Pel ie THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. COMPILED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL BY HENRY G. TARDY UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A. F. Str. SURE, CITY ATTORNEY. Fea apc a AR a Set yaa) iucsaao Press of the Times-Star, Alameda, Cal. oy VHELVINU NAW ATAU e Ck 4 g 13 Yeu SS20194 Natt ID\3 THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS. Section 1: Name of Municipal Code. Whereas it is necessary that the general ordinances of the City of Alameda should be amendcd. revised, codified and enacted in the form of a Municipal Code and all general ordinances and parts of ordinances of a general nature not contained in such Municipal Code repealed, it is hereby ordained that this ordinance shall be enacted and that it shall be known as The Municipal Code of the City of Alameda Section 2: Repealing and Saving Clause. All general ordin- ances and parts of ordinances of a general nature not herein con- tained are hereby repealed; provided, however, that the repeal of such ordinances and parts of ordinances, or any of them, shall not be construed to abate or affect any suit, action or proceeding instituted or pending in any court of this state or other tribunal begun prior to the passage of this ordinance, or under any of the ordinances so repealed, but all such suits, actions or proceedings may be prosecuted to final determination under the laws so re- pealed; provided, further, that the repeal of any ordinance or parts of ordinances shall not in any wise affect, deny, abridge, divest or impair any right, privilege, action or cause of action accruing or arising under the ordinances hereby repealed, but such right, privilege, action or cause of action accruing or arising shall 451526 6 A THE MUNICIPAL CODE not in anyway be affected by any of the provisions of this Code and shall be governed by the ordinances in effect when the same accrued or arose. This ordinance shall in no manner affect any ordinance, general.or special, in the nature of a franchise to any pubhie utility. ‘This ordinance, known as The Municipal Code of the City of Alameda, so far as its provisions are the same in effect include any part owner, joint owner, tenant in common, or joint continuation of those ordinances. | Section 3: General Rules of Construction of This Code. The following rules of construction shall be observed for this and every ordinance, unless inconsistent with the manifest intent of the council, or the context of the ordinance: First. The repeal of an ordinance shall not revive any ordin- ance in force before, or at the time when, the ordinance repealed took effect. Second. The repeal of an ordinance shall not affect any punish- ment or penalty incurred before the repeal took effect, or any suit, prosecution, or proceeding pending at the time of the repeal, for an offence committed under the ordinance repealed. Third. Words importing the singular shall include the plural, words importing the plural shall include the singular, and words importing the masculine gender shall include females and boards. Fourth. The word ‘‘street’’ shall include all public ways, alleys, lanes, courts, and sidewalks and those parts of puble squares and places which form travelled parts of highways. Fifth. The word ‘‘parks’’ and ‘‘playgrounds’’ shall include the public lands placed by the Council under the charge of the Street Superintendent, Park and Playground Committee of the Covneil or a Park Commission, and those parts of public squares and places which do not form travelled parts of highways. Sixth. The word ‘‘owner’’, applied to a building or land, shall as those of previously existing ordinances, shall be construed as a ) tenant of the whole or of a part of such building or land. Seventh. The word ‘‘tenant’’ or ‘‘occupant’’, applied to a building or land, shall include any person who occupies the whole or a part of such building or land, either alone or with others. Eighth. The word ‘‘person’’ shall include corporations, firm or copartnership. CITY OF ALAMEDA, CALIF. ) Ninth. The word ‘‘officer’’ shall include officers and boards in charge of departments and the members of such boards. Tenth. Words purporting to give a joint authority to three or more officers or other persons shall be construed as giving such authority to a majority of such officers or persons. Eleventh. Words prohibiting anything from being done, ex- cept in accordance with a license or permit, or authority from a board or officer, shall be construed as giving such board or officer power to license or permit or authorize such things to be done. Twelfth. Whenever in this Municipai Code the word ‘‘City’’ occurs, it means the City of Alameda, and every department ‘board and officer, whenever either of them is mentioned in this Municipal Code, means a department, board or officer, as the case may be, of the City of Alameda. Thirteenth. Should any part or parts, provision or provisions of this Municipal Code be illegal or unconstitutional, such ille- gality or unconstitutionality shall destroy and render null and void only the part or provisions so illegal and unconstitutional, and all the other parts and provisions of this Municipal Code shall be in force and effect so far as may be, as though ‘such illegal or unconstitutional part or provision had not been con- tained herein. Section 4: Publication in Book Form. This ordinance which is to be known as ‘‘The Municipal Code of the City of Alameda,”’ is hereby ordered to be published in book form by the City Clerk, under the supervision of the City Attorney, and such book may also include the City Charter and such indices and other matter as may be deemed advisable by the City Attorney. Section 5: Regular Meetings of Council. The regular nieet- ings of the Council of the City of Alameda shall be held in the Council Chamber at the City Hall of said city on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 o’clock, P. M., excepting when a meeting day falls upon a holiday, in which case the meet- ing shall be held on the next succeeding business day at the same hour. 8 THE MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER II OFFICIALS, THEIR DUTIES, SALARIES AND FEES. Section 6: Salaries of City Clerk, City Attorney, City Treas- urer and Street Superintendent. The salaries of the following named officers of the City of Alameda are hereby fixed as follows, the amounts being the monthly compensation for all services rendered to said City of Alameda by the officers named. The City Clerk shall receive one hundred and fifty dollars; The City Attorney shall receive one hundred and fifty dollars; The Treasurer and ex officio Tax Collector of the City of Ala- - meda shall receive two hundred dollars; The Street Superintendent shall receive one hundred and fifty dollars ; : Said salaries shall be paid in arrears for the preceding calendar month. The salaries herein established shall apply to the terms of office of the several officers concerned, next succeeding their respective current terms. Section 7: Salaries of Members of the Police Department: The compensation of the Chief of Police and the officials and members of the Police Department of the City of Alameda is hereby fixed and established as follows: The Chief of Police shall receive $175.00 per month salary ; The officials detailed as Detectives shall each receive $125.00 per month salary; The officials detailed as Sergeant shall receive $110.00 per month salary ; The official detailed as Clerk at the Police office shall receive $110.00 per month salary ; 3 The official detailed as Driver of the Police Patrol shall receive $100.00 per month salary. Patrolmen during the first year of continuous service in said Department shall each receive the sum of $90.00 per month salary ; during the second year of continuous service in said Department they shall each receive the sum of $95.00 per month salary; and during the third and subsequent years of continuous service in CITY OF ALAMEDA, CALIF. 9 said Department they shall each receive the sum of $100.00 per month salary. Salaries shall be paid in arrears for each calendar month and shall be in full of all services performed for the City of Alameda. Section 8: Salaries of Officers and Employees of the Fire De- partment. The salaries of the following named officers and em- ployees of the Fire Department of the City of Alameda are hereby fixed as follows, the amounts being the monthly compensation for all services rendered by the officers or employees named. The Chief Engineer shall receive one hundred and seventy- five dollars. The First Assistant Engineer shall receive one hundred and fifteen dollars; the Second Assistant Engineer shall receive one hundred and five dollars; the Engineers of the fire engines shall each receive one hundred dollars; Assistant Engineers of the fire engines shall each receive ninety-five dollars; Captains shall each receive ninety-five dollars; Drivers, first class, shall each receive ninety dollars; Drivers, second class, shall each receive eighty-five dollars; ‘‘ecall’’ Captains shall each receive twenty dollars; Truckmen and Hosemen shall each receive fifteen dollars. Salaries shall be paid in arrears for the preceding calendar month. Section 9: Salary of the Poundmaster. The compensation of the Poundmaster, including the services of himself and deputies and the expense of horse and vehicle and keep of all animals ex- cept dogs, is hereby fixed at the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars per month, payable monthly in arrears for each calendar month. Section 10: Office of Building Inspector. The office of Build- ing Inspector of the City of Alameda is hereby established. Jt shall be the duty of said Building Inspector to perform the in- spections and duties required by the ordinances of the City of Alameda relating to the construction of buildings and the num- bering thereof and also relating to the inspection of chimneys and such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Council. Section 11: How Appointed and Tenure. The Building In- spector shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall hold office at the pleasure of the Council subject to the power of suspension by the Mayor as provided by the Charter of the City of Alameda. we THE MUNICIPAL CODE ’ Section 12: Salary of Building Inspector. The salary of the Building Inspector is hereby fixed at the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars per calendar month payable in arrears. Section 13: What Building Inspection Fee Includes. When- ever a fee has been paid for a building permit no additional or other fee shall be required for the inspection of chimneys con- structed under said building permit. Section 14: Duties of City Engineer. It shall be the duty of the City Engineer to give the corners, lines or survey of lots, and the proper grade of the sidewalks in front of all buildings, blocks, or lots, with plot or certificate of same, when applied to for that purpose. And for such service the party requiring such work done shall pay all lawful charges for the same. When re- quired by the City Council or any city contractor for work in said City he shall furnish the lines, grades and measurements and calculations for any street or other city work. It shall also be his duty when ordered by said Council to place monuments as initial points for the purpose of measurements or grades, and at such places as said Council may direct, and do and perform such other duties as pertain to said office. Section 15: Necessity to Keep Records of Surveys. The City Engineer shall keep a record of all surveys and measurements made under the provisions of this ordinance in a book or books to be kept for that purpose. All records of surveys and all eal- culation books pertaining to street or other city work, with all maps, plans and profiles in which the city can in any manner be interested, shall be and remain the property of the city, and shall ~ be kept in a secure place open to public inspection. And all such books, plans, maps and profiles shall be carefully preserved by the City Engineer and transmitted to his successor in office. Section 16: Salary of City Engineer. The salary of the City Engineer for services rendered to the City of Alameda is hereby ‘fixed at one hundred and twenty-five dollars per month payable monthly in arrears for the preceding calendar month. Said salary is in addition to his right to collect the fees and charges hereinafter provided. Section 17: Fees and Charges Allowable. The fees and charges of the City Engineer for setting stakes, including plot CITY OF ALAMEDA, CALIF. and certificate of any lot or block above high water mark in the City of Alameda, shall be as follows—distance referring to street frontage: fewerever ve TOOL 1Ot-—+ Stakes oo ccc ccc sacebsmedeseunces $7.50 Pe LOU———* SSUAK OS iso cccis ns + + ec c.eup ere Ges sets 6 wen b oe 8.00 mewenuy-nve foot lot—4 stakes 2.22... cc oe reo ne ee cen's 8.50 Canned root. .lOt—4. stakes... 