Classifi eather Cancello? OR ies oo 1G 2 an Auth) .G CS, ATSC : Asst. vl hiel, Special sesiacitane ratory ORANDU Mm EPORT Pes Uda SR RRIC By? ARMY AIR FORCES AIR TECHNICAL SERVICE COMMAND WRIGHT FIELD, DAYTON, OHIO ayes RAZON ANTENNA AS-254/ARN-38 ay iy = V : “4 - i a4 j : & t bf , a, PLACE GUMMED LABEL, HOATSC FORM 80-5078, IN THIS SPACE i n nee) : ‘ ae a 4 id “ah te Se the), : Sa al ae 4 Ane Ca x OES aa, ity: $3 y y f et * 1 4 es oF dats y ; Daw a a i t I ‘ UR Pe Lia! if ah Aah ot F ¥' cee ¥ f Bove anerg a: 6 MT at shal Es a Merah ' STA ER GA MG ase HE fee Tey jit a bya St ef ft ; ee JUL 311950. RANZ rat gp cl ENGINEERING AIR TECHNICAL S&RVICE COMMAND = MW@MORANDUM REPORT ON NGINEERING LIBRAR* Date le July Ll cy ai MALE STORAGE SUBJ#COT: Razon Antenna AS-294/anw-38. OFFICE Special Projects Laboratory. Contract or Order No. 1061-DAY-45 ouRTAL NO. TSERREC $67 Expenditure Order No. Ae PURPOouS tee transmitter. To develop an antenna system for use with the AN/ARW-38 Be FaCLUAL DATA: he Description: ae The AS-294/ARW-38 antenna consists of a balanced dipole mounted underneath the aircraft to provide a horizontally polarized pattern for Razon radio controlled bombs. The antenna is designed to cover the frequency range 65-93 mc by adjusting the dipole lengths according to the calibration engraved on the dipole rods. ‘The antenna was designed for narrow band operation, being matched to an unbalanced 50 ohm feed line within a 1.z:i standing wave ratio at the correct calivrated setting. Although not designed for broad-band operation, a bandwidth of 2 mc is obtained Within a csi standing wave ratio at the low frequency setting and at the upper frequency setting approximately 6 mc is realized. be. The antenna consists of two adjustable dipole rous, varying from 26 1/4 to 40 inches in length, a balance and matching transformer thru which the antenna is fed, two wooden supporting struts, and three mounting bases. These components are shown in the photograph in the appendix. The antenna is mounted with the three streamlined supports along the axis of the aircraft to minimize air drag. A 4:1 fineness ratio is used in the supporting elements and provides acceptable aerodynamic characteristics well over 400 mepehs The mounting bases are clamped between channels anchored at each end to cross members of the aircraft structure as well as being rigidly rivetted to the aircraft skin thru a doubler plate. The mounting bases are sealed W=832E ZF oF: eee PF ee prt ee % io PS SA pag at eee) une mee Le the 4 oy Sakae beth ics eae bs ‘Ba Foah 861A OS ah ban X ey vd Uy). peane - awe ‘ Ke rs ae . r Bia i? ¥ A h ‘“ a a f 4 aol tacky 98 om dela. pas | < eo ee ee vie Mees OO Re ERR ee e Co Pie yy Fiby Yo bd Bearer ys Fey -t Pia ea Se is sigyes ors 7? : , 4 ~~ sie 7 y wus agi Ve te $ yank ra a Pike . ’ ear a ty ; , “ ‘ 4 ae Yj he +e, “ a's ae ws ts Oe FA “Koel d'4, & “an & eet aA eit oN i hmsdabeay 4 5 : : et ys hog aF at Ls 7% aa x aS 3 ry Pe Y eb abate oye... ¥ Woes ; 10 © De Sct Sei Seth S¥ re ha : Y aby rp ae ’ LA ¢ 27. A » gies ney Te. LG GRO oe ve ‘Fale Ag bevn +: a. & a Bibi ote as a Kaew, Ko cade Rg a bg oA SLES 