¥ Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue ~ books. | University of Illinois Library M32—30715 Le sh Awe eye A BRAY ‘ \ 4 J WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT, a) $ SS 45 Az Se % > iy Ww NSS ae, SHE athe te Hee iy >= Ny . re isle BY > WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT ° 0 < ro O PUBLISHERS &// } LTE RATS niven M, (| (hited E B84 % UREA CONTENTS PAGE NEE Oe reese Re le oe es 7 EE eee he hc. iy Lotus sus ee uavedocewds 23 ENUM, ee RSS 3. CAivlga et oa wet de wb eletie'es 24 EMR Tenet Aes oy Swine de Sewtcaes 24 Meee vening Wind .. 2... 0.202... e eee c acces 29 TS OR eee fe ay ee 31 PT SIVOPOUNOTAL 2. o.8 Sees ee pees Pie idle bet 35 IROL Lig hiatha diy deh. bles bude ceteris’ ar MMMMEESTEQDIE Soe ak als hanced ue ce bine aes 4] SS ee) a 43 DeMIPT OGL Cite PTAITICS. 0... fol. ese eevee ved Es. ae Serer ttcaims Island... .. 22.6.4 .i csc eee enon 47 inicio id iciow-e vale sc Uvips oe one vbed we 48 MMI TNIVEL . Sec es Mh at. Bate hu late Sok ba? A pt el irae lk bah snk a itl yrs,» o.vre-sleie nie b's 53 Monument Mountain........... REAR R Aik xl taees ek 55 i. Song of Marion’s Men........ aS a UPN 2 SEB 60 MEI Y ATTION“ wc ale ops vnc ca ceecssceis vthes seve. G2 NEM I SPS 55 o.oo Say wile! D's «wind w vd oldWs Ge soa ble 64 ‘Oh Fairest of the Pca Was Clee taney ON Re aad GS Inscription for the Entrance to a Wood........... 66 MTT ass 6.08 ue vn be Vw ieivelv newline aes 68 “‘T Broke the Spell that Held Me Long”.......... 71 =; [he Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus............ 72 Deere ringed: Gentian. ..:........ccc.s csr eeuwe'e 75 = ‘‘Innocent Child and Snow-White Flower”........ 76 o@ An Indian at the Burial-Place of His Fathers..... a0 i, JO0D 4 CONTENTS PAGE To'a Cloudy. cee ties oe es ee ee 80 Yellow Violets ok oy 6 ce 81 ‘“‘T Cannot Forget with what Fervid Devotion”.... 82 Mi atation oc\etiis ses co nee ie eer Pe Pa Se 84 Hymn to the North Star... 2.00.22), pce 85 The Twenty-second of December................. 86 Hymn of the Waldenses:./...... .Z,0e50 een 87 Song of the Stars... ecb 2, GY Lo. ane 88 ‘*No Man Knoweth His Sepulchre”............... 90 ‘Blessed are They that Mourn™:..22. oc5 see 90 Death of the Flowers). 0.. 02 c.05 «. en eee 91 To'a) Waterfowl ix so. duisie eo sya estas ote 6 aa 93 The Battle-field ccc. 000. Ad sc seals «5.0 che eee 95 The Winds). cc Sone da oo Wen es ee 96 Green Mountain Boys... .........'d. «ose 99 Future Lite nc eho icic eal alan = © alee 100 Old'Man’s Counsel J i).). «2. ds ode) Sais cn eee 101 An Evening Reverie.............. PEE rr se 105 Antiquity of ‘Freedom....£. 0)... 7006 0s sae 108 A’ Hymn of the Seas... 02200277, ee ae 111 Stream of Life . i. sce. cake ca deciles ae ne 113 Midsummer 0.6 ocis c's odes desk ov cian ore tere eae 114 Green ,RIVEL 6 soe 505s 50.0 0s l0'4\e alee abe a aieine 114 A Winter: Piece. as. 00's 4's. « Win oho oe nn sg 117 Hymn to Death 0.0505 oo). ied a aren 4 ale 121 Lines on Revisiting the Country..........0.sess=s 127 ‘‘Upon the Moumtain’s Distant Head” ............ 