GalsISSVIONN j894}S 1eO iversity. | from the Universi n,a d missa M niversity ois 61761 in ilner Library om, OJ Pas is State U ed is illino Normal, NY} Ww. result in d stamped belo OCT Og Rw E a“ cc ree) = z = “ = a 4 r= = _ = Fla Rar Pe ORES ELEM OF BLOM Dd ee Fb be AE EE BLOM ELEN OL DNA ACA CLE L ELL at BL El oP frit brhnb 9-4-4 -F—8 1726232424142 Perea ererery a . LET EACLE AD OS BLEED EOE TE LEP Ear dee be it be FM hb PARI BRL RL OE AEE EEA PE CLONE LEER PRL OM EE th FEA RSES ESET ars te ATO tEr saris eras baler pri sere bia br ir a caee ees eaee eee ee b rir ased pear Pere Pararprinisisireriserers 4 $$ —$ J $$ — >4- dnd SELEP IAEA OORT ER ES, WESPISH EGS: bebetetesereee (ieod dedadededes ?. Fe. ea tit t3 * ereree rez: Ea EOE EE BE EET ET EL ELS ISTE ETE ESET ITER EP SASSELET MEI EL ESE ij 4 Se rerere ~$~§—S—§—$ 4 = 4 . Tere tree Crete $$$ —$—4 | 4h —& 4 hl on 8 oh el oe 45 =4 58; eg gia ete sila! i. arp terpiererrtat Sear a esse ee es er ee ee ese SOT Er ere ree . tb obnge bode tobe od PELE AMOS * hha tw Goda Ppritedsrebsipre HHH whereksishiane pe at oe FER F EEN ELELE efere rerssereye ererpairaniage eree orpre. 3 i! r. 55h 5-3 iz; opt pee , JErereryry yrery perrerery. SF ET er ere * fk ok Et PEW ET BP ELEM ER ELE LER ED Bt EE BP et ees Bot es reser as sere ls ) * fe git: is bgtid pap lelrreariaple ies br tpler pie totel ei siergieliteret prerpee pies gs Lait Sita tats Fi Petal esi TOR OFE TEL EL ENTS EOL ELE EL RESET EL OLET ES i$ =4 (4-5-4 -4o4 BGK ie iF: F 743 ‘NOOY ALVA ee Announcement and Reports OF Brokaw Hospital BLOOMINGTON: .. ILLINOIS DECEMBER 31, 1903 PANTAGRAPH PTG. & STA. CO. “LL. BLOOMINGTON, VGN oe View oF Hospirat. Historical. As early as in May, 1893, there was organized and incorporated a society for conducting a Protes- tant hospital in Bloomington. Subscriptions to the amount of $5,000 were raised and in part collected. An option was obtained on property in the city, but upon thorough investigation, the building was found to be so poorly adapted for the purpose that the lo- cation was abandoned, as was, for the time being, the entire project. In 1895, some of the physicians of Blooming- ton and Normal organized for hospital purposes and secured an option upon the present site of Bro- kaw Hospital. The former organization joined them, giving the money already collected and being able to renew most of their old subscriptions. In September, 1895, the original building was located and contracts let for its erection. In May, 1896, the hospital was opened for patients under the title of the Deaconess Memorial Hospital. From its opening the hospital was managed by the Men- nonite Deaconess Nurses under the leadership of Rey. Sprunger, until August, 1897. The local board then gave the management of the hospital to the Methodist Episcopal Deaconess Society of Chicago. 