as e212
entire county, interpretation of mr of a . 160
financial relations with county borough, adjustment of, 54 et: seq.
franchise merged in _ ... i aX" ae stile Bree fete,
inhabitants a “se nds rh ee ar ae para
interpretation ... =e iS; ce oh me a7 LOD
justices ... - ‘ eat st re aid ave velUy
liberty merged i in ac an a vie ee (OS
lieutenant ie ie ar aE cae see
separate non-resident list a : . 127
in metropoliton police district, when a particrpeienl in surplus
standing at Exchequer Ganaubenid Account... . 41
when counties of London and Middlesex to be deemed one
county... ae Pe LOG
with 50,000, qualification of medical occa st 33, 34
COUNTY—continued, PAGE
militia .., ~ AE ok psa of eet LOE
notices, when PeLLehed 3 pt See ae Ae of eee
parliamentary county, meaning of... eee ay ae LOL
parliamentary, place situate partly within, provisions as to
respecting voters, elections, &c. ... oF ve , 157
saving for..... ie ais elo
division of, into polling parliamentary districts by county
council a re sine Pree AY
poor law asylum, joint Annee: of satan ans exw gi
police, consolidation of, with borough force .. ae ee 194
police, efficiency of .... one ey ee hee pao
officers of police force ... AF porare op ake
when provisional order refers to Bowe! ers 8 of ees opmore:...7'18
differences as to which administrative county contains
largest population, how determined rr eer wa OL
rateable value, how ascertained ies a ate ee OU
returning officer... Ae ae Pas we ... 124, 242
administrative, sheriff ... Ah Ley + 5p oie L00
sheriff .... a we i68
urban district situate partly within and partly without ... 157
administrative, union, &c., partly situate within, payment
190 ee is Bee rea ie a aa 46, 47
contribution for remuneration of revising barrister... . 384
meaning of re ae A . 135
powers of, as to bridges, &c., Pred ip county capital 8
electors and voters... : 0h PAABY |
grant in aid of disturnpiked ad main roads, ah ,»-. 193
to be paid in county fund a ee eee LS
certificate of Local Government Board in respect to ».. 194
powers, &c., under Allotments Act, 1887, respecting borough
to be aed a Local eeennent Board) @«,,. et 04
what is ... : Ay dengue
in South Wales, ery. as to certain edeee Se ae
Yorkshire, powers, &c., transferred ... Ae can ae ele
meaning of ... ots ts Ct : oe ag Male
transferred to county council ... Phi a ie ae. 6
borough, in what county deemed to he situate Ae jag »08
revocation of grant of commission of peace ... a eae ah ae
of quarter sessions... sr ee ~ ae Be eb
included in expression “ quarter sessions borough” . 161
not included in expression “ county ” . 160
when to come into office ie Lie
when to enter on duties ... 169
accounts, abstract of BLD
audit of ae as 5 ny * eehi9
how made up . Hs i at at 293, 228
inspection of re 2 ae eas 119, 281, 282
local financial year 22
to show sums payable by ae particular sie of
county . 114
annual budget ... . 123
actions, &e., pending, saving for . 196
acts and proceedings of standing joint commétine er Z18; 220
adjustment before made, what sums to be paid 58
adjustment between, and council of borough ye 195
agreements as to adjustment of property, &c. A105
aldermen, election of ... ... 246
on what day #127
qualification of “1 2
appointed day, when it may be atieue 175
authority of or Rae or ie woe 90
Bills in Parliament ... a oa ps 31, 32
borough, grant of court of quarter sessions to AR 69
borough under 10,000, power as to explosives transferred to 73
borough with separate commission of peace, transfer of
powers, &c., of 68
pauper lunatics in... me “645 canoe
borrowing by ... ee se se 6, 106, ‘107, 115, 283
consent of Local Gavernitent Board required .. BP Bs)
when consent of Local Government Board not re-
quired a mH) BL!
for what matters ... wear La
repayment of Sys ered BA
on what security ... 7 . 115
when provisional order required... . 116
boundary, notices as to alteration of, when to be given 98, 99
order as to. ee Nas --- 98 et seq.
. when to take initiative as im stiemen of 98
commission, report of 95
boundaries, future alteration of = See +. 95, 96
bridges, may erect apy mt ne ose 117
maintain, repair, &c. 54 117
may purchase or take over re tc wag
bridges, when, may be indicted for non-repair . 141
what business transferred to ... ss 5—12
certain business of justices out of sessions transferred Cy a 62)
business at quarterly meeting... mL
transferred, powers, &c., fot ser ol
construction of Acts Save to. . 139
summary proceeding to determine question as to ey.
bye-laws, power to make ¥ Fe i aes 32, 221
for what purposes... oes “As we Lee Al
how made ... Ae. ihe af Sve Pen Daly a2
ultra vires ... : . 222
not to have force in borough 32
when may revoke or alter existing bye-laws, inden ¢ or peente
tions eyo
bye-laws as to bey nee tage ey Pelocnedes Re. . 149
evidence of, section 24, Municipal Corporations Act,
1882, not to apply to aE . 223
Cambridge, Lae of certain powers to... ota “86, 86
capital sum, when to be treated as capital ... ep we 107
casual vacancy in Jae . 234
chairman oe: ee . 4, 197, 139
chairman and gechien ie continue a be mermbery of . 233
chairman, election of ... fe - co fis 170, 247
on what day ) . 129
vacancy in office of . e170
when chairman, alderman, or ar to 6 fined for eh
accepting office of 2 232
exemptions . 232
new charter to porotieh situated fine ou
of Cheshire Bs ave . 118
clerk, appointment, anes ue a a ee ... 145—149
clerk of peace, remuneration a ayn
when to act under direction of anil in pe
matters ... eae
clerk to make finan Gal ergrn ie Tepeal Government
Board ... . 224
failure to make.. ... 224
colonisation and emigration e Lis
commissioners, costs i inquiry, ads ustikent by ... 104
committees of ... “or St ee s3 ste 51, 220
committee, proceedings of ... a Ar .. 144, 145
quorum of ... se 6 . 144
to report its proceedings ... . 145
may delegate functions ; : GL
when compensation to be granted to existing officers . 189
amount, how determined . 190
compensation, expenses respecting, payable out of county
Eby Sy. Se : xt) BLO
officer granted, and afterw ards appointed to another office 191
person aya a is on vd vd AOD
to make a statutory Reclae none ie id eee
to assess amount ... ' ie 2m, 190
to enforce claim of their Tener thereon aah 00)
when claimant to attend meeting of ... “ee sa aol
claimant may be examined on oath asi jee LOL
oath, how administered ... ... 990s “Xs we LOL
yen payable a : : we os say 2d
compensation, to be a specialty. deltas wale ie ye 191
to consist of chairman, aldermen, and councillors vie we lk
constitution of is “69 1—4
not to apply, to Ponty borpigh - “ts ey
Contagious Diseases ss daa Acts committee for cares
OUt ee ms vr ze isi . 178
contracts, Xe. Psabaanies saving ; for Ye site tes sa LOG
to appoint coroner av she bas, LB
when district situate ae at yhia county oe ere 1k
when district partly in county borough ody an G3
when writ de coronatore eligendo to be wiirected to 12, 13
Cornwall.. os : at Jee yi = OO
costs ieeneees by Pro FeonaL Soscal + ve of Bah’ 6
cost of establishment of aa ‘3% ss mB seedl4
election of councillors ... ais wa as os Jip 123
returning officer... 7 ve ae sel ose LS
qualification of councillors... ri ios see 2, 125
when county authority... x ies 64, 134
county dates, &c., after ppp ase + »v« ) 4408, 109
county lunatic asylum, where more than one committee may
be appointed .. ee “f wee BL
county palatine of Lancaster, property, &e., ry vest 10 gdm oe
powers of ... eee bs gre Shae oh
court of record not to exercise ‘powers of ite ‘i ... 139
to liquidate all current debts and liabilities... —... roe bt
power to administer declarations, oaths, &C... ... 283, 284
delegation of powers to joint committee... is ... 143
not to delegate power to make rate or borrow money ... 144
sen eoua of business to existing officers ... i!) gL OSLL89
certain departmental powers to be transferred to... hides EE
when Government deport stay &c., powers, to be trans-
ferred to 58 i - oe vik Rene |?
drains, &c., difference as to AC aes ee ae seh pao
election oF ts ss se a = a shana
defects in election, how remedied ... fe ees G20
elections, costs of oa ft ae ee fod «=e LZ
costs, &c., of aa af bs ee eee L297 132
taxation of Fat =i we: ae .. 132, 134
provision as to... : ay ... 124, et seq.
‘where election cannot properly be held as ee eee LUA
division of administrative council for election of county
councillors... a pa ak fe ENS:
-when enactments may iv modified Res ds rs. eel (4
_to be established in every administrative county ... eeneetl
surplus standing at Exchequer Contribution Account 39, 41
exemption, agreement with borough council as to ... we G7,
expenses of returning officer at first election and of pro-
visional council ae - rite ee on ot L65
taxation of TY io sie Ae - 7 168
finance committee _... or ow he ks ... 142
payments out of county rds oe re 7. ... 142
appointment of ... oe doe << ... 143
when to recommend certain payments .. ee .. 143
finance, notice of meeting as to a aA Ary: . 143
financial arrangement Pry ies ona 282, 283
financial palAane: agreement or ace as to, inequitable... 57
with borough council, how adjusted _.... ae 54, 56
footpath, public, repair, &e., of if be Was ee 27
franchise or liberty, meine joint committee ote yr tia - O85
franchise, merged powers, &c., as to ... ; ms. 00
governing body,” as tinder 35 & 36 Vict. C. 91. we. Ol
administer Explosives Act, 1875 ... sie ee artis oD
highway, repair, oo of aoe ae sae Sis 27
inauguration of.. 2 fi a a is 170
incorporation of.. it x one 141, 142
inhabitants of onan, ames &c., franafeured a wn 142
inspection of minutes, accounts, ‘&e. a a ... 281, 282
joint committee, accounts of ... oA ok hs ... 144
costs of ... eo Te oes Te ... 144
appointment of members bf at ee es ... 144
tenure of office of .. 46 we or in ... 144
when to be eipeote) in 9 ih oa ... 143
judicial business, not to perform a oa ite ... 140
jurisdiction of ... = wok
not to exercise furisdiction tinder Summary J arisdiction
Acts ... gee ... 140
justices of the peace, Ah ae a exercise fancuoue of ... 140
land, conveyance, &c., of ha e ee oe eae
land or buildings, provisions as to... ve ss ace 109
Ind HH i
land or easement, powers as to acquiring, &e. Aa ABW
sale of ae / Lae ne Ay, * . 112
proceeds of sale vi ft: on » 212
land, when, may acquire and hold witht ident in
mortmain oe x ve et an . 142
liberty merged, powers as to ... fe ise re Sst oss)
duties on licantees to provide for issuing licenses a soa OO
local taxation licenses, penalties and forfeitures ay 00
restoration, &c., of ... wer va re se tO
local taxation licenses, when to levy ... in YOGI)
issue and cancellation of ... 3 ee e500
powers, &c., asito ee 37
payment of proveedal of duties on local idektion lieenkee to 35
loan ans as at a2 ses ... 282, 283
how disdharsed ey b we 3 Pra eA Wi heg
how raised .. at ry 2 a5 a Mega’
on what raised + ut ¢ ee % fe
raised for special county pare ce a sews
limit of period to extend over ... ni me SG
not to delegate powers as to ie La Sy ae Oo
local grants, sums payable in place of v's ui Aas)
payments ben in substitution for annual Jocal grants 41—-48
proportion paid out of local taxation account to... wo
when to participate in surplus at local taxation account on
coming into office... ‘ ep
may aptly to Local Government Board to fies eit to
bring Act more fully into operation ots a eget Wedd
local inquiry of Local Government Board ... -. 154, 155
costs of — ... ~~ : a oe a socal ltsds)
main road, power to break uip.. ay a ei px. 20
maintenance, &c., of AF ns 4 si 18, 19
to have powers oe highway board ' as to .. ue 18, 19
obstruction,on .... as rs oa ode on we
when repairable by a Page ef
retained by urban authority, eosts of repaily &es, OL nee ue
when retained by urban authority, no liability on
council to repair oh te"
costs of repairing, by urban authori hes detecnined 22
contract with district as to repairing, &e. a8 22
when to make payment to district council in pare ae 23
when to vest in... ous Meares
undertaken by district eeinctl mee in eee reper dus Pace
when road to be declared.. oe Soi mcen
differences as to, undertaking répaie’ rigtiae &e. 5
between, and district council, show determined 25, 26
main road in larger quarter sessions borough not county
borough, when to be declared... ms wee ee OD
pire! to declare same A 66
property, &c., of district roads nasal in Boat Wales to i
Bet tecred! to.. te oe te so He FY
to be transferred to ae wh pe Be
medical officer of health, appoicitent; ree of oH Sed) MB
medical officer, and district council may agree as to 1o™ oo
to report to et ore ee “ie Ai of Oe
failure of, to report aoe at OF
Public Health Act not properly eaioreed vi wee. ae oO
meetings of - ne 134, 220, 283, 293
first meeting, a to be hala ore ia ut eye!