0. bale oo ccscweeesesws 9.00 For setting grade stakes in front of any lot, 2 stakes, $2.50 each. For each additional stake, $1.00. For setting grade stakes for full block, $20.00. Kor surveys and engineering for street improvements the charges shall be as follows, to wit: For running all lines and setting all stakes necessary for the grading and curbing and macadamizing or planking or paving of any street to the official grade, including certificate and record of the work when completed at the rate of eight (8) cents per linear foot. | For running lines and setting the necessary stakes for the curbing and macadamizing or paving of any street already graded to the official grade, including certificate and record, at the rate of eight (8) cents per linear foot provided, that where said Engineer has received fees for grading the rate for macad- amizing only shall be at the rate of one (1) cent per linear foot. For giving lines and grades for sewers, at the rate of five (5) cents per linear foot. For plan and profile, in private contracts, Five (5) Dollars. The term linear foot shall be deemed to include both sides of any street (where work extends beyond the center thereof) and the rates charged shall include the furnishing of stakes used. The official fees of the City Engineer for surveying and setting stakes for the work of paving and bituminizing roadways shall be fifteen cents per running foot which fees shall include the cost of all preliminary surveys, profiles, mapping and estimates. For all work and services rendered by the City Engineer in connection with proceedings under that certain act of the Legis- lature of the State of California entitled ‘‘An Act to provide for the lighting of public streets, lanes, alleys, courts, and places in municipalities, and for the assessment of the costs and ex- penses thereof upon the property benefitted thereby,’’ approved 12 THE MUNICIPAL CODE March 21, 1905, the City Engineer shall receive as an official fee one (1) cent per front foot of street improved thereunder. | The fees of the City Engineer for preliminary surveys and estimates of quantities and plans are hereby fixed as follows, said fees to be in addition to those allowed by ordinance, and to be a charge against the property in front of which said surveys are made and included in assessment for the work. On grading by cubic yard, five cents per linear foot measured along the center line of the street; on grading by square foot one cent per linear foot, measured in the same way; on macadamizing by square foot, one and one half cents per linear foot, measured in the same way; on paving by square foot, one and one half cents per linear foot, measured in the same way, on sidewalk, three cents per linear foot of sidewalk; on curbing, one half cent per linear foot of curbing; on crosswalks, one half cent per linear foot of crosswalk; on culverts, one half cent per linear foot; on sewers one cent per linear foot of sewer; for each plan accom- panying the above, five (5) dollars; for special specifications, one fourth of one per cent of cost of work as shown by contractor’s accepted bid. No additional charge shall be made for preparing and filing certificates of quantities and estimates. For assess- ment diagram and final certificate five (5) Dollars. Resetting of stakes disturbed or destroyed by the contractor shall be at the expense of said contractor. Section 18: Posting of Rates and Fees. The foregoing rates shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the office of the City Engineer. Section 19: Official Bonds Required. The officers of the City of Alameda hereinafter in this section named, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, shall each execute to said City of Alameda a bond in the penal sum hereinafter men- tioned next to the name of such officer, which bond shall be conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of such officer including in the same bond the duties of all offices of which he is made the ex-officio incumbent of the Charter of the City of Alameda: The said officers and the penal sums of their respective bonds shall be as follows, to wit: Mayor in the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars. City Clerk in the penal sum of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars. CITY OF ALAMEDA, CALIF. 13 Treasurer and Tax Collector in the penal sum of Thirty Thous- and Dollars. City Attorney in the penal sum of Three Thousand Dollars. Anditor and Assessor in the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars. ; Street Superintendent in the penal sum of ‘Twenty-five Hundred Dolars. City Engineer in the penal sum of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars. Chief of Police in the penal sum of Three Thousand Dollars. Building Inspector in the penal sum of One Thousand Dollars. Section 20: Application of State Law to Official Bonds. All the provisions of any law of this State relating to the official bonds of officers, existing at the time of the presentation of any of the bonds herein mentioned, shall apply to such bonds except as otherwise provided in the Charter of the City of Alameda. Section 20a. Salary of Auditor and Assessor. The salary of the Auditor and Assessor, for acting in both capacities, is hereby fixed at the sum of Two Hundred (200) Dollars per calendar month payable in arrears. (Ord. No. 3, N. 8.) CHAPTER III. FINANCE, TAXATION AND ASSESSMENTS. Article I—DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY TREASURY. Section 21: Necessity For Demands to Be Presented For Ap- proval. Every demand against the City which is subject to the action or approval of the Council shall be presented to the board, commission or officer to whose department such demand relates who shall indorse upon it their approval or rejection as provided by the charter of said city. Upon such approval said demand shall be presented to the Council of which the Finance Committee shall examine such demand and shall indorse thereon its approval or rejection by the concurrence of at least two of its members, or such recommendation respecting such demand as said com- mittee may see fit. 14 THE MUNICIPAL CODE Section 22: Form, Verification and Filing of Demands. Every demand which is subject to the action or approval of the Council shall be verified as hereinafter provided and shall be made out substantially in the form approved and adopted by the Council therefor. Every such demand shall be filed with the Clerk at least four days prior to the time of the meeting of the Council at which action upon such demand is asked, and no demand shall be allowed on the day upon which it is filed. Every such demand shall be verified by the affidavit of the person making the demand or by some person in his behalf and shall be itemized, giving names, dates and particular services rendered, or work done, number of days engaged, supplies or materials furnished, to whom, and quantity and price thereof. Section 23: Manner of Voting On Demands. All votes of the Council allowing or approving any demand or demands for money or for the payment of money, shall be taken by ayes and noes, which shall be entered in the minutes of the Council. Upon the allowance or approval of a demand by the Council, and where necessary, by the Mayor, the Clerk shall certify there- on the fact, date and amount of such allowance or approval, shall attest the same with his signature, and shall transmit such demand to the auditor, who shall, in case he allows such demand, indorse upon it ‘‘allowed,’’ together with the amount for which it is allowed, from what fund, date, and number of the warrant, and shall in attestation thereof affix his signature. He shall upon application. of the claimant detach from the demand and deliver to him the memorandum forming part therecf which when executed by the auditor shall constitute the warrant on the treasury. The auditor shall file the demand in his office. Section 24: Certification of Demands By Library Trustees And Electricity Board. The Secretary and Assistant Secretary of the Board of Library Trustees and the Secretary of the Board of Electricity are each hereby authorized to certify the action of their respective boards on demands presented thereto and to administer oaths and affirmations for the verification of said demands, © | Section 25: Certification of Demands By Street Superinten- dent. The Street Superintendent and his deputy where such deputy exists are hereby authorized and it is made their duty to CITY OF ALAMEDA, CALIF. 15 certify all demands in cases where they have supervision, before the same are presented to the Council, and they are hereby author- ized to administer oaths and affirmations for the verification of such demands. Section 26: Certification of Demands By Police And Fire Departments. The Chief of Police and the Chief Engineer or Assistant Chief Engineer of the Fire Department are hereby authorized and it is made their duty to certify all demands pre- ferred on account of their respective departments and they are authorized to administer oaths and affirmations for the verific- ation of such demands. Article 2, SYSTEM OF ASSESSMENTS, LEVY AND COL- LECTION OF CITY TAXES. Section 27: City Assessor How Governed. The Assessor of the City of Alameda, in making assesment of city taxes shall be governed by the provisions of this ordinance. Section 28. Adoption of Section 3627 Political Code. For the purposes of this ordinance, Section 3627 of the Political Code of the State of California is hereby adopted and made a part of this ordinance. Section 29: What Property Assessable And How Assesment Made. All franchises granted by the authority of the City of Alameda must be assessed in Alameda, and all franchises granted by other authority shall be assessed in Alameda only for the pro- portion thereof within said City of Alameda. All other taxable property shall be assessed in Alameda if situated in Alameda. Lands shall be assessed in parcels or sub-divisions not exceeding six hundred and forty acres each. The Assessor must between the first Mondays in March and August, in each year, ascertain the names of all taxable inhabitants, and all property in Alameda, subject to taxation, except such as is required to be assessed by the State Board of Equalization, and must assess such property to the persons by whom it was owned or claimed, or in whose possession or control it was at twelve o’clock M., of the first Monday of March, next preceding; but no mistake in the name of the owner or supposed owner of real property, shall render the assessment thereof invalid. In assessing solvent credits, not 16 THE MUNICIPAL CODE secured by mortgage or trust deed, a reduction therefrom shall be made of debts due to bona fide residents of this State. Section 30: Power of Assessor To Exact Statement of Assess- able Property. The Assessor shall have power to exact from every person a statement under oath, setting forth specifically all the real and personal property owned by such person; or in his possession or under his control, at twelve o’clock M., on the first Monday in March. Such statement shall be in writing showing separately: (1) All property belonging to, claimed by, or in the posses- sion, or under the control or management of such person. (2) All property belonging to, claimed by, or in the posses- sion, or under the control or management of any firm of which such person is a member. (3) --- licenses for, 513. CITY— when used in Code, means Alameda, 3. CITY ASSESSOR— see under Assessor. CITY ATTORNEY— salary of, 6. to commence action on assessor’s bond for taxes lost from wilfull neglect, 48. may consent to correction of harmless errors or omissions in. assess- ments, 98. CITY CLERK— salary of, 6. delivery of assessment book to him, 45. to give notice of delivery of assessment book to him, 45. to give notice of meetings of Board of Equalization, 45. to mail notice to property owner of hearings of proposed change of asessment by Board of Equalization, 50. where notices to be sent where address unknown, 50. to notify property owners by mail or express of investigations by Board of Equalization, 54. to keep record of changes made by Board of Equalization ,55. to enter upon assessment book all changes and corrections, 55. to make certain affidavit respecting assessment book, 55. copy of delinquent tax list to be filed with him, 76. CITY ELECTRICIAN— to be notified when wires to be cut for removal of building, 247. CITY ENGINEER— duties of, 14. necessity to keep records of surveys, 15. SalarvaoL, Loe 242 Index—References are to Sections. right to collect fees and charges in addition to salary, 16. fees and charges allowed to make, 17. duty to post rates and fees, 18. official bond of, 19. CITY CE ALAMEDA property purchased by it at tax sale assessable, 96. collection of assessments, 96, 97. CITY OFFICIALS— not liable for damages from electrical construction work, 729. CITY PRISON— place of imprisonment for violation of Code, 792. conviction of a misdemeanor, 794. CLAIRVOYANTS— licenses for, 504. CLEANING WORKS— licenses for, 514. CLERK OF POLICE OFFICHE— Salary (Ol, le CLOSING TIME— for billiard, pool or card rooms, 485. for saloons, 488. CLOTHES CHUTES— construction of, 637. CODE— when to take effect, 795. not to affect ordinance passed after certain date, 796. COLLECTION— of delinquent taxes, 75. COMBUSTIBLE MATHERIAL— disposition of, 291, 292, 293. accummulations of, not allowed, 292, 297. COMMENCEMENT OF SUIT to recover taxes paid under protest, limit of time, 68. to be commenced in Superior Court, 63. COMMERCH, INTERSTATE— persons engaged in, exempted from license taxes, 546. CONCEALED PROPERTY— how assessed, 40. CONCEALED WEAPONS— Wy ans oro ado earrying of, 778. CONCEALING OR REMOVING PROPERTY— effect on assessment, 40. CONCRETE— test of, 576. CONDENSED MILK— sale of, 368. CONNECTION— ; with running water, occupied premises to be Kept in, 402. CONSENT OF OWNER— to post or paint signs on property, 787. such advertisements to be removed after notice, 788. of bill board necessary to post advertisement on, 749. CONSENT OF PROPERTY OWNERS— to removal of building, 241. not necessary when not moved on street, 241. Index—References are to Sections. 