lA 3173 NZ\B p subsidiary coins. United States islands. *+December 1. 7tIndividual deposits. ments of 1922 are those of new form adopted July 1, 1922. THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK *{Includes farm property. *||Production of year immediately preceding that named. ay Mig ; aap PROGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES SHOWN IN STATISTICS, 1900-1923 By O. P. Austin, Statistician, National City Bank of New York [ranean — . (000 Omitted) 1923 1922 1921 1920 1914 1910 1900 ® Area (square miles).............. *3,027 *3,027 *3,027 *3,027 *3,027 *3,027 *3,027 Me PODULATIOL \CINOs) = . nscssccecsecdsasnscesrsvence 37,209 36,048 37,852 39,025 49,719 52,448 41,883 Bee TICMICIN Oy i fesctcsssesegntesosesnsceons 63,424 56,996 56,097 59,347 58,932 58,186 37,079 Railroads (miles) No data 7248 267 265 263 250 199 Vessels built (tons) 335 661 2,265 3,880 316 842 394 Autos manufactured (No.).. 4,000 2,659 1,680 2,206 569 19 2s rn eae Autos in use (NO.) ............... 12,300 11,550 10,752 7,904 BUSA A Dn a ee Oe prerine Autos & parts of, exported...... $102,085 $76,830 $200,708 $233,254 $34,711 $11,180 Nodata * Exclusive of Alaska and island possessions. {Estimated. t Fiscal years. §Calendar years. {Includes **Includes sugar from Note.—Circulation state-