+ eet a ay ip “ yim rat ie peat sap ERG Bega hie Se he < 13, : oo OY Re hoe ‘hes e r x oak = a | * + | : = ied Z . Diss 5 ae Fug Bee MOT Ge soe : wr Se SE >) : : rare rg 5 eres Ee | 2hends, Shea eee SS Teen ‘ he mS “ . . ~ bi 3 FET Pires Py iwi s etend oh ee Seenainieeidbindics oe xace-c paaceaaga os ceca ete ROE Faltlas ace iP oS ae Tie ie * . + & ” 7 a * ‘ i *. . > os ‘ ¥ ° PY i ; * , ‘ r . n 7 . = * ’ “” ‘ ia j ? + *- i ' — - ’ o < ; = , ‘ a a . * ! ’ : ( . ya ‘ a \ * \ i: k oe ' ‘ _ - ' Z é — Tat =a l 2s ve “* 4° Bay iD at ae a Re > ¥ Saktiy. Heh ae tai ay + (iz. ate y i pe ; tel » 934 1 y re dy ; ” : 7 o be » e ‘ "4 ) 7 7 44 ~ y & * t # ‘ # > CATALOGUE OF GREEK COINS. ATTICA—MEGARIS— AEGINA. BY BARCLAY V. HEAD, D.C L, Pu.D. EDITED BY REGINALD STUART POOLE, LL.D. CORRESPONDENT OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE. LONDON; PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. LONGMANS & CO., Paternoster Row; B. QUARITCH, 15, Piccapituy; A. ASHER & CO., 13, Beprorp Srreet, Covent GARDEN, AND AT BERLIN; TRUBNER & CO., 57 & 59, LupGatr Hi. Paris: C. ROLLIN & FEUARDENT, 4, Rur pr Lovvors, 1888, 4 3 EDITORS PREFACE, Tuis volume of the Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum describes the coins of Attica, Megaris, and Aegina. In the Introduction, which like the body of the work has been written by Mr. Barclay V. Head, an endeavour has been made to arrange the coimage of Athens as nearly as possible in chronological order, a method of classification which has also been carried out in the Autotype Plates which accompany this volume. In the text of the Catalogue, however, for convenience of reference, the later Athenian issues are arranged alphabetically according to the names of the Magistrates. The Mctal of each coin is stated, and its size in inches and tenths, and the weight of the gold and silver coins is given in English grains. Tables for converting grains into grammes and inches into millimétres, as well as into the measures of Mionnet’s | scale, are placed at the end of the volume. I have carefully revised the work, comparing each coin with the corresponding description. REGINALD STUART POOLE. 502651 B.0. 594—527 4 SB men man SPE Te NES od ‘ Wappenmiinzen’ not Attic money . : : um coins possibly of Athens . : : : : st Athenian Silver coins 5 5 : ; : D Heforn of the ante and introduction of the bole Standard - : é : i F 3 Pade ck Apes is for the adoption of the Bub Standard ; ; > of the Solonian coinage . ; : : d : ce of late writers, of small value. — Philochorus, ch, Pseudo-Aristotle Anes pro Ayfo act of the Pisistratidae . . Pape e ‘Te-coinage by Hippias . Pin he f ; 3c per 1322, j it tes of Aristophanes Gonsidered ~-. 1) 2 eS xl xi Xili Xiil X1V Xiv xv XV XV Xvi XV XVill xx Xxl XXil ~Xxiil XXV XXV1 XXVil Vill CONTENTS. PAGE Probable date of Athenian gold coinage, circ. B.c. 393 . XXvVill First issue of bronze money at Athens, B.c. 406. . XXvVill Bronze, at first, money of necessity ; i : : RV 3ronze coinage cried down at Athens, B.o. 393 d . Jeg Re-introduction of bronze money . : : : sEx Tesserae with series of numerals probably not all Athe- nian. : : ; ; 5 ; : : . XXX Athens under Macedonian rule ; cessation of coinage after BO. 322. ; ; ; : ; Sot, eet The stoppage of the Athenian mint the chief cause of foreign imitations of Attic money : : : Mets 4.3 § 3. Cire. B.c. 220—83. Style and fabric of the later Athenian coinage ; ee > «abhi Types . ; : . BECP <1 j Adjunct letters, &c. ; g : ; : Mea 9.9.4, 7 Classification of Series . ; Nag 69.49 Period I. 8.0. 220—197 ; 17 Series with monograms . XXxXVi Amphora Numerals . , ‘ . See ae Mint-letters ; , . XXXVH1 Period LU. 8.0, 196—187 ; 9 Series with two Magistrates’ names. ; . ; ; 2? SeSeaew ATE Period III, B.c. 186—147 ; 26 Series with three Magis- trates’ names. ; : , , > : xl Period IV. v.c. 146—87 : | (a) 20 Series with three Magistrates’ names . xlv (8) 31 Series with two Magistrates’ names . : xlix Period V, After B.c. 86: 3 Series subsequent to the siege by Sulla . : ‘ lv Results . 2 : , ; : 3 lvil _ Bronze coins contemporary with the silver of the ‘new style’ . ; ; ; lviil § 4. ImpertaL TrmEs— Probable date of the bronze coinage about the time of Hadrian . : : ; ' ; ‘ - ; lix Copies of Statues on Athenian bronze coins . aye lx CONTENTS. 1x PAGE § 5. ELevsis— Eleusis the only Attic Deme which struck money . Ix Date of issue latter half of 4th century . 3 ‘ lx Types referring to the festival of the Ricentoskoua : Ix § 6. Onorus— Coinage of Oropus subsequent to B.c. 196 : : ; Ix Types referring to the worship of Amphiaraos : : }xi § 7. SavamMis— Coinage of Salamis (B.c. 350—318) anterior to Mace- . donian rule, . : : , : ‘ : Ixi Types referring to the worship of joe son of Telamon . lxi MEGARIS— § 8. ArgostHENA— Coinage of the Imperial period ; ; ; : , lxii Temple of Melampus at Aegosthena : : : Ixii § 9. Mecara— Periods of Coinage:— I. B.c. 400—338 : ‘ Ixil | Bi ia) 307-5 ye we er Ill. after B.c. 146... ; ; Ixiii IV. Imperial . eve) TICE Weights of Megarean coins . : : é ts eae § 10. Pacar— Coinage of the Imperial period. é d Ixiv AEGINA— § 11. Pheidon of Argos first strikes money in Aegina ‘ Ixiv Date of earliest coinage 7th century B.c. : , Ixiv Aeginetan commerce, with Peloponnesus, with ree with Northern Greece . : : : ‘ é Ixv \ Types . e ; : ‘ : ; é; . : Ixv : ; Weights. ; : : ; Ixvi os Aeginetan electrum ‘ : ; : , ASN 621 * sr Silver . f . . , 5 ; : Ixvi . ie Classification by sds ‘ ‘ ; Se ENT be ‘ Chronological sequence : : . ; wot Devil “te b 4 ee F Soy 2 ee ee. r ak sabe the Measures of Miouilaes Seale ie ae ees d fs ) ro AHO ef or se x : " a ; “CONTENTS ; a ~ CATALOGUE, OF cOINs— his me ye ~ Arnica — Bh aNs RN Le SOREN Sr i Me i en > Athens Rae Er op ease a teks wh » : i Eleusis - . MOND Sry Oropiis Fa ui a hn eee Salamis GME re RR eae Mecaris :— Aegosthena . pepe ? ae ese lA Megaraton tsi eum Saas Pagae . eS te ARGINA ; EN ere i ; , INDEXES: — ae Geographical Ae tart : a a 5 Des eel Mane ae Paes III. Remarkable Symbols . . : Vea. Kings and Rulers) Ss aa eee ‘Ge IV. B. Magistrates’ Names on Autonomous Coins . | IV. co. Magistrates’ Names on Imperial Coins a V. Roman Magistrates’ Names. fa VI. Engravers’ Names . Sree VII. Remarkable Inscriptions . . "Table of the relative ieee of English Grains Grammes . ¢ 3 ‘See Ve. oe We ira Sf 2 7 ¢ get et ot INTRODUCTION. ATT TOA. ATHENS. § 1. Bc. 594-527 ? Su Since the publication of Beulé’s standard work Les Monnaie d’Athenes, Paris, 1858, the coins of Athens have Bibliography. i F : engaged the attention of various archaeologists - whose treatises the student of Athenian numismatics cannot afford _ to neglect. As most of these articles will be referred to in an abbreviated form in the following pages, it may be useful to give in this place _ their titles in fuller detail. The list includes only the more - important articles, for it is unnecessary to enumerate all the writers _ who have incidentally touched upon the subject of our enquiry :— Rathgeber (G.), Silberne Miinzen der Athenaier. Weissensee, 1858. Grotefend (C. L.), Chronologische Anordnung der Athenischen Sil- berminzen.. Hanover, 1872. Weil (R.), Miinzfund am Dipylon, Archaeologische Zeitung, N.F. Viil., pp. 163 sqq. 1876. Head (B. V.), Himyarite and other imitations of Athenian Coins. Num. Chron., 1878 and 1880. Lenormant (F.), Account of Athenian coinage in his La Monnaie dans Pantiquité, vol. 11., pp. 89—52. 1879. a _Imhoof-Blumer (F.), Die Huboische Silberwahrung, Monats- bericht der K, Akad. der Wissensch. Berlin, 1881. | X11 INTRODUCTION. Weil (R.), Biindniss der Athener mit Mithradates. Mittheilungen des Arch. Inst. in Athen, vi., pp. 824 sqq. 1881. Bunbury (E. H.), On some unpublished coins of Athens and one of Eleusis. Num. Chron., 1881. : Kohler (U.), Die Miinze der Kleruchen auf Delos, Mittheilungen des Arch. Inst. in Athen., vi., pp. 288 sqq. 1881. Droysen (J. G.), Zwm Miinzwesen Athens. Ké6nigl. Preuss. Akad. der Wissensch, Berlin, 1882. Kohler (U.), Zur griechischen Electronprigung, Mittheilungen des Arch. Inst. in Athen., ix., pp. 358 sqq. 1884. ‘ Miinzfunde auf Euboea und in Eleusis, op. cit., 1x., pp. 854 sqq. 1884. Tea i Die Solonische Miinzreform, op. cit., x., 151 sqq. 1885. 5 Numismatische Beitrage, Zeitschrift fiir N umismatik, xii; 103 sqq. 1889. Sallet (A.), Sulla’s Pragung in Athen., Zeit. f. Num. xii, p. 381. 1885. “1 Athen., op. cit., xii., p. 62. 1886. Head (B. V.), Historia Numorum, pp. 809—328. Oxford, 1887. Imhoof (F.) and Gardner (P.), Numismatic Commentary on Pau- sanias, Journal of Hellenic Studies, viii, p.21 sqq. 1887. It is now admitted by most Numismatists that the uninscribed The so-called ‘Silver coins of various types (‘Wappenmiinzen’),e.g. _ ‘ Wappenmiinzen’ not Attic money. Wheel, Gorgoneion, Horse, &c., formerly attributed to Athens, are in reality the currency of the cities of , | the neighbouring island of Euboea (Cat. Gr. Coins of Central Greece, p. xlvi). Among these coins there are two specimens, a stater and an obol, attributed conjecturally by me to the town of Athenae Diades in Euboea (op. cit., pl. xxiv, 18, 19), which by reason of nae ATTICA, : xii 3 ——- ee Shobability, assigned to Athens. There are also possibly of small electrum coins with a similar owl on the Sane obverse (not however enclosed in a circle), several _ specimens of which have been discovered in the neighbourhood of _ Athens (U. Kohler, Mitth. d. arch. Inst. in Athen., ix. 859). One _ of these is represented on pl. i, 1. of the present work. ty Whether these interesting little hectae of Huboic weight belong hr Fo ER EEA ee Ee ee ats > Na a Huboea like the other small electrum coins engraved in Cat. Cent. Gr., pl. xx. 1-3, or whether they are very early products of the Athenian mint, I do not venture to decide, In the latter case pee they would prove that Athens, like her neighbours Aegina, Chalcis, . and Hretria, participated to some slight degree in the widely 7 extended electrum currency which had its starting point on the a opposite coast of the Aegean sea; but if this electrum issue be 4 of Athens, whether it there preceded the issue of silver, or whether it was contemporary with the earliest issues in that metal is a ~ doubtful point. In addition to the hecte (pl.i. 1), which I venture - to include conjecturally in the coinage of Athens, there is a forty- ag "eighth weighing 4°6 grs., which apparently has an owl on the obyerse; but the type is very indistinct, and I am by no means a sure that I have rightly interpreted it. On this account [ have not Bi included it in the present catalogue. ; _ The earliest silver coins which are undoubtedly Athenian are the es De ay = “Farliest Athenian well-known tetradrachms with the head of Athens ie silver coims.. on the obverse and the owl on the reverse. It igs e however a moot point when these pieces were first issued. Some a -numismatists hold that they had their origin in Solon’s time, while others maintain that this coinage was not introduced until the time of the Pisistratidae. X1V INTRODUCTION. into money-values the fines fixed in oxen and sheep by the laws of Draco (Poll. ix, 61; Plut., Sol. 23). But whether this money was Attic or Aeginetic it would be rash to affirm, There is good reason ~ Sieh however to suppose that Athens at the beginning Aeginetic money pits ie current before Of Solon’s legislation made use of the widely Solon. —_ circulating Aeginetic money which passed current wherever the enterprising Aeginetan traders had established commercial relations ; that is to say not only throughout Pelopon- nesus, but in northern Greece, Boeotia, Thessaly, &c., and in the islands of the Aegean. One of the most important of Solon’s reforms, if we may credit a statement of Androtion cited by Plutarch, was a Solon’s reform of the currency :— introduction of | debt which ‘weighed heavily upon Attica. This the Euboic object he appears to have brought about by de- standard, monetary reform calculated to lessen the burden of creeing that all existing debts should be payable in money of a lighter weight than that which was previously current, the proportion of the new to the old being as 73: 100 3 a saving of 27 per cent. being thus affected. Thus the tenant or debtor who owed one mina of the old standard (100 Aeginetic drachms) was enabled legally to discharge his debt on payment of 100 drachms (one mina) of the lighter standard, which in actual metal value were worth only 73. Aeginetic drachms. This at least seems to be the sense of the awkwardly expressed passage of Androtion (Plut., Sol. 15): éxatov yap émoince Spayyov thy pvav eee éBdounKovta Kal TpLav ovaav' Bat’ apiOue pev ioov, Suvdper éXatTov atrodiovTav, mhereiobas pev Tos éxTivovTas meyara, ponder is d€ Brartecbar Tovs Koptfopévovs. eS Now this is precisely the proportion between the new Euboic- — Attic drachm of full weight, 67°5 grs., and average slightly worn Aeginetic staters of about 92 grs. (73: 100:: 67°5 : 92°4), the ; Kuboic mina being to the Aeginetic as 100: 137. a ATTICA. XV x 4 That the Aeginetic standard was originally prevalent in Attica Survival of the may also be inferred from the fact that it continued _ Aeginetic stand- ' ard as the Attic ‘commercial’ standard, for many centuries after Solon’s time. penanes Cf. C. I. A., ii. 476, wherein a decree dating from a the 2nd or 1st century B.c. the Athenian commercial mina is fixed to be used as a commercial, though not a monetary - at 138 Attic drachms, dyérw 8é kal wvad } eumropixh Ytehavndopov : : ‘ Opaxmas éxarov TpidKxovta Kal oKT@ Tpos Ta oTAO pL TH EV TO Apyv- ie " poxotreiw, We may consequently consider it as proved that Solon’s 3 pees reform consisted in the abandonment of the Aeginetic | - standard, and in the adoption in its place of the Huboic. _ The motives which induced Solon to make this change have been 4 a well set forth by H. Koehler (Die Solonische Miinz- Reasons for the ‘ adoption ofthe reform, in the Mitth. d. arch. Inst. Athen., x. 151), : G Euboic standard. J+, was by no means solely or even primarily a ‘intended as a measure for the relief of debtors, but as a means of q _ opening: up new markets for the sale of Attic products. The i _ Euboeans and the Corinthians had already introduced the Euboic _ standard into the peninsula of Chalcidice in the north, and were BD tesding their commerce into southern Italy and Sicily in the west. q ‘Into these newly colonized regions and into the rapidly extend- 4 ing circle of commerce in these directions, Solon, by the adoption v of the Huboic standard, sought to facilitate the admission of *< BP sGhenian manufactured goods, the merchants of Aegina having 2 ¥ already a practical monopoly of the Aegean and Peloponnesian trade. We now approach the disputed point as to whether Solon’s re- = form consisted merely in a change of standard by Type of the Solo- nian Coinage. which the Euboean anepigraphic coinages of various types already referred to became legal tender in Attica, or whether he did not at the same time set up a mint at %s. Athens itself, and strike money with types on both sides and the inscription AOE or A@E. XVi INTRODUCTION. The reasons which have been alleged against the attribution of the earliest Athenian tetradrachms to Solon are, (i) that the form of the letter © which occurs on these coins was notin usein Attica as early as the time of Solon, (ii) that coins with types on both sides cannot be assigned to so early a date, (iii) that it is recorded that Hippias introduced a new type, which, it is argued, can be none other than the head of Athena and the owl, adopted by him in place of the various obverse types and incuse reverses characteristic of the coins previously current in Attica, which I have preferred to assign to Euboea. Let us see whether these reasons are good and valid. Now although it is certain that the form @ is in most districts older than O, yet it would appear that both forms Palaeography. were indiscriminately used in Attic inscriptions be- fore the time of Hippias, B.c. 527-510: cf. the inscription on a Pana- thenaic vase (Boeckh. C. I. G. 33) IMJ: WONOA UO AMAOAMOT (rav’AOnvnbev GOrwv eiui). The occurrence of © on this vase, which dates probably from about the middle of the sixth century, proves that this form was then in official use; and, that it had been in use from a still earlier period, may be inferred from the fact that all the later Panathenaic vases have also this form, for these vases. always affect the most archaic forms both of type and epigraphy. The other form ® is occasionally found as late as the middle of the fifth century (C. I. A.,1. 441, p. 197); and it is a remarkable fact that the Athenian coins, which in style are the rudest and most archaic, have the form ©; and, so far as Ican see, thereis nothing to prove that this form of the character may not have been in use in Attica as early as the beginning of the sixth century. The fact that | it has not yet been found in the earliest Attic lapidary inscriptions — is merely negative evidence, when we remember how few early Attic inscriptions containing the letter ‘ theta’ have been preserved. Next, with regard to style and fabric. What can be more a primitive than the rude heads of Athena figured on plate i.? afilp Sten oe ae Sof Bh ? ATTICA. XVll Surely these coins can hardly be assigned to a date later than the middle of the sixth century, while some of them RRR may easily be forty or fifty years earlier, and thus | coins of Solon’s time ; for, as Prof. Gardner remarks (Types of Gk. Coins, p. 84), ‘this head of Pallas is important as one of the very earliest works of Athenian art. The projection of the nose and the size of the almond-shaped eye pass the custom even of archaic art, and bélong to the very infancy of local design. ‘Thiersch (Overbeck, Giriech. Plastik, 1. p. 24, 2nd edit.) has - instituted a comparison between the type of this head on early Athenian coins and that usual in Hgyptian reliefs; but the specimens of Athenian coins on which he relies, are not the earliest _ but distinctly of the later archaic type. The very early coins of Athens remind us less of what is Egyptian than do those of the fifth century, and are akin rather to Cyprian and Phrygian types.” Moreover, it is admitted that the coins of Aegina date from the time of Pheidon (i.e. circ. B.c. 620 at the very latest, Herod. vi. 127), and it is hardly conceivable that Athens can have been more - than a generation behind Aegina in adopting so useful an invention as that of coining money (cf. Gardner, Types, p. 7). The second argument against the attribution of the most archaic coins of Athens to Solon’s time is that which rests upon the fact that they bear a type on both sides. But, after all, what is this - worth? Granting that it is very unusual to meet with coins of the _ sixth century with reverse types, I maintain that there is nothing in the nature of things to preclude the possibility, or even the probability, that Athens may have been the first city to introduce _ this improvement in the art of coining. Moreover, examples are : : not wanting of coins struck on both sides at other cities which may be assigned to the sixth century B.c. Cf. the Cypriote coins bearing the legend E, u. fe. le. to. to. se. = Ev-FéNOovtos ; obv. Ram, rev. Crux -fansata’ (Brit. Mus., Guide, pl. xi. 41), which, if they belong really to C XVili INTRODUCTION. the reign of Euelthon (and are we justified in rejecting the evidence of the legend ?), must have been struck between B.c, 560 and 525. There are also the very rude archaic coins of the island of Calymna with the head of a bearded warrior on the obverse and a lyre on the reverse (Brit. Mus., Gudde, pl. iii. 29) ; the extremely archaic coin with the fore-part of a horse on the obverse, and a floral star on the reverse, from the Santorin Find (Num. Chron. 1884, pl. xii. 1); the earliest silver staters of Samos, obv., Scalp of Lion, rev., Head and neck of Bull (Gardner, Samos, pl. 1.8, 9), the latter of which in its globular fabric and shallow incuse square, bears a striking resemblance to the coins which I believe to be Solonian; not to mention the money of Sybaris with an incuse bull on the reverse, which certainly dates from, at the latest, the second half of the sixth century, as Sybaris was destroyed about B.c. 510 (Head, ‘Hist. Num. p. 70); and lastly, the earliest staters of Corcyra with the so-called ‘Gardens of Alcinoiis’ on the reverse (Head, Hist. Num. p. 275), which must be assigned to the period immediately succeeding the death of Periander of~ Corinth 3.c. 585, when Coreyra became independent of its mother city, these last coins being in fact actually contemporary with those which I assume to be Solon’s. But it may be objected, if these tetradrachms are Solonian, how Evidence of late are we to explain the following fragment of writers ofsmall = Dhilochorus (Schol. in Arist. Av. 1106), } yAavé eu éml yapdyuatos iv tetpadpadypwov ws Pid0xopos" (i.) Philochorus. = éx¢)7On dé Td vomLoua TO TETPadpaxpov ToTE [7] yrad€, qv yap yrav& érionpov Kai mpdcwrov 'A@nvas, TAY TpoTEpov Sudpaypwov dvtav émionmov dé Body éyovrar, which has been so often cited to prove that the didrachms with a Bull’s head on the obverse and an incuse square on the reverse (Brit. Mus., Guide, pl. v. 23), preceded at Athens the tetradrachms with the head of Pallas and the Owl? Inthe first place, I would remark that a Bull’s-head — oo is not a Bull; and in the second place that the Bull’s-head is only one ATTICA. x1x of a number of different types which, occur on the so-called ‘ Wappenmiinzen,’ and that it can by no means be arbitrarily selected as the characteristic type of the whole class. Moreover, why should a writer of the third century B.c. be much more worthy of ie. credit than Plutarch for instance, who says that (ii.) Piutarch. , : : Theseus struck coins with a bull upon them, a statement which, it is needless to say, is hardly more acceptable than the well known passages in the Talmud which describe the coins of Adam and Eve, Abraham, Joshua, and other Biblical heroes _ (Madden, Coins of the Jews, p. 314). The third and last argument which has been advanced in favour of the attribution of the first distinctly Athenian ii.) Fseudo- = Goins to Hippias rather than to Solon rests upon Aristotle. : : ? “? the following passage in pseudo-Aristotle (Oecon. 