how convened... zee fs. ae =e ... 174
by whom convened ane + Fido haben Smee
meetings, business at... yy SP ose ... 2938, 294
when held . nr or oa ae As Aen ado
who may et Ey 34 + aes ey .. 294
summons to attend meeting oom uae aes ae ... 294
want of service of summons ons ate ae SY
chairman of asi ns ee a Ld edo
equality of votes ... < rc re ay oe 290
majority of votes ... Ve ea Me te fe ete
Seer eal) 8g. ee! A 128, 295
minutes... ies aes 3, ... 296
quarterly meeting, mien held. ie hs we re 128
minutes of proceedings... a tie se oe 220, 296
forgery of . oan ... 282
Municipal Corporations ‘Act, 1882, Bo pliention Gis en ... 124
nature of application to, and Peeresibndedee with Treasury 282,
Northampton, transfer of certain powers to ... et 85, 86
misnomer or inaccurate description ... ah .. 284, 285
oath, when to administer ae m2 we .. 283, 284
not to administer ... Of. Ae ae a3: ... 140
officers of as ti oe ie hoe vas ... 140
officers, accountability of Ae ati a aie Se NS
who are to become officers of ... af ce ee L871 88
removal of ... a ve Bel ud us ven 189
salaries of . re Efe aoe ay. on 2 189
tenure of office Olies fi ons 42 ‘e130
may abolish office of Ae existing athe ey: a ent 90
compensation to such officer ... ie ae oat LOO
order, when may be removed by certvorar ... id sare
when paid clerk or other paid official not eligible to serve in
Parliament ... a: 3 tee ae ote w. 149
parliamentary elections, lists of voters, &c., where district »
situate in more than one county ... aes EE ay
powers as to cee sale - a LOL
pauper lunatic, sum payable i in 1 respect Otis bah - 43
asylum, accommodation for pauper lunatics sent: by
borough . +. < a oF S. aie 56
accounts... Py BAS LOD
arrangements Betyeen! “aul borough opal fe se 56
when } to elect committee for purposes of is pay WH
_ things done by quarter sessions, when to have effect a as
if done by county council —.., ae aL TT
what powers retained by quartersessions and justice 151
when committee elected by me Be 4 Fe Wi
payments, limit as to ... “6 Zz ie ... 142
to and out of county fund. how riade sr ght s9a42
order for same... rE YY
when order may be removed into High Cont, ... 142
receipts and payments by ee 5h ew We}
person elected to corporate office to make declaration .. 231
formalities as to ... Py aes t. cok
police, county, powers, &c., as £5. to vest in. ee eee) LG
standing joint committee to exercise pervrars, &.,asto 16
powers Roe 19 & 20 Vict. c. 69, 8. 7, how to be
exercised... aes ee are pin vt vw LG
non-efficiency of ... Se oe ha or 47, 48
proviso as to raising money for ... a oy yy pha]
powers, Xc., exercised after presentment... st ... 140
powers, &c., transferred to... ; si se reOG e140
general niovisions as to powers transferred . oe see OL
powers, &c., of Privy Council, Secretary bi State, Local
Government Board, or Ail, Government Department,
when to be transferred tou ne oe G4
when powers, &c., of two or more counties traeioeae by
provisional order mee is Nos.
powers, &c., conferred by local Act, how. transferred to eels
ptoceedings 11 cas = ahi, --» 1, 2, 141, et seq.
when to take legal proceedings. me ss Pel 114
legal proceedings, when to be substituted in.. 22 177
prohibition of expenditure of per fande! on parliamen-
tary elections .. s ne ae i PaO
provisional Grd eres peo sishanaa as an os ett sf . 154
larger quarter sessions borough not county ier contri-
hoger DY en ian 5 64, 65
smaller quarter sessions borough, wher area ven included in 71
what powers, &c., Poicrenre to.. és .0" (GOserteen,
main roads, fonds when and how to be declared 70, 71
Rivers Pollution Prevention Act, 1875, to enforce ... 29
prosecution under... sre ve a vs te ou
to make certain rates ... te ar oe a aG
duty as to making, &c., of pointy ratek .. ve fy,
records and Beeitn cnt ofcounty «+... ag rc ... 156
registration of voters, powers as to... ve et we LOL
returning officer, advances to . i we iabod
duties as to election in case Bot ilies, &e. ... 249, 250
when to be appointed... i . 242
returns and information required by either House of Parlia-
ment. ... A yy ae ote Joi ve . 158
- by whom sent... s J a mnhe LOS
when to provide rooms, farniture, &e. mS Re eg
sale - ; aes o ve 282.283
scheme or order, may deal with ne gee eee LOLS LOD
scheme or order... + if dts ns ir e105
Scilly Islands... xe be ise 89
security or debt, when necessary to pontine levy rate
for ope plo
saving Gr eae perurities and discharge of debts . 195
Soke of Peterborough . Hf a)
standing joint Soarmittee! acts and proceédings need not be
submitted to, for approval .. ue rie ek ; 128
standing orders... . ... <2 ot by ea 295, 296
stock, creation and issue of ... Ae fis As Ais
Suffolk, transfer of certain powers to.. ie Me 85, 86
Sussex, transfer of certain powers to. 3 i. 85, 86
to have perpetual succession and a common seal ... 141,142
to pay salaried clerk of petty sessional division... ... 149
transfer of county property and liabilities to $i ra 108
treasurer.. wes “we Be ie keo
to Ritend court of quarters sessions Pr open i12; 115
town clerk “25 a fon 125
union situated in more ‘than one eons payments to te OU.
grants towards officer of union ep we ae 38, 49
vacancy, casual—- : Ay. ... 234
by person being elected ce more cha one e division mea 173
by person being elected county alderman ae mello
failure from election a ae Fe eer lis
caused by person unseated on petition af me.
visiting committee to become officers of nouns council 4, 187
two or more, may combine as to area for weights an
measures standard to apply... out os ee ee
women may not be elected to... me ie ave ... 248
Yorkshire, transfer of powers to he. Les ae 85, 86
acts of, how signified ... Wee . Ms: a uL71
aldermen, election of ... x BS. te me mae OO
to attend second meeting of _..., ae aed sty) 169
appointed day, when it may be varied “iis $5.0 MIGATTE
first business of ... +3 a Es ab 4 00/170
chairmen of ... ae oe ot; 6 jae ... 247
election of .. ts, 4 bts ie a 26170
when to Taye casting vote ae de AeATS
to convene first meeting of county council He Ye. ATE
qualification of ... qe: ae is SS MSLRONITI
clerk of peace to act as officer of —..., Fe Pe i NE |
costs of, and future costs of county council ... oe een 72
costs and expenses of ... re At a aa Seue hits,
taxation of a3 ot a ts on {20168
first meeting, how convened ... +e we es shoe. 74
first proceedings of ... oe a a i i el
general proceedings of .. oc 2171
Local Government Board may order dl 5 rafrat fe
acting as such ay a Do) a ie) BAT ad
London, county of ve
may eck to Local Government Board to adhe pete for
more fully bringing Act into operation ... A to L75
may hire buildings rd Ve a Fes i ee bY
costs of hiring ... “i we me othe LBB 72
meetings and duties of... ca he i. sed SOL TL
officers oe re a ee 31. 4. sas 0 Wp:
officers, interim . : i e173
order of Local Government Baar as t0 members me et L74
power to levy contributions ... ae am Ste helio
preliminary duties of ... A a ae be. Ble be 6
proceedings and duties of —..,, ~ Ss WAY,
returning officer to fix time and place of first meeting i eG
second meeting, how summoned Se a a7 1
to make all necessary arrangements with quarter se sessions to
carry Local Government Act into effect ... ws ... 174
to make necessary arrangements with quarter sessions ... 171
county votes, equality of ie ae vA sie pope Hf
what buildings to use ... wate His pF: hj Syed bi fr:
how to use en a a a8 te ip
when county council to enter 0 on Pdutigs Eh ni sree
who are members of... ca er MM Phe He1TS
what absence to disqualify ... oe ‘ee la ees b Be
actions against ... a Sr od ee ose et OP 2QTT
acts done by, pending petition against a — so» 269
alteration of number
95, 96
apportionment of numbers of, “between boroughs and rest of
county... fa
borough wards, Aptis in aban of
casual vacancy .
compensation, when caiman & may appeel
3h 96
128, 243
. 191
when councillor may appeal respecting amount assessed... 191
compensation, when may appeal respecting amount assessed 191
when may examine claimant on oath
when not eligible for office of coroner
declaration “aa return respecting election Srp snes
failure to make .. :
declaration on acceptance- of office
designation of :
division of county for election ai
elected to more than one electoral division ...
to choose which division he will serve
election of
election, costs of ‘
claims and expenses at, when to be ete in
how conducted sh
(first) when to take place ..
(first) who is to be retuming officer
day of election of
notice of election of
notices as to elections ...
election, women may vote at . ms a
one to be elected for each peeerel atch
election petition... : a
unseated on election petition ...
electors of, who are ¥
fine on person not accepting office fee
guilty of corrupt practices
illegal practices
city of London not to act or vote on certain matters
London county, number of
in London, qualification of
when to act as deputy mayor ...
misapplying corporate property
punishment for
mode of conducting poll at contested Pertons
how summoned to first meeting of council ...
names of persons elected to be sent to clerk of council
nomination of oer
nomination of candidates
election without a contest
_ 191
13, 14
. 315
. 316
. 230
wa 2
2, 308—310
. 130
, 314
125, 240
. 166
. 167
... 240
168, 243
. 248
260, 261
. 270
229, 230
303, 304
78, 79
... 216
. 271
O44, 245
. 168
. 168
166, 243, 296, et seq.
243, 296, 297
. 243
publication of uncontested election ... ie .. 248, 244
objections to nomination papers on be ex ... 800
number of i: ‘ a at an 3
penalty on unqualified person taetiige ag) oF a --. 235
validity of acts done by unqualified person ... + ... 235
persons elected, return of names of ... ote ce Sita FE |
procedure in panel action Lae ioe e os . 275
qualification ~ .., me 9, 126, 241
of larger quarter sessions Borouat not to act in respett of
certain matters ca - Fe 67
not to vote in respect of gern matters ou dee G7
resignation of ... “5 ee ate tc a -.-. 232
retirement of ... vey ret 4 +e 1s 2, 169
separate, non-resident list —... oh + a ... 240
term of election.. we Ne 0 ran i ee Be.
title to vote at election of ae ue oe af . 241
vacancy . ie oes ie. i he ra 231, 232
casual aN sf. “129, 173, 234, 243
avoidance of office by bankruptcy or absence sc. 232, 233
vacancy, how notified . oe iges
casual, by person being elected £6 more sithanme one elec-
Seal division ... hs sahTS
by person being elected county alderman selio
from failure of lett or otherwise = edo
how filled . sks nie “ig SP ... 169
vote of returning piece at elestigna eis me $; 22. 299
women may not be elected 4p “4 Pa ... 248
women may vote at election of ae oe Pel -.. 248
who are.. 4; ; : hy care Bla he
election of Stack re 7 ae oo sted ook atl
See also County Councrttor.
boundary, local inquiry as to, by Local Government Board 99
future alteration of ... ay ft s i= vate OF
meaning of a ay a ree ... 163
to be, feasible, an electoral diene oes ee Ret!
Reh divided into parts for electoral purposes ee We
when to be united into one electoral division me ec Ae
with 50,000 inhabitants, qualification of medical officer 338, 34
COUNTY ELECTORS ACT, 1888 a te ... 376, et seq
amendment of ... a es ae {38 35 pedo
electors under ... a Byte Sis ne Coe the OS
adjustment before made, what sums to be paid... e078
special accounts of ... ort, ou as re Siete od
award, sums paid under Ss Gad Pee LUG
clerk of peace, salary and fees, aber paid an SEX ... 146
compensation to clerk of peace and other officers ... . ... 44
contributions received in respect of main roads oo ce oo:
costs of actions, prosecutions, &c. ... san if Shae a. bd
costs of elections ~ a se yee ae ee Lou
costs of election petition i te ae ie ... 326
costs of general county purpose ae . ae Band Upsis
costs of justices and others to be paid out na ene prea ele
as to County Electors Act. = leer ... 385
duties on local taxation licenses to be paid ay os ‘re ae.
election expenses bye ee ay = elas
Exchequer Contribution iArconnit Wa os re oo
expenses incurred by county council in assessing compensa-
Bon)... aes ii ame ay meroy
expenses of election court aor se Pe ey 266, 268
fees and costs of justices’ clerks Re an fe ... 149
general county account.. =o ace she ee wells
maintenance of pauper lunatic te ._ 43
order for payment out of, may be removed Fas High Corr 141
payment in respect to non-efficiency of police vo te Ay
payments out of... um ee Fe 14; 62; 65,7113; 143?
payments out of, how made ... rie ae yl By
payments out of, to meet grants in aid of local rates 41, et seq. ,
certain penalties and forfeitures to be paid to ms a1, o6
police account ... 3 ao ee a aes ru 44
costs of police .... es Ae hie feet OU
probate duty grant to te paid to sae Es a soy OO
proceeds of sale of electors’ lists a es ad ... 238
prosecutions, costs of ... ee er yt wa 67
city of London, costs of prosecuHons 0 in te oat fee iG
receipts of county council to be paid to ey ey! mor lia
security for borrowing . #5) vee Hts tae eo A
special county Korean - ry MALS
treasurer to make all payments Ae idl out of T <3 bth
writ of certiorari as to order for payments ... ae rare
Coomiy WALL ... pe of sea ous Se Doe Le
may be purchased, built, &c. ... eh at oy en
_ transfer of, to county council .. hs ms ett
See also HALL. *
accounts, surplus or deficit in... ty: se its veo
committee of visitors ... oP ie se. a2 2151
maintenance of lunatics in .., a +43 ay ae
what included in expression of ve eet a Wed
where more than one committee to manage ... rh eULol
See also PAUPER Lunatic ASYLUM.
