uo ere Fy A Laboratory practice ini go we Points for Observation Accession, Serials, Bulletins, Mechanical practice, Pamphlets, ; Trade bibliogra hy, Ty ewriters , P ie ¢ : . —, osnat } > Name of Library.......... Atl Ce pes excl ss Gitwe se ee ee Sak bangin ee (Underscore when sufficient for answer) Accession What form of record is used?..........cc cece cece cence she! Sha) (da! @) 6) 6) efi wlie! whol slot ala me Be ro irace © Cir te Li ix What items are entered in it?........ 0.0 cece cc eeeees - Usd s Mae RS weve osha aig «Pee ERS What omitted?.... ee we eee ose ee ee ee we wee ee eevee ere ee ee ee wee eeee eeee . ° ae eee . ’ i i ; ; , Is librarian satisfied with form used and why?. .......... 000. eee eeuee aopteides , Rare 3 5 jad What changes SAO ate? ERCOMIMMEIRTONT S Wales Von, . siele svc caens e Gee oe wil avelehe “eS sh ere How is withdrawal record kept? Deiniete ep eneperchan ene) soe ale Slee at satisfactory? a: ee ot agate Ciel whee sens i EMM eeCOrd rept? =< glee eis sca wees ile see caee gata nas Sacre a ae cs af «, Sane se a . a" Serials ‘ ; Bs : ; . Are they checked on cards, sheets or in book?. ee OC. 6¢ 6 t Gane Cee & es £9 2 0 6 # OC Ce Be © 8. © © 0 6 Ges) © Sa) Grae Is there any difference in rules for checking than those taught in school?........ What?........ Do they circulate the current magezinsel,...i-..+..+---lf not, why not?..:... ss. Oe ed Aj a ug ae “ . * e ly ae ‘ = 1 78s 4 NO a: Rs Pee? i 1 sie a a i ‘Do they supply duplicate copies? :....:+.csersecees For what periodicals?..... : What kind of a cover is used to protect them?..o.. ShslS See. such prea 5 5 Is it satisfactory?....... Ricmacatalieiie, et ee ! : Pea How long are magazines kept in circulation? Babee eta OR cs Sea Na fee ASHiiG Fa How long may they be kept out by borrower?...... SP Carn er aS Hye eb ecto, Uns oP Sine Are magazines circulated popular? . MAE oat rire a sy ts Sa ola (pS 9s 8 wha ane eet eee ss Bulletins. What kind are made?......... Sy rasenee siete e ected If none, why mot! de eee ‘ W hat system or plan is used for putting up pictures or bulletins? 2 asia nee How are bulletins stored, flat, standing or how? .,.. 3. cae Sort An be. © How are pictures cared for?.... STA Siaeere eas w scope Coens oc. a1 9s enol ai eda 90S: Mallee on ere i Are they classified, shelf-listed or catalogued?. See reo ac 8. Dove eh eee eee Mending Do they mend each day, once a week or when?....... Rice ets aon acts Ae oat ac ook ie.a te gabemnene Who does the menaind/.© 2: G.01e oe ee ROO Re Hoa No ae Be ASE teoonehie oe Bore eta What do they mend? Rie ea sie eo haters EE ALAA Tis Ss oiehols clap Re dee ane eee. W hat do they not mend?..i 4... sh. 6 o8 ots A et ee Do they clean books and how cs eee kins Nake aoe oat sigs a learsdinn Wisco ee eras W hat tools are used, ‘tables, ete:?6 ws) ) eons oe ee sos Where are pockets placed? HSE BA Segue: Uh b BREA RCE Soar CHROME EC, CORO ER CEE SER CRC MMM CRITE Ch) Eure poe" Are book cards typewritten rol go Ua Tike stag Ce A ee aR” SREY Sih Ua Ct ent IPT yp Where is 7-day label placed if used on new Fiction Peas adhe teats eke ein Hw Cw eine ea mana: Do they use date slip? Dratelctctass aeerere chet abere tate. wtecshal eis Where placed? DiNey A arora 6 1aretele eraptes ccepahe c. 3 Alphabeting ar Clarke and ‘Glark: 50d: Aon 2 Aes Brown and Browne?......... Books by and about BS author ? ie he eae vie, hese fe eevee tpt tent et eee eee eee ees aaah Divisions under countries 7... 00. .5.....0s 000s 00s ss edesp ancl oie nee Period divisions under U. S. History ?......0.04405 8-20 au oe oe Abbreviations-- Mr.; Mrs.; Saint; Sainte; St.; Mac; Mc;.............. Special notes. Shelf list. Special features ? Book numbers. Special features ? Classification. ein 0) (5, (5 Si S1,6)u! pie 6 0),¢\\ee) 610:.6:18)'s 00) ©) a0 ee) es, a 6 6 Ce ee Db eb eee 68 o% Oe ee: aigy ig DAs < =a a =m, es ar * 4) si t& ~' & 5 Note special features. Take with you to Laboratory Libraries: Sample catalogue and notes; Shelf list and note i fication slips and notes ; Carnegie Subject heading pamphlet. Copy samples of catalogue and shelf cards when necessary for illustration, also catalogu tions for the public, if any. WISCONSIN LIBRARY SCHOOL Laboratory practice Points for observation Loan Name of library...... Ny ee ge ft CP ae Cea a am Cite oe ee ee eee 190.. I i (Underscore when sufficient for answers. Answers requiring more space than is allowed should be given on L sheets, with corresponding numbers) Syetem. Single or double kes feck ANCE CEP Me BET ple isievetslelele/ eh. ej els oisheere Sen ome acaaecadooqddonn., Account kept by reader'scards?............ Slips Darcy, Sew stale ane © Book cards?........ Cards filed 1 by Tine ee Der asesce tty athors (ate nee ea ek . Accession no?......... yu by Class ? . ateNalateraretarehale PAC RENO Hei ue Mee tie Accession no.?.... ...- Note special features. Registration of borrowers. Application blank contains name of library ? stoletatolatalatavatate tn Borrower's pledge? orata ehetesotene Guarantor's pledge? ella Palfeit'e (le ole, sie ial'e, eel ate) /e a. vie AW herefid 09, BRO see . oe Borrower adds his own name?........ 000.0000 scene Address tw). Se eee Occupation ‘Pot one Age ifa minor?...... School Piet ewouwe &Grade? ic we Loan clerk adds date?............00 0000s Registration NOAP LS PAR See te es Guarantor required tomaduléteen nih ches « Child 7ei st. ry eae Who toss snuuee Filed how ?...... ea Seer aes ae ate Si wie's a ad's et eae Ake aL eee Registration book contains?........ e, ere Numbert t4 csiten eae: Name 72 Address?........ No. of cards issued to each borrower ?..... Age of minors?...... Non-resident borrowers?.......... Rural borrowers?......... Frees oiemors el oe Registration of non-residents separate i se: Deposit required Peete), fle Registration of teachers?... eoeeeoe see cee Wt Cards issued when application is made?........... bee ae ve oa eee ose eee Routine followed in registering borrowers ? sie sess denna ss en Note any special features. 3. ° Number of cards issued to each borrower?..........00ee vues Regular?.... BRED. : Special points. 4. Reader's card. Contains name of library DN rarer (ae $05) Rise (avatetiered devote tals Reel. oeGen a kerere name Loan clerk adds. Number?...... Name?.......-. PANE a0 Gtad .... Address ?... Expiration date?..... ial soil mo ue ..- Date of issue?.... . chien : Loan clerk adds... Date book isissued?..........00- 0000 eee « « Date-due ia Gallo nomebecies «car 5 bee au ds Soe oate returned? ik. «su ern Kept where when not in use?.. NOS SONG ee eibtsis » vias, . how. tfilediicyse eee Lost cards replaced TOE ohh a Charge? Somes gee Time ?.2\ ee ~ Record of no. issued? ... aWelelicksesusiads Boa GoD oun ooUod Sooo Ob o talieltel ole = eit eae Special Points ? sae : 2G eee 5.. Book pocket. Contains; name ‘of ‘library 2h 6 jeu oe dx uwlh La Ned cite we Gules 2.6 «eee ee Accession clerk adds.... Callno.?..... Accession No.?..... Author and ti ™ Special pointe 2 5 iw oe 5 Sieowcs a Ro krote et aces Whdie oiivs ois ao cate isto euabe ncn ene ee 6. Dating slip in book. Where placed Ga peach a sieve Nake ols e.coreheie tect ate wiete evctel a leierer eens cishvhe eeLet ete cnevsichsiccalcret stele Contains what EE es wre ad hae A CUCRIC MERON: CRE OECTA UCREBETCS TER EL IC A Recor ion 6 Oe Loan clerks adds?. Rterete age chet ens aye. cls sate cists ep rere abcred stave cireaitarate ais sic crete chanel s arctercl a eitioneteree 7. Book card ee Te Pe hieidin 0's 5 SOs 6 eioherecats ais Golan tect wae wick ce ee ee OO GOO e Contains Call no. ?....... wisn ae Author and title 7 ois. dc. e000 Accession no?...... Date added to library Deets oe 5 eC eopeletstauciaiale «cls aie ajeke, clopatelacele aielctsh sretelel sictetsttl cies Loan clerk adds Date issued ?............-- Pc ee Date duel were tees. afore sie ete ayant Borrower's no.?.......... atin Coc Gauicre Uc Date returned dino se do taads) ste tee Where kept WHET DOOM ISIN Sor teri ee colt bas ae Wihen; outiee. e208 c ceca When filled-Destroyed Lite pacumiar close Ort Curiam ws Us osc nts EeCin Pes Sto Altus, or Special points 7 13. Teachers privileges. How many cards?............ How many” books? ...-.).auctas saree Plame te ces ar ee DA deine Of ADOO KE: Ate RUINED & ois asus ace cscee wisaie vise ieee » ao tepete SAE ileL< in esters eRe ae Fines charged PONT ater eR cae, ke Notices: sent: when due’. ...s 264 ds ac hone one Are statistics counted as if renewed at end of two weeks?......ccce cece cece cece ceueees Special points t 14. Statistics. Circulation—by Classes oe) ee How kept ? Sebetaneteiensccis ene How counted ? Ac vere WAAinene Counted (an eens s hivien caso tale. Renewals counted '? 1 J. eas ce ees ee Renting Beokpr counted ny mae tee pte cy ence oo ate nis a clu tu deter e ae Pee Registration I Na ect a eee CPT ac ike Sits. aol ere cles a hlGe id ate einen weeks ane ates LGW ei ad Satecali ie cee res EVV heney set: anata Eee oe een eee cee Special points ? 15. Personal responsibility. Initialed Pers SE is nS an eet 2G) De oie Richy pia sie alate via ee oe Lee ON CARER O eee Aan 16. Special features. Methods of attracting borrowers? ..)00 6. cess selena ve mes ohio crate fee ee Teaching use of dibrary 2.5 sac 4 sss le aivialele ba Cgialie et aive toes Oty oe ee Peeecici, < Raising standard of books read 2... sce. sess ecsesvedeocseeess se 45,1 ue enee By personal effort?.......... Printed lists and bookmarks?.........0seeees Birlletvigite 6 We bc eis oes ce eee Ce eee Other meana ? ii. ta. 8a oe oe Attention paid to new borrowers--when card is issued ? Extension work? School duplicate collections ? ceree eee ewe ee eee ew ee eee eee os. 60 xiv essen ee Deaiches? 2. st os ty vblajeR aks p cee aed” oD eROReS Se eee ee MOP ses Other 7 is. fo 8 eneereee Oe cD Pddresses tosclabs?: 35 6145 sas eee aoe ee Schools? 0.0 6:.0 20 0 eee Conimon' Council? ),... a potest ne ee ne Other? .....05... 2; ee eeeet Special advertising ? 17. Rules and regulations. Days of opening ? ences ahellelaiererte: e/elsielalisieiie ‘atelelsio 6° HoursiPaes.de. ha tee ce co ae Children’s room open-Hours ? Ao eo OomeAl eo Ash oboe ole t Dayar cove cena are Sunday service~Hours?.......... Months?........ SW hig (a fetes Paid tey-0- eee Wroltnitary: bivoe sei esi os ec anne | Reterence; work ts oan or a nes cee Holidays open? eae det atieter=tetele Ploute cet. ee ‘What departments Wea dced wecerae Average hours of librarian?........... Assistants ?.......... Apprentices Chaaea fare ae 18. General observations. Notes—Take about 10 L sheets: secure complete set of samples from each Laboratory Library and mount separately. Fill in blanks properly. Use printed material to answer or illustrate questions. Answer all questions as much as possible from personal observation. Take Loan notes, especially blank forms. he 4 ae 7) bat ¢ x + i : f ae t ° . i \ i Sa oo way «ee 4% wit. @)e ews ’ - - Cee e-y e ¥ 6 +4 See ew se eens ade diee aes “ . . + e- . e-a''4 *« o,f "@#e i hk x Oe ‘ale ww ea Cl a oe "* & Caw C4 . o ‘ q aan . ae chon a a er a I > eee ewe “a x i . nl nn Hi ¥ } * i Wha ’ . * 5 ; oy wy 4h oe Ae * rol 4 - » ‘ Bet! : x" ils ay A : 3 Fa ie ee oe § é < ~a i ( oa 2 ’ S oe . feat) 2 teapy Pa \ The report was put in this form at the suggestion of the Chief of the recent University _ survey (1914). He further suggested that all library workers might wish to check them- selves for their own efficiency. If you wish a blank for yourself, we will gladly send one on request, also for your assistants, if desired. For further suggestions on this point, see Per- sonal Efficiency Test, by Purinton, Independent, Nov. 30, 1914, p. 323. Wisconsin Library School Winning: appeals to children Field Practice 1915 o—. Report of Co-operating Librarian En ee ee eh ee ee eee - ies Cee STN a Ns cw a Beas LOo Ds oo ages ee Librarians are earnestly requested to co-operate with the Library School by helping to discover the strength and weakness of the student and recording it by checking this blank. As far as possible, please answer every Point, by checking or underscoring for the special grade. Personality (check grade for each point so far as observed). Points— Grades— Enthusiastic: 2 ee eae, moderately______- thier. Pee ae. lacking=<. 42. Sympathetic: aia erate moderately____--- (Ane Capes Be cea Haren va we ee Even tempered: ee ee i) soho NOL Vermeer ce iTV te DleW sae e Tactful: VF i ee ae 1A yee | a a TOE emi en blundering-_----- Adaptable: Mary eee eS moderately______- NOG Very. ee. inflexible_.2-22ee2 Sense of humor: NT moderately_______ eles 2, fae unduly serious___- Resourceful: ee moderately_____-_- SOT Vere ect dependent______-- Industrious : 1 a a a moderately______- OL vermecs . = indolent s—seee. 26 Dignified : Pe et moderately______ POL Vere undignified______- Personal neatness (dress, etc.) : AOC eg eee moderately______- Hot verwe ee ot ee | slougnly .—4.2---+ Courteous: hep RO Oe generally___---_-. NORV OT We So. diseourteous__-_.._- Manners: prapions 22> Fs aa eas aa Som moms. rude or boistrous_- Winning: appeals to adults Veo EE 5 a 12 he ae. 2 NOt veryes 2 oa 2 antagonizing_____ very SS) 5 SRE Coe eee indifferent... -- repelling________, ae ee ee ee ee Voit t Professional fitness (check grade for each point so far as observed). Systenenes! .o~. Verys.2. 27500 sondern an ie ee be i Pancwals'- >> valways.2 ee Accuratens 2 “orveryie ae ites. ee eee Rapid worker: == ss veryiu-- 222222 he cee ee he) emcee lh 5 2 Neat worker: § very___-___-_____ kk eee. Set ck. A Roliables | > very oe oo ote so es = le ee 24 Realizes value of Hepes (ek “eee 28 ee Reacts on sug- gestions: Takes criticism : in.good spirit. =) = 51) pate Perens HOOT.o. | eee ae -resents___— Initiative: CXEOMONGA 2 e504 POGU soo a eee eome_.__---==_ none at sles TO Ge 2 voy EY te weliyen see Sea thy. 2. schardlyse eee disloyal Memory: : } Power of observa- PION ee -eme@ellenyic.2 3 ue OGG eee Interested in work: «very much: io. 2-2 fairly. 2223) 2 blase. eee How do you rank Students’ work in the following: (Checks grade for work do Charging books: excellent_____-_-- good Slipping books: excellent_______-- Helping patrons select books: excellentiics-22ess Collecting fines: excellent 22 2+ good Keeping statistics: excellent______~-- good Mechanical work: excellent-___-----good Accessioning : excellent2s £2 e 22 good Classification : excellent______--- good 4 eeloruing : Alphab eting: Reference: Book selection : Story telling: Publicity: Work with schools: Mending: Preparation for bindery: Picture work: Inventory: Typewriting : , Library hand: excellent_______-- good éxcelient_.2- —___. good exceligntc.-.c 2... good Grcallenton. 2: good excellent. __.___.. good execliontsc. 22 2... good excgllentos.-.o. good excellent. good excellent.<—...-. good eyeellenin. 2.24 — gsood GLeeuente. 2 2oee good Oxcclente. .2.-.- good eveclent so... good bg ple Leet ania ees fear At Sa 2 Spoor: sae. eee BABB a nhs Raho RL os eat OO Tee es ee fa Sey =p a TBP Poo. ee, NOCT ae eee ee Lae ac epeatk EN tas Thins 23. 52... POOR eee eee it pp Peir Soe 2 oe OOP ts eee See tte fayreees Ge cee Ore 2 es ee hae a ly A faire oss ee 00r 49 ee re ee he es fai? se eat Se Od ate tees eee Re eee vee Ait oe Se Se POUT Eee eee Eb pe eS eee POLL fog s6ee= et SoA OOR EL Ue, Serer See OS eee COUT fee a oe DOO! 2. eee oe Sn {hr fe Sa DOORS eee SEG ate TEL RS it aeeMpnet es feat my NN NT mee eae Se pe alls Good points that will make for Student’s success (check or underscore all that may apply). Good health Belief in work Knowledge of subject Business principles Address Intelligence Culture Executive ability Good technical work Good mechanical work Professional attitude Cheerfulness Wins co-operation Stimulating to associates Disposition Responsibility Edueation Experience Interest in people Knowledge of books Appreciation of literature Add other characteristics observed and not named here. Weak points that will make for Student’s failure (check or underscore any that m Poor health Nervousness Languidness Lak of interest Lack of sympathy with people Poor technical work Poor mechanical work Disaaeie Lack of promptness Blasé Immature Forbidding appearance Add other characteristics observed and not named here. Would you care to have this Student for an assistant? Yes_____-__---.-. No -------- Please state frankly whether the presence of this Student has been of any benefit | ATOM DY? oo io 5 tt deed oe eee : , Gieron) SASSIStaAne os Ge bee Wy ee ee General remarks: a Inaceuracy Talks too much Self-centered Aggressiveness Bluff Insincerity Diffidence Personal appearance Antagonizes people Lack of culture and knowledge of iv Questions authority ’ VV fh Wisconsin Library School | Field Practice 1915 Points for Observation in Loan Administration TOSS Se a a ge ete Cite Sa gh & elt genet i ; totes (Underscore when sufficient for answers. Refer to samples collected. Answers requiring more space than is allowed should be given on L sheets, with corresponding numbers.) 1. Registration of borrowers Application blank contains? Inverted name of borrower, registration number, name of library, borrower’s pledge, signature, address, occupation, business address, date of registration, date of expiration, age of minor, school, grade, guarantor’s pledge and signature (for child or adult), reference signature.____--_---------- Filed where? Numerical record in registration book, application cards, or slips Registration book contains? Date, number, number of cards issued, age of minor, in- dication of renewal or non-resident, name, address Routine followed in: repistration2.. 2.6.20) 2 ee ee, Cards issued when application made? to2l oe ce Branch library registration: Records at main library __-.___-__--------- Duplicate records at branch..._._2.-_-)....... 42.52 Aiphabetiea) ls oes) us see eee How used? — 2.222 See aie Nunteriga Lt 4 So, 3.k oo a eee How uséd?: 2....26. 3 2 see Comments 2. Reregistration Continous? 1 Se epewesescae Term of card use. 2-2. -. 1.2L Seeee Comments 3. Reader’s card How many issued to each borrower ?______-__ Kegolap 2 Non-fiction__ =a At * Contains? Borrower’s number, name (inverted?), address, name of library, € tion date, date of issue or date due, call number, date returned.__----__ Temporary catd used when ?aso252 oes eo = : Card not in use filed in library ?______________ HOw? 205 eee Lost eards replaced when?_----------________ Charge. 22. eee Comments 4, Charging system Circulation kept? by reader’s cards, book ecards, slips, ledger. Lomircards whiieiwenrr iOuple entry 4.2 oo oo ee Comments 5. Book card Sinemet ee eo RGN Pak gc Dube acne at a, Mee eS 1c en ie eRe IMMER x =, Contains? Call number, author and title, accession number, copy number, date of issue or date due, borrower’s number, date returned. Contains? Name of library, printed rules, call number, author and title, accession number, copy number. (Compare items on book ecard.) ' 7. Dating slip Contains? Rules, date of issue or date due. 8. Book plate CERT SS yd SMa ok eRe gl eg spe eae ae VW Del Tiseur Foe see Oe eS ee 9. Desk appliances Charging tray_----~-- Mingien donnie, sioping sunkeny, 2.22... 8 Jul Spee Pe. Peneil, ring, (Crown,, 6ther- =. ee ee or 10. Renewals and transfers Method of renewing —---- ee Re a a ee ee a ee eee rrr Person: 223205 2S oe ee, ee ee ee ma Telephone Method of transferring Comments 11. Reserves 3 EE EE EE HH Ee ee ee a a a a ae ee Comments 12. Number of books issued to borrower Hichion soe ee set Ores sano elicit = ee Time limit Non-fiction How charged if more than one on a card? Comments 13. Seven-day books and magazines Ree eS Oe tees Ww Si ete ee ee eee lh ey ee ee Identified how? by pockets, book cards, labels, dating slips, other marks. eRe WOO tee eee Transterted (0 22 -eee. on Oe ee RVG UT TCL CEOS oe a ee ee me a ee How long are books kept Severn day fone | oie oe eee Magazine circulation: Current numbers? ________-_ Dupli¢ate copies t==- - -.-- = TUEWEOUAT OCU Cenc ee Obes iil tee ees te ee ee Comments 14. Rent collection Perea meet resitiat eo lection t2_.-8, 6osie alee ar ey ee ee ATES CA LRT oo Sa Pl ne ny ee cp I A ES a EC er remem pcr in COneciior cae: eee eee A ee Ae ee How many to each borrower?______--______ Ciniimtovcard: KOLIGIH +. aoa! oe May borrower draw from free and rent collections at same time?__________________ 3 CMV 08 9s al HS rE e2 fd Sol 3. 2 SOO Soe Sees OY irre Ee oe Identified how? by pockets, book ecards, labels, dating slips, other marks See ee Hawetong circnlated t.__..- Transferred to. free eollection ttc Mmeecunisoendescrine ii detail, metnoa of keeping) S220 2 ote le ek Comments Records of fine money received and spent: Comments describe in detail ay 15. Special privileges a Teachers ——Wihat? =. 722 see Method °:-.5°. 2.32245, eee & How is circulation counted? ..3 2200) se. eee eee ee se oem Are finds charged t6r overducs 12.2. ooo ee ee piudents ——What? i. o 2 be eee Method - 2.32: 2-2 See ee aie ints -—WhAtT 2.3) eee eee eee Method. Jo ncencet es Se Vacation privileges—What? —_-_--~-- Method. 4022 4 Others* 2.2 2 Se a a a Comments 16. Fines Amount charged 22 22.2222 528.23 2d ee ee Overdue notices—When? Ist ---------_---- 20 22 ss eee Messenger ~---__ Charge for notice and. messenger]... cus eae 5S eee sae Wiha is! megsonwer? (125. ho lees eee Effective? ou scckwenee oe ee How is record kept when fines due?___2-_ eo Fine ship attached to book card ti: ee ee When ? 2.0 ee How filed? 