243 CONSIGNED PROPERTY— how assessed, 35. CONSTRUCTION OF ORDINANCE— same as previously existing ordinances, 2. general rules of, 3. words importing singular or plural, 3. words importing masculine gender, 38. CONVICTION OF MISDEMEANOR— penalty for, 794. COOPS AND ENCLOSURES— for fowl, to be sanitary, 400. COPARTNERSHIP— how property of assessed, 38. property of need not be included by each when by one, 30. statement to show that already stated, 30. engaged in plumbing business, 665. CORPORATIONS— included in word person, 3. engaged in plumbing business, 665. property of, how assessed, 38. what officers to make tax statements, 30. property of need not be included by officer of when already stated, 30. CORRECTION— of delinquent tax lists by republication, 98. of harmless errors or omissions in assessments, 98, 100. COSTS OF PUBLICATION— of delinquent tax list, 77. COUNCIL— regular meetings of, 5. to grant and revoke permits to remove buildings, 242, 248. to furnish assessment blanks to assessor, 31. in capacity of Board of Equalization, 49. to investigate reasons for arbitrary assessments, 34. to deliver assessment book to auditor after levy, 58. not to reduce assessment where property wilfully concealed or misrepresented, 40. duty to protest that proposed tax sale is void, 95. COUNTY RECORDER— filing of copy of delinquent tax list with, 76. COWS— area for each cow Kept or picketed, 395, 396. limiting proximity to residence, 397. CREDITS— not secured by mortgage, assessment of, 29. CROSSINGS— of streets, how to be constructed, 105. CROW DS— in public streets, police to disperse, 120. CRUDE OIL WAGONS— rules respecting use of, 225. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS— punishment for, 768. CURBING— excepted from acceptance of street, 107. CURBS— grade and formation of, 104. 244 Index—References are to Sections. CUSTODY— of property taken from prisoner by police, 278. of lost or stolen property placed with police, 272, 274. CRYSTAL GAZERS— licenses for, 504. DAIRY CATTLE— to be fed only wholesome food, 368. DAMAGE-— done by trespassing animals or fowl, 407. DANCING SCHOOLS— licenses for, 515. DANGEROUS DRIVING— of vehicles on public streets, 230. DANGEROUS STRUCTURES— notice to make safe, 298. DATUM LINE— of street grades, what constitutes, 104. DEAD ANIMALS— disposition of, 401. poundmaster to remove, when found on public streets, 433. not to be deposited in Bay of San Francisco, 265. DEAD LOAD— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. DEBTS— to be deducted from solvent credits in tax statements, 30. tax statements to show aggregate amount of, 30. how real property described in tax statements, 30. DEDICATION OF STREETS— by owners, effect of, 103. DEED— form and effect of tax deed, 87. by tax collector, costs to grantee, 89. cost when prepared by grantee, 89. DEFINITIONS— see specific term desired. DELINQUENT TAXES— when taxes become so, 62. publication of notice, when taxes become, 60. items to be charged against property, 79. list to remain on file with ‘tax collector, 73. how collected, 75. tax lists may be corrected by republication, 98. DELIVERY OF ASSESSMENT BOOK— to city clerk, 45. DELIVERY WAGONS OR AUTOS— licenses for, 541. DEMANDS AGAINST CITY— to be approved, rejected, or reported on by finance committee of council, 21. form, verification and filing of, 22. to be filed with city clerk when, 22. details to be set forth, 22. to be presented to departmental officer or board for peg Beco 21. when approved to be presented to city council, 21. manner of voting on by council, 23. city clerk to certify amount allowed to auditor, 23. Index—References are to Sections. 245 manner of allowance by auditor, 23. filing of demand in office of auditor, 238. memorandum of demand allowed to be given claimant on request, 23. warrant on treasury, 23. certification of by library trustees and electricty board, 24. certification of by street superintendent and his deputy, 25. authority of street superintendent and his deputy to administer oaths for verification of, 25. certification of by police and fire chiefs, 26. authority of police and fire chiefs to administer verification oaths, 26. DENTISTS’ CUSPIDORS— how to be placed, 689. DEPARTMENT, BOARD OR OFFICERS— meaning when used in Code, 3. DEPOSITS OF MONEY— to be stated in tax statements, 30. DEPUTY FIRE MARSHALS— how appointed and removed, 287. duties, 287. DESCRIPTION OF LAND— ; in assessment by metes and bounds or other identifying description sufficient, 42. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY— necessary in tax statements, 30. DESK SEHRGEANTS— who shall act as such, 270. DETECTIVES— duties of, 270. Salary Ors uls DEVICES— use of gambling, 771. DICHK— playing of, in barred or barricaded house, 772. DIRK— carrying of concealed, 778. DISCOVMRY OPAPROPHRTY which has escaped taxation, 48. DISEASED ANIMALS— when to be destroyed by board of health, 383. DISORDERLY HOUSK— Keeping of, 760. leasing of, 760. DISORDERLY PLACHE— cause for revocation of liquor license, 480. DISPERSING— of crowds on public streets, 120. DISTURBING THE PEACE— offense of, 751. DIVIDING PARTITIONS— construction of, 595. DIVISION WALL— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. 246 Index—References are to Sections. DOGS— afflicted with or suspected of rabies, 372-378. duty of custodian of dog which has bitten any person. 375. unlicensed dogs to be under leash, 412. care of dogs during oestruation or heat, 413. license fees for dogs, 415. to have collar and tag, 418. duplicate tags and how obtained, 419. ‘ferocious dogs, 422. right of poundmaster to retake when improperly released, 434. for matter relating to poundmaster, see Poundmaster. DOMESTIC FOWL— Keeping of, 399. DOMINOES— playing of in barred or barricaded house, 772. DRAINAGE OR PLUMBING WORK— necessity for permit, 669. DRAINS FOR CELLARS— proper construction of, 710. DRIVER— term as used in article respecting traffic, 182. DRIVER OF POLICE PATROL— salary of, 7. DRIVERS OF FIRE DEPARTMENT— both first and second-class, salary of, 8. DRUNKENNESS— offense of, 756. DRYING ROOMS— construction of, 636. DW ELLINGS— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. DYEHING AND CLEANING WORKS— licenses for, 514. DYNAMITEH— manufacture of, 294. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES AND THEIR INSTALLATION— necessity for electrical work to conform to regulations, 717. electrical constructors to register for certificate, 718. constructors to obtain certificate, 719. inspection of electric power or light and power plants, 720. necessity to obtain permit for electrical work, 721. application for inspection, 722. not to use electric current before inspection certificate issued, 723. temporary permit to use electricity before inspection, 723. additions or changes after inspection, 724. use of old material for alterations, 725. fee for permit, 726. inspection to be before lathing or sealing, 727. plumbing work to be in place before inspection, 727. rules of Board of Electricity, 728. poles and electrical wires to conform to ordinance, 731. how poles to be erected, 732. how wires for various purposes to be strung, 733. BHLECTRIC CARS— - see Street Cars. Index—References are to Sections. 247 ELECTRIC CURRENT— not to be used before inspection certificate issued, 7238. ELECTRIC OVERHEAD WIRES— not to be allowed on certain streets, Ord. No. 5 N. S. Appendix. to be deemed public nuisances, Ord. No. 5, N. S. Appendix. to be removed by board of electricity, Ord. No. 5, N. S. Appendix. maintenance of, constitutes misdemeanor, Ord. No. 5, N. S. Appendix. electric railways exempted, Ord. No. 5, N. S. Appendix. poles and wires in use prior to Sept. 1, 1912, exempted, Ord. No. N. S. Appendix. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS— 5, not to maintain poles or overhead wires, Ord. No. 4, N. S. Appendix. all overhead wires to be removed, Ord. No. 4, N. S. Appendix. board of electricity to remove poles and overhead wires, Ord. No. 4, N. S. Appendix. maintenance of, constitutes misdemeanor, Ord. No. 4, N. S. Appendix. fine for each day’s violation, Ord. No. 4, N. S. Appendix. construction under supervision of board of electricity, Ord. No. N. S. Appendix. exemption of power transmission poles and wires, Ord. No. 4, N. Appendix. 4, S. such poles and wires to be deemed public nuisances, Ord. No. 4, N. S. Appendix. speed limit of electric cars, 234. motorman to sound gong at crossings, 235. cars or trains at crossings, 236. ELECTRICITY— see Electrical Appliances. ELECTRIC WIRERS AND FIXTURE INSTALLERS— license taxes for, 517. ELECTROLIERS— injuring or interfering with, 118. EMBALMERS— licenses for, 539. EMERGENCY REPAIR WAGONS— right of way of, on streets, 194. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES— licenses for, 520. ENGINEERS OF FIRE ENGINES— Salary, OL, 3. ENTER BUILDINGS— right of building inspector to, 561. EQUAL DISTRIBUTION— of weight on floors, 581. EQUALIZING OF ASSESSMENTS— by Board of Equalization, 50. ERECTION OF, FOR SALE OR TO LET— or other signs without permission, 789. ESCAPED ASSESSMENT— right of taxpayer to call attention of council to fact and how, 48. ESCAPEMENT FROM TAXATION— how much property to be assessed, 41. ESCAPING LAST ASSESSMENT— effect of on property, 41. ESTA TE— how property of, is assessed, 39. 248 Index—References are to Sections. ESTRAYS— duties of poundmaster relative, 406. EVASION OF TAXES— by wilfully concealing or misrepresenting property, 40. discovery of property which has escaped taxation, 48. HVIDENCH— to be produced upon which to base reduction of assessment by Board of Equalization, 52. EXCAVATIONS— in public streets, rules regulating, 114. EXCHEPTING CLAUSH— in Municipal Code, 2. EXECUTOR, GUARDIAN OR ADMINISTRATOR— how such estates are assessed, 37. 1X EMPTION— of interstate commerce from license taxes, 546. how improvements on tax exempted land are assessed, 42. of power transmission poles and wires from being placed under ground, Ord. No. 4, N. S. Appendix. EXITS— to theatres, 655. obstructions to, 659. necessity for passage to, in certain buildings, 626. EXPLOSIVES— storage and manufacture of, 2938, 294. EXPOSURE OF PERSON— as an offense, 757. EXPRESS-VEHICLES— licenses for, 541. EXTERIOR WALLS— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. EX TINGUISHING— public lights or lights for public convenience or safety, 118. FAILURE TO SAFEGUARD DANGEROUS STRUCTURE— after notice, 298. FALSE FIRE ALARMS— giving of, 309. FALSE REPRESENTATION OF AGE BY MINOR— to keeper of saloon or billiard room, 487. FAMILY HNTRANCEHE— to saloons, 483. FAN-TAN TABLES— in barred or barricaded houses, 772. FAT OR TALLOW RENDERING PLANTS— maintenance of, 308. FRES— for building permits, 567. for permit for chimney, fireplace or hearth, 606. for plumbing permit and inspection, 669. for electrical permit, 726. board of electricity to collect fee for electrical permit, 726. for connecting sewers, 254. fees and charges allowable for city engineer to make, 17. to be charged by poundmaster, 427. Index—References are to Sections. 