in South Wales to cease to exist » aS ae a ae ace, 29
property, &c.,of, to be transferred... a # ee
tolls to cease a roads maintained i sak ee Bag ee
winding-up of ... ays ec : aa 2 ieee
charge upon... ae. 7 ia ee Sry 8)
sums payable out of, by county council _,,. Py: sate 4
See also STOCK.
borough, in what county deemed to be situate eh 20S
included i in expression quarter sessions borough s 161
not included in expression county ve ry ont sf GQ
revocation of grant of commission of peace ... i na
of court of quarter sessions "s as ope eR:
costs of maintaining and providing .., As. ... 164
adjustment of law as regards, in London and Middteaes ... 156
Tiowse: re bes or a ae wat aay
of justice... ise . 321
duties as to certain persons at of nce &e. “ practices 327
expenses in prosecuting se os +? va if esa UD
ELECTORS—continued. PAGE
alteration of instructions, precepts, &c. ke, ey kate)
when incapacitated by blindness _... ey 5 ... 364
county, boundary, when to take action as s ee cr OS
conveyance of, to poll .. me ae ie 297, 304, 301
names of, Rare numbered oe * ae 4406
when two electors may give notice of casual vacancy ... 250
disqualification .. +. aS ... 337,338
disqualification for corrupt practices, ‘&. se 45 eee lz
guilty of corrupt practices at elections ate --- 9802, 303
illegal practices .. te ie so 8 ... 3804—308
in disfranchised borodsh Ge Ae A: 45 te ee
inspection of minutes, accounts, doc uments, ee ee mods oe
when may obtain copy abstract of accounts . 3. . 281
list of those incapacitated for voting by cong or, oe n
practices a a . 318
persons residing within fifteen pales bf county F . 386
may bring action against unqualified person acting in
Office ... ye ... 236
two or more may bring a an action against person misapplying
corporate property, ee es Bs a ab . 272
when to give security for costs ay pe" ti: ine aie
parliamentary and county, how numbered ... be. -- 209
parliamentary, name of, how numbered __... “be ea
qualification of ... a Soy ye = woe LOZ—212
qualfication of burgesses YF * aie ... 202, et seq.
registration of ... a a ee “¥ ves ODORS AP
register of Aas 4 oie 7 ode goeeaiee onetas ae
of, at first election... ane bes ah, oe reeLOo
of, in county of London ty. oo ty “ty ... 169
not properly made up... oft ase ey al
register of electors, when to be complete wat 3a wees
residential qualification in county of London Be: . 138
revised lists of, when to be delivered to returning officer ee
county of TongNn : % cae yy! ana? LOD
revision of lists, when to be completed aay sa ... 237
of electoral lists... Bae “3 das ae Bes et |
TOWOL eee an ae Hy" see fad ... 382
when to be made iy a aby eke isu
what roll to be used at election of coundiiions ra ... 300
how to vote... Pat Ae At SF iat ... 363
where to vote ... wee a ... 363
may vote in as may divisions as ates is ‘reptsterea Mies ».. 242
when not to vote at election of councillor... me) Re dt
See VotERrs.
women may be enrolled as_.... os Ne ree ... 248
ELECTORAL DIVISION Be ... 125, 126, 245, 308, 312°
what is ... ‘i ha re dis GuLeae
alteration of, after ete Erection: ese ar a Pr!
boundaries of, how determined roy: sf Ba ee a
boundary, alteration of... Fe o = “f 93, 94
by whom formed ye ar v5 ee ee nate BLY
constitution of . oa es os ads py aah
county may have four or more ed fe Ms ... 212
of county for election of county councillors ... >t ae De
one county councillor to be elected for ts y ay eit
co-extensive with municipal borough or pbar district ... 239
list of voters in... Ve t.. 209
difficulties as to determining population Bi area... oa L725
difficulties as to register of voters... aie iy anit
directions for constitution of ... ore me ae per
division of, into polling districts ... ee kil a ee LGG
election of councillors in re? a ... DAL”
election of councillors in more heme one ici eion se.) 242, 248
for first election, when to be fixed... We eis ‘ug tpOo
how formed ... a EA + abe eka ... 228
illegal employment in ... a ae ee au ... 809
illegal practices in ee ea a ee Ay ».. 306
in county of London ... ay As - hee oor pe 5,
NS ene | | «- 288
municipal borough or urban district « co- o-extensive with ... 238
notices as to élections te wee = RE i ... 248
notices, where published ac ss ez . 281
not to overlap urban sanitary district, ward, ¢ or r rural sanitary
district a cee ge ore 50 92
of county, boundaries of me sie 4: ley te.
person elected county councillor for more fen one up lie
separate election for each electoral division .. ... 242, 243
returning officer.. ty : aa «se 22
to be framed =k regard to palling Bicriei H RAYS
to be, if possible, a county district or ward, or combination
of ey, x 7 ples
when districts or aaake may be united for puEposes Of paar o
when may return two or more members... ae eye gs:
when to be divided into polling districts... AS ... 248
where more than one election petition presented relating to
elections held in different divisions re as ... 259
where not duly made ... ae ise a ast ia bio
casual vacancy in aes ot Me at ee ek 250
See DIvIsIon.
powers, &c., of Board of Trade may be transferred to county
council hie baa hes re aa re es i:
advances in aid of, by county council ee >) ee
a purpose for borrowing mee
repealed, saving for * .¥ mm. ee wre aoe
unrepealed A se oe 1 ... 285, 286
when they may be modified . 175
of highway not main road Re ot 26
of main road by district council Oe, a va 22, 23
of main road by urban authority Hy ove oe
of main roads and bridges... Wi we ate 18, 19
of public footpath 26
public-house kept for, when deemed disorderly 7
interpretation of 160
of county council 1
costs of 114
of reformatory and industrial Echoaien 7
of urban districts 98
of receipts and expenses of county count 123
when to be made ... 123
what to comprise .. 123
when insufficient ... 123
See also ANNUAL BuDGeET.
grants out of Cyr
payments into .. . 104
payments out of, in aid of local rates substituted hy pay-
ments of county council 41
sums payable to.. : aus 49
temporary provision as to grant from nee -. 192, se seq.
when half a medical officer’ s salary paid to . 42
what is ... " one ious
charge upon, in respect to non- -efficiency of poles tea 47, 48
costs incurred in respect of ay 37
of county borough, sums standing at... 60
sums standing at, hee applied 38
supplemental provision as to ... 49
EXCHEQUER, &c.—continued. PAGE
payments out of bot TF ne ra 8 41, eb seg.’
what sums paid to an ass tie iJ 38
surplus standing at, how disposed abe oY ae 38—41
EXCISE _... ate F ae oe one ... 274
commissioners and officers of . oa sad Las eet a0 £
duty of ... “ee Ss 7m or 7 Seg Lov, LOU
agreement between county council and borough council ... 66
when county council to secure vas ref cae ie ee
existing, in city of London _... AY atop. vat ra BAG
from assessment in city of London ... Lt prvi fe.
of larger quarter sessions boroughs not county boroughs 63, 64
of scientific societies from rates adi nea Bi: 52h, om i |
meaning of __... a ‘iad aa Al eee he 161
accounts of county council showing different kinds of ... 114
as to County Electors Act... ue ... 383
for any particular county purpose, how determined — eee LL
in county of London when committee of city of London
disqualifies as to Gee tes OR ARAL ES:
of county, police, hundred rates, ‘&. isa county council 4—6
what standing joint committee gene = ay .. 53
when county councillors of larger quarter sessions borough
not county borough not to act or vote respecting... #2606
adjustment of, belonging to boroughs and counties... fcap DO
respecting assessing compensation by county council eye Loe
of coroner ate awe 14
whose district is partly within county of ‘London ee LS
certain expenditure at elections illegal a ve «+. 309
at elections ae Ly. gh sie are ... 300
general, costs of Nectore a Ay ne seat ACERS SS
of elections, when to be sent in fee LF ve . d15
election court ... tr : : aes 267—269, 324
exemption from provision as to maximum expenses PT eee
form of declaration of candidate as to wat oy ... 338
in connection with registration of voters... a eae A,
in prosecuting persons guilty of illegal, &v., practices wo. O24
joint committee for carrying Rivers Pollution Prevention
ACE s.. Pu an ne Pe Jes as ste) 30
meaning of ae A ies +“ gy “5h re
cost of repairs of roads, &c. ... Pes ay ako
of putting main road undertaken by district council in
repair . : “oe ads ee sD
of mnaihtenance of turnpike roid im 59 on ay 20
of metropolitan police force... 45
of parliamentary eae lists of voters, polling districts | 156
of provisional council . gs ey 44 ne LoS
taxation of - ... at ee soe ae ed rer OS
returning officer, advances to meet ... Hee i ... 134
of returning officer... ee > red mies e's en bp |
taxation of .. ae ae eevee eee ee
of returning officer at first elechon rh we > Prelit.)
taxation Ofte. Te iy rome pi)
prosecuting persons guilty of illegal, fee practic ... 324
return and declaration at elections ... Bee, oo» Jl4——317
See also Costs.
by whom adininisteredae +5 ahs via ent
Act, 1875, execution of, by county council rea Lo
in smaller quarter sessions boroughs .. ae Ye 68, 69
in borough or town under 10,000, TOW as to, transferred
to county council... re aye:
officer under, appointment, removal, ad determinate of
salary of ree es 8 te ane
powers under, may be detecuial ans A Hee fe 00
of trelws 3 ai et)
when local teeta to ‘produce, before Local Government
Board . 4 -¢ ap AM ses Seb
at trial bre an election patton ors fey! Ly Se Ay |
disputes about business transferred ... ee be bar" wl
guardians and others, when to produce PS +: anth o
flere of peace ... ees sox, Ga?
and clerks to justices, alteration of is ... 146,149
of London county .. oe Ay Wea nal: ig het!
abolition or alteration Olen Es a ae Rta bed
of clerks to justices for county of London ... a wiBL
abolition or alteration of .. : . 181
taken by clerk of peace, clerk a justices, Bt ‘to be posted 282
diminution of, of existing officers, a ground for compensa-
TOLL vox Swe a ae cue chy ») 189
of coroner nes “f oe sae oa. AP 1k
when holding an Faaent ie vr sy me coe mee
when paid te county council ... es ey ee
whose district is partly within county of Londo . 180
of justices’ clerk fe - 53, 149, 282
of inspector, analyst, &c., to Hs fied ay county council ... 9
FEES-—continued. PAGE
mumuepectoriol gas metera ¥)' .,., octet tlio cd rhs © °9>
of weights and measures . : ; me ayaa
school, of pauper enya how subsidized . ws Stay 42
when paid by stamps .. = ae Ase +; oes OE
_ personationis ... ae te re fe Ty ... 358
Part IV. of Local Government Act relating to, when not to
apply to county borough ... ip wie ote Bre G
arrangements as to, by councils TE ie fue 282,283
appointment of, committee ... oa ce) sya ... 148
estimate of, committee ... “rf Jy: = a ... 143
payments by, committee rr re ae .: ... 143
out of county fund One ee Bae ST apres ... 142
order for payment, how made ee im ... 142
when to recommend county council to make aga .. 143 |
business entrusted to county council .. ees 1
returns to Local Government Board by borough and county
councils jt ape 2 re. ay - 224,995
relations .. ae nal . 104
adj hetment of, considerations to be taken into account 54, 56
relations between county and county borough, adjustment of
53, et seq.
relations between Exchequer and county... “ee ea ae
relations, when adjustment of inequitable ... ee ee Pe
local financial year a ae . 122
year aes ... 37, 42, 45, ‘48, 50, 82, 192, 1938, 195, 294, 225
year ending 31st March next eee passing of Total Sane
ment Act -”... A fie or ere 34, 36
FINES, ~ esas eee alO72904"- 996
duties of clerk of Pence as 3 to Le is ry ... 274
offences done in relation to lists and elections on ... 253
offences in relation to nomination papers... oe Bhp diy
on disqualified person acting in office... we ee wee 235
person elected to corporate office fe te ou ene)
but not accepting corporate office Tc ... 230, 232
exemption ... - : ae ise 2b
refusing inspection of certain documents ae ste 201
recovery of se 5 a Ae 272
recovered in quarter sessions borough, applenuon of 273, 274
from corporate officer, moiety to Phon payable eee yes
power of Board of Trade may be transferred to county
council... rs re ie i oe Tonal
execution of Acts relating to, by county council ... ve 10
in smaller quarter sessions boroapl re He eH 68, 69
FOOD AND DRUGS ACTS _.,.. Si pe see OUP Usui
public, repair, &¢., of ... re oe sek aud ovut BE
by medical officer of half his salary . Whe a we. 42
duties of clerk of peace as to ... de f, Pa . 274
power of Treasury to restore ... a eg ss)
recovered by county council relating to local tation licenses 36
recovered in relation to stamp datas vt me Puen y|
in quarter sessions borough, application of ... 273, 274
restoration of ... dd; #4 ie ea
when considered part of proceeds of duties is oo #. $35
of seal or signature... ave ee ae sue «.. 282
FORMS wo ee att Be SOUL
affidavit by surety for dae oft an election petition ... 345
of ballot paper ... KA ee ‘ad ... 374
declaration by candidate as + expenses so ae pas Sis)
declaration of secrecy ... ae he eet “4 orp
inability to read ... ae bee Hee ey ts
cirections for guidance of voter in voting i eae 2 375
title of élection court ... sa a ae saa .. 347
election petition ay fee ... 340
notice of application to pifndnae elechen petition... ee es!
