—_ » ee 39,.68/4: bu. 37 Bulletin No. 37 i MERGE TE April 29, 1922, COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFPFATHS James F, Woodward, Secretary BUREAU OF TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY George H,. Ashley, State Geologist COAL RESERVES IN INDIANA COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA By John F, Reese Introduction, ; In connection with the "Introduction to the Bituminous Coal -Pields of Pennsylvenia” now being prepared for publication by the Pennsylvania Geological Survey, coal reserves of the bituminous fields are being computed by Mr. John F. Reese, In order to render this information available at once without waiting for the uncertain date of printing the report, an abstract of lir. Reese's figures for Indiana County is given herewith. All of the information readily aveilable at this time has been used in the computation, which followed the methods used by the Land Classification Board of the United States Geological Survey in its valuation of the public coal jands. ~The results are given by beds for each township. For some beds and for some areas the data are abundant and the results entire- ly reliable. For other beds and areas the data are meager and the results subject to revision as additional deta are obtained. All the data used and the computation sheets are permenently filed so that modifications of the originel figures can be made readily when re- quired by additional information, The figures presented are preliminery and ‘subject to correction for any aree when that area shall be studied in detail, In the mean- time critical examination of the figures is invited in order that the results may be made as accurate as possible. To that end the Survey will welcome every bit of information not now in its possession, Records of drillings and other data will be kept strictly confiden- tial if so desired, although the Bureau naturally prefers to be able to use data freely. George H, Ashley. ake Ws A ~ uy Z as Wha pins tipe"eotig ace wien YS ee 7s Sime fh “BN rity fw Spat * Sana ihan mie oop ie te, ‘ ; Pan ata Deeds ya r 4 Way Pp é > ha, BS wads JORIS Sa Ate! eis Wee pant Fo tahooeh gia 4 dette ours | j y a et nf ; De ar ee AY rs] ; th Tae Ot he Ee ; 4 ae + we cine: a4 ARAN ES ae hie 3 : ite aw Ne UPR fe pS nF ive 5 i Bic borg : 7 1h. Coal Beds, Indiana County hes four coal beds that ere now of economic interest, In order of present importance as shipping coals they are the Upper Freeport, Lower Freeport, Lower Kittenning and Pittsburgh. Upper Freeport Coal. The extensive development and outcrop of this bed throughout the county, and several core drill records heve furnished so many measurements of its thickness thet it is possible to make a fairly accurate computation of quantity. Data are meagre in the Mahoning townships in the northwestern part of the county, and in Young, Blacklick and Conemaugh townships in the southwestern part, Therefore the computations for these town- ships are based on general average thicknesses to accord with con- ditions in surrounding townships, The percentage of this bed that can be recovered is governed