4 HISTORICAL. This society continued the successful management of the hospital until January, 1902, since which time the Board of Trustees has managed the hospital through its Directors and various committees. In 1901, the second and larger building was begun and was occupied in October, 1902. ‘This building was made possible through the generosity of Mr. Abram Brokaw and, in honor of him and his wife, the name of the institution was changed to Brokaw Hospital. Officers. Mr. C. P. Soper, President. Mr. F. Y. Haminton, Vice-President. Mr. E. R. Morcan, Secretary. Mr. L. D. WEtcH, Treasurer. Dr. N. K. McCormick, Medical Director. Miss Carrie S. FLatt, Superintendent. Mrs. BertHA W. Roperick, Assistant Supt. Directors. Mr. C. P. Soper, President. Mr. J. O. WILLson, Mr. G. W. STUBBLEFIELD, Mr. O. SEIBEL, Mr. L. D. WEtcH, Mr. F. Y. HAMILTON, Mr. L. S. Rupert, Mr. H. D. HUMPHREYS, Mr. P. F. BEIcH, Mr. E. R. Morcan, Mr. J. A. BEcK. Finance Committee. Mr. F. Y. HAMILTON, Mr. Paut F. BeEIcH. Committee on Grounds. Mr. G. W. STUBBLEFIELD, Chairman. Mr. H. D. HUMPHREYS, Mr. B. M. KuuN. Auditing Committee. Mr. Otto SEIBEL, Mr, J. O. WILLSON. House Committee. Mr. L. S. Rupert, Chairman. Cot. D. C. SMITH, Dr. N. K. McCormick, Mrs. E. R. Morcan, Dre he ke bP HAWwKs) Mrs. H. C. DEMoTrrE, Mr. C. P. Soper, 6 OFFICERS. Trustees. First PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Mr. W. H. JoHNSON, Mr. J. A. BEcK. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Mr. C. P. Soper, Mr. F. Y. HAMILTON. NORMAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Dr. J. W. CRIGLER, Mr. A. E. STOUT. First CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Mr. T. M. Crark, Mr. J. O. WILLSoN. SECOND CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Mrs. INEz SMITH, Mr. Geo. W. NANCE NORMAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Miss MEDORA SCHAEFFER, Mr. JAMES RILEY. First METHODIST CHURCH. Mr. Geo. W. STUBBLEFIELD, Mr. B. M. KuHN. GRACE METHODIST CHURCH. Mr. L. D. WEtcH, Mr. C. T. McCarry. GERMAN METHODIST CHURCH. Mr. H. T. KuMMeEr, Mr. A. BoEKER. SWEDISH METHODIST CHURCH. Mr. Joun P. Tornsiap, | Mr. Oscar BETSBERG, LUCRETIA METHODIST CHURCH. Mr. J. H. FISHER, © Mr. Wo. NICOL. SASYNN NI TW1VH “ONIGTING BROKAW HOSPITAL. 7. NorMAL METHODIST CHURCH. Mr. W. A. WartTSsOoN, Me. F. E. Putnam. First Baptist CHURCH. Mr. J. E. Roprnson, Mr. Otto SEIBEL. NoRMAL BAPTIST CHURCH. Dr. E. C. HEWETT, Mr. WESLEY GRINSTEAD, First CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Dr. F. H. McIntosH. NORMAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Mr. CARTER Harris, Mr. Bert MossMAN. UNITARIAN CHURCH. Mr. L. S. RuPERt, Mr. E. R. Morcan. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Mr. H. D. HuMpHREys, Mr. PAut F. BEIcH. CHURCH OF PEACE. Mr. JOHN HENKELMANN, Mr. E. L. DurRAND. - SWEDISH MISSION CHURCH. Mr. A. T. BLoomgQulisT, Mr. Jacosp ErIcKSON. BLOOMINGTON LADIES’ AID SOCIETY. Mrs. Mary Davisson, Mrs. M. H. NEwTon, NORMAL LAptEs’ Arp SOCIETY. Mrs. E. A. SEALEY. 8 OFFICERS. Medical Staff. C. M. Nose, M. D., President. T. W. Batu, M. D. F, C. McCormick, M. D. C. E. Cuapin, M. D. N. K. McCormick, M. D. H. W. Exper, M. D. A. J. Morris, M. D. AL aOxs Ne. W. E. NeErBercer, M. D. J. W. Futwiter, M. D. R. A. Nosre, M. D. W. E. Guturie, M. D. E. S. REepy, M. D. E. B. Hart, M. D. J. W. Soir, M. D. J. K. P. Hawks, M. D. JAib. LAYLOR 2M a): M. D. Hutt, M. D. F. C. VANDERVORT, M. D. E. MAMMEN, M. D. Je LY OLtON AM: DD. B. P. Mars, M. D. R. G. Yotton, M. D. Directors’ Report. ———_—_ Brokaw Hospital is an incorporated institution with the ownership and control of its entire prop- erty vested in a board