petitioner’s intention to apply for leave to withdraw ... 349
trial of an election petition re .. 346
order of election court to compel attendanee of witness wo. 347
receipt by master of an election petition a . 339
recognizance as to security for costs in an election petition 343
warrant to commit person for contempt by election court... 348
under Registration of Electors Acts ... Ay ses: LOU OS
statutory, when to be followed ie eo ads ».. 284
transfer of powers, &c., of a ia aa ae Bae te
merger of, in county ... re af on nie Pa =! !
police force, of . sae pes ve sa a pen OU
quarter sessions, of a. ee ai sv ee
standing joint committee, when to te appointed sad iy eae
of county, when not to elect coroner. ae ‘ee peaysihe
repeal of Acts relating to election of coroner by -e sta alt
inspection, &c., of si waa we ae 34 Re28)
See BoroueH Funp, County Founp, Disrricr Funp,
when county council to provide ai ote vt ... LO9
GAOL ey 978
borough having separate commission of ... +f: 53, 54
court of, in London and Middlesex ... Ste oh 42 LOG
GAOL SESSIONS ... AAC ae rs se iy se 0LGL
in Lincolnshire ... tig “Ep yr ets - an 200
in Yorkshire... aoe a Wileds bie 200
clerk of, See CLERK OF ‘Gion erst
powers, &c., of Board of Trade may be transferred to county
council .. + ie ty aie 4p ine hk
Acts Painter to.. ee mia bea Spa tis]
draft order, transferring powers, &e., to be approved by haa
Local Government Board may transfer powers, &c., of, to
county council ve ; st a ae ily
powers transferred to county council .. wis ap ... 154
saving for existing bye-laws, orders, and regulations ey ys.
presentment of ... ve ea is nh oi ... 140
in aid of union officers ... 4 Jez ae e Pie ys 72)
and commission of peace, revocation of _... a ese eh
from Exchequer, transitory provisions as to... --. 192, et seq.
in aid of local rates out of Exchequer 4 Br rie
To-cease ="... ce he eee — ae sath cae
See also LocaL eee
Breet rye,» ..... 4 na noi ioe iad wet ae yas 33, 34
of nuisances... Ae hes She ous eek 45, 46
removal of ... i Ca bas eae mee eens
payments to local authority in respect of Me: tee) ae
of petroleum or explosives, when to become officers of county
council Se oe an a a Phe irre Kats)
removal of ... oe oid bide vif a +. 169
tenure of office of, under county council >: ss 189
of weights and measures yr tf de sie Byes h!
when to become officer of county council -ceelos, Loe
removal of ... He ies bee ers ey > 188
tenure of office under county council ... nes Beit
when capital money includes ... ar begs igi »» LIG
for deaf, dumb, or blind, paupers maintained in... spt) ae
for idiots, paupers maintained in, sep a shar ie
under Registration Acts, alteration of a »- 137, 188
of expressions ... os Se or ee »-- 160; 302
avoidance of an election for ... He pe ais ». 255
exhibited, &c., in Scotland... ne AS a 37, 192
Local Government Act not to extend to... bee wef LGD
Municipal Elections (Corrupt Practices) Act, 1884, not to
extend to... st ie sae on ny iagvoom
to be separate administrative county ... ane nee on OF
distribution of probate duty grant, &c., to... es Hp KY)
hitherto exempt from operation of Highway Acts ... SP ee.
road, tolls on, to cease ... = Ag ie oe eee
roads in, how to be maintained, &c. ... “¢ 27, 28
highway commissioners to receive certain contributions from
county council of the county of Southampton... EY!
of licenses by county council ... Sad das on am oO
of stock ... ae ag ee Are ote .. 114,118
JOINT COMMITTEE, ... pat at nad ‘es ... 141
of county council or councils and court or courts of quarter
sessions e at sue ‘ne ses ae ... 143
of quarter sessions and county council, when may use
county buildings... eae she ah i. re War Mae
accounts of oe a oa a tee as .. 144
when to ascertain rateable value ise ve a 21/08
when to fix rateable value... as see Meee
number of ote a ae i se ae oe te!
powers of he oe a ... 58, 59, 145
appointment of members of... = ale bb ... 144
tenure of office ... ar PR oy ee sis ... 144
business transferred, construction of Acts relating to eghoo
questions as to, how determined ... * iy! eo)
coroners may be appointed from time to time for purpose of 63
for entire county, when to appoint coroner for intermingling
districts re re as Pak oi A rapes LS
of entire county may re-arrange coroner’s districts when
situated in more than one administrative county ... pny
of county council and borough council, election of coroner
by 4 es ee . fi ee He ene
costs of ... as ete ye awe ve sts ... 144
custody of records and documents... me ir ce kae
county of Cambridge ... ae ves Sis so 85, 86
Northamptonshire... me ve =< tis 85, 86
Suffolk eae oe es ae aC ee 85, 86
Sussex eas me a wae iid ais 85, 86
York see ay gf a abe sist 85, 86
powers, &c., of two or more counties, transfer by provisional
order ...
Rivers Pollution. Prevention Act, to carry out pro
what powers to have...
delegation of powers to
not to have power to make rate or borrow money
weep AdBy 144
ees jee (18
visions of 30
es ... 143
of County Palatine of Lancaster and other county councils,
what property, &c., to vest in oe ie 255
~ numbers of ae a 87, 89
powers of ... a fe say BG
quorum of ... ore Ke a eee FEN
of Lincolnshire ... : ... 148
when a body corporate Pes LOD
clerk to LEG
officers of 144, 145
police, powers under 18 & 19 Vict. c. 69, s. 7, how to be
exercised oS bee ee Paha
when to appoint deputy clerk of peace “ss. 146
of visitors to poor law asylum ‘ reed pe
of Yorkshire .., ae sag Sen .-. 148
when a body corporate... bee LOG
clerk of Pe $y a ac x eeLOD
of the City of London Court, appointment of 82
to be a barrister ee axe My, 82
assistant ...
Middlesex quarter sessions, to cease to be chairman ... 184
to be first chairman of quarter sessions of county
of London ...
salary of ... ves ees
deputy-assistant, in Middlesex
repeal of enactment relating to ...
county of London quarter sessions
on the rota for trial of election petitions
may make rules... ore ae ont
JUDGES’ LODGINGS... «.0) on ee
transfer of, to county council ...
costs of .. ais a us
may be purchased, built, &. ...
at Manchester S ‘ie
... 184
ont LOE
sean tL
see Lbee
-.. 184
ts «.. ddl
eee 267—270
52, 278
164, 165
av BE
certiorart when proceedings show want of ... i We 21S
of coroner, proviso as to, in certain cases... 22 oor Le
of High Court as to election petitions ee sre $2675 268
of London quarter sessions... 17 om! ve “retell
of sheriff of London ... ens ee am ee MOTTSS 179
of city of London ... bee ees ae oh we 79
over cathedral precincts, saving for ... aes ait . 292
under Summary J Ge enot “Acts, county council not Ho
exercise is ae ene eee vee ose tee koo
Cinque Ports... - mes eae ¥en Bnew ... 288
city of London, saving for ao =e te te 207. LOG
lists of, in county of London ie < . 156
lists of, in Kent, Middlesex, and Suey at appointed tay. 176
summoned ae appointed day act oe eG
of counties of London and Middlesex or Be Jr LOG
within county of London At ee da “s wie ol
summoning of, for quarter sessions... OL
exemption as to liberty and city of Westminster ABN ea . 156
County Juries Act, 1825, in county of London... pea toG
grand, presentment of ... ae A rn ee: 2109140
in London and Middlesex... ees te one waslbG
lists of, costs of .. ee sv re ees ... 164
lists, duties of apa of peace as ci vi nee gem 1465147
in county of London + or Hs > din 419
assembly of, when a meeting of an authority ae ... 140
when an authority ade Le she a Ae ... 141
member of an authority ve vy pepe a
alteration of boundaries may affect any ss RIK Pa LOL
of borough, powers, &c., of, transferred to county cated FP fee)
in city or borough = es des ae ie Ae UG)
saving for borough justices... ase Sra sacks ena OO
saving for county justices orf ood vee oes ee 20u
business reserved to... : igi ae a 15, 16
clerk, appointment and removal Ofc: oe bee ... 149
clerk to ... sey aes eee --. 140
certain affidavits may vA sworn Honetcte “ae wee ... 344
chairman of county council to be... +r Bed 5, 139
conveyance, &c., of land in name of . a Ree oe Lee
costs in iofendiug legal proceedings, how Palsy Geass Poe ble
debts, &c., after appointed day a we wed pls
county, when to exercise concurrent jurisdiction with those
of borough ies att A ay 2°’
form of declaration by borough vas ie oF sen COL
guilty of corrupt, &c., practices a ks sts ee hy
how discharged from commission of peace ... ia ... 184
Judicial powers and authority of ... Pig ats --. 139
of franchise or liberty ... he be she oes fae Oe
nothing in Act to affect their powers as conservators of peace
or obligation of constables, &c., to obey, &c. ioe ve hi
what officers are to become officers of county council ... 188
officers and servants transferred to county council ... ... 189
Temoval Of-s... ss. ess) wee to
tenure of office... ae ef ve om. ey ty
salary of ... Ri ... 189
persons declared justices in county of London by Local
Government Act, how removed... i oo 83,1184
property of ... ces “2 LOS
property, &c., held by, to vest in county council ... wPE LOS
pictures, &c., may claim to retain ,.. sa) sie --- 108
differences as to... ‘* +r rE as oe --- 108
scheme or order, may deal with a sed e ». 102
sitting in petty sessions, certain powers of county council
delegated to ... ves ate ye tee ie 50, 51
in special or petty sessions... nee eae vce | 140; 141
service of summons or warrant va a, eos) RV ET D7G
person taken into custody without warrant... avs set7 7
when constables may take bail so he at osetia t
pauper lunatic asylum, appointment of visiting ... Sse bay
borough, visiting committee of pauper lunatic asylum... 177
county, visiting committee of pauper lunatic asylum cee
in metropolis at appointed day ars ad ey Ay gi hss
Cambridge, Lincoln, Northampton, Suffolk, Sussex, York... 101
Kent, at appointed day SY nas bes os egal C1
of Lincolnshire, transfer of business of Spy iis a) oe
city of London, powers, &c., of Je te A Ioan
county of London, matter civil or criminal arising before
appointed day (ex o. ve re «. 182, 184
clerkto i. Ee 2 3 vee oe Hove Hy
constitution of ... aes oe iy es oss LOO
oaths of ... ee, $33 eB. ne qe Reed As |
proceedings of ... oH Ye eS ove |) ROOMTST
sessions of the peace, held by... i As Pope!
jurisdiction of ... ae ee ae on: ow 74
saving for ... ifs BS Ba: ae ey Tees 3) |
chairman of London County Council to be ... on Pee MS |
when magistrate, commissioner, &e., of Middlesex to be
justice for London county ... ae es on avs a LOD
Middlesex, at appointed day ... es ra ia ... 183
Tower of London at appointed day ... We ae ... 184
Suffolk, clerk to mae ty : .-- 185
in general sessions... “ie are an a3 reac
Surrey, at appointed day bea ten ee i ss 183
Sussex, clerk to... tes eit bes a As wei So
in general sessions... aie Bae ee He Bee Yly
Westminster, at appointed day “ey: ie Ae Seuloe
of Yorkshire, transfer of business of ... 85
accommodation of ye “iF cael hak ome 52
certain business of, transferred to county council 15
costs in criminal proceedings, &. ... dee nee ia L12
costs to be paid out of county fund ... sas + aul
police, powers, &c., as to, vest in county council 16
London, records and documents of ... “ue ere apa Et
in metropolis, powers, &c., as to licences of slaughter-houses .
and cow-houses transferred ... 84
transfer of, to county council ... 6
apportionment of debts, property, &c., between, and London
County Council ek ie eg ine 75, 76
coroner, whose district is partly within county of London... 180
jurors, lists of, at appointed day ao Sp #4 rea
jurors, summoned before appointed day... a LG
justice of the peace, at appointed day ar re ... 183
part of, to form county of London ore 74
portion, in metropolis, lists of voters in A nH ... 169
quarter sessions, holding of special and petty sessions 81
saving as to any enactment, deed, instrument, Sc. ... «ee 159
sessional arrangement ... tes
sheriff, jurisdiction of ... ie ‘ide sas ie kao
proviso as to session of the peace oon ae Lo
sheriff to transfer, &c., certain prisoners’ lists, writs, jury
lists, &c., to sheriff of county of London ... Sf. aye!
transfer of certain powers, &c., to London County Council 75
division of Lincolnshire she as ae sei esa LOO
assize courts, &c., at Manchester, provisions as to 87
clerk of peace of... ep st ... 185
powers and duties of —... ie ire wae ... 148
deputy clerk of peace ...
main roads and bridges in
148, 185
quarter sessions, salary or pension of chairman of, or stipen-
diary justice ... : ie
special rates, provisions as to ..,
standing joint committee
LAND fas ee eye +P
acquisition of, &c., by county council
contracts, &c., as to
conveyance, &c., of ‘ 3
county council to manage, alienate, &c.
disposition of corporate
lease, sale, or purchase, &c., of
Middlesex registry, saving for...
proceeds of sale of
capital money
in 0
--. 148
ee xs")
Pee BAS)
sv 141
aap he
soe 109
ome ay k
oo, 160
soo 419
sn bh
purchase of, when county council may borrow in respect of 115
when county council to acquire and hold without license in
mortmain ae 7 5 sa
when to be purchased to improve highway ...
tax eee eee
tax, saving for ...
when included in expression “a division of a county ”
of lands, buildings, &c.... 4 eae
when county council may enter upon
of land
civil or criminal, in county of London
as to opposing Bills in Parliament
as to promoting Bills in Parliament ..,
when commenced before appointed day
when may be amended...
pending as to coroner ...