by the sequence in which the Upper and Lower Freeport beds are mined. If the Lower Freeport bed is worked first and if pillers are drawn, the OVerlying rocks will cave and break the Upper Freeport bed, thereby Causing a partial and in many places complete loss of that coal, The Upper Freeport bed contains the greatest coal reserve within the county, and is the largest producer, yielding almost 5,000,000 tons annually, Lower Freeport Coal. The computation of tonnage in this bed is »ased on measurements made in the mines and along the outcrop, and on vore drill records, The figures should be reliable. - In the Mahoning townships in the northwestern part of the county, and in the townships along the Conemaugh and Kiskiminitas rivers, very little information was available as to the extent and persisten- cy of this bed, A general average thickness was assumed, seme being derived from surrounding areas where reliable data are available, The so-called Upper Kittanhing or Cc’ bed in the northern part 02 the county, in Banks and Montgomery townships, has been computed as the Lower Freeport coal in this report, The Lower Freeport contains the second greatest reserve within the county, and ranks second in production with a total of almost 3,000,000 tons annually. Lower Kittanning Coal, Throughout the townships. east of, end on Chestnut Ridge « fair amount of information as to thickness and per- Sistency of this coal is availeble, For the townships west of Chestnut Kidge, data are mecgre, only the records of a few widely distributed drill holes, and measurements in short outcrop areas are in hand, A general average based on thicknesses in surrounding creas was edopted and a low percentage of recovery allowed, because the extent and thickness of this bed is not known, ae ie phos WASTES ae ’ 1 4 . } r ‘. had iy * [ Pade AA it ME oad i Noa Pa hr er ; Set } y ; ie May iW SD Oat iy ye ty sa ielban Mu i Bob 2 hea SCAR p AY ODD, SPEER ETS ee | ‘ W aad & omy Ay bas : i Ne ; ; fr + Aa Ak * 4 i ‘ehh . 4 | a if ( Ay Pg »? ‘ , t y ¢ 5 , ‘ . ve ok i y ¢ TT a By iw opium eye Te Se me i ah ‘ . : et Aa hj ' My ~ ee if Ma eae ere a ch ¥ 2 X ok habs, j oe 4 ‘Sy Crh phe *| ey Waa au , , ave Bat Woy Sy ved ahah » en oe aaa ee ae Oe ann : mc * An . | i CO WU MOTE aS Thal MSY a sy Ne Oty ep 4 + 1 f 4 « > ' y Cia A RS aan % "i oe 14 “i ih ee ae P i* ee ‘> ” f se, ae ivul Hedey Mele eh RETR a Ehiae Dif ia a iI wre ' te viene a’ , uh aM , Ay}, ¥ 4 5 - ¥ eat oe ee bh A, a eae cle oe a a ot % aye ("’ Py at mw a _ whe F- eee ee y 2? 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the accompanying tables, f, One table gives the estimated recoverable tonnage by beds and townships, The figures have been given as computed, It should ¢ «e 3 « ot Bt LAN ye Te ee « - a> * aM ey oe Ee Oe EE Oe A) ae ey ie tes c* ‘ . we . tt an : 7 » a ; 4 a | + ' AD ‘ s > , ~ . ; “ . i pe Aww ¢ , Yrs m7 wo | ny a x’ ad i y 7.3 ¥ es , ¢ r ' ‘ » « \ rs ‘ ’ i ‘ ‘ a * he A he 7 ey ri ei Ae “ + . y a) ‘ wir] of . a4 hae eat . J % ¥ i” : oe “s is ’ by ey GH Ace - ices: nied OND OO, a ne bs ee bo Sena tae arb thy es eenibliecs: / MELTS. TOR re Gh enter “we