for, 1,197,428 —,—,cotton for, 1,137, 373 —~, — duck for, 1,430, 560 —,—, ’ dyestuff, indulin for, 1,197,428 —,—, fabric for, 1,430,560 —,—, formaldehyde, polymerized, for, 1,137,373 —,glue for, 1,137,373 of, process for, —,—,graphite for, 1,187,373; 1,197,428 ; 1,430,560 —,—,graphite, Acheson deflocculated, for, 1,137,370 —,—,—, expanded, for, 1,137,373 —,—, grease for, 1,197 428 —,—, hexamethylenetetramine for, “1137 3ter —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,197,428 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1 185,220; 1,341,938 —,—,iron, zine coated, for, 1,176 603 —,—, ‘lead for, 1,341 938; 1 492, 119 —,—, lead alloy, bismuth in, for, 1,341,938 —,—, —, cadmium in, for, 1,341 938 —,—,—, ‘tin Nn fOr, 1,341,938 —,—,linen for, 1,137,373 —,—, linseed oil for, 1,137,373 —,—, magnesium chloride for, 1,482,414 —,—, magnesium oxide for, 1,482,414 —,—, metal for, 1,431,233 —,—, mica for, 1,482, 414 —, —, muslin for, 1,430, 560 —,—, myrtle wax for, 1,197, 428 —,—, oil for, 1,197; 428 —, oil, mineral, for, 1,482,414 —,—, ’ olein for, 1,197, 428 —,—, paper for, 1,430, 560 —, —, paraffin for, 1,197, 428 1,137,37 3; 1,430,560 —, —, phenol aldehyde condensate _ for, —,—, process for, 1,137,378 ; 1,176,608 ; 1,185,220; 1,197,428; 1,341,938; 1,430,560; 1,482,414: 1,492,119 v14 Bearings, mfr. of, rosin for, 1,197,428 —,—,rubber for, 1,137,373 —, —, soapstone ‘for, 1,482, 414 —,solder for, 1,341 938 —,—,soot for, 1,482, 414 —, —, stearic acid for, 1,197,428 —,—, stearin for, 1 197, 428 == <=, steel for,\1, 185, 220 —,—, tale for, 1,482 Al4 —,—,tar for, 1 482, 414 —,—, ‘tar oil for, 1 482, 414 —,—, tin for, 1 185, 290; 1,341,938; 1,492,119 —,—, tin, lead alloy contg., for, 1,341 938 —,—, tin alloy, lead in, for, 1.341 938 —,—,varnish gum for, 1, 137, 373 —,—, wax for, 1,197, 428 —,—, Wax, animal, for, 1,197,428 —,—,—,. mineral, ‘for, 1 197, 428 —,—, — ’ vegetable, for, 1 197,428 —,—, wood for, 1,197, 428 —,—, wood flour for, 1,137,373 et, wood pulp for, 1,137, 373; 1,482,414 —,-—, wood soot” ‘for, 1,482, 414 —,—, ' zine for, 1,176, 603 ; it 185, 220; 1,492,119 —, —, zinc chloride for, 1,341 938 —, metal, graphite in, 1,390, 197 —, ’ metal with imbedded graphite for, 1,422,677 —, ’ oil- less, graphite in, 1,390,197 —, packing for, mfr. of, Babbitt for, 1,324,763 —,—,— bearing metal for, 1,824 163 —,—,—, beeswax for, 1 324. 763 —,—,—-, ’ eraphite for, 1,324. "763 —,—,—, paraffin for, 1,324, 763 —,—,—, process for, 1 324 763 —, ’ steel, babitting, flux and alloy for, 1,399,810 —, ’ vulcanized fiber, graphite and Babbitt metal for constructing, 1,398,219; 1,398,220 Bearing composition, mfr. of, asbestos for, 1,491,466 —,—, blood, animal, for, 1,491,466 —,— ’ cement hydraulie, for, i 491,466 —,—,—, Portland, for, 1,491 ‘466 —,—, graphite for, 1 ‘491 466 —,—, mica for, 1,491 A66 —, process for, 1 491 466 —,—, sulfur for, 1,491,466 —,—, wood pulp for, 1,491,466 Bearing fitting compound, formula, silica 22.25%, white lead 22.25%, graphite 445%, sodium carbonate 11%, oil q.s., 1,361,719 —, graphite in, 1,361,719 —., lead, white, in, 1,361,719 —,silica in, 1,361,719 —,sodium carbonate in, 1,361,719 Bearing metal, alkali earth metal in, 1,520,254 —,alloy for use as, 1,360,272 —,aluminum in, 1,360,272; 1,360,346; 1,376,339 —,antimony in, 1,269,000; 1,286,921; 1,497,011; 1,502,321; 1,502,425; 1,512,190 —, antimony, copper alloy contg., as, 1,223,001 —, barium in, 1,360,272; 1,520,254 —, bearing, packing for, made with, 1,324,763 —, bismuth in, 1,324,763; 1,497,011; 1,502,425 —, calcium in, 1,360,272; 1,520,254 —,copper in, 1,286,921; 1,324,763; 1,502,321; 1,502,425; 1,512,190 —, copper alloy, antimony in, as, 1,223,001 1,477,797; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 . Bearing metal, copper alloy, lead in, as, 1,223,001 —,—,nickel in, as, 1,223,001 —, formula, copper 60-85; lead 1-36; antimony 3-20; phosphorus .25-3.0; 1,286,921 —,—, lead 89, tin 73, antimony 34, phosphorus 4; 1,304,849 —,—, zinc 1, lead 2, tin 4, 1,876,339 —, ’ graphite in, 1,477,797 —, hardening of, antimony in composition for, 1,502,425 —,—, bismuth in composition for, 1,502,425 —,—, copper in composition for, 1,502,425 —,—, tin in composition for, 1,502,425 —,iron in, 1,324,763 —,lead in, 1,269,000; 1,360,272; 1,360,346; 1,497,011; 1,502,321; 1,520,254 —,lead, copper alloy contg., as, 1,223,001 —, Magnesium in, 1,286,921; 1,860,272; 1,360,347 —, magnesium alloy as, 1,341,774 —, manganese in, 1,286,921 —, mfr. of, alkali earth chloride for, 1 520 ,254 —,— alloy for, 1,198,152 —,— ’ antimony for, 1,269,000; 1,502,321 —-, —, Babbitt metal for, 1 198, 152 —,—, barium chloride for, 1,520,254 1,286,921; 1,360,347 ; 1,502,425 : 1,324,763; 1,376,339; 1,512,190; —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,520,254 —,—, copper for, 1,234,547 —,—,copper sulfate for, 1,269,000 ,—, graphite for, 1,198,152 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,234,547; 1,477,797 —,—,lead for, 1,198,152; 1,234,547; 1,269,000; 1,502,321; 1,520,254 —, metal for, 1,198,152 —,—, oxygen for, 1,234,547 —,—,phosphor-brass for, 1,502,321 —, phosphor-copper for, 1,502,321 —, phosphor-manganese-copper for, 1,502,821 —, phosphor-zine for, 1,502,321 —,—, process for, 1,198,152; 1,234,547; 1,269,000; 1,477,797; 1,502,321; 1,520,254 —,— —. sodium, for, 1 520, 254 —,—, ’ sodium hydroxide for, 1,269,000 —,—, strontium chloride for, 1,520,254 —,—, tin for, 1,269,000; 1,502,321 —, mercury in, 1,360,272; 1,360,346; 1,360,347 —, molybdenum in, 1,477,797 —,nickel in, 1,286,921 —, nickel, copper alloy contg., as, 1,223,001 —, packing, plastic, made with, 1,324,763 —,packing material contg., 1,441,951 —, phosphorus in, 1,286, 921: 1 ‘502, 321 —, piston, packing for, made with, 1,324 763 —, potassium in, 1 360, 346 —, silicon in, 1,286,921 —, sodium in, 1,269,000; 1,360,346 —, sodium hydroxide in, 1,269,000 —, strontium in, 1,520,254 —,tin in, 1,260,000; 1,360,272; 1,360,346; 1,376,339; 1,497,011; 1,502,821; 1,502,425; 1,512,190 —, tungsten in, 1,477,797 —, zine in, 1,360,272; 1,360,346; 1,376,339 —, see also Alloy antifriction metal; metal; Lead alloy; Lubricant Babbitt INDEX OF Bearing metal alloy, formula, lead 96%-+, mag- neslum —2%, mercury —2%, 1,360,347 —,lead, barium and calcium alloy for, 1,360,339 Beater, ‘bed- plate for, mfr. of, carborundum for, 1 287, 905 —,—,—, cement for, 1,287,905 —,—,—, cement, Portland, for, 1,287,905 —,—,—, Lava, basaltic, for, 1,287,905 ,—, —, process for, 1,287,905 —,—,—, wire for, 1,287,905 —, construction of, 1 O71 426 —, ’ knife bar for, mfr. of, bronze for, 1,216,487 —,—,—, process for, 1,216, 487 —,—,—, steel for, 1216 ‘487 _—, metal for, mfr. of, calcium carbonate for, 1 235,071 —,—,—, iron turnings for, 1,235,071 —,—,—, Magnesium carbonate for, 1,235,071 —,—,—, process for, 1,235,071 Beater sizing, see Paper, engine-sizing, Beater stock, viscosity of, indicator for, 1,331,861 Beating engine, construction of, 1,324,223 —, see also Beater Beauty mark, mfr. of, court-plaster for, 1,140,975 —,—, process for, 1 140, 975 —,—, stone, sparkling, ‘for, 1,140,975 Beauzite see Bauxite Beaver hair, battery, 1,481,947 Beaver S. 3187, silk dyed with, 1,446,860 Beccarite, see Zirconium dioxide, ZrOz Bechilite, enamel, iron, made with, 1,256,456 Beckton white, see Lithopone Becquerelite, see Urantum hydroxide, UO:.2H.O Bed bug, insecticide for destroying, 1,324,848 —., killing of, lactic acid for, 1,499,164 —,—, potassium bisulfite for, 1,499, 164 —,—, potassium lactate for, 1 499, 164 —,—, sodium bisulfite for, 1,499, 164 —,—,sodium lactate for, 1, 499 164 —,—,sulfur dioxide for, 1 499, 164 —, wood repellent to, mfr. of, 1,312,634 Bed covering, water-proof, mfr. of, process for, 1,126,783 Bedding, fire-proof, mfr. of, ammonium chlo- ride for, 1,165,062 —,—,—, borax for, 1,165,062 —,—,—, cornstalk for, 1,165,062 —,—,—, paper for, 1, 165, 062 —,—,—, process for, 1, 165, 062 —,—,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,165,062 —,—,—,sodium silicate for, 1,165 062 —,—,—, zine chloride for, 1,165,062 Bee, European foul brood disease of, treatment of, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,242,770 —,—,—, phenol for, 1,242,770 —,—,—, process for, 1,242,770 storage, made using, tae —, sodium chloride for, 1,242,770 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,242,770 —,food for, sterilized, ‘mfr. of, alkali for, 1,511,856 —,—,—, — Sena for, 1,511,856 —,process for, 1,511,856 —,sodium carbonate for, 1,511,856 SUBJECTS 715 Bee, food for, sterilized, mfr. of, sodium hypo- chlorite for, 1,511,856 —, syrup for, 1,511,856 Beech, hiding block made with, 1,265,655 —,mine pump having fittings made of, 1,194,404 —,road paving made with, 1,265,655 —,timber substitute made with, 1,265,655 —, treatment of, linseed oil for, 1,194,404 —,—,pine tar for, 1,194,404 —,—, process for, 1,194,404 —,—,salt for, 1,194,404 —,—, tallow for, 1,194,404 Beech leaves, foam bath made with, 1,281,670 Beech nuts, bacteria. food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 — ethyl alcohol made with, 1,472,344 —,ferments, food stuff for conte. 1,472 344 — fungi, food stuff for contg.., 1,472, 344 —, "humic substance made with, 1 472, 344 —, ‘molds, food stuff for contg., 1,472 344 —,mucors, food stuff for contg., 1,472, 344 — yeast, food stuff for contg.., 1 A72 344 Beech wood, acetic acid made with, 1 178,223 —, asphalt composition contg., 1 370 647 —, butyric acid made with, 1 178, 293 —,ethyl alcohol made with, 1,428, 217 —,fatty acid made with, 1 178; 293 —,formic acid made with, 1 178, 223 —, "9- furaldehyde made with, 1,428, 217 — glucose made with, 1,428, 217 —, methyl alcohol made with, 1,428,217 —’ propionic acid made with, 1 178 993 Beech wood creosote, anesthetic, dental, made with, 1,420,634 —,anodyne made with, 1,420,634 —, astringent made with, 1,420,634 —, disinfectant made with, 1,420,634 —, mfr. of, air for, 1,199,271; Re-14,388 —,—,potassium bichromate for, 1,199,271; Re-14,888 —,—,potassium permanganate for, 1,199,271; Re-14,388 —,—, process for, 1,199,271; Re-14,388 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,199,271; Re- 14,388 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,199,271; Re-14,388 —,—,tar oil for, 1,199,271; Re-14,388 —,—, wood, hard-, tar for, 1,199,271; Re-14,388 —, paint contg., 1,480,142 —,styptic made with, 1,420,634 —,see also Creosote; Creosote, beechwood Beechwood pulp, wall board made with, 1,374,931 Beechwood sawdust, tar-paper made with, 1,203 403 Beechwood tar, finish remover made with, 1,160,394 —,tanning compound made with, 1,376,805 Beef, canning of, process for, 1,240,165 —,corned, canning of, process for, 1,181,115; Re-14,337 —,—,—, potato for, 1,181,115; Re-14,337 —, curing of alkali earth nitrate for, 1,259,377 —,—,—, alkali earth nitrite for, 1.259, 377 —,—,—, alkali nitrate for, 1,259, 376; 1,259,377 716 Beef, corned, curing of, alkali nitrite for, 1,212,614; 1,259,376 ; 1,259,377 —,—,—, barium nitrate for, 1,259,377 —,—,—, barium nitrite for, 1.259 377 —— ’ calcium nitrate for, 1,259 ld —,—,—, , calcium nitrite for, 1.259 Baa —,—, Magnesium nitrate for, 1,259 ole —, magnesium nitrite for, 1 259, 377 —,—,—,pickling liquor, waste (meat), 1,259, 316: 1,259,377 —,—,— , potassium nitrate for, 1,212,614; 1,259, 376: 1,259,377 —,— , potassium nitrite for, 1,212,614; j 259 376; 1,259,377 —,—,—,process for, 1,212614; 1,259,376; 1 259 377 —,—,—,sodium chloride for, 1,212,614; 1 259 376: 1,259,377 —,—, sodium nitrate for, 1,212,614; et 1259, 376: 1,259,377 —,—,— sodium nitrite for, 1,212,614; 1 259, 376; 1,259,377 —,—, — _strontium nitrate for, 1,259,377 —,—, —, ’ strontium nitrite for, 1,259,377 —,—,—,sugar for, 1,212,614; 1,259,376; 1,259, 377 —, culture media prepared from, 1,334,318 —, curing of, apparatus for, 1,516,728 —,—, potassiura nitrate for, 1,173,411 —,—,process for, 1,173 All: 1,516, 728 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1 ire All —,—,sugar for, 1,173,411 —, food product. made with, 1,240,165 ; 1,245,751; 1,273,072 —,leprosy, substance for treatment of, made with, 1,250,345 —, meat extract mfr. from, 1,414,177 —, meat product made with, 1,167,193 —,refrigeration of, beeswax for, 1,489,144 —,—, fat for, 1,489,144 —,— , fatty acid for, ee 144 —,—, ice for, 1,489,144 —,— Japan wax for, 1,489,144 —,—, oil, vegetable, for, 1 "480, 144 —,—, process for, 1,489 144 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,489,144 —,—, wax for, 1,489,144 —,—, wax, mineral, for, 1,489,144 —, roast, ‘canning of, potato for, Re-14,337 —,—,—, process for, 1,181,115; Re-14,337 — ’ therapeutic compound made with, 1,250,345 —, tuberculosis, substance for treatment of, made with, 1,250, 345 Beef bouillon, culture media prepared from, 1,334,318 Beef extract, macaroni made with, 1,484,863 —, see also Meat-extract Beef fat, alkali silicate, water-proof cement product of made with, 1,283,546 —, butter substitute made with, 1,190,369 —, ’ calcium hydroxide, waterproof cement prod- uct of made with, 1,283,546 —,calcium oxide, water-proof cement prod- uct of made with, 1,283,546 —, cement, hydraulic, waterproof cement prod- uct of made with, 1,283,546 1,130,728 ; 1,181,115 ; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Beef fat, cement, Portland, waterproof cement product made with, 1,283,546 —,—, waterproof cement product of made with, 1,283.546 —, cream, artificial, made with, 1,190,369 —, cream substitute made with, 1,216,052 —,food product made _ with, 1,191,388; 1,381,526 —, fruit preserved using, 1,236,382 —,gypsum, water-proof cement product of made with, 1,283,546 —,lard compound contg., 1,372,616 —,lime, water-proof cement product of made with, 1,283,546 —, magnesium oxychloride water-proof cement product of made with, 1,283,546 —,oleo made with, 1,488,918 —, plaster, water-proof cement product of made with, 1,283,546 —, vegetables preserved using, 1,236,382 Beef gall, medical cgmpound contg., 1,389,677 Beef intestine, gut string made with, 1,204, 812 —,sausage casing made with, 1,204, 812 Beef marrow, cosmetic contg., 1,491. 644 —, hair treatment composition contg., 1 491,644 “ Beef middles,” sausage casing, made with, 1,204,812 Beef oil, lard substitute made with, 1,218,758; 1,218,759 —,shortening contg., 1,288,853 —,see also Fat; Lard; Margarin; Olein Beef round casings, sausage casing made with, 1,204,812 Beefsteak, calories in, 1,252,029 —,food contg., 1,252,029 Beef stearin, butter substitute made with, 1,417,893 —,food product made with, 1,417,893 —, see also Stearin, beef Beef suet, food product made with, 1,380,815 —,rat poison made with, 1,220,593 —, ’ rubber, hard, substitute made 1,512,979 Beef tallow, belt dressing made with, 1,180,392 —,candle made with, 1,248,402 —,fatty acids made with, 1,248,402 —,glycerol made with, 1 248, 402 —,sizing composition contg., 1,299,663 —,soap made with, 1,248, 402 —,soap, sulfur, made with, 1,278,518 —, stearic acid made with, 1,248,402 —,tire valve made air-tight using, composition contg., 1,212,925 —,see also Tallow, beef Beef tenderloins, food product made with, 1,381,526 Beef tongue, curing of, apparatus for, 1,124,851 —,—, potassium nitrate for, 1,124,851 —,process for, 1,124,851 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,124,851 —,sodium chloride for, 1,124,851 —,—, sugar for, 1,124,851 —,food product made from, 1,208,175 Beef tongue leaf, mfr. of, gelatin for, 1,208,175 —,—, potassium nitrate for, 1,208,175 —,—, process for, 1,208,175 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,208,175 using, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Beef tongue leaf, mfr. of, sugar for, 1,208,175 Bee-gum, see Propolis Bee hive, sterilization of, alkali for, 1,511,857 —,—, hypochlorite for, 1,511 857 —,—, process for, 1,511 857 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,511,857 —,—, ’ sodium hypochlorite for, 1 oll, 857 Bee honey, see Honey Beer, alcohol, removing from, 1,337,027; 1 337, 850 —, beer, dealcoholized, made with, 1,223,121; Re-14, 391; 1,265,274; 1,265,275 — bottling, carbon dioxide atmosphere for, 1 361,498 —, brake lining made with, 1,162,371 — ’ brewing, process for, 1 328, 888 —,carbonating of, process for, 1,215,864 —, carbon dioxide purified for, process for, 1 ,268,872 — _ charging of, apparatus for, 1,137,149 —,—, process for, 1,137,149 —,clarifying of, potassium metasulfite for, 1, 217,641 —,—, process for, 1,217,641 —, —, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,217,641 —,—, ‘tartaric acid for, 1,217, 641 — ’ coating composition made with, 1,360,066 —, coloring for, mfr. of, amylase for, 1,178, 040 —,—,—, bacteria, lactic acid, for, 1,178, 040 —,—,—, barley, pearl, croppings, for, 1,178, 040 —,—,—, barley husks for 1,178,040 —,—, —, bean ae for, 1 178, 040 —, lactic acid for, 1,178,040 — —, ‘ maltose for, 1,178, 040 —,—, —, « mazam ” for, 1,178, 040 —,—,—, pea croppings for, 1 178,040 —,-+,-—, peptones for, I 178,04 0 iy ee diastase ee "1,178,040 BI ge DY gis —, —,—, process for, 1,178, 040 —,—,—, proteids for, 1,178, 040 —,—,—,rye croppings for, 1,178,040 —, —, —, starch, gelatinized, for, 1,178,040 —,—, — ‘vegetable seeds, aleurone layer of, for, 1,178, 040 —,—,—, wheat bran for, 1,178,040 — ’ coloring matter for, mfr. of, 1,418,945 —, concrete tanks treated for use in making, , 162,515 a de-alcoholized, dry extract of partly fer- mented, mfr. of, process for, 1,275,254 —,—, fermentation of, yeast and lactic acid bacteria for, 1,302, 551; Re-14,889 —,— "flavoring, ai 354, 585 —,—, ’ flavoring material for, formula, 1,339,528 —,—, mfr. of, 1,302,551; Re-14, 889 ; 1,390, 710; 1 390, (1isih 421 737: 1 A55, 397 —,—,—, acacia for, 1223, 121; Re-14,891; 1,265,274; 1,265,275 —,—,—, alkali polysulfite for, 1,308,588 —,—,-—, alkali sulfite for, 1 308 588 —,—, —, amino compounds for, 1,214,729; 1,214,730 ews Beer, de-alcoholized, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,171,306; 1,243,811: 1,249,480; 1,250,884; 1,277,931; 1,487,842; 1,493,756; 1,493,757 —,—,—, bacteria, B. bulgaricus, for, 1,204,315 —,—,—,—, lactic acid, for, 1,204,315 —,—,—, barley for, 1,271,269 —,—,—, barley malt for, 1,487,842 ,—,—,beer for, 1,223,121; Re-14,391; 1,265,274; 1,265, 275 —,—,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,204,315 —,—,—, “caluperline ” for, 1,223,121; Re-14,391; 1,265,274; 1,265,275 —s —,—,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,265,274; 1,265,275; 1,271,269; 1,808,588; 1,493,756; 1,493,757 —,—,—, cereal for, 1,487,842 —,—,—, chalk for, 1,204,315 , citric acid for, 1 204, 315 i e) Lert =} Lary e) ies is ‘bo J = ‘bo O~ Se pat “ aie Co N me.) ASG bo —,—,corn flakes for, i371 269° | 4 Q, iq) ra = o ™ (a>) ar) i) B ee bo —_ i ay —,—,—, ’ glucose for, "1,265, S05. 1,271,269 —,—,—, grits for, 1 O7 1 269 —,—,—, hops for, 1,214,729; 1,214,730; 1,223,121; Re-14 391; 1,243,440; 1,265,274; 1,265, 275 —,—,—, isinglass for, 1,271,269 —,—,—,lactic acid for, 1,204,315 —,—,—, levulose for, 1,214,730 —_—.-——, malt for, 1,243,440; 1,271,269; 1,487,842 —,—,—, maltose for, 1,214,730; 1,487,842 —,—-,—-, peosin. compound for, 1;223,121; Re-14,391 —,—,—, potassium metabisulfite for, 1,223,121; Re-14,891; 1,265,274; 1,265,275 —,—,— , potassium polysulfite for, 1,308,588 —,—,—,process for, 1,171,306; 1,204,315; 1,214, 729: 1,214,730; 1,223,121; Re-14,391; 1,243,440; 1,248,811; 1,249,480; 1,250,884; 1.265.2745.1.265,275;° | 1,271,269, ‘127h991; 1,287,842; 1,493,756; 1,493,757 , quassia for, 1,223,121; Re-14,391; 4265274; 1,265,275 —,—,—, rice for, 1,271,269; 1,487,842 —,—,—, ’ sodium chloride for, 1,223,121; Re- 14, 391; 1,265,274; 1,265,275 —,—, —, sugar for, 1 214 729; 1,214,730; $223 :121): Re-14,391; 1,265,274; 1 265.275. | BE 269. —,—,—, sugar, cane, for, 1,265,274; 1,265,275 —,—, —, —, invert, for, 1,214, 730 —,—,—, sulfite for, 1 271. ‘991 —, —, sulfur dioxide for, 1,308,588 —,—, sulfurous acid for, 1 271 991 —,—, tannic acid for, 1 o71 991 - —., tartaric acid for, 1 204 15 — ’ wheat for, 1,487, 842 1 204,315; ates, OMe ae aa —,—, —, wort for, 1,243,440; 1,487, 842 —,—,—, yeast for, 1,243,440; 1,265,275 —,—,—, yeast, brewers for, 1,214, 729 : 1,214,730 —,—, see also Beverage, dealcoholized ; Bever- age, non-alcoholic —,dealeoholizing, 1,351,521; 1,351,522; 1 426,066; 1,441 726 718 Beer, dealcoholizing, apparatus for, 1,396,232; 1,405,085 —,— , freezing process for, 1,453,313 —,—, inert gases for, 1 333, 457 —, ’ desiccated, mfr. of, process for, 1,212,722 — ’ ethyl alcohol made from, 1,212 722: 1 238, 577 —,extract of, 1,290,191; 1, 290 192 —, ’ flavoring, process for, 1,337,850 —, flavoring agent for, mfr. of, 1,464,520 —, flavor of, restoring, 1,837,027 —, food product made with, 1,212,722; 1,514,780 —, friction lining made with, 1,162,371 —,fusel oil, removal of from, 1,238,577 —,gasket made with, 1,162,371 —,glycerol in, 1,390,711 —,lactic acid in, 1,432,422 —,low alcohol content, mfr. of, process for, 1,152,415 —,low-alcoholic, mfr. of, 1,828,888; 1,421,737; 1,432,422 —, mfr. of, air for, 1,235,231 —,—,alcohol for, 1,149,704; 1,302,549 ; 1,802,550; 1,302,551; Re-14,889; 1,302,552 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1 149, 704 —,—,alkali hydroxide for, se 149, 704 —,—, ammonium caseinate for, 1,214, 518 —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,149,704 —,—, ammonium phosphate for, 1,214,518 —,—,apparatus for, 1,162,218; 1,232,098; 1,235,231 —,—, arrowroot starch for, 1,214,518 —,—, banana for, 1,214,518 —,—, barley for, 1 214 518; 1,237,724 —,—, barley malt for, aN 163 A53 —,—, beer wort for, 1 163 454 —,—, bran for, 1,237, 724 —;bromelin for, 1 235 881; 1,235,882 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,235,231; 1,302,549; ‘dea 1,302,551; Re-14,889; 1,302,552 —, casein for, 1,235,881; 1,235,882 —,—, casein, salt of, for, 1,214 518 —,—, cassava starch for, 1.214 518 —, cereal for, 1,154 989; 1 214 518 —, corn for, i 152 AIS; 1214 518; 1,237,724 —, corn grits for, 1 214 518 —,corn meal for, iB 163, 453 —, enzyme, proteolytic, ~ 1,235 882 —,—,ether for, 1,149,704 —,grit for, 1,237,724 —,—,hops for, 1,146,793; 1,149,704; 1,152,415; 1,232,098; 1,235,881; 1,235,882 —,—, hop bitter principle for, 1,149,704 —, hop resin for, 1,149,704 —,—, hydrochloric ‘acid for, 1,214,518 —,—,kraeusen wort for, 1, 163, 454 —,—, lactic acid for, 1,149,704; 1,214,518 —,—, lupulin for, 1,149,704 —,—,malt for, 1,152,415; 1,154,989; 1,163,453; ees 454; 1,235,881; 1,235,882; 1,237,724 for, 1,235,881; | ~ I 7 ‘| J —, malt grits for, i’ 146, 793 —, ’ malt substitute for, 1,152,415 —, ’ mash for, 1,146, 793, _- ’ middlings for, 1 237,724 —,—, oats for, 1 214, 518 —,—, papain for, 1 235 881; 1,235,882 —, pepsin for, 1 (235, 881; 1 935 882 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 a ‘Beer, mfr. of, peptase for, 1,235,881; 1,235,882 —,—, petroleum ether for, 1,149,704 —,—, phosphates, acid, for, 1 149, 704 banat potassium caseinate ‘for, 1,214 018 —, potato starch for, 1,214, 518 —, process for, 1,146,793 ; 1,149,704; 1,152,415; 1,154,989; 1,162,218; 1,163,453; 1,163,454; 1,214,518; 1,228,917; 1,282,098; 1,234,255; 1,235,231 ; -- 1,235,881; -1,235,882>" 1 237 4288 1,238,577; 1,286,055; 1,297,013; 1,421,737; 1,517,650 —,—, process for liberating proteolytic enzyme from yeast during, 1,177,117 —,—, protein for, 1 235, 881; 1,235,882 —,—,rice for, 1,152,415; 1,163,453; 1,237,724 —,—, root for, 1,214,518 —,—,rye for, 1,214 518 —,—, sago starch for, 1,214,518 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,149,704 —,—, ‘sodium caseinate for, 1,214, 518 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1 149 {704 1,214,518; —,— ’ starch for, 1,214,518; 1 235, 881; 1,235,882 —,—, steam for, 1 238, 577 —,— ’ sulfurous acid for, 1,234,255 —,—, tannic acid for, 1.234 (255 —,—, ’ tube for, 1,214,518 —,—, turbidity removed from, 1,162,213. - —,—, wheat for, 1,214,518 —,—, wort for, 1, 146, 793; 1,149,704; 1,235, 231: 1,286,055 —,—, yeast for, 1,152,415; 1,238,577; 1,286,055; 1,517,650 —,—, “yeast water” for, 1,214,518 —, near, mfr. of, 1,338, 803 —, non- alcoholic mfr. of, 1,337,027; 1,441,726 —,—,—, bran for, 1,262, 479 —,—,—, ’ brewers extract for, 1,262,472 —,— ’ burtonizing salts for, i 262, 472 —,—, caramel for, 1,262, 472 —,—, ’ diastase for, i 262, 472 —, ’ glucose for, 1 262 A472 —, hops for, 1.262, 472 —,—, isinglass ‘for, 1 262 A72 —,—, materials for, "producing, 1,391,557 —,—,—, peptase for, 1 ,262,472 ,—, process for, 1,262,472 > 1,302,549; 1,302, 550: 1,802,551; Re-14,889 —,—-,—, sodium chloride for, 1,262,472 —,—,—, sugar for, 1,262,472 —,—,—, vinegar for, 1,262,472 —-, non-intoxicating, mfr. of, 1,338,803 —, packing made with, 1, 162, 371 —, paint contg., vinegar, ‘slycerol and, 1,360,066 —, o-phosphoric acid in, 1,328,888 —,m-phosphoric acid for, precipitating proteids in, 1,828,888 —, plate, key, made with, 1,325,890 —,—, lithographic, made ‘with, i 820,890 —,—, press, made with, 1,325, 890 —,plumber’s soil contg., 1 417, 258 —, preserving, carbon dioxide for, 1,361,498 —,preserving of, potassium metasulfite for,. 1,217,641 —,—, process for, 1,217,641 bf —,—, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,217,641 process for, — _¥— ey wu ee lf 3 b] ? 7 aaa gS) d d — - ~“ INDEX OF SUBJECTS Beer, preserving of, tartaric acid for, 1,217,641 —, radio- active, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1 175, 533 —,—,—, paraffin for, 1, WiT5peo —,—,—, paraffin oil for, 1,175,538 —,—,—, process for, 1,175,533 —,—,—, silver for, 1,175,533 —,—, —, wax for, 1,175,533 —, recovering alcohol from, 1,364,160 —,residues from brewing, fungi grown on, 1,421,613 nal spent,” butyric acid mfr. from, 1,405,055 —,—, composition of, 1,149,700 —, stale, flies, lure for contg., 1,168,552 —,—, hessian fly, lure for contg., 1,168, Doz —,— * insects, lure for contg., 1, 168 552 —,—, ’ moth millers, lure for conte, 1,168,552 —,—,stone, artificial, made with, 1,273,547 —, sterilization of, acid for, 1,140,717 —,—, alkali dioxide for, 1, 140 717 —,—, alkali earth dioxide for, 1,140,717 —,—, apparatus for, 1,141 056 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,140,717; 1,141,056 —,—, citric acid for, 1,140,717 —,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,140,717 —,—, phosphoric acid for, i ,140 17 —,—, potassium dioxide for, 1 140 17 —,—, par Process for, 1,140,717; , 141,056 —,—, sodium dioxide for, 1 140 717 —,—-, ee etianc acid for, 1 140, 717 —,— ‘ultra-violet ray for, 1 141 ,056 — ’ sterilizating of, apparatus for, 1,138,097 —, substitute for, mfr. of, 1,342, 827 —, temperance, see Beer, dealcoholized —, ’ Welsh rarebit made with, 1,514,780 —, Yoghurt, mfr. of, Bacillus Bulgaris for, 1,228,916 —,—,—, process for, 1,228,916 —,—, yeast for, 1,228 916 —, ’ see also Ale; Beverage Beer-flavoring, formula for, salt 10 Ibs., gum arabic, tragacanth or dextrin 10 lbs., sugar 3 lbs., potassium metabisulfite 1 lb., citric acid 1 Ib., lupulin, tannin or quassia 2 o2z., 1,354,585 Beer vinegar, see Vinegar, beer Beer wort, beer made with, 1,163,454 —, beverage made with, 1,229,656 —, mfr. of, amylase for, 1,178,039 —, —, bacteria, lactic acid, for, 1,178,039 —,— ’ barley, pearl, offal, for, i 178, 039 —,—, bean croppings for, 1 178 039 —,—, bran for, 1,178, 039 —,—, ’ carbohydrate for, 1,178,039 —,—,corn for, 1,178,039 ~~ “ “e “ —,corn cortex for, 1,178,039 —,corn syrup for, 1, 178, 039 —,—, ; dextrin for, 1; 178, 039 —,—, diastase for, 1,178, 039 —,—, glucose for, 1,178, 039 —, grits for, 1 178, 039 —, maltose ‘for, 1, 178, 039 —, —, ‘ mazam ” for, Up 178, 039 —,—,pea, aleurone layer of, for 1,178,039 —,—,peptones for, 1,178, 039. —,—, phosphates for, 1 178, 039 —,—, process for, 1, 178, 039 —, proteids for, 1, 178, 039 —,—,rice for, 1,178,039 ta Beer wort, mfr. 1,178,039 —,—, vegetable seed, 1,178,039 —,—, yeast for, 1,178,039 —, sterilization of, alr for, 1,250,079 —,—, alcohols for, 1 250 079 —,—, benzoic acid for, 1,250,079 —,—,boric acid for, 1,250, 079 of, starch, gelatinized, for, aleurone layer of, for, —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,250, 079 —,—, ‘carbon monoxide for, 1,250, 079 —,—,gas for, 1,250,079 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,250,079 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,250, 079 —,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,250,079 —,—,nitrogen for, 1,250, 079 —, nitrogen protoxide for, 1,250,079 —,oxygen for, 1,250,079 —,—, process for, 1,250,039 —,—,sugars for, 1,250,079 Beeswax, abrasive fabric made with, 1,141,371 —,acids removed from, process for, 1,264,185; 1,264,186 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,264,185; 1,264,186 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,264,185; 1,264,186 —,—, sodium sulfate for, 1,264,185; 1,264,186 — ’ airplane dope made with, 1, 366 256 —,airplane fabric made with, 1,427, 941 —,aluminum, cork coated with, made with, 1 BiO%Se —,—, fabric coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, paper, tissue, coated with, made using, 1 310,730 —,—, paper coated with, made using, 1,376,737 ,silk coated with, made using, 1,376, 137 — ' soldering of, using, 1,516,759 —, ’ wood coated with, made using, 1,376,737 Teas b ee) —, aluminum alloy, soldering of, using, 1,516,759 —,aluminum powder, protecting coatings of, using, 1,181,889 —,aluminum ware, decorating of usmg, 1,243,362 —, animal bait contg., 1,366,509 — ’ apples preserved by coating with, 1,450,408 —, bactericide of lard and, 1,286 989 —, bait contg., 1,366,509 —, balloon fabric made with, 1,427,941 —,battery, dry, zinc can for made using, 1,477,109 —, bearing, packing for, made with, 1,324,763 —, beef, refrigeration of, using, 1,489,144 —,belt dressing contg., 1,211,638 —, blackboard, cleaner for, made with, 1,223,846 === OLEH for, made with, 1,228, 846 —, ’ brass powder, protecting coatings of using, 1 ,181,889 —, bronze powder, protecting coatings of using, 1,181,889 —, candles mfr. from, 1,426,174 —,can sealing composition contg., 1,323,752; 1 041,489 —, caoutchouc composition. contg., 1,437,487 — , cartridge, shell, paper, made with, 1,135 000 —, casein composition made with, 1,437 487 —, ’ casket, burial, finishing of, using, 1,481 5433 720 Beeswax, celluloid substitute made with, 1,217 027; 1,442,917 —, celluloid toilet article filler contg., 1,486,203 —,cellulose ether solvent, 1,217,027; 1.217, 028 —,cement, paint for, made with, 1,179, 413 —,ceramic ware, gold decorated, made with, 1 5,488,799 —, cerotic acid i in, 1,264,185; 1,264,186 —, ’ cheese packed in metal foil coated with, 1 399,270 —, cigar, imitation, made with, 1,212,066 —, cleaner made with, 1,146, 173: 1,223 846 —, coating composition made with, 1,179, 413; 1; 189,550; 1,189,551 — coating composition for kitchen utensils contg., 1,328,556 —, coffin made with, 1,196,610 —, cold cream mfr. from, i 332,190 —, ’ collar, linen, composition for smoothing edges of, contg., 1,321,518 —, colored, candles decorated with, 1,426,174 —, colored leaf made with, 1,158, 265 —, composition of, 1,264, 185; 1,264, 186 —, concrete, coating composition for, with, 1,189,550; 1,189,551 —,—, paint for, "made with, 1,179,413 —, concrete flooring treated with, 1,333,057 —,concrete surfaced using, 1,515, 121 —, concrete water proofing compound contg., 1 415,849 made —, concrete waterproofing material contg., 1,415,324 —,container, food, made with, 1,399,270; 1,466, 380 —, copper powder, protecting coatings of using, 1 ,181,889 —, cork, aluminum coated, made using, 1 376 437 —, gold coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,lead coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,metal coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,zinec coated, made using, 1,376,737 —, cork substitute made with, 1,318,982 —, cotton thread, tip for, made with, 1,486,487 —, cutlery polishing mixture contg.., 1 422 107 —,dental filling made with, 1,209, 906 — , depilatory contg., 1,474, 512 —, diaphragm, sound reproducing, made with, 1 206,881; 1,492,989 —, die ‘plate made with, 1,876,365 —, disinfectant made with, 1,280,602; —,dope contg., 1,366,256 —,egg preservative contg., 1,293,395 —,egg preserved with lard and, 1,286,989 —,emulsion of, mfr. of, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,185,213 —,—,—, palmitic acid sulfonated, for, 1,185,213 —,—,—, process for, 1,185,213 —,enameled article made using, 1,516,065 —, enamel ware, decorating of using, 1,243,362 —, etching reserve composition contg., 1,407,301 —,etching resist contg., 1,376,365; 1,488,598 —,ethyl cellulose solvent, 1,188,376; 1,217,027; 1,217,028 —, ethyl starch solvent, 1,350,820 —,fabric, aluminum coated, made 1,376,737 7a 5] 3 Pag Re-14,562 using, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 _ Beeswax, fabric, coated, made with, 1,222,967 —,— , composition for smoothing ‘edges of, conte. ., 1,921,518 —,—, gold ‘coated, made using, 1,876,737 —,—, lead coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, metal coated, made using, 1,876,737 —,—, waterproofing of, using, 1,242,327 —,—, zine coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,felt, composite, made with, 1,503,613 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —, film made with, 1,217,027 —, film, motion picture, made with, 1,442,917 —,—,—,blemished, restorative, for contg., 1 139 680; 1,139, 682: 1,139,683 —_—,—-,—-, — restoring of, using, 1,192,424 —, film softener contg., 1 804,009 —, ‘finish remover made with, 1,140,449; 1,160,394; 1,167,462; 1,167,469; 1,167,640; L276 —, floor wax contg., 1,389,391 —, ' foil, composite, made with, 1,503,613 —, food product, imitation, made with, 1,212,066 —,—, wrapping for, made with, 1,407, 400 —, ’ fruit, imitation, ‘made with, 1,212 066 — ’ gelatin, glass substitute formed on, 1,442,917 —,—, mold for, made with, 1,502,803 — ’ gelatin substitute made with, 1,217,027 —, z glasoid ” made with, 1,442 917 —; glass, cleaner for, made with, 1,223,846 —,—, gold decorated, made with, 1 438 799 —,—, polish for, made with, 1,223 346 —, glass substitute made with, i 442 917 —,glassware made with, 1 239, 051 —,gold, ceramic ware "decorated with, made with, 1,488,799 —,—, cork coated with, made using, 1,376,737 ae —} fabric coated with, made using, 1 376 737 —, ’ class decorated with, made with, 1 438 5799 —,—, paper, tissue, coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,paper coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, silk coated with, made using, 1,376, 737 a wood coated with, made using, 1 376, vad — gold inlay made with, 1,209,906 —, gold leaf, imitation, made with, 1,158,265 —, granite, cleaner for, made with, i 223 846 —,—, polish for, made with, 1,223, 846 —, ‘hair, artificial, made with, 1217 ,028 —, hair ointment made with, 1,365, 981 —, ‘hat, bast, waterproofing of using, 1,197,304 —,— chip, ‘waterproofing of using, 1, 197 304 —,—,straw, waterproofing of using, l, 197 304 —, ’ hollow article made with, 1,506,061; 1 506 ,062 — ’ honey comb made with, 1,282, 645 —, hydrogenating, 1,345 589 —, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, 1,300,144; 1,345,589 —,—, charcoal for, 1,800,144 —,—,cobalt, colloidal, as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—, cobalt carbide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14, 429 —,—, cobalt oxide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—, cobalt silicide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—,gasolene for, 1,345,589 — INDEX OF Beeswax, hydrogenation of, iron, colloidal, as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—,iron carbide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—,iron oxide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—,iron silicide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—, nickel, colloidal, as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—,nickel carbide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 —,—, nickel oxide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14,429 =, nickel silicide as catalyst for, 1,226,620; Re-14 429 —, —, petroleum for, 1,845,589 —,—, process for, 1 226, 620; Re-14,429 —,—, texene for, 1,345 589 —,—, water gas for, 1 345, 589 —,ice cream, imitation, made with, 1,212,066 —, impregnating substances with, 1 352, 331 —,ink, marking, made with, 1,159,857 —,—, printers, medicated, made with, 1,233,962 —,—, transfer, made with, 1,159,857 —, insulating and sealing composition contg., 1,345,057 —, insulation, electric, 1,242,593 —, iodine 1,229,195 —, ironing wax pad made with, 1,189,499 —, lacquer made with, 1,242,592; 1,242,593 —, lead, cork coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, fabric coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,paper, tissue, coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, paper coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, silk coated with, made with, 1,376,737 —,—, wood coated with, made using, 1,876,737 —,leather, waterproofing of, composition for contg., 1,269,658 —,—,—, using, 1,329,162 —,leather dressing contg., 1,128,926; 1,838,286; 1,382,468 —,leather substitute made with, 1,218,982 —,leather surface repairing composition contg., 1,506,983 —, linen thread, tip for, made with, 1,486,487 —, lubricant made with, 1,200,617 —,marble, cleaner for, made with, 1,223,846 —,—, polish for, made with, 1,223,846 —,match waterproofing compound 1,301,448 —, meat, imitation, made with, 1,212,066 —,—,refrigeration of, using, 1,489,144 —,metal, cork coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, fabric coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, paper, tissue, coated with, made using, 1 010,730 —,—, paper coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —, —, silk coated with, made using, 1,376, 737 —,— ’ wood coated with, made using, 1,376, 737 —, metal foil made with, 1,165,440 —, metal leaf made with, 1,165,440 46 made with, 1,242,592; solution container made _ with, contg., SUBJECTS 721 Beeswax, metal leaf, protecting coatings of using, 1,181,889 —, metal powder, protecting coatings of using, 1,181,889 —,mold made with, 1,502,803 —,molded article made 1,506,061; 1,506,062 — , moldproofing using, 1,407,400 —, motion picture screen made with, 1,487,747 — ‘myricyl palmitate in, 1,264,185; 1 264, 186 —, negative, photographic, made using, 1,224,328 neutral, ‘mir. Jot, 1,264,185 ; 1,264,186 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,264,185; ec 264, 186 —,—,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,264,185; 1 264, 186 —,—,—, sodium sulfate for, 1,264,185; 1,264,186 —, nitrostarch agglomerated with, 1,382,563 with, 1,141,610; process for, —, ointment, , contg., 1,312,047; 1;372,496; 1,494,562; 1,518,365 —, packing contg., 1,270,056; 1,355,830 —, packing, plastic, made with, 1,324,763 —,—, valve, contg., 1,283,994 —,paint made with, 1,145,186; 1,311,945; 1,401,261 —,paint, anti-fouling, made with, 1,145,186 —,—, flat, made with, 1,173,183 ras , painted surface, finishing of," using, 1,481,433 —,paint remover made with, 1,130 499: 1 143,387; 1,148,877; 1,165,148; 1 ‘499, 101 —, palm oil, sulfonated, sodium salt of, used to make miscible water and, 1,219,967 —, paper made with, 1,503,613 —,paper, aluminum coated, 1,376,737 —,—, composite, made with, 1,503,613 —,glazed, made with, 1,508,720 —,—,gold coated, made using, 1,876,737 —,lead coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, metal coated, made using, 1,376,737 —, —, tissue, aluminum coated, “made using, 1,376, 737 —,—,—, gold coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,—, lead coated, made using, 1,376, 737 1,179,413 ; made using, wg ay Snes metal coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, —, zine coated, made using, 1,376,737 —, water-proofing of, using, 1,135,356 —,—,zine coated, made using, 1,376,737 —, paper sized by, process for, 1,452,389 —,paper tube made with, 1,135,356 —, paper waterproofed by, process for, 1,452,389 —,parafin wax and, metal foil coated with, 1,466,380 —,pencil lead made with, 1,504,209 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made _ with, 1 ,242,592; 1,242,593 —, photographie plates edged with, 1,436,629 —, piston, packing for, made with, 1,324, 763 —, plastic made with, 1,196,610; 1,287 453 —, platinum inlay, made with, 1,209, 906 —,poison tablet coated with, 1,335, 488 —, polish contg., 1,136,742; 1, 146, 173; 1,182,516; iy 196,508 ; 1 223, 846; 1 278, 172: sit ‘289, 103: 1,325, 686" 1,390,691; 1,392,477: 1,407,074 —, polish, furniture, contg., 1,309,171 TR2 Beeswax, pork, refrigeration of, using, 1,489,144 —, pottery, decorating of using, 1,243,362 —,printing plate made using, 1,207 ,506 ; 1,242,523: 1,877,515; 1,888,172 —,printing plate, electrotype, made with, 1,210,872 —,—, mfr. of, negative for, made with, 1 484, 347 —,—, photographic negative for, made using, 1,224,328 —,printing plate matrix made with, 1,382,713 —, protecting monetary. documents by a mix- ture of aniline and, 1,353,720 —, puncture-closing composition contg,, 1,299,273 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,228,901; 1,228,902 —,—,—,label for, made with, 1,347,668 —,—, sound, made with, 1,145,360 —,—,sound reproducing, made with, 1,845,115 —,rust-preventing composition contg., 1,335,757 —,rust-proofing made with, 1,145,186 —,salve contg., 1,426,002 —,sand paper made with, 1,141,371 —,saponifying, ammonium hydroxide 1,415,850 —, scald on apples prevented by coating with, 1 450,408 —, shoes, waterproofing of, using, 1,329,162 —, ’ shoe insole, ““Gem,” made with, 1,222,967 —,shoe polish made with, 1,189,445; 1,231 997 —, ‘silk aluminum coated, made using, 1,376, REY! —, —, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —,—, gold coated, made using, 1,376,737 —, —, lead coated, made using, 1,376, 737 —,—, metal coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,zine coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,silk thread, tip for, made with, 1,486,487 —, ;sily er inlay, made with, 1,209 906 —,slzing composition conte., 1,299, 663 —, ’ slate, cleaner for, made with, 1,223,846 —,—, polish for, made with, 1,223 846 —, soldering compound using, 1,516 759 —,solvent for, benzene as, 1,207 506 —,—, carbon tetrachloride as, 1,484,347 —,— — glycerol for, 1,415,324 —,—,turpentine as, 1 1165, 148 —,—, turpentine oil agi. 145 186 —,starch ethers solvent, 1,350, 820 —,steel etched using, 1,376 365 —, ’ stencil made with, 1,376, 365 —, stencil, metallic, made with, 1311275 —,stone, artificial, made with, 1,141, 610 —, substitute for, Montan wax, chlorinated, as, 1 ;429,932 —, sulfur for, molded article polished using, 1,506,061 ; 1,506,062 —,surgical dressing made with, 1,264,185; 1,268,076 —,surgical swab made with, 1,229,195 —,tent fabric made with, 1,427, 941 —, thread tip made with, 1 486 487 —,tin powder, protecting coatings of using, 1,181,889 —,transfer metallic product 1,444,345; 1,515,676; 1,515,722 made with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Beeswax, tree, gum disease of, curing of, using, 1,521,078 —, underwriters cloth made with, 1,427,941 —, valve packing grease contg., 1,384,714 —, varnish made with, 1,242,592; 1,242,593 —, varnish, spar-, made with, 1,442,917 —,varnish remover made with, 1,130,499; 1,143,387 ; 1,165,148; 1,499,101 —, vegetable, imitation, made with, 1,212,066 —, violin, coating of, using, 1,234,989 —, waterproofing made with, 1,231,687; 1,326,079 —,water-proofing using, 1,135,856; 1,242,327; 1,829,162; 1,407,400 —,water-proofing, composition for 1,269,658 —, waterproofing canvas by, 1,364,475 —, waterproofing composition contg., 1,315,109; 1,315,110; 1,829,162; 1,350, 826-0bage oe 1,395,885 —, waterproofing compound contg., 1,415,850 —, waterproof material made with, 1,407,400 —, waterproof wrapping material contg., 1,407,400 —, whale, refrigeration of, using, 1,489,144 —,white, adhesives, fireproof, made 1,248,092 —,—, cleaner made with, 1,239,416 —,—, fire extinguisher made with, 1,248,092 —,—, fireproofing made with, 1,248, 092 —,—, gold leaf, applied to cloth using, 1,124,114 contg., with, —_,— applied to fabric using, 1,124, 114 —,—,—, applied to leather using, L 124, 114 eget leather, waterproofing of, using, 1,167,327 —,—,metal leaf, applied to cloth using, 1,124,114 —,—,—, applied to fabric using, 1,124,114 —,—,—, applied to leather using, 1 1124, 114 ,-—,—, applied to paper using, 1 124, 114 —,—, paint, fireproof, made with, 1 ‘248, ,092 —,—, paper, fireproof sizing for, made with, 1,248 092 —,—,—, watermarked, 1,479, 337 PN iy plate, lithographic, made with, 1,185,506 —, polish made with, 1,239,416 —, silver leaf, applied to cloth using, 1,124,114 — applied to fabric using, 1,124, 114 —,—, applied to leather using, 1, 124, 114 —,—-,applied to paper using, 1 124, 114 — * starch, fireproof, made with, 1,248 092 —, ‘thread coated using, 1,210 446 — varnish, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, water-proofing, using, 1,167, 327 —, wood, water-proofing of, using, 1,167,327 —, window glass made with, 1,442 917 imitation, made with, eles — toa at | 185 wo Ne —, ’ wood, aluminum coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,coating for, made with, 1,141,610; 1,234,989 —,—, gold coated, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, lead coated, made using, 1 ‘376, 737 —,-—, metal coated, made using, 1,376 Be —,—, zine coated, made using, 1 376 137 —, wood finishing composition contg., 1,279,878 —,yarn treated with castor oil, carbon tetra- chloride and, 1,356,920 INDEX OF Beeswax, yellow, gold leaf, applied to cloth using, 1,124,114 —,—,—, applied to fabric using, 1,124,114 —,—,—, applied to leather using, 1,124,114 —,—,—, applied to paper using, 1,124,114 —,—, honey in, 1,124,114 —,—,metal leaf, applied to cloth using, 1,124,114 * —,—,—, applied to fabric using, 1,124,114 —,—,—, applied to leather using, 1,124,114 —,—,—, applied to paper using, 1,124,114 1,124,114 —,—,silver leaf, applied to cloth using, —,—,—, applied to fabric using, 1,124,114 —,—,—, applied to leather using, 1,124,114 —,—,—, applied to paper using, 1,124,114 —,—, solvent for, benzine as, 1,124,114 —,—, water-proofing, using, 1,167,327 —,—, wood, water-proofing of, using, 1,167,327 —,—, see Beeswax —, zinc, cork coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,fabric coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,paper, tissue, coated with, made using, 1,376,737 , —,—, paper coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—,silk coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, wood coating with, made using, 1,376,737 Beeswax oil, shoe polish made with, 1,189,445 Beeswax scales, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,174,207 —,—, process for, 1,174,207 Beets, bread contg., 1,387,387 —, butter substitute from, 1,403,122 —, cellulose from fuel, emulsion contg., 1,432,178 —, ethyl alcohol made with, 1,472,344 —, food product made with, 1,149,914 —, pectous material from, 1,393,660 —, preserving of, see also Food product —,sugar from, 1,399,533 —, sugar, cattle food made from, 1,273,732 —,—, drying of, process for, 1,273,732 —,—, extract of, evaporating, 1,419,057 —,—, extraction from, 1,437,801 —,—,food product made with, 1,419,057 —,—,sugar made from, 1,273,732 —,—,see also Sugar beet Beet chips, jam mfr. from, 1,429,834 —, sugar extraction from, 1,437,801 Beet flour, food product made with, 1,161,450 —, laxative made with, 1,161,450 —,“ vegatol,” made with, 1,161,450 Beet harvester, construction of, 1,326,422 Beet juice, cattle feed made with, 1,515,968 —, liquid, purification of using, 1,515,968 Beet molasses, acetone from, 1,293,172 —, ethyl alcohol from, 1,293,172 —, sucrose recovery from, 1,483,655 —, see also Molasses Beet pulp, paper mfr. with, 1,389,936 —, treating, sodium carbonate for, 1,389,936 Beet root, alcoholic liquid, non-potable mfr. from, 1,453,374 —,fuel, liquid mfr. with, 1,453,374 —, motor fuel mfr. with, 1,453,374 Beet sugar, laxative made with, 1,161,450 —,“vegatol” made with, 1,161,450 —,see also Sucrose; Sugar, beet 1,161,450 ; SUBJECTS 723 Beet sugar molasses, destructive distillation of, rubber vulcanizing accelerator obtained by, 1,843,224 —,rubber vulcanizing accelerator made from, 1,343,224 —,see also Molasses, beet sugar Beet sugar residue, aluminum chloride made with, 1,820,193 —, fertilizer made with, 1,501,914; 1,501,915; 1,501,916 —,iron chloride made with, 1,320,193 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,320,193 —, potassium salt from, process for, 1,320,193 —,see also Steffens waste water Beet sugar syrup, see Sugar, beet, syrup Beet tops, bacteria, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —, ethyl alcohol made with, 1,472,344 —,ferments, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —, fungi, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —, humic substance made with, 1,472,344 —, molds, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —,mucors, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —, yeast, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 Beggars Buttons, see Burdock root Beggarweed, see Desmodium tortuosum mei- bomia Behenic acid, acetamide, compound of and, 1,475,477 —,acetamide, compound of and, hydrogenation of, process for, 1,475,477 —, p-aminophenol, compound of and, 1,475,477 —,p-aminophenol, compound of and, hydro- genation of, process for, 1,475,477 —,aniline, compound of and, 1,475,477 —,—,—,hydrogenation of, process for, 1,475,477 —-, benzidine, compound of and, 1,475,477 —,—,—,hydrogenation of, process for, 1,475,477 —,calcium soap of, 1,348,494 —,diphenylamine, compound of and, 1,475,477 —,—,—,hydrogenation of, proczss for, 1,475,477 —,b-naphthylamine, compound of and, 1,475,477 —,—,—,hydrogenation oof, process for, 1,475,477 —,phenylenediamine, compound of and, 1,475,477 —-,—, —., hydrogenation of, | process fof, 1,475.477 —, quinoline, compound of and, 1,475,477 —,—,—,hydrogenation of, process for, 1,475.477 —,o-toluidine, compound of and, 1,475,477 —,—,—, hydrogenation of, process for, 1.475.477 —,urea, compound of and, 1,475,477 _,_)—,, hydrogenation’) ‘of, process 7 or, 1,475,477 —, xylidine, compound of and, 1,475,477 —,—,—,hydrogenation of, process "for, 1,475,477 Beige 8. 4185, silk dyed with, 1,446,860 Belladonna, ointment contg., 1,414,815 Belt, abrasive, see Abrasive belt T24 Belt, conveyor, mfr. of, fabric for, 1,194,704 —,—,—, process for, 1,194,704 —,—,—,rubber for, 1,194,704 —,endless, mfr. of, canvas for, 1,129,666 —,—,—,cord for, 1,129,666 —,—,—, process for, 1,129,666 —,—,—, rubber for, 1,129,666 —, impregnating compound for, formula, linseed oil 5 gal., gasolene 4 gal., whiting 5 Ib., oil drier 1 qt., 1,834,436 —, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,503,453 —,—, amyl acetate for, 1,503,453 —,—,amyloid for, 1,163,417 —,—,asbestine for, 1,218,052 —,—, asbestos for, 1,218,052 —,—, barium sulfate for, 1,163,417 —,—, benzene for, 1,503,453 —,borax for, 1,218,052 —,—, brownstone for, 1,163,417 —,—,camphor for, 1,503,453 —, canvas for, 1,165,780; 1,479,032 —, castor oil for, 1 479 032: 1 503, 453 —, cellulose for, 1,163 17 —, cellulose nitrate for, 1,503 453 —,—, composition ‘for, 1,302 463 —,—, cotton for, 1,218, 052 —,—, duck for, 1,503 (453 —,—, ethyl acetate for, 1,503,453 —,—,fabrie for, 1,163 17; 1 ,165,780; 1,503,453 —,—,fat for, 1 165 780 —, fluorspar for, 1,218,052 —, —, leather, mineral tanned, and leather, vege- table tanned, for, 1,160 040 —,— lubricating oil for, 1,218 052 —,—, oil for, 1,163,417; ce 165, 780; 1,479,032 —,—, oil, animal, for, 1.218, 052 —,—,—, ‘vegetable for 1 218, 052 —, paraffin for, 1,218 052 —, phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,479,032 —,—, pigment for, 1,218,052 —,—, potassium. antimonyl 1,218,052 —,—, process for, 1,160,040; 1,163,417; 1,165,780; ‘1 218,052; 1 479 032: 1 503 453 —,—, rubber for, 1 479 032; 1,503,453 —,—, ‘salts for, 1 163 AI7 —,—, shellac for, 1.218 052 —,—, silica for, 1,218, 052 ua silicates for, 1 163 AI7Z —, sulfate for, 1, 163 417 —,—, sulfuric acid for, ‘1 163,417 —,—, tannic acid for, 1,218, 052 —,—, tannin for, 1,218 052 tartrate for, —,—, vegetable fiber for, 1,163,417 —, wax for, 1,163,417; 1, 165 780; 1,479,032 —, wax tailings for, 1 218, 052 Hen Aieban belt dressing for, 1,429,498 —,—, dressing for, mfr. of ‘molasses, black, for, 1,180,392 —,—,—,—, paraffin for, 1,180,392 —,—,—, —; process for, 1,180,392 —,—,—-,—, rosin for, 1 180 392 —, skin and paper for, 1 300, 535 —, slipping of, composition for applying to pul- leys for preventing, 1,383 ,692 —, woven, impregnation of, apparatus for, 1 310,867 . Belt, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 woven, impregnation of, asphalt for, 1,310,867 —,—,—, balata for, 1,310,867 ee ee, ’ benzene for, 1,310, 867 ~,—,—, benzine for, 1,310, 867 —,—,—, linseed oil for, 1 310, 867 —,—,—, process for, 1,310,867 —, see also Brake lining Belt (apparell), mfr. of, glue for, 1,183,037 —,—, leather for, 1,183,037 —,—, process for, 1,183,037 —,—,rubber for, 1,183,037 —,—, rubber cement for, 1,183,037 Belt buckle, mfr. of, process for, 1,326,639 Belt covering, mfr. of, balata for, 1,162,396 —,—, gutta percha for, 1,162,396 —,—, process for, 1,162,396 —, —,rubber for, 1,162,396 —,—, thread for, 1,162,396 Belt dressing, “base oil” for mfr. of, 1,429,467 —, beeswax in, 1,211,638 —,castor oil in, 1,137,450 —, China wood oil in, 1,486,362 —,—, hydrogenated and polymerized, in, 1,395,744 —,coal tar pitch in, 1,895,744 —, dyestuff in, 1,211,638 —,fish oil in, 1,429,498 —, formula, castor oil, paraffin, Venetian tur- pentine, cinnamon oil, 1,398,600 —,—,rosin 61, beeswax 8, linseed oil 7, grease 7, pumice 16, dyestuff 1, 1,211,638 —,—,wool grease 96 lbs., rubber solution 14 lbs., sodium hydroxide 6 Ibs., rosin 8 lbs., citronella oil 4 pint; 1,429,498 —,gasolene in, 1,429,498 —, grease in, 1,211,638 —, kerosene in, 1,137,450 —, leather, waterproofing of, using, 1,492,408 —, linseed oil in, 1,211,638 —,mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,315,246 —,aluminum dust for, 1,242,424 —,—,amyl alcohol for, 1,315,246 —,amylene for, 1,815,246 —,—,asbestine for, 1,218,052 ,—, asbestos for, 1,218,052 —,—,asphalt for, 1,214,157 —,base oil for, 1,492,408 —,—, beef tallow for, 1,180,392 —, borax for, 1,218,052 —,—, carbon bisulfide for, 1,315,246 —,carbon tetrachloride for, 1,315,246 —,—,castor oil for, 1,315,246 —,—, chlorine for, 1,815,246 —,—,chloroform for, 1,315,246 —,citronella oil for, 1,429,498 —,—,corn oil for, 1,315,246 —, cotton seed oil for, 1,315,246 —,—, ethyl alcohol for, 1,315,246 —,fish oil for, 1,429,498 —,—, fluorspar for, 1,218,052 —,—,gasolene for, 1 315, 246 ; 1,429,498 —,—, hydrocarbon, unsaturated, for, 1,315,246 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,315, 246 —,—, hydroxy-acids for, 1,315, 246 —, hydroxystearic acid for, 1,315,246 —,—, hydroxystearosulfuric acid for, 1,315,246 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Belt dressing, mfr. of, linseed oil, for, 1,214,157; 1,242,424; 1,315,246 —_,— methyl alcohol for 1,315,246; 1,429,498 —, molasses, black, for, 1,180, 392 —,neats foot oil for, 1,180 392 —, ‘nitric acid for, 1,315,246 —,oil for, 1,214,157 —, ‘oil, vegetable, for, 1,315,246 —, ’ olefin fOr. tolp, 246 —, oleic acid, sulfonated, for, 1,315,246 —’ paraffin for, 1,180,392 —,—, pigment for, 1,214 157; 1,218,052 —, —, pitch for, 1,214,157 —, process for, 1,180,392; 1,214,157; 1,218,052; 1,242,424; 1,429,498 —,—,rosin for, 1,180,392; 1,214,157; 1,242,424; 1,429,498 —,—,rubber solution for, 1,429,498 —,—, sesame oil for, 1,315,246 —,—, shellac for, 1,218,052 —,—, silica for, 1,218,052 z J “ J a Se OMe a “ Sean —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,429,498 —,sodium hypochlorite for, 1,315,246 —,soya bean oil for, 1,315,246 —,sugar for, 1,214,157 —, sulfur for, 1315, 246 — sulfur chloride for, 1,315,246 — sulfur dioxide for, 1 315, 246 — ’ turpentine pitch for, 1,214,157 —,—,wool grease for, 1,429,498 —,—, methyl] alcohol in, 1,429,498 Krafft, waterproofing of, using, —,—, “manilla, waterproofing of, using, 1,492,408 —,— , waterproofing of, using, 1,492 ‘408 —, pine tree pitch in, 1,187, 450 —, pumice in, 1,211,638 —,rosin in, 1,211,638 —,spruce tree pitch in, 1,187,450 —, waterproofing using, 1,492,408 —,see also Leather, preserving, composition for Belting, asbestos in, 1,260,625 —, balata impregnated, mir. of, castor oil, sul- fonated, for, 1,219,349 —,—,—, process for, 1,219,349 —, —, —, sulfur for, 1,219, 349 —, calcium oxide in, 1,260, 625 —, coating for, asbestos in, 1,305,222 —,—, asphalt in, 1,305, 292 —’ bitumen in, 1,305,222 —,hemp in, 1,305,222 —,maltha in, 1,305,222 —,— naphtha ye 305, 222 —,—, oil, mineral, for, 1,305, 222 =, ’ petroleum in, 1 305, 222 —, petroleum residuum for, 1,805,222 —,wool in, 1,805,222 composite, ‘mfr. of, acetone for, 1,160,041 —, —, —, celluloid for, 1,160,041 —,—, ’ cellulose nitrate for, 1,160,041 —,—, ‘leather, mineral tanned, for, 1,160,041 —,—,—,— vegetable tanned, for, 1,160 041 —.—,—, process for, 1,160,041 —, gutta percha impregnated, mfr. of, castor oil, sulfonated, for, 1,219,349 —,—,—, process for, 1,219,349 ray aad Pas ’ b] , as Taas + 8 , Byes TaD 3 @25 Belting, gutta percha impregnated, mfr. of, sul- fur for, 1,219,349 —, lead, white, in, 1,260,625 —, leather, treatment of, diatomaceous earth for, 1 166 845; 1,166,846 —,—,— gasolene for, 1,166,845; 1,166,846 —,—,— hydrocarbon for, 1,166, 845 : 1,166,846 —,—,—, naphthalene for, 1,166 845; 1,166,846 —,—,—, paraffin for, 1,166 845; 1,166,846 —,—,—, process for, 1,166 845: 1,166,846 —,—,—,rosin for 1 166 845; i! 166, 846 —,—,—, Silica for, 1 166, 845 ; 1, 166, 846 —, water-proofing of, paraffin for, 1,167,328 —,—, —, petrolatum for, 1,167 328 7, process tor) 167, 328 —, Beare in, 1,260, 625 — mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,180,902 —,—, acetone for, 1,179,357 —,—,aleohol for, 1,265,855 —, alum for, 1,151,690; 1,180,902 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,180,902 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,180,902 —,—,asbestos for, 1,151,690; 1,260,625; 1,265,855 —,—,asphalt for, 1,179,357; 1,249,019 —,—,balata for, 1,218,350 —,—, barium nitrate for, 1,180,902 —,—, benzene for, 1,179,357 —, bone for, 1,151,690 —,—, ' bristles, animal, for, 1,230,597 —;— calcium chloride for, 1,180.02 —,—, ‘calcium oxide for, 1,260, 625 —,—, canvas for, 1,180 902 —,—, caoutchoue for, 1 179,357 —,—, carbon bisulfide for, 1,180,902 —,—, casein composition for, 1,487,487 —,—, castor oil for, 1,180 902 —,—, cellite for, 1 179, 357 —,—, ’ cellon for, 1,179 ood —,—, celluloid for, 1,179,357 —,—, cellulose for, 1,180,902 —,—, cellulose solution for, 1,179,357 —,—,cement for, 1,192 362 —,—, claws, animal, for, 1,230,597 —,—, clay for, 1,163,262 —,—, cloth for, 1,180,902 —,—, cocoanut oil for, 1,180,902 —,—, corn oil for, 1,180,902 —,—,cotton for, 1,179,857; 1,180,902; 1,249,019 —,—, cotton fabric for, 1,163,262 —,—,cotton seed oil for, 1,180,902 —,—, cylinder oil for, 1,179 357 —,—, elaterite for, 1,218 350. —,—, fabric for, 1,179,357; 1,211,350; 1,218,350; 1,228,528; 1,491,412 —,—, fat for, 1,180,902 —,—,fatty acid for, 1,180,902 —,—, felt for, 1,179,357 —,—,formaldehyde for, 1,265,855 —,—,gilsonite for, 1,218,350 —,—, grease for, 1,180, 902 —,—, gutta percha for, 1,179,357; 1,218,350 —,—, hemp for, 1,179 357 —,—, horn for, 1 230, 507 —,—, horse hair for, 1,230,597 —, hydrochloric acid for, 1,180,902 —,—, iron alum for, 1,151 690 726 Belting, mfr. of, jute for, 1,179,357 —,—,lampblack for, 1,163,262 —,—, lead, white, for, 1,260,625 —,—, lead acetate for, 1,180,902 —,—,leather for, 1,192,362; 1,228,528 —,—, linen for, 1,179,357 —,—,linseed oil for, 1,163,262; ey 902; 1,218,350 _ litharge for, 1,260,625 —,— , lubricating oil for, 1,249,019 —,—, Magnesium sulfate for, i 151,690 —,—, manganese dioxide for, 1 163 ,262 —,—, mineral rubber for, 1 179, 357 —,—, mustard oil for, 1,180, 902 1,179,357 ; —.,ocher, red, for, 1,180, 902 —, oil, animal, for, 1,180 902 —,—,—, ‘mineral, for, 1,179 357 —,—,—, vegetable, for, 1,180,902 —,oleic acid, crude, for, 1,180,902 —,palm oil for, 1,180,902 —,—, paper pulp for, 1 180, 902 —, paraffin for, 1, 179 357 —,—, peanut oil for, 1,180,902 —,—, petroleum distillate for, 1,249,019 —,—, petroleum pitch for, 1, i79, 357 —,—, pigment for, 1,163 262 ,—, pine saw dust for, 1,265,855 —, poppy seed oil for, 1,179,357 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,180,902 —,—,process for, 1,151 690; 1,163,262 ; 1,179,357 ; 1,180,902 ; 1,192,362; 1.211,350; 1,218,350; 1,220,927; 1,228,528; 1,230,597; 1,249,019; 1,265,855; 1,437,487; 1,491,412 —, resin for, 1,179,357 —,—,rosin for, 1,180,902 —,— — rubber for, 1 2i1 300; 1,230,597; 1,260,625; eee 412 —, rubber attest tees for, 1,437,487 re —,saw dust for, 1,265,855 —,shellac for, 1,265,855 —,—, ‘ sodium hydroxide for, 1,180,902 —,sulfur for, 1,230,597; 1 260 625 —,— ' sulfuric acid fork, 180, 902 —,—, " tallow forys1; 180 902 —,—, textile for, 1 180 902 —,—, tung oil for, 1 180, 902 =, umber 108, 1 163, 262 —,—, unatite for, 1: 218, 350 —,—, varnish, linseed oil, for, 1,179,357 —,—, viscose for, 1,180 902 —,—, whale bone for, 1,230 097 —,—, whiting for, 1,180,902 Ped: wire for, 1,192,362 —, wool for, 1,179,857; 1,180,902 —,—,wool fabric for, 1,163,262 —,—, zine chloride for, 1,180,902 —,—, zine oxide for, 1,180 902; 1,260,625 —,—, zine white for, 1,180,902 —, rubber for, 1,260,625 —,rubber impregnated, mfr. of, castor oil, sul- fonated, for, 1,219,349 —,—,—, process for, 1,219,349 —,—,—, sulfur for, 1,219,349 —, sulfur in, 1,260,625 —, zinc oxide in, 1,260,625 Bench block, mfr. of, Babbitt metal for, 1,236,134 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 ~ Bench block, mfr. of, iron, cast, for, 1,236,184 —,—,lead for, 1,236,134 —,—, process for, 1,236,134 _ —,—, steel for, 1,236,134 Bengal Blue G., see Benzoazurine G Bengal isinglass, see Agar-agar Benguela copal, see Copal, Benguela Beni-Hinoki wood chips, acetic acid, made with, 1,521,541 —, carbon, decolorizing, made with, 1,521,541 — ’ methyl alcoho] made with, 1,521, 5Al —,wood spirits, made with, 1,521,541 Benjamin gum, see Benzoin Benjoin, see Benzoin Bensuccin, see Benzyl succinate Bentonite, adhesive made _ with, 1,498,270 —,ammonium hydroxide made with, 1,465,310; 1,480,291 1,498,269 ; —,asbestos, plasticity increased of using, | 1,509,406; 1,509,478 f —,bauxite, plasticity increased of using, 1,509,406; 1,509,478 —,—,refractory of, 1,442,413 —, ’ benzine, refining of using, 1,515,733 —, ’ bituminous material made with, 1,450,685 ; Re-15 944 —, calcium carbonate, plasticity increased of using, 1,509,406; 1,509,478 —,clay, plasticity increased of using, 1,509,406; 1,509,478 —,cement made with, 1,450,685; Re-15,944 —,cement rock, plasticity increased of using, 1,509,406; 1,509,478 —,ceramic article made. with, 1,509,406; 1,509,478 —,emulsion made with, 1,498,387 —,emulsion, bitumen, sulfite liquor and, 1,450,685 —,emulsion contg., paper, waterproof, made with, 1,479,043 —,—,sheet, composite, made with, 1,479,043 —, flint, plasticity, increased of using, 1,509,406; 1,509,478 —,gasolene, refining of using, 1,515,733 —, hydrocarbon, refining of using, 1,515,733 —, insulating material contg., 1,386,008 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,286,043 —,—, heat, made with, 1,509,478 —,kaolin, plasticity increased of 009,406; 1,509,478 —, kerosene, refining of using, 1,515,733 —,klingenburg, plasticity increased of using, 1 509,406; 1,509,478 using, —, leverrierite as constituent of, 1,465,310; 1,480,291 —, lubricant made with, 1,517,577 —,molded article made with, 1,509,406; 1,509,478 —, mortar made with, 1,509,478 —, naphtha, refining of using, 1,515,733 —, nitrogen fixation with, 1,465,310 —, paper, waterproof, made with, 1,479,043 —,paper article, paste, for, made _ with, 1,450,685; Re-15,944 —, paper de-inked with, 1,421,195 —, petroleum products of using, 1,515,733 ae ‘ INDEX OF SUBJECTS 027 Bentonite, plastic made with, 1,509,406; 1,509,478 —,refractory contg., 1,442,413 —,refractory made with, 1,509,478 — resistors coated with boron compounds and, NX 1,365,333 & —, road paving made with, 1,450,685; Re-15,944 hier “rubber emulsion ” made with, 1,498,387 “SS —, shale, plasticity increased of using, 1,509,406; . 1 509, 478 ee. 5 sheet, composite, made with, 1,479,043 —, stencil made with, 1,519,975 ~ —, stone, artificial, made with, 1,487,057 xX - ‘vegetable oil refining element constructed with, 1,435,972 8 —, see also Aluminum silicates ; Clay; Denver mud Denver clay; Gumbo; Paper clay; N Soap clay * g Benzacetin, see Acet-amino-ethyl-salicylic acid ~. cz 4-Benzacridine, derivatives of, mfr. of, ~~ 1,455,488 By 8-Benzal- 7-acenaphthenone, dyestuff made with, ~ 1,497,231 y 8-Benzal-7-acenaphthenone, melting point of, 1,497,231 \3 Benzal-acetone, see Methyl styryl ketone p-Benzalacetone-arsonic acid, arsenic deriva- tives from, 1,425,929 p-Benzalacetone-arsonic acid, semicarbazone of, preparing, 1,425,929 p-Benzalacetone-arsonic acid, see also 4-(g- Keto-A*-butenyl)-benzenearsonic acid Benzaldehyde, 3-acetyl-4.5-diketo (2’.3’-dime- thyl-5-keto-1-phenyl-pyrazoliny])-2-phenyl- pyrrolidine made with, 1,148,637 —, 3-acetyl-4.5-diketo-1-o-methoxyphenyl-2- phenyl-pyrrolidine made with, 1,148,637 —, 3-acetyl-4.5-diketo-2-phenyl-1-quinolyl-pyr- rolidine made with, 1,148,637 —, 3-acetyl-4.5-diketo-2-phenyl-1-o-tolyl-pyr- rolidine made with, 1,148,637 —,tert-amylamine, compound of and, 1,434,909 —,arsanilic acid, pyruvic acid, compound of and with, 1,501,894 —,arsenic compound made with, 1,501,894 —, barium chloride made with, 1,495,538 —,benzaldehyde-choleic acid made with, 1 ,252,212 —, benzoic acid made with, 1,151,255; 1,193,795 — ’ 3-benzoyl-4. 5-diketo-1- o-methoxyphenyl-2- phenyl-pyrrolidine made with, 1,148,637 —, 3-benzoyl-4.5-diketo-1-(or 2)-phenyl- 2(or 1)- p-tolyl-pyrrolidine made with, 1,148,637 —, benzyl alcohol from, 1,410, 223 —, benzyl alcohol made using, 1,247,629 —, benzyl] cellulose, removal from of, 1,483,738 —, binder made with, 1,409,275 — ’ brom-hydrocarbons, copper container for, prevention of corrosion of using, 1,151,255 —,—, iron container for, prevention of corro- sion of using, 1,151, 255 —,caoutchouc, b g-dimethylerythrene, vulcani- zation of using, 1,149,580 —,—, erythrene, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 —,—,isoprene, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 Benzaldehyde, carbon tetrachloride, copper con- tainer for, prevention of corrosion of using 1,151,255 —,—, freezing point of mixture of and, 1,270,394 —,—,iron container for, prevention of corro- sion of using, 1,151, 255 —, cellulose acetate, dyestuff for made with, 1 483,797 —, cellulose acetate solvent, 1,478,137 —, "cellulose ether solvent, L ‘467, 104 —, chloral, copper container for, prevention of corrosion of using, 1,151,255 —,—, iron container for, prevention of corrosion of using, 1,151,265 —, chloroform, copper container for, prevention of corrosion of using, 1,151,255 —,—, iron container for, prevention of corrosion of using, 1,151,255 — compound, CioHicOsNsSNa, made with, 1 483,797 — _ desoxycholic acid, addition product of and, 1 3252,212 —- , diamino-triphenyl-methane-sulfonic acid “made with, 1,172,061 —, s-dichlorethane, copper container for, pre- vention of corrosion of using, 1,151,255 —,—, iron container for, prevention of corrosion of using, 1,151,255 — _ dichlorethylene, copper container for, pre- vention of corrosion of using, 1,151,255 —,—, iron container for, prevention of corrosion of using, 1,151,255 —, dyestuff "made with, 1,149,575; 1,172,061; 1,204, 639; 1,218,232; 1,244,149; 1,430,899; 1 ‘483, ‘084; 1,483,797 — , ethyl cellulose solvent, 1,467,104 —., ethylenediamine, condensation product of and, vulcanization accelerator, 1,503,702 —,—,—, vulcanization process using, 1,503,702 —, film, photographic, made with, 1,467, 104 —, finish remover made with, 1,169,783 —, fire-extinguisher contg., 1,151,255 —,—, carbon tetrachloride and, 1,270,394 —, fluoro-hydrocarbons, copper container for, prevention of corrosion of using, 1,151,255 —,—, iron container for, prevention of corrosion of using, 1,151,255 —, food product contg., 1,397,723 —, "formation from benzal chloride, 1,357,160 —, ’ fruit kernel ingredient, 1,416, 128 —,iodo-hydrocarbons, copper container for, prevention of corrosion of using, 1,151,255 —,—, iron container for, prevention of corro- sion of using, 1,151,255 —, iron, rust, removal from using, 1,470,225 —, manganese dioxide for mfr. of, 1,365, 956 —, mfr. of, 1,405,261 —,—, alr for, 1,284, 887; 1,321,959 —,— aldehydes for, i 431 70 —,—, aluminum oxide as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —,—,antimony oxide as catalyst for, 1,284, 887 —,—,apparatus for, 1,488,278; 1,502 941 —,—, asbestos, platinized as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —,—, p-benzalamino-phenol for, 1,431,470 —,—, N-benzal-p-toluidine for, 1,431 A70 —,—, benzene for, 1,481,470 728 Benzaldehyde, mfr. of, benzyl alcohol for, 1,151,255; 1,487,020; 1,488,278 —,— benzyl bromide for, 1 272, 522 —,—, benzyl chloride for, 1 151 2553 13272 ,522; 1,306,221 —,—, bibenzyl for, 1,502,941 —,—, bismuth oxide as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —,—, calcium nitrate for, 1,272,522 —,— carbon as catalyst for, 1 284 887 —,—, ’ catalyst for, mfr. of, ammonium bichro- mate for, 1,486 781 : ammonium metavanadate for, 1,486,781 —,—,—,—, boric acid for, 1,487,020 —,—, —,—, ‘boron oxides for, 1 487, 020 —o ’ brick, fire-, for, 1,487 020 —,—, —, carbonates for; 1 ‘487 020 ence cerium(ic) chromate for, 1,486,781 Mi sik Te cerium (ic) eheemate ‘for, 1,486,781 —,—,—,—, cerium(ic) vanadate for, 1,486,781 Bf —-.—-,-—-, —-, chromium. oxide for, 1 486, 781 5] —,—,— ,-, ’ chromium vanadate ‘for, 1,486 781 b —,— ,—, —; cobalt chromate for, 1 486, 781 —,—,—, —, cobalt molybdate for, 1,486, 781 —,— ‘clay for, 1,487,020 —, clay burnt, for, 1,487,020 —, iron (ic) chloride for, 1,486,781 4) roh chromate for, 1 486, 731 ee eer le , iron (ic) chromate for, 1,486, 781 iron ? bf > I cf > bf Ps 3 Pd > bd bf d ? Pd 3 ? ) d b Ps —,—,—,—, iron molybdate for, 1,486 781 —,—,—,—,iron molybdo chromate for, 1,486,781 ot —,—,—, —, iron oxide for, 1,486,781 —,—, ——, ’ iron vanado chromate for, 1,486,781 —,—,—,iron(ic) vanado chromate for, se —, ’ nickel molybdate aes "1,486, 781 —, ynickel vanadate for, 1,286, 781 —,—, Sear oxide (or i ‘486 81 —, phosphoric acid for, 1,487 020 —,—,—,—, phosphorus oxides for, 1,487,020 ayo —, process for, 1,486,781; 1,487,020 — —, silica for 1 487 020 — —, ’ vanadium oxide for, 1,486,781 —o vanadium pentoxide for, 1 86,781 —,—, , cellulose for, 1,488,278 —,—>, cerium oxide as catalyst for, 1,284,887 ,—, cerium sulfate as catalyst for, 1,302, 273 —,—, chromium oxide as catalyst for, 1,284 887 —,—,chromy] chloride for, 1,284,887 —,—, cobalt oxides for, 1,284 887 —,—, cobalt oxide as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —,—, copper sulfate as catalyst for, 1,302 213 —,—, dimethyl] sulfate for, 1,431,470 oe ferric sulfate as catalyst for, 1,802,273 —, granite for, 1,488,278 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,431,470 —,—, iron oxides as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —,—, kaolin as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —,—,lead nitrate for, 1,272,522 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Benzaldehyde, mfr. of, magnesium oxide as cata- lyst for, 1,284,887 —,—, manganese dioxide for, 1,284,887; 1,302,273 —,—, metal oxide as catalyst for, 1,284 887 ae — ’ molybdenum oxide as catalyst 1 284, 887; 1,821,959 —— molybdenum trioxide as catalyst for, 1 321 959 —=,—, nickel oxides for, 1,284,887 —,—, nickel oxides as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —,—, nitric acid for, 1,151,255 —,—, nitrobenzene for, 1,481,470 —, oak, white, for, 1,488,278 —,—,oxygen for, 1,284,887; 1,502,941 —,—,ozone for, 1,321,959 —, platinum as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —,porcelain as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —,—, potassium permanganate for, 1 488, 278 for, 1,321,959 ; —,process for, 1,151,255; LE 272 22; 284,887; 1,802 273 : 1,321,959; 1,431,470; 1,487,020; 1,488,278; 1,502,941 —, silver oxide as catalyst for, 1 284 ‘887 —, ‘sodium carbonate for, 1 431 ‘470 —, ’ sodium nitrate for, 1,272 522 —} sulfuric acid for, 1.284 887; 1,302,273 —,—, tin oxide as catalyst for, 1284 887 — ’ titanium oxide as catalyst. for, 1,284,887 —,— —; toluene for, 1,284,887 ; i 302 273; 1821, 959; 1,865, 956: 1 431 ‘470: 1 486, 781 a 1,486,781 ; —, tungsten oxide as catalyst for, 1,284 887 —,—, uranium oxide as catalyst for, 1 284, 887 —, ‘vanadium oxide as catalyst for, 1,284, 887 — ‘wood for, 1,488,278 —,—, ’ xylene for, 1,431,470 —,—, zine oxide as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —,molded article made with, 1,503,392 —,o-nitroaniline condensed with, 1,480,899 —, a-(a-nitro-ethyl)-benzyl alcohol made with, 1,356,877 —, paint remover made with, 1,328,080 —,pentachlorethane, copper container for, pre- vention of corrosion of using, 1,151,255 —,—, iron container for, prevention of corro- sion of using, 1,151 255 —, perbenzoic acid made with, 1,179,421 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1, 503,392 —, phenylmethylaminopropanol 1,356,877 —, 2. phenyl- quinoline-4.6-dicarboxylic acid, ethyl-ester, made with, 1,138,937 —, plastic made with, 1 467, 104 —, purification of, benzoic acid from, 1,302,273 —,—, toluene from, 1,302,273 —, ; purifying, 1,405 261 —, pyruvic acid, arsanilic acid, compound of and with, 1 501 894 —, radium chloride made with, 1,495,538 mfr. from, —, ’ rubber, Para, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 —,—,plantation, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 —, rust-proofing composition contg., 1,185,361 —, separating from maleic acid, 1 ‘ave 534 —, steel, rust, removal from using, 1,470, 225 —, ’ substitution products of, mfr., 1,405,261 INDEX OF Benzaldehyde, substitution products of, sulfuric acid for mfr. of, 1,865,956 —,sulfuryl chloride made with, 1,364,738 —,tetrachlorethane, copper container for, pre- vention of corrosion of using, 1,151,255 —,s-tetrachlorethane, copper container for, prevention of corrosion of using, 1,151,255 —,tetrachlorethane, iron container for, pre- vention of corrosion of using, 1,151,255 —, s-tetrachlorethane, iron container for, pre- vention of corrosion of using, 1,151,255 —, tetrachlorethylene, copper container for, pre- vention of corrosion of using, 1,151,255 —,-—,iron container for, prevention of corro- sion of using, 1,151,255 —, 4.4’ -tetramethyldiamino-triphenyl-carbinol made with, 1,483,233 —, 4.4’ -tetramethyldiamino-triphenylmethane made with, 1,483,233 —, toluene oxidized to, 1,377,534 —, m-toluidine, ethyl a-keto- levulinate, com- pound made with, 1,148,637 —,trichlorethane, copper container for, pre- vention of corrosion of using, 1,151,255 —,—,iron container for, prevention of corro- sion of using, 1,151,255 —,trichlorethylene, copper container for, pre- vention of corrosion of using, 1,151,255 Estep iron container for, prevention of corro- sion of using, 1,151,255 —., tropinone precipitated by, 1,419,091 —., trypanocidal compound made with, 1,501,894 —,uranium chloride made with, 1,495,538 —, ‘vanadium chloride made with, 1,495, 538 —, ‘varnish made with, 1,467,104 —, ’ varnish remover made with, 1,328,080 —,viscose precipitated with bisulfite 1,292,544 —,vulcanization process using, 1,434,909 Benzaldehyde-amine, see Hydrobenzamide Benzaldehyde-amylamine condensation product, see Amylamine-benzaldehyde condensation product p-Benzaldehyde-arsenious acid, mfr. of, alcohol eee 1,472,778 —, p-aminobenzaldehyde for, 1,472,778 —, hydrochloric acid for, 1,472 778 —,—, process for, 1,472,778 —,—, ” sodium arsenite for, 1,472,778 —,—, ’ sodium hydroxide for, 1 A72, 778 —,—,sodium nitrite for, 1 A72 778 Benzaldehydearsonic acid, arsenic compounds from, 1,425,931; Re-15, 557 b-Benzaldehydearsonic acid, arsenic derivatives from, 1,425,929 —, semicarbazone of, arsenic compounds from, 1,425,930 —,see also p-Formyl-benzenearsonic acid Benzaldehyde-choleic acid, composition of, 1,252,212 —, mfr. of, benzaldehyde for, 1,252,212 —,— _ desoxycholic fOr,.ah 252, 212 —,—, petroleum ether ‘for, i 252, 212 —,—, process for, 1253, 212 —, properties of, 1 252, 912 Benzaldehyde-copper, see Diphenyl-cupriphen and, SUBJECTS WRI Benzaldehyde-diethylacetal, see a.a-Diethoxy- toluene Benzaldehyde disulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,218,232 Benzaldehyde-2.4-disulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,478,039 Benzaldehyde-2 .5-disulfonie acid, dyestuff made with, 1,478,039 Benzaldehyde- 3.4-disulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,218,232 Benzaldehyde green, see Malachite green Benzaldehyde-l-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,478,039 Benzaldehyde-4-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,478,039 Benzaldehyde-o-sulfonic acid, lake made with, 1,232,552 3.4-Benzacridine, 1,255,740 p-Benzalamino-phenol, with, 1,431,470 —, benzaldehyde made with, 1,431,470 —, p-methylamino-phenol made with, 1,431,470 Benzal bromide, see a.a-Dibrom-toluene N-Benzal-1-brom-2-naphthylamine, 1-brom-N- methyl-2-naphthylamine made with, 1,431,470 Benzal chloride, see a.a-Dichlor-toluene Benzaldipiperyl, carbon bisulfide derivative of, rubber vulcanization accelerator, 1,126,469 —,rubber, synthetic, 2.3-dimethyl-butadiene, vulcanization of, using, 1,130,903 —,rubber vulcanization accelerator, 1,126,469 —,urea derivative of, rubber vulcanization accelerator, 1,126,469 Benzal green, see Malachite green N-Benzal-p-toluidine, benzaldehyde with, 1,431,470 N-Benzal-p-toluidine, N.N-dimethyl-p- toluidine made with, 1,431,470 —, N-methyl-p-toluidine made with, 1,431,470 —,p-toluidine made with, 1,431,470 Benzamide, cellulose ether solvent contg., 1,494,471 —,ethyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,494,471 —, film made with, 1,494,471 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,159,258 —, varnish made with, 1,159,258 Benzamidoacetic acid, see Hippuric acid Benzamine, see Eucaine Benzaminic acid, see m-Amidobenzoic acid compounds of, mfr. of, -amino-phenol made made Benzanalgen, see Analgen; Quinalgen Benzanilide, ethyl cellulose plasticizer, 1,460,097 —, film contg., 1,460,097 Benzanthrone, anthraquinone and glycerol for mfr. of, 1,365,024 is with, —,dibenzanthrone made 1,464,598 ; 1,478,027 — , dyestuff made with, 1,478,027 — eevee of, brombenzene for, 1,365,024 — chlorbenzene for, 1,365,024 —,—, para- -di-chlorbenzene for, 1,365,024 —,—,chlortoluene for, 1,365, 024 —,—, ’ para-dichlorbenzene for, 1,365,024 1 -Benzazine,. see Quinoline 2-Benzazine, see Isoquinoline 1- Benzazole, see Indole 730 Benzene, abietic acid, hydrogenation of using, 1,249,050 —,abrasive, binder for, made with, 1,209,333; 1,468,960 —,abrasive belt, water-proof, made _ with, 1,484,759 —,abrasive discs, water-proof, made with, 1,484,759 —,abrasive paper, water-proof, made with, 1,484,759 —,abrasive wheel, water-proof, made with, 1,484,759 —,acacia as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,acetic arsenic acid solvent, 1,445,685 —,acetone removed from cellulose nitrate silk by, 1,441,204 —., 3-acety]-4.5-diketo(2.3’-dimethy]-5-keto-l- phenyl-pyrazoliny])-2-phenyl-pyrrolidine made with, 1,148,637 —., 3-acetyl-4 5-diketo-2-furyl- 1-phenyl-pyr- rolidine made with, 1,148,637 —., 3-acety]-4.5-diketo-1- phenyl- 2-piperonyl- pyrrolidine made with, 1,148,637 —, 3-acetyl-4.5-diketo-2-phenyl]-1-quinolyl- pyrrolidine made with, 1,148,637 —,acetylization of, aluminum chloride as cat- alyst for, 1,512 295 —,—, apparatus for, 1,512,225 —,—, process for, 1,512,225 —, p-(acetyl-methyl-amino)-phenol made with, 1,434,429 —, p-(acetyl-methyl-amino)-phenyl acetate made with, 1,434,429 —,acid-proofing made with, 1,234,381 —,acid-proof material made with, 1,513,183 —-,adhesive made with, 1,389,574; 1,441,160; 1 000,393; 1,510,591; 1 B15, 439 —, adhesive cement contg., 1 467, 356 —, ’ adhesive composition prepared with, 1,431,165 —,agar-agar, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —,agar-agar as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, alr, explosive mixtures of and, 1,143,623 — ‘airplane dope contg., 1,156, 804: 1 234 81; 1 303,563; “1315 216301 320, 290: 1 '329, 386: 1,347,801 : 1,363,763 : 1,366,256; 1,388,827; 1,388,828; 1,393,355; 1,488,608 —, airplane dope made fireproof, formula con- taining, 1,309,581 —,airplane fuel contg., 1,420,007 —,airplane lacquer contg., 1,345,354 —,albumen, colloidal, made with, 1,892,849 —, albumen as emulsifier of, 1,440, 356 —, alcohols made with, 1,365, 046 —, ’ alcohol, absolute, made “with, 1,508,435 —,—, solidified, contg., 1,416,493 —, alcohol dehydrated with, 1,417,477 —, alcohol separated from, 1,417,477 —, alcohol separation from sulfuric acid liquors by, 1,365,046 —, alkali acetyl- salicylate made with, 1,217, 862 —, ‘alkali earth acetyl-salicylate made with, 1 217,862 —, alkali ethyl-xanthate made with, 1,507,089 —, alkali metal, lead alloy contg., treatment of using, 1,197 329 —, alkali proofing made with, 1,234,381 . Benzene, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 alkali-proof material made with, 1,513, 133 —, alkaloids, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —,— ,extracted by, 1,447,400 (a ’ alkamine amino- -alkoxy-benzoic acid ester solvent, 1,317,250 —, alloy resistant to, 1,393,888 —, b-(N.N -allylso-amyl) aminoethy]l-p-amino- benzoate made with, 1,476,934 —,g-(N.N- allyl-n-butyl) aminopropyl-p- aminobenzoate made with, 1,476,934 —, g-(N.N-allyl-n-butyl) aminopropyl-p- nitrobenzoate made with, 1,476,934 —,aluminum acetate, therapeutic compound of, solvent, 1,132,709 —,aluminum chloride, catalyst, recovery of using, 1,202,081 —,aluminum filings, coated, made with, 1,204,709 —,aluminum oleate solvent, 1,893,833; 1,519,803 —, aluminum paint contg., 1,411,673 —, ’ aluminum powder, protecting coatings of using, 1,181,889 —,amber resin solvent contg., 1,150,047 —,m-aminoanisic acid, alkamine ester of, solvent, 1,317,250 —, amino- ” compounds of, phenol aldehyde con- densate made with, 1 143, 714 —, 0- -aminomethoxybenzoic acid, alkamine ester of, solvent, 1,817,250 ; ; — . p-aminomethoxybenzoic acid, alkamine ester of, solvent, 1,317,250 —, p-amino-phenol made with, 1,431,470 —,ammonia liquor purified by, 1,346, 106 —,ammonium tannate as emulsifier of, 1 ,440,356 — amy! acetate made with, 1,197,019 — amyloid, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —,(tert)-amyl vanadate solvent, 1 138 961 —, ’ analgesic made with, 1,483,217 —,aniline black made with, 1,350,600 —, aniline dissolved i in, 1 303, 624 = ’ aniline hydrochloride made with, 1,303,624 —, anthracene made with, 1,515,325 —, ” anthracene solvent, 1 303, 639 —, "anthranilic acid made with, 1,458,715 — , anthraquinone derivatives solvent, 1,417,875 —,antimony trichloride solvent, 1 388, 828; 1,388,829 ; 1,418,610 —,antiseptic made with, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —,architectural finish contg., 1,290,035 —,arsenical solution contg., 1,456,509 —,arsono-acetic acid made with, 1,445,685 —, asbestos band made with, 1,301 612 —} asphalt, hydrocarbons, separation from of with, 1,278,023 _—, asphalt paint containing, 1,447,782 —,asphalt solvent, 1,395,396; 1,474,423 —,asphaltum, artificial, made with, 1,465,317 —,asphaltum solvent, 1,420,086; 1,426,842 —,“assphtlein ” contg., 1,471,566 —,atophan, benzyl ester of, 1,378,348 —, automobile tops made with, 1,360,763 —, automobile top lining treated with, 1,412,014 made with, INDEX OF Benzene, Bakelite solvent, 1,425,784 —,balata latex, chlorination of, using, 1,491,265 —, balata solvent, 1,180,704; 1,285,105; 1,812,452 —,balata vulcanized with, 1,463,794 —,balloon, toy, colored, using, 1,239,180 —,—,—,ornamenting of, using, 1,251,182 —, barium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, barley seed, treatment of using, 1,218,850 — battery, dry, made with, 1,196,225; 1,484,780 —,—,—,depolarizer for, made with, 1,484,780 —,—, primary, copper oxide depolarizer, made with, 1,506,425 —,—, storage, 1,447,782 —,—,—,separator for, made with, 1,243,372; 1,490,204; 1,500,220 —,—,—, temperature made with, 1,374,857 —,—,zine electrode for, coating of using, 1,484,783 —, beeswax solvent, 1,207,506 —, belt made with, 1,503,453 —, belt, woven, impregnated with, 1,310,867 —, belting made with, 1,179,357 —, benzaldehyde made with, 1,431,470 —., benzene-disulfonic acid made with, 1,210,725; 1,210,726; 1,279,295; 1,279,296; 1,301,360 container for, made _ with, indicating device for, —.,m-benzenedisulfonic acid made with, 1 227 ,252 —,o-benzenedisulfonic acid made _ with, 1,227 252 —,p-benzenedisulfonic acid made with, 1,227 252 —,benzene methylethyl sulfonamide prepared from, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 —,benzene mono-methyl sulfonamide prepared from, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 —,benzene-sulfonic acid made with, 1,210,725; 1,210,726; 1,212,612; 1,213,142; 1,227,252; 1.247.499: 1,260,852; 1,300,228; 1,301,360; 1,301,909; 1,312,127; 1,406,745; 1,466,991; 1,503,937 —, benzene-sulfonic acid, sulfuric acid, separa- tion from of, using, 1,229,933 —,benzene-sulfonic acid solvent, 1,212,612; 1,247,499 —,benzene-monosulfonic acid made _ with, 1,309,683 —,benzine made with, 1,325,299 —,“benzol, 90%,” contg., 1,317,359 ; 1,344,545 —, benzoquinone from, 1,401,937 —,benzoyl-benzoic acid made with, 1,489,744 —.,o-benzoyl-benzoic acid made with, 1,515,325 —, benzoyl chloride made with, 1,360,312 —, benzoyl! chloride from carbonyl] chloride and, 1,360,312 —., 3-benzoyl-4.5-diketo-1-o-methoxypheny]-2- phenyl-pyrrolidine made with, 1,148,637 —,benzoyl-ecgonine made with, 1,218,536 —, benzyl acetylsalicylate solvent, 1,486,304 —, benzyl alcohol made with, 1,416,859 —, benzyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,454,960 —,benzyl ethyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,454,960 —,p-berizylphenyl carbamate made _ with, 1,252,452 SUBJECTS 731 Benzene, binary mixture of iso-propyl alcohol and, 1,422,583 —,binder made with, © 1,189,549; 1,209,333; 1,233,415; 1,233,416; 1,431,455 —, N.N-bis(p-allyloxy-phenyl)-acetamidine made with, 1,884,637 —,bismuth acetyl-salicylate 1,217,862 —, bitumen solvent, 1,334,061 —, bituminous emulsion made with, 1,517,075 —, bituminous material made with, 1,506,371 —,bituminous material, minerals, recovery from of, using, 1,520,752 —,—,sand, recovery from of, using, 1,520,752 —,blood, gelatin, emulsion of and, globular particles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —, bone black made with, 1,518,289 —, bookbinding gum contg., 1,889,574 —, borated, see Borated benzene —, boron trioxide solvent, 1,181,800 —, brake lining impregnated with, 1,354,996 —, brake lining made with, 1,277,108; 1,414,378; 1,426,842; 1,429,267; 1,519,822 —,brass powder, protecting coatings of usings 1,181,889 —,brick made with, 1,220,401; 1,450,140 —,brom-ethylene made with, 1,425,130 —,brominated, fire extinguisher made with, 1,154,161 —,bromination of, apparatus for, 1,191,916 —,—, bromine for, 1,191,916 —,—, process for, 1,191,916 —, (a-brom-iso-valery])-pseudourea-methyl ether solvent, 1,126,482 —, 1-brom-N-methyl-2-naphthylamine made with, 1,431,470 —, bronze powder, protecting coatings of using, 1,181,889 —, bronze powder varnish made with, 1,157,768 —,bronzing liquid made with, 1,488,608 —,building material made with, 1,220,401; 1,353,619; Re-15,949 . —,1.3-butadiene made with, 1,436,819 —, buttons made with, 1,209,333 —,butylene chlorhydrin mfr. 1,295,339 —, butylene chloride mfr. affected by, 1,295,339 made with, affected by, —,caffein, coffee, removal from of, using, 1,502 222 —,caffein solvent, 1,414,096; 1,434,297 —,caffeol extracted with, 1,292,458 —,calcium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,calcium benzene disulfonate made with, 1,314,138 —, calcium chloride dried by hydrogen chloride dissolved in, 1,854,279 —, calf hide, waterproofing of using, 1,150,047 —,camphor made with, 1,225,052 —,camphor solvent, 1,474,830 —,can, lacquer for, made with, 1,148,168 —,can sealing composition contg., 1,823,752; 1,341,489 —,caoutchouc, synthetic, made with, 1,146,253 ; 1,185,654 , —,—, vulcanization of, using, 1,487,880 —,carbohydrogen (?) made with, 1,230,226 132 Benzene, carbon made with, 1,155,419 —, carbon, decolorizing, made with, 1,478,986 —, ‘carbon bisulfide as impurity in, 1 (253 048 —,carbon bisulfide in, removal of from, 1,276,284 —, carbon from coal by action of, 1,420,164; 1 420,165 —, carbon monoxide solubility in, 1,438,581 —, * carbon monoxide solvent, 1,438, 581 —,carbon remover contg., 1,307 562; 1,494,678 ; 1 011,152 —, cardboard, composite, made with, 1,354,154 —,—, sized, waterproofing of using, 1,499 025 —,— " unsized, water-proofing of using, 1 499 025 —,—, water- proofing of using, 1,499 025 — ’ carragheen moss colloidal, made with, 1,392, 849 —, cartridee, paper, water-proofing of using, 1,180,704 —, casein, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —,—, treatment of, using, 1,209, 539 —, casein as emulsifier oft 440 356 Benzene, aug cellulose UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 cellulose, solvent with triacetin, 1,449,156 —,—,used in, 1,338,661 —, cellulose aceto-nitrate made with, 1,168,164 aceto-nitrate solvent contg. 4 1 454,961 —, cellulose butyrate made with, 1,474,574 —, cellulose butyrate solvent, 1,425 580 ; 1,425, 581 —, cellulose dispersed in, 1,458,542 —, cellulose esters made with, 1,458,542 —, ’ cellulose ester, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —, * cellulose esters dispersed with, 1,392, 849 —, ,cellulose ester solvent contg., 1 316, 311; 1 870,853; 1,397,986; 1,400,196; 1 454, 959; 1 "454 960: ] "454 961 —, cellulose ether made with, 1,188,376; 1 405,490; 1,501,207 —, cellulose ether film prevented from curling by, 1,429,179 —, cellulose ether plasticizer, 1,357,614 —., cellulose ether solvent, 1 217, 027: 1,217,028; —, casein product made with, 1 370,624 1 007,614; 1,405,449; 1 405 491: 1 ‘AQT. 690; —, castor oil, sulfonated, made with, 1,374,607 1 429, ‘179: 1 ‘434 ‘432: 1,454,959 : 1,454,960 : — , catalyst aluminum chloride as, recovery of 1,454,961: 1,469 816; 1,505,043; 1,505,044; using, 1,202,081 Al 018,417 —,—,benzine made with, 1,325,299 ihe e polluloae formate, colloidal, made with, —,— ’ hydrogenation, made with, 1,251,202; 1 392,849 1,519,088 —, cellulose f te solvent, 1,316,3 —,—,nickel as, made with, 1,251,202; 1,296,496; ~ jaggeopg. one 1 826,811; EE Ee EAL — Cellulose hydrate, water-proofing of using, —, celluloid made with, 1,370,853 4\— cellulose nitrate, colloidal, made with, —, celluloid, decorating of using, 1,235,037 wa 1,392, 849 / ; | — celluloid prepared with, 1,467, 749 ‘ di ae 1 ote 4 ~—, celluloid solvent contg., 1,195 431; 1,366,256; * ‘ ~ 1439 656 amine, removal of from, using, 1 425,510 —, celluloid substitute’ made with, 1,160,063; Ni ‘abo eet made fireproof, formula using, 1 181,858; 1,185,074; 1,188,797; 1 191 801: Nt 1 217. 027; * "934. ‘381; 1,363,763 : 1 "440 006: Sie Senay dissolved by ethyl acetate and, 1 000 bag 1,488,294: 1/501,206: 1,508,928: 1510.79; \—»—» dope ingredient, 1,436,231 1,512,751 \ “~,—, explosive mfr. with, 1 092,851 a , cellulose, colloidal, made with, 1,458,542 / = — gelatinized by, 1,147, $50 —,—, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 Y +, STacquer;-conts:; —,cellulose acetate made with, 1 236,578; S —»—) powder coated with 2, 4-dinitrotoluene . 1,236,579; 1,265,216; 1,388,601; 1,466,329 Q and, 1,813,459 | —, cellulose acetate, colloidal, made with, » —~— powder coated with nitrohydrocarbon | 1,392,849 ‘and, 1,313,459 —,—,gelatin, separation from of, using, ¥ —— ‘powder coated with dinitrotoluene and, 1,196,799 \ 1,813,459 7 Ere glue, separation from of, using, 1,196,799 —,—,solution contg., 1,350.281 4 — hydrated solvent, 1,316 311 —,—,solvent contg., 1,129,770; 1,135,026; —, plastic prepared with, 1 466 819 1,152,625; 1,160,979; 1,195,673; 1 204 "709: —, precipitated with, 1 456, 781 1,234,921; 1,253,956; 1,266,073; 1 269 339 ; —,—, precipitated from ‘solution using, 1,175,791 1,301,187; 1,309,581; 1,316,311; 1,321,611: —,—, solutions contg., 1,357,447 1,321,633; 1,321,634; 1,322,786: 1,329,386: —,—,solvent contg., 1,152,625; 1,156,894; 1,355,976; 1,356,440; 1,360,763: 1,370,853: 1,160,979; 1,188,797; 1 195, 673: 1,196,799 ; 1,394,890; 1,398,239; 1,400,196; 1,411,669 ; LOD 308 8d OU pe iid 296, 339: 1,226,341 ; 1,427,754; 1,437,170; 1,439,293; 1,441,332; 1,265, 216: 1,286,172; 1 298, 199; 1,303,563 ; 1,454,961; 1.480016; 1,496,500; 1,503,458 ; 1,310, 841: 1,316,311; 1,363,763; 1 '304, 890 ; 1,517,892 Ca 1 406,224 : 1,425,580; 1,434,634; 1,440 006: rie solvent with diethyl phthalate, 1,449,156 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961; 1,480, 016: —,—, ‘solvent with ethyl acetoacetate, 1 449, 156 1 ‘488 294; 1,488,608; 1,501 206: 1 ‘508, '928 —,—,solvent with ethyl succinate, 1 449, 156 ? solvent with, diethyl phthalate, 1,449,156 —,—, solvent with ethyl acetoacetate, 1,449, 156 —,—, solvent with ethyl succinate, 1,449, 156 —,—, ’ solvent with triacetin, 1,449, 156 —, ’ cellulose solvent contg., 1,395 905 — ’ cellulose xanthate made with, 1,251,237 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Benzene, cement made with, 1,216,266; 1,354,154; 1,408,325 —,cement, paint for, made with, 1,179,413; 1,189,550 —,ceresin made with, 1,178,532 —,ceresin solvent, 1,178,532; 1,277,904 — cerium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, charcoal, artificial, made with, 1,478 986 —, ’ chlorbenzene made with, 1,180 964; 1 189,736; 1,213,142 ; 1,468,220 —,chlor-compounds of, phenol aldehyde con- densate made with, 1,143,714 —, chlor-dinitro-benzene made with, 1,220,078 —,chlor-ethylene made with, 1,425,130 —,chlorhydrins made with. 1,498 781; 1,498,782 —,chlorhydrins dehydrated with, 1,446 874 —,chlorhydrins prepared with, 1,446, 873 —,chlorhydrin solvent, 1,394, 664 —, chlorinated, di- chloramine T dissolved by, use of, 1,451 857 —,— fire extinguisher made with, 1,154,161 —,—, tung oil product diluent, 1,463,883 —. chlorinated compound made with, 1,425,882 ; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —, chlorination of, 1,191,916 ; 1,308,760 —,—, chlorine for, 1,191,916; 1,308,760 —,—, mercury vapor quartz lamp for, 1,308,760 —,—, process for, 1,191,916; 1,242,208; 1,308,760 —, —, ultra-violet ray for, 1,191,916 —,chlorinating in presence of, 1,326,973 —, chlorine, recovery of using, 1,468,220 —, chlorine-proofing made with, 1,234,381 —, 1-chlor-4-nitro-benzene solvent, 1,515,364 —, cholesterol solvent, 1,284,724 —,cholic formaldehyde condensate 1,213,261 —,chyrsarobin solvent, 1,417,771 —, cinchonine-C-C-diallylbarbituric acid made with, 1,261,235 —, cinchoninonitrile solvent, 1,145,487 —, clarification of, fuller’s earth for, 1,297,635 1,216,265 ; apparatus for, solvent, —,clay, clarifying, revivifying of, using, 1,488,805 —,—,decolorizing, revivifying of, using, 1,488,805 —, clay as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,cleaner made with, 1,165,027; 1,201,181; 1,473,620; 1,484,167; 1,510,948; 1,516,064 —, cloth stain contg., 1,412,014 —, clutch facing made with, 1,270,559; 1,426,842; 1,519,322 —,coal gas, determination in of, apparatus for, 1,163,654 —,picric acid for, 1,163,654 —,—,—, process for, 1 163 654 —, coal gas recovery ‘from of, 1,310,748 —, coal tar, treatment of using, 1,148,011 —, coal tar oil made with, 1,148,011 —, coal tar pitch made with, 1,148,011 —, coating made with, 1,308,575 —, coating for material contg., 1,304,071 —,coating composition made with, 1,179,413; 1,189,549; 1,189,550; 1,189,551; 1,196,276; 1 204. 697; 1,358,304; 1,360,763 — _ coating composition contg., 1,393,832; 1 400,041; 1,405,941 733 Benzene, coating composition for artificial leather contg., 1,412,770 —, coating mixture conte. 1,358,304 —, cocaine made with, 1,218. 536 —, cocoa, cocoa butter, extraction of from, using, 1 A87 449 —, cocoa butter made with, 1,494,090 —, cocoa butter, cocoa, extraction ‘from of, using, 1 487,449 —, cocoa extract made with, 1,218,536; 1,235,450 —, cocoanut oil, sulfonated, made with, 1,374, 607 —, coffee, caffein, removal of from, using, 1 ,502 222 —, coffee extract made with, 1,175,490 —, ‘coke, by-product, 1,255 593 —, coke oven gas, determination in of, appa- ratus for, 1,163 654 —,—,—, picric acid for, 1,163,654 —,—,—, process for, 1 163 654 —, ‘ collodion membranes treated with, 1,350,532 —, colloidal fuel contg., 1,444,723 —,colophony solvent, 1,316, 842 —,color lake insoluble in, 1,434,619 —,compound, CyuHiOs;sPNa:, made _ with, 1,125,081 TET C2sHis0.N, made with, 1,203,500 —, concrete, coating composition for, made with. 1,189,550; 1,189,551; 1,400,041 —,—, paint for, made with, 1,179,413 —,—, water-proofing of with, 1,262,344 —, concrete coating contg., 1 400 041 —, concrete floor, treatment of, using, 1,246,827 —, concrete surfaced using, 1,515, 121 —, ’ condenser for, 1,336,360 —, container made with, 1,146,787 ; —,container for, 1,456,494 —,—,—, Irish moss extract for, 1,456,494 —,—, fiber board, made with, 1,512,729 —,—, food, made with, 1,206,379 —,copal, hydrogenation of using, 1,249,050 —, copper gaskets, sealing of using, 1,341,952 —, copper powder, protecting coatings of using, 1 ,181,889 —, cork, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —, cork flooring, laying of, adhesive for, made with, 1,515,439 —,corn oil, sulfonated, made with, 1,374,607 — ,corn seed, treatment of using, 1,218,850 —, cotton, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —,cotton drill, coating of, made with, 1,468,818 —,cotton fabric, relief design on, made with, 1,492,580 —, cotton seed, treatment of using, 1,218,850 —, cotton seed oil, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —,—,—,solvent for, as, 1,224,485 —,—, sulfonated, made with, 1,374,607 —, cotton treated with, 1,398,378 —,coumarone resin solvent, 1,157,768; 1,332,860 —,cracking process producing, 1,369,787; 1,369,788 —,cresol solvent, 1,445,668 —,p-cresyl ethyl alcohol made with, 1,315,619 —, cresyl phosphates made with, 1,425,393 —,crucible made with, 1,450,140 —, crude, distilling process for, 1,348,606 1,355,976 coating, algae extract for, 734 Benzene, crude, purification of, ammonium hy- droxide for, 1,276,284 —,—,—, process for, 1,276,284 —, crude products, recovery of from, 1 348,606 os ' crystallization of, preventing, ethyl acetate for, 1,420,007 —, cut- out, electric, made with, 1,198,962 —, cutting oil made with, 1,425, 882; 1,425,883 ; 1 425,884. — cutting torch gas made with, 1,505,338; 1 505,339 — , eyclohexane from, process for, 1,808,777 —,dammar, hydrogenation of using, 1,249, 050 —, dammar solvent, 1,228,680; 1 ‘410 012 ; 1 ,425,530; 1,463,780 — , deep-sea fiber, spinning of using, 1,232,374 —, ’ deflocculated, rubber composition “made with, i 482,340 — , degras, sulfonated, made with, 1,374,607 — : dehydration of pyridine by, 1,290, 124 —, determination of, apparatus for, 1,176, 199 —,—, process for, 1 176, 199 —, detonator made with, 1,511,771 —, dextrin, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 oe , water-proofing of using, 1,499, 025 —, ’ dextrin as emulsifier Of “440, 356 — ’ dialkylamino alkyl compounds prepared with, 1,429,922 “ diamino- ‘dihydroxy- arsenobenzene-silver ” Usher with, 1,127,603 —, diaphragm, porous made with, 1,474,830 —, diazodinitrophenol solvent, 1,428, O11 —., 2-di-sec-butylamino-ethyl benzoate made with, 1,513,730 —, dichlorbenzene made with, 1,468,220 —,p-dichlorbenzene solvent, 1,346, 337 —, didymium acetyl-salicylate made 1 5217 ,862 —, die, metallic, made with, 1,157 493 —, ‘die plate made with, 1,376 305 a ’ N-diethyl-aminoethyl m-aminoanisate sol- vent, 1,317,250 —, N- diethyl- ‘aminoethyl o-amino-p-toluate solvent, 1,317,251 —, N- diethyl- aminoethyl p-amino-o-toluate solvent, 1,317,251 —,1 -diethylaminoethyl- theobromine hydro- chloride made with, 1,414,333 — _ diethylaminoethyltheobromine prepared with, 1,414,333 with, —.,3-diethylamino-1-propyl cinnamate made with, 1,193,649 —,3-diethylamino-l-propyl p-toluate made with, 1,193,649; 1,193 651 —, N- dihydro- 1.2.2’, 1’-a1.thraquinoneazine, chlorine derivative made with, 1,317,160 —, 3-dimethylaminomethy]l- 6-methy1- 3- hep- tanyl benzoate made with, 1,150,253 —, 3-dimethylaminomethyl-6- methyl- 3-hep- tanyl benzoate hydrochloride made with, 1,150,253 —, (dimethylaminomethy]) (2-phenyl-4- quinoly]) ketone made with, 1,484,306 —,-p-dimethylamino-phenol made with, 1 144,141 —, p-N -dimethylamino-thiocarbanilide with, 1,477,803; 1,477,804 made UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 _, 5. 5'-dimethyldibromindigo, Benzene, 6.8-dimethyl-atophan, ethyl ester of, made with, 1,501,275 __, NN: '_dimethyl-carbanilide made with, : 437,027 reaction with, 1, 412,038 —,a.b- dimethyl- -g-dimethylamino-propyl p- nitrobenzoate made with, 1,474,567 —, dimethyldipheny] urea made with, 1 487,027 ; 1,477,087 —, NN -dimethy]-p-toluidine made with, 1 431,470 ae _ dinitro-phenol made with, 1,220,078; 1 880,185; 1,380,186 ee 2. 4- dinitrophenol made with, 1,320,076; 1 320,077 —, dinitro- phenyl acetate made with, 1,198,040 —, ’ dinitro- phenyl acetate solvent, 1, 198, 040 — ’ dinitro-phenyl benzoate made with, 1, 198,040 — _ dinitro-phenyl benzoate solvent, 1,198,040 —, ’ dinitro- phenyl formate solvent, 1, 198, 040 —,dinitrotoluene solvent, 1,313, 459 —, 2.4-dinitrotoluene solvent, 1 313,459 — ’ diphenyl made with, 1 322, 983 —, diphenylamine, cellulose nitrate, removal from of, using, 1,439,656 ee , powder, smokeless, removal from of, using, 1,439,656 — _ diphenylamine solvent, 1,439,656 —, disinfectant made with, 1,280, 602 ; Re- 14,562; 1,458,542 —, disinfectant conte. . carbon bisulfide and, 1 366,293 — , dispersing substances in, 1,392,849 —, distillation of, apparatus for, 1,250, 760 —,— continuous still for, 1,319, 319 —,—, ’ fractional, of, apparatus for, 1,141,266 ,—,—, process for, 1,141,266 — — distilling, process for, 1,453, 215 —,dope made _ with, 1,347, 801; 1,508,928 —, drugs, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —, dry-cleaning agent, 1,426, 053 —, duster, dustless, made with, 1,344,545 —, dustless duster impregnated with crude, 1 044,545 — dye made with, 1,148,011; 1,317,160 —,dye recovered from solution with, 1,297,046 1,501,206 ; —,dyestuff made with, 1,243,170; 1,243, 171; 1 283,296; 1,350,600; 1,403,888 ; 1,466,687 : 1 "478, 039; 1,492,094; 1,513,074 — , dyestuff, colloidal, ‘made with, 1,458,542 —, dyestuff mfr. in suspension in, 1,466, 687 —,ecgonine made with, 1,218,536 —,egg, gelatin, emulsion of and, globular par- ticles of, made with, 1,201,182; 1,201,183 —,elemi, hydrogenation of using, 1,249,050 —, ’ emulsions contg., 1,410,012; 1 429 430 | —, ” emulsified composition ’made with, 1,469,563 — ’ emulsifying of, process for, 1,440, 356 —,emulsions of, destroying of, apparatus for, 1 001,877 —,—,—, diatomaceous earth for, 1,501,877 —,—, —, ’ infusorial earth for, 1 501, 877 —,—,—, ’ kieselguhr 108, (il, 501 877 ,—,—, process for, 1,501, 877 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 38 Benzene, emulsions of, mfr. of, castor oil for, 1,229,681 —,castor oil, alkali compounds of, for, ie 229, 1,681 —,—,—, cresols for, 1,229,681 —,—,—,naphthols for, 1,229,681 —,—,—, phenol for, 1 1229, 681 —,—,—, process for, 1,229, 681 —,—, —, soap, castor oil, for, 1,229,681 —, —, —, sodium hydroxide for 1,229, 681 —, enamel made with, 1,205,545; 1,216,265; 1,216,266; 1,242,161; 1,458,542 —,enamel, baked, remover, made with, 1,204,851 —,—,undercoating composition for, made with, 1,425,510 —,enamel remover made with, 1,381,485; 1,495,547; 1,516,064 —, envelope, adhesive for, made with, 1,198,099 ‘—, epilepsy, compound for treatment of, made with, 1,205,138 — ,ergotamine salts crystallized from, 1,435,187 —, ergot treated with. 1,394,233 —,ether, mixture of, 1314, 138 — ’ ethyl, explosive of nitro-nitrate of, 1,370,067 —,ethyl alcohol, absolute, made with, 1 487,182; 1. 