STATE OF NEW YORK, EXECUTIVE CHAMBER, ALBANY, March 18, 1875. To the Legislature : I have received a petition from forwarders, boatmen, and others ‘ engaged i in transportation on the canals of this State, representing ‘that the depressed state of their business calls for legislation, and " necessitates a reduction of tolls ; and requesting me to look into " the condition of the canal commerce, and to make such recom- _ mendations to the Legislature as will lead to measures of relief. _ Respectful consideration is due to so large and important a class of our business men. ‘They are proprietors of about six thousand boats, which are said to give employment directly to thirty thou- sand persons, and indirectly to twenty thousand others. They are in the peculiar relation of partners.of the State in a vast internal | “commerce ; owning and managing the equipment while the State i owns and manages the body of the canals. The State therefore not _ only has a common interest in the preservation of the joint busi- re ness, but has a distinct and special interest in the ability of its part- ; # ners to continue to perform their functions, without which the joint 8 business could not be transacted. It cannot afford to suffer the se equipment of the canals to be broken up; to allow a dispersion of ke _ the traffic which, if once lost, will not be easily regained ;. or to omit any measures of retrenchment in expenditure or acknowl of administration which will enable it and its partners to meet sucess- fully the increasing competition of the railways with each other - and with water transportation. 1 ‘ 2 Impressed with the considerations which induce a liberal policy on the partiof the State towards its partners in the internal com- merce it has\scen fit to undertake, Iam, on the one hand, predis- posed to every practical and just measure for enfranchising trade and industry and cheapening the interchange of commodities, and, on the other, to listen to the rightful complaints of our people against the extreme burden of our present taxation and the pro- digal and wasteful expenditure in connection with the canals, which is one of the main causes of such taxation. I have, therefore, felt it my duty to devote the intervals of time I could command to -a personal investigation of the subject, in order to be able to recommend to you such specific measures as the exigency seems to require, in the direction indicated in the following passage of the message [ had the honor to communicate at the beginning of your session. “A careful investigation whether the net incomes of the canals retained cannot be increased, ought to precede a surrender of what little now exist. Ordinary repairs should be scrutinized with a view to retrenching their cost, and to obtaining the largest possi- ble results from the outlay. * * * All improvements should be governed by a plan and purpose, leading to definite results ; and, instead of scattering expenditures on imperfect constructions, should aim to complete and ‘make available the specific parts undertaken. Unity of administration and of system, both in respect to repairs and improvements, should be established.” PROBABLE INCOME OF THE CANALS. Exhibit A is a comparative monthly statement of the tolls on all the canals for the years 1873 and 1874. It shows that, during. the months of October and November and a few days of Decem- ber, which fall within the present fiscal year, in which period about one-quarter of the tolls of the year were collected, the decrease of tolls is from $836,123.27 to $638,132.96, or $197,- 990.31. The decrease is about one-fourth of that portion of the tolls. A corresponding decrease for the months of May, June, ee 9 o July, August and September, 1875, as compared with the same months of 1874, would amount to $600,000. That would leave the tolls for the fiscal year of 1875 at $2,037,000. Assuming them to realize $2,250,000, we are next to find the probable effect of the reduction in rates which is now proposed. ~ Exhibit Bis a statement of the effect of the reduction in the rates proposed computed on the tolls of the calendar year of 1874. If a similar computation be made on $2,250,000, instead of $2,637,070, the reduction of receipts to be produced by the lowering of the rates would be $534,832. The gross tolls accru- ing from all the canals for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1875, would be $1,715,168. This diminution of tolls presents in a strong light not only the general depression of commerce, but particularly that of the special business of the boatmen and forwarders. TAXATION FOR CANAL PURPOSES, During five years from Oct. 1st, 1869, to Sept. 30th, 1874. The public mind is apt to be confused by the various methods in which the complex accounts of the State are kept. eu ; at Co dal < eas . é : Pe : 7; ' : | 143 be ~ it Bien oon: oe i ~ = ay . re, ee 1h Aan é. te! ute de uly a adh oc en ’ Sree b . — — a tbe Ja Cle Mee eh my 3D Bee EXHIBIT A. MONTHS. | Yee prep Se sy ee eS ety a ee re eg Mees ee | ys Bemeetiner so) 8 Bre OC Se ee Mereeninerrey oe BEI DET Se Jee oe A comparative monthly statement of the tolls for 1873 and 1874 : 1873. 1874. $258,028 29 $361,898 96 439,888 24 | 492,393 57 466,825 67 | 413,525 09 455,799 88 | 308,769 10 520,053 40 | 422,351 24 529,914 91 | 392,460 83 304,610 00 | 243,569 38 2,298 36 2,102 75 $2,976,718 57 $2,637,070 92 22 ZL 006° ESz$ JSoM SULOD YYSlolz WO ‘PLOT ur 00 €FL‘9LP‘ ss 00 8ze‘O9T 00 120‘2¢9‘'ss -\|--|- = es &®ewe ew ewn owe ew —|e -—=_ = we ee ew eee = ‘40 u pus Sooyjo ToyWAt Opl} oY} JB popoo]joo s]j[o} ]vIOT, ---2---------- JYSoAf WO s{fOT, ee eee eae Rae fe it eee 8) OE eG RIO oesosa oS em iet ain pat ke he SPAS GEES = EOI IO 1, 00. uaa! ‘THrO$ 00 O¢s‘ Ter’ Ig 00 $66'Z20‘%$ 00 G90 og 00 ¢¢o‘og 00 OLT‘O9 00 909° 62LT 00 Tzg‘se¢ 00 L6F STL 00 G9P° LT 00 926‘ FE 00 68E's¢ 00 Ggo‘FT 00 6L1‘8Z 00 ¥96‘°sF 00 Z0e‘T 00 Z00°¢ 00 F0¢'F 00 €92°99T 00: 2E¢" eee 00 2866500 00 999‘ Tezs 00 eee‘ eors 00 g00'¢69$ ‘uotpnpet ay} Aq ssory se ee ata aati ay eat OSIPUBYIAIJ poo JO spuporg SB ie cae ee Sy ane of ee 6 ht esse eg) See ee nee Vere my an. saben ier ee eee | hdc 6: delineate the Mag as eee a oA wee nme ee Me eke Me ee ew ee eK CLET OJ sozv.1 posodoard 4v s][og, "PLET JO SOPBA YR STO, -o1d uO “J[VY-ouo ‘ostpuryo.sot UC ‘pAltj-ouo ‘s}wo puv Aoparq ‘adr ‘109 ‘yvoyA UG, 2 SMO] [OF sv st pasodord WoloNpet oy, ‘royarnb-ouo ‘pooa Jo syonp "PLOT fo ssausng ayy uo paynducs ‘nunog young 247 fo ‘ad LICIA Xt aaypuwuoy ay fg pasodoud und ay) wowf ynsas pynom youyn s7107 fo uorponpas fo qunowDn 947 fo juauaqnys W GG Ge 06 90 V8 9T 67 al 23 86 LL SF8‘68L‘FI$ 809‘ ee6 62% ‘9G8°eT$ C19‘ GG68‘S | | | | on = eS Se Se © 6 @ Se S&B ew oe es ee ae ewe 8 6 ee ew a Sn hee, ae ee ae as ee Se) ae, ae as) ee at: nse eel am. ow am ance ee ab, we ee -ap>m Gm OR, ak: de) ee ob lem) ee) me sosodind |vuvo 10} patad] SexB} [v}O], jo yuoutaAorduy 39° 096‘ 0T$00 OOF‘ SITS |g9 geT‘929$ |62 CGG*OTLS |6T F80°L96'°9$ BI Nr‘ SRP ss 109) be Goes OU SOONG Reta Soo 5 45 | Ree an FI Ehe'e9L‘T 10 ¢29°229 9FG°aTF'S 00 000%0E . 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