28d le ies nS Rfid Peale) ee Pik CMs Pat g See AAO eel SS BM 5 aie ae dS Sf Fast TOD: ye ' 7 . im ; at a t : i 2 al I dt GAS fa i a ee AP eats hem age +e he thy (fe: ; iv RR Ol OTA ee tlh proses etd ss Pipady? e4 - a “ 7 * " -" ee . ae - “ay ; ; ay Cit a oat eo. (orks at ; et he ‘ Sead Jay ivitee erect ¢ te ‘ D : J mee Baer ae te €2 mos) ‘2 . bt 14 oan th DR Ga owe y fo: ae Etats met Mayen ES UATE AY QT at Sh CS Rob Sis wits, Chg Pak” sw 33% hl , Y > pian ra a6 fe esnEd Sis ay Sarna wif Best WORE ear geet belted yi. Site . re gi alas OUTS Dat I aPes FM is we 4 tae i 7G xa Fs iu eae Cie DAY, Bese ik: ate i aaa Yes el Esenipia # Wy ihe bes teal dD poms ete a8 oy Baan aed, ike a woe 5 % i> . “ - « 4 ag S 7 “a ~ ya + x ‘ ie | A RIS ow, ; 5 ae , Shr 6 “ < 4 jas > ae * wt gh . ee weatke eo i UR thes + cee ki as > » P Lata is . eae tet jain a Les ok ee ee a SE Gasary Ta. " i ARTA Leos Of jeiie ees a6 Bags tek . 4 Rani hd, oes few: HE wr iz. S TSERRZC-67 1Z July 1945 3 40 © ENOMEERING | UBaaRy to the skin of the ship by rubber grommets for use in pressurized sections of heavy bombardment aircraft. A Be24 mock-up installation is snown in the photographs. co The dipole is mounted 15 inches from the skin of the aircraft to provide maximum clearance as well as rigidity of mounting. This distance is approximately ey of the wavelength at 65 mc., but is sufficiently great to provide a radiation resistance in excess of ZO ohms at the lower frequency limit. This resistance is matched to the feed line thru the balance and matching transformer resulting in a power transfer efficiency of approximately 954 when set at the correct dipole length shown by the calibration. de The antenna is capable of handling 200 watts in continuous Operation. The only limitation in power handling capacity is the 50-<39 connector and RG-8/U cable within the balance and matching transformer. RG-#8/U cable is nominally rated at 480 watts at 200 imc. Froduction Status: ae The antenna system is being manufactured by Rowe Industries, Toledo, Ohio, in quantity production under contract 1061-DAY-45. Final tests and acceptance of a prototype model were completed on & Way 1945. Balance and Matching Transformer: ao The balanced dipole antenna is connected to an unbalanced transmitter thru a balance and matcning transformer. The balance transformer schematic is shown in Fig. 4. A cone venticnal balance to unbalance transformer is used but is cut to very much less than the usual quarterwave length to provide for matching the antenna impedance to the 50 ohm feed line. The admittance of the antenna measured at the dipole leads is shown in Fig. 1. The matching stubs, which also provide for balance from an unbalanced feed line, are in parallel with the antenna so do not affect the conductance, and the lengths are so chosen as to match as nearly as possible 50 ohms (conductance equals 2.0 x 10°* mhos) over the entire band at the correct calibrated dipole lengths. The matching stubs are fixed and only the antenna dipole length requires adjust- ment for optimum match to the feed line. From Fig. 1 it wiil ‘be noted that the final impedance match