249 FEMALE DOGS— eare of during heat, 413, 415, 416. FEMALES— included in words importing masculine, 3. FENCES— division or line fences over 6 feet high, necessity for permit, 742. FEROCIOUS DOGS— duty respecting, 422. FIGURES— initials and abbreviations may be used in assessments and the like, 99. FIRE ALARM— interference with apparatus, 309. using water for irrigation after, 314. FIRE CRACKERS— what size permissible to be used, 780. what size may be sold, 781. FIRE DEPARTMENT— organization of, 285. officers of, 285. salaries of officers and employees, 8. right of way of fire department on streets, 194, 214, 218. interference with fire alarm system, 138. FIRE ESCAPES— how to be constructed, 624. FIRE HYDRANTS— obstructing of, 311. FIRE LIMITS— hay yards, planing mills, lumber yards within, factories and steam boilers within, 296. match factory, 307. storage of hay or straw within, 308. storage of petroleum products, 316-327. exclusion of wood and frame buildings, 585. FIRE LINES— in case of fire, 312. breaking through, 313. FIREMAN— personating of, 777. FIRE MARSHAL— chief engineer is ex-officio, 286. duties of, 288. no salary attached to office, 286. right to enter upon premises, 289. right to appoint deputies, 287. to require dangerous structures to be safeguarded, 298. to give notice to safeguard dangerous structures, 298. duty relative to unoccupied buildings, 299. permit from, to kindle bonfire, 301. permit from to burn rubbish on street, 302. to report on applications to store petroleum products, 318. FIREPLACES— necessity for permit to construct or repair, 603. construction of, 609. connected with patent chimneys or gas logs, 612. bo 9 or 250 Index—-References are to Sections. FIRE PROOF ROOM— for boilers or furnaces, 619. DERE PROTHCLON— to theatres, 660. FIRE WALL— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. FIRE WORKS— discharging of, 780. necessity for permit from mayor, 780. prohibiting sale of, 781. FIRM OR CORPORATION— engaged in plumbing business, 665. DERM PROP BR y= how assessed, 88. FIRST ASSISSTANT ENGINE RBR— of fire department, salary of, 8. FIRST INSTALEMENT OF TAXHS— when delinquent, 62. ELASH THST— of petroleum products, 316. PLATS— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. ELOOR JOISTS— construction of, 593. FLOORS— strength’ of, 577. equal distribution of weight on floors, 581. FLUSHING PLUMBING PIPES— duty of, 408. FOOD— 7 sale of unwholesome, 339, 340. FORM— of affidavit of auditor as to corrected assessment book, 59. of tax deed, 87. of tax receipts, 61. of personal property tax receipts, 70. FOR SALE OR TO LET SIGNS— without permission of owner, 790. such signs to be removed on expiration of permission, 790. FORTUNE TELLERS, PHRENOLOGISTS— licenses for, 504. FOUNDATION WALLS— thickness of, 590. FOW L— Keeping of, 399. coops and enclosures to be sanitary, 400. allowing to run at large on streets or unfenced lots, 122. allowing to run in public parks, 134. right to impound trespassing -fowl, 407. FRAME BUILDING defined, 583. FRANCHISES— assessment of, 29. Index—References are to Sections. 251 FREE LICENSES— to be separately assessed, 42. see Gratuitous Licenses. FUNERAL PARLORS— licenses for, 539. FURNACES— construction of, 618. FURNISHERS OF GAS REGULATORS— licenses for, 519. FURRING— in building construction work, 601. GAMBLING— in general, 770. letting house for purposes of, 770. inmates and visitors of gambling houses, 770. nickel-in-the-slot and other mechanical devices, 771. gambling devices in barred or barricaded houses, 772. visiting barred or barricaded gambling houses, 773. possession of lottery tickefs or implements, 744. presence in room as constituting possession of articles therein, 75. GAMES OF CHANCE— playing of 771. GARBAGE— see Sanitary Regulations. GARAGE— maintenance of within fire limits, 645. license for keeper of public, 518. GARDENS— maintenance in public streets, 124. GAS GRATES AND LOGS— maintenance and construction of, 616. GENERAL ORDINANCES— repealed by Code, 2. GENERAL SPEED LIMIT— of vehicles, 204. exception as to physicians responding to call, 204. GIRDERS AND BEAMS— strength of, 580. GLANDERS— animals afflicted with, 382. board of health authorized to destroy such animals, 388. GONGS— motorman to sound at street crossings, 235. GRASS— as fire menace, see Weed Ordinance. GRATUITOUS LICENSHES— to whom issued,’ 489. how applied for, 490. revocable and not assignable, 491. GUARANTEE— deposit on issuance of permit to obstruct street as, 110. GUARDIANS— how ward’s estate is assessed, 37. GUN POWDER— storage of, 293. 252 Index—References are to Sections. HACKS— licenses for, 541. HAND-CARTS— allowed to stand on sidewalks except on certain streets, 224. HAND BILLS, DODGERS AND ADVERTISING MATTHR— distribution of, 784. license for, 516. HARD THRRA COTTA FIRE PROOFING— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. HARMLESS OMISSIONS OR ERRORS— in assessment are curable, 98, 100. HAULING GARBAGE VEHICLES— through public streets, 207. HAY AND STRAW— safe guarding from fire, 297. storage of within fire limits, 308. HAY YARDS— within fire limits, 295. HEALTH-— see Public Health. HHARTHS AND FIRE PLACES— necessity for permit, to construct or repair, 608. HEAT— care of dogs during period of, 413, 415, 416. HEATING FURNACES— construction of, 618. HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS— limitation to, 587. HIDING PROPHERTY— effect on its assessment for taxes, 40. HOLIDAY— meeting of council on, 5. HORSEHS— term horse as used in article respecting traffic, 180. Keeping of within certain distance of residence, 388. leaving unattended on street, 208. hitching to shade trees, lamp posts, etc., 209. feeding on streets, 210. driving unbroken or dangerous, on streets, 212. afflicted with glanders, 382, 383. HOSEMEN AND TRUCKMEN— of fire department, salary of, 8. HOSPITAL, SANATARIUM OR SANITORIUM— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. licenses for, 531. see Maternity Hospitals. HOT AIR BOXHS— : construction of, 621. HOTEL— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. HOUSE OF ILL FAME OR PROSTITUTION— Keeping of, 760. being inmate of, 760. leasing for purposes of, 760. pandering to, 760. Index—References are to Sections. 253 HOWLING DOGS— harboring of, 753. HYDRO CARBONS— storage of. See Petroleum Products. HY DROPHOBIA— see Rabies. HY PNOTISTS— licenses for performance by, 504. ILLEGALLY COLLECTED TAXES— to be refunded, 90. ILLEGALITY— of part of Code, not to affect balance, 3. ILL FAME— see House of Ill Fame. IMMORAL ADVERTISEMENTS— on bill boards, 747. IMPRISONMENT— in satisfaction of fine, when, 794a. IMPROVEMENT AND REPAITR— of accepted streets, 105. IMPURE FOODS— see Public Health. INDEX TO ASSESSMENT— must show name of tax payer and page, 44. INDECENT ADVERTISEMENTS— on bill boards, 747. INDUCING PROSTITUTION— offense of, 760. INFORMALIT Y— ? in assessments or tax matters, 100. INITIALS, FIGURES AND ABBREVIATIONS— use of in tax assessments, 99. INJURING PROPERTY— of police or fire department, 310. INMATE-— of house of prostitution, 760. INSPECTORS OF LICENSES— police officers as assistant, 545. INTEMPERATE HABITS— selling liquor to such person, 481. INTERSTATE COMMERCH— persons engaged in exempted from license tax, 546. INTERFERENCE WITH FIRE ALARM— or police telegraph, 309. INTOXICATING LIQUORS— necessity for license to sell, 470. necessity to display license, 471. license not assignable without permission, 472. requisites in application for license, 473. necessity to furnish bond and terms thereof, 474. term of license, 475. revocation of license granted, 475. license fees and when payable, 476. distance of saloon from school, 477. business confined to licensed one except tobacco, 478. 254 Index—References are to Sections. license applicable to one place only, 479. keeping of disorderly place, cause for revocation of license, 480. causes for revocation of license, 480. amount of license fee, 481. exemption of druggists and wholesalers, 481. prescription usable only once, 481. prescription of liquor to persons of known intemperate habits, 481. manner in which liquors to be sold, 483. no sales adjoining places, 483. ladies or family entrance to saloons, 483. back-rooms, side-rooms and upper rooms, 4838. private entrance to saloons, 4838. selling liquor to hotel guests, 483. closing time for saloon, 483. minors under 18 years to be barred from saloons, 484. selling liquor to minors under 18 years, 486. false representation of age of minor, 487. TRREGULARITIES— effect of where found prior to tax sale, 92. ITHMS— to be charged against property sold for delinquent taxes, 79. JACKS— use of, for purposes of propagation, 767. JOINT AUTHORITY— as authority to majority, 3. JOISTS, FLOOR— construction of, 593. JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER— defined, 665. JUDICIAL SAP E— auctioneers at, exempted from license, 505. JUMPING TRAINS— prohibited, 7638. JUNK DEALERS— licenses for, 521. JUSTICE OF PEACH— has jurisdiction of suit of claimant to unclaimed property, 278. KEEPERS— of billiard rooms, license tax, 760. KEEPING— of house of ill fame or prostitution, 760. KILLING BIRDS— prohibited, 769. LADIES’ ENTRANCE— to saloon, 483. LAMP POST— injuring or breaking, 118. LANGUAGE— uttering obscene, 752. causing breach of peace, 7538. use of riotous language, 754. LAND EXEMPTED— from taxation, how taxable improvements are to be assessed, 42. such land not to be chargeable for tax on improvements, 42. LANTERNS— to be placed on obstructions in street, 114. Index—References are to Sections. 255 LARCEN Y— of electricity belonging to city, 139. LAST INSTALLMENT OF TAXES— when delinquent, 62. may be paid when first installment paid, 60. LATHING OR SHEATING— to notify building inspector, when ready for, 562. LAUNDRIES— see Public Laundries. LAWFUL NOTICES— not to be defaced or destroyed, 785. LEADERS— for rain water, 709. LEASING OF PREMISES— for gambling purposes, 770. as a disorderly house or house of ill fame, 760. LEGAL NOTICES— not to be destroyed or defaced, 785. LICENSES— free or gratuitous licenses, 489. how applications for gratuitous lincenses made, 490. gratuitous licenses revocable and not assignable, 491. necessity for license in various trades, etc., 492. auditor to furnish blanks, tags, 493. auditor to keep accounts of licenses, 493. each day’s violation of license law a separate offence, 492. chief of police to collect license taxes, 494. license taxes payable in advance, 495. pro-rating of license taxes, 495. commencement of license term, 495. penalty for failure to obtain license, 496. not assignable without permission, 497. to display license, 498. punishment not in lieu of tax, 499. separate license for each place of business, 500. where several occupations or businesses combined, 501. rates for licenses— street or steam railroad car advertisers, 508. fortune tellers, phrenologists, etc., 504. mediums, 504. palmists, 504. auctioneers, 505. public gardens, parks or recreation grounds, 506. public bathhouse keepers, 507. billiard, pool and bagatelle tables, 508. bowling alleys and box ball courts, 509. brewers and beer bottlers, 510. bottlers of non-intoxicants, 511. carpet cleaners and vacuum cleaners, 512. circus and side show proprietors, 513. dyeing and cleaning works, 514. dancing schools, 515. hand bill and sample distributors, 516. electric wirers and fixtures installers, 517. garage keepers, 518. furnishers of gas regulators, 519. keepers of employment offices, 520. junk dealers, 521. 256 Index——References are to Sections. livery or boarding stable keepers, 522. keepers of merry-go-rounds, 528. money loaners, 524. keepers of museums, 525. patent medicine venders, 526. pawnbrokers, 527. peddlers and street venders, 528. theatres, moving picture shows, 529. keepers of public scales, 530. hospitals and sanatoriums, 531. lying-in hospitals, 531. shooting galleries, 532. skating rinks, 533. solicitors, 534. book agents, 535. sparring or boxing shows, 536. peanut venders, 5387. towel furnishers, 5388. undertakers or embalmers, 539. veterinary hospitals, 540. transportation vehicles of various kinds, 541. warehousemen, 542. wharfingers, 548. water service companies, 5438a. duty to furnish sworn statement when tax dependent on amount of business, 544. police officers as assistant inspectors, 545. persons engaged in interstate commerce exempted, 546. to sell intoxicating liquors, 474. see also matter under Bill Boards. LIEN OF TAXES— attaches as of first Monday in March, 57. of taxes not removed until payment or sale of property affected, 57. of city is vested in purchase at tax sale, 82. cost of removing weeds, etc., as, on real estate, 463. LIFH READERS— license tax for, 504. LIGHTED CIGARS— in room where moving picture machine operated, 305. LIGHT WELLS— construction of; 639. LIME MORTAR— test jof, 5.72, 575. LIMITATION— of six months within which to recover taxes paid under protest, 63. LIQUID SUBSTANCES— how to be transported along street in vehicles, 226. LIQUORS— see Intoxicating Liquors. LIVE LOAD— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES— maintenance of, 392. licenses for, 522. LODGING HOUSHE— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. Index—References are to Sections ,257 LOITERING— about streets after midnight, 761. LOST, STOLEN OR UNCLAIMED PROPERTY— disposition when in custody of police, 272, 273, 274. sale of unclaimed property by city treasurer, 275. right to litigate claims in justice court, 278. LOTTERY TICKETS OR IMPLEMENTS— having them in possession, 744. ‘presence in room containing, 774. LOUNGING ON SHORE— without bathing suit, 758. LUMBER YARDS— within fire limits, 295. LYING IN HOSPITALS— see Maternity Hospitals. MAJORITY OF BOARD— authority to act, 3. MANAGING AGENT— of corporation to make tax statement, 30. MANHOLE— depositing rubbish, etc., in, 117. MANUFACTURE OF ACIDS AND EXPLOSIVES— regulations concerning, 294. MANURE— storage of, 389, 390, 393, 394. MAP OF ALFRED BANNISTER— streets shown on, declared public streets, 103. MARCH— property held on first Monday in, taxable, 30. MASCULINE GENDER— as including females and boards, 3. MASONRY— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. MASONRY BUILDING— construction of, 629. to comply with ordinance, 635. MASTER PLUMBER— defined, 665. qualifications, 666. MATCH FACTORY— within fire limits, 307. MATERNITY HOSPITALS— to obtain permit to maintain, 452. to keep register of patients, births and children adopted, 453. notification of health authorities, 454. MEATS— sale of diseased meat, 339. MECHANICAL GAMBLING DEVICES— maintenance of, 771. MEDIUMS— license tax for, 504. MEETINGS OF COUNCIL— when held, 5. as Board of Equalization, 49. 