LIABILITIES re ae is aos
county, transfer of :
adjustment of = oes ive
belonging to boroughs and counties
relations between county and borough, as to ...
meaning of A
of inhabitants of county - det
to repair highway when discontinued
--- 14]
vee alo
see AMD
110, 111
wire Lee
ese) 176
baat dal
122, 191
. 108
wa BB
... 164
of ‘roads board in South Wales 32 an e ones
saving for eee cee oa Aye mer 196
scheme or order may deal a Be oe of e102
abolition of, for all purposes ... ay: -o Kee Ariss Bete:
merger of, in county ... “oe “pe ee, te aA Ness.
of Westminster ... ace a 2 a ae TL OG
police force, of . ae ge oe a aie ae oo
quarter sessions pene | eee pep Bea:
standing joint committee, site to he ‘appointed . Vidldpere
arent and respondents, how arranged see =e ... 238
of claimant and respondents, printing and sale of ... . 239
proceeds of sale of fe ar 4 ae a 8.7239
costs of jury... 7 ri Er te 2165
county electors, how revised PMT
offences in relation to... ts i BY ... 244
printing of .. “a a7 VADSE
persons residing within fifteen miles of county oe --. 386
revision, when to be completed Aa a 8 al 238
of electoral lists... whe mee eae sad . 381
electors, names of, how numbered ..., . 137
(revised) of electors) when and by whom to be delivered to
returning officer for county of London .... ree eee Cast
LISTS —continued. PAGE
(revised) of electors, when clerk of peace to send copies of to
another clerk of peace abe Hi bi ye, . 167
for electoral division ... os 2 ade ee 7238
for polling districts... 4 an .. 238
of electors, separate non-resident, in county of London... 139
jury, duties of clerk of peaceas to... 6. ee nee LAT
of jurors in county of London... oe 4g mY EDG, 179
municipal election ... des me are ws» 259, 260
misnomer or misdescription ... are ans .. 284, 285
of prisoners in county of London «wwe ... 179
parish burgess, arrangement ... ate “ot nie ... 238
how revised aa 4 ... 239
not to be revised by mayor or revising assessor 252, 253
printing and sale of ene ore re ... 239
when not made or revised in proper time ws e251
separate non-resident ... we og iE tie os2 wea ale
for boroughs and counties ais i “ee ae ea
persons entered in... i oes eee ose ... 126
valuation 45 or = e ee re Be DEE
of voters . 92, 135, 166
voter’s appeal from decision of r revising g barrister “fe ase 209
of voters, courts for revision of ie eee oe Bey AN
duties of overseers as to ... see net eos ». 283
how made out... fice ep yithy teee ROR
how made out and fed x ay ry rete
in parish not within municipal borough | a 13 249
provisions as to, when not to apply to county council... 63
transitory, as to ... - Sse 387
of voters, when clerk of peace to supply part: of to emether
clerk of peace.. se er. eas ¥ see SALUT LOS
of occupation voters Ps oa tag
of voters, when district sittate i in more 6 than c one county ... 157
where municipal borough or urban district co-extensive with
an electoral division... ae nf bre ... 239
of voters for city of London at first lesion’. res eee LGS
in part of Kent, Middlesex, and Surrey within metro-
polis ca “2: nF “ey. aT ee ect tite
See also VOTERS.
LOAN... =A os ahi 107, 121, 122, 214, 216, 282
account of, in canal budget .. a ay He . 123
discharge of + oe os Pe Hee ae 112, 115
how raised omy Se + + mt. nae oe les
LOAN—continued. PAGE
on what raised ... =e os os Am eis coll ay
raised for special county purpose... a oth ase tt BY,
limit of period to extend over... A ees nee 2. 116
power as to, not to be delegated by county council... sD lag f
regulations as to discharge of ... ey 18
regulations to be laid before each House of Parliament ... 119
regulations, when to be confirmed by Order in Council .., 119
rules, how confirmed ..,, yy a aa + 1}, 12
rules of, to be submitted to barrister P AP ye ay, ee
powers, duties, and liabilities conferred by, how transferred
to county council .., — oe he ae Pirie B
saving for — oon she iz ove LOL
how affected by scheme or order ake ve sp aed LOR
LOCAL AUTHORITY ... ee ay ay ee ... 149
accounts ... se ae: oes eee ee ee .-. 122
business transferred, question arising as to ... - a Py
certain powers of transfer to county council... nee et A)
costs in respect of provisional order ... = ae ... 154
Local Government Board may order proper enforcement of
Public Health Act ... “se “a 3 a .. 34
mandamus may issue ... bo oe — re so. 34
of borough or town under 10,000
ve vs sy By 6
payments to by county council, in respect of inspector of
nuisances, ¥: oe due br a w-. 42
by county council, in respect of medical officer wee 42
powers of county council as to Explosives Acts may be dele-
gated to justices in petty sessions |. 50
powers under Explosives Act, 1875, transferred to county
council =H ae no vee ‘eg os Fara bs)
quarter sessions borough, not county borough, with popula-
tion over 10,000, to retain powers as ake «. 64
salary of clerk of peace transferred to standing joint com-
mittee... ne “se re aA: a bas --. 146
scheme or order may deal with i we 102
when medical officer has failed to give required report .., 49
when standing joint committee substituted for, as to fees
and salaries of justices’ clerks ig ie oh -.. 149
when to receive from Local Government Board contribution
towards costs of main roads c . 193
to comply with rules of Local Government Board in
Jprespect to sili. eee oes das: ambeas ra eee 195
certificate of Local Government Board in respect to eon Bt
a ae
whatis ... dea ce yale:
of local government phi an red honty hh SR.
audit of accounts A 98 = ane ive fy RO,
estimate of receipts and erates is fe aa Mad bs
when estimate insufficient... oe fee a peo lae
fixing of .. ni red fe Be edb
adjustments poneeduent upon ia ois a aga Wey
paupers in London poor law unions ... wee 5a ie Oat
See also FINANCE.
expenses of, how defrayed... . as ,. Ree hl
not to Pend to Scotland or land “oy ee ... 166
repeal of Acts in connection with ... ee Sar! cee IS:
short title Ms Des —~ ae m as 3. 100
alteration of ... gn ie oe se “- ap he,
boundary of ... ee ee are “a ie 1.03
exception as to ... oes i < =, eas i sea LOO
what is ... a aS Oe 45 ai zt ie LOa
accounts, adaptation of certain Acts to fee er ap ey
audit of accounts of county council . ne He aS
when act done by, to come into rea ape aah:
amalgamation of two ert boroughs, present alas as to 97
Allotments Act, 1887 . te ae Ax Pie:
appointed day, “icy it i885 be sete bas OOS Ye:
arbitration of ... 25 ny ee ee a 25, 26
arbitration, rules as to ... oe < ed ee DELO;
when an authority ... ... 141
saving for existing bye-laws, orders, call eed RE weelod
borrowing by county council, consent as to. Ae ee lip
county council, borrowing by, when consent not revue 116
to borrow in pursuance of provisional order ... ae LLG
borrowing, when debit balance at Local Taxation Account . 50
Poeedaries future alteration of ay fa 20
alteration, may make order as to, without any represen-
TatdOl, 44 re “e see we atl
confirmation of anit: as fo: ee can LOU
notices by county council as to certain alterations ace
local i inquiry as to.. ei r. oes Jes a,
local inquiry, costs of . a fie ais . 154
when to cause local i inquiry to be made ok a: 154, 155
to determine number of councillors for each county, and
apportion them between boroughs and rest of county bie o
certificate of, as to payments by county council in lieu of
local grants... ied ss be: ae .-. 41, et seq.
charter for new Barnet ¥ 7m as ae yy
financial returns by Haroach and conhty council .. 225, 226
to lay an abstract before Partiaent is sad meee
when electoral division to return two or more members Rs bss}
letter of, on section 20 of Highways and Locomotives
(Amendment) rWeireml belch oe Sy ade Bey |
main road, when oats council refuses to declare certain
roads ... ae i re “06
roads in smaller quarter : sessions Shepane h, when and how to
be declared main roads eee ‘ 4 aaa 70,71
what sums to distribute in respect of costs of. main and dis-
turnpiked roads ae : sO endo
power to grant licenses under, transferred to county council 7
RATE.. see aioe ... 124, 279
rating appeals to quarter Sessions or justices. ve ees 15, 16
RATE—continued. PAGE
borough, when means county rate... sao it een ... 208
rating for burgess qualification ase ie ..- 229, 230
payment of, by Aahage for voting qualification 208, 208, 209
county, how made, &c.. ms ese oes san oO
preparation and revision of basis or standard TOD Pert tec
as to maintenance of roads #4 “4 en elo
extension of area of borough and thaintenarice of
roads... ive ae 20, 21
making, &c., of transfer to county council eee ee
road not to Be levied in South Wales ... ae (pees
when contributions to be made in respect of lunatic
asylums ... deg ne ane vos . 152
franchise merged i in county eae “re ie oie 80
liberty merged in county see os a f Pee Os
standard or basis for ae Me i . 163
expenses of Local Government Act, to be pee out Of. Eb
costs of prosecutions in city of eden. ive Se
when included in term contributions ... O55 - 59
transfer to county council of powers relating to, not to
apply to county borough _.. “s OZ
current, at teases, day, how levied, ppllecied: aaa en-
forced . he aa “ae as ter ate 176
hundred .. ree ae O27
making, &e., of, sectigees| to ike council . Cn aA
special, in Tempashire nie: ae RAY ac a rae OG
in Lancashire, exception as to... ae te mi bee Mois
local, grants in aid of ... rr: ais oa Ae bee OY
occupier claiming to be rated ... ie ee ... 228, 229
corrupt payment of ... = ate an fg .. 334
metropolitan police... BA So Ee ae 44, 45
police *... me aff “ne we ae “Te LO
how made ... 6
compensation under Riot (Damages) Act, 1886, “paid out
Or; as aes eh
making, &e., of, transferred to county council .. ie. au
poor ess 5 6 193, 203, 208
power to make, hot to te delegated a oe £e ... 143
retrospective... can fee wee hae) UU
exemption, scientific societies from ace oes eee 11, 12
watching, paving, or lighting... es ay 408 ».. 290
RATEABLE VALUE... _—_ 49, 60, 82, 163, 193, 194, 210, 211
of county and county borough, how ascertained... Jk OS
annual value of rateable property... a a os hLG
How determined.;, ss. ess see een ee we Al
consent of, to certain proceedings of county council not
required bas bt ris sve ote me OL
audit of accounts iS : oe oe a Je a WES}
inspection of accounts, &c., by... on ong ..< “2B1, 282
when may obtain copy of beers oe ie shy . 281
when to make representation to Local Government Board € as
to borrowing by county council ... Wee eee a Bh
meeting of, as to alteration of boundaries ... ae Fe. 299
expenses of opposing Bills in Parliament... at 30, 31
payment to, by county council in respect of pone force 44, 45
sums payable to A . 49
district authority under Riot (Damages) Nie 1886... eve
RECOGNIZANCES acu ap axe 258, 266, 271
where bail taken by a constable’ fe a ee epee
how enforced ... rae bd ee ey oe ae wie
duties of clerk of peace.. ay: Soe i Ae ... 274
of persons in county of {onion a +: «nen RU LLOe
as security for costs in an election petition, form of .. 3043
abolition of office of ... ve eae Pea “ay if
Cinque Ports... ae nt ts ig ae 201 aoe
city of London, saving for... ye ial ih eo
compensation, when entitled to she = sds
when to appoint member of visiting committee of lunatic
asylum a. Ae ‘i ae he 2 inp RES
form of declaration by... + sae ee uke ere |
of boroughs ... e mS oy aa et Rage shy
of counties, custody of... ue ee ani oe: 4.046
of court of quarter sessions... eae i “ae eh OS
custody of ass x kaa wea) LOBy 209
of Lancashire, in whose custody. to He kept .. As ... 148
in county of London ... ok a he Ye
county of London, in whose custody £6 be Kept at Bo Et
existing, of county of Suffolk, in whose custody to be kept 148
county of Surrey, what records to be kept at Newington ... 187
existing, of county of Sussex, in whose custody to be kept 148
scheme or order may deal with aos br ‘ie 1) See
transfer of maintenance, &c., to county council .... Me eey |
reformatory and industrial schools ... 4S Ay Cae
in smaller quarter sessions boroughs ... ta 69, 70
REGISTER . eee ae: ais “8 ip ade fag LOZ
of ee +5 ves 92, 135, 175
duties of clerk of peace as s to, at first election ... 166, 167
when not properly made up... ome ae ... 250
defects in, how remedied... ot: ee ot Dia
of county electors, when to be completed... ue . 238
printing and sale of ine + rf 239, 240
county and division registers of eounty electors at first
election iy ae ies 5 yy
for county of Tendon at first election ie ee w+- 168
division register, what is ge ot ah 245, 328, 373
of parliamentary electors ve Cae SNgaest eae
of voters... a ae he zy — ... 166,355
whatis ... Fas ae aes a a polo
difficulties as to... ae eat af aes ... 174
how made out and framed yt LE ere ... 238
marked, when leave to inspect printed ... seh ey OlU
of births and deaths... oe ... 158,231
payments by county council a ‘guardians in place of local
grant in aid of remuneration of ... - fer w 42
of borough civil court . = as -. 282
of county court, saxation of returniig officer's S ‘accounts ... 135
of charitable gifts by county council... ent t
of electors tee “i . 137, 138, 376, 377
when anything to do respecting to come 3 into effect ... 176
of land in Middlesex, saving for in e. rp . 159
matters, under whose direction clerk of peace to attend ton . 146
of parliamentary voters, provisions as to not to apply to
borough council *
costs, &c., of vee eis Py pie ote eed
of rules of scientific societies ... 7 ee eee
of voters, powers of sheriff, clerk of pene, and county council
as tO ... re aie See UL
expenses, &6., in ponnection ihe Ane ae Gacll
as to bicycles, tricycles, and velocipedes ... 149,150
Regulation of Railways Act, penalties under Acs a. 274
as to issue of county stock ... see WeeLLo
of Treasury as to duties on local feation licenses Bt 34, 35
saving for existing ae oc We evs see pe thie
See also ByE-LAws ; RULES:
INGOOT Aten.) onl taceh tay ve .. 100
outdoor ... re ‘, . 100
union or parochial, by burgess! 203, 209
See also PAUPER.