490, 520; 1 508, 435 —,—, denatured, made using, a 176,150 a ’ ethyl alcohol separated from, process for, 1 912,452 —, ethyl benzoate made with, 1,421,605 —,ethyl butyrate made with, 1,421,605 —,9-ethyl-carbazole made with, 1,494,879 —,ethyl cellulose made with, 1,188,376 —,ethyl cellulose solution contg., 1,411,677 —,ethyl cellulose solvent, 1,188, 376: 1 217, 027; 1 ,217,028; 1,395,905; 1 5405, 448 ; 1 ‘405 449 ; 1 ‘405, 490; 1 ‘405, ‘491: 1,411,677; 1,427,690: 1,429,179: 1 ‘434, 432; 1,441,181; 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1 ABA, ‘961; 1,458,256; 1,469,816; 1,505,043; 1,505, 044: 1,518,417 — ethyl chloroacetate made with, 1,421,604 — ethyl p-(b-chlorethylamino)-benzoate made with, 1,334,641 — vethyl citrate made with, 1,421,604 —, ’ ethyl-a-(diethylaminoethyl)a acetoacetate made with, 1,429,922 —, ethylene chlorhydrin dehydrated by, 1,386,118 —,ethylene chlorhydrin mfr. affected by, 1,295, 339 —- ethylene chloride mfr. affected by, 1,295,339 —,ethyl hydrogen sulfate mfr. with, 1,421 ‘605 —; ethylidine diacetate made with, 1,351 990 —,ethylidine diacetate extracted ‘from acetic acid solution with, 1,351,990 —, ethyl isovalerate made with, 1,421,605 —,ethyl lactate made with, 1,421 604 —,ethyl malate made with, 1 ‘421 604 —, ethyl maleate made with, 1 421 604 —, ethyl methyl cellulose solvent 1,454,959; 1,454,960 _ ethyl oxalate made with, 1,421,604 —, ’ ethyl- b-oxyethyl-p- aminobenzoate dissolved by, 1,834,641 —, ethyl phenyl, 1,454,960 contg., cellulose solvent contg., Benzene, ethyl propionate made with, 1,421,605 —,ethyl salicylate made with, 1,421 605 —,ethyl starch solvent, 1,350 820 —,ethyl succinate made with, 1,421,604 —, ethyl tartrate made with, 1,421 604 —,ethyl valerate made with, 1,421 605 —, ethyl zso-valerate made with, 1,421 605 —; explosive made with, 1,243 351 —, fabric, acid-proof, made with, 1,233 334 —, —, alkali- proof, made with, 1,233, 334 —,—, bonding composition conte., 1,463, 780 —,—, coated with solution conte.., 1.822 786 —,—,coated, made with, 1,195,431; 1 234 921; a 324, 154; 1,360,763; 1 468, 818 —, coating composition conte. ., 1,463,780 —,—, fireproofing of using, 1,388,827; 1,388, 828 —, frictional, made with, 1,463 506 —, —) grease- -proof, made with, 1,233,334 —,lubricated with oils by means of, ~ 1327.904 —,—,recovered from 1,321,200 —,relief design on, made with, 1,492,580 —, treating solution contg., 1,417,587 rubber fabric with. —,waterproof, made with, 1,233,334; ey 360, 763 _—,— _ waterproofing of using, 1,388,827; 1,388,828 : 1,499,025 —, fabrics scoured with, 1,435,864 —,factis made with, 1,159,258; 1,376,172 —,fat made with, 1,147,768; 1,147,770; 1,193,951 —,fat, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —,—,extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —,—,—,solvent for, as, 1,224,485 —,fat extracted from casein by mixture of alcohol and, 1,375,624 —,fat extracted from garbage with, 1,372,479 —,fat solvent, 1,193,951; 1,464,557 —, fats treated while dissolved in, 1,408,804 —,felt, building, made with, 1,474,423 —, fiber, rubber coated, made with, 1,482,336 —,—, spinning of using, 1,232,374 —, fiber board box made with, 1,512,729 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,156,969; 1,217,028 —,—,—, viscose, made with, 1,251,237 —, filler made with, 1,204, 697 —, ‘film made with, 1,199,395; 1,217,027; 1,347,801 : 1,363,763 ; 1,400,196 ; 1,434,482; 1,440,006; 1,441,181; 1,480,016; 1,488,608; 1 501 206: 1,508,928 —, film, motion picture, made with, 1,411,677; 1 488 ‘994 —,—,—, renovating of, using, 1,205 822 — ’ film, ’ photographic, made with, 1,188,797 ; 1 226,339; 1,226,341; 1,240,344; 1,857,614; 1395,905; 1,405,448; 1,405,449: 1,405,490; 1.429.179: 1441142: 1,441,181: 1,488,294: 1,500,393; 1,512,751; 1,518,417; 1,519,659 —,finish remover made with, 1,140,449; 1,145,365; 1,147,851; 1,147,852; 1,160,394; 1,167,462: 1,167,469: 1,167,640; 1,167,641; Pi (Zion 173 628: 1,185,641 —, fire-proofing composition contg., 1,310,841 —,fire-proofing process using, 1,388,827; 1,388,828 —., fireworks, made with, 1,204,709 736 Benzene, fish oil, extraction of, solvent for, as, 1,224 (485 —,—, sulfonated, made with, 1,874,607 —, ’ flax, water-proofing of using, 1,499, 025 —, floor covering made with, 1 431,455; 1 482,336; 1,515,439 — , flooring "made ‘with, 1,491,265; 1,506,371 —, flotation with, 1 444 B52 —, ’ flotation process for, 1,497,699 —, ’ flour, gelatin, emulsion of and, globular particles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1201, 133 —, flour middlings, degreasing ’ of, using, 1, 490,430 — , fluor-ethylene made with, 1,425,130 —,food made with, 1,260, 656 —, food can, lacquer for, made with, 1,148,168 —, food product, gelatinous, globular particles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —, formaldehyde made with, 1,318,631 ; 1,318,632; 1,318,633 —,formation of, asphalt for, cracking process for, 1,313,009 —,—,coal destructive 1 17 359 —,—,gum for, cracking process for, 1,313,009 —,— hydrocarbon for, cracking process for, 1,313,009 —,—, oil for, cracking process for, 1,313,009 distillation of, for, —,—,paraffin for, cracking process for, 1,313,009 —,—,petroleum for, cracking process for, 1,313,009 —,—, pitch for, cracking process for, 1,313,009 —,—, resin for, ‘cracking process for, 1 313, 009 —,—, tar for, cracking process for, i B13: 009 —, formation in coke ovens, 1,422,706 —, friction fabric made with, 1,429,267 ; 1,519,322 —, friction facing made with, 1,498,386 —, friction facings impregnated with, 1,426,842 —, fruit, desiccated, extracted with, 1,393,660 —,fuel, gaseous, made with, 1,230,226; 1,504,557; 1,505,338; 1,505,339: —.,—, liquid, contg:; | > 1,239,100;\ 1,271,114; 1,271,115; 1,420,007; 1,460,767; 1,469,053; 1,471,566; 1,471,916; 1,474,982; 1,474,983; 1,491,275 —,—,—,made with, 1,131,880; 1,360,872; 1,439, 976; 1,475 259; 1,480,368; 1,489,763; 1,491 ‘998 : 1,494,613; 1,496,810; 1,504,837; 1,516,757: 1,519,905 —,fumaric acid made with, 1,318,631; 1,318,632; 1,318,633 —,fumigator contg. carbon bisulfide and, 1,366,293 — furfural resin solvent, 1,441 598 —, ’ garment, treatment of, using, 1,417,587 —,— , wear-proofing of, using, 1,417 587 —,gas, determination in of, apparatus for, 1, 163,654 —,—,—, picric acid for, 1,163,654 —,—,—, process for, 1,163,654 —,gas contg., determination in of, apparatus for, 1,272,922 —, gasket made with, 1,519,803 —, gaskets, sealing of using, 1,341,952 —,gasolene substitute contg., kerosene and, 1,296,832 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Benzene, gasolene treated with, 1,365,046 —, gear made with, 1,370,666 —, gelatin, blood, ‘emulsion of and, globular T\ Saratelen of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 — cellulose acetate, separation of from, using, 1,196,799 —,—, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —,—, egg, emulsion of and, globular particles of, "made with, 1,201,182; 1,201,133 —, —, finely divided, made with, 1 ,195,099 —,—, flour, emulsion of and, globular parti- cles of, made with, 1,201, 132; 1,201,183 globular particles of, ‘made 1 201 “132: 1,201,133 —,— medicine, emulsion of and, globular par- ticles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —,—, milk, emulsion of and, globular parti- cles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —,—,salts, emulsion of and, globular par- ticles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —,—,sugar, emulsion of and, globular par- ticles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —, gelatin as emulsifier of, 1,440, 356 —,gelatin substitute made with, 1,217,027 —,gilsonite distillate solvent, 1,438, 590 —,glass, ground, substitute for, made with, 1,257,783 —, glove, acid resistant, made with, 1,500,097 —,glue made with, 1,209,333 —,glue, animal, globular particles of, made with, 1,201,182; 1,201,133 —,—, cellulose acetate, separation of from, using, 1,196,799 —,—, colloidal, made with, 1,892,849 —,—, finely divided, made with, 1,195,099 —,glue as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,glue incorporated with rubber by, 1,399,789 —,glycerol made with, 1,147,768; 1,147.770; 1,193,951 —, glycerol emulsified in, mfr. of, dammar for, 1,410,012 —,—,—, process for, 1,410,012 — glycerol solvent conte., 1 193,951 —,glyceryl butyrate made with, 1,421,605 —,glyceryl chloracetate made with, 1,421, 604 —, glyceryl hydrogen sulfate made with, 1,421,605 —,glyceryl lactate made with, 1,421,604 —, glyceryl malate made with, 1,421,604 —, glyceryl maleate made with, 1,421,604 —, glyceryl oxalate made with, 1,421,604 —,glyceryl propionate made with, 1,421,605 —,glyceryl salicylate made with, 1,421,605 —, glyceryl succinate made with, 1,421 604 —,glyceryl tartrate made with, 1 AI 604 —,glyceryl valerate made with, 1,421 605 — slyceryl iso-valerate made with, 1,421,605 —,glycols made with, 1,498,781; 1,498,782 —, glycol benzoate made with, 1,421 605 —,glycol butyrate made with, 1,421, 605 —, glycol chloroacetate made with, 1,421 604 —, glycol citrate made with, 1, 421 604 with, —, glycol hydrogen sulfate made with, 1,421,605 . —,glycol lactate made with, 1,421, 604 —,glycol malate made with, 1,421 604 —, glycol maleate made with, ‘| 421 604 —, glycol oxalate made with, 1,421, 604 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 137 Benzene glycol propionate made with, 1,421,605 Benzene, hydrocarbon, naphthene, separation of —, glycol salicylate made with, 1,421,605 from, soap, ammonium, for, 1,520,953 —, glycol succinate made with, 1,421,604 —,—,—,—,—, laundry, for, 1,520,953 —,glycol tartrate made with, 1,421,604 —,—,—,—,—, naphthenic for, 1,520,953 —, glycol valerate made with, 1,421,605 —,—,—,—, —, potassium, for, 1,520,953 —, glycol tso-valerate made with, 1,421,605 —,—,—,—,—,sludge sulfonic acid for, —,goat hide, water-proofing of using, 1,150,047 1,520,953 —,gold leaf, artificial, made with, 1,253,956 —,—,—,—, —, sodium, for, 1,520,953 —,—, imitation, made with, 1,160,979 —,—,—,—,—, sulfonic acid for, 1,520,953 —, golf ball made using, 1,251,029 —,—,—,—,sodium bicarbonate for, 1,520,953 rahe ae made with, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; —,—,—,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,520,953 425,88 rior ors —,sodium hydroxide for, 1,520,953 —,grease, animal, sulfonated, made with, —,—,—,—,sulfonates for, 1,520,953 1,374,607 —,—, paraffin, separation of from, ammonium —,—,extraction of, solvent for, as, 1,224,485 bicarbonate for, 1,520,953 —,—, paper container for, made with, 1,324,849 —,—,—,—,ammonium carbonate for, 1,520,953 —,—,vegetable, sulfonated, made with, —,—,—,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,520,953 1,374,607 —,—,—,—, naphthenates for, 1,520,953 —, grease removed from magnalium made with, —,—,—,—, potassium bicarbonate for, 1,292,582 1,520,953 —, grease remover made with, 1,516,064 —,—,—,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,520,953 —,gum, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —,—,—, —, potassium hydroxide for, 1,520,953 —,gums as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,—, —,—, process for, 1,520,953 —,gutta percha latex, chlorination of, using, —,—,—,—, sludge sulfonates for, 1,520,953 1,491,265 —,—,—,—,soap for, 1,520,953 a solvent, 1,180,704 ; 1,204,697 ; 1,312,452 SHE Tinta LATS OT, ammonium, for, 1,520,953 —,—,vulcanizer with, 1,463,794 7; -—-,-~, laundry, for, 11,520,953 —,half tone, color, made with, 1,264,004 —,—,—,—-, —, naphthenic, for, 1,520,953 a hair, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 S| RPC as Bere re potassium, for, 1,520,953 —,halogenated homologues of, preparing, —,—,—,—,—,Ssludge sulfonic acid for, 1,345,373 1,520,953 —,halogenation of, lamp, mercury vapor, for, _—,—,—,—,—,sodium, for, 1,520,953 1,198,356 —,—,—,—, —, sulfonic, for, 1,520,953 —, halogen derivatives of; mfr. of, process for, —»—-»—,—, Sodium bicarbonate for, 1,520,953 1,306,472 | —,—,—,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,520,953 —, heater, electric, made with, 1,181,800 —,—,—, —, sodium hydroxide for, 1,520,953 —, hemicelluloses as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,—,—,—, sulfonates for, 1,520,953 ; —,hemoglobin, colloidal, made with 1,392,849 ~;~~ Saturated, separation of from, ammonium —,hemp, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 bicarbonate for, 1,520,953 —, “heptachlor-caoutchouc” made with, >) ammonium carbonate for, 1,520,953 1.234 381 —,—,—, —, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,520,953 Jai tha solvent, 1,234,381 icin at vate naphthenates for, 1,520,953 —,heptane separated from by selenium oxy- ~ 3 p2,cr5” potassium bicarbonate for, chloride, 1,385,081 1,520,953 : : —, hexamethylbenzene made with, 1,134,956 inet ane eg Pee 1,520,953 —, horsehair, artificial, made with, 1,347,801 Roe wan Wierik : 590 O53 or, 1,520,954 —,hydrocarbon made using, 1,244,840 Cre Ry (aA ST Peas. if an 8 1.520.953 —, hydrocarbon, aromatic, sulfonation of, using, 7??? 7 Oe ee eee ea 1,247,499 Sanat eat eres) for, 1,520,953 —,—,diolefin, made with, 1,436,819 RST ee ae me iy aE NE De feamtercnlce —,—,naphthene, separation of from, ammo- ~~’??? DUBGY ROR, p0eh Sale } ; —,—,—,—,—, naphthenic, for, 1,520,953 Pearemprenrmonste: for, 1,520,953) vo ee te potassium, for, 1,320,953 eet. ammonium carbonate for, sludge | sulfonic ©//acidyo infor me : , 1,520,953 —,—, —, —, ammonium hydroxide for, —,—, —_, —, —, sodium, for, 1,520,953 1,520,953 —,—,—, —, —, sulfonic, for, 1,520,953 —,—,—,—,naphthenates for, 1,520,953 —,—,—,—,sodium bicarbonate for, 1,520,953 —,— —,—, potassium bicarbonate for, —,—,—,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,520,953 1,520,953 : —,—,—,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,520,953 —~,—,—,—, potassium carbonate for, —,—,—,—,sulfonates for, 1,520,953 1,520,953 —,hydrocarbon cracking product, 1,402,455 —,—,—,—, potassium hydroxide for, —,hydrocarbons for producing, 1,369,787; : 1,520,953 1,369,788 : —,—,—-,—, process for, 1,520,953 —,hydrocellulose, waterproofing of using. —,—,—,—, sludge sulfonates for, 1,520,953 1,499,025 —, rae he soap for, 1,520,953 —,hydrochloric acid made with, 1,360,312 4 738 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Benzene, hydrochloric acid, recovery of using, 1,468,220 —, hydrogen (compressed), made with, 1,438,581 —,hydrogenated compound made _ with, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —,hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,251,202; 1,519,088 —,hydrogenation of to cyclohexane, 1,439,976 —,hydrogen for conversion of toluene into, 1,365,849 —, hydrogen solubility in, 1,488,581 —, hydrogen solvent, 1,438,581 —, hydrogen sulfide solvent, 1,487,880 —,hydrogen sulfide in, removal of from, 1,276,284 —, hydrogen sulfide as impurity in, 1,253,048 —, hydroquinol from, 1,322,580 —,hydroxy-alkylamine made with, 1,498,781; 1,498,782 —, (b-(b’-hydroxy-ethoxy) -ethy]) -trimethyl- ammonium bromide made with, 1,518,689 —, illuminating gas recovery from of, 1,310,748 —,impure, sulfonation of, continuous, 1,459,081 —,indigo derivatives, reaction of with, 1,414,335 —, indigo halogenated in, 1,412,038 —,inflammability of solvent mixtures contg., 1,499,101 —,ink, lithographic, made with, 1,131,578 —,—,rotogravure containing, 1,447,734 —,insecticide contg., 1,456,509; 1,515,364 —, insecticide made with, 1,458,542 —,insecticide contg. carbon bisulfide and, 1,366,293 —, insulating varnish made with, 1,149,171 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1,131,578; 1,149,171; 1,159,257; 1,179,357; 1,181,800; 1,185,074; 1,194,201; 1,209,333; 1,216,265; 1,216,266; 1,233,415; 1,233,416; 1,234,381; 1,245,981; 1,246,810; 1,248,638; 1,286,370; 1,300,218; Re-15,199; 1,332,860; 1,370,666; 1,383,740; 1,398,143; 1,425,784; 1,427,911; 1,439,056 —,—,heat, made with, 1,185,074; 1,209,333; 1,489,567 —,iodo-ethylene made with, 1,425,130 —,iron, coating of using, 1,195,090 —,iron carburized with, 1,408,686 —,iron cleaning composition contg., 1,387,645 —, iron filings, coated, made with, 1,204,709 —,isinglass as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,isonitrosomethyl 2-phenyl-4-quinolyl ketone made with, 1,434,306 —, isoprene made with, 1,436,819 —,isoprene solvent, 1,146,253 —, jute, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —,kaolin as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, lacquer contg., 1,397,986; 1,411,035; 1,437,170 —,lacquer made with, 1,148,168; 1,185,514; 1,195,090; 1,195,673; 1,216,265; 1,216,266; 1234381: 1,245,981: 1,245,982: 1,347,801; 1,354,154; 1,411,035; 1,437,170; 1,480,016; 1,488,608 —, lacquer remover made with, 1,881,485 —, lactic acid made with, 1,147,768; 1,147,770; 1,193,951 —, lake, colloidal, made with, 1,458,542 oe Nae Na —, maleic acid made with, 1,318,631; 1,318,632; 1,318,633; 1,374,720; 1,401,937; 1,424,138; 1,515,299 —, maleic acid distilled using, 1,424,138 —,manganese(ous) chloride made _ with, 1,468,220 Benzene, lard, paper container for, made with, 4 1,324,849 —,lard substitute, paper container for, made with,. 1,824,849 —, lecithin solvent, 1,464,557 —,lens-protecting composition contg., 1,459,380 —,leprosy, substance for treatment of, made with, 1,250,345 —,lead alloy, alkali metal in, treatment of using, 1,197,329 —,—,potassium in, treatment of using, 1,197,329 —,—,sodium in, treatment of using, 1,197,329 —,lead carbonate prepared with, 1,467,749 —,lead dioxide prepared with, 1,467,749 —,lead sulfate prepared with, 1,467,749 —,leather made with, 1,200,146 —,leather, artificial, made with, 1,179,357; 1,234,381; 1,244,567; 1,269,339; 1,276,113; 1,350,281: 1,431,455; 1,496,500; 1,517,892 —,—,—, coated with solution contg., 1,322,786 —,—,—,made fireproof with, formula using, 1,309,581 —,—,—, viscose made with, 1,251,237 —, chrome, treatment of with, 1,173,988 —,finishing of, using, 1,234,494 —, imitation, contg., 1,291,180 —, patent, made with, 1,175,791; 1,437,170 —,water-proofing of using, 1,150,047 —,leather board made with, 1,469,563 —, leather, coating composition for, made with, 1,437,170 —,leather imitation made with, 1,436,106; 1,486,107 —,leather preservative contg., 1,390,537 —, leather rubberizing solution contg., 1,425,530 —,leather substitute made with, 1,175,791; 1,482,336 —, lighter wick impregnating agent, 1,430,543 —, light oil contg., 1,246,671; 1,317,359 —,light oil constituent, 1,409,588 —,linen, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —,linen fabric, relief design on, made with, 1,492,580 —, linoleum, laying of, adhesive for, made with, 1,515,439 —,linseed oil, extraction of, solvent for, as, 1,244,485 —,—, sulfonated, made with, 1,374,607 —, liquids cooled with, 1,485,142 —, liquid air explosive contg., 1,440,041 —., lithium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, lithographic ink contg., 1,406,837 —, lithopone, colloidal, made with, 1,458,542 —, lubricant made with, 1,395,902 —,lumber, artificial, made with, 1,353,619; Re-15,949 —,machine oil, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —,magnesium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 } a | INDEX OF SUBJECTS 739 Benzene, mfr. of, 1,239,099; 1,422,496; 1,428,311; 1,428,312 —,—,acid tar for, 1,373,391 —,—, air for, 1,516 5706 —,—, ’ alcohols for, 1,282,906 —,—, alkali for, 1,252, 481 —,—, aluminum apparatus for, 1,282,906 —,—, aluminum oxide as catalyst for, 1,330,844 —,—, amines for, 1,282,906 — amyl alcohol for, 1,282,906 —,—,apparatus for, 1,177,727; 1,194,289; 1,214,204; 1,224,787; 1,224,788; 1,249,444; be ‘481: 1 ‘257, 906 : 1,269,489; 1,282,906; 1,296, 367 : 1,330, 844: 1,373,091 79 1,445281 —,— asphalt for, 1,224, 788: 1 Rye 391 —,—, barium carbide for, 1 269 439 —,—, ’ borax for, 1,255,593 —,—, brass apparatus for, 1,282,906 —,—, bromine for, 1,282,906 —,—, bronze apparatus for, 1,282,906 —,—, Burton still stock for, 1,516,756 —,—, calcium carbide for, 1,269,439 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,224,788 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,255,593 / —,—, calcium oxide for, 1,224,788 —,carbonaceous matter distilled for, ~ 1,343,100 —,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,516,756 — —,carbon monoxide for, 1,257,906; 1,282,906 —; catalyst for, mfr. of, air for, 1,214 204 —,—, —, —, brick, fire, for, 1,214,204 —— —, "carbon monoxide for, 1,214,204 —,—,—,—, copper(ic) nitrate for, i 214 ,204 —,—,—,—, copper(ous) oxide for, 1,214 204 —,—,—,—, iron(ic) nitrate for, 1,214 204 —,—,—, iron(ous) oxide for, 1.214 ,204 ‘—., —, —, nickel(ous) nitrate for, 1,214 ,204 —,—, —, —, nickel oxide (Ni.0), for, 1,214 ,204 —, —,—,—, petroleum for, 1,214 204 >=), —-; process for, 1,214,204 —,—,—,—, pumice for, 1,214,204 —,—,—,—, water for, 1,214 204 —,—, chlorine for, 1 282, 906 —,—, coal - for, 1,176, 094: 1,176,150 ; 1,255,593 —,—, coal, bituminous, for, 1,224,788 —,—,— -cannel, for, 1,224, 788 , ’ > ee, Piiiets ~~ —,—,—, destructive distillation Ole. for; 1 252 A81 —,—, coal distillation by-product, 1,207,723; 1,207,724 —,coal gas for, 1,230,975 —, "coal tar for, 5 224, 788; 1,230,975; 1,339,310 —, ’ coal tar distillate "for, 1 246, 671 —, coal tar oil fer, 1,339, 310 —, coal tar pitch for, 1,339, 310 —, cobalt oxide for, 1 224 187 —, ’ coke, by- product, for, 1 252,481 —, copper apparatus for, 1 282, 906 —, copper as catalyst for, L ‘257, ,906 —, copper oxide for, 1 224 787 —, cracking apparatus for, 1,194,289 —, cracking hydrocarbons, 1,330, 844 —, cracking process for, 1 “185 654; 1,269,439 ; ~ 1289, 906; 1,373,391; 1 516, 720: 1 516, 756 —,—,— apparatus for, 1 320, 726; ik 320 F20 A — crude oil for, 1 516, 756 ~ al Bae | J J “| | a | J | | - I Benzene, mfr. of, fire brick as catalyst carrier for, 1 257 ,906 —,—, fuel oil for, 1,249,444 —,—, gas for, 1 252 ‘481 —,—, gas oil for, 1,282,906 ; —, glass for, 1 185 654 —,—, graphite as catalyst for, 1,330,844 —,—, halogen for, 1,282,906 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,194,289; 1,230,975; 1,249,444; 1,269,439 1,516,756 —,—,—, apparatus for, 1,312,265 —,—, hydrocarbon, carbocyclic for, 1,257,906 —,—, cyclohexane, for, 1,214,204 —,—, olefin, for, 1,224,787 —,—, paraffin, for, 1,224,787 —,—, iron apparatus for, 1,282,906 —, iron as catalyst for, 1,257,906 —,—,iron(ic) oxide for, 1,224,787 —,—, kerosene for, 1 516, 720 ; 1,516,756 —,—, light oil for, 1 246, 671 —,—, lignite for, 1 294 788: 1,403,633 —,—, mercury (ic) salt for, 1,282 906 —,—, metal, sherardized, for, 1,185,654 —,—, metal oxide for, 1,224 187 —,—,naphtha for, 1,269 439 —,—, naphtha, painter’ s for, 1,516,756 —,—,— solvent, for, 1,230 975 —,—,—, varnish maker’s, for, —,— —, naphthanes for, 1,257 906 —,— ,1.4-naphtholsulfonic acid with as solvent, uae 481 —, nickel as catalyst for, 1,257,906; 1,282,906 ,—, nickel oxide for, 1,224,787 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,282,906 —,—,oil for, 1,252,481 —,—, oils, cracked, for, 1,394,481; 1,411,255 —,—,—, crude, for, 1,282 906 —,—,— "lubricating, for, 1,282,906 —,—, oil shale for, 1,224 788 —,—, oxygen for, 1,257,906; 1,516,756 —,—, palladium as catalyst for, 1,282,906 —, paraffin for, 1,252,481; 1,282,906 —,—, paraffin oil for, 1,282,906 —,—, peat for, 1,445,423 1,516,756 —,—,petroleum for, 1,214,204; 1,249,444; 1,257,906; 1,282,906; 1,380,844; 1,419,123; 1,445,040; 1,516,756 ——, petroleum, California, for, 1,194,289 —,—,—, Mexico, for, 1,194 289 —,—,—, ’ Persia, for, 1, 194 289 —,—, petroleum coke as catalyst carrier for, 1,282,906 —, petroleum distillate for, 1,249,444 —,—, petroleum oils for, 1,404 125 —,—, petroleum residuum for, 1,516,720 —,—, petroleum wax for, 1,282, 906 —,—,pinene for, 1,185 654 —,—, pitch for, 1,373, 391 — porcelain for, 1 ,185,654 a —, —, process for, 1 177,727; 1,185,654; 1,194,289 ; 1,214,204; 1 224 787 ; 1,224,788 ; 1,230,975; 1,246,671; 1,249,444 s 1,252,481; 1,255,598; 1,257,906; 1,282,906; 1,330,844; 1,339,310; 1,373,391; 1,516,720; 1,516,756 —,—, producer gas for, 1282 906 —'—; pumice’ as catalyst carrier for, 1,257,906; 1,516,756 740 Benzene, mfr. of, resins from residues from, 1,236,917 —,—,shale, bituminous, for, 1,224,788 —,—,sludge sulfonic acid for, 1,373,391 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,246,671; 1,339,310 —,—, spindle oil for, 1,282,906 —,—,steel apparatus for, 1,282,906 —,—, still residue for, 1,282,906 —,—,straw oil for, 1,252,481 —,—,sulfur dioxide for, 1,282,906 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,246,671; 1,252,481; 1,282,906; 1,839,310 —,—, tar for, 1,373,391 —,—,terra cotta apparatus for, 1,282,906 —,—, turpentine for, 1,185,654 —,—, turpentine oil for, 1,282,906 —,—, vanadium oxide as catalyst for, 1,516,756 —,—, water gas for, 1,282,906 —,—,xylene and cymene for, 1,419,124 —, marking using, 1,374,329 —,marshmallow as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, mastic, hydrogenation of using, 1,249,050 —, mastic solvent, 1,425,530 —, match made with, 1,147,159 —, meal, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —,—,(from tin plate mfr.), degreasing of, using, 1,490,430 —, meat-extract treated with, 1,442,340 —,medicinal compound made with, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —, medicine, gelatin, emulsion of and, globular particles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —,—,gelatinous, globular particles of, made with, 1,201,182; 1,201,133 —,mellitic acid made with, 1,134,956 —,metal, coating for, made with, 1,185,074; 1,195,090 —,metal cleaning composition contg., 1,887,645 —,metal cut with hydrogen and, 1,425,856 —, metal gaskets, sealing of using, 1,341,952 —,metal leaf made with, 1,160,979 —, metal leaf, artificial, made with, 1,253,956 —,—, protecting coatings of using, 1,181,889 —,metal powder, protecting coatings of using, 1,181,889 —, methane solubility in, 1,438,581 —,methoxybenzyl cellulose solvent 1,454,960 —,p-methylamino-phenol made with, 1,431,470 —, methylamine solvent, 1,477,087 | —,methyl anthranilate made with, 1,458,715 —,methylbenzyl cellulose solvent conitg., 1,454,960 —,methyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961; 1,505,044 —,methylethyl cellulose solvent, 1,454,959; 1,454,960 —,methyl 3-nitrosalicylate-5-sulfonyl chloride solvent, 1,125,124 — methyl 4-quinolyl 1,145,487 —, N-methyl]-p-toluidine made with, 1,431,470 —.,4-methyl-2-trimethylacetoxy-benzoic acid made with, 1,838,297 —,mono-methyl xylenesulfomamide extracted with, 1,483,925 —, milk, artificial, made, with, 1,297,668 contg., ketone. made with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Benzene, milk, gelatin, emulsion of and, globular particles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,183 —, minerals, bitumen, recovery of from using, 1,520,752 —,—,bituminous material recovery of from using, 1,520,752 —,—, petroleum, 1,520,752 —, minerals collected with coal and, 1,421,862 —,molded article made with, 1,175,791; 1,185,074; 1,209,833; 1,216,265; 1,216,266; 1,220,401; 1,286,370; 1,300,218; Re-15,199; 1,354,154; 1,868,753; 1,370,666; 1,398,143; 1,425,784; 1,427,690; 1,439,056 —, molding composition contg., 1,300,218; Re-15,199 —,moleskin, coated, made with, 1,468,818 —,monochlorbenzene from, 1,299,171 —, Montan wax extracted with, 1,437,775 —, moths, compound for protection from made with, 1,480,289 —,motor fuel 1,363,870 ; 1,412,233; 1,423,048; 1,423,049; 1,423,050; 1,423,058; 1425136: 1,428,885; 1,428,913; 1,460,767 —, motor fuel contg. alcohol and, 1,372,465 —,motor fuel ingredient, 1,399,227 —, motor spirit from, 1,439,976 —,mucilage made with, 1,198,099 —,muffles made with, 1,450,140 —,naphtha, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —,—, petroleum, separation of from, ammo- nium bicarbonate for, 1,520,953 —,—,—,—, ammonium carbonate for, 1,520,953 —,—,—,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,520,953 recovery of from _ using, 1,360,872 ; 1,388,531 ; 1,419,910; 1,361,153 ; 1,398,947 ; 1,420,007 ; contg., 1,378,858 ; 1,414,759 ; * —,—,—,—,naphthenates for, 1,520,953 —,—,—,—, potassium bicarbonate for, 1,520,953 —,—,—, —, potassium carbonate for, 1,520,953 —,—,—, —, potassium hydroxide for, 1,520,953 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,520,953 —,—,sludge sulfonates for, 1,520,953 —,—,soap for, 1,520,953 —,—,—, soap, ammonium, for, 1,520,953 —,—,—,—,—, laundry, for, 1,520,953 —,—, naphthenic, for, 1,520,953 —,—, potassium, for, 1,520,953 —._.. —-, —, —-, sludge’ sulfomia)igecms w_ we _ -_ ~« “ we fe for, —,—,—, —,—, sodium, for, 1,520,953 —,—, —, —, —, sulfonic acid for, 1,920,953 —,sodium bicarbonate for, 1,520,953 —,sodium carbonate for, 1,520,953 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,520,953 —,—, —, —, sulfonates for, 1,520,953 —, naphtha cracked to obtain, 1,409,893 —,naphthalene, sulfonation of, using, 1,247,499 —,naphthalene-sulfonic acid made _ with, 1,211,923 —,naphthalene-sulfonic acid, salts of, made with, 1,211,923 —,naphthalene-sulfonic acid solvent, 1,211,923 ’ 9 b bd Ss > > b INDEX OF SUBJECTS Benzene, 1.4-naphtholsulfonic acid solvent, 1,452,481 —,naphthylamine solvent, 1,471,916 —,nickel, catalyst, made with, 1,251,202; 1,329,322; 1,829,323; 1,519,088 —, nicotine made with, 1,123,522 —,nicotine solvent, 1,123,522 —, nitrated, dynamite, made with, 1,198,129 —,—, explosive made with, 1,198,129 —,—, mfr. of, calcium nitrate for, 1,198,129 —,—,—, potassium nitrate for, 1,198,129 —,—,—, process for, 1,198,129 ,—, sodium nitrate for, 1,198,129 =, —, sulfuric acid for, 1,198,129 —,—,—,sulfuric acid, fuming, for, 1,198,129 —,nitrated compound made with, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —,nitration of, apparatus for, 1,312,119 —,—,mercury as catalyst in, 1,380,185; 1,380,186 —,—, process for, 1,309,320 —,—,silver nitrate as catalyst in, 1,380,185; 1,380.186 —,—,sodium nitrate for, 1,309,320 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,309,320 —,nitration of to dinitrophenol, 1,380,186 —, nitrobenzene made with, 1,320,076; 1,320,077 —, nitrobenzene removed from dibenzanthrene made with, 1,464,598 —,o-nitro-benzoic acid made with, 1,458,715 —,nitro-compounds of, phenol aldehyde con- densate made with, 1,143,714 —,nitro compounds purified with, 1,309,559 —,3-nitro-2.4-cresotic acid 5-sulfonyl chloride solvent, 1,125,124 —,nitrogen fixed by titanium in presence of, 1,391,148 1,380,185 ; —,nitrophenol made with, 1,320,076; 1,320,077; | 1,417,368 —, o-nitrophenol 1,320,077 —,nitroproducts purified with, 1,395,641 —,3-nitro-salicylic acid-5-sulfonyl chloride sol- vent, 1,125,124 made with, 1,320,076; —,nitrotoluene purified with, process for, 1,309,559; 1,450,675 —,nitroxylene purified with, process for, 1,309,559; 1,450,675 —,nucleus of, protecting, method of nitra- tion, 1,380,186 —,oat seed, treatment of using, 1,218,850 —,ocotillo gum solvent, 1,290,795 —,oil, animal, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —,—,—, hydrogenated, sulfonated, made with, 1,374,607 —,—, drying, made with, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —,—,essential, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —,—,extraction of, solvent for, as, 1,224,485 —,—,mineral, emulsion of, made_ using, 1,230,599 —,—,—,extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —,—,—,recovery with of, 1,176,094 —,—,—,separation from of, 1,176,094 —,—,—,sulfonic acid compounds of, made with, 1,477,829 741 Benzene, oil, paper container for, made with, 1,324,849 —,—, prepared, made with, 1,149,171 —,—,sulfonated, made with, 1,374,607 —,—, vegetable, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —,—,—, hydrogenated, sulfonated, made with, 1,374,607 —,oils contg., cracking, 1,396,174 —,oil cloth substitute made with, 1,175,791 —,oil-cracking by-product, 1,409,709 —,oils extracted by, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884; 1,425,885; 1,504,588 —, oil extracted from cereal germs by, 1,431,525 — oil extracted from nickel catalyst by, 1,431,982 —,oil extraction from wood of with, 1,264,551 —,oil gas contg, 1,215,903; 1,231,123; 1,235,283 ? —,oil solvent, 1,352,834 —,oleic acid, sulfonated, made with, 1,374,607 —,oleic acid and naphthalene sulfonated in, 1,416,284 —,oleoresin extraction from wood of with, 1,264,551 —,olive oil factis made with, 1,159,258 —, osteomalacia, compound for treatment of, made with, 1,205,138 —,oxidation of, apparatus for, 1,464,845 —, oxidizing, nitric acid and mercury for, 1,380,185; 1,380,186 —, oxy-cellulose, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —, oxycholesterol made with, 1,284,724 —,ozonizing, 1,430,538 —, packing made with, 1,185,074 —, paint contg., 1,315,748 —,paint made with, 1,131,578; 1,133,433; 1167264; 1,179,176; 1,179,413; 1,189,549 ; 1,192,756; 1,204,697; 1,209,333; 1,216,265 ; 1,216,266; 1,242,161; 1,370,195; 1,408,325 ; 1,451,092; 1,515,439 —, paint, aluminum, made with, 1,411,673 —,—,anti-fouling, made with, 1,456,509; Ls 1,493,930 —,—, bituminous, mfr. of with, 1,262,344 —,—,concrete, made with, 1,383,268 , —,—,priming, made with, 1,150,516 it —,undercoating composition for, made with, 1,425,510 —,—, waterproof, made with, 1,506,371 — paint primer contg., 1,164,324 1,129,770; —,paint remover made with, 1,130,499 ; 1,143,387; 1,147,849; 1,189,803 ; 1,229 247; 1,328,080 ; 1,499,101 ; 1,165,027 1,143,110; 1,143,877; 1,147,850; 1,189,804 ; 1,235,721; 1,381,485; 1,516,064 —, paint remover contg —,palm oil, sulfonated, made with, 1,374,607 —, panama hat, cleaning composition for, contg., 1,143,111; 1,143,878; 1,173,628 ; 1,201,181; 1,273,307 ; 1,406,175 ; 1,143,130; 1,147,848 ; 1,185,641 ; 1,204,851 ; 1,281,156; 1,495,547 ; . furfural and, 1,381,485 —, papaverine nitrite made with, 1,468,607 —, papaverine solvent, 1,468,607 —, paper, acid-proof, made with, 1,233,334 —,—,adhesive, made with, 1,198,099 742 Benzene, alkali-proof, made with, 1,233,334 ——,—, coating for, made with, 1,185,074 —,—, grease-proof, made with, 1,233,334 d —,—,parchmentized, water-proofing of using, >] ink paper, 1,499,025 —,—, printed, 1,175,854 —,—, sized, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —,—,transparent coating for applied with, 1,277,904 —,—, unsized, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —,—,waterproof, made with, 1,233,334; 1,499,025; 1,517,075 —,—, wax, recovery of from with, 1,284,647 — paper coated with soln. contg. as | 322, 786 —, paper gaskets, sealing of using, 1 341 952 —, paranthracene, solubility of in, 1,303,639 —,paracoumarone solvent, 1,133,432; 1,191,801 —, paraffin, emulsion of, made using, 1 230, 599 —,—, hydrocarbons, separation from of ‘with, 1 278 ,023 —, paraffin dissolved by, 1,829,322 —,parafin recovery from waxed paper by, 1,481,553 —,paraffin solvent, 1,172,773; 1,178,532; 1,277,904; 1,318,931 —, partial oxidation of, apparatus for, 1,515,299 —,—, process for, 1,515,299 —, paste made with, 1,198,099 —, pectins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, 1-pentene phosphorite made with, 1,205,138 —,perylene made with, 1,384,615; 1,454,204 —,perylene solvent, 1 384, 615: 1 ABA 204 —, petrolatum solution of, metals treated with, 1 395,413 —, petrolatum solvent, 1,895,413 —, petroleum, minerals, recovery from of using, 1,520,752 —,—, sand, recovery from of using, 1,520,752 —,petroleum still gas contg., 1,498,781; 1,498,782 —, phenanthrene solvent, 1,303,639; 1,413,557 removed from _ using, —,phenol made with, 1,179,415; 1,210,726; 1,213,142; 1,227,894; 1,245,343: 1,245,353; 1,301,909: 1,309,688; 1,312,127; 1,320,454 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,209,333; 1,216,265;. 1,216,266; 1,252,507; 1,354,154; 1,868,753; 1,870,666; 1,414,139; 1,489,056 —, phenol aldehyde condensate, colloidal, made with, 1,892,849 —,phenol aldehyde condensate binder made with, 1,261,615 —,phenol aldehyde condensate lacquer made with, 1,261,615 —, phenol aldehyde condensate molding mate- rial mfr. with, 1,330,444 —,phenol aldehyde condensate solvent, 1,191,390; 1,261,615; 1,277,904; 1,309,581; 1,370,666; 1,396,021; 1,398,143; 1,398,144; 1,401,633; 1,404,792; 1,414,139; 1,439,056 —,phenol aldehyde condensate varnish made with, 1,261,615 —,phenol condensation 1,429,267 —, phenyl benzoate solvent contg., 1,160,063 product solvent, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Benzene, phenyl ethyl alcohol made with, 1,315,619 © —,phenylethyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,454,960 —,phenyl mercaptan in, removal of from, 1,276,284 — , phenyl phosphates made with, 1,425,393 —, 2-phenylquinolyl-4-methyl- iso-nitrosoke- tone prepared with, 1,434,306 —, phenyl-stibnic acid made with, 1,260,707 —,phenyl-stibnic acid, sodium salt of, made with, 1,260,707 —, phenyl-stibnic 1,260,707 —, phonograph record made with, 1,175,728 —, phosphorates, organic, made with, 1,205, 138 —, phosphorites, organic, made with, 1,205, 138 —, phosphorus, oxide in, dyeing process using, 1,333,700 —, phosphorus oxide solvent, 1,333,700 —,phosphorus pentachloride dissolved by, 1,334,641 —, photographic plate made with, 1,257,783 —,photographic print paper made. with, 1,829,918 —, photographic print paper, using, 1,228,680 — , photographic transfer paper made with, 1 474,596 - —, phthalic anhydride purified with, 1,301,388 —, piano keys made with, 1,185 074 —,picric acid made with, 1,220 078; 1,299,171; 1 920,076; 1,820,077; 1 396 001 —, picric acid ‘purified with, 1,396,001 —, pigment, chromium, colloidal, made with, 1,458,542 —,—, cobalt, colloidal, made with, 1,458,542 —,—, colloidal, made ‘with, 1,458 542 —,—, iron, colloidal, made with, 1,458, 542 oxychloride made _ with, transfer, made —,—, lead, colloidal, made with, 1 458, 542 —,—, nickel, colloidal, made with, 1 ‘458, 542 —,—, zine, colloidal, made with, 1,458 542 — ’ pine oil made using, 1,505 438 —, pitch solvent, 1,467,797 —,plastic made with, 1,146,787; 1,173,337; 1,175,791; 1,185,074; 1,188,797; 1,189,549; 1,191,801; 1,194,201; 1,209,338; 1,234,381; 1,245,981; 1,857,614; 1,395,905; 1,405,490; 1,425,784; 1,427,690; 1,427911; 1,440,006: 1,474,830 ; ie 488 608 —, plastic composition made with, 1,425,784; 1,427,911 —, plate, die-, made with, 1,157,493 —,—, photographic, made ‘with, 1,497,272 —,polish contg., 1,302,320 —, polyhalogenated, anthracene purified with, 1,420,198 —, polysaccharide as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, pontianac, hydrogenation of using, 1,249, 050 —, potassium, lead alloy contg., treatment of using, 1,197,329 —,potassium acetyl-salicylate 1,217,862 —, potassium derivatives made with, 1,204,234 —,potassium ethyl-xanthate made _ with, 1,507,089 made with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Benzene, potassium sulfate (acid) prepared with, 1,467,749 —,powder, cellulose nitrate coated with, dini- trotoluene and, 1,313,459 —,—, cellulose nitrate coated with, 2.4-dinitro- toluene and, 1,313,459 —,—, cellulose nitrate coated with nitrohydro- carbon and, 1,313,459 —,—,propellent coated and, 1,313,459 —,—, propellent coated with 2.4-dinitrotoluene and, 1,313,459 —,—, propellent. coated with nitrohyérocarbon and, 1,313,459 —,—,smokeless, diphenylamine, from using, 1,439,656 —, preparation from phenol, 1,430,585 —, presence in Borneo gasolene, 1,459,081 —,presence in Malaysian gasolene, 1,459,081 —, primer made with, 1,133,432 —, printer’s blanket made with, 1,492,123 with dinitrotoluene removal of —,printing plate made with, 1,207,506; 1,242,523: 1,302,919; 1,370,666; 1,383,172; 1,401,633 —,printing plate, lithographic, made _ with, 1,245,119 —,—, planographic, made with, 1,215,493 -—, printing ink made with, 1,410,012 —, properties of, 1,429,910 —, propyl] alcohol, absolute, made with, 1,487,182 —.,zso-propyl] alcohol dehydrated with, 1,412,233 —,iso-propyl alcohol separated from butyl al- cohol with, 1,422,582 —,propyl benzoate made with, 1,421,605 —,propyl butyrate made with, 1,421,605 —, propyl chloroacetate made with, 1,421,604 —,propyl citrate made with, 1,421,604 —,propylene chlorhydrin mfr. affected by, 1,295,339 —, propylene chloride mfr. affected by, 1,295,339 —, propyl! hydrogen sulfate made with, 1,421,605 —, propyl! lactate made with, 1,421,604 —, propyl malate made with, 1,421,604 —, propyl maleate made with, 1,421,604 —,propyl oxalate made with, 1,421,604 —, propyl propionate made with, 1,421,605 —, propyl! salicylate made with, 1,421,605 —., propyl succinate made with, 1,421,604 —, propyl tartrate made with, 1,421,604 —, propyl valerate made with, 1,421,605 —, propyl iso-valerate made with, 1,421,605 —,proteid product made with, 1,245,981 —, protein, colloidal, made with, 1,892,849 —, proteins as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, pungent compound made with, 1,329,272 —, purification of, apparatus for, 1,157,988; 1,305,870 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,484,167 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,484,167 —,—, carbon, activated, for, 1,484,167 —,—, cellulose for, 1,253,048 —,—,cellulose xanthate as by-product of, 1,253,048 —,—,copper sulfate for, 1,206,962 —,—,hydrogen sulfide for, 1,206,962 —,—,mercury(ic) chloride for, 1,206,962 —,—,metal sulfate for, 1,206,962 743 Benzene, purification of, paper pulp for, 1,253,048 —,—-, process for, 1,157,988 ; 1,206,962 ; 1,246,671; 1,252,481; 1,253,048; 1,484,167 —, —, sodium hydroxide for 1,246,671; 1,253,048 ; 1,305,870 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,157,988; 1,206,962; 1,246,671; 1,805,870 —,—, wood for 1,252,048 —, putty made with, 1,216,265; 1,216,266 —, pyridine, removal of from, 1,206,962 —,quinone made with, 1,318,631; 1,318,652; 1,318,633 —,rachitic disease, compound for treatment of, made with, 1,205,138 —,ramie, waterproofing of using, 1,499,025 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,146,414; 1,870,666; 1,404,792 —,—,sound reproducing, made with, 1,398,144 —, recovering, process for, 1,453,215 —, recovery from coal gas, 1,423,696 —,recovery from coke oven gases, 1,366,494 —,recovery from coking gases, 1,405,629 —,recovery from coking process, 1,435,219 —,recovery from cotton seed cake of, air for, 1,277,895 —,—, apparatus for, 1,277,895 —,—, flue gas for, 1,277,895 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,277,895 —,—, process for, 1,277,895 —,recovery from distillate gases, 1,408,105 —, recovery from gas, 1,412,954 —,recovery of, absorbing agents for, 1,382,889 ; 1,382,890 —,—,acetone oil for, 1,355,401 —,—,acid from, recovering, apparatus for, 1,402,194 —,—, aniline for, 1,355,402 —,—,apparatus for, 1,209,657; 1,228,225; 1,236,719; 1,315,700; 1,815,701; 1,429,856; 1,470,650; 1,513,928 —,—,coal tar for, 1,513,153 —,—,cresols for, 1,315,700; 1,315,701; 1,513,153 —,—, decahydro-naphthalene for, 1,513,153 —,—, paraffin oil for, 1,513,153 —,—, phenol for, 1,815,700; 1,315,701 —,—, process for, 1,315,700; 1,315,701; 1,381,002 ; 1,420,613; 1,487,980; 1,463,782; 1,513,153; 1,513,928 —,—,resins obtained as by-product of, 1,236,917 —,—,tetrahydro-naphthalene for, 1,513,153 —,—, tin containers mfr., 1,204,151 —,—, volatile matter from, 1,498,069 —,refractory made with, 1,450,140 —,removal from gas, nitric acid for, 1,332,529 —,resin made using, 1,505,438 —,resin, artificial, made 1,489,744 —,—,—,non-solvent, 1,489,744 S) —,—,—,solvent, 1,141,944 —,—, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —,—, extraction of using, 1,190,889 —,—, hydrogenation of using, 1,249,050 —,resin as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, resin extraction from wood of with, 1,264,551 ; 1,432,937 *> mt —,resin esters made with, 1,226,760 —,resin solvent, 1,316,842; 1,329,918; 1,360,658 with, 1,194,201; «© 744 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Benzene, resin solvent of alcohol and, 1,259,347 —, resorcinol made with, 1,314,138 —, resorcinol purified with, 1 446, 500; 1,446,551 —,resorcinol solvent, 1,406, 745 —, "resorcinol solvent of ether and, 1,314,138 —, ’ retorts made with, 1,450,140 —, road paving made with, ‘1,220 401; 1,431,165 — , roofing made with, 1 167 195; 1,330 ‘443 —,rosin, extraction of using, 1,190, 889 —,—, hydrogenation of, using, 1,167,264; 1,249,050 —,—, nitrated, solvent, 1,414,164 — rubber, artificial, made with, 1,161,904 —,—, chlorinated, solvent, 1,476, "381 —,—, ’ electrodeposition of, using, 1,476,374 —,—, fiber coated with, made with, 1,482, 336 —,—,reclaiming of using, 1,235,850; 1,310, 013; 1,424,668 —,—, spongy, made with, 1,156,184 —,—, synthetic, made with, 1,248, 888 —,—,vulcanization of, using, 1,463,794; 1,487,880 —, rubber adhesive made with, 1,341,782 1,238,236 ; —,rubber article made with, 1,193,883; 1,491,265 —,rubber article, ornamenting, of, using, 1,251,182 —,—,seamed, made with, 1,500,097 — rubber cement contg., 1,316 295; 1,392,240 — rubber dissolved by, 1,301 841; 1 425, 530 —, ’ rubber flooring, laying of, adhesive for, made with, 1,515,439 —, rubber gaskets, sealing of using, 1,341,952 — rubber glove made with, 1,193,883 —, ’ rubber incorporated with rosin by,. 1,433,124 —,rubber latex, chlorination of, using, 1 491,265 rubber latex coagulated by, 1,492,027 —, rubber like substance made with, 1,415 468 —, ’ rubber prepared with, 1,467,749 —, rubber recovered from fabric with, 1,321,200 —,rubber softened with, 1,427,283 —, “rubber solvent, 1 146,414; 1,193,883 ; —, rubber treating composition contg., 1,464, 143 containing, —, rustproofing 1,217,213; 1,228,680 ; 1,312,452: 1,377,152; 1,424,668: 1,443,012: 1,464,143: 1,482,336; 1,492,580 ; Babbar substitute made _ with, 1 159,257 ; —, rust 1,333,363 1,179,176 1,217,214; 1,300,263 ; 1,316,295 ; 1,389,574; 1,427,134: 1,446,039; 1,467,356; 1,482,340; 1,496,500 1,159,258 ; loosening composition 1,217,215 ; 1,302,064; 1,350,538 ; 1,395,396 ; 1,427,754; 1,463,780 ; 1,467,749 ; 1,487,880 ; 1,175,791; compound 1,220,401 ; 1,302,065 ; 1,371,157; 1,396,409 ; 1,431,455 ; 1,463,884 ; 1,469,563 ; 1,492,123; 1,151,948 ; 1 185, 074° made with, — salicyclo-salicylic acid solvent, 1,483,217 —,salts, gelatin, emulsion _ of and, globular __ Particles of, made with, 1,201, 132; 1,201,133 “ saltpeter Tot,” varnish impervious to, Pieade with, 1,133, 432 —, sand bitumen, recovery of from _ using, 1,520, 752 Benzene, sand bitumen, bituminous material, recovery of from using, 1,520,752 —,—, petroleum, recovery of from using, 1 020,752 —, sandarac, hydrogenation of using, 1,249,050 —, "sand paper made with, 1,468,960 —,sateen, coated, made with, 1,468,818 — ’ sealing composition for gaskets contg., 1 041,952 —, seed, treatment of using, 1,218,850 —, selenium oxychloride as ‘solvent for, ci 385,081; 1,423,231 —, separating, process for, 1,453,215 —,separating from amylene, selenium oxy- chloride for, 1,445,329 —, separating from heptane, chloride for, 1,445,329 —, separation from gas of, 1,252,481; 1,405,154 —,separation from paraffin ‘hydrocarbons, 1 441,341 —, shale oil made using, 1,244,840 —,sheep hide, waterproofing of using, 1,150,047 —, sheet material made with, 1,350, 533 —, shellac, hydrogenation of using, 1,249, 050 —,shellae substitute made with, 1,327 332 — ship, concrete, painting of with, 1,262 044 oats box toe for, made with, 1,196, 276 —, shoe cleaning composition contg., 1,439 915 —,shoe filler made with, 1,217,213; 1,217,214; 1,217, 215 oy: —, shoe sole made with, 1,173, 988 —, shoe stiffener made with, 1 316 650 —,shoe stiffeners moistened with, 1,415,378 selenium oxy- — ’ silk, artificial, made with, 1 1156, 969 ; 1 217, 028; 1 347 801; 1,440,006. : 1,458, 542; 1,501 206: 1 508, 928 —,—, —, cellulose acetate made with, 1,363,763 —,—,—, cellulose nitrate made with, 1,441 204 —,—,—, waterproofing of using, 1,499, 025 —,—, waste, spinning of using, 1,232 374 — silver acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, silver leaf, artificial, made with, 1,253, 956 —,size contg., 1,313, 343° —., sizing composition contg., 1,299,663 —,slip covers made with, 1,360, 763 oe sludge, sulfonic acid green, solvent, 1,474,933 —, tar de-emulsified with, 1,271, "387 — ; soap made with, 1,425, 882: 1 ,425,883 ; 1 425,884 —, soap as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —,soap made from fatty acids dissolved in, 1 1385 ,730 —, sodium, lead alloy contg., treatment of using, 1,197,329 —, sodium acetyl-salicylate made with, 1 217,862 —, sodium anthranilate made with, 1,458,715 —,sodium p-benzene disulfonate made with, 1 214,138 —, sodium benzene sulfonate 1 191,880; 1,212,612; 1,229,593 —, sodium ’bisulfate made with, 1,191,880 — ’ sodium cyanamide (Na:CN;), made with, 1, 186,367 (Na,CN) ; —, sodium —, sodium derivatives made with, 1,204,234 made _ with, cyanide made _ with, 1,186,367 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Benzene, 1,507,089 _—, sodium naphthalene-sulfonate made with, 1 ,211,923 —, sodium o-nitro-benzoate made with, 1 458,715 —, sodium phenolate made with, 1,213,142 sodium. ethyl-xanthate made with, —,sodium _ salicyclo-salicylate "made with, 1,483, 217 —, sodium sulfate (acid) prepared with, 1,467,749 —, solidified, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,484,190 —,—, —, alcoholate for, 1,223,153 —,—,—, ammonia for, 1,484, 190 »—, —, ammonium stearate for, 1,484,190 —,—,—, calcium chloride for, 1 923, 153 —,—,—, ethyl alcohol for, 1,223, 153 —,—,—, fatty acid for, 1,223, 153 —,—,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,223, 153 —,—,—, oleic acid for, 1,484, 190 —,—,—, palmitic acid ‘for, 1,484, 190 —,—,—, potassium for, 1,223, 153 —, —, —, potassium hydroxide for, 1,223,158 —,—,—, potassium methylate for, 1,223, 153 —,—,—, potassium stearate for, 1,223, 153 —,—,—, process for, 1,223,153; ‘i 484, 190 —,—,—,soap for, 1 484 190 oece —, “sodium for, 1 293, 153 — fe ee , sodium ethylate for, 1,223,153 —,—, ‘sodium hydroxide for, 1,223,153 ; 1 484, 190 —,—,—,sodium stearate for, 1,223,153; 1 484,190 —,—,—, stearic acid for, 1,223,153; 1,484,190 —,—, see also Alcohol, solidified ; ’ Fuel, ’solidi- ‘fied; Incendiary product : —,solubility of benzyl acetylsalicylate in, 1,436,304 —, solubility of dimethylamine in, 1,434,306 —, solubility of dimethyl p-aminophenyl ace- tate in, 1,434,429 —, solubility of 2-phenylquinolyl- 4-methylke- tone in, 1,434,306 —, solubility of 1,440,962 —,solvent, for, carbon tetrachloride and selen- ium oxychloride as, 1,445,329 —,—, chloroform and selenium oxychloride as, 1 445 29 —,—,selenium oxychloride 1,385,081 ; i 445 829; 1,473,350 —,—, selenium oxychloride and carbon tetra- chloride as, 1,445,329 —,—,selenium oxychloride and chloroform as, 1,445,329 aie —,—,selenium oxychloride and sulfur trioxide as, 1,445,329 —,—,sulfur trioxide and selenium oxychloride as, 1,445,329 —,solvent recovery apparatus for, 1,218,616 —,soya bean oil, sulfonated, made with, 1,374,607 —,sparklers made with, 1,204,709 —, stain, shingle, made with, 1,189,549 —, starch, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —,—, water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 —, starch as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 zinc butyl xanthate in, as, 745 Benzene, starch ethers made with, 1,350,820 — starch ether solvent, 1,350 820 —, ’ steel, coating of using, 1 195 ,090 — steel etched using, 1,376 365 —, stencil made with, 1,376 365 —, storing of, process for, 1,498 ,069 —., straw, " water-proofing of using, 1,499,025 — — straw oil, recovery with of, 1 ‘176, 094 — , separation from of, 1, 176, 094 — Bee nite from coal gas, 1,422 007 —,strontium acetyl- salicylate made 1,217,862 —,succinic acid made _ with, 1 147,770; 1,198,951; 1,491,465 —, sugar, gelatin, emulsion of and, globular particles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201, 133 —, suint, extraction of, using, 1 238 873 — ' sulfating of, air for, 1, 159, 032: 1, 159 033 —,— apparatus for, i 159 032; 1,159 033 —,—, Manganese diode for, 1,159,032; 1 159 033 —, nitrogen oxides for, 1,159,032; 1,159,033 —, oxygen for, 1,159 032 ; 1 159 033 —,—, process for, 1 159 032; if 159 033 —, —, sodium chloride for, iC 159 032; 1,159,033 Tee ‘sulfur dioxide for, ‘1,159, 032 ; i 159 033 —,sulfurous acid for, 1 159, 032: 1,159 033 — , sulfonamides, alkyl, prepared from, 1 454,959; 1 454 960; 1,454,961 —, sulfonated compound made with, 1,425,882; 1,425,888; 1,425,884 ae sibfonation of, apparatus for, 1,301,360 —,—, continuous, 1,459,081 with, 1,147,768 ; —,—, process for, 1,279,295; 1,279,296 ; 1,301,360; 1,321,994 ; 1,406,745; 1,422,564; 1,452,881 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,321,994 —,— ’ sulfur trioxide for, 1 321 4994 —, ’ sulfur, colloidal, made with, 1,458 532 —,— , finely-divided, made with, 1,497 649 — sulfur black made with, 1 220, 078 — sulfur chloride solvent, 1,405 845 —, ’ sulfur dioxide solvent, 1 392 370; 1,487,880 —, sulfur dispersing agent, 1 58, 542 —,sulfur phenol resin solvent, 1 435,801 — sulfur precipitated from solutions 1 425,530 —, sulfur recovered from spent gas puritans aes by, 1,404,199; 1,478,180 —,sulfur removed from anthranilic acid by, 1 458,715 —_, sulfur 1,404,199; i 478,180 — sulfuric acid, benzene-sulfoniec acid, separa- tion from of, using, 1,229,593 - —, sunflower oil, 1,230,599 —, surfacing composition contg., 1,405,941 —,surgical ligature made with, 1,239,690 —, tallow, sulfonated, made with, 1,374,607 —,tannic acid as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 — tanning compound made with, 1,469 044 —, tannins as emulsifier of, 1,440 (356 —, tar oil, recovery with of, 1, 176 094 — , separation from of, 1 176 094 —, ‘tar solvent for, 1,371 460 by, solvent, 1,458,542; emulsion of, made using, 746 Benzene, ternary mixture of zso-propy! alcohol, water and, 1,422,583 —, dione made with, 1,417,875 —, textile, marking of, using, 1,374,829 —,—, treatment of, using, 1,417,587 —,—, wear-proofing of, using, 1,417,587 —, therapeutic compound made with, 1,205,138; 1,250.345 —,thermoscope made with, 1,374,857 —,thiocarbanilide made with, 1,482,317 —,thiocarbanilide, derivative of, made with, 1,477,803; 1,477,804 —,thiocyanates in, removal of from, 1,276,284 —, thionyl chloride solvent, 1,499,025 —, thistledown, spinning of, using, 1,232,374 —, thus, hydrogenation of, using, 1,249,050 —, tile flooring, laying of, adhesive for, made with, 1,515,439 —, tin electrodeposited in presence of, 1,397,222 —,tin powder, protecting coatings of using, 1,181,889 —,tire, patching of, composition for, contg., 1,489,477 —,—, pneumatic, made with, 1,476,381 —,toluene made with, 1,216,174 —,toluene conversion into, 1,365,849 —,toluene substitute contg., 1,411,035 —,p-toluidine made with, 1,431,470 —, p-p’-tolydibromindigo, reaction with, 1,412,038 —,0-tolyl phosphates made with, 1,425,393 —, p-tolyl phosphates made with, 1,425,393 —, toys made with, 1,185,074 —, tragacanth, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —, tragacanth as emulsifier of, 1,440,356 —, treatment of, alkali for, 1,474,136 —,—, process for, 1,474,136 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,474,136 —, triarylguanidine made with, 1,466,535 —,o-trimethylacetoxy-benzoic acid _ solvent, 1,338,297 —, trimethylacetylsalicylic acid solvent, 1,338 297 —, trinitrophenol 1,380,185 ; 1,380,186 —,trinitrotoluene purified with, 1,309,559 —,—, process for, 1,450,675 —,trinitrotoluene solution of, filtering, silicic acid for, 1,413,457 —,trinitroxylene purified with, 1,309,559 —,—, process for, 1,450,675 —,a.b.g-triphenyl guanidine 1,466,535 —, tropic acid dissolved in, 1,305,301 —, trunk linings made with, 1,360,763 —,tube made with, 1,175,791 —,tuberculosis, substance for treatment of, made with, 1,250,345 —, tubing made with, 1,350,533 —,tung oil, sulfonated, made with, 1,874,607 —, turpentine made using, 1,505,488 —,turpentine extraction from wood of with, 1,264,551 —,ultramarine, colloidal, made with, 1,458,542 —,ultramarine dispersing agent, 1,458,542 hydrogen for, made — with, made with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Benzene, undercoating composition contg., 1,425,510 —, vanillin solvent, 1,845,649 —,vanillyl derivatives purified with, 1,329,272 —,varnish made with, 1,131,578; 1,133,432; 1,133,433; 1,159,257; 1,159,258; 1,167,264; 1,191,890; 1,195,673; 1,204,697; 1,209,333; 1,216,265; 1,216,266; 1,226,760; 1,234,381; 1,242,161; 1,251,863; 1,847,801; 1,854,154; 1,857,614; - 1,370,195; 1,895,905; 1,405,490; 1,408,325; 1,411,050; 1,413,666; 1,436,820; 1,440,006; 1,441,181 —, varnish (waterproof), made with, 1,190,765 —,—, undercoating ccmposition for, made with, 1.425,510 —,varnish base made with, 1,226,760 —,varnish surface, cracked, composition for treating contg., 1,492,404 —,varnish remover made with, 1,129,770; 1,130,499; 1,143,110; 1,143,111; 1,143,130; 1,143,387; 1,147,848; 1,147,849; 1,147,850; 1,185,641: 1,189,803: 1,189,804: 1,201,181; 1,229,247: 1.235.721: 1.273307: 1,281,156; 1,328,080; 1,381,485; 1,414,139; 1,487,170; 1,499,101; 1,516,064 —, velour, relief design on, made with, 1,492,580 —, velvet, relief design on, made with, 1,492,580 —, vinyl halides prepared with, 1,425,130 —, viscose made with, 1,251,237 —,vitamine made with, 1,468,251 —,vitamine obtained using, 1,162,907 —, vitamine, antineuritic made with, 1,468,251 —,—, antiscorbutic made with, 1,468,251 —, volatilizing, process for, 1,453,215 —, vulcanization using, 1,240,116; 1,467,197 —, vulcanizing accelerator made with, 1,406,771 —, wallcoverings made with, 1,431,455; 1,482,336 —, wall paper made with, 1,175,791 —,wall paper, coating composition for, made — with, 1,425,510 —, washing medium contg., 1,395,902 —, washing of, apparatus for, 1,305,870 —, “wash” oil ingredient, 1,429,467 —,water emulsified in, mfr. of, dammar for, 1,410,012 —,—, —, process for, 1,410,012 —, water gas recovery from of, 1,310,748 —, waterproof material made with, 1,330,443; 1,431,455; 1,513,133 —, waterproofing made with, 1,234,381; 1,517,075 —, waterproofing composition contg., 1,315,109; 1,315,110; 1,395,885; 1,399,724 —, waterproofing process using, 1,180,704; 1,388,827 ; 1,388,828 —, waterproofing solution contg., 1,382,077 —, water removed from ethylene chlorhydrin by, 1,386,118 —, water removed from isopropyl alcohol by, 1,412,233 —, wax, emulsion of, made using, 1,230,599 —,—, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —,wax solvent contg., 1,173,628; 1,277,904; 1,327,378 —,weed killer contg., carbon bisulfide and, 1,366,293 —,welding torch gas made with, 1,505,338; 1,505,339 INDEX OF Benzene, wheat seed, treatment of using, 1,218,850 —, whipeord, artificial, made with, 1,468,818 —, wood, artificial, made with, 1,209, 330 —,—, coating for, made with, 1,185,074 —,—, drying of, using, 1,497 362 —,—, finishing compound for, contg., 1,169,930 — impr egnation of using, 1 ,198,040; 1,469,466 —,—, preservative for contg., 1,456 509 —,—, waterproofing of using, 1,499, 025 — wool, cleaning of, using, 1,238, 873 —, wool fabric, “relief design on, made with, 1 ,492.580 —, wool grease, extraction of using, 1,238,873 —, ‘yeast, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —, zine acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —, zine butyl xanthate dissolved by, 1,440,962 —,zinc salts soluble in, vulcanizing with, 1,467,197 —, zine sulfide prepared with, 1,443,077 —, see also Coal tar distillate; Fuel, quid; Hy- drocarbon, benzene ; Hydrocarbons Benezene-anthracene parazene, dyestuff made with, 1,340,696 —, preparation of, 1,340,696 Benzene arsinic acid, see Benzene arsonic acid Benzene arsonic acid, arsenobenzene made with, 1,425,930 —,arsenoso compounds made with, 1,425,930 —,see also Diphenyl-arsinic acid Benzeneazobenzene, see Azobenzene Benzeneazo-benzeneazo-2-naphthol, flotation process using, 1,364,305 Benzeneazo-a-naphthol, flotation by chalcocite . of, 1,364,305 —,—, chalcopyrite ot, 1,364,305 —,—, copper sulfide of, 1,364 305 —,—, minerals of, 1,364, 305 —,—, sulfide ores ‘of, 1,364,305 —,—, zinc-lead ores ‘of, 1,364 305 Benezéne-azo-naphthol, see (Phenylazo)- naphthol Benzeneazo-b-naphthol, flotation by chaleocite of, 1,364,305 —,—, chalcopyrite oi, —,—,copper sulfide of, 1,364,305 —,—, minerals of, 1.364,305 —,—, sulfide ores ot, 1,364,305 —,—, zinc-lead ores of, 1,864,305 Benzeneazo-a-naphthol hydrochloride, flotation by chalcocite of, 1,864,305 —,—, chalcopyrite of, 1,364,305 —,—,copper sulfide of, 1,864,305 1,364,305 —,—, minerals of, 1,364,305 —,sulfide ores of, 1,364,305 —,—, zinc-lead ores of, 1,364,805 Benzeneazo-a-naphthol sulfate, chaleocite of, 1,364,305 —. chaleopyrite of, 1,864,805 —, copper sulfide of, 1,364 305 —, minerals of, 1,264, 305 —, ’ sulfide ores of, 1,864,805 —,—, ’ zinc-lead ores of, 1,364, 305 Benzene-azo-1- naphthylamine, with, 1,452,083 —, mfr. of, dye for, 1,452,083 flotation by Bee TX: ’ bana dyestuff made SUBJECTS R47 Benzene-azo-a-naphthylamine, see Phenylazo-1- naphthylamine Benzene-azo-b-naphthylamine, see (Phenylazo)- 2-naphylamine Benzeneazo-phenol, flotation by, 1,364,305 —,—, chalcopyrite of, 1,364,305 —,—, copper sulfide of, 1,364,305 —,—, minerals of, 1,864,305 —,—, sulfide ores of, 1,364,305 —,—, zine-lead ores of, 1,364,305 —,see also (Phenylazo)-phenol Benzeneazophenol hydrochloride, chalcocite of, 1,364,305 —,—,chaleopyrite of, 1,364,305 —,—, copper sulfide of, 1,864,305 —,—, minerals of, 1,364,305 —,—, sulfide ores of, 1,864,305 —,—, zinc lead ores of, 1,364,305 Benzeneazophenol sulfate, flotation by, chalco- cite of, 1,364,305 —,—, chalcopyrite of, 1,364,305 —,—, copper sulfide of, 1,364,305 —,—, minerals of, 1,364,305 —,—,sulfide ores of, 1,364,305 —,—, zinc-lead ores of, 1,864,305 Benzene-azo-m- -phenylenediamine ride, dye soap contg., 1,861,811 Benzene-4-azo-toluene- -p-sulfonyl-a-naphthyla- mine, producing, 1,442,818 —, properties of, 1,442,818 Benzene-carbowilic acid, see Benzoic acid Benzene derivatives, dyestuff made 1,840,696 Benzenediazoamino-p-toluene, chalcocite of, 1,364,305 , chaleopy rite of, 1,364,305 —,—, copper sulfide of, 1 364, 305 —,—, minerals of, 1,364,305 —,—, sulfide ores of, 1,864,305 —,—, zine-lead ores of, 1,364,805 —, flotation process using, 1,853,305 Benzenediazoamino-p-toluene, hydrochloride, flotation by, chalcocite of, 1,364,305 —,—, chalcopyrite of, 1,864,305 —,—, copper sulfide of, 1,364 305 —,—, minerals of, 1,364, 305 —,—, sulfide ores of, 1,364, 305 —,—, ’ zinc-lead ores of, 1,364,305 Benzenediazoamino-p-toluene sulfate by, chal- cocite of, 1,864,305 _chaleopyrite of, 1,364,305 —,copper sulfide of, 1,364, 305 —, minerals of, 1,364, 305 —, , sulfides ores of, 1,364, 305 —,—, zinc-lead ores of, 1,364, 305 Benzene-diazonium chloride, 4-amino-1-(p- tolylsulfonamido)-naphthalene-2-sulfonic acid made with, 1,442,818 —, 4-amino-l- (p-tolylsulfonamido) -naphtha- lene-6-sulfonic acid made with, 1,442,818 —, 4-amino-l-(p- -tolylsulfonamido) -naphtha- lene-7-sulfonic acid made with, 1,442,818 —, 4-amino-l- (p-tolylsulfonamido) -naphtha- lene-8-sulfonic acid made with, 1,442,818 —, n-(4’-amino-l-naphthyl)-p-toluenesulfona- mide made with, 1,442,818 chalcocite of, flotation by, hydrochlo- with, flotation by, Pag eae rar) ray Ere) ) ra 748 Benzene-diazonium chloride, N.N’-bis(4-amino- 1-naphthyl)-n-benzene disulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N'-Bis(4-amino-1-naphthy]) -2.6-naphtha- lenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 . —, N.N’-Bis(4-amino-2-sulfo-1-naphthy])-m- benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,412,818 —, N.N'-Bis(2-amino-6-sulfo-1-naphthyl)-m- benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N’-Bis(4-amino-7-sulfo-1-naphthyl)-m- benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N'-Bis(4-amino-8-sulfo-1-naphthyl) -m- benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,418 —,naphthylenediamine derivatives prepared with, 1,442,818 Benzene-m-dicarboxylic acid, see Isophthalic acid Benzene-o-dicarboxylic acid, see Phthalic acid Benzene-p-dicarbozrylic acid, see Terephthalic acid a le tae oR A acid, see Isophthalic act o-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, see Phthalic acid o-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, see Terephthalic acid 1.2-Benzenediol, see Pyrocatechol 1.38-Benzenediol, see Resorcinol 1.4-Benzenediol, see Hydroquinol 4.4-(N.N'-m-Benzenedisulfonamido) -bis-1- naphthylamine, see N.N'-Bis(4-amino-1- naphthyl)-m-benzenedisulfonamide Benzene-disulfonic acid, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,279,295; 1,279,296: 1,301,360 —,—,benzene for, 1,210,725; 1,279,295; 1,279,296; 1,301,360 —,—,benzenesulfonic acid for, 1,301,360 —,—,benzenesulfonic ‘acid absent 1,301,785 —,—, process for, 1,279,295; 1,279,296; 1,301,860 1,210,726 ; from, —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,210,725; 1,210,726; 1,279,295: 1,279,296: 1,301,360 —,—,sulfuric acid, fuming, for, 1,210,725; 1,210,726 —,—,sulfurie acid removed from, 1,301,785 —,resorcinol made with, 1,207,798; 1,801,360; 1,406,745 —,sodium benzene-disulfonate 1,207,798 —, viscose precipitating bath contg., 1,464,805 m-Benzenedisulfonic acid, mfr. of, benzene for, 1,227 252 —,—, process for, 1,227,252 —,—,sodium bicarbonate for, 1,227,252 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,227,252 made with, —,sodium hydroxide for, 1,227,252 —,sodium sulfite for, 1,227,252 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,227,252 o-Benzenedisulfonic acid, mfr. of, benzene for, 1 227,252 —,—, process for, 1,227,252 —,—,sodium bicarbonate for, 1,227,252 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,227,252 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,227,252 —,—,sodium sulfite for, 1,226,252 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,227,252 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 p-Benzenedisulfonic acid, mfr. of, benzene for. Vi22/,202 —-,—, process for, 1,227,252 —,—,;sodium bicarbonate for, 1,227,252 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,227,252 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,227,252 —,—,sodium sulfite for, 1,227,252 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,227,252 Benzene-1.3-disulfonic chloride, benzene-1.3-di- sulfonyl-bis-1.4-naphthylamine from, 1,442,818 —., 1-benzene-3-disulfony]-bis-1.4-naphthylene- diamine-8-sulfonic acid from, 1,442,818 —,see also m-Benzenedisulfonyl chloride Benzene-1.3-disulfonyl-bis-a-nophthylamine, see N.N'Di-1-naphthyl-m-benzenedisulfonamide Benzene-1.3-disulfonyl-bis-1.4-naphthylamine, producing, 1,442,818 —,see also N.N’-Bis(4-amino-1-naphthyl)-m- benzenedisulfonamide 1-Benzene-3-disulfonyl-bis-1.4-naphthylene diamine-8-sulfonic acid, producing, 1,442,818 —,see also N.N’-Bis(4-amino-8-sulfo-1-naph- thyl)-m-benzene disulfonamide M-Benzenedisulfonyl chloride, _n.n'-Bis-(4- amino-1-naphthyl)-m-benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N'-Bis(4-amino-2-sulfo-1-naphthyl)-m- benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N'-Bis(4-amino-6-sulfo-1-naphthyl)-m- benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N'Bis(4-amino-7-sulfo-1-naphthyl) -m- benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N'-Bis(4-amino-8-sulfo-1-naphthy])-m- benzenedisulfonamide made with, 1,442,818 —, N.N'-di-1-naphthyl-m-benzenedisulfona- mide made with, 1,442,818 Benzene ethyl methyl sulfonamide, see N- Ethyl-N-methyl-benzenesulfonamide Benzenehexacarbozylic acid, see Mellitic acid Benzene hexachloride, see Hexachlor-benzene Benzene hydrocarbon, recovery from gas, kero- sene for, 1,336,893 —, separating, 1,348,606 Benzeneisotriazole, see 1.2.3-Benzotriazole Benzene light oils, see Benzene, crude Benzene methyl ethyl sulfonamide, see N- Ethyl-methyl-benzenesulfonamide Benzene mono-methyl sulfonamide, see N- Methyl benzenesulfonamide Benzene sodium sulfonate, benzoic acid mfr from, sodium cyanide and, 1,367,898 Benzenestearosulfonic acid, fat, hydrolyzed by, process for, 1,452,881 —, oil hydrolyzed by, process for, 1,452,881 Benzene sulfonic acid, cellulose aceto-nitrate made with, 1,168,164 —,dyestuff made with, 1,467,711 Benzenesulfochloride, see Benzenesulfonyl chloride Benzenesulfonamide, * 4-benzenesulfonam1ao-3- nitro-benzenearsonic acid made _ with, 1,163,496 —, 4-benzenesulfonamido-3.5-dinitro-benzene- arsonic acid made with, 1,163,496 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,188,356 —,cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1.353,384 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Benzenesulfonamide, cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,244,107; 1,244,108; 1,244,347; 1,244,348; 1,244,349 —, formation of from benzene sulfone chloride, 1,357,160 —,sodium salt of, stearyl-benzenesulfonamide made with, 1,143,499 4-Benzenesulfonamido-3. §-dinitrobenzene-1- arsine acid, see 4-Benzenesulfonamido-3 5- dinitro-benzenearsonic acid 4-Benzenesulfonamido-3.5-dinitro-benzene- arsonic acid, mfr. of, benzenesulfonamide for, 1,163,496 —,—, 4- ‘chlor-3.5-dinitro-benzenearsonic acid for, 1,163,496 —,—, process for, 1,163,496 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,163,496 4-Benzenesulfonamido-3-nitrobenzene-1-arsinic acid, see 4-Benzenesulfonamido-3-nitro-ben- zenearsonic acid 4-Benzenesulfonamido-3-nitro-benzenearsonic acid, mfr. of, benzenesulfonamide for, 1,163,496 —,—, 4-chlor-3-nitro-benzenearsonic acid for, 1,163,496 —,—,ether for, 1,163,496 —,—, process for, 1,163,496 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,163,496 Benzenesulfonates, rubber substitute with, 1,251,862; 1,251,863 Benzenesulfone chloride, ammonia, action of on, 1,357,160 —,benzene sulfonamide from ammonia and, 1,357,160 —, benzene sulfonic acid and hydrochloric acid from, 1,357,160 —,dry battery contg., 1,357,160 —,mfr. of, benzene monosulfonic acid for, 1,309,683 Benzene-sulfonic acid, acetaldehyde made with, 1,213,486; 1,213,487 —, benzenedisulfonic acid made with, 1,301,360; 1,301,785 —,calecium benzene-sulfonate 1,210,726; 1,301,360 ao, calcium: carbonate, action of on, 1,312,127 —, calcium sulfate made with, 1,312, 127 —, calcium sulfite, action of on, 1,312 127 —, cellulose acetate made with, 1,466 329 —, cellulose aceto-nitrate made with, 1 168,164 —,emulsion stabilizer, 1,444,844 —, ’ ether recovery with, 1,455, 707 —,ethylene absorbed with, 1,464, 153 —,ethylidene diacetate made with, 1,306,964 —, formation of, 1,466,991 — formation from benzene sulfone chloride, ~ 1,357,160 —,gum, artificial, made with, 1,225,749 —,lime-sulfur stabilized with, 1,422,977 —,mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,247,499; 1,279,295; made made with, 1,279,296 —,—,benzene for, 1,210,725; 1,210,726; 1212612; 1,213,142; 1,227,252;.. 1,247,499; 1,260,852; 1.800,228; 1,301,360; 1,301,909; 1,312,127; 1,503,937 —,—, continuous, 1,459,081 —,—,gas, inert, for, 1,503,937 749 Benzene-sulfonic acid, mfr. 1,247,499 —,—,process for, 1,210,725; 1,210,726; 1,212,612;.. 1,213,142; 1,227,252; 1,247,499; 1,260,852; 1,279,295; 1,279,296; 1,300,228; 1,301,860; 1,503,937 —,—, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,227,252 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1 297 252 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,227, 252 —,—,sodium sulfite for, 1 227 Doe —,—, ‘sulfuric acid for, 1 210, Teo lela, 1,212, 612; 1,213,142; 1,227,252; 1,247,499 ; 1,260,852: ; 1,300,228 ; 1,801,360; 1,301,909; 1,309,683; 1,812,127; 1,503,937 —,—,sulfuric acid, fuming, for, 1,210,725; 1,210,726; 1,212612; 1,247,499 —,—,sulfur trioxide for, 1,260,852 —,paint remover made with, 1,147,849 —,phenol made with, 1,179,415; 1,207,798; 1,210,726; 1,227,894; 1,245,353; 1,274,394; 1,274,961; 1,301,860; 1,301,909; 1,312,127; 1,430,184 —, phenol aldehyde condensate made _ with, 1,225,749 —, phenol source, 1,459,081 —, preparation of, 1,406,745 —, sodium benzene sulfonate made with, 1,179,415; 1,207,798: 1,210,726; 1,212,612; 1 ool, 360. —, sodium phenolate made with, 1,210,726 —,solvent for, benzene as, 1,212,612; 1,247,499 —,sulfuric acid, separation from of, benzene for, 1,229,593 —,—,—, lime for, 1,229 pes rae —, , varnish remover made with, ¢ —, viscose precipitating bath conte. —, viscose spinning bath contg., 1,387, 882 —, zine benzenesulfonate from, 1,301,909 Benzene mono-sulfonic acid, benzene sulfone chloride from, 1,309,683 —,benzoic acid from, 1,309,683 —, benzonitrile from, 1,309,683 —,magnesium benzene monosulfonate made with, 1,309,683 —, mfr. of, benzene for, 1,809,683 —,phenol made with, 1,308,757; 1,320,454 —, recovery of, process for, 1,809,683 —, sodium benzene mono- -sulfonate made with, 1 309,683 Benzene-m-sulfonic acid azo-a-naphthylamine, see m(4-Amino-1-naphthylazo) - benzenesul- fonic acid Benzene sulfonic acid hon phenols made with, process for, 1,274,961 Benzene sulfonic derivatives, zine sulfide pre- pared with, 1,448,077 Benzene sulfonyl chloride, battery, dry, made with, 1,357,160 —,—, primary, made with, 1,357,160 —,benzene methylethylsulfonamide prepared with, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 —, benzene mono-methyl sulfonamide prepared with, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 1,309,683 ; of, naphtha for, % Sh 10093 750 Benzene sulfonyl chloride, sulfonamides, alkyl, prepared with, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 —,o-toluene diethyl sulfonamide prepared with, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 —,p-toluene diethyl-sulfonamide with, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 —,o-toluene dimethyl sulfonamide prepared with, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 _—,p-toluene dimethyl sulfonamide prepared with, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 —,o-toluene methylethyl sulfonamide prepared with, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 —,p-toluene methylethyl sulfonamide prepared with, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 —,xylene diethyl sulfonamide prepared with, 1,454,959; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 — _xylene methyl ethyl sulfonamide prepared with, 1,454,959 ; 1,454,960; 1,454,961 Benzenesulfonyl- 1 A-naphthylenediamine, ducing, 1,442,818 Benzene tetracarbonic acid, (1.2.45), mellitic acid as-Benzenetricarboxylic acid s-Benzenetricarborylic acid, see Trimesic acid v(1.2.3)-Benzenetricarboxylic acid, see Hemi- mellitic acid 1.2.3-Benzenetricarboxylic acid, see Hemimelli- tic acid 1.2.4-Benzenetricarboxrylic acid, see Trimellitic act J neetle paalty rng acid, see Trimellitic act 135-Benzenetricarboxylic acid, act 1.23.Benzenetriol, see Pyrogallol 1.3.5-Benzenetriol, see Phloroglucinol Benzene vapors, recovery of, 1,437,980 Benzenyldioxytetrazole(?), alkali earth salt of, detonator made with, 1,511,771 —, alkali salt of, detonator made with, 1,511,771 — cadmium salt of, detonator made with, 1,511,771 —_, detonator made with, 1,511,771 —,lead salt of, detonator made with, 1,511,771 —, metal salt of, detonator made with, 1,511,771 —, silver salt of, detonator made with, 1,511,771 Benzenyl-tetrazolic acid, see C-Phenyl-tetrazole Benzenyl trichloride, see a-Trichlor-toluene prepared pro- see Pyro- acid, see Trimellitic see Trimesic Benzhydrol, see Benzohydrol; Diphenyl-car- binol Benzidam, see Aniline Benzidine, acetaldehyde, compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using 1,417 970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417 970 —,—, —, "rubber, ‘vulcanization ‘of using, 1,417 970 —,—-,—, rubber substitute, using, 1 ,417,970 —,—,— , vulcanization accelerator, 1,417,970 —, acetaldehyde condensate of, see Acetalde- hyde benzidine —,aniline black made 1,277,056; Re-14,824: 1,350,600 —;,behenic acid, compound of and, 1,475,477 vuleanization of with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Benzidine, carbon tetrachloride freezing point effected by, 1,292,743 —, catalyst, artificial resin foead with, 1,448,556 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1, 134 527 —, ’ color lake made with, 1,157 525 —,cotton seed oil, rancid, compound of and, 1 A75,477 —, derivatives of, celluloid substitute made with, 1 134,527 —,— _ dyestuff made with, 1,140,745 —, —, naphthylamine- disulfonie acids, conden- sation of and; 1,125,311 —,—,l1- naphthylamine-4, 8-disulfonic acid, con- densation of and, 1,125,311 —,— , naphthylamine- sulfonic acid, tion of and, 1,125,311 —, —, I- naphthylamine- sulfonic acid, condensa- tion of and, 1,125,311 —,— , -naphthylamine-2-sulfonic acid, conden- sation of and, 1,125,311 —,—, l- naphthylamine- hea acid, conden- sation of and, 1,125,3 —,— Seanphihglenic sae acid, conden- sation of and, 1,125,311 —,—, ther moplastic made with, 1,134,527 condensa- —_ | dyestuff made with, 1 126 489 - 1,126,656 ; I" 129,574; 1,129,575; 1 140, 745: 1,145,072: 1,160, ‘406: 1 199 697 : 1 202 821: 1,235,253; 1.243.170: Het | 277, 056: Re-14 824: 1,282,355 ; 1,282,356) Al 350 600: 1,440 833. —, fat, compound of and, 1,475 A77 — "fatty acid, compound of and, 1,475,477 —, fish oil, rancid, compound of ‘and, 1,475,477 —, garbage grease, ‘compound of and, 1 ‘ATS AT77 —, ink, printing, made with, 1,157 B25 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,159,257; 1,448 556 —, linoleic acid, compound of and, 1,475,477 —, molded article made with, 1,448,556 —,naphthazarin, condensation product of and, 1,202,821 —, naphthylamine-disulfonic acids, tion of and, 1,125,311 condensa- — , 1-naphthylamine-4, 8-disulfonie acids, con- densation of and, 1,125,311 — , naphthylamine-sulfonie acid, condensation of and, 1,125,311 — ’1-naphthylamine-sulfonic acid, condensation of and, 1,125,311 — , lnaphthylamine-2-sulfonic acid, condensa- tion of and, 1,125,311 — , l-naphthylamine-7-sulfonie acid, condensa- tion of and, 1,125,311 — , lnaphthylamine-8-sulfonic acid, condensa- tion of and, 1,125,311 —, nitrosamines ‘made with, 1,200,726 —, “oil, compound of and, 1 AT75. ATT —, oleic acid, compound of and, 1,475,477 —,—, —, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,475 AT7 —_—,—, —, —, hydrochloric acid for, 1,475,477 —,—,—,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1 475,477 ,—,—, —, process for, 1,475,477 —, sodium chloride for, 1,475,477 —,—,—,—, ’ sodium hydroxide for, 1 AT5 AT7 — paint made with, 1,157,525 —, palmitic acid, compound of and, 1,475,477 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Benzidine, phenol ketone condensate made with, 1,448,556 —, photography, color, using, 1,279,248 —, pigment made with, 1,157,525 —, preparation from hydrazobenzene, 1,405,732 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,448,556 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258 —,stearic acid, compound of and, 1,475,477 —, sulfur, action of on, 1,440,833 —,tetrazo-biphenyl chloride made _ with, 1,235,253 —,tetrazotized, nitrosamines made with, 1,200,726 —, thermoplastic made with, 1,134,527 —, varnish made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258 —.vuleanization accelerators made with, 1,417,970 —, whale oil, rancid, compound of and, 1,475,477 —,zine oxide from preparation of, purifying, 1,426,349 Benzidine, see also Di-p-amino-diphenyl Benzidine-o.o-dimercaptan, see o.o'-Dimer- capto--benzidine Benzidine disulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,264,604 Benzidine-m-disulfonic with, 1,264,604 Benzidine-m.m'-disulfonic acid, compound made with, 1,218,656 —,thioureas made with, 1,218,656 —, ureas made with, 1,218,656 Benzidine perchlorate, explosive contg., 1,457,709 —, preparation of, 1,457,709 Benzidine sulfonic acid, 1,351,888 —,dyestuff made with, 1,123,263 —, therapeutic compound made with, 1,218,656 —,thioureas made with, 1,218,656 —,ureas made with, 1,218,656 Benzil, dyestuff made with, 1,216,921 Benzin, raw, see Benzene acid, dyestuff made therapeutic carbamides from, Benzine, abrasive, binder for made with, 1,468,960 —,abrasive belt, waterproof, made with, 1,484,759 —,abrasive discs, waterproof, made _ with, 1,484,759 —,abrasive fabric made with, 1,141,371 —,abrasive paper, waterproof, made with, 1,484,759 —,abrasive wheel, waterproof, made with, 1,484,759 —,adhesive made with, 1,510,591 —,agar-agar, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —,air, explosive mixtures of and, 1,143,623 —,airplane dope contg., 1,320,290; 1,329,386; 1,393,355 —,albumen, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —,alcohol, solidified, made with, 1,208,265; 1,277,149 —,aluminum, fabric coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, insulation, 1,187,986 electric, made for using, TOL Benzine, aluminum, paper, tissue, coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, paper coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, silk coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,—, wood coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —,aluminum alloy, insulation, electric, made for using, 1,137,986 —,aluminum cork coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —, aluminum foil 1,178,868 ; 1,225,044 —,aluminum powder, protecting coatings of using, 1,181,889 —,ammonia made with, 1,251,954 —,ammonium compound made with, 1,251,954 —,amyl acetate made with, 1,197,019 —,amyl benzoate made with, 1,197,019 —,amyl butyrate made with, 1,197,019 —,amyl cellulose non-solvent, 1,504,178 —,amyl formate made with, 1,197,019 —,amyl propionate made with, 1,197,019 —,anthracene washed with, 1,419,186 —,arsenical solution contg., 1,456,509 —,asphalt paint contg., 1,447,782 —, automobile top lining treated with, 1,412,014 —,balata solvent, 1,312,452 —, battery, storage, container for, made with, 1,447,782 —, beeswax, yellow, solvent, 1,124,114 —,belt, woven, impregnated with, 1,310,867 —, benzyl cellulose non-solvent, 1,504,178 —, binder made with, 1,189,549 —,blood, gelatin, emulsion of and, globular particles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —, board made with, 1,245,984 —, boiler compound made with, 1,182,947 —,brake lining made with, 1,414,378 —, brass powder, coating, protection of, using, 1,181,889 —, breech block, gas check pad for, made with, 1,229,662 —,brom-ethylene made with, 1,425,130 —, bronze powder, protecting coatings of, using, 1,181,889 —, bronze powder varnish made with, 1,157,768 —, building material made with, 1,218,217 —, 1.3-butadiene made with, 1,436,819 —, butyl cellulose non-solvent, 1,504,178 —, n-butyl-b-diethylamino-ethyl-p-aminoben- zoate hydrochloride dissolved by, 1,334,642 —, carbon remover contg., 1,372,639 —,carragheen moss, colloidal, made 1,392,849 —,cartridge shell, paper, made with, 1,135,356 —,casein, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —,—,treatment of, using, 1,209,539 —,casein product made with, 1,375,624 —, catalyst, nickel monoxide, regenerated with, 1,326,122 —, —, nickel 1,326,122 —,cattle food made with, 1,147,768 —,celluloid, paint for, made using, 1,249,390 —,celluloid substitute made with, 1,245,976; 1,245,983, 1,245,984; 1,427,645 —,cellulose acetate, colloidal, 1,392,849 made with, with, suboxide, regenerated — with, made with, Td2 Benzine, cellulose acetate insoluble in, 1,330,543 —,cellulose acetate precipitated by, 1,330,543 —, cellulose acetate precipitated from solution using, 1,175,791 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Benzine, desulfurizing of, aluminum hydroxide for, 1,457 656 —,—, bauxite for, 1,457,656 —,—, floridin for, 1,457,656 —, cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,160,979; SN —,iron hydroxide for, 1,457,656 1 310,841 , process for, 1,515, 733 —, cellulose ester, colloidal, made with, Qo) see also Benzine, refining of 1,392,849 y —, detergent made with, 1,165,498 —, cellulose ester dispersed by, 1,392,849 «” —, detonator made with, 1,211, 721 —,cellulose ether non-solvent, 1,504,178 =, dextrin, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —, -, cellulose nitrate, colloidal, made wath, tes , diaphragm, sound reproducing, made with, 1 092,849 4 1 ,289,007 se, pollo: nitrate lacquer contg., —, die, metallic, made with, 1,157,493 —,cellulose nitrate solvent contg., 1,152,625: 1S , distilling apparatus for, 1,372 880 1,158,265; 1,160,979; 1,196,144: 1.267.445: —, distilling dirty, process of, 1,414,465 1,329,386; 1,341,710; 1,355,976; 1,356,440; %— egg, gelatin, emulsion of and, globular par- 1,398,525; 1,489,293 ~@ ticles of, made with, 1,201, 132: 1,201,133 —, cellulose nitrate solvent made with, 1,148 258 y — electrical _inswlation contg., 1, 255, 139 —, cellulose xanthate made with, 1,251 237 s —,electric light bulb colored with, 1,259,505 —, cement made with, 1,276,221 ya ,electrotype plate matrix made with, —, cement, paint for, made with, 1,179,413 1,222,138 —,cereal, proteid extracted. from with, —,elemi solvent, 1,267,445 1,321 479; 1,321,480 —,enamel made with, 1,242,161; 1,452,219 —, ceresin made with, 1,178,532 —, chain made with, 1, 175 941 —, chlor-ethylene made with, 1,425,130 —, chlorination of, process for, 1,148.258 — cigarette tip made with, 1 153 78 —,cleaner _contg., 1,239 416: 1,473,620 —,cleaning with, 1,455,350 —, cloth stain contg., 1,412 014 —,clutch facing made with, 1,270,559 —, coating, acid- proof, made ‘with, 1 185,722 —, coating composition made with, 1,179 ,413; 1 185,722; 1,189 549; 1 189,550; 1 ‘189, 551: 1 400 041 —, coffee extract made with, 1,175,490 —,colored leaf made with, 1,158, 265 —. color lake insoluble in, 1,434, 619 —,concrete, coating composition for, with, 1 189, 550; 1,189,551; 1,400,041 —,—, paint for, “made ‘with, 1,179, 413 —, concrete coating contg., 1,400, 041 —, concrete floor, treatment of, using, 1,246,827 —, concrete surfaced using, 1,515, 121 —, container made with, 1,355, 976 —, container, fiber board, made with, 1,512,729 —, copper powder protecting coating of using, 1,181,889 —,cork, . aluminum 1 376,737 —,— gold coated, made with, 1,376,737 —,—,lead coated, made with, 1,376, 737 TS, metal coated, made with, 1,376,737 —,zine coated, made with, 1,376,737 —, ’ cork article, artificial, made with, 1,131,860 —,corn, proteid extracted from with, 1,321,479; 1,321,480 —,coumarone resins dissolved by, 1,383,268 —, coumarone resin solvent, 1,157,768 —,cutlery polishing mixture conte. ., 1,422,707 —, de-coloring of, process for, 1,515,733 —,—, see also Benzine, refining of —, ’ de- -odorizing of, process for, 1 915,733 1,319,475; made coated, made _ with, 1,435,824 ; —,enamel remover made with, 1,381,485 —, envelope, adhesive for, made with, 1,198,099 —,etching, film, photographic, treatment of for, made with, 1,256,981 —, etching resist made with, 1,149,738 —,ethyl céllulose non-solvent, 1,504,178 —, explosive made with, 1,211,721 —,fabric, acid-proof, made with, 1,233,334 —,—,alkali-proof, made with, 1,233,334 —,—,aluminum coated, made with, 1,376,737 —, coating for, contg., 1,165,222; 1,277, 695 — gold coated, made with, 1,376, 737 — . grease-proof, made with, 1,233, 334 —,lead coated, made with, 1,376,737 —,—, metal coated, made with, 1,376,737 —,soil-proof, made with, 1,277,695 —, waterproof, made with, 1,283,334; 1,240,345 —,—, zine coated, made with, 1,376,737 —,fabric fireproofed with, 1,261,736 —, fabrics scoured with, 1,435,864 —,fat made with, 1,147,768; 1,147,770 —,fat, emulsion of, made with, 1,230,599 —,fat extracted from casein by mixture of alcohol and, 1,375,624 —,fat, solvent contg., 1,156,119; 1,405,902; 1,464,557 —, fiber rubber coated, made with, 1,482,336 —, fiber board box made with, 1,512,729 —,filament, artificial, viscose, made with, 1,251,237 —, filler, wood made with, 1,316,674 —, film, motion picture, blemished, restorative for contg., 1,139,681; 1,192,424 —,—,—, renovating of, using, 1,203,548 —,—, photographic, varying porosity of, made with, 1,256,981 — , filtering of, apparatus for, 1,828,044 av 3 I | 4 J —,finish remover made with, 1,140,449 ; 1,147 851; 1,147,852; 1,167, 640: 1,167,641; 1.172.773 —,fire-proofing contg., 1,123,401; 1,261,736 —, fireproofing composition contg., 1,310,841 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 753 Benzine, floor, composition, treating of with Benzine, hydrocarbon, separation from of, appa- composition contg., 1,282,706 ratus for, 1,202,969 —,floor covering made. with, 1,245,984; —,—,—, process for, 1,202,969 1,482,336; 1,508,899; 1,508,900 soars sa SLEAID LOM, 1,202 969 —, flour, gelatin, emulsion of and, globular par- —, ink, printing, paper, removal from of, using, ticles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 ~ 1249 075 —,fluor-ethylene made with, 1,425,130 —,-- , rotogravure, contg., 1,447,734 —,food made with, 1,260,656 — insecticide contg., 1,456 09 —,food product, gelatinous, globular particles —, insulating material made by aid of, 1,386,008 of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1 ,123 401; —, fuel, liquid, made with, 1 495, 005; 1,519,905 1 245,976; 1,245 980; 1,245,981; 1 45 934 ; —, gas ‘mantle made with, 1 123, 869. 1,248 (447 : 1,255 139: 1 ‘448 065) 9] ‘492, 155. —, gelatin, blood, emulsion of and, globular —,—, heat, made with, 1,123 401; 1,344 324 particles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —, ‘ iodo- ethylene made with, 1,425, 130 —,—, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 — ; Japan oil, Sipes’ contg., 1 319 286 ,egg, emulsion of and, globular particles —,lacquer made with, 1,185 514; 1,195,678 ; of, made with, 1,201,132; ie 201,133 i 245,981; 1,245,982; L 427,645 —,—, flour, emulsion of and, globular particles — , lacquer - remover made with, 1,381,485 of, ’ made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —, lactic acid made with, 1,147 768: 1 147 770 —,—,globular particles of, made with, — ‘lead, cork coated with, made with, 1,376, 737 1.201132 1,201,133 —, —, fabric coated with, made with, 1,376, 737 —,—, medicine, emulsion of and, globular par- —,—, paper, tissue, coated with, made ‘with, ticles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 1,376,73 37 —,—,milk, emulsion of and, globular par- —,—,paper coated with, made with, 1,376.737 ticles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —,—,silk coated with, made with, 1,376 737 —,—, salts, emulsions of and, globular par- —,—,wood coated with, 1,376,737 ticles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —,leather made with, 1.200, 146 —,—,sugar, emulsion of and, elobular par- -—,leather, artificial, made with, 1,245,977; ticles of, made with, 1,201,182; 1,201,133 1 427 645; 1,508 899: 1,508,900 —., glass, metal, joining of and, using, 1 ‘167, fic pele viscose, made with, 1,251,237 ae, paint for. made with, 1,249, 390 —,—, chrome, treatment of with, 1 Ais 988 “gloss oil” contg., 1,307, 805 —,—, cleaning of, using, 1,244 062 —, Bete iacos made with, 1, 185, 262 —,—, coating of, made with, 1,165,222 —,glue made with, 1 176, 644 —,—, dyeing of using, 1,183 829 La animal, globular particles of, made -—,—, finishing of, using, 1,234 494 with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —, patent, “made with, 1,175,791 —;—, colloidal, ‘made with, 1,392,849 —,—, treating of using at 183 829 — glycerol made with, 1,147, 768: 1,147,770 —,—, waterproofing of, using, 1,244,062 —, gold, cork coated with, made with, 1 376, CY Mies leather degreasing with, 1,290 073 i, fabric, coating of, using, 1,376, 737 —, ’ leather dressing contg., 1,329 968; 1,338,286 —;—, paper coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —jleather paint contg., 1.346.846 —,—, paper, tissue, coated with, made using, —, ’ leather preservative contg., 1,390,537 1,376,73 —,leather roller treating composition contg., —,—, silk coated with, made using, 1,376,737 1,403,944 —,—, ‘wood coated with, made with, 1,376. moe —,leather substitute made with, 1,175,791; — gold leaf made with, 1,267,445 1,482,336 —, gold leaf, applied to cloth using, 1,124,114 —,lecithin solvent, 1,464,557 —,— , applied to fabric using, 1,124, 114 —,legume, proteid extracted from _ with, —,—, applied to leather using, i 124, 114 1,321,479; 1,321,480 —,—,applied to paper using, 1,124,114 —,light transforming composition made with, —,—, imitation, made with, 1,158,265 ; 1,196,144 1,160,979; 1,201,758; 1,387,068 oy linoleum substitute made with, 1,245,978; —,—, paper, attaching to of, using, 1,374,492 1,245, 984; 1,427,645 —,grease, separation from ‘of, apparatus for, —, linseed oil "substitute made with, 1,432,110 1,202,969 — ’ liquids cooled with, 1,435,142 —,—,—, process for, 1,202,969 —, lubricating oil made with, 1,211,721 —,—,—, steam for, 1 202, 969 —, lubricating oil, separation from of, apparatus —, gum, ‘colloidal, made with, 1 ,392,849 «for! 1,202 969 —,gum arabic solvent, 1,458, 308 —,—,—, process for, 1,202,969 —,gum solvent contg., 1,156,119 —,—,—,steam for, 1,202,969 —, gutta percha solvent, 1,312,452 —,machine oil, emulsion of, made _ using, —,hair cloth treated with, 1,484,669 1,230,599 —, hat, straw, filler for, made with, 1,213,435 —, mfr. of, alkyl chloride for, 1,825,299 —, ’ heater, chemical, made with, 1.506, 329 —,—, alum for, 1,274,913 — hemoglobin, colloidal, made with, 1,392 849 as —, aluminum for, 1,825,299 —, hydrocarbon, diolefin, made with, 1 436, 819 —,—,aluminum chloride’ for, 1,274,913; —,—, liquid, made with, 1,251,954 1,325,299 48 754 Benzine, mfr. of, aluminum chloride-hydrocar- bon compound for, 1,825,299 —,aluminum halide for, 1,825,299 —,—, "aluminum halide-hydrocarbon compound ee 1,825,299 — aluminum salt for, 1,274,913 —, ‘aluminum sulfate for, 1,274 913 —, " ammonia for, 1,221,698 —,—,ammonium sulfide as 1,221,698 —,—,apparatus for, 1,208,378; 1,221,698; 1,844,671; 1,495,563 —,—, benzene for, 1,325 ,299 —, , carbon monoxide for, 1,344,671 —,—, cerium oxide as catalyst for, 1,205,578 — ’ chalcopyrite as catalyst for, 1,221 ,698 —,clay, porous, as catalyst for, 1,221 698 —,—, cobalt as catalyst for, 1,221 698 —, copper sulfide as catalyst for, 1,221,698 —, cracking process for, 1,205 B78: 1,208,214; 1,208, 378; 1,221,698; i 274 913; 1 324 212: 1324213511 325 299; 1 344 671. ect apparatus for, 1,820,726; 1,820,727 —, fuel oil for, 1,264. 668 — fuller’ s earth for, 1,221,698 —,—, gas oil for, 1,205 578: 1,208,214; 1,208,378; 1,825,299 —,—,gas oil, Galician, for, 1,344,671 —,—,hvdrocarbon for, 1,205,578; 1,325,299; 1,844,671 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,325,299 —,—,hydrogen for, 1,221,698; 1,344,671 —_, hydrogen sulfide as catalyst for, 1,221,698 —, illuminating gas for, 1,221,698 —,—, iron chloride for, 1 325, 299 —-,—, iron oxide as catalyst for, 1,205,578 —, Iron sulfide as catalyst for, 1,221 698 ‘iron by hydrogen” as catalyst for, 1,221, 698 —,—, kerosene 1,208,214; 1,208,378; pies Septet for, 1,825,299 —,—,lead oxide as catalyst for, 1,205,578 —, lubricating oil for, 1,208, 914: 1,208, 378 —,mercury(ic) chloride for, 1 B25 299 —, metal hydroxide for, 1,344 671 —,—, ‘metal oxide for, 1,344 67 1 —, metal oxide as catalyst for, 1,205,578 —,—, ‘ methane for, 1,344,671 —, naphthalene for, 1,125,422 —,—, nickel as catalyst ‘for, 1,221,698 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,344,671 —,—, oil, mineral, for, 1,264,668; 1,325,299 — palladium as catalyst for, 1,221 ,698 —, paraffin for, 1,208,214; 1 208, 378 Asi — catalyst for, 1,205,578 ; 1,264,668 ; 1,208,214; 1,274,913; ew rn ey a wf —_— 1,221,698 ; 1,274,918; TESS Sa for, —,—, petroleum for, 1 205 B78; 1,208,214; 1,208, 378;. 1,221,698; 1,274,913 ; 1,325,299; 1,344,671 —,—, petroleum, Illinois crude, for, 1,125,422 —,—, —, Lime crude, for, 1 125, 422 —,—,— ’ Pennsylvania crude, for, 1,125,422 —,—, platinum, spongv, as catalyst 1,221,698 for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Benzine, mfr. of; process for, 1,125,422; 1,205,578; 1,208,214; 1,208,378; 1,221,698; 1,264,668; 1,804,125; 1,844,671; 1,428,311; 1,428,312; 1,495,563 ——, yrite as catalyst for, 1,221,698 —,—, pyrolusite as catalyst for, 1,205 78 —,—,sodium sulfide as catalyst ‘for, 1,221,698 —_—,—, ’ steam for, 1,221,698 —,—,sulfide ore as catalyst for, 1,221,698 —,—, "sulfur as catalyst for, 1, 221 698 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,221 698 —,—, vanadium chloride for, 1,325,299 —,—, water for, 1,274,913 —,—, water gas for, 1,221, 698 —,—, zine dust as catalyst for, 1,221,698 —, meal, colloidal, made with, 1,392, 849 —_, ’ medicine, gelatin, emulsion of and, globu- lar particles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —,—, gelatinous, globular particles of, made with, 1,201,182; 1,201,133 —, metal, coating of, made with, 1,165,222 —,—,cork coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —, fabric coated with, made using, 1,376,737 —, glass, joining of and using, 1,167, 798 —, paint for, made with, 1,249, 390 —,—, paper coated with, made with, 1,376,737 —) paper, tissue, coated with, made with, 1376.73 730 —,—, por folate joining of and, using, 1,167,798 —, —, silk coated with, made with, 1,376, 737 —,—, wood coated with, made with, 1, 376 for —,metal coated with, composition contg., 1 169,931 —, metal leaf made with, 1,160 979; 1,267,445 —, metal leaf, applied to cloth using, 1 124, 114 —,— applied to fabric using, 1,124 114 —, applied to leather using, 1,124, 114 —,—, applied to paper using, 1 124, 114 —, imitation, made with, 1,387, 068 —, protecting coatings of using, 1,181, 889 , MN powder, protecting coatings of using, 1, 181,889 — methy] cellulose non-solvent, 1,504,178 — milk, gelatin, emulsion of and, globular par- ticles of, made with, 1,201, 132: 1,201,133 —, molded _ article made with, A; 175 oa 1 427,645; 1,448,556 —, Montan wax extracted with, 1,437,775 —, mother-of-pearl, imitation, made with, 1 851,529 —,motor fuel contg., 1,444,341 —,mucilage made with, 1,198 099 —, naphtha, emulsion of, made with, 1,230,599 —,naphthalene solvent, fe 182,947 —,natural gas, separation from of, apparatus for, 1,189,711 _—,—,—, process for, 1,189,711 —, ’ nickel monoxide, “catalyst regenerated with, 1 326,122 —, nickel suboxide, catalyst regenerated with, 1 026,122 —, nicotine made with, 1,123,522 —, ’ nicotine solvent, 1,123,522 —,ocotille gum made with, 1,262,990 —, ocotille gum solvent, 1 O54 632 —, oil made with, 1,185, 262 Le See INDEX OF Benzine, oil, animal, separation from of, appa- ratus for, 1 ,202 969 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,202,969 —,—,—,—, steam for, 1 202 969 —,—, mineral, emulsion of, made with, 1 230 599 —.— , vegetable, separation from of, apparatus for, 1,202,969 »—,—,—, process for, 1,202,969 —,steam for, 1,202, 969 —, St ‘cloth substitute made with, 1,175,791 —, oil extracted from soya beans with, 1 427 645 —,oil extraction with, 1,454,419 —, oil solvent contg., 1,156 119 —, "oil vulcanized in, 1,430, 034 —,packing made with, 1,210,573 —,packing, leather, made with, 1,179,185 —, paint contg., 1,260,012; 1,317,469; 1,370,575; 1 074,161 ; 1 ‘402 000; 1,411,971; 1,428,152 — paint made with, 1,123,401; 1,145,782; ry 156,119; 1,165,222; 1,179,418; 1,189,549; 1,211,346: 1.226889: 1.227071: 1242,161: 1,342,497: Hema 381 ‘274: 1,432,110; 1,436,736; 1,451,092; 1 513 865 —, paint, anti-fouling, made with, 1,200,162; 1,456,509 —,—, concrete, made with, 1,383,268 —,—, fireproof, contg. , 1444 051 —,—, flat, made with, 1,173 183 —,—, waterproof, conte.., 1 444 051 —,paint brush cleaner made with, 1,280,162 —,paint oil made with, 1,417,103; 1,432, 110 —,paint remover made with, 1 130 499; 1,143,110; 1,143,111; 1,147,848: 1,147,849: 1,156,119; 1,189,803; 1,189,804; 1,280,162; ' 1,881,485; 1,483,587 —, paint remover contg., furfural and, 1,381,485 —, paper, acid-proof, made with, 1,233 334 —,—,adhesive, made with, 1, 198 ,099 —, — alkali-proof, made with, 1,233 o04 —,—,alyminum coated, made with, 1,376,737 —,—,gold coated, made with, 1,376, 137 —, gold leaf, attaching of to, using, 1,374,492 —, grease-proof, made with, 1,233, 334 —, * paper, ink, printing, removal of from, using, 1,249,575 —,lead coated, made with, 1,376,737 —,—,metal coated, made using, 1,376,737 mers —,—, ’ parchment, rubberized, made _ with, 1,506 17 —,—, tissue, aluminum coated made _ with, 1,376,737 —,—,—,gold coated, made with, 1,376,737 —,—,—,lead coated, made with, 1 ‘376, "137 —,—,—, ‘metal coated, made with, 1 376, 737 —,—,—, zine coated, made with, 1 376, 737 —,—, watermarked, imitation, made with, 1,479,337 —,—, waterproof, made with, 1,223,334 —,—,waterproofing of, using, 1,135,356; 1,204,149 —,—,wax recovery of from with, 1,284,647 —,—, zine coated, made with, 1,376,737 —, paper impregnated with composition contg., 1,289,007 —, paper tube made with, 1,135,356 —,paracoumarone solvent, 1,133,432; 1,492,155 SUBJECTS To Benzine, paraffin, emulsion of, made with, 1,230,599 —., paraffin recovered from waxed paper by, 1,431,553 —, paraffin solvent, 1,423,256 —, paste made with, 1 198 ,099 —, phenols made with, 1 251, 954 —, phenol aldehyde condensate, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 | —, phenol aldehyde condensate resin made with, 1,205,081 —, phenol aldehyde condensate resin solvent, 1,205,081 —, phenol aldehyde condensate solvent, 1,191,390 —,phenol ketone condensate made with, 1,448,556 —, photoengraving process for, 1,285,015 —, picture, film, photographic, treatment of for, made with, 1,256,981 —, plastic made with, 1,175,791; 1,189,549; 1,245,981; 1,245,984; 1 276 221 —, plate, die-, made with, 1,157 5493 —,—, photographic, made with, 1,285,015 —,polish made with, 1 239, 416; 1,289,103; 13319475: 1 329,968; 1 390 691; 1,397,102 ; 1,515,870 —,Pontianak resin, composition of and, 1,179,413 —, Pontianak resin solvent, 1,189,550 —,porcelain, metal, joining of and, using, 1,167,798 —,primer made with, 1,133,432 —, printers blanket made with, 1,148 381 —, printing blocks prepared with, 1 412 093 —, printing plate made with, 1 496,268 —, printing plate, halftone, made with, 1,507,049 —, printing plate matrix made with, 1,382 713 —, propyl cellulose non-solvent, 1 504 178 —,1so-propy] cellulose non-solvent, 1 504 178 — proteid, vegetable, made with, 1,275 308 —, proteid product made with, 1 ‘245 981 —, protein, colloidal, made with, 1 392, 849 —, record disk made with, 1,315, 187 —,record, sound reproducing, resurfacing of, using, " 378,344 —, recovery of, process for, 1,371,546; 1,881,002; 1 913,153 —,recovery of vapors of, process for, 1,452,778 —,recovery from rubber goods mfr., 1,426,949 —,refining of, alcohol for, 1,515,733 —,—, aluminum silicates for, 1,515 Wes) — analcite for; 1,515,733 —,—, antimony compound for, 1,515,733 —, bentonite for, 1,515,733 —,—, borromite for, 1,515,733 —, chabazite for, 1,515,733 —,—,clay for, 1,515,733 —,—, copper aluminum silicate for, 1,515,733 —,—, copper compound for, 1,515 733 —, copper silicate alumina cel for, 1,515,733 —,—, fuller’s earth for, 1,515,733 —,—, glycerol for, 1,515,783 —,—, glycol for, 1,515,733 —,—, green’ sand for, 1,515,733 —,—,heulandite for, 1,515,733 —,—, hormatone for, 1,515,733 756 Benzine, iron compound for, £915;733 —,—,laumontite for, 1,515,733 —,lead acetate for, 1,515,733 —, lead compound for, 1,515,733 —,—, Manganese compound for, 1,515,733 —,natrolite for, 1,515,733 —, —, permutite for, 1,515 WES) —,—, phillipsite for, 1,515, 733 —,—, process for, 1,515, 733 —, —; pyrophyllite for, 1,515,733 —,—, refinite for, 1,515,733 —,—,scolecite for, 1,515,733 —,—, sodium aluminum silicate for, 1,515,733 refining of, —,—,sodium plumbite for, 1,515,733 —,—, stilbite for, 1,515,733 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,515,733 —,—, thomsonite for, 1,515,733 —,—, water for, 1,515,733 —,—, zeolites for, 1,515,733 —, zinc compound for, 1515, foo —,—,see also Benzine, decolorizing of; Ben- zine, de-odorizing of; Benzine, de-sulfurizing of —,resins made with, 1,198,990; 1,211,721 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,448,556 —,—, emulsion of, made with, 1,230,599 —,—,solvent for, made with, 1,156,119 —,resin oil solvent, 1,204,149 —,road paving mae with, 1,211,721 —,roofing made with, 1,157,664; 1,211,721; 1,374,885 —,rosin solvent, 1,289,007 —,rubber, artificial, made with, 1,289,444 —,—, devuleanizing of with, 1,322,152 —,—, fiber coated with, made with, 1,482,336 —,—, ‘hard, substitute, made with, 1,315,137 —,—, reclaiming of using, 1,243, 623 —,—, vulcanization of, using. 1,238,236 —, ‘rubber article made with, 1 242 189 —, ’ rubber cement made with, i 182 ,669 —, rubber latex coagulated by, 1,492 ,027 _—, * rubber patching material contg., 1 390,196 —,rubber solvent, 1,812,452; 1,411,786; 1,436,736; 1,441,655; 1,482,336 1,167,195 ; —,rubber substitute made with, 1,151,948; 1,159,258; 1,175,791; 1,245,976; 1,245,979; 1,245,984; 1,427,645 —, rubber varnish made with, 1,148,381 —,rustproofing using, 1,441,605 —, salts, gelatin, emulsion of and, globular par- ticules of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —, © saltpeter rot,” varnish i impervious to, made with, 1,133,432 —,sand-paper made with, 1,141,371; 1,468,960 —, screen, motion picture, made with, 1,151,502 —,shellac substitute made with, 1,315,137; 1,326,917 —, shingle, artificial, made with, 1,218,217 —, shoe polish, white, made with, 1,249,742 —,shoe sole made with, 1,173,988 —,silk, aluminum coated, made with, 1,376,737 —,—,artificial, cellulose acetate, sizing of, using, 1,506,052 —,—,—,cellulose ester, sizing of, using, 1,506,052, : UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Benzine, silk, artificial, cellulose ether, sizing of. using, 1,506,052 —,—,—, cellulose nitrate, made with, 1,398,525 —,—,—,cuprammonium, sizing - of, using, 1 506 052 —,—,—, sizing of using, 1,506,052 ~—,—,—, viscose, sizing of using, 1,506,052 —,—, gold coated, made with, 1,376, 737 —,—,Jead coated, made with, 1,376 137 —,—, metal coated, made with, 1,376, 737 —,—, zine coated, made with, 1 376 137 —, ’ silver leaf, applied to cloth using, 1,124,114 —,— -applied to fabric using, 1,124,114 -—,—, applied to leather using, i, 124, 114 —,—,applied to paper using, 1,124, 114 —,—, Imitation, made with, 1,387 068 — ' sizing composition conte., 1,299 663 —,sludge sulfonic acid, treatment of with, 1 211,721 —,soaps, insoluble, dissolved by, 1,428,258 —,sodium bicarbonate treatment with of, 1,817,582 —,sodium carbonate treatment with of, 1,317,582 . —,sodium hydroxide treatment with of, 1 317,582 soya bean, proteid extracted from with, 7 821,479; 1 321 480 —, Sponge rubber made with, 1,422,884 —,stain, wood, made with, 1,316,674 —, starch, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —,stencil made with, 1,168,223; 1,215,098; 1 231,554 —, stone, artificial, made with, 1,344, 324 —, succinic acid made with, 1 147 768 ; 1,147,770 —,sugar, gelatin, emulsion of and, globular particles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —, sulfuric acid made with, 1,211,721 —,sulfuric acid, fuming, treatment with of, 1,317,582 —,—, treatment with of, 1,317,582 —, sulfur solvent, 1,322,152 —,sunflower oil, emulsion of, 1,230,599 —,thyroid product made with, 1,392,767 —, tin, electrodeposition of made with, 1,149,738 —,tin powder, protecting coatings of using, 1,181,889 —, tile made with, 1,245,984 —, tire, coating of with composition contg., 1,182,669 —, tragacanth, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —,transfer metallic product made _ with, 1,444,345 —,tube made with, 1,175,791 —,turpentine made with, 1,198,990 —,turpentine solvent, 1,204,149 —,vanillin made with, 1,418,904 —, vanillin solvent, 1,418,904 —,vapors of, recovery, process for, 1,452,778 —, varnish contg., 1,307,805; 1,411,050; 1,458,493 made with, —,varnish made with, 1,133,432; 1,156,119; 1,159,258; 1,191,890; 1,195,673; 1,226,760; 1,242,161; 1,280,861; 1,826,917; 1,427,645; 1,432,110; 1,486,820; 1,488,274 —, varnish, rosin, made with, 1,179,413 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Benzine, varnish remover made with, 1,130,499; 1,143,110; 1,143,111; 1,147,848; | 1,147,849; 1,156,119; 1,189,803; 1,280,162; 1,381,485; 1,483,587 —, varnish substitute made with, 1,315,137 — vinyl halides prepared with, 1,425 130 —, viscose made with, 1,251,237 —, ’ wall covering made with, 1,482,336 — ' wall paper made with, 1 175 791 — ‘ washing medium contg., 1 395 902 —, water paint contg., 1,423,256 —, waterproofing made with, 1,123,401; 1,135,356; 1,204,149; 1,231,687; 1,240,345; 1,326,917; 1,416,852; 1,417,103; 1,441,605 —, waterproofing composition. contg., 1,441,605 —, waterproofing solution contg., 1,417,103 —, wax, emulsion of, made with, 1,230,599 —,wax solvent, 1,172,773; 1,327,378 ~ wood, aluminum coated, made with, 1,376,737 —.— , coating of, made with, 1,165 222 —,—, gold coated, made with, 1,376 ad —,—, lead coated, made with, 1,376, WEY —,—, metal coated, made with, 1,376 or —,—, paint for, made with, 1,249 390 —, , wood, preservative for, contg.., 1,456,509 —,—, zinc coated, made with, 1 376, 737 —, ’ wood filler contg., 1,422 292 —, ’ wood impregnated with, 1,211,721 —, wood pulp made with, 1 198 990 —, yeast, colloidal, made with, 1,392,849 —, zine, cork coated with, made with, 1 316,737 —,—, fabric coated with, made with, 1,376 or —,—, paper, tissue, coated with, made with, 1,376,737 —,—, paper coated with, made with, 1,376,737 —,—, silk coated with, made with, 1,376, 737 —,—, wood coated with, made with, 1,376 wot —, see also Benzene ; "Benzoline ; Gasolene ; Ligroin; Naphtha Benzine driers, insulating paper coated with, 1,374,885 —, paint contg., 1,374,161 Benzine_ substitute, mfr. of, 1,256,537 —,—,ethyl alcohol for, 1,256,537 —,—, hydrocarbon, paraffin, for, 1,256,537 —,—, kerosene for, 1,256,537 —,—,methyl alcohol for, 1,256,537 —,—, petroleum distillate for, 1,256,537 Benzinoform, see Carbon tetrachloride, CCl Benzisotriazole, see Benzotriazole Benzo-aniline, see p-Amino-benzophenone Benzoates, amyl benzoate made with, 1,197,019 —,apple juice, sterilization of, using, 1,208 859 —, apricot juice, sterilization of, using, 1,208 859 —, cellulose esters, solvent for, conte., 1,283,183 —, ’ cellulose nitrate, solvent for, contg., 1.283.183 —,chlorhydrin as source of, 1,456,590 —, fruit juice, sterilization of, using, 1,208,859 —, grape Juice, sterilization of, using, 1,208,859 —,hypochlorous acid prepared with, 1,446,873 —, leprosy, substance for treatment of, made with, 1,250,345 —,mfr. of, alkali carbonate for, 1,463,255 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,463,255 —,—, apparatus for, 1,458,491 —,—,calcium hydroxide for, 1,458,491 alcohol for, Toe Benzoates, mfr. of, calcium hypochlorite for, 1,458 491 —,— , chlorine for, 1,458,491 —, chromic acid for, 1,458,491 —,—, dibenzyl for, 1,463,255 —,—, gasolene for, 1 3t7) ‘868 —,—, iron compound for, 1,463,255 —,—, Manganese dioxide for, 1,463,255 —,process for, 1,458,491; "1,463 255 —, —, sodium bichromate for, 1,458 A91 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,463 255 —,—, sodium manganese for, 1,463, 255 —,—, sulfuric acid | for, 1 458 491 =>)7-, woluene, for, 1,458, 491 — ’ orange juice, sterilization of, using, 1,208, 859 —, peach juice, sterilization of, using, 1,208,859 —, pear juice, sterilization of, using, 1,208 859 —,solvent contg., 1,283,183 a ’ therapeutic compound made with, 1,250,345 —, tuberculosis, substance for treatment of, made with, 1,250, 345 Benzoazurine G, photography, colored, proc- ess for using, 1,517,049 Benzo-bismuth, see Tribismuthyl-benzoic acid Benzo black-blue G, see Disulpho-diphenyl- disazo-a-naphthalene- -azo-bi-a-naphthol-p- sulphonic acid Benzo black-blue 5G, see Disulpho-diphenyl- disazo- a-naphthalene- -azo-bi-dioxynaphtha- lene-sulphonic acid Benzo black-blue R, see Ditolyl-disazo-a-naph- thalene-azo- -bi-a-naphthol-sulphonic acid Benzo brown G, see Sulpho-benzene-azo-pheny- lene-brown a-Benzocarbazolediol, dyestuff made _ with, 1,261,858 dyestuff yay with, 1,261,858A22 0 Dota V. &, P. 11 $9 Benzocatechin, wee ayer! seé (hiauren 13- Benzodiazole, see Benzimidazole Benzo fast pink 2BL, see Diphenyl-urea-disul- phonic acid-disazo- bi-amino-naphthol — sul- phonic acid Benzoflavine, see acridine Benzofuran, coumarone resin source, 1,427,844 —, see also Cowmarone Benzofurane resin, see Paracouwmarone; coumarone resin 2(1)-Benzofuranone, 1,233,433 Benzoglycolic acid, see Mandelic acid Benzo grey, see Diphenyl-disazo-a-naphtha- lene-azo-a-naphthol-sulphonic-salicylic acid Benzohydrol, camphor substitute, 1,181,860 —,celluloid substitute made with, 1 181 860 Benzoic acid, animal matter, sterilization of, using, 1 250, 079 —,apple juice, sterilization of, using, 1,208,859 —, apricot juice, sterilization of, using, 1.208 '859 —,aspergillus, cultures of immune to, 1,148 938 —,aspergillus oryzae, cultures of immune to, 1,148,938 —,bactericide using, 1,250,079 —, ‘barrel, wood, oil-proof, made with, 1,311,595 — ’ battery, dry, made with, 1,303, 844 —,beer wort, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 Diamino-phenyl-dimethyl- Para- dyestuff made _ with, 758 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Benzoic acid, benzaldehyde contg., impurity of, 1302273 —, benzene sodium sulfonate and sodium cyanide for mfr., 1,367,898 —, benzoates prepared from, 1,458,491 — benzoyl chloride made with, 1,254, 970 —,board made with, 1,245,984 —, ’ box, paper, oil-proof, made with, 1,311,595 —, calcium benzoate made with, 1,458, 491 —, ’ celluloid, solvent for, contg., secondary alco- hol esters of, 1,158, 217 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,134,527; 1 245,976; 1,245,984; 1,280,862 —, cellulose esters, solvent for, made with, 1 283,183 —, cellulose ether solvent contg., 1,494,472 —, ’ cellulose nitrate, solvent for made with, 1 283,183 —,—,—,contg. secondary alcohol esters of, 1 158, 217 —, container, oil-proof, made with, 1,311,595 —, ‘cordial contg., secondary alcohol esters of, 1,158,217 —,cotton seed oil, package for, made with, 1,311,595 —,derivatives of, celluloid substitute made with, 1,134,527 —,— , thermoplastic made with, 1,134,527 —, ’ diabetes, compound for treatment of made with, 1,470 ,024 —, diastatic product made with, 1,192,584 —, di-n- butyl-amino-ethyl alcohol ester of, see Di-n-butyl amino-ethyl benzoate —, dyestuff made with, 1,483,084 —,enamel made with, 1 erg 374 —,enzymes, altering ‘characteristics of, using, 1 250,079 —, essential oil contg., secondary alcohol esters of, 1,158,217 —, esters of phthalic acid and, insulation, elec- tric, made with, 1,141,944 —,—,resin, artificial, made with, 1,141,944 —,—, varnish made with, 1,141,944 —,ethyl benzoate made with, 1,421,605 —,ethyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,494,472 —, explosive made with, 1,242,900 —,explosive preserved with, 1,390,671 —,fat, package for made with, 1,311,595 —,—,sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —,ferment, altering characteristics of, using, 1,250,079 —,film made with, 1,494,472 —, flavoring extracts contg., secondary alcohol esters of, 1,158,217 —, floor covering made with, 1,245,984 —, fluorescent substances, protection from com- pound suitable for contg., 1,511,874 —, food product, sterilization of. using, 1,250,079 —, ’ formation by oxidation of naphthalene, 1 836,182 —, formation in benzaldehyde mfr., 1,405,261 —, ’ formation of, benzotrichloride for, 1,806,221; 1,357,160 —,—, benzyl chloride for, 1,357,160 —, fruit, sterilization of, using, 1,250,079 —, fruit juice, sterilization of, using, 1,208,859; 1,250,079 1,486,781 | —,—,—,—,cerium(ic) chromate for, 1,486,781 Benzoic acid, fumigating using, 1,250,079 —,fungi, cultures of immune to, 1,148,938 —,furs, preserving of, using, 1,250,079 etnies sterilization of, using, 1,250, 079 —, glyceryl benzoate from, 1,421 605 — glycol benzoate made with, 1,421 605 —,grape juice, sterilization of, using, 1,208,859 —,grease, package for made with, 1,311 595 —, herbs, sterilization of, using, 1 250, 079 —, hops, sterilization of, using, 1,250, 079 —, hydrogen dioxide stabilized with, 1,128,637 —,hypophysis extract, action on of, 1,296, ‘064 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,245,976; 1 ,245 984 —,ivory substitute made with, 1,245,976 ~~, koji made :owithy: at 148, 938; 1,192,584; 1,263, 817 —, lacquer made with, 1,137,374 —,larvae, killing of, using, 1,250,079 nel ‘leather, artificial, made "with, 1,245,977 —, linoleum substitute made with, 1 245, 978 ; 1 245,984 — liquor contg., secondary alcohol esters of, 1 158,217 “Tisterine ” constituent, 1,496,735 —, nae ee benzoate made with, 1,458,491 —, ‘malt substitute made with, 1; 148, 938 —, manganese dioxide for mfr. of, 1 365,956 —,moir; of, air) dor) 20264 3nt 284, 888 ; 1 285,117; 1,836,182; 1 374, PP —,—, alkali carbonate. for, 1,463,255 —,—,alkali earth oxide as catalyst for, 1 285, 117 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,463,255 —,—, ‘aluminum oxide as catalyst for, 1 284, 887; 1,874,722 —,— antimony oxide as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —,—,apparatus for, . 