11. 2,4). Speaking of Hippias he says, Tore vowiowa to ov ‘APnvaiors ° , 9 tag LA \ * Xs \ er > f GOdoKycy emroinoe. TaEas HE TYuY ExéNeVTE TPOS aUTOY avaKko-iterv” , \ a. VE a U4 iy4 F ia! Ie /& ‘ Pay cuveOovtwy oe eri TO Korat ErEepov yapaKTipa, €EédwKe TO avTO apyupiov. ‘These words have led some numismatists to infer that _ the money called in was the Huboic coinage of various types and with incuse reverses, previously the only current com in Attica, and that the érepos yapaxtyp was the head of Athena and the owl. _ This is however an altogether uncalled for assumption, for there is ae ae ee See ee ee Me no difficulty whatever in supposing that the money called in was _ the extremely archaic and worn coinage, represented on plates i. and ii., most of which had been in circulation for more than half a century, coins defaced by time, and exhibiting a rudeness of _ design offensive to the erowing artistic taste of the period, and that _ the érepos yapaxrtijp was the head of Athena of the refined archaic style (pl. iii.), and helmet adorned with three olive-leaves, which _ from this time forth was adopted by Athens as the distinctive type of her money. _ But, as we shall presently see, it is doubtful whether any re-coinage NE tO Mt Reheat Se a5 OF A CA Re ie os ae { lier “ae th xX INTRODUCTION, whatever is implied in this passage. For my own part, therefore, I think that all the evidence tends to show that the earliest Athenian money must be assigned to the time of the great Athenian legislator, and that those who have attempted to prove that no tetradrachms with the head of Pallas, the Owl, and AOE, were struck before the time of Hippias, base their arguments upon unstable foundations, Next comes the difficult question of the possibility of draw- Coinage ofthe ing a line between the coins of the time of Pisistratidae. Solon, z.c. 594-560, and those of the age of Pisistratus, B.c. 560-527. A glance at the coins figured on plates i. and ii. will probably convince the student that we have before us coins of two distinct styles. Those which I could assign to the age of Solon are smaller in diameter and more globular in fabric than the pieces which I propose to attribute to the age of Pisistratus. In plate i. we may remark a steady advance from extreme rudeness to neat and careful execution. The coins on plate 11., on the other hand, exhibit far greater freedom of design and less uniformity of style. The head of Athena is now very frequently in extremely high and bold relief, the flan is larger and less bullet-shaped, the ineuse square more deeply marked, the feathers of the owl sometimes more naturalistic, and the © more frequently replaced by ©® (nos. 4—6), Some specimens remind us slightly in fabric of the tetra- drachms which in my Catalogue of the Coins of Central Greece (pl. xxii. nos. 6-10) I have assigned to Eretria in Euboea, and almost warrant us in inferring that these may have been struck at Hretria itself during the second long period of exile of Pisistratus and his sons in that city (B.c. 547-537), when, it will be remembered, he was actively engaged in raising funds for the payment of his — troops. The revenues which he drew, in part it is said from the — mines at Laurium, andin part from those on the Strymon, (the pro- +S prietorship of which, as Curtius remarks (Hist. Gr. i. p. 358), the , Pisistratidae probably owed to their family connexions at Hretria,) RN OR FE ee ee OS _ " s re ATTICA. XX] he may have put into the form of coin at the Hretrian mint, and claiming as he did the tyranny of Athens and the divine protection of the goddess Athena, it would be natural that he should continue to make use of the Athenian types. On such a hypothesis we could account for the resemblance which I have remarked between some of these coins and certain tetradrachms of Hretria (cf. pl. u. 7 with Cat. Cent. Gr., pl. xxii. 6). Whether the more frequent use of the earlier form of the theta ® on these pieces is due to the fact that it lingered longer in use in this part of Greece than in Attica, as we know it did in the neighbouring Boeotia down to B.c. 426 (Cat. Cent. _ Gr. pp. 76-72, pl. xu. 1-8), I leave palaeographists to decide. Although therefore no hard and fast line can be drawn between the Solonian coinage and that of Pisistratus, still there is a very well marked difference in style between the earlier and the later coins, both of which fall, as here classed, into the period of upwards of 60 years which elapsed between the commencement of the - Athenian coinage under Solon and its reform, which took place probably in the time of Hippias, B.c. 527-510. _ That Hippias is thought to have reformed the coinage of Athens we have already seen. He demonetized the exist- _ Supposed recoin- age by Hippias. ing coinage, calling it all in at a valuation, and then, after an assembly had been summoned for the purpose of agreeing upon a new type, €fédwxe To avTo apyvpiov. Taken in its literal sense, these words imply that Hippias had recourse to an expedient for raising money which was not unworthy of The- _ mistocles, but, if 7d avTo apyvp.ov can be taken to signify the same amount of silver money, and not necessarily the identical coins which had been called in, then we may suppose that this proceeding was not merely a cunning device for replenishing the exchequer of the tyrant, but that it was at the same time, and perhaps mainly, ie. undertaken with the object of restoring the currency. * Possibly, as there was no alteration in the main features of the XXil INTRODUCTION. types, he may have been wronely accused of re-issuing the old coins, although one would think that it'should not require a trained eye to distinguish the difference between the old types and the new. (Cf. pls. 1. and i. with pl. iii.) The passage I have cited hardly, it is true, affords sufficient evidence to prove that Hippias is to be credited with this reform of the coinage, and it is quite possible that it may have taken place somewhat later, perhaps on the occasion of the expulsion of Hippias in B.c. 510; but in any case we may rest assured that somewhere about this date the Athenians adopted the well known style which characterized their coinage down to the latter part of the fourth century, when they were deprived of the right of striking money in their own name. § 2. Cure. B.c. 527 ?-322. The tetradrachms ; Athens throughout this long period of time remained to all intents and purposes unchanged, Long continuance On the obverse is the head of Athena, her helmet of conventional adorned in front with three olive-leaves upright, ruizies sag io and at the back with a floral scroll, while on the reverse, in the incuse square, is the owl accom- panied by the inscription A OE and by a sprig of olive and a crescent. It is a remarkable fact that this archaic type should ina city like Athens have been retained for two whole centuries ali through the period of the growth and perfection of Greek art. The explanation is however not far to seek. The money of Athens it should be remembered became, as the city grew in wealth and power after the Persian wars, de facto an international currency. It was long accepted both by Greeks and barbarians in preference to all other money:— OU KEKLBONEVLEVOLS ANNA KAN oTOLS aTdVTwV, @s SoKEL, VOMIT PAaTOD, Kal povols CpOGs KOTELCL, KAL KEKWOWVLTLEVOLS, év TE TOLS “Edajoe Kal Tols BapBapowot Tavtaxov. Arist., Han. 721 sqq. ATTICAY XXL Hence any change in the time-honoured and familiar aspect of the coins was to be deprecated lest the peoples with whom the Athenian merchant traded should hesitate to accept the Attic money at the same favourable rate of exchange as of old. ; —rieties of style. Nevertheless, the experienced eye of the student of the ancient die-engravers’ methods of work may detect minute changes of style, which doubtless escaped the notice of their contemporaries. A close study of a large series of Athenian coins reveals the fact that although the types remain absolutely un- Successive va- changed, there are four styles distinguishable by the following characteristics. Of these, the first is _ purely archaic (pl. 11. 1-5); the eye of Athena, both on the larger and smaller denominations, is always shown as if seen from the _ front, both corners being visible ; the work also is delicate and in good taste. ‘The coins of this class are less numerous than those which follow. The second and third differ chiefly from the first in their coarser execution, the archaism still survives but is of a more conventional - character (pl. 11. 6-8 and pl. iv. 1-3), though it cannot be called archaistic,a term which properly implies a revival of archaism 3 in the time of the decline of art as distinct from a mere sur- * ru brival of the archaic into the period of fine art. The above three ~ classes, however, blend so gradually that it is impossible to draw a strict line of demarcation between them. We may therefore, for ¥, : i types permitted), which is manifested chiefly in the more correct Trophy and neatly executed. Rev. Belly of ariphora rounder than on later coins. Symbols - Nomerals Mint-letters A M1 Herm OFA Onn | wii Hermes ax |_| Plemochoé, : ; viii, ‘ Baxyos ? MXP A Rudder | | . vill, XK A Thyrsos A,O, A Tir, ME ‘vill, b Ba Club D KR M | Ear of corn taf a Pilei of Cornucopiae or no symbol { Ears of con |F, H, Z MH, NE, Dioscuri | * Drachms only. J Be ATTICA. XXXVI .in ‘Guha Beulé Monograms, &c. Symbols Numerals Mint-letters Plate | 12 hd A Two serpents |B, A,N,M? st mm Nike | ix, 4 > KI By Eagle H—M | AN, EY, ME, | ix, 5 aaa | MnP, = 15 R ; hi Cicada | 1,K,M Ww Aplustre B—M |AN, AH, EY, FIP,| ix, 6 205. 2A2 ; 17 | A Palm under 5 & or OANI| = amphora 118 |MOAY TI) Palm behind B, E, H,) MP, APA, ME, | ix, 8 . owl O, M Co, o> &e. and 19 le AYXIA\ Forepart of lr, H AN, AP, EP, NE, | horse =A, TVAI here can be no doubt that the above 17 series with AOE and Yo monograms, and of large spread fabric and (for the time) good tle, precede those which are next enumerated, on which the aagistrates’ names are written at greater length. It will be seen hat I have not included in this period the first two series in Beulé’ é’s Mon. d’ Athénes ; for it is now certain that these two series without A@E belong to Period V. (see below, series civ and cv). numerals A—M usually placed on the amphora indicate the twelve terms of about a month each during which / Amphora the twelve phylae prytanized in rotation in each _ Numerals. year. On the 17 series above described these XXXVIIL INTRODUCTION. numerals are not always present, but the practice of marking t exact date of issue becomes more constant in the series whi follow. It is noticeable that on series x, xii, xiii, xiv, and xvi t amphora numerals run up to M=12, whence we may ‘infer th those series are subsequent to the constitution of the new trik called Attalis, in honour of Attalus I. of Pergamus, which, Grotefend (Chron. Anordnung, p. 6) has pointed out, raised t _ number of the Athenian tribes to 12 (circ. 3.c. 200) from 11, which it had stood since B.c. 265, = The letters usually placed beneath the amphora which occur ‘of: series V, Vili, xii, xiv, xvi, xvii, and which are al Mint-letters, : of more regular occurrence on the coins of t succeeding periods, are supposed to stand for the initials of t _ names of the officinae or workshops in the mint from which t coins were issued. Periop II. ; f Cire. B.C. 196 —187. | ie The following’ nine series with AOE, on which the monograms. are resolved into two abbreviated magistrates’ eyed ges es names, form the link between the series with names. | monograms and those of Period III. which bear the names of three magistrates. In fabric and style the coins of Period II. closely resemble those of Period I, XXX1X ATTICA. JO ‘ZoG L Oqueary “996 ‘FT ‘O) T6[ ‘0'd Jog’ SI OjVp OY} YOIYA Jo Worjdiosur ue ul vstIpenty or} YJIM IOJOIA B SB SINd00 oMvU osoyA ‘seprloyyAuny Jo wos oY} Uoryipy ATqeqord st AXX SoTIOs UI WOLYIPY ‘OBI ‘0°a ‘9.00 ‘2 “rxx suiqkjog £q pouornuem sowepeyoq oy} sdeysod st 1xx soltos Jo **** 4yq oyenstSeu oxy, dU ‘HW ‘SW “HL SL SVdH ‘AS Aah Wises Pee or ae) VdH — IdVX ues W ‘Vv 6 ‘3 ‘x Ox ‘HW ‘3W ‘dV ‘H ‘3 ‘V ‘S| eeupenb ure | VdbOFO—INIW | 4xx , dU pue WV . Oo | “1% |" U SINAW “AW ‘OWS SAR) DAV V CoN: VWAdA —IZHLYA | Axx 9X | 1O3W iOW ‘AW i684 “AR <= ‘O surpurys ofody =| OVOIV —VeOIV | mx UO pure ‘OX “Od ‘dU ‘AN ‘N ‘HW ‘AW 'W pee ey g ‘x ‘dH ‘N43 ‘W3 ‘NV ‘WV 'V [WV V0 2 V sdedged GH SE Od3l —HWHV | Hxx ye = | UX ‘OX “LA ‘dH “da ‘UV | iW ‘LO | SNH Jo peo 3X3 — AVVI BSS dU ‘HW ‘UZ ‘UL ‘dA ‘AS bdeorhes evidoonur0() OIV — OWWV a Bois euou W-V BUOU TO LOTIOwMel dt OIlV — OWWV Nghe euou 10 UX ‘dul ‘HW ‘Aa quOpy, OIVH—13VV_ | max jee es sjoqusg>— a | 3 80901981387] jenuuy = |, Seqeg — ~e pe ei eb Ae ‘a ee el OS ee ae eae 5 Rv ae ays ' 7 ; ite vet xl INTRODUCTION. Grotefend, Philologus 28, 73). He was doubtless a descendant of the orator Mikion mentioned by Plutarch (Arat. 41), Polybius. (v. 106), and Pausanias (ii. 9, 4). The victorious quadriga appears to have been adopted by him in memory of his success. ‘This coin. ! ry is therefore of importance, as it seems to give us a fixed date. Periop III. Circ. B.c. 186—147. The coins of the following 26 series are smaller in diameter and proportionately thicker than those of the two pre- 26 series with vious periods. They are characterized by their three names. i neat and careful execution, and, as may be seen by comparing plate xi. with the previous and succeeding plates, are clearly distinguishable both from the earlier and later issues. In addition to the two annual magistrates whose names or monograms, occur on all the coins of the new style from first to last (series civ and cvi excepted), a third magistrate’s name is now added which is changed as often (on some of the series) as twelve times in the course of the year during which the two others remained in office, and as a general rule the numeral on the amphora changes with every change of the third magistrate’s name, ‘This third officer must therefore have been elected in rotation from each of the twelve tribes as they prytanized in order. It is not, however, to be inferred that coins were necessarily struck at Athens every month or even every year. Clearly money was only struck as occasion required, hence comparatively few series show a complete sequence of amphora numerals from A to M, and it is equally certain that the whole number of known series, which is probably almost complete, must be spread over a longer | period than, on the supposition of an unintermitted coinage, you a é | barely suffice for their. issue. xl ATTICA. ‘ITIAX SOILOS JO *** * OI[OFT OY} SB WLU OUTS oY} Sdeyaod st *** TET] oywaystSeu oy], UWI09 JO Siva Pure oz ‘IW IV W-—-V evidoonus1od IVH—ZOIVXV XXX OX ‘AW ‘IV W—V ovidoonui0s aTqnoqd, JIOIV—IZIVOdovVv IXXX . YyVarar GX | oz ‘AW ‘IV ‘UV W-—V | Surproy oytn I=HVOUV—IZIVOdovV oe “IAXX SOLIOS UO OST SAN000 *** VIOFT OFVAYSLOVUM OT, | osvd UL MOG pue Gua OX ‘dH ‘VI ‘NV V—-H | ‘urys story “qnyp VdH—%O1LZI1dV SESS *AI[X SOLIOS UO SANDAL SOPOIVIVY OMVU OY], “9UO SB 4YUNOD YsnU SatIos OM} OSdq} ‘BUFO Fo rvo9A soqoouuy jo yaved Aprvo oy} ut soyporvaeyy Aq pooetdar sem sousSOYIN o4vl]SISVM puodes OY} SY ‘G/T ‘O'a ‘ouody} OY} 0F WOIssod0" SIY 04 snotAoid oUITy OUIOS JOJ SUOYZW 4B Surpisor seM oy ‘(souvgdidy) viakg jo UIAT 949 Sprvaioqye sompooay YIM yqnop [[v puokeg peyljuopr useq sey Solos sIq} Jo soyoorjuy oy, ae UX ‘oz ‘AW Rex queydoygy ZOXIVdV—ZOXOILNV Ux ‘oz ‘OX ‘AW Vv quey dors JONIN—ZOXOILNV ITAXX ‘XX—KXIX SOLOS JO soluomury ey} se uvm ous 049 A[qeqoad st sormmommy ‘portod oy} ut A[Ive soulod sertes SIT, VOX “OX ‘OX ‘AU ‘AW ‘IV | W—V | seqoroy, oar, SVIVVVA—ZOINOWWV HAXX e7B[g 810999[-JUIPT s[TBrouINn NY sjoqurtg SoIVIISISBY [BNUUY soleg sal INTRODUCTION, “Al JOIST[IGG) OGT ‘0°'E JHOgV st oYep OY} YOY Fo uondiosut Ue Ul pouoljueM UWOTYIPY uozty1I0 9y4 Jo MOS ey} waeq eavy 09 [sop ]roryang osoddns om yr sutoo oy a0q eyep eqeqoad o10ul B UIRIQO OAK ‘O6—6G6G ‘0'4 vroopeddeg jo Sury sem oy ‘soqepeayjiy JO Mos oy} YA Teouepr st [soyy] vay yeyy stsoqqgod dy STIOM “Ad ydoooe 04 out A0f 4[NOYFIp 4I SOYVUI SOLES sty} JO SUIOD oY} JO UOIyNDeXE puv o[448 poo ayy, g “IX UX ‘OX ‘AW ‘IV W—V | seqeyy cart, VdVIdV—l4VaAdASZ tee ts TAPT IAL UX “OX ‘OX ‘AW V sTmojty oreyoty | LHVAOOVIV—SZHVIVAOGAG | X1xxx UX ‘VOX “OZ ‘UdU ‘dU ‘da GW‘VdH OIVIV'UV| WV | womny uo o[Seq | ZOdVNVXUX—ZHNIIIU | Wwaxxx | ‘[OJ}QNOp SI TXX solses Jo +++ wydoic] oy yy [worWept st **** qdorg zoyIaT AA FX $x ‘OX ‘AW ‘IV W—V | uory Jo qavd-or0q ¢01IV—JOO0dU0V WAXXX UX ‘6X ‘OX ‘AU ‘AW S| V—-V roads on XVIVW—ZOWILOIV [AXXX UX ‘6X “OX “AU ‘AW ‘IV | W—V | edtpenb ur soroyy IXANOIV—IXANOIV AXXX ‘IXxx soltes jo [seu]osory oy} YT [voyuopr Ayqeqoad st sorses sty} Jo [souJoSoig, oxy, aijdoos sproy ‘sul OX ‘AW ‘IV W—V | -pueys j deqyomecy 1AZOU—JIOIV AIXXX UX ‘OX ‘SU ‘AW ‘UY | WV) “od pur roam) | ZHLVdNIZUZ—NUWVV | texxx O7R[ I 810990]-JUITT STB1OTIN NY sjoqusg SOPVIISISV]T [VNU SOLIOg xlui ATTICA. (‘a “epg “7019 waoap 724) Youeynyg oos ‘Ayroreyz stq4 Jo ASojvoues 049 10,7 ‘QQT ‘0'a jnoqge wood oavy ysnut “(Eze ‘o'd “qQo) sosinyATT 10¥VIO oY} Jo ooASep YYXIS oy} Ut quepuoosep ev ‘oddrpiyg polreut oy “topuvsd'T Jo oyep oy], “IIXXX] Solas Jopun oes ‘soqeaysISeM OMY OSdy) JO sJULpUEoSEp oY} JOT “IXX Soles jo soyNepy) dJorp1ve oy} Jo Uos & udeq oavy jpesuig Av soyne[H ‘soyNe[H Jo 1044Snep oy} “eaqjouly, poriem ‘sorepeyy ‘topuesry jo uos 044 JO ‘SUOIJOOUMOD dIOM SOYNVI pues zepuesdrT | Ux ‘OX ‘AW IV-Vl oer | ZOMAVVI-NVZAV | ab THAXX SOMOS JO SOTOIVIVYy O44 YIM [voruept Ajqeqoad st soyorerey | UX ‘oz ‘3U SW'IV | Ww-v] MOLT IVAOIdS—XIVdV | atx ‘OYI[UN JOU O1B Solos OM OY} OTAYS UT ‘eploap youu OM ‘UOS SI dO ‘Axx Sotdos Jo soqseaydooyy, oy} se weUL oUILS 0} SI S9L10S Sty} Jo sojsvaydoor,y, oy} Joq}Oy A, OX ‘OX AW W—V | wong posut A VLUZX—Vde030 TUX OX ‘OX ‘OX ‘AU AW ‘IV | H—V | Aorre3 wo Lydorz, SOUWOUOJO0O—OLZINISO | Xx OX ‘OX ‘OX ‘3U ‘AW | +9 oo XOdVNVAS—ZXOVIUL [x "AXX SOLLOS JO WOLYITT oY} WPA Teoruept oq Avu ‘sotios siy4 Jo sopropyAangy oy} Jo saoyyry om ‘HOIyIY 4243 eTqissod eymb st 47 ‘(pUnofz oq [JIM soouodejor 1oyJO aroya ‘eT “d ‘uazunwwagqneg ayoswuayip “puejejO.1y oes) UOTyR19N0S eaIssooons YOVS UI INded sowvU YyOq pur ‘poyvjer AJosopo odo OILY pue soptoyyAang Jo sorrurey oy, ‘O9OT ‘0'a qnoqe sdeyaiod ‘[¥ Solos FO o}ep OY} OYVUL P[NOA SIYf, “SodmI47777 Q0QIA. NOL 194 aogiaywadany 09 gon doug wm 7 sarroigley aopnyy ‘suoysy 4v puns oyqnd owos 0} sxojnquNoD soyjo Suowe “(oped a fe INTRODUCTION. xliv Back! ~~‘ nyAquop esou youut st (Qg]“0°a *9.122) worywsoued snoracdd oy} 0} poSucjed OM ‘AXX Solos JO TOIT OY} YA [VoWop! SI UOIAT, AoTOYM 4nq ‘QQ| ‘O'd Jog’ poqstanog oy “[x seties Jo soplopyAungy ony yyIM sopropyAing sty} Fo Woryeoyiyuopr oy} OF ‘laAaMoy “Mo1yoelqo OU SI Oday, ‘SJUBpUEOSep sley} WeEq aavy ssopiqnop Leu soy} ysnoyyye ‘(6 ‘ ‘sneg) uopeseyy Fo A Aytyg Aq pouostod o1om oy ‘2G ‘0'd *ou29 ‘suBTTOYFY OG} JO MLYLOOOL OY} Weed SAVY, UBD soqvajstSvu OM} osoyy 4yeyy o[qtssodurt oymb sr qr “(Tgg *d “wnyr ‘48’TT) JNO poyutod eloyMosTO CAVY T SY {x Uz ‘6X ‘OX ‘AW ly—v] umyog | lVAAdAI—NODIW | maqx ‘IIT powsg JO soltos 4so}¥] OY} JO OUO Eq OF savodde siqyj, ‘emo se poyunoo eq ‘erojoroyy “plnoys solos Om4 olf], ‘sousyjsomocy £q Aueykad puooes oy} 0qze poovdor svar ‘Qyer{sLSVU PUOES oY} ‘SopeIyyTY qvod stqy uy Ux ‘6X ‘OX ‘SU ‘AW | WJ sodvip) NAJOZXOWHV—ZXOd0VOdLHW oX ‘OX ‘AW ‘LV d—V sodvry) ZHVVILVIN—ZOdO0VOdLHW | Mx ‘9SBO OAIJIUOS OT} UI S1N900 (AOXKIVd VY) som@eu ,s9} v1} -sISVUl PAY} OT} FO CUO 1OYA “T Sottos UI pus ‘O_IYHIN—AOXdVWIL “IIT SOLIOS Ul OLB OAT}IUIS B JO soounjsut soyyo Ajuo oy, “[ZAJONSIILIZ ‘seo DATJIUOS OY} Ul OLOY ST OMVU S,oPVAJSISeM PUOdES OY, Ox ‘ZX 91x | ‘QW ‘dH iSH ‘IV ‘VI |W-V{ soldepisy ON3JIU3—-VANIW TATX O4B[d $.10949[-JUIPL S[B19TIN NY sjoqursg SOIBIYSTOBIT jenuuy SILIIS | xlv <4 oO he = i) <= ‘SOUVU SO4BIISISVUL 9914 ITM Oso} (M) ‘SoSSBTO OM} OJUL poplaAtp oq AvUI Solas OY], “MOUULUT PIVMZ AR qsoUl B UI So]ppeajs pue podeys A]peq St [MO oY} pu ‘poyesuojo o1om sr vsoydue ‘SoUvU 9917} oY} OSteAdL Of} UG “quoIy ut yved wv 03 SuIpueyxo puv ‘doj OY} YU SI JI SB pouczjeB nyacdeeraiae ‘moj Ajureoun st 10J oTqvyremor AT[vetoodse st vuoyyW jo yompey oyy, ‘e[4ys ssatoaeo a10U puv soyonod spt Lq Surpooeid oy} Jo 4vy} WoAZ poysinsuYystp oq 0} St potsod sty} Jo 9ovULOD oT, Aen bianbea tats, "AT aolagg dig Roe. St SOLIS 4SOI[Ivo oy} JO ou oq 03 suvodde siqy, ‘IA[X SOLOS “fo ‘osvd OATIIUAS OT]} UL OLY SI OULU 4SIG OUT, 6 ‘Tx | UX ‘6X ‘AW | V—@ | seqs puv soqouy| = OIVAIN—AOXdVWIL | oT "sUBMOY Oty fq steyyy 0} poyuosord sem sojaqy wo ‘2 QT *O'd WOAZ OFep ABUT SOILS ST} Jey} oTqeqoaduat you st 47 six | UX ZX ‘OZ iHW AW |W—-V! soHedonedy | UVOXANOIV—XHLVWdNOZ | 1 (98 ‘d ‘Tegy *wouyQ *“wnAT) AOXIVAVY “Attues oy} ur omen SI] SUT SoPVASISVM PIT} OY} JO OUO sSolJOS SIG} UQ XIX] SOLOS Ul SB SOUOSOYIN OMS oy} A[Geqorg OZ AW ‘IV A—V | sneonpep JOXIN—WdVXAVOU | UX @Z ‘OX ‘SU ‘AW -A-V! poeML | ZXHLAAVV-NUWAVOU | EP INTRODUCTION. xlvi AOYJISO4Fe P2IWO UOAP IO “O[GISo]]I WoyJO ST OUIVU SoJVAJSISVUL PAIy] OY pus ‘opna ATOA ST SOLIOS SI} JO OLIQVy OU, | OX ‘AU ‘SW ‘UV W—-V | woo josey | $OLVdLSIUS—ZHLVdHIOWYV | ET ee eee OBI 8.10999[-JUTPY s[B.IouTINnN sjoquitg SOjVAISISVY TenuUy SOTIOg ‘sampu .sajvusibou aaiyy yyim (») ssvip '9Q ‘0'A UY OJP 19}V] V OF poustsse Ajoaytsod oq urd sottos Moz AI0A yey} qaosse ATJUepyUoD Avu OM S10TJ0509/e% pogtqryoad owt} SITY qv jou sv suoyyy jo ojdoed ey} jo owen oy} ur AouoUL AOATIS JO ONSSE OY} JY ‘soIOMMOD URIMeG}y uodn Und [BUY yysnorq ‘9g ‘o'a “eT[NG Aq UMO} OT} Jo onydvo pu odors on} pure ‘sUBTIOY O44 Jo YIVIM OTTy AgIO oyvunjziojun oy} uodn uMOp poT[vo seqepeayyIpy JO osnvo oy} 0} sudyZW JO UOIsoype oy], ‘pues ue oF oud Aytsodsoid Jo wosves siqy ‘(GZ “IIT ‘sneq) soyepeayyyPY Jo sTeatuupe oy} Jo ouo ‘souvydouozy Aq poyeysvaop SEM SO[O(T UST ‘QQ ‘O'C UL ‘suay}V 9e poutood A]jenUUe JOATIS FO JUNOTR OY} UI osvatouL Sutpuocdsea.t.09 @ AIVSSOOOU POTOPUSL