of trustees. This board con- sists of representatives of the Churches and Aid Societies. Each Evangelical Church in McLean County and each Aid Society, having the privilege of appointing two trustees. The trustees meet quarterly and at each an- nual meeting in January, select from their member- ship a board of eleven directors who meet monthly and who, with the active aid of various committees, have charge of the management of the hospital. The hospital is beautifully situated on a rolling tract of eight acres midway between Bloomington and Normal. The dirt and noise of a city are thus avoided, while the hospital is easy of access, being on the main street-car line between the two cities. The buildings, two in number, are practically one, being connected, on each floor, with wide cor- ridors, well lighted and heated in the winter. The lower floor of the smaller building is occupied by the surgical, operating and dressing rooms. The operating rooms have been rebuilt within the past year and are thoroughly equipped for the most suc- 10 BROKAW HOSPITAL. cessful work. The remainder of this building is assigned to the school for nurses. The new or larger building is used entirely for the accommodation of patients. It contains fifty beds, mostly in single rooms, arranged to meet the the needs of all classes. Some rooms are large and elegantly furnished, where one may with a special nurse have all the home accommodations, yet feel the assurance of all the hospital and emergency equip- ments at hand. Other rooms range in price accord- ing to size and location and people of moderate means may be cared for with less expense than at home. The hospital staff consists of the superintend- ent, an assistant and several graduate nurses, beside the students in the training school. On the 3rd of June the School for Nurses will graduate a class of seven. The growth of the hospital has been a source of gratification to its friends. In 1903, 338 pa- tients were treated as compared with 200 in 1902. All classes of medical and surgical cases are re- ceived, except contagious diseases and violent cases of mental disease. However, it is the aim of the directors to limit the work of the hospital, so far as possible, to cases which can be benefited by pro- per care and treatment, rather than to furnish a DIRECTORS’ REPORT. II home for incurables, thus limiting the hospital capacity for curable patients. Directors Financial Report. RECEIPTS. Gashs one hanes baniiatyal,. 1004000 +. weet $2,298 02 TROTICG Merah a Pitan ont geo Pale’ e GO ds frat 145 00 Mr. A. Brokaw, for improvements...... 3,590 05 Charches a Giospitab’ Sunday \oc.< sesh y 530 80 INC VICUA) SOOM IDUCIONS pase fics ca ie cs 1,705 OO Superintendent (house receipts)........ 8,541 4 DISBURSEMENTS. AN iesa aan 4.2 teat aan} Rives AA Lae} $ 699 96 Building and grounds (improvements).. 5,141 97 Ptiriilantie eB ee ae eee en a aes ere ate 8o1 86 TAX Gsn ATOM SUIT ALICE, (aes an Coe Lliyes.s 187 80 Nits Ceblanentiseny aceite asec cia) on, cca he tel forest 23 45 Superintendent (house expenses)....... 9,635 66 Cash on hand December 31, 1903........ 