ort oNp a aay LMANAC, FOR THAYEAR OF OUR LORD << V7 STSTSON. ‘ <2 "THE WIRD AFTER BRSSEXTILE, [7 “AND UNTIL THE OUR T ‘ee D EF’ JULY, ist Wear of the Independence - . @ Las oes OF THE Te, Se STATES. a $5 es 4 fo CNONG) A re ISIE \ 2 Calculated for the Horizon and Meridian of New Jersey, IN EQUAL OR CLOCK TIME. ay ve ¥ - > BY DAVID YOUNG, PHILOM. ~ TE LEETLEALLATEELEREAE Pe: ‘PERTH AMBOY, N. J., BF PUBLISHED AND SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY © {JAMES ALLEN. Woyes merry < ey Me ti fons MAY 19 1954 aia >a. : & part of the body it governs. ¢ (Aries,) a Ram. (Taurus,) a Bull. (Gemini, ) Twins. (Cancer,) a Crab Fish. (Leo,) a Lion. (Virgo,) a Virgin. obi «x 1 4 CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES. s¢ Feet. wif i oo know where the Sign is) find the dap of the sient and a against the day in the 4th column, you have the sign or place of @ the Moon: then find the sign here, and it ig give oH what Names and Characters of the id» of the Zodiac PRINCIPAL ARTICLES. $DOSOODY POQODOS THE ANATOMY OF MAN’S BODY; - AS GOVERNED BY THE TWELVE CONSTELL&FIONS, ~ Head and ae 2g, co s Ea ee oo SS xf (Bibre) ; Balance. m (Scorpio a Scorpion. t (Sagittarius, jan Archer. vs (Capricornus,) a Gout. or (Aquarius,) a Butler x ( Pisce) Fish, a site MOVEABLE FEAS' Dominica) Letter C. { Easter Sunday, April. Golden Number, 5 | Rogation Sunday, May Epact, 14 | Ascension, May Solar Cycle, : Whit-Sunday, May | Roman Indiction, Trinity, May 30 — Julian Period, 6560 Advent, Nov. 287 — EPOOCOSCCLOSOSOS of HT Ge vant | aap be ie ERI SOODOGO OOS DER @ Characters and Names of the Aspects, with the Angles wiich §) they include. th Aspects. Deg. Aspects. Deg § 6 Conjunction | * Sextile (obsolete.) cog) W 8 Opposition bio Nodes. ) 4 Trine (obsolete.) (120 | Q Ascending ‘ a Q- O Quartile . 90 | es Descending § “‘°°% $) Characters and Nunes of the Planets, with their Be ie Mean Distances from the Sun, und the times ) ) of their respective Revolutions. | Character& Names. Diameters in miles. Mean dis. from Revolutjog rouad the sun in miles. ine a pC p Q © . 892,163 ! & 5 ye 2,999), 86,841,327 F “a ) 9 7,660 68,841,768 a 700787 Q ae) 7,964 05,47 3,127 365.2563884 é) 4 4,118 145,014,532 686.979646 | § ut Jupiter 92,572 495,164,461 4,332.585117 %® Saturn 75,304 907,824,568 10.758,322161 ( ni Herschel . 34,585, 15825,735,)23 30,688.712687 ¢ : @ The Moon. 2,174 Sameasearth. Same as earth. Nore.—With egi ard ‘ bulk, the Sun is equal to 1,405,851 of the’? Gi Non Tupiter, to 5510's Saturn, to 845; and Herschel, to nearly 82, gThe Earth is equal to 19 et Mercury, to 7 of Mars, or to 49 of the Moon. oO" times the bulk of Venus is equal to eight times that of the Earth. () CUSTOMARY NOTES. 1. Venus ( 2) will bean Even’g Star until October 8rd. Brien Morning Star until July 22d. 1848. 2. The Mono will run highest, this year, about the 27th degree of (mr) Gemini, and lowest about the 27d degree of} A(t ) Sagittarius. "3, Latitude of Herschel (xi) about 39’ 80 south, this year.€) 4. Longitude of the Moon’s Ascending Node (8) in the middle of this. year, 6 signs, 14 degrees. & 5. Mean obliquity of the Ecliptic i in the middle of this year 23° 27" Va 1.” True atta iy 2 same time, 23° 27’ 23.6”. 8 Q EQUINOXES AND SOLSTICHS. D.u.M. ) _ Vernal Equinox March 21 0 37 Morn. a - Summer Solstice June. 21 .9 23, Even. Autumnal Equinox ' September 23 11 26 Morn, Q- Winter Solstice December 22 5 9 Morn. time of the Sun’ setting , and from the sum subtract the time bof risin hot eSoooconc. OPPO _ Rule to find tl the len rth of the day.—Add 12 honrs to ie) HB $s ~ Pe cn ECLIPSES. | 000 There will be two Eclipses of the Sun, and two of the Moon, this year. * ov I.—There will he an Eclipse of the Moon on Wednesday, March 31, at 4h. 21m. in the afternoon, invisible in America. Visible in the Eqstern Hemisphere. ; I{.—-There will be an Eclipse of the Sun on Thursday, April 15, at, lh, 26m. in the morning, invisible in America. Its chief visibilijgy will be in the Indian Ocean, and the adjacent regions of the Sotttiern Ocean, extending to 86° of SoutHMatitude. It will be visibl@ (wholly or in part) at the Cape of Good Hope, Mada- jesser neighboring islands. It will be centraMand tor ridian, in long. 89° 58’ east from Greenwich and laf’24° 30’ south. tiI.—There will be an Helbipse of the Moduler Friday, Sep- tember 24, at. 9h. 29m. in \, eee invisible here. ‘The be- ginning of the Eclipse may be seen at Califo in Asia the whole will be visible. . ' 1V.