is within a loég3l SoWere OVer the dand at the caiibrated dipole lengths. bo Figure « shows the seli-impedance of the antenna which has " a : 2 ; : “dt oe Pe a a : 5? See a 4 > ee 4 ld ‘ ‘a Amd 5 Sw tat ve mm » 7; ’ 4 » ‘ { ce Ad. 7 ive } a ee sv F ‘ ak ke suv up't Ghemuax, radtoh \@ ide eld Ye akne! ends sJintoike Tnsohiadegd yveol td éuckisee Botiavegeiy hyaitthodosy eat me Rwéne es dod vas Let enut or Anon pestis 4 io aise ef: word eeidonl GL bednuom af wlogib eft - Yitbi gis os Liew us conmtaels Quake ebivery of Finite eat ta «aa bes ikke tas af eonetelh widT paitavon Io euivorq of Jaci, yd taekolt ite eh Gad .i toes rm tijue Levee THwOl cfd Tey Gas OO £0 GuebxXSs AL SOR Ieiees MeLIetiet @ WO). GAS OF COROT BL CONBE RES Bhag) » Soe E Youuwp 61 juvlbust Tee igaen eoihowe vee podealed eft, gait enc jeti @CR pléiaalxo ius ‘to Vbaekasaee solenseas 2ewoy a od -NOLISNDLL£9 eis \d pwone HOgael eloyuld Ioens0d eds Ge See, é euOuRI FOO as ESiew VVC yotleeudl Io eldedes 6e\ asaudne edt ob (Ji 0089 ets dk Mpii ow fet Fae sot sacéows yo ent 0 AU.S Patego: soieiud’ dé nddtiw « 0 U\e-o DA bee IOsDeNaOS RES“Oe eae ef)! boisi Yiiahiioon ef eldso U\Sod -. sattidiaderd uwot gi kite oa DUS Se ettew O88" de % toi 00 awd Mbiriwibal ewor WwW Lew toe hii gtied ch Beyays auedas ed? Pants ebay AUniGwt Jomisnos ebay settee berg Ytliaéup ad pokde med bacselgmoo eisw J ebo e ail 2 10 Qumetqeoos kaa efser sae eel yok & me emo Ssert yakiodall bag soapkey bth beoin.conu 18 OF Le. seared ak anaeins sloyib bosaadad sot ag mit LOMIILeMS LS Zitoauewm wie voneledia wads weds ime “MO9 h of o§L3 ak cwode ed ol Pellsdge tebte léhend eotedg tuo oh Sud beou ef vorxp teases Oiisindae OF soaslad Lensiddev ebivos, o¢ dAiswel evsesédipug leuew edd madd eedl dou Yer oF enis best ado Uc eas oF olmmbequs snpedms gifd gniddten 208 Bhie, eloys' os JS Vetwepett sanetae edt to soowetinvbe ell Gbiv Uy OBL) Nitin « eS BaD J et ei’! oh hth md nwodle ‘Bs iidW IGehotay No otf ¢88e. bent soohalidaw me mod? Bona ted Sod 6Av.ce. GAS Ute ,somedowhago off SeeTta doo ob o8 ennedns en? wih 3: oat wa. as YL te Be aotaa of se ageodo Of ste 18 sodu orline eid srove: (eda: 97Ol x Gls uleuoe euhetoupnoy) » S0uJe piinolam oT .tatynel eiogeb codeidiles goonies ond Bded oe Selinpor Ad, del elguth ninsims edt yleo one boxib ois site Jit cuit Ord .oAhh Yook att O90 AO Dadi mumbdyo apt then f2sol # siitiw eb dost eonebeyil Laat ead teat ed Tidbeeaes sLoyih begwitdles ‘elit: tx Saad ois ey ovina ites Gal AiO. Snay tag os ‘to. BOS babe Le oe pee ~ = eye am ee ie mary: 55 ee ee j _ f ites ~ ‘ ey Soee it 8 bd hi pag We Ne : a aan 4S Cie * ¥ 7 ‘ rd ; i@ J J y Sets 4 M v4 F ye ; ( % 7 oS eae ; : : } 7} ‘ee N iss neeecchistileeigitin, ||. oa, CSP. Ten Wier HE NL! YS RE Np a ee OE ‘i fh a i. pa ‘ite, Otte Fa mar , an ') eee -, hae rr LA Codes rites. TSERR2C-67 12 July 1945 been calculated from the measured data of Fig. l by subtracting the susceptance introduced by the stubs of the balance and matching transformer. The radiation resistance is shown and varies from approximately 22 to 35 ohms over the band. co Figure 3 shows the calibration curve and corresponding crystal code at the optimum dipole settings for best impedance match over the frequency bund. The dipcle rods have been engraved with the transmitter crystal code and it is then only necessary to check the crystal to set the proper dipole length before tuning up the transmitter. 