1,836,182; Hi 458 491; i 488 278; 1,502,941 —,—, asbestos for, 1,284,888; 1,285,117 —,—, asbestos, platinized, as catalyst for, 1 284 887 - benzaldehyde for, 1,151,255; 1,193,795 —,—, benzene monosulfonic acid for, 1,309 683 —,—, benzene sodium sulfonate and sodium _ cyanide for, 1,867,898 —, benzyl ‘chloride for, 1,463,190 —,—, bibenzyl for, 1,502, 941 —, "bismuth oxide as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —, calcium benzoate for, 1,332 028 —,—,calcium hydroxide for, 1,332,028 ; 1,458,491 ; 1,463,190 —,—,calcium hypochlorite for, 1,458,491; cn 190 —,calcium sulfide for, 1,332,028 DL pee as catalyst for, 1 284 887 —, carbon dioxide for, 1 374, 722 ‘catalyst for, mfr. of, ammonium bichro- mate for, 1,486, 781 —,ammonium metavanadate for, ’ b —,—, cerium(ic) ., iron chromate for, 1.468, 781 —,—,—,—, cerium(ic) vanadate for, 1,486,781 —_,—,—, — ’ chromium oxide for, 1 AS6, 731 —,—,—,—-, chromium vanadate for, '1 486,781 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Benzoic acid, mfr. of, catalyst 1a mfr. of, cobalt chromate for, 1,486 781 —,—, —, —, cobalt molybdate for, 1,486,781 ,—,iron(ic) chloride for, 1,486 781 —,—,iron chromate for, 1,486 781 ’ —, iron(ic) chromate for, 1,486, 781 —,iron molybdate for, 1,486 781 ,—,—, iron molybdochromate for, 1,486,781 —,—,—,—,iron oxide for, 1,486,781 —,—,iron vanadochromate for, 1,486,781 iron (ic) vanadochromate for, —— 1,486,781 —,—,—,—, nickel chromate for, 1,486,781 —,—,—, —, nickel molybdate for, 1,486,781 ——,— ‘nickel vanadate for, 1,486, 781 —,—,—,—, nitric acid for, 1,486,781 ,--,—, oxide for, 1,486,781 ,—,—, palladium oxide for, 1,486,781 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,486,781 —,—, —, —, vanadium oxide for, 1,486,781 —,—, —, — — vanadium pentoxide for, 1,486,781 —,—, cellulose for, 1,488,278 —,—, cerium oxide as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —, chalk for, 1,332,028 —,—, ’ chlorine for, 1,458,491 —, chromic acid for, 1,458,491 —,—, ’ chromium oxide as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —,chromyl chloride for, 1,284,887 —, cobalt oxides for, 1,284,887 —,—, cobalt oxide as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —,copper as catalyst for, 1,332,028 —, copper oxides as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —, dibenzyl for, 1,463,255. — , formaldehyde as catalyst for, 1,332,028 —,—, granite for, 1,488,278 —) hydrochloric acid for, 1,332,028 —,—, iron compound for, 1,463 205 —,—, iron oxides as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —,—, kaolin as catalyst for, 1,284 887 —,Magnesium oxide .as catalyst for, Sa 284 887 ; 1,285,117 —,—,Manganese dioxide for, 1,284,887; 1 463 255 —,—, Manganese dioxide and sulfuric acid for, 1,365,956 —,—,mercury sulfate for, 1,284,888; 1,285,117 —,—,metal oxide as catalyst for, 1,284 887 ; 1,284,888; 1,285,117 —, — molybdenum oxide as 1,284,887 : 1,284,888; 1,836,182 —,—,naphthalene for, 1,284,888; 1 | ata 182; 1,374,722 —,niekel oxides for, 1,284,887 — ’ nickel oxides as catalyst for, 1,284,887 — niter cake for, 1,332,028 —,nitric acid for, 1,332 028 —, nitrogen for, 1,374, 729 —, nitrogen oxides for, 1,332,028 —,oak, white, for, 1,488, 278 catalyst for, 1,285,117; as Aes a AU 5 Nah 4 | —,—, oxygen ‘for, 1,284 887 ; 1,284,888 ; 1,285, 117; 1,374, 722 ; 1,502,941 —,—, paraformaldehyde as catalyst for, 1,332,028 —,—, platinum as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —,—, porcelain as catalyst for, 1,284.887 759 Benzoic acid, mfr. of, potassium permanganate for, 1,488 278 —,—, process for, 1,193,795; 1,284,887 ; 1,284 888 > 1,285,117; 1,832,028; © 1,836,182: 1,374,722; 1,458,491; 1,463,190; 1,463,255; 1,486,781; 1 ‘488 ‘278: 1 ‘502 ‘941 —, silver oxide as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —,—,sodium benzoate for, 1,332 028 —,—,sodium bichromate for, 1,458 A91 —,sodium bisulfide for, 1,332 028 — sodium carbonate for, 1,332 028 —, —, sodium hydroxide for, 1 463 255 —,—,sodium manganese for, 1,463 255 —,—, starch as catalyst for, 1,332 028 7, seca 10M \L.ar4.foe —,—,sulfurie acid for, 1,284,887; 1,284,888; 1,285,117; 1,332,028; 1 365 956; 1 458 491 —,—, sulfuric acid and manganese dioxide for, beer 956 —, tin for, 1,332,028 —, ‘tin oxide as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —, titanium oxide as catalyst for, 1,284,887 — ‘toluene for, 1,284,887; 1 332 028: 1,365, 956; 1,458 491 ; 1 486 781; 1 488 278 —,—, toluene, nitric ‘acid for, 1,332 028 —,— , tungsten oxide as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —,—, uranium oxide as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —,— ‘vanadium oxide as catalyst for, 1,284 S887: 1 285, ci be —,— —, wood for, 1,488,278 —,—, , zeolite, artificial, catalyst for, 1,193,795 —,—, zine as catalyst FOV id eae 028 —,—,zine oxide as catalyst for, 1,284,887 —, matrix, printing plate, made with, 1,144,338 —,— , stereotyping, made with, 1,144 338 —, meat, sterilization of using, 1,250 079 —, ; medicine, sterilization of using, 1,250 079 —, micro- -organisms, altering characteristics of using, 1,250,079 —, milk, sterilization of using, 1,250,079 — ’ moyashi made with, 1,148 938 — ‘naphthalene oxidized to, 1,374 waa —, oil, package for made with, 1 311 095 —,— , sterilization of using, 1.250 079 —, orange juice, sterilization of using, 1,208,859 —, package, oil-proof, made with, 1,311 595 —, paint remover made with, 1 147 849 —, paper, oil-proof, made with, 1,311 095 —, peach juice, sterilization of using, 1,208,859 —, pear Juice, sterilization of using, 1 208 859 —, petroleum, package for, made with, 1,311 095 —, petroleum hard oil, package for, made with, 1 911,595 — , phenol aldehyde condensate solvent contg., 1 ,187,374 — , phenol aldehyde condensate substitute made with, 1,245,976 — , phonograph record made with, 1,158 1659 ; 1 ,158,660 —, photochemical processes, protection from, compound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —, photographic emulsion, protection from, Mmnaotd suitable for, conte., 1,511,874 —, plastic made with, 1,245, 984 —, propyl benzoate from, 1,421 ,605 —,proteid product made with, 1,245,976 —,pungent compound made with, 1,329,272 Ne J I J eed 760 Benzoic acid, record, phonograph, matrix for, made with, 1,144,338 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,245,976; 1,245,979; 1,245,984 —,salts of, diuretic contg., 1,455,264 —,sausage stuffing, sterilization of using, 1,250,079 —,secretions, sterilization of using, 1,250,079 —, seeds, sterilization of using, 1,250,079 —, separating from phthalic acid, 1,464,844 —,separating from maleic acid, 1,377,534 —,serum, sterilization of using, 1,250 079 —, ’ silk worm cocoons, killing of, using, 1,250,079 —, ‘sodium benzoate miade with, 1 458 “491 —, ‘solvent made with, 1,283,183 —, solvent for, toluene as, 1,458,491 —, sterilization using, 1,250,079 —,sublimation of, aluminum apparatus for, 1,489,707 —,—, apparatus for, 1,284,787; 1,489,707 —,—, process for, 1,489 107 —, subliming, apparatus for, 1,445,870 —,suint ingredient, 1,405, 371 — ’ therapeutic product, protection from, com- pound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —, thermoplastic made with, 1 134 527 —, tile made with, 1,245,984 —, ‘toluene oxidized to, 1,377,534 —, we tribrommethyl-iso- propyl benzoate made with, 1,433,552 —, 2- trichlormethyl-iso-propy] benzoate made with, 1,443,552 —, ultra-violet filter, protection from, compound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —, ultra-violet light, protection from, compound suitable for, contg., 1,511,874 —, vaccines, sterilization of using, 1,250,079 -— ’ vanillyl-benzoyl- amide from, 1,329, 272 —, ‘varnish made with, 1,137,374; 1 280 861 —, ’ varnish remover made with, 1 AG, 849 —, ' vegetables, sterilization of using, 1,250,079 —,vegetable matter, sterilization of using, 1,250,079 —, vulcanization process using, 1,467,197 —, vulcanizing with, 1,467,197 —, whiting, artificial, made with, 1,264,092 —, whiting substitute made with, 1,264,092 —, wood, oil-proof, made with, 1,311,595 —,wool cleaning refuse contg., 1,405,371 —, X-ray screen, protection from compound suitable for contg., 1,511,874 Benzoic acid amide, see Benzamide Benzoic acid anhydride, enamel made with, 1,137,374 —,lacquer made with, 1,137,374 —,phenol aldehyde condensate solvent contg., 1,137,374 —, varnish made with, 1,137,374 Benzoic acid trichloride, see a-Trichlor-toluene Benzoic aldehyde, see Benzaldehyde Benzoic anhydride, allocain A made _ with, 1,399,312 —, allocain S made with, 1,399,312 — benzoylation with, 1 296 602 — , benzoylethylmydriatin made with, 1,899,312 —, dihydroxyethylsulfide benzoic ester made with, 1,422,869 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Benzoic anhydride, 3-dimethylamino-methyl-6- methyl-3-heptanyl benzoate made _ with, 1,150,253 — res dimethylamino-methy]- 6-methy]-3- heptanyl benzoate hydrochloride made with, 1,150,253 —, matrix, printing plate, made with, 1,144,338 —_—,— _ stereotyping, made with, 1,144 338 —, phenol aldehyde condensate made with, (1,087,422); Re-14,530; 14,581; 1,139,470; 1,146,388: 1,255,500 —, phonograph record made with, 1,255,500 —,plastic made with, (1,087,422); Re-14,530; 14,531 —, pungent compound made with, 1,329,272 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1 146, 388 —,—,— matrix, made with, 1,144 338 —. thermoplastic made with (1,087,422) ; ~ Re-14,530: 14,531 —, vanillyl-benzoyl-amide from, 1,329,272 —, wood, coating of using, 1,139,470 Benzoic ether, cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,388,472 —, cellulose acetate solvent, 1,386,576 —,see also Ethyl benzoate o- -Benzoic sulfimide, o-sulfamido-benzoyl-anilide made with, 1,153, 121 — , o-sulfamido-benzoyl-p- phenetidine made with, 1,153,121 o-Benzoic sulfamide, see also Saccharin Benzoic sulfimide, see Saccharin Benzoic sulfinide, see Saccharin Benzoic trichloride, see Benzotrichloride Benzoin, beverage “made with, 1,500,670 —,cement made with, 1,408,325 —, compound C2sH:;O.N, made with, 1,138,670 —, dyestuff made with, 1,138,670 —, emulsion, turbid, made with, 1,500,670 —, finish remover made with, 1,145,980 —,fumigating candle made with, 1,222,883 —, gutta percha substitute made with, 1,494,063 —,ink contg., 1,439,695; 1,439,696 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,494,063 —, paint made with, 1,408,325 —,polish made with, 1,202,495 — refinishing composition made with, 1,202,495 —,roller, inking, made with, 1,494,063 — ’ rubber substitute made with, L ‘494 ,063 —, ’ tire-healing composition contg., 1,434,764 —, typewriter platen made with, 1,494,063 —, waterproofing made with, 1,494,063 —,see also Benzoin Benzoin resinate, detergent made with, 1,494,068 Benzo Indigo Blue, see Ditolyl-disazo- a-naph- thalene-azo-bi-dioxy-naphthalene-sulphonic act Benzoinum see Benzoin §.6-Benzo-3-ketodthydro-1-thionaphthene, 3(2)-Thiophanthrenone “ Benzol, 90%,” benzene in, 1,844,545 —,—,carbon bisulfide in, 1,344,545 —,—, ’ carbon bisulfide separated from, 1,317,359 —,—, composition of, benzene in, 1,317, 359 —,—,—, carbon bisulfide in, 1,317 359 —,—,—, , hydrocarbon ind 317 359 —,—,—, pentane in, 1 317 359 —,—,—, toluene in, 1,317,359 ,—, xylene in, 1,317,359 see ’ INDEX OF “Benzol, 90%,’ duster, dustless, made with, 1,344,545 —,—, formation of, “light oil” for, 1,317,359 —,—, toluene ify ad 344, 545 —,—, ’ xylene ig 1 344 545 —, heavy, paracoumarone made with, 1,468,440 —,—,paraindene made with, 1,468,440 —,paracoumarone solvent, 1,332,860 —,recovery of, coke-oven gas for, 1,307,534 —,varnish contg., 1,408,325 —,see also Benzene Benzolazoaniline, see Diazo-amido-benzene Benzol-azo-b-naphthylamine, see 1-Phenylazo- 2-naphthylamine 1-Benzol-azo-2-naphthylamine, see 1-(Phenyl- azo) -2-naphthylamine Benzol-diazo-anilide, see Diazo-amino-benzene Benzole, see Benzene Benzoline, cork, linoleum scrap, recovery from of using, 1,480 A73 —., jute, linoleum scrap, recovery from of using, 1,480,473 —, linoleum scrap, recovery of using, 1,480,473 —,linoxyn, linoleum scrap, recovery from of using, 1,480,473 —, oil extracted from seeds with, 1,410,822 —, rubber, vulcanized, reclaiming ‘of, using, 1,133,952 —,see also Benzine Benzol light oils, see Benzene, crude Benzol-sulfone, see Diphenyl-sulfone Benzo-a-naphthindol, see a-Benzocarbazole Benzonaphthol(?), carbon tetrachloride, freez- ing point of mixture of and, 1,243,149 —, fire-extinguisher made with carbon tetra- chloride and, 1,243,149 —,see also b-Naphthol benzoate; naphthol Benzone, see Diphenyl-ketone Benzonitrile, benzene sodium sulfonate and cyanides for preparation of, 1,367,898 —,benzoic acid for, 1,367,898 —,carbon tetrochloride freezing point affected by, 1,292,744 —, composition of, 1,367,898 —,mfr. of, benzene. monosulfonic acid for, 1,309,683 Benzo olive, see Diphenyl-disazo-a-naphthalene azo-amino-naphthol-disulfonic-salicylic- naphthionic acid Benzo orange R, see Diphenyl-disazo-salicylic- naphthronic acid p-Benzophenoarsonic acid, arsenic derivatives prepared from, 1,425,929 Benzophenol, see Phenol Benzophenone, dyestuff made with, 1,216,921 Benzophenone-arsenious acid, mfr. of, p-amino- benzophenone for, 1,472,778 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,472,778 —,—, process for, 1,472,778 —,—,sodium arsenite for, 1,472,778 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,472 718 Benzoyl-b- —,sodium nitrate for, 1,472 778 — ’ diaminobenzophenone for, 1,472,778 —,—, process for, 1,472,778 Benzophenone-4.4' -dicarboxylic acid, dyestuff from, 1,459,536 SUBJECTS 761 Benzophenone-2.4’-dicarboxylie acid chloride, dyestuff from, 1,459,536 Benzopurpurin B, see Ditolyi-disazo- bi-b-naph- thylamine-b- sulfonic avid Benzopurpurin 4 B, see Sodium ditolydiazodi- naphthionate ; Ditolyl-disazo-bi-b-naphthyl- amine-b-sulfonic acid Benzopurpurin 6B, see Ditolyl-disazo-bi-a-naph- thylamine-sulfonic acid Benzopurpurin 10B, see Dimethoxy-diphenyl- disazo-bi-naphthionic acid Benzopyrocatechol, see Dihydroxy-benzo- phenone 1.2-Benzopyronem, see Coumarin Benzopyrrole, see Indole Benzoquinol, see Hydroquinone, C.H.(OH). Benzoquinone, see Quinone (1 4-Benzoquinone)-3'-carbazolylimide, see N- (3’-carbazolyl)-p-quinonimine Benzoquinone-o-nitranilide, reactions of, 1,405,446 Benzoresorcin, see Dioxy-benzophenone Benzosalin, see Methyl-benzoyl-salicylate Benzosol, see Benzoylguatacol Benzosulfinad, see Saccharin 1-Benzosulfonazol-2(1)-one, see Saccharine Benzothiofuran, see Thionaphthene Benzothionaphthene, see Naphthothiophene —,see also Thiophanthrene Benzothiophene, see Thionaphthene Benzothwophenene, see Thionaphthalene Benzotribromide, mfr. of, bromine, toluene and sodium carbonate for, 1,384,909 —,see also a.a.a-T ribrom-toluene Benzotrichloride, see a.a.a-Trichlor-toluene Benzoxate, see Acetozone a-Benzoyl-acetanilide, dyestuff made 1,216,812 Benzoylacetic anilide, see a-Benzoyl-acetanilide Benzoylacetic ester, see Ethyl benzoyl acetate Benzoylacetic ether, see Ethyl benzoyl acetate Benzoyl acetone, see a-Acetyl-acetophenone Benzoylamidoacetic acid, see Hippuric acid 8-Benzoylamido-2-naphthol, dyestuff made with, 1,188,545 Benzoyl-2.5-amido-naphthol-7-sulfonic acid, see 6 (Benzoylamino)-1-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid 1-Benzoylamineanthraquinone, chlorinating, 1,401,125 Benzoylamine-chloranthraquinone, mfr. of, 1,401,125 2-Benzoylamine-5-naphthol-7-sulfonie acid, dyestuff made with, 1,292,385 Benzoylamino, see Benzamido 1-Benzoylamino-anthraquinone,. aluminum- leuco derivatives of, mfr. of, process for, 1,175,634 —, calcium-leuco derivatives of, mfr. of, proc- ess for, 1,175,634 —, dyestuff made with, 1,175,634 —,iron-leuco derivatives of, mfr. for, 1,175,634 —,magnesium-leuco derivatives of, mfr. process for, 1,175,634 —, metal-letico derivatives of, mfr. of, process for, 1,175,634 with, of, process of, 762 1-Benzoylamino-anthraquinone, tin-leuco deriv- atives of, mfr. of, process for, 1,175,634 —,zinc-leuco derivatives of, mfr. of, process for, 1,175,634 —,see also Algol yellow W.G Benzoyl-l-amino-anthraquinone, mfr. of, proc- ess for, 1,296,602 1- (Benzoylamino)-4-hydroxy-anthraquinone, see Algol rosa R 1-(Benzoylamino)-4-methoxy-anthraquinone, see Algol scarlet G a-Benzoylamino-b-(3.4-methylenedioxy- phenyl)-propionic acid, methyl ester of, see Methyl a-benzoylamino-b-(3.4-methylenedi- oxy-phenyl) propionate 3-Benzoylamino-2-naphthol, dyestuff made with, 1,145,072 6-Benzoylamino-l-naphthol-acetic anhydride, compound C23:HicO:N2, made with, 1,144,577 —,dyestuff made with, 1,144,577 7-(Benzoylamino)-1-naphthol-3.5-disulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,199,890 Benzoyl-6-amino-1-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid (?), dyestuff made with, 1,216,760 —,see also 6(Benzoylamino)-1-naphthol-3-sul- fonic acid 6-Benzoylamino-1l-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,265,031; 1,245,694; 1,282,355; 1,282,356 —,—,copper compound of, 1,292,385 Benzoyl-1-amino-7-naphthol, see amido-2-naphthol Benzoyl-1.7-aminonaphthol, printed with, 1,426,299 properties of, 8-Benzoyl- nitrosamine dyes Benzoyl-2-amino-3-naphthol, see 3-Benzoyl- amino-2-naphthol 2-Benzoylamino-5-orynaphthalene, see 6-Ben- zoylamino-1-naphthol 4-Benzoylamino-phenol, see 4-H ydroxy-benzan- aide a-Benzoylamino-b-piperoxylpropionate, ration of, 1,487,802 a-Benzoylamino-b-piperoxylpropionic acid es- ter, see Methyl a-benzoylamino-b-(3.4-me- thylenedioxry-phenyl)-propionate a-Benzoylamino- b-piperoxylpropionic ester, preparation of, 1,437,802 1-(B enzoylamino )-4.5 8-trihydroxy-anthra- quinone, see Algol violet B Benzoylanilide, see Benzanilid Benzoylation, benzoic anhydride for, 1,296,602 —,benzoy] chloride for, 1,296,602 —, process for, 1,296,602 —, sulfuric acid for, 1,296,602 —,see also Cellulose, benzoylation o-Benzoyl-benzoic acid, anthracene made with, LD1be20 Benzoyl-benzoiec acid, glycerol condensed with, 1,443 936 —, glycol condensed with, 1,443,936 —,insulation, electric, made ‘with, 1,413,144; 1 413,145 ; i 424,137 —, mfr. of, ’ aluminum chloride for, 1,489,744 —_—,— , benzene for, 1,489,744 —, phthalic anhydride for, 1,489,744 —, process for, 1,489,744. prepa- UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Benzoyl-benzoic acid, molded article made with, 1,424,137; 1,443,936; 1,489,744 —, plastic made with, 1,489,744 —, polyglycerol condensed with, 1,443,936 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,424,137 —,resins made with, 1,424,137 —,resins, artificial, made with, 1,424,137; 1,443,986; 1,489,744 —,—,synthetic, mfr. from glycerol and, 1,443 936 —,—,—,mfr. from glycol and, 1,443,936 —,—, — ‘mfr. from polyglycerol and, 1,443,936 —, varnish made with, 1,413,144; 1 413, 145: 1,424,137 o-Benzoyl- benzoic acid, mfr. “pone for, 1,515, 325, —, benzene for, 1 515 325 —,—, ’ phthalic anhydride for, 1,515,325 —,—, process for, 1,515,325 Benzoyl butyl-xanthate, vulcanization accelera- tor, 1,510,652 Benzoyl butyl xanthogenate, accelerator in rub- ber vulcanization, 1 “440 962; 1,440,964 —,see also Benzoyl butyl-xanthate Benzoylcarbamide, see Benzoyl-urea Benzoyl-cellulose, see Cellulose benzoate Benzoyl chloride, allocain A made _ with, 1,399,312 —, allocain S made with, 1,399,312 —, tert-amyl benzoate made with, 1,123,572 —, battery, dry, made with, 1,357 160 —,—, primary, made with, ‘1 357, 160 —, benzoic acid from, 1,357, 160 — - benzoylation with, 1 296 602 — ‘ benzoyldiethylmydriatin from, 1,399,312 — , benzoyl (mono)ethylmydriatin — from, 1 399,312 —, 1 3-bis(diethylamino) -2-propyibonatee made with, 1,193,634 —, 1.3-bis(N -ethyl-N -methyl-amino)-2- propyl benzoate made with, 1,193,634 —,carbon tetrachloride freezing point affected by, 1,292,744 —,b- chlorethyl benzoate from, 1,393,191 — , compound, C2sHisOiNa, made with, 1,138,670 Se RAE C2sHisO7N2S, made with, 1 ,138 670 — , di-alkyl-amino- propyl esters from, 1,358,751 — , di-n-butyl- -amino-alkyl-benzoates made with, 1 858,750 a , 2-(di-sec-butylamino)-ethyl benzoate made with, 1,513,730 — _3-dimethylamino- methyl-6-methyl-3-hep- tanyl benzoate made with, 1,150,253 —, 3-dimethylaminomethyl- 6- methyl- 3-hep- tanyl benzoate hydrochloride made with, 1,150,253 — 1B dimethylaminomethyl-6-octany] benzoate hydrochloride made with, 1,150,580 —, dimethylaniline, action on, 1,411,683 —, ’ dinitro- phenyl-benzoate made with, 1,198,040 —,dry battery contg., 1,357,160 —,dyestuff made with, 1, 128,836; 1,138,670; 1 408,405 — , dyestuft dissolved by, 1,396,483 —,hydrochloric acid from, 1 357, 160 —,mfr. of, acetyl for, 1,326, 040 —,—, aldehyde for, 1,326,040 of, aluminum INDEX OF Benzoyl chloride, mfr. of, benzene for, 1,360,312 —,—,benzoic acid for, 1,254,970 —,—, carbonyl chloride for, 1,360,312 —,—, chlorine for, 1,326,040 —,—, ester for, 1,326,040 —,—, ether for, 1,326,040 —,—,ethyl acetate for, 1,326,040 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,326,040 —,—, oxide, organic, for, 1,326,040 —,—, phenol for, 1,326,040 —,—, phosphorus pentachloride for, 1,254,970 —,—, phosphorus trichloride for, 1,254,970 —-,—-,; process for, 1,254,970; 1,326,040 ; 1,360,312 —,—,sodium benzoate for, 1,326,040 —,—,sulfur dioxide for, 1,326,040 —,—,tricresyl phosphate for, 1,326,040 —, b-naphthol made with, 1,254,970 —,pungent compound made with, 1,329,272 —,tribromo(tertiary) butyl benzoate from, 1,397,913 —, 2-tribrommethyl-iso-propyl benzoate made with, 1,443,552 —, trichloro-tertiary-butyl 1,443,552 —, vanillyl-benzoyl-amide from, 1,329,272 —, wood, impregnation of using, 1,198,040 Benzoyl-2.5-diaminobenzene-p-toluenesulfone, see 2-Amino-5-benzoylamino-phenyl-p-tolyl- sulfone Benzoyldiethyl-mydriatin, see Allocain S Benzoyldiethylmydriatinhydrochloride, prepa- ration of, 1,399,312 3-Benzoyl-2.3-dihydro-1(or. 2)-phenyl-2-(or 1)- p-tolyl-4.5-pyrroledione, see 3-Benzoyl-4.5- diketo-1(or 2)-phenyl-2(or 1)-p-tolyl-pyrroli- benzoate from, dine 3-Benzoy]-4.5-diketo-1-o-methoxypheny]-2- phenyl-pyrrolidine, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,148,637 —,—, benzaldehyde for, 1,148,637 —,—, benzene for, 1,148,637 —,—,benzoyl-pyruvic acid, esters of, for, 1,148,637 —,—,ethyl benzoylpyruvate for, 1,148,637 —,—, process for, 1,148,637 —, properties of, 1,148,637 3-Benzoyl-4.5-diketo-1(or 2)-phenyl-2(or 1)-p- tolyl-pyrrolidine, mfr. of, acetic acid, glacial, for, 1,148,637 —,—,alcoho] for, 1,148,637 —,—, benzaldehyde for, 1,148,637 —,—, ethyl sodiobenzoylpyruvate for, 1,148,637 —,-—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,148,637 —,—, process for, 1,148,637 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,148,637 —,—, p-toluidine for, 1,148,637 N*-Benzoyl-?.?-dimethyl-N’-?-phenylenedi- amine, dyestuff made with, 1,199,890 Benzoy1]-2.4-dinitroaniline, mfr. of, process for, 1,296,602 Benzoyldimitrophenol, see Dinitro-phenyl ben- zoate Benzoyldisulfide, accelerator in rubber vulcan- ization, 1,440,962 Benzoyl ecgonin, cocoa extract, removal from of, 1,235,450 SUBJECTS 763 Benzoyl eegonin, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,218,536 —,—,aluminum silicates for, 1,218,536 —,—,benzene for, 1,218,536 —,—,chloroform for, 1,218,536 —,—,cocoa leaves for, 1,218,536 —,—,fuller’s earth for, 1,218,536 —,—, process for, 1,218,536 Benzoyl(mono)-ethylmydriatinhydrochloride, preparation of, 1,399,312 N*-Benzoyl-N*-ethyl-p-phenylenediamine, dye- stuff made with, 1,199,890 N*-Benzoyl-N*-ethyl-3-p-tolylenediamine, dye- stuff made with, 1,199,890 Benzoyl ethyl-xanthate, vulcanization acceler- ator, 1,510,652 Benzoyl ethylxanthogenate, accelerator in rub- ber vulcanization, 1,440,962; 1,440,964 —,see also Benzoyl ethyl-xanthate Benzoyl formic acid, see Phenyl glyoxylic acid Benzoyl-glycine, see Hippuric acid Benzoyl-glycocoll, see Hippuric acid Benzoyl green, see Malachite green Benzoyl hydride, see Benzaldehyde 4-Benzoyl-1-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,516,376 —,—, l-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid for, 1,516,376 —,—, process for, 1,516,376 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,516,376 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,516,376 —,—,a-trichlor-toluene for, 1,516,376 —, properties of, 1,516,376 4-Benzoyl-3-hydroxy-2-naphthoie acid, mfr. of, 3-hydroxy-2-naphthoie acid for, 1,516,376 —,—, process for, 1,516,376 —,—, a-trichlor-toluene for, 1,516,376 —, properties of, 1,516,376 Benzoylmethide, see Hypnone N*-Benzoyl-N*-methyl-p-phenylenediamine, dyestuff made with, 1,199,890 N*-Benzoyl-N*-methyl-tolylenediamine, stuff made with, 1,188,890 Benzoylmonoethyl-mydriatin, see Allocain A 1-Benzoyl-2-naphthol-6-sulfonic acid, mfr. of, 2-naphthol-6-sulfonic acid for, 1,516,376 —,—, process for, 1,516,376 —,—,a-trichlor-toluene for, 1,516,376 —, properties of, 1,516,376 2-Benzoyl-l-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid, mfr. 1-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid for, 1,516,376 —,—,process for, 1,516,376 —,—,a-trichlor-toluene for, 1,516,376 —, properties of, 1,516,376 2-Benzoyl-1-naphthol-5-sulfonie acid, mfr. 1-naphthol-5-sulfonic acid for, 1,516,376 —,—, process for, 1,516,376 —,—,a-trichlor-toluene for, 1,516,376 —, properties of, 1,516,376 4-Benzoyl-1-naphthol-2-sulfonic acid, mfr. 1-naphthol-2-sulfonie acid for, 1,516,376 —,—, process for, 1,516,376 —,—,a-trichlor-toluene for, 1,516,376 —,properties of, 1,516,376 4-Benzoyl-1-naphthol-8-sulfonie acid, mfr. 1-naphthol-8-sulfonic acid for, 1,516,376 —,—, process for, 1,516,376 | —,—,a-trichlor-toluene for, 1,516,376 —, properties of, 1,516,376 dye- of, of, of, 164 Benzoyloxystearic acid, esters of, cellulose nitrate softeners, 1,357,876 Benzoyl peroxide, acid-proofing made with, 1,241,738 —,alkali-proofing made with, 1,241,738 —,amber substitute made with, 1,241,738 —,balata vulcanized with, 1,289,566 —,caoutchouc, synthetic, made with, 1,189,110 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,241,738 —,cellulose esters substitute made with, 1,241,738 — , coating made with, 1,241,738 —, fabric, impregnation of using, 1,241,738 —, film made with, 1,241,738 — ’ freproofing made with, 1,241,788 —, flour, bleaching of, using, 1,483, 546 — gutta percha vulcanized with, 1,289, 566 —,horn substitute made with, 1,241 738 —, ’ insulation, electric, made with, 1,241,738 —, lacquer made with, 1,241,738 —,molded article made with, 1,241,738 —,oxycholesterol made. with, 1,284,724 —, paint made with, 1,241,738 —,paper, impregnation of using, 1,241,738 —, plastic made with, 1,241,738 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,241,738 —,rubber, synthetic, made with, 1,294,662 —,—,—, vulcanized with, 1,289,566 —,rubber vulcanized with, 1,289,566; 1,342,457 —,stone, artificial, impregnation of using, 1,241,738 —, thread, artificial, made with, 1,241,738 —,vuleanization process using, 1,249,181; 1,342,457 —, waterproofing made with, 1,241,738 —,wood, impregnation of using, 1,241,738 Benzoyl-phenyl-carbinol, see Benzoin N*-Benzoyl-N*-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine dyestuff made with, 1,199,890 Benzoyl pink, see Benzoyl-amino-ditolyl-azo-a- naphthol-sulphonic acid Benzoyl N-piperidyl-dithiocarbamate, vulcan- ization accelerator, 1,510,652 Benzoyl-pyroacemic acid, see Benzyl-pyruvic acid Benzoylpyruvic acid, 4-amino-antipyrine, con- densation product of and, 1,151,885 —, compound C2Hi0.Ns, made with, 1,151,885 —,ester of, 3-benzoy]-4.5-diketo-1-o-methoxy- phenyl-2-phenyl-pyrrolidine made _ with, 1,148,637 —, see ‘also Ethyl sodvobenzoylpyruvate Benzoyl ricinoleic acid, esters of, cellulose nitrate softeners, 1 357, 876 Benzoyl salicin, see Populin Benzoyl superoxide, see Benzoyl peroxide Benzoy]-2.3.5-trinito-p-anisidine, mfr. of, proc- ess for, 1,296,602 Benzoyl-urea, adhesive made with, 1,355,834 —, airplane dope made with, 1,355 834 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,355,834 —, coating made with, 1,355,834 —, dental filling made with, 1,355,834 — , formaldehyde condensation product of, 1 5305 834 — horn substitute made with, 1,355,834 — ’ lacquer made with, 1,355 834 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Benzoyl-urea, rubber substitute made with, 1,355,834 —,urea-formaldehyde condensate made with, 1,355,834 Benzozone, see Acetozone Benzycin, see Sodium-benzyl-succinate Benzyl acetate, airplane dope made with, 1,440,178 —, carbon tetrachloride freezing point affected by, 1,292,744 —, cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,388,472 —, cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,199,800; 1,388,472; 1,394,890; 1,440,178 —,cellulose ester dissolved by, 1,339,552 —, cellulose ethers soivent contg., 1,469,863 —, cellulose nitrate solvent contg., 1,394,890 —, ethyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,469,863 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —,finish remover 1,167,640; 1,169,783; 1,185,641 Haile containing, 1 1,439,695; 1,489,696 —, — mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1 306, 291 —, benzyl chloride for, 1,306, 221 —,ethyl alcohol for, 1,306 221 —,—, potassium acetate for, i 306,221 —,—, sodium acetate for, 1,306, 991 —, ’ paint remover made with, 1,185,641 ; 1,828,080 —, plastic made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —, polish contg., 1,415,570 —, sulfuryl chloride made with, 1,364,738 —,varnish remover made with, 1,185,641; 1,328,080 Benzylacetic acid, see Hydrocinnamic acid Benzyl acetone, cellulose ether solvent contg., 1,494,474 . —, ethyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,494,474 —, film made with, 1,494,474 Benzyl acetyl salicylate, 1,486,304 —, properties of, 1,436,304 Benzyl alcohol, airplane dope made with, 1,320,290; 1,339,728; 1,426,521; 1,440,178; 1,521,055; 1,521,056 —, arsenic compound made with, 1,313,657 -——, artificial resin made with, 1,381,863 —, benzaldehyde made with, 1,151,255; 1,405,261; 1,487,020; 1,488,278 —, benzyl cellulose, removal from of, 1,483,738 —, benzyl chloride converted into, 1,357,160 —, benzyl oleate made with, 1,277,708 —, benzyl 2-phenylquinoline-4-carboxylate made with, 1,378,343 —,benzyl succinate from succinic acid and, 1,439,605 —, benzyl vanadate made with, 1,133,961 —, blood, gelatin, emulsion of and, globular par ticles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —, calcium chloride compound "of, 1,416, 859 —,camphor substitute, 1,181,860 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,181,860 made with, preparation of, —, ‘cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,388,472 ; 1,431,845 ; 1,465,994 —,cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,199,800; 1,339,728; 1,894,890; 1,426,521; 1,440,178; 1,458,505 INDEX OF Benzyl alcohol, cellulose ether film prevented from curling by, 1,429,179 —, cellulose ether solvent, 1,429,179 —, cellulose nitrate, plasticizers for, made with, 1 370,853 — cellulose nitrate solvent contg., 1,130,499; 1,394,890 —, chlorine-free, mfr. of, 1,416,859 —, coating composition, visibility made with, 1,426,521 — compound, CsHAsNa, made with, 1,313,657 —,—, C.HAsNa, made with, 1,313 657 —, ’ detergent made with, 1,498,149 —,dibenzyl succinate made with, 1,489,605 —,egg, gelatin, emulsion of and, globular par- ticles of made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —,esters prepared from, 1,464,153 —, ethyl prepared from, 1,464,153 —,ethyl cellulose solvent, 1,429,179; 1,460,690 reducing, —,film, photographic, made with, 1,199,800; 1 988,472 ; 1,429,179 ; —, finish remover made with, 1,140,449; 1,160 094; 1,169,783; 1,172,773; 1,185,641 —, flour, gelatin, emulsion of and, globular par- ticles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —, food product, gelatinous, elobular particles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —, formation from benzyl chloride, 1,405,261 —, fungicide made with, 1,514,377 —, gelatin, blood, emulsion of and, globular par- ticles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —,—, egg, ‘emulsion of and, elobular particles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1 201 133 —,—, flour, emulsion of and, “globular particles of, made with, P2201 182671 201 3133 —;—, globular particles ‘of, made 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —,—, medicine, emulsion of and, globular parti- cles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —,—, milk, emulsion of and, globular particles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —,—, salts, emulsion of and, globular particles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —, sugar, emulsion of and, globular particles Brot ‘made with, 1,201,132; 1,201 4133 —, glue, animal, globular’ particles of, made PS eaith, 1,201,132: 1,201,133 —,inflammability of solvent mixture contg., 1,499,101 —, ink contg., 1,439,€95; 1,439 ;696 —, ink, printing, made with, 1,471,746 —,—,—, bronze made with, 1,471,746 —,—,—, ’ gold made with, 1,471 746 —,—,—, silver made with, 1, 471, 746 —, insecticide made with, 1,514 S77 —, lithium cacodylate, action of on, 1,313,657 —, ‘lithium methyl arsenide, action of on, 1 313,657 _—, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,488,278 os , benzaldehyde for, i 247 629: 1,410,223 —, benzyl chloride for, 1 306, 291 —, calcium oxide for, ‘ 306, 221 —,—, ’ cellulose for, 1, 488 278 —,—, cobalt as catalyst for, 1,247 629 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,247, 629 nae iron as catalyst for, 1,247,629 —, nickel as catalyst for, 1, 247 629 with, SUBJECTS 765 Benzyl alcohol, mfr. of, nickel carbonate as catalyst for, 1,247,629 —,—, nickel oxide as catalyst for, 1,247,629 —,—, oak, white, for, 1,488,278 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,306,221 —,—, process tor, 1,247,629; 1,306,221 ; 1,416,859; 1,488,278 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,306,221 —,—, wood for, 1,488,278 —, ‘medicine, gelatin, ‘emulsion of and, globular particles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1 201,133 —,—, gelatinous, globular particles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —, milk, gelatin, ‘emulsion of and, globular par- ticles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201 jlda — , oxidizing, sodium hypochlorite for, 1,405,261 —,paint remover made _ with, 1,130,499; 1,185,641; 1,806,221; 1,328,080; 1,406,175; 1,499,101 —,phosphoric acid ester of, see Tribenzyl- phosphate —, plastic made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —, potassium cacodylate, action of on, 1,313,657 —, potassium methyl arsenide, action of on, 1,813,657 —, purification of, 1,416,859 —, resin, artificial, made with, 1,381,863 —, resinous material made with, 1,482, 919 —,salts, gelatin, emulsion of. and, globular particles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —, sodium cacodylate, action of on, 1,313, 657 — * sodium methyl arsenide, action of on, 1 313,657 —,sugar, gelatin, emulsion of and, globular particles of, made with, 1,201,132; 1,201,133 —, varnish made with, 1,881,863; 1,482,919 —,varnish remover made with, 1,130,499; 1,185,641; 1,328,080; 1,406,175; 1,499,101 Benzylaldehyde, mfr. of, copper nitrate for, 1,151,255 Benzyl alkali phthalate, see Alkali phthalate Benzylamide, caoutchouc, 6b.g-dimethylery- threne, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 —,—,erythrene, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 —,—, isoprene, vulcanization of using, 1,149 080 benzyl —, ’ rubber, Para, vulcanization of using, 1,149, 580 —,—,plantation, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 Benzylamidophenylmercaptan, see Benzenyl- amidothiophenol Benzylamine, acetaldehyde, compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1 AIT, 970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—,—, ’ rubber, vulcanization of 1,417, 970 —,—,—,rubber_ substitute, using, 1 417,970 —,—, —, vulcanization accelerator, 1,417,970 —,acetaldehyde condensate of, see Acetalde- hyde benzylamine —.balata vulcanized with, 1,463,794 using, vulcanization of 766 Benzylamine, caoutchouc, b.g-dimethylery- threne, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 —,—,erythrene, vulcanization of 1,149,580 —,—, isoprene, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 —,gutta percha vulcanized with, 1,463, 794 —, heptaldehyde, compound of and, balata, vul- canization of using, 1,417,970 —,—, —, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, mfr. of, Pes for, 1,417,970 using, —,—,—, "rubber vulcanization of using, i 17, 970 —,—,—,rubber substitute, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,heptaldehyde condensate of, see Heptalde- hyde benzylamine —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,159,257 —; rubber, Para, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 —,rubber, plantation, vulcanization of using, 1,149,580 —,rubber vulcanized with, 1,463,794 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,159,258 —, tribenzyltrimethylenetriamine from, 1,444,865 —, varnish made with, 1,159,257; 1,159,258 —,vulcanization accelerator made 1,417,970; 1,444,865 —, vulcanizing accelerator, 1,463,794 Benzyl ammonium phthalate, see Ammonum benzyl phthalate Benzyl aniline, benzyl phenyl urethane from, 1,348,741 —, distillation, fractional of, apparatus for, 1 141,266 —,—,—, process for, 1 ,141,266 — ‘methyl! bisulfites ‘of, 1,426, 348 N-Benzyl-aniline, see N -Phenyl- benzylamine Benzyl-aniline-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,188,548 Benzyl benzoate, carbon tetrachloride freezing point affected by, 1,292,744 —, celluloid made with, 1,233,374 —,cellulose acetate’ plasticizer, 1,388,472 —,cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,199,800; 1,388,472; 1,394,890 | —, cellulose nitrate plastic contg., 1,292,819 —, cellulose nitrate solvent contg., 1,394,890 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —, mfr. of, benzyl chloride for, 1,306,221 —, ’ plastic ‘made with, 1,199, 800 ; 1,388, 472 —, thermoplastic made with, re 233, 374 nee benzol, see Diphenylmethane Benzyl bromide, see a-Brom-toluene Benzyl n-butyl ether, cellulose ether, solvent for contg., 1,479,955 —, ethyl cellulose, solvent for contg., 1,479,955 —, film made with, 1,479,955 Benzyl butyrate, cellulose acetate plastizicer, 1,888,472 —,cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 1,159,257; with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Benzyl butyrate, plastic made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 9-Benzyl-carbazole, 1,494,879 N-Benzyl-carbazole, see 9-Benzyl-carbazole Benzyl carbinol, see Phenethyl alcohol Benzyl carbohydrate, mfr. of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,—, benzyl bromide for, 1,504,178 —,—, benzyl chloride for, 1,504,178 —,—, benzyl iodide for, 1,504,178 mfr. of, process for, —,—, carbohydrate for, 1,504,178 —, metal hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,—, process for, 1,504, 178 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,see also Carbohydrate ether Benzyl cellulose, acetic acid, glacial, as non- solvent of, 1 483, 738 — , benzaldehyde, removal of from, 1,483,738 —,benzine as a non-solvent for, 1 504, 178 — ’ benzyl alcohol, removal of from, 1 483, 738 —, benzyl ether, removal of from, 1,483 738 —, celluloid substitute made with, t 451 330; 1,454,960 —, cellulose benzylated by, process for, 1,451,330 —, cellulose ether made with, 1,502 379 —, ’ cellulose etherified by, process for, 1,451,330 —,coating composition made with, 1,451 330; 1,454,960 - —, colloidal 1,444,257 —,ethyl alcohol as a non-solvent for, 1,504,178 —,filament, artificial, made with, 1,451,330; 1,454,960; 1,504,178 —, film made with, 1,454,960; 1,484,004 ; -—, film, motion picture, made with, 1,451,330 —, film, photographic, made with, i AB1 330; 1,504, 178 — , hydrocellulose benzylated by, process for, 1 451,330 — , hydrocellulose etherified by, process for, 1 451,330 —, insulating material made with, 1,454,960 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,451 330 —, ‘mfr. of, acid cellulose for, 1,483, 738 —,—, acid cellulose, Ekstroem’s for, 1,483,738 —,—, ’ alcohols, aliphatic, for, 1,488, 738 —,—, alkali for, 1,451,330 —,—, alkali cellulose for, 1,483,738 —, alkali hydroxide for, 1,483,788; 1,504,178 —,amyloid for, 1,483,738 —, amyloid, Flechsig’ s for, 1,483,738 —, benzyl bromide for, 1,451 330; 1,504,178 —, benzyl chloride for, 1,451,330 ; 1,483,738 ; ~ 1,504,178 —,—, benzyl iodide for, 1,504,178 —,—,cellulose for, 1,451,330; 1,504,178 —,—, cellulose, alkali hydroxide treated, for, 1,483,738 : —,—, cellulose, cuprammonium solution treated, for, 1,483,788 —,—,—, Guignet, for, 1,483,738 —,—, —} Schweizer’s reagent 1,483, 3 738 —,—,—, sulfuric acid treated, for, 1,483,738 —,—,—, zinc halide treated, for, 1,483,738 suspensions prepared with, 1,483,738 ; treated, for, INDEX OF Benzyl cellulose, mfr. of, cellulose hydrate for, 1,483,738 —,—, cellulose xanthogenate for, 1,483,738 —,—, copper for, 1,451,330 —,—, copper hydroxide for, 1,451,330 —,—,copper salts for, 1 451 330 —,—, ethyl alcohol for, 1,483, 738 —,—, hydro-cellulose for, 1,483 738 —,—, metal hydroxide for, 1,504, 178 —,—,potassium hydroxide for, 1,451,330; 1,483, 738 —,—, process for, 1,451,330; 1,483,788 ; 1,504,178 . —,—,silk, artificial, waste, for, 1,483,738 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,451,330; 1,483, 738; 1,504,178 —,—, viscose, purified, for, 1,483,738 —,—,—,raw, for, 1,483,738 —, water for, 1, 483 738 — Sarath alcohol as a non-solvent for, 1,504,178 —, plastic made with, 1,504,178 —., plasticizer for, castor oil, as, 1,454,960 —,—,N .N-diethyl- o-toluenesulfonamide as, 1 A54 ,960 —,—, N.N -diethyl-p-toluenesulfonamide as, 1 454 960 —,— , diethyl urea as, 1,454,960 —,—, N. N-diethyl-xylenesulfonamide as, 1 ABA ,960 —,— _N .N-dimethyl-o-toluenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —,—, N.N-dimethyl-p-toluenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —,—, dimethyl] urea_as, 1,454,960 —,—, N-ethyl-N-methyl-benzenesulfonamide -as, 1,454,960 —, —, N-ethyl-N-methy]l-o-toluenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —, —, N-ethyl-N-methyl-p-toluenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —,—, N-ethyl-N-methyl-xylenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —,—, N-ethyl-o-toluenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —,—, ethyl urea as, 1,454,960 | ,—, N-ethyl-xylenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —,—, N-methyl-benzenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —,—, methyl urea as, 1,454,960 —,—, N-methyl-xylenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —, sulfonamides, alkyl, as, 1,454,960 —,—, triacetin as, 1,454,960 —,—, tricresyl phosphate as, 1,454,960 —,—, triethyl urea as, 1,454,960 ,—, trimethyl urea as, 1,454,960 —,—, triphenyl phosphate as, 1,454,960 —,ureas, substituted, as, 1,454 960 —, gee artificial, made with, 1,484,004 ; 1,504,178 } —,solvent for, acetic acid, glacial, as, 1,504,178 —,—,acetone as, 1,454,960; 1,484,004 —,—, alcohol as, 1,454,960 —,—,aleohol-benzene as, 1,454,960 —,—, benzene-alcohol as, 1,454,960 —, thread, artificial, made with, 1,504,178 SUBJECTS 767 Benzyl cellulose, varnish made w ith, 1,451,330; 1,454,960; 1 504, 178 —, water as non-solvent of, 1,483,738 —, Wrapping tissue of, 1,458 592 —,see also Cellulose ether Benzyl chloride, see a-Chlor-toluene Benzy! citrates, ‘mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Benzy! cresylates, paint remover contg., 1,328,080 Benzyl dextrin, mfr. of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,— , benzyl bromide for, 1,504,178 —,— , benzyl chloride for, 1,504 178 —,—, benzyl iodide for, 1 504 178 —,—, dextrin for, 1,504. 178 —, metal hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,—, process for, 1,504 178 —, —, sodium hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,see also Dextrin ether Benzyldichloride, carbon tetrachloride freezing point affected by, 1,292,744 Benzyl-dimethyl- phenyl- -ammonium chloride, dyestuff made with, 1,489,225 Benzylene chloride, see Benzylidene chloride Benzyl ester, see Benzyl acetate Benzyl ether, benzyl cellulose, removal from of 1,483,738 —, cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,388,472 —, cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,199,800; 1,388,472 — , dyestuft made with, 1,504,437 —, film, photographic, made with, 1,199,800; 1 388 ‘472 —, paint remover made with, 1,130,499 —, plastic made with, 1,199 800; 1,388,472 —, varnish remover made with, 4 ,130 ‘499 N “Benzyl-N -ethyl-aniline, see N- Ethyl-N - phenyl-benzylamine Benzyl] ethyl! cellulose, celluloid substitute made with, 1,451,831; 1 ABA. 960 —, coating composition made with, 1,451,331; 1,454 ,960 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,451,331; 1,454 ,960 —, film made with, 1,454,960 —, film, motion picture, made with, 1,451,331 —,—, photographic, made with, 1,451 331 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,451,331 ; 1 454,960 —, mir. of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,451,331 —, benzyl chloride for, 1,451 331 —, cellulose for, 1,451 331 —, copper for, 1,451 331° —, copper hydroxide for, 1,451,331 —, copper salts for, 1,451 331» —, diethyl sulfate for, + 451, 331 —, potassium hydroxide for, 1,451,331 —, process for, 1,451,331 —, sodium hydroxide for, 1,451,331 —, plasticizer for, castor oil as, 1,454 5960 —,—,N. N-diethyl- o-toluenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —,—, N.N-diethyl-p-toluenesulfonamide as 1,454,960 —,—, diethyl urea as, 1,454,960 —,—, N.N. -diethyl-xylenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 “ J J : I | ast ? 168 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Benzyl ethyl cellulose, plasticizer for, N.N-di- ethyl-o- -toluenesulfonamide as, L ABA 960 —,—,N N-dimethyl-p-toluenesulfonamide as, 1 454, 960 —,— , dimethyl urea as, 1,454,960 —,—, ’ N- ethyl-N -methyl- benzenesulfonamide as, i 454,960 —,—, N- ethyl-N- methyl-o-toluenesulfonamide as, 1 454,960 —,—, N -ethyl- N-methyl]-p-toluenesulfonamide as, ‘1 454,960 eee NG -ethyl-N -methyl-xylenesulfonamide as, 1 ABA, 960 —,—, N -ethy]-o-toluenesulfonamide as, 1 ABA, 960 —,—, ethyl urea as, 1,454,960 —,—, N- éthyl-xylenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —,—,N-methyl-benzensulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —,—, N-methyl-xylenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —,—, methyl urea as, 1,454,960 , —, sulfonamides, alkyl, as, 1,454,960 —,—, triacetin as, 1,454,960 —,—, tricresyl phosphate as, 1,454,960 Se ' triethyl urea as, 1,454, '960 —,—, trimethyl urea as, 1 ABA 5960 —,—, triphenyl phosphate as, 1,454,960 —,—,urea, substituted, as, 1 ADA, 960 —,solvent for, acetone as, 1,454,960 —,—,alcohol as, 1,454,960 —,—,alcohol-benzene as, 1,454,960 —,—, ’ benzene-alcohol as, 1 ‘ABA, 960: —, ‘varnish made with, 1 451 331: 1,454,960 Benzyl ethyl ether, cellulose ether, solvent for contg., 1,479,955 —, ethyl cellulose, solvent for contg., 1,479,955 —, film made with, 1,479,955 N-Benzyl-N-ethyl-m-toluidine, with, 1,218,232 Benzyl formanilid, cellulose nitrate gelatinizer, 1,392,851 Benzyl formate, cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,888,472 —,cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —,mfr. of, benzyl chloride for, 1,306,221 —, plastic made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 Benzyl hydride, see Benzaldehyde N-Benzyl-N-hydroxy-ethyl-aniline, made with, 1,478,039 N-Benzyl-N-hydroxyethyl-aniline sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,478,039 dyestuff made dyestuff N-Benzyl-N-hydroxyethyl-toluidine, dyestuff made with, 1,478,039 Benzylic alcohol, see Benzyl alcohol Benzylide, —1-brom-2-naphthylamine _ deriva- tive of, see Benzylidene-1-bromo-2-naphthyl- amine Benzylideneacenaphthenone, see acenaphthenone Benzylidene-acetone, see Methyl styrl ketone Benzylidene-p- amindophenol, see Benzylidene- p-aminophenol 8-Benzal-7- Benzylidene-p-aminophenol, p-methylamino- phenol from, 1,431,470 Benzylidene (tertiary) amylamine, vulcanization accelerator, 1,434,909 Benzylidine aniline, vulcanizing accelerator, 1,417,970 Benzylidine-1-bromo-2-naphthylamine, 1- bromo-2-methylamine-naphthylene —_ hydro- chloride from, 1,481,470, Benzylidene chloride, see a.a-Dichlor-toluene Benzylidene compounds, see Benzal-compounds Benzylidene ethylamine, vulcanizing acceler- ator, 1,417,970 . Benzylidene ethylenediamine,” process using, 1,503,702 Benzylidene- tetrahydropapaverine, see 11- Phenyl-norcoralydine Benzylidene-p-toluidine, N-monomethyl-p- toluidine from, 1,431,470 Benzyl iodide, see a- -Iodo-toluene Benzyl lithium citrates, antispasmodic, 1,485,377 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Benzyl lithium malonates, antispasmodic, 1,485,377 —, mir. of, process for, 1,485,377 Benzyl lithium phosphates, 1,485,377 - —,mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Benzyl lithium phthalate, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —, — mir. of, alcohol for, 1,485,877; 1,485,378 —_ benzyl phthalate for, 1,485, 377: 1 485, 378 —, lithium carbonate for, i ‘A85, 377: 1,485, ‘378 rubber vulcanization antispasmodic, antispasmodic, +, —, lithium’ hydroxide tas, 485,37 Yd 1,485,378 —,—, process for, 1,485,877; 1,485,378 Benzyl lithium succinate, antispasmodic, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,—, alcohol for, 1,458, 377: 1 85, 379 —,— ’ benzyl succinate for, 1 485, 377; 1,485,379 —,—, lithium carbonate for, 1,485, 377; 1 485 '379 —,—,lithium hydroxide for, 1 485 377; 1 ASS, 379 —,—,process for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 Benzyl lithium sulfates, antispasmodic, 1,485,377 —, nifr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Benzyl lithium tartrates, antispasmodic, 1,485,377 —,mfr. of process for, 1,485,877 Benzyl malonates, mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Benzyl methyl alcohol, airplane dope made with, 1,335,728 —,cellulose acetate solvent, 1,339,728 —,see also Tolyl alcohol Benzyl- -a-methyl-alcohol, mfr. of, ‘ cebeubeneem for, 1,247,629 © —,—, cobalt as catalyst for, 1,247,629 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,247, 629 —,—,iron as catalyst for, 1,247,629 —,—, nickel as catalyst for, 1,247, 629 —,—, nickel carbonate as catalyst ‘for, 1,247,629 —,—,nickel oxide as catalyst for, 1,247 629 —, process for, 1,247,629 ~ nt INDEX OF SUBJECTS Benzylmethylaniline, see N-Methyl-N-phenyl- benzylamine N-Benzyl-N-methyl-aniline, see N-Methyl-N- phenyl-benzylamine N-Benzyl-N-methyl-aniline-4'-sulfonic acid, see N-Methyl-N-phenyl-benzylamine-4-sul- fonic acid Benzyl-methyl-cellulose, celluloid substitute made with, 1,451,330; 1,451,331; 1,454,960 —,cellulose benzylated by, process for, 1,451,330 —, cellulose etherified by, process for, 1,451,330 —,coating composition made with, 1,451,330; 1,451,331; 1,454,960 —,filament, artificial, made with, 1,451,330; 1,451,331; 1,454,960 —,film made with, 1,454,960 —,film, motion picture, made with, 1,451,330; 1,451,331 —,—, photographic, 1,451,330; 1,451,331 —,hydrocellulose benzylated by, process for, 1,451,330 —,hydrocellulose etherified by, process for, 1,451,330 —,insulating material made with, 1,454,960 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1,451,330; 1,451,331 —,mfr. of, methyl-benzy] chloride for, 1,451,330 —,—,process for, 1,451,380; 1,451,331 —, plasticizer for, castor oil as, 1,454,960 —,—, N.N-diethyl-o-toluenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 ; —,—, N.N-diethy]-p-toluenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —,—, diethyl urea as, 1,454,960 _ —,—, N.N-diethyl-xylenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —,—, N.N-dimethyl-o-toluenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 ; —,—, N.N-dimethy]-p-toluenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —,—, dimethyl urea as, 1,454,960 —,—, N-ethy]-N-methyl-benzénesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 ; —, —, N-ethyl-N-methyl]-o-toluenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —, —, N-ethyl-N-methyl-p-toluenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 ' —,—, N-ethyl-N-methyl-xylenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —,—, N-ethyl-o-toluenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —,—,ethy] urea as, 1,454,960 —,—, N-ethyl-xylenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 ay —, N-methyl-benzenesulfonamide as, 1,454,960 —,—, N-methyl-xylenesulfonamides as, 1;454,960 —,—, methyl urea as, 1,454,960 —,—, sulfonamides, alkyl, as, 1,454,960 —,—, triacetin as, 1,454,960 —,—,tricresyl phosphate as, 1,454,960 ,—, triethyl urea as, 1,454,960 made with, —,trimethyl urea as, 1,454,960 —,tripheny] phosphate as, 1,454,960 —,urea, substituted, as, 1,454,960 49 — —— — 769 Benzyl-methyl-cellulose, solvent for, acetone as, 1,454,960 —,—,alcohol as, 1,454,960 —,—,alcohol-benzene as, 1,454,960 —,—, benzene-alcohol as, 1,454,960 —,varnish made with, 1,451,330; 1,454,960 —, see also Cellulose ethers Benzyl methyl] chloride, methyl benzyl cellulose made with, 1,451,330 Benzy methyl ether, 1,181,859 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,181,859 —, film made with, 1,181,859 —, horse hair, artificial, made with, 1,181,859 —, lacquer made with, 1,181,859 —, leather, artificial, made with, 1,181,859 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,181,859 —,varnish made with, 1,181,859 1-Benzy]-2-methyl-indole, dyestuff made with, 1,217,238 N-Benzyl-a-methylindol, see 1-Benzyl-2- methyl-indole Benzyl morphine, diallylbarbiturie acid, com- pound of with, 1,255,423 —, obstetrics, soporific for, made with, 1,255,423 —,sedative made with, 1,255,423 —, sporific made with, 1,255,423 N-Benzyl-1-naphthylamine, dyestuff made with, 1,483,084 Benzyl-nitro-pyrazole-anthrone derivative, preparation of, 1,329,435 Benzyl oleate, hydrogenated, properties of, 1,277,708 —, hydrogenation of, 1,277,708 —,—, process for, 1,277,708 —, mfr. of, benzyl alcohol for, 1,277,708 —,—, oleic acid for, 1,277,708 —,—, process for, 1,277,708 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,277,708 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,277,708 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,277,708 » —, palmitic acid, action of and, 1,277,708 —, properties of, 1,277,708 —, stearic acid, action of and, 1,277,708 5-Benzyloxy-o-anisidine, dyestuff made with, 1,498,417 o-Benzyloxy-benzoie acid, calcium o-benzyloxy- benzoate made with, 1,481,779 —,calctum salt of, see Calcium o-benzylory- benzoate —, Magnesium with, 1,491,779 —, magnesium salts of, see Magnesium o-benzy- loxy-benzoate —,mfr. of, aleohol for, 1,481,779; 1,491,779 —,—,benzyl chloride for, 1,481,779; 1,491,779 —,—,carbon tetrachloride for, 1,481,779; 1,491,779 —,—,ethyl alcohol for, 1,491,779 —,—,methyl alcohol for, 1,491,779 —,—,methy] salicylate for, 1,481,779; 1,491,779 —,—, process for, 1,481,779; 1,491,779 1,451,331 ; camphor _ substitute, nickel catalyst for, o-benzyloxy-benzoate made —,—,sodium for, 1,481,779; 1,491,779 —,—,soditim o-benzyloxy-benzoate for, 1,491,779 770 UNITED o-Benzyloxy-benzoic acid, mfr. of, sodium chlo- ride for, 1,491,779 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,481,779; 1,491,779 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,481 779; 1 491 779 —) properties of, 1,491 779 —, sodium o-benzyloxy-benzoate made with, 1 481,779 Benzylpentamethyl-pararosaniline hydrochlo- ride, see Methyl violet 6-B p-Benzyl-phenol, p-benzylphenyl carbamate made with, 1,252,452 5-Benzyl-5-phenoxyethyl-barbituric acid, hyp- notic, 1,217,447 —,mfr. of, diethyl malonate for, 1,217,447 —,—, process for, 1,217,447 —, properties of, 1,217,447 C-Benzyl- C-phenoxyethyl-barbituric acid, see §-Benzyl-6-phenoxy-ethyl-barbituric acid Benzyl-phenozy-ethyl-malonic acid ester, see Diethyl benzyl-phenoxyethyl-malonate Benzylphenylamine, see Benzylaniline p-Benzylpheny!l carbamate, mfr. of, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,252,452 —,—, benzene for, 1,252 A52 —, —, p-benzyl- phenol for, 1,252,452 —,—,carbony] chloride for, 1,252, 452 —,—,dimethylaniline for, 1,252 452 —, hydrochloric acid for, 1,252,452 —,—, process for, 1,252,452 —, properties of, 1,252,452 Benzyl 2-phenyl-cinchoniate, benzyl ester of Benzyl-pheny] ether, cellulose nitrate stabilized with, 1,338,691 —, finish remover made with, 1,169,783 —, glyceryl trinitrate for dissolving, 1,338,691 Benzyl 2-phenylquinoline-4-carboxylate, prepa- ration of, 1,378,343 —,see also Atophan, benzyl ester of Benzyl phenyl urethane, cellulose nitrate gela- tinized by, 1,848,741 —, see Phenyl benzyl urethane Benzyl phosphate, mfr. of, 1,485,377 Benzyl phthalate, alkali benzyl phthalate made with, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —,ammonium benzyl phthalate made 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —,benzyl lithium phthalate 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —,benzyl potassium phthalate made 1,485,877; 1,485,378 —,benzyl sodium phthalate 1,485,877; 1,485,378 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Benzyl potassium citrates, 1,485,377 —, mir. of, process for, 1,485,377 Benzyl potassium malonates, 1,485,377 —, mir. of, process for, 1,485,377 Benzyl potassium phosphate, 1,485,377 — mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Benzyl potassium phthalate, 1,485,377 ; 1,485,378 benzyl-phenoxyethyl- see Atophan, process for, with, made with, with, made with, antispasmodic, antispasmodic, antispasmodic, antispasmodic, STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Benzyl potassium phthalate, mfr. of, aleohol for, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —_,— benzyl phthalate for, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —,~—, potassium, carbonate for, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —,—,potassium hydroxide for, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —,—, process for, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 Benzyl potassium succinate, antispasmodic, 1,485,877; 1,485,379 —,mfr. of, acetone for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,—, alcohol for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,—, benzylsuccinate for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,—,potassium carbonate for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,—, process for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 Benzyl potassium sulfates, antispasmodic, 1,485,377 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Benzyl potassium tartrates, antispasmodie, 1,485,377 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Benzyl- pyrazole-anthrone yellow, ethylating, © 1,329,435 Heyl salicylate, benzyl acetylsalicylate from, 1,436,304 —, cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,388,472 —, cellulose’ acetate solvent contg., 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —, plastic made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 Bena sodium citrates, antispasmodic, 1,485,377 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Benzyl sodium malonates, antispasmodic, 1,485,377 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Benzyl sodium phosphates, antispasmodic, 1,485,377 —,mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Benzyl sodium phthalate, antispasmodic, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —, — mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,485,377; 1,485,378 —, benzyl phthalate for, 1 ‘485, 377: 1 ,485,378 —,—, process for, 1,485,877; 1 485 378 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,485 3173 1,485,378 —,— sodium hydroxide for, 1,485 ‘377: 1 "485, '378 Benzyl sodium succinate, antispasmodic, 1,485,377 ; 1,485,379 —, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,485,877; 1,485,379 —,—, alcohol for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —, benzyl succinate for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,—, process for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,485,377; 1,485,379 Benzyl sodium sulfates, antispasmodic, 1,485 ‘377 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Benzyl sodium. tartrates, 1,485,377 —, mir. of, process for, 1,485,377 Benzyl starch, colloidal suspensions prepared with, 1,444 257 —, mfr. of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,504,178 benzyl bromide for, 1 504 178 —,—,benzyl chloride for, 1,504, 178 antispasmodic, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Benzyl starch, mfr. of, benzyl iodide for, 1,504,178 —,—, metal hydroxide for, 1,504,17 —,—, process for, 1,504,178 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,—, starch for, 1,504,178 —, see also Dibenzyl succinate Benzyl succinate, alkali benzyl succinate made with, 1,485,377: 1,485,379 —,ammonium benzyl succinate made with, 1,485,877; 1,485,379 —,benzyl lithium succinate made with, 1,485,377 ; 1,485,379 —,benzyl potassium succinate made with, 1,485,377 ; 1,485,37% —,benzyl sodium succinate made with, 1,485,377 ; 1,485.379 —, mfr. of, 1,439,377 —,—, process for, 1,485,377 —, see also Dibenzyl succinate Benzyl-sulfanilic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,188,543 Benzyl sulfuric acid esters, mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Benzy! tartrates, mfr. of, process for, 1,485,377 Benzyl-o-toludin, see N-Benzyl-o-toluidine Benzyl-o-toluidine, benzyl-o-tolyl urethane from, 1,348,741 —, dyestuff made with, 1,218,232 Benzyl tolyl ether, finish remover made with, 1,169,783 Benzyl-o-tolyl-urethane, cellulose nitrate gela- tinized by, 1,348,741 —, preparation of, 1,348,741 " Benzyl-p-tolyl urethane, cellulose nitrate gela- _tinized by, 1,348,741 Benzyl vanadate, mfr. of, benzyl alcohol for, 1,133,961 —,—, process for, 1,133,961 —,—, vanadium pentoxide for, 1,133,961 Benzyphos, see Sodium-dibenzyl-phosphate Beraumite, see Iron(ic) phosphate Bergamot essence, see Bergamot oil Bergamot oil, brilliantine ingredient, 1,411,353 —, carbon tetrachloride, freezing point of mix- ture of and, 1,270,895 —, cleaner contg., 1,510,948 —, dentifrice made with, 1,275,779 —, fire-extinguisher contg., carbon tetrachloride and, 1,270,395 —, hair-dressing contg., 1,368,758 —, hair remedy contg., 1,516,562 —,hair-tonic contg., 1,516,562 —, ink, printers, medicated made with, 1,233,962 —,leather, artificial, addition of odorous sub- stance to contg., 1,270,055 —, massage cream made with, 1,496,545 —, polish ingredient, 1,411,353 Bergblau, see Azurite Berg butter, see Halotrichite Berggruen, see Malachite Bermannite, see Natrolite Bergmehl, see Kieselguhr Beri-beri, therapeutic product for treatment of, 1,511,874 —, treatment of, vitamin for, 1,235,198 Berlin blue, see Prussian blue 771 Berlin green, formation 1,328,938 Berlin red, see Indian red —,see Iron(ic) oxide | Burmudez asphalt, see Asphalt Berry, acids made with, 1,472,119 —, alcohols made with, 1,472,119 —, aldehyde made with, 1,472,119 —, esters made with, 1,472,119 —, Juice of, lactic acid, produced in, 1,417,412 —,—, treating of, 1,429,679 —, ketones made with, 1,472,119 —, methyl alcohol from, 1,472,119 —, oil made with, 1,472,119 —, phenols made with, 1,472,119 —, pyroligneous acid made with, 1,472,119 Berteria, distribution of, boric acid in, 1,252,332 Bertoni’s ether, see ter-Amyl nitrite Beryl, beryllium chloride made with, 1,392,045 —, beryllium compounds from, 1,418,527 —, cement, dental, made with, 1,172,723 —, electrical resistance element contg., 1,349,053 —,porcelain contg., 1,462,396 —,reduction of, apparatus for, 1,512,271 —,—, carbon for, 1,512,271 —,—, coke for, 1,512,271 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,512,271 —,—, pitch for, 1,512271 77, process for, 1,512:271 —,—,rutile for, 1,512,271 ri BLICA fOr, bbl o.271 in ferricyanide mfr., —,—, titanium dioxide for, 1,512,271 ALR f —, terrazzo, non-slip, mfr. of, 1,451,462 .e¢77%tte ._-—, tile, anti-slipping, made with, 14518962 <7 —,—,non-slip, made with, Mase | 6 /OGs —,see also Aluminum beryllium pe A : Beryllium aluminum silicate: Emerald, Aquamarine Beryllia, see Beryllium oxide Beryllium, alloy contg., 1,493,191 —,alloy contg., aluminum and, 1,333,965 ; 1,859,813 —, aluminum and, producing, 1,464,625 —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,491,588 —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,491,588 —, catalyst, for the mfr. of ammonia, made with, 1,491,588 —,catalyst promoter, ammonia made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,compact, mfr, of, electrolytic process for, 1,427,919 —,enamel made with, 1,366,101 —,glass made with, 1,366,101 —,glaze made with, 1,366,101 —, iron alloy contg., 1,493,191 —,iron alloy coated with, mfr. of, beryllium chloride for, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 —,—,—,beryllium cyanide for, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 —,—,—,beryllium halide for, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 —,—,—, iron for, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 —,—,—, lead for, 1,873,038;. 1,497,417 —,—,—, nitrogen for, 1,497,417 —,—,—, process for, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 /« U2 Beryllium, iron alloy coated with, mfr. of, tin, for, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 —,—,—, zinc for, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 b] —,—,—,beryllum carbonyl for, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 —,—,—,beryllium chloride for, 1,873,038; 1,497,417 —,—,—,beryllium cyanide for, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 —,—,—,beryllium halide for, 1,373,038; 1,497 417 Peet STOR EOF, Lodo. 1,497,417 —,—,lead for, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,497,417 —,—,—, process for, 1,373,038 ; 1,497,417 5 = tin) for, 1,879,038 171 49747 —,iron coated with, mfr. of, zinc for, 1,373,038 ; 1,497,417 —,magnesium alloy contg., mfr. of, beryllium halide for, 1,515,082 3 4 , —,—,—,beryllium sodium fluoride for, 1,515,082 —,—, iron, coating of with, 1,515,082 —,—, mfr. of, magnesium for, 1,515,082 —,—,—, process for, 1,515,082 —,—,—,sodium fluoride for, 1,515,082 —, producing, method of, 1,464,625 —, production of, apparatus for, 1,190,122 —,—, beryllium bromide for, 1,373,038 —,—,beryllium carbonyl for, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 —,—,beryllium chloride for, 1,873,088 1,497,417 —,—,beryllium cyanide ffor, 1,378,038; 1,497,417 —,—, beryllium fluoride for, 1,373,038; 1,511,829 —,—, beryllium halide for, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 —,—, beryllium iodide for, 1,378,038 —,—, beryllium oxide for, 1,254,987 —,—, beryllium salt for, 1,511,829 —,—,calcium fluoride for, 1,190,122; 1,511,829 —,—,carbon cathode for, 1,190,122 —,—,cobalt for, 1,373,038 —,—,copper for, 1,373,038 —,—,copper, iron coated with, cathode, for, 1,190,122 —,—, electrolytic apparatus for, 1,190,122 cathode, for, 1,190,122 —,—,iron cathode for, 1,190,122 —,—, magnesium fluoride for, 1,511,829 —,—,nickel for, 1,373,038 —,—,nickel, iron alloy contg., cathode, for, 1,190,122 —,—, potassium chloride for, 1,190,122 —,—, process for, 1,190,122 ; 1,373,038 ; 1,497,417; 1,511,829 —,—,tin, iron coated with, 1,190,122 —,—, zine, 1,190,122 . —, properties of, 1,254,987 cathode, for, iron coated with, cathode, for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Beryllium, recovery from ores of, 1,392,045; 1,392,046 —,reducing from compounds of, 1,373,038 —,see also Metals, alkals earth —,(pure), production of, beryllium chloride for, 1,306,568 —,—,—, beryllium halide for, 1,306,568 —,—,—, boron nitride for, 1,806,568 —,—, calcium for, 1,306,568 —,—, carbon filament for, 1,306,568 - —,—,—, potassium for, 1,306,568 —,—,—, process for, 1,306,568 2s 3 b 5) —,sodium for, 1,306,568 —,—,—, tantalum filament for, 1,306,568 —,—,—, tungsten for, 1,306,568 —,—,—, tungsten filament for, 1,306,568 Beryllium acetate, ammonia producing catalyst — made with, 1,473,543 —,catalyst made with, 1,473,543 Beryllium alloy, aluminum in, 1,254,987 Beryllium aluminates, beryllium carbonate made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,beryllium hydroxide made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 1,216,980 ; —, beryllium oxide 1,216,981 —,paint made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,—, pigment made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,zirconium carbonate, basic, made _ with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,zirconium oxide 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,zirconium sulfate made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 Beryllium aluminum silicate, beryllium chloride made with, 1,392,045 —,see also Aluminum beryllium Beryl Beryllium antimoniate, enamel clouded using, 1,211,564 —, mfr. of, ammonium nitrate for, 1,211,564 —,—, process for, 1,211,564 Beryllium barium fluoride, see Barvum beryl- lium. fluoride Beryllium borate, 1,408,960 Beryllium bromide, acetal made with, 1,312,186 —, beryllium made with, 1,373,038 Beryllium carbide, beryllium chloride from, 1,418,527 —,formation of, 1,392,045; 1,418,527 Beryllium carbonate, ammonium producing catalyst made with, 1,473,548; 1,473,544 —,beryllium carbonate made with, 1,473,548 ; 1,473,544 ; —,catalyst made with, 1,473,543; 1,473,544 —,catalyst, dehydrogenation, made with, 1,271,013 —,—, hydrogenation, made with, 1,271,013 —,catalyst promoter, 1,271,013 . —,mfr. of, alkali carbonate for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,—,alkali hydroxide for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,—,beryllium aluminates for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,—, beryllium mineral for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,—, beryllium salt for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 made with, with, made silicate ; dental cement conig., INDEX OF Beryllium carbonate, mfr. of, beryllium silicate for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,—, bisulfate for, 1 216,980; 1,216,981 —,— hydrochloric ‘acid for, 1 216, 980 ; 1,216,981 —-,—, process for, 1,216, 980; 1,216 981 —,—, sodium bisulfate for, 1,216 980: 1,216,981 —,—,sulfurie acid for, 1,216 ‘980: 1,216, 981 —,—, zirconium mineral 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —, paint made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —, pigment made with, 1 216 980: 1 216,981 Beryllium carbonyl, beryllium made with, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 —, beryllium, iron alloy coated with, made a with, 1,373,038 ; 1,497,417 —,—. iron coated with, made with, 1,497,417 —, iron, beryllium coated, made with, 1,373,038; 1 497 A17 —,iron alloy, beryllium coated, made with, 1,373,038: 1,497,417 Beryllium chloride, acetal made with, 1,312,186 —, beryllium made with, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 for, 1,373,038 ; —,beryllium, iron coated with, made with, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 —,—,iron alloy coated with, made _ with, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 —,—, pure, from, process for, 1,306,568 —, beryllium oxide made with, 1,418,527 —, iron, beryllium coated, made with, 1,373,038 ; 1,497,417 —,iron alloy, beryllium coated, made with, 1,873,038; 1,497,417 —, mfr. of, 1,418,527 —,—, ores for, 1,392,045; 1,892,046 —,reduction of, calcium for, 1,306,568 —,—, potassium for, 1,806,568 —,—,sodium for, 1 306 568 — ’ separation from iron and aluminum chlo- rides, 1,418,527 —,zirconium chloride separated from, 1,418,527 Beryllium chromate, alkali perborate made with, 1,253,061 —, sodium perborate made with, 1,253,061 Beryllium compounds, catalyst, dehydrogena- tion, made with, 1,271,013 —,—, hydrogenation, made with, 1,271,013 —, catalyst promoter, 1,271,013 —, ceramic insulating material contg., 1,409,953 —,ceramic ware contg., 1,438,598 — insulation, electric, made with, 1,438,598 —, ’ production Corl 18, 527 Beryllium cyanamide, catalyst contg., ammonia made with, 1,473,548; 1,473,544 —, mfr. of, ammonia for, 1,473,548; 1,473,544 —,—,beryllium carbonate for, 1,473,548; 1,473,544 —,—., process for, 1,473,543; 1,473,544 Beryllium cyanide, beryllium made _ with, 1,373,038; 1 497,417 — beryllium, iron alloy coated with, made with, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 —,—, iron coated with, made with, 1,873,038; 1,497,417 —, iron, beryllium coated, made with, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 SUBJECTS 773 Beryllium cyanide, iron alloy, beryllium coated, made with, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 Beryllium fluoride, beryllium made 1,511,829 —, beryllium alloy from, 1,359,813 —, vanadium made with, 1,373,038 Beryllium formate, ammonia producing catalyst made with, 1,473,543 —, catalyst made with, 1,473,543 Beryllium halide, beryllium made 1,373,038; 1,497 AIT: 1,427,919 —, beryllium, iron alloy coated with, made any 1,373,038; 1,497,417 —,—, Iron coated with, made with, 1,373,038; 1 497 417 —,— magnesium alloy contg., 1,515,082 —,—, pure, from, process for, 1,306,568 —,iron, beryllium coated, made with, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 —,iron alloy, beryllium coated, made with, 1,373,038; 1,497,417 —,magnesium alloy, beryllium in, made with, 1,515,082 —,reduction of, calcium for, 1,306,568 —,—, potassium for, 1,306,568 —,—,sodium for, 1,806,568 Beryllium hydroxide, catalyst, dehydrogena- tion, made with, 1,271,013 —,—, hydrogenation, made with, 1,271,013 —, catalyst promoter, 1,271,013 —,—, ammonia made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,crucible made with, 1,157,662 —, mfr. of, alkali carbonate for, 1,216,980 —,—,alkali hydroxide for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 with, with, made with, —,—,beryllium aluminates for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,—,beryllium mineral for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,—, beryllium salt for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,—, beryllium silicate for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,—,bisulfate for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 — ’ hydrochloric acid for, 1,216, 980; 1,216,981 —,—, process for, 1,216,980; L ‘216, 981 —,—, sodium bisulfate for, 1,216, 980; 1,216,981 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,216, 980; 1,216 981 —,—, zirconium mineral for, 1 216 980: 1 216,981 —, paint made with, 1,216, 980; 1.216 981 —, pigment made with, 1 216 980: 1 216, 981 —, precipitated, ammonia for, 1,337, 191 —,refractory made with, 1 157 ,662 Beryllium iodide, beryllium made 1,373,038 Beryllium mineral, beryllium ¢arbonate made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —, beryllium hydroxide made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,beryllium oxide 1,216,981 —, paint made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —, pigment made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 with, made with, 1,216,980; —,zirconium carbonate, basic, made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,zirconium oxide made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 TVA UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Beryllium mineral, zirconium sulfate made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 Beryllium molybdate, dental cement contg., 1,408,960 Beryllium nitrate, acetal made with, 1,312,186 —,ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,catalyst, dehydrogenation, with, 1,271,013 —,—, hydrogenation, made with, 1,271,013 —, catalyst for the mfr. of, ammonia made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —, catalyst promoter, 1,271,013 —, polish made with, 1,128,287 Beryllium nitride, ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,491,588 —, catalyst, for the mfr. of ammonia, made with, 1,491,588 Beryllium oxalate, ammonia producing cata- lyst made with, 1,473,543 —, catalyst made with, 1,473,543 Beryllium oxide, abrasive made with, 1,234,905 —,aluminum oxide, alloy of aluminum and beryllium from, 1,254,987 —,ammonium catalyst for the mfr. of made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,980; 1,491,588 —, beryllium from, 1,254,987; 1,427,919 —,catalyst, dehydrogenation, made 1,271,013 —,—, hydrogenation, made with, 1,271,013 —,—,for the mfr. of, ammonia made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,980; 1,491,588 —,—,for the mfr. of hydrogen, made with, 1,330,772 —,catalyst promoter, 1,271,013 —,—,ammonia made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,cement contg., 1,450;467 —, crucible made with, 1,157,662 —, dental cement constituent, 1,408,960 —, hydrogen, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,330,772 —, mfr. of, 1,418,527 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,—,beryllium aluminates for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,—, beryllium mineral for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,—,beryllium salt for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,—, beryllium silicates for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 , —, process for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,—,sodium bisulfate for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,—, zirconium mineral for, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —, paint made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,pigment made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —, porcelain made with, 1,343,040 —, reduction of, apparatus for, 1,512,271 —,—, carbon for, 1,512,271 —,—,coke for, 1,512,271 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,512,271 —,—, pitch for, 1,512,271 —,—, process for, 1,512,271 —,—,rutile for, 1,512,271 —,—, Silica for, 1,512,271 —,—., titanium dioxide for, 1,512,271 —,refractory made with, 1,157,662 made with, Beryllium oxide, tantalum, tungsten alloy contg., made with, 1,520,794 —,tungsten alloy, tantalum in, made with, 1,520,794, —, tungsten oxide prevented from off setting by, 1,363,162 Beryllium oxide ore, reduction of, apparatus for, 1,512,271 —,—,carbon for, 1,512,271 —,—, coke for, 1,512,271 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,512,271 —,—, pitch for, 1,512,271 —,—, process for, 1,512,271 —,—,rutile for, 1,612,271 —,—, silica for, 1,512,271 —,—, titanium dioxide for, 1,512,271 Beryllium phenolate, ammonia producing cata- lyst made with, 1,473,543 —, catalyst made with, 1,473,543 Beryllium phosphate, dental cement contg., 1,408,960 Beryllium salt, beryllium made with, 1,511,829 —, beryllium carbonate made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,beryllium hydroxide made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,beryllium oxide made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,catalyst promoter, ammonia made with, 1,148,570; 1,152,936 —, paint made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —, pigment made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,zirconium carbonate, basic, made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 | —, zirconium oxide 1,216,981 —,zirconium sulfate made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 Beryllium. silicates, beryllium carbonate made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,beryllium hydroxide made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,beryllium oxide 1,216,981 —, ore contg., treating, 1,418,527 —, paint made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —, pigment made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,zirconium carbonate, basic, made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,zirconium oxide 1,216,980; 1,216,980; made with, 1,216,980; made with, 1,216,980; made with, 1,216,981 —, zirconium . sulfate made with, 1,216,981 —, see also Beryl Beryllium silicide, beryllium chloride from, 1,418,527 —,formation of, 1,418,527 Beryllium sodium fluoride, beryllium, magne- sium alloy contg., made with, 1,515,082 —,magnesium alloy, beryllium in, made with, 1,515,082 —, see also Sodium beryllium fluoride Beryllium tartrate, ammonia producing catalyst made with, 1,473,548 —, catalyst made with, 1,473,543 Beryllium tungstate, dental cement contg., 1,408,960 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Beryllonite, see Sodium beryllium phosphate Berzelianite, see Copper selenide Besk, shoe filler made with, 1,203,435 —,see also Almadeina, Balata; Chicle; Dead Borneo; . Gutta Jelutong ; Gutta Percha; Pontianak ; Rubber; Tuna Betacaine, see Eucaine Bectacaine lactate, see Benzamine lactate Beta-compounds, see B-compounds Beta-eucaine, see Hucaine Beta fat, refuse of cotton seed oil, lard and fatty acids, 1,434,304 — , wormproof anti-fouling paint contg., 1,484,304 Betaform, see Noviform Betaine, vinasse, extraction from of, alcohol for, 1,219, 226 —,—,—, hydriodic acid for, 1,219,226 —,—,—, hydrobromic acid acid for, 1,219,226 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,219,226 —,—,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,219,226 —, process for, 1,219 226 Betaine, see also Trimethyl-glycine Betaine hydriodide, mfr. of, hydriodide acid for, 1,219,226 —,—, process for, 1,219,226 —,—, vinasse for, 1.219 996 Betaine hydrobromide, mfr. of, hydrobromic acid for, 1,219,226 —,—, process for, 1,219,226 —,—, Vinasse for, 1.219 226 Betaine hydrochloride, mfr. acid for, 1,219,226 —,—,methyl alcohol for, 1,219,226 —,—, process for, 1,219,226 —,—, Vinasse for, 1.219 226 Beta-naphthol, see b-Naphthol; 2-Naphthol Beta-naphthol sodium, see M icrocidin Betane, silk treated with, 1,318,389 Beta-ray, aluminum as filter to remove from gamma ray of, 1,288,048 —,lead as filter to remove from gamma ray of, 1 5288 048 —_ platinum as filter to remove from gamma ray of, 1,288,048 _—, rubber as filter to remove from gamma ray of, 1,288,048 _, silver as filter to remove from gamma ray of, 1,288,048 Betol, see b-Naphthol salicylate Beton blocks, mfr. of, aluminum oxide for, 1,183,255 oe! calcium oxide for, 1,183,255 —,cement, Portland, for, 1 183 255 —,—, ; ilmenite for, 1, 183, 255 —,—, Magnesium oxide for, 1,183,255 —, process for, 1,183,255 —,—, silicon dioxide for, 1,183,255 " Betuladerma,” mfr. of, birch bark for, 1,228,848 —,—, canvas for, 1,228,848 —,—, cotton fabric ‘for, 1,228,848 —,—, process for, 1 228 848 Beurre de zine, see Zine chloride Beverage, alcohol-free, mfr. of, 1,337,850 —,alcoholic, aging of, apparatus for, 1,130,400 —,—,—, process for, 1, 130,400 ? —,—,—, ultra-violet ray for, 1,130,400 ’ of, hydrochloric t75 Beverage, alcoholic, barrel for, treatment of, 1,179,983 —,—, enzymes in, 1,412,378 —, carbonates, electrical process for, producing, 1,338,352 —,—, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,248,068 —— , carbohydrates for, 1 237, 723 ,—,—, dextrin for, 1,237 723 7), dextrose for, 1 237, 723 —,—,—, gelatin for, 1,237,723 ,—,—, honey for, 1,237,723 oa hops for, 2a7\725 —,—,—,levulose for, 1,237,723 —,—,—, maltose for, 1,237,723 —,—,—, peptones for, 1,237,723 —,—,—, phosphates for, 1 237, 723 —,—,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,237 ae —,—,—, polypeptone for, 1,237,723 —,—,—,process for. 1,287,723; 1,243,068 —,—,—, sugar for, 1,237,723 =; —4,-——p yeast for, 1,237, "723 —,—, preserving, 1 361 498 —, carbonating, carbon dioxide 1,421,176 —,—, process for, 1,215,864 —,carbon dioxide in, 1,390,710 —, ’ cereal (coffee substitute), 1,414,557 —, ’ cereal, mfr. of, 1,390,711; 1,421 737 — ’ cooling, carbon dioxide snow for, 1,421,176 —, de-alcoholized, mfr. of, 1,837,850; 1,343,587; 1,890,710; 1,401,700; 1,455,397 way -apparatus for, 1,201,873; i 277, 931; 1,286,315 —, —, — barley malt for, 1,146,171 —,—,—, calcium lacto-phosphate for, —,—,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,146,171 —,—,—, citric acid for, 1,146,171 —, dextrin for, 1,146,171 —,diastase for, 1,146,171 —,—,enzyme for, 1,146,171 —,—,—, hops for, 1,146,171 , 7, 1Fon, peptonized, for, 1,146,171 —,iron pyrophosphate for, | 146, 171 —, malt for, 1,146,171 —,—, ‘ maltose for, L 146,171 —, ’ peptase for, 1,146,171 ,—, potassium phosphate for, 1,146,171 —,—,—,process for, 1,146,171; 1,201,873; 1,243,811 —,—,—,rice for, 1,146,171 —,—,—, yeast for, 1,146, 171 —,—, see also Beer, dealcoholized oo ; dealcoholizing, 1 426,066; 1,441,726 —, desiccated, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,512,730 ; 1 512,731 —,—,—, butter fat for, 1,512,730; 1,512,731 —,—,—, ’ chocolate for, 1,512 730; 1 ie 731 —,—,—, ’ coffee bean extract for, 1,512,730: 1,512,731 1 snow for, 1,243,811; 1,146,171 v_ we ef d fours rae, b) 7 Re: ine = Na CNe S ? rae 3 rae ’ ’ = | | “ ~ —,—,—, coffee substitute extract for, 1,512,730; 12,781 —,—,-—, fruit Juice for, 1,512,730; 1,512,731 —s , glucose for, i 512, 730; 1 012,731 j grape juice for, 1 512; 730; 1,512, 731 —,—, —, Jemon juice for, 1 512 730; 1,512 ol — "lemon oil for, 1 512, 730; 1 512, 731 —,—,—)maple sugar for, 1,513,730; 1,512,731 ’ b Pa ee ’ 776 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Beverage, desiccated, mfr. of, medicinal plant extracts for, 1,512 730; 1,512 ol —,—,—, milk solids for, 1,512, 730; 1,512,731 —,—,—, molasses for, 1,512,730; 1,512,731 ,—, —, orange juice for, 1,512,780; 1,512,731 ,—,—, orange oil for, 1,512 00; 1,512,731 —,—,—, pineapple juice for, 1 512, 730; 1,512, 731 —,—,—, process for, 1,512 730; 1 512, rye —,—,—, raspberry juice for, 1,512 730: 1,512,731 —,—,—, sugar for, 1,512. 730: 1,512 73 —, —, — sugar, cane, for, 1,512,730; 1,512,731 —,—,—, tea extract for, 1,512, 730; 1,512, 731 —,—,—,vanilla essence ‘for, 1,512 4730; —,dry extract of partly fermented, mfr. of, process for, 1,275,254 —, ethyl alcohol made with, 1,311,421 —,fermented, cocoa for producing, 1,376,870 —,—,coffee for producing, 1,376,870 —,—,dealcoholizing, carbon dioxide for, 1,333,457 —,—,—, inert gases for, 1,333,457 —,—, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,895,753 —, flavoring for, hop extract as, 1,464,520 —,fruit (coffee substitute), 1,414,557 —,iron in, mfr. of, carbohydrate for, 1,129,306; 1,129,307 —,—,—, iron electrode for, 1,129,306; 1,129,307 —,—,—, process for, 1,129,306; 1,129,307 —,—, —, saccharose for, 1,129 306: 1,129,307 — Rie alcohelit: mfr. of, 1,441 72 6 —, malt, see Beer, dealcoholized —, mfr. ‘of, acacia for, 1,500,670 —,—, acetic acid for, 1 164 193 —,— ’ albumen for, 1 500 670 —,—, albumen, egg, for, 1,141,816 —,—, alcohol for, 1,250,095 : 1,500,670 —,—, algaroba for, 1,141,816; 1,519,789 —,—,aloes for, 1,280,150 —,—,ammonium caseinate for, 1,214,518 —,—,ammonium phosphate for, 1,214,518 —,—, anethole for, 1,519,789 —,—, anise oil for, 1,519,789 —,—, anise spirits ‘for, 1,519, 789 —,—, apparatus for, 1,311 O51: 1,504,459 —,—,apple juice for, 1 194, 230; 1,250,095 —,—, arrowroot starch for, 1 214 518 —,—, bacterial, B. acidophilus for, 1,506,501 —,—,—, B. bulgaricus, for, 1,506,501 —,—,—, B. Delbruecki, for, 1,249,259 —,—,—, lactic acid, for, 1,191,440 —,—, banana for, 1,214,518 —,—, barley for, 1,214,518; 1,237,724 —,—, barley malt for, 1,164,287; 1,240,016 —,—,barley malt flour, dextrinized, for, 1,326,751 —,—, beer, spent, for, 1,149,700 —,—, beer wort for, 1,229, 656 —,—,benzoin for, 1,500, 670 —,—, blackberry juice for, 1,194,230 —,—,bran for, 1,237,724; 1,249,259; 1,276,298; P10 2773 1 326, 751 —,—, bromelin for, 1,235,881; 1,235,882 —,—, butter fat for, 1 249, 044 —,—, cacao bean for, 1,276 5298 —,—, caffein for, 1 229 ,656 —, calcium acetate for, 1,229,656 1 ey, —,corn starch for, 1,249,259; 1,250,095 a —, dextrin for, Lh Beverage, mir. of, calcium chloride for, 1,500,670 —,—,calcium lactophosphate for, 1,164,287 —,—,calcium salt for, 1,500,670 —,—, capsicum for, 1,229, 656 —;—, carbon dioxide for, 1,229,656; 1,249,259; —,—, casein for, 1,235, 881; 1,235,882 —, casein, salt of, for, 1,214 518 —,—, cassava starch for, 1 214 518 —,—, ’ cereal for, 1,164, 193: 1 164 287; 1,194,230; 1,250,095; 1,500,670 —_—,—, cereal extract for, 1,276,298 —,—,Ceretona siliqua ‘fruit for, 1,519,789 1,214, 518; 1 311 251 —,—, chicory for, 1,310 277 —,—, chicory eis chia seed for, 1,244,521 compound and coffee for, 1,147,888: 1,150,303 —,—, chocolate f or, 1,194,280; 1,276,298; 1,504,459 —,—,citric acid for, 1,164,287; 1,250,095; 1 ibaa teat, 1,500,670 —, citrus fruit for, 1,479,329 —, citrus fruit oil for, 1,500 670 —,citrus fruit oil terpenes for, 1,500,670 —, citrus fruit peel for, 1,479 329 —,cocoa for, 1,276,298; 1,495, 623; 1,495,624 —,—, cocoa powder for, 1,504,459 —,—, coffee for, 1,161 925; 1,504,459 —,—, ’ coffee and chicory compound for, 147, 888; 1.150.303 —,—,corn for, 1,164,287; 1,214,518; 1,237,724 —, corn grits for, 1,194,230 1,214,518 —,—,cotton seed for, 1,230,184 —,—,cream for, 1,141,816 1,164,193; 1,218,190; 5,250,095; 1,326,751 —, diastase for, 1,249,259 —,egg for, 1 218, 190; 1,504,459 ay egg albumin ‘for, 1,218,190 —, egg yolk for, 1,218,190 —,emulsion, turbid, for, 1,500,670 —,—, enzyme, maltase, for, 1,164,193 —,—, —, proteolytic, for, 1,218, 190: 1,235,881 ; — ethyl acetate for, 1,164,193 —,ethyl alcohol for, 1 194 230 —,-——} figs for, 1,218,914; 1,230,184; 1,326,751 —,—, fruit for, 1,250,095; 1,311,251 —,—, fruit juice for, 1,194,230 1,285, 882; 1,240,016 —, gelatin for, 1,500,670 —, gentian for, 1 280, 150 —,—,ginger root for, 1 ,149,700 —,—,glucose for, 1,280,150; 1,326,751 —, glycerol for, 1 500 670 —, grain for, 1,276,298 —,—, grain, malted, for, 1.240,016 —,grapes for, 1,250,095 —,—, grape juice for, 1,194,230 —,—, grits for, 1,164, 193; 1,164,287; 1,237,724 —,—, honey locust fruit’ for, 1,519 789 —,—,hops for, 1,149,700; 1,164,193 ; 1,164,287; 1,181,213; 1,229,656 ; 1,249,259; 1,181,770; 1,235,881 ; 1,280,150 1,218,190; 1,235,882 ; 1,226,439; 1,240,016; —,—,hops, Alsatian, for, 1,249,259 —,—,—,American West Coast, for, 1,249,259 > ma INDEX OF Beverage, mfr. of, hops, Bavarian, for, 1,249,259 —,—, —, Bohemian, for, 1,249,259 —,—, —, English for, 1,249 209 —,—,—, European, for, 1,249, 259 —,—,—, ’New York State, for, 1,249 259 —,—, hop blossoms for, 1,218, 190 ==, 0p oil for, 1 250, 095 —,—, huckleberry juice for, 1,194,230 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1 164, 193: 1,214,518 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,500 670 —,—, Irish moss for, 1,218, 190 —,—, iron hydroxide for, 1,500, 670 —, —, iron (ic) hydroxide for, 1,171, 739 —,—,iron peptonized for, 1 164, 287 —,—,iron pyrophosphate for, 1,164, 287 —,—,iron(ic) saccharate for, 1, 171 739 —,—,lactic acid for, 1 164, 193; 1,181,770; 1,191,440; 1,214,518; 1 ‘479 '329 lautermash for, 1 164, 193; 1,164,287 —, lemon juice for, 1,226, 439 —, ‘lemon oil for, i 00,670 —, lime for, 1,218, 914 —, ‘lime oil for, 1 500 ,670 —, magnesium acetate for, 1,229,656 —, magnesium carbonate for, 1,500, 670 —,—,malic acid for, 1,250,095 —, malt for, 1, 164, 193; i 164,287; 1,194,230; 235, 881; 1,235, 882; 1 937, 724: 1 250 095 — ‘malt, low- alcoholic, for, 1 328, 888 —, ‘malt extract for, 1.240 016 —,—-, maltose for, 1 164, 193; 1,250,095 —,— ‘maple sugar for, 1,504 ‘459 —,—, material. for, producing, 1,391,557 4 Mazam ” for, 1,249 259 — ‘ mesquite for, 1,141,816; 1,519,789 —, middlings for, 1,237, 724 —,—, milk for, 1,141,816;- 1,249,044; 1,495,623; 495 624; 1,504, 459 ; 1 506, 501 —,— milk, skim, for, 1,495 623; 1,495,624 —,—, ” molasses for, 1 ‘181 213; 1.280, 150 —,—, molasses, New Orleans, for, 1,326,751 an i aoe) pr ad ee ray ee} RS) bd re 1 a ay, b] ’ bd at) ae Er, aes ? 1 2 —,—, must for, 1,250,095 — mustard ‘seed for, 1,229,656 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,500,670 —,—,‘‘ Nulomoline T. P.” for, 1,500,670 —,nuts for, 1,194,230 —,—, nut product for, 1,276,298 —,—, oats for, 1,214 518 —,—, oleic acid for, 1,500,670 —,—, oleic acid, sulfuric acid derivatives of, for, 1,500,670 —,—, orange for, 1,479,329 —,—,orange, Spanish bitter-, 1,280,150 —,—, orange oil for, 1,500,670 4 —,—, orange peel for, 1 479 329 bd —,—, papain for, 1 235, 881 ; 1,235,882; 1,240,016 —,—, peach, dried, ‘for, 1,161 925 —,—, peach juice for, i 194, 230 —,—, peanut for, 1 181 213: 1,276,298 —, pear juice for, 1 194 230 —, peas for, 1,276, 298 —, pepsin for, 1 218, 190; 1,235,881; 1,235,882 ; a4 240,016 —,—, peptase for, 1,235,881; 1,235,882 —,—, peptide for, 1,500,670 rinds of, for, SUBJECTS Beverage mfr. of, 1,500,670 peptones for, —,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,164,193 —, — plants for, 1,811,251 —, polyg lycerol for, 1,500,670 caret! 1,250,095 ; —, —, potassium acetate for, 1,229,656 —, potassium bicarbonate for, 1,500,670 —,—, potassium bitartrate for, 1,250,095 —,—, potassium caseinate for, 1,214 18 —,—, potato starch for, 1,214 518; 1,249 ,259 —,—, process for, 1,128, 628: 1 141 816; 1,149, 700; 1 161,925 ; 1,164,193: 1.164.287: 1,171 739 : 1,181,218; 1,181,770; 1,191,440; 1,194,230; 1,214,518; 1,218,190; 1,218,914; 1,226,439 ; 1,228,917; 1,229,656; 1,230,184; 1,235,881; 1,235,882; 1,237,724; 1240016; 1,249,044; 1249259; 1,250,095; 1,276,298: 1,280,150; 1,311,251; 1,326,751; 1,479,329; 1,495,623; 1,495,624; 1,500,670; 1,504,459; rae ; 1,519,789 —, protein for, 1,235,881; 1,235,882 —,—, prunes for, 1,230,184; 1,326,751 —,—, raspberry juice for, 1 194 230 —,—,rice for, 1,164,193; 1 164, 287 ; 1,214,518; 1 237 724, —,—, rice starch for, 1,249,259 —,—,root for, 1,214,518 —,—,rose essence for, 1,218,914 —,rye for, 1,181,213; 1,214,518; 1,230,184 —,rye flour for, 1,236,439 —,—.rye middlings for, 1,326,751 —,—, saccharomyces cerevisia for, 1,250,095 —,—, saccharomyces ellipsoideous ‘for, 1,250 095 —,—,sago starch for, 1.214,518 —,—,soap for, 1,500, 670 —,—, sodium acetate for, 1,164,193; 1,194,230 ; 1,229,656 —,sodium carbonate for, 1,164,193 —,—,sodium caseinate for, 1,214,518 —,sodium chloride for, 1,181,770; 1,218,190; 1218014; 1,249,259 —,sodium lactate for, 1,164,193 —,—, sodium oleate for, 1,500,670 —,—,sodium phosphate for, 1,500,670 —,—, starch for, 1,164,193; 1,214,518; 1,235,881; 1,235,882; 1,249,259; 1,250,095; 1,504,459 —,—, starch, dextrinized, for, 1,326 751 —,—, stearic acid for, 1,500, 670 —,—, strawberry juice for, 1 ,194,230 —,—, succinic acid for, 1 164, 193 —,—,sugar for, 1,141 816; 1171 ,739; 1,218,190; 1,226, 439: 1,240,016; 1,249,044; 1,280,150 ; 1,326,751; 1,479,329; 1,495,623; 1,495,624; yeni 459 —,sugar, brewing, for, 1,181,770 —,—, brown, forsat 310 277 —,—, cane, for, Lt 191 A40; 1,326,751 —— invert, syrup, for, 1,500 ,670 —,—, —, invert, for, 1,191,440 ,—, milk, for, 1,249, 044 —,—,sugar syrup for, 1,500 ,670 —,sulfurie acid for, 1 164,193 —,syrup for, 1,218,190 —,—, tartaric acid for, 1,181,770; 1,250,095 —-,—,thein for, 1,229,656 - —-,—,theobromin for, 1,229,656 —,—,tragacanth for, 1,181,770 vw | ~ uN z ~v_ 1,218,190; wo Beverage, mfr. of, tuber for, 1,214,518; 1,311,251 —,—, vegetable product for, 1,276,298 —,—, violet essence for, 1,218,914 —,—, water for, 1,495,628; 1,495,624 —,—, wheat for, 1,214,518; 1,230,184; 1,269,100; 1,276,298 —_—,— __, wheat bran for, 1,249,259; 1,326,751 —,—, ‘wheat flour for, 1 194 230 —,—, wheat flour, dextrinized, for, 1,326,751 —,—, whey for, 1 191 5440 —,—, worm-wood, American, for, 1,280,150 —,—,wort for, 1 164, 193 —,—, wort extract for, 1,194,230 —,yeast for, 1,164 193: 1 164,287; 1,181,770; 4296. 439; 1,249, 950: 1 280, 150: 1 311 251 —,—, yeast extract for, 1 164, 193 —,—, “ yeast water ” for, 1,214 018 —, non-alcoholic, formic, acetic and propionic acids added to, 1,401 700 —,—,mfr. of, 1,337 027; 1,461, 808 —,—,—,bran for, 1,262,472 —,—,—, brewers extract for, 1,262,472 —,—,—, burtonizing salts for, 1,262 472 —,—,—, caramel for, 1,262, 472 —,—,—, ’ diastase for, 1,262 472 —,—,—, glucose for, 1 262 72 —,—,—.hops for, 1,262,472 —,—,—, isinglass for, 1,262,472 —,—,—, peptase for, 1 262 472 —,—,—, process for, 1 262 472 —,—, —, sodium chloride for, 1,262,472 »—, —, Sugar for, 1,262,472 —,—,—, vinegar for, 1 262, 472 —,—, see also Beer, dealcoholized —, non-intoxicating, formula for, ash-tree leaves 500 gm., sugar 1500 gm., tartaric acid 80 gm., chicory 120 gm., yeast 125 gm., water 100 qts., 1,291,219 Sori MHLEL, of, 1,338,803 —, preparing, enzymes used in, 1,441,726 —, sterilization of, acid for, 1 140, ava motels alcali dioxide for, 1,140, 717 —,— "alkali earth dioxide for, 1,140,717 —,—, apparatus for, 1,141,056 1,337,850; 1,441,726; —, carbon dioxide for, 1,140,717; 1,141,056 —, citric acid for, 1,140 17 iy ’ hydrogen dioxide for, 1,140,717; 1,497,657 —, phosphoric acid for, 1,140 FL big —,—,potassium dioxide for, 1 140, 717 —, process for, 1,140,717; 1 141 056: 1,497,657 —,—, sodium dioxide for, 1,140 17 — sulfuric acid for, 1 140, ale —,—, ‘ ultra-violet ray for, 1,141 ,056 —,unfermented, mfr. of, ‘bacteria, lactic acid, for, 1,204,869 —,—, — bacteria, Saccharobacillus Pastorianus, for, 1,204,869 —,—,—, bran for, 1,204,869 —,—,—, Burton salt for, 1,204,869 —,—,—, carbon dioxide ‘for, 1,204 869 ,»—,—, dextrin for, 1,204 869 —,—, —, dextrose for, i 204 869 —,—, —, galactose for, 1 204 ,869 7-7, 7 gluten | for, 1 204 869 —,—,—, grain for, i 204 869 —t —, ‘metallic oxide as catalyst (8 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Beverage, unfermented, mfr. of, hops for, 1,204,869 —,—;—, lactic acid for, 1,204,869 —,—,—,levulose for, 1,204,869 ,—,—, malt for, 1,204,869 —,—,—, maltose for, 1,204,869 —,—,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,204,869 —,—,—, potassium lactate for, 1,204, 869 —,—,—, process for, 1,204,869 —,—, —, saccharose for, 1,204,869 —,—,—, sugar, corn, for, 1,204,869 —,see also Ale; Beer; Coffee; Coffee substi- tute; Food product; Tea; Tea substitute Beverage clarifier, mfr. of, albumen for, 1,239,930 —,—, cellulose for, 1,239,930 —, clay, pipe, for, 1,239, 930 —,—,egg shell for, 1,239, 930 —,egg white for, 1,239 5930 —, gelatin for, 1,239, 930 —,—, maple wood for, 1,239,930 —, paper pulp for, 1 239, 930 —,—~, process for, 1,239 930; 1,247,678 —, sugar for, 1,239 930 —,—, wood for, 1,239,930 Beverage extract, mfr. of, 1,866,495 —,—, bran for, 1,866,495 —, chloroform for, 1,189,127 —,—, grape for, 1,189,127 —,—, lime for, 1, 189, 127 ——-) Ml for, 1 384, 894 —,—, molasses for, 1,366,495 —,—, orange for, 1,189,127 grr Mh Ra, ? a, ad > —,—, pineapple for, 1,189,127 —,—, process for, 1,189,127 —, wheat for, 1,366,495 —, see also Coffee substitute ; Coffee substitute extract —, (solid), mfr. of, cereals for, 1,338,231 Beverage ‘material, mfr. of, oats for, 1,884,894 —, (dry), preparing, oats and milk for, 1,884,894 Beverage receptacle, mfr. of, citric acid for, 1,247,678 —,—, cocoanut oil for, 1,247,678 , flour for, 1,247,678 —, ’ milk for, 1,247, 678 —, ’ saccharin for, 1,247, 678 —,sugar for, 1,247 678 —, tartaric acid for, 1,247,678 —,—, yeast for, 1,247,678 Bezotrichloride, mfr. of, process for, 1,306,221 Bezoquinone, see Benzo-quinone A8.8’-Bi-(7-acenaphthenone), acenaphthene in mfr. of, 1,439,500 —,aluminum as catalyst in mfr. of, 1,439,500 —, catalyst in mfr. of, 1,489,500 —, cobalt as catalyst in mfr. of, 1,439,500 —,iron as catalyst in mfr. of, 1,439,500 —, mfr. of, acenaphthene for, 1,439,500 —,—,air for, 1,439,500 —,—, process for, 1,439,500 —,—, vanadium oxide as catalyst for, 1,439,500 in mfr. of, het aan: rn TE arpa) mance 1 5439 500 — nickel as catalyst in mfr. of, 1,439,500 — ’ vanadium oxide as catalyst in mfr. of, i 439,500 INDEX OF Bracenaphthylidene, see A8.8'-Biacenaphthene Biacenaphthylidene-diketone, see A8.8’-Bi(7- acenaphthenone) Biacetylene, isoprene made with, 1,218,332 —,rubber, synthetic, made with, 1.218, 339 p.p'-Bianiline, see Benzidine Bianisidine, aniline black made with, 1,277,056; Re-14 824; 1,350,600 —, aniline "black dyeing with, 1,277,056; Re-14,824 —, checks, writing of, using, 1,514,222 —, color lake made with, 1 157, 525 —,4.4’-diamino-m.m '-biphenol made with, 1 210,751 —, diazo derivative of, dyestuff made with, Py 292,385 -~ , documents, printing of, using, 1,514,222 —, dyestuff made with, 1,125,050; 1 145,072 ; at 160,406; 1,169,267; 1,183,378; 1,188,545: 2 210 751: 1.215.359: 1,277,056; Re-14,824; 1,282,355 : 1,282,356; 1,286,411; 1.350,600; 1,457,114; 1,505 ‘568 : 1,505 569: 1 506,514 4, ink: printing, made with, 1 Abe 525 — , nitrosamine of, nitrosamine ‘dyes printed with, 1,426,299 —, paint made with, 1,157,525 —, paper, safety, made with, 1,509,872 —, pigment made with, 1, 157 025 —, printing with oleic acid 1,462,613 ~, solvent for, oleic acid as, 1,462,613 solution of, 4.4-Bi-o-anisidine, nitrosamines made _ with, 1,200,726 , —,tetrazotized, nitrosamines made _ with, 1,200,726 Bianisidine blue, formation of, 1,462,613 Bianisidinedihydrochloride, aniline Black made with, 1,350,600 —, photography, color, using, 1,279,248 areal mica, see M uscovite Biazial mica, see Muscovite Bibarytic silicate, see Barium silicate 0.0'-Bibenzoic acid, see Diphenic acid Bibenzyl, benzaldehyde made with, 1,502,941 —-, benzoic acid made with, 1,502 941 —, oxidation of, chromic acid for, 1,502,941 —,—, oxygen for, 1,502,941 —,—, permanganates for, 1,502,941 —,—, process for, 1,502,941 Biberite, see Cobaltous sulfate Biborate, fireproofing using, 1,216,729 —, oak, red, fireproofing of, using, 1,216,729 —, pine, fireproofing of, using, 1,216 729 —, wood, fireproofing of, using, 1316729 Bibulous material, see Porous material Bicarbonate, acetyl-salicylic acid, contg., made with, 1,486,373 —,alkali borate, treatment of with, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,alkali borosilicate, treatment 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,alkali earth borate, treatment of with, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259, 719 —, alkali ‘earth borosilicate, treatment with, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259,719 —,ammonia made with, 1,483,413 product of with, of SUBJECTS 779 Bicarbonate, ammonia made with gases purified using compound made with, 1,483,413 —,antiseptic made with, 1,493 564 —, baking _ powder made with, 1,134,956 ; 1 228 252: 1,286,145 —, borax ore, treatment of with, 1,259,717; 1 259,718; 1 259 719 —, calcium ‘borate, treatment of with, 1,259,717; 1 259,718; 1,259 ‘719 —, calcium. borosilicate, treatment of with, 1 209,417; 1,259,718; 1 959 719 — , chlorhydrins made with, 1 465,601; 1,498,781 ; 1 498,782 — , colemanite, treatment of with, 1,259,717; 1 259,718; 1 259, 719 — , danburite, treatment of with, 1,259,717; 1 259,718; 1 259,719 — , dinitroglycol purified with, 1,426,313 —, effervescent compound made with, 1,228,252 —,factory effluent, treatment of, using, 1 605,104 —, formates made with, 1,204,933 —, formic acid made with, 1,204 933 — germicide made with, 1,493 564 —,glycols made with, 1 498 781: 1,498,782 —, howlite, treatment of with, 1 259,717 ; 1 259, 718: 1,259,719 — , hydroxy- alkylamine made with, 1,498,781; 1 498,782 — , hypochlorous acid made with, 1 498,782 —, insulation, heat, made with, 1,245,723 —, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1 141 266 —,—, blast furnace gas for, 5M 141 ,266 —,—, process for, 1 141 266 —, pandermite, treatment of with, 1,259,717; 1 259,718; 1,259,719 —, sewage, treatment of, using, 1,505,104 —, slaughter house effluent, treatment of, using, 1 505,104 —, sodium cresylate acidulated with, 1,445,668 —, Sugar juice, defecating of using, 1 ‘486 091 —, 3.5.3’ .5’-tetramino-4. 