—There will be an Eclipse of the Sun#n Saturday, Octo- ber 9, at 4b. 1tm. in the morning, invigible ir merica, except the north-eastern coast of Greenland. It will be visible in Europe, the greater part of Asia, and the northern’part of Africa — It will be central and annular on the meridian, in long. 47° tl’ east from Greenwich, and lat. 31° 22 north. It will be annular in the south parts of Great Britain and Ireland, and in the northof Franee. The centre will pass very little south of Cape Clear in Ireland, about 15 miles south of Exeter, in England, and about the like distance north of Havre, in {*rance; while the annular phase of the Eclipse will extend more than 100 miles on each side of the path of the centre. lhus it will be annular at Limerick, Wexford, Waterford, Cork and Kinsale, in Ireland; at Cardiganaud Swansea, in South Wales ; at Bristol, Greenwich, Dover, Portsmouth, Plymouth and other towns in the south part of England ; and at Calais, Boulogne, Havre, Honfleur, Caevand Cherbourg, on the neighboring coast of France. Magnitude at Edinburg, 9.95 digits on the Sun’s sou- thern limb; at Brest, 10.87 digits on the northern limb. 4 c— RF ALOE PS 2 and Oregon, and Anecpore,—‘‘ Well Pat, my good fellow,” said-a victorious General toa brave son of Evin after a bloody battle, “and what did you do to help us gain this victory ®’ ‘ Do!” replied Pat, “may it plase yer honor, I went up boldly to wun of the enemy and cut off his fut/” “ Cut off hile: and why did you not cut off his head?” **Ah! and faith, that was off a é, ready ‘” SE oo ry Ja al mh a i o Z J , Sar?” x J Gg ’ Y grr feo A TABLE _ Showing, to the nearest second, what time it ought to ve by aClock ‘whien the sun’s centre is on the meridian, once in every four days. » ; f January | February | March April May June Dp. H.M.s.| H. MS.| H. M.S.) H..M.S, | WH. M.S. | H. M.S. | p, S Lyeve 3 49} 013 53) 012 37} 0 4 Uj) 11 56 58/11 57 261 4 peo} 0 5.397.014 18{ 911 45) 0 2 48)-4) 56 31,11 58 4; 5 .. 91 0 7 23) 014 30] 01047); VU 1 39) It 56 14]11 58 48) 9 134, 0.8 56] 014 30)°0 943] O 0 34/11 56 61/11 59 36) 13 37) 0.10 23) 01418; 0 8 35] morning. | 11 56 7] eve 0 27) 17 21] 011 36 | OF 99) 0 7 23} -11) 58.41) 11 5617 |. 0.1 19 | 21 £95) 0.12 37) 0 13°21) '0 6°10} 11 57 54/11 56 35} 092 11) 25 291 0 13 25) O, 4 56 bbl 57.15 [1b 57 2 Gees 0/29 July | Septem. | October | Novem. Decem. D.| A. M.S. H. M 8S.j H. M.S.| H. M.S.j| H. M.S. | D. 1] 0 3°34) 2; morning. | 11 49 45 | 11 43 44/11 49 11] 1 5} 0 4 B70 5 44) 11 58 39] 11 48 31411 43 45] 11 50 47) 5 91 0°448; 0 5 17111 57 19) 11 47 23; 11 43 59] 11 52 31 | 9 13} °0 5 21 | 0 4 40] 11 55 56a 46 2211 44 27411 54 22) 148 17) 0-5 47) 0 3 55), 11 54 32411 45 30/11 45 8] 11 56 18 | 17 21} 0° 6 4| @ 3.1411 53 8] 11 44 46] 11 46 2] 11 58 17) 2) 25) 0.6.11) O 3 59)11-51 54] 11 44 13) 11 47 Dhev 017) 25 29} 0 6 10 | O00 5h | 11 50 24) 11 43 52111 48 238) 0 2 15123 —ma@ erm ASTRONOMICAL CALCULATION, Showing all the visible Eclipses of the Moon at Jerusalem, from Julian Pe- ici, 4,710, to J. P. 4,717 inclusive, with the vulgar year of the Christian Era. | : ” 3 4 ~ 4 ol ~_ v* 4710 | ——4] March 11, visible. 4711 | ——31 No Eclipse of the Moon this year. 0 ——2 | None visible 4713 |} ——=1} January 8, visible and total. é ‘ ——1 December 28, partly visible. , “A714 A. D.1 | None visible. ’ 4715 | a.v.2| November 8, visible. A716 | a.v.3| May 3, visible and total. ATI6 | a. v.3 | October 28, visible and total. 4717 | a.v.4 | October 16, visible. | The first four years are marked with the negative sign, becduse they are previous tothe commencement of the vulgar Christian Era. The ealculations are made in the New Style. oa. Wer a b A Table exhibiting the Dominical Letter for every year in the 19th Drie. A.D.O| 1 2/3|4|516|7|8|9 1." DIRECTIONS. Ilo! «| PD, C | BJAG; # | E| DiGB) A | The Dominical letter for (181|G|F ED| C| B]AIGF| E\p | C jlany year will be found 182)B A| G | KF, &\DCi B| A} G| FR) D jagainst the first $ figures ey Ci BIAG P| Ki DICB! Alg | F Jof the date and under the 154'0D) C | B | AGE) E} D | C\pa4| G | 4th or unit figure. There So) |) KB |DC| B} Al G|FE| D) © | B are two Dominical letters 186/AG] F |} EB} DICB! A! G) Figpl o |/for every Bissextile year ; 187 8 | A ler} &} D| CB Al G, F | & the first serving for Jan. 28\pc!B!A!GIFE| D|C!B\laq| BF land Feb. and the other 1389) | DICB)| Aj G| F\/ED/C | B fr | for the remainder of the [1901G[F] | DICB) al G|F\DE ¢ jyear. Luble showing what Day of the Week any Day of the Months, January, October|A'B C DBE G DIRE Feb. March, Nov.\D EF Ga BC Seck the ninical Totter April,. J aly, GABC Dp KF || forthe gi against the May, IB C DERGA given month in this table,and Jane, ~ ® fF G A B.C D || the figures Below in that col August. 1DER GA B nin, show the 2 ms Oe a. 5, ae month answering to each o Soutewp tard Deg =" HO A eee Ee the Sundeyes- from the neare_ 4 2 8 4 5 6 7 || est of which tothe given day, S 9 10 41 12 48 14 |) count batkward or forward in 15 16 17 18 19 2@ 2) || the week, as in the following 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 || exampl 29 80 $1 What day of the week was May 28th, 1808? The Dominical letter for that year, after February (it being bissextile) was B, which against May stands over the 29th day. Now as the 29th’ was Srey, the 2&th, you Know, mast pave been Saturday. A TABLE, Divecting what quantitics of ume to add to, or “Tbwaeliios from. the time of High water at New-York, (contained in the leet column of the: calender pages,) to find the time of High Water atthe places here enumera-} ted, [a] denotes adition, [s] gubtreaticnl Places’ Names. H.M. Places’ Names, a)6 30|Hackensack, H.M., Fiaces’ Names. al3 0! Polopel’s Island, |ai3 0 HM. | Albany, Amboy, s!Q 45] f¥alifax, a/3 0}|Port Roseway,, | s|0 50 Annopolis, D.M.