2.2 222-53 Se ce ete ee How is record ‘kept when fines paid}i.222 J bee Se ee When fines unpaid? 2225.0 ce ee a Book issued when fine unpaid ?_-----________ How? 22.20. oe eee Fines remitted’)... 224. 20 syes tee ee _— eee ee 17. Lost or damaged books Comments 18. Books exposed to contagious diseases Prime OvhCleG | soe kone ee WhaGmotiesa sent? 2 - .) 5 are eee MORTON a8 oo We Gel fost ose How 22-23 oe ee ROeErEeCEEINORCE (KCC ie Nw ict? Gi Srpmree ere ere Fn ee ey ee eg Soe ee Library’s loss, or borrower’s? “ Comments 19. Statistics Citeulation—How counted? J... 02 Howerecordet. te.) 32 a ee eee WVIRPTECOUNLEO ¢) ac oe Renewals and rent books included ?__________ Registration—How counted? ~-____-_________ How recoried te. 13 eee When counted? Be ctnivervaic: irom -rerietration——-Liow: counted 1. LI Wr DCCORULEGA (sete ae ey ee Whee coun hed wes. wees | ee Comments 20. Rules and regulations Les venOecODelne gee =e el ak BiGutda eee oa ee i eee Children’s room—Days —.~---------_ LOU Stree ee oe a Oe ee ee Sunday opening—Hours ___.----__-______- TIC ATCIM CUES sxc ee ee ee ee | SE LS gee yk nen ee a MOlUEtary: OF DAI (yous. oe er ee ee Holiday opening—Hours ~.2---i--_--.2__. Departments Bipiey oe hn CHArCe xt ee eee Voluntary or paid? a Printed handbook of rules for borrowers? ieee When distribated’es Working hours per week ~.-------_-_ Librarian i 0. Qo eee a Astistants:) 3. Pee eee Lop preniiceh. 2 uc es ae! BE Comments 21. Apprentices dow taught? 2. oss Seo a eee ee a ee i (See Wisconsin Library Bulletin, Jan. 1915) Number-in. class 12222-22502 et eee See gs Lesson, in loam: Number 2.5 se Practice WOFrk (22.2.4 22322 eee pad | Comments 22. Extension work Deseribe records of circulation through Branches ook Wn ee ee 23. Connection of Loan work with other work of library Bock selection 22222522. 2 oe, ee Publicity 22 S265 3552 2 ee ee ey eho es sss pre Reference work ~---~- eA : Cataloguing vt he Classification ee a Mending and ‘binding 222222 ee ee 2 ee Wisconsin Library School Field Practice 1915 Social Conditions of City eteroL City —-_- Sle UE oe a, Se ere weed ; Somme atrom: 1900 2. Le ee a ee Ce ADEPT CASH. oo =. ae eS EMAILS OTe OOn ale oe oh oe ae oo a a hee ope nee avean percentage of the population is foreign__.._=_-..-_....-_--» 5-4. sn_-_a+-4--------_ De MEeOu are dnies in CILY Mitiitha. one ooude ooo 8 ea a ee eb. ee eee Cem rmrotirirscOrm DACtoe se. ces. eor nee OR Cow ba een pT IS Om eet eo i ce oe a ee oe aS i ERC os RU eh oe her od ne a cd An eee nee en ee Peamenorcaiton >on main’ line. of railroad :..1-~.-_ 22 is252 Shoei. Minogs fees etn ee Severat apie eee eer ee te te Se several thronughiire ier datlyoerss ose Seth oe Bteneu Care: LOCH. fees ts oN eee ee SCORE TO Tie eet See ie Oe 5 ee Public improvments: water plant—private or municipal__________-___________ electric light eC ENACer MN ene mUTICID A eee eee ck fo a en merectss paved» and “how 2~2.2.~~-.-<- Wreket Kept yes ols se NOS eae ee iS ay Ae Sn Es ee ee PRED G, VOU cent its sak ea en ge te ee MeRreMNO YW MAW ye =e t oe, PO OWeTIUCH, iISectat aL. tert et HG ba et VV Oty Are citizens interested in public improvements, is there civic pride____--~---------- . Civic or Public Improvement clubs._-__.- 2-4 2. 2 3 sumror;Civie Vea pie. 22) oe Playground association.._... t= Social center Schools: public, how many buildings_---------------- how many teachers..--...-__._-- relation to libraryacc-ei--deee once nein ce een ere ee eee ee Private (including parochial) ~----------- Normal =. 2 aa College s..cen We. Churches? how: menys22-6 wee beeen what denominations _..----~-..=<- What % of the population is employed in factories___--__- are children employed____-_~-- rmmeneaitie MrEry Teac tie [ACtGliCS=> 2.2 bance eee ewe eae PMITSORUOT ae ee ee eS Hi, CHET INGPTINR 2! ee ee ome Orit StatIOl =... HOLE. Pay envelope. .CLLl Lee Se STG 0 IST eee re le no ee hg i et we Sara we a a eh ESE TIATEIPSSES WU ay TTS tel ei 55 SRA a Eta ete Ag Sh uot ig a PR ERR en ja peonimunity commercial__.___-........-.. uigtteeL Te ee | ae as Oe RT he ee SEES ol OE TG 9 EE Spars eee Sern me eee ieee! WE Moen ieiniere 4 city pnaret—._-_- 24 50e +L eee how is property assessed, full We Ivienwe 1S SIRPUIN EVO ele St ee ie ey OC CAS o ed ey Eee 2 meena brary 27. =.= is it Carnegie building ....-......... does it receive Bre that Ope ne enone i there nprary DUGRELE: eo Wl ee Sele eee: Library, where situated: in business center_--------- Iie TCBIOGNCGr CINLEICL. 2. oe ee Ne WHY 22 Se a a DIGCE OCRTION- al Ct 118 USGL we ee Does it provide books for its foreign population_-_--------- SUR ee Se ee ee are eT ee 8 ae in le een om ie oe Oe owe Soe en ote Pepe nOne OWA aNY be rene ooo SEER Eyck oF Peony ee kere ya Rl Ree aay ees a Extension work of library: lectures__-------------------------------------------------__ PremPs ATL PUUCE 2 oe nn on one TACtOlICR Fra et cee aS ES Seek labor unions ~----------.-------------------------------------------------- Clase. 0r MOthers. Geese es ea 1 AO PON Coli to eee nny RMP Rick ks SOBs. ob Piehbitiongs. oe oe a ce ee Publicity undertaken: addresses to clubs PAGE DULOTIS soe CE ese ee ee tale: +16 -bedehers: |x a= one ee Newspapers= niin ber in ¢ity2 4 ee ae TaD RUN eee are frequent notices sent to the papers by the us Other sprinted “matier? -citeulars: 2 22 one woe booklists nnn arn a a a a a a a a a a ee ee ee ee ee ee aoe nnn an an a a a a ee A ee ea ee EE EE -oeo rr nr rr rr er nn nn nan ea ee a ee EC eee Wisconsin Library School Field Practice 1915 Points for Observation in Library Economy MmmemreauraAry ooo 2.228 ee Eo ee ES = CE EE RA eer ers ce ee a Ips (Underscore or check 4’ when sufficient for answer) Order work Prerardcrecsrds Used i225. -+-a- Is passible purchase file keptu—-._... 222.2. = LRAT OC ee a. SeMeree Or O. OLE tO Cealer. made Oulsoc eons. ee ee DETTE COS MIR GEO O TOU. 2 ee ee ee How are bills checked and what is procedure on receipt of books__-_--_--------------_ Mechanical preparation of books IE emi EPR DCN Sean oe ee Oe ee em a Se Are book cards typewritten or handwritten____-_______ One/or. beth. sides=. =.22. =o iVierense)-Gaiyolabel placed, i, used on. new fiction... 2. tk BIRR SEEET HY ADSOU So ie Re VCEME igi (ltss. Wer ncree fe oe er ee ee Is a general book plate used___-_-_______ Bao mine: Lor anetial itisos, / ssa eee What kind of labeling is done, paper labels, or inks, and what kind______-____________ (Give specific names of latter) Sereeemtetcauenumoer: placed, on .backiot. DOOK 2..-.~5..--.-=---.=------42-.-—<--~-=2, Is fiction labeled What is done with books bearing a pseud. or an anonymous title, if no labels are used__- Accession Shelf list Notice any new idea in mechanical practice and report ~------------------- . What form of record is used 22.52.3253 eo ee eee What items are entered im it. .02.-- 2.2 What omitted ee Es Is hres satisfied with form used and why. 2.2.22. 222. eee ae What changes would she recommend__.._.2 5 2s ee bi? How is withdrawal record kept________--_____- Is it satisfactory... a Is a classified summary of additions and withdrawals kept--_---_----_----------- is asseparate- oirt fecord kept_22. 2) 2 ee ee How —oscs 24 ee pee: How are gifts acknowledged_..._ 2.20) 5 3 | Wheree kept: iu. See oe PAREN Ted Ss OE Where ised. oe a For what used: Accession record__.-.-04__.22 Pissuteations 7 Book numbers: 2065222422 Classed catalogue____________ Inventory_---- E Usedoby whoMise2es See eee Note any special features: .- 202222 ee How often does library take Beaty 1 Tse oer Tae ee Witten. eee aes * Give any details of inventory or inventory records that you can ascertain__-_____ Serials fureeeeriain criccked on cards, sheets, ur in book__.._._...-__-.._... - 4. Is there any difference in rules for tacene than those taught in school______ WA ieee What kind of a cover is used to protect periodicals in Reading room_________-__________ Bee eipmirrnatiip 2782 mete Sa IST COLONY enc ne wpe oe Pamphlets, clippings, and pictures Ree era Te iatGert mec. ee ee el aod Se Are they classified, accessioned, shelf-listed, catalogued _.___-___-__-_-_-_-------------- Pee ied on verwcaliiie. poxes, otner method. .-L 222. 52. ee ie ay ie elass. Or in separate Collection..2 24.2... eee cee ware pamphlets bound_______-__.__.. HIE Cy ie Med MRE OLS Ronee SS A aa ral ge Sepe see What others are needed... 2 ee eee eS Are ‘any ‘needed 2.23. eee ee fila 9, 2a ee eae What.annuals represented ou - 202-253 ee ee ee ee Are they kept up to. date. .2_ 22.2.5. 2 ee ee What is done with back mumbers_.2--.2-.. 4 What books of quotation ee, Sa caeipealaidtncd an diaasl tat a ee a What handbooks -. 4.225202. Deo Official Congressional dictionary (what year) ~-------_- 2 = Is Granger checked for books on shelves of library_-.-------------_______ Ghee me kept up-to date ste 2a tee Is there a good collection of Granger : A. L. A. index to general literature_____ Supplement______-_ How much used__ Are.they checked for:hooks iwiibrary.... 2-2. 2 eee ee Are there many special reference books_______-_ What classes best represented, Lae by owhattitlesiuc2k ce a ee ee Cis Benoni TeLerence M0OKS MNCH MWSeO sites Spey cue 6 ots wee hee ke oust eor fererence use pe WOrkeW UD .- c” 1s Dalya Based Oo Ney het aoe Registration book contains?...... Naber faves cece. Jw NANG Pa iasretias aa mie ALOPEBS 16h. No. of cards issued to each borrower?.... Age of minors? Non-resident ON TULL DOTTOWOIS fe. wa os vvinw sea Se WRGET AT Ree on ee VN pte cht ORGS Meee ae SL eee How is -reeard: kept tie. < Fe eas ee es hans eee TRiietical rin in Pook Lorms OF) 00. Cards..set wn CaS a om . - Registration of temporary borrowers separate?....... Deposit required How -sn0ch? Goce ae oe oes Registration of teachers?..... bi ytindeaittae oN a ee er Cards issued when application is made? ..... aati e Saba skh ee er Routine followed in registering borrowers? ...........0.0ceseeeeseseeeeees Reregistration How long may ecards be used?............ ... Is reregistration continuous?. Must borrower renew his. application ?. 3.3... [su 40025 naeene ea ee 4. Number of cards issued to each borrower?................ Regular?.... & phe ; aa Special? eon ae Non-fiction?......... Students?....... .... Teachers? .. Special points 5. Reader’s card Contains name. of library #04. 24i1.26 6. eee wine's hv Sw RGR 51) Se Desk attendant adds. Number?...... ifs ko SN OTING Petes Mines ate Address?........ Expiration: date Vet. so. 4.4s weirs) Date of issue?) oo ea ee Desk attendant adds, Date book is issued?............ Date due?..... Call 310.0%) ne a eers wsiataees Date returned? )° 1s ei eo eee Kept where when not in use?....... Veta eee Se i How filed? 