4’ di(methylamino)- arsenobenzene, action on of, 1,265 864 : 1,265,865 —, therapeutic product. made with, 1,486,373 —,water, treatment of, using, 1,505, 104 —, water. contg., removal from of, process for, 1,139,378 Bicarbonate of soda, see Sodium bicarbonate Bichloride of mercury, see Mercury(ic) chlo- ride Bichromates, aniline black dyeing with, 1,374,122 —, antifreeze mixture contg., 1,405 320 — ’ battery, primary, made with, 1,201 481 —, brass, pickling of using, 1,206, 220 —, carbon dioxide purified using, 1,519,932 —,catalyst, for the mfr. of, sulfur trioxide, made with, 1,204,143 —, cellulose treated with, cellulose ether made with, 1,188,376 —,—,ethyl cellulose made with, 1,188,376 —,—,methyl cellulose made with, 1,188 316 —, ’ chromium oxide made with, 1,429 912 —,chromium sulfate made with, 1,330,131 ; 1,379,578 —,copper alloy, pickling of using, 1,206,220 1,498,781 ; or 780 Bichromates, copper pickling of using, 1,206,220 [=raye; Toswood, application of using, 1.254, 914 / —,—, vegetable, application of using, 1.254 ‘914 ;— ’ dyeing process, using, 1,207,414 | —,dyestuff, printing paste for contg., 1,126,387 [ — , dyestuffs developed with, 1,426,299 ye , etching, film, photographic, treatment of for, made with, 1,256,981 —, fabric, dyed, finishing of, using, 1,207,414 ex, —, film, motion picture, made with, 1,361, 783 S43 ———,colored made with, 1, 188, 939; ~ i 245, 822: 1,281,714; 1,303,836 ~ —,—, photographic, made with, 1,240,344 —,—, photographic, varying porosity of made, ~ with, 1,256,981 a — gelatin sensitized with, 1,371,157; 1,480,059; eC 1,430,060 ; 1,430,061 —,glass made with, 1,403,752 ‘ —, glass, reinforced, made with, 1,228,165 —, lamp, electric, tungsten filament, made with, 4s, 1,240,700 —, lead chromate made with, 1,225,374 — lithographic plate made with, 1 155 02 mfr, of,.chromite for, 1,239 885 —- "chromium ore for, 1,239 885 —,— ’ hydrochloric acid for, 1,239, 885 —,—, process for, 1,239,885 : 1,429,001 —,nickel made with, 1,193,734 i —,nickel oxide made with, 1,193,734 « —, nickel sulfide made with, 1,193,734 —, photoengraving process using, 1,285,015 } —, photographic paper developed with, 1,444,469 * —,photographic print, color, made _ with, 1,263,962 —,picture, film, photographic, treatment of for, made with, 1,256,981 ABs plate, photographie, made with, 1,285,015 ‘ —, printing plate made with, 1,243 431: 1 496, 268 —,printing plate, lithographic, made with, 1,203 770 } —,—, mfr. of, negative for, made with, 1,484,347 —,rust-resistant coating produced _ with, 1,440,092 — saccharin _ made with, 1,366,349; 1,507,565 ‘—=ysulfiir trioxide, catalyst for the mfr, of, made with, 1,204, 143 —, wood preservative contg., 1,265,370 Bichromated gelatin, see Gelatin, bichromated Bichromate of potash, see Potassium bichro- mate Bichromate of soda, see Sodium bichromate Bidesyl, see Diphenyl-diphenylethylene-dike- tone Bidextrotartrate, see Bi-d-tartrate Bieberite, see Cobalt sulfate Biebrich scarlet, coloring matter made with, 1,164,036; 1 164 037; 1,178,330 — , dye made with, 1 173 330 —, fabric, printing composition for, made with, 1 164 036; 1,164,037; 1,173,330 — paint made with, 1,164,036: 1,164,037 ; 1 173,330 —,see also Sulfo-benzene-azo-sulfo-benzene- azo-b-naphthol Biguanide, explosive contg., 1,409,963 Biguanide chloride, preparation of, 1,409,963 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Biguanide nitrate, explosive contg., 1,409,963 —,formation of, 1,440,063 —,nitrobiguanide from, sulfuric acid for pre- paring, 1,409,963 Biguanide perchlorate, preparation of, 1,409,963 Biguanide sulfate, preparation of, 1,409,963 Biguanidine nitrate, guanidine nitrate made with, 1,440,063 Bihydrate of methylene, see Methyl alcohol Bihydro-quinone, mfr. of, ethyl alcohol for, 1,239,867 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,239,867 —,—,nickel as catalyst for, 1,239,867 —,—, process for, 1,239,867 —,—, quinone mono-hydrochloride for, 1,239,867 Biisopropenyl, see 2.3-Dimethyl-butadiene Bilberries, wine-yeast prepared with, 1,444,276 Bile, salts derivates from, see Biliary salts —, therapeutic compound made with, 1,204,479 —, tuberculosis, therapeutic compound for, made with, 1,204 479 Bile acids, sodium salt of, antiseptic made with, 1,483, 152 —,—, see also Sodium glycocholate Bilevotartrate, see Bi-1-tartrate Bilge water, oil sludge recovery from, 1,425,289 Biliary salts, textile treated with, 1,430,523 Bilineurine, see Choline Bills, sticking, acacia for, 1,448,134 —,—, casein for, 1,448,134 —,—,glue for, 1,448,134 —,—, glycerol for, 1,448,134 —,—, paste for, 1,448,134 Bill fold, securing means for, dog fish skin as, 1,519,142 —,—,Shagreen as, 1,519,142 —,—, shark skin as, 1,519,142 Billiard ball, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,482,358 —,—, aldehyde for, 1,482,358 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,482,358 —,aluminum oxychloride for, 1,175,425 —,—, apparatus for, 1,240,488 —,—, asbestos for, 1,482,358 —,—,barite for, 1,482,358 —,—, barium hydroxide for, 1,482,358 —,—, barium oxychloride for, 1 175, 425 —,—, a-bis(hydroxymethyl)-urea for, 1,482,358 —,—,camphor for, 1,175,425 —,—, casein composition for, 1,437,487 —,—,castor oil, ultra-violet ray treated, for, 1,179,414 —,—, celluloid for, 1,240,488 —,— ’ cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,175,425 —,—, ’ cement, hydraulic, for, 1,482, 358 —,—,cement, Portland, for, 1,482, 358 —,—, clay, china, for, 1,482,358 —,—,corn oil ultra-violet ray treated, for, 1,179,414 —,—, cotton flock:for, 1,482,358 —,—,cotton seed oil, ultra-violet ray treated, for, 1,179,414 —,—,fish oil, 1,179,414 —,—, formaldehyde for, 1,482,858 —,—, gutta percha for, 1,240,438 —,—,gypsum for, 1,482,358 ultra-violet ray treated, for, INDEX OF Billard ball, mfr. of, hydrochloric acid for, 1,482,358 —,—, hydroxymethyl-urea” for, 1,482,358 —,—,lvory, imitation, for, 1,240,438 —,—, kaolin for, 1,175,425 —,—, lard: fat, ultra-violet ray treated, for, 1,179,414 —,—,lard oil, ultra-violet ray treated, for, 1,179,414 —,—, linseed oil, ultra-violet ray treated, for, 1,179,414 —,—, lithopone for, 1,482,358 —,—, magnesium chloride for, 1,175,425 —,—, magnesium oxide for, 1,175,425 —,—,magnesium oxychloride for, 1,175,425 —,—, metal chloride for, 1,175,425 —,—, metal oxide for, 1,175,425 —,—,metal oxychloride for, 1,175,425 —,—, mustard oil, ultra-violet ray treated, for, 1,179,414 —,—, oil, animal, ultra-violet ray treated, for, 1,179,414 —,—,—,Marine animal, treated, for, 1,179,414 —,—, —, vegetable, ultra-violet ray treated, for, 1,179,414 —,—, oxalic acid for, 1,482,358 —,—, paraformaldehyde for, 1,483,358 —,—,peanut oil, ultra-violet ray treated, for, 1,179,414 —,—,perilla oil, ultra-violet ray treated, for, 1,179,414 —,—,phosphoric acid for, 1,482,358 —,—, plaster of Paris for, 1,482,358 ,—, process for, 1,175,422; 1,175,423; 1,175,425; 1,240,438; 1,437,487; 1,482,358 —,—,radium paint for, 1,482,358 ultra-violet ray —,—,rape oil, ultra-violet ray treated, for, 1,179,414 —,—,resin, ultra-violet ray treated, for, 1,179,414 —,—,resin oil, ultra-violet ray treated, for, 1,179,414 —,—,rubber for, 1,240,438 —,—,rubber cement for, 1,240,438 —,—, rubber composition for, 1,437,487 —,—, silica for, 1,175,425 —,—, silk flock for, 1,482,358 —,—,sodium bisulfate for, 1,482,358 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,482,358 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,482,358 —,—, tallow fat, ultra-violet ray treated, for, 1,179,414 —,—,tallow oil, ultra-violet ray treated, for, 1,179,414 —,—,tung oil, ultra-violet ray treated, for, 1,179,414 —,—, urea for, 1,482,358 -——,—, urea, derivatives of, for, 1,482,358 —,—,whale oil, ultra-violet ray treated, for, 1,179,414 —,—, whiting for, 1,482,358 —,—, wood flour for, 1,175,425 ; 1,482,358 —,—, “ xylium ” for, 1,175,422 ; 1,175,423 —,—;,“ xylose ” for, 1,175,425 —,—, zine oxide for, 1,482,358 —,—, zinc oxychloride for, 1,175,425 SUBJECTS 781 Billiard ball, mfr. of, zine sulfide for, 1,482,358 —, see also Ball; Molded article Billiard cue tip, mfr. of, process for, 1,230,122 —,—,rubber for, 1,230,122 —,—, rubber, hard, for, 1,230,122 Billiard table cloth, mfr. of, cotton for, 1,189,408 —,—, linen for, 1,189,408 —,—, process for, 1,189,408 —, —, rubber for, 1,189,408 —,—, silk for, 1,189,408 —,—, wool for, 1,189,408 Bimetallic article, mfr. 1,250,862 —,—, borax for, 1,250,612; 1,250,862 —,—, brass for, 1,250,612; 1,250,862 —,—, invar for, 1,250,612; 1,250,862 —,—, process for, 1,250,612; 1,250,862 b-Binaphthol, perylene made with, 1,384,615 Binder, asphalt in, 1,258,272 —, asphalt, Okalahoma, in, 1,258,272 —,—, Trinidad, in, 1,258,272 —,—, Venezuela, in, 1,258,272 —, bitumen contg., 1,258,272 —,bituminous, mfr. of, coal tar pitch for, 1,266,261 —,—,—, petroleum for, 1,266,261 —,—,—, process for, 1,266,261 —,—,—, sulfur for, 1,266,261 —, —, sulfur in, 1,264,932 —, borax in, 1,271,387 —, brick made with, 1,278,663 —, cellulose sulfite liquor used in, 1,292,068 —, clay in, 1,473,181 —,crayon made with, 1,131,432 —, glucose in, 1,473,181 —, magnesia as, 1,238,147 —,—, acacia for, 1,263,634; 1,263,635; 1,481,455 —,—, acetone for, 1,409,275 —,—,acorn starch for, 1,318,106 —,—, alginic acid for, 1,509,035 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1,509,035 —,—, alkali earth carbonate for, 1,509,035 —, —, alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,509,035 —,—, alkali earth oxide for, 1,509,035 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,509,035 —,—, alkali oxide for, 1,509,035 —,—,alkali silicate for, 1,266,618 —,—, aluminum for, 1,409,275 —,—, aluminum silicates for, 1,498,856 —,—, aluminum sulfate for, 1,400,164 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 09,035 —,—,amyl acetate for, 1,242,491; 1,409,275 ,—, anisole for, 1,209,333 ,—, apparatus for, 1,242,491 ,—, arrowroot, cucuma starch for, —,—,—, natal starch, for, 1,318,106 —,—,—,tacca starch, for, 1,318,106 —,—, arrowroot starch for, 1,318,106 —,—,arum starch for, 1,318,106 —,—,asbestos for, 1,233,101; 1,233,416; 1,311,220; 1,311,221; 1 of, asbestos for, 1,201,301 ; — 1,318,106 1,233,415; 1,311,222: 409,275 —,—, asphalt for, 1,221,259 —,—, asphaltene for, 1,233,101 —,—-, asphaltic oil im, ‘1,311,215; 1,311,216; 1,311,219 182 Binder, magnesia as, balata for, 1,409,275 —,barium dioxide for, 1,233,415; 1,233,416 —,—, barley starch for, 1,318,106 —,—, bean starch for, 1,318,106 —,—, benzaldehyde for, 1,409,275 —,—, benzene for, 1,189, 549 - 1 ,209,338 ; 1235 415; 1,233 416: 1 431 ABS —,—, benzine for, 1 189 549 —,—, bitumen in, 1,311,215; 1,311,216; 1,311,219 —,—,black strap in, 1,811,215; 1,311,216; 1,311,219 —, borax for, 1,263,634; 1,263,635; 1,318,106 —,—, boric acid for, 1,266,618 , boron compound for, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —, buckwheat starch for, 1,318,106 —, calcium chloride for, 1,266,618; 1,311,215; 1,311,216; 1,311,219 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,133,499; 1,311,216; wwe fw 1,189,549; 1,509,035 —,—,calcium oxide in, 1,311,215; 1,311,219; 1,409,275 —,—, calcium stearate for, 1,311,215; 1,811,216; 1,311,219 —-, mfr. of, canna starch for, 1,318,106 —,carbon for, 1,209,692 —, carbon bisulfide for, 1,431,455 —, carbon black for, 1,481,455 —,—, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,481,455 Ts) bf SRN — castor oil for, 1,233,415; 1,233,416: 1,242,491: 1,431,455 —,—, cellulose nitrate for, 1,242,491 —,—,cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,133,499; E201 301 931,290 118 8 LSI R216 SDS 2163 P11 2173) L3ti218 5) 1311219. 1311220: 1,311,221; 1,311222: 1,400,164: 1.498.856 —,—, cellulose sulfite liquor, evaporated, for, 1,221 259 —,—, cellulose xanthate for, 1,481,455 —,—,cement, Portland, in, 1,189,549; 1,311,215; 1,311,216; 1,811,219 —,—, chlorine for, 1,818,106 —,—,chrome alum for, 1,189,549 —, chromium (ic) oxide for, 1,409,275 —,—,chromium resinate for, 1,189 549 — clay for, 1,498,856 Bias clay, terra cotta, for, 1,498,856 —,clina mica for, 1,409,275 —,—, coal, bituminoys, for, 1,221,259 —,—, coal dust for, 1,209 692 —,—,coal fines for, 1,311,220: Palio —,—, coal tar for, 1,209,692; 1,221,259 —,—,coal tar pitch for, 1,221,259; 5 1,233,415 ; 1,233,416 —,—, concrete in, 1,311,215; 1,311,216; 1,311,219 —,—,copal resin for, 1 189 549 —, copper oleate for, 1 189 049 —,copper(ic) oxide ‘for, 1,509,035 —,—, cork for, 1,409,275 —,—,corn flour for, 1,318,106 —,—,corn starch for, 1,318,106 —,—, cotton shoddy for, 1,409,275 —,—,creosote for, 1 431 ABB gt cresol for, i 209 333 1,311,221; —, dari starch for, 1,318,106 —,— * ellagic acid for, 1,247 595 ether for, 1,409 275 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Binder, mfr. of, fish oil for, 1,201,301 —,—,flour for, 1,318,106 —,—, formaldehyde for, 1,209,333; —,—,fuller’s earth in, 1,311,215; 1,311,219 | oe pallic acid for, 1,247,595 —,—, gliadin for, 1 316 854 —, glucose for, 1 (247, 595 —, glucosid for, 1,247 995 —, glucosid tannins for, 1,247,595 —,glue for, 1,431,455 —, glycerol ‘for, 1 31 455 —, —, graphite for, 1,409 275 —,—, guayule resin for, 1,189,549 —,gums for, 1,431,455 —, gutta percha for, 1,409,275 ; 1,431,455 —, gypsum for, 1 221 259 —,—, hair for, 1,409 275 —, hexamethylenetetramine for, 1,209,333 —, —, hydrobenzamide for, 1,209 333 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, { 318, 106 —,—,iron oxide for, 1,498 856 ao) os ron Ge) oxide for, 1,189,549; 1,431,455 er 6 1,509,035 1,311,216; —, iron silicates for, 1 A98, 8 —, japan drier for, i ,189, 549 —, kieselguhr for, 1,311,215; ~ 43rt. 219 —,—,Laminaria digitata for, 1,509,035 —,— , Laminaria Stenophylla for, 1 509 035 —,— lampblack for, 1,409,275 —,lead, red, for, 1 409 275: 1,431,455 —,—, ‘lead, sublimed, for, 1,189 549 ——— white, for, 1 189, 549 —,—, lead carbonate for, 1,409,275 —,—, lead oxide for, 1,509 035 —,—,lead peroxide for, 1,233 415; 1,233,416 —,—, lentil starch for, 1 318 106 —,—, "lime for, 1,133 499: 1 509 035 1,311,216; —,—, linseed oil for, 1,189,549; 1,201,301 : 1,400,164; 1,431,455 —,— litharge for, 1,189,549; 1,409,275 —,—, lithopone for, 1 189 549 —,—, Magnesium chloride in, 1,311 215: 1,311,216; 1,311,219; 1,318,106 —_,— , magnesium oxide for, 1,409,275; 1,431,455 —,-—-, manganese borate for, 1 189 549. —, —) maranta starch for, 1318, 106 - —,—, methyl benzoate for, 1 209, 333 —,—, methyl phenyl ketone ‘for, 1,209,333 —,—,mica for, 1,409,275 —,—,molasses for, 1,311,215; 1,311,219 —,— naphtha for, 1,233,415; 1,233 416 —,—, naphtha, solvent, for, a 431 ABS —,—, oat, starch, for, 1,318, 106 —,—, oils for, 1,431 ABS 1,311,216; —, oil, drying, for, 1,189,549; 1,201,301 —,—,—, emulsions of, in, 1311 215; 1,811,216; 1 311 219 —,—,—, minera), 1 209, 692 —,—,—, vegetable, for, 1,233,415; 1,233,416 —,ore for, 1,311 220: | 311. ‘291: 1,311,222 Ree. starch for, 1,318, 106 —,—, pepper starch for, 1,318 106 —,—, petrolene for, 1 233, 101 for, 1,189,549; 1,201,301; INDEX OF Binder, mfr. of, petroleum for, 1,201,301; 1,233,101; 1,311 215; 1,311,216; 1 ait 219 —,—, phenetole for, 1 209 303 —,—~, phenol for, 1 209, 333; 1,481,455; 1,509,035 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,409 275 —,—,phenolate for, 1,509,035 —, phenyl ether for, 1 209 333 —, pigment for, 1 189 549 —, pitch for, 1 221 259 —,— , Pontianak resin for, 1,189,549 —, —, potassium carbonate for, 1,509 035 —,—,potassium hydroxide ‘for, 1,201,301; inet 106; 1,509,035 --, potassium silicates for, 1,498,856 —,—, potato starch for, 1,318, 106 —,—, process for, 1,133,499 ; 1,189,549 ; 1,201,301; 1,209,333 : 1,209,692 3.) 1,221,259: 1,233,101; 1,233,415; 1,233,416; 1,242,491; 1,247,595; 1,263,634; 1,263,635; 1,266,618; 1,318,106; 1 400 164: 1,409,275; 1,431,455; 1,440,356; 1,498 856: 1,509,035 —,—, prolamine for, 1 316, 854 —, —, protocatechuic acid for, 1,247,595 —,—, quartz for, 1,233,101; L 498, 856 —,—, rape seed oil for, 1,242 491 —,—,resin for, 1,318, 106; 1 409 P4145) ——~,—,Tesin size for, 1,318, 106 —,rice starch for, 1,318, 106 —,—, rock oil distillate for, 1,133,499 —,—,rosin for, 1,400,164 —,—, rubber for, 1 409 275; 1,431,455 —,—, rubber, Ceylon, for, 1,409, 275 —,—,—, Para, for, 1,409, 275 —; rubber resin for, 1,189,549 —,rye flour for, 1 318, 106 —,—,rye starch for, 1,318, 106 ee sago starch for, 1,318, 106 —, salicylate for, 1,509,035 —,—, salicylic acid for, 1,509,035 —,sand for, 1,311,220; 1,311,221; 1,311,222 -——,—- Sargassum bacciferum for, 1,509 035 —, sawdust for, 1,311,220; 1 311 221; 1 311,222 —, ’ seaweed for, 1 509, 035 —, shale oil for, 1,209, 692 —,sienna, raw, for, 1,409 205 —,—, ’ silica for, 1,266,618 —, silicic acid for, 1,266,618 —, ‘slate for, 1 221 259 —,—, sodium bisulfate for, 1,400,164 —, ’ sodium carbonate for, 1,201,301; 1,509,035 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,189,549; 1,201, 301; 1,318,106; 1,400,164; 1,509,035 oe sodium silicate for, 1,247,595; 1,266,618; 1,311,215; 1,811,216; 1,311,219; 1,498,856 —,—, soot ‘for, 1,209, 692 —,—, soya bean oil for, 1,201,301 ,—, starch for, 1,318,106 —,—,stearin pitch for, 1,233,415; 1,233,416 —, sugars for, 1,431,455 ,—, sulfur for, 1,233,415; 1,233,416; 1,409,275; 1,431,455 —,—,sulfur chloride for, 1,209,692 1,209,692; 1,318,106; —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,311,216; 1,311,219; pe aT ay , ? Fan a bf ae) 1,400,164 —,—, tale for, 1,311,215; 1,409,275 —,—, tannic acid for, 1,247,595 SUBJECTS 783 Binder, mfr. of, tannin for, 1,247,595 —,—, tanning liquor, spent, for, 1,247,595 —, tapioca, starch for, 1,318, 106 —,—, tar for, 1,431,455 —, tung oil for, 1,189,549 —,—,turpentine for, 1,189,549; 1,431,455 —,—, wheat flour for, 1,318,106 —,—, wheat starch for, 1,318, 106 —,—, zein for, 1,318 854 —,—, zine chloride for, 1,318,106 —,—, zine oxide for, 1,189, 549; —, ’ molasses in, 1,473, 181 —, oil, mineral, in 1,258,272 —, paraffin in, 1,258,272 —, paraffin oil in, 1,258,272 —,phenol aldehyde condensate, aldehyde condensate binder —, potassium borate in, 1,271,387 —, resinous, coke briquetted with, 1,443,618 —,road paving made with, 1,278,663 —,rosin size used in, 1,292,068 —,rosin soap used in, 1,292,068 —,sand-core-, mfr. of, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,467,821 —, sludge sulfonic acid tar in, 1,271,387 —, sodium carbonate in, 1,473,181 —, starch in, 1,473,181 —,syrup in, 1,473,181 —, temporary, construction of, 1,219,721 —, vegetable, friction facings contg., 1,426,842 —, water-proof, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,258,103 —,—,—, asphalt for, 1,258,103 —,—, —, bitumen for, 1,258, 103 —, ’ Mexican residuum for, 1,258,103 —,—,—, process for, 1,258,103 ,—, — rosin oil for, 1,258, 103 —,—,—, soap for, 1 258, 103 —,—,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,258,103 —, wax, mineral, in, 1,258,272 —,see also Adhesive; Adhesive composition; Cement ; “Core oil” ; Glue —,see also Cement: Note; Cements cover two distinct types of material, namely ce- ments of the Portland type and also ce- ments made of a variety of material and used as a binder Binder material, coal solution as, 1,420,754 Binder tape, mfr. of, asphalt for, 1,167,466 —,—, gum for, 1,167,466 —,—, paper, Manila, for, 1,167,466 —,—, process for, 1,167,466 —,—, thread for, 1,167,466 Binitro compound, see Dinitro compounds Binocular, moisture condensation prevented on, see Anti-dimming composition Binozide, see Dioxide Biological product, acriflavine as preservative for, 1,476,233 —, brilliant green as preservative for, 1,476,233 —,cresol as preservative for, 1,476,233 —,dye, bactericidal as _ preservative 1,476,233 —, dyestuff, acridine series as preservative for, 1,476,233 —, phenol as preservative for, 1,476,233 —,proflavine as preservative for, 1,476,283 1,409,275 ; 1,431,455 see Phenol “ for, 184 Biological product, tri-cresol product as pre- servative for, 1,476,233 —,see also Antitoxin; Bacterial extract; Bac- terin; Cultural filtrate; Serum; Vaccine; Virus Biogaicol, see Guaiacol phosphate Biose, see also Cellobiose Biotite, aluminum chloride made with, 1,820,193 —,cement, Portland, made with, 1,250,291 —,clay, china, contg., impurity of, 1,324,958 —,—,—, mid-Cornwall, contg., impurity of, 1,824,958 —,—,—, North America, contg., impurity of, 1,324,958 —,—,—, North Carolina, contg., impurity of, 1,324,958 —,—,—, Pentruff, contg., impurity ot, 1,324,958 —,—,Fraddon, contg., impurity of, 1,324,958 —,clay contg., impurity of, 1,824,958 —, expanding, 1,430,085 —,iron chloride made with, 1,320,193 —, pigments prepared from, 1,480,085 —,potassium chloride made with, 1,250,291 ; 1,320,193 —, potassium compounds made with, 1,250,291; 1,485,593 —, potassium salt from, process for, 1,320,193 —, treating, 1,430,085 —, utilization of, 1,480,085 —,see also Lepidomelane; Mica, black | Bi-oxide of manganese, see Manganese dioxide Biphenyl, chlorinated, fire-extinguisher made with, 1,154,161 o-Biphenyl-dicarbozylic acid, see Drphenic acid 0.0'-Biphenyl-dicarborylic acid, see Diphenic acid Biphenylene-sulfonic acids, therapeutic com- pound made with, 1,218,656 —,thioureas made with, 1,218,656 —,ureas made with, 1,218,656 Biplane wings, see Wings, Biplane Bi-iso-propenyl, see 2.3-Dimethyl-1.3-butadiene Biracemate, see Bi-dl-tartrate Birch, mine pump having fittings made of, 1,194,404 —,nail extracted from, force required, 1,314,772 —, pipe made with, 1,214,887 —,treatment, of, linseed oil for, 1,194,404 —,—,pine tar for, 1,194,404 —,—, process for, 1,194,404 —,—,salt for, 1,194,404 —,—, tallow for, 1,194,404 Birch bark, “ betuladerma ” made with, 1,228,848 —, leather, artificial, made with, 1,228,848 Birch bark extract, cellulose ether, composition of and, 1,505,044 —,ethy! cellulose, composition of and, 1,505,044 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,505,044 —, film made with, 1,505,044 —,leather, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 —,methyl cellulose, composition of and, 1,505,044 —, paper, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 —,plastic made with, 1,505,044 —,silk, artificial, made with, 1,505,044 —, sizing made with, 1,505,044 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Birch bark extract, tannin substitute, 1,505,044 —, textile, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 Birch oil, emulsion of, mfr. of, castor oil for, 1,229,681 —,—,—,castor oil, alkali compounds of, for, 1,229,681 —,—,—,cresols for, 1,229,681 —,—,—, naphthols for, 1,229,681 ,—-, —, phenols for, 1,229,681 —,—,—, process for, 1,229,681 —,—,—, soap, castor oil, for, 1,229,681 —,—,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,229,681 —, leather, dyeing of using, 1,183,829 —,—, treating of using, 1,183,829 —, leather cleaner contg., 1,258,729 —,salve contg., 1,298,407 —, sweet, flesh file made with, 1,203,918 Birch tar, antiseptic soap contg., mfr. of, 1,451,670 . —,fabric coated with solution contg., 1,322,786 —, insecticidal soap contg., mfr. of, 1,451,670 —,leather, artificial, coated with solution contg., 1,322,786 —,—, Russian, imitation, made with, 1,322,786 —,leather coated with solution contg., 1,322,786 —,paper coated with solution contg., 1,322,786 Birch tar oil, leather, artificial, addition of odorous substance to contg., 1,270,055 Birch wood diaphragm, chlorine made with, 1,178,591 — —, electrolytic cell made with 1,178,591 —, nickel made with, 1,178,591 Birch wood pulp, wall board made with, 1,374,931 Bird, disinfectant for, mfr. of, cotton for, 1,263,527 —,—,—, hair for, 1,263,527 —,—,—, lint: for, 1,263,527 —,—,—, naphthalene for, 1,263,527 —,—,—, process for, 1,263,527 —,—,—, tale for, 1,263,527 —,—,—, wool for, 1,263,527 Bird-glue, see Bird-lume Bird-lime, balloon fabric coated with, 1,460,053 —,thinning, alcohol for, 1,460,053 —,—, borax for, 1,460,053 —, Turkish, balloon fabric coated with, 1,460,053 —,—,see also Turkish. bird-lime Bird pepper, see Capsicum Bis-, see also Di- Bis-acenaphthylidene, see A8.8'-Biacenaphthene 4 .4'-Bis(4-acetamino-2.3-dimethyl-5-keto-1- pyrazolyl)-arsenobenzene, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,507,694 —,—, 4.4’-bis(4-amino-2.3-dimethy]-5-keto-1- pyrazolyl)-arsenobenzene for, 1,507,694 —,—, bromacetic acid for, 1,507,694 —,—, process for, 1,507,694 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,507,694 Bis-(p-acetoacetamino-pheny])-ether, made with, 1,505,569 Bis(p-acetoacetamino-phenyl)-methane, dye- stuff made with, 1,505,569 Bis(p-acetoacetamino-pheny])-sulfide, made with, 1,505,569 Bis(4-acetoacetamino-3-tolyl)-methane, dye- stuff made with, 1,505,569 dyestuff dyestuff INDEX OF Bis(acetoxy)-methane, cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —, film, photographic, made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —, plastic made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 Bis(p-acylacetamino-phenyl)-ether, dyestuff Made with, 1,505,569 Bis(p-acylacetamino-phenyl)-methane, dye- stuff made with, 1,505,569 Bis(p-acylacetamino-phenyl)-sulfide, dyestuff made with, 1,505,569 N.N’-Bis(p-allyloxy-phenyl)-acetamidine, mfr. of, p-allyloxy-acetanilide for, 1,384,637 —,—, p-allyloxy-aniline for, 1,384,637 —,—, benzene for, 1,384,637 —,—, phosphorus halide for, 1,384,637 —,—, phosphorous oxyhalide for, 1,384,637 —,—,phosphorous pentoxide for, 1,384,637 —,—, phosphorus trichloride for, 1,384,637 —,—, process for, 1,384,637 —,—, xylene for, 1,384,637 Bis (3-amino-p-anisyl)-methane, see 54'- Methylenebis-o-anisidine Bis(4-amino-3-carboxy-phenyl)-methane, 4.4’- diamino-benzophenone-3.3’-dicarboxylic acid made with, 1,220,248 Bis (4-amino-3-chlor-phenyl)-methane, see 4.4'- Methylenebis (2-chlor-aniline) “ Bis-(4-amino-3-chlor-pheny])-phenyl-m ethane, dyestuff made with, 1,172,061 Bis-(4-amino-2.5-diamino-pheny])-methane, dyestuff made with, 1,166,346 4.4’-bis(4-amino-2.3-dimethyl-5-keto-1- pyrazolyl)-arsenobenzene, 4-(4-acetamino- 2.3-dimethy1-5-keto-1-pyrazolyl) -4’-(4-amino- ’ 2.3-dimethy]-5-keto-1-pyrazoly])-arseno- benzene made with, 1,507,694 —, 4.4’-bis(4-acetamino-2.3-dimethyl-5-keto-1- pyrazolyl)-arsenobenzene made with, 1,507,694 —, 4.4'-bis(4-amino-2.3-dimethy]l-5-keto-1-pyra- zolyl)-arsenobenzene, dimethylenesulfoxylic acid derivatives of, made with, 1,507,694 —, 4.4'-bis(4-amino-2.3-dimethyl-5-keto-1-pyra- zolyl)-arsenobenzene, —mono-methylenesulf- oxylic acid derivatives of, made with, 1,507,694 —,dimethylenesulfoxylic acid derivatives of, mfr. of, 4.4’-bis(4-amino-2.3-dimethyl-5-keto- 1-pyrozolyl)-arsenobenzene for, 1,507,694 —, —, —, p-(2.3’-dimethyl-5-keto-1'-pyrazolyl) - benzene-arsonic acid for, 1,507,694 —, —, —, formaldehydesulfoxylate for, 1,507,694 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,507,694 —,—,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,507,694 —,—,—, process for, 1,507,694 —, mono-methylenesulfocylic acid derivatives of, mfr. of, 4.4’-bis(4-amino-2.3-dimethyl-5- keto-1-pyrazoly])-arsenobenzene for, 1,507,694 —,—, —, p-(2’.3’-dimethy]-5'-keto-1-pyrazolyl)- benzene-arsonic acid for, 1,507,694 —,—,—, formaldehydesulfoxylate for, 1,507,694 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,507,694 —,—,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,507,694 —,—,—, process for, 1,507,694 Bis(4-amino-2.5-dimethyl-phenyl)-methane, see 4.4'-Methylenebis(2.5-xylidine) Bis(4-amino-3-hydroxy-pheny]) -ketone, stuff made with, 1,210,751 50 dye- SUBJECTS 785 Bis(3-amino-4-hydroxy-phenyl)-methane, see 4.4'-M ethylenebis(-2-amino-phenol) Bis(4-amino-3-hydroxzy-phenyl)-methane, see 5.5'-Methylenebis-(2-amino-phenol) Bis(4-amino-3-methyl)-benzophenone, see 4.4'- Diamino-3 3'-dimethylbenzophenone Bis(4-amino-3-methyl-phenyl)-methane, see 4.4'-Methylenebis-o-toluene Bis(4-amino-3-methyl-phenyl)-phenyl-methane, see Bis-(4-amino-3-tolyl)-phenylmethane N.N'-Bis(4-amino-1-naphthy])-m-benzenedi- sulfonamide, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,442,818 —,—,acid for, 1,442,818 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—,aniline for, 1,442,818 —,—, benzene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, m-benzenedisulfonyl-chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, N.N'-di-1-naphthyl-m-benzenedisulfona- mide for, 1,442,818 —,—,iron for, 1,442,818 —,—,1-naphthalene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—,2-naphthalene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 ,—, l-naphthylamine for, 1,442,818 —,—, process for, 1,442,818 —,—,sodium acetate for, 1,442,818 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,442,818 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,442,818 —,—,sodium hyposulfite for, 1,442,818 —,—,sodium sulfide for, 1,442,818 —,—,tin(ous) chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, titanium(ous) chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, o-toluene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, p-toluene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—,zine dust for, 1,442,818 N.N'-Bis(4-amino-1-naphthy]) -2.6-naphthalene- disulfonamide, mfr. of, acid for, 1,442,818 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, aniline for, 1,442,818 —,—, benzene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, N.N'-di-1-naphthy]-2.6-naphthalenedi- sulfonamide for, 1,442,818 —,—, iron for, 1,442,818 —,—, 1-naphthalene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—,2-naphthalene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, naphthalene-2.6-disulfonyl chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, 1-naphthylamine for, 1,442,818 —,—, process for, 1,442,818 —,—,sodium acetate for, 1,442,818 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,442,818 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,442,818 —,—,sodium hyposulfite for, 1,442,818 —,—,sodium sulfide for, 1,442,818 —,—,tin(ous) chloride for, 1,442,818 —, —, titanium(ous) chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, o-toluene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 ” . —,—, p-toluene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, zine dust for, 1,442,818 186 Bis(aminophenyl)-amine, see Diamino- diphenylamine Bis(4-ammino-phenyl) -amine, see 4.4'-Diamino- diphenylamine Bis(p-aminophenyl)-arsinic acid, see also Ar- sanilic acid Bis(o-amino-pheny]) -disulfide, with, 1,452,805 Bis(4-amino-phenyl)-ether, dyestuff made with, 1,362,936 Bis(amino-phenyl) -ketone, see Diamino-benzo- phenone Bis(aminophenyl)-methane, see Methylenebis- aniline Bis(3-aminophenyl)-methane, see 3.3'-Methyl- enebis-aniline Bis(4-amino-phenyl)-methane, see 4.4'-Methyl- enebis-aniline N.N’'-Bis(amino-phenyl)-urea, see carbanilide N .N'-Bis(4-amino-2-sulfo-1-naphthyl)-m-ben- zenedisulfonamide, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,442,818 —,—, acids for, 1,442,818 ’ sulfonic acid for, 1,442,818 —,—, ammonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,aniline for, 1,442,818 —; benzene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —, m-benzenedisulfonyl chloride for, 1,442, 818 —,—,iron for, 1,442,818 —,—, l-naphthylene-diazonium 1,442,818 ; -naphthalene-diazonium 1,442,818 ,—, process for, 1,442,818 —,—, pyridine for, 1,442,818 dyestuff made Diamino- Rares aa > ’ ee) FRE! chloride for, chloride for, —_ —,—,sodium acetate for, 1,442,818 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,442,818 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,442,818 —,—,sodium hyposulfite for, 1,442,818 —,—, sodium sulfide for, 1,442,818 —,—,tin(ous) chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, titanium(ous) chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, o-toluene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, p-toluene- diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,zine dust for, 1,442,818 N. 'N '_Bis( 4-amino-6-sulfo-1-naphthyl) -m-ben- zenedisulfonamide, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,442,818 —,— acids for, 1,442,818 —,—, l-amino-naphthalene-6-sulfonic acids for, 1,442,818 —,—, ammonium cliloride for, 1,442,818 —,— +, aniline for, 1,442,818 —,—, ’ benzene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—,m-benzene-disulfonyl chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—,iron for, 1,442,818 —,—,1-naphthalene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—,2-naphthalene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, process for, 1,442,818 —,—, pyridine for, 1,442,818 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 N.N'-Bis(4-amino-6-sulfo-1-naphthy]) -m-ben- zenedisulfonamide, mfr. of, sodium acetate for, 1,442,818 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,442,818 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, ‘1 442 818 —,—,sodium hyposulfite for, 1,442 818 —,—,sodium sulfide for, 1 442 818 —,—, ’ tin (ous) chloride for, 1,442 818 —, —, titanium (ous) chloride ‘for, 1,442,818 —, —, o-toluene-diazonium chloride for, —, —, p-toluene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, zine dust for, 1,442,818 N.N’ -Bis-(4- amino-7-sulfo- 1-naphthyl-m-ben- zenedisulfonamide, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,442,818 —,—, acids for, 1,442,818 —_,— , 1-amino-naphthalene-7-sulfonic acid for, 1 442 818 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, aniline for, 1,442,818 —,— ’ benzene- diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,— ’ m-benzene-disulfony] chloride for, 1 442 818 —,—, iron for, 1,442,818 —,—,1-naphthalene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—,2-naphthalene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, pyridine for, 1,442,818 —,—, sodium acetate for, 1,442,818 —, sodium carbonate for, 1,442 818 —, ’ sodium hydroxide for, 1 442 818 — sodium hyposulfite for, 1,442 818 —, , sodium sulfide for, 1 442 818 —,— ‘ tin(ous) chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, titanium (ous) chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, o-toluene-diazonium chloride for, 1 442 818 —,—, p-toluene- diazonium chloride for, 1,442 818 —,—, zine dust for, 1,442,818 N.N! Bis(4-amino-8- sulfo- 1-naphthy])-m-ben- zenedisulfonamide, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,442,818 —,—, acids for, 1,442,818 —,—, l-amino- naphthalene-8-sulfonic acid for, 1 442 818 —,—, ammonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,aniline for, 1,442,818 —,—, ’ benzene- diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, m-benzenedisulfony] chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, iron for, 1,442,818 —,—, l-naphthalene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, 2-naphthalene-diazonium chloride for, pei —, process for, 1,442,818 —,—, pyridine for, 1 442 818 —,—, sodium acetate for, 1,442,818 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,442 818 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1 442 818 —,—, ’ sodium hyposulfite for, 1 442 818 —,—,sodium sulfide for, 1,442 818 —,—, ; tin(ous) chloride for, 1,442 818 —,—, titanium (ous) chloride for, 1,442,818 INDEX OF N.N' Bis(4-amino-8-sulfo-1-naphthyl) -m-ben- zenedisulfonamide, mfr. of, o-toluene-di- azonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—, p-toluene-diazonium chloride for, 1,442,818 —,—,zine dust for, 1,442,818 Bis(3-amino-4-tolyl)-methane, see 5.5'-M ethyl- enebis-o-toluidine Bis(3-amino-p-tolyl)-methane, see §.6'-Methyl- enebts-o-toluidine Bis(4-amino-3-tolyl)-phenyl-methane, dyestuff made with, 1,172,061 Bis(3-amino-4.6-cylyl) methane, see 6.5'- Methylenebis(2.4-xylidine) Bis-(aminoxyly])-(m-nitrophenyl)-methane, dyestuff made with, 1,172,061 —, mfr. of, m-nitrobenzaldehyde for, 1,172,061 mfr. of, p-xylidine for, 1,172,061 Bis(p-amylamino-phenyl)-arsinic acid, N-amyl- arsanilic acid, separation of from, 1,440,621 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,440,621 1.4-Bis(2-anthraquinonylamine)-anthraquinone, see Indanthrene Bordeaux B Bis(benzalamino)-phenyl-methane, see Hydro- benzamide 1.5-Bis(benzoylamino)-anthraquinone, alumi- num-leuco derivatives of, mfr. of, process for, 1,175,634 —,calcium-leuco derivatives of, mfr. of, process for, 1,175,634 —, dyestuff made with, 1,175,634 —,iron-leuco derivatives of, mfr. of, process for, 1,175,634 —,magnesium leuco derivatives of, mfr. of, process for, 1,175,634 _—, metal-leuco-derivatives of, mfr. of, process for, 1,175,634 —,tin-leuco derivatives of, mfr. of, process for, 1,175,634 —., zinc-leuco derivatives of, mfr. of, process for, 1,175,634 Bis(3-carboxyl-4-hydroxy-1-naphthyl)-ketone, mfr. of, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,453,659 —, —, 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoie acid for, 1,453,659 —,—, methane, tetrahalogenated, for, 1,453,659 —,—, process for, 1,453,659 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,453,659 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,453,659 —,sodium salt of, mfr. of, process for, 1,453,659 Bischofite, see Magnesium chloride Bischlorol, see Bismuth oxychloride ~ Bis(chlor-phenyl)-ether, cellulose ether, solvent for contg., 1,479,955 —, ethyl cellulose, solvent for contg., 1,479,955 —, film made with, 1,479,955 Bis-compounds, see also Di-compounds Biscuit, barley, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —,bean, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —, buckwheat, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —, carrot, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —, cassava, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —, cereal, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —, concentrated, mfr. of, 1,293,772 —, container for, mfr. of, acetic acid, glacial, for, 1,488,634 —,—,—, cardboard for, 1,488,634 5] —,—,—, cellulose acetate for, 1,488,634 SUBJECTS 787 Biscuit, container for, mfr. of, formic acid for, 1,488,634 —,—,—, paper for, 1,488,634 —,—,—, process for, 1,488,634 —, maize, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —,oat, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —,pea, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —, potato, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —,rice, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —,rye, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —,turnip, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 ) wheat, whole, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 Biscuit powder, bacteria preparation made with, 1,179,625 a.d-Bis( (cyan-methyl)-amino)-n-butane, see N.N'-(Tetramethylene-bis glycinonitrile 1.3-Bis(dichlor-methyl)-chlor-benzene, mfr. of, chlorine for, 1,219,166 —,—, process for, 1,219,166 —,—,m-xylene for, 1,219,166 1.3-Bis-(dichlor-methyl)-dichlor-benzene, mfr. of, chlorine for, 1,219,166 —,—, process for, 1,219,166 —,—, m-xylene for, 1,219,166 1.4-Bis(dichlor-methyl)-dichlor-benzene, mfr. of, chlorine for, 1,219,166 —,—, process for, 1,219,166 —,—, p-xylene for, 1,219,166 1.3-Bis-(dichlor-methy])-tetrachlor-benzene, mfr. of, chlorine for, 1,219,166 —,—, process for, 1,219,166 —,—, m-xylene for, 1,219,166 1.4-Bis(dichlor-methy]l)-tetrachlor-benzene, mfr. of, chlorine for, 1,219,166 —,—, process for, 1,219,166 —,—, p-xylene for, 1,219,166 1.2-Bis(dichlor-methyl)-trichlor-benzene, mfr. of, chlorine for, 1,219,166 —,—, process for, 1,219,166 —,—,o-xylene for, 1,219,166 1.3-Bis(dichlor-methyl)-trichlor-benzene, mfr. of, chlorine for, 1,219,166 —,—, process for, 1,219,166 —,—,m-xylene for, 1,219,166 p.p'-Bis(diethylamino) -benzohydrol, dyestuff made with, 1,503,177 Bis(p-diethylamino)-benzophenone, dyestuff made with, 1,504,061 Bis(4-diethylamino-pheny])-(3-hydroxy- phenyl)-methane, mfr. of, N.N -diethylaniline for, 1,509,413 —,—, m-hydroxy-benzaldehyde for, 1,509,413 —,—, process for, 1,509,413 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,509,413 —,sulfonation of, process for, 1,509,413 —,—, sulfuric acid, fuming, for, 1,509,413 Bis(4-diethylamino-phenyl)-methane, see 4.4'- Methylenebis(N .N-diethylaniline) Bis(p-diethylaminophenyl) -phenyl-carbinol, salt of, see Brilliant green 1.3-Bis(diethylamino)-2-propanol, 1.3-bis (diethylamino)-2-propyl-benzoate made with, 1,193,634 —, 1.3-bis(diethylamino)-2-propyl toluate made with, 1,193,634 788 1.3-Bis(diethylamino)-2-propyl benzoate, anesthetic, 1,193,634 —, cocaine substitute, 1,193,634 —,mfr. of, acetone for, 1,193,634 —,—,benzoyl chloride for, 1,193,634 —, —, 1.3-bis-(diethylamino)-2-propanol for, 1,193,634 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,193,634 —,—, process for, 1,193,634 —, properties of, 1,193,634 1.3-Bis(diethylamino) -2-propyl]-toluate, thetic, 1,193,634 —,cocaine substitute, 1,193,634 —, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,193,634 —,—, 1.3-bis(diethylamino)-2-propanol for, 1,193,634 —,—, process for, 1,193,634 —,—, p-tolyl chloride for, 1,193,634 —, properties of, 1,193,634 p.p'-Bis(diethylamino)-thiobenzophenone, mfr. of, bis(4-diethylamino-phenyl) methane for, 1,220,248 —,—, process for, 1,220,248 —,properties of, 1,220,248 Bis-(4-(4’.5’-dihydro-5'-keto-3'-methyl-pyra- zOly])-3-methyl-phenyl)-methane, bis-(4’- hyrazino-3-methyl-phenyl)-methane for, 1,166,346 —,dyestuff made with, 1,166,346 —,mfr. of, ethyl acetoacetate for, 1,166,346 —,—, process for, 1,166,346 2.8-Bis(dimethylamino)-acridine, dyestuff made with, 1,165,531 p.p'-Bis(dimethylamino)-benzohydrol, com- pound CesH2.O.N2S8, made with, 1,503,177 —,dyestuff made with, 1,483,084; 1,503,177 Bis(p-dimethylamino)-benzophenone, dyestuff made with, 1,504,061 p.p'-Bis(dimethylamino)-diphenylamine, dyeing of using, 1,183,748 —,skins, dyeing of using, 1,183,748 Bis(dimethylamimophenyl)-carbinol, see p.p'- Bis(dimethylamino)-benzohydrol Bis(4-dimethylamino-phenyl)-carbinol, see. p.p’- Bis(dimethylamino)-benzohydrol Bis(4-dimethylamino-phenyl)-methane, see 4.4'- Methylenebis(N .N’-dimethyl-aniline) Bis(p-dimethylamino-phenyl-phenyl-carbinol, see Malachite green p.p'-Bis(dimethylamino)-thiobenzophenone, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,220,248 —,—, bis(4-dimethylamino-phenyl)-methane for, 1,220,248 ~—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,220,248 —,—, process for, 1,220,248 —,—,sodium sulfide for, 1,220,248 —,—,sulfur for, 1,220,248 —,properties of, 1,220,248 3.3 -Bis(3.6-disulfo-8-hydroxy-1-naphthylam- inosulfonyl)-carbanilide, dyestuff made with, 1,218,654; 1,218,655; 1,308,071 —, mfr. of, 8-(3’-aminobenzoylsulfonylamino)- 1-naphthol-3.6-disulfonic acid for, 1,218,654; 1,218,655; 1,308,071 —,—, 8-amino-l-naphthol-3.6-disulfonie acid for, 1,218,654; 1,218,655; 1,308,071 —,—, carbonyl chloride for, 1,218,654; 1,218,655 anes- hair, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 3.3 >Bis(3.6-disulfo-8-hydroxy-1-naphthylam- inosulfonyl)-carbanilide, mfr. of, hydrochloric acid for, 1,218,654; 1,218,655 —,—,iron for, 1,218,654; 1,218,655 —,—, m-mitro-benzenesulfonyl chloride for, 1,218,654; 1,218,655; 1,308,071 —,—,process for, 1,218,654; 1,218,655 ; 1,308,071 —,—,sodium acetate for, 1,218,654; 1,218,655; 1,308,071 —,—, sodium carbonate 1,218,654; 1,218,655; 1,308,071 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,218,654; 1,218,655; 1,308,071 —, therapeutic compound made with, 1,308,071 —,therapeutic properties of, 1,218,654; 1,218,655 - —,ureas made with, 1,308,071 Bis(N-ethyl-N-hydroxyethyl-aminopheny]l)- methane, dyestuff made with, 1,483,084 Bis( N-ethyl-N-hydroxy-ethyl-aminophenyl)- methane-omega sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,483,084 —, mfr. of, N-ethylanilino-ethanol for, 1,483,084 —,—, formaldehyde for, 1,483,084 —,—,formic acid for, 1,483,084 —,—, lead peroxide for, 1,483,084 —,—, process for, 1,483,084 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,483,084 1.3-Bis(N-ethyl-N-methyl-amino) -2-propanol, 1.3-Bis(N-ethyl-N-methyl-amino) -2-propyl benzoate made with, 1,193,634 1.3-Bis(N-ethyl-N-methyl-amino) -2-propyl benzoate, anesthetic, 1,193,634 —, cocaine substitute, 1,193,634 —, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,193,634 —,—, benzoyl chloride for, 1,193,634 —,—, 1.3-bis(N-ethyl-N-methy]l-amino)-pro- panol for, 1,193,634 —,—, process for, 1,193,634 —, properties of,1,193,634 Bis(N-ethyl-N-(sulfo-benzyl) -4-amino-pheny]l)- methane, compound, CsHss0;N3S:, made with, 1,504,060 —,dyestuff made with, 1,504,060 Bis(N-ethyl-N-(sulfo-benzyl)-amino-phenyl)- phenyl-carbinol, film, motion picture, colored, made with, 1,505,787 —,photographic reproduction, colored, made with, 1,505,787 a.b-Bis(formyl-oxy) ethane, see Glycol diform- ate Bis-(4-hydrazino-3-methyl-pheny])-methane, bis-4-(4!-5'-dihydro-5’-keto-3’-methyl-1'- pyrazolyl)-3-methyl-phenyl)-methane made with, 1,166,346 —,dyestuff made with, 1,166,346 Bis(hydroxy-aryl)-ethane condensation prod- ucts, cellulose ether, composition of and, 1,505,044 —, ethyl cellulose, composition of and, 1,505,044 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,505,044 —,film made with, 1,505,044 —,leather, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 —,methyl cellulose, composition of and, 1,505,044 —,paper, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 for, a) ss “s x7 x ee ‘ INDEX OF Bis(hydroxy-aryl)-ethane condensation prod- ucts, plastic made with, 1,505,044 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1 505, 044 —, sizing made with, 1,505 044 —, tannin substitute, 1 505, 044 —, textile, coating for, made with, 1,505,044 Bis- hydroxyethyl-m- toluidine, see N.N'-Di-b- hydroxyethyl-m-toluidine b.b-Bis(4-hydroxy-3-isopropy]-2-methyl- phenyl)-ethylamine, mfr. of, aminoacetal for, 1,432,291 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,432,291 —,—, process for, 1,432,291 —,—,thymol for, 1,432,291 2.2-Bis(4-hydroxy-3-methy]-phenyl)-propane, tanning compound made with, 1,414,045; 1,421,722 Bis(hydroxymethyl)-urea, molded article made with, 1,482,358 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,482,358 —,urea-formaldehyde condensate made with, 1,482,358 s-Bis(hydroxymethyl)-urea, with, 1,355,834 —,airplane dope made with, 1,355,834 —, billiard ball made with, 1,482,358 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,355,834 —, cigarette holder made with, 1,482,358 —, coating made with, 1,355,834 —,, dental fillings made with, 1,355,834 —,door knobs made with, 1,482,358 — formaldehyde-urea condensate made with, 1 482,358 adhesive made €=-havidles made with, 1,482,358 —, horn substitute made with, 1,355,834 —, ivory, imitation, made with, 1 482 358 —, lacquer made with, 1,355,834 —,molded article made _ with, 1,507,624 —,ornaments made with, 1,482,358 —,pipe stems made with, 1,482,358 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,482,358 — rubber substitute made with, 1,355 834 —, ‘toilet articles made with, 1,482, 358 —, urea-formaldehyde condensate made with, i 805,834; 1,458,543; 1,507,624 4 4'-Bis(3- hydroxy-2'-naphthylamino)- diphenyl- amine)-sulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,183,378 Bis U ( (3'-hydroxy-2'-naphthoyl) ~amino) - phenyl)-amine-sulfonic acid, see 4.4'-Bis(3'- hydroxy-2' naphthoylamino)-diphenylanine- sulfonic acid 3.5-Bis(3’-hydroxy-2’-naphthoylamino) -p- toluenesulfonic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,183,378 3.5- Bis (3’-hydroxy-2'-naphthoylamino)-p- toluic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,183,378 Bis b-hydroxy-naphthoyl-4.4'-diamino-diphenyl- amine-sulfonic acid, see 4.4’-Bis(3'-hydroxy- ene eee) Hep henyian reer : act N.N'-Bis(3’-hydroxy-2'naphthoyl)-2-m-tolyl- enediamine-6-sulfonic acid, see 3.45-Bis(3’- hydrozy-2' -naphthoylamino) - -p-toluenesul- fonic acid 1,482,358; SUBJECTS 789 b.b-Bis(2-hydroxy-naphthyl)-ethylamine, mfr. _ of, aminoacetal for, 1,432,291 —,—, 2-naphthol for, 1,432,291 —,—, process for, 1,432,291 2.2’-Bis(4-hydroxy-phenol)-propane, tanning compound made with, 1,414,045 b.b-Bis(4-hydroxy- phenyl) -ethylamine, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,432,291 —, aminoacetal for, 1,432,291 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,432,291 —, phenol for, 1,432,291 —, process for, 1 ‘432, 291 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,482,291 —,—, ‘sulfuric acid for, 1 432 291 2 2-Bis(hydroxy- phenyl)- -propane, made with, 1,158,962 —, amber substitute made with, 1,158,962 —,bronzing paint made with, 1,158, 962 —, brush made with, 1,156, 969 —, ‘buttons made with, 1,158 ,962 adhesive —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,156,969; 1,158,960 : 1,158,961; 1,158,962; 1, 188, 356 —, cellulose acetate ’ plasticizer, 1,156,969 ; 1,158,960; 1,158,968; 1,158,964 —,cellulose nitrate plasticizer, 1,156,969; 1,158,961; 1,158,964 —, cement made with, 1,158,962 —, cement, impregnation of, ia 1,158,962 —, ’ cloth, ‘impregnation of, using 1,158 962; 1 158, 965 —, combs made with, 1,158,962 —,cotton, impregnation of, using, 1,156,969 —,— , waterproofing of, using, 1,156 969 — ’ dihydroxy- diphenyl- ‘dimethyl-methane alde- hyde condensate made with, 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —,dress suit case made with, 1,158,962 —,enamel made with, 1,158, 962 —, ’ fabric, impregnation of, using, 1,158,962 — _ waterproof, made with, 1,156 969 —, ’ filament, artificial, made with, 1 ,156,969 —, film, motion picture, made with, 1,158,961; 1 Whee 962 ; 1,158,963 —, floor covering made with, 1,158,962 — glass substitute made with, 1 ‘156. 969 —,gum, artificial, made with, 1 225,748 ; 1,225,749 —,horn substitute made with, 1,156,969; 1,158,962 —, ink, indelible, made with, 1,158,962 — insulation made with, 1 156 969 —} insulation, electric, made ‘with, 1,156,969 ; wit 158,962 ; 1; 397,144 —, lvory substitute 1,156,969 ; 1 158,962 — lacquer made with, 1,156,969 —, leather, artificial, made with, 1,156,969 —— , dressing for, made with, 1 156,969 ; 1,158,962 —, imitation, made with, 1,156,969 —, impregnation of, using, 1,158,965 —, patent, made with, 1,156,969 —,—, waterproof, made with, 1,156,969 —,line, impregnation of, using, 1,156,969 —,— , waterproofing of, using, 1,156 969 —, ’ mfr. of, acetone for, 1,188,356; 1,225,748; 1,225,749: 1,225,750 made with, 790 2.2-Bis(hydroxy-phenyl)-propane, mfr. of, phe- nol for, 1,188,356; 1,225,748; 1,225,749; 1,225,750 aot, process, . Lory °1 220,748. 1,225,749 ; 1,225,750 —,matrix, linotype machine, made _ with, 1,158 962 —, molded article made with, 1,397,144 —, mucilage substitute made with, 1,158,962 —, paint made with, 1,158,962 —, paint, aluminum, made with, 1,158,962 —,paper, impregnation of, using, 1,158,962; 1,158,965 —,—, waterproof, made with, 1,156,969 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,225,748; 1,225,749 —,phonograph record made with, 1,158,964 —,plastic made with, 1,156,969; 1,158,960; 1,158,961; 1,897,144 —, polish made with, 1,158,962 —,powder bags (ordnance), made _ with, 1,156,969 —,roofing made with, 1,158,962 —,rubber, hard, substitute for, made with, 1,158,962 —,shaving brush made with, 1,156,969 —,silk, artificial, made with, 1,156,969 —,—,impregnation of, using, 1,156,969 —,—, waterproofing of, using, 1,156,969 —,solvent for, acetic acid as, 1,156,969; 1,225,748; 1,225,749 —,—,acetone as, 1,156,969; 1,158,961 ae —, alcohol as, 1,156,969; 1,158,960; 1,225,748 ; 1,225,749 —,—,amyl acetate as, 1,156,969; 1,153,961 —,amyl alcohol as, 1,156,969 —,chloroform as, 1,158,960 —,—, ether as, 1,156,969 —,—,ethyl acetate as, 1,225,748; 1,225,749 —,—,s-tetrachlorethane as, 1,156,969; 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —, tiling made with, 1,158,962 —, tooth brush made with, 1,156,969 —,tortoise shell substitute made 1,156,969; 1,158,962 —, trunk made with, 1,158,962 —, wall covering made with, 1,158,962 —,wood, artificial, made with, 1,397,144 —,—,impregnation of, using, 1,158,962; 1,158,965 ; 2.2-Bis(4-hydroxy-phenyl)-propane, tanning compound made with, 1,414,045; 1,421,722 2.2-Bis(hydroxy-phenyl)-propane aldehyde condensate, adhesive made with, 1,158,962 —,amber substitute made with, 1,158,962 —,bronzing paint made with, 1,158,962 —, buttons made with, 1,158,962 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,158,962 —,cement made with, 1,158,962 —,cement, impregnation of, using, 1,158,962 —,cloth, impregnation of, using, 1,158,962; 1,158,965 —,combs made with, 1,158,962 —, dress suit case made with, 1,158,962 —,enamel made with, 1,158,962 —,fabric, impregnation of, using, 1,158,962 —,film, motion picture, made with, 1,158,962; 1,158,963 with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 2.2-Bis(hydroxy-phenyl)-propane aldehyde con- densate, floor covering made with, 1,158,962 —,horn substitute made with, 1,158,962 —, ink, indelible, made with, 1,158,962 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1,134,436; 1,158,962 —, ivory substitute made with, 1,158,962 —, leather, dressing for, made with, 1,158,962 —,leather impregnated with, 1,134,436; 1,158,965 —,mfr. of, acetaldehyde for, 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —,—,acetone for, 1,158,962; 1,158,963 ; 1,158,964 —,—,cresol for, 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —,—,diethyl ketone for, 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —,—, dihydroxy-diphenyl-dimethylmethane for, 1,158,962; 1,158,963 1,158,964 —,—,ethyl methyl ketone for, 1,158,962; 1,158,963 ; 1,158,964 —,—,formaldehyde for, 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —,—,hexamethylenetetramine for, 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —,—,ketones for, 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —,—, phenol for, 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —,—,process for, 1,158,962 ; 1,158,963 ; 1,158,964 —,matrix, linotype machine made _ with, 1,158 962 —,mucilage substitute made with, 1,158,962 —, paint made with, 1,158,962 —, paint, aluminum, made with, 1,158,962 —, paper impregnated with, 1,184,436; 1,158,962; 1,158,965 —, phonograph record made with, 1,158,964 —, polish made with, 1,158,962 —,roofing made with, 1,158,962 —,rubber, hard, substitute, for, made with, 1,158,962 —,solvent for, acetic 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —,—, acetone as, 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —,—, alcohol as, 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —,—,amyl acetate as, 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —,—,amyl alcohol as, 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —,—, ether as, 1,158,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —,—,s-tetrachlorethane as, 1,518,962; 1,158,963; 1,158,964 —, tiling made with, 1,158,962 —, tortoise shell substitute made with, 1,158,962 —, trunk made with, 1,158,962 3 —, wall covering made with, 1,158,962 —, wood impregnated ~— with, 1,158,962; 1,158,965 2.2-Bis(4-hydroxy-pheny]1)-propane-sulfonic acid, mfr. of, process for, 1,421,722 Bis(5-hydroxy-7-sulfo-2-naphthy])-urea, stuff made with, 1,338,414 o-Bis(5-hydroxy-7-sulfo-2-naphthyl)-urea, dye- stuff made with, 1,265,031; 1,276,307; 1,282,354; 1,282,355; 1,282,356; 1,292,385 acid as, 1,158,962; 1,134,436 ; dye- INDEX OF SUBJECTS s-Bis(-5-hydroxy-7-sulfo-2-naphthyl)-urea, dye- stuff made with, 1,292,385; 1,509,442 2.2 Bis(~4-hydroxy-m-tolyl)-methane, sulfonic acid, tanning compound made with, 1,414,045 2. 2-Bis(hydroxy-tolyl)-propane, gum, artificial, made with, 1,225,750 —, mfr. of, acetone for. 1,225,750 —,--, cresol for, 1,225,750 —,—, process for, 1 225 4750 —, phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,225,750 2. 2-Bis(4- hydroxy-m-tolyl)-propane, tanning compound made with, 1,414,045; 1,421,722 Bismal, see Bismuth-methylene gallate Bisial, see Slate Bi-silicates, fertilizer contg., 1,135,387 Bismark brown, celluloid substitute made with, 1,181,858; 1 242 783 — , coatings made with, 1,242,783 —,dyeing with, 1,414 029; 1 414 ,030 ; —, dyeing mixture conteg., m1 457, 581 —,dye-soap contg., 1,307, 113 —, film made with, 1,242 "183 —, ’ gold leaf, imitation made with, 1,160,979 —, metal leaf made with, 1,160 979 —, tortoise shell, imitation, made with, 1,242,783 —, ‘varnish made with, 1 242 83 —,see also Benzene- diazo~phenylene- diamine ; Triamino-azo-benzene —,(T.D.), alkali proofing, 1,349,265 4.4'-Bis (methylamino) -3.3'-dimethy]-thiaben- zophen, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,220,248 —,—, bis(3-methyl-4-methylamino-phenol) - eaaeuene for, 1,220,248 —, hydrochloric acid for, 1,220,248 —,—, process for, 1,220,248 —,—, sodium sulfide for, 1,220,248 —,—, sulfur for, 1,220 248 —, ’ properties of, 1,220,248 4.4 -Bis(methyl-amino)-3.3’-6.5'-tetramino- arsenobenzene, see 4.4'-Dimethylamino-3.3'- §.5'-tetramino-arsenobenzene Bis(N-methylanilino)-quinone, see (??) Dvi- anilino-N .N-dimethyl-quinone a.d-Bis((a'-methyl-a'-carboxyl-ethyl)-amino)-n- butane, see Tetramethylene-bis,(a-amino-iso- butyric acid) Bis(4.4’-methylenebis(2-amino-pheny])-ether, dyestuff made with, 1,342,134 Bis(3-methyl-4-methylamano-phenyl)-methane, see 4.4'-Methylenebis-(N-methyl-o-toluidine) 1,414,031 Bismuth, alloy contg., 1,126,646; 1,164,997; 1,194,101; 1,239,854; 1,248,925; 1,377,517; 1,453,928; 1,483,327; 1,497,011; 1,502,425; 1,513,806 —, alloy, fusible, contg., 1,152,834; 1,191,572 —,—, self- disintegrating, contg., 1 421 71 —,alloy contg., airplane propeller made with, 1 043,191 —,—-, alkali 1 1359, 813 —,— —, fire detecting wire made with, 1,235,028 —,—, "hollow article made with, 1 343, 191 —,—, hollow article molded using, 1 135 ,962 —,—, lead, electrolytic deposition of on, process for, 1 306 479 —,—, molded article made with, 1,377,517 earth metals prepared _ with, 791 Bismuth, alloy contg., molded article, hollow, made with, 1,343,191; 1,504,547 —,—, molded with, 1,406,730 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate made with, es tol? —, printing plate made with, 1,377,517 —, printing plate matrices of, 1 140 031 —,—,rubber vulcanized by immersion in, 1 368 071 —, alloys de-oxidized with, 1,350,166 —, alloy of antimony and, 1,452,750 —, alloy of cadmium and, 1,452,750 —,alloy of lead and, 1,452,750 —, alloy of tin and, 1,452,750 —,aluminum alloy contg., 1,410,463; —,aluminum coated with, 1,370,967 —, aluminum ornamented by, 1,370,967 —,aluminum-silicon alloy contg., 1,410,461 —,aluminum solder contg., 1,194,101; 1,239,854; 1,823,520; 1,341,508; 1,437,641 —,amino compounds mfr. with, as catalyst, 1,451,489 —, p-amino-phenol made with, 1,239,822 —,ammonia synthesis with, 1,396,557 —, aniline made with, 1,239,822 —,antimony, removal of from, 1,166,721 —,—,—, carbon for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, process for, t 166, yPAl —,—,—, sodium hydroxide ‘for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, ’ sulfates for, 1,166,721 ,—, —, sulfides for, 1 166 721 —,—,—, ’ sulfur for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, zine for, 1,166,721 —, antimony separated from, 1,428,041 —, arsenic, removal of from, alkali for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, carbon for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, process for, 1,166,721 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,166,721 —,—, —, sulfates for, 1,166,721 1,453,928 alkali for, ae —., sulfides for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, sulfur for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, zine for, 1,166,721 —,arsenic, separation of from, process for, 1,198,095; 1,428,041 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,198,095 —,azo compounds made with, 1,451,489 —,azoxy compounds made with, 1,451,489 —, bearing metal contg., 1,324,763; 1,497,011 1,502,425 —,bearing metal, contg., 1,502,425 —, bismuth chloride from, 1,360,271 —, bismuth oxide, yellow, madé with, 1,318,336 —, bismuth 8-quinolinolate made with, 1,485,380 —, carbon, activated, made with, 1,520,437 —, catalyst, iron as, made with, 1,489 497 —,—, amino compounds made with, 1,451,489 —,ammonia made with, 1,495,655 —,—,azo compound made with, 1,451,489 —,—, azoxy compounds made with, : 451 5489 —,—, hydrazo compounds made with, 1,451 5489 —,—, mfr, of, process for, 1,451,489 — ’ catalyst poisons, 1 489, ‘497 : 1 910,598 —,—, for ammonia mifr,, 1,148,570 ; 1,152,930 as catalyst, as catalyst, hardening composition for 792 Bismuth, cobalt alloy contg., 1,513,806 —, colloidal, mfr. of, acacia for, 1,491,250 —,—,—, albumen for, 1,491 250 —,— — albumose for, 1,491 ,250 —, ae —, bismuth electrode for, 1,491,250 —,—,—, hydrazine for, 1,491,250 —,—,—, hydroxylamine for, 1,491,250 —,—,—, process for, 1,491,250 —,—,—, pyrocatechol for, 1,491,250 ,—, — pyrogallol for, 1,491 250 —,—,—, sodium hyposulfite for, 1,491,250 —,colloidal solution of, mfr. of, process for, 1,189,696 —, copper, 1,166,721 —,—,—, process for, 1,168,721 io i, sulfates for, 1 166, 721 BS i Gol sulfides for, 1 166 721 removal of from, carbon for, —,—,—, sulfur for, 1 166, 721 —,—,—, zine for, 1 166, 721 —, copper alloy contg., 1,248,925 —,copper sulfate solution contg., removal of from, process for, 1,276,130 —, dental alloy contg., 1,164,997 —,detonator contg., 1,298,467 —,dissolving, sulfuric acid and manganese dioxide for, 1,360,271 —,distillation of, apparatus for, 1,242,339; 1,224,340 —,—, carbon for, 1,242,839; 1,242,340 —,—, carbon monoxide for, iB 242 339; 1,242,340 —,—,coal tar pitch for, 1,242 339: 1,242 340 —,—,coke for, 1,242,339; 1,242 340 —,—, graphite "for, 1,242,339 ; 1,242,340 —,—, ore for, 1,242,389; 1,242,340 —, process for, 1,242,839; 1,242,340 —, DU enirade, carbon, protective coating for of, | 314,603 —,— “electric furnace, protective coating for of, 1 314,603 —,— -eraphite, 1 314 603 —, electrodeposition of, alkali thiocyanate for, 1,194,438 —,—,bismuth sulfate for, 1,194,438 —, copper cathode for, 1,194,438 —,glycerol for, 1,194,438 —,—, potassium thiocyanate for, 1,194,488 —,—,process for, 1,194,438 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1 194,438 — ’ electrolytic potential ‘of, 1,397,514 —,extracting from ores, process for, 1,360,271 —,fat, animal, colloidal solution in of, mfr. of, process for, 1,189,696 —,—, vegetable, colloidal solution in of, mfr. of, process for, 1,189,696 —,ferro-chromium as_ refractory furnaces for, 1,492,685 —.,ferro-silicon as refractory lining for furnaces for, 1,492,685 —, ferro-vanadium as refractory lining for fur- naces for, 1,492,685 —, fireproofing with compounds of, 1,418,609 —, galvanized iron colored with, 1,436,729 —,gold, removal of from, zine for, 1,166, 721 —, halogen compounds of, catalyst in sulfur- phenol resin formation, 1 435,801 protective coating for of, lining for UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bismuth, hydrazo compounds made with, as catalyst, 1,451,489 —,iron, catalyst, made with, 1,489,497 —,lanolin, colloidal solution in of, mfr. of, process for, 1,189,696 —,lead and, separation of, 1,401,743; 1,428,041 —,lead alloy, hardening composition for contg., 1,502,425 —, Tepe alloy contg., 1,191,572 —,bearing made with, 1,341,938 —,—, catgut, sterile container for, made with, 1,191, 572 —,—,container, sterile, made with, 1,191,572 —,—, electrical circuit protective device made with, 1,501,018 - —,—, phonograph record matrix made with, 1 489,669 —,— surgical ligature, made with, 1,191,572 —, lead bullion contg., removing from, 1,386,503 —,lead ores contg., treating, 1,430,270; 1,430,271 — ,lithopone, darkening of because of impuri- ties of, 1,140,854 —, metals, precious, coated with, 1,335,024 —, metal ‘article made with, 1,223, 322 —, mold contg., 1,454,064 —,mold- -protecting coating contg., 1,454,068 —, colloidal solution in of, “ton of, process for, 1,189,696 —,ore contg., antimony made with, 1,163,286 _ —,—, arsenic made with, 1,163,286 —,—, bismuth made with, il 163, 286 —,—,cadmium made with, 1 163 5286 —,—, calcium sulfate made with, 1,163,286 —,—, copper made with, 1,163 286 —,—,liron made with, 1 163 286 —,—, zine made with, 1 163 286 — ’ oxidizing, sodium nitrate and chlorine for, 1 354,806 — paraffin, colloidal solution in of, mfr. of, process for, 1,189,696 —, platinum recovered from ore using, 1,126,646 —, position in electro-chemical series, 1 ‘429, 131 —, precipitating, iron for, 1,360,271 —, production of, air for, 1,144,402 ; 1,146,373; ~ 1,163,236; 1,182,320; 1,188,705 —,—, alkali carbonate for, iy 144 402; 1,146,373 —,—, alkali earth carbonate for, 1 144 ‘402 —,—,alkali earth hydroxide for, 1 144,402 ; 1,146,373 —,—, alkali earth oxide for, 1,144,402 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1, 144 402 —,—, "alkali oxide for, 1,144, 402 —,—, ammonium sulfate for, 1,513,775 —,—, antimony ore for, 1,163 286 ; 1,188,705 —,—, apparatus for, 1 513, 775 —,—, arsenic ore for, 1,163 286; 1,188,705 —,—,azureite for, 1 146 373 sterile container for, —,—, bag house dust for, 1,194,438 —,—, ‘barium carbonate for, 1, 144 402; 1,146,373 —,—, ’ barium hydroxide for, 1s 144 ‘402 : 1 146, 373 —,—, barium oxide for, 1,144, 402: 1,146, 373 —,—,bismuth ore for, 1,163,286 : 1,188,705; 1,477,321 —,—,bismuth oxychloride for, 1,477,321 —,—,bismutite for, 1,477,321 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 793 Bismuth, production of, bromine for, 1,245,137 Bismuth, production of, potassium hydroxide —,—, cadmium ore for, 1,163,286; 1,188,705 for. 1 144 402; 1,146, 373 —,—, calcium, ore contg.., for, 1, 163, 286 eed ray potassium oxide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,—, calcium. carbonate for, 1,144,402; —,—, process for, 1 144, ‘402 : 1,144,480 ; 1,146,373; 1,163,286; 1,188,705 1,146,373; 1,163,286; 1,182,320; 1,188,705; —,—, calcium chloride for, i 144,402; 1,146.373 1,194,438; 1,222.789; 1,245,187; 1,475,843; —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1 144,402; 1,477,821; 1,513,775 1,146,373; 1,163,286 —,—,pyrites for, 1,144,480 —,—, calcium oxide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,—, selenium for, 1,222 ,789 —,—,carbonate ore for, 1,163,286; 1,188,705; —,—,selenium compound for, 1,222,789 1,245,137 —,—, siderite for, 1,146,373 —,—,chareoal for, 1,477,321 —,—,silver ore for, 1,163,286; 1,475,848 —,—, chloride for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,—,Sslag for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,—,chlorine for, 1,144,402; 1,163,286; —,smelter fumes for, 1,188,705 1,188, 705; 1;245,137 —,— ‘ sodium carbonate for, 1,144,402; —,—,coal for, 1,513,775 1,146,373; 1,477,321 —,coke for, 1,513,775 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; =, coke oe for, 1,513,775 1,245,187; 1,475,843; 1,477,321 —,—, copper, ore contg ‘: for, 1,163,286 —,— sodium hydroxide ‘for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,—, copper carbonate for, 1,146,373 FA sodium hy etch ii as 137. : Tae Wert { . —),—, sodium oxide for 1,146,373 ~ 1146373 Se Cre IOS EN a —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,475, 843; 1,477 o21 —,—,copper(ous) chloride for, 1,144,402; ae strontium carbonate for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 146,373 ——,copper ore for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; * ose hydroxide for, 1,144,402; oat ealfie ore for 1476 B40 —, a strontium oxide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,—,sulfide ore for, 1,144,480; 1,245,137; 5] — ’ hydrochloric acid for, 1,129, 431 —,—,copper(ous) sulfite for, 1,146,373 1475 843 —, cyanide for, 1,222,789 Miciae seein eg ae flue dust for, 1,182,320; 1,194,438 eee sulfur dioxide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 ; BAe cack, products for’ 1194488 1,163,286; 1,188,705; 1,245,137; 1,477,321 —,galena for, 1,144,480 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,182,820; 1,194,438; —,—, gold ore for, 1,163,286; 1,475,843 1,475,843; 1,477,321; 1,513,775 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,477,321 —,—, zine ‘for, 1,475, 843 —,—, hydrogen sulfide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —:—— ,zine ore for, 1,146,373; 1,163,286; —,—, iron for, 1,146,373; 1,163,286; 1,475,843 1,188,705 on, eos ’ iron (ous) carbonate for, 1,146,373 —,—,zine oxide for, 1,182,320 —,—,iron(ic) chloride for, 1,144 402: 1,146,373 —,—,zine sulfide ore for, 1,144,480; 1,475,843; — iron (ous) chloride for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 1,513,775 —,—,iron ore for, 1,146,375; 1,163,286; —, purification of, alkali for, 1,166,721 1,188, 705 —,—,calcium chloride for, 1,318,335 —,—,iron(ic) sulfite for, 1,146,373 —,—, calcium sulfide as by- product of, —,—,lead ore for, 1,144,480; 1,163,286; 1,318, 335 1,188,705 —,— — carbon for, 1,166,721 ene eae smelter slag for, 1,146,373 —,— , magnesium chloride for, 1,318,335 —,—, lead sulfide ore for, 1 AT, 843; 1,513,775 —,—,magnesium sulfite as by-product of, —,—, "limestone for, 1,163 "286 1,318,335 —,—, Magnesium carbonate for, 1,144,402; —,—, process for, 1,166,721; 1,318,335 1,146,373 jo sodium hydroxide for, 1 166, 721 —,—,magnesium chloride for, 1,144,402; — —, ’ sulfates for, 1,166,721 1,146,373 eh oat ’ sulfides for, 1 166, 721 —,—,magnesium hydroxide for, 1,144,402; —,—, ” sulfur for, 1 166, 721 ‘s 146373 Sete ’ sulfur as impurity in, 1,818,335 —,—, magnesium oxide for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373 —,—, tellurium as impurity in, 1,318, 335 —,—, manganese ore for, 1,188, 705 _—,—>,/2ine tor, il,166,721 —,—, metal carbonate for, 1,146,373 ‘recovery of, carbon for, 1,129,431 =—-,—, nitric acid for, 1 144 480 =, carbon dioxide for, 1,129, 431 —,ore for, 1,163, 286 ; Ls 188, 705; 1,194,438 —,—, oxide ore for, 1,163,286; 1,188, 705 ; rae esr , manganese dioxide for, 1,129 431 a 245, = aay —, potassium chromate for, 1 129 A381 eeeroxygen for, 1,144,402; 1,146,373; —,—, process for, 1,129,431 1,163, 86 1,188, 705 —, —, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,129,431 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,144,402; —,— ’ sodium hydroxide for, | 129, 431 1,146,373 —,—, ‘sodium nitrate for, 1 129, 431 —,—, potassium chloride for, 1,146,373 —,—,soditm sulfide for, 1, 129 431 —,—, potassium cyanide for, 1,475, 843 —,—,sodium sulfite for, 1, 129 431 ’ 794 Bismuth, sulfur dioxide for, 1,129,431 —, removal from tin, 1,414,257; 1,414,259 —,removal from zinc sulfate solutions, 1,429,131 —,selenium removal of from, alkali for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, carbon for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, process for, 1 ‘166, 791 oe, KOdIUM. hydroxide for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, ’ sulfates for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, sulfides for, 1 166 721 —,—,—, sulfur for, 1 166, 721 —,—,—, zine for, 1 166 721 —,— , Separation ‘from of, 1,477,321 — ' separating from lead, lead nitrate for, 1 989,511 —, silver, removal of from, carbon for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, process for, 1 166, vei —,—,—, sulfates for, 1,166, 721 —,—,—, , sulfides for, 1 166, 721 —,—,—, zine for, 1 166 721 —, slime, electrolytic, contg., separation from of, 1 305, 787; 1,305,788 —, smelter fume, recovery from of, 1,496,410 —, ’ sulfur, removal of from, alkali for, 1,166, 721 —,—,—, "sodium hydroxide for, 1,166 21 —, tellurium, removal of from, alkali for, 1 ,166,721 —,—,—, carbon for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, process for, 1 166, 721 ,—,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,166,721 ,—,—, sulfates for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, sulfides for, 1 166 a recovery of, —— Bart SUllur for, 4 166 21 —,—,—, zine for, 1 166, 721 —,— , separation of from, 1,428,041; 1,477,321 —, tin, removal from of, 1,414 257 - —,—,—, alkali for, 1 166 721 —,—,— , sodium hydroxide for, 1,166,721 Soy eine for, 1,166;721 —,—, separation of, from, 1,428,041 —,—, tin alloy contg., 1,483 327 -—,—, electrical circuit protective device made with, 1,501,018 —, tin electrodeposition, action on, 1,466,126 —,, tin ore contg., treating, 1,435, 303 ; 1 461 957 —, vaseline, colloidal solution. in ‘of, mfr, of, process for, 1,189,696 — , volatilization of, apparatus for, 1 262,453 —,—, chlorine for, 1,262,452; 1,262,453 —,—, process for, 1,262 452; "1,262 453 —, wax, colloidal ‘solution in of, mfr. of, process for, 1 "189 696 —, white metal made with, 1,248,925 — , Wood's metal contg., 1517 370 —, zinc, removal of from, alkali for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, carbon for, 1 166 id 1,262,452; —,—, process for, 1 154,602; 1,166,721; a 5,241,966 —,—,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1, 166, 721 —,—,—, ’ sulfates for, 1,166,721 —,—,—, sulfides for, 1 166, 721 Soe ah ieee ’ sulfur tor, a 166 721 —, zine dlecteddbe pr evented from corroding by, 1 893,739 —, zine solutions contg., purifying, 1,382,494 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bismuth, zine sulfate, removal from of, zine dust for, 1,283,077; 1,283,078 Bismuth acetate, basic, catalyst of, 1,345,323 —, —, catalyst, oxidization, made with, 1,345, 323 —,—, gas absorbent conte. 1,422,211 —,hopcalite made with, 1,345, 323 Bismuth acetyl-salicylate, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,217,862 —,—, acetyl-salicylic acid for, 1,217,862 —,—,alcohol for, 1,217,862 —,—, ‘alkali bicarbonate for, 1,217,862 —,—, alkali carbonate for, 1.217 862 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1 217, 862 —,—, ammonium hydroxide ‘for, 1,217,862 —,—, benzene for, 1,217,862 —,—, bismuth bicarbonate for, 1,217,862 —,—, bismuth borate for, 1 217 862 —,—, bismuth chloride for, 1 217 862 —,—, ’ bismuth hydroxide for, 1 217 862 —,—, bismuth nitrate for, 1 217, ‘862 —,—, ’ bismuth nitrite for, 1 217 862 —,—, ‘bismuth oxide for, 1,217 862 —,—, bismuth phosphate ‘for, | 217 862 —,—, ’ bismuth silicate for, 1,217 862 —,—, bismuth sulfate for, 1,217 862 —,—, bismuth sulfite for, 1 217 862 —,—,ether for, 1,217 862 —_—,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,217,862 —,—, ligroin for, 1,217. 862 —,—, process for, 1 217 862 —,—, water for, i 217, 862 Bismuth alloy, cadmium in, lamp, electric, fila- ment for, made with, 1,230,869 —,—, tungsten filament made with, 1,230,869 —, condenser, electric, made with, 1,517,370 —, tungsten filament made with, 1,496,457 —,zinc in, platinum recovered ore using, 1 126,646 Bismuth aluminate, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 Bismuth amalgam, zinc electrodes prevented from corroding by, 1,393,739 Bismuth bicarbonate, bismuth acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 Bismuth borate, bismuth acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 Bismuth cadmium amalgam, brush, made with, 1,177,119 Bismuth carbonate, basic, catalyst of, 1,345,323 —,—, catalyst, oxidization, made with, 1,345 323 —,— ’ dissolving, sulfurie acid and brine for, 1 360 271 —,—, gas absorbent contg., 1,422,211 —,—, hopcalite made with, 1,345,323 —,—, see also Bismutite Bismuth carbonate ore, sulfur dioxide smelter fumes absorbed using, 1,236,236 “ Bismuth cement,” antimony in, 1,487,125 —, arsenic in, 1,487, 125 —, copper in, 1 ‘487, 125 —, production of, anode slime for, 1,487,125 —,—, apparatus for, 1,487,125 —,—, copper cathode for, 1,487,125 —,—, electrolytic process for, ng 487,125 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,487, 125 electric, INDEX OF “Bismuth cement,” production of, iron cathode for, 1,487,125 —,—,lead cathode for, 1,487,125 —,—, process for, 1,487,125 —,—, tin cathode for, 1,487,125 —,—, tin ore, Bolivian, for, 1,487,125 —,—,—, Colombian, for, 1,487,125 Bismuth chloride, alcohol for, 1,385,229 —,aluminum chloride made with, 1,821,281 —, basic, formation of, 1,360,271 —, battery electrolyte contg., 1,393,739 —,bismuth acetyl-salicylate made 1,217,862 _ —, bismuth ?-hydroxy-?-hydroxymercuri-by- hydrocinnamate made with, 1,508,603 —, bismuth ?-hydroxymercuri-anthranilate made with, 1,508,603 —,bismuth 2-hydroxymercuri-benzoate made with, 1,508,603 —, bismuth ?-hydroxymercuri-camphocarbox- ylate made with, 1,508,603 —, bismuth ?-hydroxymercuri-?-naphthoate made with, 1,508,603 —, bismuth 3-hydroxymercuri-salicylate made with, 1,508,603 dissolving, with, —,bismuth oxide, absorbent, made with, 1,520,305 —,—, catalyst made with, 1,520,305 —,catalyst, bismuth oxide as, made with, 1,520,305 —, China wood oil sclidified with, 1,383,864 —, flooring made with, 1,383,864 —, formation from bismuth, sulfate and chloride, 1,360,271 . ‘—, formation from ore by treating with sodium chloride, 1,360,271 —, ?-hydroxymercuri-atophan, bismuth salt of, made with, 1,508,603 —, N-( ?-hydroxymercuri-phenyl)-glycine, bis- muth, salt of, made with, 1,508,603 —, iron rust-proofing of with, 1,317,351 —, mirrors made from platinum and, 1,385,229 —, molded article made with, 1,383,864 —,solvent for, acetone as, 1,383 864 —, steel rust-proofing of with, 1,317,351 —, sulfur trioxide, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,204,141 —, therapeutic compound made with, 1,508,603 —, tile made with, 1,383,864 | —, tung oil, solidified, made with, 1,383,864 —., volatilizing, 1,360,271 Tia Bismuth chromate, catalyst, ammonia, oxidation of, with, 1,822,291 —,—,nitrogen oxides, mfr. of with, 1,822,291 Bismuth colloid, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, glaze, opaque, made with, 1,814,831 Bismuth compound, catalyst, iron as, made with, 1,489,497 —, catalyst poisons, 1,489,497; 1,510,598 —, catalyst poison for, ammonia mfr., 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —, copper, removal from of, 1,232,080 —,copper sulfate, removal from of, 1,232,080 sodium SUBJECTS 795 Bismuth compound, glass, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314, 831 —, glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,iron, catalyst, made with, 1,489,497 —,lithopone darkened because of impurities of, 1,139,427 —, mfr. of, alizarin-sulfonic acid, sodium salt of, for, 1,494,943 —,—,bismuth hydroxide for, 1,494,943 —,—, bismuth subnitrate for, 1,494,943 —,—, hydroxy-anthraquinine-sulfonic acids for, 1,494,943 —,—, hydroxy-naphthoquinone-sulfonice acids for, 1,494,943 —,—, process for, 1,494,943 —,nitrogen oxides, catalyst for the tair, ot; made with, 1,207,706; 1,207,707; 1,207,708; 1,211,394 —, sulfuric acid, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,227,044 —,sulfur. trioxide, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,227,044 —,wood, fungi, preservation from attacking by of with composition contg., 1,182,760 —,—, insects, preservation from attacks of by with composition contg., 1,182,760 —,—,molds, preservation from attacks by of with composition contg., 1,182,760 —,—, parasites, preservation from attacks by of with composition contg., 1,182,760 —,—,teredo, preservation from attacks by of with composition contg., 1,182,760 Bismuth dichloride, celluloid rendered irides- cent with, 1,872,088 Bismuth dioxide (Bi.O.), lightning arrester made with, 1,238,660 Bismuth dithiosalicylate, see Thioform Bismuth electrode, bismuth, colloidal, made with, 1,491,250 —, nitric acid made with, 1,834,590 —,nitrogen oxide made with, 1,834,590 —,nitrous acid made with, 1,334,590 Bismuth ferricyanide, catalyst activating agent, 1,425,576 Bismuth ferrocyanide, albumen, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —, catalyst activating agent, 1,425,576 —, cellulose, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —, cellulose derivative, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —, dextrin, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —, film, photographic, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —, gelatin, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —,gum, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —, photography, color, motion, film for, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —, starch, soluble, tinting of with, 1,279,276 Bismuth gallate, bismuth organic acids, mer- cury salt of, made with, 1,515,495 —,syphilis, compound for treatment of, made with, 1,515,495 Bismuth glance, see Bismuth sulfide Bismuth halide, lamp, vapor electric, made with, 1,176,630; 1,176,661 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,485,801 Bismuth hydrogen phosphate, iron rustproofed with, 1,388,825 796 Bismuth hydroxide, bismuth acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,bismuth compound made with, 1,494,943 —,bismuth oxide, absorbent, made with, 1,520,305 —,—, catalyst, made with, 1,520,305 —, bismuth 8-quinolinolate made with, 1,485,380 —, catalyst, bismuth oxides made with, 1,520,305 —, disinfectant made with, 1,494,943 —, dyestuff made with, 1,494,943 —, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, formation of, 1,360,271 —,glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, Opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,nitrogen oxides, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,211,394 —, reducing, carbon for, 1,360,271 Bismuth ?-hydroxy-?-hydroxymercuri-hydro- cinnamate, mfr. of, bismuth chloride for, 1,508,603 —,—,hydrochlorie acid for, 1,508,603 —,—, process for, 1,508,603 —,—,sodium ?-hydroxy-?-hydroxymercuri- hydrocinnamate for, 1,508,603 —, properties of, 1,508,603 —, therapeutic properties of, 1,508,603 Bismuth hydroxymercuri-acetate, mfr. of, bis. muth nitrate for, 1,508,603 —,—, hydroxymercuri-acetie 1,508,603 —,—, nitric acid for, 1,508,603 —,—, process for, 1,508,603 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,508,603 —, properties of, 1,508,603 —,therapeutic properties of, 1,508,603 Bismuth ?-hydroxymercuri-anthranilate, mfr. of, bismuth chloride for, 1,508,603 —,—,hydrochloric acid for, 1,508,603 —,—, ?-hydroxymercuri-anthranilic anhydride for, 1,508,603 —,—, process for, 1,508,603 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,508,603 —, properties of, 1,508,603 —,therapeutic properties of, 1,508,603 Bismuth 2-hydroxymercuri-benzoate, mfr, of, bismuth chloride for, 1,508,603 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,508,603 —,—, 2-hydroxymercuri-benzoic acid for, 1,508,603 —,—, process for, 1,508,603 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,508,603 —, properties of, 1,508,603 —, therapeutic properties of, 1,508,603 Bismuth ?-hydroxymercuri-camphocarboxylate, mfr. of, bismuth chloride for, 1,508,603 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,508,603 —,—,process for, 1,508,603 —,—,sodium ?-hydroxymercuri-camphocar- boxylate for, 1,508,603 —, properties of, 1.508,603 —, therapeutic properties of, 1,508,603 Bismuth ?-hydroxymercuri-?-naphthoate, mfr. of, bismuth chloride for, 1,508,603 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,508,603 —,—, process for, 1,508,603 anhydride for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bismuth. ?-hydroxymercuri-?-naphthoate, mfr. of, sodium ?-hydroxymercuri-?-naphthoate for, 1,508,603 —, properties of, 1,508,603 —, therapeutic properties of, 1,508,603 Bismuth o-hydroxymercuri-phenoxy-acetate, mir. of, bismuth nitrate for, 1,508,603 —,—, o-hydroxymercuri-phenoxy-acetic anhy- dride for, 1,508,603 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,508,603 —,—, process for, 1,508,603 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,508,603 —, properties of, 1,508,603 —, therapeutic properties of, 1,508,603 Bismuth N-(?-hydroxymercuri-phenyl) -glycine see N-(?-hydroxymercuri-phenyl)-glycine, bismuth salt of Bismuth 3-hydroxymercuri-salicylate, mfr. of, bismuth chloride for, 1,508,603 —,—,hydrochloric acid for, 1,508,603 —, —, 3-hydroxymercuri-salicylic anhydride for, 1,508,603 —,—, process for, 1,508,603 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,508,603 —, properties of, 1,508,603 —, therapeutic properties of, 1,508,603 Bismuth — ?-hydroxymercuri-?-sulfo-salicylate, mfr. of, bismuth nitrate for, 1,508,603 —,—, nitric acid for, 1,508,603 —,—~, process for, 1.508,603 | —,—,sodium ?-hydroxymercuri-?-sulto salicy- late for, 1,508,603 —, properties of, 1,508,603 —, therapeutic properties of, 1,508,603 Bismuth-8-hydroxy-quinolate, see Bismuth 8- quinolate Bismuthinite, resistance element, light-sensi- tive, 1,316,220 —, see also Bismuth sulfide; Bismuth trisulfide ; Bismutite Bismuth nickel, see Bismuth sulfide (BiSs) Bismuthite, see Bismuth carbonate Bismuth nitrate, albumen, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —, aluminum ornamented by, 1,370,967 —,bismuth acetyl-salicylate made 1,217,862 —, bismuth hydroxymercuri-acetate made with, 1,508,603 —, bismuth o-hydroxy mercury-phenoxy-acetate made with, 1,508,603 —,bismuth ?-hydroxymercuri-?-sulfo-salicylate made with, 1,508,603 —,button “bark,” 1,312,723 —, carbon, catalyst, made with, 1,520,437 —, catalyst, carbon, made with, 1,520,437 —, cellulose, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —, cellulose derivative, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —, charcoal, activated, made with, 1,520,437 —, dextrin, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —, film, photographic, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —, gelatin, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —, gum, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —, iron rust-proofing of with, 1,317,351 —, nitrogen oxides, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,207,706; 1,207,707; 1,207,708; 1,211,394 with, pearl, whitened with, INDEX OF Bismuth nitrate, phosphorescent compound made with, 1 244 ,058 — , photographic, color, motion, film for, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —, starch, soluble, tinting of with, 1,279,276 — ’ steel rust- proofing of with, 1,317,351 —, therapeutic compound made ‘with, 1,508,603 Benth nitride, ammonia synthesis with, 1,396 557 Bismuth nitrite, bismuth acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 Bismuth ore, arsenic made with, 1,188,705 —, bismuth made with, 1,188, 705: 1 ATT, 321 —, bismuth oxychloride made with, 1,477 21 —, cadmium made with, 1,188,705 —, copper made with, 1,188,705 —,gold made with, 1,188,705 —,iron made with, 1,188,705 —, lead made with, 1,188,705 —,manganese dioxide made with, 1,188,705 —, silver made with, 1,188,705 —,treatment of, apparatus 1,262,453 —,—, chlorine for, 1,262,452; 1,262,453 —,—, process for, 1,262,452; 1,262,453 —, zinc made with, 1,188,705 —, see also Bismutite Bismuth organic acids, mercury salt of, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,515,495 —,—,—, bismuth gallate for, 1,515,495 ,—, —, bismuthylnucleic acid for, 1,515,495 , mercury (ic) chloride for, 1 BID ‘495 ,mercury(ic) nitrate for, 1 515 495 —,—, nitric acid for, 1,515 A95 —,—,—, ’ potassium bismuthyltartrate for, 1,515,495 —,—,—, process for, 1,515,495 —,—,—, sodium bismuthyltartrate for, 1,515,495 —,—, —, ’ sodium hydroxide for, 1,515 495 for, 1,262,452; d > Si — Bismuth. oxide, absorbent, mfr. of, air for, 1,520,305 —,—,—, bismuth chloride for, 1,520,305 —,—, —, ’ bismuth hydroxide for, 1,520, 305 —, —, —, bismuth salts for, 1,520. 305 —,—,—, process for, 1,520, 305 —, —, —, sodium hydroxide for, 1,520,305 —, aluminum, enamel for, made with, 1,230,958 —, ’ aluminum alloy made with, 1,230, 958 — ’ battery, dry, made with, 1 195 677 —, bismuth acetyl-salicylate made with, 1 ,217 862 —, bismuth chloride from, 1,360,271 —, ’ carbon, activated, made with, 1,520,437 — catalyst of, 1,345, 323 ; 1,366, 176 -- ‘catalyst, ammonia oxidized with, 1,318,936 —,— , benzaldehyde made with, 1,284 887 —,— —, benzoic acid made with, 1,284, 887 —,—, ’ mfr. of, air for, 1,520,305 —, —, bismuth chloride for, 1,520,805 —,—,—, ‘bismuth hydroxide for, 1,520 5305 —— ‘bismuth salts for, 1,520, 305 —, process for, 1 520, 305 —, sodium hydroxide ‘for, 1,520,305 — ’ oxidization, made with, 1,345, 323 —,—, , phthalic anhydride made with, 1,489,741 —,catalyst in gas purification, 1,418 246 —,cement, dental, made with, 1,226, 932 —, ’ enamel, opaque, made with, i 314 831 —_—s——— Laie 3 | ? ati Re; ? bd ee, SUBJECTS 192 Bismuth oxide, gas absorbent contg., 1,422,211 —, glass, gold ornamented, made with, 1,205,728 —,glass, milk, made with, 1,314,831 —,—, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —, glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 —,gold, glass ornamented with, made with, 1,205,728 —,hopealite made with, 1,345,323 —,mfr. of, process for, 1,318,336 —, metals, precious, coated with, 1,835,024 —,nitrogen oxides, catalyst for the mfr. made with, 1,207,706; 1,207,707; 1,211,394 —,phthalic anhydride, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,489,741 —,picture produced on enamelled wat 335/755 —, preparing, sodium nitrate and chlorine for, 1,354,806 —, rustproofing using, 1,493,012 —,sulfur trioxide, catalyst for the mfr. made with, 1,204, 141 —, yellow, mfr. of, bismuth for, 1,318,336 —,—,—, process for, 1,318,336 —,—, see also Bismuth trioxide —, (Bi.O;), mfr. of, bismuth for, 1,354,806 —,—, —, chlorine for, 1,354,806 —,—,—, peroxide for, 1,354,806 —,—,—, potassium nitrate for, 1,354,806 —,—,—, process for, 1.354,806 ,—,—, sodium chlorate for, 1,354,806 —,—,—,sodium nitrate for, 1,354,806 Bismuth oxide ore, sulfur dioxide fumes absorbed using, 1,236,236 Bismuth oxychloride, bismuth made 1,477,321 —, — mir. of, bismuth ore for, 1,477,321 —, bismuth trioxide for, 1,477, 321 —,—, ’ bismutite for1,477; 321 — ’ hydrochloric acid for, 1,477,321 —, process for, 1,477,321 —, sodium chloride for, 1,477,321 —,—, "sulfuric acid, 1,477, 321 —, polish contg., 1 ‘411 353 Bismuth oxiodide, antiseptic 1,150,654 — astringent made with, 1,150,654 —, ’ 5-brom-6- hydroxyquinoline, compound of and, 1,129,865 — 5-brom-8-hydroxyquinoline, and, 1,129,865 —, 5.7- dibrom-8- hydroxyquinoline, of and, 1,129,865 —, gallocarbocylic acid, bismuth and _ iodine compound of, made with, 1,150,654 -- -hydroxyquinoline, derivatives of, compound of and, 1,129,865 of, 1,207,708; surfaces of, smelter with, ’ cane'§ Barry | har with, made compound of compound —,6-hydroxyquinoline, compound of and, 1,129,865 —,7-hydroxyquinoline, compound of and, 1,129,865 —,8-hydroxyquinoline, compound of and, 1,129,865 — 7-iodo-p- methyl-8-hydroxyquinoline, com- pound of and, 1,129,865 Bismuth 8-oxy quinolate, see Bismuth 8-quinol- inolate 198 Bismuth phosphate, bismuth acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217,862 —,enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 — glass, milk, made with, 1,314, 831 —,—, opaque, "made with, i 314, 831 —' glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314 831 Bismuth potassium iodide, hypophysis extract, action on of, 1,296,063 Bismuth 8-quinolinolate, antiseptic, 1,485,380 —,mfr. of, bismuth for, 1,485,380 —,—, bismuth hydroxide for, 1,485,380 —, bismuth subnitrate for, 1,485,380 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,485,880 —,—, process for, 1,485,380 —,—, 8-quinolinol for, 1,485,380 —,—, 8-quinolinol sulfate for, 1,485,380 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,485,380 —,properties of, 1,485,380 —,therapeutic compound, 1,485,380 Bismuth salts, bismuth oxide, absorbent, made with, 1,520,305 —,—, catalyst, made with, 1,520,805 —,catalyst, bismuth oxides, made 1,520,305 —,—, oxidation, made with, 1,345,323 —,finger print, taking of, using, 1,501,841 —, hopcalite made with, 1,345,323 —,lead grid, storage battery, coated with, 1,804,852 —, mirrors made from platinum and, 1,385,229 Bismuth silicate, bismuth acetyl salicylate made with, 1,217, 862 —, enamel, opaque, made with, 1,314,831 — ’ glass, milk, made with, 1 314, 831 —,—, Opaque, made with, 1 314 831 oo ’ glaze, opaque, made with, 1,314 831 Bismuth- silver couple, thermocouple for detect- ing infra-red radiations contg., 1,843,393 Bismuth subcarbonate, anti-static photographic film contg., 1,431,900; 1,434,453 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,431,900; 1 484,453 Bismuth subnitrate, bismuth compound made with, 1,494,943 —, bismuth 8-quinolate made with, 1,485,380 —, ’ disinfectant made with, 1,494 943 — ’ dyestutf made with, 1,494, 943 —, "film, X-ray, identified by composition contg., 1 396, 415 —, pyorrhea treated using, 1,516,140 —,tire puncture-healing composition made with, 1,203,720 —, X-rays stopped by, 1,396,415 Bismuth sulfate, basic, catalyst of, 1,845,323 —,—,—, oxidation made with, 1,845,823 —,—,gas absorbent contg., 1,422,211 —,—,hopealite made with, 1,845,323 —,—, production of, alkali carbonate for, 1,185,005 —,—,—,anode slime for, 1,185,005 —,—,—, flue dust for, 1,185,005 —,—,—, process for, 1 185 005 —,—,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,185,005 —,—,—,sulfuric acid for, 1 185 005 —, bismuth, electrodeposition of 1,194,438 with, using, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bismuth sulfate, bismuth acetyl-salicylate made with, 1,217, 862 = , dissolving, sodium chloride and sulfuric acid for, 1,360,271 —, formation of, 1,360,271 —,iron rust-proofing of with, 1,317,351 —, mir. of, lead sulfide ore for, 1,473,193 —,—, process for, 1,194,438; 1,473,193 —,—,sulfurie acid for, 1,473,193 —,—, sulfur trioxide for, 1,473,193 —,—, zine sulfide ore for, 1,473,193 —, ‘steel rust- proofing of with, 1 17,351 Bismuth sulfide, albumen, tinting of with, 1,279 276 —, battery, electric, contg., 1,316,760 —, bismuth chloride from, 1,360,271 —, ’ cellulose, tinting of with, 1,279 2i6 —, ’ cellulose derivative, tinting of with, 1,279,276 — ’ decomposing with heat, compressed air and alkali acid salt, 1,364 804 —, dextrin, tinting of with, 1,279,276 — ’ dissolving, 1,378,485 —., dissolving with heat, compressed air and alkali acid salt, 1,364, 804 —, film, photographic, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —, gelatin, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —,gum, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —, photography, color, motion, film for, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —, starch, soluble, tinting of with, 1,279,276 —, transposing with heat, compressed air and alkali acid salt, 1,364,804 —, treatment of, hydrochloric acid for, 1,378,485 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,378,485 —,—, process for, 1,378,485 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,878,485 Bismuth sulfide ore, sulfur dioxide smelter fumes absorbed using, 1,236,236 Bismuth sulfite, bismuth acetyl salicylate made with, 1,217 862 Bismuth titanate, treatment of, hydrochloric acid for, 1,378,485 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,878,485 —,—, process for, 1 378, 485 —,-—, sulfuric acid for, 1,378,485 Bismuth trichloride, celluloid rendered. irides- cent with, 1,372, 088 —, gas, hydrogen ‘sulfide, determination of in, using, 1,512,893 —, hydrogen sulfide, gas, determination in of, using, 1,512,893 —,—, illuminating gas, using, 1,512,893 Bismuth trioxide, 1,194,438 —, bismuth oxychloride made with, 1,477,321 —, ’ mfr. of, process for, 1,194,438 —, see also Bismuth oxide, yellow Bismuth trisulfide, resistance element, light- sensitive, 1,316,220 Bismuth white, see Bismuth nitrate basic —,see also Bismuthinite Bismuth xanthate, flotation process using, 1,512,139 Bismuth yellow, see Bismuth chromate Bismuthylnucleic acid, bismuth organic acids, mercury salt of, made with, 1,515,495 determination in of, bag house dust contg., INDEX OF Bismuthylnucleic acid, syphilis, compound for treatment of, made with, 1,515,495 Bismuth zinc amalgam, see Mercury-bismuth- zinc amalgam Bismutite, bismuth made with, 1,477,321 —, bismuth oxychloride made with, 1,477,321 —,see also Bismuth ore; Bismuth carbonate, basic Bis(8-nitro-phenyl)-methane, with, 1,362,936 Bisoxynaphthoyl-2.6-toluylenediamine-4- carboxylic acid, see 3.5-Bis(3’-hydroxry-2'- naphthoylamino)-p-toluic acid Bisoxynaphthoyl-2.6-toluylenediamine-4- sulfonic. acid, see 34-Bis(3’-hydroxry-2’- naphthoylamine)-p-toluenesulfonic acid Bis-oxythiophenes, preparing, 1,444,277 Bis-(phenoxyethyl)-malonic acid, ethyl ester of, see Diethyl bis-(phenoxyethyl)-malonate 1.4-Bis-phenyl-amino-anthraquinone, see 1.4- Dianilino-anthraquinone a.d-B.s-(phenyl-carboxy-methyl)-amino)-n- butane, see N.N'-Tetramethylene-bis-(a- amino-a-toluic acid) Bis-phenyl ether, see Phenyl ether Bistetrazole, see Bitetrazole Bisulfate, anthraquinone sulfonic acids, salt of, made with, 1,260,535 —, anthraquinone-1l-sulfonic acid, salt of, made with, 1,260,535 —, anthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid, salt of, made with, 1,260,535 —, bacteria, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —,beryllium carbonate made with, 1,216,980; dyestuff made 1,216,981 —,beryllium hydroxide made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,beryllium oxide made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,brass, pickling of using, 1,206,220 —,cellulose acetate (acetone soluble), made with, 1,241,995 —, cigarette holder made with, 1,482,357 —,cloth, cement for, made with, 1,482,357 —,copper, pickling of using, 1,206,220 —, copper alloy, pickling of using, 1,206,220 —,ethyl alcohol made with, 1,428,217; 1,472,344 —,ethylidene diacetate decomposed by, 1,429,650 —,ferments, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —, filament, artificial, viscose, precipitation of, using, 1,214,931 —,formaldehyde-urea condensate made with, 1,482,357 —, fungi, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —,2-furaldehyde made with, 1,428,217 —, glucose made with, 1,428,217 —,handle made with, 1,482,357 —, humic substance made with, 1,472,344 —,ivory, imitation, made with, 1,482,357 —,ivory substitute made with, 1,482,357 —,methyl alcohol made with, 1,428,217 —,molds, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —,molded article made with, 1,482,357 —,mucors, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —,ornament made with, 1,482,357 SUBJECTS 799 Bisulfate, paint made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,paper, cement for, made with, 1,482,357 —,pigment made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,pipe bowl made with, 1,482,357 —, pipe stem made with, 1,482,357 —, silk, artificial, viscose, precipitation of, using, 1,214,931 ; 1,393,197; 1,471,513 —,sodium cresylate acidulated with, 1,445,668 —,souring compound made with, 1,186,300 —, titanium compounds made with, 1,341,307 —, “ trioxidol”” made with, 1,186,300 —,urea-formaldehyde condensate made with, 1,482,357 —, varnish made with, 1,482,357 —, viscose, precipitation of, using, 1,214,931 —, yeast, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —, zirconium carbonate, basic made_ with, 1,216,980 ; 1,216,981 —,zirconium oxide made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 —,zirconium sulfate made with, 1,216,980; 1,216,981 “ Boisulfate of mercury,” see Mercury(ic) sulfate Bisulfide, galena separated from zine blende with, 1,274,505 Bisulfite, alkali hyposulfite made with, 1,477,130 —, alkali iodide made using, 1,249,863 —, bacteria, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —,carbon, decolorizing, regeneration of using, 1,827,222 —, catalysts 1,428,217 —, cellulose, bleaching of using, 1,470,556 —,—, sulfite, made using, 1,240,920 —, cellulose sulfite, bleaching of using, 1,470,556 —, cellulose pulp made with, 1,327,221 —, cellulose sulfite liquor contg., 1,218,638 —, coating composition made with, 1,355,985 —, diastase made with, 1,153,640 —, dyestuff made with, 1,505,912 —, ethyl alcohol made with, 1,428,217; 1,472,344 —,ferments, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —, fertilizer made using, 1,144,405; 1,249,863 —, flax, treatment before bleaching of with, 1,143,543 —, flotation process using, 1,274,505 —, foods bleached with, 1,412,523 —, formaldehyde compound of, animal fibers treated with, 1,466,748 —, formaldehyde-sulfurous acid, aluminum salt of, made with, 1,149,712 —, fungi, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —,2-furaldehyde made with, 1,428,217 —, glucose made with, 1,428,217 | —,hemp, treatment before bleaching of with, 1,143,543 —, hide tanned with, 1,281,494 —, humic substance made with, 1,472,344 —, hyposulfite made with, 1,472,828; 1,477,130 —,iodine made using, 1,249,863 —., isatin-a-arylides prepared with, 1,427,863 —,jute, treatment before bleaching of with, 1,143,543 —, leather, artificial, made with, 1,355,985 —, linen, bleaching of, using, 1,501,553 in cellulose — saccharification, 800 Bisulfite, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,147,376; 1,165,281; 1,224,578; 1,315,811 —,—, carbon for, 1,315,811 —,—, gas purification ‘for, 1,301,372; 1,301,373 —,—,niter cake for, 1,315, 811 —,—, process for, 1, 147 376; 1,224,578 —,—, sulfur for, 1, 147, 376 —,—, ’ sulfur dioxide for, 1,224,578 —,—, ’ sulfuric acid for, 1,315, 811 —,—, ’ sodium bisulfate for, 1,315 ll — ; methyl alcohol made with, 1 428, yay —, molds, food stuff for conte., 1,472,344 —,mucors, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —,oil cloth, imitation, made with, 1,355,985 —, paper made with, 1,169,597; 1,455,471 —, potassium iodide made using, 1,249,863 —,rosin deodorized with, 1,373,044 —,silk, artificial, viscose, spinning of using, 1,422,412 —,—, viscose, precipitation of using, 1,471,513 —,sodium hyposulfite made with, 1,472,828 1,477,130 —,sodium iodide made using, 1,249,863 —,souring compound made with, 1,186,300 —,sugar juice, defecating of using, 1,486,091 —, sulfides from, 1,443,077 —,tanning using, 1,221,929 —,tetrachlor-benzaldehyde made with, 1,428,984 —, textile, treatment before bleaching of with, 1,143,543 —, “ trioxidol ” made with, 1,186,300 —, viscose made with, 1,855,985 —, wood treated with, 1,402,201 —, wood pulp made with, 1,169,597 —,wood pulp, sulfite, bleaching of using, 1,470,556 —, yeast, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —,zine blende separated from galena with, 1,472,828 —, zine hyposulfiate made with, 1,472,828 Bisulfite cooking liquor, see Calcium bisulfite solution Bisulfite liquor, see Calcium bisulfite Bisulphuret of tron, see Pyrite Bitartrate, steel tinplated with, 1,396,051 Bi-d-tartrate, baking powder made_ with, 1,214,726 Bi-dl-tartrate, baking powder made with, 1,214,726 Bi-l-tartrate, baking powder made with, 1,214,726 Bi-meso-tartrate, baking powder made with, 1,214,726 Bitetrazole, alkali earth salt of, detonator made with, 1 511 al —, alkali salt of, detonator made with, 1,511,771 —, cadmium salt of, detonator made with, 1 AS i ear | —, detonator made with, 1,511,771 —, lead salt of, detonator ‘made with, 1,511,771 —, metal salt of, detonator made with, 1,511 771 —, ’ silver salt of, detonator made with, 1 ‘511 7 71 4. j! -Bi-m- toluidine, see m-Tolidine 4.4'-Bi-o-toluidine, see o-Tolidine p.p.-Bitoluidine, see Tolidine UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bitter almond ah healing composition contg., 1,331,690 —, ‘solvent for, acetine as, 1,378,099 —,see also Benzaldehyde ; Nitrobenzene Bitter almond oil camphor, see Benzoin Bitter almond oil chloride, see a.a-Dichlor- toluene Bitter-almond-oil green, see Malachite green Bitter ash, see Quassia Bittern, magnesium carbonate from, 1,298,932 —, potassium compounds made with, 1,354, 127 —, potassium salts extracted from, 1,422, 571 Bitter orange, extraction of valuable principles from, process for, 1,167,006 Bitter root, see Gentian Bitter weed, tanning compound made with, 1,210,259 Bitter wood, see Quassia Bitumen, alkali silicate, water-proof cement product made with, 1,283,546 —,antimony made with, 1,243,681 —, arsenic made with, 1,243,681 —,asphalt made with, 1,176,006; 1,385,511 —,balsade palmo wood, treatment of using, 1,203,577 —,—, waterproofing of using, 1,203,577 —,barium hydroxide made with, 1,238,242 —, battery, dry, made with, 1,303,843 —,—, storage, separator for, made 1,500,220 —, belting, coating for contg., 1,305,222 —, binder contg., 1,258,272 —, binder, waterproof, made with, 1,258,103 —, bituminous emulsion made with, 1,417,835; 1,517,075 —, bituminous material made with, 1,417,835; 1,506,371 —, block made with, 1,320,709 —, board, artificial, made with, 1,334,061 —, bone black made with, 1,516,289 —, brass, briquets, of, made with, 1,123,719 —, brick made with, 1,320,709 —, brick, impregnation of with, apparatus for, 1,176,284 —,—,—, process for, 1,176,284 — ’ briquettes made with, 1 123,719; 1,479,822 —, bronze powder binder, 1 465, 107 —, ’ building block made with, 1,265,655 —, building material made with, 1,505,206 —, burial vault made with, 1,478,769 —,cable, coating for contg., 1,805,222 —,calcium carbide, blocks of, made with, 1,486,618 —,calcium hydroxide, waterproof cement prod- uct of made with, 1,283,546 —,calcium oxide, water-proof cement product of made with, 1,283,546 —,caoutchouc composition contg., 1,437,487 —,carbon, absorptive, made with, 1,497,543; 1,497,544 —,—, decolorizing, 1,478,986 ; 1,478,987 ; —,carbon black from, 1,423,193 —,casein composition made with, 1,437,487 —,cement made with, 1,258,103 —,cement contg., 1,296,083 with, made with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS 801 Bitumen, cement, hydraulic, waterproofing of using, 1,134,573 —,—,—, water-proof cement product of made with, 1,283,546 —,—, natural, water-proof cement product of made with, 1,283,546 —,—, Portland, water-proof cement product of made with, 1,283,546 —,—, waterproof cement product of made with, 1,283,546 —,—,waterproofing of using, 1,134,573; 1,205,735 —,—, waterproofing, composition for made with, 1,149,519 —, chains, coating for contg., 1,305,222 —,charcoal, artificial, made with, 1,478,986; 1,478,987 —,charcoal briquettes made with, 1,479,822 —, clutch facing made with, 1,270,559 —, coal, brown, briquetting of using, 1,205,007 —,coal briquettes made with, 1,123,719; 1,458,716; 1,479,822 —,coal gas enriched with, 1,313,514 —,coating composition made with, 1,334,061 —,colloidal, producing, 1,437,775 —, concrete, expansion joint for, made with, 1,829,631; Re-15,840 —,—, water-proofing of using, 1,134,573 —,conduit, electric, made with, 1,505,206 —, disinfectant made with, 1,457,708 —, distillation of, apparatus for, 1,283,723 —,—, products of, condensing, 1,455,546 —, distilling in vacuo, 1,334,060 —, dust layer contg., 1,450,685 —, elastic, see Elaterite —,electrode made with, 1,489,830 —,emulsified, road building with, Re-15,401 (956,009) —,—,road paving made with, 1,215,273 —,—,shingle waterproofed with, 1,448,155 —,emulsified composition made with, 1,469,563 —,emulsifying, Re-15,401 (956,009) —,—, process for, 1,440,356 —,emulsion, bituminous, made with, 1,258,103 —,emulsion contg., mfr. of, 1,464,928 —,emulsion of clay and, preparing, 1,398,201 —, emulsion sulfite liquor and, mfr. of, 1,450,685 —,enamel made with, 1,205,845 —,expansion joint made with, 1,248,909; 1,329,631; Re-15,840 —, fiber board made with, 1,490,362 —,filamentary form, insulation, heat, made with, 1,289,892 —,—,mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,289,892 —,—,—, tale for, 1,289,892 —, floor covering made with, 1,184,584; 1,802,810 —, flooring made with, 1,506,371 —, flotation agent prepared with, 1,457,708 —, flotation process using, 1,457,708 —, flotation of ores by distillation products of, 1,398,989 —, friction facing made with, 1,275,043 —, friction material ingredient, 1,429 267 —,gears, coating for contg., 1,305,222 —,glove, acid resistant, made with, 1,500,097 —, gravel briquettes made with, 1,479,822 —, grit briquettes made with, 1,479,822 51 Bitumen, grouting made with, 1,237,921 —, gypsum, waterproof cement product of made with, 1,283,546 —,hydrogen sulfide made with, 1,243,681 —.hydrogenating, formates for, 1,445,423 —, insulating board contg., 1,449,221 —, insulation made with, 1,248,909 —,insulation, electric, made with, 1,334,060; 1,334,061 —,iron, cast, impregnation of with, 1,511,063 —,—,rust-proofing of, using, 1,147,971 . —, leather, artificial, made with, 1,517,892 —,—, water-proofing of, using, 1,167,327 —,leather board made with, 1,469,563 —., lignite, briquetting of using, 1,205,007 —,lime, water-proof cement product of made with, 1,283,546 —, limestone contg., 1,391,710 —, magnesium oxychloride, waterproof cement product of made with, 1,283,546 —, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,514,162 —,—, bituminous sandstone for, 1,514,162 —,—, bituminous shale for, 1,514,162 —,—,coal tar for, 1,282,505 —,—,coal tar pitch for, 1,282,505 —,—,oil sand for, 1,514,162 —,—, process for, 1,282,505; 1,334,060; 1,404,436 ; 1,514,162 —,—, tar sand for, 1,514,162 —,mercury made with, 1,243,681 —,metal coated using, 1,243,808; 1,289,537 —, minerals, recovery from of, apparatus for, 1,520,752 —,—,—, benzene for, 1,520,752 ,—,—, process for, 1,520,752 —,—,—,sodium chloride for, 1,520,752 —,—,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,520,752 —,—,—,steam for, 1,520,752 ,—,—, toluene for, 1,520,752 -,—, —, water for, 1,520,742 —, mineral matter coated with, 1,343,680 —, molded article made with, 1,334,061 —, molding of, apparatus for, 1,327,354 —,—, process for, 1,327,354 —,—,soapstone for, 1,327,354 —, molding powder made with, 1,217,961 —, mortar, water-proofing of using, 1,134,573 —,oil wells obstructed by, 1,410,827 —,ore, briquets of, made with, 1,123,719 —, packing made with, 1,248,909 —,paint made with, 1,127,831; 1,145,186; 1,145,782; 1,226,889; 1,334,061 —, paint, acid-proof, made with, 1,398,084 —,—,anti-fouling, made with, 1,145,186 —,—,sizing of using, 1,194,866 —,—,waterproof, made with, 1,506,371; 1,517,075 —,paper board made with, 1,468,959 —,pavement of, constructing apparatus for, 1,370,815 —,paving made with, 1,198,955; 1,409,104 —, paving blocks from, 1,405,302 —,paving block, impregnation of with, appa- ratus for, 1,176,284 —,—,—, process for, 1,176,284 —,paving material contg., 1,343,680; 1,364,037 —,peat, briquetting of using, 1,205,007 802 Bitumen, pipe made with, 1,320,709; 1,505,206 —, pipe joint made using, 1,240 287 —, plaster, waterproof cement product of made with, 1,283 546 — plastic made with, 1,240,252; 1,305,125; 1 379,090; 1,505,206 — , plastic composition contg., 1,334,061; 1 409,088 —, plastic composition made with, 1,270,732 —, plastic material made with, 1 320 709 —,plastic surface covering contg., soil and, 1 348,278 —, plate, 1,173,429 —,—, printing, made with, 1,252,800 — ’ platinum made with, 1,243 681 —} pulleys, coating for contg., 1,305, 222 —, resins prepared from, 1,355,103 —,road~ binder contg., 1,311,215; 1,311,216; 1,311,219; 1,450,685 —,road composition contg., 1,466,928 —, road material contg., 1,319 918 —, ‘road paving made with, 1 183 06; 1,187,314; photographic, colored, made _ with, 1 1018085 (L215, 2780000 218 218; 1 220 680; i 220 681 ; 1,220,682 ; 1,227,903; 1,235,989; 1,237,920; 1,237,921; 1,239,160; 1,240,252; 1,240,269; 1,247,105; 1,252,722; 1,258,103; 1,265,655; 1,270,732; 1,320,672; 1,320,709; 1,364,621; 1,472,393; 1,482,960; 1,505,880; 1,519,560 —,road paving, expansion joint for, made with, 1 248,909; 1,829,631; Re-15,840 —,—, spacing, plank for, made with, 1,207,524 —, ‘rock asphalt treated with, process for, 1,452,898 —,roofing made with, 1,126,932; 1,144,318; 1,182,415; 1,211,887; 1,248,909; 1,258,103; 1,263,847; 1,802,810; 1,330,443; 1,385,511; 1,489 254 —,roofing, repairing of, composition for made with, 1,149,519 —,— tile made using, 1,221,370 —,— ’ water-proofing, composition for made made with, 1,149,519 —,roofing material contg., 1,464,717 —, rope, coating for contg., 1,305,222 —,rubber, composition of and, 1,834,060 —,— hard, substitute for, made with, 1,128,851 — rubber article made with, 1,334, 060 —, ’ rubber article, seamed, made with, 1,500,097 —,rubber composition contg., 1,282,505 —,rubber product contg., 1,834,060 —,rust-proofing made with, 1,145,186 —,sand, recovery from of, apparatus for, 1,520,752 —,—,—, benzene for, 1,520,752 —,—,—, process for, 1,520, 752 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,520,752 ,—,—, Sodium sulfate for, 1 520 752 —,—,—,steam for, 1,520 "752 —,—,—, toluene for, 1,520,752 —,—,—, water for, 1,520,752 ms, sand briquettes made with, 1,479,822 —, sealing composition made with, 1,334,061 —,shale contg., ammonia made with, 1,494,735 —,—,ammonium carbonate made _ with, 1 494 WEI) UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bitumen, shale contg., ammonium salts made with, 1,494,735 —,—,ammonium sulfate made with, 1,494,735 —,—,carbon dioxide made with, 1,494,735 —,—, hydrogen sulfide made with, 1,494,735 —,—, sulfur dioxide made with, 1,494,735 —, sheaves, coating for contg., 1,805,222 —,shingle made with, 1,208,972; 1,263,847 —, shoe bottom filler contg., 1,258,272 —,shoe filler made with, 1,834,061 —, sidewalk made with, 1,519,560 —, silver, production of using, 1,243,681 —,solid, canvas waterproofed by, 1,364,475 —,—,see also Pitch resin ~ —,solvent for, benzene as, 1,334,061 —,—, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,465,107 —,—, naphtha, solvent, as, 1,334 061 —,— ' trichlorethylene as, 1 465, 107 —, sprockets, coating for contg., 1,305,222 — steel, rust-proofing of, using, 1,147,971 —,—, structural, protecting of, process for, 1,167,949 —,stone, artificial, contg., 1,319,918 —, stone briquettes made with, 1,479,822 —, “sulfochlorinated,” paving with, 1,409,104 —,sulfur made with, 1,182,915 —, table top made with, 1,334,061 —, tile made with, 1,320,709 — timber substitute made with, 1,265,655 — ’ transformer grease contg., 1,360, 153 —, treating, petroleum naphtha for, 1,355,099 —, varnish made with, 1,334,061 —, varnish, acidproof, made with, 1,398,084 — , vulcanizing, accelerator for, amines as, 1 464,481 —,—,—,ammonia as, 1,464 A81 —,—, formaldehyde-aniline as, 1,464,481 —,—,hexamethylenetetramine as, 1,464,481 »—,—, nitrobenzene as, 1,464,481 —,—,—, nitrophenol as, 1,464 481 —,—, sulfur for, 1,464, 481 —, wall board made with, 1,520,284 a ’ waterproofing made with, 1,248,909; 1,802,810; 1,517,075 —,waterproof composition contg., 1,149,519; 1,401,791 — , waterproof covering made with, 1,489,254 —, waterproof fabric coated with, 1,347 095 —, waterproof material made with, 1,330 443 > 3 — 1,167,327 ; —,wood, treatment of, using, 1,203,577; 1,217,559 —,— _ waterproofing of . using, (silG7 ere 1,203 old —, wood briquettes made with, 1,479,822 —, , wood impregnated with sulfur and, 1,265,655 —, zinc sulfide made with, 1,238,242 —,see also Asphalt ; Asphalite ; ‘Coal tar; Mexi- can residuum; Paraffin; Petroleum pitch; Pyrobitumen; Tar Bitumen coke, see Coke, bitumen Bituments, limestone, uniting with, sebacic acid for, 1 391 4710 Bituminite, article, 1.312,093; 1,372,114 —, dye oil from, 1,409,083 —., insulation, electric, made with, 1,372,114 —, molded article made with, 1,372,114 molded, made with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS “ Bituminol,” disinfectant made with, 1,457,708 —, flotation. process using, 1,457,708 Bituminous cement, paper, waterproof, made with, 1,479,043 —, sheet, composite, made with, 1,479,043 —, see also Cement, bituminous Bituminous coal, see Coal, bituminous Bituminous composition, 1,464,480; 1,464,481; 1,464,482 —, colored, mfr. of, asphalt for, 1,417,838 —,—,—, chrome green for, 1,417,838 —,—,—, lead chromate for, 1,417,838 —,—,—, malachite green for, 1,417,838 —,—, —, ’ ocher, red, for, 1,417 838 —,—,—, pigment for, 1,417 838 —,—,—, pitch for, 1 A17, 838 —,—,—, process for, 1 417 5838 —,—,—, rhodamine ‘for, 1,418 838 —,—,—, ultramarine for, 1,417 838 —,—, —, wax tailings for, 4 417, 838 —,—, ’ roofing made with, 1 17, $38 —, fibrous, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,201,758 —,—,—, asbestos for, 1,156,122 —,—,—,asphalt for, 1,156,122; 1,201,758 ; 1,240,524 —,—,—, bituminous material for, 1,240,524 —,—,—, cloth for, 1,156,122 —,—,—, coal tar for, 1 1156, 122 ,—, coal tar oil for, 1 17% 267 —,—,—, coal tar pitch for, 1 477; 267 —,—, cotton for, 1,156, 122 1,177,267: —,—,—, elaterite for, 1 156, 122 —_——,—, felt fory 3 (156, 122; 1,201,758; 1,240,524 —_—,—,— fiber, animal, for, 1 156, 122 —,—,—, —, mineral, for, 1,156, 122 .