|s}2 0/ flartford, a| 2 20) Port Royal, 8.C. | s 0 35 Annopolis, N.S. |s/3 0| Hel!-Gate, a/0 30} Portsmouth, a, oy go) Boston, aj}2 15 Huntington, a| 2 Providence, Bridgetown, E.J.|a)} 0 45! Ipswich, a} 4 |Purrysburg,,S. C.) s . ‘ Burlington, aj 0 20! Jamestown, al0 50| Quebec, ald 4 Cape Ann, aj2 40) Kingston Esopns,| a|5 Reedy Island, aj2 50 Cape Fear, aj/l 10|Main Ocean, s|0 45|Rhode Island,{ |s |0 15 Cape Hatteras, jaf2 0/Nantuket Shoals} s|1 30!Salem, jai2' 45 Cape Henry, al2 0 Newburyport, a|2 45|Sandy Hook, s 0 4 Cape Bay, aj/2 15;New Haven, a/2 13)/Savannah, sjl IQ Charleston Lt. H.ja}2, 0) New Providence,}s | 1 25;Saybrook, a 215 Cape May. s|0 45;Newtown Liding,| a} bl 0;)Sanbury, Ga. a/0 30 Cape Cansn, s|0 30/Penobscot, * ,, | a/3. 0) Tybee Bar, afO0 15 | Fairfield, a|2 0} Philadelphia, a/5 0! White Stone, 2: 45 Geergetown Bar,|s|2 0| Piscatawey, a|2 40) Wiliamsburg,Va. |a (2 35 © Guildtord. aj l 30; Plymouth, -a|l 35) Wilmington, Del. |a {3 20 } Nat & EEE ———————————— SECRETE AED ORTON AR ROE NET NCL? RETO IE CSE ae zt | 1st Month. | | 2 icici NF OO ON AOA 09 So a 26 ~ Hath at aie Full@ id. Yh. Full@ id. 9h. 46m. morn.. Third Qr. 9d. Ih. 44m. even. New © 16d. 7h. 49m. even. Various Phenomenas & KR. & S. | pt 4@r. high. Perhaps7 17 & aa I[i.d. 1820. 7 16 | 30 7\ [snow. 7 Py net abe eon 2stat.7 14 JANUARY | UU ult : u Hi i! ” es i ! “epi uo surgeq 6\Circumcis. 0 © H.I7 274 Cold |7 27/\4 Cj2d 8S. aft. Christmas.'7 27|4. 3/2fsouth 9 24, 7 2714 A\Epiphany. @in ap.'7 27/4 5|Betelguese s. 10 39./7 27/4 6|N.O. Bat. 1815. (7 27/4 71@ Q. Cold winds.'7 27 A (jist Sun. aft Epiph.|7 26/4 2\Dr. Dwight d. 1817.7 26/4 3/7x*s. set. 3 45. 7 264° 4\Cher. Miss est. 1817.\7 25/4 5;|®runs low. Cold 4 : 2 south 8' 42, penetrating C Franklin 5. 1706. 2}@in per. [winds. shes rises 1 41. 4j@ent. wy. 5\Agnes. Snow 6 2{ south 813. @¢? 7| [may be existed. Crd Sun. aft. Epiph, 2. Conv. of St. Paul. 3 2zf sets 3 20. ~y nw WwW A Oe ioe eS ee i bet RE BD tO AO ADD AO AY AD bY AS AD @eoqocrnrses 8| 5 Betelguese s.9 16. |7 16 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Alj2 42 43 45 46 47 A$ 49 50; ee ee oe A ee 5 SE EEE | #% de. 22 29 fincreasese7 27\4 44/22 22 22, 22 22 22 21 at 21 21 21 17 17 -—— oe eG Rs in i Ge ca inne AER ane QAOnRSERN WeERENe: ETULIONS 1 56 51 45 38) 31 24 16 4 59 50) 40 30) Gg rFiree Gr 23d. 11h. 22m. morn. Full-@ 31d. 3h. 33m. morn. | Ww. | ©; ® R. Msou./H. Scirises. |morn.|8 38 251g 1210 3219 22 QZ 10/1 + 20!to al 198: 712 Giro 37 myi9 82 5011 12 ! 1139 593 33/11 45 25/10 55/4 ere 11 5914 5810 57 | 19;mMorn.|9 AQ 84 | mio 506 252 16 13/1 497 11/3 14 | 26:2 498 114. 26 113 49/8 54\5 39 | 2314 499 506 49 ysis 4610 48/7 43 22) sets. {11 478 ah wl§ 10lev. 469 19 297. 93\L 4810 5 18 352 29/10 49 | 229 473 33111 33 "110 564 26! morn | 20! morn.'9 15/0 19 || s10 «64/6 101 6 Tri2 13/7 54/2 | 1438 123 464 2! 264 719 8715 20 | 4 5710 276 37 2115 AL 11 15\7 39 |f 5SU6 21 morn. i8 28 | 16) rises.|0 2/9 £10 | ra 9\ 3iPurif. B. V. M. 3) 4|® in apogee, High Dee wWwo He COHNVYAMA ws? B2 DO BD DS DO DO AD Om om oe et ot ot oe 43) Third Qr. 8d 8h. 43m. morn New © 15d.6h. 30m. morn Varwous Phenomena i | Ge 5. uc. ®, i7 131a 712 2f sets. 2.56. N. W. winds. Earthq. at Sic. 1780) Sirius s. 9 32 © Q | ‘Sexacesimad 9b. Probably some 2fsets 2 25. [snow. Procyon sou, 10 9. @rurs low. Windy Sirius south. 9 8. Cold and \Quinguages, Valen ® in per. [stormy.| Superior 6 @%. Ash Wednesday. ® 23. Piercin | 2fvsets,.1 49, Ist S. im Lent. 1©2.. [ weather. co 3 WaMSR YS PON AeA wwWONAUME ON OstAN ADA AANMNNANNANN ®enters 3. | winds.'6 W’n. b:1732..6 © bi @runshigh. Steady|6 S. Matthias. 6 Winter ¢ ‘Elias Hicks d. 1830.16 | 28! Clzd Sun. in Lent. 4) Ff 115 7 105 915 85 | First Qr. 21d. 11h. even | © (@seiH W. 15) Su. 6 54| 0 47] 9 46 1716 5090) 7 51| 1 30)10 19 18 33/21) 8 47 13}10 50, 19 ~ 9 43 2 55/11 20 2015 571510 40, 3 3711 52 22 2711 37| 4 20eyv, 23 23,15 20 m\morn. | 5, 0 58 2415 121) 0 35 5 52) 1 35 25.14 42 ¢] 1 34, 6 42) 2 22) 27 17] 2, $2| 7.35.3 27 28 vs 3 29' 8 3014 514 2913 4315) 4 23 9 28) 6 11 30:13 2330 5 1410 26) 7 22 32 ae 6 O11 25} 8 13 33): 30) sets.'ev. 22} 9 1 34 Zi3€| '7 24 I 19 9 48 3512 1130) 8 37] 2 1410 32 3611 407) 9 49 3 911 16 38.11 193010 58) 4 311 59 39 5/| 8 morn. 50 morn. 4010 3527/0 4 50, 0 43.5 4110 1401/1 6 6 42 1 27) 42; 9 52:23] 2. Qt, 3462 18 6 Ad 1.2 54)-8 24.3 25 45 is} 3 40), 9 13) 4 51 46 GL} 4 21.9 59, 6 12 47\ 8 23|\1 | 4 5810 45! 7 23 48) 8 025! 5.311 28 8 9 wy a Bg » a 3d Month. ° MARCH. 