77 0% 7k oe Lost cards replaced free?..... eraeaa Charge? Ate a eee Time?.. at a Record of nos issued? i577 saan Aen eae Rep Meroe aidid aaah es Gamer toners : Special points 6. Book pocket Contains name of library?.....:.....2+0-00 arb + Ecoieseevecsy ERULGS Ae bare eee Library assistant adds, Call no.?..... Accession No.?..... Author and title?. ee Special points : 7. Dating slip in book Bi OAS) Oe SNe O° SO & 6 6) Cl & ee Ol s) 6 Oe 8) 67) 6 0S Ole Be 6 @ die og eo 8 ea 6 8 Oa) 8 © 8 6 016 6 8. Book card CREE TEM POS oie sli, a's 6 x's. a's chev Color? Convene Callino.!. . oss ts oe bes Author’ and‘ title?........... Accession no.?...... Rote COMME DEAL Vy) nia tite tenon SUeee Nk is Salints< lsh cael a pve Sp bakels ig NEV a he “asia Desk attendant adds, Date issued?.... 222.6... 0...0. Dates due eo oes fic ane wove IBOTTO WED so N07) seat ae ayers ES PemTOcUurned. twee, go ctars aegis sles so alee aber Dunere keptuwhen DOOKIS IT... oo at ca kG wa see es WIEN OG 2 s/he sia! a ana eat a cae WY rote filer. isnt clestroyed fa.) 6.2. Cayce soso ts or filed? © ie eel o es 6 0 we 6 6 e 6 Oe oe 6 Oem & Recordar issueds Lramsterred tO TOW GBI? occ cs cco oslo cc ews 6 weimorn neistd calole Special points 9. Hines ial whelleial S28 ae a Belle) e One eNs 6 656) .0' 8 lee) ee Le 16) ere Ole Ig ke ee, a 1D Cw le) elm 6) 60 Sw 0. ee aie, 0 ce! « 5 6 0 ‘s/o. 6 & 6 #8) © Messenger?........ Charge: Lor nouce 13.0704. 's.:. - For messenger ? Perse ecord yl ct baw Were fin Gd AIG Veo tes taste cts ale nna ve a ate salen 4 whales «oan ere wee ae REE ne ey ee re i eee er ee ie amas baie ahs wikia Mew tane we Hawes record: Kept. Wet LINES QAIGT. .. ee iss sles: alee cls eee dees wav sete vg emake PATE Me LTS IT HCL Schechter Rta Se What's ates lwtalamic-ave are /h Stn. Hla, oe sole wall we nels re ene MEE TIE IN AIG Fee ae as he ae es 0's Sold kW soe me ce ee ence wae nies avelws POEM ATT LOAT fen ae Ee eee ra IES (41a d'sts sia aie a soiude alee Seid ave gu ae bs, eialeinin eee oh ON eee ane on Ge Wear i Ee AON SEE SO ee eo ee” Special points LOA, he at ‘ + |. = > ign ak) we © eS, See ; ‘* - + 0: Sp 10. Number of books issued to each borrower?.............+2--eeee- up ea Riction?. «: 0.47004. tame? ee 4 8 UNomeaiotion?.. a eeeeeee Timet oa. How charged if more than one?........... eeiphiet Set eae ats _ 1 ee Sa Is. two-book-on-a-card system used ?...2 se. /55 60822) i. 4ce Sh ee ee 11. Renewals What? vcicusivag voce eee eee ee BLOW 65. nieve eee RP ORBOUIS Pain in Fae aN ree Telephone?....... "How is record kept if card not returned? Ob Is book required for renewal?.......... , oeenidivbisa acchiss catieed pate en Desenibe method’ > ass. 2a5 eee RE MAK os bcddaneethas bbs Are books transferred?......... wo ioe a Ho lwodm. 3. a%w Be puke ce lar cise > ie ake ee a Special points 12. Reserves What books may be reserved?............... Sema New fiction?......... ou Charge for postal?s .o..ci +. How long held for reader?............-+..45 ; es 18. Seven-day books What books are made seven-day books?................ Sint ovate 5 ul a How pamdicated (20 a0 eee oe ee oP sh SS eats Otome ee Meee ree See Teansr erred %.j0ids shee Sar ee ee aot ws) phOMOWwed 9.0.5 3-2 Bent oe en i How long kept as seven-day?..... ore: Oe ee |: 4c Sea viet. nn 14. Process of charging and discharging?......... yaeee ee 15. Renting collection | Accessioned how ?..2-5i.2202ch ee ce oe Sees eee eee bocce ie) aera Class of boakat eee Number in collection?........ How many to: éach borrower? a. =e eee eae fa ee eee Loaned only to card-holders?...................... PEA Pe May borrower draw fiction from both collections at same time?........ How charged? 2.5 ae hice ee jie hee Bee ee ee Tdentified by pockets or label or other marks? ....... Eee rs ETOWIONG CITCUIATERLT Co. ec cca eee _.. Withdrawn when paid for? How disposed. of%.......... Sold? bo) BP 0): *e70:"e" ot 6 Wirs ied: Transferred to library? @ env 6 © 0 © 8 0 © Pee POCO LALO Ge! hone ah ess fe pele ae o6 a ak eee ae Hoe see Welk van Ar as Special points 16. Teachers’ privileges How many cards?.......... How:meny, DOOKST.. 2. ol 6-8 swe TAMOT cia es:9, seis DMR GRITECE OFS NOOKSY 20 ses 5.25. Ke LET EE WO GAA TSAR EL howe BOLI EG au: Dlogate wal adie IVS ORm CLAP CON seutele wo ote aye one ese’ vo ee Notices: sent: wile: de tay. gc. sivveis see en he an es Are statistics counted as if renewed at end of two weeks?..............c0eeceeeee Special points 17. Statistics Circulation—by Classes?.......... Tow (kept 2s <2 enantio How counted?........ A fell SCORITILOO 8 ce anne ei ia oe 3 pose Renewals courted tesa: ccs 2 cele see ce tots Pt CPRLTV MENGES (COI LECT eaten as ric, saw to lates waa cil sing ... 20. cn Attention paid to new borrowers—when card is issued? Extension work? Branches? ‘+s .s62 ¢icP hue 88s Sees » elon ee ee A a Take to Libraries: : Take about 10 punched L sheets; secure complete set of samples from each librar y pointment and mount separately. Fill in blanks properly. oe Use printed material to answer or illustrate questions. Answer all questions as much as possible from personal observation. Take loan notes, especially blank forms. W8i¢ Wisconsin Library School Field Practice Points for Observation in Furniture, Fittings, and Supplies (Underscore when sufficient for answer) Name of library City 191 1. Building or Rooms Cost Owned by library Donor Style of architecture Material Rented | Free Location in relation to business center Location in building (if in rooms) No. of floors How occupied Woodwork Finish Grounds 2. Office or Librarian’s corner Size Location Equipment: Desk—flat or roll top Drawers with conven- ient divisions Shelving capacity Typewriter desk Truck Special Uses other than office: Cataloguing Work room Trustees’ room Other 3. Book room Location Size Shelving: Wall shelving Height Fixed shelves Floor cases: wood Metal (name) Space between uprights No. of sections to a stack Book capacity Reading tables Extension possibilities Lighting: Arrangement of windows best for purpose Artificial, kind Location Switches Special features 4. Reading room F 3 Size: estitiatal’ be cyallihoapmemet ai noite: a) wo? anid Color scheme lee sp hy yea 3 | . Shelving: Height . Fixed What books Magazines: racks or on tables hie Binders Newspaper racks 3 Holders uk. v5 4 i Tables: No. Height ~ Width : - Vbengthy Sos Drawers Style Z Hstimated space for each reader , Chairs: No. Height iat) ; Style | Arm chairs Rocko Decorations Bulletin space Lighting: Location of windows | Artificial, kind Location Switches | Special features ©. Reference room Size: estimate Location Color scheme Tables: No. Height Width Length Style Special chairs Estimated space Ledge shelving . Dimensions shelving : Lighting: Location of windows : Artificial ~ Location | Switches Special features | : | , 6. Children ’s room or corner | ee ei Size: estimate Useat ion 3 Color scheme Draw floor plan showing partitions, location of tables, desks, shelving, ete. Ind windows, doors and heating arrangement. Describe furniture giving especis tention to desk, bulletin boards and lavatory. Height of chairs and tables. aM: Special features ‘7. Delivery room: Size Desk: How far from entrance Style Height Draw plan showing location of desk drawers, ete.—give dimensions Special features Seats Bulletin space Display shelves Special 8. Lecture room: Location Size’ Furniture Lighting Stage 9. Lighting: Chandeliers—Location Table lights Wall case lights Stack lights Skylights 10. Floors: Tiling Hardwood Finish Cork Oiled How cleaned 11. Windows: High Where Low Where How open Style Storm windows How attached How open Do they save fuel Screens No. limited Special uses Are windows easily screened 12. Shelving: Finished square on edges Supports Slots in shelves for pins Backed Length of shelf Book supports Shelf labels Stack labels Special 13. Heating: How Radiators Where 14. Ventilation 15. Special features: Umbrella stands er a | Ia racks Photo case age slee Catalogue case Base diate Sek: Clipping file - | Staff room Toilet rooms 16. Entrance: Lighted © Size Door easily opened Glass panels Library hours General Instructions Estimate floor space in square feet. Give location of rooms in relation to entrance delivery desk. Estimate shelving capacity eight books to the running foot. Give estimated dimensions in feet and inches, using abbreviations as follows: and ” for inches. Always give trade name of article described. 17. Supplies: Source: local, Democrat, Library Bureau Quantity ordered Bill checked Care of Location Labeled Inventoried 18. Librarian’s aids: A. L. A. Cat. 1909. A. L. A. Cat. 1911. Suggestive list A. L. A. Booklists Wis. Library Bulletin Other Arrangement Location yy Labeled : Wisconsin Library School Field Practice Points for Observation and Study in Reference Work and Trade Bibliography SMCS MELB ILEN 0 ort 5. 4k cay antes: eke afaeve evosdis o 4,8 = CGN eee og Aes Settled nie i ahs 9c 1 alee hea (Lists, and answers requiring more space than is allowed, should be given on L sheets, with corresponding number) 1. Observe how reference resources are shelved or filed. SHES TRCTERG ES OU SL SSS) Oa SE Mite 8 SU A A tt SPs 2 OR ge LE PRD ce, Er Rema Eee TE CCRC OT ELECT eran. cate ioe ae ae aks cites ah ET TELS pis A. ote vala ec cademeyebatig Lge Wah ES TEN GS OG ay had 275 GANIC) AY, Ocoee en ee ay cae es ean oe Soe Ra ee Rear, ere i rigIee YEO Stee ath Ware Pole Lt a eerste ec N oo cd gnc eae owed ew ng aces te ate RIE TR Ree MICO POD ATi e DELCUL YG. et eh ec Sa eS A ab eth, chy etal idee wee ee wee ad Mierand Side weelasithe library a good collection of reference books?.. ... 4.6... 605 endows pe tee ew ees ee EMC MEAL OME oe ee ce GA te oe ab Padget, Sibi a fe Whe SLAP, Ws ch die since Mle wuld ae. nie eevee & eee MRR UCN a ee ee ne reer Ne ae oiawal ty ccetsi'es vie Gs ain ake ehk.e whe nie ae a RES Se eee Sure CHOTA IOS iors ie oes oe a See tad alte eR go eb vs Was oases LC Cy Ae Levi USEC tre eee etn ee ela Ls Cale so ng > a's diplealeguds tine wal vee wa Vin taOrioLasa Pes TGGCed tur cone Maen mittee U4 EN ii ais Seda ak dio Ed ee wee e adam oc 8 he PA Peat OCT OC Rae pale cere tts, or NON ale aM Tie th Wand of en a aioe bias #12 sit egattotila inate TEV Bie eT GO Ltt CELLO RIL GLV RS § Becitvc gia cue 4 cc shal cele erat omel dan thane loved Zia anim > Sharia wJonwte chee aM E CTT IEOLLION PRL Ae ee avanti wee fy ue hares, ote Ws oc ole to baud Sates eens aA MINIT LE NCA ae Tne ate nc) kd tie eos ai ee ad wide ois fs sped ele scan wake Be Bul Oe ee Oe Is Granger checked for books on shelves of library?........... 0.6 .ccceeesceecees Pe mren era Ue erIOC GAL INORG) & ola ia stne Web embers Aarinsidts Veet ae einya sie lee le oe Hs Wis indeed. tor speci Sets Of PeriOdlCAls Fo. $1 Moved kad warn fa ntle eee le ee abe be Are they used WHACH TS a re Sdn ve ee es Are they needed at Alt. . + a © 7S tT Is there a posted list of the ‘‘bound magazines in the library’’ for the use of IESG! oStecwicgs 2s ORS ag GC ee, nt lah gees Se Aan ER Ly ee a ea See (e) Cie) BLS OP SR eO, SG) SW ee 6) & © 48 (0) e016 6. 6 eo 6) <1 We «10 « we ©S @ 6 64) Oe 6 © © 66 6m © 0 0 Ce @ Ce 0 © 6 @ 6 e 6 ee) 68 Is the children’s catalogue well analyzed and is it used in reference work?.......... Are the subject indexes in Buffalo Public Library, Graded list of books; Carnegie Library of Pittsburg, Catalogue of books in the children’s department; Hazel- tine, M. E. Anniversaries and Holidays—used for general reference work with REMOTE LI Chae Lee Pe EME eA CONGR oslo, G xa- a che ola whe s dads Waele One Pal biw « chaleur’ 8. Keep list of ready reference questions answered, with memoranda of how answered. 9. In assisting patrons with material for study of a topic, keep list of subjects, with note of what material was given them. Does library keep any file of the references looked up for patrons. read at home.