235 6 $16,816 33 $16,816 33 Report of House Committee. RECEIPTS. Balance Jantiary wa, (1903 sadcbeee es te es $ 193 39 Patients oo sy ea Pe cleat, ee 8,142 67 Special *mursitto freien ts. eee cetiss 2 327 40 Matertiats sold soo. sure iy las kee ee 26 51 SUGUTIES ip ova eee rete nena shee kee 23 88 Operating bfo0nty- ach sc ce eee eae 2I 00 Directors: @ Mare bP eis Wal siete 980 87 DISBURSEMENTS. Pood 3... Sue Ree eee Pe eee coeee $3,247 15 Patel seen Pie Me tee ee et aes 818 I0 LAGE es saa sie eas Ana ate ok ee ee ee 415 68 DONndry Face eee we ee ee ene aes 285 88 Sa largesse ee eam eoseols eet cbs erate eee 2,045 22 Wares e740 os kee eres ean cuentas 1,362 20 Drugs and surgical supplies............ 737 OI DLRONETY oie ene eek Ai calee edicts oe 103 86 SLTANSOOLCANON Wise os cet inu ead ooal h eee 36 23 Repairsys cent baa This fund is controlled by three trustees, Capt, J: H. Rowell, Mr. Geo. P. Davis, and Mr: #; ‘Y. Harnilton, who pay its earnings to the diréctors: ’ It ‘is sincerely hoped that this fund may: rapidiv’grow,:as one of our most urgent needs is of an assufed iticome, so that the hospital work can not only be increased, but can be planned from year to year in advance. While the hospital has many rooms comfort- ably and even elegantly furnished, there are none for which the support is provided. The endowment of a bed entitles the donor to appoint one patient at a time, free of charge, to a 18 BROKAW HOSPITAL. ward bed, such appointments being subject to the regular rules regarding the admission of patients. The endowment of a room entitles the donor to appoint one patient at a time, free of charge, to that room or another equally desirable. Three hundred dollars will support a ward bed for one year; five hundred dollars will support a bed in a ten dollar room for one year. Five thousand dollars will endow a ward bed in perpetuity; ten thousand dollars will endow a private room in perpetuity and allow the donor to name and control said room. Charity Work. No one needing hospital service, and whose ail- ment has not been such as to prohibit admission, has ever been turned from the doors of Brokaw Hospital, because of his inability to pay for the service rendered. Charity is expected to figure largely in the work of the institution and is extended to all cases which are unable to pay. The hospital also accepts many patients whose means will not admit of full rates, such part as they are unable to pay being classed as free work. A feature of the charity work done is in the service of visiting nurses sent to the homes of the poor, and whose duties include attendance upon the sick, as well as instruction to the family concerning the care of the patient between the daily visits of the nurse. This work is entirely free and is done in co-operation with the Bloomington Bureau of As- sociated Charities. During the year 1903 out of a total of 6,295 days care of patients in the hospital, 2,088 of such days care were wholly or partly free. During this period free work to the amount of $3,279.37 was done in the hospital. Ladies’ Aid Societies. Service of great value has been rendered by the Ladies’ Aid Societies of Bloomington and Nor- mal. Organized early in the history of the hospital, the members of both societies have been active at all times in every undertaking for its welfare. The Bloomington Society