1847. at , Hath 31 days. ‘Aepuopl uo suisag | \ z LUNI [een ae on SH — Full @ id. 10h. 13m. even. First Qr. 23d. Oh. 45m. even. | Third Qr, 9d. 11h. 43m. morn. | Full @ 31d. 4h. 21m. even. { New ® 16d. 4h. 15 m. even. . —— [| VariousPhenomena.' # ih. S.'2 de,@ @® 8. @ sou, H. W ——— eo = j 1! 2/St. David. © Cold 6 375 49| 7 87/my| 6 2 mor, 8 50 | =: rig in apogee. 16 35,5 50) 7 15/18) rises.| O 11) 9 24) 3) 4 weather 6 34)5 52! 6 52/30) 7 361 0 53! 9 56 | 4 519 By ite, G 32/5 53 2 29| = 8 33) 1° 36)10 A 5| OM Q. continues '§ 31)/5 54 6/24; 9 30} 2 19110 54 6 7 Procyon south 8 35.6 295 55) 5 42mi10 27) 3 811 25 { 7} Oj3d Sun. in Lent. (6 27/5 56| 5 1918)11 24/3 agit 53 jh g| 2'Blustermeg. 6 2615 57) 4 56/30) morn.) 4 36iev. 27 9 3 Regulus Bi. 10 51.16 245 58) 4 32) 7/ 0 22) 5 26, 1 5 | 0) 4)@ runslow. Morel6 235 59] 4 926) 1 18] 6 19) I 51 | HRP [moderate.|6 21/6 0) 3 45\ys| 2 11) 7 14) 2 50 | 9| 6 Martyr Gregory. 6 196 2! 3 2224/3 1/8 9 4 12 13| 7/4 discovered 1781.6 186 3] 2 5847) 3 4819 6) 5 39 4 C Mid. L. 8’s g. el. (6 166 4) 2 35/23) 4 3110 3) 6 56 15) 2Jackson b. 1767. (6 146 5| 2 11/3€] 5 12/11 0 7 52 | : 16 3\@in per. Windy 6 13/6 6) 1 47/23) sets. |11 56, 8 40 rd meh Patrick. ho 116 7| 1 23/7] 7 24iev. 52) Y 25 18) 5) 2. cold.6 94 8) 1 O24 8 36,1 4810 9 19) 6|Procyon sou. 744. 6 86 9 0 36/%| 9 46 2 44/10 53 3(| 7| Snow or rain. 6 66 10) S. 12:23110 52) 3 39'11 36) 21 Ci5th. S.inLent. © (6 (4/6 11)N. 11)/Ti/11 53) 4 34\morn, | 22) 2,@runs high.[ent.f.|6 316 12) 0 ooze morn.| 5 28} 0 18) 123) 3\Look for a storm. (6 1/6 13; 0 59/35} 0 48) 6 20) 1 3 | 24, 4 Gsets 8/14. + 596 14) 1 22/15 1 377 Gigs | 5Annun. of B. V. M.5 58/6 15) 1 46,27) 2 20! 7 57 2 54 26) 6 Unsettled. (5 56:6 16) 2 OG) 2 58) 8 43) 4 16, av ee dae de 41. [5 546 17| 2 $3/22| 2 83) 9 27| 5 37 ] 28; C\Palm Sunday. 5 5316 18) 2 56iny; 4 410 9 6 49 i 2) 2. @in anogeis and 5 51/6 20) 3 20115 4.3410 52) 7 42 | | 30 3}. [irksome weather.|5 496 21) 3 4827 s) 2il¢ 34} 8 21 g 31| 4Inferior 6 © &. 5 4816 22) 4 6 =! rises.!morn.| 8 52 ~_ 5 ee ee, Oe ee. By Seen ea ae Semen a ee oe eo ee ee ei cect ccczscsenin oan cee ieuesat CEE esse 7 Gites Cee BITC ES cl Eee, MAA —=OVUVANAVHK WON COO CNAVA ON Hath 30 days. 2 C ® &. Easter Sun. 6 © Hi Regulus sou.9 5. | ®r. low. [unsettled. qsets § 47, Now probably [a storm. Spica NY sou. 0 6. Low Sunday. More [ pleasant. ® in perigee &. stat. ® °3. Frequent [showers. | Spica sou. 1138. Franklin d. 1790. 2d Sun. aft. Easter. ®runs high. Quite ©ent. B. Warm and pleasant. 2f sets 10 23. St. George. Spica my sou. 11.7. St. Mark. Many wenOQwoaunwenwnOnaunan ONOnNaYygaAon 4 29) 9 30! 6 ¢sets9 41. ® in apogee. 3’sgr.elong. @ 2.9 showers.|9 still 5 CK nr Man aranr ar a Ga aa Ua aA Goa ao a Goa OF 5 APRIL, Third Qr. 8d. 10h. 30m. morn. New @ 15d. 1h.26 m. morn. Various Phenomena. £3 RK. & 5. & de. O) © KR. | The weather 5 6 Jefferson b. 1743. 5 Ae Friday. Full @ 30d. Sh. 30m. morn. 466 23| 4 29=| 7 24) 0.17) 9 24 456 24, 4 53m) 8 21) 1 119 56 436 25| 5 1615] 9 19} 1 46110 27 4116 26) 5 392710 16 2 34110 57 4016 27; 6 14 |t1 12 $25) 30 38/6 28) 6 24/23|morn| 4 14ev, 3 if 3616 291 6 47\v3! 0 55 70 435 35/6 30| 7 9201 0 56.6 J) 1 32 | $316 311 7 32.21 1 421 6.55! 2 31) 32'6.32) 7 5418] 2 25) 7 5013 52 | 306 33} 8 163¢| 3 5) 8 4515 l4ie- 2816 34| 8 38117) 3 43) 9 39] 6 29 | 2716 35} 9 Op) 4 21110 34] 7 28 25/6 86) 9 21/17/ 4 5911 30| 8 16 | 2416 37] 9 48) sets. lev. 26/9 1 22/6 38/10 4/16] 8 31) 1 23) 9 46 2116 389)10 26\T7| 9 37) 2 1910 32 196 40/10 4715|10 36) 3 15)11 14 | 186 4111 7/28)11 29} 4 10)11 56)8 166 42)!1 28:9 morn.| 5 Fonoren | , 1516 43)11 49\24| 0 16) 5 52) O 4018 1316 44112 9Q) O 57] 6 39) 1 28 | 12/6 45/12 29118) 1 33] 7 24] 2 id 116 4612 49/3012 68 73 36 | 96 47/13 Olnp! 2 36) 8 49) 4 51) 86 4813. 2824 3 5| 9 32 6 3|| 66 49)L3 47\2| 8 34/10 14 7 2ih- 56 5014 618) 4 3/10 58 7 sah 46 5214 2530) 4 S411 43) 8 20] 26 53\14 44m) risesJmorn.| 8 54 a ee BR), CE ays cali P naps ae CERERITH: DS 1 QCRN NTA ALA er ETD First Qr. 22d. 4h. 13m. morn. CSP ES STE PSN ST ANSTO PA LED TVS ee Gens 2 Oe Po PSD _ aR ————}$ $e ES Ath Month. = aie 1847. | “AEpsiny y, uo sursag| ‘Aepinyeg uo surseq Third Qr.7d. 5h. 53m. even. New @ 14d. 10h.27m. morn. First Qr. 21d. 9h. 3m. even. Full @ 29d. 9h. 50m. even. Various Phenomena.| 2 R28 8/2 de. ®) © R. ® soul, W. 7\Sts. Philip §& James.5 16 5415 2'1| 8 10) 0 30} 9 aT C/4th S. a. East. 5 06 5515 20/¢/19 8 1 19110 oO 2i@zunslow. Fined 596 5615 38/2010 2) 2 41/10 33 3 growing 4 576 5715 55 y3il0 53) 3 4)11 >| 4\N. Buona. d. 1821. /4 566 58/16 131611 41) 3 57/11 45 Pe © Us [ weather. 4 556 59/16 30/30) morn.| 4 5Sljev. 29 6\2¢ sets 9 39, 4 547 016 4627) 0 24) 5 44) 1 19] 7|Spica ng sou. 1012.4 537 117 3/28 1 4) 6 37| 2 20 | CiRogation Sunday. |4 517 217 19)3€| 1 41] 7 30) 3 32 2 Now plant thej4 507 317 3927) 2 18) 8 23) 4 ot 3i/@in' per. [maize.4 49:7 4)17 51/7) 2 54,9 166 1 | 4\A. T. S.anniv.® &./4 48,7 5/18 ~626| 3 3110 13] 7 0 S/Ascension Day. (4 477 618 21)y| 4 11j)L1 6) 7 51 | 6/Arcturus sou: 10 40.4 467 618 3625 sets. | ev. 3) 8 41 / ata Warm4 45:7 718 50)[7| 8 20) 1 0] 9 28 | C\sun. aft. Ascension.4 447 819 423) 9 171 1.5610 12 y 1 ae [showers.