expenses, &c., of, in connection with registration of voters... 10
of clerk of peace ; . 146
of Lincolnshire or Vorksbire . 148
of Suffolk or Surrey . 147
of justice of peace . 184
county of London.. 183, 184
of coroner, proviso as oe in certain cases 14
of justices’ clerks 149
of officers of county council i. 188
when consent of Secretary of State or “Load Govern-
ment Board necessary to ye aoe ey ... 188
of pauper lunatic oa ve Ase ste dee poet 151
arbitrator 107
borough auditors : 223
of registrar of births and deaths 42
of commissioners under Local Government "AE
103, 104
of commissioners on an election petition 268, 269
of commissioners inquiring as to alteration of wards . 227
of coroner 13
of clerk of peace in respect of services in “bringing Local
Government Act into operation Ben Ye
interim, of clerk of peace : oh RN ip
of clerk of peace of Suffolk or Sussex. se eas sees
of chairman of quarter sessions : ... 165
of deputy chairman of London County Council . 155
of medical officer in county of London pee oh
of officers transferred to county council . 188
of officers of poor law union «aes
of revising barrister - ‘ ose . 384
of town clerk ... ay +. see ase sea ule
scheme or order may deal aah ree ae mes selva
of teachers in poor law schools a wee bop os 41
of public vaccinator ... rie nee eas eae oo. 41
See also Fnus ; SALARY.
tithe, saving for se a a rea roo! LaLeagc hue
bridge out of ... mes aie ae 18 18019141, 142
of public footpath oe Hee +e ae oes ar ao
of highway not main road __.. +h ry aa tee 2G
of main roads in county borough _... ee eel oon ul
of main road and bridges ad ee on wee 18,19
of main road by county council ae AS ite eed
by district council KS ie a aes 22, 23
by urban authority Her wy a ee
main road undertaken by district council not in proper
repair .. see eee ass cee me a Sr ett
notice : as to.. ae i +3 eae de Se
main road, saving tie ois Br ae . 160
road to be put into proper repair before declared main roe 25
BhActs ~ are A al salty 41, 45
Coroners Act, 1887, ss. aa 14, pach: 1. tee a wa 14
enactments inconsistent with Local Be rere Act 197,198 —
enactments relating to deputy-assistant judge of Middlesex
quarter sessions Se see i ag ea ... 184
enactments unrepealed... . ... ay ug ... 285, 286
short titles of Acts partly repealed ... . ts ... 286
saving for enactments repealed oe as bs -10 290
medical officer to county council oe ae te 34, 42
failure of medical officer to send report to county council... 40
to an election petition .. oe tan ... 256, 257
provisions as to service on P respondent of petition, notices, &c. 259
when two or more candidates may be made respondents to
the same petition ... a sie ane ys ... 259
trial of election petition a oe ee ... 260, 262
costs on election petition se re site “Fe .. 265
resignation or disqualification uf _... aes aay, « 2GL, 262
expenses of election court... San fr as ... 268
withdrawal and substitution of on ae to ... 265
in mandamus for election to corporate office... on sepitig Os 270
of county alderman ... oe are 5 “a mp 3%!)
of county councillors ... abe ne aes ge
of county councillors every third oa ves ot etek poe
resignation of person elected to corporate office ... wee 232
county contribution, when made _... he cpa WER Fs
rates, illegal a Pee sas aa patedyl ais eee
Acts relating to... is if vn ae ws) SEB EIZE
advances to tee n ... 135
county councillor, when quarter sessions to appoint ma LOT
in borough fe - ne Om! ay ote elo
powers and duties of ve or a 53 Pot Bs
county, when appointed — ies Be: ay ... 242
ballot boxes, charge for storing <7 oe in ... 134
decision on ballot paper ue . 339
duties of... af ve A 166, 167, 342, 355, 362, ‘at seq.
duty as to when person elected to more tiie one elestoeal
division Ps ine ad Bede Wy fs)
duties as to election in case of ahr ‘Be poe ne ... 249
county, duties as to election in borough .... Ea i426
when to receive register of electors from clerk of peace ... 167
when councillor to make application to court ay. ee
may appoint deputy ... * ary 8b 5)
when to divide electoral division into polling districts ionk 00
when borough is divided into wards .. ye ‘is ... 242
not divided into wards... yes fas a wo. 242
when to appoint ae bee des is = . 242
costs, &c., of ... ~ ae Ee ie 232 130, 132
eration of .. : sn sed, 134
election of councillor i in more than one 9 division oa ... 249
election of councillor ... AY oe ag ... 125, 242
for entire county ... 125, 242
county, to prepare and sign notice of election of councillors 243
election (first) county councillors, duties as to fed . 166
when to fix day of ee bak on “ 166
notice of ... Jk ye oa a ae ... 166
costes Of) 7.2.5 e vet ... 169
election caused by person unseated on n petition in ee yi)
to fill casual vacancies... . 249
when to hold election to fill casual rue i fist election! 173
none able to act at first election of county council, defect,
how remedied he es ih ry ie .. 174
declaration of persons elected .. At a vf ay |
liability of ee a re ve by te ... 306
in county of London ... ee a 2 te ... 168
powers and duties of _... ay Be “a2 ... 168
ballot boxes, &c., atelection ... rh . 168
county of London, county and division registers to be anit
up by .. nee aos (4 JAS
to oad names of persons elected to ‘clerk of Metropolitan
Board of Works... at a as ee . 168
return of names of persons elected... ; ee rey
to send to clerk of council names of Sere elected ... 167
to notify election to county councillor and summon him to
first meeting of council _.... a3 . 168
provisional koaneils to fix time and place of Firat meeting of 168
to receive advances from quarter sessions for purposes of
election ty ... 169
- London, to receive advances ‘from Metropolitan Board of
Works for purposes of election... Sa . 169
when mayor to act as, at parliamentary alechinn AO 2 200
objections to nomination papers as pe ire mee BAe
where heard nie ; ave Pe ASO ad,
where to hear objections to nepanttion papers bay ... 130
offences in relation to elections, &c. ... ay af ea ser:
period between nomination and election, to fix... ays
notice of polling stations, &c. ... poe ae sus Re 4)
duties as to polling stations ... me weet Ale? ia 299
powers of an? ae sae ned rea lad
may exercise powers of sheriff... eae ae ms Pes ao
when respondent to an election petition ... 256, 257, 266
sheriff tobe _.... er ats ae mn ve 167, 242
when disqualified .. ae : a * “rey ley
to have certain powers Hi town Rene “an dee palaG
casual vacancy in office of councillor .. 1 8 fen
when to vote at elections CHP eee oe, eee . 299
duties at counting of votes... fs an 131, 351—357
equality of votes at contested élection of councillor... 244, 245
dea &c., of, in connection with registration of voters... 10
of ward . vat i a ie uy ... 229
appointment of .. Be rit 3 ee seed
from county council required by Parliament ie ... 149
respecting election expenses ay eee so ... 315, 316
failure to make... fee tee be a a +#fOlG
by whom to be kept ... a Fa ake nee ah NE:
inspection of ... oe at ee vs pS vial
when to be destroyed . abr ag
not to be made to clerk rae Cros in Chancery re «.. 299
REVISING BARRISTER dee re ve aed ... 240
appeal from decision of “fy ace a a ... 239
statement of, for purpose of appeal ... ne Ane aaboo
appointment of .. , a oe ses as Be dis (1
court, where to be held a ar ee aC mre dk
_ to revise lists of burgesses... af nee eae a0
duties as to revising ‘parish burgess lists eee ... 286, 237
in Middlesex and Surrey isp Fu oe ay ... 136
remuneration of... ae es as iF ies} 4a
of electoral lists ih se ae wes 1 ... 381
of list of voters, courtsfor ... Ae Re ey bY
provision as to, when not to apply to borough council 62
of grant of commission of peace ee Fe ae Aa ve
quarter sessions ... on des Ae reer: f
of provisional order... ve es ay by .. 154
ordered to be paid by court ... e aoe a .. 164
damage by; compensation for .. : 6
matter arising under Riot (Damage) Act, 1886, atfanded ie
by county earn ove Ae wea ve a ae |
saving for, in certain cases... 445 fe ona re LDS
conservators of, when appointed oe a “me at
Rivers Pollution Prevention Act, enforcement of provisions of 29
proceedings under.. an one a8 Pe 2230
prosecution under... ao eee sy ia Sct
costs of, by whom defared Berta fF i “en se uno
when joint committee to carry out provisions of sae ROU
powers, &c., of Local Government Board may be transferred
to Barn: COUNCLINS + aeee
River Weaver Navigation, Gheshice county couneil ae
empowered to borrow on security of Xr: se is
Trust, surplus revenue of she ye see .» 164
repairable with bridges, vested in county council ... res)
being a main road, how maintained ... ons ise 18, 19
power to break up eee an os ah =a Ae
declared a main road ... are - =< 25, 66
ordinary, when not vested in district council ag en
maintenance, &c., of, by urban authority... soe sae ieeet
in smaller Riri sessions borough, when and how declared
main roads... eos ce ae say ve 70, 72
turnpike... ve nia ye ik
disturnpiked, temporary. provisions as Ri pears in aid of ... 193
in Isle of Wight ve ae Hof Ate ote eel
in South Waleee aes rae ce at 28, 29
Sce also Higuway ; MaIn Rowe
ROAD AUTHORITY _... ae ea a we ses tk GU
See District RoaDs Boarp.
county council to assert the right of the public to the use of 19, 21
when public have no right over ha nas ses eral
protection of ... re art abe re ee ey Eras
burgess roll ar 5 or . 245
to be in operation until revision of new burgess roll . . 250
when not to be questioned ve re Hs . 235
WIATIEY 65,5 A 5 ye ... 236
when to come tite operation ra ise a ... 236
names, how numbered... are ane or ... 236
arrangement of ... at nee “tt ay . 238
correction of burgess roll... a ore . 239
persons Camere ray voting by corrupt, oo 4
practices .. ast oes Urs ie 4 . 317.
county electors ... eee “o ay ah Ay ee aoe
when to be made up 4 es “de w. 250, 251
freeman’s roll, inspection, &c., of ... xe #3 eee |
misnomer or Serene description ... oes ... 284, 285
what rolls to be used at election of councillor ae oo. 298
ward roll oF ds =A xe Sc a we. 245
arrangement of ... “ice Rebed hall Se ... 239
when county council to provide aca ve SPE reee LOD
of justices, transfer of to county council... cae As!
committee, at election ... “ee tha crs o-. 304
when using certain premises is illegal . a ef Cc OE
hearing objection to nomination papers in ... eee Bea 7h
counting of votesin ... oe vs Ape ». 131
public, use of for poll at fieenen ee ate 129, 299, 354
saving for Ae ae Ae. i eee dae enol
when election*not to be invalidated by reason of non-com-
pliance with... gy a .. 2538
of procedure and jurisdiction Se eitlie eladtion petition 267, 268
Municipal Corporations Act, 1882... aa fe . 255
as to qualification of burgess in succession, &. ... 298 930
what powers, &c., of, not to be transferred to county council 17
Rivers Pollution Prevention Act, costs of prosecution under,
when contributed to by county council ... = on oO
meaning of ae oe or tas of aes -.. 163
in one county, to be a separate county district
lighting of main roads in steuy (hase ae
sums paid to funds of ...
rural county district, what is .
what is ... . os
electoral division not to overlap
of public analyst determined by county council
of chairman of quarter sessions
of clerk of assize
of clerk of council
of clerk of justices
of clerk of peace
of clerk of petty sessions
of clerk of special sessions
of coroner
eee eee 135
so ae
+ eG
i ee
mee. 1 ot:
8, 162, 163
yy ete
ie ed
. 165
. 165 *
rs . 146
10, 149, 165
146, 147, 165
9, 14
of coroner whose district i is partly within county of London 180
of chairman of quarter sessions or stipendiary justice in
of chairman or deputy chairman of London County Council 79
chairman London county quarter sessions
of clerk of London County Council ..