furnished a room in the old building and in the new building have fur- nished and fully equipped two rooms for the ob- stetric service. The Normal Society fully furnished two rooms, one in each building. The members of these societies have been the means of securing large quantities of supplies for, the hospital and have been the active agents in gain- ing many warm friends for the institution. The directors are glad of an opportunity to express their appreciation of this auxiliary work. They hope that the societies named will continue their activity and that similar societies may be organized in each town of the county. Medical and Surgical Work. Much of the success of Brokaw Hospital is due to the efforts of a body of attending physicians and surgeons, who are skillful in their profession and who have the confidence of the people in this and adjoining counties. The directors are justly proud of the skill and ability of the members of their medical staff and aim to make every condition as nearly perfect as pos- sible to enable them to most successfully care for their patients. The medical staff is selected by the board of directors, usually upon the nomination of the staff itself. The staff has its own organization with regular quarterly meetings. It formulates rules for the sanitary management of the hospital and selects one of its members to serve on the House Com- mittee. All physicians and surgeons have the privilege of treating their private cases at the hospital and their patients receive the same care and attention as do those of the members of the staff. 22 BROKAW HOSPITAL. During the year 1903, patients were treated in the hospital by the following doctors: Dr. Bailey, Dr. Mammen, Dr.Carr, Dr. F. C. McCormick, Dr. Chapin, Dr. N. K. McCormick, Dr, H. Elder, Dr. Meyer, Dr. Fenelon, Dr. Morris, Dr. Fitzgerrell, Dr. Mullen, Dr. Fox, Dr. Neiberger, Dr. Fulwiler, Dr. C. M. Noble, Dr. Godfrey, Dr. R. A. Noble, Dr. Guthrie, Dr. Nusbaum, Dr. Hall, Dr. Orner, Dr. Hast, Dr. Reedy, Dr. Hawks, Dr. J. W. Smith, Dr. Hill, Dr. Taylor, Dr. Hull, Dr. Vandervort, Dr. Kaeser, Dr. Welch, Dr. Kelso, Dr. J. L. Yolton, Dr. Lockett, Dr. R. G. Yolton. THE Cases TREATED IN 1903 Were as FoLtows: Medical Cases. Typhosd tiever sk fe ewes 4 bs GS eee ye naan oe pee ee Tuberculosis’ (Cantestinal);... 25.2.0... cee eee ws foun eee Phthisis {palmonalis..05..0 PAS oe eee eee ee Pneumonia}. cops h. die cs (08 bh eg te sieae 1 eee eee Bronchitisyss g¥inc oath th bani We eaice phe 2 aren. Ce eee Croup... 5 EEA deans s 8 bdeste 52 Piatsiate kb pttcaee aLatara kaea ae “WOO ONILV ddd) MEDICAL AND SURGICAL WORK. MATE CROTE Za oe Ae fa ate, BA WIE 8 ecb oe hele SPUR Tonsillit Gastritis PSUR TCE doe Cee te et ae heen eats OS a6 @ 5 6 6 6 6 F O16 CE @ 0 6:0 6 8 6:6 C10 6 6 6.8 6 Ce Oe 6, Os 2) 6 8) 6, 6 Oe O08 50 LICR STE omer a ere es Pyaar ae eed BN SER SP Uy Perak Gastro-d CCIOTEULIS CoS SM Po eee Bate ek Hhaee Rie ee Pa tee REEL MFEDIUIS 7 dots sere ee Re Ee Ee Ae Rede eS Paresis ooo eee eee eee eee eee ee ee eer es ee ee ee eevee se ee eee see eeee PEVRCCT IA ete oa: boo hl ch ce eee Sais wee alate Oe oad 6 aaa Epilepsy @ © © Ses Gre bo 6.6, eo 0p 8 6015) T. @ 6 C.01e 5 Oo Slee 8 G Cele 64. 