|4 437 9/19 18/95/10 8] 2 5010 55 8| 9sets 10:12. [1780.4 43)7 10/19 31,3910 52} 3 42/11 37 4,Dark day in N. E.,/4 427 1319 44;Q./11 31) 4 32\morn. Mhataycte d. 1834. |4 41.7 1219 57)44 morn.) 5 18) 0 20° 6 enters Ty. Hot'4 407 1320 9126/0 6 6 3) 1 5 7 Spica ny sou. 917..'4 397 1420 21 ny| 0 37) 6 46) 1 56 | C Whit Sun. @in : ap. 4 88:7 45/20 3320) 1 7) 7.28) 2 52) 2 Q. Victoria b. 1819.4 387 16120 45.2.) 135,810) 4 1 | 3@® RQ. Pleasant 4 $7,7 17/20 56)14; 2) 4) 8 53,5 3k 4Calvin died, 1564. |4 367 £721 6/26) 2 34) 9 38) 6 a 5)Arcturus sou. 9 49./4 S67 28/21 i7/m 3 610 24) 6 58 {f 6|Wm. Pitt born, 1759/4 35!7 19/24 2620) 3 42/b1 13) 7 wolf 7 ‘Hot and'4°35'7 20/21 86) ¢ |rises. |morn.| 8 23 | ©\Trinity Sunday. |4 34/7 21/21 4516) 7 56,0 49 1 Qeruns low. [dry.j4 347 2121 54/30i § 50| 0 581 9 38) ee | Third Qr. 5d. LLh. 10m. even. New ® 12d. 7h. 56m. even. First Qr. 20d. 2h. 36m. even Full @ 28d Sh. 27m. morn. | | —) Various Phenomena \®& R. @ 51g 1\ 3|@ sets 1022. Fairl4 33:7 22/22 9| 4lArcturus sou. 9 25, |4 33'7 23/22 3 5|0 © b. [and warm.|4 32|7 23/22 4| GSuperior dO 8. |4 32/7 24/22 5| 7\Dr. Worcester d. |4 32/7 25/22 6| Clist. Sun. ait. Trin. |4 31)7 25/22 | 7| 2/@ in per. [1845.|4 3117 26122 g| 3'@ 23. Jackson died, |4 31,7 27/22 9| 4S. 1, Southard born/4 31/7 27/22 10| 5\Arct. s. 8 54. [1787.\4 807 28/23 11| 6\St. Barnabas. Very/4 307 2823 12| 7\N. Y. incorp. 1665.4 307 29/2 13| C'@runs high, warin|4 30/7 2923 14) 2\9 sets 10 21. 4 307 30:23 [Ls 3)br. 11 50.[weather4 30:7 3023 16.4; @¢- __ [1775.|4 30/7 S023 | 17; 5 Bunker Hill Battle,/4 30/7 31/23 +, 18| OBat. Waterloo 1815.4 307 31/23 | 1y| 7 Perhaps thunder. 4 307 31/23 [| 22 clasts co! 6 @2u.14 307 32/23 ; | 91| 2;@ent. %.[showers|4 31/7 32/23 22 31© &- A 31/7 32/23 | 93| 4/Antares sou. 10 13./4 31/7 32/23 24 5|St, John Bap. stat.4 31/7 32/23 256 Showers in|4 32'7 33/23 | 26) 7 various|4 32/7 33/23 27| Cl4th Sun. aft. Trin, |4 32/7 33/23 | 28| 2\Madison died 1836./4 33/7 33/23 29| 3\St. Peter. [places. |4 33/7 33/23 | 30} 4\ Q@ sets 19 6. JA 33\7 33123 dc. @ @ R,.@®sou,H. W. 2\v5| 9 40] 1 52/10 16 10|27|10 25) 2 47/10 53 18/11 6) 3 41/11 35 25125|11 44| 4 85lev. 19 32|/%€\morn.| 5 27) 1 10! 39\23|.0 20} 6 19} 2 8 | 45\"| 0 '55)-7 11) 3 me | 50121, 1 3a| 8 3] 4 25, 561812 8] 8 56 5 80) 1/20) 2 491 9 51) 6 86) 5itr| 3 34/10 46|-7 a6 9/17} sets {11 42) 8 28 13\%| 7. 58jev. 38) 9 14] 1614) 8 46) 1.31) 9 58 | 1927 9 27 2 22110°39 { 2110 .4| 3 11/11 19] 23/22|)10 38] 3 57111 ap 25\nv\11 8) 4 41k) morn. 26/1611 37) 5 23) 0 391 27/28|morn.| 6 6) 1 19 Q7\~| 0 66482 5) 27/22] 0 35| 7 82) 2 58 | 27\a1| I. 6 8 174 8) 2616, 1 39,9 45 a! 25/29) 2 17, 9 551 6 6) 23:\¢| 3 O|L0 47) 7 2 | 21/25) 3 49\k1 42) 7 496 18] 79 rises. | morn.) 8 35 ; 15\23| 8 22 0 38) 9 17 12, 9 5| 134110 O *Aepson y, uo suiSeg > aa eee ee a ee GROEN CARRE: eer eC QE SRE eer amine id 1847 | wo (ee) = | = mM © > | ar | . Sed || bob) ae 1 ‘Phird Qr. 5d. 3h. 46m. morn. First Qr. 20d. 7h. 56m. morn. New ©, 12d. 6h. 42m. morn. | Full @ 27d. 5h. 12m. even. “1 1Various Phenomena. Rt Se dce\®| © R..@ sou.| H. W. {| 5|\Wyomihg massacre.4 347 3323 8.27 9°45) 2.29/10 42 | 6 Vis. B.V.M. [1778/4 347 33,23 4/3€|10 23} 3: 23/01 25 706 ¢. Very|4 35,7 3223 0.2010 58) 4 I6/ev. 10 CIndependence. 4.357 32/22 5517 11 34 ‘ 2 D Re hot | 3] [ weather. AlAntares sou. Y 18. 5|b rises 10 20. 6,Cool breezes. 7\@r- high, OOW. %’s or. elongation. | 2; Qsets 9 47. 3'Perhaps rain. | 4\Frorev. com. 1789.' K pion Clinton b 1739 16| 6'Antares sou. 8 43. 1A 7 Quite |4 447 q Ci7th Sun. aft; Trin. |4 45'7 2\@ 3. ~ [pleasant.|4 467 3|b rises 9 32, 4 47\7 25)|20 43/30/11 38 4\Burns died, 1796. |4 43;7 24: 5 Expect4 487 23) 6|® enters (. [rain.4 49|7 22/20 Sif} O 53 7\6 stat. Ht stat. 4 50;7 2219 56,20 1 38 Cl o’sgrel. St. James4 51,7 2119 433) 2 30/10 24 i 2\St. Anne. 4 52/7 20)19 30/17} 3 29)11 21 B27] 3). More |4 53|7 1919 16) rises.| morn. 4/28] 4\Vega south 107. |4 5417 1819 3/16) 7 42) 0 18 4.29) 5 [showers. |4 55/7 17|18 49|3¢| 8 22| 1 14 4, 30; 6|/Dog d’sb. © Saliahio 5617 16|18 35/15) 8 59} 2 . 9/10 ¥\ 31| 7/5 south 2 23. 4.56 867 3222 49/18morn. 377 8222 44/y! 0 10 377 3122 8716 0 4 887 31/22 31/30] 1 31 83/7 3122 24\11| 2.17 4 4 5 4 4 4 39:7 30:22 17/27 4 4 -t 4 a 4 4 Gn = GO NT OO WD k BO bet COON AMWWEHE OS t© pe Or oo wy) qr — = row 19/11 3 10 ws NAY qn wD On ts ras) on Ray — 3) i eo pen CMOrIODvrpa HR WHEY < to = Nba WH eH ON PP OWN NW RO 7 1518 20/30' 9.35] 3 3/11 ‘kenung uo sursaq 15/6 5112 51 7/11 31) .6 25) 1 22 | ' 90 6 perhaps|> 16/6 50:12 31)15|morn! 7 16) 2 10 [ 21 7'@runs low. [rain.'5 17|6 4812 11280 18 8 9 3 10 | /22' Ci12th Sun. aft. Trin. |5 18)6 4711 S5ilysil 12) 9 5) 4 30 | 23| 2 @enters NY. Windy.|5 19/6 46)11 3125.2 13/10 1) & 45 | 24) 3.St. Bartholomew. |5 20/0 44/11 11,3 19110 58) 658 25, 4/3 ’s:gr. elong. 5 21/6 43/10 5025/4 29\11 54) 7 48 | ; 26) 5 - [brilliancy./5 22/6 41/10 29) 3 rises.,morn.