SS EY 6s /¥: éul |} | Bulletin No. 11 | June 26, 1920. M. M. LEIGHTOS COMIONWEALL HY OW PENNSYLVANTA DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL APPAIRS James #. Woodward Secretary BUREAU OF TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY George H. ashley, State Geologist GAS WELDS ON NINE MILE RUN, PITTSBURGH, PENNA. BY Je Prench Robinson Drilling 2long Nine Mile Run, in the enstern suburbs of Pitts- burgh, has been resuned and during the recently completed field work Zor © report on o1l and gens in the Pittsburgh quads c-ngle, the local- | ity was exomined by the writer. - ~In 18694 -nd 1895 two wells were _ @rilled to 2 depth of 1500 fect, one. on the Keyser property, ond the _-, other on the Hayes property, ‘about one milé from the mouth of the “ run. Both produced gas. when first drilled in but were soon drovmed _* out by water. In June, 1920 the Hayes well is spouting gas ond salt water. Just recently two new wells heve been completee to the Hundrec-foot sand at a depth of 1500 feet. On May 20, 1920, one had an open flow of 3 million cubic feet per day but was soon drowned out. On May 6, 1920, the other had an open flow of 1+ million evbic feet a day and at the present time is producing about 150,000 cubic. feet daily. Two other wells being drilled in the same locality are expectea to test the Speechley sand which should be reached at a Genth of 2900 feet. It is yroposeé to drill several other wells in this vicinity. . The wells are all located near the crest of the Amity antieline which extends across the Pittsburgh quadrangle from the southwest to the northeast corner. The Amity anticline begins near Rogersville in. Greene County where the Pittsburgh coal hes an elevation of 350 feet above sea level. It extends in a northerly direction and crosses Bates Fork of Brown Creek near Swarts. It turns slightly eastward crossing into Washington County about two miles south of Ringland, thence through Lone Pine where the Pittsburgh coal has an elevation of 650 feet. The anticline passes to the north of Pinleyville, erosses into Allegheny County and goes through Wallace on Lick Run. <— me —_— oe At this point the coal has an elevation of 1040 feet above sea level. Continuing northeastward, the anticline nearly parallels Streets Run, passing about midway between Willock and New England, and just to the east of Hays Station (Rand). It crosses Monongahela River just west of the mouth of Nine Mile Run and extends along the run, erossing Forbes Street just west of Peebles Street, and Penn Avenue at Trenton Street. After passing through the junction of Oakland Street and Frankstowm Avenue, the anticline swings slightly eastware, crossing Sandy Creek about one-half mile from its mouth, and leaves the Pittsburgh quadrangle about one-helf mile east of Verona. In the Nine Mile Run district, the Pittsburgh coal has an elevation of 1150 feet above sea level, and the anticline has flattened out considerably; the dip of the strata is to the west, south and east and about 30 - 2 =