5. Radiation Fatternss: , ao Figures 5 thru 8 show the antenna patterns om a Be24 mockeup instailation. The baianced dipole provides an optimum pattern for radic controlled verticai bombs such as Razgon. Maximum radiation occurs directly beneath the aircraft which is essential for efficient control. The pattern across the wing axis is much broader than the fore and aft pattern so it is possible in some installations to vary the mounting position as much as 15 degrees from the pottom center line. However, the antenna should be mounted as nearly horizontal as possible since the fore and aft pattern is more restricted. Ce. CONCLUSIONS: 6. The AS-254/ARW-38 antenna system is satisfactory for operation with radio control transmitter AN/ARW-38 over the frequency range 65-93 mco 7. The antenna is matched to a 50 ohm unbalanced feed line within a 12:1 s.wor. at the calibrated dipole setting which corresponds to the transmitter crystal code. 8. The matched antenna is ovroad-bund enough to operate in limited broad-band applications, and the impedance wili be affected only Slightly in different mounting locations, providing the antenna is mounted on a reasonably flat surface comparable to the location selected on the Be24 aircrait as stated in this report. 9. The antenna is designed with favorable aerodynamic character- istics up to 450 m.poho, and is provided with pressurization seals for heavy bombardment aircraft. - - 7 " ‘ (™ 1 ~ i * L AF) Sila Q , 5 MVviAvsihel aot se 7arinotjgs MOF selisy Las owote ert aobeeee | o bed wit bbl santo, ee * ‘a ; ? ROUeSIIOyY Lite wo Moltatitiao a! ij beOGa €£ eisytt k fy20 391 Benittea elogih mowtsus! Oe te obao dateyss oY Bicouch Bit » baad ¥ 343 Gai 67} a4 13 eve Pe eelep er | amb teat phos Jace xo ey Peete ult Aviw Sevatgae néad ovat aud Sec ud Ladayio odd aopdd of yapeesoem Vio ceed at dL o Med g Lint iu 1 4 grant eroled ivanell elogsh degeay ‘WEP INS woes eal 40; ye a i Ft e ‘ J | = et. e xz er rw) Wil Fe 5 a > e é 4 $i 2% om PAL ty 44 JOVMRAEO. OLl test Shae tens quracom a Jad Adtev velioisaes oltet 39 noes dieg amit dae: Ts wi BINGOIG Aol ei Sw le xed aoeeR Be fF.) ote OLILLG 301 Lecsnoees ak Rodda Pywisd ze: Og Meas YHKOSS HONG On. GAXw Bxiw od SHOXoe atetsaat Viv SA ANSERS OMOR Hh GLutveoy at Sf os oetiag Fie corre 12 Br | + 66 GONE BH AVLIASSy aol eoNOm eb Vis OF) mere rae 2 o8) .sévewoH Seeel mye wotted aff. + vie Wek Gi C8 B1Gs6GoG ga dainostron \lwwen Be Degen Tyee oe. betotilces o1om ai arediag Sta hae | ‘al i ra % Bee moseye ennéetns 82-WA \ee $-GA. edt dae GL-WHE\in tedtimeawrt Lordmoo of bat ae ok: om cay Sit. COSl Seshsiadan mig UC wo) Belo hem ef anaes rae oct mh Y nowes' » ke iijtus dlogib tedwidileo edd des NeWes LeSet” i eboo Latayre “saodnenand oth “L gv sueyo Oc Uywoce bowd*+heend el wnnecmke bets Jem ed? “aa he 5 Souttas J 4457 GORGE Go) Yas ph teal igus Meier