285 Index—References are to Sections MERE INFORMALLSTY— in assessments or tax matters not material, 100. MERRY-GO-ROUNDS— licenses for, 523. METES AND BOUNDS— or other description sufficient to identify, sufficient for assessment, 42. MIDWIVES TO REGISTER— with Board of Health, 331. MILK REGULATIONS— see Public Health. MINORS— not to get on or off moving cars, 238. smoking cigarettes, 765. selling cigarettes to, 766. not to be out at night, 762. MINORS UNDER EIGHTEEN YEARS OF AGE— barred from saloons, 484, 486. barred from billiard, pool or card rooms, 484. falsely representing age to proprietor of saloon or billiard room, 487. MISCHIEF— injuring grass plots or borders along sidewalks, 135. ’ defacing, writing or drawing in or on public buildings or property, SiGe MISDEMEANOR— violation of any provisions of Code, 793. penalty for conviction of, 794. alternative privilege of satisfying fine by imprisonment, 794a. MISNOMER— | of owner of property, effect on tax sale, 93. MISTAKE— in name of owner of property assessed, effect of, 29. in tax sale immaterial where tax proper, 93. MONEY LOANERS— licenses for, 524. MORTAR OR CONCRETE— on streets or sidewalks, 113. MOTOR VEHICLES— regulations respecting use of on streets, 179. to maintain signals or gongs, 220. to display front and rear lights. 2247 MOVING BUILDING— when and what consent of other property owners necessary, 241. MOVING CARS— not to get on or oft, 238: MOVING PICTURE HOUSES— building regulations relating to, see Theatres. licenses for, 529. lighted cigars or fires in operators’ room, 305. necessity to have chemical fire extinguisher, 306. MUNICIPAL CODE—- name of ordinance No. 1 new series, 1. publication of, in book form, 4. repeals all general ordinances, 2. does not abate or affect pending suits, 2. Index—References are to Sections 259 does not impair or interfere with accrued or vested rights, 2. does not affect franchises, 2. when to take effect, 795. MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC SYSTEM— interference with wires or apparatus of, 138, using electricity belonging to city, 139. MUNICIPAL PROPERTY— injuring property of police or fire department, 309, 310. MUSEUMS— licenses for, 525. NAME OF MUNICIPAL CODE— title of compiled ordinance, 1, 2. NAME OF TAX PAYER— to be shown by index to assessment book, 44. NEGLECT OR REFUSAL— to render tax statement to assessor, 34. NEWSPAPER— official, to publish notice of meeting of board of equalization, 45. advertising may be substituted by a bulletin, 101. NICKEL-IN-THE-SLOT MACHINES— or other mechanical gambling devices, 771. NIGHT— roaming or loitering about, at, 761. minors wandering about streets at, 762. NIGHT SERGEANT— whom to act and duties, 270. NOTICH— when taxes shall become delinquent, what it shall contain, 60. NOTICHS— legal ones not to be destroyed or defaced, 785. NUDE FIGURES— on bill boards, 747. NUISANCES—- “permitting poison oak to grow, 465. certain trees endangering sewers or sidewalks, 466. how trees to be removed, 467. distribution of poisonous drugs in public places, 468. overhead poles and wires, see Ord. Nos. 4 and 5 N. S. in Appendix. NUMBERING OF BUILDINGS— system of numbering to be followed, 735. whose duty to number buildings, 736. when to be done, 736. at whose expense, 737. size and character of figures, 738. incorrect and lliegible numbers, 739. notice to correct, 739. building inspector to give correct number, 740. OAKLAND HARBOR— no dyes or acids to be deposited in, 266. OATH— of tax collector to tax payments made, 72. of tax collector to correctness of list of delinquents, 74. tax statements to be made under, 30. OBSCENE LANGUAGE— uttering of, 752. 260 Index—-References are to Sections OBSCENE WRITINGS— defacement of public buildings or property, 136. OBSTRUCTIONS— on streets or sidewalks, 109, 118. OCCUPANT— includes whom, 3. OCCUPATION OF BUILDINGS— constructed in violation’ of law, 647. OESTRUATION— - eare of dogs during period of, 413, 415, 416. OFFENSIVE ADVERTISEMENTS— on bill boards, 747. OFFICE BUILDING— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. OF FICHR— includes boards and members thereof,’ 3. OFFICH SERGEANTS— who shall act as such, 270. 'Z, OFFICIAL BONDS— mayor, 19. city clerk, 19. treasurer and ex-officio tax collector, 19. city attorney, 19. auditor and assessor, 19. street superintendent, 19. city engineer, 19. chief of police, 19. building inspector, 19. poundmaster, 435. application of state law to, 20. liability of assessor and his deputies, 47, 48. OFFICIALS— their duties, salaries and fees, 6. OFFICIAL STREET MAP— made by Alfred Bannister, 103. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER— : notice of meeting of Board of Equalization, to be published therein, 45. delinquent tax notice to be published in, 60. OLD BRICKS— when used for building purposes, 570. OLD MATEHRIAL— when may be used in electrical work, 725. OMNIBUS— licenses for, 541. ON OR OFF— from moving cars, not to get, 238. OPEN FIRE PLACES— to have arched heads, 610. OPERA HOUSES— building rules and regulations. See under Theatres. OPIUM— joints, 759. smoking, 759. Index—References are tc Sections ORIEL, BAY OR SWELL WINDOWS— construction of, 602. OVERHEAD POLES AND WIRES— see Blectric Railways and Electric Overhead Wires. OVERTAKING VEHICLES— rules applying, 187, 188. OWNER OF BUILDING— includes whom, 3. OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY— when unknown, how assessed, 35, 36. PALMISTS— Yicense tax for, 504. PANDERING— to prostitution, 760. PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS— includes what, 3. PARTIAL ILLEGALITY— or unconstitutionality of Code, effect of, 3. PARTIALLY BURNED BUILDINGS— when to be removed, 641. how extent of damage to be ascertained when PARTIAL REDEMPTION— right to make, 84. PARTITIONS— construction of, 595. PARTITION WALLS— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. necessity for permit when over 6 feet high, 742. PARTNERSHIP PROPERTY— how to be shown in tax statements, 30. how assessed, 38. PARTY WALLS— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. thickness of, 631. openings in, 644. PASSING OTHER VEHICLES— rules applying, 187. PATENT CHIMNEYS— construction of, 611. inside dimensions of, 6138. PATENT MEDICINE VENDERS— licenes for, 526. PATROLMEN— salary of, 7. disputed, 641. PAWNBROKERS AND SECOND HAND DEALERS— duty to Keep certain records, 280. matters to be placed in records, 280. to send copy of entries to chief of police, 281. openness of record book to police inspection, to keep pledged articles for ten days, 288. licenes for, 527. PAYMENT OF TAXES— under protest, 638. on particular lot or piece separate from whole assessment, 64. 282. 261 262 Index—-References are to Sections. & PHACH— disturbing of, 751. PHACH OFFICEKR— personating of, 777. PEANUT VENDERS— licenses for, 537. PEDDLERS AND STREET VENDERS— licenes for, 528. carts not to stand on streets or sidewalks, 224. PENALTIES— see various offenses. places of imprisonment for violation of Code, 792. for conviction of misdemeanor, 794. alternative privilege of satisfying fine by imprisonment, 794a. added to taxes on becoming delinquent, 60. recovered for failure to give assessor information belongs to treas- urer, 33. person refusing to furnish statement when required by assessor, 33. when property wilfully concealed, demoved or misrepresented to evade taxation, 40. PERMITS— for construction or repair of buildings, 556. building permits to be exhibited to authorities, 560. necessity for, to place building materials or other obstructions on street, 109. deposit as guarantee, 110. for removal of building along street, 242. revocation of removal permit, 248. for demolition of building, 564. fees for building permits, 567. to alter or repair wood frame buildings, 584. to construct or repair chimney, fire place or breast, 603. to obtain for electrical work, 721. issuance of temporary permit to use CUrrenitie Taos fee for electrical permit, 726. for plumbing or drainage work, 669. no excuse for damages from electrical construction work, 729. for construction of division of line fences over 6 feet high, 742. for construction of partition walls over 6 feet high, 742. for factory or steam boiler within fire limits, 296. for burning brush or refuse, 300, 302. bonfires, 301. necessity to store petroleum products, 316. necessity for, to allow vehicles to stand on streets, 223. necessity to interfere with trees in streets or public places, 130. to store more than one ton of manure, 393, to maintain maternity hospitals, 452. Keeping dead human bodies without, 334. removal of dead human bodies, 335. to vend milk, 346. necessity for, to carry concealed weapon, 778. to discharge fireworks or firearms, 780. PERSON— includes corporations, firms or co-partnerships, 8. indecent exposure of, 757. PERSONAL PROPERTY— when to be assessed, 65. Index—References are to Sections. 263 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES— how collected when unsecured, 66. when due and payable, 62. PERSONATING POLICE OR FIREMAN— constitutes an offense, 777. PETROLEUM PRODUCTS— city ccucil to grant permits to store over 300 gallons, 316. notice of application to be posted, 317. fire marshal to report on, 318. storage of quantities up to 5 gallons, 319. storage of quantities not exceeding 300 gallons, 320. storage of over 500 gallons, 321. plans of tanks of over 300 gallons to be presented to council, 322. plans and specifications, 323. care during night time while in transit, 324. how storage tanks to be filled or emptied, 325. installation of plants burning petroleum products, 326. metallic cans for small quantities, 327. exemption of automobiles from regulations, 328. each day’s violation a separate offense, 329. PETROLEUM WAGONS— rules respecting use of, 225. PHYSICIANS AND MIDWIVES— to register with Board of Health. See Public Health, 331. PICKING FLOWERS— in parks or public places, 131. PIGS— keeping of, 398. PIPES— laying of in streets, 143, 144. laying of gas or water pipes, 147. PISTOL— carrying of concealed, 778. PITCH AND STRENGTH— of roofs, 578. PLACES OF AMUSEMENT— construction of. See Theatres. PLACES OF DEPOSIT— of money to be stated in tax statements, 30. PLACE OF IMPRISONMENT— for violation of Code, 792. PLACE OF SALE— of property for delinquent taxes, 75. PLANING MILLS— within fire limits, 295. PLAYING BASE BALL— on certain places, 764. PLUMBER, MASTER AND JOURNEYMAN— defined, 665. See also Plumbing Regulations. PLUMBING PIPES— duty to flush, 403. Index—References are to Sections. 264 PLUMBING REGULATIONS— necessity for master and journeymen plumbers to register, 664. master and journeyman plumber, defined, 665. master plumber’s qualifications, 666. expiration of certificates, registration, 667. bonds required of master plumber, 668. plumbing inspector to be notified of plumbing work, 669. fees for permit and inspection, 669. plumbing inspector to approve plans and specifications, 669. plans and specifications to be filed with Board of Health, 669. fees for permit and inspection, 669. duty to notify inspector before covering work, 669. certificate of final inspection, 670. revocation of certificate as penalty for violation of ordinance, 671. necessity for work to conform to rules, 672. quality of material, 673. arrangement of soil and waste pipes, 674. soil and waste pipes and connections, 675. cast iron soil or sewer pipe under ground, 676. waste pipes to discharge into house sewer, 677. testing of pipes, 678. fittings and waste pipes, 679. vent pipes of fixtures, 680. size of vent pipes where several unite, 681. distance of vent pipes from openings, 682. slop hoppers and vents, 688. removal of old sewers, 684. two buildings upon one lot, 685. surface drains, 686. safe wastes, 687. refrigerators, ice boxes, etc., 688. dentists’ cuspidors, how placed, 689. minimum plumbing service in tenements, flats and stores, 690. urinals, 691. unsanitary condition of buildings, 692. vent pipes of water closets, 693. return vents, 694. water closets located in yards, 695. connections of house sewers with main sewers, 696. vent cowells to be furnished, 697. size of waste pipes of baths, wash trays, etc., 698. waste pipes, defined, 699. soil pipes, defined, 700. when a washtray and sink abut, 701. bell traps, 792. urinal and water closet floor drain, 703. waste pipes of three or more fixtures, 704. architectural conditions preventing full compliance, 705. traps protected, 706. water closets, construction of, 707. how vent pipes to be run, 708. rain water leaders, 709. cellar drains, 710. plug, fan or hopper closets, 711. tests of plumbing system, 712. drains on decks, light wells, ete., 718. joints of cast iron, 714. extra heavy cast iron pipe, 715. plumbing work not to be concealed until electrical work inspected, C2 duty to flush plumbing pipes, 403. Index—References are to Sections. 