OAVY YSNU SIT} puB ‘9000I1H) UL 9}v4s AoqJo AUB Fo yey} Aq poyjenboun gouvz1odmt ue poureyye 4soA\ OY} pus sey OT} YIM YAOq sojeqT Yonoayy oocomMod uviUdy}V 94} ‘OPT ‘O°d YQUILOD Jo uory -ONIJSOp OY} PUB SOPOT Y JO [[Bf oy} 1oqye 10j ‘oyvos opesojoy vB uO UoTyonpoad Aqsvy oj onp ATJAvd st posed SIq} JO SUIOD eT} JO YAOM Opna oy] ATqissog ‘oovds jo quva 04 Jo ‘(you souINoTIOs pue yuosoid soutly -OU10S SI OWVU PITT} OY} LOY ‘XIT SOLIOS *JO) oOUeSTLSou 04 onp AJaIOM SUIOg OUIVU p.aALy} 94} JO UWOTSsIMO ey} ‘emt} jo guiod ut poaqvardes oq ‘1aAoMOY “youUvd seSssv[O OMY OSOT, “A[UO OA\Z WII oso (¢/) pus xlvil ATTICA, — ‘OULU §,O4VIJSLOVUL PAY} OY} SJUVA MOJO SOLLOS SIT, | | TINY SOIT ‘OX ‘OX ‘SU SHW ‘AW ‘UV! A—-V oy} JO LT SOUUIOVIV—ZO0OId LHWHV | X11 ‘spoquiAs snosojeue oy} J “e0ray ooo prey Ayqeqoad oFF = “*XIXX]| Solos UO sanded svome(y OWeU OTT, d3aU ‘IV ‘HV ‘VIE ‘UV | A—V | SIT Jo sserp-proH ZSHVANOWdI—-ZVIAWHV TA] Jesu, SuUTU AON ¢ TX OX “d3U ‘SU “HW SHV SUV) V—-V | i mo5y 20 sorg OIVEVNW—ZOUGdV TAT ‘soyepelygiyy Jo sed44-ut00 quonboeay ysout oy} Jo UO Sutoeq sv poqoayas ssoyqunop sear ‘sosvoog Sulyuup v oquds oyy, “paynqiajqe oq ATuonbesuvo Avr sotsos styy rvok yor 0 ‘79—¢99 ‘oa Ul suSYZV 4e [njtomod [je sem ‘soyepeayyipY JO osnvd oy} Jo qUoIOYpe poJOAep B SUVA OM ‘HOTSIIW ex] OX ‘SU CHW ‘UV LW | Sarunp sosesog | = NOVIO—NUILZIdV | Tay _ *(AXX[) Sattos Jer[rvo we uo osjB sanos0 emu suoyedy ‘seyepeaqyiyy Jo uezyaed Saoys ve pue ‘uoystay jo corduosoe oy} ‘sooy, Jo. uoyypedy As[qeqoad st oyvrys1Seu 4say 044 10; (OG ‘O'a ynoge Weeq Avy 0} SuIOAS SOLOS SIT} JO Jp ONT, 1a (Ua lV. | Z ie) pam & iS) i=) a = S =a Zi ~~ xlvil A hehe ot Ee : ‘31 SOLIOS TO » savadde os]? seLieyy OMvU OY], “tox sottas ‘Jo ‘(OPT *o°a) SnTpayePy suTIOIRD, 5) Aiqeqoad st snyum~) ‘puodes oy} uo pesueyo st joqurds ot} sev “jourystp AjTyuoredde ov soltes OX} Sol], ouou euou | W109 Jo sive OMT, — ZVIidVX—ZOLNION TIAX] 4 80719391 pes dU ‘IV ‘HY ‘UV J—V | sulumor ox ZVAVA—ZOLNIOD TAX] OX ‘dU ‘SU ‘HW ‘SW ‘UV | W—-V YqCor MA SHVVIUHVASZV—ZOIZ3I»I wos "SOLOS SITY} WO SoqRaysISVU pay} OY} Jo oUO sv siNd00 (YOIVUAOL) suyqug oureu uewmoy oxy, | US “OX ‘OX ‘AU ‘AW ‘UV | V—-V joqurds ON ZHNVOO3VA—-ZOLOVOIO | ARI | e1oydwue 07UT PUX UX ‘VOX ‘OX ‘AW ‘UV | WV | 901 Surddorp oyIN | = SHVAAS—-ZHVIBVAVdH Tx] ‘ITAXXX] SOLIOS JO SOTOUING, OY} PITA [VOIJUOPI SSoTJqnop SI sofeuIny, “e[[N_ Jo owl, oy} uvy4 LOT[IVI JVYMOWLOS oq 04 Uldes “oTAys s1oYy wWoa ocpnl 07 ‘solos SIT} JO SULOD OTT} Jnq “(Pl “oyyng ‘yourqnyq) IVA OLVpRAtA Oy} JO ou} oy} ur suoyry ye Aqavd uemMoy oy} Jo sopvo] oY} FO ouo svM uOYAIT[ey | UZ ‘OZ ‘OZ ‘HW AW ‘UV! W—-V | ayoXT, | NUOIVVVN—-ZOVHWAS | XI °ouo SB peyuNno) oq 4ysnul SOLLOs OMY osolT, Ux ‘OZ ‘OZ ‘AW W—V | — sowtozoqdray, NIWO3SVI—-ZHVISdVWAF Ux ‘OZ ‘OX ‘AW q—vV somopoyduy, | [ZVINVVINVVY—-ZHVISdVWAS | I Ux ‘oZ ‘OZ ‘AU ‘SSW ‘UV | WV | Sates oy 4y, ZVIdVX —ZOIOIZOV X] O4BIiq §19999[-JUITY S[TB1IOUIN yy sjoqmfig SOIVIISIOVPY [BNUUY SOLLOgG OM} 04} JO AarpIve OFF Of OF SUIOOS AXX] SOLIOG “AT Solos TO S1n000 WLU soy UOXTTody omes on) Sssopyqnop Sst SIqJ, xlix UL09 JO SIv9 TIM —_— Iv fy Surpurys rojouraq’ | LHVALOLZIdV—NOMIVVAUY | ATS TIOX SOlIOS WO S1ndd0 OsTe sopiqdonig euleU oY, SOTIIO}] PasioArr OX ‘IXi ‘d3 ‘IV ‘UV VV | WA rojgomoq SOVIPONIO—ZVIOWV ASI OX Si vOMOH NOdJIVAI—ZHLIAVV Lecce! "SOULLT OMY U}IM Soti9s TE ‘parp}wmo awunu sayvusibpm puyy, (gf) ssv7Q < 2 “ATT SOMOS TO SONVULIVY) SB UVUL OWES OY} JQNOp OU SI SOLtos SITY} TO SOINVULIVYD IIT, " Soto10} OMY OX ‘65 ‘OX ‘SU ‘AW ‘OIV | VV) a4 wyomg SV3ALZIdV—-ZHLAVNIdVX | Xx] yor1o4 | UX ‘6X ‘OZ AW VV | Surproy srameyty | SOINUVVOLIV—ZHVAONVS | 131 sosi£Y} puv. seul OX ‘SU ‘AW ‘UV W—2 | qt sosXuorg SHZOU—ZOLVdLZOWIL oes) "sneonpeo @ St [oquAs oy} YOIyA UO ‘][ SeLIas UO sand00 Os|e [soue]soxIN omen oY, sneonped : OS i: 1% OX SU IV | WV) Fuppy soupy | OXVWIVVVA-ZHNSIJOMNIN | xET cae “Ee ane Ox 4 O (3 CHW ‘Uv | W—V/ pez pe | XOIXANOIV—ZHLHMIN, [Hast eee re ree ae ee eee ee Oe Me eg ie ee eg LTE A ‘ z — Ps ‘pues i > ie oe, eee ee ~ an DL Boks 7 ~- se oe ee oe Mee ey ee Zi 2) a e oO =) = © 63 SS = ony jo emnd e ou) ul 1 190q “OAvT Seu ey ‘os aq sity} 7. (089 Tr" ul SO[JOIT 1ogjour Fo zoyyry oy sdeysod ‘gnorstydey SOT OI, £qeqoad 5 SI UXXX] 04 XXXf SOLOS jo cee OU : eT] Ng Aq esoIs 049 0} guonbesqns ore Aoyy qeyy Apuojovssiyes poaoad oq uvo yr yvyy YuUIy} OU Op TJ quq | ‘suoqyV jo SuIND JaATIS 4SoqR] ATOA OT] CUOMUR eq OF, aeaddu sopyouy JO owRU oT} YIM Soles anof ONL, 6 ‘Tx dH “ouou | souemivg eMOyTY XONIVHW—IV3AW SHVAOIV HIXXXT g Tx OIW ‘VdH O-V sosAUOr(] ZOdMVOIV—IdL OL ZSHVAIOIV | Hs7 L TX OX ‘OX ‘UZ. d erornd ZSOISVHW—-ASAV OL ZSHVAOIV | S71 euou W sorde]ysVv ZHVINMAV—ZHVAOIV XXX] ‘sIST Jo drysioM 94} 0} SAofat OS[e JoquIAS OY} OLA ‘IILAT SOLOS UT SV SBoTMa(T OUTYS OT} A[Qeqo.Ig | Uz |O—3 | Supuys sissy | ZHVILVAAIVVVA-ZVAWHV | XPT "‘quaIEYIpP 918 sjoquids 9} SB ‘FOUTYSIP O1IB SOLIOS OM OSOTT, Id “IV V sostAq J, ZHNAWWVU—XOWILIXdVY xa] | IO.M OT} gin | OZ SAU TIVSHY | I-V | empedissr | Id LHWHV—ZOWILIXdY AX] ‘A|X SOLIOS JO JopuvsdATT OY} UBYy 104k] He CRON es souvivadde [[@ 0} SI SeTLos SIq} Jo JepuesdTT oY, 3W ‘dH euou | sseuny stmoy | ZOdVNVZXAV—SIEHVOUV | 4xx1 o78Id | - S109}9[-JUITT ‘| speaourn sjoqusg go \RS(Svy_ [eNUTy | so1rog hi ITA] “103 WO SIND90 OS[B SvIOSUSLUPY omvU oyT, “(PAT Ig T881 “Moy “wnaT) “Aunqung pavapy ALG Jo Joutqvo oy} UT St soLtos sty} Jo uomtoeds UMOUy A[UO OY, ouou V | Surpueys soskuorqg | ZVdOIVEZVNW—XOIZANOIV |Ar=xxI O4Bl I $19949[-JUIT, S[ BIOTIN NY spoquisg SOYVISISBY [BNUUY SOLLOg eR ete en i ta eg nce NS LY EE SS ET aN Ce Er NS pi ee ee ty Cage BN DREN pees “SULOO Of UO ANVVO FOI M esoyy o1B sjeqid va UL SOUBVU OTT, ‘0 & “490 IST JO O[ppIuUt *9429 ‘violsAyT pur soidopysy jo seg OL °0°'a noqe sdeyaad ‘snoistudey soryorq sv ots oy A[quqorg DYLO YL [U2 SGALLOILZ LG—8@ ‘0'a UOTOILY ; (¢96 ‘Il “F ‘I ‘0) Bros TOA S° 108. (sip9o1q) se] org = 16°°0'& ‘sneqyqoo1g7 | = Wopresog jo ysaltg eueq}V jo ssoqsorrg | TIX¥X[ “109 0G 0a "9429 = (IMSS3] @ ISXX[ Jog) SOIMGAN eddiiqaq— “SNULITAN SHTXOIa br pateta: Bags Bands | SOAISIHdAM SATHOIA ite Lo— ‘wu — sorepoyyy (ATX *109) (a[x ‘10g 2091 ‘9a ‘SoMAVTO eddipryg “im 2g 09T ‘0'a “YAANVSA'T ‘snotsiqdey sa[{o1( qsiy oy JO e[pplut oy} ynoqe snotsiqdey soalyorg aasunok oy} fq y A ee ENB i . ooo etereneut Fi INTRODUCTION. li —— a ee : ? "AIX] SOLOS UT 0Fe1}SLoeUl ply} @ sv snd00 snI[qng oulvu uLMOY OY, ‘(IAX] PUB TAX] Solsos “fo) snionry pue snjum~ Ajoaatoodso.s O1OM SNIMIUIN]Y IOssooons Sly PUB SNT[OJoPT FEY} OLY YrVULat 07 o]IYM YWAOM oq AvU 4r puv “soywaystseuT [BNUUB SB STOO UBIUDYIY OY} WO mMO00 YOY somMeA uLUTOY OM4 ATMO OYY oOdB SMIONTT pue snguINg) r9yewo(T ¢ ‘TIX IV euou puv stwmeyry ZHLVdaILNV—ZOINAZV 10x cax| UZ INADA | WO | enc reap ZHLIGIUS—ZHNVOOAVY ox VdH Vv. soumoozdrry, SHLVdyIUA—-ZOXVNIVVV XIXXX] ‘IIIX| SOLOS JO SapPlo[YVlay] OY} SB OUIeS OY} SI SOPlo[YVloPT SIT} JOyZO|A [NZZQnop oqinb st 47 t | Vi | peeysepsry | SHVISVAVdH—-NOAVAVdH | IAXXX] ‘ILX] Solos ‘uoydr[ey JO enSvoT[OO of} SB OMS OF} ST SOfOMNAT sty, I—V | tvods to 1 ‘mx| Zt ‘da ‘US IV SUV | 20. V | Sursor j snosayy, XHVINS=OIO—ZOVHWAZ TAXXX| Uz @ | soveyaT opfody NUONJ=—SHNIIIVSA IAXXX| Ux ‘IV H xurydg XHNIXZIV—-ZOLNVOOIV AXXX] Ovid §$10999[-JUITT S[B.I9UIN NI sjoqutg SOPBIISLOBIY [BNUUY goLIag cee hii < oO — = = < Ux ‘OX . SU IV ‘HV ‘UV | v—d quodiog ZONJ=ZOWdV—ZHVAONFZE TAO Ux ‘= q IZ1 ‘da IV ‘UV W-V Beg ZVAZVNW—dULZ3N TAOX dj Plea OA teh dULZIN—ZVASVNW TAOX ‘(96 ‘d ‘urszag “qeyzunyy ‘y{) 9]438 Mou. oY} Jo oUO AjUO OY] ‘UMOTIY OSTR ST 104BIS POG B Sots SIt} JO ‘suoyiy 38 Aqied surzraeuioyy ey} Aq soqvaystsem Aavtouoy poyurodde useq oavy osje Ava oyM “SnimUnNyy ‘7T pus snoopy “O 10F purys Avot yoy ‘ox pue “Itax] ‘IAX] SOLlos UO SnlonryT pue snjzumM?) Jo someu oy JQ ‘suayjZy 4B J1oMod UL Wey} Sjucdaype sty Aq guoeutjdmods jo yno suloo oy} uo poorid A;qeqoad sem suly og} Jo owvU OTL, “soqepeiyyipy Jo sueziyaed oy} ‘uolsuy pue uoylpedy jo saweu og} 1eoq Org ‘TAT pue AT Soltos Alozetp -OMUIL popesdons sAvY 0 sulaes YT ‘*(G “OZ TI ‘SaBq) 9-28 *O'd 0} pazep ATJoVxa oq AvU Salles ST, ¢ ‘MIX 13 G—V |syuoosry pue ung) NULLZIdV—ZHLVVVdOIW AVIZVE | 495 Oz ‘BU WOJ9504SIIV y x) “(ZH ‘da ‘IV SUV) WV | pre sntpourreyy NOIXZOW—dO0LNIW ALOX oz ‘OZ W ‘L. | poqes aoqouocy ZHLVdNOWIL—ZOWHVSANAW |x ‘IAXX| SOTIOS UO SB JapuRsdr] OWNS OY} PU ‘AIXX|[ SOLIOS UO SB soprydoutg euvs oy} Ayuoieddy | UIOI JO SIva 0.4 | di ‘IV H—-V | pur peoy- Addog ZOVIPONIO—ZOdVNVSAV ht oe Fy et at oak s oe ee, Se be ee "IBM OLVBPBITITL ay FO OUT} O17] JNOGe oa MOMMOS MOI O}ep Illy PU 11d SOLIDS JV} FQNOP OPI4I] Eq Ud oAOyT, ‘sand00 os[e OY Vy ouEU oY} LITA “IX] Solos “J Oz 7. OXIN NUSIVVVA-ZHLVdHOVIO TILA VdH V do Y |vurpueys sos.fuorg ZHVOUdH —-ZHLVdNOVIO 110 -Q “IILX || SW CIV a | soXwvgy ZHVIOLZINIAO—-ZHVVLOS 10 “109B] OM JO avak B oq JYSIM 4L ‘snI[oyJaPY Jo JOSSOOONS OY} ‘SNIMUINT LO} popuozUt oq O SOLIas UO OINHY OY} Jl yng “OPT “od Juoqe Worf oJ"p SNUL SOLOS INTRODUCTION. Ylog ‘anifayopy suyworg “} oq sty JT ‘oSvuossed oures oy} quosoadaa Loy} 4vyy AoFAl feu om “ZyaqVvy pues FOLNIOM JO sowmvn on} Surawoq ‘ax solos UO VY} YA ornsy pozwos or} Fo Aqiyuopt oy} Wod yy oz ‘Su ‘dV ‘OUV ‘UV = Z—V | peqves 4 SQT1°}9 11 ZONSA=OWdV—ZHVAONFE a du ‘dau : NV ‘ddV ‘dV ‘UV | W—V [etadiop 9 qepeL XONS=EOWdV—SHVAONAE X10X O4Blq $10999]-JUITL S[B.ISUIN NY sjoquisg SOYBISIOVIT [VUUULY S9LLag liv lv Sopqmosor 41 ‘poted oyeprayytpy oy} JO sortos a0y30 oY} Jo Wey Uvy 10}40q st diysuvmyroa oy YSnoryyype € qnq “Alo soties uodn quomoaordmr yoursip ev samoys 41 o44s UI "F§ ‘0°A OF USISSY P[NOM JT Soltos STI, e . e i LN a Ld | AOV yoy | Ao | CIgg ux ‘wn *f 7007) . *eQ ‘ova SNMOULOYOIC) 4B pu “Og ‘O'a BlouOdoRYD We SopepBlyqL JO [eiouss 01} ‘snvjeyouy TIAO SOMOJOIA OAY S/VI[NG 0} ojo sarydouy 04 YT, "G8 ‘O'd Avo OY} 0} SaLtos sIyy eqnqtiyye 09 SAQY SL qqnop ou YoT[eg UoA "WY “Iq poy sey ‘AIAYSZLI YAdINI YVIAS 7 uolydiiosut ayy SuLIBaq ‘sntieuep uUMOUY [Joa B uo avodde yoryM osoyy YHA suloo osoyy uo saiydo1y omg oy} Jo AqryUapt eyn[Osqe ey, Q ‘2 “Ix ‘Tg SI0}4O[-JUIUL ONT | VY ‘[e1oun poquids on” 'Z ‘das ‘omneg | sorydoay omy, “foqudg | SOUVU SOqVIYSISVUL Oy | JOV Woy A | ato “ABMB uayey ATeqtuyep ueaq oavy 03 sueas LouoU TAATIS SUINIOD JO FYStI oYy YOIyM a0qZn ‘Z Crass II. (a) Obv. Tortoise with smooth shell and row of dots down back with two additional dots at top = Rev. Incuse square divided by broad bars into five compartments. 7 Becca, HA Pl. xxiv. 1—7. z Rev. Incuse square containing, on stater, Triskelis; on obol, Dolphin. me Pl. xxiv. 8—9. Cuass III. ; (a) Obv. Tortoise, of which the structure of the carapace is indicated as in nature, divided into plates. Rev. Incuse square, divided by bars into five compartments, as abeve. . Pl, xxiv. 1O—17. (8) Similar to III.(a), but with various letters on one or both sides, ig Pl. xxv. 1—2. ' Cuass IV. 7 Tortoise and incuse square as on Class IIL, dolphin usually in one quarter of incuse. The flans are more spread. Coins regularly inscribed Al or AIFI and with magistrates’ names, e.g. Al, AIKAIO, EY, NI, X, &c. Pl. xxv. 3—9. To this class DiC bet MM HM iy ho SAD Wid APR hee ea is Sys Ixvill INTRODUCTION. must be attached the earliest bronze money with magistrates’ names AT, Al, NO, H, &c.—Types, Odv. Two dolphins. Rev. Incuse square in five compartments, as above. Pl. xxv. 10—14. Ciass V. Bronze only, of late style. Types various, Pl. xxvi. 1—5. Crass VI. Imperial. Pl. xxvi. 6—9. It now only remains to determine the periods to which the above Chronological Classes should be assigned. In the year 8.c. 406 i te ed Aegina was made tributary _to Athens (Thue. 1. 108), and in B.c. 431 the whole body of the inhabitants were expelled and the island was occupied by Athenian Kleruchs. In B.c. 404 the Aeginetan population was restored by Lysander to their old homes (Xen., Hellen. ii. 2,9). There is thus an interval between B.C, 431 and 404 during which Aegina cannot possibly have struck money. Now as the bronze coins of Class IV. can hardly be earlier in date than the close of the fifth century (cf. the earliest bronze coins of Athens, B.c. 406), it may be considered as almost certain that they were first issued on the occasion of the restoration of the Aeginetans by Lysander. Having thus fixed the probable date of the earliest bronze, it follows that the silver money of Class IV., also bearing magis- trates’ names, must belong to the same period. Class 1V. therefore commences in B.c. 404; and Class III. (8), which precedes it in style, and which is also distinguished by letters in the field, must, on account of the break of 27 years above referred to, be thrown back to the period preceding B.c. 431, while Class III. (a) may extend back- wards up to circ. .c.480. Weare therefore compelled to throw back Classes I. and II. (nos. 1-145) to the archaic period preceding the Persian wars. Class II. may extend back as far perhaps as B.c. 550, and Class I. to the age of Pheidon, the earliest coin of all being AEGINA. lxix the electrum stater, which, if correctly attributed to Aegina, may - even be anterior to Pheidon. . In bringing to a conclusion this volume of the Catalogue, I cannot _ refrain from expressing my deep sense of obligation to my friend and late colleague in the Department of Coins, Professor Percy Gardner, who for many years past, and indeed until his recent removal from the British Museum to Oxford, has ever been most willing to place at my disposal his wide archaeological experience, and to give me the benefit of his sober judgment whenever a : question of more than ordinary difficulty presented itself in the course of my numismatic work. I may truly say that all the volumes of this Catalogue which bear my name owe a very large measure of whatever scientific value they may possess to the daily and almost hourly advice and assistance 5 which have been so generously rendered me by Professor Gardner. BARCLAY V. HEAD. November, 1887. ICA—MEGARIS—AEGINA *, ef Y, No.| Wt. eae Obverse. Reverse, ATHENS. ELECTRUM. | Hecte. Owl 1., head facing and|Incuse square containing triangle. wings closed. 1 | 21: {EL 3 tein 1] SILVER. Cire. B.o. 594—527. Tetradrachms. Head of Athena, of very, AOE Incuse square, within which archaic style, r., wear-/ owl r., head facing, and wings ing round earring and) closed; behind, olive-spray. close-fitting crested hel- met with simple volute ornament behind. 1 9 1975-5) AR'9 olive-spray with two leaves and berry. i 2d ga eS 3 | 272-7) R-9 | : : bel. 1. 3s | A | 264-8) AR “9 (AJOE) : fel. 1. 4.) Ae ne MN ROE, Wh 2 be poten Cot ala Oe eee het 04 ei * RS Oe Ms i BURR sac UUy SA Ot Re Naa, tel sen! “> agent Fat cd 28 SE TN Gh ed PR Ua eis dn leha MMe Ma tu Me) en) aN MOREE Ma aoe NM A MT Se 2 y ATTIOA. A Gee eae Obverse. Reverse. Head of Athena, of very} AQ& Incuse square, within which archaic style, r., wear-| owl r. head facing, and wings ing round earring and| closed ; behind, olive-spray. close-fitting crested hel- 7 met with simple volute ornament behind. 5 | 260°7| AR°8 6 [Pl. 1. 5.] 260°7| AR°8 | (lower edge of neck-plate|olive-spray with two leaves and berry. twisted up behind). 7 | 259°8) R°8 8| 257: | R°8 | (helmet ornamented with * 5 five dots). [Pl. 1. 6.] 9} 270:3| R 9 : , 10| 269° | R95 e: 11 | 264°3) R“9 , three leaves. 12| 260° | AR 85 (AOE) __,, two leaves and berry. [PR it 7.4 } 13 | 259-8] AR -85 (AOE) | AR4 PPh av. 03) Trihemiobols. Similar. | A Incuse circle, within which 3 oO owl facing, wings open ; 3 above, olive-spray with two leaves. 91] 15:5 | R-4 92| 16-5] R-4 (A) [Pl. iv. 10.] 93} 16° | R°4 94) 16° | R-4 95} 15: | A458 Obols. Similar, AOE Incuse square, within which | owlr.; behind, olive-leaf with berry. 96 | 11:25) AR°35 | 97) 10°38 | R35 98/10°8 | R35 99} 10°6 | R35 (Ble arvindd.) 11001 10:6 |. R35 | iar i il 104 105 -|106 109 110 111 10:5 | R 35 10°5 5 T9) 10°5 | AX °35 10°5 | AR 35 10°4 | MR °35 10°3 | AM °35 10°3 |. AR °35 10-2 |R-3 10°1 | AR °35 10:0 | MR °35 10-0 | AR °35 56 | MR ‘25 ATHENS. ASS Obverse, Reverse. Head of Athena r. of AOE = Incuse square, within which archaic style, wearing} owlr.; behind, olive-leaf with berry. round earring and close- fitting crested helmet as on Decadrachm. Hemiobols. Similar, Similar. jb ATTICA. No.| Wt. a I ~ Obverse. Reverse. Head of Athena r, off AOE Incuse square, within which archaic style, wearing| owlr.; behind, olive-leaf with berry. round earring and close- fitting crested helmet as on Decadrachm. 114, 55|M°3 115) 5:4]MR°3 rT Bio avec} 116} 54/M°3 117) 53) ARS 118) 52/R3 119) 5-2|R°3 | | 120, 5-21 R3 | [Pl. iv. 13.] 121| 5:2| R-25 129| 5-2) AR-25 | 123) 5:1) R°3 | ; 124] 5-0| R°3 125 5-0|R 3 126) 5°0| M3 127} 5:0| Rv3 128) 4°7| M3 13 He f / / / ATHENS. No. Wt. Phe Obverse. _ Reverse. | Circ. B.c. 430—322. hrysus. Head of Athena r., of fine] AOE Owlr., wings closed; behind, style (eye in profile)| crescent and olive-spray with two but rough execution,}| leaves and berry. wearing round earring and close-fitting crested helmet,the front adorned with three upright olive- leaves, and the back with a floral ornament. 129) 133° | A’ 65 in front, calathus. (Pl. v. 1.] 180} 132°7| AV’ :65 inc, square ,, 131) 132-5) A °65 r; [Pl. v. 2.] Tetradrachms. Siniular. Similar. 132} 265°7| R ‘9 inc, square. [PL v. 3 ] 133) 265°7| AR -9 134/ 265-7) R95 135] 265-7) R “9 136) 265°2; R1°15 ine, square. 137) 265°0| R°9 - 138) 264:7| RM °95 [Pl v. 4.] 139 140 261°0; R85 '141| 260°8) AR 95 142) 259° | R'8 143) 257° | AR85 144| 255°6; AR “95 145) 252° | RI: 146} 245-5) AR “95 147} 239°7| AN 85 | ATTICA, Obverse. Reverse. Head of Athena r., of fine] AOE Owlr., wings closed; behind, | © style (eye in profile)| crescent and olive-spray with two but rough execution,| leaves and berry. wearing round earring and close-titting crested helmet,the front adorned with three upright olive- leaves, and the back with a floral ornament. inc, square. [Pl. v. 5.] | [Piel (plated) |’ Norz.—The lighter specimens have lost considerably in the 148] 62-6) R65 process of cleaning. | ‘Drachms (a), earlier. Similar, Similar. inc. square ; no crescent. 149} 64:2) AR ‘65 {(floral scroll varied). - 9 3 | [Norz.—These two specimens might be almost equally well | asia to the close of the previous period. | \ \ - . \ me yeh 5 \ - ot ¥ . \ ah \ OO fo aki Saas Sah ; ‘ t 1: ey i i ; ho Wy war te ? Shy bg R28 Yilo Soe ii ee ATHENS. 15 Obverse. Reverse. Head of Athena r., of fine} AOE Owlr., wings closed; behind, style but rough exeew-| crescent and olive-spray with two tion, wearing round ear-| leaves and berry. ring and close-fitting crested helmet, the front adorned with three up- right olive-leaves, and the back with a floral 150} 66° | R55! ornament. 151; 66° | R°6 152| 66° | R65 inc. square. MRT Vere | 153] 61°8 | R°65 154) 61°8| R°65 Drachms (8), later. Head of Athena r., of AOE Owlr., wings closed; behind, later fine style, wearing} olive-spray and crescent. pendent earring, and close-fitting crested hel- met, the front adorned with three upright olive- leaves, and the back with an aplustre. 155) 65°8 | R65 Y beside olive-spray. (Phy. 0 83] 156} 64° | R7 |in field 1., trident. PPL Ve Ds) 157; 63° | M6 | fs stern of galley. [Ph v. 10.] Pentobols. Head of Athena r., wear-|A Owl towards r., wings open; ing crested Corinthian ©) in field r., amphora. helmet. 158} 50°3 | R 6 | PPLaye tT) 159) 48:8 | R°6 16 No. 160 161 Wt. 40:2 | Ad 40°1 | AR 5 31:2 | Rd Metal. Size. ATTICA. Obverse. Reverse, * Tetrobols. Head of Athena r, wear- A Two owls x. and 1, ing close-fitting crested) © helmet adorned behind with floral ornament but without the olive- leaves in front. [Pl. v. 12.] Triobols. Similar to tetradrachms A Owl facing, wings closed ; of this period. (Cf. PL|E © on either side an olive- v. 3—6). branch. [Plovetoe A O 3 A 32:0|AR°5 |(floral ornament varied:|O E 30° 5) A'S 30°8 | Rd better style). [PL v. 14.] : A | Be @) 174 ATHENS, 1 Obverse, Reverse. Similar to tetrobols, nos. A] Similar. - 160 and 161 (Pl. v.12).;0 E 173) 29-7 | RS [Pl. v. 15.] Diobols. Similar to tetradrachms, A Double-bodied owl, head nos. 132 sqq. (Pl. v. 3\/E © facing. —6), and drachms, nos. 150 sqq. (PL. v. 7). Pah Ds |: inc. sq.; to r., olive-spray of two . leaves and berry. 175} 19°8 | R35 he AE We Bn 176) 21-0 | AX 35 | (floral ornament varied). 177) 21:5) R°4 | A inc. sq.; to L, olive-spray © Ff of two leaves and berry. [Pl. v. 16.] 178] 22:°2| R-4 i 179) 21°7 | R-4 , tor., olive-spray of two leaves | | and berry. Obols, Similar. A © E_Ineuse square, within | which four crescents back to back. 180} 8:8} M°'3 : Pek yl.) f181| 97) R-3 | 1182, 9-2) R°3 JOA | 18 No. 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 1190 191 193 194 195 196 8:2 8:2 6°8 4:0 3°7 3°7 35 LR *25 R35 fR 25 AR °25 LR *25 AR 25 ATTICA. Obverse. Reverse. Tritartemoria. Similar. A Three crescents, horns in- 3 0 wards. A Os E. © [Pl. v. 18.] A EtG) bb] A © -E Similar. [A] Incuse circle, within which E owl facing, wings closed; on either side [and above 9] a cres- cent, [PL we F953] Trihemitartemoria. Similar. AOE Incuse square, within which, ” kalathos. [Pl v. 20.] 197 198 199 200 201 205 206 207 2°7 27 ah 2°7 2°7 2°7 2°5 2°3 2°2 1°5 ATHENS. 19 eae Obverse. Reverse. Tetartemoria. Similar. AQE_ Incuse square, within which crescent, horns upwards. R15 AR ‘20 R15 PPE ve 212) | AR +20 | R20 Arield | | £R 20 AR 15 , ) fR°15 JOA | | AR15 es Hemitartemorion. Similar. [A] Owl facing, wings closed ; | © ECE on either side an olive- branch. R15 (Pl. v. 22.] [Nore.—Some of the above small coins, from the obols down- wards, may belong to the previous period. ] 20 No. 212 213 214 215 216 1217 ATTICA. Wt. aes Obverse. Reverse. BRONZE. } Head of Athena r., wear-| A Owl towards r., wings open. ing crested Corinthian}O E helmet. : LE, *6 to r,, amphora. Bees 8 Head of Athena r., wear-|A@ Two owls r. and 1.: the whole | ing pendent earring,| within an olive-wreath. : and close-fitting helmet adorned with floral scroll, but without the olive-leaves in front. ZB *55 LE 6 ZK “6 A D5 LE *55 JB 55 [ PI. vr,.2.] ZE 6 : JB +55 - between owls, kalathos. 4 FPl. vi. 3.] 