= A . 4 r 1 ) y ) \ / i 4 nt i " } 5 1 y N 4 a 4 r » ey w my Vy > ae, 7) f, 7s igh 7 te ¢ 3 ‘ : ee ae & of we “4 q* a ed awe a { 2 * fat Si 4 one. / fo. ; N 4 ’ hy ' "ie ie Bi ys So uh 9 owe) Ma “a man : Ey aa , eae | aaa es Lind ‘ 4 ne wal ae LP ROMLOP » i eae a ee i a 4 3 \ %, \ i oa 3 1 ee : ip es penpals La! te ay a bast wi SaRt | a Dh - a a Soa Wage pes 4 “ s w be ’ ov Ce as \ ” Wie | g@uathah it) 4 “a ie j AY ' py Wo ta ea ata LR * ; ae ae ee i ol re Fi t nities ts or rt ae at el wai pe de Pita ae RG AD z 4 PUMA bw? peed ai Sil 3 sary t a f " ty ¥ bes i We) ete ee We a » hye ite RN ) ie m r dim % r i ‘ d - a a Py hy oe ee il he < dob gee Ww h ae & Sw Baw f a 3 brags ie LA 1 ins } ‘ iy i me S * 4 > KA ean ia , eM Bye wee } a ; staat Ay a nol feta. \ nite ‘ oY Bak ehh an ih Bl Ny n> SRN haan * adi A be pt age oy m ! * i} ieiidasas eS snob as ow odd ylluteres. ovxes * ey ty oe * yo 9 " aye te TA ue ri, hi on 4 tik ? may ag Mt aly pb Sams aay © hg ‘ah enoiteru «a : Hts i. ta es pap es, Be sade got me’ fr i A es y a . PA OOS ON Yo tLe Tan ni atod Howe wif 2 j wn 7 i $y oy Nm eh, nt ab, righ) “4. Lag TOTSTEE aye M tlle bie dah vl MI Oh, rane 100 8 82 8 “$1 ri 4 > oth ' i 4" } Pavey a Me f is f b { oy } aR é uae a ft we Ay ts * 3 os “ an ae ¢ * ; op i ’ ele ye ny ‘ ai ; ha 1 7 A i ie a F Pe ial “a ite Ae 8 agri Se Se viet ae WAL 5 on MRE is a) pee inh st od oomom sate meiad %o baee of Ong y Me { “ahlanae ) ais broth Waly V1SCONS IN LIBRARY SCHOOL ~ Field practice 914 Children's work Work done by student (Report en L sheets) Book selection Lists made er checked for purchase Reference work | Work done with - 1. children 2. teachers 3. Other workers with children Work with schools Instruction in use of iibrary tools Talks or instruction in care ef library beeks , Book talks Story hours Story hours Repert for cach stpry heur held, according to follwwing forn, using P siips for reports Place Date Time Stories told: Sources used in preparetion: Peems used ‘ei nope - Yumber Ages Character Books named to children Books circulated | (Signed by student) Reading clubs | Boys? Girls? Ages? Orgahization Books read Eulletins Subjects How used . General Report on any other work done with children or for them. OAM RL ENS A CNG UB TRG: i‘ iis a wd ond ae BA eG CURL ata Bas aa ({avoade 2 me. dpqod) | notbiide of “~ pote 7 | rhe anadoset 685 | Hetkiide Mite oredtow toto 869 3 a atot revliot oF palbsrcos , bled caret “tgsa doar oa) ne pengicay er : ettoqet. ee aqile q5 “ OHNE tls) Nace etal . “ ; f ae " (Abe i Pe} a F : 4 mqivete ‘ ; a ‘ 4 Re ey ' n ‘ as 2 » - ‘ ‘ : ooo (emebuae et bemgee) 7) || Seana Wit, Story hour Time Children grouped by age? Adults allowed to attend? Who tells the stories? Aids used by the story teller Kinds of stories told Is poetry used with the stories? Records kept Reading clubs. Time : Boys? Girls? Ages? Who conducts Books read Organization Bulletin work What picture bulletins used for children folidays *bserved wtth posters Books used with bulletins Picture collection General : Co-operation of library with educational institutions of city Special aids to workers with children Care of books emphasized in any way? Special efforts made to improve children's reading 75 Ja. oie Ye ie Sage. 8023. ay ROT RN 4 it. ae vaota e : | ak ue Ut BEOS ‘aol aof0 1 \ 6 ‘ ‘ f i i , 1 4 t ‘ 4 “ - A i of, { ! "TT nf , f ite a 4 f - A t ve £ (3 i ‘ fe \ j * ’ i. ' ‘ Nh Ws x ee . - : > Do 2% ; P San th ee Bg Ae id age + ree vig ie ee ee . SS he} whe ae Ag ad * yt. t V Sat Aye CARA, Oe oe ee ; sali das ag scat Maiti nash ae oe mayen pe 4 , ‘ : . + , Z 7 for te boy Sue ee ‘ tat Lh Ne WE Rae We E et Br A fe a re is es hae , Sef Tike Es fy Bead ED: ideas) ab mi ry SLO.) \V st . fC ONSEN LIBRARY SCHOOL {lela practite Name 1.914 Children's work Points for observation (Underscore and use L sheets) of library | City: Separate children's department, room or corner Book Hours pen . Separate charging system Special assistant in charge selection Number of ehildren's books Proporticn of - 1. fiction 2. books for little children Sitks selected by whow Rasis of selection : . What proportion of book fund used for children's books Reference work Work What reference booxs for childrens use (Compare in Wisconsin Suggestive list of children's books p.52 What supplementary readers and text books duplicated for reference werk Is children's catalog well analyzed and used in reference work Are following books used for general reference work with the children: Subject index in Buffalo Public Library, Graded list of books Subject index in Carnegie Library of Pittsburg, Catalog cf “yooks in the children's depattment Hazeltine ~ Anniversaries and holidays Salisbury and Beckwith - Index to short stories with schools What reference werk done for schools What instruction given in use of Library tools. In schools or library? School duplicate collection Book talks in schools. S Story hours in schools. By whom What special privileges to teachers Teaghers' room in the library 5 “s D oats aa) i) ae : ( i y f ‘ ; i ‘in ie , - s 7 £ * : 7 maw } ae | “ t oy ‘ ‘ee > Pn ph v ae yi ; aa t hy ° j f : a a iui ora ~ ahem wer + ete. » s ae | . 4 = : 4 ; { To it a) 5 9 wat ne 4 oo MESS Bi igh on oe a ~ Ms 4 , re , + : ‘ ; Wail , , » " \ _ 5 j Av. A J ; , wees ers mo vere Fe t j ; ms 4h Nt %*" gals Pt We oh tee at : ules ee de tet ui ¥ , ; \ . EY SORES ae a 2 ah She a4? a) di ot \ - . : 7 ; r i r a aA ~ 0 ey, & ; ev me > 4 had ae re a ar s Ag ee a+ .' \ : ae ery oP PS eh \E gw : ou iy bx} af eat. 3 ry Bat ay ee 2 oe Se ae ie “le we he Se ie hy \ iff ‘ i fhe gy ¥ +e ok owe v Pe a a ee rhe en a he a et a ae Be RE an SO ne ta ee 1 Re eT Ae he ae | au hid oe TO F = ‘ f ae es 1 : r - \ * s ; r mt Whit wy fog py Ta Aa ete gy BYE ie ol Th Pee nd ity ol Osun a wa a ” hl re oe + Oe Ps Bie id SER Ul ab) abe LD ay ke)” le ee txog eos EFS. ‘3 i % LAPD ¢: cf z 3 ait ms aaa a) ; : % ‘ My a af ; a sr Pane sy prs ie , ne " irr - ha , j ay we ayer ’ bre uh ts ; : ‘ , \ Ae ae wr aa A ae ‘i. ‘ e A " A % ¥ w & PY 7 ard Yt del s ad ¥ oo ty i> ide Mi ay ) Fr ae d S ; ' ' wy Pd 2 | co. “ferro a ther a ey et ¢ a st * fe iA tet m hh a , ee eury oy “S ae ‘ee Oh. itt ba RS o % aa p : > i x i a io |} Os 1F pide eR oy Pei h wf ‘ LF ade as ee Goel Me ee OR Ee 4 ity fi 7 ' (| ee ae » * wy ee ale ie 7% ou Tae he” ae on ' i ay 5 saoerd YG one ae ee ce i, hk ee im mys aa) Ay 4 + pw ea & ~ ue ae 2 he ae eeete) afi t i Ce ee ee ihe ge Mw Ree 1 at PP a ee AD a pow gy Li pt ae Ape oe sie ag fene, : hes at op we Ade! 4 3 at tn oe AW DE "ell Ia t * * * a 1 7 i i ; i { . . Quy et F Ty ~ ae 5 Bree Awe Ae eee : { ig et fa iy Cyne 1 | i ie octob. Mf eae ay, i j ea these many he) Tae aap all A rt : Cee a ey pase a Ae xy ‘ee ee wo ” ee MR Rema me ile ig : ‘ : Phd Ree Sm | Dede) AB a eA age oe Ree ie te OE ede, | 33 Soy Phe ys - ; ‘ j 4 Pale y ; te » mee on oh a PP ee Be ene Ma aes ae we aa sige She pre id! ea eae abe Tae hee ee Me ie AY } p's Ne " i Bn ee ar se ay ; Nig NS bate ae atmos jn or Ses yA iets he pep eh Uekeeh Ao MEA eRe a wing wy Aa) vay Rees wa WISCONSIIW LIBRARY SCHOOL | Field practice 1913 Points for observation and study f - (Answer on L sheets) Book selection i. Investigate as fully as possible the method of book selection in each library where you are stationed. a Who selects » What reviews are used? To what extent is the A.L.A. booklist used? c What other aids are used? @ What reviews and aids, if any, would you recommend to add to their number? e Eow often are books purchased? f Are oniv books of recent cate includec in the purchase? g@ when are replacements made? h Is there a systematic plan for builcing up the classes? 2. @ Pest lists mede in Book selection course by the shelves of the libraries visited, and as far as possible, the use made of th the books. Try some of the books listed et the circulating desk if you have an opportunity. v Lists to be used History sources. Used by whom? Biographies ciscussed in class Fiction supplemented by travel jiissions Books of interest to Sunday School superintendents 6 What is the yroportion of philosophy in the library? What pro- Horcvioen of the \circulation is. phildsophy? Why? c How much are the books in sociolosy used? in the library vVisitec? In what sociological subject is the library strong- est? In what sociological subject is the library weakest? d Prepare a report of what the librery is doing along tne line of municipal reference. Include suggested possibilities. 5 Does the library print booklists in the newspapers? In what form? Alphabeted by euthor or classed by subjects? Are the lists annotated? Dic you prepare any Book selection notes or list for the newspavers? wy P Pay i vy ae Pie ee Sif DS ANON \ Leary wy \ o . ‘ 4 * a! - “ : c ey ae ate) WL ha ea a Sa a Bi ad ick oe aes pct - ea! OF asl VS ah Se Nee es Be We oF Ne At Se] SvlNAd Ua 4 . + 5 oF, ve _/-_ iy ab r * meee 4 Dea, Fe Ne H ahs ae oy aE “ Wey Sb ep” wer aay. 1 ee » ea wy ere . Scant ¢ ae Oe, “a a 4 4 sy Y c ar _ t roy? Wr Se We Cae a a oe SO = SRS fas Le ee a a Gis Yoty ae Kh a eae He Stace ee Pa > . os Pere aes A } ia ‘ 2 Pe | PE LAR Os ; eee 7 ‘ CO eA wen ee i" ah ee oo ok eal th ae ace WE er. a ae or Tol Beige alge Meith oa oh tng tt! 4 abit vO as Loe. s he) eat PST Dol, edly if FE ee MMe aie ee : ee a co , r Ww wT * : y . 