66 6.6 8 28'S PMOL AIDA Paes Re COE be eee heise ue avee ba ee 2 Sa Melanch ET eee Ota fee es Pe hs oe Bo Gls Pe em ae PE PLIT AST LCTITA Px ee Sorc id ate ee IE Boho oe SVS eR ES Herpes over eee ee ee seee ee eer ee eevee ee es eer ee eee ee ee eer ee ee eevee HE Cia ee eee ae gee ieee he ek ay peg ee cod ee Ok Diabetes Nephriti 48 € 0 © 6 0 6 © 6 0 0 ee @ 6 0 610 0 6 86 Oe eC 8 6 6 6 8 6 6 ff 8b) Oe a 6 00) © 6.2 2 6 SEM intel siwtelioke Uerisl's) a laile ous: «cele o lavel oie lee ets a's ee at lelst site elle! a) 'sieraie eter © RICE ARCTIC ATION? Wien an Gale hao eeis wt Gifts nara din aise ot « CR TITS weltob Fem ALE ge) ae AE Seeds Sa gS nM Ai Ra A CIIGMMC TR Ae Pease A Ah ea tree os ho ed Sores aie oe Senility eee eee eee ee eee eee ee eer ee ee ee eeeer ee ee see eee eee eeere Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Cases. ride VE ORME NCUA Leet tach ia? uated rue un date tad) opal dm «(cisleve os Conjunc Conjunc Cataract Britis? Corneal TIVES ACTITCUP OR eed Pie ea Ci Ie 1g PAV IPIGa COLONIC 2 eat eed Hae Ee ott Bahl ew oKhe 4s ose eves ere ee ere ee ee ee eevee ee ee ee ee ere ee ee eevee eee eae © (ele 6 [eye 6 6 16) C100. 6 Ws 6 'a) 6s (90) 8: 6 6 OF 04: (8 6, O. 0. 616 [6 6 (0, 6 6.6 (6 'e 6 60 8 OFC 0 SoU Sarn eet gent ees ie on Sic CER OMI ae BTS Nn as Sa par ee Gilt Gamer en Cece oP Cea UUs ee Sede hr Wick ie Sh te Sarg PPG Vie Ale ODSELUCTIONL Ue ea Se c ceila yale Sx vidas dole ea MODENA MINCT UCIT GUE Ct me Reto CAL Yi vaiw ist tbe weve 3 PP SOURCE eee aoe tee Ae eh ee GY he Wa ba vast Ce aN 24 BROKAW HOSPITAL. Obstetric Case. Delivertes—Normal (33. 8204 4b ccaw ee oes ote a ee POrcepS: i. s Aket cree how len e oite oe cee VErSiOM: slicer eee aie ote Sas ae toa ees ee ee Retained placentas iyice sa cto ios etic ao > o vet aoe Oe tie eee eee ae Burnsi sees eae F eee Goce ee boa Oe Wounds of \scalpis7 eed fine cneen ce Oe eee se eRe ee eee Hemorrhage following—extraction of teeth.............. eLOnSiOtONiy. Babes eaten Us cacas os hee cae precept eee Wound bof thigh (5 eck cases vious eae aces et eee Fracture! of—Pemtur 452 dec ve cae s Oceans pales ee eee Pelwis <8 visa ow dh ein oan Cn aee el ae eee Ribs Jc lode se sles 4 Bie eo Sates Bee Oe Ce oe eee WTO 1s Os Ss ees he esl hee Leen Oe eee Crashing “anjuryoi—Atim 0. he ewe ead eee ee Be es a Fingers! 7.20.3 bo inetd Rube dd Demin ge La ee eee Foot ‘and legis) hc swe eon ae oakley eee eee eee Hand: tego ic vaae aan deh boc witete soir ee el a ee Carbuncle Gs hic aiken eee ie eee ee Varicose ulcers 0.22% occ nec ek ce kk oe eee Fistula:iin) ano: dechhcaccne Dea Ree ee ee MEDICAL AND SURGICAL WORK. 25 MEPECIILALs Stila oe won ton Re ah cna eee s wou ae cena es I BUIEECLE CIE SLUM [ieee rath cred ete er oe Me etae ante ete tay 2 ADEE VICal AGETIUIC Soke Pode ee hr eels Dueee Meee ener res I Eustis fy AUEMItIS cs coer ec ee tare e sda eee cate ee ee 2 PE POSTACILISC OS FSB Le Ltt eee Soauere ooo ee eee eames I MITCUIEIS ete ee es ST ee TLR PT See eas 3 CULTS A A OL ee Nl a eee cele excite io hn butte tae ee 2 PA DDENUICILISH coon nome ace Otis ve EEA A CR eee 15 DRITICTDCTILOMITIS tree y Cet E hc at eke atm cic na eb ee I Tubercular peritonitis (with ascites) ......000........00.