—,—,—, fibrous material for, 1,201,758 —,—,—, gilsonite for, 1,156,122; 1,240,524 —,—,—, grahamite for, 1,156,122; 1,240,524 —,—,—, gravel for, 1,156,122 —,—,—, hair for, 1,156,122 —,—,—, iron for, 1,201,758 ,—,—, limestone for, 1,240,524 —,—,—, paper for, 1,156,122; 1,177,267 —,—,—, paper, waste. for, 1,201,758 —,—,—, paper pulp for, 1,156,122 —,—,—, paper shavings for, 1,240,524 ,—,—, petroleum for, 1,177, 267 —,—, —, pitch for, 1,17 7 267 : 1 ,201,758; 1,240,524 —,—,—, process for, 1,156,122 ; 1,177,267 ; 1,201,758; 1,240,524 —,—,—, roofing scrap for, 1,240,524 — —,sand for, 1,156, 122 —,—,—, ’ slate for, 1 340, 524 — ’ soapstone for, 1,156,122; 1,240,524 —, sodium hydroxide for, 1 177, 267 —, ’ straw for, 1,156,122 —, , tale for, 1 ‘156, 122 — —, wire netting for, 1,201,758 —,—,—, wool for, 1,156, 122 —,—, see also Battery, storage container; Floor covering; Insulation, electric; Road paving; Roofing —, formula, gechatt 12, pitch 6, flour 2, cement 1, 1 329,232 “ , oxidizing, 1,409,237 —, preparing, 1 417, 838 1,177 267 ; — —e — ERS ick ? 2 bs EE ee) oa ’ bd ’ bs ? ? 3 ? 803 Bituminous composition, surfacing, 1,384,110 —, vegetable oil pitches in, 1,409,237 Bituminous emulsion, mfr. of, alkali hydroxide ees 1,517,075 —, asphalt for, 1,417,835; 1,517,075 —, benzene for, TI? 075 — bitumen for, it 17, 835; 1,517,075 — jee clay for, 1 Al7 835 ; 1 517 075 —,—, coal tar for, 1,517 075 —, ‘fatty acid for, 1,517,075 —,gums for, 1,417,835 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,517,075 —, linseed oil for, 1,417,835; 1,517,075 —,—, naphtha for, 1,517,075 —,—, oil for, 1,517, 075 —, oil, drying, for, 1,417,835; 1,517,075 —,—,— -non-drying ‘for, 1 AI7 835 —,—, oleic acid for, 1 517 075 —, paraffin for, 1 B17 075 —, pitch, animal, for, 1,417,835; 1,517,075 —,—,—,vegetable for, 1,417,835; 1,517,075 —, process for, 1,417,835; 1,517,075 —,—,resin for, 1,517,075 —,—, rubber for, 1,517,075 —,-—,soap for, 1,517,075 —,—,soap, resin, for, 1,517,075 —,—, tar for, 1,517,075 —,—, tung oil for, 1,517,075 —,—, water for, 1,517,075 —,—, water gas tar for, 1,517,075 —,—, wax for, 1,517,075 —,—, wax tailings for, 1,517,075 Bituminous mastic, burial vault made with, 1,478,769 Bituminous material, acidproof material made with, 1,513,133 —,alkali-proof material made with, 1,513,133 —, atomizing, 1,441,904 —, ball mill, lining, for, made with, 1,521,169 —, battery, dry, made using, 1,366,191 —,—, storage, made with, 1,504 312; 1,513,913 —,—,—, separator for, rade with, 1,484, 927 Pl ounaue composition, fibrous, made with, 1,240,524 —, brake lining made with, 1,429,267 —,building material made with, fp 288,159; 1,488,186 — buoyant composition made with, 1,285,888 —, cement made with, 1,507,379 —,cement, hydraulic, waterproofing of using, 1, 134,573 —,— waterproofing of using, 1,134,573 — coking of, apparatus for, 1,518, 450 —,—, process for, 1,518,450 —, comminuting, 1,441 904 —, concrete, waterproofing of using, 1,184,573 — , congoleum made with, 1,409,768 —, construction material of, 1,409,767 —,core made with, 1,477, 064 —, ’ dental cement made with, 1,507,379 —, ’ Diesel engine fuel made with, 1,340 855 —, disinfectant made with, 1,457, 708 — ’ disintegrating, apparatus for, 1 352,623 —, distillation of, apparatus for, 1,488, 248 —,—, process for, 1,488,248 1,288,158 ; 804 Bituminous material, emulsifying of, alkali sludge sulfonate for, 1,373,661 —,—, oleic acid for, 1,873,661 —, —, process for, 1373, 661 —,—, resin for, 1,373 661 —,—, resin oil for, 1373 661 —,—, sludge sulfonate for, 1,373,661 ,—-, Sludge sulfonic acid for, 1,373,661 —,—,soap, sludge sulfonate for, 1,373,661 —,—, "water for, 1,373,661 —-, ¢mulsion made with, 1,408,224; 1,479,042 —, fabric made with, 1,503,337 —, fabric, impregnated, made with, 1,340,855 —,felt-water-proofed made with, 1,288,158; 1,288,159 —,floor covering made with, 1,273,536; 1,409,768 —, flooring made with, 1,417,840 —, flotation process using, 1,350, 364; 1,417,261; 1, 457,708 —, friction fabric made with, 1,429,267 —, ’ friction facing made with, 1,275,043 —, glaze producing composition contg., 1,402,412 —, grouting made with, 1,237,921 —, heater, electric, made with, 1,507,379 —, heating apparatus for, 1,234,091 —, hide tanned with, 1,285,144 — ’ insulating and sealing composition contg., 1 345,057 —— insulation, electric, made with, 1,340,855; 1,503,337 —,—, heat, made with, 1,503,337 —,iron, coating of using, 1,195,090 —, lacquer made with, 1,195,090 —, leather made with, 1,200,146 —, linoleum made with; 1,132,647 —,mfr. of, asphalt for, 1,417,835; Re-15,944 —,—, asphalt, artificial, for, 1,506,371 —,—, —, Genasco, for, 1,329, 232 —,—, —, natural, for, 1,506, 371 —,—, bentonite for, 1,450, 685; Re-15,944 —,—, benzene for, 1,506, 371 —,—, ’ bitumen for, 1,417 835; 1,506,371 —,—, cellulose sulfite ‘liquor for, 1,450,685 ; Re- 15,944 —,—, cement for, 1,329,232 —,—, cement, asphaltic, for, 1,506,371 —, —, clay for, 1,417,835; 1 506, 371 —,—, clay, colloidal, for, 1 ‘450, 685; Re-15,944 —,—, coal tar pitch for, 1,506, 371 —,—, gums for, 1,417 835 —,—, leather waste for, 1,506,371 —,—, "linseed oil for, 1,417, 835; 1,506,371 —,—, naphtha for, 1 ,006, 371 —, oil, drying, for, 1 417, 835 —,—,—, non-drying for, 1,417, 835 —,— ’ paper for, 1,506, 371 —,—, petroleum residuum for, Re-15,944; 1,506,371 —,—, pitch for, 1,329,232; 1,506,371 —,—, pitch, animal, for, 1,417,835 —,—,—, vegetable, for, 1,417,835 —,—, process for, 1,329,232 ; 1,440,356; 1,450,685; Re-15,944; 1,450,685 ; 1,450,685 ; 1,417,835 ; 1,506,371 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bituminous albreeann mfr. of, resin for, 1,506,371 —,—, rosin for, 1,506 il —,—, wax tailings for, 1,506,371 —, —, wheat flour for, 1,329,232 —,—, wood pulp for, 1,506,371 —, metal, coating of using, 1,168,599; 1,195,090 —,—, protecting of using, 1,482,512 —,minerals, recovery from of, apparatus for, 1,520,752 —,—,—, benzene for, 1,520,752 —,—,—, process for, 1,520, 752 BI 3 ’ 4: PLS, —,steam for, 1,520,752 —,—, —, ’ toluene for, 1,520,752 —,—,—, water for, 1,520,752 —, mortar, water-proofing of using, 1,134,573 —, paint made with, 1,226,889; 1 "340, 855 —, paint for, mfr. of, process for, 1,410, 790 —, paving made with, 1,198,955 —, plastic made with, 1 507, 379 —, porcelain made with, 1,507 19 —,record, phonograph, made with, 1,516,469 —, "regeneration of, apparatus for, 1,188, 081 —,—, process for, 1,188,081 —,—, steam for, 1,188,081 A sodium chloride for, 1,520,752 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,520,752 —,resistance, electric, made with, 1,507,379 —,road paving made with, 1,164,041; 1,199,751; 1,220,682 ; 1,240,269 ; 1,364,622 ; 1,183,507 ; 1,220,680 ; 1,237,920; 1,340,855; 1,486,015; 1,192,178; 1,220,681 ; 1,237,921; 1,364,620; 1,495,260 ; —,roofing made with, 1,204,682 ; 1,240,524 ; 1,330,448 ; 1,409,767 ; 1,494,380 ; 1,208,595; 1,241,146; 1,340,855; 1,417,840; 1,499,308; 1,519,560 1,123,727; 1,226,738 ; 1,286,077 ; 1,357,920; 1,417,841 ; 1,517,860 1,183,506; 1,206,056; 1,234,360; 1,240,481 ; 1,482,960 ; 1,181,827 ; 1,238,805 ; 1,295,361 ; 1,374,187 ; 1,488,186 ; —,rug made with, 1,249,734; 1,273,536 —, sand, recovery from of, apparatus for, 1,520,752 —,—,—, benzene for, 1,520,752 —,—,—, process for, 1 520, 752 —,—, —, sodium chloride for, 1,520,752 ,—,—, sodium sulfate for, 1,520,752 —,steam for, 1,520,752 —, toluene for, 1,520,752 —,—,—, water for, 1,520,752 —,shingle, artificial, made with, 1,517,860 —, shipping, preparing for, 1,402,177 —,shoe, bottom filler for, made with, 1,263,499 —, ’ sidewalk made with, 1 519 960 —, ’ steel, coating of using, 1,195,090 —,—,structural, protecting of, process for, 1,167,949 —,tanning compound made with, 1,399,510 —, treatment of, hydrochloric acid for, 1,513,133 —,—, process for, 1,513,133 —, veneer board made with, 1,476,570 —,wall board made with, 1,520,284 —, waterproof material made with, 1,285,888; 1,330,443; 1,513,133 —, wood, seasoning of using, 1,517,473 Ae Se ~v_ —— eee 1,494,380 ; oe ee, 2. INDEX OF Bituminous material, wood preserved using, 1,219,388 —,see also Asphalt; Bitumen; Coal tar; Coal tar pitch; Cotton seed pitch; Elaterite ; Gilsonite ; Grahamite ; Petroleum wax; Pitch; Resin; Stearin pitch ; Still waz; Wax tailing Bituminous matter, electrode joint made with, 1,495,749 —, extracting shale, heavy oil for, 1,327,572 —,roofing made of felt coated with, 1,357,920 Bituminous mixture, 1,466,928 Bituminous oil, distillation of, air for, 1,247,671 —,—, apparatus for, 1,247,671 —,coal for, 1,247,671 —,—, coke for, 1,247,671 —,—, process for, 1,247,671 —,—,producer gas for, 1,247,671 —,—, steam for, 1,247,671 —,—, water for, 1,247,671 —, producer gas made using, 1,247,671 Bituminous product, mfr. of, 1,409 237 Bituminous rocks, see Rocks, bituminous Bituminous roofing, see Roofing Bituminous sand stone, bitumen made from, 1,514,162 —, crude oil from, 1,514,162 Bituminous shale, aluminum made _ with, 1,506,104 —,aluminum chloride made with, 1,506,104 —, aluminum oxide made with, 1,506,104 —,aluminum sodium chloride made with, 1,506,104 —, bitumen made from, 1,514,162 —, carbon tetrachloride made with, 1,506,104 —, crude oil made from, 1,514,162 —, ’ a-dichlor-ethane made with, 1,506,104 —, hydrocarbon made with, 1,506,104 —,see also Oil shale Bituminous solution, iron, coating of, using, 1,328,282 —,—, painting of, using, 1,328,282 —, paint, iron, made with, 1,328 282 —,—, steel, made with, 1,328, 282 —, ’ steel, coating of, using, 1 328 282 —,— painting of, using, 1,328, 282 Bituminous substances, treating, borates for, 1,394,874 Biuret, vulcanization accelerator, 1,503,429 —, vulcanization process using, 1,503 429 Biuret reaction, hypophysis extract for, 1,296,063 Bivalve shells, enamel made with, 1,513,794 —, paint made with, 1,513,794 Sect derivatives of, see 1.3-Butadiene, for example Methyl 1.3-butadiene —,mfr. of, alcohols for, 1,144,237; 1,282,906 —,—, aluminum apparatus for, 1 282 ,906 —,—, amines for, 1,282,906 —,— ’ amyl alcohol for, 1,282,906 —, apparatus for, 1,282, 906 —,—, brass apparatus for, 1,282,906 —,—, ’ bromine for, 1,282 906 —,—, ’ bronze apparatus for, 1,282,906 —,—,carbon monoxide for, 1.282. 906 —,—, chlorine for, 1,282, 906 en , copper apparatus for, 1,282,906 —, "cracking process for, 1,282 906 —,—,gas oil for, 1,282, 906 SUBJECTS 805 Bivinyl, mfr. of, halogen for, 1,282,906 —,—,iron apparatus for, 1,282,906 —,—,mercury(ic) salt for, 1,282 ,906 —,—,nickel as catalyst for, 1,282, 906 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,282,906 —,—, oil, crude, for, 1,282 ,906 —,—,—, ‘lubricating for, 1,282,906 —, palladium as catalyst for, 1,282,906 —,—, paraffin for, 1,282,906 —,—, paraffin oil ‘for, 1,282,906 —, petroleum for, 1 282 906 —,—, petroleum coke as catalyst carrier for, ae 906 —, petroleum wax for, 1,282,906 —,—, process for, 1,282, 906 —,—, producer gas for, 1 282,906 —,—, quartz apparatus for, 1 282,906 —,—,spindle oil for, 1,282 906 —,—, steel apparatus for, 1 282 906 —,—, still residue for, 1282 ,906 —,—,sulfur dioxide for, 1,282 ,906 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,282 906 —,—, terra cotta apparatus for, 1,282,906 —, —, for, 1,144,237 —,turpentine oi] for, 1,282,906 —,—, water gas for, 1,282,906 —,—, zine for, 1,144,237 —,see also 1.3-Butadiene; Erythrene Black, absorbent, see Carbon, decolorizing —,aniline, see Aniline black —,decolorizing, see Carbon, decolorizing —, mineral, see Mineral black —,nigrosine, ink contg., 1,420,289 —,‘ spirit of soluble,” ink contg., 1,420,289 —, substitute for, see Carbon decolorizing Black acid, see Sludge sulfonic acid Black acid soap, see Soap, sludge sulfonic acid Black albumen, see Blood, dried Black alkali, white alkali made from, 1,494,434; 1,494,435 Black antimony, babbitt metal substitute made with, 1,217,710; 1,217,711 ~—, lron tempered using, 1,861,298 —, paint contg. mfr. of, 1,450 688 —,see also Antimony (ous) sulfide ; Antimony trisulfide “ Black ash,” 1,875,759 —,case-hardening composition contg., —, charcoal made with, 1,166,509 —,gold precipitated by, 1,372,971 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,822,043 —,recovery of, process for, 1,322 043 —, silver precipitated by, 1 372 971 —, sodium carbonate made with, 1,166,509 —, ‘sodium sulfide made with, 1,322,048 ; 1,503,013 —, treatment of, apparatus for, 1,511,238 —, ’ waste from wood pulp mfr. ‘termed, 1,375,759 —, see also Cellulose soda ash; Cellulose sulfate ash Black ash cinder, sodium hydroxide from, proc- ess for, 1,308,184 —,see also Soda ash cinder ; Sodium carbonate Black-ash , liquor, filtering of, apparatus for, 1,320,324 Black ash residue, see Cellulose soda ash; Carbon, decolorizing 1,270,874 806 Black asphaltum, see Asphaltum, black Black Bear’s foot, see Helleborus Blackberry juice, beverage made with, 1,194,230 —,food product made with, 1,194,230 Blackboard, cleaner for, mfr. of, asphalt for, 1,223,846 —,—,—, beeswax for, 1,223,846 —,—,—, ’ carborundum for, 1,233,846 —,—,—, crystolon for, 1,223 846 —,—,—, pitch for, 1,223 846 —,—,—, process for, 1 293 846 ,—, —, rosin for, 1 993 846 —,—,—, shellac, orange, for, 1,223,846 —,—,—, slate for, 1,223,846 —,—,—, sulfur for, 1,223 846 —, metallic, coating, emery for, 1,484,989 —,—, mfr. of, 1,434,989 —,polish, mfr. of, asphalt for, 1,223,846 —~,—,—, beeswax for, 1,223,846 —,—,—, carborundum for, 1,223 846 —,—,—, crystolon for, 1,223 846 —,—,—, pitch for, 1 293 846 =) 3), DYOCESS for, 1 293 846 ,»—,—, rosin for, 1 993 846 ,—,—, Shellac, orange, for, 1,223,846 — — —,—,—, ’ slate for, 1 223 846 —,—,— ’ sulfur for, 1,223 846 —, see also Writing board ; Slate, writing Black-boy gum, see Acaroid Black-boy resin, see Acaroid Black boy tree, see Grass tree Black carbon, see. Carbon black Black chalk, see Mineral black Black cobalt ocher, see Wad Black copper, see Tenorite Black copper oxide, see Copper(ic) oxide —, see also Tenorite Black gum wood, paper made with, 1,166,848 —, wood pulp made with, 1,166,848 “Black head,” cure of, charcoal for, 1,463,539 —,—, mercury(ous) chloride for, 1,463 539 —,—,rhubarb for, 1,463,539 — turkey disease, cause of, 1,463,539 —,—,cure of, 1,463 a9 Black hellebore, see Helleborus Black hematite, see Psilomelane Blacking, see Shoe blacking Blacking dauber, mfr. of, paper for, 1,226,432 —,—, process for, 1,226,432 Black iron liquor, see Iron(ic) nitrate Black iron ore, see Psilomelane Black jack, see Sphalerite Black liquor, acetone mfr. from, 1,374,889 —,charcoal made with, 1,166, 509 — ’ distilling with lime, 1 374 889 — fire extinguisher conte. # 1 428,207; 1,482,367; 1 482,368 —, flotation by, minerals of, 1,412,215 —, lime for distilling, 1,374,889 —,methyl alcohol mfr. from, 1,374,889 —, paper pulp made with, 1,268,193 —,refining raw, wood ashes for, 1,344,691 —, sodium carbonate made with, 1 166 009 —,tar products mfr. from, 1,374, '889 —, treatment of, niter cake for, 1,375 709 = ‘utilization of, 1,374,889 —, waste from wood pulp mfr. termed, 1,375,759 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Black liquor, see also Cellulose soda liquor ; Cel- lulose soda-sulfate liquor; Cellulose sulfite laquor Black lead, paint contg., mfr. of, 1,450,688 —, see also Graphite ; Plumbago Black leg vaccine, mfr. of, calcium carbonate for, 1,511,557 —,—, formaldehyde for, 1,511,557 —,—, hog liver for, 1,511,557 —,—, muslin for, 1,511,557 —,—, peptone for, 1,511,557 ae process for, 1,511,557 —, sodium chloride for, 1,511,557 —,—, ’ starch for, 1,511 B57 Black lye, hemicellulose mfr. with, 1,365,039 —, see also Calignate Black manganese, see Manganese dioxide —, see also Hausmannite Black manganese ore, compact, see Psilomelane Black medic, fertilizer for, 1,320,701 — , inoculation of, bacterial compost for, 1 320,701 Black mineral oul, see Petroleum Black oil, lubricant made with, 1,238,101 — —, paint made with, 1,479,768 —,see also Lubricating oil: Summer black oil Black oxide, see Iron Oxide, ferroso-ferric Black oxide of manganese, see Manganese di- oxide Black phosphorus, see Lead alloy, phosphorus m Black powder, 1,295,975 —,—, mill for, 1,295,975 —, mfr. of, carbon for, 1,225,374 —)—; process for, 1,225,374 “ product D” for, 1,225,374 —,—, ’ sulfur for, o1 225, 374 —, pellets of, mfr. of, 1,295,975 —, potassium nitrate in, 1,295,975 —, shrapnel shell made using, 1,207,884 —,water-proofing of, cellulose nitrate for, 1,207,884 —,see also Explosive ; black Black precipitate, see Mercury (ic) sulfide, black Black prussiate of potash, see Potassium ae ferricyanide Black rot, Sterigmatocystis nigra as cause of, 1,268 070 —, tobacco, prevention in of, 1,268,070 Black sage, charcoal made with, 1,212,130 —, copper ore, flotation of, using, 1,212,130 —, flotation process using, 1,212,130 —, fuel, gaseous, made with, 1,212,130 —, gold ore, flotation of, using, 1,212,130 —,lead ore, flotation of, using, 1,212,130 —, mercury ore, flotation of, using, 1,212,130 —, sage tar oil made with, 1,212,130 —, silver ore, flotation of, using, 1,212,130 —, zinc ore, flotation of, using, 1,212,130 Black sand, gold made with, 1,494,071 —,osmiridium made with, 1,494,071 —, platinum made with, 1,494,071 —, platinum alloy made with, 1,494,071 Black spodium, see Charcoal, animal grinding of, gasolene for, — Gun powder; Powder, INDEX OF Black strap, alcohol, treatment of slops result- ing from, 1,357,188 —,evaporation-preventing foam contg., 1,443,538 —,road binder contg., 1,311,215; 1,311,216; 1,311,219 —,see also Molasses, Molasses, black strap; Molasses, sugar cane Black substance, wheat flour, removal of, proc- ess for, 1,154,547 Black wad, see Wad Blackwood, see Acacia melanoxylan Bladder, gold beaters’ skin made with, 1,235,947 —,meat container made with, 1,235,947 —,pig, diaphragm for electrolysis of, 1,371,698 —, sausage casing made with, 1,235,947 Bladder pod, see Lobelta Blade, fan, phenol aldehyde condensate im- pregnated, 1,509,953 —, tempered, mfr. of, 1,333,767 Blane de Baleine, see Spermaceti Blanc de Fard, see Bismuth submtrate Blanc de Neige, see Zinc oxide Blanc de zinc, see Zinc oxide; Zinc white Blane fixe, ink made with, 1,369,252 —,lake made with, 1,369,252 —, mfr. of, 1,888,285 —, paint made with, 1,369,252 —, paper, coating of using, 1,518,371 —, titanium complex precipitated upon, 1,402,256 —, titanium pigment precipitated upon, 1,410,056 —,see also Barium sulfate Blanket, printers, see Printers blanket Blankit, fat, bleaching of using, 1,219,485; 1,219,486 —,fatty acids, bleaching of using, 1,219,485; 1,219,486 —,glycerol, bleaching of using, 1,219,485; 1,219,486 —, oil, bleaching of using, 1,219,485; 1,219,486 —, sugar, crystallization of, using, 1,228,910 —, see also Hyposulfites Blast, oxygenated, see Furnace, metallurgical, oxygenated blast for Blast furnace, coal, pulverized, for operating, 1,411,072 —, cracks in linings of, repairing, 1,423,332 —, flue dust from, fertilizer mfr. from, 1,386,331 —, gases from, washing apparatus for, 1,388,812 ; 1,388,813 —,iron, pig purified with, 1,260,660 —,iron purified with, 1,260,660 —, lighting of, coke for, 1,514,849 —,excelsior for, 1,514,849 —, limestone for, 1,514,849 —,—, process for, 1,514,849 —,—, wood for, 1,514,849 bf —, operating of, air for, 1,518,854 ? —,—, oxygen for, 1,518,854 oS es process for, 1,518,854 —,—, steam for, 1,518,854 —, operation of, 1,400,963 —, oxygen enriched air for, 1,485,745 ’ by SUBJECTS 807 Blast furnace, potassium recovered from, 1,311,043 —, powdered coal as fuel for, 1,311,807 —,slag from, fertilizer mfr. from, 1,386,331 —,see also Furnaces, blast Blast furnace dust, aluminum chloride made with, 1,320,193 —, aluminum oxide in, 1,161,790 —, briquet made with, 1,246,808 —, calcium oxide in, 1,161,790 —,carbon in, 1,161,790 —, cement, hydraulic, made with, 1,130,148 —, coke in, 1,161,790 —,core made with, 1,477,064 —,explosive of liquid air and, 1,375,243 —, hematite, briquetting of, using, 1,238,022 —,iron chloride made with, 1,320,193 —,iron ore, briquetting of, using, 1,238,022 —,iron oxide in, 1,161,790 —, magnesium oxide in, 1,161,790 —, manganese in, 1,161,790 —, ore, briquetting of, using, 1,238,022 _-, potassium, chloride made with, 1,320,193 —, potassium salt from, process for, 1,320,193 —,silicon dioxide in, 1,161,790 Blast furnace flue dust, basic open hearth fur- nace fix made with, 1,175,933 —, binder for, coal tar as, 1,166,927 —,—, lime as, 1,166,927 —,—, petroleum as, 1,166,927 —,briquetting of, iron ore, plastic for, 1,129,645 —,—, paint rock for, 1,129,645 —,—, process for, 1,129,645 —, fertilizer made with, 1,283,677; 1,283,678 —,iron made from, 1,166,927 —,iron, sponge, made with, 1,231,831 —,iron oxide made with, 1,231,831 —, puddling furnace fix made with, 1,175,933 —, treatment of, process for, 1,166,927 —, see also Blast furnace dust; Flue dust, blast furnace Blast furnace gas, ammonia made with, 1,466,624; 1,466,625; 1,466,626 ; 1,466,628 —,ammonium formate made with, 1,466,626 —,analysis of, apparatus for, 1,299,865 —,bicarbonate made using, 1,141,266 —,burner for, mfr. of, asbestos paste for, 1,222,922; 1,223,248; 1,223,249; 1,223,308 —,—,—, bauxite for, 1,223,308 —,—,—,bran for, 1,223,248; 1,223,249 —,—, brick, fire, for, 1,223,308 __,., , cement, Portland, for, 1,222,922; 1,223,308 j renin) ClAY; 1 ntire, hy: | L222,9225 1,223,248 ; 1,223,249; 1,223,308 : oe > Se etourbridge: y | 20r, 1;223,248 ; 1,223,249 —,—,—, feldspar for, 1,222,922 B] b —,—,—, fluorspar for, 1,222,922 ? —,—,—,ganister for, 1,223,308 3 d —,—,—,graphite, ceylon flake, for, 1,223,248 ; 1,223,249 —,—,—,—, spongy, for, 1,223,248; 1,223,249 —_,—,—, lead, white, for, 1,222,922; 1,223,248 ; 1,223,249% 1,223,308 —,—,—, limestone for, 1,223,308 ? ? 808 Blast furnace gas, burner for, mfr. of, magnesia for, 1,223,308 —,—,—, nitric acid for, 1,223,248; 1,223,249 —,—, ’ plaster of Paris); for, 1222.022: 1,293,308 ) —,process for, 1,222,922; 1,223,248; 1 293, 249 ; 1,223,308 —,—,—,Yrape seed for, 1,223,248; 1,223,249 —,—,—,seeds for, 1,223,248; 1,223,249 —,—,—,sodium silicate for, 1,222,922; 1,223,308 —, burning of, apparatus for, 1,239,776 —,—, process for, 1,239,776 —,calcium oxalate made with, 1,466,626 —,carbon, ferro-chromium, removal from of, using, 1 ‘481 47 —, carbonate made with, 1,466,624; 1,466,626; 1,466,628 —,carbon dioxide, determination of in, 1,485,757 —, carbo-nitride made with, 1,310,478; 1,310,479 —,cyanides made with, 1,315 219: Re-15 090 —,dust, removal of from, apparatus for, 1 141 266 —, ferro-chromium made with, 1,185,396 —, ferro-chromium, refining of using, 1,481,747 —,—,removal of from, using, 1,481,747 —,ferro-manganése made with, 1,185,396 —., ferro-metal made with, 1,185,396 —,formaldehyde made with, 1,466,626 —,formate made with, 1,466,624; 1,466,626; 1,466,628 —, formic acid made with, 1,466,626 —, furnace operated using, 1,239 476 — ’ hydrocyanic acid made with, 1,315,219; Re-15 ,090 _— , methyl alcohol made with, 1,466,626 —,oxalate made with, 1,466,624; 1,466,626; 1,466,628 —~, oxalic acid made with, 1,466,624; 1,466,628 —, potassium cyanide made with, 1,466, 624; 1,466,625; 1,466,626; 1,466,628 —, potassium hydroxide ‘made with, 1,466,626 —,potassium oxalate made with, 1,466, 624; 1,466,626; 1,466,628 —, potassium salts made with, 1,466,626 —, purification of, apparatus for, 1,216,677 —,—, process for, 1,216,677 —,sodium bicarbonate made with, 1,466,626 —, ‘sodium carbonate made with, 1 A66 626 —,sodium cyanide made with, 1,466 624; 1,466,626: 1,466,628 —, sodium formate made with, 1,466,626 —,sodium oxalate made with, 1,466,624; 1,466,626; 1,466,628 —,steel made with, 1,185,396 —,zine formate made with, 1,466,626 —,see also Fuel, gaseous Blast furnace pitch, cement, waterproof, contg., 1,305,645 Blast furnace slag, ammonia still waste purified with, 1,323,239; 1,323,251; 1,323,256 — block conte., 1,255 236 — block made from, process for, 1,259,304 — ’ brick made with, 1,463,399 — ’ brick made from, process for, 1,259,304 _~, ’ brick, Rhenish tuff made from, 1,163 605 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Blast furnace slag, building blocks from, 1,418,810 —,cement made with, 1,220,735; 1,320,172 —,cement, Portland, made with, 1,220,735 —,coke, petroleum, briquetting of, using, 1,236,447 —, concrete made with, 1,462,991 —, dolomite refractory made with, 1,463,399 —, fertilizer made with, 1,154 859; i: 163 1380; 1, 171,046; 1,283,678 —, gas purified with, 1,171,046 —,gold recovered from sea water by, 1,358,096 —, gas removed from, potato for, 1,259, 304 —,—,sand for, 1,259 304 —,— ’ niter for, 1 259, 304 —, ’ sranulation ‘of, apparatus for, 1,502,793 —,—, process for, 1,502,793 —, hydrochloric acid re road surfacing material of, 1,361,140 — , illuminating gas, hydrogen sulfide, removal of from using, 1,154,858; 1,154,859 —, lime, hydraulic, made with, 1,220 (30 — liquid purified with, 1,323 239 : 1,323,251; 1 823,206 —, mineral matter made with, 1,169,506. —, ’ niter, gas removed with from, 1 259 004 —, paint made with, 1,171,046 —, pigment made with, 1; 154 859 —, plaster made with, 1 142 989: 1,393,814 ae plastic made with, 1 142 989 —,porous mass made from, apparatus for, 1 ,163,605 —, process for, 1,163,605 —, ; potassium compounds recovered from fumes of, 1,414,853 —, potato, gas removed with from, 1,259,304 — , refractory made with, 1,463,399 —,road binder contg., 1,445 240 —,road paving made with, 1,361,140; 1,364,621 — roading paving block made from, process for, 1 ,259,304 — rubber product made with, 1,246,192 —,sand, gas removed with from, 1,259, 304 —, ‘ tile contg., 1,255,236 — ‘tire made with, 1 246,192 —, water purified with, i 171,046 —,water softening compound made with, 1,482,601 —, see also Manganese slag; Slag, blast furnace Blast furnace slake, steamed, hematite, briquet- ting of, using, 1,238 022 —,—, iron ore, briquetting of, using, 1,238,022 —,—, ore, briquetting of, using, 1,238 022 —, we see also Mineral wool Blast furnace tap hole, opening of, apparatus for, 1,186,358 —,—, Iron for, 1,186,358 —,—, oxygen for, 1,186,358 —, process for, 1,186,358 Blast furnace tar, Diesel engine fuel made with, 1,340,855 —, fabric, impregnated, made with, 1,340,855 — insulation, electric, made with, 1,340 855 —} paint made with, 1,340, 855 —,road paving made with, 1,340,855 — ’ roofing made with, 1 340, 855 —,see also Tar INDEX OF Blast furnace tar oil, naphthalene solvent, 1,286,091 Blast gas, water gas, carburetted, made using, 1,125,676 Blasting, explosive for, see Dynamite —,—, see Explosive, blasting —,method of, 1,440,601 —, shell, elastic, for, 1,389,292 —, torpedo for, 1,406,844 —, see also Torpedo Blasting cap, cellulose nitrate solutions for sealing, 1,358,478 —, electric, 1,408,711 —, explosives for use in, 1,424,204 —, mfr. of, aluminum for, 1,518,611 —,—, cellulose nitrate for, 1,518,629 —,—, compound, C.H:O.N2 for, 1 473,825 Beas ira iio ,» CeHi206Ne, for, 1,473 825 —,—, copper for 1,518 611 —,—, eyanurtriazide for, 1,518,629 —,— ’ dinitroxylene-nitrate for, 1,309,552 —,—, dinitroxylenol-dinitrate for, 1 309 952 —, ethylene for, 1,473,825 “ ethylene pseudo- nitrosite” f or, 1,473,825 —,—, ethyl] ether for, 1,473,825 —,—,ivory nut, nitrated, for, 1,518,629 —,—, lead azide for, 1 309 552: 1 518, 629 —,—, mercury fulminate for, 1 309 552; 1,473, 825; 1,518,611; 1,518 629 —,—, N- methyl- tetranitro- aniline for, 1,518,629 —,—, nitrogen oxides for, 1,473,825 —, nitrogen trioxide for, 1,473 825 —, potassium chlorate for, 1 518, 629 —,—, powder, smokeless, for, 1 518, 629 —,—, process for, 1,424 204; 1 ‘473 825: 1,518,611 ; ; 1518, 629 —,—, propane pseudo-nitrosite for, 1,473,825 —,—, propylene for, 1,473,825 —,—, tetranitro-toluene for, 1,518,629 —,—, tin for, 1,518,611 —,—, trimethyl-dinitro-benzene-dinitrate 1,309,552 —,—, trimethyl-nitro-benzene-trinitrate for, 1,309,552 —,—, trinitro-toluene for, 1,518,629 —, mer cury fulminate in, 1,408 ray —, see also Detonators ; ‘Explosive ; Primer Blasting cartridge, air, liquid, in, 1,154,770 —, carbon in, 1,154 770 —, construction of, 1,517,294; 1,517,295 — ’ liquid- air, 1,441 957 —,—, bark in, 1 424 488 —,—, ’ cork powder i in, 1,424,488 —,—, , hydrocarbons in, , 424 488 —,—, peat in, 1,424 A88 —, primer for, 1 517 295 —, — mir. of, air, liquid, for, 1,157,270; 1,219,645; 1,226, 833: 1 486 492; 1, 517 294: 517 ,295 —,—, aluminum for, 1 226, 833; | 493 921 Re —, aluminum powder for, 1 157 270 —,—, antimony for, 1,226, 833 —,—, antimony trisulfide for, 1,493,921 ioe apparatus for, 1,486, 492 —., carbon for, 1, 219 645; 1,226,833: 1,486,492 —,—, ’ charcoal for, im 157, 270 —, cord for, 1 220, 308 —, ” cork for, 1,157, 270 = — ? ? ’ ? for, SUBJECTS 809 Blasting cartridge, mfr. of, cotton for, 1,157,270 —,— ‘infusorial earth for, 1 ,219 645 —,—, magnesium for, 1,226, 833 —,—, ’ meal for, 1,219,645 —,—, metal powder for, 1,157,270 —,—, oxygen, liquid, for, 1,219,645; ive 492 —, paper, paraffined, for, 1,220,208 —, potassium chlorate for, 7 493 921 —, process for, 1,157,270; 1 219 645; 1,220,208 ; ri 226,833; 1 486 ‘492 « 1 493 921: 1 517, 294: 1,517, 295 —,—, sawdust for, 1,157,270 —,—, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,219,645 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,219 645 —,—, sugar for, 1,219,645 —,—, sulfur for, 1 493, 921 1,226,833 ; —,—, thread for, 1,220 ,208 —,— ’ turmeric for, 1,219 645 =r WALED tor, 1,219, 645 —,—, wire for, 1,220 208 — ’ oxygen, liquid, in, 1,154,770 —,see also Cartridge; Explosive Blasting charge, liquid air, 1,440,041 Blasting detonator, aluminum for mfr. 1,438,431 —, lead azide in, 1,488,431 —, tetranitromethylaniline in, 1,438,431 —, trinitrophenylmethyInitramine in, 1,488,431 Blasting explosive, see Explosive Blasting fuses, mfr. of, 1,424,487 Blasting gelatin, azides in, 1,829,525 —,bomb made with, 1,211,919 —, detonators for, 1,329,525 —, explosive shell contg., 1,438,399 —,mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,164,170 —,—, cellulose nitrate for, 1,164,170 —, —,nitroglycerol for, 1,164,170 —,—, process for, 1,164,170; 1,410,868 —,see also Explosive Blasting powder, mfr. of, Hay for, 1,265,975 —, see also Explosive Blau gas, acetic acid made with, 1,365,053 —,acetone made with, 1,365, 053: 1,497, 817 —, ’ acids, organic, made with, 1,497,817 —, alcohols, secondary, made with, 1,497,817 —, butyric acid made with, 1,365,053 —,cellulose acetate, solvent for, made with, 1,365,053 —,ethyl methyl ketone made with, 1,365,053; 1,497,817 —, fatty acids made with, 1,365,053 —, formaldehyde made with, 1,365,053 —, formic acid made with, 1,365,053 —,ketones made with, 1,365,053; 1,497,817 —,oil well heater made with, 1,510,925 —, olefins from, chlorinating, 1,440,976 —, propionic acid made with, 1,365,053 —,3-pentanone made with, 1,497,817 —,iso-propyl alcohol made with, 1,497,817 —,valerianic acid made with, 1,365,053 —,see also Gas, blau; Hydrocarbon, olefin Blauholz, see Logwood Bleaching, acid solution for, 1,298,552; 1,298,553 ; 1,298,554 —, air for, 1,163,438 of, 810 Bleaching, alkali borate for, 1,163,438 —, alkali carbonate for, 1,163,438 —, alkali earth borate for, 1,163,438 —, alkali earth carbonate for, 1,163,438 —,alkali earth salt for, 1,155,101; 1,155,102; 1,163,438 —,alkali perborate for, 1,155,101; 1,155,102; 1,155,108; 1,155,104 —, alkali salt for, 1,163,438 —, alkali silicate for, 1,163,438 —, apparatus for, 1,245,139; 1,396,792 —, barium chloride for, 1,155,101; 1,155,102 —,barium salt for, 1,155,101; 1,155,102 —, calcium chloride for, 1,155,101; 1,155,102 —,calcium hypochlorite for, 1,135,303 —,calecium hypochlorite and chlorine for, 1,413,154 —,calcium hypochlorite solution for, 1,474,831 —, calcium salt for, 1,155,101; 1,155,102 —,chlorine and calcium hypochlorite for, 1,413,154 —,chlorine solutions for, hydrolysis of, table showing, 1,298,552 —, cobalt compound for, 1,163,438 —, cobalt oxide for, 1,163,488 —, composition for, formula, hydrofluosilic acid 16, water 16, hydrofluoric acid 3, 1,484,550 —,—,;-, sodium silicofluoride, 90, sodium bi- sulfate 10, 1,434,551 —, copper compound for, 1,163,438 —, diastafor for, 1,135,303 —, dyeing and, combined, 1,429,775 —, electrolytic, apparatus for, 1,175,572 —,—, carbon electrode for, 1,175,572 —,—, graphite electrode for, 1 175, 572 —, porcelain for, 1,175, 572 —, process for, 1,175,572 —,—, slate for, 1,175,572 —, hydrogen dioxide solutions stabilized for use In, 1,181,409; 1,181,410 — , hypochlorous acid for, 1,298,552; 1,298,553; 1 5298,554 —,kromocon for, 1,135,303 — , liquid-, see Bleaching solutions, mfr. of —, magnesium borate for, 1,155, 101; 1,155,102; 1. 155,103; 1,155,104 —, magnesium perborate for, 1,155,101; 1 155,102; 1,155,103; 1,155, 104 — , Magnesium salt for, 1,155 101; Li 155,103; 1,155,104 —, Magnesium sulfate for, 1,155,101; 1,155,102; 1 155,103; 1,155,104 —, malt for, 1 ,185,303 —, * malt preparation for, 1,135,303 —, manganese(ous) carbonate for, 1,163,438 —, metal carbonate for, 1,163,438 —, metal oxide for, 1,163 438 —, method of, 1,433, 865 —, ‘nickel compound for, 1,163,438 1,155,102; —,process for, 1,135,303; 1,155,101; 1,155,102; 1,155,103; 1,155,104; 1,163,438; 1,298,552; 1,298,553; 1,298,554; 1,409,184; 1,429,775 —, Beilign Vitinrbniate for 1 254, 727 —,sodium carbonate for, if 254, 727 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bleaching, sodium dioxide solutions stabilized for use in, 1,181,409; 1,181,410 —,sodium hydroxide for, 1,163,488 —,sodium hypochlorite for, 1,254,727 —,sodium perborate for, 1,155,101; 1,155,103; 1,155,104 —,strontium chloride for, 1,155,101; 1,155,102 —,strontium salt for, 1,155,101; 1,155,102 —, zine chloride for, 1,155,103; 1,155,104 —, zinc salt for, 1,155,103; 1,155,104 Bleaching agent, paper, decolorizing of, using, 1,245,839 —,—, de-inking of, using, 1,245,839 Bleaching apparatus, 1,128,451; 1,195,325 Bleaching composition, formula, calcium hypo- chlorite 10, sodium carbonate (58%) 6, sodium silicate (30% solution) 1, 1,401,901 —,—, niter cake 4, sodium hydroxide 2, sodium fluoride 1, 1,327,394 —,—, sodium acid sulfate, sodium chloride, 1,335,171 —,—, sodium peroxide 10, sodium bicarbonate or soda ash 5, sodium sulfate 5, sodium chlo- ride 5, sodium hydroxid 6, 1,409, 184 —,—,zine oxide, sulfur, gelatin, ‘white glue, oxalic acid solution, 1,347 jal —, mfr. of, carbohydrate for, 1,514,068 —,—, casein for, 1,514,068 —,cerelose for, 1,514,068 — gelatin for, 1 514, 068 —,— ’ hydrogen dioxide for, 1,514,068 —, process for, 1,514,068 —, sodium hydroxide for, 1,514,068 —, * sodium hypochlorite for, 1,514; 068 —, sugar, corn, for, 1,514,068 —, * see also ‘Laundering composition Bleaching compound, magnesium sodium per- borate as, 1,185,216 —, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,394,151 —,—-, aluminum sulfate for, 1 394, 151 —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1 394, 151 —,—, boric acid for, 1,481 003 —, ‘calcium carbonate for, 1,481,003 —,calcium chloride for, 1 237, 267 — a calcium hypochlorite for, 1,481,003 —,—, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,481,003 —,cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1 394, 151 — al ’ chlorine for, 1,481,003 - —,—, ethyl alcohol for, 1,481,003 — ’ hydrogen sulfide ‘for, 1,394, 151 —,hypochlorous acid for, 1 481 003 —,lactic acid for, 1,394, 151 lime for, 1,481 003 —, ’ limestone for, 1,481 003 —,niter cake for, 1,327 o94 — oxalic acid for, 1 394, 151 —,—, ; potassium hydroxide for, 1,237,267 —,—, potassium hypochlorite for, 1,237,267 —,—,process for, 1,237,267; 1 327 394; 1,394, 151; 1,481 003 —,—, saponin for, 1,237,267 —,—,soap bark for, 1,237 267 —,—, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,481,003 1,155,102 ; sodium fluoride, a ee 3 3 rae Tr a) 1,237 ,267 ; 2 bd es) ie ane? ras ema FER eT) —,sodium bisulfate for, 1 394, 151 —,—, ‘sodium bisulfite for, 1 237 267 INDEX OF Bleaching compound, mfr. of, sodium carbonate for, 1,237,267; 1,481,003 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,237,267 —,— —;} sodium fluoride for, ‘1 327 394 —,—, ’ sodium hydroxide for, 1,237 267; 1,827,394 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,394, 151 —,—,sulfurie acid for, 1 237, 267 : 1,294,151 —,—, water for, 1,481 003 —, —, xhixhi leaves for, 1,237 267 —,—, xhixhi stalks for, 1,237,267 Bleaching and. cleaning compound, see Deter- gent Bleaching cotton, see Cotton bleaching Bleaching earth, see Earth, bleaching Bleaching liquid, formula, calcium hypochlorite, sodium carbonate, sodium bisulfite, sodium acetate, 1,414,039 —, mfr. of, 1,414,039 Bleaching liquor, see Sodium hypochlorite Bleaching powder, calcium chloride in, 1,510,216 —, calcium hypochlorite in, 1,510,216 —, lime in, 1,510,216 —,mfr. of, 1,298,552; ‘1,298,554 ; 1,421,503 —,—,calcium hypochlorite for, 1,830,495 —,oils bleached with, 1,488,221 —,ratan, etc., bleached with, 1,296,553 —, stabilizing, of, ethyl alcohol for, 1,510,216 —,—, process for, 1,510,216 —,—, water for, 1,510,216 —,see also Calcium hypochlorite; Lime, chlor- inated Bleaching process, 1,195,325 Bleaching solution, aluminum hydroxide for neutralization of hydrochloric acid in, 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —,barium carbonate for neutralization of hy- drochloric acid in, 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —, barium hydroxide for neutralization of hy- drochloric acid in, 1,298,552; 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —., borax for neutralization of hydrochloric acid in, 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —,calcium carbonate for neutralization of hy- drochloric acid in, 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —,calecium hydroxide for neutralization of hy- drochloric acid in, 1,298,552; 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —, chalk for neutralization of hydrochloric acid in, 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —, limestone for neutralization of hydrochloric acid in, 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —, Magnesium carbonate for neutralization of hydrochloric acid in, 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —, mir. of, liquid chlorine for, 1,426 752 —,—, process for, 1,298,552 ; L 298, 553; 1,298,554, — | potassium bicarbonate for neutralization of hydrochloric acid in, 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —, potassium carbonate for neutralization of hydrochloric acid in, 1,298,552; 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —, potassium hydroxide for neutralization of hydrochloric acid in, 1,298,552; 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —, sodium bicarbonate for neutralization of hy- drochloric acid in, 1,298,553; 1,298,554 1,298,553; SUBJECTS ’ 811 Bleaching solution, sodium carbonate for neu- tralization of hydrochloric acid in, 1,298,552 ; 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —,sodium hydroxide for neutralization of hy- drochloric acid in, 1,298,552; 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —,sodium phosphate for neutralization of hy- drochloric acid in, 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —,sodium sulfate for neutralization of hydro- chloric acid in, 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —,strontium carbonate for neutralization of hydrochloric acid in, 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —,strontium hydroxide for neutralization of hydrochloric acid in, 1,298,552; 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —,zine carbonate for neutralization of hydro- chloric acid in, 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —,zine oxide for neutralization of hydrochloric acid in, 1,298,553; 1,298,554 —,see also Calcium hypochlorite; Hypochlo- rite; Hypochlorous acid; Sodium hypochlo- rite Bleaching sour, mfr. of, process for, 1,483,519 Bleak scale, diamond, artificial, made with, 1,511,140 —, emerald, artificial, made with, 1,511,140 —,gem, artificial, made with, 1,511, 140 —, opal, artificial, made with, 1511) 140 —., pearl, artificial, made with, 1,511,140 —,ruby, artificial, made with, 1,511,140 Bleinierite, see Lead antimonate, basic Bleke, see Marl Blenal, see Santalol carbonate Blende, flotation process for, 1,300,516 —,galena separation from, sodium silicate and soap for, 1,837,548 —, oS also Sphalerite; Zinc blende; e Blending, see Cellulose mtrate manufacture Blending machine, construction of, 1,349,505 Blennostasine, see Cinchonine- dihydro- bromide Bleu d’Outremer, see Ultramarine Blight, barium hydrosulfide and calcium oxide for destroying, 1,343,034 Block, asphalt in, 1 269, 649 — asphalt impregnated, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1 229,439 —,—,—, process for, 1,229,439 —, ‘blast furnace slag for, 1,255 ,236 —, ; building, see Building block —, cement in, 1,255,236; 1,269,649 _, ’ cinder, bituminous coal in, 1,255,236 — ’ composite, coumarone resin in, 1 299,847 —, " heat- insulating, mfr. of, 1,307, 548 : 1,307, 549 —, ‘mfr. of, asphalt for, 1 269, 649; 1 320, 709 —,— -asphalt, Trinidad, ‘for, 1 320, 709 - —, banana stalk for, 1 309 038 —,—, ’ bitumen for, 1 320, 709 —, ’ blast furnace slag for, 1,255,236; 1,259,304 —,—, "calcium hydroxide for, 1 "257, 488 : 1 969 946 —,—, calcium hydroxide residue from ‘acetylene generation for, 1,257,488 —, —, calcium oxide for, 1,309,038 —,—, cement for, 1 255 236; 1,269,649 ; 1 309, 038 ; »1,462, 991 —,—, cement, hydraulic, for, 1,269,946 —,—,—, Portland, for, 1 O57, ‘488 Zine sul- 812 Block, mfr. of, cinder, bituminous coal for, 1,255,236 —,—,clay for, 1,320,709 —,—,corn cob for, 1,309,038 —, —, corn stalk for, 1,309,038 —,earth for, 1,320,709 —,—,eucalyptus bark for, 1,269,946 —,eucalyptus gum for, 1,269,946 —,—, eucalyptus leaf for, 1,269,946 —,—,eucalyptus wood for, 1,269,946 —,—, fir needle for, 1,269,946 —,—, mallow for, 1,269,946 —,—, Manganese slag for, 1,462,991 —,—,niter for, 1,259; 304 Sires OL vegetable, for, 1,269,946 —, pine needle for, 1,269,946 —, plaster of Paris for, 1,255 ,236; 1,257,488; 1309, 038 —,—, potato for, 1,259,304 —,—, process for, 1,255,236; 1,269,649; 1,269,946; 1,809,038; —,—,resin for, 1,269,946 —,—,rock for, 1,820,709 —,—, rosin for, 1,269, 649 —,—,sand for, 1,259, 304; 1,269,946; 1,320,709 —,—, sawdust for, 1,269,946; 1,309,038 1,257,488; 1,462,991 —,slag for, 1,255,236; 1,259,304; 1,269,649 —,terebie wood for, 1,269,946 —,—, wood shavings for, 1,269,946 —, plaster of Paris in, 1,255,236 —,rosin in, 1,269,649 —,slag in, 1,255,236; 1,269,649 — , sound-absorbing, see Tile, sound-absorbing Block printing, see Printing Bloedite, sodium nitrate made with, 1,517,046 —, see also M agnesium. sodium sulfate Blood, adhesive made with, 1,516,566; 1,516,567 —,adrenalin made with, 1,515,976 —,albumin from, 1,415,277 —,amines made with, 1,504,730 —, ammonia made with, 1,504,730 —, bacterial compost made with, 1,515,016 —, bacteria medium contg., 1,368,249 —, bearing composition made with, 1,491,466 —, blood, dehydrated, made with, 1,504,225 — blood’ product made with, 1,380 (427 —, ‘bottle cap made with, 1,234 ban —, * carbon, absorptive, made with, 1,442 372 —,—, decolorizing, made using, 1,250,228 ; 1,448,846; 1,501,321; 1,502,592; 1,504,730 —, carbon dioxide made with, 1,504,730 —, cement made with, 1,270 AT7 — charred, filter made with, 1,162,244 — , coagulating, 1,441,570 —, coagulating medium for, preparation of lung tissue for, 1,897,896 — , coagulation of, sodium citrate for prevent- ing, 1,378,896 —,—, sodium oxalate for, preventing ,1,378,896 —; colloidal, buttons, made with, 1,395, 729 —,—, knobs, made with, 1,395 729 —,—, ’ mfr. of, alcohols for, 1,395 5729 —_—,—,—, aldehydes for, 1 395, 729 —,—, dichlorhydrin ‘for, 1 395, 729 —,—, formaldehyde for, 1,395, 729 ,—, phenol for, 1,395, 729 —,—,—, process for, 1 395 (29 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Blood; colloidal, 1,395,729 —, commercial products made with, 1,441,570 —, counting, see Hemoglobinometer; Hemacy- tometer —, defibrinated, blood, dehydrated, made with, 1,504,225 —,—, cork, artificial, made with, 1,152,193 horn substitute made with, 1,504 225 —, insulation made with, 1,504, 225 —,ivory substitute made with, 1,504,225 —, molded article made with, 1 504 225 —, Le eddrahe mfr. of, blood for, 1 504 225 —,—,—, bl ood, defibrinated, for, 1,504, 295 —,— ‘citrate for, 1,504 225 —,— ‘formaldehyde for, 1,504,225 , process for, 1,504 225 — deh earning of, apparatus for, 1,213,887 —,—, process for, 1,213,887 —., desiccated, cement, waterproof, made with, 1 ,231,468 —, dried, bacterial compost contg., 1,320,701 —,— , dispersing, dichlorhydrin for, 1,395 729 —,—, fertilizer contg., 1,320,701; y 420 596 —,—, filter made with, 1 162, 944° —,glue, blood, water-proof, made with, 1.476.805 —,—,plant food contg., 1,320,701 —,—,soil inoculator conte., 1 (320, 701 — ’ drying, 1,398,735 —,— apparatus for, 1,250,427 —,—, process for, 1,250 A427 —, extraction of valuable principles from, proc- ess for, 1,167,006 —, fertilizer made with, 1,420,596 a ' fluidity of, preserving, citrates for, 1,441,570 —,—, sodium citrate for, 1,334,318 —, food product made with, 1 138, 602 ; 1,380,427 ; 1 416,372 —, gelatin, emulsion of and, globular particles of, mfr. of, benzene for, 1,201 182; 1,201,133 —,—,—, —, —, benzine for, 1 201, 132; 1 201, 133 molded article made with, | eC Se of —, —, —, —, —, benzyl alcohol for, i 201, 132; 1,201,133 —,—,—,—, —, carbon bisulfide for, 1,201,132; 1,201,13 —,—,—,—, —, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,201, 132: 1 201 4183 —_——,—-, —, — hydrocarbon for, 1,201,132; —,—,—,—, — process for, 1,201,182 -Sa-20iiiaa —,—, —, —, — , trichlorethylene for, 1 ,201,132; 1,201,133 —, globins from, 1,403,892 —,glue made with, 1,270 477 —, hematin mfr. from, 1,403 892 —, hemolized, culture media prepared from, 1 ,334,318 —,—, virus culture media contg., 1,391,579 —, hormone made with, 1,515, 976 —, ‘horn substitute made with, 1,504 225 — hydrogen made with, 1,504, 730 —, insulation made with, 1,504 5225 —,ivory substitute made with, 1,504,225 —, ketone made with, 1,403, 892: 1,504, 730 — leucocytic extract. made with, 1,171 299 INDEX OF Blood, magnesium, blood clotting substance made with, 1,240,694 —, methane made with, 1,504,730 —,molded article made _ with, 1,441,570; 1,504,225 —, oils made with, 1,504,730 —, ox, skins seasoned with, 1,845,429 —, oxalate, blood clotting substance made with, 1,240,694 —, oxidizing, 1,441,570 —,oxyhemoglobin in, determination of, appa- ratus for, 1,513,542 —, paint made with, 1,238,797; 1,247,900 —, paint, anti-fouling, made using, 1,247,901 —, plastic from, 1,360,356 —, plastic material mfr. from, 1,441,570 —, potassium carbonate made with, 1,405,371; 1,504,730 —,potassium chloride made with, 1,405,371; 1,504,730 —, potassium cyanide made with, 1,405,371 —, potassium ferrocyanide made with, 1,405,371 —, potassium sulfate made with, 1,504,730 —,preservative for, boric acid as, 1,516,566; 1,516,567 —, removing and etherizing apparatus, 1,349,766 —, rubber, hard, substitute made using, 1,512,979 —,serum made from, 1,495,364 —,serum from, collecting 1,411,068 —,serum proteins from, 1,403,892 —, solution of, colloidal, see Blood, dispersing —, tanning, aldehydes for, 1,395,729 —, testing, apparatus for, see Hemoglobinom- - eter —, treating, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,415,277 Blood albumen, brake lining made with, 1,416,979 —, celluloid substitute contg., 1,319,666 —,ebonite substitute contg., 1,319,666 —,galalith substitute contg., 1,319,666 -—,glue made with, 1,829,599; 1,459,541 —,glue, waterproof, made with, 1,506,013 —, horn substitute contg., 1,319,666 —, leather seasoning with, 1,345,480 —, molded article made with, 1,459,541 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,187,869 —, plastic made with, 1,187,869; 1,319,666 —,rubber, reclaiming of, using, 1,189,282 —, skins seasoned with, 1,345,429 —,see also Albumen, blood Blood antitoxin, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,270,270 —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1,270,270 —,—,cresol for, 1,264,285 ; 1,270,270 —,—, phenol for, 1,264,285 ; 1,270,270 ,—, process for, 1,264,285; 1,270,270 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,270,270 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,264,285; 1,270,270 Blood cells, preserving, 1,378,896 —,reinjecting into the blood stream of horses, 1,378,896 Blood char, revivifying of, 1,513,622 —,—, process for, 1,513,622 b] 1,395,729 ; apparatus for, —— apparatus for, SUBJECTS 813 Blood charcoal, gold extracted from sea-water by, 1,375,441 —, see also Charcoal blood Blood clotting substance, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,240,694 —,—, alcohol for, 1,240,694 —,—, blood, magnesium, for, 1,240,694 —,—,—, oxalate, for, 1,240,694 —,—, blood plasma for, 1,240,694 —,—, blood serum for, 1,240,694 —,—, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,240,694 —,—,chloroform for, 1,240,694 —,—, ether for, 1,240,694 —,—, hexachlor-ethane for, 1,240,694 —,—, process for, 1,240,694 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,240,694 —,—, sugar for, 1,240,694 —,—, tetrachlor-ethene for, 1,240,694 —,—,tetrachlor-ethylene for, 1,240,694 Blood glue, see Glue, blood Blood plasma, blood clotting substance made with, 1,240,694 Blood poison, salve for, 1,470,422 Blood pressure, reducing, bacterium coli and amboceptors for, 1,399,535 Blood product, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,380,427 —,—,ammoniac for, 1,380,427 —,—, amyl alcohol for, 1,380,427 —,—, blood for, 1,380,427 —,—, chloroform for, 1,380,427 —,—, ether for, 1,380,427 | —,—, ethyl acetate for, 1,380,427 —,—, process for, 1,380,427 —,—, spirits for, 1,380,427 Blood protein, food product made 1,226,983 Blood red, see Indian red —, see also Iron(ic) oxide Blood root, ointment contg., 1,411,577 Blood serum, baking powder contg., 1,443,180 —,blood clotting substance | made with, 1,240,694 —, bread made with, 1,277,336 —, caoutchoue, artificial, made with, 1,178,721 —,—, synthetic, made with, 1,149,577 —, chocolate made with, 1,277,336 —,egg yolk substitute made with, 1,277,336 —, filter for, 1,836,591 —,food product made with, 1,277,336 —,jelly made with, 1,277,336 —, latex, artificial, made with, 1,149,577 —, mfr. of, bean, kidney, for, 1,264,285 —,—,—,scarlet runner, for, 1,264,285 —,—,—, white navy, for, 1,264,285 —,citrate for, 1,264,285 —, oxalate for, 1,264,285 —,—, peanut for, 1,264,285 —,—, process for, 1,264,285 —,—,sodium citrate for, 1,264 285 —, molded article made with, 1,441,570 —,secretin made with, 1,181,424 —,sweibach made with, 1,277,336 Bloodwood, see Eucalyptus corymbosa Blooms, mfr. of, from, scrap, for, 1,155,409 Blossom S. 1283, silk dyed with, 1,446,860 Blotting paper, see Paper, blotting- Blow case, liquid-elevating, 1,373,220 with, ’ 3 bs b b 814 Blower, mfr. of, asbestos for, 1,430,561 —,—, Bakelite for, 1,509,953 —; brass for, 1,430 56l: 1,509,953 —, ’ cloth for, 1,430 561 —. cotton batting for, 1,430,561 ; 1,509,953 —_— ’ fabric for, 1,509 953 —' fibrous material for, 1,430,561 —, paper for, 1,430,561; 1,509,953 —,—,phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,430,561; 1,509,953 —,—, process for, 1,430,561; 1,509,953 —, shellac substitute for, 1509 953 —,—, steel for, 1,430,561; 1,509 953 —,—, wood flour for, 1,430, 561 —, see also Fan Blown metal, manganese steel from, 1,291,655 Blown oil, leather, artificial, made with, 1,310,703 Blubber, cod, oil extraction from spent, 1,456,019 — , hydrogenated, purification of, apparatus for, i 177,911 —,—,—, process for, 1,177,911 —,—,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,177,911 —,—,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1 aves 911 —,—,—,sulfuric acid for, 1 177 911 Blubber oil, flotation with, 1,467, 354 Blue, Prussian, see also Bluing Blue acid, see Sulpho-nitronic acid Blue aniline A, ink paste made with, 1,479,533 —,see also Triphenyl-trisulfo-pararosaniline; Triphenyl- trisulfo-rosaniline Blue ashes, see Azurite Blueberries, maggots, removal of from, 1,515,908 — washing of, process for, 1,515,908 Bluebilly, cement, ferric, made with, 1,255,995 —,see also Iron oxide; Pyrites cinder Bluebird S. 6065, silk dyed with, 1,446,860 Blue black, direct, see Direct blue black —, paint conte. mfr. of, 1,450,688 Blue blisters, salve for, 1,470, 422 Blue Copperas, see Bluestone —,see also Blue Vitriol Blue copper carbonate, see Azurite Blue Cross gas, see Diphenyl-chlorarsine “Blue” gas, iron oxide reduced by, 1,345,905 —,see also Water gas Blue gum, see Eucalyptus globulus Blue-john, see Fuorite —,see also Calcium fluoride Blue malachite, see Azurite Blue mass, syphilis, treated using, 1,408,170; Re-15, 411 —, venereal diseases, treated using, 1,408,170; Re-15,411 —, see also Massa Hydrargin; Pulvis pill hy- drarge Blue negative light printing paper, see Blue print paper Blue oil, see Gas oil —, see also Aniline oil; Coerulignol Blue pills, see Blue mass “Blue plaster,” wall board made with, 1,502,603 Blue powder, explosive shell made with, 1,235,245 —,recovery of, furnace for melting of, 1,301,374 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Blue - powder, smoke-producing composition made with, 1,235,245 —, zinc, electrodeposition of, use of, 1,322,104 —,—, production of using, 1,153, 786 ; 1,236, 395; 1,249, 061; 1,254,531 —) zine chloride made with, 1,254,531 —,zine hypochlorite made with, 1,254,531 —, zine ore, briquets of made using, 1,168,401 =, ZIG oxide and zine in, 1,254,531 —, zinc sulfate made with, 1,496 004 —,zine and zine oxide in,: 1,254 pal —, 8€e also Zinc; Zinc dust; Zine oxide ; powder; Zinc white “ Blue powder precipitated,” treating, 1,426,703 —,see also Zinc dust Blue prints, drawings for producing, preparing by chemical means, 1,343,978 —, mfr. of, 2.4- diamino- phenol for, 1,499,930 _,— iron (ic) chloride for, 1,499 930 —,—, oxalic acid for, 1,499 930 —,—, potassium bromide for, 1,499,930 —,—, potassium ferricyanide for, 1 499,930 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,499 930 Blue print paper, mfr. ‘of, acetic acid for, 1,500,433 —,alkali for, 1,500,433 —,alkali acetate for, 1,500,433 — alkali carbonate for, 1,500 433 —,alkali citrate for, 1 500 ‘433 — alkali iron (ic) oxalate for, 1,500,433 —,—, "alkali lactate for, 1,500 433 — alkali oxalate for, 1,500. 483 —,— ‘alkali salt for, 1,500, 433 —,— ‘alkali tartrate for, 1,500 433 —,—, ammonium acetate for, 1,500,433 —,—,ammonium carbonate for, 1,500 A383 —,—,ammonium citrate for, 1,500, 433 —,—, ammonium iron(ic) acetate for, 1,500,433 Zinc —,ammonium iron(ic) citrate for, 1,518 997 —,ammonium iron(ic) oxalate for, 1,518, 997 —,—,ammonium lactate for, 1,500 433 —,—,ammonium oxalate for, 1,500. 433 —,—, ammonium salt for, 1 500 433 —,—, ammonium tartrate for, 1 500 433 —,—, citric acid for, 1,500 433 —,iron(ic) salt for, 1 500, 433 —, lactic acid for, 1,500, 433 —,—, ’ oxalic acid for, 1 500 ‘433 —, potassium acetate for, 1,500,433 ictae potassium carbonate for, 1,500 433 —, potassium citrate for, 1 500 433 —,—, potassium ferricyanide for, ae 997 —, potassium lactate for, 1,500,433 —,—, potassium oxalate for, 1 500, 433 —,potassium salt for, 1,500 433 —, potassium tartrate ‘for, 1 500 433 —, process for, 1,500,433; 1 518 997 a —, sodium acetate for, ‘i 500 433 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,500, 433 —,—,sodium citrate for, 1,500, 433 Cone ’ sodium lactate for, 1 500 433 1,500,433; — sodium oxalate for, 1,500 433 —,sodium salt for, 1 500, 433 —,—, ’ sodium tartrate for, 1 000,483 —,—, tartaric acid for, 1, 500 433 —, vanadium, colloidal, for, 1,518,997 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Blue print paper, mfr. of, vanadium oxide for, 1,518,997 —,—, vanadium pentoxide for, 1,518,997 _ —, see also Light sensitive composition ; Photo- graphic paper Blue R, alkali-proofing, 1,349,265 Blue salt, see Indigosol O Blue salts, see Nickel sulphate Bluestone, see Copper sulfate, CuSO:5H.0 —, see also, Sandstone, blue; Stone — ' light, see Copper sulfate, ‘CuSO. Blue verditer, see Azurite Blue vitriol, see Copper(ic) sulfate Bluing, dishes made from composition contg., 1,429,360 — — laundering using, 1,515,647 —, laundry, abrasive compound contg., 1,443,660 —, mfr. of, borax for, 1,219,186 —,—, process for, 1,219,186 —,—, Prussian blue, soluble, for, 1,219,186 —, paint remover contg., 1,230,668 —,soap made with, 1,488,035 —, varnish remover contg., 1,230,668 —, see also Blue, Prussian Bluing water, adhesive, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, fire extinguisher made with, 1,248,092 —, fireproofing made with, 1,248,092 —, paint, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —,paper, fireproof sizing for, made with, 1,248,092 —, starch, fireproof, made with, 1,248,092 —, ’ varnish, fireproof, made with, 1,248, 092 B: massal, see Bacteria, massal, Board, artificial, mfr. of, albumen for, 1,183,446 —,—,—, asbestos for, 1,334, 061 —,—,—, ’ bitumen for, 1,334, ‘061 —,—,—, ‘calcium oxide for, 1,183,446 —,—, ’ cellulose for, 1 183, 446 rn ’ chalk for, if ‘490, 541 —,—, coal tar bitumen for, 1,334,061 —,—, coal tar pitch bitumen ‘for, 1,334,061 — ’ copal for, 1,490,541 —,—, cork for, 1 183, 446 : 1,334,061 —,—-, ’ cotton for, 1,334, 061 —,—, cotton flock ‘for, 1,490,541 —,—,cowrie for, 1 490 541 —,—, " excelsior for, 1, 183, 446 —,—, ’ formaldehyde for, t, 183,446 —, —, —, gelatin for, 1,183, 446 —,—,—, gum for, 1,490, 5Al —,—, licorice root for, 1,143,621 —,—,—, Magnesium chloride for, 1,183,446 —,—, magnesium oxide for, 1 183, 446 —, magnesium oxychloride for, 1,183,446 —, ’ metal chloride for, 1,183, 446 —, "metal oxide for, 1 183, 446 —,—, ‘oils for, 1,183, 446 —, paper for, Is 143, 621 —, paper pulp ‘for, 1,334,061; 1,490,541 —, pigment for, 1 334 061 —,—,—, plaster of Paris for, 1,490,541 , potassium chromate for, 1 ,183,446 ,—, process for, 1,143, 621; 1, 183,446 ; 1,334, 061: 1,490,541 —,—,— Tags for, 1,143,621; 1,490,541 ’ —, —, —, resin for, 1 183, 446; 1,490, 541 3 I “ -_ ~ . wwe ef : e — ee ee rr “ v_ ~ — ew ef by bf ? tf ~“ | a ard , b ’ , u ~N ~ , —S$= —i —— y 815 Board, artificial, mfr. of, sand for, 1,183,446; 1,334,061 —,—,—, sawdust for, 1,183,446 —_——,—, ’ shellac for, 1,490, 541 —,—, —, ,silica for, 1 490, 541 —,—, —, sizing for, 1 334, 061 »—, —, sodium hydroxide for, 1,143,621 —,—,—, ‘sodium silicate toro, 143 621 —,—,—,stone for, 1,183,446 —,—,—, straw for, 1,143,621 —,—,—, strontium oxide for, 1,183,446 —,—,—, thermoplastic for, 1,490,541 —,—,—, wood for, 1,143,621; 1,334,061 —,—,—, wood pulp for, 1 183 446: 1 490,541 —,—,—, wood shavings for, "1,183 446 —,—,—, wool for, 1,334,061 —,—,—, zine oxide for, 1,183,446 —,—, see also Board, composite —, ‘board made with, 1,245,984 —, cement, fiber, mfr. ‘of, process for, 1,297,480 —, composite, mir. of, apparatus for, 1,124 445 —,—,—, asphalt for, 1,845,081 —,—,—, Bakelite for, 1,303 53 —,—,—, burlap for, 1,491,112 —,—,—, cement for, 1,345,081; 1,491,112 —,—,— cloth for, 1,491,112; 1,303,753 —,—,—, cocoanut fiber for, 1,491,112 —,—,—, cork dust for, 1,491,112 —,—,—,excelsior for, 1,491,112 —,—, —, ’ glue for, 1,345 081 —, —,—, hair for, 1 ‘491, 112 —,—,— hay for, 1,491, 112 —— magnesite, calcined, for, 1,491,112 —,—, —, Magnesium carbonate, calcined, for, 1,491, 112 —,—,—, Magnesium chloride for, 1,491,112 —,—,—, magnesium oxide for, 1,491, 112 —,—,—, moss for, 1,491,112 —,—,—, paper for, a0 125 445; 1,491,112 —,—, — paper and Bakelite for, 1,303, 753 ,—, — paper board for, 1,345, 081 —,—,—, phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,303, 753 —,—,—, plaster of Paris for, 1,491,112 —,process for, 1 125, 445: 1,303,758 ; 1,345, 081; 1,491,112 —,—,—, rags for, 1,491,112 —,—,—, resin for, i: 345, 081 —,——,; ’ rubber for, 1 345, 081 —,—, —, sawdust for, 1; 125, 445; 1,491,112 —,—,—, ’ shellac for, 1,345, 081 —, —, —, sodium silicate for, 1,125,445 —,—,—, straw for, 1,491, 112 —,—,—, straw board ‘for, 1,345,081 —, —, —, tar for, 1,345, 081 —,— —, wood for, 1,491, 112 —,—,—, ’ wood pulp for, 1,491,112 —,—, see also Wall board —, ” compound, mfr. of, 1,344,962 —,—,—, cellulose acetate for, 1,344,962 —,—,—, cellulose ester for, 1,344, 962 airplane dope for, —,—,—, gypsum for, 1,344, 962 —,—,—, lacquer for, 1 344 962 —,—, —, ’ metal for, 1,344; 962 —,—,—, paper for, 1 344, 962 816 Board, compound, mfr. of, paper pulp for, 1 344 ,962 —,—,—, plaster for, 1,844,962 —, —,—, plaster of Paris for, 1,344,962 —,—,—, poultry wire for, 1,344 962 —,—,—, process for, 1 B44 962 —,—, —, sodium silicate for, 1,344,962 —,—,—, wood fiber for, 1,344 962 —, fireproof, mfr. of, alum for, 1,226,779 —,—, —, asbestos for, 1,192 931; 1,226,779 —,—,—, cement, fireproof, for, Bl 192 931 ——, —, — , hydraulic, for, 1,226, 779 —,—,—, mineral wool for, 1,226 79 —,—,—, plaster of Paris for, 1 192, 931 —,—,—, process for, 1,192 931: 1,226 19 —,—,—,shellae for, 1, 192 931 —, fire-resistant, mfr. of, asbestos for, 1,159,866 —,—, —, cement, hydraulic, for, 1 159, 866 —_—,—,— ‘mineral wool for, 1 159 868 —,—,—, process for, 1 159, 866 —, flexible, asbestos in, "1,252,468 —,—, eel grass in, 1,252,468 —, —, fiber, animal, in, 1,252 468 —,—,—, mineral, in, 1 252 468 —_,—,— , vegetable, in, 1 252 468 —,—, hair, animal, in, 1,252 468 —, —, mfr. of asbestos for, 1,252,468 —,—,—,eel grass for, 1 252, 468 —,—,—, ‘fiber, animal, for, 1,252 A68 —,—, —, mineral, for, 1.252, 468 —,—, —, — vegetable, for, 1,252 468 —,—,—, hair, animal, for, 1 252, 468 —— — mineral wool for, 1,252, 468 —,—, —, process for, 1,252, ‘468 —,—, —, sodium hydroxide for, 1,252,468 —,—, mineral wool in, 1,252, 468 —, —, sodium hydroxide in, 1,252 A468 — ’ glazed surface for, mfr. of, process for, 1,245,981 ; 1,245,982 —, insulating, mfr. of, 1,449,221 —, lacquering for, mfr. of, process for, 1,245,981; 1,245,982 —, laminated, mfr. of, asbestos for, 1,130,410 —,—,—, paper for, 1, 130,410 — =~, Process for, 1, 130, 410 —,—,—, rosin for, 1 ,130, 410 —— —, sodium silicate for, 1,180,410 —,—,—, steel for, 1,130,410 —,—, —, strawboard. for, 1,130,140 —,—,—, wood for, 1 130, 140 —, — mtr, of, acetic acid for, 1,245,984 —, alkali carbonate for, 1,245, 984 —_—, ‘alkali hydroxide for, 1 245, 984 —,—, alkali salt for, 1,245, 984 —,—, amino- compound for, 1,245,984 Pia ammonium carbonate for, 1,245 ,984 —, ammonium hydroxide for, 1.245 984 —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1,245, 984 —,aniline for, 1,245,984 —,—, apparatus for, 1 180, 516 —, asbestos for, 1 158, 667 — ’ bean for, 1,245 984 —, bean proteid for, 1,245,984 —, ; benzine fori 245, 984 —, benzoic acid for, 1 ,245 984 —, borax for, 1,245, 984. UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Board, mfr. of, cardboard for, 1,188,040 —,—, ‘castor oil for, 1,245, 984 —, cellulose derivatives for, 1,245,984 —, ’ cellulose ester for, 1,245, ‘984 —,cereal for, 1,245 984 —,—, citric acid for, 1,245, 984 —, clay for, 1,158, 667 : 1 188,040 —,—, corn for, 1,245 984 , corn proteid for, 1,245,984 —, LS Clean for, 1,245, 984 —, fatty acids for, 1,245, 984 —,—, ferment, acetic acid for, 1,245,984 —,—,—, lactic acid for, 1,245 984 —,—, fiber board for, 1 ‘180, 516 —, formaldehyde for, 1 245 984 —, formic acid for, 1,245 984 — glue, animal, for, 1,158, 667 —,—,—, vegetable, for, 1,158, 667 —, glycine for, 1 1245 984 —, grain for, i 245 984 _, graphite for, 1 158 667 — hexamethylenetetramine for, 1,245,984 —,hydrocellulose for, 1,245,984 —,-—, lactic acid for, 1,245, 984 —, malic acid for, 1,245 984 —,—, malonic acid for, 1,245,984 —, mineral wool for, 1,158,667 —,—,naphthylamine for, 1,245,984 —, nitro-cresol for, 1,245,984 —,—, oxycellulose for, 1,245,984 —, paper for, 1,180,516; 1,188,040 Vii paper, corrugated, for, 1,158, 667 —, peas for, 1,245,984 —,—, pea proteid for, 1,245,984 —, phenol for, 1 245, 984 —,—, phenols for, 1,245, 984 —,—, phenyl-propionic acid for, 1,245,984 —,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,245, 984 —, process for, 1,158, 667; 1; 180, 516; 1,188,040; 4 245,984 pe ot on tc acid for, 1,245,984 —, proteid for, 1,245,984 —, pyridine for, 1,245,984 —,—, resorcinol for, 1,245,984 —,—, salicylic acid for, 1,245,984 —,—, sawdust for, 1,158,667 —,sodium chloride for, 1,245,984 —,sodium phosphate for, 1,245 984 —, sodium silicate for, 1 158, 667 ; 1,188,040 —, straw board for, 1 188, 040 —, sulfuric acid for, 1,245, 984 —, — , sulfurous acid for, 1,245 984 —,—, tartaric acid for, 1 245, 984 —,— ’ trioxymethylene for, 1,245, 984 —,triphenyl glycerol for, 1,245, 984 —,urea for, 1,245,984 — varnish for, 1,180,516 —, wheat for, 1 245 984 —,— wheat proteid for, 1,245,984 — thin, bleaching of, apparatus for, 1,128,073 —, veneer, see Veneer board —, water-proof, mfr. of, 1,303,753 —, water-resistant, mfr. of, asbestos for, 1 ,159,866 —,—,—, cement, hydraulic, for, 1,159,886 INDEX OF Board, water-resistant, mfr. of, mineral wool for, 1,159,866 —,—,—, process for, 1,159,866 —,see also Plaster board; Wall board Boat, see also Ship Boat mending composition, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,389,084 —,—, acetone for, 1,389,084 —,—, alcohols for, 1,389,084 —,—, aluminum for, 1,389,084 —,—,amyl acetate for, 1,389,084 —,—, aniline for, 1,389,084 —,—,balsams for, 1,389,084 —,—, barium sulfate for, 1,389,084 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,389,084 —,—, camphor for, 1,389,084 —,—,carmine for, 1,389,084 —,—, castor oil for, 1,389,084 —,—, celluloid for, 1,389,084 —,—, cellulose acetate for, 1,389,084 —,—, cellulose butyrate for, 1,389,084 —,—, cellulose ester for, 1,389,084 ,—, cellulose ether for, 1,389,084 —,—, cellulose nitrate for, 1,389,084 —,—, cotton for, 1,389,084 —,—, cresol for, 1,389,084 —,—, ethyl acetate for, 1,389,084 —,—, ethyl cellulose for, 1,389,084 —,—,fusel oil for, 1,389,084 —,—, gold for, 1,389,084 —,—, gums for, 1,389,084 —,—, lampblack for, 1,389,084 —,—, molasses for, 1,389,084 —,—, naphthalene for, 1,389,084 —,—,naphthol for, 1,389,084 —, —, nitrobenzene for, 1,389,084 —,—, oil, essential, for, 1,389,084 —,—, phenol for, 1,389,084 —,—, pigment for, 1,389,084 —,—, process for, 1,389,084 —, resins for, 1,389,084 —, shellac for, 1,389,084 —,triphenyl phosphate for, 1,389,084 —,—, zine oxide for, 1,389,084 Bobbins, cleaning of, apparatus for, 1,235,399 Bockshornsamen, see Trigonella Bodies, metallic, producing, 1,342,801 —,metals extracted from, apparatus, electro- lytic, for, 1,123,683 —, preserving of, acetylene for, 1,365,639 —,—, apparatus for, 1,213,335 —,—, arsenic for, 1,365,639 —,—, calcium carbide for, 1,365,639 —,—,calcium chloride for, 1,213,335 —,—, formaldehyde for, 1,338,579; 1,365,639 —,—, glycerol for, 1,365,639 —,—, gypsum for, 1,213,335 —, lime for, 1,365,639 —, liquor aesolis for, 1,365,639 —,—,mercuric chloride for, 1,365,639 —,—, process for, 1,213,335 —, vaseline for, 1,365,639 —,see also Embalming fluid —, preserving dead, 1,365,639 52 ’ , ? —w — d ’ d ? ? ? ? ? SUBJECTS 817 Boge tree sawdust, tar paper made with, 1,203,403 Bog-fiber, insulation, heat made with, 1,180,702 Bog-iron ore, ammonium nitrate, treatment of with, 1,263,363 —, cement, ferric made with, 1,255,995 —, fertilizer contg., 1,263,363 —,—, petroleum filtered through, 1,312,375 —,see also Limonte Bog manganese, see Wad Bog moss, fuel, briquet, made with, 1,194,613 —,petroleum gas burner lighter made with, 1,194,613 Bog ore, see Bog tron ore —, see also Limonite Bog peat, see Peat Boils, ointment for treatment of, 1,492,823; 1,494,562 —, salve for, 1,470,422 Boiler, corrosion prevented of, barium hydrox- ide for, 1,235,815 ‘ —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,235,815 —,—, chromic acid for, 1,235,815 —,—,electrode for, 1,506,306; 1,506,308 —,—, potassium bichromate for, 1,235,815 —,—, potassium bromate for, 1,285,815 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,235,815 —,—, potassium chlorate for, 1,235,815 —,—, potassium chromate for, 1,235,815 —,—, potassium cyanide for, 1,235,815 —,—, potassium ferricyanide for, 1,235,815 —,—, potassium ferrocyanide for, 1,285,815 —,—, potassium iodate for, 1,235,815 I 5] —,—, potassium permanganate for, 1,235,815 —,—, process for, 1,235,815; 1,506,306; 1,506,307 ; 1,506,308 —,—,sodium acetate for, 1,235,815 —,—, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,235,815 —,—,sodium borate for, 1,285,815 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,235,815 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,235,815 —,—,sodium phosphate (Na:HPO,), 1,235,815 —, covering, non-conducting material for, mfr. of, 1,450,856 —,electrode mounted in, phenol aldehyde con- densate for, 1,866,257 —,—, process for, 1,366,257 —,leak in, composition for stopping, 1,383,572 —, leaks stopped in, composition for, see Anti- leak composition —,non-conducting material for covering, mfr. of, 1,450,856 . —, scale in, preventing formation of, see Water, softening . . —,scale formation in, preventing, 1,440,103 —,steam accumulator for, 1,292,060 Boiler cleaning composition, see Boiler com- pound Boiler compounds, calcium oxide in, 1,509,352 —,crude oil in, 1,509,352 —, graphite in, 1,188,676 —, mfr. of, alkali amalgam for, 1,181,562 —,—, alkali chromate for, 1,181,562 —,—,benzine for, 1,182,947. —,—, carbohydrate for, 1,181,562 1,506,307 ; for, 818 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Boiler compounds, mfr. of, catechu for, 1,181,562; 1,223,547; 1,416,925 —,—,copper(ic) sulfate for, 1,223,547 —,—, cutch for, 1,181,562; 1,416,925 — —, dextrin for, 1,181,562; 1,210,965 —,—,gambier for, 1,416,925 —,—, gasolene for, 1,182,947 —,—,gelatin for, 1,181,562 —,—, gums for, 1,181,562 —, hydrocarbon for, 1,182,947; 1,485,659 —, kerosene for, 1,181,562; 1,485,659 —,—, lubricating oil for, 1,485,659 —, mangrove bark for, 1,416,925 —, mercury for, 1,181,562; 1,210,965 —,—, naphtha for, 1,182,947 —, naphthalene for, 1,182,947 —, oll, mineral, for, 1,485,659 —,—, petroleum for, 1,210,965 —,—,potato for, 1,223,547; 1,416,925 —,—, process for, 1,181,562 ; 1,182,947; 1,210,965; 1,223,547; 1,416,925; 1,485,659 —,—,soap, green, for, 1,181,562 —,—,—, seal oil, for, 1,181,562 —,—,—, whale oil, for, 1,181,562 —,sodium amalgam for, 1,181,562 —,sodium carbonate for, 1,181,562; 1,210,965 ; 1,223,547 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,181,562; 1,210,965; 1,416,925 —,—,sodium phosphate (NasPQ.), for, 1,181,562; 1,210,965 —,—, sugars for, 1,181,562 —,—, tannic acid for, 1,210,965 —,—, tannin for, 1,181,562; 1,210,965 —,—, toluene for, 1,182,947 —,—, turpentine oil for, 1,485,659 —, —, zine for, 1,223,547 —,—, xylene for, 1,182,947 —, oxalic acid in, 1,509,352 —,sodium carbonate in, 1,188,676; 1,509,352 —,see also Boiler scale Boiler compound feeder, construction of, 1,221,851 Boiler economizer, corrosion prevented of, as- phalt for, 1,516,341 —,—, oil for, 1,516,341 —,—, pitch for, 1,516,341 —,—, process for, 1,516,341 Boiler feed water, treatment of, apparatus for, 1,255,164 —,—, compounds for, see Bowler compound —,see also Water, boiler feed Bowler feed water compounds, see Water, borler feed-, compound for Bowler fur, see Bowler scale Bowler fur preventative, see Boiler compound Boiler scale, calcium carbonate in, 1,135,684 —,composition for preventing, formula, man- grove bark, gambier, catechu(cutch), potatoes, sodium hydroxide, 1,416,925 —,compound for prevention of see Water, bowler feed-, compound for —, formation of, 1,462,550 —,formation prevented of, acetic acid for, 1,405,783 —,—, acid for, 1,405,783 —,—,formie acid for, 1,405,783 ~ ~ ~ rn ~~ ef wv ew & vy “ “ Ne ey Bower scale, formation prevented of, hydro- chloric acid for, 1,405,783 —,—, process for, 1,405,783 —,—, see also Water, softening —, magnesia in, 1,135,684 —, prevention of, 1,440,103 —, prevention of formation of, see Boiler compound ' —,removal of, carbon dioxide for, 1,135,684 —,—,crude oil for, 1,139,873 —,—,graphite for, 1,139,873 —,—, kerosene for, 1,139,873 —,—, process for, 1,139,873 —, remover for, crude oil in, 1,293,585 —,—, graphite in, 1,294,738 —,—, mfr. of, 1,293,585 —,—,sodium carbonate in, 1,293,585 —,—,sodium hydroxide in, 1,294,738 —,—,tan bark in, 1,294,738 —,—, tannin in, 1,294,738 —,—,urine in, 1,293,585 —,removing, see Boiler scale remover —,see also Boiler compound Bowler scale preventative, see Boiler compound Boiler scale remover, 1,371,584 —, calcium phosphate in, 1,462,550 —,coal tar in, 1,462,550 —, formula, horn 15 lbs., sodium carbonate 1 Ib., calcium phosphate 4 lb., coal tar 1 gallon, 1,462,550 © —, horn in, 1,462,550 —, keratin in, 1,462,550 —,sodium carbonate in, 1,462,550 Boiler water, softening composition for, see Water, softening composition for —,see also Water, boiler feed Bows dare, see Osage orange Bows de Campeche, see Logwood Bois de Panama, see Quillaja —,see also Soap bark ole, casein article colored, made _ with, 1,159,878 —, see also Aluminum silicate ; Clay; Hallosite ; Indian Red; Iron(ic) oxide; Red ocher Bole armen, can sealing composition contg., 1,422,114 —, composition of, 1,422,114 Bole Armenian, see Bole armen Boll weevil, destruction of, apparatus for 1,513,137; 1,613,188 —,—, composition for, 1,403,403 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,513,188 —,—, insecticide for, 1,185,603; 1,496,436 —,—,—, formula, arsenic trioxide 12 lbs., bak- ing soda 4 oz., wood ashes, 300 Ibs., 1,395,919 —,—, potassium cyanide for, 1,431,880 —,—, process for, 1,513,137; 1,513,138 —,—,sodium cyanide for, 1,431,880 —, insecticide for, 1,153,974; 1,468,342 —,—, alum in, 1,313,724 —,—,astyptodyne in, 1,253,932 —,—, kerosene in, 1,253,932 —,—, licorice in, 1,813,724 —,—, Paris green in, 1,313,724 —,—, pepper, Cayenne, in, 1,313,724 —,—,—,red, in, 1,313,724 —,—, potassium carbonate in, 1,313,724 INDEX OF Boll weevil, insecticide for, potassium hydroxide in, 1,318,724 —,—,Sloan’s liniment in, 1,253,932 —,—, turpentine in, 1,253,932 —,spray for, mfr. of, camphor for, 1,494,101 —,—,—, kerosene for, 1,494,101 —,—,—, process for, 1,494,101 —,see also Cotton boll weevil Bologman spar, see Barite Bolt, rusty, loosening, see Rust, removing, com- pound. for, formula Bolt anchor, construction of, 1,326,663 Bolting cloth, fabric, decorating of, using, 1,211,455 —, felt, decorating of, using, 1,211,455 —,motion picture screen made with, 1,206,287 —,stencil made with, 1,220,850; 1,238,906; 1,244,188; 1,244,189; 1,289,725 —, surfaces, decorating of, using, 1,211,455 Bolus alba, see Kaolin Bolus gauze, see Kaolin gauze Bolus rubra, see Bole Armenian Bombs, filling material for, diazodinitrophenol as, 1,428,011 -—, incendiary, mfr. of, process for, 1,237,266 -—,—, mixture for, 1,395,769 —, mfr. of, blasting gelatin for, 1,211,919 —,—, fulminate for, 1,211,919 —,—, nitroglycerol for, 1,179,920 —,—, process for, 1,211,919 —,—, trinitro-toluene for, 1,211,919 Bombazx cotton, see Cotton, bombax “Bon Ami,” polish contg., 1,473,947 Bon-bon, coating of, cocoa butter for, 1,236,380 —,—, process for, 1,236,380 —,—, sugar for, 1,236,380 —,see also Confectionery Bonded article, see Refractory Bonding clay, see Clay —,see also Clay bonding Bonding material, see Stone, artificial Bone, amines made with, 1,504,730 —, ammonia made with, 1,504,730 —,ammonium bifluoride made with, 1,235,552 —,ammonium fluoride made with, 1,235,552 —, bacteria medium contg., 1,368,249 —, battery, storage, separator for, made with, 1,200,345 —,belting made with, 1,151,690 —,bone black made with, 1,518,289 —, brake lining made with, 1,151,690; 1,162,371 —,burnt, iron, cast, hardening of using, 1,194,756 —, calcium phosphate acid made with, 1,255,829 —,caoutchouc composition contg., 1,437,487 —,carbon, decolorizing, made with, 1,504,730 —,carbon dioxide made with, 1,504,730 ~,case hardening using, 1,226,739 —,case hardening process using, 1,247,863 —, casein composition made with, 1,437,487 —, charcoal, animal, made with, 1,151,553 —,clutch lining made with, 1,151,690 —,collagen from, 1,457,319; 1,457,320 —, diaphragm, sound reproducing, made with, 1,201 958 —, doll made with, 1,199,251 —, dyeing of, acacia for, 1,358,456 SUBJECTS 819 Bone, dyeing of, hematein for, 1,358,456 —,—,iron(ous) sulfate for, 1,358,456 —,—, nigrosin for, 1,358,456 —,—,nut galls for, 1,358,456 —,—, potassium ferricyanide for, 1,358,456 —,—, process for, 1,858,456 ~-, —, pyroligneous acid for, 1,358,456 —,ethyl alcohol, denatured, made 1,176,150; 1,176,462 —, fat, extraction of from, process for, 1,503,751 —, fertilizer made with, 1,235,906; 1,255,829; 1,283,678; 1,293,220; 1,501,915 —, fiber board made with, 1,514,655 —, flotation of, 1,426,596 —, friction lining made with, 1,151,690; 1,162,371 —,gaskets made with, 1,151,690; 1,162,371 —, gelatin made with, 1,289,053 —, goiter, treatment of, using, 1,190,831 —,glue made with, 1,176,644; 1,289,053; 1,364,904 —,ground, fertilizer contg., 1,440,836 —, hydrofluoric acid made with, 1,283,398 —, hydrogen made with, 1,504,730 —,iron, case-hardening of using, 1,478,367 —., iron alloys, case-hardening of using, 1,478,367 —, ketones made with, 1,504,730 —, lubricating oil made with, 1,374,277 —, methane made with, 1,504,730 —, oils made with, 1,504,730 —, oil, extraction of from, process for, 1,503,751 —, packing made with, 1,151,690; 1,162,371 —,paint contg., 1,428,152 —,phenol aldehyde condensate, compound of and, 1,133,083; 1,259,472; 1,259,473 —, phonograph needle made with, 1,197,165; 1,221,348; 1,266,949 —, phosphoric acid made with, 1,283,398 —, phosphoric acid, crystallized, made with, 1,283,398 —,—, meta, made with, 1,283,398 —,—, ortho, made with, 1,283,398 —,—, pyro, made with, 1,283,398 —,phosphorus pentoxide made with, 1,283,398 —, plastic made with, 1,199,251 —,potassium carbonate made with, 1,405,371; 1,504,730 —, potassium chloride made with, 1,405,371; 1,504,730 —, potassium cyanide made with, 1,405,371 —, potassium ferrocyanide made with, 1,405,371 —, potassium sulfate made with, 1,504,730 —, pyridine made with, 1,490,736 —,size made with, 1,289,053 — —,steamed, bone black made with, 1,518,072 —, steel, case-hardening of using, 1,478,367 using, 1,172,837 ; —,—,chromium, case-hardening of using, 1,478,367 —,—,manganese, case-hardening of using, 1,478,367 —,treatment of, apparatus for, 1,231,247 —,—, process for, 1,231,247 Bone ash, aluminum = sulfate 1,126,408 —, brick made with, 1,245,285 made with, 820 Bone ash, calcium phosphate (Ca H.(POs)z, made with, 1,221,441; 1,221,442 —,calcium silicate (CaS8iOu), made with, 1,126,408 —,catalyst, for the mfr. of nitrogen oxides, made with, 1,239,125 —, ceramic ware made with, 1,245,285 —,cesium sulfate made with, 1,126,408 —, copper hydrogen phosphate from, 1,388,325 —,enamelling frit contg., 1,360,317; 1,860,318 —,ethyl alcohol from cellulose sulfite liquor and, 1,320,043 —, fertilizer made with, 1,126,408 —, glaze made with, 1,245,285 —,iron, cleaning of, using, 1,221,441; 1,221,442 —,—, rustproofing of, using, 1,221,441 —, lithium sulfate made with, 1,126,408 —, metal, cleaning of, using, 1,221,441; 1,221,442 —,—,rustproofing of, using, 1,221,441; 1,221,442 —,nitrogen oxides, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,239,125 —, oils purified with, 1,404,374; 1,404,375 —,petroleum decolorized using, 1,404,374; 1,404,375 —, phosphoric acid made with, 1,126,408 —, phosphorus made with, 1,274,479 —,potassium aluminum sulfate made _ with, 1,126,408 —, potassium sulfate made with, 1,126,408 —,rubidium sulfate made with, 1,126,408 —,sodium sulfate made with, 1,126,408 —,steel, cleaning of, using, 1,221,441; 1,221,442 —,—,rustproofing of, using, 1,221,441; 1,221,442 —thermal insulating properties of, 1,435,416 —, tile made with, 1,245,285 —,see also Apatite; Calcium carbonate; Cal- cwum phosphate (Cas(PO.)2; Phosphate rock Bone black, aluminum hydroxide, colloidal solutions of, made using, 1,514,737 —., artificial, mfr. of, 1,448,846 —, bowling ball made with, 1,203,747 —,butylene glycol made with, 1,308,797 —, calcium carbonate in, 1,518,289 —, calcium phosphate in, 1,518,289 —,calcium sulfate in, 1,518,289 —,camphor, crude, purification of 1,308,398 —,carbon in, 1,518,289 —, carbonates in, 1,496,229 —,case hardening compound contg., 1,308,239 —, catalyst, butylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,253,617 —,—, butylene glycol made with, 1,253,617 —,—, butylene oxide made with, 1,253,617 —,—,ethylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,253,617 —,—, ethylene glycol made with, 1,253,617 —,—,ethylene oxide made with, 1,253,617 —,—, hydrogenation, made with, 1,174,245 —,—, olefin chlorhydrin made with, 1,253,617 —, olefin glycol made with, 1,253,617 —,—, olefin oxide made with, 1,253,617 —,—,propylene chlorhydrine made 1,253,617 1,308,796 ; with, with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bone black, catalyst, propylene glycol made with, 1,253,617 —,—,propylene oxide made with, 1,253,617 —, catalyst in corbonyl chloride mfr., 1,457,493 —, catalyst in propylene chlorination, 1,466,665 —, catalyst support for hydrogenation, 1,300,144 —,ceramic material, metal coating applied to using, 1,126,211 —, cement, paint for, made with, 1,179,413 —,ceramic material, copper coating applied to using, 1,126,211 —,—, nickel coating applied to using, 1,126,211 —,chlorhydrin made with, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —, chlorides in, 1,496,229 —,cider preserving of using, 1,284,187 —,coating composition made with, 1,179,413 —, colloidal solutions made using, 1,514,737 —,composition of, 1,177,725; 1,518,289 —, concrete, paint for, made with, 1,179,413 —,copper hydroxide, colloidal solutions of, made using, 1,514,737 —,s-dichlor-ethane made with, 1,224,485 —,1.2-dichlor-propane made with, 1,224,485 —, dye, film, cellulose acetate, removal from of, using, 1,497,137; 1,497,138 —,—,—, cellulose ether, removal from of, using, 1 497, 137; 1,497,138 — cellulose nitrate, removal from of, using, 1,497,137; 1,497,138 —_——,—-, photographic, removal from of, using, 1 497,137; 1,497,138 — , ethylene chlorhydrin made with, 1,308,796; 1 808,797 1,308,796 ; — , ethylene 1,308,797 —,fat, solvent for, made with, 1,224,485 —., fertilizer made with, 1,501,915 —, film, cellulose acetate, dye, removal of from, using, 1,497,137; 1,497,138 —,—,cellulose ether, dye, removal of from, using, 1,497,187; 1,497,138 —,—, cellulose nitrate, dye, removal of from, using, 1,497,137; 1,497,138 —,—,photographic, dye, using, 1,497,137; 1,497,138 —, filter made with, 1,147,991 —, fish oil, hydrogenation of, catalyst for, made with, 1,174,245 a) food product made with, 1,165,199 —, fruit juice, preserving of using, 1,284,187 — gasolene purified with, 1,277,329 —,glass, copper coating applied to using, 1,126,211 25 —,—,metal coating applied to using, 1,126,211 —,—, nickel coating applied to using, 1,126,211 —,glucose purified with, 1,314,203 —, glycol made with, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,glycol esters made with, 1,308,796; 1,808,797 —,glycol ethers made with, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —, grease, solvent for, made with, 1,224,485 —, hydrogenation with, 1,300,144 oxide made with, removal of from, —,hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1,174,245 —,iron, case-hardening of using, 1,131,801; 1,156, 679 —,iron hydroxide, colloidal solutions of, made using, 1,514,737 INDEX OF Bone black, iron peroxide in, 1,518,289 —, iron rust preventing paint contg., 1,367,597 —,japan contg., 1,294,422; 1,294 627: 1 493, 247 —, kelp leach liquor treated with, 1 283 BAT —,kerosene purified with, 1,277, 329 —, lactic acid decolorized with, 1,459,395 —, "lactic acid purified with, 1,459, 395 —, ' lactose purified with, 1 314, 203 —, lemon juice, preserving of using, 1,284,187 —, linseed oil substitute made with, 1,384,447 —., lubricant, used, treatment of with, 1,281,354; 1,281,355 —, lubricating oil purified with, 1,277,329 —, magnesium hydroxide, colloidal solution of, made using, 1,514,737 —, magnesium phosphate in, 1,518,289 —, maltose purified with, 1,314,203 —, d-mannose made with, 1,478,588 —,mfr. of, asphalt for, 1,518,072 —,—, benzene for, 1,518,289 —,— —? bitumen for, 1 518. ,289 —,—, bone for, 1,518 289 —,—, bone, steamed, for, 1,518,072 —, Bh ay a oil as by product of, 1,182,501 —, hydrocarbon for, 1,518,289 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,518,289 —,—, oil, animal, for, 1,518,289 —,—,—, vegetable, for, 1,518,289 —,—, pitch for, 1,518, 072 —, process for, 1,518 072; 1,518,289 —, ae eee oil purified with, 1,277,329 —,mellitic acid made with, 1,134,956 —, metal hydroxide, colloidal solution of, made using, 1,514,737 —., milk, artificial, made with, 1,165,199 —,molasses purified with, 1,814,203; 1,314,204 —, nitrogen, effect of in, 1,518, 072 —, oil, drying, made with, 1,384 447 —.-- lubricating, decolorized with, 1,295,308 —,—,—, treatment of with, 1,281 354: 1,281,355 —,—, ’ solvent for, made with, 1 204 85 —, oil clarified with, 1,414, 695 —, ‘olefin glycol made with, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —, orange juice preserving of using, 1.284, 187 —, paint made with, 1,179,413; 1 367, 597 —, paraffin purified with, ! 277, 092; 1 277, 329 —, petroleum filtered through, 1 312, 375 —, phosphoric acid made with, 1 ‘487, 205 —, phosphorus made with, 1,441 B73 —, pine oil made with, 1,505,438 —, porcelain, copper coating applied to using, 1,126,211 —,—, metal coating applied to using, 1,126,211 —,—, nickel coating applied to using, if 126. 211 — ’ potassium bitartrate made with, 1,135 216; 278,257 —, propylene glycol 1,308,797 —,resin made using, 1,505,488 —, revivifying of, air for, 1 184,397 —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,502,076 —,—,apparatus for, 1,184 397: I 184,398 ; 1 207,178; 1,475,502; 1 513, 622 —,—, calcium oxide for, 1177, 25 —,—, coal for, 1,184,397 —,—, "coke for, 1,184, 397 —,gas for, 1 184 397 made with, 1,308,796; SUBJECTS 821 Bone black, revivifying of, oil for, 1,184,397 —,—,process for, 1,177,725; 1,184,397 ; 1,207,178; 1,502,076; 1,513,622 —, silica in, 1,518,289 —,sodium chloride in, 1,518,289 —,sorghum purified with, 1,314,203; 1,314,204 —,steel, case-hardening of using, 1,131,801; 1,156,679 —, stoneware, copper coating applied to using, 1,126,211 —,—, metal coating applied to using, 1,126,211 —,—, ‘nickel coating applied to using, 1, 126, 211 —’ substitute for, mfr. of, 1,448,846 —, sucrose purified with, 1,314 203 —, sugar, beet, purified with, 1,314,203 ; 1,814,204 —,—,—, solution, purification of using, 1,176,999 —,—,cane, purified with, 1,314,203; 1,314,204 —,—,—,solution, purification of using, 1,176,999 —,—, crystallization of, using, 1,228,910 —,sugar decolorized using, 1,221,553; 1,221,554 —,sugar liquor purified with, 1,314,203; 1,814,204 —,sugar purified with, 1,314,203; 1,314,204 —,sulfates in, 1,496,229 —, sulfur dioxide, absorption of by, 1,145,579 —,—,removal of from, 1,145,579 —,sulfur dioxide recovered using, 1,145,579 —,syrup purified with, 1,314,203; 1,314,204 —, terra cotta, copper coating applied to using 1 126,211 —,—,metal coating applied to using, 1,126,211 —,—, ’ nickel coating applied to using, 1,126,211 —, turpentine made with, 1,505,438 —,washing oil out of, soap solution for, 1,356,631 —,see also Carbon; Carbon, Charcoal, anvmal; Drop black Bone black substitute, mfr. of, alkali phosphate for, 1,496,229 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,496,229 —,—,calcium phosphate (CasP:0s), 1 496 229 —,—, calcium salt for, 1,496,229 —,—, carbon for, 1,496 229 —,—, dextrin for, 1,496, 229 —,—,glue for, 1 ‘496, 229 —,—, pitch for, 1,496, 229 —,—, process for, 1 496, 229 ati starch for, i 496 299 —,—, tar for, 1,496,229 —,see also Carbon, decolorizing Bone char, antiseptic made with, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —, case hardening compound contg., 1,269,957 —, ’ chlorinated compound made with, i! (425 882; 1 425,883; 1,425,884 — cutting oil made with, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1 425,884 —, dextrose made with, 1,471,347 —., gasolene made with, 1,239 423; 1,324,075 —, d-glucose made with, 1,508, 569 decolorizing ; for, —,grease made with, 1,425, 882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 — , hydrogenated compound made _ with, 1 425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 822 Bone char, medicinal compound made with, 1,425,882 ; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —,nitrated compound made with, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —,oil, drying, made with, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —,oils treated with, 1,425,888 ; 1,425,884; 1,425,885 —,recovery of, 1,440,194; 1,440,195 —, revivifying ‘of, apparatus for, 1,475,502 —, saponifiable derivatives from mineral oils prepared with, 1,425,884 —,soap made with, 1,425,882 ; 1,425,884 —, sulfonated compound made with, 1,425,882; 1,425,883; 1,425,884 —,see also Bone black Bone charcoal, kerosene 1,428,056 —,oils extracted from, 1,351,483 —,see also Charcoal, bone Bone char filter, cleaning of, process for, 1,240,290 Bone coal, see Coal, waste Bone dust, fertilizer made with, 1,128,446 —,iron, rust-proofing of using, 1,157,283 —, lubricating oil decolorized with, 1,303,292 —,shoe filler made with, 1,136,980 —,steel, rust-proofing of using, 1,157,283 —,steel treating composition contg., 1,372,364 —,soap, hard, made with, 1,138,230 Bone fat pitch, emulsifying of, process for, 1,440,356 Bone fellon, salve for, 1,470,422 Bone glue, see Glue, bone Bone meal, bacterial compost made with, 1,515,016 —, fertilizer made With, 1,168,255 —, ’ fertilizer ingredient, 1 13 013 —, ’ steel carburized with, 1,405,553 —,condensation product of phenol and, wood impregnated with, 1,463,674 —,emulsion of, mfr. of, castor oil for, 1,229, ee —,—,—, castor oul, alkali compound of, 1 229, 681 —,—,—, cresols for, 1,229,681 —, —, —, naphthols ‘for, 1,229 681 —,—,—, phenols for, 1 229 681 —,—,—, process for, 1 229 681 —,—,—, soap, castor oil, ‘for, 1,229,681 —,—, —, sodium hydroxide for, 1 229, 681 Bone oil, ethyl alcohol denatured with, glycol made with, 1,206,222 —, fuel, liquid, made with, 1,248,302 —-, mfr. of, bone black byproduct, 1,182,501 —,pyridine made with, 1,490,736 —,rubber, vulcanization accelerator for of, 1,182,501 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,151,948 —,wood impregnating composition contg., 1,463,674 —, see also Oil, animal ; Pyridine Bone phosphate, ammonium potassium phos- phate (K(NH.)HPO,), made with, 1,357,120 —, fertilizer made with, 1,158,711; 1,163,130; 1 ,173,303; 1,283,678; 1 495 270 —, see also Calcium phosphate (CasP20s) 1,425,882; 1,425,888 ; deodorized with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Boneset, see Eupatorium Bone substitute, mfr. of, aluminum oxychloride for, 1,175,425 —,—, barium oxychloride for, 1,175,425 —, —; camphor for, 1,175,425 —, —, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,175,425 —,—,kaolin for, 1,175,425 —,—, Magnesium chloride for, 1,175,425 —,—, Magnesium oxide for, 1,175, ‘425 —,—, Magnesium oxychloride for, 1,175,425 —,—,metal chloride for, 1 175,42 5 —,—, metal oxide for, 1 175 25 —,—, metal oxychloride for, 1,175,425 —, process for, 1,175,425; 1 (252 849; 1,252,850 —,—, silica for, 1 175 (425 —,— , wood flour for, 1,175,425 “ xyloso ” for, 1 175 425 —,—, zine oxychloride for, 1,175,425 Bone tar, see Bone oil Bomte, see Katsuobushi Bonny- clabber, paint made with, 1,227,071 Book, animal life destroyed in, X-ray apparatus for, 1,275,417 —, fabric covering for, 1,124,087 —,insects destroyed in, ote naa: | ey 835 Borneol, mfr. of, tetrafluor-terephthalic acid for, 1,429 342 —,—,tetrahalogen-phthalic acid for, 1,429,342 —,—, tetraiodo-isophthalic acid for, 1,429,342 —,—, tetraiodo-phthalic acid for, 1,429,342 - —,—, tetraiodo-terephthalic acid for, 1,429, 342 —, turpentine for, 1,478,690 —, es thalens insect tablet 1,496,279 —, pine oil contg., 1,463,122 —, plastic made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —,stearic acid made with, 1,134,746 —, tristearin made with, 1,134,746 —,see also Isoborneol iso-Borneol, see Isoborneol Borneol acetate, preparation of, 1,426,036 —, cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,388,472 Bornesite, see Monomethyl-inositol Bornite, copper made with, 1,268,323 —, copper, precipitant for made with, 1,178,191 —, copper chloride made with, 1,268,323 —,smelting of, apparatus for, 1,169,444 —,—, charcoal ‘for, 1,169,444 —,—, coal tar for, 1, 169, 444 —_—,— Mvdrocarbon for, 1,169,444 made with, —, paraffin oil for, 1,169,444 —,—, pitch for, 1,169,444 —, process for, 1,169,444 —, ee tiran made with, 1,169,444 —, zine sulfide, separation from of, alkali car- bonate for, 1,469,042 —,—, —, alkali earth carbonate for, 1,469,042 —,—,—, alkali earth hyposulfite for, 1,469,042 ,—, —, alkali earth salt for, 1,469,042 —,—,—, alkali earth sulfate for, 1,469,042 —,—,—, alkali earth sulfide for, 1,469,042 —,—,—, alkali earth sulfite for, 1,469,042 —,—, alkali salt for, 1,469,042 —, sulfate for, 1,469,042 —,—, "alkali sulfide for, 1,469,042 —,—,—, alkali sulfite for, 1,469,042 —,—,—, coal tar creosote for, 1,469,042 —,—,—, coal tar oil for, 1,469,042 | ,—,—, copper sulfate for, 1,469,042 —,—,—, cresylic acid for, 1,469,042 —,—,—, flotation process for, 1,469,042 —,—,—, pine oil for, 1,469, 042 —,—,—, process for, 1,469 042 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,469,042 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,469,042 ,—,—,sodium monosulfide for, 1,469,042 —,—,—,sodium polysulfide for, 1,469,042 —,—,—,sodium sulfide for, 1,469,042 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1 469, 042 —, see also Copper sulfide ore; Iron sulfide ore; Sulfide ore Bernyl acetate, 1,388,472 —,cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —,film, photographic, 1,388 472 —, plastic made with, 1,199,800; 1,388,472 —, preparation of, 1,426,036 —, see also Isobornyl acetate Ce ant bf cellulose acetate plasticizer, made with, 1,199,800; 836 Bornyl alcohol, see Borneol Bornyl chloride, preparation of, 1,426,036 Bornylene, bornyl acetate made with, 1,426,036 Bornyl ethyl ether, paint remover made with, 1,180,499 —, varnish remover made with, 1,180,499 tetrachlorphthalate, borneol 1,415,340 (di) Bornyl tetrachlorphthalate, preparation of, 1,415,340 Bornyval, see Bornyl-iso-valerianate Borocalcite, see Bechilite —, see also Calcium dimetaborate Borocarbon, cut-out, electric, 1,198,962 —, mfr. of, boron for, 1,198,962 —,—, pitch for, 1,198,962 —,—, process for, 1,198,962 Borofluorides, glass mfr. with, 1,419,032 Borogen, see Ethyl borate Borolon, see Aluminum oxide —,see also Alumina Boromethyl, see Trimethylborine Boron, abrasive made with, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 —, alloy contg., 1,126,629; 1 169, 536; a 203 180; 1,203,555; 1,489,116; 1,490,696: 1,493,191; 1,509,624 —,—,see also Ferro-boron —,; “alloy, copper-tin-zine contg., 1,446,332 —,alloy of antimony, arsenic and, 1,338, 279 —, alloy contg. calcium, copper and, 1,359, 813 — ‘alloy contg. copper, ‘calcium and, 1 (359, 813 —, alloys de-oxidized with, 1,350, 166 —, aluminum and, producing, 1,464, 625 —, ’aluminum-silicon alloy contg., 1 396,276 —,ammonia made with, 1,206, 155 —,ammonia, catalyst for mfr. of, made with, 1; 141,948 ; ay 159,365 —, boro-carbon made with, 1,198,962 —, ’ boron, copper alloy conte. made _ with, 1 ,169, 536 —, brass, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, proc- ess for, 1,224,339 —,—, coating of with, process for, 1,224,339 —,carbon filament, nickel, joining of using, 1,131,189 —,—, nickel alloy, joining of using, 1,131,189 —,— ’ platinum, joining of using, 113i, 189 —,case hardening using, 1,178,551 —, ’ casting of, apparatus for, 1,477,508 —,—,carbon, mold, for, 1,477,508 —,—, process for, 1,477,508 —,catalyst, aluminum nitride made _ with, 1,188,769; 1,188,770 —,—, iron as, made with, 1,489,497 —, catalyst poison, 1,489,497; 1,510,598 —,—, for ammonia mfr. 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —, cobalt alloy contg., 1,203,180; 1,203,555 —,copper, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, process for, 1,224,339 —,—, coating of with, process for, 1,224,339 —,—, tungsten having terminal of, made with, 1 226 470 —, copper alloy, boron in, made with, 1,169,536 —, copper alloy contg., mfr. of, boric acid for, 1 ,136,909; 1,169,536 —,—,—, boron for, 1,169,536 from, made with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Boron, copper alloy contg., mfr. of, boron car- bide for, 1,169,536 —,—,—, boron fluoride for, 1,136,909; 1,169,536 —,—,—, boron suboxide for, 4 169, 536 —,—,—, ’ boron trioxide for, 1,169,536 —,—,—,calcium fluoride for, 1,136,909; 1,169,536 —,—,—, copper for, 1,136,909 ; 1,169,536 —,—,—,graphite crucible for, 1,136,909; as 536 —,—,magnesite crucible for, 1,136,909; ~ 4169 936 —,—, process for, 1,126,629; 1,136,909; 1,169,536 —_ " copper tungsten, composite body of and, made with, 1,162,339; 1,162,341 —, cut-out, electric, made with, 1,198,962 —,cyanides made with, 1,206,155 —,diamond substitute made with, 1,343,976; 1 343,977 —, expansion measurements, alloy as standard for, contg., 1,489,116 —, fertilizer contg., 1,409,126 —, flux, ceramic, contg., 1,123,985 —, ‘formates made with, 1 206, 155 —, ’ halogen compounds of, mfr. of, 1,350,932 —, hard material made with, 1,348 976; i 343, 977 —, ’ heater, chemical, made with, 1,506,322 ; 1,506,323, — hydrogen made with, 1,506,323 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,226,088 — insulator made with, 1,225,147; 1 996, 088 —,iron, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, process for, 1,224,339 —,— , catalyst, made with, 1,489,497 —,—, coating of with, process for, 1,224,339 —,—, melting point of, lowered with, 1,131, 189 —, iron alloy contg., 1,493,191; 1 509, 624; 1 19,388 —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,126,629 —, iron cementation on surface with, 1,472,850 —, ’ nickel, carbon filament, joining of to using, 1 ali 189 —,— melting point of, lowered with, 1,181,189 —,—, tungsten filament, joining of using, 1 13t 189 —, nickel alloy contg., 1,203,180; 1,203,555 —, ynickel alloy, carbon filament, joining oi using, 1,131,189 —,— tungsten filament, 1 131, 189 — nitrogen fixation process using, 1,206,155 —,ores of, borax from, 1,295,958 —,—, borie acid from, 1,295,958 —,phosphoric acid (pyro) 1,836,974 ° — platinum, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, process for, 1,224,339 —,—, carbon filament,. 