2 AB “55 (OA) ” ” ee ZA 55 BS ? plemochoé. [Pl. vi. 4.] A °55| : ATHENS, 21 eet Obverse. Reverse. Head of Athena 1., wear-| A Owl facing, wings closed ; ing pendent earring,;}©O H on either side, « «3 be- and close-fitting crested| neath, grain of corn: the whole in helmet with cheek-piece| olive-wreath. raised, and adorned at the back with floral scroll, AX °45 [Pl. vz. 5.] Head of Athena r., wear-| A Double-bodied owl, head ing round earring and|®@ E£E facing ; above, on either close-fitting crested hel-| side, an olive-spray; beneath, kala- met, the front adorned| thos. | with three upright olive-leaves, and the back with a floral scroll. AG *55 3 fi 'd As ‘55 A set QO 3 [Pl. vi. 6.] | [A] ts Deeds Me IE oO Head of Athena r., wear-|A © Owl r., wings closed on ing pendent earring, E thunderbolt, and close-fitting crested helmet adorned with floral scroll, but without the olive-leaves in front. Aa 45 ZE 45 EPEWVE ia] Aa 4 | No. Reverse. Owl towards r., wings closed: the whole in corn-wreath. A Owl towards r., wings closed. Owl towards 1., wings) closed : the whole in olive- wreath. ATTICA. Wt. wile: | Obverse. Head of Athena r., wear-;/|A © ing crested Corinthian helmet. LB 55 [Pl.-vr. 8.] ‘6 AA 5 Vo pes 13 J 55 JE 5 Ze 4 AvBE © Similar. © LB 55 to r., wreath. A “5 2 2? Aged ” ” [Pl. vi. 9.] 5 |. ,, cornucopiae. [Pl. vz. 10.] Similar ; helmet adorned A with serpent. HO. 6 . [Pl. vi. 11.] ZE 6 ZA 6 JE 55 | A “6 ATHENS; 23 - er a Obverse, Reverse, Head of Athena r., wear-| A Owl towards r., wings open. ing close-fitting crested|O E helmet, the front adorned with three up- right olive-leaves, and the back with a floral ornament. 245 8°75 eh r., plemochoé. (Plsvi. 12. ] 246 ZK 85 55 amphora, 247 Zi 75 ” ” [PL vr. 13.] Demeter or Triptolemos|A QE Pig r., on bundle of twigs, in winged car drawn ‘Baxxos.’ * by serpents 1, holding ears of corn in r. 248 JE 6 7 in ex., plemochoé. [Pl]. vr. 14.] © 249 | AB 55 Ee: ¥ (Pl. vr. 15.] 250 AK ‘55 ” ” Two pigs]. . [A] Torch, in olive-wreath. 251 AE *55 252 M5 Pere LG. | * The club-shaped bundle of twigs carried by those who took part in the mysteries was called Bdkxos. Schol. in Ar. Equitt. 409. See Overbeck, Kunstmyth, 1, 671. | Rote ra eee THSSERAE, ane Head of Athena 1, wear-|N umeral i in circa rane ing close-fitting Pete cy ty hae helmet. Head of Athena r., wear-|Similar, — ing close-fitting crested | helmet, adceboe with three altvaleav on and floral scroll. Head of Athena 1., wear- ing close-fitting crested helmet with cheek- : piece down. He) Ne tN 257 1°05 eth Site: in 260) | ae-eBlK WMO SPE ia i kc |K. : no type. ATHENS. Metal. No. Size. Wt. Obverse. Reverse. ASTATIC &c. IMITATIONS OF ATHENIAN COINS OF UNCERTAIN ATTRIBUTION. Cire. B.c. 350 —300. (a) From Eeypr. | Tetradrachms. Head of Athena r., wear- ing. round earring and close-fitting crested hel- met, the front adorned with three upright olive- leaves and the back % with a floral scroll. 263) 231: | AR 1:* broken Pelivaens) 3] 264) 246-7) R11 1265) 232°7) AR “95 (>) From BaGupap. | Drachm. Similar type. 1266] 64-7| A -65 Similar type. |267 B AR ‘9 |in field 1, p94. 1 as hesioss:|m-95) = Ki 5 2 (c) From Inpra. Tetradrachms. [Pl. vir. 3.] | VAXVY Owl r., wings closed ; behind, olive-spray and crescent. in field r., crescent and thunderbolt ? (countermark, $8). (inscr. illegible). * = (countermark, +). Similar type: behind, olive-spray and. crescent. AOE and 19535 in Aramaic charac- ters in front of owl. [Pl. viz..2.] | | Similar type: behind, olive-spray and crescent. AQE_ behiad owl, bunch of grapes. 9 PON Ln te or at ha) ¥ oa te | f ATTICA. ae | Metal. ) | Wt. Size. 269) 257°8) AR 95 270) 253°4) AR “9 271) 260-2) AR -95 972) 107-7, “75 274, 54° | MR-d5 275) 51° | R55 276) 51°6) fR'6 Obverse. Reverse. Head of Athena r., wear-| AOE Owl r., wings closed ; ing round earring and| behind, olive-spray and crescent : close-fitting crested hel-| the whole in incuse square. met, the front adorned with three upright olive- leaves and the back with a floral scroll. [Pl. vir. 4. ] (two leaves only on com ,, in front, A. met). [ Pl. vir. 5.] ( ‘9 . ). | AIF without A@E or incuse square. [Pl. viz. 6.] Didrachm. Similar type. AOE Similar type: behind, olive: | spray and crescent. in field 1., bunch of grapes and Ff4? [Pl. vit. 7.] Drachms, A@E | Similar. in field ]., bunch of grapes.| behind owl, CC. PPL van: Os Similar type. Similar type. Eagle 1., looking back, in field 1., bunch of grapes. Beg pag Ree oe f monogram {AJ ?| behind eagle, vine-branch with leaf]. and grapes. [Pl. vir. 10. ] behind eagle, caduceus 1. and vine-| branch with leaf and grapes. ATHENS. ZF Metal. Size. No.| Wt. Obverse. | Reverse. Diobol. Similar type; behind eagle, vine- branch with leaf and grapes. Similar type. 276| 18° | R-4 (The above 11 specimens were found in the Panjab.) (d) Or UNCERTAIN ORIGIN. Tetradrachms. Head of Athena r., wear-|AQE Owlr., wings closed; behind, ing round earring and} olive-spray and crescent. close-fitting crested hel- met, the front adorned with three upright olive- leaves and the back with a floral scroll. 277) 258°5| MR °9 PPE yi. blo 978) 259-2) AR -9 (no crescent) ; in field 1., bull’s head | facing, bound with fillet. [Pl. viz. 12.] Obol. Similar type. Owl r., wings closed ; behind, olive- spray. 9791 9:9) R-4 A[Q]JE in front ; between letters of ! inscription, an amphora, the han- dles and neck of which form the © of the inscr. 3 TPs vite 193] 280] 10-2 | AR “35 | 28 ATTICA. No,| we | Meet | NEW STYLE. Periop I. Cire. B.c. 220—197. Series with monograms. Tetradrachms and Drachms. Head of Athena Parthenos r.,| A OE - Owl r., wings closed, wearing earring, necklace, standing on amphora which and close-fitting helmet with lies on its side; in field, two triple crest, adorned in front monograms and symbol : the with the foreparts of four or whole within a wreath of more horses abreast, on. the olive. side with a flying Griffin or Pegasos,* and on the back | with a scroll resembling an aa aplustre : border of dots. ) | Series i.f 281) 260-5) AR 1-25) trophy. hd [Pl. viz. 1.] 5 Mo > ? 9 Series ii. 285 2573. R13 A and Term of Hermes M with caduceus. [Pl. vir. 2.] | | Introduction, Series iii. Plemochoé and M4. — beneath amphora, ‘ Baxxos.’ [Pl. vin. 3.] Series iv. [Pl vi. 4.] \ Series v. and filleted thyrsos. on amphora, A? beneath, TIT ? : PPL yn. 0] Series vi. is : db : club and FY. [roo] © (Pl. vin. 6.] Series viii. w and ear of corn. M (Ph eee]: H | ear of corn. A> Sn tiey anal 5 | ear of corn, 30 No. 293) 62°2| MR °75 294) 55:8) MR 7 295| 59-2| AR -85/H 296/252°3 | AR 1°35 Wf SS) Yo) ~I SS) wwe ~I © pond bD on 298/256'9 | MR 1°3 x -19499/259-2 |AR 1°35 KI ATTICA, two ears of corn on one stalk. beneath amphora, MH. | taal Saxe. 4 beneath amphora, ME. +B) (lower part broken off.) Series ix. Pilei of the Dioskuri. [PLSTX. 3s] Series x. two coiled serpents r. on amphora, N. Series xi. Nike r., holding wreath. [Pl. rx. 4.] Series xii. By surmounted by eagle r, on amphora, M 3 beneath, &®. no horses or griffin on helmet. (Plorx0.] | ‘ ATHENS. 31 =a surmounted by eagle r. on amphora, M ? beneath, EY. Series xiv. 4) and aplustre. on amphora, E. beneath, AN. no horses or griffin on helmet. LPE Six, 65] Ra and aplustre. on amphora, K. beneath, =. Series xv. AN beneath amphora, palm. EEL. bet Series xvi. Ti DK Palm behind owl. on amphora, ®>. Thos, ” on amphora, M ? [Pl. rx. 8.] Sy chiA Naif Size. '306] 259-5 AR 1-4 a on amphora, (2) : ei u © @oublesstruek). Me ) i. eaeihad, te - «Series, t £ on amphora, H?~ CT Ra Ona ATHENS. a Metal. No.| Wt. Size, Pertops JI—IV. Circ. B.o. 196—87. Series with Magistrates’ names. Tetradrachm. Head of Athena Parthenos r,|A OE Owl r., wings closed, wearing pendent earring and | standing on amphora lying a close-fitting helmet with tri- on its side; the whole in | ple crest, adorned in front olive-wreath. | with the foreparts of four or | more horses abreast, on the side with a flying Pegasos, ; | and on the back with a scroll 3 resembling an aplustre : bor- i der of dots. | | Drachm. ‘ Head of Athena as on tetra- | A OE Owl on amphora as +i drachms. on tetradrachms ; the whole ; | in olive-wreath. 5 : | Hemidrachm. ‘i Head of Athena as on tetra~-| A OE Owlr., wings closed, f drachms ; but ornaments on standing on ‘Baxyos;' the ie helmet sometimes omitted whole in wreath of corn. oe for want of space. og eB) Series xviii. Adei.—Helio. }308| 255: |R1-4 |AA HAIO 4 EI | trident r. “ [Pl. x. 1.] 7}309| 256-5|R 1-45 AA HA Pa nme trident r. 310) 261:3|R1:-45|AA HAIO a : El trident r. ¢ 34 313): o14) : 259°8 bo Cr ior) 249°6 ATTICA. Metal. Size. Series xix. Ammo.—Dio. M13 |AM Alo MQ / Plemochoé with ears of corn passed through the handles. Bale co Series xxvii. Ammonios—Kallias: * |AR 1:15) AMM KAA QNI AIAZ Oz two long torches, flaming. AlO NY2I beneath amphora, =@. *|R12 |AMM KAA : QNI AIAZ _O2z two long torches, flaming. AY AN on amphora, B. beneath amphora, £@. | 1:15 AMM KAA QNI AIAZ Oz two long torches, flaming. HPA _KAE on amphora, A. ; beneath amphora, ME. A111 AMM KAA QNI AIAZ Oz two long torches, flaming. OEM . ms : aes i oe ] 15 Sea oe Se eae ee Se ee ee ah ae > LCA eS SS oer +, ATHENS, No. We | 'Size . 316) 255°3 A115} AMM QNI Oz AAKIT rox | Sook? ho tae Kee ee ~ 1320] 248- Series lxxiv. 317) 271°8 R115) AM Series liii. 1:15; AMOI KPA TH2 E\YA | 251-2 35 KAA MAZ two long torches, flaming. on amphora, H. beneath amphora, &@. Amphias—Oinophilos. ol Demeter or Persephone with two long flaming torches reversed. on amphora, A. beneath amphora, [=1. Amphikrates—Epistratos. Ent ZTPA TOz two ears of corn crossed. Series liv. 255'5|AR 1:25, ANA XAPI NAY TH KPIT ANA XAPI NAY TH AMY fR1°35 Andreas—Charinautes. Dionysos seated facing on throne, holding two torches, beside whom Demeter stand- ing with long torch in each hand. op amphora, A. beneath, ZO. PEA Dionysos seated facing on throne, holding two torches, beside whom Demeter stand- ing with long torch in each hand. on amphora, “.... 323 324 | | a. ATTICA. Bo!) Wit ane 321 253° |AR12 |ANA PEAZ XAPI Dionysos seated facing on NAY throne, holding two torches, | TH beside whom Demeter stand- AHM ing with long torch in each [H|TP hand. | on amphora, K. beneath, PE. | | Series xxviii. Antiochus—Karaichos. | 329) 254: |AR1:15| ANTI OXxOz ; | | 'KAPA elephant r. . IXOz EYM AXOZ nt on amphora, E. beneath, ME. | 249-5 A115, ANTI OXxO: I | (KAPA elephant r. I . | XO 1 | MPQ | TOE on amphora, Z. | | beneath, 2Q. | | [Pl er. "2 | | 256-9 R115 ANTI ~OxXOz KAPA elephant r. IxXOz MEN AN on amphora, |. beneath, =. ATHENS. 37 i Metal. _» |No. Size. ‘ Series lv. Apellikon—Gorgias. /326 257-4, R115 AN EA ih Al KON ! FOP griffin running r. | ri . a | Az he | | =| MON on amphora, |. beneath, EN[t]. © 1327| 2533115) AN EA te Al KON roP eriffin running rf. vi Az A|PTEl Oz on amphora, A. beneath, AA. | {Pl xn. 1.] 1328) 247-9, R1-15) AN EA - Al KON roe griffin running r. ri Az XAPEI on amphora, M. | beneath, AA. | : Series Ixxvi. Apolexis—Lysandros. © 1329) 256- |R11 |ANO AH Py =| Artemis huntress running l., a AY with hound beside her, and in SAN thrusting downwards with f APO spear, = > no numeral on amphora. beneath, HP. 38 ATTICA. Metal. No. Wt Sine. Series lvi. Aristion*—Philon. 330)252°8 |AR 1:05) API =TIl QN Pegasos |., drinking. ol AQN APO | MO on amphora, B. beneath, MH. 391/243°2 |AR1:2 | API bas Fe QN Pegasos 1. drinking. ol AQN OE O on amphora, E. beneath, AN. 332)/253°8 | 1:05) API =TI QN Pegasos |., drinking. ol AQN | OE | O | on amphora, E | | beneath, MH. | [Pl. x11. 2.] 333\238°5 |AR 11 | API =TI | pak ne QN Pegasos 1., drinking. ol AQN HIE | Az | on amphora, |. | | beneath, MH. * With regard to Aristion see Paus, i. 20, 3. AMT Rt ete ene, - Metal. s No. Wt. Size. 334\257°7 |AR 1°15 1335] 63:5| AR -7 1336) 61:7 | MR “75 © 1337] 31:3) AR -55 13382525 |R11 ATHENS. 39. Series xxix. Aristoph.— Hera. HPA API =TOo elub and lion’s skin and MENE bow in case, on amphora, ? beneath, HP. HPA API =TO club and lion’s skin and APXE bow in case. no numeral on amphora. no letters beneath. HPA API =TO club and lion’s skin and EXE bow in case. on amphora, H. no letters beneath. PPL are, | HPA API =TO elub and lion’s skin and Noa bow in case, Series lvii. Aropos—Mnasago. APO Nnoz | | MNA Eros crowning himself and 2A ‘ holding palm.* : rO | OIAl on amphora, Z. beneath, ZO. Peep aig * Paus. i. 20, 1, “Epwra 3 éornkdra dpuod Kat Ardvvcov Ouuidos eroincey, but cf. R. Weil (Arch. Zeit. 33, 164), who thinks that the figure is not Hros but Agon. AO ATTICA. No.| wt. | goo" | 3 | Series lxxvii. Architimos—Demetri. 339) 259° | AR 1-15) AP 4 | TI ) . Isis standing 1., clad in long Moz chiton and peplos, and wear- | AH ing usual headdress; . she} | MH holds a lotus. | | TPl on amphora, E. | beneath, Al. | | | APE att.;'6.4] | ie 540 262: | R12) AP XI Ti Isis standing 1, clad in long Moz chiton and peplos, and wear-, AH ing usual headdress; she MH holds a lotus. TPl on amphora, |. beneath, EP. Series lxxviii. Architimos—Pammenes, 341/258: | R11 |APXI TI MOz .- thyrsos bound with fillet, NAM | ME NH2 on amphora, ? beneath, Ol. Series xxx. Aphrodisi.—Apolexi. 342| 261° |AR11IS|APPO AIZI AMo AHeI MH Nike 1., holding wreath. TPO on amphora, A. beneath, ie a ; ATHENS, | 41 No] We | Siro. 343) 254-4 1:25| AMPO AIxI AfMlo AHEI KAA Nike 1., holding wreath. AlA 344| 252°8|R 1-15) APO 345) 253-7|R 1-1 A[d]Po Alo rE OPA | XY | | 346| 254:2| AR 1-1 AoPO | Alo 347) 257-6 R115 APO on amphora, A. beneath, &®. Series xxxi. Aphrodisi.—Dioge. AlzI double cornucopiae. on amphora, B. beneath, &@. AlzI double cornucopiae. | on amphora, B. beneath, 2. | Alzl double cornucopiae. on amphora, |. beneath, =. AlzI double cornucopiae, on amphora, M. beneath, Al. | No. 349 350 1348 2573 R1-05 249°6 Ril bo i | ~J TAR115 252°7| A 1°15) een San ATTICA, A®Po Alzl Alo re double cornucopiae. vAl | . Nox on amphora, M. beneath, ME. Series xxxii. Achaios—Heli, AXA HAI 1Oz _KAE Cornucopiae and ear of corn. API on amphora, E. beneath, ME. AXA | HAI lOz Nnyo[o} Cornucopiae and ear of corn. KAHZ on amphora, |. beneath, Al. AXA HAI lOz MHT) PO] Cornucopiae and ear of corn. AQ on amphora, M ? beneath, Al. Series xxi. Glau.—Eche. rA AY EXE on amphora, M? in field 1., KT. [Pl x. 3.] Bust of Helios radiate, facing. t ap a Oey ed eS ee Lied ATHENS, 43 hs Metal. Pe No. he | Size. 853) 2574, R13 /TA EXE AY Bust of Helios radiate, facing. | | on amphora, M ? in field 1., =. 354| 63°9| R-7 |TA AY Bust of Helios radiate, facing. on amphora, ? [PL x. 4] Series xxxiili. Damon—Sosikrates. 355| 258°7|R 1:15) AA MQN | KPA Quiver and bow. | | THE | | on amphora, E. beneath, ME. | 356) 246°3:R 1:1 | AA MQN KPA Quiver and bow. on amphora, Z. beneath, 2 [1] oo) 25272) R115) AA MON KPA Quiver and bow. on amphora, [. beneath, MIE. t4 ATTICA. Metal. No. Size. Wt. 358) 55:6 RT) AA ZO KAEIA 233°7,R 1:15} AA 361 2415 A115 AHME | | EPMO Series lviii. MQN Quiver and bow. no numeral or mint letters. MQN Quiver and bow. on amphora, ? beneath, 2Q. AZ Head-dress of Isis. on amphora, |? beneath, NEP. AZ Head-dress of Isis. on amphora, K. beneath, AH. Demeas—Hermokles. 1No.| Wt. Metal. Size. 9:9|R 1:15 AH TPl ATA oimn Nox An ATHENS. Series lix. Demetrios—Agathippos. MH Oz Pilei of the Dioseuri. on amphora, A. beneath, LO. MH Oz Pilei of the Dioseuri. on amphora, E. beneath, MH. MH Oz Pilei of the Dioscuri. on amphora, K. beneath, MH. MH Pilei of the Dioscuri. on amphora, beneath, AM]. Series xxii. Deme.—Hiero. IE PQ. Macedonian helmet. on amphora, A. in‘field 1., AM. Pleo xt de! holding sceptre. 46 ATTICA. . | Metal. Gs ey eras es Wt. Size. '367/ 251°4 R13 | AH 1E . | MH PQ | | Macedonian helmet surmounted | by star. | on amphora, A. ; . beneath, A. 368) 261°5 A135) AH IE MH PQ | Macedonian helmet surmounted | | by star 1 | | on amphora, A. | | in field 1, EM. | | | 369| 243: /AR 1°35 AH IE ) MH PQ. | Macedonian helmet surmounted | | | by star. on amphora, A? in field 1., AN. 370) 254:5| MR 1:25) AH 1E | MH PQ | Macedonian helmet. | on amphora, ? | in field 1, NE. : '371| 222° R12 |AH IE | . MH PQ | Macedonian helmet. on amphora, ? _ | in field 1., C®. | Series xxxiv. Dioge.—Posei. 379 255°5 R115) AlO rE Figure of Demeter standing NOZE[t] | facing, draped to feet and AHMH a 1 on amphora, B. by beneath, Al. ATHENS. 47 | No.| Wt. meee ‘|373) 254-5|R 1-15] AIO EE Figure of Demeter standing NOXEI , facing, draped to feet and AlO holding sceptre. on amphora, [ ? beneath, All ? |374) 28-6) AR -55| AL or ee Series Ixxxi. Diokles, 1d 5ed.—Medeios. 375) 260°6/ A 1:15) AIO KAH([= Or, AE ¥ MH. Statue of Hygieia holding AEI patera, from which serpent (@ >a feeds,* on amphora, t beneath, ZQ.. BS «i ay Ge Series Ilxxxii. Diokles, 1rd tpi.— Diodorus. 376) 261°5|R 1:15} TO TPI AIO Dionysos of Alkamenes en- KAH2 throned 1. holding thyrsos AlO and kantharos.+ | AW | POX on amphora, © ? | beneath, HPA. EP ROXTI oO: | * Paus. i. 23, 4: Tot 5€ Aritpepods mAnotoy [on the Akropolis].... dea aydAuard eoti ‘Tyielas re, hv "AokAnmiod taida elvat Aéyouvai, Kal "AOnvas erikAnow kal tavTns “Tytelas. + Paus. i. 20, 3: Tod Arovicov 5€ éor: mpds TH Oedtpw Td apxadraroy fepdv' v0 5€ ciow evrds 10d mepiBddov vaol, kat Ardvucor, 6 Te "EAEvOepeds, kal ov “AAkapmevns emolnoev eA€paytos Kal xpucod. a 48 ATTICA, Metal. No. Wt. Size. Series lxxxiii. Diokles Melif{teus]—Medeios. 377| 2555 R11 | ALO KAHS MEAI Statue of Athena Paeisice 1.* MH AEI | ; LAO: 4 on amphora, ? tals beneath, HP. | 4 | | | [El eres ; | | Series xxxv. Dionysi.—Dionysi. a 378 257-4,R 1:2 | Alo NY= : Alo Helios facing in quadriga, the| — NY! foreparts of the horses only | — | AN visible as if rising from the) — | TIOA sea. | on amphora, A. | beneath, 2Q. : | f 379) 2512; R11 | AION : YzI 4 | AION Helios in quadriga, as above. | — YzI ; AN ¥ | TIPA : | on amphora, A. ‘ | beneath, Al. ie | | : 380) 255:7/ R11 | AION Y=I AION Helios in quadriga, as above. | Y2I 2 AP ’ pa i, on amphora, B. ’ beneath, Al. a & | * Paus. i. 24, 7: Td 5& Uyadua THs "AOnvas opOdv eotw ev xiTauE wobhpet,| at | | Kat of kata Td orépvoy 7 Keparh Medovons edépavtds eortiy eureroinuern, 5 | “Kal Nixny bcov Te Tecodpwy mnxav: év bE TH (Erépa) xeupt Bdpu Exes, Kai of) — | mpds rors moo aonls Te KeiTal, Kal mAnotoy Tod Séparos Spaxwy eoriv. ; : ATHENS. h 49 ass. Wt. s Sa 381 255:3|R. 1:05 Alo NY= | Alo Helios in quadriga, as above. NYZI | APIZ | onamphora, B. . beneath, 2Q. 3 | 382) 255°7|7R 1:05) AION Y2Z[I AION Helios in quadriga, as above. YzI MH TPO on amphora, H. beneath, &@. 383) 252°7)/ R171 | Alo NYS Alo Helios in quadriga, as above. NY MNH ZAP on amphora, A. beneath, Al. Series xxxvi. Diotimos—WMagas. 384)251° |M115) Alo MA Tl FA Moz EXE ZOE NHS no symbol. ‘on amphora, A. beneath, ZO. '|385| 256-7; 1:05; Alo MA | TI FAz Moz : ANOA AQNI AHZ | no symbol. on amphora, H. beneath, 2@. ATTICA. 386) 256°8|/R 1:15) Alo Ti Moz Nox . no symbol. on amphora, K. beneath, ME ? Series lxxxv. Diophantos—Aischines. 387| 250° |AR1:2 | AIO OAN TOz Al Sphinx seated 1. =XI NH on amphora, H. beneath, 2Q. Series xxiii. Diopha.—Diodo. 388} 259° |AR 1°35) Al O%A Apollo naked r., holding AIO bow.* AO on amphora, # beneath, ME. [Pl. x. 6.] 389] 248°5| AR 1:35) Al 3 OA (Worn.) Apollo naked 1., holding AlO bow. AO on amphora, ? beneath, ME. * Paus. i. 3, 3, Tabras Tas ypapas Eippdvwp eypawpev ’A@nvalors, kal Ar- iy clov enoinoey év TH vad Thy AmddAwva Tlatpgov ewikAnow, mpd St Tod ved] Tov wev Aewxadpns, dv Sé kadovow "Aretixakov, KdAauts emolynoe. Series xxxvii. " 390) 259°5 A115) AQP 391) 257:2)AR 1-25) AQP , OGE ANTI AQX 392) 57-2] R -75|AlOP O|GE AIO KAE Series lx. 393) 253'5| R115) AO OEOZ ATHENS, Series xxxviii. Eagle r., on thunderbolt. 51 Dorothe.—Dioph. AlO® Forepart of lion r, on amphora, A. beneath, &@. [Pl. x1. 4.] AIOd _ Forepart of lion r, on amphora, M. beneath, Al. AIO Forepart of lion r, on amphora, B. beneath, no letter. Dositheos—Charias. 2 Tyche facing, holding sceptre and cornucopiae. on amphora, A. beneath, Af]. Epigene[s|]—Sosandros. EM TENH ZOAZAN APOZ on amphora, A. beneath, ME. Se bs ee aa Bic pe i Pe Fhe" P sit 2 ATTICA. No.| Wt. ae 395) 240° |AR1-15|MO | En =X -FENH Eagle r., on thunderbolt. ZOQOZAN APOZ . on amphora, B. beneath, ME. 396| 2955'S) R12 | EY En MH -FENH Eagle r., on thunderbolt. ZOZAN APOZ on amphora, J. beneath, ME. [Bank Coll.] 397| 254°7|AR 1:15) HAI EM OAQ TENH Eagle r., on thunderbolt. ZQZAN APO on amphora, E ? beneath, HPA. 398) 249°5|AR 1:15) ANTI ENn!| FONO FENH Eagle r., on thunderbolt. ZQOZAN APOZ on amphora, H 4 beneath, ME. 399} 63° | A 60; AN EMN([t Ti ZOQZ Eagle r. on amphora, H ? beneath, no letters. 400| 254-2|A2 1:15) MH EMl|! TPO FEN|H Eagle r., on thunderbolt. TOZAIN APO on amphora, 2 beneath, Al. ATHENS, 401] 254-8, R115 nae : Eagle r., on thunderbolt. 402) 257°5| R11 ait 403) 245°5|AX 1:15) EYBO AH AFAO OKAH OEOAD 404) 252°4|7R1:15|EYBO AH AFAO OKAH O1]AO avatavduevoy Selxvuci Gedy. tT Paus. i. 26, 4. Series Ilxxxvi. 53 EMI TENH ZOQZAN APO on amphora, M. beneath, ? Epigenes— Xenon. a= Apollo Lykeios naked, facing, placing his r. upon his head and holding bow in 1. ; be- side him tripod on column.* on amphora, B. beneath, £2. Series xxxix. Euboulides—Agathokle[s}. YAI Archaic Artemis, perhaps Leu- kophryne, facing, veiled, and wearing modius, she holds patera and bow: beside her .a doe looking up.t on amphora, A. beneath, 2Q or ZO. YAI Archaic Artemis facing, veiled and wearing modius, holds patera and bow: beside her a doe looking up. on amphora, A. beneath, =. * Lucian, Anacharsis 7: ‘O wév x@pos abtds, ® Avdxapat, yuuvdorov bp Nuav ovoudlerat Kal éeotw lepoy "AmdAAwvos Tod Aukelov’ Kal Td Byadua 58 avTov dpas, Toy em) TH OTHAN KEKAmEvor, TH AptoTepa wev Td Td~ov ExorTa, h detid 5& Swtp THs Keharjs dvaxexAacmern Gomep €k kaudrov pwakpov NEE, Sey ree ee eae paeniae ty "Rie St EE. ean! ts Sah, Sah. 54 ATTICA. : Biers FoF Metal. No. Size. Wt. Series Ilxi. Eumareides—Kleomen. 405,254: |A1:15| EYM | Triptolemos 1. in car drawn by APEI winged serpents, holding ears AH of corn and cornucopiae? KAEO MEN AZK on amphora, Z. beneath, ME. Series lxxxvii. Eumelos—Theoxenides. 406/259°2 | AR 1:15, EYMH AOZ 3 SEO Theseus or Ares? naked, facing, | _ =ENI resting with r. on spear, his AH2 l. on his hip.* ee on amphora, A. beneath, Ef. [Pl. xm. 1.] Series lxii. Eumelos—Kalliphon. 