MINISTRY OF RECONSTRUCTION. THIRD INTERIM REPORT OF THE ADULT EDUCATION COMMITTEE. LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS. Presented to Parliament by Command of His Maijesty. LONDON: _ PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses: {wrperra, Hovusr, Kinesway, Lonpon, W.C.2, and 28, Anincpon Srrerr, Lonpon, S.W.1; 37, Perer Street, Mancuester; 1, St. ANDREW’s CRESCENT, CARDIFF; 3, Fortu STREET, EDINBURGH; or from E. PONSONBY, Lrv., 116, Grarron Street, Dustin. 1919. [Cd. 9237.]. Price 3d. Net. a, a = y ae «SS * MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE. Tob x “ r Tue Master oF Bat1ion (Chatrman),. ee al , Mrs. J. BAKER, ia: Sir Granam Baxrour. Mr. E. BEvIN, Mr. W. Crayton. Mr. R, Crime, Mr. C. T. Cramp, Mrs. T,. Huws Davies. Mr. J. H. Doncaster, Mr. R. G. Harron. Mr. F, Hopes, — Sir Henry Jones, Mr, A, Manssripcr. Re 4 Sir Henry Miers, — a F Mr. J. Morton, + . The Rev. Canon Parry, i glean Mr, R. H. Tawney, ? Mr. T. H. J. Unvervown. rank Rev. Basil A. YEAXLEE, ai i - tk Mr, Arruur GREENwoop )_ Mr. E. S. Carrwrigur — ' r - ” ig ait Ziuit ses Sit ah: 15 eis a eae p _;, - a cane rf oe Rey ae : The tC Eh Sen Gok eS 71 vat ory