1,131,189 —,—, coating of with, process for, 1,224,839 —,—, melting point of, lowered with, 1, 131,189 —,—, tungsten filament, joining of using, 1,131,189 —, production of, borax for, 1,493,126 —,—, boron chloride for, 1,131,189 —,—, boron trioxide for, 1,131,189 —,—,carbon for, 1,493,126 joining of using, derivative of, joining of using, INDEX OF Boron, production of, charcoal for, 1,493,126 —,—, coke for, 1,493,126 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,131,189 —,—, Magnesium for, 1,131,189 —,—, process for, 1,131,189; 1,464,625; 1,493,126 —,pure, production of, boron chloride for, 1,306,568 —,—,—, boron halide for, 1,806,568 —,—, boron nitride for, 1 306, 568 ,—, calcium for, 1,306 568 —,—,—, carbon filament for, 1,306,568 —,—,—, potassium for, 1,306, 568 —,—,—, process for, 1 306, 568 —,—, —, sodium for 1,306,568 —,—,—, tantalum filament for, 1,306,568 —,—,—, tungsten for, 1,306, 568 —,—,—, tungsten filament ‘for, 1,306,568 —, pyrometer made with, 1,489,116 —, resistors coated with compounds of, 1,865,331 —, selenium oxychloride, action of on, 1,473,350 —,selenium oxychloride as non-solvent for, 1,385,081 —, steel, chrome-nickel made with, 1,519,388 —,— molybdenum made with, 1 519, 388 —,—, nickel made with, 1,519, 388 —,—, tungsten made with, 1,519,388 —,steel alloy contg., 1,519,388 —,steel cementation on surface with, 1,472,850 —,tungsten, copper terminal for, made with, 1,226,470 —,—, ductile made using, 1,179,009 — ’ tungsten alloy, ductile, made using, 1,179,009 —,tungsten copper, composite body of and, made using, 1,162,389; 1,162,341 —, tungsten filament, nickel, joining of using, 1, 131,189 —,— nickel alloy, joining of using, 1,131,189 —,— ‘platinum, joining of using, 1, 131, 189 —, water gas made with, 1,506,323 a wire contg., drawing, process for, 1,345,441 —, zinc alloy conte., 1,490,696 Boron alloy, heater, chemical, 1,506,322 Boronatrocalcite, borax from, 1,444,989 —, decomposing, sulfur dioxide: for, 1,462,064 —,sodium decaborate from, 1,444 989 —, ‘sodium decarborate from, "1,462 064 —,see also Ulexte Boron carbide, alloy made using, 1,520,033 —,boron, copper alloy contg., made with, i; 169, 536 —,ceramic abrasive wheels contg., 1,144,162 —,copper, tungsten having terminal of, made with, 1,226,470 —, copper alloy, boron in, made with, 1,169,536 —, electrode, arc lamp, made with, 1 164, 728 —, formation of, 1,425,603 —, ’ mfr. of, ammonia for, 1,501,419 —, boron nitride for, 1 501 419 —, boron trioxide for, 1,501 A19 —, carbon for, 1,501, 419 —,—, ’ carbon bisulfide for, 1,501,419 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,501, 419 —, illuminating gas for, 1,501,419 — ’ nitrogen for, 1,501, 419 —., process for, 1 501 419 —., resistance, electric, made with, 1,246,165 b 3 made with, Te ae > ere ’ 3 PORE b] aay SUBJECTS 837 Boron carbide, tungsten, copper terminal for, made with, 1,226, 470 —,(B:C:), boron carbonitride (B.CsNs), made with, 1 129 08 —,—, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,129,508 —,—,— boron oxide (B.O), ‘for, 1 129 08 —,—,— ’ carbon for, 1,129 508 »—,—, process for, is 129 508 —,—, producer gas for, 1,129,508 Eis: en: boron carbide (B.C), from, 1,473,510 —,— — mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,129,508 —,—,—, borax for, 1,473 510 —,—, —, boron oxide (B,0), for, 1,129,508 ,—,—, carbon for, 1,129 508 /—,—,—) nitrogen for, 1,129,508 — —,—,—, charcoal for, 1,473 510 —,—,—, ‘coal, anthracite, for, 1,473,510 —,—,—, ’ coke for, 1,473 510 —_—,—,— ‘nitrogen for, 1 129,508 —,—,—, process for, 1 129 508; 1,473,510 —,—,—-, producer gas for, 1 129 508 —, (B.C), mfr. of, borax for, 1,473 510 —,—, —, boron carbide (B.C;), for, 1,473,510 —,—,—, charcoal for, 1,473 510 —,—,—, coal, anthracite, for, 1,473,510 —,—,—,coke for, 1,473,510 —,—,—, process for, 1,473,510 Boron calcium fluoride, catalyst, dehydrogena- tion, made with, 1 216 933 —_—,— , hydrogenation, made with, 1,216,933 Boron carbonitride (B.C:N.), ammonium car- bonate made with, 1,129,508 —,—, boric acid made with, 1,129,508 —,—,mir. of, apparatus for, i 129, 508 —,—,—, boron carbide (B.C), for, 1,129,508 . —,—,—, ’ boron oxide (B.0), for, 1 129 508 »—,—, carbon for, 1,129,508 —,—, —, nitrogen for, 1 129, 508 —,—,—, process for, i 129, 508 —,—,—, producer gas for, 1,129,508 Boron cementation, see Iron, case-hardening of —,see also Steel, case-hardening of Boron chloride, aluminum chloride made with, 1,321,281 —, boron made with, 1,131,189 —,boron, pure, from, process for, 1,306,568 —,chromium alloy contg., case-hardening of using, 1,472,851 —,iron, case-hardening of using, 1,472,851 —, iron alloy, case-hardening of using, 1,472,851 —, manganese, alloy contg.,. case-hardening of using, 1,472,851 — , molybdenum, alloy gate .. case-hardening of using, 1,472,851 —, nickel, alloy contg., case-hardening of using 1 72, 851 —, reduction of, calcium for, 1,306,568 —,—, potassium for, 1,306 568 —-, —, sodium for, 1,306, 568 —, silicon, alloy contg., case-hardening of using, 1,472,851 —, ‘ateel, case-hardening of using, 1,472,851 —, ” steel alloy, case-hardening of using, 1, 472,851 —, tungsten, ’ alloy contg., case-hardening of using, 1,472,851 —_—_~_ 838 Boron (ic) chloride, cut-out, electric, made with, 1,198,962 Boron compound, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —, binder made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —, boron nitride made with, 1,135,232 —, British gum, substitute for, made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —,catalyst, aluminum nitride made _ with, 1,188,769; 1,188,770 —,—,ethylidene diacetate made with, 1,425,130 —,—, iron as, made with, 1,489,497 —,—, vinyl acetate made with, 1,425,130 —,—, vinyl ester made with, 1,425,130 —, catalyst poison, 1,489,497; 1,510,598 —,—,for ammonia mfr., 1,148,570; 1,152,930 —,chromium, alloy contg., case-hardening of using, 1,472,850; 1,472,851 —, dextrin, substitute for, made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —,enamel contg., 1,496,505 —,enamel, iron, made with, 1,256,456 —,fabric, size for, made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —, fertilizer contg., 1,409,126 —, gelatin, substitute for, made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —,glue, animal, substitute for, made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —,—, vegetable, made with, 1,490,309 —,gum, artificial, substitute for, made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,226,088 —, insulator made with, 1,225,147; 1,226,088 —,insulator, electric, made with, 1,127,042; 1,127,044; 1,156,163. —,iron, case-hardening of using, 1,472,851 —,—, catalyst, made with, 1,489,497 —, iron alloy, case-hardening of using, 1,472,850; 1,472,851 —, lamp, incandescent, filament for made with, 1,154,701 —, nickel, alloy contg., case-hardening of using, 1,472,850; 1,472,851 —, manganese, alloy contg., case-hardening of using, 1,472,850; 1,472,851 —,molybdenum, alloy contg., case-hardening of using, 1,472,850; 1,472,851 —, preservative made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —,rubber latex, addition to of, 1,270,887 —, silicon, alloy contg., case-hardening of using, 1,472,850; 1,472,851 —,size made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —,starch, modified, substitute for, made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —,—,soluble, substitute 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —,steel, case-hardening of using, 1,472,850; 1,472,851 —, steel alloy, case-hardening of using, 1,472,850; 1,472,851 —, stiffener made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —,straw, size for, made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 adhesive made with, 1,472,850 ; for, made _ with, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Boron(ic) chloride, straw hat, size for, made with, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —;tungsten, alloy contg., case-hardening of using, 1,472,850; 1,472,851 —,—, ductile, made using, 1,179,009 —, tungsten alloy, ductile, made using, 1,179,009 Boron electrode, chromium, ductile, made with, 1,297,000 —, metal, ductile, made with, 1,297,000 —,molybdenum, ductile, made with, 1,297,000 —, tungsten, ductile, made with, 1,297,000 Boron fluoride, boron, copper alloy contg., made with, 1,136,909; 1,169,536 —, copper alloy, boron in, made with, 1,126,629; 1,136,909; 1,169,536 —,electric translating apparatus made with, 1,286,316; 1,286,882 —, glass made with, 1,419,032 —,lamp, electric, made with, 1,286,882 —,—, vapor, made with, 1,286,316 —, mfr. of, boric acid for 1,136,909 —,—, calcium fluoride for, 1,136,909 —,—, process for, 1,136,909 Boron halide, boron, pure, from, process for, 1,306,568 —, reduction of, calcium for, 1,306,568 —,—, potassium for, 1,306,568 —,—,sodium for, 1,806,568 Boron hydride, ammonia, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,201,226 —, catalyst, hydrogenation, made with, 1,201,226 —, nickel boride catalyst made with, 1,255,590 “ Boron-lime,” 1,444,989 Boron nitrate, chromium, ductile, made with, 1,297,000 —, heater, chemical, made with, 1,506,322 —,metal, ductile, made with, 1,297,000 —,molybdeum, ductile made with, 1,297,000 —, tungsten, ductile, made with, 1,297,000 Boron nitride, alkali cyanide made with, 1,472,403 —, ammonia from, 1,464,292 —, beryllium, pure, made with, 1,306,568 —, boron, pure, made with, 1,306,568 —, boron carbide made with, 1,501,419 —, heater, electric, made with, 1,181,800 ~, insulation, electric, made with, 1,181,800 —, insulators of, 1,377,553 —,lamp, electric incandescent, made with, 1,234,691 —, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,311,568 —,—, borax for, 1,135,232 —,—, boron compound for, 1,135,232 —,—, boron oxide for, 1,493,126 —,—, boron trioxide for, 1,135,232; 1,464,292 —,—, carbon for, 1,311,568 —,—, cyanide for, 1,135,232 —,—, ferrocyanide for, 1,135,232 —,—, nitrogen for, 1,311,568; 1,464,292 —,—, potassium cyanide for, 1,135,232 —,—, process for, 1,135,232; 1,311,568; 1,464,292 —,—, sodium for, 1,464,292 —,—,sodium carbonate as 1,135,232 —,—,sodium cyanide for, 1,135,232 by-product of, INDEX OF Boron nitride, preparation of, 1,337,264 —,sodium borate (NasB.Oo), made 1,464,292 —,sodium borate and ammonia from, 1,464,292 —,sodium cyanide made with, 1,472,403 —, solid bodies of, preparing, 1 337, 264 —, stable, mfr. of, ammonium salt for, 1,157,271 —,—,—, borax for, 1,157,271 —,—,—, ’ boron trioxide for, 1,157,271 —,—,—, magnesium for, 1,157,271 —, process for, 1 157 Dyan —, titanium, pure, made with, 1,306,568 — tungsten, ductile, made using, 1 179 ,009 —, tungsten alloy, ductile, made using, 5 ,179,009 —, uranium, pure, made with, 1,306,568 —, zirconium, pure, made with, 1 306, 568 Boron nitride cathode, lamp, electric, made with, 1,188,194 Boron ores, decomposing, sulfur dioxide for, 1,462,064 a sodium decaborate (NazBioOi), made with, 1 468,366 fps treatment of, 1,295,958 —, see also Bechilite ; ‘Boraz; Colemanite ; Ore; Ulexite Boron oxide, abrasive made with, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 ; 1 442,773 _ , acetaldehyde, catalyst for the mfr. of, made . with, 1,487,020 — ,anthraquinone, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,487,020 — , benzaldehyde, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,487,020 with, aarma team —, boron nitride made with, 1,337,264; 1 464,292; 1,493,126 —; catalyst, ‘dehydrogenation, made with, 1 215,334 —,— hydrogenation, made with, 1,215,334 —, , chromium, alloy contg., case-hardening of using, 1 72, 850; 1,472, 851 —,—, ductile, ‘made with. 1 5,297,000 — ’ copper, tungsten, composite body of and, made with, 1,162,339; 1,162,341 —, crucibles coated by, 1,378, 189 — dehydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, 1 215,334 —, diamond substitute made with, 1,343,976; 1 343,977 —, electrical resistance element contg., 1,349,053 — ’ formaldehyde, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,487,020 —, glass contg., 1,394,296 —, hard material made with, 1,343,976; 1,343,977 —,hydrogenation, catalyst for, made with, i ,215,334 —, jron-case-hardening of using, 1,472,850; 1 472,851 —, iron alloy, case- -hardening of using, 1,472,850; 1 472,851 — .lamp, incandescent, filament for made with, rt 154,701 —, manganese, alloy contg., case-hardening of using, 1,472,850; 1,472,851 —, metal, ductile, "made ‘with, 1,297,000 —, ’ mold, ‘sand, made with, 8 153 230; 1,153,231 —. ‘molybdenum, alloy conte. * case-hardening of using, 1,472,850; 1,472,851 SUBJECTS 839 Boron oxide, molybdenum, ductile, made with, 1,297,000 — nickel, alloy contg., case-hardening of using, 1,472, 850; 1,472,851 —, nickel oxide glass free from, 1,805,793; 1,305,794 —,reduction of, apparatus for, 1,512,271 —,—,carbon for, 1,512,271 —,— ‘coke for, 1,512 O71 —,—, hydrogen for, 1512 271 —,—, pitch for, 1,512,271 —,—, process for, 1,512,271 —,—,rutile for, 1,512 271 —,—, titanium "dioxide for, 1,512,271 —,—,silica for, 1,512,271 —, silicon, alloy contg., case-hardening of using, 1 472, 850 ; 1,472,851 —, steel, case-hardening of using, 1,472,850; 1,472,851 —,steel alloy, case-hardening of using, 1,472,850; 1,472,851 —, tungsten, alloy contg., case-hardening of using, 1,472,850; 1,472,851 —,—, copper, composite body of and, made with, 1,162,339; 1,162,341 —,—, ductile, made with, 1,297,000 —, ’ zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,193,794 —,(B:O), ammonia made with, 1 129 508 —,—,ammonium carbonate made with, 1,129,508 —,—,boron carbide (B:C;), made _ with, 1,129 508 —,—,—, (B.C;), made with, 1,129,508 —,— boron carbonitride (BoC.No), made with, 1 129, 508 —,—, carbon monoxide made with, 1,129,508 —, (B.0;3), see Boron trioxide Boron (ic) oxide, carbon protected from oxida- tion by, 1,425 603 —, electrode, arc-light, made with, 1,134,148; 1,148,183; 1,148,184 —, glass conte., 1,431,166 —, insulating material bonded with, 1,386,008 —, see also Boron trioxide Boron oxide ore, reduction of, apparatus for, 1,512,271 : —,— carbon for, 1,512,271 —,—, "coke for, 1 512, 271 —,—, hydrogen for, i 912,271 —,—, pitch for, 1 512, 271 —,—, process for, 1,512, 271 —,—, rutile for, 1 512, 271 —,—, silica for, 1,512, 271 —,—, titanium dioxide for, 1,512,271 Boron suboxide, boron, copper alloy contg., made with, f, 169, 536 —, copper, blowholes, in prevented by, 1 390 243 —,—, tungsten having terminal of, made with, 1,226,470 —,copper alloy, boron in, made with, 1.169,536 —, tungsten, copper terminal for, made with, 1 ,226,470 Boron tartrate, brass, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,814,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841 ; 1,314,842, | —,copper, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1 314,839; 1,314,840; 1 314, 841; 1,314,842 840 Boron tartrate, electrolyte for etching contg., 1,314,839; 1 314 840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —, nickel, etching “of, electrolyte contg., 1 o14 839; 1,314,840; 1 314 841; 1,314,842 —, steel, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1 314,839 ;s 1,314 840: 1,314 841: 1,314,842 —, zinc, etching of, electrolyte contg., 1,314,839 ; 1 14 840; 1,314 841: 1,314,842 Boron titanate (B:TiOs), see Titantum borate (T71B.0 PY) Boron trichloride, production of, borax for, 1,183,445 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,183,445 —, ’ carbon for, 1,183,445 —, coal for, 1, 183 445 —,—, process for, 1 183 445 —,—, sulfur for, 1 183 445 Boron trioxide, abrasive made with, 1,234,905 —, absorption of from gases, 1,295 958 —, alloy, purification of using, 1,248 003 —, ammonia made-with, 1,464 292 —, boron made with, 1 131 189: 1,464,292 —,boron, copper alloy contg. ¥ made with, 1 ,169 536 — , boron carbide made with, 1,501,419 —, boron nitride made with, ‘i 135 232 —, ’ boron nitride, stable, made ‘with, 1,157,271 — ’ borosilicate glass made with, 1,449, 793 — ‘camphol borate made with, 1 78, 690 —, clay decomposed with, 1,399 217 —,cobalt made using, 1 166, 067 —, copper, purification of using, 1 204,927 ; 1,248,503 —,— refining of, using, 1,204,927 — copper alloy, boron in, made with, 1,169,536 1,204,926; —, electrode, arc-light, made with, 1 148 ‘183; 1 ,148,184; 1,326,605 — , glass made with, 1,365,797; 1,449,793; 1 008,455 ; 1,513,923 — , heater, electric, made with, 1,181,800 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,181 800 - —, insulator, electric, made with, 1,233 ‘486 —, iron, purification of using, 1 248 503 —, ’ mfr. of, borax for, 1,493,126 —,—, carbon for, 1,493, 126 —,—, charcoal for, 1,493,126 —,—, coke for, 1 493 126 —,—, process for, 1 493 126 — ’ metal, purification of using, 1,248,503 —, ‘mold, sand, made with, 1 ‘153, 280; 1,153,231 —, potassium salts from silicates with, 1,399,216 ; 1,399,217 — refractory made with, 1,267,686 —, resistors coated with, 1,365,331 —, sodium oxide made with, 1,464,292 —, solvent for, benzene as, 1 181 800 —, ’ steel, hardening of using, 1 190 5937 — ‘ zeolite, artificial, made with, 1 ,193,795 Boron trisulfide, battery, electric, contg., 1,316,760 Boro potassium fluoride, rare earths precipitated by, 1,371,741 Boro silicates, glass constituents, 1,394,973 Borosilicate glass, mfr. of, aluminum oxide for, 1,449,793 —- , antimony oxide for, 1,449,793 —,—, arsenic oxide for, 1 449, 793 UNITED STATES toate PATENTS, 1915-1924 Borosilicate glass, mfr. of, barre oxide for, 1,449,793 —,— boron trioxide for, 1,449,793 ‘ — calcium oxide for, 1 449 793 —,— ; didymium oxide for, 1 ‘449, 793 —,—~, lead oxide for, 1 449, 793 —,—, Magnesium oxide for, 1,449,793 --,—, Manganese dioxide for, 1,449, 793 —,—,neodymium oxide for, 1,449 793 ——, —, nickel oxide for, 1,449, 793 —,— ’ selenium for, 1 449 793 Borovertin, see H examethylenetetranmene tri- borate Borowolframic acid, see Borotungstic acid Borromite, benzine, refining of using, 1,515,733 —, gasolene, refining of using, 1,515,733 —, kerosene, refining of using, 1,515 ao — hydrocarbon, refining of using, 1,515 133 —, naphtha, refining of using, 1 515 733 —, petroleum products, refining of using, 1,515,733 Borsayl, see Sodium boro-salicylate Boryl, see Ethyl-boro-salicylate Bostomte, see Asbestos Botallackite, see Copper oxychloride ~ Botany Bay resin, see Acaroid Bottle, cap for, see Bottle cap Bottles, capsuling, composition for, formula, sodium sulfate, sugar, gelatin, whiting, water, 1,428,096 —, celluloid, mfr. 1 ,272,921 —, gasket for, mfr. of, barite for, 1,322,823 —,—,—, carbon black for, 1,822 823 —, —, 7; Castor on) Tord 322 823 —,—, ceresin for, 1 322 823 —,— —, infusorial earth for, 1,822,823 of, process for, 1,154,931; mare iron (ic) oxide for, 1 322 823 —, kaolin for, 1,322 823 —,— —, * oil, mineral, ‘for, 1,322,823 —,—, — —, vegetable, for, 1 322 823 —,—,—, paraffin for, i 322 823 —,—,—, petrolatum ‘for, 1 322 823 —,—,—,rubber, crude for, 1,322, 823 —,—,—, tale for, 1,822,823 —, mfr. of, process for, 1,203,448 —; paper, see Container, paper —,seal for, air tight, mfr. of, 1,299,389 —,—, germ-proof, mir. of, 1,299, 389 —,—, mir. of, gelatin in, 1,299 389 —,—,—,gum arabic in, 1 299 389 —,—, parchment coated with, gum and albumi- noid for, 1,299,389 — , transparent collapsible, mfr. of, celluloid for, 1 272,921 —, process for, 1,272,921 —, $ee also Container Bottle cap, fibrous, mfr. of, process for, 1,209,091 —, mfr. of, acetin for, | 520 940 —,—, acetone for, 1 520 940 —,—, albumin for, if 149 200; 1,234,711 —,—, ammonium bisulfate for, 1 486 641 —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1,486 641 —,—, apparatus for, 1,486, 641 —,—, ‘barium sulfate for, 1,351 5438 —,—, blood for, 1,284 71 —,—, bronze powder for, 1,502,940 INDEX OF Botile cap, mfr. of, calcium sulfate for, 1,160,478 —,—, casein for, 1,851,438 —,—, celluloid for, 1,520,940 —,—, cellulose for, 1,351,438 —,—, cellulose acetate for, 1,520,940 —,—, cellulose xanthogenate for, 1,486,641 —,—, clay for, 1,149,200; 1,351,488 —,—,copal for, 1,149,200; 1,234,711 —,—, cork for, 1,213,926 —,—, ethyl alcohol for, 1,160,478 —,——, formaldehyde for, 1,486,641 —,—, gelatin for, 1,351,438 —,—, glycerol for, 1,213,926 —,—, gypsum for, 1,149,200 —,—, infusorial earth for, 1,149,200 —,—,magnesium chloride for, 1,419,200 —,—, metal for, 1,234,711 —,—,metal foil for, 1,213,926; 1,351,438 —,—, paper for, 1,149,200; 1,160,478; 1,213,926; 1,234,711; 1,351,488 —,—, paper, blotting, for, 1,160,478 —,—,—, sulfite, for, 1,351,488 —,—, paraffin for, 1,149,200; 1,160,478 —,—,process for, 1,149,200; 1,160,478; 1,213,926; 1,284,711; 1,351,488; 1,486,641; 1,520,940 —,—,proteid for, 1,234,711 —,—,resin for, 1,234,711; 1,351,438 —,—,resin, aliphatic, for, 1,160,478 —,—,—, conifer, for, 1,160,478 —,—,rosin for, 1,149,200; 1,160,478 —,—, shellac for, 1,160,478 —,—,silica for, 1,160,478 ,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,160,478 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,486,641 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,160,478 ,—, sodium silicate for, 1,213,926 —,—,sodium sulfite for, 1,486,641 ,—, starch, modified, for, 1,351,438 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,486,641 —,—, tin foil for, 1,213,926 —,—, viscose for, 1,351,488; 1,486,641; 1,520,940 —, paper impregnated with resinous material and coated with viscose for, 1,351,438 Bottle-capsuling compound, formula, glue or sodium silicate, tale or zine white, soap, carnauba wax, 1,442,752 Bottle closure, mfr. of, cardboard for, 1,184,568 —,—, cork for,.1,179,147 —,—, metal for, 1,179,147 —,—,paper, corrugated for, 1,179,147 ,—, —, oiled, for, 1,184,568 —,—, paraffin for, 1,179,147 —,—, process for, 1,179,147; 1,184,568 —,—, wax for, 1,179,147 —,sealing disk for, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,184,354 —,—,—, cork for, 1,184,354 ,—, paraffin for, 1,184,354 —,—,—, process for, 1,184,354 —,see also Bottle cap Bottle covering, mfr. of, acetic acid, glacial, for, 1,149,532 —,—, cellulose, hydrated, for, 1,149,532 —,—, cellulose acetate for, 1,149,532 —,—, cellulose acetate, hydrated, for, 1,149,532 —,—, cellulose ester for, 1,149,532 — i —— SUBJECTS 841 Bottle covering, mfr. of, cellulose ester, hy- drated, for, 1,149,532 —,—,glycerol for, 1,149,532 —,—, process for, 1,149,532 Bottle green S. 5827, silk dyed with, 1,446,860 Bottle lacquer, see Bottle-capsuling compound Bottle seal, mfr. of, calcium sulfate for, 1,160,478 —,—,ethyl alcohol for, 1,160,478 —,—,paper for, 1,160,478 —,—,paper, blotting, for, 1,160,478 —,—, paraffin for, 1,160,478 —,—, process for, 1,160,478 —,—,resin, aliphatic, for, 1,160,478 —,—,—, conifer, for, 1,160,478 —,—,rosin for, 1,160,478 —,—, shellac for, 1,160,478 —,—, silica for, 1,160,478 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,160,478 -—,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,160,478 Bottle sealing cap, see Bottle cap Bottle sealing composition, mfr. of, acacia for, 1,428,096 —,—,cochineal for, 1,428,096 —,—, dyestuff for, 1,428,096 —,—, gelatin for, 1,428,096 —,—, process for, 1,428,096 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,428,096 —,—, sugar, cane, for, 1,428,096 —,—,tale for, 1,428,096 —,—,tripolite for, 1,428,096 —,—, whiting for, 1,428,096 Bottle sealing discs, mfr. of, cork for, 1,453,617 Bottle stopper, mfr. of, cedar wood for, 1,247,864 —,—, process for, 1,247,864 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,247,864 —,—, water for, 1,247,864 —,—, wax for, 1,247,864 —,—, wood for, 1,247,864 ° Bottom settlings, alkali earth bicarbonate in, 1,223,659; 1,223,660 —,calcium chloride in, 1,223,659; 1,223,660 —, magnesium chloride in, 1,223,659; 1,223,660 —,petroleum, recovery of from, process for, 1,223,659; 1,223,660 —,treatment of, apparatus for, 1,223,666 —,—, carbonates for, 1,223,659; 1,223,660 —,—, hydroxide for, 1,223,659; 1,223,660 —,—, process for, 1,223,659; 1,223,660 —,—, silicates for, 1,223,659; 1,223,660 —,—,soap for, 1,223,659; 1,223,660 —,—,soap, oleic acid for, 1,223,659; 1,223,660 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,223,659; 1,223,660 1,223,659 ; —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,223,659; 1,223,660 —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,223,659; 1,223,660 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,223,659; 1,223,660 —,—,sulfates for, 1,223,659; 1,223,660 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,223,659; 1,223,660 —,—, water for, 1,223,659; 1,223,660 Bougies, see Medicated pencil Bouncing bet, see Soapwort B. O. V., see Sulfuric acid, brown Bovine hair, see Hair, bovine Bowl gum wood, paper made with, 1,166,848 —,wood pulp made with, 1,166,848 842 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bowling ball, mfr, of, apparatus for, 1,203,747 —;-—, bone black for, 1,203 47 —,—, casein composition for, 1,437,487 —,—,cork for, 1,203,747 —,—,glue for, 1 168 831 —,—, Iron(ic) oxide for, 1,203,747 —, magnesium chloride for, 1,203,747 —,—, magnesium oxide for, 1,203 AT — peat for, 1,203,747 —, phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,203,747 —,—, pigment for, 1,203,747 —,—, process for, 1 ,168, 831; 1,203,747 ; 1,437,487 =) rope. for, 1,203 747 —, rosin for, 1,168, 831 — rubber composition for, 1,437,487 —,— ’ sawdust for, 1,168,831 ; 1,203 747 —, shellac for, fi 168 831 —,—, ’ sodium silicate for, 1,168,831 — wood for, 1,168 831; 1 203, 747 —,—, ’ wood shavings for, 4 168, 831 Bowling pin, charred base for, 1,202,138 —,compressed air contained in, 1,519,835 —, mfr. of, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,227,248 —_—, cork for, 1,205,278 —, dextrin for, 1 227 5248 —,—, ’ glue for, 1 1168, 831: 1,227 248 Baa? gum for, 1 ,205, 278 —, metal for, 1 520, 106 —, paper for, 1 "997, "248 —,—, process for, 1, 168, 831; 1,182,882; 1,202,138; 1,205,278; 1 227, 248; 1 519 835; 1 520, 106 —,—, rosin for, {: 168, 831 — rubber for, 1 182 882; 1,520,106 — rubber hard, for, 1, 182 882 —, ’ sawdust for, 1 1168, 831 —,—, ’ shellac for, 1,168,831 —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,168,831 —, sulfur for, 1,182,882 —,—, varnish for, 1,227,248 —,—, wax for, 1 302, 138 —,—, wood for, 1 168 831; 1,182,882 — wood, hard, “for, 1,205,278 —_—,— wood. shavings for, 1, 168, 831; 1,182,882 —, see also Ten pin Box, construction of, 1,315,593 — corrugated, waterproofing composition for, 1 326,079 —, mfr. of, adhesive for, 1,464,242 —, asbestos for, 1,464,242 —,—, castor oil for, 1,464,242 —, cellulose nitrate for, 1,464,242 —,—, cork for, 1,464,242 —,cotton for, 1,464,242 —,—, ethyl acetate for, 1,464,242 —, glue for, 1,205,519 —,—, gum for, 1,464,242 —,—,jute for, 1,464,242 —,—, lacquer for, 1,205,519 —, —, lacquer, gold, for, 1,205,519 —,—, linen for, 1,464, 242 —,—, linseed oil for, 1,464,242 —, metal for, 1,205,519: 1,464,242 —,paper for, 1,205,519; 1,464,242 —, process for, 1,205,519 —,resin for, 1,464,242 Box, mfr. of, rubber for, 1,464,242 —,—,slate for, 1,464,242 —,—, wire netting for, 1,464,242 —, paper, oil-proof, mfr. of, benzoic acid for, 1,311,595 —,—,—,—, borax for, 1,311,595 —,—,—,—, boric acid for, 1311 595 »—, —, —, calcium chloride for, 1,311,595 —,—, —,—, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1 311,595 —,—,—, —, ’ dextrin for, 1,311,595 —,—, —, —, glue for, 1 311 595 —, glycerol ‘for, 1 311 095 — glycerol substitute for, 1,311,595 5 s ’ ’ Se. ) —,—,—,—, molasses for, 1,811,595 —,—, — —, ’ paraffin for, 1,311 595 —,—,—, —, potassium acetate for, 1,311,595 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,811,595 —, fare hae —,sodium silicate for, 1,311,595 , sugar for, 1,811,595 Sera composition for making, see Plastic composition Box-berry, see Wintergreen Box board, mfr. of, adhesive for, 1,154, 138 —,—, glue for, 1 ‘154, 138 —, paper for, i 154, 138 nae paper, Kraft, for, 1,154,138 —, process for, 1 154, 138 —— wood for, 1,154,138 —,waxed, mfr. of, paper scrap, waxed, for, 1,344,620 —,—,—, process for, 1,844,620 —,—,—, water for, 1,344,620 —,see also Paper board Box filling, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,513,543 —,—, cellulose for, 1,513,543 —,—, paper for, 1 513, 543 —, paper, glassene, for, 1,513,543 —,—,—, paraffin, for, 1,513, 543 —,—,—, Wax, for, 1 513, 543 —,-, process for, 1,513,543 Box toe, see Shoe, box toe for Box wood, American, phonograph needle made with, 1,266,949 —,English, phonograph needle made with, 1,266,949 Boxwood charcoal, see Charcoal, boxwood Bracelet, mfr. of, process for, 1,189,882 Brachtypous manganese ore, see Braunite Bracken, fertilizer made with, 1,471,979 Bracken paste, paper, water-proof, made with, 1,307,405 Brain, tissue from blood coagulating medium from, 1,397,896 Braize, fuel briquet contg., 1,357,627 Brake, composition for treating, see Composi- tion, anti-squeak —, operation of, gas, under pressure, developed for, 1,493,347 Brake band, asbestos, mfr. of, process for, * 1,301,612; 1,465,389 —,lubricant for, formula, oil, ammonia soap, 1,414,227; 1,414,311 —, mfr. of, acacia for, 1,307,857 —,—, acetone for, 1,307,857 —,—,aluminum sulfate for, 1,307,857 ? popes INDEX OF SUBJECTS Brake band, mfr. of, asbestos for, 1,307,857 —,—,asphaltum for, 1,307,857 —,;—, casein for, 1,465,389 —,—, copper for, 1,203,338 —,—, copper alloy, lead in, for, 1,203,338 —,—, copper sulfate for, 1,307,857 —,—, cork for, 1,465,389; 1,485,180 —,—, cotton for, 1,485,180 —,—, fire-proofing for, 1,307,857 —,—, graphite for, 1,485,180 —,—, grease for, 1,485,180 —,—, gypsum for, 1,203,338 —,—, iron sulfate for, 1,807,857 —,—, lead for, 1,203,338 —,—,lead alloy, copper in, for, 1,203,338 —,—, ligroin for, 1,307,857 — —, lubricant for, 1,485,180 —,—, magnesium oxide for, 1,465,389 —,—, magnesium sulfate for, 1,307,857 —,—, oil for, 1,485,180 —,—, phenol-aldehyde condensate for, 1,465,389 —,—, phosphor-copper for, 1,203,838 —,—, phosphorus for, 1,203,338 —,—, pitch for, 1,485,180 —,—, plaster of Paris for, 1,203,338 —,—, process for, 1,203,388; 1,307,857; 1,485,180 —,—, resin for, 1,307,857 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,307,857 —,—, stearin for, 1,485,180 . —,—, sulfur for, 1,203,338 —,—, tallow for, 1,485,180 —,—, tin sulfate for, 1,307,857 ,—, turpentine for, 1,307,857 —,—, zine sulfate for, 1,307,857 —, treating, lubricating oil for, 1,418,695 “Re-15,543 —,unwoven, mfr. of, 1,465,389 —,see also Brake block; Clutch band; Clutch lining; Friction band; Friction facing; Fric- tion surface, etc.; Transmission bands Brake block, mfr. of, process for, 1,307,857 —, see also Brake band; Clutch lining; Friction surfaces Brake lining, composition for impregnating, formula, asphalt, red lead, sulfur, hexameth- ylenetetramine, gasolene, benzene, 1,354,996 —, cork and cotton fibers in, 1,416,979 —, cotton in, asphalt for impregnating, 1,452,555 —,—, gilsonite for impregnating, 1,452,555 —,—, linseed oil for impregnating, 1,452,555 — —, naphtha for, impregnating, 1,452,555 —,—, turpentine oil for impregnating, 1,452,555 —, dressing for, formula, castor oil 2 02., neat’s foot oil 4 oz., crude oil 4 oz., fuller’s earth 5 oz., 1,338,811 —,—,—, petroleum oil 2 gal., rosin 1 Ib., Fuller’s earth 3 Ib., 1,461,386 —, impregnating, China wood oil for, 1,436,362 —,mfr. of, acetone for, 1,429,267 —,—, alcohol for, 1,414,378; 1,429,267 ; 1,519,322 —,—, ale for, 1,162,371 —,alum for, 1,151,690; 1,162,371 —,amyl acetate for, 1,414,378; 1,429 267 —, amyl alcohol for, 1,429,267 : —,—, apparatus for, 1,517,606 —,asbestos for, 1,151,690; 1,277,108; 1,395,744; 1,414,378; — a 1,162,371; 1,414,383; — e_ oN 843 Brake lining, mfr. of (continued) LAt7 (778; VAIT 779% ¢ L418 007; 1,420,882 ; 1,420,883; 1,426,842; 1,517,606; 1,519,322 —,—,asbestos treated with alkali, earth hy- droxide for, 1,256,296 —, —, asphalt for, 1,277,108; 1,354,996; 1,395,744; 1,426,842; 1,429,267; 1,452,555 —,—, beer for, 1,162,371 —,—, benzene for, 1,277,108; 1,354,996 ; 1,414,378; 1,426,842; 1,429,267; 1,519,322 —,—, benzine for, 1,414,378 —,—, bitumen for, 1,414,378 —,—, bituminous material for, 1,429,267 —,—, bone for, 1,151,690; 1,162,371 —,—, canvas for, 1,512,451 —,—,carbon bisulfide for, 1,277,108; 1,354,996 —,—,carbon tetrachloride for, 1,277,108; 1,354,996 —,—,cement, Portland, for, 1,426,842 —.,—,China wood oil, hydrogenated and poly- merized, for, 1,895,744 —,—, clay for, 1,426,842 —,—, cork for, 1,512,451 — —, cotton for, 1,418,607; 1,452,555 —,—,cresol for, 1,429,267 —,—, diamino-naphthalene for, 1,354,996 —,—,felt for, 1,155,054 4, flax for, 1,277,108 —,—, formaldehyde for, 1,429,267 —,fusel oil for, 1,429,267 —,—,gasolene for, 1,277,108; 1,354,996 ; 1,414,383; 1,417,778; 1,417,779; 1,420,882; 1,426,842; 1,519,322 —,—,gilsonite for, 1,277,108; 1,354,996 ; 1,395,744; 1,414,383; 1,417,778; 1,417,779; 1,420,882; 1,452,555 —,—, grahamite for, 1,895,744 ,—, gum for, 1,414,378; 1,429,267 —,—, hemp for, 1,277,108 —,—,hexamethylenetetramine for, 1,277,108 ; 1,354,996 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,429,267 —,—, iron alum for, 1,151,690 —,—, iron(ic) alum for, 1,162,371 —,—, kaolin for, 1,426,842 2 a Tead, “redy for). 277,108; 1,354,996 ; 1,417,778 —,—, lead oxides for, 1,277,108; 1,417,778 —,—, lead oxide, red, for, 1,414,383 —,—, lead resinate for, 1,420,883 —,—, lead sulfide for, 1,417,779; ; 1,420,882 —,—,linseed oil for, 1,414,383; LALA CIS ae 1,417,779 ; 1,420,882; 1,420,883; 1,452,555 —,—, linseed oil, sulfurized, for, 1,417,779 —,—, magnesium sulfate for, 1,151,690; 1,162,371 —,—, methyl alcohol for, 1,155,054 —,—, N.N'-methylenebis-aniline for, 1,429 267 —, —, methylene-diphenylamine for, 1,418,607 —,—, mica for, 1,205,482 —,molasses for, 1,429,267 —,naphtha for, 1,426,842; 1,519,322 —,—,naphtha, coal tar, for, 1,414,378 —,—,—, petroleum, for, 1,414,378; 1,452,555 —,—, naphthol for, 1,429,267 —,oils for, 1,418,607 —,oil, drying, for, 1,429,267 —,—,—, mineral, for, 1,414,378 bs 2 bd 5 ’ 4 bd 844 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Brake lining, mfr. of, oil, oxidized, for, 1,429,267 —,—,—, vegetable, for, 1,414,378 —,—,paper pulp, sulfite, for, 1,420,883 mi paraformaldehyde for, 1,429 267 —, phenol for, 1,418,607; 1 429 267 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,418, 607; 1,426,842; 1,519,322 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensation product for, 1,429,267 —,—, phenol furaldehyde abide 322 —, p-phenylenediamine for, 1,354,996 —,—, pitch for, 1,429,267 —,—, process for, 1,151,690; 1,155,054 ; were oY d Kona | 168,810; 1,277,108; 1 "292 027: 1,414,378; 1,414,383; 1 ‘417 778: 1,418,607; 1,420,882; 1,420,883 ; 1,429,267; 1,480,143; 1,452,555; 1,517,606; 1,519,322 ASS resins for, 1,429 267 —,rosin for, 4 155 054; 1,429,267; 1,519,322 Sree ’ rubber for, 1 429 267; 1 517 606 —, shellac for, it 155, 054° See ‘soap, phenol aldehyde condensate, for, 1,519,322 —,—,—,rosin, for, 1,519,322 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,519,322 —,—,sodium resinate for, 1 519, 329 —, ’ starch for, 1,420,883 —,—, steel wool for, 1 418,607 —, sugar for, 1 429 267 —,—, sulfur for, 1 277, 108; 1,354,996; 1,417,779; 1,420, 882 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,519,322 —,—, tars for, 1,418, 607; 1 429, 267 —,— tetramethylenediamine for, 1,854,996 —,toluene for, 1,420,883; 1 519, 322 —,— trioxymethylene for, 1 429 267 —, turpentine for, 1, 155 054; 1 452,555 —,—, varnish for, 1 429, ‘267 —, vinegar, beer, for, 1,162,371 —,—,—, salt, for, 1 ,162 371 —,—, Wax for, 1 418 607 ; 1,426,842; 1,429,267 —,—, wool felt for, 1 155 054 —, marking of, ink, aluminum, for, 1,188,588 —, pin for securing of, construction of, 1,180,026 —,see also Clutch facing; Clutch ‘lining ; Fabric, frictional; Friction facing ; Friction lining ; Friction surface Brake shoes, filling composition for, formula, iron 24 parts, linseed oil (or China ‘wood oil) 7, asbestos 28, coke 32, 1,429,358 —, mfr. of, aluminum for, 1,168 810 —,—, antimony for, 1,205,482 —,—, asbestos for, 1,205,482; 1,242,069 —,—, brass wire for, 1,242,069 —,—, "cement, hydraulic, for, 1,136,936; 1,205,482 —,—,—, Portland, for, 1 1136 936; 1 205 (482 —,—, graphite for, P 167 826; A 168 810 payer Iron 100, 2 166 993 —,—, Iron, gray cast, for, 1,168,810 condensate for, —,—,—, hard, for, 1 167 826 —,—,—, white, for, 1 167 826 —,—, iron ore for, 1 205, 482 —,—, "lead for, 1 168, 810 — ‘linseed oil for, 1,167,826 —, oil for, 1,167 826 : Brake ‘shoes, mfr. of, process for, 1,136,936; 1,166,993; 1,167,826; 1,168,810; 1 202, 529; 1,205,482: 1,242,069" BAZ, sodium chloride for, 1,205,482 —,sodium silicate for, 1,167,826 —,—, steel for, 1,202,529 —,—, sulfur for, 1,205 jA82 —,tung oil for, 1,167 826 —, —,; wood for, 1,166 993 Bran, air, liquid, 1 473, 994 —, ale made with, 1,237,724 —, aluminum-potassium nitrate mixed with, 1,377,081 —, bacteria, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 — beer made with, 1,237,724 —, beer, coloring for, made with, 1,178,040 —,—, non-alcoholic, ‘made with, 1 262 ‘A72 — beer wort made with, 1,178 039 — ’ beverage made with, 1,237 (24; 1,249,259 1 276,298; 1,810,277; 1 326, 751: 1 414 Dod — , beverage, non-alcoholic, made with, 1,262,472 —,—, unfermented, made ‘with, 1,204 (869 —, beverage extract made from, 1 366 495 —,blast furnace gas, burner for, made with, 1 223,248; 1,223,249 —, bran extract made with, 1,189,023 — bread, flour for contg., 1 271 139 — ‘bread ingredient, 1,387 387 — carbon monoxide, ‘burner for, made using, 1,223,249 —, cattle feed made with, 1,199,864; 1,497,461 —, ‘cereal food made from raisins and, 1,382,963 —, chicory, roasting of using, 1,179 046 —,china grass, desizing of, using, 1,421 613 —, cleaning composition for windshields contg., 1,378,931 —, coal gas, burner for, made with, 1,223,248; 1,223,249 —, coffee, roasting of using, 1 179,046 —, coffee substitute made using, 1,133,037; 1,189,125; °1)310,277; | 1426 OL sae '348 ‘999: 1 414 B57. —, coffee substitute. extract made with, 1,163,759; 1,165,415; 1,177,037; 1,177 038 ; 1,198,393; 1 "199 387 : 1 204 358 _, coke oven gas, burner for, made using, 1,223,249 —, cotton, de-sizing of, using, 1,421,613 —, enzyme prepared with, 1 460, 736 —,ethyl alcohol made with, 1,472 044 —, explosive made with, 1,473 994 —, extracting, process for, 1 331 125 —, extracting ingredients of, apparatus for, 1,334,552 _, fat made with, 1,193,951 —, ; ferment, food stuff for, contg., 1,472,344 — ’ fertilizer made with, 1 268, 563 — , fireproofed, explosive contg., 1,456,341 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,456, 341 —, fireproofing, calcium chloride for, 1,456,341 —,—, hexachlorethane for, 1,456,341 —, Magnesium sulfate for, 1,456 o41 — sodium chloride for, i 456, 341 —,—,sodium phosphate for, ‘1 456, 41 — sodium silicate for, 1,456, 341 —, —} sodium thiosulfate for, 1,456 41 absorbent for, made with, INDEX OF Bran, flour contg., 1,271,139 —, flour, fruited, made with, 1,182,264 —,—, treatment of, using, 1,189,023 —, food made with, 1,261,995 —,food, breakfast, laxative, contg., 1,261,057 —, food product made with, 1,145,021; 1,163,175; 1,164,112; 1,167,127; 1,175,407; 1,178,039; 1,178,040; 1,182,264: 1,182,671; 1,182,860; 1,186,768; 1,189,124; 1,189,129; 1,189,130; 1,205,320; 1,206,804; 1,219,005; 1,271,139; 1.286.766: 1,382,963; 1,415,893; 1,426,756; 1,495,789; 1,503,547 —, gaseous, burner for, made with, 1,223,248; 1,223,249 —, fungi, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —,fungi grown on, 1,391,219; 1,421,613 —,fur skin, tanning of, using, 1,210,968 —,gasolene air gas, burner for, made using, 1,223,249 —, glycerol made with, 1,193,951 — , horse feed made with, 1,163,433 —, humic substances made with, 1,472,344 —, hydrocarbon, burner for, made with, 1,223,249 —, hydrogen, burner for, made with, 1,223,249 —, indigo, dyeing with, using, 1,239,526 —, iron, lead alloy coated, made using, 1,189,373 —,—,lead coated, made with, 1,189,373 —,—,tin alloy coated, made with, 1,189,373 —,—, zine alloy coated, made with, 1,189,373 —,—, zine coated, made with, 1,189,373 —,iron plates treated with, 1,342,484 —,iron treated with, 1,342,484 —,koji made with, 1,148,938; 1,263,817 —, lactic acid made with, 1,193,951 —, lead, iron coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —,—, metal coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —,—, steel coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —,lead alloy, iron coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —,—, metal coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —,—,steel coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —, malt substitute made with, 1,148,938 —, media contg., 1,400,374 —,medicinal oil by distillation of, 1,346,132 —,metal, lead alloy coated, made _ using, 1,189,373 —,—,lead coated, made using, 1,189,373 —,—,tin alloy coated, made using, 1,189,373 —,—, zine alloy coated, made using, 1,189,373 —,—,zine coated, made using, 1,189,373 —, methane, burner for, made using, 1,223,249 —,molds, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —,moyashi made with, 1,148,938 —, mucors, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —,natural gas, burner for, made with, 1,223,249 —,“pityrol” from by distillation, medicinal uses, 1,346,132 —,poultry food contg., 1,291,518 —,producer gas, burner for, 1,223,249 —, puffing, 1,426,756 —,ramie, de-sizing of, with, 1,421,613 —,silk, de-gumming of, using, 1,421,613 —, steel, lead alloy coated, made using, 1,189,373 —,—,lead coated, made using, 1,189,373 made _ with, SUBJECTS 845 Bran, steel, tin alloy coated, made with, 1,189,373 ‘—, —, zine alloy coated, made with, 1,189,373 —,—,zine coated, made with, 1,189,373 —,steel plates treated using, 1,842,484 —, steel treated with, 1,342,484 —,succinic acid made with, 1,193,951 —, tanning compound contg., 1,210,968 —, textile, de-sizing of, using, 1,421,613 —,tin alloy, iron coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —,—, metal coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —,—, steel coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —, toasting, 1,379,494 —, treating of, process for, 1,379,494 —, valve-stem packing contg., 1,429,455 —, water gas, burner for, made with, 1,223,248 ; 1,223,249 —, wheat, see Wheat bran —, whole-wheat product contg., 1,374,185 —, yeast, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —, yeast food made with, 1,190,827 —, zinc, iron coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —,—, metal coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —, —, steel coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —,zinc alloy, iron coated with, 1,189,373 —,—, metal coated with, made using, 1,189,373 —,—,steel coated with, made using, 1,189,373 Brandol, see Picric acid Brandy mint, see Peppermint Bran extract, flour, treatment of using, 1,189,023 —,fuel briquet made with, 1,140,395 —,mfr. of, aluminum cathode for, 1,189,023 ,—, apparatus for, 1,189,023 ,—, bean for, 1,189,023 ,—, bran for, 1,189,023 —,—, cereal for, 1,189,023 —,—, pea for, 1,189,023 —,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,189,023 —,—, platinum anode for, 1,189,023 —,—, potassium bisulfate for, 1,189,023 —,—, process for, 1,189,023; 1,311,125 —,—, seed for, 1,189,023 —,—, sulfate for, 1,189,023 —,—,tin cathode for, 1,189,023 Bran food, see Food product Bran hulls, food product made with, 1,153,925 Bran straw, bacteria, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —, ethyl alcohol made with, 1,472,344 —,ferments, food stuff for contg., 1,472 344 —, fungi, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —, humic substance made with, 1,472,344 —, molds, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 —,mucors, food stuff for contg., 1,472 344 —, yeast, food stuff for contg., 1,472,344 Brass, acid, organic, made with, 1,517,968 —,air, attack of on prevented, calcium bicar- bonate for, 1,319,508 —,—,—, permanganate for, 1,319,508 —,—,—, process for, 1,819,508 —,alcohols made with, 1,517,968 —, aldehyde made with, 1,517,968 —,alloy made with, 1,363,382; 1,468,828 —, aluminum, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,224,340 F 846 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 7 Brass, aluminum, alloy (superficial) of and, Brass, casting of, mold ies zine in, 1,454,064 mfr. of, process for, 1,224,339; 1,224,340 —,—,—, zine chloride in, 1,454 064 —,—, coating with of, apparatus for, 1,224,340 —, process for, 1172, 506: 1 243 416 ‘“—,—,—, process for, 1,224,339 ; 1224 340 De as sand mold "for, 1,172 506 —, aluminum in, eliminating, 1,375 930 —, sound, making, 1351 051 —, aluminum plated with, mfr. of, process for, —,—, zinc for, 1,248 ‘416 1,147,718 —, —, catalyst, acid, organic, made with, 1,517,968 —,aluminum soldered to, 1,415,925 ,—, alcohols made with, 1,517,968 —,analysis of, hardness test for making, —, aldehydes made with, 1,517,968 1,426,623 —,—, butyraldehyde made with, 1,517,968 —,antimony, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. —,—,butyric acid made with, 1,517,968 of, process for, 1,224,339 —,—, esters made with, 1,517,968 —,—, coating with of, process for, 1,224,339 —,—, ‘fatty acids made ‘with, 1,517 968 “ antiquing, LADS. 170 —,—, formaldehyde made with, 1 517 968 el ’ arsenic, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, —,—,ketones made with, 1,460, 876; 1,517,968 process ‘for, 1,224,339 —,—, ketones made from alcohols by, 1,450, 569 Soa here coating with of, process for, 1,224,339 —,—, maleic acid made with, 1,517,968 —,asbestos cement slate coated with, process —,—, malic acid made with, 1,517,968 for, 1,258,282 —,—, oxalic acid made with, 1 517, 968 —, asbestos composition coated with, process —, propionaldehydes made with, 1,517,968 for, 1,258,282 —,—, propionic acid made with, 1 517 968 — _ battery, ‘dry, made with, 1,331,763; 1,366,095; —,quinones made with, 1 517 968 1,516 632 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,517,968 — , battery electrode made with, 1,866,095 —,—, succinic acid made with, 1,517, 968 —,bearing made with, 1,341,938 ms ‘catalyst for acetone production from iso- —, bearing, antifriction, made with, 1,494,099 propyl alcohol, 1,412,233 —, benzene made with’ apparatus for, 1,282,906 —,catalyst in hydrocarbon dehydrogenation, — bimetallic article made with, 1,250,612; 1,412,933 1,250 862 — , cathode. made with, 1,468,838; 1,470,883 a bivinyl made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 —, ’ cathode of, iron deposited on, 1,412 174 —, blower made with, 1,430,561; 1,509,953 —, celluloid coating for, 1,146,336 —, borax as flux for, 1,309,165 —, cement, composition ‘conte. .. coated with, —,boron, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 process for, 1,224,339 —, chromium coated, mfr. of, chromium hydrox- —,—,coating with of, process for, 1,224,339 ide for, 1,496,845 - —, brick coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —,—,—, chromium trioxide for, 1,496,845 —, briquettes of, 1,439, 907 —,—,—, electrolytic process for, 1 ‘496 845 arity: of: asphalt for, 1,123,719 —,—,—,lead dioxide anode for, 1,496 845 Set eae, bitumen for, 1 123, 719 —,—,—, process for, 1,496,845 | —,—.—., coal tar pitch for, 1,123,719 —, +3)", Bulbine acid for, 1,496,845 : —,—,— process for, 1,123,719 —, circuit breaker made with, 1,368,095 | a resin’ for, 1,123,719 —, cleaner for, 1,253,353 =, -——, —~, soot, for; 1,428,719 —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,270,105 . ee tar for, 1,193°710 —, coated with phenol- formaldehyde condensa- ; —, brush, electric, made with, 1,202,818 tion products, 1,292,535 —,—,electric generator, made with, 1,366,095 —, cobalt, iridium, platinum alloy contg., com- —, bullet jackets of, 1,427,127 posite sheet of and made with, 1,130 077 —,butyraldehyde made with, 1,517,968 —,—, platinum, composite sheet of and made —, butyric acid made with, 1,517,968 with, 1,130,077 —,calcium, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, ——, platinum alloy, composite sheet of, process for, 1,224,339 and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, coating with of, process for, 1,224,339 —,—,—,iridium in, composite sheet of and —,calcium bicarbonate treatment with of, made with, 1,130,077 1,319,508 —, cobalt alloy, nickel in, platinum, composite —,carbon, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 | process for, 1,224,339 —,—,—, platinum alloy, composite sheet of : —,—, coating with of, process for, 1,224,339 and made with, 1,130,077 / —, cartridge case made with, 1,233,071 —_———; iridium in, composite sheet of and : —, cartridge made with, 1,205,942 Wenge with, 1,130,077 —,casting of, apparatus for, 1,243,416 —_——-,—, iridium, platinum alloy contg., com- | —,—,carbon mold for, 1,172,506 posite sheet of made with, 1,130,077 j —,—, copper for, 1,243,416 —, coloring, 1,428,170 ore, electric furnace for, 1,243,416 —, composition of, copper 72%, zinc 28%, —, graphite mold for, 1,172,506 1,326,775 —,—, graphite and sand mold for, 1,172,506 —,constituents separated in, process for, —,—,iron mold for, 1,172,506 1,452,813 —,—,mold for, lead jacketed, 1,454,066 —, contact point made with, 1,130,077 INDEX OF Brass, copper in, 1,252,887; 1,326,775; 1,468,828 —, copper cathode made with, 1,468,838 _—, copper colored with, 1,417,413 —, copper(ous) oxide made with, 1,402,986 —, copper sulfate made with, 1,446, 578; 1 468 988 —, crucible for melting of, mfr. of, alloy, chro- mium in, for, 1,241,971 —,—,—,—, cobalt in, for, 1,241,971 —,—,—,—, iron in, for, 1,241,971 —,—, —, —, manganese in, for, 1,241,971 —, —,—, —, nickel in, for, 1,241,971 —,—,—, chromium, alloy contg., for, 1,241,971 —,—,—, cobalt, alloy contg., for, 1,241,971 —,—,—, iron, alloy contg., for, 1,241,971 —,—,—, manganese, alloy contg., for, 1,241,971 ,—, —, nickel, alloy contg., for, 1,241,971 —,—,—, process for, 1,241 971 —, crystallizing surface of, ammonium chloride for, 1,207,910 —,—,copper(ic) sulfate for, 1,207,910 —,—, nitric acid for, 1,207,910 —,—, potassium cyanide for, 1,207,910 —, process for, 1,207,910 —,—, sawdust for, 1,207 910 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,207,910 —,decomposing electrolytically, 1,452,813 —, i, ey ian of, ink, lustrous, for, 1,216,637 —, lacquer for, 1,210,637 —,—, process for, 1 210, 637 —, shellac for, 1,210 637 —,—, ’ varnish for, 1,210,637 —, detonator made with, 1,438,431 —, dial-disk made with, 1,147,979 —, diaphragm made with, 1,366,095 —, diaphragm, phonograph, made with, 1,459,803 —,—,sound reproducing, made with, 1,459,803 — , diolefin made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 —, disk made with, 1,147,979 —, dissolving, chlorine and copper chloride for, 1,353,773 —,electric current, variations of, record for, made using, diaphragm made of, 1,213,613; 1,213,614; 1,213,615 —, electrode, welding, made with, 1,241,899 — ’ electrodeposition of, ammonium chloride for, 1,515,042 —,—, boric acid for, 1,515,042 —,—, copper cyanide for, 1,515,042 —,—, potassium cyanide for, 1 515 042 , process for, 1,515,042 —, sodium bisulfite for, 1,515,042 —, ‘sodium carbonate for, 1,515,042 —,—, , sodium cyanide for, 1,515 042 —,—, zine cyanide for, 1515, 042 os ’ engraving of, electrolyte ‘for, 1,273,482 —,esters made with, 1,517,968 —, ’ etched, electrolyte for, 1,291 310 — ’ etching of, acacia for, 1,276, 599 —,—, acetic acid for, 1,276, 599 —,—, albumen, egg, for, 1,276, 599 —,—, ’ alcohol for, 1,276 599 —,—, ammonium bichromate for, 1,276,599 —,ammonium chloride for, 1,276, 599 a apparatus for, 1,276,599 —,—, asphalt for, 1.276, 599 —, calcium chloride for, 1,276,599 process for, aaa ‘ae: b bd — 3 ’ 3 b] b Ty 3 > SUBJECTS 847 Brass, etching of, chromic acid for, 1,276,599 —,—, citric acid for, 1,276,599 —,—, dragon’s blood for, i ,276,599 —,—, electrolyte for, 1,273, 432 —,—,—, acetate in, 1314 839; 1,314,840; 1,314 841: 1,314,842 —_—,-,—, aluminum nitrate in, 1,314,839; 1 314 840: 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,—, —, ammonium acetate in, 1,314,839; 1 314 840; 1,314,841; 1,814,842 —, ammonium borate in, 1,314,839; a 314 840; 1,814,841; 1,314,842 —,—,—, ammonium chloride in, 1,314,839; 1 314 840; 1,314,841; 1,814,842 —, ammonium nitrate in, 1,314,839; ae 314 840: 1,314,841; 1,814,842 —,—,—, ammonium tartrate in, 1,314,839; 1 314 840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,—, —, ammonium sulfate in, 1,814,839; 1 314 840; 1,314,841; 1,814,842 —_—,—,— antimony ‘tartrate mn, (1,314,339; 1 314 840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,—, barium acetate in, 1 914,839; 1,314,840; wi 314 841; 1,314 842 — barium borate i in, 1,314,839; 1,314,840; ai 314 841: 1,314,842 —,—, barium nitrate in, 1,314,839; 1,314,840; ny 314, 841; 1,314,842 —, barium tartrate in, 1,314,839 ; a 3148 840: 1,314,841; 1,814,842 —,—4,—, borate in, 1,314 839; 1,314,840; 1 314, 841; 1,314,842 —, borax in, 1,814,839; 1,314,840; ny 314.8 841; 1,314, 842 — boron tartrate in, 1,314,839; 1,314,840; a 314, 841; 1,314,842 —,—, cadmium acetate in, 1,314,839; ay 314, 840: 1,314,841; 1,314, 842 — cadmium nitrate in, 1,314,839; ait 3148 840: 1,314,841; 1,314, 842 —,—,—, cadmium tartrate in, 1,314,839; 1 314, 840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 — —,— — calcium acetate in, 1 314,839; 1,314,840; 1 314, 841; 1,314,842 —,—,—, calcium nitrate in, 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1 yes 841; 1,314,842 —,—, — calcium tartrate in, 1,314,839; 1 314, 840: 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,—,—, chloride in, 1,314 839; 1,314,840; 1 314, 841; 1,314,842 —,—, — chromium acetate in, 1,314,839; 1 314, 840; 1,314,841; 1, 314, 842 —,—, chromium salt i in, 1 314,839; 1,314,840; ie 314, 841: 1,314,842 oe chromium _ sulfate in, 1,314,839 ; oy 314, 840: 1,314,841; 1,814,842 —,—,—, cobalt acetate in, 1,314, 839; 1,314,840; 1 314, 841: 1,314,842 —,—,—, cobalt nitrate in, 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1 314, 841: 1,314,842 —,—,—, copper acetate in, 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1 314, 841 - 1,314,842 —_,—, — copper nitrate in, 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1 314, 841: 1,314,842 ee hydrochloric acid in, 1,314,839; 1 314, 840: 1,314,841; 1,314,842 848 —,—,— iron (ic) —,—, —, lithium Sort age , Magnesium —,—, — , magnesium —,—,—, Manganese —,—,—, Manganese —,—,—, mercury —,—, — , potassium Brass, etching of, electrolyte for, iron acetate in, 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,841; 1,814,842 chloride in, 1 314, 840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,—,—, Iron nitrate in, 1,314 839 ; i 314, 841; 1,314,842 —,—,—, iron oxalate in, 1,314,839; 1 314, 841; 1,314,842 —,—, —, iron sulfate in, 1,314,839; 1 314, 841; 1,314,842 ——,—, iron tartrate in, 1,314,839; ¥ 314 841; 1,314,842 —,—, —., lead acetate in, 1,814,839; 1 314, 841; 1,314,842 —,—,—, lead nitrate in, 1,314,839; 1 314 S41; 1,314,842 —,—, —, lithium nitrate in, 1,314,839; 1 314 S41: 1,814,842 tartrate in, 1 314 840; 1 314 841; 1,314,842 acetate in, 1 314 840; 1 14, 841; 1,314,842 —, magnesium borate in, Ct 314 840: 1 314, 841; 1,814,842 nitrate in, 1 314, 840: 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —, —, —, Magnesium tartrate in, 1 314, 840; 1,314,841; 1,814,842 —, manganese acetate in, a4 314 840; 1,814,841; 1,314,842 borate in, 1 314 840: 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,—, Manganese nitrate in, vi 914,840; 1,814,841; 1,314,842 sulfate in, 1 314 840: 1,314,841; 1,314,842 ‘acetate in, 1 314 840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —, —, -meta-borate in, 1314, 839; 1 314 841; 1,314,842 —,—,—, nickel acetate in, 1,814,839; 1 314 841; 1,314,842 —,—,—, nickel nitrate in, 1,314,839; 1 314 S41; 1,314,842 —,—, — nickel sulfate in, 1,314,839; 1 314 841: 1,314,842 —,—, nitrate in, 1,314,839; sa 314 841; 1,314,842 —,—, —, nitric acid, 1,314,839; 1 314, 841: 1,314,842 —,—,—, oxalate in, 1,814,839; 1 314, 841: 1,314,842 —, potassium acetate in, 4 314 840: 1,314,841; 1,814,842 —, potassium borate in, ey 314,840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 "chloride in, 1 314, 840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —, potassium dichromate in, ry 314 840: 1,814,841; 1,314,842 — potassium nitrate in, Ta 914,840; 1,314,841; 1,814,842 —, potassium oxalate in, mh 314 840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —, potassium “tartrate in, an 314 840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 1,314,839 ; 1,314,840; 1,314,840; 1,314,840; 1,314,840; 1,314,840; 1,314,840; 1,314,840; 1,314,839 ; 1,314,839; 1,314,839 ; 1,314,839; 1,314,839 ; 1,314,839 ; 1,314,839 ; 1,314,839; 1,314,839 ; 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,840; 1,314,840; 1,314,840; 1,314,840; 1,314,840; 1,314,840; 1,314,839 ; 1,314,839; 1,314,839; 1,314,839; 1,314,839 ; 1,314,839; 1,314,839 ; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Brass, etching of, ication for, pyro-borate in, 1 314,839: 1 314 840; 1,314 841: 1,314,842 —,—,—, sodium acetate in, 1 314 839; 1 314, 840; 1 314, 841; 1,314,842 —,—, —, sodium borate i in, 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1 314 841; 1,314 842 —,—,— sodium 1 314 840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 chloride in, 1,314,839 ; —,—,—, sodium nitrate in, 1 014,839 ; 1,314,840; 1, 314, 841; 1,314,842 —,—, sodium 14 314 840: 1,314,841; 1,814,842 —,—,—, strontium 1 314 840; 1,314,841; 1,814,842 —_—,—-, strontium 1 314, 840: 1,314 eal; 1,314,842 —,—,—, sulfate in, 1 314 841; 1,314,842 —,—, —, sulfuric acid in, 1,314,839; 1 314, 841; 1,314,842 —,— —, tartaric acid in, 1,314,839; 1 314 841; 1,314,842 rt eres mre tartrate in, 1 314 S41; 1,314,842 —,—,— tin ‘nitrate in, 1,314,839; i 314, 841; 1,314,842 —,—,—,uranium acetate __in, 1 314 840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,—, uranium nitrate in, a 314, 840; 1,314,841; 1,314,842 —,—, —, zine acetate in, A 314, 839 ; 1 314 841; 1,314,842 —,—, —, zine borate in, 1,314,839; 1 314 841; 1,314,842 —,—, zine nitrate in, 1,314,839; vias 314 841; 1,314,842 La belaeen for, 1,276,599 —, glue, fish, 1,276,599 —,—, formic acid for, 1,276,599 tartrate in, nitrate in, . tartrate in, 1,314 899 ; 1,314,839 ; 1,314,839; 1,314,839; 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,840; 1,314,840; 1,314,840; 1,314,840; 1,314,839; 1,314,839; 1,314,840; 1,314,840; 1,314,840; —, hydrochloric acid for, 1,276,599 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,276,599 —, paraffin for, 1,276,599 —,—, potassium bichromate for, 1,276,599 —,—, process for, 1,276,599; 1,289, 022 —,—,resin for, 1,276, 599 —,—, ’ rock candy for, 1,276,599 —, salicylic acid for, 1,276,599 —, shellac for, 1,276,599 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,276,599 —,sulfurie acid for, 1,276,599 —,—, wax for, 1,276,599 —,etching electrolytically, 1,862,159 solutions for, —, ethane made with apparatus for, 1,282,906 —, ethylene made with apparatus for, 1 ‘982, 906 —,eyelet made with, 1,188,422 —,fan made with, 1,430 561; 1,509,953 —, fan blades made with, 1,430,561 —,fan hub made with, 1,430,561 —, fatty acids made with, 1,517,968 —,felt coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —,ferro-chromium as refractory lining for fur- naces for, 1,492,685 —, ferro-silicon as refractory lining for furnaces for, 1,492,685 ~~ a a SE eae a ee ee ee ee a a a oe ee : INDEX OF SUBJECTS Brass, ferro-vanadium as refractory lining for furnaces for, 1,492,685 . —, filings, intensifier contg., 1,397,788 —, flavoring compounds made with, 1,517,968 —, formaldehyde made with, 1,517, 968 —, formula, copper, 65.83%, ‘lead 2.314%, zine, 31 719%, 1 468,828 —, foundry ash, recovery of from, 1,309,165 —, furnace, electric, made with, 1,217,497 —,gasolene made with apparatus for, 1,282,906 —, glass as flux for, 1,309,165 —,gold coated, mfr. of, gold chloride for, 1, 208,507 —,—, —, potassium bitartrate for, 1,208,507 —,—,—-, potassium cyanide for, 1 208, 507 —,—,—, potassium iodide for, 1. 208, 507 —,—,—, process for, 1,208, 507 —, golf ball made with, 1,182, 605 —, golf ball, mold for, ‘made with, 1,491,816 —, gypsum, composition contg,., ‘coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —, hardness of, determining, 1,426,623 —, "hardness increased of, process for, 1,326,775 —, heat treatment of, lead for, 1,520 744 —, —, potassium chloride for, i 520, 744 —,—, process for, 1,520,744 —, —, sodium carbonate for, 1,520,744 —, hollow article made with, 1,506, 061 — , hydroazoie acid, action of on, 1 453,976 — , hydrogen in, eliminating, 1 351 051 —, invar, bimetallic bar of and, 1,250,862 —, iridium, platinum alloy contg., cobalt, com- posite sheet of and made with, 1,130 077 —,—,—, cobalt alloy, nickel in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —, —, —, iron, composite sheet of and made with, 1, 130 077 —,—,—,iron, alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, —, Hick, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130, 077 —,—,—, nickel alloy, 1,250,612 ; : cobalt in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130, 077 —,—,—, steel, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130, 077 —,—,—,steel alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —, iron, cast, impregnation of with, 1,511,063 —,— , coating of using, 1,125,158; 1 ,156, 169 —,—,compound body ‘of ‘and, mfr. of, process for, 1,180,248; 1,180,249 —,—, iridium, platinum alloy contg., composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, platinum, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,— platinum alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—, iridium in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130 077 —,—,sheet, corrosion resistant, made with, 1, 144, 106 —, iron, welding of using, 1,513,824 —,iron in, eliminating, 1,375 930 54 849 Brass, iron alloy, iridium, platinum alloy contg., composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, platinum, composite sheet of and made with, 1,180, 077 —,—, platinum alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—, iridium in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130 077 —, iron sheathed with, 1,270,871 —, isoprene made with ‘apparatus of, 1,282,906 — jewel (for measuring instruments), made with, 1,208,526 — _ kerosene made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 — ’ ketones made with, 1,517,968 —, lacquer for, see Lacquer —,lead in, 1,468,828 —,—, eliminating, 1,375,930 —,lead coated, mfr. of, antimony for, 1,501,293 —,—,— , hydrochloric acid for, 1,501 293 —,—,—, lead for, 1,501,293 —,—,—, nitric acid for, 1,501,293 —,—,—, phosphorus for, 1,501 5293 —,—,—, phosphorus sulfide (P.Ss), 1,501,293 —,—,—, phosphor-tin for, 1,501,293 —,—,—, process for, 1,501 293 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,501 293 —,—,—,zine for, 1,501 293 —,—,—, zine chloride for, 1,501,293 —, lead azide, action of on, 1,453 976 —, light, pulsations of, record of, made using diaphragm made of, 1,213,613; 1,213,614; 1,213,615 —, lightning arrester, electrode for, made with, 1,366,095; 1,488,936 —,lime, composition contg., coated with, proc- ess for, 1,258,282 —, magnetic material made with, 1,231,588 —, maleic acid made with, 1,517,968 —, malic acid made with, 1,517,968 —, manganese in, mfr. of, alloy, copper in for, 1 214,539 bie coer TON i fOr, 314.5890) »—,—, —, Manganese in ‘for, 1,214,539 ,—,—, phosphorus in, for, 1,214,539 —,—,—, copper in, alloy contg., for, 1,214,539 —,—,copper alloy, manganese in for, 0414 539 —,—,—, ferro-manganese for, 1,214,539 —,—,—,iron in, alloy contg., for, 1,214,539 —,—,—,manganese for, 1,214,539 —,—,—, Manganese in, alloy contg., for, 1,214, 539 —,—,—, Manganese, copper alloy contg., for, 1,214, 539 —,—,—, phosphor copper for, 1,214,539 —,—,—,phosphorus in, alloy contg., 1,214,539 —,—,—, process for, 1,214,539 —,mfr. of, barium chloride for, 1,423,922 —,—, copper for, 1,198,618; 1,243 16; 1,252,887 —,— ’ phosphorus for, 1,252, 887 —,—,process for, 1 198, 618; 1,243,416 ; t 252,887; 1,426, 623 —,—, ZINC ‘for, iL 198, 618; 1,243,416; 1,252,887 —’ melting, electric furnace for, 1,337,305 —,—,furnace for, 1,828,714; 1,350, 714 for, — 4s for, 850 Brass, melting, iron alloy vessel for, 1,229,770 —,—,iron ladle for, 1,208,717 —,—, process for, 1,208,717 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,208,717 —,—,steel ladle for, 1,208,717 —,mercury(ous) azide, action of on, 1,453,976 —, mercury fulminate, action of on, 1,453,976 —, metal, welding of using, 1,513,824 —, metals in, separating, process for, 1,452,813 —,metal plating, 1,397,514 —,mold, die casting, made with, 1,491,816 —,molded article made with, 1,506,061 —, nickel, iridium, platinum alloy contg., com- posite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, platinum, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,platinum alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—,iridium in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,nickel alloy, cobalt in, iridium, platinum alloy contg., composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—, platinum, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—,platinum alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—,—, Iridium in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,nickel plated, cathode, water, sterilization of using, 1,200,165 —,o1l, composition contg., coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —, olefin made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 —, oxalic acid made with, 1,517,968 —,papier-mache coated with, process 1,258,282 ; —,paper making machine roller made with, 1,239,895 —,paste board 1,258 282 —, permanganate treatment with of, 1,319,508 —,phonograph record, matrix for, mfr. of made with, 1,194,795 —, phosphorus in, 1,252,887 —, phosphorus, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, process for, 1,224,339 —,—, coating with of, process for, 1,224,339 —, photographic prints on, production of, cham- ois for, 1,346,140; Re-15,103 —,—,—, charcoal for, 1,346,140; Re-15,103 —,—, —, cotton batting for, 1,346,140; Re-15,103 —,—,—, dyestuff for, 1,346,140; Re-15,103 —,—,—, lacquer for, 1,346,140; Re-15,103 —,—,—, process for, 1,346,140; Re-15,103 —,——,—, pumice for, 1,346,140: Re-15,103 —, pickling of, bichromate for, 1,206,220 ,—, bisulfate for, 1,206,220 ,—, chlorate for, 1,206,220 —,—, chromate for, 1,206,220 —,—,niter cake for, 1,206,220 —,—, nitrate for, 1,206,220 —,—, perchlorate for, 1,206,220 —,—, potassium bichromate for, 1,206,220 —,—, process for, 1,206,220 —,—,sodium bichromate for, 1,206,220 —,—,sodium bisulfate for, 1,206,220 for, coated with process for, ’ _ UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Brass, pickling of, sulfuric acid for, 1,206,220 —, piperylene made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 —,pivet (for measuring instruments) made with, 1,208,526 —,platinum, cobalt, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,cobalt alloy, nickel in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, iron, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 = —,—,iron alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, nickel, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,nickel alloy, cobalt in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, Steel, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, steel alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,platinum alloy, cobalt, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,cobalt alloy, nickel in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, iridium in, cobalt, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—-,—-, cobalt alloy, nickel am, sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—,Iron, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—,iron alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—,nickel, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—,nickel alloy, cobalt in, sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—, steel, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—, steel alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, Iron, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,iron alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, nickel, composite sheet of and made with, 1,180,077 —,—,nickel alloy, cobalt in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, steel, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,steel alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 -—, polish for, 1,253,853; 1,456,151 —, powdered, welding with, 1,441,094 —,printing plate made with, 1,377,503; 1,379,480; 1,879,434 : -—, propionaldehyde made with, 1,517,968 —, propionic acid made with, 1,517,968 -—, propylene made with apparatus for, 1,282,906 ——, quinones made with, 1,517,968 —,recovery of process for, 1,468,988 —,refining, flux for, 1,454,351 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,517,968 —,—,compositign contg., coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —, resistance, electric, made with, 1,366,095 —, resistance wire, electric, made with, 1,192,457 composite composite INDEX OF Brass, roller made with, 1,239,895 —, rubber trimmed with, vulcanization of rub- ber for, process for, 1.289, 566 — , sandstone, calcareous coated with, process for, 1,258 282 —, sea-water, attack of on prevented, calcium bicarbonate for, 1,319,508 —,—,—, permanganate for, 1,819,508 —,—,—, process for, 1,319 508 —,selenium cell made with, 1,156,524 —, shot- -gun shell contg., ‘fiber impregnated with, 1,340,245 —, silicon, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, process for, 1,224,339 —,— , coating with of, process for, 1,224,339 — ’ silver coated, mfr. of, potassium bitartrate for, 1,208,507 —,—,—, potassium cyanide for, 1,208,507 . —,—,—, potassium iodide for, 1,208 507 —,—,—, potassium silver cyanide for, 1,208,507 —,—,—, process for, 1,208,507 —,silver recovery from photographie baths with, 1,425,935 —, silver ‘solder contg., 1,484,979 —,sodium, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, process for, 1,224,339 —,—, coating with of, process for, 1,224,339 —,sodium carbonate as flux for, 1,809,165 —, ‘solder made with, 1,281,126 —, ' solder for, mfr. of, process for, 1,252,010 —- ’ soldering compound for, 1,245, 862 —, soldering flux for, 1,324,892 —,sound record, made using diaphragm made of, 1,213,613; 1,213,614; \1,213,615 —,sound reproducing diaphragm of, coating, 1,459,803 —, steel coated with, 1,125,158 —,steel, coating of using, 1,156,169 —,—,compound body of and, mfr. of, process for, 1,180,248; 1,180,249 —,—, iridium, platinum alloy contg., composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, platinum, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, platinum alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,platinum alloy, iridium in, sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, welding of using, 1,513,824 —.,steel alloy, iridium, platinum alloy contg., composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, platinum, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,platinum alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—, iridium in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130, 077. —, steel tube coated with, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,125,159 —,—,—, borax for, 1,125,159 —, —, —, calcium chloride fort ,—,—, eryolite for, 1,125, 159 —,—,—, fluorspar for, 1,125,159 —,—,—, iron oxide (Fe:0,), for, 1,125,159 —,—,—, process for, 1,125,159 —,—,—, producer gas ‘for, 1,125,159 —,—,—,sodium chloride for, 1,125, 159 composite 1,125,159 SUBJECTS 851 Brass, steel tube coated with, mfr. of, sodium silicate for, 1,125,159 —,—,— , water gas ‘for, 1,125,159 —, stone, artificial, doated with, process for, 1,258,282 —,stone coated with, graphite for, 1,258,282 —-,-—, process for, 1,258,282 —,stone dye to resemble turquoise with, 1,316,227 —, substitute for, iron-copper alloy as, 1,455,589 —,succinic acid made with, 1,517,968 —,sulfur, alloy (superficial), of and, mfr. of, process for, 1,224,339 —,— , coating with of, process for, 1,224,339 — ‘tarnish prevented of, alcohol, denatured, for, 1,146,336 —.— amy]! acetate in composition for, 1,146,336 —,-—-, cedar oil/in composition for, 1 146 336 —,—, ’ celluloid in composition for, 1,146 336 --, telephone transmitter made with, 1,366 095 --, thermopile made with, 1,127 424 —-, thermostatic acid made with, 1 250,862 —, tinning, 1,481,395 —., tin-plating, electrolytically, 1,426,678 —, treatment of, copper alloy, magnesium in, for, 1,151,744 —,—,—, titanium in, for, 1,151,744 —,—, cupro-titanium for, 1,151,744 —,—, process for, 1,151,744 —, valve seat made of, 1,123,225 —, water, filter for contg., 1,276 ,129 — , welding of, apparatus for, 1 176 614 —,—, electric, process for, 1 134 007 —,—, molybdenum electrode for, 1,176,614 —-, —, process for, 1,126,655; 1, 176, 614 —, —, tungsten electrode for, i 1176, 614 —, ’ well torpedo made with, Lll 488 —, yellow, solder contg., 1 301 633 —,zinc in, 1,252,887; 1. 326 TTB: 1 468 828 —,— , eliminating, 1,375 930 —, zine, alloy (superficial) of and, mfr. of, ap- paratus for, 1,224,340 —,—, —; —; process for, 1,224,339; 1,224,340 —_—,— ’ coating with of, apparatus for, 1,224 040 “=, ">, Process for, - 224,339; 1,224, 340 —, zine sulfate made with, 1,468, 988 —,see also Alloy; Copper ‘alloy; Copper alloy, zinc in ; Zinc, copper alloy contg.; Zine alloy Brass alloy, solder made with, 1,281,126 Brass article, filling for joints of, mfr. of, alum for, 1,223,458 —,—, —, aluminum 1,223,458 —,—,—, barite for, 1,223, 458 —,—, —, barium sulfate for, 1,223,458 —,—,—, borax for, 1,223,458 —,—, —, process for, 1,223, 458 —,—, —, varnish for, 1,223,458 —,—,— ’ whiting for, 1,223, 458 Brass. castings, voids in, cement for filling, 1,359,137 Brass cement, brass grindings in, 1,359,137 —, formula, aluminum oxide, zinc ‘oxide, phos- phoric acid, 1,359,137 1,250,612: bronze powder for, 852 Brass cement, formula, aluminum phosphate and zinc oxide, 1,359, 137 —,—, calcium oxide and phosphoric acid, 1,359,137 —,—,magnesium oxide and phosphoric acid, 1 359, 137 Brass electrode, ammonia made with, 1,256,875 —, silicic acid made with, 1,182,394 Brass filings, brick, surfacing of using, 1,513,620 —, building material, surfacing of using, 1,513,620 | — , plaster, surfacing of using, 1,513,620 —, tile made with, 1,518,620 —, ‘tile, surfacing of using, 1,513,620 Brass gauze, battery, dry, electric connector for made with, 1,193,764 —,brush, electric, made with, 1,228,484 —,ozone made with, 1,218, 817 Brass grindings, brass cement contg., 1,359,137 Brassica rapa L, peroxidase made with, 1 324, 752 Brass mandrel, copper sheet made with, 1,282,261 —,copper tubing made with, 1,282,261 Brass plate, printing plate, halftone, with, 1,507,049 Brass powder, protecting coating of, beeswax in composition for, 1,181,889 —,—, benzene in composition for, 1,181,889 —,—, ‘benzine in composition for, 1,181 889 —,—, ‘carnauba wax in composition for, 1 181 889 —_—,— , olive oil in composition for, 1,181,889 —,—,resin in composition for, 1,181 889 —;—, turpentine in composition for, 1 181,889 —,—, Wax in composition for, 1,181 "889 made —, transfer metallic product made with, 1,515 (22 Brass roller, iron, lead, coating with of, using, 1,161,475 —,—,lead alloy, coating with of, using, 1,161 475 —, lead, iron coated mth using, 1,161,475 —, ‘lead alloy, iron coated with, using, 1,161,475 Brass sand blasting, hollow article made with, 1,506,061; 1,506,062 —, molded. article 1 006,062 Brass scrap, briquetting of, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,517,055 —,—, process for, 1,517,055 —, Iron- borosilicate for agglomerating, 1 881,748 — , melting apparatus for, 1,370,090 —, refining, 1,454,351 —, treating of, 1 375 930; 1,402,015 —,—, chlorine for, 1 375, 930 —,—, ; copper (ic) chloride for, 1,875,930 —,— » hydrochloric acid for, 1,375 930 Brac’ slag, copper in recovery of from, 1,309,165 Brass solution, aluminum, zinc plated, made using, 1,147, 718 Brass strip; film, motion picture, made with, 1,361,783 Brass substitute, copper in, 1,277,989; 1,279,448 —, iron in, 1 277, 989 made with, 1,506,061; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Brass substitute, lead in, 1,277,989 —, Manganese in, 1,279,448 —, mfr. of, antimony sulfide for, 1,138,845 —,—, copper for, 1,188,845 —, lead for, 1,138,845 —, process for, 1,138,845 —,—, tin for, 1,138,845 —, ’ nickel in, 1 277, 989 ; 1,279,448 —, phosphorus in, 1,277 989 —, zine in, 1,277 989 Brass tube, heat treatment of, apparatus for, 1,474,953 Brass tubing, annealing of, 1,292 352 —, mfr, of, apparatus for, 1,223, 282 —,—, process for, 1,223 (282 —, phonograph needle made with, 1,246,694 Brass ware, mending cement for, mfr, of, proc- ess for, 1 269,116 Brass wire, ‘brake shoe made with, 1,242,069 —, packing made with, 1,151,344 Brass wire netting, airplane covering material made with, 1,243,041; 1,243,654; 1,243,655 —,balloon covering material made with, 1 243,041; 1,243,654; 1,243,655 Brass wool, soap contg.., 1,328, 898 Braunite, ferro-manganeses made with, 1,480, 267 —,manganese made with, 1,480,267 —, manganese alloy made with, 1,480,267 —,see also Manganese ore; Manganese oxide Brazilian copal, see Copal, "Brazilian Brazilian resin, insulating-varnish made with, 1,149,171 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,149,171 Branton sugar, see Sugar, Brazilian Brazil nuts, food made with, 1,410,973 —, food product contg., 1,415, 893 —, shelling of, process for, 1,448, 520 —, treating of, apparatus ‘for, 1,448 ,020 —,—, process for, 1,448,520 Brazil nut oil, hydrogenating, 1,446,004 Brazil nut ‘shells, case hardening using, 1,343,359 _~, charred, carbonizing steel with, 1,343,359 Brazil wax, see Carnauba wax Brazil wood extract, aluminum sulfate, compo- sition contg., and, 1,273,293 —,copper sulfate composition contg., and, 1,273,293 —, cotton dyed with, 1,273,293 —,iron sulfate, composition contg., and, 1,273,293 —, mordant, composition contg., and, 1,273,293 —, silk dyed with, 1,273,293 —; sodium carbonate, composition contg., and, 1,273,293 —, wool dyed with, 1,273,293 Brazing, flux for, see "Brazing flux —, method of, 1,455,307 Brazing compound, formula, slaked lime, sand, borax, iron filings, 1,849 966 Brazing flux, mfr. of, alumina for, 1,502,144 oe aluminum for, 1,502,144 —,—, ’ borax for, 1,275 412; 1,502,144 —,—, ; calcium hydroxide for, 1 502 144 —.—.cochineal for, 1,502, 144 _—,—, sodium phosphate INDEX OF SUBJECTS Brazing flux, mfr. of., gold chloride for, 1,275,412 aa potassium chlorate for, 1,502, 144 —, potassium perchlorate for, 1,502, 144 —,—, process for, 1,428,088; 1 502, 144 —,soda ash for, 1 275 412 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,275,412 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,275 A12 Brazing material, mfr. ‘of, borie acid for, 1 215, 138 —_—,— —, cadmium for, 1,215,138 —,—, cadmium alloy ‘for, 1,215,138 —,—,copper for, 1,215,138 —,—, process for, 1 315 138 —,—, silver for, 1,215, 138 —,—, ’ silver, sterling, for, 1,215,138 —,—, silver alloy for, 1,215 138 (Na:HPO.) ; for, 1,215, 138 -—, see also Solder; Flux Bread, amyl 1,155,530 — , baking of, alcohol recovered from, 1,314,082 —, barley, mfr, of, process for, 1,264 876 —, bean, mfr. of, process for, 1,264 876 — bran, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,148 815 —,—,—, process for, 1,148,815 —,—,—, sodium chloride for, 1,148,815 —,—, —, sugar for, 1,148,815 —,—,—, vinegar for, 1,148,815 —,—,—, wheat bran. for, 1,148,815 —,—,—, wheat flour for, 1 148 815 ,—,—, wheat germ for, 1 148, 815 —,—,—, yeast for, 1,148 815 —, buckwheat, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —, calcium peroxide in, 1,370,354 —, * carbon dioxide, saturation with of, 1,155,530 —, carrot, mfr. of, process for, 1,264 876 butyrate, flavoring with of, —, cassava, mfr. of, process for, 1,264 876 —, cereal, mfr, of, process for, 1,264 876 —,cold for increasing yield of from flour, 1 312,842 — , concentrated, mfr. of, 1,293,772 —, flour for, bran in, 1,271,139 —,—,corn meal in, 1,271,139 —,rye flour in, 1,271,189 —,—, shorts in, 1,271, 139 —,—, wheat flour in, 1,271,139 —-,—, wheat flour, whole, Myed.a741389 —,food product made with, 1,160 783 —,germ, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,148,815 —,—,—, process for, 1,148,815 , 5] bd - —,—,—, sodium chloride for, 1,148,815 —,—,—, sugar for, 1,148,815 oo Vinecar for, 1,148,815 ,—,—, Wheat bran for, 1,148,815 —, wheat flour for, 1,148,815 —,—, wheat germ for, 1,148,815 —,—,—, yeast for, 1,148,815 —, keeping qualities of, improving, peroxides for, 1,385,842 —, lanolin in, 1,345,680 —, "laxative, mfr. of, eggs for, 1,803,724 —,—,-, milk for, 1,303, 724 —,—,— ’ prepared flour ‘for, 1,303,724 —,—,—, yeast for, 1,303, 724 _, ’ maize, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,356,127 853 Bread, oe of, acid, organic, for, 1,131,698 —,—,air for, 1,203 361 —,— —, alkali bromate for, 1,148,328 —,—, ‘alkali iodate for, 1,148 328: 1,148,329 —,—, alkali phosphate, tribasic, for, 1,179 877 —,—, alkali sulfates in, 1,300 604 —,—,alum for, 1,215,995 —,—, ammonium bitartrate for, 1,158,933 —,—,ammonium carbonate for, 1,190 827 —,—,ammonium chloride for, 1,151,526; 1,158,933; 1,213,210; 1,325,327 —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,190,827 —,—, ammonium iodate for, 1 148 328: 1,148 329 —,—,ammonium lactate for, 1,190 827 —,—,ammonium phosphate for, 1,500 545 —,—, ammonium salts for, 1 148 828; 1,158,933; 1,242,396; 1,325,327 —,—,ammonium tartrate for, 1,131,698 —,amylase for, 1,355,128; 1 355, 129 —,—, apparatus ‘for, ‘ 143 13: 1,213,627 ; Bie 293; 1,506,831 —, Arkady for, 1,502,888 —,—, arrow-root for, 1 215 ,995 —,—, Aspergillus oryzae for, i Wiis 7 | —,—, bacteria, B. mesenterious vulgatus, for, 1,222, 304 ,—,—,B. mycoides for, 1,222,304 —,—,—, B. subtilis, for, 1,222 304 — Seat lactic acid, for, 1,179 877; 1,190,827; 1,355,128 —, barley malt for, 1,226,347; 1,262,506; 1 355, 128; 1,855,129 —,— barley sprouts for, 1,855,128; 1,355,129 —, beans for, 1,222 304 —, blood serum for, 1,277,336 —, bran for, 1,190 827: 1,474,746 ’ brewers grain for, 1,269 754 —, bromates fori 148 328 —, bromelin for, 1 179 877 — ’ bromic acid for, 1 148 328 — butter tort 294 492 : 1,323,367; 1,326,276 — buttermilk for, 1 222 304; a 500, 545 —, buttermilk, evaporated, ‘for, 1,170,474 —,—, —, powdered, for, 1,493,685 —, —, calcium carbonate for, 1 ,190,827 ; 1,474,746 —,—, * calcium chloride for, 1,213 210 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1 190, 827 —, calcium hypochloride for, 1,131 ,698 —,calcium iodate for, 1,148, 328: 1,148,329 —,—, calcium lactate for, 1,190, 827 —,—, calcium oxide for, 1,190, 827 —, —, calcium phosphate for, 1,191,047 —,—,calcium phosphate (Ca(H.POu,):), 1,282,868 —,—,—, (CaH:(POs:)2), for, 1,210,940; 1,497,477 —,—,—, (CaHsP2Os), for, 1,158,933; 1,158,934 —,—,—, acid, for, 1 474, 746; 1 500, 545 ——, ehlcuae salts for, 1,148, 328 « 1,158,933 ; 1,158,934; 1,242 396 ; 1,282,863; 1,325,327 ; 1,502,888 —,—, calcium sulfate for, 1,151,526; 1,158,933; 1,158,934; 1,242,396; 1,282,868; 1,325,327; 1,474,746; 1,502,888 —,—, carbon droxide for, 1,502,563 —,—, casein for, 1,222,304 —,—, cereal for, 1,190,827 for, 854 Bread, mfr. of, cheese for, 1,222,304 —,—, citrate for, 1,272,220 —, cocoa for, 1,505,236 —,—,cocoanut butter for, 1,277,336 —,—, cocoanut press cake for, 1,222,304 —,—,composition for use in, 1,855,127; 1,355,128; 1,355,129 —,—,controlling, hydrogen ion determination for, 1,429,526 —,—, corn for, 1,274,898; 1,325,327; 1,355,128 —,—, corn croppings for, 1,247,349 —,—,corn flakes for, 1,247,349; 1,269,754 —,—, corn flour, 1,215,995; 1,226,347; 1,262,506; 1,272,220 —,—,corn germs for, 1,474,746 —,—, corn grits for, 1 247 349; 1,269,754 —,—, corn meal for, 1.247, 349 : 1.272, 220 —,—,corn starch for, 1,247, 349: 1,272, 220 —, cotton seed flour for, 1,276 ATT —, cotton seed oil for, 1,204, 280; 1,204,281; 1210, 940; 1,242,883; 1 323, S07 Sel 326, 276 —,—, cotton seed oil, hydrogenated, for, 1,204,280; 1,204,281; 1,210,940; 1,242,883; 1,823,367; 1,326,276 —,—, dextrin for, 1,855,127; 1,855,128; 1,855,129 —,—,dextrose for, 1,210,588; 1,232,758; 1,247,349; . 1,855,127; 1,855,128; . 1,855,129 —,—, disastase for, 1,247,849; 1,262,506; 1 355, 1273) 1,855,128) 1,555,129 —,—, enzyme for, 1,355,128 —,—, enzyme, diastatic, for, 1,274,898; 1,325,327 —,—, —, proteolytic, for, 1 179 877: if 274, 898 ; 1,325,327 5 1,855,127 a farina for, 1 5232, 758 —,—, fat for 277 336; 1,493,685 —,—, fat, hard, in, 1,323,367 —,—,ferment, diastatic, for, 1,474,746 —,—, —, proteolytic, for, 1, 474, 746 —,—,flour for, 1,151 526; 1, 152 087; 1,158,933; 1,158,934; 1,170,474; 1,178,459; 1,179,877 ; 1,191,047 ; 1,215,995; 1,274,898; 1,323,367; 1,355,128; 1,204,280 : 1,226,347: 1,277,336; 1,325,327 : 1,355,129 ; 1,204,281 : 1,232,758; 1,282,868: 1,326,276: 1,474,746; 1,210,588 ; 1,242,883 : 1,300,604; 1,355,127; 1,493,685 ; 1,500,545; 1,502,888 —, fructose for, 1,355,129 —,fungus for, 1,274,898 —,—, fungus, Asperigillus genus, for, 1,274,898 —,—,—, Asperigillus oryzae, for, 1,274, 898 —,—, gelatin for, 1,493,685 —,—, glucose for, 1,355, 129 —,—, glutamic acid hydrochloride for, 1,222,304 —,—, gluten for, 1,502,888 —, graham flour for, 1,148,328; 1,148,329 —, grain for, 1,226, 347 —., grain, germinated, for, 1,235,420 —,—,—, malted, for, 1,355, 127 whole, “for, 1, 167, 703 —,—, “ grain wine ” for, 1,226 047 —,—, * hominy for, 1,232 758; 1,274, 898 —,—, honey for, 1,505, 236 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,181,698; 1,855,127 —,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,225 877: 1 (225, ‘878 —,lodates for, 1,148, 328: 1 148 329 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bread, mfr. of, iodic acid for, 1,148,328, 1,148,329 =; lactic 1,131,698; 1,170,474; 1,179,877 ; 1,247,349; 13551276 1,500,545 —,—,lard for, 1,214,160; 1,224,492; 1,226,347; 1,258,793; 1,823,367; 1,326,276; 1,474,746; 1,500,545; 1,502,888 —, lecithin for, 1,277,336 —,levulose for, 1,855,129 —,—, lime for, 1,242,896 —, magnesium carbonate for, 1,190,827 —, magnesium hydroxide for, 1,190,827 —, magnesium lactate for, 1,190,827 —, magnesium oxide for, 1,190,827 —, magnesium phosphate for, 1,191,047 —,magnesium salts for, 1,242,396 —,—, malt for, 1,190,827; 1,247,349; 1,500,545; 1,502,888 —,—, malt extract for, 1 ATA, 746 —,—, maltose for, 1,269,754; 1,855,127; 1,505,236 —, malt peptase for, 1,179,877 —, ’ malt sprouts for, 1,247, 349 —,mazam for, 1 247, 349 acid for, 1,191,047; iid ru b mag ens Ore) ney) iaege Sra, ’ 1,493,685 ; 1,190,827; 1,247,349; 1,214,160; 1,355,128; 1,247,349; 1,355,129; Re bd) aie) milk for, 1,158,933; 1,158,934; 1,204,280; 1,204,281; 1,122,304; 1,242,883; 1,274,898; 1393367: 1.326.276: 1,474,746; 1,500,545; 1,502,888 , milk, evaporated, for, 1,170,474 —,—, * milk powder for, 1, 152, 087; 1,474,746 —, —, nitrogen tetroxide for, 1, 143 413 1,204,281 ; THe ++) oil for, 277oo0 —,—, oil, animal, for, 1, 323, 367 —,—,—,—, hydrogenated for, 1 204,280 ; 1,204, 281; Wl ,242 883; 1,326, 276 —,—, — hydrogenated, in, 1,323,367 —,—,—,vegetable, for, 1,204,280; 1,204,281; 1 ,210,940; 1,242,883 ; i 323, 367; 1 ATA, 746 1,204,280 ; —,—, h: ydrogenated, for, 1,204, 280 ; 1264, 281; 1 "949 883; 1,326,276 —,—, oleo oil for, 1,474, 746 —,—,oleo-stearin for, 1,204,280; 1,204,281; 1,242,883; 1,823,367; 1,326,276 —,—, oxygen for, 1 143 413: 1,203,361 —,ozone for, 1 225, 877; 1 225 878 —, papain for, 1 179 877 —, peas for, 1 222 304 —,—, pea bran for, 1,247 049 —, peanuts for, 1 505, 236 —,—, peanut butter for, 1,277,336 —, pepsin for, 1,179, 877: 1 500 045 —,—, phosphates for, 1,190,827; 1,242,396 —, phosphoric acid for, 1,500,545 —,—, potassium bitartrate for, 1,272,220 —,—,potassium bromate for, 1,148,328; uate 526; 1,213,210; 1,825,827; 1,497 477 —, potassium iodate "for, 1 148 328: 1,148,329 —,—, potassium persulfate for, 1 497 ATT: —,—, potassium phosphate for, 1,191 047 —, potassium salts for, 1 190, 827: 1,242 396 ; VLbO: 888 INDEX OF Bread, mfr. of, potato flour for, 1,277,336 SUBJECTS 85 Cr Bread, mfr. of, vitamine A for, 1,474,746 —,— vitamine B for, 1,474 746 —,vitamine C, antiscorbutic, for, 1,474,746 — — ,—, water for, 1,152,087; 1,158,933; 1,158 934; WE Rye ee 204 280; i 204 281; 1 225 ‘877; 1 242,396 ; 1 ATA 746 —, water, mineral, for, 1,213. 210 — ’ wheat for, 1 167, 703; 1,255,292; 1,255,293 —,— ’ wheat, germinated, for, 1,167 703 | 1,225,878; he wheat bran for, 1,179,877: 1.247.349 —,—,Wheat flour for, 1 203, 361: 1 214,160 ; 1,224,492; 1,226,347; 1 247 349; 1,258,798 ; __ 1,262, 506: 1,272 920: 1 505 236. —, wheat flour, bleached, for, 1,131,698 —,—, hard, for, 1,148 328: 1 148 o29 —,—, whole grain for, 1,213, 627 —,—, process for, 1,181,698 ; 1,143,413; 1,148,328; 1,148,329; 1,151,526; 1,152,087; 1,155,530; 1,158,933; 1,158,934; 1,167,703; 1,170,474; 1,177,345; 1,178,459; 1,179,877; 1,190,827; 1,191,047; 1,203,361; 1,204,280; 1,204,281; 1,210,588; 1,210,940; 1,213,210; 1,213,627; 1,214,160; 1,215,995; 1,222 304; b224,402>) 1225877; 1,295,878: 1 296, 347: 1,232,758; 1,235,420; 1,242,396; 1 542. 883 : 1,247,349; 1,251,044; 1,255,292; 1.255 293: 1,258,793; 1 262 506: 1,269,754; 1 9272 220; 1,274,898; 1 277. pao; 1,805,724") 1 326 276: 1,355,127; 1,355 128: A peat Mel i! ‘387, 387: 1451 525: 1 438,441 ; 1,447,054; 1 450,483 : 1,474,746; 1,493,685; 1,497,477; 1,500,545 : 1,502,563; 1,502,888; 1,505,236; 1,506,831 —, protease for, 1 355 127; 1,355,128 =—,—, protein for, 1,474 746 —,—,raisins for, 1,505 236 =~ tice for; 1 247, 349: 1,269,754 a) Tice flour for, 1,226 347: 1,247,349 -——=) tice meal for, 1 247 349 —,—,rice polishings for, 1,474 5746 —,—,rye for, 1,167 703 : 7 213 627; oe 293 —,rye, germinated, for, 1,167,703 —,rye bran for, 1,247 349 —,rye flour for, i 148 828; 1,148,329 —,rye malt for, 1 "355, 128; 1,855,129 —,rye malt dough for, 1,178 459 —,—,saccharose for, 1,247 349 —., shortening for, 1,232 758 1,255 292 ; Sea wheat germs for, 1,474 746 — wort for, 1,269 754: 1 355 127 " —,—, sugar, —,—, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,170,474; 1,210, 940 —,—,sodium bromate for, 1,148,328; 1,497,477 —,—, ‘sodium chloride for, 1, 151 526; 1,158 933: 1,158,934; 1,170,474; 1 177 345: 1,178,459: 1,179,877 ; 1,191,047: ; 1.204.280 me r204 281; 1,210,940: 1,214,160; 1,222,304; 1,224,492; 1,226,347; 1,232,758; 1,242,883; 1,255,293; 1,258,793; 1,272,220; 1,274,898; 1,323,367; 1,325,327; 1,326,276; 1,355,127; 1,355,128; 1,355,129; 1,474,746; 1,500,545; 1,502,888 —,—, sodium iodate for, 1 148 328 ; 1,148,329 —,—, sodium phosphate (NaH.PO,), for, 1,210, 940 —,—, sodium salts for, 1,502,888 —,—, starch for, 1,170,474; 1,215,995; 1,247,349; 1,493,685 —,—,starch, gelatinized, 1,232,758; 1,262,506 —,steam for, 1,225,877; 1,225,878 —,—,sucrose for, 1,855,129; 1,505,236 —,—, sugar for, 1,158,933; 1,158,934; 1,179,877; 1,190,827; 1,214,160; 1,224,492; 1,226,347; 1,232,758; 1255:293; | 1,258,793; / 1,272,220; 1,474,746; 1,498,685; 1,500,545; 1,505,236 1,262,506 ; 1,355,128 —, —, —, invert, for, 1,855,129 —,—, sulfuric acid for, Lb 131 698 —,—,sunflower seed oil for, 1,277 336 —,—., tartaric acid for, 1,131 698; 1.272 220 —;—, tubers for, 1 225, ‘877; 1,225,878 for, 1,210,588; 1,170,474; 1,215,995; 1,247,349 ; 1,274,898 ; 1,502,888 ; 1,355,127; cane, for, —, yeast for, 1,148,328; 1,148,329; 1,151,526: 14152087: 1158 933; 1,158,934; 1.178/459: 1,179,877; 1,191,047: 1.203.361: 1.204'280: 1,204,281; 1,214,160: 1/222'304: 1'294”499: 1,232,758; 1,242,396; 1,242,883: 1.247'349: 1,255,293; 1,258,793; 1,262,506; 1.269.754: 1,272,220; 1,274,808; 1.323367: 1.326276: 1,355,127; 1,355,128; 1,355,129; 1,474'746: 1,493,685; 1,500,545: 1,502,888” —,—, yeast food for, ‘a 190 827: 1,213,210 —,—, yeast substitute for, 1,226 347 —,—, see also Baking powder; Shortening —, media contg., 1,400,374 —, mice, killing of with composition contg., 1 178 941 —,nut flour in, 1,849,753 —,oat, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —, paper, paraffined, made ‘for wrapping of loaves of, 1,171,461 —, pea, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —, peanut flour i in, 1,349,753 —, peroxides used in mfr. of, 1,385,842 —, potatoes in, 1,376,334 —, potato, mir. of, process for, 1,264,876 —,rats, killing of with composition contg., 1 178, 941 —,rice, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —,rye, mfr. of, malt for, 1,235,330 —,—,—, process for, 1,235,330; 1,264,876 —,—,—,rye flour for, 1,235,330 —,—,—, yeast for, 1,235,330 —, salt-rising, mfr. of, bacteria for, 1,149,839 —,—,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,149,839 —,—,—, corn meal for, 1,149,839 —,—,—, flour for, 1 149, 839 —,—,—, lard for, 1 149 839 —,—,—, leaven for, 1 149 839 —,—,—, milk for, 1 149, 839 —,—,—, process for, 1 149, 839 —,—,—, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,149,839 —,—,—, sodium chloride for, 1 149 839 —,—,—, wheat flour for, 1 149 839 —,soya bean flour, dicalcium hydrogen phos- phate, salt, butter, yeast, and flour in, 1,356,988 —, stale, freshening of, apparatus for, 1,152,241 —,—,—, process for, 1,152,241 —,—,—, steam for, 1,152,241 —,staling of, preventing, 1,411,203; 1,411,204 856 Bread, starch, modified, in, 1,411,203; 1,411,204 —, sterilization of, aluminum for, 1,200,651 —,—, cardboard for, 1,200,651 —,—, celluloid for, 1,200,651 —,—, ’ glass for, 1 200 651 petal for, 1,200 651 —,—, mica for, 1,200 651 —,—, paper for, 1 200 651 —,—, paper, macerated, for, 1,200,651 —,—,—, metallic, for, 1 ,200, 651 Brrr? waterproof, for, 1,200, 651 —, parchment for, 1,200 651 —,—, process for, 1,200 651 —,—, strawboard ‘for 41,200,651 —,—,tin plate for, 1,200 651 —,—, wood pulp for, 1,200, 651 —, turnip, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —, vermin, killing of with composition contg., 1,178,941 —,vitamine in, mfr. of, 1,450,483 —, vitamine-contg., mfr. of, 1,431,525 —, vitamine-rich, mfr. of, 1,438,441 —, whole-wheat, mfr. of, butter-milk 1,254,494 —,—,—, cotton seed oil for, 1,254,494 —,—,—, flour for, 1,254,494 —,—,—, milk-sour for, 1,254,494 for, —, —,—, oil, vegetable, for, 1,254 494 —,— ‘olive oil for, 1 254 ‘494 —,—,—, process for, 1,254,494: 1,255, 293; 1,264,876 —,—,—, sodium chloride for, —,—,—, sugar for, 1,254,494 —,—,—, yeast for, 1,254,494 —, wrapper for, mfr. of, paper, rice, for, 1,168,254 —,—,—,—, tissue, for, 1,168,254 —,—,—, paraffin for, 1,168,254 neva) Process. LOr, 1, 168, 204 — yield of, increasing, ‘cold for, 1,372,842 —, see also. Dough; Flour ; Food product Breadcrumbs, food product made with, 1,240,165 Bread dough ingredient, 1,355,127; 1 355, 128 Bread fruit, starch made with, 1 156 801 Bread improver, see Yeast food Breakfast food, barley, mfr. 1,264,876 —,bean, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —, buckwheat, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —,carrot, mir. of, process for, 1,264,876 —,cassava, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —, cereal, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —, maize, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —, mfr. of, corn flour for, 1,129,440 —,—, process for, 1,129,440 —,—, starch, pebble-like, for, 1,129,440 —,oat, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —,pea, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —, potato, mfr. of, process ‘for, 1,264 876 —,rice, mfr. of, process for, 1,264 876 —,—, popped, as, 1,266,448 —,rye, mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —, turnip, mfr. of, process ‘for, 1.264, 876 —, wheat, whole, ‘mfr. of, process for, 1,264,876 —, see also Food product. Breaking engine, metal for, mfr. of, calcium carbonate for, 1,235,071 —,—,—, iron turnings for, 1,235,071 1,255,292; 1,254,494 of, process for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Breaking engine, metal for, mfr. of, magnesium carbonate for, 1,235,071 —,—,—, process for, 1,235,071 Breccia, see Rock —,andesitic tufaceous, see Andeistic tufaceous breccia —, tuffaceous, see T'uffaceous breccia Breech block, gas check pad for, mfr. of, asbes- tos for, 1,229,662 —,—,—, benzine for, 1,229,662 —,—,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,229,662 —,—,—,ceresin for, 1,229,662 —,—,—, coal tar for, 1,229,662 ,—, —, colza oil for, 1,229, 662 —,—,—, ’ gasolene for, 1,229, 662 —,—,—, grease for, 1,229, 662 —,—,—, oil for, 1,229 662 —,—,—, paraffin for, 1 ,229 662 —,—,—, petroleum for, 1,229, 662 —,—,—, petroleum ether for, 1,229,662 —,—,—, petroleum spirit for, 1,229,662 —,—,—, process for, 1,229 662 —,—, wax for, 1,229,662 Bregeat process, solvent 1,439,128; 1,440,108 Brenzcaine, see Guaiacol-benzyl ester Brenzcatechin, see Pyrocatechol Brenzkatechin, see Pyrocatechol Brevicite, see Natrolite Brewers extract, beer, non-alcoholic, made with, 1,262,472 —, beverage, non-alcoholic, made with, 1,262,472 Brewers grain, bread made with, 1,269,754 —, cattle feed contg., 1,260,827 —, drying of, process for, 1,204,845 Brewery slop, butyric acid from, 1,405,055 Brewing, corn grits for, 1,186,894 —,corn meal for, 1,186,894 —,dextrin for, 1,186,894 —, glucose for, 1,186,894 —, process for, 1,146,793; 1,186,894 —, residues from, fungi grown on, 1,391,219 —,rice grits for, 1,186,894 —,rice meal for, 1,186,894 —, starch for, 1,186,894 —, ’ starch product ‘made for use in, 1,175,113; 1 175,114; 1,186,894 —, sugar, cane, for, 1,186,894 Brewing apparatus, mir. sot, 1,493,191 Briar root substitute, tobacco pipe made with, 1,455,396 Briar wood, pipe made with, 1,214,887 Brick, alloy coated, mfr. of, process for, 1 258 ,282 recovery using, iron alloy for, ae) INDEX OF SUBJECTS Brick, aluminum coated, mfr. of, process for, (1,258,282 —,aluminum oxide in, 1,256,042 —, ’ artificial, cutting of, air ‘for, 1,494,003 —,—,— apparatus for, 1,494 003 —,—,—, borax for, 1 494 003 =; —, coal for, 1 494 003 —,—,—,iron for, 1,494 003 —,—,—, iron(ic) oxide for, 1,494,003 —,—,—, metal for, 1,494 003 —,—,—, oxygen for, 1 494 003 —,—,—, process for, 1,494 0038 »—, —, sodium carbonate for, 1,494,003 —,—,— ’ sodium chloride for, 1,494 003 —,— "see also Stone, artificial. —, ’ asbestos shingle made with, 1,244,148 —, asphalt in, 1; ,269 649 i sir impregnation with of, apparatus for, —,—,—, process for, 1,176,284 —, asphalt impregnated, mfr. of, process for, 1,261,114 — ,asphaltum, artificial, colored, with, 1,465,317 —, bitumen, impregnation with of, apparatus for, 1 176, 284 —,—,—, process for, 1,176,284 —, ’ brass coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —, bronze coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —,burning of, apparatus for, 1,175,246; 1,175,247; 1,239,189 —,—, process for, 1,175,246; 1,175,247; 1,239,189 —, calcium carbonate in, 1,256,042 —,carbon, mfr. of, 1,489,510 —,catalyst, hydrocarbon 1,229,098 —, catalyst in oil cracking, 1,386,768 —,cement in, 1,269,649 —,chamotte, case hardening process using, 1,247,863 —,—,furnaces, lining of using, 1,517,820 - —, coating of, amyl acetate for, 1,195,978 —,—, apparatus for, 1,195,978 —,—, carbon for, 1,195 978 —,—, clay, china, for, 1,195 978 —,—, cresol for, 1, 160, 363 —,—, enamel for, 1 195 978 —,—, formaldehyde for, 1,160,363 —,glass for, 1,195, 978 —, glucose for, 1 195 978 ——, graphite for, 1,195 978 —,—,metal oxide for, 1,195,978 —,—,oil for, 1,195 978 —, phenol for, 1 ‘160, 363 —, phenol aldehyde ‘condensate for, 1,160,363 —,—, process for, 1,160,363; 1,195,978 —, composite, mfr. of,” asbestos, for, 1,314,772 —,—,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,314, 772 — —, cement, Portland, for, 1,314 772 —, Tat ’ cork for, 1,314 172 —,—,—, diatomaceous for, 1,314,772 —,—,—,rice polishing for, 1 314, 772 —— cracked using, —,sand for, 1,314, 772 —,—,—, ’ sawdust for, 1,314,772 —, composition for, 1 385, 757 —, composition of, silica, calcium oxide, mag- nesium oxide, sulfur, 1,390 038 —, copper coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 857 Brick, Cowper, kilns lined with, 1,378,710 —, crushed, wall, sound absorbing, made with, 1 197,956; Re- 14 ,992 ms, dammar coating for, 1,802,252 — , diatomaceous, mortar for laying, 1,421,192 —, drying of, apparatus for, 1,221,383 —, dust of, brick composition contg., 1,885,757 — ; ferromanganese flux of, 1,421,218 —., fire-, acetaldehyde, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,487,020 —,— , anthraquinone, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,487,020 —,— , benzaldehyde, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,487,020 —,— , benzene, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,214, 204 —,—, blast furnace gas, burner for, made with, 1,223,308 —,—,carbon black made with, 1,220,391 —,—, catalyst (for the mfr. of, acetaldehyde), made with, 1,487,020 —,—,—, (for the mfr. of anthraquinone), made with, 1 487,020 . (for the mfr. of benzaldehyde), made Oa 1,487 020 —,—,—, (for the mfr. of benzene), made with, 1,214 204 —,—,—, (for the mfr. of, formaldehyde), made with, 1,487, 020 —,—, —, (for the mfr. of, hydrocarbon, ben- zene), "made with, 1,214,204 —,—,—,(for the mfr. of nitrogen oxides), made with, 1,211,394 —,—,—, (for the mfr. of toluene), made with, 1 214, 204 —,—,—, (for the mfr. of xylene), made with, 1 214.2 204 —,—, cement made with, 1,276,221; 1,511,503; 1,511,504 —,—,coal gas, burner for, made with, 1,223,308 —,—,coke oven gas, burner for, made with, 1,223,308 —,—, formaldehyde, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,487,020 —,—,fuel, gaseous, burner for, 1,223,308 —-,—, furnaces, lining of using, 1,517,820 —,—,gasolene air gas, burner for, made using, 1,223,308 —-,—, hydrocarbon, benzene, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,214,204 —,—, —, ‘burner for, made ‘with, 1,223,308 —,—, —, ’ hydrochloric acid for, 1 206, 546 —,—, hydrogen made with, 1,220 391 —,—, iron composition contg., 1,339 469 —,—,lamp, electric are, self-igniting, made he aie 1,216,404 —, mfr. of, alum for, 1,224,275 made. with, —,—,—, alumina for, L 209, 784 —,—,—, aluminum hydroxide for, 1,244,275 —,—,—; aluminum sulfate for, i 244 275 —,—,—, calcium carbonate ‘for, 1, 192,099 ; 1,206, 546 : —,—,—,calcium hydroxide for, 1,462,596; Re-15, 829 858 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Brick, fire-, mfr. of, calcium oxide for, 1,462,596; Re-15,829 —,—,—, calcium sulfate for, 1,244,275 —,—,—, chalk for, 1,192 099 —,—,—, clay for, i 192, 099; 1,209,784; 1,212,846 —,—,—, clay, fire, for, 1 212 846; 1 260, 398 —,—,—, —, flint, for, 1,212,846 —,—,—, coal for, 1,192,099 —,—, —, coal ash for, 1,198, 171; 1,209,784 —,—,—, coke for, 1,192 099 ,—, —, eryolite for, 1,512, 801 —,—,—, diatomaceous earth for, 1,206,546 —,—,—, grog for, 1,512,801 ,—,—,1lron carbonate for, 1,206,546 —,—,—, kaolin for, 1,212,846 —,—,—,lime for, 1,192,099; 1,244,275; 1,462,596; Rie-15,829 —,—,—, limestone for, 1,192,099 —,—,—,magnesia for, 1,198,171; 1,512,801 —,—,—, magnesium carbonate for, 1,206,546 —,—,—, molasses for, 1,212,846 —,—,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,512,801 —,—,—, phosphorus pentoxide for, 1,512,801 —,—,—, plaster of Paris for, 1,512 801 —,—, —, potassium carbonate for, 1, 206,546 —,—,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1.244.275 —,—,—, process for, » 1,192,099; 1,198,171; 1,206, 546; 1,209,784; 1,212,846; 1,244275; 1,260, 398: 1,462,496; Re-15,829; 1,512,801 —_—,—,— quartz for, 1,192,099 ,—,—, red dog for, 1,462 996; Re-15,829 —,—,—, silica for, 1 244 275 —,—, —, silica rock for, 1,260,398 —,—, —, siliconite for, 1,244 275 —,—,—,slate for, 1,462,596; Re-15,829 —,—, —, soap, Castile, for, 1,512, 801 —,—,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,206 046 —,—,—, sugar for, 1,212,846 —,—,—, thoria for, 1,512, 801 —,—,—, thoria, grade B, for, 1,512,801 —_——, thorium oxide for, 1 ‘512, 801 —,—,—, zirconia for, 1,512 801 — —, zirconium dioxide for, 1,512,801 —,—, Be eucnl gas, made with, 1 293 308 —,—, nitrogen oxides, catalyst for the mfr. of, _ made with, 1211 394 — nitrogen ‘trichloride made with, 1,510,132 —;plastic made with, 1,193,952 —,—, producer gas, burner for, made using, 1,223, 308 —,—, refractory made with, 1,511,503; 1,511,504 —,—, toluene, catalyst for. the mfr. of, made with, 1,214 204 —,— , treatment of, 1,319,178 —,—,—,calclum magnesium 1,319,178 —,—,—, copper sulfate for, 1,319,178 —,—,—, tachhydrite for, 1,319, 178 —,—, water gas, burner for, 1,223,308 —,—,xylene, catalyst for the mfr. of, made with, 1,214,204 —,—, see also Fire- brick; Refractory burner for, calcium hydroxide for, chloride for, made with, Brick, fireproof, nitrogen oxides made with, 1,486,990 —, formula, sand 10, stone 5, cinder 5, iron 5, cement 70, 1,317 288 —,—, slag 28, cement 8, asphalt 4, rosin 1, 1 269 649 —, glazed surface for, 1, 245,981; 1,245,982 —, elazing of, oxy-acetylene flame for, 1,158,417 —,—, process for,. 1,158,417 —, gold recovered from sea water with, 1,358,096 —,greensand residue used in, 1,323,764 —,ground, cement, acid-resistant, made with, 1 ,287,995; 1,288, 413 —,— refractory made with, 1,126,659 —, ’ heat- insulating, mfr. of, 1,307, 548; 1,307,549 —, insulation, heat, made with, 1,456, 667 —, iron coated, mfr. of, process "for, 1,258, 282 —,iron oxide in, 1,256, 042 — ’ kieselguhr, mfr. ‘of, alkali for, 1,143,826 ——,—, carbonaceous matter for, 1 143 826 —,—,—, ‘lime for, 1,148,826 —, process for, 1 143 826 —, aE for, construction of, 1,224,978 - — ’ lacquering for, mfr. of, process ‘for, 1,245,981 ; 1,245,982 —,lead coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —, lead alloy, antimony in, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —,—, tin coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —,magnesia, mfr. of, aluminum silicate for, 1,307,197 —,—,—, process for, 1,307,197 —,—,—, silica for, 1,307,197 —,—,—,sodium silicate for, 1,307,197 —, magnesite, carbon black made with, 1,220,391 —,—, hydrogen made with, 1,220,391 —,—,mfr. of, process for, 1,305,457; 1,451,540 —,—, nitrogen oxides made with, 1,486,990 —, magnesium carbonate in, 1,256,042 —, magnesium chloride, in mfr. of, process for, 1,451,540 —,Mmagnesium oxide in mfr. of, process for, 1,451,540 —, magnesium oxychloride in mfr. of, process for, 1,451,540 —,mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,450,140 —,—, alkali for, 1,249,028 —,—, ‘alkali silicates for, 1,249,028 ,—, alum for, 1,193 952 —,—, alumina for, 1,463,399 —,—, aluminum oxide for, 1,450,140 —,—,apparatus for, if ‘171 676; 1,206,545 ; i 218,239; 1,229,582; 1 510 717; 1 18, 842 mfr. of, process for, —,—, asbestos for, 1 193 952; 1 211,028 ; 1,364,004 —,—, ashes for, 1,440,234 —,—,asphalt for, 1 220,292 ; 1,220,298 ; Dyan 649; 1,320,709 ” asphalt, Trinidad, for, 1,820,709 —,—, banana stalk for, 1,309 038 — barium carbonate for, 1 245 285 —’ benzene for, 1,220 401; i ‘450, 140 —_—,— ’ binder for, 1,278, 663 —} bitumen for, 1 320 709 —,-, ’ blast furnace slag ‘for, 1,259,304 ; 1.463, 399 ee ee ae se See i ee eee INDEX OF SUBJECTS Brick, mfr. of, bone ash for, 1,245,285 -—,—, boric acid for, 1,211,028 —,—, calcium aluminates for, 1,242,422 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,249,028 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,234,626; 1,269,331 —,calcium hydroxide for, 1,171,676; 1,234,626; 1,235,766; 1,242,421; 1,242,422; 1,249,028; 1,256,042; 1,278,663; 1,440,234; 1,462,596; Re-15,829; 1,518,842 —,—,calcium oxide for, 1,235,766; 1,242,421; 1,242,422; 1,309,038; Re-15,829; 1,462,596; 1,518,842 —,—,calcium phosphate for, 1,269,331 —,—, calcium silicates for, 1,242,422 —,—, carbon for, 1,450,140 —,—,carbon bisulfide for, 1,220,401 —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,256,042; 1,518,842 —,—,carborundum for, 1,168,211 —,—, cement for, 1,143,004 ; 1,218,239; 1,220,401; 1,255,878; 1,309,038; 1,317,288; 1,462,991 —,—, cement, hydraulic, for, 1,193,952 —,—,—, Portland, for, 1,143,004; 1,274,726; 1,864,004 —,—, chalk for, 1,193,952 —,—,chromium ore for, 1,463,399 —,—,cinders for, 1,212,840; 1,218,239 ; 1,317,288; 1,440,234 —,—,clay for, 1,168,211; 1,206,545; 1,242,422; 1,245,285; 1,249,028; 1,255,878; 1,318,960; 1,212,840 ; 1,269,649 ; 1,255,878 ; Brick, mfr. of, infusorial earth for, 1,206,545 —,—,iron, granular, for, 1,317,288 —,—,—, pig, for, 1,317,288 —,—,iron chloride for, 1,234,626 —,—, iron oxide for, 1,218.239; 1,463,399 —,—,Joplin grit for, 1,278,663 —,—, kaolin for, 1,211,028; 1,245,285 —,—, kieselguhr for, 1,206,545 —,—,kiln for, 1,179,928 —,—., lead protoxide for, 1,193,952 —,—,leucite for, 1,234,626; 1,249,028 —,—,lime for, 1,193,952; 1,234,626; 1,242,421; 1,242,422; 1,249028; 1,255,878; 1,269,331; 1,274,726; 1,462,596; Re-15,829 —,—, limestone for, 1,269,331 —,—,loam for, 1,520,328 —,—, magnesium oxide for, 1,234,626; 1,364,004 —,—, manganese slag for, 1,462,991 —,—, marl for, 1,193,952 —,—, mica for, 1,242,422 —,—, mother-of-pearl in, 1,302,252 —,—, muscovite for, 1,249,028 —,—,niter for, 1,259,304 —,—, Paris white for, 1,245,285 —,—, phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,450,140 —,—,pitch for, 1,220,401 —,—,plaster of Paris for, 1,193,952; 1,309,038 —,—, potassium salt for, 1,249,028 —,—, potato for, 1,259,304 a, 4 PEOCESS) |), ‘LOF; 1,148,004 ; 1,168,211; 1,320,709 ; 1,364,004 ; 1,463,399 ; 1,520,328 —,—, clay, ball, for, 1,245,285 —,—,—,cement and sand for, 1,395,990 —,—,—, China, for, 1,245,285 —,—,—, fire, for, 1,193,952 —,—,—,hard flint, for, 1,168,211 —,—,—, stoneware No. 1, for, 1,245,285 —,—, clinkers for, 1,218,239 ,—, coal ash for, 1,193,952; 1,364,004 —,—,coal cinder for, 1,212,840 —,corn cob for, 1,309,038 —,corn stalk for, 1,309,038 —,—,ecryolite for, 1,269,331 —, cypress wood for, 1,220,292; 1,220,293 —,—, dolomite for, 1,463,399 —,—,earth for, 1,278,663; 1,320,709 —, earth, colored, for, 1,218,239 feldspar for, 1,234,626; 1,245,285; 1,249,028 —,—, flint for, 1,168,211; 1,245,285; 1,450,140 —,—, fluorite for, 1,269,331 —,—,formula for, fire clay 15, lime water 5, salt 5, asbestos cement 25, sand 25, graphite 25, 1,421,751 —,—, gas tar for, 1,220,401 —,—,glauconite for, 1,234,626; 1,269,331 —,—, glauconite marl for, 1,269,331 b —,—,graphite for, 1,193,952; 1,450,140 b —,—, graphite, flake, for, 1,450,140 _’_’ sravel for, 1,220,401; 1,255,878 —,—,greensand for, 1,242,421; bf 1,269,331 —,—, gypsum for, 1,193,952; 1,211,028; 1,364,004 ’ —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,220,401 , —,—,hydrochlorie acid for, 1,218,239 4 1,212,840; Cea. gt — ae: “ —- v_ we 1,242,422 ; “ 1,245,421; 1,249,028 ; 1,171,676; 1,212,840 ; i ; 1,462,991 ; 1,193,952 ; 1,218,239; 1,229,582 ; 1,242,429 - 1,256,042; 1,278,663 ; 1,384,393; 1,450,140; 1,518,842; 1,206,545; 1,220,292; 1,234,626; 1,245,285; 1,269,331 ; 1,309,038 ; 1,430,991 ; 1,462,596; 1,520,328 1,211,028; 1,220,293 ; 1,235,766; 1,249,028; 1,269,649; 1,317,288; 1,440,234; Re-15,829 ; —,—, pumice for, 1,193,952 —,—, quartz for, 1,245,285 —,—,red dog for, 1,462,596; Re-15,829 —,—,resin, artificial, for, 1,450,140 —,—,rock for, 1,242,421; 1,242,422; 1,320,709 —,—,roll scale for, 1,318,960 —,—,rosin for, 1,220,401; 1,269,649 —,—, rubber for, 1,220,401 —,—,sand for, 1,148,004; 1,193,952; 1,220,401; 1,235,766; 1,242,422; 1,249,028; 1,255,878; 1,259,304; 1,317,288; 1,320,709; 1,520,328 —,—,sand, bank, for, 1,242,421 —,—, —-, sea, for, 1,242,421 —,—,—, torpedo, for, 1,317,288 —,sawdust for, 1,211,028; 1,220,292 ; 1,220,293; 1,309,038 —,—,scale from steel rolling mill for, 1,318,960 —,—,sericite for, 1,242,422 —,—,shale for, 1,255,878 —,—, shale rock for, 1,255,878 —,—, shell mar] for, 1,269,331 —, silica for, 1,278,663; 1,463,399 —, silicon carbide for, 1,450,140 —,—,slag for, 1,171,676; 1,259,304; 1,269,649 ; 1,278,663; 1,463,399; 1,518,842 —,—, slate, for, 1,462,596; Re-15,829 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,269,331 ; 1,274,726 —,—,sodium salt for, 1,249,028 bs ’ ? 