407/245°6 |A125 EYMH Aor i KAA Tyche standing 1., holding} Al patera and cornucopiae. ; PON AAE *s on amphora, 4 beneath, ME. (Bank Coll. ] 408|252°8 |AR 1:25, EYMH Ao ae KAA Tyche standing 1, holding] Ai patera and cornucopiae. 5 PON . | HPA ‘ on amphora, K. beneath, ME. * Paus i. 8, 5: Ts 5& tod Anuoodévous eixdvos mAnolov *Apeds Eéoriv| lepdv, 0a aydAuata Sto wey Adpodirns Keira, 7d 5& Tod ~Apews erolncev| "AAKapevns’ . . . wept b¢ roy vaby EcTaow ‘Hpakds kal Onoeds K.T.A. ATHENS. 55 NY 410 259° |AR 11 |EYPY 1412) 265: |R1:15| EYPY ; API ZA TY Series xl. Euryklei. —Ariara. 1409) 252: |AR 1:15) EYPY KAEI API APA AlO The three Charites? draped with hands joined, the one to the 1. with her r. raised. * on amphora, ? beneath, Al. KAEI API APA HPA The three Charites ? as above. oA E on amphora, A. beneath, 2O or 2Q. [Pl. x1. 5.] 411} 255:2|R 1:15| EYPY KAEI | API APA KAA The three Charites ? as above. Al on amphora, H. beneath, ME. KAEI APA The three Charites ? as above. on amphora, % | beneath, ME. * Paus, i. 22, 8: Kara 5¢ thy Ecodov a’thy Hin Thy és anpdémoAw ‘Epuqy, dv TIporvAaov dvoudCovor, kal Xdpitas Swxpdryv wojoa thy Swppoviockov A€yovow. . . Paus. ix. 35,7: Swkxpdtns te 6 Swppoviokov wpb Tis és THY &kpdmorAw éoddov Xapltwy ! DY YB ee S.- iy ay Fy Be) CTE PK va ies es ATHENS. 59 Ro.| we. | yet ae Series lxxxvill. F aa 1. Theophra.—Sota. 496) 242°6 AR1°15 @EO / OPA Winged thunderbolt. | ZQTA paged < OIAHM on amphora, B. beneath, 2Q. 427| 249-9 R1:15|OEO mPA Winged thunderbolt. ZOQOTA NEI QN on amphora, ? beneath, 2. Series lxxxix. Kallimachos—Epicrates. 428) 253° | M11 |KAAA IMA xXxOz Triptolemos 1. in car drawn by EM winged serpents; he holds KPA ears of corn and sceptre; TH: above, star and crescent (sun and moon).* on amphora, A. beneath, HPA. : Series xliv. Karaich.—Ergokle. 429| 253-2|R 1:1 | KA | PAIX EPTo KAE XAI Prow of galley r. on amphora, H beneath, &®. * Paus. i. 14, 1. Two temples over the spring near the Odeum. Naol S¢ imtp Thy Kphyynv, 6 wey Ahuntpos memolnta Kal Képns, ev 5€ TH Tpi- MTOAEMov Keimerdy cot UyaApa. 430} 258° |R12 1 KA EPO XAI Series xc. 431] 257°7, R12 |KAE NH2 KAE 432] 237° |AR1:2 NHZ 433) 254°7/AR1°15| KAE NH ATTICA. PAIX KAE | Prow of galley r. n amphora, ©. beneath, ME. Kleophanes—Epithetes. OPA Upright conical stone, Bary dos, with xreis beneath ; at tached to its apex by a kno is a fillet or garment whicl hangs down on either side. on amphora, ? beneath, 1X1. [Pl. xi. 2.] OA Conical stone, as above, on amphora, K. beneath, (1. OA Conical stone, as above. Fg ee LE EE on amphora, M. beneath, [Z1. A VERS ee Tow SN Wat. / B Oy, Ries als Fh Fy Wh See ei 4 Pals ee oi ; ATHENS, 61 ; : Series lxvi. Kointos—Kleas. 434/247: |AR 115) KO IN ! Tos Seated figure (perhaps Q. Cae- KAE cilius Metellus) facing, hold- | Az ing sword across knees and Alo resting on spear; the figure NYZI is crowned by Nike holding wreath and sceptre. . on amphora, T. . beneath, Af? [ Pl. xu. 5. ] Series xxiv. Ktesi.—Euma. 435|259°5|R 1:35) KTH ~ EY >| MA Nike r., holding wreath. } on amphora, M. beneath, MP. 436) 247°8| AR 1:25) KTH EY | 2! MA Nike r., holding wreath. in field lL, EY. No horses on helmet on obverse. [Pl. x. 7.] | Series xci.. Leukios—Antikrates. } ! 437| 260°.| R115 AEY KIo= | ANT Artemis (Propylaia?) running IKPA | | ]., carrying two torches ; be- TH hind her, Demeter standing = facing, holding torch.* on amphora, ? beneath, Al. [Pl. xu. 3. ] * Cf. Paus. i. 38,6: ’EAevowlois 5& Zor wev Tpimroreuov vads, ore 58 Tpomvaalas "Apréuidos kal Mooesdavos Matpéds. 438) 255° |AR1:15) AY . ZAN Cicada. 439) 258°5|R1:15) AY ZAN Cicada. 440) 254-7; 1:15) AY ZAN Cicada. 441} 63°3| R 65) AY Cicada. 449} 252°8|/ R11 | AY ZAN Cicada. 443) 258°7|AR 1:25) AY APox ATTICA. Series xlv. Series xcii, rAAY KOZ NIKQN on amphora, B. beneath, &®. CAAY KOZ KAEO AN on amphora, A. beneath, ME. CFAAY KOZ MENE on amphora, E. beneath, 2Q. - CAA o1AQ on amphora, ©. beneath, ? CAAY KOZ NIKA NQP on amphora, A. beneath, 2Q. Lysandros—Oinophilos. ZAN Lysan.—Glaukos. See ae. ity Poppy-head between two ears} of corn, on amphora, A. beneath, EP. i. ee ae ee ” ATHENS, 444) 255°3) R 1:25 ME on serpent-staff. * —-|445] 254-7/R 1-2 |ME Asklepios standing l., ing on serpent-staff, 446) 62°2) R ‘7 |ME Serpent-staff. 447) 58° | AR “75|ME Serpent-staff. 1448) 260-312 1-15|ME Asklepios standing 1., ing on serpent-staff. 449} 60°5 A 65) ME Serpent-staff. Series xlvi. Asklepios standing 1., resting 63 Mened.—Epigeno. NEA Eni FENO O®EAO on amphora. A. beneath, HP. NEA EM CTENO EnNIro on amphora, ZL. beneath, Al. rest- NEA ENIr EM on amphora, [ Z]. beneath, no letters. NE Eft AY on amphora, [1]. beneath, no letters. NEA Ent [ENO AAE= on amphora, K. beneath, 2 rest- NEA ET AAE= on amphora, [K]. beneath, no letters. * Cf. Paus. i, 21,4: Tod d¢ "AcKAnmod Td lepdy &s Te TA GydAmaTa eorTW, 6mdaa Tov Ocod wemoinra: kai Tov Talbwy, Kal és TAS ypapas Oéas &éwov. / A SOS ST aE NE PN Se La Oe seas ne CPM OP ce 450} 257°2|; R171 |ME Asklepios standing 1., rest- ing on serpent-staff. 451) 257°3) AR 1:05) ME Asklepios standing 1. rest- ing on serpent-staff. 452) 31: | R °55|ME Serpent-staff. Series xciii. 453) 259°5 AV 1:15} MEN Moz 454) 255°7/ AX 1:15) MEN Mos on amphora, M. on amphora, ? NE ENi(t| NIK Menedemos—Timokrates. EAH Demeter seated 1, holding two ears of corn and sceptre. on amphora, “J. beneath, =. EAH Demeter seated 1, holding two ears of corn and sceptre. on amphora, M. beneath, 2@. ew ATHENS. § 65 455| 262° |AR1:15 MEN | ‘ jMOZ Xi QN 1456] 246°2 R115) MHT POAQ Pot APIZ TOAH 457) 256-5| R115) MHT POAQ Po KAA Ald Series xcv. 458) 250°5| R115 BAZI ‘Pwmalwy erimporber. KrelvavtTes “Immapxov’ .. . Tous 5¢ apxatlous éwolnoey "AvThvwp. K.T.A. - + Paus. i. 20,5: 7Hy ’Apiotiwy ’AOnvaios, @ MiOpiddrns mpeoBevew és Tas méAets Tas “EAAnvibas expiito* ovTos avéretoey ’AOnvalovs MiOpiddtny Bécba Series xciv. Mentor—Moschion. TQP Statues of Harmodius and Aristogeiton running 1.* on amphora, A or A. beneath, EP. [Pl. xi. 4.] Series xlvii. Metrodoros—Demosthen. AH Mos: GE Bunch of grapes, on amphora, Z. beneath, =O [for ZO]. AH Moz OEN Bunch of grapes. on amphora ? beneath, =O Mithradates—Aristion. B.. 88. AE OPA Star between two crescents. on amphora, B. beneath, EN. [Pl]. xu. 5.] * Paus. i, 8, 5: Ov médppw St Eoraow ‘Apuddios kal "Apioroycitwy oi Tav 5& avipidvtwy of wév eiot Kpitiov réxvn, K 66 Metal. No. Size. Wt. 459| 254-7, R11 |MIK EYP API 2TO 460) 255°2) AR 1715) MIK 461} 248: |AR 171 |MIK 462| 248: |AR1:25)MIK EYP NA PA 463) 250-5) AR 1:15) MIK EYP AH MoO ATTICA, Series xlviili. Mikion—Euryklei. LON YKAE Two naked male figures (the Dioseuri ?), one holding pa- tera, the other resting on spear.* on amphora A? beneath, =. 1QN YKAE Two naked male figures as above. on amphora A? beneath, ME. LON YKAE Two naked male figures as above. on amphora, E. beneath, ME. ION YKAE Two naked male figures as above. on amphora, [ Z]. beneath, ME. lQN YKAEI Two naked male figures as above, on amphora, ©. beneath, ME. * Paus. i. 18,1: Td 5€ lepby trav Arockodpwyv early apxatov’ adrot re éota@tes kal of matdes KaOhmevol opicw ed’ trmwyr, Ps pee Adee ATHENS, 67 464 lain EYP roP rin 465) 260°5|AR 1:15 MIK Sade APE zTO 2 466] 253° |AR 1:1 |MIK EYP APE =1 o> 467) 209: |AR1:15| MIK (plated) | EYP A]PE DALE oz 468] 255:2|/AR 1:15) MIK EYP Alo KAH > 469} 29:2) ARS |MI EY AP iON YKAE!I Two naked above. on amphora, [1]. beneath, 2Q. ION YKAEI Two naked above. on amphora, K. beneath, ME. CPE xi7.] IQN YKAEI Two naked above. on amphora, K. beneath, =. IQN YKAE Two naked above. an amphora, K. beneath, &®. IQN YKAE Two naked above. on amphora, ? beneath, =. KI PYK male male male male male figures figures figures figures figures as as as as 470) 239-2) AR 1:2 | MI KI 471} 247°5 AR 1:2 | MI 472) 60° | AR ‘7 |MEI KI 473) 32°1) R ‘55| MI KI { 474) 261-2| R11 |MNA | Ax NES 1475] 258°5| MR 1:2 : MNA Ad NEZ Series xcvi. ATTICA. Series xxv. Miki.—Theophra. OEO OPA Nike in quadriga r. on amphora, A. beneath, Q. GEO PA Nike in quadriga r. on amphora, M. beneath, ME. (Plex. OEO PA Nike in quadriga r. on amphora, ? beneath, no letters. OEO @PA ERI x. 02) Mnaseas—Nestor. Z2E Plemochoé, with ears of corn in handles, on amphora, [. beneath, EP. =e Plemochoé, as above. on amphora, NS . beneath, EP. pe a ee eT ATHENS. . 69 No.| Wt. tan Q Series xcvii. Nestor—Mnaseas. 476) 265-4 R115) NES TAP MNA ZE Stag 1. Ax on amphora, A. beneath, EP. 477| 264° |AR 1:25) NES TAP MNA PAS Stag I. Az on amphora, E. beneath, =. 478) 258: |AR1:2 | NES TOP MNA Z=E Stag 1. Az on amphora, Z. beneath, 2Q. 479| 249°2) RII INES TAP MNA Stag 1. =e Az ; on amphora, N [for M ?] beneath, EP. | Series lxviii. Niketes—Dionysios. 480) 257'7; R12 | NI KH THE Alo | Gorgon-head.* NY ZIOz AH Mo on amphora, B. beneath, MH. * Paus. i. 21,3: ’Em) 5¢ tov votlov kaAoupevov Telxous, 6 THs axpowdAcws és TO Oéarpdy eat TeTpappmevor, em) ToOUTOV Medovans Tis Vopydvos éxixpucos avaKerTar KEparn, Kal wep) adriy aiyls memolnrat. 70 Metal. Size. No.| Wt. ATTICA, 481} 247°3)AR 1:15) NI TH 482) 252°3 R12) Ni Series xcviii. =E 483) 251°5| R115} KAHSE APMO Series xcix. 484) 248'8|\ R12) SE 485} 250°2/AR 1:15} SE : KAHZ KH Gorgon-head. on amphora, E. beneath, ZO. KH Gorgon-head. on amphora, % beneath, AN. Xenokles—Harmoxenos. NO Serpent coiled r. on amphora, E? beneath, ME. Xenokles—Harmoxenos,. NO Dolphin r. and Trident. on amphora, E. beneath, Af. No Dolphin r. and Trident. on amphora, [E]. beneath, APP. 487| 260:2;R 1:15) SE KAHZ 488] 258-2} R115) =E KAHZ 489| 224°8) R11 |MOAE (plated) AAKE Tripod. 490] 250-7/AR 1-2 |MMOAE AAKE Tripod. 491| 248 |AR 1:15, MOAE | 3 AAKE Tripod. ATHENS. No Dolphin r. and Trident. on amphora, H ? beneath, AP. No Dolphin r. and Trident. on amphora, ©. beneath, NEP. No Dolphin r. and Trident. on amphora, ? beneath, NIP. Series xlix. Polemon— > No.| Wt. ee Obverse. Reverse. BRONZE. Cire. B.o, 220-83. (a) Heads of Athena. Head of Athena Parthenos|Owl r., wings closed, standing on r., Wearing earring and} amphora which lies on its side: close-fitting helmet with} the whole in olive-wreath. triple crest, adorned in front with the foreparts of four horses abreast, at the side with a flying Pegasos or griffin, and on the back with a scroll resembling an aplustre: border of dots. 523 ZB 85 A OE | in field r., pilei of the Dioscuri. (Cf. AM no. 296, p. 30, Series ix.) 524 °8 4 in field r., two ears of corn. (Cf. AM of Amphikrates— Epistratos, p. 35.) 525 AB 65 ee in field r., cicada. (Cf. MR of Lysan.—Glaukos, p. 62.) 3 526 yar | y in field r., cicada. 527 ME *9 ” ” »» poppy -head _ between twoears of corn. | (Cf. AR of Lysandros——Oinophilos, p. 62.) 528 ZE'9 pat in field, r., caduceus. (Cf. A of Polycharm.—WNikog., p. 72.) 529 JB 85 is in field r., caduceus. 530 ZE *65 4g is ,», coiled serpent erect, 531 ZB “75 A org ern eae over | ; OE which hangs lion’sskin?| (Cf. MR of Aristoph.—Hera., p. 39.) ATHENS. . 79 = @® cP 2 . — Obverse, Reverse. Head of Athena Parthenos|Owl r., wings closed, standing on r., Wearing earring and; amphora which lies on its side: close-fitting helmet with} the whole in olive-wreath. triple crest, adorned in front with the foreparts of four horses abreast, at the side with a flying Pegasos or griffin, and on the back with a scroll resembling an aplustre: border of dots. ZH ‘85 A OE © nosymbol. [Pl. xiv. 1.] +b) 7 LP eee PH (Cf. AX with same monograms, p. 77.) [PE x1v: 2.) Head of Athena r., hel-|Inscr. effaced. Owl 1.: the whole meted ; details obscure.| in olive-wreath. ZK ‘6 in field l., amphora. Head of Athenar., as on| A Owl standing on prow r.; no. 523. OE on the acrostolium a smaller owl r. A °75 Head of Athena r, as on|}|AQE Two owls face to face on no. 523. thunderbolt: the whole in olive wreath. /H*55 J 6 [Pl. xiv. 3.] AB 55 £45 |(on. helmet two upright olive-leaves). 80 543 544 545 546 548 550 JK °85 AB 75 ATTICA. Obverse. Reverse, Head of Athena r., wear-| Zeus naked r., hurling thunderbolt ;* ing erested Corinthian at his feet eagle r. helmet: border of dots, © _ in field 1, ear of corn. A © _in field r,, star. A E ASE wi cornucopiae. oO A E in field 1., plemochoé. ; © r., cornucopiae. © _ in field 1., amphora. A ae Similar. Similar type, but without eagle. A O | in field L, filleted thyrsos. E (Cf. M Architimos—Pammenes, p. 40.) A @E _ infield, 1. and r., the pilei. of the Dioscuri sur- mounted by stars. (Cf. AR Demetrios—Agathippos, p. 45). ] 9) > 9 [Pl. xiv. 4.] * Paus. i. 24,4: Kal Aids éorw &yadua Td Te Aewxdpous Kat 6 dvopa- (duevos Tlodrevs. From the identity of the scheme of this type with that of Athena Polias (no. 582) there can be little doubt that it is intended for| Zeus Polieus, aS a 65 ‘75 ‘75 ‘75 ATHENS. Nal tee npr, SE SE SRA er Cee ea ane ree OnE ne oe ee ee Obverse, Reverse. |Head of Athena r., wear-| Zeus naked r., hurling thunderbolt. | ing crested Corinthian helmet: border of dots. A © _ in field 1., Baxyos. E (Cf. M Sotades—Themistokles, p. 73.) A E in field r., star between Ss) crescents. (Cf. AX Mithradates—Aristion, p. 65.) >B] ? bP) [Pl. xiv. 5.] ing close-fitting crested e thunderbolt. helmet adorned with E - horses, &c., as on no. , 523: border of dots. in field 1., ear of corn ? (bo XIV. 03:1 Head of Athena r., wear-|A © Zeus naked standing r ing crested Corinthian | E holding thunderbolt in helmet. lowered r., and with 1 arm extended.* in field r., prow r. +P 9 ” 9 29 Head of Athena r., wear-| A Zeus naked 1, | LP ley ss 04] ” ” * This type, which is a modification of no. 541, may be meant for the statue of Zeus by Leochares (cf. no, 755). M Rf No. 560 561 564 Wt. ATTICA. Metal. . é erse. Sieg Obverse Revers Head of Athenar.,as on}; AOE Nike advancing r. spot no. 523: border of dots.| wreath ? fh 8 Head of Athenar., as on| & Athena advancing r., armed no. 523. OE with helmet, spear, and | aegis : the whole in wreath of olive.* AE “75 in front, owl. r. [Pl. xiv. 8.] 75 5, serpent coiled and erect. Head of Athena r., as on © Statue of Apollo Delios no. 523. AE naked, facing, holding statuettes of the three Charites, and strung bow. ys ey f in field 1., cicada. (Cf. AM Sohkrates—Dionysodo., p. 72.) [Pls xty..9.} Head of Athena r., wear-/AQE Demeter standing r., hold- | ing crested Corinthian} ing torch? the whole in olive- helmet: border of dots.| wreath. fi, 75 in field r., plemochoé. (Cf. R Ammo—Dio, p. 34: 1ie ie xiv. 10.] * Perhaps a modification of the well known type of ee re Polias| (Paus. i. 26, 7). See note on no. 582. t Paus, i. 22, 8; ix. 35, 3, and ix. 35, 7. 566 567 568 569 "1573 1574 B75 _|o76 (577 ATHENS. 83 Obverse, . Reverse. Head of Athenar., as on}|A @E __ Tripod. no. 923. AE 75 to l., poppy-head ; to r., thunderbolt. [Pl xiv. 11.] va) ‘75 ) 9 ”? +P] A 75 +) bP] 93 3? v0) 5 ”) > ? ” (Cf. AR Polemon—Alketes, p. 71.) Head of Athena r., as on| AO Sphinx wearing modius, no. 523. E seated r.: the whole in olive-wreath, HE *75 EPEC XTVitees| 44°75 ZE'7 (Cf. AR Diophantos—Aischines, p. 50.) Head of Athena r., wear-/A ©@E Artemis wearing short ing crested Corinthian} chiton, and with quiver at her helmet: border of dots.| - shoulder, running r., carrying long é torch in both hands, ZB 65 fH *65 (Cf. AR Phanokles—Apollonios, p. 75.) Bearded head r. © — Head of Athenar., wearing A E crested Corinthian hel- met, A *4 ZB *4 Head of Athena r., wear-| A Race-torch bound with fillet. ing crested Corinthian}QO E helmet. 8°55 84 ATTICA. | ) No.| Wt. eee Obverse. Reverse. - (B) Figures of Athena on reverse.) Head of Gorgon. A @E Athena advancing r., armed with helmet, spear, and aegis.* 578 A “75 cg Fee fee JE 75 ; LE *75 {6°85 (Cf. A Niketes—Dionysios, p. 69.) Head of Zeus r., bound| Athena Polias r., hurling thunder- with taenia ; border of| bolt, and holding shield on 1. arm.f dots. 7B *65 A Eto 1, ear of com too, 98 coiled serpent. [Pl]. xv. 2.] As *65 | 29 2 9 29 B47 | A ¢ tol.,helmetl ; tor, horse’s | oO head r, Head of Artemis r., with| A Athena standing r., hel- quiver at shoulder. © E meted, holding owl on 1. | ' and patera in r. hand: { border of dots. [ Pl: xv.. 3.] JE, 85 | * See note on no. 561. tT Paus. i. 26, 7: Td 3€ Gyiétatov év Kowg woAdAots mpdtEpov voutcber | erecw 7) cuv7jAGov ard Tov Sijpwv, eotly "AOnvas &yadma ev TH viv axpoToAct, téte 5€ dvoualouevn modrcr’ Phun 5 es avTd Exe weoeiv ex Tov ovpayod. Plut. De Daedal. Plat. fr. 10, &bAwov 3& 7d THs TloAtddos bd Tov adtox- Odvwy (Spubev, & wéxpt viv "AOnvatcs Siapvdarrovow, t Schol. in Ar., Av. 515. Tijs "Apxnyéridos "AOnvas 7d wyadua yAadKa elxev év TH xe“pt. The mere fact that the figure on the coin holds an owl is hardly strong enough evidence to warrant us in supposing that it is a|_ copy of the statue of Athena Archegetis here mentioned. ATHENS. 85 | INo. We. de i Obverse. Reverse. Head of young Dionysos}|A OE Athena advancing r.,| i r, bound with ivy:| armed with helmet, spear, and border of dots. aegis. * 1587 75 [Pl. xv. 4.] (y) Various Types. Cicada. . A Owl r., on thunderbolt ? OE 588 | Al 55 [Pl]. xv. 5.] 589 AB ‘5D 590 A *5 591 fi, *35 TPIA Head of Apollo|A OE Owl r., standing on am-) r., laur. phora. 592 | A °7 | [Perhaps struck at Delos. See Muttheilungen des deutschen archacologischen Instituts in Athen, vi. 238. ] Head of Apollo r., laur. |A Lyre. OE 593 M5 Head of Apollo r., laur.:'|A © Lyre. -border of dots. E 594 LG °2 1595 3 * See note on no. 561. 86 ATTICA. No.| Wt thie Obverse. Reverse. Head of Apollo r., laur. |A E Owl r., on thunderbolt or © Baxxos 4 in front, lyre. 596 Ai *65 | [Pl. xv. 6.] Head of Apollo r., laur. |A ©@ Owl r., on amphora. E 597 Zé *35 598 JE *35 599 At *35 600 ZA 35 Head of Apollon, laur. |A © Owl r., on thunderbolt or E Baxxos 4 601 J *25 Head of Zeus r., laur.:}|A OE Eagle r., with open wings, border of dots. standing on thunderbolt. 602 LE 55 (Cf. MR of Hpigenes—Sosandros, p. 51.) Head of Zeus r. laur.:|A © Amphora, the whole in border of dots. E olive-wreath. 603 Ji ‘75 Head of Zeus r, laut. : A © = _ Head of bearded Dionysos { border of dots. E r.,* bound with ivy. 604 A 8 : 605 M75 606 Ab 65 607 fi *65 * This head is very likely copied from that of the statue of Dionysos ; by Alkamenes. Paus.i. 20, 3. ; 608 609 (1612 613 614 615 - -\616 617 ATHENS, , Metal. Wt Bio: Obverse. Reverse. Head of young Dionysos A © _ Kantharos. r., bound with ivy: E border of dots. LE °6 fale xvas G2 AE *65 Bust of winged Nike r. A © Quiver and bow. E fH °5 fi *4 (Cf. R Damon—Sosikrates, p. 43.) Peers. 8:4 | Head of Artemis r. A © Quiver and bow. 2 i 35 AX °35 Head of Artemis r., laur.:;|A © Cicada. border of dots. E J ‘6 JH *55 [Pl. xv. 9.] i 6 | (Cf. of MR Lysan.—Glaukos, p. 62.) Similar, A Cicada. OE A330 87 he No. ° 88 | ATTIOA. No.| Wt. vi ; Obverse. Reverse. | Cicada. A © Amphora and palm. 618 A *45 619 AB 45 620 JB 45 Cicada. A Amphora and branch. ©" -E 621 Zh 4 ; \622 Ab *35 623 ZG *35 624 A 3 625 3 626 Li °35 Cicada. A © — Quiver and bow. E 627 fA *3 in field 1, star. Bust of Artemis r., quiver} A@ E Stagr. at her shoulder : border of dots. 628 A *5 (Cf. AX Nestor—Mnaseas, p. 69.) Head of Artemis? r., laur.|}A © Amphora. E 629 A *5 {Pl xv. 40:] 630 Ak ‘4 ATHENS. | 89 (me Obverse. Reverse. Head of Artemis? r., laur. A © Amphora and palm. E AB 45 Head of Demeter r., bound nN © Owlr., standing on torch (2); with corn. across its back, palm: the whole in olive-wreath. LE ‘7 CORA Olas oe cis Bees a Doe Le) Head of Demeterr., bound|A © ~~ Plemochoé with an ear of with corn. E corn passed through each handle (plain border). Ay 85 A 8 to r., owl. bPiexyv.-Li3 a0) ‘9 | 35 bP] (Cf. R Mnaseas—LNestor, p. 68.) Demeter? seated 1., in car|A Plemochoé. drawn. by serpents. [OJE At *4 to r., ear of corn. Plemochoé with an ear of} © Calathos: the whole in corn passed through|A E corn-wreath. each handle. AB 5 [Pl. xv. 12.] AE 5 M45 J 45 90 ATTICA. Metal. Ene Obverse. Reverse. No.| Wt. A @E Plemochoé: the| Dolphin r., and trident: border of whole in corn-wreath. dots. 641 ZA °6 (Cf. AR Xenokles—Harmowxenos, p. 70.) [Pl. xv. 13.] Head of Zeus r., laur.:|A ©@ Plemochoé. border of dots. E 642 FE 55 643 Ah 45 Head of Artemis r., with} A © Plemochoé: the whole in quiver at her shoulder :| E olive-wreath. border of dots. 644 AR 45 645 AB 45 646 AE 35 647 MH °4 [PL xv. 14.] 648 Ai 4 Head of Demeter rv.,}A © | Demeter in car 1. drawn veiled and wearing corn- E by winged serpents ; she wreath: border of dots.| holds ears of corn and sceptre. 649 Ah 75 | 650 fh °7 651 ZB *65 behind, poppy-head. EPlexve154 652 FE 65 ‘ (Cf. A Humareides—A lkidamas, later, Eumar cides —Kleomen, : p. 54.) 1653). 654 1655 1656 . ATHENS, 9] Metal. ce Obverse. Reverse. Head of Demeterr., wear-| AOE Pig r. ing corn-wreath. Ab 75 CPL xy 262] Zi 45 | (no corn-wreath visible.) a0 “45 +? 7 we | A -4 | Head of Demeter r., veiled,;A © Poppy-head between two wearing corn-wreath:} ears of corn, bound together. border of dots. JE 55 Zi *55 ZK °5 (Cf. AR Lysandros—Oinophilos, p. 62.) | Head of Demeter r., hair|A Two ears of corn: the rolled: border of dots. |O E . whole in olive-wreath. ZE 45 (Cf. AR Kointos—Charias, Beulé, p. 322.) Demeter in car 1, drawn| A Bdéxyos and ear of corn by winged serpents;;O E crossed : the whole in she holds ears of corn| — olive-wreath. and sceptre: border of dots. ZL. 6 Ab ‘55 A 5d [PL xv. 17.] De aie a oe i Fd OP phat ata a psy AN OR iyt tisle Ge oy — [These two specimens are restruck on coins of Sicyon; on rev. traces of Head of Apollo r., laur., hair long; on oby., traces of 21, AINEAZ, and Dove flying 1., holding fillet in bill.] 92 ATTICA. No. ae Obverse. Reverse. Head of Apollo? r., laur.,|A QE ‘Two ears of corn srowing hair arranged in formal} on one stalk: border of dots, curls: border of dots. | 664 Lf 4 665 fh 35 666 JE 45 667 ‘45 [Pl]. xv. 18.] Head of Apollo? r, hairl/A © Ear of corn. rolled and with two|: E long curls hanging down neck. 668 Ai *45 Uncertain head r., veiled:| A Owl xz.: the whole in olive- border of dots. OE wreath. 669 LAB “75 670 FE 75 ATHENS, 93 No. Wt. pole Obverse. Heverkes. IMPERIAL TIMES. PerioD OF HADRIAN AND THE ANTONINES., Bust of Athena r., wearing] AGHNAI WN _~ Athena stand- crested Corinthian hel-| ing r., wearing crested Corinthian met and aegis: the| helmet, and clad in long chiton whole in olive-wreath. with peplos; her r. raised resting on spear, her 1, extended holding | figure of Nike. 671 £4 1:0 [Elexvr. sb. ]y Head of Athena r., wear-/AQHNA | QN_ Similar type. ing crested Corinthian helmet. 