4 ioe os -) + f ae A ae tee tye S| Pe By r * ‘ aM we 1 hl Y ae . yor aK. n > ‘ wre ui fn Vidas ay Lae ih gt lle ‘ ' ’ Nar aa i firny eh r ay wis if Pe Ul ea aes at ca oF ay ere y Wee ban a a Win he bs. ra bed Peegey OAD Yt 2 . ty x MNES eA) ni 7 a . me wie ron 3 " 24 ; ahh ae GV eR tk ea St ty Dashes Sp) i obit HE ae . « * < tn kiss A he we rn ‘ Sane Cea = edad it ' | P : ~ = " _ 1 } : ive 4 wR RAS, Thee am : } ‘* Pa Pid: thy BY ay y ; Bee Net OM ARAL) Saat H : 4 \ 1 lx oi ; ; al sy RU ak ed I Pe A ies ds ea ok ead oo) it Zig ry ehhh ia epuelu eae AY ‘ HD th Se " kee Fase ese Pm ee aya fe I Malye 2 Ks bY! Bg RGA! ad Re ie ‘ i vd 1 se s - An thie ita Pash 4a) - a 5 ewes nae “9M cows try Obey i BE irs De Me a8 Ami eh = RN i ba AP Ne PE Oe alae id ‘ , t « er ls Place my t Ply cen Inyo bead) WE 3)- ab) rere Etat of x ( eae | ¥ aa" Ra Aan Aud Wiha: Ae Boone ai way Teh ig TAM RU? fine be ee bre ad Hh , ‘ Tee Maer a Mer HA I i : ’ i 4 dah wh, UN A Peay st a { aa J fide We ls a Z A ee ‘ Peay ‘ Me Ni Gh SNM SP LLANE ari Ata iL aa ANIC. hae go Mn oes a \ Lena Oats a ony ONG © ot Ne idle 7 rae a hae f ab os A AR et WPS AR jee utd ade aah tx yf Pu Sis hae We} bt \ ibe 6 Ste) 2 eerebsin ty FA 6) ei tly . L 0 { \ ‘ q 3 AiaesG é ; ‘ i : Noe a We) weer \/ ¥ Ke ecdiee MY Hi lis SF A ‘ rh a prion | ot. Be i HUY Pinicnr ay 5 " wa 4 Z “i ee * is sThsaibaaces rea dcomeny | titel te eh ote vy Na aes rs alice Min ate pea OSTA SP Ye a hi 5 he dee de eg a fry ep aren ie Btn | Ged a uf ‘ee ' we (ces ! ‘ + AR Tene the (AVS aS aoe ae MeN Be al Kz etl oak! Aa At WM ynt Wit Wiads F\ hae he hh iF) ) Here pel oe ats Rt Md ay UN oy ay fr Sie Sab ih) OS Cae nt Doe Oe the Pe a (0 ite net re em Does the Library have. subject headings for fiction in its : eon AOE NER Se sees use printed subject lists for fiction, of their own ™ or other libraries? Results? . on there large demand for historical fiction? Do patrons ask for particular periods? . 140 Ja 13 i“ A ars ‘ : TA. SO »% A ‘ : ! mn a ; ES. SU RGR One NCE a > 2 ge ) - awe ane La és Leorras . + ang ay Fait 7 Le he Ren ts, i ; Vs ng uly o x + £ A t i ! em mrortag OC SAGE OLE RIE Ten woaiv @ Geiw Wisconsin Library School | Field Practice Report of Co-operating Librarian AIRE MOTO ONO) Lc. esl g. feo GN ek yah Sk SoA ook Gi RiR® @-vin be boa Piugdyo oe ware Wadia ee A Ea 6686, & 6 CR) 6 6.8 8 O00) .8 (It is not expected that a librarian can report upon all of the questions below; they represent the essential qualifications of a librarian, and will serve as a guide in reporting the characteristics of a student) TORTS Gta cris se ovio dies serait ne 6c aisele <5 8 Ta RTareTere TESEGNG Settee S Wik vin Siecle et ee aie ull ihe ste rial ats DPIEMCCULALOG. 0 bn. 6 oes see wee cee wes Te ete Wie ead ke tie as eee oak : Be een ee PEI ICU SOE LOL oec cate. Grief peat ia de Wa whe od Sin be Ale « 0's Pvalarate aruhiva « < sre in oa o's Clonee nie as EMRE ES OI RCOT HEU a. pews ncn a t me” ay & eee : Gevouryourselt eare’to have her for an assistant .....2..-..s0cceseneereevave ee bi oo : “reasons Behe, 6 ene el Sle © se Slats @ a ie eo 6 es 6 6 ee Sen OLS PCRS (6) O88 1ee.6 C6 16 6, 6 6 8 6 O06 16 0 © wa e's 4's ee ns 2 ee oe a : BRERTOTAN POMAPER en. van coco ce sews tae Se see Ne area ee Ba crace a tes PE REL Pr oe RR er 5 a Me ae « Va i. _ Please state frankly whether the presence of the students has been of any benefit to your li- brary ; whether they have been of any real assistance in your work, or a hindrance. SONAR Wee = te as se sees Duis hi ditiein tees i's Sus urate ae eee -— consin Library School a. Field Practice % : Social Conditions of City a ame OL AE Se, cos la aN OR ae cae es, Le CMe gene Sto Mien ae on = What meine population... <6. ss 5: RPh TR ea AAAS ldalutelatsne Seales Meee ts Sooke MEM ELOTIEIES HTOCOMINATC 2 io tose ial, visto e's wie wlnale ain alh,elseia'e's bie'ela eie e doled vue Sala bet Marko. a O56) 9 (8, Oe (Be 8 o£ S oe 6 6 6 (ele! 0) vie oe 6 8 © wt O OS) Oe 8 6 6 Se 6 ee 8 8 ee ee 86 6 8 Le! Wee) See. Bw ee) ee ee) 8/6) 6 Ce) ee (eM Be Ge On eUO, O 6) 6) 60), 'S 0 ew 16 Oi lee: @ eo) 6 56) eo) 6) aC Oe (6. 1h (0) 'o6) & 0.0 ele \@ ae) 1 &. o/ ow Nef 6 CO, GE We 6 Wala» (6, 6) '8, 6) 8 O56 Se) aye Bo BS. SS i wee Sine ™ 6 ae Verret ae) 61.6.6) 9A ea oe) 8) iW fee 10 6 Tae Cn OOM O16 Oar BA Lm (e! 6 ©. 6; G6 A wi me) Ole 88 68) e: 6) 8: & Oe) we 16) 0h in 6 atin ta fee)" Wale) a We (6) 1/6) 0) 5m 8, 81 8))'S) ‘8! \e\ eh 9h 8! (6: 6 8,8 8) OF Ol ONS 8 6 ee (8) me 66 Oa & 6, OOo 8 8 8 68s 6 6 ea) © ee: DIG 6 LeULe Bee. elk Oe O18. 1S: cal ate alps Cer 6) Bane) i'n Ole (ee oe. ele 8) 'e Seige a en we 8G aoe ie © Parks RE MRREITATIGS (oh lic oS it sPeyelp sa oh « Panes How much used ......... Be Pa See erat vieeratee we Are they well cared for..... PE selec be gence Nae ee Me ER INE Seo th cinhed ee ‘Trees Street car Re eee Ee ee IN ae fe ET aay ae PE LE ON Ee PEO ae oO Ee had we eA aa e ane Local aed eee © wer em a) 6 oe ee ee SS © 6 5.0.2 Fe 6 6).8 0 16 “0 6 © fe, #6 (0 6. @ Ws Oo 8 He ae ee CG Ge eee OC SF eo Ce 8 Inter-urban Si ae oes 6 We ee OT Gh ©. m6 BC) a6) 6 OB) Oe 6 O16 16 0 ®, 8) 6 (8.6: 0.8) Oe. BO ee Se w OG Oo ose eee ee eoeeaeeee Are the citizens interested in public improvements ............. e oe Are there Civic or Public Improvement clubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Is there a Junior Civic League....... a cca pvealad nave Sem ok ee ee ew Sent el ELOSDIGHIB “oso Pcs ese ee wes » ona dia la Wakluke Wie gla alazs BARR bs Ru Ee aaa ee ee Sewerage system (ss. 5ss004s 6 vae> Sete bei e eu y Dee ee Sewage disposal ...... tute rte ae ee bene cnd a helen ge arthe< aie h an ert ee se Se Hducational advantages’)... 25-55 she oe ee ee a Per Schools Pablies de.ts oad LO esa Songs eee ee ies eo cn Teens no ott ae ern Private (including parochial)............. Pee OO eme ay ne eur ease ccs EOS, 4 AEM SSS « Si ig Hibs epee. epee Scale ce a fihranes” coic eas vst nie cae Sy sisinvie gine 2) alaeie Ne eee ae Churches How many 0. (6 18 (8 (ee: 0) Bile wie we fe o ee oe e 40 + 4 6 8 o 6 8 8 ee oe 0 ws 6s 0 8 we 6 6 fe oe 6 (e 0 « © © © 2 0) 6046 le eel What denominations ......... bls scare bathe sk BG oe ee Oe eee Which denominations have largest congregations’ '...:. 5... 5. <0. es. + Clubs eRe NIMRN TLL Sean te 6 th gee ake HG hd wR ey aoe ea hc ak RMS OD 0 8 aWS eevee Degno eter SrCliost CVIVOROHIR: AS BUOVE NS iq 2s le Saece in bik oe dcs/o edges b-dig ve Ge oid Oh, € SORMRRMET CCHS ELC CL Utter at aria Nene tau ars See antvalgry, Ons Ada we ae Raree belie Seats emvual extent. do any and all’clubs use the library vo... en ce ec ce ek was Manufactures What percentage of the population is employed in factories ...................000- Are children employed.............. PRS et tay sce tn ces gaat arnr es ets aia na ante How does the library reach the factories ................. ies Dulletiniat 25: ss iste 108-19) c. Cate ey nae PAP DOOLL AMG tITO Mamie tp, tue eo ete Soe Giana Premti ERE Vest aALioleml renee OOM rr iod., Sake Wate Soe cox larethwe +s cassie apie oe eee Po SEIS eked aaa &: SUR eae acc LO ior ae nea PPA BErceMM ty WEALt Ve INGUSITIDI OPITIOOL Gra icici ke si via « tfe vets ow v cl a ate eee Library Mamma tantod -Conirally OF OtRGPWIsGs co ge sy. Secession ce cers hy oes teers orev oe ene ais Oh ie DET CED e AT OCT alts STINE ee eae ee eee ee hood ee Win alge cis alas os -ckie's wiles ab cb ats Deedee provide DOOKs Lorsita LOreien: Ppopilawgon. (eo... jcsye oe eis di aicis.ele cio k ee hs ee bale e RUM IDI CG LNG USCO CC oe Vive win he oe te Sie fn's) vs qua tin dip BW See Sig aie oa Woes UME OM terAtomewOrie IG°the JIDPALY) GOING. 2. 44°49 os sais cle wee o Viele’ boa vv ble wiles eee es Lectures Si @ e) je le) 8. <0 Se 10.8 fe (08; 8 56) <@ LGD S SAG iene a atehe Senta OPI DOVE: ysikcota coer Wiorkinemen "S cis:a a ex ees Trance and police Pena Other lines EON pny yuk tA MOUS «3.5 wachieemertns Depots iio 3. seep ates What publicity work is eee unodertaken= oc. 4. CC i D T a ed DU ee Ye Set he ...-For mothers or weirs Aoi i tae Se ...Labor unions .... oe ee ow eee: 8 ae le Be, eer OE a Pes) ee) Tee) eye. wale Hotels. .4 POM Byh 0) 4) CRIS, 4a) Se Ooi ew = MBTRNG HES is A a oe acne PR FO OR: B ISHO ce to) Whe Deville te. Addresses to clubs Pa Poe oe Addresses to common council ..... Addresses to teachers and schools. vee ©, 8.8 (0 38 © Wee On 6 Heel e O/eae a) WAS 8 Wee Oey mem Telephone .... Receplons. .0\c\ie se vele ee ees wee os a ee ee OOK MAYS 02:25 cic/e6 is vee ese mene ie he eee : sa pesiaes Soa ae’ Other Vines 2 Varseean is aeons cee Rr Na, rater eet 8s Newspapers UNGLAIDEr Gs Se ae Pee Ae ee OS Language Sy EER eS Are frequent notices sent to the papers by the librarian... On what subjects... Who prepares the notices ........... ue AT RAR PR Pi Rs ‘Who prepares the headlines........... sy'n: 2. (ella eamle Siheteceie tad Renamer Ps WN Sat We ot iy OC ed er ge nn . Frequency of issue .... eee eee we © ote eis 6 io a «ee sie 6 eee eere eer ee ees a ee cee ee es ee oe oe & 86) 0) 6, one. bie Catalogue, Shelf, Classification a Name of Library ; : a City : 191... P 5 — (Underscore when sufficient for answer) Catalogue _ Card catalogue . . Printed . ; Dictionary . . Classed Author and title Separate fiction catalogue : se: ; Children ’s catalogue Hand written . . Typewritten . . Both L. C. cards used Note form of guide cards eat: ; Tray labels ~ Special guides for countries Compare the following forms with your sample catalogue and note differences: Imprint ; . | er Collation : : : : - Contents ‘ : : : ‘ : Me in ; Notes : : 3 . Annotations Joint author Analytics (form) - Periodicals ‘ 5 Mes 2 : : : ; 4 7 ate 7 Pe bist ae , ae ¢ 7, . ; v hy ¥. i a) De <_< - 7 Wisconsin Library School , Field Practice — rT Points for Observation in Pseudonym or real name : ate ; : ‘3 Subject headings: Technical ; ws Common terms Cross references: Fulness ; . Form . : ~’* Analytics: How fully are books analyzed . . ss ; Page limit 3 ' air , : ve ; A. L. A. Subject headings checked : ; Annotated Supplement : : ; Headings defined | How are subject headings for children’s catalogue kept : ; Is a name list kept ; : F a ie ; _ What aids for subject work are used , : : Alphabeting—Clarke and Clark . ; aie Brown and Browne Books by and about an author ‘ : : . “Divisions under countries : : : ; ; Period divisions under U. S. History ; ; = _ Abbreviations—Mr.; Mrs.; Saint; Sainte. St.; Mac; Me; ’ > Fy » 3 2 + Is instruction given in use of catalogue cit ; How given fe Card ; “eae ‘ ; Where kept sx. ie For what used: Classification Buying ; ; Used by whom : : Special features — Book numbers he) Ga What system used : Word marks : : Special features if Classification ~ “ae System in use : . Biography: Collective Artists x ; Rulers. : By : : a. . Sheet : Z Where used : ‘ x ; . Book numbers Inventory Catalogue : - : Is fiction numbered : ; Copies i : Individual . , 7 a Musicians 5 ‘ Actors : ft : - "What exceptions are made to the D. C. plan for 800s ¢ | ee Does children’s classification