- I vALIE SENTICS Eee eRe Ty, Cee ae OL ie nate Lh ak See De a ee on 2 RISLMOT VOI Sir ee eters cereus Aah AS his CCM Sows Dee I OMe eCaticue any aaete ers eee ee tL cae CER La 2 PECCLOSIS COTS T AW fo ee oe eae nie ob o's wo eae peewee eect I encttial ait eures tea ies ee eto e feces ovale ee cee eee e 3 NVGISE CE eee eee wwe cent, She Leh Rene I MNO tie aCGrs aera ert aeolian bot t ee dose kes daaket I PRPOLUI Pr as ao eee see a aaee ences nade ee ee SE I SALCINCUIAOL——Platlder tee ce tot ay ct dhe aids buialehwees 2 ELA er aor ee ieee Sate ee wh le noe hese ais 2 UTS hse ee ERE RRSS Syl Re: ks ge AMS PL UE te i tas OE a I PAVE t ee tee heck tree eae ta, Renee ees ale y ota I LIA te a hts dare a cies ottligwktnaiete ree os I eat COMMAM Ofer IS TOASTER Acti aici catune Mo eviere’ eteieta es ake oc bra. ots I CCUM Nat NT et Pia Ur arh SPAN aio h AA SO oe Le Oe ome I FLYPOSDAUIASH anor saree coky fc adiness Ge to ohaky hace ek ae I DUDES: VALISe Meee Leia. inci o ict oy Aerdaten pc wales 6 I BRUNOCS cco tears Sabre aats Bel Carr aC ITE Coe ces eee Rak I PAU LOcelems fe ret Pee eee Re EL a hte cc etna ee woos I ET OLIN Al Ce oct Ve ictal ere ae ok ee Pane ee ee be wh bs 9 MECC CIOL t,t wrist IE I erate Wale Gb biel weve 3 PLEIMG THOUS etme eR ghee ee eR ta ip a 6 Stas 10 26 BROKAW HOSPITAL. Gynecological Cases. Vesico-vaginal fistula...... Sade: Kis cok ara Sioa valle Sie ee Wapinitis ics 3.0 fete weertengs 6 heehee sia cic antes aur er ae ee Metritis..25 s2.c.u5y treba hte ed acct e aes oka eet cc ee Salpingitis: with tubercular eperitonitis. .. 0... eee ene Pyosalpinx. sn bs fecce yo ede Ce ce ea ais s18 Ae koe ee Peritonitis vie iation so aed 6 ite Mea ee ee ae eee eee Ovarites: So cg Rect ae Gate ce week hoot Riana tne ae oe er Stenosis: 4s suv e aae ek mek Rate h aids dead alkane as Jere on Prolapsis: siteriie. fc oo) on ee ee Dysmenorrinea' stg 9h caecies sae bee Le chee Hare aaa eee Menorrhagiays Vipin 5 cites 8 siete wintenets @ eee ey ieee a Uteritie ‘polyp ian ies PAGS bales tle ee ae ee Miya 23 feeds Sinai nicts Le ee CO eee See Enucleation Of cever ese er eon poses sunk Hae Catarachivoperation saci os aes ied can en aaa oe eee Stra bovGmy Whee Cohen spec mish ee sie he ee ee eis fo een Garetmentsof-—Cornea ‘oi 204008 et aes, oar ae LAGS AR ty Ae ek ee oe ee Ge aie Carcinoma otlipe ites acne oe kk ocr es Caan eee NECTOSES “OTP 1AW 1 van % vases De bce olin ee Cervicaloglandss . Orsi Seconss wb eos ea eae eee Ampttation of breast ...4 7.02.5. nse eee een ee eee Body scast (for spinal Caries 32.06 Gann ess ek ee eee Inguinal iadenectomiy yy Ak ven bcd sn mae are ae ee MEDICAL AND SURGICAL WORK. 27 WWABECLOMIV | 2:02 bot Satie Bee Le ee eee Baa te ates aie 3 PUPETICE COMI VA hoes. nate Matern cee ae ete 9 ROLCCUSTOLOMY.- 5g a lctich SF ul was ww arn Ge SOR enon) nae eROn Sel ds 2 RTOTTIUGLORTY: EUs tects @ Peon oe are BOs ce Mem ar mart 9 VAPCITIONTIA HIV OTAG 2. cu ae eee eet etl yl are e es dee eae ee I PVONESSOTISA DETILONGAL HSA Sea es cke es OS vente Ween wan I soabercilar: peritonitis | (ascites) c.2 4 « halves gue eee eu I ELVSUCEECLOMNV soe), ue fares teil Pere Cos ete te Maa thee OTE 5 8 RIVATIGLONIT Y Sue tae Peale te Mee rate es haa Pet Areas Sareea aCaRN® 6 I PMISZATICCT: ODECTATLON 7 eure Maen via the ee ata ds ccclaor ar