672 A 8 Bust of Athena r., wear-| Athena standing 1., wearing crested ing crested Corinthian} Corinthian helmet, and clad in helmet, long chiton with peplos. In ex- tended r., owl; 1. resting on spear.* 673 Ah 8 AGH N AIQN [Pl. xvi. 2.] 4674, | 85 AGH N AIQ N drapery varied. 675 Ah 8 ” ” Bust of Athena r., wear-|Athena Promachos standing facing ing crested Corinthian} with head to 1., wearing crested helmet. Corinthian helmet, long chiton with diplois, and aegis. She holds in r., spear, and on 1, arm, shield.+ 676 Li *8 ABHN AID N 1677 A ‘85 | head, not bust. ABGHN A 1QON ‘|678 FE85) 4°) yy ABHN A 1 QN (Pl. xv. 3.] * Cf. note on no. 585. + Paus, i, 28,2. There can be little doubt that this is a copy of the brazen statue of Athena Promachos on the Akropolis, the crest of whose helmet, and the point of whose spear were visible from Sunium. (Cf, Lange, Arch, Zeit., 1881, 197.) 0 ee ONS ge a Pe re eee en ee Bai eek SUA aE 94 : ATTICA. Obverse. Reverse, Bust of Athena 1., wearing] Athena Promachos standing facing crested Corinthian hel-| with head to 1, wearing crested met, and armed with| Corinthian helmet, long chiton spear and shield. with diplois, and aegis. She holds in r., spear, and on |. arm, shield. 679 A 8 AGH NA I QN Head of Athena r., wear--A@HN A {fQN_ Athena stand- ing crested Athenian} ing r., wearing erested Corinthian helmet. helmet, long chiton with diplois, and aegis; she holds in r., spear, and on 1, arm, shfeld. 680 LE *8 Head of Athena r., wear--A@ H NAIQN Athena stand-} ing crested Corinthian} ing r., seen from behind, wearing helmet. crested Corinthian helmet, long} chiton with diplois, and peplos ;} she holds in r., patera? and on 1, arm, shield. 681 85 (Pl. xvi. 4.] Similar. Athena Parthenos* standing facing with head to 1., wearing crested helmet and long chiton with dip- lois, and aegis; she holds in r., Nike, and rests with 1., in which, spear, upon round shield, adorned with gorgon-head, placed upon the} ground in front of her. | 682 i °8 AGH NAIQN [Pl. xvi. 5.] 683 8 |AGH N AIQN * Paus. i. 24, 7. This is the famous Chryselephantine statue of Athena Parthenos by Pheidias. Td 5€ &yadua tis "AOnvas dpOdv eoTw ev xiTaVL modnpet, Kal of Kata Td oTepvoy t) KEpadrh Medovons eAepavtds eorw eurre- roimuevn. Kal Nixnyv bcov te tTecodpwy mnxay, ev 5 TH (ETEpG) xEIph Sdpu xe1, nal of xpos tots mogiy domls Te KeiTat, Kal mAnoloy TOU ddpatos SpaKwv > , | EOTLVe ATHENS. 95 pe Wt. ite Obverse. Reverse. Head of Athena r., wear-| Athena Parthenos* standing facing ing crested Athenian) with head to 1., wearing crested helmet. helmet and long chiton with dip- Jois, and aegis; she holds in r., Nike, and rests with 1, which holds spear, on shield placed | upon the ground beside her. 684 JE *85 ASHN A IQN 685 '8 i i: Bust of Athena r., wear-| Similar. ing crested Corinthian helmet. 686 | Ad 85 AOHN A IQN 687 Ai °8 9 ” Bust of Athena r., wear-|Similar type, but between shield and ing crested Corinthian} Athena a serpent rises.t helmet and aegis. 688 JE *95 ABH N AIWN Head of Athena r., wear-| Athena Parthenos + standing facing ing crested Corinthian} with head to 1. wearing crested helmet. helmet and long chiton with dip- lois, and aegis; she holds in r., Nike, and rests with 1, which holds spear, on shield placed upon the ground beside her: in front, serpent coiled and erect 1. 689 AX, 85 | drapery around neck. AGH N AION 690 B95 ‘AGH NA [IQN] 691 A®*8 | drapery around neck. AGB H NAION | [Pl. xvz. 6.] 692 B'8 : |A@ HNAIQN * Another copy of the same statue. ¢ The identification of this type with the Parthenos statue is placed beyond all doubt by the presence of the serpent. 1 Se TN oe kee) hm sar ety Zz 96 ATTICA. Obverse. Reverse. Bust of Athena r., wear-| Athena Parthenos standing facing ing crested Athenian} with head to 1., wearing crested helmet. helmet and long chiton with dip- lois, and aegis; she holds in r., Nike, and rests with 1., which holds spear, on shield placed upon the ground beside her: in front, serpent coiled and erect 1. 693 AB 85 ASH N AIQN Head of Athena r., wear-| Athena standing facing with head to, ing crested Corinthian| 1., wearing crested helmet and long helmet. chiton with diplois, and aegis : front, olive-tree, against which she! places her spear; her 1]. rests on) shield placed upon the ground) in ee | : beside her. | 694 i -85 | drapery around neck. |A@H NAIQN | 695 Ltt *85 F 3 x AOHN AIQN on tree, owl r. (Pl. xvr. 7.] ! 696 AB ‘85 : inscr. obliterated ; between Athena: and tree serpent coiled and erect 1.| Bust of Athena r., wearing | Similar. crested Athenian hel- met. 697 ZB *85 A@H . N_— Serpent coiled} round “hae of tree. [Pl. xvr. 8.] and on her |. arm, aegis. 698 AB “85 AOHN A I1QN [Pl. xv. 9.] Head of Athena r., wear-| Athena advancing r., wearing aaah ing crested Corinthian! helmet and long chiton with} helmet. diplois ; she holds in her r., Spear, ATHENS. 97 Obverse, Reverse, Head of Athena r., wear-| Athena advancing r., wearing crested ing crested Athenian} helmet and long chiton with dip- helmet. lois, and aegis; she wields spear with r., and holds shield on I. arm. 699 LK 8 ‘ ABHNA IQN [Pl. xvr. 10.] Bust of Athena r., wear-' Athena advancing r.,* wearing crested ing crested Corinthian} helmet and long chiton with dip- helmet. lois, and aegis; she wields spear with r., and holds shield on 1. arm; behind, olive-tree, round which serpent twines; in front, owl r. \700) A +95 'AGHNAI .. (Pl. xvi. 11.] Head of Athena r., wear-| Athena striding r.,f her head turned ing crested Corinthian! 1., wearing crested helmet and long helmet. chiton with: diplois; her r. arm extended over olive-tree, round which serpent twines, her |. hold- ing spear and shield; in front, owl r. 701 ZB 85 ASH NAIL Q N [Pl. xvir. 1.] Head of Athena r., wear-| Athena seated 1, wearing crested ing crested Corinthian} helmet and long chiton and aegis, helmet; drapery round} with peplos over her knees; she neck, holds in r. patera, and in 1. spear, and rests with |. upon shield placed on the ground behind her throne ; in front, olive-tree. AOH NAI [Pl. xv. 2.] =<) =) iS eS or) * Probably a modification of the Polias type. See above, no, 582, + This type of Athena is probably copied from.the statue of the goddess in one or other of the Pediments of the Parthenon, cf. R, Schneider, Die Geburt der Athena, 1880, who supposes it to represent the statue in the | East Pediment, and KE. Gardner, Journ. [ell. Stud. iii. 252, who compares it with that in the Western Pediment. O 98 ATTICA, No.| Wt. Pe Obverse. Reverse. Bust of Athena r., wear- hea seated 1., wearing crested ing crested Corinthian} helmet and long chiton and aegis, helmet. with peplos over her knees; she holds in r. patera, and in 1. spear, and rests with 1. upon shield placed on the ground behind her throne ; she feeds serpent twined round olive-tree. 703) AA °8 A OH N AION Head of Athena r., wear-| Athena in quadriga r., holding spear ing crested Corinthian| in r.* helmet ; drapery round neck, ASH 704 AB 85 NAI QN | [PE Xvid. . Head of Athena r., wear-| Athena in biga r., holding spear inr. | ing crested Corinthian ; helmet. 705 AD 85 Ae HNAIQON 706 Ai "9 inscr. obliterated (7, hand raised) ; F serpent ? under chariot. Bust of Athena r., wear-| Poseidon naked but for chlamys, |. ing crested Corinthian striking with trident, and Athena] helmet and aegis, armed with shield and spear, | standing on either side of olive-| tree round which serpent twines, | and in the branches of which sits an owl; at feet of Poseidon, sometimes a dolphin. A 707 AE *95 S) H N [Pl. xvi. 4.] * This type may illustrate the epithet ‘Imma as applied to Athena} (Paus, i, 30, 4). tT Paus. i, 24, 3: Memoinra: 5& nad 7d putdy rhs eAalas "AOnva Kad KOual avapalvwy Mooedav (Anathema on the Acropolis). j Paus. 1.24, 5: Ta 8€ dmicOevy 4 Mocedavos mpos ’AOnvav early & spe brép | THs yijs (in the Western Pediment of the Parthenon). — This type may represent either of these groups, ATIIENS. 99 Obverse, Reverse, Bust of Athena r., wear-| Poseidon naked but for chlamys, . ing crested Corinthian} striking with trident, and Athena helmet and aegis. armed with shield and _ spear, standing on either side of olive- tree round which serpent twines, and in the branches of which sits an owl; at feet of Poseidon, sometimes a dolphin, M95 Aes S20) N =) ZB -95 SAAN hs Sa 1:0 A H O Head of Athena r., wear-- AQHNAIQ. N_ Olive-tree be- ing crested Corinthian} tween owl facing and amphora. helmet, Zi 85 in ex., palm. [Pl. xvur. 5.] Head of Athena r., wear-|Olive-tree between amphora and owl. ing crested Corinthian helmet. A *85 |drapery round neck. -» HNA QQ N_- (owlr) A ‘75 |drapery round neck, hel-;|AQ HNAIQ N _ (owl 1.) met Athenian. Bust of Athena r., wear-|A@H © Owl L, in olive-tree. ing crested Corinthian helmet and aegis. i en ATTICA. Obverse. Reverse, Bust of Athena r., wear-|Owl in olive-tree, round which ser- ing crested Corinthian} pent twines. helmet. | 6 AS HN (owl r.) | Al QN | [Pl. xvi. 6.] | “45 A © (owl. 1) [Bank Coll.] | | Similar type 1. Similar type. ' | 8 | | A ©. (owll.) Bust of Athena r., wearing| Agonistic table on which, wreath, crested Corinthian hel-| head of Athena r., and owl 1.* met and aegis: the whole in olive-wreath. ASGHNAI WN beneath table, 95 amphora, to r., palm, [Pl]. xvu. 7.] ‘85 | (head, not bust, no olive-| A@H ” » wreath.) ‘8 | (head 1.) AGHNA | QN_ beneath table, amphora. 8 AB H N AIQN _ nothing be-; * neath table. ' ‘8 | (lead r.) beneath table, AGHN ; in ex., palm. | AIQN : ) 23 ”» 29 Bust of Athenar., wearing|Agonistic table, on which, owl r., erested Corinthian hel-| statue of Athena 1., and wreath? | met and aegis. a es ea et = beneath table, amphora, | to L, palm. oe? * In the Berlin Museum is a coin of this type with AAPIANEIA| inscribed on the side of the table, proving that it belongs to games insti-; tuted by Hadrian, There are some faint traces of this inscription on) no, 723, een? ATHENS. 101 No.| Wt. re: Obverse. Reverse. Bust of Athena r., wearing | Amphora standing, on which owl r. crested Corinthian hel- met and aegis. A 726 fi “75 @ H 727 Ai°9 A | H 9 728 LE, “75 A H 9 Head of Athena r., wear-| Owl r., to L., olive-spray. ing crested Athenian helmet adorned with three upright olive- leaves. 729 ZK 6 AQH 730 A 55 A@H Similar. A@ H_ Ovll. 731 LB +55 Head of Athena r., wear-|A @ Owl. ing crested Corinthian H helmet. 732 ZB *55 (owlr.) * [Bank Coll. | 733 Zé 65 (owl 1.) Bust of Athena r., wear-| Owl. ing crested Corinthian helmet. 734 fi *45 A ® (owl r.) | | H 1735 ff ‘45 | (head, not bust). 3 (owl 1.) 739 740 742 743 744 745 Metal. Size. may) ATTICA. Obverse. Reverse. Bust of Athena 1., wear-| Owl. ing crested Corinthian ) | | | helmet. "45 A ® (owlr.) H ‘45 | (head, not bust, r.) 53 (owl 1.) A a Fee © (owl r.) H SEO HA Gea es} (owl facing, wings open). Bust of Athena r., wear-|A @H Serpent coiled with head ing crested Corinthian} erect 1. helmet. 25) Bust of Athena r., wear--A@HN AIWN Demeter seated ing crested Corinthian} 1., holding ears of corn and resting helmet and aegis. on sceptre. if [Pl. xvir. 8.] Head of Athena r., wear-| Demeter standing in car drawn by ing crested Corinthian} two winged serpents 1. ; she holds helmet. ears of corn and torch, 48 AS HN A IQN [Pl. xviz. 9.] | ‘8 |(helmet, Athenian), A @HNA IQ (Demeter holds reins (?) and sceptre), i [Pl. xvi. 10.] "65 |A OHN A ION [Pl]. xvir. 11.] ‘65 |( bust, with aegis), |A OHN. Al No. 746 748 Wt. —_—____ ATHENS. ; 103 Metal. 65 type 1; in ex., vine-branch with grapes. By a s9 9? AB 65 type r. pe 99 Ab ‘65 S. 45 ivy-branch. A 7 MA “ sciphit JX °65 vr ra bee or fly r. AE 65 vg ¥ cockle-shell, ZB '55 ¥ rs astragalus. Q 114 ATTICA. Metal. No. Size. Wt. Obverse. Reverse, Triptolemos seated 1. in|Pig r., standing on ‘ Baxyxos’: winged car drawn by| EAEYI above. two serpents ; he holds in'r. two ears of corn. 23 ZB °65 As in ex., plemochoé. 24 fh 5 > ” 9 25 “A 6 i to r., ae 26 E65 : f 8 : { ; 27 ZE ‘65 | (Triptolemos r., holds one| __,, 99 M | ear of corn only). A [Pl. xx. 4.] 28 ai) ‘DD | 3? 99 N Head of Demeter or Per-| EAEYS Plemochoé on basis. sephone ? r. 29 LE *5 OROPUS. 115 Wt. ae Obverse. Reverse. OROPUS. BRONZE. Second Century B.c. Female head r.* or Head off QPQ Dolphin r., twisted round Amphiaraos r., bearded| MIQIN _ trident. and laureate. ZE ‘75 [Bank Coll. ] EBlAx Ds] Imperial Coinage. Galhenus.t -... FAAAIHNO Bust}QPOQ...N Amphiaraos seated 1. of Gallienus r., laur. on throne, resting on sceptre, his r. hand extended over a serpent coiled with head erect 1. 44 1:0 BR eer: G. * See Mittheilungen, Inst. Athen. iv. 250, where an equally ill preserved specimen is engraved and described as a diademed head. On the B.M. specimen the head seems to be bound with a laurel-wreath upon a band. This coin was found on the site of Oropus. (Cf. Cadalvéne, Recueil, p. 168.) } Itis rather doubtful whether this coin belongs to Oropus in Attica. t Paus. i. 34, 2: kal "Apwrlos vads Té cori *“Apqiapdov kal wyoApa AeuKov Aldov. 116 ATTICA. No.| Wt. poe Peal me (aL Obverse. ‘Reverse. ! > SS eT | | SALAMIS. | Cire. B.c, 350-318. | | Female head r. (Salamis?),|A AA Shield of Ajax ;* on it) wearing stephane, ear-| sword in sheath with strap. ring, and necklace. | 1 i *7 | 2 Zi “7 ieee eco7 fe) 3 At, 65 | 4 JE *6 | 5 | 65 | br Lk oe } 6 fe '6 | Similar. ZANA Shield of Ajax ; tol. sac | in sheath with strap. | 7 ‘6 | 8 A +6 | | | Head of Demeter or Per-|[ZA AA] Shield of Ajax; on it | sephoner., wearing corn-| sword in sheath with strap. | wreath. | | 9 | A | | | | | [PL xx. 9.] | | Female head r., hair rolled. |[ZAAA] Shield of Ajax; on it | | | Gorgon-head. Weta | | 10 At -45 to r. naked sword. | 11 fH °45 | ‘=A AA. Shield of Ajax. | : | ie | * Paus. i. 35, 3,4: €or de é-yopais Te &rt épelmia kal vads AlavTos tyaAua i BE et eBevov EVAov, K.T.A. MEHGARIS. Obverse. Reverse. AEGOSTHENA. IMPERIAL. Septimius Severus, CE BHPOC|AIFOCOE NI Head of Sept. Severus} suckled by goat r. r., laur. [PL xx. 10.] Infant Zeus ? 2 | MEGARIS. Obverse. Reverse. MEHGARA. Circ. B.c. 400-338. SILVER. | Head of Apollo 1, lau. |MEPF APE _ Lyre, 50:2 | AR “55 i) tS fo") 2 ra 18°2 | A385 18°3 | M°4 Similar. | 4:2) BR 25 | Similar. (PL /XeEake Head of Apollol, lau. |M EF A and H? (between M and E) in the intervals betweer five crescents: plain border. [Pl xx 27 Head of Apollo 1, laur. |M EF in the intervals betweer three crescents: plain border. [Pl. xx1. 3.J Head of Apollo 1., aur, | Lyre. (Pl. xxi. 4.] (traces of inc, square). Similar. | | —|M_— E_ Similar. | MEGARA, Obverse. Reverse Cire. B.C. 307-243. SILVER. Head of Apollo r.,laur. |MMEFA PEQN Lyre. 8] 63: | R65 9) 64:51. 7 (fillet attached to r. side of lyre). [Pl xxx -5.] | Similar. Similar. (fillet attached to r. side of lyre). [Rioxxr '6.] 10 30°5 | M55 BRONZE. Head of Apollo r., laur. | Lyre. ql E'8 META PEQN 12 75 MErA : PEQN (Plex 72] 3B) «| ms | 14 B75 META PEQN Head) No inser. Lyre. of Apollo r., laur. Head of Apollo r., laur. |AAEFA Tripod. PEQN Aa 65 HE °65 [Pl. xx1. 8.| Ze 6 | Bib ols ci, re oo 120 MEGARIS. Obverse. Reverse. Head of Apollo r., laur.:|AAE _ in laurel-wreath. border of dots. r 19 Ah 55 (Pl. xxr,-9. } 20 J 6 | Prow 1; on it stands a;MEPF Two dolphins swimming r., _ tripod. in a circle: border of dots. 21 Ab 6 | | 22 |42°6 |above, trident 1. | 7 [Pl. xx1. 10.] 93 ZK *55 7 a on fore- castle, +. 24 A 55 jon forecastle, +. | | | 25 Ai 6 |in field above, H-. | | | | BA 6.4 ei ey: 26 7£°6 |beneath, dolphin 1. dolphins swim L., in circle. 27 55), ss .9 28 Ah *55 | MEFA dolphins swim r., in circle. | : 29 AB *55 9 ” META Prowl. Tripod between two dolphins up- wards: border of dots, 30 JE 65 She | CPlaxxiyios | Rages: 31 M6 | | 32 | AL 6 | | | | | | 33 | HK *6 34 | Hd MEGARA,. 121 Cire. B.c. 146 or later. ee Obverse, Reverse. META Prow 1. Obelisk of Apollo Karinos* between two dolphins upwards : border of dots. | fA *6 Ai “55 obelisk bound with fillet. [ Pl. xx. 13.] 5 JK 45 ia 3 | M €E Tripod. Dolphin r.: border of dots. AB °4 fA °4 AR *4 META PEQN Bearded) Artemis + wearing short chiton with| head of Eukleides of| diplois, running r., carrying a torch Megara + in female} in each hand: border of dots. guise, wearing veil and earring : border of dots. AB 95 [Pl. xx1. 14] * Paus. i. 44, 2: “Eors 8¢ ev 7@ yuuvaclw TH apxaly mAnotov muddy kadovuévwy Nuupddwy Aidos mapexduevos mupauldos oxijua ov meydAns’ TovTov “AmdéAAwva dvoua cova: Kapwov. Tt Aulus Gellius, vi. 10. Tum Euclides, qui indidem Megaris erat, quique ante id decretum et esse Athenis et audire Socratem consueverat, postquam id decretum sanxerunt, sub noctem cum advesperasceret, tunica longa muliebri indutus et pallio versicolore amictus, et caput rica velatus, e domo sua Megaris Athenas ad Socratem commeabat; ut vel noctis aliquo tempore consiliorum sermonumque ejus fieret particeps: rursusque sub lucem millia passuum paulo amplius viginti eadem veste illa tectus redibat. t Paus.i. 40,2. Artemis Soteira ; Bronze statue by Strongylion. R ee id J RR ay A) ae y Reyes eas x, é os ees : sod Ss ai . ert 1722 MEGARIS. No.| Wt. Obverse. | Reverse. Head of Apollo x, laur.:}M 3 Lyre: border of dots. border of dots. . 44 A, *65 [Pl. xxr. 15.] Head of: Apollo r., laur. : border of dots. M E_ Tripod : plain border. 45 ZH °5 Pisa aa Imperial. Commodus. AYT KAIM KOMMO|MErFA PEWN Zeus * naked to AoC ANTWNINO waist with himation over knees, | Bust of Commodus r.,|_ holding in r. Nike and resting laur., wearing cuirass| with |. on sceptre. and paludamentum. | 46 Ei 1:0 (Plexxme | Head, not bust. MEFA P EWN Artemis ¢ wear-! ing short chiton with diplois,; running r., carrying a torch in| each hand. 47 AB 95 [Plexi 2.4 Sept. Severus, A CENTI CEOYH|MEFA PE WN Demeter veiledt} POC NMEPTIN A=! wearing long chiton with diplois, | Head of Severus r.,] standing r., with a torch in each laur. hand, kindling a tall torch which stands before her, 48 JE 95 [PL xxi 3. | se * Paus. i. 40, 4. Unfinished statue of Zeus in the Olympieion by Theokosmos and Pheidias. The face of gold and ivory, the rest of the| body clay and chalk. “ . ¢ Paus, i. 41, 3. Artemis Agrotera ? Py Vipers / ¢ Paus. i. 40, 6: "Evradea nal ris Aquntpos 7d Kadovmevov Méyapov. MEGARA. 123 ein Obverse, Reverse, AYTKAOY CEM |MEFA PEWN = Artemis * run- CEOYHPOC Bust of| ning r., wearing short chiton with Severus r., laur. diplois, holding bow in 1., and drawing arrow from quiver at her shoulder with r, Ai *95 Inser. obscure. ME FA PEWN Asklepios and Head of Severus r., laur. Hygieiat standing face to face, the former r. leaning on serpent- staff, the latter 1. feeding serpent from patera. | At 95 [Pl. xxu. 4.] A YTKACEeN M €fF APEWN Tyche Ff stand- CEOYHPOC MEP | _ ing facing, head 1., wearing turreted Bust of Severusr., laur.} crown and long chiton: she holds in r. patera over flaming altar and on l, arm cornucopiae. fi °9 [Pl. xxi. 5.] 44 ‘9 Caracalla. AKAIMAY....... |MEFA P EWN $ Artemis* run- NOC Bust of Cara-| ing r., wearing long chiton with calla r., laur., wearing) diplois, holding bow in 1. and paludamentum and cui-| drawing arrow from quiver at her rass with gorgon-head| shoulder with r. upon it. Zi *95 [Pl. xx11. 6.] * Paus. i. 41,3. Artemis Agrotera? + Paus, i. 40, 6. Statues of Asklepios and Hygieia by Bryaxis. t Paus. i. 43,6; mAnaiov 5¢ Tov rhs ’Appoditys vaov TYxns eativ iepdr. itpatir 2naus Kal avUTn TEXYN. head bare. 54 8 | Similar. | | 55 A 9 56 | R9 Similar. 57 Jk 9 | Similar. 58 Ah 9 * Paus. i. 42,2; i. 42,5; and i. 44, 2. Obverse. MEGARIS. Reverse. Geta. : AOY CENT FETA|MEFAPE N_ Apollo* wearing KA Bust of Geta r.,} long chiton and himation, standing l., holding patera and lyre. Before him, an altar on which stand two birds (ravens ?), [ Pl. xxu. 7.] MErAP € WA Demeter } veiled + wearing long chiton with diplois, standing r., with a torch in each hand, kindling a tall torch which stands before her, [Pl. xxi. 8.] Mer AP EWU MErA PEW WY Pallas t stand- ing r., wearing erested Corinthian helmet and long chiton, holding in raised r, spear with point downwards, and on |. arm round shield. (Pl. xxi. 10.] M €FA PEW N Tyche§ stand- ing facing, head 1., wearing tur- reted crown and long chiton ;. she holds in r, patera over altar, and on |. arm cornucopiae. : (EL xxir + Paus. i. 40, 6: Evravea kal Tijs Ahuntpos Td KaAovuevov Méyapov. t Paus. i. 42, 4: "Qeoddunrar d& em) rH Kopuph THs axpowéAews vads "AOnvas, dyaAua b€ eoriv éxlypucov mAh Xeip@v Kal EKpwv Today" Tadra Se kal rd mpdowndy oti €d€paytos. | § Paus, i. 43, 6; wAnolov d3¢ rod rhs Adpodirns vaod Toxys early iepdy. f area nab alrn TEXYN. PAGAE, 125 ia Obverse. Reverse. . PAGAE. Imperial. Sept. Severus. ACNITIMIOC (sic) NAP AIWN = Kybele naked to CEYHPOC MEP hips, seated 1. on throne; she TINA = Head of} wears turreted crown, rests with 1. Sept. Severus r., laur. on long sceptre, and holds patera in r.; at her feet lion 1. i fi *95 [Pl. xx. 11.] AEGINA. (3 | No.| Wt. yoy Obverse. | Reverse. SILVER. Circ. B.0. 700-550. Staters. Tortoise with smooth shell,|Incuse squate irregularly divided I down the middle of| into eight triangular compartments | which is a row of dots. | more or less deeply depressed. 1 | 192° | R‘85 [Bank Coll. ] | [Pl. xxi. 1.] | 2 | 188: | R'8 . [Bank Coll.] 3 | 1905) R's [Pl. xxi. 2.] 4 | 186°5) M 85 5 | 165°3) AR 8 6 | 188-8) AR-8 7 |189°5) R°8 | oy [PL xxut. 3.] ink 8 | 191-7) R'8 a 9 192: | R85 | bd “ AEGINA, 12 or prekiae Obverse, | Reverse. Tortoise with smooth shell,| Incuse square of mill-sail pattern, down the middle of] 7.e. divided into eight triangular which is a row of dots.; compartments alternately raised 193°5|) M's and depressed. 190°4| AR “75 |. 190°3| R 75 [Pl. xxmt. 4.] 189° | R°75 188° | R°7 182°7| AR*8 | (two countermarks, in one of them a bird). 180°6| R°8 180° | R°85 | (countermark). 159°5| M °75 Similar. Incuse square divided into eight triangular compartments, of which three are raised and five depressed. 200° | AV'8 194°2) R°8 192° | R75 190:4| AR °75): 190: | R°85 ; [Pl. xxi. 5, | 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 190° | R'8 187°7| M75 186°5| A °75 185°7| A °85 185°2) AR 75 184:7) R75 179°7 R15 178 | R°7 193") |} AROS 190: | R85 188°5) M75 181°5| R75 180° | R°8 177°8) AR 85 175°5) R75 AEGINA. Obverse. Tortoise with smooth shell, down the middle of which is a row of dots. [Pl. xx111.