Egy rh ivoty «usoiisowl yaiteso tkeredtibos Hol-soo. @dd od eddaisgmos evatave Jali ‘Ue atosse7 a a ia Zot glut teh bodaze’ Ue Jas ee Pedy ab il 4 i ‘i Jie CoI6s oh GBIOVw) ALES bonyieyd ek billie ed? oe a 101 81662. Hostess ume tote betivary sa big peep petal | J, | at a Siwiwiee ¢ vi hb es 7k. » pit Rone deh, § 4 1 “— t Fi . ‘ * oy eo nwo s _- ; “bh Fe Hh re | raiet ‘i 5 ¢ ee = _ if i. ww i. nes med pee Ue pe vad Vues ad 1? ok ee TSERR2C-67 12Z July 1945_ 10. The antenna system is capable of handling 500 watts power in continuous operation at 95/0 efficiency and is limited in power handling capacity only by the S0-239 connector and RG-8/U cable used in the balancing and matching transformer, RG-8/U cable being nominally rated at 480 watts at 200 mc. ll. The radiation patterns are ideally suited for control of vertical bomos, maximum radiation occuring directly beneath the air- craft. The pattern is wide enough across tne wing to permit mounting up to 15 degrees from the bottom center line, but should be kept as nearly horizontal as possible along the fore and aft axis of the aircraft. De AUCOMMAYNDATIONS : iz. It is recommended that the antenna be mounted at least 10 feet away from a horizontai wire antenna of comparable length such as the fixed-wire marker beacon or communication antennas. 13. It is recommended that final tuning of the transmitter be accomplished in flight as ground tests indicate that the impedance of the antenna is sufficiently affected by the proximity of the ground to Change the transmitter tuning. Distribution: | Prepared by: Gade >. Wor. ALLEN 5S. Maluk, 1 Tech. Data Lab. TowAL6 Capt., Air Corps. Lt. Hardy & ToS#RReCc, Attn: Mrs. Kremer & TosRRecC6 Files . 3 Admin. Files TouwRKed3 REED Le WARNOCK, 4 baGn, Lt. harrigan iingineer,y Radio. Ll UG,sAF yWasnington co, D.C. Attn: Lt. Col. Norvell saFACO 1 CG,AAF Washington <5, DC. Approved bys Attn: AC/AS, M&S, materiel ji Division A¥DMA-2F/8 it. Cols, Air Corps, 1 «AF board, Office of the Chief, Special Frojecits Labe, President, Orlando, riorida Radio & Radar Subdivision, Attn: wajor Gustav Neuberg ingineering Division. 1 Tech. Exec. ToskR2AZd l Chief, a ‘ , ee ' “ ae «dada adam T ta: ‘ates 13007 , ree : ye 7 * 4 ; pitt og 5% . wenetd seh. 1 ndta 7 pe : = P . % = ‘~. ~ > Mt ie PLL hc FS 2. Bele SORA 7 ok ( 1 Saivvice 1 sell’ 4 die Riga Sa, irish «te hi ; , ee +ch HOS PEAS SH ¢ * ven +2 eek \ ba eee Wavta Llevto «100 +a” Sl DY St eS \ ivd be Vo mus e0eG 9S 40 tt iste tg Whalng eHEblali Ji SddOGe Jeizeted ,Gau ,2a\0a ant A pHETOD bd ee SGD: eS We, S\iS-awdia noteivad 7H (07 sioeua » tetdio els to ei TiV ,bisod % a ivibd ini wah & olbah Bbi10.9 sobnelw See pied 1s Toot Rnd giedve Valaud "aD (aah ead: BasiacT » vow » 3d ~_ m~ © ‘ F ai CO aae Ah, Gao kT wodousmmgd. - Oe'ha baa. ' - eS me — » § ae. NG — a EARP ue bevoiyyh ako LD ames Hidge ¢B . ® Vive no +e yh LAS - _ > ’ ame, iY) ” bs t+ Me v ’ & 4 debe t- mii qo aay aids Iinjshn 2 Gils OLE pt af ‘*teer L Yeh chiara pu se « 6 ‘ ceed dS f a TSERR2ZC-67 1g July 1945 The following Antenna Branch personnel assisted in the measure- ments, calculations and preparation of this