265 PLUMING SYSTEM— how to be tested, 712. POISON OAK— allowing to grow, as a nuisance, 465. POISONOUS DRUGS— in public places, 468. POLES AND WIRES— necessity to conform to ordinance, 731. poles to be erected under direction of committee on streets, 732. what side of street poles for light and power purposes, 132. ' what side of street poles for telephone and other purposes, 732. what distance circuit poles to be apart, 732. how wires for various purposes to be strung, 733. how wires to be installed, 733. battery and feed wires, 733. light and power wires not to be in circuit with trolly wires, 7338. posting of advertisements on, not allowed, 749. when to be placed underground. See BHiectric Overhead Wires and Electric Railways. POLICE— disposition of property taken from prisoners, 273. to enforce traffic regulations, 232. vehicles subject to orders of when at crossings or rounding cor- ners loo. bicycles or motorcycles of police exempt from lights, 222. right of way of police over street cars, 214, 218. right to disperse crowds on public streets, 120. to guard streets in case of fire, 312. to kill ferocious dogs, 422. as assistant inspectors of licenses, 545. pawnbrokers to send copies of entries in their records to, 281. dy Aad offense of personating police officer, 777. POLICE DEPARTMENT— salaries of officers and members, 7. duty to enforce ordinances, 268. how sergeants and detectives to be detailed, 269. duties of sergeants and detectives, 270. chief of police as custodian of lost and stolen property, 271. duty on receiving property in custody, 272, 273. right of way of police department vehicles in streets, 194, 214, 218. POLICE SYSTEM OR FIRE ALARM WIRES— not to be interfered with, 783. POLICE TELEGRAPH— or fire alarm apparatus, interference with, 309. POLICE WHISTLES— improper use of, 776. POOL ROOMS— minors under 18 years barred from, 484, 486. POOL TABLES— keepers of, license tax for, 508. PORTLAND CEMENT— test of, 573: POSSESSION OF KEYS TO POLICE or fire signal boxes, right to have, 309. POUNDMASTER AND HIS DUTIES— establishment of public pound, 405. duties of poundmaster, 406. 266 Index—References are to Sections. to keep record of impounded animals, 408. what animals to be impounded, 406. to provide food and water for animals impounded, 408, 421. requirements in regard to advertising, 409. sale of impounded animals and disposition of proceeds, 410, 432. postponement of sale, 4380. right to redeem before sale, 411, 431. unlicensed dogs to be under leash, 412. care of dogs during oestruation, 413, 415, 416. right of any person to take up dog during oestruation, 416. dog licenses, 414. untagged dogs, 415. license fees, 415. chief of police to furnish metallic tags to licenses, 417. dogs to have collar and tag, 418. duplicate tags, 419. to furnish monthly reports, 420. office hours of, 429. poundmaster under supervision of street committee of council, 429. to remove dead animals found in public streets, 433. right to retake animals improperly released, 434. bond of poundmaster, 435. right to appoint deputies, 420. duty respecting ferocious dogs, 422. poundmaster to wear badge of office, 423. resisting poundmaster, 424. to notify owner of impounded animal, 426. fees to be charged by poundmaster, 427, 428. salary of poundmaster, 9. POWER WIRES— to be placed underground. See Electric Overhead Wires. PRESCRIPTION— usable only once, 481. PRESIDENT OF CORPORATION— to make tax statement, 30. PRIVATE ENTRANCES— to saloons, 483. PRIVATE PREMISES— depositing of rubbish, garbage, etc., on, 117. PRIVILEGE OF SATISFYING FINE— by imprisonment, when, 794a. PRIVY VAULTS— not to be maintained after construction of sewer, 251. PROCEDURE FOR COLLECTION— of delinquent taxes, 75. PROCESSIONS— not to be obstructed, 218. PROHIBITORY WORDS— in ordinance, how to be construed, 8. ' PROPERTY HELD IN TRUST— how set forth in tax statement, 30. PROPERTY HELD ON CONSIGNMENT— how assessed, 35. PROPERTY TAKEN FROM PRISONER— disposition of, 273. PROPOGATION— use of animals for purposes of, 767. Index—References are to Sections. PROSTITUTION— keeping house of, 760. being inmate of house of, 760. leasing house for purpose of, 760. pandering to, 760. PROSTITUTES— plying of trade, 760. PROTEST— payment of taxes under, 638. voluntary payment of taxes under, not so deemed, 63. taxes paid, recovery of, 63. limitation of suit to recover taxes paid under, 68. specifying that proposed tax sale is void in part, 94, 95. PUBLICATION OF MUNICIPAL CODE— in book form, 4. PUBLICATION OF NOTICE— when taxes shall become delinquent, 60. of delinquent tax sale, 75. PUBLIC BATHS— regulations for conduct of, 447. prohibiting use by more than one person, 448. males and females using same room, 449. exception as to swimming tanks, 450. license to conduct public baths, 507. PUBLIC BUILDINGS ON PROPERTY— 267 interfering with appartus of municipal electric system, 138, 139. defacing by writing or drawing, etc., on or in, 136. PUBLIC GARDENS, PARKS OR RECREATION GROUNDS— licenses for, 506. PUBLIC HEALTH— registration of physicians and midwives, 331. physicians to report various diseases and births and deaths, 332. burial of persons dying from dangerous diseases, 333. keeping dead human bodies without permit, 334. removal of dead human bodies, 335. board of health authorized to post notices of certain contagious di- seases, 336. defacing or tearing down such notices, 337. unwholesome or diseased meats, 339. unwholesome or unsound vegetables, 340. keeping unwholesome food in room with good, 341. fly-proof covers for food products, 342. new receptacles for sale of fruit, 343. milk regulations, board of health in charge of, 345. permit necessary to vend milk, 346. application for such permit, 347. no cost for permit, 348. what allowable under permit, 349. necessity for display of license number of permit, 350. vending of impure, adulterated or unhealthy milk, 351. adulterated and unwholesome milk, defined, 352. carrying contaminating material on milk wagon, 353. right of board to inspect premises, 354. revocation of permit on failure to allow inspection, 354. care to be taken of milk cans or receptacles, 355. how cans to be cleaned, 356. removal of milk cans from places where diseases exist, 357, duty and right of board of health to inspect, 358, 359. 268 Index—References are to Sections. right of board to take samples and how to be taken, 360. duty of dairy owner to report probability of impure milk, 361. interference with inspection, 362. sale of condensed milk, butter milk or sour milk, 363. sale of skimmed milk, 370. inspection of transported milk, 364. dairies to be kept in clean condition, 365. daily cleaning work in maintaining dairy, 366. necessity for animals and milkers to be in healthy condition, 367. cattle to be fed only wholesome food, 368, 369. dairy cattle not to be fed on swill, 369. to issue permits for maternity hospitals, 452. right to inspect maternity’ hospitals, 454. PUBLIC LAUNDRIES— limits of laundry districts, 437, 438. manner in which laundries to be constructed, 439. no one to sleep in laundry room, 440. manner in which clothes are to be dampened, 441. necessity to have proper sewer connections, 442. not to create a nuisance, 444. prohibiting laundry work in night time, 445. PUBLIC: MONUMENTS— removal of, 137. PUBLIC NUISANCES permitting poison oak to grow, 465. certain trees endangering sewers or sidewalks, 466. how trees to be removed, 467. distribution of poisonous drugs in public places, 468. — overhead poles and wires, Ords. Nos. 4 and 5 N. S. Appendix. PUBLIC PARKS AND PLACES— picking or injuring flowers or plants in, 131. walking or reclining on grass in, 132, 135. interfering with water hydrant in, 133. PUBLIC POUND— see Poundmaster. PUBLIC SCALES— licenses for, 530. PUBLIC VIEW— drunkenness in, 756. use of animals for propagation purposes in, 767. indecent exposure of person, 757. PUNISHMENT FOR VIOLATION OF LICENSE LAW— not in lieu of tax, 499. PURCHASER AT TAX SALE— lien of, 82. RABIES— duty of custodian of dog suspected of, 372, 374. duty of health officer, 372. disposition of dogs suspected of, 373. duty of custodian of dog showing symptoms of, 374. duty of custodian of dog which has bitten any person, 875. . transportation of dogs from district in which rabies exist, 377. poundmaster’s fees where dogs reclaimed, 378. capture of dogs having rabies, Sidee RAILROAD TRACK WAY— excepted from acceptance of street, 107. Index—References are to Sections 269 RAIN WATER— leaders, 709. RATE OF TAXATION— how and when determined, 56. when to be levied, 49. where not yet fixed is that of previous year, 68. RATES OF RAILWAY FARES FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN— rates to be charged, 798. tickets for transportation, 799. pupils must secure certificate of attendance, 800. REAL PROPERTY— how to be described in tax statements, 30. RECEIPTS— for payment of personal property tax, 70. RECEPTACLES— for waste, 291. RECITALS— in tax deed, 87. RECKLESS DRIVING— of vehicles on public: streets, 230. REDEMPTION— from tax sale, within what time, 83. how redemption made, 83. amount necessary to redeem, 83. right to make partial redemption, 84. treasurer to report names of persons entitled to redemption money, 85. fact of redemption noted in sale book, 86. where not redeemed, deed to be executed, 87. REDUCTION OF VALUATION— of assessment not made except on application, 51. REFRIGHERATORS— ice boxes, etc., not to be directly connected with drainage, 688. REFUND— of taxes illegally collected to be made by council, 90. REFUSAL OR NEGLECT TO RENDER TAX STATEMENT— to assessor, 34. REFUSE OR BRUSH— burning of, 300. REGULAR MEETINGS— of council, 5. REMOVAL— of public monuments, 137. of macadam or surface dressing of streets, 143. necessity to place deposit or bond to cover cost, 148, 145, 146. work under street superintendent, 144. to repair of street within one year, 144. of rejected and surplus material used in sidewalk construction, 158. of old sewers, 684. of poles and wires by Board of Electricity, Ords. Nos. 4 and 5, N. S. Appendix. REMOVAL OF BUILDINGS— along highways, 240. to obtain consent of certain property owners, 241. consent not necessary when not removed on street, 241. permit for removal and indemnity fund, 242. care and diligence required, 243. 270 Index—References are to Sections. limiting the standing of such buildings, 244. prohibiting injury to other property, 245. obstruction of street car traffic by, 246. cutting wires or poles, 247. revocation of permit, 248. of partially burned buildings, 641. of dangerous buildings, walls, chimneys, or other structures, 641. REMOVED OR TRANSFERRED PROPERTY— when wilfull, how assessed, 40. REMOVING OR CONCEALING PROPERTY— effect on assessment, 40. RENDERING PLANT— for tallow or other fats, 308. REPAIR AND ALTHERATION— of wooden buildings, 642. REPAIR AND IMPROVEMENT— of accepted streets, 105. REPAIRS— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. REPEALING AND SAVING CLAUSE— of Code, 2. REPEAL OF ORDINANCE— effect on prior ordinances, 3. effect on punishment or penalty incurred, 3. REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY— how property so held is assessed, 37. REPUBLICATION— of delinquent list which contained harmless omissions or errors, 92. RETAINING WALL— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. REVOCATION— causes for, of saloon license, 480. RIDER— of horse, wheel or motorcycle, 182. RIGHT OF WAY— vehicles traveling in same direction, 186, 187, 188, 190. vehicles traveling easterly or westerly, 193. fire and police departments, U. S. mail and emergency vehicles, 194. Are ES duty on approach of police or fire vehicles, 194. RIGHT TO PAY TAXBHS ON’ PARTICULAR LOT— or piece separate from whole assessment, 64. RIOTOUS LANGUAGE OR WORDS— use of, 754. ROAMING ABOUT THE STREETS— after midnight, 761. ROOFS— strength and pitch of, 578. RUBBISH— depositing on public streets and private premises, 117. RULE OF ROAD— when not overtaking or passing other vehicles, 186. for general rules, see Traffic and Travel. RULES OF BOARD OF BLECTRICITY— set out in detail, 728. Index—References are to Sections. SADDLE HORSES— regulations respecting use of on streets, 179. SALARIES— city clerk, 6. city attorney, 6. treasurer and ex-officio tax collector, 6. street superintendent, 6. city engineer, 16. fees and charges of city engineer, 17. chief of police, 7. detectives, 7. sergeants, 7. clerk of police office, 7. driver of police patrol, 7. patrolmen, 7. officers and employees of fire department, 8. chief engineer, 8. first assistant engineer, 8. second assistant engineer, 8. engineers of fire engines, 8. assistant engineers, 8. captains, 8. drivers, first class, 8. drivers, second class, 8. call captains of fire department, 8. truckmen and hosemen, 8. poundmaster, 9. to be paid in arrears for preceding month, 6. SALE— of real property for tax liens, 78. SALOON— business of, must be exclusive business, 478. distance to be from school, 477. sale of liquors generally. See Intoxicating Liquors. SAMPLE DISTRIBUTORS— licenes for, 516. SAND— test of, for building purposes, 571. SANITARIUM, HOSPITAL OR SANITORIUM— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. licenes for, 531. SANITARY REGULATIONS— OPN regulating accummulation and disposal of garbage, 385. dumpage ground for garbage, 386. garbage not to be deposited in Bay of San Francisco, 265. driving of garbage carts at certain Hours, 2207. maintenance of barns and stables, 387. keeping of horses, 388. duty to place manure under ground, 389. keeping manure in suitable receptacles, 390. exemption of livery stables, 391. maintenance of livery or boarding stables, 392. storage of more than one ton of manure, 393. separate offenses for each day, 394. area for each cow kept, 395, 396. limiting proximity of cows to residence, 397. keeping of swine, 398. keeping of chickens and other fowl, 399. 