asylum managers
district school managers
of medical offer
of certain officers
of officers transferred to county. council
... 184
... 148
ss, L569
.. 159
. 216
; _ 33, 34, 42
.. 45
. 188
diminution of, of existing officers, a ground for compensation 189
of officers of épuimietiouers under Local Government Act 163
of officers of poor law union ...
of county surveyor, determined by county council...
of teacher in poor law school .,
of county treasurer, determined by county councils
scheme or order may deal with
by councils
of land .
of Food nt Drugs Ace
48, 159
. 102
.. 282
69, 70, 72
hundred of - = ye ie fis wa hd 3
drain, sewer, &c., differences as to... ue ade a
members of, appointment by university or college te ‘egy ELD.
property of ee as ee a be ere .-. 164
area for, a local government area es vad Be w. 93
BAVING ... Se 7 a .. 102, 143
pending actions, erences lesa &e... oe seek OG, .to0
Admiralty Me eth tages cae cree) Tees 200
existing bye-laws a ise ase ove e- 189
jurisdiction over cathedral precincts ;. ae aes one 201
charters, local Acts, and orders confirmed by Parliament... 197
_ discharge of debts Mee sie Sor a oa 2s, LO0
MMeE TENS TEN EAL Wnty tei 4 sve) (earls pees gh 202
for existing Sree. eae oe LA Ar aoe DOO
for creditors ee are As ts 40 sso Old
dockyards, barracks, ae a +. 290
powers of Commissioners of Inland Revenue and Customs 160
for land tax and assessed taxes eee oat ee, Bate
for local Acts... nie eh) Loe ee eal cise e-. 290
Lord Warden ... si ss ce Se a |
Metropolitan Common Poor Fund as 77 wi anLDS
metropolitan and city police ... Se ad oF Te LOS
liability for main roads ie es be oe ... 160
Middlesex land registry te Sa a ae Bd fs!)
as to Kent, Middlesex, and Surrey ... ee +P ee LOD
military and naval officers... ais oa 46 .-- 290
for Prison Acts ... Wee ree ag ae aye Bonar te
Royal prerogative ae St soe ae “ve eee A!
existing securities aaa ee an ze sie .. 195
universities eee ob sald o. 201
for votes at any parliamenitary ‘clecuighe te ne rhea Hai
SCHEME _.... De +r eo re eae ne . 197
alteration of areas ig hs ae 100—103
regulating the bear of courts of quarter sessions in
London - ie cet ou
courts of quarter sessions in county of London 24 ea Lod
what matters may deal with ... eee ate a ae 102
when to amend local or personal Act 7 #5) . 103
Parliament, when laid before . aes ace . 103
when Local Government Beawt to cause decal inquiry to be
made ... 2a yas on a is oe, hiskkOo
borough council, sums paid by, towards district schools ... 60
grant by county council towards officers of district schools 49
certified by statute, paupers maintained in ... ne Pe age
public elementary, fees of pauper children attending .. 42
maintenance of pauper children in ... ise ‘ss (ABS, 159
paupers maintained in district school... . a sae ae
salary of managers of district school ... oe “he ». 159
combination of unions or parishes into school district ... 50
paupers maintained in separate school one oss ove BO
fees of pauper children... ASS ~ ey 23 oan, ae
teachers in poor law schools ... 5 = fetgorel
public or endowed, child of burgess taught j in He eee 229
officer of London School Board ei i: te te OO
use of, for poll at election ... Se -- 129, 364
what powers, &c., of school board not to be transferred to
county wail a ; oa ate Be |
exemption of from rates nee obs Ge Shmrene!
registration of rules of, by county council eh Be Pr mt
provisions as to... ro +. yy eee see oo. 90
provisional orders as to 5 $5 on ove --- 90
county council in “oe ova ma, wei
powers, &c., of county council of Cornwall in es aye!
Local Government Act not to extend to... ee . 166
inventory exhibited and recorded in . aia . 19
Municipal Elections ee Practices) Act, 1884, not i
extend to aut i‘ 3 5c eee Oo
SCROTINY ... as we ts vee nee 255, 268, 317
when to be made ae sen eae eos te . 255
county council to have common a sae Pe oneg hae
forgery of . ... = aH ae poe 6b | alee
declaration of, under Ballot Act oes a x oa te
form, Of ike tes ay sv ore fas wee 3T5
of city of London, duties at first election ... ... os. 169
when an authority ... ae 4S) a" eas ree ca
: Index.
meaning of ee : ae eae tO
saving for existing bye- Sat orden, &e, th a ed i
gertifitate 2 te eae aha one w. 45
when consent of, necessary to ‘removal of Eicer of county
council a - oa sie) 106, 189
Local Government Board Tay pranefer certain powers of, to
county council bee : Wy ne ell
what powers, &c., may be franaferred ie county council 17, 154
draft order Span ceanS powers, &c., of, to be approved by... 18
determine number of adios tit: committee ... 52, 53
certificate as to efficiency of ahi: ws ; ‘4 49
when new visiting committee of prison in county of Tender
to be appointed Se ae Be sea dea . 183
London quarter sessions oe fe eve Pee ehh,
joint committee of Manchester assize pene ae 88
returns, &c., from county councils required by Parlin _ 148
SECURITY . ay si ate yao elise y 0!
for Horrowing by county Couneil eae er 107, 115, 116
county fund and revenues of cae council nat Le
for costs ... ee Bs sa tae
for costs, &c., on presenting an Meleshion Sv sat 20 eos
High Court to fix amount... : “as seme
here election petition has been substituted. et ... 265
officers of borough to give... , beg es:
when necessary to continue the levy of any rate fare oe keo
River Weaver Navigation... - eee sh “ra Ds:
saving for es = ees nfs Bre 1 ee boU
costs of, when a general county purpose... oe Fed May:
in London, costs of ... 325 ca ne i tee ite:
houses... of ef eta lG
of the peace of justices be county of bonded 2 Loe
jurisdiction of sheriffs of Middlesex, cany and Rene in
county of London... be a 179
See also QUARTER SESSIONS; “Prery Sussrons: iSenoren
of pauper lunatic a isu of snd ee RS)
breaking up of roads for purpose of sewerage Ye ae os
difference between authorities as to ... oe aan tee
in main road, when to vest in county council of Sos lee
SHERIFF ... 34 ies A$ 4 nee hae mae hs
appointment eee 1a: ae ae ere ... 245
in borough or city i A aos agi LUE
Caactcee Lincoln, Northampton, Suffolk, Sussex, Yorks. 101
coroner may not be... 45 te vee rat fa:
writ de coronatore eligendo to be direviea tO7e A cre
when a candidate at first election of county councils »». 166
when deemed sheriff of administrative county di Reet Cis)
of county . Ses ae ae tic Re ye LE
city:01 loncomes..t see ee
city of London, jurisdiction one Bik ay ee 79, 179
county of London, jurisdiction of ... hi ce We!)
of London, when to cease to have jurisdictions in Middlesex 178
county of Tendon! to receive certain lists of prisoners, writs,
and all records, jury lists from sheriffs of Middlesex,
Surrey, and Kent ... — ... : ee WE,
Lord Chancellor to determine questions as to a: Bes We)
of counties of London and Middlesex nae ee raat AO
counties of Middlesex and London, how nominated and
appointed ... Ee ae at os en ee yt
declaration of ... fee ae - a 4-5 alo
of Middlesex, law relating to ... 5 oe Ne Sel ios!
appointment of ... ae 44 eas vas <9) 00
Kent and Surrey, jurisdiction of sks ay ro tenho
proviso as to sessions of the peace... Hf ans A YE
outgoing, duties of —... “i pA les)
to be returning officer for first election of county couneilion
166, 242
when disqualified oe : a . 166
when returning officer to hold Slostiea. to fill casual vacancy
at first election ms obs re eS Begs
returning officer in county of London oss oh rt ite
when returning officer to exercise powers of... wee Bre hts)
charges of, as returning officer.. at ... 134
election caused by person bone unseated on petitian 23800
parliamentary elections, powers of ... iLO
authority of, as to parliamentary elections, &e. ‘rem district
situate in more than one county ... sc nae ae ty)
registration of voters, powers of Pre oe SF das Shae
scheme or order may deal with a ote se Bret hi
charges of, at elections ... #5 We 5 vvt .. 134
of London ie 3 9 oy rr — ... 168
SHIRE HALL We ee “ue sa Feit bl
may be purchased, built, &. ite ve as ais ees"
SHIRE HALL—continued. | PAGE
transfer of, to county council ... are bie akg Neen URLs:
See also HALL.
forgery of a oon ee ee are oo. 282
SINKING FUND ... by ag ae “ry ee t10, Log
creation of 4 se mee ay Sey ne ru Lee
adjustment of law as regards, in London and Middlesex ... 156
as to main roads, &c., meaning of .., ae oe poms
powers, &c., in metropolis as to licensing of transfer to
London County Council Bee mae. t
See Loan Soctety ; Screntrric Society.
See PETERBOROUGH ... o. Et bie ie merry
when coroner not toactas... om 214
when may represent Director of Public Prosecutions . 324
guilty of corrupt practice aa oie +. 338
of county to become officer of usm council, Fe oy hey
removal of he one Ss Hy ee ee LOG
tenure of oftice under eas dottneil:. SE ir 39 LOO
salary ... ss ; 3 Ms 7s ee aoe kOS
county council to make certain contribution to Isle of
Wight Highway Commissioners ... os “4 Stee
application of Acts to roads in.. aes ote 28, 29
distribution of probate duty grant, &c., to six - counties 7 Sp
no county road rate to be levied in ... ep Age ieee
tolls to cease in... oe foe $y oa a Tees.
in metropolis... oe eS un a net meee (O
case, “sith arbitrator may state 4 = seat LUG
when election petition may be heard by cee EROUs EOL
county account, deficiency in . “te: eee eas -.. 114
meaning of ae — see a:
county purpose, expenditure, hoy Herenuindd nee ee 114
2m 2
SPECIAL—continued. PAGE
county purpose, meaning of ... ae . 118
quarter sessions borough exempt from contribution 7 39
loan raised for... = ae ee she colle
precept in respect of oc Ms a ns . 114
expenses .. es ee e114
sessional aatbne for are of Londons provisions betore
quarter sessions constitute ... : Py cent KOU.
sessional division of county of onda what 189 Sen » ee
sessions of county of London ... “iy uve ish Seed | eS
compensation to existing officer ae ie By woe Loe
license of houses or places for public sacar of, by
county council bys : st BA 2G 8)
licensing of, may be delegated £6 anstices in petty sessions 50
STAMPCDUTIES <.. lpi oe sa ota) * AOS AIDS
penalties recovered in relanon to : si a Perel
on affidavit included in probate duty... <6 ors Hates
on inventory exhibited, &c.,in Scotland... a Ride toys
on account of personal and moveable property... ee ey
for county contributions ie ote se ry 41, 60
rate ;.. aye zine sas one ae is - 163
appeal as to ii “a ise ive 55. 15, 16
preparation, &e., of ie7 2 a ine a
provisions as i not to apply to ait borough reopen ty
STANDING JOINT COMMITTEE _... ae 143, 149, 172
acts and proceedings of... nee oe . 221
when acts and proceedings need not be submitted to county
council ais a + a pad ae . 129
how appointed . Ye de 52, 144
construction of Acts relating ie insiiees transferred ieee
of quarter sessions and county council, for what purposes
appointed ... aes rat Seas
report of, as to repair, &c., of main road undertaken by
district council me : #22220
county, provisions as to, not 6 ole ee oonney porenel eRe
to become officer of county council ... hs ss 16%,188
tenure of office under county council by es see nlod
removal of Ape aoe ay ae ee ae eo
salary of .. s “re ine bee Ae vet Ota
in South Wales .. iy fe soe ie re aenag
administrative counties, what business transferred to me. oD
clerk of councils, East and West... ast a" weep lou
peace, Hast and West... : des “ost es a) ved ote FLO
property held in for corporation, misapplication of... Ree ye
River Weaver Navigation... tia oe ona rele
turnpike trust ... ane Pye ee ee ans oe
what is ... eat ak An oe eS ee 20
when deemed a main sal py fs a a ek
when not deemed main road ... a sfc 7 ~e NZO
effect of expiration of turnpike trust ... ee a erie"
by district council as to repairs, &c., of main roads 22, 23
as to roads, &c., differences arising, how determined 25, 26
definition fe “si a 250, 255, 337
a ground for an lection petition Ss) ot vas) ey eRe
a corrupt practice oes om — aoa ie oon MUL
UNIONS POOR GA Wiican, ed sa ve os *EOCE Ge
meaning of ra ee : sal wie a ... 163
borough council, sums paid by a , .. 44
payments by county council in lieu of local grants .. 41—45
in more than one administrative county... ae ooo
situated in more than one administrative county, sums pay:
able to by county council, how proportioned ... 46, 47, 49
situated in more than one Sinner hee county, payments
to by county councils a . 49
situate in more than one county, wien Tonal Gorémnment
Board may deal with ‘ i au ree . 2. LOO
dissolution of ... ‘ uae % Bs we ... LOO
grant in aid of officers of ae as we ss atte
when guardians to receive share of surplus at Local Taxation
Account ree .. 194
guardians to submit to Tate Goverment Board Bees for
payment from county council oe re oat ae
pauper, indoor ... ne eed te «+ LOO
pauper lunatic, payments in rerpect of des cae 42, 43
how made chargeable to aor e £5 wo w. 43
relief, outdoor ... ‘es oye . 100
London County Council, pemnits . in nee x Tees grants 82, 83
partly situated in county of London, payment to ... crates
of parishes ee oer ans Pt Fee Om
combination of, into school districts Nie a iV ae OU
resident members of... te Ay are vie a. Dol
of Cambridge ... we rg pa Pernt cae O4
Cambridge, saving for ... : 5 vee 20)
Cambridge, hei Vice- Chancellor may be a justice 288, 289
Durham, saving for... — es “np ore can ote
Oxford”... ay oe re are by ry, are tO
saving for es : we ee SOL
when to appoint members of diserict orci oe ee hoe
URBAN AUTHORITY ... iF . a ot a GE)
meaning of =, ee “ ye ‘ss 22, 163
when borough council to become ci my oan O04
difference as to area of and council of borotah ne Seed EE
for borough under 10,000, power as to explosives ay en iS!