129 Journeyof Lifes. es ain eines vee eles 0 0 y 0s 9 gene 129 Love’ and Folly... 03505 ois sie eis 060 eo 5 /anke 130 Love Of God wis oelic se cice + 4 sis slele 40 alee anna 132 Fearthy oe os leu: sleywit ibe othe eek Ain 0 6 to at 133 Catterskill Falls oo. 6. csie 5.4 46 Sele lelee ate an 137 | SS ce OMI EWM IERE EMER OE 14} CONTENTS 5 PAGE NRIs sia. coulis ox e6ale elk se 0's, seas oad ogee ae 143 Se Ee fel 5 50 Sk VAs lo 6 0's & bine vc o 6 ne Wedenli'n 148 ERS ole a bcin'da.e 6 ds'ccd o siege bese bie eine 149 ETOP NS sc becca divs 60s bacaescediesteaun 150 SiR USER g Cs a's ou c oeje a Ad's os nin valve siess 152 SUI ME TGS RCHL Sia sip tie clvinid eles 4 cle's cele ewes eect EDS POST) ST VANIETIL. So cas oases eh ade eee eee bs bees 154 Ode for an Agricultural Celebration .............. 156 UTM CME TUE tt Pe Br is: sue! hohe eiele aie atacaip. ala ollnre LST MINER ees atresia gle a's gists GBe esl! ie e sce 160 NE Ee DET cia usa Gigs’ w'v 6's So) w poo tale, Sales 161 UMMM ANIME Word tr orac hic gtuia cles aly. sia'die'a bw icel¥ doe 5 wlace she'd 161 UPEMCMCMNNREEN ERIC Dette 2 has LAG a ow cla Gatco Wave e's ale Bis 165 ea eo sie iss da Dok ad co Sas wwle dea wW'ee.s 166 PM ERETITOOGTE . 3. vec mine cen ccc shades salec veamove 168 MENT Ee oss oa ec ae xint mole ye a wee te naele a 170 ITE Eg oy g Aeiy oikee sb Hels ed does « dealers 172 Pemm mrtie tzreek AMaZ0n.. ssc. occ cceeecculeweses 173 MMII COV CLOT 0. 5 ss) ccie ones renin gd wees geass 174 NAME eT Oar he oo) d coro, Sui b. melee av eeu eb RMA Ra's 176 MT re ea belh da raiesed Satedee cb get 178 Meditation on Rhode Island Coal................. 180 RT ean Vie. oie ai sis ous nl 0.8. 6) slide al oie 4 dlainips 6 ai aie’ e 184 ee A OS SS SR 5 ei 185 NRE EHO ie ae a Gave: veal ea aa nic ws Ww lb ele dln ahead 186 SRM TETOUINTER Mire ote 5 Se wa Ce aie dw etka me minus shwiee's 189 UUM TITRI RODEN ra UG iis ot. Nd sta s ale Wie orate ea aca 191 PURIEPMBMCITAN PENITG: c's pce cicciass oa dioGmales det pee 4 193 ENR RNAP ME en aan en SNS OV etd cag.s yee ieee a we ae 194 SUMIMENET RISES EN ARTA OVAE Mollie) ci o'G)e ca doo e'b u's pd cle 'ee's 5 eehain vetele 197 Scene on the Banks of the Hudson............... 199 PRUNE LA re Gi atte Vie ig ace Vi & wed 9 aumin’n b elete clay’ 201 6 7) Val § (AGNTENTS PAGE Greek Boy... 563 fis Sp ena oer ‘ae 204 ‘*‘When the Firmament Quivers with Daylight’s Young Beam” /..5 0. 35 14s pe oo 205 Vothe River Arve. .3 «css ) 2 eae oe Pee 206 To Cole, the Painter, Departing for Europe....... 207 Hymn of the City.....0..0..:03e51+s5 een 208 A Walk at Sunset... ... csc. 02s 6 ieee eee 209 Consumption .. . << 0/52: slau ws alee stale einen 212 The Firmament os. 0. ¢< os nea owc< setae nee ee 213 Greek Partisan . »). 222 Child’s Fumeral oo coco ccc: slave s- cle pice eves ne 223 Death of Sohiller’. «<5... . 520 cu otis me «0 Se 225 In Memory of William Leggett................0-- 226 Painted Cups... .c es. sss. c ee + fa al te een 226 A < Dream neck 2.55 010 0 0