| 8 38 1 |! 27| 6 ® in per. 'Q at gr.|o 23/6 39)10 8/2517 32) 0 50! 9 24 {f 28) 7) St. Augustine.® 3.5 24\6 38) 9 47/7/38 10) 1 4610 7 | 29) CSt. John Bap. beh, |5 25/6 36) 9 26248 49) 2 4110 50|f 80) 2\Paley born, 1743.. |5 26/6 35}9 5 8/9 381) 3 3611 35 {| 311 3 Quite cool. 5 27|\6 33/8 4323/10 15].4 gliev.18 | Bt Ese Sa RS A a Rn a a b ad 4 a ie ” re 9th Month. SEPTEMBER. 1847. sepsoupaa, uo sursag Third Qr. id. 4h. L3im. even. first Wr. b7d. Zh. 25m. even. New @ 9d. 10h. 52m. morn. | Fuil 24d. Oh. 29m. morn. | (Various Phenomena, 2% R.% S.\g¢d.N ©.© R..@sou.H. W. | 1; 4g south 4 1. Very5 286 32) 8 Q2Uifi1l 3) 5 26/1. 6! 2.5.8 Qb- pleasant 296 30 8 02611 54] 6 20) 1 56 | 3} 6}@runshigh. [days.|5 30/6 28| 7 88%\morn.| 7 13) 3 31 4| 7:Altair south 8 49.|5 316 27| 7 15/16 048) 8 5] 4 24 | 5| Cil4th Sun. aft. Trin./5 316 25) 6 53:29)'1 44) 8 55|.5 44) 6| 2\Lafayette b. 1757. 15 326 .24| 6 31\.| 2 41) 9 43) 6 58 | 7| 3\Han, More d. 1833.5 836 2216 9123 3 3810 29 7 49| g| 4\Nativity B. V. M. |5 346 20| 5 46iny| 4 3611 13] 8 31 | 9| 5|Perhaps rain. 5 356 19|'5 23/17) sets.|11 56) 9 6 10) 6| 9 stat’ Dog d’send.|5 366 17| 5 129) 6 42ev. 38) 9 39 | 11 7t@in apogee, @ 82.13 37'6 15| 4 38) 7.11) 1 2119 8 12) C\l5th Sun, aft. Trin.5 386 14) 4 15/23) 7 41) 2 3/10 39 | 2Quite cold winds. [5 3916 12) 3 52)m/| $8 13) 2 47\11 10 | 3\Moscow burnt 1812'5 406 10) 3 2917} 8 48) 3 32/11 89 4\Sur. of N.Y. 1776.15 41:16 9} 3 6129! 9 27) 4 19/morn. 5 Look for 5 426 7/2 43/7/10 11) 5 8! 0 13 | 6 @runslow. wets 436 5,2 202311 1/ 5 59) 0 48) ZFomalhaut s.1058.5 446 4) 1 50911 57| 6 52) 1 382 | Cisup. 6d © 8 weather.5 456 2| 1 3320imorn| 7 46) 2 32 2\msouth10 45. |5 466 0 1 10, @ 58) 8 41) 8 52 3)St. Matthew. More'5 475 59) 0 4618 2° 5) 9 36 5 15, 4) g rises 7 58. 5 485 57N. 233¢) 3 15:10 321 6 31 5i@enters =. rains 495 55/0 018) 4 2811 28) 7 27 | A| 6|®in per. $ sta.M 9 505 5558, 24 "| rises.morn.| 8 151% 7| [may be expected.5 515 52, 0 47/18) 6 42 0 25) 8 58 Cii7th San. aft. Trin.5 525 50) 1 11)y) 7 24) 1 21) 9 43 | 2\Perhaps frost. 5 535 48) 1 34/18 8 8) 2 1810 238) 3} b south 1011. 9 945, A7| 1 57 T7)\.8 56 8 1641 al 29 4St. Mich. [high./5 5555 45) 2 21161 9 48) 4 1211 56 BU) 5\St. Jerome. © runs'5 565 43! 2 4413010 42,5 Tey. 43 | | ~~ | ‘Siord Qr. Ld. 2h. 40m. morn. | Full @ 23d. Gh. 40m. even, | | »New ® 9d. 4h. 11m. morn. Third Qr. 30d. 5h. Om. even, First Qr. 17d.2h. 45m. morn. Various Phenomena. #8 KR. & S.\ fs de. ® © R.® sou H.W. | | 1 AB cath 2 iT 5 575 42/8 Sigil 39|.6. 1 dao 2;\ 7; Cold blustering 5 585 40) 3 3 26 morn. 6 52) 2 38! | 3| C\Inferior 6 © 9. 5 5915.38) 3 54,Q. 0 36) 7 All 8 59] #412 [winds. 6 015 37] 4 17/20) 1 33| 8 27) 5 20 | 5| 3Brainard died 1747.6 15 35] 4 40 ny| 2 30| 9 11] 6 32 6| 4b sets3.7. Frosty6 2/5 33) 5 4/14) 3 27,9 55) 7 24 | 7| S'Sirius rises0 33. (6 45 32 5 27/26] 4 2310 37, 8 3 | i! 8 6G @inapogee.. ©Q.6 55 30) 5 50) 5 1811 19) 8 38! | 9| 7» south 9 26. G 65 29) 6 1320 sets. ev. 2) 9 8 | 10, Cie Ow. [mormings.6 75 27) 6 35a}, 6.15; O 49) 9 40 | 11) 2Bahamas dis. 1492. |6 8&5 25) 6.5814) 6 49).1 300 41 | 12,37 & ssouth 217. |6 95 24 7 2126 7 27| 2 1610 41! | 13 4002. Cold6 105 2% 7 43.2) 8 9/3 4)11 12 | 14) 5) @ south 1 16. 6 11/5 21) 8 . 620) 8 56,3 5411 45 | 15) 6 @runs low. frosty,6 126 19) 8 28)\y¥5|} 9 48] 4 45 morn. | 16, 7 [mornings. |6 1385 18) 8 501610 46) 5 37) 9 23 | 17 C/20th Sun. aft. Trin.6 145 16) 9 12/2911 48 6 30) 4 | H18) 2S8t. Luke. ‘6 155 15) 9 34 morn.| 7 231.2 4 | 19| 3.;Cornwal. sur. 1781.)6 175 13) 9 56/27| 0 54) 8 17! g 21 | 20) 47s south 146... j¢ 185 12/10 18i5¢) 2, 3| 9 11!) 4 47} | 21 5 Perhaps rain. 6 195 1010 3926 38 1410 6 6 8 | , 22] 6] g-stationary. © e.6 205 911. NP) 4 2711 2)-7 oO | 23) 7 @ent. 1]. Oin per.6 21/5. 711 22/26,rises. |11 59) » 50 i 24| Ci/21st Sun. aft. Trin, |6 225 6'11.43)/x%| 5 56morn.| g 36° 1 95] 21 9 rises 4 0. 6235 5/12 4126 6 44] 0 58) g 21 || | 26) 3 Expect more(6 24'5 3/12 24/0! 7.36] 1 5619 8 27| 4 @runs high. [rainj6 265 2)12 45/25) g 81] 2 55)19 52 | 28) 5)Sis. Simon & Jude. [6275 O13 + 5\%| 9 28) 3 Olli 36 1 29] 6] south 8 4. 6 28/4 5913 252210 27) 4 45ley, 21 | | 30) 7John Adams b.17356 29/4 5813.45! Q/11 25] 5 36 y 11 g SCS és. Cold. J6 acid 57l14 517 morn 6 2. 2 8| { ai a a a i a ey Sh ee eee mares aemuemuns ~ Qc earReT BOOS A aN CRED RIOR EY TTS ETA COL CE CIES aalacnanes < —| \ | ere nme cree comer: rae creer incraenee, RANT EA CRIT comagy (ATR. AREER US | {2 Ath Month... - NOVEMBER. 1847, uf - Hath 30 days. ‘ ~ - Hy“ All sizes over 1900 square inches, postage same as pamphlets. On Pamphlets, 5-c.—Pamphlets, magazines and periodicals, any distance, for one ounce or lesa, each copy, - , E¥Each additional ounce or tractional part thereof - 1 On Circulars.—Quarto post, single cap or paper not larger than single cap, folded, directed and unsealed, Tor every sheet, - - - - . 