-6.] Similar. countermark. bird flying 1, owl r. ? dolphin r. Ww ; In outside angles, letters 4) Reverse. Incuse square divided into eight} triangular compartments, of which | three are raised and five depressed. Similar. countermark over a previous coun-| termark, | countermark, radiate disk. AEGINA, 129 Wt. se Obverse, Reverse. Drachms. Tortoise with smooth shell, | Incuse square of ‘ mill-sail’ pattern, down the middle of| ze. divided into eight triangular which is a row of dots. | compartments alternately raised and depressed. 92°5 | M ‘65 90° | M°55 89°3 | R65 [Pl. xxi. 7.] Similar, Incuse square divided into eight triangular compartments, of which three are raised and five depressed. 95: | M6 95: | R6 [Pl. xxi. 8.] 94:5) R7 | 92°5 | AR 55 Triobols. Similar. Incuse square of ‘ mill-sail’ pattern, z.e. divided into eight triangular compartments alternately raised and depressed. 45°8 | ARS [Pl. xxi. 9.] Similar, : Incuse square divided into eight triangular compartments irregu- 5 _ larly raised and depressed. 50:0 | Rd | [Pl. xx111. 10.] 49- | AR-5 | | 130 No. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 46°3 45°7 44-5 44:3 49-2 41-0 41-0 36°0 17°5 16°8 AEGINA. te Obverse. Reverse. Tortoise with smooth shell, |Incuse square divided into eight down the middle of} triangular compartments irregu- which is a row of dots. | larly raised and depressed. R45 AR *45 RD £R°5 &R *45 &R'5 LR *45 fR ‘5 Obols. Similar. Incuse square divided into several usually triangular compartments, irregularly raised and depressed. AR 35 ‘3 AR 3 LR *45 [Pl]. xxi. 11.] R3 16°0 15°7 15°7 oP 15°5 15:2 15:0 15°0 15°0 15:0 14:9 14°8 14-7 14:7 14:2 AR'3 AR'3 &R 35 &R'3 AR°3 AR °*3 R°3 LR °35 | AR °35 &R°3 LR°3 fR'35 LR'3 AR°3 AR '3 AEGINA. 131 Obverse. Reverse. Tortoise with smooth shell, |Incuse square divided into several down the middle of} usually triangular compartments, | , which is a row of dots. | irregularly raised and depressed. [Pl. xx, 12.] 132 , ‘AEGINA. ; # | | / No.| Wt. fe Obverse, | Reverse. Tortoise with smooth shell, |Incuse square divided into several | down the middle of} usually triangular compartments, which is a row of dots. | irregularly raised and depressed. 77| 14:2) R'3 78| 13°9| R°3 79| 13°8| R-3 80| 13°6 | R°3 81} 13°5 | AR 35 82| 12:2) R35 83} 11:°7| R°3 Hemiobol. Similar. Similar. 84| 7:0 | R25 Circ. B.c. 550—480. Staters. Tortoise with smooth|Incuse square divided by broad bars | shell, down the middle| into five compartments. : of the back of which is a row of dots, three at the top of the shell. 85 |190-4| R's [PL xxiv.i1.] 86 |192°7 | A*85 87 1192-41 R'8 AEGINA. 133 Obverse. Reverse, Tortoise with .smooth|Incuse square divided by broad bars shell, down the middle] into five compartments, of the back of which is a row of dots, three at the top of the shell. 88} 190°5) AR°7 ‘89 190: fR'9 | 90} 188°6] AR -9 91} 188°5 R8 92| 188°2) R°8 | 93) 184° | AR 75 94) 183: | R-7 ; 95) 189-5) AR*8 | countermark, acanthus pattern. [Pl. xxiv. 2.] 96| 211°2) AX°8 | countermark, pecten, around which, letters, | 97| 190-4) AR -75 countermark, &. 98| 190: | R°8 |countermark, boar’s head r. | 99} 188: |.AX-75|countermarks, fish * and silphium seed. 1100) 188°5| R°7 |countermark uncertain. incuse, twice. a 187-4) R°7 |countermark, Acginetan i | * This fish resembles that which occurs on the coins of Psophis in Arcadia, 134 AEGINA, Obverse. Reverse, Tortoise with smooth|Incuse square divided by broad bars: shell, down the middle} into five compartments, of the back of which is a row of dots, three at the top of the shell. 102| 185:7; AR ‘7 |countermark, head _ of caduceus. 103; 184°2} AX 8 |countermark, head _ of Apollo? facing. 104) 182°7} AR ‘75 | countermark, V. grafito, NAN. Drachms. Similar. Similar. 105} 91:5) AR '6 106} 91:5} AX-65}countermark, lion’s head r, [Pl. xxiv. 3.] Triobols. Similar. Similar. 107| 47: | Rd [Pl. xxiv. 4.] 108} 47° | Md . 109| 46: | AR45 110) 45: | AR-45 SN a Sts a a. —<— a en 111) 45. | M-45 112) 43:5) M-45 fe 113 52° | R-65\tol, D. : ‘is 1114; 46°] R45} 4, ETD ws TEES = ere mrs ~— ee AEGINA, 135 Obverse. “3 Reverse. Obols. Tortoise with smooth|Incuse square divided by broad bars shell, down the middle} into five compartments. of the back of which is a row of dots, three at the top of the shell. 16°5 | R°35 16°2 | R35 16:2 | R°35 15°7 | AR'35 15°7 | R35 15°7 | R35 15-7 | R35 [Pl. xxiv. 5.] 15-7 | R°4 15:4 | R35 pe Ph xxqw..6.] 15:2) Re4- 15: | R-35 14:8] R-4 1 14-8} RB li45|a-3 14:5 | R35 14-2 | R25 12°5 | M°3 136 No. 141 142 Wt. Metal. Size. AR 25 LR.°3 LR *25 LR °25 R25 LR 25 LR 25 LR *25 LR ‘25 LR 25 AR 25 143)187°5 | AR 85 BE rei Wi te Nia os AEGINA. Obverse. Reverse. Hemiobols. Tortoise with | smooth|Incuse square divided by broad bars shell, down the middle} into five compartments, of the back of which is a row of dots, three at the top of the shell. [Pl. xxiv. 7.] Circ. B.c. 480. Stater. Tortoise with smooth shell, | Incuse square, within which triskelis down the middle of the} of three human legs r+ in the back of which is a row| centre a large pellet. of dots, three at the top of the shell. [Pl. xxiv. 8.] ‘lyasi191- |A°8 150} 190°5) AR 85 {151} 190°5| AR'8 153| 189-8) AR*8 |countermark, 3% , ‘|154| 189-6) AR -85 -{155| 189°5) AR °7 | countermark, incuse square ee ee a ee em Ls NS, bd mi vas Se Ke eat part v. Y AEGINA, 137 pee Wt. rk Obverse. Reverse, Obols. Tortoise with smooth shell, | Incuse square, within which, dol- line down back. phin r. 144) 16°9) AR 4 in ]. upper and r. lower corner, floral ornament, ; [-Pl. xxtv. 9.] 145) 16: | R°4 |in r. upper corner, floral ornament. Cire. B.c. 480—431. | Staters. | Tortoise of which the|Incuse square divided by bands ta structure of the shell| five compartments. is shewn, divided into thirteen plates. 146} 192°6; AR-8 147, 191° | R°8 : [Pl. xxiv. 10.] 149] 190°7| R-8 152) 190:2) R°9 a na e quartered. 138 AEGINA. | Metal No.| Wt. Sins Obverse, Reverse. — Tortoise of which the|Incuse square divided by bands into structure of the shell| five compartments. is shewn, divided into : thirteen plates. 156) 189°5| A °75 157| 189°4) R8 158} 189°2) MR °9 159) 188°8) AR°85 160} 187:0) R 9 161) 1867, R°8 162) 186°5) R°8 163} 186°4) AR “85 [Pl. xxiv. 11.] ‘ 164} 184-0) AR ‘85 165) 183°6) AR85 [Pl. xxrv. 12.] Drachms. Similar. Similar. 166) 85:5) R'7 in r. upper compartment, ¢¢ 167! 90:2) R°7 in 1. lower compartment, 3 168) 83:7 RT 9 ‘; 9 ‘9 j 169} 83-2 AR ‘65 ” ” 9 ” | | 170 80°5 RT 99 9 ” cy Be [Pl xxiv. 13.] . W171 ‘172 173 174 175 (176 Wt. 40°8 48° 45:3 47 0 33°0 39°8 AEGINA, 139 ay : hat Obverse. Reverse. Triobols. Similar, the plates varied | Incuse square divided by bands into in number. five compartments. R55 in 1. lower compartment, 3 [Pl. xxiv. 14.] ARS |tol., A; tor, A. jin 1. upper compartment, J [Pl. xxiv. 15.] AR a) 9 7 33 Pb) ”? 9? +P] 99 AR ‘D5 ” >] 9 bb) R 5 in 1. ” ” oO Similar tortoise . almost|Incuse square divided by bands into square in form, with| five compartments. many plates. AR ‘55 in middle r. compartment, C Obols. Tortoise of which the|Incuse square divided by bands into structure of the shell| five compartments. is shewn divided into plates, usually thirteen in number. —1177| 15°8| R45 [Pl. xxtv. 16.] 1179) 15°1 | AR-4 [Bank Coll.] " |180| 15-0| R35 i181) 14:3 | AR -35 Tortoise of which the! Incuse square divided by bands into structure of the shell| five compartments. is shewn divided into plates. 182) 7:4; M3 Tortoise of which the|Incuse square divided by bands as} structure of the shell| above into five compartments. is shewn divided into plates thirteen in num- ber. 183) 183: | R°75 Similar. 184, 85:7, R-7 |A ! Similar. 185} 43-2) RS |C Similar. 186, 14:2) Ret |A AEGINA. Hemiobol. [Pl. xxiv. 17.] Shortly before B.c. 431. Me dire? = SO Te Eau tan atl (ST SE RT le aN eM) ce ron) 2g eel .? as : Reverse. Stater. / Drachm. Similar. A ! [Pl. xxv. 1.] Triobol. Similar. A SY [Pl. xxv. 2.] Obols. Similar. A © [Bank Coll] he a4 AEGINA, 141 Wt. | ae Obverse. Reverse Cire, Bo. 431-404. No Coins. After circ. B.c. 404— 1 THE AEGINETANS RESTORED BY LYSANDER. Staters. Tortoise of which the|{Incuse square divided by broad structure of the shell| bands into five compartments. is shewn divided into : plates thirteen in num- : | ber. 187} 188° | AR 1:0 AIF 1 and dolphin 1., upwards. [Pl. xxv. 3.] 188} 186°2| R-9 A Il a i = 189) 182°5| AR 95 A IW rB) r., 9 190|189°3) R'85|A I IN | pearls Mage Cay, | PPlsxxy, 4. | 191} 185° MR'85\A { |N { ” Yr, ” Drachms. Similar. Similar, 192) 84-5] R75 A IFl and dolphin r., upwards. 193} 90° | AR “75 A Ir pian tae E [Pl. xxv. 5.] “|194| 88-5) R°8 AI sy ae Laas 1195] 90:2) R-7 | APG eee fe meme hee [Bank Coll. ] 142 AEGINA. No.|. Wt. rer Obverse. Reverse. Tortoise of which the|Incuse square divided by broad structure of the shell) bands into five compartments. : is shewn divided into plates thirteen in num- ber. 196) 89:2;R'7 |A | A Il and dolphin r., upwards. [Pl. xxv. 6. Bank Coll. ] 197| 88:8 | AR'75 A | IN | ” r., 9 (Pk Sx eee 198} 88°3| R77 |A t B. | Y., ” Obols. 199} 11:5| M4 |A | A | 200} 11°8| M‘45/A i I A [Pl, xxv. 8.] gol] 12 |R4 A IA It K Alo | [Pl. xxv. 9.] 202) 10°8| R45 /A i Spite (a 203) 14° | M4 1A | N i Hemiobol. Similar. Similar. 204) 6:7 | AR 35 x BRONZE. A, around, three dolphins| Incuse square divided by bands swimming rf. in a circle. into five compartments as above. - 205 J °55 [Pl. xxv. 10.] BS BoB 8 5 2) 4 BB AEGINA, Obverse. . Reverse. 143 A between two dolphins|Incuse square divided by bands upwards. into five compartments as above. *DD [PL xxv. 11.] ‘DD | border of dots. 5 [Pl. xxv. 12.] 9? “45 in two compartments, (Pl. xxv. 13.] [ Pl. xxv. 14,] Tortoise, H_ in incuse square ? ‘25 5d in one compartment, A A A 7 EK aay AU deat Cd OF Oo On, O73 0 bo Oo Lo Obverse. _ 65 ‘D5 ‘65 ‘65 ‘65 Pan ae 2) OP + ate Py dee te rity q & sn CO ee ed a 4 Le Or ys Eee as Ca ~ AEGINA. | Reverse, Third and Second centuries B.0. Bucranium, A ! AIP Prow r. AIPFINA | Prow r. BRONZE. Dolphin r. beneath, Al PRIS xxvii type 1.; above, NI; beneath, API Ram’s head r.: border of dots. AMI Pl. xxvise2>) ? Ram’s head 1.; beneath, A [Pl. xxvi. 3.] : AEGINA. 145 No.| Wt. ao. Obverse. Reverse. Head of Zeus*r., laur.;/A I Naked archaic statue of border of dots. Tica | ‘Apollo r., holding laurel- N H branch bound with fillet, and strung bow.* 236 AX ‘65 |countermark. [PL xxvi. 4.] 237 LE 65 | [Pl. xxvu. 5.] Imperial. Julia Domna. {OVA AO[MNA] ‘AIFEIN HTWN = Zeus naked CEBA[ CTH] Bust striding r., holding thunderbolt of Julia Domna r. | and eagle.T 238 LE 85 [Pl. xxvi. 6.] Plautilla. POYABIA NMAAY- |AIFEl..... Hekate triformis, TIAAA Bust of] two arms only visible, each hold- Plautilla yr. with a| ing a long torch tf small cornucopiae at her 1. shoulder, 239 Ag 85 [PL xxvr. 7.] .... BIA TAAY- | NHTQN _ Bearded ter- TIAAA Similar bust; minal figure. with cornucopiae. 240 LE 65 [P]. xxvi. 8.] Geta. AO CLENTIFETAC AIFEIN HTWN ) Prowl. KAI Bust of Geta r., head bare. 241 Li 7 PPle xxv OU} * Paus. ii. 30, 1: "AmdAAwvs wey 8) Edavov yupydv éote TéExXYNS THIS émixwplov. } Probably a statue of Zeus Panhellenios (cf. Paus. ii. 30, 3, 4). + Paus ii. 30,2: Oedv 5& Aiywijra Tydow “Exdrny wddcora tdavov 5 Epyov Mipwros, duolws év mpdowmdv Te Kat TO AoLTdY THua. U | GEOGRAPHIC ’ . A. _ Aegina, 126. Aegosthena, 117. Athens, Le. Eleusis, 112. | M. Megara, 118. INDEX II. TYPES. A. Acropolis, northern view of.— Athens, 110. Agonistic table.—Athens, 100. Ajax, shield of.—Salamis 116. Altar, before olive-tree. — Athens, 111. Altar, between two olive-trees.— Athens, 111. Amphiaraos seated, resting on sceptre, and extending hand over coiled serpent.—Oropus, 115. Amphiaraos? head of.— Oropus, 115.) _ Amphora.—Athens, 88, 107. Amphora in olive-wreath.—Athens, 86. | Amphora and palm.—Athens, 88,89. Amphora ‘and branch.—Athens, 88. Amphora, ‘on which, owl.—Athens, 101. Apollo naked, archaic statue of, hold- ing laurel-branch and bow.— Aegina, 145. Apollo standing, holding branch and bow.—Athens, 103. é Apollo standing before altar on which are two ravens.— Megara, 124. Apollo standing, holding patera and lyre.— Athens, 103. Apollo, head of.—Athens, 85, 86 92; Megara, 118 sqgq, 122. Apollo Delios, holding bow, and figures of the three Charites.— Athens, 82, Apollo Karinos, obelisk of, between dolphins.— Megara, 121. Apollo Lykeios.—Athens, 103. Artemis running, carrying torch.— Athens, 83. Artemis running with torch in each hand.—Megara, 121 sq. Artemis, head of.—Athens, 84, 87, 88 sqq. Artemis, Agrotera? running with bow and arrow.—Megara, 123, Asklepios resting on serpent-staff.— Athens, 109. Asklepios and Hygieia, statues of, by Bryaxis.— Megara, 123. Athena resting on spear and holding Nike.— Athens, 93. Athena holding patera? and shield on 1. arm.—Athens, 94, b) 148 Athena advancing, holding spear and aegis.— Athens, 96 sq. Athena advancing, wielding spear and holding shield, behind, olive- tree round which serpent twines, in front, ow]l.—Athens, 97. Athena striding r. with arm ex- tended over olive-tree, round which serpent twines, in front, owl.-—Athens, 97. Athena resting spear against olive- tree, shield beside her.— Athens, 96. Athena before olive-tree, on which owl.—Athens, 96. Athena with serpent before olive- tree.—Athens, 96. Athena before olive-tree, round which serpent twines.—Athens, 96. Athena seated, holding patera before olive-tree, round which serpent twines.—Athens, 97 sq. Athena in biga.—Athens, 98. Athena and Poseidon, with olive-tree between them.—Athens, 98. Athena, bust of, in crested Athenian helmet.—Athens, 96, 98, 109, 111. Athena, bust of, in crested Corinthian helmet.— Athens, 935, 95, 97, 9x, 160 sqq., 104, 106, 109. Athena, bust of, in crested Corinthian helmet with spear and shield.— Athens, 94. Athena, bust of, in crested Corinthian helmet and aegis.—Athens, 95, 98, 99, 101 sqq., 108, 110, bers Athena, bust of, in crested Corinthian helmet and aegis, all in olive- wreath.—Athens, 93, 100, 105, 108. INDEX II, Athena, head of, of archaic style, in close-fitting crested helmet.— Athens, 1 sqq. | Athena, head of, of arehaie style, in close-fitting crested helmet adorned with three upright olive- leaves.—Athens, 6 sqq. Athena, head of, of fine style, in close-fitting crested helmet, adorned with three upright olive- leaves.—Athens, 13 sgq., 101. Athena, head of, in crested Athenian helmet.—Athens, 97, 99, 109. Athena, head of, in crested Athe- nian helmet and aegis.—Athens, 103, 105, 106. Athena, head of, of fine style, in crested Corinthian helmet.— Athens, 15 sgq., 83, 93 sqq., 101 sqgq., 109, 110. Athena (Archegetis?) holding owl and patera.—Athens, 84. Athena (Archegetis ?) holding owl and resting on spear.—Athens, 93. Athena (Hippia?) in quadriga.— Athens, 98, Athena Parthenos holding Nike and spear with round shield beside her.—Athens, 94 sq. Athena Parthenos with serpent beside her.—Athens, 95, 96, Athena Parthenos, head of, in close- fitting helmet with triple-crest, adorned in front with the fore- parts of four or more horses, on the side with a Griffin or Pe- gasos and on the back with an aplustre.—Athens, 28 sqq. Athena Polias hurling thunderbolt and armed with shield.—Athens, 84, TYPES, Athena Polias? armed with helmet, spear and aegis.—Athens, 82, 84, 85. Athena Promachos facing, resting on spear, shield on 1. arm.— Athens, 93 sq. B. Baxyxos in olive-wreath.—Athens, 23. Békxos and ear of corn crossed, all in olive-wreath.—Athens, 91. Bryaxis, statues of Asklepios and Hygieia, by.—Megara, 123. Bucranium.—Athens, 107, 111, 144. C. Caduceus bound with fillet.— Athens, 107. Caracalla, bust of.—Megara, 123, Cicada.—Athens, 85, 87 sq. Club.—Athens, 107. Commodus, bust of.—Megara, 122. Corn, ear of.—Athens, 92. Corn, two ears of, in olive-wreath.— Athens, 91. Corn, two ears of, on one stalk.— Athens, 92. Crescent.—Athens, 19, Crescents, Three.— Athens, Megara, 118. Crescents, Four.—Athens, 17, Crescents, Five.—Megara, 118. Ut D. Demeter holding torch.— Athens, 82. Demeter standing with two torches, kindling a_ tall torch which stands before her.—Megara, 122, 124, Demeter seated.—Athens, 102. 149 Demeter in car drawn by winged serpents.—Athens, 89 sqq., 102 ; Eleusis, 112. Demeter, head of.—Athens, Eleusis, 114. Demeter or Persephone, head of.— Salamis, 116. Dionysos of Alkamenes? seated, holding kantharos and _ resting on thyrsos.—Athens, 104. Dionysos, young, head of.—Athens, 85, 87. Dionysos,’ bearded, head of. — Athens, 86. Dionysos, theatre of —Athens, 110. Dolphin.— Megara, 121; Aegina, 137, (144, Dolphin and Trident—Athens, 90 ; Oropus, 115. Dolphins, two.— Megara, 120; Aegina, 143. Dolphins, three.—Aegina, 142. Domna, Julia, bust of.—Aegina, 145. So. E. Eagle looking back.—-Athens, 26. Eagle, wings open, on thunderbolt.— Athens, 86, Kirene carrying infant Plutos.— Athens, 109. Eukleides of Megara, head of, in female guise.—Megara, 121. F. Female head, of archaic style. — Athens, 4. G. Gallienus, head of.—Oropus, 115. Geta, bust of. — Megara, 124; Aegina, 145, 150 Gorgon, head of.—Athens, 84. Grapes.—Athens, 107. i Hekate triformis holding torches.— Aegina, 145. Hermes, head of.—Athens, 107. 1 Incuse square containing triangle.— Athens, 1. Incuse square divided into eight tri- angular compartments.—Aegina, 126 sq. Incuse square divided into eight tri- angular compartments, three raised and five depressed.— Aegina, 127 sq. Incuse square of ‘Mill-sail’ pattern. — Aegina, 127 sq. Incuse square divided by broad _ bars into five compartments.— Aegina, 132 sqq. Incuse square, within which, Triskelis, —Aegina, 136. J. Janiform female heads of archaic style-—Athens, 5. RY Kalathos.—. wing.— 154 Cockle-shell.—Eleusis, 113. Corn, grain of.—Athens, 21. Corn, ear of.—Athens, 29 (ser. viii) ; 80, 811%, 84, 89. Corn, two ears of, on one stalk.— Athens, 30 (ser. viii). Corn, two ears of, crossed.—Athens, 35 (ser. lil). Corn, two ears of.—Athens, 78. Cornucopiae,—Athens, 22, 80. Cornucopiae, double.—Athens, 41 (ser, XXX). Cornucopiae and ear of corn.— Athens, 42 (ser. xxxil). Crescent.—Athens, 6 sqgg.; Aegina. 139 sq. Crescent and thunderbolt.—Athens, 25. Cross. — Megara, 120. D. Demeter holding torch in each hand — Athens, 76 (ser. lxxii). Demeter holding sceptre.—Athens, 46 (ser. Xxxiv). Demeter or Persephone with two long torches reversed.— Athens, 35 (ser. Ixxiv). _ Demeter with Artemis.—Athens, 61 (ser. Xl). Demeter seated.—Athens, XClil). Dionysos holding mask and thyrsos. —Athens, 74 (ser. lxx). Dionysos bearded, holding kantharos and thyrsos.—Athens, 75 (ser. Cli). Dionysos of Alkamenes seated, hold- ing thyrsos and kantharos,— Athens, 47 (ser. 1xxxii). 64 (ser. INDEX III. Dionysos seated, holding torches, with Demeter standing beside him, also holding torches,—Athens, 35 (ser. liv). Dioscuri }— Athens, 66 sq. (ser. xl viii). Dioscuri, pilei of the.—Athens, 30 (ser. ix); 45 (ser. lix) ; 78, 80. Dolphin.— Athens, 108 ; Eleusis,113 ; Megara, 120; Aegina, 141, sq. Dolphin and sien eae 70 (ser. xcix). E Eagle.—Athens, 30 sq. (ser. xii). Eagle on thunderbolt.—Athens, 51 (ser. Xxxviii).. Eagle, head of, Athens, 57 (ser. ]xxxviil). Elephant.—Athens, 36 (ser. xxvill). Eros crowning himself and holding - palm.—-Athens 39, (ser. lvii). F. Floral ornament.—Aegina, 137 G. Galley, stern of.—Athens, 15. Gorgon-head. — Athens, 69 (ser. Ixviil). Grapes.— Athens, 25 sq; 65 (ser. xlvii). Griffin.—Athens, 37 (ser. lv), Hy Harmodius and Aristogeiton, statues of.—Athens, 65 (ser. xciv). Helios facing in quadriga. — Athens, 48 (ser. Xxxv). Helios, bust of, radiate-—Athens, 42 (ser. XXi). a Helmet.—Athens, 84. ee MG APRN ORR CIS aT ies. 37 ee Pah pa NY ARE ite ays " REMARKABLE SYMBOLS. Helmet, Macedonian.—Athens, 45 _ (ser. xxii), Horse, forepart of.—Athens, 32 (ser. XVii). Horse, head of.—Athens, 84. Hygieia holding patera and feeding _ serpent,—Athens, 47 (ser, 1xxx1). By Isis holding lotus.—Athens, 40 (ser, PH EE MV). Isis, head-dress of.—Athens, 44 (ser. Iviii). Ivy-branch.— Eleusis, 113. K, Kalathos.—Athens, 13, 20, 21, 24. L. Lion, forepart of.—Athens, 51 (ser. XXXVIi), Lyre.—Athens, 86. M. Marks of value, $ Aegina, 138; 9 C or © Aegina, 139. Metellus, Q. Caecilius, figure of, seated, crowned by Nike,— Athens, 61 (ser. lxvi). N. Nike holding wreath.—Athens, 30 (ser. xi.); 40 (ser. xxx); 61 (ser. XxiV). Nike holding wreath and palm.— Athens, 76 (ser. cili). Nike in quadriga,—Athens, 68 (ser. XXV). 155 Nike crowning seated figure of Q, Caecilius Metellus.—See Me- tellus Nike, or Tyche, dropping tessera into vase.—Athens, 56 (ser, lxiii.) O. Olive-branch.—Athens, 9 sqq. Olive-leaf.—Athens, passim. Owl.—Athens 82, 89. igh Palm.—Athens, 31 (ser. xv, xvi). ; 99 sq. Pegasos drinking.—Athens, 38 (ser. Ivi). Pig’s-head and Ivy-leaf.—Eleusis, 113. Plemochoé.—Athens 20, 23, 29 (ser. 111); 68 (ser. xcvi); 80, 82; Eleusis, 114. Plemochoé with ears of corn passed through handles.—Athens, 34 (ser. xix). | Poppy-head.—Athens, 83, 90. Poppy-head between ears of corn.— Athens, 62 (ser. xcii); 78. Prow.—Athens, 59 (ser. xliv); 81. Q. Quiver and bow.—Athens, 43 (ser. XXXIil), R. Rudder,—Athens, 29 (ser. iv). S. Serpent coiled.—Athens, 70 (ser. xcevili); 78, 82, 83. Serpents, two.—Athens, 30 (ser. x). Serpent-staff.—Athens, 63 sq. ser. xlvi). 156 Sphinx.—Athens, 50 (ser. lxxxv). Stag.—Athens, 69 (ser. xcvii). Star.— Athens, 80, 88. Star between crescents.—Athens, 65 (ser. xcv); 81. Star and crescent.—above chariot of Triptolemos.—Athens, 59 (ser. Ixxxix). Stone, conical. See BairvAos. Sword of Ajax.—Salamis, 116. hes Term of Hermes with Caduceus.— Athens, 28 (ser. ii). Theseus or Ares, statue of.—Athens, 54 (ser. Ixxxvii). Thunderbolt.—Athens, 59 (ser. xliii) ; 83. Thyrsos.—Athens, 29 (ser. v); 40 (ser. Ixxvill); 80. INDEX III. Torches, two.—Athens, 34 (ger. XXVIl). Trident.—Athens, 15, 33 (ser. xviii); Megara, 120. : Tripod.—Athens, 71 (ser. xlix) | Triptolemos in serpent-chariot.— Athens, 54 (ser. lxi); 59 (ser. lxxxix). | Trophy.—Athens, 28 (ser. i). Trophy on prow.—Athens, 57 (ser xlii). B Tyche holding sceptre and cornuco- piae.—Athens, 51 (ser. lx). Tyche holding patera and cornucopiae, —Athens, 54 (ser, lxi). Vi Vine-branch.