iy Rik Y Re ve 4 a Gite, ESR E Se ph atin eery ike AS BaP uO. OS ae He Rik: thay ERC Gk ae ae ae wocter akg z act bommbgaes: 3.0 keting mend beer i 7 “. ] ite t wie x af. then. Ee att) See ; Le 4% ae oe : NM ae ° : 4 . a Dra at Ve tie peu by ve Sars ‘ ne : ' 4 a » * i 4 ‘7 v i us Me e Pare | ee {ate Sh oat ‘-) ? ut , a a SE LF Fay eeseane ty e ak. 4 NAS ae a Meee te ) Astra. Whar a, ? ghod att j Be Shy: ne a ‘be eerttins: Ka: atk: a.) SUTCReGOy Ge Saeied KPREOWOE Sb BO ES bee. iN a aie Jpeaeraar oaths de Se BT eR ee ig CR” npr pai att: Fe a tO: Voto {OAR OO. ea Oe roe dake, blarda ee 499 og Teeth Se Gian SHADY: hdsisetanin +” ey SS a ae ey eee ‘ty wi te ihe : 9 Py: hee ae oa ‘§ Y Kt tt D 4) be va 4 Os . i ‘ i \y ‘ y i) ae Ser epi” Bah) Se ry hi: i pots + om eaten ie Z hy alGCad oC ine BAe Te Bae ms rf re re RAS us Ya a DO COR ee ad aealors again roy. bas Soe dose: DReRR woe) Seeet eames bare ae rs © it oi" Dig Dod: aes te: sir | ot F ned Lo Reb Te ao SNS eS ws Cede me Pe a Le | ae ae Ben oer ge, ANS 00 io Rk SVR he Ae Be yb tow wae Here ; ; ei ‘p§ sot ne Page fang ve PP iy THX . Pitts yb tn 8. Ba Mee Seer i Del he aes, pogu eg ze NR Oey Dicey or aie a oe Te spatial eb aga Ke Botta ctoe SG i ae ab kelansikee C9g., “> % tite tug ‘ Papas ete Ree red dren ott bots mitre ise aks 4s Be dh ‘ on Aid pad fy | RIE, Day frhef a ¥ a xo Caetst ® a “4 g We ord hoy CE ORS RRS cute hy i SS ae ee ; . ba iy he He ce) irae yy hau eae ey oe Lose FH ved druids Leo RO Cabaasia AR ee mee | ei ee Ache af Ley: bg Di By ah EERO DOT DY wt Os | See one, et net igs dover ono ed sin ite Oth NOE 4 RR ee ra eee . nthe. * ‘ aT tw an ; an Ney | ; J 4 : f NRE Y= Pra of: oy eo - + RRA tert ae add ee eke. iA ©; ud ee goveeedy Toes atte tence aK A ua d ; i” PIG DAO, 4 ATOR / ie sce. Hate. Pic aa 4 a pape) mre P ay he * ae nage Ries ’ ayaa ome meee. bart per ie ne gow ont Ry \ i i a eit ‘ Py | ee, teu ’ rary é SA Ly EAs : . 1) og tong Paps ag uo 1s a4 bey I f Psi r, Vi ed a ie Pa i = A Pf A a a) AD Ae ‘ , Te G ah i ay . Cit Ae ive x] however be distinctly understood thet while the acreage of each of the beds has been accurately computod, the reliebility of the everage thickness of the coals used in the commutation of tonnage decrcases for the beds in the order following: Pittsbureh, Upper Freeport, Lower Freeport, and Lower Kittanning, Thvs, while the figures for ae Pittsburgh bed'are conservative and probpasiy reliable’, the -igures for the Lower Kittanning coal may be much too small or many vames too large, Coal Reserves in Indiana County in Short Tons. Bed Original Deposit Mined Out Recoverable Upper Freeport 2, 364',200',000 121,200,000 —1,652',800',000 Lower Freeport 2,088 ,100',000 73,900,000 1,374,800, 000 Lower Kittenning 1,798, 700',000 43,600,000 1,239,900',000 Pittsburgh _ 88 ,400',000 60,$00;,000 21,200,000 Total = 6 ,339 ,400, 000 299,200,000 4,288,700,000 we ES A ON TS TE TS * ST TS LL — L LS, . Se NS 1 ep = ae. ; : ' (ET ae reed are ie rine oy pecan Bs ba bey dey " ; oe . 