7" 4, 1 2 LIST OF POST OFFICES. The following is alist of the Post Offices within 30 miles of the city of Newark, to which newspapers may be sent by mail to subscriber's free of postage: New Jersey. New York. . ———- re ax. canoe Wal career RR Elizabethtown, | Chatham, Little Falls, New York city, Rahway, , Morristown, Pompton, West Farms, Westfield, } Suckasunna, Hackensack, | Brooklyn, L. I. Amboy, © ; Whippany, | Jersey City, | Jamaica, South River, | Bloomfield, Hoboken,, Newtown, © New Brunswick | Pine Brook, Summit, College Point, Six Mile Run, | Basking Ridge! Madison, Harlem, New Market, | Rockaway, Mendham, New Rochelle, Orange, Dover, Hanover, Flatbush, L. 1. South Orange, | Belleville, Boonton, Williamsburg, Camptown, Acquackanonk | Caldwell, Tompkineville, Springfield, Paterson, Parsippany. _| Flushing, [S. I. Port. Richmond 182 . Courts in ihe State of Wew Jersey. Under the law passed at the recent session of the Legislature, the terms of holding the Circuit and other County Courts have been materially changed, and we publish the following ‘table, compiled from the act, “of the ternis as they are to be held here- after on the following Tuesdays: & First District—-Cuter Justice Henry W. Green, Prosiding eee Bergen, — 1 Feb. 1 May. 1 Aug. - “1 Nov. Hudson, ee gal . Gh epravec Essex, 4 % AN or Ai tha” Ce Biter Second District—James S. Nevaus, Presiding Judge: rar Monmouth, 1 Feb. 1 May. 1 Aug. 1 Nov. Somerset, 3.“ < re heave °° ay Middlesex, : a ys SN ie i ey Warren, 1 Mar. 1 June. 1Sep. 1 Dec Third District—Ina C. Wurreneap, Presiding Judge: Sussex, 1 Feb. 1 May. 1 Aug, | 1 Nov. Morris, pa ped Buss 3 epi Passaic, | 1 March. 1 June. 1 Sep. * t Dee.’ Fourth District—Josrrn F. Ranpoirn, Presiding Judge: ~ * " Hunterdon, 2 Feb. 2 May. 2Aug. 2 Nov. Burlington, 3.‘ Jo ii . 3° et Mercer, | 1 March. T June. b Sép. pik. Pd Dec. Fifth District—Tuomas P, Carpenter, Presiding Judge: | Camden, 1'Feb, 1 May. 1Aug. 1Novw Cumberl’d, 2° * QaXe Qi Shee air Salem, Qo e , 3 PASS, 8 6 Gloucester, 4 ‘ 4 .* A alia Atlantic, 1 Mar.* 2 June. 2. Sep. e 2 Dec. Cape May, 2 ‘ Py. 1 Aug. Wik *Inferior Court of Common Pleas, Court of is General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Orphans’ Court, only. . a ay ( The following Courts hold their regular terms at T renton. Aes District Court of the U. S.-_Second Tuesdays of March, May, September and November. . : Courr of Erxrros AND APPEALS, in the ast a “Tuesdays of April, July, October and January. Supreme Courr.—First Tuesdays of January, April. J dy ahd Th iw tht, yes October. Court or Caan cceRY.——Third Tee of March}: J une, Sep- tember and December. i i Jo Courts in the State of WVew-York. The Court for the trial of Impeachment and the Correction of Errors, may be held at any time during the sitting of the Le- gislature, on such days, and at such places, as they shall from time to time appoint. The stated terms of the Court of Chancery, are on the fourth Mondays of May and October, in the city of New-York ; and on the fourth Mondays of January and August, at the city of Albany. The stated terms of the Vice-Chancellor, in the citv of News York, are on the first Mondays of Jan, April, July and October, Supreme Court is held at the city of New-York, the Ist Mon day in May. At the city of Utica, the 1st Monday of July. At the city of. Albany, the Ist Monday in January. At the city of Rochester the 3d Monday in October. COURTS OF COMMON PLEAS.’ and General Sessions for the Counties of New York State. 33 When the month is printed in italics, the Common Pleas is only held in that term. Albany.—Second Tuesday in. June and December, and 3d. do. in March, and September. Allegany.—Firsi Monday in February, June and October. Broome.—First Monday in February, June and October. Cattaraugus.—Last Tuesday in February, and 1st do. in June and October. Cayuga.—Third Monday in January, May and September. ' Chatauque.—Second Tuesday in February and October, and 4th do. in June. Chemung.—Second Tuesday in January, April, July and October. | Chenango.—Second Monday in February, June and October. Clinton.—First Monday in January and October and 2d do. in May. | Columbia.—T hird Monday in February and June and do. 4th in September. Cortland.—Second Tuesday in February, April and Septem. Delaware.—Fourth Monday in February, third do. in June, and 24 do. in September and December. Dutchess.—First Monday in February and June and Jast do. in September. Erie —First Monday in March, June anJ October, and 2d do. ia August and November. 34 Essez.—Second Tuesday in January and gAPrils and last do. in September. Franklin.—Last,'Tuesday in April and 2d an in October. Fulton.—Third Monday in January and ASt do. in April, August and October. Genesee.—First Tuesday in February and 2d Tuesday in June 7 and October. Greene.—Second Monday in February, last dé. in May and Ist do. in September. ffamilton-—Third Tuesday in June and December. Herkimer.—¥ ivst Monday in February, June and October. Jefferson.—Last Monday in February and May and Ist do. in Septernber and December. Kings.