main road, annual payment by county council towards cost
of maintaining S, 22
main road, when may claim to retain poners) &e., of main-
taining, &e. oe et ame a!
road becoming main road athe Liksimn fo retain powers Re) i
of maintaining, &c. ... oe 21
main road, when claim to repair no ibility a as to on Meee...
council 42 : 22
main road, retained by, dost of Peper) Cees how detanmined? 22
main road, when county council to take payment to in
respect & 7 oF. Fe 3 a vie Aiee
main road, lighting of ... aie fe ate + rere 4)
in metropolis... put om Ee ime ae 78
officers of... es 5 Pag: 46
what powers, &c., of, ot ee be arateiral 6 county council 17
Rivers Pollution Bravenet Act, costs of prosecution under,
when contributed to by county council ... as “eet!
what is ... hae ee ee Art a sad Bis lh 5
URBAN DISTRICT ne ree “i 3 one OOO
establishment of tg we DO
included in borough, but éouricil of borough not urban
authority, provisional order as to ... sae J eo
district fund es aa ar aA: mt ..- 40
future establishment of ... on - td 98, 99
main road, lighting of . eat nanan
co-extensive sath Areal division, list of BS in tay BOO
whatis ... : Ae er ae ae eed 52, 163
borough included 4 in oie and . 163
a highway area . ‘ 19
quarter sessions boroagh, when deamed 22
electoral divisions not to overlap se ork, uO
where situated when partly in two counties 91
partly within and partly without administrative conte
provisions as to list of voters, parliamentary elections,
&e., in. ; . 157
a Sats quarter: sessions itera Sh ‘yn Seri
wheu larger quarter sessions borough not cotta Porough
deemed ; 65
members of sanitary authority appointed by a college | or
university 94
in office of chairman of county council . 169
in Office of clerk of county council ... Ain ss umey, GET eae
in office of commissioners under Local Government Act,
how filled up... ine . 103
in corporate office hee Ae we a w. 232, 234
time for filling up . 248
in office of mayor fee ie oo . 249
casual, in office of county eohneillor ty ite ... 129, 243
Bee not to be filled up . ie» 129
casual, in electoral division or Hardie ane .. 250
by person being elected to more than one velactoral
division ... , soqlae
by being elected county alderman Espn!
from ie of election or otherwise : ae Yo
at first county council election, how filled up ... nt Cees
caused by person being unseated on petition ae tO
withdrawal of candidate at election of councillors ... . 298
VACCINATION ts a: ps saehua
payments to public vresotnatans Ay: Sy oes oe ae
of area, borough, or parish
valuation lists
rateable ...
bye-laws as to
conviction under ...
lighting of
when overtaking any carriage, cart, &e.
furious driving of
coroner may not be
meaning of term, in certain connections
in metropolis
en ee 16S
163, 198, 194
.. 163, 193, 194, 212
149, 221
pee 1b0
me 150
. 150
78, 155 ©
when deemed a district council and an urban authority 78
to participate in certain surplus paid to metropolis in
respect of roads...
of University of Cambridge may be justice ...
of pauper lunatic asylum
vested in county council ...
pauper lunatic asylum, accounts of ...
audit of accounts of fy.
of pauper lunatic asylum, how appointed
when appointed
when to be appointed by borough
. 193
288, 289
. 150
. 150
pata iy
56, 177
when recorder, or justices, or borough council to
appoint .
when recorder or justices n66 to Sppoint:
when appointed by subscribers ...
proceedings of ...
chairman of
joint committee of
of lunatic asylum, how long to hold office after first election
of county councillors
when to become officers of county council
. 152
. 152
nh iy
187, 188
to be succeeded by a committee elected by county council... 177
prison situate in county of London
county aldermen, when to vote
cb iyi
VOTE—continued. PAGE
when alderman not to vote in election of chairman il ae
voting at election of alderman a oe ie ... 246
outgoing alderman may not vote - abe ... 246
saat of votes ... a as ... 247
by ballot, prohibition of neclocts ae ond ex Pe thy
equality of notes at meetings of councils ... ce ... 295
chairman of county council committee to have a second or
casting vote ... es ‘ aad ... 145
counting of votes at ateruon Ah councillor >» | iota
who may attend ... er sss) 7, 8005 000
equality of, at contested election of coer fae ... 244, 245
election of councillor ... ou “pe nd a ... 244
when returning officer may vote ve “e ... 244, 245
title to vote at ncn of councillors vide ... 241
electors to vote in as many divisions as they are registered
in ae wi ss os ~ : pert
county Soameitlers of fees quarter PS hore! when
not to vote on certain matters < cx 67
chairman at meeting for election of mayor, &e., “when to
have casting vote... : w.. 247
equality of votes in election ‘of chairman: of provisional
council ke Ree . 174
chairman of provisional nonnal tite to iene casting ... 174
equality of votes at meeting of provisional council else
of persons guilty of corrupt practices to be struck off on
scrutiny is ... 204
person not élected by see of, a “sroutiel for an 1 election
petition nes Hy ... 254, 255
voting by prohibited persons at ‘elections se eee ... 306
councillors of city of London disqualified as to ... 78, 79
of returning officer and other persons at elections ... «. 299
infringement of secrecy of voting by ballot... os ... 353
voter paper, misnomer, or misdescription ... ... 284, 285
prohibition of disclosure a4 a vee Rae eur
“to assume to vote” ... ee Sor ae sr toe
“to tender his vote” ... : af ... 308
equality of, in election of chairman af standing joint com-
THIthee< 3.0 eee “i Beg orh
casting, of chaienian AE mending Nein committee Py oset Ues
appointment of committee of visitors of private lunatic
asylum. os - ves war |
at parliamentary election: saving g for. ns oat io5 OE
when incapacitated by blindness Py oe ... 364
conveyance of ... re hick Ay. ore "es ... 330
cuilty of corrupt practices... sus aye ... 302, 303
disqualification of wot Oe a: as oo LTS ae
VOTE—continued. PAGE
contested election of ea i ewer which may be put
to voters ie f ces toy Hea ea
person wilfully making false answer . eae ae .. 24
form of directions for eh of, in voting 95 menar
Rte, OL ©... a a ne ae 92, 135, 167
list of, courts for revision oe a. 4h r. 0 ye ALY
lists, duties of overseers as to. pe ... 283
lists of, when district situate in more than one mosaics beg way:
list of, provision as to when, not to apply to borough council 63
list of, in parish, not within municipal borough ... ... 249
register of re oe $e rit es race ESL ed Day!
ass’... res nb e. EP igh Bre Lots
copies of register ae ae rH: i ee a. BOO
register of, difficulties as to... dy a wh: po ot he
meaning of = Ene Sys <3 apr oe ... 254
occupation, list of ney . 137
when place situate partly “within and aie avithout
county, provisions as to aes 535 eae eee
qualifying premises... . 135
list of, in parts of Kent, Middlesex, mane Bumere Pritin
metropolis rn ie a Br sve ... 169
lists of, in city of London ih . 169
registration of, powers of sheriff, clark of peace, and! county
council, as to . aes 101
registration of parliamentary, provision as to, noe to apply
to borough council ... ie ee ia. Ee eg
registration of parliamentary ... “e ate mee a 147
Heties of clerk of peace as to ... : . 147
parliamentary, when qualified for office of alderman or
county councillor... “ie eee: A ae Bas es Ps
saving for ... fe: de Se eas we oY
meaning of... os ee si as i) me LOL
how to vote... on ane ie ane ae ... 263
where to-vote ... th ; ee: Gr 2 360
See also ELECTORS ; yen OF Vorunee
county authorities in, powers as to certain bridges... caer eo
See also SoutH WALES.
of ainsty of York ee ano
when included in expression “ division of a foodnty roe GTi)
WARD <0 Se ce xs ee fe . 135
alteration of ... ane ne a 96, 98, 226, 227
number of councillors ve ose ive ie i Gy aly
WARD—continued. PAGE
boundary of ... hve aes aoe ee ..» 95, 96, 128
of combined boroughs ... +5 pe - oes AR A
division of borough into ae oa vee ace ©=226-—-228
borough not iienks into ae sae ea .. 242
borough with wards, councillors how élected as ... 241
without wards, councillors how elected... ies ... 241
as to election of county councillor... igs sr ke
election of councillor in more than one Oe whe ... 250
division, saving for... ae eas ... 289
when to be divided into polling districts as . 248
roll Ae as Le a Rey 236—238, 245
rolls, Ereaieeniene 1) ues: eae pr nah re, .. 238
burgess roll to be numbered by ; ae ... 236
when to be united for purpose of an electoral division SA bea
electoral, not to overlap os * + oa .. 93
to be, if feasible, an electoral Naeatan Wee PRS ape
returning officer at an election for... ay .- . 126, 242
illegal practices in ie Fa oe me ... 3804—308
meaning of = ae ne ve sad cis 293
notices, where published as oe the Hs! inane
casual vacancy in A oa abe see ad ... 250
occupation of ... “fe ve ie are 202, 204, 228
person taken into custody without ... See aa ee yi
service of aK say Oe ep eae bak, thes eyed
of borough under 10,000, transfer of certain powers of 72, 73
powers as to police... ve ve aa vt re iW
in borough under 10,000 ae i Ay ae Pre cgi tt
bye-laws as to ... ee af: mee aI
execution of Acts relating to, by, county council as me A
combination of councils as to areas for ce ie Reeve wht
local standards ... one eee ae i's on eg 518)
verification of 2 iS sh ab ty sot ae
justice of peace for city and liberty of, at appointed day ... 183
liberty and city of, inhabitants not exempt from serving on
JUIICS ¢. <. Bi sm re Ps ne cen oa» o LOG
execution e Acts relating to, by county council ... a7 10
when time for killing, &c., may be extended or varied 10, 11
business of county by quarter sessions ey ay oe
county roads boards in South Wales... ae a Nee,
district roads boards in South Wales... ve Ae Soe
of candidate before election ... 8 re .-. 298
from a candidature, when corrapt se ea ... 309
election petition a 5a af va 263, 264, 320
costs of ... = ae see ... 264
of respondent to a an election petition... ane ... 265, 266
publishing false statement of, withdrawal of candidate at
election ets . eh ae See wat ... 306
of defendant, costs of ... Ae os se a ... 165
at trial of:election petition ... iva ae ee ... 262
liabilities of ~—... : Te on ... 263
examination and aust athination ies v8 .-« 262, 263
expenses of Le oe tee bad ... 263
certificate of indemnity by election court ae eet eo ue
when enrolled as burgesses... bat ae ... 203
may not be elected Hata Bonmeillon ¥ ied hakele
may vote at county and municipal elections... ae ». 248
not be elected to county council... Bs or ... 248
be enrolled as burgesses and county electors ... ... 248
married women may not vote... ey ah ae 4248
what transferred to county council ... Si os pee AY
fees of pauper children from workhouse attending public
elementary schools... * ays woe aA ride none
metropolitan... ae tt At a ¥e “fe 1b 09
paupers in ae as a aa i ote Cel eOe
places of religious, certifying and recording of haf oe BU
places of religious, how registered... aes ot re
election not to be held in any place of se ae ... 250
WILT. Aig A a o Ave cP a . 105
of certiorart ae a fe a ee re 141, ye
WRIT—continued. PAGE
for election of coroner .. 63
de coronatore exonerando fee “x8 ap ae
eligendo... ae vas pp is Mt: 12, 13
in county of London x . 179
of mandamus ... his. 4% MOT, 276:
of summons against corporate officer ie we 275
to returning officer in borough ... 126
scheme or onder may deal atin . 102
definition of term ... 160—
certain notice to returning officer . 173
meaning of ope
local financial year... is, 122
ending 31st March... . 192
what business transferred to administrative counties ~ 85
ridings of, to be separate administrative counties . 84
lark of gaol sessions, when to be clerk of joint commiitigan . 186
joint committee of quarter sessions of ridings, when to be
formed “p ooo
transfer of property and Hiabilities . 109
joint committee of BAe . 109
of council of riding, appointment and removal of clerk
of peace ... : : . 149
county of, for what Dre an. esate: attic . 101
powers, &c., under Yorkshire Registries Act transferred to
county erence : oe ive
scheme or order may affect Sed sae erm be he
wapentake of ainsty of... 91
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