1 ocr ax % Pic a Se ig Lat (abe Se "mata nee: ai ' ; OP ‘ ; ete pay 4 “ ore i ; y 4 c » a . ’ + { , . aT sy "” . ¢ eae a as “ae baled ‘od Tae one ib tata t oS hy D gree fk OU PES OG Be eee” Beh ace! she é i 19 dataemy ee vs hath ge a a ree ——- » ° 1 | tog Oe eA eo. “ eT WA be No Bp Aer nget eo Iss Sonia lth ec fl pecoet es i ¢ " , ' ' * ’ ’ \ ’ y \ ’ \ P ‘ , a t j { f ‘ ie | \ f tod = ~ ' ' i \ ” ; ‘ , ' z i i 1 r; . , ‘ : ’ ~ | ¥ vf Pi ‘% | en i . \ +i : sh ’ ‘ " é *)} —_——— Nummary of Recoverable Coal in Indicna County in Short Tons. ' Upper Lower Lower township Freeport Frecport Kittenning Pittsburgh Total Armstrong 106,700,000 120,500,000 76,500,000 ---- 303,700,000 Bouks 14,500,000 30,500,000 66,300,000 ---= 111,300,000 p Blacklick 85,600,000 38,300,000 55,200,000 400,000 179,500,000 Brush Vy. 79,400,000 52,600,000 116,700,000 ee-- 248,700,009 | Buffington 3,900,000 48,200,000 70,300,000 gen) 122,400,000 Burrell 43,900,000 14,400,000 66,700,000 400,000 125,400,007 Canoe $5,900,000. 12,500,000 18,200,000 ---- 66 ,600,0L- Center 110,300,000 65,000,000 66,300,000 ee-- 241,600,00u Cherryhill - 75,800,000 91,000,000 .103,800,000 e---- 270,600,000 Conemaugh 102,100,000 51,500,000 2,600,000 1,900,000 158,100,000 E.Mahoning 69,500,000 45,200,000 --== eee=- 114,500’, 000 EWhtfld, 11,600,000 31,400,000 172,700,000 e--- 115,700,000 Grant 21,500,000 27,400,000 34,700,000 ---- 83 ,600 ,000 Green 89,800,000 125,200,000 141,500,000 ---- 356,500,000 Montgomery 53,400,000 67,500,000 67,000',000 ---- 187,900,000 N,.Mahoning 62,800,000 28,500,000 ---- ---- 91,3500; 000 Pine 5,200,000 69,100,000 50,000',000 sme! 18458000000 Rayne 135,700,000 98,000,000 37,000,000 w~-- 270,700,000 * S.Mahoning 75,000,000 48,700,000 ---- e--- 123,700,000 ‘Washington 102,500,000 66,500,000 30,300,000 ---- 199,300,000 ,W.Mehoning 61,500,000 47,000,000 onn- ---- 108,500,000 WWhtfld. 41,700,000 28,500,000 10,100,000 2---- 140,500,000 White 166,200,000 77,300,000 66,000,000 -=-- 309,500,000 Young 98,500,000 90,000,000 28,000,000 18500,000 235,000,000 ee a om Se nomen ae Total 1,652,800,000 1,374,800,000 1,239900000 21,400,000 4,288,700,000 ee et <2 ‘ ‘ \ n . ’ ' . : , ” . . * . \ We a we So ee i hie Mohan wal : i ae ‘ ‘ : 7 an % Tas A aA AN ‘t eae J * <" bye ime t , % ona ce “te PY & ; : wi h N i] . & a as Ly ha, Nigh ae ‘4 Den The ? eT f ‘ a ay ' Hit , ph ete dy 0 hi ate, rye pel ae Imretidie © ibe moyen i ‘Kye: 4 4 . e " ean ae | Vv bz Agokel { t buy be ; ' LP Oe ae ¥ > wrk SA 1% . by dle aoe ag cay bc deenear pee arly dinar ingle \ nt ’ Sirs F ‘Pe i Feo RAN . vy : ? { ger F ys 4 ”% ye . if a i ' oe i , . ge . rn i i } ; view ¥ Pa a i as iy ‘ A { iy ¥ 7 iy r i, th hel : . r i i ‘ } f - \ . } ) ) oat lV 7 ‘ : wy : ¥4 ‘ ‘i i ont ) " * v t 5 . Pr \ ine} 7 , 4 4 , . *~ “ ‘ * . ‘ f j * » + Cm | LJ s 1 | Re ¢ i | i + fi ' ie: - i i iy { Mal \ ” 4 4 \ 14 } j ’ tow ) \ ey 4 4 ’ vy « ri See Pte } > * 4 fn cocaine of yey hy es yi 5 Per 8 Tay Pet 7 FY Cea tay , /Y Furs ( ST ¥ We OM AT eR cer gS a Nw Nadas je i ‘ ey TT) Veen obi Ane pettln tne pammnieyis didi, aye ednetiat tens apeerpeinbesabey ie al onds mcg ome pany Avie ® pan egy chan say Ang Wo) epreinh hum Datta, ean peal ewes (atte gw Leos famisig te sip p=» = rN ‘ 5 ‘ \ ‘ ' é ” ' y ¥ . of it , ey ta t ' ‘di vy ! ‘ . “ s h oe) > ao