—Athens, 26 sg.; Eleu- sis, 113. Wreath.— Athens, 22. INGS AND RULERS. ” a1 % Pw Vi M he Pe 4 NS ae re Soa ithradates— Athens, 65 (ser. xcv). PN DEX TN ae MAGISTRATES’ NAMES ON AUTONOMOUS COINS. A. AVL, Aegina, 143. AFAOINMOS, Athens, 45. (Ser. lix, 2nd magistrate.) AFAQOKAH, Athens, 53. (Ser. xxxix, 2nd magistrate.) ATAA, Aegina, 144. AAEI, Athens, 33. (Ser. xviii, 1st magistrate. ) AIZXINHZ, Athens, 50. Ixxxv, 2nd magistrate. ) AAEE, Athens, 54 (Ser. lxii, 3rd magistrate) ; 63 (Ser. xlvi, 3rd (Ser. magistrate.) AAKETH2, Athens, 71. xlix, 2nd magistrate. ) AAKINMNOZ, Athens, 35. (Ser. Xxvil, 3rd magistrate. ) AMMQ), Athens, 34. 1st magistrate.) AMMQONIOS, Athens, 34. xxvii, 1st magistrate.) AMYNOM, Athens, 35. (Ser. liv, 3rd magistrate. ) (Ser. (Sérioxis; (Ser. AMOIAS, Athens, 35. (Ser, lxxiv, 1st magistrate. ) AM®OIKPATHS, Athens, 35. (Ser. lili, 1st magistrate. ) ANAPEASZ, Athens, 35. (Ser. liv, 1st magistrate. ) ANTIFONO, Athens, 52. (Ser.~ XxXviii, 3rd magistrate.) ANTIKPATHS, Athens, 61. (Ser. xci, 2nd magistrate. ) | ANTIAOX, Athens, 51. XxXxvil, 3rd magistrate). ANTIOXOS, Athens, 36. (Ser. xxvill, 1st magistrate. ) ANTI®A, Athens, 48. (Ser. xxxv, 3rd magistrate. ) AM, Athens, 72. (Ser. 1, 3rd ma- gistrate. ) ANEAAIKQN, Athens, 37. (Ser. lv, lst magistrate.) ANOAHSIZ, Athens, 37 (Ser. Ist magistrate); 40 (Ser. lxxvi, (Ser. xxx, 2nd magistrate.) ANOAAO®A, Athens, 72. (Ser. li, 3rd magistrate. ) MAGISTRATES’ NAMES ON AUTONOMOUS COINS. 159 ANOAAQNI, Athens, 44 (Ser. lviii, 3rd magistrate) ; 73 (Ser. li, 3rd magistrate). ANOAAQNIAHS, Athens, 49. (Ser. xxxvi, 3rd magistrate ) ANOAAQNIOZ, Athens, 75 (Ser. Ixxii, 2nd magistrate). APIFEIOX, Athens, 37. (Ser. lv, 3rd magistrate.) APEZTOX, Athens, 67. xlviii, 3rd magistrate. ) API, Aegina, 144. APIAPA, Athens, 55. 2nd magistrate). API, Athens, 48 sg. (Ser. xxxv, | 3rd magistrate). APIZT, Athens, 64. (Ser. xlvi, 3rd magistrate). é APIZTEA2, Athens, 76. Ixxii, 2nd magistrate.) APIZTIQN, Athens, 38 (Ser. lvi, Ist magistrate) ; 65 (Ser. xcv, (Ser. (Series xl, (Ser. 2nd magistrate). APIZTO, Athens, 57 (Ser. xlii, 3rd magistrate); 66 (Ser. xlviii, 3rd magistrate). | APIZTOAH, Athens, 65. (Ser. xlvii, 3rd magistrate). APIZTO®, Athens, 39. (Ser. xxix, Ist magistrate). APIZTQN, Athens, 43. (Ser. Xxxlli, 3rd magistrate). APMOZENOS®, Athens, 70 sq. (Ser. xcviii, 2nd magistrate). APOMOS, Athens, 39. (Ser. lvii, Ist magistrate). APXE, Athens, 39 (Ser. xxix, 3rd magistrate) ; 73 (Ser. lii, 3rd magistrate), APXITIMOX, Athens, 40. Ixxviil, lst magistrate ; (Ser. Ser. Ixxvill, 1st magistrate). AZK, Athens, 54. (Ser, Ixi, 3rd magistrate). AZKAH, Athens, 56. 3rd magistrate). Ad, Aegina, 140. A®POAIEZI, Athens, 40 (Ser. xxx, Ist magistrate) ; 41 (Ser. xxxi, (Ser. lxiii, lst magistrate). AXAIOX, Athens, 42. (Ser. xxxii, lst magistrate). B. BOYKATH, Athens, 66. xlvili, 3rd magistrate). (Ser. r. CAAY, Athens, 42. magistrate). (Ser, xxi, Ist. FAAYKOZ, Athens, 62. (Ser. xlv, 2nd (?) magistrate). FOPIiAx, Athens, 37. (Ser. lv, 2nd magistrate). CFOPFIN, Athens, 67. (Ser. xlviii, 3rd magistrate). A. AAMQN, Athens, 43 sq. xxxill, lst magistrate). (Ser. 160 AHMEAS, Athens, 44. (Ser. lviii, lst magistrate). AHMH, Athens, 45 sg. (Ser. xxii, lst magistrate ; 3rd 51 (Ser. xxxvii, XXXIV, magistrate) ; 3rd magistrate). AHMHTP, Athens, 36. (Ser. liv, 3rd magistrate), AHMHTPI, Athens, 40. lxxvil, 2nd magistrate). AHMHTPIOSX, Athens, 45. (Ser. lix, lst magistrate). AHMO, Athens, 66 (Ser. xlviii, 3rd magistrate) ; 69 (Ser. Ixviii, (Ser. 3rd magistrate ). AHMOZXOEN, Athens, 65. (Ser. xlvii, 2nd magistrate). Al, Aegina, 142 sq. AIKAIO, Aegina, 142. AIO, Athens, 34 (Ser. xix, 2nd magistrate) ; 47 (Ser. xxxiv, 3rd magistrate). AIOTE, Athens, 41 (Ser. xxxi, 2nd magistrate) ; 46 (Ser. xxxlv, lst (2) magistrate). AIOAO, Athens, 50. 2nd (2) magistrate). AIOAQPOS, Athens, 47. ]xxxii, 2nd magistrate). AIOKAE, Athens, 51. (Ser. xxxvii, 3rd magistrate ). AIOKAH®, Athens, 67. xlviil, 3rd magistrate). AIOKAHE TO AEY, Athens, 47. (Ser. Ixxxi, Ist magistrate). (Ser. xxiii, (Ser. (Ser. INDEX IV. B. AIOKAHE TO TPI, Athens, 47. (Ser. Ixxxii, 1st magistrate). AIOKAHZ MEAI, Athens, 48. (Ser. lxxxiii, 1st magistrate), AION, Athens, 74. (Ser. Ixx, 3rd magistrate). AIONY, Athens, 55. (Ser. xl, 3rd magistrate) ; 58 (Ser. lxiv, 3rd magistrate). AIONY2ZI, Athens, 48 sg. (Ser. xxxv, Ist and 2nd magistrates) ; 61 (Ser. lxvi, 3rd magistrate). AIONYZIOZ, Athens, 69 sq. (Ser. Ixvili, 2nd magistrate). AIONYZOAQ, Athens, 72. (Ser. li, 2nd magistrate). AIOTIMOS, ‘Athens, 49. (Ser xxxvi, lst magistrate). c AlO®, Athens, 51. (Ser. xxxvii, 2nd magistrate). AIO®MA, Athens, 50. (Ser. xxiii, Ist or 2nd magistrate). AIOOANTOSX, Athens, 50. (Ser. Ixxxv, lst magistrate). APOMO, Athens, 38. (Ser. lvi, 3rd magistrate). AQ, Athens, 32. magistrate). AQPO, Athens, 72. 3rd magistrate). AQPOOE, Athens, 51. xxxvu, Ist magistrate) ; (Ser. xvii, Ist (Ser, xlix, (Ser. lxiv, 3rd magistrate). ANZIOEOR, Athens, 51. (Ser. Ix, Ist magistrate), (Ser. ' 58 | MAGISTRATES’ NAMES ON AUTONOMOUS COINS. E. EK, Athens, 75. magistrate). EMBI, Athens, 70. ard magistrate). ENIFENHS, Athens, 51 sq. (Ser. Ist magistrate); 53 (Ser. lxxxvi, lst magistrate). ENIFENO, Athens, 63. (Ser. xlvi, 2nd (?) magistrate). EMIFO, Athens, 63 (Ser. xlvi, 3rd magistrate) ; 76 (Ser. lxxii, 3rd magistrate). ENIOETH2, Athens, 60. xe, 2nd magistrate). (Ser. lxx, 3rd (Ser. Ixviii, XXXVI, EMIKPATHS, Athens, 59. (Ser. Ixxxix, 2nd magistrate). ENIZTPATOS, Athens, 35. (Ser. liii, 2nd magistrate). EPFOKAE, Athens, 59. (Ser. xliv, 2nd magistrate). EPMOKAHS, Athens, 44. (Ser. lviii, 2nd magistrate). EY, Athens, 36. magistrate).—Aegina, 142. EYANAPOX, Athens, 56. (Ser. xli, 2nd magistrate). EYBOYAIAHY, Athens, 53. (Ser. xxxix, lst magistrate). EYA, Athens, 35. (Ser. lili, 3rd magistrate ). EYAI, Athens, 71. (Ser. xlix, 3rd magistrate ). (Ser. xxviii, 3rd EYKAHS, Athens, 56. (Ser. xiii, 2nd magistrate). (Ser. | 161 EYMA, Athens, 41 (Ser. xxxi, 3rd 61 (Ser. xxiv, 2nd magistrate). magistrate) ; -EYMAPEIAHS, Athens, 54, (Ser. Ixi, 1st magistrate). EYMH, Athens, 52. (Ser. xxxviii, 3rd magistrate). EYMHAOSX, Athens, 54 (Ser. lxii, Ist magistrate; Ser. Ixxxvii, Ist magistrate). EYPYK, Athens, 64. 3rd magistrate). EYPYKAEI, Athens, 55 (Ser. xl, Ist magistrate) ; 66 sg. (Ser. (Ser. xlvi, * xivili, 2nd magistrate). EXE, Athens, 39 (Ser. xxix, 3rd magistrate); 42 (Ser. xxi, 2nd magistrate). EXEZOENHS®, Athens, 49. (Ser. xxxvi, 3rd magistrate). ma tif I QIAOS, Athens, 56 (Ser. xli, Ist magistrate); 73 (Ser. Hi, 3rd. magistrate). H. HEA, Athens, 38. 3rd magistrate). HAI, Athens, 42. magistrate). HAIO, Athens, 33. 2nd magistrate). (Ser. lvi, (Ser. xxxii, Ist (Ser, xvili, 162 HAIOAQ, Athens, 52. (Ser. ' xxxviil, 3rd magistrate). HPA, Athens, 39 (Ser. xxix, Ist magistrate) ; 54 (Ser. lxii, 3rd magistrate) ; 76 (Ser. xxvi, 2nd magistrate ). HPAKAE, Athens, 34. (Ser. xxvii, 3rd magistrate). HPAKAEI, Athens, 55. (Ser. xl, 3rd magistrate), HPAKAEIAHS, Athens, 56 (Ser. Ixiii, lst magistrate); 57 (Ser. Ixxxviii, 2nd magistrate). HPAKAEQN, Athens, 57. Ixxxviii, 1st magistrate). HPQAHZ, Athens, 75. (Ser. cii, 2nd magistrate). (Ser, O. GEMIZTO, Athens, 34 (Ser. xxvul, 3rd magistrate) ; 57 (Ser. xlii, 1st magistrate). OEMIZTOKAH, Athens, 72. (Series 1, 3rd magistrate). OEMIZTOKAHSE, Athens, 73. (Ser. ci, 2nd magistrate). OEO, Athens, 38. (Ser. lvi, magistrate). ©EOTE, Athens, 57. 3rd magistrate). OEOAOTOS, Athens, 58. (Ser. Ixiv, Ist magistrate) ; 72 (Ser. 3rd (Ser, xlii, xlix, 3rd magistrate). mA! ksel Capt St ge Gee? te ie ae ny . # + A a I ai Eas BAU Wie i Mint ry. ah aagntrk INDEX IV. B. OEOAQ, Athens, 53. (Ser. XXXix, 3rd magistrate). OEOQAOP, Athens, 43.(Ser. xxxiii, 3rd magistrate), OQEO=ENIAHS, Athens, 54. (Ser. lxxxvil, 2nd magistrate). OEONOMNOSY, Athens, 57. (Ser. xlii, 2nd magistrate). OEOOPA, Athens, 59. (Ser. xliii, Ist (7) magistrate); 68 -(Ser. xxv, 2nd magistrate). OOINOS, Athens, 50. (Ser. xxxvi, 3rd magistrate). OPAZY, Athens, 41. 3rd magistrate). (Ser, xxx, IEPQ, Athens, 45 sg. (Ser. xxii, 2nd magistrate). K. KAAAI, Athens, 55. (Ser. xl, 3rd magistrate). KAAAIAZ, Athens, 34 (Ser. xxvii, 2nd magistrate); 41 (Ser. xxx, 3rd magistrate). | KAAAIKPA, Athens, 51. (Ser. Xxxvili, 3rd magistrate). KAAAIMAXOX, Athens, (Ser. Ixxxix, ‘Ast magistrate). KAAAI®, Athens, 65. (Ser. xlvii, 3rd magistrate). DONS MAGISTRATES NAMES ON AUTONOMOUS COINS. 163 KAAAI®QN, Athens, 54. (Ser. Ixii, 2nd magistrate) ; 76 (Ser. ciii, 2nd magistrate). KAPAIX, Athens, 59. lst magistrate). KAPAIXOX, Athens, 36. XXvill, 2nd magistrate). Ki, Athens, 70. (Ser. Ixviii, 3rd niagistrate). KAEAPI, Athens, 42. 3rd magistrate). KAEA, Athens, 61. 2nd magistrate). KAEIAAMO, Athens, 43 sg. (Ser. Xxxlli, 3rd magistrate). KAEOMEN, Athens, 54. (Ser. Lxi, 2nd magistrate ). KAEO®OAN, Athens, 62. (Ser. xlv, 3rd magistrate ). KAEOOANHS, Athens, 58 (Ser. Ixiv, 2nd magistrate); 60 (Ser. xe, Ist magistrate). KOINT OS, Athens, 61. (Ser. Ixvi, Ist magistrate). KPI (?) Athens, 44 (Ser. xxxiii, 3rd | magistrate). KPIT, Athens, 35 (Ser. liv, 3rd magistrate). ~KTHEI, Athens, 61. 1st magistrate). (Ser. (Ser. XxXxu, (Ser. Ixvi, (Ser, xx1v, A. AEYKIOX, Athens, 61. (Ser. xe, lst magistrate). (Ser xliv, | 9 AY, Athens, 63. magistrate). AYZAN, Athens, 34 (Ser. xxvii, 3rd magistrate) ; 62 (Ser. xlv, Ist (1) magistrate). AYZANAPOZX, Athens, 37 (Ser. . Ixxvi, 2nd magistrate); 62 (Ser. (Ser, xlvi, 3rd xcli, 1st magistrate), AYXI, Athens, 44 (Ser. viii, 3rd magistrate). AYIA, Athens, 32 (Ser. xvii, 2nd magistrate); 73 (Ser. li, 3rd magistrate). M. MALTA, Athens, 49 sg. (Ser. xxxvi, 2nd magistrate). MENAN, Athens, 36. (Ser. xxviii, 3rd magistrate). MENANAPOS, Athens, 74. (Ser. lii, 3rd magistrate). MENE, Athens, 39 (Ser. xxix, 3rd magistrate); 62 (Ser. xlv, 3rd magistrate). MENEA, Athens, 63. Ist (?) magistrate). MENEAHMOS, Athens, 64. (Ser. xcili, Ist magistrate). MENTQOP, Athens, 65. xciv, lst magistrate). MHAEIOS, Athens, 47(Ser. Ixxxi, 2nd magistrate); 48 (Ser. Lxxxiil, (Ser. xlvi, (Ser, 2nd magistrate), 164 MHTPO, Athens, 40 (Ser. xxx, 3rd magistrate) ; 49 (Ser. xxxv, 3rd magistrate) ; 52 (Ser. xxxvill, 3rd magistrate. MHTPOAQ, Athens, 42. xxxii, 3rd magistrate). MHTPOAQPOZ, Athens, 65. (Ser. xlvii, 1st magistrate). MIQPAAATHE, Athens, 66. (Ser. xcv, 1st magistrate). MIKI, Athens, 68. magistrate). (Ser. (Ser. xxv, Ist -MIKIQN, Athens, 66 sg. (Ser. xlviii, 1st magistrate). MNAZALO, Athens, 59. (Ser. lvii, 2nd magistrate). MNAZEASX, Athens, 68 sq. (Ser. xevi, Ist magistrate ; xcvil, 2nd magistrate). MNHZAP, Athens, 49. (Ser. xxxv, 3rd magistrate). MOZXXI, Athens, 52. (Ser. xxxviil, 3rd magistrate ). MOZXXIQN, Athens, 65. xciv, 2nd magistrate). (Ser, N. NAY (2), Athens, 74. 3rd magistrate). NEZTOP, Athens, 68 sg. (Ser. xevi, 2nd magistrate ; xevil, 1st (Ser. Ixx, magistrate), NI, Aegina, 141 sq., 144. INDEX IV. B. NIK, Athens, 64. (Ser. xheye std magistrate). NIKA, Athens, 76. (Ser. Ixxu, 3rd magistrate). NIKALO, Athens, 73 sq. (Ser. li, 2nd (7) magistrate). NIKANQP, Athens, 62. (Ser. xlv, 3rd magistrate). NIKHTH, Athens, 69 sg. (Ser. lxviii, 1st magistrate). NIKOF, Athens, 72. (Ser. i, 2nd (7) magistrate). NIKQN, Athens, 62. 3rd magistrate). NO, Aegina, 143. (Ser. xlv, =ENOKAHS, Athens, 70 sg. (Ser. xcviii, Ist magistrate). =ENQON, Athens, 53. (Ser. Ixxxvi, 2nd magistrate). O. O, Aeczina, 140. OINOPIAOZ, Athens, 35 (Ser. Ixxiv, 2nd magistrate) ; 62 (Ser. xcil, 2nd magistrate). OYA, Athens, 51. 4th magistrate). O®MEAO, Athens, 63. 3rd magistrate). (Ser. xxxvii, | (Ser. xlvi, MAGISTRATES’ NAMES ON AUTONOMOUS COINS. Ti. NAMMENHZ, Athens, 40. (Ser. Ixxvilil, 2nd magistrate). NAMOI, Athens, 53. (Ser. xxxviii, 3rd magistrate). NAPA, Athens, 66. 3rd magistrate). NATPQ, Athens, 71. 3rd magistrate. MEIZOQN, Athens, 59. (Ser. xliii, 3rd magistrate). NOA, Athens, 39. (Ser. xxix, 3rd magistrate). (Ser. xlviii, (Ser, xlix, NOAEMQN, Athens, 71. (Ser. xlix, Ist (1) magistrate). NOAY, Athens, 31 sg. (Ser. xvi, Ist magistrate). NOAYXPAM (sic), Athens, 72. (Ser. 1, 1st (?) magistrate). NONAI, Athens, 58. 3rd magistrate). MNOXEI, Athens, 46. (Ser. xxxiv, 2nd (1) magistrate). NOZH2, Athens, 74 sg. (Ser. xx, 2nd magistrate). NOYNAI, Athens, 58. (Ser. Ixiv, 3rd magistrate). NYOOKAHS, Athens, 42. (Ser. xxxil, 3rd magistrate), (Ser. lxiv, z. XATY, Athens, 55. magistrate). (Ser. xl, 3rd 165 ZIM (?), Athens, 44, 4th magistrate 2), ZIMON, Athens, 37. (Ser. Iv, 3rd magistrate). =TPA, Athens, 75. magistrate), ZOKPA, Athens, 41. 3rd magistrate). ZOKPAT, Athens, 56. drd magistrate), ZOQKPATHE, Athens, 66 (Ser. xlviii, 3rd magistrate) ; 72 (Ser. (Ser. viii, (Ser. lxxi, 3rd (Ser. xxxi, (Ser. xli, li, 1st magistrate). ZO, Athens, 56. (Ser. xiii, 3rd magistrate). TQTZANAPOS, Athens, 51 sq. (Ser. xxxvili, 2nd magistrate). ZLOLZIKPATH2, Athens, 43 s¢. Ser. xxxill, 2nd magistrate). ZQTA, Athens, 59. 2nd (?) magistrate). (Ser. xliii, ZQTAAHS, Athens, 73. (Ser. ci, 1st magistrate). ZQTAZ, Athens, 58. (Ser. Ixiv, 3rd magistrate). ss Tl, Athens, 31 sq. magistrate). TIMAPXOY, Athens, 73 sg. (Ser. lii, 1st (1) magistrate). TIMOKPATHS, Athens, 64. (Ser. xciii, 2nd magistrate). TIMOZOENHSY, Athens, 74 sq. (Ser. Ixx, Ist magistrate). (Ser. xvi, 2nd 166 o. HAINOZ, Athens, 41 sq. xxxi, 3rd magistrate). ®ANOKAE, Athens, 7 4, (Ser. li, 3rd magistrate). @ANOKAHS, Athens, 75. lxxi, 1st magistrate). ®IAHM, Athens, 59. 3rd magistrate). IAI, Athens, 39. magistrate). @IAO, Athens 53 (Ser. xxxix, 3rd magistrate) ; 62 (Ser. xlv, 3rd (Ser. (Ser. xliii, (Ser. lvii, 3rd magistrate). ®IAOKPATHS, Athens, 75. sq. (Ser. cii, Ist magistrate ; ciii, lst magistrate). MIAQN, Athens, 38. (Ser. lvi, 2nd magistrate). INDEX (Ser, TBS PAGES Cas Ned Vhs ee a Pesca ERE ANH hi IV.B. X. X, Aegina, 142. XAI, Athens, 59 sq. (Ser. xliv, 3rd magistrate). XAPEI, Athens, 37. (Ser. lv, 3rd magistrate). XAPI, Athens, 76. (Ser. xxvi, Ist magistrate). XAPIAZ, Athens, 51. (Ser. Ix, 2nd magistrate). XAPINAYTH2, Athens, 35 (Ser. liv, 2nd magistrate) ; 76 (Ser. Ixxii, Ist magistrate). XAPMIA, Athens, 56. 3rd magistrate), (Ser. Lxiii, ¢* ba \MES ON IMPERIAL COINS. q N ‘ ie “names on the Imperial coins described in- Wayne ate Cpe cl el 1S th cribed in des Ins 8 —@ 3 a 629. * vers f engra me) INDEX VUE REMARKABLE INSCRIPTIONS. A. AAPIANEIA.—Athens, 100. Alf.—Athens, 26. AM. — Athens, 45. AN.—Athens, 31, 46. Afl.—Athens, 38, 45, 51, 56, 58, 61, 70. AP.—Athens, 70. APP.—Athens, 70. A. AA.—Athens, 37. QAH.—Athens, 44. Al.—Athens, 40 sqq., 46 sqq., 49, 51 sq., 55, 57, 61, 63, 72 sq. AlO.—Athens, 76. AIOKAHZ= MEAI.—Athens, 48. AIOKAHZ TO AEY.—Athens, 47. AIOKAHE TO TPI.—Athens, AT. E. EM.—Athens, 46. ENM[t].—Athens, 37, 54, 65. EP.—Athens, 40, 62, 65, 68 sq. EY.—Athens, 31, 61. <. TO.—Athens, 47. H. HP.—Athens, 37, 39, 48, 63. HPA.—Athens, 47, 52, 59, 75. 1=1.—Athens, 35, 60, 74, 90. REMARKABLE INSCRIPTIONS, K. KT.—Athens, 42. K®.— Athens, 31. A. 19525 (Aramaic).—Athens, 25. M. ME.—Athens, 34, 36, 40, 42 sv., 50 sqq., 54 sqq., 60, 62, 66:sqz., 73 sq., 76. MH.—Athens, 30, 38, 45, 69. N. ' NE—Athens, 46. =O.-—-Athens, 65. 171 i. ME.—Athens, 30, 35 sq., 43, 70, 74. NEP.—Athens, 44, 70. MnP.—Athens, 61, 70. 2 ~O.—Athens, 35, 39, 45, 49, 55, 65, 70, 74, 75 sq. x.—Athens, 30 sqg., 34 sqq., 41, 43, 46, 49, 51, 53, 59, 62, 64, 66 sq., 69 sqg., 72 sg., 75. 22..— Athens, 36, 44, 48 sqq., 53, Pop NOt Shey O2,, Ol -sqgen Cas 75. sq. Dt (Aramaic).—Athens, 25. ake TIF 1—Athens, 29, TPIA.—Athens, 85. >. @1.—Athens, 40 Se ATS TA BLAH OF THe Revative Weiguts oF Enauish GRAINS AND FRENCH GRAMMES. Grains. _—_--eeo | OOOO FOO [| es Oo ONS Cte CO be Grammes, 064 129 194 259 324 388 453 D118 583 648 712 "TTA, "842 907 972 1-036 1-101 1166 Grains 4] 42 . 43 $f 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 D5 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 19 80 Grammes. 2°656 2°720 2°785 2850 2°915 2-980 3045 3°110 3175 3°240 3°304 3°368 3434 3498 3564 3°628 3°693 3°758 3°823 3888 3°952 4017 4:082 4°146 4°21] 4‘276 4°34] 4°406 4°47] 4°536 4°600 4°665 4°729 4°79 4 4°859 4°924 4-989 5054 5119 5184 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 tt7 118 119 | 120 5248 5312» 5378 5442 5508 5 572 5637 5702 5767 5832 5896 5961 6 026 6091 6 156 6 220 6°285 6°350 6°415 6°480 6544 6°609 6674 6739 6804 6868 6 933 6998 7063 7128 7192 T'257 7°322 0387 7452 7516 7581 7646 7711 7776 12] 122 - 128 124 125 126 127 128 129 130. 131 132 | 133 134 135 136 137 138 139% 140 14] 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 7°840 7°905 7970 8035 8100 8-164 8229 © 8 294 8°359 8:424 8°488 8°553 8618 8682 8747 8812 8877 | 8°942 9-007 9°072 9°136 9200 9-265 9°330 9°395 9°460 9525 9°590 9°655 9°720 9784 9°848 9914 9978 10-044 107108 10°173 10°238 10°303 10°368 Grains | Grammes. | Grains. | Grammes. C2732), TABLE OF Tue RELATIVE WEIGHTS OF EncuisH GRAINS AND FRENCH GRAMMES, Grains.| Grammes. 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 10°432 10:497 10562 10°626 10-691 10-756 10°821 10:886 10-951 11-016 11:080 11:145 11-209 11-274 11°339 11°404 11-469 11:534 11°599 11-664 11-728 11°792 11-858 11:922 11-988 12-052 12-117 12-182 12-247 -12°312 12-376 12-441 12-506 12°571 12-636 12-700 12-765 12-830 12:895 12-960 Grains. 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233° 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 Grammes. 13:024 13-089 13°154 13°219 13°284 13°348 13°413 13°478 13543 13608 13°672 13-737 13-802 13°867 13°932 13:996 14:061 14°126 14191 14-256 14°320 14:°385 14:450 14:515 14°580 14:644 14 709 14-774 14°839 14-904 14-968 15-033 15-098 15:162 15:227 15:292 15°357 15-422 15-487 15-552 Grains. 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 Grammes. 15°616 15680 15-745 15-810 15°875 15°940 16-005 16-070 16°135 16-200 16:264 16:328 16-394 16°458 16:524 16588 16°653 16-718 16°783 16-848 16:912 16 977 17:042 17-106 17-171 17-236 17:301 17-366 17°431 17-496 17:560 17°625 17°689 17-754 17-819 17:°884 17:949 18:014 18:079 18144 Grains, 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360. 370 380 390 4.()0 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 700 800 900 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Grammes. 18-79 19°44 20:08 20°73 2138 22°02 22°67 23°32 23°97 24°62 25°27 25:92 26°56 27°20 27°85 28°50 29°15 29°80 30 45 31°10 31°75 32°40 33°04 33°68 34°34 34°98 35°64 36°28 36°93 37°58 38:23 38°88 45°36 51°84 58°32 64:80 129 60 194:40 259°20 324-00 s ( as ‘a te TABLE FOR ConveRTING EnauisH Incures Into MILLIMETRES AND THE MEASURES OF MIONNET’S SCALE. ENGLISH eee FRENCH MILLIMETRES 3 100 95 90 MIONN ETS SCALE 15s aH 10 301. eee 9 S 30 Is oA 25 “9 oz *$ 2 20 | 7 4 : pe 3 S's | 5 Ey oo ee 2 4 5 Re Os | _ oL Gilbert & Rivington (Limited), 52, St. John’s Square, Clerkenwell, E.C. eT AUTOTYPE Attica ge Fv L AbmMENDS (BC 594- b th i? 7 © ‘ ry ‘ me » We ' 4% ’ ‘ j . - a ee AVUTOTYPE fore. B.C. 527 Be Cc ~ ATHEN i ‘ ’ ru ‘ A i i ——, Attica gc. LUM Class B AUTOTYPE ater. S274 50 or} B.C. ATHENS. w Attica ¢c. Fl.1V & Classes a.By. AUTOTYPE Roe Noo GC, Se F-—4 50) Or later. oe Ly / 2 c Attica ae R AR “ey ee e & R : ‘S)] 18 AR 430 or later—32e2. C. ) a ‘fe N OR ats . —_—__ Altiea FC ey YU ATHENS BRONZE B.C. 406-322. AUTOTYPE c a Attica Fc Lt. Vil (d) Uncertain. AUTOTY?Pe ~ As r\ Cc BARBAROUS IMITATIONS. —— . é - . * . - ’ j ’ | s eta = * vt 7 = ‘ ‘ ’ a + , ‘ ct af ‘ g Fi 4 as ’ , ‘ 4 Altica &eLl VM AUTOTYPE ein Gis heh) ge siaarnd © fel be WA Attica &¢ Fl LK AYUTOTYPE ATHENS, B.C. 220-197 Pr a a ow Attica &c FLX | Wy. adhd sa a AUTOTYPR Pn oe bee ek Om Pek é Gal k= 7 ‘ : Pt . ' “A J ' . oi 5 ‘us & ; u tT i * r aah, ’ satin gui | . : OF Te ; OMENS et SOR Lela - Wee veered ees ee ewe ci a ; + ' 4 a Attica cL AL AUTOTYFE ATHENS; B.C. 186-147 : ’ I i t A ae | t os, ’ ‘ \ - ih ’ ‘ Aran s 7 Ly a ae Hue ir aay. °. iF tok : ’ : “hee Wieesqnretd § wi eas se ; i a AMC BC. L¢ Xl AUTOTYPE ATHENS, B.C. 147-83? . 4 . —!, i aii WE rifea gy $32 ‘west =, OF TLE ‘oh ‘ \ , =a i akdaee ‘ad aus beabees & ot Bie et ee 7 q . ‘ 7 Attica &¢. £0. XU. wid 7 ve ‘ + ATHENS, B.C. 147-83? Ta Lea Fhe a Br ecpoe ; . Chica e tee See $0. Fl. XIV Altica hn Ne SERN Cs | BS TET ry “ng % ak ¥ ATHENS, BRONZE, BC. 220-83? THE LITA | OF Tut wee wt Ve* 1 renee? en) av 3 a* ¥¢ 2 vm ATHENS, Attica go LC AV. y- ———4) AUTOTYPE > ry. a . CH be mY: ‘ DAP Stig ; i . Ll? | Mu ; 7 +9 J ct ‘ . : —=s~, . ¢ THe LET CFIvE - warren Ty GF BUTS, SR ee LLAVE ? a Atlica & | AUTOTYPE. ATHENS, BRONZE, IMPERIAL cTIMES. Add, LX aa C. fF? AVY ATHENS, BRONZE,!IMPERIAL TIMES. Wie UEURY UF A a Y 7 as “aT? per eure® Wester shee wt ore re | Attica &ell AVM AUTOTYPE ATHENS, BRONZE,IMPERIAL TIMES. “y iy 4 > =) ‘“ | rh + m 1s oe . cal “a | + we . . 7 a Tat eo £1 TE LEARY ef Ti t emits mit ay ALIBUNS. ELeUSLS Oropus. Salaywis. Aegosthena THENA. Cc SS 30 AEC = dy SALAMIS —_— ’ = ' . . + ed ruct GF LLwlT GE RHR toh a) >i . pe w P ‘= -* ° ae _ “ a) « ‘ U _™i ya _ i\— Ps ih —_ * = * -~ a a * hd te * - on rd Pe Attica de Ll Ad B.C, 400-338. isa) + N N °o ” eS) a 146. After B.C. MEGARA. o , tre teers be seed => Ativca belLAAL, AUTOTYPE MEGARA, PAGAE, IMPERIAL. ue UPRARY * ' + Fre ‘ 2 ‘ . OF IME tas wera ee f wt +. th owe 7 ‘ : . a . 4 i 2 ~ , 4 _, My Ls ’ : i & “ haf er j Ss Attica be FLAAIIL ——4.4 10 , & ee =} 2 ; @ .& B.C. 700-550. — oe ee ze —“AUTOTYFE AEGINA. Attica &c/VARIW Bi 550-480, Cire. 8:C: 480. B.C: 480-431. AUTOTYPE. AEGINA. 7“ TE Uensay Ava PCS 9 teas Othe ‘ ‘ - 6. se Attica galt AX After B.C. 404. AUTOTY AEGINA. JOSSRR EA Sn de 7 Cae eT) ’ ¥ ar [ ' oe), el are bP a oni ii eye | = e J Cy *' ee oe hae '~ ‘ A) q Ww, 9 j f Pr ¥4 4 i > A { ._ ' ¢ / ‘ . i ~ Alitea Felt. AXVL. Imperial. AUTOTYPE AEGINA. nt » le de * ad a ae yee e\ 09-20 STD ECO 20 | 8 "032919 HAI www.colibrisystem.com IIHT | 3 0112 024041151 j) C001 CATALOGUE OF GREEK COINS. LOND UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 737B77GAT oe FR wos t ‘ “oo . : : = TOG orseke x ’ : 5 Posie ee HM ONT Ey a bis micie aan The Ln tein. sea TURIN Sy oe ~ yee? ees Say Te Se nie ey Bee z : S bet c : 4 : rE! < . 7 ’ : ee ~ = 1 ‘ paca sibheose a st eae wT, saath ail 7 NR ¢ ST ang =e apes, am car. crt z Heres sian Hg aye Siig: a . a : 7 as ins ey Phwisthhe ; = m Peay : ¥ SN bagi RR RG re. * fxa ’ : . r : y. 7 — Ry Nn, f . 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