eae wet I PSCASiODe CCLING: DOLGD aise eae See Oak Cape ee I DreniCie VAP itinin Setitiqua amen are ene Nia. viorcha cian ase 6 oilstetions: snmccuretaven. wearers oleae filsads dois fs aes 14 LEcHCHeIOCTHAiiyarret ae enG miner edt le dots a ge eee clane 19 AFSTATIGCOLE NADY Fre ie eit eee arts Col Salah medias sre Ne I5 SUprasTuUDICACVSTOLONI We Sic Ge ciao cha bil ein tie alee as I CU TUC tthe. Sent ae aot apiece aie ta gis ee) whales oN Gece Bak te I plastics OBEPATION Oty NYyPOSPAdias 2,5 eas deta ew cee ae a I MACELET OLOLIV a to ea Tes Ce tee os chive oy eee Teas tlaee I ME ASEE ACCT ore tea Mra kote | Mebciel sche cee eater bk ou nes. 8 oite 3 PU eesI te SCLOL Pe UEUINO Lancia fa heats Wietday chee k's «ia Vine Bggie ise foots I PECNVesT PHOLAGUN cua elas crea eh eee Nolte ce cok a teas caeeee 10 EVIST Me TTT ATIOU Rew ae Sard OR We Tok matey Lid ete eg atthe 3 CA TDLIL AOR O ere. ETN Wa ot font ort hare eta s Mheie' ye viaced els Gerace 6 pe bebaValy @ SA Aue are ae irre aes Ree rearing a ger 2 PSN GCLGM irs CROCE ete Ws eae a ae woe bd Relate Fe & ec FEXETSIOI © OL N CUT OLN al rests ert iene alec © cesta gie aon a wine oe 2 Garcinomar Olean gune uw a Nee Cnty tok ted weke dbo oo I Plastic Operator ilOrearniey mest e etter aici ore Sacutocts on ae I Reduction. dislocated—shoulder Go 0624 fene cc cee cas necvese I TELDO Wee sen ee garnet are Oe rasa eel cots cyte enciekey ee I PRIMO CALTON Law LION eem eo aN ree a wit ee Se etek Uo galsihe 2 ERS GENE ok elo ppt Sy ee pe OE ok eea Be ee Pane oe 2 28 BROKAW HOSPITAL. Excision exostosis femur Tenotomy tendo Achilles Curetment—Ankle joint Stump? hss ISOOTOV EGS nites Ce east aes he ee aks Pe 1900.'hs 36 BROKAW HOSPITAL. Contract To Be Signed By Pupil Nurse. Dra to kata oe Seek Pk Gane men ntoh, , the undersigned, do hereby agree to remain ............ years from the com- mencement: OL my: Service, is. cs eve eace were , 190..., a pupil of Brokaw Hospital School for Nurses, and promise, during that time to faithfully obey the rules of the School and Hos- pital, and be subordinate to the authorities governing the same. In witness whereof I have hereunto affixed my name. A Meas seas take oe ORICON ee See , Nurse. Witness ASO Bote ee bh, ae ee ae Nurses -in/schooh Jantiary, 1) 1003 /e.1. cc aces fates 8 Receivedon ‘probation ws lace. Sen te ete re eee eee II Not: accepted. (2nc.eew cient yt heslinernints Bee ei cee 4 Applications withdrawn iAwus? sence voese eae eee I ACCE DER EEG uae ae nates nN e Rae ete eee SC pty 6 6 ‘LOtale nurses: an ¢tmitOrme s sar. os peta oe cee ke eee 14 DisririsSetl ho eA Rs ee ky, & aE eG See re cede Ae See 2 siispendéd V1. 45.0 (O cube seane Gel oak eve ce een ek ae eee I Resigned bhee fs iG Ge es dvs ee ea a a a ee bee ee 1 4 Nurses’ in ainiform ‘January 1, 11004024.) aaa eae 10 Nurses In School fanuary 1, 1904. Jennie M. Carlson, Margaret B. O’Reilly, Maud E. Cook, Delia Sheridan, Glendora Hamilton, Gertrude Sinks, Jessie M. Johnston, Laura E. Wilson, Florence B. Minard, Dora E. Zelich. . . eo i > 1 oer aah ea | Pete rut rarer eres 4-9 6-4 rere rerare re ~tr ttt at bh 5 4h 46 4-1 = 4 rererere se = -_ = ao \] \] | pa eemesll II! | MYA l\| ITT TINT TUN i Hh ¥ ' babel | | it | i A NAW " : little Rebel ie! WL Ne