—Third Tuesday in January, July and October, — Lewis.—First Tuesday in January and 3d do. in April} and September. Livingston. Last Monday in January, | May and Se steehbert Madison.—First Monday in February and October and 3d do. in June, Munroe.—Second Monday in March and Tue, and 1st do. in October and December. Montgomery.—Second Monday in March, J une, September and December. Niagara.—First Monday in Iebruary, June and September. Oneida —Second Monday 1 in February, March, June, Septem- ber and December, Onondaga.—Yourth Monday in February, May, August and November. ~ Ontario —Third Tuesday in February, May, August and November. — Orange.—Second Monday in February, last do. in May, and first do. in September and December, Orleans.—Third Monday i in January, June | ane if, lace yi 4 Oswego.— First Monday in February, 3d io) in June and 2d 4 in October. Otsego.—First Monday in February, 3d abut in June and 2ddo, in October. Puinam.— First Tuesday i in February and 2d do. in ‘September. Queens. —Third Tuesday in February, Ist do. in Juae and last do. in: October. Rensselaer.—Last Monday in Jawuary, May A September, Richmond.—Second Tuesday in April, Sept. and December. Rockland.—First Tuesday in Febangey, 3d do in April and November, oem ie St: Lawrence.—Third Monday i in May, Sepitinber ata Dab. JO suai. —Second Tuesday in April and July and last do. in August and December. Schenectady. —Third Tuesday in January, last do.’ in April and 2d do. in October: Schoharie.—First Monday i in February, June and October. Seneca.---Lirst T veruey in February and October, and 2d do. in, May. "Steuben.—First Monday j in March, June, Sept.and December. Suffolk.—Virst Tuesday in January and October and last do. in May. Sullivan. ---Last Tuesday in ‘J anuary, 2d do. in June and Oct. Tioga.---First Monday in ebruary, June and October. Tompkins. ---Fourth Monday i in January and September and 3d do. in May. Ulster. .--Second Monday in Mar ch, June, Re ionder and Dec. Warren.---Second 'Tuesday in February and June, 3d do. in Abel and last do. in September. Washington ---Second Tuesday in March, last do. in May and August and Ist do. in December. Wayne. ---Fourth Tuesday in January, May and September. Westchester.---Fourth Mepdsy.} in May and September and Ist do. in December. Wyomin ae Monday i in June and 3d de. in October and February. © Yates. Seednd Monday in Eehauars and November and 4th do. in May and August. The Court of Common Pleas for the city and county of New York sits every month, commencing on the third Monday, and continues four weeks. } Superior Court of the city of New-York, is held on the first Monday of each month of the year. Court of Oyer and Terminer for the city and county of New York, is held at the City Hall, on the third Monday in March, first Monday in May, first Monday i in Juty, 4th Monday in Sep- tember, and fourth Monday in December. Courts of Oyer and Terminer are held simultaneously with the Circuit Cour}s in the several counties throughout the State. The Court of General Sessions for the city and county of New-York, is held on the Ist Monday of each month, The Marine Court in the city of New-York, sits every day in the year, Sundays, Christmas, New Year’s day, and the Fourth of July excepted. on ey Oy es @ ne eS ws We LRBBSAD, KRBSOLS | AND rANCY LACE GOODS STORE, . OPPOSITE WILSON’S TIN STORE, MAIN STREET, PERTH AMBOY, N. J- TAMBS ALLBN, Keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of Fancy Goods, consisting of Edgings, Cap and Cape Stuffs, Hat and Cap Ribbon, Ladies’ Dress Caps, Infant’s, do., Needle-work and Dimity Col- lars, Hat Tabs, Plain and Figured. MUSLINS... Bleached and Unbleached, Cross-bar and Fancy Muslins, also, Red, Yellow and Canton Flannel, Handkerchiets of Silk, Linenand Cotton, Tableconaly Linen and Cotton, Cot-. ton- batts and Wadding, Woolen and~ Zephyr worsted, dec, “&e. otton Yarn | fo knitting, HOSIERY. A Good Assortment, comprising | Cotton and Woolen, Black, White, Slate Color and Blue Mixed. Cassimere and Alpaca, with a Great Variety of Children’s Socks and Stock- ings. GLOVESu. Kid, Buck-skin, Wool, Silk aed aan Thread Mitts and Mittens, Bows, Bowetts, Shineal Comforters, Woolen Caps, Shawls, &c., &c., Ke. | BUTTONS, for Ri frts and Bosoms, Pantaloons, Vests, also, y Children’s Glass, Steel, Gilt, and Jet Elastic. COMBS, Brushes, Soissoes, Razors, Pen and Pooket Knives, Silver, German Silver and Wood Pencils. PINS, Emmans § Baily’s Best Needles, Breast-Pins, Shawl and Diaper Pins, &c., &c. STEEL, GLASS and GOLD BEADS, Silk and Cotton Purses, and Suspenders of ten different kinds. Ea A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PERFUMERY. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, such as Accagepons and Vin Also, Bows, Bridges, Strings, &c. A Great Variety of Ladies’ and Childrens s SHOES, and nu- _ merous other articles, for sale at very low prices Sor CASH. ;