271 272 Index—References are to Sections. coops and enclosures to be sanitary, 400. disposition of dead animals, 401. keeping occupied premises connected with running water, 402. duty to flush plumbing pipes, 403. SAVING CLAUSHE— in municipal code, 2. SAW MILLS— within fire limits, 295. SCALES— licenses for, 530. SCHOOL— distance of saloon from, 477. SCHOOL CHILDREN— rates to be charged for street railway fares, 798. tickets for transportation, 799. pupils to secure certificates of attendance, 800. licenses for, 515. SCUTTLES— in roofs, 648. SECOND ASSISTANT ENGINEER— of fire department, salary of, 8. SECOND HAND DEALERS— see Pawnbrokers. SECOND ISTALLMENT OF TAXES— when delinquent, 62. SECRETARY OF CORPORATION— to make tax statement, 30. SEIZURE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY— to enforce collection of taxes, 67. SELLING CIGARETTES— to minors, 766. SEMI-POROUS TERRA COTTA FOR FIRE PROOFING— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. SEPARATE LICHNSES— for.each place of business, 500. SEPARATE OFFENSE— each day’s violation of storage regulations of petroleum product, 329. each day’s violation of sanitary regulations, 394. each day’s violation of license law, 492. SERGEHEANTS— duty of each of the sergeants, 270. Salany 1OL iit SETTLEMENT— of auditor and tax collector, 78. SEVERAL CLAIMANTS OF LAND— how to be assessed, 46. SEWERS— duty to connect houses with, 250. maintenance of privy vault after construction of, 251. SCHOOLS OF DANCING by whom connections to be made, 252. necessity to apply for connections and deposit fee, 253. fees for connecting sewers, 254. how sewers to be constructed, 255. general specifications for, 256. Index—-References are to Sections. 273 contractor to be responsible for, until acceptance, 256. buildings not to be connected with, until accepted, 256. how manholes to be constructed, 257. necessity for two Y branches, 258. construction of sewer connections, 259. nature of sand and cement to be used, 260. street superintendent to supervise, 261. removal and disposition of construction material, 262, 263. inspection of construction material, 263. maintenance of red light at sewer trenches, 264. precautions against accident, 264. deposition of dyes and acids into Oakland harbor, 266. connections for laundries, 442. removal of old, 684. sufficiency of, when two buildings on one lot, 685. connection of house with main sewers, 696. SHAVINGS— safeguarding of, 297. SHEDS— as used in building regulations, defined, 640. how to be constructed, 640. SHOCKING ADVERTISEMENTS— on bill boards, 747. SHOOTING GALLERY— licenses for, 532. when to be closed, 782. SHRUBS— in public places under control of street superintendent, 129. SIDEROOMS TO SALOONS— maintenance of, 483. SIDE-SHOWS— licenses for, 513. SIDEW ALKS— term sidewalk as used in article respecting traffic, defined, 181. crowds to be dispersed by police, 120. obstructions of, by boxes, barrels, etc., 176. spinning of tops on stone sidewalks, 1738. use of bicycles, tricycles and skates on, 175. throwing of hard substances on stone sidewalks, 174. maintaining wooden or unsafe awnings over, nya), Aee(ale respective altitude of awnings above, 172. mortar or concrete on, 113. rules governing placing of building material on, 114. removal of obstructions on, by street superintendent, 115. allowing tree branches to extend over, a yal injuring grass plots or borders along sidewalks, 135. establishing grade of, 149. general width of, 150. construction or repair of, 151. manner of construction, 152. to cease construction work on request of street superintendent, 158. specifications for cement ones, 154, 155, 166. to be constructed under direction of street superintendent, 157. removal of rejected and surplus materials, 158. warning signals during construction, 159. character of superintendents of construction to be employed by con- tractor, 160. kind of cement to be used in construction, 161. 274 Index—References are to Sections. kind of sand, 162. kind of broken stone, 163. kind of concrete, 164. character of surface layer, 165. extent of excavation for concrete, 166. general manner of construction, 167. strength of, 579. bids for those constructed by city, 168. to warn from danger in sidewalk construction, 159. SKATES AND BICYCLES— on stone sidewalks, 175. SKATING RINKS— licenses for, 533. SKIMMED MILK— sale of, 370. SLAUGHTER HOUSE— maintenance of, 303. SLING SHOTS— use of, 779. SMOKE HOUSES— within fire limits, 646. SMOKING— where combustibles are stored, 304. of opium, 759. SMOKE PIPES— construction of, 614. SNIPE— not allowed to be placed, except on bill board, 749. SOIL AND WASTE PIPES— how to be constructed, 674, 675, 676. SOIL PIPES— defined, 700. SPARRING OR BOXING SHOWS— licenses for, 536. SOLICITORS— licenses for, 534. SOLID BRIDGING— over joists and partitions, 594. SOLVENT CREDITS— to be stated in tax statements, 30. SOUNDING GONG— at street crossings, 235. SOUR MILK— sale of, 368. SPEED LIMIT— of electric cars, 234. as to vehicles generally. See Traffic and Travel. SPINNING TOPS— on stone sidewalks, 173. Index—References are to Sections. 275 SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION— disposition of articles liable to, 291. SPRING GUNS— maintenance of, 779. STALLIONS— use of, for purposes of propagation, 767. STANDING STREET CARS— vehicles not to drive within four feet of, 203. STANDPIPES— construction of, 625. STATE LAW— application of, to official bonds, 20. adoption of Sec. 3627 Pol. Code relative to assessments, 28. STATEMENT OF TAXABLE PROPERTY— what to contain, 30. STATE STATUTES— adoption of Secs. 3791-3796 Pol. Code regarding taxation, 67. title 9, part 3, Pol. Code adopted, 102. STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS— to suit to recover taxes paid under protest, 63. STEAM BOILERS— furnaces, erection of, 622. STEAM PIPES— proximity to wood, 620. STEEL CUPOLA CHIMEYS— construction of, 617. STOLEN OR UNCLAIMED PROPERTY— disposition when in custody of police, 272, 273, 274. sale of unclaimed property by city treasurer, 275. right to litigate claim to, 278. STOPPING OF CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING— by council or building inspector, 649. STOPPING VEHICLES— on streets when so directed by police, 231. STORAGE— of gun powder, 293. STORY— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. STOVE PIPES— duty, when unsafe, 615. STREET CARS— duty of conductors on approach of police or fire department vehicles. 195. speed limit of electric cars, 234. motormen to sound gong at street crossings, 235. obstruction of traffic by moving building in street, 246. cutting of wires in removing building, 247. not affected by traffic article, 183. 276 Index—Reterences are to Sections STREET CROSSINGS— how to be constructed, 105. speed at, in driving across, 199. motorman to sound gong at, 235. cars or trains not to block, 236. STREET GUIDES— injuring or interfering with, 119. STREET NUMBERS— how to be determined for new buildings, 557. STREET OR STEAM CAR ADVERTISERS— licenses for, 508. STREETS— what constitutes a public street, 103. term street.includes what, 3. dedication of, 103. What are declared as accepted as such, 108. represented on map made by Alfred Bannister, 103. ascertainment of datum line, 104. gutters and curbs, 104. requirements for acceptance, 106. excepting of railroad trackway and curbing, 107. partial or conditional acceptance, 108. repair and improvement of accepted streets, 105. how street crossings to be constructed, 105. necessity for permit to place building material and other obstructions on, 109. deposit required as guarantee, 110. failure of permittee to remove debris, 111. rules governing placing of building material Ons: Was removal of macadam or surface dressing and laying of pipes in, 143. depositing money or executing bond to cover cost of 148, 145, 146. such removal work under street superintendent, 144. replacement guaranteed for one year, 144. return of indemnity deposit, 145. regulating laying of gas or water pipes, 147. removal of buildings along, 240. limiting standing of buildings on, 244. mortar or concrete on, 113. maintaining barbed wire fences along, 126. - obedience to order requiring removal of obstructions, 112. removal of obstructions by street superintendent, i es Be Bia a 15 recovery of material so removed, 116. burning of rubbish on, 302. depositing broken glass, rubbish, etc., in, 117. peddlers’ carts not to stand on, 224. hanging of banners on or over, 127. allowing tree branches to extend on, 121. allowing animals or fowls to run One: removing or injuring ornamental trees or tree boxes, 128. _maintaining gardens in, 127. dispersing crowds on by police, 120. driving loose animals on, 125. feeding of horses on streets, 210. drayage vehicles standing. on, 211. driving unbroken or dangerous horses on, 212, owner to repair property causing danger to person using street, 141, 1.42. injuring or interfering with street guides, 119. for matter relating to sewers, see Sewers. Index—References are to Sections. STREET SUPERINTENDENT— salary of, 6. to issue permit to place building material on street, 109. control of trees and shrubs in public places, 129. to issue permits to prune or cut trees in streets, 130. duty on receiving unclaimed property, 274. to notify owner to repair property causing danger, 141. STREET WALKERS— punishment of, 761. STRENGTH— of beams and girders, 580. STRENG'TH— and pitch of roofs, 578. of floors, 577. of sidewalks, 579. STRUCTURES— dangerous, to be safe guarded, 298. duty of fire marshal in regard to, 298. STUDDING— size of; 591. SUIT— statute of limitation in suit to recover taxes paid under protest, such suit to be commenced in the Superior Court, 63. SUPERINTENDENT OF DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICITY— in charge of inspection of electrical work, 720, 723. SUPERIOR COURT— suit to recover protested taxes to be commenced in, 63. SURETIES ON ASSESSOR’S BOND— liability of, 47, 438. SURVEYORS’ MONUMENTS— removal of public monuments, 137. . how removal done when necessary, 137. SWILL MILK— sale of milk produced from such food, 369. SWINE— Keeping of, 398. SWORN STATEMENT OF TAX— when dependent on amount of business, 544. TALLOW OR FAT RENDERING PLANTS— maintenance of, 303. TANDEM— driving vehicles in such manner, 206. TAXABLE IMPROVEMENTS UPON EXEMPTED LAND— how assessed, 42. TAX— as an execution duly levied, 57. as a judgment and lien, 57. TAX COLLECTOR— duty to give receipt and form thereof, 61. 277 63. to make notation where taxes on particular lot paid separately from whole assessement, 64. 