differ : : ee SEL Oe ae Note special features. ; ern St" Take to libraries. Sample catalogue and notes; shelf list and notes; Classification slips and n List of subject headings. Copy samples of catalogue and shelf cards when necessary for illustration; c alogue instructions for the public, if different from library school s: ee & a . = 2 Ls , aX ie is Rergt Tee ta” ' & Hts ose i ve , Ut Fick r > > 2 wine ‘ t ¥ z f wt. oe 5 ies. WU Chis aie ee ree W'TSp Wisconsin Library School Field Practice Points for Observation in Furniture, Fittings, and Supplies (Underscore when sufficient for answer) Name of library City 191 1. Building or Rooms Cost Owned by library Donor Style of architecture Material Rented Free Location in relation to business center Location in building (if in rooms) No. of floors How occupied Woodwork Finish Grounds 2. Office or Librarian’s corner Size Location Equipment: Desk—flat or roll top Drawers with conven- ient divisions Shelving capacity Typewriter desk Truck Special Uses other than office: Cataloguing Work room Trustees’ room Other 3. Book room Location Size Shelving: Wall shelving Height Fixed shelves Floor cases: wood Metal (name) Space between uprights No. of sections to a stack Book capacity Reading tables Extension possibilities Lighting: Arrangement of windows best for purpose Artificial, kind Location Switches Special features ssieatd bleid loorlae, visid 4, Reading room Size: ost avnden ae bas ees meheay ‘Location’ a ar ne gy ite bt dt Be chy eiriot ips hows vet design andy esoniabal) Shelving: Height Fixed What books BS: ae Magazines: racks or on tables a Binders bE: | Newspaper racks Holders’) °* °° ies Tables: No. Height “> Width Yhenpthic Seaws Drawers Style - Estimated space for each tasile ik: Chairs: No. Height Are Os alae de Arm chairs Rockers are aa Decorations Lighting: Loeation of windows Location Special features 5. Reference room Size: estimate Loeation Color.scheme + ~ Tables: No. Height Width Length «tt Style Special chairs Estimated spate Ledge shelving . Dimensions i shelving pata Lighting: Location of windows i Artificial Location Switches Special features 6. Children’s room or corner Size: estimate Location Bulletin space ck Artificial, kind Switches, | Special features ee (i Delivery room: Size Desk: How far from entrance = Style Height Draw plan showing location of desk 7 drawers, ete.—give dimensions Special features Seats Bulletin space ' Display shelves Special 8. Lecture room: Location Size Furniture Lighting Stage 9. Lighting: Chandeliers—Location. . Table lights Wall case lights Stack lights Skylights 10. Floors: Tuiling ~ Hardwood Finish Cork Oiled How cleaned 11. Windows: High Where Low Where How open Style Storm windows How attached How open Do they save fuel Sereens No. limited Special uses Are windows easily screened 12. Shelving: Finished square on edges Supports Slots in shelves for pins Backed Length of shelf Book supports +” Shelf labels Stack labels Special 13. Heating: How - Radiators Where 14. Ventilation 15. Special features: Umbrella stands . agsaed C s ae racks oh Pholp. case. ¥ eel em Catalogue ee ts Base we -. Clipping file y : Staff room = pea, Toilet rooms : ae : . 16. Entrance: Lighted Size Door easily opened Glass panels Library hours — General Instructions Estimate floor space in square feet. Give location of rooms in relation to entra: delivery desk. Estimate shelving capacity eight books to the running foot. Give estimated dimensions in feet and inches, using abbreviations as follows: and ” for inches. Always give trade name of article described. 17. Supplies: Source: local, Democrat, Library Bureau ae Quantity ordered Bill checked — Care of Location Labeled Inventoried 18. Librarian’s aids: A. L. A. Cat. 1909. A. L. A. Cat. 1911. Shovedine list A. L. A. Booklists Wis. Library Bulletin Other Arrangement Location ) Labeled 5 S a a9 , ia Set Me uty mo i a : I ww : o% : : pete re ; XY x Ar = . 3 ° ; . Wisconsin Library School i Field Practice a) * ; ; ; ly eee Z . Points for Observation in Accession, Serials, Bulletins and Pictures, Mechanical Preparation, , See Pamphlets, Mending, Typewriters = Bert re nO ADTAary. 0.2 boo. eee oes Sin gab ihgenie ee iee dtc. oe See S01 ey ; a (Underscore when sufficient for answer) Accession Sem mEOrEy AOL eTECOUT IR USCGlo ie ob ba oot dete nea oc ub dasies ave Secon vue Te eee met oma are entered’ itl. ibs fete e's k's os vnc oie p nag oleic sleek oo Oe re eee sia ELE gi 912 RS ee a A re hte He Pe ee re a Ort fe RR Ee Tore Ae Sra erreAGIONCO 1 Wii COrt SCO ANIC, WHY as aca = © sac occgrels sie © ad ald oo dag pins Seceela eens Sli TAN re SV OIICL SILe: TOCOMMMENG 305 oi... ite Sak Do Sune nck ow via es aa dale pg ener anne How is withdrawal record kept................ Is st satisiactory:. onc. ctor eee oe Smrmertt or eordekents.. 6 oo, cee Ae e Daki ey mien. > nadie sown Moe ee clr eee Serials -: ‘Are serials checked on cards, sheets, or in book ...... heii a. srakcr tani a Goon toh Oe ae een Is there any difference in rules for checking than those taught in school...... Whatte2 _ Are current magazines circulated............ TE nota why nNotsur, vice se ake. cee ae erties PlGweeharged, 0 ssn ) Os) maw eee Note especially any new idea about pamphlets ..... pra Wheihe get je'39 Typewriter +s Does the library own a: typewriters 70. 0.1. //4 04 els cate ney ae What make is the machine............ What is the card attachment.......... evap MAA TAClOLy Woo. We ap ee cg yee ees Doral (Ne-Stai USC Tbr .cods Vine xf how Oo ware ee Take to libraries Mending. . =f : Je # : 7 a, 2 |) 1 ry . ery | a pe ies - AG Ay es - ee 4 \ VV isconsin. le l Bae ch ool 7 ; 7 ne ~ . elie ree ; L $5 P f es Points for Observation in| _ Catalogue, Shelf, Classification — ia 8 ey ae Oe 6 , 2. ; Kia bp 1e of Library : ck we: City - a8 (Underscore when sufficient for answer) ‘Special guides for countries Imprint a : Ps : : Collation : : : : Contents é : 2 - Notes : : ‘ . Annotations : | La? : Joint author Analyties (form) Periodicals : : ‘° : ; } . Annuals fatalogue a Card catalogue eee. Printed, * | : Dictionary : Author and title : : : Separate fiction catalogue ; ie ‘ Children’s ees ; Hand written Ne . Typewritten . . Both : ce “L. C. cards need ‘ : : re yee : : Note form of guide cards : : : Tray labels ee , . Sere # ‘ ns Ms — 7 oe Cie to Bield Practice eieviace: (ies Compare the following forms with your sample catalogue and note differences: | a ee Se os eae a ant inde Shae it wi Pseudonym or real name _—_. Subject headings: Technical ; Cross references: Fulness : Page limit : : , A. L. A. Subject headings checked Supplement : ; ; How are subject headings for children’s catalogue kept : Is a name list kept : : . What aids for subject work are used Alphabeting—Clarke and Clark . Books by and about an author Divisions under countries ‘ Period divisions under U. S. History Abbreviations—Mr.; Mrs.; Saint; Sainte. St.; Mac; Mc; ~ Is instruction given in use of catalogue - Analytics: How fully are books analyzed Headings defined Common terms | Form . Annotated : How i) aa eo. Shelf list i? - * We ' ean =e 7 ‘ 7 -_ Where kept sf . A A a v ¢->, aa = Yak Buying Used by whom. ie Special features Book numbers What system used Word marks Special features f | : Classification System in use Biography: Collective Artists Rulers P A's ~ oe ’ 7 ae 7 a For what used: Classification ‘ yi if = - o 7 ote Size Sheet Where used Book numbers . \ Inventory Catalogue Ts_ fiction numbered : : Copies Individual Musicians Actors What exceptions are made to the D. C. plan for 800s Note special features. Take to libraries. 020.7 Ff} Ws Ip Wisconsin Library School Field Practice Points for Observation and Study in Reference Work and Trade Bibliography BRIERE SEPT Me nal poee Gicim se wlaeinss ovo aieiee «3 COLYER aric.ct Ae & o Bane aereete Tora (Lists, and answers requiring more space than is allowed, should be given on L sheets, with corresponding number) 1. Observe how reference resources are shelved or filed. Ra TE CRE TaN Mais Aotre Cee gee, VS AR wlc: oleh Fence ona "eum cele) cine ra ope: Himsa crm dim ahora any ern, eA enemas er EA) Gghtt UP OUC OFUER 55 cis sya: sia.nlntw 28 wp We Wied Ale seer a Ree ale oe lee oe er eee ails ATI LIN TCC: MISES wxtirs dot 'xaic,< ae od es ie vo sds bem hoe ARS ESCEUD I MICES Whey wibiat Sade laitterar. Sy OG vas sv dss eel oa tm ek 2 ae SNe LAM LI MCGEE UL Ts DE TOUL Vance ot ia lech" ok tit phates oO hae, fea Ws bk is es Lele it oe ete ae ee eeetnsetne library a good collection of refererice books?.......0..... 2. sec see css cseusceene EI Ore A TREO UN COE Aa nr PS ADP par UPR Se rr rk he Sane ERE SEAL IOEN SEPT ia eo re a) Sie Ula. Oc eb a. ass, WS Slee oh gs A ee WIN ee a Dit Pere TELLS INO SOS Folch Rk Ov, cae Eos -8 vig dhaie woaeiw: Wao ol «oa 6: 94 ce Baar ae Tinatanoexea tor epecinlssets Of periodicals? wa cit. uj ee ces eae pe os ew ol@lgpelates “ke \ pe A me as ; Years they cused mich 9.2/2 etna. Line ote Are they needed ab vill $006 Sis as aemirteecal Is there a copy of A. L. A. Index to general literature?.. _ ee Se How much used Pas twine lca cele = ee a oe Se Are there many special reference books in the classes not yet considered in lect 3. How much in general are the reference books used?............-.0seccreeeeees Does the public use the reference books with understanding and independence, 0 are they dependent on the help of the librarian?............. Le Is the catalogue used for reference work? ............ 1s epit ea as ay a Where?-o...2 023 ek Saisierate vo 'eSae nee e fo HELO © ane nena les eeae eee ee Are books purchased especially for them?:......<...<0+.0..54-0;s>> eee Are books borrowed from the traveling library department for the clubs?.. From. other Vbrariess <2 yosudas sels oes ee ee a ees a te 5. Do the debating clubs in the city depend on the library for material?.... Does the library prepare the references? ................. sighd tet aa en What aids for debaters has the library? ....... Boe ere ins ture Does it keep up to date with new aids, lists, etc.?..... winehictn re be etl eee Are the bound sets complete?....... Bat 8 Mar aneeiae ser 8 2 es WER coe nee pe How are back files of unbound periodicals kept?........ ee sth. Vo eS Can they be used readily?................ ae A aN ES GME tee eA ee ee Is there a posted list of the ‘‘bound-magazines in the library’’ for the use of aca SE Ae Mr Deters Sears rece Semon eT ta Wieic < wk wore (al batonac ace sree OR Ole Shah ee How are current numbers kept*before sending to bindery?..................00.. fame at reference books are inthe children’y room?... i. 0cenencedaeecs th akweewe SPOS ees ee See ie SOS Se 6 Che: eae. Ks 6 Be 6) 6) 618 8" =) 8 8 6) 8: 6 Oe, B)6Y &): 6) a) ay Ow) w') 6) 6) 6 O60. 