reports -Capt. Allen S. Meier, A.C. - Branch Officer Dr. Frederick D. Bennett - Branch Engineer Reed L. Warnock ~- ingineer, Radio Glenn L. Musser - Physicist © F. Lucille Draper - Engineering Aide Pic. Raymond J. Slater - Air Corps Elizabeth H. Puttick - Clerk-Stenographer 5 eetuason eft mi belteiees ‘Lomios 16g occas ; -ttugget aiid ‘ko Woddetade'tg f 4evtl20 foasd poonigod dosed ofbeA . ts0hi god fetoLayet obtA yniseamiyii BQ 100 “sel yor gonedte die ld “, TSERR&£C-67 lz July 1945 APPENDIX I. Fig. 1 Antenna Admittance Fige @ Antenna Self Impedance Fig. ° Calibration Curve & Crystal Code Fige 4 _ Balance and Matching Transformer Fig. 5-8 Antenna Patterns TSERR2C-67 12 July 1945 APPENDIX II. Photographs: (1) Antenna Assembly (2) Installation B-24 (exterior view) (3) Installation B-24 (interior view) Drawings: | (1) Assembly drawing (2) Cross-sectional drawing ‘ is! ‘ x as 13 ye A Cy. “a 5 (woiv toiredxe) @S9a dofde {weiv rotiedac) P-k soitallaten 3 rN i rar Le > > » ‘ Hs | fy lens es ‘a ; ry © Ee Bade ww i oer i oa 5 a iia by | srt ha | Ps, Bes Ss ess SS. ables. zcereued i Peay RS owen tae 20 9b ERNE as BE BL a ae 9 BRE or: bafas. ENE areas 3 pal Opes sere beet 26 O88: fee Rot Ld a | = o maps =e , <7 ma 3 Ceake AwwaN BS ; 3 + +. , : 2 B [sn@ a 4 edesstrseed ee a REE EE bie EES Se ee PS Betsid Soe ae On ns eee REE OBES . | ———. oa vos % : + WOE ; oe “feet fe ~ tn 22 SUE 6 HE WE SEES e Oe Be eee enn caere re tote eet He geessedace get’ ober oteus Pear] :ahrz ceeegngaat Eeneeean Swan as sege> fy NN % ‘RSS PSR SES Pers ae eit seit wee , sate ; ‘ ealme Bm épevssurss 28. 18e8 gaa? Sa> usta can mue weeny Seg S a4 ARE yy ‘J - pf FL ALD Sf ZF wanda n bea BL Aha Baad oe his apy oe . Ay + ae i : a 0) NAN y lib wy

~~ i . » ~ it , gf ' J ‘ car’ a Se ¥ & 40 th %s me Oe: 2% 5 4 ae bh VY An “as oll ~ A i . 4 : Ty al eal + + > i: 2 a " I “ i % 4 ‘ lat : me | o¢) op ‘ ‘ i l k -—~ { er ? . 4 ‘ s way ' . at. : 4 +i , 4 ’ . es » mt - § ~ a 7 ‘fF ; 4 : 4 Ir P a " ' P ad § ll ic al ? 5 res € "| mt - \ a, ee, ? , Ven “ . 4 i f M4 ’ 6 or nig oy 1 ini? « wt S ~ a . . / we Pa os Ls Vaile, s i ihe Regn ’ + Kat Le Ne Noah ae oo Pr ko = . 9 : . ‘i a re t ' : \ : g + a . 4 / . . ; $ > ort ag ‘ a he . (Oe iy ; / b ; ade! | .* § iy - 1 - ~9h7 ope . 7 : r , , 3 ‘ ‘ I ee a eS ad Lou } f . - ® vag " 4 dal wee Pe * A P : : i , & on © out Se ae av oF ? , - a. r ‘¢ : : ‘ 4 xi w ie. we tia 4, (ver oe ae ’ f i ay" 4 -' i : : y A ait a a) 4" bs! Vie | J ne 4 ‘ ‘ 5 ‘ io : Ly ® iw Sag nih a a * oe! bo ) | . ak le Z 7 oe <4 aa le ew a Sf ' ‘ = i] ‘OYO? CF2INY TEE Yo LMIIIUI LY PTMIOF PONELILTY 2N/OHO 7— £ Zz ON OF WI SVN TL Ve J Def | hae A as | MIL L/W SN AL | | | ) : 7 — OFONEIGGN OL ATMO. SHOLDIONOD FOELIQ) aT a EDL IS BILSON ~~ i 3 ei > eee AERP | : aS 2 arene b . Ee ee N , NHS S = ae & z , fie N NP ee INT pine | : y ig Pigs er | a IN NAL = | Sp Seren N Nee ‘ _W/7 MINE- INTIAL IK 70e/ : , Ne a oe Sy oid See | ) aus Ni IA NAIA , ee 2/7 | N AN FIOS/C. Reng. = yee SS pees cy bal 2 | 4 Th LY I2- NWIL/ ,OF-%GW SE PTS PO | 88-Mab b62-Sl - SIWIOLS NGL QNIMILE A ON ZINGTUD @ Hy v aly a) i y. { < ¢ i | 4 rye ay * a} : o> etme ——e— oy} a> a, pam ean UE cy Ee: WE, 3 Me wi ci 65 £ 7S ‘ 90 SCALA : “TWA gfe A225 2 } ATEN WHE... comeontNTS ea Me” BE -~EE¢/ MCW -IE fetes, lV Serer aso Ey Bn eae 4 rr Ses las } i ¢ ’ } + grcnonan sama mantad j le, Tract ur é “4 / ra } é Pe / ~f a) f / et ne ee FAP il Ee Rapddebeiat.. Lao SCRLE we Sut ne Meee ees. an OY) AGE Tae Scueomenray J | P5-254/ FEW 38 Bese eae Beas bate 6-29- #5 ~ em one fmt ne san ae he t Dupe ; é myn aern £79 ) ter bean at nih) ime a bia Opt ae io oat . ai ee ene em PD ¥ oe My ae tem STE BA2 FS RESET HSE ~2 y ‘ t : ic. / ' ; ~~ i | ONL a GAY eae > * \ . { > ‘ ' E \ ; a) . ; ‘ ' Senet 4h , \ 4 5 oo ‘ Pa ; wae La : q ne ae ; wr a Pp ee ne) en o> ee Se As arr aot ESE : pinghaa . . ; 5 tz. Ca ee ae ego rece 2. RN a ee f eT a iy bes NINA. PATTERNS ae sa " ants byt aS ee NOG ui ‘i ‘ ' bi = { mat aTen OF ae 2 SEARS E201 7a ea ORR cy 1950 be Bias WAL, COAGMITUDES. | rat Mn ar b RoR OME GNE MTS 65/46. * be eh abebte OM PEELE ey AS- 254 /PEW JE | = ey. a Ge zi i. { i 4 y woe 4 —— Se ae Deel ~ Apnea ocd inns - at ee ae e Kx | i oe Be i coicue lan = ‘ - = —— a 5 i { : ‘ sr * . ~ sf es c = a i ae 4 : E 3 ~- = J aivctotch- lcd auavnp>nsaribuahinepmpescppadenben ~*~ : A ens Clan i r : Es . Py he - °. . 4 j - ! a4 ; , ¥ Fs a rae | ? ; : See, “ ae \ ' = IS AS-25¢ {PM - B24 490 SCALE oi . VOILE. UWE: as WO 1 { ie “ oe aa ‘ 2 “ = ed r ’ ‘ i P : % 5 ‘ / “4 ; . 4 a4 “ st ; i Pat 5 , ; ae : ‘oa tn a Ay ‘ fir oie... i pe ie HY €O0ZET Gd °ON "Hon ‘O ‘OH LHORM ‘SIBOLVAOSYI OLIVA LIVADBIV S¥-TT°9 eng LUNN = =NOUSNGOYdIY = =GNY DIHdVYSOLOHd “S¥°AVG-TIOT “ON HYACHO NO SHIHYLSNGNI 3MOH WOHA AauNDOvAd *“8€°MUVY/NY LAS — i J ONILLIWSNYHL OIGYY 4O LUYd ‘(GSIGWESSY) 8&-MHYY/PSZ-S¥ ATANASSY WNNGLNY 7 ae . er . Te Plate 45D25432 (Ref.). 2. Antenna Assembly AS-=254/ARW-38. (Ref.). Beoa-JC.0165 ~ nie UNDER AFT FUSELAGE. AIRPLANE INSTALLATION OF ANTENNA ASSEMBLY AS-254/ARW-38. Ieee) eae ® PHOTOGRAPHIC AND REPRODUCTION UNIT AIRCRAFT RADIO LABORATORIES, WRIGHT FIELD, O. Neg.No.A 16779 R MeeeStation #8.1 (ref.). 2. Station #9.0 (rete joo tations 9.10 (ret..):. SeeeSta tones. 97 cere i.) . B-24-JC.0165 44-40515 AIRPLANE AFT FUSELAGE FORWARD OF TAIL GUNNER‘S POSITION. INSTALLATION OF ANTENNA ASSEMBLY AS -254/ARW-38. ; Date 5-5-45 PHOTOGRAPHIC AND REPRODUCTION UNIT NegeaNo.w A) 67805 R AIRCRAFT RADIO LABORATORIES, WRIGHT FIELD, O. > NOTFIC! data are use nitely rejate Government whatsoever; furnished, o or other jdat any manhber or conveyin) patented+iny . , e : ? : ' 5 NOTICE: When Government drawings, specifications, data are used for any purpose other than in connection with a nitely rejated Government procurement operation, the United States Government thereby incurs no responsibility, nor any obligations whatsoever; and the fact that the Government may have formulated, furnis! or im any way supplied the said drawings, spccifications, or other data is not te be rcearded by implication or otherwise as in any manher the holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture, use, or sell any patentedinvention that may in any way be related thereto. 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