860 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Brick, mfr. of, sodium silicate for, 1,193,952; 1,274,726; 1,864,004; 1,450,140 —,—, stone for, 1,317,288 —,—, sugar beet juice for, 1,256,042 —,—, sugar cane juice for, 1,256,042 —,—, sulfates for, 1,269,331 —,—,sulfur for, 1,143,004 —,—, tale for, 1,364,004 —,—, tuff for, 1,274,726 —,—, vegetable juice for, 1,256,042 —,—, water for, 1,235,766; 1,520,328 —,—, water, soapy, for, 1,143,004 —,—, whiting for, 1,245,285 —,—,zine sulfate fer, 1,193,952 —,metal coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —, “ metalkase,’ see “ Metalkase” brick —, organic material in, 1,256,042 —, ornamental, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,195,649 —,—,—, process for, 1,195,649 —, painting of, lead for, 1,239,953 —,—,pigment for, 1,239,953 —,—, process for, 1,239,953 —, paving, mfr. of, process for, 1,261,114 —, plastic, handling of, apparatus for, 1,510,717 —,porous, flotation apparatus made with, 1,125,897 —,—,nickel carbonyl absorbed by, 1,436,662 —,refractory, aluminum nitride made with, 1,250,874 —,—, bauxite and magnesite, 1,373,854 —,—, dolomite for mfr. 1,380,701 —,—, furnaces, lining of using, 1,517,820 —,—, light weight, mfr. of, 1,345,632 —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,303,993; 1,439,286 —,—,see also Refractory brick —, Rhenish tuff, blast furnace slag prepared for use in mfr. of, 1,163,605 —,road paving made with, 1,247,105; 1,261,845 —,roofing made with, 1,417,836 —, rosin in, 1,269,649 —,sand-lime, mfr. of, albite tor, 1,514,657 —,—,—, alkali aluminate for, 1,514,657 —,—,—, alkali earth oxide for, 1,514,657 —,—, bauxite for, 1,514,657 —,—,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,514,657 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,514,657 —,—,—, calcium oxide for, 1,514,657 —,—, carbon for, 1,514,657 —,—, clay for, 1,514,657 ,—, feldspar for, 1,514,657 —,—, leucite for, 1,514,657 —,—, lime for, 1,514,657 wv we fw a i) —,—,—, magnesia for, 1,514,657 —,—, magnesium carbonate for, 1,514,657 —,—, Magnesium oxide for, 1,514,657 —,—, orthoclase for, 1,514,657 —,—,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,514,657 —,—,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,514,657 —,—,—, process for, 1,514,657 ee ee ee Roc Ne Ne Ne Se) Ne —,—, zeolite for, 1,514,657 —,“Si-gur,” mfr. of, process for, 1,143,826 —, silica, analysis of, 1,477,810 —,—, Baraboo, tests of, 1,477,810 Brick, silica, expansion of, preventing, 1,420,284 —,—~, furnaces, lining of using, 1,517,820 —,—,mfr. of, bauxite for, 1,477,810 —,—-,—, boric acid, compounds of for, 1,477,810 | = a —-,—, salts of, for, 1,477,810 —,—,—, calc1um hydroxide for, 1,477,810 —,—,—, calcium sulfate for, 1,477,810 —,—,—, carbon for, 1,477,810 —,—,—, carbonyl] chloride for, 1,477,810 —,—,—, chert for, 1,477,810 —,—,—, clay, flint fire, for, 1,477,810 —,—,—, coke for, 1,477,810 —,—,—, cristobalite for, 1,477,810 —,—,—, kaolin for, 1,477,810 —, kaolinite for, 1,477,810 ’ i —,—,—, millstone grit for, 1,477,810 —,—,—, molybdic acid for, 1,477,810 —,—,—,nouvaculite for, 1,477,810 —,—,—, phosphate rock for, 1,477,810 —,—,—, phosphorus for, 1,477,810 —,—,—, process. for, 1,363,264; 1,420,284; 1,477,810 —,—,—, quartz for, 1,477,810 —,—,—, quartz, Medina, for, 1,477,810 - —,—,—, quartzite, Baraboo, for, 1,477,810 —,—,—,—,red Jaspar, for, 1,477,810 —,—,—,sand, silica, for, 1,477,810 —,—,—, sodium chloride for, 1,477,810 —,—,—,sodium tungstate for, 1,477,810 —,—,—, sulfur trioxide for, 1,477,810 —,—,—, tridymite for, 1,477,810 —,—,—, tungstic acid for, 1,477,810 —,—, Medina, tests of, 1,477,810 —,—, phosphorus in, 1,477,810 —,—, tests of, 1,477,810 —,—, see also Refractory; Silica brick —,silicic acid sol, impregnation with of, 1,477,938 —,slag in, 1,269,649 —, slag, mfr. of, alkali earth salt for, 1,123,841 —,—,—,aluminum oxide for, 1,123,841 —,—,—, aluminum silicates for, 1,123,841 —,—,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,123,841 —,—,—, calcium chloride for, 1,123,841 —,—,—, calcium oxide for, 1,123,841 —,—,—, calcium sulfate for, 1,123,841 —,—,—, feldspar for, 1,123,841 —,—,—, gypsum for, 1,123,841 —,—,—,Magnesium sulfate for, 1,123,841 —,—,—, orthoclase for, 1,123,841 ,—, potassium silicate for, 1,123,841 —,—,—, process for, 1,123,841 —,;—,—, silica. for, 1,123,841 —,slate, mfr. of, calcium hydroxide for, 1,462,596; Re-15,829 —,—,—, calcium oxidé for, 1,462,596 ; Re-15,829 —,—,—, lime for, 1,462,596; Re-15,829 —,—,—,process for, 1,462,596; Re-15,829 —,—,—,red dog for, 1,462,596; Re-15,829 —,—,—,slate for, 1,462,596; Re-15,829 —,stone, artificial, made with, 1,163,060; 1,487,057 —,sugar in, 1,256,042 —,surfacing of, adhesive for, 1,518,398 —,—, brass filings for, 1,513,620 b ee Pe ne eee ee To sr ies en, INDEX OF Brick, surfacing of, cement, Portland, for, ———- 1,518,398 —,—,glass for, 1,518,398 —,—, granite for, 1,518,398 —,—, iron filings for, 1,513,620 —,—, marble for, 1,518,398 —, —, paraffin for, 1 513, 620 —,—, process for, 1 513, 620; 1,518,398 —, —, sand, sea, for, 1 518, 398 —,—, sandstone for, 1 518, 398 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,513,620 —, tile made with, 1,210,756 —, tile, sound-absorbing, made with, 1,284,933 —, tin coated, mfr. of, process for, 1,258,282 —,treatment of, calcium hydroxide for 1 319,178 ——, calcium magnesium chloride for, 1,319,178 —,—, copper sulfate for, 1,319,178 —,—, tachhydrite for, 1,319, 178 —, ’ wall, finishing of, using, 1,210,158 oo ” waterproofing of, alumina for, 1,185,555 —, —, aluminum potassium sulfate for, 1 390 236 —,—, asphalt for, 1,150,481 —,—, borax for, 1 ATI, 792 —, —, calctum chloride for, 1,390,236 —,—, ‘calcium hydroxide for, 1,150,481 ; 1,270,450; 1,390,236 —,—, calcium oxide for, 1,150,481 —,—, cement, hydraulic, for, 1,270,450 —, clay for, 1,471,792 —,—, coal tar for, 1, 150, 481 —, cobalt for, 1,471 792 —, coke tar for, 1,150, 481 —,—, composition for, 1,437, 893 —,—,earth for, 1,150, 481 —,—, glass for, 1,471, 792 —,—, glass culet for, 1,185,555 —,—, gravel for, 1,150, 481 “hard pitch ” for, 1,150,481 —,—, ‘iron oxide for, 1 A71 792 —,—, ’ kaolin Toth, 471, 792 —,—, lead carbonate for, 1,471,792 —,—,maltha for, 1,150, 481 b 3 } 3 3 —, mica for, i 270, 450 —,—,; petroleum residuum for, 1,150,481 —,—, process for, 1,185,555; 1,270,450; 1,390,236 ; a eeu tt 1,502,501 —,sand for, 1,150,481 — shellac for, 1 502, 501 —,—, ’ silicon for, i 185, 555 ——, ’ silicate for, 1 185, 555 —, —, soap, Castile, for, 1,390,236 —,stone for, 1, 150, 481 —, tin oxide for, 1,471, 792 —,—, ’ varnish for, i 502 501 —,—, ’ water for, T. 150, 481 —, zeolite, artificial, made with, 1,493,455 —, zinc coated, mfr. of, process ‘for, 1,258,282 —,see also Building block; Building material ; Conduit; Molded article; Plastic; Stone arti- ficial ; Terra cotta; Tile Brick dust, abrasive made with, 1,504,697 —, calcium: iron silicate made with, 1 254 ,676 —, molding composition contg,, 1,421 954 —, piling, preserving of, using, 1,512 659 bf ’ es, rie. ’ SUBJECTS 861 Brick dust, potassium chloride made with, 1,254 676. —, steel made with, 1,471,655 —,wood, preserving of, using, 1,512,659 Brick meal, metal, protective coating for, contg., 1,318,313 —,ship, bottom, protective coating for contg., 1,318,313 —,wood, protective coating for contg., 1,818,313 Brick powder, 1,387,999 —, molded article made with, 1,141,610 —,stone, artificial, made with, 1,141,610 —, wood, coating for, made with, 1,141,610 Brick substitute, mfr. of, aluminum sulfate for, 1,463,123 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,463,123 —,—, calcium ‘sulfate for, 1,463, 123 —,—, cement for, 1,463, 123 —,—, cinder for, 1 463, 123 match composition contg., ——, diatomaceous earth for, 1,463,123 -—,—, magnesium chloride for, 1,463, 123 —,—, paper for, 1,463,123 —,—, plaster of Paris for, 1,463,123 —,—, process for, 1,463, 123 —,—,sand for, 1 ‘463, 123 —,—, sawdust for, 1 463, 123 —,—, sodium silicate for, 1,463,123 —,—, straw for, 1,463, 123 —,—, wood pulp for, 1,463,123 Brick waste, cement contg., 1,456,667 —,insulating composition contg., 1,456,667 —,stone, artificial, contg., 1,456,667 Brickwork, glaze on, producing, 1,402,412 Bridge, locking mechanism for, 1,145,166 Brie cheese, see Cheese, bree Bright red oxide of iron, see Iron oxide pigment Brilliant Alizarine Blue G, cellulose acetate, dyeing of using, 1,448,432 - DL SLT 709 —,cotton, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1 L7, 709 —, linen, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —, ‘silk, artificial, cellulose acetate, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —,—,—,—, dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —, wool, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 Brilliant Black 5G, see Dimethoxy-diphenyl- diazo- bi-diory-naphthalene, sodium salt of Brilliant Congo G, see Diuphenyl-disazo- naphthylamine-sulfonic-B-naphthylamine- disulfonic acid, sodium salt of Brilliant Congo R see Duitolyl-disazo-B-naph- thylamine-monosulfonic-B-naphthylamane disulfonic acid, sodium salt of Brilliant Croceine 9B, see Disulfo-B-naphtha- lene-azo- benzene-azo-B-naphthol- disulfonic acid sodium salts Brilliant Croceine M, see Benzene-azo-benzene- B-naphthol disulfonic acid, sodium salt of Brilliant green, antiseptic properties of, 1,382,715 —,anti-toxin preservative of using, 1 A76 233 —, ’ bacterin preservative of using, 1 476, 233 ~- ’ biological product preservative of using, 1 476,233 862 Brilliant green, color photography process em- ploying, 1,430,059; 1,430,060; 1,430,061 —,cultural filtrate preservatives of using, 1,476,233 —, lake made with, 1,232,551 —,serum preservative of using, 1,476,233 —,silk dyed with, 1.446,860 —,surgical suture made using, 1,382,715 —, vaccine preservative of using, 1,476,233 —,virus, preservative of using, 1,476,233 —,see also T'etraethyl-diamino-tri-phenyl car- binol sulfate Brilliant Hessian Purple, see Disulfostiulbene- disazo-bi-B-naphthylamine-B-sulfonic acid, sodium salt of Brilliantine, formula of, 1,411,353 —, polish ingredient, 1,411,353 Brilliant Orange G, cellulose acetate, dyeing of using, 1,448,432; 1,517,709 —,cotton, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1 Olt, 709 —, linen, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —, ’ silk, ‘artificial, cellulose acetate dyeing of using, MAL, 709 —,—,—, cellulose acetate, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 —, wool, fabric contg., dyeing of using, 1,517,709 Brilliant Purpurin R see Ditolyl-disazo-naph- thionic-B-naphthylamine-disulfonic acid, sodium salt of Brilliant Scarlet, see Croceine Scarlet 4 BX Brilliant yellow, color photography dye, 1,376,940 —,see also Disulfo-stilbene-disazo-bi-phenol, sodium salt of; Dinitro-a-naphthol-a-mono- sulfonic acid, sodium salt of ; p-Sulfo-benzene- azo-diphenylamine-di-sulfonic acid “ Brillo,” cleaning device made with, 1,519,577 —,scouring device made with, 1,519,577 Brimstone, see Sulfur Brimstone acid, see Sulfuric acid Brine, bacon cured with, 1,271,962 —, boiling, forming of, preventing, 1,440,973 —,borax, separation of from, 1,288,592; 1,288,593; 1,476,873; 1,476,890 —, bromine extraction from, 1,406,624 —, bromine made with, 1,513,821; 1,519,642 —,bromine, recovery of from, process for, 1,473,295; 1,323,173 —, calcium ’ chloride made from, 1,505,295 — calcium sulfate made from, 1 505 295 —,candied citrus peel made with, 1,145 303 —, candied peel made with, 1,145,333 —,cereal treated with, 1,444, 528 —,chlorine from, 1,386, 244 —, comestibles frozen by cold, 1,388,298 —,composition of, 1,378,410 —, concentrating, 1,435,727 —, concrete, acid-proofing of, using, 1,495,138 —,—,bonding of using, 1,495,138 —,—, oil-proofing of, using, 1,495,138 —,—, waterproofing of, using, 1,495,138 —,deep Springs Valley, potassium recovery from, 1,466,352 —,electrolysis of, 1,386,244 —,—, apparatus for, 1,374,976 —, evaporating, 1,409,784 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Brine, evaporators for, 1,348,409 —,lubricating oil, paraffin, removal of from, using, 1,505,453 —,Mmagnesium carbonate made with, 1,209,245; © 1,209,246; 1,505,295 —,magnesium. chloride made with, 1,209,245; 1,209,246 —, magnesium hydroxide made with, 1,505,202 —,Magnesium oxide made from, 1,405,388; 1,505,295 —,meat cured with, 1,271,962 —,natural, bromine made with, 1,141,921; 1,141,922 —,—,composition of, 1,353,283; 1,863,091; 1,363,092 —,—, potassium salts recovered from, 1,363,091; 1,363,092 —,—, sodium bicarbonate from, 1,330,573 —, olives preserved in, 1,393 873 —, ’ Owens lake, borax, separation of from, process for, 1, 474,483 —_—,—,— , separation of from, sodium bicarbon- ate ‘for, 1,474,433 --,— , composition of, 1,896,841 —, , paraffin, lubricating oil, removal from of, using, 1,505,453 —, potassium bicarbonate made from, 1,505,295 —,potassium borate, separation of from, 1 ,286,932 ; 1,476,873; 1,476,890 —, potassium carbonate made from, 1,400,542; 1,505,295 —,potassium carbonate, separation of from, 1,476,873; 1,476,890; 1,254,521; 1,286,932 —,potassium chloride made from, 1,828,416; 1,828,417; 1,838,234; 1,338,235; 1,378,410; 1,393,603; 1,505,295 —,potassium chloride separation of from, 1,286,932; 1,288,592; 1,288,593; 1,353,283; 1,482,796; 1,476,873; 1,476,890 —, potassium fertilizer salts from, 1,409,784. —, potassium salts recovered from, 1 409, 784 —, potassium sodium sulfate separation of from, 1,328,418; 1,476,873; 1,476,890 —,potassium sulfate, separation of from, 1,286,932; 1,476,873; 1,476,890 —,refrigerating-, see also Anti-freeze compound —, salts, separation of from, 1,436,228 —,Searle’s lake, borax from, 1,382,825 —,—, borax recovery from, 1,849,184 —,—, calcium sulfate for treating, 1,873,179 —,composition of, 1,373,179; 1,435,727 —, potash recovery from, 1 380, 383 —,—, potassium compounds from, 1,382,825 ; 1,394, 978; 1,415,203; 1,415,204; 1,415,205; 1,415,206 —,—,potassium recovery from, 1,849,134; 1 466,352 —,—, potassium salts recovered from, 1,373,179; 1 435,727 —,—, treating, 1,343,400; 1,348,401; 1,417,189; 1,485,727 —,separating constituents of, 1,343,400; 1,343 401 —,sodium bicarbonate, separation of from, 1,288,592; 1,288,593 —,sodium borate, separation of from, 1,476,873; 1,476,890 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Brine, sodium borate from, process for, nul 286 932 — ,sodium bromide made with, 1,519,642 —, sodium carbonate, separation of from, 1 ,288,592 ; 1,288,593; 1,476,873; 1,476,890 —, sodium carbonate from, 1,393, 603 ——,—, process for, 1,286, 932 —, sodium carbonate recovered from, 1,409,784 —,sodium chloride obtained from, i 152 1717 —,sodium chloride made with, 1,244 380 ; 1,505,295; 1,506,946 —, sodium chloride: calcium chloride and mag- nesium chloride in, 1,336,425 —, sodium chloride from, process for, 1,286,932 —,—, process for extraction from, 1,297, 737 —, sodium chloride, separation of from, 1,288,592; 1,288,593; 1,476,873; 1,476,890 - sodium iydroxide from, 1 386 O44 —, sodium sesquicarbonate from, 1,396,841 _, ,sodium sulfate from, 1,328,418 -—,—, process for, 1,286 932 ——,—, separation of from, 1,288,592; 1,288,593; 1 A76, 873; 1,476,890 —, sugar cane juice purified using, 1,492,168 —,treating, 1,386,244; 1,393,603; 1,396,841; 1,436,228 —,—,ammonia for, 1,466,352 —,—, calcium sulfate for, 1,415,206 —,—-, carbon dioxide for, 1,330 573; 1,415,206 —, see also Sodium chloride Brinell ball method, testing hardness metals by, 1367 133 Briquet, asbestos, binder for, cellulose sulfite liquor as, 1,311,221; 1,311,222 —, asphalt as binder for, 1,290,992 —, binder for, asphalt in, 1,452,992 —,—, calcium hydroxide in, 1,146,455 —,—, cellulose sulfite in, 1,452,992 ,—, coal tar in, 1,146,455 —,—, emulsified, mfr. of, 1,440,355 —,—,mfr. of, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,359,074 —,—,—,gilsonite for, 1,859,074 —,— ,—, kelp for, 1,359, 074 ,—, —, process for, 1,359,074 —,—,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,359,074 —,—,Yrosin in, 1,452,992 —, sulfite liquor in, 1,452,992 Bay —, tar (wood) in, 1,146,455 —, cactus extract as binder for, 1,129,109 —,cellulose sulfite liquor as_ binder for, 1,158,364; 1,158,365; 1,158,366; 1,173,779 —, cellulose sulfite pitch as binder for, 1,158,366 —, cement in binder for, 1,174,199 —,coal, ammonia in mfr. of, 1,452,992 —,—,asphalt in mfr. of, 1,452,992 ’ binder for, cellulose sulfite liquor as, 1 311 221; 1 311, 222 —,—, cellulose sulfite in mfr. of, 1,452,992 —,—, ’ mfr. of, 1,458,716 —,—,—, potash in, 1,452,992 —,—,—,rosin in, 1,452,992 —,—,—, soda in, 1,452,992 —,—, —, sulfite liquor in, 1,452,992 —, coal dust. binder for, ‘cellulose sulfite liquor as, 1,811,221 ; 1,311,222 863 Briquet, culm, binder for, cellulose sulfite hquor as, 1,311,219 —, fuel, mfr. of, coal and adhesive for, 1,396,603 —,—,saw dust for mfr., 1,359,074 —,—,see Fuel briquet —, fullers earth for, 1,174,199 —, fullers earth, spent, for, 1,174,199 —, iron ore, binder for, cellulose sulfite liquor as, 1,311,219 —, lignite, ammonia in mfr. of, 1,452,992 —,—, asphalt in mfr. of, 1,452 992 —,—,binder for, cellulose sulfite liquor as, Poll221s att ‘999 —,—, cellulose sulfite in mfr. of, 1,452,992 —,—, potash in mfr. of, 1,452,992 —,—, rosin in mfr. of, 1,452,992 —,—,soda in mfr. of, 1,452,992 -—,—, sulfite liquor in mfr. of, 1,452,992 4, lime in binder for, 1,173,779 —, magnesite, binder for, cellulose sulfite liquor aselsbi 221 isi tl 222 —, mfr. of, 1,290,992; 1,453,988 —,—, alumina in binder for, 1,154,980 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,452,992 —,—,apparatus for, 1,132,527; 1,452,992; 1,479,822; 1,512,344 —,—,asbestos for, 1,246,805; Re-14,653; 1,246,807 —,—, asphalt for, 1,128,719; 1,452,992 —,—, barium hydroxide for, 1,246,805 ; Re-14,653 ; 1,246,807; 1,311,221; 1 oll 222 —,—, bitumen for, 1,123,7 19; 1,479,822 —,—, blast furnace dust for, 1,246,808 —,—,calcium hydroxide for, Re-14,653; 1,246,807; 1,246,808 —,—, calcium hydroxide in binder for, 1,154,980 —,—, calcium, oxide for, 1,246,805; Re-14,653; 1,246,807 —,—,calcium saccharate for, 1,246,805; Re-14,653; 1,246,807; 1,311,221; 1,311,222 —,—, calcium silicate in binder for, 1,154,980 2 —,—~, carbohydrate for, 1,481,942 — 1,246,805 ; —,—,cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,239,273; 1,246,805; Re-14,653; 1,246,807; 1,246,808; ee 992 —, cellulose sulfite pitch for, 1,481,942 — ’ clay for, 1,239,273 —, coal for, 1,187, 835; 1,246,808; 1,284,939 ; ies. 992; 1 A71, 645; 1,471,646: 1,471,647 —,—, coal, anthracite, for, 1,471,645; 1,471,646; | I | 1,471,647 —,—,—, bituminous, for, 1,471, 645; 1,471,646; 1,471, 647 —,—,—,coking, for, 1,471,645; 1,471,646; 1,471, 647 —,—,—,non-coking, for, 1,471,645; 1,471,646; 1,471,647 —,—,coal culm for, 1,246,805; Re-14,653; 1,246,807 —,—,coal dust for, 1,246,805; Re-14,653; 1,246,807; 1,246,808 —,—, coal tar in binder for, 1,154,980 —,—, coal tar pitch for, 1, 123, 719: 1,452,992 —,—,coke for, 1,471 645; 1 A71 646: ff 471 64? pe eee coke breeze for, 1 471,645 ; 1,47 1,646; 1,471,647 —,—, culm for, 1,246,808 864 Briquet, mfr. of, culm anthracite, for, 1,471,645 . 1,471,646; 1,471,647 —,—, dextrin in binder for, 1,154,980 —,—, fiber for, 1,246,805; Re-14,653; 1,246,807; 1,246,808 . —,—, fiber, mineral, for, 1,246,805; Re-14,653; 1,246,807 —,—, flour in binder for, 1,154,980 —,—, flue dust for, 1,246,808 —,—, fucine in binder for, 1,154,980 —,—,fucus in binder for, 1,154,980 —,—,gelose in binder for, 1,154,980 —,—,hydrocarbon for, 1,284,939; 1,471,646; 1,471,647 —,—, iron ore for, 1,246,808 —,—, kelp in binder for, 1,154,980 —,—, lignite for, 1,452,992 —,—,lime for, 1,246,805; Re-14,653; 1,246,807 —,—, linseed oil for, 1,239,273 —,—, magnesia for, 1,246,808 —,—,magnesite for, 1,246,805; 1,246,807 —,—,magnesium compound for, 1,246,808 —,—,Manganese dioxide in binder for, 1,154,980 —,—, molasses for, 1,481,942 —,—, oil, fatty, for, 1,452,992 —,—,—, mineral, for, 1,452,992 —,—,ore for, 1,471,645; 1,471,646; 1,471,647 —,—, paraffin for, 1,239,273 _—,—, petroleum for, 1,239,273 —,—, pitch for, 1,123,719; 1,246,805; Re-14,653; 1,284,939; 1,452,992; 1,479,822 —,—, pitch in binder for, 1,154,980 —,—,plant, marine, in binder for, 1,154,980 —,—, potash for, 1,452,992 —,—,potassium perchlorate in binder for, 1,471,645; Re-14,653 ; 1,154,980 —,—,process for, 1,123,719; 1,137,835; 1,239,273; 1,246,805; Re-14,653; 1,246,807; 1,246,808; 1,284,939; 1,489,907; 1,440,356; 1,452,992; 1,471,645; 1,471,646; 1,471,647; 1,479,822; 1,481,942 —,—,resin for, 1,123,719 —,—,rock for, 1,246,805; Re-14,653; 1,246,807 —,—,rosin for, 1,452,992 —,—,sand for, 1,246,805; Re-14,653; 1,246,807; 1,246,808 —,—,sawdust for, Re-14,653 ; 1,246,807; 1,246,808 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,452,992 —,—, sodium carbonate in binder for, 1,154,980 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,137,835 —,—,sodium hydroxide in binder for, 1,154,980 —,—,sodium nitrate in binder for, 1,154,980 —,—, sodium perborate in binder for, 1,154,980 —,—,soot for, 1,123,719 —,—,starch for, 1,452,992; 1,481,942 —,—, starch in binder for, 1,154,980 —,—,steatite for, 1,246,805; Re-14,653 —,—, sugar for, 1,481,942 —,—, tar for, 1,123,719; 1,246,805; Re-14,653; 1,452,992 —,—,varsecs in binder for, 1,154,980 —,—,water gas pitch for, 1,452,992 —,—, wax tailings for, 1,239,273 1,246,805; a UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Briquet, mfr. of, zinc oxide for, 1,137,835, —,—, zine ore for, 1,137,835 —, metal, process for, 1,299,878 —, molasses in binder for, 1,173,779; 1,174,199 —, pitch in binder for, 1,174,199 —, pyroligneous tar as binder for, 1,158,363 —,rock, crushed, binder for, cellulose sulfite liquor as, 1,311,221 —,sand, binder for, cellulose sulfite liquor as, 1,311,221; 1,311,222 —,sawdust, binder for, cellulose sulfite liquor as, 1,311,221; 1,311,222 —,starch as binder for, 1,290,992 —,sulfur content of, 1,439,907 —, talc, binder for, cellulose sulfite liquor as, 1,311,221; 1,311,222 —, tar in binder for, 1,174,199 —, water gas tar in binder for, 1,173,779 —,see also Fuel briquet Briquet dust, see Lamp black Pristles, animal, belting made with, 1,230,597 - -,—, rubber article made with, 1,230,597 —,—,shoe sole made with, 1,230,597 —,—, tire made with, 1,230,597 - —, bleaching, 1,412,755 —,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,412,755 —,—, sodium bisulfite for, 1,412,755 —,—,sodium dioxide for, 1,412,755 —,—,sodium hydrosulfite for, 1,412,755 —, brush made with, 1,202,244 —, dissolving of, compound for, 1,143,295 —,—, see also Heat producing compound —, selenium oxychloride as solvent for, 1,385,081 —,solvent for, selenium oxychloride as, 1,385,081; 1,445,829; 1,473,350 —,—, Sulfur trioxide and selenium oxychloride as, 1,445,329 British gum, adhesive made with, 1,198,100; 1,505,043 —, aniline black made with, 1,277,056; Re-14,824 —,aniline black dyeing with, 1,277,056; Re-14,824 —,hook cloth made with, 1,505,043 —, cellulose ether, composition of and, 1,505,043 —,cement made with, 1,505,043 —, cotton, dyeing of using, 1,486,353 —,dyestuff made with, 1,204,639; 1,227,407; 1,245,694; 1,277,056; Re-14,824 | —, ethyl cellulose, composition of and, 1,505,043 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,505,043 —,glue made with, 1,505,043 —,glue, vegetable, made with, 1,198,100 —, glycerol substitute made with, 1,268,135 —, hair, artificial, made with, 1,505,043 —, hygroscopic composition made with, 1,268,185 —,jam made with, 1,268,135 —,jelly made with, 1,268,135 —, lacquer made with, 1,505,043 —, leather, artificial, made with, 1,505,043 —,—,treatment of, using, 1,225,389 —, leather coating for, made with, 1,505,043 —,linen, dyeing of using, 1,486,353 —,mfr. of, acid for, 1,159,591; 1,516,512 INDEX OF British gum, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,159,591; 1,159,592; 1,191,824; 1,505,696; 1,516,512 —,—, chlorine for, 1,516,512 —,—, corn for, 1,505,696 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,505,696; 1,516,512 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,505,696; 1,516,512 —,—,process $$ for, 1,159,591 ; 1,159,592 ; 1,191,324; 1,505,696; 1,516,512 —,—, starch for, 1,159,591; 1,505,696 —,—,steam for, 1,516,512 —, membranes made with, 1,505,043 —,paint made with, 1,505,043 —, paper, coating for, made with, 1,505,043 —, paste made with, 1,505,043 —, photographic emulsion made with, 1,505,043 —,pigment, affixing agent for, made with, 1,505,043 —, printers roller made with, 1,268,135 —, printing paste made with, 1,505,043 —, silk, artificial, made with, 1,505,043 —, sizing made with, 1,505,043 —, snuff made with, 1,268,135 —,stamp pad made with, 1,268,135 —,substitute for, mfr. of, acacia for, 1,263,634 ; 1,263,635 —,—,—, borax for, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —,—,—,boron compound for, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —,—,—,process for, 1,263,634; 1,263,635 —, textile, coating for, made with, 1,505,043 —, tobacco made with, 1,268,135 —,varnish made with, 1,505,043 —,see also Dextrin; Starch, modified Brittle silver ore, see Stephanite Brittle sulphuret of silver, see Stephanite Brixment cement, see Cement, Brixment Broad salt, see Sodiwm chloride Brodie’s oxidizing mixture, nitric acid, fuming, _ in, 1,175,958 —, potassium chlorate in, 1,175,958 Broenner’s acid, see 2-Naphthylamine-6-sul- fonic acid Broma, food product made with, 1,230,091 Bromacetamide, N-(p-arsonopheny])glycina- mide made with, 1,280,119; 1,280,124 Bromacetanilide, N-(p-arsonophenyl)glycinan- ilide made with, 1,280,121; 1,280,126 Bromacetic acid, 4-(4-acetamino-2.3-dimethyl- 5-keto-1-pyrazoly]) -4’~(4-amino-2.3-dimethyl- 5-keto-1-pyrazolyl)-arsenobenzene made with, 1,507,694 —, 4.4’-bis(4-acetamino-2.3-dimethyl-5-keto-1- pyrazolyl)arsenobenzene made with, 1,507,694 Bromacetone, lachrymatory gas contg., 1,411,422 —, projectile made with, 1,517,554 —, protecting bank vaults with, 1,355,063 —, stabilizing, 1,411,422 —, toxic gas use as, 1,355,063 Bromacetophenone, compound C2H::0.N made with, 1,138,670 —,dyestuff made with, 1,138,670 Bromal, see Tribrom-acetic aldehyde Bromaline, see Hexamethylenetetramine-ethyl- bromide Bromamide, see Tribrom-aniline hydrobromide 55 SUBJECTS 865 Brom-1-amino-2-hydroxynaphthalene-4-sul- fonic acid, dyestuff from, 1,402,350 Bromanil, see Tetrabrom-quinone p-Brom-aniline, dyestuff made with, 1,340,696 —,parazene from, 1,340,696 p-Bromanisol magnesium compound, ethyl p- methoxy-phenyl alcohol made with, 1,315,619 a-Bromanthraquinone, b-bromanthraquinone from, 1,484,980 1-Brom-anthraquinone, 2-brom-anthraquinone made with, 1,434,980 2-Bromanthraquinone, alizarine from, 1,446,163 —,mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,434,980 —,—,1-brom-anthraquinone for, 1,434,980 —,—, process for, 1,434,980 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,434,980 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,434,980 —, preparation of, 1,434,980 Bromanthraquinone-acridone, mfr. of, process for, 1,133,081 6-Brom-b-anthraquinone, dyestuff from, 1,436,770 Bromates, 1,467,074 —, bread made with, 1,148,328 —, bromine made with, 1,141,922 —, detonator made with, 1,147,958 —, fabric, dyed, finishing of, using, 1,207,414 —,gold made with, 1,193,197 —,mfr. of, 1,343,918 —,metal, precious, made with, 1,193,197 —, silver made with, 1,193,197 —, solubility of, 1,343,918 —,wood preservative contg., 1,265,370 »-Brom-benzaldehyde, arsanilic acid, pyruvic acid, compound of and with, 1,501,894 —, arsenic compound made with, 1,501,894 —,trypanocidal compound made with, 1,501,894 —, pyruvic acid, arsanilic acid, compound of and with, 1,501,894 Brombenzene, benzanthrone 1,365,024 —, catalyst, diphenylamine made with, 1,314,538 —, phenol made with, 1,274,394 —,sodium bromide made with, 1,274,394 Brombenzene sulfonic acid, phenol sulfonic acid from, 1,321,271 p-Brombenzene sulfonic acid, p-phenol sul- fonic acid from, 1,321,271 Brom-camphor, carbon tetrachloride, freezing point of mixture of and, 1,270,896 —, fire extinguisher contg., carbon tetrachloride and, 1,270,396 —,see also Camphor monobromide 1-Brom-2-chlor-ethane, cellulose ester solvent of propyl alcohol and, 1,339,552 1-Brom-2-chlor-ethane, cellulose ether solvent contg., 1,432,373 —,ethyl cellulose solvent, 1,432,373 —, film, photographic, made with, 1,432,373 1-Brom-2-chlorhydrin, glycerol made_ with, 1,477,113 Brom-chlor-b-naphisatin, dyestuff made with, 1,500,013 Bromcresol, orcinol from, 1,321,271 Brom-cresol purple, boric acid, determination in presence of nickel salts of, using, 1,504,207 —,see also Dibromo-o-cresol-sufon-phthalein acetic anhydride purified with, purified with, 866 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL eye Mile 1915-1924 Brom-diethyl-acetamide, triethyl-acetamide made with, 1,482,348 a-Brom-diethyl-acetic acid, anilides of, anal- gesic, 1,279,942 —,—, hypnotic, 1,279,942 —,—, sedative, 1,279,942 Brom-diethyl-acetonitrile, a-allyl-a.a-diethyl- acetamide made with, 1,482,343 —, a-allyl-a.a-diethyl-acetonitrile made with, 1,482,343 a-Brom-diethyl-acetyl-bromide, N-(a-brom- diethyl-acetyl)-phenetidine made with, 1,279,942 Bromdiethylacetyl carbamic acid, derivatives of, mfr. of, process for, 1,256.293 a-Brom-diethyl-acetyl-b-carbethoxy-urea, mfr. of, brom-diethyl-acetyl-isocyanate for, 1,424,236 —,—,ethyl carbamate for, 1,424,236 —,—, petroleum ether for, 1,424,236 —,—, process for, 1,424:236 —, properties of, 1,424,236 Bromdiethylacetylearboxyalkylurea compound, mfr. of, 1,424,236 Bromdiethylacetylearboxyethylurea, mfr. of, 1,424,236 —,soporific of, 1,424,236 —,see also a-(Brom-diethyl-acetyl)-b-car- bethoxy-urea | Bromdiethylacetylisocyanate, p-acetamido- phenyl bromdiethylacetylearbamate made with, 1,256,293 Bromdiethylacetylisocyanate, bromodiethylace- tylearboxyethylurea from, 1,424,236 —, a-(brom-diethyl-acetyl)- b- carbethoxy- urea made with, 1,424,236 N-~a-(Brom-diethyl-acetyl)-phenetidine, anal- gesic as, 1,279,942 —, hypnotic as, 1,279,942 —, sedative as, 1,279,942 N-(a-Brom-diethyl-acety])-p-phenetidine, mfr. of, a-brom-diethyl-acetyl-bromide for, 1,279,942 —,—, ether for, 1,279,942 —,—, ; p-phenetidine for, 1,279,942 —,—, process for, 1,279,942 Bromdiethylacetylurethanes, mfr. of, process for, 1,256,293 —,.see also Bromdiethylacetyl carbamic acid, derivative of BBO 4 atimnethwlamnino.beneenes l-arsenic oxide, 2-brom-3.5-dinitro-4-methylnitramino- benzenearsonic acid made with, 1,180,627 —, 2.2’-dibrom-4.4’-dimethylamino-3.5.3’ .5’- tetramino-arsenobenzene made with, 1,180,627 2-Brom-3.5-dinitro-4-methylnitramino- benzenearsonic acid, 2.2’-dibrom-4.4’-di methylamino-3.5.3’.5’-tetramino-arsenoben- zene made with, 1,180,627 —,mfr. of, 2-brom-4-dimethylamino-benzene- l-arsenic oxide for, 1,180,627 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,180,627 2-Brom-3.5-dinitro-4-methylnitramino- benzenearsonic acid, mfr. of, nitric acid for, 1,180,627 —,—, process for, 1,180,627 9. Brom-3.5-dinitro-4-methylnitramino- benzenearsonic acid, mfr. of, sodium acetate for, 1,180,627 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,180,627 —,solvent for, acetone for, 1,180,627 —,—, ethyl alcohol as, 1,180,627 —,—,methyl alcohol as, 1,180,627 —,—, water as, 1,180,627 Bromelia, see Istle Bromelia fiber, treatment of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,193,703 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,193,703 —,—, process for, 1,193,703 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,193,703 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1 193, 703 Bromelin, adrenal elands treated with, 1,460,832 —, ale made with, 1,235,881; 1,235, 882 —, bread made with, 1,179,877 —,beer made with, 1,235,881; 1,235,882 —, beverage made with, 1,235,881; 1,235,882; 1,441,726 —,see also Enzyme, proteolytic Brom-ethane, see Ethyl bromide . 2-Brom-ethanol, ethylene cyanhydrin from, 1,388,016 ; —, mfr. of, bromine for, 1,496,675 —,—, copper bromide for, 1 496, 675 ,—, copper salt for, 1 496, 675 —,—, ethylene for, 1, 496 675 —,—, process for, 1 489, 306; 1,496,675 i water for, 1,496, 675 b- Bromethy! acetate, mfr. of, acetyl bromidall for, 1,893,191 —,— ethylene oxide for, 1,893,191 —,—,ethylene oxide and acetyl bromide for, 1 393, 191 —,—, process for, 1,393,191 a-Brom-a-ethyl-n-butyromtrile, see Brom- diethyl-acetonitrile (a-Brom-a-ethyl-butyryl) urea, see Adaline Bromethyl-diethylamine, see b-Bromtriethyl- amine Bromethyldiethylamine hydrobromate, ethyl diethylaminoethy! acetoacetate from, 1,429,922 Brom-ethylene, acid-proofing made _ with, 1,241,738 —,alkali proofing made with, 1,241,738 —,amber substitute made with, 1,241,738 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,241 738 —,cellulose ester substitute made with, 1,241,738 —, coating made with, 1,241,738 —,fabric, impregnation of using, 1,241,738 —, film made with, 1,241,738 —, fireproofing made with, 1,241,738 —, horn substitute made with, 1,241,738 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,241,738 —, lacquer made with, 1,241,738 —,mfr. of, acetylene for, 1,414,852; 1,425,130 —,—,acetylene and hydrobromic acid for, 1,414,852 —,— —_, benzene for, 1,425,130 —,— ’ benzine for, 1,425, 130 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,425,130 —, chlorbenzene for, 1,425,130 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Brom-ethylene, mfr. of, s-dibrom-ethane for, 1,237,076 —,—, ether for, 1,425,130 —,—, hydrobromic acid for, 1,414,852; 1,425,130 —,—, kieselguhr for, 1,425,130 —, mercury compounds for, 1,425,130 —, nitrogen for, 1,425,130 —,—, petroleum for, 1,425,130 —, —, process for, 1,237,076; 1,414,852; 1,425,130 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,237,076 —,—,toluene for, 1,425,130 —,—, xylene for, 1,425,130 —, molded article made with, 1,241,738 —,paint made with, 1,241,738 —,paper, impregnation of using, 1,241,738 —, plastic made with, 1,241,738 —, preparation of, 1,425,130 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,241,738 —,stone, artificial, impregnation of using, 1,241,738 —, thread, artificial, made with, 1,241,738 —, waterproofing made with, 1,241,738 —, wood, impregnation of using, 1,241,738 Bromethylformin, see Bromaline Bromethyl-magnesium-bromide, omega-brom- n-propyl chlormethyl carbinol made with, 1,150,251 b-Bromethyl p-nitrobenzoate, b-(N.N.-allyl- n-butyl) aminoethyl p-aminobenzoate made with, 1,476,934 —, b-(N.N-allyl-n-butyl) aminoethyl p-nitro- benzoate made with, 1,476,934 —,mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,260,289 —,—, alkali for, 1,260,289 —,—,amine as catalyst for, 1,260,289 —,—, copper as catalyst for, 1,260,289 —,—,diethylamine as catalyst for, 1,260,289 —,—,ether for, 1,260,289 —,—,ethylene bromide for, 1,260,289 _—,—, p-nitrobenzoic acid for, 1,260,289 —,—, process for, 1,260,289 —,—,sodium p-nitrobenzoate for, 1,260,289 —,novocaine made with, 1,260,289 Bromethyl-triethyl-arsonium-bromide, ~ ethanol-triethyl-arsonium-bromide made with, 1,308,413 —, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,308,413 —,—,s-dibromethane for, 1,308,413 —,—,triethyl arsine for, 1,308,413 Bromethyl-trimethyl-arsonium-bromide, ethanol-trimethyl-arsonium-bromide from, 1,308,413 —, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,308,413 —,—,s-dibromethane for, 1,308,413 —,—, process for, 1,308,413 —,—, trimethyl arsine for, 1,308,413 Brometone, see Tribrom tertiary butyl alcohol Bromgallamine blue, dyestuff made with, 1,227,407 Bromhydrin, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,253,615 —,—, olefin for, 1,253,615; 1,264,535 ; 1,264,536 —,—, process for, 1,253,615 —,—,sodium bromide for, 1,253,615; 1,264,535 ; 1,264,536 —, see also 2-Brom-ethanol — — bf , > 867 Bromhydrocarbons, copper container for, pre- vention of corrosion of, benzal chloride for, 1,151,255 —,—,—, benzaldehyde for, 1,151,255 —,—,—, benzyl chloride for, 1,151,255 —-,—,-—, toluene for, 1,151,255 —,fire extinguisher contg., 1,151,255 —,iron container for, prevention of corrosion of, benzal chloride for, 1,151,255 —,—,—, benzaldehyde for, 1,151,255 —,—,—, benzyl chloride for, 1,151,255 —,—,—, toluene for, 1,151,255 1-Brom-4-hydroxy-anthraquinone, mfr. of, bro- mine for, 1,401,125 —,—, 1-hydroxy-anthraquinone for, 1,401,125 —,—, nitro-benzene for, 1,401,125 —,—, process for, 1,401,125 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,401,125 2-(4’-Brom-1’-hydroxy-2'-naphthoy])-benzoic acid, dyestuff made with, 1,194,380 5-Brom-6-hydroxyquinoline, bismuth and iodine contg. compound of, 1,129,865 —, bismuth oxyiodide, compound of made and, 1,129,865 —,—,compound of and as antiseptic, 1,129,865 —,iodine and bismuth contg. compound of, 1,129,865 5-Brom-8-hydroxyquinoline, bismuth and iodine contg. compound of, 1.129,865 —, bismuth, oxyiodide, compound made of and, 1,129,865 —,—, compound of and as antiseptic, 1,129,865 —,iodine and bismuth contg. compound of, 1,129,865 Bromic acid, bread made with, 1,148,328 —,hydrocarbon oxidized with, 1,430,538 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,480,538 Bromic ether, see Ethyl bromide Bromicresol purple, colorimetric standard made with, 1,505,185 Bromide, battery, primary, made with, 1,163,834 —,bromide made with, 1,141,922 —, catalyst, diphenylamine made with, 1,314,538 —,corn oil made with, 1,161,481 — etching, film, photographic, treatment of for, made with, 1,256,981 —,films, photographic, varying porosity of, made with, 1,256,981 —,a-hydroxy-acids made with, 1,479,874 —,mfr. of, bromine for, 1,380,851 —,oat oil made with, 1,161,481 —,oil, vegetable, made with, 1,161,481 —,pea oil made with, 1,161,481 —,picture, film, photographic, treatment of for, made with, 1,256,981 — -, pulse oil made with, 1,161,481 —,sea salt contg., 1,161,481 ~—-,soya bean oil made with, 1,161,481 Bromide chloride, 8-amino-3.7-dimethy]-2-di- methylamino-10-methylacridinium bromide made with, 1,473,550 Bromination, apparatus for, 1,365,740 Brom-indigo, dyestuff made with, 1,440,037; 1,473,887 —, mfr. of, bisulfite for, 1,473,887 —,—, bromine for, 1,473,887 —}—,carbon tetrachloride for, 1,473,887 868 Brom-indigo, mfr. of, indigo for, 1,473,887 —,—, process for, 1,481,606; 1,473,887 ~Bromindigo FB, see waa -Tetrabrom-indigo Bromine, absorbing, 1,354,472 — , absorption of, copper salt for, 1,805,058 , by hydrocarbons, 1,440 286 — , acetaldehyde made ‘with, 1,234 886 —,acetic anhydride made with, 1,195,227 —, " acridine dyestuffs halogenated with, 1 ,418 852 —, ‘alkali bromides made with, 1,437 740 —, ’ aluminum chloride made with, 1,445,082 ; 1 474,479 = , 2-amino- 1-brom-3-chlor-anthraquinone made with, 1,452,774 —, 6-amino- 7-brom-5’ .7-dichlor-indirubin made with, 1,266,092 —,ammonium bromide from, 1,292,016 —,amyl acetate, removal from of, barium for, i 233,333 —, calcium for, 1,233,333 —, ’ potassium for, 1,233,333 TR ’ bay ata —,;—,—, process for, 1,233,333 —-,——>,-—-, sodium’ for,; 1,283,333 r,-—, —, strontium for, 1,233,300 -,amyl ‘alcohol, removal from of, barium for, 1 233,000 «-,—,—, calcium for, 1,233,333 -,—,—, ’ potassium for, 1,233,330 «-,—,—, process for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, sodium for, 1,233,333 —,—, —, strontium for, 1,233 333 —,amyl formate, removal from of, barium for, 1 233,333 —,—,—, calcium for, 1,233,333 —,—,—, potassium for, 1,233 ooo —,—,—, process for, 1,233 333 —,—,—, sodium for, 1 233 oo3 —,—, —, strontium for, 1,233 333 — anthraquinone derivatives chlorinated with, 1 401,125 —, antimony made with, 1,245,137 —,antimony chloride made with, 1,445,082 —, antiseptic made with, 1,183 055 —, arsenic made with, 1,245, 137 —,arsenic acid mfr. by, 1,447 ,203 —, arsenic acid solvent, 1,456 509 —,arsenic chloride made with, 1,445,082 —, arsenic sulfide solvent, 1,456 09 —,arsenic trisulfide, paraffin oil and, arsenical solution contg., 1,456,509 —,—, — , insecticide contg., 1,456,509 wood, preservative for, 4 (456,51 509 —, arsenical solution prepared with, 1,456,509 —, ’ balsa wood, fireproofing for, made with, 1 194,558 —,— , waterproofing for, made with, 1,194,558 —, * barium permanganate made with, 1,453 062 — ’ benzene made with, 1,282,906 — , benzene, bromination of using, 1,191,916 — ‘bismuth’ made with, 1,245,137 — ’ bivinyl made with, 1 282 906 —., brine, arene. from of, 1 473,29 —,—, — vitae actinic, for, 1,473,295 —,—,—, process for, 1 473, 295 —, brine treated for recor hs 1,386,244 contg., UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 chlorine for, Bromine, 2- bromethanol made with, 1,496,675 3 ‘ —, bromhydrocarbons from, 1,421, —,1- -brom-4-hydroxy-anthraquinone made with, 1 401,125 —, br omindigo made with, 1,473,887 — ’ bromine from, process ‘for, 1,323, 173 —, ’ bromine solution made with, 1 183 055 — , brom-methyl 2-phenyl-4-quinolyl made with, 1,434,306 —, a-brom-toluene_ made with, 1,384,909 —, burning, in hydrogen, 1 380 084 —,butene made with, 1 234 886 —, ’ cadmium made with, 1 (245, 137 —, camphor made with, 1 313 661 —,catalyst, artificial resin 1 448 556 —,— , cellulose acetate made with, 1,296,847 —,—, ’ cellulose esters made with, 1 296 847 —,—,diphenylamine made with, 1 314 ‘538 —,—,1ron as, made with, 1,489 497 cant oleoresin, artificial, made with, 1,469,709 —, phenol ethers made with, 1 469, 709 pe —, resin, artificial, made with, 1 469, 709 — , catalyst, poison, 1 489,497; 1 510. 598 —, cellulose acetate made with, 1,347, 801 — ; cellulose aceto-nitrate made with, 1 ‘168, 164 —, ’ cellulose nitrate chlorinated with, 1 '323, 792 —, cellulose nitrate fire-proofed with, 1,323, 792 —, cellulose nitrate treated with, 1 323 792 —, cellulose treated with, cellulose ether made with, 1,188,376 —,—, ethyl cellulose made with, 1,188,376 —,—, methyl cellulose made with, 1,188,376 — ; 2-chlor-ethanol made with, 1 234 886 — , chlorhydrins made with, 1,234 886 —, chlorides made with, 1 445, 082 —, chlorine, removing from, 1 086,117 —, compounds contg., stability of, 1,333,700 —, copper made with, 1,245,137 —,p-cymol made with, 1,433 666 —, dibromfluorescein in prepared with, 1,455,495 —, dibromindigo made with, 1,473,88 887 —,1.3- -dibrom-2-methyl-butane made 1 144,237 —, a. a-dibrom-toluene made with, 1,384,909 —,dibrom-xylene made with, 1,198,356 ; 1 1237 652 —, N- dihydro-1 2.2'.1'-anthraquinoneazine, chlorine derivative made with, 1,317, 160 —,diolefin made with, 1,282 906 — disinfectant made with, 1,183,055 — , dissolving, hydrocarbons for, 1 380,851 —,dye made with, 1,317,160 —,dyestuff made with, 1,133,081; 1,199,458; 1 201,968; 1,207,982; 1 452 TTA: 1,461,435; 1 ‘505 912: 1 513, 074. — , dyestuff brominated with, 1,461,435 —, dyestuff prepared with, 1 459, 536 —, ethane made with, 1,234 886; 1,282,906 — ’ ethyl alcohol made with, 1 234 886 —,ethylene made. with, 1 934 886; 1,282,906 —, ethylene esters made with, 1 234 886 —, ethyl ether made with, 1 234 ‘886 — , 5-ethyl-5-phenyl-hydantoin maae 1 ,285 703 = , extracting, apparatus for, 1,376,610 —, extraction of from natural brines, 1,380,851 ketone with, formed with, — with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS 869 Bromine, fatty acid anhydride made with, 1,195,227 —, fertilizing material treated with, 1,402,638 —,ferrocyanides converted to ferricyanides by, 1,328,938 —., film, photographic, dyeing of, using, 1,214,940 —., fireproofing made with, 1,194,558 —,gasolene made with, 1,235,523; 1,282,906 —,gasolene, bromination of using, 1,191,916 —,—, olefin removed from using, 1,166,777 —,germicide made with, 1,183,055 —,glycerol synthesized with, 1,466,665 —, glycol made with, 1,234,886 —,gold made with, 1,245,137 —, heater, chemical, made with, 1,506,323 —,heptabromindigo made with, 1,473,887 —, hexabromindigo made with, 1,473,887 —,hydrobromic acid made with, 1,380,084 —,hydrobromic acid from hydrogen and, 1,398,596 —,hydrobromic acid from sulfur dioxide and, 1,430,035 —, hydrocarbons brominated with, 1,384,909 —, hydrocarbons, bromination of using, 1,191,916 —,— , olefin, made with, 1,234,886 —,hydrocarbon derivatives of, apparatus for mfr., 1,339,675 —, hydrogen made with, 1,506,323 —, hydrogen dioxide, water contg., made with, 1,197,640 —,indigo brominated with, 1,431,606 —, indigo halogenated with, 1,414,335 —, insecticide prepared with, 1,456,509 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,448,556 —,iodine liberated by, 1,429,276 —, iron made with, 1,245,137 —,iron, catalyst, made with, 1,489,497 —,iron chloride made with, 1,445,082 ' —,isoborneol oxidized with, 1,313,661 - —,isoprene made with, 1,282,906 —,juglone brominated with, 1,327,260 —, kerosene made with, 1,235,523; 1,282,906 —,lead made with, 1,245,137 —,leprosy, substance for treatment of, made with, 1,250,345 —, manganese made with, 1,245,137 —,manganese dioxide made with, 1,236,236 —, manganese oxide made with, 1,236,236 —, d-mannose made with, 1,478,588 —,mifr. of, acid for, 1,141,922 —,—,alkali bromide for, 1,267,638 —,—, alkali earth bromide for, 1,267,638 —,—,apparatus for, 1,141,921; 1,323,173; 1,513,821; 1,519,642 —,—, borate for, 1,184,806 —,—, brine for, 1,323,173; 1,513,821; 1,519,642 —,—, brine, natural, for, 1,141,921; 1,141,922 —,—,bromate for, 1,141,922 ,—, bromide for, 1,141,922; 1,323,173; 1,380,851 —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,184,806 —,—, chlorine for, 1,141,921; 1,323,178; 1,513,821 —,—,electrolysis for, 1,466,665 —,—,hydrobromic acid for, 1,267,638 Bromine, mfr. of, hydrocarbon for, 1,519,642 —,—, iron bromide for, 1,141,921 —,—, iron(ic) bromide for, 1,141,921 —,—,iron(ous) bromide for, 1,141,921 —,—, nitrogen tetroxide for, 1,267,638 —,—, nitrogen trioxide for, 1,267,638 —,—, nitrosyl bromide for, 1,267,638 —,—,nitrosyl sulfuric acid for, 1,267,638 —,—, oil for, 1,519,642 —,—, petroleum for, 1,519,642 —,—, potassium bromate for, 1,141,922 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,513,821 —,—, potassium chloride, solutions contg., for, 1,184,806 —,—,process for, 1,141,921; 1,141,922; 1,184,806; 1,267,638; 1,323,173; 1,854,472; 1,406,624; 1,513,821; 1,519,642 —,—, sodium bicarbonate, solutions contg., for, 1,184,806 —-,—,sodium borate, solutions contg., for, 1,184,806 —,—, sodium. bromate for, 1,141,922 —,—,sodium bromide for, 1,141,922 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,513,821 —,—,sodium carbonate, solutions contg., for, 1,184,806 —,—,sodium chloride, solutions contg., for, 1,184,806 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,519,642 —,—,sodium sulfate, solutions contg., for, 1,184,806 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,141,922 —,metal chloride made with, 1,474,479 —,methylamine, methylamine made _ with, 1,489,380 —, molded article made with, 1,448,556 —,mono-brom-mono-chlor-ethane from chlorine and, 1,306,472 . —, octabromindigo made with, 1,473,887 —,octinebromarsonic acid (?) made _ with, 1,201,692 —, olefin made with, 1,282,906 ' —,olefin acid extracts brominated with, 1,440,976 —,oxyacids of, gold made with, 1,193,197 —,—,metal, precious, made with, 1,193,197 —,—, silver made with, 1,193,197 —,ozone, water contg., made with, 1,197,640 —, paint made with, 1,194,558 —, paint, anti-fouling, made with, 1,456,509 —, paraffin, bromination of using, 1,191,916 —, Paris green solvent, 1,456,509 —, pentabromindigo made with, 1,473,887 —, pentyl bromide made with, 1,317,359 —,permanganates made with, 1,453,562 —,petracin made with, 1,308,060 —, petroleum, bromination of using, 1,191,916 —,phenol ketone condensate made with, 1,448,556 —., 2-phenylquinolyl-4-bromomethylketone hydrobromide prepared with, 1,434,306 —,photographic image, dyeing of, using, 1,214,940 —,piperylene, made with, 1,282,906 —, potassium bromide from, 1,392,905 870 Bromine, preparation of, 1,386,117 —, propene made with, 1,234, 886 —, propionic anhydride made with, 1,195,227 —,iso-propyl alcohol deodorized using, 1,502,149 —, propylene made with, 1,282,906 —, purification of, 1,386,117 —,—, iron bromide for, 1,386,117 —,recovery of, process for, 1,473,295 —,—, seaweed for, 1,805,058 —,recovery of from gases, 1,292,016 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,448,556 —, rubber, synthetic, made with, 1,234,886 —,rubber substitute made with, 1,151,948 —,Schweinfurt green solvent, 1,456,509 —, separating from chlorine, 1,354,472; 1,386,117 —, silicon tetrabromide from, 1,350,932 —, silver made with, 1,245,137 —, sulfur dioxide oxidized, 1,420,477 —,tetrabromethane from, 1,402,318 —,tetrabromindigo made with, 1,473,887 —, therapeutic compound made with, 1,250,345 —,thorium hydroxide made with, 1,182,880 —, thorium oxalate made with, 1,182,880 —, thorium oxide made with, 1,182,880 —, thorium pyrophosphate made with, 1,182,880 —, thorium. sulfate made with, 1,182,880 —,tin chloride made with, 1,445,082 —, titanium tetrabromide from, 1,350,932 —, toluene brominated with, 1,384,909 —,toulene, bromination of using, 1,191,916 —,tribromindigo made with, 1,473,887 —,2.3.8-tribrom-juglone made with, 1,327,260 —, a.a.a-tribrom-toluene made with, 1,384,909 —, trimethyl-ethylene-dibromide made_ with, 1,298,929 —, tuberculosis, substance for treatment of, made with, 1,250,345 —,vinyl derivatives made with, 1,234,886 —, vulcanization accelerator made 1,413,172; 1,486,894; 1,453,515 —,vuleanization process _ using, 1,249,181 —, water, 1,197,640 —,—, ozone in, made with, 1,197,640 —,—, removal from of, process for, 1,197,640 —,—,—, zeolite for, 1 197, 640 —, —, —, zeolite, artificial, for, 1,197,640 ,—, —, “ cerium,” for, 1, 197, 640 with, 1,249,180; hydrogen dioxide in, made with, “ cobalt, y , for, 1,197, 640 —, “ copper,’ ’ for, 1,197, 640 f Sate “lead,” for, 1 ‘197, 640 —,—-,—,—, “nickel, 4 for, 1,197, 640 —, water gas made with, 1,506,323 —, waterproofing made with, 1,194,558 —, water purified using, 1,197,640 —,wood, preservative for, prepared with, 1,456,509: —,wool treated with, 1,389,274; 1,389,275 —, zine made with, 1,245,137 —,zine chloride made with, 1,445,082 ’ —, zine dimethyldithiocarbamate oxidized with, 1,453,515 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bromine chloride, cellulose acetate made with, 1,347,801 Bromine compound, catalyst, with, 1,489,497 iron as, mali Oy catalyst poison, 1,489,497; 1,510,598 —,condiment contg., 1,513,298 —,iron, catalyst, made with, 1,489,497 — kelp product contg., 1,513 ,298 —, organic, emulsions of, mir. of, castor oil for, 1,229,681 —,—,castor oil, for ‘4 929 681 —,—,—,—,cresols for, 1,229,681 eth —} naphthols ‘for, 1,229 681 —,—,—,—, phenols for, t 229 681 ;—,—, process for, 1,229,681 ,—,—,—, soap, castor oil, for, 1,229,681 —,—,—, —, sodium hydroxide for, 1,229, 681 —- ’ therapeutic product contg., 1 513 298 Bromine solution, mfr. of, bromine for, 1,183,055 —,—, glycerol for, 1,183, 055 —,—, process for, 1,183,055 ,—, rock candy for, 1,183,055 —,—,tannic acid for, 1,183,055 —,—, tannin for, 1,183 055 —,— ; trihydroxybenzoic acid for, 1,183,055 4- Bromin-I- -oxy-2-naphthoyl-o-benzoic acid, see oe -Brom-1'-hydroxy-2'-naphthoyl) -benzoic act Bromisatin, dyestuff made with, 1,266,092 a- Brom-isovalerianyl chloride, see a-Brom- wsovaleryl chloride a-Brom-isovalerianyl ethyl urethane, see Ethyl (a-brom-isovaleryl)-carbamate a-Brom-isovalerianyl urethane, see Ethyl (a- brom-isovaleryl) -carbamate a-Brom-tsovaleryl-p-aminophenol allyl ether, see p-Allyloxy-a-brom-isovaleranilide a-Brom-isovaleryl bromide, p-allyloxy-a-brom- isovaleranilide made with, 1,263,238 a-Brom-isovalery] chloride, ethyl (a-brom- isovaleryl)-carbamate made with, 1,237,413 Brom-ketopinin acid, brom-norcamphor ‘made with, 1,169,316 Brom-methane, see Methyl bromide 1-Brom-2-methylamine-naphthylene hydrochlo- ride, preparation of, 1,431,470 4-Brom-2-methyl-butane, 1.3-dibrom-2-methyl- butane made with, 1,144,237 1-Brom-N-methy]-2-naphthylamine, aldehydes for, 1,431,470 alkali compounds of, mfr, 7O8 —,—, N-benzal-1-brom-2-naphthylamine for, 1,431,470 —,—,benzene for, 1,431,470 —,—, dimethyl] sulfate for, 1,431,470 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,431,470 —,—, nitrobenzene for, 1,431,470 —,—, process for, 1 431 A470 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,431,470 —,—,sodium nitrite for, 1,431,470 —,—, tin for, 1,431,470 —,—,toluene for, 1,481,470 —,—,xylene for, 1,431,470 2-Brom-4-methylnitramino-8.6-dinitro- benzene-l-arsenic acid, see 2-Brom-3.6- dinitro-4-methylnitramino-benzenearsonic acid INDEX OF Brom-methyl 2-phenyl-4-quinolyl ketone, (diethylaminomethyl) (2-phenyl-4-quinoly]) ketone made with, 1,434,306 —,(dimethylaminomethyl) (2-phenyl]-4- quinolyl) ketone made with, 1,434,306 —, mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,434,306 —,—, bromine for, 1,434,306 —,—,ethyl 2-phenyl-4-quinoly] 1,434,306 —,—,hydrobromic acid for, 1,434,306 —,—,methyl 2-phenyl-4-quinolyl ketone for, 1,434,306 —,—, process for, 1,434,306 acetate —,piperidyl methyl 2-phenol-4-quinonyl ke- tone made with, 1,434,306 Brom-b-naphthisatine-a-chloride, see Brom- chlor-b-naphthisatin. 1-Brom-12.3-naphththioindoxyls, mfr. of, 1- brom-2: 3-thionaphthisatin for, 1,492,054 ‘—,—, process for, 1,492,054 5-Brom-2: 1-naphthiondoxyl, mfr. of, 5-brom- 2: 1-thionaphthisatin for, 1,492 054 —,—, process for, 1,492,054 1-Brom-2-naphthol, 1-anilino-2-naphthol made with, 1,460,774 —, dyestuff made with, 1,436,770 —, 1-p-’-toluino-2-naphthol made with, 1,460,774 6-Brom-1.2-naphthoquinone, compound, C2sH10O2N:2Br, made with, 1,518,665 —,—, CaHi.0.NBr, made with, 1,518,665 —, —, CssHis0.N:Br, made with, 1,518 665 eh ea CssHisOiNs, made with, 1,518,665 —, dyestuff made with, 1,436,770; 1,518,665 3-Brom-1.2-naphthoquinone, dyestuff made with, 1,436,770; 1,518,665 3-Brom-b-naphthoquinone, dyestuff made with, 1,436,770 Brom nitroform, see Brom trinitro methane Brom-norcamphor, mfr. of, keptonic acid for, 1,169,316 —,—, process for, 1,169,316 Bromochinol, see Dibromo-salicylate of quinine pet see Dichlorobromo-acetic alde- yde Bromochloroform, see Dichloro-bromo-methane Bromo-ethane, see Ethyl bromide Bromo-ethyl, see Ethyl bromide Bromoform, copper mineral, ore, separation from of using, 1,151,117 —, fire-extinguisher made 1,190,160 ; 1,190,161 —,hematite, ore, separation from of, using, 1,151,117 —,lead mineral, ore, separation from of, using, ei biel —,limonite, ore, separation from of, using, 1,151,117 —,specific gravity of, tb LI7 —,zine mineral, ore, separation from of using, 1,151,117 —,see also Tribrom-methane a-Bromohydrin, see 1.2-Propanediol Bromol, see Tribromophenol g-Bromo-propyl p-nitro-benzoate, see 3-Brom- propyl p-nitro-benzoate 4-Brom-2-toluidine, see 4-Brom-o-toluidine a-Brompentane, see Amyl bromide (n) with, SUBJECTS 871 Bromphenol, dyestuff from sulfur and, 1,450,463 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,215,072 —,sulfur and, as dyestuff, mfr. of, 1,450,463 —,sulfurized compound of, mfr. of, 1,450,463 Bromphenylhydrazine, flotation of chalcocite by, 1,864,306 —, flotation of chalcopyrite by, 1,364,306 —, flotation of copper sulfide by, 1.864,806 —, flotation of minerals by, 1,364,306 —, flotation of porphyry ores by, 1,364,306 Bromphenylhydrazine hydrochloride, flotation of chalcocite by, 1,364,306 —, flotation of chalcopyrite by, 1,364,306 —, flotation of copper sulfide by, 1,364,306 —, flotation of minerals by, 1,364,306 —, flotation of porphyry ores by, 1,364,306 Bromphenylhydrazine sulfate, flotation of chal- cocite by, 1,364,306 —, flotation of chalcopyrite by, 1,364,306 —, flotation of, copper sulfide by, 1,364,306 —,—, minerals of, 1,364,306 —,—, porphyry ores, 1,364,306 Brompicrin, mfr. of, 1,413,198 —,—, picrie acid for, 1,413,198 —,—, process for, 1,413,198 —,see also Tribrom-nitro-methane omega-Brom-n-propyl chlormethyl carbinol, 3-brom-n-propyl chlormethyl ketone made with, 1,150,251 —, mfr. of, bromethyl-magnesium-bromide for, 1,150,251 —,—,epichlorhydrin for, 1,150,251 —,—, process for, 1,150,251 3-Brom-n-propyl chlormethylketone, 3-chlor- methyl-3-octanol made with, 1,150,251 —, 3-dimethylaminomethy]l-3-octanol made with, 1,150,251 ; 1,150,580 —, 3-dimethylaminomethyl-6-octanol hydrochloride made with, 1,150,580 3-Brom-n-propyl chlormethyl chlormethyl ketone, mfr. of, omega-brom-n-propy] chlor- methyl carbinol for, 1,150,251 —,—, process for, 1,150,251 Brompropylene, see 1.2-Dibrompropane 3-Brom-n-propyl ketone, 3-chlormethyl 3-octa- nol made with, 1,150,580 g-Brompropyl p-nitrobenzoate, g-(N.N-allyl-n- butyl) aminopropyl p-aminobenzoate made with, 1,476,934 —,g-(N.N-allyl-n-butyl) aminopropyl p-nitro- benzoate made with, 1,476,934 3-Brom-propyl p-nitro-benzoate, 3-(di-sec- butylamino)-propyl p-amino-benzoate made with, 1,513,730 Brom-purpurin, see Brom-trioxy-anthraquinone Brompyrin, see Mono-brom-antipyrine . 1-Brom 2:-3-thionaphthisatin, 1-brom 12:3- naphthathioindoxyls made with, 1,492,054 5-Brom-2:1-thionaphthisatin, 5-brom-2:1- naphthionindoxyl made with, 1,492,054 Brom-thymol blue, boric acid, determination in presence of nickel salts of, using, 1,504,207 —,soil tested using, 1,520,891 Brom thymol blue solution, preparation of, calcium Hydroxide for, 1,520,891 benzoate 872 Brom-toluene, gum made with, 1,513,802 —, plastic made with, 1,513,802 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,513,802 —,sizing made with, 1,513,802 —, varnish made with, 1,513,802 —, waterproofing made with, 1,513,802 a-Brom-toluene, benzaldehyde made 1,272,522 —, benzyl carbohydrate made with, 1,504,178 —,benzyl cellulose made with, 1,451,330; 1,504,178 —, benzyl dextrin made with, 1,504,178 —,benzyl starch made with, 1,504,178 —, cellulose benzylated by, process for, 1,451,330 —,gum made with, 1,513,802 —,hydrocellulose benzylated by, process for, 1,451,330 —,mfr. of, bromine for, 1,384,909 —,—, bromine, toluene and sodium carbonate for, 1,384,909 —,—, process for, 1,384,909 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,384,909 ~—,—, toluene for, 1,384,909 —, nitrous acid made with, 1,272,522 —, plastic made with, 1,513,802 —, projectile made with, 1,517,554 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,513,802 —, sodium bromide made with, 1,272,522 —,sizing made with, 1,513,802 —,varnish made with, 1,513,802 —, waterproofing made with, 1,513,802 Bromtoluene sulfonic acid, cresol sulfonic acid from, 1,321,271 with, 4-Brom-o-toluidine, dyestuff made with, 1,493,577 b-Brom-triethylamine hydrobromide, ethyl a-(diethylaminoethy])-acetoacetate made with, 1,429,922 Bromural, hypnotic, 1,493,182 —,see also a-Brom-isovaleryl-urea a-Brom-iso-valeryl-p-aminophenol allyl ether, see p-Allyloxy-a-brom-isovaleranilide Brom-iso-valerylbromide, (a-brom-iso-valery])- pseudourea-methyl] ether made with, 1,126,432 a-Brom-iso-valeryl bromide, see a-Bromiso- valeryl bromide Bromvaleryl chloride, tert-amyl bromvalerate made with, 1,123,572 (a-Brom-iso-valeryl)-isourea, see (a-Brom-iso- valeryl) -pseudourea (a-Brom-iso-valeryl)-pseudourea-methy] ether, a-brom-iso-valeryl-urea made from, 1,126,432 —, mfr. of, brom-iso-valerylbromide for, 1,126,432 —,—,ether for, 1,126,432 —,—, process for, 1,126,432 —,—, pseudourea-methyl-ether for, 1,126,432 —,solvent for, alcohol as, 1,126,432 —,—, benzene as, 1,126,432 —,—, ether as, 1,126,432 a-Brom-iso-valeryl-urea, mfr. of, (a-brom-iso- valeryl)-pseudourea-methyl ether for, 1,126,432 Bronchio-pneumonia virus, cultivation of, arti- ficial, media for, 1,391,579 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bronchitis, therapeutic compound for treatment of, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,495,461 —,—,—, peat for, 1,495,461 —,—,—, process for, 1,495,461 —,treatment of, radium emanation solution for, 1,470,027 Bronze, alloys made from, 1,363,382 —,aluminum-, see Aluminum bronze —, “antiquing,” 1,428,170 —,asbestos cement slate coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —, asbestos composition coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —, battery, dry, made with, 1,366,095; 1,468,574 —, battery electrode made with, 1,366,095 —, bearing, antifriction, made with, 1,494,099 —,—, compacting, 1,446,332 —,—,rolling, 1,446,332 —,—, see also Alloy, copper-tin-zinc —,bearing metal, substitute for, 1,431,233 —, beater, knife bar for, made with, 1,216,487 —,benzene made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 —,bivinyl made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 —, brick coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —, bronze powder made with, 1,347,928 —, brush, electric, made with, 1,202,818 —,—, electric generator, made with, 1,366,095 —, casting for, gypsum in mold for, 1,200,138 —,—, kaolin in mold for, 1,200,138 —,—,ocher in mold for, 1,200,138 —,—,pozzuolana in mold for, 1,200,138 —,—,ultramarine in mold for, 1,200,138 —, casting of, carbon for, 1,172,506 —,—, graphite and sand mold for, 1,172,506 —,—, graphite mold for, 1,172,506 —,—, iron mold for, 1,172,506 c mfr. of, —,mold coating composition for, mfr. of, harcoal for, 1,218,394 —,—,—,—, clay, pipe, for, 1,218,394 ,—,—,—, coke dust for, 1,218,394 ,»—,—, —, dextrin, for, 1,218,394 —,—, flour paste for, 1,218,394 »—,—,—, process for, 1,218,394 ,—,—,—, starch for, 1,218,394 —,—, process for, 1,172,506 —,—,sand mold for, 1,172,506 —,—, sound, making, 1,351,051 —,cement, composition contg., coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —, circuit-breaker made with, 1,366,095 —, cleaner for, mfr. of, process for, 1,270,105 —, cobalt, iridium, platinum alloy contg., com- posite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, platinum, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, platinum alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—, iridium in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,cobalt alloy, nickel in, iridium, platinum alloy contg., composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—, platinum, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Bronze, cobalt alloy, nickel in, platinum alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130 077 —,—,—, iridium in, composite sheet of and hiihade with, 1,130,077 —, coloring, 1 428, 170 — - composition of,” 94%, 1 326,775 —, contact point made with, 1,130,077 —, copper in, 1,326,775 —, copper, see Copper bronze —, copper covered, mfr. of, process for, 1,125,163 —, copper (ous) oxide from, 1,402,986 —, diaphragm made with, 1 366 095 —, diolefin made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 — ’ dissolving, chlorine and copper ‘chloride for, 1 303,773 _—, ethane made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 —, ethylene made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 —, felt coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —, ' gasolene made with apparatus “of, 1 ,282,906 % brush, commutator, made with, 1,198,873 —,golf ball, mold for, made with, 1,491,816 —, gypsum, composition contg., ‘coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —, hardness increased of, process for, 1,826,775 —, ‘heat treatment of, lead for, 1,520 744 —,—, potassium. chloride for, 1,520,744 —,—, process for, 1,520,744 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,520,744 —, hydrogen in, eliminating, 1,351,031 —,imitation, copper alloy as, 1,168,962 —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,217,660 —,ink contg., 1,439,695; 1,489,696 —, iridium, platinum alloy contg., cobalt, com- posite sheet of made with, 1 130, 077 —,—,—,iron, composite sheet of and made with, 1, 130, 077 —,—,—,iron alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—, nickel, composite sheet of and made with, 1 ,130 077 —,—,—, nickel alloy, cobalt in, sheet of and made with, 1,130, 077 —,—,—, steel, composite sheet of and made with, 1 130, 077 —,—,—, ‘steel alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,180,077 —, iron, coating of using, 1,156,169 —,— compound body of and, ‘infr. of, process for, 1,180,248 ; 1,180,249 —,—, iridium, platinum alloy contg., composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, platinum, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, platinum alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—, iridium in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130 077 — —,sheet, corrosion resistant, made with, 1, 144, 106 —,iron alloy, iridium, platinum alloy contg., composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, platinum, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,— platinum alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 56 copper tin 6%, composite 873 Bronze, iron alloy, platinum alloy, iridium in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,iron alloy coated with, mfr. of, copper(ic) oxide for, 1,197,616 —,—,—, process for, 1,197,616 —,—,—,tin(ous) oxide for, 1,197,616 —,iron coated with, 1,125,158 — ,—, mfr. of, copper(ic) oxide for, 1,197,616 —,—,—, process for, 1,197,616 —,—,—, tin(ous) oxide for, 1,197,616 —,isoprene made with, apparatus of, 1,282,906 —, kerosene made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 —,lead coated, mfr. of antimony for, 1,501,293 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,501 993 ,—,—, lead for, 1,501,293 —,—,—, nitric acid. for, 1,501,293 —, phosphor-tin for, 1,501 293 —,—,—, phosphorus for, 1,501 293 —,—,—, phosphorus sulfide (P.8s), 1,501,293 —,—,—, process for, 1,501,293 —,—, —, sulfuric acid for, 1,501,293 —,—,—, zine for, 1,501 293 —,—,—, zinc chloride for, 1,501,293 — ‘lightning arrester, electrode for, made with, 1,366 095; 1,488, 936 —, lime, composition contg., coated with, proc- ess for, 1,258,282 —, manganese in, mfr. of, alloy, copper in for, 1 ,214,539 —,—,—,—, iron in for, 1,214,539 —,—,—, —, manganese in ‘for, 1,214,539 —,—,—,—, phosphorus in for, 1,214,539 for, —,—, —, copper in, alloy contg., for, 1.214 039 -\ copper alloy, manganese in for, —,—, ferro-manganese for, 1,214,539 —,—,iron in, alloy contg., for, 1,214, 539 —,—, manganese for, 1,214, 539 —,—, Manganese in, ‘alloy conte. 1,214,539: — 1,214,539 —,—,—, manganese, copper alloy contg., 1,214,539 —,—,—,phosphor-copper for, 1,214,539 —, =, phosphorus’, in,’ alloy’. conte: 108, 1,214,539 —,— —, process for, 1,214,539 —, mfr. of, copper for, 1,432,289 —,—, process for, 1,432,289 —,—, tin ore for, 1,432 289 — melting of, iron alloy vessel for, 1,229,770 —,—, lron ladle for, 1,208,717 —-,—, process for, 1,208, 717 —, —, sodium chloride for, 1,208,717 —,—,steel ladle for, 1,208 17 —,mold, die casting, made with, 1,491,816 Sa -sand, made with, 1,153 231 —, ‘nickel, iridium, platinum alloy, contg., com- posite sheet of and made with, 1,130, 077 —,—, platinum, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, platinum alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,180,077 —,—,—, iridium in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130, 077 —, nickel alloy, cobalt in, iridium, platinum alloy contg., composite sheet of and made with, 1,130, 077 874. Bronze, nickel alloy, cobalt in, platinum, com- posite sheet of and made with 1,130,077 —,—,—,platinum alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,180,077 —,—,—, iridium in, composite sheet of and Reads with, 1,130,077 —, oil, composition contg., coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —, olefin made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 —,papier-mache coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —,pasteboard coated with, process for, 1,258,282 —, piperylene made with apparatus of, 1 ‘282. ‘906 —, platinum, cobalt, composite sheet of and Mande with, 1,130 077 —,—, cobalt. alloy, nickel in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130, 077 —,—, iron, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,iron alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, nickel, composite sheet of and made with, 1 130 077 —,— nickel alloy, cobalt in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, steel, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, steel alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,platinum alloy, cobalt, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,cobalt alloy, nickel in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,iridium in, cobalt, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—, cobalt alloy, nickel in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—, iron, composite sheet of and made with, 1 180, 077 —,—,—,iron alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 — —-, — nickel, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130, 077 . —, —, —, ‘nickel alloy, cobalt in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—,steel, composite sheet of and made with, 1 ,130 077 —,—,—, ‘steel alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,iron, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,iron alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, nickel, composite sheet of and made with, 1,180,077 —,—,nickel alloy, cobalt in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, steel, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, steel alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —, preparing, 1,432,289 —, propylene made with apparatus of, 1,282,906 —, purifying, alloy for, 1,461,643 —,resin, composition conte., coated with, proc- eSs for, 1,258,282 —, resistance, electric, made with, 1,866,095 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Bronze, sandstone, calcareous coated with, pro- _ cess for, 1,258 282 —, spring, leaf, made with, 1,221,695 —, steel, compound body of and, mfr. of, proe- ess for, 1,180,248; 1,180,249 —,— iridium, platinum alloy contg., composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, platinum composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 — —, platinum alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, —, iridium in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130, 077 —, steel alloy, iridium, platinum alloy contg., composite sheet, of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—, platinum, composite sheet of and made with. 1,130,077 —,— —, platinum alloy, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130,077 —,—,—, iridium in, composite sheet of and made with, 1,130 077 —, steel coated with, 1,125,158; 1,156,169 —,—, mfr. of, copper (ic) oxide for, 1 ‘197 616 —,—,—, process for, 1,197,616 —,—,—, tin (ous) oxide’ for, 1,197,616 —, stone, artificial, coated with, process for, 1 258 282 —,stone coated with, graphite for, 1,258,282 —,—, process for, 1,258,282 —, telephone transmitter made with, 1,366,095 —, tin in, 1,326,775 — ’ treatment of, copper alloy, magnesium in, for, 1,151,744) —,—,—, titanium in, for, 1,151,744 oo ’ cupro-titanium for, 1 151 W744 —, process for, 1,151 744 — ees seat made of, 1,143,225 — ’ welding of, flux for, 1,502, 144 —,see also Alloy, Aluminum bronze; Copper alloy ; Copper-tin-zinc ; Phosphor-bronze; Phosphorus-bronze ; Silicon bronze; Vana- dium. bronze Bronze alloy, formula, copper 87, tin 4.5-10, nickel 1-5, zine 1-5, 1,457,288 Bronze balls, gasolene made with, 1,476,091 —, kerosene made with, 1,476,091 Bronze blue, coating composition made with, 1,492,027 —, rubber latex coagulated by, 1,492,027 Bronze casting, closing pores in, barium ca for, 1,214,630 —,—, barium sulfate for, 1 214 630 —,—, calcium bisulfite for, 1,214 630 —,—, calcium oxide for, 1 214. 630 —,—,calcium sulfate for, 1,214,630 —,—, process for, 1,214 630 —, sulfuric acid for, 1,214 ,630 —,—,sulfurous acid for, 1,214,630 Bronze electrode, nitric acid made LDliied —,nitrogen oxide made with, 1,517,727 Bronze foil, mfr. of, adhesive for, 1,152,060 —,—, paper for, 1,152,060 —,—, process for, 1,152,060 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,152,060 Bronze gauze, brush, electric, 1,228,484 with, made_ with, INDEX OF SUBJECTS 875 Bronze powder, airplane dope made with, Bronze powder, “ Hemmerdinger’s Special No. 1,521,055; 1,521,056 1,” ink, printing, made with, 1,450,692; — airplane engine, manifold for, made with, 1489, 356: 1,489,357 1 282,266; 1,282,267; 1,282,269 —,—,gold, made with, 1,471,746 - ,airplane propeller, copper coated, made with, —, ‘hollow article made with, 1,492, 350 1 ,282,268 — ink made with, 1,511,816 i, laminated metal coating for, made with, — ink, gold, made with, 1,450,692 1,282,268 —,—, printing, made with, 1 220 947; 1,450,692 ; —, airplane propeller made with, 1,335,846 1,489,356; 1,489 307 —,airplane propellers coated with amyl acetate —,— —, gold, made with, 1,471,746 and, 1,335,176 —,—, transfer, made with, 1,898,770; 1,511,816 “— airplane propellers copper plated by aid of, — , lacquer made with, 1,437,170 1,335 846 —, leather, coating composition for, made with, io alcohol, solidified, made with, 1,329,610 1 437,170 — amethyst violet, screen, motion picture, —,—, ornamented, made with, 1,202,430 made with, 1,266,778 —, “ Lining,” ink, gold, made with, 1,450 ,692 —,article, copper coated, made with, 1,282,268 —,—, gold leaf, imitation, made with, 1,450, 692 —, automobile radiators repaired with, 1,349,655 —,—, ink, gold, made with, 1,450,692 —,battery, dry, zinc can for made using, ——,—; printing, made with, 1,450,692 1,477,109 — ’ lithographic master sheet prepared with, —, eet for, asphalt as, 1,465,107 1,416, 706 — bitumen as, 1,465, 107 — lithographic plate made with, 1,155,352 —,—, eration Mia chieniils in, 1,465, 107 as mfr. of, bronze for, 1,347, 927: 1,347, 928 —,—, glue as, 1,465,107 —,—, fat for, 1,347, 927; 1 347 928 —,—, petroleum pitch as, 1,465,107 SEK, soil for, 1,347, 927; me 347 928 th na (1 465,107 —,—, olive oil for, 1,347,927; 1,847,928 pt —,—, process for, 1 347, 927: 1 347 928 —,—,resin as, 1,465,107 —) — water for, 1,347,927; 1,347,928 —,—, Shellac as, 1,465,107 — metal leaf made with, 1,188,068; 1,267,445 —,shellac in alcohol as, 1,465,107 —, metal leaf, imitation, made with, 1,387,068; —,—,starch paste as, 1,465,107 1,414,115 —,—, trichlorethylene as, 1,465,107 —, metal leaf made with, cellulose nitrate solu- —, ’ bottle cap made with, 1,520, 940 ene and, 1,387,068 —, ’ bronze powder varnish made with, 1,157,768 — paint conte. Japan, turpentine and, 1,367,888 —,canvas, ornamented, made with, 1 202, 430 —, paper, bronzed, made with, 1,223 399 —, ’ celluloid substitute made with, 1,181 858 —, paper coated with, 1,454,676; 1,465,107 —, chiffon, decorating of, using, 1,496 743 —, plate, die-, made with, 1,157, 493 —, cigar bands made with, 1,347,927; 1 347, 928 —, printer’s blanket. made with, 1,210,375; —, cloth, decorating of, using, 1,496,743 1,492, i —, colored leaf made with, 1,158,265 ~- printing, aluminum base for, grain screen —,decalcomania made with, 1,212,392; 1,331,581 for, made with, 1,265,641 —, decorative product made with, 1,484,656 —,—, copper base for, grain screen for made —, die, metallic, made with, 1,157,493 with, 1,265,641 —,duPont No. 1 §., ink, printing, gold, made —,— ,intaglio, grain screen for made with, with, 1,471,746 1,265,641 —,duPont No. 3 S., ink, printing, gold, made —,— lithographic, grain screen for made with, with, 1,471,746 1,265,641 —, electrode, arc-light, made with, 1,148,189 Lore irgat stone base for, grain screen for made — electroplating composition for chinaware with, Pegs f f d contg., 1,444,113 THON a or or, grain screen for, made —,engine, internal combustion, manifold for, Sedat on ith, 1,282,266; 1,282, 267 : 1,282 269 —, printing plate made with, 1,207,506; 1,302,919 —, printing plate, grain screen for made with, —, fabric, coated, made with, 1 210, 375 1265, 641 oe, he an of, i 510, 12 pee 2,430; 1,510,654 —,—, halftone, made with, 1,507, 049 —,—, soil-proof, using, —, protecting coating of, beeswax in composi- —, felt, decorating of, using, 1,496,743 tion for, 1,181,889 aed float made with, 1 492, 349; 1,492,350 —,—-, benzene i in composition for, 1,181,889 —, fuel, solidified, made with, 1,329,610 —,—,benzine in composition for, 1 181,889 —, gear made with, 1,438,875 —,—, "carnauba wax in composition for, —,gold leaf made with, 1,267, 445 1.181.889 —,gold leaf, nalation® made with, 1,158,265; ia ai olive oil in composition for, 1,181,889 1,234,250; 1,387,068; 1,450,692 —,—,resin in composition for, 1 181,889 Re Hemmerdinger’s Pale Gold Lining,” ink, —,— , turpentine in composition for, 1,181,889 printing, gold, made with, 1,471,746 —,—, wax in composition for, 1,181,889 “ Hemmerdinger’s Special No. 1,” gold leaf, —' shellac lacquer contg., 1,440 678 Be aiitstion: made with, 1,450,692 —, silk, decorating of, using, 1 496, 743 —,—, ink, gold, made with, 1,450,692 —, ornamented, made with, 1,202 430 876 3 UNITED Bronze powder, silk tulle, decorating of, using, 1,496,743 —,silver lead, imitation, made with, 1,387,068 —,sphere, hollow, made with, 1,492,349; 1,492,350 —, tapestries, ornamented, made with, 1,202,430 —,transfer metallic product made _ with, 1,444,345; 1,515,722 —, transfer-sheet made with, 1,280,399 —, varnish made with, 1,437,170 —, velvet, decorating of, using, 1,496,743 —,—,ornamented, made with, 1,202,430 —, ’ water color contg., mucilage_ and, 1,358,996 — ‘ wool fabric, decorating of, using, 1,496, 743 —, see also Copper bronze ; Lining Bronze powder varnish, mfr, of, benzene for, 1,157,768 —,— , benzine for, 1,157,768 —,— —; bronze powder for, 1,157,768 —,—, chlorethylene for, 1 157 5768 —,—,coumarone resin ‘for, 1 ‘157 5768 —,gasolene for, 1,157,768 —, process for, 1 ,157,768 Bronze roller, iron, lead, coating with of, using, 1,161,475 —,—, lead alloy, i 161 475 —, lead, iron coated with, using, 1,161,475 —, lead alloy, iron coated with, using, 1,161,475 Bronze ribbon, lubricator made with, i. ,196, "751 Bronze S. 5385, silk dyed with, 1,446 860 Bronze substitute, copper in, 1,277, 989 —, iron in, 1,277, 989 —,lead in, 1,277, 989 —, ’ mfr. of, process for, 1,468,828 —, nickel in, 1,277,989 —, phosphorus in, 1,277,989 —,zine in, 1,277,989 Bronze wire netting, airplane covering material made with, 1 243,041; 1,243,654; 1,243,655 —,balloon covering material made with, 1 ,243,041; 1,243,654; 1,243,655 Bronzing fluid, cellulose acetate in, 1,418,347 —, cellulose nitrate in, 1,418,347 —,see also Bronzing liquid Bronzing liquid, cellulose nitrate, 1,437,170 —,corn oil, glycerol and sodium silicate for, 1 452,445 — - glycerol, sodium silicate and oil for, 1,452,445 —,mfr. of, acetone for, 1,488,608 —,—, alcohol for, 1,488,608 —,—, benzene for, 1,488,608 —, —, cellulose acetate for, 1,488,608 —, cellulose formate for, 1,488, 608 —,—, ’ cotton seed oil for, 1,220,947 —, ethyl alcohol for, 1,488,608 —,—,ethylidene diacetate for, 1,488,608 —,ink, printing, for, 1,220,947 —,lead compound for, 1,220,947 —,— — lead oxide for, 1,220, 947 —,—, ’ linseed oil for, 1,220 947 —,—, Manganese borate for, 1,220,947 —, methyl alcohol for, 1,488, 608 —,—, olive oil for, 1,220, 947 —, —, printer’s varnish. for, 1,220,947 coating with of, using, preparing, STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 ‘Bronzing liquid, mfr. of, process for, 1,220,947; 1,488,608 —,—,rosin for, 1,220,947 —,—, ‘sodium silicate for, 1,452,445 —,—,a-tetrachlor-ethane for, 1,488,608 —,—, toluene for, 1,488,608 —,—, tricresyl phosphate for, 1,488,608 —,motion picture screen made with, 1,149,940 — —, sodium silicate, glycerol and oil for, 1,452,445 —,see also Banana liquid; Bronze powder, as binder for Bronzing paint, mfr. of, aluminum for, 1,158,962 —,— amyl acetate for, 1,158,962 —,—, dihydroxy- diphenyl- dimethyl-methane for, 1,158,962 —_—,— , dihydroxy-diphenyl-dimethyl-methane aldehyde condensate for, 1,158,962 —,—, process for, 1,158,962 Brookite, celluloid made with, 1,365,882 —, celluloid colored with, 1,365,882 —, cellulose nitrate composition made with, 1 365,882 —, glass made with, 1,365,882 —, index of refraction of, 1,348,129 - —, paint made with, 1,365,882 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,365,882 —, plastic made with, 1,365,882 —,rubber made with, 1,365,882 —,see also Octahedrite; Rutile; Titanium dioxide Broom-corn, coloring matter in, removing, 1,337,306 —, dyeing, auramine for, 1,337,306 —,—, crystal aniline for, 1,337,306 —, treating of, 1,337,306 Broom seed, sizing solution contg., 1,464,310 Broom straw, building blocks made with, 1,151,095 —,mortar made with, 1,151,095 —, plaster, gypsum, made with, 1,151,095 —,—,retarder for, made with, 1,151,095 —, plaster board made with, 1,151,095 —, textile made with, 1,151,095 —,treatment of, calcium hypochlorite for, 1,151,095 —,—, process for, 1,151,095 —,—, water for, 1,151,095 —, waste, roof covering contg., 1,369,911 —,—, wall covering contg., 1,369,911 Brophenin, see Brom-isovaleryl-phenocoll Brosimum galactodendron, see Milk tree Brostmum galactodendron latex, chewing gum made with, 1,240,875 —,chicle substitute made with, 1,240,875 Broth, hog cholera vaccine made using, 1,246,059 —,nutrient, paratyphoid germs, detection of using, 1,247,522 —,—,typhoid germs, 1,247,522 Brovalol, see Bornyl bromovalerate Brown, mineral, see Mineral brown Brown coal, see Coal, brown detection of using, pe he, a as = oe am INDEX OF Brown coal generator tar, cresyl phosphates made with, 1,425,393 —,phenyl phosphates made with, 1,425,393 —,tolyl phosphates made with, 1,425,393 —,xylyl phosphates made with, 1,425,393 Brown coal tar derivatives, fyel, liquid, made with, 1,519,905 Brown flour, mfr. of, oatmeal flour for, 1,493,392 —,—, process for, 1,493,392 —, —, wheat for, 1,493,392 —,—, wheat germs for, 1,493,392 Brown gold, glass, gold ornamented, made with, 1,205,728 —,gold, glass ornamented with, made with, 1,205,728 Brown hematite, see Limonite Brown iron stone, see Limonite Brown lead oxide, see Lead dioxide Brown mint, see Spearmint Brown ochre, see Yellow ochre Brown oil vitriol, see Sulfuric acid, brown Brown PM, see p-Amino-benzene-azo-m- phenylene-diamine, hydrochloride of Brown Red, see Indian Red; Iron(ic) oxide Brown §. 3945, silk, dyeing of, using, 1,446,860; 1,495,614 Brown spar, see Siderite Brownstone, belt made with, 1,163,417 —, container made with, 1,163,417 —,leather substitute made with, 1,163,417 —,ship hull covering made with, 1,163,417 —,tent material made with, 1,163,417 —,see also Manganese dioxide ; Sandstone Brucite, ceramic insulating material contg., 1,409,953 —,¢eramic ware contg., 1,438,598 —,explosive contg., 1,464,667 —., explosives, explosion temperature of reduced with, 1,464,667 _ —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,488,598 —,see also Magnesium hydroxide Brunner-Dite-salt, see Mercury potassium sul- fide (Brunner-Ditte) Brunswick black, pictures produced on enam- elled surfaces with, 1,335,755 Brunswick green, paint made with, 1,451,092 Brush, bristle, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,259,031 —,—,—, pitch for, 1,259,031 —,—,—, process for, 1,259,031 —,carbon, electric connection to, mfr. of, car- bon for, 1,188,635 —,—,—,—, copper for, 1,188,635; 1,188,761 d bs —,—,—,—, copper amalgam for, 1,188,635 ; 1,188,761 —,—,—,—,copper bronze for, 1,188,635; 1,188,761 —,—,—,—,copper bronze amalgam for, —,—,—, copper wire for, 1,188,635 —’_’ mercury for, 1,188,635; 1,188,761 Se. —,—,phenol-aldehyde condensate for, 1,453,793 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,188,635; 1,188,761 eee —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,188,635 , Bets in —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,188,761 bf —, mfr. of, process for, 1,307,738 1,188,635 ? SUBJECTS 877 Brush, carbon, mfr. of, see also Brush, electric —, celluloid-back, mfr. of, acetone for, 1,472,165 —,—,—,amyl acetate for, 1,472,165 —,—,—, ethyl acetate for, 1,472,165 —,—,—, process for, 1,472,165 —, commutator, iron oxide removed from, proc- ess for, 1,259,121 —,—, manganese oxide removed from, process for, 1,259,121 —,—, mfr. of, bronze gauze for, 1,198,873 —,—,—, carbon for, 1,198,873; 1,299,846 —,—,—, copper for, 1,198,873 —,—,—, copper gauze for, 1,198,873 —,—,—,copper ribbon for, 1,198,873 “ a, beat —, copper wire for, 1,198,873 —,—,—, lampblack for, 1,259,121 —,—,—, paracoumarone for, 1,299,846 ,—, paraindene for, 1,299,846 —,—,—, pitch for, 1,198,873; 1,259,121 —,—,—~, process for, 1,198,873; 1,299,846 —,—,—, tar for, 1,259,121 —,—, purification of, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,259,121 —,—,—, chlorine for, 1,259,121 —,—, methane for, 1,259,121 —,—,natural gas for, 1,259,121 —,—,—, process for, 1,259,121 —,—, silicon dioxide removed from, process for, 1,259,121 —,—,see also Brush, electric; Commutator brush —,dynamo, see Brush, electric —,electric, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,177,119 Ls alloy, for, 1,202,818 5,1 281,716 —,—,—,aluminum for, 1,222,999 > antimony,» coppers, aloy: 1,222,999 —,—,—, bismuth-cadmium amalgam for, 1,177,119 —,—,—, brass for, 1,202,818 —,—,—, brass gauze for, 1,228,484 ,—, bronze for, 1,202,818 —,—, bronze gauze for, 1,228,484 on, Carpal | for. A lel es 228,484; 1,281,716 —,—,—, cellulose nitrate for, 1,177,119 etn es COPPER a fOre nv Lee lO | L202 Bie 1,228,484; 1,281,716 —,—,—,copper. alloy, 1,222,999 —,—,—,—, lead in, for, 1,222,999 ,—,—, —, nickel in, for, 1,222,999 —,—,—,—, tin in, for, 1,222,999 —,—,—,copper amalgam for, 1,281,716 —,—,—, copper gauze for, 1,228 484 —-, +, glycerol! for, 1177419.) ,2> graphite for) L107, 113; 1,228,484; 1,281,716 —,—,—, hydrogen for, 1,177,119 ,—, lead for, 1,202,818 —,—, lead, copper alloy contg., 1,222,999 —,—,—, lead alloy for, 1,202,818 ,—, mercury for, 1,281,716 ,—, metal for, 1,202,818; 1,281,716 ’ ? d contg., Pree Dee” ee” a 1,202,818 ; antimony in, for, ’ — 1,177,119; 1,202,818; sb OS —,—, metal, anti-friction for, 1,228,484 —,—,—, nickel, copper alloy contg., 1,222,999 b] ’ ’ ’ ? 878 Brush, electric, mfr. of, 1,177,119; 1,202,818; -1,222,999; 1,226,130; 1,228,484; 1,281,716 —,—,—, soapstone for, 1,281,716 —,—,—,solder for, 1 226, 130 —,—,—, ” starch for, 1 177, 119 —,—,—, syrup for, 1 177, 119 ,—, —, tin for, 1,228, 484. —,—,—, ‘tin, copper alloy contg., for, 1,222,999 —,—,—, tin alloy for, 1,202,818 ja —, tragacanth for, 1,177,119 — ,——, —, tungsten for, 1,177,119 —,—,—, wire gauze for, 1,226,130; 1,228,484 eet ane or, 1,202,818 —,—,—, zine alloy for, 1,202,818 —4,—, see also Brush, carbon —, electric generator, mfr. of, aluminum for, 1,366,095 —,—,—, asphalt for, 1,366,095 —,—,—, brass for, 1,366 095 —,—,—, ’ bronze for, 1,366 095 —,—,—, carbon for, 1,366,095 —,—,—, cement for, 1,366,095 —,—, charcoal for, 1,366,095 —,—,—, copper for, 1,366,095 ,—,—, copper, steel coated with, for, 1,366,095 —,—,—, enamel for, 1,366,095 —,—,—, glue for, 1 366, 095 —,—,— eiohite for, 1,366,095 3 > d —,—,—, gum for, 1,366 095 ? —,—, —, metal for, 1,366, 095 sty —, ; paraffin for, 1,366,095 —,—, —, process for, 1,366,095 —;—,—, shellac for, 1,366 095 ue 2 ay steel, cold-rolled, for, 1,366,095 —,—,—, —, copper coated, for, 1 366, 095 —, ’ varnish, waterproof, for, 1,366,095 —, wax for, 1,366,095 , zine for, 1,366,095 —, Becta motor, see Brush, electric —, ’ flexible, mfr. of, process for, 1,232 075 —,—,—, rubber for, 1,232,075 —, ’ mfr. of, bristle for, 1,202 244 —,—, cellulose acetate for, 1,156 969 —,—, dihydroxy-dipheny]l- dimethyl- methane for, 1,156,969 —,—,graphite for, 1,202,244 —,—, process for, 1,156,969; 1,202,244 —,—,rubber for, 1,202, 244° —; copper powder for, 1,254,056 —, Tia eens mfr. of, copper powder for, 1,254,056 —,—,—, graphite for, 1,254,056 —,—,—, process for, 1,254,056 —,tooth, see Tooth brush —,see also Tooth brush Brush back, mfr. of, aluminum oxychloride for, 1,175,425 —,—, barium oxychloride for, 1,175,425 — ’ camphor for, 1,175,425 —,—, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,175,422; 1,175,425 —,—, kaolin for, 1,175,425 —,—, Magnesium chloride for, 1,175,425 —,—, Magnesium oxide for, 1,175 425 —,—, Magnesium oxychloride for, 1,175,425 —,—, metal chloride for, 1,174,42 25 —,—, metal oxide for, 1 175 425 — eres ceat UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Brush back, mfr. of, metal oxychloride for, 1,175,425 —,—, process for, 1,175,422; 1,175,425 —., silica for, 1,175,425 —, wood flour for, 1,175,425 “ xylozo ” for, 7 175, 425 —,—, "zine oxychloride for, 1,175,425 Bryozoa, paint resistant to growth of, see Paint, anti-fouling Bub, see Yeast Bucholzite, see Sillimanite Bucket, paper for, mfr. of, 1,307,405 Buckhorn, oxymethylanthraquinone( 7) 1,167 230 Buckhorn bark, buckhorn extract made with, 1,167,230 Buckhorn extract, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,167,230 —,—, buckhorn bark for, 1 ,167,230 —,—, ’ ether for, 1,167, 230. —,—, process for, 1 167, 230 —,—, sugar, milk, for, 1,167, 230 Bucking vegetable matter, alkali carbonate for, 1,156,048 —, alkali hydroxide for, 1,156,048 a ; anthraquinone derivative for, 1,156,048 —,anthraquinone disulfonic acid for, 1,156,048 —,anthraquinone sulfonic acid for, 1,156 048 —, borax for, 1,156,048 — ; nitrobenzene sulfonic acid for, 1,156,048 —,nitrotoluene sulfonic acid for, 1 156 048 —, potassium permanganate for, 1,156, 048 —, process for, 1,156,048 —, sodium anthraquinone disulfonate for, 1,156,048 —,sodium nthraquinone sulfonate for, 1,156,048 —, sodium bichromate for, 1,156,048 — sodium nitrobenzene sulfonate for, 1,156,048 —, sodium phosphate for, 1,156,048 Buckram, screen, motion picture, made. with, 1,152 620 —, shoe tongue pad made with, 1,255,616 Buckskin substitute, mfr. of, process for, 1,305,621 Buckwheat bran, dyestuff made with, 1,244,795 Buckwheat flour, flour, self-rising, made with, 1,244 867 —, starch, pebble-like, made with, 1,129,440 Buckwheat starch, binder contg., 1,318,106 —,calcimine, binder for contg., 1,318,106 —,glue contg., 1,318,106 —, oil, emulsifier for contg., 1,318,106 —,size contg., 1,818,106 Buffalo Rubine, see ‘a-N aphthalene-azo-a-naph- thol-disulfonic acid, sodium salt of Buffer, mfr. of, fabric ‘for, 1,217,848 —,—, process for, Lili 848 —,—, straw board for, 1 217,848 Buffing composition, ‘mir. of, almond oil for, 1,276,509; Re-14,568 —_—,— , barytes for, 1,276,509; Re-14,568 —; castor oil for, 1,276 509; Re-14 568 —,—, clay for, 1,276 509; Re-14 068 —,—, cocoanut oil for, 1,276 009 ; Re-14,568 ,—, cod liver oil for, 1,276 509 ; Re-14 068 —,—,cod oil for, 1,276, 509 ; Re-14 068 —,—,corn oil for, 1,276, 509; Re-14, 568 INDEX OF Buffing composition, mfr. of, cotton seed oil for, 1,276,509; Re-14,568 —,—, crocus for, 1,276 509; Re-14,568 —,—, fish oil for, 1276, 509; Re- 14, 568 —,—, grease for, 1,276, 509; Re-14,568 —,—, Indian red for, 1,276, 509; Re-14,568 —,—,lard for, 1,276, 509 ; Re-14 568 —,—, linseed oil for, 1276, 509 ; ‘Re-14, 568 —,—, menhaden oil for, 1 276 509 ; Re-14, 568 —,—, oil for, 1,276,509 ; ’Re-14, 568 —,—, ’ oil, animal, for, 1,276, 509; Re-14,568 —_—,—, — , vegetable, for, 1 276, 509; Re- 14 068 —,—, ‘olive oil for, 1 276, 509: Re-14 ,068 —,—, peanut oil for, 1,276, 509: Re-14, 568 —,—, soya bean oil for, 1,276, 509; Re-14, 568 —,—, tallow for, 1,276, 509: Re-14 068 —,—, terra alba for, 1 276, 509 ; Re-14, 568 —,—, tung oil for, 1 276, 509: Re-14, 568 —,—, whale oil for, 1,276, 509: Re-14, 568 ——— ’ whiting for, 1,276, 509; Re-14, 568 Buff 8, 5842, silk dyed with, "1 446,860 Buff split, see Skins Bugs, destroying of, insecticide for, 1,141,961 —, destruction of, apparatus for, 1 513, 13%; 1,513,138 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,513,138 —,—, process for, 1,513,137; 1,513,138 —, killing of, lactic acid for, 1,499,164 —,—, potassium bisulfite for, 1,499,164 —,—, potassium lactate for, 1,499,164 —,—, sodium bisulfite for, 1,499,164 —,—,sodium dioxide for, 1,499,164 —,—, sodium lactate for, 1,499, 164 Buhach, fly destroying composition made with, 1,207, 766 —, insect destroying composition made with, an ,207,766 — mosquito destroying composition made with, 1,207, 766 Building, cleaning of, apparatus for, 1,141,243 —,—, process for, 1, 141 243 —,—, soap, liquid, for, 1,141,243 —,—,—, potassium, for, 1,141,243 - —,—, —, soft, for, 1,141 243 —., protective covering for, see Roofing ma- terial Building block, 1,163,198 —,—, fabric for, 1,163,198 — linen for, l 163, 198 ——, ’ Jinen, oiled, for, 1,163,198 —, process for, 1 163, 198 —, Re ila. furnace slag 79.8%, cement 20%, potassium permanganate 0Q.175%, hydro- fluorie acid 0.025%, 1,363,045 —, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,305 993 —,—, alum for, 1,198, 952 —,—, ammonium carbonate for, 1,305,993 —,—, ammonium chloride for, 1 305, 993 —,—,ammonium sulfate for, 1 305 993 —,—,analcite basalt for, 1, 157, 437 —,—, apparatus for, 1, 265, 655 —,—, asbestos for, 1,193, 952 —,—, ashes, cement, cork and sodium silicate Us r, 1,428, 811 — asphalt for, 1,190,615; 1,265,655 casting of, apparatus for, SUBJECTS 879 Building block, mfr. of, asphalt, sulfur bearing, ‘ak 1,265,655 —,—, basalt for, 1,157,437 —, —, bean straw for, We 151,095 —,—, ’ beech for, 1.265, 655 —, —, bitumen for, 1 265, 655 —,—, ’ blast furnace slag for, 1,418,810 —,—, borax for, 1,305,993 —,—, broom straw for, 1,151,095 —,—, ’ calcium carbonate ‘for, 1,157,437 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,305, 993 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1 157 ,437 ; 1,477,276 —,—, ’ calcium phosphate for, 1, 157 437 —,—, cardboard for, 1,305, 993 —,—, cement for, 1,169,985 ; 1,212,840; 1,486,894 —,—,cement, hydraulic, for, 1,193,952 —,—, cement rock for, 1,146,532 1,170,791; —, chalk for, 1,193,952 —,—,cinder for, 1,212,840; 1,486,894 —,clay for, 1,157,437; 1,169,985; 1,172,225; 14190, 615; 1,211,445 —,—, clay, fire, for, 1,193,952 —, —, cloth for, 1 305, 993 —,—, ’ coal, anthracite, ash, for, 1,477,276 —,—, —, —, cinder, for, 1, 477, 276 —,—, —,—, clinker, for, 1,477 276 —,—, coal ash LOVE 193, 952: 1,212,840 —,—, coal cinder for, 1 212 840 —,—,concrete for, 1,169,985; 1,486,894 —, copper sulfate for, 1,190,615 —, —,dolomitic lime for, 1,157, 437 — earth for, 1,172, 225: 1 190, 615 —,— ’ feldspar for, L 157 437 —, feldspar, potassium, for, 1,157,437 —,feldspathold rock for, 1,157, 437 —, glass for, 1,211,445 —,—, glue for, 1,170,791 —,—, granite for, 1,170,791 —,—, graphite for, 1,193,952 —,—, gravel for, i 170, 791 —,—, gypsum. for, 1, 157, 437 ; 1,193,952; 1,211,445 —,— "hydrochloric acid for, 1211, 445 —,—, lac for, 1,305,993 lead protoxide for, 1,193,952 —,—, ’ leucite for aslors 437 —,—, leucite basalt for, 1,157,437 —,—,leucite rock for, 1 157, 437 —,—, lime for, 1,157,437; 1,193,952; 1,211,445; 1,477,276 —,—, lime, “ fat flower of,” for, 1,477,276 ——, ; limestone for, 1 ‘157, 437 —,—, magnesia for, 1, 157, 437 —,—, magnesium cement rock for, 1,146,532 —,—, maple for, 1,265,655 1,170,791; —, marl for, 1,193 952 —,—, mica, potassium, for, 1,157,437 —, ’ microline for, 1,157, 437 — ’ nephelite syenite for, 1,157,437 —, —, oak for, 1,265,655 — ’ orthoclase for, 1,157,437 —, paper for, 1 305, 993. —, pebbles for, 1 169, 985 —; phosphate rock for, 1,146,532 880 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Building block, mfr. of, phosphorite for, 1,146,532 —,—, pine gum for, 1,172,225 4a pine needles for, 1,172,225 —,—,pine sap for, 1,172,225 —,—, pine straw for, 1,172, 225 —,—, pine wood for, 1, 172 225 —,—, plaster of Paris for, 1,193,952 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,305,993 —,—, process for, 1,146,532 ; 1,157,437; 1,169,985; 1,170,791; 1,190,615; 1,193,952; 1,211,445; 1,265,655; 1,305,993; 1,418,160; 1,477,276; 1,486,894 —,—, pumice for, 1,193,952 —,—, pyroligneous acid for, 1,265,655 —,—,rag for, 1,805,993 —,—,rock for, 1,169,985 1,170,791 —,—,sand for, 1,190,615; 1,193,952; 1,211,445 —,—, sawdust for, 1,805,993 —,—,slag for, 1,169,985 —,—,sodium carbonate far, 1,805,993 —,—, sodium silicate for, 1,193,952 —,—, stone for, 1,169,985; 1,190,615 —,—,sulfur for, 1,265,655 —,—,triammonium phosphate for, 1,305,993 —,—, wood for, 1,265,655 —,—, wood, hard, for, 1,265,655 —,—, zine sulfate for, 1,193,952 —,mold for, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,154,255 —,—,—, process for, 1,154,255 —,—,—.rubber for, 1,154,255 —,toy, see Toy building block —,see also Brick; Molded article Building board, mfr. of, cement for, 1,227,767 —,—, granite for, 1,227,767 —, mineral wool for, 1,227,767 —, process for, 1,227,767 —,—,stone for, 1,227,767 —,see also Fiber board Building construction, process for, 1,487,212 —,clay used for, 1,487,212 Building fabric, fireproof, mfr. of, 1,486,914 Building felt, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,511,475 —,—,asphalt for, 1,511,475 —,paper stock for, 1,511,475 —,—, pitch for, 1,511 475 —,—, process for, 1 Bll AT5 —,—, rag ‘stock for, 1,511,475 —,—, sawdust for, 1,511,475 —,—, slate for, 1,511,475 —,—,stone for, 1,511,475 —,—,straw for, 1,511,475 —,—,wood for, 1,511,475 —, see also Felt, building ; Roofing Building material, asphalt in, 1,441,861 — , asphalt and clay in, 1,442 764 —, cement, wood fiber, “Acme ” stalks, 1,407,608 —,clay and asphaltum in, 1,442,764 —, finish coating for, asphalt in, 1,282,460 —,—, cinder in, 1,282,460 —, granite in, 1,282,460 —,—, gravel in, 1 282 460 —,— , limestone in, | 282 460 —,—, marble in, 1,282,460 —,—,sand in, 1,282,460 1,151,095; 1,172,225 ; 1,212,840: 1,421,751; gypsum, weed Building material, finish coating for, slag in, 1,282,460 —, glaze on, producing, 1,402,412 —, mfr. of, alum for, :1 231. 921; 1,519,311 —,—, aluminum oxide for, 1,183,255 ; 1,505,206 —,—, aluminum powder for, 1,357,375 —,—,aluminum silicate for, 1,505,206 —,—,aluminum sulfate for, 1,256,324; 1,408,760 —,—,apparatus for, 1,220,550; 1,498,401; 1,503,409; 1,518,842; 1,520,791 —,—,asbestos for, 1,183,694; 1,201,535; 1,211,028; 1,218217; 1,288,158; 1,288,159; 1,408,760; 1,484,370; 1,503,409; 1,513,922; 1,516,045; 1,520,791 —,—,asbestos paper for, 1,218,217 —,—,asphalt for, 1,183,694 ; 1,288,158 ; 1,288,159; 1,353,619; Re-15,949; 1,362,888; 1,382,095; 1,476,078; 1,488,186; 1,498,401; 1,505,206 —,—, barium chloride for, 1,256,324 —,—,benzene for, 1 920 401; 1,353,619 ; Re-15 949 —,—, benzine for, 1,218,217 —,—, bitumen for, 1,505,206 —,—,bituminous material for, 1,288,158; 1,288,159; 1,488,186 —,—,borie acid for, 1,211,028 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,505 206 —,—,calcium chloride for, 1,408 760 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, 1,279,119; 1,518,842 —,—, calcium hydroxide residue from acetylene generation, for, 1,257,488 —,—, calcium oxide for, 1,183,255; 1,518,842 —,—, calcium silicate for, 1,408 760 —,—, ‘calcium sulfate for, 1,408 760 —,—, cans, metallic, for, 1 382 095 —,—, carbon bisulfide for, 1,220 A401 —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,518 842 1 257 488 ; —,—,cardboard for, 1 362 888: 1,515,7235 1,516,045 —,—, caseinate for, 1,231,921 —,—, cellulose for, 1,513,922; jigs days 311 —, cellulose acetate for, 1,183,694 —, cellulose and marl for, 1 392 127 me —, cement for, 1 201 535; 1,220,401 ; 1,362,888; 1,382 095; 1,476,078 ; 1,484,370; 1,503,409 —,—,cement, asphalt, for, 1218217 —,—,— , hydraulic, fon L 201 535; 1,220,550 —,—,—, Magnesium oxychloride ‘for, 1,519,311 —,—,—, natural, for, 1,201,535 —,—,— ’ Portland, for, 1 183,255; 1,201,535; 1,226, 292: 1 257 A88 ; 1,279,119 ; 1,408,760; 1,503, 409 : 1 519 11; 1,520,791 —,—,— slag, for, 1,201 035 —,—, chaff for, 1,231, 921 —,—, ’ chalk for, 1,231,921 —,—, charcoal for, 1,183,694 —,—, cinders for, 1,408, 760 —,—,clay for, 1,183, 694; 1,218,217; 1,231,921 —, —, coal, anthracite, ash of, 1,279, 119 —,—, coal ashes for, 1 013, 922, —,—, containers, metallic, for, 1,382,095 —,—, copper for, 1,488,186 —,—,copper oxide for, 1,505,206 —,—, copper sulfate for, 1,256,324 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 881 Building material, mfr. of, cord for, 1,484,370 —,—, cork for, 1, 183, 694 —, cork, compressed, for, 1,304,267 —~_—,—, cork board for, 1,183, 694 —,—, corn cobs for, 1,183, 694 —, — corn stalks for, 1,126,186 —,—, cotton for, 1,515,723 —,—, cotton linters for, 1,519,311 —,—,diatomaceous earth for, 1,184,184 —,—, dolomite for, 1,289,862 —,—, excelsior for, ae 126, 186 —,—~, fabric for, 1 220 550; 1,353,619; Re-15,949 ; 1,488,186 —,—, felt for, 1,353,619; Re-15,949 —,—, fiber for, ik 183, 694 —,—, ’ fibrous material for, 1,220,550; Re-15,949; 1,498,401 —,—, fire-proofing material for, 1,265,655 —, flax for, 1,183,694 —, ’ flax felt for, i 126,186; 1,126,187 —, flax straw for, 1 231, 921 —, ’ fullers earth for, 1,408,760 —,—, gas tar for, 1,220,401 —, glass for, 1,408,760 —,—,glue for, 1 BLS, 793 —,—, glue, animal, for, 1,516,045 —,—,— vegetable, for, 1,516, 045 —,—, ’ graphite for, 1 (362, 888; 1,408,760 —, grass for, 1,353 619; Re- 15, 949 —, —, gravel for, 1 220, 401 —, —, grit for, 1 353, 619: Re-15,949 —, ground. glass for, q 408, 760 —,—, gypsum for, 1,211,028; 1,256,324 —,—, hair for, 1,304,267 1,353,619 ; —,—, hemp for, 1,126,186; 1,126,187; 1,231,921; eee 370; 1,513,922; 1,515,723 — horn glue for, 1,231, 921 —,— ’ hydrocarbon for, 1,220, 401; 1,505,206 —,ilmenite for, 1, 183, 255 — infusorial earth for, 1,184,184; 1,408,760 — , iron (ie) chloride for, 1 256, 324 —,iron oxide for, 1,505, 206 —, ’ iron (ous) sulfate for, 1,256,324 oe Bh tute for, 1,515,723 —,—, kaolin for, 1,211,028 —,kieselguhr for, 1,183,694; 1,184,184 —,—, lath for, 1,126, 186; 1; 126, 187 —, ead for, 1 488, 186 —, ‘lead acetate for, 1,256,324 —,— lead oxide (Pb.0), for, Tol 238 —, ‘lead oxide for, 1 505, 206 ; 1515, 723 —, "leaves tory 1 353, 619; Re-15 949 —, ’ lime for, 1,476, 078 —, "linseed oil for, 1,218,217 ; 1,515,723 —, magnesite, calcined, for, 1,304, 267 — , magnesium carbonate for, 1,289, 862 —,magnesium chloride for, 1 304, 267; 1,443,097 —,—, magnesium oxide for, 1,183,255; 1 183, 694; 1,304,267; 1,443 097 —, —, Magnesium oxychloride for, 1 443, 097 —,—,magnesium sulfate for, 1,256,324; 1 408, 760 —,—, manganese oxide for, 1,505,206 | es «© SP eee ~~ -v & sie a a a | J e_ « 1,183,694; 1,304,267 ; Building material, mfr. of, manganese sulfate for, 1,256,324 —,—,marl and cellulose for, 1,392,127 —,menhaden oil for, 1,218,217 —,—, metal for, 1,488,186 —,—, metal chips for, 1,357,375 —,—, metal oxide for, 1,505,206 —,—, mica for, 1,362,888 —,mineral wool for, ae 1,288,158: 1,288,159: 1,408,760 1,183,694 ; —,—, moss litter for, 1,231,921 —, naphtha for, 1,218,217 —,—, nickel sulfate for, 1,256,324 —,—, ocher for, 1,231,921 —,paint for, 1,382,095 —,—, paint, water- proof, for, 1,183,694 —, paper for, 1,175,169; 1 353, 619: Re-15,949 ; 1362, 888; 1 ‘476 078: 1 ‘484, 370: 1,488,186 ; 1,513,922 ; 1 515,725 7011,010,0405) (1) 51g oad —,—, paper, building, for, ‘1 126, 186; 1,126,187 —,—,—, craft, for, 1, 126, 187 re be heey ‘ Neponsit ” for, 1,126,186; 1,126,187 om, Fed, TOSIn® 108, 126,184 — ’ tar, for, 1,183 694 —,—,— ’ waterproof, for, 1,126,187 —,paper pulp for, 1,519,311 —, paraffin for, 1,289,862 —,—, peat for, 1 183 694; 1,515,723 —,—, pitch for, 1, 183, 694; 1,220, 401; 1,288,159 : 1,338,037 ; 1,362,888 : 1,498,401; 1,505,206 —,—, plaster for, il ,268,929; 1,476,078 —,—, plaster of Paris for, ‘i 184, 184; 1,257,488 ; 1,357,375; 1,503,409; 1 520, 791 —,—, poppyseed oil for, i 218, 217 —,—, potassium aluminum sulfate for, 1,256,324 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1 256, 324 —, potassium hydroxide for, 1,256 324 —,—, potassium silicate for, 1,201 535; 1,408, 760; 1,519,311 —,—, process for, 1,126,186; 1,126,187 ; 1,175,169 ; 1,288,158 ; 1,488,186 ; 1,183,255: 1,183,604; 1,184,184; | 1,201,535; 1211028: 1.218217; 1,220,401; i 990,550; 1226292: 1231921: 1,256,324: 1,257,488; 1288158: 1,288,159; 1,304,267; 1,353,619; Re-15,949; 1,357,375; 1,362,888; 1,382,095; 1,408,760; 1,476,078; 1,484,370; 1,488,186; 1498401; 1,503,409; 1,505,206; 1,513,922; 1515723: 1,515,821; 1,516,045; 1,518,842; _ 1519311 ; 1,520,791 —, pumice for, 1,183,694 —,—, pyrites for, 1,289, 862 —,rags for, 1,515, 723 —, resin for, 1 256 024; 1,4985401; 1,515,723 —, rosin for, 1 220 401; 1 256, 324 —, ’ rubber for, Vy 175, 169; 1 218, 24 Wiiran ) 220 401 —,—, ’ rubberoid for, 1 183 694 — —, rubber substitute for, 1,218,217 J ale be oe —,—, "sand for, 1,218,217; 1 220, 401; 1,353,619 ; Re-15, 949; 1, 362, 888; 1 408, 760 —,—, sawdust for, 1 183 694; 1,201,535; 1,211,028; 1,218,217; 1,231,921; 1,304,267; 1,443,097; 1,484,370 —,— seaweed for, 1,183,694 —,—, ’ shell for, 1,353, 619; Re-15,949 —,—, ’ silica for, 1 305, ,206 882 Building material, mfr. of, silicon dioxide for, 1,183,255 —,—,slag for, 1,226,292; 1,518,842 ; —,—, slag sand for, 1,226,292 ,—, slate for, 1,362,888 —,—, soap, liquid, for, 1,279,119 —,—, olive oil, for, 1,279,119 —,sodium aluminum sulfate for, 1,256,324 —,sodium carbonate for, 1,256,324; 1,513,922 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,256,324; 1,513,922 —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,175,169; 1,201,535; 362,888; 1,408,760; 1,484,370; 1,519,311 —,—, steel wool for, 1,408,760 —,—,stone for, 1,362,888; 1,516,045 —,stone dust for, 1,218,217 —,straw for, 1,126,186; 1,353,619; Re-15,949 ; 513,922; 1,519,311 —,—, stucco for, 1,476,078 —,—, sulfur for, 1,289,862; 1,505,206 —, tale for, 1,505,206 —, tar for, 1,183,694; 1,362,888 —,—, tung oil for, 1,218,217 —,—, varnish for, 1,175,169 —,—, weeds for, 1,853,619; Re-15,949 —,—, wire for, 1,484,370 —,—, wood for, 1,443,097; 1,484,370; 1,519,311 —, wood chips for, 1,357,375 —, wood fiber for, 1,218,217; 1,268,929 —,—, wood flour for, 1,183,694; 1,484,370 —,—, wood shavings for, 1,183,694; 1,515,723 —,—, zine for, 1,488,186 ’ —,—, zinc silicate for, 1,519,311 —,—, zine sulfate for, 1,256,324 —,plastic, mfr. of, voleanic ash and lava for, 1,344,058 —,sea-wrack for preparing, 1,411,906 —, ship, see Ship building material —, surfacing of, brass filings for, 1,513,620 —,—, iron filings for, 1,513,620 —,—, paraffin for, 1,513,620 —,—, process for, 1,513,620 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,513,620 —, waterproofing of, mfr. of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,177,156 —,—,—, aluminum hydroxide for, 1,177,156 —,—,—, aluminum salt for, 1,177,156 —,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,177,156 —,asphalt for, 1,338,037 —,—, calcium salt for, 1,177,156 —,—,chromium hydroxide for, 1,177,156 —,—, copper hydroxide for, 1,177,156 —,—, lead hydroxide for, 1,177,156 —,—,—, magnesium salt for, 1,177,156 ,—, process for, 1,177,156; 1,438,966 bf > , ’ bd > 1 ’ bf > ’ 1 ’ — b] ’ ’ ? bf ? ’ ’ d % ’ ’ ) Es es as ’ er | —,—,soap for, 1,177,156 —,—,soap, resin, for, 1,177,156 —,—,tin hydroxide for, 1,177,156 —,—,—, zine hydroxide for, 1,177,156 —,see also Brick; Building paper; Concrete; Concrete substitute; Conduit; Construction material; Flooring; Molded article; Plaster board ; Plastic; Roofing; Shingle; Stone artt- ficial; Tile Building material composition, mfr. of, alumi- num sulfate for, 1,463,123 —,—,calcium hydroxide for, 1,463,123 —,—, calcium sulfate for, 1,463,123 wv we ee hw UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Building material composition, mfr. of, cement for, 1,463,123 -_,—, cinder for, 1,463,123 —,—, diatomaceous earth for, 1,463,128 —,—, magnesium. chloride for, 1,463,123 —,—, paper for, 1,463,123 —,—,plaster of Paris for, 1,463,123 —,—,process for, 1,463,123 —,—,sand for, 1,463,123 ,—, sawdust for, 1,463,123 —,—,sodium silicate for, 1,463,123 —,—, straw for, 1,463,123 —,—, wood pulp for, 1,463,123 Building paper, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,515,821 —,—, asbestos for, 1,209,315 — —, asphalt for, 1,515,821 —,—, cellulose for, 1,515,821 —,—, clay, colloidal for, 1,515,821 —., felt for, 1,209,315 —,felt, water-proof, for, 1,209,315 —,K-B emulsion for, 1,515,821 —,—, gypsum for, 1,209,315 ,—, magnesia for, 1,209,315 —,—, paper for, 1,515,821 —,—, paper, tar, for, 1,209,315 . —,—, process for, 1,209,315; 1,489,898; 1,493,447 ,—, sodium silicate for, 1,209,315 —,—, water for, 1,515,821 —,—,wire fabric for, 1,209,315 —,see also Building material; Paper, building; Roofing Building stone, see Stone, artificral Building tile, see Tile Building wall, mfr. of, asphalt for, 1,188,065 —,—, cement for, 1,188,065 —,—, gypsum for, 1,188,065 —,—,oil for, 1,188,065 b —,—, plaster of Paris for, 1,188,065 5 —,—, process for, 1,188,065 —,—,sand for, 1,188,065 —,—, tar for, 1,188,065 Bulbus Scillae, see Squill Bulgarious culture, cheese, Swiss, made using, 1,499,390 “ Bulk” powder, smokeless powder, maneuver, © 1,208,358 Bullets, copper-nickel 1,357,865 —,flash-light composition in, 1,337,343 —,impact illuminating, mfr. of, acacia for, 1,242,879 —,—,—, aluminum for, 1,242,879 ,—,—, antimony sulfide for, 1,242,879 —, cellulose nitrate for, 1,242,879 —., ferro-silicon for, 1,242,879 —,—,—, glass for, 1,242,879 ,—, —, hitro-benzene for, 1,242,879 —,—,—, nitro-toluene for, 1,242,879 —,—,—, phosphorus, red, for, 1,242,879 —, potassium chlorate for, 1,242,879 b oe ? ’ bd alloy for jacketing, d ’ ’ > b d INDEX OF SUBJECTS Bullets, impact illuminating, mfr. of, tetryl for, 1,242,879 —, incendiary, 1,333,834 —,—,mfr. of, alkali 1,308,463 —,—,—, alkali earth oxide for, 1,308,463 —,—,—, aluminum for, 1,301,881; 1,308,463 —,—,—, barium carbonate for, 1,308,463 —,—,—, barium nitrate for, 1,308,463 ,—,—, barium oxide for, 1,308,463 earth carbonate for, —,—,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,308,463 —,—,—, calcium oxide for, 1,808,463 —,—,—, magnesium for, 1,308,463 —,—,—, Magnesium carbonate for, 1,308,463 —,—,—, Magnesium oxide for, 1,308,463 —,—,—, nitrate for, 1,308,463 —,—,—, paraffin for, 1,308,463 ,—,—, paraffin oil for, 1,308,463 —,—,—, peroxide for, 1,308,463 —,—,—, phosphorus for, 1,301,381 —,—,—, process for, 1,308,463 —,—,—,resin for, 1,308,463 —,—,—, wax for, 1,308,463 —,jackets for, 1,427,127 —, jacket of, cupro-nickel for, 1,432,669 —,—,see Projectiles, anti-fouling metals for —, mfr. of, copper alloy, nickel in, for, 1,219,742 —,—,lead for, 1,219,742 —,—, magnesium for, 1,126,415 —,—, match head for, 1,126,415 —,—,nickel alloy, copper in, for, 1,219,742 1,124,279 ; 1,126,415; —,—, process for, 1,219,742 —,—, pyrotechnic for, 1,126,415 —,nickel-copper alloy for jacketing, 1,357,865 —, phosphorus in, 1,337,348 —,shooting gallery apparatus 1,126,415 —, tracer, 1,333,834; 1,432,669 —,see also Projectile _ Bullet impeding material, mfr. of, cotton for, 1,213,118 —,—, process for, 1,213,118 —,—,resin for, 1,213,118 —,—, wool for, 1,213,118 —,see also Armor Bullet jackets, see Bullet, jackets for Bullet-proof armor, mfr. of, camel’s hair for, 1,513,766 —,—, cork for, 1,513,766 —,—, felt blanket for, 1,513,766 ,—, hair for, 1,513,766 —,—, process for, 1,513,766 Bullet-proof article, mfr. of, calico for, 1,239,329 —,—, cotton wool for, 1,239,329 —,—, leather for, 1,239,329 —,—, process for, 1,239,329 —,—,silk for, 1,239,329 made with, —,silk fabric for, 1,239,329 —,—, textile for, 1,239,329 —,—, wire for, 1,239,329 Bullet-proof fabric, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,226,767 —,—,cotton for, 1,226,767 —,—, process for, 1,226,767 —,resin for, 1,226,767 —, silk for, 1,226,767 —,—,wool for, 1,226,767 ? 2 ? 