6 (0) 6, 9 S616 a Ge Os One) ©. 8 Ole e.. 6e @ Is the children’s catalogue well analyzed and is it used in reference work?.......... Are the subject indexes in Buffalo Public Library, Graded list of books; Carnegie Library of Pittsburg, Catalogue of books in the children’s department; Hazel- tine, M. E. Anniversaries and Holidays—used for general reference work with 8. Keep list of ready reference questions answered, with memoranda of how answered. 9. In assisting patrons with material for study of a topic, keep list of subjects, with note of what material was given them. Does library keep any file of the references looked up for patrons. 10. Keep memoranda of help given patrons at the desk as to the best book on a subject to read at home. 11. Keep titles of reference lists made, and copy of list, if possible. Take to libraries—Kroeger’s Guide and lecture notes. — Trade Bibliography ok 2 : bee ne oa bs = x 1. What aids for trade bibliography has the Hipyrary fic cis hae Goo Moros oe me eS 6 ew eee we ee 6 Smele le sie ew ela) BS. 000848 eee We mle oes 6 he) meh imi (eite tips aah shee ee See 3 2, Are they adequate?.............. wis pow lginl at Piacyie succy Whee eer elinic ay eee oe 3. If inadequate, what would you recommend in addition for a library of its size?. ee 4, Are there any aids now on the shelves which could be dispensed with and they? ...... Fre eee 6 igin ais RGR Rc oT ee maar » ides «ong ee g 5. What aids are most depended WHGHAS ak wes i ete ee aa Children’s Work Is there a children’s room..... Aieecel. sapien rier As Bere a) ee Geo ikon Separate children’s catalogue........ Pe Os Bee hoes ae a ee Shure ee Separate changing system.. an shia Ghe isigel-eomlelie 4 Gal a ot ea ee ee br ORY) “ATOM, <,:87 dy bcm se boa ... Who tells the stories)... eee z 3 “What aids are used by the story teller. . . . . . . Reading club........ page asia! wh pew ok ace Rae ee EO OE OTD ONG ie anal een cee eae rae What aids are used for the club............ e hloceaee ta Aa ieee ee Se phe nee General aids for children’s work.................... SGN ORR SA, Lit nee a > Lists of .books used............ 4 ae ER a ei ite aie yi Oe ee coteiis an pee aes WS, Wisconsin Library School | | Field Practice Pomts for Observation in Loan MTEETLOLALY Got vy c's flo ee ob « Kavsles oss css City (Underscore when sufficient for answers. Answers requiring more space than is allowed should be given on L sheets, with corresponding numbers‘ 1. System Bet POL MUUIILG CL GEG eee aie: it ose cii d's bic + a. cudere « Sead endej atl ha od ae Account kept by reader’s cards?.......... Slpsie oe aahae Book) cards?S. seen see Cards-tiled & by Llime?. .:..5..53 5. ALORS Oe ee neta Accession Oslo. sae aes Note special features. 2. Registration of borrowers Application blank contains name of library?......... Borrower’s pledge?......... JPET ERO) of dar 1G Fa 2 ins ee eee ae a Where’, \. ic c0bactcctaae Se eee morrowern Adds his OWN TMAMEI . .3 os i. als o4 ies cision a Address) asct as eeensnies Occupation?......... Age of a minor?....... School?. ...... Gradet... 6s Dieamenerenaant Adds, DAG ty mi. Ss ak ccs Ce sine on ah ale Registration’ 16,0)c. 4.9 eee Guarantor required for adult?........... Child tudsere ie Whods tree STONE UW RR aie g RON Foti, SG Ban! ates dd «wea es ig ee halal wen ie, Crag ete eee Registration book contains?...... Number ton seuss. ok ae Name? is. ....40 eee Address?...... No. of cards issued to each borrower?.... Age of minors?.... Non-resident or rural borrowers?..................4- Breet. 2) siminter cee PRY Rees ere Mone hibits ce 8g How) ie poedrd ‘kept tii... 0 a a ee Tastemerioas tile-in book. form, (or on cards?, 4... a... 04.0y. ales eee as O20, THI Wale 6. . Registration of temporary borrowers separate?....... Depos How much? .............. Registration. of teachers i. 3... css aden sein eee Cards issued when application is made? .......5...0nism oases ane eee Routine followed in registering borrowers? ..............0cceeceeecece sees Reregistration — How long may cards be used?............... Is reregistration continuous?. Must borrower renew his application? ..0...2:4... ss) 4oe ee | Number of cards issued to each borrower?..... Meee ieee «+ Regular? cy cee ae BpeeIa lL? o.5 5 5 sane Non-fiction?......... Students?........... Teachers?.. Special points Reader’s card Contains name or library oc 2... b6 se Gee wee ee et EOOROS 52s Desk attendant adds. Number?......... Nameé?....).... Addressf0 9 Expiration date?............ 1+. saa) Date wok issu?) | |. .222o 7 Desk attendant adds, Date book is issued?...... eu Jone Deke ae? a2 | Call no.? PA ESS Ed a: ois ns sana) DeaCe Petre yo eae ep bah t Kept where when not in use?..........:....... How filed?........ Lost cards replaced. freé Pi ..6. 48s 9-54 sd Care eee Time?.. Special points Book pocket Special points Sachs 7, Dating slip in book VV RICTER TIGCEG Qi. iit a's wes ahiFad cs her PS tached saga eis cach 08 eeetraintd eer ae eT Contains what? Se) PCa, RCCL a DS) SS 68 CR, a O86 8) Bisson es) (@) @ 6) Pla re. ie, BO) © 0) a! ile! @ b, 6) e) are ht My 6" Oe, ee Oe) a oe FeO. 6) OG Ne) e! 6) OC, 2, 0616 (0),0 (6 OP BES) (6,0) 0) CAd end ¢ 6.0) ¢@) a) & 'G: 65816 6 (Oe U2) a & 6) 07.6) Oa 6) 6 ase 6) ae) © 8. Book ecard SELOIIS, “acidic nee eee een eg aa COLOR T | Brera vince a dete ok) ocecs Siete ke a aE eRe ee a Petipa OAL TIO. sc 546 os cos wo es Author and title?........... Accession no.?...... Pi aee AETIOCOS WOU DTATY tc Wilms iii. «or+ canta aaah» thle pbb ae eee eee Desk attendant adds, Date issued?.................. Date duct. Pinas wae eee: EMPTO WOT AS I1lh 8 ong co woe ee as Date, returned 44 f.:.4:... «5s pute ogo ene eee DV here kept, wien book 48.1%. 2.3.02... ade eve ese When out? ici ae eee iter Wlled is-it. Gestroyed 7.) sc. ee as aes or? filed 1s ja. 3.0.4 0 a ee iverord Of issues transierred to new card’. 205. oi... dedie « sys ns Up eee Special points 9. Fines CCTTEPLTS®. POLCE CG Ie oat 2" aI ate =e sr A ea DRM OU RRMI RAL 2 xc Notices sent?........ Howroften.t. 0. ¢5-- Ist notice?........ 2d notice?........ Messenger?........ Charge for. notice?....0..... For messenger?.......... 2 6.6 8 ee eS lee way pS 0 WY Sie 6) a 8, 6 Ole 4) amo a oe PLO ETILGCL SO ee et a ORs kee Liat al ahaha © aaa Ca: Bok aks tice FCO A cats DRIES CC Prowse record kept when fines Paid fa. c. wcies ss wus w vince «+ © ais ccs at eitie aie eee ene ene eae ST TE MIT OMA ULIT DULAC Vialstcls sae tin s cistavechetelc anal aia! slelane''ele aca bins evn oaato ¢ ORMRD EER G ate ene Per mr ccre we ieTy TING, UN PAC fie co oss sm. ois oa. x! «dia! oie vd w'e'ni & Si W's, era ladeetalate «po viene ete METER ETI L OCL Setesaserel cia ors faa olan’ nic’ als 's Sivvie! a's o's «oy. cs ecole Sacels ah o aanent ete hea ennnS OEE WES Ey anitcch | ee ee) Oe Pea) a oe ee I Mere un ck yk Special points 10. i; 12. 13. 14. _ co@igtion 1..cfiey 8 Dimell 22.411... Nom fiehion ty -s)cp ae Renewals | Reserves Renting collection — Number of books issued to each borrower?............+0--00055 me How ‘changed if: more: than one? s. 63 oe va ee La ee ee Is two-book-on-a-card system used?.........0.ccceccseceeceeceeeseeseeesen: WE sg ilayiac sh shad Se Odd eo een ee te HOW agen Ragen 6:1 eine women a Telephone’. ... Is book required for renewal?.......... Describe method?.......... Ait cant eek ere ie PUPA PEG NS iouh cee Are books transferred?........ nit 8) SSuuN SE tit eat te a eae ti Special points What books are made seven-day books?........ ea, ae eau Sess HT ONT ADOICATEILA Uta po aaie hans Sets Pe OM ony Fe i nina based, Teen Hee Translerrod? = 6 vices on pe SERRE Renewed?....6sc)s0 2a How long kept as seven-day?.......... ve een eee ee Jere kn Process of charging and discharging?......... tein « iba S70 wx ce aia eee ie a SRORONSIONCH, ROW fs 4. s 6 28a & eieicte’s ore meee aie Cram a Rak: sees pants aes Class of books?........ Number in collection?........ Always duplicates?. How many to each borrower?............. i Sins bik Diels ome See ieee Loaned only to card-holders?.......... pl sca dened eee ee OE May borrower draw fiction from both collections at same time?.......... ELOw sCM APES 1 oe hace ccc heehee na # Sie pelea sunlagurie seus? 2 +e gee ne a Tdentified by pockets or label or other marks? .........2.......... See e ee ee eee wLqnt & 8 8 ¢ @ 4 ¢ 0 Spe Agee eh 6ee 0 26 6 POC RUS a Clo Ge Oe Ge Wes 6 6 (C18 O60 +0) bse Fh ae AL Oe, 6) a OL OAS Bowe Special points 16. Teachers’ privileges coe eee eee se ese eee eee eee eee eseee see eeere essere sees eeoee eee eseeseseeeeos LOWES EES sort 2 RT Re ee Notices sent when due?............0-.e008: Are statistics counted as if renewed at end of two weeks?.............ecee-eees aA Special points Te Statistics Circulation—by Classes?.......... How: kept? =.c..3s. 22. How counted?........ Wen counted ? wa hequ syn Spas DK 5 Renewals: counted £....0,.csm ene aoe eas Re OA RH Tes -COUTIUCE Here. eeste lercu os «0! piata'> wo ore arose te. Svare biases, dak dig'a Vi sot ole Balt ane ee eae UTA E NOUN VVGERL UA, = oaak Stee x Ua «2 cd ae yes xc Ay oi's ol af Peabo: ym, 52, pomope Ra ad bow tka COM ee Ln et es eh Se Se ae ae NE ROIETE aoe ok ere sae of thang H80s Sees Hera ae ee Special points 18. Personal responsibility BT Uaie ee TAT SS Bee te oe a hclel cu oc ea eas o ca d W'S Wwe ole Dia Calon aisle aie ele ena ee eta eee 19. Rules and regulations Peer BOTH IVI Boa. nh oo ask S56 48 Wow Be a tne 0 Hours? >). s)..<.0. MANAG EMS Children’s room open—Hours?...............0000005 Daystuc oo. 22oag ee eoys. Sunday -service—Hours?..........5- Mtg es Whottces 220. Paik?! suv viaet SUEY LAN Vp ter etsy a ene'a way a dic okc e we 'e > Reférences worls? tai. 00. Luisa Gene aes Holidays. open?.......... HoursTe s. Steg What departments?............... Average hours of librarian?.......... Assistants?........ Apprentices?......... Bre 20. ‘Special features a _ _ Methods of attracting borrowers?..... EI Fs) Sete ) Z ‘ Ray Raising standard of books rend) By personal effort?.......... Printed lists and bookmarks?... Bulleting? 5. c..vecccsersorveccsbeek sa] Otner tneans 1: sn Attention paid to new borrowers—when card is issued? Extension work? School duplicate collections?............... DI BIBDORCES (ian cies b ARK ceo bs oe a LOD oo ee «te Glee nee How are records kept?; .. 5... 00 sac cee coe Vee te & ee 1 2 Take to Libraries: Take about 10 punched L sheets; secure complete set of samples from each pointment and mount separately. Fill in blanks properly. Use printed material to answer or illustrate questions. _ Answer all questions as much as possible from personal observation. Take loan notes, especially blank forms. 9 » \) aa iy