278 Index—References are to Sections. to compare delinquent list with auditor, 71. to make oath to tax payments made, 72. settlement with auditor, 73. oath to correctness of delinquent list, 74. to collect cost of publication of delinquent tax list. 77. amount to be collected, 77. to sign certificates of sale under tax sales, 81. to execute deed where property not redeemed, 87. when directed by council to sell property purchased by city at tax sale, 88. procedure to be followed by him, 88. amount for which to be sold, 88. form of deed to be given, 88. to collect from purchaser certain amounts for tax or other deeds, 89. duty where property assessed twice, 91. to collect only tax justly due where property assessed twice, 91. duty where protest filed stating proposed tax sale void, 95. TAX EXEMPTION— how improvements on tax exempted lands are assessed, 42. TAX ES— how amount of taxes ascertained where rate not yet fixed, 68. on claim to or right to possession land, when due and payable, 66. on unsecured personal property, how collected, 66. adoption of title IX, part III, Pol. Code, 102. to render statement of taxable property to assessor, 30, 32, 38, 34. arbitrary assessment for failure to render statement, 34. settlement of auditor and tax collector, 73. delinquent taxes, how collected, 75. manner of publication of delinquent list, 75. filing copy of delinquent list with county recorder and city clerk, 76. collection of costs of publication of delinquent tax list, 77. sale for delinquent taxes, how conducted, 79. items to be charged against property sold, 79. effect where no purchasers at delinquent tax sale, 79. effect where tax collector discoveres irregularities before tax sale, 92. necessity to pay for property struck off before following day, 80. description of land sold at tax sale to be entered, 81. sale of real property for tax lien, 78. how sale conducted, 78. right to pay taxes and costs on day of sale, 79. certificates of sale, 81. certificate of sale transfers lien of city, 82. form and effect of tax deed, 87. ,deed to be executed by tax collector where property not redeemed, 87. immateriality of misnomer of owner on tax sale, 93. or other mistake, 93. sale of property purchased by city at tax sale, 88. refund of taxes illegally collected, 90. payment of under protest, 63. effect of assessment valid and void in part, 94. protest of owner stating void in part, 94, 95. suit to recover taxes paid under protest, 63. limitations applicable to suit, 63. redemption from tax sale, 83, 82. amount necessary to redeem, 83. right to make partial redemption, 84. see also matter under Assessments and Redemption. Index—-References are to Sections. 279 TAX LIEN— attaches as of first Monday in March, 57. not removed until payment or sale of property therefor, 57. TAX ON REAL PROPERTY— a lien thereon, 57. TAX ON PERSONAL PROPERTY— a lien on real property of owner, 57. TAX RHECEIPTS— and form thereof, 61. TAX SHIRKERS— property escaping from last year’s assessement, how to be assessed, 41. TAX STATEMENTS— cashier of corporation, to make, 30. THLEGRAPH WIRES— not to be cut.or injured, 783. to be placed underground. See Hlectric Overhead Wires. TELEPHONE WIRES— to be placed under ground. See Hlectric Overhead Wires. TEMPORARY PERMIT— to use electricity before final inspection, 723. TENANT— includes whom, 3. TENEMENT HOUSE— “as used in building regulations, defined, 568. TENSILE TESTS— of Portland cement, 573. TERRA COTTA— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. TESTING OF PLUMBING SYSTEM— manner of, 712. THEATRES, OPERA HOUSES AND OTHER PLACES OF AMUSEMENT necessity to conform to building ordinances, 651. concrete and masonry construction, exceptions, 652. construction of walls separating stage from auditorium, 653. construction of stairs, 654. necessity for frontage, 655. exits and how placed, 655. interiors to metal lined or metal lathed, 656. construction of aisles, 657. regulations as to seats, 658. obstructions to aisles or exits, 659. fire protection, water supply, 660. construction of moving picture show buildings, 651. construction of moving picture operator’s box, 661, rules of board of police and fire commissioners, 662. licenes for, 529. for matter relating to plumbing. See Plumbing Regulations, THICKNESS— of party walls, 631. THICKESS OF WALL— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. 280 Index—References are to Sections. THREATS TO CONSTRUCT CERTAIN BUILDINGS— as an offence, 786. TIME— for assessing personal property, 65. for assessing real property, 29. of publication of delinquent list of taxes, ioe when real property to be sold for tax lien, 78. within which to redeem from tax sale, 83. TIRES width of vehicle, 228. TOILETS— defacement of public buildings or property, 136. TORPEDOES— may be discharged, 781. TOWEL FURNISHERS— licenses for, 538. TRAFFIC AND TRAVEL— terms vehicle, horse, sidewalk and driver as used, defined, 179, 180, 181 and 182. inapplicability to street cars, 183. limits of traffic districts, 184, 185. general rule of the road, 186. driver overtaking another, 187. driver about to be passed or overtaken, 188. driver wishing to stop or change course, 189. right of way of fire and police departments, U. S. mail and emer- gency vehicles, 194. ‘ horses or vehicles not to be near fire hydrant, 196. time allowed vehicles to be backed up to curb, 197. driver turning to right into another street, 190. driver turning to left into another street, 191. driver starting or turning from curb, 192. right of way of vehicles traveling easterly or westerly, 193. necessity to be loading or unloading when backed up to curb, 198. speed limit over crossings and around corners, 199. on approach of car or train to station, 204. stopping vehicles in street, 201. duty not to drive on sidewalks, 202. driving near standing street car, 203. general speed limit, 204. leaving horses or vehicles alone on street, 205, driving vehicles tandem, 206. garbage vehicles at certain times, 207. leaving horses unattended on street, 208. hitching horses to shade trees, lamp posts, etc., 209. feeding of horses on street, 210. drayage vehicles standing on streets, 211. driving unbroken or dangerous horses on streets, 212. driving across newly laid pavements, 213. hindering or delaying street cars, 214. open mufflers on automobiles, etc., 215. unattended motor vehicles, 216. age, discretion and condition of person left in charge of vehicle, 217. obstructing processions, 218. riding on rear end of vehicle, 219. automobiles, motor cycles and bicycles to maintain signals or gongs, 220. Index—-References are to Sections. 281 motor vehicles to display front and rear lights, 221. bicycles, motor cycles and horse drawn vehicles to display lights. 222. necessity for permit to allow vehicles to stand on streets, 223. use of vehicles used for vending, 224. vehicles transporting crude oil, 225. vehicles transporting sand, gravel or liquid substances, 226, limiting weight of load, 227. width of vehicle tires, 228. driving more than two vehicles, 229. driving vehicles in reckless or dangerous manner, 230. neglecting or refusing to stop when directed, 231. duty of police to enforce traffic article, 232. violation constitutes a misdemeanor, 238. speed limit of electric cars, 234. motorman to sound gong at crossings, 235. cars or train not to block crossings, 236. trespassing on cars or trains, 237. minors not to get on or off moving cars, 238. TRAFFIC DISTRICTS— limits of, 184, 185. TRAIN JUMPING— prohibited, 763. TRANSFERABILITY OF LIQUOR LICENSES— how done, 472. TRANSPORTATION VEHICLES— of various kinds, licenses for, 541. TRANSPORTED MILK— inspection and sale of, 364. TREASURER— salary of, 6. sale by him of property in his possession, 275. duty to sell at auction, 276. ; disposition of proceeds of sale, Puc right of claimant of property, 278. right to deduct costs and charges, 279. to give redemptioner from tax sale a certificate, 83. to report persons entitled to redemption money, 85. TREASURY— money received as penalty for failure to give satisfaction to as- sessor to be paid in, 33. TREES— allowing branches of to extend over street or sidewalk, 121. injuring or removing ornamental trees on streets or public places, 123. and shrubs in public places under control of street superintendent, 129. as public nuisances, 466. TRESPASSING— upon railroad cars, locomotives or trains,’ 237. animals or fowls, 407. TRICYCLES AND SKATES— on stone sidewalks, 175. TRUCKMEN AND HOSEMEN— of fire department, salary of, 8. 282 Index——References are to Sections. TRUSTHE— property held by, how assessed, 37. TRUST PROPERTY— to be shown in tax statements, 30. TUBERCULOSIS— animals afflicted with, 381. board of health authorized to destroy such animals, 383. UNAUTHORIZED POSTING OF ADVERTISEMENTS— on bill boards, not allowed, 749. UNCLAIMED PROPERTY— disposition of by police and street superintendent, 274. sale of, by city treasurer, 275, 276. rights of claimant, 278: UNCONSTITUTIONALITY— of part of Code not to affect balance, 3. UNDERGROUND POLES AND TROLLY WIRES— see Electric Railways. UNDERPINNING— of buildings, 592. UNDERTAKERS OR EMBALMERS— licenses for, 539. UNDISTRIBUTED OR UNPARTITIONED PROPERTY OF ESTATH— how assessed, 39. UNFHNCED LOT— allowing animals or fowls in, 122. UNGUARDED CURBS— driving’ over, 177. UNITED STATES MAIIL-— right of way of vehicles carrying, on streets, 194. UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS— of property, how assessed, 35, 36. UNKNOWN OR ABSENT OWNERS— how assessed, 35, 36. UNOCCUPIED BUILDINGS— safeguarding of, 299. UNPARTITIONED PROPERTY— of deceased persons, how assessed, 39. UNSAFE AWNINGS— maintaining them, 171. UNSAFE FENCES— duty to remove, 457. UNSAFE STRUCTURES AND BUILDINGS— to be safeguarded, 298. nature of notice by fire marshal, 298. see also matter under Weed Ordinance. UNSANITARY CONDITION OF PLUMBING— necessity to correct, 692. UNSECURED PERSONAL PROPERTY— taxes, when due, 62. Index—References are to Sections. 283 UNUSECURED DEBTS— statement of in connection with tax assessments, 30. UNUSED FORMS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX RECEIPTS— to be returned by assessor, 70. UNWHOLESOME FOODS— see Public Health. UPPER ROOMS— to saloons, 488. URINALS OR WATER CLOSETS— how to be constructed, 598, 691. USE OF ANIMALS— for purposes of propogation, 767. USE OF PUBLIC STREETS— on offer of owner, effect of, 1038. USE OF RIOTOUS LANGUAGH— or words, prohibited, 754. USING WATER— for irrigation after fire alarm, 314. UTTERING— obscene language prohibited, 752. VACUUM CLEANERS— licenses for, 512. licenses for such vehicles, 6541. VALUABLES— to be described in tax statements, 30. VEHICLE— term defined as used in article respecting traffic, 179. riding on rear end, 219. reckless or dangerous driving of on streets, 230. VANDALISM— injuring grass plots or borders along sidewalks, 135. defacing public buildings or property, 136. affixing marks, pictures or writing in public buildings, 136. VEGETABLES, GROW THS— see Weed Ordinance. VENDING CARTS— rules respecting, 224. VENDING MILK— issuance of permit for, 346. VENEERED WALLS— construction of, 589. VENT PIPES— how to be constructed, 708. VETERINARY HOSPITALS— licenses for, 540. VETERINARY SURGEONS— to report contagious diseases, 380. VIOLATION OF CODE— place of imprisonment, 792. violation of any provision a misdemeanor, 793. 284 Index—-References are to Sections. VIOLATIONT OR LAW in construction of building, effect of occupation, 647. VOLUNTARY PAYMENT— payment of taxes under protest not deemed, 63. WALL ANCHORS— construction of, 632. WALLS— thickness of foundation walls, 590. for various sized buildings, 590. of wood frame buildings, 588. veneered, 589. WALKING ON GRASS— or reclining on in public places, 132. WAREHOUSE— as used in building regulations, defined, 568. WARE HOUSEMEN— licenses for, 542. WARNING SIGNALS— to be used in sidewalk construction, 159. WASTE MATERIAL— disposition of, 291. WASTE PIPES— defined, 699. of plumbing connections, 674, 677. WATER— to keep occupied houses connected with running, 402. use of for irrigation after fire alarm, 314. WATER CLOSETS OR URINALS— how to be construeted, 598. Vent pIpes Tote 10% plug, pan or hopper eonstruction, 711. for tenements, flats or stores, 690. located in yards, 695. of wood, 639. WATER SERVICE COMPANIES— : licenses for, 548a. WEAPONS— carrying of concealed, 778. WEED ORDINANCE— obstruction of sidewalks by weeds, grass and other vegetable growths, 456. street superintendent to notify owner to remove weeds, etc., 457. how notice to be given, 458. right to appeal from order of street superintendent, 459, 462. right to remove weeds in absence of appeal, 460. record book of property affected to be Kept, 461. appeal from act of superintendent in removing weeds, 462. city council to pass on appeal, 462. cost of removal as lien on property, 463. procedure to fix lien, 464. W EIGHT— equal distribution of, on floors, 581. Index—References are to Sections 285 WEIGHT OF LOADS— limiting carrying on street, 227. W EIGHT— to be carried by frame buildings, 586. WELLS— construction of light, 638. W HARFINGERS— licenses for, 543. W HISTLES— improper use of police, 776. WILFULLY CONCEALED— removed or transferred property, how assessed, 40. WILFUL NEGLECT— or failure of assessor to assess, his liability on his bond, 48. WIRES— cutting of, on moving building along street, 247. city electrician to be notified when to be cut for moving building, 247. WOODEN AWNINGS— maintaining over sidewalk, 170. WOOD FRAME BUILDING— defined, 582, 583. WORDS IN CODE— how to be construed, 8. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA ’ Il IMM 3.0112 107104165