883 Bullet-proof material, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,226,767 —,—, cotton for, 1,226,767 —,—, fiber, animal, for, 1,226,767 —,—,—, vegetable, for, 1,226,767 —,—, process for, 1,226,767 —,—,resin for, 1,226,767 —,—, silk for, 1,226,767 —,—, wool for, 1,226,767 Bullion, clarification of, egg white for, 1,297,635 —, electrolytic refining of, process for, 1,148,798 Bulnesia retama zygophyllaceae, see Retama Bulrush pith, typewriter platen made with, 1,166,390 “ Bullseye,’ powder, smokeless powder, man- euver, 1,208,358 Bull sinew, tennis racket string made with, 1,231,911 Bull supra-renal capsule, adrenalin made with, 1,515,976 Bull tendon, tennis racket string made with, 1,231,911 Bumpers, mfr. of, 1,487 487 —,—,rubber composition for, 1,487,487 —,—, process for, 1,437,487 Bunsenite, see Nickel oxide Buoy, mfr. of, balsa wood for (1,121,644) ; Re-13,952 —,—,celba wood for (1,121,644); Re-13,952 —,—,diatomaceous earth for (1,121,644); Re-13,952 —,—,dye for (1,121,644); Re-13,952 —,—,parafin for (1,121,644) ; Re-13,952 —,—,Paris green for (1,121,644); Re-13,952 ,—, process for (1,121,644); Re-13,952 —,—,rosin for (1,121,644) ; Re-13,952 Buoyant composition, mfr. of, asphalt for, 1,285,888 —,—,bituminous material for, 1,285,888 —,—, charcoal for, 1,285,888 —,—,cork for, 1,285,888 —,—, paraffin for, 1,285,888 —,—, process for, 1,285,888 —,—, rosin for, 1,285,888 Burdock root, German, salt brick made with, 1,244,141 Burette, construction of, 1,224,515 —, direct-reading, 1,386,571 Burgundy, rustproofing with, 1,263,395 Burgundy pitch, adhesive contg., 1,307,247 —, coating composition made with, 1,330,421 —, leather surface repairing composition contg., 1,506,983 —,leather, waterproofing of, using, 1,167,327; 1,329,162 ; —,ore concentration by 1,448,928 —, shoes, waterproofing of, using, 1,329,162 —,shoe filler made with, 1,134,931; 1,136,456 —, vulcanization process using, 1,467,197 —, waterproofing using, 1,167,327; 1,329,162 —,wood, waterproofing of, using, 1,167,327 —,see also Pitch, Burgundy Burial casket, see Coffin | Burial container, se Burial vault casein composition for, adhesive contg., 884 Burial vault, construction of, asphalt for, 1,238,760 —,—, cement for, 1,238,760 —,—, ‘metal molten ‘for, 1,238,760 —,—, paint for, 1,238, 760 —,—, pitch for, 1,238,760 —, process for, 1,238,760 —, oo of, asphalt for, 1,478,769 —, asphalt flux for, 1,478 769 —,—, bitumen for, 1 478 769 —,—, bitumen mastic for, 1,478,769 —,—,coal tar for, 1,478, 769 —,—, fullers earth for, 1,478 5769 —,grits for, 1,478 769 —., infusorial earth for, 1,478,769 —,— limestone for, 1,478, 769 —,—, process for, 1 478 769 —,—,sand for, 1,478,769 nes also Coffin Burlap, board, composite, made with, 1,491,112 —, canvas board substitute made with, 1,369,151 —, carpet made with, 1,379,703 —, composite material made with, 1,369,151 —,diaphragm for zine electrolytic cell contg., 1 315,982 —, doll heads made with, 1,369,151 —, ’ fabric, coated, made with, 1,159,155 —,—, embossed, made with, 1,379,703 —,fabric covering, 1,124,087 —, fire-retardent made with, 1,152,798 —, ' floor, concrete, made with, 1,127 957 —, ‘floor covering made with, a 184 584 —,gas, purification of using, 1,156 022 —, heat- insulating material made 1 442,325; 1,442,326; 1,442,327; 1,442,328 from, o— , horn, sound reproducing, made with, 1 369 151 —, insulation, heat, made with, 1,152,798 —, ’ Jeather, artificial, viscose, made with, 1,251,237 j —,linoleum made with, 1,129,571 —,linoleum substitute made with, 1,479,044 —, phonograph horn made with, 1,369,151 —,roofing made with, 1,126,932; 1,250,577; 1,250,578; 1,250,622 —, rug made with, 1,379,703 —,shoe, innersole for made with, 1,473,605 —,sound amplifying chamber made_ with, 1,369,151 —, structural surfaces coated using, 1,239,074 —, substitute for, see Antiburlap —,tarred, trees protected from insects using, 1,130,546 —, tile made with, 1,250,622 —, wall, sound absorbing, made with, 1,205,938 —,wall board made with, 1,369,151; 1,473,981; 1,479,044 —, wall covering made with, 1,193,060 —, wood substitute made with, 1,369,151 Burmah crude oil, see Petroleum, Burmah crude Burns, coating for, see Coating, protective, for medicinal purposes -,compound for treating, hydroxide for, 1,204,830 —,—,—, lime for, 1,204,830 —,—,—,ocher, yellow, for, 1,204,830 mfr. of, calcium UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Burns, compound for treating, mfr. of, oleic ‘acid, crude, for, 1,204,830 —, —, —, petroleum for, 1,204,830 —,—,—, process for, 1,204,830 —,—,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,204,830 —, ointment for, 1,492,823 —,salve for, 1,470,422 Burner, mfr. of, hydrocarbon for, 1,149,870 —_—,— , hydrocarbon oils for, 1,365, 108 —,—, kerosene for, 1,149 870 —,—, process for, 1,149 870 —,—, water for, 1 149 870 —,—, wood for, 1 149 870 —,sulfur-, 1 371 293 Burning composition, binder for, nitrostarch for, 1,388,501 —, see also Pyrotechnic composition Burning oil, crude, see Petroleum distillate —, see Kerosene Burnt lime, see Calcium oxide Burnt magnesia, see Magnesium oxide Burnt orange S. 3025, silk dyed with, 1,446,860 Burnt ieee paint, oil water color, made with, 1,327,928 Burnt umber, marble, 1,204,378 —,see also Umber, burnt Burrowlite, see Steel, forgible Burtonizing salts, beer, non-alcoholic, made with, 1,262,472 — , beverage, non-alcoholic, made with, 1,262,472 —, calcium sulfate in, 1,262 472 —, ’ sodium chloride in, 1,262 472 — water, for brewing, treated with, 1,172,528 Burton oil, acetic acid made with, 1,365 053 —, acetone made with, 1,365,053 —,alkyl acetate made with, 1,486,646 —, alkyl alcohol made with, 1,486, 646 —, alkyl esters made with, 1,486 646 —, alkyl formate made with, 1,486, 646 —, alkyl hydrogen sulfate made with, 1,486,646 —,amyl acetate made with, 1,486, 646 — amyl alcohol made with, 1,486, 646 —,amyl esters made with, 1,486, 646 —,amyl formate made with, 1 486, 646 —,amyl hydrogen sulfate made with, 1,486,646 —, butyl acetate made with, 1,486, 646 —, butyl alcohol made with, 1,486, 646 —, butyl esters made with, i ‘486 646 —, butyl formate made with, 1,486, 646 —, butyl hydrogen sulfate made with, 1,486,646 —, butyric acid made with, 1,365, 053 —, cellulose acetate, solvent ‘for, made with, 1 365,053 — ethyl methyl ketone made with, 1,365,053 —, fatty acids made with, 1,365,053 —., formaldehyde made with, 1,365 053 —, formic acid made with, 1365, 053 —, ’ heptyl acetate made with, 1,486,646 —, heptyl alcohol made with, 1,486,646 —, heptyl esters made with, 1,486,646 —,heptyl formate made with, 1,486,646 —, heptyl hydrogen sulfate made with, 1,486,646 —, hexyl acetate made with, 1,486,646 —, hexyl alcohol made with, 1,486,646 —, hexyl esters made with, 1,486,646 imitation, made with, INDEX OF Burton oil, hexyl formate made with, 1,486,646 —, hexyl hydrogen sulfate made with, 1,486,646 —, ketones made with, 1,365,053 —, propionic acid made with, 1,365,053 —,propyl acetate made with, 1,486,646 —,iso-propyl acetate made with, 1,486,646 —,propyl alcohol made with, 1,486,646 —,iso-propyl alcohol made with, 1,486,646 —, propyl esters made with, 1,486,646 —,tso-propyl esters made with, 1,486,646 —, propyl formate made with, 1,486,646 —,iso-propyl formate made with, 1,486,646 —, propyl hydrogen sulfate made with, 1,486,646 —,iso-propyl hydrogen sulfate made _ with, 1,486,646 —,valerianic acid made with, 1,865,053 Burton oil distillates, chlorinating, 1,400,976 Burton salts, ale, pale, made with, 1,156,448 . —, beverage, unfermented, made with, 1,204,869 —, calcium sulfate in, 1,156,448 —,magnesium sulfate in, 1,156,448 —, mfr. of, calcium chloride for, 1,156,448 —,—, process for, 1,156,448 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1,156,448 —,sodium chloride in, 1,156,448 Burton still stock, benzene made with, 1,516,756 —, hydrocarbon, aromatic, made with, 1,516,756 —, maleic acid made with, 1,516,756. —,maleic anhydride made with, 1,516,756 —,naphthalene made with, 1,516,756 —,phthalaldehyde made with, 1,516,756 —, phthalaldehydic acid made with, 1,516,756 —, phthalic acid made with, 1,516,756 —, phthalic anhydride made with, 1,516,756 Bush, artillery, see Artillery bush —, for explosives, see Artillery bush Busheling furnace, see Furnace, busheling Bushing, calcium hydroxide in, 1,259,502 —, cement in, 1,259,502 —, cement, Portland, in, 1,259,502 —, mfr. of, calcium hydroxide for, 1,259,502 —,—, cement for, 1,259,502 —,—,cement, Portland, for, 1,259,502 —,—, paper pulp for, 1,259,502 —,—, process for, 1,259,502 —,—, wood pulp for, 1,259,502 —, paper pulp in, 1,259,502 —, wood pulp in, 1,259,502 Butadiene, azo-resins made with, 1,500,844 —,caoutchoue, artificial, made with, 1,178,721 —,—,synthetic, made with, 1,149,577 —, citrus fruit coloring of using, 1,475,938 —, dyestuff made with, 1,500,844 —, insulation, electric, made with, 1,500,844 —, latex, artificial, made with, 1,149,577 —,lemon coloring of using, 1,475,938 —, linseed oil substitute made with, 1,500,844 —,mfr. of, process for, 1,198,943; 1,198,944 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made with, 1,500,844 ‘ —, polymerizing, 1,415,468 —, pyrotechnic made with, 1,500,844 —,resin, artificial, made with, 1,500,844 —,rubber, synthetic, made with, 1,238,930 —,rubber-like substance from, 1,415,468 SUBJECTS 885 Butadiene, shellac substitute made with, 1,500,844 —, tanning compounds made with, 1,500,844 —, varnish, fat soluble, made with, 1,500,844 —,—,oil soluble, made with, 1,500,844 —,see also Hydrocarbon, diolefin 1.2-Butadiene, mfr. of, acetylene for, 1,499,750 —,—, apparatus for, 1,499,750 —,—, calcium carbide for, 1,499,750 —,—,calcium carbonate for, 1,499,750 —,—, carbon for, 1,499,750 . —,—,coal, bituminous, for, 1,499,750 —,—, hydrogen for, 1,499,750 —,—, limestone for, 1,499,750 —,—, process for, 1,499,750 1.3-Butadiene, caoutchouce, artificial, made with, 1,178,721 —,—, synthetic, made with, 1,189,110 —,homologes of, rubber, synthetic, made with, 1,171,187 —, isoprene made with, 1,218,332 —,mfr. of, acetylene for, 1,436,819 —,—,alkali earth hydroxide as catalyst for, 1,486,819 —,—, alkali 1,486,819 —,—,alkali earth oxychloride for, 1,436,819 —,—,alkali hydroxide as catalyst for, 1,436,819 —,alkali oxide as catalyst for, 1,436,819 —,alkali oxychloride as for, 1,436,819 —,—, benzene for, 1,436,819 —,—,benzine for, 1,436,819 —,—, 1.3-butanediol for, 1,179,408 —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,436,819 —,—,ethylene for, 1,436,819 earth oxide as catalyst for, 3 ’ ’ bf > b —, magnesium sulfate for, 1,179,408 —,—,molybdic acid for, 1,436,819 —,—,nitrogen for, 1,436,819 —,—, petroleum for, 1,436,819 —,—, process for, 1,179,408; 1,436,819 —,—,propene for, 1,436,819 —,—, toluene for, 1,436,819 —,—, xylene for, 1,436,819 —, oxidation of, ozone for, 1,294,662 —, polymerization of, 1,294,662 —,rubber from, 1,436,819 —,rubber, synthetic, made with, 1,294,662 —,see also Biovinyl; Erythrene 1.3-Butadiene ozonide, formation of, 1,294,662 Butaldehyde, aniline, condensation product of and, 1,467,984 —,gutta percha, vulcanization accelerator for made with, 1,467,984 —,rubber, vulcanization accelerator for made with, 1,467,984 —,rubber substitute, vulcanization accelerator for made with, 1,467,984 —,toluidine, condensation product of and, 1,467,984 —, xylidine, 1,467,984 Butanal, see Butyraldehyde 1.2-Butandiol, see Butylene glycol Butane, bojling point of, 1,825,665; 1,825,666 ; 1,325,667 1,218,332 ; condensation product of and, 886 Butane, caffeol dissolved by, 1,867,724; 1,367,725 —, carbon from, 1,396,018 —, carbon black made with, 1,477,511; 1,514,638 —,chlorinated, carbonyl chloride solvent, 1,454,873 —,—,chlorides solvent, 1,454,873 —,—, chlorine solvent, 1,454,873 —,—,lodine solvent, 1,454,873 —,—, sulfur solvent, 1,454,873 —,chlorinating, 1,421,733 —,chlorine removed from chlorinated hydro- carbon with, 1,325,214 —, chloroform made with, 1,825,214 —,derivatives of, see also Tetramethylene componds —,food product made with, 1,199,124 —, fuel, liquid, made with, 1,242,795 —,fuel gas contg., 1,404,222; 1,404,224; 1,404,227; 1,404,232; 1,404,234; 1,404,235 —,gas black made with, 1,514,638 —,gasolene made with, 1,365,605; 1,512,264 —,gasolene, “natural gas,” contg., 1,259,679 —,—,—,removal from of, air for, 1,482,933 —,—,—,—, apparatus for, 1,482,933 —,—,—,—, process for, 1,482,933 —, halogen removed from halogenated hydro- carbon with, 1,325,214 —,hydrocarbon vapor recovery with, 1,463,782 —,mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,365,604; 1,365,605 —,—, cracking process for, 1,365,604; 1,365,605 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,865,604; 1,865,605 —,—, process for, 1,365,604; 1,865,605 —,methane, removal from of, apparatus for, 1,225,574 —,—,—, process for, 1,225,574 —, natural gas contg., 1,307,430 —, natural gas, removal from of, apparatus for, 1,225,574 —,—,—, process for, 1,225,574 —,natural gas constituent, 1,429,175 —, oil well, operating of using, 1,520,052 —, potato chips made with, 1,199,124 —, potato flour made with, 1,199,124 —, properties of, 1,429,910; 1,512,264 —, pure, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,307,353 —,—,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,307,353 —,—,—, natural gas for, 1,807,353 —,—,—, oil, petroleum, for, 1,307,353 ,—, petroleum for, 1,307,353 —,—,—, process for, 1,807,353 —,—,—, “sun spirits,” for, 1,307,353 —,recovery of, 1,422,183 —,refrigerant contg., 1,325,665; 1,825,667; 1,497,615 —,refrigerating machine using, glycerol in, 1,498,021 —,—,—, glycol in, 1,498,021 —,—,—, graphite, deflocculated, in, 1,498,021 —,—,—,—, flake, in, 1,498,021 —,—,—,—, 1.2-propanediol in, 1,498,021 —,—,—,—, 1.3-propanediol in, 1,498,021 —,separation from natural gas, 1,429,175 —, solidified, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,484,190 —,—,—, ammonia for, 1,484,190 —,—,—,ammonium stearate for, 1,484,190 —,—,—, oleic acid for, 1,484,190 —,—,—, palmitic acid for, 1,484,190 1,325,666 ; lubricant for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Butane, solidified, mfr. of, process for, 1,484,190 —,—,—,soap for, 1,484,190 —,—,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,484,190 —,—,—,sodium stearate for, 1,484,190 —,—,—, stearic acid for, 1,484,190 —,—,-—,s8ee also Fuel, solidified; Incendiary product aso-Butane, see 2-Methyl-propane Butane-bis-glycine, see Tetramethylene-bis- glycine Butane derivatives, see also Tetramethylene derivatives 1.4-Butanediamine, see Putrescene 1.2-Butanediol, airplane cooling system contg., 1,213,368 —,automobile cooling system contg., 1,213,368 —, cooling system contg., 1,213,368 —,explosive made with, 1,213,367; 1,213,369 ; 1,231,351 —, heating system contg., 1,213,368 —,mfr. of, alkali carbonate for, 1,213,367 —,—,1-butene for, 1,213,367 —,—, carbonate for, 1,213,368 —,-—,chlorine for, 1,213,867; D.21giaoee 1,213,369; 1,231,351 —,—, oil gas for, 1,213,367; 1,213,368; 1,213,369; 1,231,351 —,—, process for, 1,213,367; 1,213,368; 1,213,369; 1,231,351 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,213,367; 1,213,369; 1,231,351 —, motor boat cooling system contg., 1,213,368 —, nitrated, cellulose nitrate solvent, 1,213,369 —,—, explosive made with, 1,213,367; 1,213,369; 1,231,351 | —,—, mfr. of, alkali carbonate for, 1,213,367 —,—,—, chlorine for, 1,213,367; 1,213,369 —,—,—, nitric acid for, 1,213,367; 1,213,369 —,—,—, oil gas for, 1,213,367; 1,213,369 —,—,—, process for, 1,213,367; 1,213,369 ba —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,213,367; 1,213,369 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,213,367; 1,213,369 —,refrigerating system contg., 1,213,368 1.3-Butanediol, 1.3-butadiene made 1,179,408 2.3-Butanediol, airplane cooling system contg., 1,213,368 —,automobile cooling system contg., 1,213,368 —, cooling system contg., 1,213,368 —, explosive made with, 1,213,867; 1,213,369 —, heating system contg., 1,213,368 —,mfr. of, alkali carbonate for, 1,213,367 —,—, 2-butene for, 1,213,367 —,—, carbonate for, 1,213,368 —,—,chlorine for, 1,213,367; 1,213,368; 1,213,369 —,—, oil gas for, 1,213,367; 1,213,368; 1,213,369 —,—, process for, 1,213,367; 1,213,368; 1,213,369 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,213,367; 1,213,369 —, motor boat cooling system contg., 1,213,368 —,nitrated, cellulose nitrate solvent, 1,213,369 —,—, explosive made with, 1,213,367; 1,218,369 —,—, mfr. of, alkali carbonate for, 1,213,367 —,—,—,chlorine for, 1,213,867; 1,213,369 with, INDEX OF 2.3-Butanediol, nitrated, mfr. of, nitric acid for, 1,213,367 ; 1,213,369 —,—,—,oil gas for, 1,213,367; 1,213,369 —,—,—, process for, 1,213,367; 1,213,369 —,—,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,213,367; 1,213,369 —,—,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,213,367; 1,213,369 —, refrigerating system contg., 1,213,368 Butane hexabromide, see Hexabrom-butane 1-Butanol, see Butyl alcohol; n-Butyl alcohol 2-Butanol, see sec-Butyl alcohol 2-Butanone, see Ethyl methyl ketone Butene, boiling point of, 1,825,665; 1,325,667 —, butyl acetate made with, 1,486,646 —, butyl alcohol made with, 1,436,123; 1,486,646 —, butyl alcohol (secondary) from, 1,408,320 —,iso-butyl alcohol from, 1,464,153 —,butylene chlorhydrin. from, 1,253,615; 1,253,616; 1,264,535; 1,264,536; 1,295,339; 1,315,229 —, butylene glycol made with, 1,270,759 —, butylesters made with, 1,486,646 —, butyl formate made with, 1,486,646 —, butyl hydrogen sulfate made with, 1,486,646 —,chlorhydrin made with, 1,456,590; 1,510,790 —,dichlorbutane from, 1,270,759; 1,295,339; 1,402,337; 1,402,338; 1,440,976 —,explosive made with, 1,213,367; 1,213,369 —, extraction of, 1,464,153 —,gasolene made with, 1,365,605 —, halogenating, 1,402,337; 1,402,338 —,isoprene made with, 1,218,332 —, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,234,886; 1,235,777; 1,365,605 —,—,asphalt for, 1,517,968 —,—, bromine for, 1,234,886 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,234,886 —,—, calcium hypochlorite for, 1,234,886 —,—, chlorine for, 1,234,886 _—,—, clay tube for, 1,234,886 —,—,copper tube for, 1,234,886; 1,235,777 —,—,cracking process for, 1,865,605 —,—,“ crucible mixture” tube for, 1,234,886 —,—, fat for, 1,517,968 —,—, gas oil for, 1,235,777 —,—, gilsonite for, 1,517,968 —,—, grease for, 1,517,968 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,234,886; 1,365,605 —, —, iodine for, 1,234,886 —,—, iron tube for, 1,234,886; 1,235,777 —,—,natural gas for, 1,234,886 —,—, nickel tube for, 1,235,777 —,—, oil for, 1,234,886 —,—, oil, mineral, for, 1,235,777 —,—,oil gas for, 1,438,123 —,—,petroleum for, 1,234,886; 1,235,777; 1,517,968 —,—,petroleum residuum for, 1,234,886; 1,235,777 —, —, process for, 1,234,886; 1,235,777; 1,365,605 ; 1,438,123; 1,517,968 —,—,sodium carbonate 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,—,steel tube for, 1,234,886; 1,235,777 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,234,886; 1,235,777 and chlorine for, SUBJECTS 887 Butene, mfr. of, tar oil for, 1,234,886 —,—, terra cotta tube for, 1,235,777 —,—, turpentine oil for, 1,234,886 —, naphthenes from, 1,395,620 —, oil gas contg., 1,215,903; 1,231,123; 1,235,288; 1,270,759 —,oil gas, separation from of, process for, 1,253,615; 1,253,616 —, oxidation of, arsenate for, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,—, barium dioxide for, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,—,caleium hypochlorite and cobalt for, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,—, chromate for, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,—,manganese dioxide for, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,—, perborate for, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,—,permangante for, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,—, persulfate for, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,—,sodium dioxide for, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —,—, vanadate for, 1,308,796; 1,308,797 —, preparation of, 1,438,123 —, properties of, 1,429,910 —,refrigerant contg., 1,325,665; 1,325,667 —,rubber, synthetic, made with, 1,218,332 —,separating from gases, 1,465,600 —, solvent for, gas naphtha as, 1,465,600 —, utilization of, 1,464,153 —,see also Olefin 1-Butene, 1.2-butanediol made with, 1,213,367 —, sec-butyl alcohol made with, 1,408,320 —, fuel, liquid, made with, 1,496,810 —,oil gas contg., 1,213,367 9-Butene, 2.3-butanediol made with, 1,218,367 —, sec-butyl alcohol made with, 1,408,320 —, fuel, liquid, made with, 1,496,810 —,oil gas contg., 1,213,367 —, preparation of, 1,395,620 3-Butene, preparation of, 1,395,620 1-Butine, fuel, liquid, made with, 1,496,810 —, mfr. of, acetylene for, 1,499,750 —,—, apparatus for, 1,499,750 —,—, calcium carbide for, 1,499,750. —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,499,750 ,—, carbon for, 1,499,750 —,—, coal, bituminous, for, 1,499,750 —, —, hydrogen for, 1,499,750 —,—, limestone for, 1,499,750 —,—, process for, 1,499,750 2-Butine, 2-chlor-2-butene made with, 1,425,130 —, compound (C.H;Cl)n, made with, 1,425,130 —, fuel, liquid, made with, 1,496,810 —, hydrochloric acid condensed with, 1,425,130 —, preparation of, 1,425,130 . —, properties of, 1,429,910 —,rubber-like substance from, 1,425,130 3-Butine, see 1-Butine | . Butrite, calcium oxide made with, 1,259,717; 1,259,718; 1,259.719 Butter, aluminum, soldering of, using, 1,516,759 —, aluminum alloy, soldering of, using, 1,516,759 —, artificial, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,258,996; 1,258,997 —,—,—, cream for, 1,258,996; 1,258,997 3 —,—,—, milk for, 1,258,996 ’ —,—,—, milk, skimmed, for, 1,258,996 888 Butter, artificial, mfr. of, milk, skimmed, con- - densed, for, 1,258,997 —,—,—,process for, 1,258,996; 1,258,997 —,—, preparation of, 1,403,405 —,—,see also Margarine —,bread made with, 1,224,492; 1,326,276; 1,356,988 —, buttermilk, treatment with of, 1,125,693 —,butter substitute made with, 1,247,482; 1,261,820; 1,475,574 —, calories in, 1,252,029 —, casein, removal of from, 1,264,336 —, cocoa, see Cocoa butter —, coloring compound for, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1 ,224,910 —,—,—, amaranth for, 1,224,910 —,—,—, annatto for, 1,203,594; 1,224,910 —,—, butter fat for, 1,203,594; 1,224,910 1,323,367 ; —,—,—, butter oil for, 1,224,910 —,—,—, carbon dioxide for, 1,203,594; 1,224,910 —,—,— ’ dyestuff for, 1,203, 594 ,—,—, erythrosin for, 1,224,910 —,—,—,naphthol yellow S for, 1,224,910 —,—,—, Orange 1 for, 1,224 910 —,—,—, ponceau for, 1 924 910 —,—,—, process for, 1 203, 594: 1,224,910 —,—,—, sodium benzoate for, 1,203,594 ; 1,224,910 —,—,—, sodium chloride for, 1,224,910 —, composition resembling, mfr. of, 1,417,893 —,containers for, coating, algae extract for, 1,456,494 —,—,—, Irish moss extract for, 1,456,494 —, cream, treatment with of, 1,125,693 —,curd, removal of from, 1,264,336 —, Dutch, see Margarine —, fat, see Butter fat —, flavoring, lactic acid fermented product for, 1,381,468 ; 1,381,469 —, flotation of, 1,426,596 —, food contg., 1,252,029 —,food contg., honey and, 1,263,237 —, food product made with, 1,155,743; 1,234,858 ; 1,279,390; 1,873,651 —,mfr. of, acacia for, 1,509,082 —,—, agar agar for, 1,509,082 —,—,apparatus ffor, 1,155,055; 1 ‘geerathe 910 —, buttermilk for, 1,513,331 —, casein for, 1 509, 086 —, churn for, 1 182 888 —,—, cream for, 1 155, 055; 1,182,888; 1,219,291; 009,084 —,—, cream, reconstructed, for, 1,509,087 —,—,sour, for, 1,513,331 ee curds for, 1,509,086 — ’ description ‘for, 1,381,468; 1,381,469 —, fat for, 1,513 331 —, ‘gelatin for, 1 009,082 —, lime for, 1,513 331 —, milk for, 1 219, 291; 1,509,088; 1,513,331 —, ’ milk, artificial, for, 1 ‘509 ‘087; 1,509, ‘088 —,—, condensed for, 1 509, 086 1,219,291; J del —~ ww eee: —— —_—,—,— ’ skimmed for, i 509 086; 1,509,087 1,509,088 —,—,milk fat for, 1,509,082; 1,509,086; 1,509,087 ; 1,509,088 yr By a UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Butter, mfr. of, milk oil for, 1,485,699 ; 1,509,082; 1 509 086; 1 509, 087; 1,509, 088 —,—, milk powder for, i 509 086; 1,509,087 a —, pot cheese for, 1,509,086 —,—, process for, 1,155,055; 1,182,888; 1,219,291 ; 1,276,910; 1,884,318; 1,432,699; 1,485,699; 1,509,082; 1,509,084; 1,509,086; 1,509,087; 1 509, ‘088; 1,513,331 —,—, sodium bicarbonate for; 1,513,331 —, ’ milk, treatment with of, 1, 125, 693 —, nut, mfr. of, 1,372,614 —,—, oil, hydrogenation, contg., 1,372,614 — oil, treatment with of, 1,125, 693 —, ’ pasteurization of, process for, 1,125,693 —,pastry composition contg., 1,388,019 —, peanut, see Peanut butter —, pecan, see Pecan butter —,rancid, butter fat from, 1,404,054 —, reconstructed milk made with, 1,434,094 — ’ renovating of, 1,404,054; 1,447, 250 sn, LE TOF, . 210 918 —,—, ’ marble dust for, 1,210,918 —, process for, 1,210,918 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,210 918 —,—, water for, 1,210,918 —,—, zinc chloride for, 1,210,918 — ’ soldering compound using, 1,516,759 —,specific gravity of, determination of, ap- paratus for, 1,337, 410 —, starch, treatment with of, 1,125,693 —, ’ sterilization of, process for, 1,125,698 ; 1 264,336 — syphilis, treatment of, compound for, made with, 1,499,249 ao , testing, apparatus for, 1,428,020 . —, therapeutic compound made with, 1,499,249 —, treating, 1,447,250 — ’ unpleasant flavors developed in, causes of, 1, 155,055 —, venereal disease, treatment of, compound for, made with, 1,499 ,249 —, wood for packing, treating to render im- pervious, 1,399,838 Butter of antimony, see Antimony trichloride Butter of arsenic, see Arsenic trichloride Butter bacilli, leprosy, substance for treat- ment of, made with, 1,250,345 — therapeutic compound made with, 1,250,345 —, tuberculosis, substance for treatment of, made with, 1 250, 345 Butter coloring compound, mfr. of, alcohol for, 1,203,594 Butter fat, apparatus for determination of, 1,221,455 —, atomizing 1,400,484 — _ beverage made with, 1,249,044 —, beverage, desiccated, made with, 1,512,730; 1 12,731 —, butter made with, 1,509,086 ; 1,509,087 —, ’ butter, coloring compound for, made with, i 203 594; 1,224,910 —, butter "substitute made with, 1,190,369; 1 475,574 —, candle made with, 1,248,402 —, confectionery made with, 1,402,004 —, cream, artificial, made with, 1, 190 069 into dissolved milk powder, INDEX OF Butter fat, cream, reconstructed, made with, 1,494,439 —,cream substitute made with, 1,216,052 —,deodorizing of, process for, 1,463,309 —,fatty acids made with, 1,248,402 —,food made with, 1,126,734 —,food product made with, 1,167,133; 1,191,388 —, glycerol made with, 1,248,402 —,ice cream made with, 1,134,777 —,ice cream base contg., 1,440,011 —, macaroni made with, 1,220,205 —,mfr. of, milk for, 1,354,683; 1,416,053 —,—,process for, 1,354,683 ; 1,397,664 ; 1,404,054; 1,413,092 —,margerine contg., 1,386,475 —, milk, artificial, made with, 1,474,843 —,—, human, substitute, made with, 1,249,044 —,—, imperishable, made with, 1,509,083 —,—,reconstructed, made with, 1,494,439 -—..—,separation from of, apparatus 1,230,395 —, milk product made with, 1,126,734 —,milk reconstructed from skim milk powder and, 1,400,484 —,noodles made with, 1,220,205 —, purifying, sodium hydroxide for, 1,397,663 —,removal from milk of, 1,432,632; 1,432,633 ; 1,432,634; 1,432,635 —,soap made with, 1,248,402 —,spaghetti made with, 1,220,205 —,stearic acid made with, 1,248,402 —, vermicelli made with, 1,220,205 —,see also Butter; Milk fat; Milk oil Butterin, cocoanut oil as constituent _of, 1,364,297 —, cottonseed oil as constituent of, 1,364,297 —, mfr. of, 1,364,297 —,—, cotton seed oil for, 1,127,545 —,—, peanut oil for, 1,127,545 —, peanut oil as constituent of, 1,864,297 —,see also Butter substitute; Margarine ; Oleo- margarine Buttermilk, artificial, powder, food product made with, 1,182,860 —, baking powder made with, 1,322,561 —, bread made with, 1,222,304; 1,500,545 —, bread, whole-wheat, made with, 1,254,494 —, butter made with, 1,513,331 —, butter, treatment of with, 1,125,693 —, buttermilk flour made with, 1,258,348 —,butter oil made with, 1,401,853 —,butter substitute made with, 1,247,482; 1,247,483; 1,495,734 —,casein made with, 1,126,429; 1,167,434 —, casein glue made with, 1,167,434 —,cleaner made with, 1,211,188 —, condensed, mfr. of, 1,370,828 —,containers for, coating, algae extract for, 1,456,494 —,—,—, Irish moss extract for, 1,456,494 —, desiccated, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,258,348 —,—,—, process for, 1,258,348 —,—,—,rennet for, 1,258,348 —,detergent made with, 1,211,108 —,dry, margarine contg., 1,444,562 —,—, product contg., 1,374,138 —, eee 1,398,735 5 for, SUBJECTS 889 Buttermilk, drying, apparatus for, 1,856,340 —,evaporated, bread made with, 1,170,474 —,—,cake made with, 1,170,474 —,—,food product made with, 1,170,474 —,—,pan-cake made with, 1,170,474 —,food made with, 1,287,600 —, food product made with, 1,182,860; 1,477,153 —,lactic acid, titration of in, process for, 1,358,950 —,lard made with, 1,123,644 —, margarine made by product, 1,386,475 —,milk product contg., 1,432,699 | —,pasteurizing of, apparatus for, 1,138,097 —, polish made with, 1,211,188 —, powdered, bread made with, 1,493,685 —,—,food product made with, 1,493,685 —,—, mfr. of, 1,370,828 —, prepared flour contg., 1,428,628 —, tallow made with, 1,123,644 —,see also Casein Buttermilk flour, 1,258,348 —,—, buttermilk for, 1,258,348 —,cattle food made with, 1,258,348 Buttermilk powder, food product made with, 1,182,860 Butter-nut, milk substitute made with, 1,267,449 —, olives, stuffed, made with, 1,231,286 Butternut oil, butter substitute made with, 1,247,482; 1,247,483 Butter oil, butter coloring compound for, made with, 1,224,910 —, casein and, separating, 1,401,853 —,emulsifying, 1,342,827 —, mfr. of, 1,401,853 —, renovating of, lime for, 1,210,918 —,—,marble dust for, 1,210,918 —,—, process for, 1,210,918 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,210,918 —,—, water for, 1,210,918 —,—, zine chloride for, 1,210,918 Butter substitute, butter in, 1,261,820 —,corn oil, hydrogenated as, 1,231,114 —, crystallizing, 1,426,555 —, egg in, 1,261,829 —,ethyl stearate in, 1,372,616 —,food product made with, 1,373,651 —,formula, butter 5 lbs., flour 5 lbs., milk 10 qts., egg 10, 1,261,820 —, hydrogenated oil in, 1,390,689 —, linolein as, 1,231,114 —, mfr. of, acacia for, 1,190,369 —,—, acetic acid, glyceride of, for, 1,190,369 —,—, air for, 1,190,369 : —,—, alkali acetate for, 1,232,016 —,—,alkali earth acetate for, 1,216,674 —,—, alkali earth formate for, 1,216,674 —,—,alkali earth glycolate for, 1,216,675 —, —,alkali earth lactate for, 1,216,675 —,—,alkali earth propionate for, 1,216,674 —,—,alkali formate for, 1,232,016 —,—,alkali lactate for, 1,147,626; 1,216,675; 1,232,016 —,—,alkali propionate for, 1,232,016 —,—,almond oil for, 1,247,482; 1,247,483 —,—,ammonium hydroxide for, 1,190,369 mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,216,674; 890 Butter substitute, mfr. of, annato for, 1,247,482; 1,247,483 —,— apparatus 1 507 426 —, arachidic acid, glyceride of for, 1,190,369 —,—, bacteria, B. Bulgaricus, for, 1,247,482 —,—, —, milk, for, 1,210,667 —,—, beef fat for, 1,190,369 —,—, beef stearin for, 1,417 893 —,—, ’ butter for, 1 247, 482; 1 261,820; 1,475,574 —,—, butter fat for, 1 190, 369 ; 1,475, 574 —,—, buttermilk for, 1,247,482: 1,247 483 ; 1,495,734 for, 1,144,539; 1,398,003; —,—, butternut oil for, 1,247,482; 1,247,483 —,—, butyric acid for, 1,210,667 —,—, butyric acid, glyceride of, for, 1,190,369 —, butyric glyceride for, 1,417,893 —,—, calcium acetate for, 1,216,674 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,210,667 —,—, calcium formate for, 1,216,674 —,—,calcium glycolate for, 1,216,675 —,—,calecium hydroxide for, 1,210,667 —,—, calcium lactate for, 1,216,675 —,—,caleium propionate for, 1,216,674 —,—, calcium sucrate for, 1,190,369 —,—,caproic acid, glyceride of, for, 1,190,369 —, —, caprylic acid, glyceride of, for, 1,190 369 —,— ‘carragheen moss for, 1,190 369 —,—, carrot yellow for, 1 247 482 : 1,247,483 —,—, casein for, 1,190, 369 —, —, cattle food stuffs for, 1,140,629 —,—, cetyl alcohol for, 1,475,574 —,—,cetylic acid esters for, 1,475,574 —,—, cheese for, 1,128,357 —, —, citric acid for, 1,210, 667 —,—, clover for, 1,140,629 —,—, cocoanut butter for, 1,247,482; 1,247,483 —,—, cocoanut fat for, 1,210,667; 1,495,734 —,—, cocoanut oil for, 1,475,574 —,—, corn oil for, 1,189,128; 1,475,574; 1,495,734 —,—,corn oil, hydrogenated, for, 1,417,893 —,—,corn starch for, 1,507,820 —,—,cottolene for, 1,247,482 —,—, cotton seed oil for, 1,140,629; 1,144,539; 1,189,128; 1,190,369; 1 ,206 954; 1,475, ‘574: 1,507,820 —,—,cotton seed oil, hydrogenated, for, 1,417,893 —,—, cream for, 1,144,539; 1,147,626; 1,216,674; 1,232,016; 1,475,574 —,—, dextrin, malted, for, —,—, egg for, 1,261 820 —, —, egg yolk for, 1,216,675; 1,232,016 —,—,fat for, 1,144,539; 1,216,675; 1,507,426 —,— fat, ‘animal, for, 1,247,483; —,— —, vegetable, for, 1,247,483; 1,495, 734 —,—,ferments for, 1,190,369 ——, ’ fish for, 1,128,357 —,—, flour for, 1,128,357; 1,507,820 —,—, fruit for, 1,128,357 —,—, garlic for, 1,128,357 —,—, gelatin for, 1,128,357; 1,190,369 1,210,667 1,147,626; 1,216,674; 1,206,954; 1,216,674; 1,475,574 1,475,574; UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Butter substitute, mfr. of, glucose for, 1, 190 369 —,—, gluten for, 1,507, 820 —, —, glyceride, acetic acid, for, 1,190,369 —,—,—, arachidiec acid, for, 1 190 369 —,—,— , butyric acid, for, 1, 190, 369 —,—,—, caproic acid for, 1, 190, 369 —,—,—, capyrlic acid, for, 1,190, 369 —,—, —, laurie acid for, 1,190, 369 —,—,—, myristic acid, for, 1, 190 369 —,—,—, oleic acid, for, 1,190, 369 —, —, —, palmitic acid, for, 1 190, 369 —,—,—, stearic acid, for, ‘1,190, 369 —,—, hay for, 1,140, 629 —,—, hydrogenation process for, 1,206,954 —,—, Iceland moss for, 1,190,369 —,—, Irish moss for, 1,190,369 —,—, lactate for, 1 147 626 —,—, ‘lard for, 1 "128, 357 —,—,lard oil for, 1,475,574 —,—, laurie acid, elyceride of for, 18 190 369 —,—, Leguminosae for, 1,210 667 . —,—,linseed oil for, 1,507 820 —,-—, magnesium acetate for, 1,216,674 —,—,magnesium carbonate for, 1,507,820 —,—,magnesium formate for, 1,216,674 —,—, magnesium glycolate for, 1 216, 675 —,—,magnesium lactate for, 1 216, 675 —,—, Magnesium propionate for, 1,216,674 —,—, meat extract for, 1,128 357 —, milk for; 1,128 3B7: 1 144 539; 1,147,626; "1,190,369: 1,216,674: 1,216675; 1,232,016; 1,247,482; 1,247,483; 1,261,820; 1,475,574; 1,495,734; 1,507,426 —,—, milk, malted, for, 1,475,574 —,—,— skimmed, for, 1, 190, 369 ; 1 247, 483; 1,475, 574: 1 495, 734 —,—,—, sour, for, 1,247 482 ; 1,247,483; 1,417,893 — milk powder for, 1 190, 369; 1,475,574 — - —,—,myristic acid, elyceride of, for, 1,190, 369 —,—, nut for, 1,128, 357 —, —, Nujol for, 1,417, 893 1,247,482 ; =, oul for, 1,144 039 ; animal, for,. 1,190,369 ; 1,475, 574: 1,507 426 —,—,—,— , hydrogenated, for, 1,417,893 —,—,—, edible, for, 1,475,574 —_—,—,— ’ mineral, for, 1,507, 820 —,—,—, vegetable, for, 1,190,369 ; 1,475,574; 1,507,426; 1 507, 820 —,— oleic acid, elyceride of, for, 1,190,869 —,—-, ‘ oleo for, 1,190,369 —,—,olive oil for, 1,189,128; Dera 482; 1,247,483; 1,475,574 , ozone for, 1 190, 369 —, ' palmitic acid, elyceride of, for, 1,190,369 —,palm oil for, 1,417,893 —., paraffin oil for, 1 A17 893 —) peanut for, 1 210, ‘667 —, peanut butter for, 1,189,128 —,peanut fat. for, 1,210,667 —,—,peanut oil for, 1,140,629; 1,189,128; 1,190,369; 1,475,574; 1,495,734; 1,507,820 —, peanut oil, hydrogenated, for, 1,417,893 —, petroleum for, 1,417,893 —,—, potassium hydroxide 1,190,369 ; 1,210,667 1,206,954 ; 1,206,954 ; 1,190,369 ; for, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Butter-substitute, mfr. of, potato, mashed for, 1,128,357 —,—, process for, 1,128,357; 1,140,629 ; 1,144,539; 1,147,626; 1,189,128; 1,190,369 ; 1,206,954; 1,210667; 1,216,674; 1,216,675; 1,232,016; 1,247,482; 1,247,483; 1,261,820; 1,297,668; 1,403,122; 1,417,893; 1,434,048; 1,434,049; 1,444,562; 1,462,163; 1,475,574; 1,495,734; 1,507,426; 1,507,820 —,—, rennet for, 1,190, 369 —,—, Russian petroleum oil for, 1,417,893 —,salt, organic, for, 1,147 626 —,—,sesame oil for, 1,475, 574 —,—, sesame oil, hydrogenated, for, 1,417,893 ,—, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,190 369 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1 190 369: 1,210,667 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1 147 626: "1,232 016; 1,261,820; 1,475,574 ki =>; sodium ‘hydroxide for, 1,190,369; 1,210,667 —,—,sodium phosphate for, 1,210, 667 —,—,soya bean for, 1,189,128: 1,210,667 —,—,soya bean oil, hydrogenation of, for, 1,417, 893 —,—,starch for, 1,190,369; 1,507,820 —,—, stearic acid, glyceride of, for, 1,190,369 —,—, ’ stearin for, 1,144,539 —,—., stearin, beef, for, 1,144,539 —,—, sugar, milk, for, 1,190 369 ,—, sunflower oil for, 1 ATS, 574 —,—, tallow for, 1,475 B74 — tragacanth for, 1,190 369 —,—, wheat flour for, 1 261 820 ——, yellow A. B. for, 1 507, 820 —, yellow O. B. for, 1,507, 820 _, EET in, 1,261,820 —,olein as, 1,231,114 —,sodium chloride in, 1,261,820 —, wheat flour in, 1,261,820 —,see also Margarin; Food product ; Oleomar- garine Butter surrogate, see Margarine Butter of tin, see Tin(ic) chloride Butter yellow, see Dimethyl-amino-azo-benzene Butter of zinc, see Zinc chloride Buttirol, see 'M largarine Button, casein in, 1,256,621 —, celluloid, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,296,767 —, construction of, 1 340 ,390 —, ‘electric switch, mfr. of, celluloid for, 1,262,368 —,—,—, phenol aldehyde condensate ‘for, 1 262 368 —,—,—, process for, 1,262,368 —' glue, vegetable, in, 1,256, 621 —,mfr. of, acacia for, 1 177 803 —,— acetaldehyde for, 1 470 ,637 —,—, acetic acid for, 1 "452 086 —,—, acetone for, 1,452 086 ,—, acetylene for, 1,470, 637 —,—,alcohol for, 1,395,729; 1,470,637 —,—, aldehydes for, 1,395, 729 —,—, aluminum for, 1,160,365 —,—,aluminum salt for, 1,160,362; —,—, ’ anisole for, 1,209, 333 —,—, ’ apparatus for, 1,188,425 ; 1,477,094 —,—, asbestos 1 A70 637 ‘powder 1,160,362 ; 1,160,365 1,215,675 ; 1,160,365 ; for, 1,160,862; 891 Button, mfr. of, Baroque pearl powder for, 1,177,803 —,—, benzene for, 1,209,333 —,—, blood, colloidal, for, 1,395,729 — calcium chloride for, 1,452 086 —,—,calcium nitrate for, 1, 177 803 —,—, calcium sulfate for, 1,427 103 —,—, camphor for, 1,477 094 —,—, cardboard for, 1 301 ,069 =, <=) CAgCI FOr, ie 256 621; 1,452,086 —, —, casein, colloidal. for, 1,395, 729 —,—, casein composition for, 1,437 487 ,—, celluloid for, 1 188 25: 1,215,675; 1,382,739; 1 477,094. —,—, celluloid and fabric for, 1,322,631 —,—,cellulose for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365; 1,470,637 —,—, cellulose, corncob, for, 1,470,637 —,—, —, soda ‘for, i 160 362; 1,160,365 —,—, cellulose nitrate for, 1,188, 425: 1,477,094 —,—, cellulose sulfite for, 1,160, 362 ; 1,160,365 —,—, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,175, 422 —,—, cement for, 1,427,103 —,—,cement transparent, for, —,—, chloroform for, 1,177, 803. —,—, clay, china, for, 1, 160, 362; 1,160,365 —, —, cloth for, 1 470 637 —,—, cobalt salt for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—, copper salt for, 1,160, 362 : 1,160, 365 —,—, cotton for, 1, 160, 362: 1; 160, 365; 1,301,069 —,—, cotton-flocks for, 1,470, 637 —,—, cresol for, 1,209, 333 —_—,— ’ dichlorhydri in for, 1,895,729 —, —, dihydroxy- diphenyl- dimethyl- methane for, 1,158,962 —,— ' dihydroxy-diphenyl-dimethyl-methane aldehyde condensate for, 1,158,962 —,—, esparto for, 1,160, 362: 1,160,365 —,—, ethyl alcohol for, 1 AT7, 094 —-, fabric! for,, 1,301, 069 —, —, fabric and celluloid for, 1,322,631 —,—, ’ fabric covering for, 1, 301, 069 —,—+, felt. for,’ 1;470;637 ,—, fish protein, colloidal, for, 1,395,729 —,—,formaldehyde for, 1, 160, 362 : 1,160,365 ; ey 333; 1,395,729; 1 452, 086; 1 470, 637 4 tural for, 1,470, 637 — glue fora: 160, 362: 1,160,365 —,—, glue, vegetable, for, 1,256, 621 —,—, glycerol for, 1,452, 086 —,—, gypsum for, 1,427, 103 —,—, hemoglobin, colloidal: for, 1,895,729 —,—, hexamethylenetramine for, 1,209, 333 ; ele 637 —, hydrobenzamide for, 1 209, 333 —., —, iron salt for, 1,160; 362 : 1,160, 365 —,—, ivory nut for, 1,166, 733 —,—, Japanese thick lacquer for, 1,177,803 —,—,lamp black for, 1,470,637 = linen for, 1160, 362: 1, 160,365 —, —., linseed oil for, 1,477, 922 —,—, magnesite for, 1 427, 103 1,177,803 —, magnesium chloride used in, 1,427,103 —, magnesium oxide for, 1,427, 103 —,—, mastic for, 1,177,803 892 Button, mfr. of, mercury(ic), sulfate for, 1,470,637 —,—, metal for, 1,177,803; 1,188,425; 1,215,675 —, methyl benzoate for, 1.209, 333. —, methyl phenyl ketone for, 1,209,333 , mica for, 1,160,862; 1,160, 365 —, GaN cured for, 1 452, 086 —, nickel salt for, 1,160,362: 1,160,365 —,—,paper for, 1,215,675; 1,470,637 —,paper covering for, 1,301,069 —, paper pulp for, 1,256 621 —,—, paracoumarone for, 1,332 860 —,—, paraldehyde for, 1,470,637 —,—, pearl mixture for, 1,177,803 —, phenetole for, 1,209,333 ay | Ra oe | 4 -_ w_ —,—, phenol for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365; 1,209,333 ; ~~ 1,895,729; 1,470,637 —,—,phenol, acetylene 1,470,637 —,—,phenol aldehyde condensate for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365; 1,301,069 —,—, phenyl ether for, 1,209,333 —,—, plaster of Paris for, 1,256,621 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1,177,803 —,—,process for, 1,158, 962; 1,160, oP a | 160,365; 1,175,422; 1,188,425 ; 1,209,333 TUT .OLas 1,301,069; 1,804,851; 1,382,739; 1,437,487; 1,452,086; 1,470,637; —,—, protein, colloidal for, 1,395,729 —,—,rags for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—,rotten-stone for, 1,470,637 —,—, rubber for, 1,177,803 —_,—, ’ rubber composition for, 1,437,487 —,shellac for, 1,256,621 —, ’ shells for, 1,421,970 —, —, silk for, 1,801,069 —,—, silver chloride for, 1,177,803 —,—, soap for, 1,477,922 —,—, soap, resinous, for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—, soapstone for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,177,803 —,—, starch for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,470,637 —, tapioca flour for, 1,256,621 —, —, water for, 1,177,803 —, whiting for, 1,177,803 —,—, wood flour for, 1,470,637 —,wood pulp for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—, wood pulp, mechanical, for, 1,160, 365 —,—, yeast, colloidal, for, 1,395,729 —,—, zine salt for, 1,160,362; 1,160,365 —,—, process for, 1,178,738 —, paper pulp in, 1,256,621 —, plaster of Paris in, 1,256,621 —, shellac in, 1,256,621 —, stearic acid for, 1,470,637 —, tapioca flour in, 1,256,621 1,477,094 Button “bark,” pearl, calcium carbonate in, 1,312,723 —,—,decolorizing of, process for, 1,312,723 —,—, whitening of, antimony trichloride for, 1,312,723 —,—,—, bismuth nitrate for, 1,312,723 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 condensate, for, 1,159,879; 1,177,803; 1,256,621; 1,395,729; 1,160,362; Button “bark,” pearl, whitening of, citric acid a: for, 1,312, 723 —,—,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,312,723 —, nitric acid for, 1,312,723 —, paraffin for, 1,312,723 —,—,—, process for, 1,312,723 —_——, —, ‘tartaric acid for, 1,312, 133 Butyl acetate, airplane fuel, contg., 1,420 006; 1,420,007 —, balloon fabric made with, 1,378,804 —,carbon monoxide solubility in, 1,438,581 —,carbon monoxide solvent, 1,438,581 —, celluloid made with, 1,508,483; 1,508,484 —, celluloid substitute made with, 1,217,027 —,cellulose acetate cement made with, 1,494,479 —,cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,809,980; 1,365,049; 1,370,879 —, cellulose ester solvent contg., 1,437,952 —, cellulose ether cement made with, 1,494,479 —, cellulose ether solvent, 1,217,027; 1,217,028; 1,434,465; 1,487,952; 1,469,825; 1,469,826 re ye —, cellulose nitrate cement made with, 1,494,479 Me —,cellulose nitrate coating made with, 1,320,458 —,cellulose nitrate soluble in, 1,416,493 —,cellulose nitrate solvent contg., 1,320,458; 1,321,611; 1,323,624; 1,350,274. 1,365,049; 1,870,878; 1,378,804; 1,439,293 —., colored light made with, 1,388,501 . —,ethyl cellulose solvent, 1,188,376; 1,217,027; 1,217,028; 1,434,465; 1,469,825; 1,469,826 —,ethyl starch solvent, 1,350,820 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —, film made with, 1,217,027 —, film, flexible, made with, 1,320,458 —,—, photographic, made with, 1,434,465; 1,494,479 —, finish remover made with, 1,167,640 —, ‘flare made with, 1,888,501 —; fuel, liquid, contg. ., 1,420,006; 1,420,007; 1,421,879 —, gelatin substitute made with, 1,217,027 —,hair, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —, hydrogen (compressed), made with, 1,438,581 —, hydrogen purified with, 1,395,389 —, hydrogen solubility in, 1,438,581 —, hydrogen solvent, 1,438,581 —,lacquer made with, 1,437,170 —, lacquer ingredient, 1,437,170 —,leather, artificial, made with, 1,320,458 —,— , coating composition, for, made with, 1 320, 458; 1,437,170 —, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,365,049; 1,491,076 —,—, barium hydroxide for, 1 491 076 —,—, ‘Burton oil for, 1,486 646 —,—, butyl alcohol ‘for, I ‘491 076 —,—, butylene for, 1,486 646 —,—, butyl hydrogen sulfate for, 1,486,646 —,—,calcium acetate for, 1,365 049 ; 1 486,646 —,—,gasolene for, 1,486, 646 —,—, hydrocarbon, olefin, 1,365,049 ; 1,486,646 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,491,076 ,—, methyl acetate for, 1,491,076 —,—,naphtha for, 1,486,646 for, 1,309,981; INDEX OF SUBJECTS Butyl acetate, mfr. of, petroleum for, 1,365,049 —,—, petroleum, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —,—, process for, 1,365,049 ; 1,433,308 ; 1,486,646; 1,491,076 —,—,shale oil for, 1,365,049 —,—,shale oil, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —,—,sodium for, 1,491,076 —,—,sodium alcoholate for, 1,491,076 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,486,646 -—,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,491,076 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,865,049; 1,491,076 —,—, hydrocarbons, unsaturated for, 1,365,049 1,420,007 ; 1,486,646 ; - —,methane solubility in, 1,438,581 —,motor. fuel . contg., 1,421,879; 1,423,058 —, motor fuel ingredient, 1,414,759 —,nitrostarch solvent, 1,388,501 —,paint deodorized with, 1,422,711 ' —pryotechnic made with, 1,388,501 —,recovery of, process for, 1,381,002 —,rocket made with, 1,388,501 —,silk, artificial, made with, 1,217,028 —,starch ethers solvent, 1,350,820 —,torch made with, 1,388,501 —, varnish made with, 1,437,170 iso-Butyl acetate, cellulose ether solvent contg., 1,434,465 —, cellulose nitrate solvent, 1,341,710 —,ethyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,434,465 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,434,465 —,mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,365,049 —,—, calcium acetate for, 1,365,049 —,—, hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,365,049 —,—, petroleum for, 1,865,049 —,—, process for, 1,365,049 —,—,sulfurie acid for, 1,365,049 n-Butyl acetate, cellulose nitrate 1,341,710; 1,356,440 —,ethyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,469,825 Butylacetic acid, see iso-Oxrybutyric acid iso-Butyl-acetic acid, see tso-Caproic acid n-Butyl-acetic acid, see n-Caproic acid Butyl aceto-acetate, camphor substitute, 1,487,952 —, cellulose ester solvent contg., 1,437,952 —,cellulose ether solvent contg., 1,487,952 Butyl o-acetory-benzoate, see Butyl acetylsali- cylate Butyl acetyl oxystearate, cellulose nitrate soft- ener, 1,357,876 Butyl acetyl ricinoleate, cellulose nitrate soft- ener, 1,357,876 i Butyl acetylsalicylate, cellulose acetate, plasti- cizer, 1,408,095 —, cellulose esters, plasticizer, 1,408,095 —, cellulose nitrate, plasticizer, 1,408,095 —,mfr. of, acetic anhydride for, 1,408,095 —,—, butyl alcohol for, 1,408,095 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,408,095 —,—, process for, 1,408,095 —,—, salicylic acid for, 1,408,095 Butyl alcohol, airplane fuel contg., 1,420,006; 1,420,007 —, allspice extract made with, 1,384,681 —,almond extract made with, 1,384,680; 1,384,681 1,420,006 ; solvent, 893 Butyl alcohol, anise extract made with, 1,384,681 —,apple extract made with, 1,384,681 —, apricot extract made with, 1,384,681 —,butenes made with, 1,395,620 —, butyl acetate made with, 1,433,308; 1,491,076 —, butyl acetylsalicylate ‘made with, 1,408,095 | —, butyl butyrate made with, 1,483,308 —,n-butyl p-nitrobenzoate from, 1,440,652 —, butyl oxalate made with, 1,433,308 —, butyl propionate made with, 1,433,308 —, butyl tartrate made with, 1,433,308 —, butyl valerate from, 1,433,308 —, butyraldehyde from, 1,418,448 —, butyric acid mixed with sulfuric acid and, 1,425,580 —, calcium hypochlorite made with, 1,481,039 —,camphor substitute made with, 1,469,815 —, cassia extract made with, 1,384,681 —, celery extract made with, 1,384,681 —, celluloid solvent, 1,368,954; 1,421,974 —,cellulose acetate film made with, 1,342,601; 1,342,602 —,cellulose acetate solvent contg., 1,199,799; 1,265,217 —,cellulose butyrate non-solvent, 1,425,581 —,—,cellulose ester non-solvent of ethylene dichloride and, 1,339,552 —, cellulose ester solvent contg., 1,437,952 —, cellulose ether film, pre-shrinking of, using, 1,482,717 —,—, swelling of, using, 1,482,717 —,cellulose ether solvent contg., 1,411,708; 1,429,188; 1,482,364; 1,482,374; 1,437,952; 1,469,812; 1,469,813; 1,469,862; 1,469,863 —,cellulose ether solvent of phenyl propyl alcohol and, 1,444,331 —,cellulose nitrate, diphenylamine, removal of from, 1,489,656 —,—, water, removal of from, 1,510,739 —,cellulose nitrate composition contg,, 1,354,725 —,cellulose nitrate dehydrated by, 1,398,911; 1,399,357 —, cellulose nitrate film made with, 1,842,601; 1,342,602 —, cellulose 1,323,624 ; 1,398,239 ; 1,434,454 ; 1,510,739 —, cellulose nitrate solvent diluent, 1,350,274 —, dehydrogenating, 1,418,448 —, dehydrogenation of, copper contg., catalyst for, 1,401,117 . —, dibutyl sulfate made with, 1,506,228 - —,diphenylamine, cellulose nitrate, removal from of, using, 1,439,656 —,—, powder, smokeless, removal from of, using, 1,439,656 —,diphenylamine solvent, 1,439,656 —,dye, film, cellulose acetate, removal from of, using, 1,497,138 —,—,—, cellulose ether, removal from of, using, 1,497,138 ° 1,425,580 ; nitrate solvent contg., 1,321,611; 1,370,922; 1,379,596; 1,880,258; 1,429,174; 1,431,900; 1,484,453; 1,437,170; 1,439,293; 1,441,185; 894 Butyl alcohol, dye, film, cellulose nitrate, re- moval from of, using, 1,497, 138 —,—,—, photographic, removal, from of, using, 1 497, 138 —, esters made with, 1,464,153; 1,517,968 —,ethyl alcohol, separation of from, process for, 1,169,122 — ethyl cellulose film, pre-shrinking of, using, 1 482,717 —,—, swelling of, using, 1,482,717 —, ethyl cellulose solvent for conte. , 1,411,677 ; 1 ,411,708; 1,482,364; 1,482,374; 1, 434, 426 ; 1,434,427; 1,437,792; 1 458, 256; 1 ‘469, 812: 1,469,813; 1,469,862; re 469, 863 —, film made with, 1,354, 725 : 1,429, 174 —, ’ film, cellulose acetate, dye, removal of from, using, 1,497,138 —,—, cellulose ether, dye, removal of from, using, 1,497,138 —,—, cellulose nitrate, dye, removal of from, using, 1,497,138 —,—,motion picture, made with, 1,411,677; 1 518, 409 —,—,—, composite, made with, 1,469,815 —,—, photographic, made with, 1, 199,799 ; 1,342,601; 1,342,602; 1,411,708: 1,415, 059: 1,431,900; 1,482,364; 1,432,374; 1,434,453 : 1,434,454; 1,441,185; 1,486,245 —_—,—,— dye, removal of from, using, 1,497,138 —, finish remover made with, 1,140 449: 1,145,980; 1,160,394; 1,167,640 —,flavoring extract made with, 1,384,680; 1,384,681 —,fuel contg., 1,474,135 —,fuel, liquid, contg., 1,420,006; 1,420,007; 1,496,810 —,ivory nut treated with, 1,507,938 —, lacquer made with, 1,411 035; 1,437,170 —, leather, coating composition for, "made with, 1 437, 170 —,—, patent, made with, 1,437,170 —, lemon extract made with, 1,384,680 —, lubricant made with, 1,226,165 —, mfr. of, apparatus for, 1,488,123 —,—, Bacillus acetobutylicum for, 1,427,595 —,—, bacteria ‘for, 1,315,585; - 1,329,214; 1 fr 095 —_ bacteria, Fitz type, for, 1,315,585 —,— ’ bacteriological process of, 1 ,437,697 —,— ’ barley for, 1,427,595; 1,510, 526 —, —, Burton oil for, 1,486,646 —,—,butene for, 1,438,123 —,—, butylene for, 1,488,123; 1,486,646 —,—, butyl hydrogen sulfate for, 1,486,646 —,—,calcium formate for, 1,221,667 —, —, carbohydrates for, 1,427, 595 —,—, carbon, decolorizing, for, 1,510,526 —, —, cereal for, 1,510,526 —,—, ’ chlorine for, 1 221 ,667 —,—,corn for, 1 315 585; 1,510,526 —, —, corn meal for, 1,427 595; 1,510,526 —,—,“ Darco” for, 1,510,526 —,—,durra for, 1,315,585 —, flax for, 1,815,585 —, formate for, 1,221,667 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Butyl alcohol, mfr. of, fructose for, 1,510,526 —,—; gasolene fori; 221 ,667; 1,486 646 —,—,gasolene, casing head, for, 1,221, 667 ay —, chlorinated, for, 1,221 667 —, glucose for, 1,510, 526 —,grain for, 1) 427 95: 1,510,526 —,—, granulobacter organisms for, 1,510,526 —,—,hydrocarbon for, 1,365,043; 1 486 647 —,—, hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,486 646; 1,486, 647 Ve —,—,—, unsaturated, for, 1,365,043 —,—, kerosene for, 1,486, 647 —,— ’ lubricating oil for, 1,486,647 —,—, methyl] alcohol for, 1,221, 667 —,—, molasses for, 1,510, 526 —,—, ’ molasses, black, strap, for, 1,510,526 — naphtha ‘for, 1 486, 646 —,—, * Norit,” for, 1, 510, 526 —,—, oats for, 1,315, 585 —,—, oil gas for, 1 517, 968 —,—, petroleum for, 1,221, 667; 1,365,043 ant —, petroleum, cracked, ‘for, 1,486,646 ; nie 647 —, phosphoric acid for, 1,488,123 . —,—, potassium formate for, 1,221 ,667 —,—, potato for, 1,315,585 ; i 427 595 —, process for, 1 221 667; 1,365,048 ; 427,595; 1,438, 123; 1 486, 646; 1,486,647 ; 1 517, 968 — , raffinose for, 1,510,526 —,rice for, 1,315, 585 ; 1,427,595 —,rye ior, 1 315, 585 —, shale oil, ‘cracked, for, 1,486,646 —, ’ sodium bisulfate for, i 438, 123 —, sodium chloride for, 1,486, 646 —, "sodium formate for, 1,221, 667 —,—,sodium sulfate for, ‘1 486,646 —,—, ’ starch for, 1,427 595 —,—, starches acted upon by bacteria for, beet 888 —,steam for, 1,365,043 —, sucrose for, 1,510, 526 —, ’ sulfuric acid for, 1,365,043 ; 1,486, 646; 1,486,647; 1 517 968 7 —,—, unsaturated hydrocarbons for, 1,865,043 —,—, water for, 1,486,646 —,—, ’ wheat for, ¢ 315, 585 7 —, ’ metal, cleaning ‘of, using, 1,503,443 . — metal cleaner conte. 1,428 084 3 —, metal cleaning composition contg., 1,398,507 — ‘ methyl ethyl ketone made with, 1,447, 557 Aa _ 1510, 526; ~ _ | 1,438,123; —,motor fuel contg., 1,398, 947; 1 412 233; 1 420,006; 1,420,007; 1 423 048; 1 423, 049; 1 423 050; 1,423,058; 1 "428, 913 —, orange extract made with, 1,384, 680 — ’ oxidizing, copper for, 1 464, 153 —, paint remover made ‘with, 1 ,1380,499 ; 1,499, 101 —, peach extract made with, ‘1 384, 681 —, pear extract made with, 1 384, 681 —,phenol aldehyde condensate (1,087,422) ; Re-14,580; Re-14,531 —, phosphoric acid, dehydrated, made with, 1,499,611 —,—,—, solvent, 1,499,611 —; powder, smokeless, ‘diphenylamine, removal of from, using, 1 439, 656 solvent INDEX OF SUBJECTS 895 Butyl alcohol, recovery of, absorbing agent for, 1,382,890 —,recovery from mash of, 1,427,595 —,rectification of, 1,427,595 —,rectifying of, apparatus for, 1,394,232 —,rust-remover contg., 1,489,780 —,rust remover of hydrolyzed starch and, 1,439,780 — _ separation from isopropyl alcohol, 1,422,583 —,soldering flux contg., 1,428,088 —, vanilla extract made with, 1,384,680 —, varnish made with, 1,354, 725: 1,429,174; 1,437,170 —, varnish remover made with, 1,130,499; 1,499, 101 — , water, cellulose nitrate, removal from of, using, 1 010,739 —, water from, 1,394,232 —, water removal from, 1,422,583 — , wood stain contg., 1,422 2992 —,zine butyl xanthate from, 1,440,962 —, (secondary), mfr. of, butenes for, —,— , purification of, 1,422 83 —,—, see also iso-Butyl alcohol Butyl alcohol of fermentation, see iso-Butyl alcohol iso-Butyl! alcohol, alkaloids, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —,1so-butyl 1,277,708 ; 1,318,461 —, cellulose ester solvent contg., 1,400,196 —,cellulose ether solvent contg., 1,411,708; 1,432,364; 1,482,374; 1,444,331; 1,479,955 —, cellulose nitrate, ‘water, removal of from, _using, 1,398,911 —, cellulose nitrate coating made with, 1,820,458 removing, apparatus for, 1,408,320 oleate made _ with, —,cellulose nitrate solvent contg., 1,341,710; 1,356,440; 1,398,939; 1,400,196; 1,431,900; 1,434,453; 1,434,454; 1,441,185 —,cement made with, 1,408,325 —,cotton seed oil, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —,cream, fat, determination of in, using, 1,329,183 —, drugs, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —,ethers made with, 1,459,177 —,ethers, mixed, made with, 1,459,177 —,ethyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,411,708; 1,432,364; 1,482,374; 1,479,955 — ethyl methyl ketone made with, 1,497,817 —,fat, cream, determination in of, using, 1 329, 183 —,—, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —,—, ’ milk, determination i in of, using, 1,329,183 —, ’ fat determined in cream with, 1,357, 168 — film made with, 1,400,196; 1 479 955 —, ‘film, photographic, made with, 1,411,708 ; 1,415,059; 1,481,900; 1,482,364; 1,432,374; 1,484,453; 1,484,454; 1,441,185; 1,444,333 —, formation from butylene, 1,464,153 —,germicide made with, 1,213,465 —,milk, fat, determination of in, 1,329,183 —, oil, animal, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —,—, essential, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —,—,extraction of, using, 1,504,588 using, 2so-Butyl alcohol, oil, using, 1,504,588 —_—,— , vegetable, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 —, paint made with, 1,408,325 —, 3-pentanone made with, 1,497,817 mineral, extraction of, —,silver alcohols — soluble in, preparing, 1 413,151 —, varnish made with, 1,408,325; 1,444,333 —, water, cellulose nitrate, removal from of using, 1 098,911 —, wax, extraction of, using, 1,504,588 — ‘wood stain contg., 1,422,292 n-Butyl alcohol, n-butyl xanthate made with 1,491,021 —, cellulose ether, solvent for, contg., 1,479,955 —, cellulose nitrate, water, removal of from, using, 1,398,911 —, cellulose nitrate solvent contg., 1,398,939; 1,434,453; 1,434,454 — , dibutyl ‘acetal made with, 1,312,186 —, dibutyl dixanthate made with, 1 ‘491 021 —, dibutyl dixanthate solvent, 1,491 021 —,ethyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,411,708 ; 1 479,955 —, film’ made with, 1,479,955 —, ‘film, flexible, made with, 1,320,458 —,—, photographic, made with, 1,444 000 —, leather, artificial, made with, 1,320 458 —,— , coating for, made with, 1,320 458 —, ‘silver alcohols soluble’ in, preparing, 1 413,151 —, sodium butyl xanthate made with, 1,491,021 —, varnish made with, 1,444,333 —, water, cellulose nitrate, removal from of, using, 1,398,911 —, see also Butyl alcohol Sec-Butyl alcohol, cellulose ether, contg., 1,411,708; 1,432,364; 1,479, 955 —, ethyl cellulose solvent conte. 1,411,708; 1 482,364; 1,479,955 — ethyl methyl ketone made with, 1,497,817 —, film made with, 1,479,955 —, film, photographic, made with, 1,411,708; 1 432, 364 —, mfr. of, 1-butene for, 1,408,320 ——, 2-butene for, 1,408,320 —,—, process for, 1,408,320 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,408,320 tertiary-Butyl alcohol, halogenated, esters of, preparing, 1,443,552 Butylaldehyde, see also Butryaldehyde Butylaldehyde-p-phenetidine, rubber, age-re- sisting compound for, made with, 1,515,642 —, vulcanization accelerator, 1,515,642 —, vulcanization process using, 1,515,642 Butylaldehyde-p-toluidine, see: Butyraldehyde- p-toluidine n-Butyl allyl amine, see Allyl-n-butyl amine b-n-Butyl allyl amino-ethyl alcohol, see b(N- Allyl-N-n-butyl) aminoethyl. alcohol g-n-Butyl allyl amino propyl p-aminobenzoate, see g(N-Allyl-N-n-butyl) aminopropyl p-aminobenzoate Butylamine, paint remover made with, 1,189,803 —,rubber,-hard, made using, 1,507,594 —,rust preventing solution contg., 1,483,226 ’ b solvent 896 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Butylamine, varnish remover made with, 1,189,803 —, vulcanization process using, 1,507,594 n-Butyl p-aminobenzoate, anesthetic properties of, 1,440,652 n-Butyl p-aminobenzoate, mfr. of, 1,440,652 Butyl aspirin, see Butyl acetylsalicylate Butyl benzene, resins made with, 1,263,813 —, solvent naphtha contg., 1,263,813 Butyl benzoate, cellulose ether solvent, 1,405,490 —,ethyl cellulose solvent, 1,405,490 iso-Butyl benzoate, cellulose ether solvent for contg., 1,405,490 —,ethyl cellulose solvent for contg., 1,405,490 —, film, photographic, made with, 1,405,490 —, plastic made with, 1,405,490 —, varnish made with, 1,405,490 n-Butyl benzoate, cellulose ether solvent for contg., 1,405,490 —,ethyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,405,490 —, film, photographic, made with, 1,405,490 —, plastic made with, 1,405,490 —, varnish made with, 1,405,490 Butyl benzoyloxystearate, cellulose softener, 1,357,876 Butyl benzoylsalicylate, cellulose acetate plas- ticizer, 1,408,095 —, cellulose esters plasticizer, 1,408,095 —,cellulose nitrate plasticizer, 1,408,095 Butyl bromide, butyl carbohydrate made with, 1,504,178 —, butyl cellulose made with, 1,504,178 —, butyl dextrin made with, 1,504,178 —, butyl starch made with, 1,504,178 —, mfr. of, 1,421,733 iso-Butyl bromide, iso-amyl chlormethyl ke- tone made with, 1,150,252 —,cephaeline so-butyl ether 1,219,571 —, 1-chlor-4-methyl-hexanol made with, 1,150,252 —, 3-chlor-methyl-6-methyl-3-heptanol made with, 1,150,252 —,compound (C.H:OBrMg), 1,150,252 —, 3-dimethylaminomethyl-6-methyl-3- heptanol made with, 1,150,252 n-Butyl bromide, allyl-n-butyl amine made with, 1,476,934 —, di-n-butyl malonate made with, 1,331,712 Butyl butyrate, mfr. of, 1,433,308 —, motor fuel contg., 1,414,759; 1,421,879 iso-Butyl carbinol, see Isoamyl alcohol Butyl carbohydrate, mfr. of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,—, butyl bromide for, 1,504,178 —,—, butyl chloride for, 1,504,178 —,—, butyl iodide for, 1,504,178 —,—, carbohydrate for, 1,504,178 —,—, metal hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,—, process for, 1,504,178 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,see also Carbohydrate ether iso-Butylcarboxyl, see iso-Valerianic acid nitrate made _ with, made with, Butyl -eellulose, benzine as a non-solvent for, 1,504,178 —,ethyl alcohol as a non-solvent for, 1,504,178 —, filament, artificial, made with, 1,504,178 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,504,178 —,mfr. of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,—, butyl bromide for, 1,504,178 —,—, butyl chloride for, 1,504,178 —,—, butyl iodide for, 1,504,178 —,—, cellulose for, 1,504,178 —,—, metal hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,—, process for, 1,504,178 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,methyl alcohol as a non-solvent for, 1,504,178 —., plastic made with, 1,504,178 —,silk, artificial, made with, 1,504,178 —,solvent for, acetic acid, glacial, as, 1,504,178 —., thread, artificial, made with, 1,504,178 —, varnish made with, 1,504,178 —, see also Cellulose ether Butyl cephaeline ether, see Cephaeline butyl ether n-Butyl(chlor-benzy]) ether, solvent for contg., 1,479,955 —, ethyl] cellulose, solvent for contg., 1,479,955 n-Butyl(chlor-o-cresyl)ether, cellulose ether, solvent for, contg., 1,479,955 —, ethyl cellulose, solvent for, contg., 1,479,955 n-Butyl-p-(b-chlorethylamino) -benzoate n-buty|-p-(b-diethylamino) -ethylamino) - benzoate made with, 1,334,642 —, n-butyl p-(b-(methylamino)-ethylamino) - benzoate made with, 1,334,642 Buty! chloride, butyl carbohydrate made with, 1,504,178 —, butyl cellulose made with, 1,504,178 —-, butyl dextrin made with, 1,504,178 —, butyl starch made with, 1,504,178 —, mfr. of, 1,421,733 —,tetrachlorbutane made with, 1,144,237 —,12.3.4-tetrachlorbutane made with, 1,144,237 —,trichlorbutane made with, 1,144,237 —,see also Chlor-butane cellulose ether, iso-Butyl chloride, esters prepared from, 1,459,971 —,ethers made with, 1,459,177 n-Butyl(chlor-phenyl)ether, cellulose _ ether, solvent for, contg., 1,479,955 —, ethyl cellulose, solvent for, contg., 1,479,955 —,film made with, 1,479,955 iso-Butyl-o-cresol, germicide, 1,213,465 —,mfr. of, process for, 1,213,465 iso-Butyl-o-cresol iodide, see Europhen n-Butyl o-cresyl ether, .cellulose ether, solvent for, contg., 1,479,955 —,ethyl cellulose, solvent for, contg., 1,479,955 — —,film made with, 1,479,955 Butyldextrin, mfr. of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,504,178 ie —,—, butyl bromide for, 1,504,178 —,—, butyl chloride for, 1,504,178 —,—, butyl iodide for, 1,504,178 —,—, dextrin for, 1,504,178 —,—, metal hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,—, process for, 1,504,178 INDEX OF Butyldextrin, mfr. of, sodium hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —, see also Dextrin ether n-Butyl diaminobenzoate, anesthetic properties of, 1,440,652 n-Butyl-3 5-diaminobenzoate, 1,440,652 —, properties of, 1,440,652 n-Buty! diaminobenzoate hydrochloride, prop- erties of, 1,440,652 n-Butyl-p- ( b- (diethylamino) -ethylamino)- benzoate, local anesthetic, 1,334,642 —, mfr. of, n-butyl p-(b- chlorethylamino)- benzoate for, 1,334,642 —,—,diethylamino for, 1,384,642 —,—, process for, 1,334,642 —, properties of, 1,334, 642 n-Butyl- b- diethylamino-ethyl-p-aminobenzoate hydrochloride, 1,334,642 —, preparation of, 1 334, 642 n-Butyl 1 3.5-dinitrobenzoate, see n-Butyl 3.6- dinitro-benzoate n-Butyl 3.5-dinitrobenzoate, n-butyl diaminobenzoate from, 1,440,652 —, preparation of, 1,440,652 Butylene, see Butene; 1-Butene b-Butylene, see 2-Butene iso-Butylene, see 2-Methyl-propene n-Butylene, see 1-Butene; 2-Butene pseudo-Butylene, see 2- Butene Butylene chlorhydrin, acetate of, 1,295,339 —, benzoate of, 1,295,339 — ’ butylene glycol from, 1,295,339 —, butylene oxide from, 1,295, 339 —,butyrate of, 1,295 339 —, calcium carbonate, action of on, 1,295,339 —, cellulose acetate solvent, 1,315, 229 —, ’ cellulose ester solvent, 1,408, 423 — ’ copal solvent, 1,295 339 —,esters of, 1,295,339 —,formate of, 1,295,339 —,mfr. of, alkali chloride 1,264,536 —,—, aluminum oxide for, 1,253,615 —,—,antimonic acid for, 1 315, 229 —,—, antimony (ic) chloride for, 1,315,229 —,—,antimony(ous) chloride for, 1,315, 229 —,—,antimony salts for, 1,315 229 preparation of, 1.3.5- for, 1,264,535 ; —,—,apparatus for, 1.253, 615; 1,253,616 ; 1,253,617 ; 1,264,535 ; 1,264,536; 1 295 339 ; 1,308,763 —,—, arsenate for, 1,253,617 —,—, ” asbestos for, 1 ‘315, 229 —, —, barium dioxide for, 1,253,617 —,—, benzene, effect of, for, 1,295, 339 —,—, boneblack as catalyst for, 1,253 617 —,—, borate for, 1,253,617 —, butylene for, 1253615; 1,253,616; ~ 1264, 535; 1,264,536; 1 295 339: 1 315,229 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,253,615; 1 253, 616; 1,308,763 —,—, calcium chloride for, 1,253,615; 1,253,616 —,—, calcium dioxide for, 1 253, 617 —,—, ’ calcium hypochlorite for, 1,253,615; 1,253,617 —,— carbon dioxide for, 1,253,615; 1,253,617 —,— ’ carbon electrode for, 1,253 617 SUBJECTS 897 Butylene chlorhydrin, mfr. of, carbon tetra- chloride for, 1,253,617 —,—,cerium compound for, 1,253,617 —,—,cerium electrode for, 1,253 617 —,—,cerilum vanadate for, 1,315 929 —,—, chalk for, 1,253,615; 1,253,616; 1,253,617 —,—, charcoal for, 1,315 229 —,—, charcoal as catalyst for, 1,253,617 —,—, chloride for, 1,315,229 —, chlorine for, 1,258,615; 1,253,616; ~ 4253617; 1,264,535 ; 1,264,536; 1,295,339; pa 763 —,chloroform for, 1,253,617 —, ’ chromate for, ‘1 253, 617; 1,308,763 —,—, ’ chromium compound for, 1,253 617 —,—, chromium electrode for, 1 253 617 —,—, ’ cobalt compound for, 1 253 617 —,—, coke as catalyst for, 1,253, 617 —, —} copper (ic) chloride for, 1,315, 229 —,—,copper oxide for, 1,253, 615; 1,264,535 ; 1,264,536 —,—, copper vanadate for, 1,315,229 —,—, dichlorethane for, 1.253, 617 —,—,electrolytic cell for, 1,264, 535; 1,264,536 —,—,gas, coal coked, for, 1,253, 615; 1.253, 616 —, —, petroleum cracked, for, 1253, 615; my 253 616 Sain, wood \ eharred, |” for, 1,253,615; 1 253, 616 —,— , hydrochloric acid for, 1,315,229 ,hydrochloric acid as by-product of, 1,253, 615: 1,253,616; 1,295,339; 1,308,763 os hydrochloric acid, effect of on, 1,295,339 —,—,hydrogen dioxide for, 1,253, 617 —,—, hypochlorite for, 1,253 617 —, —, hypochlorous ‘acid for, nat 616; 1,264,535; 1,264,536 1,253,615 ; — , iron (ic) chloride for, 1,315, 229 —,iron electrode for, 1 253 617 — ‘iron (ic) oxide for, 1,308, 763 —, ‘lead electrode for, 1.253 617 —,magnesia for, 1,253, 617 —,—, Magnesium carbonate for, 1,253,615 —,—, Magnesium oxide for, 1 253,015 3 1,308, 763; 1,815,229 —,—, manganate for, 1,253,617 —,—, Manganese chloride as by-products of, 1,308,763 —,—, Manganese eepaune for, 1,253,617 —,—,manganese dioxide for, 1,253, 617; 1,308,763 —,—, manganese electrode for, 1,253,617 —,—, manganese oxide for, 1 264 535; 1,264,536 —,—, Manganese vanadate. for, 1,315, 229 —,—,mercury(ic) chloride for, 1,253,616 —,—,mercury(ic) oxide for, 1,253, 615 —,—, molybdenum trioxide for, 1 315, 229 —,—, nitrogen oxides as catalyst ‘for, ‘1,253,617 —,—, ol, mineral, for, 1,253,617 —-—, Oll #45 fOr; 1,253, 615; 1.253, 616; 1,253,617; 1,264, 4S Gea | 264, 536; 1 5295, 339; 1 308, 763 ; L3i5, 229° —,—, olefin for, 1,315,229 —,—-, osmium compound for, 1,315,229 —,—, oxygen for, 1,253,617; 1 315 229 —,—,ozone for, 1253, 617 —,—, palladium chloride for, 1,315,229 898 Butylene chlorhydrin, mfr. of, perborate for, 1,253,617 —,—, permanganate for, 1,253,617 —,—, persulfate for, 1,253,617 —,—, phosphates for, 1,253,615; 1,253,617 —,—, platinum black for, 1,315, 229 —,—, platinum black as “catalyst for, 15253017 —,—, platinum compound for, 1,315 229 —,—, platinum electrode for, 1253 617 —,—, potassium carbonate for, 1 253, 615 —,—,potassium chloride for, 1,264,535 ; 1,264, 536 —,—, potassium permanganate for, 1,253,617 —,—, process for, 1,253,615 ; 1,253,616 ; 1,253, 617; 1,264 B35; 1 264, 536; i old 229 —,—, pumice for, 1315 ,229 —,—, rhodium compound for, 1,315,229 —,—,ruthenium compound for, 1,315,229 —,—,sodium bicarbonate’ for, 1,253,615; 1,253, 616 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,253,615 ; 1,253,616; 1,253,617 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,258,615; 1,253,617; 1,264,535; 1,264,536 —,—, sodium dioxide for, 1,253,617 —,—, sodium phosphates for, 1,253 615 —,—,sodium sulfate for, 1253 617 —,—, sulfates for, 1,253, 615 —, —, tellurium dioxide for, 1,315,229 —,—, ’ thallium chloride for, 1,315, 229 —,—,tin tetrachloride for, 1,315, 229 —,—, titanium electrode for, 1,253 617 —,—, turpentine for, 1,253 617 —,—, vanadate for, 1,253 617 —,—, vanadium pentoxide for, 1,815,229 —,—, water for, 1,264,535; 1 264 000 —,—, water, effect of on, 1,293 339 —,—, weldon mud for, 1,308, 763 —,—, zine oxide for, 1,308, 768 ; 1,315,229 —, ’ nitric acid, action of on, 1,295,339 —,resin solvent, 1,315,229 —,kauri solvent, 1,315,229 —, sodium bisulfate, action of on, 1,295,339 —,solvent for varnish, 1,295,339 —,see also Chlor-butanol Butylene chloride, see Dichlor-butane Butylene dichloride, see Dichlor-butane Butylene glycol, glycerol substitute made with, 1,268,185 -—,hygroscopic composition made _ with, 1,268,135 —,jam made with, 1,268,135 —,jelly made with, 1,268,135 —,mfr. of, alkali carbonate for, 1,270,759 —,apparatus for, 1,253,617; 1,308,796; Nat 308, 797 —,— arsenate for, 1,253,617 —, — barium dioxide for, 1,253,617 —,—,bone black for, 1,308,797 —,—,boneblack as catalyst for, 1,253,617 —,—, borate for, 1,253,617 —,—, butylene for, 1,270,759 —,—, butylene chlorhydrin for, 1,295,339 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,295,339 —,—, calcium dioxide for, 1,253,617 —,—,calcium hypochlorite for, 1,253,617 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Butylene glycol, mfr. of, calctum hypochlorite ‘and cobalt for, 1,308, 796 ; 1,308,797 —,—, carbon anode for, 1.308 197 —,—,carbon dioxide for, 1,253,617 —,—, carbon electrode for, 1,253,617 —,—,carbon tetrachloride for, 1,253,617 —,—,carbon compound for, 1,253,617 —,—,cerium electrode for, 1,253,617 —,—,cerlum salts for, 1,308,797 —,—, chalk for, 1,253,617 —,—,chalk and _ chlorine 1,308,797 —,—, charcoal for, 1,308,797 —,—, charcoal as catalyst for, 1,253,617 for, —,—,chlorine for, 1,253,617; 1,270,759 —,—, chloroform for, 1,253,617 —,—, chromate for, 1,253,617 ,—, chromium compound for, 1,253,617 —,—, chromium electrode for, 1,253,617 —,—,chromium salts for, 1,308,797 —, cobalt compound for, = 1,253,617 —,—, cobalt salts for, 1,308,797 —,—,coke as catalyst for, 1,253,617 —-,—, dichlorbutane for, 1,270,759 —,—,dichlorethane for, 1,253,617 —,—,electrolytic cell for, 1,308,797 —,—, hydrogen dioxide for, 1,253,617 —,—, hypochlorite for, 1253 617 —,—, iron electrode for, 1,253 617 —,—, iron salts for, 1,308 797 —,—,lead anode for, 1,308, 797 —,—, lead electrode for, 1,253 617 —,—, magnesia for, 1,253 617 —,—,Magnesium oxide and Redgage ys 1,308,797 —,manganate for, 1,253,617 —,—, Manganese compound for, 1,253,617 —,—, manganese dioxide for, 1 253 617 —,—, manganese electrode for, 1,253 617 —,—, manganese salts for, 1 308, 797 —,—, nitrogen oxides as catalyst for, 1,253,617 —,—, oil, mineral, for, 1,253,617 —,—, oil gas for, 1,253, 617: 1,270,759 —,—, oxygen for, 1,253,617 —,—, ozone for, 1 253,617 —,— , perborate for, 1,253 617 —,— , permanganate for, 1,253,617 —,—, persulfate for, 1 1253, 617 —, —, phosphate for, 1,253, 617 —, —, platinum anode for, 1,308,797 —,—, platinum black as catalyst for, 1,253,617 —,—, platinum electrode for, 1,253 617 —,—, potassium permanganate for, 1,253,617 —, —, process for, 1,253,617; 1,270 759 : 1 308, 796; 1 308, 797 —, sodium bicarbonate for, 1,295,339 — ’ sodium borate for, 1,308,797 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,253 617 ; 1,270,759 —,—, ‘sodium chloride for, 1 258, 617; 1,308, "197 —, — sodium dioxide for, 1,253 617 —,—, ’ sodium phosphate for, 1,308 97 —,—, ‘sodium sulfate for, 1 253, 617 ; 1,808,797 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,295, 339 —, —, titanium electrode for, 1,253,617 —., turpentine for, 1,253,617 —,—, vanadate for, 1,253,617 chlorine for, 1,308,796; INDEX OF SUBJECTS Butylene glycol, nitrated, properties of, 1,807,033 —, printers roller made with, 1,268,135 —,snuff made with, 1,268,135 —,stamp pad made with, 1,268,185 —, tobacco made with, 1,268,135; 1,407,274 —, uses for, 1,295,339 —,see also Butanediol; 1.2-Butanediol a-Butylene glycol, see 1.2-Butanediol b.g-Butylene glycol, see 2.3-Butanediol 1.3-Butylene glycol, polymerization of, process for, 1,126,467 Butylene-glycol diacetate, preparation of, 1,430,324 Butylene-glycol dibutyrate, preparation of, 1,480,324 Butylene glycol dinitrate, explosive contg., 1,307,033 —, production of, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,307,033 —,—,nitric acid for, 1,307,033 —, properties of, 1,307,033 Butylene glycol dipropionate, preparation of, 1,430,324 Butyleneglycol 1,307,034 Butylene hydrate, see sec-Butyl alcohol Butylene oxide, mfr. of, 1,446,872 om apparatus for, 1 253, 617 —,—, arsenate for, 1,253 617 —,—, ’ barium dioxide for, 1,253,617 —,—, "bone black as catalyst for, 1,253,617 —,—, ’ borate for, 1,253,617 — butylene chlorhydrin for, 1,295,339 —,calcium dioxide for, 1 1253 617 ; : —, calcium hypochlorite ‘for, 1,253,617 _—, carbon dioxide for, 1,253, 617 —,—, ’ carbon electrode for, 1 253 617 —, carbon tetrachloride for, 1,253 617 —,—,cerium compound for, if 253, 617 —,—, cerium electrode for, 1,253, 617 —,—, chalk for, 1,253,617 —,—, ’ charcoal as catalyst for, 1,253,617 —,—, ’ chlorine for, 1,253,617 —,—, ’ chloroform for, 1 1253 617 —,—, ’ chromate for, 1,253, 617 —,—, chromium compound for, 1,253,617 —,—, chromium electrode for, 1,253 617 —,—, cobalt compound for, 1253 617 —,—, coke as catalyst for, 1,253, 617 nitrate, explosive contg., —, dichlorethane for, 1.253, 617 —,— ’ hydrogen dioxide for, iM 253, 617 —,—, hypochlorite for, 1,253, 617 —,—,iron electrode for, 1,253 617 —,—, lead electrode for, 1,253, 617 —,—, magnesia for, 1 1253, 617 —,—,manganate for, 1,253, 617 —,—, Manganese compound for, 1,253,617 —_,—, manganese dioxide for, 1, 253, 617 —,—, manganese electrode for, 1,253, 617 —,—,nitrogen oxides as catalyst for, 1,253,617 —,—, oil, mineral, for, 1,253,617 —,—, oil gas for, 1,253 617 —, oxygen for, 1 253, 617 —,—, ozone for, 1,253,617 —,—, perborate for, 1,253,617 899 Butylene oxide, mfr. of, permanganate for, 1,253,617 ——, phosphate for, 1,253,617 —, —, platinum black as catalyst for, 1,258,617 —,—, platinum electrode for, 1,253,617 —,—, potassium permanganate for, 1,253, 617 —,—, process for, 1,253,617 —,—, sodium carbonate for, 1,253,617 —,—,sodium chloride for, 1,253,617 —,—,sodium dioxide for, 1,253,617 —,—, sodium sulfate for, 1,253,617 —,—, titanium electrode for, 1,253,617 —,—,turpentine for, 1,253,617 —,—, vanadate for, 1,253,617 Butyl esters, fat contg., 1,381,564 —, mfr. of, Burton oil for, 1,486,646 —,—, butylene for, 1,486,646 —,—, gasolene for, 1 486, 646 —,—, hydrocarbon, olefin for, 1,486,646 —,—, naphtha for, 1,486,646 —,—, petroleum, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —,—, process for, 1,486,646 —,—,shale oil, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —, —, sulfuric acid for, i 486, 646 Butyl ether, dehydrating, acid anhydrides for, 1,466,485; Re-15,783 —,—, alkali carbonates for, 1,466,435; Re-15,783 —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,466, 435: Re-15,783 —,—, "alkali oxides for, 1,466, 435: Re-15 783 —,—, calcium chloride ‘for, 1,466 435: Re- 15,783 —,—, copper sulfate for, 1,466, 435: Re- 15, 783 —,—, phosphorus pentoxide for, 1 466, 435 ; Re-15,783 —,—,potassium hydroxide for, 1,466,485; Re-15,783 ——, sodium for, 1,466,485; Re-15,783 —,—, sodium chloride for, 1,466, 435; Re-15,783 —,—, sodium hydroxide for, 1,466,435 ; Re- 15, 783 —,—, sodium sulfate, anhydrous, for, 1,466,435 ; Re-15,783 — dibutyl sulfate made with, 1,506,228 —,motor fuel contg., 1,398, O47 ; 1,428, 913 —,see also Dibutyl ether 5-iso-Butyl- 5-ethyl-barbituric made with, 1,514,572 = Dt POL: diethyl-iso-butyl- -ethyl-malonate for, 1 014, 572 —,— ethyl alcohol for, 1,514,572 —,— ’ hydrochloric acid for, 1514, 572 —,—, process for, 1,514,572 —,—, sodium for, 1,514, ‘572 —, —, sodium ethylate for, 1,514,572 —,—,urea for, 1,514,572 — properties of, 1,514, 572 n-Butyl-ethyl-barbituric acid, cna made with, 1,478,463 — hypnotic made with, 1,478,463 acid, hypnotic —,pyramidone, condensation product of, 1,478,463 5-n-Butyl-5-ethyl-barbituric acid, hypnotic made with, 1,514,572 sec-Butyl-ethyl-barbituric acid, analgesic made with, 1,478,463 —, boiling of, 1,478,463 —,hypnotic made with, 1,478,463 900 sec-Butyl-ethyl-barbituric acid, mfr. of, ethyl- sec-butyl-ethyl-malonate for, 1,478,463 —,—, process for, 1,478,463 —,—,sodium ethylate for, 1,478,463 —,—, urea for, 1,478,463 —,pyramidone, condensation products of and, 1,478,463 Butyl ethyl ketone, finish remover made with, 1,167,640 —,paint remover made _ with, 1,147,848; 1,189,803 ; —,varnish remover made with, 1,147,848; 1,189,803 sec Butyl-ethyl-malonic acid ethyl ester, see Ethyl sec-butyl-ethyl-malonate iso-Butyl ethyl malonic ester, see Diethyl is0- butyl-ethyl-malonate iso-Butyl-ethyl-malonyl urea, see 6-iso-Butyl- 6-ethyl-barbituric acid Butyl ethyl propyl ketone, see Propyl ethyl butyl ketone Butyl formate, fuel, liquid, made with, 1,421,879 —,mfr. of, Burton oil for, 1,486,646 —,—, butylene for, 1,486,646 —,—, gasolene for, 1,486,646 —,—, hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,486,646 —,—, naphtha for, 1,486,646 —,—, petroleum, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —,—, process for, 1,486,646 —,—, shale oil, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,486,646 —,motor fuel contg., 1,414,759; 1,421,879 Butyl formyloxystearate, cellulose nitrate soft- ener, 1,357,876 Butyl formylricinoleate, cellulose nitrate soft- ener, 1,357,876 Butyl formylsalicylate, cellulose acetate plasti- cizer, 1,408,095 —, cellulose esters plasticizer, 1,408,095 —,cellulose nitrate plasticizer, 1,408,095 Butyl glycerol, mfr. of, chlorbutylene for, 1,477,113 Butyl hydrogen sulfate, butyl acetate made with, 1,486,646 —, butyl alcohol made with, 1,486,646 —,mfr. of, Burton oil for, 1,486,646 —,—, butylene for, 1,486,646 —,—,gasolene for, 1,486,646 —,—,hydrocarbon for, 1,486,647 —,—,hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,486,646;, 1,486,647 —,—,kerosene for, 1,486,647 —,—, lubricating oil for, 1,486,647 —,—,naphtha for, 1,486,646 —,—,petroleum, cracked, . for, 1,486,646; 1,486,647 —,—,process for, 1,486,646; 1,486,647 —,—, shale oil, cracked, for, 1,486,646 —,—,sulfuric acid for, 1,486,646; 1,486,647 Butyl-hypnal, see Butyl chloral-antipyrine Butylidene-p-amino-dimethylaniline(?), rubber, hard, made with, 1,507,594 —,Vulcanization process using, 1,507,594 Butylidene-o-anisidine, rubber, age-resisting compound for, made with, 1,515,642 —, vulcanization process using, 1,515,642 UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Butylidene-1-naphthalamine, rubber, age-resist- ing compound for, made with, 1,515,642 —, vulcanization process using, 1,515,642 Butyl iodide, butyl earbohydrate made with 1,504,178 —, butyl cellulose made with, 1,504,178 —, butyl dextrin made with, 1,504,178 —, butyl starch made with, 1,504,178 —,rubber, vulcanization of, accelerator for, made with, 1,471,213 ’ 7so-Butyl iodide, cephaeline iso-butyl ether made with, 1,219,571 Butyl ketone, cellulose 1,408,035 —,copal solvent, 1,408,035 Butyl lactic acid, see Iso-ory-butyric acid n-Butyl(chlor-benzyl)-ether, film made with 1,479,955 n-Butyl(chlor-o-cresyl)ether, film made with, 1,479,955 n-Butyl p(b-(methylamino)-ethylamino)-ben- zoate, local anesthetic, 1,334,642 acetate solvent, d —,mfr. of, n-butyl-p-(b-chlorethylamino)-ben- a zoate for, 1,334,642 —,—,methylamine for, 1,334,642 —-)-—, process for, 1,334,642 Butyl methyl ketone, celluloid, made with, 1,158,217 —, cellulose ether, solvent for, contg., 1,469,812 —, cellulose nitrate, solvent for, made with, 1,158,217 | —, cordial made with, 1,158,217 —, essential oils made with, 1,158,217 solvent for, —,ethyl cellulose, solvent for, contg., 1,469,812 —, flavoring extracts made with, 1,158,217 —, hydrogenation of, alumina as catalyst carrier for, 1,158,217 —,—, carbon as catalyst carrier for, 1,158,217 —,—, cobalt as catalyst for, 1,158,217 —,—, cobalt nitrate as catalyst for, 1,158,217 —,—, cobalt oxide as catalyst for, 1,158,217 —,—, copper as catalyst for, 1,158,217 —,—,1ron as catalyst for, 1,158,217 —,-—, kieselguhr as catalyst carrier for, 1,158,217 —,—,nickel as catalyst for, 1,158,217 —,—, nickel nitrate as catalyst for, 1,158,217 —,—,nickel oxide as catalyst for, 1,158,217 —,—, palladium as catalyst for, 1,158,217 —,—,palladium chloride as catalyst for, 1,158,217 —,—, pumice as catalyst carrier for, 1,158,217 —, liquor made with, 1,158,217 n-Butyl p-nitrobenzoate, n-butyl p-aminoben- zoate from, 1,440,652 —, preparation of, 1,440,652 tso-Butyl oleate, hydrogenated, properties of, 1,277,708 —,hydrogenation of, 1,277,708 —,—, process for, 1,277,708 —,mir. of, tso-butyl alcohol for, 1,277,708; 1,318,461 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,318,461 —,—,oleic acid for, 1,277,708; 1,318,461 —,—, oleic acid chloride for, 1,318,461 —,—, process for, 1,277,708; 1,318,461 nickel catalyst for, — © INDEX OF tso-Butyl oleate, mfr. of sodium chloride for, 1,277,708 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,277,708 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,277,708 —,—, zine chloride for, 1,318,461 —, palmitic acid, action of and, 1,277,708 —, properties of, 1,277,708; 1,318,461 —, stearic acid, action of and, 1,277,708 —, tuberculosis cured with, 1,318,461 Butyl oxalate, mfr. of, 1,483,308 p-Butylphenyl carbamate, mfr. of, process for, 1,252,452 -—, properties of, 1,252,452 p-Butylphenyl carbonate, mfr. of, process for, 1,252,452 | —, properties of, 1,252,452 iso-Butyl 2-phenyl-cinchoninate, see Atophan, iso-butyl ester of n-Butyl 2-phenyl-cinchoninate, see Atophan, n-butyl ester of n-Butylphenyl-N-dimethyl-carbamate, mfr. of, process for, 1,252,452 —,properties of, 1,252,452 N-Butyl phenyl ether, cellulose ether, solvent for, contg., 1,479,955 —, ethyl cellulose, solvent for, contg., 1,479,955 —, film made with, 1,479,955 iso-Butyl 2-phenyl-quinoline-4-carbozylate, see Atophan, iso-butyl ester of n-Butyl 2-phenyl-quinoline-4-carboxylate, see Atophan, n-Butyl: ester of Butyl phenylthiocarbamate, accelerator in rub- ber vulcanization, 1,440,962; 1,440,963 Butyl propionate, fuel, liquid, made with, . 1,421,879 —, mfr. of, 1,433,308 . —, motor fuel contg., 1,421,879 Butyl propionyloxystearate, cellulose nitrate softener, 1,357,876 Butyl propionylricinoleate, cellulose nitrate softener, 1,357,876 Butyl propionylsalicylate, cellulose acetate plasticizer, 1,148,095 —, cellulose esters plasticizer, 1,408,095 —,cellulose nitrate plasticizer, 1,408,095 Butyl propyl ketone, isoprene made _ with, 1,218,332 —,rubber, synthetic, made with, 1,218,332 —,see also Octanone Butyl salicylate, cellulose nitrate plasticizer, 1,144,333 —, cellulose nitrate solvent, 1,144,333 iso-Butyl salicylate, cellulose ether solvent contg., 1,395,905 —,cellulose nitrate plasticizer, 1,144,333 —,cellulose nitrate solvent, 1,144,333 —,ethyl cellulose plasticizer, 1,395,905 —,ethyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,395,905 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,395,905; 1,144,333 —, plastic made with, 1,395,905 —, varnish made with, 1,395,905; 1,444,333 n-Butyl salicylate, cellulose ether contg., 1,395,905 —, cellulose nitrate plasticizer, 1,444,333 SUBJECTS 901 n-Butyl salicylate, ethyl cellulose plasticizer, 1,395,905 —,ethyl cellulose solvent contg., 1,395,905 —,film, photographic, made with, 1,395,905; 1,444,333 —, plastic made with, 1,395,905 —,varnish made with, 1,395,905; 1,444,338 Butyl sodium xanthate, see Sodium butyl! xanthate Butyl starch, mfr. of, alkali hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,—,butyl bromide for, 1,504,178 —,—, butyl chloride for, 1,504,178 —,—, butyl iodide for, 1,504,178 —,—, metal hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,—, process for, 1,504,178 —,—,sodium hydroxide for, 1,504,178 —,—, starch for, 1,504,178 —, see also Starch ether Butyl] tartrate, cellulose ether solvent, 1,467,103 —, ethyl cellulose solvent, 1,467,103 —, film, photographic, made with, 1,467,103 —, mfr. of, 1,483,308 —, plastic made with, 1,467,103 —, varnish made with, 1,467,103 n-Butyl thiocarbonic acid disulfide, accelerator in rubber vulcanization, 1,440,962 Butyl valerate, mfr. of, 1,433,308 —, motor fuel ingredient, 1,414,759 n-Butyl xanthate, dibutyl dixanthate made with, 1,491,021 —;mfr. of, n-butyl alcohol for, 1,491,021 —,—, carbon bisulfide for, 1,491,021 —,—, process for, 1,491,021 —,sodium butyl xanthate made with, 1,491,021 —,see also Sodium butyl xanthate Butyraldehyde, aniline, compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 +), mfr; of; process: for; 1,417,970 He ee, PUDDED, vulcanization’ \/of 1,417,970 —,—,—,rubber substitute, using, 1,417,970 —, butylaldehyde ammonia made with, 1,456,702 —, butyric acid from, 1,418,448 —,diethylamine, compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 using, vulcanization of —,—,—,rubber, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 ae —,—,—, rubber substitute, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—,vuleanization accelerator, 1,417,970 —,ethylamine, compound of and, balata, vul- canization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—,gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—,mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—,—,rubber, vulcanization of 1,417,970 * using, 902 Butyraldehyle, ethylamine, compound of and, ‘rubber substitute, vulcanization of, using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, vulcanization accelerator, —, mfr. of, air for, 1,517,968 —,—, asphalt for, 1,517,968 —,—, brass as catalyst for, 1,517,968 ——, ’ chromium oxide, as catalyst for, 1,517,968 1,417,970 —,—, copper as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—, copper oxide as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —, fat for, 1,517,968 ——, gilsonite for, 1,517,968 —,—, grease for, 1,517 968 —,—, hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,517,968 —,—,iron as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—,iron vanadate as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—, kerosene for, 1,517,968 —,—,molybdeum compound as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—, oil gas for, 1,517,968 —,—, oxygen for, 1517, 968 —, —, petroleum for, 1,517, 968 —,—, process for, 1,418, 448: 1,517,968 —,—, silver chromate as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—,steam for, 1,517,968 —,—, vanadium oxide as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,phenol aldehyde condensate made _ with, 1,477,870 —,rubber goods, dipped, made with, 1,445,080 —, p-toluidine, compound of and, balata, vul- canization of using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, gutta percha, ‘vulcanization of using, 1 417, 970 —,—,—,mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —,—,—, ’ rubber, vulcanization of 1 A17, 970 —,—,—, rubber substitute, using, 1,417,970 —,—,—, vulcanization accelerator, —,vulcanization accelerator 1,417,970; 1,496,792 iso-Butyraldehyde, aniline, compound of and, balata, vulcanization of using, 1,417,970 —,-—,—, gutta percha, vulcanization of using, 1 417,9 970 —,—,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,417,970 —, —, rubber, vulcanization of 1 417.9 970 —,—,—,rubber substitute, using, 1 417,970 —,—, —, vulcanization accelerator, —, vulcanization accelerator 1,417,970 Butyraldehyde ammonia, mfr. 1,456,702 Butyraldehyde aniline, compound of and, vul- canization accelerator, 1,417,970 —, vulcanizing accelerator, 1,417,970 iso-Butyraldehyde aniline, vulcanizing acceler- ator, 1,417,970 Butyraldehyde diethylamine, vulcanizing ac- celerator, 1,417,970 Butyraldehyde ethylamine, vulcanizing acceler- ator, 1,417,970 Butyraldehyde-l-naphthylamine, rubber, age- resisting compound for, made with, 1,515,642 —, vulcanization process using, 1,515,642 using, vulcanization of 1,417,970 made with, using, vulcanization of 1,417,970 made with, of, process for, UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 Butyraldehyde-p-toluidine, rubber, age-resist- ing compound for, made with, 151g) 642 —, vulcanization accelerator, 1,417, 970; 1 015,642 —, vulcanization process using, 1,515,642 Butyrates, amyl butyrate made with, 1,197,019 —,butyrone made with, 1,283,183 —, cellulose esters, solvent for, contg., 1,283,183 —, cellulose nitrate, solvent + for, contg., 1 ,283,183 —, chlorhydrins as source of, 1,456,590 —,finish remover made with, 1,147,852; 1,167,641 _, odors of, chlorine for destroying, 1,410,249 —, solvent contg., 1,283,183 Butyric acid, acetic acid, concentration of using, 1,477,076 —, organic, 1,477,076 —,adrenal glands treated with, 1,460,832 —, algae for production of, 1,371,611 —,amyl butyrate from, 1,426,457 —, baking powder made from, 1,286,903 —, banana plant, treatment of by the use of, 1 ,271,591 — butter substitute made with, 1,210,667 —, ’ butyrone made with, 1,283,183 —,cane, degumming of, using, 1,148,698 —,—,retting of, using, 1,148,698 —,—, treatment of with 1,271,591 —,casein discolored with, 1,240,816 —, cattle feed made with, 1,265,227 —, celluloid, solvent for, contg. secondary al- cohol esters of, 1,158,217 —,cellulose butyrate made with, 1,425,581; 1,474,574 —,cellulose nitrate, solvent for, dary alcohol esters of, 1,158,217 —,ceresin made with, 1,178,532 —, cordial contg., secondary alcohol esters of, 1,158,217 —,crotonic acid as source of, 1,445,544 —, distillery waste, producing from, 1,396,006 —, drying oil made with, 1,254,866 —,esparto, degumming of, using, 1,148,698 —,—,retting of, using, 1,148,698 —,—, treatment of with, 1,271,591 —., essential oils contg. secondary alcohol esters of, 1,158,217 —,esters made with, 1,425,624; 1,425,625 —,esters of, finish remover made with, 1,147,852 —,—, mfr. of, process for, 1,147,852 volatile, concentration of using, 1,425,580 ; contg. secon- —,ethyl alcohol, denatured, made _ using, 1,176,150; 1,176,462 —,ethyl butyrate made with, 1,421,605; 1,426,457 —,fat, edible, made with, 1,505,560 —, fermentation liquor of, indigo, dyeing with, using, 1,239,526 | —, fibrous plant, degumming of using, 1,148,698 —,—,retting of, using, 1,148,698 —, flavoring extracts contg. secondary alcohol esters of, 1,158,217 —-, flax, degumming of, using, 1,148,698 —,—,retting of, using, 1,148,698 —,—, treatment of with, 1,271,591 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Butyriec acid, formation from butyraldehyde of, 1,418,448 —,formation from pinene of, 1,430,538 —, grease remover made with, 1,496,506 —,glyceride of, butter substitute made with, 1,190,369 —,—, cream, artificial, made with, 1,190,369 —, glyceryl butyrate from, 1,421,605 —, glycol butyrate from, 1,421,605 —, hair, deliming of using, 1,235,214 —,hemp, degumming of, using, 1,148,698 —,—,retting of, using, 1,148,698 —,—, treatment of with, 1,271,591 —, lactic acid removal from of, 1,240,766 —, lard, artificial, made with, 1,505,560 —,linoleum, drying oil for, made 1,254,866 —, linseed oil substitute made with, 1,254,866 —, liquor contg. secondary alcohol esters of, 1,158,217 —, lubricant contg., 1,319,129 —,mifr. of, air for, 1,517,968 —,—, alkali earth hydroxide for, 1,178,223. —,—, alkali hydroxide for, 1,178, 223 —,—, ammonium hydroxide for, 1,178, 223 —,—,apparatus for, 1,148,104; 1,400,852 —,—, asphalt for, 1 517, ,968 —, —, bacteria, ensilage, for, 1,400,852 —,—,—, garden soil, for, 1,400, 852 —,—, —, grape-fruit, for, 1 400, 852 —, —, —, herbaceous Lngeaal feces, for, 1,400, 852 —,—,—,sauer-kraut, for, 1,400,852 —,—,—, swamp, for, 1,400, 852 —,—, banana plant for, 1271 91 —,—, bark for, 1,178, 223 —,—, beech wood for, 1,178,223 —,—, Blau gas for, 1,365, 053 —, brass as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—, ‘Burton oil for, 1,365,053 —,—,calcium carbonate for, 1,283,183; 1,400,852 —,—, calcium hydroxide for, —,—, cane for, 1,271,591 —,—, carbohydrates for, 1,283,183 with, 1,178,223 —,—, carbon electrode for, 1,365,053 —, cellulose sulfite liquor for, 1,510,196 —, ’ chalk for, 1,283,183 —,—, chromium oxide as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—, copper as catalyst for, 1,517, 968 —,—,copper oxide as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—, distillery slop for, 1,283,183 —,—, distillery waste for, 1,396,368; 1,400,852 —,—,electrolytic process for, 1,365,053 —, —,esparto for, 1,271,591 —,fat for, 1,517,968 1,283,183 —,—, B. butyricus, for, 1,283,183 —,—, lactic, for, 1,283,183 —,fermentation process for, 1,510,196 —, flax for, 1,271,591 —,—,gasolene for, 1,365,053 —,—, gilsonite for, 1,517,968 —, grease for, 1,517,968 —,—, hay for, 1,178,223 ’ 5} rica 2 —,—, ferment, butyric, for, ame cid <9 ev ae 903 Butyric acid, mfr. of, hemp for, 1,271,591 —,— , hydrocarbon, olefin, for, 1,365,053 ; 1 B17, 968 —, —, hydrochloric acid for, 1,283,183 —,—,lron as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—, iron vanadate as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—, kerosene for, 1,517,968 —,—, lead electrode for, 1,365,053 —,—, leaves for, 1,178, 223 —,—, lime for, 1,400,852 —,—,molasses for, 1,283,183 —,—, molybdenum compound as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—, olefins for, 1,365,053 —,—,oil gas for, 1,517,968 —,—, oxygen for, 1,365,053; 1,517,968 —, petroleum for, 1,365,053; 1,517,968 —,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,283, 183 —,—, pine wood for, 1,178, 223 —,—,Pintsch gas for, 1,365 053 —,—, platinum electrode for, 1,365,053 —,—, potassium hydroxide for, 1,178,223 —,—, process for, 1,148,104; 1 178, 223; 1,271,591; 1 283, ES et 365, 053 : 1 400 852; 1,405 055: 1,510,196; 1,517,968 —,—, pawduet for, 1,178,223 —,—,silver chromate as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —,—,sodium carbonate for, 1,178,223; 1,400,852 —,sodium hydroxide for, 1,178,223 —,—, steam for, 1,517,968 —,straw for, 1,178,223 —,sugar solutions for, 1,510,196 —, sulfuric acid for, 1,283,183; 1,365,053 —, vanadium oxide as catalyst for, 1,517,968 —, whey for, 1,283,183 —, whiskey, sour mash, for, 1,283,183 —,—, wood for, 1,148,104; 1,176,150; 1,176,462; eased 1,271,591 —, wood pulp for, 1,178,223 —,—, yeast makers slops for, 1,283,183 —,—, zine carbonate for, 1,283, 183 . —, ’ margarine made with, 1,505,560 —, methyl butyrate made with, 1,426,457 —, milk, artificial, made with, 1,210, 667 —, milk substitute contg., 1, 175, 467; 1,243,855; 1 5265 227 —, oil, vegetable, drying, substitute for, made with, 1,254,866 —,paint remover 1,147,850 —,propyl butyrate from, 1,421,605 —, pungent compound made with, 1,329,272 —,pyroligneous acid, concentration of using, 1,477,076 —,recovery from distillery waste, 1,426 457 —,rust remover made with, 1,496, 506 —, suint ingredient, 1,405,371 —,starch, soluble, made with, 1,207,177 —,sulfuric acid mixture of, 1,425,580 —,tanning using, 1,230,667 —,tobacco improved by bacteria producing, 1,331,331 —,vanillyl-butyryl-amide from, 1,329,272 | eo Ne | Ne | made with, 1,147,849; 904 Butyric acid, varnish remover made _ with, ~ 1,147,849; 1,147,850 —, wood, treatment. of with, 1,271,591 —,wool, deliming of using, 1,235,214 —,wool cleaning refuse contg., 1,405,371 iso-Butyric acid, drying oil made with, 1,254,866 —, linoleum, drying oil for, made with, 1,254,866 —,linseed oil, substitute for, made with, 1,254,866 —,oil, vegetable, drying, substitute for, made with, 1,254,866 —,paint remover made with, 1,143,111 —, vanillyl-cso-butyryl-amide from, 1,329,272 —, varnish remover made with, 1,143,111 —,see also Isobutyric acid n-Butyric acid, paint remover made with, 1,143,111 —, varnish remover made with, 1,143,111 Butyric acid compounds, carob, removal from of, process for, 1,150,607 Butyric aldehyde, see Butyraldehyde Butyric anhydride, cellulose butyrate made with, 1,425,580; 1,425,581; 1,474,574 —,mfr. of, acetic acid for, 1,153,402 —,—, acetyl for, 1,326,040 —,—, aldehyde for, 1,326,040 —,—, barium nitrate for, 1,153,402 —,—,chlorine for, 1,826,040 —,—,copper for, 1,153,402 —,—, ester for, 1,326,040 —,—, ether for, 1,326,040 —,—,ethyl acetate for, 1,326,040 —,—, hydrocarbon for, 1,326,040 —,—,lead for, 1,153,402 —,—,lead nitrate for, 1,153,402 —,—, nitric acid for, 1,153,402 —,—, nitric acid, fuming, for, 1,153,402 —,—, nitrogen pentoxide for, 1,153,402 —,—, oxide, organic, for, 1,826,040 —,—, phenol for, 1,826,040 —,—, phosphorus pentoxide for, 1,153,402 —,—, process for, 1,153,402; 1,826,040 —,—,sodium butyrate for, 1,326,040 —,—, sodium nitrite for, 1,153,402 —,—, sulfur dioxide for, 1,826,040 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,153,402 —,—, tricresyl phosphate for, 1,826,040 —,pungent compound made by use of, 1,329,272 —, vanillyl-butyryl-amide from, 1,829,272 iso-Butyric anhydride, vanillyl-iso-butyryl- amide from 1,329,272 Butyric ether, see Ethyl butyrate tso-Butyric ether, see Ethyl iso-butyrate UNITED STATES CHEMICAL PATENTS, 1915-1924 . Butyric glyceride, butter substitute made with, 1,417,893 —,food product made with, 1,417,893 Butyrochloral, see Butyl chloral Butyroin, see Propyl-oxy-butyl-ketone Butyrylcellulose, see also Cellulose butyrate Butyrometer, use of, 1,857,168 Butyrone, cellulose esters, solvent for, contg., 1,283,183 —, cellulose 1,283,183 —,finish remover made with, 1,147,851; 1,172,773 —, mfr. of, butyrates for, 1,283,183 —,—, butyric acid for, 1,283,183 —,—, carbohydrate for, 1,283,183 —,—, calcium carbonate for, 1,283,183 —,—,cerium oxide as catalyst for, 1,283,183 —,—, chalk for, 1,283,183 —,—, distillery slop for, 1,283,183 nitrate, solvent for, contg,, —,—,ferment, butyric, for, 1,283,183 —,—,—,B. butyricus, for, 1,283,183 —,—, —, lactic, for, 1,283,183 —,—, hydrochloric acid for, 1,283,183 —,—, molasses for, 1,283,183 —,—, phosphoric acid for, 1,283,183 —,—, process for, 1,283,183 —,—, sulfuric acid for, 1,283,183 —,—, thorium oxide as catalyst for, 1,283,183 —,—, uranium oxide as catalyst for, 1,283,183 —,—, whey for, 1,283,183 —,—, whiskey, sour mash, for, 1,283,183 —,—, yeast makers slop for, 1,283,183 —,—, zine carbonate for, 1,283,183 —,—, zirconium oxide as catalyst for, 1,283,183 —,paint remover made with, 1,130,499; 1,143,110; 1,143,111; 1,147,849; 1,189,804 —,solvent contg., 1,283,183 —,varnish remover made with, 1,130,499; 1,143,110; 1,148,111; 1,147,849; 1,189,804 —,see also Dipropylketone Butyro-phenone, see Propylphenyl ketone Butyrum zinct, see Zinc chloride Butyryl chloride, mfr. of phosphorus oxychlo- ride and, 1,359,071 —, pungent compound made with, 1,329,272 —,vanillyl-butyryl-amide from, 1,329,272 Butyryl hydrocellulose, see Hydrocellulose butyrate 3-Butyryl-4-hydroxy-5-nitro-benzenearsonic acid, 2.2’-Dibutyry]-6.6’-dinitro-p-arseno- phenol made with, 1,425,931; Re-15,557 Buzeu, see Petroleum, Roumania (buzeu) crude By products, recovery of, 1,393,241 —,—, apparatus for, 1,366,494 END OF VOLUME ONE ee Oe eee _— ee Eee ee ee eee Pee OT ere er a Gree aaah tthe g whet tt Aah ga arty habe pp " - — " ee eee wp? Bae * “Ff . 3 +60 6 pe pike eh iehinn id eahiethue eb kt ents Ll at tt Tie thd ee et ok ee eee ear ene aera eet Re Sr eeRipre. Mone re Fi eee nie « vo ih Te take ‘ Cee te ee ee ee 2 aatedibaett eh eet e nee) ee ee SN bbielarevateietere © prea rire selesy P iy fa} Rod ophbe awe ‘ onece le 1 EOI OFT! #1R SPR: Rm Mpa e) Rimi eH raise) ope! eLepe! Alle! p.m sere Bievenkie be eie 2nee, #08 Seer Hei ophal anekene ene Pi pieprrg ls FF Diy eae . OB) Be) BHO BML BE GEE PORE INO DR RRR ie Be wiesere iri mone Ss fie rie rere ee) Ha sadiotd pater . a alelehehete aie ath peu? . ‘ 210 Sl mh wiherenel ae Jwala epehaletmieiel nie: st eiate.anbnehe ood) wae om: pith eve, Lichen ak acaleak Mish sh sell sess debian Madde Pe ta » i BORD 91P RFE tee OMe She ge: See A ECE) S AOD DROP ROL MAR ALD ars) .sileiei ee ime Lele! w whaler a hdAers wea’ Oe ware a! Roar e aieT EL HP NO BE: ok ee PR Bie piBeer ee, Pe RRR UE Ree. el & vilad ised dies he ee ae ert ie a ae . BOTS eit eRe, BO RNR Rare BRM em Bye SER Qe PA FONE) CORFE! BR ow yeg 2 2 Ott Pie RO RT he (fe maine DP POR RE are pimlete. 2 OF he epee Pele mee Fae Pee Hm apee ® ite Poke new Re FP RS Ree OF Gk ee MMA WOR Ee Fe . O06 PLR OF ROR RlaLe Le Ane " O18 TF RM PURER GOR) PEFR he Bele PA Bp Rreiaiiele OF Ae 8 wp elie we B ee 2 Fe bebthiedbibeihdedb bbl dial dhe aed kt) tk ee a ee ee ee Sree HOR RRP One hese) pepe BPR PR ORE) FOF Pw elke OR Le ene 8 © He fore eee ee eare : oP Om ihe Pip a. Bele PPR we BAe & OEE CLICHE Pt chapere) Biel ele Fe POM PEE TE Bar elais: aides @) niece Hee has hbbdibchdidie sedbdeMoliinies odie at stk aA ade SEOLtID) Biahe: apstaeepst-y: BOK : PSO OTF PER CERF POLED OREO ORE 2) apie ele eve + ele le ere Te De + were. a) Baie e PR e el ADIN *1O9n MORH Dlareteseiamichtiert > perce Poel eke ie acarpiene PORIRME POR EIE ob wre 8 cledle guides sethes dees risa FP PR OM Fe etre aimee @ premarin et rate ee ee selaaneeiow Adis aiediedl tree tiene. Oe ee sae 8 OF OFF PTO) eee we ek as ee ee Be 1 aha ie ee wee ee PERE RTE OUR ROH Sr abe Soe a je) eet e FR eH aLR EH sreislereia es Sus cdecie gee pap a ah ORIN Mie th de Red gales fegdes ) Cauhaeny gh ceee ahaha ated isles ebeyeee etna hm e Pe mae OF Mam, eo gee! Pie REO) HR ee ee 818 BR ele leee erehele af e Eee eRe ewe es ee ee ee er er 2 eres ay Ge hy Or phe fare Pee PPO Le alike at diahadliant tea a cama tt et at ne it Yee rh ee | oe. orl aveiahesielrnee ee ee rit eee pi sia ve . pave ‘ me sie Bi yie he BR wl elmo f U\prypaitent abo th cia af 14 Fon beimee Oiboed pie mel er pInl #1 Hf oko en kt it eh ee a ad tL ee ee PP Bee ele PPR) FR Be 1O8 ROP OR + Ot0 wie Bee Bree ere VO ROT BOR OR ENE she ale See wee RR ee: aa cee Sia dial # 3 i Ait ds RU ee a oe site eheiein) b)a: Bieie: BSCR NEA O18 tM igre ele es eas wisacesare 2, @ @iehs . . # Pueitiess mere eee # Hy! 91-9)-0/ oa) mie pe ey are[ ese. o pee ane Bee’ é ‘ w Pi Atinia'earerei a Sb 16 Rm) Ow, Ap wees Bie! mR RET EEE Be ele eps @ pie Pi Git eye ree: #18 Shir seomye PG PIOrE PSR eR ahi. Row et ro ene y © PE POR ER Hoe me ayR ee ioe Pu pre eesnitere on ee Uses ooo ee Ye) FDP, 2 OMPL EOE ® Pin @ ale wo ECR ee ee ener PP Piet ohne ia ae eS * 61:9 188 ereea mae Bee ene are Rew ere ts a POL eS elmo! cs eee Fe be Fr eee R eR © tee ame en Nebel epk ash ee iaceee ® *? RIB 8 pki Pee @ eRisle DBee & Rest M8 TR ereh ern y a Rte es emt: fie Fe? rie wae ’ PA ae te eon ae eet at tse + eget bl doce gh dod Wp hd Rok a he pe Pig tap ach Bn de pag Fite te ae ie oe eet Y sidlas thts habdedidert ditt ela ae eee ee ete A ahebwhelldhes mieiein eer le vetipceua POP FR O8 ROR iw pg) ais PHO & WHOhOLeleie PrRiw-sie ames 5 PR ard Samp bs a Pe RNR one . SHERMER PRC Ree nie path pCi ied dbadilg pnt Ay gapped erie gente meee : “ FOO Pie ee) 20s ene penehe le leneag. sinia Bi G1 8h be PF OD mim! Bie PHO Bwpel Oe NMEe. REP OR BOR RR RRR Rw Ree iw Py eee ee ald RRM Pe RIS RLE TE miei) abe CERES 8 mna.i@s ape PME O a Oh oOe Bo © CIP Rw ol eLipony ye ebalet rete toe 2: sheer e's. b rre'e Piel) O18 me wl eUBY © ohm en erp, ne Hisidebh(he eid sues ett Thue bootk tt tt Mea ee een teat betters auelgee Hegde el epeeee ee ein puie SME teak at ot Seta Pree EN ee woe ON0) AW wep lan ew epee la was: dhe Ab Pieblasd Akos shanditookehaciindd a sale atiie ee ie | ree - SAE MANE SOR PREP Risen: tome termlepeleteieieierursers armie rrenmeletctens AP deraphenudediarsideaegetinrel gts taper oe pie tohalieneia) @) i@ be ps7 dhe atbbeial rie. 250.8 CHW PRO aly ane #1 spaiet nied st wiei ple, witlip/OUeleieicieleih masie pt ere im ale: ciblone pia inlianenee) FUP er AA et fim ot) C ete ee i ees eee ere a shojo elena 2) phe we ieip et ee ee ee ee | Satin ohaabicraiehnbehare Ce an ee eae See eees es ree en Pyeneseertte air ROR PE OLN R bike Slepee ow, Beh Oe LOHR MBL oy BAM OTE l we) PAR PERCY aw oevereinre nom ew PAPO Rob pi weal ek Rie Lhe! ietRhehelatele'l ie detidinidei st tt lh i eee eae ee rriiaie tabeha: eta npia hel orale ene beh eleva’ w biti daaltt ot ae ad uence eauhbapadindied bhietid des eer eo PheNe Wm wt nike) tw lich phepel tem we, wie seen ae ree ve fry it ee ele | ene ? 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SHEN EL SA MONE RR BIR oe mike & ElaiR! oh gine ele 0B BHE a)! ately ieee © enn) ee Cbig pyle lA bie ewe Hem Ripe se ceyaloiene lm ie? jeer ohS: sea yy ae aga rartis * ieee wid ele) aipite ph asaheiipione sles plato arene pravare Revaeoen eee 94) 0! she ihe a jora ee Bee by Ri eRe ae eet FB ef My ene one One wre , . ola ahel ah POR OL Orallete hele e ieha x rl @tetoaer ee Pon ere Pay ene © a rs pues hee ‘. a (PP Bile mdm) oop (BRIAR I RMR DUNO REE wiehpalare ec: pale) is aba 2) eUeh ‘ silage, sinh ; i ERP eh ep p) eR Mei) BURR) De! ee. wie wi esain) a eiel® Bi OMIOIEISI© pleaaieca ion eer ee dau, her eb anegee e uiditahati eae toe jets wi agkorhene Hs ee monte i> 8 el aizie bey taesiet Tal OLEH Passhanerone . * fotiesé tie pier elie! bdttbadhd npncadltntsadaseneieteat ibdiedie tia shakabaied eile ric ; hes@reyalplelt shesejece! eels pate) opm ehepeielel mie Rope® Ree tere wae tte Oralepe man Bie te ila hapa def ep ls at rite : PMI BOROR HR Baie efeinele minha s ele wine Misi wie! Bir elBieiale tere ecm mingel a N a oiegay bey “ee : frehgcit § -* API Pel biek a elwrbie.e; poe) ere lela nl ese) a8/ puma Wlelledeseejaleteleh aise late R ott hoi plahetpniadh in tere @ eee oe nf e shag PI PARE TR: 4 lm iLec yoke Ore we ele inl pheleie nel ® eae FP RAP Rice RUmIE EH aut) Revere & boda Unga dor ech pide sates ne 2m oat vial * ew iepetne ee eee Pane ae . sich febbAsdoadedeteliae cet A ne ore Lbclbdtidaellae iit ie Ct a ee Nag Fag REAM C ORR LS OED onda) oe sae ho) da ga bp oc hd , #)|9) 08 w) Bim ee Ble lehene 26} BERNE wn: aPe) Rn R-wiaha-wieiiesensjalnl aim ithe Riek Richie 4B! erwin) bie Bree; sume Leb et ovine ie! eipesen@de’ ee ee Tete alone " BR ial ettie elarsirhensiepaleie lay m minhelmimen tas hit) elLala: appre inpielacehelelh)®oe O58 yo imiere papleabcalectit ict ne eae se fiery tan . Ps BF MB hiniw ie jincelitan et winjmin) wliniekes re pare ew esi) tret at rie fake Fee eens . ; BR eIRi wi mialio wh BPR Re Drm pl mig FE Lee ROR Ry bh | Boe ee RL Le c exfeayh it | ridentin tepid teed Paths laf tery oye ’ , SREP) eee) @ lei Phevere dee ee 1 Pe oe Te PDR Ap lola tone OCRLF le Reha) aim Bielelp PRE she siete ono t eee vee @ Ort Ore fle s : re ie eat aed ot ekebet el RIL ee ee Hes Rene etehsdintestahynas ier at Heth Ve wie bie Bs Lear a) gi moe oe BMRerene! wilt a elerciahe chara rahe! cic isibiw's) 4/0 oie On 8 ; oil ere SFR ein BNP ay 1p) meter et ye! HORE Bey ODL LE PUR G18 Bom! ive wi 0! enh piintin Lesh a Mpiay ape ena) epbia a ORdEl im a ele & ; 2:0 Oekam al apes SRT RUD 2 eed one Se neTon Tete Tete us - Pel ene 6) PBS i SRM BLO RY BR) HIE) wl AL RL AIR mF Moki esas. OLD) e Righe ene bi ere pyr ter ert tones fin) sob] vi pisiininle'e a wa) e/ 9 caran-nene cet alele > t pint ly dh ‘ Ee Cee ee ele be ie, phaiene melee es bibilidltndk Mean St arhendld die icaudl Tit hth sateen fei on ba ep ae aE AK by aap) arene ta Per aib ane taratereis . ++ BnBIRIS Vem lee cietey sad kad NPP OH OL Sie HER! minh eie! wi Pl: Rim eisel >t etieieie\ ai pagel ohms] ore pan mane eon vege Ag stg aialaneie r ah cee odes > ‘ ’ OCU GC Pinned Med atadhde dead dectaaak pethaaeiaenlt tea AP whee ee myella ee mie) a AERO HE #8 PIP amie tA te Perry aa ie oe ° eo , aapiolnt bia Hise a eh Lalehnrmve ® wheelie eerie) alg hw) tee © RUB ae eee mmm ieee) oe ely 0% de ‘ , eet Rb Be Ry Windibultdndia Senda, Ue Peeled #| bbe! ay ialeanttoadibuten ed wie eee 40 - ees : ERR Bibans As cae Le He es sie miempm eneigrale ° mats ’ . SPR Mio(numie hail el Hee eieiehel ole imo mip iar ini@e elie! b\ritel mies inter cre Pine ieihel we Svar? 3 SApreilehmseaehell ctw b, whiel mol.eip! Aieleiiy wb wi mri! hipnl deine Whalelarmtedreie et mtetema ut plete ents nie bein he’ Biers: Sivas teeny [aa] Pee erst PPR emia eae peo Rie eyed aba ladda ae Tee ee vrei fA ts ma bi oi rei Levin r : aN teal si) e ie) mf meh wiel whe Ripe eo: ales! whe imple Peal endow Rim bsilirtiitbsd (dsed a fabtion . , agate Bai . Foret bh . Milwsiekad delse de ie mia slabaisinie herein pinle te phere miatpiecinie nent Nps aga are te bef ne » . MAdudaeedl tte ee Se ee ee a WEBER Of eee het @relleket aie! eyeleow F mie elinieh + 9) piweree . * pia leneiare 4 r, P * PAL CAD LRA R IR Pie) HL PLE IEL le leliki kd where w em! PPO O18 8 oa ete we: ee ae ; ; f Pelee he WSS ety eee ie Biale Sh aie OR ie 2) a) emp) ong) ere pie eee bybbabaenel AE AES axe eRe ’ «Nie “ PURO P ONE BP HIRE IE Pipiahe ni a) Staal oak af a eee rae ene BO Be Ple| ee vee kay mee ae piieiel ee ee ay Ce eee nest - ‘ abslbplthiddinotusdete Ree eee Mees Si aL AE olle sari! at Siacwihel invatere! DAO AiR @lebgi ah 1BEG 10) #2) b)-Bile) ze ip! we siinieteie! #8 r # pjerei tebe ef eee Rey Ry ° Piwh eh Rimini winiwh ei eibhvite bb eibnedede iille: @/ bee dese oo eer unre bgp fib dg fn dined sd lata 9 ee . 7 . WEEP plobwhe) vl wisietelieimhel e) winiimns eetine ide iideMetede Medea tte St nee See emo Eom ye oo aie » nip a tReet r ry Nene erat elena mimayelinge uPit: wi bl Sein lysine tele aie Biber meal PEE OR 5 Te RT mie) wy RMR glare OTe RE RR Ow Kise le eo ee by bdied> le 0,0)" 622 yom rie . : SORAB LPB) epee ha Bi mime el pupbeie ge mynd Hh geladien Je iaa ite) be Mein kes wh wid ee Sette Ah OzOH bee: wre )eie mie) aml elBhEl Qnmeel RAM ANCHO! BhOeeiae | coeie: Oe OTT aaa lela ualOMealone ible a tetela PT oe ie BD. 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